Th . umm r !t hon nuan nt 1' hool. Th w \'ark
hntr •mt
bundr d. <' m'
o k. lm . hi ko ry nncl ot l<' r pi O. S Ur ' < f lh \\ OTIC nt P ru
Th nt . ·orm. I cho p opt I
ru 1 th h m ul t ur p n n r oth r hn uo ts r YJ o i al ll f th ho oJ. Tb a mpu un. ur pa d fo r nat ur al r. E .• . Winshi p, ditor of th Journ al or E du a io n, to n 'P ru br as h"& bas th 'b es t na tur al s ttin g of any n rm al h oo l in th n ited stat es .' ' What oth er sc h oo l ca n b oas t r ix ty-.fiy a r s of su h sple ndid forest or oak , elm , hi c kor y, walnut , lind n, and oth r fin forest trees?
Tuition is fr ee. A f ee of fi ve do llars is c har ge d when th e stud e nt fir st e nt ers whi ch g iv es him th e pri v il eo- s of th e school for life. The r nta.l on te xtbook s u ee d not Pxc e ed one dollAr and .tHty ce nbs •a semes•t r. Rooms in th e la di es' dormi to ry cost f rom 40 to 50 cents a week; tabl e .board $2. 50 per we ek. Good b0 nrd '' ith furnished room may be had in priv-a te famili es at $3. 25 a nd $3.75 a week. Rooms furnished compl e te .ror se J,f- boardin g ma y ·be re nt ed at from $3.00 to $4.50 a m'Onth. Many stud e nts bo a rd th e ms e lve s and thus reduce th € cost or livin g.
,·l,i )I),;:,.
hl';t•k ft:f' r•·n,, ··': r .t:•· •.•. ,,,. ';f II<•,, ,:
SN:Ur ,,.,,;; n1,•· r•·hl:&l' ff(IJii .fll ;,,, ,., i :-, '''·It r ;·. i ,,. ,, , !:
!lrl:fltif•t•;;:dl• a•·l tLd r •. ,,,.&,., :J.U!•JJII''" ••II•· 'd f' ( J'''. _,, ...•• L
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awl ;, :. '. '
• t e · ': '"'f, · :. f._ • :.,-.n mal L iu dh·•·•·r ;;wl flii!
iJ:fifH1l 'Nil! '"' in •·: ;· I itr >f'l;'; L ''" r: : t-;_"' i ) •• ·:I, \.",, 1 (•)i :. ,,·nt el 11 I': .. ' 'I,\, ,; l'f> • :\ .: t I
P:c· ··: r.::ct:·,>:
:uul t luri•·IIL thl" w:tln :t:w ,,f l!w wkli ftnrl t'IIIHH·r·rl,,w: frn· f'Pru ,\r !Ia nud at. r:ranrJ ldarJtl, Hat•·ur.a, :uHI P"thl unf'f II\.\,. '. auol 1 ' 11 all i.n!llr·h lint•r>, llw tralu:.: r;wr n·:wh Llnr:olu hy 2:,1r, I'. :\1. Linrnln on lh•· llru"iw ('iiY train whlr:h at :-.: llrar{ka {'It;: .,.dth IIH· rra!ra nwr n·ai'IH·t4 at 6: l 0 in ttw r•vr·niug. RIIHir·utr,; on n 11 • main Iiiii' of 1 hP l'niun P:wilk and itJ..; will takP r·arl:; r•nHt hound anrl ("hnllf':l' to till' at nrand 1:-;lnnd or ColumhuM, or to tlw J•;lkhorn at J•'l'i'tllOnt. on thn main line of ttw I·: I k horn and hranc:hNI w i I 1 t al<t• the early morning train rrmehing LhH'oln at 1 o: HtudPnts on t.ht• MJssouri Pacifie and branch llrwA will find It c·on\'Pilient to c•onrH•rt with tlll! artcrnoon Bur•lington at Auhurn, or the evening Burlington at Nehraska City. Tlw llolrlregc and :-;ehraska City line passes through Peru. 1•'.\CUI/1'\'.
The worl< in I!Very subject and in every dcpartnwnt will he in skillful h.ands. AH a rulf!, the head of the department will have charge of the most eHsentiul courses for teachers. We will ·bo assh3ted by several eminent educators. N('UI'Iy all lwudH of t•cnmin for the summer· sdtool, looking upon this as one of the most hnJiot•tant
inu uf the• Yt•nr. ar,• r,.,,. st·houls in America. tbal an ii'h "''' mudt h) t ::;t•S.$ion.
