Message from the President Mission, Vision and Values Course of Action Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder Support Group Achievements Education and training achievements Research Support networks Information and Communications Technologies 9th International Congress on ADHD Goals and challenges achieved and to come Proyectodah in numbers Acknowledgements
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Message from the President In 2013, in our 9th year of existence, we are pleased to present to you the fruit of our efforts for this year; they are the result of the great effort of many people involved in our global society. Therefore, we would like to thank our donors, as well as the Mexican and international scientists for selflessly sharing their work; we also would like to thank our Board of Trustees and our Scientific and Parental Advisory Boards. I particularly would like to thank my team who constantly help me carry out my goals of improving the quality of life of people who suffer from ADHD. For this project, this year has represented substantial progress in the professionalization of our systemic ADHD attention model; this drives our programs and partnerships to achieve results and successful development processes.
Prof. MarĂa Elena Frade Rubio President
Mission, Vision and Values Mission “To serve, support and train society to develop an attention line for ADHD from a scientific and systematic perspective”.
Vision To create a scientific and systematic attention line of high national and international social participation, with aim to improve the lives of people who suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as well as their families.
Values Dignity – Empathize with people Solidarity – To become one with the people Equity – To work with justice while seeking equality within difference Responsibility – Ability to respond to our commitments Proactivity - Generate the idea of social activity in the minds of our beneficiaries Perseverance – To act systematically, orderly and continuously in accordance with our mission. Honesty – Thinking well, speaking well, acting well to be well, always taking our transparency into account. Probity – The Spanish Royal Academy defines it as: carefully and diligently take precaution in order to provide and assist with the necessary implements to achieve a purpose. Economy - Search for goods and manage them to achieve the development of our vision.
Our four lines of action
Thanks to these lines of action, in 2013 we achieved:
6,426 Beneficiaries
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Support Groups (GADAH) This area specializes in providing information and training parents who require useful and accurate scientific information on ADH through different forms:
路 Informative talks
路 Parent to Parent Training Program
Informative Talks Informative and orientation talks are our way of informing, training and generating public awareness regarding the basic aspects of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Attention Deficit Hyperativity Disorder (ADHD).
In 2013 we provided:
86 talks
172 hours
In other words: of scientific information
With a total of:
1,883 attendees
Our informative talks are given in the Foundation’s facilities as well as in the different institutions and schools who request them.
Institutions that have benefited from informative talks - Escuela Ernesto Alconedo - Escuela Pentatlón - Empresa Vendor Publicidad - Casa Municipal de la juventud (Chicoloapan) - Unidad de Rehabilitación e Integración Social (URIS, Chicoloapan) - DIF Municipal Chicoloapan - Instituto Ma. P. Alvarado - Escuela Francisco Sarabia y Tinoco - Colegio del Pilar - Escuela Gustavo Baz Prada - Hospital Psiquiátrico Infantil J.N. Navarro - Escuela Horacio Zuñiga; Cd. Nezahualcoyotl, Estado de México - Laboratorios Medix - Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Chihuahua
Online Informative talks - Querétaro; Querétaro - Paraíso;Tabasco - Irapuato; Guanajuato - Hermosillo, Ciudad Obregón y Nogales; Sonora
GADAH The support groups for Attention and Hyperactivity Deficit Disorder provide scientific information to parents, so they can join other parents and seek solutions, share experiences, help themselves and each other and construct social networks for the benefit of their children. When taking part in GADAH, parents will be able to: • Adopt a positive attitude towards different situations concerning ADHD. • Develop self control in parents as well as in children. • Modify inappropriate behaviors with positive discipline. • Use Emotional intelligence to improve family relationships. • Learn about different techniques for problem solving. • Learn to communicate and work together with the school. • Learn the changes of ADHD in teenagers as well as tools to face them.
16 GADAH groups were formed
In 2013:
With a total of:
334 informed and trained families
Amongst the groups that were formed this year, had session in: - Tabasco - Chihuahua - Cuautitlán - Aeropuerto
- Proyectodah’s headquarters - Colegio del Pilar - Querétaro - Aragón - Chicoloapan ((two headquarters)
Each group works during 23 two hour sessions, which represents 46 hours of continuous training.
