live well 2018
Powell River-based health professionals, practitioners and commentators share expertise, advice and tips on choosing the healthiest lifestyle options, achieving balance and living life to the fullest S U P P L E M E N T S • YO G A • S U N S H I N E • FAT T Y A C I D S H E A LT H Y H A B I T S • C O U N S E L L I N G • A Q U A F I T N E S S MENTAL WELLNESS • EXERCISE RECOVERY • PROBIOTICS WALKING • EATING WELL • FORGIVENESS • BALANCE • VITAMINS
and mental wellness
BY ROBERT SKENDER On a sunbleached afternoon on February 11, 1990, after 27 years of imprisonment, Nelson Mandela walked out of Victor Verster Prison in Cape Town, South Africa. The subsequent act of pardoning his oppressors and removal of the unjust system that divided his country has made him a model of forgiveness and its power to strengthen, bond and heal the human spirit. Mandela’s strength to forgive begin a process to heal wounds that apartheid inflicted on South Africans. His actions laid the groundwork for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the restorative justice process where perpetrators of gross injustices can meet their victims in a public setting in hopes of healing societal wounds without further violence. This model of forgiveness on a large scale was seen as successful, for the most part, and was adapted by Canada in 2008. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada was created to document the history and impact residential schools had on in-
digenous people throughout Canada. This process toward justice for indigenous people continues today. The therapeutic and healing possibilities of forgiveness in our own lives can have a positive impact and influence mental wellness in fundamental ways as well, including self-forgiveness. Guilt about past wrongs committed can be a positive,
tool in healing and, eventually, wellness. Anger and resentment can be the fuel that violently propels self-destructive behaviours such as alcohol and drug addiction. A hard hitting and memorable quote I overheard while living in a treatment and recovery centre was, “resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”
In my own experience in recovery from addiction, forgiveness has been an invaluable tool in healing and, eventually, wellness.
corrective thing. It tells us we have violated our internal value system and a change to more positive behavior is needed. However, guilt or shame without eventual self-forgiveness can create the toxic environment for selfhate and addictive, destructive behaviours to thrive. In my own experience in recovery from addiction, forgiveness has been an invaluable
There is a self-destructive absurdity when stuck in the quicksand of anger and resentment yet, like most cognitive pathologies, it’s almost impossible to gauge the amount of self-harm being done and think rationally during episodes of these negative states. Some adverse medical conditions proven to be associated with anger when it becomes chronic include increased pro-
duction of stress hormones such as cortisol, poor sleep quality and, potentially, clinical depression. Growing up as a Catholic, I’ve usually associated forgiveness in a religious or spiritual way, however, along with the behavioural psychology of forgiveness, there is further science to forgiveness in a neuro-anatomical context. Neuroscience researchers have used an MRI to map areas of the brain affected when healthy subjects were told to imagine social situations that were intensely emotionally hurtful and anger inducing. Our emotional states influence our brain’s function in a very direct and mappable way. Forgiveness and self-forgiveness can be a personal Truth and Reconciliation Commission for our present lives. A profound and healing act, like the bright sunlight on that February afternoon in suburban Cape Town, can cleanse the troubled parts of our lives, and ourselves, so we can confidently step forward into a new, better future. Robert Skender is a Powell River freelance writer and health commentator.
PUBLISHER: Kelly Keil EDITOR: Shane Carlson CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Alicia Newman CONTRIBUTORS: Lisa Marie Bhattacharya, Catherine Cameron, Ted Johnson, Paul McIsaac, Robert Skender, Melissa Sloos SALES: Cindy Bavin, Laura Sayer
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with food Every March since the 1970s, Dietitians of Canada has planned and delivered Nutrition Month, an annual observance that aims to connect Canadians with the benefits of healthy eating. Each year the organization selects a theme to explore, and the topic chosen for 2018 was Unlock the Power of Food. Eating the right foods can help us heal, prevent diseases and even affect our mental health. Anyone looking for a way to raise their spirits and increase their overall well-being should consider eating these mood-enhancing foods.
1. Fatty fish Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines have an important role to play in the production of the feel-good brain chemicals dopamine and serotonin. Walnuts and ground flaxseeds are also excellent sources of omega-3s.
