The Peak - voice of the qathet region

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BC Ferries opts for virtual public meetings PAGE 5


Walk-through shows off resource recovery site PAGE 9


Brooks Secondary School grade nine student Liam Pinch [left] hears about career prospects from initial attack firefighters [from left] Peter Milner, Jake Hollinshead and Gregory Blais at a recent career fair. The school’s parking lots were crammed with exhibitors, who provided students with information about their businesses or organizations, and career opportunities.


Career fair a success

Brooks Secondary School students learn about prospective directions after graduation


On a beautiful, sunny day, Brooks Secondary School students mingled with a large number of community represen-

tatives outdoors in the Brooks parking lots for the school’s second career fair.

Tanya Larkin, vice-principal and careers program coordinator, said all Brooks students, plus the Partners in Education online students, plus the alternative programs, were also invited to participate in the September 20 event. She said all round, the reaction to the career fair was great.

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and the jobs and career pathways for them. A lot of our students, in grades 10 and 11, see what mom and dad are doing, and they see the jobs available when they drive through the community, but I don’t think they realize how many job opportunities there are and what the future growth is going to be.

“There are more programs and opportunities available for students who are going to transition in grades 11 and 12,” said Larkin. “Students aren’t aware of all the opportunities,

“These companies that come to the career fair have the opportunity to share this and it is eye-opening for the students. There’s so much more out there for them than what they originally knew.”

CROSSWORD 7 COMMUNITY 9 CULTURE 11 SPORTS 12 CLASSIFIEDS 13 PRPEAK.COM Thursday.October 5.2023 Vol.28 No.51 Canada Post Agreement 40069240
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Exhibitors provide positive feedback on student interaction


Larkin said older students have career classes, so when they go back after the career fair, the classes provide ongoing conversations about career paths.

“When they are using those learning platforms, they are able to dig into specific things that they are interested in; they can dig deeper,” said Larkin. “Another big piece is we had all our dual-credit programs here; our grade 12 programs, such as carpentry, auto and welding, so students get to see firsthand what their peers are doing and it’s really enticing.”

The career fair was organized so the various grades had 35 minutes to go and speak with the exhibitors, starting with the grade eights and finishing with the grade 12s.

“Each teacher, the day before, was given instructions and a class set of passports,” said Larkin. “When the students went out, every student had a passport, and there were six blocks. They needed to go and see six different companies and interact with them in

some way. If they interacted with them, they got a candy and they got their passports signed.

“Once they had their passport filled, they were able to enter them into a draw for prizes.”

Larkin said it was not an expectation when a company comes to exhibit that they provide prizes, but a number of the companies did provide them, so it was an incentive for students.

“It was really appreciated,” added Larkin.

To initially attract exhibitors to the first career fair, Larkin sent out an email to all the parents in 2022, with an idea that she wanted to have a career fair, and asked if any parents who owned companies would be interested in being participants.

“Some were parents, but some tapped friends and said you should probably do this,” said Larkin. “I actually didn’t go out of my way to solicit. They actually all volunteered, which is even better.

“Our community is amazing, and I think, by word of mouth or people driving by and seeing the career

fair, there are more people reaching out who want to be part of this.”

Larkin said feedback from the exhibitors has been very positive.

“They loved it; they got to interact with so many students.” added Larkin. “Students were really well behaved and engaged, which the companies found very positive. I love the inclusivity because we want to see more students interacting with the community and

this is a perfect way to do it.”

Larkin said videos were posted online after the event, which has drawn further interest.

“I guess after parents reviewed them, some additional companies that the parents run have reached out to ask if they can be part of the career fair next year,” said Larkin.

“Maybe we can fill all three parking lots in the future.”

In an email to participants,

School board responds to SOGI protests

Strategic plan framework adoption also among meeting highlights


Anti-SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) protests happened around the province on September 20, including at the qathet School District (qSD) office at 4351 Ontario Avenue.

Those in support of 2SLGBTQIA+ rights and safety in schools also showed up at the district office. Superintendent of schools Dr. Jay Yule addressed the

protest at the qSD meeting that afternoon, saying a letter was sent out to let families know what the school district is doing in regard to SOGI education, and what resources there are regarding SOGI.

“Two letters have come to the school board [concerns about SOGI] and we have met with them,” said Yule. “Anyone with concerns are welcome to speak with us and come to school board meetings, as they are open to the public.”

He also said the school district has educational resources readily available.

qSD board chair Dale Lawson said in her opening statement that: “every school is a place where all students deserve to be welcomed, included and

respected in a safe environment. We know learning is best rooted in relationships that are built in safe, caring and nurturing environments and that each of us have a role to play in that.”

In 2016, the BC Human Rights Code was amended to ensure gender identity and expression are protected under the code. In 2018, Rob Fleming, provincial minister of education at the time, said: “All of BC’s provincial education partners for kindergarten to grade 12 schools are committed to ensuring every school, both public and independent, is a place where students feel safe, accepted, respected and welcome regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, race, religion or background.”

In lite of the protest on September 20 at the qSD building, a statement was released by the board: “With the rise of the anti-SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) protests happening around the province today, we want to emphasize that within SD47 we embrace the authenticity of all students and staff, including those who identify as 2SLGBTQIA+, and we maintain a zero-tolerance policy for any actions that promote hatred towards them.”

Strategy adopted

The official 2023-2027 Strategic Framework report is complete and has been adopted by the committee of the whole, but not quite ready to be released to the public, said Lawson.

Larkin stated: “I can’t thank you enough for your time and energy on September 20. The day was a success. Your expertise and willingness to let students explore and ask questions allowed for curiosities and learning to flourish. I hope you enjoyed your time at Brooks and we look forward to having you again next year.”

Plans are for another career fair in 2024.

According to the school district website: “Our 2023-2027 strategic plan was developed in partnership with a wide variety of rightsholders, in partnership with Tla’amin Nation. These groups include parents, staff and teachers, community members and students. In May 2023, the board launched a public survey, which received over 500 responses, indicating priorities, visions and ambitions for the future.”

This would be the first time in BC that a school board’s strategic plan included so much extensive community input. A strategic plan usually contains the overall vision, mission and goals of a school district, as well as budget considerations and guides decision making.

“The strategic plan is the most important work trustees have done,” added Lawson.

Trustee Maureen Mason said the real work starts now.

“We have gathered information from the community,” she added, “but we need to keep our eye on the ball, so that we are living what we want to practice.”

Trustee Kirsten Van’t Schip said she is proud of the plan, and fellow trustee Rob Hill said he is glad students and Tla’amin Nation were heard.

“We were able to come together and have our voices heard,” added trustee Jaclyn Miller.

For information about SOGI, go to sogieducation. org/resource-guide.

2 Thursday, October 5.2023 | Peak »
MANY ATTRACTIONS: Trying out the Fisheries and Oceans Canada inflatable-hull vessel are Brooks Secondary School students, who had a large variety of exhibitors at the second annual career fair event. PAUL GALINSKI PHOTO

Rental housing facility opens

Cranberry Place is nearly full, providing clean and affordable accommodations

Life Cycle Housing Society’s Cranberry Place housing development is nearly full, providing 24 affordable and up-to-date rental residences, replacing eight aging cottages that were previously located at the site.

