1881 Catalogue of the State Normal School of Nebraska - Peru

Page 1





N£3RA S KA S TATE ,:-;QJD J,\1. S(.; JJC H IJ.. FO('A''lJ-:R .\' 7'/f J'E.-IR . tSSr .

Erected 1872-3 l)cu i Cil lCd ) }(;CC IIliJC I' 187 ::.

NE D. : .TO U I!X.\1. C0 )11 ' ANY 1 .;T AT E l' IU NT ER !" , 188 1.

H oN \V. \ V. \V.

H o:-.r G ..\ f. 1.

H oN J. T. S Pr·::-:< 1. 1<,

Ho :-: . l) ,,rJ. Y,

H oN :MA:-.' LEV

H o:-.r B. E. B. Kl·::-::-: r-:r J\ l-I oN C. \V K i\1 .1·.\"

B. E. H. K EI' N EI J\'

W. W. W. j ONE S

G. M. BARTL ETT :-.up't l 'nl '· l n-.t ::--t.tlt' ' f' n·.r-.1111'1.

T r 111 18 5

I rnl t"\pircs t. 6

T t·rm l'Xp i rcs 1< S: T t·r nl L'Xpirr.;, tS •

I ) ,tl, , ('I I\ )•,. II I. ) 'll'IIIOIIII. . (l rn.rlr.r. f{t·d ( ')utili. , , t'}}ioi• . Li nc-oln r I r>jlit'lt> J.illcOJJ\ I ,., 111 n. p ircs 1

Pr es ide nt . 't:c rc1:uy

Trc :t:.urer

Rr li iERT CuRR\'

R<>HFR I' ('l ' I\.R.\' \. :'\1.. l'u.D Pl{t:\CIP.\1

'L\:ar-IH: r of h·d·•;.!.' . J·:thic -. .. tnd tlw .·t·ience :tnd .\ rt of Teac h ing.

T c:tchL·r nl l .itL' r.lllll' <.' R hl'toril'. .llld General ] [ istor y.

I I I I. :\ ll' I I U t.:-; l) :\.

T c:t<' h <:r ,,f .\l.tthcm:llit·... .tnd Hook-keep i ng. .\ 1 1\. :-;. 11 ·: :\:\ 11 ·: H. <. TRR\" . .. .\ J. I l' l·: 1·: . n. \11. \" . :\. G ..

T C:tl' h LT nr R L·:tdi ng. I h,t\\'in g. and Pe nm ans hi p.

T r.;al' h c.: r uf LT s. H i,.; to ry and G eog r aphy

M:\R\' ON N .G.

'I'L':t<' h cr of Ora l :111d \\"ritt en .·\rithm ct ic.

PR OF E. l\L LIP PI TT, Tea <" h er of Vo cal and Insl rum e nt al Music.

( I \ ._..., I l I I <'I j 0.

NA\IJ: I ' I t•lll• I ,.T \ TJ:

GE ORGE Ho wM<D (P rof. ! .ill< "In . M OO!U II·.AI> (.\I rs. \\ ' .. \. J o} 1:11.. < '•n ·k

C I , ...,..., I II IS 7 I.

L vnr A B r, r.r ( Pr ofe ss ion al Eloc u tion i-. t 1

S. Bt<OOKE (Mrs. Sl m,.., cJil )· /'

D. T. H Avo .r-; :>:, I.

F RANC £S M. Hu r.r. (Mrs. S. t\. (hlwrn r. I

EM :II A LEWIS ( Mrs. E. L. II ol tz ), I (' !.A SS Ill I S7 -I·

CLM ;S () F I S 75 ·

L ES LI E BuRCH, t .

Ar,rc: r;; DA I LY (Slate No rm al Sch oo l), I

H uc H Do rm s, I


J. P. A. BcAC:K, I

CL;\ SS OF 18 76.

L. A NN IE BROWN (Mrs. C. R. Co rn <.: ! I), I


ALICE HrTT , t . .

THOMAS Hr T'r, t



* Wr LLJAl\ l WELSH, t

F RED H. ARNO LD, t . .

Lt CL JAN A.' M. BA rN, t

CLA SS 0 F I 8 7 7 ·

}ESSIE E. BAIN ( St ate No rm al Sc h oo l), t .

S. 1l >l'l h.t Kan sas .'\. l ·l •r.t-- 1-:. t ('i t'

I: n l\\' 11' i I k

I J., ... t i ng-. .

I 'I ·r11

l 'aw n c..' l'

I 'l:nt

Ikat rin·

I: I a ir

L ou ts A. BATES, t 6 / .in • ., Jn

lll oomin gron

Co ltJmi HJ:'

J-'ai rm ont

HrO\\' ll \'il lc

J\ spi n wa ll

G rcc 11 wood

O mah a

P l: rtt

Oga ll a la

Pt: nt

Xe ni a ·' . Ne braska

O hi o N t:b ras ka II " " \ Vi s. Ne braska " "

.\' ;; l ·"

S\ >11.

Et• J. Dr Cnt 1

h>A D F:S:Sbn">;, 1

l.b LII Ln' r-. . I

E11 \ Lo•. \, \1 r-.. \ \' h.

.ul: PRl LW.\ lW 1 \\ ' t ,, '•l

T. w. Bt. .\ LI-. 11 1'1{\, H.\ lOi n:-- I);-. I

\\' l:S 'll' R-. l' ritlc i1 ·-tl 1 1 . . .

E \'A BAT l::s, 1 .