Parent to Parent
Parent to Parent This is an educational program specialized on Parental ADHD , given by parents who have been trained and certified by CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder) and by Proyectodah. The training course is 21 hours long and addresses family educational topics, specialized in the successful management of children with ADHD through interactive classes.
We carried out in 2013:
11 Parent to parent programs 172 hours of scientific information certified by CHADD and Proyectodah
With a total of: 109 trained parents
Both in our GADAH program, as well as in our family training program for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Pe a Pa), surveys are applied in order to systematize the information as well to self-assess our performance. The results are in the investigation section of this report.
9º Proactivity Event This event takes place annually and is intended to integrate parents and their children who have previously participated in support group (GADAH), as well as to acknowledge their efforts and dedication. This year we had over 60 attendees, consolidating their effort and dedication. The subject this year was FACING ADHD, where the people involved were asked to make presentations of the strategies they learned at GADAH, as well as the way these strategies have helped them to generate a positive and proactive attitude when facing their children’s diagnosis. 30% of the grand total of attendees was there and they had the opportunity to become physically involved. Therefore, 20%of groups taking sessions in different states took part in the event, and sent a video showing their achievements throughout the sessions.
“Collaboration with the J.N. Navarro Hospital” As a result of the agreement collaboration with the Juan N. Navarro Hospital, a series of training courses were started for hospital patients and users. Hence, a total of 8 informative talks took place, benefiting 200 people; 2 conferences for professionals also took place. 15 children were channeled to the hospital for attention.
PhD Research project with Dr. Lino Palacios In 2013, Dr. Lino Palacios launched the research project named “Clinical and Cognitive Traits that could predict ADHD in high risk teenagers”, a project submitted as a means to obtain the PhD degree, sponsored by CONACYT and Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Dr. Ramón de la Fuente, for which the help of Proyectodah was required. Within the presented progress is the evaluation of 84 families. The screening continues to establish the total number of siblings in high risk of suffering ADHD, both psychopathological and residual.
Education and Training This is the area responsible for providing educational services to improve the practice of professionals involved with children with ADHD and their families, in other words teachers, doctors, psychologists and social workers.
In 2013 were carried out:
29 conferences Beneficiaries: 2687 The subjects were:
37 workshops Beneficiaries: 1302 The subjects were:
ADHD classroom behavior improvement strategies
Reading and writing techniques for children with ADHD
Adolescence and ADHD
Homeworks and children with ADHD
Bullying and ADHD
You, your spouse/partner and ADHD
ADHD and child abuse.
The “emotions� game
The education and training area helped a total of:
4,119 people during 311 hours
of training
The following professions were involved:
Teachers 85% Psychologists Doctors 1%
Our training courses also take place in different states of the Mexican Republic which require accurate and updated information on this disorder:
Among the places where the training was carried out this year are:
Taxco, Guerrero
Acapulco, Guerrero
Guadalajara, Jalisco
Tezontepec de Aldama, Hidalgo
D.F and metropolitan area
Hermosillo; Sonora Cd. Obregón; Sonora Nogales; Sonora Chihuahua, Chihuahua Querétaro; Querétaro Ixtapaluca; Estado de México
Whorkshop: Motivating love for math in children with ADHD
Workshop: The “emotions” game. Workshop: Handling stress and anxiety in adults with ADHD
In view of the necessity Public Functionaries have for acknowledgement, we now have the capacity to hand out Participation acknowledgements for all our events, under registry number: FCF-000926-EEA-0013 This number was granted to us by the Secretaría de Trabajo y Previsión Social.
Virtual Campus Last year we opened our Virtual Campus, a project based on a teaching model using new Information and communication Technology; we seek to elevate the level of knowledge and solutions surrounding Attention Deficit Hyperacitvity Disorder in all Spanish speaking countries. In 2013, 2 pilot virtual courses took place: “Characteristics and implications of ADHD and ADHD psychosocial impact (course duration: 5 weeks each). In this first edition, we trained a total of 20 people from the following states: Chiapas, Chihuahua, Estado de México, Distrito Federal, Michoacán and Veracruz. In addition to this, the workshop of anger management of children with ADHD was held in the virtual classroom, with 7 beneficiaries from Distrito Federal (Mexico City), Estado de México and Hidalgo.
