SINATRA February 23
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w Do you lie awake at night worried that your business will fail? w Are you anxious about employee issues? w Is your health becoming a concern because you are working harder than almost anyone else? w Are your people constantly out of their swim lanes, because there are no defined roles and responsibilities? w You know you need support with these nagging issues, but where do you find it locally?
| Winter Guide 2017
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C ON TE N T S Winter Guide 2017
33 52
Sweep your way to victory with the Ocean State Curling Club
Warm up with Southern-style fried chicken from Winner Winner
Lace up and hit the ice with the whole family in Providence
Cold weather fun and games
Mind your body, mind and
See Chinese legends come to life at Shen Yun
home this season 12 Hot Tips for Chilly Months
Photobraphy by (Top L) by Meghan H. Follett, (Top R) by Tony Pacitti
17 Events Calendar
38 Whole Body Wellness 43 Home Services 44 Winter Skincare
21 Operation Clean Competiton 36 Family Services
Make the most of the season
47 WI NTE R DI NI NG 28 Indoor Family Fun
Food and drink to warm
29 Outdoor Family Fun
you from the inside out
40 Fitness 46 Dentistry
30 Grownup Fun 31 Grownup Education
49 Soup for Snow Days
32 Cultivate Peace of Mind
50 Seasonal Eats
33 Stay Fit
52 Rhody Fried Chicken
34 Get Active
55 Coffee with a 21+ Twist
56 Dining Deals
Th e s kat ing rink at A l ex a nd Ani C i ty Center.
2017 FREE
The season’s comfort food dining trends
Must-see theatre, local movies and stand-up comedy
R Resolution-ready fitness and wellness classes
winter winter
Glide into into the the season season with with family family Glide activities, cold cold weather weather sports, sports, nights nights activities, on the the town town and and more! more! on
P h o to by Ky le Auc la ir.
Winter Guide 2017 |
PLUS How to prepare for the snowpocalypse caption Skate into 2017 at the Alex and Ani City Center in Providence
Hey Rhody 1070 Main St., Suite 302 Pawtucket RI 02860 For advertising rates call: 401-305-3391 HeyRhody.com Mail@ProvidenceOnline.com
Take a snowy walk through Middletown’s Sachuest Wildlife Refuge
Media Director Jeanette St. Pierre
Winter Wonderland As the calendar turns to January, it’s easy to feel a little
Publishers Barry Fain Richard Fleischer John Howell
Creative Director Julie Tremaine this season. You can’t argue with science.
bit bummed out. Short days, cold nights, tight pants from
From creative ways to keep your fitness resolutions
all of that holiday merrymaking… it’s enough to make you
(both inside and outside) to family day trips everyone will
want to curl up with a blanket and hibernate until the tu-
enjoy, we’ve got tons of ways to have a great time, not de-
lips bloom. But that’s not going to cut it, at least not in
spite the fact that it’s winter, but because of it. We’ve also
Rhode Island. The scientifically proven method for curing
got new ways to cultivate mindfulness, winter style ideas
the winter blues is to get out and enjoy yourself, regard-
and all of the awesome seasonal dining you don’t want to
less of the temperature – and our annual Winter Guide is
miss. Spoiler alert: there’s fried chicken. A lot of it. What
the best resource for all of the fun stuff you’re going to do
are you waiting for? It’s the winter. Make the most of it.
Managing Editor Grace Lentini Editor Tony Pacitti Content Coordinator Caitlin Howle
Art Director Meghan H. Follett Assistant Art Director Katie Leclerc Advertising Design Director Layheang Meas
Graphic Designer Nicholas DelGiudice
Years it’s been since Salty Brine last said “No school Fostah Glostah.” Our snow days haven’t been the same since.
Degrees the human body needs to be before hypothermia sets in. So no, you’re not freezing to death.
Tons of salt that RIDOT used in 2016 to deal with icy roads, ensuring that our potholes weren’t lacking for flavor.
Number of aspiring Michelle Kwans who skate at the Alex and Ani City Center in Providence every winter.
| Winter Guide 2017
Account Managers Shelley Cavoli Louann DiMuccio-Darwich Ann Gallagher Kristine Mangan Elizabeth Riel Dan Schwartz Stephanie Oster Wilmarth Interns Jayne Guertin Kemill Logarta Evan Tagen
Copyright ©2017 by Providence Media, All rights reserved. Distributed by Special Delivery.
Presented by Providence Media, publishers of The Bay, East Side Monthly, Providence Monthly and So Rhode Island HeyRhody.com
Photography (top) by Grace Lentini
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Winter Guide 2017 |
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| Winter Guide 2017
Photo by Alan Sullivan
Your guide to winter in the Ocean State
STICK IT TO US This is the time of year for Bruins hockey, and here in Rhode Island we’re pretty spoiled. See some of the NHL’s future stars prove their grit as the Providence Bruins hit the ice
on our own home rink at the Dunk. Skip the traffic and big city ticket prices that come with catching a game in Boston: Providence is where Bruins are born. ProvidenceBruins.com See the future of the NHL take the ice with the Providence Bruins
How to Survive the Snowpocalypse 13 essential survival tips for anything Mother Nature throws at us Just like snowflakes, no two winters in New Eng-
land are ever alike. Will it be manageable and charming? Will it cripple the entire state? We don’t know. We never know. Assuming that Mother Nature has the worst in store for us (or does she…), we’ve compiled a checklist of the following snow preparedness tips so you can be ready for whatever Winter 2017 decides to throw our way.
Post a Facebook update encouraging everyone to stay safe and warm. Seriously. Do it now. Do you want your friends to die a horrible, freezing, snowbound death? You’ve got to warn them!
1. Stock up on milk and bread. Obviously.
8. Gather the supplies you’ll need if there’s an extend-
2. While you’re at the market, might as well pick up other food that you might need to eat an actual meal instead of subsisting off milk and bread like a Dickensian street urchin.
3. Hold up the entire line like there’s no one else waiting while you look for that expired coupon for milk and/ or bread.
4. Act like it has never snowed before. Ever. 5.
Call a parent, grandparent or older relative so they can remind you how this is nothing compared to the Blizzard of ‘78.
Start live-tweeting the storm now so that your hashtag wins. #SnowedIn #StatingTheObvious #DidIMentionItsSnowing? #CatchingUpOnGOT
ed power outage: candles, flashlights, warm blankets, non-perishable food, booze, satellite phone, animal pelts, whale blubber, a trashcan to throw through the front window of whatever store you’re planning to loot.
In the event of both a parking ban and a power outage, set your car on fire to stay warm and avoid costly parking tickets.
Repent and pray.
If you are indoors, stay there. Quickly move to a safe location in the room such as under a strong desk, a strong table or along an interior wall. (Oops. On second thought that one might be an earthquake safety tip.
Still, it helps to be prepared for anything.)
Make plans for Friday or Saturday to have dinner with that friend or relative who you really don’t want to see, but keeps bugging you to hang out. Cancel them due to weather.
Above all, please stay safe and warm.
There, we feel better already. –John Taraborelli
Root For the Home Team From hockey to fencing, RI colleges have something for every sports fan we sure pack a lot of athletic punch. Strong performances from our college squads and standout players like Kris Dunn have attracted a national eye recently, but locals know the score: we’ve got college teams worth talking about. Even RISD has a hockey team. Over in Friartown (Friars.com), both Providence College’s men’s basketball and hockey are facing rebuilding seasons after losing some big stars to the pros, but these young teams are taking the competition head on. Women’s hockey has already defended their Mayor’s Cup title this year, and the women’s basketball team came out of the gate running with a seven win streak to start the season. Kingston is Rams country. After four wins to open the season, the URI’s men’s basketball issued a statement or purpose to the 2016-2017 season. Meanwhile, the women’s team is ready to prove they’ve got more up their sleeve after setting a few program records last season, including three-pointers scored in a season by a single player (82 for Chaise Wilson) and the team as a whole (208) (GoRhody.com). The Anchormen and Anchorwomen of Rhode Island College (GoAnchormen.com) are both coming off of disappointing seasons, but if there’s anything Rhode Islanders know it’s that you can’t keep a good sailor down. Over on College Hill in Providence, the Brown University Bears (BrownBears.com) offer the usual
| Winter Guide 2017
The URI Rams women’s basketball team takes it to the hoop at the Ryan Center
suspects of winter sports, like men’s and women’s basketball and hockey, but they’ve got a couple of distinctly Ivy League teams as well. In case you didn’t get your fix of fencing or women’s water polo during the Rio games last summer, keep your eye on the Bears. And then there’s the Nads (Facebook: RISD Nads).
Leave it to the Rhode Island School of Design to turn hockey into performance art. Their mascot is an X-rated bit of male anatomy, their rallying cry is “Go Nads!” but hey, hockey’s hockey. And if you like your sports a little weird, you can’t really go wrong. –Tony Pacitti HeyRhody.com
Illustration by Katie Leclerc, Photo courtesy of URI by Michael Scott
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Rhode Island skiers
and snowboarders don’t have the luxury of being overwhelmed by local options. If you’re looking to hit the slopes without spending most of the day in the car, Yawgoo Valley makes the choice for you by being the only game in the state. Thirty-six acres of trails, plus night skiing and rental options make it a great option to have, but adrenaline junkies looking for other ways to get their winter extreme sports on might have to actually pack a lunch and not just joke about doing so for a short car ride to Exeter. Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont have got the best skiing this side of the Rockies, and lucky for us someone else is willing to do the driving. Alpine Ski and Snowboard (RISkiShop.com) and New England Action Sports (SkiTrips.net) runs multiple trips each week now through the beginning of April to big New England slopes like Okemo, Loon, Sunday River and Wildcat. Busses leave from Warwick every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, and during holiday weeks you can hitch a ride up north every day of the week. They also partner with Avie’s Ski/Sport in Westerly (AviesSkiSport. com) and The Ski Shop Plus in North Smithfield (TheSkiShopPlus.com) to provide some additional trips from those locations. Let someone else drive you to the slopes at Loon Mountain and other major ski areas this winter
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Winter Guide 2017 |
Curl Up By The Fire Five local reads for those lazy winter days There’s nothing better, especially after a day shoveling snow or pulling little ones around on a sled, than curling up by a fire with a good coffee and a good book. 2016 had some great releases by local scribes. In case you missed out, here are five you should read this winter
Little Rhody, as its residents affectionately call Rhode Island, is a small state with a lot to offer and that’s especially true in its capital city of Providence. Well-known for its eclectic culinary and arts scenes, Providence is also rich in history, culture, and entertainment, offering visitors of every age and interest the ability to create their own adventure. 100 Things to Do in Providence Before You Die is the perfect guide for all city travelers, whether you’re visiting for the first time and want to know the best places to dine, learn, and relax or you’re a die-hard local looking to make sure you’ve truly done it all. This guide includes all you need to know to have a wonderful time in Providence and offers insight into what makes our city the Creative Capital. Rebecca Keister lives and writes in Providence, Rhode Island. A communications professional, she has covered the city’s tourism and hospitality industries for the Providence Business News and has written for other regional publications including the Sun Chronicle Newspaper. A wine and theatre enthusiast, she loves exploring the city with her family and friends. Learn more at rebeccakeister.com.
100 THINGS TO DO IN PROVIDENCE BEFORE YOU DIE When you live in the smallest state in the country it’s easy to assume you’ve done it all, but 100 Things To Do in Providence Before You Die made us really stop and consider what hometown fun we might be depriving ourselves of. Full of must-dos in dining, entertainment, culture and shopping – and certainly not limited to the Providence city limits – this essential Rhode Island bucket list is a great way to think warmer thoughts.
