1916-1917 The Peru Normalite - Issues 1-30

Page 1






l.q U e


Foot Ball .




Buy a Ticket-You'llSe'er Begrudg6 It







~ ~ '37

I ~cason Opens, Friday, 1 T A ~ KI Ovs · PERU



October 13th

Single Admisslon 5 0 c •

f 58 Good Things In Store for You for Less Than 5 1-2 cents Each-If You Buy a Budi!'et Ticket

5 l.c:c ture

cour~e nu mber



Fnotball g a mt-~ Haskt'l ha ll ga mes Hm;e ba ll f{il lll l·~ Girl's at hletil· ~ve- n t 1 Dc:bate-Wc-!'Je 1 1111 vs Peru 49 41

50c 25c 25c 25c 2fic


$2 50

2 .00 2 .75 1.00 . 25 . 25

2 Glee Clu b concerts



1 Dmmat ic Clu h play



1 Yea r 's s u bsc ri pti o n (30 iss ues ) Norm a lite

7 5c

.75 $ 10.75 1 .00

Will cost you. wi t hout Budget T icl<et If you b u y a Budget T icl<et only

' """"""h"""'""'~c a Big Bo~~tcr a: d ~:;N:u~udgct Ticket 5






$7 .75


- Mrs. Crawford and Peru Outweighed. but Holds A bund le of well-worn manuscri pts lay pigt!on-holed in the ed 1.t or ' s II Beautiful Lives of _ . Team Scoreless ,shabby desk. They began to tal k qu ietly and softly together. "What H arry Pittman Reviewed I -s;;.I does the edi tor say, brethren," said one, "when he rE:ads you '? " La~t Friday Coach Johnso w ith ! "Chestn ut,' ' sighed the de licate Spr ing Poem. "Hackneyed," hissed ' Memorial services were held fo r fifteen hus kies journeyed up .o U n i- t he Comi c Sketch. · "Cri bbed," moaned t he Wordy Essay. "Ankle- Harry P ittman Sunday aftenoon, I . versity P lace a nd there on J ohn- ;deep," oozed the Sodclen Joke. '' P repoRterous," qua vered the Senti - September 24, and for Mrs. Craw· son's F ie ld in g r i lling gri d ir n bat- ,1 mental Love Story. " Bosh," confessed the T imely School Article. J ford. Monday mo rni ng, September t ie played Wesleyan ' s heav team : ' A!as," ~~:id .~an~scri pt, "i f only our authors coul d. hear what. the j25. On the chapel platform on to a stand·st i II. ed 1to1 says . Thnce cursed any student whq shall dare to contrt bute 1 t hat morni ng was a beautiful array a n article to s uch an editor," screamed the Comic Sketch. of ferns and flowe rs. Particularly The ga me eommenced at. 3:30 This last b itter imprecation, accompa nied by his own resonant snor- ! noticeable was a great bouq uet of w it h Captain Haney kicking nff ing, j erked the innocent, unsuspecting ed itor upri ght in be(J. Thus ' flowe rs the best t o be plucked against a strong wi nd. W .sleyan ~.wakened f r om his horr ible ni.ghtma re, he plead in~ly exclai m:d, from t he garden which Mrs. Cra wretur ned a nd immed iately tpened Mercy. Students.1 Send us .your JOkeR, yo ur school articles, anythmg •ford had herself tended, long after u p with fo r ward passes. but ·ailing to make our No r malite a successs th is year." she was urged to desist from such to complete a ny, resorted 1 line Our usually sane ed itor had mere ly drun k one g lass too m uch of Ph il o labor. Ser vices were uegu n wi th Kelley. I t he beau t iful vesper hymn and deb ucking. During the init ia quar- cider! ter the ball see-sawed back and 1 vot ions led by Rev. Car man. forth across t he middle of th~ field. f rom then on the ball was in Wes- ~ p lays. Schneider, ?ur new center , ., Ever y trib ute paid consisted of The seco nd qu ar ter fou nd t!)e ball leyan's terri tor y. playetl like a veteran. Jones at concrete ill ustrat ions of her noble While Wes leyan slig htly outplay- end played the same old game that ~! ~haracter. " ~ i th her pedagog~~ in Wes leyan's territory, but Peru was unable to carry the ljigskin ed Peru on straight fo otball , it was won him a place on the AJJ .State mfl uence hang mg over my desk, d t. stance. In t he sad ly outclassed in open play. The team last season. T he Peru backs, 1i as D ean Rou. se sat·d ' " I could not W l. th t· n scort· ng third quar ter Wesleyan completed Coyotes completed two . ht , are f as t , a n d pu t up a speak of her with t hose abstract. forwa rd t ho 1tg a long pass and was downed on passes out of eleven trta /s to the C · H ions and generali t ies whi ch di e , . , f . scrappy game. apta m aney at -, . Pe ru's fifteen yard li ne. The Coy- Normalt tes four out o seven. f u li bac k smas h e d mto · · wit h t he breath · P res1dent t 11e pays 1 m · o tes made ten yards and w ith fi ve From t he reports of t he State J our - a way w h tc . h , as a f ormer p eruvta · n Hayes recounted instances of 1her yards and f our downs remain ing 1 nal a nd L. incoln Star one wo uld be / sat.d , "d 1·d ·my o ld hear t goo d . " absolute fear lessness in refusing to were pi led up helplessly before ' led to thmk tha t Wesleya n put up a The Line· up: !1 recommend cigaret s.mokers f or Peru's invulnerable line. Per u poor game, but Peru suffered as I p Wesleyan. ' g raduation ; Miss Perk m~ spoke of compreting t wo forward pa. es in I much by fumbling as did its op- J:~:~ le. Steeve her great joy in her wor k, hP.r succession carried t he ball out ponen ts .. Here.. are t he words of Bell tl. RoEle helpful cri tic isms to fellow-te~ch· twenty-five yards. During the last Coach Kltne: . We gave Per u t he Meissner lg. Buckner ers, and her love of t he beau t tf ul per iod Wesleyan intercepted 'a pass best we had, but t hey simply out- Sch•Jeider c. Willi ams ind icated in the care she gave her and carried the ball wit hin half a p laved u s. " w. Emert rg. Gentry roses : Dean Rouse spok~ of her foot of Peru's goal line. r Here Too much credi t cannot be g iven to Spacht rt. Hughes wonderf ul he lpfulness to ever y 1 again t he stone wa ll line hj fast, Per u's line. Spec ia l ment ion L eger re. Cozier tea cher in the depa rtment, her robbing t he Coyotes of ~hYtory. should be made of our two tackles, Craig qb. Carman abil ity to incor pora te qu ickly into Haney punted ou t of d~· anrl l Bell a nrl Spacht, who stoppecl m;m y 1 ( f'o nllnu N l o n l"o ut·th P :q;o.) ! · of'n 11t i rH tc'fl 0 11 1;-m tr·t h P:o ~•·. l





Nth? 0/' 1 It \ 7loOZ,


= lowing: "Resolved, That this Associati on use in its publicati ons the spelling ' t' in the past tenses Entered at the Pos toffice at Peru, Ne· This space is reserved for the of English verbs end ing in 'ed' prohraska as second-clas!l matter. nounst 't' where the change will Publlsbt Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal not ·s uggest a wrong pronuncia . 75 cts. per year. Sing le copy 5 cts. tion." The su bstitute was carried. ·Editor HOWARD SMITH Certain young men of the school A. . L.EWI!5 TYLER - Associa te EditM insinuate that some girl students at'e 1 DEPARTMENT EOITOll S • Verne Chatela in ... ..... .... ... .. Alumm almost sno bbis hly conventional in I Extensive line of c1o t hit1~ for Men Eos Brown .............. ....... .. Philom ~ thean refus ing to exchange greetings, in ! Marie i\'Jcln tyre ......... .., EvereAtt That '~..... the biatoo i tent and Women . passing, with men students to ~ho m ! F r an k Leper Y. M. C. El~ie Wilbur~ ·· " ::.:.:::.:.:.. ::·::·: .. W. C. _A. of interest to ~tudents. they have not be~n formally mtro- 1' Verne Chatelain ...... ................. A thlet1~S Miss Bowen ...... ........ ..... . .... .. .. M us1c duced. On the other hand, there Rryan Emmert .... ... ......... . .. Hum o r are girls who accuse men in the T heir extP.nsive advertising in this paper indicatProf. F. M. Gregg-Ad viser school of being so frosty in this es their ·fnendship for Peru 11 :57 a. m. "We are glad t o be same respect, and attribute their 1 here this morning. It is certain ly lofty indifference to the preponderan inspirati on to look into so many ence of femi nine students and the bright young faces." This con- consequent competition f or attenventionality duly observed, the tions from the ir masculine highNormalite st aff announces its ear- nesses. It is ~~treme_ly regrettable nest desire to provide a weekly if e ither condtttOn ex u;;ts. It was paper of the character desirable m the great purpose in the spl~ndid :;:::;::;;::;:::;::;:;:::;::;::;:~~~;,=======::==~~~~~~:= such a school as ours. Past exper' ies of the can d"d · · receptions given by . · Phi los, Ever· t ates wt"II b e me n ience assures us the helpful , cordtal etts, and the reh g tous orgamza- ttOned . h . h w 1c we us ua II y const"der in the 54 leadership of our adviser, Professor tions of the school and churches to ' · . . in voting. As to nna t"10na l"t t y, \' ea r~ of ~r, ·. However rebellt ous we remove thts fee lmg of strangeness Germany Boh em1a . an d I re 1an d are I m· IJe in following out the mono- and reserve, and promo te who e' d . h d · h"ch o ur cnr· · · · · · . . · · reoresente m t e or er m w t t•Jn, t1S practice· of· soltcttmg, tm-. 1 some fnendhness and cordta ltty 1 . d A h the candtdates were name . s to Ill pl•ri ng, suppltcatmg students to among students. Should not .t e 1 personal appearance, M r . Me1ssn . er k 1 e hra scu-nperate with us, nevertheless very fact that we are all wor mg lrepre"ents the Roman g 1a d'1a t or, Mr. cu:'t m demands that we use such together in the same great s hop, b hi t rl M rn~ans to procure contributions of where character-building is extoll- Novak the The an&.~ e e, an . t r. every sort from you, -constructive ed as a necessar y part of our tra in- : Kelley ~he Amencaknd d~pffnn e r · . • There 1s also a mar e 1 erence criti ..:isms, jokes, philippics against ing , make us less mt strustful and I b h" h . · · f · f · d h" ? in the way each com s IS a1r. . · any untowar d con d tttOns m our hesitant m ormmg n en s tps. , d ~ neh H bl'hll) llife, questions for "Miner- Should not men and women, past i Mr. Novak pr efers th_e po~ffpa ou~, · 1 Mr Ke lley makes h1 s cot ure m h t" Fl u l ivu," und so wet ter. Startle us the "budd mg romance" stage, un· · . . u<'l'~"ionally by leaving such covet- \ der Peru conditions and after three \ the.old fashiOne? w~y, w~tle Mr. lu i ~ek e ed ma teri al in t he box marked weeks' commin~ling, overlook some 1 Me tssner does ht s h_a tr up tn a h~lf­ t ion n f ''Nurmalite'' at the postoffice, of the petty conve nti onalis ms in way-between fashiOn. Speakmg ~l!l't>nd floor of lhe adm i ni~tratinn regard to relations wiL}l ne'-"' ac- mor e s?b e rl y, the ~eman~s up~n hu .ldtng. quaintances? Look intelligent. our sen1or class prestdent tn tht s, "Say 'Hell o' Pent' s centenn ial yea r, will be very I<t·:Jd _\l· tn-V\'c::•r lr ;-~ru•c:nt~ ~~~ th i,. Say "Yes, Sir!" .tany regrettable omissions have and' 'How-do-you-clo," and "How' s heavy . Executi ve a bility a nd lll'en made thi s week, particularly the world a-usin' you ?" ispeaking ability will be demandP.d ~ea 1~on. in regard to class activ ities. We . I from him all thru the year but Our line of Coat>'. Snit~. Fu rs Nominees fo r t he ,yari ous offices espec ially at t he time of the great :l n rl l>n·~sc:s i~ nn .- n·rlkd . be: yo u t o be lenient in censuring uc for such "mi stakes. The difficul- l in t he senior class are be ing di s- home -coming next summer. Choose \\' l' wi ll :1ppr<"t'i ~• te : t vi sir ties incident to the first issues of cussed about the campus with the we ll fro m these three men, who the paper cannot be appreciated by vim s uggesti ve of a city e lection . seem , after al l, qu ite equa l in ahil · fr o m \'ou. most people not directly connected While the office of treasurer is very it.ies. All have taken a co urse in with such wo:,k. important-it takes as much grit parliamentary law. Mr. Meissner \ =;;;~~~;:;~:;:~~~~~~ · and genius to collect class dues as 1 anrl Mr. Kelley each acted as class -:: A_t the 1913 ~:eting of the N. it does to co llect the preacher ' s I preside nt i n his respecti ve hi gh E. A . a propostt ton was made to salary, and fair business abi lity to school. Mr. Kelley and Mr. Novak u:;e the recommendations of the 11 keep tab on the hundreds of dollars I are serving on Ph ilo program com- \ Simplified. Sp_elling Board C~rcular \ whi ch must pass thru class treasur- j mittee, and there show splendid Number 23, m the proceedmgs of ers' hands in a year - yet all inter- ~ organi zi ng abil ity. Mr . Meissner I NEBRA~KA t~e National E_ducation Associa- ~st seems to se ttle about the class \ and Mr. Novak a re also well known NEBRASKA CITY, twn. The mot10n as tabled aud presidency . Mr. Richard Meissner to st udents thru dramatic and glee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . ; . has been kept on the t able each of Blair Mr. Willia m Novak of i club work, respectively. Time did year since that meeting. John R. Howells.' and Mr. Glenn Kelly of I not perm!t gathering data as to the ! Miss Bowen , of the Normal K' k f M · · ff scholarsht p of t he three men a very ~r , o . tssoun o er:d as a sub- Lex ingt~n.' are t he contestants for important item to be con~idered facult y . was in Omaha Satur day sttt ute fm that resolutwn the fo l- that posttton. Some of the qua li t- 1under t he circumstances. anJ Sunday.




Nebraska City




I L----------------------:======== i

I ·









-="""'""""'= ==- --- -----



Phone 22


Offer s you th e best both in D ry Goods and Groceries. HEN CE LOW PRI CES.