At an opening ceremony, Vicki Sanzalone, acting vice-president of the society, which operates the new facility, said what is featured is a totally new space that offers clean, affordable housing for 24 families.

“It’s been a long journey and it has taken several years,” said Sanzalone. “We are very happy. We had eight little houses here and the Moose Lodge very generously sold them to us cheaply, but we recognized we could accommodate way more people.”

Sanzalone gave credit to former Life Cycle president and current treasurer Frances Ladret for her determination, patience and diligence.

“She worked tirelessly on behalf of the entire board, over numerous problems, the least being COVID-19,” said Sanzalone. “She was there for us constantly and we have a lot of gratitude.”

Sanzalone said residents of Cranberry Place are expressing that they are happy and feel safe.

“What’s wonderful about these places is that they are not only affordable, but they are economical, so we are really pleased,” she added.

Powell River-Sunshine Coast MLA Nicholas Simons said by investing in buildings like Cranberry Place, families struggling today are being helped.

“Life Cycle has gone through

Enrolment increase

qathet School District superintendent of schools Dr. Jay Yule reported that student enrolment has gone up by about 100.

“The growth is in the Partners in Education (PIE) program, which is a provincial online program with the growth coming from students outside the district boundaries,” he said at a board meeting on September 20.

some challenging issues in building this beautiful, big property,” said Simons. “There are 24 families that get to live in a safe and healthy place.

Organizations like Life Cycle are key to the cohesion of our communities.”

Ladret said the application for the community housing fund to build the complex was submitted in 2018.

She said there were various delays along the way, such as a crown lot being located in the middle of the eight lots that the society owned.

Ladret said BC Housing stepped in and acquired the lot from the province. Then came COVID-19.

“There were labour shortages and it was especially hard to get tradespersons,” said Ladret. “It was a time when all the local contractors were busy.”

Ladret said Life Cycle Housing is pleased with the completed complex.

She said the occupants are a good group of people and she believes it will become a nice community.

She said that in building Cranberry Place, there was a great deal of cooperation from Tla’amin Nation, City of Powell River and BC Housing, which has been “incredibly gener-

We are always in need of new inventory, if you are considering making a move please reach out today and allow me to explain how I can help you get the most for your home.

ous, with administrative support and financial support.”

According to a provincial government media release, minister of housing Ravi Kahlon said the government knows it needs to help deliver the homes people need in Powell River, and that is why it is taking action to build affordable rental housing across British Columbia, in both urban and rural communities.

“The opening of Cranberry Place is another milestone in our work to provide the homes low- and moderate-income families need, with much more to come,” stated Kahlon. “We’re supporting vibrant and diverse communities by providing housing for a range of people at rents they can afford.”

Powell River mayor Ron Woznow said he had an opportunity to thank premier David Eby and Kahlon at the Union of British Columbia Municipalities convention for making affordable housing a priority for the BC government.

“The excellent collaboration of Life Cycle Housing Society and BC Housing is a great example of how we can address the need for afford-

able housing in Powell River,” said Woznow. “We look forward to more projects like this coming on stream in the next three years.”

Located at 6647 Cranberry Street, the building has a mix of one-, twoand three-bedroom homes within two townhouse buildings and two apartment blocks. All residents have access to on-site laundry, a multipurpose community space with washroom facilities and a kitchenette, as well as an outdoor play area for children.

All previous tenants of the eight cottages who were on the Cranberry Place site received relocation support from BC Housing into alternative local affordable housing prior to the start of construction and have been offered the opportunity to move into these new homes.

The release stated these homes are part of a $19-billion housing investment by the BC government.

Since 2017, the province has approximately 77,000 homes that have been delivered or are underway for people in BC, including more than 560 homes on the Sunshine Coast, the release stated.

Yule also shared that elementary school numbers have remained steady, meaning that although the overall population in the qathet region is growing, there hasn’t been a huge spike in enrolment. However, a financial statement discussion and analysis report indicates that local schools are near, or in some instances, at capacity.

Happy hosts

Powell River Regals will host the 2024 Coy Cup, the province’s senior male AA championship, next March.

“It’s a great pleasure that we have been chosen to host the 2024 Coy Cup Championship,” said team president Tod English. “We look forward to showcasing senior male AA hockey and applaud BC Hockey for working with all the teams, providing guidance and mentorship through our ever-changing hockey landscape.”

Regals have won the Coy Cup, which was first awarded in 1922/1923, on five occasions, including as hosts in 2010.

3 Thursday, October 5.2023 | Peak »
NEW FACILITY: Checking out a kitchen in one of the new Cranberry Place affordable rental units are [from left] Life Cycle Housing director Sharon Nash, Powell River-Sunshine Coast MLA Nicholas Simons, Life Cycle acting vicepresident Vicki Sanzalone and treasurer Frances Ladret. The 24-unit complex on Cranberry Street replaces eight old cottages that were situated on the property, effectively tripling the capacity of renters. PAUL GALINSKI PHOTO
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City receives climate action award

City of Powell River’s Zunga bus project won a climate and energy action award at the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) convention in Vancouver from September 18 to 22.

Mayor Ron Woznow said the award was presented to him as mayor and he invited all of city council to join him for the presentation.

Woznow said former Powell River councillor CaroleAnn Leishman was in attendance at the UBCM and was invited up for the presentation because she was instrumental in the establishment of the Zunga Bus in the community.

“She played a key part in that aspect on council,” said Woznow. He said that as the city transitions from a mill town, every opportunity the city has to demonstrate that it is innovative, such as with the Zunga Bus, is important. The city is willing to work with people with creative ideas, such as a whole range of po-

tential investors, and new people coming here, whether they are retiring or in their 30s, he added.

“It’s all part of branding,” said Woznow.

He said this is part of city council’s strategic priorities.

Woznow said he is proud of the award from the Community Energy Association (CEA) and the accomplishment of those who brought the Zunga Bus to fruition. He said it is also important that city council supported an extension of the project beyond its pilot phase, even though BC Transit did not become a monetary supporter in 2023.

“It demonstrated that council can make decisions to support initiatives,” said Woznow. “The reason why that is important is we are going to have to make a lot of decisions in the next year. Whether it is city properties for low-cost housing or accommodating what new businesses are requiring to come in here, we are demonstrating that we can make decisions. We are going to have to make some astute, well-thought-through deci-

You’re in good

sions, so in two or three years, we are seeing more accommodations, more businesses, and hopefully, good use of the old mill site.”

According to a write-up in the CEA August 2023 newsletter special edition for climate and energy action awards, the Zunga Bus project is addressing a longtime challenge in delivering reliable transit in smaller communities, providing service in low-density areas. The write-up stated this has led to long routes and infrequent service that can result in hour-long trips that would otherwise be covered in five minutes in a car.

Powell River’s Zunga Bus, featuring a 12-seat van, is BC’s first ondemand transit service that is allowing the city to focus its transit efforts on one, streamlined route through main corridors, the writeup stated.

