Wolf Prints May 2019

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Wolf Prints Senior Edition | May 2019

Seniors’ Suggestions I wish we had an open space to be outside and work when the weather is nice outside. During the early months of school and in the spring, I definitely get cabin fever being stuck inside all school day for 7 hours. - Amber Johnson

Allow people to leave during 9th commons - Drake Regenhardt

Fix the AC and Heating issues. In some rooms, it’s ice cold and some rooms it’s extremely hot. It seems like there’s never a good balance throughout all of the rooms in the school. - Nick Gutowsky

The student body needs to be more accepting towards diversity. - Ashley Roberts

Open up the freshmen doors/other doors that were locked this year, because it’s a hassle especially for those who have to park further away. Maybe at the beginning/end of each day they should be unlocked.

I would suggest that PR should better educate its students about the importance of mental health. We constantly hear how important our grades are, but I rarely hear how important our mental health is. - Ross Relic

- Bella Levitan

Chill with the alarmed doors, like c’mon. - Cora Knochel

2018-2019 NEWS TEAM Wolf Prints is produced by the extracurricular news team, with students contributing stories and media throughout the year to PRWolfPrints.com. For this print issue, we selected seniors’ responses to our online survey. See more of their ideas and original video interviews at our website. Editors Broadcast Team Print Production Video Production Instagram Manager Twitter Reporting Photography Staff Contributors Sponsor

Halie Collins, Adnan Noorullah Adnan Noorullah, Halie Collins, Jack Struthers Halie Collins, Collin Preves Jack Struthers, Neha Konjeti Cori Costello Neil Saini, Reanne Weil Jessica Angeles (Cover Photo, featuring Madison Tunnell), PR staff and seniors, HR Imaging Alex Gordon, Monet Lindstrand, Collin Preves, Carolyn Sveden, Talija Tiskus, Ariana Travis, Kaitlyn Walls Ethan Haas, Austin Kempf, Jacob Larson, Kaitlin Martin, Joseph Schmidt Amy V. Bland

Join us next year! We tell stories through writing, photography, video, and social media. Looking for communication and leadership experience? We’ve got you covered.

2 | Prairie Ridge High School

Fears about the Future

Most Embarrassing Moments

Being completely self sufficient and self reliant. It’s the independence I’m excited for, but I’m also afraid of failing! - Amber Johnson T-Series beating PewDiePie - Dan Rykowski Losing my personality in a world full of pessimists. Drew Gende WW3 - Dylan Steinkamp The uncertainty - Grant Jensen The moment we can’t reverse all the damage done to the Earth - Halie Collins That I won’t be happy with the life I have. I also have big dreams, and I don’t want to give up on them. Hannah Szubski Not graduating college - Jace Sparks Still living with my parents when I’m 40... - Jen Briske Sneezing while I’m driving and getting into a car crash. - Sera Trigo Artificial Intelligence - Victoria Trax

Walking into the wrong class full of all seniors my first day freshman year... - Abby Klimkowski Calling some of my teachers mom or dad by accident - Anja Trost When I invented the country of Guatemalia during a choir concert speech Carolyn Sveden I went to a choir concert deathly sick my freshman year, and proceeded to faint on stage in front of everyone during one of our songs. There’s even a video of it.... - Cassie Beadell Being the cyclops in freshman English. - Isaac Wolfinsohn Voice cracking in the Dramatic Lit play - Jared Arkell PRAC in a cheer uniform. It was embarrassing as hell, but I owned the moment and I can laugh at myself along with my friends. - Jared Greiner Doing a backflip in my chair in Spanish trying to reach for a pencil. - Michael Frachalla

BONUS CONTENT There’s so much more. Read the rest at PRWolfPrints.com.

