
PEl=xr , NEi'\l r-'\_1-lA CO., NEBRASl< .i-"-.
"NIWRASKA S'I'A TJ·: S<' JJtH IT • r 872·3· J) cd ica tc cl I >c cc ml H:r 2_), r . ,
Fift ee nth Ye;1r. 1882 . UN CO I. :'I/: JOU I<:-: ,\1. STA TE I'R I NT EI\ S. 1 882.
HoN. W. W. W. J oNES, RoN. G. M. BARTLETT , HoN. J. T. SPEN CE R, HoN. W 111. DAI LY, HoN. MANLEY Ro GER S, HoN. B. E. B. KENN EDY, HoN. C. VI'. KAL EY,
·up't Pub. [n :-. t .. L!n co ln.
State Tr <:as ur e r. t•x -o.flt oo, Ltn co ln.
Da ko ta C it y. T t.: rm ex pir es r 884. Pe ru . Term ex pir t.: xs8 s.
Fn:mo nt. T t.: rm t.: xp ir cs 188 6. Omaha. Te rm exp ires 188 7.
R ed Cloud. Te rm ex pires r 88 3.
Pr es ide nt. Sc creta rr. . Tr eas ure r.
RO BE RT C..TRR \' \.:\I.. PH D P RI X (; IPA L,
MI SS t:: Ll Z. \ c. i\1 R T:\ ::'{ PRECE PT RE -,
T t: ttcll<-·r tif L ileralurt: , R hdori t.· and G t· n cn 1/ Hi siOI)'
H. L. CrlZ.: NT, M. .,
Tt·adt o' o/ P hysh a/ Sci ou c· allll Chonis ll ]' ·
J . .M. Mc KE NZJ E, :\. l\1. ,
Tcaclt er t!/ Jlfa l hcm ulit·s and B ()o/.·- l.·r·rpi!W.
MR s . .J E1 [E B. C RRY, 1\f. IL D. ,
Tca clt o· rif Sdwo/ . lfd lw tls ami Traiuing.
MI SS AL[ CE E . .DAILY. N. G. ,*
7£'f1 ch er if Rc arli llg, .Dra7Ciill,u am/ Peuma11sltip
MI SS JE SS IE E. BA l N, N. G .. cif U. S. I:li:vt01:1• ami G t•ogrnph)'·
lVI1 ss MARY EMER S01 , N. G. ,
Teaclt er if Oral a mi 1/V rillt:n Aritlt md/c.
PROF. E. M. LI PPI TT, Teaclte r o.f f/( Jcal an d I11stntme uta l Jltfitstc.
'" For th e wnnt of s unl cic nt 11ppro pri at.ion to p ay r cg ul nr ill st ru ctors, th e first of th ese places bas be en lllled all Lhc y cn t· by t eac hers in ot her dc pa r t.mcms, nud tJ1 e seco nd s ince h.llss Dally's re sign ation l ast J unc by pupil tenc bcrs. · 5
.1\0'rE. -/ den otes tcnchcr; I. lawyer: p, ph} id nn : m. mi111 ( <' 1 ·
Cl a ss of 1870. :--1 ,\Tf!. .S A>n:.
GEORGE Ho wAIW , I 1 Prof. · niv ers it y I
ANN IE M OOR H EA D, ( l\ lrs. \ \'.A. j oyl I
Cl a ss of 187 r.
LY OIA BEL l., I ( Profess io nal El o<.ut ion i -.t l
EMili A S. BROOK I·: 11\ lrs . ."l osson ). /'
D. T. H AYD.E:>:, I.
Cl ass of 1872 .
l'KANCES M. HU LL ( Mrs. A. Os born J. 1
L EWI S ( Mrs. E. L. Ho lt z), I
Cl a ss of 187 4.
L ESL IE B UR<.: II , farmer
Cl as s of 1875·
AL ICE DAILY ( Mrs. A. K. Goudy J, H uG H Douos, I .
Ves TA NovP- s, I
J. P. A. BLA <.:K , I.
Cl a ss of 1876.
L. ANNIE BROWN ( l\Irs. C. R. Co r ne l I),
ALI <.:E HlTT , I ( Coe Co ll ege ),
THOMA S HITT , farm er
* WILL! Al\1 WEl-SH, I.
l'fp.,T 111 I If f.
l .inco ln
El k Creek
Lin c<J ln
Sabetha K ans:L'> .
:'\ chr;J-.ka .:\' cb raska.
Br o wn \'i Ill'
I l as tin gs ka .
Pe ru Nebraska.
P aw nee C it y
H ea t ri ce
HI a ir " "
Bl oo min gton, I eb ras ka .
Co lumb us O hi o.
Fa irm o nt Neb r as ka.
Ce dar Ra pid s, Io wa.
Asp inw a ll e bra ska.
Un ion "
Om aha "
Pe ru
Cla ss of 1877
} ESS IE E. BA JN , t (S tate No rm al Sc h oo l)
Lom s A. BATES, drug gist ,.
Ch e rok ee
Pe ru
Xe nia " Wis. Iowa. Nebras ka. " .
El -'i lE C. J)J.:Cot I
LuA L 1
L E!-LIE I .E \\'! ,., I.
1.1 \ L ot: \ :-: t r ,.. \\ ·. K I .o of hou rruw
S t;E P RI<'II \R fl • r' 'J' \ \' Blat khurn ).
Cla ss of 1878.
T. \\ '. BL AC KIIl' R:-.
:--rELI.I E T- L\I C\ lt 1;>: 1 r". Dr. L a..; hk,· '·
j oH:-: \V 1:>: I'ER-... I
.\ LI CE
J;: \' t\ B AT I·:!-> I
.1\fii .I.I O:-: CLJ\1{ \. I
J. R. CoOPER. dru gg i ..,L .
C:1-:o. \V . CuR:>:E LI. I
S£NOR1\ C. CuR:>: E t.L. I
I'O'T or. teE
Che y l!n ne
Oe n,·er
t; n ion Omaha ST ATE. Wy. Co l.
Omaha . eb ra ·ka.
G ls bnd . ..
Lo nd on H ek na
Cla ss of 1879·
.\ N:--1 1\ 1\[. D.\ II. \' ( l\ 1 I >r. F arn,wonh ).