Written by WPRI’s Tim White and former Journal reporters Randall Richard and Wayne Worcester, The Last Good Heist chronicles a real-life heist that went down in Providence in 1970s. The twist? The loot that was stolen belonged to the city’s notorious criminal community. Providence Monthly called it “a snapshot of a Providence that doesn’t exist anymore, and a must for anyone curious about the good old days of mob rule.”
PRETTY WICKED WORD SEARCH PUZZLES When they aren’t being used for catching up on a good book, winter days are for playing games. Created by a couple of local graphic designers, Pretty Wicked Word Search Puzzles takes the idea of your Sunday paper word search and pushes it to its trippiest, brain-bustingest extreme. As So Rhode Island put it, “The puzzles are mind-meltingly satisfying, especially coming off of a summer of a zombielike addiction to Pokemon Go. The oversized pages make Pretty Wicked Word Search Puzzles ideal for playing with friends, which is perfect because you’re going to need all the help you can get.”
Letting your imagination run wild through far away and fantastic places is one of the great joys of reading, but sometimes it’s nice to revisit someplace familiar. The Book That Matters Most, for instance, written by best selling Providence author Ann Hood, takes readers to our favorite little city. According to East Side Monthly, “On the very first page… locals will find references to PPAC and Weybosset Street. As the book continues, they will also visit the skating rink downtown, the Providence Athenaeum, The Eddy and other familiar haunts.”
WHAT THE WAVES KNOW Block Island gets the fictional treatment in the debut novel from Rhode Island native and Johnson and Wales professor Tamara Valentine. Eight years in the making, the novel was inspired by our own island getaway. “I remember standing on the cliffs on Block Island, and looking at this white house, starting to fill in the characters that might live there,” she says. “That is how this piece started, not with the characters, but with the place. I worked backwards, filling in the slots as I went. I kept a picture of that house up in front of me when I started writing.”
Listen Up, Wise Guys Crimetown delves into Providence’s colorful past If you can’t resist a good crime story – or you’re just looking for a refresher course on the Providence of 40 years ago – check out the new podcast Crimetown. Created by the producers behind HBO’s true crime miniseries Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst, Crimetown follows in the footsteps of podcasts
| Winter Guide 2017
like Serial, where each season will dive deep into a specific topic. For their first season they chose Providence, and so far the response has been huge. Each half hour episode dives deep into the city’s criminal underworld during the height of the mob’s power. Using Buddy Cianci’s mayoral rise and fall to frame the story, Crimetown strikes that perfect
balance of familiarity with the unbelievable – a story early in episode one will have you back away from that cozy fireplace you’re sitting next to while listening. If you question whether truth is stranger than fiction, look no further than Crimetown. These stories are the stuff Scorsese movies are made of. Stream Crimetown on iTunes and Spotify. HeyRhody.com
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| Winter Guide 2017
Must-Do Winter Events Mark your calendar for these great events, happening all season long
Providence Preservation Society holds its Winter
Sure, outdoor summer concerts are great, but national touring acts come through Little Rhody all year long. On January 19, the ‘80s-inspired indie rockers Rubblebucket are going to play Fete Music Hall (FeteMusic.com) in Providence. Aesop Rock is going to rock The Met (TheMetRI.com) in Pawtucket on January 24. The Columbus Theatre (ColumbusTheatre.com) in Providence will be filled with the soulful sounds of Son Little on January 26. Richard Marx comes to The Stadium Theatre (StadiumTheatre.com) in Woonsocket on February 3, followed by Blue Oyster Cult on February 24 and Marshall Tucker Band on February 25. The Greenwich Odeum (GreenwichOdeum.com) has acts like ‘70s favorites Sha Na Na on February 18, The Dirty Dozen Brass Band from New Orleans on February 25, and Keith Partridge himself, David Cassidy, on March 3. Indie rockers Young the Giant play Providence’s Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel (Lupos.com) on February 24, songstress Regina Spektor headlines March 6 and happy hippies Grouplove play March 18.
Bash at a different historic property each year
Photography (top) by Cat Laine, (bottom) by Brad Smith
GET DRESSED UP FOR CHARITY You’re probably spending most of your winter bundled up in sweaters, scarves and puffy coats. Ditch the dull duds for a night and don your finery for one of the season’s gala events. The Matty Fund’s (MattyFund.org) annual Snow Angel Ball is a Roaring Twenties Party this year, on January 28 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Warwick. The benefit is to support the Matty Fund’s work with people suffering from epilepsy and their families, and promises small bites, specialty cocktails and great entertainment. The Winter Sparkle, hosted by the Junior League of Rhode Island (JLRI.org), is a benefit to support the organization’s charity work. This year, the party is on February 11 at the Lippitt House Museum in Providence. The Herreshoff Museum’s Frostbiter’s Bash (FrostbiteBash.com) happens inside the sailing museum’s Hall of Boats on February 11, and serves up delicious bites from restaurants in Bristol and beyond. Ocean House’s annual Black and White Masquerade Ball (OceanHouseEvents.com) is on February 11 at the Watch Hill hotel. This year’s event is Gatsby-inspired, and promises a bit of mystery along with dinner and dessert buffets, cocktails and live music. Providence Preservation Society (PPSRI.org) hosts a Winter Bash fundraiser that’s not to be missed. It’s held every year in an endangered or preserved historic property. This year’s party is on February 25, at 47 Rathbone Street in Providence.
STAND UP COMEDY Major standup comics are coming through Little HeyRhody.com
Rhody this season. Make it a point to see one live. Not only does it help the winter blues, but laughing burns up to 40 calories in just 15 minutes. See? You just saved yourself a trip to the gym. You’ve seen D.L. Hughley on The Hughleys and his Showtime specials. Now see him at Stadium Theatre (StadiumTheatre.com) in Woonsocket on January 12 for an evening of standup. On February 3, Lewis Black comes to PPAC (PPACRI.org) with his Rant, White and Blue Tour, bringing the biting wit and self-described “pissed off optimism” that you’ve seen on The Daily Show and his HBO specials. The Naked Magicians are coming to The Vets (VMARI. org) on February 25 for an adults-only evening of full frontal illusions, other naughty jokes, plus some magic thrown in. There’s nothing up their sleeves, because they don’t have any sleeves. Billy Crystal is letting all of Rhode Island “Spend the Night with Billy Crystal” when he headlines the PPAC Annual Gala (PPACRI.org) on March 23. Ralphie May, who got his big break on Last Comic Standing and is now four times platinum, comes to the Greenwich Odeum (GreenwichOdeum. com) on March 26.
Young the Giant (pictured), Regina Spektor and Grouplove are on the bill at Lupo’s this winter
NEWPORT WINTERFEST It’s an understandable instinct to want to stay inside, bundled up under blankets, for all of the winter. But if Newport has anything to say about it, that’s not how you’re going to spend this season. Newport Winterfest (NewportWinterFestival.com) Winter Guide 2017 |
During the Newport Winterfest Ballard Park will be lit up with thousands of lights including Chinese lanterns
Say Hakuna Matata to The Lion King, which returns to the PPAC stage February 28-March 19
| Winter Guide 2017
SEE A PLAY Great plays are happening all season long, all over the state. Trinity Rep stages two totally different and totally unforgettable shows this winter. The Mountaintop, from January 12-February 12, reimagines one fateful day in Martin Luther King Jr.’s life. A Midsummer Night’s Dream will bring Shakespeare’s most magical characters to life from February 9-March 24. Lillian Hellman’s groundbreaking The Children’s Hour will go up at Pawtucket’s Gamm Theatre (GammTheatre. org) from January 12-February 12, and the sci-fi fairy tale The Nether follows from March 2-26. There’s a Romantic Comedy going on at Newport Playhouse (NewportPlayhouse.com) from February 16-March 26, when a Broadway playwright gets his perfect life turned upside down by a Vermont schoolteacher. Providence Performing Arts Center (PPACRI.org) investigates The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime from February 7-12. The Providence-based Players at Barker Playhouse (PlayersRI.org) are staging Wait Until Dark, a sinister tale of murder and deception, from January 20-29, and Romeo and Juliet from March 10-19. Burbage Theatre (BurbageTheatre.org) offers up Don’t Be Evil, a dark comedy about government and technology, from January 27-February 25 at Aurora in Providence. The Wilbury Group (TheWilburyGroup. org) in Providence has Harold Pinter’s Betrayal from January 12-February 4, and Mr. Burns, A Post-Electric Play about what pop culture remains after the apocalypse. Spoiler alert: it’s The Simpsons. For musicals, there are even more options. The Stadium Theatre (StadiumTheatre.com) is showing a live musical production of The Wizard of Oz from February 10-19, High School Musical from March 3-4 and Annie, Jr. from March 24-25. The unforgettable stage production of The Lion King comes back to PPAC for another run from February 28-March 19.
IMPROV COMEDY, ALL WEEKEND LONG There’s nothing better than a good belly laugh – and if you’re in on the fun, even better. Improv comedy troupes all over the state encourage audience participation and deliver a brand new show every time. The Providence Improv Guild (PIGImprov.com) has shows every Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8pm. Troupes rotate performances on different nights – but with names like Fool’s Pudding and Seagull Related Fish Fight, they’re definitely going to be funny. Bring Your Own Improv (BringYourOwnImprov. com) to the Warwick Center for the Arts, where the troupe performs two shows every Friday night: a family-friendly performance at 7, and an adults-only one at 9. The Contemporary Theater Company (ContemporaryTheaterCompany.com) in Wakefield has two house troupes: Micetro Improv on Friday nights, and The Weekender on Sunday afternoons. Improv Jones (ImprovJones.com) has been around since 1992, and performs on the first Saturday of every month at AS220 in Providence. The Bit Players (BitPlayers.net) perform Friday and Saturday evenings in Newport, and have a late show on Saturday called Late Night Bits. All of their shows are BYOB, which you’re definitely going to want to do, because they may well call you up on stage.
Photography (bottom) by Grace Lentini
is back for its 29th season, from February 17-26. The ten day winter fun extravaganza is New England’s biggest winter fest, and has concerts, food events, outdoor fun like ice carving, an outside ice bar, a children’s fair and more: there are over 150 events total. There will even be an Illuminated Garden at Ballard Park from February 23-26, with thousands of lights adorning the park, and a luminary labyrinth made from Chinese lanterns. Who says there’s nothing fun to do in February?
ADD VARIETY SHOWS TO YOUR WEEKEND Traditional theatre is one thing: lovably weird performances are quite another. Try something out of the ordinary this winter, like Empire Revue (Facebook: Empire Revue). The monthly sketch and variety show is a ton of fun, and happens on the first Sunday of the month at AS220 in Providence. Sweet Little Variety Show (Facebook: Sweet Little Variety Show) takes place at mixed performance space Aurora in Providence on the second Thursday of the month – January 12, February 9 and March 9. The show features a rotating cast of musicians, performers, comedians and people with weird talents, and it’s different every month. Every Friday night, Everett Company in Providence (EverettRI.org) stages Friday Night Live, a family-friendly evening
of sketch comedy, on-the-spot musicals, live music and dance.
CLASSICAL ENTERTAINMENT When temps go low, you go high – highbrow, that is. Make good on that New Year’s resolution to become more cultured. The Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra (RIPhil.org) has formal concerts all winter at The Vets in Providence: Schubert’s Unfinished on January 21, Beethoven’s Eroica on February 18 and All Brahms on March 17. The Friday night before each Saturday performance, the orchestra holds an open rehearsal, offering inexpensive tickets and an informal atmosphere for people with kids, or who are just trying out classical music for the first time. Festival Ballet (FestivalBalletProvidence.org) is staging a world premiere performance of Romeo
Shen Yun returns to PPAC on February 4
and Juliet from February 10-12 at The Vets, featuring spoken word scenes directed by Tony Estrella from The Gamm Theatre. FirstWorks (First-Works.org) is bringing a noteworthy contemporary dance performance to The Vets on February 3, when the world-famous Paul Taylor Dance Company performs Esplanade to Bach’s Double Violin Concerto. Shen Yun returns to PPAC (PPACRI.com) on February 4, bringing with them 5,000 years of Chinese history through incredible feats of dance and storytelling.
