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The Senior C l ass of t lw
Ne b raska State Norma l Sc h oo l a t Pl•na
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fl oa ted fro m a ny publ ic build in g t h e re fCJ r thirt .'· .'·v:t r '- . t lt i-.. t'"'· it t :t , · .. t tllt .' where his fa ther had se rved in t h e: t' ni r.n ;mn.' · i11 ,xr,,, . .-\y ear o f teac hin g- lan g- uage: s u!Jj cct s in a k 111ak .... ,.ltl it t:tn :t J < ' littl · •lt. \ I i-. so uri , was fo ii O\\'C:d by hi s c oming t,, .\'c iJr; tsk a i11 JX< JX t" t: tkv ,· l t:t r;...:•· .. j tltv scienc e \\'Ork o f th e \ Va nH.: .\'o rmal. l ie lal'''n·d th c rv j.,r ... ,. , .,.It ' •·:t1· ... :tl• •t t.:..: with the la t e P res id e nt J. ~1. Pik ancl ,,t iter t c :ll ·h v r -. it t tit,· i• ttii .Jin ;...: t!J• • •I that in stitu ti o n. teac hi ng an an.: rage 11f !litH: c l: t;,;,v;, :t d;t·'· f, .r tii t\ " ' '~' k " itt tIt <' yea r. ra re ly takin g an y Jwli da.\· exce pt Th:utk ~g i ,· it lg" :tnd < ·l tri -. ttll:t -. . \\ ' l tik i11 \Vayne th e people: th e re: man i ic:s t c: rl th e ir e s t tT tl l j,,r h i n 1 ],~ , .],·,·t ilt :_: lti t tl t •. r•· 1• resen t \Vayn e a ncl Stant o n CfJ nnti es in the s t atv k g i;, lat tt r <· • ,f 1 ,,, ' ·'· w l ti,·lt It,· did mo s t sati s factor il y. scc urinl! am,nt g •1 thL·r thing s thv p:t '-'-:t ;...: <· 11i t il ,· J•r, . ._,.l lt law p ro h ib iti n g the sa le o f t n !Jacc' • t'• min"r" ltndcr v i;...:h t< T II ·' ,·:tr -. 1 ,j :1;...: <·.
The Wlud ln g S tream on t h<' ()ld 1; n·J->1! l·'a r 111
Fo r t h e pas t six years P ro fe sso r Cregg ha s b ee n a tl'a l· hvr 111 t il l· ~ t ; ttv \:o rm a l S choo l at Peru , be in g- at fir st a n a ssCJc iat c pro1ic ~~ ·'r in J,i t J! ,,g·y. ;ttt<l nO\\' a pro fessor o f th e phy sio }(Jgical s c ie n ces . I rc ha ~ ah\· a .,·~ jiJ'II\'l 'l l ilinl~t·lf a loyal Pe ru via n. at a ll times m a nifesting t h e tru e "l'c nt ~ pit· it." ll v il : ts takt·tt ·an active part in th e building up a nd s upportin g· .. f th l' litnar ~· S 1•civt iv ~ . l ' hr is tia n a ssociations . and d ebatin g c lubs . ( >ur en liege pap l' r ''"·,·s till· tn; tj • •r 111 ~~· tion of its s uccess t o th at unti rin g "pu s h" manifc ~ tcd 11\ I ' r.,fv ss• •t· ( •l'l' g ·g· 111 its b e ha lf. H e s p e nt t\\·u q uart e r s o f th e yea r t<JOIJ in J> "~t-.l!.T<tcltt<~ll' \\' •ll· k 111 psych o logy in the 'Cn ivcrs it.'· 1Jf C hi c ago. . l ie is the a u t h o r (J f t\\.,J b oo k s for tea c h e r s <Jf p!J.,· ~ ~~.J,, g··'. ; t11d cc n tly d a work CJ il parliam c: tJta r y Ia\\· \\· hi ~· il is ra pidl\· C<>lll i tl g· in t 11
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l'ro f<.::o;~tl r ( ;rq~·g ha:-; that JH'1":'\.'\' \.T <lll\.. \.'. l' tllhu :-:ia:-:lll. and ;thili ty ''' accnm pli :-:11 1il ing·s \\·hic h a r l' itl\·alu a hk a~s\.'ts In a s tKLT"s iu l caH·c:r . .\ lay I ' r ofcssor ( ;rl'gg' s ltappy di :-: p••s itint l. lny al L'llthu :-; ia:-; tn. a tu l i>u s i11vss a h ilit~· hvec>lll\.' a katttl'\.' in t i t\.' vcliiL' ati • nl , ,j \.'YLT \ . l'cr u ~ t t l(ktll.
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i\I A H.TII !\ U I LT N I.-.:1{. .\N."•wia l t• t·:dilur
J. D. i\lci\lii.I. EN. U ttsitH•ss .llnuugl'l' A . B. GE L\VI CK . ~l."·"n•·iale Uusiu css .llauugrr
A. 1.. R OBERT S . S~tb ...,t·rif'l ion .\ lanage r
C. ES S E TE l C II . A rt r ;ditor
NORM I E WICKLAND. 1'/to /ografJitet·
ELIZABETH F A LTER, Class l'ltutograJIIt e r
MA UDE BJ\UN OOr , Cctrluom'st C LAUDE H U T C HIN SON , Cul'locJIIist
FRANK ADAMS , Cct1'1oonisl
BE I{N l CE O ' KIEF, Lit erary /·,'d itnr
II EI.EN FAY. Nuo·ntalilt• I·:dtlur
WARD B. NIPPERT. Atltlct ic Ed itur
BE ULA H HARRI SS . .-Iss/ . . l t!t/l'l ir· I·;tlitur
M lLDR ED HANNA. Urga11i::atio111; f~'dilur
ANNA DA N I ELL. Uc/ig i•>~~s /·,'tlitur
C:Ll Z ABETH SC HM AUSER, Al t111111i I·:tlitor VI OLA l\IORRlS . .'':ucial I·:di t,r
L. W. Ul RK S. S r nior
/,_'t f ilur
p E ltC y STOCKDA LE. , Iss/. Senior ('/uss I·:cl ilor V E I.M A K I ~(j . . Iss/. St ·nior ('/ass I·:d ilnr EI. ME I{ C LJI{[ S TJ.o.: NSEN.
St~ lt -Set~ior
Closs J·;ditur
<._;EO. STE VENS, F:dit or Fu11tty /J(' fil .
!{UT I-I ZIO: NTZ. :\sNis lun l
W I LMA llANKS, Assi.~tant
IU JUOI.l'l l RENN l~l'K E IC . l...,si...,tunt
0. 1.. S TEI'll ENS. Cult•ndur MAJ{(;ARET H OLMES, <'alt•t1tl1Lr
8THEI. ROHI lSON. l'ttlt·odttt
I> 1<. Ill·: I< Ill ·: I<' I" L . \\ . I L I .1-:'1''1' D t.:an
IJ i ,ripk ,; ' Di,·inity Jl.,th<". L"llin:r,ity ., i l"l• ic •;..!."
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TIIL' IC I L\Y, \1.\Y 25-
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S.\T L. I<.D:\. Y, \I.\ Y 27-
R:oo to 12 :oo-- l.-icld Day 1·:=--e r c i:-.c,;. :\ i.;..:llt' -. l >n·;1111 . 8:00 p. m.- Scni o r C la s!> l'l;w: ·· .\1 irblllllllll"r
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IDrau fRou5r () ur i\ormal has gTtl\\'11 1•1 ht· ;1 JHl\\'t' r ;JJHI inllut· n~t' nnt ,,nJy in :\t'h ra~ka but in the \\ 'es t. The dut it·s ,, j tht• prt•sidt' llt nt·ccssari ly l>t·t·ame llhlre l'X II.: n sin: wi th the grn\\'th ,,f tht· s rhth d s~> that th t· uriict' ni !)can \\'a:' t'l't' att•d by thl· l: oa r d o f l ~dut.:ati• >n at i t ~ llll't'li llg· in lh·~.· cmh <..T. ItJIO. The dnti ~.·s ,,f t hi ~ tlf'lin:r arc man y :t lHI ,·a ri ed . fn1n1 a ni ng prL·sidt'IIt a nd L'tl un ~v l l tw ll f til.· Th t• imc hi d L'Xt't.:Utin·. t o th e ath·i:'t·r <lf th e facuh.'· a 11<l s llld e n t IHHly. purtanrl' t lf this <Jffin· is Sl'L'll lHI tll tl y l<l that ni the presidency its~.· li. Th crdt)l'l' it \\·a~ \'L' ry l'SSl' llli a l that a 111:!11 s !Jpuld bv L' IHISl' n \\'110 \\·a ~ llllt u nl y hig- hl .\· l·du~.·at~.·d along pn 'it·ssinna l and sd11 da s t ic l in~,·s . hut \\' Ill > wa s 1 rai n ~,·d 1)\· p ra c ti cal L':'\ l>l'ricnce in the uni\'L·rs it _,. ,, f hard knt~cks. so t hat ll t· might ha\'t.: s11ul ~.'' lllpathy fo r th e humhk st ,. ttuknt a s \\·L·ll as j,,r till' must karnL·d \\·!J,, coniL'S UIHkr his inllue1H:c. :-;u~.· ll a man \\'as iuund in l'rui. 1 ~ . L. Ruu s e . I )l·an R o use is pu rely a :\ d 1 ra~ka pru duct, ha\'ing b een bnrn in eas t ..:enIra! :\ t: hraska near ( ;rl'etl\\'tH HI. lie h~.-gan his •.· duralilln in th~.· little rural s c h o ol lll'ilr h is father's farm . \\ ' lw n hl' \\·as ten years old hi:' parent s m o n -d 1o :\uckulls C!lun ty. :\ ~.·hraska. near :\~.·I son. \\·h e re hl' gTl'\\' 111 Jllan h l>tld. co mple ting his ''·" rk in t h l' rural s~.· htJtlls. Jh- attL'IHkd l:airti~,·ld l ' u lk .t:'l' and th e \ Vl'~ t l'l' n :\n n na l in ltl\\';t \\' h l·re h e Sl' t.: ur vd hi s sct.:ulHiary e du cat io n . II was duri1 1!-!' h is at tendance at th ~,· lattn ~c h ool that h e met \ li ss 1\lwda TunniI ) ea n 1\ t> U:'l' attributes h is s u cn·ss t• l c liffc. \\' Ill) latn h ectlliL' \ Irs. 1\u u sc. t h is ljlll'l'l l t>i hi s hou s ..·IJ () Id . ~i n n· l'Ul llpkting hi s SL'L'<nHlar_,. ~.·du~.· at in n il l· J 1 a ~ grad uat ed irll lll l'nu. n ·c vin·tl th ~.· dq~TL't' uf l:achl·k>r uf l·: ducat it>ll from hi s .\ln1a .\ la ter. and l:;trh~,· l ·~ r 11f . \rt ~ in>lll l 't~ t nn l'n i n'r~ it _, - . !-'l·t>lll till' b eginning o f hi ~ lL'arhing c ar~.· ~.· r a ~ a r u ral t each~.· r in :\ ud;o dl s l 'nunt\·, s ucn·~~ has l'rt>\\'llt'd hi s l'l'fo rls . . \fter teaching thrl'L' .'ear:- in ,., ,1111 try s 1·iHH >Is hl' \\·a s calkd t o thl' prin r ipalship ,, j th e I kl>n1n l li g h ~c ht H>I. Jl i,. nc ~ l pro111otion caliiL' ,,·it hin a fL' \\' ·' ears . It \\·a s t o t h e s tqwrintend l' n l'.' o f tht' \\ ' c~:ping \ \ .atl'r ~ch ool s. It '' a~ herl' thal h e prm ·ed him s elf 111o n · th an a s trn ng te;wher and di s~· ipli 1 1ari a u . I ll' attracted the attcntiun o f the :-clwol frall'm it y oi :\l'hras k a by hi s l' ~<.: q>ti t lllally s lrnng- l' Xl'l' llti\'l' a bilit .' a n d his ra r e tact in d ea ling \\' it h men uf a ffairs. J l is g-r eat s ucce~ s at \\ 'ee p ing \\'all'r Sl'r mcd for him the SUI H.' rinlt'rttlenc:· n f th t: l'latt s muuth sc lwu ls . ~up t. 1\uus~.· \\'a s 111 >\\' ranknl an to n g the ., 1r u n ges t o f \: c h ra sk a' s ft~r<.' IIHlst . sc h ll• d ni L' IL In 1tJO/ l 'rvsidl'n t ( ' rabt rl' v selected l_ 1 mi. Ro use to be s up t' l'llll L' IHknt of thL· trainin g dc p art rnen t td. till'
i\tl l'lllal. . r 1 . .. . T he fa ct th at !'resident ll a _\' l'S L' il•lSl' il1111 ••r t ll' Illlpt>rtant pt>Sitron , >f I h ·a 11 uf th l' ~tal<' :\or111al l>~.·s pl·ak s l' rui. l~< l liSL'· s :- u rn· s~ a ~ "lli> L'rint ~.· ncknt <li t il l· · · r ( 1l.11 <-11·t 111 ..' 11t • •S J.lll'"' hL' l tH•k ch a n.>'l', ft 1ur humlrvd gT;tdu a ll'S ha\'l' i>~,· ~,· Jl l l"llnlll' " ' ·lnSI)Il'l'l ' · ,. .1 1J.,. hi ·.; "·tru no· wr.;onalit ' and i nlltH· n ,·~.· . Til L· llll' IIli>L·r:,,j t h~.· pr,·:-t'll t ,..., 1 . · . . .
S e ni•'r class co unt it a s cllll' ~~j tlll· ~r ~rvat v-.t l.> r~ n k.t:t.:" t h ..:.' h a n • h;HI th e nnln sl'l and ach·ict· in tlw1 r pr• lll' ...... l, ln;JI t.ra.1111n g .Ill tl11 s g_"•>d ~11an. \\h ~ ' ~.\ ntpathi 7l'S \\ith them intlll'ir s irug gle-. and l'l'J "ll.' l'" \nth thl'lllln th l' lr . . lll'l' l'S. . .
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\\' . l'. A .
Tllt •sis 11''" '' .-: lt'r!/ St ·hool s - Tht · i,· /11 ( lllt' tlt' t' ull J·:cltl!'tl · liOII .
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Uuru/ St ·IJ,,d J•,·, ,t,. '/'/tl it' .-.:IJ/11/iiiJI.
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.\lc•X Hlldl'ill
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l'h i lonwlh,•un. < : l't'lll :lll ( 'lui•. ll r:tlll:t ti t· t ' lllh. Latin t ' l11 h. '/'/t, ·sis .1/tlltttfll 'l'ntillill ,t/ in 1/u· (,' rarlt ·....·.
1 '.
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I 'l11h
tt{ .ll uh .1/iutf.
I' I:\ 1c1-: 1n; .\ HTI·::\ ( )t; HJ:..:I:I :-:~
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It I H~
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;o-:.,·llm ldt
Tilt· 1-.: in<kr~· artt' l l day h t•r e i~ Jl\J t the ,.;1:-;: hours t)i gTad c "cht)l)l, but a ( lnc ca n hardl y ap pr L•t·i a t c "·hat i,.; ac.~ fl11rl. i nlpr t•,.;,.;i \'t' fl tTit l tf fn >Ill IJ tifl I I. C<J IIlflli " hnl i11 "'' ,.;hc•rl a tin1 c lJ_,. th e n 1a n ·clo u " j>l'll l'l'"" o i he lping: a h uman IH·illg" t o unfol d and <kn·lclp within hiJn:-;eli P" "· c r s \\·h ich h t· learns ·r,) U!'t' a ri g h t . l.t·t 11" stt·p i11 ;t ft'\\. n Ji ntllt'!' early. II nc \\·c ,.;cc th e t·h ildrt·n in a large . s unny nHllll. happ_,. at th t· ir ian 1ritc play. lt may be \Yith a bean b a g t) r 11·ith an autc )Jilil t ic ,·ar IJrutJg·ht h_,. !'<)nil' t· hild. hut \\·here quiet cn n te n t re ign s . we find the dCllb ;tnd d o ll h() u,.;c tilL· stdc int c rt'"t. Snft musit· is JI O\\' heart! an d p laythings arc put a\\·a_,.. \\ .ith fu ldcd hands the chil dren sit t)!l the litt le red c hairs ar•,und thc tai Jks ;t n d a \\·ait the gentle ch, ,rd that t e lls t h e m it is tim e to ,.;i t in happ_,. c irc k . \\'l1at <Ill atiJHISjlh crc.:· ui j(l_,. ancl "c li-fu q~·c tfulness there is ! F irst th e r e 1s a ( ;IJod .\lnrnin .~· SPJlg ! 11 St)nle lt)ng- ahscJll Pile. then Stlngs . n e \\· and Plcl . are sung 11·ith e qu a l L'l ilhusiasnJ. Th e suh_kct that th e leade r 11· is h es lo ta lk about is Jl()\\. introdut-ccl s<J tactfu l!_,. tha t it St'c Jn s t o come spo n ta n eous ]_,. from the c hildren . The t' \' t'l'- \\·cko nl t' st11 r y is a fi ttin g CP II Clu,.;ion . . \ft e r a silllilar pt•ri ud t't lllsisting , ,f marches a nd r h_,·thm ic e x e rcis es . t h e ch ilclrcn JTSlllll c their places at t h e tahks ,,·he r e t \\T n !y m inu tes is clc, ·o t ed tn hand\\ IJ rk . \\'c see nne tahk bu s ~· at a gift lesso n. a sc nmd tahle-gruu p is cuttin~· all apple. irn· hand. \\' lli k a thi r d i,.; \\'\.'a \·ing· a ma t fpr d oll ~· . r ul luw ing this is til l' g·anJ t· pni n d in \\·IJiciJ the children form a c ircle . Th e r e th ey ga in tli v r l'l a:-;:at ilJll that .~·t l css ing· galllL'!' and in lk d a nc e s gin·. t)r l' ll jny t h e qu iet. sc l fIHJSst·ssit 111 and unrest rail It'd prt'Sc ll tatil lll nf s o me dra Jll atic pia _,. aris in g: fru m t h e llltJrning talk . . \gain tlil' thtJtlght t •f th e da1· is cn ntinut'd iurth n at t h e sl't' ()nd pnil1d nf tal,l t· \\·,,rf.; 1111tilthe time fnr -~·ot ld-i>y e s. Then \\'l' lt'a\·l' . kc ling· hP\\. n ea rh· \\T t·scapl'cl rv;tli z i11g tliL· ,·it;JI sig·nificalll' L' tl i it ;1ll.
Si. ri JI s' ,- , u
I I a11 s • · 11 I
:' I ·I\. ... I ' •II •.
3Juniur Qlla!l.a
!Jr umuwnd A p ple;ra t" IIi I I G l'H .\' :; h a r p l l 111chi n s (' ratH •nl• "f' II Hit' t ;Pf' S(•B .\ 1·11ue kl l' Swanson ll anl " ' ' Flld ;.!4 ' Gatlin Kat ll <·riw • (i r (.. ronlt·f· l ln n k s Cr·:rce .\J il h ··· ~ f a u de ~! ill ~ • ·
l l a\' P II s l~ r:tn a rn:t l l
( ' r, \\'" r:-:
.\ ppl t·g-a r , · :--:. hi \'(•1.'· I ~ ,." ,,. n
\\' t•t' l \. I .' ·
l·' ni •·,· Joil d l ·: d i 11 1 \\' il:--:n ll
llt•ah..·y ~hav~,.• t· ll anse n ~\tHh' I' S\) 11 :'hlph.•J·d lly f' l' )lag- ntts :-;u n llyf'r ),,.,. ~tt•H't'l' 1-:llt•r:-:it•l\ l':l t':-'1111 l lau:-:t•J' Hhoclt'!': I~I:H.: I\ ~ tnw • l.und.\' (;:lrll•'"' I::d~t n n 1-\i r :-::c h
H t.• n f,·n ~PJ.!t'll~t·
Hlrl'lt .\ Hch ·r:-:ull
\\'a 111:-: lr-nn ~ l'ltolt
lt••c· l.;
Jhuttor illhuu1
l .l'i lll.~rtlllt·t· l: tH I !
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T:t,\' l n r :--:lllil"
l l tt('lllll'
, • . , ::lllllllll
.\ I uni"nl'l ~uid · ·r
I ~ •.
l :l'tl\\' 1111'1'
lh • il:l~ ~i<'ldiil'i<'i;
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II i l ZI'Il
!"'It':! lid
.'lnilll:'n ll ~IJPnn ) t H I
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n ~·l zf' ll ~~
Qllu.sH ®fttrrn; I 'r<" -i d ,·ll t \ ' i,·,· l'rl' - i<kllt
C . . \nhu r .\lldlT:'IIll C,·... ~- I I a n ,;,· n 11" ~"~ l'll "'' r11 k ,-
:'c~·rl' l: tr .'
T r ,·a-ur<'l" . 1.: l'p oortl' r l'J"' " .\d< j,,.r
c,., r;!',. Bl ad;,; t o•n,· Earl C. Bn·k l'n•i. \\·. :\ . Dd z,·ll
l'ur{'lr and /l ' ltitt' . C l. .\:':' J1111i• • r ~ . l11ni, •r'.
ltllt i• q· .... .
\' 1·: 1.1.
J uni o>r ,;, II 11oray. I I "'' ray! f uniur ,;. ll .. ,oray. I I n nr:ty! llo oor:ty ' I I nnr:ty ' Juninr ,;, II 11or:ty. II <Hll"ay !
Till· l u n i•11· l"l a ~~ ni ·, 2 ~ta r lt'd it~ third ,.L·ar \\·ith btl\ k\\' nf t he "Old ( ;tl :t rd" pn· ~c t tt . \\ ·l. \\ crl· ~orry to '''"L' <Ht r l':'teenwd a <h ·i,.;cr. \ l i~~ C ulb crt"' '11. ,,.11,, ila ~ ,.;n eftic il' ll t l_,. a nd iaithfu ll y a<h·i,.;l•d a nd gu ided t h e cia ,;,; th r o ugh t\\·n y ea r ,; ,, j ~c il<lld . h u t ,,.,. arL· f, n·tun;ttc. itHkl•tl. in ha,· ing 1'r ,1f. \\ ·. :\. Delzell l•• pil t>t u,.; thrn ttg·ll tile Juni, ,r and ~l·ni , ,r y ear,;. (In < ktuhe r ~ tIl l· cia~,; l' tlj <)yl:d a ~l'\Tn <)\·lnek b r cakfa:::t in ":\cal',; g-rnn· : on thi ,.; t> cc a,.; inn til l· tlll't lllll'r ,.; of the cla ~s. a l,.;n ha d an nppurt u nit _,. to lll'cntnc I,,·tk r acq u a inkd ,,·itil each uthn. T his gatheri n g s e n ·ed as a p rcl'udc !" t>t tr 111:tny ,;.,cia! ftt tlctittll S o i tlw _,·ear: ll:dl tl\\"l' .C' n \\·i ll b e j,,n g· remembered h ect tt,.;l' ' ,f it,; ,,·cinl ,.;c,•tH':', ,,·itd tes. g h",.;t,.; and .~ k e kt n n s. hut longe r hy so m e hl'l' ilt l:'<' ni I 'rnil',.;,.;()r I )clzl' ll ',.; g·h nst st ur~-. \\'e pritk "ursl'ln·s u p< •n the "qualit y" oi 11ur da,.;,.; io r t h e r l'asnn t h at J ttt tiors h a n · "''l'n cottspicuPus in n earl y all o i th e sclwnl acti\· it i c~ . In athktic,.; t h e J u n i"r" h an· p layed a prum im·ttt part. d ctnonst ratl'd by th e fact t h at cig·ht first -tl'il tll f'"'thall 111 c n. and fnur tir~t-t ea n 1 bas ke tba ll tn en \\·ere Jun iors. :\t ll t) n g th l' ,.; pl'cial cdehriti,·~ in athkt ic,.; arc \ lr. \ 1. 1'. l~cnfro and \lr. llarley S ha\' e r. of our l·lass. \Yltn \H'I'l' th e Pnly m e n of the ~e lmo! c ho ~(' ll on t he .-\ 11 :\ch ra ~ k a ,.-, ,othall tea m . f n t lt c :\ l'hra~ka S tall' .\.c:ric ult ura l I 'ri zc E~say Contest, t h e J uni ors aga in led the ~l· lwol in t h e numh L·r "f p ri zC'-\\·inm·r:-;: t h e \l i :-;sc~ H orte nse Tnk ~ . ~col a !'a rson. Crace \l"nfo r t. and L e n a ll an·ns. broug-h t honor t o t h e class as \\·ell as to th e :\llrtnal by \\·in n in g prizes in thi s con test. The c lass \\·as \H' ll r c p rescnkd in the prel im inary d ebates. Th e fo ll owing- Jll Cill bl'r~ nf o u r clas~ ,,·o n pl ace~ o n t h e team s and ,,·ill represen t th e ~ormal in in tn- collcg·ia te debate: \!iss 1\ucna l .cc. h:carncy team: \!iss E ll a n ella s, \ Vay n e team. an d C . .\ rth 11r .-\n dc r so n. \ li ssou ri team . l\'[a n y of th e Ju ni••rs \\·!11 • haH' n" t hcen at tend ing- th C' :\or m a l t hi :-; Yea r hul hav e h ecn te achin g· arc e:< pl'c! l' tl t <• re tu r n to sl'l lOl)l next ~Tar an d gradu ate w ith ou r class . d u e to t he l' ffnrts of till' l l) l 2 C o mmitt ee. T his co tn tnitt ec. nf ,,·hich \ lr . ( ;en. ~- ll a nsc n is chair man. has b ee n wo r k ing- cl ilig·en tl y in " l >rHJ:'ti n g·" for th e d:t'~ and in pul lii ~h in g· c ir cu lars \\· h ic h \ \"l'I'C' Sl'n t tn 1•n >S fWl't i\·C' s t ndc n ts.
( 'Jo\'P I'
J.i Ill"
S im~
c'n rw·l l 1\:IJIII'll rJI
I r IJ ~ I••n
11 :1 111.; :-.
Lun,!!fcllrn\' J·:ll ~ lll ! P I'gC I'
I! alliS(',\'
Tn.\· f,,r
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l: l :lt 'k I ',
1': 11' 11' 1'
T ngg:1r 1
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.J o ne>;
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t ' l ..\1: 1: l:l :tt\1 :-; t 'tll: '>l:l.l . . \d\ l'l'l'
F F rl" E R :-;,
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P rc:: id..:m \ 'i,·c
.\niHil' l.•>~ l ;..:ivll .. ,,
l ' r c~idc nt
:-;,.,.r,·tary l'••rul'il
' rn.·:t:-. u rl·r . \ch· i ~c r
Till· prv:-t·nt ~''Pll•llll••rv dass has tht• distinctinn ui being tht• lirs l t·las:that 1·ntvn·d th v .\J,oclt-1 lligh :-; 1·!1 1111 1: it ha ,.; ;tt tlw preselll tilllt' sn nl l' ~iftt•t•n lllt'lllhvr:- '' !11 • \n·r,· in t ht· 11rigi11;tl cia,;:-. Thv p;t:- 1 .\"l';tr ha:- ht'<' ll 111 "'t ,.; tll·n·,..,.; iul in all rt•,.;pcct s. In t' \'try sdtttol ,.,.l' llt thv t·la s,.; ha,.; hl'vtl n ·pr 1 ,.; l'lllt'd and ah1J 1,ugit \\'C' arc few in lllllllUC'rs \\T ;1r1· 1night .' i11 ,.;pirit. l11 thl' 11 111· 11 j athleti 1·:: th e Snph o m o1rcs ha ,·r been rcprr... ,.lltnl in nTry lir,.;t lt' anl in all till' ,.;ch 1111 ] :-pnrts . and han· cll nlrihtll l"d to the .~·J , r.' .. r t ht· sd1• 1nl nn ;tl! .,,·casinl!,.;. l ' pttll tiH· t'll t ra nn· 11i o111r class intn its Frrslnnan ~·car. l'r<1ksso r Cornell \\a:- ch• '"l' l! ;1c h ·iser of ' •11r grlll tp . II l' ha s ht·e 11 at all time,; dt•t•pl~· intt•rt•strd in thv IH·,.. t ''dian· ,.f thl' cla ss. a 1HI has ;\l,,·a,·s ht·t·n read,· ,,·ith wnrds ni dlL'er and t' lll'"l lra g·<' lllt'l ll . < l11t· n f t hv 1hing·s ,,·h i1:h :-; 11 p 1Hl nll l;.L.S w ill not fprge t is l h t• tal ks ;111d ...:vrnlll lll'lks \\'hich \\'l' ha\· 1· heard i 11 111 1r \\.cd n es da .' · 1n111'11 in g c ha pt'l (ltonr:- frtllll J'r<1f. (.'o•l'llC']J. Tlw l"la:-s is 111 he lllolSl llnfnrlun;tt 1• in th 1• fact that at th e d11se uf th e pn·st·nt tl'l'lll •.i St'IHJ•tl .\lr. <. '• •rnell. aita three \Tars ' srn·icc in the :\ormal. is ka,·ing. 1Ja,·i11g !wen t'iet·t t•cl t•l the !wad ni tl;,. department of mathematics of t hem.,,. :-;tate .\·,,rma l ill <.' hadn1n . . \lt!J,, 11 gh n ur h)ss ,,·ill he great \\'l' \\'ish .\l r. < 'unll·ll all t llt· Sllt'l'ess he so , r iel II.'· dt•s 1·n·t•s in
,....:, , , , , ,
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all h is und erta kings.
(J,·crl v n
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ll nu n nfurd C T.e:;Pr 1\:"PUII I'cl,,·
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\\' ikux Tykr···ly nlnc·k .\ 1'111 ~ (1'tlllg' l l:tdl,•.\' l.t~ll~ l .awn.'IH'f' :\',·ttk h•ll l·: i r.. 1·1 l 'U O()l'l' l ~''a rd Jl ,lrl"·l l
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<> h . '\"r111a l dl'ar. ;111d Lhd yo~11 hL·ar TIH· 11,.,,., that' ; g n in' rn nncl . 'l'ltv J."n·, h•llt' ll :til ;l l't' <k:'t in t·d ltl lw .\ 1'-·n
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th:lt tll l thl' tl<'C:IIl g"" . :lrt' ~aili n ~.!,' tt) th l·i r gt ,al. :--;., ".,. a,; F rt·:'h n lt' n :'tart l'd u u t hi ; \', •yagt·. h ca ri a nd "'111. <)h. llt) \\. a:' i:tntc._• g·lith·=-- o\·r 11 :-o. Pttr l'nlt•r ~ t.: a n he :''.'l' ll . \ \ ·,. " ·ill \\·an· <ot1r rt~y a l haun,·r. 'ti ;. T ilt' 1'<' n 11aut. \\·h itt' and gT L'<' Il. Clwrll:'. <>h . \\'L' I'L'I IIill d ui :' pringt il11<' :'\\'L'<' t. \\ ' h <'11 grt't'11 gTt l\\':' ld t :11111 r ight. y ,., , ;..:r<'L'11 i:' lht• =- ~·mbol ,,j gr,\\' t h. llurr;th. i"r .~Tl'l'n and \\· hit c.
;•.', l' t Jl/ ,11
Sf I t
QlurpP illiPm (@umn :!illlintmus <!lrrl'lula lJn strrn ()I: F I C J·:I< ~ .
\Jr. ) . \V. \\'ear . .J r. \Jr. Carl 0 1't: rt<•ll .\1 i , , Lu t:lla f) Y<' \I r. Be n J'•ll t:~ \ Jr. 1'. II . (,,,,k .\ Jj,., llazt:f Fry <: \ I r. l< aym •.n d Cornell \ I r. 1<. 1~. \\'ickhatl l
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The Fres hman Class of 1010- 11 lla\'l· till' il • Ht11r .. j !witt;..:· tl11· ,·,r -t l: r ,·-11 man Class to be o rganized un der tht.: adtnitt i-. lr: tt i .. tt , ,j 1 'r,·-id , ·tt t ll:t \ <.,. :ttl<l expect to be the firs t class to co ntp ktl' :tl l <Ji it - ,., .Jlq..: •· 1 ,·:tr- :tt I \· J' tl ttttd t·r 11 i 111. T he "g<..:l acquaint<.: d' ' ' lll ti ng \\·as il l' ld a :- lt " rt t i ttll' :tit t' r ,.,· Jt , ,.,J :- t:trtv<! and pro1·ed a g reat success . . \ bt.:autiftli ;,p "t itt tit•· ,.,," .. J:.;. t1• o1 i:t r ir • •tt l lt ,· r <' . \\'as selected fo r the place. 1\fle r a rri 1·in g-. tltl' dttt _,. • ,j , , lilt<' ,,.;,,.: !• • pr• ,,·idt' themseh ·es 1rith a C()oki ng fo rk, ,,·hi c il 11· :~, :t i·H·k ,·d :- t i,·k. :tttd l•r •· l•:tl'l· t lt t· meat, \\'h ilt: others made the coffee and 111adv r l':tdy t lt L· t:tl1k. _I tt -l l wi• •rv ;..:·· ,_ ing ho m e \\T cnjrJycd seve ra l readi ngs l1.' · .\ Irs . .'\ l'ttlt-t .. tt . llt tri ll;..: ( ' ltri ,.; t tn :t:time a party \\'as held in rrJfJillS l·:- 1 a nd 1·>.). 11·lt t'rt· ,,.,. " ·" r '· r • >\·:tlh l't1ll'r tain ed by differe nt me m ber s CJf the c lass. f()ll <,\\·in g· \\·ltic lt. <l id :-;;tn t:t ( ·l:ttt:visited us and each o ne r ece ived a ]Jrt.:sl· t1 t . ;t! s<J :-otJ Ji tl· tlltl s :tl td ··:ttl< II . l .:ttl-r everyon e \\'ent home fe eling th e C h ri st lllas s pirit 111< ,n· t lta11 l'l·vr . Th e Literary societi es ha1·e a g·"()d n tatt_,. L' ltl· rg·l' t ic l: rv s htt lt' t1. l·: ,·l·rl.'lt having tlrel ve members and l 'hilo m atlica n f()urt c ctl. Tltl' rl' <trv t·kl·l·tt .L:·i r b .\. belo ng in g to the F rr..:shma n Class . ll'hOJ a r c llll' ll tlJL'rS , ,f tltl' Y. \\·. and fi ve boys in th e Y . :\ 1. C . :\. Fi ve h<~_,·s ,,f tltL· l:r",.;l ttt1:tll l ' la s,.; :tr v t:tf..:i1t;..:· ,,·ork in the military depart m c;nt. a!siJ fqur in t lt L· l1a tttl. Tltc l .a ti 11 :t ttt! c ; tT 111:t tt Cl ubs have a large n umber fr o m th e 1:rcs lm 1an C lass. Tlt l'rl' ar l· :tl 1• >t1t Jiit L'l' ll in the :\thlctic Association and te n in I >ra m at ic (' lui> . Th is i,.; :t pr• " ,j tl t: tt the Freshmen a rc a very act i1·e st ude nt h u cl y. The Fresh men han· a ITr_l' gc Hid girls' ktskl'I IJ;tll ll'attl tl 1i,.; yv:tr. hl'ing represented by \ lisse" Curr an. Cla r ey. l 'c tl'rS()Il. llu fT. ( ;arn-r. 1\ :t\· . :ttHl I ~ u r l,l' t l . Their fi rst game \\'as played 11·ith th e S• •plt <, ll 1<,rvs . ,,·lt iclt r l·..;ttl tt·•l i n <t sl·,, rt· of 1 2 to 18 in faYor of the F n· s h tnctl. Th e boys· team is r eprese nted by :\ l cssr s . \\ 'car. l. clt>k .·h . \ l ar,.;ll:t! l jtJiles. (h·crtfJn. \\' ick ham an cl Co rn ell. Th e !Jc J_,·s ha n· a \'l' r _,. g-c " I ( I n · l·, •nl up to th is tim e. ha1·ing defeat ed l~ rnwm·ille lli,l.,:-1 1 ~,·It ''" ' :tt1d lt,·l t! \tt l•t 1r t1 lli g! 1 :-;chool to t he clo~e score of 2-J.- 20. It is tlt l· fi r s t ,- l;t ..;,.: tv;t tn l• • lt:t,·l · 1 •l:t_H· •I , >ttt ~idc of the schoo l. ,'..,'tIt
i!J I//
Cox ~milh \\"illlam ~on Bini F u n li: lt•JII :·H·r \\':q..!'gttll•·r I. t•;.!t'l' :--;,.hll•·!d.·r Smith(•l'S ~lllit h K el l .\' Jwub u ~lt·,\'••rs ~ · · ls• JII J , illllllil .\ f ool'• • 1 • ~ holll 'l l l't·eh:ham :\';,,\'(;(• l:il'd l .fJ\\'l'f',\' \\'Ill,\' l ~t·ll tr :-0 1fJII :-'11•·11••.\' I 'll~·· ~lll•l't• :-;: Youn~ l lunn icutt \Vil son (JJ'(' Illl' ('ra wf,n·d Ela1u l .nrult .\ l fr·•·d ll:1 wl •·.' · .\ J,.J .._,,n .\lbin \ 'a n cc \ 'au lhJI'Il J.r,WI 't• y (; J'Pf• II\\'VIHI Slul l s \\'a;.:;.4" ""'' .\li· l n llf '; ; !111 ~--o
IDrutnrrs ano §prrtal£1 Class Colors:
/,a<.·cnder unt! II '/u'tc . Y ELL.
l-l oo ! \Vah ' \\"ah! 11<> (1 1 \\'all' \\' alt
Tra in e r s ! Spcciab! l<ah! l<ah! l<:th!
C L:\ SS O FF I C I·: I< S. Pre, idl:nt \'icc:
Prl: s idcn t
Secr e tary T r.:a ~ urer
Cla ss
.\ I a ry .\ I c" >I" L' Frank
\\' .
I ,q.~L·r
:\nncttia S ntitht'l' " El ,;it· < l ,; l "' "'·n r:.,.a \\'itty
\11 aoh i,, r '' 1,,, ha- kol 11•
Throo11;.:h tht· tr;ab ,.j th,· y,·ar. \\' h,. ha- .i••in,·d 11> in 1111r pk:t,111'l'> \n.t ha- l'alml'd <'o•11>1111ling kar. \\'h , • ha- g-11itkd and O:lll'<lllra)!l'd 11' .\nd hy h,·r prc:,:o:n.:o:. bk,;;,·d .\nd lwlp,·tl tlw Trai n,·r-Sp,·,·ial Cia,, T .. pr•'' ,. it- 11><'i11l11l'>-: \ ""man. >ll'o'll)! and lal'ti111. \\·h.,-c: )!l'lllkn,·".: and an. IJa,,· "''" th,· '"'' ,,j all th,· Cia". \nd ,,.h .. ha, doon,· ho:r pan.
h \
lloi 1:1'1: 1:. o·l:.\\\' l·'tolil• .\d\· j ... . ,.
\\ ,. :1rl' :1 l111-' ch":- ,,j i11rt~ -eight llll'lllhc..·r!'. 1' \"l~ ll the..· mig-hty ~~·nior!' :\1'1..' loll'i I'I'. \\' " rvprv;.vnt t ·, ol.,radn ancl I\\' 1'111_\'-Pilc..' ~·.,unt i e:!' in :\~·h ra~ka: distant I loll, ( ' u:-tvr and 1\t·cl\\·ill .. w l'tttnllie:- l'"lllrihutc 111 our lllllllb1' 1'. ( l11r ''' '.' ·' :11111 .:..:·irl.- :1rv ft~uncl in thc..· Y . :\ 1. l' . . \ .. Y . \\ ' . l' .. \ .. and:\ . C..\. l 'i\'t· ••l ••1!1' lllt' lnltl'l';. lodoo ng t•• l-:,· 1·rell and c..·l~·\·c..·IJ Ill l'hil11 ~uci~:ty. l l u\\· cuuld till' I >ranl:tti c . I ;~·nnan. and .\gTil'tlltun.' dub!' c::o;i:'t \\'ithti Ut thl' Traim:rs and ~p,·,·ial;.~ Tilt'll. 1'"'· ,,.~. ar 1· illll!ld in L'h••rtt:' . . \thktic .\ssoriatin n. and :\lilitan I >ri ll. Tlli - i:- jt1;.1 :1 hrid cl~· :-,'1'ip 1i••ll ,,f "hat tH1r rlas:' i:' and what it d t)c..•s. \\' hy 11ool lot· :t Tr:tint'l' oor :t :-;p ,·>ial \\hc..· n ~tiU CtHlll' to l 'l'rll? l:rid:l\· l'n·ning. < ktoo lol'l' 2~. 1q1n. th1· Trainc..·r-~Jll.'c i al l'la!':' ga\'1..' a llalloo \\t,.l' ll pan_,. in th c..· ha!'l'nll'lll nf th c..· library. L'ptl ll c..• ntcrin g- thc..• room \\'l' "~'~'" gTI'I't t·d ],_ , a gh••!'l clircl·ting: II!' 111 a linr tlf !'c..'\'cralnthcr!' e::o;tcnding thc..·ir hand :-; i11 a .!. !·h,:-tl_, i:t:-;hie~n 111 1\'l..'ln• lllc..' 11~. Th~·ir g·hn!'tly g:lrb !'o)Oil di:-ap pcarcd and till' 1'\'l'lling \\·a~ ~Jll' lll i11 11 :1\·ing a gc..'lll'ral gtHid time..' hy playing "llohhing itor :t)'loll'~ ... "l ;a11 foo r .'·••nr iolrlllll•.' ... and IIUlllCI'lHl:' tllhcr appn•priatc ga ll iC!'. 1\dr~·;.llllll' llt ;. "n1· ~l'rn·cl l'llll~i:'ti ll ).!' ,,f ridl'r. doughnu t:-. nul:' and apple:'. The pan.' oli;.ll:tlllil'd :11 a lall.' hnur. all fn·ling· Jll'l':'llllally acquaint1'd ,,·it h l'ach IIH' llllon :11111 li lktl \\'it il l' lllllll :' ia :' lll and cia:'~ :'pirit. II>
l>1d _,..,,1 1'\l'l' i,·,·l lolill' aill'r -'"II lalkt•d ltl .\li,-~ \'lo>la ~IIIith? \\' 11., ti ." ·' th ing- 11p ,i thl righl? .\li~,; .\J,·tcali. \\'hoo i- 1l1<· \l';.!l' l:trian .,j to\11' rla"?- .\ l i-- .\J,·yl'l'- (nu iou-l. \\!t oo 1- Ill\' -ll'q" hl':od .,j . our d;1--? - .\ l r. \\ ikt1X ( l'hy,.ic,; anti Chapl'l). \\' Jt,, :tr1· •otlr fi\1' l111l,· lo.,~- 111 lolu 1· ? l .q! 1·r. Hird. \\'ikn x, \\':t!-!g'Oil\'1'. ~111i1h. \\!too Jd,,, I " ltt·ar llw l'arrtlhl\(1) talk ? .\li-- 1-:thl'l Jnhn-ol\1. \\' Jt., ,·lt;q>l' l'oolh lhl' T r.tllll'l' and ~Jil'l'l:tl- "lwn thl'y \\h .. 1- lilt• htll\1111'1-1 , j lhl· da-- ? .\li" \\'it( tyJ . t:.t - 1.1'1 t:: dl ' \\' 11., .11'1' lhl·~? .\ I t-- .\lnttrt· and .\li--
,,,,,,,,, .,,,
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Sm irh :'>Qt·rrlill;!<·r ll arur:r n .\rrusr. r·"" J.! Clra pr H:t ll HH i f•· r·11 I.t•fleJ' f.f)\\'1• f' r :1n t ,. ~ I (''' "-" l ) \' 1·1'1 or r I! a d •· r· l'arTiutt H :ll ~ t "l l
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T J:;:'\T II G IC\111·: J f <·nnin;.: l lnwit· J)n Jia m :\h•J:-:(•JI ~111 it ll K an l or c : o,HI Yntlll 1! Il n n r-_v l.('aliH' r·hur.'· l l• •l m a n 1.•·;-rt h •· r·!Htl ',\' ,.,. ,,. c'Ji r r' " ' I ~1'\lll :-: d•• T t ( 'lt:li•·I :J in I "; J t l •·r·~ · H l ll :tw l•·,\ l l :trd.:-.. ll ••:t d l , •,\ l :t·t •d I J:t l'fHI"ll l l; r r fo i'd =-'vnltoda \\' ri;.dll :\t~ \' o llr ~· \\'p ll • •r t I 'ro~~l.: :--=.rrt ill t t •JnvPr' \\'hil fi,•J d I 'nrr io 1 t l n :-'IH•P II :nt l.::-; ~wn tt ~o n I ::1 rr I ·' · " i _ ..,.