The ::ulit•l'' \"N·non lln!l. is n modern butt11ietJ:. !wat••d hy H\•am. h:-· f'h'ctricity, with bath rooms. hot :md t•n!,J wo.tl't" mu 1.'\'t•r:-· rlonr. t·::lch room intt'ndt•d for twu nntl rurnl::hl',l :l$ Ih.•.btNhl, bcd spring:;, mattress. ;Jilin\\', t•umfnrt•·r. t•ltair.:'. wa:-:h:-;.eathl au.i ,ire.:'::t'f', wns.hbowl. pitcht'r nnd stth!Y f:&hll'. nrht·t" •• ..a .. :uhl th'''t":Os..ary nrtit':lcs, whh."h can In a trunk. art• tu bt• the student. It is to n;tkl!:-· e:trly !or romns. Uo\lm rt•nt from 40 to 50 cents a week Cor t•;u·h In or.kr to r(lO:U n deposit of $!. must be made wit b Uw n•sist rnr.
'fhe nt•w <-hnpt'l nnd is one or the finest un till' Tht• by one• hundred and tl'll CPet: thl' IH•ight t feet. It is pro\·fded with bnth room:;, dosets, lo<'kl"r for physlen.l trainIng and Indoor nthl\'tks. Tht' nl"w C'h3Jlel is by rnr the best assembly ball owned by the state.
The new llbrnry a two-story building 85x65 feet, the bascm<'nt story used for c•J:u:s rooms and the main story being for the library proper. It contains about 25,000 \'olumes of most exce11ent books nnd ·IHLill"llhl<>ts.
The old library building has been doubled in size, brlck-\·eneered. and con\'ert<'d into n fine sci<>llC(' hall. 103 fe('t long, 30 and 42 feet wide, t'\vo stories high. The biological sciences occupy the lower ftoor· and the physical scien<-es the upper floor. The equipment is am1,le for the most tb.orough and efllcit'nt work and is not surpas· sed by that of any s<-hool in the state outside of the Unh·ersity.
The ne:w administration \building to ·be completed in 1910-1911 besides glv1ng adequate office accommodations adds several fine large class rooms.
ltr.t: J • U. f.f
T h,.. ld r ml
S•J "f L. f . t •ll'fJ . ·orm:ll ; tub; u.r · r
iH a. ro Kla t ly ·In•· tlt•tn an rl for • lt-h •r h ·ormnl Hf>hool. To hi tl•·rn.uHI rnor' · rf,. r lv
A l11mot A IHf l:t Inn mnln nln n 'ft•nrht·r · l htr,•r u \'htltc•• JHirJin r r gracl ua f'K UIHI lu rl,.,, K ·I hou t tt lllt ldth · h oa rd H or Nl ucn Jon In ·I•• In. ·flklr·n lf'(aC"h r .
1. Gt:>nt"ral A of the whole field ur wleh a h•xe by and state huii•·Utl:-;. Ttd:-; ''nur:''' !:- rn•umttlt·tHh·•l f\•r nnd those r•rt parin.t.: lo rak.- t!w :o;:t:H" ··xamEn:HhHl. l"in• h•nars attt.•mlance J••mar hour:' lahna·at,:try nthl 1-!at'\lt•·tt wur-k. •rwo urhl mw_halr hours t•r••d It.
') ...
AssoC'late Professor Weeks. AtiiUC'l'J 1THE IX ·r111-: Pt"BI4IC St1HOOT S. This C'marst• is planrw;l ;lrim:&rily for thost" who ha\·e had high Kc-honl ngrirulturt• or hnn• ('nmph•tt•tl n botlk <•marse in the $Ubject. will ht• gh·t•n to tlw hnndllng of tht" tlt.•ld nnd lnborutory work. Tb(' mnking and of simple 3JlJlaratus tUHl the corrt>lntlnn or agrl<•ultun• with ot!wr subj{'<'ts. Such as: GeOJ.;r:t)lhy, whfrh is llt)W rt>cJuir,•.t in tht' ·bY the Nebraska Crursc or Study. T.vo hour:. nttendnnt'e. One hour Associate Professor Weeks.
AHltiGtii,JTt'R.Al.. G .. t-ourse t.«tkes up a more or lt>ss tecbnicnl study of soils. tht>ir relatlonshill to t-he gcograJlhlcnl of tht• world. Four hours attendance. Two hours lnborutory nnd UUliJl work. Field exsurslons. C'...o,·ernment maps, and tC'Xts are used. Tl\·o ·hours credit. AssO<'iate ProfE>Ssor \Vee·ks.
Any of the following courses. listed in the regular Normal Catalog. will be given If a large enough number of sbudents elet't: Animal Husband•ry, Agricultural Botan)•, Ornith-ology, Agricultural Entomology, Poultry Husbandry.
