Inspiration CSR Corporate projects and campaigns

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world influenceR alliance

Corona Fit Pack, innovación contra el pástico Se estima que cada año se vierten unos 8 millones de toneladas métricas de desecho plástico en el océano, por lo cual es necesario tratar el problema desde varios frentes. Aunque Corona usa principalmente vidrio y tableros de fibra en sus empaques, la marca considera una oportunidad ayudar a rediseñar una fuente frecuente de plástico en la categoría: los anillos “six-pack”.

world influenceR alliance

Corona Fit Pack, innovaciรณn contra el pรกstico

world influenceR alliance

Corona Fit Pack, innovación contra el pástico Ante esta situación Corona, de la mano de la agencia Leo Brunett, propone una innovadora solución para eliminar las famosas redes de plástico que unen los packs de latas. Un nuevo diseño de las latas que, gracias a una pequeña rosca en sus bordes, se convierten en unidades ensamblables y fácilmente transportables. Esta propuesta le ha supuesto al tandem Corona/Leo Brunett acceder a la lista de finalistas del Festival Internacional de Cannes Lions 2019.

world influenceR alliance

Make Packaging

Waste a Thing of the Past

world influenceR alliance

Make Packaging Waste a Thing of the Past Though the packaging waste challenge wasn’t new to us, 2017 was a pivotal year. We took a fresh look at the issue—and did not like what we saw. Plastic bottles, cans and other containers kept ending up in our oceans and waterways or littering our communities. While we had made great strides in recyclability through the years, we realized we had to do more to make sure our packages are collected and recycled. recycled material used in our PET plastic packaging globally


world influenceR alliance

Make Packaging

Waste a Thing of the Past

world influenceR alliance

Building on a Decade of Water Replenishment

world influenceR alliance

Building on a Decade of Water The Coca‑Cola Company’s water leadership was born in India more than a decade ago, following a conflict between our business and the local community over the use of local water resources. While we believed we had a solid record of using water efficiently and responsibly, we quickly learned what is now well-accepted: that the availability of freshwater is a defining issue of our times—one that poses risks to a company’s license to operate. of water used in our finished beverages safely returned to communities and nature in 2018


world influenceR alliance

Young people building the future

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Young people building the future

The objective of the program is to provide the participants with technical skills and abilities that allow them to develop. In this sense, BBVA Bancomer has decided to join the social program of the federal government ‘Youth building the future’ in a union effort of the Association of Banks of Mexico (ABM), by opening more than 2,000 places inside the branches and in the Financial Education program; in this way it becomes the institution of the banking sector that most contributes vacancies to this initiative.

world influenceR alliance

Giving wings to your talent and your desire to progress

world influenceR alliance

Giving wings to your talent and your desire to progress Banco Santander has created a new website,, to promote scholarship programs and grants for the academic and professional development of young people, professors and researchers. In 2017, the group awarded 44,862 scholarships within its project to further strengthen its objective of consolidating itself as a benchmark for responsible banking worldwide.

world influenceR alliance

world influenceR alliance

Five years oout The report is designed to make information about the “Five Years Out” program easily accessible to all of Arrow’s stakeholders, cultivating trust and fostering a more collaborative working environment. The most recent report updates readers on the company’s work to make driving more accessible to the disabled, introduces global metrics highlighting its CSR partner organizations, highlights the donation of refurbished tech gear to schools and charitable organizations, and much more.

world influenceR alliance

Sport needs a space

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world influenceR alliance

Sport needs a space ‘Sport needs a space’ is the result of extensive consumer research the company has done to validate its understanding of how important sport is for well-being, values and working together as well as for our overall society. The most striking learning is that 93% of people interviewed said they would hate or dislike a world without places to participate in sport. As reported, “It would be an unbearable world with little enjoyment; a miserable place with lack of energy”.

world influenceR alliance

because there is no planet b

world influenceR alliance

Spanish apparel firm Ecoalf, which has made its name through incorporating recycled materials into its product portfolio, has received PETA-approved vegan certification for a new range of apparel. The company states that this certification is the latest step in its commitment to become 100 per cent ‘feather free’ across all its collections by 2020.

world influenceR alliance

world influenceR alliance

Upcycling the Oceans In 2015, Ecoalf, through its Foundation and with the support of the HAP Foundation, embarked on its most ambitious project: Upcycling the Oceans, a global venture that will help eliminate marine debris from the bottom of the oceans thanks to the support of the fishermen. A revolutionary project that aims to establish itself in other parts of the world whose main objective is to recover the garbage that is destroying the oceans and transform it into first quality yarn to make garments.