:Ltrtnnrl ifitnh - §rhnnl ' )
:Xintl! unl'l G;l'lltl! Q)rul'll'!i T ilL· .\ l•~<kl lligil ~L·il,•nl i,: a r••ntparatin·J_, .'·\•ung: in::ti ttlli tl tl. hut durlllg tilL· tilrn· .'·var,: ,. j it,: ••rg·anization it:: ll'<lrt il a,: a part ui tilL· training· ::cllnol ila,.. IIL'l'n iull_,. pnn·L'I l. Li ke tile kindc rgar!L'n and drmentary ~c ll m• l. tilL· high ~~-IHJIII i,: a part 11f til ~: practice dcpartntctll u f th e :\ u rmal. and rL'L'c ii'L':' the same g·,· nvr:il :' llpvn·i,::inn J,_,. DL·an 1·•. L . R ou~L' a,: g·ii'L'It tn tile IL)II·er gra des. l1 rof. .\I. l ·. l .v lkr i,:: principal nf t h L• high ,:rllnnl. and g·il'l· ~ hi,: 11·h ,)k attention t•• tilv illiL'rL·:- t:- , , j thc ::v gradL·,::. 1\.L·g·ttlar ~L' I ti<>r tracllL·r,:: dP til e aL·tual ll·ork ,,j thv ,·l:t,:,: ruunt. ;u td ab" a t tL' tHI l<> the ,:upL-rl·i::iun t>f ,::t ud_,. lltHtr,::. In o rder that thL· high v,:t p••::::i l,k ::tand:ml u i L' tlicien\·_,. m ay hL· maiutaillL'Il. ~L·niors 1\'lto tL·:t L·h itt thl' high ::c lltlld arL· rL'I'UtlltllL'ttdvd hy tilL· hc:td u f till' dcpa rt ntcnt in thl' .\'o ll'lll:tl ha1·ing di rl'rt ktlll\\·kdgl' ,,j tlw tL•adwr ',: academic train ing in tilL' -.ulljL'ct ,:h,· dl' ,:irL·,: tu tl'ac lt. Tllv t'llttr::l' uf ::tttth· coniPrtn,: tu that t>i th l' tll·u-_,·rar high scllllol. a,: o u tlin,·d !J_,. tht· ::late ckpantnl'nt 11f cd ucatiun. I 'vru atHI ,.i ,· init ,. funti,:ll,,: tilL' nucku,: "i a tt L'tH ia nn·. an d ntan1· L'OtllL' ir•11n diJ'fvrL· nt part,: <>f tltl' ::talL'. Tlti,: .'·L·ar l(at t,:a::. IP11·a. \li,:,:uuri. S<Htlh I )akc•la. and l'nlnradn h:t\'L' reprL':'L'tllatii'L':' in till' hig·lt ::L'Ilt)c ll. T he L'nrull tllL'nl ~~ lll'lii'L'l'n nin l't_\' and unc lll ttHln·d. l·:a L·h gTadl' Ita,: a ccnnp k tL' ria,:,: L1 rg·ani za tiott. a n d undertakes tu co nduct it,: ''"''t husinL·,:,: arfa ir::. and arrattg'l' it:: :'l>ri:tl pro •gram,: fu r tilL· ,·car. The tL·nth grad~.: "fticn,: arL' a;; fp Jin\\·:.;: ll al l ;la::g<n\·. prc::i dL' n t: DnrL• th_,. lluadley. ,· in· pr~.: ::iden t: !\.nth ~ntit h . :'L'L:rdar_,· : Ju::l'phinL' II u lm an . trea::urcr . and Carl ~tllit h . ::ngva nt -at-a n n::. Itt the tti lllh grade 1\. achL•l 1\.ader is president: \ l ilt o n l:l;t t tk~.:n::hip. 1·in· prl';;id ent: l'oral \\' ittii'L'I'. :'t'L'l'L' ta ry: lll'n·in [lknberg-e r. trL·a,:un·r. <lltcl l·: r nc,:t ( >n-rt<llt. ,:ng·ea nt -at -a nn::. The princ ipa l act~ a,: a <l,·i~t· r ftlr eaclt g rade. l' ktt l _,. of in t nl',: t at tel L' ltl lt11 ~i a~111 lt :1 ~ hL'L'tt al'\1 \l:'L'd in atltkt i L· ~- 1\. egular g·_,· tnt ta ~ill nt period ,: are :'L' l ;1::ide f,n ltig·lt ~c lt"'ll U ~t·. and l>otlt hu1·,: and girb Ita \ 'l' IITI I-n r.!.!·anizL'd L'ia~:-; t 1·ant~. The in tL'r-da,:,: c• •n tt•::t~ hai'L' g·ii'L' n op purtunit_,. fnr t hL':'t' IL':tnt~ 111 ~ h n\\' tltL·ir ,:treng·tlt. and the r~.:::u lt :-; han: brough t clltL' n· ru.!.!·n iti un 11 1 tltL' plan· uf th e h ig h se houl in a thktic.: cl·cnts. Tltc sucia l ga tltning·,: hai'L' hcl' n pleasa nt fcatu r L'S 11 f the year's ,,·or k. E ac h cia,:,: has til·<• rL·gu la r sucial e1·ett t:; during tltl.' _,·ca r. une at the begin nin g oi :-;l'iHilll in tlt L· fall. and clnL· tul\·a rd t ltL· cl o sL' ll f the ll'l'111 in the spri ng. In the tniclclk ',f thl' yt•a r th e c:lass 1·s hPlcl a g'_l'll tnasiu tn part:· to "·lticlt all thl' Senio r :"It•• lta1·v 11·••r kl'd in tit ..: ltiglt ~ 1- I HH> I a t an_,. t intL' during thl· year arl' in ,·itl.'d. Tlti,: reccpt i()n 11·a,: held on tlt e l'l'l'lling u f 1.-ei>rua r y tll'en ty- f·i itl t. and 11·ill hl' rL'tllL'nthen·d a,: IJn L' ,,j tl tL' ntn::t pka,:am ,:oc.:ial funl'liuns ,,f tiH· n ·ar. :-;,n ncti ill l':' a t t lt L· I'L'n· clusc uf th e srlt c•nl yea r a ruu::i tt g· pi \·niL· i:: plant ted. and L'\'LT_,. tll1.'111 11e r 11 f tit..: h ig- h ::c:IH•ol joi tt:: in tluts celehra l ing- till' t'" lltplvti• •tt nf a tHit-lt L·r :·L•ar eli stu dy.
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I I iglt Sc honl. 1.'1'/hlll I h i''
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r >F F flT.f<S . l'r<' -.
,\rh·i!>l' r Pr~.:, id cnt
Secretary Vice
1> . \\·.
l fa_,.c ,
l·~ d i " >I I
I 'c I IiI
J\ut l1
Stl·f·ng· I~
I :c t· t lt:t
Pr c~i rlcnt
1~11 "' ' ''
Tr ca~nrcr
Cf, .\SS IU> I .I. :\Tary Barn es :\ l a tlliL· 1< . .\ l utz
If a%cl Beck
l'h 1·a I<cccl :\fyrtk I<<T<I
II clr: n H. Coleman Clare
.\ l :tr.~aT·et
\\'m. Ed,,·in Darrn\\'
I·:J , it Cray Vir~inia S.
~l'l.: ck
f<u,,, ·Jl f Teat It
Flc.r ~.:nn·
1<. Spa!'f, •rrl
1-.: it('
:\Iillard C. [, t'll n
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\ ':tllc'l'
r: .
li nlt' 1\·ru has a11 alulllni o f n n~ r ft>uncei1 !I u iHln·d p<.T~un~ . I t ~ gracluatl.' ~ a rt· io uiHI in t' IT ry ,·illa;.::t' and city uf th e ,; tal<.' and in ncar! ~· e\"c ry s tall' in t:H' L·,,io11. T h r<> II;._:·h th e intlucilt't' lli th t':-'l' ~cal!t'rt·d .\l unllli ,,.,>rk ii1;.!" ilt·an ;llul ,;cqll fu r th e ir .\ltna \f alt' r. l'en1 has ht't"l) n lt' n n l.' o f th~..· stn)tl;._:-e:.:t . ~ l ;Ilt' :\ n rlllab o f t ill.' \\ .c:-: l. Th t• ;._:Tacluatt·~ hal'<.' 11 \ll u nly i><..'L'n ii l:'l ntnlc illal 111 in ll u e n c ing n tl w r s to att<..·nd th e :\ u n na l. hu t th c lll ~t· h·e~ h;In' fcli th e n eed o i a hig·h c r and bro ad e r l'cl uctti co n. In o rckr lt• n1 t'l'l th i~ clcllland. the t"t >ll q.:T and p rn k:-:sill iJal CtHir:-:c ,; IITIT l.'x lt' ndccl in It)O.). uncln the in tl u l.' nc e ll f fo nn e r l..,rc:-:idcn t C rabt r ee . t n l'll\"lT Ill"<> fn ll y <.·a r:-: lw_n >n cl the 1\"t>rk offe red at that tilll e. ~inn· l"h i:-: ex len:-: inn. l he Ill IIll h e r nf pcrs nn,; clltl.'ri ng· t h ~..· a ch·a n ct•cl ...., lU rsc h as s h n 11·11 a :-:tea dy i i l lTCa~;~..· iru m year tu ~·car . Thi:-:. in t n rn . has h rcn1g-h t fo rth till' n eed c1 f ;11 1 nr;.:·;ltlizali tln s uch as ll"ill l.'lllp h as izl' t h e i tll) >llrl a nc ~..· 11f gradua tt· 11·o rk in t h e leat·hing· professio n and w ill furth e r th e i nter~..·,; (,; of the -:\llrillal as an i n s ti tuti o n for .t.:Tacl u ate st udy. T n tlll' d this need the gradua t e cla ss 11·a,; for111cd. l're:-:iclent II a_l"l'S is l< 1 ill' rcnJgnized as l ht• n l\n·ing forct' to 11·ards b ringing a iH lU( the n r ga ni zat iu n <lf lil t• class . It 11·as lw 11·lw first int crc:-:tt' cl in this p h ase tlf . \ln ta \l a ter ill_,·alty the r esident l'cru .\l u m n i as 11·cll as othe rs engaged in adYa n ced 11·o r k here. . \ s a result t> f h i:.: 11·o r k a1H I in fl uct1 <..T to g e ther 11·ir h that "f the graduate stu d e nt s th~..· tnseln· s . 11·e ha1·e a 11 o rgani zati o n d estined to g-n>11· at tcl at t!t c ~a111e tim e It> perfect and ca rry n ut thl' id eal,; tha t lie a t it s basis . These id eals may IJc cun sider ed l ll· n -fo ld--thc>se for th e p ersonal pleasu re ;1t1d intpn >ITilll'Ilt o f the n1 e tnlwrs o f t he ci;Iss it sel f. and th ose iur t he cont inued ;u l\·;ti1n' nl t' tll of t h e s ta n dard nf the in ~tituti o n as a 11·h o le. Of th e se t11·o. !tull"l'l"l'r. th e lllore illlp nrta nt 11·e kl'l to he till' latter: such is t he p ract it·al pha~ c llf .\ltna \ l atn loyalty lo11·arcl \\·hich liT a r c h e ndii lg- n ur eftn rts . \\ "c II"Utii d k e e p hi g- h t!tc standa rd uf th e .-\lma \ l ater: 11·e 1\·nu ld keep a hrea~t nf tltl· t illlcs in tilt· grea t educ;Ititmal 11·orl cl. F1-c t1 o ur selfish r easons fo r e xislt'ncc halT l heir root s in th e g e tle r al guud of th e sc h ool at larg·c. T n t h is <.'tH I 11·c h a1·c cl c ,·otecl a numbe r of ou r cla ss n1ccti n g:s tn inin rlll a l ta lk s atHl lectures u pon sd1•H>Is and sc!l()u! co ndi t i on~ in 1·arinu:-: pa rts n f t h e C<1 !lntr~· l"h so IJrua clening mtr o11·n s_nn pat h ics a n d infonnati o n. 11·e !to p e t h e better an d t!t l' I ll<~re intclligent !_,. to d o 11·hat lies in u ur pn11·er to h el p Stl ln· t he pr nhk tn ~ t kll ar is e in t>ttr o\\"11 :-:c h uol and t n keep b e y o nd r e pn)al·h nu r .- \!ma \ [atcr. .\t tl1v
ll crc ":; Ill yo \1. l'c nt. P c r11. l .i n· Y'"' long and p r o,;per. !lltl 1
. \ 1 ka-.t a lo r it·i 'llr\v\ ,,j :111 .' olt ·p:trlllh'llt '-lT II I'- 1 '-"l'llli:tl llro\\ alld tl 1v11. Iolii <"'l'<"t·i:dl.' i" it JH·n·-.-.; tr ~ t" ~···n--i~kr. ir• •Ill 1i11l1· t•, t i111v. tilt· lrv:tllllv'tl , j a -.. JJI,jv•·t \\hi,· II it -.,·11 liv-.. :tt th l: \·v r y illtlll•l:tt i"ll "I 111• ,..,1 '-lrlojt·o·t-.. rv:1d. '-L ltrlit·rl. ror l;tllglll :tlll•oll;_: l·:tt .;..:)i, )t "l't•:tkill;..: pe11pk. In tit ~· )',·rtl :--:t:ttt· .'\ .. nlt :tl. lltv llt:tll agvllll'lll , ,j tlt i-. ),a -.. il··ol, i-. lll lolvl· II~<· oli l·t·t· tir111 ,,f !Jr. ll •• t11vr ( '. 11•111 '-l'. l'roolo·'"'r ,,j thv l·: n;..:li . . lt I .:tllg'11:tgt· :tt lf l l .itvr:attlr•·. \\ lt••-v \' it·\\')''•itll it i-.. \\~·11 \\••rt lt 111 1r \\l ti l,· too t:tl, v in II) arrr oil !II. T•• put tit~· purp• "'" •• I I >r. II 1111 ,,. :ttlol It i" c1 d ka;_:-1ll· .... .\ I r. I~ "'" I I . I I ,,, ... ,. :11tol .\1 i,-. ( ;ran· ( 'ul lwn ... , •II. ill t llv ,) ,,n v-. t 1" ,..,,,]l), I oiL II. I ·. II• ll":'l·: f,ntl. \\'l· 111 :1~ ... a.•. t lt:11 it i-.. llll'ir :ai111 111 1:1\ s tress upon th e Engli ~h lat1guag-c l1ol h in Llw• •r: :tnol ill pr:avli,·:tl :q• loli ,·:ati••t t. . \t th e sa mt- t ime. ho\\Tver. in nr, st· II Se dl) tl ll·y 11egkn l ht· ,. 11j ••.' :thlv ,.lv 111 v lll of literar.'· interpretatiun. a s th e wc ork rdTvrt·d in T•·nll _\"."'111 :tlld :--:l l:tkv-. p varv aln nc hea r wit ness. 1\ut thi s is not the pl1a s~· , ,f thv ,,.1,rk tlt :a l ,.., gi,·vll Il l< •s t c m phasi . . Th e Eng-li sh langu ag v it .;t·lf ll l'l' llf'il' S t ltv i'lrSt plat·v. In no course docs thi s ha'-it· purpose , f th l· <kp:1r1 lllvtt t n·,·v i n· Ill• •rv ....,qnad treatmcm than in J unior l ~ ng-!i s h . a on1rsL· aptl~· ~ty l ed .. t·, r rvct l ·: ll;..:li~h s pv:tk ing- and w ri ti ng .'' ,,·hic h ru ns through th v .n·a r. li n· pt·ri• ,o) .... da arilt.;..: t hv "·,-ek . I lcre practical experience is g in·n th e "tu dt · nt~ ill t lwmt· \\TitiJ tg. in an:tly-.i~ ,f Engli. h structure. and in th<: .;tn rh· 11f l ~ n \\oord ~ with :t ,.i,·" I• • ilt,· \'Ocabulan·. and awakcnincr ;•<;· co tl'• l' i ••ll~ ll v~~. \:• •r i-.. t hi-. '' • •rk l'l lltlinvrl ,.., lawrua ,.... ,..... 10 a selected few. lt is far-n:arhing in it -. l·ffl'l'IS. heillg n·qltit·vol , j :dl )11 1li•1 r~ . . \nd. that it ha. pru,·ecl its \\'tJrth . ha ~ hlTll ~·· full.' dent• 111-t r: tt l·d ''·'· tltv -.l!c ces. of Peru Jun iors in the n:n:nt :-;tate c"n tcst in t·:-;:-ays up•nt ;1gTintlt1tral -.ath jCClS, that furthe r tCSt im n n: is 11< ot !l t't'l'S'-ilr~ · Fro m the historical side of the lang·uag"l' t ft.,r.,lt!-:·1! ""rk is l,vi tt.;..: ,f, ll ll' i11 connection 11·ith the cou r se d ~.:a lin g- 11·ith tltl' lti st11 r .' · ,,f l·:ng·fi..,fa li tvr:1t 1trl' . . \ 1111 even full er etymological tr~.:a tt nc nt i~ .L:"in· n in t ltl· .\ ng·f, o- Sa :-; oott t ' la-.~i,·s. T l tl' 11·ork do ne in th ese classics is of uni,·... r :-;i t.' · rank. J,.,llt ill r:tllg·l· :t ll d itt tltv tll:tlt vr of hand ling. and they desc r n· l,t: ing" s•' l'rl'tlitvd. Too much pra ise ca nn o t h,· Ht'l'llnkd })r. II •Hbl' ;1t1<l llt••~l· ltvl j,ill!-: lti111 t •• carry o n this . ame. 11·ell halanrvd "'"r~ .. \:"t " Il l~· an· ='"ll ttd l:ttlg'tl:tgv prittl·i plc!-. inculcated. bm history. o.:cil'll t'l'. pltil" "''f>h.' ·· art· l'f1 1Tvlakd ill a hrol;td . ·cholarly mannt:r that t·annq\ fa ilt11 ka\·t· a tt intpriatl lljl 11 1l l ht· lrttl~ illt v11i.;..:v 11 t . ren:ptivt: st udent. .\ncl o\·er and a},.,,.,. a!l tlti~ t llil'~ ,,j ,.,·tt~,· and rl·:t....,l! t. tlltt clt is brouglll o ne that i:- purt·l~ IJt·au tiful ill liie and in itnag-in:ati •llt. :t llol tttll l·lt more that i ge n uinely dcq> in and in rl'ligi• 111. I:,,,,, I
II , , , , , '
llinral ~tutory
''' i!Jruuttutillt' aull ;\t'ltutlFt illumttH .Jc Ill :'\ lYE.\ 1:.
'] ;;
It i ~ P"~~ihk that kw pv<~pk i11 thi~ aud it'liCL' r ea lize that t hey ar l' li1·iug· ill ;1 t' <lllllty \\·h ich ha~ hn·11 fcl l't'I11Cl~l in dl'l't'hlping· tilt• :-;tate ell :\ch ra~ka. "·hi c h ;1t <llle ti111t' hacl the larg· t·~t jHijllllatio 11 ,,f all t he t'lllllllil':' o f tilt• :-;tatt'. an d \\·hich. ;t gt'1lt'1';1ti n 11 age>, pr"dttcecl a laq~· t-r 1111111ber uf inllu c ntia l 11 lt'll. '"" ' 'had IIIC>rt· l<• de> i11 g·;1i11i11g· :-;t;lt t•hcHHI. a11<l fr;1111i11g· the la11·,.; o f the nt' \1. t'<l n li11 Pn ,,·valth aftn it 11·a~ aclnJitted tu til t· L'ninn. t ha n a n y fnur u f lin ~i~t c r t' CJ\111 ties . T u th e varlie~t :'l'ttkrs. the di,·i~it J n u f \'chraska in 1Yllid1 11· e art• 11\l\\. Jiying· \\' :tS kll<>\\·n as l:nrney l'nu nt y . hut at the tir~t se~~ i nn uf th e T c rr itn ria l L cgi sbttll'l' thv 1Jal11l' 11·as t'lla 11gl·cl tcl \'l'l11aha. a 111 \lt'h prettier nam e. T h e l't l'lllcll''.l:..' . ,,f the 11·ord i~ as fc>lln\1·:.;: \'e- is t hl· lndia11 11·orcl fu r rin·r: th e ma lw i,.. t lw ll :tlllt' ()f the ( ln 1aha I IH iians: till' Ct)]llhi n a t ion thnefnre n ll'an s ( )maha rin·r . .\t·Jllaha l'cH Jn t.'· h a~ the hon o r uf being the ~cat ,,f th e u ld cst and the stTlllld o lde st l<lll'll~ ill \' ebra~ka. llamcl\·, :-;t. I )erOtn a11d l~ n m· l ll·i ! k . II i~ w ry i;ll'<lrs :-;1 . I krnin as hei11g· the ol(kr. I 11· a~ in iact unah k to learn just 11· h c n till' lirst 11·hi tc ~t·t t lc J llent "''b nla(k. h11t it is ca~y tu h a zard a g·nl·~ ~ ir(lJll t h e like11ess ,,r tht· 11an1e lu the m o r e iamilia r St. Jo~ c ph and St. L o u is. \\.hen til t• .\li,.;,.;i~sippi 11· a~ t·irst di~l'tlH' ITd and short !:· aitcr11·ards. tl lll:; e o ld 1:re11ch .Jc ~u it~. ;lln<nlg "·h<llll 11·nl' \larq11t'!te and .Jt>llicttc. 1\'l'l'l' e,;tahli~ !J ing· mi s sio n ary p ns ts al" 11 g· t he \ 1is~i~sip pi. and IIJl the .\li,;:;u11ri. St. Dernin must llaH' g·< lttt• n it ~ ll<lllll' allcl St'ltk l11l'lll at t hat time. I r thi:; lw t ril l' \'l'lllaln C o 1111l y ha ~ a l tl\\'n 11·ithi11 hl'r hclrdc r,; that (la tes back to the lattl'r days nf t h e sc l·e ntcc n th ce n t ury. :-;1. I )nc ;in ha~ ;1 H'l'l. prl'lt:· ]cll'atiun- si tu at't'cl llll t he \li ss tltlri. ~ l iiTt HI IH kti h\· a s t rip <li ll'l'l'l gT<llllHI. 11·itll a c h ain nf hills fur a b ack gTllU IHI- allllost a ~ ill"alltiful a~ till' hills llnl' at l 'eru. lu tR..j..) tlli;; ,·illag-e had a p t >pulaticnl ,, f ;Ji,. •Ill (HlO ptTS• >11~. hut of htl' _l'l'ars ll a~ dl'dined tu almn~ t ll clt hin g . \' cl l ll ll' call tdl ju;;t 11·]1\· it lll' HT acllil'n·d gTl'allll'S='. I l ad it k e pt ' " ' gTn ll·ing· it lllig·ht han· hl'l'CI Illl' till' ~ t. JtlSl'Jlh llf \'l'hraska. I ,l'a,·i n g ~ 1. I ler<lill liT tran·l ahllllt 11\'l'll t _l' mik;; up till' r i1·n l <lll d a hl·a u t ifll l j clltrl ll'l' it i;; . l'~Jll'Ciall.'· in till' ~l lll l lll t'l' time! lt1 1\ n l\\'11\'ilk. I l'all aln ll >St T l! i:--;
;111d :-; t w i1•T y
l .' il!hl,ll u;,,
ll11· fol luwin;.! arlit-It• \\"t'rP g-in•n lwfort• :t 41 JH' II :-=t':.;!' jHll IHt •t·li ll :..:: .l;ll l l::tl '.\' :!S. }~'} 1.
l i l l'l' ;li'Y
see so m e o f yo u laug h wh e n I m e 11ti<>ll t hat nam e . :--; tll<k11t ~ "LT IIJ t " ek li ;..: ll t ill getting o ff a ll ~ort s ()f j() ke ~ ah•ntl l\r< J\\"It vilk: a!' ,,·ltt"l l ~e liJ H· !'tr;111g·v r l!;tl'\' l" l l~ a lo n g ,,· h ose appeara nce is s ugge s ti ve fJf tlw l>ac\.;,,·,HHb. • •Ill" i~ likt·l _,. t•' l!t·;tr thi s r em a rk: ''\\' h y . h e mu st h e from l\r<l \\" 11\·i l lc~ .. l \tll I a111 .L:·l;td t •• ~; 1_, . t l! i ~ c h eap hum o r is p e rp e trated. and cnj••.\"l·rl. • •nl y l cy t h•·~ c \\"II<> <1•>11. 1 k11 ••\\· ;tn\ ·t hing abo ut th l: p la ce- t hat ha\"<.: n c\"<.: r <.:\T il l>n·n t h vrc . :\;tturv l!;t""' l•v,;tec\\"t· d her rarest g ift upo n lin>\\·n,·i ll<.:. \\" it!J e,ut a rl••ul >t ti lt· 111<•:-. t h v;IJi t i il d ,.. it t· ie•r ; 1 c ity in "\"eb ra s k a. l'copl<.: t r avcl hun dred~ (ji 1nik!' f,,r tiH: p l ii"P""'. e ,f ~l'c i llg so m e o f the earth's a n c ient uph c av e ls. St udent ~ ,,.h., a r v l!vrL" ;t1 1cl l!a , ·c ll t' \'L"I" vis ited lJrC\\·n,·ill e ha \·l: the IJppo r tunity f)f t r a\Tlit lg' ju!'t vight 111i k,; te J !'L'l' !' llcll a p lace. .-\nyo n c t ha t ha s b e en h e r<.: a t sc h <H>l f<1r ;1 yL"ar a11d h;t:'l l .t htTll t• • Bro \nlVillc at ]_c a st for a day ha ~ mi ssed p an o f hi s cduc;t t i<cl l. . \11 v; tl'!\· l;rt'IJL" IJ sc h olar and e xplorer camc \\-es t aftn t r an· ling- al l e ,,·,·r t ll v v;t s t L'l'll p ;trt ', f t ]J, . C nite d S tal e~ loo k ing fCJr a ill c atiol l. c r .. ~,; ing \\·h;tt 1\";tS I hell kllOI\\"11 <l !' I ltv p lains t<) Cali forn ia. a n d fi1H ling n o th illg' thc r c that s uitl·d l!i tn. ht· l H: L"<tllll" disgu s t e d \\'ith .-\meri c a. and rc su l,-ccl t iJ return t •> h·ann· . . \ftv r cre,s!' i ng tilt· rive r a t BrO\nl\'ill e hc lo o ked hack an d \\·as amaz e d at t he hl'auty () f t ltv p'an·. so r e-c r ossed and located th e re. llc \\"l'nte hack te , hi s fri t·ttds. sayill.L:. : '"II ;t tl th e God of t h e L' ni n~ rse s p e nt a lifetime al it h v c • •tdd ha \"l' pre Hlu l·vd 11 1' Ill< Jrt· b ea utiful re s tin g place fCJr a c it y. .. \\"c t hink \\"t· l tan· a hvatt ti fu l c<:tlll'ltT\ at Peru, but it is noth in g co mpared \\·it h th e cetnctcr:: a t I \rt J\\"11\"ilk . I f '> Itt· \\"l'l'l' t o go to lh o \\"n v ill e and sec no t h ing- e ls e. th e , ·il'\Y e,f t li l' L' L' IJH' ll'l'_\" a le •Ill' \\"c cu lt! be ,,·orth th e cost o f t he trip. Ju s t a c r oss th e ri,· er frrcn1 1\rc, \\·n,·ilk tltcrl" u o-;l· fl t <J hv a t<J\\"11 c al kd St.· •• tt' s City. \\"hich fe ll int o th e ri H'l' long age>. l\rtJ\\"11\"illc and S c e,tt"s C ity tn ig·ht ju st a s \\"ell h a\·e bee n ()maha and CCJunci l ! ~ lu ffs. Tht· L 'ni<Jil l' a c ific railn1ad . whi ch \\·as th e making o f ( Jmah a . o ffer e d to 1nakc l\ r()\\"11\'il k th e lll a i11 tt-r1ni11al. b e fo re they had any in tenti o n s o i crtJssing· the r i,· er a t < l lllah <l. hut t li t• pt.'( ' Pk didn't o ff er a n y indu ce m e n ts . th inking t hat tlt c l\r< >\\"ll\·ilk re,utv \\"<Jt tl cl he selected any\\·ay as 1\ro \\·n v illc \\·as th e l>cs l t<m·n in the Stall' . \\" lt y. JW<J]>lc ha ul ed thei r pro du ce fifty mi les a nd m o r e t" 1\r()\\"ll\·ilk . . \s lll<tll\. a s Sl'\'l'nl\" diffe r ent s tea mb o ats \\" Cr e unl1)ading· p r ocluce a t hl'r " ·lian·vs.
S he h a d a p()pu la -
tion o f 4 ,000 p e r so n s a t a t im e \\·h e n n o 1H h e r \: e l>raska cit.'· had a s lllan\· lt un clrcd . Kountze Hr ns .. o n e of t h e large st l 1il11king ;t11d r e al e,;t;ttv ti n ns i11 :\L·\\·
J",rJ..:. tilrPtt.L:'il a.L!·~· ttt :-: . ht lttg-ht ..!on at'l'L':' P i lan d and laid it ll Ut in tll\\·n 1(1\:' . . \itl'r tlll' l 'ni, ,n l'a t·iti,· tna•k ( >ntalta it:-: 111ain tt•rminal tltl'l' :'tartcd a branch ,fti n· thnl'. " ·hich tht·l· :-:t ill n11·n . T hl' firs t 11·hit t· :-:ct ikr in 1\rol \\' nl·i lk wa:-: l{i t· har d lh1111' n. wltu :;cttkd :\ug·and the ti r~t \\' llit t' wnn l<llt 11·a:-: .\ lr:-:. Th, lnla~ l·:d,,·ard:-:. \\' h n camt' t• • l \ro•\\·tl\·il k in r~:;:; . ~lit• l!a:-; a et)u:-;i n lil'ing· in the t:•Htmy nm1· 11·h o is tht• • •lok~t li1·in.!.!· ~t· ttkr . Th t· ti r:-;t :-:clJn,,l "'"" t',.:tahli~ h cd in t 8s :; 11·it h II. L T h o rpe a,.. itl:-:trnct•Jr. \I r. Tllllrpt• t"stahl i:-: hcd a debating :'Ot'it't~· in till' ~a111t' year. ll l't ll'l' ,,.l' sct· that dl'ha t ing i:-: at t n ld in s titut ion in thi:-: l'icinity . . \bout rl!i:> tilllt' I )r. J•tltn .\lc l'l! er:-:t~ tl l>r,lught a printing prt•:-::-: fn nn ( >hin. and ttJg-t·thn \\'it h f{ . \\ ' . h trna:-: t·ditt·d th e firs t nt•n-:-;papn. called the \'cl>ra:-;J..:a .\dn·n is t•r . 11·h ich is s t ill pttltli .~hed in .\u h um. IJ.~t 2 • ) . 1~.::;4:
I l!a1·t· :-;IHl\\' 11 :-;onJt·tiling- o f the l:cauty of till.: plan..· and abn t mtchcd upon tlll' l>u:-:inv:-:s : III l i \' :'tllllt't h ing- oi t h e g-rC' a t m en lho\\·m·ilk ha:-: p rncluccd. ~he ca n l>11a st oi l!a,·ittg· l>t'l'll the lwnw ,f mor e gTt'at m t" n than any other cit~· in \'t·hra:-:J..:a. and I cln u ht 1\·l!ctlwr man~· c itic:-: in n tlwr states can equal h er in thi :-: rl':'jlt'ct. l{ od>crt \\ ' . 1:urnas. P nc 11f her forcmn:-: t t'itizcn:-:. 11·as a m e mber ,f th~· Tnrit11 r ia l l .t•g· i ~laturt·. app•litllt'cl I ndian ag••tJ t b y l' r c:>idcnt Lin c o ln. a n d in 1~72 elt·c t t·d I ;\l \T rn or nf \' t•h ra :-;J..:a. It is a n im crt·sting iact that hnth of hi ~ P"litica l "Pl Hl lletll:-: lin·d in l \rn11· m ·ilk alsu. f l o w many c itic:-: k11T fur ni:-:h e d thl'ir state 11·it h I hrcc ca nd i dat t·~ f<Jr I ;, >n· r n n r at th e sa m e l'icction ~ I ;nn·rn,,r 1-'ttmas lin·cl a rt·t ircd l iie at 1\rol\·m·i llc until his dea th in 1~04. at the ag-l' IJf ~~ .H·a r s. li e has ;t sn n n1l\1· li l'ing at l\rtl\\· n 1· il k 11·hn mn1s the largest fruit farm i11 l ht• c otnl t _l'. ~cnat n r Tipttln . atw t h c r one of l\rll\\' tl\: il k 's g r eat 111(;11, 11·as l'k~·te<l L'nill'd ~tales ~ettatur in 1 ~66. and rc - ckt'led in 1~0( ) . :-:t•n ·ing a full krill. li t• 11·as alsu an ahk 1\Tit t'l'. The hnnk enti t led "l,.n rt y Y t•a r s in \' t· llrask a " is llllt' ,,f hi~ pro Hiuc ti(1n s. I c•~tdd t alk ;t n hn ur. yc~ . h alf a day . a h tn tt Jill' difkrl'nl men nf ]H<llnint' lll't' irP tn 1\roll·n,·ilk. of 11·ho m I lta1T ll lcntioned unl y 111·n . hut I lllllsl hur r_,. t>n and ~a_,. ~< llll t't hing abou t t he g-n·at 1\'0lllt' ll. \l is:-: l'()ra <;at~· :-; a ttd \ li s~ .\J'Ilold. tll' u " i th e c hni ccs t music a l sp irits nf t lt~·i r ti111c . hail fr,.tn l \n11n 11·ilk. Th e _,. IHltlt 11·ent cast ahtllll tht• s;unt' tillll' and g r a d uate d ir• ll ll tltl' \'l'\\' 1\ ng·bttd t'on:-:en·atn ry nf \lusir at 1\n st o n. L'pnn their rl'l u rn tiH"y ht•catlll'. in a ll' a _l' . ri1·a l:-: fu r local ia1·nr. \ I iss ( ;ales gaH' a 11 n1wra en ti tled "Til l' l'inai,rt·:" til~· j, J\I nll' ing· 1\'l'l'k \ l i:-;:-; .\nHlld gan· t ill' .. ~ .. rcnn. " \ l i~:-:
\ ,, , I'' ''",
(;ates la te r taught at J)oaiH.: Co llq.~ e . and it ,,·a~ undl'r ll l'1· i ll ~ trll <'ti•> l l tll;11 the House Brot hers and the .\ lkr 1\r<>th e rs . we ll kll.,\\' 11 11•>1 ., IJI_,. i11 I ' vru Inn ;tl:-; .. ove r the s tate . recci,·cd th e ir c.:a rli t:st mu s ic al in s p irati t lll. .\li ~s .\r1 1•• l•l l >vt':tllll' the head o f the: mu s ica l departllll' nt nf till' < )maha puhl it· ~c i H " .! :< . ;,nd g;t\T a nu mbe r o f con ce rts in ,,·h ic h was in t r orl u cc.:d the si 11g·i11 g· ,.j 1.< >tHl chil dr c ll. S uc h \\'aS BrO\\'nvil lc. :\cJ\\' it is hardl y a ~kc ]l'l.,ll .,f it :< f.,n l Jt·r :<vlf. ;, ~it uation due partly to a railroad ,,· hi c h the c n e rgv ti t· 1n·• •pk • ,f t ll ;tt t i1 11v llt·lpvd to bu il d. In t he yea r o f 1g 75 the people.: <Jf l\r< J\\'11\'iik ,., ,tvtl SI<H>.tJ<H > " '" l·t ll .,f bo nd s to help buil d a• railroad \\' hic h ,,·as tu he na n lt·d t il t· 1\n,,,.ll \'ilk a 11<i l:c>t·t Kea rn ey ra il\,·ay. \\·ith its main term inal at I \r cJ\\' tl\'ill c. T his Ill> •t H·_,. ,,·;t:< t• • he paid after ten mil es o f track ,,·as laid and <!Il l" train s h••ttlrl ru 11 ,,,·t·r t ll v tra t·k ." . \Ve il. the co mpany of ca pitalists , or c ut-th r"ats. a s _,.,Ht tna_,. l ~t· pka:< t·d ''' ca ll the m. ca rri e d out the te rm s in the co ntra ct. Tht·y laid tl~t· tr;tt·k ancl ra1 1 •> t it' string of em pty boxca r s '"·e r it, collected the S 1<>n.<>CJO he >lid~. t ll c 11 t • •rt· ll l' t ll v rails and sold the bond s to s u p p osedly inn•• t' l" ll t parti t·~ s•• a s t•' l> t· ;d d t· t•• t·,·;t tk the ]a,,· _ T h e matte r ,,·as fought out in th e c<!ltrb. i> ttt t h e pv• •pk c rHtld d• • no thing, as th e innocen t parti es h eld t h e i><>nd~. T., this tby lllltcll .. r t llv IJrO\\'llville prope r ty is in a r r ear of taxati(Jll ],cca ttst' • , f the gn·at lHt rc lt-n • ,f payin g fo r that pha nt o m railroad o f n ea rl y f, •rt-'· _\' l'a r s ag·• '· [n abo ut the year follo,,·ing th e r ailrt Ja d f·iast'IJ, a g rl'at firL· <kstr•J-''l'd t lw cuunho u se. the ja il. an d o ther Co unt,· 1Hti!dillgs. and the Jl l'"J!k. th ink ing tltat l\ r0\\'11\'ille cou ld n e,·e r rebuild, as sh ~ had ta :--; ed h l' r sc lf l<l t lH' ft t! lcst L"Xlt'llt l •> build the ra ilroad . nHwed just e ight mi ks dtt l' ,,·v~t t <J . \tthun l . \\·lt ic h a ltl ltluglt it has hacl ple nty o f t im e to ~ro,,· ts merl'h· a s had e,,,. fJf ,,·ha t I \ n ,,,.,1 , ·ilk ,,., Ht! d ha,· e been . The liro\\·n,·illc of today is a pictnrt·:' quc ruin. ( )t1l' ,,·an clt- r s a h<H t t t il L" dreamy. deserted streets . o r climbs to th e grt-vn hl'i~·hts ()f ( 'a ptain .\l ail k-y ' s Riv ersid e park , and look s long at th e laz ih· fl,,,,·i 11 ~- and lll a j l's li L· .\l i s~< lllri. t hin kin g of the strong-h ea rt ed men and ,,.o tne;1 "f th"~l' p if) fl l'l'r <l<l_,·s . ;tnd ,,·h at t h ey must he r e ha\'e pla nn ed and h oped. but e \'l' ll his l' \'l'S return I•• rl'st ll]H>Il til l' pine gi rt gra,·eyard on the hill ,,·h ere ( ;o ,-em"r 1 : 11 n~a s a nd :--;l' t1al<ll' T ip! til l . and a grea t company o f those \\'h() ,,·ith the m \\T<ntg·ht fine dcl'd~ in t il<ht' far ul'f n :a r s fo r :\cmaha. a n d i<)r '\ ch ra ska. lie at r es t.
\ ;u , · f,ll I
1:1-:1: :\" 11"1·: I 1" 1( II·: F.
I t i .~ .,f odd I 'vr u that I 1nlllld ti rst spt•ak IP Y•Hl. :\,1\ u ld 1\: ru in t h e sell:-'l" i11 ll"lli t· ll <·ntll usiastic .\ lunmi c1ukari11gly spt·ak olf it . hut t h ~..· Peru o f till" ·.')os- 11ist11ric I 'l"ru. llalf ,,.a,· l•ack in till' nint'lt'l'lltil L't•nt u ry . Cl"l'n hdl1rc ci1·il ,,·;n t inlt'S . th e r e ,,·;ts ;t sug·g·cs ti ••lt ,,j a ,·il l;q._:·e he re Pll the :- l i:i:ilHlr i. . \ fc,,. ,;t urdy -heartcd pi11 1 lt'l"l".~ . \\"11" h;td hral· t· d til t· llanbllips of a ll t'l\. l'<~llnl r y . had ca,;t t h ei r ,,·.,rld l_,. Jl" :ises,;ionls int" ;t fc11· cabins n ~..·a r t he ri1·~..· r. lt \\"a~ best that they ,;h' Ill! d ,· )i ll_g· l' •get hn fnr l'\Tn th e I'<..' I he place 1\"il:i desolatL' l'IHltlf?."h . 1 r01\"C\"er' tlll" r l' 11·a,; S<ll lll'tll iug· :-:tl'l lllgt•r t han th e cksire for cotn panio n,;llip ,,·h ich led t ht'l ll t•• build t heir lH >\\St'" .. n the r inT's L'dgc. Th e r in'r 11·a~ t h eir o n e a n d .,n ]_,. lllt"an:-: 11f l'llltl n ltlt liL·a ti , lll ll" ith th,· nuts idc lnlrld. l ' p nn its iricn dl y b osom _g·Jid,·d thL· stt"aniiH lat,; 11·h iL· h rar ried to the m m c,;,;age,; fro m t h eir c n u,; ins nf the .\' .. rt ll and ~"li th . It 11·;t,; t h e stca m h11at that f,)rtnig h t l:-· b r ought th e m p n,,· 1,; 11 ,u,; fn•111 ~l. J• lSe p ll . l~ t l t cka rn t•1 the hL·art ,1i t h e ,·illagcr th an the ca r g" 11·;t:-: till' breath of tilL' <lll t,;i ok ll"llrld ll"h irh it broug h t. Th is ,,·a,; foo d a n d d ri nk i11r hi~ s onil. \ l iss J ... uisL· \\·. \ l ear,;. 111 h .. r art iek. "l'cru in :-;teamb!XIt Days." te ll s us s•nncthill,g· ,,j tl1e L'xci tl' lllcnt t h t· arri1·al n f a h,)at caused : "Tha t tllne 11·;t,; alll·a,·s kL·,·n it ltc r est i11 a ,;tcamhnat',; arri1·a l. i:; not to be 11 ·11 1Hkrl'd at. in r 111nn· \"<tried <t nd in te r es ting cargos t h an these pa;;seng er ir cigll t hoah b r ought cnul d hardly he imagined. :\11 in th e brici space o f tiftl'l'll o1r tii"L' lltY 111in u lt':-; a g· J i m ps ~..· o1i the nut,;idc 11"\lrld \\"as npencd u p to t h e 1·ill;tg,· r s. S, ;n Jl'tinlL'" thne 1\"CTe ,n!dicr,; a h o1a rd go in g tu t he fo rts. o r a s in the '(Jos . accPmpauyi11g· t lw lH1at a,; a g-uard. T h L' ,;ig·h t ()i b ri g h tly uniiormcd 1nc11 111 t h ose o1ni n u 1 1~ da1·s 11·a,; n n e not t•> he mi~~ed. Th e b o ats o ft en ca rri ed India n ;tgl'llts a n d an n uit ic,; a 1Hl ~u pp l i cs j,,r the I n d ian~. T here \\"l'l'C men g·o i1 1g· to thl· m in e ~ in \ l1111tal ta . \ l nrnHlll~ imigra ting [,) L'ta h . blac k -robed Jc ~ uit~ and IJtlin 111issin11aries. l 1Hkl'd 1 h isto ry l'l'L'oll"C ls t h e fact that .\braha m l.i n c .. lll. 11·1ie11 a _~· oung ~tall',;n 1 a11. 1~111 yet ta lked o f for t h e Jl rc,;ide n cy. made a r i1Tr tr ip fnn n :-;t. L•Hli,; ur St . .J •1SL'ph tu Cou n cil 1\l u ffs 1\'ith t hat lllllSt famous r, f ri l"(· r p il••\ :-; , Captain l .a l ~ argc . lie mu,;t the n han· looked ll Ut Ujlllll 1\·ru." The 1,Jd bnat mack n1a11y :t stop a l.,ng t h e riH·r. u nl n acling a,; it \\·ait cd. h it,; <> i it ~ carg·o a t th~· otlwr ,; pr•llltillg· ,·i llag·l',; ;tl• n tg· the 1\'a_,._:-; t.. I )c r o•i n . . \spin -
\\·all. "\"emaha C ity and J: r rl\\·nvi lk- all dai n ll·d tiiL· i r ~ ilar L·. and ],,. ,].;L·d ,,·it II quit <: the same <:age rn <:ss fo r tlH.: cr •n1ing ,f thv ],,at. :ts d id < 111r iriciHl s i1 1 l' cr u. "\" o ,,· the: steamhuat day s an.: o nl y a llll"lll''ry ! c ) ltl \· tllv pi•111 n -r l ltL· n and \\·o men. su r vivo rs o f an his toric pas t. 1\" lto k1111\\" s •1 \\T ll thL· tL·;trs ,,j .i·'·'· ;11H l sadness t h at \\·e re s hc:d in th 0s<: fJlcl rla,·s. ca11 s h u t their L.,.L. ._ :ttHl in 11 1C111ury drift back to t h e ea rly day s ,,· h en th e lr11tg l"w ,,·hi s t k .,f t ilL· s tL·antlJ.,at ti lle d th eir hearts \\"it h jc1yous anti cipati <> ll and ckl ig ht. Tn 1875 t h e railroad cam e t (J r c lie\·r.: th e r i,·er 11f its carg•• . . \" ti n 1c 1·ulkd by even steame r s sp urn ed the path it ()ffcn: d . ( ;r arlua ll:· t l1v d<.:scriL'd rin: r s hrank back fro m t h e hamlet. giving· th<.: railr• 1acl a Jn··~ad rig·ltt-<lf- ,,·;ty. I .•>Jtely. perhaps, in its d ese r tion ! L o n g ing. n" doubt. in its d e pth s f, •r tit<.: • del da ys \\'he n th e w h it e bi rd glided o ver its hc>SD111. flr.:cking its hr l'a st ,,itlt f• >a tn a1Hl beading its surface ,,·ith ripples. Yet bra\Tl.'· it tlm,·s C1 11 1 : \ ,,],k i1 1 its p nSL'HTe n ce, sublim e in its antiquity. A nd \\'hat of t h e village: Sureh· so m e r,f the c h o ic l's t S<lns ()f t ill' l':tSt llltt s t ha ve come to us. fo r eve n in those ea rl y clays th ese stnt s ,,.Jt,J ltacl cas t t he ir lot \\' ith th e struggling ,,·est \\'ere c nd ca\'oring t" sp rl'a d th l'ir ci,·i lizi ng influ e n ce 111 the ,,·estern te rritory-ha vin .C!." in mind. 110 d <> uhl. t hl' futtl iT~ <,f those II<,,,. in t heir homes wh o were purely ,,·este rncr s . I n 1857 the postoffi ce \\'aS call<:d \ l t. \ "e rn n n. a nam e that was g iYL' lt tu a spro uting hamlet o n a n eighboring hill , \\"h ic h l<>ng· si nc e has 111l'l'g·e d in t•• th l' vi llage of Pe ru. H o w e ver , so lo n g as t h er<.: is a \it. \"cnt"ll L"elllL' llT.\. a11d ;t :\[ t. Verno n H all t o r e min d us of th e drea m cit\· fo r wlti c lt th L·\· \\"LTl' ll<.lln e d . the tradit io n wi ll live. I n 1864. :\ Jr. D. C. Cole 0 \\· n ed a s tore \\"here \ l r . J ac k' s st.,rl' !111\\" sta nd s . H e \\"as also the p ostmaster. S in ct.: h is store ,,·as 0 11 tlt L· I'L·ru s it L' ratllL'r tha11 \[t. \'ern o n , the p os toffice \\"as then call ed Peru. T h e year 1862 marked t h e b eginning of t h e first publil· sclto< d . It ,,·as h eld in a building- wh ich st ood ,,·hert' th e lJr. F a irc hi ld n·siclL·nL'l' tt• ,,,. s t a11ds. Sin ce it \\"as t h e only public buildi ng of any so r t it ,,·as used fur a ,·ariL'l .,. ' d purposes. Tn 18 70 Tnd ian Hill \\" as c h osen as the si t e io r t he nc\\" sclw< .J which \\·as bu ilt that year. One ca n 't but gain a r eal lo\'l· and r e H ·n ·n cl' f()r 111dia1t II ill ancl its sist e rs. ii he r eads th e bea utiful!\· n-thmic article. \\Tit te n IJ,· \I iss l .<n t i~L' \V. \ fears. entitled . "Th e llills of ( l]cl i)e 1:u." S h e sa,·s : "I cl i111h ed ,,]t] l11di;ttt
II il l a t du:;k , at til t· ll <H tr "ht'll tilt· n· il ni lli Y:' tt·ry and char111 \\·a~ fal ling- uptm lilt· rea l \\' <~ rid-an ~..· ncllantitq.,:· ll nu r fo1r rt•nc\\·ing· an acqua inta n ct' \\·ith tilt: ~pot made dl'ar hy dt i ld l uu~tl tnv n tu ri t·~- .\ I,. l'\' L'~ pa s~etl bt•,·ond til~..· furq~nHliHL acrus~ tilt· r inT . 111 t he lh lri zolt hi ll s i1~ J,;,,·a . Tlll':::c b~t rc hills han~~ al\\'an; llee II the pl a~·g..-, lll nd "i Iigllts and s lladn\\'s t ila 1 111a ke a th o usa n d ,.a r~·ing pi.ctun·s t' \'c,: r y day. .\lany a 11 aftt.'l'lluun l ha,·e spe n t \\'atching th e c h anges of light an d colur r l'lkL· tl'd b,· til L· md; :;uriaccs. :\t•arh · ah,-a,·s a :::o ft haze ,·eib t he t<~ ps. and t h~..·rc is all t l;L. h t•atll\' <lf t'astern m o um ;;i n scet;cr\'. .\latl\' a ~tnn tlll'l' day th r u u g·h dnJ<lping t.'Yt'S . .I ha n· lookt•d a t the~c hills -\\' hL•n tl; c,· \\'ere no t l cJ\\·a hil ls at all. b ut th e .\din)lldaks. ~otnctintL'S their soft \' io let .beatllr ,,·as lighted by a p a t L· h .. r l>ri ll ia1tl g·nld 1 hat IIi li ed fro 111 peak to \'a lky. and tli;appcared ;t:; in sta nlanL'll U :·;J ~· as it Gllll t'. ~U ill t'timcs cl o u ds of ye llo \\' sa n d blu\\'i n g all u\'L' th~..· rin'l' bars . u hsc ur t•d t h L· hills a n ti robbed t h L'lll o f th e ir so ft J ,,,·~..· l i n L·ss."
