Okeover’s timber wharf being replaced with a new steel trestle, ramp and floating concrete structure
PAUL GALINSKI reporter@prpeak.com
Okeover Harbour is undergoing a significant wharf reconstruction project to replace the old timber wharf, which had reached the end of its design life. The old wharf has been removed.
According to a written submission from Leri Davies, stra-
tegic media relations advisor with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, this construction project includes a new steel trestle, ramp and a floating concrete wharf, giving vessels access to load and offload at all tide levels. It also provides an increased area for offloading, making the space more efficient.
“The long-term project also includes improving shore protection and an upgraded floating breakwater to shelter the harbour from northwest waves,” stated Davies. “Upon completion in spring 2025, the upgraded facility will support the ongoing and evolving needs of commercial fish harvesters and mariners, and improve the province’s maritime infrastructure.”
Small craft harbours is a nationwide program run by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). The program operates
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and maintains a national system of harbours to provide commercial fish harvesters and other harbour users with safe and accessible facilities.
According to Davies, in British Columbia, there are 101 small craft harbour sites along the province’s coast. Okeover Inlet’s small craft harbour is a core fishing harbour critical to the commercial fishing industry, she added.
“While day-to-day operations are the responsibility of harbour authorities, DFO’s primary responsibility is to ensure core fishing harbours like Okeover are kept open and in good repair, which includes funding and conducting any significant critical infrastructure improvements,” stated Davies.
Lynn Paris, accountant administrator with Okeover Harbour Authority, said the project is replacing a rotten,
City denies qRD funding request
Councillors vote against using community works funds for resource recovery debt
PAUL GALINSKI reporter@prpeak.com
City of Powell River Council has turned down a request from qathet Regional District (qRD) to use community works funds to complete the new resource recovery centre.
At the February 6 city council meeting, chief financial officer Mallory Denniston said she was providing a report in response to council direction for qRD’s request for $1.3 million of city community works funds to be given to the regional district to help fund completion of the centre. Costs came in $2.5 million more than had been previously financed, and qRD was requesting that both governments use community works funds to cover the cost, rather than borrowing.
“The resource recovery centre is
a qRD project and the city is one of six participating areas in the regional district,” said Denniston. “Therefore, the city contributes approximately half the project costs through qRD property taxes that the qRD requisitions each year.”
Denniston said if the city allocated the community works fund to the resource recovery centre, city property taxes would increase 4.8 per cent for capital projects that are covered in draft one of the five-year financial plan. She said if qRD allocates its community works fund toward the centre and borrows the other half, in this scenario, the city’s property taxes do not increase. She added that qRD would charge an average singlefamily dwelling an additional $7 per year for 20 years to pay off the $2.5 million debt. This would amount to $138 over the 20 years for an average single-family dwelling, according to Denniston.
If qRD chooses not to use its community works fund and borrows the entire amount, city property taxes do not increase and qRD taxation to Powell River residents would be $13 per year for 20 years to pay off the debt, meaning an extra $266 in qRD taxation over
the 20 years for an average singlefamily dwelling.
In correspondence to the city, qRD board chair Clay Brander stated that the regional district was requesting support of the city to jointly fund the $2.5 million required using community works grant funding. His request was that the city provide nearly $1.3 million for the project, and qRD electoral areas provide $1.2 million.
Councillor George Doubt, who was a city director on the qRD board when the matter of using community works funds to pay off the debt was discussed, said he brought up the idea when he was there.
“If that is paid for by the debt, that will increase by $2.5 million the debt that the regional district owes for that service, and they will pay that by increasing taxes to all the people who participate in the regional district service,” said Doubt. “That would include homeowners in Powell River who will get a regional district tax notice.”
Doubt said the question is: do councillors want taxpayers to pay the $2.5 million on their taxes, or do they want to use reserves?
Council voted to direct staff to
prepare and send a letter to the qRD board to decline the request, and that council proceed with allocating the city’s contribution through the established property tax requisition process. Doubt was in opposition to the motion.
According to a spreadsheet provided by Denniston, in draft one of the city’s five-year financial plan, there are community works expenditures for several different projects. The plan has yet to be passed.
Community helps out when needed
old wharf, which was in bad condition, with a brand-new facility with a drive-on dock, which is a big deal.
“It’s a huge expense and small craft harbours are in charge,” said Paris. “They demolished the old infrastructure and when it gets done, it’s going to be a beautiful metal structure. Boats will be able to dock there and trucks can go down to the dock. It will help the oyster farmers a great deal.”
Krystle Goddard, wharfinger and a director with Okeover Harbour Authority, said the Okeover wharf is a busy place during the summer months. She said she works at the facility eight hours a day or more and it’s nonstop during the busy season. During the win-
ter months, it’s slower, she added.
The wharf has a mix of moorage for locals and there is also a dock for transients. She said the current wharf structure has expanded since construction of the replacement. She said a structure that was used as a breakwater for inside the old wharf head has been decked, creating more space for more people to tie up.
Paris said the dock is making a huge difference for boat traffic, as opposed to the three small docks that were previously part of the harbour facility. She said the construction project started in December.
“It started slow, but when they started demolishing, it was big,” added Paris.
Goddard said a local contractor, Bob Marquis, demol-
ished the old wharf head. Paris said a bunch of new rock was brought in to expand the shoreline. The new construction is being done by a company called Pacific Industrial and Marine, which is from Duncan.
struction, operation of the harbour hasn’t been affected significantly.
“Everybody has been pretty good, between the crew here and all the patrons of the harbour,” said Goddard. “We’ve given everyone
We have good people and when things need to get done, people pitch in and help if we need it.
Goddard said construction is expected to continue until the end of March, when it is hoped that the project can be finished. Pile driving was underway when the Peak visited the facility on January 28.
Goddard said that despite the disruption due to con-
enough warning. Sometimes you have to wait at the hill. We want people in Powell River and Lund to know that if they don’t need to use the harbour, don’t come down at this time. There’s so much construction, so it’s best to stay away and let the workers do their jobs.”
Projects include: new library stucco and stone cladding replacement; the Powell River Recreation Complex theatre roof; airport upgrades; several other projects at the recreation complex; Marine Avenue curb extensions; a crosswalk at Larry Gouthro Park; the mid-level connector active transportation route between the recreation complex and Brooks Secondary School and lighting for that project.
Paris said when completed, there is going to be a huge change at the harbour.
She said the drive-on loading dock is 60 by 80 feet in size and is usable on several of its sides.
The incorporated harbour authority has been in existence for about 25 years and has a board of seven people.
As part of the improvements at the harbour, a new office has been built, funded from a $60,000 grant from Powell River Community Forest.
“It has been great,” said Paris. “The office is nice.”
Goddard added that it is bigger than the old office and a lot warmer.
As well as Goddard, there is an assistant wharfinger, Karen Trace, who works a couple of days a week. During the summertime, young workers have been hired to
help out when it is busy at the harbour. The community is also involved in helping.
