Proximus one q3 2017 en

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#31 digital business magazine December 2017

CANNIBALIZATION KILLS INNOVATION Innovate at a strategic level with the three-lens model

THE SMARTPHONE The way to more, faster and better for every business

THE IoT BATTLE IS RAGING Interview with Bastiaan Deblieck, TenForce

Impatient, superficial and lacking in ambition?

The millennials all about the good generation

Experience One magazine via augmented reality Online and offline are growing ever closer together. Read, watch and listen. 1. Download the free VEEEW app in the App Store or Google Play. 2. Scan the pages with the VEEEW icon. 3. Discover more video, audio and web content and make One an experience.


Are millennials really so different from other generations? illennials are the 20- and 30-yearolds who, step by step, are striking a new note in the business world. They grew up in an extremely protected environment, surrounded by digital technology. So they think and communicate in a different way from colleagues of other generations. At least, so the cliché says.


Of course, the millennials do not have the same concepts as, let’s say, the baby-boomers – and that’s a good thing. That has not directly to do with technology, but with the fact that they look at the business world through young eyes, bringing fresh ideas. So they force companies to question themselves. At Proximus, we deliberately entrust millennials with the task of modernizing and rejuvenating our internal working and service provision. But, at the same time, millennials are of course, only human too. Older generations can learn as much from them as vice versa. Read all about it in this issue of One magazine. By the way, the dossier on the millennials seemed the perfect opportunity to give the magazine a totally new look. The digital transformation is the priority for business today. This is why we will be taking a closer look at what is important for you and your company: the breakthrough of the Internet of Things, the importance of strategic innovation and much more. One magazine is innovating, too. For instance, from now on you can experience One via augmented reality. Download the free VEEEW app and scan the pages with the VEEEW icon. I’m sure you’ll find a great deal of inspiration here. So you’ll be ready for tomorrow, too

Happy reading!


Chief Enterprise Market Offi cer Proximus


A space telescope with historical ambitions

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Scan this page and see how thousands of engineers and technicians have built the biggest space telescope ever.

he James Webb Space Te l e s c o p e ( J W S T or Webb) is a large infrared telescope that will be launched on an Ariane 5 rocket from French Guiana in Spring 2019. Webb will be the premier observatory of the next decade, serving thousands of astronomers worldwide. It will study every phase in the history of our universe, ranging from the first luminous glows after the Big Bang, to the formation of solar systems capable of supporting life on planets like Earth, to the evolution of our own solar system. Several innovative technologies have been developed for Webb. These include a 6.5-meter primary mirror made of 18 separate segments that unfold and adjust to shape after launch. The mirrors are made of ultra-lightweight beryllium. Webb’s biggest feature is a tennis-courtsized five-layer sunshield that attenuates heat from the Sun more than a million times. The telescope’s four instruments (cameras and spectrometers) have detectors that are able to record extremely faint signals. One ­infrared camera has programmable microshutters, which enable observation of up to 100 ­objects simultaneously. Webb also has a cryocooler for cooling the mid-infrared detectors of another instrument to a very cold -267°C so they can work.


© NASA/MSFC/David Higginbotham


Vision & insights One magazine experience thanks to AR Online and offl ine are coming closer together. Read, watch and listen. Experience One magazine via augmented reality. 1. Download the free VEEEW app in the App Store or Google Play. 2. Scan the pages with the VEEEW icon. 3. Discover more video, audio and web content and make One an experience.


We haven't seen the real big data yet, says Felix Van de Maele, CEO at Collibra and ICT Personality of the Year 2017.


Bastiaan Deblieck, Chief Commercial Officer at TenForce, on the future of IoT in B2B and B2C. What about blockchain, APIs and machine learning?


The millennials: impatient, lacking in ambition and superficial? Or necessary talent in your company?





25,000 km fiber, 99.99% uptime and 1 IP access for voice, data, tv and internet. A strong network to be ready for tomorrow.

May 25 is GDPR-day for Europe. Belgian companies are not yet ready for the GDPR, one of the biggest challenges for 2018.

Digital business 15 TVH

In real-time dialogue with your machine


Katia Deboel on MySense sensor

17 IoT APPLICATIONS AT PROXIMUS MySense for Smart Art and HR

18 CYBERSECURITY AS A DIFFERENTIATOR Everyone's a cyber guardian


The hotspots and temperature at the event

22 STRATEGIC INNOVATION AND MARKETING How do you survive the innovation dilemma?


Consistently redundant

28 INTERVIEW WITH CLO WILLAERTS Millennials go with the flow

35 CO.STATION AND NWOW Smooth(ie) Community



Coffee together

47 DATA EATERS OR DATA GLUTTONS? How much data do your apps use?


The Internet of Things (IoT) is gradually establishing in a business environment. The prices of sensors and connectivity keep on falling, bringing the IoT within reach of every company. What does the business world expect of the IoT?



Jean-Marie and his granddaughter on the road with a self-driving buggy

A publication of Proximus public limited company of Belgian Public Law Year 11 / Number 31 / Q4 2017 Publisher: Bart Van Den Meersche, Koning Albert II-laan 27, 1030 Brussels Coordination: Charline Briot, Erik Hendrix, Robbin Sacré and Jean-Marie Stas Contributors: Andrew Beavis, Creamdesign, Klaar De Groote, Jean-François Dinant, Robert Doran, Isabelle Latour, Frederic Petitjean, Dries Van Damme, Thomas Van den Bossche, Frank Van den Branden, Filip Van Loock, Koen Vervloesem and Clo Willaerts Concept and realization:



For every business the smartphone is a medium for better results. Mobile data plays a key role.

For more information, contact: Robbin Sacré, Nederlandstalige versie: Mail naar om een exemplaar van dit magazine in het Nederlands te ontvangen. Version français: mail à robbin.sacre@ afin d’obtenir un exemplaire de ce magazine en français. The technical specifications are indicative only. Proximus reserves the right to make changes without prior notification. Haven’t got the contact details of your Proximus account manager close by? Surf to


Explosive complexity and the realization that data itself is valuable. That’s what it’s about, according to big data expert Felix Van de Maele, CEO of Collibra and ICT Personality of the Year 2017.

Big data



was born and bred in Ostend. Shortly after finishing his computer sciences studies at the VUB University in Brussels, he set up Collibra with some fellow students.

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in the US that obtains valuable information via sensors about the ease of use and safety of its machines. Selling this data provides the manufacturer with an extra source of income. he precise meaning of big data depends on the context. Sometimes the ‘big’ refers to the large quantity of data, but it could equally be a question of many different data sources or data formats. To me, first and foremost, big data means an explosion in terms of complexity and the growing realization that data itself is valuable. In the past, data was used purely as a basis for analyses. Now we also have the means to do that better than ever and, what is more, data can be traded as a product in itself. For instance, there is a manufacturer of agricultural tractors


Double trouble There are two trends that can jeopardize the value of data: 1. Toxic analytics Most companies have now started capturing a whole heap of data. But the huge increase in the complexity of data makes it difficult for them to analyze the data properly and fully. So two analyses of the same data can lead to two different positions, namely toxic analytics. 2. Data chaos More and more departments in the company want to have their say. Consequently, there are too many people involved in the process, there is too much data and there are too many tools. All this leads to chaos, so it is difficult or even impossible to retrieve the real value from the data.


Data governance Data plays a leading role in the digital transformation that is currently in full swing. Businesses can use data governance to ensure that they have high-quality data. Analysts need this data today to be able to formulate their advice properly. That’s only logical because, on the basis of this advice, important policy decisions are taken so that businesses can grow.


Haystack x10 The data haystack is 10 times bigger but the needle is still just as small. That problem can be offset by what we call the ‘Amazonification’ of data. This involves dealing with data governance based on the principles of Ama zon. Goal is guiding consumers to fi nd products on their website quickly and easily. Imagine a sort of catalogue for your data that you can use to find the right data without difficulty. Otherwise you end up with the equivalent of a library with 100,000 books that have no titles and aren’t arranged in any particular order. Try starting from there. Big data 2 We talk about big data but, in fact, we haven’t seen any real big data yet. However, it’s on its way now. Once we start collecting data from the Internet of Things, sensors and wearables, data flows will get bigger than ever before. Privacy, the new green Linking the unbridled power and possibilities of big data elegantly to a - legally and morally - fair application of the privacy rules is not a simple task. In that respect you might well wonder whether it is not up to individual consumers


to choose whether to benefit as much as possible from the advantages of big data or to protect their privacy as much as possible. The privacy issue is becoming a hot topic, like being green is today. Companies will stand out more and more due to the security around privacy that they can or cannot offer their customers. In that respect, many companies today are still ill-prepared for the requirements of the new European GDPR.


is a Belgian data governance company set up in 2008 as a spin-off of the VUB. Today the company has about 250 employees and offices in New York, Belgium, France, Poland and the United Kingdom. Collibra recently raised an extra $50 million in capital. Services Collibra counters data chaos to maximize data value /// helps companies comply with the rules of GDPR etc.