E:.IER SO:-: , I< al t.: :\ nrmal
CH AR LES L ETT ():-: . I.
l\1 INN IE L OV K1':, I
EliDI J\ lVJ ORt:A:o-:, I
A I. H£R T l'vl 'TZ. I
Or.u E :. 0L SO :--: ( i\11·,. J. :chr:1111 l.
l' IER CJ;: pton l.
1\:. P1PER . I 1
ANNA 'l'Ac:C: ,\RT (.Mrs .-\ \\ '. Cla rk ).
GHAC I•: H. \ VII.IIliR , I
A. c. HU LL, I
FLoREN<.:E A. L oc KE , 1
ANNA E. REID ( Mrs. Fr ank Ha ll ),
} ESSIE E. STO C KIN G ( Mrs. J. F. Ho cht),
E ll l l\IA F. WHITEH ORN, I
Xen ia. \' u rk l:\ ebra ka. ..
:\' eh ra · ka ·i ry , ..
'le ar Cr eek· ..
1'\orth .\ ul.mr n. ·' , ..
Fairm o nt ..
Pe ru
l •a ir bury "
T ec umseh "
Auburn. ..
.:\ o rth uburn. '·
Seatt le
L inco ln . l':dm yra
Dund ee
Yo rk
R oc k Bluff.
Se wa rd
T ec umse h
Lin co l n.
Wa h oo.
Crete \V . ]'.
Ne bras k a. "
111 i no is.
Ne bra kn.
Ne bras ka " " " " " "
N ebraska Slate LV ormal . )(-hoo!.
Cl ass of 188 J.
SA )I P. a•n J oJ r1• 1. ...T;\ Tl: B,\IN, I
RosA B ouTON, 1.
A. E. H OWAI<fJ, 'I
CARli lE Lo C: .o\ N (Mrs. James Ri ve tt J.
J. ·. W EST, I
•\l axwt:l l . K_an :-as
Cla ss of 188 2.
JESS E H P.SS ELTIN E, I ( Pr i nr i pal ),
EL LA L ARS H, I . .
MAnv McK ENZ IE, 1
L orriE McKENZI F:, I
Jo£ McVrc KER , .
(; l e:n Pe r11
N ort h lknd S L. Dc ro i n . '· I ow a. r t.: hra .s kn.
C E 0 I (p · · I) o rth A 11 burn
DE LL A 1 . . RV, . . nn crpa , .\ da m ... l. ir 11 ol11. l- rwdill.r H a-.,L in gs
E. C AP ITOLA R EED ( at Ru sh M ed ica l Co l C hi c:1go . . Illi nois.
P R S . Ci l)'.l t: b ra k a. • l i\1, ..•..
ll/,' th e J i.•"r tSS COU t xs r _: .
c:R AU Ui\T ED JUl E 14, l 'OST O FFI C" <'VUST Y S TAT t:
H esseitinc: Je ss e Sabd ha :\' cmaha
Hewett, Ka tie ..
Larsh, E lia
. Pe ru
Nebraska City
Ne maha ..
Mc Kenzie, Mary Peru Nc 111ah a · Lottie
Yl cV icker, J oe
Nu cko lls , De lla ............
.. No rt11 Be nd
. Nebr as ka Ci ty
O rd , C. E She rid an Ne maha
R eed , E. Ca p . Pe ru..........
Si m, P.R Ne bra ska C ity Otoc
. Nch rns kn .
.S A )tl 0 1-'f"lCt:. 51\\ T£
*Ash more , E lla ........ .... ............ lnd i:tn u la .. ....... .... .. .. . Red \\' illow .. ... . cbraska . .\ rabc ll a .... ......... .. .. . ...... ll um ho lrlt ...... .. .... ...... Richard on ..... .. Eli;a Ro ck port. \ tchi.on ou ri.
13 re ni ;cr, Ora l> t\ i, Il li no i-: Bur ch, . \I bert :\ \\'ym on: G::tgc Nebras ka. \ 'ina :\ehr:1..-ka City Otoc (;rcgo ry. <: race . ...
I fcwctt, J. ! 1. II ....
.. Talmage..
l'e nr. ....
Ncm:th:t .... . .... . II o rh am, .\l. I l Fi rth L:mc.'\:>ter l .oo fbou r ro w, R o,a P ent. :>J'cmahn !\ lcKi nn o n. J. '[' R epub l ican Ci ty ll arbn Pendleton . .\l ay ...... ............ ... . :\'ebra s kn City .... ..... ... Otoc .... .. .... .... . \Vi ntcrs, R. U London :\ cm aha .. \Verley , ,\n ni c ..
.. .. ... Ri ch nrdso n . .... .
\ Vy nc. l)orn l'e ru :\em nha "
Atkins on, .\lice Brow m·ill e
Nem a ha Nebrnskn
Bain , Ber th a, Nch rnska .i ty Otoe Ba tes, Je nn ie Dakota C iry D ako ta Del la
Bede ll , B la n ch e
Hum bo ldt
Pe ru
Ri ch ardso n
Birss, i\ fAry E . ll cb ron Th a ye r
Boyd, i\'Talli e i Om aha Douglas
Boyd, La u ra Dun bar Otoc
Boyd, Em ma
Brad fo rd , Lau ra
Brown, Je nn ie
Be atr ice
Nem aha
C hu rch, E ll a Nc brnska City Oto c
Ch ur ch, Fran kie.
Col e, Ina
Cowles, I !a tt ic
Pe ru
Fair bury
Nem aha
J efferso n
Da ily, Sadie E Pc ru Nc maha
Dail y, Kate.
Dysa rt, I da
Fishe r, Susan
Fishe r, Fl o renc e.
Ireland, Nell ie
L in dl ey, N[ ay
L oga n, Luna
• Deccnsc d.
Pa pillion
Tec um se h
Sar py
Se ward
John so
JVcbra ska )'talc .JV on11al .'.'r/;oo!.
f •(J T tl) If' I t OC:OO:TY.
,\JanJ.:y., Jen nie II elena .fohlhnlt... ;\,·bm.,l.a
li a tti e 1\'onh .\ ulmrn :\,·mc ha
* :\'ca l, E dith l'cru
Ord, A n nic :\orth ,\ ulmrn
Pi pe r, Ell a J.Jma lf arl.on
Prim e, Be ll e . \ r.lJ>ahoc I lllll:l '-
l<eese, i\l aggie .. .. ... ..... . ..... ...... :\(;maha 1 ity ...... . ..... . .. '''"·tha .... .... .
ltich nrd J> on, Annie l 'eru ·
S trock , Annie K .. ........ . ... . ...... . l·airl.ur) ................. J dfc·r·•>Jl . .. ... .. .