Ron 1-: 1n B1. \l' KI Il

l't.\R\' I

J. R. Cool'u{ '

Gr:o . w. \ 1 , 4 q 'I\ ' ol< >; trt. /

1-: :-; 0RA C. C or-: ' t. t t. I .\ :-\:-\ .\ l\ 1. I) \I I .\' I \1 I)

\fA RY F\ . . . r. 1 .\r''-wun h I

•. tl·.t<-.o :-; ! :-it:lll.: ll 1

C!t , 1 •. I

AKL ES I .ET ro :-; 1

\f t l\ :-\1 1-: L ll KE I.

E\t\IA \lOR( ::\< I:

Aun:rn- \fL·Tz. 1

Ou.1t>: ·. LS O'< ;

PtJ·:RL'F r. ·l..

R ., . "· jl ll l l1 )


AN :-; 'I' ' . . . . . . .

'A A C:t:A RT ( lhl ll t."l '-' · C · ·' ·' L' l\\t n:ny l 1

RA CE l-1 \V II Ht ;R, I '

C t. A :;,; OF T S :)o.

I l ·n.\11.1

I l ., ,\:'II

Ft.ORA Bt .. \C KnL:t-::-<

J. 0. GRA VE S, I

A. C. Hu 1.1 ., 1

Ft.OR I-:X Ct·: A. I .()C Kt·:, I

A NNA E. Rt-: 11> , I

}I>:SS IE E. S TO CKI NG, I. 1•. "'HJTI-: ll OR N, I

l im tl 1 , 1

l'.tl\1\\ 1.\


1 h- kn.t

X c..·ni.t . y, ll k

l 'it , ..

l'l l ' ity ..

ncl' t'i 1 r

S .t lcm .

F.t i rtlH ' Ill



'1\:ntm :< ch

Hrm \'ll\' i li e

C it y 1-'ul h.: rt on Lin e In

Ork :111 :; (; ibhon

O mn h :t

Yo rk

R ock Bl uff

Sc hu ykr

'1\:c um seh

} airm ont \ Vn hoo

Crete ..

'f \ Tl '\. l'bl.\-.k,\

Kan :-.ts ): chr;tsk:l ·'

Ncbr n.c; ka " ·'


Er. E A;<; () f< JI M;<; I

Ro s1\ Hot , n :-; 1

FJH. IJ. (; RJ\ II i\\1. I

1\ 1·:. I f ow MW, I

CM<RIE L (Jr ;i\ ;<;, I

j. S. \ \'1-:!-. T, I

1P-ii I d <: not

c eas ed

J·rt r HI lit I. \I, l' ht· l " ll

\d ! Ill ' :-. rl w I h.r

II ·" ,l,.,·r

( ;II Til\\ lOtH I

( n .r d rll. r


Oa in , El can or

Bo uton, S abe th a

G raham Fred

ll owar cl, A. E

L oga n, Ca rrie

Hesse lt rn e,

H ewitt, Ka

Larsh, Ella Ne

McKe nzi e, Mary Pe

:\1 cl( cn zie, Lotti e....

;..\)I E 1'0-'T·OI'Fi l:E

)l c\ rckcr. Jol' .. .. . .. ... .... ... .. .. :\' o rth Bend

Xu ckolk I Jc: lla Ci ty

rh ool.

C'O t:ST Y

11 nclgc


On!. ·. 1·: Sh c:rid :m X c:m a ha

R ecti, C ap it ola l'c: nr

J cn ni c ...... . ............... !Jako rn .... ....

Dnkotn..... . ..... .. :\r ahc l la ll um ho ld t.

Bentl y, )J arian ll c.ll ri cc


Cn!!C: )Jary E llc hron .......... . ..... ......... T h; ,·cr .......... .

llo yd La 111·n ! lu n har :. :

13 oytl , Bran stin c. Eli 1a R<)C k Pon

Atchi>on )I i,;;o ur i

Bre ni zer l.iu ic Hcn n c: tt -· 1-·m ca;. tc r

Cn mp hc ll, \l:lnha l'o du nk :\ c: mnha

Ca mp l>c ll, l.i1.,dc

Syrac u >c

Ot oc:

Churc h, . ........... ... . .. .................... . ... ...... :\ cmnha ...... ... ..

Id a ..... .. .... . .... ... ..... l .o ncl on . .. .. . . .. . .. ..


l!u ll , E ll a _.

.. t ltoc: .. ............ .. X cma hn C it y Xc mah n

Hc:n nc tl

Jrc l:lnd, Xc lli c l'n pilli on "

Kell ey , Frank Sarpy Ce ntre

Lin dl ey. :\ ln g gi c Sc: wn rd

Loga n, l. un n .. .... ......

...... .. . Tec um seh ...... . ... .. .......... fohn. 011. l.oo rhourro \\'. R u- a.- ........... l' ..: n r. ............................. .Xcmaha ......... .. )[u rdi ck , .\ la gg ic:

Scw:ml "

:\' ucko ll s ......... . :\c al, Edith ..

l'cnr. ..

O n!, Emm a Sh er id an O nl, Annie.

Pendleton·. )l ay

Nc maha

Xc:braska C ity Otoe

l'i pe r, )lary 1-l an anl. C lny; : "

Reese, :l lngg ic l'emaha C it y Ne maha·

Rich a rd s, Amy L in c ol n Lan ca ster

Richa rd so n, Flore ncc . ........... Eight Mi le Gro \'e .... ....... .. Cass ........... .. .. .

Starr, i\ [ ary ...... .. . .. . .... .. ...... Pmlu nk ...... .. ....... . .. ....... Nemnha ......... ..

Swan, Ida . ... ... ... .......... ..... Pcnr. .............. ... ........ . .. .

\Vest, Susa

Unad ill a

Oto c: \oVhi t tak e r, Reb ecca Dunbar. '·

w I

or ey, Anm c !"alem

\ Vyn c, IJora

Bridge, \ Vm

Burc h, A.:->

Campbe ll, Jo hn Syratl h<'

Xchm:.k:a Clark, Clare nce Sih er Cn ·ek rick Davis, Cha rl es F

J•hc(p, City


H annan, Wm. IL (;ra nt

JT an ·cy, \V

Blu e Spring,

lf cwc tt , James 11 Pe ru .\'t ·maha C. B

:\ lini ck, \ Villis ..........