For more than 25 years, CEA has been inviting municipalities, regional districts and Indigenous communities around BC to nominate local projects and initiatives for a climate and energy action

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GIVEN DISTINCTION: City of Powell River was awarded a climate and energy action award at the Union of British Columbia Municipalities convention in Vancouver. At the awards presentation [from left] are Megan Lohmann, acting CEO of the Community Energy Association, city councillors Trina Isakson and Rob Southcott, former city councillor CaroleAnn Leishman, city councillor Jim Palm, mayor Ron Woznow, Aman Singh, parliamentary secretary for environment, Rik Logtenberg, chair of the Community Energy Association, and city councillors Cindy Elliott and Earl Almeida. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

award. This year, 25 projects were nominated. Each was reviewed by a group of judges who have diverse expertise related to community energy and local climate action, with the winners announced at the UBCM convention.

This is the second time in three years that City of Powell River has won this award. The city was hon-

oured with a similar distinction in 2020 for its corporate climate action strategy, recognizing achievements in 2019. The city continues its progressive actions toward greater sustainability and significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs, according to a media release from the city.

4 Thursday, October 5.2023 | Peak »

BC Ferries moves forums online

Threats of violence at public meetings lead to


BC Ferries is moving its advisory committee meetings online and postponing drop-in sessions after an incident where it said an individual made a threat to “take a gun” to everyone.

The company has paused all inperson events while it implements a safety and security plan for community engagement activities, said Brian Anderson, BC Ferries vicepresident of strategy and community engagement, in a letter to ferries advisory committees.

“Over the past several months, our team members have noted a rise in aggressive, threatening and abusive behaviour while out in the community, including the keying of vehicles, shouting, foul language and a disrespect for personal space,” wrote Anderson.

During a recent ferry advisory committee meeting, he said a member of the public “uttered a threat to the effect that if BC Ferries didn’t make changes the individual would ‘take a gun’ to everyone.”

RCMP and BC Ferries security personnel are looking into the situation. Moving to online meetings and postponing some meetings was recommended by the company’s corporate security personnel, he added.

BC Ferries enforces a zero-tolerance policy for abusive behaviour, said Anderson.

“The safety of our staff and community is always top priority.”

New measures are also designed to protect the safety of advisory committee members, he added.

The company intends to meet with chairs of advisory committees to look for ways to create a peaceful setting during meetings.

“Our goal is to resume face-toface meetings as soon as possible as guided by the safety plan,” said Anderson.

Diana Mumford, who chairs the Southern Sunshine Coast ferry

advisory committee, said the gunthreat incident the company and police are looking into took place at a meeting of that committee on September 20. She said she’s not sure exactly what happened because her back was toward that part of the room.

“I think she just wanted to make a point and she thought this was a good way to do it, which it wasn’t,” added Mumford.

Feelings were running high at the meeting, attended by advisory board members, about 40 community residents and BC Ferries officials, said Mumford, adding that people were fed up with service disruptions at Horseshoe Bay and Langdale and hours-long waits in lineups on some days.

“They’ve taken 32 sailings away over this month,” she said. “Our residents are really upset.”

Mumford gave BC Ferries staff at the meeting credit for listening to what residents were saying and trying to come up with some ideas.

In some cases, travellers at Horseshoe Bay Terminal are parked for hours in an area with-

out sufficient facilities, she said.

Portable toilets are at the top of a hill and drivers can’t leave their cars because they might have to move them.

Parents will walk toddlers across a busy road so they can relieve themselves outdoors, she added.

Eric McNeely, BC Ferry and Marine Workers Union president, said staff on ferries saw a rise in frustration among travellers this summer as sailings were cancelled

and vessels were pulled from service, leading to long waits.

Ferry workers have been subjected to abusive behaviour such as swearing, yelling and spitting, and there have been a few instances where people have intentionally swerved their vehicles toward employees, said McNeely.

BC Ferries has put up signs outlining expectations around behaviour and some people have been banned, he added.

Emergency minister comments on case file

Harjit Sajjan indicates 2023 has been a challenging year with wildfires, floods and hurricane


It has been a busy summer for federal minister of emergency preparedness Harjit Sajjan.

In a year where wildfires have broken records, Sajjan said he has not been overwhelmed, but it has been an extremely active case file for him.

Speaking to the Peak about a funding announcement for the Powell Forest Canoe Route, Sajjan took time to express appreciation for

all those who have fought wildfires throughout the country.

“Our hearts go out to them for the work they are doing,” said Sajjan, who acknowledged that this year, firefighters have lost their lives in service to the wildfires.

“This is the result of climate change. We were dealing with floods early on in the spring and it immediately went into wildfires. Let’s not forget we were just dealing with a hurricane on

the east coast.”

Sajjan said the government has been able to respond to those areas in need. He said that when he was the minister of defence, he had helped set up the military defence policy on disaster response. He said when he was a police officer prior to political life, he signed up for and was selected for the search and rescue team in Vancouver, and he was able to learn firsthand about emergency response and the command system.

“That knowledge now helps me in this new role [as minister of emergency preparedness], making sure we prevent, but if we have to respond, we have the right resources at the local level, greater capacity, and making sure we support the provincial response,” said Sajjan. “We are also looking at what type of federal responses that are needed.

“We need to make sure the right resources get to the right places at the right time. It’s been extremely busy and we need to make sure that we continually are prepared and learn.”

Sajjan said his ministry has been making changes and is learning year-by-year.

“We have learned how to work together, cooperate together and share together, but now we need to modernize the system and prevent more incidents,” said Sajjan. “Climate change is here, so we need to make sure it has the least amount of impact on our communities. That’s the goal.”

Sajjan said federal officials are having discussions with the provinces regarding emergency preparedness.

“For example, in BC and the Northwest Territories, things were really getting ramped up and evacuations were taking place,” said

Sajjan. “I was on the phone with the Alberta minister and Alberta really stepped up to support the evacuations. They even provided a lot of water bomber support in British Columbia as well. We were doing a lot of coordination and sharing of resources.”

He said on the federal side, it’s about making sure the Canadian Coast Guard and the military are in the right places. He said it is all managed through the government operations centre that looks at and monitors all types of emergencies.

“We try to monitor very early on to stay one step ahead, so we have the resources ready to go, so that there is no gap in the response,” said Sajjan.

Regarding the souring relationship between Canada and India over the announcement by prime minister Justin Trudeau

regarding intelligence suggesting that India was behind the death of Canadian Sikh independence advocate Hardeep Singh Nijjar, Sajjan said a serious crime of murder has been committed.

“We need to make sure the appropriate resources are put into place,” said Sajjan. “The safety of Canadians is absolutely the number one priority for us, including the sovereignty of our country. When it comes to this, we will make sure that our intelligence agencies have the right resources and make sure the intelligence can be shared appropriately, working with our police agencies.

“It’s disappointing, the decision that India has made regarding visas for Canadians, but our focus is on the integrity of the investigation. We are asking India to cooperate fully with our investigation.”

5 Thursday, October 5.2023 | Peak »
MOVING MEETINGS: BC Ferries has moved future public meetings online after seeing a rise in aggressive, threatening and abusive behaviour at the gatherings. PEAK ARCHIVE PHOTO Harjit Sajjan



Do we need politicians to tell us what to do?

This is my counterpoint to Bob Hackett’s article in the Peak [“Climate Crossroads: Reducing our carbon footprint needs system change, fast,” September 14].

Bob and I are old colleagues from SFU, and both on the Sue Big Oil committee, but we have different viewpoints. Bob strongly supports system change through political action.