1. Five hours recitation, six ·boours lBiboratory, three hours credit Head Professor Brownell. Includes Lessons tn Astronomical Geography. Time tn studles of the Constellations and In use of the telescope counted as laboN:tory work. W•ritten answer ·papers to the lesson leaflets ·to •be written 111p ·at Laboratory, and ·handed in as .with Beginning Physics a.nd Chemistry.
.1 : •.cJro lo ' }' f l ,. 1 • t r r • ,.
a. •n SJ ra nry
1. 1f tl
2. H otan y l ,. pr •rt ,,,., , h · ('IJII r • lu an h my • nd l'hyJdt los• · or s•lan l abora ory wo rk. T hr1· • hnur t•rr·ll
r I >u 1 • n n
n til HI I • • •., •. ·f-,1
J•;\ ,.,.y rluy Ei •h
lun l 'r1 f• ur \\ '1111 n
' }J " fl l-\ J )'.
hCJUTH r£ f'lln lo ll, •·n hnurH lu.hnruwry, lh r• ·• • hour r l\
B s:; ln I g h •m1a tr y
Jl (·:ul Pr nrt •KHnr 1 rn wn ll
• Df .; J rf .t\ f, To \\'.
1• or111al1on or <·ont rar-I K, OfH ·rn t lon d iH h r • f go ds, bnll rnt•n H, wlr h ('ll.tl t ln ii K on t'a C' h. Th t Hh w In n n rm · ·c hnl c·al nr n nn ·r· th P ltnJI r Jaw aff Li ng nllnnry buHIII !• HH tr·anHn.ctl lh T wo an d on •·l1nlf h ut·H <·r· clll.
Pr· f 'HK ,. lz 11
A DVA N an . n c, ,., l.l n,lJ I< I nAl l'll rll II r. p rly, with h study or Fiv h 11 rs l'
Pr f 85 0 1' II. :\10DERN :&USI1N • SS RR • SP ND • N 'E. A nra tl al 'l r le tt er writin g, in c luding a tho rough study of p un t; untio n, u se of wo rds ari d sy non )" ms. 11wo h our s r ci tatio n. n h our credit.
Pro·fess or Delzell.
rlth lh tl
llA\\'[. '; .\ ." l P' ltt · .· H
J.;t,J ·;. ll·. 'T.\ 1 Y OR.\ WJ. · •.
bj · 'lK • dr. I robl ms In mnt rlnl·. • ur
:\ . mp and at ry "'' ric Tw ·T
l'!l.borato 1· cr ed it.
:l r in- . L ab rur h ur rl;:, d uble r A llin a- bam
GENE> L R E. A o ur d i "'ll d t h l·p t a h r in pres nting tbi wo rk in rural c ho ol Em! ha i upon co rr lation •with oth r subj t: . 1M thod Olf d mon tration , wit h in xp nsi ve e qui•t)'ill nt such. as rural c bool may afford. Tw-o hours att nda n•ce. F'ou r hours 1a 1borator y. On a nd one-half hours credit. Associate Profes so r Allingham .
1. HISTORY OF EDUOA,TION survey of educational standards .and practices from ancient to modern tim es . Five hours at -
fH·;xt;;HAJ. nH:-tJ·;Jc\"A't•rt•:;;;.
J'J:UH•II tu :dl
r,,r ;u·l.IHtl f.•·rt•·hiCr.>' '"f ;;,:r;v·Hn• '•<;· ;e, ,>•t.tl!" m·Juml. C9:'!.a.r-l;·t···: ar.,<•l r:..:u•·t.:d :c•··f·h·•t·. t.rattd) by nwtl•·l !l·l'hl''''· 111 •·l lfiJ;, rf•Jiflrl,; fi•IJU!r•·•l af.; ifl ·. >:o·d l<•W·. •>t·Lm•trt ami grarnuH·r. Ht1f11 r•·•pa(r.·•L Hrau. thrnu:h .lt.uw. •'r•·JU lwur11. (irammar n-t·n,iu ''''· l'rilmar;: •n ": ::u. t 'r;n\'·f,,r,L :\H:1'1f0JJS. 1'h•· fH!IIIar f•oun•· tu uwlhm1; or lH"t'Hr.mt.lng varloua tmhjN·rn lu Uu· •·l•·rw·ut·ary t•urrlt·uhllll ·by or Jer:tUrN<, ff•J•Urts :wtl fl Twn Uuth rorpJired. UllflH through .July. {iramnmr !I: no. Primary to: :co. •Credit two boura. CrawfHrtl.