BRING BOOKS TO LIFE Reading with Robin (ReadingWithRobin.com) brings big name authors together for the monthly Point Street Reading Series at Point Street Dueling Pianos in Providence. The January 17 event features readings by Rachel Hulin, Fiona Davis, Amy Poeppel and
The RI Philharmonic Orchestra performs
Photography (left) courtesy of Shen Yun, (right) by Mike Braca
concerts all winter long at The Vets
Don your finest green and join in the festivities at the Newport St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 11
In Rhode Island, St. Patrick’s Day isn’t just confined to March 17 – or the month of March, for that matter. Celebrate in true Irish style with these events. The Irish Comedy Tour comes to the Greenwich Odeum (GreenwichOdeum.com) on February 24. Irish and Irish-American stand up comics turn the theatre into a boisterous Dublin pub atmosphere and commiserate over a pint. The Guinness Tour De Patrick (TourDePatrick.com) is a huge event of three road races to help you run off all of those green beer calories in advance of the parades. HeyRhody.com
Run one, or accumulate points and your finish times in all three. The Irish 5k happens in Pawtucket on March 4. The St. Pat’s 5k happens in Providence on March 18. The Shamrock Shuffle 5k happens in North Kingstown on March 25. The state’s first St. Paddy’s parade of the year is the Pawtucket St. Patrick’s Day Parade (Facebook: Pawtucket St. Patrick’s Parade) on March 4. The 61st annual Newport St. Patrick’s Day Parade (NewportIrish.com) is happening on March 11. Don your finest green and get ready for pipe bands, marching bands, fife and drum corps, historical reenactors and local civic groups.
The Providence St. Patrick’s Day Parade (ProvidenceStPatricksParade.org) is happening through the city’s Smith Hill neighborhood on March 18, with festive floats and all of the green beer you can drink. Winter Guide 2017 |
The Children’s Library at the
Water play at the Providence
Providence Athenaeum
Children’s Museum
Sunday The RISD Museum (RISDMuseum.org) offers free admission on Sundays, and offers special programming and tours just for kids, to help little ones better understand and appreciate fine art. If they’re feeling artistic, take them to Family See and Sketch, a kid-friendly open studio. Monday The Providence Children’s Museum (ChildrenMuseum.org) has fun programming every day for vacation week, starting with three performances by popular kids’ entertainer Keith Munslow on Monday, who will hold participation-encouraged shows with lively piano tunes and tongue twisting poems. Tuesday Biomes Marine Biology Center (BiomesCenter.com) in North Kingstown is Explore the ocean deep at
Snow Leopards at Roger
Biomes in North Kingstown
Williams Park Zoo
the state’s biggest aquarium, and is open every day for up close and personal encounters with sea creatures. During school vacation week, their weekend programming happens every day: think pufferfish demonstrations, and feedings of tortoises, seahorses, stingrays, dogfish sharks and horseshoe crabs. Wednesday Roger Williams Park Zoo (RWPZoo.org) has weeklong camps for kids ages 4-13, but the zoo is worth a visit any day during Winter Wonder Days. Admission is half-price in winter, and many of the zoo’s animals, like their snow leopard, are more active in cold weather. Thursday In the afternoon, head to Bristol’s Rogers Free Library (RogersFreeLibrary.org) for Lego Building. Kids and teens are invited to build any creation they can imagine, which will be put on display in the Children’s Room for the week. Friday The Save The Bay Aquarium and Exploration Center (SaveBay.org) at Easton’s Beach in Newport is open Friday-Sunday in the winter, and offers touchtank experiences with Atlantic sea life and educational programs for little ones.
more. On January 18, Two Amigos and Friends: A Poetry Celebration brings together two of Rhode Island’s former poet laureates – Tom Chandler and Lisa Starr – for an evening of readings at the North Kingstown Free Library (NKLibrary. org). The Rogers Free Library (RogersFreeLibrary. org) in Bristol hosts a monthly Adult Reading Group, discussing Michelangelo and the Pope’s Ceiling on January 25 and One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez on February 22 in collaboration with Roger Williams University. On the second Wednesday of the month, the Barrington Library (BarringtonLibrary.org) hosts a Literary Pairings Book Discussion Group, which pairs a classic work with a contemporary, complementary one. The February 8 meeting will discuss Winter by Christopher Nicholson.
SEE A DIFFERENT KIND OF MOVIE You could Netflix and chill, or you could check out something unexpected and under the radar at a film event. The Jamestown Arts Center (JamestownArtCenter.org) hosts Third Thursday,
| Winter Guide 2017
an evening of short films on the third Thursday of every month, in conjunction with the Rhode Island International Film Festival. The Three Stooges Film Festival is a free night of nyuk nyuk nyuks at Woonsocket’s Stadium Theatre (StadiumTheatre.com) on January 6. On January 14, you’ll be able to measure the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow when John Cleese comes to PPAC (PPACRI.org) for John Cleese and the Holy Grail, a showing of Monty Python and the Holy Grail followed by a Q and A session with The Black Knight himself. The Providence Children’s Film Festival (ProvidenceChildrensFilmFestival. org) is happening February 17-26, and has kidfriendly films and workshops for aspiring young filmmakers all over the city. The Galactic Theatre (GalacticTheatre.com) in Warren shows vintage movies on the weekends: Thursdays are for classic ‘40s film noir and ‘50s B-movies. Fridays are for old school horror movies. Saturdays are Cult Movie Nights, and Sunday afternoons are for Cartoon Matinees, showing old cartoons and Three Stooges shorts.
Catch cult classics and other obscure films Thursday through Sunday at the Galactic Theatre in Warren
Biomes photography by Stacey Doyle, Roger Williams Park Zoo by Robert Lavoie, (top right) courtesy of Providence Athenaeum and Providence Children’s Museum, (bottom) by Kendall Pavan St. Laruent
Saturday Every Saturday morning, the Children’s Library at the Providence Athenaeum (ProvidenceAthenaeum.org) shows short films based on picture books. The stunning Greek Revival library is open to the public, but you have to be a member to check out books.
Teaching Rhode Islanders that not all vitamins and supplements are healthy choices
he Rhode Island Interscholastic League, the governing body for high school athletics in the state, oversees sports played by 30,000 student athletes annually at 60 schools throughout Rhode Island. In addition to running state tournaments for 28 sports, and ensuring fair play and equal opportunities for all participants, the RIIL focuses on the health and safety of its athletes. For over four years, through a grant funded by the RI Foundation, the RIIL has been tackling the topic of appearance and performance enhancing drugs and nutritional supplements. The program named Operation Clean Competition, with the help of the Taylor Hooton Foundation, the RIIL’s strategic partner on the topic, puts out public messaging, including free educational assemblies to middle and high schools, colleges and universities, about the health dangers of taking illegal performance enhancing drugs and untested, “healthy” supplements and vitamins. The problem is bigger than most people realize. Research has shown on average only 19% of adult influencers recognize that youth steroid use is a problem, yet 1.5 million teenagers admit to usage of some form of APED, and an even higher number are admitting to using supplements. RIIL wants students, parents and other adult influencers to know the severe risks of taking performance enhancing drugs, but the conversation is much bigger than
simply warning against steroids and HGH. There are unknown risks being marketed as healthy choices, and students and parents are unknowingly taking dangerous substances. Data released during the anti-doping symposium organized by the International Association of Athletic Federations showed a sad reality: 25% of all vitamins and nutritional supplements on sale are spiked with anabolic steroids and people use them without any knowledge. “That’s because nutritional supplements are not regulated,” says RIIL’s Director of Marketing and OCC Program Director Tracy Quarella. The Food and Drug Administration has standards of quality for the food we eat and prescription drugs we take, but it doesn’t oversee nutritional and dietary supplements. Taking a supplement is a risk to your ability to play sports and to your health. Take Patriots linebacker Rob Ninkovich, for example. He was suspended for four games this season for taking what he claims was an over the counter supplement, then testing positive for banned substances.
students take a protein supplement. “People want to get bigger and stronger, think they’ll get scholarships for college, perform better,” says Quarella. You see it all the time at the gym, in the hallways at schools, in the workplace – people holding and shaking blender bottles, or taking that “new” supplement aimed at losing those few extra pounds. The problem is that there is no real way to tell what’s inside those pills, or what is safe to take. The best choice is good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. “If you’re eating properly, you don’t need those supplements,” Quarella says. However, sometimes it’s a matter of ease and convenience. The RIIL simply wants to make sure you are informed – to know that when you buy that bottle or powder, that what it says on the package isn’t always what you’re getting. You may be getting more than you bargained for. The most important thing you can do is to do your homework on safe choices. There are sites you can go to for more information and how to know if what you are taking is “clean.” Remember the RIIL’s motto: “Before you shake or take, educate.”
The problem is bigger than most people realize: over 12 million youth use untested, potentially dangerous appearance and performance enhancing supplements, and 35% of middle and high school
» » » »
25% of vitamins and supplements are spiked with anabolic steroids 40% of students call steroids “easy to obtain” Median age for first-time steroid use: 15 Operation Clean Competition has educated over 50,000 people and counting
For more information or to schedule a program, visit
Healthy and Versatile:
Combination Convection/Steam Ovens Steam and convection are two popular cooking methods that have combined in recent years to offer culinary and health enthusiasts the best of both worlds. According to Lisa Sienkiewicz and Gail Parella, sisters and co-owners of
convection and steam ovens are gaining in popularity due to the health benefits, versatility, and efficiency that they offer both foodies and busy families alike. Steam cooking is one of the healthiest cooking
reheat a variety of foods including
heats food quickly while retaining
vegetables, grains, legumes, fish, meat,
and even baked goods and pasta. Ideal
freshness, color, and moisture. Steamed
for refreshing leftovers, steam prevents
food is cooked in its own natural juices,
food from drying out and preserves the
eliminating the need to add oils or other
dish’s original taste and texture. Even
fats. Convection cooking is known for
day-old pizza tastes freshly made!
even heating and fast cook times, and
Several appliance brands produce
when combined, convection and steam
steam ovens. Some brands require
create a powerhouse of versatility and
a plumbing connection while others
ease in your kitchen.
utilize a water reservoir that is filled
A combination oven may be used as a steam oven, a traditional oven,
| Winter Guide 2017
Bake, roast, steam, defrost, warm, and
and baked goods with convection.
manually before each use. For
or to combine steam and convection
operated appliance store serving RI and
moisture with steam, while allowing
SE Mass with trust, integrity, and value
the browning and crisping of meats
since 1961.
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| Winter Guide 2017
So SOFT, he’d rather sleep on the floor.
50% OFF
Photo courtesy of Yawgoo Valley
Resist the urge to hibernate this season - there’s too much fun to have
HIT THE BUNNY SLOPES Yawgoo Valley in Exeter (Yawgoo.com) might be Rhode Island’s only ski area, but that just means it’s a great place to start if you haven’t been on skis or a snowboard in a while (or – gasp! – ever). They offer daily
skiing and snowboarding lessons in season, then you’re free to spend the day hitting the slopes on their 36 acres of skiable terrain. Yawgoo also offers snow tubing if you prefer a reclining position for your snowy fun. Skiing at Yawgoo Valley
Museums for Days Keep the whole family entertained and cultured Shake up your weekend routine and take a fun excursion to one of many of Rhode Island’s museums.