:\lcKcnzic, Jo hn .....

St. Pa ul

l: r<J\\ n \' ill e

l'e ru

.\Tc Ki nn on , J. T Republi c an Cit y l larl. tn .\l c Vic!>cr , Jl ugh ......

-ca l, ll. E

.. F riend,ill e

Ci en ({u ck

Sa lin e

... X emaha .......... . Pri c hard, Gc o ............ .. ....... O mah :t . ................. ..

. I >ou gJa , .......... . Redfern, f •. \V I'cru l\ema ha

Redfern, J. F... ..... ...... .. .... "

Sha rp, (;co. L Li berty C: ag(' T en!, Elm er E Xebm.,ka Ci ty ( Jto c T hompson , C. S ........ . ......... c;rand hl a nd .. . .......... . ..... I I a ll .... .. ........ ..

\ Vinters R. D ..................... Lon don .. ............... .. ... .. . :'>.' c tn aha .. .. ... .. ..

Vagcr, j. A X chra -.ka C it y O toe


Alswo rth, Luell a.' ................ Pl ym ou th

Beals, De ll a Humboldt Ric hard son Ji eda ll , Blanche .................. Pc ru ...... . .............. ..... .. .. l\fc1nah a .. ... .. ..... " Bisbe e, E ll a Pon ca Dix on Cole, Tna Pe nt. Ne maha

Davis, Josie Sewa rd Se ward " Eusma n, Lillie ...... .. ...... . .... Sheridan ........

.. .......... Ne mah a. .......... "

l dwol.

s.uu: • G Co • ' \ ;:< o, n amen, ra ........... .. . ........ "- \ ll ' l >too! . .... ........... X ebmska

Ha.nio; , .'ara ...... .. ............... I in< >In .... ..................... L.'lnc a-ter ......... ..

H om , E\':1 l 'eru Xe m:1h:1

ll unt, F annie \\",.,1 Ri, ,·r I !all.

K c'>!crson :\ l atti.: l k\\l tt .' lin e

Look, Olive \ -h l.ln tl

:\l cV ick er, .\ la gc ic . .. ..


.. . :\ e maha .. ...... .. .

:\lal cy , J ennie \\'tl h,·r ::--a lin e

Mutz, ll nu ic l' <· nt :\ema ha

Palme r, .\ li ce :--h er itla n

Pipe r, Ella \l m;t llarl.\n .'.: : ::::::::

Prim e, Be lle :\ rr.1pah oe Fumas

Richardso n, Anni e ...... .... .. . .. l'e ru .. .. .. .............. . .... .... :\emaha .... .. .... .

Sq uire, . arn h ......

..... . /.ur id1 .. ........................ llall. ............... . Vincent, l{o,a

< 'ui hc tt-•l n ll it c hco ck

• :t "tll ' \1 1 '·

Uar kc nh agc n, I I cn ry J) ,l(lge

Chap m an, 1' \\' :-;.trpy l",.:ntrc

Clark, Perry . ........ . ..... .... ... I I den;\. .. ....... ... ............. fo hn>on .. ......... .

Clcmcn L'i , Byron El m\\O t> d c·.\s.- .... ... ...... .. . "

Eme rso n, E. E .... . ............. . I I de na . ........ ... ............. l ohn<on ........... .

E va ns, J. \\- .. ........ ... . .... . .. . Bea t ric<.: .. .............. ......... {; age ...... . ....... ..

lli eks, Al be rt f . .......... .... ........... ::\ emnha ............ Kan sas

!l u ll , T. A l 'btbm ou th C:I..':' Ncbmska Kearns, L. C Clift on :\ emaha l l:ln cy . ( lmaha

La ird, Al on zo \\' .. ...... .. ...... ll :h ting :- ........ ..... .. .. ... : ....

Va n Vleet, A. I 1 Lo ndon :\ e maha

Ad ams, Ce li a ... ... .... ..... .. .... . P od unk ........ . .......... .. .... Nemaha .......... . 1\ cbraskn

Adr iance, L illi c : Fremont . Dod (Te <1

Akcls, Anni e Brown\' ill e "

Ash more, Carri e R ed \Vill ow R ed Will ow Blo ss, J enn ie . Ne bras ka City Otoc Doll ong, Gr ace Sc huyl er Colfax Bors t, Je nnie ...................... Pe ru ...... .. ...................... Ne maha .. .. .. ... . Bradford, Laura .. . . .. .. .. .. ... ... " ..... . ......... .... .......... . Bridge, Jennie ................... " ............................ ..


SAME l"fr•T (J •. PICt : • qt ST \

Bridge , Luretta l'cru '\,.m a l1.1 ''T.\T£ ..... ...... :-\cbrn.-ka

Burdi ck , R ebecca

Cadwal lad e r, Amy ............... R aymond .......... ... . .. . ... .. l .;lll ct- tcr ... ..... .

Campbe ll, Cora Syr.tlll 'e ! )l clt'

Chap in , )1c lli e .............. ..... l'cru ................... . ...... .... .'·cnuh .l .. ...... .. .

Chat fi e ld, J rene 1 lt oc C hurc h, fda ............... ....... .'\crn aha City .. . ...... .... ... .. .'\,.malu ... . ...... .

Cole, \ Villi e " · ··· · ··

Coo per, J osi e: T able Ko ck 1 ':1\\II L' l'

Clar k, ;.Jagg ic . l'cru. " c.

