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NARRAGANSETT DEEP WATER DOCK Feel like you’re on vacation all year round in this 3 bedroom, 3-1/2 bath home waterfront on Salt Pond. Complete renovation in 2013, granite kitchen with stainless appliances, marble baths, wraparound deck, covered front porch, paver patios and walkways – many other high-end amenities. Sleeps 10! Agent owned. $1,275,000 Marnee, ext. 109
Spectacular hilltop estate set on 2.64 acres offers distant, panoramic views of Block Island Sound. Quality craftsmanship, gleaming hardwoods, 3 fireplaces, elevator, stone patios, slate roof, garages, landscaping, wine cellar. Wash Pond views and deeded access. $1,195,000
Waterfront! Boater’s paradise. Spectacular views from this spacious single level condominium. Full length Brazilian walnut deck overlooking Pt. Judith Pond. Two beds, 2 baths, gorgeous kitchen, hardwoods, 2 car garage, and more. 36’ dockominium offered for sale separately to buyer. Call for details. $799,000
Custom built 4 bedroom, 2 bath ranch in the Pier. Stone fireplace, cathedral living area opens up to private back yard. Centrally located to enjoy all local amenities including the town beach. Perfect investment/vacation home. $569,000 Karen F, ext.111 or Karen D, ext. 119
Custom Post & Beam in desirable location set on 2 private acres with water and dock access on Narrow River. Home offers open living, lots of natural light, updated granite kitchen with beautiful maple floors, efficient solar heat, mahogany deck, and winter water views. A peaceful retreat. $529,000 Kathy, ext. 114
Move right into this completely updated 3 bed, 2-1/2 bath home filled with charm and character. All new stainless steel kitchen, baths, windows, and siding. Great location – Walk to Salt Pond – Close to beaches and marinas. $429,000 Jack, ext. 102
Spacious colonial reproduction built by South County Post & Beam. Two gorgeous fireplaces and stone walls built by skilled local masons. Large open kitchen/dining room, cozy sunroom, 4 bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths. Quiet, rural setting yet close to amenities and highway. $385,000 Evelyn, ext. 106
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Contents June 2016
Representing RI (and the USA) in Rio
What’s not to love about dining outside at Cap’n Jack’s?
Growing sweet bay scallops in Potter Pond
This Month
Every Month
24 Going for Gold
9 Letters/Editor’s Note
RI native Louisa Chafee sets sail for Rio as part of the US sailing team
33 Fresh Air Dining
We go off the beaten path to find under the radar al fresco options
10 Online Happenings 15 So Happening
Exploring Narragansett by scooter 16 So & So 19 Social Network
45 So Stylish
Taking an Icelandic staycation at SpaFjor 47 Life/Style 50 What’s In Store 52 Whole Body
Inside a Jamestown home that blends vintage and nautical styles
57 So Delicious
It doesn’t get fresher than Jamestown Fish 58 Review 63 Foodie Journal 64 Tastemaker 69 Dining Guide
75 So Entertaining
Your guide to South County entertainment 77 Calendar
80 So Approved
It’s all about sumptuous squid as we take a bite out of calamari
On the Cover: Dining al fresco at the Weekapaug Inn in Westerly. Photography by Kendall Pavan St. Laurent June 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND
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Kendall Pavan St. Laurent Photographer
Shelley Cavoli: Louann DiMuccio-Darwich:
CMYK / .eps
Ann Gallagher: Kristine Mangan: Elizabeth Riel:
Kendall Pavan St. Laurent – a lifestyle, family and wedding photographer – is one of our newest contributors. “I’m really enjoying the diversity of different assignments each month,” Kendall says. This month, her assignments included our al fresco dining cover story (page 33)
Port Of Galilee, Narragansett 401 783 2306 •
and our scooter adventure in Narragansett (page 15). Having spent the last several years in Colorado, Kendall
is excited to be back in Rhode
will you go for rehab services after surgery? Well, you could stay home. But what if you need health services? Our nurses, physical and occupational therapists provide professional and personal care, while you recouperate in less stressful, more familiar surroundings. Call 401.751.9660 or visit us at
Island. “I’ve missed the ocean! I’m having quite the love affair with photographing Beavertail State Park and all its different incarnations
the time of day and season. Watching the sunset there
Dan Schwartz: Stephanie Oster Wilmarth: Contributing Photographers Hilary Block Marylou Butler Ron Cowie Tracy Finn
Judith Gardner Grace Lentini Kendall Pavan St. Laurent
Contributing Illustrator Ashley MacLure Contributing Writers Alastair Cairns Todd Corayer Claire Flanagan Andrea McHugh: @NewportStyle Stacey Place: @RIDining Jen Senecal: @JenSenecal Bethany Vaccaro John Taraborelli: @JohnnyTabs Interns Cameron Bryce Kendra Genereux Katlynn Grenier Member of:
Kemill Logarta Mollie Stackhouse Samantha Santos
Audited by:
should be on everyone’s summer bucket list.”
We welcome all contributions, but we assume no responsibility for unsolicited material. No portion of this publication can be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written permission. Copyright ©2016 by Providence Media, All rights reserved. Distributed by Special Delivery.
Editor’s Note
Take It Outside When it comes to summer dining, there are two main considerations: where can we go that’s on the water, and where we can sit outside? Destination restaurants like The Coast Guard House, Matunuck Oyster Bar and The Ocean House are always great choices, but they’re at the top of everyone’s list (and in the height of tourist season, it’s not always easy to get a table). This month, we venture off the beaten path to some al fresco dining locations in and around South
County. We’ve waited too long for the warm weather to spend any of it inside, even for dinner. Bon appetit.
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Photography by Kendall Pavan St. Laurent
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with a stunning view at the Weekapaug Inn
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w h a t ’s h a p p e n i n g o n
B I G W I N N E R S FO R 2 0 1 6 At this year’s Rhode Island Press Association Awards we, along with our sister publications, took home 14 honors including three first prize wins. Go online to see a gallery of this year’s award-winning stories and photos.
Beaches, summer events, day trips, al fresco dining and more!
2016 FRee
Summer! It’s (finally)
Your guide to Rhode Island’s best season
H E Y R H O DY ! Summer is almost here and we’ve got your go-to guide for getting the most out of every last beach day, festival and outdoor adventure at
Drinking in the view at the Coast Guard House in Narragansett
FO L LOW U S Because we’re all about South County on social, too
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SUMMER CAMPS Go to for our online camp directory
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So & So • Social Network
Photography by Kendall Paven St. Laurent
So Happening
Scoot County A motorcycle’s too loud to be relaxing and a car’s too closed off to really soak in everything that is good about a beautiful day on the coast. But a scooter? We may have found our new favorite way to spend a day at the beach. June 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND
So Happening So & So
fROM PAGe 15
Coastal Coasting
How to spend a perfect day in Narragansett… on a scooter
it was back under the Towers and onward to Route 1A to explore the backroads, adding a lovely bit of rural scenery to my coastal coastings as I rode up and down Middlebridge Road. After a few hours of aimless cruising I made my way back, giving myself one last pass down Ocean Road before returning my Buddy to Paul and topping off the af-
by Aunt Carrie’s for a quick ice cream before shooting back up Ocean Road to soak in the sights and salty breeze coming off of Scarborough Beach. From there
Enjoying everything we love about Narragansett with a scooter rental from Gansett Rides
Photography by Kendal Paven St. Laurent
Ocean views, the sound of the waves, the saltiness of the air; these are the things that are hardwired to my New England DNA as signifiers of home, but sitting on the beach has never been for me. I get restless, and even in a full hazmat suit I still manage to get a radioactive sunburn. Everything I like about the beach can be enjoyed from the road. Not from inside a car, obviously. But from a scooter? Now we’re talking my kind of beach day. I rented a 50cc, candy apple red beauty – a Genuine Scooters Buddy – from Gansett Rides, which owner Paul Litwin has been running for four seasons now, renting out adventures on both land (scooters and bicycles) and sea (jet skis and kayaks). Paul – who with his sister Jaime Dowdell were getting ready to open their new shop, Gifts of Gansett – was nice enough to take the time out of a hectic schedule to get me out on the road before he was officially up and running for the season. First up was a thorough tutorial since this was my first time on a scooter. “Can you ride a bike?” Paul asked. When I told him yes he handed me a helmet and proceeded to show me all I needed to know to operate the bike responsibly. Admittedly I was a little nervous, but after the first mile I found myself confidently leaning into curves and opening the throttle all the way up, which on a scooter is about 35-40 mph. I hopped onto Ocean Road, cruising under the iconic Towers towards Point Judith Lighthouse to take in the scenery on what turned out to be a perfect spring Saturday. Afterwards I swung
ternoon with a late lunch at Crazy Burger. “What means the most to me is when somebody has an absolute blast with what they rented,” Paul tells me as I hand him the keys. To be honest I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun. For a beach bum looking to break up their days on the sand, or even someone looking for a new way to see a familiar part of South County, you can’t really beat the open air, wind in your face fun of zipping around on a scooter. 145 Boon Street #7, Narragansett. 363-9550, –Tony Pacitti
So Happening So & So ReAD ALL ABOuT IT
Turning Lemons Into Bestsellers The Narragansett Dunes Club Hosts an array of unconventional literary giants It isn’t often that you can turn a huge pile of lemons – say, losing your job to the tech bubble and then selling pretty much everything you own in an effort to evade homelessness – into a giant pitcher of New York Times bestselling lemonade. But, that’s exactly what Jen Lancaster did. Her blog about surviving the economic bust of the early aughts became Bitter is the New Black: Confessions of a Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smart-Ass, or Why You Should Never Carry a Prada Bag to the Unemployment Office. Her following books, hilariously self-effacing memoirs like The Tao of Martha: My Year of LIVING, or Why I’m Never Getting All of That Glitter off the Dog and novels like Twisted Sisters, have made her a fixture on nightstands all over the country (including, obviously, this writer’s). On June 22, Jen comes to Narragansett’s Dunes Club for Summer With Robin, a writers and readers love-fest organized by Robin Kall Homonoff of Reading with Robin that also includes literary stars like Curtis Sittenfeld, Emma Straub and Beatriz Williams. Jen’s newest novel, By the Numbers, comes out on June 21. By the Numbers feels very different to me than your other novels. This is a little bit of a departure for me. I’m used to working with sort of
unpleasant characters. I’m all about the anti-hero usually, and this is the first time I actually started off making a character likeable. I wanted to strip away the magical realism that I’ve used in other books because I wanted to start with something solid and relatable. I’ve seen and read so much about my generation being the sandwich generation, with elderly parents and kids coming back home, and I thought it would be fun to explore that. You already had six memoirs out before you finished your first novel. Where did that transition come from? When I started thinking about writing novels – my publisher had said “have you thought about this? You could do the transition pretty well” – my husband and I were looking for houses in the Chicago suburbs. I realized that there wasn’t anything in my budget that I wanted to live in. I thought, if I wrote two books a year, I could buy more house. Once I started doing it, I have to tell you… I like coming up with fiction far more than memoir at this point. I’m really ready to begin to take my life back. I haven’t done anything that exceptional. There’s only so much I can write about my life. In fiction, you have unlimited worlds.