Good shoes a srecialty. l'WO DELIVERIES DAILY

~ ~.E. GOOD

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Dr . .R. D. Cole Dentist Office over Variety Store Office Phone 33 H<•u~e 71

~~~ I

Citizen's State Bank


o n new and seasonable item s we h ave ~o r .sal-~ t.·s on c rea!':on for o ur ha ving p urchal"ed this s p ace in your paper. WATCH IT eVERY WEEK



Residence Phone 6 Office over ~ex a ll ~tore Ph o ne 3 l



To Keep You Posted





He1·e on the wa y to tow n Suits made. :-;u.its cleaned and pre!'sed for men and wom en.

Joe Krepela

SIMONTON & PENCE Florisrs t-lowers for all Pbon~





Alumni Notes For several years, now, particular emphasis has been laid upon colleg iate work in Peru Normal. We are g lad t o note thp.t the tendency is becoming very noticeable to ward doing degree work after graduation. Th1s year's gradua te class ranks high in number; we hope in quality also. It is also interesting to observe that, while the undergraduate classes have been larger in the past, perhaps, the g reat increase of attendance among the juniors a nd seniors more than makes up for this present deficiency in the lower classes. Again, we notice, as before, the added stress put upon work of col legiate rank at Peru. We even dare to dream that Peru Normal may become a Peru Teachers' College at no very distant day.

Professor Rrown has organized a Alumni of the old school may s t udy center community at Papil- well envy the seniors of thi s year's lion. The seventeen members un- 1class the ir novel experience of der the local leadership of Superin- teaching in the new tra ining school, tendent Bowers · will study Elwood's which probably will be ready dur.Sociology. ing the year sometime. However, Sunday, October 8, is the day set we do not, at present, vouchsafe a part thruou t Nebra:::ka as Corne to any jealous possessions, as they enSunday School Day. Concerterl ef- dure the ir misery in temporaty fort i ~ bein made to get half a mil- quarters. lion people to go to Sunday school. Albin Johnson of t he 'fourteenState Normal students can help ers, has once more been rev iewing this wort hy ambition. past experiences at Peru. Since The Method ist ~pworth League leaving here he has been in l!ttendpeople were pleasantly t>n t ertained ance at Montana and Chi cago Un iversities. Albi n asserts t hat he has a t the church Saturday evening. Games and a big taffy pull were had a great t ime, and we believe the features of the soc ial. The at· him, for we are q uite well actendance was not large but it is qua inted with hi ::; particular idiohoped that this society, u nder the syncrasies. He left Saturday to ateadership of Mi ss Ed ith Loper, tend Chicago U ni versity agai n this wi ll increase rapidly in numbers. An interesting s ummary of the work of theY. M. C. A. andY. W. C. A. ; a nd a promise as to the ir future activities wi ll appear in the next issue of the N0rmalite. Mentivn is made in t h is issue of the splendid reception given by the Gui ld , Catholic Assoc iation, Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. - quite the finest thing they cou ld do for the new students. AI ign yo urselves speed ily with one of these 'organiations wh1eh exalt Ch ri stian character, mental worth and physical fitness.

camp, t he names of two renowned Peru football warriors, Ralston and J anda. Here's hopin they make good . . Come and see the Alum n i, generally, are requested to send in " newsy items" about prices on the themselves a nd other Peruvians of Red Tags In about the whom they know. s;une oroportion as thh do so, will at the these columns be wortJ! their reading and ours. Address the a lumni editor of the Normalite, at Peru. Don't fee l reser ved and bashful concerning th is. Remember jt' s the 1,·~=========~=-"'"-_-_-_-__ =,. ._.,. _-_-_--===-=-way we earn our living. Slap us .. Westside Barber Shop" on the back a nd we shall see that Up. to-dale aad Flr11 Classlo every wa y you get your desserts, Alumni . Hurrah for Old Peru! KINGSOLVER & COWELL Supt. A. A. Wolf, B. Perl., ' 16, We sell all supplies ic our line Riverrton, l owa, reports an a bunda nce of work in his new field, both for h imse lf and his associates of l ·- - - - - - - - -- -- - 1N hen yo u're down town spend 1 the class of 1916, Russel l Darling a li tt le time w ith us. Goo d and Miss Ball. I work done ht-t·c. Among the'~' I () alumni to set up .! Chases' Barber Shop an early clamor for the first numSecond d oo r from postoffice ber of t his year's Normali te, is 0 . 1 W. Osnes, N ewman Grove cand idate '---- - - - - - - ·- -- - for county superi ntendent in Mad- ' .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ison county; Louis Chard, manual Let us supply y<>ur :-;beet 1\\usic training and' lead er of invincible Th e popul:11" hits t Oe (lc post.) "huskies" at Wilber; Mil's Eva Pickwell, teacher of h istory and GASKILL MUSIC COMPANY l'lnnos ond Vlclrolaa Engli sh at Ewing. NEBRASKA CIT\. NEBSASI< A Wm . Young, B. Ped., '1 5, has had his scholastic and profess ional ; ---------=~,;:,: --====""""'""""'~

Red Tag Sale





labors interrupted by a tempora ry NY AL QUALITY STORE call t o Aspen, Colo . . to r ecuperate Evt>ryt hi ng wt· sell a nd the serhis hea l1.h. Mr. Young was t he vice wt· render i!< the hig hly efficie11 t business manager NY AL QUALITY of the Norrnalite two years ago . A multitmle of Peruvians wish him a speedy re!'ltorati on to vigo rous TRY NYAL'S FACE CREAM health. • It cn un eratt!' fhc effects of the L. F. Chard writes ent husiastiauu.mn !'un anJ winds fal l. Miss Mami e Mutz and Mr. Varro ca lly of his school work at Wilher. FISHER BROS. Tyler, both au lmni, finiRhed work He is g reatly p leased' over t he manual train ing equ i pment and reports ;...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - ! at Chi cago Un iversity thi ssummer, Mi ss Mutz obtaini ng her Bachelor mar ked Progress in that work. I of P hil osophy and Mr Tyler hi s Bellevue. Football Schedule N ove b mer 17 , Omaha Uni. at Doctor of Juri sprudence degree. . I U S eru peop le generally get there, we epternber 29, Wes eyan at n1p 1 eru. P vers1 tv Place. know. Supt. E. E. Eri cson, '1 5 is beOct~ber 6, Grand Isl~ nd at 1 November 24, Kearney at Kear-



ginning hi s second year at Battle Grand Island . Creek. "Swede" will be re memOctober 13 , Ta rki o at Peru. October ~0. Doane at Peru. bered as our er stwhile I i terary genOctobE>r 27, York at York. ius, etc. We were glad to see, in the lineNovember 3. open date. up the other rlay at the Cornhusker NovE>mhE>r 10, Rellrvuc



November 30, Thanksg iving Day, Cotner .. at Peru . - -- -- - Professor a nd Mrs. Garey were

at in Lincoln Saturday.

Avenue Grocery

t d tern, and roughly describe its operEverett •Literary Society Death of Peruvians Commemora e ' ld tom of ation. Like most inventions of Accord ing t o the 0 cus (Continue d on L ast page. ) . · ht of each nd the th is century, it is attractive be the fi rst Fnday mg d for new i eas, a d t II " ter ing her teach 0 "th hich cause it is time savinu. No longer school term be ing d evote g reat dri ving energy WI w "' of she worked. These are but random wi ll we shuffle our feet, and ary f estivities , a certain group School Supplies ·ng wri ggle in our seats, and old students, t ogeth er with a Iar~e J I f h pickings from the wea tt o ov d 10 Confectionery . on groan, " How long, 0 Israel, " number of new ones, gather e praise given her who "sh a II I \Ve fi t Fancy Fruits "I " as the speaker announces "in con E ver ett ha ll to h old the_ir . r s a nd on in t he li ves of h er pupl s. d d Harry Pittman had also lived the elusion" for the third time. In- mee ting . All f ormalities laJ as J _e, Many good things to eat for lunches d f stead our brains wil l be working ever yone enter ed into a shor t soCJ~l life which provided a b un anc~ 0 ., . "t h"ch 1s Phone 73 1 H. U. Landolt material for that panegyric to like the knotter on a McCormick prog ram with a spin w which men listen enthralled-that reaper to translate certain Esper- chara cteristic of Eve r ett . people. made up of beautiiful specific illus- anto-like code sounds other into old Following this, a literary pr otra tions. Mr. J ederman told of acquaintances : " Look into the g ra m, consisting of the fo llowing Fres h cu t fl ower !' fo r a n y the man's nobility and cleanness. faces of," ·'inspira tion to be numbers was re nde r ed : A horn ocCR!<inn such as Wednings, Professor Wilson spoke impressive- here," "when I was a boy " (and so lo by Ted Cowell , one of our B ir t h d l'l y Parties . !-<t"me'11bra n y of him who "never did one mean the rema inder of the r itua l to the younger hel per s ; a vocal solo, ce~ . F u m-ra ls . Etc .. in Rppro· thing ," and instead of indulging in conclus ion of "reared t o man- ''So mewhere a voice is cal ling ," by pri at e Rrrange m ents, many g enerali ties, Professor Wilson hood") "i t 's been my pleasure," Mi ss Cora Zoeller ; two short r eadread for us the poems Mr. Pittman ''knowledge is power , '' and " you in.gs by Ma rie Mclntyr ei a voca l G. E. BERTHOLD had liked that we mig ht know of are to be coi1gratulated upon your d uet by Misses Cla r y and J ones. the world of thot in which the man wonderful o ppor tunities." There Too much cannot be sai d concernTHE FLORIST had lived. Sill's "Oppor tunity, " is one minor objecti on tt• the use ing t he excellence of t h is pr ogram NERRASKA NEBRASKA CITY. ' "Say Hello and How-do- you-do," of thi s uni que "first a id " to bored for it was, without a doubt, one of and "Let Me Live in a House by listeners and heckled speakers. the best ever g iven by the soc iety. the Side of the Road and be a Orators who have mastered that art A f e w matters of business wer e Friend to Man," were treasures to of rhythmical ly inflecting the v•>ice taken up, preced ing w hi ch, ProHarry Pittman-his life could not according to the apQroved styl e of fessor Garey , our ever faithful a nd have been far from tha t ideal in Fourth of Jul y orator y in Crab sym patheti c adviser , g a ve u s an See us for all kinds of l icat ed in these poems. Orchard, - a long, g radual swelling inspiri ng ta lk on the poss ible " [n the Garden, " sung by Miss of the voice a nd a sudden dip, and success of our socie ty. In the Stationery and Jewelry Cha rd and Mi ss Mackprang was the repetition of the same with course of bus iness which transpir- Fine Warch Repairing but another sweet re minder of the tidal regularity, will find difficulty ed, A mel ia Chard was e lected prescloseness of t he man to his God . in accustoming t hemselves to this ident and Leo Jewe ll t reas urer, the Mi ss Dunn, in closing the ser vice, new scheme whi ch calls for rather f ur ther elect i on of offi cer s be ing de- Satisfaction Guaranteed ·ead with f eeling a f ew of Mr. staccato-like, en t irely und ramatic fer red t il l September 2. After, Pittman's favorite verses. There speech. But our Peru " Locke," voting in not a small list of new "The Store of Service" s no c!escribing the e mo tion ~e:: are sure, wi ll soon so improve members, the socie ty was adjourn possessing many of the audience, hi s system as to overcome th is im- erl unti I the next regu la r meeting . At t his next mee ting, which was a recep t ion f or the ne w mem bers a fter such a recountal of a life, mat.er ial objection. on last F ri day ni g ht, the same en- and s tarted off a good year's wo rk. when Miss Dunn read Riley ' s "Away." The Reception thusiastic c-rowd , wi t h sti ll mor e As s uc h, it was dist inctly successWith a cheer y smi le and a wave of The big a ltruisti c event of the new f ri enrl s, assemb led in the high fu l. Over two hundre d P h ilomat he hand, school year occurred Monrlay evf>n- school room . T hf> audience was t heans were present and en j oyed . He has waric!ered into a n un known ing, September 18 t h, when t he re- en ter tainer! first by a mus ical trio, the evening . la nd , As the g uests enter ed, ea ch was Masters Ot is Gr egg p layi ng horns lig ious organizations received the Th ink of him fa r ing on, as dear with Miss He len Gregg at the pia no. given a book le t in whi ch to w r it e n t hf> love of There as the love of student body and facu lty members T he un ique man ner in which t hese the names of t he p er sons w ith Here. in the gy mna:-;ium . A deli ghtful yo ung a r t ists held t he ir a udie nce who m h e tal ked . A hoop con tes t He is no t dead- he is just ~way ! progam was g iven ~Y a few mem· was remar kable. Then Miss Go- was t he fi rst par t of t he e nter t a i n S . S . W bers of t he associations who were been, one of E:verett' s new members , men t . T wenty boys a nd g ir ls parprrngs a urpnse on es 1eyan. . II . I .. ~ang in a very pleasing a n::! e ffec - t icipated in t h is. I t was am us ing (C'o nti nue d r r o m Fll's t P a ge. ) espec ta Y we i qua lified to enterCaldwe:J lh. Cu lbertsn tain. The g reater part of the tive manner. An origina l and a nd ex citing, t o say t he I Pa st . H bf H" enter tai ning monolog ue was read The boys won-the girls wer e at aney . mman • evening, however, wa spent in S mi th rh. Hudson gett ing acquain ted. lt seemed to bv Mi ss Lulu B ur kett. Mi ss an ob vious disadvan tage. T he P eru-Wesleyan game w as r e Snhstitutes :- l:S. Emmert for be the a i~ of ever y old student to Burket t pr oved he rse lf a most staged with a sheet and a f e a t her Caldwe ll, Sandber g for Smith. Ref- ma ke the new ones feel at home capable reader. Miss Cla r y sang f or a gr id iron a nd a pig sk in. O u t eree, Halligan ; um pire, Max Towle. and in this t hey s u.:ceerl ed admir~ in a beautifu l way, " The La nd of the Sky Bl ue Wa'ter," and " At of t hr ee touch downs Pe r u won t wo . . ably. There is nothing so healingPeruvtan Gets Copyrtght. to the poor homesick student as a Dawn ing. " The closing featu re of g ivingthe game t o t he B lu e and W? ite. Spencer Leger suggested It is pleasantly st imula ting to fri end I} hand clasp and hearty the progra m wa s a pan to mi me, th1 s fea t ure. the earnest teacher that possibly greeti ng . Many who came ldi scour- " Jane ' s Fi rst Ca ller." After th is The spelling con t est ereated much somet ime in her exper ience, ac- agl:'d and JonP.IY went away cheered progra m, a short business session laugh t er , exci te me nt a n d df!ris ion was he ld during which Fra nklin ~t the unsuccessf ul efforts of spe llcording to the law of lottery, a and comfor ted. Wood row Wilson or a n Edison lt is a beau t iful thing to talk J ones was elected vi ce preside nt , mg. _ Messages wer e rece ived fr om the ' hope" may fE el her influence. smiles a nd f r ienrlliness, bu~ it is Miss Eli zabeth Giltner, secr et ar y , absent t eam me mbers. These were How proud ~eru t eachers must be I much more bea ut iful th ing to Jive a nd Fay J o'nes sergeant -at -arms. e nth ~~ i asti ca lly welcomed , especiof the Peruv1an who is developing it. T he meeting closed wit h the f eel- all y 0-0. favo r of Peru ." · an Esperanto f or public speakers ! The re ligious oragnizations of ing of ·satisfaction in that t he sociMu ~h cred it is due t he pr ogr a m Deta ils of the new code are quite Peru Normal have fu lly proved ety sees for itself a successful year. ~o mm1ttee who had the affa ir in mperfectly worked out, so we can the ·tr wor th an d va Jue in their Philo Reception to New Members. c~arge . The Philoma thean who so kn.dly he lped in t he pre pa rati on mere ly suggest some of the benefits school. May their memb h . ,. . . ers ip The Philomathean soci ety met f or the evening ' s entertainment a lso h " h ·n w JC w1 accrue to speakers and mcrease, IS the destre of all those . Friday nig ht · tb . deser ve cr edit and than l<s fo r their listeners from the use of the sys- whose lives spell serv ice. m e gy mnasiUm. part in making this affair such a This meeti ng was in the na ture of suceess .

TheN. S. N. S. Store









center smashes for losses ; attemp- A ~EW STUDENT IS DISGUSTED tum in to you, tho ! I tell you when ted encl runs and tack le plunges I thot of s"tt h'J 1 550 1 t'n there Peru Defeats G rand Island First Time wer e s.topped wi t hout gains by Decrt'es Undignified Procedure of tickets wer e being g sol d, w e ed I want in Seven Y cars. Budget Committee to skip chapel th e worst way, but J ones, Be ll, Spacht a nd Leger. Gr and Is land's hea vy team, with Em mer t and Smith at ha lves made fellows, th at mus ic, t hose yells, Grover Grumpy is a seni or a mong . eig h t of last year ' s men hack, went cons istent gains, s ki rt ing outside those speeches backed by b ig perus, who came to our Normal f r om down to def eat last Friday for the 9f Gra nd Is land ' s tackles ; Haney' s sonalitl es, put enuf P eru spirit i nto t he Sta te U ni ver si ty. When he sat me to · last the r est of the year fi r st ti me in f our years, Coach passing, tackling ancl kicking were Johnsor(s e leven turni ng thP. trick. above par, whi le Cr a ig at quar ter back w~tch ing with an exceedi ng ly and then some." bo red expression, certa in members And th e game was p layed on Grand genera led th e team in g r eat style And when we hea r d t he above of th e fac ulty t ry ing to "put we wanted t o shout f r om the houseIsland's fi e ld, t oo. and d id notable wor k r eturn ing across" the budget t icket system tops, " All hail! our a ltru istic f acA t 3 :30 Captai n Ha ney won the toss punt s and r eceivi ng passes. -not f or any especial good t ha t ulty !" " AII ha il !ourbudget 1916 !" and started t he gam e by k icking off. Coach J ohnson is we ll pleased wit h mi g ht accrue to the m, but f br the P eru kept the ba ll in Grand Island' s t he i mprovement s hown since th e There was a short business meetbenefit of th e s tudents al one, territ ory and J·us t bef or e the initial Wesleya n game and holds hi g h 1"ng of th e Ph 1"l a thea n l1'ter·a1·y ' 'Shocking.ly u nd ig ni fi ed," mutter . . om . ' q uar ter enderl, Cr a ig buo ted the hopes for the cham pionshi p since d h soc1ety , Frt day evenmg. Severa l e e. ' pigskin over fro m t he th i rtv fi ve the two strongest teams have been new members WP.r e accepted an d 1 yard line against a str ong -wind. di sposed of. Line-up : P rofesso r Sm ith led t he band in bi lls wer e a llowed. Score, P e ru 3, Gra nd Isla nd 0. J ones, le. stirring mus ic. , , Usua l ::ialvation T he Ba pti sts came back strong the Bell, lt . Army s tu ff," grunter! G. G. Miss Thomas Enter tain s. second qua r ~er, f orc ing Peru hack Meissner , lg . Prof essor De lze ll spoke earnest ly Miss Ri ta T ho mas of t he .pi anoto i ts t wenty yard line. A couple Schne ider, c. f or the good of t he cause. " Pat- fo r te depar tment played a shor t of penalties f or being off s ide w. E mmer t , rg. en t medicine- fake r , " chimed in but exq uis ite progr am a t the chapSpacht , r t. comrade G. G. e l per iod Wednesady, September brought t'·.e ball wi thin two yards of t he Normal i te's goa l. F or three Leg-er, r e. Dr. House made hi s urgent pl ea 27. The openi ng num ber was downs Gr and Island was held wi thCra ig , q. f or t he lectur e cour se numbers Br a hms' " Raphsodi e in G Mi nor ." out an inch gai n and:on t he four th, B. Emm!:!r t , Ih. "Same m ust y stuff," mu t t ered G. G. T his was followed by Cyr il Scott's bar e y succeeded i n pu nching th e H ane.v , fh. When Coach .Johnson made his "Val!ie Capr ice, " and the t hird r a il across for a to uchdown. CapSmi t h, r h. spicy spe!:!ch i ntr oducing th e a t hlet - composi t ion was a Sca ndin avi an ta in Lowr y ki<' ked goa l. Scor e, ,· Suhsti tu t t>s :-A lls man for Meiss- ic events, "Those per enni a l jokes, mounta in p ictur e, " To the R is ing Gra nd Island 7, Peru 3. lt was ner: Owens f or Sm i th. , must they b loom ever y yea r ?" j eer- Sun, " by t he Norwe igia n com · dur ing th is period t hat. Smi rh eJ c;. l~ poser. 'l'nrjussen. 'L'he :tudiencl' s wun pPd ll iJ an unca ngh t pun t and A lumni A ssociation Inco rpo rates·. P rofes:<c\1" c; r egg usf'd a un iq li E' would nol let· Miss T homas go un t i I r eeled off forty yards - the longest It see ms ec;pec1a . 11 y fi t t .m g tha t as device to i ncr ease t he in ter est in 1 she had re pea ted t he fi na l number , ru n of the rlay. Wi th the ball on we roun d 011 t th 1s " 1a s t year o f our I the affa ir · ' 'Hero in I-htckbf'ITY- l and t hr uout th e prog.ram a ccor ded 1 Grand Is land 's twenty-fi ve yard line. half centu r y o f. w c11· 1< f nr t he s t a t e, Corner's Ho me Tale nt Va url evi llf' ·' " her t.he sym c, abso r bed . patheti . . . Ha nl:'y made a pe rfect pass to Craig th.a t th e sch oo 1•s AIumn 1. Assocta . · 1g r ow led G · G · attent 1on wh tch rs a s m cer er t n b• who caught the ba ll in t he end zone t ion should incor po rate. p r o f essor I__.e fl er use d Mo t l1er ute t ha n apnlause Jncor ,. · and sco r ed. P er n fa iled to k1"ck porat io n, i n th is case, menns get - GOO!'e ' s h roo m as a magt· c wane 1 1o As1·d f' f rom her r e ma r kable t .-. ~,. '"oal. Score, Per u 9, Gra nd Is land t ing r eady to do b us iness. T he pr od uce · · fi gu r es r e 1a t 1vt> ' h n1·c w h"tr h goes w t' t hout sayl.n"' ... · c onv11,c1ng ·"' · 7· · , common s tock ho lder s , t he th ree to the val ue of the syste m to st ucl - t wo as pects of Miss Tho mas' p layT he second ha lf f o und Pe r u's li ne h un dred pai d- up li fe me mber s of 1 ents. a nd la ter e mp loyecl his persua- i ng s uggest special comment. One a stone wa ll. WhenE>ver li ne bucks t he associ a ti on, a re nnw f ull y arm - s ive ora to ry to incite th em to s ign is i mpr essed fi rs t w i th th e intel were atte mpt ed Jones, Be ll and ed to g-o fo r wa rd wi t h ta ng ible en · the pl e~ge ca r~~- " Ha m bur~e r - , l e~tu al cast of h.er inter pr~t~t.io n s. Spacht smashed t hem for losses. ter pr ises f or th e a dve r t is ing of t he sta nd cn er style, d r a wled G. G. fhru her play 1ng t he unJn1 t 1a1ecl Th e Baptists f r equently were fore- schonl a nd t o extend to thE' r~s i d en t · The facul ty chose a f ew to ex- ' listener is he lped to g r asp thf' dnm· ed to punt . .On ly once d uring thiF s t udents a f ul ler measu r e of ser- pr ess t he ir sent iments. "Al ways i nan t idea of a piece and th e log ic half was Pe r ~'s goal seri o us ly 1 vice th an her etofor e . Hereafter I pick th e same f ew to do a nythi ng;" of its develop ment. Ma ny conepr t t hreatened, th en wi th t he ba ll on , the bus i ness name of thi s ogah i za - ~ com plai ned pessimi sti c Grover. per fo r m ers fail to r ender I he Peru's fif teen yarill ine Grand Island 1t ion is to be Per u Alum ni Assoc ia· If t he facu lty had all s poken on t houg ht -content of a com pos i t ion sho t f our plays a t Bell a nd J ones, t ion. The ch ief place of i ts bus i· I one occas ion, " Heavens ! How long a s illummat ing ly as M!ss Thomas. who th rew t he m fo r a loss ever y ness is in Per u, Ne braska, and its is t his g o ing to last ?" wo nlcl have F urther , not an emotiona l imp lica · time. Duri ng th e last pNi od the 1ca pital stocl< is $ 20 000 of whi ch s torm ed G. G. t ion escapes her, a pparently. H.v oa ll was ins ide the Baptis ts ' for ty $ l O,OOO is to be ~ommon stoc k Jf th e faculty had wa ited f or t he t he pr o longong of a chord, a variaya r d line. a ll t he t ime , while Peru whi ch can o nly be he ld by a lumnl student~ to ta~e t he ini tiative, Lion in t.o uch, a ~udden m~d u la ti on . frequentl y ca r r ied t he ba ll wi t hi n f h . h 1 d $ 10 OOO . t b "Siugg1s h and meffi ci ent," wo uld t hf' m us1c is g 1ven a dll·ect and . o t e sc oo , an , IS o e I . · st-r iki ng d is tance. Fa i li ng to make f d t k h b ld have snarl ed G. G. compell1ng appea l wh1 ch m igh t pre e rre s oe , w.11 1C may e 11e a ny th ing on line plun ges Gra nd I"- I b p , f d ' Th t. If the f ac ulty had been di g ni fi ed eas ily be lost if less subt ly r ender . y e ru s n en s. e vo 1ng 1 . • land r eso r ted so le ly to f orward pas~- , stock of th e or an iza ti o n is on ly' a nd deco ro u..; a nd q ui et, ' 'They ' ve 1 eel . An example in poi~ t is ' ' To ing in the last five m i nutes of play t h t gk . . th 1ost all t he ir enth us iasm," would t he Ri!< i ng S un. " As M1ss Tho mas · e common s oc C•r IS on 1y tn e 1 . hut Per u broke up every one at h d f th .f b 1 have g roaned G. G. played 1t, t he s imJJie me lody actuan s o e a c11ve 11 e mem ers . temp tecl Fina l score, Peru 9, f t h . t. But we san er mortals confidently a lly a wo kP i n some of her l1stener s · o e assoc1a 10n. · . Gra nd !:;land 7. beli eve that Harr y Happy, a Rea l a new sense of th e g lor y 1n tha t Miss Smi t h, vor ac io usly eati ng Peru via n, ex pressed the honest day-afte r -day pageant. It is only E leven men deserve th e cr ed it for t he victo ry. Pe ru's line fr om end waterme lon:- " Gracious ! I wi sh op ini ons of th e ot her 599 stud ents r egr e ttab le that we so selu om have t o enrl was impr egnab le . T i me af - my ch in wer e not so lo ng , so t hat it when he b ubbled for th th is : ' 'Say , th e he lp of M iss T hom as' i nterpret er t ime Sch neider. Meissner and . wou ld n't take t he jui ce so long to 1 don' t De lzell a nd Gregg an d House tatio ns. Wh y not try to per suade W. Emmert pi led up th e Bapti s ts' r un off f r o m it . ' · 1an d Lefl er put t he Peru spi?.zcri nk h~r to p lay once a m onth f or us '?









THE PERU NORMALITE Entered a t the Postoffice a t Peru, Ne· braslca as seco nd-class matter. Publlsht Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal 75 cts. per year.. Single copy 5 cts.

HOWARD SM IT H · Editor A. L o0 WIS T YI~ E r~'" . Associa te Edit0r DEPA RT M E NT EDITQRS , Verne Chatela in .......... ...... ............ Alu mm Eos Brown .............. ...........P hiloma thean Ma rie- Mcin ty re .................... Everett Frank Leger ....... .................. X· i\J. C. A. El~ie Wil burn . .. ..... .. .. Y. W. C. A. Verne Chatelain .... .. ........ . ..... A thlcti~~ Miss Bowen . ...... .............. . . Mustc . Humor Rrvan Emmert .......... ........... J arl< Allsman :. ................. "Minerva" Alice Forman.. .... ...... ....... Post-gra?uf!-tes Ma ry Cla ry ......................... ........ Sen~ ors Rosalin(' Kohn .................. .... Jumors Gertrude Clifton ................... Sophomores Loy Hacker.... .. ........... .......,Freshmen .. .. H t,:!h Sch_o\ol Vivian Bishop ...... ........ ... ....... ....... ... .... ....... .... 5 pr_c1a s i\ia t tie Adcc Tra uu ts Prof. F. M. Gregg- A rl v i~cr

proper coaching , develops a ve r y desira ble typ e of m a nhood. Coach J ohnson' s own crisp dell}and 9f hi s player s sug~est~ V:ha t the P e ru team's coachmg IS h ke : " J want CL EAN, HARD f ootball from you f ell ow s. CIean, hard foo tball! I· d on't in tend to get senti me ntal about t.his busi ness bu t here's something fr om the f ootball cod e of Spa lding ' s Guide which I want yo u f ellows t o get hold of . " P a rt of t he code f oll ows: "Talking to your opponents, if it f a lls s hor t of being abusi ve or in· suiting, is not prohibited, p a rtl y b ecause it oug ht n ot t o be n~cessary a nd par tly because n o rul es can ma ke a gentleman out of a mucker! N o good spor tsman is eyer g uilty of cheap ta lk to hi s opp onents. . . . You may m eet p layer s a nrl l even coaches who wi II te ll you t hat it is a ll r ig h t to v iolate t he ru les if vo u do no t get caug ht. Thi s is

This space is reserved for t h e



'Nebraska City line of clothing for Men Extensive That' ~ the big i tem and Women . of interest to students . Their extP-nsive advertising in this paper indicates their fnends~ip for Peru ·



When the t elegr a m was r ecei ved by P rofessor Delzell a nnouncing Peru' s v ic tor y over Grand Isla nd , gl ori ous gam e. Co m e out a nd · b t t de t s began t he code t ha t obtains a mong sneak cer t a!J1 exu er a n s u n wa tch Tige' s ' 'pagans mangl e, di sin tnt> 54 and . pi ckpock~ts. ~he member and eat alive" the Tarkio a t once to a nnoun ce the glad stor y thi eves · h h ' te r c: In cri me, in th e1 r code, IS gett.mg . h \ ' t'IH S of . . t o b oar d m g - ouse m a 1 ... " savages," Friday , October 13! · t " N' t e n 1·n fav caught. The football code 1s differone m s ar.ce me o s ve . A "budget " •>r 50 cents p ermits our cl'lror of P eru " was shouted at a mid- ent. The foo t ball player who mten· you t o see the " s laug hte r. " t" f'l' d ie-aged ~a n. Without removi ng ti onall y vio la t Ps a r ule. is g uilty. of . · h t d " Uh huh , , unfair play a nd unsportsmanhke • · Cl N t:" hnt"· h IS c1 gar. e grun e , While the herald gasped in chagrin t acti cs a~d whethe~ or not he . esHeard In Hygiene ass. k~1 Ci ry and lamely mutter ed. "Must •a capes bemg pena l! zed, h e br m gs Que ry from Professor Greg g : been a good g am e, " t h e indifferent di scr ed it to th e good name of th e " Bes ides acid!' and purin bodi es, ' h 11 \' t• \o\' t" one q uestioned, " Where did they game w hi ch it is hi s d uty as a play- what e lse may b e t a ke n into the i ,-h own play? " T he sturl ent blurted ou t, e r to upho ld. " b ody , whi c h. ue:ca use i t is co ntr ary . ,.. \1 , . h ,., "Why, at Gr and Is land," nnd h ur The comluct of the Peru playus to th e body p lan, works harm. - It riPd awav b efore he co uld bP asked i ndiC'alt's that t hP.y have suuscri betl happe n::; tc1 ue m y bpecia l co ncern if the J!;llllC played was a u t.o polo l to the :·oat·~ ' s idea of real foot ba ll. _for J_l ike t _he st~~f so we,l~. ·· (He or pussy wan ts a co rner. P r ofan 1ty IS ra r e ly heard upon t he had 10 m m d swet:>ts, so he nf tin n Why suc h i nd iffer e nce to th e line \ ~el d, -the fe:-" ~ho in~ulg ed there- asserts.) old game of football? Die Sache 1n at t he begmmng of t he seaso n M isss K inton , t imi d ly :-"Beverist d ie: So me of us are p rematur- were disappo in ted t o fi nd that a ages?" ely old,-lhe play Rpiri t has lef t us bunch of r ea l f ootba ll player s is no Th e r oar of lan ght~:~r wh ic h f o l1-<..-:Hh·-w- Wt': · t· ' •Hflllt'llt,.. H!' I h i,. anrl we can ' t, unhappi ly, feel t he coun try t hreshi ng-gang w hen i t lowed di d not d isconcer t t he proschoolboy' s t h r i ll over t he game; comes t o adequa te apprecia t ion of fes::;o r , w h 1 ar:lj JSts hi msel f qu i ck ly !"ra>.nn. some of us have not io ns of foot ball such nonsense. Qua rreling is prac - to amusing s itua tions. H e d r e w a 1 o ",. line n f CnH t :: . ~ n i ts , Fu rs anrl the player s as grO!'S and hazy t ically un known , -noth ing more p iece of r~d cha lk from h is rle~k . I :tnrl lln· s::es i:: u nt·xt·t'l ]. rl . a!' a little l.oy:s of t he moon 0r Vic · se rious t han su ch as in o ur chil d- ~ color ed the t1p of hi s nm:e, and J ones's of ha r d stud y. The r e a r e hood was occas ionall y aroused hy " I g run ted : - " Si n ce [ have t he goods, Wt· w ill :~ppn·ci nte a v isi 1 li ving even _in th is m0dern day I don't care; 1 have a brothe r that p m ig ht as well a d ve r t i ,:;e . " J from \ ' <> tt. people fo r whom t he wo r d " f oot- ! can li ck your s," or, " I 'm goi ng to Professor Gregg to M iss Wet- 1 bal l" calls up g i a ntesque, co nf used ! take my d ishes a nd gc• r ig ht home. " mor e: - " Yo u r e mem be r tha t first 1 p ictur es of big, raw -boned proxi - \ l n s hort, football :,ome how t a kes 1 b read you made -an .l per haps the matecann ibaiR, who pum me l and , all th e li Llie, m~:~a n pettiness outof l last'? We ll , wh y rli d it have t hose beat a nd t ramp le a nd gouge eac h Ia f ell ow. Scho la r shi p is as ev ident few ra th_e r la rge. u nevenl y di stri b- 11 othe r at cer tain speci fied times, , among t he gridi r on he roes as amo ng u ted 'pocket s.' '" . a nd in b_etween t he ga mes . loaf a nd j th~ g~nera l cla::;s of boys . A cerMis::; Wetmor e: - " That first s moke c1 gar ettes, or swagg~:~ r a bou tll ta m b1g who lesomeness a nd v ir ility \ bread 1 made did not hav e a ny litte t he str eets, d isda inf ul of th e stud - characterizes al l of t hem . And \ ' pockets' at all . 1 NEBR ASKA CITY, NEBR ASKA ent's jo~s a nd ge~erousl~ ignorant \ ~bove a_ll, most of th em are identi Professor to Mr . L eger : -' ' Leg- -----:o~--.-.--------..: , of_ the d1sgust wh1 ch soc1el.v en te r - fied ~1 th t he ch aracte r· hn i !ding Ie r, wh y S(l ma ny ce lls int hP huma n ! - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ta ms for t he b raggar t a thl ete. agenc1es of t he school a nd tow n. hody; wh y. n ot on e bi g 'sell ' as M iss Bowen, of t h e Norma l ".l<'orget it! _rt i ~~· t so . Dismiss i t \ So ri d y ~urs~ lf of some of t hose m >:>t of us a r e?- Look in telli gent ! f ac ul ty, was in Omaha Saturday f 1om your mtnd . Football, unde r m usty pr eJ udices conce rning the \ Sa y 'Yes, s ir!' " and S unday.












Phone 22




O ffers you the best both in Dry G0ods ana Grocerl·es. H ENCE L OW P RICES.

G ood sh oes a srecialty. T WO DE LIVERI ES DAILY