MORE INDOOR FUN CLIMB THE WALLS Go rock climbing at Rock Spot Climbing Gym (RockSpotClimbing.com), an indoor climbing gym with locations in Lincoln and Peace Dale. The allages facilities have 10,000 square feet of climbing space with features that change every six weeks, so no two climbs are the same. JUMP FOR JOY When was the last time you jumped on a trampoline? Bring the family to Launch Trampoline Park (LaunchRI.com) in Warwick, which has a trampoline dodge ball league. Sky Zone Trampoline Park (SkyZone.com) in Rumford hosts an all-ages Friday night Glow Night, with a live DJ, black lights and an LED show. HIT THE ICE Pawtucket’s Lynch Arena and North Smithfield’s RI Sports Center (RISportsCenter.com) both offer public hockey hours during the week, for pickup games for players with their own equipment. URI’s Boss Ice Arena in Kingston (BossIceArena.com) offers regular hours for open hockey, public skating, figure skating, skating lessons and rock ‘n skate.
For a small state,
we have a ton of great museums, from fine arts to great moments in sports to exploring the cosmos. The biggest of them all is the RISD Museum (RISDMuseum.org) in Providence, which has a permanent collection of world art and rotating exhibits. This season, check out Inventing Impressionism, featuring works by Cezanne, Renoir and Pissarro. The Newport Art Museum (NewportArtMuseum.org) highlights local artists and has fun events like Mystery at the Museum. Also in Newport, the National Museum of American Illustration (AmericanIllustration.org) features work by national treasures like Norman Rockwell. If your family is more into action, bring them to Bristol’s Herreshoff Marine Museum and America’s Cup Hall of Fame (Herreshoff.org), which captures great moments in sailing history. The International Tennis Hall of Fame (TennisFame.com) in Newport has interactive games and a life-sized CGI rendering of Roger Federer. For a fun-ducational experience, there are lots of options. The Providence Children’s Museum (ChildrenMuseum.org) has hands-on fun for little ones, with educational exhibits on everything from nature and scientific phenomena to Rhode Island’s heritage. Exeter’s Tomaquag Museum (TomaquagMuseum. org) celebrates Rhode Island’s indigenous peoples. At Roger Williams Park in Providence, there are two great places to explore. The Roger Williams Park Botanical Center (ProvidenceRI.com/BotanicalCenter) is New England’s largest botanical garden and feels like the tropics year round. The Roger Williams Museum of Natural History and Planetarium (ProvidenceRI.com/Museum) explores this world and beyond.
| Winter Guide 2017
SHOOT TO THRILL Who knew shooting lasers could be so fun? United Skates of America (UnitedSkatesRI.com) in Rumford offers intergalactic laser tag. Mission Combat (MissionCombat.com) in West Warwick is part haunted house and part battleground. BattlegroundZ (BattlegroundZ.net) in Lincoln has laser tag, airsoft, paintball and bubble soccer.
Take to the lanes at Lang’s Bowlarama
Photo (left) courtesy of the RISD Museum, (right) by Tony Pacitti
The RISD Museum features artistic works of international renown, like this centuries-old Buddha
STRIKE OUT Bowling isn’t always just bowling. Lincoln’s CW Lanes (CWTheaters.com) has an arcade, movies, laser tag and a really good restaurant. Lang’s Bowlarama in Cranston (LangsBowlarama.com) channels its retro history and has a Mad Men-inspired Skyline Lounge. Warren’s Dudek Lanes (DudekBowlingLanes.com) has duckpin bowling, rock ‘n bowl and Saturday night extreme bowling. Winter Rock ‘n Bowl at East Providence’s Bowling Academy (BowlingAcademyInc.com) happens every Friday and Saturday night.
Glide Into Winter Good times, even in cold temperatures Usually, people attempt to
avoid ice at all costs this time of year – but not you. You’re going to conquer enormous sheets of slippery ice… on skates, that is. Whether you’re an accomplished skater or it’s been decades since you’ve laced them up, make it a point to hit the ice at least one this year. Skating rinks all over the state offer fun options for novices and experts of all ages. The Alex and Ani City Center (AlexAndAniCityCenter.com) is right in the heart of downtown Providence, and has all of the winter in the city warm and fuzzies you’ll need to make it to spring. The rink is open seven days a week and offers beginner and refresher classes for both kids and adults. The Newport Skating Center (NewportSkatingCenter.com) offers seaside skating every day and nightly skating deals all winter long. In Westerly, The Washington Trust Community Skating Rink (OceanCommunityYMCA.org) offers open skating, plus lessons in skating, hockey and figure skating. The Legion Way Skating Rink in Barrington, at the end of Legion Way, comes together through a huge community effort every year to provide locals with a neighborhood place to skate and for pickup games of pond hockey.
Skate into the season at Alex
Photo (top) courtesy of the Alex and Ani Skating Center, (bottom) by Scott MacNeill, courtesy of the Frosty Drew Observatory
and Ani City Center
MORE WAYS TO HAVE COLD-WEATHER FUN GO SLEDDING The best thing about snow? Sledding. You probably have a go-to spot, but this year, head off in search of bigger hills. The Big River Desert in Exeter (135 Gansett Road) really is a desert, and has huge sand dunes. St. George’s School in Middletown (StGeorges. edu) has big hills with views of Second Beach. Burr’s Hill Park in Warren (DiscoverWarren.com) has short but steep hills, and in Providence, the sledding is legendary at Moses Brown School (MosesBrown.edu).
GAZE AT STARS Some of the best stargazing happens on dark winter nights. Bright stars like Castor and Pollux, Sirius and Betelgeuse are their most visible, and constellations like Taurus, Cassiopeia and Perseus are in prime viewing position. See them at Charlestown’s Frosty Drew Observatory (FrostyDrew.org) on Friday nights, and Providence’s Ladd Observatory (Brown.edu/ Departments/Physics/Ladd) on Tuesday nights.
SEE SEALS Think boats are only for summer? Think again. Harbor seals are most active in the winter, and Save the Bay (SaveBay.org) offers Seal Tours to get an up close and personal look. Tours happen on weekends throughout the season, and leave from Newport and Westerly. To see the seals from the warmth of your house, follow them at RomePointSeals.org.
BE WITH NATURE Explore cold weather wildlife with the Audubon Society of Rhode Island (ASRI.org), which offers winter programming at locations all over the state, like Owl Prowls in Exeter, Winter Beach Walks in South Kingstown, Animal Tracking in Smithfield and elevated Walking Trails at their Education Center in Bristol.
See the Milky Way and other celestial objects from the Frosty Drew Observatory
Winter Guide 2017 |
Fun With Friends Get a sitter and head out for some adults-only activities Try something new, get out of your comfort zone and make some great memories – whether you’re looking to turn up the romance or
Relive your video game greatest hits at Providence’s Shelter Arcade Bar
have a fun night out.
Rhode Island has a ton of local breweries, wineries and distilleries, all ready and waiting for you to go tasting. Some of them, though, add entertainment into the mix. Sons of Liberty (SOLSpirits.com) in South Kingstown hosts Freedom Friday on January 27 and February 24, when the distillery stays open late, pours samples of their seasonal releases like the recent Gala Apple Whiskey and has live entertainment and food trucks on hand. On Thursday nights, Pawtucket’s Bucket Brewery (BucketBrewery.com) hosts Bucket Movie Night, when they play a movie on their 120” screen and pour glasses of their brews. The Barrel of Laughs Winter Comedy Series at Newport Vineyards (NewportVineyards.com) in Middletown brings in national comedians on February 24 and March 31. When you’re doing a tour of the state’s most spirited spots, there’s always one problem: a person has to volunteer to be your designated driver. Not with the Rhode Island Brew Bus (TheRhodeIslandBrewBus.com), which has four weekly routes through some of Rhody’s best spots for tippling.
DINNER AND DANCING Looking to heat things up? Hit the dance floor. The Narragansett Cafe (NarragansettCafe.com) - or The Ganny as its known to Jamestown locals – serves dinner and has live music 365 nights a year. Westerly’s Knickerbocker Cafe (TheKnickerbockerCafe.com) has a Dine and Dance menu to fuel you up before you hit the floor to their rock and blues acts. DeWolf Tavern (DeWolfTavern.com) in Bristol hosts regular Salsa and Sangria nights. Providence’s Blend Cafe (BlendPVD.com) is a fusion of Latin food and music,
and hosts live music and meringue, salsa and bachata dancing on Thursday and Sunday nights. Mishnock Barn (MishnockBarn.com) in West Greenwich is a barn full of country music that offers line dancing lessons for beginners and boot-stomping fun. The Narragansett Towers (TheTowersRI.com) offers a weekly ballroom dancing evening, with lessons.
GAME ON You don’t have to wait until your kids are asleep to play their video games and get your fix. Shelter Arcade Bar (ShelterArcadeBar.com) in Providence has vintage pinball and arcade games, and cocktails named after Nintendo classics. Bo’s Bar and Billiards (BosBarAndBilliards.com) in Warwick has free pool on Sunday nights, and has a lounge with air hockey, pinball and arcade games. If board games are more your speed, drop in at Julian’s (JuliansProvidence. com) on a Monday night. The Providence restaurant hosts an informal Scrabble league: just bring your board, have a seat and wait for an opponent. At The Board Room (TheBoardRoomRI.com) in Providence, you drop in and give them $5 and spend the night playing their vast array of board games.
Hit the dance floor to live music at the Knickerbocker Cafe in Westerly
PLAN YOUR ESCAPE Lock yourself and your friends in one riddlefilled room and see if you can solve the mystery to escape. Providence’s Escape RI (EscapeRhodeIsland.com) and The Great Escape Room (TheGreatEscapeRoom.com), and Lock and Clue
(LockAndClue.com) in Pawtucket all offer opportunities to work as a team, figure out complex puzzles and prove once and for all that you really are the smart one.
Have a boot-stomping good time at the Mishnock Barn in West Greenwich
Hey Rhody! Drop the Mic
If you’d rather not listen to one more teary, off-key karaoke Adele performance, get a private room. Sura (Sura-RI.com) in Johnston, and The Boombox (SingBoombox.com) and G Pub (ProvidenceGPub. com) in Providence all offer private room karaoke. It’s just you, your friends and all the ‘90s hip-hop you can handle.
| Winter Guide 2017
Photography (top) by Tony Pacitti, (center) by Ron Cowie, (bottom) courtesy of Mishnock Barn
Mad Skills Learn something new this year, and have fun while you’re at it 2017 is the year you turn your Pinterest board into actual skills. There are so many interesting new things to learn – and the best part is, it’s really fun to learn them.
Sharpen your cooking skills at
Put your money where your mouth is at pub trivia Monday nights, test your smarts at The Breachway Grill (BreachwayGrill.com) in Charlestown. Aidan’s Pub (AidansPub.com) in Bristol hosts pub trivia on Tuesday nights, as does Ogie’s Trailer Park (OgiesTrailerPark.com) in Providence. On Wednesday nights, Fat Belly’s Pub (FatBellysPub.com) hosts trivia at their Warwick, Providence and Coventry locations. Thursdays, head to Pancho O’Malley’s (Facebook: Pancho O’Malley’s) in Narragansett or Bar 31 (Bar31RI.com) in Bristol. On Sundays, head to Mews Tavern (MewsTavern.com) in Wakefield for Stump Trivia, or The Wild Colonial (WildColonial.com) in Providence, which offers really challenging questions every other Sunday.
Photography (top) by Michael Cevoli, (bottom) by Kendall Pavan St. Laurent
Newport Cooks in Middletown
You don’t need to enroll at Johnson & Wales (JWU.edu) to learn your way around a kitchen. The Providence campus offers one-day drop-in classes on everything from knife techniques to appetizer and tapas classes to cuisines of the world. Professor Chef (ProfessorChef.com) in North Providence is a husband and wife duo that teaches in their own kitchen while you sip wine. Middletown’s Newport Cooks (NewportCooks.com) brings in guest chefs from some of the East Bay’s best restaurants for one-night classes. Fine dining restaurants like Jamestown Fish (JamestownFish.com), Ella’s Fine Food and Drink (EllasFineFoodAndDrink.com) in Westerly and Simone’s (SimonesRI.com) in Warren all offer cooking classes where the chefs give you tips and tricks while they personally cook you dinner.