Mrs. Gallagher’s Dramatic Literature seniors faced their fears and performed two plays this spring: The 11 Worst Breakups of All Time and 13 Ways to Screw Up Your College Interview. Wolf Prints May 2019 | 3

Seniors You Should Know I will miss the connections I have been able to make with other students and teachers. Through marching band and choir I have made so many friends that I may never see again and I was able to feel like I was a part of a family. High school allowed me to be a part of multiple different things giving me so many amazing opportunities to meet the people I did! - Abby Schirmer

Next year I’m most looking forward to meeting people different from me. As wonderful as PR is, there’s not very much diversity in the community, so I’m looking forward to interacting with college students that have different backgrounds, interests, and experiences. - Maggie Popovich

I am so proud of accomplishing things I had set out to do, for going out of my comfort zone to grow and learn from those experiences! - Allie Schneyr

I will miss the band room at PR most. I found my passion, did things I never thought possible, and made my closest friends in this space. The band room is where I found my home, and I am going to miss the band room (and the people in it) a lot next year. - Bailey Schneyr 4 | Prairie Ridge High School

I’m going to miss the fine arts community the most! I have created such great friends through the department. I’m going miss seeing everyone everyday! - Nicole Schneyr

Seniors You Should Know

Something I will miss the most from PR are the relationships I have developed with the teachers, coaches and staff. If I was ever struggling academically or with issues outside of school, there was always someone I could go to for advice. They were there for my accomplishments, failures, and even just to hear about my weekends. The teachers at Prairie Ridge genuinely care about their students and I will miss them next year. - Anna Tulke

I’ll definitely miss being around my friends on a daily basis. Also the rad teachers I got to know over the past four years. - Luke Fiantago

I guess I’m most proud of making State for choir and being in Madrigals these past three years. My sophomore year was the first year ILMEA opened up the opportunity for sophomores, so I went for it and made it. I think I was the first sophomore in the district to make it starting that year, so that was a really neat experience. For Madrigals, I remember making it the end of my freshman year and being handed a thick stack of 35 songs to memorize. It seemed hard, but with the upperclassmen guiding me, it was really fun. Starting there and seeing the group flourish these past three years is something else I’m proud of. - KC Osude

The one thing that I know I am going to miss next year is the PR theater department. I will miss all the friends I have made, the directors who make me laugh, and the feeling of home that they all bring to the theater. My hope is that this feeling can leave with every person who spends their time in the theater too. - Hope Yeomans

I hope to be remembered as a kind and determined student athlete. One of the things I am very proud of is that I have been a full time athlete for all four years of high school while at the same time I have been able to excel in academics and challenge myself with difficult classes. I have had to work very hard to maintain good grades and finish my homework without getting to bed past midnight (which, I’m not going to lie, happens a lot). Having determination to be successful has helped me to stay focused and driven across the years. A goal of mine is to treat everyone that I encounter with kindness and a smile because you never know what someone could be going through or the difference that a simple act of kindness could have on someone. - Chloe Gale Wolf Prints May 2019 | 5

Seniors You Should Know

I am most excited to be a dance major and take my passion to the next level in college. I will be able to create live art and tell powerful stories without using words and explore space with movement and get out of my comfort zone. I am also very excited to live in a brand new city and have a fresh start. - Ally Akerberg

I think I’ll miss seeing my best friends every day since they’re all going to school further away. I know I’ll miss having good relationships and knowing I can ask for help from my teachers. - Abigail Hoffman

I hope people remember me by my funny jokes and high energy. - Cassie Cassano I hope to be remembered as the class clown and always having a joke to crack because that is who I am and if people remember me like that then it means I was who I thought I was. But I also want people to remember me as always being there for them because I do my best to do that and it would mean a lot to me if people remembered me like that. - Ethan Munk I’m proud of the amount of support I got from everyone. Being a new student from a different country was scary. I’m so grateful I got to meet so many new people and be a part of a variety of different things. - April Malovnek

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I am excited for meeting new friends and taking a new path in life. I am ready for what life has to offer me. I wouldn’t have done it without the help from my teachers who have had faith in me since freshman year. - Jordan Driver