I believe we need to persuade individual people to change their behaviour. If they do, and there are real benefits they can see, then cognitive dissonance - what they do and think don’t match - will kick in to change their attitudes over time.

The weakness of Bob’s argument


is that Canada is a democracy. If politicians make changes that make your life more expensive or lower your quality of life, you can get rid of them next election.

Prime minister Justin Trudeau, for example, has been supporting gas taxes intended to lower Canada’s carbon footprint.

Now, Mr. “Axe-the-Tax” Pierre [Conservative Party leader]

Poilievre has sprung far ahead in the polls. At 39 per cent, he is within range of majority government.

Poilievre says he will cancel Mr. Trudeau’s gas taxes intended to reduce GHG and climate change. With gas cheaper and more GHG, maybe there’ll be more climate

A bridge is the sustainable solution

As we observe the transformative growth of transportation globally, it’s apparent that bridges have become a favoured solution. From Europe to the Far East, bridges have not only revolutionized transport but also emerged as iconic symbols of progress.

The advent of advanced technology and innovative construction materials has made it feasible to build longer bridges, opening new possibilities. Currently, our primary link to the Sunshine Coast is the BC Ferries service [“Concerns raised about medical travel, cancellations,” September 28]. However, this system is riddled with environmental concerns, overcrowded parking lots, escalating fares, and scheduling woes. It’s time we replace the Horseshoe Bay/Langdale ferry route with a fixed bridge – a modern, more sustainable solution.

The solution is extending the Trans Canada Highway to the Sunshine Coast and connecting it to the Sea to Sky Highway via Anvil Island. This arrangement could repurpose the Sunshine Coast ferry for Vancouver Island service, providing travellers with more options, particularly coming from the north.

We respectfully acknowledge that we live, work and play on the traditional and treaty lands of the Tla’amin people.

Published every Thursday by Peak Publishing Limited Patnership.


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change, too.

Like the game of Snakes and Ladders, it could be a bit of a downer for those believing that burning fossil fuel makes climate change. They’ll have to work long and hard to elect someone different just to get back to where they were.

On the other hand, if regular folks see the benefit to behaving differently, Mr. Poilievre’s changes might have no effect. I see! I just sold my Tacoma gas hog and my hybrid SUV, for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. Whatever Mr. Poilievre does for the price of gas, I won’t need any gas driving around town. It didn’t cost me much!

There was a similar effect on a

Replacing the ferry service with a bridge could significantly trim our carbon footprint. Marine engines emit more pollutants than auto and EV engines and use more fuel. Thus, a fixed link would mean a significant reduction in carbon and sulfur emissions, and a healthier planet.

Benefits of a road connection to the Sunshine Coast are many. It would eliminate travellers’ time waiting at ferry terminals, sometimes captive in your car in the blazing sun for an unknown period, sometimes for a two-sailing wait!

There would be less congestion at Horseshoe Bay Terminal, it would reduce the risk of large-scale accidents, provide round-the-clock access to the Lower Mainland for emergency vehicles, generate jobs for local construction companies, lower maintenance costs, lower the costs of building and maintaining ferries and enhance the region’s appeal.

This proposal is an investment in infrastructure and job creation – a project that Canadians can be proud of. As for disadvantages? They seem conspicuously absent.

Hal Lindhagen, Halfmoon Bay

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larger scale when Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. He had promised to rehabilitate burning coal in American power plants to get the West Virginia vote.

His predecessor, Barack Obama, had been trying to eliminate coal as a major GHG polluter.

Mr. Trump loosened the coal regulations but his actions had little or no effect. The people running the power stations had been persuaded to switch to oil or natural gas and saw the benefit. They continued to do so.

My point is simply that once people are persuaded that what they are doing is right, and has real benefits for themselves and

their families, policy won’t matter. People try to do what they think is the right thing, mostly. They don’t need politicians or big companies telling them.

If people see real benefits from making changes in their lives, they will do their best to get those benefits. They might not even believe those politicians anyway.

What do you think? Is government making you, or taking personal responsibility? Which do you prefer?

Neil Abramson is a retired professor from Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business and a member of the Sue Big Oil committee.

6 Thursday, October 5.2023 | Peak »
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Rotary club awarded building lease

Organization to take over the

former scout hall at Timberlane complex

Rotary Club of Powell River has been selected as the new tenant for the former scout hall at Timberlane Avenue.

At a City of Powell River Council meeting last month, deputy corporate officer Jessica Lefort reported on the extensive selection process for five organizations, which included Rotary, the Alano Club, Junior Forest Wardens, Powell River Educational Services Society and qathet Skateboard Society.

Lefort said as per council’s direction, a more measurable approach was taken to selecting the tenants. She said a decision matrix was designed.

Staff usually has delegated authority to make lease agreements, but since there were multiple applications for the one lease space, and without established policy or criteria to weigh each application, staff brought the

matter forward for council direction, according to Lefort.

“It was determined that the Rotary Club of Powell River was the most suitable applicant,” she added.

City councillor Rob Southcott said he had discussion with a representative of an organization that was also hoping to lease the facility. He said it was thought that if Rotary was to get the contract, they would be able to share it.

He asked if Rotary had any intention of renting out the facility to make money, or would it be just to cover costs.

“Was there any conversation about that?” asked Southcott. “Is that part of the lease?”

Lefort said there was a conversation about sharing, but with the departure of former director of properties, development and communications Scott Randolph, who looked after leases, the city is still trying to figure out how to deal with his former responsibilities.

“For now, we are determining who is getting the lease and then we are determining the development of a lease agreement,” said Lefort. “The finance department is looking after that but I’m not sure where that

plan is at this point.”

Councillor Cindy Elliott said she really liked the matrix that was used to determine the new leaseholder. She said one of the criteria in the matrix says: applicant intention to maximize use of the space by showing flexibility to loan it to other groups when otherwise not in use.

“The indication is it is not a profit-making venture,” said Elliott. “The matrix assumes that it is a loaner, so I’m hoping we ask the question in that way in order to get the answer.”

Elliott said the matrix was a good start toward developing a policy and she would like to see how it plays out with other application processes.

Councillor George Doubt said he went through the matrix.

“It is very important to have language in the lease that makes sure that whoever the leaseholder is, they do not use the property to make income from other nonprofit organizations,” said Doubt. “This is basically a below-cost lease that the city is allowing people to use. I want to make sure there is language in the lease that the leaseholder cannot sublease the space to make money.”

Interim chief administrative officer Chris Jackson said the stipulation will be part of the lease.

“We are aware of another situation where that has occurred and it is not an appropriate thing to sublease and make money for the organization when the taxpayers are subsidizing the premises,” said Jackson.

Councillor Trina Isakson said the proponents didn’t know the composition of the matrix in advance, so had it been available, some people might have shifted their applications or made different plans or proposals.

“It’s unfortunate, but the spirit of the Rotary club application, in that a large part of the intention is to provide space to other community groups, is why I support the recommendation,” said Isakson.

Lefort said information from the matrix was distributed to the applicants so the city could score the input based on the criteria.

Council voted unanimously that the Rotary Club of Powell River be selected as the leaseholder for the Timberlane building, and that staff be directed to include the decision matrix as a future policy amendment.