“We have good people and when things need to get done, people pitch in and help if we need it,” said Goddard.
Paris said there have been several work parties over the years when a big project needs to be completed. She said up to a couple of dozen people have come to help when a significant effort is required. She added that there is a real sense of community at the harbour.
“It’s an interesting time,” said Paris. “This project affects a fair number of people, including people who don’t even live here. They come here in the summer and it will affect them in a good way, big time, with the expansion.”
PREFERS TAXATION: qathet Regional District sent correspondence to City of Powell River requesting that community works funds, rather than taxation, be used to pay down the remaining debt on the resource recovery centre. Councillors voted to not allocate community works funds to the project. PEAK ARCHIVE PHOTO
Remuneration bylaw delayed
council makes amendment after third reading, meaning consideration will happen at future meeting
PAUL GALINSKI reporter@prpeak.com
City of Powell River Council was scheduled to adopt its remuneration bylaw, but some last-minute changes mean that adoption will be held at a future meeting.
At the February 6 city council meeting, mayor Ron Woznow led the discussion with a motion to rescind third reading of the remuneration bylaw.
“My rationale is very simple,” said Woznow. “There is huge opposition to this policy from all the ratepayers and from the numerous texts, emails and conversations I’ve had with citizens. Against a backdrop of financial uncertainty, to introduce something like this, which will take time, it simply makes no sense. I’m proposing that it be rescinded.”
Councillor Jim Palm said he agreed with Woznow’s suggestion.
“I would much rather see this as part of our budget discussion rather than coming as a single item before council.”
Councillor George Doubt said he was opposed to rescinding third reading of the bylaw and had an amendment to the bylaw that he would like to make.
“I’ve been paying attention to all the various opinions that people have,” said Doubt. “Some of them are valid opinions and some of them have no understanding at all of what this bylaw says and what it is about. I read them [the opinions] carefully and I think about them. That’s one of the reasons I have an amendment to the bylaw that I’d like to propose tonight.”
Doubt said one of the things the bylaw does, that keeps getting lost in the debate, is it freezes the wages of councillors from 2024 to 2026, which is a cost savings.
“I don’t see any emails pointing out the fact that people are unhappy about that cost saving,” said Doubt. “I think people believe exactly the opposite of that. I would like to debate and pass this motion because we have already spent more time on it than is necessarily needed. Most of the changes hap-
pen in 2027.”
The motion to rescind failed, with Woznow and Palm in favour of the motion and the rest of council opposed.
Woznow asked staff that if the remuneration bylaw passed at the council meeting, whether the incoming council in October 2026 could appeal the bylaw after being elected. Interim corporate officer Stephen Fleming said once a bylaw is adopted, it can be amended at any time, or repealed, by going through the process of amending or repealing a bylaw.
“Should a new council come in and wish to change the bylaw, that would be within their legal purview to do so,” said Fleming.
Councillor Rob Southcott then put forward an amendment to the article in the bylaw that stated: Commencing November 2026, members of council shall be eligible to enrol in the exempt staff extended health care benefits plan covered 100 per cent by the City of Powell River. Enrolment is optional.
Southcott’s amendment was to remove the word “optional” and replace it with: on condition that such benefits are not provided to the applicant through another source.
Councillor Trina Isakson said “optional” is important. She suggested putting a comma after optional, followed by Southcott’s
Council receives airport project update
informed that rehabilitation came in on time and under budget
PAUL GALINSKI reporter@prpeak.com
Powell River Airport’s rehabilitation project was brought in on time and under budget, City of Powell River councillors were told recently.
At the February 6 city council meeting, director of infrastructure Tor Birtig
said in 2021, the city received funding from the airport capital assistance program (ACAP). The amount came to just over $8 million for the runway rehabilitation, as well as some associated work, according to Birtig.
As well, the city had funding from the community economic recovery infrastructure program (CERIP) of an additional $1 million. At that time, it was earmarked for landfill closure and the extension of the runway over that landfill.
“As you recall, we ran into geotechnical issues with that landfill and unfortunately, we were not able to increase the length of the
runway from what we had proposed of 426 feet,” said Birtig. “Instead, we were still able to increase it, but only by 146 feet. Through the construction, we were also able to reduce the slope of the runway down to just below 1.5 per cent, as well as provide safety areas at both ends of the runway.
“We upgraded the electrical infrastructure to provide LED lights and additional electrical infrastructure.”
In the end, the city was able to get certification under Transport Canada’s new airport regulations. Birtig said the rehabilitation resulted in increased load capacity for some aircraft.
“We have an improved
safety level at the airport,” said Birtig.
He said with respect to the budget, the initial project had incurred a total price of almost $6.9 million and there is an estimated $18,000 of forecasted costs that are not fully complete.
“Although we have the pavement and the landscaping and the lighting up there, there are a couple of items that are still outstanding, but minor in impact,” said Birtig.
“We do have one outstanding issue where we have held back funding for some grass seeding that hasn’t taken. We’ll have to wait until spring to see if it has taken. If not, we’ll look to the con-
tract to remediate that.”
amendment. Southcott said it would make more sense for “and” to follow “optional.”
The original motion by Southcott, as amended twice, carried, with Doubt opposed. The amended motion reads: Commencing November 2026, members of council shall be eligible to enrol in the exempt staff extended health care benefits plan covered 100 per cent by the City of Powell River. Enrolment is optional, and on condition that such benefits are not provided to the applicant through another source.
Because the bylaw was amended after third reading, adoption will have to be held at the February 27 meeting of city council.
Birtig said the total cost is forecast to be $6.9 million, which brings the project to $1.1 million under the initial budget of $8 million.
“We were able to complete the project on time, opening up the runway for June 8, on schedule,” said Birtig. “Unfortunately, we had to rely on the patience of Pacific Coastal Airlines, as we didn’t have a second runway in place. We had to close the airport for a period of two months.
“We believe it was a successful project.”
Birtig said there was some additional good news pertaining to the $1 million CERIP grant, which was ded-
icated for the landfill capping and runway extension. He said since that project is not going forward, CERIP has provided initial approval to complete a final design of the capping, which will not allow extension of the runway, but the landfill still has to be capped so there is no infiltration into the landfill. The city has also put forward a couple of projects that have been accepted, including improvements to taxiway Bravo. Birtig said there are unsatisfactory paving conditions on that taxiway. The grant can also be used for rehabilitation of the airport parking lot, which is not in very good shape, he said.
LATER ADOPTION: City of Powell River Council was presented the remuneration bylaw for adoption, but amendment of the wording of one clause in the bylaw meant that adoption of the bylaw will happen at a future meeting of council.
Shoreline project wraps up
Nearly 77 tonnes of debris collected
from 161 kilometres
of shoreline in Salish Sea region
PAUL GALINSKI reporter@prpeak.com
Workers have recovered nearly 77,000 kilograms of debris from shorelines in the central Salish Sea region.
According to senior project manager Abby McLennan, an environmental consultant with Let’s Talk Trash, in total, the project retrieved 76,910.70 kilograms, with a 53 per cent diversion rate, meaning just over half of the material collected ended up being recycled or upcycled locally in the community.