Cro lh er, B ert ha ............ .... ... .'\ cma ha City .... .. ............ .'c: u uh:1

Cu l bertSon, :-\e li a Peru ·········

Daily, J(::t tc

D avis, Susan Carlctun Th ayer "

Dragoo, Anna C(>rning 1Jolt :\li -..-ouri

Dusti n, Bcssic ........... . ......... Carw ii. .... .. ......... ........... Carro ll .... ····· ... l u\\a

Eme rso n, D oc ia ll c:lcna Xchra,.ko.

Fisher, Fl oren ce ................. .'\ cmaha ' it y . ...... ........ . ... :-\ .. . ·..... .

Ga lt, Sa rah Shena ml o:th ! 'age Iown

G illil a nd, Effi e Peru l\.:bmsk:1

Gr ave r, Ha ttie " · · · · ·· ··

Hacke tt , ................. \\' aLso n ...... .. .............. . ... : \t c hi "ll l. ...... . ... :\l isso uri

Ha rm an, Floren ce Gra nL. · .'\ · ·· · ·· :-\ ebmskn

Hays, r:::va \' ork \ 'o rk

H ays, Emm a "

H azen, Ne lli e ... .. ............... . Blu e Sprin g, ..

H aze n, Anni e

Ho rn, Ann ie P eru


!·louts , Li b bi e ..................... ... .. .. ................... Ada ms ... ......... .

Hurford, Alice Gra nd Is la nd ! f:t ll

Hutchi nson , Ph oe be . Pe ru !\ em :1 h :1 · ·

Treland , Jesse Pa pi lli on S:up y J enk in s, Elli e Ne bras ka C ity 1 )loc.: Jo hns on , Mary .................... Peru .. ........

l(eartlS, lcla .........

Kenn edy, Elli e Bro wn vi ll e

Klaus, Knti e Palmyra Otoe Leach, E mma She ridan

Logan, ){a ri an . .............. .... T ec um seh ...................... Joh nson ...... .... .

Loo fbourrow, Li ll ie . Pe ru Nc m:tha McKay, Sadi e OuDba r, Otoe Ann ie ...... .. ............. Sh eridan ..... .. ............ . .... Ne maha ......... .

" "

Mead er, Nel ti e Glen Ro ck...... " Hatt ie Peru " ,\•lo ntgomery, E li za ............... ()u nbar ..... ................ .... Otoe. .. . ... .. . ...... "

Niebel, Katc Pcru Nc maha



:'\ \'II: I'1 ' 'T·OFf'l1 : :::-l.\T E

P:uri ck, t:r.lnt. :\l:lry l'<'ru

Pee ry, Hdle.

Pend leto n, (;r.lcc.: :\ c.:hr.hka Cit,· Otoc

l'c.:llit, l·:mcl i nc.: ... .. .... . ........ . l' c:ru ..... ...... : .................. :\cm:-th:-t

Pe ttit, E' tcllinc.: l .o ui•:1 ··

Pro uty El oi ,c.:

Pyle s, \ 'ioh ........................ Cc:ntr.1l l'ity ... ...... .. ......... :'-l crrick .. . ........ .

Qu inlan , J c.: nni c l>.l w,on :'-I ilk •. \ nn ic.: . L incoln

Ro berh, I Be ll Cr.:ck \\'as hiugton

Ro ge rs, Fr emo nt. Dodge

Sa rge Ill, :\l:lgt: ic F ai rm unt .·colt, Ell a l'..: rn :\ cm:-t h:-t

Scov ill e, .'\ora .... ...... .......... Ci ty .................. .

S in cb ir, J c-- ic :\ chr:ls k:-t Ci ty


Ski llm an, Etna ll clcn:t To hnson 'tc ph en so n, J.illi c.: City .':-.- e mah :-t


Th om, S:-t rah

Th o mpson, r\ lm a (: r:md bbml . H al l.

Trail, Anni e ........... . ...... ... . C it\·................. Otoc ............... .

Van ce , Be ll e l'cr u Xenmha

Vance, Celia ..... .......... ... .... ·• ............................. . Wh it e, Je nni e.:

Wh ite, :\ c.: lli c

Kate . .. .... ........... . I ...... ... ................ Ad :uns ........ ... . . \Vint ers, Lon do n Wo od, :'-l:!.ry l[ c len:-t J ohnson . \ Vyn e, :\b ry P er u \\'y n e, lhhie

A mi o;o n, J\ Ibe rt. .................. Om :-tha .......................... Doughs ..

.. . Ne braska Arg :tbri g hl, J. \\' Cily Kc m:t ha As hm ore , S. F R ed \\'ill ow . Red \\'ill ow B:-tcon , C h:-trl es

Bates, Den .........

Be ales, U. S ... ...


. 1-Inmbo ldt ..

Ne mah:t

. .... R ic h:t rdso n ... . .. . ·.. Becke r, A bram L U nion Cass Blauser, J. 0 ...................... D ill er ............................ Je fferso n ......... .

Boyd, John \V D unb ar Oto e

Carter , James Gie n Rock C hap in , Edw a rd Pe ru

Clark , Thom as \\'hi tn cr Rcd \\' ill ow :-<cbrtlSb

Cook , J ames ...........

(;)en R ock .......

Crabtr ee, \V Pi a !L'.mo uth


Cu lbe rtson, \ Vm l'cru :\ em a ha

Davis, A. IC


Dav is, \ Vi ll :mJ.. (;)en R ock :\ cma ha

Duncan s on , 1 fcnry Auro ra ... 1 lamilton

Dust in , Edwa rd

Dye, Ell s wort h .....

Ca rro ll

Pe ru

l) ysart, George Lon do n

E dgin g to n, Andrew :-:-emaha C ity

F isher, T hom as ...... .... ....

Fre ib urg hou se , John S :tbctha

Ca rr<J i l.