I imagine there are a lot of people, like me, who know a lot about your personal life. I’m sure every single fan you meet is like, “we should be best friends.” I think it’s neat. It’s hard to become friends who already know everything about you, not because I don’t like it and don’t appreciate it, but when you get to know someone, there’s give and take. I’ll meet someone new and tell them about something that happened to Fletch and me, and they’ll be like yeah yeah yeah, we know. It’s not bad, but it is sometimes a stumbling block for meeting new people. It’s strange for me to say “I have dogs,” and for someone to say “you have Libby, and you have Loki, and you have Hambone.” I definitely love meeting readers, and live events are my favorite, favorite thing. I’m doing a cruise to Turks and Caicos with
readers and it’s going to be so fun. So is this going to be your first time in Rhode Island? I grew up on the East Coast, so I’ve been through Rhode Island a million times, but it’s my first time going to Rhode Island specifically. When Robin put together this event, I saw all these famous authors, and I said, “can you have someone less smart on the panel so I can have someone to talk to?” These are all really accomplished authors. This isn’t chick lit, this is women’s fiction. The nearly sold-out Summer with Robin is happening June 22 at the Dunes Club in Narragansett. For more, visit For an extended interview with Jen Lancaster, visit –Julie Tremaine
A Watch Hill Wonder
Photography (bottom) by Hilary Block
The Olympia Tea Room celebrates its centennial The Olympia Tea Room in Watch Hill is celebrating its centennial season. The Tramis brothers opened their business in 1916, operating it until 1979. Then, in 1980 Jack and Marcia Felber acquired the restaurant. It is one of the oldest continually operating businesses in Westerly, and has hosted some of the biggest names of the last two centuries, including Albert Einstein, Clark Gable, Taylor Swift and Conan O’Brian, to name a few. When the Tea Room was acquired in 1980 it had a small menu of sandwiches, sundaes and fountain sodas. With the help of Chef Kyle Lydick, a graduate of Johnson & Wales University, and the owner’s daughter Georgia Felber Jones, one of RI’s only female
Certified Court of Masters Sommeliers, the Tea Room started acting its age. Georgia curates wine and creative cocktail lists that pair perfectly with Chef Kyle’s menus, which highlight locally sourced seafood. His delicious dishes offer a Mediterranean twist on a classic New England style. Seating for around a hundred guests, Europeanstyle seating outdoors, cozy mahogany booths and an antique marble bar are sure to transport you the moment you step inside this local institution. It is our opinion that this Bay Street icon is ready for its next 100 years. 74 Bay Street, Westerly. 348-8211, –Mollie Stackhouse June 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND
So Happening
A Shore Thing
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Through a life on Block Island, Vin McAloon has done it all In 1939, Vin McAloon
was so much as seven days old when he first landed on Block Island. Back then, land was open and affordable, fishermen worked from the new Government Harbor and tourism was just beginning to take hold of the economy. Through the ‘40s, when families could rent a summer house for just $500 with an extra charge of $25 if they wanted to stay through September, his parents bought a home on Old Town Road only to discover a house behind them had been built on their new property. An old Baptist parsonage, it was owned by fisherman Spencer Smith, his wife and seven children. “I have the papers right here,” his father Leo told the suspicious islander, before selling him the house and land for one dollar. Vin remembers, “never being without lobsters after that.” After his time at St. Raphael’s in Pawtucket, setting track records at URI and running some mainland businesses, he moved back home. Through the years he has co-owned The Yellow Kittens and The National Hotel but it was the Neptune House in the ‘70s, where his prime rib dinner on a winter’s night with snow banging hard against old tall windows, that was the stuff of memories. His father was the island’s undertaker, his sister Sheila was Miss Block Island 1957 and in 1974 while serving as Chief of Police, one of Vin’s four daughters was born on the island at the end of Labor Day weekend. The doctor, contracted only from Memorial Day through Labor Day, was technically off-duty and, as the story goes, had “had a couple,” leaving Vin to deliver Meredith before succumbing to the pressure and winding up on the floor.
Old Harbor Point may be his favorite spot as it reminds him of how special and rare it is now to see land and sea every day. For 15 years he lived on his boat, Innsfail, safe in a back corner of The Hog Pen, only abandoning ship once, on Christmas Day 2010 as winds reached 108 mph, frozen dock pilings came free, 22” of water swallowed streets and his daughters came to the rescue. Over the last 12 years, he has run McAloon’s Taxi, driving countless visitors to beaches, bars and rental homes year round. One fare persistently bragged about his dog. “I don’t like dogs. I don’t even like hot dogs, I told him,” just as the dog bit the head off a fire extinguisher, explosively blanketing the new interior, his glasses and the black dog, with sticky white powder. Vin turned to the whitewashed owner yelling, “Well, captain, how’s that damned dog now?” He occasionally ferries partygoers between two neighboring nightclubs, even though they are just 182 steps apart. Pondering such a quick fare instead of a three minute walk, he shows his trademark smirk, surmising the customers typically either, “Didn’t want to walk or just couldn’t.” Now he lives up on The Plains, still overlooking land and sea. This year, Vin will share the job of Grand Marshall for the Fourth of July Parade with four other retired island police chiefs. Seventy-seven years on, he still hears Spencer’s dry advice as they occasionally passed each other in the dim light of morning, Vin racing home from the joys of being young on Block Island, Spencer walking to the harbor to spend a day hauling traps: “You better keep going.” –Todd Corayer
Photography by Tracey Finn
Shop The Barn
An Islander From Day Seven
So Happening
Social Network Everyone flocked to historic Wickford Village on April 16 for Daffodil Days. Presented by the Wickford Village merchants, kids were treated to pony rides and a baby goat, while guest of all ages got to enjoy a historic walking tour and sidewalk sales. Photography by Judith Gardner
with a ScEnic viEw
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East grEENwiCh: 20 Canterbury Lane Lovely open floor plan with high ceilings, hardwoods throughout, freshly painted interior, granite/stainless kitchen, master suite with private sitting area/office, master bath with whirlpool, aC, central vacuum, 3 car garage, sprinklers, alarm, deck, 2 acres! $639,000 Pam soule 401-741-1154
North KiNgstowN: 2 Pojac Pt rd sprawling shingle-style home on 5+ acres in Pojac Point offering beautiful hardwood floors, elegant formal rooms, study with built-ins. gourmet kitchen with breakfast room & adjacent family room with stone fireplace. 1st foor guest suite. Lower level rec room, 4 car garage. Bluestone patio, lush grounds. $1,250,000 Bonnie Kaplan 401-374-4488
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North KiNgstowN: 33 Country hill Lane immaculate, one owner Colonial on corner lot in desirable shady Lea. 3 Beds, 2.5 Baths, large Master with cathedrals, hardwoods, sprinklers, generator, aC, gas, updated systems. only minutes to wickford, beaches & highway. home warranty included. a gem! $384,000 tony Verdi 401-225-7800
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North KiNgstowN: 30 Narragansett st rebuilt in 2000, this lovely Cape by the sea is now available! snuggled in a flower patch, home features porch & upper deck to watch the sailboats float by. 2 bed, 2 bath home with hardwoods, fireplace & 1 car garage. Mint. water views from kitchen too! $649,000 John Chapski 401-808-9279
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For full restaurant profiles go to
Traditional Irish Meals at Kelley’s Deli
Experience Traditional Irish Food And Family Fun Serving breakfaSt & lunch daily
Tuesday to Saturday: 7am-2pm | Sunday: 7am-1pm CloSed Monday 116 Granite Street, Westerly • 596-9896 •
Authentic Mexican Food! and Full Bar
mon.-wed. 11am-9pm thu.-sat. 11am-10pm sun. 12-9pm (closed some holidays)
140 Franklin Street, WeSterly • 315-5828
Phil’s Marketplace Kelley’s Deli is the ideal diner for traditional Irish breakfast and lunch, and is perfect for the whole family. Just minutes from Misquamicut Beach in the Granite Street Shopping Plaza, Kelley’s offers authentic Irish food at a reasonable price. The restaurant is proud to have won Rhode Island’s “Best Irish Fare” by Yankee Magazine in 2010, for their delicious and traditional menu, as well as their authentically decorated restaurant with Irish accents and proverbs. Kelley’s is a full service restaurant that strives to give customers great value for their money, with a menu full of Irish specialties as well as old favorites. For breakfast at the diner, order a classic Irish Benedict, or try something new like the Peanut Butter Banana Stuffed French Toast. For lunch, order a traditional Irish Whiskey Patty Melt, packed with whiskey grilled onions and whiskey sauce, or choose from a large selection of hamburgers and sandwiches. If you prefer to order to-go, all of the menu items are available for takeout. With a wide variety of authentic Irish menu items full of large portions, you’ll be sure to leave feeling satisfied.
Homemade ItalIan SpecIaltIeS caterIng - ItalIan paStrIeS Dinner to go: Eggplant & Chicken Parm Chicken Marsala, Stuffed Peppers & Sausage & Peppers
114 Granite Street, Westerly • 401-637-4885 •
Same Great Food With A Better View
Formerly Oak Street B & B
19 Margin Street, Westerly • 401-315-2520 • Open Daily at 7am always serving Breakfast & lunch year rOunD
Hours: Breakfast and Lunch Tuesday-Saturday 7am–2pm, Sunday 7am–1pm, Monday-Closed
Kelley’s Deli
116 Granite Street, Westerly | 596-9896,
Enjoy Burgers, Breakfast & Full Bar featuring our Pepper Bacon Bloody Mary
Dinner serveD friDay & saturDay unTil 9PM… iSh July & August Dinner Served Wednesday-Saturday until 9:30pm... ish...
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1 West Broad Street Pawcatuck, CT • 860.599.3840 •
w w w .MiasPT. c o m
Racing for the
gold RI’s own Louisa Chafee sets sail for this summer’s Olympic games By Emily Dietsch
hode Island is a state of mariners. That’s not a subjective assertion, or romantic hyperbole. Wedded economically to what the sea offers up and prone to government-sanctioned “beach days” when the weather is too nice to be landlocked, there’s an enduring heartbeat for oceanic adventuring here. There’s an anchor on our state’s flag, for crying out loud. Put another way, I imagine that children in southern California grow up surfing, and Colorado-sired progeny get skis and hiking boots in their baby baskets. In Rhode Island, we’re coastal people through and through. We take to the ocean as often as possible, sometimes with big-engine boats, but more respectably with only a sail or two and the elements to speed things along. It is little surprise, then, that sailing can be a serious pursuit here. Serious enough for Olympic aspirations, even. For this summer’s Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro, native Rhode Islander Louisa Chafee has her heart set on winning a medal as part of the U.S. Sailing Team. To get the obvious out of the way, yes, Louisa is Senator Lincoln Chafee’s daughter. The surname is unmissable. But let’s dismiss notions of a privileged legacy: Sailing is hard work at any level, 24
and all the more so at a world-class one. It requires discipline and smarts. It beats you up. I spent all four of my university years on a sailing team in Providence, with black and blue shins as battle scars of racing and more than my fair share of alarming sunburns, screaming muscle aches and even mild hypothermia in the colder months. My team jokingly gauged the temperature on a given day by how purple my lips had turned, since in my position as crew, one primary job was to use my body as a ballast – plunging myself into the waves to balance out my boat. In summer months, my task was a supremely enjoyable one. In the early spring and fall, however, “punishing” would be the most fitting word for it. When I spoke with Louisa about the extremity of sailing as a sport, and people’s converse misperception of it as the blithe pursuit of lazy rum-aholics, she took a balanced outlook. “If people don’t understand it, they don’t understand it,” she says, laughing. “But the work is real.” Her day begins early, when she rises to check the wind and conditions for the day, and makes her sailing plan with her skipper based on that. And in case you’re wondering, the 21st century has indeed made its mark on the sport, as weathervanes and seaman’s almanacs have been replaced by
(you guessed it) smartphone apps. As an explanatory aside: the U.S. Sailing Team isn’t a gaggle of people who sail one massive boat, but rather an assemblage of people who sail in different classes of boats, in various partnerships. Louisa’s class is a two-person catamaran, in which she stewards as crew with her teammate and skipper.
“Crew” generally means being in the center of the boat, using your bodyweight to balance it out given what the waves and wind are doing at any given moment, as well as adjusting the sails and heeding the skipper’s directions. A crew’s best assets are lightness, agility and strength. To that end, Louisa spends hours daily in the gym to help
For Louisa Chafee, sailing is hardly a leisure activity: she spends hours training on the water daily in preparation for the Rio games
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her withstand the demands of her time on the water. Afterwards, she and her skipper clock in 2-4 hours daily of practice at sea, and then she returns home with enough energy to ravenously inhale dinner and then fall asleep. Although thrilling and satisfying, it’s hardly the pleasure cruise (apologies for skewering romantic notions, folks) that most people envision when they think of sailing. At the same time, Louisa’s path to Olympic hopeful hasn’t been as long-term or cutthroat as one might expect. After all, every ESPN special about an Olympian paints the picture of a maniacally focused individual whose entire life revolves around mastering their sport, winning a medal and earning a cereal endorsement or two on the side. In fact, Louisa’s path into worldclass sailing has been a refreshingly relaxed one, in which she slowly discovered something she loved and decided to excel in it. Growing up in Rhode Island, her family regularly sailed, and as a child she attended a camp for the sport but felt only mild interest. She enjoyed it, and was adept enough to score the encouragement of coaches to go further, but wasn’t hooked. Not remotely. A horrid sunburn was enough to turn her away for years, as she recalled with a laugh. Later, as a student at Brown University, Louisa fell into the school’s sailing team through natural gravitation. Soon thereafter she realized that she had been sailing for hours every day, debriefing with the team post-practice and competing in regattas on the weekends. “It was an ‘oh’ moment,” she relays. “It just dawned on me that I had been spending so much time at it, and that that must mean something.