I t is n u,,· high tillll' t hat su in t· 111cn tion b e m adc of t h e hill \\'hi c h sou n g-a ins prccecle n n · m-cr a ll its kll u\\'s. I s]wak 11f ::\anna l 11 ill , as it is called. Thi s hill. \\'hi c ll is til) \\' ~tud<ktl \\'ith st unh· oak s ami bui l ding~, ami pL'opletl \\'i t h rcprl'SL'tllatin: s i n1n1 e\'L'ry l..'lllln t y in tite sta te. in t h e early '6os \\'as t'O\'l'l'l'cl by a gro\\'th ni brus h. \\·it h o nl y hnl' ami t h e r e a tree. Deer and antelope ,,·etT klt0\\'11 t• > hrn\\'se up"n i t ~ ~l•l J H' S in thuse day~ . . \t thi~ tillll' se,·cral 11f th e pionl' l'rs \\'llll . a~ I ha,·c ~aid. \\·e re anxious for the dl.'\Tlup ll lL'Ilt of the tl'tTitu ry and thL· fut ure nf their ~nns. began to con:;idvr estahl ish i ng a .\ lctl wd i:; t . \cadt: lll y lll' r L'. The L egi:::larun· gra ntcd t h em a r harll.'r. :\il lL' tnl~ll'l'S ,,·erl' a pp11inted. among \\· h o m \\'a~ .\ lr. D. C. l'ule, \\'hu latl'r lJccallll..' a n t~..· t nl>cr uf thl' fi rst ~tate Board of E:ducation for :\urmal ~ch uu b. T h c :;l.' llll' n :::u b~nil>L·d a cons ide rable s um ,,·ith \\' hi ch lL1 ca rry ,, n t he pru j ecl. .\ three- sto ry building ,,·a ~ e r ected on th e s ite nO\\' occ u p ied IJ y .\ I t. \ ·e rnun 11all. In t866 t h e L'U rn c rs l o ne ,,·as laid. \\' e mu st IJL'a r in tn in d t hat :\ebrask a ,,·as ye t a territo r y. fo r it ,,·as n ot u n til 186; t h a t ~he hecan 1L· a ~t alL'. T h at ~a n iL' year T . J. :\ l ajo rs \\·as ~l' lll fr u tll hl'l'l..' t u till' ti r st ~l' n atL'. ( 11 1· had i>L'l'tl a membe r o i t h e T crrit<,ria l l·u u gn:ss in '66). lie ,,·as in~tru cll'd b y th e t ru~tt·e~ of the .\cademy to u ffl' r till' bu ild ing- and site to t he ~ t ate of :\L·braska if it wou ld establ ish a ~tate l ' ni\'l't'sity in l'nu. Th i~ pnlJHl~ i tit>n d id n u t tn el't t h e appro\'a l of t h e j)O\\'t'r~ th at \\'erl'. hut 1ht·\· dl'lt'rmi ned i n~ll'ad 1" l'~ta hlish a ~talL' :\ orma I ~l· huol hL· r L' . a n d :-tpprnpriait·cl tilt• g..-;11 ul ~ un1 ',f ~3.000 fnr its ~IIJl Jlllrl. It i..; intl·r est ing· Ill
\ ;,, ' ·" fi ,.,
note that the latc::t a pprqpri ati"n n1 ack f,, r the :-. <· h ,,..J \\ :t ~ ~r'-1-1-' H "'· T l1i~ tvlb its ow n story. 1\:ru was th<.: first S tat<.: \" <II'Jllal Sc h<HJ! c.:stai,Ji :-. h cd i11 \"v l ,r;, -..k: J. Yvar J, · it has incr eas<.:d in ~rc i\\"lh and p Ci J! ll larily. Th e ,· i li;J gi.· J,vJ,\\· t h v !Jill 11:1,.. ''' •l progressed a t a n y s uc h rate.:. but h as rc.: tna in c cl qu ite an u n ;t ,..:-. IIJ IIill g r i,·v r t • ' "" " · I t is t he .\o n naJ S c!J r, o l w hi c h ha s ma d <.: the ll<Llllc l' i.· rt l :t p :trt ,f t il <· , ·, c·a h td:tr.' o f hun dreds a n d hund reds o f peo p le.: . 1\: ru t;, J..:n ,w n ' ' "t " '" -'" -, ta tv - ,,·idv. llt tt co nti nc n t-\\·id c . \'is ito rs and. in d <.:<.:d . 111any s tu d e nt s arc ,,., 11 1t t• • ,., •lllj>l:till t l1:tt I 't-r11 i s. as th e\· sa\· . a .. ckad t0\\'11 : .. t hat t h t: ,,·a iJ..: s a r c.: l'''" r. :ttl d tll :ll l \' , j t l 1<· l nl ildiJ Jgs arc unsightly. That io rso r,t h it is n c1t a c ••UJl ty:<c.:at with :t ,. ," ''·v l t ti"' ': tl l1r i,·k cou r thouse. In s h ort t h ey woul d ha\T it a .. lnlrl_, . .·· pr••gr,·:-.s i n· t• >\\' Lt. I ,,., ,,, _ d c r if it wo uld not be we ll for u s t n c r,n s id c.: r that an y t , ,,,., , th ;tt i s ,,·i lli11g· t<> pay the price may han· m ilc.:s of c c 111ent stu n c.: s ick \\· alk s : Jll :t ll-'. h:t ,.v it 11 pr vss in· s tone banks and public b uildin g-s w hi c h I,c s p ca k t' <llllll li.·rcia l gt·,,,,·t lt :t ttcl JH'J!tt larity, but w h o would h e s n h ol rl a s t " cl c.:clarc that s u t· h t hing·s :ts tIt ,.,.... :tr v signs o f b ea uty ! Peru and its pa re nt. th e \ Ji ssou ri. a r c a s a pi c ture h e1c,J,: ' VV e wo ul d have o ur t0\\'11 m o re progress i ve. t" b e s un: . ln 1t ,,.,. a t·,. lil c:< sccl \\'ith s uch beau ty o f enviro n me n t. s u c h a h c a ve n-tnad c r in· r \·alJv _,. . ,,· ith its gTO\\·th of t en de r sapling-s . its s hi n y s trand ()[ s il very ,,·all'r. it,; \\:tl l s "i ,. c,JTU gatccl hill s. its roof o f l;azy. so ft-hm·d atmo s ph e re ~ \\ 'v s hcn tld. i n cl tT •l. h e than k less. \\'C: re \\'C: to req u ire m o re . ..\ vis it t o Ce m ete r y Hi ll a nd a v ie\\. of the l;unl s cape ir•>Jtt thvrt· ,,., 1\ t ld win to P e ru even the m os t sce pti ca l. 1-'t·om th e re C>llL' ca ll SLT th v r i n ·r ,·all , .,. in all its beauty. in its g0 \\'11 o f m a n y ti 11 ts a nd colo r s . One ca n sec fo r miles befo re him. There to t h e eas t is t lt v ,· illagL· CJf \\.at su n . .\ lo. , to the no rth and c a st. n e!'lli n g a t the fo()t " f tilL· l , Iuf'fs. i s t ll v l it t k tmm o f Ham burg. I a. The color s come and go w it h t h e s h a do,,·s th a t pl ay c\T r }'\\' ll LTt' . . \ p ic tttl't' m o re beautiful tha n all the re st sc <.:ms t " presen t it sv lf at ,. ,·en· t un1. an d t ilv ri\·cr is t he very so ul uf it a ll. Through myriad ~ of years it h a s n lO\' (•d () Jl i ts ,,·ay. quietly a11d pva n· fu ll_, .. 1-'<H· c\·cr y year o f it,: ex istence it ha s ,,·on s c, r es "f 1 ()\' L' I' ~. The river a n d its b ea utiful valle\· is t h e t ic t h at lin k s tile I 'nu • ,f t ilv ]'rL·s l'nt to tha t o ld l'c ru. \r hi ch cxis t s l11n ge r sa\-c in ntctnc ,n·.
\ i ,, l,tl
.~;. , .
I!\" 1.1 11 ' 1>'1·: 11· .
~11 ·:.\1:>' .
1-: 11.
1: ..
.. 1'1-:1:1 · >'T.\TI·: XIIIDI.\1.
·: 1 ~
hll· t h .. :;v 11' 1111 ila1·~· n·cr L·iim lll'd u nL' o f 1 cru·~ hill,.;. o r louked out fro m t h e ll"in d ()\1·~ ui til L· .'\11nllal ~cil"<ll. <~r ta ken in til e b ea u ty from t h e to1re r. th e " ·"rd,.; "f tl1is i>rid skL·tcil arv all llllll L' l'~·~~an· . un k~" · pcrchaJ ll'C, to <1\raken i<lncl I"L'CI>ik,·ti"n" 11i ;t p;JJHi r;!III;J that till' JlL' Il can but p<:t.rly portray and t h e lll l' nH ,ry ,·an Jll'\'< '1' kt ~·"· Til 11"'' 11· il u halT I>L'L'll initialL'd 1rill al l agree t ha t ll<J <•nl' ,·an , >f'fL-r a fai r L'~ti Jn<l tL· , ,j I \·r u 11'11<1 h a~ Jlll l I< J<lkcd •1 t1t from t h e top .,f <~IlL' .. r t h~· Jn:u 1\· l1ill~ an11 111g ,,·hicil tlw 1·illagc lil'" · TIH· ,·xpericnced t ra1·L'i n . ,,· iJ cr~· ~· ~·r h e may b e. h a~tcn,.; t\J find th e hi g h est Jl"int 11i l;tJHI fr<l ll l ll'hich t• • g·L·t hi~ b~·aring·s in a n L'II. l'OIIlllry. If h e is in l 'aris. ilL· L·li rnb,.; t<1 till' t<lp "i 1-:ith·l Tm1Tr. pnhaps. and tilLTl', 11·it h m ap in hand , h~· take,; a bird·~ ~'H' ,·ic1r <li thL· ~L· i r w 11·it h its 111any 11· indings. a n d the <'XtL'II:-;in· i11 r e,.;t ,,f thc iatll<lll" J\,li,.; de 1\nu lugne. hut - in c r ed ible a,.; th e ,; tatclllen t 111a_, ,.;cen1--all that h,· ltla_l' ~ee 111 thi,.; 1.-·rc n ch l aiHI~capc dOL'S n ot ,;urpas,; t h <· i><';ltlt_l' t hat ;t11·aib <llll' ,,.11,, lnnks o ut in>lll ! 'ike',.; 11cak . o r :\It. \ 'ern o n ll ill ;tt l'nu. 11 il vn t he ligh ts <li m~•rni11g· <>r L'l'l' nin g o utli n e the distant hil b. ~t;J11ding , >II I 'ikl'',; I 'eak. <>Ill' Sl'l'S t" t h e n ort h t h e krtik Hood plane at ti ll' i<•11 t ,,f thv "'l'"twa rd cun·ing· h il k ,,·hnL' cattle graze an d ric h crops gTn11·. Th v ri1·l r 111akc,.; a 111i~:hty bend t11 t h e ca,;t a round the,.;c acre,; uf rich hntt LHll !a n d. lnll th~·y arl' lll'H'rthek,;" the rii·L· r ',; '"'·n . to 11·hich it lay,; \'l'ar b y 1·car . I )iagl >Jlall\· acn '"" tin· I L·,·~·I land n:te1 Hl,.; the 1\urling-ton railroa d. ami ,·L·t <Jn l'till'i' ;JJl<ln~·~,- ~'1' ,.,>JJstnKti<lll i,; the drainag·e ditc h. 11·hich l·nnnech 1\uc k l'l'lTk a 11<l <..'anq> creek 11·ith tile :'l l i,.;,.;()J Jri ri1·cr. l ll'r,· in 11·int n thl· 1\·ru IJo,·,; an d g·irl,; l' llllliatl' tile I lutcll c hildren ,; ka ting· upnn t h e ca na k . \ J,,llg· til <: ri 1·n han k ,; . in thick ~ t ancb. the 11·ill01\'!' gro11·. thl' lit tk JHISsy ll'illlll\. and larg·n h lad: 11i llo 11·. .\ t a di~ta nc e their de nse g- reen leafage ~ u g -~- ,·,.;t.~ a lll" r t' l' IJ<iu riJ Jg· i<II'L':'t than thi,.; plant n i rapi d g-r011'th . tha t ,.;pri11g·s up in a Sl'aS"il t" ta k e pu,.;sess i"l l <lf Jll' \l· ly !1ladc rin~ r-hanks and island- ba r,;. \':Jt ll l"l' !!lak,·,.; u,;l' oi t hi,.; plant 11·itil it.~ 111att ed nL.' t- 1\'\lrk nf roo t,; to hold til e s"ft sands. \! a n l' IIIJ> In\·,.; it i"r rip -rapping· aJ ,,n g t h e h a nk,.;. T hL' 11·iclt h nf till' riH· r is 11<1t rl'adil _,. dc tl'l" l!lincd by til,• 11h,.;crH'r. fo r \I' <HHkd i,;lan d ,; arc ca ~ ih· Jllist;Jkl' n f<l r t h e ' 'JlJl""it c ,.;il, ,n• . .'\< lr d ilL'S th e o ld ri i'L· r lll'tra_,. any ~ug-g'l':'til > l l nf its ln ig·h t\· curn' llt. SL'l' IIIJng· often as L·al!ll a,; the ,.; k c ping g·ianl of "l rl . \\ ·,·11 ""''" tilL· " '" t inll'l" , ,f l'l'rll k n"''. th l· da n g·n ui t <'-l·ing· 11·it h its
\ ; II ~
II .... I I I If
treache ro u s ,,·arers. and h is Iii<: is quite apart fr1 ' ''' it Ill!\\' tl1at lo nger call him to its sho r es. .\I any h ave f,, r g.,ttcn ,,-],,·rt· t lt c used to be and the ro\\" o f \\"arc-houses al< •J ig t ltv " ·atvr frl>l l t. by the river m o re than a cpta r le,· u f a century ;tgr '· Tilt· further across th e riv er, the mun.: beautifu l t lH: \' it.,,. 1,n·1 >IIH·:- . Tltvn· appear ve ilc:cl in haz,· blue or dimmed hy J,J.,win.:..:- ,.;;t111b llllt il th in cl n ucls .
,._t,·aJn bl,; tt" 111> l .. ,at ,.;' Iandin;..: ,._w;tll ~ •wvd 111 1 t ltv vyt· t ra,·t·b t lit· I 11\\·;1 hilb ti Jt· \· rv;-;t· JtdJit-
T r uly, ···Tis d i~tancc lend, cnckt llltllt'lll .-\nd r"b e~ the lll<•tllltain in it '
liH· ,· in' . hut·."
Ha ve you c\·cr climiH.:cl th<: lung hil l t1• \ It. \ ·n llflll n ·ntvt t-r\· \\.ith co n sc io us effort you walk up the l(>ng· grade, head l" "n·rl. v_n·,.; dti\\'J l t·a~t. ,,·he n, pausing to get your b reat h. Y''ll li ft you r gaze t<l til t· h 11r iz 1J\l , an d ,;ud denly your \\"earincss di sappe-ars n n cle r t ilt.: 111;tgi c 11f the "l'l' ll<' ;-;prt·ad i1 1 til t1 measured e xpanse befo re you. Th<:n the ,,·.,rid i" hcautii 1d iJtcitTrl Thv ,-il lage in the valley heluw! The :\ o rmal SL·h ,, >J ln1ildin~.!> ri:-i 11 g al .. " ·v tlte 11ak fo rest like Heidellmrg Castle o n the (;erman hilbid c! .\11 d . a,; c\·t·Jti t q.~· ap 1 pro ach es . t h e deep green fo liage sta rred \\"ith electric light,; Old P eru. aside from its b ci ng a ter m ',f L·nd t artnt·tJt Ill ;;,·hul.] ,-, •ng·" and sayings, reminds one that as a :\ciJraska t<J\\·n it ha;-; at tainvd an a dvanced age. ~ituate<l in th e co rn er ()f th e stat<: car li cq ,;cttlcd . it Ita" pa;-;,;cd the half-century mark , a ncl possC'sses a h istc>ry o f it s 0\\' 11. I t has g <!11<: t hr c111g·h th e u sual stages o f a river to\\"n. de se rted by boat s and n ·e n h y t he ri \Tr itself; but it has far ed better than most qf the se t <J\\·n ,.; . in tha t a :--;tate "'"rtnal Sch ool \\'a s loca ted h e re a nd became the ~cat of early c duca ti<> n and ndt urt· in :\ebraska. The individual atmosphe r e that time al< 111 c ca 11 gi ,.<: a ~d1uul and t ow n is b eginning to manifest itself. a nd t hat atm<bpllt·rt·. if it \\Trc- \(! he d esc rib ed . might rightfully he c h aracterized a~ edu cational. 111 t h e \iig·hc,;t sense. :\ature does and \\· ill exert its inf-luence <1\Tr the mind . . \,.; th t· Jl<>rtlH: rt l poets o f England r ef-l ect the beaut\· of th e l.akc l\ vgi 1'1l. <>r :--;C<>tt'~ 110 \Tb gi,·e o ut the spirit t>f the Highland ~ . Sll the h i ll ~. r•• rcsl and Str<.: ct111 stilllulak th e imagination at l'er u. The YOuthful fam· ,·. in t he 1111 1;-;t f<•r n Jat i \·L· p c >·ind . far r e m ove d from d istractillg inf-1~ 1 c nc es . n ta\· 1c 1-e f.,l ].. ,,. th• ~~t· quit·t p;tt h~ t hat le ad to tru e \\'isdom ancl natural (kndopm~n t.
II f
/_1 1
§rhool a §nap (?) '
:\. (', \\"lt' l.;l..\:\1>. ' 1 1 {~<'ltinJ,:
<>tit oi hnl at ~ i:-:. I holt nly nt< •rning' 111<::11. t ;,., t" ~chuol hy hali pa~t l'ig-ht. :\ n matt cr h"". I it•t:l. SlHl\"t• l c .. h~ int" tht· ~tcn·c: .\nd try tn makt• th,·m hurn: Cin· tht• bt·ll a yank ur tW<>Tht·n thing-, h egin t u turn. l 'id~
C<11llc' ~huilli ng. yl'llin g in: :\nw tilt· do>ot· g<>t:~ " IL\:\C": :\lake~ a it·llow almn~t in·l :\~ ii hc.'tl lik,· tn hang.
lt' ~
tintt' i\ll' :-'chntd tu :o:t ;trt: gt'l Oil their l>c'lll'IL h.: gin a quick rt'l reat :\no! gl't hc:lnml my trl'nch . "id ~
. \11 the: kid~ h:1,.,. taken aim .\nd gin·n lilt' a ,·nlley: (jut· ~ ti on,; art· ui \'aril'd ~ o>rt :'-.l · •~tly idk iolly. "\\'hat ·,"Can I can ' t "Can
nur numht'r k~ so n'" I >it hy Pl'l,·? " \\'ork thi ,; prob kn1." 1 warm my ieet ?"
"Can r >p<.' ak Ill Lizzy?" "John \\·nn't kt ntt' he." "Can I gt·t a b"ok to n•atl?" "..\1 illard · ~ pinching llll' 1.. "Can I gt•t a Jll'llcil?" " Ca n r " ·a~ h my ,-latt·?" "Can I go and get nty cnat? .. "Can r,·ad "·ith Katt•?" :--/oon at la,;t ,·o nlt' ~ rolling ' r,tt n d. 'l'hn :'OilH:t illll'' it lag·:-:: .\11 o i u ,; get hu,;y th<:ll \\' ith till' dinnt·r hag,;.
\\'h,·n thc ,.,.,.,.j,.n\; dollt' at la,;t, : \nd till' kid, gone h o>lilt', Surt"ly it'~ a comfort tht·n Tn lind nn''"l'li alo >Ill'! Teaching
:-:t·honl a :'nap . you
~ay ?
Ea'y 1\·o rk and tint·? \',ott may ha,··· my .i••ll-- l 'm t ln·ough . j 1 j,,,,·ing t:t , nt inr lllilll'.
\ iut l!f Hill I '
.\1 .\Y
1.- lt .l .' i l\.
T h lh 1h crc.: run ' a pr••rl;,Jn ati " ": '':\e'er an:c pt 0111 n l\i tat i••ll F• tr an e1·ening', n· ~·n· ati1111 I i n,, 't:I•IIIJI. hc 'l'lll. ·· 'I'hioo, crea t e ... n111eh lallll'lllati•m .. Sy ...tcm -udt an aggr;l\'a l i""! C!le r. rank. aht•lllinati•''' !'' Yt:t 111: mt!-.t ""~·nt.
.\ito:r tu.ur, .,j m editati"" \\'riti ng- and era tl it:a ti•111 ( l<o~tm-mate ;.II an:o n111dat iton.) L11. the dnn11no:nt! Th en hl· ... ay~ in ""I'Pli..:atifln: ··11 clp llll' in 111y t rihulati•,n Seck m y fai r n n e·~ h a iJitati •• n .\nd thi, note prt:'l'lll. \\'hen it H·a..:he' do:-.t in at i~tn Thr"ul.{h tht: hall ({••e ... a ... e, hati~tn. Each !.(i rl hrcatiH.·... in 'Jll·nilat i"": .. , ~ it I that" -. nwant? .. :\lai<len', hl·art in palpitatitm Flul!cr-. in ~rea l pnlln hat i.. n \\'aiting f••r the j udi cati"n ll opin!{ j.,r ""Ult. .\iter .,tri..: t i111 c ... tigati""· \\'hi rh rl'l'<•ab hi, rqnnati""· :\latriJn ll• •lh· in appro iJati11 11 : \\'t Jil i' h<•r l'O II -.el ll . P in i;,hl·tl al l thl· prcparati"" · Ytouth and 111aidc n in l'latiiJ n . ll appy in amil'ipatilln. \\'a it th<· g-r<'at l'\ en t.
I t II I '
It II II t/ #' f t/
) {•·11 11•· ··1\ t'l'
l lal't'tJ\\'
Ua J·n<·s
f.Eu.rrrtt §>ort.rty
.\l <· \ I iI IPII
l { • 'lll\ 1'(' 1\1'1 '
:r.Eurrrtt fGttrrary §nrirty
T h L·rl· a rl' k\\ p L'Ppk in th i:-; agL' uf L'l"\lt Hn ni c a n d ind u ~ t ria l p rPgr c:-;s that do tt•ll r L·a li zc t h e in tportatll"L' nf a col lege ecl u ca ti nn. In c)l h cr day:-;. wllL'n !'uhjL·ct matter wa:-; the o ne and on ly thing :-;ought aftL' r. a CL)llc..'gC cducat ic•n wa:-; tnc\ li t tk apprcL·iatL'<l. and Ill' "hn had b r ain:-; enough often felt cclllq.:·l· attl't Hbnn· tn hl· a \\·a:-;IL' pf time. _and ~ ll workL·d hy him!'clf. Today. \\'L' kl'l that at ka~ t •>f L"qual impn rt anL"L' \\' it h the !'tthjcc t mattl'r , ,f t hl' ~chool. nf L'qual \·ahtl' \\·it h till' dL'\'cloptm•nt of t hL· rL·a~c~ ning p O\Yers and n111n·ntration. i~ thL· :'IKial dL' \'l'lopnll..'llt and the ability tn L'Xprcss o ne's ~L·lf hdon· thL· public The fact i~ cnming tu h e dear!~- rL' Cognizcd that. no tnat t l'r IHl\\' nHu.:h a pn:-;nn ntay kn11\\'. if hL· can n ot express him~l'lf c learly and \'i\·idly t o t h e Jl l'clpk 1\' it h 1\'hntn Ill' ckab. hi ~ li g h t i~ a hYa:·~. more nr k:-;~. to bl' hidden "tnt<kr :1 hushl'l ." 1t i~ fo r t h e purpclSL'. prin1ari ly . It> cnahk thl' sttHknt tP ll'arn hoi\' to expn:ss h im~L· l i in public and scn)lldaril:·. to gi\'l' hi~ listenL·r~ soml'thing h<llh int e rL'!'ting and \·a luahk. t h at litL'ran :-;ociL·til·~ arl' io rn tL'<l. 1t wa~ fo r this purpose t hat th e 1·:\Trctt Li t na r~· Sncict\· ,,f l'nu 1\'a~ o r.t:·ani zL· d in t R72 . .\t fir~t t h L' :-;clcil'ly met L'ac h Friday in nnl' o f tlw cla~s rou ru~. The r e a loyal. l'arnest hand. fLo\,. in tl\tlllhL·rs. hut great in L' tllhu~iasm . nlL' t and carril·d nut such prng-ra n1~ as t ill'_\' l"t ntld. ~~ ri \·i ng dtruugh jnys and \'i<.: is~ i t ucl e s t<, at tairt the ir ideals and uplh lld the standard nf l ~n. rett. T hn1ug·hnut t ill' yt•ar t 0 10-ll 1\'L' ha\'l~ made the \Ynr k of t h e ~m: iety really c• nrtll in L·ducational Yalue: alilwug-h din·rsional cntertainllll'llt has sec ured its full s han· nf attL'ntintl. \\'t• ha\'l' attempted. as far as possibk. to ~uit each progTanr t n the occasi o n. gi\·ing a Tha n ksgi\·ing p rqgram. a l'hri~tmas program ju ~ t l>dorc t he l 111liday~. a \·a le nt inc p mgra m . and ~o on. \\' e kc l t h at \\"l' h an· a rig h t t n he proud o f E\·e rctt ll a ll. the h cl t11l' .,f ou r ;;nciet y. La~ t year t h L· 1\alls \\·en.· pape red. tlw \\'UOd\\'nrk painted: a n d a hL·a 111 i ful n·l \'l'l ca rpc t placed nn the fl onr and plat form . . \ n o ffici a I Jll'11nant o i orange and h lack. th e soc ict:· L·olur~. \Yas adopted: and the;;e arc n tl\\' in th e pnsse~~ i on o f tllc1S l o f o ur me m ber~ . T h i~ yea r arti~ t ic new c u rtain~ and n ew ligh ts han· IK'l' tt sec u re d a n d these nc\\' co rJYe ni enccs. \\·it h till' rdurni;;hings of the yea r l<JO<J- 1o . C<Jillhinc to mah· ou r ha ll an in~pira 1io n tn it ~ member~. ( lur adviser. I 'rofcs~nr Cornell has. in e\·ery \ray. ~hmrn him~ e l f \\·n r th\· of the c nnticlcnn· placed in him las t ~- l• ar. In thi~ cotllll'L'linn \H' arc proud tcl sa \· that l\\-o t·f the mo~t ntltured and rc ~ourccful meu of mtr stat e arT IO\·al l ·: n· retts- l'rnfl':' :--nr~ ( ;rcgg- and Cor nell.
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I' d paim tho se ~id d y Fn:shnt\:11. T hu-; e hard r~:lcm k ,,; l'ruf, _ T ho'e happy-go-luck_v Juni()rs . T ho se all , cnduri n ~ S•1ph ,_
ll1: 1\Ti!t·' li t<" ,· Ia " Y"ll h:t t<·d .\ nd ... i gn ~ lti . . JtHJtl c,gralll. _\ n d Y"ll c:11111111 h e lp l,ul llllttlt· r_ " T iti ,: 1\-.,rld' , :t l'I'IH·I - ha ltt."
l' d pai n t t h.,,;c \\·i sc uld Scn iqr , , \\'ith thei r ian:,;. gri tn an d s tnn. \\'!Jn t hough t wl1cn t h ey \\·u·e Ju n i• orT h ey'd n~>thin;.:- el ,;e tn learn. I' d paint the tllter mi ,;e ry That wa< writt('ll "II ynut· fan:.
y.,u t lt< !ltl-.d ll it :t il \"' ' 11\\'1.\n d , a id t h :1t Y" ll 11'<'1'<' tl tl'l t. B ut ~ 11111e <old '111-1 l""k vd 11-i, ,_\nd w lt i- pl'r<· d " Tal,l,- .!. --
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you s a t ic Jr r cg i ~ tration.
.\nd anoth e r t0<1 k your place. . \ t la st y"u gained a hearin g . .- \nd gasping for a brea t h. Y o u appe a led t o t h e <.: 'lmmitt l'l'. .. f,; the sentence lift: nr d e ath?" "Ca n T. ur can l nut. ; ir ,;?" Th ey lonk you o' cr and n' ~:r .\nd wi s ely s hak e~ t t h eir h ead and a, k ,_ "ll <t\'l' yo u tak e n g~·m _ b efo r e?" "\\' hat i< yom age. my la s-;ic·? II a\·e y o n tau g ht in pu bl ic ; ch <,.,1,; Can Y"H r e peat th~: :\o r ma l y<·ll . :\nd the d nr m itory rnle; ?"
hear t.
~.·c.::t'\.' lt l: :ttitt~ .
l i l cnuld paim a pi c tur ~:. :\nd paim it in coi<J r s trttl· . l.' rl call it r egistratio n .'\nd paint it 111 P er u .
1-'.,rgl't t !Ji , hid t·<>u - n·illl <-: ll1· ~ ay '- . --Y .. ur \\' 'll'k i' :tltt pk. 1\u t Y" tt'll ha 1·~: lfl - t:ty i .. r 111 111' .
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\\· h crt· lt • ......
"1 '>1111' little kid~ Ylltt'r,- ioltt<''" Y ntt !•""' it tn t 1!,- .. nic , -. That r<: gi,;tr:tti"n C:1nl. .\n d b ack an d i<>rth pa rarkd Thru rl'd - tape by t hl- y; trd . It' ~ tJ\"C r n t n\·. i t' :-- "'l·r ~ l .,,ok up ;q..r;tin an d :-- t ll ilv~ F.,rg-c t til l· tr .. ul>k' .,j th v p ;1- 1
In trul' l ' nu1·ia n ,qy k. T l' n yea r, ir"lll 11<>11' th ,· 11 !J_i,•c1 ( >i "" nH' IIIl c·, ad .. ra t illtt . Yo u'll lf) Sl' y• •U '~~'<'l't c • •n: vnt 111 <' 111 \\' hen h <:a r ing "l{v;_:-i-tJ-:tti• on_ --
Y o u 're troubled ~ o in fea t u r e,: . Y o ur tee th go chatter-chatter : Yo u r heart i:: going pit- a-pa t. 0 . what ca n he th e matt<'r'
lf y .. u w o uld ia in ill· h a p p ~ _ I'll tell yo u \\' h a t t" <f , ,_ Sign up an d h e a 11 1-: \' l'l'l't t .\nd lin· in ( Ji d h·n t.
.\t la st - p e ;tks "ut the chairma n . Y .. u o;tar e wit h g lassy eye ,; . IIi ,: 1·oicc pr oduce ~ ::hrinka ge To1 o n ly hal f yonr <tz e .
Li1·e" ,,f l·:n-rttl'- all l'l'tllin d y11 11. Y ou ca n he .. n ,- if y• oll ,-11""'" Yuu Ca ll b e a loyal r·:\l'J'('I I li ~-n u -ign and p ay ~-nttr dtt<' '-
Kttrrary §nrtrtg
T hv I' IJ iitJJil:t lh t· a n :-;ucivty \\':t=' <Jrg-anized undn thl· ka dn,;h ip u i \\' il ,;"n .\ laj•1r,; i11 t ht• .''t•ar JW1;. and in 1 ~/0 11·hik I )r. I IPII':trd. nu11· a ntl' lllhn •,f thv hntl t _,. uf thl· :-;tate L'nin·r,;ity. ll':t:' it,; prc,;idvnt. hct·an te tht• lir,;t in l'tii'J Hir:tted litt·rary "''t·ic ty in tilt• ,;tall'. T he ,;n r ie ty ha ,; rt·a,;u n tP pride it ~df tha t thn tuttt it s long n: i ~t l' J ll't' ,;t·etr v,; of the leading a nd 1111•st inllucnt ial lllt'JilhtTs 11i tht• schPL)I han· bt•t•n l'hilu ma t ht•an~. . \ gli ntp,;t· at t h· l'l't'Prtb r e\'t·ab th e names of many lllt'Jl a nd \\'t llllt'Jt ll'h() ha1·,· g:tinul honur and fantt' f, ,r t h t·nt~l'ln·s as n lucat,lr,;, d•ll' lt lrs. la\\·y t· r ,; a nd Jllt'n , ,f puhlit· a ffai rs. The li r,;t ,;t·nn·,;ter .. t >pt·n :-;t•,;;:inn" pr11gra 111 of t he l 'hil11mat he a 11 Sot:il'l ,. i,; :tit L'\'t•n t that i,; ltlllked itlrll'ard lP ll'ith g-rt•at anti cipati,•n. Tht· prPgrant 1\'a,; ''JIL'Ilvd ll' it lt a pia 1t 11 du t'l. brill iantly rt•ntkn•tl. by tht· .\ li ,;;:c,; Teich an d I!t)\\·l us. ie~llnll't'd hy a hu ntP n Ht,; d r amatil' ,;kdch. d'fcctii'L•Iy presen ted hy .\ I r. l~us,;cl _l nh n~"il and .\ l i,;~ !~dna \\ .t•t•k\y. The kat urc o f tht· prngra m ,,·a,; a ,;yntpll,;itt lll h~- .\Jr. \\'ca r and .\ li ,;,; t )'l...:id. The ~ i ng·i ng of t he :\ormal .\ lak U tt:trll'tl c ta ll th e nwt n hcr:-: Pi ll'hit·h art• l 'hiln m a t hcan~) ll'a~ kee nl y appreciated 1>1· 1he andie nn •. .\I iss \ ' t·,;ta I )llug·Ia:-: charmed the aud icnt:e 11·itlt l\1'\1 L' Xt )lti,;it,· Jt111,;ical rt·ading,;. The orcht·,;tra du,;t•d tlw prug- ratn 11·ith ;1 s tilTi ng· ,;e kctit~Jl iru 111 .\la ,;t·agni. furni,;hi ng· an app rnp r iatc clintax to tlllt' 11f t hl' 11 111.~t l'X celktll prngTa nt,; n i ti ll' yt•ar . . \t t hl· hc.t.:·inni 11 g· ,, f tht• .' t':tr l'r,,f. Lell cr wa ~ appoinll'd a~ a d 1·i~c r. a nd i:-: cksL·n·i ng ,,f Jllltch pra i,;t•. l11 h im \\'t' han· a man Pi ll' idc l'XIll'rictll'e a nd ttnliJ nit l'd rt·,;o tt rn·itt!J tt•,;,; :tnd t'Xcntt in · a bi lit y. pt•r uliarly littiug- hi n1 fnr this Jl""Jt Jllll. li t· ha:-: ,; h•111'11 th a t he ha ,; t lw intt·n·,;ts uf . I ' hi lu a t heart by his faithful attt' lHI;ttKL' at tht• 1·ariuus lllL'L' ting:s uf the cabint·t and cntnntittet•,; wit h " ·hit·h ht· is cnlliH't'tt•tl. I I is suggt•st ions Ita l't' al11·ays Iwen takl·n as guud. s•ll ll lcl ach·ire hy the S\ll·ic ty. L" ng n1a y lt l' L'llltt in uc a:-: 1111 r ath· isn. < llll' ,,f the Ill'\\' ica tun·:-. tlti:-; .'·t•a r i~ the adn ptiun ni a ,;ncil'ly pin: t lt l' pin l·iln,;t·n i,; \Tr_,. nl'a t and auraL· ti n· and i~ a \T ry fitting- sy lliiHll fnr the s• •t·iell' . l·:al·h _,car Stllllt' th ing· 11e11· i:-; added l<l thl· l'hi lo hn111e: rl'ce nt l,a ll aisk l';trpl'l It a:-; i>el' Jl la id . a nd thl' platfn n n L'Xtl'IHkd 111 nrrln tn ll l LT ea~t· till' 11·idth "f thl' s tag\'. Thl' g-ratiiyi11g- rc ,;ults nf the 1-car an· 111 a largt' llll'ClS\lrl' <illl' tn the cfli l' il' ll t \\·n r k n i (lllr p r t•,.;i ck llt ,; . 1·:. I I. t ' ltri,;tl'll~l'll a 1HI .\li,.;:-; l krnin· ( fl...: id . in thl'i r l'l'Sill'l' t in· ll' r nl :-; oi ul'lin·: to t hl' ll lll iri ng· L'ff11rt:-; ,,f tltl' lll'llg-ram l'llllllllit tLT:-; : a nd Ill tltt• chn·rf11l t'o-npcrati•nl ui til t· lll l'lllhn:-; "f tltt· Sllcil'l,- 11·11,, an· L'\TJ' rt·;u h t c' "1\t'" JHlllll to ! )u ty."
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§orirtu ..., Itt t hl' dim l"l'Cl'SSl'S oi the past a \\· u rld-\\·isc c r itic ,,·as the Yictim o f a delusi• <II ,,.!Jl·n he uttl'l"l' tl these ,,·onls ... ,.-l.,,. ,,·omen L·an d ra\\" a s traigh t linl' : k\\"L'r s t ill can <::·!--,11<.: in a straight line... .\clmitting· that th e s.cco nd st:ttL'IliL'Il t tniglll ha\"L' hcL'Il true in the carl\· pro gn: s,.; o f ci\"ilizatio n. still the itldicat iott:-> are that it c o uld not be \"criticcl in the de b ates amo ng h ig·h sL·huu l and colkg-c girl:; of t o day . . \nJUt tg· the cnllcgcs o f t lti,.; state o ne of the stronges t d e bating societi e s is tilL· .\tlwnian uf the l'eru .Stak :\annal. \\"c arc not alJ!e tu a scertain tlte lt istoriL·a l l'\"L'ttts leading· to the fnund ing oi the s o c ict.\". That it m ig ht ha\"L' hL' L'IJ impdkd by a :'tnm.~· suffrage Sl' lltimcnt s\\"L' Cping o \· c r the land :tl>< >t ll t\\"l'I\·L· yc:trs ag·o. is a mere snppusirion. 11()\\"l"\"C:r t h a t ma;• b e . the rl'al tiHHin· <If thl· <Jr_g·an iza t i<lll is tu L'nahk g·irls ll> arguL' ln g-icall.' · upon imJH•rt:tnt :tnd pr:tL·tical questions. That they a r c able t o dn s o is C\"iclcnced J-'t ,r till· pmnT of IHllh i11 till· prdiminar _,. and the intn-n>llcg-iatL' <khat c s. Ita nd Ii ttg· t h L' st 1I> j eL·t,.; in a ct pa hk 111a n n n. t hl· "' ll'il·t ·'· 1s i ndchtc d t o :\ I iss (;(),;hen. thL·ir a<h·isLT. "·husc statement , ,j the tine pt>i nts o f a rgumcntati u n \\·as :-n dear!,· made that those L' IJ\ eritlg the prelim in a riL'!" fur t he first t im e readily g rasped the impnrtat1cc . and those already familia r "·i t h th e \\· o rk \\Tr<..' !Je t tcr prq>arl'd inr fu t urL' sttccess. l11 the intcr-c•dkgiate dchatl':-> of t<)ll the .\t h cnian S o cie t ,· is represl'tltcd I><Jth 1)\· it" illrtller prL·sidcnt. \ ! iss \ lartha l; il111er . an d IJ,· :\l i s~ :\lil d rcd" IIanna. prcsi<knt during· the sec<HHI ~ctncstcr. The discu~sinns on political prlJblems of th e cia.'· ha\·e be e n v e r:· enthusiastic ( lftcn t h nc is an anlll..;in~· side oi debat ing· such as \\·a~ bro ugh t ••tlt in till' \\"<llll<tJJ·s suffrage (jlll.'~tinn . .-\ite r .c:iYing· ~e\' e ral L'Oll\"inci n g po in t~ in f: t\"< 1r oi ,.; uffr:•g·L· fl)r \\"tJnh'IJ. \I i~,.; ( ;i !tner a p ologiz e d t o the g irls by s a:·ing· . ""I \\ "<lilt it distilll·tl .' · UtH !e rstnt•cl. girls . t hat I am hy 11<> mean,.; in fa,·o r of \\"OJJJ:tn"s suffragL' . I really d o not belieH' o ne \H >rd o f th e argum e n t I han· tnadc. "" < l1 1 the other h and. \I i~s Lintz . \\·h o had so effective ly argued fo r the \\·onta tJ \\"h"·" e sphere \\·a~ in the !JOn ll'. sa id in h e r dra\\·ling t o n e . ""\Veil. l' n1 not ~u re hut that l" n1 in ia\"ln· of it. It really has son1c good )Ui n t,.;. Such an instance sh o \\·s that in debating one can argu e in an 1 eftit·i e nt tnanncr \\·lt e t lwr nr not nne per,;nnall_,. fayo r ~ on e ·~ s ide of th e qu e s t i ()11 .
It is the o p iniu n ,,f pre,;cnt critic:' that a \\·u n wn mu s t pre sent an a rgu tm·nt three times a,; strongly as a 111an in order to \\·in any rccn gniti<lll. Th e n the .-\t!Jenians may \\Til IJe pruud nf past acltil'\"l' Jllents and lnok itln\·ard ttl spk t1dicl ,·ictPrics i<Jr the re p r l' st'lttatin·s in futurL· ittt c r-sc hulastic <kl>:ttl's.
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.\t th e time at ,,·hich this s k<.:t c h is \\Tit tl' n till' -. l':tSI Itt va nced ffJr u s to IJ"a:-t of vin •,ri c.:s
way, did you cvl:r IKar qf a reve r se.:
'" "
liJ lalll l'llt (• ,r l':-: l •hitt J d l'k;t t ~. s ~tffc.:r c.:d
1>_,. til l'
c ll :t l ll] ' i 'n t~
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ad till'
l·, J! Iq.,:·l·.
wh ich C(Ju ld n r>t he fu lly and c h l:crfully c:-: pl:tilll· d in I ill' ~l· iJ , " ,J ptti Ji il·:t t i• '" :
Tt is notable th at th is ,·ear l 'e r u ha s f••ttr intcr -c• Jikg- i;t lt' \\T :t tlg·ll-s - u tl l ' more than in prcv to tt s ,·cars. I Tlw d l't+·don .
IJo,\':o; wo n
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t•xp ln na t i"ll~.