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world influenceR alliance

world influenceR alliance

world influenceR alliance

We are fighting to eliminate the plastic of the oceans

recycling plastic waste and transforming it

into high performance sportswear

world influenceR alliance

run for the


world influenceR alliance

We are fighting to eliminate the plastic of the oceans

recycling plastic waste and transforming it

into high performance sportswear

world influenceR alliance

Creating sustainable


world influenceR alliance

Designing efficient data centers Energy



On average, a Google data center uses 50% less energy than a typical data center.

Compared with five years ago, we now deliver around seven times as much computing power with the same amount of electrical power.

less energy

computing power

1.11 PUE

The average annual power usage effectiveness (PUE) for our global fleet of data centers was 1.11, compared with the industry average of 1.58—meaning that Google data centers use about five times less overhead energy.

iso50001 certification

We maintained ISO 50001 (energy management) certification for 12 of our 14 Google-owned and -operated data centers globally, which together represented more than 96% of our IT energy use.



of servers remanufactured 18% of the servers Google deployed were remanufactured machines.


components resold Over 2.1 million components were wiped clean and resold into secondary markets.


landfill diversion Six of our operating data centers have achieved 100% landfill diversion.11


waste diverted We diverted 91% of waste from our global data center operations away from landfills.

world influenceR alliance

In 2017 we diverted

91% of waste from

our global data center operations

away from


world influenceR alliance


Over 10 years ago, we became carbon neutral—in collaboration with great partners. In the last decade, we’ve partnered with more than 40 carbon offset projects to offset more than 17 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

world influenceR alliance



world influenceR alliance

Why the need for a platform? Although there is a lot of e-learning material available online nowadays, only a small fraction of materials are tailored towards workers, specifically worker parents It is also difficult for workers with a low education level to identify material that best suits them

What can you do? Encourage suppliers to promote the WeChat platform among their workers • Promote the platform among your business network • The WeChat platform can become part of other ongoing projects and training activities to increase scale and continuous impact

world influenceR alliance

wechat comic lessons Target audience: Migrant parent workers, line managers and young workers

A series if cartoon lessons have been developed for each of the three target groups with lesson topics ranging from parenting and distant communication, conflict management and good management to stress managementm career development and more.

world influenceR alliance

unicef ed content Target audience: Migrant parent workers. CCR CSR partnered with UNICEF to adapt their Early Childhood Development (ECD) content for the WeSupport plattform. Many migrant parent workers lack access to credible sources of information about ECD and these lessons fill that gap. It includes: • Videos on nutrition, health and safety • Lessons on nutrition and disease prevention • Quizzes on health and safety

world influenceR alliance

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world influenceR alliance

Qiandao Lake Data Center The Qiandao Lake Data Center adopts a state-of-the-art deep lake water cooling system which saves 300 million kWh of electricity and reduces CO2 emissions by 300,000 tons per year compared to other conventional data centers. The technology lowers its annual average Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) to as low as 1.17, considerably lower than many leading Chinese data center companies. The system also reduces the annual average Water Usage Efficiency (WUE) to reach 0.197, which is also below China’s industry average.

world influenceR alliance



kWh of electricity saved by lake water cooling system per year

Reduced CO2 emissions per year

world influenceR alliance



Hundred million people participated


Tons of carbon emision reduced

8.45 Million Suosuo trees in desert

world influenceR alliance

alibaba philantropy In the past 12 months, the Alibaba Philanthropy and Alipay Philanthropy platforms, together with 440 million people across China that used the three platforms, raised over RMB 1.27 billion ($184 million) in charitable donations, said the report. In the same period, over 15 million people registered on the “Each Person Three Hours� platform, which listed over 3.05 million volunteer opportunities from 937 local nonprofit organizations.