When I got to the point of graduation, I was trying to think of what my next steps were, what I wanted to do. And sailing turned out to be it.” After some research, Louisa discovered the catamaran category of the U.S. sailing team, and chose that to pursue. It had two strong things in its favor: First, the class is uniquely coed. Back in the 1980s, Olympic sailing trended towards gender separation – men with men, women with women – apart from catamaran racing. And, in addition to the appeal of equal-opportunity sailing that the class offered, there was the thrill of speed and force in the boats themselves. “It’s just... fun,” Louisa exhales, when somewhat at a loss to explain her particular draw to them. But really, what other reason does one need? It’s not all about athleticism and thrills, though. Beyond the daily training and worldwide competitions that help keep skills sharp, fundraising is a fairly substantial part of a contender’s job. To put it bluntly, sailing is neither a lucrative sport nor a cheap one. Boats cost money, as does the gear. There are travel expenses across the globe to compete, not to mention the price tag of daily living. Advertising deals don’t stack up for sailors in the same way that they do for sports like, say, track and field, and in training phases there is no such thing as a side job. Sponsorships cover some costs, but the lion’s share is raised independently. Louisa has a long path ahead of her. There’s Rio this year, of course, but her sights are set on both this upcoming set of games as well as the next one. She has no plans for a single competition experience. Godspeed, and let’s pour her a rum drink or three when she brings home some metal.
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DiStefano Brothers Construction celebrates 10 years of building dreams
Peter DiStefano never DreameD that he’d own one of the largest remodeling companies in Rhode Island. Back in 2006, when he incorporated DiStefano Brothers Construction, he was the only employee. “My hope was that I’d start a company and have my brother join me at some point,” he says. Ten years later, his design-build-remodel firm has 20 employees (including his brother Domenic), an impressive portfolio of residential and commercial work, and has made a meaningful impact on the local community. DiStefano Brothers Construction is not like most construction firms. “We put people first,” Peter explains. “Our customer service is based on open and honest communication.” Whether it’s a remodel or brand new construction, Peter and his team work closely with clients throughout the entire process and keep them well informed of what’s happening each day. “We’re essentially their roommates for five weeks,” he says with a laugh. “We’re respectful of that. This is their homes, and our clients need to live comfortably throughout any project.” As a design-build company, DiStefano Brothers’ inhouse team includes project managers, design engineers, interior designers and skilled craftsmen. “Having a professional crew that can handle any remodel project from start to finish is absolutely key,” Peter says. “That
enables us to stay within the client’s set budget and stick to the agreed upon schedule. We’re also able to deliver the highest-quality work because we approach every project as a team with a common goal.” The process starts with a consultation. “It’s a collaborative process. We talk about ideas, budgets, schedules,” Peter says. “We get to know our clients and how they want to live in their homes.” Specializing in remodeling, the DiStefano team wants homeowners to fall in love with their homes for a second time. “Some folks love where they live, but don’t love their house. Maybe it’s an outdated kitchen or bathroom, or they need an addition. Or perhaps a home needs modifications for aging-in-place. Remodeling becomes an affordable way to stay where they want to be, and also love it,” he says. The DiStefano portfolio is impressive in its wide variety of styles. “We don’t really have a design specialty,” Peter says. “We believe that great designers can visualize the client’s wants and needs. We can deliver any style you want, from rustic and rural to modern and sleek.” With an office on Main Street in Wakefield and an operations facility in North Kingstown (“DBC World Headquarters”), DiStefano Brothers’ roots are deep in Southern Rhode Island. Though the majority of their portfolio has been residential projects in Southern Rhode Island, Peter’s philosophy is to “go where the great clients and the great projects are.” That vision has brought them projects throughout the state including Block Island, and a few commercial projects as well. “We love to work with independent businesses,” Peter says, pointing out the build-outs they did at Wakefield’s Mama Bird and Tortuga Restaurant in Narragansett. Peter, who lives in Wakefield with his wife, admits his heart is in South County. Peter is also hands-on in his community, be it an active board member of the Southern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce or giving back to the Easter Seals and the Contemporary Theatre. “I’m all about supporting local
and helping other businesses be successful here. This is our community, and we’re all in it together.” Peter’s “people first” philosophy also applies to his employees. “I didn’t realize when I first started this business how much I’d enjoy employing people. I absolutely love being around good people,” he says. With a company culture that encourages open communication and team building, Peter believes that a happy staff does better work. “Our employees feel valued and their voices are heard. We’re always looking for best practices within our team with an eye towards passing down efficiencies to the customer,” he says. “We’re truly a team working together and trying to continually get better and better.” As Peter celebrates his company’s ten year anniversary this year, he can’t help but be thankful of his journey. The son of an Italian immigrant, Peter has immense pride in being a first generation business owner. Last May, his company was recognized by Remodeling Inc. Magazine as one of their “Big 50.” In 2014, he was one of two RI businesses accepted into the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program. An intense four-month program that included entrepreneurial classes at Babson College, Peter points out that the esteemed national program helped him learn how to run a business. “I started out as a tradesman ten years ago, and today I’m a small business owner,” he says. “I’d love to have 50 employees in another ten years. It’s so inspiring to be around good people that are building a better community and helping people live out their dreams.”
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Take it
Eat at delicious, scenic restaurants this summer
By Julie Tremaine Photography by Kendall Pavan St. Laurent
There are many ways to eat al fresco at the Weekapaug Inn in Westerly
Your favorite summer dining spots in South County are your favorites for a reason: gorgeous views, delicious food, great service. But those places are a lot of people’s favorites. Smart locals know that it’s a lot easier to get a table at The Coast Guard House on a Tuesday in July than on a Saturday, but wouldn’t it be nice to have a meal with a view, without the crowd? This summer, take the time to explore some places you haven’t tried yet, or haven’t revisited in a while. You won’t regret it.
Have S’more Everyone knows The Ocean House, with its private beach clam boils and haute locavore cuisine in Watch Hill. But the hotel’s sister property is equally luxurious, a little bit more casual and decidedly less difficult to get a reservation at. On a spit of land between the Atlantic and Quonochontaug pond, The Weekapaug Inn is a luxury resort with a quieter, family feel. They offer several dining options for guests, but The Restaurant and The Lawn are open to the public, too. The Restaurant serves modern New England cuisine from Chef Ryan Murphy, like New England Bouillabaisse with seasonal Narragansett seafood, and pickled Rhode Island Beets with bone marrow. Two separate patio areas, one upstairs and one downstairs, ensure access to the endless water views. New this year, The Lawn serves small plates and seasonal cocktails – and s’mores from the fire pit once the sun goes down. 25 Spray Rock Road, Westerly. 855-6792995,
A modern take on a lobster roll and fresh local vegetables from The Weekapaug Inn are perfect on a warm evening
raiSe tHe Bar
Hit tHe Dock
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t actually need to be on the ocean to have gorgeous water views. Doherty’s Ale House Lakeside, the newest iteration of the wildly popular company behind Doherty’s Ale House in Warwick and Carriage Inn in North Kingstown, proves that. Lakeside is perched on Johnson’s Pond in Coventry, and offers the same kind of creative comfort food as the other Doherty’s locations, like ‘Gansett Beer Can Chicken (just trust us on how delicious this is) and the Ale House Burger with house cured bacon. The real draw, though, is the beer: Doherty’s has nearly 100 on tap, including true beer geek varieties like tripels, gose, barley wine and sours. For non-beeries, they make craft sodas to order in exotic flavors. 446 Tiogue Avenue, Coventry. 8281700,
Matunuck has its share of delicious restaurants – just drive past the valet line at Matunuck Oyster Bar on the weekend if you need proof – but it also has its share of hidden gems. People who already know and love Jim’s Dock won’t be thrilled to see the secret shared in print, but the food is so good that word was bound to spread eventually. The BYOB restaurant is quite literally a dock on the shore in Jerusalem (a tiny hamlet directly across the sound from Galilee). It’s super casual – don’t hesitate to roll right off the beach and head there for a bite, and dogs are welcome outside. Expect to find traditional New England clam shack fare, but at its absolute freshest. Pick your live lobster from the salt water tank – the water is cycled in fresh from the sound – and soak in the sun while you wait. 1175 Succotash Road, Wakefield. 783-2050, Facebook: Jim’s Dock June 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND
A speakeasy turned gastropub, the Rathskeller offers everything from burgers to confit duck leg alongside outdoor lawn games
But – and this part is key – a kid with adult beverages. The Charlestown Rathskeller is the kind of place where you can go for a quick meal, or spend a whole afternoon hanging out with friends, playing lawn games. Once a speakeasy, the Rathskeller is now a gastropub in the truest sense: all of the old murals of sports stars like boxer Jack Dempsey are still there, as are the pub’s iconic fries – the only difference is that the fries now come plain, loaded or with truffled pecorino or short rib gravy. The menu offers everything from burgers to a Duck & Sausage Plate with confit duck leg and German-style brockwurst, along with “the coldest beer in RI.” Outside, there’s a fire pit, tons of dining and picnic tables, and lots of action around the cornhole and horseshoe pits. The Rat also offers live music on Monday and Tuesday nights if you’re looking to dance off those fries. (Trust us, don’t miss them.) 489A Old Coach Road, Charlestown. 792-1000,
Feel tHe romance When it comes to designing the perfect date, it doesn’t get much better than a romantic outdoor setting, with ocean breezes wafting in. The golden rule in real estate might be “location, location, location,” but those are also three good reasons to visit Simpatico Jamestown. The stunning restaurant has a garden terrace, with gauze curtains billowing in the breeze, flowers blooming all around and twinkling lights overhead. Two decks, and an outdoor bar, add to the ambience. The New England meets the Mediterranean menu doesn’t hurt, either. Think classic (like Little Rhody Necks – littlenecks with chourico in a sweet corn cream sauce) meets creative (Shrimp Classico with artichoke hearts, thyme and spinach in a lemon and white wine pan sauce). The restaurant doesn’t take reservations, but on a date night, starting off with a cocktail isn’t a bad idea… 13 Narragansett Avenue, Jamestown. 423-2000,
some of Rhode Island’s best food and scenery. The trick is to go there this month, before the New York license plates start lining the streets. And if you’re going to go, you might as well go big. The Spiced Pear at the Chanler at Cliff Walk is one of the state’s chicest dining experiences. At night, Chef Thomas Duffy prepares haute New England locavore cuisine tinged with French influences. By day, though, the restaurant’s Cliff Walk Terrace serves a more approachable (and affordable) menu, offering small plates like Citrus Poached Shrimp and Town Dock Calamari, pizzas like a Hawaiian with pineapple, prosciutto and pickled jalapeño, and sandwiches like the kobe beef GQ Burger. There’s even a separate section dedicated just to lobster. The view, though – overlooking First Beach and the Cliff Walk, with expansive views of the Atlantic – is worth the drive alone. 117 Memorial Boulevard, Newport. 847-2244,
eat your Heart out They really don’t make restaurants like the Nordic Lodge anymore – but lucky for us, the Persson family has been keeping the beloved culinary tradition alive since 1963. Everyone knows about the restaurant’s legendary buffet: hundreds
Be a touriSt For a Day We know, we know. You can think of a million reasons not to cross the bridge into Newport in the summer: the traffic, the crowds, the tourists… so many tourists. The thing is, when you avoid the City by the Sea, you’re depriving yourself of
The Spiced Pear
Photo (Bottom) courtesy of The Spiced Pear
Feel like a kiD again
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Dutchman Dental
Dr. Jon Paul Van Regenmorter, DDS Dr. Javier Ramirez, DDS 1359 Main Road Tiverton 401-624-9177 26 South County Commons Way, Unit A6, Wakefield 401-284-3308 Modern dentistry meets good, old-fashioned service at Dutchman Dental. With two locations in the coastal towns of Tiverton and Wakefield, the doctors at Dutchman Dental lead a warm and friendly staff that continues to earn the appreciation of their loyal patients. The two practices are distinctively comfortable and inviting, immediately putting patients at ease. Waiting areas, which include a Colonial-style front porch and a sitting area complete with a fireplace, welcome patients and set the tone for the stress-free visit. The laid-back vibe is coupled with state-of-the-art equipment, imaging and techniques, providing patients with technically advanced dental care with a truly personalized touch. Restorative procedures, ranging from porcelain veneers and dental implants to crowns and bridges, not only bring back the functionality of teeth, but most importantly offer a new level of self-esteem. “Restoring teeth is good, but restoring someone’s confidence is better,” Dr. Van Regenmorter says. “We’re here to help achieve both.”