7 Thursday, October 5.2023 | Peak » ACROSS 1. Otherwise 5. Picnic insect 8. Bungle 12. Do, re, or mi 13. Enemy 14. On a voyage 15. Entrance device 17. Hollow stalk 18. Remove paint from 19. Tidy 21. Positive responses 23. Decree 26. Hole-making tool 28. Cheerless 30. Nose 32. Fence bar 34. Baby beagle 36. “____ the Night” 37. Digs for ore 39. Clumsy one 41. Dine 42. Seeps 44. Opposite of right 46. Civil uprising 48. Texas shrine 51. Low cry 54. Took off a kimono, e.g. 56. Military assistant 57. High mountain 58. To boot 59. Appealed 60. Clever 61. Salty drop DOWN 1. Purposes 2. Ransack 3. Plot: 2 wds. 4. Ghostly 5. Fore’s counterpart 6. Midday 7. Conical abode 8. Drink with an olive 9. Utilize 10. Greens charge 11. Current craze 16. Vacation spots 20. TV airings 22. Watery juice 24. Peace officer 25. Ballet costume 26. Branch 27. Mournful cry 29. Musical twosome 31. Summit 33. Educated 35. Chum 38. Glide over snow 40. Anxiety 43. Bubbly beverages 45. Be buoyant 47. Plow 49. Small plateau 50. Scent 51. Atlas feature 52. Grease 53. Cooling beverage 55. Snoop LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION:
TLA’AMIN NATION 4779 Klahanie Road, Tla’amin, BC 604.483.9646 I Announcing an acting associate dean, Indigenous health and senior advisor for the SFU Medical School. DR. EVAN ADAMS

Hospital board recommends debris clearing

Committee of the whole suggests tree maintenance near supportive housing facility


Powell River Regional Hospital District board will consider modifications to parts of the hospital district property where there is currently an encampment.

At the September 6 hospital board committee of the whole meeting, directors discussed three options for the wooded property adja-

cent to the supportive housing facility managed by Lift Community Services.

Electoral Area D director

Sandy McCormick moved a motion which included conducting an extensive fire smart program in the area, taking out brush, limbs and saplings, plus changing the space to be a more open space, yet remaining mostly treed. A staff report indicated this would require ongoing maintenance as nature will want to fill the void with plant life, but it is anticipated to be similar to the current brushing commitments for the property.

According to a staff report, this is the option staff recommended. The others included continuing with current practices, and removing

all trees from the property.

Costing for the recommended option is estimated at $40,000, with up to $25,000 from a FireSmart grant, and the remaining $15,000 to be borne by the regional district, and potentially, Lift, if the society were to agree to a request.

Electoral Area B director

Mark Gisborne said the option being considered makes sense, because it would preserve trees.

“This isn’t the first time we’ve seen issues with the Lift/BC Housing building,” said Gisborne. “I’m wondering if it would be possible to get a copy of the lease agreement. It seems there are continuing issues occurring up there that are not conducive to a healthy social environment on regional hospital district lands.”

North Island Dental

Chief administrative officer Al Radke said staff had the lease, which could be shared with directors.

Part of the motion also mentioned sending a letter to Lift requesting social issues migrating from its facility are addressed. City of Powell River director Cindy Elliott said prior to the facility being located on hospital district lands, there were encampments on the property.

we specifically want them to do? Is that within their power to do? A lot of people causing issues don’t live in their place.”

Gisborne said the proposed motion was asking Lift to address social issues migrating from its facility, but there were issues on the property adjacent before the social housing project was built.

ing an issue,” added Lennox, who asked if there were any other potential uses for the property in question.

City director and hospital district chair George Doubt said there are other demands for it. He said there is a possible Evergreen Extended Care replacement project being discussed, and the Four Tides Hospice Society is looking to establish a hospice on hospital grounds.

“There were issues on that property before,” said Elliott. “The people with the social housing, they can only really monitor their own area. There were issues long before the social housing project went in there and there was a huge tent encampment we had to remove before the social housing project went in.

“If we are going to write a letter asking people to address it, what is it that

“This resolution is putting the finger on Lift and is very much implying that the issues are migrating from their facility,” said Gisborne.

“But, are they migrating from the facility? Are the people causing issues for residents of the Lift building or are they someone else?”

Electoral Area A director

Jason Lennox said the problems are more than just Lift.

He said opening it up and fire-smarting it is a great objective.

“However, it is reasonable to let Lift know we are see-

Doubt said he would prefer to indicate, rather than saying it is Lift’s fault that ills of society are happening on that land, that there is some FireSmart activity that can be done there, to make it less likely for tent encampments to appear on the property, and to maintain the value of the greenspace in the city.

“This needs to be approached in a positive way, rather than an accusatory way,” said Doubt.

The committee carried a motion that it recommend the regional hospital district board send a letter to Lift, asking for collaboration on social issues in the neighbourhood; that the board direct staff to implement the FireSmart option for the property in question; and that staff be directed to apply for a FireSmart grant.

8 Thursday, October 5.2023 | Peak »
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BRUSHING COMMITMENT: Powell River Regional Hospital District’s committee of the whole has recommended that the regional hospital board support a tree and underbrush maintenance project adjacent to the supportive housing complex on hospital property. PEAK ARCHIVE PHOTO

Tour highlights solid waste facility

Resource-recovery centre and transfer station just a part of the multi-use property

qathet Regional District (qRD) staff and the Peak were taken on a tour of the resource-recovery centre and transfer station to highlight and familiarize the facility which is rapidly taking shape.

On the September 15 tour, qRD project coordinator Mike Wall said that the former City of Powell River solid waste operation at the site was shut down by the minister of environment. He said the city, as the permit holder, had an obligation to clean up the former incinerator and waste transfer site, develop a closure plan, and close the site, meeting the ministry’s approval. This was to be borne by the city’s taxpayers, according to Wall.

“There was conversation at the mayor and council and regional boards level, that led, in 2012, the regional board to direct staff to assist the city in the closure planning process, which began in 2014,” added Wall. “The planning process went through, and through various agreements, the solid waste management plan development was supported by all three local governments, and multiple grant applications were made.”

A $6 million grant was procured to assist with the process of establishing the new site, and there has since been borrowing to continue with the project.

Wall said there has now been a cleanup of the site and closure is complete. Construction of the resource-recovery centre and transfer station is well underway, with full operation scheduled for mid2024, according to Wall.

“When completed, the project will provide a state-of-the-art waste management facility and approximately half of the remediated site returned for public amenities,” said Wall. “Once this is all done, the site will have four allowable end uses, and these are directed by the ministry of environment.”

Wall said these will include overflow parking for Willingdon Beach functions, botanical gardens, public trails and also the resource-recovery centre and transfer station.

He said that the expansive area has been decontaminated and revegetated, and approximately half will be given back to the city when the project is complete. The centre and waste management facility piece is under lease between the city and the regional district; the regional district is going to manage the solid waste operation, according to Wall.

Standing at the overflow parking area before leading the tour, Wall said that the area had been filled with marine debris, such as materials from the revamping of the north harbour. He said it had all been cleaned up and the surfacing of the lot was from repurposed

materials from concrete and asphalt disposed of at the site.

“We found somebody who could grind those together and it’s been used for the surfacing for the roads and trails in the parking area,” he added.