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“ By 2020, 80% of IoT expenditure will go on B2B applications and use-cases.” IDC “ The added value of the IoT depends on the way companies combine the IoT with artificial intelligence and machine learning.” Fabio Bottacci, Industrial IoT expert “ At TVH, we connect 7,000 rented machines with sensors.” Kalman Tiboldi, Chief Business Innovation Officer TVH “ The only limit on the possibilities of IoT is the programmers’ imagination.” Katia Deboel, Lead Manager IoT Proximus

Internet of Things is everywhere


The Internet of Things (IoT) is gradually establishing in a business environment. The prices of sensors and connectivity keep on falling, bringing the IoT within reach of every company. What does the business world expect of the IoT?

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The IoT battle is raging VISION

According to Fabio Bottacci, expert in the Industrial IoT (IIoT) at the World Economic Forum, the added value of the IoT depends on how it is combined with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning for data analysis. So doesn’t the IoT have a future without AI? Bastiaan Deblieck: “I see the IoT, first and foremost, as an extension of the senses. You can listen, see and feel with it. Instead of sending a staff member to a building site to take a measurement, you receive continuous, up-to-date measurement data via a sensor. So, for instance, you can chart the noise pollution on a building site. Of course, we get a totally different story in a context where thousands of sensors are in use, such as in an industrial plant. In this case, huge data volumes are generated that have to be analyzed immediately and produce an instant response,

such as to optimize the working of a machine or schedule preventive maintenance. In a case like this, AI can provide substantial added value.”

Processing power at the edge Bottacci also says that edge computing is essential for the Industrial IoT. Real-time analysis and automated action are necessary to safeguard business-critical production lines against serious damage or problems, he maintains. How do you see that? Bastiaan: “In the context of the Industrial IoT, broadband and latency are decisive factors. This involves data from thousands of equipment sensors that come together – often wirelessly – on an IoT platform in the cloud. That is where the analysis takes place, after which the system sends actions back to the machines. The size of the data volumes and the distance to be covered can increase the latency. With certain processes – such as safety in a chemical plant, for instance – this delay poses a problem. The solution is to provide the necessary processing power locally, close to the sensors that gather the data. A small, local datacenter like this is placed at the edge of the network. Hence the name edge computing. When the anal-

ysis and response really need to be in real time, edge computing offers an answer.” So do companies need to evolve towards a new IT architecture whereby the cloud does not necessarily provide the best solution for all applications? Bastiaan: “That’s right. The IoT is one of the drivers behind the development of a new level of hybrid IT. Today, companies often already work with a combination of on-site and cloud. Edge computing is a third element here. The big challenge lies in managing the infrastructural ecosystem as a single whole.”

Walking IoT solution IDC estimates that by 2020, 80% of IoT expenditure will go on B2B applications. Do you think the market for consumer applications will bring about fast change here? Or the segment of IoT solutions for governments and local authorities? Bastiaan: “It seems clear to me that the IoT is filtering through into all markets. The technology is evolving rapidly. A sensor is, at most, the size of a crown cork. You can fit them almost anywhere, at a price that is falling steadily. And I don’t suppose the general public has issues with

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“If an IoT application automatically generates a financial transaction, blockchain can ensure that this is done properly and securely.” BASTIAAN DEBLIECK Chief Commercial Offi cer at TenForce


studied linguistics at the KU (Catholic University) Leuven. In 2001, he was one of the founders of TenForce. Among other things, he worked on the company’s semantic technology. Today he is Chief Commercial Offi cer.

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develops software that companies use to manage complex activities, ranging from project management to safety, the environment and health. Among other things, the TenForce solutions use semantic technology, machine learning and the IoT. The company is based in Leuven and has 70 staff.

the rise of new IoT applications. Almost everyone has a smartphone in their pocket. So, as a consumer, you are, by definition, a walking IoT solution. For that matter, it’s no coincidence that Microsoft launched a smart thermostat last summer. The battle to bring the IoT into our houses and cars is well under way.” Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) ensure that various separate elements form one, powerful network. Without APIs, IoT devices are useless. Do you agree? Bastiaan: “APIs are crucial to the success of the IoT. Recently, at TenForce, we added the IoT functionality to our software. In barely two hours, we were connected to the Proximus LoRa platform. That said, if it had taken two weeks, we’d still have done it. Because it works so fast, it means that you can make huge progress in a short time. The importance of APIs can hardly be overestimated. You see that on the big cloud platforms, too. The components you fi nd on Microsoft Azure are almost incredible. And they are all based on APIs.”

Secure transactions What challenges do you see in terms of security for the IoT? How do companies need to respond to this? Bastiaan: “It’s not just about security, but about combining security with privacy. As a company you have to keep a cool head, not panic, adopt a pragmatic attitude. Yes, there are risks. You have to chart them and then deal with them. Security – including in the IoT context – is always based on the combined action of three elements: regulations, technology and people. And here too, people are often the biggest risk. Above all, IT security is a question of the assessment that you make as a company: the cost of the potential risk versus the cost of guarding against that risk.” Can the combination of blockchain and the IoT prove useful here? Bastiaan: “Blockchain offers an excellent means of managing transactions and identity. These two elements are essential in an automated world. On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog. So when you buy something in the digital world, you want certainty about the transaction and about the identity of the other party. Link the IoT in here and you enter the field of automatic transactions, triggered by sensors. A simple example: you drive through a toll gate and a transaction takes place automatically via the IoT. For the process to run smoothly, blockchain may offer an appropriate answer.”

I oT I N P R AC T I C E _ T V H _ 1 5



In real-time dialogue with your machine To improve the use and maintenance of machines, TVH captures data that it analyzes on an IoT platform. Depending on the customer’s context, mobile communication takes place via narrowband, GPRS, RFID, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

is the worldwide market leader in replacement parts and accessories for machines used in material handling, industrial equipment, new and second-hand forklift trucks, hydraulic platforms and internal transport material. The company has subsidiaries on every continent and a workforce of 6,000. Its headquarters are in Waregem.

active in



“90% of our quotes and 85% of our orders go through our digital platform. From there, they go to the automatic warehouse. Everything is geared to being able to deliver the order just in time,” says Chief Business Innovation Officer Kalman Tiboldi of TVH, the worldwide onestop shop for replacement parts for material handling, industrial vehicles and agricultural vehicles. 7,000 connected machines “Around 7,000 machines from our rental range are equipped with sensors,” says Kalman. “These sensors capture relevant data from the machine. They send the data via GPRS to our IoT platform, where the analysis takes place. The challenge lies in the real-time analysis of data streams on the one hand and communication on the other. ­“Depending on the situation, it involves narrowband and GPRS, but also RFID, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth,” says Kalman.

Four purposes of data analysis By analyzing the data gathered by connected machines, TVH can: 1. give customers advice “The data collected are the fuel for a smart service platform. Analyzing these data enables us to give the customer tips, for instance on how to use the machine more efficiently.”

different parts in stock

25 million different parts available to order

contact center with native speakers in


2. schedule preventive maintenance “Real-time data analysis offers the possibility of planning preventive maintenance based on statistical models.” 3. intervene before problems arise “We want to go a step further and offer predictive maintenance, whereby we intervene for a specific machine – in specific circumstances – even before the actual problem occurs.” 4. optimize use “Eventually we want our platform to be part of the machine manufacturer’s ecosystem. The aim is to have a model that optimizes the use of the machine so that it is idle for as little as possible.”

KALMAN TIBOLDI Kalman Tiboldi has roots in Hungary but he was born in Romania. He is a civil engineer and studied mathematics and computer sciences in Bucharest. He joined TVH in 1991 as a software engineer and progressed to become CIO and Chief Business Innovation Officer.