Accepting most insurances, including: MAss HeAltH stAndArd Dr. J.P. Van Regenmorter, DDS Dr. Javier Ramirez, DDS
Se habla EspaÑol & Ele fala Português
cAll us to schedule your visit todAy 26 south County Commons Way (Unit d2), Wakefield 401-284-3308
1359 Main road tiverton 401-624-9177
We OFFer STATe OF The ArT DerMATOLOGiC CAre General Dermatology, Pediatric Dermatology, Skin Cancer Diagnosis And Treatment, Nail Diseases, Cosmetic Dermatology (Botox, Fillers, Peels, Laser Surgery) Mohs Surgery And Mohs Surgery For Melanoma froNt row, l-r Kathleen Carney-Godley, MD, Caroline Chang, MD, Allison Burnap, PA-C, Brian Theroux, PA-C , Stefanie Goodrich, PA-C back row l-r John Kelly, MD, PhD, Valerie Tokarz, DO, Susan Sweeney, MD, Paula Moskowitz, MD, PhD, Nathaniel Jellinek, MD, Lynn Iler, MD, Diana Fairfax, DCNP, Patricia Schmidt, DCNP
Not Pictured in Group photo: Alyssa Findley, MD and Mohsin Malik, MD
We Are PLeASeD TO WeLCOMe TO Our PrACTiCe Mohsin Malik, MD • Valerie Tokarz, DO • Kathleen Carney-Godley, MD • John Kelly, MD, PhD
Call Today for an Appointment Accepting New Patients With Off ices In East Greenwich, RI & North Attleboro, MA
1 672 S o u t h Co u n t y t r a i l , E aSt G r E E n w i C h , r i • 4 01 - 8 8 5 -75 4 6 ( S K i n ) 1 5 3 E a S t wa S h i n G t o n S t r E E t, n o r t h at t l E b o r o , M a • 5 0 8 - 6 9 9 - 7 5 4 6 ( S K i n )
of items, ranging from pastas and prime rib to a raw bar and classic New England seafood offerings. What you might not realize is that the Nordic Lodge is situated on 90 acres of lakefront property – and that you can enjoy the all-youcan-eat experience outside, as well. (When you’re overstuffed, there are some strategically placed hammocks designed for reclining, digesting and taking in the water view.) On Sunday afternoons, enjoy live music outside on the lawn. Not in the mood for two hours of indulgence? You can order appetizers from the bar and enjoy them outside, too. 178 East Pasquiset Trail, Charlestown. 7834515,
Photo (Top) courtesy of The Nordic Lodge
BeacH it, tHen eat On the shores of Salt Pond, Cap’n Jack’s was already a hidden gem. Yes, you drive or walk past it every time you go to East Matunuck State Beach, but you might not realize that behind the restaurant is an expansive patio with water and wildlife views. This season, the Cap’n and crew are debuting a totally redone outdoor area, with 30 seats and fire pits to gather around once you’ve eaten their kicked-up New England fare and you need some time to digest. For something lighter, check out their attached raw bar, Salt Marsh. And if you can possibly leave the restaurant without stopping by their bakery, well, you’ve got more willpower than we do. Who can resist a cupcake with a lobster on it in the middle of summer? No one, that’s who. 706 Succotash Road, Wakefield. 789-4556,
Have a SHore tHing Many people fondly remember (or, let’s just say, loosely remember) warm summer nights at Marley’s on the Beach, a legendary local bar in Oakland Beach with its own tiki bar and shoreline. The place hit hard times, and not even a visit from Bar Rescue could save it. When Marley’s closed, the consensus was that people just wanted the next-door Iggy’s to add a bar – and that’s exactly what happened. Now, Iggy’s Boardwalk offers all of the delicious seafood and doughboys that their walk-up window still does, but is a full service restaurant that takes full advantage of its proximity to the ocean. Think raw bar and
Cap’n Jacks debuts its new outdoor seating and fire pits along the Salt Pond shores
The Nordic Lodge
tropical libations year-round, not just during the summer (though there really is something unmatched about enjoying them outside in the sand, isn’t there?). The menu has expanded to include more options for people who don’t love seafood, and is a really nice complement to the takeaway restaurant next door. 889 Oakland Beach Avenue, Warwick. 737-9459,
Big city cHic Summer just wasn’t made for cities: traffic in hot cars, burning pavement, crowded sidewalks. But sometimes, a touch of urban sophistication is just what the doctor ordered. Find the perfect blend at Besos Kitchen and Cocktails. Perched on Main Street in East Greenwich, the chic eatery offers delicious, creative food (think Pan Seared Halibut with drunken peaches) and libations (we love A Reverie of Rose, with genever, house-made rose simple syrup, grapefruit and prosecco). The wraparound porch of Besos’ charming old house offers views of Main
Still hungry for some open air dining? Here are ten more ways to get your al fresco fix this summer. Bridge 37 Main Street, Westerly. 384-9700, Champlin’s 256 Great Island Road, Narragansett. 783-3152, The Coast Guard House 40 Ocean Road, Narragansett. 789-0700, Crazy Burger 144 Boon Street, Narragansett. 783-1810, Crosby’s Cafe 431 Main Street, East Greenwich. 884-2499 Finn’s Harborside 38 Water Street, East Greenwich. 884-6363, George’s of Galilee 250 Sand Hill Cove Road, Narragansett. 783-2306, Hank’s Down South 33 State Street, Narragansett. 792-9200, Jamestown Fish 14 Narragansett Avenue, Jamestown. 423-3474, T’s Restaurant 91 Point Judith Road, Narragansett. 284-3981, 1230 Ocean Bistro is taking a new approach to coastal cuisine
Street, while the garden below (with an outdoor bar) keeps you a little more hidden from the street – and a lot more surrounded by fragrant blooms. It’s perfect for a romantic night out. 378 Main Street, East Greenwich. 398-8855, www.
See anD Be Seen Whether you’re arriving by car or boat – seriously, they offer free dockage for restaurant patrons – Blu on the Water is the place to see and be seen in the summer. The chic waterfront restaurant and lounge is perched on the water at the East Greenwich Marina, and has a huge waterfront outdoor area with dining tables, adirondack chairs and fire pits. The restaurant has a raw bar, and focuses on fresh seafood, like Lazy Lobster Casserole and Scallops and Bacon with a barbecue drizzle. Once the sun goes down (or for a Sunday funday, we’re not judging you), relax at the outdoor bar with a cocktail like a Pomegranate Margarita or six varieties of sangria. 20 Water Street, East Greenwich. 885-3700,
Soak in tHe Sea If you’ve been to Hammerhead Grill, or its downstairs bar The Bon Vue, you know to expect crowds, and lots of them. Knowing this, owner Mike Aiello decided to simultaneously step things up and slow them down. The restaurant is now 1230 Ocean Bistro, offering what the new chef calls
“Narraterranean cuisine,” blending Narragansett’s signature fresh seafood with Mediterranean influences, like Ricotta and Tuscan Bean Pate and Roasted Cod Nicoise. Chef Jeanette, who comes to the restaurant by way of much-missed Basil’s and Red Rooster, makes everything from scratch, inhouse, fresh to order. Her food is best enjoyed outside on the expansive upstairs deck. After your meal, chill out downstairs at the Bon Vue, which has an outdoor tiki bar, live entertainment and a summer cocktail menu with creative martinis and mojitos. 1230 Ocean Road, Narragansett. 789-6159,
Dance tHe nigHt away Dinner is one thing. Dinner and a night of entertainment is entirely another. On the shores of Salt Pond, TwoTen Oyster Bar & Grill is a delicious destination that offers a lot more than food. Think three bars, regular live music and tons of fun. The downstairs 210 Dockside Bar offers unspoiled views of the marina, and on Wednesdays, the girls get complimentary prosecco for Ladies Night. Deals like $15 bottles of wine and a $6 martini menu are open to everyone. At TwoTen, the menu is more than your typical coastal cuisine. In addition to offerings like Oysters Rockefeller and Lobster Rolls, they also offer a sushi menu, and an extensive gluten-free menu that includes fried seafood. 210 Salt Pond Rd, South Kingstown. 782-0100,
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Life/Style •
Whole Body • What’s In Store
Photography by Grace Lentini
So Stylish
Celebrating Past and Present What does it take to make a house a home? Personal touches, years of renovations, little feet running across the floor. That’s exactly what one Jamestown Couple did with an 1884 Victorian on Walcott Avenue. Turn the page to read all about their journey. No home is complete without four-legged friends, like Noah pictured here
So Stylish Life/Style |
By Andrea E. McHugh
A celebration of past and present, the “McCarthy House” has been a labor of love for 25 years
Coastal Conanicut Style Jamestown,
coastal community which takes up the entirety of Conanicut Island, historically served as home to a vast Native American population and later, through the late 19th century, as a quiet farming community. It was not until the Gilded Age that summer homes and hotels were built at a rapid rate, typically accommodating wealthy families from Philadelphia and New York City. Among these grand manses was Miravista. The impressive familial compound, which enjoyed enviable views of Narragansett Bay’s East Passage, included two nearly identical guest cottages. “The neighboring house was its twin, but they don’t look too much alike today,” says Elena McCarthy about the 1884 Victorian she shares with her family of five. The ornate pair became
known as the Estes Cottages and were used as summer homes for many years. In their heyday, the homes had nothing but rolling green lawns leading out uninterrupted to the coastline. “But the state built a road by imminent domain out to Fort Wetherill,” says Elena. Indeed, Walcott Avenue extends to Fort Wetherill Road, which leads directly to the former artillery. (Before the fort was deactivated and turned over to the state following the second World War, it had been occupied by American, British and French forces during various periods of time during the Revolutionary War due to its strategic East Passage lookout point.) “A lot of people [in Jamestown] tell me they knew people who summered here or knew someone who did, or took piano lessons here. Some people call it the McFadden House because
Captain McFadden lived here, or the Murphy House. But no one calls it the McCarthy House, even though we’ve been here 25 years,” Elena says, laughing. “I asked my husband when he thought people might start calling it the McCarthy House; he said, ‘Maybe not ‘til we’re dead.’” When Elena and her husband, Hugh “Chip” Baertlein, first laid eyes on the home in 1991, it was clear the somewhat shoddy but substantial abode has survived long past its glory days. But there were three reasons they put in an offer: location, location, location. A short walk from the charming village – Jamestown’s main commercial center with shops and restaurants, the home was, at least in terms of the address, quite coveted. “Maybe in the ‘70s too, but in the ‘80s and ‘90s, people didn’t seem to want big, giant Victorian
homes. They were white elephants,” explains Elena. And that wasn’t the only reason. Rhode Islanders of a certain age who lived here during the early 1990s likely remember the infamous credit union crisis that functionally collapsed most state-chartered financial institutions. Not only was securing a home loan difficult for some, but for any homeowners looking for additional funds to make home improvements, options were few and far between. “This whole neighborhood was in foreclosure and the house was not in good shape,” Elena concedes. Elena and Chip were able to jump over any initial “fixer upper” hurdles, as the two engineers are ambitious and diligent when it comes to do-ityourself projects. Chip grew up building things and tinkering on long-term projects as a kid and those skills served June 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND
Photography by Grace Lentini
One Jamestown family turned an eyesore into a coveted address
So Stylish
him well. Those childhood experiences also taught Chip that projects typically take a lot of modifications, include unforeseen challenges and demand seemingly endless amounts of patience. He’d need all three, as the young couple’s first project was a humdinger. “First thing we had to do was get it structurally sound,” recalls Elena. “My husband used house jacks to jack it up because we had to get [the foundation] straightened out.” Inside, the couple says there were many modifications to the original home through the century, and few were good ones. They were also disappointed to see that much of the original character of the home was removed to make way for less than desirable renovations in the ‘70s and ‘80s,
including Jacuzzi tub bathrooms. “At one point it was a bed and breakfast called ‘Conanicut House,’” she adds. That may explain some of the dated detailing. But there are benefits to its former role too. The third floor features two bedrooms complete with en suite bathrooms. “So we have a lot of guests… so much company,” Elena says laughing. With Chip hailing from the Midwest and the couple residing for many years overseas, the space and privacy afforded by the third floor is exceptionally convenient. Plus, as anyone with a home by the water will attest, such gems seem to attract friends and family from near and far. The projects in Chip and Elena’s home haven’t always been easy. When she reflects on when they were first starting
out, Elena say she cannot believe that they lived in the house without a kitchen for a year – which included when they brought home their first son. “I look back and think we were nuts,” she says. Eventually, they completed the kitchen and included an eye-catching antique stove, a nod to the home’s past. Other pieces also salute the home’s 132-year history. A huge, old cast iron sink anchors the laundry room, antique furniture pieces from garage sales and specialty shops can be found throughout, decades old doors and hardware add authentic charm and reclaimed pine flooring in the kitchen was sourced from an old barn or factory to complement the existing hardwoods. “We kept with what we thought was authentic for a seaside cottage,” says Elena.
While it may not have seemed like a “master plan” as the couple made renovations on demand throughout the past 25 years, Chip and Elena’s home, situated in a town they love dearly, is clearly a celebration of past and present. Now filled with three energetic teenagers (and this time of year, there’s a good chance other family and friends) it’s time for the couple to take a step back and give themselves a pat on the back. “My husband did a lot of this all by himself,” says Elena. “I’m really proud of him.”