Wall and Let’s Talk Trash team member Tai Uhlmann then led the tour up to an ash excavation area, which had materials from the fire at the former Safeway building in Westview, with a bunch of asphalt roofing that had been melted in the fire. When it was removed it was found that there was a natural water spring below it.

Wall said for years, petroleum was heading down toward the ocean, but it is all cleaned up now. He said there will also be stormwater runoff in the area, which will be filtered out by a natural asset, which will result in less maintenance over time.

The tour wound through to the extended producer responsibility (EPR) area, where residents will bring their recycling. Uhlmann said the EPR portion of the facility would have a free store supervised by the site supervisor and diversion specialist, and the main area for recycling would be on the main floor. The facility will encourage as much diversion as possible.

RECEIVING FAMILIARIZATION: qathet Regional District staff were taken on a tour of the resource-recovery centre and transfer station and given a complete rundown of the various areas, ranging from public amenities, such as trails, ponds and a potential amphitheatre, to facilities being constructed to attend to recycling and disposal of garbage. PAUL

Uhlmann said there will be a hybrid staffing model for the site, which will be managed and staffed by qRD: a manager, a site supervisor/diversion specialist, and scale house attendants. There will also be contracted staff being employed at the site for the transfer station, recycling station and other functions.

Uhlmann said after the recyclables are brought to the main floor by people dropping them off, they will be transferred to a lower floor for storage and shipping by staff.

Wall said some trees had to be taken down at the site and they were sent to a local sawmill and made into lumber. He said qRD has been storing and drying the lumber ever since. The lumber will be used on construction at the site.

“We didn’t waste anything here,” said Wall. “If it came down, it’s becoming part of the buildings.”

He said as for the diversion opportunities at the resource-recovery centre, they are part of the solid waste management plan that has been approved by the ministry of environment.

Uhlmann said efforts will be made to keep as many materials as possible out of the garbage.

The tour then moved to the scale

house that is being built, where garbage will be weighed. Wall said it is the financial brains of the operation and the data centre. The scale house has been built with accessibility in mind and could prospectively employ persons with mobility challenges.

Moving into the transfer station area, it is expansive, with the office situated near the old incinerator site. The hulk of the old incinerator is still standing, reminding those using the services of the facility just how far solid waste management has come since the old days of burning garbage. The transfer station is under construction, where municipal solid waste will be dropped off.

The tour then highlighted the outdoor classroom area, the pond that is part of the natural area of the facility, the ocean plastic depot, and a pasture-like area that can be used as an amphitheatre.

Community invited to Grease sing-along

Brooks Secondary School hosts dinner, show-andshine preshow event


Max Cameron Theatre at Brooks Secondary School will host a Grease (the movie) singalong with special guest performers, Molly’s Comedy Cabaret, at 7 pm on Friday, October 13.

Molly Wilson, the star of the show, a pro-

fessional actress and singer from Chilliwack, will engage the audience in songs from the 1978 musical starring John Travolta, and Olivia Newton-John. A costume contest and trivia game will precede the movie.

“It will be quite a hoot,” said Max Cameron Theatre manager Jacquie Dawson. “I wanted to do something to get a lot of people out doing something fun.”

The original idea was to just have the singalong, but Dawson started talking to Jen Didcott, the drama teacher at Brooks.

“I said, ‘why don’t we collaborate and do a preshow fundraiser for Brooks Theatre

Company?” said Dawson. “We now have the chef at Brooks, Connor Knickerbocker, preparing a special fixed menu with burgers and soda, and the cafeteria being turned into Rydell High from the movie.”

Dawson said folks can arrive at 6 pm for dinner, take in the show-and-shine vintage car show outside, and participate in a silent auction, all before the sing-along in the theatre at 7 pm.

Dawson encourages everyone to wear a costume.

Molly’s Comedy Cabaret is Wilson, Bob the stage manager, also known as Robert Wilson,

and Debbie “Hot Fingers” Wilson. The cabaret group will also perform Choose Your Own Adventure: The Musical at Max Cameron Theatre, from 2 to 3 pm, Saturday, October 14.

“This is a great way to kick off the Max Cameron Theatre season, and a way to get everyone engaged,” said Dawson.

The Grease sing-along is a ticketed event that begins at 7 pm. The dinner, showand-shine and silent auction start at 6 pm; both events take place at 5400 Marine Avenue. Tickets can be found at the Peak office, 4993F Marine Avenue, and online at

9 Thursday, October 5.2023 | Peak » COMMUNITY »

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10 Thursday, October 5.2023 | Peak »
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Fair celebrates fall

The 2023 Fall Fair returned to Paradise Exhibition Grounds on September 23 and 24, drawing crowds of people despite wet and cooler weather in the qathet region. Attendees, volunteers and vendors enjoyed food, agricultural displays and live music at the annual event, now sponsored by Powell River Farmers’ Agricultural Institute. The tradition has been celebrated in the area for more than 90 years.

11 Thursday, October 5.2023 | Peak » CULTURE »

Kings earn split of home-openers

BC Hockey League club

falls to Grizzlies, edges Vees


Powell River Kings built a 4-1 lead in their home-opening game of the 2023/2024 BC Hockey League (BCHL) season on September 29, but an announced crowd of 1,665 at Hap Parker Arena went home disappointed after watching Victoria Grizzlies claw their way back to a 5-4 win.

Kings’ captain Anthony Lucarelli and teammate Anthony Yu brought fans to their feet by combining to set up Will Jones to open the scoring at 11:21 of the first period. After Grizzlies’ winger Reegan Hiscock tied the game two minutes lat-

er, Noah Eyre and Yu each scored for Powell River to give the home team a 3-1 lead prior to intermission.

Yu collected his third point of the night on a power play at 7:14 of the second period, setting up Alexi Van HoutteCachero’s second goal of the season, with the second helper credited to Jones.

Grizzlies cut the deficit to 4-3 after 40 minutes with goals by Anderson Pirtle and Nathan King. Following Tim Busconi’s tying goal at 9:39 of the third period, Pirtle notched his second of the game and eventual game winner with 8:51 remaining on the clock.

Kings, who were outshot 33-24, were unable to beat Victoria goalie Will Baker again to force overtime.

Owen Crudale made 28 saves in a losing effort.

Adam Mendelson, Christian Maro, Asher Wites and Van Houtte-Cachero

were credited with assists on first period goals for the Kings.

Six-time Stanley Cup champion (five with Edmonton Oilers and one with New York Rangers) and hockey hall of famer Glenn Anderson was on hand for pregame festivities, along with Powell River mayor Ron Woznow, qathet Regional District board chair Clay Brander and Kings’ executive member Joe Mastrodonato.

Kings hosted defending BCHL champion (Fred Page Cup) Penticton Vees the following night, when all four goals by the two teams came courtesy of special teams.

Lucarelli scored just over two minutes into the game to give the home team a 1-0 lead, and Eyre tied the game with just under two minutes remaining in the third period to force overtime. Both Kings’ goals

FAMILIAR FACES: The ceremonial faceoff prior to Powell River Kings’ first home game of the 2023/2024 BC Hockey League regular season at Hap Parker Arena featured [from left] Victoria Grizzlies’ captain Tyler Waram, six-time Stanley Cup champion and hockey hall of famer Glenn Anderson, Powell River mayor Ron Woznow, qathet Regional District board chair Clay Brander, Kings’ executive member Joe Mastrodonato and Kings’ captain Anthony Lucarelli.

were power play markers, the first set up by Jones and Eyre and the second assisted by Jones and Yu.