I will miss all the great opportunities high school had to offer, allowing me to participate in different clubs and sports because being involved in those activities has allowed me to grow into the person I am today. Also, I will miss all the friendships I made throughout my four years, not just with my friends but with my teachers as well. They were the ones always encouraging me to never give up and to always try my best.- Kira Karlblom

Seniors You Should Know I hope to be remembered as a person that sees the positive traits in others. As a friend, I hope to be remembered as someone they could laugh at or with. I hope my teachers will remember me as a student that worked hard, but did not take herself too seriously. - Colette Reiche

I hope to be remembered as the kid with the many strange and unique talents. I have developed many talents which include Mongolian throat singing, hog calling, underwater basket weaving and my outstanding experience in badminton. I wish to be remembered for these things because I believe it is important to express who you really are. - Timothy Rykowski

I am most proud of Science Olympiad winning state. It really showed how much teamwork is needed to accomplish great things! - Halie Collins

Next year, I am extremely excited to express my emotions and passion through my love for photography and film-making. I hope to make a lasting impact on the world one day. - Jack Struthers Wolf Prints May 2019 | 7

Seniors You Should Know I hope to be remembered by the Lyceums and Debates that I have participated in. I believe that those events were the moments that I shined the most at this school, whether it was winning the Presidential Election or helping the junior Civics team win the Ben Shapiro debate. When I was on that stage, I truly came alive and had a drive to win, and the audience was amazing. I will never forget being cheered for by an entire auditorium for owning someone with facts, because facts do not care about your feelings. - Drew Gende

I’m most proud of being on the Speech Team and starting the Howl broadcast at PR. I was able to really get a hold of what it meant to be a human from those experiences, both good and bad. I learned the importance of deadline, passion, and dedication: how to stay resilient in the face of adversity. - Adnan Noorullah

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I will miss the teachers honestly. I can do without homecoming, prom and the Friday night football games, but I can’t say I can do without the teachers. We really do have an A+ staff here at PR and I hope others appreciate them as much as I do. They are always there for you, whether it is for personal or academic reasons, and that is something I will always be thankful for. Can I just bring them to college with me in my suitcase? - Allison Mattran

I am definitely most proud of making it to state for speech team alongside three of my close friends. The whole experience was so meaningful because we set that goal at the end of last year and all year long we supported each other and also pushed each other to our limits and beyond which not only improved our speeches, but strengthened our friendship. To see all that hard work pay off for both myself and my teammates was one of the greatest feelings in the world and I’m so grateful that I had that experience. - Sylvia Hensley

I’m most proud of all that I’ve accomplished here at Prairie Ridge. That may sound egotistical, but honestly, as students at PR, we all work so hard to accomplish what we can in our time. Because of this, I feel like we all should be celebrated and most proud of our accomplishments not only as a class, but as a school overall. - Neil Saini

Seniors You Should Know I hope to take advantage of a lot more opportunities next year, and I look forward to being on my own and meeting new people! - Emilee Farstead

I am most proud of taking advantage of all the opportunities Prairie Ridge has to offer. It has allowed me to get out of my comfort zone and try different sports and activities. I will miss the amazing relationships I have formed with my friends and teachers. They care so much and have helped me grow to become the person I am today. - Elena Faia

I have met so many people-peers and teachers--that have made such a big impact on my life. I am going to miss hanging out with my friends during free periods and talking to teachers during passing periods before rushing to get to class on time. I can only hope that I will meet professors and friends that are even half as kind and caring as the people at PR! - Jillian Shorten

My hope for next year is to become more involved at Northwestern, by joining clubs and events outside of my regular classwork. In addition to academics, I am most looking forward to the family I’ll gain from playing softball in the Big 10 conference. - Emmie Farnam

I am most proud of my eagle project. Having the entire NHS help tie blankets was extremely fun and a great help. Shoutout to Emmie Farnam for cutting 102 blankets with me. - Logan Dooley

My time at PR showed me that I was able to take notes the correct way, and completely understand the material that was being presented to me. The teachers did a great job preparing me for the next level of my academic career. - Trey Piotrowski