Want your home featured in So Rhode Island? Email to learn more
Photography by Grace Lentini
South County
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So Stylish 25 YeAr AnniversArY
What’s in Store |
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double entry doors and you are immediately enveloped by the warm and welcoming smells of roast coffee and freshly baked sweets. Instantly you want to , sit down and cozy up with a good book. Luckily you are in exactly the right place. With its rich interior of wood and exposed brick, the new Savoy Bookshop and Cafe is a major comfort zone for readers. Utilizing some of the flavor from its previous incarnation as a hotel, the store presents itself as a respite from the everencroaching digital world. There is
still something so satisfying in the tactile experience of a book in hand. The cafe has tables and chairs in a section bathed in afternoon sunlight. Along with the Dave’s Coffee and other beverage selections there are bagels, Belgian waffles, muffins and cookies the size of softballs to tempt you. Baking is done on site so the warm cookie smell permeates both floors of the shop. The Savoy has quickly become quite the popular gathering place. Customer Serena Bates, a local sculptor, says ,“I love all the nooks and crannies filled with adventure and they have the
most fun children’s room I’ve ever seen. It’s a great place to lose yourself for the day.” No primary colors here for the kids, their section continues the warm wood tones and has a little cubby decorated to evoke a mountain cabin, sure to inspire the imagination. Word has it that there are also hidden fairy houses about to find. Once done searching the well laid out store, plop yourself down on the leather couch and watch the world go by the front window or while away the afternoon sampling the wares. You may never want to leave.
Savoy Bookshop & Cafe | 10 Canal Street, Westerly | 213-3901
Photography by Marylou Bulter
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So Stylish Whole Body |
By Julie Tremaine
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Much like Bridget Jones (in more ways than one), I’m a big fan of the mini-break. I love to travel, no matter the distance, as often as possible. So rather than wait all year for one big vacation, I try to take as many small ones as I can. That’s how I found myself at the Hotel Viking, in the Marble House suite, trying not to let my face fall off from all of the luxury around me. The night before, my boyfriend and I had had dinner in One Bellevue, the hotel’s restaurant. Whereas I went with a special farm to table dinner menu by Chef Barry Correia that featured all vegetables by Narragansett’s Sunset Farm, he chose the grilled lobster, which was so good that I ate half of it myself. It was every iconic flavor of the summer, all on one plate, even though we were still a few months away from the actual season. That morning, we were headed downstairs to SpaFjor: me for a Sea of Life facial, and him for a Balinese massage. The massage promised to be “based on the traditions of Bali… a combination of acupressure, rolling motions and rhythmic strokes to relieve tension and promote total relaxation.” Afterward, he was in such post-massage bliss that he
couldn’t tell me much about the experience, other than that when he opened his robe to step into the sauna, a spray of flower petals fell out. The thing I especially love about a hotel spa is how it’s a total experience. When you have a service at a regular spa, you show up in the middle or the end of a busy day, rushing to get there, then you drop all of your stuff, spend an hour trying not to think about the million things you still have to do, then, after your service is over, rush back out and do them. Not at a hotel. At a hotel you wake up in a bed that’s softer and nicer than your own (that you don’t have to make), order in room service breakfast, don a plush robe and head downstairs to the spa. You’re already primed for total relaxation when you step foot in the door, which is exactly what happened when I walked into SpaFjor. Spa director Corrine Beaudoin greeted us, and lead me to the super fancy ladies relaxation room, where there were spa
Hotel Viking 1 Bellevue Avenue, Newport 847-3300
robes and slippers waiting for me, plus an infrared sauna to enjoy before or after services. The OSEA Sea of Life facial itself was unlike anything I had ever had before. My aesthetician used a wet piece of Gigartina seaweed from the Patagonian Sea on my face, which created a hyper-nourishing, mineral rich gel in place of water. It was really unusual, but a very interesting experience (in a good way). She took me through a Black Algae Mask with Ocean Cleansing Mudd, steam and exfoliation, massage and a White Algae Mask. I was already in oceanic bliss when I left the spa area and dropped my fresh new skin into the jacuzzi in the next room over. My boyfriend joined me, and we took the morning to slow down and just enjoy each other. The afternoon we spent at Newport Vineyards didn’t hurt, either. We came home that night feeling like we had had a real vacation, even though we were only half an hour from home.
Illustration by Ashley MacLure
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Photography by Hilary Block
So Delicious
Seafaring Cuisine
Cross the bridge to Conanicut Island for some of the freshest fish you’ll find in the Ocean State (and that’s saying a lot). Jamestown Fish takes the bounty of the sea and serves it up in simple, gourmet preparations. Georges Bank Scallops with exotic mushrooms mustard greens and dashi
So Delicious Review |
By Stacey Place
A Fresh Perspective Jamestown Fish celebrates the Ocean State’s best natural resource seafood. It seems like everyone has a favorite place to get a lobster roll, fried clams, clam cakes or Rhode Island-style chowder. Clam shacks abound along the coastline, and with summer approaching, people will soon be lining up for their favorite delicacies. Yet, sometimes we yearn for a more refined seafood meal, a piece of fresh fish cooked to perfection with a wine pairing and white linen tablecloths. If you’re planning a celebration or just looking for a nice night out on the town, Jamestown Fish is the perfect place to elevate your seafood dining. Jamestown Fish is located on Narragansett Avenue in the heart of Jamestown. The main dining room is located on the bottom floor and although it’s elegant, it’s not stuffy. The tile floor, white wood accents and ocean blue paint colors give the restaurant a soothing atmosphere – like you have stepped into your favorite uncle’s beach house. The large windows let in plenty of natural light and offer views to some guests of Narragansett Bay. The upstairs of the restaurant is home to the Bridge Bar, which offers a more casual menu, a view of the Bay and a great place to sip a cocktail. In
Crudo local raw Tuna, Fluke, Maine Uni with Hijiki seaweed.
the summer months, the restaurant opens its patio seating for al fresco dining. Executive Chef Matthew MacCartney comes to Jamestown Fish from a series of prestigious restaurants, including stints at Gramercy Tavern, Restaurant Daniel, Craft and Michel Guerard (a Michelin three star restaurant in France). He met Jamestown Fish owners John and Cathy Recca while working in Norwalk, Connecticut at Pasta Nostra. Chef MacCartney was the winner of Food & Wine Magazine’s People’s Best New Chef of the New England Region in both 2014 and 2015. The wine list at Jamestown Fish is extensive, which may be in part to Chef MacCartney’s training as a sommelier. On the spring night I visited, a glass of rosé sounded perfect, and it was a Chateau d’Esclans Rock Angel Rosé from France. It was offered in two different size pours, and the 11-ounce portion I chose was perfect for me and a great deal. For $17, I received a small carafe of fine wine. It was definitely not your grandmother’s rosé, rather a nice dry, light drinking rosé. My dining companion orderd a Paloma ($10) with Milagro tequila, San Pellegrino Pompelmo
Rhode Island Scup with pickled fennel, capers and pistachio
and fresh squeezed lime juice. It was light and refreshing and a perfect pairing with our appetizers. While we sipped our drinks, we were served several warm slices of bread. The bread comes from the Provencal Bakery in Middletown where Chef MacCartney collaborated on this seven grain spelt bread. Never turning down a chance to order a good crudo, I sampled the
Hamachi and Tuna Crudo ($14). The fish was melt in your mouth fresh and accented with Sicilian blood oranges, habãnero peppers, olive oil and cumin. It was excellent. My friend ordered the Oysters and Clams ($15), which included three oysters and three little necks accompanied by a spicy homemade cocktail sauce and a lovely mignonette. On the night we were there, the fish choices were cod, swordfish, scallops, John Dory, Dover sole, halibut, skate, clams and lobster. Other than the Dover sole, all of the fish came from local waters. For landlubbers, there were a few choices including a vegetable tasting, lamb and duck. One fish I love but am hesitant to cook on my own is skate, so I was excited to see it on the menu. The Skate ($26) was panfried and topped with a grenobloise sauce (French lemon, butter and caper sauce). The fish was cooked perfectly and complemented by the rich, buttery sauce. Not a bite of it was left on my plate. On the side, there was a small helping of well-seasoned sautéed spinach and roasted potatoes. My friend ordered the Swordfish ($29), and I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a whiter or fresher piece of swordfish. The fish was rolled in herbs and seared
Photography by Hilary Block
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So Delicious
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Photography by Hilary Block
Wed • Fri • Sat 7 pm - 1 am on a plancha (cast iron flat top). The two pieces of swordfish were presented with truffled rutabaga puree and Swiss chard. Cooking fish is easy, but cooking fish impeccably is definitely an art form – an art form Chef MacCartney has mastered. As with most fine dining establishments, though the food was bursting with flavor, the portions were not huge. In my book, that’s a plus because I have room left to order dessert. Although our waitress recommended the Homespun Ice Cream ($10), I wanted to try the Blood Orange Polenta Cake ($10). The portion was definitely large enough to share, and well
worth the price. The cake had a cornmeal crumb, and when swirled in the blood orange reduction on the plate, it was delicious. The almond flavored whipped cream on the top was a treat in its own right. With the rich ocean resources Rhode Island chefs have access to, it shouldn’t be so hard to find a well executed fish dinner. A piece of fish perfectly cooked is a thing of beauty. Jamestown Fish is doing exactly what it should be doing: taking Rhode Island’s best fish and making it into a high end dining experience. Life is short and everyone deserves a splurge now and then. After all, Rhode Islanders can’t live on clam cakes alone!
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15 Hull Cove Street - Jamestown: Beavertail. Stunning water views of Newport coastline, architecturally designed, superior quality in this gorgeous shingled 5,386 sq ft. cottage. Custom chef’s kitchen, master bedroom w/ 2 baths and balcony, 3 bed en suite, stunning gardens overlooking waterside.$2,395,000. Mary Ann Lisi 742-7244
47 Pojac Point Road - North Kingstown: Waterfront estate in exclusive private Pojac Point. Open floor plan that e manates casual elegance for entertain ing w/4 beds, 3 baths, wraparound porch and separate studio which all encompass 6.3 acres of natural trails & beautiful sunsets.$1,300,000. Rothmeyer/Russo 226-2999
160 Wampanoag Road - Warwick: Tranquil private waterfront compound, located in the secluded neighborhood of Potowomut, this custom built, 3 bedroom contemporary is set on 4.4 acres of matured landscape,200 ft of water frontage, providing panoramic views of the Narragansett Bay. $1,230,000. Marisa Ferris 640-0170
505 Shore Acres Drive - North Kingstown: Sunsets on Shore....enjoy privacy sitting in your backyard watching the boats sail by, 3 beds, hardwood floors and a detached 2 car garage that could make for a possible in law set up. boat launches,clamming, fishing, private beach, best of everything! $525,000. Garret Roberts 595-7271
44 Worsley Avenue - North Kingstown: Whether for summer days or a “permanent vacation,” this expanded Cape has much to offer. Unobstructed water views of Bissel Cove, private beach, boat access to the Bay. Light-filled 3rd level is the perfect artist’s studio, home office or 4th bedroom.$440,000. Marisa Ferris 640-0170
73 Narragansett Avenue - Narragansett:Narragansett Pier. Updated 4 bedroom, 2 bath colonial. New kitchens, updated baths, hardwoods, new roof, exterior paint, water main, porch. Currently use as legal two family. Walk to Town beach and all Pier amenities. Summer rentals in place. $475,000. Patrick Murray
55 Harrington Road - North Kingstown:Outstanding expanded 4 bed, 2 bath Cape well taken care of and upgraded. All fenced, level backyard. Family room addition, bedroom on 1st floor. Hardwoods, bright spaces. Conveniently located yet interior to neighborhood. Gas heat, nice find. $269,000. Jonathan Daly-LaBelle 741-3820
15 Middle Street - South Kingstown: 3 bed ranch with some character in a great in-town l o c a t i o n . Wa l k t o e l e m e n t a r y s c h o o l a n d a l l t o w n a m e n i t i e s. I n g o o d c o n d i t i o n w i t h l a r g e f r o n t d e c k , s e p a r a t e d b e d s, b r i c k f i r e p l a c e, a t t i c s t o ra g e. S u r p r i s i n g l y o p e n l i v i n g a r e a s. $ 2 1 9 , 9 0 0 . Jonathan Daly-LaBelle
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So Delicious Foodie Journal |
By Grace Lentini
Sweet, Briny Perfection Matunuck Oyster Bar is first to serve up locally grown scallops Oysters on the Cheap
‘Tis the season for oysters. There’s nothing better than hunkering down at a bar after a day at the beach and slurping down some briny goodness on the half shell. I have this theory that there are just as many places to get oysters as there are public beaches. Even if that isn’t factually accurate, it doesn’t take away from their slurpability. Starting in South Kingstown, TwoTen Oyster Bar (210 Salt Pond Road. 782-0100, has Buck-A-Shuck from 4-6pm, Monday through Friday. Feel free to accompany the oysters and little necks it with $6 martinis or $3 draft beers for a tasty combo. Or, head over to George’s of Galilee (250 Sand Hill Cover Road, Narragansett. 783-2306, ) Monday through Friday, 4-6pm for dollar littlenecks and oysters. Getting off the beach a little early? Head over to The Coast Guard House for their Buck-A-Shuck (40 Ocean Road, Narragansett. 789-0700, of local oysters and clams, Monday through Friday, 3-6pm. The Sea Goose (265 Post Road, Westerly. 3150788, is also getting in on the action with $1 oysters from 4-7pm, Monday through Friday alongside a variety of $5 appetizers including Mussels Zuppe and Pt. Judith Fried Calamari.