To make the project happen, Let's Talk Trash applied for and received $542,000 of funding to carry out shoreline marine debris cleanup efforts during the summer of 2024 through to the end of February 2025.
“We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the ministry of environment and climate change strategy,” stated McLennan in a written submission to the Peak “Let's Talk Trash coordinated all the cleanup efforts and partnered with the Ocean Legacy Foundation for onboard training activities and administrative support.” McLennan stated that
the project was aiming for a higher diversion rate, but due to the increased number of docks they ended up addressing this season, that ended up making an impact on this figure. Close to 15,000 kilograms of wood waste was deconstructed from the docks and went to landfill, as it was wet and rotting, making it not salvageable for reuse.
“If there was a local composting facility, this could have potentially been diverted, as it was all untreated and unpainted wood,” stated McLennan.
She said the collection season started in August 2024, with the bulk of operations concluding at the end of October.
“We started with scouting various areas, planning, recruiting, training and then moving into field operations that involved the actual cleanup work,” added McLennan. “We target everything from large and challenging items, to small microplastics. Material is sorted in the field, then transported to various takeout locations. Divertible material eventually ends up at the qathet Community Ocean Plastic Depot, where everything is weighed and further sorted, and anything that can’t be diverted ends up heading to the landfill.”
McLennan stated that the project ended up with some remaining budget at the end of the planned season, so they regrouped in the new year and headed out for a few more days of winter shoreline cleaning.
“Our team included a qathet-based crew and a smaller crew based on Lasqueti Island,” stated McLennan. “Together, we covered 161 kilometres of coastline throughout the Salish Sea.”
The bulk of what was diverted was able to be recycled through the Ocean Legacy Foundation.
“We also worked hard to deconstruct, salvage and sort to prioritize local reuse and upcycling opportunities that resulted in just over 13,000 kilograms of the material we collected finding a new life within the region,” added McLennan. “We try to ensure any redistributed items will be responsibly used so they won’t be found again on shorelines or dumped elsewhere.”
One of the main and most destructive materials the crew continues to find is flotation foam.
“We collected just over eight tonnes this season, and when you consider that it’s 90 per cent air, you can start to imagine the volume and just how much it takes to collect eight tonnes worth.”
McLennan stated that in total, 51 jobs were created and overall operations involved 21 local organizations, associations, community groups and businesses.
“We were happy to partner with the Ocean Legacy Foundation, who provided training for our crews at the beginning of the season and assistance throughout the project work,” added McLennan. “Overall, we’re counting this season of
are [from left] Mawd Line, Theo Angell and Bill Sirota. The collection of the items from Lund caps off an impressive season, where 161 kilometres of shoreline was scoured and nearly 77 tonnes of material was collected, with 53 per cent being recycled or upcycled.
cleanup work a success and are thankful to all involved who contributed to this impactful work.”
McLennan stated that although the project made a substantial impact, each winter storm carries more debris and continues to litter the shorelines.
“While we wait for more stringent policies and regulations to come into place, we encourage everyone to pick up marine debris when you see it and either dispose of it, or bring it into the community ocean plastic depot.”
According to Oceanne Bourque, supervisor, depot operations, for Ocean Legacy Foundation, the qathet depot is a collection and sorting facility dedicated to processing marine plastics and other recyclable materials. This initiative is a joint effort between Ocean Legacy Foundation and qathet Regional District, work-
ing together to reduce plastic pollution and promote circular economy solutions, stated Bourque.
Ocean Legacy collaborates with local organizations such as Let’s Talk Trash and other community-led initiatives to remove marine debris from shorelines and waterways, according to Bourque. Groups and individuals must email qathet@ oceanlegacy.ca in advance to coordinate a drop-off. If the drop-off is small, it can be taken to the main recycling facility at the new resource recovery centre, where Ocean Legacy has a designated super sac for collection.
The depot sorts and processes marine debris into the following categories: hard plastics, polystyrene foam, rope and netting, plus oyster baskets and aquaculture gear.
As for the last cleanup that
took place in Lund Harbour, the Let’s Talk Trash team helped sort the retrieved material for diversion as a side project outside the scope of the shoreline funding activities. The LTT contract did not permit any divers to be used in collecting marine debris. Because of this, Lund Harbour hired the two dive companies to clear the bottom of the harbour. The LTT workers took the debris from the shoreline, loaded it into a container, and took it to the marine waste depot the resource recovery centre. In total, 2927.20 kilograms of debris was retrieved from Lund Harbour. Of this, 1,280 kilograms went to landfill and 1,647,20 was recycled. The totals included more than one tonne of tires and 290 kilograms of old batteries, along with hard plastic, rope, beverage containers and metal.
UNDERWATER ITEMS: Offloading marine debris collected from Lund Harbour, at the Ocean Legacy Foundation depot at the resource recovery centre,
Facility sees increase in visits
Overdose prevention site had 54,242 visits in 2024, helping reduce local drugrelated deaths
PAUL GALINSKI reporter@prpeak.com
qathet Community Action Team (qCAT) is working diligently, with broad community representation, to prevent death in the community from the unregulated drug supply.
According to the organization’s statement of purpose, qCAT’s purpose is to strategically coordinate effective overdose responses, awareness and prevention initiatives for City of Powell River and communities throughout qathet Regional District.
A report from the BC Coroners Service shows the continued impact of unregulated drug toxicity in communities throughout the province in 2024, with 2,253 lives lost. The cumulative number of unregulated drug deaths represents a 13 per cent decrease from the number of deaths in 2023 and is less than the annual figure from any of the previous three years, according to a release from the BC Coroners Service.
The rate of death provincially in 2024 was 40 per 100,000 people, compared with 47 per 100,000 in 2023, 45 per 100,000 in 2022 and 44 per 100,000 in 2021.
qCAT coordinator Jessica Colasanto has indicated this trend is evident in qathet, where statistics several years back showed the region as having one of the highest per capita death rates outside of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, leading to the establishment of the community action team.
“Per capita, we were second – way up there,” said
Colasanto “The urgency was felt and people stepped up. Through all of this, it helped launch our overdose prevention site, being the first in a rural area.”
Colasanto said there have been no overdose-related deaths at the overdose prevention site, and approximately 100 reversible toxic drug events.
Use of the site has grown exponentially. Colasanto said in 2020, the first year, there were 1,264 visits. Last year, in 2024, the number had grown to 54,242, a total which can include more than one visit per day for some individuals.
“We still see that the people we are not reaching are the people who are employed and have homes,” said Colasanto. “Stigma prevents them from coming out and using in the company of somebody who will keep an eye on them. So that’s a demographic we are still trying to reach.”
Colasanto said Guy Felicella was recently in town, sponsored by Lift Community Services. Felicella fell into addiction at a young age, according to his website, spending 30 years in the repeated cycle of gangs, addiction, treatment and jail. He is a sought-after speaker on addiction.
