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Friday.July 24.2020
Vol.25 No.40
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Treehouse dream comes true Young boys contribute sweat equity to building project JOYCE CARLSON Peak contributor
Many youngsters dream of a treehouse in their yard and for two young Powell River boys that dream has come true. Mason and Sawyer Sanderson have a lot of sweat equity in their treehouse perched on tree trunks, 10 feet above the ground. Mason received several power tools for Christmas and put them to use on the project that started on May 15. “It all started when we took down trees in our backyard to build a shop,” explained their father Ken. “Mason had always wanted a treehouse and asked if we could build one.” Once seven or eight trees were taken down, three trunks were left standing in a corner of the yard that hold up the platform with the addition of two 6x6 posts. “My favourite part was putting on the shingles with a power nailer,” said Mason. “I liked the framing, putting on the plywood CHILDHOOD DREAM: Peeking out the window of a recently constructed treehouse, Mason and putting the walls up,” said Sawyer. Sanderson takes a moment to think about all the work he put into the project. Along with his Ken’s partner Jasmine Lawrence said it was brother Sawyer, who is climbing the ladder, the brothers and their dad, Ken, will be adding a deck to better access the attached zipline. JOYCE CARLSON PHOTO 000,974$ 000,974$ 000,974$ 000,974$ Get ALL the LAKEFRONT CABIN LAKEFRONT HOME NEW RANCHER OCEAN VIEW eht LLA tNEW eGGet ALL the listings at tprhotnewlistings.com a sgnitsNEW il WEN listings at m oc.sgnitsilwentohrp prhotnewlistings.com 4766 Joyce Avenue eunevA ecyoJ Powell 6674 4766 Avenue River,Joyce BC V8A 3B6 6B3 A8V CB ,rPowell eviROffice: llew oP604 River, BC485 V8A4231 3B6 1324 584 406 :ecOffice: fifO 604 485 4231
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a good learning experience. “It was the only time they got up early,” she added. “They put in some 14-hour days and finished covered with sweat.” Ken agreed they hard and Get worked the Peakextremely to Go wanted to keepiPhone going app afternow a long day. available in the Even Jasmine’s daughter Freyja participated in the projectApp and Store wantsortoiTunes host a party in the treehouse. “She’s really excited about the whole thing,” said Jasmine. The treehouse platform includes a 10x10 room and a deck. Inside an old Ford truck seat that acts as a couch and chair sit on a rug. Most importantly there is a flat screen television that the boys use to play their video Get the Peak to Go games on. iPhone app now Still unfinished, the treehouse needs a door available in the and an addition to the deck so the App Store or iTunes boys have a safe area to take off on their zipline “because what is a treehouse without one.” Jasmine said with school being shut down and now summer vacation, she is happy that the boys are outside all day in the fresh air, playing video games, then riding the zipline and jumping on the trampoline. “In the morning, they fill their backpacks with their video games and snacks, then climb the ladder into the treehouse,” explains Jasmine. “At night, they pack up their games and ride the zipline down to the ground and
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