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\\" .\\";>;I·: III·: II.\'1'1·: 11:-: 2\lw•ld••h-
I .i ,· ~ ly,
a llf•t·nn l('
l!llhtQttP anil :£tilism11tri 1ilrbatrrs Till'
:-: pl·akl· r~
h e r e picture d r ep r ese n t t h e product oi t h e s ifting p r o ccs:-:
pcrfo r111e<l hy t h e juclgcs of th e prc limin a ri c~ . in J anuary. \\Tit ing vn gag-e<l 111 th o r o u g h ancl
e n t hu s ia ~t i c
cl a s hes set f\lr late :\pri l a nd ea r ly .\l a y.
T he \· arc at t hi s
p r e parat ion fo r
s11re oi ,,.i11t1ing· decisions ,,·c'<l b e cnt ai11 (If o urs ri g ht nm\". ti HlSC othl·r sc h <lob?
If o nl y our Ojl]ll>I ll'n b \Yu tlldn"t prepare!
~!1:-<SOI " HI
f : il llll1 1'
t h e ,·anous
If indus try a n d in t c re:-:t co uld b e
111-:IL\TI·: It S l l oh:-\un.
1·\ut h o \\" a b o u t
l.anpht• rP
. \ nd••J'Hon ,\ 1c.\1 i ll••rJ
:--;,,,dd:a rd l.anph<·r•· J.h·o·ly ~ftwhr 1'• •1 111 J•r. JJqlf..:•• .\darns
1\ i1·s ··ll
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(!ltrrrontan illrbuttng §nrtrtg De bating has long since become an impo rLant cxcrc i:-;L· i11 tllv "cl1• ",J ;tlld affords a di,· e r sio n from the regula r routinL· that is ,,f p ra ct ical ,·aluv i11 liiv ;tnd is enjo yed by a large b od y of cnc.:rgetic -; tudcnt s. The Ciceronian Debating club is an l) rganizaticlll "f l" 11g :-;ta11ding in the sc hool and still sta nds. as it al\\'ays has, rcpn.: sc11latin: l)i tl1 v ],l·:-;t tak111 i1 1 debating to be found among the yu ung men in the sc lH,nl. In spite o f the man y d ifficulties ,,·hic h confr<)lltl·cl till' L·luh duri11g
t ll L'
past year, the membership has exceeded thirty and much IJc 11dit h a:-; ht.:l' ll dl' rive d fro m the meetings.
The work during the past year has c• nL-.;i:-;t l'd n• >t
o nly of prepared debates. but also of extempfJrancnus :-;pcak i11g a 11d parli ;t tl ll'l l tary drill: and much int erest has been sh o 11·n in all depart lll L'IIts ',f t hL· ,,., •rk . . \ fact \YOrthy of note ,,·as the good rcprescntatiCJll ()f th l' c l ub ;1t thl' J'r l'liminaries.
Ira C rook . C. :\ . .-\nclerson.
\Vicklancl, C lyde Hutchinson , and Lee 1\"hcrts on the team.
\lc\lilll'll. ('has. \\TH'
Li H·I: . \:. l· .
m c mhvr~ 11·h, > '' c >II pla l·l's
During the year Edison l'e ttit and ('has . LiH·Iy han: IHT il I 'rL·~idvnt
1f the
c lub and ha,· e d (J ne much for th e uphuilding uf the ~<Jcil'l:· . ,,·hilL- t ill' a hk ;td viser . Dr. H o m er C. House . has l1een of priceless ,·alue ln thv c hll> at all t i1 l lL'S .
( •
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'h:un lu•J'S
l>nu i•·ll
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O FFfCEJ< S. Prc sich:nt V ice Pre sid e nt 'f rcas u rc.: r
R ecord ing S ec re tary Corr e spo nding- Sc·crc tar) CH .\ l R ~fE :\
:\l c mbcrs hip .\ Ti ss ic111ary R eligi o u s Bible Pray e r .\f cct in ~ l< c•o m Social .·\fiili ated ~lc 111h ership f llt Crc o l!eg ia tc Fina n ce
\\. i !Ia rd
1\l; rkv
l ·: ~, c.;
' 1\ ·i t· h Ui zal >l"l il J." ;tl tn lk u la lr lla rri " Rut il 1\r""·rr e ll
O F C0:\ 1 :\ IITTFI·: S . . C. l·: .;,c T eic·IJ .\1 ira IJ a,· i" " " :\nn a F c illrnarr I.C IH>l't' :\lt!l:h ki :\ nna l>;lllic·l l I·:th c l Ju .; tin· I·: d it h I Ilk Et he l Ch:11nl n ·r., Ru tlt llr" " "'H'I i I·: Ji zahct iJ F al t t'l"
tJ 11,
lllt lldn •t/
,,,.,., ,!,
Ip. I
• .\. I ' 1..\1 :1\ 1·: .\dd""''
I·'~TIII·: I :
It t lm·ittg n .:c,,g·nit iun
th e ~cr ncl's \l·illitlgly perforllled . t he 1nany sacn-
fin·s l'lll'L'rfnll~· lllack. thL· ,,·isc cottnsd ttnsclli s hly gi Ycn. and the insp mn g- in llttL'Ill'L' cun~tantl~· \\'iL·ltkd. th is page is gratdully dcdicatl'd tu ).] iss Esther ('lark. our ;t<h·iscr.
11nly the girls 11·hu han• had the pri1·ileg;e of knowing
.\ li ss Clark t his \Tar. hu t the hundreds \l'hn in titn cs p ast ha n• felt her stn·ngthvning ittflliL'IIl'C. unite in th\' tktl icat io n o f thi s page. her. ha n· l>L'L' n inspired \\'ith hig·her it llleans t•l li1·c.
l in
~cnres u i g-irls. thru
oi lik and a trun realizati,Jn o i what
nohk Christian L·haractc r. swcl'l ]lL' rsnnalit_,. a ncl g c ntk
patiL'IlCL' a rL· hut t he Olll\\·ard n mtliks t a tinn u f hn IJL•attt iinl inner lik. cotl scnated t" tilL·
,,j her ).laster.
It can tnth· he said n i her:
·· 1 lin: inr tllii'L' \\hi> ]o>,.,. J.'nr
l hP~\·
wh" ]; 111 l\\'
Ill I.' t rtll'
f.',.r thl' k·a\TII thai hett<l,; ah,.,·l·
that I ca n do:
.\nd the
g ·PtHI
,.-.. r the
that lll'c·d
F or the c:tu :--..: that lack,; a :-- ... i:"tlath..·l· Fo >r the• iutun: ill the di,;tatt n·
It If /lf/1 "1 r{
/ 11 t H (
til II
c·A I\ r :-: r·:T .l nhrH.:nfl EJJ p uiJf•r~•·r
Bird .\1<-~l!l i('ll
.lohn:-:on :-\I~J:..:Pn
Smith \\' h it fi~ld
C 'lll') ~ t I 'IISI'I l
:--\l•wl\ d:JI•·
l\:()1 !1!"
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\\'1 d< I a n<l
\ ' t~ t1('1•
\\'hit fi·· ld
ClF FI C E I {~ l 'r,·~ icktll .
. \. 1'.
~t nc kdak.
tll t o .
f{,·ccorditt~ ~,·crctary. E. I I. l'• •tTe ,p •>t Hiill ).! ~L't:rL· t at·y. I·: . t;. l l eat·ock. 't t. O FFICER~
C llri ~tt: ll ~ L' tt.
Trca~ ur cr.
t t. \\·al'r<' ll 1\ut-rt·ll ,·.
t') t t.
l'ro ick11 t . 1. . . \ . \\'irk la ll cl . ·,_,_ \'ice Pr,·~itk ll t. C: ll e ~ lt' r Dar r nw. l{ .:cnrd ill ).! :-)ccrL· t;try . Chark ~ J. i,·cly . · q . l'cliTt'' i'"" "i " g :-;,-n<:ta r y. 1·:. C. He ck. '12. Tr,·a ~un: r . \\'arre n HtiiT<'IIe. :\th· i ~ n.
1 1.
Pn)i. F. :-1.
13. 11.
T il t· t lrg·alti zati n n th at fonn;; tl w con n ecting li nk h et\\·ee n the h o n tt' in Illlt'lllT ;ttt<l tha t c1f t·nllcgc life. that t' \T r ke e p s h dtlrt· th e c o lkge man t he lofty icl e ab ,,·hicll wcre incllkat c d int o hi ;; tni ntl dur in g h is t'arl il.' r :·ca r ;;. a n d th at protn n t v;; a tr11cr. deeper. C hri ;; ti a n k ll ow;;hip among tht.· yo u ng men. is t h v Y. \ I. C . . \. :\ o "t ht.•r or;.~· an iza t io n ha;; ;;o b ro ad a ;;copt.' as thi s associatitJn: it ;;ta nd;; for th c: t hrc:c-iold Iii<!. t he cu m p k tc a nd JWrft-c t dc,·e lop m e n t o f t h e yo u ng ma n. 11·ith t h e 11lt imatc ai m of r eac hin g the idt•al---th e ('hrist- lik e man. :\ cl nne ca n appr ec iat e th e 11· o rk of t h e a;;;;uc iat io n ;;u kee nl y a;; t h e _~· o ung ;; tlld t·nt whn fnr tht.• tir;;t t im e i;; Ji,·ing ;111·ay fr n tn h ome . and tinds h im;;elf altlllltg ne11· t.' tll· iron nt c nt;; a nd ;;trangc pL't1pk. !:or th ese student:;. t h e as;;ocia ti on ha ;; a c ommit tee of young m en . who ntt.'l't the nell' ;;tud c nt s at t h e t ra in;;. and tind r nn nt ;; a n d hoarding· p lace;; itH them: hut tn n;; t imp o rtant nf all. t.•xt c nd t o t h e ltt.'\1--t·ontn;;. t ha t cordial got)d- k llmY;; hi p a n d feel in g o f con tradcs hip 11· hi ch ;;trt·ngth t.· n ;; th e h u nt! o f sy mpat h y a n d a t O I KC m akes t h em iecl t ha t they a rc 1tut ;;t rang·cr;; hu t a part o i the in ;;titutiun . T h rnugh o ut t h e 11·h oll' ;;dt ot>l year t he st ud e n t r eccin·;; help ami inspiratill n fro n t t h t.· associa t ion. t hroug·h the ;;c,·i a l cn·nt;;. t he Sunda y 111eeting;;. at 11·hi c h n ftc l1. mc 11 nf 11·i d c r c p utati()n a ddrc~~ the ynung- m c 11 . th ro u g h th L· l~ihk C lasses an d th e \l i !'~i c l n ~tud_1· <._"!asst.'S. and th e 1won- d ay p rayer m ct.•t in g;; in conj u nct io n 11· ith the Y. \V. C. :\. The c on1111i tt n · lta 1·i1tg in c harge t h e S un day a ftn n no n m e et ing·:;; h an· pro,·ick<l 1 ncc ti ng~ oi g r eat in s pirational Yalue. and ha1·c o b tain ed speake rs 11·hn halT i> L'L' tt elf gTvat help to the yo un g tn e n . and lt aH' s purred th e m 011 tn grea t er cffc ll·t;; it t st ri1·in g tn liY c the "bc tt n life." \li~;;i n n Study ua~scs haYe b ee n co nduct e d togeth er ll· ith theY. \\'. und e r th e tlin·L·ti o n nf \ l is;; \ l ea r ~ ami :\ li!'s Rader. T h e pu rpusc llf the~l' cla ;;~e;; i ~ to 11ht ain a hrua d cr Yic11· of fo re ign mt sstt) ll ;;: tn ~ tudy the " h n'" .. a1td "why " n f mi ssio na ry ,,·nrk. The assm· ia t inn h as se nt it!' ful l quo ta of delegate~ to th e yariou;; Y. \ I . C . . \. cn n\"L' tll ions. a n d i ~ plannin g to p ubl i;;h a " llandhcok , ,f t It t• :\. S. :\. S. L'ltri;;tian org·att izatio n s. " Th e Y. \ 1. C . . \. i;; !'tri1·ing· in cn·ry 11·a y ln r eac h t h e _,·o ung nt c lt. tn intn t.·s t th em in re ligious 11·ork ;ut d the tlii n i!·~: t h at a r c r ea lly " 11·tlrt h 11·hi k ." t ha t t h e ir li 1·L'S 111a1· h e b road er and be tt er. a1 HI that the-'· may Ita I T a d ee p er JolT in r ti lL' (; rea l T c achn an d a hrn adcr S\"111pa t h-'· for a ll
c. .\ ..
man kind.
l tJ路; \ 路. \\' . . \. TYI.I路: I : I 'a:-;l ur nf .\ l l'lllrHii s l
( ' hlll'f'il
fJHI '
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ltrf ' JII!I-['1111'
Tile .\ li ~ TII U I>IST I·:J'IS U) J' .\ L UIL' RU I has al\\'ay~ l>c.:c.: n d oscly id c 11lifi l' d \\'it il t ill' St at e :\,,n nal Sc.:iluo l. It \\'a,.; til L· 1\.e\'. ll ira n1 J:urcll. pasto r o f til e church ,,· il o tt)llk till' ::: uh ,.; criptio n lt) b uild the fi r s t buil di ng fu r t il e .\ l l'tlll)dist Se mi nary \\·hich aften\'ard becam e till' ~ t a t e :\ o rma l. :\ml it \\·as Ur. J. 1: . .\'ca l, \\' 11 ,, then \\·a,; and no\\· is a tru,.;tL'e L' f the ch urch. \\·ho gave th e la nd \\· il ich i,.; USl'U fu r t he l'ampus. T he prese nt ch u rch b ui ld ing \\'h ich ,,·as de di cated o n J uly 2 ..j. . 1~ 1o. \\·a,; plan ned and b uil t especia lly fo r the student s \\' h u cu n1c t u I 't.·n1. In it arc t ,,·e nt y-t\\' 0 se pa rate dass room s for th e S unday Sc hool. Sume of t hese a r e usl'd by st udent c.:la sscs ta ug h t by m e mbers o f the fa c ulty. Th er e is alsu a la rge roo m i P I t he de,·ot io na l m eeti ngs o f th e Ep\\·urth Leag ue. .\ 1npk acnJtn udati nn,; a rc also pro ,· id ed io r banq uets a nd soc ial g a theri n g-s . \\'ith s uch l'q ui pmcnt. t he ch urc h h vpL's to be increasingl y a c ente r o f religious inspiration and Ch ristia n act i\'ity . T he lJr\PTlST U I C H. L' II u f I 't:r u offn,.; to I:aptis t st uJ en ts and ot hl'r s nu t affiliated \\'i th t he o th e r churches in o ur cit y. a chu rc h ho m e an d a n o pportunit y fo r impo rt ant C hristian acti ,·ity. In t he .1: l HLE SCHU O L , w hich m eets each Sunday at 10 :00 a . m ., a rL' th e Cent ury B ible class (fo r yo un g la di es) tau g ht by C. 1.:. . \\' eld en (a coll ege and t heolo g ical Se mi na ry g radua te): t he Yo ung .\l en's cl ass, taught by l ' r o f. \\' . :\. Delzell o f th e State .\'orma l; the Pastor' s class a nd ot h n classes tau g ht by guo d teac her s. T h e H. Y. P . ..\1. U F . C HlU S Tl.-\:\ E\'J) _E .\\-U H. S m ee ts eac h Su nd ay c\·ening, o n e ho ur before even ing \\- o r s hip. C hu rc h prayn mee ti ng eac h Th ursday e\·e ning. Publ ic \\'Ors hip each S und ay m o min g a nd nen ing . Uf t his ch urch \\'illia m Edwi n DatTO\\- is t he mini ~ t er. l~l c is a g raduate o f Colgate U ni\'cr sity, a nd rece iHd la s t Jul y th e cl eg-r ee of 1\. E. fn )!ll th e L'cru State :\a nn al. He \\'as o r da ined at For t !'la in , 1\ . Y., J un e 28. 1892. Th e CI IRI S Tl r\:\ L' I IL'I{l'J I a t l'cru is seeki n g- to be a helpful ins titut io n . The pas t yea r has bee n o ne ti ll ed \\·it h mat1y gond thi ng s . Man y st ud e nts ha,·e in many ,,-a_,-s ass isted th e churc h in it s \\'O r k. ( )ur Dible :;chool has larg ely hl·cn ca rri ed o n b y studen t \nlrkers . Th e sa m e is tru e of t he (. "hri st ian l ~ n dca vo r S ocil'ly. 1\ut h a rL' no\\- do in g· \\' Ork of t he high est ra nk . Th e st udent needs a11 a \·en uc fpr t he ex pressi o n o f his spi rit ual lo ng ings a 11 d acti,·ities and t h is \\"l ' han· sn ug·ht to supply. 1t is t h e effo rt oi t he min is tn and t he churd1 t n "c<~ n scr\'l' .. \\- hate ,·er o f C hri stian it y the st uden t may ha H' b r oug- ht ,,-it h hi m a nd al so t•' a dd a larger \'is io n uf sen·icc . T o th is e nd mu ch emphasis is la ic! upon t he suhjec t of mis:; io ns. The s uhj ed o i "socia l up liit" t·i n d s fr eq uent n1cntio n i11 uu r pulpit. "The hea r t o f t hi s ag·e cli ng-s t() the C hri st" and su it has bcl' n o ur eff L) I' t to lHnl m th e \ la ster in ca L· h al'ti ,·it y pf t he ch urch.
f':t ~T ol '
l::tpti s l
('li ll i'C'II
I t E \ .. . \ . .I. Ill) 1.1.1 :\ I ; :-; \\"I ll: T I I l 'n:-: lo r of ( 'h r i :--:t inn ( 'll11rc ·l1
Nunnal illatlJnltr Assuriattou Till' :\. C . . \ . ila~ been ~1na l kr thi~ ,·car than e \'lT lwio n .·. ll o \\·c,·c r. thv fv11· ilaH· prn\'l'll t n he a n at·ti \'l· hand 11·h n \\·o rk cd t oget he r 11·it h l<l\·al l' I I [ h U ~ i a~ I 11. ( ln :-;tnHI;n· m o rnHJg. a~ h as been the c u ~tolll ~i n n.· the o rg:aniza t io n of the ~ociL'l , .. l h e a~~ocia i io n has m d i 11 th e "res t room " fo r de\'lll inn a 1 e xc rc i ~L· ~ . !:at he r Li nt z of :\chra;.;ka C ity h a~ co n1 c ll nc e a mnn th to c ckb rat r.· \las~ at til l' IHJ!lll' o f our 1n~ rth1· trea;.;urer. \lr;.; . Ja c k . Thi ~ has. in deed . bee n a pri1·ikge . sinn· in former \T ars the ~~K ie t y 11·a ~ compelled tt) make t rip s tn . \ ll bu I'll t o at t L'IH! ser\'JCCS. purpo~cs of the socict1· 1s t h e p ro m otio n n f a 111oltg i1 s mc ml wrs. t he "nc icty t h is year. has fo ll o11·cd l ill' plan ',f h ul d in,g· th e t hird Tllllrsda.'· eH·ning· of eac h 1110 11 t h in r c"l'i'\'l'. fur the :-.·. l'. :\. so cia l nTn ing-. Un s uch occasions an h o ur o r t\\'1) o f info n nal l' nt ntai nm c nt h as affo rd ed the ~tudt•nh a pleasant o ppo rtunit1· for becom ing ln t inlately acqu a int ed.
I llasnntch as n ne oi th e
~ · 1r ial
il l!nrnt t r~ t'
I luring the abs L' IlCl' o f \ I iss Lalli·. \I iss I \ern ice ( )']' icf ha" acted in the ca pacity o f a<ll·i~n. and has. i1Hleed. prove n a h e lpful facto r in further in g the inlt'rest of tht· suc ie tl·. Th e loyal spirit ll'hich "he has s h o11·11 has dn nt· nnll'h IPII'a rd stinntlat ing· the 111L'111bcrs 11·ith int e r est and e nthusi as m. :\I I·: :\I 1\ E I~ S.
Cha rk ,; :-J' ,,·a k Cla r a Ct'l' ,;cn \ ' io la ~111 il h llt•,;,; il' Burke
Sadie S. 'l';q.rga rt .\11 11<1 Snghrtt t· l·:mlna Snyder lll'ttlah l{adn 1-.:athninc· l lcak~ ·
D . R. l( anto r 1\ lizahl'lh Sl'i lm au.;t•r :\ 1. 1·:. ll t·<li cy \ lr~. \1. C. )at·k n l' mi n · 0' 1( id
Emma t ll in·riu,; \l ary ( l ' Cc t~ l n or llt·,;,;ie I), >il'i'a I l·: n·il la l'nhurn
S T.\I ·T
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DEC EMBER, 1910 Religi ous Num ber
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· 'rru 1\luntnt The a . sociatir>11 has lH:t(JJllC a pult'nt fa c tr11· in tile !'t· ll, ,. ,J af'h ir :- 111 :\ (·The y earl y salary earned l>y tilt' .\lun111i ITac ll\·:-; tl 1v .t..:r: tl ltl '- ll lll ,,f 0 ve r The re has al \\'a \'S lJt'<: ll a dn~t· cr J- IIJlt"rati 1111 :t1 11 l ;L!'1"'d lvll••\\·:-; hip bras ka .
am o ng the P e ru t\lumni.
Thi s ha s ll t'\'t'r IJtTll :-;tn,n g·t·r • •r 11111n· vl'!'n·ti,·t'h·
sh ow n than at th e prese nt tim e. l t is o f in ter est to con s id e r th e fflll o \\'ing fact :-; n : latill ;L!' t 11 11 111' . \ltlllllli : \V e ha ,·c a total t\lumni of 1 ,j(io. ( >f th ese all IHit .1~· 1•r 2 .,:; Jll'l' cent. arc li ving. :\ inc hundred and fifty -five, or 70 p t' r cent. :trc li,·in.t:· in :\ (·hra s ka. ·e,·en hundred a nd six t y- tw o. or _:;(> pL·r ce nt. an: at prc!' v llt lt':t\' hin g .
this num ber o n e hundred a nd fn rt,·-thrcc h o ld cnl lt-g c p r 1•k:-SIIrs hip:-; 11r :-; 11 pt·r i nte nd e ncies. Thirty- fi\' e . o r 2.6 pe r ren t, arc pro fe s~ i o nal lll l' ll. :\ ine ty-se ,·en, or 7. 1 p e r ce nt. arc bu s int· :-;~ lli Cll . The appro ximate numbe r \\'IH, ha ve taught t\\·,, 11r lllnH· _\'L' :tl· ~ • •11 t' l'rti li c.:ates is
1 . 168.
o r 83 p e r ce nt.
\V e also hav e .·\lumni in .\l cx ico . L oui s iana.
l'an s a s . \\ ·_,.tl llli llg.
( >h i1 1,
South D a k o ta . .\[isso uri , Illino is . \\' a s h in g ton. Cnlorad11. ( ·ali fnrnia. ( H: lah., 111 a. \' e w York , Tm ,·a, .\rkansas. Id ah o . Oreg-on . .\ l rn1tana . .\li llll L'SII ta . .\li c hig;tll. \\' iscon sin. \'e\'ada, :\orth D a k o ta , I 'c nn :-;y h ·a nia . . \ri z 11na.
1: 11•rida , I ndiana.
l'hili ppint Is la nds . Po rto Ri c.:o. Can a da. ancl lnrlia .
(llfl '
, , , , , , , ., .,
lltil ' l!l
1.•· 111111
I ~,.,,.,. l ,·d it·.,tn li-t .,j :'\itll"tl'l'tllh l'l"tlltn·y .\lumui by a C11111tnitte,· ui Ten p,.,,p),· ltllt"l't''ln l in 111· l'lotl!H'l'tl·d with 1\·ru . J 1X70- Cco 1rg-,· 1·:. ll11 \\'a rd. - Edncat1 1r ••i nat innal t·,·putal itJ n : e m inent Proie~ ~o r oi s.,l· i, l"!-!Y and S.:ien,·e it t L'nin~r-ity u i :'\,·h ra~ka: \\TittT oi natittttal r eput a t ion. 1~7:;- ~ l r ~. :\. K. G•HHiy. - F ormer l),·JHliY :::;t at e S u pet·im e nd en t a nd pro min ent 111 .. dnca t iunal c i r ck~. t.'-~7.; - ll ugh Do b lt ~.-Ottl' oi th ,· inn·tthl'<l l a\\'y1· r ~ in ,;u ut h ea~tc rn :'\ e b ra s ka. 1X7(>- J . 1'. k. - l 'rlltltin,·tH in ti nanl'ial and pu li t il·al t:irdes in N,· bra ska . 1X76--J1 •hn \\'itl!er~ .-:'dana g-,· r lli .\ntt-ri,·an Bo•ok Compa ny in :'\ebra~ka ittr pa st 1\\'t·nty -li,.,. year~. r.'-:77- Chark:< II. L,·tt• lll. - Emin,·tll juri~t: tt'lt~ll'e t)i .-\ ,~oci atiun 19 10-11. r~'-i1 - Rn :<a Boutoltl.- Proi,·--llr oi lltom,· l·:,·,qu•m ies. l'ni,·er::ity ,,j L'tah. Ji'.'-:..!- 1•: . l'api t•ola Re,•d Cran·~.- l 'hy~i,·ian oi ,·xten~in: pra,·ti.:,·. 1 ~'-ift-- 11. B. Dllncan-•m. - l'roi,·--or oi Bioh•gi,·al Sci,·nn·:<. J',•ru tall' :'\ormal !-'dt"' •I: graduat,· oi l'nin-r~ity oi J.,·ip~il-. (;,-rmany. t~'-:7- l. .. ttic Bun·h. - Fm im·nt ,·dut:at"r itt L'tah L'nin•r,;ity: ).!raduat,· ui Chicago l'ni,· ,·r~ity .
1~'-:7-)amc~ \\' . Cralttn·,·.- \\' iddy kno\\'tt ,·<Jucato r: Pr,·~id,· m r,•n1 State :\To rm a! IIJ0-1 · 11)10. in.:lu ~ i n·: tlw "nly l'r,·~id,·lll innn th,· . \lumni: :-;ttp,·rinl ,'tHknt ui Puhlic In- rructinn in :\ehraska. 11) 11. 1X1)0- D cxt n D . . \ ~ hky . - r.,·ading ~ ur ;.:-,·•• n in :'\l'\\' York C it y. rXIJO- . \Ima ( (., ~i ,·.-I'n•k -- ~•r pj l.atin. l(eann·y State :'\urmal. rX<JO- Fred E. ~ l .. r ro\\'- l ,,·ad in g ~ chon ! tnan and prom in,·nt 111 L',•nt a nd State Llni ,·t· r :'ity r ircks. t X<Jr - j . F. l lo.-•it:. - l·:ducat " r of prnmin,·ttce: Pr o ft·~~or oi En g-li :' h. Sc ho••l .. r Ed tt· ra t inn. C h icag-o L'nin•r ,;ity. rXt).!- Jantl':' 1·:. lh·lzeii.-S up nitlll'tHk nt of Lexin~ton schoo l,; iur tiitl'l't l Y''ar,;: l>l'pllty Sta t(· Supn in tendent. 1X<J3-.\ Ihl'rt \\" . (ht erhllllt.- Proil'~"OI". Co tn'-r L'ni,·cr~ity. Bethany. l~t)-1 - Cran· D. Cullwrt<Otl.-Jlrof,·<~<) l' 11i English in Peru Stat\.' :'\ormal ior pa ~ t ten Yl'al'!"o .
t~IJ-1- \\ '. :'\. D el:rl'll.- l h·partmetll oi Comntl' rce. Peru Stat\.' :'\•mttal: :'l'l'rl'tary trea::urn ui .\lttmni .\~,:ociation: Jll'<llll\Jter oi .\lttmni. tX•J-1 - Sn~an \\'. :'\orlllti.--T ea•·h,·r in S ntll'ri or. \\'i ~c~~ n ~ in. Xormal SdH•<•I: g-radual''
.,j \"a,~ar Colll'g-<'.
IXI)-1- Eclith \'an .\I icl dlc,\\·o rth .--Critic ll'achl·r in Pan State :\nrmal: tormer h,·acl , ,f training- ~ch uol. Xl' h ra~ka \\· l'~kya n . tXIJ;'i- 1·:. ( ). Carrett .- l' nnnincnt hookntall and polit ician. tX<)_;- I. o ni ,:l' \\" . ~ll' a r- .- C,·ng-r:q.f t y t,·adll'l". Pe ru Sta te i\o rmal. tH1)6- E IIi,: ~1. L• .. >n ti<.- l'r .. k~-~~r in \\ ' i ~c .. n,; in State U nin· r ~ i ty. t XCJ6- \ Vil liam C. l 'a rr i<~tt. - Xe mafta Co un ty Jn dgc. tXtl•- l·:i'lil' .\hh1>tt. - l ' nh li ,: St· ft n" l 1\"llr k: cri t ic l t'ac lll'r. :.Jl'hra,: ka \\\·skyan tt n in·r -i t y . rXtJ{t-- \\' . 1.. fn· t tch .- l' rofl-<~nr itt i\l'lll'a<ka Stat,• l n i \"C·r~ i ty . rX<)(>--1·:1 ,.a I ~ nl1 on .- I. ihrariatt Prn1 1\ ornta I. tX•JX-Charle~ C. Dan iorth.- Craduat e 11i Chicag-o L'nin~ r ,: ity: Pn•i<· ~~n r 111 Uni,·er-.ity 1oi l'alif11rnia. tXt)•' \lary .\. TytH> tJ.- I.ihrarian l'ntt Stat,· :'\ormal. !X<)IJ. -\\"arr,· n B. Catlin - Craclttal'' Columlu:t l'olkg-e. l'roil'"'"r ui Su,· iul"!!.' in ('onu·ll L'ni,·,·r,ity: rn~i,·--"r in wd••in C<~lleg-,·. \Iaine . tXI)t) .\nna \· . Jl·nnin).!-. - l. th ranan Kt·artll"Y Stat'' Xormal. ,,'-:tJI)-Tnrnn ( l . l{ t·nl-a·r.-Stq~t·rin tt" tllknt toi Sdwol-. Philippine I ,Jand-
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T!n<lolph R<'nnP<·I;~·t · nl f' llll :--:.tccddat·d 4 :Jncl,\·:-: Tayl • •l' H. IL Spn n·o nl )' t: ll : - <;({ H - H · H · B 1: ,, \' !
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\\' i ··1.- I:t t tcl \\' i c· l.; l:t lt cl
Dramatic Club
I JFJ·' JI ' J·: JC S
Barnt•s Blakl!
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X•· tf l•· trJJi
mramattr Qllub
~l•w l\ • ) : 1 1 • ·
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mrantattr Ollub I Juring t he sc honl year 1S) 10- 1 1 th e Dramatic Club ha s been o ne o f t h~.· most pmgrcssin· a nd fl ourishing organ io ns of o ur ::\a nna l School. The c lub \\·as organi1.ed ftH. tl1 c purp ose t)f creating a hi g her appreciation o f d ramati c a rt a nd greater sk ill in presentati on of the drama: also to g ive its m e mbe rs practice a nd d rill in coaching plays fo r publi c sc hoo l wo rk. \\.h e n th e dub \ras first o rga ni zed t he membe rs hip \\·as limi ted t o o ne hundred fiftee n. but it \\·as fo und quite impossible for so ma ny to work tog·ct hcr. and for this reason . a t t he beginni ng o f the second year, it was d ecided to admit unl_,. sixty membe rs. Thi s plan pro ,·ed more sa tisfactory a nd has been cont inu ed during th is yea r. Th e reg:ular time of meet ing is t he la st Tuesday o f eyery month. Th ere was ll< l p ia:· g·iH· n in Octob er . hut instead . o n the cYe ning fo r th e regular meeting. a llalluwc'e n soc ial \\·as he ld in En·rett Hall, w hi ch was en joyed by all p rese nt. < )n this same t.'Yening. a farce in o ne act \\·as presen ted by .\ I iss lkmic c < J' l(id and .\I iss \ "csta Douglass. The plays g iYen t his n·ar ha ,·e heen much mo re finished than heretofmc. :\mung t he produ cti ons rende red were .. T he Fo rtun e .H untcr ... \\·hich \\·as very in teresting a nd ente rtai ning . " .-\ C hristmas C hime ... a n.~ ry unique li ttle farce. p resented by fo ur characters. ··T\\·o Ghosts in \\-h it c ... and .. S aint Cecelia ." .\Irs. \'et t lclon . uur a(hiscr. has tak en a great interest in t he members o f th e l·luh and th e \\·nrk they ha n .: accompl ished sin ce last September. Tn o rder that the cha racters taking pa r t in the plays might put fo rth grea ter e ffort. j t H lg-es \\· en· c !l os en fnr t lle play s g ive n during: t he first semester . and t ll e ,·ietori ous east \\·a s \-cry plea san t ly ente r ta in ed hy :\ 1rs . i\ettleton a t her ho me. Tn <tdditi n n to th e plays g ive n. we have bee n very fortunat e in securing :-;eH'ra l pro111inc nt readers. :\ [iss :\ lice Ho"·e ll . Profe ssor o f Expression of the ~ l ate L' ni,·ers ity. ente rt ai ned us \rith a ve ry a rtist ic interpretation o f Jeanne 1)':\rc. in Dece lllhcr. The rencl iti()n of this poetic drallla a lo ne en t itles h er to a hig h pl ace in her professio n . and proYes her an arti st o f g reat talent a nd a b ili t~· . One o f the greatest dramatic product ions of the yea r occurred in .\pril \\·hen .. C upid at \'assa r .. by 0 \\·en DaYis. was prese nted in th e ::\o rmal C hape l. f{clllarkahl c talent and ski ll was di splayed in the presentat io n and illl per~on ati o n n f th e diffe re nt eharact ers in thi s elrama. and \\·ill ((l ng he rem cn1berc d by llle mi>e rs o f the elub an d their frie nd s.
I J1u ·
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~tPplH •II:O:
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~]Jtl\'1'1' l l•·r
1: 1·"d H~> t·d
I·: JJ ,• niH·I·g· · r nnl\f' l' I ·' J' :l ll l'i S ~ li llo•J' I; i 11 11• ' 1'
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>;mi th
l~ O,!.!f'
111<111 dcpart111cnt u i the l'cru \' n rma I. t h i ~ lim· of \\'ork i ~ l'\·idc nccd ll\· t he larg·e tlll'tllhers hip o f th e club. ,,· hi ch i1Jcludc ~
nea rly n indy people. ()n a cco un t o f t h e larg·c tllttnb n
of o rg-a ni zati o ns \\·i thin the ~c htH) \ -a\1
dcina nd ing t im e anc\ effort. and tt1 ,,·hi l'\1 a gooclly per cent of tilt· nlcnlbt'r ~ hi p o f t h e C ennan C lub bcl ong~-the cl ub ha~ cha ng-e el
from ,,·ce kl~- t tl
fortn ig htl y I n cct in g~. T h is gwc~ a n o ppo r tu ni ty fo r t he dc,·e\npmcn t o f a n idea, ,,·hic h h as b een fo r a ln ng t ime in t h e mi nd o f th e ' '\rn ein.'' nalllcly, t he p r esent a ti on o f a scn cs of ~ h o r t C crm a n plays .
Thi~ idea is no\\' ht•i ng
carr ied o ut . to tilL' g- reat pleas ure o f a ll concern ed . Se \·cral In c mbc rs o f t he :\ o r lll al fa cuJt,- ha\'l' g t\-c n intcre~ting- lect u r es o n (; cnnan suhjcc h
enjoya ble an d
befo re the "\ .en· in " a nd :\ l r. Schott.
o f I 'cru . \\·a s induced t() g-t\T a talk o n hi s Yisit to the I 'ass in n 1'\a y at Obc r alllm crgau 111 1<) 1o. T hank s to th e ahle a th ·icc o f l' rofcss,, r \\' hi tc nack, t he cardul s upcr \' Istun o f th e prt ,gTa tn t' tl1111llittet' <II Id t > ll1 cc r~. the hear!\· cn-npcra tit' n nf t he
nl c tnbers. th e
,-ca r has sect! it.
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tit he r
1-'a irl'hi ld ,., ... Jiot .\ l oro·is I [ iJ·s c h UJH II
.\I'I II S I I'O il ~
.\d;r 11r s
:--:r•wh 1·
Ta rln r
r:··Jia ,
( ' 'Ha n uuu Sl rar'f '
.1 :1111 •·:-o
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1 1 :1 1'1111' 1'
1Gatttt QHuh A t t h e l>eginning of th e ,·ca r
1 ~10
,·a r r<>l ts
l .at i rt
c lasses under t h e m ust effi c ie n t g ui da n ce ,,f \ ! iss C lar k. h e ;r d , ,f tile
l .at i n
depa rtment, orga ni zed t h e L ati n Cl ub.
t h e s tu de n h
11f tile
1:u r t h e fi rst Sl' lll l'Stc r t h e fu ll u\\·i n g
o ffi cers wer e elected: l' rof. :\ 1. C. L e fle r . p r cs id l: t1 t : \I r. J-'r·a n k . \ d a rn s . sc cn.:t a n · : and \fr. Paul Stoehr . treasure r.
l:r)r th e se c()n rl Sl: Ill es t e r t h l· r •fficers \\TIT:
\ [r . !; rank :\da m s. presid l:nt; \ l iss \ ' i<J la :\l<• tT is . senl'la r : · : a nd \ ! iss l .r •tti l· Boge, treasure r . The purp ose of t h is o r ga n iza ti o n rs tr• a ffo r d () ]> JHJrtuni t _,. fu r a b r oa d e r c ul ture in classical lin es and to c u lti va te t h e s" c ial li fe <,f t il l· dq>ar t nl c nl. The progra m s h a ve been su c h a s \\' Ould b e h e lp fu l to l .at in t eac h e r s in t h e ir nig h schoo l \\'Ork. T h ey h ave co ns isted of L at in su n gs . s p c ll -d ()\\'I ls 1)11 La t in vocabularies and p ri nc ipal parts . and guessi ng g am es in ,·ol v in g lead ing c h aracters of diffe rent periods o i R0man h is t(Jry . T h ey h a\'l' b ee n ,· a ri ed ()l'casionally by talk s on subjects o f in teres t to t h e clu b , ami de b at es b ,· m e m bers c h osen for the disc u ssio n.
Thes e
p r og r am s
h ave
h igh ly
st ructive a s well as e nt e r tai n in g. an d a ll who h ave at t e n d ed les t if ,· real p ro fi t and e n joyment derive d fro m ou r m eet i n g~.
tn t h e
1 lrl
\\':alt 1:-: lrntll
I I a n:-:.-r
Ht>ll I ' :11':-:nll
l.1 'P
ll,\ 't'l'
:'I r:td ll'Y
I •_vpr
) l :t~ l\ tl :-::-: nll
~ lhJ Yet·
F r a nci:-::; ~\ tHh •r:-:on
\\'e hne pre~ent th e Illl'll1hn~ o f o ur !'uc iety \\·hich \\·c have na111ed th e ··1-.:a p pa 1-a lllhda." io r what name cuuld ~u i t u~ hcttn?
\\"c beg PUr iri e nd ~
tn con:-;ider u~ ca r efully but not critically. \\'e come \\·ith a \\·a-l l n n -p(cr) from the Du n - ba r~. l ;air- til'ld~. \ " alley ~ . and Crccn - \\"Ot H I ~ . \\"l'
You :-;h o uld he g·lad to m eet us fo r t he ha ppy th o ugh t;;
"( )m Fair :\b hcss " (\" ell). " ( ;cntle l'acifi er" (J essie). th e " C rik ct"
(. \g·dal. t he " l lipltltllatic Q ues tio ne r" ( \largaret ) . the " So uthern ()rat t) r s" (Dor o thy. :\Iam ie . .-\ li ce ). the "Fairfield Champi o n" (:\Ita ). th e "lri~h \\"it" ( 1\u ena). the "~anclitnnn i lHts Parso ns" (I I ilda ancl \" cula ). the "Timid \\"otHipcckn" ( Lill ia n ). the "Champion ( ;igg·kr" ( Ehba ) . the "Co median" ( l;cm). ea ch cl osely hound h y ~nlcn 1n \"U\\"S tak en bciure th e sacred s hrine arc IW\\. ahuut to he torn as t!II<Icr hy crue l fn rtt! IIL'. hut \IT tru~t a m erciful l'rovidcii(L' ili a\· reunit e us in clllsn hunds of friendship . ··1 f
IIH' l'l
again . ll"hy. ll" l" ,;h a ll ,; mile .
1 i not. w h y t he n th i,; partin g 1\"a ;; II"C'll made."
(Jur · lt lt llti !Tt l
1/t ir l!f - ll i llt'
UFF Jf ' E H S I .PJ,{Pl"
Agrtrultural ยงortrty Peru~:ian.
fre;sident C.E. HeaoovK
W'arren Bvrr1l/.
fr/ah/~ 81u:rw~ocl
-= Sec.-lt;epa. =
W:13vrrel/- t{.l(,~t)~l'/;1; ~~-'?!]t::5l!Z! . โ ข..
W:~ Whrlji~li:l-;/.lfn/ae!!JHtlcia --pq rGon
ll nll:-:t•
:\ l tl)l ftll'l
~ cntt
Jrtgl' i.Esmt!J lllll tmtrrs ht §tat!' matrymrtt' £i Assnrtath111 illntttl'st The contest 11·as LllWll tn anyone in the stat e of Xcbraska. jects 1\'L' JT:
The su b -
"\\'IIy is th e Sil() a l ~rofitablc Equipment for the Xehraska F a r m?"
and " li n\\' \\ 'nuld Ym1 Conduct Dairying· o n a X eb r as ka F arm ?"
:\[iss C race
:\lo1Ifort 11·on fo r l 'cru th e ho nor of se ndin g th e best essa:· fro m a ~o nna l school. l11 addition th e fu'llm1· ing ;;ccured $5 prizes each : ( ;race :\ lonfort . lm•z lla\'l·ns. l )alna 11n>l\'n, 1\ost' llallcr. \' cola !'arson. Horte nse Ink s. and l 'ent \\·nn a fomth u f all o i th e $ too prizes offered hy the 1\crtha ~e<~lt. as;;ociat ion . The fact that all but nne o f these \\· ere m em bers of t he <Hh·anced l(h ct o ric class, prn\'l'S the contl'ntinn that agrindturc can he Stll'Cl'ssfully correla t ed "·it h cn· n sn \\·idely scpara\t'd a subj ect a ,; l ~nglish. ll• the m utu a l a <h·a ntag c of hn th dl'partlllL'llh.
l.JEl'A HT .\I E :'\'1' .\li Jl.,,.
111111'11insou ll<•nth
J:u n·" ll•·
lln n un
1 :'\~'l'HI.'!"J 'CJ H :o;
r rPll<''' "''
.\ .'\1> .\ SS J ST.\:'\TS ('h u rJI , ..,. \ \ 'Jr lllio•ld
J) unt·a n :-:••11
111rpartmrnt of ThHnlngy [n 1892 th e science \\'Ork o f th e :\'ormal was org-anized into t\\' 0 depart me nts kn 0 \\'11 as !_'hys ical Sc ience Departm en t, u nd e r t h e di r cctio11 of I 'rof.
.\. H. Va n \'leet. and the Bio logica l Scienc e Depart m e n t under t h e di r ec t ir 111 of Prof. H. 13. Duncan so n. Fro m a ,·c ry s m a ll beginn ing· t he d c p a r t nwnt a t present has the follo\\' ing eq u ipme nt : Three ins tructors a n d n ine ass ista nh. three lec ture ro o m s . t h ree la bo rato rie s . th r ee o ffice s. b\·o s tllrc room s . and a green ho use. There a r c suffic ient appa ra tus and labo ratory fac iliti t·s to ,,·nr k t\\'O h undred stude nts at one ti me. T he d epa rt m e nt has scve nt:· comptHl nd microsco pes. eleven 111icrotom es . t\\·o hu ndred sets o f di sscct iilg' appara t u s. the most m odern equip m ent fo r the st udy o f plant phy s iolog·:· . a d c n wnstra t ion stereopticon. \\'ater baths, di still in g a pparatus. and 1111111eroi1s o t hn essen t ials to a \\'ell equipped lahorato n ·.
Th e d l'part n1 c nta \ \\·u rk undn I 'rnf . \\·. 1:. ll oyt and .-\:-;;;i;;tant l' r of. 1\. 1\ . ~pafford has :-;u~tained ih lo ng cstahl i:-;h~:d rep ut at io n for l'fti cic m·.' ·· T he labora to ry as>:is tants fn r th e year in chemi stry ha,·c i>l'l'n \lisse,; F thcl 1\ac r . Rose 11a llt: r. \ la m k l~run s d u il. :\ largaret ~c<.:c k and I ri s \\.arc. a nd :\ lr. G . II . Lanphere. and in ph ysics .\ k ss rs. E. H . C hris te nse n. :\ . 1:. ( ;el\\·ick. (;eurgc E. S lc\·e ns . .- \ . P . Stockdal e. and t ;I<.:n Stoddard. T he \rt·ddy cu nk r cllcl'S han~ ta ken up th e teachi 11 g· o f p hy s i c~ and chem istry. using Sm ith a nd i I al l's tex t as a basi;; o f discussion. T he !'hys ical Sc icm·c club u rg·;lllizcd at th e hcginni 11g of t he _'" l'ar. ha s p r CJH'd a decided succes!< i11 attenda nce a11d in te r est. T lw progr a m s haYc been greatly enH.\1 11 \ll;B .\1' 11 01··
l·'tll "t' .\ I "I.T
l' I·::\ I >I "J.l ") l
11.\ :\ 11
riclwd b Y t he u sc of the n e\\· T ho mpso n projecting a pparat u s . .-\bo u t $ t so.oo ''"orth of s upplies and appa ra tus \\"e t"C added to th e d epa rtm e nt during t h e first semeste r. includ in g a Ri) n tgen R a,· o u tli t. a diffract ion g r at ing. a radium spi nthar isco pe. and elect ri cal va cu u m t ubes . besides three va luable sets of appa ra tus devised b y I 'rof. S paffo rd a nd \I r . E d iso n I 'ett it. T he first is a n ingenio u s d eY icc for de m o nstra ti ng the la\\·s of m otio n. a nd th e o th e r t\\· n arc a Foucault I' cn<l uh tm for d e m onstrat ing the r o tatio n of the ea rth a nd a chronogra ph for reco rdin g accu rate tim e. Sl'\·cral radiog-rap hs have been take n hy our :\ -ray co il a nd t u be . including t he one u n t h i:-; pag·e. SL'HTa l impro venll'nts a nd additi••n~ t u tilL' d epart"nl clll a r c prupt~~l'd for tltc illllnediale future.