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Seniors You Should Know I will miss being close to my friends and being able to feel so comfortable in an environment. When you go to college, it’s a blank page, so I will always cherish the days where I could walk around PR surrounded by our big Prairie Ridge family. - Cassie Szot

I’m proud of my serious commitment to academic achievement while also staying involved in sports and activities. It took a lot of time management and determination to keep up with my crazy busy schedule these past four years, and I think that will pay off for me in the future. - Maddi Carey

I hope to be remembered as a kind and thoughtful person. I always tried to be there for my friends and put a smile on someone’s face when they were feeling down. I think it is important to be there for one another when things may not always be going the best. - Mia Jackowski

I am most proud of my ability to graduate high school in three years instead of four. I lived in another country for an entire school year, and come back and juggled extracurricular activities and a heavier academic load successfully. I made time for the people that I truly value in my life, which I’m very proud of. - Angelina Gasparov 10 | Prairie Ridge High School

My most proud moment at PR is when I found out I made A Capella choir. When I was a freshman, I was mesmerized by this choir. From then on, I made a goal for myself. The goal was that I’d make A Cap by my senior year and I was thrilled when I found out that I made it. All the hard work had paid off and I was so proud of myself. - Haley Palm

Seniors You Should Know

I hope to be remembered as the big nerd that I am. Although “nerd� generally has a negative connotation, at our school the word denotes something a bit more positive: access to a fun and interesting friend group combined with a passion and intrinsic motivation to learn. - Akash Sureshkumar

I will miss playing for the tennis team next year! It was such a fun experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I love everyone that was involved in tennis! - Jared Arkell

The things I will miss the most is having Cummins always asking and telling me to sign in to my free periods, take pictures and much more. I will also miss saying morning to the teachers, that I once had or have met, in the hallways. But mostly I will miss seeing Wadlington, and Koeppen, without having them as basketball coaches my freshman and sophomore year I don’t think I would have been able to feel comfortable in my own skin. Thank you to everyone that has supported me. - Jessica Angeles

Our hard work and dedication on [Science Olympiad] actually lead us to become state champions. I am proud to be a part of such a strong, driven, hard-working team that started off so small and grew to be much bigger than what anyone on that team could be individually. - Sera Trigo

I hope to be remembered as a fun student and friend to be around. I hope to be remembered as the guy with the coolest name. - Steel Blew

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Seniors You Should Know

I am most proud of my time as costumes co-head, especially my time working on this year’s production of Tuck Everlasting. I am also very proud of my time on Math Team, Scholastic Team, and Science Olympiad. - Ann Kolodzik

I hope people remember me as someone who tries to make the light of things and put a smile on other faces. School can be hard, especially when topped off with work, extracurriculars and any other responsibilities, I just try to keep a positive outlook and crack a few jokes. - Isabella Dimitriou

My time at PR has given me so much to be proud of, but I think I am most proud of the outreach we have had in our community. From raising money for UNIDOS through our productions of “In the Heights” last year, to our senior project in support of Breast Cancer research, PR has supported many worthwhile organizations and has had an impact on so many lives! - Sophia Pascente

I am most proud of winning the team gymnastics State title my freshman and sophomore year, as well as winning my individual bars title my junior year. I have dedicated my life to gymnastics and I am glad to see that my hard work has paid off. - Maddy Kim 12 | Prairie Ridge High School

I am proud of the person that I have become and my experiences on stage in choir, madrigals, plays, and musicals. I have learned a lot of important lessons, but none more important than learning how to treat people. Be kind to everyone, treat others how you want to be treated, and be there for your friends. Also, be weird and make people laugh because the world can be a sad place sometimes. - Brian Pils

Seniors You Should Know I am happy that I made it to state with a broken toe and wrestling only four years. - Calvin Pesina

I’m most proud of being involved and doing all the things i knew i wanted to. every senior says to be more involved , in which I can say has bettered me. Being apart of different teams and classes and making sure to talk to new people I found truly made an impact on my outlook. - Maddy Ljunggren