Tra il, Annie :\e!Jra-.l..a c 'ity 1 "" '' ••• · •· · · ·••
\\'orth a m,J'\ e tti e f'.t" n ec Ci ty I '.IW il< 'l'
\Vm ., !> ........... . .. ... ....... "cbra -ka C'uy ............. < ' '"" :\ebr.hk.l. J un e \\'at..IJII . \ tchi - ou .\ li -...-o uri.
Clark C. \\' ....... ... .....l SJ!ler (reck ..... . .. ...... . \kn ack ........... .'\chr.l•b . '
Co l ema n Ge o. A I.onclon \. canah.1
lJa vis, l' ....... .. .......... .. ....... l' hclp., ( ity .... .. . .. ....... . \t c hi , oll ....... .. .\!i -..u uri . V t G C I '-'cm.1h:1 ysa r, , N • ••
Eme rso n, Elm er . 1I elena J h n'"" ·
Evans J. \V . .. ........... .. ('e ntr e ........... f' e nn .
1 J ' 'J'h · ('• · u '\'c 11 taha .. .... .... :\ebrn>okn.
• rs 1e r, omas
Han ks , Edwa rd \\ ' .\I .'lcbrao.,ka City · 1 ,, ,,
H ar m :1n, \ Vm. 1: Grant :\ cmalw · · .\1 an ue l, C. B .. St. Pa ul ··
·· I I U\\':J nl · · ·· .\i ini ck, \Vill is flr owm·ille :\c maha
.\ IcKenzie, Jn o. J3 .....
. ..... f'er u ..........
Nea l, J-1 E . Glen Rock
Redfer n, J. F .......
Ric h ardso n, J acks on
.. f'e ru
Sl ag le, \\'m. E A sp in wa ll "
T ea l El mer E i'\ e br n.ska C it y ····Ot oc
' 1.1 0
Van Vl eet, A. H ..................... o e::t (II CC..
\ Vadha ms, Guy ... ..
l3 url ington ...............
(; :lll'l!
Y age r, J. A Neb rn!.ka Ci ty Ot oc ·
Bo ll on g, Gr ace Sc hu yler .. Co lfax Nebm,b
Bre ni ze r, Lizzie ...
Cadwall ader, Am y
• Dece nsccl.
..... .. . Be nn ett ...
.. Ray m ond
.. Lancas tc t·.....
chool. l'O •T t>H'I<'f: C'OU:-;T \' STAT E.
tChapi n. ,;>\elli c l'cru :\ema ha
tC hurc h. I da .... ... .. .... . ............. :\cmalu City ...
Vn,·i Su ,a rl. ':trlcto n Thayer
Em cr•on U oci.1 IId cn .1
Cil liland, E Oic L ondon .:\emaha
tll ami ll on, lh·ne .....
. \\'ns hingt on . .... .
ll arm:tn Fl or.1 I ;r.lnl .:\ cmnha
lf:tzen :\ e llk Blue ;o;pr·inl!' (;age
K earn , I lia :-; ,wth .\nhnrn .:\ cmaha
tKe ll cy , Frank l'elllre .. \nn i,·
\.'n11h .\nhnrn .
........ :\ emaha ......... . .\leacler . :\euie ...........
I .o lllh)ll ...
............. :\ cm:tha ........ .. .\ l cl.:ay, Sadie .
l lnnh.Jr ....
. Otoc ... ..
. Jenni e ! l:J\\>nn :'-!ill' R ichard;o n t ll annah \rlingt <>n
R oger.., Bertha Fr cmom D odge
Sarge nt .\1:\ggie Fairnwnt Fillm o(c
Sinc la ir, J c,• ie .:\ chr hk.l City Otoe
Ski llm :t n. Etn a
. ll elc n.1
J ohmon ......... .
Step henson, L illi e Fa JJ , City R ichardson
Th om, Sar:th ............
Beatrice .............
(.;agc .... ... ..... . \\' hi t c, Je nni e .. :\ onh .\nhnrn .:\ c m:th a
Ca rter, . ........
. ..... t; lcn" uud ................ .. :'-lill s .. .... .. ....... Jown . C lark, .\ I \\'h itney R ed \ \'illow ()av is, A. R Firth I lc:nr·y
Good, E ll is ..
ur ora
lln milton ..
...... 'Xcmaha . ........ .
Gri mm , 11. E Cre te -nlinc , c:tl, \V. f:; <: Ic n R ock Ncmah a tPee ry, Alc x Bro ll'nvilk
Si n clair. D . .f .:\ c hra,;ka C ity .... .. . .... .. Otoc ..
.. . .. . tT rai l,
A dria n ce, Lilli e . .. F re mo nt Dodge Akc ls, An nie l3ro \\'n vi ll c Nc mali:t
Am es, Add ie
As hm ore , <;a rr ie .. .... ..... .. ...... ... In diano la .. ... ... .. .... .. .. . R ed \Vill ow .... .. "
llctz, Allie ....
t Now in the Iligher Co urse
Talm age
Otoe . ......... .... . "
(IJ'J' JC "t. t Ot ' 'TY
Boo th, Ninn City < lluc
Bol"!o t, Jenni e l'cru '\cm.1h .1
Bridge, l<.e un •·
Brown, EITa Uc:1trice ( :.1gc
Ca mpbell, Ellen Spring Creek Joh iJ-o n
Ca mp be ll, Clara Tal mag<: r Jtoc
Camp bell , Mo ll ie ....... .. ........ ... W atson .... .. .............. , \t c hi "'"' .........
Ca nfie ld , Lottie ...................... .. Sy racu.,c ... . .... .... ..... . C Jtoe ... ............ Schraskn.
Chntliellf, Irene .... ...... .... . ... .. . ... Palmy ra. . .... .. ...... .... .. ·• .............. .
C hu rc h, An na . ...... ... .. ............. Nebraska Ci ty........ ..... .. ......... .. ..
Coat ney, Mattie ... .... .......... .. ... Pe ru .......... . ... .. ..... .. .. ;\'e1na hn . ....... ..