2. Leafy greens Kale, spinach and watercress are among the many types of greens people can eat to boost their moods. These veggies are high in folate and vitamin B6. The former is needed for neu-
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rotransmitter synthesis, and the latter is required for serotonin production.
3. Yogurt Yogurt with active cultures contains probiotics. These heal thy bacteria have been shown to reduce the quantity of anxiety and stress hormones in the body. Other foods with probiotics include kefir, tempeh, kimchi and pickled or fermented vegetables.
4. Whole grains and legumes Spikes in blood sugar levels can wreak havoc on your mood. Whole grains such as brown rice, barley and quinoa, as well as legumes such as lentils, kidney beans and chickpeas, are digested slowly, making them a good source of fuel for the brain and body that will disrupt anyone’s mood.
5. Dark chocolate Studies indicate that consuming dark chocolate, 70 per cent cocoa or higher, releases endorphins and boosts serotonin levels. In addition, it is believed that cocoa flavanols may increase blood flow to the brain.
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Life is a
balancing act BY PAUL MCISAAC Although people seek counselling support for a wide variety of reasons, they often say a large part of their problems is that their lives seem out of control with too much work, too little leisure or too much social time, and too little individual time. Their lives are really out of balance. This is a challenging situation, but with a little insight, planning and self-discipline things can improve quickly. With our busy lives and long lists of priorities, we often find ourselves ignoring other important dimensions of existence. Focusing too much on only part of our lives can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and emptiness. Bringing things back into balance requires a more global view of our lives to lift ourselves above the day-to-day and look at all the parts of our life to see which are getting too much attention and which too little. This approach is called the Wheel of Life, with spokes for the different dimensions. It is really useful because it graphically shows the current and ideal dimen-
sions of our l i v e s and highlights the areas that need work. Counsellors and life coaches use this concept to assist clients in identifying problem areas of their lives and bringing them back into balance. It also helps them to pay attention to specific areas of concern. It is easy to create your own Wheel of Life by following these simple steps. However, although the steps are simple, spending more time and effort on them will result in a more complete and useful wheel.
Think about different dimensions of your life Most people have six to eight important dimensions of their lives. Think about them in terms of your different roles: spouse, parent, extended family member, worker, community member, sport or hobby enthusiast, et cetera.
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Draw a wheel with spokes for each life dimension Write your life dimensions on your drawing, one dimension per spoke
Consider each dimension Decide on your ideal level of attention for each dimension. At different times of your life, different dimensions will require different levels of attention.
Assess the attention you are giving each area Thinking of each dimension in turn, use a scale of zero to 10, to decide how much attention you are giving each at present. Mark it down on the wheel and draw the level on the spoke. For example, a five would fill half way out from the centre, a 10 would completely fill the spoke, and a zero would not fill the spoke at all.
Think about the different spokes on your wheel Are some areas completely
filled in while others are empty? Do the levels vary greatly? Do the filled areas use up only a small area at the centre of the wheel? Your drawing should give you an instant “bird’s eye view” of the dimensions of your life.
Consider your ideal level Think about the ideal level for each of your life areas. For most people, there will be differences between the current and actual levels of each dimension. As well as balancing the different dimensions, it is important to live each dimension close to the ideal.
Work the Wheel of Life The Wheel of Life is a picture of your current and ideal life dimensions and balances. Any gaps or irregularities show the parts of your life that need work. You need to take action in each of the areas that need work. Sometimes, to coordinate different levels, it may be necessary to back off on certain dimensions. Some of us work too much, some of us play
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too much. The Wheel of Life helps us bring all the dimensions into balance. Then we can start expanding them all together toward the ideal.
Use the wheel to set goals The Wheel of Life is a map showing where you are at present and where you are going. It also helps
you identify and set goals. Finally, it assists you in seeing your progress along life’s journey. Many self-assessment tools for the Wheel of Life are available online, including at toolshero. com/personal-happiness/ wheel-of-life/. Paul McIsaac is a registered counsellor/psychotherapist in Powell River.