Writing is a solitary activity, but sometimes you need external motivation and guidance to get the best work out of yourself. Goat Hill Writers (GoatHillWriters.com) is run by acclaimed Rhode Island authors Ann Hood, Taylor Polites and Hester Kaplan, who
offer workshops and expert advice on getting published. In Providence, Frequency Writers (FrequencyWriters.org) provides a quiet workspace and writing classes from local professionals. The Association of Rhode Island Authors (RIAuthors.org) hosts regular events with national authors around the state.
PAINT THE RAINBOW Well, you’ll probably only be seeing rainbows after your second glass of wine at a Paint and Drink class. Paint and Vino (PaintAndVino.com) in Pawtucket, A Splash of Color (SplashOfColorArt.com) in Riverside, Hello Van Gogh (HelloVanGoghPaintParties.com) in Narragansett and Paint The Town Studios (PaintTheTownStudios.com) in Cranston all offer opportunities for you and your friends to channel your inner artists. It’s a fun night out and you get a piece of art to take home. Pro tip: how much you like your painting that night versus how much you like it in the morning is directly related to how much wine you drink during the class. HeyRhody.com
Channel your inner Monet at a paint and wine class at A Splash of Color in Riverside
Winter Guide 2017 |
Good Vibrations Cultivate mindfulness and follow your bliss this season These days, we’re in a time epidemic. Resolve to check out for an hour or two – and check in with yourself.
Meditation and mindfulness have been proven to help everything from stress to high blood pressure to insomnia. Get started with the Rhode Island Community of Mindfulness (MindfulnessRI. org), which hosts monthly meditation sessions all over the state, like Mind Tamers on the second and fourth Tuesday in Barrington, Generations Sangha on the second Saturday in East Greenwich and Joyfully Together Sangha on Wednesday evenings in Providence.
TAKE 40 All That Matters (AllThatMatters.com) is a yoga studio with locations in Wakefield, East Greenwich and Providence. Their 40 Day Revolution will give you an entirely new perspective on yourself and how you interact with the world. The program involves weekly (or daily) yoga practice, meditation, nutrition guidance and daily inspiration to make you, for once, actually make yourself and your peace of mind a priority. The program is intense, but it really is a personal revolution, in the best possible way.
EMBRACE EASTERN MEDITATION The Providence Zen Center (ProvidenceZen.org) in Cumberland is the closest thing you’re going to find to Japan in Rhode Island. The retreat has a main building that offers weekly meditation instruction and sessions, a monastery and walking paths on their serene 50 acre property. On Wednesdays, the Zen
Center offers free walk-in introduction to meditation, and sitting and walking meditation sessions to help you find your own zen place.
COLOR YOUR WORLD The Rogers Free Library (RogersFreeLibrary.org) in Bristol has a Thursday morning Coloring Group, for adults to zone out of stress and zone in to coloring inside the lines… or outside, depending on what feels right at that moment.
ENJOY THE JOURNEY The Water Journey at Newport’s Bodhi Spa (BodhiSpa.com) is a tiny vacation. The hydrotherapy facility is a series of hot and cold mineral plunge pools and saunas designed to clean out toxins and boost your lymphatic system. Plus, it just feels really wonderful to be so warm and relaxed during such a cold season.
OM IS WHERE THE HEART IS Pawtucket’s Om Kids Yoga (OmKidsYogaRI.com) offers joint classes for toddlers and grownups and kids-only yoga, but their Parent Child Retreats are really something special. The two and a half hour sessions - open to all parents and kids - include yoga, cupcakes and bonding activities like love letter writing and foot rubs.
SWEAT IT OUT You could blast the heat in your car, or just start
The Himalayan Salt Grotto at Urban Sweat purifies your body and boosts your health
eating a lot more hot sauce, but nothing will feel as good as the sweat you’ll make at Raffa Yoga’s Urban Sweat (RaffaYoga.com). The Cranston yoga studio and wellness center has a huge area devoted to heated rooms designed for specific health benefits, like the Himalayan Salt Grotto that boosts your respiratory system, or the Yellow Turmeric Room Dry Sauna to reduce inflammation.
MAKE MEDITATION A FAMILY VALUE The weekends are so full and so fast that they feel like a blur come Monday morning. Take a family timeout on Sunday morning at Providence’s Atisha Kadampa Buddhist Center (MeditationInRhodeIsland.org) with Meditation for Kids and Families. Parents and kids spend an hour of meaningful mindfulness clearing their heads and bonding in a totally different way.
EAT MINDFULLY The Grange (GrangeProvidence.com) is one of Providence’s best vegetarian restaurants. On Mondays, the good vibes go one step further: the restaurant tries to go cellphone free. Mindful Monday gives 10% off the bill to people who leave their phones with the hostess for their meal.
The Water Journey at The Bodhi Spa in Newport feels like a mini-vacation to the tropics
| Winter Guide 2017
Tiffany Peay (TiffanyPeay.com) has built her fine jewelry design business on the idea that gems aren’t just gems - they can beautify and heal. In addition to her baubles, she also creates GemWater, which adds the healing properties of crystals to water bottles and wands to boost the vitality of water. Tiffany recently added a Crystal Bed to her store in Tiverton Four Corners, which is a healing modality where you spend 20 minutes (or more) in the positive-energyfilled space clearing your mind and connecting with your highest self. HeyRhody.com
Photo (top) courtesy of Raffa Yoga, (bottom) courtesy of Bhodi Spa
Fun and Fit Out-of-the-box workouts to keep your routine fresh The key to keeping your New Year’s resolution to exercise more is to keep your workouts fun. Mix up your routine and enjoy yourself while breaking a sweat. You’ll actually look forward to going to the gym. A DIFFERENT KIND OF CURLS You can curl your bicep, or you can curl… a stone. The Ocean State Curling Club (OceanStateCurling. com) is a statewide curling league that meets in Cranston at the Cranston Veterans Memorial Arena. The league matches up teams of four players who slide 40lb granite stones across the ice and try to land more of their stones closer to the target than the other team’s. Sounds simple, but it’s more complicated (and more of a workout) than you think. Check it out for yourself at one of their Learn to Curl sessions, or just bite the bullet - er, stone - and join the club.
Photography (top) by Tony Pacitti, (Center) by Amy Amerantes, (bottom) by HIlary Block
benefits to the body. What that means for you: a super fun hour bouncing around to great music, with the added benefit of burning roughly 40 million calories per class.
BE A CHEER-TATOR You might not be able to fit into your old cheerleading uniform, but you can feel those Friday Night Lights again at Providence’s Cheer Up Athletics (Facebook: Cheer Up Athletics). The cheerleading gym primarily works with school teams, but they offer open gym on Sundays where adults can work on jumping, tumbling, stunting, dancing and reliving their glory days.
Providence arts collaborative AS220 (AS220. org) offers tons of ways to broaden your cultural horizons, from indie rock concerts to 3D printing classes to… Contemporary African Dance. AS220 hosts weekly drop-in classes in yoga, ballet, modern dance and - you guessed it - African dance. Learn the moves that are all the rage on the other side of the world.
Remember back in the day when you’d jump on a trampoline just for fun? Jounce Fitness in Johnston (JounceFitness.com) is a low impact, high result workout on a trampoline, based on NASA research that exercise using G-force has increased
It turns out hula hooping isn’t just fun for kids. It’s still fun for grownups, and it’s actually a pretty great cardio and core workout. Cardioglow (Cardioglow. com) in Barrington offers Hoop There It Is classes, combining childhood nostalgia with a good solid
Channel your inner olympian at Ocean State Curling Club
So you don’t normally get to play with swords, right? Spar and jab to your heart’s content at Rhode Island Fencing Academy (RIFAC.com). The East Providence studio offers kids and adult classes for beginners, experts and people looking to hone their historical fighting skills. No, really. Winter is coming, and you’d better be prepared.
Stay en garde at Rhode Island Fencing Academy
hour of elevated heart rate. If you’re not quite so coordinated with your hips, try a Dance Cardio class instead - just as fun, but without all of the pesky bending over to pick up your dropped hoop.
HANG TEN While you can technically surf in the winter, only the most passonate surfers will brave the ocean when temps are below freezing. Capture the summer feeling at Surfset classes at Wakefield’s Coastal BodyWorx (CoastalBodyWorx.com). The classes take place on an actual surfboard, and strengthen your core while stretching your muscles and honing your sense of balance.
Hang ten at surf classes at Coastal Bodyworx
In a Pound class, you hold two oversized drumsticks and turn the studio into your own personal set of drums. The rhythmic jumping workout is offered at The Edge Fitness for Women (TheEdgeFitnessForWomen.com) in East Greenwich and Cranston, and challenges your muscles, your sense of balance, your endurance and your ability to keep the beat. Winter Guide 2017 |
Pulaski State Park in Chepachet offers the state’s only groomed cross-country trails
Brrrring It On Get out and get moving outside – yes, even this season Don’t confine your exercise to the gym just because it’s winter. Put on some layers and appreciate all the natural beauty (and fun!) the season has to offer. GO FOR A WINTER HIKE If you bundle up properly, a trek through a frozen landscape can be a rewarding experience. There’s the beauty of nature in winter, the animals that prefer cold weather, the serenity of exploring a space in total quiet. The Dundery Brook Trail (Nature.org) in Little Compton is an easy loop, part of which is on a boardwalk path above the wetlands, that gives you a peek at over 60 bird species. Ninigret National Wildlife Refuge in Charlestown (ExploreRI.org) has six miles of hiking trails through grasslands, wooded swamps and gorgeous views of Ninigret Pond, the largest coastal salt pond in Rhode Island, from the observation deck at Grassy Point.
OUTRUN THE COLD If the idea of running in freezing temperatures has you on the treadmill (or, let’s be honest, on the couch), find some external motivation with a running club. In Providence, the Rhode Runner Running Club (RhodeRunner.com) has weekly training runs on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, and Sunday mornings, plus access to in-depth coaching and discounts at the store and local races. RunNewport (Facebook: Run Newport) has a running group that meets every Tuesday evening, and runners can choose between a three or five mile course. At nearly 200 members, the Rhode Island Road Runners (RIRR401.Wordpress.com) is the
| Winter Guide 2017
state’s biggest running club. They have monthly meetings, and an active website where members can join up for smaller weekly training runs throughout the state.
CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING AND SNOWSHOEING In the winter when there’s enough snow, Pulaski State Park and Recreational Area in Chepachet (RIParks.com) offers free access for cross-country skiing. There are 10 miles of groomed trails in the 100-acre park, which is inside the 4000 acre George Washington Management Area. Find more details through the Appalachian Mountain Club Narragansett Chapter (AMCNarragansett.org). The horse trails and golf course at Warwick’s Goddard Park (WarwickRI.gov) are popular with Nordic skiers after a heavy snowfall, although you’ll have to carve your own path). Arcadia Management Area (RIParks.com) in Exeter has seemingly endless hiking and mountainbiking trails suitable for backcountry cross-country skiing as well. Another popular option is the South County Bike Path (SouthCountyBikePath. org), which has the advantage of being wide and generally flat (the paved surface, however, means the snow generally melts faster than on natural trails). Rhode Island Cross Country Skiing (Facebook.com/RIXCSki) is a good source of information, too.