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is Lead Manager M2M & IoT at Proximus. Previously she worked as Innovation Manager at Belgacom.

MySense, 1 sensor with 10 functionalities The functionalities can be used for several IoT applications. Some examples:


Push-button, as an alarm function. Short and long presses indicate a different message.


Monitoring temperature in restaurants for food safety.


Vibration to indicate movement of paintings in museums.


Orientation in order to track mobile workers.


Immobilization for tracking vehicles.


Proximus looked at why customers combine sensors with IoT applications. Sensors with a thermometer, movement detector and pressure-sensitive button provided a solution in 54% of the applications. WHAT ' S I NSI DE

Inclination to determine whether a garage door is open or shut.


Counting using a dial to register the number of times a door is opened.


Shock detection as a safety measure to report falling crush barriers.


Movement detection, for instance to follow the use of meeting rooms.


Measuring (in)activity of hired cranes in order to schedule preventive maintenance.

To make life easier for our customers, we wanted to develop one sensor that can detect different things. It has since become a small white box called MySense. The sensor has a range of functions and can measure temperature, shocks, movements, rotations, etc. It is also visually attractive as, sometimes, end-users will see it or interact with it directly. The MySense also has a push but ton. This could be programmed as an emergency button, for instance, so that an email or text is sent instantly if you push it. Another proven application is market surveys: if a customer particularly likes a certain product or store experience, they can press it and their reaction is registered. The only limit on what MySense can do is the programmers’ imagination. For example, there is a hospital that uses it on blood samples so that they are kept at the right temperature. A chocolate maker has it in his shop windows for the same reason. LoRa coverage in Belgium We have been working, for some time now on building a special wireless network (LoRa) over which these objects can send their data. This LoRa network now covers almost the whole of Belgium. There are still a couple of small parts in Wallonia where we have to install antennae. LoRa is specifically a technology that is used outdoors. So, for example, if a museum wants to use the technology, it has to fi t its own antenna inside the building. This then makes contact with the antennae outdoors.

I oT A P P L I C AT I O N S _ M Y SENSE @ P R OX I M US H Q _ 17

Chilly Warhol


The Proximus Art Collection consists of over 600 photos, paintings, sculptures and installations, purchased to produce a creative work atmosphere. Staff can admire them in the corridors and offices of the Proximus towers. “That’s why the collection comprises mainly photos. They are less sensitive to fluctuations in temperature and humidity,” says art connoisseur Hans-Bart Van Impe, Coordinator of the Proximus Art Collection. “ In the 1990s, when we started the collection, a new procedure was developed that could be used to print photos on large tableaux using rays of light. Large formats like this are ideal to exhibit photos.” The prints are, however, sensitive to UV light. The colors fade if they are exposed for too long. “Ordering a new print from the photographer every time costs time and money. So we built a depot with LED lighting and air conditioning where we can store our pieces for a while in the dark,” explains Hans-Bart. Proximus hangs IoT sensors next to the photos with a light meter connected to a central computer via the LoRa network. “We now know exactly how long the artificial and sunlight fall on each photo and with what intensity. The computer then calculates when exactly a photo risks fading. Then it’s time to put them into storage for a while.” From next year, Proximus will also be measuring vibrations and the temperature around the works of art. “Then we’ll know if it would be best to move a particular piece to a safer place and the air conditioning will automatically keep the temperature constant.” HansBart sees the IoT applications of their art collection as a test case: “On 29 September we organized Smart Art Day – a colloquium on the smart conservation of art collections. I can tell you that a good many museums are already interested in our solutions.”

I oT I N H R

Stairway to health A s par t of the Stair way to Health project, MySense sensors were installed on staircase doors in each of the two towers at ­P roximus’ headquarters in Brussels. When the door opens and a Proximus staff member takes the stairs rather than the lift, he scores points for his tower. The HR department wanted to use this idea to encourage staff to adopt a healthy lifestyle. The results of this playful battle were also stored in an app and projected to give the teams in the towers extra motivation.



Everyone’s a cyber guardian Taking control of self-driving cars, stealing data from movement sensors, etc. The IoT makes cybersecurity more relevant than ever. It is a major challenge but also an opportunity. The difference between you and your competition? A reliable cybersecurity strategy.

Why are security risks increasing exponentially? The rising number of connected devices worldwide, from 20 billion to 30 billion by 2020, is generating more and more data of value to cybercriminals. In addition, the number of endpoints (i.e. vulnerable points) within one company network can reach millions these days, often with outdated devices which have little if any protection. What is more, the responsibility of the company does not end with the sale of a product, but continues throughout its entire life cycle. In the past, the contract between a company and its customer or product came to an end after a warranty period, for instance. Today, companies constantly generate data from their products and services and process information. Moreover, the nature of connected objects means that incidents not only pose a threat to the privacy of customers or companies. Cyberattacks can even cause health problems relating to pacemakers, for example. Are we lagging behind? In many companies, the idea prevails – albeit wrongly – that it is still too early to take precautions regarding the security risks of the IoT. In addition, there is often a great deal of uncertainty about responsibilities: if you distribute a product manufactured by your supplier – often in a different country – are you responsible for cybersecurity or are they? And if your company is responsible, which department should take care of this? Is it the IT department? Or customer services? Or is it a matter for sales?

FACTS Organizations that use cloud technology or the Internet of Things (IoT), report greater returns from the way they use cyber­ security.

IoT adopters report a 24% increase in financial benefits from having strong cybersecurity including improvements to their business agility.

‘Cybersecurity: The Innovation Accelerator’, a cybersecurity report by Vodafone

Cybersecurity in your business model IoT functionality is now a decisive factor at product level and impacts on your entire business model. In the near future, this will only be considered positive if the relevant cybersecurity aspects are under control, as well. Here are a few starting points to develop a fully-fledged IoT security approach: 1. I t is important to correctly assess the relevance of IoT security and to recognize and identify the main risks in advance. So it is sensible to chart the most likely attack scenarios. This information can then be used as a basis on which to develop a further strategy. Remember that an unprofessional response to an attack can cause more damage than the attack itself. Companies that suffer an IoT security problem do best to communicate this quickly, openly and transparently. 2. A minimum IoT security level is obviously necessary in any company department. But clear agreements must be made about the responsibilities as regards IoT security

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throughout the entire supply chain of products and ser­vices. It is best to organize strategic discussions on hard- and software, network infrastructure and applications (interfaces, access for customers) with all parties involved, from suppliers to customers.

3. Security begins with the right culture and technical know­ ledge. Security specialists within a company must be up to date with the work of the product developers, the production itself, etc. At the same time, production specialists must have an idea of IT security. It’s a question of pulling down silos and setting up your strategy across the departments.

20 _ I oT E V E N T _ T H I N K T H I N G S 2017

Bring your data to life


How do you present an event in a proactive way that is visually attractive? The answer is IoT. A technological concept that (almost) no longer needs an introduction and that can turn out to be surprising on several levels. Here's an overview.

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1. Proximus ambassadors can be traced live via sensor tracking. 2. When the CO2 emmissions in the room rise too quickly, the windows can be opened automatically. 3. The heat map indicates where the participants are mainly located. 4. We define a stay-time per zone on the partner booth.

Solution Manager at Proximus

Think multi-technologies From registration of the participants to feedback from an event, technology is a real ally. “Think Things 2017 was the ideal time for us to combine the Beacon technology, Wi-Fi (CMX data), our IoT sensors (and the LoRa network), NFC tags, mobile data and text messaging. Among other things, this mix allows us to improve the experience of the participants and of our partners,” explains Joke Tisaun, Solution Manager at Proximus. …and data come to life The advantages of notification by text messaging, micro-geolocation of persons and the management of the air quality in a space will soon be a must in the event sector. “But not just there. These are added values that can be directly applicable to the retail sector, for example. Who comes from where to buy what, and where they go in the store. All while ensuring data protection, of course,” Joke says. Read an extended report of the event on or learn more about the posiblities of IoT and go to

Proximus online

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You cannot outsource innovation. Scan this page to see the complete panel discussion.


Cannibalization kills innovation In a fast-changing world that is becoming increasingly global and digital, success is reserved for companies that stay relevant for their customers. To achieve sustainable growth, innovation at every level of business management is essential.