Research The purpose of this area is: • To Collect, process and verify any information likely to be published regarding Proyectodah • Propose and design new lines of research in order to improve the activities of Proyectodah • Analyze and systematize the impact of Proyectodah An impact research of the GADAH and Parent to Parent programs took place from January to October of 2013, outstanding the following points: 15 GADAH were set up (10 imparted weekly and 5 every two weeks) with a total of 141 parents. Among these, 5 were online via Skype (4 weekly and 1 every two weeks). They had 23 two hour sessions each time, with a total of 46 work hours.
Impact results were shared with the CHADD Board of Directors during their annual conference on November 2013, in Washington, DC.
Support Networks Each year we continue to consolidate significant alliances and support networks that enable us to join efforts and establish agreements that will help in our efforts to detect TDAH and educate people in regards.
Alliances Nationally: Grupo Medix, Empresa Socialmente Responsable, certificada por CEMEFI (2003) Patrimonio de la Beneficiencia Pública (2004) Facultad de Medicina de la UNAM (2005) Hospital General de México (2005) Instituto de Salud del Estado de México (2005) Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía CEMEFI (2005) Departamento Regional Texcoco de Educación Básica, Supervisión Escolar de Tepetlaoxtoc, Estado de México (2005) Asociación Nacional de Farmacias de México, A.C. (ANAFARMEX) (2005) Asociación Pro Personas con Parálisis Cerebral, IAP APAC (2005) Kari Igomari Niwara (2005) Facultad de Psicología de la UNAM (2007) Asociación Mexicana de Laboratorios Farmacéuticos (AMELAF) (2007) Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDH) (2009 Liga Latinoamericana para el Estudio del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (LILAPETDAH) (2010) Fundación Lilly (2011) Hospital Psiquiátrico Infantil Juan N. Navarrro (2013)
Northeastern University of Boston (2005)
National Institute of Health (NIH), USA (2007)
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) (2010)
Salem State University, USA (2011)
Psiformación (España) (2011)
Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (2011)
North Suffolk Association (2011)
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston (2013)
Comunication and Information technology In this area the implementation of the following platforms was developed:
E-Magazine Thanks to its electronic format, InformaTdah provides articles, news and scientific information of general interest regarding learning about ADHD. This year, 6 numbers were published: • How are Executive Functions developed? • The biology of denial • Dealing with denial • What learning issues are presented in ADHD? • How to organize the sties regarding children with ADHD • ADHD: people vulnerable to addiction
Virtual Campus This platform will enable training for health professionals, teacher and parents, thanks to the use and development of web platforms, videos, audio and the design of educational modules. The first edition of courses under this modality started on May 2013.
Newsletter We generate a bimestrial e-newsletter with the purpose of providing information on the latest news and events regarding Proyectodah. In 2013, we published 6 newsletters and two special bulletins.
Web Page We rigorously follow the behavior of visitors to our website; during 2013, there was a 16.39% increase in visitors in relation to last year’s hits.
Social Networks The number of followers in our social networks increased; in these networks, we offer information of interest and news from past events. In Facebook we have 1153 followers while we currently have 622 followers on Twitter.
cerebrofeliz Our Youtube channel: “Proyectodah Cerebro Feliz” has 10 promotional and educational videos regarding the different services and scheduled events of the year. The short educational videos in our channel are the following: • What is ADHD? • ADHD and Medication • Listen to the Speakers (International ADHD Congress) • How can parents of ADHD affected children help out? • School Tasks for Children with ADHD • ADHD during adolescence • ADHD Specialty • ADHD Family intervention • Amigodah Membership
In 2013 we started sharing pictures from different training events where Proyectodah has taken part though Flickr. If you have been part of any workshop, talk, course or conference from Proyectodah, you can look for your photographs in our gallery which has been structured by event and by year.