Norntal fGrrturr @ournr The L ect ure CtHlr:'c Co mmitt ee ha,.: con tracted fo r a sen es o f entenain111 L'n ts io r n ext :·car ,,·hich. "· ith th e pos:;i hlc e xcept io n of tilL· Linco ln course. ila ~ nc\-er lwo:n L'q uallcd for th e m o m·_..- in th e state. lk it :;a id in the beg·inn ing that pe rsona l rep r eSL' ll tat i\-c:' o f four Lyceum Bu r eaus call ed up o n th e co nJ Jn ittec and, as a r e,.: ult. t he c ho icest ta le nt ;l\·a il ablc \\·as selected. Th e ope ni ng m 1n1ber is u nq u esti o nab ly th e bes t attractio n that could b e :'LTu r ed an d i:; a d cc ickd in JWYatio n in o ur cou rse. .-\t first th e committee wa~ 1n doubt a:; to the a<h· i,.;abili ty o f engagin~· s uch an expL·n sin· attractio n a s th e Lo: ! :ru n (;rand Opera Q uart ette. (t hey rcn~ i H' $ 3.)0.00 pn n ight) but it \\·a:; f·i nally d ecided that o u r patro ns could no t affo r d to mi ss th e exceptio n :-~! n ppn rtunit_,. nf llL'aring high clas ~ artists g ive grand opera in c ostume \\· it h their o\\·n ,.:tag-e ~c tt ings. T he company is cnmpo::-ecl nf io u r gra n d opera stars. headed hy \ladame Le llrun. a native of ltal:· and o ne of the \\· o ri el's grea tes t so pranos. \ Jadamc Le Hnt n has a re perto ir e of fiity operas wh ich she si11gs in fo ur lang·uages. altho s he preiers to :; ing in Engli s h to E ng lis h au di e nce:;. :-;he is s upp o rte d by \ I iss La u ra Dae r. con tralto: \ l r. F r itz Hutm a nn . tL'nnr. \\·ho s tarred in the titk role o i \Vagncr' s greatest \\·ork- "Pars ifal :" a nd .\ rt llur I )cane. a na t i\·c t) f .-\u stralia. \\· ho was d ecorated hy Qu een \ ' icttlria uptln his appea ra nce in Lon don as "Ton io" in "Pag-li acci." and wh o . a~ " IJijah." \\·as tlite n pronounced the equal of the grea t Francco n DaY ics. Th e e ntire country is s tirred at t h e present t ime OYe J· the d isclos ures \Yhi ch arc being 1nad c by l ~x- l. nitc d ~tares Se na to r Fra nk J. Can no n in h is art icles in l ~n· ryhody' s \ lag·azinL'. H im self, t he so n o f t h e fi r st cou n selo r of th e \ (ormun C hurch. b rought up in the ,-cry heart o f \lormo ni s m. hi s lectur e \\·ill be a reve lation on th is blot of .-\mc ri can society . Th e third numbe r \\·ill be an interpretative r ecita l by Phic\elan Rice. a reade r o f th e c lass of L e land T. l'o\\·e rs. ::\l r. Powers him self say s o f h im : .. J-( Jl()wi ng- the man a s I dtl. I d o n o t won der at the as to n ish in g- succe ss he has mel "·ith in t h e last tw o _,·ea rs." ( ;ilbe rt .-\ . E ld ri dg-e. characte r impersonator. is one of t h e m ost popula r me n on th e Lyceum plat form to da_L H is characterizat iu ns a r e in cost ume an d range from the co un t r y boy to Saman tha .\lien. a co m bin at io n o f \Yit. \\·isdom, fu n a nd pa t hos . T he closi ng number \\·i ll be the s tar attraction produ ced b~- H.alph Dunbar. "The llu ~sa rs ." This compa ny cons ist s of n ine me n . m u sic ians o f extraordi nary abi lity. \\'h() a ppear in uniform during- part oi th eir program \\· hic h is a co mhinat io Jl of g lcc-c lu h. bra ss :-;cx tctt e . a nd m ili ta ry n umbers. Thi s uniqu e mu sica l nrgani za tiun m eets t\\·o demand s of the m ajo r ity of our patrons- mil ita r y s pkndur a nd act i() n . and th e rollicking spiri t and da sh ui the co llege g·kc clu b. Th e conunitt ee believes that . tlll the \\· ho le. th e course will p r() \T the Jn<lst en tntain i11g· and in struct ive of any e ver g-i n:n in 1\·nt.
-- ~-
U ohi'I'I S
.\ IJ d r•n.:u u
\\'!i-Ii Ia rt d
1\'h i r ll•· ld
r:ll ··lll .. ·r·;.:· ···
,,,. ,. ..... .,
l .:tllfd l •' l'l"
ll a JJ ...; 4· JJ
'1' .\ , .. ,.
T he clu b has no t b ee n quit <.: S(r larg(' ir 1 ll lt' llilwr ,., llip ;r-. j,, ,.,,, ,.rJ,. lnll • '" t he who le the best o f r ecen t \'Cars 111 p• >illt ,, i ill<ii ,·ir h r;r l ,.,,"·,· ..... I .J vJHii ll g. a nd precisio n a nd in te ll ige nce n f s t ,·iv.
( JtJ1 -.,i- t" '" ' tri p ,.. ill t'itH krl ,· i,.;it,.; t "
the S ta te Teachers' .\ ssoc iat i• >ll a t c •>ill. til v < Jt< >(' (···tJ I1 t\· l ·,, ,- 11 ~iJ, , "· · t il t· Southeaste rn Teachers' :\ ssflc iat i<)ll at \:cl>r;t ,.;kt <"it,·. ;r11•l ;, . ., J,,,rt t'<>L lt'LTt tour of eastern \:c:bra ska
ll " lll L' c"llct· rt. 1.-t·l,rtl; tr·,
.2 1 .
The :\Laic Q uart ette is the b es t in n ·ar s. Tl 1v ir "( lid l ·;" '''' ... "' r11;_:· " ·;ts ;t sta r number o n every progra m . .\!i ss l la z c l J:cck pr<l\'t·r l ;r ,.. J,;i ll v•l ;trH I ,; , · In pathetic accompanist ; ,,·bile .\I iss :\clal y n
l ~ia ll kt.: rl ,.; ili p.
;r s ,.., •J >r;tl1•' s • >l• >ist
the club' s concer ts. m o re than eq u a lled h er " tllH: l'l> l'l'L· .,rd 11f fl)r l11l'r st·a s• >liS.
(j 1· A I:TI·:T TE
J.a n phe r·e
\'\' l<'ld antl
nari tullt'
Thv attv 111pt ()f prt•,·inu~ year~ tu 111ake t ht· IH qnllar tlltt ~ical inkrL·~ts uf I'nu ~:en i n in the ll<> rl' ,.r tilL· b ig· rh oru ~ i:- r ct'l'i,·i ,tg a g-reat int petu~ from the '':\l ay l:c:'ti,·a l" idea nn11· ;Hh·anred in t ilL' State :\<•r1nal f, .r the tir:;t titm•. :\ laY 16th 11·ill :'L'L' the ndntinatiutt of th e yea r· ~ chur a l art i ,·it i L·~ in tltc pre ~e ntatinn of a program of 11·Iticll tlte llH >~ t prnminent feature i::; to he .\Ia~ l:rucll ':' beautiful ballad. "I .-air Elle n." int rtHltKin~.:- :'<•lo pa r t:' h:· arti ::;t~ nf world fa 111 c . \\'il liant \\';uk llin~ha\\'. the g-n.:at ba r it• •m· . lla~ ht'L'Il ~ccurcd fru111 t he :\kt ro po litalt < lpcra ll <>ll:'l' . :\e11· Ymk . \\'i th hitn 11·i ll appL·ar. in recital and L· n ncerl. :\I r~. !Ia 1\u r nap ll ilt:' ha \\·. of l'h it·ag·o . a ~o prano .. \ pia11i"t ni llPtL' 11·ill n> 111pk te the li st of n·kh ri tie:-:. T ill' I IL'l'l'~~a ri ly larg·l' e~pe 11 sc in,·olvL·d i11 tilL· c ng·ag-emct!l of nlll sic ian~ o f \Try ll igll ra11k rL'tJCil'r~ the h·~ti,·al pla n purely L':>:JlL' rit llL'll tal. hut it i~ hclien·d that tltc patrnnage aL-r nrded tile e ntcrpri:;e 11·ill " ·a r rallt tlte pcnuam·nt e~tahli:;hm ent 1lf "F c~ ti,·a l I>;' ·'·" in t ile ~L·Ilnnl l·a lendar.
I L.\
111 \~1 1 .\\\'
Jrru Norntul illuui'l T i ll ·:
B :\:\1>
I<<J~T I ·: I <
Clare II. C~>rrll·ll. B lai ne
J)iii< Jll.
Bradky Va ttec .
Coructs.. . :. .
\ ·,· rt l l' l l; ,<lk_,. ln·il k J<;JI , t• >tl. I{"" II, >a <l l .. y.
f1nr//t>III'S - -
Bl a ine f{c(;(l. \·,·rnc C hat<.:laint· . Curti s Ratlbl.:y.
\ ' c rnnn K
l, il ,r;tr i; tlt ' 'j. !'I I I 1//111 Ill·.,·
Cia riuctsL ~: s t cr
I Jirvcl .. r.
l<e e rl . Vl'r ll v ChatvLtilll·.
r eb~.
Cnwdl. J•>i111 \\'dton. \ l alcolm
I /nru s-
'f'r;wy I·~\ ' ~· r c.- t t
T_,-k ,- . ( : 1 ~~
. \!pita
1\ r tlllt; q...: v.
h 11 r I . ' •11 g i ,·II, , " . II a! Ll ;t -:..: "" .
. \ 1'l
I !ri/JJIS ( ~l;l .... gll\\
1Ta rol<l C h au.:l:t in e.
J • ll'
TT a rry
l'l;JI'l'lll'l' (';JI'll'l'. ~t .. rl i ll g \\ ' hitti , ·l<l
T y ler.
Ca ;;:; iu ;o; Kcn n c d ~-.
lldJ "( 't(
fi {I .'I
IDlu.> I
Til L· h a 1Hl i:-; an ••rg ;u Jiz a t i••ll ~·clll l] HJ:'ed larg l'l y nf _\'\lll llg tll L' ll w ll n r L·:;i d e l'l' r ll a nd \I'll \) h:t\'l' n•n· i,·,·d t h L• ir ll llt :'ical cd u L·atin n a t t h e :\n rm al.
t ll• •tlgll :'l'\'L'ra l ll tL' llll>vr:-; aH· ra t h~· r in lnla l' urv
. \1 -
yea rs. n e\'l· rth ~..·less the b a nd
i:-; n·1 n a rk ahh· :' tl l'l'L's,;iu l in l'DnL'l' rt wurk. d u e la r gely to th e pc r si,;tcnt and th llr<lllgh d ri ll wh :c h i,; r cn·in•d in tl w p ractice rOl) ll l. llll' r ~..·J_,.
n nt
The t rain ing- here is
pf an ,•n krtain ing- n atu re h ut i,; of d ec ided cducat in n a l ,-al u c. \ \'ork s
11i 1h l' lllastv r s an· st udi L·d and p la_,·vd \l·it h ca rciu l in tcrpn:tat iu n and n:gard
f, •r t l'chn iq u l'. The lll:t \'
f<~ ll ••\l·ing
s~T \'l'
p rngra lll . \l·h ic h w a ..; g-1\'L'll this _,·ca r a t t h L· an n ua l cUIH.:cn.
as a nitl' r illll nf t he \l·.,rk an·u mplishcd t hi s : ·ca r : 1' 1\. () (; 1\. :\
~I .
l'a rt T.
r> I.
' ,l.
a n· l!- " \ \ ' iJI.,,,.
(; r• ,,., ... ........ . ............ . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . .... ........ Sor re n ti n u
(: rand :.;,·kc ti"'' ir .. nl " F a u, l .. ........... . ........... . . .... ........ . ... . .... . Go u nod ....... .. . ...... . ... . . .. .. .. .... C l!a lllinadl' ~ l r ~. c. 1 ~. c .. rncll. " ) ,a Ci nquan taim· " . . . .................... . . . . .. . . ..... . .. ... . . ....... Gahric l - ~lari.:
Sopra '''' Sc •I••- ' 'Stllllll l<'l' ..
s. s,•rcn:Hk- " l.c ll· ,·.- J-:ndlanlln<· llt" ...... . ................ ... . . . . ............... Lns l'y (I,
Part I I I. .!.
,l . ~-
arc h- " ~I ili t airc" . ...... .. .. ............... ... . ............. .. . .... .. •... Schubert Fif th llun g al'lall Dan l'l' ........ . .... .... • .... . . . .......... ........ . ..... .. .. Brahms ln t c rn H·zz••-" l ndi:l ll Sll ll ll ll l'r" ......... .......... . . . . .... . ....... .. .. .. . :\ci l :'l l <~rct C haral'll'l·i, tiqlll'- " Frnlir, (li th e I nip:<" ....... . .. .. . .. . •. . . . . .. ... .... . .. ... . Carll< >II S(luthcm :\ l clodil·:< ....... ... . ......... . . ..... . ... .... . . . . . . . . . .... S tl' phcn Foste r B:tnd a n d C h nrtl :<. ~ I ar,·h - "S I:lr ' a11d S tr ipe:< fool'l'l'l' l' .. ...... . . ..... . ......... . . . . .. .... . ........ Sn u""
Nurntul ®rrhr11tru .
Ht.. t'd
I I n!l l ~y
Beck LnL·IJ
.\u s t i n
( 'la: JII'Ia ill t· ( ' Of1Jit'l"
I HI loll ( ' ~1 1'11 1' 11
(';IIIIJdu·l l
f Ji lt
!tuud, ·r r/
fii l ,11 I wu
\·nnec Xu\'tt l.;:
l ; tu ' II lint In d Iii I !I I lll't't '
Shiph<!nl t; h t' I' \\ o od
E h t•rl
~IIl i th
J'IUII•'J·:SSIIJ : J:J: J·.\1,\ <:J·:
Jrnf.r.a.anr illnmmgr .\ lrha l!rumag<:. 1\:a nsas L'11 ive rs ity. ·o..J.. kt ~ c lla q ..:·v • •i t il v !J, ,_,·,.;' .L:_\'1 11nastic a nd athktic "·, 1 rk in f'<: ru. II <: is a n , ,f d f,,.ll l>all. !Jast·l,;tl l ;tJ HI h;tskvt hall [Jfaye r. having playe d \\'il fl f\:ansas l ' 11 in·r ~ i t.\· t l'a n 1s in 'o1. 'o2 <till! .ll.). and a lso gai ned an envial>k n.:CIJnl in til l' ln tr d k s <Il l t il L· i r track t v;tll l. l'n >f. Brumagc. a nati,·e ()t 1\cluit . 1\: ansas . is a s i:-:- f.,fJt . \\T il pr• 'l'"rt i<>t 1L' 1 1. :tt il kt it· ma n. ha s a \\·i nn ing perSIJll a lity a nd t h e <: asy gracl' .,f a st· iJ , ,fa r at HI ;..:·t·nt tv man. He is a hos pitable lHJSl. c h eny. g e ni a l. and af\\·a ys r t·a cl.'· I•• lt· tHI st-rYin· \\·her e ser vice is neccl <:cl. \\'hilc in t he Ka nsas L'n iversity 11 <: s t udi l'd l;t \\· . a nd is a 1llt' Jili>l' r • ,f t Ill' Ia\\· fratern ity :\ lpha Ta u ( )m icr lJ n. . \ ftcr lea ,-ing St' llf " >I ilt· \\T ilt a s t'< ,at·h and director o f the h0ys . to th <: 1\apt is t Sem ina ry at < )t t:t \\·a. 1\:;t Jls:ts. I l l' was th er e t\\'o yea rs a nrl then \\T nt. in t he sa n H· ca pacit_,.. t <~ t fl t· \ \ ' illi:t Jll j e\\'ell. a lso a ]\aptist Coll q :;c . in .\ li ssf!ttr i. \\' h ik h nl' l: nlln :t;..:·c pl aced \\' illia m Je\\'cll o n its feet in m a tt ers ,f a thle t ic s. l i e \\·as t h e fi r s t t'<>: tc h th at they had ever had "·ho bro ught fort h a tea m f!i f,, >th a ll pla _n· rs s t r<>Jlg t'111lllg h to defeat the Haskell I ndians . 1\:a nsas L' n iH·rsity . I \ak n L· ,lin·rs it_,. :tnd .\ 1issouri L'nive rsit\· . H is coaching is rega rd ed b_,. men \\·IH 1 k n11 \\' a s t Ill' ill's! in that sectio n of t he countn·. S ince co ming to h ' ru. i•rofcss<• r l \n 11 11 ag<: has s ll< >\\. 11 hinlst·lf :t " ·illi t1g·. effi cient. and ca rah lc \\'Orker. j I is ho,·s e:-: hibit tllt'ir t ra il ling h \· tIll' l'f'fic it'1 lt mann er in \\·hich they ha\·e ha nd led tl;c game~ th e.' · h a\·c pl <~ n·.t . I 11 i • ~< •th a l l . basket ball. and baseba ll. l!rttillag-e. by h i~ pL-rs• nla l kn ' '"·kcl;..:·v <>i t ht· ;..:·a 1n t·s. has ma de his m en respect hi m as a c<>ac h an d ho n or an d l11\'l' hin1 a s a fric11l l. I l is o\\·n p<:'rso na l life is an in spirat i<Jn. fu r he practin·s t h e p rt't'l'p t s h t· preaches . 1-1 is ho me has becom e th e s tr,ppi ng- p lac e , >i h is fri l'ntls . \\·h , ' a pprl'riate the hospital ity s ho\\·n them by hi s fa m ily . Til l.' sc ll< H>I. iac u lty :1 11cl pu p ils fee l safe in leavi ng- the r eputation of at h kt irs in I 'cru in tilt' h a n ds • •f ' >lit' "' '" , has slt o\\·n hi mself su \\·ortll\· of the t r u ~ t.
lJioothall IDram of 1910
L"tHkr !It~· dir~·ctinn o f Cl1adt l:rumage thi ~ team m:w b~· ch a racte ri zed a:; att "a ll st ar" t ~·:1n 1. l ~a dt ntan filled hi::: po::: itio n :-o efficil'nth· th at it is al m o~ t intpo,;:::il>k l •l ,;a~· that •1tll' ma n i~ bettl' r than anot her. The ··old" nt e n tnaintaitt L' d thL' ::: pkndid records they had al ready establis hed. a nd th e ··n c ,,.·· tll L' tt devel ope d r:-~pidl~· and soon prO\·ed thcmse h·es ca pable foo tba ll players . Th e fi rs t gam e of thL· sca:;nn ,,·as played a t Lincoln Oct~'her 1. It has become t h ~· c u:;to m tu ~lPL' ll thL· SL':l :-on·::: work wit h a g ame ,,·it h the L"n i,·ers ity. ThL' ]Htrpns~· of the g-ame is a good p r ac tice UtHkr new ruk,; a nd a tes t nf the st r eng-th a nd ne n ·L· of th e m e n. Th e ga m e with .\mit y. (ktobcr 8. ,,·as th e first g:-~n t e o n the ho m e field. T h e teams ,,·e re L'n•nly matc hed a ncl th e g-a ntL~ was ho tl y contestee\ . The :::cort• ,,·as lfi-o in fanw of Peru . I :cll cv uc defeated us ( )ct,>bcr 15 ,,·ith a scor e of 11 -0. T h e ga m e was n· ry u nsati sfa cto ry in L' HT~· rcsp~·L·t. .-\ :- pretty :1 play as was ever seen o n a f1H1l hall fi eld was made !J_,. Ste\Tns in this g am l' wh en hl' brokl' tht·o ug h t he l:cl lcntL' line and made •Htr e ig h ty ya rd run with a ··nea r" to uc h ( ?l clmnt at t it~· fi n is h . Th L· i tll~' tl SC ri\·alry l>d\\'l'l' ll Doa ne an d r\:ru ntacle th (• g am e with the Ti gL·r:::. C lcto lwr 2 L. one of tl w m ost interesting ga m es o n the sche duk:. The I )oa ne m e n Wl' r e lwav il· r th a n o ur boys a nd for that r eason lin e buck ing· \\·as a lm n:::t intpo:;sihll" and th L· ga me wa::: featured b_,. m a ny p unts a nd fon,·anl passes. The :::n1r c stood o-o. This ,,·as o ne of t he best p layed ga tne s of t ilL' SL'as•m and l'Vcr~· l 'cru man nteri t~ s pecial m e ntio n for hi . splendid ,,·ork. I Ju anl'
T he scnrc o-o \r a~ repeatl·d in th e ga me ,,·ith Hastings . -:\0\·embcr 12. Thi s ,,·as a lso an intL•resti ng- ga ml', fn r Hastings aspired to the c ha m pion sh ip. a nd a:; u sual o u r bny::: had to ,,,·crco ntl' \rlta t the_,. lacked 111 ,,·eig-ht ,,·itlt speed . The last gridi rn n ga me fo r the season of 19 10 ,,·as played a\ray from h o m e ,,·it h uu r sisll' r :\orm a l at 1-\:eante _,.. l'c r u wo n the ga mL' ,,·it h a score o i 1 2 -_:; . l ~n: ry man u tt the tea nt played "star" fontbal l a nd S ha\'cr es pec ially disting· uis hcd hi111sc lf t hro ugh o ut th e entire ga m e . . \n d so th e ~c a so n en d ed with a r ecord o f t\nl ga m es ,,·on . o ne lost a nd two tied . l'c r u tlltalcd 2g points in rolkge ga m e::: wh ile her op pone nt::: 111ade <! n h · t(J. In l'\·l· ry rc~pt'L't t he teat n o f 19 10 r ell crts credit upo n thl' sc hool. Th e lu\·alt ,. and support of the stud e nts was g-reate r tha n cn·r 1Jd1>l'l'. The support f> _,. t he han d a nd e nthus ias ti c dc nwnst rali o ns by t h e st u de nt ~ \\Tre feat u n·~ of l' \·er_,. ga ntc. and
It is t•• he keen ly regr etted that (~ eh,·i rk. S tl'\Tils, Stoddard . 1\larkslo tt l' l{ c n fn • ,,·ill IIIli he ,,·ith the team oi llJ I 1.
Artl1ur }a. (f)rltuirlt ( t:J) "(;t:J" is th e lllltc h -admin.:cl and cunt p (.·te nt cap tain -
manag-er of t his n.:a r' s fu n t- hal l tca111 .
I )nri n g- th e pa s t
t h ree years h e has es tabli s hed an e n v ia h k football. bas k e tba ll a n cl ha s<: hall.
r n·•tr d
II t· p layL· rl ld t tad;k
cJil t he 'oR foq tiJall t<:a rn and n : nt<:rfiv ld in ),a st· l J: rll : irt
·O<J he was rnanager () i th e
f~>CJt hall
t v:1111 and lt vld tlt v
)lfJSitin11s o f r ig h t- half a nd ful l-back. guard 0 11
li e ha s p lay e d th e
bas k dba ll
team the las t t \\'O years and was presicl<:nt o f t IH' . \th!t:tic . \ssfJciation ISJO<;- ro. "( ;el" is an athlete of marked abi lity a ncl a man possessing- an cxc<:pti(J11al d egrc<: of and lighting. pirir.
ll l'r\'l'
These qualities h ave wc m him
111:111\' des~.:n·ul SutTcsscs an d ho n()rs.
Th at t his
i~ his l:i~t \'(_·ar at t hL· _'\, ,rrrtal is n ru c h rq~re t t L·d
))\' l'\'(• r.\'IJ Jll'.
1Ru!J 1Guuilu (lU) Thi s is Lund <s firs t yea r
P e ru . h avi n g
cc m1 c t o u s wi t h him a sple nd id
r eputa ti o n
at hl et ic a ffairs fro m fo r m er sch ools. the
posi tions
II c filled of right
tack le and fu ll -hack on thi s year's tl·ant and is a capahk Sl· n sl: ()f the word.
pla yl' r 111 L'\"L'ry
I lis c lea n . hard ta d;li n g- \\'~>n hi111
mu c h fav11rah k l'OtnnH:nt and thl' fa c t that h l· II L'Vt' r called fo r " tim e o ut " is an cxcelll'nt "c h ara c tvr hint " of the m a n .
liJrrr!J <noolt Cook tried fnntball for t he firs t ti tllL' this .'·va r. playing su b -L'tHI. a nd did s p leml id \\'tlrk.
IlL· is rt·-
markahlc for hi s marvelous spcl'd a nd di s tin gu is ltl'd himsel f in baschall in
a "huntl'- run" lll·ing- ,,nt·
()f his favori t e "stu nts."
fJu t
h ttu d , ' ' '
11 {I o , ; ,,,,,
IDnrl\ :Xippt•rt (lJ) ":\ip" 1, :Jlltllhl·r
., j
" I l l' \\ ..
I ll· played
;..:uard a11d 11:t:-' <~ II <' 11i tll l' " tro~ng- lilll' ln<.'ll. il'lbi l·,. ll ••rk \\':t " Jnv rit ••ri•'ll:-'.
II i,: dc-
":\ip',:" playing i,:
" ll':t•h :111d :d 11 ay:- I• • hl· dt']l l'IHkd ll]h 'l l.
tJittl\ ittl'llfrn (l.I ) " ! 'ink" lla ,; hl'l' ll p r• n n inl'nl in :\111'111al .\t lll l'tir" :-'l ll l'l' 'o7. I k played 11n thl· ·o/ i·•nth:dl l <'a Jn. 11·a,: raptain 11i thl• 'o8 team . a nd di,:t ing·ui,:hl'd hitn,:l'li a,: qnartl-r-llad.: 1111 thi,: \'l' ar' ,: tl'alll.
I l l' 11·a,: abn h<llllll'l'd thi,: y<.·ar ,,·itll thl· pnsi-
ti••ll 11i half-had.; 11n th<.· .. . \11 -Star :\d1ra,;ka
l ~ l l'\'l' ll. ..
" !'ink" i:-; <llll' tli the :-:t ro1tg- play , r s and \\'l' an· :til pnn1d ,,j hi:-: fatlll>\1 :-' ··pu nting· i<Hll. .. Q) t•nr~u·
(lll )
Thl' lir,: t in iPntll:-111. t h v ti rst in h:Js k ctll:d l. t hl· li r:-:t in ha,:l•hall. 1he tir:-:t in 1 h,·
hl·an,: ni h i,: il'll<l\\·-
:-:t\1\kttt,.:. th,· lir:-:L tu prckr thl' t<l]l <If a ircig·ln ca r lll
a ,·onlf<Jrtahk pas,:en-
gn l'lla <· h- that' s "Stel'c." Il l· ]!1\'l' :-' at hkt i<.· ,;. pns.'\ l l'l'l·:t:T
sv,:,:,•s rarl' natural ahilit , ..
:tnd h as :tpjd il'd hinlst•li "" dilig·c n tly that Ill' ha,: \\'On i• •r hilt t,:l'li :111 ,.n,·i:tldl' ]l• •:-: iti••n in t h l' srlwllllik 11f tIll' I \•rtt St al l' :\t~ nn a l. "Stl·,·, ... ha s h l'<'n a :-:tar 111 a thkti,·,: :-:t ll<'l' 'oX. II ,• p la:,·vd
:111d 1\':t.'
IJa:-:k ,·thall
lt JOX-ntJ a nd llJ IO.
C:tpl:ti11 11i th 1• !Ja:-: kl' t ha ll ll'a tn
I IJOIJ- 10.
lit· pla _,.l..] ri~ht ,·ttrl •ll l t h,· i•H1thall ll'a rn:-: 11f 'o<) artd ' to and ab" pl:t.'·,·tl hasvhall
'o •J
and '1n. "St cn· ..
rs c• tll' , , j thl' h l':-: t pitrhvrs l 'v r u has ,·n·r had. and
fi l i i
" "" " ' ' "
,.,]ll :t lh
, ; , , ,, ,
,·;qJ:tl>l v at
, , ,
ha :-:kvtl•:tll and
ce rta in ty . .\ lu c h h u n <'" ar rd :t d rJ ri r :tt j., " h :t l' l ' 1 ~<'1'11 ,.. !J, ' ' ' l' l'c d li ]H'n h im fu r
lri ~
], ri llia ll t pla y i11 g .
ifjarleq ( tJ ) . - §hmn'r .
j, ,. Ji ],; tl l I' I; I ·'
l . tl
1•h .' k iI
: 11 1< 1 llt ·l t]
t i l t'
l ie
L· r·.
I ; l \ . J..: k -. :tll l l'
II l
()( )
JH I~l-
Il l.' kll ~>\\-.
. 'II.\ \' I·: I: ba ll
a nd
h o,,·
t• J
t ac k It:
hi s o ppo n en t a nd th at is kn o \\' ing
so m e
,,. o n
H e
footba ll .
sp ec ia l
ho n o r
t his year in th e game w it h Kea rn ey. be in g
" star' '
pla y('r t hro ug h o ut t h e e n t ire ga m e. h o n o red
1.; 11: :-; <· 11
H e wa s fu r th e r \\' ith
p os iti o n
" . \1 1 - ~ tar
Eleven ," a n d ,,·it h t h e capta incy tJf n c:-: t tea m.
\:L· IJI'a~J..:a
\'l' <L r '.-; fCJ () t l>;tl l
H e is a ca pa ble lead e r a nd th t· t varn , ,j I<JI
be co ng-ra t ula t ed .
@rorgr il\trsrlJ (l\1 ) K ir sch 11·as o n e o f t h e t a ll me n , •n t h e tL· anJ. a n in vin cible g u a rd of 'o8 and agai n th i ~ \T ar. cha r acte rized h is play in g· in c vl' ry g:a m t·.
i ~ l •>
1 1~> 1\
, ·;LIT\'
th e
··J'L' \\"L' L'. ·· Thi ~ \\·a ~
half-bac k. ,,·as a fa:;t. hard pla,·cr.
h is f·i rst \Tar at th e game and he did ex-
n· lknt \\·ork .
·· Rud (h ··· t ricd inotba ll fo r th e
n·ar. ho lding the JHlSitinn o i ,;uh-g·twnl. of
I hn c;c
tim e this
" Rud el\·"
fcll o\\'s
,,· h n l·a n "ad apt hintsl'li to
c ircun1 ~tances:
lt c d ocs
g·ond ,,.,>rk in an\· poc; tt io1 1.
II II 1.\ It I I
c;ifford mad e an eAici cnt ccntl' r. Il l' \\'
lie ,,·as on e o f t he m c11 \\'ho d cyeJopccl "made
g ood" the
in c\·cn · SL' n,;c
\\'Ore !.
" Stod " is tall. has curh· ha ir. is ba sh fui: 110t\\·i th standing he I<)Ol)
one of th e strong fo ot ball men o f
l t)IO.
H e played tackle and end. and
c~pec i a ll :·
li e
a s ure tackler
s trong 111 breaking up in terfer e nce.
l'" ~" i l ,k iiJr l1i111 t•• pl:t ~
111 tl11 · I " .;I I " .
tt·lt.... ll•·"· dr1,·i··11tl .' II·· lill···l tl11 · I Jl .... ;
111 thv
g':t 11 11' ...
ll v i-. ""t •·d
' .... .
t 1• I tl
j ., ,.
l1i , litw lnt <l,i ll;..: :tlld
hi . ., . . pll·ndid lll l' t II• ,,] • 11 111t• · ri~·r• · tH ' 1 · I lv i... I' q 11 a II ~ ;,.., 1 ·; q , :d .t, · 111 I , a -.I, 1 · t I ,: t II ; 1 11 d a 1-
\\'a\·.., ''' "' "' 111\ll'lt 1•r:ti -. 1· i .. r IIi -. ~·,~· ~ ·ll·· t t t 1.ta .' i11;_:.
1Ha ntt'!l l P ) lll:tl l\
tltitt ;..:'.
•·-. pt ·ci: dl ~ 1111JII' ••111JI111
j, •1'
' J H'I't ' h l'-...
; 111d
l'l : 1 ~ i11:..:,
.. :t l'llt''l
1:llj .1111
llt•· ;..: ri•lir• Hl.
l it: playt:cl rig'ht g'uard on the ·{)(J a nd 'to tcan t!an<l hc,lds a spl<.:ndicl r<.:rnrcl as a str<Jng- lint: man.
1131~trltstom' (l.l )
t \.\1: :" I·:S
"!\lack\·" is a nc\\' man but dc\'dopccl into a hard play n.
Il L· lll·l d till· p•• -
sition oi hali-back . .. Blacky " abo pla ys ],asdJal l a111l di d g•" ,,J ,,., ,rk \\'ith the u.:am .,[
I \ I .. \
' I' :''I'< I
/111 11 ,J 1 l 'tf
~ll' fll / 11" 11
~ I
]Iarsttn ~I' lint 1.
1-',Jru·o r d s -
H«>Hfl' n fi11unls
( 't ' ll /fT-
~i m :-; .
l 't•l'll.
. ~1
f' t~l' ll .
.-1:: .. • :: ~I . .
l 't•r 11
.• .
. , -. - - . . ,.~ . . . \ ' s. . . n..: . . \":0: . .
I-I . . . . :..!11 .
l 't'l'll . . .
P•·ru . l't ' l"ll .
, \' S . . . \' S.
.. \' ...; ,
. .. .~.
)'1'1'11 . I 'PI'II .
. \ 'S .
. .
1.-• .
.. \ ·:-: . . . . , • .
:'.o . . l't·rll .. . . I I l't•J'IJ . . . . :! I . I •, · 1"11 . • : ~:; . l't ' l'll . . . .
f 't•f'U . . •• (i'j" .
, \':-: ,
. ..
, . \' S . . \ ' :-:
, \ 'S,
. \ ' S.
1 t·npl":till l
t:.UIJ ·:~
.... :1s .. .... .... llt•t•t•ml "' '' !1. '111. :11 'l'nhtll' Y. :\1... -l!l ... . • .• . . . IJ t •t •(•tnhP l' ·tti . '1 11. :tt l'l.•l'tl ..... 1.-. .. . . .lantllll',\' ] !-: . '11. at L'l'l'll ..... 17 .... . . .. . Jun ua r r :!ti. '11. at l 't'l'll . .. Jnnuar.'· :!7. '1 1 . :tl ~ h l'nan cl onh . . S lH •nando:~ h . . . -1::. . . :.!:-, , . . . Ft•IH'ttll l'.'' ti. ' 11 . al PI' I'll . . C'tt lll t 'l' . ... . :!.-,. . . . .. . i"Phntn I'.\' 1 o. · 11. a t s~· r:tt · u:-; t • . . ~,\" l':lt' ll :O:P . . . Tt•t ' ll lllSl' h .. . .. 1 n .. ... .... . F 1 • hru~tl',\' :!0. ' 11, HI 'J'tl t 'lllllSt'il . . . . . (),-, . . .. . .• . . . F l•hJ '11:tl'.\' :!1. '1 I. :II ('otllt' l' . . t 'oltll'l ' ... :.! 7. . . . l ·'l'l ll'll:l l'." :!:.!. ' 1 I. :II Yot·k . .. Ytlt'l' F t>h t·uary :!:l, ' 1 I. :II Lin l'nlu . .. L i ll('O)Il .. \\- ~tlion . I S ... . . . . .. 1-'t'hl'llal',\' :!·1. ' 11. :1 1 \\':lilnfl .. 1 ;; .. .. ~ l :ll 't•h ,,, '1 l. :l I l't'l'll • . ~.\'l " :ll'lt =-' l' ~. . . . . . . .. .. ~ l nn·h 1~. ' 11. :11 l 't'l'll . . 'J'c•c· u m :-:t\h .. Tailor .. J. inenln . T ailor . Yo1·k
.. .-.n..
. \'S.
. .
..I .' \.
. \' :-;.
. .• 1\l ll i (H:o-:
:--;t• lli iii'S .
. I ·" ·
.. \' :-:.
~·· ni t •r· :-; .
. 1-1 .
St · Ui o r ~ .
S ttl\"tlJl S
(;:•lwit-k. Sh a Yt'l'. l.nndy
~( ' 1 11-: I H"I.I·:
. ;: I .
1'• '1' 11.
. . l l ig-h
~~ · llnol
. \':--: . . . . • . . . I·' I' C' ~·dlllll'll . . .
. :! 1 .
s. • 1....
. :: 1 . .
. ...
. ... . . 1-'t•l tl'lllll'." :.!fi. ' I 1 . . .. .. 1·'•'1"'" '" ..'. n. ' lt . l·'t'hl'll:ll ',\'
11l .
. .. ~I :ll'<·h :.!0. . I l
. 11
The basketball ~c.:a~•m f.,r tla· l1''.' " "!Jt·ttvrl 11 11 Jt 111 .. .j, ·,· td· ··l .j, · ~o ·: t1 ' I :tl"1r at Tabor and Linc,,ln Y . .\1. ( '. \. :tt l'o ·n1. 1: 111 tit· · tit - 1 ,,;t- •Ill • J•:trtl .' t•• the small size of the.: Ta l,,,.- Jlq r,r a11rl tltt· l:t• 1 .,j 1,-; 11 " \\ " "' " ' 1lt·· J, .. , , Tltl· Y..\1. C..\. ''''YS had a !-.l'1lli l"·, ,fv..,..,i ,,,,;tl 1t·:11 " :11td lt, ·r ··. 1 l t"11~lt 11t. · ,,· ,q·,. \\"aS large . the efffJrt l>f ,,ur ' '"·'·~ . ('"i'<Ti:tlh ,,,, . ;..: 11 : 11 ·-li"~ . ,j I ::t -. d ~""' · ,·:t tt"-l'd · the tas te ()f defeat tiJ lH.: le~s ], itt l' r. Th e th ird a nd fou rt h ;..:-aJIH·-. ,,·,·n· 1 i· ·t .. ri• ·'. ·1 :tl•• n· , · .. 111-1 ""' It• .Jol "'". IJO}"S d!J\\'11 () Jl J't: l" ll fJIJIJI" a 11d 11111 ' j, ,..,f J1 \ :t 111 11< ' 11 l: tl" ~t " l' ' ' oo!'t ' 11 1:111 11 1" ' ' " ·'" did at TalJ11r. Tlw Yr,rk g-amv ,,;,.., til<' 111" - t. ] 1 •otlt i11 Jd :t-' <' 1'' "''" ,·Jv:tlllint· .... -. . 1 that 1 c.: ru sa\\" 1m hc.: r '' ~~' '' fl,l,,r. 1 lltr ],,,;, " "" -.i11q•l .' J,. , ·" ''" '""' ""~"" the better t<:am and th<: g:unt· \\a-."''" In lll<'rit -. :tttrl "''' ''" r:tn k , Jv ,·i-. i•nt,. and rough playing. The fifth. sixth and -.(·I'(·Ji t!J g:lltll· . . " t·r·· •lt-i,·:t1, j, .r I ', · nt 1 • • 1: , ,j :--;lt l'll andoah we re tr>'> rr>u~h j,,r ''11r ''''·' "· :tllrl ],, ... ,. :tJ,., ,,,, . l"'"r J_, '' -~'"''" lt:tll cau eel much ann•>yann·. Tltt· li~ltt-. i•·r tlw t· Jlli n · h:tll " ' ·r· · ,,,;,.], · tn•JJt " ' " little 16-candle pow<:r electric g-l•1lw . . . < · , ""'·r. r•·J•ltt•··l t•, J,. . tl~t · i:,,t,·-.t tv:tt lt in the state. defeated u ~ by •11tly (j , .,. p• •iJJt ..... :tJJrl tl ti - j;,,·, :tl • '"' ' ;..:• ,, ., t• • .._Jt , 1\\" ()Ur boys played g()r,d l>all. IHT:tt J-..· l ' lli,·,· r . . it l :t11 •l \· . .\ 1. t \. l1:t •l l ll'l'll defeated by CrJtncr. Sy raciJ~t· at ~yr:wiJ ... t· t ltr<T l'"i111- d11• · :t;..::ti ll '" ,,,,. -.JJt :tll floo r spac<:. D uring the trip awa1· fr••ll l h•• llll' tl ••· J1, ,, ... I ,J; , _~ ,.,J ti lt' ;..::1111v ... . ' "''""';..: three out of the fi vl'- th r1"e at T t·l'llll t... vl t. y, .rk :11td \\ ":tit•" • 1•1ll ! · , "11vr :11 ttl Lincoln Y. .\ 1. C. .\. agai n dl·katl'rl ti lt· ],,,: " !1_1 l:tr;..:v JJt :tr;..:"'" · I 11 t lt v l : t ~l two games played rm the l111llll' llr1• ' r •n tr J,, 11 .... ' ' • , ,.. Tl~t · ' Jv ,·1 1111 ..,v lt g·alltt· being almost too <:asy tr1 IH: intl'n·-.tin;..: t •• till· -. pv •·t: tt•o~· , During th e e ntirl' ~t·a ~• ll l ~tn·~·n-.. ~c il•Jtt. l\v11ir•• :t111i ~i"'' J•l:t _,,.,J. :--;t· lt••lt and Stc1·en.; made ~~l llll· \"t·ry prl'lt _, ~.,;tJ, :t lld :11-llll''·d ;..:r,·:t t v 11t ltu .... i:t .... lll \\·hik away o n tht:ir trip. 1\ t: nfriJ and ~ iJtJ -. ],_, tltvir =- lv:td:. olt-p,·Jtd:tl.Jv pl:t _, i11;..: Jll:ttcrially hclpt:cl win the Sl' ve n ~aJJH·-. 11i til,· -.,·:t-.•>11. ! ;,.J" i,·k . tl1 v ,·;qnaill. hurt his knee in the Cutner ~an1e ju-.t J,dllrt· t iH· ),., , ... -.t:tnvd "" tltv trip :t ll d could not play . Lundy and ~lta1· ~·r. a ... .., ,JI, ... tillll< '"· ptll ' 'I ' .:...:• " "' ;.:a til l',. \\ ltvll cvcr called upon. ,\ lo ng 11·it h the varsity g:t ll ll'" tllv rl· \\:t, \t!--ll:tll' :1 ,· 11 rt :ti 11 r:t t,.vr. Ti ll' class teams 11·ere playi n g fr, r til l' ,·ita ll ljl i"ll '- lt ip .. j tl1v ..,,· Jt,. ,.] :11 111 :tl-., f, , r ! lt l' st ick pin s o ffer ed by t he . \ tlt k t i,· . \ ~s ·,c i at i .. n. The firs t contest 11·as bet\\ LTn t hv II i;..:·lt ~,·111111! JH,_, ..... :111 tl tilt· ~" Jl '" •Jlltll"l':-\. T he quirk ncss of the I I. S. lJ,, _,·s and tht· ""rk 11i ··\\·., ,, .. 1-\:tl -. t"ll :11tcl l ' l:t rl' ll l"l' 1-1<,\\"it \\()11 the ,·ictory. The .'-'t·niq r" ""''" ir•lll t till· 1\tlli• •r . . !11 tv 11 p<>i ll t~. Then tht t\\"O ,,·inners played: tl a· ~t· ni•>r -. :tf!l'r a lt:trtl ;.:·:till<" " ''" fr t ll l t till' i lig h School. the latter hci n ~ -. uch "g<tiiH' .. littk pl:t_, , ... .., tlt: tt tltt·\ !tad t hl' .;ympath y of the greater purti''" 11i the -. pt·~· tat•JJ·-. . \:••\\ tllv l " lltl' ll. \\"IH l by out~idl gam e!' ,,·ith the lln mn,·illl' :t11tl \~tlntrll , ,.;""" ll:11l l• vv ll iJh't·va~ing· their team \l'f>rk. met tht· tmrldl'atvd ~t· ni• or-. ;1111! Jll"• ,, ... ,, tltvir \\ :ttvrl• "'· 01
t I O•
II 11•/ 1 '
Ju {•1 11 1•
I:l'ula h S. h~ad n. ph _,· ~ica l director and coach fur women . began her "·ork i11 the l'eru Stat e :\unnal _ltll ll' ;. lt) IO. S he ca m e Ltl u!" fro m St. j oseph . .\ I issnnri. "·hert• sht· had ~Pl'n t mnst nf her li fe . being edtll·ated in t he pub lic sc hools of t hat place and gradu a ting from th e St. Joseph Hig h Sc hoo l in I<)Oj. The foll t> \\·ing Scpll'mhcr ~ h e e n te re d th e :\ eb raska State L'niversity " ·he r e shl· ll>ok the ph y~ ical cdu cati u n t'O llr~c. completin g the sa m e in Ju n e . ll)l O. I kr \\'l> r k did nut ~tu p " ·ith mere ~c lwol \\'orJ..: but she "·as r ecognized 111 111 1t ~ id c affa ir~. \\ ' hik i1 1 the L ' ninT ~ it _, . s h e \\'as a mc;n hc r o f the \". \\' . t ·.. \ . cahi11 t't and alsn th e L'a ptain n f tlh' \\'JllnJng side in a grea t mem be rs hip campaign condnct ed in th e L·I Ji Ye r ~i t y. a~ she h as hecn a ls\l in a si m ilar ca m paign in 1>ur • '"·n ~chnul. I kr \\·urJ..: . a lth nugh lit'\\'. i~ \ 't'r_,. l'ftcL·ti n· and high!_,. apprt•t·iatcd. this iaL·t being _.;Ill >\\"11 by the la rge lltllll hl'l' pf g·irls w ho regi~ tercd for t h is \\·orJ..: . . \s a c• •ach she ha s pnl\'l' ll herself n· r _,. proficient. T h e :\ o nnal basketba ll tca 111 tlll<kr h n dirn·tin11 h;t\·i11 g l•>st u n l~· 1\\'tl g ames on t o f e ight played lh is season. IJ IIt '
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TilL· \ 'arsity g-i rl s' seas•m sta rt ed " ·itil . the same punr s ho\\'ing t hat t hL· h• >ys lll;tdc. 1:a ll s Ci ty ll igh Schoo l. thei r o ld tim e Yic to rinus ri,·a l. again d e;L'at cd i 'n u Cln both l'eru 's a nd t heir ho m e tloo r. l ~ut the Peru g irls \\'ere g-L·t t ing L'X !Wr il'nce en·n in ddcat: th e_,. play ed the game fo r :t il they " ·er e \\'n rth. a nd fnHu th a t tim e o n they \\'ere not dde:t tecl. lhn h .:..:·an tL'S \\'L'rl' nlll tes tl' d up tll the las t \\·histlc. a nd in the o ne o n the Cot ner llnor. l'Sj>L'L·iall}· the tina ! score in fan)r of P eru. \\'as not made until the las t t\\·n ruinutL·s l) f the p ia_,.. The n a p ic kl•cl tearn of t h e State L'niYersity g irl s. 1 H >t t he regular tea Ill. \\'as played t he nex t day after l he Cot ncr g ame. T here I 'e ru \\·o n again . T he \\'estern :\ a nna l ga nll' \\·as too easy to be in te r estin g fll r the lirst team. so in the second hali the e ntire second tea m \\·as put in and s till at the L' tHI o f til e ga m t> t he scnre \\'as 7 to 1 in P eru's fan)l'. Llm1\·on d 11 igh ~c h oo l \\·as th en met and dcieated: s hort ly a fter l'eru played t he re turn gan!l' \\·ith a score nf 27 to t6 in fa,·or u i Peru. The g irls han· played good hall a ll ye:tr. The,· haYe been faithf ul to t hei r tcalll. their coach a nd th e ir sc hool. and ha,·e stood fl) r t hl' best in conduct a nd in playing·. l:<> rsyt he and ll anks han· played excellent guard . ( )sho urn as center a n d l:eck as center a nd fo n,·anl ha\'l' made so nte line thro\\'s. and the stead y \\·ork , ,f !·:dn a (;off as fnn,·ard has often \\'on th e day \\·h en a ti g h t positi o n \\·as to he l'Scaped . Th e girls' cl ass Ica ru s a lso dcsen ·c specia l m ention. The Freshman g irls " ·o n fro m the Suphmo rcs o nly after hard p layin g-. The High School the n " ·on frnm til l· Jun in r!'. T h e l\\'o Yicto rs m e t in nne o f the pr ettiest a rtd hardest g-a m es nf th e y ea r \\· h en tile Frc~ hm e n o ut-playl·d the llig h School g irls at l'\·cry pui rtt . Thi !' ldt th e final game fo r the gi rls hct \\·een the Seniors a nd Fres hme n. as \\·as the l·ase bct\\Ten th e b o :·s ' t ea ms . The Senio rs \\'e r e taller than the Fres hmen and the game promi sed at firs t to lw an easy o n e fo r them, btl! the Fres hml•n' s quic k. s na ppy team-pi a:· soon L·nn,·inrecl the Sen iors they had to 1\·ork. .\t the end of th e ga m e the scor e \\·as R tn R and play \\·a s conti tlltcd un t il t \\'O m o r e poin ts \\'C t'C made . C race l~run sdo r t . fo r th e ~l'ninrs. t hrc \\· a fi e ld tim)\\' that \\·on the cia:·. :\II th e girl:-; o n the class teams played Yc ry \\TIL :\lcnt io n llf o ne \nHtld r cquin: m e ntion P i th e good \\'ork o f a ll. Th e dass team mat erial \\·as gnnd e n m rg h for fir s t tcant players a nd th e contests. a lt ho fo ugh t \\' ith a ll th e s tre ng th of t h e pl a yers. \\'ere free fro m hard fee ling o r class st rife.