Perry Raso of Matunuck Oyster Bar harvested his first batch of bay scallops this year
Photography by (Top) Grace Lentini, Courtesy of (Bottom) The National Hotel
I met Perry Raso on a chilly Saturday morning in Matunuck. Our first stop was his greenhouse where he grows much of the produce used in his restaurant, Matunuck Oyster Bar. It was only April at the time and he already had flowering tomato plants taller than me (I may be short but still, these were some huge plants). Tiny seedlings were sprouting to life, waiting until they were big enough to be transplanted outdoors to his vegetable farm. After being handed a bag of pea greens to take home, we mosied on down to his dock, where we’d be taking his work pontoon to scope out his oyster farm. Originally, the pontoon was scheduled to carry only two people, Perry and myself, but our dogs followed us onto the boat. Like owners, like pups. As we made our way onto Potter Pond, we talked about his passion for aquaculture, and how he wished he could spend more time on the water. Being the face of Matunuck Oyster Bar, he doesn’t get out as much as he would like. When he started his seven acre aquaculture farm in 2002, oysters were the
Sail Away and Eat Up
only thing on his mind. Now it’s 2016, and bay scallops are next. “A raw bay scallop is the sweetest thing in the world and one of my favorite things to eat,” Perry says. While discussing why he hasn’t grown bay scallops yet, it becomes apparent that they are a much more challenging product to grow. “[Bay scallops] must be stocked at a much lighter stocking density than oysters,” he explains, “and they don’t overwinter as well.” The first bay scallops he served to hungry diners was back in March, and he started them two years ago – that’s how long it took them to grow to size. He served them mariniere style with garlic, white wine and fresh herbs. It was the first time locally grown scallops had been served in a Rhode Island restaurant – quite a distinction. His first harvest of bay scallops is virtually gone, having been devoured by his guests. Although I’ll have to wait my turn for these briny and sweet delights, I know it’ll be totally worth the wait. 629 Succotash Road, Matunuck. 783-4202,
I get it. You’re too busy enjoying South County to get over to Block Island this summer. Well, this is the year to end that. It’s no secret that there are amazing restaurants in the state, and that includes – you guessed it – Block Island. If you need more incentive, Block Island is hosting a restaurant week June 1217. Never been to Ballard’s for an oceanside dinner? Haven’t had to-die-for desserts at Eli’s? Now’s the time to board the ferry. June 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND
So Delicious Tastemaker |
By Alastair Cairns
Eat Like a King Poor People’s Pub is keeping Block Islanders full of gourmet comfort food The last time I was at Poor People’s Pub, I was drinking ale in the sunshine, a woman was hula-hooping and a tight reggae band called Root Down Hoe Down was smashing down the wicked wall of Babylon. Given it was a random Sunday, it’s tough to feel more like you’re on vacation than that, and all it took was a ride on a ferry. I spoke with Ross Audino, head chef at Poor People’s Pub and co-owner alongside his wife Brenna. The same joy-focused think tank that gave me my Sunday “Rehab Brunch” experience is dreaming even bigger, with bacon. June 11 is Bacon Fest on Block Island. There will be bacon, there will be lots of it and eating it will make you a good person, because all food is donated, and proceeds go to Block Island Conservancy, an organization dedicated to protecting Block Island’s Natural Heritage.
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How do I know if I am one of the chosen? I mean, erm, how do I get in? You buy a wristband and then you can walk through. All the chefs have their own table set up; you can either load your plate up or try as you go. People mostly hang out outside, the cocktails are flowing and you get to eat. It’s fun. You said you and your wife “own a restaurant on Block Island somehow.” Can you elaborate on the somehow?
Poor People’s Pub 33 Ocean Avenue, Block Island 466-8533
My wife and I met working out on BI at another restaurant, and we kind of realized that we’d never be able to afford to own a place out here, so we ended up leaving the island. We’d both been here a long time. I was cooking and she was managing restaurants. We moved to Boston, and I got a phone call saying that a space had become available on the island. Then, a day later I got a phone call from our friend who is now our business partner, Bo Keating, saying he wanted to open a new Poor People’s Pub. The rest is history I guess. We both put our noses down, Bo mortgaged his house and we opened a restaurant on a wing and a prayer. Every day is a struggle, but we love it. We are going into our sixth season now. We’ve had a lot of support from the community. I saw Conch Fritters on your specials menu, as well as Duck Pho. However, you can also just get a hot dog. What are you going for with your food? I’ve got a great team of cooks and chefs and it’s important for us to be
creative and keep it fun. I think even with our basic stuff we really like to surprise our customers and give them the best thing that we can. Our motto is nothing fancy, just good grub, and we like to be able to give the masses nice food at a good price. I love to see the local farms on the menu. Who are you featuring? We work with Sunset Farm and Sprague Farm pretty closely. Every year I purchase as much beef and pork from them as I can. Sunset Farm is in Narragansett, and Sprague Farm is here on Block Island. In the summertime, we get about 75% of our produce from Sunset Farm. I saw a brand new smoker on your Facebook. Did you get new toys this winter? We do a lot of pig roasts at Poor People’s Pub. One of our niches is smoking things, so we’ve been having a lot of fun. Anything from fish, to whole pigs, to vegetables, we’re playing around being creative with something new. We usually do pig roasts for parties and events to kind of make it a special thing, like Bacon fest, or, we have a big season opener party. We try to get the skin kinda crispy, and keep the meat nice and juicy. Start it with high heat and then it just slow cooks.
Photography by Tracy Finn
Starts in September!
A bacon festival on a windswept island; this is my sort of romance novel. What’s this all for? One of the big things we’ve tried to do at the pub is give back to the community as much as we can, and we do that through our food. We host the Bacon Fest through the Block Island Conservancy and do bacon hors d’oeuvres. Other chefs get to come and participate and be a little competitive. Every year it’s different chefs from different restaurants. We’ve seen everything from chocolate-covered bacon to lamb bacon. Every year it changes, every year it’s gotten a little weirder.
Ross Audino, chef and co-owner of Block Island favorite Poor People’s Pub
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RHODY BITES A Sponsored Statewide Dining Guide
View our full Restaurant Profiles on
Breachway Grill It all started with the search for the perfect fish taco. The owners, three local friends who shared the same vision, joined forces to create a restaurant that offered a creative and healthier alternative to local seafood offerings. Fresh fish tacos with toppings and sides all made from scratch quickly became the restaurant’s signature dish. Locally sourced seafood reigns supreme here, where customers can enjoy a summer raw bar, day boat scallops, homemade chowder
and a varied selection of freshly caught fish from the “catch of the day” menu. Another specialty of the house is the authentic New York style thin crust pizza. Again, the owners couldn’t find a great slice of the stuff locally, so they decided to add it to the already diverse menu. Freshly ground steakhouse burgers, calzones, pasta, chicken and steaks rounds out the mouthwatering selections that are offered daily for lunch and dinner.
Can’t Miss Dish: On the weekends, live entertainment makes for a beachside night out ideal for families and a group of friends alike.
1 Charlestown Beach Rd., Charlestown • 401-213-6615 10 Prime Steak & Sushi Gourmet steaks and sushi. 55 Pine St, Providence, 4532333. LD $$$ Angelo’s Civita Farnese Restaurant Italian American comfort food classics. 141 Atwells Ave, Providence, 621-8171. LD $-$$ AQUA Poolside cocktails with seasonal American cuisine. 1 Orms St, Providence, 272-2400. LD $-$$ Besos Kitchen & Cocktails Tapas and eclectic cuisine and cocktails. 378 Main St, East Greenwich, 398-8855. BrLD $$$
Photography by Jose Navarro-Robles
Bistro 22 New American rustic cuisine in Garden City. 22 Midway Rd, Cranston, 383-6400. LD $-$$ Black Bass Grille Classic seafood, historic waterfront setting. 3 Water St, South Dartmouth, MA, 508-999-6975. LD $$ Bluefin Grille at the Providence Marriott Downtown Seasonal and sustainable seafood in an elegant atmosphere. 1 Orms St, Providence, 272-5852. LD $-$$ Breachway Grill Classic New England fare, plus NY-style pizza. 1 Charlestown
Beach Rd, Charlestown, 213-6615. LD $$ Café Nuovo Contemporary New World cuisine. 1 Citizens Plz, Providence, 4212525. LD $-$$$ Capriccio Upscale international food with a northern Italian/Mediterranean accent. 2 Pine St, Providence, 421-1320. LD $-$$$ Carriage Inn & Saloon Regional comfort food accompanied by a whiskey bar. 1065 Tower Hill Rd, North Kingstown, 294-8466. D $-$$ CAV Eclectic cuisine and art in an historic setting. 14 Imperial Place, Providence, 751-9164. BrLD $$-$$$
Chez Pascal/The Wurst Kitchen Seasonal farm-to-table cuisine with a French accent. House made sausages, hot dogs and accoutrements. 960 Hope St, Providence, 421-4422. LD $-$$$ Chapel Grille Gourmet food overlooking the Providence skyline. 3000 Chapel View Blvd, Cranston, 944-4900. BrLD $$$ Circe Restaurant & Bar South Beach meets New England seafood favorites. 50 Weybosset St, Providence, 437-8991. BRLD $-$$$ Clean Plate Delicious comfort food in a casual setting. 345 S. Water St, Providence, 621-8888. BBrLD $$
Celestial Café Organic farm-to-table fine dining. Oak Harbor Village, 567 S County Tr, Exeter, 295-5559. BrLD $-$$$
Cucina Rustica Rustic, Italian-style dining combining comfort food and sophistication. 555 Atwood Ave, Cranston, 944-2500. LD $-$$
Centro Restaurant & Lounge Contemporary cuisine and cocktails. 1 W Exchange St, Providence, 228-6802. BLD $$$
DeWolf Tavern Gourmet American/Indian fusion. 259 Thames St, Bristol, 2542005. BLD $$-$$$
Champlins Seafood Dockside fresh seafood serving easy breezy cocktails. 256 Great Island Rd, Narragansett, 783-3152. LD $-$$
The Dorrance Fine dining with exquisite cocktails. 60 Dorrance St, Providence, 521-6000. D $$$ Eleven Forty Nine City sophistication in
the suburbs. 1149 Division St, Warwick, 884-1149. LD $$$ Ella’s Fine Food & Drink Elegant dining meets international cuisine. 2 Tower St, Westerly, 315-0606. D $-$$$ Flatbread Company Artisanal pizza, local ingredients. 161 Cushing St, Providence, 273-2737. LD $-$$ Fresco Italian American comfort food with international inspirations. 301 Main St, East Greenwich, 398-0027; 140 Comstock Pkwy, Cranston, 228-3901. D $-$$ George’s of Galilee Fresh caught seafood in an upscale pub atmosphere. 250 Sand Hill Cove Rd, Narragansett, 7832306. LD $-$$ Harry’s Bar & Burger Handcrafted sliders, brews and pub games. 121 N Main St, Providence, 228-7437; 301 Atwells Ave, 228-3336. LD $-$$ Haruki Japanese cuisine and a la carte selections with casual ambiance. 1210 Oaklawn Ave, Cranston, 463-8338; 172 Wayland Ave, Providence, 223-0332; 112 Waterman St, Providence, 4210754. LD $-$$
Key: B breakfast Br brunch L lunch D dinner $ under 10 $$ 10–20 $$$ 20+ June 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND
Iggy’s Doughboys & Chowder House Classic clam shack fare, plus famous doughboys. 889 Oakland Beach Ave, Warwick, 737-9459; 1157 Point Judith Rd, Narragansett, 783-5608. LD $
McCormick & Schmick’s Seafood & Steak Mixed grill selections and signature fish dishes sourced locally and seasonally. 11 Dorrance St, Providence, 3514500. BLD $$-$$$
Iron Works Tavern A wide variety of signature American dishes in the historic Thomas Jefferson Hill Mill. 697 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick, 739-5111. LD $-$$$
Mia’s Prime Time Café Upscale café cuisine by the Pawcatuck River. 1 West Broad St, Pawcatuck, CT, 860-599-3840. BLD $$
Jigger’s Diner Classic ‘50s diner serving breakfast all day. 145 Main St, East Greenwich, 884-6060. BL $-$$ Julian’s A must-taste Providence staple celebrating 20 years. 318 Broadway, Providence, 861-1770. BBrLD $$ Kartabar Mediterranean-style cuisine, chic setting. 284 Thayer St, Providence, 331-8111. LD $-$$ KitchenBar Contemporary comfort cuisine. 771 Hope St, Providence, 331-4100. BrLD $$ Laurel Lane Country Club Upscale pub cuisine overlooking a picturesque golf course. 309 Laurel Ln, West Kingston, 783-3844. LD $-$$ Lim’s Restaurant Upscale Thai and fresh sushi. 18 South Angell St, Providence, 383-8830. LD $$ Luxe Burger Bar Build your own creative burger. 5 Memorial Blvd, Providence, 621-5893. LD $ Maharaja Indian Restaurant Indian cuisine and traditional curries in a warm setting. 1 Beach St, Narragansett, 363-9988. LD $-$$
Mill’s Tavern Historic setting for New American gourmet. 101 N Main St, Providence, 272-3331. D $$$ Napolitano’s Brooklyn Pizza Classic Italian fare and traditional New York-style pizzas. 100 East St, Cranston, 383-7722; 380 Atwells Ave, Providence, 273-2400. LD $-$$
7499. LD $-$$
Pizzico Diverse Italian and fusion cuisine in a rustic yet eclectic atmosphere. 762 Hope St, Providence, 421-4114; 308 County Rd, Barrington, 247-0303. LD $-$$$
Public Kitchen & Bar American food with changing daily inspirations. 120 Francis St, Providence, 919-5050. BrLD $-$$
Providence Coal Fired Pizza Old world coal-fired pizzas, appetizers and entrees made from scratch. 385 Westminster St, Providence, 454-7499; 6105 Post Rd, North Kingstown, 885-
Worth The Drive:
Ocean State Sandwich Company Craft sandwiches and hearty sides. 1345 Hartford Ave, Johnston. 155 Westminster St, Providence, 282-6772. BL $-$$ The Olive Tap Extra virgin olive oils, aged balsamic vinegars and gourmet food and gift selections. 485 Angell St, Providence, 272-8200. $$-$$$ Opa the Phoenician Authentic Lebanese food served in a fun atmosphere with hookahs. 230 Atwells Ave, Providence, 351-8282. D $-$$$ Parkside Rotisserie & Bar American bistro specializing in rotisserie meats. 76 South Main St, Providence, 331-0003. LD $-$$ Pat’s Italian Fine Italian favorites, natural steaks and handcrafted cocktails. 1200 Hartford Ave, Johnston, 2731444. LD $-$$$ Phil’s Main Street Grille Classic comfort food; great rooftop patio. 323 Main St, Wakefield, 783-4073. BBrLD $ Pho Horn’s Fresh authentic Vietnamese dishes in a colorful setting. 50 Ann Mary St #403, Pawtucket, 365-6278. LD $-$$
McBride’s Pub Traditional Irish pub fare in Wayland Square. 161 Wayland Ave, Providence, 751-3000. LD $$
Pizza J A fun, upbeat atmosphere with thin crust pizza, pub fare and gluten-free options. 967 Westminster St, Providence,
Trinity Brewhouse A fixture in downtown Providence for 20 years, Trinity Brewhouse serves elevated pub fare in a fun, lively atmosphere. The upstairs, with a patio overlooking bustling Fountain and Empire Streets, is the restaurant; downstairs is another bar and event space that offers weekly entertainment, like pub trivia on Tuesdays and free pool on Sundays. Trinity has been leading the beer renaissance in Rhode Island, winning its first gold medal for the iconic Trinity RI IPA in 1997 at the Great Northeast International Beer Festival and raking in the accolades every year since.