10-11. TlwHc -aru Uto tf·guJnr J'rfwtiN! Nmr:;f•l4 u.rut t·an nut. be ol'fere'l .HUtl1itner A (•nn lw rnndt• f<lr a llm'ltnd number to )Jrooticf! this IH rur JlrnchU\• tlon. Am,llca.t.lon should be ma!lf! nH £!arly us ·r»<uu;lhiP h.r those
The r<!gula.r training will be In snHKion during June thus Insuring that the work will be <!Xactly as aclv rtltwd. following ·courtws are arrang(!d <·succlnlly for tlw Hummer school. One may elect more than two of each of thmw cuu rscs, but two hours elective credit wlll be the maximu·m C!redlt •for Obi:Jervntlon and two hours for Meth.ods.
23. KINDIDRGAU.Tii1N OD-Sl-JRVATION. The training school kindergarten wm be In session the second and third wcc,ks o•f the summer soh.ool. ,.flalncd kindergartners wUl ·be ·In charge of the department where practical kindergarten meth-ods will be demonstrated and followed by lectures and discussions, pertaining to the educatf.onal value of gifts, games and occupations. Runs throog.h June. Five hours attendance. One hour elective credit.
'l •. 1'!·: :'\UR:\1..-\l. st•IIOOl. 13
I'H L\L\!: Y
ATHlX. \ • t>mtr::\• in mudt•l in nnintac. <- tt t• j.•,·r.;o; £n :: •m•l t w ,. A t-mt l"':'t' plan nt'd r r l [.,,,,. \\ :th .. HC" at<.'! t':\C'•':"h··tll.•t• a:: a prt•pLU'ntion for tt>nt'hillk!. Xn :'tact :n .. ekt!t<: it<>:- ,,uat:;f•l•• l''h·t• hours nth.•n(laun·. nn .. h( •u r t i'h' t't"t·.Ht. .: :!o. .:\tiss Kt"'lh.":l>'. =::. 1:'\TJ.:IDtEl»L\Tl-: A:: ahnn.•. Gmdt•s thn't', four. th... •. \"an :\liddlt'S\\"ortb. t:H.\:\DI\1: "\:,: w-:.•. Gra<ks to ('ight.
Krt•hs ami llltill :&llo\·,... nitlt' and (t'll. !l;IH\. llr. Lefler. l'lli:\1 \H\" A Nmr:;(• in nwthods to <-o,·er nrw and two with Plllllha$IS upon nnturt' study and Jlh·turt- as ouUint''l in :Xt'brnska c-ourse of Study. Runs th .huh•. l•'h·t.• hour:- at h'n,JntH'l'. Onl' hour crPdit. !\: 4 5 . .:\liss
29. :\II';Tnons. As thrt>E" to the. SJwrial t•ms•hnsis upon JlOt•ms and in thE> :Xebraska Course or Study. 10:30.
lliss Yan llhldles\\·ort.h.
30. GHA:\DIAR :\tJo;TIIODS. nbO\'t'. GrndE"s fh•e to E>ight. 9:46.
31. IIHHI lU;TIIODS. As nbov('. ninE' and ten. 9:0G. Mr. Lefler.
32. HAXD 'VORK. This course- will consider suoh ·OC<'UJ)ntions as WE"nving, cutting, <"nrclboard construction, rama and S<'Wing. One or two pe-riods a we-ek gln•n to songs, games and exercises. Runs through .Tune. Five hours attendance. One hour cl<-'Cth·e credit. 1:30
33. GRADIO.:D SCHOOL ROUXD TABLE. Devoted exclusively to graded school Jlroblems· in orgnnlzation, managPment, discipline, and sch.ool relationshLps. Tuesdays and Thursdays. 11:15. Professor Rouse.
34. RURAL SCHOOL ROFXD TABLE. De\·oted e-:xclush·ely to rural sch·ool problems in organization, manageme-nt, discipline and school relationships. Tuesdays nnd Thttrsdays. 11:15. One hour credit. Professor Delzell.
35. HIGH SCHOOL AND NOR!\fAL TRAIN·ING ROUND TABLE. Devoted exclusively to high school problems. Two days each week. On·e hour credit.
r" ! . ' Mr. Lefier.
PE lt.t' Tf•. R 1.