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This article is based on a panel discussion with: Marion Debruyne, Dean of the Vlerick Business School Sandra Rothenberger, Professor of Strategy, Governance, Marketing & Innovation at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management Jan Manssens, Director Strategy & Innovation at Proximus Jan Paesen, Head of Marketing Enterprise Market at Proximus

any companies today make the mistake of focusing on innovation for their products rather than looking at innovation at a strategic level. One innovation model that can help businesses maintain a clear view is to look at the situation through three lenses:

1. Through the ďŹ rst lens, companies look at what they are doing at the moment: who their current customers are, what products and services do they provide, how is that done?, etc. By looking for room to improve, companies can implement small changes and bring about incremental innovation. 2. By zooming further out through the second lens, the company moves away from its products and services. It looks at innovation in terms of the solution offered: what does the customer do, for example, 10 minutes before or after purchasing or using my service or product?

Charting the entire customer journey in detail can reveal new possibilities for a company. 3. Taking an even broader perspective, through the third lens, the company goes in search of an alternative business model for what it does at the moment. Is that broader perspective the most diffi cult task? Not necessarily. Incremental innovation seems easy but is often underestimated. Innovation is not just linked to major technological revolutions such as the self-driving car. According to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, 70% of his company’s value comes from daily, incremental improvements.

24 _ V I S I O N _ S T R AT EG I C I N N OVAT I O N A N D M A R K E T I N G

Which KPIs provide insight and innovation in practice? Customer satisfaction and commitment (expressed on social media)

Going on to purchase (conversion)

Repeating the purchase (loyalty)

Win backs


deeper insights, they can raise the threshold for innovation. That is to say, companies only look at what these personas want today, not at what they may need in the future.


The innovation dilemma Above all, innovation requires a sustained effort. When the market is going through a bad time, companies have a natural reflex to retreat into their dayto-day business that generates instant turnover and profit. And yet at times like this too, the focus on innovation is essential. But achieving the expected results in the short term and tracing out the right lines for success in the long term at the same time remains difficult in practice. The long term requires insight The drive for innovation in the long term should not come from within the company itself but should be directed by insights into the needs and wishes of customers. To gain a better understanding of who these customers are and in what context they buy products or call on services, marketeers like to use personas, classifying customers according to certain archetypes. Although persona s provide

These underlying needs, together with a view of the disruption in the market, make it easier to embrace new ideas. The technological aspect is only the top layer. Digitization has changed the tools but not the need of the customer. The need to record events in photos isn’t changed because of the evolution of the devices and cameras. Companies that adopt a human-to-human approach to their marketing and innovation thereby emphasize their authenticity and honesty vis-à-vis the customer. False feeling of trust Everyone realizes that companies have to innovate on the basis of customer insights. And yet it proves to be much more difficult in practice. Feedback from customers is often ambiguous, while the insights that come from the company itself are far clearer. As well as market research tools, good quality data can provide a better picture of the human context. Data only become knowledge with the right balance between quantity and quality, i.e. big and thick data. Yet companies will always have to deal with ‘noisy’ data. It’s a question of making a cultural change and accepting failures. Smart failure often brings new opportunities. And that is key.

Shared responsibility Innovation is a shared responsibility. And not just at management level. New innovation models – such as design thinking, co-creation and hackathons – increase the impact of external partners, customers, suppliers, etc. and hence the complexity of the process. However, they do bring clear added value. It is important for a company to understand that it cannot do everything at once. New ecosystems of customers, partners and suppliers who are closely linked and cooperate with one another are coming anyway. It is a question of choosing whether or not to be part of them. This is no easy decision. Because this issue raises the term that marketeers fear most: cannibalization. After all, no company is aiming to put itself out of business.

Is innovation only aimed at millennials? Although millennials may be the first to pick up innovative products and services, companies should not forget that the silver generation has the most purchasing power. At the same time, Generation Z is on the doorstep. Yet this remains a balancing act. Millennials already seem to be major influencers.

_ 25


Are millennials better at innovating than other generations? MUST READ


Head of Planning & Delivery, AXA Bank Professor, EHSAL Management School

he ever-faster pace of our world and our society is an accepted idea, almost a cliché. Innovation and technology are keywords here. The phenomenon is set in motion by previous generations. More and better trained people were able to fulfill their urge for discovery and new things in their professional activities. Driven by a growing economy and welfare system, innovation and consumption gradually went hand in hand. If you wanted to sell, you had to innovate. It became a social given, resulting in new behavioral patterns. The generations after the pioneers were brought up on these behavioral patterns. So you could say that the millennials have a cultural advantage over previous generations when it comes to modernization. Their urge for ‘ever better, ever higher, ever further, ever faster and ever different’ is in their DNA.


But innovating is more than that. It requires a subtle mix of skills. Significant and successful innovation is usually the result of scores of smaller and bigger successes and setbacks. Following this path to the end takes not only the urge for new and better, but also a great deal of perseverance and resilience – characteristics that, in my view, were found more in the older generations. This is why I believe very strongly in a generation mix. Cross-fertilization creates added value. Usually because, regardless of which generation they belong to, it is still the individuals who achieve the eventual result. At AXA Bank, we follow the golden rule: carefully recruited, highly skilled, high potential millennials work together with the people who have got us where we are today. This mix works, it would seem, for all parties.


Read the answer to this question of Sandra Schuerewegen, CEO Brunel, on page 36.

The 3 Cs of ‘Customer Innovation’ In her book, Marion Debruyne, Dean of the Vlerick Business School, introduces the Connect – Convert – Collaborate methodology and explains how to implement it properly. With this methodology, companies can innovate expeditiously and build up a market-oriented strategy at the same time. Connect, Convert and Collaborate “Connect stands for making contact with the market and putting out as many feelers as possible. Convert means that you do something with this: you are aware of what is happening, you innovate actively and draw up new business models. Collaborate, finally, means internal and external cooperation. No one has all the skills in house, not even IBM or Apple. So involving as many sources as you can in your ideas and your innovation is a really good idea.”

26 _ I N P R AC T I C E _ AT S G R O U P



redundant The IT approach adopted by ATS Group underpins the company’s priority: business continuity. All its sites depend on the centrally managed IT environment. This is why ATS Group has developed everything redundantly: the datacenters, the connection with Proximus Explore and the security of the entire system. Korstiaan Schipper, IT Manager, explains. ATS GROUP

Network ATS Group currently has 13 sites dotted across the country. Proximus Explore has a key role to play here. “We have fiberglass everywhere,” says IT Manager Korstiaan Schipper. “It provides us with bandwidth and stability.” The sites use the centrally managed IT environment via the network. From ERP and the telephone system to internet access and security: everything runs at the ATS Group head offi ce in Merelbeke. In the subsidiaries, ATS Group no longer needs local connections and gateways. “The management is far easier now, as well. When a company is taken over, we can easily connect it to our network.”

The multidisciplinary technology group specializes in creating production and working environments for turnkey projects in electrical, mechanical and distribution activities.

13 sites with its head office in Merelbeke

650 staff with specialized profiles such as software engineers, foremen, technicians, etc

118 million euro turnover in 2016

Telephony “The telephone system is a particularly business-critical element in our sector,” says Korstiaan. “Our duty services have to be reachable at all times. The same goes for our salespeople. If the customer doesn’t get someone on the line, he places his order with the competition.” That is why ATS Group works on the basis of business trunking. This means that all telephone connections from and to the sites – via Explore – go through the ATS Group head office. “Not only does this ensure stable, good-quality connections everywhere, but we have also cut costs.” What is more, the switch to business trunking was made without any interruption. “First we undertook a pilot project. When that proved to be a success, the other sites followed one by one. We definitely did not want a big bang, precisely because the telephone system is so important for us.” Security “A little while ago there was a ransomware incident,” Korstiaan recounts. “Fortunately the contamination was limited to one

White paper Smart Collaboration

device and we had a good backup.” However, it did prompt ATS Group to review their network security. The company decided to invest in the Palo Alto technology, which offers both a next-generation firewall and a strong web filter. “That way, with one, single solution, we exclude as much risk as possible,” says Korstiaan.

Datacenter ATS Group is firmly in favor of redundancy. The company runs two datacenters – in two separate buildings – each with its own fiberglass connection and a Palo Alto appliance. “The staff are the fi rst line of defense,” Korstiaan explains. “Anyone who notices anything unusual does their best to report it immediately. But when people fail, you need good systems to catch the security risks.”

Proximus online

Modern communication tools support intelligent, more efficient collaboration. Read how you can do that. So you’ll be ready for tomorrow.

