The Nebraska State Normal School BULLETIN Peru, Nebraska
Short Courses, Correspondence Work Study Center Courses, and Calendar for 1915·16
O ctober 1, 191 5
No_ 4
Short Courses Correspondence Work Study Center Courses and
Calendar for 1915-16
Ente red as second class matter July 1, 1915, at t he post office at Peru, Nebraska , under act ol Au gust 24, 1912
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Fall term begins September 13, 1915. Second quarter begins November 15, 1915. \_nnual short courses begin November 15, Hl15. Holiday Vacation, December 23, 1915, to Jan uar) :l, 1916, inclusive. Second semester and winter term short courses I)(' gin January 24, 1916. 1<-,ourth quarter begins March 27, 1916. Easter Vacation, (to be announce d). Annual Music Festival, May 30, 1916. 46th Annual Commencement and Alumni Home Coming, May 31, 1916. SUMMER SCHOOL 1916 . Summer school begins June 5, 1916. Summer t:chool closes July 28, 1916.
NEBRASKA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Dan Morris, President .... . ........... Kearney T . J . Majors, Vice-President . ........ . .... Peru A. L. Caviness, Secretary ....... . ...... Kearney George E. Hall, Treasurer ......... .. . Lin co 1u Bo n. A. H . Viele .......... ...... ....... . . .. Norfolk l-Ion. H. E. R eische ......... : .............. Chadro11 Hon. A. 0. Thomas, State Superintendent .... Lincoln Hon. Hon. Ht ,n. I-1 on.
EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT D. W . Hayes, A. B., A. M., President. E. L . Rouse, A. B., Dean of the Normal School.
:\fattie Cook Elli s, Dean of Women. R. D. Onrhol t, . c\. B., Registrar.
DEPAR'J1 MENT OF ENGLISH U. C' . .Hou se, Ph. D., Profel"so r. (a) I. G. ·wilson, .A. B., .Associate. (b) h ·a Maud Dunn, Aswciate, Expr ess ion. (c) Su san Harman, B. Ed., Assistant. DEP~~\ RcrMENT
01! l\ LATHEMATI CS .J. l\1. Ho"ie, 1\. B., Professor. (a) C. 1!'. B eck, B. Ed., .A ssociate. 1
DEPAR'J1 MENT Ol!' PHYSICAL SCIENCES IV. F. Hoyt, A. B., A. M., Professor. (a) B . C. Hendrick s, B . Ed., M . S., A sociate. DEP ARTMJ;_,N T OF BI OLOGI CAL SCIENCES F. C. Jean, B. Sc., Profe ssor. (a) C. II. H eard, B. S. Agri ., M. S. Agri ., , \ ssocia te. DEPARTM Fmcr OF LATI N AND OTHER ANCIEN 'l ' LA\'GUAGES Esthe r .\ . Clark, . \ . B ., A . M., Professor. DEPARTMENT OF GERMAN .\ bba \Villard Bo,Ten, _r\ . B., Profe ssJr. DEPARTMENT OJ!' GEOGRA PHY Ro se B. Clark, r\ . B., Professor. DEP~~\ R'l1 MEN'l1
OF HISTORY AND ECONOnHrS jJattie Cook Elli s, Professor. (a ) W . R. Ilull, A. B ., AF'sociate . DEP ,\ RTMENT OF EDUCATI ON F. M. Gregg, A. B., A. M., Professor. DEPARTMENT Ol!' TRAINING FOR TE AC.HER:::l E . L. Rouse, A. B., Professor. FI' 11 (a) Anna Tibbetts, A. B., A. M., Prin cipa l 1g School, 1915-16.
(b) (c) (d ) (e) (f) (g) ( h) (i) (j)
Earl Johnson, A . B., Associate, Physical Training for Men. Frances M. Tuthill, A. B., Teacher, Physical Training for Women, 1915-16. Mera McLellan, Teacher of Art. Lou Elh Hosm er, Kindergar t en Director. P earl S. K ell ey, Primary Teacher. Alice Hanthorne, A. B., Upper Primary T eacher. Alice :M. Burley, I ntermediate Teacher. Ethel M. Orr, A. B., Intermediate and Grammar Teacher, 1915-16. Dora Krebs, Grammar Teacher . Elizabeth Cr awford, Teacher of Principl e and Methods of Education.