:\ c maha


" Glasgow, Jos cp h P eru

Goo d, Elli s l'o dunk

Hanks Ed ward ...... ....

)."e bra...., ka C ity

f' c n•1·aha


II' II R 1 d () awso n :'- l ilb .................. R ic h ard so n

1 o an · 1 \['

G \V 'I F xe tcr Fi ll nwrc :\ cbrnska tv cn, m.

H orn L ee .............. .. ......... ........................ . A tc us on .......... . tssoun ·rr ' k 1-'odunk ;'\'c maha N ebrnska uston, ran " I lis F M Syracu se ......

Ot oe

K en nedy Ern est Gra nt. · Ne maha , ... ., ......... .

Kn ow lto n, Georgc ...... . ........ Lo nd o n.. . ... .

L ee, dd P Nca haw

T R Rulo ................ h.tc hard son ...... .

Loo fb o urrow, Tha eus. ..... . c ru ....................... ·.. . ,,. J Blu e S prin ns ( .agc ''Lagncr, am es .. .... .. .... . ..... · o M I ' fh d She rid an Nema ha at 1cws, co ore "

N eal, \V S Glen R ock

N eal, vVm ... ....................... Pe ru ............................. . " .. " "

Pa rri ot, Ed " " · ·

P atri c k, Mo nty Grant ·

P \1 Bro wnvil le eery, 1 ex . .... ...... ........... · " Peery , Alon zo A Grant. ·

Pric e Ch a rl es I-1. ................ i\Ielroy ...... .

J. W .............. . ....... Unadilla .. . ....

Reed Major ....................... Peru ....... .. .......

Gag e ...... ..

Ort oc

Ne ma h :t .........

Rich;rds on, J ack s on " " · " "

Rinehart \Vm.... "

R 1 rt ' J A Lon do n " O)C son, Ross Rob e rt A ................... Ves ta .. ...........

John so n . .......... .

Sa un 1 d ers , Jam es Unadi lla ···

Shuc, T. J I-I umboldt Rtch arcl s on

S hue, B. B · " ·

Sinclair, Donald Nebras ka City Oto e • " " Slagle, Wm . E Aspinwall N emaha '4

.SA.\It: I'O.."T (lF t'l CI: ('OU :<TY

T hom , C h:trl es Bca trice (: age :\ebr:tsk a

Th o mpso n, t; ra m :\cm:t ha

Thomp o n, E. E (; ra nd blan d l l:tll

Trai l, C h:trl cs ::\ ebras ka C ity Otoe

T ra il , R obe rt

T rai l, Jo hn...........

Tr u ss ell, ':th in R :\ ,pinwa ll :\ e ma h.1

Vance, J. t\ . .. . ... .. .............. l'e nt. .........

Van ier, O sca r

.. C in c inn:tti

V:t n Va l kc n hurg h, D:t n id .. .... Gl en R ock .

Vi ncent, J. A .........

\ V:t lt e r, :\ . A ..........

\Vhit cho rn, (;. \\'

.. ....... J) odge ......

... Fremo nt.

.. l'awn ee

. :t:\em :t h :t ......... .

.... lli tc hcock .......

. D odge

\ Vh ittakcr, T. J.:. Dunb:tr O toe

\Vil so n, Ch :t rl cs ll den:t Jo hn on Wi ltse , Ca rl os Rul o Richn r clso n Wi nklem :tn , Geo rgc

l'c ru ..................

\\'i nters, Lo nd on

:t:\ e m:th a

\ Vortm :lll, O th :t :\ s hland S:tun ders

l RREC. lJ t. AR

ll aw k e, Lulu ::\ eb r:t s ka City Oto e )J c bms ka

\Vhi te, Minni e L in co ln L :tn cas ter \Vh ole num be r of s tu dcn ts

G ent lem en

Stud ents in H ig h er Co urse

Stud en ts in E le me nt ary Cou rse s Cra du :t tes in bo th Cou r ses

Ave rage age of st ude nt s

Counti es re pre se nt ed

S tates repre se nted

S tud en ts from Ne braska

(f) if. "' ::J fit 0 ;r. ;.; 0 :..(f) --: I fil z \-- (f) 4 \ ril(:.) p 0 " "' 0 ,...

f!jocatio n.

The schoo l building'. which :trl' brgl' and airy :mJ nmply furn ish ed, stan d on :ut ctn tt tcn cl·. c·omm :mdin g :1 delightful pro;:pec t. n ea r the clll the lin e nt' the :\,·br.t...;ka 1-:. ai lroad. in a t hi c kly ettled and lH.::tlthful di-,trict n..:ar thl· \·ill:tg..: of Pe ru in :1:'\ema ha co un ty T here an.: 11<) drinkin g ,; :do<>n=- or other haunts of \·ice tn the neighbor h ood