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M I LL E N N I A L S _ T H E GO O D G EN ER AT I O N _ 2 7


There is a one in three chance that a job vacancy will be filled by a millennial in 2020. Pampered, cocksure and lazy? Or unrecognized talent and sorely needed in your company?

The rise

of the




Millennials: the good generation

Go with the


There are lots of stories circulating about millennials. They are said to be impatient, but also superficial and lacking ambition. One magazine recently interviewed Clo Willaerts, with a few additional statements from Simon Sinek.


is a visionary and author of the bestseller ‘Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action’. He shares his unconventional views on business and leadership via keynote speeches and by writing in The New York Times, Forbes, Inc. Magazine, etc. or on

Clo Willaerts: “There are some widely differing definitions of millennials in circulation, often based on the year of birth. Millennials were born roughly between 1984 and 2000. It should be noted, however, that millennial behavior cannot always be linked to a specific age. In general, millennials can be described as an alarmingly good generation. You expect a new generation to oppose the previous one. With millennials that is not the case. They don’t rebel. They stay at home for a long time, take things as they come. Go with the flow is their motto. At the same time, they attach a great deal of value to authenticity. They don’t lose any sleep over a prestigious job and a big company car. They are very much against everything they see as fake.”

Simon Sinek: Millennials lack deep friendships. Their contacts tend to be superficial. They haven’t learnt enough to deal with emotions, stress or love. Instead of falling back on friends, they reach for their smartphone. Clo: “If you tell a millennial that virtual contact is worth less, you can expect a vehement reaction. It’s true that they are constantly exchanging messages via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat and other social media. For the older generations, that seems very superficial but, for the millennials themselves, these are very valuable social signals. After all, they keep in touch with lots of people this way.”

M I LL E N N I A L S _ T H E GO O D G EN ER AT I O N _ 2 9

Scan this page and listen to an extract of the interview with Clo Willaerts.


is a digital marketing specialist, blogger and ­M anaging Director of ­Dentsu Consulting. The internet is her second home. With over 30,000 followers on Twitter, thousands of Facebook friends and a blog on digital technology, Clo, and her alter ego @bnox, are well known in the digital world. Internet technology

reinvents itself every six months. That makes some people nervous. But for Clo, it’s precisely what makes it so fascinating. Digital and analog have long been interwoven. She sees the hype and buzzwords of the day for what they are and dares to ask (and answer) uncomfortable questions about online security, privacy and identity.

Simon Sinek: Millennials are impatient. The previous generations often had to show patience to forge a relationship, get promoted at work, etc. It seems that millennials aren’t prepared to take the time for this. Clo: “Millennials are not so much impatient, but they seek instant gratification: the immediate satisfaction of a need. If they order something online, they want it straight away, preferably the same day. Millennials don’t put off buying something until the weekend in order to go to a – real – shop. As time goes by this whole online world becomes somewhat magical. A click produces instant results but, at the same time, millennials have no idea of the whole logistic machine behind online shopping.”


Simon Sinek: Millennials have never had to work hard to achieve anything. What’s more, these days, companies adapt to millennials, rather than the other way round. Clo: “Companies are very often organized along traditional lines: accounting, marketing, IT, etc. That stands in the way of the flexibility that millennials are looking for. Millennials are indeed not as focused on their career as the previous generation. But when they need money, they are quite ready to work hard. If necessary they’ll work as a barista for a while, until the worst financial need is over. Millennials see their job as a relationship: it’s a strong commitment, but will it last forever? You can’t know in advance. And if the relationship doesn’t feel right anymore, that’s not dramatic. Go with the flow. Millennials can afford to have this attitude, because they have a safety net. If the worst comes to the worst, they can always go home to mom and dad for a while.”

3 0 _ M I LL E N N I A L S _ T H E GO O D G EN ER AT I O N


Are millennials really so different from previous generations? They don’t think so. The characteristics that typify millennials also apply, in general, to all young people. “Ultimately, it’s just about relationships: between youth and experience.” One magazine put three statements to a panel of young and not-so-young experience experts.

of the


_ 31


are part of the generation born between roughly 1984 and 2000. They grew up in a society of prosperity and a great deal of progress. They communicate and live online.


mainly belong to Generation X, the generation between the babyboomers and the millennials, born between 1961 and 1981. They grew up with economic decline and without the internet. They are level-headed, able to cope for themselves and make the new media their own.

32 _ M I LL E N N I A L S _ T H E GO O D G EN ER AT I O N


of millennials are confident that within three months they will find a better paid or equivalent job if they lose their current job.


priorities when choosing a job Money 92% Security 87% Holiday or free time 86% Great colleagues 80% Flexible working 79%

> 50%

expect to be still working after the age of 65, 27% until they are around 70 years old and 12% the rest of their lives.


of millennials worldwide have two or more paid jobs at the same time.

The Battle Who’s who? Nils Roelandt, Ghent Village Director, Co.Station Marieke Van Lanschoot, Program Manager, Medium Enterprise Transformation, Proximus Eloïse Cromphaut, Management Trainee Enterprise Business, Proximus Wannes Vandael, Executive Advisor of the CTO, Proximus Charlotte De Wilde, Senior HR Matchmaker, Clearsource

_ 33

Who’s who? Wouter Remaut, CEO, Co.Station Eusebio Nickmans, Director New Business Development, Proximus Erik Hendrix, Marketing Manager, Proximus Robert De Maere, Telecom Manager, Port of Antwerp Robert Decant, CEO, ESAS

Statement 1 Millennials are the most digitally connected generation.

Millennials are inextricably connected to their smartphone, so the cliché goes. They communicate mainly asynchronously via social media and other apps. Millennials don’t seem to immediately think of calling someone to ask a question. On the other hand, older colleagues don’t understand why a millennial does not respond to voicemail. “It’s simply not an efficient medium,” says Wannes Vandael. “Often you don’t really get what has to happen and you have to listen a second time. It’s

easier to phone the person back.” Millennials focus on convenience. Rather than leaving a voicemail, they prefer to send the basics in a written message. Today we have a whole range of communication channels, from telephone, text and email to all sorts of messaging services and cooperation platforms. You don’t have to call to make an appointment. You can do it equally well with a message. But preferably not by email. Millennials aren’t keen on that. “We note that startups use email far less,” says Nils Roelandt. “It’s far easier to work on a task list in an app like Trello and communicate about it with messages.” The variety of tools around doesn’t seem to bother millennials. They are used to working in a noisy environment. It has trained them only to watch the relevant things. But even though they are always online and can work perfectly well from a distance, they still like to go to the office. “I find the social contact with colleagues important,” says Eloïse Cromphaut. “I also prefer face-to-face meetings, although a videoconference can be handy, of course.”

3 4 _ M I LL E N N I A L S _ T H E GO O D G EN ER AT I O N

Statement 2 Companies make too little use of survey results to better understand the youngest generation.



“Very often the information is indeed there,” says Eusebio Nickmans. “The question remains how do you respond to it with your management style? The company needs to learn how millennials live and open up to that.” Is it typical for millennials that they want respect and empowerment? Of course not. “I don’t demand to be treated differently,” says Charlotte De Wilde. “And I certainly don’t have the feeling that colleagues from other generations might not understand me.” Ultimately, it is mainly a question of the spirit of the age that is changing. In the past, the boss handed out the tasks; now employees are given more responsibility.



















“All generations inspire one another,” says Robert Decant. “Really it would be better not to talk about Generation X, Y or Z. It makes us think too much in pigeonholes. Someone’s mindset is far more important than their age.” Older colleagues have experience, while the youngest generation generally knows more about new tools and ways of cooperating. “So dual mentorship is what is needed,” Robert Decant continues. “That way, young and old learn from one another.” In practice, sometimes a little persuasiveness is necessary to steer the more experienced generation towards new tools. “That’s true,” says Wouter Remaut, “but the results come quickly when you put young and older colleagues to work together.”

B O O K R E V I E W _ D A V I D R O T H K O P F_ 3 5


‘The Great Questions of Tomorrow’ NWOW

Smooth(ie) Community Co.Station aims to lift the Belgian technology sector to a higher level by bringing established companies, startups, scale-ups and experts together to form a community where they can stimulate one another. Entrepreneurs of all generations meet one another during one of the events or at a fixed or flexible workplace in the Co.Station offices in Ghent or Brussels.