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Tips for
healthy sun exposure BY LISA MARIE BHATTACHARYA Before you run out and get this season’s stock of sunscreen, consider the following: Did you know that only about three per cent of cancers may be caused by sun overexposure and 97 per cent may be related to our under-exposure, which leads to a lack of vitamin D? Low vitamin D levels are associated with increased "allcause mortality" and especially mortality due to cancer. Vitamin D can induce antibodies at mucosal surfaces to defend against invading viruses and bacteria, and may activate white blood cells called macrophages to behave in an anti-tumour way in order to help eradicate malignant cells. Low vitamin D is also associated with increased infections, increased pain, depressive disorders and impaired quality of life. So, even though vitamin D is known for its role in healthy bones, it also plays a significant role in our immunity, as
well as our nervous system and cardiovascular health. It is synthesized in our skin via the ultraviolet B light from the sun. Smaller amounts (much smaller) come from our diet, for example from meat, fish and eggs. So what does all that mean for us? Above the 49th parallel, we Canadians need to be particularly diligent at keeping our vitamin D levels at a healthy level since the sun’s rays are not penetrating the atmosphere enough to create the synthesis in our skin we need from November through April. Additionally, many of us spend the majority of our days indoors, behind glass that blocks rays responsible for vitamin D production. Fortunately, our body can store vitamin D for several weeks, but we likely use up all of our summer stores by mid-winter. It is probably not a coincidence that our flu season falls at about that time of year and that our bones tend to ache more in winter. In Canada, the UV index is measured between zero
and 11+. In general, the UV index in Canada can be three or higher from 11 am to 3 pm between April and September, even when it's cloudy. A UV index of three to five is considered moderate, and as we get deeper into summer that UV rating can become higher. When it gets over six we particularly have to be careful. Know your personal limit with sun exposure.
If you have fair skin, take particular care not to burn, but do not avoid sun altogether. Fortunately, you produce vitamin D quite readily since you do not have pigment “filters” to block its production. If you have darker, pigmented skin, you have a higher need for direct sunlight exposure as your skin filters the rays more than lighter skinned folks.
6« HEALTHY SUN EXPOSURE Protect your most sensitive areas, including moles, scars and birthmarks as these may have more potential to burn and/or develop skin cancer. Be aware of both topical and oral products that can make you more photosensitive, such as certain essential oils (various citrus varieties), St. John's Wort supplements and various pharmaceuticals (ask your pharmacist). Take extreme caution with your quality of sunscreen. Avoid unnecessary chemicals that are likely be more cancer-causing than the sun.
skin. Do not treat vitamin D supplements as a replacement for sunlight, as it is only one of the sun's many advantages. So, the safest, unbiased and evidence-based advice it to get out into the sunshine (and fresh air) on a regular basis, taking extra care at the peak times of day between 10 am and 2 pm, but do not completely avoid those times either. Just sit back, relax and take in all the benefits the sunshine has to offer, without the burn. Lisa Marie Bhattacharya is a registered holistic nutritionist, mother, nutritional consultant, freelance writer and employee at Kelly's Health Shop.
Consider natural oils such as avocado oil (up to SPF15) and red raspberry seed oil (up to SPF50), which have fairly high SPF protection. Consider taking oral vitamin D supplements (D3 from lanolin) during the low sunlight months of the year, particularly if you have dark
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Health benefits
of strawberries
Strawberries taste amazing, and they’re also incredibly nutritious. Here are just a few of the health benefits packed into this delightful summer fruit: Vitamin C Did you know strawberries contain more vitamin C than oranges? One serving of strawberries (100 grams) contains approximately 60 milligrams of vitamin C, which is more than half of the recommended daily intake. This makes these bright red berries a snack of choice when it comes to stimulating immune systems and preventing illness. Furthermore, your body needs vitamin C to produce collagen, a protein that maintains the elasticity and regenerative capability of tissues such as skin. This means eating strawberries is one of the more pleasant ways to keep wrinkles at bay.
Antioxidants Strawberries are rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids, which foster heart health. They are also a source of lutein, ellagic acid and zeaxanthin, compounds that slow cellular aging and contribute to preventing and
fighting many illnesses, including certain cancers.
Fibre A serving of strawberries contains approximately two grams of soluble and insoluble dietary fibre. Their tiny
seeds, called achenes, are an excellent source of insoluble fibre that helps prevent constipation. In short, the benefits of eating strawberries are numerous, so go ahead and indulge to your heart’s content.
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Five habits that will
ruin teeth
Do you brush your teeth every morning and night and floss every day? To enjoy optimal oral health, you also need to avoid getting into a certain number of harmful habits, including the following five.