Co le, \Vilh el min a "
Coope r, T ab le Ro ck l'nwncc
Coope r, J osie. ·
Cowen, Ada -'l el roy (:ng c
Cran dell, Genevieve Gro nd hl:l nd l lnll
Crothcr, Be rtha :\lemaha Ci ty .:-.' cmaha
C rown over, Ne lli e ......... ....... .. Syracuse ..... .. ............ ( )toe ..
Crum, Emma ................. . ....... Pcru ....... ...... .. ...... . ... Nc ma ha ........ . .
C rum, E ll a ................... . ........ " ... .... .. .. .... . ..... . .. ·
C ulbertso n, )l'elia B................ .. " ............. ... ........ ·
C nlh crtso n, L caiie E..... ........... " ..... .. ... ...... .. ··.... ·
Cu l we ll, Brownvi ll e
Cu lwe ll , Brownvi ll e
Dobbs, Rosa Blu c S prings Gngc
Eme rso n, Ca rri e ..
Eme rso n, Add ie .
F is h er, Nema ha Ci ty
Fishe r, Mo lli e ....... ............ .......
F itch, Mam ie Oma ha
Gas t, Ze ll ............
Gast, Lo is
Dc\ Vitt
Ne mahn
JJ ougla -.
Sa line
Gilmore, Be ll e Ce ntre Va ll ey Cass
Grave r, Ha tti e ........ .............. .. Pe n1
Ncma hn ......... .
Cregg, E lla \ Vyomi ng Oto e
H agado rn , Eva lyn ......... : ......... Nemaha C1ty ......... ..... Nema ha ......... .
H aner, E ln ora Ex et er Fi ll more
Harman, Fan nie Neb ras ka Cit)· Otoe
Harris, Kate..
H art, Stella L. Aub urf\ •... I llin ois. Ha wke, Bird ie .............. .. .... .... Ne b ras ka Ci ty .......... .. Otoc .............. . Ne bms k:J..
H awke, Lulu .
H ayde n, Mo llie .
Hayden, Mattie .. ....... .. .......... N ebras ka Cit y
Hedges, Li zzie M . Syracuse . 12
Otoc ...........
J\Tcbrasla -'')/ale .VonJwl cl! ool. -
SA )It:. I'O•T un' IU COii S TY. t-T ATF.
ll endryx inni c l kllo.: \111: No.:br:l'<kn.
II olden Carri e T o.: c nmsch : Tohnson
I l orn, Annio.: l'o.:ru Xcmaha
ll o ic . J\lm a ........................... To.:cnm-.dl ...... .. ........ John-on ........ . .
II unti ngton, l l::ltti o.: '\ cm:-tha ); e m:tha Ph n:hc Pent.
rrelan d, Je ssie ................ .. ....... ............... ... . $:uyy ............ . jo hnso n, :\ lnry l'.:n1
Kennedy, Ettie .. ........ ..... . ...... .. B rei\\ 1\\'ill c ..... ........ .. ... ........ ..
Klaus, Kat ie 1':-tlm) rn Otoe
Kl nus, Luc ind a .......... .. .......... ..................... Atc hi so n ... . ...... Mi. o nri.
L enc h. E mm a \u bu m :\ c mahn Ncbr.u.lm. De ll e ........... .. ............... (.'olumhuc; .................. Plnne .. .. ...... .. .
Li s co, Emma ........................ ..
Logan. l\lari an Tc c nm•ch John so n l.oofbou rrow , Lill ie P ent. :\ cmahn
Lor e, Alic e .. ........... ..
...... t 'i n cin nnti .. .... ............ Paw nee ........ .
Mnnning, 1\cllic ..................... . l.o ml on ..................... .. . .... .. .
:\lat kin, Ruth ......................... Tal mngc ... ... ........... ... 010c ............ .
Mo nt go me ry, Eli zn ....... .. ......... . l Jnnbnr.. .... .... ........... . ..... ...... . 1;-a nny . cbr.t,kn c, l\ l cDo nald , Agn es Omnh a Douglas
McKen zie, Agn es Pent. Nema hn
Niebe l, Ka te ... .. .................... . .. .. .. .............. .... .
Nob le, [oln V..:•ta J ohnso n n cko ll s, Ann a i':l·hrnska C ity Otoc
Pat t erso n, !Vf nry ..................... l' ..: rn .. ....................... 1\cmnhn ......... .
Pe ndl e ton , Crnce . ..... ............... I\ebrn.c;l;a it y ............. Otoc . .... ........ .
Pe nningt on, l\ie ri c n. ........ ......... . .. .......... .. ........... .
Pe ttegrew, C lnra Ccdn r Bent! Gnge
J'e ltit, Es te llin e . l'c nt.
E tn elitl c. .. .c
Pro ut y, Eloise ......................... •· ..... . .............. .... .
Purn e ll , Emma Pan nma
Q uinl an, E mma ...........
Lanc.'lst er
.. S te ll n ........................ Richardson ..... ..
Radcl iffe, S ad ie re mnha C it y :1\ e ma hn
Redfern, Susan . ........ . .............. Peru . .... .. .................. Ne nl3.h :t.. "
Rob erts, Ne lli e Elmo re Richardso n
Ro ot, Je nnie P eru Ne maha
Scott, E lla......
S hellho rn , E lla
...... Pn.\vncc C il y .............. Pn,v n ee ''
S mith , Han nah T Omaha Douglas
So ll en be rger, Ona Syracuse Otoe
Stutt, Clara . ............ ...
.. . No rth Drnn ch . ........ .. .. " ............... "
Swa n, A nna l'e rn
Ne mah a .
St ate .!V ormal .'·)r/,ool.
)< A)IE. l'f'l'T OPPIII • 01 'd \'. •:TAT I
Teal, C. Bird ie ....................... . Xel.Jra., ka Ci ty ............ .( lloc ..... . ......... :'\cbra,kR. Th omas, Xcmaha City '\ cm .t h.t Thom pson, Al ma Crand ll a ll Thompso n, llul dah ... .... ........... Panama .. . ................. l .auc. t, tt·r. ....... .
Th o mpso n, C:u he rin e Crete s:llirH· i\ l attc I ll ot· Van ce, Be ll e Pen1 :'\ em ah:t Vance, Celia.. ........
Va nde rfo rd, i\Jary
Van .\ Jeter, An n ie Freu tout Iowa. Van i\l ete r, I Ia lli e ·· \Vcston, Pea rl ...... . .................. Fa rr:tgu t .......