Keep your motivation high this winter by training for a road race The South County 4th Season Race Series (Sites.Google.com/ Site/4thSeasonRaces) will keep you running all winter. The Resolution 5k Beach and Trail Race is on January 7, the Old Mountain 5k Trail Race is on February 4 and the Belleville Pond 10k Trail Race is on March 11. Dodge obstacles - we recommend dodging wrenches as training - at the Boldrdash Winterdash (BoldrdashRace.com) happening on March 4 in Exeter. The 5k course at Camp Canonicus will have 15-20 obstacles in wooded areas and open fields. Make a splash at The Ocean’s Run Marathon, Half Marathon, 4 Miler and Kids’ Fun Run (TriMomProd.com) on March 5 at Misquamicut State Beach in Westerly. This relatively flat course has ocean views for the whole distance, and is a benefit for The Westerly Track and Athletic Club.
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Family Matters Cynthia Gifford, Esq. helps couples and families mediate through separation and divorce
New Merchandise Arriving 5 DAYS A WEEK 15 Factory Street, West Warwick • 401-615-7300 over 8500 sq. ft. of Merchandise 65 Manchester Street, West Warwick • 401-825-7670 13,000 sq. ft. showroom mikesestateservices.com Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat: 10 - 5 • Sun: 11 - 4 • Closed: Tues
Attorney Cynthia Gifford has been a mediator and family court practitioner for more than 30 years. She welcomes those seeking information to call and set up an informational meeting at no cost. What is family court mediation? Mediation is a process for couples who choose to resolve divorce and separation issues with a mediator, rather than by litigation. What is the cost of mediation? The goal of mediation is to reach a written agreement, which will serve as the property settlement agreement of the couple in their divorce or separation. Mediations are usually scheduled in one-hour sessions payable at the time of the session. The total cost depends on the difficulty of the issues,
the efforts of the couple and the skill of the mediator. Why mediate? Mediation supports a couple in reaching a fair and lasting agreement. With the help of a mediator, the couple can design a specific agreement for their children and their financial circumstances without the cost and delay of litigation. When should people mediate? A couple interested in mediation should find out early in the process whether or not mediation is a good choice for them. When is mediation not the best choice? Mediation requires voluntary participation and is not appropriate for anyone in an abusive relationship.
Cynthia Gifford, Esq.
Mediator and family court attorney 66 Main Street, Unit 3, Wakefield • 401-789-5800 36
| Winter Guide 2017
SEASONA L S TYLE & WELLNESS Look and feel your best this winter A Tidy Beard A weekly trim is essential, especially for guys with longer, wiry facial hair. Even if you’re going for big and bushy, regular maintenance will keep everything looking sharp and clean. “Keeping it trimmed once a week, even if it’s just getting those dry ends off, is a good thing to do,” says Steve DiLorenzo, manager at Roosters Men’s Grooming Center in East Greenwich (RoostersMGC.com). “The longer the beard, the more you want to pay attention to those things.”
Moustache Wax Just like a good pomade will keep your hair in check, a moustache wax is essential for fellas who want to exhibit the same control on their face. Newport Seafoam Trading Company (SeafoamTradingCo.com) in Newport offer three scented varieties of their Epic ‘Stache Wax – Bay Rum and Lime, ladies? – to keep your whiskers from getting wild.
Stay Dry, Not Flaky Obviously you want to keep your beard clean. Go nuts. Just remember to dry it well. Those unsightly flakes that sprinkle your chest come from not sufficiently drying the skin underneath all that hair. A moisturizing product wouldn’t hurt either. A good beard oil is key to keeping sensitive skin moisturized underneath the canopy of your face forest while keeping your beard soft and tame. Organical Botanical (TheOrganicalBotanical.com) in East Greenwich offers a Beard Oil that will keep your coat soft and shiny, and cut back on dry, itchy skin.
Clean and Combed Since you can’t exactly exfoliate your skin when you’re rocking a full beard, Master Barber Cheryl Dumont of Chez Moustache in Providence (HouseOfTheMoustache. Wordpress.com) insists that guys keep their beards trimmed and clean: “Shampoo it with a beard shampoo and condition it. The worst part of the change of season is around the top lip. I suggest a balm or a good oil. The biggest thing is to keep it combed and groomed.”
Shaving Soap Being a burly beast, you may want to emerge from the winter and shed some of that extra seasonal fur. After taking care of your face all season, it’s time to start from scratch. Newport’s Shore Soap Company (ShoreSoapCo. com) Shaving Soap that’s an all-natural and old school means to a fresh start. Whip up the lather with a nice boar bristle brush and start counting down to Movember.
MAINTAINING YOUR WINTER BEARD In college you grew a beard because you were lazy. But now you’re a grownup, and your beard should be considered as carefully as your haircut. Especially during
winter months, when dry skin underneath your whiskers might be out of sight but certainly not out of mind, proper beard and skin care is a must.
Mind Space A lesson in living your best life from Bnourished’s Katie McDonald
You’ve probably made – and broken – a lot of resolutions over the years, about losing weight, eating better, taking care of yourself. This year, resolve to clear the clutter out of your mind. Once that’s in order, the rest will fall into place. It’s a curious thing to start asking yourself the quesSo what I needed, first, was to take a breath. At tion, “What do I need?” On some level, you’re asking our first session, Katie asked me how I could do yourself this question all day long: Am I hungry? Do more things for myself. It was a daunting question, I need coffee? Do I have time? But you’re probably because I was already doing so much. I didn’t have not really asking the question – or, at least, not antime for more. My happiest place is on the yoga mat, swering in a way that’s cultivating your best health but I was struggling to get to the studio. We set and state of mind. some intentions for our work together: to commit to That’s what Katie McDonald has made her business: time for myself for inner peace, creativity and movehelping people ask themselves “what do I need right ment; and to add better whole living practices to now?” and, even more, helping them find the right anmy daily life. swers. You might think you need a cookie. The parade I stumbled into our second session exhausted to my office vending machine indicates that people and late, as per usual. I had made some improveoften think that. You might think you need a drink at ments to my daily smoothies, at Katie’s instruction: the end of a long day. You might think that you need, adding hemp seeds for protein and ground flax for really need, to tell off that jerk parent of your kid’s digestion, using greens besides spinach and kale – friend. Through Bnourished, her holistic nutrition and ways to cut additional calories and still feel full. I wellness practice in North Kingstown, Katie helps people find their real needs, and more importantly, to honor them. Because if you’re a better version of yourself, everyone in your life benefits from that. Quite a tall order. And one that I decided to undertake, working with Katie for several months last year to become better at living my life. First things first: Bnourished is not therapy. I’m all for therapy but this is different. I like to call it “holistic life hacks.” While I was working with Katie, at bi-weekly meetings in my office or at her gorgeous home studio in Saunderstown, we did talk about my life. But it was through the lens of: what challenges am I facing, and what lifestyle changes can help alleviate those things? Basically, what do I need? The answer was: a lot. I have this habit where I say yes to everything. Yes, I’ll take that spare ticket to the theatre tonight. I’ll just skip eating dinner. And yes, I’d be happy to bake a cake for your daughter’s birthday. I can get up at 5am to get it in the oven. And no, it’s no problem to get away for that last minute weekend trip, if I add two hours to each workday this week. As much as I was enjoying my life, I wasn’t fully enjoying it. Most of the time I felt so exhausted and drained that I wasn’t present. I would lose sleep over what I did and didn’t say, things I didn’t do well Katie McDonald of Bnourished in North Kingstown enough or that I couldn’t get done in time.
| Winter Guide 2017
told her about this weird thing: that the more I was feeling drained, the more I craved citrus. Katie said it wasn’t weird at all. Citrus fruits are natural mood boosters. It opened up a conversation about aromatherapy that has given me a way to improve any malady: White Fir for malaise; Sweet Orange and Grapefruit for the blues; Lavender for calming and rest. She gave me a little bottle of Lemongrass Oil, which is bright and invigorating. Later, at my desk in my usual 3pm slump, smelling that gave me a mental boost that allowed me to avoid the coffee and chocolate I usually have to power through the rest of the afternoon. Two sessions and my life choices were already better. The next two sessions focused on food, particularly how the right choices can make you feel better. I had the basics down, mostly forgoing white flour and processed foods for quinoa and vegetables. But I was eating too many protein bars as meal replacements, and eating way too much sugar without realizing it. Each session, Katie greeted me with a mug of tea (she has her own blend she makes with Farmacy Herbs in Providence) and a treat. Once it was a homemade raw chocolate hazelnut mousse cake, once a few raw cookies. She showed me that dietary changes could be delicious and, more importantly, painless. I thought that I had been making generally healthy choices, but I was choosing foods marketed as healthy that are anything but. The following sessions focused on making space for myself in the middle of my life. Starting to say no to things, and to people, is probably the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. Not in terms of actually doing it, but of the emotional work it took to get there. The impulse to make people happy runs deep. But once I started observing how much better I felt from saying no once in a while, I wanted to do more of it. I started giving myself one night a week, then two. I was still doing for other people, but I was also doing for myself. For the first time I was realizing that I was also one of the people in my life who needs to be taken care of the way I take care of others. A few weeks after our last session, someone said, “What’s going on with you? You seem different, like there’s something big going on.” And really, there was. There still is. The changes I’ve been making to my life have been subtle, and slow. But they’re on a track that I’m happy with, and they’re choices I feel proud of. All because I finally started giving real answers to that one big question. BNourished.com HeyRhody.com
Photography by Soozie Sundlun / EG Photo
By Julie Tremaine
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Winter Guide 2017 |
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The CORE of Fitness Two Providence health centers offer personalized workouts, even in a class setting
We sat down with Denise Chakoian, owner of CORE Pilates Mind/Body and CORE Cycling + Fitness, to talk realistic fitness goals and realistic life/ workout balance. You’re an advocate for “lifestyle resolutions” rather than New Year’s Resolutions. Tell us more. My philosophy is simple: try not to make unrealistic expectations. Many people say they want to do grand things for the new year, but typically they start very strong and slowly diminish because the goal is so unrealistic for the time frame they want it. My trainers and I make lifestyle goals for the year, and we work on those all year until people achieve what they are looking for. These lifestyle goals may be met sooner than a full year, but we work on an overall life/work/family balance and we have found this works. What’s your advice on adopting a healthier lifestyle, when everyone is so busy? I would say make time every day for yourself, like working out is a personal appointment. Twenty minutes per day is all you need if you are efficient with
your workout. It could be as simple as a power walk or as hard as a “Tabata” workout. For me, sometimes I cannot workout for myself if things get busy with both studios, but for the most part, I get up very early in the morning and take time out to do a workout for myself before starting my day. I find for myself that getting my day going with a workout energizes me for the day ahead. Tell us about CORE’s fitness philosophy. We want to make fitness fun, but also help those who have those specific goals and needs at the same time. Our philosophy is based on creating a comfortable environment with professional staff that can lead clients to a better overall fitness level. We listen to what our clients want and need, instead of pushing them to do something that they do not want to do, nor will enjoy. You’re a big fan of being strong, staying fit but also enjoying life. How do you achieve that balance personally? Everyone who knows me can tell you I am a lover of great food. It took me years to figure out how to get balance, to be honest, and once you do, your
entire life changes. I believe that you can enjoy all things in your life in moderation and at the same time kick some butt in your fitness sessions! You specialize in personal training as well as fitness classes. Tell us about how you personalize a workout. We do an evaluation on everyone that begins a personal training program. We do an FMS (Functional Movement Screening) on the client to see range of motion, any spinal imbalances and overall strength. This allows us to begin a strategy for their program. What happens at small group training? Small group training sessions have no more than five people. This allows people who would like to do personal training but cannot afford to, an opportunity to lessen the cost but still get individualized attention. Tell us about the differences between CORE Cycling + Fitness, and CORE Pilates Mind/Body. CORE Cycling + Fitness is primarily based on group fitness classes. One side is our state of the art Stadium Style Cycling Studio, and the other
side is our Group Fitness Room where we do all of our Total Body Classes, Barre, Pilates Mat, Yoga, etc. In the same plaza, we have the CORE Personal Training Studio where we have a “Jungle Gym” type training studio with lots of toys and functional equipment to give our clients or small groups a great workout while in a private setting. Our Governor Street location is all of our small-group Pilates Reformer Classes and Pilates private training. We feel that that studio provides a serene and zen-like atmosphere, which is a nice balance from the other studios. How can we get a taste of CORE without committing to a costly regimen? Your first group fitness class is free on us at the Cycling + Fitness Studio. At the Pilates Mind/Body Studio there is a discounted small group class coupon that is also offered online. The difference in our classes is the knowledge and the feel of what we offer. We are very focused on form, technique and growth. We care about each individual in our classes as well as our personal clients. Our classes “feel” different based on experience and knowledge.