T ht.: yc.tr no\\' ··l,, .; in g h.ts be t.: n OllL' uf tht: m o.; t prospe rous in the hi sto ry of t hi" i ih titnti o n. T he c·at:tlugul' ,;ho\\'s an a tt e nd an ce of 2 7-J. st nde ms, a ll pr cp:tnng- tn leach . (_)!' th e se . ti.)rty \\' Cre grad ua ted last Com mcn ct.: m ent ! tty. ,..ix tn th e Hi gh<.:r :tnd thirty -fo ur in the Eleme ntary Cou r st.:, r t.:present i ng in :til t\H' nt\· ,·outHic;: in the stnte . Thi s is but li tt le mo rt.: than an :t \'t.:rage of the IHimb .: rs gr.tJu:l t <.:d a nnu a ll y for the last lt \·t.: yt.:ar,;. hu t in the meantim e rhc ,;ehoo l h as rise n to a hi gher plane m po int of well-dir ec t ed en-on and :1 nnrkecl im provement is man ifest 1 n tho..: gc nc ra l ct tl tu n: m or::tl tone :mel profes;; ional e nthusias m of a ll its ,;tu dcn ts Th e princ i ple of ·elf-gon: rnm ent ha been so full y den: lop t.: d on the part of the ,;tuck nt s th at to co mm on obse r\ ·ation the sc h oo l ::t p pcar,; to be A la r ge ma jori ty of th e st ud e nt s k1v<.: not been ;tb sc nt fro m l·hapel ..:xerciscs nor mi ss ed a. r ec'itat ion clmin g t he fa ll te rm . a nd t hi s h as been true of many of them for the whole sc ho la s tic year · Of the \\'h ole nHmbcr of 111 atte nd ance th is year, IS 7 arc yo ung ladies. and r 1 i gent leme n. 26o of them are from N ebra ,;ka, and r-t of them are from o th er stat es . They repr c,;c nt 38 co un ties and -1- states Th eir ave r age a ge is a l itt le o ver 20 y ea rs.

is to fu r ni sh yo ung men and women, wi s hin g to qual ify them se lves for t eac hing , such faci li ties as wil l en able them to obta in a co mp lete m as-

JVebra s !.:a .")talc . \ ·ormal .\dwol.

te ry over a ll the branches t aught in thc clificrl·nt st hools of s rat c,-1 an d, at th e sa me time, a ffo rd thcm f, ,r ac•1u irin g such a kn ow ledge of the sc ience of e<.hH a tion and -. w h -, kill in th e art of t eac hi ng, as w il l enab le th <: m to rend er a ll t hcir ;L< c ffec ti\"e in the sc hoo l-roo m.

T il E ELF.::Itf::-;"T ,\RY CO t "!< SE, whi ch e mbrac es two fu ll y ea rs of s t11dy . i-; to teac hen; for com mon un gradcd and low er grack: s choo ls; and h cnn: add ition to a c ri tica l study of a ll th<: common lmuwhc s, it c·om pr i es a tho rough cou rse of in struc tion in the organi;.ation and m:-rnagemen t of un grade d sc ho ols, the me th ods of te ac hing t hc di ffe rent bra nches, the art of re nd e ri ng the cl e ment s of learning and att ra ctive to t he yo un g, and the u sc of i ll us tr ati,·e ap pa ra tu s fo r prim ary sc h oo ls.

TilE Jlf (; JI J,:R is des igned to furn ish s tu de nts wis hi ng to s trit ·tl y pro: ess ional teac hers such e du cat ion and traini ng as wil l th oroug hl y qua lt fy th em for th e disc harge of the d ut ies of any e du ca ti ona l p os iti on in whi ch they may be called to labor; and hen ce: , in ad_dition t_o the Eleme ntary Co urse, it co mp ri ses a t hr ee years' co urse 111 thc h1 gher branch es, in cl udin g profess ional in st r uct ion in th e of n: c nt al de, ·clol:me nt wi th the ir ap p li ca tion to t eac hin g; th e sc 1cn cc , ph Jl os ph y, and ht sto ry of e du catio n; sc h oo l laws in ge neral, an_d the sys tem of Nebras ka in parti cular; a nd sc h oo l gra datiOn, s up erviston, a nd ma nage me nt.

In add ition to th e re gul ar cl asses of th e Elementa ry Cours e, sp ec ial review classes , co mp ose d of prac ti ca l t eac hers who h ave been over th e c ourse and oth ers hav in g the re qu is it e a ge , sc holars hi p, and e xperien c e, a re fo rmed at th e b eg innin g of the Fa ll Term, with a vi ew to gr adu ation in th e Elemen tary Course at the e"ncl of the Sp rin g Te rm. St urS

de n ts found co mpct cnt to cmcr <.:lasses ob ta in . in connection w.i th their profc::-;ional in:;truction and training . complete outline-reVIew s of all t he bran ches l)f E kmcntary o urse, w ithin the period of one y ear . .\11 pcr,;ons wi :; h ing to enter th ese classes sho u ld be pr csent :tt thc of the fa ll Term .

A ll t he st ud e nt " ins tru c tion in , ·ocal mu siC free of char gl: .

S tu de nts wh ose s tan d in g in th e course them in takin g add itional studie s can . ::ll mo tkratc re ce i,·e spec ia l ins truction in v oca l and i nstrum e ntal musi c and La tin, but , durin g the re g ular sch oo l te rm s, on ly in co nne ct ion w ith the schoo l and subject to its reg ul at ions.

Ther e are two we ll -con du c ted I itcra n· . oc iet ies- the Philomathean and the Ev erett- whi ch m ee t r egu la rly 'every Friday evening .

Th e re ading r oo m of t he In st itution, which is furn ished wi th the le ad ing pap ers and pe rio di cals of t he co un tr y, is fr ee to all the students .

contains many v al u ab le wo rks for refere n ce, co nsist in a of dictiona riesEnglis h, Cla ssica l, M yt hol ogi ca l, Ge ograp!1i cal, Mathe19

matica l, and lZel igious; 'yc lopt:d ia-.. of . \ rt . :-;, il·n• l' . l·:d ucat ion. and General I nfo rm a ti o n· and a wdl-,.,t:k< tl·cl 1 in td.tting li l 11·ary of abo ut fiftee n h un dred vo lum es . free to all tht: '> tudt:nt ... .

For ill ust ra ti on in th e n atu r al 'i< ic tH t:-. th t:rl' i-, a ('o l lt.:c ti on of minerals a nd foss il s, t ogethe r with a ;nnlogi <al ·all in ct. The geolog ical ca bi net e mbraces nt:a rl y all tht: 1 ha ra< te ri ...; t i< fo.,s ils of th e upp er ca rb o ni ferous pe ri od t hat arc fou nd in

The z oo log ical ca bin et com pr ises at p rt:-.L·n t a -.. ma ll <·oll t:c tion of n at ive birds, a nd a fe w o th er an im al fo rm -. .