Wh ee le r, Fl ora ...
. :-:emaha Crty ..
White, Xe lli e :\onh .\uhurn
Wi lliam s, Kate
:'\ c rn :tlu .. ........ .'\'ebmsb
Winter,; , .\lart ha Lo nd on Xem:t ha
\Vr ight, E ll a .... .. ... . ................. l'eru ............... . \Vyn c, .\ l ary ....... ........... ......... " .. .....................
\ Vyn e, Jbbi e .... :..
Yage r, i\ l:lry .......... .... ........... . 1\'ebras k:t City .. ........... <ltOl' .
Yage r, Anna.................
A ll en, El mer Brownvi ll e .'\' emaha Al bert .. .................... Omaha .................... .. I l ou gf:l, · ... ··· ···
Bacon, Cha rl es Nebra.,ka Ci ty <>toe
Barry, \ Vm. ll. ..... . ................ . Kam . .........
Heal:., U. S . IIum hol dt
Becker, A. 1 Union
Bcrl e t, Chas. F ....................... Brock ....................... .
Bctz, J acob Talmage Owe
Boyd, J. \V ............
Buffum, \ Varren .....
Burkho l der. Cha s. II
Cam pbell, \ Vm
]) un bar.
........ North Au bu rn
Chapi n, Edwa rd ...................
Compton , Ge o...
. Ta lm age ................
Pe ru
.f ohu.,o rt
i\'e111:1 h a-
Ne m:1h:1
Compto n, )Vm Pe ru Ne ma ha
Cook , James Glen R oc k
Crabtr ee, Jame s \V
Crow, \Va lter Brow nvill e
C ulw e ll , J oe l B...
Dye, A. E Pe ru
Ebe rh a rt , Ala nso n ................... Glen R oc k ..........
Em erso n, Se ld on Helena L .Jo hn su n
clwol .
!'A.)If_:. Ut"F'h.." t'. COU :"'TY STAT•:.
Faught. T. \\ ' l' b tt-m o uth ...............
(;iJmo re. :'\ on h .\ uhurn :'\em:1h:1 Gilmore. Paul .\ J oseph l'en1
Glasgow, Sterling.....................
(;ra,·c,, .J. S . ............ ............... Hrnck ....................... .
Cn:en, E lm er E Po lk
llan b, l .ee '\ ehra-1-o.t L'ity Otoe
I .J . 1. llratt tl ll
I Jc-.sclti n c, l .erny
!J i ll , R ob nd
ll usto n. C. E
F .\!
Salwth:l Knn>a.'.
ll:\\\ •o n :'-lii) , Richnrcbon
Bll •ck
Syra cu •<' (.ltoe E. S............
Ke nn edy, Erne 't ... . .. ... ............ . I ;len R nck .......... .. ...... :'\em :lh:l ........ ..
Knowlt o n. (;co \ J.in cnl n l.oofbourrow. ............ l'c ru ..... ..... .... .. .......... "em:1 h:1 . ....... ..
! .yon. \ V. T :'\ ehr.1,k.1 City Otoc .\ Ja nn ing- .. \li en . ...... .. ............. l.o nclon .......... ........ .. . :"\ c mah:1 ......... .
Th eodore '\ t nth \uburn
0. F : 1\.•nt
J. \\'. ...... ...... ......... . .. .................. .. .. '
.\lclnin ch \m o' Bnm rl\'ill e
:'\en l, \\'m ............... . .............. l'eru ................ .. .. .... . :\ob l c, \'ietor . .... .. . .. . ..... ......... .....
Onl, J. F :'\orth \u hum , 1\: ru
Pee bl y, R obe rt. :'\chra-k:1 Ci ty
Pen nington, \ V. J.l.
Ph ill ips, F r. lllk l '• •rtt
Pi erso n. Ch :1-< .f Bro wnvilh:
Ot oc
!'ri ce, ,,. ....... . ................. :'-I elroy ...................... (; age ........... ..
Prim e, All en \ ra p:1hoc
Reed , :\l:lj or . l' cru
Redfe rn ,
0. E. 1:. ... ·•
R exe r, F red . B ........... ...... . ...... City . ............ Otoe .. ........ ... .
Ro th e ll, F ran k .\ \ 'c, t:l
Sher wood, (; rm willc J.............. So ut h Auburn ............. Xcmah:1 ......... .
Sim, \Vm. E Ci ty O toe
S mi th , \1111 :1 ll:lrl:l n n. F Bm tt on
Stout, E. S : \\' atc rl oo
Do ugh.<
T ea l, \V ii he r(; .. ................ ...... City ..... ........ Ot oc ............ ..
Th o m. Charl es .
r;::; I !..._
,- 1 r;::; :
r;::; ::::: ;"
" ....., I ST \' 2 I) \' J. , \1 (. -
111 \'J..\1 (. Jl> \' Et\R I'M L '1'1 (10 1. .\ l gcbra. Xatural l 'hilo-ophy. Rh et or i c. t; comctn· . Z oo ( ;cncral 1 '-ych ol og y. A !> tr onO illl. I Scie n ce of E du ca tion.
(;I "NJ •: RAI. EXF. IH .: ISI ·:S . -Vocnl O rt h ogr .1p hy d aily exerci ses, and co nstitu te :1 pa rt or th e Regula r Course . in I "" tin, fr ee to s tud en ts of 1hc H igh cr Co ur s e, ho ld in g of Crnc\ ua tion in I he Elem e nt ary Course. ('1
\1 '1 :'\ TER 'J . \l gcb r :1 . (i • nlilll wl . Chc mi > try. En gli-h Compooi ti on. Geometry Co mpl eter!. Geo ogl y. En glis h Lit er at ure. ( ;o nlinu ,d . :\l ora ! Philo oo phy. Art of 'J'EID I. Algebra, Comp! l'led . Chc m Cum}/ eled Bota ny. Tri go nome try. Schoo l Law s . 'Po litical Ec on omy. Psyc hol o gy, Lo mp! et cd . Logi c. l\f ethods or
Arithmet ic, Co nlinu td. Geography. Drawin g. Eng li sh Gramma r, Co ntinu al . ;\ I or Te ac hin g. 'i vil G ove rn me nt. HIGH ER C OU RSE . S PR I NG TER) I. ·-· ----Ar i thm et c,i Co 111pl ett d. I :\1a thc mati ca l Ge og raphy . . B ook-kee ping . I· ---·Engli sh Grammar, Co m pld t' d. of T eac g.hin P hy siol ogy . -l'H I :. I \' 1: \1:.