world influenceR alliance

alibaba philantropy At Alibaba, each business unit is asked to include a philanthropy component to their business. Ant Forest app and planting Ant Forest rewards users for supporting sustainability, such as using public transportation and paying utility bills online. Those points can be redeemed to plant trees in areas of China where desertification has taken hold.

world influenceR alliance

alibaba philantropy

At Alibaba, each business unit is asked to include a philanthropy component to their business. Ant Forest app and planting Ant Forest rewards users for supporting sustainability, such as using public transportation and paying utility bills online. Those points can be redeemed to plant trees in areas of China where desertification has taken hold.

world influenceR alliance

Developing Young Minds Through Play LEGO’s CSR initiatives work toward LEGO’s mission of building a better world for children. Because they recognize that playing is not only fun but a vital tool for learning, LEGO has trained thousands of their employees to become “Play Agents.” LEGO Play Agents help children engage in the kind of healthy play that encourages learning and growth. Today over 3,000 Play Agents work with children in communities around the globe to lead them in the kind of fun, creative play that develops young minds. To learn more, read the LEGO Group’s Responsibility Report.

world influenceR alliance

Developing Young Minds Through Play

world influenceR alliance

Closing the Education Gap for Children in Developing Nations

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Closing the Education Gap for Children in Developing Nations Helping children around the world achieve their fullest potential through education is one of Google’s main areas of philanthropic focus. To serve this goal, Google seeks out and supports organizations that are dedicated to expanding and improving primary education in developing countries. Since 2016 the tech giant has provided millions of dollars in grants and human capital support to the organization Learning Equality. Their offline app Kolibri helps level the educational playing field for children who do not have access to the internet by giving them digital books, videos, and tutorials. Google sent a team of their engineers to spend a month on site, providing hands-on support to Learning Equality’s product team. Watch how Google and Learning Equality are working together to help close the education gap for children.

world influenceR alliance

Education Backpack and School Supplies for Every Pair of Shoes Sold

world influenceR alliance

Juntos’ initiative is based on a similar principle as TOMS - for every pair of shoes sold, the company donates a backpack filled with school supplies to a child in Ecuador. Each backpack includes a year’s worth of school supplies - pencils, pens, rulers, and notebooks. But why Ecuador? Because Juntos produces and sells El Zapato de Lona - the Ecuadorian street shoe. They believe in giving back to the place that inspired their company. And as they explain:

world influenceR alliance

The Footprint Chronicles

world influenceR alliance

Patagonia is an outdoor company dedicated to keeping the environment healthy. According to them: “As our company grows, we are faced with this challenge: the more we produce, the greater our impact is on the environment. If we are going to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis, as our mission states, we have to reduce our overall impact, regardless of the number of products we sell.� To do this, they set out to be as transparent as possible and tackle different environmental and social issues at every step of their supply chain.

world influenceR alliance

Workers Well Being

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The company takes a unique approach to addressing their employees’ needs. Instead of forcing new initiatives on employees, Levi’s regularly surveys their workers to discover what they need to become more engaged, healthy, and productive. And based on the feedback, they partner with various NGO’s and nonprofit organizations to implement programs that deliver on the workers’ needs.

world influenceR alliance

By reaching its first year, ‘Common Goal’ has exceeded 50 members between players and coaches, including Julian Nagelsmann, coach of Hoffenheim of only 31 years, influential people of the sport as the president of UEFA, Aleksander Ceferin, and also the initiative already has its first professional club. The organic growth of the movement has already generated almost 700,000 euros, with 450,000 already invested in 27 projects based on football to change society.

world influenceR alliance

to help improve health and boost healthy lifestyle habits On August 4, 2017, ‘Common Goal’ was born. The movement emerged to inspire the football industry to donate 1% of its profits to organizations around the world that use football to achieve real changes in society.

world influenceR alliance

world influenceR alliance

Our products offer both therapeutic intervention and medical devices to prevent falls. This not only reduces the risk of injury, but also improves confidence in walking and, ultimately, helps users maintain their independence and improve their quality of life for longer.

world influenceR alliance

The most recent innovation in terms of helping walk patients with Parkinson’s. It is specifically designed to solve the Freeze of the March (CdM), since Path Finder provides visual signals to stimulate the passage. Path Finder helps to overcome the Freeze of the march (CdM), prevents falls and increases the independence of those affected.