Colasanto said Felicella reminded those in attendance at his talk that overdose prevention sites are not only that, but a touchstone to treatment centres.
“At any point on the recovery journey that you want to enter, like a overdose prevention site, the staff are there to help you figure out how to safely move into that path,” said Colasanto. “It’s all about relationships, and having people feel safe and accepted, with no judgment. Then, when they are ready, and only when they are ready, they can take the next step.”
Along with the site, there are drug checking services and treatment services
available, and Colasanto said they all work together.
“There’s a range of services and resources that have been implemented in the community that really make a difference.”
The overdose prevention site is looking for a new home. The building that has been housing the facility has been sold, and the facility will have to vacate in March. Colasanto said there are a lot of people working on finding a permanent home.
“It’s such a valuable service and the numbers prove it right,” said Colasanto.
qCAT members include representatives from City of Powell River and city council, Vancouver Coastal Health, local faith organizations, Tla’amin Nation, Tla’amin Health, The United Way, Powell River Public Library, BC Ministry of Health and Addictions, RCMP, the ambulance service, Powell River Fire Rescue, Miklat Recovery Society (now Together We Can), qathet Community Justice and qathet School District. Another participant is the youth qCAT, which, according to Colasanto, is an amazing group of youth in the community, working on education campaigns to get the word out.
Also involved is SUSTAIN, which is the Substance Users Society Teaching Advocacy Instead of Neglect.
Colasanto said this is an active group of people, mostly active in substance use, which qCAT works side-byside with.
“They meet and help inform qCAT as well,” said Colasanto. “These are the people who know best how to confront this issue, so it’s imperative to have their voice at the table as well.”
Funding for qCAT comes from the Community Action Initiative, which is a nonprofit organization.
Colasanto said that education is very important and that fentanyl shows up in many different
COMMUNITY ACTION: Use of Powell River’s overdose prevention site has gone up exponentially, climbing from 1,264 visits in 2020 to 54,242 in 2024. qathet Community Action Team has been active in coordinating effective overdose responses, awareness and prevention initiatives for the region, with the overdose prevention site being part of the program.
drugs. According to the BC Coroners Service, fentanyl and its analogues continue to be the primary driver of unregulated drug toxicity deaths in BC, detected in 78 per cent of expedited toxi-
cological testing in 2024, including cocaine, fluorofentanyl, methamphetamine and bromazolam.
“Guy pointed out at his talk that nobody chooses to use fentanyl,” said Colasanto. “It
arrived in the drug stream unannounced. No one was prepared for it. It appeared and now it’s whatever is cheaper and stronger. It’s more dangerous than it ever was. It’s a new world.”
Year in pictures had something for everyone
What a great year for movies!
On March 2, the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences will be awarding Oscars to the films and people who have been voted by their peers to be the best in the industry.
2024 was a year in pictures that had everything a viewer could want in film: incredible acting, compelling storylines, brilliant cinematography, imaginative production design and cutting-edge editing.
To get you started in picking your choices of this year’s winners (see pages eight and nine), here is a lit-
By Stephen J. Miller
high and weighs eight pounds. It is cast in metal, then is plated in 24-karat gold.
As the story goes, the name “Oscar” is credited to a librarian who thought the statue looked like her Uncle Oscar when she first saw it. Everyone thereafter referred to the prize as “Oscar.”
More than 3,000 statues have been awarded since 1929.
A Mickey Mouse affair – Walt Disney has won the most Oscars with 27.
Daniel Day Lewis has the most male acting awards with three.
VIEWPOINT Support Canadian, lead by example
The past few weeks have certainly been a challenge for us all as we grapple with the constant rhetoric and bluster from the new American president. Has it really only been four weeks since his inauguration?
I don’t often write columns, but felt compelled to write this one, especially after BC premier David Eby and most of the other leaders across the country are calling for a strong response to the tariff threat from us all. The response is simple: buy Canadian, whenever and wherever possible. We must answer the call. We must consider our personal decisions and habits when it comes to supporting those who support us, by buying Canadian from local businesses. The businesses here on the Sunshine Coast survive against a host of competitors from south of the border. Most noteworthy are the American companies that were represented by their CEOs at the inauguration, right behind the president. Yes, you all saw them there, leaning into the new president’s agenda: Amazon, Google, Meta (Facebook and Instagram), X (formerly Twitter) to
We respectfully acknowledge that we live, work and play on the traditional and treaty lands of the Tla’amin people.
Published every Thursday by Pacific Coast Publications Limited Partnership.
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Kathryn Hepburn has won the most female acting awards with four. Ben-Hur, The Lord of the Rings – The Return of the King, and Titanic have won the most awards with 11 Oscars each.
The biggest fiasco in recent history was in 2017 when La La Land was announced as the winner of the Best Picture award. As the stage became full with its cast and crew celebrating the win, a person came out and spoke to the La La Land producer while he was accepting the win and informed him that a mistake was made and
By Peter Kvarnstrom
name a few. These are the richest companies in the world and they are all American. Eby is calling Trump’s tariffs exactly what they are — a fight we didn’t start, but one we’ll still likely face head-on. BC’s response was clear in its call for us all to do what we can to support Canadian businesses when spending our Canadian dollars. However, just last year, soon after Meta removed all news from its platform, Eby and the BC government doubled down with Meta in its expenditures to ensure that critically important information gets out to you all during crises, like wildfires. This is exactly the kind of information that we’ve being distributing to the public for decades. Our industry wasn’t consulted on that deal. We should have been.
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While we all hope that we can avoid a trade war with our neighbour, it is obviously time we all take stock in our situation.
It is time that our provincial government follows its own advice. Stop spending our hard-earned tax dollars with American digital giants. Same goes for our federal government. There is still a strong local news industry in Canada, against all odds. We are Canadian-owned and operated and we support causes in every community across this country, and yet the governments support our American competitors. It is time to change.
BC and federal governments need to support Canadian media. By moving all their millions of dollars of advertising to Canadian local media (in print and digital), they would show us the leadership we need to make the same choices. It is time to “buy Canadian.”
Office pickup available for addresses in a non-delivery area
COPYRIGHT NOTICE Full, complete and sole copyright in any advertising produced by Pacific Coast Publications Limited Partnership is vested in and belongs to Pacific Coast Publications Limited Partnership. No copyright material may
that Moonlight was the winner. What an embarrassment for the Academy and vote counters from Price Waterhouse Coopers, who were promptly fired for their error. So now that you know everything you need to know to pick the winners of this year’s Oscars, good luck and may the best picture (or not) win these coveted statues.
Stephen J. Miller, the Peak’s film critic, is a producer and creative writer in feature films and television, and past owner of repertoire movie theatres.
Local municipal governments, local businesses and our local MLAs and MPs, have been the ones leading by example, prioritizing support for local newsrooms. They understand the importance of keeping small businesses running and of keeping vital information available within the community. So, kudos to our local mayors, councils, MLAs and MPs for getting it right, for putting their money where their mouth is when it matters most.