Arithm e ti c, Oral ami Wr it te n. Geography and IJr aw in g. R ead in g Wo n! Eng li oh C:rnmm ar and Com p o, it i•JJL Sc h ool E cono my. U. S. II i,tor y. · ... \\' JN 'J' J •: R
Th e sc h oo l bui ldin gs, whi ch arc large and a ir y, a nd a mp ly fu r ni shed . sta nd on an em in en ce, command ing a deli ghtful pros pe ct, nea r th e Mi ss our i river, on th e lin e of the Nebras ka rail r oa d, in a thickly settl ed a nd h ea lthful di s tr ict, ncar the v ill age of Pe n1. in Temaha cou nty. There are no drinkin g sa l oon s or other haunt s of vi ce in the n eighbo rh ood.
Th e y ea r 1 882 h as bee n the most pros per ou o; in the history of thi in s tituti o n. lts ca talo gue s hows an actua l attenda n ce uf 318 s tud e nts, all preparing to t eac h. Of these, fo rt y-five were gradua t ed last Co mmen ceme nt Day, t en in th e High er a nd t hirt y- fi ve in th e Eleme nta ry Course , n ea rly a ll of wh om are n ow en gaged in tea c hin g. Th e present Se ni or Class in th e Higher Co urse num be rs fift ee n stu den ts, while the R ev iew Cla sses look in g to gra du at ion tn the El eme nt ary Co u rse co mpri se n ea rl y 100 Of th e whol e numb er of s tud e nt s in attenda nce thi s year, one hundred a nd nin e ty -fo ur arc yo un g lad ies, a nd one hun - I dred and twe nty-fo ur are young ge ntl eme n, t hree hundred a nd one of them are from Nebra.c; ka, and seve ntee n of th em fr om abroad. Th ey represe nt in all thir ty-seven co unti es and s ix s ta t es . Th e ir average age is ab ou t years It is beli eve d that in it s sys tema ti c e ffo rts, the e fficient a nd h ar m on ious work i ngs of its t eache r s, a nd the fin e depor tment, high charac ter an d ea rnest a ppli ca tion of its s tud ent s, t hi s school wi ll co mpare fav o rably with any ot h er in s tituti on in the country. A lar ge majority of th e st ud ents h ave not been abse nt from c hapel exe rcises nor mi sse d a rec ita ti on durin g th e fa ll te rm , and this h as been tru e of ma ny of them for th e wh ole year.
is to furni sh young men a nd wo men wi s hin g to qua lify th emse lv es for teac hin g, suc h fac ili ties as will ena bl e them to obta in a co mplet e mas-
1Vc bras/.:a tate 1Vorma/ ScltaoL.
tery over a ll the br:m c hc · tau gh t in the different schoo ls of th e s tate , a nd , at the same time. afford them oppor t unities for acq uiring such a kn owl ed ge of th e sc ien c t: of t:du c:nion, and such ·kill 111 the art of teac hin g, a.-; wi ll t: nahk them to render all their acq uis ition s e ffect ive in the sc h oo l-ro o m.
whi ch e mbraces tw o full years of stud y, is d es igne d to prepa re t eac hfor un graded and lower grade sc hoo ls; and hen ce, in a ddt tto n to a c ntt cal study of all the co mmon branc h es, it co mprises a thorough co urse of i1is truction in th e organizatio n and manage m en t of un grad ed sc h.oo ls, th e me th od s of teac hing the differe nt b ra n ches, th e art of rend e rm g th t: clement s of learn in g interesting a nd attract ive to the young, and th e usc of illu s tratiYc appa ratu s for pr im ary sc h ools.
is des ign ed to furni sh s tu dents wi shing to b eco me s tri ctly profess io nal teach ers, such .ed uca ti on and tra in ing as w ill thorough ly qua l ify th e.m for the dtsc harge of th e dut ies of any edu ca tiona l position in wh1 ch th ey m ay be ca ll ed to labor ; a nd hen ce, in addition to th e Eleme ntary Course, it com prises a three years' course m the hi aher bran ch es, includin g pr ofess ional in s tru ctio n in the laws of men tat' dewit h th eir to teac hi n g; th e sc ien ce, phi losophy a nd hi story of educat ton ; sc h oo l laws iil ge neral, a nd th e, sc h ool system of Nebraska in part ic ular ; an d sch oo l grada ti o n, s up er visio n and manage ment.
I.n a dditi on to the reg ul ar classes of th e El eme nta ry Course, s pecial rev 1ew class es, co mp ose d of pract ica l teac hers who h ave b ee n over the c ourse a nd o th ers ha v in g th e re quis ite age , sc holarship and experien ce, are formed at th e b eg innin g of th e Fa ll Term , with a vie w to gra duation in th e Elemen tary Co urse at th e e nd of th e Spri ng Te rm .. Stude nts found co m petent to en ter th ese cl asses o bta in , in co nnectio n
LVormal .\cltOol.
with the ir profes sional in s tru c tion and tr:llnlll g. ,.,m1plc.:t t: ou tline reVIews of a ll the bran ches of the E lcuH.:ntary Cour c, within the pc!· ri od of one yt:a r. . \II pcrson.., wi -. h iug to en t cr t h cse sh ou ld . be pr ese nt al the- ope ning of th L· Fa ll Term.
A ll the s tud e nts n: ce i vc genera l 111 voc al mu sic fr ee of
S tud e nt s whose s tanding in th e n:g ul ar COII rsc ju .... tifi cs them in taking add iti ona l s tud ies , can, at mo derat e pnc <os, re ce i\·c sp ec ial ms truct ion in voca l and ins trum ental mu s1c a nd J .at in , but , dur ing th e reg ular sc h oo l term s, on ly in co nnc ,·ti on with th e: sch ool and ubj ect to its regu lat ions.
Ther e are two we ll co ndu c ted li te rary Phi lomath ean a nd th e Eve ret t -w hi ch m ee t r eg ula rl y eve ry Frid ay eve nin g.