Chef Tony Goncalves has put together a selection of creative, delicious menu options. Start your meal off with Double Loaded Ravioli, filled with potato, cheddar and chives, deep fried, and then baked with two cheeses and topped with sour cream, bacon and scallions or their signature Trinity Nachos that you can customize with chicken, pulled pork or chili. If you’re in the mood to share, create your own pizza. The restaurant offers weekly dining specials, so you’ll always find something new to try, no matter how many times you go back.
Insider Tip: You don’t have to be at the restaurant to sip Trinity beer. Their IPA is widely available at liquor stores across Rhode Island, and the restaurant has 32oz. and 64oz. growlers available for purchase for you to enjoy at home.
186 Fountain Street, Providence • 401-453-BEER
For full restaurant profiles, go to SO RHODE ISLAND | June 2016
Rasoi Vegetarian-friendly Indian cuisine. 727 East Ave, Pawtucket, 728-5500. LD $$
Nordic Lodge Surf and turf buffet selections perfect for family gatherings. 178 E Pasquisett Trl, Charlestown, 783-4515. LD $$$
Malted Barley American craft beer, gourmet pretzels and creative sandwiches in downtown Westerly. 42 High St, Westerly, 315-2184; 334 Westminster St, Providence, 490-0300. LD $$
Rasa Authentic and contemporary Indian. 149 Main St, East Greenwich, 398-2822. LD $$
Photography by Jose Navarro-Robles
Jacky’s Galaxie Local Pan-Asian chain offering sushi and classic entrees in a modern atmosphere. Locations in Providence, North Providence, Bristol and Cumberland, LD $-$$$
632-0555. LD $-$$
Red Stripe Casual French-American bistro. 465 Angell St, Providence, 4376950; 455 Main St, East Greenwich, 398-2900. BrLD $$ Rick’s Roadhouse House-smoked barbecue. 370 Richmond St, Providence, 272-7675. LD $-$$ Roberto’s Italian fine dining and large wine selection in the scenic East Bay. 450 Hope St, Bristol, 254-9732. D $$-$$$ Rosmarin and Tarragon Bar An elegant upscale restaurant featuring classic European-style cuisine with modern flair in addition to their sister bar offering handcrafted drinks and light fare. 225A Westminster St, Providence, 400-5773. BLD $$$ Sa-Tang Fine Thai and Asian fusion cuisine with gluten-free selections. 402 Main St, Wakefield, 284-4220. LD $-$$ Siena Impeccable Italian cuisine. Locations in Providence, East Greenwich, Smithfield, 521-3311. D $$-$$$ Simone’s Gourmet brunch followed by upscale Mediterranean cuisine. 275 Child St, Warren, 247-1200. BBrLD $$-$$$ Sophia’s Tuscan Grille BYOB eatery with classic Tuscan dishes and homemade desserts. 1729 Warwick Ave, Warwick, 732-6656. BLD $-$$$ T’s Restaurant Plentiful breakfast and lunch. Locations in Cranston, East Greenwich, Narragansett, 946-5900. BL $ Taullulah on Thames Farm-driven, a la carte and prix fixe menus in a simply decorated setting. 464 Thames St, Newport, 849-2433. BrD $$$ Tavern by the Sea Waterfront European/American bistro. 16 W Main St, Wickford, 294-5771. LD $$
Rd, Narragansett. 789-0700. LD $$-$$$ The Saltwater Tavern A comfortable and lively tavern with Mexican and American fare and a monstrous draft list. 195 Main St, Wakefield, 783-3777. BrLD $$ Theatre 82 & Cafe Hybrid art space with all day breakfast, coffee and theatre-inspired entrees. 82 Rolfe Sq, Cranston. 490-9475 BL $ Tortilla Flats Fresh Mexican, Cajun and Southwestern fare, cocktails and over 70 tequilas. 355 Hope St, Providence, 751-6777. LD $-$$ Trattoria Del Mare Traditional Italian cuisine with a focus on seafood in an elegant yet relaxing atmosphere. 145 Spruce St, Providence, 273-7070. LD $$-$$$
imagine STRENGTHENING your Body…
panache internationally Recognized high impact Sports Bra
Trinity Brewhouse Rhode Island’s original brewpub. 186 Fountain St, Providence, 453-2337. LD $-$$
available at
Twin Willows Fresh seafood and water views in a family-friendly atmosphere. 865 Boston Neck Rd, Narragansett, 789-8153. LD $-$$ Vanille Boulangerie French-inspired bakery teeming with cookies, pastries and breakfast and lunch specialties. 311 Westminster St, Providence. 5213333 BL $-$$ Vanuatu Coffee Roasters Artisan-crafted, single origin coffee, pastries and breakfast sandwiches. 294 Atwells Ave, Providence, 273-1586. BL $-$$
106 Rolfe SquaRe • 941-5155 •
The Village Casual dining and live entertainment. 373 Richmond St, Providence, 228-7222. BrLD $$ Vinya Locally sourced small plates with Spanish flair reminiscent of the season. 225a Westminster St, Providence. D $-$$
Tavern on the Water A fusion of Portuguese and French cuisine in an upscale American atmosphere. 743 Putnam Pk, Smithfield, 349-3888. LD $-$$$
Wes’ Rib House Missouri-style barbecue, open late. 38 Dike St, Providence, 421-9090. LD $$
Tavolo Wine Bar and Tuscan Grille Classic Italian cuisine with an extensive wine and beer list. 970 Douglas Pike, Smithfield, 349-4979. LD $-$$
What Cheer Tavern & Taqueria Neighborhood gastropub, taqueria and beer garden. 228 New York Ave, Providence, 680-7639. D $-$$
Ten Rocks Tapas Bar Cape Verdeaninspired small plates, handcrafted cocktails and frequent live music. 1091 Main St, Pawtucket, 728-0800. BrLD $-$$ The Coast Guard House Modern New England fare with Bay views. 40 Ocean
Whiskey Republic Delicious dockside pub fare. 515 South Water St, Providence, 588-5158. LD $-$$
95 Watch Hill Rd, Westerly • 860-961-4678 •
XO Cafe Creative cocktails and New American fare. 125 N Main St, Providence, 273-9090. BrD $$
From L-R, Carla Cesario, MD; Katherine Williams, MD; Derek Andelloux, MD; Hana Hagos, MD; and Patricia Currier, FNP.
Urgent and walk-in care provides treatment for injury or illness that requires immediate care but is not life-threatening, such as sprains, minor fractures, cuts needing stitches, flu, asthma attacks, checkups, tests, physicals, and more. • Board certified physicians on site at all times • Essential, timely care at a lesser cost than hospital ERs • No appointment needed
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Westerly FLORA & FAUNA
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CHILDREN’S BOOK DRIVE UWRI June Ad_full page.indd 1
MAY 1 – JUNE 10, 2016 Collection Sites United Way of Rhode Island 50 Valley Street, Providence
When you give a child a book, her whole world changes.
Books Are Wings Hope Artiste Village 1005 Main St., Suite 8233A, Pawtucket
Did you know that 2 out of 3 children For more information or to host a collection, living in poverty live in homes without contact books? You can help. Join a statewide effort led by United Way of Rhode Island and Books Are Wings to support summer learning and promote reading.
5/4/16 2:09 PM
Calendar • Art View • On Stage
So Entertaining Do a Barrel Roll
Photography by Master Sgt John McDonald
June 11-12: Come fly with me, let’s fly away to the Rhode Island Air Show. Started in 1991, this Rhode Island tradition offers the best of the best in aviation as ace pilots dare to perform feats of aerial amazement. A portion of the proceeds will go to local charities and the Hasbro Children’s Hospital. 210 Airport Street, North Kingstown.
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268 Post Road (Rt.1 near Walmart), Westerly, RI 02891
So Entertaining Calendar
June June 1-June 19: Come rock out with 1950s rock and roll idol Buddy Holly at The Buddy Holly Story at Theatre by the Sea. Experience his unique story and hear the true form of rock n’ roll. 364 Cards Pond Road, Wakefield. 7828587, June 1-June 18: Jamestown Arts Center presents Setting the Stage: A Behind the Scenes Exhibit of 2015 RI Design Hall of Fame Inductees. Renowned set designer and Lifetime Achievement inductee Eugene Lee and interior designer and Emerging Designer inductee Kyla Coburn team up to present their designs and design process in their exhibition. 18 Valley Street, Jamestown. 560-0979, June 2-26: Painter Carol Shelton shares the natural beauty of Costa Rica with her exhibit, Costa Rica: Una Belleza Natural at the Coastal Living Gallery. Take a look and be instantly transported. 83 Brown Street, North Kingstown. 612-6121, June 5: Get in touch with your feminine side with Accidental Sisters, a Jamestown based a cappella singing group. Established by director Julie Beth Andrews, the Accidental Sisters sing music written for and about women. 4pm. 18 Valley Street,
Jamestown. 560-0979,
Ocean Avenue, Block Island. 4663000,
June 8, 15, 22, 29: Want to maintain your beach bod this summer? Every Wednesday evening, enjoy a weekly run with the Tom McCoy Summer Fun Run Series, including a children’s 1/3 mile run, a 1-mile run and a 5k. Pleasant View Inn, 65 Atlantic Avenue, Misquamicut.