world influenceR alliance

world influenceR alliance

world influenceR alliance

New WRI Project to Bring Clean Electricity to 1 Million People in India and East Africa

world influenceR alliance

World Resources Institute (WRI) announced a $2.3 million grant from the IKEA Foundation to bring clean electricity to a combined 1 million people in India and East Africa. The funding will help integrate affordable, reliable and clean electricity for all – an inaccessibility for more than 1.1 billion people worldwide. Many critical services such as schools, medical clinics, and agricultural facilities in rural areas of India and East Africa are currently off the electricity grid. With the IKEA Foundation’s grant, WRI will identify development organizations working locally in three key sectors—education, health and agriculture— where expanding electricity service has important development impacts, such as extending their operating hours, educating more students and reducing food waste.

world influenceR alliance

Energy consuming products

offered by IKEA

are on average 50 per cent

more efficient compared to 2008

world influenceR alliance

New WRI Project to Bring Clean Electricity to 1 Million People in India and East Africa IKEA Foundation funding will enable three components of the project: making the demand for electricity visible through maps, building partnerships to link development facilities to clean and affordable electricity, and mobilizing finance at scale.

world influenceR alliance

We contribute to the adaptation to climate change of cities Green Urban Data (Spain), software that provides information on the environmental status of cities and thus facilitates decision-making and strategy prioritization in order to combat climate change

world influenceR alliance

Cubelizer, the start-up that takes care of the elderly thanks to artificial vision A constant monitoring service for elderly people which activates an assistant in the event that they have an accident or fall ill

world influenceR alliance

offers the user the option to take out temporary and customized insurance online immediately

world influenceR alliance

a sensor which is fitted to the vehicle in order to evaluate road conditons in real time

world influenceR alliance

a groundbreaking system enabling people with visual impairments to orient themselves with the help of their cell phone

world influenceR alliance

a device which is installed on the roads that is able to automatically reduce a vehicle’s speed

world influenceR alliance

a platform which converts the calories that a person burns when exercising into solidarity

world influenceR alliance

New WRI Project to Bring Clean Electricity to 1 Million People in India and East Africa

world influenceR alliance

a glove which enables a medical professional to rapidly assess the state of a person’s heart in a critical condition and significantly reduces their response time

Tati arcilique volluptat quaepero eturi am estio. Aquam, nimus etur serumquamus



a glove which enables a medical professional to rapidly assess the state of a person’s heart in a critical condition and significantly reduces their response time






Tati arcilique volluptat quaepero eturi am estio. Aquam, nimus etur serumquamus




a platform which converts the calories that a person burns when exercising into solidarity calories





Tati arcilique volluptat quaepero eturi am estio. Aquam, nimus etur serumquamus





a device which is installed on the roads that is able to automatically reduce a vehicle’s speed




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Cubelizer, the start-up that takes care of the elderly thanks to artificial vision A constant monitoring service for elderly people which activates an assistant in the event that they have an accident or fall ill






Tati arcilique volluptat quaepero eturi am estio. Aquam, nimus etur serumquamus







Developing Young Minds Through Play LEGO’s CSR initiatives work toward LEGO’s mission of building a better world for children. Because they recognize that playing is not only fun but a vital tool for learning, LEGO has trained thousands of their employees to become “Play Agents.” LEGO Play Agents help children engage in the kind of healthy play that encourages learning and growth. Today over 3,000 Play Agents work with children in communities around the globe to lead them in the kind of fun, creative play that develops young minds. To learn more, read the LEGO Group’s Responsibility Report.


Tati arcilique volluptat quaepero eturi am estio. Aquam, nimus etur serumquamus







Developing Young Minds Through Play LEGO’s CSR initiatives work toward LEGO’s mission of building a better world for children. Because they recognize that playing is not only fun but a vital tool for learning, LEGO has trained thousands of their employees to become “Play Agents.” LEGO Play Agents help children engage in the kind of healthy play that encourages learning and growth. Today over 3,000 Play Agents work with children in communities around the globe to lead them in the kind of fun, creative play that develops young minds. To learn more, read the LEGO Group’s Responsibility Report.