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w it h clcn·n \Hit ui tiiT I\'l· g-ame:-; ro o ur credit .
I n tcr-Colleg-iatc _-\ssociation. This year's m en. 11·ith s uch a l ~i Y e
n·l·o rd tu u rg-e them o n . arc ,,·ork ing h ard an d steadL S t ~:l·c n :-; IS
champinn :-; arc back .
111 t he b ox dclin·ring the
o f last Yea r' s
~a m e
speedy ba lls.
a:-; n illl'IL'L' ll () Ut :' at h o m e base o n h is pitched ba lls. in th e \\' estern :\o rmal .t.:·an lc h e r e . ,,·il l g-o tu sh •111·.
Th i ~ bein g
o ur fi rs t g-a m e 11·e ca n expec t g-rea t ~cason . P arriott is b ack
pi tc hin g from h im t011·ard the m idd le a nd e nd o f th e o n third. l·uo k in out - field . alo ng 11·ith
Ulacksto ne . 11·orking
aga in st o dds iur a permanent place. Uut t h e ne11· men arc also putting up g-oud hall. \ \. ick han J of first h as a cl ean. IOIY sh ot iro m fi r st to th ird t hat is going· to be t h e ca use uf many o uts fo r t he oppone n ts.
Ha ns. back of h o m e.
is s 1no t h e ri ng 11·i t h a ppare n t case Stcye's ha rd est th ro11·s.
Li1·ely . on second.
a11d /.i n k in n ut-fi e ld, arc both good hall men. I f th e p lan s of Coac h l~ru m age du n ot fa il t h e 19 11 seaso n wil l also end 11·it h
I 'nu th e c h a 1npin ns a nd . with eigh tee n ins tead o f tll·eh·e ga m es to play.
th e r eco rd ma1· sh llll. an en· n larg-e r sco re in fayor nf l'e n1. T ill·: l' i ll'IIC·r~
~I t ' \'p n :-; .
(': tl d~t• t ·s
Fir:-: t
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~dlul t .
- \\'i d \ ltn nt. :--;lt'\'t'll !'\ 1,c·nplai n) . l'n tTi Ot t. H<l ~ t•h al l :'\ ln na g<•r .
l ~a st• -- l .i \" l' ly.
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PPnl. Ta llnr .
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\l :ty \ l ;ty
1-'it-1<1- t 'uol:. ('t•n t PI' l'iL- ItJ- t: t•lwi d :. Hig h t l·'it> ld- Z i nl: .
llnns . J:n ~t·
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(J uf' llundn ·l/ .r;.,·r· rr · nl,ll · lhrt•t •
F n ll s l ' ity at F a lls l 'i t.Y. Bt• llt•\'UP at ft('l lt' \'llP . \\'p ~ lt •,r a n :1 1 l 'ni\·(•rs i tr l'l :u ·t•. 11--('t)fflt• t· nt B t... tlw n y .
<) Hit'S.
:!~• -- Ht• ll t•,·tH'
Nurutal §urial ttH\uts (l)pt' tting 1Rt•n•.p1itnt The s11cial liie ,,f t h v ~~· J,,,ol ·''';" · IH·.:..::t ll \\ itlt tJ,,. ••Jwlllll;..,: ll< ' <' l>li••ll 1o11 the fi r..,t ~aturrlay 11i thl' "l' llll'.., tl· r . \\llt'll til<' tllr,.,. r~· li .:..:i••ll~ ·· r;...::llli/ati•OJI~. tilt· Y..\ 1. C..\ .. th l' Y. \\'. <" . . \ .. a 11d t iH · '\. ( \ .. ,. , t,·ll•kol ti1,·ir l'" ~ l• it ali t .' '" all Jll(.'Jlll)c.;r <., )Ji t hc ... c hll••l. Tl!i ~ :JIIIIII :il \\ c·i· ··• ll ll' t .. .,J,J :tlld 11\' \\ ... tlldv ll t:\\':.tS nc..:vc..:r IIH•rc..: laq.~t· l .\· att vll'it-d 11• •1' " "'~'~" •·llj ••\ :tl.k: 111 ~ il••l' 1. lll • •r,· littv cl to makc nt-\1' ~tude nt .., ~l:td t ilt· .' lr:1•l ,., ,Ill< ' :t~Jtl ··1·1 -111•!<-111~ :..:l: t•i t i lv \ i1a, J r eturn ed. Thl' t hird lltJI!I" ,,j tiH· lll:tlll ],llildill;...: \\ :1 - " " ".] j,q· till · " l·,·: t-i ooll . :t lld tilt• t\\·t, vJC iety hall .., \\'ere ~a~ \\ itlr g ••ld, ·lt r••d :tJJt] :t-1<·r-. '' l1 i, · l1 • ., ·· rll• ,,, vd 111 t,, the lrm~ cc.:ntral hall <1•• \\ ll thl· ... t ain\:1 ~" 11-:"lill;...: t• • till· -~··· ··11•1 t].,,r T,,.,, line.: .. •Ji h(J.·t. and 11' •-h·"-"l'' r l'n·in· d :111<1 i11 t r• ,Ju,·~·d Ill<· ;...:11< ·- t -. :t11d V\' tT\ 1111e ..,ottJ.{ht l 'J make..: l'\'t r~ "lll' t· l..,,· j,.,.J :t1 11'•11 11 . . \II '' ''rt· l •ri:..:ltt :tlld " tllilill~ face!'. : i'lr the.: \\ •Jrl d. aftt·r all. ~"" l ~~''· i:tll .' till' -~· lr, .. l " "rid. 1- :t iri,·11dh pl:H·t·. and th e r e i;. 11 t, ..,u n:r r••:td I•• vllj••~ lllt ' llt tli:tll tit ,· ~·lf••rt t•• ;...:i\1 ' 1d,·a-. 111· t · 1,, t Jt hc..:r.., . . \t intl'n·;d-. duri11~ thl· aftt·rll••••ll. lw: tt11ii1tl -··I'"' · l••otl1 ,,,,· ;tl ; 1111 1 111:-tr u tne n tal. \\c rt· rende r ed. a n d rvirl'..,illtl v t!t " \\ •·r,· -·· n· ~·d 111 tit,· \:. ( · . . \. and theY.\\". c·. .\ . n..,t ~'"'' " ' " \\itv l' \' t it•· d <T•or: tli""" \\<"1'<' i't'l"11· , " " " .:..: i••:-;:-;_,. oak lca>·cs. \\ 'it it the iad in ;..: iig·ilt , j 1l t1· ~ • · ili <' l tilwr .] ;, _, . ti1 v r, ·,·v i tt i.. 11 v tH k cl . leavin g- \\'i t h )J, ,,h atid g ttt·<., h. :J!ikt·. ti lt fvvli11;..: tl1:1t .: ..:'"" 1 \\il l :111•l ,·, , 11 1r :ttl :-; llip for t ~ I O-t•)t t had hc (· Jl ll:t ]JI'i l_, in att;..:'ttratt·•l.
Th e firc;t ~t'niiJr t!a ... .., part · .,j till· "·ar \L h ill'ld i11 tJ ,,. ( ;_, tt11J: t .... illlll . 1111 OcttJbcr 15 . j 1 Jr the..: purpu ... t· ., j l•t·\•llllin;..: l•t·ttl' r :t<'ljll:tilltvd ;1.... \\t·ll a-. ht·in;..: cntcrtaincd . . \ s a mt'an s of a cc• nnp li-. 11111>-! thi ... purp••"'t'. l 'r, ,j, .... .._,,r c ;r,·.!..! ;..:· ,Jv,· i:-t·c l tiH· unique plan o f ha,·ing- a picturt· 11f tiH· vntirv t:l:' "" takt· tl and v:t<.'lt ~t·ni c 1r ;..:·i\'l' tl o ne, trJg-cthcr \\·i th an i ndc ~ I•• tlw nanw;.. lllv ,.t· " ·,.r,· t':t r dJil l.' -.. tnclil'd hv f11rc going tn thc party \\"ht'r t· •IIH··, l.: n••\\·lvd;..:·v ,,f tllv n:ttllt· . . :ttl cl i:tl'l':- ,,f hi :-; l'iassma tes \\"as \\-el l te ~tcd. () n arri,·ing. L'<tc h pc l''~ll l \\:t" ;..:i\'l'll a n ' ' !•i••• rt Jl tli t, t•• -.. 1"'" l ti -.. f:t n · Jll :-; t o n ce be t \\·ecn c urtain :-.. :uHI t llv " lll' \\ h () lir:-1 :- u n· vl"d l' cl 11 1 ll:tnt ill .l.!' t i lt' faL'l' co rrec t!\· was gi ,·cn a point: the ll ll l' " 11" rv <·.,;..:·ni:-:t·d thv ;..:r~. · : t tt ·.., t 111 1111 hv r cd· hi s clas~ m ates rcn· i,·t'd "hlltl••raiJ!t· 111 VIlti•n l. .. The g-rand mnrc h and ,·ari•n l"- g-:lllll'" \\"t• r t· t•nt h u:-i:t -.t ic:tl l_, l'llll'l'l'd in to' and l'rofessfJ r ( h -c rholt di ,;pla ~ cd gn·:tl " Jll't·d :11 111 dl' x lt'rit ' 111 "dr••JI tli l' han d J.:crch iei." Hcfreshment,; \\·c:r c :-c.:nTrl fr.,nl l•,ng· t:ildt·,.., "liic!J "l'l"l' l~t·a 11 t if 11 1!~ dt•t· nrat t•rl \\'ith autumn ll:a\'<~,; and h t· JTit·- -uch a-.. art· f, •und • •nh :tr• •11ncl picttll'l'~lJilt'
I 'cru. t;,,
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<6trl11· <6utn l.Jar lH .\ l uch trJ the vnjr,_\'J ilvnt ,, j t il e ~ irl -.. ;111 ,j til<. rll < ll'l'"llllll i•·IJI , , j t ll <· 1">1:-- . .\ liss f{ader ga,·t· a gy mna ~i 11 111 ,;1n 1. 1, , tlw j.. r 111 , -r •<~1 J-, ~ - :LI ;:.)<> 1 p. 111. .\lJ•,ut tw11 httllllrt·rl a 1, 1Jl·:tn·rl· ill th ,·ir ;..: 1 111 ~ 11 i t~ :t il< I :t I<' \\ 111"r" Wl'I'L' . ·1 in fanc ~\· c r, ~ tllllll'. (In L' llt l' ri 11S.. · 1 ' d~ .'. · -,. :1 riJ.J,.,i l J,;,,J-_.,._ 1llv "' .J .. r 1 ltJIC' \ \;1 ..._ :-. 11 11 clt::signa ting thv ll:atn It, \\' l1ich -.. hv J1.. :, , 11;.:v•l Tht: <:\'t·nin g · ~ i11 11 1Jvga 11 ll itll ;1 ;_:r; 11 1,j 111 :1 r ,· J1. tl 11 li11• · ,,j ;..: i r l -- 11 1•>1'L' tlt :1ll r<.:ach inj! :trt!lllld t h v r•1•1111. Th eil v : 11 -J1 , , j 111,. j . , 11 r 1· · :t l t l ~ I• ,, .\, it~ J>l:lL'L' 111 a cq rn<: r 11f thl: r•••1111. a nrl thv ~ ]'iri t , ,j ri 1 :1Jn J, ,· t \\< '<'11 t l lvl ll 11:t,,.,j lt ig· ll . Th<: r<:lay rat·e \\'a, c tlkd ,,ff fir -. t. tiH· .. 1-:,-,J . _ .. 11 i 111Jill_:_: 1·1r"'t ] .!:"·,- :trt<l t llt· "Lavt·tHI<.:rs" '> l:l''Jll< l. Jr1 til t· ,., 1J, 11 _ , 11t_ 11 . 11 i,-l 1 j,. JJ, 11 _. ,J _ tlw "J..:,-.J.._ .. 11·"r t h<~ t l t 1 first and Sl:l''Jlltl prize'>. Th(.: cl ima :-; ,,f fun :tnrl fr •di c 11 -;1-. 1111 ,J,ntl.t •· •ll_1 n·;, ,·1 1,·,J 11 11,· 11 t l1v i:tcttl t : ·stud(.:nt !Jas k(.:t lJall g:t lll l' ~- a 111 v •.IT. Tl 1,. j; 1,. 1tJ 11 Ji 111 · "I' 11:t --: ll: tz,-1 I :,-ck arHI .\Jyrtl<: 1 :ergu~'' 11. fll r \\' ard s: 1-:n iv .\ 11 . _ 1 i 11_ ,. ,. 1111 -r: Jl:1 zt·l \\ ·, .J, .._tl' r :t lHl 1: t1v la ll l<.arl<:r. guard ~ . T l~l: :-:twkn t li:l v- tt]' 11 -; 1-..: .\ l:tr;..: :tr •·l J..::tl -- 1"11 :11t< l .\ l:t n · .\ I ''" ~'L', [()r\\'a rd s : 1-:Jsil: ()s h"urn. t'VIlltT: .\ l; 1ri 1 - J: .,r '-l t llv :tl id \, -1 11 1:1 J-.: i11;..:. g·t tal·d..- . .\ li ss J:ut:lalr lla rr iss did rvn 1arkaJ 1 J1- v lf1c it·llt 11 ,,rk ;,,.. n ·lt-rvl' . .\Ji,.. ,.; .\ tJ-;tin. with hc:r s up<: ri• 1r h <: igh t . v: ts il -' , , 111 ~ j 1111 1 1'" d .\ I i---- < ) -.. ], .. 111'11 at ,.,. llt l'r . :t tl d tilt· spectacu la r gua rding nf .\lis~ \\ 'v J1 ,.. 11 -r did 111 11,· !1 1" 11·:t rd -. 11 111111 11 ;_: til,· ;..:· an~t· fo r th e faculty . by a St' tJre t)i thr vv t•• ,, 1w. \\'hen th<: hilarit y had s tlffll'i v 111 11- , 11h-. i1 k d. ,-n·n' •Ill' _i· •i 11 vd 11 1 t llt· \' i t· g-inia re<:l. after \\' hi c h rdr cs lll lll' llh 11 ·1 -n- --vr n ·d. Tl 1c v ll tvrt:t itl t ll< 'l l t L'tHkd wit h t h t: S1\'edi s h fqJJ,; rl:tl lCL·. The l\ c i 1 1 ~;t 111 kr. :111<1 :1 11 J-: 11g·l i:---I J j, ,J], d:ttl<'l'.
Tfl ct:lebratt: th e tllemlwr!'hip l -,, 11t 1 ·.._t ,, ll ic l1 1-' ;t,.. " '' ,.;u~· ,· v,.;..- i td l :· ~·:tn·iL·d un th e fa ll. the \' . \\ ' . .~irb t11l'l in t il<' ... l.llll l: t, t ttl . drv,..-.~-d :1." th t· l· u,.;t•d t(} 111 It 11·a ,.; l':' ]'n·ia!l:· i 1 1t ~ · rt·:---t it 1g· I<> th~· .""'l tHkn ts tn dress \\·h e n th t: y \\'e r e y tHtng·. see the fac ult y larlie ~ appt·ar a s ~lt t ilJ • I Illl l' t J::dlil',.;. litt k I )t t t l·ll ( ;it'l,.; , a n• l ( >l d .\[ oth er s CflOSt: . (lnh· c hildre n's g·a m es \1-v n· p l: t\'l'<l. :t11<l 11111 •>t1l_1 till' ;..:·: tt'l•"· ln t t :Jl,;,, l il t.: spirit o f c hildren set:mcrl p rn·akn t. \11 l""" part i11 tll t' ;..::tl ll L'" · an d ll'l't'l' as deli g h ted a ~ c hilclrt: n ah1·ays arc 11·1lct l tit<' til l ll' ~· ;ttn~· i11t· n·irL",.; ht llt' tll ,.;. 1; <>1 Jo,,·ing th e inst ruc tions oi th e 11·ait l' r ,.. tllv girl,.; t""J..: <'1111\'t't li v n t l"'" tt lll tb <>tl the Hoo r a nd at e ral·cn()usly ,,f th l' tin y ,.; ti ck c:trHJ_,. :tr HI l' ' "'J..:1· :tn i tn: tb. <Jllarr<:ling- c hilcli ~ hly ii r1 tll' g • Jt a littlt- nlt>rt· th:trl tIl l· <•I ll t· r . ,...,_
\\'h e n the last an imal h ad di,;appl'an·d . tl11· g i r l,; ;..:··" "1 na t ur v d ly tnadl' u p and \\'ent on playing u n til .\li ,..:-; 1\ a<k r ann<>Jttln·d t l1:11 ;ill cllil•lr~· JJ <>ttgllt t <' be in bed IJ\· te n •• 'c] IJc k. Til t· h i111 11a:--- Utkvl l a 11<1 ti ll· <'<lll lp:t rl _l- <pti cl-.:1 _1. l>n>kt·
up .
ffihu;1; nf '11 i.Cntrrtuhu'll b!J Ai'luh;r'r ( )n Sat11 rda,· aitvrnunn . :'\ u \T n tber HJ. the Sen io r,.: were mo,.: t r o,·alh· vntntainvd at t h v lwntL' elf l'rok,.:,.:o !· a nd \Irs. ( ;reg·g· . . \it er b einn· L·onlialh· rvcvi \" L'< I. th e g'llL',.:t ,.: wen· p r L'!'L'nt L' d with ap pn lp r iatl' ·, k Than k,.:g:i ,-~~~- fa ,·o r; . Tll e,.:v \\Tre in the fe cn n c)f small l>ookkt,.: and contain ed li,.:t,.: of t he . co nksts in "·llicll all thv g'llL':'t,.: parti cipated. I \·rllap:-: the tt H>,.:t inH' rL'S ting- of these L'cl 1lte,.:t,.: \\·as the "l~achclor" ,.: lluttcm 1\an· ... in " ·llich tilL· g·ir l,.: cnjc'YL' d the ra r e pri,·ilcgc of \\"(ltch in g the buy,.: sew eHl IJttll\111:'. :'\ot\\·itil:-:tancl illg" till' fact that Clyde l l utchill:'Oil , in hi,.: .eag·crlll':',.: t" "·in clttt in tilL· rat-L'. ,.:eizcd the material " ·ith both ha nd,.: and ,.:a,·a~·L·h· p11lkcl t h e needle tlm ntg-11 " ·ith hi,.: incisor,.:. Stanky C h uciiL'Y· ha,·ing- th e . ad·\"a tll ag·L· of lotlg L'~pL·rietll"L' . ,,·a,.: awa r ded fir,.:t place . Tlw laugh ter caused by tilL" ,.:ki ll in ttL'l'<lknaft "·llich " ·a,.: displayt·d hy ,·ariou,.: 111L'llther,.: nf th e clas ~ l1acl ,.:c:trcel_,. :'llh,.:iclcd " ·llL'll a ll \\·en· a,.:kt•d to L'l11lljlL'tL' in t he " 1\i,.:ib le Expa n ,.:ielll 1\i,·alry." Till' judg-c,.: ni thi,.: L'elttt c,.:t \\TlT obl ig·cd to tts c g-reat discrim inat io tt in arri,·ing· at a fi nal deci,.:ion. .\it e r cardul consideration. h o\1-e \-cr. th ey prtlncllttlL"l'cl l·~thl'l Ju,.:tin· L·apabk of pn•,.:etlting· a broad e r " grin" than any elt h t·r t11\'t1lher nf the SL·nic)r cia,.:,.:. \"a ri Pu,.: ot h e r a musen tL' tlt,.: fnl lo \\·ed "·hic h \\"L'I"L" thurllllg'ill_, enje•_,·cd by all. \li,.:,.: .\u,.:titt and \lis,.: 1\ec k dl'lig-htfnlly entertain ed thL' g-uc,.:r,.: \rith in ,.:t rttll1L'1ltal n111,.: ic. an d \li,.:,.: l)ani ebon a nd littk :\ l i,.:s < ;em· ,·i c ,·e l;regg \\·ith \"<~cal. .\itL'I" partaki n t.,. of tkl icinu,.: rdre~htllL'llts. t he members of t he clas,.: oi · , t clL"partcd . e nt iHt,.: ia,.:tic itt their apprec iat io n o f tltc h os t and h oste,.:,.: of the
< )tt till· l"\"L' n ing ,,f 1:e hruary 25. the m ember,.: of the High S chool enterta in ed IJqt It the lir,.:t and ,.:ecun d ,.;L'111e,.:tLT Trainin _g· teacher,.:. th e High S c h ool ach· i ,.:L· r.~
and their \\" i\"L':' . . \I I a,.::-:c111llkd in the g-y ttnt a:-; ium at 7:30 a n d \H' I"l' l"Llrdially \\·ckomcd by the rLTcpti<~n Clllltllti tt eL' . l"pon L'aL·h pe r so n \\·as pit1ncd a card hearing Yariou,; in ,.:c riptieltl:'. ,.:t!L' h a,.; " ln halli tanh ni :'l i ar,.:. " "lnm<ltL':' oi the l n ,.:a ne .\,.:ylum." etc . T ilL· fi r st L'\Ttlt pj the l'\"L'ni ng· \\·a,.: the gTand tn arc h . .\ftn this t he g·uL':'l,.: \\"L' IT ;tdd re,;e<l IJ~- \I r . I I a 1 C l a~gn\\·. who " ·as nt<b tl'l" o i cet-e tnn n ies . I I e stated that ti ll' tllL' tn lwr,.: lli till' l-lig·h Scllunl a lld th eir teachers had ag·aill C\) tll L' tcJg-ether. a,.: "a,.: the c usltllll eli innncr _\'L'a r s. ill u nkr that they might lwcOtllL' l>ellLT acquainted \\·ith each t>t her. li e urged tilL' Scninrs to forget their dig·lli ty iecr nne L'\"L'lling and e nter illtn the galllL'S \\·ith the ri g-I ll ::;p irit. The mallag-cllll'llt ()f t h e e\"L'lli n g·"s ainllsl' IllL'tlt "·a,.: tltell giH'Il intn ti ll" hallds Pi \ I is,.: 1\ac hc l 1\ adn. \\· lw pro n·d iln,.:clf n ·n · e fficien t ill til i,.: ca pacit_, .. ThL· fir,.:t _g·;ltlle partici pat ed it t \\·a,.: nne L'O tlllllLl llly k tW\\"Il as " I.-lyin g D u tcillll:ttt ... in " ·hie II the '" I httchtnan" ''"a" kept llltl\-ill g at a rapid ra te ic1r stllllctime. TI H· t ie~l L'\"L"tll ,,·a ,.: tile rela,- r ;tL'L'. til e colllL',.;ta n t,.; he illg· made up (l f t'.t ll' litll"
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loaned IJ\' frit..·tll l" in and :tr<•ll tHI l 't 1"1 1. \ l' <l · · d~t : 11 , ,J 1,, 1 , . , 11 :..:< \\:t--hin;.: Lon wh ile ill· wa s l'rt·~ i dt· lll , ,j tl tt· l 'nitt ·d ~ l:tt• ·,: tt J:t t t \ I"' '' ,., .,) .. j,J j<·\\vl r .' from 100 tt• 2CJIJ year-- ,, j :t;..:t·: -. uru·.' itt;.: 11·;," ' '' :t1t.J , lt: 1111 . '" .. t •l .. ) I : lltt k vr fl ill: the ~lll lll)l. c hip ,,j tltv l" h vrr.' ll"<T itw idt ·JII . : 1 , \\ o·ll , 1 , t) 1 , } ~, 1 ,, · 11.-J: l>v:tllt iful ca rlJ()Il pri nt pin11r v" ,. f ),.,lit r ;,., ,r;..: t· : 11 1<1 \ l :•llll:t \\ . 1 .. J 11 ~ 1 :..:t · •lt '" ~tll: t r t : anrlmany uther int<·r~..·,ting a r tie !.- .. -. n;.: :..:t· -. ttll ;..: tl ~ · · lti• .111 , ) " ''''' , ,1 .• ur ;.:rt· at lc.:arler were f•Jttnd ltvn·. The hall ,,f tlw '-('t"<l!td IJ,,,r \\ :t -. :1 ;..: lillq• -..· "' t:ttl\ l: ttt•l " 1111 li;.: ll t. :t lJ'\ lace cu rtain". -.tai llt·d gJa ... .., \\ ill<! ••\\ ... ,,,,·r 'J., .. , . .J .J.,.,t-... 1.i :tt11 .. . ;, ,,,) '' itlt ltv n · and tiH:rc an IJjJl'll <i• •••r ill\'itill ;,:' lh• · p ;, ...... ,.r 1, , '" •· tll• "l tlto · , .... 111 ; 1 ,,,) l'IIJ• ' ·' I llt· h•>m e lik withi n. The third fl11• 1r hall \ \:t ... \'t'l' \ i n ;.:o·ni · o~t -- h :t tt :tJJ ;...:• .J :''" ' :q•)•l""l ' ri:tl< ·l.' :11111 IJcautiiull y del'"rat l· <i '" a -. it• rt·p rv-. 1'111 :t \\ · ·II illnt i -. l w .J ltoott-.o ·. l:ir-. t. :1 \\ id v. spac ir1 us hall and the n a r•.llvgt· girl'-. tl,.,, ,.., , ,l:ti•ti l t;..: l<"l tlll ... r :" ·, 1,,,. , .... J>v llll :tlll :'. l: r, lll tl1i :-p•1sters. t· u ll q ..;t·ll' '''k" . a tHI• IIh vr ilt ill g ... •lt-:tr ' " t it,· lto·:tl l , ,j :1 ;..:i rl roo m '•lle pa ..,,t·d in111 a p:ttri .. t i•· ~'""' ' ' i11 \\ l ti• · lt \\ o·r · · '''~' 'I :1 t'11tv l: t r;..: <· p i<'ltt r v of the h c rl! , ,j tlw n·h-ln·:t l i••ll. d r: q w d \\ il l t ll: t;..: .. . :tlHI • tl lt< 't •ln···r:tli • •ll' " hiclt \\'()Uid a rliiiSC till' p at ri <,tit· ft T iill;_:- \\ ill tit t t JJo,._, . \\) 1., -...: t \\ tllt ' ll l . .\ l :tll\ j>l" t..' t l .\ jj,·ing rt>'Jlll" wt·n· ''I'''" 11 • ,. i... it• or . . ' '' ' i lti -. tl ••· ll· :tJ .., , The pn1gram ,,j the l'\'(· ll ilt;..:' \\ :t ... ;.:i\'vll ilw ,·;t r l_, p :trt "' , ., , . 1'\ ltoo t tr. Tlt t..· p urpuse was tu p rc~cn t t h e idv:t ,,f tit \' i-: ~''' '' ' ' ' ,,j 1iw 1·11il vd ~ l : tt ,·-. t lt r,u;.: l1 til t..· acl mi ssitm 11i staH·~...;t n d accp ti -. it i••ll ,, f l' ""' '~""" i" " '· :ti l v t t tl " " l \l tl;.: th v :-- p ir it ., f \\'ashingt()ll. T h e pr• •.l!T:tll l was :t " in ll• '"' · ;..: i \'t' ll 111 ' " ' ' .:..: :111 d J•: tlllll tllt ll v: The thirtt·en t,rigin:tl l·.,J., n iv..., 1111dvr l :riti -. lt ll:t;..: . ·,,,·It- ~: 1111 . :ttt ir v d :1 :-\ \'C c<llllllliJllly ~ec h i111 n· p n ·...,cntcd. c •nrH·-. " " :tr ill i•r•·-...vllt-. ,·:tt·lr -. t a t<· \\' it lt a state seal and lla;..;. T hc r1 f,,jj,,,"' t it\' •k:r tlt ... ,.,.,,v .,f \\ ·: t-.lri ll .:..: l " ll . : td tni:-;:-; it •ll ,f states . ~c pa rati"n IJf ~·•u t lt i nn 11 .'\• •nit. tlt- ;ttlr , , j l .i ll,·•.! ll . :rdnl i:---. i•• ll , , j r L" tlla tll ing states . and la st. :\c\1· .\ l v x ic11 :1 11 d . \ r i:t.•ll t:t \\ illt -.t:tl<· , ... ll ... t i tt l l i• •ll :-- . ;1 gT t lll) l o f po s~ e ss i r 1 n s u n d e r t hv .\tnni ,·all ll;rg. ll ;r\\·: ri i . . \ la -.!.:: 1. I 'l ti l ippillt' l ,; latllb . Tl tv .:..: •11·-. r-. _i .. i llv d 111 " "' ;.:·11tg· " ~tar Di strict qf (_'r,lu ml>ia a n d I '11rt" 1-: ic" . . ·panglc cl l:an n er" a nd t h e )ll'l •~-:" ra 1 11 \\a-. t'llti -.. lt t·•l. . \i t t·r l wi11;.: -.v t·,-v,J t• • ,; IJ L"r i> t..• t and \\'afe rs the ,·isit •>rs p ' " ' !11 t..·tJj• '·' t IH· " ' lt vr iv: tltt rv-. .,j t ll v L" lltt·rtai ll mcnt p repared ior th e m . l i .\ i t. \ 'crnu n sun·t·t· tk rl in .~· 1\' llt;.: IJ,· r ,-i-. it ill;.: fri,·11 d :-- :1 ;- t n:tll pan ,, j till' pleasure t hat is hers. in pr vp a r a t i11 11. ;ll tli ci p ;tl i•• ll . :t11 d p :rrtic ip:tt i" " · f., r t lti :-; lll' ca ti o n . .\ i t. \ 'cn ll ll t J)a y ha s l> tT II \\ t·ll n ·k l n·a t \'d ,
,, ,,
,,,,,., , ,,,,,, ,,,.,
I 111 til v liitt'l'lltil , , j J a 11uar.' ·· a t~ <1.dP_ck. th..: ~..:nit>r :; n1t' l d"''·n in t lw .t.:·.n n. 111 1 111 c n·l .' · f,r a part _,. nr rl'c e pti,n. hu t f11 r a g't: l1 l'ral g·1HH I tilll L'. Th~..· Juni o r~ hac! piallllt' cl t\1 cast u :; int " ulter clarkne:;:; , hut ht•ing lllll\\'ittcd. o ur in fa ntile !llrJnclll• II'S " ·vnt h"nH· '" hvd and \\' t' "·~..·rt• left in p..:an·. ~l'\Tr;d .,j on1r lllllllhn r t'llll'mher this vve11ing w ith a ckci<kd thrill of pka:'tlrv. and \\'<lll<kr ii 1 h.: c :>: p t· ri e n rt• " ·ill l'\'lT IlL' rt' j)L' <Itt•d. F<) r in :; tanre. :\ l r. l'hri :;t l'll :'(lll \\" <~ IH kr:; if ht· \\"ill .... ,·t· r ht• ~..·hari,· ari c d aga in : \I r. C r oo k :'ig-h :; a nd \\'P IHkr:; i f t' nT again Ill' " ·ill han· thl' nppurt unit y o f kncdin g: by the !'ide of ""111<..' fair lad _,. and "i hearing rt·p ..:att·d tho:;~.· :;uk11111 \\'c1nb. "fo r better. for " ·.,r:;v. I hll poo r \ I r . J nh n sc ln ca ll! Hll ht• rt'lninded nf th i:; evening· \Yit h n ut :;llt'dcl ing a dvlug·t· oi tt·ar:;. fc1r i:; it 1111t ht•artre nding w h e t h e recipi e nt o i a pa ir "f hlu t· .'·a rn "1nitt<..'ll S.. !Jl'io rl' a h und r t·d pair,- of gla:;:;y eyes?
I k:;pitt· thl' per""'"" "'"T""'" "fan unfurtunatc kw. th e cia:;,- uf tt)l 1 "·a:; at it :; hv:;t that night a1 HI th e air rang " ·ith la ug·htcr a:; th t.• different g r o ups put up their cknT ":;tunt:; ." ( lur ri:;ing young y t· ll-kackr rc n •akd an o th t-r rcmarka l> k tak111 ,,·hen he <klig·htt·d the atHiienc e " ·ith hi:; cla:;:;iral :;olo. "Lnuk out fo r the 1\cd l . ig h t. " II i:; llt'autiiul harit< lllt' nlit·c " ·a:; rcmkrcd pt•rkn by the fire and animatiun ni in:;p ir l' d ycl uth . and :'1\.t't' IL'r t Oll<..'" ran ,-~..·a n· eh· he ima g·in e d by illlperft·ct human mind. I 'icklc:;. :;a nd\\·icht·:'. doughnut ,-. and n ll'oa \\' l'H' L' ll o ugh tu g ladlk n till' h l'a rt nf L'\Tr_,. ~l'nic•r thtTL'. and aftt•r tilt• light,- h ad gon e tu r e!' t tht• big-. ro und 111c1nn l(lc d.:cd in at the \\"i11dn\\· tqwn tht· 11ight ':; n: n· lt·~·. and \\·h o can clisputl' till' fotct that :;he. rc:; pkndc nt in htT r n hc:; nf g·old and w hite. ,- mikd pro udly cl''"' l1 <111 till' :'<..Tm·: and it i,- :;ai d that ju:;t as the clock :;trurk c k,·en. hn mcl odinu:; ,.,,in· c cluld Ill· lll'ard. " ·aitt•d d o \\·11 tllrP up;h th e 111ik:-: oi l'th e r. sa.nn g : .. :-; 1·:- ~ I·>S C\ - 1-1- < li\S-S 1 ~:\ I< )RS !"
£{{. Q.L A. §tu~t §urial
( )n l' " f the lllt l:' t anticip;t t<..' d a nd t h e bes t enjoyed :-:ori a l functi1111S alllong tilt· bel_":' nf till' l'e r u :\or111al i:; the ~tag· Surial gin'l l at t h e b eginning· nf the :;c iHlt d .n·ar f11r til <..' e:-:p n ·,-:-: purpn:->e of bring-ing till· hoy:-: o f this i11stitution intll c iD:-:<.: r tnuch " ·itll l'acll P ille r and " ·ith tht• " ·" r k of the Ytlltng \len':-: L' hristia n . \sS\ll· iatiotL :\ cc(l rclingl y. o n ~l' j >ll'tllhlT 2R. abou t ~ p . 111 .. hoy :; r u millg' from all d ircct i<ll1=' 1\Tre :;ct·n 111aking· th eir 1\·<t y t•' t lw < ;ymna:-:ium " ·h t• re a rare tT<..'at " ·as in :;t cliT fc 1r t lwm . 1·: :-:n· ll t•lll addn'!'Sl':' \H' lT ddin·rc d hy I 'n 1ks!'o rs ! Ieath. D c iZl·ll. 1\rumagl·. a1HI < ;rl'gg. T IH'Sl' a ddre:;~e:; c mphas izt•d in a cump re lwn~in· tllalliH' r the tH'l'l':':'i ty ui :;tron g . ;1l'lin·. L'hri stian <lrga n izat io n !' w ithin our :;c hnol. a1HI 111ad c plain the iac t that nn :;rll<1n l i ~ l'lllll p ktl' " ·itl w ut :;uch an c1rgani zat ion . . \ftl'r tlli:;. ,·ari(ltl :' " ~ ttlnt :; " \\TIT ent!lll :; ia :-> ti r all~· a1 1d ,·igoruu: ly jWrfPrmcd and till· l'nu bel\·:-: 1\' l'l'<..' pl'rtnitkd to 1\·it ll<..':':-> a r e al J c A'rit•:;-J n lul:'<1n pugili ,- ti<..·
\\"lll l'l l
fl :'\1-: <W '1'111·: :-:J·:
"~ \\·J : I ·:T
!' I XT I·: I·::" ·:
In this thL· su111.: riurit~ uf intt•lligt•nrt: and skill unT 111erc physical was manift·sted. and aftL·r t h rL'l' ro un ds l)f actin~ boxing. Johns o n was fnnnall,· clt-clarl'd \'il'lnr. I 'rufL·SsPr lklzcll madl· g"l.H)d llSL' nf his nm,·ing- pictun· machinl' during thl' L'nCPun i L'I'. and tuday \\'l' may still Sl'L' tht• fig-ht in deL'lllltt·:-t.
l'' i I. ( k t. R-. \ J uni u r cll tt -dn•'r breakfast \\·as h eld at 7:30 Sa t urda_,. tllorttingin till' \\'lltHb n ca r I Jr. :\L·al's plaL'l' . \\' hik a co nuuitt ee prc parL·d b reakfast t h e rest of t he cro"·d L'lllL'rlailll·d thL·nt sdn.·s by singin g- t·n lll'g-e songs and by h(•comi ng hl'IIL'I. a cq u ai nt t•d wi t h eac h othn. :\ fter a ll ha d partaken of a deliciuus meal. L'ach nf thL· J uniur fnot-ball knights gaH' a short talk. ThL· pi cn ickl·rs th en .. broke ramp .. and started t ) Jl th l'i r hn tllL'\\·arcl jourttt·y. kd hy thei r enthusiastic d a!'s a<h·iser. l'rof. Delzell. ( kt. q. The 1-'l·L·shman class par!nuk of a .. get acquai tlll'cl .. pirnit· supjilT in !hl' wouds ahout a mik and a half frum town. .\ camp fin· \\'as built and ~ upper \\'<IS prepared at :; :30. :\ ft L'l' t h e feast. .\Irs. :\ et t ktnn L'ntl'l't a incd the c lass with SL'\'l'ra I L· lwin· readings. This was fo ll o\\·L·d hy till' .;inging ni so ng,; and g-i,·ing of thL· yell:-. " ·hidt was t h L· sign al for th e departure . ( kt. t .:;. Th L· Snplwmore young ladies nf the da~s. The t\\·o large hn nfircs " ·en· huilt. <;real d el ight was take 11 ll\· all th e lire.
hnys gan• a lH1n firc picnic in honor of the .. ca mp .. in t he \\'UlHb was reache d at 7:30 and cJ\'l'r " ·hidt tl:c .. campe r s .. pn·parcd supper. in rnasti t1;.:· .. weinics .. tln a fllrked stick ln·er
( kt. 2X. Th e Spec ial and Trainer dasscs enjoyed a llallowc'en party in the basement ni th L· lihrar~·. L'plln tiH•ir arri,·a l they were greeted at the d on r h_,. g-hostly figures who n>lL'tHkd to each a cold. dammy hand. T h e cn·ning " ·as pleasant ly spL·nt hy play ing the good old I lallo\\'e\·n gan1es such :ts .. l:ohhing fur .\ppks .. and .. 1-'clll fur Yom Fnrtunc." Oct. 28. T h e j uninrs held a jnll~· I Iallo\\·e'en party in thL· e ngin e hnusc . The r oo m s \\'ere dccurall'd in true llallowe'en s tyle. L'\·erything presenting- a I~dreshmcnts of apples and p n p -cnrn \\·en• " ·c ird. g·ltost-likc appearance. ~n,·cd. :\ s lwrt prc>granJ \\'as g-iH·n. t'lllls isting nf a talk h~· I 'rL·sidcn t I l a_,·cs. a r ead ing b~· .\ I iss Lee. and a tru e hair-ra isi ng g h nst stnry b~· I 'rof. I k lzell. < k t. 3 1. Th e .\lt. \'emon girls \\'l' re pren.· p t n.·ss . .\ I iss Stoner. T h e rooms \\Trl' dL'l'c>ratL·d wit h h lad; ,lack -o-lan tcms a nd \\Tir<l figures g-li<kd <;;ulll'S a n d rdrcsltnll'lllS \\'ne in kel'ping·
g·in.•n a l l allo\\'C.en party h y t h ei r cats and bats. TltL'\' were lit \\'ith here and thnc in thl' di111 light. \\'ith the occasio n.
:\ ll\' . 2. The graduatl' class ,,·as L'nle rt ained at th e hulllL' nf I 'resident and .\Irs. llan·s. Thl' L'\Tning's din•rsic)ns ,,·e re of a tmtsil·al nature. the m ain katurl's heing a musiL·al stnn· and Si.'\Tra l mu:-;ical sekrtion s. ( )\\'ing
, i!Jhlu (it,
I 'rt·:-; iclvltt :tncl \I r:-;. I ! a_H·~· lm~pitalit _,. and aptitwk at t'tllertanttng-. the cll'part t· d fL·t•liltg \\"L' II acquainted \\'ith each ut h cr and "·ith t h eir h onored It• 1~1 a nd h n:-; tt·~ ~t"
cia :-;~
I k c. 1-J.. Tilt· ~~~pltnnll•n· l>ny~ \\'t'l'l: l'lltl'rtaitH.'d by the you n g ladie:' of tilt· cia~~- Till' intrudut·t inn t• 1 tltc cn·n in g·~ cntenain111cnt " ·as a \\'Cdding farcl' . .\ li ~~ l l t·kn Co ml'll playing thL· part tlf brick and \li~:' l 'a n:'y Cok that ui gn•n1n . . \fter thi ~ . JHtll c h and \\'ecld ing cakt· \\TIT sen·cd. The rcniaincll'r <If t h e l' \'L' Iting \\ ·a~ ~pent in playing ga 111 e~ . I kc rr1. Th l· Y. \\·. g-irb hl'lcl Ch ri ~ tlll a:' 1\:cns in g t o n 111 EYnct t a n d I '!t il" !t alk .\ llt'autiful l' lt ri~tnta:' pn1gTa m \\·a:' prepa rt•<l. cO n:'ist ing o f s p ecia l 111u~it· ;ntd tilt· re:tding- uf tht· l' ltri ~ tma ~ ~ltlry a ~ g·iYell 111 Luke. T he rdrcslt ln t· IH :o; \\'tTl' arti~tirall~· ~l'l'H'd \\'ith ~mn· e nir~ ni IH 1lly. r; . Tltv l : re~hn t t'It l'l.'khratt•d the hnlidaY ~t·a s•lll hy h nl ding a part y. Tin· n H1n1s \\·crt· dl'n>r:ttl'd \\'ith h e ll s. !toll\· and mi~tlctoe . . \ :-; h e•rt prog ra nt \\'a:-; gi\Tll. aitn \\·ltidt a l'ltri~tllla~ tn.'l.' :'tHlcknly a ppeared laden " ·itlt prl'~t· nt~ . < llcl Santa tlwn arriH· d and t reated t he class \\'it li ca n dy . nut:-; ancl I'"JI- CIIrtl hall~. I kc .
l' ltri ~tma~
I kc. 20. Till' .funit 1 r~ agatn llH'l. Ill celebrate th e tkcl inc tlf thl.' uld ~·ca r a11cltln· birth ,,f tlt l· Ill'\\·. Thv 1'\H>lllS in the engint· h o llSL' \\'l'l'l' d ecorated \\·ith l'ltri~tmas garlands and h olly. \ I any Ill'\\' and intncst ing ganll's \\·en· playl'<l. , ntt' tltt· ht·s t IK·ing " l~ t1 nt :tn ce:' ... Thl' tTll\n l \\·as cli,·ickd inll l fa mili es and aftl'r r d rcsht n cnts \\·ne se n ·ed. t·aclt f: unil _,. h ad t11 pnl\·ick snn tt' "st unt" for the cntcrtainllll'llt o f the l'l'St. . \ftn this. ,·a r i<IIIS tm·nthns ,,f the dass attemptt·d m aki n g p o t·try. T~ti s att t·n tpt pnl\·i1tg futik. tltt· t'\"t·ning's jnllit it•s ramc l< J a cln~e .