June 11: Hear the musical stylings of Jonathan Edwards at Courthouse Center for the Arts. This American singer/songwriter is best known for his 1972 hit single “Sunshine,” and his performance will span decades and 15 albums of music. 8pm. 3481 Kingstown Road, West Kingston. 782-1018,
June 10-12: Head to Block Island for The Striper Kings Invitational Fishing Tourney. This catch and release tournament includes anglers and teams representing the most accomplished in Striped Bass Fishing. Block Island Fishworks, 40 Ocean Avenue, Block Island. 466-5392, June 10-July 2: The Contemporary Theater Company is starting its summer season with The Fantasticks, the world’s longest-running musical. Relive the heart wrenching feels of young love through this classic twist on Shakespeare’s timeless Romeo and Juliet. 7pm. 327 Main Street, South Kingstown. 218-0282, June 11: The Block Island Farmer’s Market opens just in time for perfect beach weather. Hang by the water and then stop by for fresh fruits and vegetables. 100
June 11: There’s no such thing as too much bacon. Join in Bacon Fest at Poor People’s Pub. Local chefs compete and you eat in this fundraiser for the Block Island Conservancy. 33 Ocean Avenue, Block Island. 4668533, June 11: Don’t you just love strawberries? Join in the Native American tradition of celebrating the first strawberries of the season with Strawberry Thanksgiving. The ceremony at Tomaquag Museum starts with smudging and a prayer, then Narragansett/Niantic tribal elder Paula Dove Jennings will tell the story of Strawberry Thanksgiving. 390 Summit Road, Exeter. 4919063, June 11: Enjoy entertainment, fine wine and beer at An Evening of Grapes and Grain. Taking place on the President’s
House Lawn at URI, this evening of fun and spirits will benefit the URI women’s athletic program. 5-8pm. 56 Upper College Road, Kingston. GrapesGrain June 12-17: Food? Where? Block Island is hosting its 3rd Annual Restaurant Week. Come taste some wonderful island made dishes for breakfast, lunch or dinner. For every $25 you spend in any participating Block Island business, dining or shopping, you will receive a Blue Ticket, which is placed in a raffle. The drawing will be on June 18 and the first prize is $500! Various Locations. June 14-19: This year’s Block Island Music Festival will be rowdy and fun at Captain Nick’s Rock n’ Roll Bar. Admission is free and the event is 21+ with proper identification, though children will be admitted 5-9pm, and includes food from the music fest barbecue pit until supplies run out. 34 Ocean Avenue, Block Island. June 14-August 16: The best way to spend a Tuesday night is at a concert. See performances by Partygirlrocks, Nancy Paolino & the Black Tie Band, Brass Attack, and more at the North Kingstown Arts Council’s 2016 Summer Concert
Let the Highland Games Begin June 11: Put on your kilt and break out your bagpipes in preparation for the annual Scottish Highland Festival. Enjoy a day filled with Scottish festivities including, sheep dog demonstrations, bagpipes and feats of strength, like the hammer throw and the caber toss. Traditional Scottish performers will be playing music throughout the day. Fingers crossed that someone will be serving haggis. Opening ceremonies begin at 11:30am. 9am-5pm. 78 Richmond Townhouse Road, Richmond.
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE For an up-to-date statewide calendar and to submit your own listings, visit June 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND
So Entertaining Calendar
Series, sponsored by Centreville Bank. 7pm. North Kingstown Town Beach. 10 Beach Street, North Kingstown. www. June 17: Join the Gilbert Stuart Birthplace and Museum this summer for their Rhode Island Masters Exhibition Jane: Heir to Stuart Genius. Take a ride through history that just so happens to be in your own backyard. 815 Gilbert Stuart Road, Saunderstown. 2943001, June 18: Dave Kane is gracing the Ocean State Theater’s stage in his side splitting, one man show, Misgivings, about growing up Catholic. This event benefits the OSTC’s Annual Fund for Artistic Excellence. 7:30pm. 1245 Jefferson Boulevard, Warwick. 921-6800, June 18: Summer is here. How can you tell? Summer Pops 2016 with the Chorus of Westerly, that’s how! Enjoy a night of classical music, complete with 1812
Overture finale features of fireworks by Grucci and The Artillery Company of Newport, and the bells of Christ Church. 8pm. Wilcox Park, 44 Broad Street, Westerly. June 23: Grab your pup and dress ‘em up for the Dogs on Main Stroll. Show off your adorable dog in a parade down Main Street or stop by and awe over the cuteness. Afterwards, stop in the shops or have something to eat. 5-8pm. Main Street, East Greenwich. June 25: The Charlestown Gardens by the Sea tour, sponsored by The Cross Mills Public Library, offers the opportunity to explore some of the most beautiful neighborhood gardens in this seaside town. With a handy brochure and map to guide your way, you’ll spend the day touring ten breathtaking private gardens. 10am-4pm. 4417 Old Post Road, Charlestown. 364-6211,
Strawberry Fields Forever June 18: Strawberries, strawberries everywhere! Smith’s Castle is notoriously known for it’s Strawberry Festival and it’s back yet again for summer 2016. Come pick, eat and enjoy bright red delicious strawberries. 55 Richard Smith Drive, North Kingstown. 294-3521,
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3461 South County Trail 401 471-6760 Derek Andelloux, MD; Laura Henseler, MD; Karen Smigel, MD; Nicole Pensa Somvanshi, MD
70 Kenyon Avenue 401 789-8543 Hana Hagos, MD; Heather MackeyFowler, MD; Gloria Sun, MD; Mark Zullo, MD
268 Post Road 401 596-0328 John Beauchamp, MD 401 348-0788 Robert Fox, MD
Quality Chocolates • Gourmet Truffles • Chocolate Novelties Candy Trays and Tins • Gift Baskets • Corporate Gifts Holiday Novelties • Sugar Free Chocolates
Garden City (942-2720) • Wakefield (783-4433) June 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND
So Approved Fresh From Point Judith Legions of hungry diners have flocked to this most coveted appetizer long before it earned the title of Official State Appetizer. Obviously we’re talking about calamari, and we tried some of the best versions South County has to offer. –Grace Lentini
Ring Toss
The Greek Calamari from Mariner Grille really kicked up the traditional fried calamari with the addition of feta, olives and fresh spinach. Of course, it also had sliced pepperoncinis which had just the right amount of tang to keep us coming back for more. 140 Point Judith Road, Narragansett. 284-3282,
Not only does George’s of Galilee have stellar views, they also have stellar food. Their Point Judith Calamari knocks it out of the park with fresh-offthe-boat squid, hot pepper rings, mushrooms, roasted red peppers, garlic, red onion and their house-made cocktail sauce. 250 Sand Hill Cove, Galilee. 783-2306,
Hungry Eyes
Batter Up
Mews Tavern never disappoints, and the same goes for their Crispy Calamari. With more of an Italian take on the classic, the crispy rings and tentacles are served with house-made cherry pepper relish and fresh basil. A squeeze of lemon perfectly rounded out the dish. 456 Main Street, Wakefield. 783-9370,
When the squid comes right off the boat, the best thing to do is slice it, batter it and fry it up. It doesn’t get easier or fresher than that, which is exactly what Champlin’s Seafood did. By focusing on just the squid, we were able to truly appreciate our Official State Appetizer. 256 Great Island Road, Galilee. 783-3152,
Photography b Meghan H. Follett
It’s All Greek To Us
New Premier Coastal Neighborhood in the heart of
Narragansett Beach Community
31 Luxury Townhouses overLooking wesquage Pond & BonneT PoinT an easy cosTaL LifesTyLe ouT The fronT door, cLose To Beaches, rivers, marinas, resTauranTs and Parks. Luxury Living wiThouT comPromise, a BLend of modern efficiencies and coasTaL design
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EAST SHORE | WEB ID: 1122514 $2,350,000 | 401.423.3440
BEAVERTAIL | WEB ID: 1123338 $3,950,000 | 401.423.3440
NINGRET POND | WEB ID: 1124136 $2,250,000 | 401.348.1999
NARRAGANSETT - OCEAN VIEWS PIER CONDO | WEB ID: 1123601 $1,095,000 | 401.789.6666
BLOCK ISLAND - WATER VIEWS CORN NECK | WEB ID: 1107930 $1,125,000 | 401.466.8777
NARRAGANSETT - OCEAN VIEWS ANAWAN CLIFFS | WEB ID: 1110620 $1,895,000 | 401.789.6666
THE DUMPLINGS | WILLIAM BURGIN DESIGN WEB ID: 1124739 | $2,250,000 | 401.423.3440
VACANT LAND | WHALE ROCK | WALK TO BEACH WEB ID: 1110211 | $1,500,000 | 401.789.6666
FOSTER COVE | 1 ACRE | GOURMET KITCHEN WEB ID: 1124713 | $1,275,000 | 401.348.1999
BLOCK ISLAND - NEW HARBOR COAST GUARD RD | WEB ID: 1095172 $875,000 | 401.466.8777
CHARLESTOWN - POND VIEWS SHADY HARBOR | WEB ID: 1120768 $845,000 | 401.348.1999
C. 1855 | 4+ ACRES | WEB ID: 1099829 $1,199,000 | 401.789.6666
INGROUND POOL | WEB ID: 1117315 $499,000 | 401.789.6666
Why see just a few, visit them all at...
SOUTH KINGSTOWN – Like New! Remodeled , sunny ranch on dead end street close to town. Double lot. New kitchen, bath, windows, furnace, appliances. Ash hardwood floors, carpet, tile…much more! 3 bedrooms, 1 bath Ranch. $249,900. 401-783-9611. Sarah Isabella EXT 1327.
SOUTH KINGSTOWN – Charming home ready to move in! Water & Sewers, natural gas, forced air heat for future central air. Open floor plan, light and bright! Appliances, great deck and yard, room for an addition/ garage. Full basement basement, wonderful condition. $279,000. 401-783-9611. Marc Archambault. EXT 1302.
NORTH KINGSTOWN – Come home to this well built, Ranch on quiet property by the bay. Tucked away yet close to Wickford. Pretty yard w/stream, pond and extra lot. House has great bones and loads of potential, but perfectly livable as is. Make this your fixer upper! $349,000. 401-783-9611. Angela Dupouy EXT 1317.
SOUTH KINGSTOWN – Huge 3 bedroom Colonial in the heart of Snug Harbor, situated on a large double lot with in ground pool. Walk to marinas, Matunuck oyster Bar and E.Matunuck State Beach. Features 660 sq.ft. bonus room. $629,000. 401-783-9611. Mike Bruno. EXT 1326.
WESTERLY – Spacious home sits on a well landscaped lot, 3 fireplaces, grand kitchen, central air and walk in closets in all 3 bedrooms. Master BR has a FP & study w/ built-ins. Rec room could become a first floor MBR or ideal in-law space, patio, walk-out basement. $559,900. 401-783-9611. Marc Archambault. EXT 1302.
EXETER – Super clean oversized Ranch on 1.7 acres. Beautiful updated kitchen with gorgeous hardwoods. Fireplaced dining room. Family room overlooks peaceful back yard bordered by quiet woods. Master suite offers sitting room/office/bath. Breezeway. $269,900. 401-783-9611. Donna Vanderbeck. EXT 1514.
NARRAGANSETT – Well kept house short walk to Scarborough State Beach, tennis, & playground. Great yard & deck, outside shower, very nice condition one level with an open floor plan and great rental history. Nicely landscaped large lot in Eastward Look. $449,900. 401-783-9611. John Sheil EXT1315.
SOUTH KINGSTOWN – A remarkable remote chalet on Green Hill Pond. Deeded lot on the barrier beach which is tied to the house lot, so there is also ocean front access. The $100 association fee is optional also. $549,900. 401-783-9611. John Sheil. EXT 1315.
SOUTH KINGSTOWN – Spectacular open and airy 4/5 bedroom Colonial on private 1+ acre. Featuring 9’ceilings, central air, bonus room over garage, walkout basement with abundant storage, 2 car garage, unique backyard playhouse. Walking distance to Wordens Pond. $479,000. 401-783-9611. Scot Hallberg. EXT 1321.
SOUTH KINGSTOWN – Unique setting. Intown multi family 4 plex in great condition. Recent cosmetic and functional upgrades. Price supported by income with 7.5% cap. Oversized garage, shop space & attic. Walk to elementary school & park. $485,000. 401783-9611. Bruce Thunberg. EXT1325.
NARRAGANSETT – SEAWINDS -Open living in this well kept upper level unit. Very private location close to Sand Hill Cove Beach. Beautifully maintained landscaping and buildings. Walk to area restaurants, ice cream shop and beach. Great walking and biking area. $335,000. 401-783-9611. John Sheil EXT 1315.
NORTH KINGSTOWN – Spacious 3 bedroom home set on half acre in private, well established neighborhood. Completed updated in 2005 (including septic). Easy access to commuter rail, shops, highway & area beaches. $265,000. 401-783-9611. Wendeth O’Neill. 1322.