While we all hope that we can avoid a trade war with our neighbour, it is obviously time we all take stock in our situation. We are very susceptible to the whims of the new president and the economy he commands. We need to look for every opportunity to support Canadian businesses in everything we do. We can no longer allow our reliance on trade with America to meet our needs as a sovereign country.
Peter Kvarnstrom is the publisher of Coast Reporter in Sechelt, and president, Community Media, at Glacier Media Group.
tle trivia about the Oscars.
The Oscar statue is 13.5 inches
Recreation complex funding supported
Regional district finance committee recommends allocation of $238,244 for 2025
PAUL GALINSKI reporter@prpeak.com
qathet Regional District (qRD) directors have voted for the regional board to contribute $238,244 to the operation of Powell River Recreation Complex.
At the February 11 finance committee meeting, in response to correspondence from City of Powell River mayor Ron Woznow, directors considered a recommendation stating that in good faith, the funding participants from Electoral Areas A, B and C, of the subregional recreation service will contribute $238,244 this year to the city’s recreation service.
Electoral Area B director Mark Gisborne made a motion to postpone action on the recommendation until after the regional district conducts a recreation service review. He said he was opposed to going along with the motion until the board has gone through the review.
Electoral Area C director and board chair Clay Brander said the number that had been presented to directors in the finance committee agenda has been determined by a formula used by the finance department, based on the past agreement, which has expired.
“As a matter of goodwill, we should continue, otherwise the city is going to be without the funding for the recreation service,” said Brander. “The voters have said they want to support
this, so we should go ahead and provide them with this amount of money for this year.”
City director Cindy Elliott said she concurred with Brander, and also wanted to point out that this was a decision to put something in the budget in the interim apart from anything that might come out of a service review, or subsequent negotiations for a new agreement.
“The recreation service is super important to everyone in the community and putting it at jeopardy to wait
the challenges we are having with the subregional recreation service funding agreement,” said Gisborne. “The agreement expired the year before last in 2023 and if we wanted to renew it, we should have renewed it in June 2023. The municipality should have asked to upgrade the agreement a year and a half ago.
“The municipality can wait a little bit. We have to figure out what the amount should be.”
City director Rob Southcott said he believes city council asked staff to
The voters have said they want to support this, so we should go ahead and provide them with this amount of money for this year.
for other processes to happen, I’m not in favour of doing that,” said Elliott.
Gisborne’s motion to postpone failed, with Gisborne in favour and the rest of the committee opposed.
On the recommendation, Gisborne said he believed there needed to be a funding contribution agreement signed by both parties.
“That’s been the barrier to
address the agreement some time before it expired. He said the city has had monumental challenges with staff turnover and capacity.
“I’m not making excuses, but things only happen as fast as they happen,” said Southcott. “I’m anticipating a healthy discussion and I’m looking forward to that with the expectation that we can come to an agreement that
works for all of us in our region.”
Elliott said the intention is whatever comes out of the service review be implemented after the service review is over and to not make cuts or changes prior to that.
“What director Gisborne is suggesting is that we halt all our existing support to the recreation centre pending this review,” said Elliott. “It creates undue hardship on the parties involved. The people have had a referendum and said it’s important to support the recreation centre. We have some things to sort out, but it doesn’t mean we should be holding the recreation centre hostage while we sort them out.”
The motion for the board to consider the $238,244 recreation contribution carried, with Gisborne opposed.
According to qRD general manager of financial administration Linda Greenan, the request from the city did not include a specific dollar value, but rather, it requested the maximum requisition limit for 2025 through 2029. The maximum amount for 2025 would be calculated at $334,080, based on the BC Assessment completed roll values, Greenan stated in an email. The qRD finance committee, however, voted on the lower amount for 2025.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: qathet Regional District’s board will consider allocating $238,244 for Powell River Recreation Complex, even though the agreement between City of Powell River and the regional district has expired. PEAK ARCHIVE PHOTO
Be a star and choose the winners
See if you can beat the Peak’s film critic, Stephen Miller in choosing the winners in the categories selected.
Do your research, or not, submit your choices in the form below and email it to publisher@prpeak.com or drop off at the Peak office 4493F Marine Avenue (beside Duke’s Liquor Store).
Limit of two entries per person.
Entries received by deadline, Thursday, February 27 at 3 pm and showing the most correct picks will be entered into a draw with one grand prize winner and two supporting winner draws held on Monday, March 3 and announced in the March 6 edition of the Peak.
Stephen’s pick: Zoe Saldana, Emilia Pérez Your pick:
Yura Borisov, Anora • Kieran Culkin, A Real Pain • Edward Norton, A Complete Unknown Guy Pearce, The Brutalist • Jeremy Strong, The Apprentice
Stephen’s pick: Kieran Culkin, A Real Pain Your pick:
AND THE NOMINEES ARE ... Brazil, I’m Still Here • Denmark, The Girl With The Needle • France, Emilia Pérez Germany, The Seed Of The Sacred Fig • Latvia, Flow
Stephen’s pick: Emilia Perez Your pick:
Anora • The Brutalist • A Real Pain • September 5 • The Substance
Stephen’s pick: Anora Your pick:
AND THE NOMINEES ARE ... A Complete Unknown • Conclave • Emilia Pérez • Nickel Boys • Sing Sing
Stephen’s pick: Conclave Your pick:
• $150 gift certificate for a dinner out • Four passes to the Patricia Theatre
SUPPORTING OSCAR PRIZES: Two more lucky winners will receive a pair of passes to the Patricia Theatre. Drawn from all entries
AND THE NOMINEES ARE ... Flow • Inside Out 2 • Memoir Of A Snail • Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl • The Wild Robot
Stephen’s pick: The Wild Robot Your pick: AND THE NOMINEES ARE ...
El Mal, Emilia Pérez • The Journey, From The Six Triple Eight • Like A Bird, Sing Sing Mi Camino, Emilia Pérez • Never Too Late, Elton John
Stephen’s pick: El Mal, Emilia Pérez Your pick:
Adrien Brody, The Brutalist • Timothée Chalamet, A Complete Unknown Colman Domingo, Sing Sing • Ralph Fiennes, Conclave • Sebastian Stan, The Apprentice
Stephen’s pick: Adrien Brody, The Brutalist Your pick:
Cynthia Erivo, Wicked • Karla Sofía Gascón, Emilia Pérez • Mikey Madison, Anora Demi Moore, The Substance • Fernanda Torres, I’m Still Here
Stephen’s pick: Demi Moore, The Substance Your pick: AND THE NOMINEES ARE ...
Anora, Sean Baker • The Brutalist, Brady Corbet • A Complete Unknown, James Mangold Emilia Pérez, Jacques Audiard • The Substance, Coralie Fargeat
Stephen’s pick: Anora Sean Baker Your pick: AND THE NOMINEES ARE ... The Brutalist • Conclave • Dune: Part Two • Nosferatu • Wicked
Stephen’s pick: Wicked Your pick:
THE BRUTALIST, Daniel Blumberg • CONCLAVE, Volker Bertelmann • EMILIA PÉREZ, Clément Ducol and Camille • WICKED, John Powell and Stephen Schwartz • THE WILD ROBOT, Kris Bowers
Stephen’s pick: The Brutalist Your pick: AND THE NOMINEES ARE ...