Alumni Notes We don't always write about people t wo weeks in succession, but shall this time. A. A. Wolf and Russell Darling, superintendent and principal of the Riverton, Iowa, schools, spent a portion df Saturday and Sunday in Peru, coming over by auto. Thing s look good over across the old Mizzou, they say. We notice a lso that Huston, the captain of last year's basket ball squad spent the week end in Peru. It's .good to see him too. One of our old . comrades in the ranks, Frank Meserve, '15, has now ri sen to th e superintendency of the best school in the state-nearly - we think, a~ Dawson. Frank is doing great things ther e . New basement rooms have been added for laboratory work. Dawson can beat all of them with her new school library, too; we get' thi s


Our Drug Store

Citizens State Bank

is more than a n ordina ry drug s tor~. It is a supply depo t fo r all s tud ents nerds. Here you will find: FOUNTAIN PENS. ~TATIONEI<Y, SHEET MUSIC, CAMERAS, PENNANTS. ATHLETIC GOODS. TENNtS SHOES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY







$250,000 .00


straight, so know it is true. With Mr. Meserve are Mi sses Burnight, '16 ; and Bessie Clover, ' 15. Miss Florence Kite, R. Ped, of Peru, is now home on an enforced leave of absence. Her school work at Kearney ended abruptly when scarlet fev~r broke out. She expects to be here two weeks, possibly. Tho now a Kearneyite, Miss Kite still predicts that we shall win that game out there next month. She invites us a ll out to see the slaug hter -of Kearney. Cass ius Kennedy of the ' 14er s is helping manage a fine farm southeast of Peru. We see him quite often when he comes to town in the Kennedy "Willys-Knight. " J oe Klima, "the immacula te, "

the diversified education has become trite. M,ost of us believe that not the bookworm but the educated social being fits in best Come and see the in the existence to which we are committed. Library conversations, prices on the tho sometimes vexatious to librarRed Tags ians, often provide for interesting exchange of th ot. Even the social at the mingling of the men along the railing by the fountain is education, whatever other construction may be put upon it. (The men have been pro mised benches on the 1; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . campus, Univer s ity style, and when "Westside Barber Shop" th ese are ins tal led there ' ll be no Up- to- dote ud Flri l Class In every way mor e g rocery s tore conferences about the f o unta in.) So it is our KINGSOLVER & COWELL purpose to gi ve a brief summar y We sell all supplies ic our line and prospectus of the social and ._-_ _ __ _ _______ _ _

bc:longing t o th e class of ' 15, hangs out hi s shingle at Shel by these days Re~irl e nce Phone 6 He takes th e plac'e of one na med Offic:e o v•·T Rex a ll ~tore Jimerson, '1 4, who has ta ken up 1-' h ••llt:c 3 l Mi ss 'E ltR . arduo us d ut ies at Ed gar . P ERt;, Harrjet Glasgo w, '1 5. is w ith Mr. ..,.""""""""""""""""''1!1!11!!"""""""""""""........."""""""""~- Klima, in the positi on of assis tant principal of th e hi g h srhoo l. Here on t he WH\' Mi ss Marne Mullen, '14 , is now to town honorfng her ::. lma mater by teachSt,i t s m <~ d e :--uit>' d erc nerl ;.~ n rl 1ng in the home econo mics depar tpre~,..·t· rl for men rend Wlllll<" ll . rnent. Miss Mullen comes we ll qualified, ha ving had two years ' ~""""=~==~======-.:;..:. · . teach ing experi ence s in.:e gradua · ti on her e, and g ra duate work in Chi cago. & Clarence Howie, '1 5, is now using hi s "lately" acquired knowledge Florists at Fairbury. He is in g ood compa ny, because t here are oodl es of flowers tor all Occasion~ o ur kmd in that town. Mr . Howie paid us a vis it not long ago. He re ports his work in ' mathe matics Phon e 95 a nd Eng lis h progressing n icely. Mr . Ha r vey Heath of '16, he te lls us, is a ward principa l in Fairbury this NEBRASK~ FALLS CITY,

musical organi zations of the schoo l. Professor Smith is sincer ely grat- j. -- - - - - - - - - - - - When ynu ' re do w n to wn speod ified over the qua lity of mus ical a litJ ie t im e wit..h u s . .·\1 1 ability in this year's band a nd \\'clr k gu ur:c n tr ed fi rst cln s=on·hestra. The band is composed Chases' Barber Shop of twenty pieces, th e orch estra of Seconrl cloor from postofficc si x teen; and there is stil l a place 1 in the orchestra for any one play- :.....__ _ _ __ ______ _ _ _,

Dr. R. D. Cole Denti!'tt Office o ve r Va riety St ore Phone 33 1-lc•u~e 7 1





TheN. S. N. S. Store "The Store of Service" WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT


~------------------------~ '


Red Tag Sale


Variety Store



ing a r eed or s tringed instrument. 1, - -- - - -- - - - -- -- A week' s to ur wi ll be made la ter Le t u" ~ ~~ ppl y y Pu r ~heet 1 ' \usic on, concerts be ing g i ven at di ffe r· ent t owns, (Mil liga n a nd Western The popub1r hit s 1Oc (1c pos t. I have a lready a rranged to be enter- GASI\ILL MUSIC COMPANY Ploaos and Vlccrolns ta ined by th e boys), with th e trip NEBRASKA ern , NEBSASii A ending at Kearney, No ve mbre 24 . Ther e our footbad men will be given th e great enco uragement of C.LEA N TE E TH rea l s tirring music in the ir efforts C A:'-1:-I OT I>EL' A V to hum i I iate o ur trad i ti o na) ri vals.

Thi s year, f or th e first lime, the personnel of the girls ' gl ee cluh EUTHVMOL TOOTH PASTE was determined by tryouts. There we re thirty ca nd idates and f r om 'v\' ILL K E E P Td E:VI C LEA:'\ these s ix teen were chosen, who wi th twenty members ' of f orm er clubs, make up a new club of vear. thirty-six g irl s. U~UGGISTS Don 't f orge t to make m or e or less The men' s club conta ins twentycomplete r e ports of yo urselves to e ig ht members and both club::; will us, Alumni. It he lps u s all to keep in touch with each other. Ther e provide excepti ona ll y g~od enter-~ fifty a p p li cati ons f or "try-outs. " . h' . II d . tainments for us, accordmg to th e The club is limi ted to f orty mPm l S somet w g essent1a y yna m1c . . h I ' f . d h. d f II word of Dr. House, Lh e director. I ber s Th e ne w me mber s notified 10 t a t 1ve rh:m s 1p an e ow1 · ' ship which t he Peru s pirit kee ps Dr . House h~s a lso ? r gani zed an on Mond ay of their a cceptance, wer e steadfast within us. Do not let i t ex'cell ent chorus of nmety people. g iven a r ecepti on in th e expresdi e. Reme mber old times, tho yo u At present va ri ous choral classics 1 s io n ha ll by the o ld member s, are very busy with ne w ex pe ri ences ! a re being studi ed. A little la ter ! Wednesday evening. Earle Craig Rossini's "Sta bat Mat er , " . will be , is president of th e organization. taken up. j Literary and r elig ious societ ies What the Clubs Are Doing. Philosophizi ng on the value of The dramati c clu b has had over : will be di scussed in another place.




: Junior Picnic. . The junior class had one g lon ous time on Se ptember 29. Some f ew book-warmish seni ors may ask. "What doing?" So with . o_ne accord let us answer, "The p lcn_JC, of course! " After a grand march led by t he i ll ustrious band, we walked the vel ve t carpet of Peru. v i an dust to N ea l's pasture, kee pmg pe rfect step with the ratt le o f t h e tincups and spoo ns . There each person made h is formal debut into . the wholesome broth er IY J um or . society. ' . were S ix crackling b on f 1res bui lt from. the brush, and th e wieners were soon roasting. Then the buns and f ru i t were d istributed, anrl coffee was served from a larl!e cauldron, d oubtless the exact co unterpart of the ute ns il th a t the witches in Macbeth used. Af ter t he eats we played games, and saw some star rope-untwisters, as well as banana eaters, perfo rm. 'l'~e fat woman's race· in wh ich Shorty Gregg and Ol lie Hoffman took part proved to be very interesting an d am usi ng. In the crac ke r race one fair d amse I very g Itt u onous IY de vo ured some quini ne . L::.ter in the evening she drank quite a q uantity of Philo cider. The young lady declares that she saw some g hosts and weird a nimals in he r room t hat night, but we are too charitable to publically diagnose the case. All in all we had« granu t irne, :lnd t he picnice rs wi::> h to thank 1\ol r. Wi Ison fnr hi::> s ucce::>sful etrnrts to

Avenue Grocery

President Spach t is certain- / make the outing an enjoya~le one C. A · ff t to K ly putting forth every e or for each individ u a l. R. · . d make our meetings i nterestmg a~ for Y. W. C. A. Notes, profitable. Le t us un it e with h i ~ On Sunrlay October 1, t heY. W. and hi s cabinet, fellows, in the~r c. A . girls ~pent a very enj oya ble efforts to make our l if e h e r e Jn hour wi t h Miss Rose Clark as lead- Peru a r eal life. er. Miss Maude Cla ry sang a very ·- . - - -.- -- 1 . h . charming solo which added much I Jun wr Hlgh Sch oo, Many good things to eat fo r lunches h t' Th e juni or hi g h school, whl c IS to t e mee mg. · hth Th y c A. gir ls had an , composed of the sevent h · elg ' Phone 73 e · · · mee ti ng Sunday, ninth. an~ tenth g ra d es, I· S a n e w 1_~~---------::-=::-=~ " I nformation" 0 t be r 8 The new girls were in- ~ organ 1zat10n. f c o d of. the purpose of our assocThe h ig h school boys are very e n I Ctlt fl c>wen• for an.v orme j h cts fo r a Fres 1 iation. Mi::;s Hible r g ave a splen- t h us iastic over t e prospe Weddi n g~. . I b k b II t Probab ly each oc·ca~i o n ~uch a!' d·n earn . 1 talk on "Enthusiasm." N ear- as e t a · I have an orgamz · at1·on later ly every girl took some part in the I class wJI Birthday p a ru·e,; . I<t ·mcrnbr a nmeeting, which showed how effec- ! in th e season, w~e~ we are ab le to ce~. Funt· ra l~. Etc .. in llpprotive Miss H ibler ' s talk was. !be in the n ew budd 1ng. priate Rrr1'l n_gt'ml.'nts. Miss Tibbetts s pe nt S a turday and Y. M. C. A. i S unday in L incoln. G. E. BERT HOLD Probab ly the reading of the past j Th e budget sys tem r eceived a THE FLORIS T events for they· M . C. A. wil l be hear t y s upport fr o m t he juni or more interesting to the young Ia- h igh. . NEHRASKA NEBRASKA CITY . dies t han to t he you ng man. since One of th e secti ons i n Caesar IS the me n of the sch ool are al r eady hav ing a contest b etween the boys --fam i liar with t he differ en t things a nd g irls, thus keep ing up t h e i n Jack A l is ma n , chemistry ass!s accomp li sh ed by our organi zation. terest of the pupils. tant. speaki ng reprovingly to a girl I shall ve ry briefl y men t ion a few The Camp Fire g ir ls will have student:- "Ynu h~\~en 't left your · of our medings. Prof. C. F. Bcek a candy booths at the ball game on t able in mce con d Hln n ·k Evidently . ou've h ad little house eepmg exled the meeting of September 17. the athletic fie ld. Be s ure an d Y . , She · - " ) ha ven 't h ad . t op .ic was ''The Th 1·ee P' s, br ing your p ock etboo ks 1. f you b e - l ap ecnhae nce. . H 1s nce! • •


u H) 1..:: r :-;

t · 1•

.-\ r

lJh(J 9 (Jnd d ' Oreille

S tudio E.J. NEWMAN Phone 56

School Supplies Confectionery Fancy Fruits




H. U. Landolt


:-:========:__------ -


"which he deve loped int0 "Pur- lieve in preparedness. But J ac k n e i t her w i lted n or :taintpose, Pu~h and Persistence." The ninth grad e gave a very in- 1~.d-nor ~r~~osPd, as they d o Jn the The b1g Y. M. feed was held ter esting p r og ram with the tenth 1 A ll -Story. earl y Saturday morn ing, September grade as audi e n ce Thursday morn- -~===========-====:=, 23 Prof W N. Delzell led the . I, · · . mg. crowd by devious paths to a beautt_______ : ful spot about a m il e east of town Pa r t of a letter from P ro fessor where egg and weine r sandwiches. 1Jean. last yt'ar ht: , <.f of th e l.Ji,>lughanunas a nd cotre:>t> wer e infor ma lly 1 iea l d epartc~ nt of tlw Normal.' and 1 k ser ved . . th is year dr>ing- Hdvaneed wo r at P rofesso r Qe lze ll also led the u. of N .. is printed below and will meeting October 1, his subj ect be- be j.!ratifying to the friend s of that ing "The Real test of Ch r isti a n- eanest and th or o inst ructor: Th a t \\C' h"l' • 011 1· ity." On th e foll owi ng Sund ay , "G lad to hfa r t hi ng,; a re go ing LA l>l i:S' C L1 J-\ 1..:: : onrl S 1.. : II-! 1· Octobe r 8, Pr,Jf. I. D. Wi lson spoke a long ni cely. Am in work up to S-\ i . E on " H a ving Eyes and Seeing Not." my Pars and drm't expect to see .-\ l~ot·ge variety of 1 he ll t' \\T~t Afte r the re i igious part of the my way out unti I next J unP. We fHhri c,- Rnd -<tyies meeti ng a short business session a r e gettin)! along fine , tho, anrl enwas he ld to elec t two officers. j oying it. Reganls to all. Has · Spe ncer Lege r was e lected vicP tily, J ean." pr esid e nt and P.ar l MPi vin, seen>tary . Our a im i::> to ha ve every ' The . jrarde n cl ub pri zes are now y6u ng man in schoo l in the Y.. M. on exhibition at Barnps' Pha r macy.





Monday, Oct. 16th




Milstead's Toggery

TARK!O PERU Fridav .. October 13: 3:30P.M~~

Admission 50 cents or

Budget ., icket

Tarkio won from the Uni versity of On1ah a by a score of 20 to 0. Peru plays T arkio, October 13, and Omaha Uni versity. November 17. What's your guess? · Remem ber Peru plays Doane, October 20, at Peru . and York at York, O ctober 2 7, York played Doane last Friday J t York, by a score of 12 to 0 .

If you haven't a Budget ticke t , get one so you cnn enjoy the games. $1() .25 worth of enjoym ent fot· only $3 00. Better JZ:et in on some of this .





ANOTHER STEP CHAMPIONSHIPWARD Peru Takes Tar kio's Measure by a

17 to 0 Score lf we hadn't been terribly loyal P eruvians, we shoul d have been r ooting for Tarkio befor e that game was fini shed, Friday, not beca use Pern played so badly, but because their oppo nents did so well. cons idering- e very th i ng-. With a patched-up tea m t hey f ought game!v thru the whole afternoon , taking the br eaks in the luck against them. Three men, Jennison at quarter. Mil ler at end a nd Swan al full belonged in the hospital long e re t he game ended, but wit h a show of th e fin est kind ' of scr ap and g r it ,. they foug ht it thr u unci! forced out i n the last few minutes. The gamP started in a rather desultory fa~ hi on with mu ch evidence of fumbl ing on Tarkio' s part. It fact, ever y Peru score can be traced to a rumb le with the Mi ssourians the guilty persons. However, jugg ling t he bal l doesn't altogether explain why we won. I


THE MISSOURI AT POINT LOOKOUT. But cease to move so near the heavens, and cease To gl ide a sunbeam by the blasted pinP, To s i t a star upon the spar k ling sp ire: For L 0ve is of th e va lley, come th ou down And find him; by t he hap py t h reshold , he, Or han rl in hand with Plenty in the maize,

Or foxl ike in th e vine> ; nor car es to wa lk W1th Death and Morning on the :->i lver Horns,

Tarkio won the toss and chose to I • * * defend the nor th end. Haney And come, for Love is of t he va lley, Come. k icked off in fine s t yle and t hen we - Tennyson's " The Princess. " he ld t he m for d owns and aftf>r securing t he ball ou rselves, gave it back aga in. ' l t'was at this point that the first · costly fumble . came. I a seri es of line plunges, and during I NOHMA L S'rUDRN'I'S PROM ISE JUBILI E1 th an York played. Go to chape l Tnen with PE>ru in po.;. e,sionofth e th e r emainrler of t he half they ! -Friday! Go to the game! ' ' Don' t pi.g~ki n on Tarkio'~ 25 _yard ~ine, l rou~ht us to a s tandst ill.' On /I Welcome Men from A lmn Mater of be a hen !'' C1a tg executed one of ht s cho tcE'st J straigh t football t hey ear n ed t.he Profes.ser s House an d Johnson - - - - -, \ leather several times to ou r 'danger . Y. W. C. A . Notes. r -- - - ----===--=--::--:----, line, but our fronts helrl the m 1 "Peach blossom ! Uld top!" Gi r ls ! if you wo uld r ea lize t he 1 when it was necessa r y. It is worth Friday morn in!!, Doane footba ll m nst from you r schoo l life, hecome while me-nti oning the fact th at we player s will be welco med at cha pe-l. a Y. W. C. A. member. Come to ha 1e t he beefi est and !'peedies t line P e.:u liar interest attaches itself to t he hi g h school r oom on Sunday we 've owned for a long time. this team, beca use t hey r epresent atfNnoon a nd rece ive your share Ther e is a weak spot or so in it the col lege from which Dr. House of en t h ugias m and good ch eer. On yet. but some hard lessons in ! a nd Professor J ohn son grc;duated th e rain y S unday af ern oon of Oc"gi ve and take 'em " will large ly I and at which Prof. J 9hnson served tober 14, one of t he best meeti ng s eradicate th is e lement. The l ine / a s coach be fo~·e comi ng- to Peru. of t he year was enj oyed by thf' balances wc:ll with a fast back field 1 Our cla!>s presidents a r e urged to girls, due to the lead er shi p of Miss of lighter mater ial. 1 giv~ the Doane ye lls to their Blanche Merritt. When the time It was i n th e latter part of the clas: es Thursday mo rn ing. Ge t the for di smissal came, th e su n was . 1.vells from Dr. House or Coach 'sh ining in the hearts of t hose fourt h quarter, afte r both S I C1es j J o I1n:0on. 1' 1ans f ur a s hor t , "'rrun - pre:;ent, eve n if it was not s h 101ng " ' , had ex hib ited a te nd Pncy to a n 1 powrlery program are being for m- out of doors. 1 un workab le f orward pass, and t he ualterl . The t heatr icals last F'riDon't forge t th e exc ellent meet1 kick ing game, that th ings happen- day might i nd icate t hat th e faculty ing pla nned for Sunday, Octobe r ed; and Tarkio had to pay the> are younge r in spir it than the 21. Miss Lolo Te mpl e wi II s peak prire, the loss of ha lf her heavy students Not so! Gel your co ncrete on "Self Forgetfuln ess. •· Le t C AP':-: ·' TtGE" H AN EY t.a ckfi E' ld • w h"IC' hall t h ru the s trug u • - proof F'ric1ay. every ' member bring a fr iend. drop kicks and we were ahead gle has kept t h_ings f rom becom i ng York be&t Doane, 12 -0, and We need you. You a re welcome. to stay. And Say! that "bantam" preponderantly Pe ru-llke . j Ha -t ings 28-0. We play Yor k one q uarter of ours is some classy boy, Peru, at this moment, saw her w eek from Friday. Wha t wi ll Professo r Brown was in Pawnee too - a real footba ll player. , j chance. The te::~m seemed rejuv- happen at York '! Doane has r e- , Ci ty Friday ni g ht and in Auburn Ins tead of los ing heart at this enated. L e-e Smith g r abbed a adj us ted her team 'cons id erably and Saturday, where he organ ized ha rd s tar ter the Missou ri a ns bega n : cC'on ti n u"!l on l"o tn ·t h T'n t;e. ) we play a s tronger Doane Friday :study centers.





may h old value even for the expe rien ced. T ha t class or that socie t y over wh ich a few domi nate and Entered a t the Postoffice at Peru, Ne- d omt'neer is never a growing and braska as second-c I ass matte~. hea lt hy society. Ge t toget he rness Publlsbf Weekly by the Peru State Normal takes a I i ttle m or e ti me , a litt le


7 5 cts. per year. I::lo WARD SM IT H


Single copy 5 cts.


Nebrask a Gity,

mor e kindl y tho t , a li ttle mor e w isd om, a little more hum i lity, Manag e men t of . class per ha ps. k affa irs ,by t he f ew is a q Ut c er , mor e selfish, m or e a rrogant way. H r e pels w her e mutuality would · ·d attract . Whe n everyone IS canst 1 ered, a nd is g i-.>en a p lace, th~ II work i n, h a nd buil ds .u p natu ra Y a nd w idens a lmost w tthout effort. N othing is sadrl e r t ha n to see a . mem be r of a ny class, enth us iastt c \ m aster f ul, determine d , g r a b up th e who le load and bear it a lone,

- te Editor Editor _ Associa

·.=.:...=-----~------DEPA ilT~E·N T EDITORS . • 1 Alumni Verne Cha tela m ........... ...... p,;ilo~w ~ hean

Eos .B r~ wn .............. ............ Everett Mane i\'Jci ntyre .......... ..... ,.····-y:· i\1. C. A. Fra:nk ':-cger .. ..... ··················· y W. C. A. Elsie Wil burn . ......... .... .... . Ath letics ve.rne Chatelam ..... ............ ...... Musi~ Miss Bowen :·· :..... ················...... Humor Bryan Em mert ........... .............. ;.,M.ine rva" Jack Allsma n . .. ....... ..... ...... Alice Form a n.. ........... ....... Post-grasd u;;ttcs Ma rv Clary ............ ................. . <'n ~ors - . Kohn . ..................... hju111ors Rosahnc .ft 5 op omorcs G,crt rurIc Cl . I on ... ......... .. ... F I 11 Loy Hacke;_... . ............. ......., ·rc~ \~ c) Vivian Bishop ...... ... .. 1-11!! 1 c ~ 0 groaning a n d complai n ipg the . . j 5 pec.a 1s au . M1ss i\l att1c Adcc .......... 1 Pn·paraton cs wh i le, and lea v ing t he other mem :\h. Pa lmer .......... ... ... ...... Sci~n,~c ~lu i.> bers w ith e m pty han ds.


ill a tticl'rof. A decF. M. .. .. .Grcg_g- A rlv1~cr .

Field Trip

SATURDAY No lon g walk involved.




entire trip by

PUPILS AI M ? Why the



I -------------====================~


All fo r eac h a nd each fo r a II - !.'!.:;::;:;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;=1~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ that means strength and progr ess. I== Mutuality i n c lass serv ice spe lls . e ncor e s he p laye d " Nar cissus," by Never m ore good fe llowshi p, more enthus- Nev in . For the secon d nun:ber t h e in the 54 iasm, mor e actua l work accomp- g ir ls ' q uarte t sang love ly old vca rs of tished. H ood lu m gar witzke! southern me lodi es. F ollowi n g t h i s Mu t ua lity ! Get t oget her! Pu ll was a de bate, "Reso lve d, t h at a our ca r toge ther ! S t ay together ! pony d oes a s tud e n t more harm ee r Kelley . tha n good. " Th ose tak in g p a rt N e b r aswer e Fern Tob bi n and Ste phe n Ph ilomathea n Socie ty Notes. Duresch on the affir mati ve a n d kn C i ty Philo h~d a ver y inter esting j M iss Goheen a nd L eo Jew~ll on t he htt ve we meeting last Fri day n igh t. T he · nega t i ve si de . T he negat 1ves won \ 1 s h 0 w 11 subj ect was t he s tory of Hi awath~, by a la r ge maj or ity as t hey u nder pa ntom imed. The scen es were h:s stood a p ony t.o be a youn g hor se. ; " ll C h ~I 1 chi ld hood, his co urtsh ip a ncl ma r- ' The nex t f eature of t he progr am he :1 utir iage to M inne haha , her death , an d was· a p ia n o solo by Donald B la nkh is departure. J ohn Wea t her hogg ensh i p. T h is was cer tainl y e nj oyfu l :-:elt:'cp layed H iawatha ; Nokomis was ed by ever y me m bP r prese nt. Miss of t inn r epr esented by M!ss Wi lburn; and J on es th e n ~ang th e o ld m e lody, L <I dies· Min nehaha by Miss Harris. One "Can't You Hea r Me Calling ,

Are yo u go ing to a t tenrl the big Per u ba nquet a t Oma ha , November 9? Some f oy t y sen iors attended last yea r besides la r ge number s of a lu mni. We are p lay ing the billposter part t hi s time. Mo r e details from t i me to t i me, as November 8 ap proaches. So me of the speaker s fo r t he Nebraska Teacher s' Associa ti on, Novem ber 8, 9, 10. are U . S. Commissioner of Education, P. P. Claxton; J ohn D . Shoop, super intend ent of Ch icago public schools; Pr esiden t Br yan, U n iversity of Ind iana; P rofessor W. C. Bagley, dean of ed u cation, Un i vers ity of I llinois; Ear l Barnes, Philadelphi a; Mi ss Ma ry Schenk Woo lman , cha irman of wo rn en's comm ittee of Nation~! Society f~r ~ro~otion of of t he f eat.ures was a n Indi a n dance Ca r o li ne," accompan ied by Miss ~ l~<·; h-tn- \\'(:':q· '• <~rn 1c:-nt,; :-~>: th i,; l nd ~Stl l,al ~d uca~J~n '. ~arne~ s. l by s ix g ir ls. The com mittee, Mr. Clary. Hostc, EngiJ sh p t o.essOJ, C_h icago Hun t a nd ' M isses Hancock a nd We grea tl y r eg re t th e loss of uu r l sea !lo n. No rma l College ; R. H . Whi tbeck, Baie r , de~erve mu ch cr edit for the ha ll, ,. hich was given over to Mi ss 011r lin e nfCoat ,;, Sui t ", Furs geology profes:;or, Univers i ty of en te1·ta inme n t. A sho r t b us in ess '~arpen tf>l' t o be used as a m us ic v :1 nrl lln·s,;f"" i" u nt' Xl' t'llt' d . vViEconsin; Prof esso r J a mes, p ro- meeti ng was he ld at the close of room . We hope when the n ew vis i r We w i ll : 1 pr n·ci~1 tc a fpsso r of hi story, Northwestern the program . bu ild ing is completed , we w ill have Univer s i ty; and Cha ncellor A,·er y ' II b h 1-' T he next meeting W ! e e" a suitable ha ll w i Lh sLage accommo- 1 fro m \'O I L of U. of N. t he Satur duy bef ore Hallowe'en in dat ions wh ich w il l he necessa ry fo r 1 t he gy m . The affa ir i ~ to he a I t he programs now fo r ecasted by j In t he seni or class meeting, masquerade and all a r e u r ged to the committee. • October 12, t he pr esiden t q uo ted come masked. F rom th e pro- ! I these Omaha wor ds. " Hoodlum gar gress t h e comm i ttee in charge is 1 Professor Wilson, after relating witzke . " spoken by Chi ef Dun n of ma kinp: t he pa rty is s ure to be a 1in one of his c lasses t he story of : that ci ty a nd wh ich t r a nslated s uccess. his fi r st proud visit-on horseback 1 mean, "Get togethe r ," T hat's i t. 1-to a co unty fair , was a lmost Mu t ual ity-t he b ig wor d in mod - • Eve rett Ltter<~ry Society demol ished by t h is re ma r k from NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA 1 ert1 business everywhere. It is t he A loyal c rowd of Everetts me t in t he iJ;r epr essi h le, a u b u rn -haired : : . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . : 1 big- wo rd in a ny successful wo r k. Ph i lo hal l l~st Fri c!ay n ight a nd Miss Zelia Ward : ''I'll be t you i - ----------- -- - And so t he ne w mem bers of our enoyed a JOl ly g ood program. felt like some pumpk ins !" After ! Pro fpssor L e fler was in Fairbury classes m ust be mad e to fee l at Mi ss Ha ll ie G ate~ op enf' d t he recovery, he was abl e to retort, horne, and usefu l. The sugges- eve n ing ' s en ter t::~inment hy render- "Yes. b u t it didn't. make my hai r \ o n Friday to oragnize a study t ions of t he t i mid yo ung me mbe r irg· a n exq ui s ite p ia no !'nlo. As an t urn red. " center . I











Phone 22



O ffers you the best both in Dry Goods and Gr oceries. H ENCE LO W PRICES.

Good shoes a specialty. TWO DELI VERIES DAILY


A squ a re dea l a ll a ro und a t t he





$ 2 50,000.00

LOCALS T he board of ~d ucati on at the . A . B. , D. D.~. last meeting a uthor ized the taki ng Graduate of CbiCJJgo College Dental Surzcon over of the Ara b school, three RESI DENT DENTIST miles south west of P eru for an Offi ce o ve r Pay Ba kery additi ona l affi liated rura l demonstrati on school. .Mi s Ola Bucking ham is t he teacher. WANTED.-A good solo singer, TEACHERS WANTED of tenor -il ke pr opens ity , to fill t he For The West part of "Hiawatha" i n a lyrical E nro lln ow ,we are inneed ofgo od oper a of t he same name. Also teac hers. No co mmissio n unt il yo u four g iggli ng g irl§ who won't fa il to s ing m a ny emergency . N o accept a positio n . staid and di g nified ex-super intenVaca ncies occur eve r v week in th e dents need appl y, nor any one e lse yea r. Y~:a r lv el~:c t io n s or ten oegin who is not str ictly sober . Add ress, Philo Program Committee. in Peh r ua ry. , ...;a Jaries a re fro m $ 70 to $ 150 - Adv. per mo nt h. During t he chape l hou r last \Vri te for ::~pplica tion hl ank . 1 Werl nesday Mar str n 's lovely an d 'I unusua l setting of t he old hymn, GRAHAM T EACHERS' AGENCY " I'm a Pi lg r i m and I'm a Stra ngPocatello, Idah o l er, " was s ung by t he male quartet --======= · of t he F ir!lt Ba pt ist Church, Rev. C. A. Carma n , Ve rne Cha telai n, Dr. Ho use a nd Haro ld Chatelai n. Both the co mpositi on and i ts r enDend"t di tio n wer e im pr eg nat erl with tha t imaginati ve q ua li ty whi ch makes Otlil'<' o vl'r V;11·iety Store the lis tener g lim pse vis ions far r •ffice Ph o ne :-{H H uu~ e 71 a bo ve the b us tle an d hnrry of t he - -- dai ly r o uti ne. So bea u t ifu l an -intf'r pre tat ion of th e ' 'd ivi ne d is DR. B . L SHE L LHO ~ N conte nt, " whi ch possesRes the most Re"ide nce Phone 6 prosaic of us now and then, deser vOffin · o vo'r f{ l' x ill I Sto re ed - and r ece ived- our gra tef ul Ph"nl' :-1 t appr eciat ion.

R. D. Co·l e

Here o n th e wa v tn tow n S11 its m ::~ rl e S ui ts cl~:an<"rl a nd pres:o:t"rl for men ftnd wn m ~;n.


Joe K re ptd tt

- -·-· SIMANTON -



Dr. A. E. Sheldon of the Univer s i ty of Nebraska , Gen . Trim ble , adj uta nt of the sta te G A. R. , and S. C. Bassett connected with th e s ta te His tor ica l Socie ty a nd can d id a te fo r uni ve rs ity reg ent, vis ited p er u a nd s poke .t o us in chape l. T heir pu rpose her e was to take mot ion p ictur es oi va ri ous school actt ivi ti es for use of t he S ta te H is torical Society. One of the fea t u res 0f





r 1



ing letter fr om Loui s Ki lzer of the ' 16ers, now soj ourning at Li bertyE ven tho f ar f r om vill e, Iowa . home, he states t hat t he woods are th ick wi t h o thers be longing to our tr ibe. com pet i ng , and succeeding , wi th t he best Hawkeye prod ucts. Strange to te ll , Louis was in town J t hr ee weeks bef or e he decided to engage t he attentions of t he · belle of that local i ty. How fa r he has been f ortunate , we do not know yet, b ut odds on Kil zer and no



L.;;wn .

. New st ock j us t received. Buy it plain o( ,¥-ito' gold edges; bl ue, cha mpagne. or whi te. Boxes or pound p'ackages . ' . E n velopes to m a t~h. ' ·


HThe Store of Service"


·.• · ,·






, Citizens State Bank


taker s. ~ Henry, alias "Hank," Linn , '16, is clear ly cheer ful concerning hi s prospects. And w hy should n' t he be ? 'Wit h a fi ne science labora -


Red Tag S ale This week only SA LE C L OSES SATU I< DA Y.

OCTOBER 21, 1916


S t or e


" Westside Barber Shop" Up- to-date aud Flrit Class Ia e•·ery way


We sell all supplies ic our line tor y eq ui pment, an iaea l li brary and George Ha nsen, ' 12, fo r a 1' - - - - -- - - - - - -- - ' su per intendent, we m ig ht f eel ,- --------------------- : about the sa me . Sti ll, we know While yo u 'r~ do wn town s pend tha t Hank hi m self is a ll ther e , and a li tt le time wi th us. All will ma ke th ings j um p r ig ht: on wo rk gu ::~ ra n t ttd fin ;t cla s" pr ogr ess ively speaking. He sent Chases' Barb er Sh op 75 cenfs wi t h his letter fo r a year ' s Second do o r fro m postofl1cc subscr i ption t o The Norma li te. 1 Take the hin t, the rest of you ! ·- = - --=---=-=---=-- -=- -=- :- -_ -:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_=: 0 . W. Osnes, s tar debater last ,- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - , year, is zea l o u~l y devoted to his Let u!" supply yo ur Sheet M u s ic candrd acy f or th e superin tendency The pop ul a r hits l Oc ( l c pos t. ) of Mad i ~on Coun ty schools. By MU SIC COMPANY t he a id of a g ood motor cyc lE', he GASKILLPianos and Vlctrolak is busy explod i ng g-as in all d ir ec- NEBRASKA Ctn, NEBS ASKA t ions, one of t hese "wh ir l-a-g ig " campa ig ns, so to speak. A No r- ! """"""""""""'======~!!!!:!!=== 1 mal i te accom pani es him wher ever ' : - - - - -- - -- - - -- - DO YOU EAT CA NDY? he goes , f or he is a subscr iber, t oo. In the columns of a democr at ic state paper- yes, we' re fo r .Wi lson! OUR CHOCOLATES CAN 'T BE BEAT the fo llowing a ppears f ro m Shickley. " "The s t udents of Shick ley A.L WAY S f. RES H hi g h school g a ve a very in ter est ing ' .' and ente r tai n ing 'Ril ey ' progr am yesterday (October 6) . Nex t Fri day th ey will g ive a Co lumbus Day progra m. " G. H. Wrig htsDRUGGISTS man, of ,11, is t he superin tendent of t ha t school syRtem , a nd he has ' -- - - -- -- -- - - - -




Mr. Bassett' s adtl ress was hi s severa l Per uvians near by to he lp c ha .rr man · of progra ' . . m com m .rttee , resentatr on of a g-a vel t hat wa~ h 1m out. Perhaps tha t may exM' S . d M·- · p · d f 1 1 · h 'd f h 1ss t rtt ; ye 11 1ea er , r. Florist s r om p a m w y we see ev 1 ence o t e E h b G h' m ade f rom t he woo d o b ta m e ·d b ·1 h p " " · Sh . 1 1 . sc en erg. r een am1 w , t..: IC',< ey, t h e pontoon b r1 ge ur t a cross t . e customar . . y e r u pep 1n . were c h osen f or t 11e c 1ass co 1ors. p latte River a t For t . Kerney rn as m d 1cated by t hese good th rngs. · T he c 1ass p 1. en 1. c he Jl c: on t h e E'J t h f-lo wers tur a ll f )ccasions - -h 1 848. I t was accepted m t he name Freshman Notes. was a g ra nd success- j us t t e t he school. ' of . . usual progr-am of . g.a mes an d~ "the The f ol lowmg. off1cer s have been, ea t s, , b u t muc h en 11vene . d 1.uY' Phone 95 1 ·N e lected : Pr es1dent, Mr. Chase. · f r eshman en thusiasm and t he leadA l umo1 otes We have lying on t he desk in ou r vice pr esident , Mi ss . Patter son ; l' er shi p of our ad viser , P r od NEBRASK:\ FALLS CITY, ffk ial sanctum a h ri g ht, i nter estsecr etar y-t r el' l surer , M r ~s Clover; Pa lmer. 1 'I o




A n other Step Championshipward, <Continued from Fh;.st Po.ge.>

fumb led ball from Lunan, who had · been fiercely tackled by B. Emmert, and before a chance came to get hi m, he was down to the goal and between the posts squarely, having raced 35 yards for th e first touchdown on the home grounds t his year. Craig kicked goal. Score, Peru 10, Tarkio 0. . But such luck! Again a lmost the same identi cal thing occurred, except that this time it was W. Emmert who caught up the bal l, and who lugged it to the six-yard