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE W . N . Delzell, H ead of Department. (a) Nona M. Palmer, B. Ed ., A:osistant. DEPARTMEN'T' O"F' MANUAL TRAINING F. C. Smith, A. B., B. S., H ead of Department. (a ) Mamie R. Mutz, B. E d., Associate, Art. OTHER SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS
DEPARTM·E NT OF H OME ECONOMICS ::'lfary V. Dick, A. B., M. Di., Head of Department. (a) Emma E. Knight, Associate. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC X. Maud Carpenter, Supervisor. PRIVATE INSTRUCTORS Ycna Stahl, Pianoforte Department, 1915-16. Tlclen M. Chase, Violin Instructor . . -cttic Meyer, Voice Instructor. OFFICE FORCE H. D. Ov erholt, A. B., Registrar.
(a) (b) (c)
Clara M. Dunigan, A ssistant Registrai:·. B essie Graham, Secr etary to the President. Mary E. OO'g, Bookkeeper.
LIBRARY Elva E. Rulon, B. Ed., A. B., Librarian. (a) Mary Tynon, As sistant Librarian . (b) Libbie Branson, Assistan t L ibrarian. MT. VERNON HALL E lizabeth Cleland, Preceptress. AFFILIATED R RAL DEMONSTRATION SCHOOL Offi cer s-J. ·Vir McAdams, Frank Parriott, S. E. Fisher. Arta Draper, Teacher.
STUDY GENTER COURSES These C ourses are O rganized to Begin November 15, 1915 and January 14, 1916
PURPOSE T he obj ect of bhe study center courses offer ed by ti l(â&#x20AC;˘ state normal school is to take the normal school to those who cannot come to the normal school, also to offer teach ers in service an opportunity for growth awl advancement. Plans ar e bein g worked out in co11 nec tion " ¡ith the state department of education to offer work in study center s that will be accepted a s reading circle cr edit. Some of this work will count fo r the prof0ssional IYor.k r equired for r enewal of ('O nnty certificate::;. Tb e success of the work in the ph1c0s wher e it was offered last year leads u s to have confidence in its feas ibility and practical r esults. Th e phm is fo r faculty memb er s of the state normal school to organize classes in any of the subjects offer ed in th P regular courses in the school. These will be offp red in any tmm or school district in southeast N ebra;.;k a where ten or more p erson s will join the class.
EXPENSES T he only expen ses connect ed with the study center conrses will be the travelin g exp en ses and local entertainment of the in structor offering the work. Some coun t~- superintendents meet t his small expense from th <>i r county institute or incidental fund s. City teacher s and r ural teacher s may combine and by a small a ssess 111 rnt coll ect n ecessary funds.
FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS Some subj ects will require mor e fr equent meet tn g-;.; than oth er s, ranging all the w ay from once a
week to once a month. It . has been fo und most satisfa ct or y to h old these meetmgs either on Friday eve ing or on Saturday, preferably the latter, inasmu~~ as f~om .two ~ o four hours 1;nay be given to each meetmg m tins way: The mstruct or will assign regular l esso ~s and g1ve reference w.ork sufficient to occupy the time of the teaoher dunng the interval between the meetings.
CREDIT Full cred it will be allowed for all work completed by tl10se enroll ing in these study center courses. T eachers and those pr eparing for teach ers may in this way be preparing either for gradua tion fr om the adva nce d course or for the degree Bach elor of Education.
MEETINGS AT LOCAL SCHOOL HOUSES The 1o al school buildings offer an excellent place for conducting st udy center classes. School autho ritie ~ ar e always ¡willing to furnish the room which has the advantage of seats, blackboards, libraries, with their equipment, and often valu able illu str ative materials. Teaobcrs, st udents, women's clubs, business men or other organizations who wish to take advantage of th e opportunities offered by this free service should look over the list of subjects carefully and after selecting those IYhich would probably be desired write to President D. W . Hayes, Peru, Nebraska, for the details for those specific rour es.
H. C. House .. . . ... . .. History of English Literature, American poetR; Tennyson; Browning-poems and dramas ; He¡ cent English F iction. (Also w ill conduct choral music). I. G. Wil s on .. ... . ... . E nglish Grammar (teachers' courfoe ) , a nd <IllY class in Secondary English. Iva Maud Dunn. . . .. Classes in Expres~ion; Methods in Teach ing Reading; Readings and Recitals .