CORE Pilates Mind/Body
CORE Cycling + Fitness
208 Governor Street, Providence
727 East Avenue, Pawtucket
401-273-2673 • CoreFitProv.com
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Winter Guide 2017 |
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| Winter Guide 2017
Chore No More
Shape Up
Unique home delivery services make for errand-free weekends By Jeanette St. Pierre
GOURMET TASTES RIGHT IN YOUR KITCHEN Frozen food takes on a new meaning when it’s been professionally prepared in your own home by a personal chef. The chefs behind My Chef Lara (MyChefLara.com) customize menus to your tastes and diet preferences, do the grocery shopping and cook up a storm in your kitchen. Your fridge and freezer gets stocked for days, and you reap the delicious benefits. Bon appetit! We’re fortunate to have so many farms in Little Rhody, and even luckier to have Veggie Box. The $25 weekly subscription, brought to you by Farm Fresh Rhode Island (FarmFreshRI.org), delivers locally grown produce straight to your door. With recipe suggestions and info about the farm sent via email each week, it’s an easy (and healthy) way to eat your veggies.
some doctors are changing along with it. Take Direct Doctors (DirectDoctors.org), as an example. The North Kingstown family medical practice does not accept insurance, but rather charges a monthly subscription fee that includes unlimited house visits and 24/7 access to the doctors via cell and email. Who would have thought that waiting rooms could be a thing of the past? The milkman is such an old timey concept, but Munroe Dairy (CowTruck.com) puts a modern spin on the service. Along with farm fresh milk, doorstep deliveries include locally made provisions from Narragansett Creamery and Daniele Foods and beloved Rhody staples like Blount soups and Gregg’s desserts.
CONCIERGE SERVICES You don’t have to be a celebrity to have a personal assistant. In fact, all you need are some chores you can’t seem to accomplish. Enter Go 2 Girl RI (Go2GirlRI.com), a personal concierge service that will help everyone from new parents to the elderly, and make travel arrangements and reservations for people and corporations. Take that, Hollywood. Laundry is the great equalizer. We all have it and none of us have the time for it. And as soon as it’s all done, another load is already piling up. “No more,” says Get the Funk Out (GTFOLaundry.com), a laundry and dry cleaning pick up and drop off service. Instead of spending hours lugging, switching and folding, the funky crew will take the time to get your whites, well, white.
Photography by Stacey Doyle
Why “ruff” it by driving your furry friend to the groomer when Fur Kidz Mobile Pet Grooming (FurKidz.com) will conveniently come to you. The traveling pet salon will pull up curbside in its decked out van equipped with a steel tub, shampoo stations and air dryers. Your pooch is bound to be the top dog of the neighborhood. No pet likes a vet visit, and no owner does either. That’s why Creature Comforts Veterinary Services (CreatureComfortsRI.com) treats pets in the comfort of their own homes. Vaccinations, routine wellness care and dental procedures are just a few of the mobile services available. Tail wagging is optional. Picking up poop is a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it. Thanks to Doody Calls Pet Waste Removal (DoodyCalls.com), that someone doesn’t have to be you. Not only will they scoop up around your yard, but they’ll also treat brown spots and deodorize outdoor areas.
Healthcare is ever evolving, and HeyRhody.com
Can Pilates alleviate post-holiday stress? Yes! One of the tenets of Pilates is focus and concentration. When stressed, our thoughts run wild. A dose of Pilates will help refocus and calm the mind. Pilates is a practice that builds upon itself with every session. The more you practice, the deeper your awareness with results you’ll feel both physically and mentally.
What do you love about teaching?
With Cheryl Turnquist of Providence Pilates
I love seeing people feel strong, confident, healthy and happy. I have heard many clients say they “feel better than they ever have” in just a few sessions. Pilates is a form of movement education while at the same time a workout. I love being able to see people make connections with their movements and feel strong and empowered in their bodies.
Why is your studio special? At my studio you will be greeted warmly, treated with respect and our focus is on you. Whether doing Spin, Barre, Pilates, Tower, private or group classes, the instructors are always in tune with your needs. There is also a great sense of community here and everyone is supportive for your workout success!
PROVIDENCE PILATES CENTER Farm Fresh Rhode Island’s Veggie Box service brings fresh, local produce to your door once a week
189 Cole Avenue, Providence • 480-0193 providencepilatescenter.com
Winter Guide 2017 |
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Use SPF, even in the winter. Damaging UV rays and free radical damage can cause collagen breakdown, causing wrinkles. –Kerri Parks, Facial Aesthetics Center of RI, East Greenwich. DrSarahLevy.com
Heat dries our skin more than we think. Don’t wash with hot water; it breaks down the lipid barriers in the skin, leading to loss of moisture. Also, hydrate. Drinking water and using humidifiers will add moisture to environments where there is heat. –Amanda Grant, Amanda Grant Skincare, North Kingstown. AmandaGrantSkincare.com
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Twice Told Tales BOOKS, CARDS & GIFTS
2145 Broad Street, Cranston • 785-9599 • TwiceToldTalesRI.com
| Winter Guide 2017
One of the most loving self-care practices you can adopt is a daily or weekly self massage using therapeutic oils. In addition to softening and moisturizing your body’s dry winter skin, it lubricates your joints, increases circulation, helps with detoxification, benefits sleep and calms the nerves. Try using organic coconut oil (cooling to the body), sesame oil (warming to the body), safflower oil (invigorating to the body) or Jojoba oil which is great for anyone. –Abby Backlund, Breathing Space Skin and Wellness Studio, Providence. BreathingSpaceSpa.com
Winter is a key time to reevaluate your home skin routine, especially your cleanser and moisturizer. Many people stay with their sudsy summer cleanser year round when a water soluble creamy cleanser may be a better option to deal with flaky dryness from the cold winter. Always wash your face when you are in for the evening. This often overlooked important step is one of the biggest and easiest ways for your skin not to shine brightly. Changing or adding a heavier moisturizer, or, even better, an oil in the evening is also another way to moisturize more effectively. –Alayne White, Alayne White Spa, Bristol and Providence. AlayneWhite.com
Almost everyone’s skin is dehydrated – even oily skin! Dehydration can lead to many problems. Having a spa facial treatment including steam, exfoliation, extractions, creams, lotions, facial masks, peels and massage on a regular basis will increase more blood flow to the area, boosting collagen production, which gives a healthy and natural glow to the complexion, along with long-lasting relief of dry skin. –Deborah Thayer, Spa Thayer, Narragansett. SpaThayer.com HeyRhody.com
Illustration by Lia Marcoux
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Winter Guide 2017 |
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Healthy Smiles
Eric George, DMD & Associates provide top notch dentistry
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Dental health is an important part of whole body health. We talked to Dr. Derek Cornetta, a dentist at Eric George, DMD & Associates, about how they put patients at ease and help them maintain healthy smiles. How do you go the extra mile to make patients comfortable and relaxed? At Eric George, DMD & Associates, we understand that nearly half of the American population avoids dental care as a direct result of anxiety and fear. We truly believe that dentistry doesn’t have to be scary and we have an exceptional, compassionate team that will help to put you at ease from the moment you step foot inside the office. The truth is that dentistry today is not nearly as difficult or painful as it once was, especially with the help of the cutting-edge dental technology utilized here at our practice. In fact, most patients now find their dental visit to be a relatively comfortable, positive experience overall. If needed, we offer several different levels of sedation to help ease anxiety and get patients the treatment that they truly need. How does good dental hygiene promote health? Helping patients get the dental care that they need is now more important than ever – we now know that good dental
hygiene can not only help prevent bad breath, cavities, and gum disease, but good oral health can also aid in overall health. Numerous scientific studies published over the past several years have proven that a person’s oral health has a significant impact on his or her overall health. This is what dentists and physicians refer to as the oral-systemic link. The inflammation and bacteria associated with periodontal (gum) disease have been linked to six out of the seven leading causes of death in the United States, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease and Alzheimer’s disease. There is excellent peer-reviewed literature showing that the same pathogenic bacteria that are causally related to gum disease are also uniquely linked to coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension and increased risk of heart attack and stroke. What can we do at home to maintain healthy, clean mouths? To help protect your oral health and your overall health it is important to practice good oral hygiene every day. This includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily and eating a healthy, well-balanced diet. Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings, and contact Eric M George, DMD and Associates soon as an oral health problem arises.
Eric George, DMD & Associates 121 Sandy Bottom Road, Coventry 401-822-3352 • EricGeorgeDMD.com
Photography by Meghan H. Follett
Your guide to the season’s most delicious tastes
TEAM CO COA It’s time to go for brisk walks, make snowmen and cozy up to a fire – activities that are all exponentially enhanced with hot chocolate. But not just any hot chocolate: the from-scratch hot chocolate with fresh baked marshmallows from The Shop in Providence. The neighborhood
coffee shop uses direct-trade cocoa powder and whole milk from East Providence’s Munroe Dairy. This is a cocoa you can feel really good about sipping, which is the perfect excuse to have a few. 460 Wickenden Street, Providence. 401-684-1140, TheShopFoxPoint.com
Psychological Associates of Warwick Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnostic Testing for ADHD as well as Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD Counseling
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Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot
Photography by Katie Leclerc
Our staff sampled these soups to go and can guarantee they’ll warm you from head to toe
The Italian wedding soup from Tom’s Market (locations in Coventry, Warren and Tiverton, TomsMarket.com) was a hit. The small meatballs melted in our mouths, while the accompanying carrots, escarole and celery elevated the well-seasoned broth.
We savored every piece of tender chicken we could spoon out of the Grilled Chicken Corn Chowder from Bagels Etc. (BagelsEtcBarrington. com) in Barrington. Each hearty bite was complemented nicely by the savory, thick broth.
After a gluttonous holiday season, the Vegetable Butternut Apple Bisque from Belmont Market (BelmontMarket.com) in Wakefield was a welcome treat. We could readily taste the crisp apple and savory squash, a nice touch.
The Beef Barley from Richmond’s Fresh Ground Garden Café (Facebook: Fresh Ground Garden Café) was a meal all on its own. The beef was fall-apart tender and the carrots added just enough sweetness.
Someone’s mother could have made the Chicken Noodle Soup from Dave’s Marketplace (DavesMarketplace.com). The chicken was succulent and the noodles and vegetables were perfect.
Macera Restaurant’s (MacerasRestaurant.com) Chicken Escarole Soup is everything you ever dreamed chicken soup could be: tender chicken, fresh vegetables and firm pasta in a flavorful broth.
Winter Guide 2017 |
Take Comfort Satisfy your winter cravings and your resolutions
Winter is all about comfort food. But it’s also Elizabeth Grady’s custom spray tanning is a personal treatment tailored to your needs. Stop in before your wintertime vacation for a UV-free suntan that rivals the real thing!