der i f I shouldn't take for electi~e solid geometry or tri gonometry m bob up. And so we "licked 'em." Senior Notes. addition, so mething t hat deman?s There as plenty of "pep" in · I wouldn't a' m issed chapel la st real thot and figuring- , and will evidence among rooters and band. Th ursday for a farm. Miss Frye give me so met h .mg t o d o . '" Wi t h a team that looks better than gave a dandy reading, "The Ballad Miss Krause:- ' ·M er cy!" any we've had since the days of of the East and West," by Kipling. Swenson, that championship seems Then th e Peruvian staff was e lec tto be more and more in th e posses· ed. Who are they'? Oh, I' ve got sive case. Yet we sti ll have a long I a list of 'em somewher e in this grind ahead, and we mustn't waver 1 notebook. It' s a fri g ht to try to for an instant. · Doane is here next find anyth ing in it. First chance I week. It is t o be our third confe r- get I'm going to clean it up. ence game, a nd we must win. H ere they are. The associate ed- 1 Line-up: 'itors are Myrtle Harris and Rad- J Leger re. Whitnell mona Sharrar. You'd a di e Spacht rt. Learis a -laughi n' if you'd a' heard Allsman rg. Bar, Petersen Meissner try to pronounce that last Many good things to eat for ·lunches Cag I y c. W . E,mmert Meissner Jg. Brown, Petersen name. Bil l Novak is seni or editor Phone 73 Bell lt . Bowman with Miss Hazel Frye as a:;sociate . Jones le. M~ ll er Our photographer "Ke ll y" Spacht, Sandberg lh. McKLnlght Clar ence l<ussel assoc iate. The art Presh cut fl0wer!" fnr 1'111." Haney , c. fb. unan Lee Smith rh. Orr ed 1tor is Neva Curry ; her asso c1ate


Aven~e Grocery

I School Supplies Confectionery Fancy Fruits H. U. Landolt

I .


o ccR !'ion !"uch ~!" Wed d ing!' , is Marie Ballard. I don't see how Birthday P-artie,;, l<eme'11hrl'lnthese girls can draw the way they do. I just got t h ru dril l drawing ce~. P u ntr·al!". Etc .. in app,-o· by the sk in of my teeth. The at hletic ed itor a nd hi s associate I are Gunboat ~mith and Marty G. E. BERTHOLD Cra ig. Uh-huh, th ey both play THE FLORIST footba ll. Our r e ligious ed i tor is Milly Chard . Maie Osborne and NEBRASKA NEBRASKA CITY. George Hunt are to take care of the literary section. L ena P oo le - - - -- -- - - --- ----a nd Peggy Jones arc the social and associate editor s. Glenn Ke lley F()l~ t.Y. M. C. A. We are indeed so rry not to be (yes, he's t he one t hat has t he map ab le to tell you of our meeting to j of Ir eland ·for a phiz) is to have be held next Sunday. Never the- charge of the wit and humor secless, judg ing by ou r past meetings, tion. Leo J ewel l is to help him m·H coA C II w~ should ~rge that no . boy <'an I w ith th e "funnies. " 1 line. Bell , on a tack le-around I ~fiord to mi ss these meetmgs. It 1 You be t your life . with this stat'!', . . play, carried it over . . Touchdown IS yo ur opportum ty to pay that headed by Wil ~on and Emmert, I No· 2. Craig aga in put the debt to yourself and at the same we'll have t he bes t Peruvian ever Und~r. leather between the post s fr om an time to spend part of your Snuclay We can't he lp ourselves. . easy angle. Score, 17-0 t n t he afternoon pleasantly. Come out Well, so l0ng-! The ]a;;t bell's ! tune of "Oh, g o home Mi sso uri." next S unday. rung and Doc',ll bawl me out fo r The Latest in Footwear. It is interesting to observe that Last Sunday Lawrence Rom;t> bein ' late again. both touchd owns came in t he las t operated the Victrola for the meet- Seniors ! Seni ors ! help your c·lass ! seven minutes of play. Time was ing,diEpelling some of the g loo m Don't yo u dare lEt thi s week pass called befor e anything else coulrl of a clourly, dreary day. Witho ut a picn ic.

Cr aig. q. Jenison Substitutes.-Peru, B. Emmert for Leger, Palmer for Sandberg, Owens for Meissner ; Tarkio, Chri stian for Mi ll er. Referee, Graham of Texas Uni.; umpire Wetheral of Tarkio; field junge, Rische of Linco ln high ; head linesman , Cowell of Peru. Touchclowns, L ee Sm ith, Bell ; field goa l, Craig.


1,., )




Sweaters and







--------------~======~ 1



Ict· aiiCl rl' p;lir hnth larlil·><' :-tn;l gl'nlh·tnen',; elothingofc,·c·r.\' rle"l' t·i ption. \\'c a l,;o de;,n, rt·pair :tn cl :tl t t·r fur >',

l'l g'>' .rlrn peril'>' ,l'<tr pet~ an rll·nrta in~. We han~ a ><pt'l'i:tl rkp:t r1 ntl'" t fnt· tlw ell'aning :t nd

n ·hln<'k ing nl- lar'it·,.· :tnd )!l'ntktm·n',; \\\: p:-tv rl' to.rn eha t·g··" nn :til " hipm l· nt !'. .


h~tt :<.


22 11 - 17 F.-\1< .'\A\1 ST. . O .\ I Ai i.\ . :-.I E I-ll< .

Milsteadt s Toggery

Post.. Graduat e Notes.

Kelley, while talking ind mtrious-


'The following offi<'ers have been ly to Sm ith during ~bs . r ecitatio n, chosen : Verne Chatelai n, presi- 1was interrupted by a den t; Nelli e Kelly, vice president; q uestton from Miss H arringto n. John Weatherh ogg, secretary ; I He fail ed to catch the question at Frank Leger, treas ure r. , a ll , and sa id ha;d ly , " Why-uh, I In our cha pe l Thur!:-day' October don't believe I can discuss t hat!" 12 . Professor Hull gave a very I T~i s ~to r.r will have mor e point interes ting talk on "The Issues of I fo r J Un wrs now than it wnuld have t he C'lmpaign anrl the Candidates. " ! harl a few weeks ago. . . _ New student to Miss Krause: - ! Pl.of. Cly.de Fi lley of the U m - ~ Now I've decided t o r eg-i ster for vers ity ag n cultural school, was in junior Engl ish. psychology, and ,. ~·~d nesday. obser vatio n and m et hods , so I W.)n- 1





0he !Pend d' Oreille



I,, I

[::-; t r P

E. J. NEWMAN Phone 56

P e ru. Nebr.


Doane COIIe.Ae. vs Pe~u No~mal Fri~ay, Budg et 1tck et


October 20; 3:30 P. M. gi,·e:; you 5ti good things.

Adult $:·tOO . \'o) ulh

$ ~ OU .

Child $ I OO .

Admission 50 cents or Budget Ticket





PERU, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 25, 1916. game too.


;li'l I



The way he carried the Sandberg ; Doane-Powers for H.

Normal Defeated Doane Frt' day Wl'th ball and the skill with which he T. Smith, Jeries for Kinney. Ref· Marvelous Touchdown by Gregg I of N e b ras k a; umpue, 3 to 0 Score tackl e d d emonstrated once again eree, T owe that our ''cap" is some football Cowell of Peru; head linesman and "Phru Center of Line What will we do to York? player. No, he isn't the only one, field judge, Ritchie of Lincoln Last Friday at 11:45 a. m., That's the big question now. The but he does come in for a lot of high. No touchdowns; drop kick, ever y man of the faculty, save Procoach admits that this will be the praise. Hurrah for Haney! Craig of Peru. fessor Brown, who was absent from hardest game on the schedu le ; and Fumbling was frequent and ex town, was in football togs ready to · •11 be t h ere m · the enemy's coun- pensive. Both t eams might have Letter From the Border. 1t begin a fanciful representation of try next Friady. What wi ll we do scored had they not lost the ball at In the coutry of broiling sun, the game to be played in the afterto York? inopportune times. Penalties a lso long- billed mosquitos and tongue- noon. by the children. The "Facls that Peru "pep" invincible? seemed quite in vogue, sometimes paralyzing Carranzista and Chihua- ulty Minstrels" of last summer It's beginning to look so. Can we fo r one thing and then agai n for hua, many Peru Loys are serving as scarcely excelled this latest caprice go thru the season unrlefeated; another. Less said about them the national guardsmen. Among them of our venerable teachers. StuLet' s look at the ctope and see ! better. are Ben Hoadley, Sterling Whitfield dents were in different styles of Coach Johnson has the team of Peru sprung a surprise in the Tandy Dillon, "Red" Hosie, Frank hysteria thruout the performance. years. Of that we are already ear[y chapters by employing the Armstrong, Phil Rouse, Harry Laughing, handclapping, and gaspconvinced. ' forward pass with good results. Pauley, Hal Glasgow and A. F. ing were a lmost continuous. It wasn't necessary to "play up" The gains in each case were long Schultze. Some of these boys will Both t eams were beefy in spots, the line, and s tuff the back field • ones. In kicking alone were the return to P eru to attend school· as a ltho a dearth of football stockings with "gree·n horns," as is often the D'uanites superior. Very likely soon as they are mustered out. The revea led the fact that there were case. Two-thirds of the fellows the reason for this ~as that they following extract from a letter, several Marthon runners among the are veterans, and th ey show their h~d more practice. Time after written by Sergeant Major A. F. Chamberlains and Brickleys. The 1 training under the real tutorship time they were held for downs, in Schultze to Dean Rouse, rather field was small, and the boys were of a real coach every time they extols the so ldier' ~ trair.ing and playing before acquaintances, else, play. The advance displays inenvironment, so often depreciated: according to some mean-natured domitable strength in holding firm "Army life Is great, after you people, Fullback Hayes and . the when it needs to; and the backfield get used to the change, and the tall Center Rouse, whose elaborate -well it's classy to say it shortly. boys are getting along fine, yet feigning of injuries mad!! us suAnd York"! They are veterans there isn't a day or an evening that spec ~ "yaller" in them, would too. They' ve also beaten everyPeru doesn't get some of our have used some of this speed to thing in. sigh~. Friday they won thoughts. Things are arranged as dash to the dressing-room. But fi-urn· Centra l College. a lea rn which I much for our comfort as possible we won't crab. 'fhey" played well. beat the Uni " freshi es' ' in a fash' and tho th is isn't th e:> best of liie 'to The outcome was a matter of big ion sad t o relate. Yes! And they lead. it sure is doing wonders fo r gu(\ss until Fullback Howie colwhipped that Doane bunch, 12 to some of us. The men who have lapsed from over-exertion and the 0. But we can' t d!af:nwse compelarrived s l u : hy and downhearted psychologist took his place. Disative scores, wl')en the gaines are and "crooked backed" and in most r egarding hygiene a nd anatomy, played on utterly different fields every conrlition have been drilled Professor Gregg hur led men to under entirely diverse weather until they take pride in it and have right and left, charging thru the conditions. All in all, it's safe straightened up and will be more center, and making an 80 inch to predict a battle r oyal next Frilike men than th ey ever would if run for a touchdown. Quarterback day at York with th e 'vantage anyMARTY CRAIG- SO \olE QUARTERBACK this opportunity harl not come. Overholt was too tired to kick. body's. all quarters except the second, Most of us seem to have serured Score 6·0. And no w just a f ew words about when things were so mewhat ' the m ore ambition and energy, and th o The game was remarkably clean the - "that sleighride, mud- rever::.e, a nd· f orced t o kick safe, some hell on except for the brutal hackling of bath party" with Doane. The which they generally did. earth. I thJnk that this camp ha~ an opponent by Delzel l and Hoyt. final score doesn't indicate Peru' s Taken all around, the game was llone wonders. ' Good sportsmanshi p prevailed; superiority over Doane. We out- an interesting "scrap" from the TheY. M C. ·A. departm<>nt ha::: a notabl e instance in Rouse's played them in three quarters, and spectators' point of view, barring carriedoutavery neat arrangement hurrying water to the injured were perilously near their goal line the climatic 4uestion. But why in having a large rc:-ading room "or How ie. (The dean, however, on at least two occasions, when, if say more '? You all saw th e doin's, building constructed for each detracted s lightly from an otherwise the field had been halfway decent &nd ev idenced the customary ex- brigade. You can secure almost noble ac t by drinking the water for our lighter backs, touchdowns pression of loyal Peruvians. (Spe- any magazine here and paper and himself when he reached Howie's if might hav~ resu lted. As it was, cial note ought to be paid to Doc- envelopes are given to mer s ide.) we were mighty lucky to score at tor House at this poi nt. ) The thE'Y care to ,write. Mos~ of the An outsider lurking in the dressY. M. C. A. s have a plano and ing-room after the game noticed a ll-one measly llitte rlrop kick line-up: 1 by a certain Craig. And say! Peru. Doane. phonograph, so mus ic may be had the big boys slapping each other -perhaps 1 have mentioned it be- B. Emmert le . Bayer at any time." on the back and laughing g leeful ly fore ,but it won't hurt to say it Bell ,, lt. Blust, c. New stud~~S;:-about this over the ir success-fine proof of Meissner . lg. Deselms once more- he 's done the same w. Emmert c. Krebs infirmary, that's pretty good. You the spontanei ty of the whole pertrick in the last three games, and Allsma n rg. H. T. Smith pay fifty cents and if you get s ick formance. Students still discuss probably this one thing had more Spacht rt. Kemp they take you down and take care that chapel prorgam with incoherto do with winning every one of Leger re. King of yoq for nothing? ent gushings, and gurgl ings-betthose contests than · any other ~;:~~erg Me~~~~~~ Old student: Yes, but you pay t~~ evidence in our case of p leasure 1 thing that happened. Here's to Haney, c. fb : Hoylet board while there. received, than Emersonian expresour "peppery" little quarter! L. Smith rh. Mickle New stuednt: Oh, I lhot there sions, and more powerful attest of Olri " Tige" Cap 'n was in that Substitutes: Peru-Owens for was a catch in it somewhere. our affection for our profs.


~~hink ~his is~" t~e





Thru an unfortunate error, the criticism of the beautiful d~ets sung by Dr. and Mrs. H_ouse.' ~t Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Ne· chapel are not included m this braska as second-class matter. week's Normalite.


Field Trip to

Publlabt Weekly by the Peru State Normal

Nebraska Gity,

Those who failed to get back 75 cts. per year. Single copy 5 cts. numbers of the Normalite shonld call at the registrAr's office to HO'f\'ARD SMITH · ·. Ed!tor A. LEWIS TY LER Assoctate Edttor obtain these papers, and should, by all means, notify the business manGLENN O, KELLEY . . Business and Subscnpt\on Manager ager or the editor of the Normalite of mistakes made in mailing the DEPARTMENT EDITORS

No long walk involved.

Verne Chatela in .................. ....... Alumm Eos Brown ........................ ...Phtlom atbean · ~<IC ~' I nt yre ........... .... .. .... · 8• veretA t Mane Fr~nk l~eger .... ...................... ~: ~ .. ~.'A. Elste Wtlburn ..... ..... .. .. .. .. . Verne Chatelain ...................... A thlett~s Miss Bowen ... ...... .............. . . .. . . Mustc Brya n Emmert .......................... . ...r1umo.~ Jack Alisman . .. ....... ...... .. .... "M uderva Alice Forman...... .............. Post-gra Uf:ltes Mary Clary .................................Sen!ors Rosaline Kohn .................. ..... Jumors Gertrude Clifton ...................... Sophomores . ..................... Freshmen Loy Hacker Vi vi an Bisho.p ..:... ..... .. . li igh School . . 1 Special!; a nrl ~tse Mattte Adee ...... .. ·1 Preparatories Mr. Palmer ...... ...... .. ...... Sci~:nce ~lub Mattie A dee . ..... . .... Tram.,rs Prof. F. M. Gregg- Adviser As You Think.



ro i I.

entire trip by


Public Notice. The editor wishes to employ the columns of The Normalite this week to rid the students and others around the campus of the delusion that the said editor is the espoused husband of on~ Mrs. Nelli e , Smith, who unfortunately for both appeared on the same chapel program with him, October 19. He further wi sltes to publicly dedare that henceforward and forever he will not be responsible for any debts contracted by the aforementioned Mrs. Smith. [Brother Smith did not get an opportunity to blue pencil this notice but the staff thot it prudent to give due notice of the f acts to students and public generally.]

Why the




T rv This on your Dishpan, If you don't like the dormitory, Then go back t o your ho me in the state, To the town frm whence you came, Whatever be its name; Hut don't knock at your dormitory fate. If you don't like the soup and i syrup, I If you don't like the tea and hash,

in th e 54

vea rs of

our car· We incorporate ;n this issue of the Noramlite a suggestive little In ter poem entitled, "As You Think." Nt'br asIt's sentiment is indeed a valuable l<a Ci ty one and should help a lot of us to begin tG believe in ourse lves. But h~ve Wt' how is this to be done? By mirThe Steady Advertiser. s h ow n acle, by thot transference, by " w i Il l How dear to our heart is the good too, ,. • - ·--~ ~ c;· h . i:l power ?" However that may be, d t. Then don't stay around here with . : b . · a ver 1ser , the inost pract ica l way is to egtn Who ays in ad vance nt the fi rst of your hammer• h t' H ttl i. t o ACHIEVE 1' H1NGS. When yo u · Ph Don't knock the place tha t' s feedt e year; know yo u've done some thin g~. Who lays down the money and does ing you. -M. E· B. then it' s easy to beli eve you can it qu ite g lad ly of tion do bi gger t hi ngs. As yo u do so And casts round the manager a halo To eat or not to eat, that is t he F. M. Gre[\'g. yo u think! of cheer. question. If you t hink you are Leaten, yo u He never sa ys, " Stop it ; I cannot Whether 'tis nobler for the stud e nt to bea r se~ !'on. are. afford it; If you th ink you dare not, you You have more advertisements now The s tews and hashes of outrageo us 0 11t·line n fCoa t s. ~uit~. Furs don't. mi x tures than they r eacl ; '' If yo u'd like to win. bu t think you But a lways says, "Print it; our Or to take one's bank account to can 't, the Hill Stare patrons all like it. \\'t' will It's almost a cinch you wont. In fact, your bri sk ads are an abso- And there by much spending e nd it. from von. If you think yo u'll lose, yo u've lost, To spend, to f east lute need. ' ' For out in the world we find How we welcome hi s check when it Rig ht royall y, anrl l· y that feast to II Success begins w ith a fellow' s witt bring comes to our sanctum . It' s a lmost a s tate of the mind. How it makes o ur pu lse throb; how The ni g htmare and the throes a nd / If you think yo u're outclassed. yon clreami ngs we ird 1 it ma kes our hea r t da nce! 1 are. We outwardl y thank him; we in · That s leep is he ir to- ' ti s a conYou've -got to t hink hig h to ri se. I s um mation wardly bless himI1 You' ve got to be sure of you rself The good adverti :>er who pays in Greatly to be pondered o'er. befor e - M. E. B. NEBRASKA CITY, NEB RA~KA advance. You ever can win a prize. Life ' s battles don't a lways f!O - - - - -- - Kelley. Mi ss J ackson to Mi ss Down ing j ~· To the stronger or faster man ; Prof. Hull (in economi cs ) What (wh? had just ta ug ht t he girls how ! "Do you want u s t o 0 d own i 11 . . . ? ', g to Im e themselves up t o form the I But soon or late. t he ma n who wins are i nfant industries? Mi ss True: letter"P,"a device for r ooti ng for our gy m SUitS . . Is the one who thinks he can . I "Er,- they are the thing s that the team to be used on the g ridir on Mi ss Don wing , vigorously: " We ll betw~enh ::o l ves of the f o tba tl ga me) : I sho ul d say not!!" - W . D. Wintle. yo ung chililren do. "

! I





Phone 22


Offe rs you _the best both in Dry Goods and Groceries. HENCE LOW PRICES.

Good shoes a specialty . TWO DELIVERIES DA ILY


Some Snow! Eh?

Citizens State Bank

Does f eP.l Christmasy, doesn't It? You' Jl

want to

see that big

stock of Holiday goods at

TheN. S. N. S. Store


. $250,000 .oo

They'll be here soon!

Alumni Notes Clarence Hyslop of the Elmwood A . B., D. D . ~high school faculty r eports good Graduate of Cbia~ro Collere Deatal Surreoa progress and large attendance in RESIDENT DEN TIST his science and manual training Office over Pa y Ba kery classes. 1 ~------------------------~ Miss Maude Ferguson, B. Ed., '14 , writes that she is enjoying the TEACHERS WANTED climate of Montana very much this fall. Her s ister, Miss Ruby, is For The West head of the expression department Enroll n ow, we are in need of goorl in the Alabama College for WomPn. teacher!' . No commi~~i o n until you Among the honored alumni of accept a po~ition . the Peru Normal is the .Jlon . J. D. Vacrt ncies occur everv week in the Graves, ' 80, a candidate at the ye::tr. v~arl y elections ot ten begin present time for the _g overnorship in Februa ry . of Nehraska on the Prohibition ticket. Mr. Graves first entered " fi la ries a re from $70 to $150 per mo nth. Write for arplication hhwk.



Symphony ..Cawn REFLECT YOUR GOOD TASTE. New stock just received . Buy it plain or with gold edges; blue, champagne. o r whhe. Boxes or po und packages. Envelopes to match.


extend felicitations, brethren and, predict a hard snow storm. Ellis E. Good, president of the Citizens State Bnak of Peru, is a Normal Seal Pins and Rings candidate for representative from this county. Mr. Good is a grad- Everett Society Pins and Rings uate of the Peru Normal in the Philo Society Pins and Rings class of 1887, and he did several AT years service in public school work following his graduation. He has always taken an active interest in public affairs and has twice represented this county and Johnson in the Legislature, once in the House I.- --------------------and once in the Senate. He proved himself a valuable member for the We'll trea t you right. Fi1st class school interests of the state in both work counts. Eessions where he acted as chairKINGSOLVER & COWELL


Ellis The Jeweler DROP IN


While you're do wn town spend a little time with us. All wo rk gufl ra n t~e d fi rst class


Bar~er Shop Seconrl d no r fro m posto,ffice


Dr. R.



Oe11ti!'\t Ollil'e nv t· r VHrie t y Store f tffic•t• Phone 3 :-{ Hou;.e

Let u!' s upply y f' uJ· 71

DR. B. L. SHELLHORN Re,-idenl'e Phone 6 Offi l'e ov tT Rt" x;;dl :-;tore iPh11ne 31 PER U.




H t' rt' on the wa v

tn town mAde. Suits clea ned Hod p re !'~ ed fo r men a nd women.

Suit~ ·

Joe Krepela


Sheet Music man of the committees on univers· ity and normal schools, and finance, ways and means. We anticipate for Mr. Good a big vote from his many businPss associates a11d N orthe N ormal f orty years ago, and as ma l School friends of the county. a resident of Pe ru since th en, has Y. M. C. A. devoted l)i s energies to teaching, No boy in school here can afford to farming , to the legal profession, to be absent from theY. M. C. A. and most pers istently of !i ll to the meeti ng to be held next Sunday overthrow of the liquor traffic. afternoon, October 29. The meet· He is making a vigorous campaig n ing is for the purpose of explainthi s fall for g overnor. ing- the g ospel team movement and -Lul a Co urtright, ' I 2, and Ruth Wortman, 11 , are carrying off many honors at Ames this year, according' to Mis£ Myrtle Ferguson, who is working- to wa rd her Ph. D. aeg r ee at that place.

The po pui AI' hits lOc

(lc post .)





Euthymal To.oth Paste This prepurn~ion is really appret:iated hy p~opk o f refined taste. It 1s a scientific prepara t io.n of the wo.rlds _greatest manufat·tunug pharmacists, f'arkl' !Javis & Co. and ne~ d s no other rt•cnm~ndnti o n. TRY IT _______ _


getting s tarted thinking about I organizing t eams f or thi s y~::ar. Prof. f•'. M. Greg g a nd Fred J ederO~UOOISTS man are to have eharg e of the t '----------------~ meeting. j === = ======== = = It is President Spacht' s sincere ages of Chris tian Heligion over

Cecil Thortun , '1::!, is teaching desire to have every rna~ in sch~ol Other .l{eilg io ns. " t' · t R d Clo d a member of our splendid orgam z- , --omes !C SCience a e u . lation. Let us aid hi ~ hy willing ly : The Cas tle hotel in o,maha has Vi olet St.. John, , 14 , was rnar- signing our names t o a car d wh ich been selected as headquarters for =f=h=•w :::::::c:::::rs==to::r==a=II==C=k=c=a=si::o::n:=~ ried October 18, to Hal Pol la rd of will be presented you this week. I the state normal scho(ds at the · Nehawka. They will be at home Then co me ou t and enjoy your State Teachers' Association. The on their farm near Nehawka after Sabba th afternoons as you should. Peru 'alumni banquet, ho wever, Pbone 95 October 25. Our meeting Sunday, October 22, . will be held at the Rome hotel, and "J b " was led by Dr. Beattie , who gave will occur on the evening of No· NEBRASK~ Jack Allsman and urn o FAllS CITY. i Ma pes a ttenderl chapel Frirla:v. We us a splendid talk on " The Advant- vember 9.









he taking this

toward or againRt the presidency, Post...Graduate Notes. 19th year? Anything he can Jay his . we c~n safely wager that the 1916 Class chapel of October More: Prof. Benton Dales, head of the junior class will soon outshine all deserves special mention. ~iss hands on. chemistry department of the Uni-· other classes, and w ill be known to Rose Clark gave a most interestmg versity of Nebraska, will lecture all as the "flower of the Peru Nor- and instructive talk on the "Mexi to the Science Club, Friday even- mal." can problems." We etljoyed it ing, October 27. [!Bless us and save us, seniors! very much, and only r egret that Peru is in line for the next nor -Ed.] I more cou ld not have heard it. mal school addition-probably a 1 I Junior High School. new science ha ll. ,;till When yqu want someth i ng good P r ofessor Hoyt has received the The high school boys are proofs of his chemistry manual , meeting each day at five o'clock for to eat. Apples, grapes, Bananas entitled; "Chemistry by Experibasket ball, and an average of ten Grape Fruit, Oranges, Meats, mentation," from D. Van Mosto fifteen boys report for each Pickles, Bread and Cookies. School Supplies trand Co., New York. The manpractice, g i vi ng 'promise of a good Confectionery

Science Club.

The Goal is at The

Avenue Grocery


ual will be cloth bound and will contain about 200 pages, including many illustrations. It covers the first 11nd second semesters' work,

team. Miss St. John, th e m orn ing supervisor, was at home one day last week to attend tlie wedd ing of her

including revised analytical directions and sixteen exerci ses in practica l applications of chemistry of electricity, light, agriculture and digestion, the tests for foods, adulterations, poisons and several exerc ises in organic chem istry and quanti tative measurements. The Manual has been reviewed by Pres. ' D. W. Hayes and by Prof. I. H. Brite ll of Wayne Normal School.

sister. The younger Camp Fire g irls of the high school helcl a popcorn and candy sale at the football game Friday. The j uni or high people 1 are very joyous over the fact that 1 they are planning t o be in the new bui ldi ng some time in the next quarter . PROFESSOR PALMER. l<'rancis and Effie Gilli.land have been absent from school for t he last of t~e manual train ing department. ! few days. Junior Picn'c, Stuclent of Armo~r institu~e of The sophomore clas~ of the j uni Last Thursday the junior class Technology, also Ch icago Univers·, or high; or the e ighth grade, elected the fo llowing officers: ity, both of Chicago. Instructor elected the following officers: Pre- ~ Francis Cooper of Auburn, presi- of manual training, West Aurora l s ident, Hildegard Yeck; vice pre1 dent; Ni na Shubert of Shubert, high school, Il linois, one year. sident, Opal Ellis; secretary and first vice presiednt; Mabel Car ey Supervisor of manual arts in th,e ' tr easurer, Esther Hoyt; ye ll of Alliance, secretary; Robert Mang_um City, Ill. , two y~ars, ; l leader, Hugh House; sergeant-atSandberg of Omaha. traesurer; l practir.al wood'}'orker, Nationa11arms, Isaac Robirds; chairman of Pau4 Thomas of Allliance, class Bruf'h Works. Amora, 111.: drafts- program committee Ruby Lawmu9ician; C:a n·it~ Raif'r of Wood l man for W. S. Frazier & Co .. of , renct>. : Lake , chaplain; Rosa line Kohn of : Aurora. Thi s gives a very brief 1 Omaha, ed itor; William Kotas of . review of some of the past- activ- ~ Y. W. C. A. Notes. Milligan, sergeant-at-arms ; and ities of one of the new members I The large crowd of girls present Verne Curry ~f Harvard and Leona · of our faculty. at Y. W. C. A. Sunday, OC'otber Roby of Red Oak, Iowa, for yell ----1• 15, was a great encourag-ement to 1 lead ers. And t ho i t is not usually Specials and Trainers. the leader and also to the officers considered practical to utter proph- l Tuesday evening the specials and who are striving for a bigger memecies, especi all y since Bryan has ' tra iners marcher! out to the Normal bership. retired from a ll activities directed 1woods above th e athletic field to ' Don't fa il to hear Miss Hanthorn - · - -· • the beat of the ti ncups and spoons. on "How to he a f ri end." Miss 1 1 p r c" ~. Charades were guessed, wieners Hanthorn is an authority on this ' rive . >tl roasted, and buns, pickles, dough- subject and no girl can afford to ter 11 nrl repair hnth l arlic.-~· nnrl gel}t- 1nuts, bananas and coffee served. mi ss th is meeting. lt>men's dothingnf ~vn .v rlt>«cri ption. ' The coffef' was made as our fore- u Christianity is n ot real, 1 We nl,.:o d t:a n. rep::~1r and :llter fur:<- fathers mad e it. and al l agreed I Why make it a great theme? ru g>'. rlraperi<'>'. c:~r·pt>t~:=tnrl curtain!<., that i t tasted much better than ,. But if it is rea lly real, We hn,·e R s pt>cHil department for j that made h.v our landladies. Mr. 1 Then why not make it supreme? t he c,.leaning- and n·hlncking nf larl-·, C. Palmer, mounti ng a stum p, act- ! · • . 1 1 • \ 1 Bertha (at the football game) · res nrH JZ<'nt enwn !' 1wts . Ve p:~v ed as yell lead er and several of the j · · · . . . What is th is coach I hear so much . ret•.rn c1arg-c.-s I on a 11 s hrpml' nts . ispecia ls and trainers yells were ? lgiven. jahout. DRE "iHER BRO'i! 1 _ _ __ _ Hazel: Idontkrow. !suppose 22 11 - 17 r:'A I<Nf\M !-iT., Miss Dunn was in the Omaha that's wha t they haul the fe l ~ows, 0:\.IAi-I A. NEil l<. Saturday on busi ness. who get hurt , off t he fie ld with.


Fresh cut fl <•wers for a n v

occH!'ion !'uch as




Wedrl in g!',

Birt hday P a rti es, t<emet'flhrance~. Fun• rals. Etc .. in


::t p pr o·

;rrr ~• ngements,




H. U. Landolt

Phone 73






Sweaters and Under. wear The Larest in Footwear.

Milstead's Toggery



High Grade

PHOTOGRJtPHS At reasonable prices All the popu lar styles Make the appointmP.nt to day E. J. NEWMAN

Pend d' Oreille Studio Phone 56

Peru. N l'l;lr

Next Week Will be a great Budget Week No f uot b al l gtttn e, but two hig numhers of the Lecture Course.

Thursday Night, Nov6mber 2, The Metropolitan Grand Quartet. Sat. Night, Nov. 4, Marion Ballou Fiske~ Lecturer and Cartoonist. WA IT FOR THE::>E ·EVENTS





$35 Solicited for the Dry Campaign Expenses

Nov. 1, Drama tic Club, 8 p. m.

Last F r irlay morning the gi rls of t he school made strong arg umen t fo r p r ot racted d r ou t h in Neb1as \a as aga inst the pr esent condi ti on of excessive moisture. Mrs. Kuhl ma n had char ge of the exercises, whi ch consis ted of songs, a yell w i t h a punch i n it : We can' t vote, Neither can Ma ; If Nebras ka g oes we t Bla me i t on Pa,


2, Metro-

po li tan G r and Quartet, 8 p. m. N ov.

4, Mari on

Ballou Fiske, 8 p.