1. ' lt.ltb p J·
wl h JH· ·lid :1JJflll • ltm rumm nr n n1 r•ro 11 d ftu cr ·Ill 'J " Hll ' hr
! r' H w or k In ' S<• ut hr m, Thf• h r r ·dl • n
hH it I lt••f I ·h J h JHr h·l ,. • T ·u hn 1r
l'rnf,nr 1h ,,. lfn 1 •r ll u
4. !i l f AKb S l'] • Al tK ,,. h nrJ I• nf! a.n Ollf!·half lH unt rNtl ·r h ,., •. I flU ,., r ll
.). !i ii AI<h S PJ•!J\JU•:: ;y h••ll11•· an l .\ You for D.d Va rt tf:d HlUd t; rt lH n( , hakr• JJI•Ur t• 'r hour ·r •ttl l.lk ., 1011 r Thl r ·d rr 1 r ( ' I on n
A.\1 Jijf{{ 'A. ' P h'I' H. f rfJifl \ Vhl UHlll, r, 1' H·, \II rl l. an d th ra. 'rill nl tmw• rH hy Ht u ch•ll Tw hn ll r rt lt .l· I n. n h. ur r ·dl Pr r• ·t-uw r lt n ll ft
ll'J)[lll a. 1on s. ;r c.lJt . lfl •n lv Hl lH IY f I h • (• H(· lltl nl ti 'C gh cour s In •c- h nlc-a l l•;n E-:" I lH h, "· lth ho ur s at •tHl 11 • •. 1'w n nd 11 - hnH 'LIS II .- l' r'• '('l ptlHIL •: ! our fl t• A r n t. rr.w h w rs at ndan c n h ur a r dlt
ra.mm r. A
d. ' MP 9LTI N AN L • 'ITER W TTJ N .- An u e S· h Thr In Eng Ish om rp osl\t i u d sign cl t se n rt ials of Eng li sh •an ff. r a t h.'or ougb 1· v,1 w are J.Jl •an Lwg to t aJC h b eJf'{) r .c ompl tl ng th hl! !;l h r o urs s ho urs at t:e nda n.c On and on -' ha lf ho ur s cred Lt.
e. HI S TO RY OF ENGLISH L l'I'ERA'l R • .- Th!l s lin lud s th bl st· ory ·of Eng li sh Lit era tur fr·om the ea r)l st t imes to t he tp r es nt. with car e fulJry ·se l ec ted r ea d.in ·gs to famdli a:rri ze th e s tuc.l eill t with the authors di s cu sse d. Fo ur hour s •aJt t en d'a nc Two b{)u rs credit .
1 F. n t· • 1'.· TJ-: :-.;
:t·: >L ;y I y 1011 or th' n. bu l nr hrp
m n >f nnin :\I n . 1 n
nl h\' try :..: r . tA •
lin It cl am un NHUJIO Ill ll • nd ot tim will b' n in • II th n h. $ I n h t n .
1 h :c• rman lub . m , \'l'l•kly , ff"rs c-on, 1 u I n nnd <I It: •l'rnan
I. I·.I.JI-,, I b. ··r.\ I Y lx wt•(k::.. T x t It nw .\ It , un I Tw
' 1 '.'TI (ATI
hlun g: ' n. I nrt 11. In u hlnn Fh· r d lt.
S. A
r dH. T. .TE hj
i on or m h•ou·ns att n·d.a n r >dit
m in ar hin o- Germ. n. ho ur cr ed it.
r \\ hi na k. \'i"thit n k.
r \V hi t n. u lz.
Pro f or \\ bJ.t k.
rman Lit r at ur . Di cu ssPna cti t a h in <>" T" o
Prof esso r \\ hit ell!a clc
a. TY P'E ST U DIES IN GEOGRAPH Y. -Th e Unit ed Stat es and her ..
nH ·n
t- 1: HH.
1 ' Y JI J·; 1'1H Jo: H I.
Nr J Ia Ur11l J\ (rl fl.
) ommr • rc• ls d 1111 lcm Nf h' ,.
u flh Y l twr:q , hlr r•• Inn •
tr y, unr l thHr rr ·la lmHt hJf, 11 ' II Hf fH IH (};.1. ·hi ll S{ gNW rllJ,hj'.
JJJ S' · H
2. b .' ' Lf S JI II lf fl H Y C t' HSJ·!. h ur s ·r ·ul t. T hr ·
P rn r, flnr E lll .
6. hnu
Pro f!• fHir hili
8. J!Hh EN T ll Y. -•Jv• hourH r•c·l a Inn. 'I' hrt·f' h CJur K <·n •tlll . I•: II IK.
Hf8T ll Y F I 81• Il MA TI ·. -'l' w ho ur H r · l tntl n. cr d l!t IH h ur
Pn r r El liR.
a. B'ID 'JNN JN' LAT JN. - Th f.und am •ntllls of }A Llin s tudy p lal s tr ss pl a;c d upon th mast ry of para lll g- mR, v c al ·U lary a nd nstruotive s n c ss ary fo r r ad•lng- s lmn l Latin Trun sln tlou, ompo s ition an d g ramm r s tudy s imu l tnn usly ·from lh IJ g ln •nln g. Five hours art ten,d..;1.nc 'Ilwo and on - hnH h ours r rl 1it.