I am most proud of myself for starting Medical Club here at PR. It’s awesome to see how many students are interested in the medical field and we’ve already had so many incredible opportunities to learn more about it. I can’t wait to see what it becomes in the future! - Chloe Keaty

Over my four years at PR, I am most proud of how I have grown as a person. Looking back on my freshman year, I was just a shy kid who was trying to make it through high school. Over the years I learned to cherish the time I had at PR and began to branch out and discover who I really was. Now I have finally found what I want to do with the rest of my life and have been accepted to the college of my dreams. I would not be the person I am now without my amazing friends and the teachers I had met at PR. - Lucas Batt

I will miss all of the amazing opportunities presented to us. Throughout my career I have seen two musicals in Chicago, a filming of an interview with the cast of Dear Evan Hansen, gone to the Field Museum, Art Institute, Carthage College for a music festival, Fox Valley with Bel Canto, MCC to learn about their daycare, and so much more. The faculty and administration strives to provide as many educational and fun field trips for students. Along with all of the fun field trip opportunities I will miss the amazing staff at PR. Every single member of the staff is so unwavering in the support they offer. They care about each and every student and wish for their success. - Hannah Switzer

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Fifteen Years From Now A teacher at a high school like PR - Abby Klimkowski In fifteen years I hope to be a nurse of some kind with a ton of dogs with a husband and maybe even a kid! Abby Schirmer As happy as one can be. - Abi Baca In 15 years I hope to own my own bakery somewhere on the coast. - Abigail Hoffman A lawyer, helping people and having the best morals that I could possibly have. - Adnan Noorullah I hope to be living in Poland working for BMW with a family. - Adrian Kochmanski Happy in whichever career I chose to do - Alexandra Dalzell In 15 years I hope to be a nurse, living in Florida, with a handsome husband and beautiful, healthy kids. :) - Allison Mattran Dancing in some way, or working with children doing expressive arts therapy! - Ally Akerberg A cosmetologist - Angie Thrasher Traveling the world documenting ever part of it for others to enjoy. - Anja Trost Realtor and entrepreneur - Anthony Nardi In Canada - Ashley Roberts Living in Crystal Lake with my family, working as a band director, and continuing to teach and participate as a member of the CL Strikers Organization. - Bailey Schneyr I hope to be 33 years of age and living my best life, thriving. - Bella Levitan Doing something meaningful - Brennen Briske A nurse practitioner with a family of my own. Brooke Faron Have a successful job and have a family with a dog. - Caitlin Pieroni Have a stable home and income - Calvin Pesina A baker - Camille Drain Successfully living out my dreams and traveling the world - Carolyn Sveden Working in a veterinary clinic, helping animals be healthy again. - Cassie Beadell 14 | Prairie Ridge High School

Happy, content, married, and still myself - Cassie Cassano A speech pathologist working with children in a private practice. - Colette Reiche Healthy and happy with my family around me. - Colleen Schneider Happy - Delaney Minutillo With my shawty swimming in cash - Drake Regenhardt An anesthesiologist living a happy life with a happy wife. - Drew Gende In a Rari - Dylan Steinkamp Working as a nurse, married with kids, somewhere by an ocean. - Elena Faia A successful, happy opera singer living in Chicago or New York full-time. - Emily Kouzios A pediatrician - Emmie Farnam Rich - Erik Podlasek In the FBI as a special agent - Ethan Munk Living my best life - Evan Bennett Not in my mom’s basement - Gavin Jones Working - Grant Jensen A dentist or engineer! - Halie Collins An owner of a small bakery that I created. I have had this dream for a long time, and I hope it comes true. - Hannah Szubski A computer engineer - Hunter Berkland A world famous engineer - Hunter Fredrick A successful software engineer - Isaac Wolfinsohn Working at a job I enjoy and living in the beautiful state of Colorado. - Isabella Dimitriou Hospital CEO - Jace Sparks A nurse anesthetist - Jaclyn Martino A happy person that is comfortable and living life to the fullest! - Jared Arkell