J . M. Howie . . .. . . .... Trigonometry; Analytics; any other s ubjec·ts in Mathem atics r equired. c. F. Beck ... . . . . .. . . Arithmetic, written and mental; Al gebra ; P lane or Solid Geometry. PHYSICAL SCIENCE S
" '· F. Hoyt .......... Beginning Ch emistr y (if laboratory acces· sible); Astronomy. B. Clifford H endricks .Nature Study (for eith er city or rural teachers). BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES
F. C. J ean ..... . ...... Beginning Botany (for co unty certifi c:tte grades or entrance to normal school or univer s ity) , or other secondary subje cts. C. H. Heard . ... ...... General Agriculture; Animal Husbandry; H orticulture; Farm Crops; Milk T esting, etc. GEOGRAPHY
Ros e B. Clark .. . .. . . . Teaching of Primary Geography; Economic Geography of Europe. Tallu; on Geogr aphic places of the Presc-nt War; Geographic Influences on American Life. HI STORY, CIVICS AND ECONOMICS
Mattie Cook Ellis .. . .. The Present European War. \ \'. R. Hull ..... . ..... Civics, Political Economy . • EDUCATION
F . M. Gregg . .. .. .. .. . General
Psychology; Child Stud y; Social Psychology. Professor Gregg w ill al s o offer work in Parliamentary L aw. \\'. R. Hull .. . ....... . History of Education. MANUAL TRAIN I NG
P. C. Smith . ... . .. . . . Mechanical Drawing and Design; an.v ph1.se of Ma nual Tr ai nin ~; (if benches and tools are accessible). HO M E
Mary V. Die!< Emma E . Knight
Food and Dieteties ; Sewing; Home Sani tal\ on and Decoration ; Demonstrations in Sewing, { making Menues, etc.
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Th e Trainin g School Building as it will appear when completed. T his is a modern fire proof. electric lighted. steam heated bui lding . It contains the best features of the best in the United States with many conveniences not found in any other training school building
Ma mie R. M u tz.
.Dra wi ng a nd Painting for publi c s choo l teachers; Modeling; Ar t Appr ecia tion. COMMERC E
Vl . N . Delze ll.
. .. P enmanshi p for teach er s; Bookkeeping.
Commerc 1·al
Law ;
Mus ic r ecitals m a y be a rranged for either pia no, band, orches tra . ' nien's glee c lu bs or w omen's glee club.;. LECTURE S
W hi le not offerin g stud y ce n te r coun.es, P r esident D. w . H ayes and Dean E . L . Rouse w ill be av ai l ab l r~ for le ctur es on educational Ji nes for city and coun ty ins ti t u tes, women 's cl ubs, patr ons' associa tions, etc. Prac ti call y a ll faculty m emb er s of th e normal school will be avail a bl e fo r le ctures a long th e ir par ticula r lines.
EXTENSION COURSES PURPO SE OF THE WORK T he p urpol'e of t he extension courses is to offer stud ents an d h•acl1cr s ·w ho wish t o improve while in ;:erviee, a n oppor tullit _,. of ~e nui ng the advantages of nor ma l sohool instructi on and to enable graduates of th e va riou s co urses t o pursue advanced 1\Tork alon g th ei r special li nes. T he P eru Rtate :\ormal is fur t her prompted to offer exten sion eo urses becau se of th e many r equ ests comin g fr om sincer e, Parn cst and ambitious teacher s wh o find i t impo8sihl e at th e time being t o attend S(·hool, but \\' ho lWYertheless ar e anxious to advance in thei r s, t he gr eatest of profession :::. ADMISSION I n order to be admitted as a studen t in the extens ion rlepa r tment, one mu st have t he qualificatio~l S necesRal')r for ndmission to those courses if pursue? h11~ the normal sehool itself. T·he school r eserv es the ng
to rejeet applications, or to su ggest otl1er courses than those chof'en by th e app licant. In the eYe11t that <lpplications are rej ec ted, the fees will be returned . . \ny one wh o has not clone creditable r esidence ~\' Ol'k in 'Peru in some phase of the subject he de sires to pursue in absentia (excepting thoS(' enrolled in s tud.\' (·en t er courses under approved direction), must co nfer \\'ith th e in structor and sec nrr p en n isf'ion to take th e work b efore r egist ering.