A Complete Unknown • Dune: Part Two • Emilia Pérez • Wicked • The Wild Robot
Stephen’s pick: Dune: Part Two Your pick:
AND THE NOMINEES ARE ... A Complete Unknown, Arianne Phillips • Conclave, Lisy Christl • Gladiator II, Janty Yates And Dave Crossman • Nosferatu, Linda Muir • Wicked, Paul Tazewell
Stephen’s pick: Wicked, Paul Tazewell Your pick: AND THE NOMINEES ARE ... The Brutalist, Lol Crawley • Dune: Part Two, Greig Fraser • Emilia Pérez, Paul Guilhaume Maria, Ed Lachman • Nosferatu, Jarin Blaschke
Stephen’s pick: The Brutalist, Lol Crawley Your pick:
Anora, Sean Baker • The Brutalist, David Jancso • Conclave, Nick Emerson
Three local teams compete for Queens Cup at recreation complex
Over the Family Day long weekend, the Queens Cup included all three local Vancouver Island Amateur Hockey Association (VIAHA) female teams in competition as part of the biggest Powell River Minor Hockey Association tournament of the year.
Thirteen teams across three divisions competed for the cup, with thrilling games and a tremendous atmosphere at Powell River Recreation Complex all weekend.
U11 Powell River Queens headed into the tournament with a perfect 12-0-0 record in their VIAHA regular season. They opened the tournament with a hard-fought 4-4 tie, ended round-robin play with a 2-0-1 record, and took top spot in the division. A convincing win in the semi-finals set up a gold medal match against Vancouver Angels.
Vancouver opened the scoring on the power play but Queen’s defender Nadia Larsson
capped off a brilliant end-to-end rush to tie the game in the second period. Vancouver struck again on a power play to retake the lead.
Powell River carried play in the third, but a tremendous effort from the Angels’ goalie preserved the win for the visitors.
In the U13 division, the local team also wrapped up a spotless 12-0-0 VIAHA regular season prior to the Queens Cup, and carried that momentum to a perfect 3-0-0 round robin record, outscoring their opponents by a combined score of 21-1.
They booked their ticket to the gold medal game with a convincing 9-0 win over TriCities Predators. Made up predominantly with first year players and a few U11 affiliates, the U13 Queens displayed impressive teamwork, effort and playmaking throughout the tournament. That continued in their 6-0 victory in the gold medal final.
U13 Queens were the only team in the tournament to finish with a perfect record.
The U18 Queens featured a mixed roster of U15 and U18 players and have competed admirably all season in the VIAHA North Island U18 League. They completed round robin play with a 1-1-1 record, with no game
featuring a score higher than 2-1.
This hardworking group faced a strong North Shore club in a highly contested semifinal on Sunday, and showed well in a close 3-0 loss, setting up a bronze-medal match with the rival Sechelt Blues. Powell River battled hard in a tight and physical contest, but ultimately came up short, losing 2-1 to the visitors.
“I’m extremely proud of them, with over
50 per cent of the U18 team actually being U15-aged; they were playing against girls five years older than them,” said coach Julie Venselaar. “All of their tournament games were close, most only had a one-goal differential, and they came away 1-3-1 on the weekend.”
A future edition of the Peak will include a photospread featuring local and visiting players, parents and fans.
Overtime decides McCallum Cup game
Regals continue strong play in three-team series
SHANE CARLSON editor@prpeak.com
Powell River Regals’ unbeaten run in McCallum Cup playoffs continued on February 15 in Lake Cowichan.
The senior AA hockey team was without a full lineup but played a composed and strategic game, according to
coach Tod English.
“We didn’t allow the Appollos to intimidate us,” said English, whose team took a stranglehold on the three-team series for the west coast championship, which includes Nanaimo Steelemen. A 5-4 overtime
win improved the Regals’ record to three wins and zero losses.
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“Going down a goal after three minutes didn't deter us,” said English. “Over the rest of the period, [goaltender] Laszlo Tamasik stopped the remaining 14 shots.”
Bekkam Willis equalized just over a minute into period two with a wrist shot over the blocker of the Appollos’
goaltender. Bryson Cecconi and Chad Niddery then set up Brock Sawyer for a onetimer from the slot 44 seconds later for 2-1 Regals’ lead.
Appollos tied the score midway through the period, but the Regals restored the lead with a power play goal by Cecconi, set up by Niddery.
“Going into the third period, it was sheer will
and heart,” said English. “Niddery scored from Brandsma to put us ahead 4-2 with 11 minutes to go, but the Appollos stormed back with two goals 19 seconds apart to tie the game and force overtime.”
Into the extra period, Sawyer intercepted a soft clearance at the blue line, beat a defender wide and sent the puck to Brett Kinley, who set up Cecconi’s game winner.
“It may be one of the guttiest displays of heart and soul I have seen in a long time,” said English. “Appollos had a full lineup. For our players to overcome more than 60 minutes of playoff action and win was remarkable.”
Regals face Nanaimo in their final McCallum Cup game.
COMPELLING COMPETITION: Powell River Recreation Complex was a busy place last weekend, with Powell River Minor Hockey Association hosting a 13team Queens Cup tournament featuring U11, U13 and U18 female teams competing.
Volunteers gathering at Duck Bay to pull invasive species
TANYA HILL thill@prpeak.com
Friends, neighbours and volunteers are gathering for a Broom Bash event hosted by the Nature Trust of BC on Monday, February 24, at Duck Bay on Savary Island.
While it seems early in the year to start pulling out the stubborn and invasive Scotch broom, Carleton MacNaughton, coastal mainland conservation land manager of the Nature Trust of BC, said it’s the perfect time of year to hold a Broom Bash event.
“The primary method of disposal for the large amount of cut Scotch broom
is to pile and burn it on the beach,” said MacNaughton.
“The timing of these events ensures that we are in compliance with burning restrictions, and are tackling the broom before it starts flowering and producing seed in the springtime.”
Duck Bay on Savary Island is an excellent place to have broom pulling events, added MacNaughton, due to the site’s easy access for participants.
“We are making good progress after years of removing broom in this area, and improving the ecological condition of the coastal sand dune ecosystem,” said MacNaughton. “Removal of Scotch broom can also result in increased erosion on steeper slopes, so to minimize the risk of erosion we concentrate efforts on gently sloping areas such as Duck Bay.”
Broom pulling participants tend to be residents of Savary Island who enjoy getting out with neighbours to help out on an important conservation activity. After a day of pulling broom, participants usually get together on the beach with snacks and warm beverages around the broom fire, until the plant matter turns to ash.