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about new beginnings and resolving to eat healthier. Here are delicious dishes from local restuarants, whether you’re working on your six pack or your six-cheese pizza. PIZZA Indulge In: There’s nothing like Neapolitan pizza straight from a woodfired oven on a chilly day. Figidini’s Wood Fire Eatery (Figidini.com) in Providence makes everything on their menu in said oven, including their Arugula pizza that’s topped with prosciutto di parma, fior de latte mozzarella, extra virgin olive oil and Pecorino Romano cheese. If you’ve ever wondered what would happen if a Big Mac and a pizza had a baby (because who doesn’t think of these things), then you’ve got to try Big Dan’s pizza from Dan’s Place (DansPizzaPlace.com) in West Greenwich. Strange as it may seem, they take Sicilian pizza and top it with cheese sauce, thinly formed ground beef patties, Thousand Island dressing, lettuce, red onions and American and pizza cheese. Don’t ask questions, just go. Go Healthy: Not only does Mangia Neapolitan Pizzeria (EatMangiaPizza. com) in Barrington have a gluten-free crust, but you can also top it with as
many veggies as you’d like. Need some direction with your healthy(ish) pie? Try their Ma’s Garden pizza with fresh mushrooms and broccoli, diced tomatoes and green peppers, and chopped onions and garlic.
SANDWICHES Indulge In: If you’ve never had a meat pie, it’s imperative that you head to Hartley’s Pork Pies of RI (Facebook: Hartley’s Pork Pies of RI) in Lincoln. They may look small, but they are mighty. You’d be surprised how filling handmade dough and succulent meat can be. Choose from pork, chicken, beef, meat and potato and salmon pies (only on Fridays). Go Healthy: The Ma-Ma-Mumbai Turkey Burger from Crazy Burger (CrazyBurger.com) in Narragansett is bursting with all kinds of flavor. The turkey is mixed with curry, allspice, ginger, rosemary and cumin and topped with smoked Gouda and sliced apples and served on a bolo with curry mayo.
A Bee’s Buzz
Antiques & Handcrafts 114 Danielson Pike (Rt 6) Foster, RI M,W, & Th 10-6, F10-7, S&S 10-5 50
| Winter Guide 2017
Arugula Pizza from Figidini’s Wood Fire Eatery in Providence
SEAFOOD Indulge In: If it’s seafood you want, head to Chopmist Charlie’s (ChopmistCharlie.com) in Jamestown and try their New England Seafood Augratin. It’s chock full of tender lobster meat, jumbo shrimp and sea scallops swimming in a lobster mornay sauce (read: fancy cheese sauce) whose light butter crumb and Parmesan topping is gently toasted in a casserole dish. We’ve all heard of chicken pot pie, but have you heard of the Seafood Pot Pie from George’s of Galilee (GeorgesofGalilee.com)? It covers all of your seafaring basics: scallops, shrimp and scrod with roasted veggies all in a creamy lobster sauce and served in an oven-baked bread bowl. It’s the perfect dish to eat on a chilly day while overlooking the ocean and watching the Block Island Ferry chug along. Go Healthy: The Forno Roasted Cioppino from Simone’s (SimonesRI.com) in Warren takes everything you love about fresh-from-the-bay seafood and keeps it heart healthy. With sea scallops, cod, mussels, clams, braised greens and seasoned tomatoes served with grilled bread and lemon aioli, this as an after-workout indulgence you can still feel good about.
SWEETS Indulge In: With the doughnut craze in full swing, it’s only fair you bite into one. The Brown Butter Glazed Toasted Pecan doughnuts from PVDonuts (PVDonuts.com) are a must. The 24-hour raised brioche dough is buttery, light and worth every single calorie. For something more traditional with a twist, try the Scripelle con Gelato from Siena (SienaRI.com). It’s a plateful of miniature doughboys that come dusted in cinnamon sugar. To top it off, they’re served with a side of vanilla bean gelato and a warm Nutella dipping sauce. Go Healthy: For something on the lighter side of sweets, stop by Crepelicious (CrepeliciousRI.com) in Barrington for one of their dessert crepes. You can stuff it full of strawberries, blueberries, bananas and raspberries. Of course you can add anything else you want, just know you’ll have to run a little further at the gym. HeyRhody.com
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Rhody Fried Chicken The state’s newest food craze is crispy and irresistible The succulent fried chicken tenders from the SoulFull Food Truck (Facebook: SoulFull) are served with a choice of Southern-style collard greens, mac and cheese, red beans and rice, or hand-cut French fries.
This fried chicken breast from Warren’s Chomp (ChompRI.com) can be found in their fried chicken sandwich. Be sure add a few madefrom-scratch sides like the Frickles (their legendary fried pickles).
On Providence’s West Side, Bucktown (BucktownPVD.com) serves up a savory and super crispy fried chicken thigh dinner. Have it with a side of waffle fries, biscuits and honey butter, a refreshing cucumber salad, collard greens or red skinned potato salad.
The Dorito fried chicken breast from Providence’s Ogie’s Trailer Park (OgiesTrailerPark.com) fits snug in a sandwich packed with lettuce, pickled tomatoes, slab bacon and Granny Boo’s love. Get the to-die-for mac-n-cheese balls, and tots (truffle or all-the-way are super delicious) on the side.
Providence’s GPub (ProvidenceGPub.com) serves this buttermilk marinated chicken in its Farm House Chicken and Waffles dinner, which includes a pink peppercorn waffle, strawberry rhubarb jam, jalapeño butter and bourbon-maple syrup. Pure comfort.
Have this sage fried chicken for breakfast or lunch at Dante’s Kitchen (DantesKitchenRI. com) in East Greenwich. It’s served with buttermilk waffles and toasted cashews that you can smother with Vermont bourbon maple syrup.
The tapas-style offerings at Milk Money (MilkMoneyRI.com) in Providence include the Togarashi Fried Chicken plate. It’s delectable all on its own, but is worth dunking into the spiced butter and kimchee aioli served on the side.
These pieces from Newport’s Winner Winner (WinnerWinnerNPT.com) come as part of a brined and fried chicken dinner with authentic Southern sides like potato salad, blackeyed peas and ham, pickled veggies, and mac and cheese. Yum.
Raw bar
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| Winter Guide 2017
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Kicked Up Coffee
On Select Products
Beans and booze make the perfect couple By Emily Dietsch
Brewed Awakenings’ Nose Warmer is a coffee-based adult beverage
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Photography by Brian DeMello
With all the time
spent indoors this season, it’s only right that traditional favorites get kicked up a notch. Coffee, although wonderful all on its own, could use some company. That’s where Brewed Awakenings comes in, by adding a little liquor to the mix. The result is a recipe for wintery success Mixing coffee and booze is, for some strange reason, a confounding concept to many people. To them, coffee solely belongs to AM hours. It peps you up and greets the daylight. In this worldview, cocktails occupy the opposite side of the spectrum – serving to wind you down and greet the evening. The more imaginative person considers how nicely they play together from a flavor standpoint and respects that the combination is acceptable most any time of day. Brunch? Yes. Nightcap? Also yes. Brewed Awakenings now joins that more imaginative class. The Warwick location acquired a full liquor license and developed a tailored list of coffeebased “adult drinks” to serve alongside the drip coffees, espressos, lattes and cappuccinos they were already prized
for. The engineer of that list was manager Bob Woodstock, who happens to be a 30-year veteran of the bartending trade, and competed in bartending throwdowns from Dallas to Taiwan. Try their Nose Warmer (available at the Warwick location) on for size as the chill in the air sharpens. Its effect is exactly as advertised, and good from noon to night.
Eat Healthy, Eat Fish
THE NOSE WARMER One serving • • • • •
1/2 oz Tia Maria liqueur 1/2 oz Bailey’s 1/2 oz Grand Marnier 1/2 oz Frangelico 1/2 oz dark creme de cacao liqueur • Hot brewed coffee • Whipped cream • Dash of cinnamon Put the liqueurs in a serving mug. Add hot brewed coffee and stir. Top with whipped cream and a dash of cinnamon.
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Winter Guide 2017 |
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SOUTH COUNTY Ocean views are breathtaking year round, and the ones from the Coast Guard House (TheCoastGuardHouse.com) in Narragansett are particularly stunning. Take it all in while taking advantage of their Buck-a-Shuck Sparkle and Pop with special sparkling wine pairings from 3-6pm Monday through Friday. Then on Wednesday, grab a thick, hearty slice of Beef Wellington for $25.95. Finally, scarf down a one-and-a-half-pound lobster with two sides for $23.16 during their allday Throwback Thursday lobster special. Head to downtown Westerly from 4-6pm, Tuesdays through Fridays, for half-priced menu items at Ella’s Fine Food and Drink (EllasFineFoodandDrink.com). It’s part of their Whimsical Wednesdays special that allows you to try any of their fine dining dishes at a discount.
Feel Good Again With A Therapeutic Massage
JAMES BRENNAN LMT LPTA CRP Restorative Massage Therapist 25 Years Enhancing Lives RESTORATIVE THERAPEUTICS For an appointment call or text Jim at
| Winter Guide 2017
Chapel Grille (ChapelGrilleRI.com) in Cranston has specials every single day of the week, so it’s always the right time to go. On Mondays every bottle of wine is 50% off, and on Tuesdays all entrees are on sale starting at 15% off. Wednesday is $10 burger night with a choice of beer, wine or a martini. Thursday is ladies night with $5 martinis and a free dessert for female guests. On Friday from 4pm until close, get
Hey Rhody!
half off everything on the new bar menu. On Saturday all desserts are $5 and on Sundays reward members receive double points. If you haven’t been to XO Cafe (XOCafe.com) in downtown Providence in a while it’s about time for a return visit. Stop by on Mondays for 50% off all bottles of wine, or bring your appetite for Fried Chicken Wednesdays where you get fried chicken, mac and cheese, bacon-braised greens and buttermilk biscuits for $19.99. Then, don your finest pajamas and receive a free mimosa or bloody Mary during their Pajama Brunch on Sundays. Head up to Federal Hill for the weekly specials at Federal Taphouse and Kitchen (FederalTandK.com). Every Monday enjoy $2 draft beer and 50 cent wings. On Tuesdays dig into $3 tacos and $5 margaritas. Get a burger and beer for $10 on Thursdays and a bottomless mimosa or bloody Mary during brunch on Sundays.
EAST BAY AND NEWPORT DeWolf Tavern’s (DeWolfTavern. com) dining deals are all the tastier thanks to stunning views of Bristol Harbor. Get $1 oysters on Mondays starting at noon at any of their bars. On Tuesdays select bottles of wine are 50% off. From Monday to Thursday starting at 4:30pm, DeWolf has a three-course prix fixe dinner for $22. From Tuesday to Friday from 4:30-6:30pm, receive half off
All entrees are discounted on Tuesdays at Chapel Grille
select appetizers at any of their bars. Then on Sunday, enjoy a three-course prix fixe dinner starting at 4:30pm for $32. Not sure what you want for dinner? How about a little bit of everything? That’s the idea behind the Seasonal Sunset promotion at Tiverton’s Boat House (BoatHouseTiverton.com). Every Sunday through Thursday from 4-6pm, enjoy halfpriced appetizers at the bar, which overlooks the Sakonnet River. The Mooring (MooringRestaurant.com) restaurant at Newport’s Bowen’s Wharf has dining deals to keep you warm and well fed all season. They have a half-priced raw bar every Wednesday, now through the end of March. Then on Thursdays, Paella for two is offered all day for $49 or $65 with a pitcher of house made sangria.
Enjoy half price apps at the Boat House
If there’s a restaurant you’ve been dying to try or an old favorite you’ve been meaning to get back to in the city, now’s the time to stop by during Providence Restaurant Week. From January 15-28 nearly 100 restaurants offer three-course lunches for $14.95 or three-course dinners for $29.95 or $34.95. GoProvidence.com/Restaurants/RW
Photo (top) courtesy of Chapel Grille, (bottom) courtesy of Boat House
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| Winter Guide 2017