REGISTRATION Students maY enroll f or co urses in ab sentia an .\· time during . the. school y ear excepting during the reg ular vacation period s. rrll(• stud ent \\'ill be expected to suppl)' himself with t he n eres:;:ary t ex t boo k s. T he nam es of th e te xts use(l wi II be fur nished b.\· the i11Shu ctor offering th e wo r k. COMPLETION OF COURSES Stud ents must report the ~York reg ist er ed for HS ('ompleted within one : ,ear fr om elate of enrol lmen t. E xten si on in time ma:, be g r a n te d if on acconnt of illnes or other clisabilib· th e stu dent has been l1l1 Rhll• t o complete the work in. th e pn•f'crib ed tim e, and pro,·icled that p ermisFion is srr ured fr om the in s tructor offeri11g the "·ork. AMOUNT OF ·woRK PERMITTED 'nlw m aximunt amount of wo rk t hat maY he clon e in ahsentia shall not t•xeeed sixteen houn; college credit in the advancrcl normal comse and f'ixteen additiona l ho urs in the degree courses. . \ cou r se "·hich grant~ four hom·s cr edit for resicl cn ct' attendanc·e ma~· granl n maximum of fou r hours credit \Vh(•n <lone in absen t ia, ]H'OYiding thr student meet: t h0 additiona l r eq uirements imposed h~ · t he departm ent in wl1ieh work is !wing ll11l'SllE'd. FEES .All fees are payable in advance. -"\ r egistration fr c of $2 .00 will be charged for each eonrse offer ed,
whether the course be for two hour s credit or fo , hours credit. This fe e is to cover cost of postao-e a~J printing of courses of study and may not b: US{'ri for any other purpose than the promotion of ext sion work. The fees for registration should be s;~t to Regi strar, Peru State Normal, Peru, ebraska. EXAMINATIONS Examinations must be taken under the direction of the instructor offering the work or under some one authorized by the instructor to conduct such an examination. CAUTION It is not the purpose of the extension .department to encourage work by correspondence if it is possible for the student to do r esidence work. The extension courses are maintained only for those who do not find it possible to avail themselves of the privilege of the normal school a s r esident students. Students are cautioned to think carefully before regist/ ring. Students often find that it entails more labor than expect ed when r egistering and many as a consequence fail to complete the work. The history¡ of extension courses proves that at least 50 p er cent of thost: r egistering fail to complet e the work. We therefore urge students to be sure that they desire the work and to be sure that they will exhibit that '' sticktoitiveness '' tha t will insure the completion of all that is undertaken. Name ART:
of Cou rse
Credit Hours
Drawing a nd P a inti ng ....... 4 hours Ass oc. Prof. Mamie R. Mutz AGRICULTURE:
(A general reading cour se) .. 2 hours . . . Assoc. Prof. C. H ¡ Heard CIVICS:
of Governmen t) .. . . 2 hours .. . . Assoc. Prof. W . R. Hull
*School Administr ation (F or P rincipals and S uperin-
Th e Annual May Pole Drill. Commencement of 1915. when 203 students completed the advanced and Bachelor of Education Degree courses
te nd ents) .. ..... . ...... .. . 2 School Management. . ... ... .. 2 Rural L ead e;·ship ..... ..... . . 2 *Educational Psychology . . .. . 2 H is tory of Education .. . .. . .. 2
hours .. .... .. Pres D W · · · · Hayes hours . . . . . ..... Dean E. L . Rouse hours ... ... ... . Dean E L R · · ouse hours .... ...... Dean E. L. Rouse h ours .... Assoc. Prof. \V. R. H un
Shakespeare's H a ml et . ....... 2 Sh akespeare's Macbeth ... . .. 2 H isto ry of Englis h L iteralure ................. . .... 4 Browni ng's Dramas (For advanced Br owning studentR) 2 H istory of American Literat ure . ...... . .. . ....... . . . . 4
h ours ...... . . Mi ss Susan Harman hours ........ Miss Susan Harman h ours ... . . .. . .... Dr. H . C. House h ours . . . Assoc. Prof . .I. G. W ilson hours . . Assoc. Prof. I. G. Wil son
Geographi cal Influences upon History ... . .. . . .. ......... 2 hours .