“For Co.Station, NWOW means that we actively put people in contact with one another,” says Hans Chys, manager of Co.Station Brussels. “Flexibility is very important here. Flexible workplaces are always accessible and our fixed office spaces can be rented for short periods so that startups do not have to take any risks. Companies can also use our spaces or auditoriums for events or meetings. In addition, the restaurant and the coffee machine are excellent places for spontaneous meetings and conversations,” says Hans. The NWOW in practice According to Co.Station, the social aspect should not be underestimated, but the one does not rule out the other. For instance, Co.Station’s clients are such in2 LOCATIONS 300 meters from the station


4,000 m2 office space 300 users per day 50 companies

tensive Skype users that the network capacity had to be doubled. Wouter Remaut, CEO of Co.Station: “The trend in favor of virtual meetings and home working is irreversible in any case. Thanks to the cloud, companies can use their own office space more efficiently and their staff are productive all the time, wherever they are, be it at head offi ce, in Starbucks or in a co-working space.” Flexibility comes in here, too: no one has to be bound to fi xed workplaces or times any longer. Not by chance, Co.Station opted for two locations near the station: easily accessible by bike or on public transport. No question of sitting in traffic. “Our concept certainly suits the millennials generation,” says Wouter. “But the older generation feels at home here, too. It’s about a shared interest in technology and innovation. The biggest difference? The millennials drink more smoothies.” On 4 October 2017, Co.Station received the ‘Best Community’ award from the Belgian Workspace Association. CO.STATION GHENT

2,600 m2 office space 120 users per day 30 companies

“Forget terrorism, hackers or migration flows. The real dangers facing humanity are more severe, more fundamental and more far-reaching. Now that everyone on the planet is connected, our very identity, our economy, our legal doctrine and even the way we wage war is at risk,” says David Rothkopf. – Our identity is no longer defined geographically: wherever you come from, kindred spirits are to be found everywhere. – Our method of government: will we continue to organize ourselves as countries? Aren’t governments superfluous and can’t they be replaced by artificial intelligence? – Our economy: terms like ‘money’ and ‘work’ will take on a totally different meaning in the decades to come. – How we wage war: we are moving from a cold to a cool war, with the constant threat of cyberattacks. The book goes much further than a business or economic point of view. David Rothkopf describes an age when every foundation of our society will change: algorithms, big data and artificial data are turning our world upside down. David Rothkopf was Deputy Secretary of Commerce in the Clinton administration. He worked at Kissinger Associates, a consultancy firm established by Henry Kissinger, and also had his own consultancy firm for a while. At the moment, he is CEO of the FP Group, which publishes the Foreign Policy magazine, and he is a visiting professor at Columbia University.

3 6 _ M I LL E N N I A L S _ T H E GO O D G EN ER AT I O N

Statement 3 Millennials want to communicate with management in real time. Here there is clearly a difference with the previous generations. Millennials communicate differently, above all faster. “That is right,” says Robert De Maere, “but ultimately speed is something that everyone appreciates: knowing straight away where you are, even – and perhaps especially – when the answer is negative.” It is typical of millennials to use social media as a fast communication channel. And because things always have to go quickly, they do this for private messages during work hours, too. “No one likes inefficiency,” says Marieke Van Lanschoot. “So sometimes you send private messages at work, just as you do some of your work during your own time.” Millennials think that the strict division between work and free time will fade more and more. “We are moving towards a hustle economy,” says Nils Roelandt, “where people combine various jobs.” Automation is taking over the repetitive, often purely administrative tasks. Which is why there is more focus on human relations. “You can’t replace social and emotional intelligence just like that,” says Charlotte De Wilde. “But the jobs where the human being doesn’t create an added value, will inevitably disappear.”


Do millennials differ from Generation X? Absolutely, just as Generation X differs from the baby-boomers. The millennials themselves link their way of thinking, working and living not so much to their generation, but rather to young people in general. All generations can learn from one another. And that has nothing to do with age, but everything to do with mutual respect and dual mentorship.


Are millennials better at innovating than other generations?


CEO Brunel

illennials, often also described as digital natives, grew up at a time when IT was really booming. Now they expect more and more flexibility in their job and from their working environment. In contrast, the previous generations still mostly expect a strict schedule that is complied with in the organization. In addition, millennials think it is important to make their own contribution to projects and decisions. This is expressed in their ideas about technologies and innovation. Younger employees have an extensive and often better understanding of modern digital developments, which is reflected in unique ideas. Of course, a mix of different ages and experience creates a good balance. Staff from before Generation Y assist them with their knowledge and experience and make sure that their dreams are not unrealistic. It is important to combine and unite the opinions and strengths of both the older generations and the millennials. In other words, the best of all worlds.”



Read the answer to this question from Wim Ravijts, Head of Planning & Delivery at AXA Bank and Professor at the EHSAL Management School, on page 25.



Useful collaboration The established companies are gradually viewing startups as their main competitors. And rightly so. A startup responds very quickly to changes in the market. Bigger companies carry more ballast, they are less agile. We all know examples of companies like Airbnb and Uber, which have brought about far-reaching changes in a whole sector. “Big companies are indeed worried about it, but this fear doesn’t help them move forward. It is far better to cooperate with these startups.”

studied at the ULB and obtained a diploma in telecommunications engineering. He joined Proximus in 2000 and now heads up Technology Incubation & Innovation Funding. Vincent is also on the board of Co.Station, the business campus for startups and scale-ups.

Coffee together People who graduated 20 years ago did all they could to be able to start with a big company. Starting up a business themselves? That was, at the most, an emergency plan. These days, it’s the other way round. Millennials dream of having their own company – and do something about it right away. Perhaps these Belgian starters take inspiration from what happened in the past in Silicon Valley, where young entrepreneurs quickly became the figureheads of the new generation. “Technology itself is reinforcing the trend,” says Vincent Hebbelynck. “The Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and blockchain are very low-threshold technologies. In the past, it took a long time to start something in the IT world yourself, it was complex and cost a lot of money. These days, all that is much faster.”

“After the initial growth spurt, a startup quite often falls into a black hole,” says Vincent. “The engine splutters just when the company needs to move into a higher gear.” In this phase, Proximus is happy to come in as an adviser, with knowledge and experience in a wide range of areas and, of course, with technology, too. “Sometimes Proximus is also a customer of a young company like this. This often brings it more credibility in the market.” Implementation is more important than an idea Conversely, a company like Proximus can also learn a great deal from the young starters. “From the way in which a startup operates on a very lean and customer-oriented basis, for instance. A startup devises a compact solution and takes it out to the customer straight away.” This way of working is at odds with what big companies did in the past: think up broad programs, work it all out thoroughly in detail, keep everything strictly secret and only go to the customer when everything is ready. “We see that startups adopt a very different approach,” says Vincent. “They don’t keep their ideas secret; instead, they share everything. The basic assumption is clear: the feedback on the idea is often more valuable than the idea itself. The ultimate added value lies in the implementation. It is a new mindset that can be hugely beneficial to big companies, as well.”

Proximus online

With video you know more Customer stories, tutorials, events and trends. Through business to business videos for companies and governments you can see what is going on and get ready for tomorrow.

Scan this page and go to the Proximus YouTube channel.

No network, no business

With Proximus you get access to over 25,000 kilometers of fiber, the right expertise and a converged IP service platform. So you invest in an infrastructure that is completely ready for the digital future.

Digital transformation is no longer an option but a necessity for every future-oriented company. Social selling, mobile, apps, IoT, etc. It’s all happening now. These various forms of technology rely on the same thing: a powerful network. Anyone who doesn’t build that today risks imploding tomorrow.

The future is digital. Is your network ready for the digital economy?


The most impressive network in Belgium

Wevelgem Municipality Wevelgem has a central fi ber connection with a capacity of 50 Mbps up and down, but also VDSL for outdoor locations and secure access via PubliLink Explore to all government applications. At the same time the costs are lower. Network access is now taken for granted by employees and residents.

NATO NCI Agency Within NATO, 29 countries communicate with one another via video conferences, often not in their native language. Nonverbal communication is therefore very important, so the image quality must be perfect. Certainly for crucial consultation with operating units the technology must work flawlessly, becau se human lives are at stake. Proximus has equipped 60 meeting rooms with video conference installations, as well as desktops and laptops. An investment that paid for itself in barely 36 months.