Bo tan ical a nd e nt omol og ica l ca hi nds ha, ·c h cc n IJ cg tt n. ::tnd the Institution h as a ppr o pr iate ap para tu s for i llu stration in n atural phil osop hy and che mi stry.

A ll for ms of private religious <·o n, ·ict ion arc n :s pt:<: led, a nd th os e w ho des ire the adva nt ages of religious nurtur <.: can here fi nd ::t bun da nt op por tun ities ; b ut t hi s, be in g a State ln st il ttl ion, is and a lw ::t y must be un se cta ri a n.

As the State No rm al Sc h oo l is in no s en se an insti tut ion for th e e ducat ion of c hi ldren or p eo ple in ge neral, but a profcss ional :; ch oo l fo r the s pe cial inst ru ction a nd train in g of t eac hers, an.d as i ts course of stud y, be in g a rran ge d with sp ec ial referen ce to t l11 s e nd , c an n ot be accomp li shed in a fr ag me ntary way with any to the s.t uden.t, but w ith gr eat disad vanta ge to the sch oo l, a ll a pp lic an ts ad n11 ttcd 111 acco rd an ce with the r eg ul at ion s of th e B oa rd of Ed u ca tion, must be persons of proper a ge and cha racte r, w ho have a ,-ai r kn owled ge of the com mo n branc hes a nd ar e in goo d faith preparing to t eac h. In order

1\ -d, rasla .\taft' _\ -ormal

1ter tht: l·:lcnwnl.lt'\' <. ' nur:-t: . :-tudcnt:' musr pas...; ::t ,;ati ·f::tctory e xam tnation in R l'::td ing ti1L· u..;e of L:mgunge and t he r ud im en ts of .tnd S tudent,; h old i ng a ce rti ficate of qu::tl i ficat ion Ill the Ekntl'nt.tn· <.\n1r:-t: will he a ll owed to en te r the Hi gher (' ou r,;c "i t htHit furt hl'r c'\amination

wi ll d t.!pe nd upo n diligt:tll't: in ,;tmly and good co n duct . All stude nts arc e xp ec t ed to hc lllliH ' lllal prompt nea t. acc ur ate, t horough, ea r nest, trut h fu l, and teat'h:t hk: fur -..u<"h only can beco me satis f:1cto ry pupi ls and su cct:ss fnl tca<"hl'r:-. <.'ontinnt:d idlcne,;· or decided immor al ity on th l! pa rt of a -..tudcnl will lll:-11 rc hi,.; speedy exclu;::io n. No r will any s tu dc nt ht: r ctai n L·ll. \\' ho dm i ng th e r egula r schoo l te rm s. hall take lesso ns of instnwt inn cbew h cre or engage 1n :my ot her bu· in ess whi ch, 1n the opi ni on uf the facull\· is i ncompat ib le wi th his pro mp t at te nd anc e al Sl'h onl or h i,.; (':Ireful preparat ion for hi s pr e,;c ri bed sc h oo l clu tic:s, nor wh ose char;t cte r and ge neral i nflu en ce are n ot for the g ood of th e sch oo l.

St udents are :1 dm it tc cl : ll :1 11 t imc , bu t the b e,;t time to en te r is at th e beginn ing of some one of t he r eg u lar terms.

Stude nt s of prope r age and ch ara cte r. \\·ho co mp lete the elemen ta ry co urse rn a ma nn er sati:; fac tory to all the te ac hers co n ce rn ed, and show a goo d d eg r ee of ap t ness to teac h, w ill be gran ted certifi cates of qu ali fi c ati on, val id 111 ev e ry pa rt of the sta te as Second Grade St a te Ce rti fic ates. S tud ents who co mp le te the high er course \\·ill be gran te d di pl om as, va lid in e ve ry part of t he :;ta te as Fi r:; t Grad e State Ce rti fic ates.

JVebra ska .C.,./alc . \ ·o rmal .\dtool.

Prosp ect iv c s tud ent:-. somctiuH:-. wrill" for 1 l ist-. of a ll t he t ex t-b oo ks use d m hoth cour"c" · T oltlhin g thi-. :- ufli n! it to say th at we ca nn ot, in ac h·atH c. furni -. h our c o rr t·-. po nd c nt s reliabl e lists of th e te xt -h ooks used in either of the • our-.v-.: f11r. in :-nmc of t he depa rtm e nt s, it is o ur a im to fo ll ow the t r:t lh n th an any boo k. and in ot hers th e t cx t-))()o ks arc' hange d 111 • l·: ,·l·ry s tlld cnt sh ou ld bring with him , for rcfe r cn • l" al l hi -. ol d tn t h ook-; :md wh ateve r a dditi onal oncs hc n cc d -. he <an l n1y IH:n .: al red tt l l·d prices.

Amon g th e many advan ta gcs which th is inst i llltio n :t ffo rd s mar be e num erated its hcal thful location , cutwc ni c nl l>uilui n g,; . ch cap boar din g, fr ee tui tion, cxpc ri cnc ed ll.: achcr:-, g ood lil1 rary. and car nest t ude nts.

Each new s tud e nt is re quir cd to pa y, on e nt e rin g, a m :t t ri c ula tion

fee of fi ve do ll ars. .