. . ... P rof. Ro se B. Clark
German, 5th Semester (Re adin gs without Compos ition) 2 hours . .. . .. Prof. Abba \V. Bowen Ge rman, 6th Semester (Readin gs withou t Composition ) 2 hours ...... Prof. Abba W. Bowen H I ST ORY A N D ECONOMICS:
Engli sh History .............. 2 hours .... Dean Mattie Cook Ell i ~ Poli tical Economy .... . .. .. .. . 2 hours .... Assoc. Prof. W. R. Hull PHYSICAL SCIENCE:
. 2 h o urs ... . As soc. P ro f. B. Cliffor d Hend ricks
Stud y ...... .
Me thods in Ph ys ics
. 2 h o urs .. . . Assoc. Prof. B. Cli fford H e ndricks Ge n e ral Scie nce . . . . .. . ... . .. 2 hours . ... Assoc. Prof. B. Clifford H e ndri cl's Me teorology ...... . . . .. . .. . . 2 hours .... Assoc. Prof. B. Clifford H endricl's PSYCHOLOGY: ~ P sy chology
of Thinking . .. . 2 h ours . Study ...... . . . ..... .. . 2 hours .. . . .
.. . Prof. F. M. Gregg . .. Prof. F . M. Gregg
One of these courses will cancel one half the Theory r e qu irement for graduation.
As yet it has not seemed feas ible to offer any introductory course in Psychology. A prerequi site for those taking the courses offered is at least one semester of General Psychology.
PERU STATE NORMAL SliORT COURSES For 1915-16 Two years ago the Peru State Normal School offered short courses for the first time in its history. T hese courses met '\Vith such favorable response from :\ebraska's young people that it is deem ed advisable to continue them; hence the invitation that Peru extends to young men and women of Nebraska to aYail themselves of the privileges of free tuition and thorough instruction that are fo und in these short ,·ourses. Young men and young '.\Omen "·hose home d uties will permit sh ould avail themselv es of the ad\' fmtages and prestige that come from attendance at 'l STATE SCHOOL; a school that has the very best in material eqnipment ; a school from which credits nre accepted wit',out question throughout the United States ; a schoG: '.\·h ich carries in addition all the regular courses offered by the best normal schools in the country. Duration of Short Courses. These short courses are of nine weeks duratioll and are intended for the special benefit of those who <·annot attend during the entire year. Th e elates of llcginning are KOVE~£BER 15 and JANUARY 24. St udents should plan to enter on one of these dateF. Tn addition to the regular subjects listed, th ey will fi nd special review· work in all county and city cPr i ificate subjects, as well as a number of those found 1 n the Civil SerYice examinations. The following· :1 rc some of the special courses offered: ~ COMMERCE . Many men and \\omen hesitate to attend the soealled private business colleges because of the heavy 1uition fees they must pay. By the action of the Peru
State ~ onnal School in establishing short cour'"e. · . l l tl . . " lll co1b~mt ert·e1ta .t:Yor {, t 1e1:e JS dno necessi ty for paying exor 1 an m 10n ra es m or er to receive instruction · Sl'hool::; '"hich a r e u:>t a(jcr~dited .. The P eru depa 1:~= ment ofnCommerce. IS pro':1ded w1th the best equipment. Il1 e fo llow:n g subJects are offered as short c ot~r~es : Bookkeepmg, Shorth~nd, Penmanship, T.)l)e" ntmg, Orthography and Busmess English. Stud ents ma:· enter t hese classes a t any time altho uglL the be t r esults may be obtained by coming either November ] 5 or January 24. Special teachers are provided so that students may advance as r apidly as their special abilities will permit. While no tuition is charo·ed fo r this ''ork, a small rental is charged for t he t:>use of a typewriter. This ITork will be under the supervision of P rof. W. N. Delzell. MA NUAL TRAINING T he last decade has witnessed the intr oduction of manual training departments in many of t he be. t schools in the state. Th ere a r e few schools ind eed t:1at do not aspire to include such courses in their ru Ticulum. The short courses in .Manual Training ,,-j JI inrlnde a stud y of the simpler tool man ip ul ation as applied to the general work of the farm . few rxcrcis('S "W ill be taken to give some degree of accuracy an d efficiency in the use of tools. Ar ticles will be mad0 t hat a re of most practical use to the individual stud0nt. Thus, for the boy on the farm will be given instruction in the making of hammer han dles, doubletre es, model gates, hay rakes, hay stackers, chick en coops, etc. The object of the course is to teach tb;e 1t stu dent ho w to make things useful and to eronomically. The more advanced students w1ll. be able to enter the regular classes and find work smted to their needs. The short courses in this d epartment will be in direct charge of Prof. F . C. Smith. HOME ECONOMICS (Co urses in Home .Making) A special nine weeks course in cooking and sew-
] !)