29 countries communicate via video conference, the installation paid for itself in 36 months

Carrefour hypermarkets and warehouses per week connected to the fiber network

virtual machines run on 40 blade servers

Carrefour Thanks to close consultation and detailed planning, Proximus not only connected the Carrefour headquarters to the fiber network, but also 60 Carrefour hypermarkets and warehouses per week until the entire network was connected, with a copper connection as backup. Carrefour now enjoys a guaranteed, stable and reliable bandwidth. Everything operates over the network: cash register data, emails, price information, orders, video surveillance, etc.





Informatica Van Breda Together with Proximus, Informatica Van Breda ha s rolled out a new server environment with 40 Cisco blade servers. Altogether roughly 900 virtual machines run on them. The new network offers a higher bandwidth of 10 Gbit. In addition, the three customers (Bank J. Van Breda & Co., Vanbreda Risk & Benefits and Cigna) are separated up to server and network level. Only the hardware is still shared. So the three companies each have their own private cloud.

ROI 36months


Quality Guard Light, moisture or open doors can raise the temperature in refrigerators so that bacteria enter the food chain. The sensors of the Quality Guard app measure these factors continuously and forward the data via the LoRa network. The IoT solution reports every anomaly with an alarm, so that the business owner is able to resolve problems before they cause damage. The Quality Guard app is having a revolutionary effect on 50,000 players in the Belgian food industry, with support from the LoRa network.

sensors with 800 customers from the Belgian food industry operate over LoRa



Over 25,000 km of fiber cable /// 96% outdoor 4G coverage /// No. 1 in IoT with the LoRa network /// 99.99% uptime Over 91% customer satisfaction /// ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certificates /// 24/7 helpdesk

Accenture Now that employees are using their smartphones professionally more often, Accenture wanted a more suitable subscription formula for mobile calling and data consumption. The company chose a customized rate bundle; 1,200 individual subscriptions were converted into corporate bundles for voice, data, national, international and roaming. That brought the company substantial savings. And employees have benefited too, because they can also use the Accenture discounts privately.

up- and download speed, thanks to the fiber network

50 Mbps


individual subscriptions replaced by corporate bundles



5 advantages for a digital boost

Response time is crucial for a good customer experience, internal communication via video conferences, etc.

5. No delay

Faster up- and downstreams, video and TV in HD, data and communication go in real time.

4. Higher speed

Services are becoming more and more digital and require more bandwidth (e.g. multi-applications, virtualization, etc.).

3. Larger capacity

The cost of old technology as well as the risk of disasters and the lack of competitiveness disappear.

2. Future-proof infrastructure

One, single IP access portal for copper, fiber and the mobile network or TV, internet, voice and data.

1. Far-reaching simplification


Cyberattack for sale online There is no such thing as 100% security. IT protection is basically a matter of risk management. But how do companies manage to keep the risk as small as possible? It’s an exercise that starts with introspection. Insight into your own strengths and weaknesses is the starting point for an effective security policy. The focus of your efforts shifts, therefore, from prevention to detection.

he good attendance at the annual Proximus Cybersecurity Convention shows that the business world remains alert. And so it should. Over the past year, cybercrime has hit the headlines regularly, including Belgian victims of ransomware. At the same time, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation ) will be coming into force shortly. “A company that deals deliberately with IT security focuses fi rst and foremost on visibility,” says Christophe Crous, Head of Security Solutions at Proximus. “Companies need to know what is happening on their infrastructure, where the data are, who has access to which applications, etc.” Only when they have a clear idea of the reality of their own situation can businesses organize their IT security properly. “Insight into their own vulnerability is the starting-point here,” says Proximus CISO Fabrice Clément.


And this security is absolutely vital. The past few years have again seen further instances of contamination with ransomware and cyberattacks. New technology – such as machine learning –

helps not only companies, but also cybercriminals to make progress. What is more, a great deal of malware has now evolved to become a pure commodity and cyberattacks are on sale on the internet as a service. “Of course, to start with you have to stay alert yourself,” says Dries Watteyne, head of Customer Security Intelligence at SWIFT, the company that supports the exchange of information between financial institutions. “We keep a close eye on the networks and are constantly on the lookout for possible risks. But it is just as important to form a community with other companies and to share information about cybercrime within this community and with security providers and government services.”

From protection to detection One striking development is that companies are putting more effort into detecting attacks, rather than simply introducing measures designed to keep cybercriminals out. “This exercise is not always easy to justify,” says Laurent Bounameau, CISO at the Federal Police. “But it is absolutely essential. At the same time, you can’t monitor everything to the same level and you have to make choices about access control and data classifi cation. We are very pragmatic about this.” After the takeover by Lufthansa, Brussels Airlines now has to fi t into a new, broader context. “In the past, companies tended to be somewhat negative about

Read more about the Cyber Security Convention at cybersecurityconvention

keeping logs, because it placed too heavy a burden on the systems,” says Jean-François Simons, CISO at Brussels Airlines. “Today there is more demand for logs. If it helps the company provide targeted reports for the senior management then, of course, the investment involved can be justifi ed.” Jean-François Simons hits the nail on the head here. When drawing up a security policy, the main thing is to work with the right information. “That’s the only way you can take the right decisions,” says Bob Ruts, CTO at Davinsi Labs, the Belgian specialist in cybersecurity that has been part of the Proximus Group since April. “Security intelligence enables you to take specific action to reduce the risks. Without insight you are nowhere. At the same time, you have to approach security as a program and not as a precisely defi ned project. Security is a journey without end.”



Security specialists set out their vision

Proximus online

What will be the biggest challenge in 2018? DIRK DE CRAEMERE

Cyber Security Consultant at Symantec

According to our latest fi gures, the so-called ‘bots’ increased by 6.7 million. Combined, these devices form powerful bot networks (botnets) that can spread malware, generate spam, and commit other types of crime and fraud online. In the longer term, I believe that users will play a key role in detecting these complex attacks faster than ever before. Technology alone will not be enough for us to defeat some of the attacks that we are already starting to see across the planet. It will be a combination of technologies like AI and machine learning and the users themselves that will allow us to find the solution to these challenges.


Security Lead BeLux at Cisco

Cisco expects that network defenders will struggle to maintain ground as the Internet of Things (IoT) expands. As discussed in the Cisco 2017 Mid-year Cybersecurity Report, there are signs that new types of attacks — more sinister and destructive than campaigns of the past — are being developed. Adversaries are devising high-impact, well-planned attacks that are designed to prevent any organization, big or small, from operating. That is why it has never been more important for organizations to make cybersecurity a top priority. They must invest in automated tools that can help security teams stay on top of alerts, gain visibility into and manage their dynamic networks, and detect and respond swiftly to true threats.

White paper Security Cyberterrorists, hacktivists, script kiddies: cybercriminals are looking for your data. Find out how you can protect your digital assets. That way, you are ready for tomorrow.


Read the answers to this question by Koen Vanderpoorten Systems Engineer at F5 Networks, Christof Jacques Security Engineer at Check Point, Christophe Crous Head of Security Solutions at Proximus, on page 49.

Scan this page and receive your copy of the white paper.


Does your company need assistance with GDPR? Scan this page and watch the video. Or go to or

25 M AY 201 8

GDPR - DAY The eyes of Europe are on you... All companies and organizations that handle client data of European citizens need to apply the rules of GDPR as of May 25 2018. Those who violate the law risk fines that could rise to 4% of their total annual turnover or 20 million euros.

Although the GDPR is high on the list of priorities for Belgian companies (with more than 50 employees), 32% of Belgian IT Professionals don’t know the new restrictions. 18% say their company is making little or no effort ahead of the implementation, while 19% are unsure if their company is preparing. No less than 16% has never even heard of GDPR.

How many IT managers have a good knowledge of the GDPR? In comparison with other companies from European countries, Belgian companies are lagging behind. 49% United Kingdom 49% Italy 47% France 46% Germany 39% the Netherlands 18% Belgium Source: Kaspersky GDPR Report 18/05/17


In the past year the use of mobile data grew by a good 70%. From an average of 2.1 GB data traffic per smartphone in 2016, we’re going to 12 GB in 20221 according to predictions by Ericsson. The smartphone is the medium that offers more for every business.