and a reading, " Fence or AmbuNov. 6, Dr y lance ?" by Miss Myrtle Harri s. ! A d eep f eel i ng f or the t hot of her Ra lly, 8 p. m . r ead ings, a ver sa ti li ty of g est ure and facia l expression, a nd t he : IT'arked absence · of a ffecta ti on · make Miss H arr is one of t he very charming r Paders of t he school App la use was empha ti c. Her poi nt was d ri ven home in, " lf t he cliff we wi ll fence, We might a lmost d is pense With t he a mb ulance down in t he GLAD E AN D STKE AM. valley. 1 Ca mpfire g i r ls of the hi g h school · " F'or t.he~e Th y g if ts. - for earth a nd sky m ing ling t hei r woods in sweet accord, i n t he fetching l nd ia n maid cosFor healt h, a nd for the seeing eye, I t han k T hee, Lord. " tumes gather ed a s il ver collect ion amounting to $35.00. In t he s t r aw vote taken among ! . , t he men not or.e wet vote ':"as fre_e ly ~n..the m eet i ng of ~~t. 2.~ · PERU LOSES THE CHAMPIONSHIPj t he ba ll in York 's possession o n ~? u~d one of the ;~culty vo ting S!l_Ject. Ho w to be a FJ 1end . . _ _ . I Per u ' s twPn t y yard I ine. · d1y as g unpo wder. M 1ss Ha nthor n r equ ests each g u·l N I D f d b y k 20 I t was in the second :q· uaJ'tei· t hat 0 "G reater Love , , . or ma e eate y or , to most of the scor ing was done. It o rea d t h e s tory , Y. M. C. A. I in Harper' s magaz ine fo r Apr il i Last Friday By w ide end runs and line b ucks O ur meet ing on October 26, 1908 , in _or der to g et a ~l earer un.- ' - York a d vanced t he ball to Per u's 19 16, was we ll attenrled . Prof. £<'. I ?.erstand~ng of : the B1bl e ~erse, \ _In one o~ t he fastest ga mes ev.er 1\ si x yard ~in~, but wer e held fo r M . Gr egg g ave an insp iri ng talk I ~reatei love hath no _rna~ t ha n w1.t nessed m secondary college cn- dow ns w1 t hm a yard 0f t he goa l. on t he "Gospel Team Wo rk _...: An ! t~1 s, ~h at .~e lay do wn h1s li fe f or cles iri Nebraska, t he str ong P eru The fi r st touch down came as the team went clown to d efeat before r esu lt of a t wen ty -yar d fo r ward Opportuni t y. " As a re;; ult of hi s hrs f n e nd . effor ts a nd t hose of Mr. Spach t , Miss Sne ll w i ll p r es ide ove r t he . t he Yor k Co llege eleven at York, pass f r o m Cox to G lur: the second several men remained af ter t he nex t meeting. Her topic is "No : ~0 to 0. las t Frid ay . 2500 people . by a r eturned pun t by Wh ite wh o meeti ng t o · perfect the organi za- standing sti l l. " Prove to ever y ; a t tenrled th e game. 'fired fr om · t i o n. From 12 to 12:30 p . m. one t ha t yo u ar e not ~tand ing st i ll i an a ll day r ide , an d heavily out- ~ each Thur sday, is to be spent hy being presen( a t t hi s last meet- ! we i$!hed, the P eru p layer s fought s t udy ing t he wor k. ing befor e vacat ion. g amely t i II t he last whi s tle blew 1 It is to be hoped that a larg e hbopikng_ agha inst hope f~r some I . k IS IT PERTINENT7 rea 10 t e game to g 1ve t hem n 1m ber of P er u f e ll o w~ W I 11 ta e The E D ITORIAL co lumns of I\ VI· C t ory a n d t h e ch amp ·lons h'l p. a rl van t ag e of th e St ud en t Vo· I u n teer h t he York Dail y News Ti mes con Th e1· r h opes now 1·1e s h atter e d . anu..1 r u n ng t e d Con f·erence a t· Co t ne R t t' tai ns th is: "Wh;it a ~contrast be-· t he game f or t h P pe nnan t w1·1 1 b e 1 commg vacat10n . ep resen a Jves . played on T hanksg 1'vi g Day bef r om eig htee n co lleges in th e state twePn t he play w g of Doane and W 1 1 n w i ll be the re to di scuss t he various Per u! It has been a long time tween es_eyan ar,d York. J O L LY V IC . LEFT END since York foo t ball fa ns ha ve had Ha nPy k rcked off to York who m;pe t earn wor k an d . d t h b 11 'd ..1 ~ raced s i x tv ya rds for a t ouchd own p hases o f. G 1 · t ' 't ' the pleasu re of witne,;sing a carr Je P a on w1 e enu run. T he ha lf enderl w ith the score, other r e I 1g10 us ·ac 1v1 1es.. · BETTER or CLEAN E R ga· me than to p er· u •s fi ve ya r d 1·w e whPre t h ey 14 . Per u 0. Rev. C. A. Carma n will lead our t hat p ut up yester day by the vi si t I wer e held . H aney punted out of York Per u came back str ong t he second mee.ti ng nex t Sunday. We t hen ing team (Per u)., da nger . T he q uarter ended ,.w ith ha lf , ho lding York scor eless ti II beg m t he study of t he text , · 'The ~:;;;,;;:;;;.;;;:;;; ' :;:;;;:;:;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;~~~~~;;:;:;::;:;;~~;;;:;;:;;;;;:;~.;;;-~~;:::;;;;:;:;;;;~ al most t he end of the t hird q uarChu r ch in the Open Co untry," F ter, when Pa ulson , th e bi g hunrl red wh ich wi ll be d iscussed one S unday ' and ni net y pou nd fu ll back bucked of each mon t h. the ba ll across f or t he t h i rd touch1 d own. Peru had t he ba ll wi th in T he ''Box f or the Bor der '' is fi ll ing rapidly. Haven't you a I ten yar ds 0f Yor k's g oa l in t hi s peri od , b u t lacked t he pu nch to contri bution , t<•O? pu t it over t he line . Final sco re , Y. W. C. A. Notes. · York 20 , Per u 0. Peru was forced to play a d efenWhat was the m atter with t he j sive g a me a lmost f rom t he s ta r t, Y· W. C. A. p icni c? It was a ll and was f req uentl y forced to pun t . r ig h t ! What was a ll rig ht ? T he I J ones and H aney played the best Y. W. C. A. picnic! game f or Per u . S mi th carri ed the <Contlnul'd o n Fou r t h Page.) self-sacrifi ce dand conF~tancy of The f r iendship were iscussed ver y !,_._.:..__________________________ ...;


Nov. 7






Peru, A College. Town,

W here?

Has Sa loons i n Nebraska City

3 00

Swat the Suitc·ase! Good-hye Gunny Sack!


8 ~y Ne b ~aska !


An extremely practical popular course in. home economi cs has be~n establishe d at Leland . Stan~o1d Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Ne· University by Dr. Jess1ca. Pl: xbraska as second-class ma t t er. tt 0 ..l!:ech g ir l takes an l magm -


Publlsbt Weekly by the Peru State Normal 75 c t s. Per Year• Single copy 5 cts. HOWARDSMITH Editor A. LEWIS TYLER - Associate Ed itnr GLENN 0. KELLEY . . Business and Subscnptton Ma nager DEPARTM ENT tmiTORS Verne Chatela in .......... ....... .. ..... Alumni Eos Bro wn ....................... ...Philomathean Ma rie Mcinty re ................. . Everett Frank Leger ...... . ................... Y. M. C. A. Bisie .Wilburn- ................ .... .. .. Y. W. C. A. Louis Worth, N 0 · :"' · Verne- Oha'telain ..... ........... ...... A thlctt~s Miss Bowen ... .. .............. .. . Mu~tc Bryan Emmert ........................... . Humor J ack .AIIsma n ........................ "Minerva " Alice Porma n............. ...... .Fost.gradu~;ues Ma ry Clary .......-.... . ............ ..... .. Sc·n~o r~ Rosaline Kohn .................. ..... Jumors Gertrude Clifton ...... :.............. Sophomo res Loy Hacker............................ Prcshmen Vivian Bishop ...... ........... .. ... High School . . j Specials a nrl Mtss Mathe A dee ....... . I p rc-pnratorics 1 Mr. Palmer ...... .... .. .. ....... Scirncc C 1Ill i\l a ttie Adce ..... . ....... Tra inr ts Prof. P. :vi . Gregg-ArlviFcr

~rv husband,

with a stipulated _income, furnishes a home .for him, f . · feeds h i m, takes care o m;agmary chi ldren, settles all domestiC problems and must come out at the end ~f the course on the r ight side 1 of the balance sheet. They are being taught to live ":"ith i ~ an av - ~ erage income and to IJve mcely. It is said that the young men of b I . Leland Stanford are usy app ywg for positions as · 'imag mary nu~:>banrls. • • They appear p erfect ty d wi ll ing to be experimente hupo.r. in the way of cooking, but w en 1t comes to keeping up home expense. they are willing to let the gamt remain imaginary.- The Sacra -

field Trip to

Ncbras·k a Gity, SATURDAY Nn long wulk involved. entire triP by PUPILS AIM:


Why the



mento Bee. Corduroy trousers for the jun. iors, Stetson hats for the se mor s, f t he freshme n and green caps or · red shirts f or. the t t' sopho mores. the Such at the presen 1me are . \ dictates of Dame Fashion. It IS pr ide whe n we think what strides Ne vt' r up to the f a culty now to wear a they have mad e . , On the pro~ram of the N. S. T. s pecial des ign of footwec:~r.-"Tro­ in t he 5 4 A. for next week we note the fol - jan," UnivP-rsity of Southern Cal. He nry Schott is head of the manlowing ~embers of the Per? faculty 'fhe fairer. sex of Earl h~m Uni- ual training department in the a s sectiOn officers: Mam1e Mutz. . h d - 'd d · to learn the School of Agriculture, Ft. Co llins, our car· pres. , Drawing; L o u E. Hosmer, verslty .•ave . eel e • Colorado. He reports an attend . d t A T'b main po1nts of footba ll so as to be pres. , K m ergar en; nna 1 . h b tt ance enro llment of 150 boys in hi s eer in betts vice pres. Superinte ndents abl e t o appreciate t e g a me e er. c lasses e ve rv day, and says he . is ' · · ' · A,- ,·angements have been made for and prmc1pals; F. C. Jean, v1ce . N t: hr::t!'ve ry busy. We should think so. pres Biology . Rose Clark vice a sen es of lectures on th e fund~., ' ' · e nta ls by· those who know. It 1s The N. S . T. A. prog ram for i<H Ci r,v pres. , Geography; H. C. House, m . . .t t reported that no d1fficult1es are next week li s' s the following Peru t L secre ary, 1 era ure. . d · ti d ' 1 h <i Vt' W t' be ing expenence m n mg ec- alumni in one connecti o n or a nother: Ti !lie Ander berry, Geo. E . The following m embers of the ·~ turers. -E_x._ _ _ __ _ S h 0 W II Martin, N. A. Be ngtson, ' 03 , W. A lumni Notes Pe ru facu lty are li s ted a s .s peakers T. Dav is , P. M. White head. Earl s u l' h n on the N. S. T . A . section proJakt> Schutt is supe rinte ndent Meyer. J u liu~ Gilbert, Gr ac·e K g rams fo r ne xt week: J. M. Howh l ' l'\ U l j . ie , "Algebra a nd Geo metry Si mul- of the manual training de partm ent Munson, Anna Hinterbe rg . Ag nes Kn udson, C U. Corne ll. N oel T y taneously ? " Abba Bowe n, " Giimp· at Aberd een, S. D. son. Gen. A. S t E-vens , '11, M . C. ses of the Thuringer Wale!; " G. W. Professor E. L. Rou:;e spent t ion n t' Le fler , ' 0\:l , Marie Fowle r. '1:::~, Brown, "Cardinal P uints o f Teach- Saturday and Sundhy in Sa rpy Kathe r mc Gambl e , '1 5. ing ;" F. M. Gregg, "Vitaliz ing county. in the inte res t of the dry L H d it·s' Hygiene T ea ching;" W. F. H oyt, camoaign. · •H e r e's a Sw iss na med E g !!, wh o "Firs t Year Chemis trv;" I<'. C. Jives in N e w York, pe titi ontng t o 1-< ,·a d v-t o- VV t·: · r '• <~ FII tl:' tt ts Hs th i' Smith, "Increasing Shop Effic ien · Miss Gladys. Ra lston, who has ha vt' hi s name cha nged ." l seR s n n. cy; " Pearl S. Kelley , "Primary charge of the ~lxt_h gra?e anri ~us­ · · Sor t of an egg s ha k e, e h Story Tel ling;" A lice Burley, ic work at PlalrtVI e w , IS makmg a What' s the t r o uble?" 011 r lint· nf Co::~t s. Suit s, Fnrs "Arts and Cra fts in Lang ua ge ;" marke d s uccess uf both. "He an d his w tfe ha~e f o ur child- \ M. C. L efier, ''The Rural Teache r 'Mi ss Dagmar Westergaard, of re n a nd ht s fa m i ly is con sta n t ly r e- • :-~ n rl fl n ·sst's is u m·xeel l• rl. la st ye&. r 's c lass, was reten L y fe n ·ecl t o a s the ha lf-do zen egg s . 1 of N ebras ka. " VVe wi ll npprn ·irote a vis it located in thE' inte rm ediate depa : t- He claims hi s yolk i s t Po hea vy t o 1 ment of · the Dixo n sch ool s. She be b orne. " Other Schools. . 1 fro m \' Il l!. wri t es tha t s he is ve r y muc h pl ea s" Why does n ' t he lay f o r hi s tor- 1 Re presentatives of the sophom ore ed with he r work. class have explained the rules of " lt appears he did o n ce anrl g o t 1 -- -conduct to the freshm e n, a nd ha\'e Miss E dith B. Mille r , w ho has men t ors?" --- -----given them their bacl!l'es. These the dome s tic science wo rk at Ba rt- beaten, whipped t o a fr o th . Poor cons is t of green ribbo ns, to he !ey . se nds in her life mf' mbership Egg coul cl harcll y scrambl e home." I worn around th e neck wi t h a t~ny 1 dues. She repo rts a very a us pic- -Exc ha nge. be ll atta ched. Wherever g oes the 1 ious s tart in her wo rk. and exceedTwo " co lor ed ge m m e r" . we r e freshman girl there must a lso go ingl y plt:>asant s urroundings. a ppa rf' n t ly abo u t t o com e t o blow s : ~h~ ribbon and the be ll, .anrl. the:e Carl Schott is hE>ad of the phys" Nigga h. don , t mess wicl me," NEBRASKA IS JUSt n_ow a plea~ant t1nklmg m ical training de partmf' nt a t Po rno- warned one, " cause w h e n :vo' d o , NEBRASKA CITY, the co rnrlors and m .the classr oo ms. na, Clare mont, California. He yo' s ure is fl i r t i n' w i d a hearse. " ""::::::::::::::::::::::.=~~:::~~:::~ . - The New Han.ps hlre . sa ys he e nj oys the work and hi s · • Don' pe::.tica t e wid me, ni g - 1._ It .is reported th a t a lot of the ho me in the "sunki s t" s tate . It gah," r e pli ed th e ot her, s how ing . separa te yo ' id eas fr o m y o' ha b i ts ; fres hmen are wearing s te e l hel- l cE-rtain ly gives us plea sure t o see a ~reat bony fist ; "d on' t fo ' <'e m e \ Ah'll just na t c he ral ly knock yo ' me ts to keep the woodpeckers off th e fine succe ss th e ::ich ntt boys ar e fo' t o pre~s di~ upon yo ', :cause If \ fr o m amaz in' R'race into a float i n ' their hE'ad s.-Winthrop Weekly . 1 making, and o ur hearts fill with yo ' do Ah II h1t yo ' so had Ah' ll oppor t unity. - Ex.








Phone 22


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Good sh_oes a srecialty .



During child study recitat ion Professor Gregg remarked, "You a ll agree, do you not, that a child learns to walk before he is able to ta lk?" Mrs. Smith :-"No, Sir! I talked t hree months before I could walk. " Prof. Gregg:.:_Well, we knew that you must have had an early start.''


Citizens State· Bank

6et Your Supply of Sh~et Music at Our Store We carry a larg-e stock of Popular and Classical Sheet Music and Music Books. Popular Music Demonstrated on the ohonograph. Complete Edi tion of McKinley 10 cent Music car r ied-Ask f or Catalog.




Just A. rrived ! at the


. Ga~ne~le R. Fay writes that she A few of the women of the fac- JS enJoymg her work as English ulty enjoyed a " steak roast" Sat- t eacher in junior high school at ! Columbus. She hopes to meet urday at Neal's pasture. many Peruvian fri ends at N. S. T. A very comp!P.t e I i ne of Normal Seal Pins and Rings The girls of the tenth grade tak· A., in Omaha, N ovember 8. Cat.efu lly selected Books. ing domestic science gave a pleasEvere t t Society Pins and~Ri ng( ant party for their mothers ThursIn t he rearrangeme~t of the seat- 1 All the Brand new Copyr ig-hts ! day afternoon. ing of a "psych'' class, Wheeldon Phil o Society Pins and Rings SEE US found himself si tting near Miss City teacliers of Table Rock and Snyder. Prof essor Gregg: "Mr. 1 AT county teachers of Doug las county Wheeldon, Miss Snyder; Miss Soyhave recentl y asked for the oragni- der, Mr. Wheeldon. No telling zation of study centers. what we've started now." N. S. H.\R!\JIAN A. B.. l l. () S Miss Ru t h Redfern has assumed Dr. Benton Dales, head of the Graduate of ChiCOKO College Dental Sur~eon t? ~ responsible positi on of adve:- chemistry department of Nebraska :.: · =.:·= = ·-:....=;__::.·.-====.:._::.._..:-:.......::.::.;__, t 1sm g manager for the Chate lam Universiy lectured t t h ~ · ~ -------------f~ESWE N T DENT I ST J 1 c F · L' 1 o e .;,Cience • ewe r:v o. or pnces on Itt e Club Fridlly morning . on ' ' Rare Ben alarm clocks see her at once. Earths." This was the subject on Wo:' ll treat you right. F i1 st class Prof. F. M. Gregg addressed the wh! ch he wrot e his doctor' s thesis · work counts. teac hers and the rlub women of whde at Cornell University. "Be you r orders great or small On September ~5. notice was KINGSOLVER & COWELL Phone or bring- th em one and all" A ~hurn last eveni ng, the a_dd ress •'WESTS IDE RARH EH SHOP" he~ ng the firs t one of a sc>nes . on sent to Professor Hendricks that T6 rh1ld stud y, the fJrm of extenswn his "Manual of_ Everyday Physics" work se lected there ·for the year. h ~d been copyri g hted. Temple Phone Presiqtmt Hayes has been invited h1g h school, the U. of N . t raining While yo u're down town spend . 218 to read a paper on the ''Normal high schoo l at Lincoln, was one of a little t ime wit h us. All Agent for Sunny: tde Greenhouse Schools and Educational Measure- t he first to or der the new book. A wnl'k gunrantced fi rst class Falls City, NPbr . ments" hefore th~ Natinnal Society brief of the text will be given in a Chases Barber Shop ' for Promotion of Science, wh ich later i~sue of the Normalite. St·conrl dom· from post o ffice meets in New York City on Decem A little hoy was reading fluently 1 ber 27 and 28. and expressively before t he obse rA joint con ference bet ween the va lion and methods class. Thru Denri-.t heads of the home economics de- happy co incidence, Miss Wea ther- L<·t us s u ppl~· yn ur partments of t he State. Normal hogg was saying enthusiastically, ~beet •'\u!'tiC Offie~ o vt·r V~• rit't y Store "l'd like t.o kis" that little boy," The populr~r hits l Oc ( 1c post.) Schools anrl the University of NeI •ffin· I 'hnnt· ;-{;-{ H "LI~t' 71 braska will be h,.. Jd during State just as Smith and Kellev entered the MUSIC COMPANY TeachPr:>'. As,;ociati on week fo r the room, late to class f or the first GASK ILLPianos an ~ Vlclrolas Miss Weatherhogg NEBRA~KA Cl n. purpose of furth l-'ring the recipro- t ime this year NEBSl\SKA asserts that there need be no doubt DR. t~. L. ~HELLHOI{N rat ing of credi ts. as to whi ch "little boy" she reMi ss Harr ingto n is rnakinl!' good R t>,-irlence Phc lilt:' 6 ferred to. use of rural demonstrati on schools. H AVE YOU EVER USED Office ov• -r R... xa ll :-.tore class make at least p ro fessor ,, · "H ow m uch The trainers' urep;g:. Ph•mt" ::l l E ut hyma l Tooth Paste to these . can d v wor t h a pou nd" one tr•p each 1s . h tweek . M. H 1me d ISSrl ar· M r. · I( u hi amn :- "G ooc:1 canrv 1 :•r:RP. .\iEBR. sc· hoo Is. at·11w h rc Thi~ pn·parntinn i~ really appre~iat nnp;ton 1 ustrdtes a n emon· t t th 0 d f t h. b used to be worth hetween one and <·d by p<·opk of n·fi nc:cl t aste. It IS a 5 . 0 s. ra es me eac 1_ng Y two dollars a hox, but now I buy s<"icntilic pre pH 1 H t oon of th~ worlcis l! reatc~t 111 811Uf~u · t1H i ug pharlll al·i ~t~, actuall y cond uctmg classes m the it by t hP. sack." Pari«! [) avi~ & Co. a nd nc ~ d s no Hc:n· on the \V:-1 \ . rura l schools. Prof. Gregg :-· "That's all ri ght, ot her rccomcn rl n tion. T I<V IT t< • tow n One of t he chi ef speakers a t thP Ku hlman , hut when you have go ne -------Suits m}lcle. Suits cle:om·rl :1 n rl Nema ha County Su nday School As- as fal' on the r oad d matrimonv p r t'sserl for m t-n Hnrl w<~mt"n. sociation mPet ing- a t Aul.u rn last as I have you will. quit buyi ng week was Prof. G. W. Brown ot i candy a ltoget her. " Joe Krepeht 01{UGGISTS Peru. whose sixteen years as Sun · day school superi ntendent gives The Avenue Tragedy. Pr o~ . Prof. Pa lmer, one Ortobe r morn, hi m t he vo!ce of a uthority. J. M. ~owle was r~-e~ec t ed pres! Wa lked r.he streets with a look of Up t he avenue t o McKenne:v's \1 ~I\! TO" & dent of t he ar.;soc Ja tro n for t he rloor . scorn . t coming . year. H is head wa~ bare, he he ld it high Red Emmer t felt worse' cause h is A well-known juni or boy just and thot, cap was new: . Floris ts ecently got to hear of a famous Ry heck. c ursed be t hat guy!" With Crai g he began to fret and . · r Peru incident. the one wh ich in · Ei'or alas! twas on ly the night stew. volves the lo~s. upon the part of a . before $ mith, Snyder, and "Ca ldy" along Howers tor all I Jccasion:with the rest voung man, of a diamond stickp in , 1· His hat d isappear ed from his board ing house door. Came sad to breakfast, bu t wear · a nd th e cli st'overy of t he jewelr y , ing t he ir best. t he sa me evening by a yo ung lady Nay, not a lone was he in h •s fate- I Pbunt: 95 i n he r hair as r.;he pre parerl to re- For we look aga in a nd here comes · Si nce a ll t hings come to t hose who ire. The junior dec larl-'d: ' ' Gee. Spacht. I waitt l am go ing- r ight down town ancl Th is hat less proces:sion continued Why, so did the hats at ha lf par.;t NEB RASK~ FAllS CITY, to pour j eig ht. - The Culprits. uret me a sti ckpin."



N. S. N. S. Store


Ellis The Jeweler DROP IN


Mrs. E. 0. PolzeJ I


R. D. Cole













1he Ooal is at The the long -heralded, long-anticipated N, C. A. masquerade . ., The cr~dThe N ormal Catholic Associati on ball the most yards. Schneider !t for the ~uccess of thts meetmg has been r eor ganized this year and Bell, outplaying their men,, IS due ftfate Osborn and her co· with a m ember s hip of approximate broke up a great many plays. workers, Mr. Dudek and Mr. ly e i~hteen persons. We are very Whe n you wa nt some thing · good Each team completed one forward Kue bler. fortunate this sear in having a pass-Peru, Sandberg to J ones. !'he g eneral plan of the ent~r- member of .the faculty, Miss Mui- to e at. Apples, g ra pes, Ban anas York was frequently penali zed for ta~nment was. the events whtch len , of the d omestic science depart- Grape Fruit, Oranges, M eats, holding and unnecessary roughness. ~tght transptre . after we ~a~~ I ment , as our adviser. Pi ckl es, Bread and Cooki es. Altho defeated 20 to 0, and put sh~ffied off thts morta_l cot!. . At our last. bus :ness meeting the School Suppl ies out of the champi onship running, The first number w~s a bnef 'v1~1t foll owing o fficers wer e e le cted: Confectionery Peru need not f eel badly because to Heaven, whe~e ~t. Peter, ah as Mi ss Anna Regan, president ; M iss H. U. Landolt of be ing beaten by a team the size J ed erman, curtat~ed our stay by a Mari e Rank. vice pres ide nt.'; Mi ss Phone 73 and calibre of York. The team ~entence to Purgatory. The unfor· MRri e Maney, secretary ; Mrs. K e lg ave them the best it had but was tunate s inner arrived in the sai J lv. trea surer. Father Weise of simply outclassed. ~ere is what locality vi a ~ playg~ou n~ s lide. , Ne braska City and Miss Mull en F r es h cut fl r•wer s for a n v the Yor k olayers c:~ay : "Peru is the Purg ator y s locatJOn IS the boys 1 will a lterna te m C'onducti ng th e o cc ;l!'i o n !'uc h as Wed ding-s , fastest, hardest figh t ing and clean- locker r oom. It was pretty b~d ser vices, which are to be he ld each est playing team we' ve played this b u t Hades was wor se. One g trl Sunday morning at 8 o ' clock in Bir t h d~ .Y P a rti e>', 1-<em ernbra nyear." ' Af ter all f ootball is no t so was heard to remark as she enter- Phil o hall. We extend a cordia l ce!" . Fun • r a ls. E tc .. in :-t p promu ch in winning as in PLAYING ed. pale and trembling, th&t if it invitation to all Cathol ics, o r t o priat e ~ rr a nge m e n t s , rHE 'GAME fairly and squarely : was r eall y that ba~ she'd behave any one who has e ver b ee n a and fig hting hard. Lineup: l·for t_h e r est of her llfe . . . I Ca tholic, to join our association. Peru. York. After th e torments, the Vtdtms Vi si tor s are welcome at all serG. E. BERTHOLD Jones le. Conway · r efreshed t heir wPary selves with vices. Be ll lt. Jahn "Ten Litt le Indians'' ani! "Skip - - - . - -- THE FLORIST W. Emmert lg. Bland ! to My Lu. " We surely do like I . Sentor Notes . Schneider c. Myers these games--ev~n the seniors con- ! Are wP sen!ors over va in whe n NEB RASKA NEBRASKA CITY. Allsman rg . Lar son d escend ei! so f ar as to play them. 1 we say that we have t he hest ta lPnt Spacht rt. Reynolds 1 Refreshments of ice cream cones .in school ? We have amp le proof Leger re. Pri ebe and opera sticks wer e served, thi s tn back our statement. ::. Cra ig q. Glur chan ge being enjoyed by all. The I Ei g ht of our bo.)< s pla y on th e B. Emmert lh. White g uests departed aft er the unwe l- footba ll tea m. Nor is that th e What is b e tter than Haney tb. Pa ul son com e dip, one and all' declaring only place whereiri we boast o ur Sm ith rh. Cox 1 tha t we had ha d one grand t ime superi or i t y. Our class chapel exa nice bath-robe for Suhstitutes- Sandoer g fur Em- I and wis hing we could d o it al l over ercises have proved tha t we ar e t.ot me rt; Owens fo r Haney ; Meissner again . The sentiment seemed un- lacking in a ttributes oth er t han in your room for fo r Allsman. Offic ials-·Hallig an, animous. those of t he gridiron. r efer ee ; Beck, umpire; Gelwick, I Haze l Frye has the next meeting . Mi ss Ha rri s has r ea d for us in a euen ing !"ttUd\? head. lines man. i in charge , and from what 1s known mann er so delightful tha t words About one hundr ed students of the plans , it will be a success. are too meager to expres~ it. wer e a t the stati on Friady morning 'Rah for Philo! I Har old Cha tela in played his horn, wh en t he f oo tball boys left for l and, t ho "i t was the onl y piece he You'llfind a ~ plen ­ York. A: g reat many were there ! Post.-Graduate Notes. kn_e~ ." was _e xtraordinarily en t e r Mtsc; J o nes and Mi ss in the ram to g r eet t hem in hearty ! It would have been well if the tamm~. did s ele~ti"n a t fashio n when they returned. mil ita ri st could have heard Dr. I Clar y ha ve sun~ charm ing song s in Some of the en t hus iasm of other House' s talk on " Patri otism" a ver y cha rming- way . days is ret urning to us. Get. hep ! Thursday morning . Hi s speech Now, yo u se nio rs wh•) ha vPn't Mrs. Nellie Smith recei ves the was concerned with outlining the beP. n eo ming to cha pel! .Jus t see g r atitui!e of the f oot ball hoys, P.Sychologi cal d evelopment fr om wha t you ha ve mi ssed. Of course s inc_e she was the leadin g s~irit in se lf-protection into aggression, in yo u w ill solemnl y s wear to come urg m g t he r eal Pe ru loya h sts to both th e indi vidual -•nd t he nati on nex t Thursday- plea .,e d o. We meet the tra ins on whi ch our boys and d ifferenti ating between nat iOn- need yo ur he lp t o ca rry o n th e were passenger s. al Pgotism and t r ue patr int ism . wor k and plav of our la~ge c lass. H igh G r ade PhilomatheanSocie~ Notes. True _patr iotism he d afines as T,hen if . Mr . Sp~cht ~.as a ny m or e that nat tona l spirit w hi ch looks not Per uv ta n Pt cture ~nn o unce. PHOTOGR~ PH S Ph~lo had ano~her su~erfine onl y to the flag but beyond i t to 1 ments , or if Mr. Wilson wi shes t o : ~neetmg Saturd aym ght. Thts was , th e immigr antwho ha~ fterl from · Pxpreus hi s di sre~ard for ''min" ' per secution to a land of freedom. : di es." we 'll a ll be ther e a nd know I If you can ' t he at th e o ld pr ess. ! " wha t' s do ing." Sha ll "cut . a lSpecw . I san d T r ;uners. . • c hape I' ' or " a ttenu-> c ha p pJ" b e ou r 1 ' h o m e p l a c e Tha nksg i v i ng Ar 'Ire•! rnpa' r tl rl ' , ri ·rve. l t '. ' .' . , ' 1 1JO 11 1a I t'S :1n gen t send a ne w pho t o of yo urself, . . . ' The sp Pci a l and t ra iners elected s 1ogan ?· I 1 s d ot htngoft•ver v dt·'-'rrtptl nn Ch p 1 · "d J GIas- 'I --·--- ..Not - I"<men ' • · · 1 as. a mer . pres! Pn l; oe Sophomore - it w ill b ring c h eer t o n c a 1so cleR.n, repm r a nd niter fu rs· t. gow . • vice presii!enl'• Dwi ,.(J'ht Mar- '' Last Thursdav at classes. h 1 th j home-keepi ng hearts. ru gs. rl nt !Jen es, cnrpets Rnrl curt Hins. dt s , secr etar y . and treas nrer·· Carl offi ce r s of t he sophomore · cclass a pP e, - 0We hAve a speciRI rl ep11r tm ent for Mc P rang, cha 1rman of t he program elected as f o il . p . we r e j · co mmittee· G H 1 ows . r es td ent t heclean1n g Rnd rehlncl<i na of larl•. eorge aney, yet J ohn Mill er · vice pre51' d t I ' · H ave i t m a rl e t o-ciay. · . en . ~ee ,... lead er; M1 ss McK en nPy p ian ist · L • · 1es an cl)<!entlemen's h:t ls. We p 11 .v a nd M'1ss Hayes, se r~ean · ·'t-at-a rm s • ong; !'eCr Ptar y, Doris Frve· t reasL d · · ' Cer ta i nly officers have been e~ Ft ir E'r. oy Prante; yell lead er . re l•lrn chnrg-es o n ~Ill s hi pmrnt s. E.J. NEW MAN DR ' . · · ra nk Sharrar .1 ESHER BRO.,! l lected whowll l conscientiously per- 1 T hursdavat. ·la h . Pend d' Oreille Studio · 2 2 11 -1 7 ST. ., fo rm t heir du ti es. ·was P hone 56 P e ru, N ebr 0:\IA H A . N E RI<. The big dry ra ll y Mond ay nisrht. Dunn clo!'ed by ~n vm~ a r ead ing " Bob 's Fai ri es" by Ril ey. . ·I Peru Loses the Championship, <Continued rrom Firs t



Avenue Grocery



Milstead's Toggery





FA I< ~:!\1



Metr~opolitan Thur~da~· ,

cgi~~~~ a~~~i:h R~li:~ '

Grand Quartet

November 2, at 8 p . m.

Mar-ion Ballou Fisk, cartoonist Saturday, Nov. 8 p. m (D.·y Rally pos tponed to Mo nd ay)

Each Entertainment Budget Ticket or 50 cents




COURSE HAS A t3HILLIANT OPENING I Two Great Numbers of Entertain,. m ent Series Last Week If t he entire co urse of en terta inments on t his year's r oster r ealizes t he high stand ard o f excellence establ ished by th e first two number s, we shall have an un usmdly fine li~t indeed. l n i ts first v isit to Peru , last Thursday nig ht, t he Me tropolitan Male Quartet, a rompauy of ster li ng ar tists , mor e t han met t he high expectati o ns aroused by favor abl e adva nce rPpor ts. A n a dm irably balanced quartet of voices sing ing w i t h nota ble preci,;ion. flawle:-;s en unciation, intell igent phrasi ng, and exq uis i te tona l effects inter ested, th r illed and sat isfi t:!d a large and cosmopoli tan audi ence. The careful ly selec ted numbers of the progr am brough t. . AUTUMNAL PERU. something fo r everybodv: digni ty, / poericaf fancy, chaste h umor, and Fair Peru - I ne ver J.:npw There upon yo ur wooded hi II sheer lyrical and st-nsuous beauty Wha t a spell a r.ame coulrl hrew Stand "The Six"-a st_ud ent mill. were presen t in the va~;io us songs. ! Where t he P rofs. are grind ing sti ll. Ti II I hea rd fo Iks te II of you. Pro ba bly t he super b DeKoven Mecca-end of many a quest I can see the golden gleam musi<; of Ki plings ''Rect!s~ i ona l " Provps the Dorm, nigh to t hP rPst Of you r maples' changing s hPf- n elic ited mor e ent.h usi a~m than any Standing- on its slight hill',; crest. Flashing tl)ru my hazy cl rt>a n1. o t her of t he quar t et~ thoug-h tht> ' Sigh t of oa k and spaci ous hall Our PP.r u- the ver y t hot deep me la ncholy of Sulli va n's "The 1 L ig htsome mern ' r ies oft r ecal l Of you r campus se re is fraugh t Long Day Closes," was ext reme ly 1 P leasan t quip and fol de- ro l. Wi th fond vision>~, magic wr ought. impulsive. Mr . Yarndley gave ..,, rf much pleasurP. w ith his 'ce ll o solos, 1 So, Peru- 1 never knew -,.r o1J:•(I !' ' ! , , ' J, V I ) ' f) ; t h is choic!:lst offer ings being Sear- , What a charm a viE>w can brew gent 's ' 'Romance'' and the E'Ve r ap~ . v' u • ' ill· Ti II I tu rned my t hots to wa rrl you . preciated "Eveni ng Star." Mrs . a1 -Kel!e.~. Nt:!well played pia no accompanien ts I • with charmi ng del icacy and fi nish. a re an i mperfect med iu m of art. w ish of many i n ven tur ing to hope BIG PEH U HANQUET COMES 'I'HUHSDA Y It is notab le that every soloist Yet Mrs. Fi ske - woman- lecturer , t hat we may aga in hear Mrs. Fiske . I and view her charming sketcheR. Will Be Held nt H otel Rom e, Omnh n, r espo nded to do uhl e and t ri ple rehumorr st. a nd chalk-talker, was I , . · calls. Mr. Chase is a robu st tenor · · fi d · ·d d' · H. C. H. I · nt 6 O'clock Thnt Eveam g 1 1nterestmg, re ne , v1v1 , ll!nl · 1 of unusua l temperament and dra - tied, and artistic. H e r hu mor is j Bow,.Wow!! Four hundred loyal, shouting Pema t ic fo rce. Mr. Newe ll 's vo ice I tha t of a sensitive a nd sympat hetic j . . T<ear· ney ruvi ans are ex pP.cted at th e Hote l is high and "weet ancl he uses it 1 . d h hi h f . Consrd er th1 s f rom t he • ' ' m rn , t oroug y a 11ve to t e un - 1 A Rome banque t hall. most effecti ve ly in t he exp ression rn· y Sl.ttJatJ'ons and merr·y l·n,.ono-rul· .: nte 1ope : The success of f or mer b~nqueti', of delicate fee ling. The b 'ls~o . . h h. h l'f ' Th e re s hou ld a 1reac1y '·oe some t iPS w rt w 1c common 1 e. . h' h h b th 'd f Peru • Mr C.:oppe:rth wai te sang very ac· b d B M F" k d' ·' · conversat1on a bout the P eru game, w IC as e~n e rn e 0 · ' ' a oun s. ut ! rs. IS e lu · · d t th I It I love ceptabfy t he favori te " Myself . e oya Yam . • ' November 24 . In t he past seven vJans, IS ue 0 · ! much bes 1des I.e 11rng cute s tones , whic h every st udent has for tl'iis When you ng " responding to en. h , : yea rs Per u has won t h ree g ames 1 1e cartoons. ' and makrno- 1aug a) . . errand 1"nst1't tltl' on co r es with in i m i tably f unny and ' .'"' . f. I ~ and Kea rn ey f our. The last fo m ... . . . Her full , n ch vo•ce was o ten ent . · Th is will be the firs t meeting of fetching com i cs of the darky. f bl . 1 yea rs have bee n the wmnmg ones to thE' exp r ess10n o no e se nti- . I< , t · I a se r ies of meetings to be he ld in nr eac her t ype. H is or gan is a dis. fi . f0r earn ey. 1t s none oo e • I Y ment, w_ h!le her deft ngers were to '"'et the "pep" that will b~ celebration of th e Golden Anni ver, 1nct profunda, rir.h and sonorous. f 1 "' busy w1th the enchantment o cod d f t h' .., " sary o f Old P eru. It was i ndeed a p leasure to hea r . . . nee e or rs gam"'. ors and t he p rctunng of sugges tive 'I 0 0 vou no t'ICe o ur t eocath chatte I'· This wi ll be a tine opportun ity a male quartet of thoro and un- and rom a ntic scenes. The voice · . · . f or seniors and g rad i.•ates 'to ·meet questionab le meri t. These gentle- and the easel preached, and preach- rng or our knees wobb lmg? superintendents and p rincipals wh o 1 men are real s ingers, and incorpor- ed well · a nd w hile the ~peaker sa t- i Stndent, i n j u nior botany class : wi II be needi ng teacher s next seI . ate i n t heir pr ogra m no suggesti on isfied t he popular craving for "the - H ow did you want us to answer mester or nex t yea r. of noisy vaudE>vi Ile or cheap buck- story w ith a poi n t, " and obvious thi s last question'! Tickets should be r eser ved beand -w ing comedy. mora l, th e cr i tic co uld fi nd eq ual Prof. Hansen:-·You co uld have fore Thursday noo n . Women lectur e r_s are often hard enj oy ment in t he fine atmospher e t.a'kE'n i t in two different ways. For fu r ther info rm ation call on: to endure. Platform humo-r. is of culture and si ncer e idea lis n• ' Stud ent:-Which way was cor- P rof. L. F . Garey , presiden t of freque nt ly ba ld a nd wear isome. which characteri zed every offering. r ect? Alum ni Association; Prof. B. C. lf"o ntinu!'cl on F o u l' lh Pn J;"I'. l Coarse paper and common rhalk The write r voires th e expressed Prnf. Hansen:- The o the r way.

tat,o !f"v.· S · LiD1 Y'



,_ "'

I '




the · gra~mar _if yo~ have the · ner ve t o st1 ck t o 1t unt1I you can Entered a t the Postoffice at Peru, Ne· cut the m ustard. Goodn ight ! braska as second-class matter. Charges on s pace f or t his j ob . lot, Publlsbt Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal $1.54 . Please pay the busmess manager. -Kearney Antelope. 75 cts. per year. Single copy 5 cts.