The read in g room of th e In s titution , whi ch IS fu rnish ed with th e leadin g p apers a nd pe ri od icals of th e co untr y, is fr ee to a ll th e stude nt s.
co nta in s ma ny va lu ab le work s for refe.ren ce, co nsist in g of di c tionaries -Engli sh, Class ical, Mythologi cal, Geog rap hi ca l, Biog ra phi ca l, M at h emat ica l an d Religiou s; Cycloped ias of Ar t, Scien ce , Ed u cation and Genera l Information; a nd a we ll se lecte d c i1 ·ctdat in g library of ab ou t z, o oo vo lum es, fr ee to a ll the st u de n ts.
Fo r illus trat ion in th e natural sc ien ces th ere is a goo d co ll ec tion of 1 min e ral s and fo ss il s, together wi th a gr ow in g zoo l og i ca l ca bin et . The
i \Tcbrasl-a Stale ..Normal Sclwol.
ge ologi c al ca bi net em brac es ne ar! y all the cha ra cte ri st ic fo ss il s of th e upp er carboni ferou s pe ri od that are fou nd in Nebraska. Th e zool og ica l c ab in l! L co mpr ises at pre ·ent a s mall co ll ectio n of native bi rd s, and a ft:\\' ot h er a nim al for ms . .Bot a ni ca l and ent om ological c abin ets ha Ye b ee n begun, and the Ins tituti on h a.':i a ppr op ri ate appa ra tus for illu rration in natural philo sophy and c hem is try.
A ll fo rm s of n :: li <T iou s con vi c tion :ue re spected, a nd those who d es ir e th l.! adva nt ages of rdi gio us nurture ca n he re find a bund ant oppo r tu ni ties; but thi s, be in g a tate In s titution , is a nd a lways mu st be un sec t aria n.
As the State Nor mal Sc h oo l is in no se n se an in s tit uti on for the educat ion of c hil dren or people m ge ne ral , but a profess iona l sch oo l for th e sp ec ial in st ruction and trainin g of t eac hers, and as its co urse of s tud y, be in g a rran ged with s pe cial re fc.:rence to thi s e nd , ca nnot be acco mpli sh ed in a fragm enta ry way wi th any advantage to the s tudent, but w ith great di sadvan t age to the sc h oo l, al l appl ic ants a dmitted in accorda n ce with th e r eg ulation s of th e Boa rd of Educat ion, mu st be perso ns of proper age and c hara c ter , who h ave a fa ir knowl edge o:the co mm on bran ch es and are in good faith prepar in g to teac h. In o rd er to enter th e El eme ntary Cou rse, s tude nt s mu st p ass a sati sfacto ry examin a ti on in Sp e llin g, R ea d in g, th e use of Lan guage, a nd the rudiments of A rithm e ti c a nd G eog r ap hy. St ud e nts ho ldin g a ce rtifica te of qua li fi cat io n m th e Elem enta ry Co ur:;e will be a ll owed to e nter the Hig her Co urse without fur ther exa min at io n. • I·
will d epend upon dilige n ce in s tud y a nd good cond uc t. All s tudents are expec ted to be punctua l, prompt, n eat, acc u rate, t horough, earnest , truthful an d teachable; for such only ca n become sat is factory pupils a nd su ccess ful t eac h ers. Cont inued idleness or dec ided immo ra li ty on the pa rt of a st4dent w ill ins ur e hi s spee dy exclus ion. Nor will any st ud ent be retai n ed wh o, during th e r eg ul ar sc h oo l te rms,
Ne braska State No rmal .\'rh ool.
sha ll take lessons of in s truction d sc wh cn: or en gage in anr other bus in ess whi ch, 111 the opinion of the.: fa( ulty , "' irw o mpatible with his prompt allend an ce at sc hool or hi s c- are ful pre parati on for hi s presc ri bed sc hool duti es, n or wh o se c harac ter a nd g en e ral influence are n ot for th e goo d of the s chool.
S tud e nts arc ad mitt ed at a ll times, IJul the best tim t: to e nt er is :u the beg inni ng of so me one of the r egu lar te rm s.
Stud ents of proper age and cha r acter, who co mplet e the Eleme nt ary Co urse in a mann er sa ti sfac tory to a ll t eac hers and show a goo d d eg r ee of aptr.ess to te ac h, wrll IJe gra nted cc rtrfi ca tcs of qualifi cat ion, va lid in e ve ry part of the as 'econd. Gr ade Sta te Ce rtifi cat es. St u dents who co mplete th e hi gher co urse w ill be g ranted diplomas, va lid in eve ry pa rt of th e state as First Grade S tate Ce r tificates.
Pr ospec tive stude nts somet im es writ e fo r co mpl ete li s ts of a ll the t ex t-bo oks us ed in bot h co urses Tou c hin g thi s in q uir y, s uffi ce it to say th at we cann ot, in a dv an ce, furni sh o ur co rrespon_de nt s re li a bl e
li sts of the text-bo oks use d in ei th er of th e co urses; fo r, 111 so me of the d epartme nts, it is our aim to fo ll ow th e r at her th an any b oo k, a nd in ot hers th e te xt-b oo ks are ch an ge d occasiO na lly. Ev e ry s tud e nt sho uld brin g with hi m for refere n ce, a ll hi s old text - book s, whatever addi ti onal ones he n ee ds he ca n buy here at r ed u ce d pn ces .
Among th e many adva ntages which thi s_ a ffo rd s m ay be enumerate G,: its h ealthful l ocat io n, con venie nt b ud dm gs, ch eap b oardin g, free tuition, expe ri enced teac hers, good .li brary a nd ea rnest st udent s.
Jlh:br as /..•a 't alc JVormal SrltOol.
Each new s tud e nt i,- req uired to p ay. on e ntering. a matriculation fee of five dolbrs.
Boarding in pri\' ate fa mili es includin g furn is hed room s, fuel and lig ht , $ 2.5 0 to_ 3.50 per wee k.