2. Using your teeth as a tool
1. Eating or drinking lots of unhealthy foods
Brushing your teeth with too much force can eventually lead to gum recession and tooth sensitivity. Make sure to brush gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
Soft drinks, which are highly acidic, and sticky candy, which stay in the mouth for a long time, should always be consumed in moderation. Try to remember to drink a glass of water after drinking wine, tea or coffee to clean off your teeth and keep them looking nice and white.
Opening packaging or bottles with your teeth can cause cracks and breaks.
3. Brushing too hard
5. Smoking
4. Eating too much sugar between meals
Do you have something of a sweet tooth? To prevent cavities, get your fix
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of candy or soda during mealtimes. This is when the production of saliva, which helps neutralize acidity in the mouth, is at its peak.
It is no longer a secret that tobacco use significantly increases the risk of developing periodontal disease and oral cancer. It also causes bad breath and yellows teeth.
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Make time
for recovery
BY MELISSA SLOOS As much as we need to stay active, we also need rest. Keep in mind, though, that rest does not necessarily mean Netflix marathons. I’ve heard it said that we never overtrain, only under-recover, and I wholeheartedly agree. You are strengthening your body by putting it under a great deal of “controlled” stress, whether lifting heavy weights, doing sports or cardiovascular exercise, so you need to give your body the time and tools it needs to heal. Working out causes microscopic tears in the muscles that need to be repaired. It is okay to be sore after working out; it just means you worked your muscles harder than before. And this is a good thing, since it will lead to progression. What we do need is to allow our muscles time to heal so we can come back stronger. Sitting on the couch, however, is not going to do you any good. Movement is medicine, as they say, since to recover muscles need
nutrients that are provided through our blood. Keeping yourself moving or participating in activities that stimulate circulation will aid in your muscular recovery, so choose a light locomotor activity to keep your body moving, blood flowing and recovery happening.
ening. This easy physical activity will release endorphins, which will make you feel better mentally and physically on the road to recovery. Not to mention the great views and people-watching opportunities in Powell River.
Foam rolling and self-myofascial release
Go for a walk
Foam rolling is a self-massage technique that employs a cylindrical foam rolling tool to release muscle and fascia in the body to help reduce soreness and speed up recovery. Foam rolling promotes good blood flow, better movement and increased range of motion. Taking good care of our fascia, connective tissue that spans the body, is important as it helps to »11
Prolonged standing, sitting, or lying down tightens muscles, leading to stiffness and soreness, especially if you have just worked out. Going for a walk gets your body moving, blood flowing and muscles working lightly, lengthening and short-
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10« RECOVERY stabilize and support muscle in motion.
Infrared sauna Recovery is certainly about keeping moving, but if you need to take it a bit slower, enjoying a relaxing infrared sauna session is a great way to spend some seated recovery time. Infrared saunas help increase much-needed circulation, stimulating blood flow that aids in muscle recovery. Infrared saunas can also decrease inflammation and the psychological effect of relaxation cannot be discounted.
Gentle workout or yoga Doing a very light workout or gentle yoga is a great way to “actively recover.” Yoga is often a relaxing experience, putting much emphasis on finding
increased length and range of motion though active stretching. Moving the body will help to reduce stiffness, and deep stretching, like that in a Yin yoga practice, will aid in muscular release. The best argument for yoga, though, is the development of a mind-body connection that is beneficial in all aspects of your physical regimen. Make time for your recovery, not just “rest” or sleep, remembering that active recovery will yield the greatest benefits for your body in the long term. Most importantly, listen to your body; it will tell you what it needs. There is no overtraining, just under-recovery. Do what you can with what you have where you are, and always prioritize the positive. Melissa Sloos is a certified group fitness instructor, spin instructor and studio manager at Coast Fitness.