As s<>c i at Prof ss or Wioo d
b. OAESAR. -A re vi e vr co ur se f·or t a ·h rs and oth rs wh·o wi sh to st ren gt h en th ems lv es 1n Caesa r. S·p c ial attention gi v H to one trtLCti.ons •and methode of pT se n tin ·g th s ubj ec t. Fl.v e 'ho ur s nt- · tendanc e. 'Ilwo and one-hair ·bo ure cred,l t.
Cla rk.
PF. t• l'E L II L
I. Bl·:t:l;\.".'1.'; C'l J-;Rc \ : lh inst :lt ilino..".
Thrutu:h drtll In H:"; f .\l' Tw n .I n)talr h ur.· ro H , _..._.., ilh T r r \Y Is . ., Th r:ll
Jll •· I· h c• hou :-; :lttc•tHinn <"o..'. hntr hn tr:
c \'II .'PI • ;\IHII liS:. or \ 'lrs:-11.
• llln fr 111 he• • .\llll1rpht w ith Thl.· (' u nay l11• a't• d Fl \(• h u · l n lnn c' \ Tw :-,ml n t.h · d ill in
-1 .\1 \' .\ ;\."('J-:1> \'II c;n.. tu·n t u wh to.. 1 on Ill ·. lt•r or \' lr ..II. l· h 'h ur.,. t \:ll Inn t. ·r ,. ) an I ( tH• -hnlC h )Ill's r cllt.
c. l.n\ Tl.. ' . P , ITI .\ ·In$:; w rl· In tltll{ S llb jo..•rt. 'T'w h ur:; :l T. • •. - Fh· h ur ntt n I an '.- Th ·ch I, w ill
ma I h p t· an Tw
A L rl• BRA .- r Yi ,,. n al "' bra mn y •t nk Pr F in'! 11t o ur s att ndnn c. ·r,, ann A
C'r BOME'I'RY. -A r ,.i w Any n geo m t ry m ay ta lc thi Fi Y f·or sta t x a, min at'io n.
TR£1GO O.fETRY .-T n ho t.rs att ncianc A iat Fi\· ociat e n y ar r tat ur k. rk in or n ll s orn 11.
SURVEY! G. -Pr re qui it e, T:·ig-onom e t:ry. Thi s fi e ld work. • r ed it d te rm in d by ·w-Or lc don -. co u rs is l argely Pr -of ssor Ho'Wie.
Th e De partm e nt of Musio is we ll equipped to offer instruction ln
i\ll brarH·h•·•.,
lu rttrJ,IIHvlft ,,, r.LH•' .•• f"g-;,r,··!-.•·:. "· _.,;:.·
tlH• h'cl•fl•. •yf fto•:t'•\:,.•·t. !'r. th•· Hh•·:. '" rh· i. f. :,r .-
:tli!l 1nr1 t•·:d
Til J•; HA:-<:n. ;dl liWtt. ,, ,, , '"'"·' c, hat! flllfiH· harurl w•1d:. , ·., 1 n
J'H.IVA'I'J•;, B11il,'; f'·;"t tlliarw, au;: l,;t:Hl m· t1r(·h•·: r r;• tn1 for UH! .t"•·ar at a .,..,·n• £'m;dt rf:llt t;f pl:tJIIJ, H•·., :U'I• 1)111• r
J•r;nH•. :uu;a; !•·· f.•;rru r1f 11 !u•· Wt•t·l( ,,\n (••·,·,., ih ;uu•·•·. a' Hw <•t
Jnstr·uctnrr?: H. Jlmw•·. Efn 1 • :+.i. Aur n 11 _ ,\ L•wb, aud .\ A II ilwt a pJ,rH\'tHl hy 1 J•rhwt p;d OJ•"' PI·Ht TJ·:It:\1.
Twu W(:,,k c .,.of: a! or i nr;t ruiiJI'Jl 1a I 1
S I :.! .Ill\ OmJ lwmon per Wf:ek or inMII'UIIII'IIIall Classm; of two nml four ·will lH! ofi'••rl'tl In voif•t•, hnrmonr and theory, materially thP of
The aim is to make good r<!adm·s. Tlw nu•t.lwd UBPtl iH IIH.! JISY· chological devclomnent of the JHlW(!rs of f!XJII"t!KHion. J..:Xt!J'eiHes given to the v-oice and body in orclm· that the Htudent mn.y cultivate responsiveness and eXJprcss tho thoughts and fe<•lhagH w;JJidt ht> can compre·hcnd.
ORAL I .-Comprises a brief cou.rso in )I honks. Practice of the rfundamenbal principles of reading with referen.e<! to the work in the publfc schools. Dally. 'l'wo and one-half hours credit. . •
PJ.:HI' :'\l)IOL\1. S.CHOOl..