Media The purpose of mass communication is to disseminate in the main media what Proyectodah does as well as and its specific activities, such as workshops, conferences and courses. The accomplishments this year were: The attendance of 7 media sources to the press conference during the 9th International Congress about ADHD. 42 stories about ADHD in the media: 2 on print, 24 on the radio, 14 on the internet, 2 on television. We would like to give special thanks to the following media for giving us a space over time:
Radio * Show: “A buena Hora, un espacio de prevención” , IMER * Show “Enrólate 710”, IMER * News Mx Producciones & FM Radiante Argentina *Show: “Todo se aclara”, IMER *Eclectic show: Código DF *Show: “De mujer a mujer”. IMER. *Show: “Expediente 666”, Radio Ciudadana IMER * Show: “Primera Emisión” SN Digital Tlaxcala *Show “Voces del mediodía” Grupo Mundo ejecutivo * Show: “Convivencia si violencia”, Radio Chapultepec *Show: “Revista del Consumidor en Radio”, ABC Radio *Show: “Integral”, Instituto Morelense de Radio y Televisión *Show: “Reporte Informativo”, Reporte 98.5 *Show: “Primera emisión de noticias”, Radio Trece *emisora de radio por internet
Magazines and Newspapers * Edad de Oro Magazine* Kena Magazine *15 a 20 Magazine *Peques y Mamás Magazine *La Semana Ahora Magazine *periódico Milenio *Periódico El Gráfico *Periódico Crónica
Internet • • • • • •www. • • •www. •
Show: “Diálogos en Confianza”, Once TV* ”Numeralía, con Paola Blanquet”, Cadena 3
External media Stand: 96 Congreso Nacional, El Nuevo reto de la educación en México, organized by the “Unión nacional de Padres de Familia UNPF” *2nd national congress “Hospital Psiquiátrico Infantil Dr. Juan N. Navarro”, Salud Mental del Niño y del Adolescente, una prioridad social.
9th International Congress on ADHD In alliance with Salem State University and the General Hospital of Massachusetts’s Psychiatry Department, Proyectodah celebrated its ninth International Congress on ADHD, from on Wednesday, October 2nd to Saturday, October 5th, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Mexico City. Under the subject of “Science and Practices for ADHD” the event brought together 30 national and international specialists from Mexico, USA, Spain and Puerto Rico, with over 60 hours of continuous training. This year, we will host 312 guests, including doctors, parents, teachers and psychologists.
Within the frame of the congress, the parental training course named “De Pe a Pa” took place; this course will grant a title of University Expertise in ADHD, academic updating days for teachers, psychologists, doctors and this year we will also include parents; last but not least, the Masterly Conferences, where subject experts displayed the most updated knowledge and tools that will enable forth a better knowledge of ADHD.
Prof. Maria Elena Frade Rubio, during the opening message for the 9th International Congress on ADHD
Academic Updating working days Aside from the continuation of the course for parents, the Training Course for Teachers, Psychologists, Doctors and this year also Parents, took place during our second day, through the Academic Updating Working Days. Through different conferences, we dealt with subjects such as: • Emotional illiteracy in ADHD • Neuroanatomy of ADHD • Diagnosis and treatment of emotional disorders and ADHD • Consequences of untreated ADHD
Dr. José Bauermeister. Retired professor from the Univeristy of Puerto Rico Psychology Department, taking place in the Academic Updating Working Days.
Dr. Lino Palacios. Medical Psychiatrist from the National Institute of Psychiatry (Instituto Nacional de Psiquaitría), during the medical working days.
Dr. Roberto de la Fuente. President of the Child Psychiatry Association (Asociación de Psiquiatría Infantil), during the special session for parents.
Keynote Conferences Once the congress was inaugurated, we proceeded to the lectures given by our guest speakers, such as: Dr. Timothy Wilens, under the subject of “ADHD and substance abuse”; Dr. Feggy Ostrosky, who spoke about “Neuropsychological Assesment for ADHD”; Dr. Tim Wigal, with additional information related to “Treating preschoolers with ADHD” and with Dr. Francisco de la Peña, who spoke about “Alterations in the DSM V manual for ADHD and Dissocial Disorder”, among other lectures.
Dr. Timothy Wilens, Director of Child Psychiatry at the Massachusetts General Hospital.
Dr. Tim Wigal Director of the pediatric development center at the California University at Levine, USA.
Dr. Feggy Ostrosky Director of the Neurophysiology and Meuropsychology departments at the UNAM Psychology Faculty (Facultad de Psicología UNAM).
Research Symposium Dr. Eduardo Barragán, Chief of Neuropediatrics at the “Hospital Infantil Federico Gómez”
Dr. Francisco de la Peña, Chief of the Investigation Promotion Department at the “Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente”.