Penticton scored on a power play of their own midway through the first period and took a lead with a short-

Villa collects first win of season

Soccer club moves up VISL standings

With most of the players missing the previous weekend available, Powell River Villa fielded an experienced side for the Saturday, September 29, Vancouver Island Soccer League (VISL) match versus Victoria Highlanders FC at Timberlane Park.

Villa started the scoring midway through the first half with the club’s first goal of the season at the 28-minute mark.

Jared Timothy’s free kick from outside of the 18-yard box was redirected past the Highlanders’ goalkeeper by Villa centre back Richard Murphy, putting the home side up 1-0.

Villa came close to scoring again in the first half with multiple chances but were unable

handed goal at 8:42 of the third period.

After a scoreless overtime session, Christian Maro was the only shooter to covert in the shootout, securing a 3-2 win for Powell River.

Penticton led on the shot clock 37-33. Owen Crudal made 35 saves for Powell River, plus three more in the shootout. Attendance at Hap Parker Arena was 910. Kings return to action on Friday, October 6, in Nanaimo.

to convert. The second half featured back in fourth action, then, at the 60-minute mark, a Highlanders’ free kick from 30 yards out found the back of the net to make the score 1-1.

Minutes later, Villa regained the lead when a pass from striker Theo Faber was handled by a Highlanders’ defender in the 18-yard box, resulting in a penalty kick. Villa defender James Timothy stepped up to the

Queens post shutout at home

Under-11 girls hockey players beat Campbell River Storm

The under-11 Powell River Queens travel team opened their season with a 5-0 win in their exhibition game over Campbell River Storm at Hap Parker Arena. In a game played on September 24, goal scorers for the Queens included Scarlett Venselaar, Hannah Ollson, Claire Statham, Elly Lawry and Molly Culos, while Makenna Engelmann held her ground for a shutout between the pipes.

According to Queens spokesperson Elise Statham, both the under-11 and under-15 Queens recently received confirmation that they'll be part of league play with Vancouver Island Amateur Hockey Association

(VIAHA), playing teams up and down the island.

Statham said for the first time in history, these two all-female teams have the opportunity to compete in a schedule involving 12 regular season games.

“This is a huge milestone for our Queens program,” said Statham. “With six of those games on home ice, you'll have ample opportunity to come out and cheer on your Queens.”

U11 Queens were back in action on October 1, skating to a 7-1 win at home over Comox. Ollson scored four times for the Queens. Norah Hughson, Ayla Ciarniello, Statham and Culos had one goal each. U15 Queens were victorious on the same day in Sechelt, picking up a 5-3 win over Sunshine Coast Blues. Goal scorers for the visitors included Nelle Liefsoens, with a hat-trick, Sienna Keays and Teegan Taylor.

spot and made no mistake, putting the ball in the right corner as the keeper dove the other way.

The second goal was all Villa needed to secure the win, which moved the club up to eight place in VISL Division 1 and out of the relegation zone.

Villa faces Gorge FC on Saturday, October 7, at Timberlane Park. Kickoff will be at 1:30 pm.

12 Thursday, October 5.2023 | Peak » SPORTS »
EXHIBITION MATCH: Powell River Minor Hockey’s under-11 Queens team hosted Campbell River Storm and beat the Vancouver Island opposition 5-0. The Queens will be part of league play this year against Vancouver Island teams. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO ALICIA BAAS PHOTO

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In Loving Memory of

Elizabeth (Betty) Malcolmson Berger

Elizabeth (Betty) Berger, beloved mom and stepmom to Susan, Herb, Sheila (Lynn Shervill), Lawrence (Heather) and Alison (Jim Gibson), passed away peacefully at home surrounded by her family. We like to think the stormy winds that night came to carry her to the next stage of her long and rich journey.

Betty was born Elizabeth Malcolmson Anderson to Thomas Tulloch Anderson and Catherine Munn McTurk in Leebitton, Shetland. She was the third of five children. Her siblings Tom Anderson, Kay Franzen, John Anderson and Jean Martin all predeceased her.

Mom’s family immigrated to Canada in 1929. After a few months in a tent on Hernando Island, the family moved to Westview. She loved her Shetland heritage, but often said how grateful she was they moved here.

After high school, Mom studied one year at UBC on a scholarship before going to Normal School for teacher training, where she made many lifelong friends. Her first job was a one-room school at Cobble Hill, where some of the boys were older than she was. She returned to teach in Powell River, where she met Herb Peters, a millwright. They married in 1949. She said she always expected to be an ordinary housewife (although her new husband had to teach her how to cook), but Herb caught polio in 1953, just six weeks before their third child, Sheila, was born. After two years in hospital and rehab, he was able to come home, but was unable to return to work.

Mom went back to teaching to support the family, and Herb did everything he could to make her home life easier.

She taught grade one for many years at JP Dallos before moving to the new JC Hill school, where she eventually became principal. She loved teaching children how to read and over her long career often taught three generations in a family.

In spite of his disabilities, Herb encouraged her efforts to complete her Bachelor of Education by taking correspondence courses and going to summer school at UBC, sometimes with the whole family in tow. They enjoyed bridge parties with their many friends and built a house at Grief Point in 1968, a place she adored. We were so lucky to be able to keep her in that home until her death.

Herb died of complications from post-polio syndrome in 1970. Five years later, after some serious courting, Albert Berger finally convinced his blonde viking to marry him, bringing his two adult children, Lawrence and Alison, into the family. They had more than 30 happy years together, joining the Myrtle Point Golf Club and Betty’s old bridge club, and travelling. They especially enjoyed going to Las Vegas to refine their gambling strategies and take in the glamourous nightlife.

After her retirement in 1983, Betty worked for many years as a stalwart member of the United Church Women.

Family was everything to Betty. She enjoyed visits from her grandchildren (Daniel, Michael, Matthew, Lindsay, Eleni, Colleen, Kellie, Chris and Cam) and great-grandchildren (Casey, Max, Santi, Reyna and Tia). She was also much-loved by her siblings’ children, who remained in close contact. She loved ocean swimming and it was a point of honour to join her in the often frigid waters at Grief Point, right up until last summer.

We’d like to thank Dr. Arinola Awopetu and VCH’s palliative home care team for the wonderfully responsive support they provided to make Betty’s last days comfortable.

A memorial will be held on Saturday, October 14, at 1 pm at Powell River United Church, 6932 Crofton Street, Powell River, BC.

In lieu of flowers, please echo Betty’s generous spirit by making a donation to your favourite charity. Condolences may be offered at

Celebration of life for Gilbert


February 18, 1943September 4, 2023

Family and friends of the late Gilbert Tougas are invited to a celebration of life on Sunday, October 22, 2023, upstairs at the Carlson Community Club in Powell River at 1:30 pm.

Refreshments will be available while we gather to celebrate our special husband, brother, father, uncle, papa, friend.

There will be an open mic for those who wish to share memories or give written remembrances to be read.

You were the beautiful melody in the rhythm of our lives.

The music of your life lives on.