Field Trip to

Nebraska Gity,

Y. M. C. A. HOWARD SM ITH Editor A. LEW IS T YLER Associate Editnr Peru Y. M. C. A. will pay railGLEN N 0 . KE LLEY · r oad fare one way for five dele· Business a nd Subscription Manager gates to the Student Volunteer . D E P ARTME NT E DITO RS Conference at Bethany, vacation Verne Chatelain ................ .... Alumni Eos Brown .............. ....... ...Philomathean week. N o meeting will be hel d Marie Mcintyre ......... Everett next Sunday. The Sunday foll owFrank Leger ...... ... .............. Y. M. C. A. Elsie Wilburn ............. ... Y. W . C. A. ing, No vember 19, will likely be Louis . Worth, N. C. A. given over to the Peru delegates Verne Chatelain ..... ........... . ..... A thletic~ Miss Bowen . .. . .... ....... Music who shall have attended the conferRosalie Kohn................................ .. . Humor Mrs Nellie M. Smi tn, ..... ... .. . Loc~ l ~~1 j ack Allsman . ............... ...... " Mi nerva'' Sunday, November 5, meet ing A lice Forma n........... ....... F ost-gradu ates Mary Cla ry ....... .... .................. S(·n~ ors was led by Rev. C. A. Caramn , I Rosaline Kohn ............. .... .... Jumors subject, "Church in the Open 1 Gertrude Clifton ...... ......... .... Sophomores Lo v Hacke; Fre!lhmen Country ." Mr·. Carman goes to l Vi,;ian Bish<;·p ..........::...... :: 1-1 igh School Shenandoap, Iowa, a col lege town I ~I . Ad 1Sprcials :lllrl 1 a the ee........ .. .... . ·1 p n·pura tories of some six thousand it1habitants, i\•lr. Pa lmer .. Sc~t· nce Club there to f urther ser ve his church. Prof. p.:· ~1 . Gregg.....: A civi~er Regret over his departure is mark-

SATURDAY Nn lonJ;! walk involved. en ti re trip by r ui l.





Nix on the Slang.


Cleveland Rurals' Picnic.

ed among st udents, among whom Last Friday evening the members Mr. Carman has moved with unaf- of the teacher s' t rai ning cla ss, ,unYes, they ' ve cut out the slang f ected comradelinesfl and intimacy.. 1 r Miss H arrington, and the rura stuff. The li ne of ta lk handed out Expressions of sorr ow over h1 s de by some of the dor m owls was get- leaving and t ribute t o t he man have ' sociology ·class, u nder Professor t ing fierce. They had wor ked up a been noted by an interested observ- Bro wn, enjoyed an old f a shioned er at boarrl ing- houses, stores, wiener roa st . The jolly bunch left line of fa ble materia l t hat had st reet-cor ner gather ings, and even the chape l steps at f our o'clock a nd George A d e backed off the b oar ds among the "Nebraska City paand gasp ing f or wind. t rons" and morall y ca reless men. made t heir way t o a g rassy spot in As we sa id befo re t hev ' ve rlitch- of t he com mu nity. It i..; signi fi- the woods south of the campus. · __ They found the " eats" commi t t ee ed it a ll now. The; sa..; tha t they lcant. must swi tch onto ano ther track, A fire-mist and a planet, on the g r ounds with the cam pfire so t hey jammed on the emergency A crysta l and a cell , roaring , and the coffee pot ging ing . . . A je lly-fish and a saurian, ·1 hrake. reversecl t he t 1n L1zz1 e . and And caves where the cave-men mern y. str uck the narrow path on low. dwell When t he committee arri ved it No mor e wil l those eleven dor m Then a sense of Jaw and beauty, Ihad matches galore, among the nn dames hand out t he chin goods at And a face turned f rom t he clod- merous parcels wh ich they carri erl , a pace calcula ted to t ur n an empty Some call it Evol uti on, Ibut when Doc. Owens atteJTipterl to And othero call it .God. Istart a fire , it appeared qui te e viwagon on a stony road green with A haze on the fa r horizon, dent that he had had no boy scout . N II I envy. Tl1en .m fi m.t e, t en d er s ky, • . o more wi .we g 1mpse . h h t t he.,f a u· ones pa lavermg like a_ The ripe, ri ch tints of the r:orn fields t ra ining . These mat e es egan o brai nstor m with a loose steer ing - j Ancl t he wild g eese sail ing high ; disappear one by one unti l only one 1\ gear. And al l over t he up land ancl lowland was left. Then t hose suffragettes The constitutiona l amendment The char m of t he golden-rodtook charge of t hat one matr h a ncl or dering f orfeiture of sponduli cks, Some of us call it Autumn. Mi ss Cook sci ent ifically pr0ceeded GO T O And others call it God. cold co in of the rea lm . f rom evey to start a blaze whi ch became our Li ke t ides on ·a crescent sea beach, wren who slings the slang has put When the moon is new a nd th in, roaring cam p fi re. the skids under the free-and-easy Into our hear ts high yearnings Charles Palmer kodaked t he • style of cheer y chatter . So sue Come welling and surg ing in ; group _soon af ter it s _ar r iva l, a nd cessful has been the effort to deliv- Come fro m the mys t ic ocean immerll ately the eatm g began. r im no . foot er t he guods of q ua li ty in the S Whose f L has . trodAf ter supper g host stor ies were ome o us ca 11 1t ong mg, • h mother t ongue that during t e ' And others ca ll it God. proposed and quite a f ew contrib- NEBR ASKA CITY, NEBRASKA past week only one hunrh·ed and A picket frozen on duty, u ted: some of which were a ct ua l T H E QU A LI TY S T O R E si~ty violations of t he command- A mother star ved f or her brood, exper iences and afforded no little ment were out down by t he record- Socrates drinki ng t he heml ock, amuseme'nt . All hav ing enjoyed Everything Marked in Plain Figure!< ing a ngel. The fines, t o the tune And J esus on t he r ood , themselves t o t he last hun and ha - 1 of one buck and s ixty r ed men, And mil lions wh o humble and , nana. the party br oke up at a n ear- ~::=::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::! nameless, , - l ly hour and ret nr ned to the campus. , t 1es. . The stra ight , har d pathway plod The wor k is proving ve ry in prov1'd e d a fl ossy f eed f or t he e Iev-



Dresses Waist s


c ·oats





D r y Goods





I l

en elect last Saturday nig ht. j Some call i t Consecra ti on, All .of \;Vhich goes to pr ove that And others ca ll i t God. it pays to spring t he refo rm stun t - Wi lliam Her bert. Ca rruth .



Phone 22


Each of th ese classes is interested t eresti ng and a t t ractive and under work whi ch is being t hese ab le instr uctors t he c lasses Itaken up in the country commum - are making cle finite progr ess.


Iin the r ura l

O ffers you the best both in Dry Goods and Groce ries. HE NCE LOW PRICES.

Good shoes a sr ecialty . TWO DELI VERIES D AILY


Freshie-:-Qu ite a few girl s ~ ~ leave school every year to get married, don't they?" Senior:-"Yes, my boy, but many more come to school every year because they can't. Heard in tthe art class: She:"Si mplicity is in itself an art." He:~"Then I must be a masterpiece. "

Citizens State Bank

6et You •· Supply of Sheet Music at Our Stor e We carry a larg-e stock of P opular and Classical Sheet Music and Music Books. Popu lar Music Demonstra ted on the obonograph . Co mp lete Editi on of McKinley 10 cent Music carried-Ask for Catalog.









Plann ing


:::HRISTMAS! Whv n ot

he !'vstemntic


careful in _vou r hu~· iu g? We hnve the tine!'t "e lec tion nf Chri" t· mas t;oods tha t mnnev can huv Yo u will get a SQUA RF.. DEAL at th.-

LOCALS !he progra~ closed with the .sing- / Just Arrived! Betting as to what time class mg of the JUni or soog. I bells will ring has become a fad. a shipment of The Normal Lut heran Associa- , Who's been "Joshuaing" the Nor- tion met Tuesday, October 31, and mal clocks? the fo llowing officers were elected: Prfo. Geo. W. Brown spent Sat- Adviser, Bertha Wild ; president, I urday in Auburn , Prof. M. C. Karen Blair; secretary-treasurer, 1 It will ma ke those letters look neat Lefler in Fairbury, both in connec- Henry Amende; chairman of pro- and read 0- KSec t his box pa per 1 tion with study center work. gram committee and Pianist, Anna a nd be pleased with t he letters you Amende. The first regular meet- j writeThe Freshman class dialect enjoyed bya ing will be held at .nine o'clock in , readingfn the Italian Mi ss Clover, a nd three very pretty Miss Bowen's room, the Sunday songs by Miss Clary at class chapel after vacation . All Lutherans cor- j ----=-.::·=-==:c:·~=====·c.:-=-... Thursday . dially invited . 1,- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- , A haskP.t ball tournament at PeEver ett Literary Society ru is being arranged to take place Last Saturday evening the EverWe'll treat y o u right. Fit s t class about the first week of March. ett ent husiasm f or good times was 1 work counts. Parti cipating teams will include again displayed at the long planned ! KINGSOLVER & COWELL practically all the high school Hallowe'en masq uerade. Even be· ··WEST SIDE BAl<HER SH O P.. teams in southeastern. Nebraska. fore t he pr oper hour had arrived, a =--------.--------· If the dry c1mendment does not large n.u mber of masked ghosts, ~ .------ -- ·--- ·-..- - - - While do wn t own J!O.to carry by a big majority in the pre- bums and rea l sports had assembled cinct in which the State Normal is in the basement of the library . located, it will not be due to a Dr. H o u!'e ~s E nglish r oom had been · fM vo ur 1 k f · h f Barb~r Work ac o Interest on t e part o the changed into a wi tchery and everyNea t, Clea n. All wo rk firs t cla ~~ Peru faculty. A large number of where the usual Hallowe' en black Seconrl doo r frnni po~to Aice . h h b k t e men ave een ~pea mg to cats, witches, lanterns a nd symbo ls . ~--------....:....-----' - - - - ...--- -- - - - cr owded honses in the various ru- of October 3 1, were seen. These j ra l d istrict s thruout the preci nct. were due to the generous efforts .---H - t!_n_ d_q_ u_u_ r_t_e_r _:-._ _;j:;-u-:-r:---r


I ·-==============~ N. S. N. S. Store



N. S. HARAJIAN A. ' B .. IJ. D S. Oraduare of. Cbicago College Oeotol Surgeon


Office ovl'r PH y Rl'l ke r_v

"Be you r orders great or s mall Phone or bring them one and all" TU

Mrs. E. 0. Polzel -

Phone 218 Agent for Sunny.-ideGreenhouse Falls City, Nebr. ·- - · . ·- _ - · · - --


Dr. R. D. Cole Denti-.t








Among the speakers were Presi- of Misses Catchpole, Zoeller and Pianos Victrolas dent Hayes, Dea n Rouse and Pro- Gohee n t ogeth er with t heir many fes!'or5 Delzell, Overholt, Hull , helpers. Games of t he usual HalSHEET MUSIC Lefler, Hendri cks, Beck ann House. Jowe'en sort were played , after GASKILL MUSIC COMPANY Nor ha ve the lady e mmhers of the which f ortunes were told by re- NEBRASKA CITY , NEBS>\SI<A 1 DR. H. L . ~HELLHOI{N faculty and women students been h h d ·' -d d mote a ncestors w o a oec1 e to _ _ __ _ _ Re:-idenl·e Ph oue 6 less earnest and enthusiastic than spend at least one evening with 1 Office ovrr Rl-xHII Store the men. Altogether it has been their old friends. At 9:30 all the Phon";-! 1 one uni ted -and ,determined effort we ird creatures unmasked and re 1 'ERU, NEfl R. in the cause of temperance. freshments were served . At one The junior class pr oved last. side of the r oom was a cider well The best self-fi lling pen Thur:::day that besidPs havi ng un- while on a table near by were heaps \ usual musica l ta lent they had an of g oldenbrown doughnuts, rosy on the market. t11 rown ingenious ori g ina lity 1n present - apples and crisp popcorn-all that Surt:- mad e. :-.uits c leHm·d and ing it. H err Profesesor Tnomas goes toward maki ng a typical Hal prel'l'ecl fo r m en :tnrl wom .- n . ga\'e a most unique organ recital, lowe ' en evening. At the usua l hour Joe Krepeht modest ly insi st ing tha t hi s instru- of 10:30 the weird . hall was desertment was not a copy of the Organ ed and everyone went a way glad DRUGGISTS , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :- of Corti. Two selection:;, "Ding that he was an Everett. SJ \1 ANTON & PEN . ~ Dong Bell" a nd " The Sp ider and - - - - .. -------~~CL the Fly, ; , we re composed by t he Specials and Trainers. arti st himself, and hi s . personal inThe program committee pleased flute solo. a nd "Swallows." FJorisls terpretation of them moved the us by secur ing f or class chapel · Several people were talki ng audience to tears-of laughter. entertai nment the victrola from about what t hey could do at class !-lowers tor all Occasion~ Incidenta lly the keys and · pipes of the music department. We wish chapel. Mr. Palmer :- "I can the organ were furni::hed by e 1ght to thank Miss McPra ng for so wil- make a fool of myself. All I have ' I pretty maids seated all in a row ,on Jingly _a idi ng us in the selection of t o do is to act nat ural." Phone 95 a tabl e, Mr. Selement, accompan- the p1eces. T he numbers played - -· I ied by Mi ss Gregg, favored the were "From t he Land of the Sky 1 Miss N evada Lew is, who has NEBRASK<\ class with a cornet s0 lo, whi ch was Blue Waters, " Whispering Hope," been a t. work in Li nco ln f or sor!"le PALLS CITY. 1 enthusiasti< a Ill y rece ived by a ll. "Wind Amongst t he Trees," · ~ months, came home last week. Office OVlT VHrie t _v Sto re ctffice Phon e a:-:1 1-/,,u~e 71

. .:. ...========""'











Music Notes, nesday program were not d isap- 1 Big Peru B11nquet Comes Thursda·.r· The Goal is at The The Wednesday chapel period pointed . (<.:o nunu ed rrorn l!'irst F age.l has been so far this year a half Including encores, Mr. Thomas / H endricks, treasurer, or Prof. W. hour of keen pleas ure for students played four numberg-a Russiar, N. Delzell, secretary. and faculty. One of the most de· melody, "Alia Zyngesca ;" the BerPeru headquarters at Castle Ho· Whe n yo u wa nt some thing good ligh tful and worth- whi le of the ceuse from Godard's "Jocelyn ;" a tel; banquet ha ll at H otel Rome. short Wednesday programS! was Gavotte by J enki nson; .and the R[{;MEMBER -see the Peru-Bel- to eat. Apples, g-rapes, Bananas given October 18 by Dr. and Mrs. the s tately march from Wagner's levue g ame at Omaha, Friday, No-. Grape Frui t, Oranges, Meats, H. C. House, who sang Mendels· "Tanhauser. " The Berceuse, vember 10. Pickles, Bread a nd Cook ies. sohn's "I Waited for the Lord," p[ayed with muted strings, was ------Confectionery School Supplies . A lumni Notes and Dudley Buck's " The Lord is renderd with s incerity of senti · H. U. Landolt My Strength." Dr. and Mrs. ment and gracefu l delicacy. The Our slogan is now, "A . Peru Phone 7J House have introd uced us to many "Tannha user" march was also es· Normal Coll ege." t love ly things, but to nothing sur- pecial ly well given, with a sweep We are the r ec ipi ent s of a copy Fres h cu t Anwe r !': for 1'1 11\' passing the Mendelssohn duet, a ~nd freedom deserving of much of the prograrp of the N orthwes tW edd inf!!':, oec:t sion composition which, in its severe praise. Mr. Thomas' bow ing ern NebraRka Teacher;;' association Birthrl flv P}trtie,;, l<t-m t' '11hr rtn· and aspiring beanty is the very thruout was cleancut, and his , low· to be held at Rus hville in the near definition of r~Jigious reverie. To er t ones particularly round and future. On t his s heet we note the ce!<, Fun• ntli', E t c. in ; rp p ro this was contrasted the mood of .rich . Miss Gregg, his accompan- names of Supt. R. 0. Jackson, '10, priHte Hrntng<' ITI(·nts, the Dudley Buck duet with its ist, should be mentioned especially the pr.esident of the association, marked dramatic fee lings. Both for her play ing of the Gavotte, - and that of his wife, whom we G. E. B ERTHOLD numbers were s ung with the direct- not a suggestion of its delig htful used t o know by the name of ElizTHE FLORIST abPth Baker, '1 1. We must once ness, the beauty of tone, the subtle marked rhythm escaped her. percepti on, and the sincere s urren[Thru persis tently repeated acci- more make men tion of the now NEBRASI< A CITY, NERRASKA der to the mood of the composer, dents, the n1usical criticisms have trite truis m, tha t Peruvians get to which always characterize the l"ing- not appeared in the Normalite the top with remarkable leaps and ing of Dr. a nd Mrs. House. la tely. Students have free ly i nd i- bounds. There's a r ea son!!

Avenue Grocery


Miss Stella M. Harris writes cated t he ir appreciation of these What is better than keen criticis ms, because they are enthusiastically of her work in the written in such a nalyti c fashion as Kansas Agricultural College, in a nice bath-robe to suggest tine, specific, e lements which insti tu tion s he is teaching of the entertainment, the worth of several s ubjects, in a ddition to her in vour room for which we mi g ht not have been dis- regu lar school work. Rena Strand, cerning enuf to appreciate, and be- '12, graduated in 19 16 from the evening !"tudy ? cause at the same time, vague feel- same school and is now teaching ings of pleasure or di spleasure, domestic science at Cloquet, Mich. You'll find !iOplenwhich we may have fe lt at certa in C. B. Moore. former pres ident t imes during_ the program and of the Peru Alumni Association , did selection at dared not express, are boldly defined a nd C. A. Anderson, a nothe r a lumand interpn~ ted f or us by one nus, have been e lected presi t.lent much more acu minous tha n we in and secretary, res pectively, of a The possibl e Nebras ka Club r ecentl y organiz('d mus ical matters. criti cism of " s tal e news" could at Columbia University. not discourage us from inser ting Miss Mary McNamara, princip~l such valuable articles even at thi s of the Benson, H. S., has engag e"! late day.-Ed.] Hig-h Grade rooms at the dormitory for three gi rls, members of her g raduating Senior Notes . PHOTOGRJtPHS Class f or the s ummer term of 1917. Peru Normal, November 2, 191 6. Miss McNamara never fail s to If you can't he at t he o ld Dear Folks:send q uite a delegation f r om Ben- 1 l 've jus t time to scratch off a hom e place .T hanksgi v ing son. Her loyalty is appreciated . line before going back to my 1 :20 send a new photo of yours e lf, class. Senior chapel held over .a Thru an oversig ht in these col- it ...- i ll bring cheP.r t o little. It was worth the time tho umns the name of Profesl!or Garey ho me-keepi ng hearts. Lulu Burkett gave a read in~ and of ~he agricultural department was - 0Lena Pool sang. They were both om Jtled from a list of facu l t~· awf ully good. Seems to me as ifl members who a re to appear as Ha ve it macle to-clay. ~he boys oug-ht to ta ke more part speakers, at t~e . Ne_braska S tate 1 m the chapel exercises. Ever so Teache rs AssocJa tJOn m Omaha th is ' E.J. NEWMAN many of them are rea l good sing- / week. His subject is "Ag ri cu lPend d' Oreille Studio ers. . . I~ura! ,Needs in Hig~ School TeachPhone 56 We're having quite a ti me with t?g-, . M_r. Garey 1s at t he present P eru . N vbr our Peruv ian pictures. The staff me ~t.esJrlen t of the Pt!ru Alu mni . . Assoc 1t10n. are ternbly part icular about every little thing . I s uppose it's better i To wh_om it may concPrn :- We ~ord r eceived by P rofessor Hent~at they a re, for we are goi ng to take. t h.Js o~portun i ty to express ?r~~k~~ from Anna L . Pain e. '1l ha ve the best an nual yet. ?ur Jnd lg natJ on to the malicious m ~ c~tes t ha t. s he ho lds ar enviab l~ lmust hus tl e off. mten_ t t_o taint our fa ir name with POSitiOn: " I a m ser ving ond . my sect With love, s ones m the "Lost and Found~ ' year. m the Spokane schools . certa in je wel- Spokane 1s a b('autiful city It . A nna. /I columns, concerning • • b .1 1s 1 P. S. - 1 forgot to te ll yo~ t hat J ~Y ong SJ~ce fo rgo tte n. Forget ?1 t ri ~ht up among the hills and I'll be home next Wednesday nig ht AJt, dMr ..Tumor , for it doesn't pay. pmkes a nd w ith the beauti fu l falls n th · on1y I haven't a ny money - Lov-' . en ' of cours e , we h old a rna es a v er y Picturesque p lace 0 ingly- A, . copynght on t he idea, entailing a . ver 600 t eachers a r e e m p loyed . penalty upon any u ser of t he same. say nothin g of snpe r vi sors, schotool rloctors anrl nurses., ,

Mr. Paul Thomas, of Alliance, gave a most pleasant vio li n recital during t he chapel period Oct. 25. Altho a newcomer in Peru, Mr. Thomas' genero us participation in the musical life of the school has won him many f riends, whose anticipations of pleasure in the Wed-



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GASTLE 16th ·& Joues Streets

OMAHA 300 Rooms-Absolutely Fireproof' ROOM with TOILET $1:00 ROOM with BATH $1 :50- $1:75 SPECIAL RAT8S to pa rtie~ of two or more. MAl~ E



EA I~ L Y.

WE CLEAN, ~\~l.~~~~~ trr a nd repl'lir ho t h la rlil'i'' n n d ge n t , Ieme n' s cl ot hing of every descrirti o n We also d cn n , rcpni t· an d a lter fun•· rugs. drn pe t·i t's , c:cl!·pet s a nd c u r t n in s . We lwvc a :<peeial d e partmen t for th e clean ing nnd rehl ock ing o t' lad. tcs' nnrl _R"entl e men's ha t s. We pay ret •1rn c h arges nn a ll s hipmen ts.



22 11 -17 PA I<NAM Sl .. 0 .\1 A II A. NE fm.

Milstead's Toggery







REMEMBER Peru Plays Cotner Thanksgiving Day Peru Beat Doane. Cotner Beat Doetne,

Hastings Beat Doane, Who Will Reat Thanksgiving?

3:30 p. m. Thursday, -November 30, 1916.

Admission Budget Ticket Or 50 Gents, pgRU CAPTURES TWO MORg SCALPS


Normalites . Trounce Bellevue and Omaha University. 60 to 0.


Services Sunday, November 26

Banquet Was - First of Series of Jubilee Meetings .

Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. will meet -in joint session Sunday Novem ht'r 26-, 19 16, for Vesper services at 5:15 in the Hig h Scho ol ro o m. Leaders Miss Lucile Broyles a~nd Mr. Fred J ederm a nn . This is ou r tirs tj oint m eeting this yea r and its s ncess will depend upon your a ttend a nce.

The usua l numbe r of enthusiastic P eruvi a ns gather ed in the r eception halls of Hotel Rome ' s large al most unbroken stri ng . In theRe~ ;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~;; banquet room the evenin g of Notwo games t he Norm a l i t es have pi led the d&y. H e ki eked the ball over kle buck. The last touchdown vember 9. The occasion of this up 60 point!'; to its opponents 0. the bar two times out of f our came as a result of a t wenty 'yard gathe r i ng was the a nnual Alumn i A week ago last Frida\ at Bell e- attempts a nd he r!:'cei ved a pass for run',by Emmert, who carr ied the banquet of the Normal' s facu lty, vu e th e Peru eleve n swamped the on ly t ouchdown. His work at ball to Omah a' s five yard I ine. a lumni ar.d f ri ends. This banquet, Be ll evue Col lege ' 12 t o 0. Haney Ireturn i ng p unts cau sed Bell evue Craig called a center smash, but however , was not an u sual bank ic ked off to Bellevue wh o r eturn- ! much di s tre::;s. fumbl ed i he ball. Schneider f el l q u et, fo r i t was the open ing even t ed th €' ball fifteen yards, but wer e \ Al tho ha r d fou g ht and fiercely of a !:'er ies which a ll in terested in held for downs a nd forced t o pun t . contested thruou't, t he game was the Norma l wi II have .opportuni ty 1 Peru carri ed the bal l back into the remarkably clean both teams los- \ · t o enj oy dur ing th e coming year; Indiar.s' territnry and kept it there / ing only forty-fiv~ yar ds togethe r. ! i evrnt~ . a ll of wh ich wi ll ma ke all of t he initial quar ter, altho she / All but one pe nalty was for offside, / mu ch of fifty yea rs of service r e nwas not abl€' to regif'te r a touch Pay · I' 1 . ; dered to Nebraska by t he Peru I d own. BE-f or e the quar t er e nd ed, •• 1 1 Normal. Not only was th e th em e · b t d th e b a 1 Last Fr Hlay, November 17, Oma- .1 h oweve r . C ra1g oo e 11 . 1 ha Universi ty furni shed a good 1 of t he aft e r d inner prog r a m of ac ross th . e h ars f or th ree pom 1R. I d t p practice game for Peru i n prepara- 1 j thi s banquet unusual, but t he • q ua r er er u 1n t rre seco n . . tion fo r th e Kearney game next ! t r eatmo:> nt of t hat the me was a rti sforl'ed Be llevue bac k to rts fifter n F 'd ! S ·\ N llv, S LJPPEHV H AL '-' IIA CK ~·ard line a nd then hy a fo rw::~rd n ay. At no time during the ,. .\ tic in th e fu llest sense . From t he game was Peru's goal threatened. : on it f or th e final t ouch dow n. t ime that Mrs . Troup arose to g 1ve pass from H aney to Cra ig , the 0 The Uni versi t y men wer e never Fina l score, Peru 48, ma ha 0. ' he r ma s te rl y r esp onse, un ti l the 1 h d latte r r eceiving it over the goa l nea rer than th irty yards of scor ing. L ee mit rn a e the most yards close of the Ploq ue n t appea l for the line, Peru thus scor ed its only d hd Ju!-lt nine minutes a fter "Tige" , an three touc owns. Haney, f u ture of ou r Normal by Su pe r i ntouchdow n. L ate in thi s quarter S kicked t o Omaha, L ee Smith mad e chn e ide r a nd J ones also sta rr ed. I tend e nt A. J. Stodda r d of Ha veEvans, the Be llev ue quarterback d 1 a twenty ya rd run for a touch- · Haney kicke six goa s out of s ix , lock, there was no t a n utte r anc<> made a t wenty ya rd run and was down. In the second quar ter J ones ! t C:o ntl ~u E>~ o n_F~,,·u~ •ag-,·.l 1 that lower ed t he hi g h characte r of downed by Haney on Pe ru' s t en p . A y p d' the nrogram . The prese nce - of mad e fi ve yards a nd a touchdown Sl yardl ine. Bellev ue made s ix yards 1out eruv1ans.1 re ou ara 1yze 1 U D .C . h h' · 1 on a n end-a roun d pay. e w nc e an Joe rs pro1 w1t I A f on three playR, but the whistle minutes later Smith made a!1othe r Wesleyan 0 Peru 0 nee r ex peri ences, th e litera ry bl ew before an ot he r play could be Peru 9 poli sh of Dr. Hosie's add ress and t ouc hd own on a quick off-t ackle Grand ls lanrl · 7 cal led, thus r obbing Bel levue of its 17 t he capable and happy handling of buck. Score, eml of firs t ha lf, Tarki o o· Peru only cha nce of scoring. Scor e, Peru 3 t he even ing 'R t oast responses by Peru 20, Omaha Uni . 0. In the Doa ne 0 Peru 9, Bel levue 0. Peru 0 Hon. J. W. B lackburn as toastt hirrl qua1 t e r K id d i ntercepted a Yor k 20 Bel levue ca m e bark s trong i n t he B 11 0 p er u 12 mast e r, a ll con tr ibuted toward pass and the bal l fe ll into th e wait- e ev ue second half, hut were unable to ·0 h u · 0 p · ing a rm s of Schneider , wh o run ma a n1. e rn 48 1ho lding e\Cery banque ter in hi s seat carry th e ba ll within twen t y five t e n yards for th e fourth touch- Opponen ts 27 Peru 89 e ve1, at t he ex pe nse o f missi ng a n yards of Pe ru 's goal. ln the final down. L . Sm ith made t he fifth Various referees a nd N e braska a ttrac tiv e number upon the State peri od Craig mad e a d rop kick touchdown. college papers say that Peru plays Teachers ' Associati on 's general from Bellevue's twen ty-two ya rd line. Final score, Per u 1 2 , BelleIn the last peri od Haney n1ade a CLEAN f ootba ll. Victor y a nd J program. Thus began the cele braVlle o. twenty yard pass t o " Vi c." Tige clea n foot ball are not antith e tic, it t i on of "Pe ru' s Golden Ann iverCraig was t he individua l s tar of carrier! t th e ball over on a n off tac- see ms. jsary of 19 17." ln the last t wo wer:<s Per u h a~, a.:lderl two more victor ies to-'_i t sj





-~~~~~~~~==~· THE PERU NORMALITJ? our Pe ru- lif e.- T rue, down in the ! football dressing -rooms one occasEntered at tbe Postoffice a t Peru, Nc- s ionally heaTs a l ittle of tha t raw, thr esh i ng-gan g wit,· unfai ling ly braska as second-class matter.

field Trip

Publlsht Weekly by t he Peru State Normal calli ng f orth t he primi t ive app lause,- hoarse, rasp ing guffaws. to 75 cts. per year. Single copy 5 cts. However, there are few me mbers H OWARD SM ITH Edi to r of t he squad who are a t a ll proA. LEW IS.TYLER Associa te Edit or ficient i n this sor t of th ing . Most GLENN 0. K ELLEY Business a nd Subscription Manager of the fellows express ex t reme d isg ust ove r t he .rath er infreq uent DEPA R T ~!f;N T EDITO US f Nona Palmer, .......... ........ ... Alumni outbursts of cr ude imitations o No lonJ;,! walk involved. entire trip by Eos Brow n ...................... Philomathean toug h ness-the c heap, halfway Marie Mcintyre ....... .. Everett Fran k Leger .... ................. X· M. C. A. st u ff, mor e d isgus t ing than r e.1l PUPILS AIM: ra i I. Elsie Wilburn .... .. . . .. . . Y· W. C. A. tou g hness. N.C. A. Louis Worth Bryan Emm~r t, .................... A th l<!ti~s Profa nity , it need n :>t be said, Why the Miss Bo wen ..... . .. . .... . Mustc besi des be ing an insult to a lovi ng ~~~al~eef~~~'l:'s;i;·;'i:·~·:·.::::::--:::.:.. H~:~~~ God-sheer b lasphe my, indi cates I j ack Allsma n ................ ....... " Mi nerva'' t hat the indu lg er there in is ha nd i - , Alice Forma n................. rost-grarluates d b b' t ' f d Mary Clary ....................... Sen~ors cappe y a com m a ton o eep Rosali ne I<~hn ....... ......... .... J uniOrs e motion a nd ft!eb le vocabula ry, Gert rud e Chfton ......... ..... Sopho mores L?~ H ac~<C r.... ....... .... . F re~hmen possessed of extre me tho tl essn e~. VIVIan 13tshop ...... .. .. .. Htj!h School or affl ict ed w ith t h e pecu lia r ty pe ~ . j Sp~c~::tls an rl I . . J In.t tte Adee ........ - ....... · 1 p r .. para tories of foo lishness where m a ma n be :'\1 r. PaProf. l mer F. . ...M. Gregg-Advtser .. ..... Sci:nce Cluh comes so in t i ma te with the grea t ~~~~;;;;;;;;;~======.=:;==========::::::==~~= J e hova as to use h is na me lig h tly Queer as it may seem t he advertt s · The t!ditor r egre ts t he misund er - in ever y sen tence. Coach Johnson, ing sect ion held the young lad ies standings caused b y the om ission h imself a p layer of reputa t ion ·and spellbou nd a lt ho t he r e w ere n o 9_8 in the N or malitP. of November 8 , sti l l abl e to carry t he ball so as to cen t b arga ins. Mr. Cop e nhaver ts a n a nnou ncemen t to t he effect that make t he reser ves thi nk of Ka nsas !a lread y · certain t hat h e will have to th ere wou ld be no N orma lite for cycones and " Li g ht Brigades, " rl e- j r ent a la rger storehui ld ing a nd November 15 - t he me m bers of the cla r es tha t prof an it y nei t he r gets 1e mploy mo re male clerks. Ali i staff, li ke other students, ·relis h you anywhere w it.h t he referee, the t hose w ish ing to take th e paper a nd de ma nd a vacat ion a t su ch a othe r pl ayers, or th e f oot ba ll , nor can get s u bscri p ti on blanks fr om time. is i t a ny i nd icati on_ of ri pened Mr. B a r low next Thu rsday at class : ------ - -- ·· man hood . Hence w1 t h the de lu - 1 cha pe l. 1 Say, do yo u know I just had th e s ion! Why the nonsense! We k.ill ! M' J M . R 't i 1 loveliest t ime duri ng vacation ! . tss e anette ey er tn ect a. 1




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Oh, oh, o h ! ! Mamma and papa t he very spordt we love tf d we II Wh n e ver MJ'ss Meyer is a n / iscou rage con uc t e _ _ ·1 neg lect to wer e so g lad to see me ! Oh, I 1 among our teamm~tes which is r e- . nou nced as t he a tt ract1on m a. just had the s wellest t ime whe n I 1 h h puslive t o the g e ne ral p ub lic, but 1 c hape l co n vocatio n, a l l w o ave : was home ! !" [Th is was . t he cen- a source of sati sfaction to t hose . h ear d he r look forwar d lo a ver y , t er piece of student con ver sation • H e r progr a n1 who c rave evidence of just this Ichoice exper ience. Tuesday, N ovembe r 14. But hap· f . sort to convict the dear old game 1 of last Wednesday w as on e o even • • p1 ly eve n th e echoes have fina lly db · , · j a nd bring i t to a n early death. • more t han usual bnlltancy a n eaud led awa~. We r~e back now jty. Open i ng w ith Br oy le's thril lto conven t iOna l top iCS - b ugbea r Wanted- Subscr ibers for the Junior ing Son g of a So u l, th e s inger dis classes, footbal l, my home town, G azette . p layed the fu ll richnP.ss a nd t im bre ' pr ospective dates. eccen t r ic teach - ~ . . \ e r s.] T he newes t n ews of t he schoo l is ·j of her po"Yerfu l v_o1ce, to wh t ~h he r I 1 t hat t h e j un iors a r e publish i ng- a . :au ltle~s :lucutton and s~ncere Some ten days a~o two farm pa per . Car l Harlow, t he ~d i JOr, I Jnterpreta~J on ad_ded_ t ha t ev tdence I GO TO hands near S lu m~ervtl_l e, N~~ raska, is a very capable you ng man, hav ing of auth o_nty wh1c~ IS the marl~ of 1 ~ver_e h.~ard chattm g m t~1s f ash- carri ed off a ll h onor s whe n h e \an -~stabltshed artt :sl . . Later n ~m - J 1011. Say, ~ank , we s ure had a g r aduated f r om the Schocrl of ber:s-both the Sy lve lm by Smd - ~ • h- - of a time last n ight , Yellow Journa li sm i n 1915. A ing, wh ich was rendt-r ed i n a n in · - - !" samp le copy of t he first iss ue of tense p ianissi mo , a nd the elabor a te "The .~~-- you d id ! What di d J t he GazettP. was r ead to t he class and taxi ~g ~ria fro m Gounod ' s ; you do? last Thur sday. 1 h e most s tartli ng Q~een of !:>heba - were ~un?' NEBRASK A CITY, NE BR AS KA "01 d .· h 1 . . . . wtt h eq uc. l confidenr.e and ef. 1, we swa ppt> some J JC' l a nd sensa t iOna l btt of 1n for m at10 n fect i veness. lt is of te n rema rked TI-lE QUA LI TY STORE s~o_n es at th~ barber shop, Ike Ha w- was t hat Professor Wilson is to be t hat Mi ss Meyer is the eq ua l of the km s dran1< SIX b ot t les ~f pop, a nd 1 t ri ed befor e t he State S up reme best wom~n s ingers appea r i_ng on Everythi ng h\a rked in Pla in Figures. we a ll took a nu m ber m t he r affle Court on t he cha rge of dis tu rbing ou r fes tival and e n terta in ment l for Ike' s shotgun. Sur e some-- t he peace on the morn ing followi ng 1 courses; . and w~ en she si ngs in ·of a time!'' . . Peru she 1s CP.r ta m t n arouse ou r 1 th~ elect10~. H ts fn en ~s a re ; local pride as well as nur ap,Jrecia- l a s a_bsolut~ l y satisfying as e v e r , Yes, some of us have to g r ow · up qUJ te undectrled wheth er h1 s s ud - t ion of th e classical fo rms of musi- 1play m g w rth the s ureness and in such a n atmosphere, b u t ha pp i ly den ou tburst was caused f rom a cal art. I sy mp::tt hy of an accompan ist unP.x very little of it is car ried over in to superfl uity of joy or d ia poin tment. , Mi ss Thomas at t he piano wa!-> : ce ll ed. H . C. H.·