Fifteen Years From Now

A successful chemical engineer with a happy family. - Jared Greiner Happy and well-off - Jarred Tabor Striving and thriving as a successful graphic designer! - Jen Briske Making bank - Jered Marrs In a happy place in life, and being able to say that I overcame one of the hardest stages of my life. - Jessica Angeles Happy - Jessica Bilodeau A labor and delivery nurse or a midwife, who is happily married with kids! - Jillian Shorten Working with little kids - Jordan Driver Happy and successful in my career - Kaleigh Doroba Traveling the world & living a super happy life with my husband and kids! - Karly Statter Living somewhere warm in a beautiful house that I designed with a family of my own and a successful career. - Maddi Carey Flying around in my private jet. - Maddy Kim Married - Madi Sostarich Married with a good paying job, a nice house that I built with my husband, and being able to travel and go on lots of vacations. - Madie Bentsen Happily employed and not living in an environmental wasteland - Maggie Popovich An elementary school teacher - Maggie Schremp A successful lawyer - Matt Sinchak Successful - Max Kauffman Working as a nurse and starting a family. - Mel Hahn Happy and doing what I love. I hope to be working in the healthcare field and helping people every day! Mia Jackowski A sports journalist. Talking about sports in some way and maybe married - Michael Frachalla

An attorney working in Florida and raising a family. Morgan Taylor Successful - Mya Parochelli Happily married - Nathan Ryskulov Working and doing what I find my passion in, living with one big happy family, and enjoying life with the people that I love. - Nick Gutowsky A veterinarian - Nikki Anderson Owning my dad’s businesses making mad cash wit my wifey. - Noah Smeja Working in the medical field - Olivia Annen Having racks rolling in - Owen Hirschey I hope to be working somewhere out in Colorado as a mechanical engineer with a good salary and loving what I do. - Peter Blanchard A college professor in physics. - Ross Relic A 34-year old woman that still eats Taco Bell and raw cookie dough Sera Trigo Practicing environmental law - Sophia Pascente An engineer - Steel Blew Working in the field of international diplomacy - Sylvia Hensley A CEO - Tim Cook An architect at a world recognized architecture firm. - Trevor Feucht Traveling, successful, and married - Victoria Trax Out of school and creating my own opportunities. I’m super competitive and with the field I’m going into (sports management) being super competitive, I’m hoping I could outsmart and outwork the competitors. - Zach Alexander Successful in the career I choose - Zach Gregorio

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Plans for Next Year Purdue - Fort Wayne - Abby Klimkowski MCC - Abby Schirmer Harper College - Abi Baca MCC - Abigail Hoffman Engineering Pathways Program through University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign - Adnan Noorullah I will be attending the University Of Missouri. - Adrian Kochmanski MCC or EIU - Alexandra Dalzell Attending Western Illinois University - Allison Ehrenberger I will be attending the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to double major in Dance and Psychology - Ally Akerberg Studying public relations and marketing at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. - Amber Johnson Cosmetology school - Angie Thrasher Montana State University-Bozeman majoring in photography and minoring in film - Anja Trost Major in Athletic Training on a Pre-Med track for Physical Therapy with a minor in Spanish at Iowa State University. - Anna Tulke College - Anthony Nardi Going to MSOE to study Computer Engineering - Ashley Roberts Carthage College - Bailey Schneyr Next year I will be attending MCC to save on money and get the first two years out of the way, then I will transfer to William Woods University, in Fulton Missouri. - Bella Levitan MCC - Brennen Briske Northern Illinois University to major in Nursing - Brooke Faron Saint Ambrose University - Caitlin Pieroni MCC and get a license - Calvin Pesina Taking a year off and working a lot - Camille Drain Elon University or High Point University - Carolyn Sveden Illinois State University - Cassie Beadell I will be attending Mcc next year and possibly will be going into the military. Not sure which branch, but I’m exploring all my options in hopes of traveling the world, meeting new people, and gaining new and exciting experiences - Cassie Cassano I will be attending UW-La Crosse and I will be running for their cross country and track team! - Chloe Gale University of Iowa on the Speech Pathology track - Colette Reiche Next year I am planning on attending Iowa State University while majoring in marketing. I will hopefully get a job at their local Texas Roadhouse..... yeehaw. - Colleen Schneider Iowa State University - Connor Kahoun I will be going to Illinois State University to study German Education or Business Analytics. - Cora Knochel Milwaukee School of Engineering - Dan Rykowski University of Missouri - Delaney Minutillo Wrestling in college at UW Parkside - Drake Regenhardt Clemson University - Drew Gende Illinois State University - Dylan Steinkamp Carroll University - Elena Faia I will be attending Millikin University as a Vocal Performance major in hopes of pursuing an opera career. - Emily Kouzios Integrated Science Program at Northwestern University - Emmie Farnam MCC for 2 years and transfer to SIU - Erik Podlasek University of Arkansas - Ethan Munk College for the next couple years, then we’ll see where that takes me - Evan Bennett MCC - Gavin Jones University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Grant Jensen University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Halie Collins I’m planning to take a break year to save up money. Then I’m going to MCC to do a 6-month course for a vet tech. - Hannah Szubski