EXi'irt'i':'iml L Litt•r>\tun• aetol m••:-{• ,•,mtplt•x i:; u:;t•tl. and '·;er•·htl ::Hh·ntti\:1. l'rm•rit-..• uptln f'mnmith•d O;dty. :uu! t>th•-imH hour$ t•r.:•ttit. wflt h,· ••rr.:.ani:•••l f,,r if' tht•re a ,£o•ruattt<l f,•r IH<H'•-- \\l•t•k in thP th•partnh•Ut.
1•. \W
PA iO.L\ I{ Y 1..\ \\', and ;ll·m·th•t•. 'l'hr·,.,. Jlt•rhld:; pr,•· llflt'atinn Thn·•• r.-.·ttath)n athl pr:u·tit•t•. OrH.' hmrr Grt•gg.
t;nuh·d mu::t·u!ar nwn•nwru SJWl'inl t'lll· ilha!'i..: is gin•n tn nwt hud:; uf nttr:;t'nl:u· 1\HH"t-lllt.'l\t in tht• Tlw g.-nt>ra I aim i:; hl th•\ t•lop a UHH't'ntt•n r. ancl rapidity in a:; wt•ll n l1t.•lzt•ll.
Pll \'Sit U.t )(1\'. of tlw ilt•ld f\H' h'tll'ht•rs and in prt•· paa·at ion fnr t ht' stah• t•x:uu in at ion. Oaw dou bl(' In borntory JWr \\'('t'k. Daily 'l"wo and on<>-half hOUl'$ <'l't'dit. IH• tnk<'n for t•h•<'tl\'c ca·etlit.
PI•>JtSOXAI. and g('llOOl. H attendanc(' nnd no laboratory work. Two hours ell't'tin• credit.
Proft-ssor Gt·C'gg.
BJt)GINNIN.G Pll \"SICS. ·-l,in" hours rt-<'it:ltion. T<>n Jler· iocls, Thre<> hours <'redit. Head Professor Brownell.
HI•JA./r AND LIGHT.--Fh·e ·hours recitation. Eight laboratory 11eriods. Three ·hours credit.
Head Professor Browrwll. AND 1\lAGNETIS:\I.-Five hours recitation. Ef.ght La.b<>rrutory peri'ods. Three hours credit.
LA•B'Y OOUJRSE.-PJ1ysics. (a). periods. One hour credit.
Head Profess<>r Brownell. No rE:>citations.
Head Professor Br<>wnell.
Arrrut ·•· wl h .lr Hrh ·r•••ll h
r·houl A ''''"' t l••r,a loll h •. n! • l••ln• 11 ,,. t.Jr,. ' IT 1.
lr•ndr fl('f·. Two u11d tJII•··hulf hrJIIr
r r•·cll
2. rrrLJ S' J'('JJY. Takf ·H IIJI rh ·lop llf'll n "'""' rrulll :••II tt ·
Htn.ndJIC lnr u • ·r lou.-. F l\'t hnllrt ''"' '·'" • T w( and on r·-l w .lf IHHJI"M t·r •·tll 1' ru rI' HO r ; o h n
:i lf YSI T...f :1 :- A L. I HY('lJ CY. 1\ ucly ml nc1. r a k£ n In t:o n nf· tlou with hP ('011 rH Ill It wil l he • th(• rNptlr ·d work In JU4y rho l ngy al t n<] L n nP - ltaH hour H l"r •Ill , !•l li lf r rpq\llrt>rl Or le liv e. JTJ·of rHH r .r gg
'l' J\ L PSY .; JT L nv . ap pll ('allc n of l.h • prl ndp l s c• tllH'fL Inn. (:(•n Pr n. l L11I H co ur ·. f nlly rl 1' h1R ( \I I' H • 1!-l al !{{) g l\· l r r as r
S IAL PSY H L · Y.- sy h( 1 gy o[ th : mo b, orr f ashion, •us to m, a nd on v ntl na ll ty pr· r J!U isit . a ll y a tt ncl n.n rt WO a n<l 0 11 -h alf. •re llit. Thi s c our is gl v n by on s poncl n
Prof ss or
:::dlORT>I-lA ND Th e Gr egg system of sh.orthan<.l is taug ht. ' Much practi ce in writin g and tran sc ribin g th e s horthand is given thus sldll in writing the ·Characters and conf:ldei.J c.e .ln . r eading them is acquired . Thjs cour se must be preced efi . 'bY Cour'SeEI
PJo:nt· STAT!-: :!I
'f\"PJ•:\\·nn•txn. Tlw nt' t.m\'11 il> t:m;:ht. :O:,tot••·hd ntt.-na:nn 1=- l'"hl hl t•mu·tm\tion, nn,t para· c;,·,·:H !mp:.n·t:uwt• i::: tu :lt>t•urat"y. tUhl n.-atnt f\·t• ,•har.t:t•,t far Qf nmt•hint.>. Tlw !u·!"t makt- nf nu:u•hin••:> art• fur l•ra('tit•t•. Crt•(t't tlqlt•tHI Ill•·'II t\UHHUlt uf W>lrk plisht••l.