This year was kicked off with an invitation to display scientifically supported work, related to Attention and Hyperactivity Deficit Disorder. Thus, the presentation of 8 selected posters took place, in order to reward the most relevant poster in regards to the subject.
The main acknowledgement went to the work titled “The effects of Methylphenidate in the searching conducts of children with ADHD” by Paola Alejandra Gutierrez Galindo and other co-authors. We would like to thank Dr. Correas and Dr. Quintero from Psiformación Madrid España, for the grant given to the winner, for the ADHD Expert Course for the following year.
Book presentation: “Caminando hacia un nuevo Potencial” (Reaching for a new Potential)
Dr. Oren Mason, author: Reaching for a new potential
Book presentation: “El TDAH desde quien lo padece” (How to make things work with ADHD)
Maria Elena Frade acknowledged the mothers who shared their testimonies in the book: How to make things work with ADHD. The story of 9 mothers sharing their testimonies.
Challenges Accomplished in 2013 Opening of Virtual Campus Signing of a Collaboration agreement with Massachusetts General Hospital Signing of a Collaboration agreement with THE Children’s Psychiatry Hospital, Juan N. Navarro Opening of two Proyectodah headquarters in Hermosillo, Sonora and Chicoloapan, Estado de México. Celebration of the 9th International Congress on ADHD held in México City The presentation of 10 scientific health professional posters during the International Congress on ADHD. Book publication: “Alcanzando un Nuevo Potencial” (Reaching for a New Potential), by Dr. Oren Mason. Book publication: “How to make things work with ADHD” 3rd Edition of the Expert Course on ADHD.
Challenges for 2014 Opening of Proyectodah headquarters in three cities of the Mexican Republic Retaking collaboration between the Proyectodah and Fundación Lilly with the Maps Proyect Celebration of the 10th International Congress on ADHD to be held in Mexico City Invitation for health professionals to submit Scientific posters during the International Congress on ADHD Book publication: “¿Eres tú, soy yo o un adulto con TDAH? Frenando la montaña rusa cuando alguien que quieres tiene Trastorno por Déficit de Atención” (Is it You, Me or Adult ADD? Stopping the Roller Coaster when Someone you Love has ADD)” by Gina Pera. 4th Edition of the Expert Course on ADHD. Opening of the course: “Training in management of emotions and social skills in children with ADHD”, also the online certification course for “Early detection and treatment for ADHD” endorsed by the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FES) Iztacala and UNAM. “Agendah” presentation
accumulated numbers...
Beneficiaries in 2013
Acknowledgments We would like to thank our donors who worked this year with Proyectodah. Productos Medix, S.A. de C.V. - Economic and material contributions. Intercafe, S.A. de C.V. – Material contribution for the events Shire Farmacéutica Brasil LTDA – Economic contribution for the Congress Laboratorios Rimsa – Economic contribution for the Congress Aprhifac A.C. – Material contribution and publicity for the Congress Fundación Pascual – Material contribution for the Congress Amigosdah though Proyectodah memberships. Special thanks: The members of the Proyectodah Patronage Lic. Pedro Velasco, Ing. Héctor Larios, Lic. Lorenzo Hernández, Lic.Ricardo Rabasa, Lic. Jorge Fabre, y Lic. Julio Hoth. The scientific consultants’ board Dr. José Bauermeister (Puerto Rico), Dra. Silvia Ortíz (México), Dr. Javier Correas (España), Dr. Javier Quintero (España), Dr. Eduardo Barragán (México), Dr. Ricardo Vela (USA), Dra. Carol Glod (USA), Dr. Xavier Castellanos (USA), Mtra. Aurora Jaimes (México), y Dra. Feggy Ostrosky (México). The Certified Parents’ Consulting Board: Judith González, Miriam Salgado, Verónica Soriano, Alejandra Brindis, y Edith Zubirán
All products and services provided by Proyectodah for which we obtain a donation are tax deductible (Folio 328-SAT-09-lll-51448, Diario Oficial de la Federaci贸n). We kindly ask you to request it if you need it.
If you are not yet a donor and you would be interested in becoming one:
Please make your donations to the following account in Banorte Fundaci贸n Cultural Federico Hoth, A.C., 0213936387 For electronic transfers: CLABE 072180002139363878