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Choosing the right
supplements BY TED JOHNSON When standing in front of shelf upon shelf of supplements and wondering what you should take, the choices can seem overwhelming. Let’s start with clarifying the difference between supplements and nutraceuticals. The supplements that humans need are determined by our Homo sapien genetics, but are difficult to get in our industrialized environment. These supplements are essential nutrients; they cannot be produced within our bodies in sufficient amounts and need to be consumed. We sooner or later become sick without them. Our human genome requires them. Nutraceuticals are substances, not regulated as a pharmaceutical drug, used to treat specific symptoms or disease. Both “ceuticals” are designed to bring on an artificially induced state of function for the body that overrides our natural self-regulation. I’ll leave it up to you to decide if you think that is a good thing. A large body of excellent scientific research supports the daily supplementation of three things:
Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids We do not get enough Omega-3s because our diets have too much grain and grain-fed meats. Omega-3s are present in wild game, wild fish and grass-fed or grass-finished livestock. They play a critical role in brain and nerve development and function, emotions and behaviour, skin and bone health, inflammation and healing, cholesterol regulation, digestion, heart function, immune function and vision. They also play a key role in preventing obesity, diabetes, cancer, neurological and brain disorders and heart disease.
The only scientifically proven effective supplement for Omega-3s is fish oil. This needs to be third-party tested to prove it is contaminant free and has DPA, EPA and DHA in their natural amounts and forms. These should never taste fishy as that means they are going rancid. The dose is 500mg for every 40 pounds of body weight.
Vitamin D3 Humans produce D3 through the conversion of cholesterol by UVB radiation from the sun on our skin. As we get further from the equator with fewer sun hours and wear more clothing and sunscreen, we have to get it through food or supplementation. Some illnesses associated with lack of D3 include cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, endocrine disease, infections, autoimmune disorders, mental health, learning disorders and many more. It is so effective at improving immune systems that research has shown it to be more effective than the flu shot. Daily dosage is 1000 IU for every 40 pounds of body weight. To receive a daily dosage naturally, you have to stand outside under direct overhead sun, without a shirt on and wearing no sunscreen, for half an hour.
A Probiotic Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in the human digestive tract. There are 10 times more bacteria in your gut than there are cells in your entire body and we cannot live without them. They produce vitamins, help with digestion and food absorption and protect against disease. Historically, 12 WEDNESDAY.APRIL 25.2018 | POWELL RIVER PEAK
these bacteria were sufficiently present in our environment and foods. In our industrialized society, due to high grain, high sugar, low fibre diets, hyper-clean germophobic environments, high levels of emotional stress and overuse of antibiotics and prescription drugs, the amounts of healthy probiotics within us is dangerously low. Fermenting your own vegetables is a good way to get enough probiotics, otherwise you must supplement. A good probiotic has a very large percentage of the bacteria lactobacillus plantarum, is refrigerated and is wheat, soy and dairy free Dairy probiotics are for cows not humans. Dosage is five billion CFUs per day for every 40 pounds of body weight. I hope this takes some of the mystery and confusion out of taking supplements to improve your overall health. As a final comment, please make sure you read the labels and have a healthy level of scepticism about the content and claims if the supplements are not third party, independently tested. Ted Johnson is a chiropractor in Powell River who has been practising for more than 20 years.
Aquafitness boosts the body and morale Who doesn’t want to get in shape after all the excesses of the winter season? But if the idea of getting all hot and sweaty is not appealing, and you get cold feet just thinking about winter sports, there is a great alternative. Anyone who feels fairly comfortable in the water can sign up for aquafit classes.
Here are some of the many benefits: • • • • • •
No impact on the joints No embarrassing sweat No overheating Improved cardiovascular endurance Increased balance and flexibility Improved strength and muscle endurance • Option to adapt exercises to individual abilities
Benefits Aquafit classes are good for everyone: young people, seniors, top athletes, and especially for people with a sedentary lifestyle who are determined to do more exercise. Classes take place in a dynamic atmosphere with energetic instructors and fun music to motivate participants.
Anyone who feels shy about their lack of coordination will not be judged during an aquafit class. After all, participants per-
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form their exercises in the water, out of sight. In other words, no one will notice a reversed sequence of leg movements.
For future moms Some aquafit classes are specifically designed for pregnant women. Suggested movements are adapted to their particular condition and promote flexibility, strength and stamina, all essential in preparing for the joys of motherhood. In addition, these classes allow participants to meet other future moms and form lasting friendships.