“Scotch broom is an introduced invasive species that is a major threat to coastal sand dune ecosystems like those found on Savary Island,” said MacNaughton. “This puts rare species, such as the endangered contorted-pod evening-primrose, at risk of being lost from this landscape.”
MacNaughton added that Scotch broom didn’t evolve in North America, and has no natural checks here, so it can outcompete the natural plants in this [Savary] ecosystem.
“By actively removing Scotch broom, we can give rare species and ecosystems a fighting chance to survive and thrive here,” said MacNaughton.
Participants will gather at 12 pm. Anyone is welcome to attend. Nature Trust of BC will provide gloves and loppers. Folks are encouraged to wear sturdy shoes/ boots, and to bring rain gear and a water bottle. For questions about the Broom Bash event, email communications@naturetrust.bc.ca.
Festival showcases cultural talents
Special musical journey highlights event
More than eight decades of cultural tradition continues next week when the annual qathet Festival of the Performing Arts begins. There are nearly 250 entries in six disciplines: band, vocal and choral, piano, strings, speech arts and dance.
In addition, there will be a Collaboration Concert with St. George’s Senior Concert Band sharing the stage at Evergreen Theatre with qathet Concert Band and qathet Symphony Orchestra on February 28 at 7 pm. Admission, as with all the regular sessions, is by donation. This year to make it easier, people will be able to donate using Square instead of having to be concerned about bringing money.
In October, Rotarian Mel Munroe held the first organizing committee meeting after accepting the position of chair of the festival. “Our festival is a cherished tradition showcasing the incredible talent and dedication of our performers,” said Munroe. “We’re
thrilled to welcome participants and audiences to celebrate the arts together. We’re especially excited about the Collaboration Concert, which promises to be a highlight.”
New coordinator Theresa Hargrave, who teaches voice lessons and sings with the Academy Singers, is also in her role for the first time.
“I feel incredibly lucky to nurture other people’s passions for the arts,” said Hargrave.
“Our festival is based on the fundamental idea of providing all participants with the best possible support for their artistic development, and we welcome all ages and levels of experience.”
Another Rotarian, Elke Sager, said she is ecstatic with the talents and skills new members have brought to organizing the event.
“Changes in registration, signing up volunteers and acquiring new technology is tremendously exciting,” explained Sager, adding, “and just the introduction of new ideas is making an already wonderful event even better.”
Volunteer coordinator Kathryn Hjorleifson used SignUp software to compile a list of
volunteers. She is happy to still hear from anyone who would like to be involved at volunteerfpa@tdi.ca.
The Rotary Club of Powell River has supported the festival since 2003, providing financial and volunteer contributions.
Financial and grant-in-aid support is also provided by the City of Powell River through
qathet Art, Powell River Academy of Music, qathet School District and qathet Regional District.
More information can be found at musicfestivalreg.com/qathet.
The festival also has a Facebook page that contains information on the 2025 event, so people are welcome to join it.
BROOM INITIATIVE: Broom Bash volunteers gathered at Duck Bay on Savary Island last year to help out on an important conservation activity while getting out with neighbours. This year’s Broom Bash takes place on February 24. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
FIRST-TIMERS: Mel Munroe [left] and Theresa Hargrave have been busy planning the 81st qathet Festival of the Performing Arts along with other members of the organizing committee. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS
We are a full service wedding & event company supporting the qathet Region.
We are a full service wedding & event company supporting the qathet Region.
We are a full service wedding & event company supporting the qathet Region.
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Special plans for a special day
Photos by: Unspoken Photography
Planning a wedding can be an overwhelming, stressful task. Who’s doing hair? Where should it take place? What about the food? How many people are coming and where are they staying? How much time is needed? What about work commitments? Is there enough time?
Run out of Powell River, Sea to Sky Elopements is a full package elopement service owned by wedding planner Jocelyn Bacon. She oversees every detail, ensuring each client experiences a unique day of celebration with their partner.
Jocelyn works alongside a team of handpicked experts who offer clients a curated wedding experience.
Sea to Sky takes care of the
planning and headaches, offering services ranging from the florist, pictures, video, officiant and countless behind-the-scenes attention to detail to ensure everything goes smoothly.
“I don't believe one size fits all,” says Jocelyn. “That’s why the very first thing each potential client receives is a one-on-one conversation.
“What matters to you as a couple? What are your hopes
and dreams for your wedding? What are you struggling with in the planning?”
These questions and many more help Jocelyn put together a special package suitable for each client.
“We want you to be excited about this,” she adds. “Let's create something unique for your relationship and celebrate who you are.”
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This is not throwing a suitcase in the back of the car in the middle of night and taking off to get hitched before the parents find out. It is a modern, intensively planned undertaking, designed to highlight clients' unique personalities and flair.
“Every elopement I do is my favourite,” says Jocelyn. “I think about every single thing and how I can do my job the best so everyone is having a great time: including the dogs, the kids and the pilots.”
Sea to Sky was birthed out of the COVID-19 lockdown. Jocelyn was a wedding planner at the time and had several weddings in the pipeline. Venues were booked, food was ordered,
everything was set. Searching for solutions for her clients, Sea to Sky was created.
“Several of my clients decided to elope, so we cancelled the big wedding. At the end of the day they said it was the best thing that could have happened for them.”
She still does wedding planning for clients who want the traditional wedding, but Sea to Sky is her passion and focus.
Many couples now are looking for different ways to celebrate their love and to get married. The traditional ways might not be speaking to them anymore.
“It's really what people want; they are looking to do something more intimate, more true to their relationship,” says Jocelyn. “They value authenticity, they value adventure.”
True to its name, Sea to Sky offers a little something for everybody. For people who don’t want to get into a helicopter, there are options, whether its sharing vows among craggy rocks and sandy beaches of an untouched bay, or a cruise on a 40-foot luxury yacht.
Whatever they choose, people can be confident that behind each event there is a professional working hard to ensure the day is perfect and goes without a hitch.
“I really value and appreciate the women I work with,” says Jocelyn. “I know that is a part of what makes what we do so special. The number one thing you get is peace of mind.” 12« WEDDINGS
Nicola Patrick Caldarone
22, 1943 - February 7, 2025
It is with immense sorrow that we announce the passing of our beloved father, brother, nonno and friend. Nicola passed away in his home surrounded by his most-loved ones during special prayers and music while snowflakes fell gently from the sky.
Nicola was born in Civitanova Del Sannio, Italy, and immigrated to Powell River with his family when he was 12 years old. He attended James Thomson Elementary School in Wildwood and graduated from Max Cameron Secondary School in 1963. Nick began his employment with MacMillan Bloedel in the statistical department in 1967. He then moved on to become a paper maker and put in a total of 35 years of service with the company.
Nicola was a very athletic individual and played many sports, excelling particularly in soccer, volleyball and swimming. He was also known to walk on his hands. Nick enjoyed the outdoors and spent much of his youth fishing on his boat, both on the ocean and the lakes.
Nick loved to sing and dance and was very musical. He learned to play the accordion at the young age of six years old and continued to play joyfully right up to his final days.