Stll 'It lUlU\'
a. Cl\'ll'S. Tlw uf 'md tht> growth or the political ur tlw l'nih••l Tht• h.lWn$hlll, county. state, nnd nntlot:. Ohs\•n·tltiun of tlw U\'W:; rt>t•ord of t'Urrt.'nt e\'ents. Pr:u-th-al mt'l h·•d:' nf t>h'l<'$. J·•f\·v hours .Hh•ndnn:'t'. Thrl'f' ('rtttlit.
1. Sf>CIAl. A or ;:o\'\'rnm('nt, origm, growth. and cl••\'<•lnJnut•nt. tr:u·t•d tht• onmnizNl sot-iat :md J)Oiitic-nl institutlcmH of Uw h'tHllng <•h·lllzt>d nations of the Occasional lN•tun•s wllh luntt•rn \"h'W$. l"in' hour:; Tlnt•e hours Stone:-r.
3. .. Y. of Political Presenting tmulanwntal J,rincir>lt"s and an·actkal applit'ntions from issut-s or tht> day. hours Rttt•ndnnc<.•. Thrt>e h0\11'$ t>retlit Stnnt-t•.
1. ZO.OLOGY. A study of forms, Including lectures, recitations, dissections, field work, and the collection a.nd classification nt 100 htst=:cts. day. hours laboratOJ'.\' work. Two ·hours credit. Head Professor Duncanson.
· ti. ORGANIC EVOLUTION.-A co·urse consisting of lecture, recita.lons, and library work. Tw·o hours attendance. One boQurs crejit. Head Professor DuncanS'on.
A series of illutStrate-d lectures on ·biological su.bjects. One hour attendance. No credit. Head Professor Duncanson. liBRARY
f: • J f•·tfwt l • ..,. f••·l· .,, :. \\. H
1:1un:\ • fJ ,. f':lk.
< 'h7 .J \\' (;lfw• • .,, J \f J(H';f, tifi'
J•;f,"#•r#•U I ••; ,, ••. ,, •••• tjo, l'hllumathNH• MH••i..-J;•• 1 <• Phlk•JrHtllu•afl i'•W• Ji• ,,,.,J
\\",,,,.,.,.·,, ,\:c <•,t[;llL••O• y,,uus.: .\f,m';; ,;\r::·.ert·l.rar ,, "" f:attwllt· Chrli:flar1 .\·-:f:;awi;tritm
JJ•q•artrm·ntnl ('JutJ , ,t· C(! 1111, ;:j :.; ,, 0 =:.,:: j, \\ ., ,.).:. ;: i, . L (( ,.,- ,.,7'_(. i: I••• ,. F ''0 ot• (:" L r u, s,, ;,r. {I ; oli" I# fc .\r< •" I» • · n t ...,,i; ! t); ,. iif \'•" (Jdr.dt , ·e;!ff,.,r L ••. ,, J,r''"n··H El• ,tht)v U n! II•·C•"ric !lt!"I'H::-
Tlu· Utl•/ls';l•r Ht:aflth: ht•f'.\'l•l•fl lh•· •·l;a r,r or,,••: un:.unt.llinh ;111.1 ctt.•· !{(:flflfiJ. 'rtu• II)'Utf·UI uf t•lfi't'< IUh i'. !•f'. V. a.: ''['.fa ifli, ·. ht·tl iII 1'•·-· I'· IW••• ftl <\ llt•ru:uuJ f'r•11u t'lat:ro••l, atul t•luh- Th•· a I• i;.•·r dw·,. "''r "'"n'l:'t' a.uy Ullthtn·ity lln·r , ,. tloilu:n (It UH· t·la '"' tlw r•·lallllll ne lh•· to tiH• IK iHII'h I hat tao t·l:u ·"· •·••·r !hiulc nf ad I'"' \\ltiiiHit IIH· :JftJIJ'O\'UI tit' Ut•·
f I
Enrollment for th<> .rear 1904-1905. Enrollment ror thE' 1905-1906
year 1906-1907 ·
the year 1907-1908
IJ yon plnu o u•l u u 1 1 ,.,,,,J !tul ly tttl yrmr rwrtu• 1 f' n· ltiNl .I W 'rn l• r . P rll • ,,r