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O ffers you the best both in D ry Goods and Groceries. H ENCE LOW PRICES.



d h s oes a spec ialty.



Since no Nor ma li te was issued November 15, t his is t he first opportunity to te ll of a Ji ttle preelection gossi p : Miss Wil ber n t o Miss Wetmor e, November 7 :- ''1 asked J ack Ailsman if this is pri mary electi on day, and he laughed a nd laughed." Upon being cong r atulated by Miss We~more, Miss Wilbern exclaimed : " I don' t car e. That ' s not a bad m istake . I ' ll .bet you don'·t know who is running f or vice presiden t on the democratic t icket."

Citizens State Ba.nk

Treat a Cold Early Get t he best of the cold bef or e it gets t he best of you-Use R EXALL COLD TABLETS to break up the Cald. CHE RRY BARK COUGH SYRUP to stop the cough. The combi nation is one of the most satisfactory Remedies for a Clod that we know of-Gua ran teed and f or sale at






Dean Rouse was r ebukec! by Miss Rul on fo r conversing too loud ly in th e librar y- even our teachers ar e on " maso ., ic" equali ty wit h us when it cnmpc; to li brar y hehavi or !

Our F ine Lin e F irst at t he

N. S. N. S. Store



Irene J a mison to H . Smi th, as she pa inted china war e :- " When Mi ss Rose Clark. Miss Esther I get. a hushand I do hope he' II Clark, Miss Harri ng ton and Miss Miss Wetmor e, with assurance Cleland went to Nebr aska City appreciate art. You appreciate and fi nali ty : " Why, Will ia m J enn- Saturday afternoon. art, don't you, Mr. Smith ?" ings Bryan. " Miss Carpenter, di scussing Aida Prof essors Gregg a nd Beck are before P. S.M. class:-"Wheeldon, expect ing to go to Brock on next when Rhadames (hero) descends t o Friday a fter noon to attend the Pla n Your the tombs, whom do you expect tno parent- tea r.h ers' meeti ng on "Citi- see the re'(" When Miss Wheeldo Christmas Shopping Earl ey! zenshi p . " r eplied, "Aida (heroi ne), " Miss

And S ee

B 00 K S See the new line we have on I display

Car penter excla imed, " Of course you haven 't been going to the movies for nothing." J Conductor , to Coach J ohnson on trai n going from Nebraska City to I

Profes!'or F'. M. Gregg went to AuhUTn on T hursday evening of last week, where he de li ver ed the second of a ser ies of talks on Child Study bef ore the Wo man 's Club of fnat city.


:==============: DROP IN


trea t y o u r igh t. w o rk ctlu n ts.

Fi ~st

cla ss

Paine, lowa:-"1 have coun ted KINGSOLVER & COWELL t hese ' hoys on your team t hree T H E STORE OF SER VI CE •· \\'ES.T1' 1DE Hr\ I< HER S l-1 0 p ·· - - ----=== - - ----_..! t imes and I 'm sure t here is one more than your ticke ca lls for." \Vhil..- d o wn town go to Coach, gravely poi nting to N. S. HARAJIAN "Goach Jo hnso n, Jr. :"-"Yo u A. B .. U. D. S didn't count that li ttle fe llow in Ora duate of Cblta(o Collc(e Dental Surceon for vo ur Sm ith, to "Doc" Owens a t the wh.i te suit, did you?" Barber Wor k RESI DENT DENTIST Oma ha :- "What movie th.eatre did ~ca t , Cit an. All work l'irst class. Prof essor Delzell of t his school is you a t t.enrl t h is evening? " " Doc: Office over Fay Bakery Sl-cond do o r from postoftil:c _,; I t hi nk it is called t he Exit president of t his association, and "Be yo ur orders g r eat or small Theatn :. T h::tt name was printed hi s brother-in-law, Presiden t J. W t1ta1dqu ttrt er~ f or Crabtr ee, of the State Norma l Phone or br ing them one a nd a ll" in laTge letters over th e fl oor." Victrolas School of Ri ver Falls, Wis. , was Pianos Bell evue:- " The TU Mar ty, at SHEET MUSIC t he pr incipa l speak£> r on thi s specta tors will th in k Vic is a ·suh occasion. Pr ofessor Cr abt r ee, it GASK ILL MUSIC COMPANY because of his brig-ht new socks." Phone 218 NEBS ASKA wi ll be remembered. was at one I NEB~A SKA CIT\', Coach :-· 'Vic' s getting- !'O _fat Agent for Sunnyside Greenhouse ti.me t he much beloved president and slow we have t~ put brig-ht Falls City, Nebr . of the P eru State Nor ma l. socks on him in oroer to he a ble to One of the prin c ipal events of . see hi m mo ve. : last week , at least ~s far as the o f the P resi rl ent Hayes spoke in Br or.k younger pupi Is of the Normal De nri ~ t Don a te l1o Potte r y on Sunday evening-, NovPmer 12. Schoo l a r e concerned, was the footat a celebration of thP adontion of bal l game between the fi ft h and Sonll' l hing nl'\\' an rl fi n t: Office over Variety Store th e d r.v amenrlmPnt. Dr. and sixth grades of t he model schoo l Office Phone 33 H ou ~e 7 1 Mril. H onse and Mi!'s Genev ieve and t he fifth and s ix th g l'ad es of Gregg- fu r ni shed the music on · this the public schoo l. Th e sr.0r e was DR •.R. L. SHELLHORN occas ion. 19 to 0 in favor of t he public Residence Phone fi schoo l. Eschen berg was um p ire Pr esident Hayes. Dean Rouse, D~UGGISTS Offil'e ovc·r Rex a ll ~tore Registrar Ovr<lholt. and Profe!'sors and Pewee Caruso Carter , r eferee. Phone 3 1 Lefler. Delzel l. Beck an d. Dr. House Dick Me issner was running wildFootball comments H o m enthus iPE RU. NEBR. went to Li nco ln on Fr inay to at· ly acro~s an open field for a touch· astic spectators not well inform£>d f==================; 1 tend t hP mePting of the School- down in a practice game. Coach about the game: masters' Club. anrl, incidenta ll y, whi stlt>rl va inly for him to stop, in At the Omaha-Peru game, ten SIMANTON & to attenrlt t h £> Ka n!'as-Nehraska order to prevent usele!'s waste of mi nutes before the fini s h, an footba ll game on Sa turrlay. 1 t ime, and fina lly i-houted in dis- elderl y larl y asked excitedly , F lorists I Sunday m')rning, at ni ne o'clock, I g ust, " Stop, Meissner, stop ! Any "Who's ahearl no w?" the Norma l Lntheran Assoc iation foo l ca n ru n when there's· nobody Another lady exclaimed in a nger, ha d a ou iet meeti ng unrler t he in f ro nt of h im." Ten minutes "Why tha t O maha fellow moverl Flowers for a ll Occasions leadershi p of Mi s;; Cllaney. Miss after Coach. himse lf, marie j ust t hat bal) t wo i nches atfer the play Amende wi II lead ou r !'ervices such a spectacular r un under iden- s topped. " T he same lady wonde rs Phone 95 next Sunday. We are C'erta in that tical c ircums tances, anr! " Doc" why Ma r ty plays so fa r bac k when t hese ear ly mor ning- meetings will' Owens s houted, "St.op Coach, a ny the oppone nts have the ball. be an inspiration to a ll Lutherans body can r un when th er e 's nobody , [Schne ider says it's because MarLy FAllS CITY, NEBRA SK ~ '------ -- - - -- - - ---1 ; who attenrl. in fron t of him!" : is a fra id of getti ng- hurt.] \ ' h . Cha telain, Ma nager.





Mrs. E. o. Polzcl

See the Displa y

Dr. R. D. Cole






Peru Captures Two More Scalps. CContlnuod trom First Patre.>

attempts, from touchdowns. · These two games have shown that Peru's backs have greatly improved in carrying the ball and pi cking holes. Omaha, altho defeated 48 to 0, has learned to play t he bigger ga me of football. Peru has not played a better bunch of loser s this

a business meeting was held for the purpose of allowing bills. During the evening Miss Harrington wa!l introduced as the new Philomathean adviser. She has a lready begun to prove her fitQess f or that position. We welcome her and at the same time feel extreme regret over the r esignation of Miss Bowen. "Wonderful woma n, " "mO<re ideas than any

president of the physical science section of th e State T eachers' Association. Thi s honor to Professor Hoyt is cf'rtainly well placed, f or no membe r of that section of of our assoc iat ion has been more vitally in terested in its suc-

Y. M. C. A.

Fi ve of our Y. M. C. A. menBlack, Kelley, F. Leger, S . Leger and Spacht, attended th e Student Vo lunteer Convention of Nebraska at Cotner November 10, 11, and 12. Over a· hundred delegates from the Nebraska college~ were in cess. attendance. Some of t he best On account of a steam pipe being speakers on fo reign m issions known broken, chapel was suspended on were among t he ones who addressed Wednesday.

year. Lineup. seven of us"' "Phil o's great the de legates. The opening sesn· /· Against Bellev ue. Aga inst Omaha. friend ,' are s ome of the declara- sion of the convention was g i ve Jones le. Jones tions often made concerni ng her by to t he Gospel team conference on Bell lt. Bell committees with whom she worked. F ri day afternoon. Mr. Worthley . H. Smith lg . H . Smith "d d d d d h r1 Schneider c. Schne ider pres1 e an con ucte t e evo W. Emmert rg. w. Emmert The Girls' Glee Club Chapel Recital. ti onals, after w hi ch he anno un ced Spacht r t. Spacht A genuine and not a burlesq ue Gospe l Tea m wor k would be con · Leger re. Leger " human ichor d," as the instrument s idered under four heads : The ~~:i~mith ~~·. Lee sc:,~~~ set for masterly control by a skiiJ- I Make-Up,-t he Motive, the Malter, Haney, c. fb. Haney ful artist, was the Girls' Glt:'e and the Message of the Team. T he 1 I h. Owen:> Club, whi ch appeared in a short subjects were discussed at length Cald wel l Substitutes at Bel levue: Sand- but varied and highly artistic by various Y. M. C. A. leaders of berg for Cald we ll; B. Emmert f or recital at chapel recen tly. The th e state. The rest of the time L. Smith. Referee, Charlesworth, firts number, a lyric waltz by J. was g i ven over t o missionary w ork ump ire, Hasce l. A. Parker , was sung with deli g ht of which space will permit onl y a Substitutes at Peru: B. E m· ful swing and freedom, th e so lo bri e f outline Dr. J. H. Nichol of mer t for Owens; Lon g for L. parts taken by the low \'Oices being Syria spoke on "America's ReS~i th ; Hnn t for W. Emmert; 1especially pleasing in t he ir ri ch - l lationship to the world," and K1d~ for·Leger. Refer ee, Graham; ness and color. The •leli cacy and poi nted out that ou r influence was unp1re, Pa lmer; head linesman, suppressea feeling in the second f or good and bad . S o me of t he ques· Cowel l. i numbeJ, Mendelssohn's lovely old tions asked by the heath e n are, Ph'! h S . ballad, " I Would That Mv Love, •· l " Why flo you Christian nations 1 omat ean octety. . h . . . d ?" "Wh d w1t 1ts exqu1s1te harmon ious a nd sen us 11quor. y o yo u its fight among you~se l ves? " ' Hi s The program at Philo meeting charming sentiment, were was very interesti ng and reflected most satisfy ing features. That pointed question was ' 'Ca n we




================. The Goal is at The Avenue Grocery When you want som ething ' good to eat. App les. g-rape 3, Bananas Gr ape Fruit, Oranges, Meats, Pickles, Bread and Cook ies. Confectionery School Supplies Phone 73

H. U. Landolt

Vacation on Thanksgiving Oa)" Only! Sure Hard Luck! But

~t" n d ~<>me

flowe rs ho me

(t his is tht' hig Ch-ys:~ntl emu •n rnpnrh ) t o warm the ir ht"crltS.


cr edi_t ~ Hazel Frye, who had the I most beautifu l of English lyri c Chri sti an ize the world and not be 1 ,.-----------·-----~ meetm g 1 ~ charge. . poems, Tennyson' s "Bugle Song," Chri st~ ike ourselves? " Dr. H urd The Philo Octette sang Don set to Ha tton's suggestive mus ic of lnd1 a gave a wonderful message 1 Your Uncle Ja~o.· l, You Cry, Mah Honey" in a very proved a stirring and dramatic on "'The Stu dent a nd the World I char ming mann er. . Mr. Selement number. Every nuance of mood / Challenge." M ias Ber th a Lahcock ; says football is ab out over gave a cornet ~olo ~1th RL~th Red- and color in the rich and varied brat out so me n ;ma rk ab le id eas in 1 fe~n as accompamst. wh1ch wa!J i li nes of the poem was su btl y por- regard to "The Li v ing Chri st in I wit h and so you'd better en]oved by. a ll. Eunice Edwards / tt·ayed in its r endition by the clu b. 1 Lat in America." Likew ise IV1 iss 1 £" et ycu a pair of those ~gve a rev1:w of the life and writ- The entire concert was marked by Ruth Paxson of China o pened the 1 1 111 _g s of Richard Harding Da vis, the tru e -artistic finish which is eyes of her hearers in r egard to the Suer ion Sole "Jim .'' Shoes Wi th especial mention of the play character istic of a ll of Doctor 1 cond itions of ~astt>rn Asia. No ' and get reaey for indoo r to be presented, "'Miss Civiliza - House's r ecitals. one seemed to tire of these messt i 0 n " Th. I . · . IS Pay was well g iven. ages brot to th em fr om the hPa rt of work. May St1tt had the leading gi rl 's Y. W. C. A. the foreig r, wor ld. Any del ecratP ~I'ahrt. TLhe _burgl_ar s were Paul , Miss Hettie Evans ta lked to the . wi ll be g lac.J to tell you furt he; of GET HEP!! omas, ou1s W1rth and Home I 1t h · k . r Y. W .C. A. g irl s Sunday aftere com·ent10n at your r equest S h I e welnt er. The policemen were l noon, November 19, on Estes Park ' S. M. Leger led Y . M. C.· Brant ey Copenha ver Ch 1 . S A. p . L . ' ares I Memones. Miss Evans was a unday af ter noo n, Novemher 1 9. 1 1 a m~l, d ee Smith. Arthur B . ell delegate to the Y. W. C. A. con- I H is t. opic was ' ,Fellowsh ip. " Re - ,' sustam e the heavy l"ule of coach- ~ vent1·on held t here las t sum mer an d POl· ts· we re also g1· ven by the va r- ~---------------man. rh e play had to do with the h d · . · d 1 .. t f b s e escnbed 111 a very vivi d l lous e eg-ates t o the convent ion v1s1 o urg lars to the hume of 1 k . G d" · manner her ex periences and the / spo e n of -ahove. AI 1ce ar 1ner. High Grade benefit she obtained from this con AI ·N At the conclus1on of the prog-ram t" W umnt otes 1 PHOTOGR~PHS v_e n 1on. e 110pe a large de legaLouis Chard . '1 6, spent Sat urd ay t 10n of our g irls may r epresent I in Peru pr e ~~. ~ the Peru Y. W. C. A. next sum- , C I." w· ' If you can't he at the old . . ' d_,·t·. al- mer. · · van m slow . 14. has made • h 0 me P I ace Thanksgiving tt' r· n11rlr·e1H1r r hcn lr larlrt"s' nnd •rent t he U. of N. debaLincr t C · · ,... · Who says ou r y w c A · 't 1 • "' earn. onIt·rnl'n ~ l'lothr ng of every de~cri pti o n . . · · '· · ISO ; gratulations, Ivan send a new photo of you rself, \Ve :rl ><o l'lt.:an, re pa ir nnrl :rltt•r fur><- w~cle awake? Watch us a nd you Miss Lou ise W . . , - i t \\ill bring cheer to . .Mears. A. M .. rngs. cInll l<~ r·r. L' "· c:r rpetSII I!d cnrta in!'. will see that we are a nx 1·ous to j . 12 h hnme -keeping hearts . \\' ' t.: h11\"e n ~ p el'ial rlep:rrtmC'nL for· propag-ate,. ever-y good plan, a nd to j .. a ut _o r of "Hil l" of P Pru , '' the ckanin g :rnd r<'hloeking of Ind. relegate to oblivion every· plan ~o~ ~ynze of $21).' in a "Thrift - 0that doesn't do the work. l ~t~IY contest tn Milwaukee . . iC'~· and gentlemen's lrnts. \Ve p~t_Y W 1 M H ave it made to -day. United we stanci ,· divl·dcclIS. , w 1_ere iss Mean; is an inret •lrn charges on all shipml'nts. t DRESH E~ B~OS! that's something we don ' t stand s ru?tor m geography in lhe Wis- , E. J. NEWMAN . for. Organized effort means cons m Sta te Nor ma l.






Milstead's Toggery




2 2 I 1 · 1 7 FA I< N A M ST.,

0YIA11A . NE lli< .

W. l

success. That is why our Y. C. A. is going to be such a success.

Physical Science Section. F' . '. Hoyt of P eru wa:; e leeted !


Pend d' Oreille Studio Phone 56

Peru, N ebr

· - - - - - - -1





FINAL, · GAMG Thanksgiving Day,2:30, Cotner Uni. vs. Peru Peru has won from Grand Island, Tarkio, Bell evue, Omaha University, Doane and Kear ney, -<and tied Wesleyan Uni ver!'\it_v. Lotner ha!"i a fa s t and fu rio u~ tettm, with a qua•·ter back (Tho ma~ ) called a "demon" by the Cotnerites. Peru has one uf the be~t te<1m~ in he•· his tory, with a q ua ... terback (Crai g) called an Angel b_v the Peruvic:tns. One of the best games pJc:tyed on the home e:ro und ~ expected.

Admission Budget Ticket Or 50 Gents, Peru 109, Opponen ts 33 .


1500 Ra hs f or t he Ange l,




Her Rival 20 to 6

Boys Accorded a Generous Reception on Return from Kearney

How did t hey do it? Why the t eam couldn't he lp tearing them to pieces with Prof. Smith' s band pu t ting the old Peru spir it and " pep" into the m! Kearney fought g amely , but to n o avail. Battered a nd bruised, whe nt he final whistle blew the Antelopes r e treated f r om th e fi e ld acknowledging t he super · iority of the Per u eleven. And this is how the Blue and White warri ors did it: Kearney won the toss and chose t o defend t h e west goal so Captain H a ney kicked off. Kearney's tac k le fu mbled the ball and "Doc" Owe ns po unced on it on Kear ney's thirty -five yard line. The very first attempt thr u Kearney's line j n et ted six yards. Cra ig was im-

The next most importan t event of th e week, af te r th e winning of the Pe ru-Kearney g ame, was th e r ecepti on te n"d eretl onr boys u pon 1 t heir arri va l in Peru. They we r e met a t the tra in by a h ou t 400 : r ooter s , including th e "Kid Band'' un der t h e leadershi p of Verne Cha te lain, t he No rma l Ba nd having gone with th e footbal l tea m t o Kearney. F ollowing t h is t hey we r e ente rtain ed by Miss Cle la nd and the Moun t Vernon g irls at j their tempora ry home at the dorm · itor y . The ha lls, pa r lor, a nd m us i c room we r e decorated with 1 palms and f erns a nd a pr ofusion of I pennan ts, and loo ked very i nvit ing ' indeed. A fte r a n add r ess b y Ca pI ta in " T ige" H a ney, on " How We

Peru Evens Old Scores by_Defeating




7Z ~1~P~m!.~~~~;~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~:~~ i' oth Won the Ga me," anrl r esponses by ~r me mb rs of t he team , a uhort

pa rtial, so first one back and then ; an other tore thru t he li ne, trailing ; behind him a scattered debr is of I str uggling men. It took just seven ! plays to put t.he ball on Kearney's i three yard mark. The Ante lopes j lined up, d~termined to hold Peru f or downs, but on the next play



"Doc" crossed the g oal line and was downed five yards beyond. f he watchful r efe r ee sa w a slight /1 fou l committed, so Peru was pen- , ali zed five y a r d s. Be ll, on a tackl e·

-iffE ~

I prog ram wfls

f urni shed by t he g ir ls. Re fr e1:hrn e nls we r e th e n l served , a nd a f te r an h our of social ; p leasure, th e lig h ts b l inkc~d. whi ch Imea nt t hat t he bo.vs m ust take ' thei r de parture . a mid t he ye lls o f


We are l ittl e Puritans ; We 've co me f rom fa r away. We wanted mu ch to vis i t you Upo n Tha n ksg i vin h' Day. Tnis is the way we wen t to church, We nt to churc h we nt t o chnr ch, Thi s is the wa y we we n L to chu1~ch ln th e old Colonial days.

"The team " a nd "The band , " anct compli men tarv " 15 rahs " for . everybody concerned. . But t hL ' m os t pleasura b le featnre of tht(l'onlinll<'<l 0 11 L a>Jl l':'l!fO. J


a r ound p lay, smashed ~ c ross t he I p unt ed out, b1,1 t t hP. ba ll hi t t he ~ ·, line but fumbled the ba ll a nd ground . 1 "-~...:, .__ , Kearney fell on it. Kea rn ey T t1e second q uar te r was a ll ; ~ 1 · ' -, , lt '\. · pun~e d to Cra1g. . 'The Peruvlans Pe r u' s . Kea rney mad e a f ew good J ?'....:::._~ 1 1 agam resumed th e1r ma rch up t he gains on spli t· bnc k::, bu t were he ld , \ '- ·""'--· ~ · field and five minutes before t he f or clo wn~. Ware ham punted~ and ~V~ ~ ~ 1 initial quarter ended " Ti ge" dived w 1t.h t he Kea rney me n wa it ing f or over tne pi le of s truggling player s th e ball to sto p r ol ling, Lee Sm ith ' ~ _.. _'.:.r':-, f or t he firs t t ouchdo wn. C rai g (C(Jntlnu l.'d on L:ts t l 'ag<'.) ~








THE PERU NORMALITE Entered at the Postoffice a t Peru, Ne· braslta as second-class matter. Publlsht Weekly by th e Peru State No cmnl 75

cts. per year.

Single copy 5 cts.


Business and Subscript ion Ma nager DEPARTMENT EDITO US

Nona Palmer, ..................... .. .. Alumni Eos Brown ........................ Philomathean Eve rett Marie Mcintyre .......... .... . Fr3:nk ~eger ..... ..... .............. X· :\1 . ~·A . Elste Wtlburn ......... .. ..·....... Y. \\1. C. A. N. C..A. Louis Worth, Bryan Emmert, ........................ A thl<:tt ~~ Mustc Miss Bowen . ... .. .. .... ..... . . · Rosalie Kohn... ............ ........... .... Humor Mrs Nellie i\l Smi tn, ..... ..... Loc;,J Jack Allsrnan . .. ................ " ,\lincrva" Alice Forman ...... ...... ....... Fn ·~t. ,...~>rurl, u atc·~ . Mary Clary ........ ... ....... .... . St·n~or s Rosali ne Kohn ........... .... .... fumors Gertrude Clifton .. ..... .. .. !>ophn mores Loy Hacl< e r.... .. ....... ...... . Pn:l'hnwn Vivian Bish11p ............ . .... Hi~h School ~I . d j Sp•·ctals nnrl t :llttc A ce .................. 1 Pn·pa ra torics i\Ir. Pa l mer .. . .. ... Science Club Pruf. F. M. GreJ?g-A rl vi ~•· r

"N. S. N. S." h as behi nrl her a h alf \ century of experience and . growth and success. She is a chi lei no longer. We are proud to know that our. school is offe ri ng college work, giving college degrees, indeed a ll and more t h an could be expected of a fi rst r ate ~a ll ege. [ Yes, let us not forget, 10 our thanksgiving, what we owe to Peru - the greatest Nebraska Normal

our Better Glothcs Come up and take a look at our new Suits and Overcoats. Examine t he Fabri cs-n ote the style worked into the garments. You'll certain ly like our "Better Clothes''-

School. Are n't yon glad that you don't

you 'II like our prices too!


live in th e g ood old Puritan days . A large assortment of Mackinaws, Sweaters, Haven't we of th is rush i ng Twen· b Shirts and al l other furnishings. tieth Centu ry got, heaps to e thankfu l f or? The season see ms to f ins till wit!·.in us one hug-e vat o exhuberar.ce t han kf u 1ness - ~ ' • • 0 • op k timism and what not. ur Than s N EBRASKA CITY . . .. t . 10 . arked contras t gtvmg sptrl IS m to the puritan istic New England I h . I' d t th . tra it whtc me tne .o .e v tew l---~-----------------========== that so urness is a mark of virlue, ' -::::::::::::::;:;:~~~~;;~=====-====~~~~~~~~ and that th ose wh o laugh too fre~ly are not sufficient ly chastened by We believe that we a ll find o~rBest Tha nksgivi ng wishes! adver s ity. If adve r sity does chas- ~ selves giving ho mage t o . those m ten, that is a bout the on ly g ood it div. iduals who d o the dt sagreeabl e When our nomad ic editor g e ts back 1 d tl does acco mpli sh. To cherish what thmgs g e ner ous Y an swee Y A sanely "balanced" paper we' II 1 h is hard for the sake of hardn ess, those fo r t unate peop e w o arP. arnot lack. 1 L h seems to us now not to be a mark tistically' j oyfu . et us e~e The bewi ldered staff' s in an awful of s tre ngth but of foo lishness. And highly resolve, th e'l, at thts plight. time it'l l be yet, we suppose t hose natu res Thanksgiving season, t~at o ur N.ew But c heer up! Next which are ins tinctively g lad a n d England forefathers dtd not live all right, find joy-giving and in vai n, a nd let us h ere and now , If that ca pri cious Edi to r Smith op en-whi c h t hanksp:iving and resolve to give Glumness one g rand ! gets back! joy-get ti n, t hanksl iving, all easy-wou ld be chase into the somber Seve nteenth I For the past century or so it has regarded with _frowning su~pici on century and igve to Goodness and · been the hnbi t of people in o ur b y the Pilg rim for e fa thers to wh om Op timi s m one g r a nd shnw in this cou ntry t u get se nt imental along glumn e~s was a s ig n · of goodness. e nli g htened T we n t ieth ce ntury . K elly. toward the end of No ve mhe r and to Yes, the old days when igno ranee 'count the ir many blessings." was cons ide red proo f of god lin es~ . H eard in Botany C lass. Thi s cus tom is to be commend ed , w isrlom of ungoclline!:'s. are ~appily P roff'ssor Ha m;on. -We l ik e to even th o a pessimist now and then dead. And the days wh en Joyous- think t hat we have to ge t away i has t o re mark that folks are t hank- ne~s and lightheartedness were from our~elves to fine! something ful for one day am~ curse the mis judged for flippancy and lig ht- intere tsi ng and so we r ead novels [ weather th e rest of th e year. hearledness-they too are happily or go t o the movi es. N ow le t' s Ho wever, we mus t not cry ou t g one. But we sonettm~s wond er get. som e rea l PIP.as ure o u t o f toagainst tradi t ion. So if other s 1 if t hose re~pectable Pun tan fore- clay's lesso n. .l nst f or get you r self I are ta king t heir prosperity in vo ice, Ifathe rs ha ven ' t tain ted nur mod e rn a ncl gpt ri ght in to thi s ste m ! GO TO we'd just as well fa ll in line and thinking altho th ey have left us Mi ss Hu!>l or .- Whe r e rli d you 1 be as inconspicuous as possible. J years agon e. W, e can recall a t ;;ay yo u wer e pr inci pa l las t yea r, And we Peruvians need not go very random one s tudf'nt who find s all Mr. Ke lley'! far to find a host of fa vo rs to be , he r rlutt es pl easures : life is all I( e II ey. - "n lh v, u p a t C, o t es fi e ld . thankful for: Our country ' s pros· 1 f es tival and than ksgiving to her. 1• M 1ss ' H . ( m1sn · · nr1ers t an r1·1ng- ) . peri ty and peace, our s tate' s recent 1 Anoth er , we ca n morn easil y reca ll. ! Ol1 • o u t 1. n tl1 e oats fi e 1t 1- nn wonder 1I reform , our football victories, the I fi nds the sa me task.;; burd e ns and b . t • · you are an expert otan ts 1. NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA vi gorous autumn, a public con- , proble ms; l ife is one continued scie nce sanely sensitive to social t hanklessliving to he r. lf both do 1 Two Ford Jokes. THE QUALI T Y STO R E wrong - but we shall not even try th P. ass ig ned wor k ·we ll. hoth rle· l Why d oes t he 19 17 F'o rrl make , 1 Every thing Marked in Pla in Figure!'. to name the m n il , for they a re serve com mend at io n ; but if we ! less no ise tha nth e 191 6? Because \ legion. But most of all, pe rhaps,. I arlmire the lat ter or hRr pers istencE' they have taken the bra ss band off ~' le t us call to mi nd that we wh o in workin g at a di sag reeabiP. task. I t he fr ont. "Le t us eat, drink a nd be m e rry ; attend th e Peru Norma l School in we must ma rv d at the disposition Why is a F'o rd lik E' a srhoo l 1f or t o m orro w we d ie," is t he thi s year 191 6 a r e th e sons a nd of th e f orm e r which t ra ns forms the l r nom? Bt<cause it has a cra n k in m ot to of those who Ji ve in th e daug hte r s of a sehoul full -g rown. _sadd est d irges into th an k ful songs. \ fr ont. a nd li t tl e nut s all a r ound. Paradi se of Fools.










D resses Waists






S k irts


D ry Goods





Phone 22


Offers you the best both in Dry G0ods ana Groceri es. H EN CE LO W PRICES.

Good shoes a sr ecialty. TWO DELIVERIES DAILY


These verses were found oeoupying a very prominent place on our absent editor's desk. We infer, therefore, that they are his favorites. so we insert them, hoping that it wi ll be pleasing in bis sight:

Citizens State Bank

This is Good .News We are th is year handling the A. M. Davis Co. QUALITY 'Iine of Chr istmas Cards and Folders. You can know that the card\ you send is correct if you if you choose from this line.

"May I print a kiss on your li ps?', I said ; AN O LD RELrABLE BANK She nodded h er sweet permission. WITH ASSETS OP OVE R So we went to press and I rather $250,000.00 gUP.SS We printed a large edition. "But one edi t ion is hardly enuf," .LOCALS She said wi th . charming pout; Watch the JOke column nPxt week. So again in the press the f orm was Get t he e lusive 'I ba nk5giving put spir it at P hi lo, Friday, December And we $rOt a few "extras" out. 1.

Some Choice Pieces of

French Ivory for

Christmas Presents Ht


N. S. N. S. Store V E. Cha telain,



N. S . HARAJIAN . A. B .. IJ. D. ~Graduate of Chicago College Dental Sllr&eon


Come and See.



~Vli~s Le.na .Harrington, whose home ts 10 Mtchtgan, came to us di r ectly from Columbia · University. She is 1 ·thnrol.v eouipped f or her work and is giving us Columbia's best ideas

" Let us come before Him w ith thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms." H. C. House spoke on " The Village Festival" at the meeting of the Federation of Mu sir.al Clu bs which convened in Lincol n last ::>aturday.

his Turkey-oay dinn er .

See the new line we have on display VARIETY STORE


Miss Mamie R. Mutz, our art teacher, retu rned from L incoln last ~onday. She· had a s light oppra-1 tion performed a t one of the hospitals there. Professor Wilson's favorite gamP c9ck is not expected to live long We understand t hat he is now goi ng to be able to have chicken f or


We' ll treat you r ight. Fitst class \\'Ork

C• l UOt~.



.. \\ ES r:-;J DE IIA I{ H El< Sll 0 P"

in teaching. H e r great c harm lies in her pleasing perso nality. Atways sweet and sympathetic, M iss Ha rrington is an inspirati on to every one. We are indeed fortunate to have her with us.

\Vhil<" down town 1!.0 to



Barbt·r Work

:\t'H I. t.'lc>~n . :\11 \\'<Jtlc fit~l cluss . Paul Ki ud at dinn er passing ~IT<> lid cillt)l' fr~>tll JI <>S I n ffil'c platte r of boi lt!d tung bark of. and Things I Am T hankful F or. around Mi ss E llis. - You don't ''Be your ord e rs g r eat or small Miss Rulon: That A. Ray Scott Hei:ldqu t1rt ~r~ iur Phone or bring th e m one and all" get any of this; if yo u get any did not return this year. Pianos Victrolas more the .r est of us can't get a TO Sandberg : For the music of my word \n edgewise. SHEET MUSIC bell ( Belle). A number of the members of the GASKILL MUSIC COMPANY Spacht: That Nell ie Kelly went Phone 218 NEBSASI<A faculty a nd s t. urle n ts went to Ne- to Kearney. I NEBRASKA CITY, Agent for Sunny ~ ide Greenhouse braska City last Monday even ing Mrs. N ellie Smith: For the Fal!s Ci ty, Nebr. to hear the op · ra, " .Aida" They r ight of free spe,.,ch. 1 returned by sp ~cial train the same Vern ~ Cha telain : That the l:a le Fine Line of Cut Glass evenin g . . Jf Fo r ds is not prohibited by law. On last TuPs·lay Miss Ciela ncl. Do r m Girls: That the p r ice of :\ l!<o tiH' 1H'W and :\n,·cl [~ ;t \'t· ns Dentist the dean of womPn. gave the girl.- \~ hallenge Cracktn; (alias ginger \\' :t rt·. \'ou 11111:<L "''"' i1 111 :tp pn·Office over Variety Store of t he Normal Scnon l a •nMt in- -naJJS) has no t gone up. 11:-: IH·:tuty. tl ffice Phone33 H11u~e 7 1 teresting tal k on he r vis it to thiBobby Clela nd: Tha~ the meaL Island of Cu raean. which i::; situat- is ~o wug-h that the g irls C'an ' t eat 1 t. ed off the coast of Ve rwzuela. OR. H. L. SHELLHORN. Prof. and Mr~. 1<'. C. .Jrll n c1me Professor Wilso n: That Presi Re:-: ic!e nce Phone fi down from Lineuln la;:;t Monday de nt Wilson was n• - elect~;:cf. Dl~UGG I STS Office ovPr Rt:'xall Store to see Mrs. .IPan's s istt> r . Mi ::~ Or. Hous~ : That Professor Ph o ne 3l Dori s Hancoc k. whn w&~ iff at t he Greg!! has sui.JsliLUt~cf "obli viate NEAR. •'ERU, hospital. Upon thei r return they the matter from you r cot Lex" fo r Dr. H. (';. HPuse ~ave a song re cital as the ope ning number of the took Miss Haneock home with ·'forget it." leC'IUre course at Co leridg-e on Noth e m. I Kearney: That Peru cfidn't heat vemher 24. Or. Claucie Lew is ' ot Plenty of Flowers for Last Monday tht> F:pi scnpal Gu il d ! them any wor~e . Co un ci I RlnfTs played thr> a(·eompan was honored b.v the pre,.;e ncc of t ht Ruth Rdfenn: That· tho my im Pn1 . Rov 13. Hull . 'If). is su THANKSGIVING Rev. W. A . Mu lligan who eon- nand is hurt I l'an s till have a Chat. peri r1 tenclent at Co l e ricf~e. $ 1 2!i & $ 1 50 per rlozen l;lpcted serv ices for the Gui ld that Campus fountain: Tnat NP!Jras ~ "\., Carn;nion!' 7!i ('t'n1!' per rlnzt'n even ing, and also held th e ce le- ka has go ne dry. e I ' Chr_vsHnthem ums $3 00 per dozen bi:Iltion of the holy communion at ThP Team: Tha t th e "g-nd of 1.._ _ ~:_a~

Office ove r Fay Brlkcry


Mrs. E. 0. Polzel

Dr. R. D. Cole




6 ;~0 the f o llowi ng morning. war" favo reci us. j Ar rangements have heen marie f or F rank Lege r: Tha t the.v didn't SIMANTON & securing a mini ster to hold Guild print my name be low t hat drawir ,g. Phone 95 services at least twice a month T he Staff: That Miss Wilkinson FALLS CITY. NE RRASKA ' hereafter. · is such ·a capable artist. All Orders Promrtly Pillt'd





~ "'--" / :\:

'\,\ ',


, y--- ,