16 | Prairie Ridge High School

To play tennis and start engineering pathways at MCC - Hunter Fredrick Iowa state Software Engineering major - Isaac Wolfinsohn I’m planning to major in astrophysics and minor in economics at University of Denver - Isabella Dimitriou Go to college and study medical business - Jace Sparks McHenry County College - Jaclyn Martino My plan is to go to Liberty University in Virginia and to study Business Administration - Jared Arkell Iowa State University, majoring in chemical engineering - Jared Greiner College for apparel design - Jarred Tabor I plan to go to McHenry County College for 2 years and then transfer to another college hopefully! - Jen Briske To play baseball at MCC - Jered Marrs Next year I plan on studying abroad to Japan, go to MCC for a year or two to study nursing and minor in photography and then transfer to Carroll University up in Wisconsin where I plan to further my education on nursing. - Jessica Angeles Harper College - Jessica Bilodeau Carthage College - Jillian Shorten I am going to college, but I am still undecided - Jordan Driver Winona State University - Kaleigh Doroba University of Nebraska-Lincoln - Karly Statter Brown University - Logan Dooley Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas - Maddi Carey University of Michigan - Maddy Kim McHenry County College - Madi Sostarich I will be attending Eastern Kentucky University. - Madie Bentsen University of Minnesota Twin Cities - Maggie Popovich Illinois State University - Maggie Schremp Either Whitewater or U of Minnesota - Matt Burseth University of Wisconsin Platteville - Matt Sinchak I’m playing soccer at Marian University in Fond Du Lac Wisconsin. - Max Kauffman Creighton University - Mel Hahn Miami University - Mia Jackowski Illinois State University - Michael Frachalla Stetson University in Deland, Florida - Morgan Taylor Iowa State University - Mya Parochelli McHenry County College - Nathan Ryskulov I plan on attending University of Wisconsin-La Crosse to study Pre-Med. - Nick Gutowsky I will be attending the University of Concordia-St. Paul to play soccer and study Biology. I will be studying biology to become a vet. - Nikki Anderson I will be studying business management and playing soccer at Carthage College. - Noah Smeja University of Missouri - Olivia Annen MCC - Owen Hirschey I plan on going to college at MSOE to study Mechanical Engineering - Peter Blanchard To go to Macalester College in Minnesota and double major in Physics and Music Composition. - Ross Relic I plan to study Chemical Engineering - Sera Trigo University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Sierra Winoker University of Kansas - Sophia Pascente I will be attending MCC - Steel Blew American University in Washington, D.C. - Sylvia Hensley University of Iowa - Tim Cook I will be attending Kent State University and studying architecture. - Trevor Feucht I will be attending the University of Louisville for 4 years. - Zach Alexander Pipefitters union - Zach Gregorio

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