Thank you

The Family of Amelia (Dolly) Hassett wish to thank everyone who sent cards, flowers and attended her service.

Also, thank you to the Lab, Ambulatory and ER in qathet General Hospital and Home Help for all your care over the years.

A very special thank you to Janice.

Thank you

The Misner-Karen-Byng families wish to thank everyone who assisted in Larry’s care and rehabilitation following his strokes, including the many doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, and staff members of the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority; especially those here in Powell River.

Special thank you to Dr. Barrie McDonald for his dedication to Larry’s care through the years, both before and after his stroke, and his beautiful rendition of Taps at the celebration of life.

Heartfelt thanks also to the home support workers, and especially his care aide Lynne MacDonald and the home care nursing team for their outstanding efforts to ensure Larry’s comfort as the end drew near.

We also thank all of you who attended the celebration of life and to those who visited, sent cards, flowers and food during our difficult time. Your support following our loss gave us strength and comfort.

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Land Act:

Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land

Take notice that 1273408 BC Ltd. from Squamish, BC, has applied to the Ministry of Forests (FOR), Surrey for a Residential Strata Moorage situated on Provincial Crown land located at:


The Lands File Number for this application is 2412672. Comments on this application may be submitted in two ways:

1)Online via the Applications and Reasons for Decision Database website at:

2)By mail to the Senior Land Officer at 200-10428 153rd Street, Surrey, BC V3R 1E1.

Comments will be received by the Ministry of Forests until November 4, 2023. Comments received after this date may not be considered.

Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact Information Access Operations at the Ministry of Technology, Innovation and Citizens’ Services in Victoria at:

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2060 For Sale Miscellaneous

NEW 40’ high cube container 9 1/2” high. Will deliver, $12,000. 604.414.8595

ANTIQUE CLOCK, German components, hand-built locally by Tom Ross, excellent condition, $3,500. Call 604.223.5668

ROTH DOUBLE wall 220 gallon oil tank, excellent condition. Asking $550. 604.487.9398

6070 Real Estate Wanted HOUSE WANTED to buy in Powell River or in regional area. Please call 604.414.8595

6505 Apartments/Condos for Rent

2-BDRM SUITE for rent, new reno, lower level, nice and bright. Grief Pt, N/S, N/P, $1,500/month, includes utilities, one year lease. 647.882.6535

Canadian Navigable Waters Act

Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC hereby gives notice that an application has been made to the Minister of Transport, pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act for approval of the work described herein and its site and plans.

Pursuant to paragraph 7(2) of the said Act, Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC has deposited with the Minister of Transport, on the on-line Common Project Search Registry ( and under registry number 5410, or, under the NPP File Number 2021505370 a description of the following work, its site, and plans: Existing tenure and operating deepwater shellfish aquaculture facility located in NW Trevenen Bay, west of Coode Island, on District Lots 6709 and 3633; together with unsurveyed Crown foreshore or land covered by water being part of the bed of Trevenen Bay, all of Group 1, New Westminster District. Portions of this tenure are covered by longlines.

Comments regarding the effect of this work on marine navigation can be sent through the Common Project Search site mentioned above under the Comment section (search by the above-referenced number) or if you do not have access to the internet, by sending your comments directly to:

Navigation Protection Program - Transport Canada, 820-800 Burrard Street, Vancouver BC, V6Z 2J8

Transport Canada (TC) will not make your comments on a project available to the public on the online public registry. However, any information related to a work is considered as unclassified public record and could be accessible upon legal request. As such, the information and records provided should not contain confidential or sensitive information. If you want to provide confidential or sensitive information that you think should not be made public, please contact TC before submitting it.

However, comments will be considered only if they are in writing (electronic means preferable) and are received not later than 30 days after the publication of the last notice. Although all comments conforming to the above will be considered, no individual response will be sent.

Posted at Powell River this 5th day of October 2023

Brian Yip VP, for Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC

Canadian Navigable Waters Act

Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC hereby gives notice that an application has been made to the Minister of Transport, pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act for approval of the work described herein and its site and plans.

Pursuant to paragraph 7(2) of the said Act, Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC has deposited with the Minister of Transport, on the on-line Navigable Waters Registry ( under Registry number 8136, and under the NPP File Number 1985-500281 a description of the following work, its site and plans:

Existing tenure and operating aquaculture facility located in Trevenen Bay, approximately at 50° 1’ 6.07” N, 124° 44’ 21.15” W, located on unsurveyed Crown Foreshore or land being part of the bed of Trevenen Bay together with District Lot 3933, Group 1, New Westminster District, in Lund, in the Province of British Columbia.

This is a shellfish farm and includes an existing seed float with a shop, floating upwelling system, and longlines.

Comments regarding the effect of this work on marine navigation can be sent through the Common Project Search site mentioned above under the Comment section (search by the above-referenced numbers) or if you do not have access to the internet, by sending your comments directly to:

Transport Canada Navigation Protection Program (THN), 6th Floor, 800 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, V6Z 2J8.

Comments will be considered only if they are in writing (electronic means preferable) and are received not later than 30 days after the publication of the last notice. Although all comments conforming to the above will be considered, no individual response will be sent.

Posted at Powell River this 5th day of October, 2023. Brian Yip VP, for Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC

14 Thursday.October 5.2023 | Peak »
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Canadian Navigable Waters Act: Notice of application for Approval of Aquaculture Facility.

Take notice that I, Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC from Union Bay, BC, have applied to the Ministry of Forests (FOR), for an amendment to a shellfish aquaculture tenure oyster adding surface bag longline situated on Provincial Crown land located in the vicinity of Hillingdon Point, Okeover Inlet

The Lands File Number that has been established for this application is Crown Land File #. 2403261

Comments may be submitted electronically via the provincial Applications, Comments & Reasons for Decision webpage at

Alternatively, hard copy comments may be directed to the Section Head, Aquaculture, Ministry of Forests at 142 - 2080 Labieux Rd, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6J9.

Comments will be received by FOR up to November 4, 2023. FOR may not be able to consider comments received after this date.

Please visit the website at for more information.

Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at the Ministry of Forests office in Nanaimo.

Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC hereby gives notice that an application has been made to the Minister of Transport, pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act for Approval of the work described herein and its site plans.

Pursuant to Paragraph 7(2) of the said Act, Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC, has deposited with the Minister of Transport, on the on-line Navigable Waters Registry (or Common Project Search (CPS): http://cps.canada. ca/), under the Navigation Protection Program File number# 2003-500686 and the CPS registry number is 8139, a description of the following work, its site plans: Shellfish aquaculture located in Okeover Inlet, approximately at 50° 1' 28" N, 124° 42' 56" W, located on unsurveyed Crown foreshore or land covered by water being part of the bed of Okeover Inlet, Group 1, New Westminster District, containing 12.3 hectares.

Comments regarding the effect of this work on marine navigation can be sent through the Common Project Search site mentioned above under the Comment section (search by the above-referenced number) or, by sending your comments directly to the Navigation Protection Program Pacific, Suite 820 – 800 Burrard Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6Z 2J8 if you do not have access to the internet

However, comments will be considered only if they are in writing (electronic means preferable: and are received not later than 30 days after the publication of the last notice. Although all comments conforming to the above will be considered, no individual response will be sent.

Date: September 20, 2023

Signature: Brian Yip, VP Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC

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