Boa rdin g 1n pri va te fa mi li es , in c ludin g furn ts hed room s, fuel, a nd li g ht, $ 2·50 to S3 ·5 o per • • ' Many s tud e nts re nt unfurn ished al to S2 per mo nth , su pply th e ir ow n furni s hmc nt a nd th us hoard. at redu ce d rat es . E ve ryth in g co nstdercd, h ow ev l! r, we thlllk tt be tter for s tude nts to take reg ul ar bo a r?. . . . . Th ere is c on n ected with the tn s utut wn and un der th e unm e dmte · · n of one of it s m os t e xperi e nc ed lady t each er s, a do rmitory s upe rvts lO · · . . . for la di es . Thi s buildin g is co nn ec ted wtth t he school IJ111ldm g by a good bo a rd wa lk , is we JI ke pt , eve rythin g the mo t d es irable place for la dies fr om a dt s tan.ce to l:o ard. l here IS also c onn ected with the do rmi t ory a. laundry , 111 wh 1ch lad y boa rd ers so di sp osed can do th e ir own was hi n g, fr ee of ex pen se . Th e r oo ms in the 22

dor mi to ry an: all t"umi-. hn l with 'tnn·'· a nd ch:t irs: a ll ot her ar tick-. n ce dnl mtt-.t he In· ,;t ud ents. The whole expe n se 1 11 t hl· fnr h,• .t nl. r vo m. fm' l. :mel li g ht need not excee d 25 per "n·k. <>nh· Ltth· ,; tmknts han .: roo ms tn the dormi tor y. -.LJ IJ.PI" I.I : Oil R() t i\1 -R I....; 1:- 1:-: rill: llOR.\ li TOR Y.

\\ I STt:t: Tt: t: 'l

2d fl oo r, Fro nt. 1 .: :-..ce pt ,.,,rncr " Rea r. " .. ..

3d fl oo r, F ront " .. .. .. " Rear. .. " ..

.. ·I oo 3 oo :! oo

Thi s sc hcd uk :- how:- the ren t for c.::wh ,.,,,"" · :1 nd not th:lt to be paid by each student. t tl l lc.:,..,... ro,)mlng :tl otll.' . ::\ o de du ct ion will be made Ill th e c a.'i e of a ,... t lldcn t' :- ro o mi ng Th l' n umb er of roo m taken musl be :llld ll -. re m p ;L id 111 ac h·an ce at the o ffice of th e prin c ip a l.

.6®"' 7 ill/ i{J II 111 t/; ,· R t:;•lllar C 1111r.•,· a nt! / /;, · 11.,·, · of tlu Librart ' ami /( oo m a n· j i·, ·,· lo ,,;; //;,· duclo;l.,·. 11 11tl //; , .; ,. ,rn· 1/(J i ll(i t/ollal or .fro·.

\Vc arc some tinH.!:> :t:> ked how mu ch 11 cos t,; :1 s rud c nt to at te nd thi s sc h oo l for a ,; in gk t er m. or for :r Y C:H. ::\ o direc t :mswcr c an be rr iven to t hi s quest io n. a ,; nHw h depe nd ,; on 1 hL· ha hi t,; of the s tu dent "' \\ ' e have here a ll th e ne c- e ,;,;a n· it em ,; or e xpen se . and s tu den ts intellect ua ll y qu a lifi ed to e nt er th e: sch oo l c an for m rh e ir o wn cs tim :tte s.



Saturday, Ju ne.: r r. ''·''-

Sunday, J un e r z, 4 1'. ) 1.

Monday, J une 1 3· 7 0 1'. ·.r.

Tuesday, Ju ne q, 7 r• . ' '-

Tu esda y, J une.: 14· S P.)l.

We dnesd ay , Ju ne.: 1 5• 9 •' ·''-

Wednesd ay , Jun e 15 , ''·''-

J·:,., ·r• ·tl :--•" I< ·t '

I :.u • .ti.JIII< .II<" \ddrc J'hiJc Hll.lllll".lll .._, 11 it:l \. :--:udo·nl · Ro·lllli<hl l 'r.t,·c.: r ol . \ltlllllli. . <::"""

C"ontli\L"Il< l "IIH"III 1·::'1-crc j.., c.:... .

Soc i.d 1\xltlliOII.

Exa 1nin at ion of Cl asses and J tiiiL" 13 :tncl r 4

"U SJC. I'H \\"ElL

SALUTATORY-!V[J{. 1'. E. (jtV \11 •'" ''

THE S'fATES )t ;\:-1-MI S!-> R osA Bnt; Tc,:-; ;\ll 'S IC.

T W M J S .. r, HE ARR I OR- R· · · · ;\ I US I C.

THE Eouc.;ATOR-Mr ss CAR1<1E L. Loc ;i\:-:, ;\JU S I C.


\1 t":•.J l" :-::,l>c.: t h:1.

Saheth:t . K. an sa-. . '1\: cllm,.; c.: h. Nebraska. : \dam s, c brn ska.

Nc.:hras k :J. Ci ty, Nebrask a.



JJ),: NE 0 tC J"I OK.

* This di s tributi on of Exerci ses wns mndc without rc fcrcu cc to Cbss Stn nd in g. 24

· 'unday. _I II IlL" 1 1. I I'. \1

l\l onday _l 11lll" I .!. 1 ,. 1

Tu e d <l)· · l unv 1 •. - • 1• , 1 .) I

H.l cfa l.mrc.:<liC Di, co ur,.;t:. l'h ilo matlwan S oc iet\·.

R L'I llli on P;<l\"Cr i\J ccl ina . . .,. ( ' 1111111 L'IH"<.."Ill<!ll t E;-.;crc ises. i<1l RL·u n i on.

\\ 'c.:clnc.:,d:t.\" ..! 1111•

\ Vecln c.:!-.d:l\ . l 11nv I I· I) \.\1. ' 1.1. 7 1 : 1'.\1.

<> HEl;INS. AN UAR \" 3• r 88 3. .llt.ID" 1'1·1Jo: vV INTER OF J 88."' l

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