Developing Young Minds Through Play


Tati arcilique volluptat quaepero eturi am estio. Aquam, nimus etur serumquamus



By reaching its first year, ‘Common Goal’ has exceeded 50 members between players and coaches, including Julian Nagelsmann, coach of Hoffenheim of only 31 years, influential people of the sport as the president of UEFA, Aleksander Ceferin, and also the initiative already has its first professional club. The organic growth of the movement has already generated almost 700,000 euros, with 450,000 already invested in 27 projects based on football to change society.






Tati arcilique volluptat quaepero eturi am estio. Aquam, nimus etur serumquamus








By reaching its first year, ‘Common Goal’ has exceeded 50 members between players and coaches, including Julian Nagelsmann, coach of Hoffenheim of only 31 years, influential people of the sport as the president of UEFA, Aleksander Ceferin, and also the initiative already has its first professional club. The organic growth of the movement has already generated almost 700,000 euros, with 450,000 already invested in 27 projects based on football to change society.

to help improve health and boost healthy lifestyle habits On August 4, 2017, ‘Common Goal’ was born. The movement emerged to inspire the football industry to donate 1% of its profits to organizations around the world that use football to achieve real changes in society.

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Tati arcilique volluptat quaepero eturi am estio. Aquam, nimus etur serumquamus



run for the







Tati arcilique volluptat quaepero eturi am estio. Aquam, nimus etur serumquamus





a sensor which is fitted to the vehicle in order to evaluate road conditons in real time




Tati arcilique volluptat quaepero eturi am estio. Aquam, nimus etur serumquamus








a groundbreaking system enabling people with visual impairments to orient themselves with the help of their cell phone

Tati arcilique volluptat quaepero eturi am estio. Aquam, nimus etur serumquamus



We contribute to the adaptation to climate change of cities Green Urban Data (Spain), software that provides information on the environmental status of cities and thus facilitates decision-making and strategy prioritization in order to combat climate change






Tati arcilique volluptat quaepero eturi am estio. Aquam, nimus etur serumquamus








Education Backpack and School Supplies for Every Pair of Shoes Sold

Juntos’ initiative is based on a similar principle as TOMS - for every pair of shoes sold, the company donates a backpack filled with school supplies to a child in Ecuador. Each backpack includes a year’s worth of school supplies - pencils, pens, rulers, and notebooks. But why Ecuador? Because Juntos produces and sells El Zapato de Lona - the Ecuadorian street shoe. They believe in giving back to the place that inspired their company. And as they explain:

Tati arcilique volluptat quaepero eturi am estio. Aquam, nimus etur serumquamus



New WRI Project to Bring Clean Electricity to 1 Million People in India and East Africa






Tati arcilique volluptat quaepero eturi am estio. Aquam, nimus etur serumquamus








2:05 / 5:45

Patagonia is an outdoor company dedicated to keeping the environment healthy. According to them: “As our company grows, we are faced with this challenge: the more we produce, the greater our impact is on the environment. If we are going to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis, as our mission states, we have to reduce our overall impact, regardless of the number of products we sell.� To do this, they set out to be as transparent as possible and tackle different environmental and social issues at every step of their supply chain.

Tati arcilique volluptat quaepero eturi am estio. Aquam, nimus etur serumquamus








Make Packaging

Waste a Thing of the Past

Make Packaging Waste a Thing of the Past Though the packaging waste challenge wasn’t new to us, 2017 was a pivotal year. We took a fresh look at the issue—and did not like what we saw. Plastic bottles, cans and other containers kept ending up in our oceans and waterways or littering our communities. While we had made great strides in recyclability through the years, we realized we had to do more to make sure our packages are collected and recycled. recycled material used in our PET plastic packaging globally


Building on a Decade of Water Replenishment

Building on a Decade of Water Replenishment The Coca‑Cola Company’s water leadership was born in India more than a decade ago, following a conflict between our business and the local community over the use of local water resources. While we believed we had a solid record of using water efficiently and responsibly, we quickly learned what is now well-accepted: that the availability of freshwater is a defining issue of our times—one that poses risks to a company’s license to operate. of water used in our finished beverages safely returned to communities and nature in 2018

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Tati arcilique volluptat quaepero eturi am estio. Aquam, nimus etur serumquamus








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