ing will be giYen. The \\ Ork will be fo und ,: uitabl <' for preparator:- stu dents and t hose \Yho wi f'h to lw<" Ome mo re adnmced in the duties of the home . T h(· (·ookery course will include the fi\'e food principl es tak en up br ief!:· as to proportion of each ne eded ancl \r he1·e found, composition and preparation of vegetables, cereals, eggs, milk, be,·erages, meats ~mel simple d<' serts. The se \\ing course l'ill be practical ~w o rk i11 ~·arment making. Six hours eaeh week ,,·ill be d eYoted to foods an d six hours to se\\ing. The!'e com ses "·i ll l1e und er th e direction of 11iss :Jlan Y. Dick an cl :J1is;-; ]<~m ma E. Knight. · AGRICULTURE The courses offered in ~"- grieulturc \\' ill include ll r neral ~AgTicuJtnr e , Animal .H usbandr.'·, H orticulture nn d Soil s. The \\-ork will be particularly 8daptcd to ' h0 young men and :·oung women \Yho come from t lH' l'm m and expect to return to the fa rm. Country sch ool tPachcrs will al so fird in these courses manv thin~;-; that can be pra ctically worked out in their o'wn ind iYidual rmal schools. Thi s 1\0rk l'ill be under tll t• <lirec t supenision of the hcacl of th e ~\. gri r ultur{' d <'Jia rtment. METHOD S OF TEACHING READING This course i s particularly adapted to teacl1 crs ,,·.ho hav e not lic:1cl t he opportunit:· of formal stud.'· in to the methods of prP sentation of tl1is most importnut of all clementar.'· subjects. This will include n "urvey of modem methods of teaching puLlic school l'rading, the psycholog.'· of expression, pract iee methods of instruction, principles of literan· interpretation, phonetics. Thi s \\-ork w·ill be under the direction of ::\Ii ss Iva M. Dunn.
SHORT COURSES IN ADVANCED SUBJECTS Students who m·c prepared to do advanced <'o llcgc \\' Ol'k " ·ill find tll(' fol lowing comscs beginning Xo,. <'mber 15:
NATURE STUDY Short course people may enter the reo-ular cla in 1Tature Study. This is a class adapted t; the neeJ of kir:dergarten, primary _an d rur~l teachers who wisl~ a k~ lOI' ledge of metho d ~ 1_n st~1d ymg material of their :' nyn· onm~nt and a tr_ammg m_ the ability to adapt 1t to th e1r school subJ ects. Th iS work is offered by ,\ ssociate Prof. B. C. Hendricks. GEOGRAPHICAL INFLUENCES A co urse ·w hith r evie\YS the geography of North , \meri ea sho\\ ing the geographical infl uences -w hich l1ave determinPd certain gr eat movements in our history an d ''hich have helped to produce present day c oPditions. This work is offered un der the supet:\'1SlOn of Prof. Rose B. Clark. CHILD STUDY T,his co urse co \·ers the basic thin gs in psychology for gr ade teachers and includes a study of the springs of human behavior, periods of unfolding childhood, and the proper regimen for successful child development. Observations and reports on children form a part of t he cour:oe. General P sychology is a prerequisite. This \YOrk is offered by Prof. F. M. Gregg. PERSONAL AND SCHOOL HYGIENE A course looking to the general qonservation of health, and emphasizing (1) hygiene for the individual and especiall y the school child, (2) sanitation of . the school room, building, and grounds, (3) the ,h7g1e1:e of instruction, nnd ( 4) public school instructwn 111 h :·gi en r . HANDWORK Tlw work in this course includes exercises in ,,·eaYing, folding and cutting with various materi~ls: work \Yith raffia and related materials, box makmg and elcmentar:· bookbinding. The work will be offered by Assoeiate Prof. Mamie R. Mutz.
