Powell River Peak VOL 25 July 10, 2020

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Doctors provide coronavirus updates PAGES 3 and 9

ALLIED ARTISTS Group display works at combined exhibition PAGE 9

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4494 Joyce Avenue 604.485.7927 TOBA

7345 Duncan Street | 604.485.7555 PRPEAK.COM

Friday.July 10.2020

Vol.25 No.38

Canada Post Agreement 40069240

NEW HOUSING: Clearing work has begun at inclusion Powell River’s Artaban Street property, and Corinna Curtis [left], the organization’s director of adult services, and Lilla Tipton, chief executive officer, recently surveyed the proposed group home site at the Artaban Street location.

Get the Peak to Go iPhone app now available in the App Store or iTunes


Council considers group home permit Social services organization applies for housing permits PAUL GALINSKI reporter@prpeak.com

City of Powell River Council will be giving notice of its intention to consider issuance of a development variance permit by relaxing a number of works and services on property owned by inclusion Powell River (iPR). At the July 2 council meeting, councillors considered an application for the variance permit for a new group home on Artaban Street in Cranberry. According to a staff report, iPR is looking to provide a new Get ALL the eht LLA tNEW eGGet ALL the listings at tprhotnewlistings.com a sgnitsNEW il WEN listings at m oc.sgnitsilwentohrp prhotnewlistings.com 4766 Joyce Avenue eunevA ecyoJ Powell 6674 4766 Avenue River,Joyce BC V8A 3B6 6B3 A8V CB ,rPowell eviROffice: llew oP604 River, BC485 V8A4231 3B6 1324 584 406 :ecOffice: fifO 604 485 4231


000,974$ OCEAN VIEW

group home to provide care for a client with challenging needs. The staff report stated the current situation on Chilco Avenue is no longer viable largely due to the proximity of the existing group home to surrounding residences. The report stated to achieve this, iPR has applied for a subdivision application to create a duplex-sized lot, a building permit application to allow for the construction of the new group home and a development variance permit to relax a number of the works and services conditions covered by the infrastructure design and construction bylaw. Chief administrative officer Russell Brewer said the report is consistent with existing policy with respect to the official community plan (OCP) and zoning. Brewer said in terms of the OCP the property has a land use designation of urban, residential low density and the 000,974$ OCEAN VIEW

000,974$ OCEAN VIEW

Get the Peak to Go property is zoned NT Institutional. iPhone app now “The NT zone is intended toavailable accommodate in the a broad range of both private and public institutional uses, of which a group App Store or iTunes home is considered a permitted use,” said Brewer. “The requirement for a development variance permit is due to the request to vary service requirements in the City of Powell River infrastructure design and construction bylaw to relax a number of works and services beyond what the manager of engineering services is able to waive. In those cases, it’s required to go to council for a development variance permit.” Brewer said iPR is looking to use an area at the back of its institutionally zoned property on Artaban Street. He said the current residence for the client is in an area that has been proven to be challenging for the community and the neighbourhood, and the Artaban location would be much better


000,974$ OCEAN VIEW `


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Warren Behan Personal Real Estate CorporationnaheB nerrWarren Behan aW Personal Real Estate Corporation Broker OwnernoitaroproC etatsE laeR lanosreP 604 485 2324renwO rekorBBroker Owner 604 485 2324 warren@warrenbehan.com4232 584 406 warren@warrenbehan.com m oc.nahebnerraw@nerraw View current listings at

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