Man y s tud ents re nt u nfurni ,; hcd roo m. at $I to 2 pe r month, supply th e ir o wn furni ,; hme nt and prO\·isio ns and thu s board themselves at r ed u ced rate s. En!;y thin g co ns idered. ho \\'ever. \\'C th ink it better for st ud ent s to t ake reg ul::tr ho ard
Th ere is co nn ected with th e in s titution and t he immediate supe rv ision of one of it s m o,; t lady teac he rs, a dormitory for lad ies . T his buildin g i,; ·oniH!c ted with the ·c hool building by a good boa rd wal k, is w ell kept. a nd e,·erything conside red, is the most d es irable place for ladil.!s from a dis tan ce to board. There is :tlso co nne c ted with th e dormit o ry a bundry. in which lady boarders so disposed ca n do their O\\'n w:1." hing free of expen se. The rooms in the dormit ory are a ll fu rn is heel wi th st o,·cs , bed s teads, tab les and chairs; a ll ot h er arti cles n eeded mu st be furni s hed by the students . The wh ole e xpen se in the do rm it o ry for bo:1rd, roo m, fuel and light, need not excee d $3 . 25 per ''' l.!ck. Only lady studen ts have roo ms in the do rmit ory
SCl ll•:D U l.E OF RE T!" IN THE llORMTTOR\'.
T&I01. WISTER TER ;\1 $/:I'lttN O TERAf
2d floor, Front, l.!xcept cor ner roo ms, $7 00 ;:;6 00 ss 00
" R ea r, " ,, G 00 5 00 4 00
" " " ,. 5 00 -1-
floor, Fron t,
ea r,
Thi s sc he dul e shows the rent for eac h ro om, a nd not th at to be paid by eac h st uden t, unless r oo min g alon e. No dedu ctio n will he made in th e cac;e of a st ud en t' s r oo min g :tlo ne. Th e of each r oom t ake n mu st be repor ted and i ts rent paid in adva n ce , at the office of the prin c ip a l.
ll6)"' T1tition in tlt f' Regular CourSl' ami t l1r us e of th e Library and R eading R oom an: .frN lo all lilf' slurlt•nt.>', ami tl1 ere art 110 incidelltal or con l iugenf .fe es
Nebraska State No rm al .Ydwol.
We are s omet im es a <; ked how mu ch it a !-o lttd <..: nl to atte nd thi sc hool for a s ing le te rm or for a yea r. r o din.: c..: t ans we-r can be give n to thi s que stion, as mu ch dep en ds on th e..: h ab it s of th e s wdent.
We h ave h ere g iv en a ll th e n ecess ary items of <..:x p c..: n sc..:, and s tud e nt in te ll ec tu a lly qua li fied to enter th e s choo l can fo rm tiH.: ir own e·timates.
Th d J 8 1/
urs ay, un e ' 7 72 r.
Co nce rt of 1\llu sic.
Sa turday , Jun e ro , 1Yz P. l•:vc rc tl Soc iety. S und ay, Jun e 11 , 4 1>. M., Ba cc ala ur e at e Acld re ..
Monday, Jnn e 12, 1Yz P. li t. , Phil om at h ean oc iety.
Tues day, Jun e r3, 7 P. li t., St ud e nt s' Reunio n Pra ye r Meet i ng.
Wednes day, Jun e 14, 9 A. Co mm enceme nt Exe rcises. Wednesday, Jun e 14, 7 P. ll l. , So cial Reun io n.
Examin at ion of Classes Mond ay and Tu esday, Jun t: J 2 and •3·
P tu YER Mu tc -Antltcm.
1·:. C.\ 1' . R F.E ll, Pe ru. Nebras ka.
I · OuR NATIO:->'s PA I.I.,\niL':. I- i\It !'s bt.I.A L. LAR H. Nebras ka C it y, Ne b.
\\"JTH 1\[ \:-> AS ,\:\' I.::n UCATOR -l\11 c:: i\L\RY L.
McK £:-: Z IE. P eru. Ne bra s ka.
Nl ll st c- Quan c tt e- 0. J[ystir (l / Riu rr."
S 11.1mT T EA CH ER s- i\[t ss S. l\lcK t::N Z IE. Peru Nebra sk a.
HoPE, THE Al' c HOR OF THE ]OEM . l\llcV tC KER. No rth Be nd , Neb ras ka.
l\l[ustv-O cte t-' · Come, Riu 70ith tin· L(lr/..•."
THE EDU C ATION OF TilE MA ::::> Es - i\It ::::" DEt. I. A ' "· u KOLLS Nebras ka C it y, Ne br:t,;ka.
H ow T HEV TH OL" G HT Al\IJ Ht\\V 'VE THi l'tz-l\I R. CLAR£!\ CE E. ORo, She ri da n, Tc hra:"ka .
l\lluSJC- Du et-'· T lt t' Crims on Glmv if Slln.>·et Fade·s."
THE F OJU IA TIO:>r <>F KAT E L. HEw Err, Peru , Nebras k a.
Dt SCON TENTliiENT A COl\ DI TI0:-1 OF PROGRE S!'- MR. } ESSE HES SELTI NE , Sabet h a, Ka n sas
Mu sic-Quartette -" Br(lll/iful Starligld."
VAL ED ICTORY-MR PH ILIP R. S tM , Ne bra ska Ci ty Neb r aska.
Mu sic-Ch or us- '' F(lrtwdl to 1/t e Forest.''
BENED I CT I ON. - - - -
*T his distr ibu tion of Exercises wn s m nfl C witho ut r efe re nce to Clnss S tandin g. 2.)
Saturday, Ju ne 9, 7Jh P. Evere tt oc ie ty
Su nd ay, Jun e r o, 4 P. M., .13 acca la ur c al c Di sco u rse.
Monday, jun e 11 , 7 Jh P. M., Ph iloma th c an oc ie ty .
Tu es day, J un e r2 , 7Jh P. •. ." Lud <.: nt s' Re uni on Pray <.: r M ee tin g.
Wedn esday, Jun e 1 3, 9 A.
We dne sday, Jun e 13 , 7 P. :.1. , Co mnH.: n ·cmcnt E xe rc i. es . . . . . . Soc ial Re union .
Exa mination of Cl asses Mond ay a nd Tu es d ay, J unc.: r 1 and 1 2.
Wint<:: r term b eg ins Wedn es day, Ja nu ary 3· r 883.
Wint er te rm e nd s We dn es day, :March 21, 1 883
S prin g te rm begin s We dn es day, Apr il 4, x88 3.
S pr in g te rm end s We dn esday, Ju ne 13, 1 88 3.
Fall term beg in s We dn esda y, Sept e mb er 5, 18 8 3.
Fa ll te rm e nd s ·wedn e sday, D ec emb er 19 , r8 83.
WINTER TEIUl OF 18 84 HEG IN S jA N tiARY 2, 1884