In 1978, Nicola met the love of his life, Luisa, and they were married in Rome, Italy. He was a loving husband and father and worked hard to raise his family with enjoyment and pride. Nick was always incredibly warm and remarkably friendly to anyone who entered his home and loved sharing food and drink around the table with his people.
Nick was devout in his prayer life and very passionate about his faith. During the battle with his illness, his faith and spirit remained strong, and he was an inspiration to all.
Papa, you were the patriarch of our family and a very special man. You always gave each one of us such unconditional love. You possessed an amazing ability to connect with those around you, and your big smile revealed your big heart. You taught us that God and family are everything. We had so many good times together, and you will forever be in our hearts. May God be with you until we meet again, “Nicolino.”
Nick was predeceased by his wife of 47 years Luisa. He is survived by his children Joseph (Heidi) and Diana (Michael), and his three beautiful grandchildren Gabriel, Lynden and Grace.
The family would like to thank the local palliative team and care aids for their wonderful support and assistance through Nicola’s short but courageous battle with cancer. We would also like to thank the members of our community and Nicola’s brother and sisters from Assumption Parish, who supported the family during this difficult period in time.
Mass of Christian burial will be held at 11 am on Monday, February 17, 2025 (Family Day), at the Catholic Church of the Assumption.
Settimio (Sam) Ciarniello
September 2, 1936 - February 8, 2025
Settimio (Sam) Ciarniello, a beloved husband, father, nonno and friend, passed away peacefully on February 8, 2025, in Powell River, BC, at the age of 88. He was born on September 2, 1936, in Bagnoli del Trigno, Italy.
Sam immigrated to Canada in 1957, embarking on a new chapter with his wife, Maria. Together, they built a life filled with love and hard work. Sam held various positions in Vancouver and Powell River before dedicating 32-plus years to the paper mill at MacMillan Bloedel and its successor companies.
A generous soul, Sam was always ready to lend a helping hand. He had a natural ability to connect with people, never hesitating to start a conversation or offer assistance wherever needed, including to strangers. He embraced the outdoors, finding joy in hunting, fishing, exploring the wilderness and even the simple task of cutting firewood. His true passion, however, was gardening. His green thumb was evident in the abundant vegetables he cultivated, including his prized tomatoes (destined for delicious sauces), beans, lettuce and garlic.
Sam was predeceased by his wife Maria and his son Carlo (Bronia). He will be deeply missed by his sons Joe (Laura) and Roberto (Patricia); his grandchildren Ian (Heather), Alexandria, Bradley, Anna, Grace and Dean; and his greatgrandchildren Tye, Liam and Riley.
A service to celebrate Sam’s life will be held at 10 am on February 19 at the Assumption Catholic Church. A reception will follow at Assumption Hall from noon to 2:30 pm. In lieu of flowers, donations in Sam’s memory may be made to the Powell River Hospital Foundation or the Canadian Cancer Agency.
JACK, Roberta (Bobbie) Jean
November 24, 1936 – February 1, 2025
Our Mom Bobbie was born in Powell River, on November 24, 1936, to Jean and Bain Calder, early Powell River (Wildwood) settlers. After several months of battling her 3rd bout of cancer, she left us peacefully on the morning of February 1, 2025, with family by her side.
Mom had fond memories of growing up in Powell River. She loved dancing and frequently attended the Teen Town dances at the Elks Hall. After leaving school, she worked as a teller at the old Bank of Montreal near the mill site, a favourite recollection being how crazy busy it got on mill paydays. She was briefly married to Don McQuarrie, with whom she shared daughter Brenda. She later married Archie Jack, with whom she had 3 children; Rod, Karen and Craig. Bobbie, Archie and family initially lived in Vancouver and then moved back to Powell River for a few years before moving to Burnaby in 1971. Then in 1976 they settled in the small community of Pinantan Lake, near Kamloops BC.
After Archie passed away in 2000, Mom bought a condo in downtown Kamloops. Her and her friend June enjoyed doing everything together from Music in the Park to Blazer’s hockey games and senior’s dances which was where she met her late in life partner, Stan. Her and Stan were a great dance couple and fun to watch when they took to the dance floor.
Mom always said she would ‘go home’ one day which led to her and Stan relocating to Powell River in 2013. In addition to enjoying time with her Powell River family, she was able to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. Mom was a ‘people person’. She could go into a room of strangers and by the time she left, she’d have made new friends, Airports and bus depots were favourite places to just sit and ‘people watch’. When she lived in the small community of Pinantan, the door was always open and the coffee pot was always on.
Bobbie was predeceased by her daughter Karen in 1991, husband Archie in 2000, and brother Bill Calder, in 2008. She will be dearly missed by Stan, her partner of nearly 20 yrs; her children, Brenda (Rick), Rod (Jill), Craig (Suzy); her grandchildren, Erin (Ryan), Matthew (Misty), Dustin (Jordanna), Lindsay (Chris), Isabella and Seraphina; her great grandchildren, Ethan, Noah, Hayden, Lyla, Peri, Nova, Mackenzie, Gracelyn, Bain, Morrison and Marley. She will also be missed by her Jack family nieces and nephews and their families, as well as her Powell River friends, old and new.
As Mom’s family we would like to thank her cancer care team; Dr Schweitzer, Dr. Takhar, Dr Rankin, oncology pharmacist, Dennis and Home Care nurse, Jodie, for their care during her cancer journey. We would also like to extend a special thanks to her friend Hank, along with the rest of Mom’s Starbucks Crew, for being her social gathering circle and keeping her spirits up during these past few months.
Mom requested there be no service, however, tribute donations may be made to the BC/Canadian Cancer agencies, MS Canada or a charity of your choice.
The qathet Regional District has prepared the 2025 parcel tax rolls as required by Section 208 of the Community Charter. The parcel tax roll lists the parcels eligible to be taxed for each of the above noted services in 2025. This is not a new tax. This is an annual process to review the roll to ensure that it is correct.
Property owners may request an amendment to the roll only with respect to their own property and only for the following reasons:
1. there is an error or omission respecting a name or address on the roll
2. there is an error or omission respecting the inclusion of a parcel
3. an exemption has been improperly allowed or disallowed
Requests for an amendment to the parcel tax roll must be in writing and received no later than Friday, February 21, 2025 at 4:30 pm.
Owners of properties located in the above service areas may view or request an amendment to the roll by contacting:
Linda Greenan, General
of Financial Administration
qathet Regional District
#202 – 4675 Marine Avenue, Powell River, BC V8A 2L2
Phone: 604.485.2260 Fax: 604.485.2216
Email: finance@qathet.ca
NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN TO Karen Trace, Powell River, BC
Under Warehouse Lein Act Chapter 480, Section 4, personal goods stored on November 14, 2022 at unit B1-6, 7540 Duncan Street, Powell River, BC will be seized and sole to recover unpaid storage fees of $530 plus accruing charges and costs incurred. Full amount owing must be received in our office by February 21, 2025 or contents of unit may be sold at auction, date to be announced.
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