OPPORTUNITIES FOR PRIVATE \VORK Students will find most excellent opportunities in J'e ru for taking JlriYate 1\'0d~ in voice, piano, band nnd orc l1estra im; tnm1ents, and tb e art of expression. EXPENSES Pem bei1Jg a ;,;tate school there are :KO TUITIOX J-'~ES. A matriculation fee of $5.00 gi,·es ihe student life membership iu the school. All necessary texthooks for a full semester may be rented for $1.00. Uood board nnd room may be secured in private hoarding llouses as low as ~3.50 p er '>Yeek. There is room in Mt. Yemon Hall to accommodate ,t few more yo ung ladies. (Board only at ~2 . 50 per week). Room n•nt in private homes ranges from fifty cents to a dollar a \Teek where two occu]>y a room, the price th•pending upon the distance trom school and the a<'(~ o mmodation s offered. Students should bring towels, sheets, pillow cases, blankets, pictures, etc. ·'" number of rooms are available for light houseke p ing. Many stude11 ts p1·der doing light housekeeping, :-;ince they are thus ab le to reduce very materially the expenses of attending sc hoo l. OTHER PRIVILEGES EXTENDED The short term stud ents '>Yill find the pri,·ileges <' ll lliYaleut in every sense to those enjoyed by the "tudents who attend the entir e ye ar. ~ot only can t l1e y secu r e the best in their special line, but they <·a n also en joy the spirit and the atmosphere of a ~·wllO ol te eming IYith opportuuities \\' IJieh they cannot afford to miss. Thus, they ma:, enj oy membership in the religiot1s organizations, tl1e l iterar5· t>ocietief', III P departmental clubs, free access to the best edura tional reference library in th e west, free instruction i11 physical training, military dr ill, public school music, public school art, d ebat ing, normal school orchestra a nd band, normal school chorus and glee clubs. 'r lw:· llla.' · attend th e lecture and entertainment courses, the
musical and dramatic 1·ecitals fo r the same sma ll price char ged studPnts in th e regular cour ses. WHEN TO ENTER SHORT COURSES R emember t he dates,November 15 and January 24 These are the beEJ t dates to enter, ye t the school wili try to a ccommodatr· the stud ents who find it impossible to enter on th ese dates. A 11 credits earn ed will be honored eith er to\Yard s entr ance to the mor e advan ced eourses or will be given elective cr edit in coll eo·iate courses if the subj ect and th e ability of t he s tl~dent merit this ranking. F'or more dE: tailed information concernin g th e shor t courses, write P r esident D. W. Hayes, P eru, Nebrask a.
DEP_,_\ RTMENT O:F' RCRAL E DUCATION Th is is a new department for the state normal srhool at P er u. One of th e most important action s of t il (• st ate board of education in recent years, so far as P eru is concern ed, wa s the establishment of a department of r ural education at P er u and the election of Supt. George \ V. Brown of Pana, Illinois, as head of tlt e d epartment. Th ose who met Mr. Brown during hi s t\l;o week s ' st a.'· last summer will appr eciate w.ba t this ac tion mean s for th e Normal School and fo r the to\Tn as well. Mr. B r own is a rural school expert of na tional r eputation. During his twelve years' _wo:·k as county superintend ent of Edgar county, Illm01s, he brought the rural schools of that county up to a higher plane than tho se of an y other county in th e sta t e. H e is a natural lead t•r. vV,hil e he d oes no t go about l~i s work \\'it h the bl ar e of trumpet s nor with the idea of seekin g publicity he r eally produces result s. Thi s should' give a gr~ at impetus to the work of rural education in southeast ern Nebr aska. Sup erintendent Brown begins his services in June~ a t th e beginning of th e next ummer sch ool. Alread.'
plans are being made for holding a week's institute for county superintendents, when it is hoped that practically all the county superintendents of southrastern Nebraska will be in attendance to r eceiv e direction and in spiration und er Mr. Brown's leadership.