.f a nua r _,. It). l 'rnfesstl r and \ Irs. l l m·t e ntntain cd the laho raton· ass istant s nf th e sc icnl'l' ckpari ill t'nl. .\ s tndling t' Pnte:- t of cot nm o n labo ratory reage nt s firs t •>ccllpied tltc attc nti< >ll oi th e guests. and later a picture guessing c< 1n t cst. The pictures \\' t'rt' nf th nsc pn•st'lll tak e n at different periods of their lin· ~: unL' of \ li s~ l:run~d P n at t e n IIH lnth~ of agT r equir ed 110 littk a m o u nt l!f s t 11dy t n he n·cc1g ni zed. II fl\\'L'\T r. afte r the strenuous efforts p ut forth in thcst· cn lltt·sts. I 'rokssor I ) un ca n son re\\·ardcd all by p crfo rm i11g a11 ('~pcri III L' nl "·hiclt alln\\·e d the111 t• > n hs nn· th e ir bra i11s . T hi s pru,·ed t11 be of spn·ial inte r est Ill m o~ t of tlt c m .
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I. Eg-eu-. wi :-:he~ hi~ d:tt tg-lllcr. ll vnni:t . I•• 111 :11T\ I >t' lllt 't rill -.. "' ' ' " i-. 1 1 ~· lr,ved o f ll dena. 1/ er mia l ••n·~ at!ltiiH·r -. nit••r . 1.., ... ;, ,., ·/ vr. :tt ll l , .... ,·;'!"'' \\ itlt hint to the \\' t)r)(l \\' h ither /)<.: ll tl·t ri tt ~ :11 td I klt ·tta f, " '" ' ' t lh ·n t. II. Titania a nd C >IJl'rtlll ha \v rptarrl'kd . 'j',, l" "'i -. lt lti -. '111 <'1'11 . c >lo vr,. 11 sqtteezes tit<.: juice r1f an lll·rl, •111 lil'r ' '·' vlid -. "I ti l<- , , ,,. -. l,·,·p-.. ,· ;''' ' i";..: ltl'r t 11 lo\'e th<.: firs t li\'ing c reatttn· !-Ill· I,,,~.; ., 111"'11 '' lw11 -. Ill · :t \\ :tl, ,·" '· llvt 11 vtritt:' s purns I lel<.:na who j,,,·es hint d n·pl y . f ilwr•>tt • •n ·rh l':tr "" :tttcl • q·,kr-. I 'th· k t•, plac<.: srmH.: rd this sam<.: liqw'r •o n I h·nt('tritt .., · t '.' t' ' : IHtt I·,, ,. , llti -. tal- 1 ·-. and drt>ps th e juice on Ly~anrkr \ v.n·lid -. " ""· ttp• •ll \\ :tkill.:.!. j,,,, ... . ll vk11:t.
Ill. 1\IJLlOtll and hi s l1:1111l qf lltlT it a ni ,· . . ar .. :tl ' " i11 till · \\ • '"" rvltv:t r -. i 11 .. a play ,,·hic h they e xpect lt• pr"dun· hd••n· t ill' I >ttkt· ,,j \ tlt t'tl' . I ' 11 ,· 1- p l:11· 1 · .... '"'; 111 a ss' head o n Hr,ttom's shiJuldl·rs and lv:td "' hittt !•1 Tit:t11i:t. \\'h • • ' ' :tk vtt:- :t11d i 11 sta nth· lovc. him. ()f>errm di sc• o vvr~ l' ttl'k':- tlli . . takt·. s•• ch:trlll . . I h-IIH·tritt-.' l'\' l'S at a t.ime \\'hen llclcna is n l·ar. ~ · • tltat l11·. t••••. f,,,.,., ill'r. l l, ·lt·tt :t l•vli .. ,., ..... i th· lo\'crs to be jes ting. li<.:Ct>lltcs di s ltvarlt' tH·d and rl·....,ofn· . . t•• r,·tttrll t•• .\ th 1 • 11 :- . ll crmia canllrtl Ull rlcrs tanrl 1\' h \· s lt v Ita .., IJl'l' tt "" ""l' rl l'•l . . \11 \\:ttttlvr af,,, 11 t untilth<.:.\' a rc ex haus ter! att d fat'l askqo n• •t far fn11tt l':11·1l ••tf t,·r . ()berr,ll pitil·s ·r it allia in lt l·r tl •·t:tgv ••II 1\••t l•• llt :tt tol rvlt ·;, , ...... ltl'l'. Theseus 1\'ith hi s bride . ll ippt•l.,·ta. at ttl l·:gTtt!-. di ~t'fl \· l·r t ltl' f, ttlt' fe~,·cr..; asleep. In the mcanti.ntl' C>IJl'ftlll Ita~ rclt-:t:-l'd l .'.-.:1111kr ...... , \\ltv tt tiH·\ ;1\,·:tkv. L ,·sanrlcr /t 1ves ll crtt1t a a11d I k tlll'lrt tts I• >\'l'"" II ~· ktt:t. II apJ>.'. t ' '" ·' r .. t ttl'lt Lt, . \thetiS. \ ·. 1\ottlllll and the nwcltanics play tiH· tr:t;..:t·d .' · ,.j "I'.' r:ttlltt -. :11t d Thi:-l>l'" 111 th e palace qf T hese u s tr1 cc klna tl· tlt l' tr ipp ll' "l'dd i11 ;._:-. The fa iri es t·onH: to bless the lt•lllll'. 1\ ·.
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FlntP, a l wiJ.,w:-; ltl4'1H1•·r . ... . . · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · .. 1: F . II n \"• • ll\11 :--; 11011 1. a t lniH·t· .. .. ....... .. ..... . . · · · · . . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · f: 11 d ulpl 1 l: ••fl l l•'•'l\ •' 1' ~ t t ll'\'t •l l n ;:. tl Ia i i•Jt' .•. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . , •.. • I ' l;tt tcl• • llll l• ·l t ltt..:••ll llippul,\' l:1. fl l li'Pil of l h •• .\lll;t Zflf1 ~ . l w lrullll d I • • '1'11• ''1' 11 .... .. · ·· . • · · · . . ~ l tl,\' 111t• t : I I IIH'I' Jl ••l'flll:o . In 110\'{' w lflt 1.,\·s atlllo•r . . . . . . · · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · .. I·: JJ :o \ ' ooll s f l' tl f I I PI•·rw. i n ,.,,.., with I J••mt•tl'in!-=. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · l ·:li :~. n l w t h F n lt ••r· Olwt·un. klnt: uf tilt • fais-iP:-o ... · . . . . .. ·· · .. · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . ..\la•·tJta 4:i ltn (' l'
Tilan ln. tJUf'f •n uf till' fail'i~":-o . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · • · Pu,·k. or J:ohln r ;,, .. ,u···11uw · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I '•• n sPhh'~~hlll ....... .
f'ultwf'lt \ lo t h
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1<)- ~ e\\' s tuci<.:nt !-. t()ilup .'\ ••I' Jll:d If ill ,,·itll '"'' -, JJit ,· ;1.,, . ., :t lld :t l•:tr:t,.,,J. zo -C ood morning-! ll a\·(· .'' 'HI r L·~i ~ ll' r vd~ J-:,·<1 t:qw . t't ,., . ,., ."'" :1 11 in ,·h. 2 1-0id s tud e nt s a r ri ve "n ( , :Jo. Tllv '' ' '" ... ttJ<k :J l '- : tl t •· JH] ,· l; t._ ... , ..... 22-Friends r e united. l:n·slllll l' JJ ;, II•H·kvd t• 1 " '"'" ., , 11<k J1t :tt• 1"' " 111 " " ' ' ' ' ,.; t n al l nw lcc u k s .
23- Sca t s a ss ig-n e cl 111 Chape l. _'\ ,, "' 1v L' XIw•·t, ·d '" ;''"' " " 7 :-1 _; ,· Ia,., ,; . 24-The C hri s tian r,rga JJizati•J ll !-- gin· tl1vir :tlllll1:tl r v•·•·l >ti"" · I b l b n1 lliLT l" \ !i ss l' rau s t: for IIr st t illl l'. 25-"()' m lon eS()tll(; . a\\'fll l I< Jil l'S ' Jlll l' , .. 27 -Thc T h eory class d iscuss t h e fi ,·v clualific:ttic n l~ ,, f ;1 t•·;t,· hv r. z8--Y. \f . C. r\. st u nt Jtig-ht. l'IJ s it i \·L·I: "''girl~ :t il • 1\\T <I. < ;l; t ~ g·· 1,,. l,n·;tks his arm. \\"c knc.:,,· S() lll c thiJJg ""'"' '" 11appv 1l . o-l'r o f. H o yt mak<.:s h is ckl>t tt 111 ( ·llapc l a11d rw Jv l, 3 Hr0 \\·ning. I>r. !l ouse ' s iaL·v i 11 n·idL·n t di~ t r, .,.,,.,.
,.,, '" l';t ,· v,.;
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Dea r \ l uth er:_..\rri ved h e re o n ti111e an cl a111 saki\· ,.,tar t v d i11 "". " .' •rk. Tl1 v sL·IJ , "1 l d11cs niceh· . but th e exe r cise is frig·htful. . \ ft l"r cl ind> i llg· tiJ,· ,.,L· l1ill,.; a iv"· lll<>l"l' tJ!llL'S
1 fea-r I s h a ll have tc> stancl t\\·icc I•• 111akL· a shad""·· r\ m [ IC!ncsomc? .'\.,1 very. < Jnl_,. :tt 11ig·llts. in ti iL" ll 111 t·nin g ·. :til da:-· . and espec ially at m ea l ti111cs. < Jthcr th:tll tllv~c il",,. l11 >llr,., I har <l h · ,-v:tlizv am a\\·a,· from ho m e. \ h · IH>arcl d<JL'S \Tr_,. ni l·L·ly . < li L' l!ll rse I 111a_,. l>ec <llllL' \\·ca r_, . of ; ggs. ham. has h a nd h rc:acl aftL·r ,,·hile. but it ,.,en·es lllL' nT_,. " ·l'il i< l r thL' present. Y o u may as \\-ell sc: ncl s cHllL' nl.<lllL'_, . . t<H> . :t s 'liH" llL"\.LT k i t • ,,,.s " ·1l e1 t ltv ,,·ill n e ed it. This \\"i ll !J e all f()r
11< >\\".
I i I t hink ,, f all,. IlL'\\·,; I 'll ll"IL·_gT:tpll . . \ ffcn ic •11:1 t L· l , . . I• I.
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OCTOBER 1- I'L·ru ,·:-:. :\t·I Jra:-:ka. [,Jtllhall: :'t'llr~..·. o to (i(J. 3- l'cttit exp lain:-: tilt• canh':-: mn,·enlt' Jll in Chapel. .\I iss ~chmauser 111tcre:'lt'<i. (,- .\·. l· . . \ . gin· tllt·ir lirs t ~oeial. ;-Thc ~t·ni, , r;-; st·ak til t· "·all llf ~ci ~..· nn· ll all inr ph •Jtograph. K--. \mity and 1\·nJ p:a _,. i, Jotball. \\'e fnrg;et the l'ni. g-a1111..'. q - 1·:\'l· rctl n·ccpti•IJl. h·a11k sm iles at Elizabeth. So it b egin s. IS- TilL· ~eni,,r:-: hL•t·n nJ c acquainted: Sll11ll' g-et n •ry " ·ell acquai nted. Jg__.\li :-:s 1-:lli:-: gi\'l·s a l'hapt•l talk Pn the "Sha\\· .\lemurial." 20- l'n>i . . \l>l>nt. inHn :---·~..·br;t:-:ka l 'it y. addre sses the students at C hapel. 22- l-.: indngartcn pa r t_,. in the ( ;~· m . "\lake 1111..' a c hil d ag-ain. jus t for tPnight." 2-t-.\ li ss :\orr is plays in l·hapcl. l~aymo nd Cornell looks happy. 2_:;- .\ l iss I f cy gin·s t \\'O m os t t•nj o ~·abk read ings in Chapel. 2(1- .\l iss :\ t>JTis r l'l l11'11s l"< l Lincnln . l'o mcll 111is~· e s dasscs. \\' here. ( >11. \ Vherc! 2j- l'h<qll'l exe rcises gin·n ll\'l' r tn a memo rial to the late Julia \\'ani llmrc. 2X- I 'rof. l: vck p r''P' •scs t'' gi\'c an apple to students \\'alking t\\·o 111iks. 2lJ -Th c irrespo n sible Juniors han· a " real" pan~·. :\o o ne \\'as hurt. J0-- 1-.: athcr in c l~idg·~..· \\· a.'· bt·gins the kctiire cnurst• \\·ith a star num ber. 31 - l: ill I )liJia,·an's dllg t'unJcs Ill l'hapt'l and sits "·ith the other l;reshmL· n.
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NOVEMBER 1- Jlritc hard tells a s t11ry 111 Chapel. Tl11· l:tdil'._ 11111 ].; ,]J, ll' i-l'd . 2-.\lt. \'crnon pflrch part.\'. \\'hL·n.·· ... tIll' I ' rl'n·pt rt·,,., :3-l'rof. f) uncanstJJ1 talk~ 1•11 C ; L· nnan l'ni,···r--i t it· .... 4-.\ pmgram r>n t!H· ca lllJlll ~ . inttll l'di:ttl'l.' :till'l' < ·l t:tpl·l. T!tt· hit .,j tilt' season. 7-L'proar (Jf ,·o ic e~ frl!111 \\'c~t ~ ide • •i ( 'll:tpl'l. <>II. ,., •II l: r l':-ll tl ll'll ~ R-So m <:l hing remind~ l're~. llayc~ tn ~in· hi ... ••pi11i•o~t ,,; "(']a ...... ti ~ llt .... " c;- lloyt gi,·cs a spelling- c:-:a111. in ( ' llt·tn i-. t r.' . 12-llastings ,·s. l'eru. ft~utball: ~l'fll'l'. o lu o . q-Foothall reccplitoll. .\(iss ll arriss in si:-t s ••II ],l'ilt~· J,,,.l.,J. 16-. \ primary l>ny 'Cl' ll g-oing- lq 1\t·g-ist rar· ,., ••f'ficc \\'i tlt a ~ra.' ,.,,, ilt·ll . 18-"Dnn't hur t o ur li tt k !JI!_\'. 1-.:caml':·. li e i:- " lll :lll. l•t ll - < >It~ I ll\' ~ .. 10- Jlrof. and .\ Irs. ( ;r q,:-g· cn tc rt ai n ~t·ni11 r ( ' la ss . 2 1- Bancl conce rt in C hapel. Jun i(J r s l'Xl'llilll g'L' hrit·k in· t'l'l':Jlll j, •r t'' >Ill'S. 23-\\'c all gn honw ftJr turkey and ptllllJ>l'i n pil' . 30--"Aimo.l pcrsuaclcd" that l'n:s idt·nl ll a:·l's ktHI\\S ht·"l a ... I•• till' ti ,·t· quali fications uf a tea cher.
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DEC E MBER 1- l 'nu pia_,.~ Lincoln Y . .\ 1. C..\. in basketba ll : score. 47 to 20. gin· u ~ the c ho rd ... "Look om fo r the red lig ht!" X-S todda rd fall ~ dm\·n th e library ~teps . I k wa~ in a hurry ()-Tabor i>l·at~ I 'nu in ha~ k ctha l l. :\cn.'r mind Tabo r. 13- l )t' lzcll 1 11i ssc ~ chape l. Ill' i ~ fa~ t c n ed in. hut ill' nJa\' .. break out all\· mln Utl'. I'I! Oil l' l j..J.. q - Y. \\·. g irl s lla\"l' a 1-( l·nsing tn n at P hilo H a ll. 1_=;- Sta tl· S upnin tl' IHknt Cra bt ree ,-i~it!' th e :\urmal. (;rcat doin g-s. 1()- .\l i s~ .\l in· ll o\\"l' ll g i\'es .. Jea nne d e .-\ rc. .. 1 X- II t' kll a nd l·:bil' u sc a mu ff for a cno kic sack. l iard on the cook ies. O nl' d ol'~ g l'l a,,·full :· hung-ry ,,·hen o ne has been s ka t ing. l<j- "\\"ha t 11·a_,. a rl' _\" l l U g-oing ho me. lllack ic ?.. ..( lma ha. of course ... 2o--l ,.n ·:·dtll ll'n !'art _\". .\ l r~. :\cttleto n is caug ht under the mistletoe. Dona\·an i ~ "Jili llln y-o n -thc- spnt. .. 2]- l·:n· r _,·hody got's hnmc for C hrist mas. J-··si~ter .\u~tin.
, ; , , I!J lhtTt
JANUARY 4- IJr. I l flu~e ea rn <.:;. ,,,·t·r lti " lt:tl,it" , ,j l l~t· p:t -.1 I \\ " \\ vt·k-. J,, t"ll ll llllg t11 Chap<.:! 1\"ith<>llt his ti c. L"nin·r:-.it_, I ;In·< "l1!1, t'lll<"rl:titt 1ltv -.ttltk ll t:'. ,:;-.\ 1r. \\"icklancl d i spla y~ hi " a J,ilil_,. itt ( "lt:ql('l. .\ I i....... I :n·k l'l:t ,·vd it t :111 <: 111 l1arrassing Jl'Js it i• 111. (>-The < ;jlfilatHI ,,f I 'nu n· t- il c;. tlt v -. It, orlv:-.1 1" ,,·ttl t It,· \"tJt " .\dam had 'em." l11tt "I lt:td ·t·t tl. .. 8-.\ lr. ( Jn: rtqn and .\(j..,, .\ lartha ( ;iltttl"l" lttakt· I ltt·ir ftr -. t a ppv:tr:tlll"t" i11 { "hurc h . 10-T hc: TIH:,Jry Class arc -.t ill cli:-.ctl-.-.itq..: 1la· li\T 'Jil:tlitit·ati"tt-. .,j a t~·ach~'l". !'res ident I faye:-. i:-. pru ud 11f hi .. cia-.-. i"r IH· k l Ill,·••• d _, lllt·ir ig"ll<>rancc hei!Jr<: the Examinin;..: I:, •a r d . l _3-(ro, 1 k decides to ha\"l' hi " Sl·tli••r ( "Ja ...... g"l\"l· ··.\lidt1igh1 St1 11 1111~·r I >rl':tlll:-:!" S\\"e<:t dn.:amer! 16--Lreat excit ement ! l:c;.:-in tling ,,f 1lw :tllllll:tl prc li t11 i11 ar_, dl'l>atv-.. " I >id11't kn(J\\. I :ill \\·a,.. ;.uch an "rat~>r." 8 " ( Jh. l~ucly. the parl11r """r i:- l•ock,·rl. ln11 tnak(· , . .,111":-l'li ;1-. ,·., tnft~rt;ti,Jv a~ 1 \ "(HI can <Hit here in tl1~· !tall.
22- "()h. y<nl exam s ! .\in'1 it a\\ful .\ l a i H·I ~ 'Spvci aJI_, th: tt J,, tl:tl l\"!" 2-J.-:'d cncl<.:lss"ltn Tri11 11n '"P .,fall th ~·:-t· v-..::ttlt:-. . 27- l·:vcrdt op<.: n ses:-:i11 n . 1R- I 'h il " ropen session. 31 - F-L-l·-\"-l':
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FEBRUARY 1 - l~lack:-;t••m· :-;i~:-; 111 th e lil>ran· \\·itll \li:-;:-; \lrl...:ittrick. hn tny. i ~n·t 1t: ..!- Till· grotltl< l htlg" :';t\\' hi:-; ,;hadt>\\·. In l'Olllllll'lllOrat ion o f till' day. thl· lJonn. girls had lta,; h fpr :-;uppl'r. ..j.- \li:-;:-; 1-..:l'lly. l'rnf. l ~uu:'L' a nd \li:-;:-; l~adcr \'a\\·n 111 C hapel. l~nTyonc cbc It 11 •ks bright. (,_ 1-'t·c:-;llnlan gi r l:-; \\·in the ba:-;kctl>all g-allll' t>H'r the ~o plll l lltorc:-; . Uur ~l'ni • •r bo ys put it OHT the Junior:-;. and :\ormal bo\·s 1nal;e a guod shu\\·illg" ag-ain:-;t the Cotner champitln::;. ; --TilL· l:rcslnnen ~hm\· thl·i r lnyalt~· tu their girls b\· a \'isit to \\'ilc\ ·~. < lll! \\'hat a parade! X-l ;• >•~<l nwrnin_t_:·. ll;tn· _nHI hl'l'll \·a cc inatccl? lo- Cll ri:-;tl'll:'L'll fall:' tllll pf hi~ l·llair in thl· library. \\.llll said :-;_nnpathy? 1 1\\.ilma ll attl,:-; i nsi:-;ts that 1\nl\nl\·il!c is th e ntl'!ro pol i:-; uf :\l'llras ka. 13-< ; ~en :-;t••ddard cu rl s his ha ir. " .\in ' t he cute?" 1s- S\l - :-;\I -. \ -L-L I'C)-1'0 - 1'<)::\". 17- The first team g·irl s \\·atch the !:acuity Ladies' ( ;nll dass. I~-\ \'hat arc the lin· qua linea tit 111 :-; uf a t cac Iter~ I<J-Dr. l l t>u~c 1-equc~t:-; the ltigh :-;ch••ul boys tu pust pn n c kni fe tra d ing· unti l a murc uppurt unc time. 2o- lk ssic Curran. at For:-;_\'lhc's :,;t o r e . prl·::;sing· a d o llar hill dusc to ltn heart : "( lh. ltm\· ri l·h I a m t n han· thi~ hill." ThL· merchant smikd a tHl l~es~ic quietly pa id fnr her candy ancl \\Till ho me. 22- < ;real doi ng-sal \it. \'cnH ln. llan·lka i::; h eard a:-;king· if the lHH':' kt \'l' to bring "Cnmp:-;... .. \' tl. tn\· Still. \\T sa id llt> adnti:-;:-;inlt. "
2~( ;race I k \Ins l'llJ• •.\·s a ,·isit frtll ll "lullllC folks."
MARCH r-Spanish ( >rc.: h l:st ra l: lltl: rtain s
l 'en l\· i att ~.
·· J _i t t k
~~,.,.,. · ·
:1111 1 ~ t• >ck dak
into exile again. 6-Ex-Cov. ! l oc h speaks; la s t num iH: r ,,f kc t11r v C <> llr~v. 7-"Stl:ve .. and .. Lei" spen d nig-ht in Y. \\ '. ( · . . \. rv :-. 1 r<~<~lll. them. <.;-Scene fro m L ittk :\! iss :\lufft:t in TlH·• ·r y ,·l :t -.:-. .
h:c ~t ~
.\ ~k
( ' l 1a ra t · tn ~: .\ lr . \\ 'c~ t,·c,tt.
spider; \ I iss I< rau se , :vJ iss :\ I u fft..t. 13-So mcbo d y plays with th e l ig-ht s in tl 1e lil>ra r _, .. 14-·'Buste r '' a sks a ca pti vatin g- h· cslllll:tll girl. "h " se :tcquaintallt't· ll t' "· i ~ ht· ~ to make. ,,·h er e th e p s ych, J,gy t ~~ lt- ss< >ll is . IS-1-:lmwood g irls play bas ketba ll \\' ith l't·r u- _=i , ,, l _=i. 17- 0pal goes to .\ul> u rn to-haskc tl >a ll ga nlt· : - tc> IH ty i ttrni ttt rv : 18-Training te:ac.: h n s grac ic!US h()s t s t" th e..: ~cn i " r s. zo-F res hman-Senior \\'ar d a ncl: o n c<t111JH1 :-.: ha ~k l't l>al l final ~ at night. · 1\.ah fo r Fresh me n ! ' Ra h fo r Sc..:n icn·s ! 21-:\•lartha Cilt ncr comes to sc ltr•"l "· it h"ut h l'r hand b ag·. 22-Congressman Dicgma , j :\ Ji c hi g·a n g· i\'l'~ ~ t i lTing ( 'h ;q ll'l t :tlk • >It c ktr:tctt·r in ecluca tion. 23-Grcat acrobatic st u nt. F er n doc ~ .. tra11 ~1> 11l ac t ... 25-Dollar banquet : Y. \\' .C. :\. in stall~ I«J tt - ltJ t 2 cd'fi ct· t· ~ . 26-Sun day mo r ning . (;rea l co n ster nat i• >lt a t l'l ul > ll c>tbv . lage? \: o; th e Su n clay scho"l lH:I l. 27-.. l a m going til the 1\a nd Cc >ll c c..:rt tcl1ligltt. .-\rv ,. «,It ~ .. 29-Spring vacat io n . The chic k e n s gc > hcllll l' t• > r « "> ~ t.
l; ir l' 111 til l' \' il -
fJ11 t
h11t11/ n
uillt' f !l
.-. iJ'
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------· I
APRIL t- \\ 'i:-;t· llll' ll :-; d;1\". ~tudt.'lll:' a t hnntc \\'it h pa and ma. 3- St ru ng-\\·ilkd :-;t udcnt:-: rt•tum 1<1 I\ ·ru . ..j.- \\·t·ak-\\·ilkd l>rn th c r :-; and ~i:-;ll.'r:-: g·t·t in late. s - .\t hktic a :-;soc iatio n in it s usua l role o f ~ l ark :'\. 1\ ': 7· (>-" The ~e n· a nt in I he II ou:-;c :" t.•xpre:-:sinn cla s~ ~ho\\·s ut'f nice !I·. 7- ll a nsen r c:-;ol vcs to "keep hi,; guat." X- <;real d o i11 ·s. l:ast•l>a ll st.•asun l)Jll.' ns. Th e kl ine recital tlll. 1 0- l~ als tn n IHttns " The ~u n se t T urns t ht• <kt.•an l~llll.' to (l'alifnrn ia ) t ;t) ld." 12 - ~ l is:-; \\.ell:-; looks up :-;teadil y tlll\\". \\'ickland looks dmm. t..j - 1-:\'t·rybnd y talks \\'isd~· abou t pit· tmes. . \nnual art exhibit npens. I s - \\ 'est cntt pll'as t.•d \\'hen ~li s:- Fitc h ca lls hi m "Dea r ie." t(>- Ladies rdusc to rt'!11on· hat s at church. Ea ster Sunday. 17- l kdicatio n of fin e tH' \\" .\dmin i:-:tratil'n building. I<J- \ Iou:-=t· in kindergarten . ~ !i ss ll t)s mcr dnes usual feminine st unt s. 21 ·- l'cnt- l,eamcy debates. 'Rah fnr 1\·ru ! 'Rah fnr h:eam cy ! 22- Tt.·nni :-; l'lll trt:-; all in u sc. < ;t.'l\\·ick and \\'a rc play "10\·e" gantt'. 23-~u n day st n1lb :'t.'l in. RiH•rcl iffs take nn tlt'\\' records. 2-J.- l'otncr a nd I ' eru 111CCt o n base ball clia111o ncl: l'c ru 8. Cotner o. 2.)- L'a mp tts t r y cla ss orga ni zed. La rge enro llm ent. 26- l la ,-el ka and \'ollstedt b reak the silence. 27- .Jun ior an d ~cn i (1 r g ir ls cu r l ha ir. lloys' a1111\lal ,·isit to l>arl>crshop. 2R-J un ior-Sc nior banq u et. l'uffs. puns. pairs. pepsin . pipes o f peace. 2<J-"Cu pid ( )f \'asscr" by t hc Dratllatic cl ub. EH· r~·hndy ha ppy. Jo--( Jur " Calcndar" ends. Th is is no jo kc.
11;111/JfNt' I ' ('IJ
I:Jv,-,- l'd i,- t ill' ,; tudl'tit th at ta lkl't h Il<> t in the lib ran· ur ma kl'th himsdi a ll ut hi,; ckli g·ht is in plea~ing ~lis:; l~ul o n. aJHI on h i,.; plan,.; he doth tnl' c litat~· day a nd nig·ht. a nd he :-:hall he like the hou~c o n the r•• c k a nd ,;hall r n·l· in · " .\ plu,;" fr clll t the hands tlf t he learned: his tests shall hl' ;t:' cll'ar ;ts "' >tJJHiiti.L:. bra,;:-: and his k:-::-:on s a,; a ti n kling symbol. llut \\·ith t lit' ,.;ltll'fn it is tl o t ""· hut he ,;hall be li k ,· til e dron ~· 11·hi ch the bees ha\'C d ri n·n "''·a,·. Tht' II shall t ill· ,;]uli'l'r,; he ~·nc l\JT<I fu r another year and shall not rccei\'(: thl'ir diplcnnas: f~> r t ht· i;t,·tJit_,. appr< l\T tilL' ,,·n r k o f thL' book-11·onns and the ,,., >rk ',f t ilt· sl ul'tl'rs ,;hall peri:->h. \·l'rih· s;t\· lltllP \ ' <Ill. till' light uf the ,.;dtcHll i,; the ~eni o r da,.;s : th ey ,-hi nt· fc>rth a,.; till' ra d iat ll :-:ta r ,; and the .\onnal i,.; fi lled 11·ith light. 1:\ut th e /unic •r s dc, llluf'f: t hn· sttJCh· no t. neit he r do t hey learn: they arc a,; th e ,·!tafT '' hi ch tht· ,,-ittd drin·tlt a\\·a\'. llchuld en· n t he ~cn iur 1rith all hi ~ " ·is d• >Ill is tl <•t a,; ,., IIH"l'itl'd a,.; , •ttl' u f t lw,.;c . ie~e~l in till' dckt t iti.L:. rnP nJ.
~ . \11)
I ~ Y T i ll·:
I h·l ;xll. - "( ; ,.t tile idl';l , .. \\' c'l'k, _- .. Y<>II "L'l' til ,· p<>lttl. dnn't y<>ll . rJa ..;,;> " (~t· c g· g·. - ".\I~H · t·
l }r
It·:--:-;. "
\\'il itl'llark .- " Yah 1\·nill. cl;1 ,; i,;t rt•rilt." BL"rk. -" 'l'il at l' <'lllind,; tilL' . .. 1\: r e i"' _- ( l'< ntit'I'L'IIl'l' l. i{ackr .- .. :\ ,.,.,-r ,;;1y eli ,·- ,;ay datllll. .. l~<>ll "'' · - "'l'h i,; i~ a prohlt•tJl. .. II ay es. - .. Y nu tnay ila , .,. the rL·~t , >i the C il;q>t·l pcrind." sh t'll. - .. :...; .. \\. inllnll' lilt' <)I' take that a,; a gra111 n i ,;alt ." B r ttlllagl'. " ( ;, ol - k -t•· t'· l' - <'· ... ll oyt. - "lll'l· - gatt· ~ ... "\l y ckarly hc l<>l"l'cl." l'lark.- "Y . \\·. il<>ur ... l·:lli ,;. - " \le_n·r·, " ·ill te ll _1'<>11 ... ll eat lt. - .. 'f'hi,; i ~ p11rc·h · cl iagra ll ltllatiral." L'lliill· r t~olt. - " f),,-" ' "' "<' <'. r l;1 ,;,;?" \\·,,,cJ , _ " It " ·ill hl'il•" ,, ,. _,.,,11 t<> " t11dy thi ,.; il'""\1 11 ...
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TECII:\IC.\L .\IE.\:\ 1:\1; I> F C\.\ll 'l'S
\ .'\ IJ STl ' IH-::\ T Tl ·: l~ \ 1 ;-:
i••r a j .. l,. Rua ~ t-.. -C •JIIIp l im t n h ha nded ••Ill l.y tht· l'l·r11 1 J:t l1 :-;t:tfi jun ior.-One wh" n eed ~ fathl·r· , l·art· j.,r an••tl 11·r ~··:11·: :tl"' · '""' ""'' ' ' '""'·"'' ~'' to act a s d ig-nified a~ a Se nio r . .\ lu h!-:\bbret·iati'' " j,,r n111 - l1. I ·-.·d lty a lo, \1.,. 111 n·it·rrn•;..: I•• l11111 - t·l1 1 F. ,all q•k : "C•1111c tr1 .\l uh!") Campu'- try.-:\ flirt atitlll with ( ·1 1111d . Chc:ck. -A -.urpri se irt>lll ia1hc r. CartotJII.- :\ ~ ket c h ••f our ..,l'il'l'• a ~ "' h1· r - ' l"<' " '· Debating- Rtl ' l lll ( in library ).-.\ ' ' ' llli - puhl it· ' i' '" ' " h·oldt·r. :--;,,i .,e. - f ir.,t ~ rmg- in C hapel. .\ nnual.-. \ -. pecie ~ ,,; len,,n 1d nd1 ,.. hand t·d ••I ll ' " a ll Ba <.ehall.-. \ !>pring iel'(:r in wl 11 cl1 i:111 ' art· '' ' l""na ll y ':dn :Jitl, E xa m.-:\n in -.trumcnt i•• r d i-c• •l'l'ring- n w n ta l ';,.'1111111 • Sluff.-To be co n-picirm , l1y p111r ;Ji,,,. n n· R ebuttaL- Th e hil ly g-u:tt , j dl·l,atl'. 1!()[-air. -Specia l talk -. by - p n·ia l ' i'":tkl·r, 111 l'hapd . Soph1Jmt1rc.-.\ harmlc-., bipt·d rl'l~n1g 1111 th t· hoopt· " ' lntn r•· ...·hlt' \l'llll'll l ' flun k.- Th e intellect ual dar k l•r'"' 11 ta • t•· .,; il~t· 111"r""':.! :Jit,·r Pony.-Can't define thi - - ll••nt· ,f tlh· ··dit"r ' t· \l·r - a " ""'' Fre -.h man. -.\ hi)..{hl y c omlm ~ t i hk t''""i'""'"l .,f , ,·li ,· .. lllid ·· ·"···· ""' ' ' ' .11111 1111 Se nior.-.\ persw1
.. q uclcha hlcn e~~.
Colleg-e .. pirit.- :\• •t i••ttnd in l'l·r11 POET!C.\L Dl-:f':\1<'1' .\ I F.:\' 1'-
dil· ti~tna ry .
'1'111 ·: S'l'l' J>Jo::'\TS '1'11 . \:'\ . \ 'J' <II'~ I ~
Sn cram, th at whe 11 t h y -. nllllll"" ' Clllll l'' '" j .. ill T hat iear- led car:l\·an 1\'h ich liP ,,.e, 'f',, tha t much -d readed n·a l111 ll' lh·rt· l':1c h - hall tak•· lf i, place 11 pn n the 1\'aiting an x i u u --- ~·at. Thou g,, no t. like the p<!ll y ri1kr. :.J.,II e Stripped o i hi , - t eed. and . 1\'or-<· . hi - lll t' lll• •ry ;..: • ' " ' '· Bu t. iull preparc:d. appr,.ac h ~·ad1 hard t·x:1111 Like <1nc 1\'lto knu\\'• t hat Itt· ,.. - nn· ' " pa '" .\nd get hi s nam c 1111111t th e h,ll .. r - r••ll.
C IIE.\II C.\1. \ ' l·: l< S I·:. Sa id a yo uth 1\'Jt, 'l' o a m aid that lt c " \\' lie :\ Ca :'\ Bm thc maid had Frnm he r :t lh \\'C.: r ··s K I [) y (J ()
tll:,in·tl ' " ,,.,,, th o u g- ht 1\'a~ tnll· l>lne. I Se l·:u?" chc mi - tr y t"" · he \Try " "'n kn l'll' . <) I' I'll ca l l a Cn ."
T h ere 1\'<l , a n r,J<( Sl: llio r 1\'h n .. ;, id . ··\\'here Can l get ~ n m c g"'"l d"pt· f.,r n1y ha ir? \\'h at is left l 11111 , 1 dH:ri .. h. ••r •llrcly 't"·ill pni -h .\nd r \\'ill he ldt in d e-pair. The jo,-h edit o r~ 111 a1· q· ratch wi th thl'ir p l'n Till the end - ni th ~ir finger- are -,n r<". Bu t ~omenn e i" ~ tlrl' to remark 1\'i th a .i c·•t Oh. Rats ! r·,e heard that hci<ll'l'
,.,., ,,,,,,,-r,J
\\ 11 .\'1' \\"1-: \\'OL' I.D !.IKE '1'0
K~O\\' .
""" '" m;d, , · th•· grt·at,·-t 'Ill'<'<'" oi tt•a,· h ing: wiilt the k :t:-1 Jl"~~ihlc laho r ? II••\\ I•• '' ''rk tiH· l'roi ... i,.r· a t)11 l· ? \\ ' h.' tit ,· i:tnlll) gi,·e -udt (.. ug (,-,,on:-? \\' h) '" Ill<' Jl<'<•pi,· :..:<'1 ,.,r,· on~ r l'\·c:ry I ill h- th iug, \\' h.' ''"'~'." girl <(,,..,u ' t h:l\t' a ic: ll nw? \\' h) -o<llll' ni the l' roi- llt'\'t•r -mik? \\' h.' th•· lihrar) j, an ailiuity iart11ry? \\ 'h .' · Hal:-1<>11 i- '" i<> ttd ,. j th l· p ia n .. <kpa rtntc:nt ? \\ ' hy l)all:tlll d<>l''ll.l ti<.: a -trill).!' too hi ,: hat ? \\'h)· the h .. ~ - , ' l'<'lll '" 1\l'll al·quaintc:d with :\!Pillll \'c:rt ll'll? \\' hal mak•·- :-;,,. rlin g \\' hitti,·ld - tudy '" hard ? \\' hy th l'_,. call :\I i-- .\u-tin ":-;i,tl·r ?" \\' hy !'l· ni<~r- h:l\ l' l<> "rill' plan <· \\ ' hy l'h il l{ntt-<' .l!•••·- too t >ak Ckn ? \\' hat tnakl·' :\ l i-- l. illt / -mik "" lllll l'h? \\' It" - llJ.!'J.!l''led ; :.1,; da--,· -? \\' hy :\lr. Chtu lky "'·ar- hi- hair p<~mpad••u r? \\'h" :til' 1hl· .I un i.. r', in· l· n ·a m? \\' hoo l l'l >tlhk , :\li " 'I') lh> ll llh '-1 ? " "" '" cut l'hal"' ' :t ncl /-!l'l l· n·dn? \\' lty .\ I r . l·:lknl><· r J.! l' l' j,n't a !'l·nicor ? \ \ ' h y .\ It :-' Fa y d • >l'' II• >! p r,·i,·r l'•>111pany ? \\ ' hy :-;t<t~ l danl \n·ar- l'lll'l '? \\ ' hy :\ I i-- !'nyckr 1\'l'll l hllllll' l.-;1\·in).!' ({nlwrt:- alt1 11l' 1111 thl' h ridg,·? \\' lty 1he hny,: ar,· indq>t•nth·nt ? \\'hy th e: (),. ril l ).!'irl :- :tl'l' in at 10 ,;.:(.,rk? \\' h_v all ti H· .- tncll'nt- cl<~tt't hny .\ttnual:-? \\' It•• :\ li ,:,. Calhraith \\'ill ra pture: 11l':o; t 0 """ .\ lr. l'cttit gt'l' hi :- C,·rmal1 k ,:-o n ,;? \\' h y l'arl ( h n 1o11 i- i11 '"' ,. ; \\' hy :\I i:-,: (;,. ,. h,·t t dm·- n't kad l'h:q>,·l t :-;,·r,·i,:,·,:?
F\) !{
J L' ~ 10 RS.
\\' h e\\! l•> Zoology da ,:,: 1 g-u .\ lillie prayt•r 1 lllllltcr h>\\. 1 ~ay in al'rt'n t :: , , •it hut dct' P .. ~ .. " . 1 la y me d<~WI1 t•> ,:lc,·p ... .\
gl'l'l'll littll· Fr,·- h it· 1111 hi ,: g-rcc11 lillk way . . \ gn't'l1 littk mcln11 :ttl' <Ill a 1-!recn <ttlltllll' r d ay. Ti lt' g'l't'l'll Iit t "' l'\'CI').!'I't'l' ll " 11 0 \\' tt'tllk r ly \\'an· t h l'l' 1It,· g r,·cn Iitt!,• Fr,·:-hi,:,. gTl'l'll. J.!rt't'11 g"ran·. \ ' . \ l'C l~ .\ TIO :-.J
'I'Lli\ E.
1:1' ' a ccin at c d . tnan. and k t "'lw \\'il l he cll'\'n: (; , , , .,. I hl' " I> .. ,... nnr dread it all day lon g-: .\ncl llt:tkl· )'<~ ll r iu tu rc. frt·c fr o m <m a llpo :-; C\l'l'( ln c ).!rand '"'t'l' t -.o n g-.
t IIt' ~ ··pit '.._
l 't•t t:tt tl
i r • ot tt
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.,.,,.,, hundtTt/ ,,.,
11 1'1'~
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I I .•• H' t•• l'!J,·" · l' !J,." ·· C !J,• ,\'. - I~qy l~a l~t\'11 . . \ J J,·ar t t" l,,· t. .\<klint' :'<li lk t· <>tt til,· l>utttttt_,. l) tt ttt t·. - 1·: . !Jun:l\·a n. \\ ' It•• :-'ay - "lh·:lrt l' " (ol l'o>lt ?- ~tll <' kdak. ( ;,.,. ~ I \\ ' i,!J I ll:td a C i rl. - 1 ~ . Jnlln :: utt. \\ ' ll i-t k I I l'• ltl \\'attt .\1 ,·. Dca r i,·. -- D .. nn g-irk 1·:, ny l . it tk \1. ,,·,·t tll'll t. - :'d i::~ l~a tkr . l'nt :\011 .\ ir aid 'J', 1; .. ll 11 nt l' In til,· Dat·k . - :'<li,;:: S n ytler. Til ,· lh·ll ni H:tld ll l'ad l~oo\\' , - \\ ' ,· ; ,· u\l. l><~tt't J-'.,t·g,·t til l' t : irl \'1111 l. eit ll ehittcl.- 1\ub<.Tl :'. l·: "· ry I >a_,. I , l .a ol i,·-· l>ay \\' ith \!<.'.- Hla,·bton<'. (.': llt. t lk T r u,· :-;,1 Far .\1\·ay.- :'<1 i :: ~ l lolttt c:: . li t lnly !lad thv :\vn·e .- 11:1\·elka . :\,.,I' I' (.'h. II 1, ,. :t ( ; ir l FrPt ll II <'I' Ph ntl og-raph .- 13uy ::' ch LII'll :'. l 'ttt C l:td l' nt .\ l :trri ,·d .- .\datll,. 1,11\'l' \1~ · 1\ 1"''· l:ut. tl!J, 1'1>11 " l 1itt k ."- :\l icc Dye r. :\oot lh·c :llt-<' \'""~' ll:ti r I < Cnrly . - ~ll~ddartl. t \\' itll ,. ,·,· r _,. II\ t' tll y · fiH· ,·,·nt h oottk ,,j P 1:rutta. , n· any tiity -ccnt rt ' ll ll't!it. · ... . \\ ' V \\·jJJ g l\' l ' ;t\\ : 1y :1 11.\ ttlll.' ni tht..• abO\'C :' liiiJ.! ~ . )
l'r.,i. I lttt t<·an-oo tt <'" ttd llt'ti n g ,·J:t,; ll'ithnttt h i:: <pt•ctade::. l' r, i. ll,·:tth \\'l':tr ing· a hat. .\I j ,, ~ ,·!Jn t :tt t , <'l' :tl .. n,· . lll :ll·k, t ott <.' ,i tt itt ;.: al1ttt <' itt t hv l i hr a r~ . (.'It ri :' t <'11 :'1111 pi ayi 11 g i1 11 1t h all. :'<I i"' 1\ r " " ' tH·II ll l' ittg- c tlkd d~>wn in the lillrary . .J nlll t lhanig:ttt kL·t·pittg quit·t. (;,·!w ick ta lkittg tn :1 gi r l 11·ith t>ttt II Ju .; h ing-. 111'1,j_ I h ·l /<'11 11·it It a , ;t d i:"·,·. l 1r 11 i. 11 ...\'l \\'i t h o ttt hi , , kttl l ca p . l' ro i. ( l\·,·r iH>lt iorgv tt itt),:· t n tll<.'tt t i"tt C hapd t-c <:unls. \\ 'c:-; t r(Jt t ,,.t·a r in .t.r a \\ 't g . .\I i.;:' llranatnan getting· (11 ,·Ia :':' <H t titlle . .\11 :-':-- J ~ul()l\ rtHtling: ;11 a in.,thall g-al ll t.'. l ~a y n tottd <.'nt' ttt·ll , tudyittg. I c e cn·:tttt :tt the dn n ttit11ry. :'<li .;s t..:t·l.'i> .; i<>rg·c tt ittg t'11 11 ie rcn n :. :'<li ,~ \\",nd , pettitt g a ,·;tt. Faculty l:trli <·:' pla y ittg h:t:'kethall.