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and sleep
Vitamin D
BY CATHERINE CAMERON Are you having trouble sleeping? A vitamin D deficiency may be behind your insomnia. Canadians and more than half the world’s population is deficient in vitamin D. You may enjoy better sleep as well as reduced pain and inflammation in just a few days with more vitamin D. It is commonly believed people only need to be outdoors to receive enough of the sunshine vitamin but, to avoid excess sun, we are wearing sunscreen and staying either covered up or in the shade. This has limited our ability to create enough vitamin D, which takes place in the skin. We need to expose most of our skin to the light during the hours we observe our shadow is shorter than we are tall. If our shadow is too tall then the angle of the light is not correct for the UVB exposure
necessary. This leaves a very limited window of time during the day and there are few days when the sun is shining warmly enough to be outdoors with exposed skin. In Canada, vitamin D is added to commercially produced milk, some soy milks, orange juices and cereals to prevent rickets, a bone disease resulting from lack vitamin D. Eating foods rich in vitamin D may be helpful, for instance, fatty fish, mackerel, salmon, egg yolks and beef liver. There may be benefits to increasing vitamin D to a higher than recommended daily allowance level for short periods.
The Vitamin D Council of Canada recommends 1,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D-3 per 25 pounds per day for children and 5,000 IU for adults. Health Canada recommends 400 IU per day with an upper limit of 4,000 IU. Should you choose a higher dosage, then reduce to 400-600 IU per day after either 12 months or a blood test showing a satisfactory levels. Supplementing your diet with additional vitamin D may solve your sleeping problems safely and naturally. Catherine Cameron is an integrative physician in Powell River.
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Eye health
essential part of wellness Since 2014, Canada has celebrated Vision Health Month every May to highlight the importance of taking care of eye health. Having your eyes checked regularly by an optometrist is a great way to ensure vision stays crystal clear. Did you know, however, that eye health can indicate issues with overall health? This is notably the case with diabetes. Diabetes is a common condition in North America that occurs when the body cannot sufficiently use or produce enough insulin, a hormone that helps convert sugars into energy. When someone is born unable to produce insulin, it is called Type 1 diabetes.
If someone loses the ability to use or produce insulin during the course of their lifetime, they have developed Type 2 diabetes. The latter form of the disease typically affects adults over age 40 who do not exercise enough. But what does this have to do with eye health? It turns out that there are a number of eye diseases people are more likely to get if they have diabetes. For example, someone with diabetes is twice as likely to develop glaucoma, a clouding of the eye’s lens. Similarly, having too much sugar in the bloodstream can damage the small, delicate blood vessels in the eye, which can lead to rare forms of glaucoma.
Take the opportunity this Vision Health Month to set up an appointment with your local optometrist. Vision is not just an important part of your life, it is an important part of your total health.
What is hospice? Hospice supports and supplements medical care by providing social, emotional and spiritual care to those with a life-limiting illness, their loved ones, and to those who are grieving a loss We also provide resources and workshops for end-of-life planning Trained volunteers provide: • • • •
Companionship and comfort care 1:1 and group grief support Caregiver respite Non-judgemental listening about end-of-life challenges and decisions
Anyone can make a referral, including: • • • •
The person with a life-limiting illness A family member or friend A nurse, doctor or other health-care professional A clergy member
To make a referral: 604.223.7309 or Volunteers make visits in home, hospital or long-term care. Hospice care is free and confidential. 15 WEDNESDAY.APRIL 25.2018 | POWELL RIVER PEAK
GROUP A STREP TESTING Now available at Shoppers Drug Mart ACUTE PHARYNGITIS • • •
70-90% of acute pharyngitis is viral Group A Strep (GAS) is the most common bacterial cause • 5-15% of sore throats in adults • 20-30% of sore throats in children Can be difficult to distinguish between viral and Group A Strep (GAS) based on clinical features alone
• Fever (greater than 38C or 100.4F), chills and sweating • Headache • High pulse • Sometimes nausea and vomiting • Severe sore throat • Swollen tonsils and lymph nodes in the neck Coughing, runny nose, stuffiness and sneezing are not associated with strep throat and are usually signs of a viral infection.
Available for patients five years of age and older with symptoms of GAS Tested right at the pharmacy by our trained pharmacists Available during all store hours Results in fewer than 10 minutes Cost of $15 per test
Our pharmacists will inform the physician by fax of test result and if prescription is filled Pharmacists will refer patients with positive tests or with risk factors to their physician Patients with negative test result will be advised to see physician if no improvement or symptoms worsen within one to two days
OPEN 8 AM-10 PM • 15-7100 ALBERNI STREET • 604.485.2844