Megabytes push out business boundaries BUSINESS TOOL

Smartphone in the war for consumers New technological possibilities create new expectations. The consumer is especially focused on convenience. The more that can be done via one device, the better. That device is the smartphone. The consumer decides where, when and how they contact a company via the smartphone: via an app, email, chat, social media or a phone call. This ‘culture of immediacy’ generates ever-higher expectations, both private and professional. Put simply, the customer wants a company to answer questions in real time. Smartphones with mobile data bundles are essential to be able to offer a superior customer experience. That way, the company is constantly accessible via every possible channel, even social media. Employees have access to business applications and data anytime, anywhere, which allows them to handle customer questions quickly and correctly. A superior customer experience demands more than constant accessibility and availability. The use of the smartphone also generates new business models. Companies let their employees experiment with the smartphone. Ideas emerge from this that set trends in motion and – with use of new digital technologies – result in new models.

Data eaters or data gluttons? All data are averages depending largely on the personal use of the apps, the device, the quality of image and sound material, etc.

documents anytime, anywhere, both at home and abroad.

Customers expect that new experience from traditional companies too. To be able to capitalize on this, companies are investing in digital transformation and intensive automation of their business processes. New income via a new sales channel like m-commerce then forms a logical next step. But, once again, it is essential, in this respect, that employees actively participate in this new way of working. Via the smartphone and use of mobile data they can respond to the customer’s wishes faster – and so generate new revenue. Smartphone in the war for talent Video is the main cause of the growth in mobile data use. Both privately and professionally the importance of video is increasing quickly. Tutorials provide a quick answer to specific questions, while video conferences are more and more replacing faceto-face meetings. In the medical sector, specialists follow operations via video while, in HR, the first projects on video interviews are underway. Video conferences ensure a reduction in travel and transport costs for meetings. They give employees greater flexibility to work remotely, at home, en route or with the customer. With a mobile data connection, employees have access to applications and

This fast access to information makes employees more flexible and more productive. The smartphone boosts the productivity (16%), creativity (18%), satisfaction (23%) and loyalty (21%) of employees. More specifically, a productivity increase of 16% means that the employee can devote 6.4 hours per week to other tasks. That translates into a time gain of 41 workdays per year. 2 Not only do employees feel more committed to their work due to the flexibility of the smartphone, they also feel more valued when they have the right equipment. New, powerful smartphones with the accompanying mobile data are therefore essential to bring talent onboard and keep it.

¹ Ericsson Mobility Report 2017 ² Mobility, performance and engagement. How CIOs can contribute to business performance by shaping the employee experience, Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), 2016

Roaming abroad Are you traveling or on a business trip outside the European Union? Then it’s best to surf on your laptop or tablet via a personal hotspot (tethering) on your smartphone with the adequate mobile bundle.

TRAFFIC INFORMATION APPS (1 hour of navigating in normal traffic) Waze 5 MB – 8.5 MB Apple Maps 20 MB – 25 MB Google Maps 13 MB – 17 MB TomTom Go mobile 7 MB – 14 MB

SOCIAL MEDIA (consumption per activity) WhatsApp - calling 400 KB per minute - receiving or sending WhatsApp messages 0.01 MB Facebook - posting message 0.5 MB - viewing image 0.4 MB Twitter sending Tweet 0.04 MB Instagram 1.6 MB per minute VIDEO CALLING (consumption per minute) Skype 1 MB FaceTime, Apple 3.2 MB Duo, Google 9.7 MB WhatsApp 3 MB STREAMING-APPS (consumption per minute) YouTube - viewing video 2.5 MB - viewing HD video 5.5 MB Spotify 1.25 MB FILE SHARING Email - viewing or sending (without attachment) 0.06 MB - viewing or sending (with attachment) 0.5 MB – 2 MB Picture - downloading or uploading a photo 3 MB

Is your current bundle adequate? Calculate the right plan. Surf to and find out which bundle you can use to work anytime, anywhere.




At Proximus, employees get access to the best mobile devices. The company policy clearly specifies what the employees can and may do with their device. “We give our employees all the tools they might need,” stresses David Lytton, Change Manager for the Digital Workplace Program at Proximus, “but it’s up to them to decide how to use those tools. So we don’t require anyone to read their work email on their mobile phone.” At Proximus, 4,000 employees use push email from the company on their mobile device. Naturally there are requirements in some circumstances, Gregory adds. “If someone wants to work at home, we ask that the mobile phone number be available to colleagues and that the agenda be open for colleagues.”


Since 2009, Proximus has given all its employees the opportunity to buy a smartphone within a certain budget in an ‘ambassador plan’. “The intention of that plan is to give our employees access to the best mobile devices,” says Gregory Jacobs, Compensation & Benefits Manager at Proximus. Over 95% of its employees already use the ambassador plan. In addition, employees who must be mobile, like account managers, often also have a tablet from the company for professional use.

Proximus has an extensive company policy on smartphones. “How do you order a smartphone? What happens when a device is stolen or malfunctions? What do you do when the employee leaves the company? Everything is covered in this company policy,” explains Gregory. Private and professional Gregory stresses that it is important to prescribe, in such a company policy, what employees can and must do with their device. “Explain clearly from the beginning wheth-

Proximus pioneer in mobile networks First 3G network

4G+ rollout in the major cities

max. 42 Mbps



Launch of fi rst mobile network No data transfer possible yet, only messaging

max. 225 Mbps



4G rollout max. 150 Mbps

5 exabytes per month

2016 First tests with 5G technology

3 exabytes per month

max. 70 Gbps

8.8 exabytes per month



Security specialists set out their vision

What will be the biggest challenge in 2018?

er the device is for professional use, private use or both. But also explain what security measures the employee should take, such as protecting their work email with a strong PIN code.” David adds to this that many misunderstandings still exist about how much of the employee’s data the company sees. “When we introduce mobile device management (MDM), employees are often afraid that we can see their private emails, photos and contacts with it. We cannot do that. And if we wipe the device in the event of theft, that happens only for the company data; we never touch their personal data.” Automation and outsourcing Does management of mobile devices generate a lot of work? According to Audrey Tyzo, Compensation & Benefits Specialist at Proximus, it need not. “We have automated and outsourced as many tasks as possible. If, for example, an employee orders a smartphone, it is not sent to the employee’s department, but to a UPS point. If we had had the departments or HR handle this, it would indeed have been a lot of extra work.”

Rollout of 4.5G network in parts of seven Belgian cities max. 450 Mbps


9 exabytes per month

2022 Average data traffic 71 exabytes per month


Systems Engineer at F5 Networks

The borderless network. Companies no longer know where the border of their network lies. In the past you had a firewall and everything within that firewall was known and trustworthy. With the possibilities available now, companies need to change the way they protect themselves and, above all, apply security to applications.


Security Engineer at Check Point

On the one hand, the biggest challenge that we see among customers today is visibility. Lots of information on malware and cyberthreats is great, but you have to be able to let it be seen, so that you can gather useful information. On the other hand, the GDPR processes are important.


Head of Security Solutions at Proximus

Companies are increasingly evolving from reactive to proactive security. On the basis of incidents elsewhere in the world, known weaknesses and the IT architecture that you work with, it is possible to predict how a hacker is likely to work. When you know that, you can improve IT security in those specific spots. The big challenge in IT security worldwide is finding just the right people.


The self-driving A

s a grandfather, I have the privilege of being able to go for walks with our oneyear-old granddaughter. First it was in the pram, now we can take the buggy. We got the buggy about 25 years ago, from my wife’s sister. And she in turn had been given it by her sister-in-law. A buggy that’s already carrying its fourth generation of children. It's a MacLaren but it's not as fast as that might suggest. It only shares the same name as the one of the world of F1. The wheels are so worn that they are crooked. It is so old that the wheels are no longer on the hinges. If you want to turn, you have hold the buggy at an angle so that it is only resting on the front or rear frame. Our daughter – and the mother of our granddaughter – takes umbrage at the fact that we carry her Alix around in such a rickety, old-fashioned, faded pushchair. She has a new one that’s bigger and better. And yes, one that is easier to use. And if anyone ever comes up with a self-driving buggy, it will be better still. So what? At the end of the day, none of that is important. People are emotional human beings. That is what makes us different from things and computers. What matters is the relationship you have with one another. Contact counts. A smile. A hand. A friendly word. And technology doesn’t change any of that. A self-driving buggy for my granddaughter? No thanks, I’d rather push her myself. JEAN-MARIE,

Marketing Expert at Proximus and grandfather of Alix

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