:-;aid the littl,· .;~, .. ,. '" till' li tt ie ~t <>cki n ~ . .. I 'II \\' l':t r :t h ot..: it t Y<llt. :-;aid tit<· littk .; t<)L'ki n g to the li ttle ~ lwc . " I ' ll b,· d a rtl - <'d ii ynu d(l ... :-;;tid the lit til' h ricJ g-,• 111 the li tt le ri\·cr. " I' ll iall ttt o tt y<)tt. :-;;11 d tltl' li t 1 II' t·i\'l·r t o t he li t tle brid g e. " I ' ll IH· da n 11t -cd ii ,·nu d n. "
b o ttle ui uur
f. \\"hich in•ti n ct \\•lllld IH: p r<·d •ll ll tllaut 1i a F r. ·-h •·· at th• t•· tHI< 1 .q.:•· ,. j ,., tee n ~ h oulrl ~ l and 1)11 h i- h ead Il l a l'" l'lll"l'. 1\ lgglttt;..: Ito - 1111 •1". :tl td I ' olltl lg Itt- kit l'Yl" . wi th h i ~ m•mth wi d e ••)len . at t1· 11 m ill tlll" ' · i• ••• r , ,.,., ••• " - ... II II II' , · ,-1.. ,·1- "" tlot· 1.11 It day ,,f .\Jay. I Q II . B. c.:- I'Jca ,c rl i::g ra ou a nd ,. , p l:llll ""' "'"'"" , j llo .- Ill lll"oHII"• Ill t h ipr.. ce ~s. Trace t hi ~ li11e ,,r thHttg ltt ir••lll It t' k t~t· • · 1" tit ,· l"l" lll l· r , j Ito - lor:ttll ~t a l l' 111 a, few w()rd:. as po s, ible . ..!. T ell t h e d iffere nce hc t ll"l'l' ll th 1· p a r t pla y t·d 1'.' · ·n ' "' ' " " :11 1ol ll l • l llll't " r. .. ,. a perstlll h its h is thum iJ with a h :o ntt llc r ioh tt·ad , , j t l11 · - pol; ,· I >1• <"11 •• t it• · I ' ' ~ ~ · lt , ,J ,, g il·: tl stag-e takin g p lace and th e m c ~sa;..:•· r•• ttdu r tt ·d t• • tl11 · , .. ,·: ol .. r g: lt l' I ·~ ti l,. 111'1"\ 1' n ·ll - . .J. l i a II CJr ma l p e r ~ • Ill c an l":tl , ix IJ:t ll:tll a •. w l1 a t " ""l d 1.. · t it• · i' '."· Jt., l .. gll· al , . j. fee t ••n a IJ•Jy rJi t e n yea r, wh" a t1· a dH /1' 11 gr•·•·11 :op pl•·- > I >1· •· ••·· "lt•· t iH· t· l' lll " ti" tt t>r pain is p re .. enL I , rea s•••• ,,r 111 ' 1i111"1 it I\"" ··d :-
'I' Y I' IC. \1.
J-: .'\ . \~ 1
I ·: T II I C~
\II • • )II IIIII li 1·11 d d H·\\' f. \ \ 'hat i ~ the mura l • ig n ifi•·a11n· ,,j t ill· i·oll•"' on ;.: , ... , : • pearmint g-um tweh-e time • a d ay 111 t it•· u••lllt ' ' •·- 1 ,., " ' I ll' I" • ,j Jt ,.,. lll••t lllt :I ll •I _,., l' lll l"l" ll time ~ in the q JUthwc' l cr,nwr. 2. fi •Jw ,,.,, ul rl thi ' act han: 1,..,.,. n ·gar•kd ) , ~ I 1 I a ~ p ar1: 111 loo rt .' ~ 1·a r - od d ? I .! ) a llucld h i.,t culling hi ;. lir • t wi- d •on l t lT t h? 1.11 .111 1·: - k 1111 " .,,. a t" " ll itll'H otl h l ? .1. I f the c hici ethica l ,·:tl ue .. r l ' l:tt•• ' • pl ll l"'" Jih Y '"" ~" <"- ·· \\ · h ~ 1- a ,. ,. , ". Jt ,." W'lu ld .\ri .. trJLie ha,·c regarded th 1· ,· h nlillg ,,j J.!ll lll a t a <"I a -- " " ·1al 111 t l11· l ' .. r •• gy 111 · na si um -c•111 s idering all t he iac nlt y t •• Ia· tl11·r··?
flrn f. - ·· l) <:fin c an rl g-in · th e cl)" ll l" l"gy
,, j
vq tt il ll •' · .. h ••r • 1·. n· ··'
0. 1•. S t cph e n,--·· l·: q u i- ir t>lll J,:tt ill 11 1\":t lh
l ,atin
11 1\':t ll •
n ight .
T h crcfrJrC. c quintJX m ea n s ·n ig h t lll art· .· ··
fl . S. T cac h cr-" \\"i ll i<:. w h ic h i' it p r •qn·r 111 - ay . . \\ .ill i:ll ll. " r "l\i ll . '' · \ \ 'ill ic- ·· B ill." Tcacher-"\\"h y ?.. \\'illic-"Bcca u sc. ii Y'•ll . aw a rl 11 c k • t a11d i11 g 111 a 11111 dlt " k ~ " " "ttttl d n ' t - a y. · r, ,.nt.; at t hat duck with hi- \\"i ll ia m in thl· 1111111.· ·· I I ar•>l<l Dun ca n~fJn-· · t 'a p a. ha ,.e g,.,. , ,. Jil· t'J" Il'' ~· •I kg-_· · Pr0i. D unca n ~0n-· · :\ "· lilY ' '"1. ·· llarolci- ··T hcn , j",·c .. walltowl·cl a ca t • rp tllar ... ;.:"l' l :1 \\ :tl l'l" l •:t t lt ?" " frc , h man to Lahoral <>r y B.. y - " \\' lt l·l"l' ,·all L ab0 ratr>ry Boy-"( h-er in t lw g)" lllll:t •i tt ll l: Y"ll n·rta ill ly ll l'l' d it. ..
~ li ss S to n cr- ··ci,·c th e prta miJ ic . ~ l i-.- 1\ ra n:t lll :t ll . .. ~ l i s~ Bra na m a n - ··\ \ "c. t h t: p l·q p J,. .,j t lt 1· l' ni tc d S t a t<" •. Ill "rt lc r ' " p erfec t u n io n . c ~t a hl i ;; h j u, ticc . im p• •rt 111 11rl· I r i- 11 - · · ~ I i ,~ S t 0 n cr- " Th at wi ll <Jq . •i t d iJW II . ..
a 111 n r c
'[',, the I I on o rah lc Sc h ool Ho ard at- - - - 1 unrlcr<ta ncl tha t Y"U want t o h in· a t l·a,·her o i J.! ra tn tn :t r :111d lt i- t .. n ·. ,·i t h l·r lad ,· ,, .. ge nt lema n . .-\~ I ha n: hcc n h o th fn r a yl·ar •·r ,.n. I lt en· l•y 111a k l· a; •pl k a t i<o ll j, ,·r the p lace . 1.. \\' . D I R K S. P rfli. l l oy t- ··Thc p rc.,urt qj horl1t• a t rl·- 1 •• c a lle d i11 r n· . Q,·cnon-··T he police fr.rcc:· Hc- " You are the hreath , ,j my li fe. " Shc-"\\' ell. u pp0!<C y<lll h o ld y• ou r IJr~·a t h i• •r a w h ile.··
1*11' ' 1
hll l ll/ l ' f ' t/
/ Ottl '
.\ hair lip i- a mi - iolrtUII<". . \ cl ulo inoot a d d11rlllity: Hut a '' turban· · i- a \\lllllan·-
o0 WII
:\I r . llotl-•· - ··t~iv,· th<· prt lh'i ple pan- vi l l an-<·n- ··IJ,·ad . kg-. tail. ''
:\I i-- (;.,,Jt ,·n-·· \\"h:lt thrn· '"'nl - ,,.,.Ill th<· ,·a-<i,·;t tv r llllr ,· )a ;; tn ; p,·ak?" l ~al-tooll - " 1 d<~n't kn .. w ." ~lj ..... (~n ... h c.:n - ·· (~~'•' t l. y~~ur h~·,t n:,·it:ni,n t yt•t: · ~up<· rint<' lltk l ll ,.j ~l'llooool - "1 wdl ;..!1\'<' y 1n1 a fhl:'it ion and pay yl> ll what yo u are \\"o•r th . 1 ~ that ~ ati ~ ia,·t,l·y?" :\ll':\lilkn- "l'nin·tly. lnu .J., yootl th ink th<· ll<lard ..:an afit>r<.l that nnt .:h?"
:\o.:\\ ~• > pho
~tutknt-"\\ ' h~ ha n· th<'Y g1ll t h,· dt:poot S<l iar irum ltlwn?" Hnoon·- "Th,·y wam.·d it ll<'ar till' railroad track."
l'r <~i . Cr,·gg -·· \\' hat ,·au-,·- talk1ng thro n!!h till' no;e?" .\ll' :\I illen- " ){,· a~ oo ning iroont a p -yd li,·al - tand ptl illl. I :-hnnld ;ay that it 1:' .::\II ,.Ccl l•y th<· wiz;.-),·n•a .ii;..:;..:<'l·y ooi tlh· l':IIHioolilwrum .:xi;pl<ldiatin g through the hyur o~ t atic; ,.j th<· 11:1-al ,· a,· iti,·~ ...
:\I r . \\\· d;~ - " \\ ' hat '' a <'lllll'l'<"t<' <'X:t lllpk ,,j a ; ilo ?" .\I r. JJ ,·acllck- " Chapd lilkd with Fr,·~ hnt c n . " l~a l- tlln - ·· J)~~ yoou r<"lll '1\·nny, .. u ·~ hnt~k~ 11111 ,,j lihrary?" )11hn - oon- " l th in); ""· what h 111d; did vo u \\:tilt?" I~ al ~ t ooil- · ·'f'h,· ••Il l" <'I IIIla i ni ng ,;Ito ort ,;t.llri<· :< ...
(;,·Jwick - " \\' hn t· art· Y"ll going. l'ari o>tt ?" l 'a r ioott - ··'(', • :\ l'h ra ,;ka City .·· (;,.Jwid; - "\\'hat ior ?" l'a rill tt - ·· 'J'., - ~~ - ~~ - o - o 1-!'<"t a hair <'tit. l'llrn,·ll - "\\ 'hat y11u g11t yo ur i:tl'<' hanclagt•d up inr?" \\'ild - B ill ( Dolll:t\ an) - ··.\ ~ <·rinu- thnul!ht ,;t ru..:k m .:." l'r.,i . ..:ailing thl' roii - "Hiad;'t"ll <'... Bl:ll'k " tnlll'-·· ll n.: ... l'roi.-" Cond. ·· lh·d; ( l11 chn n . l .a h. )- "So tnl'h ndy',: ga,: i,: f.!t'tting- away. ynur n tou th ."
llan -l'n - ··~h nt
:\li ,;~
l·: lli-- ··:'I Jr . . \ndt•r,;.,n. what nat io nality wa ,; Gah·ani?" do n't know.'' :\I i,, l·: ll i,.. - ·· 1i hi- ll:tlllt' wa ,; . \ndn,:on wh:ll natit>nality wnnld h,· he?" :--;., an ,_, w,·r ir 11 n1 . \ndcr:<on .
:\n(kr ~o n -·· r
llan·lka - "11.1\·,. yon n · ad · [.'r.:dd e,:?· ·· l)i r k-- ·· :--;o •. I ha,.,. brown nn,·,;."
l'roi. Dnncan::on- ··~pt•aki n g .,f till' \ll·x i,·an ha ir!,·;,; dol!. ho1w d tlC~ It ,• ,:hed hithi ,.. kind , j wl'ath C' r ?" ~ ippt· rt - ·· JI ,· do ,,., n ' t chang<' h i,.. cnat: hl' ,; imply takes lighter pant ~...
:\1 i-- Cn-hl'n (in phy - dwlogy .-J a~-l-" lf a th·a ~ hnnltl ·hill' a tlug- on tlw ,..)lllnld er what \\'11111<1 Itt• <I n?" .\li-- ()' l,il'i- " \\' :tg hi ' l:til. "
·r ,,.,, ",, ",., , '' ,., .
( .. \ I·:S. \1 < .\ I I J I ! J-:1 \ .'\ I I. I ·. I 1 I o I· 1 1 I I . I·. 0
T he Chapel a~ a \\ huh- i... rli ,·i•krl i11lo• J•:tr l -.. •lit< ' ool ,, 11,,· 1• till· ~en i • 11 ·, inhabit. a JHJth<:r the . ' up ft ..,. :tllf•tlt e r tilt· I· ,.,.,fll•· ... tl •·· j, ' " ' ' 11 '' J,, '· i11 thl·ir l:tnguage. Juniur~. in ••ll r..,. Sen ti ' "· an· ··:tll• ·•l. \ II lit< ·-.,· ,J, II• ·J it •ll ll v;,,·IJ ••thl-r in numl1ers. da~~ "' piri t '" '" " "'~'"' ' ' ' '. "' '· ' llw ,.;, .. 1 :11-.l•· ' ''' ""'' till· ~• • ph:fro m t he Scrub'> . the 111 irl d k ai ~ lt· tilv Sc-r 11l ,... i r• •Il l lit<· :---,,. "' '" -. I lt v '' v--1 ;1i:-lv the Sen irJrS frrm1 the h·t· ~ hi v-.. 1 If :ti l ll w-.c· 1i11 · _-.;, .' " ' ' r' :1r•· 1i11· i 1r:.n·--1. part ly because: they a rc neare!-. t tiH· Se nti ,., \\illt " ''""' , , ,,.\ , . .,llt itt tt: tl l, '' agt· w; 1 r . FIJr thi., n :ao;•,n th e Seni,,r.., t·xn·l lilv n·-1 ,,j lit• · -.l'i t•••ol itt \:tl• •r lw,·:tll'l' ;tl 11 , , , , , in daily battl e du they l' 1 •11tt·nrl \\ it!J tl11· ~. nJI1 ... ,, IJ.-r,· 1!11·\ <'11111-r klT J• t h t·:-l' fro m the ir ,,wn iJIItllll larit·=- ., ; Iii ey tl••· ll t-.t· l,·v-. ""l-:'. ""r 111 tiJ,. J,11111tlari 1 ·,.
rA these:.
Led tJil l1y the ~e th i n~-. an d ar••lht·d 1,_, tlt v : JIII i ~<•rit .' ,,j 1 ot'l\\id,. t he.' tk cidt: tiJ prepare thrJ,;e t hi11~ .., " lt ic lr per1ai11 I•• -.v i i i11 .:..: • '''' t • • ,., dl n· t t ht· grv: tll':'t number of pennant s, ~ wt·att·r .,, e tc. a11r! t •1 111:tk•· 1,..;11·.- \\ ti ll til,· ••th,-r da ... -. 1.,. . They thoug-ht twu weeks Wllldd l,e tiiiH· '""'"';..!11 i••r l•rq •: tr:tli••ll , , j tl~t·:-c thing-:- . Fo r carn·ing- out all t h t·~e affair:- < ;,.J " it· I, i-. 1'11 • ,,,.11. Tl11-. • '"'" '""k r take~ c:mi>a~sy l'l the 11t he r <.:lasses ili ll t"''· li. I 111 t l1i-. j• otl r ll•· . ' 1,,. Jw r -.llil <k-. I\• , 11 ,-v. 3 11 a Soph . an d a fr ie nd qf tl1 e Sc 11i r,r.., . tha i II ,· ... 111 , ,,icl " "''r l • t i11· Jl"'' t-r i11 hi :ic h he ri~h tfu l h· 0\\.11 c.,.,..,..,wh •... . u ug- ln L•• h a\·e lon ·att :-c lti -. iatl tvr \\' :1:- a ll lt: lllbcr o f the fa c ulty. J le t<Jirl h i111 t h is ""' drl l11· , ... ... _, t• • d · 1 l1n· a 11 -.v lrt· hi tll :'l' lf held tht· po\\'t:r in his tJ\\' 11 da ss a nd tlt e rv "a-. "' , d• ''"' ' t h at • ,j al l t ltL· da,-,- 1·,thc .· enio rs were th e: !> tr" n~e~t. . \rrH J-.\·d '" J l~t · 'l'l'l·,·lt tilt ·.' ldvt lg·nl thl'lllscl\'CS an d ho ped to jui n th l· JHHH: r of t iH· "J 1,1Jt. .. ,·11<" ol . T hese proceedin gs \\'t: r l' n.: pr1 rt c d 111 lilt· fa ct tl t_, "' "' "" "a ~ tlt v c u :-; t tl ll t the,· co mma nd ed <; c lwicJ..: IIJ In· IJr••u g- 111 IH·i .. r v t lt v 111. Ti l<' Jllll l i~ l lllll'J l t \\·ll ic lt ought to fo li o\\' ~,·as th at Ill' s il t. •uld _l"· .l" ·,,Jril,i t vtl lr<llll •:••lltill.L:. 1,, l' ll apt:l. On the clay appmntcu fu r the t n a l < ... 1" lt' k ,.,,J J,.,.,,.d all "' " J'al :- a nd j 1·it' JHI,lll 0 f \\'liC I · It he had a g-reat .llll llllll·r. "'o 1hat ii t IH· -.itualt• '" dvlll;llldt·t 1 IlL· llli.t...~ hro u(J'lt these. \\ llt'n tilt: iac u lt,all v ll t)l tl'd '" :-vllk t it,· affair rio·lll ,... escape t o · fuJh· and a ll th e classes h ad asst·n ,J.kd. <;,.J"·i,·k """ l-:'"'tv. . \11d it \\·a:-; a ft t·r· CJ"(Jr t<.:d \\·ith som e clvgTt·<.: ' ,f rv n :ti ll t' t hal J,,. h ad g• •Ill' :t\\ a,- , , 11 a fuutwa n 1 r • . b a ll trip, b ut ha d t~ n l y g•nw l(J \t:I Jra:-k a <'it ' t• 1 .t.:-L'I IIi~ lta ir 1·u t. GEL\\'JC I..: .. \ SE:\ I <J I{. I ' L HSL'.\I)I·: S Il l ~ . \ LU I·> T<
.\ 11 <;1{ _.\ TI ·: .
T his one. \\'hen IJ. \ \ '. l la_n·.., wa~ pr•·... idvlll. lt-d • nd .' ' ' ·' a dc:-;irL' fnr . made a con spir acy ,f tilL· ""l,il it,· a11d p t· r :- u:ll k tl pal -. that tilt·,· :-; h uuld po \\ cr. . . . · . . . . · 0'0 fort h fr0 !11 th eir i> o un da rt l' ~ \\'ll!J ;ti l t iH·tr I• orct·:-. II ,· :-:t i d 1l \\'ll llltl be "ve ry cas..,., si nce they L'Xl'('l\v d all 11t ht·r:- i11 ,· :~ l •• r. ' ' • g ·a11 1 t ltv I'' ' " 'L' t· 1 1f til e schooL
\\' IlO le .
., , ,, "1111, ,., , .. : i ,.
TRAININ G SC H OOL FOR NU RS ES Cor. 14th Street and Capitol Avenue. Omaha. Neb. O nly do\\rnto,.-n Ho!_tpit.ul in the c i ty. Only ll os pit:tl th u t h as Hote l Accommodat ion s for friends of patif:nts . Easily reached from ull ludl r oud Depots . S t n iT o f com peten t Physicians and Su rgeon s. Open to all reputable Physicians und Surgeons. Competent con>H of Nurs es . C ity and Long-Dis tance T e lephone. One hundred rooms. Take Dodge Street Cnr from Union or Burlington St:tt i on!i. Sou th Omaha Car s t>n s~ t h e d oor. F o r furth e r information w ire. phone or write CHARLES F. ROBEL. General Manager.
Rc: in f creed Steel Concrcle Connruc tâ&#x20AC;˘o n
The New Henshaw
RATEs-S Oc, 75c and $ 1.00 per day Special Rates by the Week.
T. ]. O'BR IE N . Prop. Modern in every detail. A ll outside rooms connectin g with bath . E lega nt Cafes and Rathskel lar 15 th and Farna m Sts.
Omaha. Neb.
Ready Now Entire Spring Showing of the In vincible
Sam peck Clothes For classy young man- the champion s of Ame ri ca. in correc tn ess of sty le. excell ence of making. T hey grip the fa ncy of the man who demands " DIFFER ENT" CLOTHES
12J outside rooms; steam heat and bath: electric lights and telephone in rooms. Convenient to shopping district.
C. PHILBIN, Prop. C or. 16 th and Chicago Streets
at a Modest Price---$15 to $30 PENNANTS ! PENNANTS! We can and do supply every demand- we dupli cate any motto. class emblem. o r insignia. no ma tter how ela borate the designBetter workmanship and quicker se rvice than everPrices are Always as Low as Possible, t oo.
Own Store
Benson & Thorne Go. ~ 7. ~.~;.~.~;o OMAHA, N EBRAS KA
S treet
The Largest Store West of Chicago ... Correct Styles in Everything to Wear
I ! \.' I :. \ S 1..: I·: T I : \ I . I . . I I.: I l ' .
\\ 'aitcr- ··1f ,JI\' tf,J \1111 \\:tilt ·' ' '''~' c·g-g ... ~·· llrm.-··scra mfJf cd."' S fla vcr-··Straig-fll 11p. I 'ink-''( Jn: r."' ( ·ornclf- ··s, ,ft 1 •II t •J:t ~ t . S iJ ns-·· Fril·d ~ l r aig-ln."' l. undy-·· .\1 cclium. ·· l:rumagc-·· J'lf take 111int· gn-v 11. Stcvc-·· Frc~h.' ' .\Jr. \\'hitl"II:!Ck-'' f. t·'cll • It' \\c·it c·t. flc ·rr !;c · h\lt ' k~ " fl t·rr c;cJwick- ··s,,. mu-:~ w h :cn dc '' ' ''"' ' , ,· lil:llc· cc ·· \\'ai tcr (IHI IJa ~<:li:dl tripl '' \\' hat \\Ill Y"ll lt:C\,.;·· l,<:fic\'(: I will t:d; t· l~t·a rd..,l \<·:cl c·n tlo ·t ·. 11 '"" Jolt :c , . · ·
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l l tJ}'t-'' .\Jr. Bra n iga n . w hat t• If ..!:-;;·· Branigan- " I I 20 phh , link."
.\t Tccum~~:h-.\ big- fa t fad.'· r11 ~ 1l c ... tip 111 :--;,·11 • d t :t tHI .:..:T: t'l ' ' l1 it11 t t· tH!vrl.' around th e sleeve ancl cx plt HI<:s-" C>II . .1•>1111 ~ I'' '"' :trc .' •HI . <ll':t r 1,, '.' :-.. - " t 111 -~J h - h! "-"Exc u sc.: m c"- l ll cn J lcllt , fH·.., a \\ ftlll.' 1,,,1, ... -.i ll , 1. " I tll•~t t g- ltt '' ''1 11c r c th a t f{<:ynolus IJ,, ,._,.,II1 IIJ"" ~~~ tt1t1 c ll lik v l ti111... 1 1 1.. 11 IH·:tt:-. it.J J·: vc Jl.l' 'J'I ! >:'\ Y•>ll llg and grc ·o·11 . ,,.,.n,
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Juni,,r! .\l cn•"l t ltrun g- 11 . L ot-. 1" d11. I n I 'c· rn. Scniro r!
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•• •
, - - - - - - - - - - - - Omaha High School-Cost $775,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
OM Al-IA Is a real eduul lional ce nt er, where the spirit of the p eople stands for education and they believe in la rge inves tme nt s fo r bui ldin gs and th e highest possibl e salaries for teachers. Th e th irty-eight buildings and grounds of $2.549.975.
valued a t
Omaha pays its teac hers $460.000 p er a nnum. Besides the public sc hools th ere are in Oma ha two univers1t1es, including medical, cl'!ntal, law and pharmaceutica l schools. Brownell Hall is an Episcopal school for gi rl s. Besides ten parochi al sc hool s th e Ca tholic p eople mainta in four academies and boarding schools. With these Omaha spends $ 1. 300.000 an nua lly for schools. To visit the Omaha sc hools is an in spiration to a ny teacher. ern in th e West.
The buildings are the most mod-
To sec ure a position in the Omaha sc hools is to sec ure the highest place m the state as a teacher- it means somet h ing besides the best salaries. Omaha h as a lways e mployed sco res of P er u graduates.
HOME OFFICES The Nebras ka T eacher .路:
Picture Co. ::
Nebraska Sc hool S upply H o use ::
Uni ve rsity Pu blishing C ompa ny ::
I 126-1 128 Q Street, Lincoln
LYCEUM The Lyceum furni shes w hol eso me ente rta inme nt, is t he c he a pC'st o f a ny k ind, rs I>O th instruc ti ve and inspira tiona l. P LEASE NoT E -
That we a re the larges t ind epend e nt L yce um sy ste m
the bu sirwss.
That we are followin g the one- price syste m. T ha t we have no experiments in o ur illlra c tions. That our prices are ba sed on the p erce nt age路 sy ste m w hi c h g rvcs th e committee a n even va lue for th e fees paid. Tha t our growth in th e past has d emo nstrate d our a bil ity to man age attractions o f the hi ghest q ua lity and to sat is fy o u r I .yc eu m co m mittees. C ordiall y,
Britt Lyceum Bureau, Lincoln, Neb. H . L. BRITT, M a n a g er
W rite us for tal ent list and pa rtic ul a rs.
W e a re al ways rn b usin ess .
r ,-,,
luuul rt' tl
l l ' ll
T o the Students: We tha nk you for your generous p a tr onage du r ing the past yea r and we w ish you a ve r y ha ppy vacation this summer. We ho pe you w ill keep a warm spot in your h eart for Old Peru and tha t you will make the C o - O p. your "headquarte rs" when you re turn.
We shall be very glad to se nd you a ny supplies for you r work next year that you are unable to obtain where you are located. We w ish especially to mention special paper a nd note -books. ar t ma terials, school a nd class penna nts, jerseys a nd caps a nd at hletic goods. Every order from you w ill receive our prompt attention. W e w ish you the best of success in your future work.
Ken si ngto n ,~ Th ey have so l vcd t h e o ld proble m , i t's n o l(Jn ger I I <:cessar y to pay th e: m c: r c h a nt tailor 's price to get c: loth c:s th at satisfy. 1\o lou ge r is th e:
COLLEGE man in a predicam e nt.
H <:
can b u y a K en s ington Snit at a pri ce wit hin hi s r c:ac h , yet n ot sacrifi ce: style:, fit o r work m a ns hip.
Write for Samples
Clothes T i l L' \' d() I H >l ba l k :tl :111 y l<.:S l, \\'l· in \·itc \ ' O ll l' l ll OSt cr i t i c:•! i l l S ]>L'l'ti<l i l. Th ey
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]\\ACiEE1XDEEM.EJi ·~ .KE. NS fN GTON • 1109-0ST.
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Buy Here 1
SEI\ f_ P I:\.S SC H OO l . FOBS
C I .I\SS PI :'\f.S CHI. 1\
Do Yo u r Buying and Ha,·e Your Repairin g Done a t the
N. S. N. S. JE\VELRY.- STORE T he ach-a nt «gcs of buyi ng a t this store are man~· . \\ ·e carry non e but d ependabl e goods. Our lirw o ffer~ \ 'O U the widest r<l ngc to select fr o m of any in thi , ci ty. Our prices are in no c a~c hig he r than cl ~ewhe re a nd 111 many m, ta ll ccs y o u w ill fi nd th em muc h lower. EYery ilrt icle 111 o ur sto:·k is a bsolutely guaranteed to be j u~t a~ re prese nt ed . T here is no qua li fication to t 11i s gu aran ty . \\'e ~imply say / f the goud.~ arl' n o / ri~ lrl. pleas~ rclurn ilr<'m and we !Pill nwlt•c it .-alis[aclory. .!.he bc~ t p lace to buy - the best place to ha,·e ~·o ur repai r in g done . and the only place to :' il\' l' your m o nc~' ·
I'Vaiclr r alca and jeweler
Peru, Nebraska.
_ _ _ _ ...... _ _'-.J-_
We are Headquarters in Peru, N e braska, for the Following Lines of Goods EASTMAN'S KODAKS AND SU PP I .ILS MOOR IS N ON -L EA K AB LE FOL~ T ;\ 1 ~ P I 路~ ~S C ONKLIN ' S SELF- rTL LI N~ FOLNT i\ 1 ~ P F. ~S ART SU PPLI E S OF ALL K I . O S A VERY C OMPLETE U NL O F PERU N . S. N . S. PEN NAN T S P HI LO. SOC I E TY P I NS EVERETT SOC IE TY P I NS R INGS AN D CU FF BU T T ONS SCHOOL S UPP LI ES OF ALL K I ~D S E verett P ins ..... . . . .... . .. .... . SOc Philo P ins are, each . .. .. . .... . .. . . 65c
.$ 1. 50 . $ 1. 5 0
L.ver<: tl Rings .... l ~vc re t t C ufl Bu t trm ~ . pai r ..
The Everett and P hilo. Society Goods a rc S terl in g ~ih路 c r and Cold Plated, and are made up accordin g to d esig ns furni shed hy the t\\'O societies. We arc the only people o ffering th ese good s fo r sill e. If yo u wa nt a nice P enna nt you will find o ur stoc k al\\'a ys fres h <~nd up to date. T hey are SOc, 7 5c. and $ 1.00 eac h.
EVERY LITTLE HELPS TI-lE SHREWD BUYER is that pe rson w ho buy s where he o r she can buy the best goods at the lowest price- Qua lit y Consid ered . T ha t is why you will observe so many of the stud ent s a nd p eop le of P eru buyi ng their STATIONERY , ScHOOL S u PP LI ES, Fo U NTAIN P ENS, Co LLEG E. P ENNAN TS, SPORTING Cooos . PR t路:sc RI PT toNs . DR UGS, and T o iLET A RTI CLES from us.
STATIONERY A We ma ke a specialty Our CASCAD E L INEN student trade that we box lots. It's a SOc yourscl f.
of fin e Stationery fo r all occasions. box paper has become so pop ul a r w ith the are now buying it in two and three hu nd red value for 25 c-get a box and judge fo r
/1 II II ,f ,., 1/
/' JIt I ' (
{' I " II
The Kimball Laundry
\Ve ma ke two deliveries a d ay a nd sell goo ds as cheap as possible, qua lity considered.
Stands for the "BEST" in Laundry Work
'/' u; ,, '"""' ' '' '" fif l' r路11
Give us a call.
M. E. G 0 0 D PERU. NEBR.
~omme.rc路t'aZ " B E S T IN T H E VVEST ''
Thi rty-seven yea rs of success. Nine complete courses o f study . C omplete fa c ulty o f expe reie nccd in st t tt c tnr' O uy a n d eve ni n g sessio n s a ll tl ,,路 ye<tr. P osit ion !< ~c< ured fo r a ll g radua tes. Send for Free Catalog, B usiness Agri c ult ure Folde r. o r S p ec imens of B ea u ti ful P e nmanshi p.
E. A. ZARTMAN, Preside nt
Nineteenth and Farnam Sts.
European P lan, R a tes $ 1.00 p er d ay and Upward. Excellent Cafe in C onnection. Service a Ia Ca rle. R unning H ot and Cold Water a nd Telephone in every room. T urki sh baths. Council Bluffs and South Omaha Car L ines Pass the Door
14th and Farnam Sts. Omaha,
F red Sieverli ng
l ew Wentw orth
"" Listen to My H oot""
The Owl Art and Moulding Co. We invite you to call and get acquainted, also inspect our stock of pictures, frames and mirrors tha t are strictly up-to-date.
Prices reason-
O ur reb uilt Typewri t e rs a re the eq ua l of new ma c hi nes in every way. Yo u save th e d i ffe rence in price. Exce ll e nt values at $20 , $25, $30 a nd u p for al l ma k es. U n d e rwood , M onarc h , Smit h P re mi e r, R e mington, O li ve r, D ensmore . E tc . M ore tha n 100 mac hin es a lways in stoc k to select fro m. Write for part ic ul ars o f th e mac hin e you wan t. M ac hines fo r re nt. paired.
Phone Doug. 1672.
16 1 5 H oward St.
A ll m a k es re-
Central Typewriter Exchange O MA H A , NE B . .,.,,. ,
" " " ' ' ' .,."
,.... ;.rlt 't ' /1
The Home
the Famous
Nebras k a C it y, Ne b .
Shee t Music and a Large Stock of Musical Merc handise. Students o f Peru Norma l are In vited to M ake T h is H ote l T he ir H eadqua rte rs W h ile in th e C ity.
The Gaskill Music Co. Nebras ka City , Nebraska.
F. W. CLEVELAND & SON T h e L a r gest D e p a rttne nt Store in the City - A GENTS FOR THE-
Celebrated Hirsch-Wickwire Clothing for Men The No-Name Hats for Men The Burton Shoes for Men Livesy Suits for Women The Gage Hats for Women The Queen Quality Shoes for Women
We Carry All the Leading Lines of Merchandise CALL AND SEE US NEBRASKA 1/'11 · 11
/Juuf! t•t r/
S l , . , II
H EN RY SAB IN, Pres id e n t
Sabin's Educational Exchange (Inc. ) E L B I~~~:-~.:;,d 1.~ .-re:~s~s i N . DF.S
F o undc tl I H1J.1 M O l N E S , lO W 1\
For over a d ozen years we have pa id partic ul ar <~ lt c n t ion lo sec u rin g g o o d p ositio n s 111 a ll o f the weste rn sta tes fo r experienced a nd inex pe ri enc ed tea c hers. B e fo re C' nro ll in g an yw h e re se n d fo r L oo k befo re our pape rs ; read them ca re fu lly; lea rn o ur e xa c t te r ms ; a s k o t he r tc a c he rs a b o u t us . you leap ; tha t is our only req uest. Is it no t a (a ir o ne ?
Miller,Stewart & Beaton Co. I
I S Ba.
T h e Paper in t his Book was Supplie d by
Ten Thousand Boosters
Carpenter Paper Co.
A nd six year s in th e ta il orin g business. A good re c omm e n d a ti o n. isn ' t It's y o ur lo ss if y o u 're n o t o n e it ? of t he m .
From Mill to Man
Paper and Stationery FOR THE WEST
9th and Harney Streets Omaha, Neb.
W e b u y th e sa m e w oo lens as t h e A ll we ask thi rt y- fi ve d o ll a r ta il or. is a c h a n ce to p rove tha t we save th e L o o k o ve r o ur n ew j o b be r's profit. sha d es.
$1搂~~ ::~:u:: $10~.~ Derby Woolen Mills
"They a r e b uild e rs of h igh quality"
F . A . TO MPK I N S . M g r. I 0 3 S. I 5 t h S t. Oma h a. N e b .
路r ,,. ,,
lluHt/ r, 路 r/
, . ;!J hl cc 路 u
Try U s Firsr for E veryrh ing in
Gent's Furnishings
Millinery RATES: $1.50 and $2 Per Day
F. N. Martin Peru,
NeLras ka
\V e keep in stock at a ll times an up-to-date stock. No order too la rge ; no order too smal l. W e deliver the goods. Give us a trial; satisfaction gua ranteed.
P eru,
The Latest Styles in Up-to-Date
MILLINERY Large mso rtment of Trimmed Hats a lways on hand. Trimming of frames a specialty.
"1111 1/ 1
/1 I
YOST WE SHow FOR LEss M oNEYThe largest and most complete lines of H art, Schaffner & M arx C lothing, Stetson H a ts, Florsheim Shoes, Onyx Hosiery, Superior Underwear, Cl uett Shirts, and Most Up-to-Date Neckwear Shown in Southeastern N ebraska. G et Acquainted- We'll Save You Money.
Try Yost
Fashion Store? The next time yo u arc in A uburn. and see the NF. W C LOTH ES they arc now showing for Men and Women. A d\'i sc us by retu rn ma il.
Yost Clothing Co. West Side Court House
Auburn , Ncb.
The Carson National Bank Auburn, Nebraska
THE BIG STORE West o f Court H ouse
$60.000 50.000 365,000
Cordially invites the business of conservative people, feeling confident that its well known facilities will render an account once established permanentl y agreeable and profitable.
F. E. J OHNSON, President. ROSANNA CARSON. Vice-President E. M. BOYD. Cashier
A uburn
Graduation Presents FOR
Capital, Surplus Deposits
W e S uggest-
A Ring. Belt Buckle, Bracelet. Stick Pin , Swa tiska C harm. Hand Bag, Music Roll. Pu rse . Gold Watch. Back C omb. Wa ist Set, Souvenir Spoon. FOR
We Advise -
Gold Watc h, Gold C hain. Gold Ring, Scarf Pin . Gold Handle d Umbrel la, a Set of C uff Buttons. or a Gold Fob.
S. H. AVERY & CO. Auburn, N eb ra s ka
S T UDCNT H E.-\DQUARTERS :i t <~nd;;
ready to be of scn ·icc to students. Be free to make u ~c o f our fac ilities. D eposit your f u nd~ w it h u;; and check them out as you need them. Thi ;; insu res safety and will gtYe you a \·al uah lc tra ining in ac tua l business.
\ XI M.
] . D. GRA YES. Vice-Pres.
TY NO ' · Pres.
C. R. WF. L DL
T. L. C O X, Ass't Cashier
. C a shil'r.
MERCHANT TAILOR SU ITS . from PANTS. fro m OVE.RCOA TS. from Over 600 new sa mp les of a grea t va ri ety a t hand from which to select. S uit s and pa nts made b y me r resscd free . A ll w o rk guara nteed .
$ 13.50 to $ 40.00 $ 4.00 to $ 10.50 $ 15.00 to $40.00
M en's Suits w ith minor repairs, cleaned and pressed ... .. ....... 7Sc to $ 1.00 M en's S uits pressed ....... . . SOc
L ad ies
Coa ls c lea ned and p ressed7 5 c to $ 1.00
Men's Pants with minor repairs, clea ned an d pressed .. ........... 35c to 60c
S kirts cl ean ed and p ressed7 5c to $ 1.00
M en' s P ants pressed .. ... .... 25c
S uit s clea ned and $ 1. 00 to $ 1.25
Stetson and Panama H ats cleaned and rebanded .. . ... . ... .. ... . $1.50 Overcoat clean ing and pressing, 75c and $ 1.00
JOSEPH K REP E LA ' /' 1ru
/J 1111d1 ·t
1 11 · , IIIII " ' "
S hop open from 7 :00 a.m. to 7:00p. m OVER
MILLER & PAINE Took this space in your YEAR BOOK that you may knovv the leading store in
Lindell Hotel Lincoln, M ILLER
PAI NE, Proprietors
]. G. VENABLE, M anager
REMODELED REFURNISHED RE-DECORATED I 00 rooms w ith bath. Hot and cold run ning water, and local and long distance telephones in every room. A s modern as money ca n make it.
Anyone Can Play Cecilian-Pianos.
In addi tion to being th e representa ti ve o f the g reatest of a ll Player - Pianos. th e Ceci llia n . I represent such high -grade Pianos as Henry F . Mille r, Julius Baue r, A. B. C h ase, Ludvvig and o th e rs .
European Plan
Rates, $ 1.00 Up
12 15 0
MAN Lincoln
Bishop &Barnes
Car ry a S toc k of Genera l M erc handi se tha t is Comp it-t...
C lea n
T hc'J) appccialc the putrorwgc o f Faculty and S tude nts and lwpe t o 111cri t san1c h_IJ pro111pt and efficient .~crl> in•
li ne
comp lete. \Ve Inspec tion.
The L eading Jeweler and G radua te Optometrist
2 d D oor Nor th P. 0.
Normal Avenue Store 16 OUNCES TO THE POUND
J. E. Forsythe & Sons
'l ' o · rJ huur{,·, .,J ,,,., " ' " l/11
P eru, Neb.
~ortrafts By
I ten
Biscuit Co.
E. H. DORT IDrugs Books, Stationery, School Supplies
Kodaks and Photographic Supplies
Athletic Goods
" Dr. H o u se F org ets Hi s N ec kti e,.
E R L E B. W 0 0 D W A R D
B. Sc .. M. D.
Dentist \Vest Side of Court House Square Auburn. Neb.
Di se;tses of Eye. L ar. No:;c and .l.hroat
I~I C I-1 !\RDS
Lin coln.
Physician and Surgeon Southwest Corner Court House Square A uburn. Nebraska DR. E. M. TYLER
Physician and Surgeon A uburn
O culist and A urist G lasses Fitted Auburn
Nebraska M. M. MAC VEAN. M. D. - andOR. WM . EDMONDS Physician and Surgeon
Specialists in Diseases of Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat
Nebraska City.
BART. L. SHELLHORN , M.D. Physician and Surgeon
807 Central Ave.
Gradua te Central M edical College 189 5 Graduate Rush Medical College 1900 P eru, .
Nebraska City.
. Nebraska
DR. EMIL RABEN Osteopathic Physician Office in Small Culbertson House Peru,
DR. SCHWENKER Surgeon-Dentist High Grade Crown, Bridge and Plate Work T eeth Extracted Without Pain Above Fields & Johnoon
New Phone 7
Nebraska City, Nebr.
Physician and S urgeon
]. D. HOUSTON. D.D.S. Dentist
Peru, Nebr.
Phone 95
70 5 Central Avenue, Upstairs Nebraska City,
A B.. D D. S.
H ave You r H air Dressed at the
WHITTAN PARLORS Over Me rchant路 s Ba nk
JEWELRY grow more popular each yea r. J ewelry is the most lasting a nd accepta ble present you can mrtke. I n o ur cases you w ill find numero us gift suggestions :
I coll ect laundry Mo nd ays and Tuesda.\路s a nd d e liv er Frid ays . Satis faction guat路anlee d
M .
Lincoln, Nebr.
School Supplies A Specia lty
Duplicatin g Devices A sk fo r Catalogue
R I I\GS a nd a hundred others. W e dding Rings, too; Engagement Rings for those w ho pla n to wed later.
Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens One fo r Everybody . suit you r ha nd .
Guarantee to
1223 0
Yellow Front
路write or Call
TEACHERS ~~~:~~ Arc you:\ • c:tdwr'!
D o you wa n t t o d n uhlc
anti trcl>h.!y• ltl .. ~ .a la ry? lt b(•. wrn\· rnch)o. tlay . :anti I w i ll nl:dl \ 'nu . ( n ·c . our C>-'- P:ll!t.' l ll u!'tra tc:c l C a t a lc•JJ :-.aJ a JWrs.nn:l ll ct t c r s hn wn15: what tnan _\' Pt h c· r fornwr t • ·adler~ arc llui n~, a u d wh.1t y ou u aay a~t.:nmplt~h , al so.
A dun:~,.
Fo r
D. l. l'ilUSSEI. MAN. /\ . N. . Pr" t. Gcr.1 City BuslncH Collcr,c. Qu incy . Ill.
h r ~t -C ' ! ;~ ~~
Shan·. Ha irc u t o r S ha mpoo.
Lt c .. ( ·,dl at tl1<' 13 ;\ 1~ 13 LI~
\ \ i J·:ST S J D J·: S. B.
YOUR EYESIGHT I s priceless. Protect yonr \ ' l S ! Oll by nsm g properl y fit ted le11ses. l\Ij methods are up to the mi nute and I g uarantee satisfactory sern ce at a reasonable pnce. _-\.sk your friends an d neig hbors.
B. C. GIFFORD R EAL ESTAT E .Spec i;d ill lc nt ion g l\ l' ll lo findi ng h o use~ .
roo m~ .
e tc. .
stude nts.
Pe r u ,
Nebras ka
City Meat Market The Best Meats and Pickles A rc a lw ays kep t
Nebrask a City,
- -
JOB PRINTING Let us print yo ur programs, booklets, stationery, etc. We'll treat you right an d do the work to suit you.
S. VV. Hacker & Co. Pe ru . Nebraska
in s to c k.
DRAY and TRANSFER P ro mpt D e li\·e ry B aggage, fre ight, express a nd goods of a ll description. Leave ord ers at M a rdis' store.
Phone 54
Residence phone 6 0
Phone 25 .
F. 0. HUMBERT Peru, Nebr. 'f'1r11
hlflfll t •
/ 11 I
/ 1 111
-.· 1
F. M.
P eru, Nebr.
If You Aim
Lincoln Dental College ASSOCIATED \XIITH Til E.
To be successful in business, you must first eq uip yourself by obtain ing a practical business trainin g, such as we a re offe rin g today. Our years of experience O ur corps of experienced teac hers Our simplified methods Our direct applica tion of sa me to business req uiremen ts and th e d emand for our graduates by firms a ll over the country are good rea sons for becoming a pupil here.
Lincoln Business College LI NCO L N,
Es tabl i ~ h cd
I 3th a nd P S treets
All th e gene ra l sc ie nce teachin g done by and ill the S tate U ni ve rsity. The d iplomas and credi ts from thi s sc hoo l a rc accepted the world over. Our g radua tes arc mak in g unu suall y success ful practiti one rs. D e ntistry is the least c rowde d of the professio ns and to o ne who is of a mecha nica l turn of mind and enjoys the study of med ic ine it offers espec ia l ind u ceme nt s. Better write for specia l a nn o un cement. Next session opens with U ni versity of Nchrask oL Address t he D ea n
DR. CLYDE DAVIS L incoln. Neb raska
Write to . . . . . .
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