And t hat fat Goose , never fl i tting, j comes t hru experience and it was Bell, lt. like a nightmare still is sitting (Continued from F irst Page.) too late when kn ow ledge came t o Me issner, lg. On me, all the night emitting Schneider, c. swooped it up a nd made a sensaher. words that thrill my bosom 's But you'll pay, too. H er m e m W. Emmert, rg. tiona l ninety yard run thru a core. H. Smith, r t . broken field for th e second touchory w il l never fade . ill Now thruout the turkey season, L eger, r e. down. Haney kicked goal. KearThruo ut the years conscience w while 1 lie and gasp and ney ki cked off to Emmert who L . Smith, rh. g na w at your heart arid on the day wheeze; on r eturned the ba ll to the middle of Owens, lh. of judge ment the master wi II Me h e s i ts until m y reason n othing the field. The ba ll see-sawed back surely can restore , H aney, capta in, fb. avenge. While that Goose croaks, "Eat no and forth for a f ew minutes, but Substitutes-B. Emmert for OwYou can't replace-you can ' t more!'' Peru soon put the ball .on the Ante- ens, Hunt for Meissner: retrace-you ca n't erase the past. -Arr. by K. lope's forty yard li ne. On a wide Per u plays the fast Cotner Uni- You cannot expi atf'. end run Smi t h again broke loose vers i ty t ..am on Thanksgiving Day. 1 Plan as you will , ri!"e as you f or a pretty run· a nd a touchdown. Everybody come out anti see the may, climb as high as ambition Score, first half, P e ru 20, Kearney Peru team play it's last game tf) - / can drive you, peace can never be 0. gether and wind up a successful • yo ur lot. With a 20-point lead the Peru seaso n by defeating Cotner. And ·one suprE-me torture awaits Ke arney H as Bee n Destroyed!



The Goal is at The

Avenue Grocery

team bE-gan to s low up from the H onored Peru's Vsctorious T enm. yofu--wheh~ l~d' OU lookdiknto theh faces swift pace it had set for Kear ney o your c 1 r en a n now t at you When you want so m e thing g ood <Conti nu ed fr om FII'S t Page.) d an as a result the second ha lf was . . i are unwor t hy of th e ir r espect.- to eat. Appl es, g-rapes, Bananas Grape Fruit, Orang es, Meats, much more evenly contested D ur- who le occaslOn ,_ t~ the gi r ls at Herbert Kaufm.a n. i ng t he th i rd quarter both teams least, was th e s mgrng of t he boys ' Pi c kles, Bread and Cookies. resorted t? s traight football with upon thei r d~parture. All i.~ all, Than ksgiving Goose. Confectionery Schoo l Suppli es varying -success. - For ." mi xers" a the enterta inment was four[Apologies to Poe ] H. Phone 73 few forward passes were tried Lv square ." Once it happened, l 'd bE-e n din i ng, both teams but were always in tc;w·h -t E _ M_.__ K on my co uc h I s lept r ecli ning a very an nows . . . . cepted by the opposing players. A. And awoke w1th moon l1g h t shmmg Vacation on Thanksgiving fumbled punt in th e fourth quarter There is a word at wh ich all true I brightly on my bedroom floor. gave K earn ey th e baJ.I on Pt!ru's men strike for the sanctity of : It was in the cr ic;p NovemberDay Only! Sure Har cJ lucl~! twenty-five yard line . On split- motherh ood. I 'bvas Thanksgiving I r emember But sencl sC>mC fl o wer!' home bucks the ba ll was carried to Every boy knows i ts impo r t anrl But I had no dying ember as P oe (t hi s is the big Chry~nn 1 hem urn Peru's five yard mark. It was rises in_ ar: ms at the ~pithet. . I had: when near the door, month ) to warm--t he ir he a rt~. "Chick'' Wareha m who carried til e And It IS a good thmg to have 1t Like a gastronomic goblin just ball over on a wide end run and so. bes ide mv chamber door E. BERTHOLD sco,·ed t he lone s ix for Kearn ey. The son who will not. battle_ f or S tood a birrl-ancl nothing mor e THE FLORIST With the ball on Peru's thirty ya rrl the name he hears is a coward anrl A d I .d f I' r1 w . h a cad · n sa1 , or m no craven, NEE.RASI<A CITY , NEBRASKA _ne ate am attempted a drop F · "Are you Edgar's f amous raven k1ck, but it was blocked :-md 'rom youth onw::~rd the m~l e ' S k' . h. . . ee 1ng as w1th 1m a haven -wer e earned back to the midd le of the 1understanrls th e holmess of wo. . field b v· J man' s virtue you !niXed up With Len ore" Y IC ones. The Peruv ian:< , . · . Then the bird uprose and ftuttered W ood wards • • wo rked th e ba ll to within t hir ty It 1s an entail. a heri tag-e, i m_ h. anu1 th 1s sentence strano-e he I So except ion;:.lly <.l iffer,·nt. ya~·ds of Ke~rney's goal, and with PI egnateo 111 1s blood. uttE-r E-d. "' So delightfully del ic i"u!" . . th1rtyseconds r ema ining Cra io-at- l Every man knows what it is l ,,u L · , . "' h n a ng enor€,' he m!ld lv mutter1:u rni sh a neve t· fol'f.!. Olten tempted a drop kick. but the wind w en a woman goes wrong. . , · 1 ed, vo u ha.v e seen me· once . . treat t < Ch ocolate love r!'. E verY was too strong for success. The m an knows the unt1 mate b . ·. 1 1 · le blew with the ball on Ieos t o f h er Si· n . et ore, . 1 Wllst fma Woodwards Kearn ey's five .v ard line. Every man knows the hopeless- Pe n me on thi S gay Thanksgiving- Gin·s a new m ea ning t o This is the firs t time Peru has ness of her tomorrow!'. , seen me su re ly onct- before. the Thanl<s.~i,·i n g 1 rer~ t, Hn 1 m the Goose- and no th ing E!.very man knows the shame and b eaten Kearn ey in four years. The out nf the onlin rt ;·_:.·· g ift . 1 game was stubhornlv contPsterl clegrerlation of th P aftermath ; more. ' Woodwaras and clean ly fought. ·Ther e were th erefore you cannot plead age nor Then he cackJ ,..d "Are you readv" ; Afte r the g~•me ~fl E wilj only seven penalties du ring the ignorance in e xtenuadon of your and wi t h m 1tion slow a n ' s teady 1 likt tht' m l wh ole game. Lee Smith , the fas t cri me. S t ra :ght the l ~apt uno n my bE-d: he right halfback starred for P!:'ru. If ~·ou WE're old enong-h to wreck simpl_v gave a stitiPd roar. For KE-a r ney , punting was it's a life. you w ere nlcl eno•Jgh to And 1 <·ried, ''I'm a si n ne r-at a main feature. Jones as rorced to realize the diref .d consequ~nces shooting match I wa,; win ner 1 punt on ly f our times fnr Peru and for th e girl. 'Tis a rr..-..m' ry of my din ner. wh ich ' •-----=-- ----.. . . .:. . . . :_____ __} only once was Kea rn ey inside of When you wrPcked her life you 1 ate at half-past four, / ~----------------Peru's twenty-five yard line. could not for one inst<mt d ismiss Goose ~e ll stu~ed with sage and 1 Linee-un: the picture of her punishment. I on10ns. wh1 ch [ ale al half-past 1 J ones, le. I You are uncl ean. defil E-d, a cur four." 1 ancl a sneak. Croaked he hoarse ly, ''Eat no fl r e ~ "· And YE-t you wear the badg-e of more!" . dyt'. ~d- 1 re5pectahilitv and dare to hole! ' 'G ll-r nu cl rcp:11r ho1h l:u li,·s' :rnd vent : . oo!"e ,' ' 1 <hri eked out. ''leave j . . ,.. · you r head h1gh in a decent com h 1 • Yo nr fl·il'ncl~ <:m1 buy anyIl'llll'll .s l'lothiiiJ.!<~ft·\' l'l ,. rk'-'cription I . o , •'a ve n1e. · · mumtv. ~U I'"Iy . d , \\' easoccan.rt·pairand 1 1 ;rlt,. 1• f 11 ,.,_ 1 ·, '' ,- ) llU ()11 t mean to g rieve 1 thing you can gin.: tn em exc·cpt . · 1 Yon re:> a ma~queracle r an · t rug-s.• Ir:rpcnt'~ .<:<l rpt·ts antl t'llrt:tin" ' I . • In er me j ynu t· phot")!I'Hph . \V 1 . · · ope r 111 hon orable SO<'iety y0 . , • h 1 c trl\·c a >'pl't'tal dt•p:lrtment for T . . · u ell e ea vy, Pease r epri eve m e 1 Tie . . • . he s ta1n1son.v cw 1 I t Ilt' l'l'Hillll){ 1111d n ·hlnckinu ot' hcl, . . · · ye~ts -my pu n 1.~hment must beo'tr· l . , ,.. ' cantw1pe1tfromy,urco . · Th t · . • ICs :tncl _R"entll'Jn<'ll 's h:lls. \Ve nav IJ II . ' n:sclence. o onlght you ve brot mt sor rn w must · . I' ret•.nl charge!' nn all s hipnwn t,.: . ,. . clcJe . eX Ist-your co nSCience com f or t , u rely comes tom orrow '


U. Landolt




I . _, .




Milstead's Toggery








22 11 - 17 PA I<NA !\ 1 ST.. 0\ll i\IIA. /

NEH I~ .

e;:nds_lt. Sum,e r el ief from dupe l'cl horru~ . ere IS mercy for her, but God I from myd oct or ' samplestur e " Wi ll never hear yo ur prayers. Quoth that goh l in •. · She was reck less. Cautio'n only mor e !" ' Eat no




Pend d' Oreille Studio Phone 56

Peru, N ebr.









Pleasant Time a t K. P . H all Last

Scrappy Bull D ogs Defeated 38 to

Friday Even ing

0 by P eru.


Last Thu r sday a r ecord breaking On Fri day night at 8 :30. the crowd saw Haney' s team play its Knights of P.v thias Pnterta int'd t he 1 last ga me, defeating the scrappy foo t ba ll sxuad at a nl:1nqu et i n the I Cotner U niversity t eam 38 to 0. K. P . Parlors. in celehr ati1m of the Peru had everything its own way c lose nf th e mo5t successful sea ~nn 1 with th e exception of the i nitia l Af ter 1 . THE SQU AD. vuarter. Before the end of t he first a Pt>r u team has evP r h<1rl. a bi g- !'Uppt:>r. our j ov ia l ha nk er . R. • 'V " indicates that. the player has played less than two games on the ; half, however, Coach Johnson' s W. Ke ll y, took the chair. anr! first team; " L" ind ica tes t hat rhe pl a.ver has played t wo or mor e ga mesl tighting machi ne got under way speecht>s we r .i! i n ord er. and crossed Cotner's goal l ine 1 on th f' fi r:-n team . T. L. Fisher gave a sho rt in~pir- J Sranding, left to r ight : O~en(L) . Eschenburg, Fran k Leg er, Cop· twice. Score first half, Peru, 17 , ing tal k on Peru ' s football heroes enhavPn. Hun t{ V) . Spencer Leger(L) Pa lme r (V) , Lee Smith,(L) Cotner, 0. and hi stnr.v o f a f orm er da.v. sur- Sch neid er( L). Craig( L ). Beii( L). H ane.v( L) . Ca ldwe ll (L), Selement,. Fighting ha r d t hr u the second chl!ared wi th hearty J[Ooc:l fe ll ow- ' Coach Joh nso n ha lf CotnPr vainlv played for a ship and. sou nd advice for fno.t ball Kn ee ling-. left t o rig~ !: i\lar ".~ 1 1, Merle Long-, Cnsry , Earl Lo n ~( V ) , br eak in t he game to give it a players m gent' ral. He dep1cted 1Kirlc:l (V ), Howard Sn1 : h( •.). ~\d he r 8mmertlL), Bryan Emmelt(L) , I chancPto scor e. Forward pa!'~es th e game nf f oo t ball a:' one of the ! s andberg( L), Mei s~ner ( L) ..Jon,•,( L). [Pictures of Spacht and Allsman, worked time after t ime and the in valuable agen ts of develop ment I bot h letter men, weTe not prec urerl ] Pern barks had no diffi,.:ulty in a nd r ecalled ma ny pleal'an t per- --- -- --· 1 ma k ing first clowns. Pern was sonal as;;ociHtions. problems con front ing him . With i are a few startling f::~ r.ts : f nrrPd to runt only three times. Coach J ohnson responrl ed with a only t wo of last yea r ' s line me n ! Capta in Haney' s team hau played Roth tPa•n<; playe•l clean, fast, foot eulogy of hi s team, say i ng- t hat a ! back in school , th e task of maki ng- I more ga mes, pil ed up a JargPr hal l hu t Co tn er lacked t he punch m'l r keil ahsence of ealo usy a nd 1a fo r ward de fe nse capable of · holrJ - Iscnr e ancl he ld i ts opponen ts to a of th e Nor ma lites. I n the last "cra bb 1ng" ha,; ty ri lied t he team · . . . d lower score than any o t her Per u peri od PPnl forr.ecl t he scor e up to 1ng 1ts heav ier oppone nts reste . • • all the way thru , and tnat t h1s sea- 11 te!l'm ha s done. It has lost one a .t otal of 38 nomts. s on ha been br i mful of genui ne h~av i.!y on hi s shoulder!'. A wealth ~arne ou t of nine; only three teams I J onec:. ~rn i t h. Em mer t, Sandpl l:'a:>ure fu r him;-;elf a~ we ll a::;. hi s uf l i.~ht barkfidd men ap pea,red J have crossed i ts goal line for a I berg, Haney and Cr aig starred fo r players. T oas ts were a l,;o g1ven and With t~ e m came t he pr~b. em total of thr ee points whi le the P eru. by E. E. Good, Capta in Haney, of developi ng backs 0 : suffic ient Normal ites have ta llied 14 8 poi nts This l!::lme showerl the real metPresirlent Hayes, and ou r fr iend, \ spee? an~ p~nch to sk.Jrt the e~ - It has beat Omaha Uni., Kea rne.v, ' t ie of t he Peru team when in conCol. T. J . Ma j ors, all of whom 1 emy s Wing, a nd to n p up their and the Cotner Bulldogs hv a larg- 1cliti on to play . Not even York were heartily applauded. / line. The se~snn's record. shows ! er mar g in t han ever befor e, and was able to beat Cotner 38 points. After complimentary cheers. t he / how well: he ha~ succeed ed In t~e . has be... n t he first team in th e his - The on l.v regrettable t hing about gJests depar ted, each congratul at- effor t:-: of so lut.wn. ~ e has bu il t : t'lr.Y o f Peru not only to defeat t his game is t he fact that Haney, ing himself upon having bee n a up a l i re that at a ll t ime;; has been : Grand Islanrl, but also to ho ld the Crail!, B. Emmemt, Lee Smith, m ember of such a team, and hi s ab le to hold its ow n against heavi - fast Wesleyan Coyotes score less. Spacht. Leger, W,. Emmert. sentiments being '-Rah for t he 1er opp·ments, and a bac~fiPid tha t ln view of t hese fact:; every Schneider. H. Sm i th, Bell, and tea m! 'Ra h fo r the coach! ' Rah , has been the terror of alt C'On te nd - canrlid pe rson must admit t ha t .Tone!' rlonned t he ir blue erseys for for the captain! a nd ' Rah r'o r t he I ing teams and has evrr hec n excell ed Peru ha~ never had a b~tter team . th e last t ime t o fight for Old Per u. 1 Knights uf Pythias. J in t he history of the school. How ca n th e remarkable ~ucccss Li neun. Tw J nf the most pl easa nt fra Peru ha~ just go ne thru o ne of of this brilliant team lie accounted / Peru . Cotner. tures of th e e ntire season have the hardest scheci ul es in yea r s and fo r ? Why has she r isen f ro m , ,Jones lt. Hayes been twn bi g " feed,;" given by I how has she come out'! She has compflr::Jtive obl ivio n to ~he heigh ts Bell It. More Roy Co we ll. Owing to limit!:'d acknnwledged the su re r iori t.v of of fame? Was i t heranse of a few H. Smith lg. Ro bb accommodatio ns. the entire team ' on ly nne team, a nrl that after an star~? There wer e no sla r-:, ~·et Schneidflr c. Paramenter C·JUirl no t be i ncluderl, hut th ose all day tr i p with dinner at ten one co ulr! not mendon the person- W. Emmert rg . Warshan pr esen t are unt iring in s ing ing the , thirty and an ~ o ur's waitin~ be fn~·e ' ne l of t he team without naming ali i Spacht r t. Bri tt praises of t heir host an ·I the cook th e g ame. Wi t ~flut t he tr,Jp,, Pe.l u . fr om the crafty li tt le q uarter h~ck 1Leg_er re. Mumford who prepa red t hat r oast duck e~nd brat ~he Cotner Bulldog-s wm se to t he big left tackle. The th1ng l Cra1 g q. Thomas chicken. Three cheers f or Cowell . : than rlid Yo rk. Harl York played that has been st icking- out more Sandberg lh . S trai n a gf'ner ous host, an impa rtial a t Per u she would now hold second t han anyth ing else is the T EA M L. Sroith rh. Newma n official, and a s ta unch fr iend. place instead of Pe ru. SPIRIT, without which no team Hanep, <.•apt. f. Moss, capt. A few follow ers of f oot ball in can hope to ach ieve anyt hing . Substitu tes. - T3. Emmert for T h e T eam: I the o ld days rt:> fe.r t.o t he wonr~erf~ l An y team is ~uccessful in as much Sand be rg, Christy for More, MurThe last ki ckoff has been made 1t ea ms Per u had m the days of big as it has team spir i t and just as i t p hy for Thomas. Refer ee, Burand the final whistle has blown and S wede Swrnson, RPnfro, L undy has team spirit so is it s uccPssful. fo rd; umpi r e , Palmer; hearl linesnllw while fre.>h in ou r minds is the and Sims. Stars t ho th ey were The Pe r u t eam has been able to add man, Co we ll. season's victori es, comes the time the ir teams fa iled to make t he victory to victory because .of t he Wait. __ D_o_n-'t- do- -y-ou r Xmas for a just estimate of ou r fig hting r ecord Haney ' s team has. During team spirit and the fight i ng spirit shopping to·o· earl y. Y. W. ·c. A. machine, the school eleven. I th e t h.r e.e years Swenson played his of Captai n Haney. Often when girls have just the thing you may At the opening of the season I t eam 1n no ga me ran up a score bitter defeat stared the team in be loo ki ng fo r . Collega Calendars Coach J ohnso'l fo ll nd two vi tal hi gher th an e leven poi n ts. H er e <t'ontlnu !'cl on r,nst P<~.gc.> at 35c. On sale after Dec. 10.












· I


be saved two years of school t i me as soon as their spe lling becomes Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nc· as nea rl y phonetic as German spellbraslw as second-class mat ter. ing is . It is in teres t ing to note


Publlsht Weekly by the Pe ru State Normal tha t th e Nebras:<a State J ourn al, t he best edited of our metropol itan 75 cts. per yea r. Single copy !l cts. j ournals, is already conformi ng HOWAIW S~1 I TH · ·. l~d ~tor, to t he rul e of th e Nebraska pedaChristma~ Store n ow, ful l of A. LB\V LS TYLE R A~soc aa tc: hd at 0r Our store is a GLENN o. KEL LE Y ·· gogs, The commercial dP.partment Wom en and Children. Business and Subscription ~ta nager of the Peru Normal has also adopt· gifts suitabl e for Men, Christmas ed thi s rul e. The Normalite is Anybody that is looking for a DEPARTMENT J!.J)[TOII S of choice Nona Palmer, .......... .......... . Alumni naturally g lad to see th ese ev iremembrance can find any number Eos Brow n .................... .. Philo mat hc:an d ences of prog ress in the directi on Marie i\'1cf nty re .......... .... .. En~rett and exclusivt: thi ngs here .. Frank Leger . ..... . ............... Y. ~l. C. A. of com mon sense in spelling, s ince Elsie Wil burn . .......... ...... . . Y. W. C. A. i t was one of th e p ioneer journa ls Pr ice> a!ways r easonable. Louis \V nrth, :-1 . C. A. i n the s ta te Lo ad opt any lar ge Bryan 13mmcrt, · ....... :. ...... ...... A thlc:ti~s Miss Dowen ..... .. ........... . . .\I n sac meas ure of spelli ng s impl ification. Rosalie Kohn... ............ ........... .. llun.aor · F. M.G . Loc;ol J\lrs Ncllit: ~1. Smitn, ....... . . .J ack Allsnw n . ................... " .\lin crvH "' Alice Fo rmHn ... .. 1............ Y ost. gradu at r~ After t hree weeks of practici ng ~'l ary Clnry ....... .... ...... ...... .. St· n~ ors ;>.;EBRASKA CITY Rosaline Koh n . .. .. .. .... .... j umors had passed, a scrub was heard to , Gertrude Clifton . ............... ~np hnm n •·es Lov llackc•.... ....... ...... . Fre~hm<"n say, "I rlon't see a bit <•f use of my 1 Vi vian Bishop ...... .. II igh School coming out every ni ght. t neve r , . Ad j Specials ;a nrl 1 11 attac ec ................ .. I p n paratories get to play in a game anyway.'' ' ' -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - :VIr. Pa lmer . .. . Sc·icncc: Lluh But t hat same scrub continued to Prof. P.' M. G rcgg::.:...Advi ~<·r come out to eve ry p ractice-and he I . h t t . so me morning m t e s ree . didn't get to play 1n a ga me the . A member of the faculty stepped But s he knows ever y s tor e 1n town F rom some whole season thru. into one of th e stor es last week . I where 8he can save so me ka le . ff f d. k"d t 1 5 and noticed A. M. Davi s Xmas where he got t he mP.anmg of school ! loya lty, the fee ling which has bPen j By buy ln' stu tlol e~ . uls , a cards on di splay . "Why, Mr. wha t she ca s a sa e . . . in a g r eat measure the thmg Jn· · - - -, I didn't know you carri ed spiring the scrubs to work as they J ess Wi l lard doesn' t mean a thing th ese cards. I sent away for this have to g ive the ' vars ity practi ce for I in moth er 's peaceful li fe. ver y kind of cards. " " But," the big 'games. And after the big She thinks that fi sti c ca m ivals is r eturned the salesman, "don't you games, no scrub's name apears on bloody, brutal strife . r ead the Noramlite? I advertised 1 the sporti ng page of the Omaha, She never reads the f oo tuall notes; 1 these very cards in last week's Bee either. There' s no posi ti on on she'd b'i ieve yo u if yo u sa i d issue. '' Kind fri ends antong th e th e football fie ld m :)re tha nkle,;s Tha t Harva1:d played with Ya le last bus iness men make the Normalite than the scrub's. He' s ge t t i ng as week, an' Yale came uut a head. j possib le b y t he mone.v accrui ng ha rd knucks as if he wt>rc palying But ~· o u can bd s he k nows th e from th ei r uJverli s ing. Pl ease name of eve ry store in town co nt ri bute you r mite, read er, in in Yor k-Peru game; he's playing 'varsity men a nd he' s gettin g as Wher e Lhey are ha v 1ng clearance making some little r eturn to t hem. much g lory as he would in a sa les and prices i::, marKed down. At least th ink of yo u r home f riends Strang-Osceola ga me. The ~crubs ' hrs t when making purchases. have th e warm g r a t 1. t u d e of t he i Sister. reads t he. fas hio n news a n' fi r st team. lt is t he purpose of all the social cha t. ~ · d o the r peo-ple She'll tell yo u always off the reel One of th e m ost s ig nificant of t h .IS ar t"IC Ie t o r em1n · the r eso luti ons past at t he recent besides the ' vars ity me n, who ca n wher e VIn ce nt A,;w r 's at. sess ion of t.hP. Nebraska State fu lly apprecia t e t he scr ubs for obv- Hatt ie r ead s about th e shows, an' Teachers ' Associat ion was t he one ious r easo ns , that. t he unthanked wonders ever y day end ors ing t he s im pl ifica ti on of scrubs helped to m ake the season' s If And rew Mack nas wr ute a song GO TO our spelling , even t ho the r ecom- record show 147 points fo r Peru as ; or John Drew':; got a play . mend a tion covered onl y the twe lve aga in!\t 38. for all her - opponens Tht:! sp•>rt news is my Sl t:!ally dis h; words, thru, t ho, etc. Nebraska co mbined. an · pol itics is dad' .:: . My oroLher r ead s ab,>u t the war, / ha:: according ly not gone !'O far a::; t hf' Na ti onal i':ducatiDna l Assoc iaAfter the Re ll ev ue g ame a Peru I ti on , for it wi ll be r ecali P.d that 1 player sen t an Uma ha Bee account 1 I 1 Ja, t Ju ly a 1:esolu t ion was adopted of the ?a rn e to his mot her and r eTEACHERS WANTED. by t his organi :r.a tion favo ring t he lcei vecl this bit of poetry in r e turn: NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA Wr.at Moth e1: Heads. To fill vacancies in every Depart" employment of a fi na l "t" in:'tead of " ed " when th e fina l sound of Mother doesn' t eve r know who m en t of Sch ool worlt, commencing • T il E QUAL ITY S T O R E the past tenses and perfect parti wins the baseba ll game, w ith th e n ew yea r. Only 3~ per cent Eve rything Marked in Plain Figures. ci ples of verbs is that of "t." She never ht>ard th at Tyrus Cobb , Commission . Regist~r Now. Any progr e!'s in the ra t ionali za . has won immor ta l fam e. Teacher s Emplo y m ent Bur~au, tion of our spe lling is. of cou rse. She wou ld n' t know who Speaker was E. I. H euer, Mgr . ~~----------------welcome when one real i:r.es t ha t if hi m an' her should meet, 228 Cedar Rap~ds S.win~ Bank P~ofessor an d Mrs . Gar ey went Ameri can a nd Engl ish chi ld rt> n ca n An ' he should lif t his hat to her I C~::da r Rapd s, Iowa. to Lmcoln We dnesday evening .




i---·------ ·





Waists Skirts




Coats Suits &

Dry Goods








lt you will buy some oi our usefui Chri st mas gifts ana take home w ith you , to th e h om e fo lks

th ey. wil l appreciatate it the more because of it com ing from Peru.

The Cash Store


Phone 25

Why I Value Football. Any successful enterprise must y ie ld fair divide nds upon t he material and lauor expende d. We spend vast sums upon our school system and ri g htly con si der that i t y ie lds several hundred percent dividends upon the expenditure . And dollar for do llar and hour for hour football , w h en r ig htly managed, wi ll yie ld big ger d ividends than any other cou rse in the curriculum . I a m aware that thi s statement wil l cause fr ow ns of di ssent in ce rta in quarte rs,' b ut let us consid er. The divid ends are pa id in phy sical, me ntal and moral str ength. What oth er course pays in all three? Tho th e following state me nts are g e ne ra l, I have

Citizens State Bank

This is Good News We are thi s year handl ing the A. M. Davis Co. Q U ALITY Ii ne of Chr istmas Cards and Folders. You ca n know t ha t th e ca rd you send is corre ct if you if y ou choose from th!s line.

Come and See. AN OLD HELir\BLE RA .' t.;: WITH






facts and data to ba ck ea c h one. Physical. N e r vou s ha nds go up in horror ove r the t e rrible injuri es received e ach seaso n. The owne rs do not investiga te . The other day

.;pirit of c o-operation, :md the ,Jil'it of cl ean spon _ma nship can Holida ys are Approaching .Je cons td e r ed moral! ) g ood, t ht!n the at.swe r must be e m phatically, ''Yes." F or fo ot ball is above a ll e lse a school f o;: these t hings. my g lance was arr es ted by the An y g ood th i ng may be a bused headline, "Footbal l Player Kill- and footbal l ofte ntimes has suffere d Avoid Dissappointment ed!" R eading the artic le 1 found at the hand of its unth inking AT T H E that a man wh o played hi s last ,' f ri!'!nd s as . we ll as its et~e~i es~ bu t l Photo Albums game in the fall of 19 1<-t had been 1 am convmc~d tha t a cat eful and . . . hidde n-obser vation of th e me n wh 0 Filled blown up tn an e x plo::- ton of chem- hav e wo n le tte r s thi s yea r wi ll bu t '' CHUCK FULL'' icals . Ye t ma ny untht n king !JeO- e mphasize a ny points I have made ple will blame foo tba l l tor n is .. !Juve . .l!.ar l Johnson. Make s• F in e Presents death. I s up pose I ha ve pl <~.l ed ' "Aida." Our Line with a nd coached over Ut i ee n u n- I Our communttv . · I evt'd encer1 1ts dred football players . 1 na ve be~::n inte rest in mus ic ~n Monday of last \\"c 'll t reat you right. ri, st class associated wtth other coac hes each week, whe n the five o'clock train \\' o rl; c• >unt~. of wh om has coa ch~-:d as many or carri ed more tha n 225 P e ruvians KINGSOLVER & CO'~'ELL 1~ Most Desirable more. Ye t in all my expertence l to Ne braska City f or t he e vening .. ,, E:'T~I D E RAR Jm l< Sl lOI .. V. E. Cha t ela in, M~tn ager. / have n ever known or heard directly pe rformance of Ve rdi' s "Ai da " ·- - . . by th e Chica go Eng li sh Gr a nd W hilt cln wn I 0 \\' 11 go to : - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - and authentically of more tl:a ~ one OpPra Compan y . The publ ic school boy who was p er .nane ntly tnjuretl l music c lasses had heard l he opera j ;"1 • • N. S. HARi\JIA N as the res ult •.•f play tng f oo tball. a na lyzed by Miss Ca rpe nte r , oth ers for' our I A. B .. ll. 0 . S . What is a di sl oca u~d e lbow, a fe w has a t least r ea d th e plot-synopsis. Barbt·r Wo' k Graduate of Cbicago College Dental Surgeon ."st had been he ighte ne d b v i\c:at, l lc11 n. All wo d; fi rst class. charley-h or ses, a nd o the r t e mp .. r- l lnte l ' . . · th e g·e n utne ly de lig htf ul cha pe l St'L'IIIHI tlnnr frnm po!: trdlice !-! 1--. SIUEN T DE :-.1 ri S'T a nl.y tncun ve nt ent anJ pa tnful recita l Monday, in w 111 c h rou r n 1t:u .Offi ce o v e r P ;-1y l:la kery bruises compared wi t h th e added b e rs of t h e c ompa ny had participatt1t!tldquar&en, ior strength, a lertne;;s, pu tse, and ed. So tha t the r e was a spir i t <11 phys ica l abili t y ol' so me th irty kee n a nti ci f)a Lion . am ong th e st - Pianos Victrolas "Be your orders great or small Phone or br ing t h em one and all" young men ? The av e rage increase rl e nts, many of \oVh o.m we re to hea r SHEET MUSIC .> . I t he tr fin;t opera . . . . b TO o f we tg h t tn a t oo t a 11 squau ts :;t>.. 1 The 225 p lus, r eturned to Peru GASKILL MUSIC COMPAN Y pou nds pe r ma n dunng _L11 e. ~ea;:;u ... in varying m.ood s. Those who ha d NEBSASKA This is n o t f a t , but increased expec ted a presen tati on of New I I NEBRA SKA CITY, Phone 218 Agent for Sunny :~ ide Greenhouse muscle tissu e due to r egula r t.::A · York Metro po li tan s ta nd a rd wet ,! := ==============. t• b II o f co urse b itter ly d isa ppo inted . Falls C it y , ' Ne br. 0 ercise a nd . ha bit. 1.' oot a a 1su 1O t he rs ha d ~ppreci ated betor eh<n .c! • 61 fT v 00 nuS .... kmts more firml y and a t th e sa ru . tha t no fi r:;t r a te compC~ ny co uld RECIPE RECORDS t ime incre ases th e s ize of t he atfo>rd t o a ppea r iti a s ma ll opera f rame, espect a ll y of t hn;:;e h oys w ho ho use, "" it h Lll e n !gh t:.,L prt Ct'O CA. LA N DE R Dentist are in th e tr later a do te;:,c;t'OL Yt~rs. sea ts $2 00. Th c~e pPo1pl e f e lt It has of te n heen kn .~ wn to e ra dt - : t ha t th ey ha d heard one of t he Chrtstrnas Cards a n d P.ookle ls . Offit·e ove r V<Jrie t y S tore cate the e l usive stomach troub le,:;. l Wolrl d's g t eat open ts to l<' rably 1 I ffice l'h one 3 H H rIll ,.e 71 Ver il y its ph ys ical .be ne fits exceetl Q' i ve n, wi t h s urpr is ing ly e tfE:'c ti ve its injuri es. st ag-e se ttin g , some e xct- ll ent sing - 1 Mental. The me nta l de ve lOP· i ng. and a fe w b i ts or (;ll' Lilll. Ul . n~ OR. B. L. ~HELLHORN ment is n(lt so p la in ly v1s ihle as the 1cn mm only J!OOcl f or onera , whr E' re Rt:-:idc nce Ph o ne 6 physi cal, but is no le:;s l'e rta in. A l one lea rns w i th ex pe ri e nce to be DIWGGISTS l bone head has ntJ plan: on a modern n s gne d t o a wt a k r.unve m ional Offi ce o v•'f Re xrdl :-;wre foo tball t eam. 'l'ne vE:' r Y natu r e of pa ntom i me. 1• Ph o ne 3 t The not a bl e r e rrorman ct'S o f th e . in voice, appea rance a nd a cting 1 the g amP mah e ; it a c m t e:;t of 1 NEBR . f> E Rl' . brains, a nd ea l' n ma n o n t he Lt:a m eve ning was th at of Charl es St' ra l. ability. The me n' s cho rus; was ~--:-:::::::::::::=:=:=:==::=:=:=:=:==:~ I must furni -..h h1s sna rP. l Wi ll i who has a bi g , smooth. mellow g enuinely effec tive in seve ral mpss NOW is t he time to thi nk ~hnut ve nture LtJ say t hat the ave r a!(e ha;;s, and sa n)! Kam fis . t he hi g h I scenPs-decided ly be tte r th a n th[' .'ourC 'h ri~umt!' pn·~en'is class s t a n d 1nl{ o f the fi rsl te a m .men pn est, .with hea uty . rli g ni.t y a nd 1· wom e n' s c hor uses. T he o rchestra , \\'11\· not ~t-nd a good bloomino is hi g he r ~nan th e aV<'J a)!~, l •t a li i d r11 mat tc r .ower . Nex t 1n all - of cour~e t oo sn a.ll t o CCl nvey th e plant- or a nino hox of fl• l\v.or~ f,;;. the me n 111 any c la"'s. l• urthe r- r ou nd me n t was Arthur Dea ne, compl ex heauty of th ~:: orr·heslraChri In ...piuna:-;? Hnts we w ill ha ve CvC'lamen more, bram pnwcr tn c re a.,e:< in re· l h~ri 10ne, who co.mhi ..w d s ingin~ I1 tion, ac~o mpani P.d accepta bl y ex· ~Oc & $ 1 oo. H<',[!onias ~Oc Christmas lation, noc t o books, but lO human w 1th firs~ · rat e a ct 1nv; 111 the r ole of cept dunng th e first acl. pepcr$ :1.1c Primrose·~ H.'ic l'nms.-ttecos beings.' Most m e n p la ce g .r eal I t he Et hiop ia n king . . Ernest Da vi s, Was it worth whi le '? Those who ~:; to 7:c, Fe m s ~i'ic to $ l.i'iO p~ r value on th e abi li ty to rl eal success- a brilii a nt tPn ~>t', lyn c ralher than •mean some day to hav. e th e r owe r p)FJRoses, Ot. InCa !lowers iiHtvl' plentv r>f rn >tl io we n>". wil NArcissus, Snap fu lly with hurn<t n nawre , a nti f oot- d rama1i c, !'a n)!. b ut d id not act, of rnus 1cal appre ciation, and rali ze Drago n!> and s ,v ectpcas. ball is the best t e xt book on tha t t lw le::tdinv; rol e of l{hadame s. Hi s that tas t e is · a p la n t of slow subje ct. " Cf'le:;te A ida" in th~ 'o pc;-nin~ :growth, !"ay " Yes ;' " f<)!' ·by means Mor al. Can an y mnral g ood scene, was e.5pe c ia ll y Wt! ll g ive n 'of a per•f o r mance u.v no mea ns lackSI ·\1 ANTO~ & come out. of foo tba ll '? If self-con a nd e ll t h us iastica lly rece i ved. t T h< ing i:1 me r it, th e hear e rs !!Uind a NEBRASKA. t ro l, the s pinL o f sel f.sa <'n fice , t he women principa ls wer e tnadequa tt g e ne ral idea o f a f a rn ous opera . FALLS C l TY. 1



The N.

s.· N. s.





£ ·H ASE'§

· .


·---- -- --


Mrs. E. 0. Polzel

Dr. R. D. Cole






B by" (chief the account of your 90 yard run at t he tune of "Pretty a b d at Kearney I watch every day t o !'ee an 1 · selection played by t I1e what you ar e doing and w h ~ t tb e Kearn ey) Peru team is doing., H oward . . . P eru P t atse. f 1t ake a bid for a ·m - was care u o m came up t o our dor little more kale from fat h er b e f ore When you he let his fathe r kn o w that it was itory To play for us last night, Lee Smith making th ese phe nom· Not only do we have the best the train. Finnegan is the first Oh, Pe ru Band! enal rnns . man off t he train and embraces a Oh, Peru Band! team in t he hi story nf Per u, but we have a lso t he best Coach and young woman. Team and band You fine set of j olly f e llows To our hearts d id br i ng delig ht, ·aded l{earney. Pal the best team in the wor ld b ecause jl The Goal is at The Consternat ion i n .Johnson' scamp Oh, Peru Band! t he coach is OUR Coach and the ....... -the team smashers are lost. Oh, PeruB and ! team is OUR team. Found several hours later in Kear- Oh. your Mus ic Mas t er simply set Bryan Emmert. ney gi rl ' s car. Our hearts to beati ng t i me; When you want someth i ng· good The T rip to Kearney. The band bes ieges Green Terract T.Jo your pieCLS were Lut few t o eat. Appl es, J!r apes, Ba na n a:< The man who has never gone · on Hall , alias the dorm. One ma n You are welcome t J our dorm i't ory Grape Fruit, Oran g es. Meat f-' . a football trip has no ~ rea lized a ll lost. Morning, noon and night; Pickles, Bread and Cou ld e s . the joys of school life by one-half. The boys lodge at t he U. P. Peru Normal Band. Rea lizing this, three or four re- Hotel. The sanf!man in the per.;un Dinner at the dorm for faculty Confectioner y School Supp lie s porters have worked together to of t he proprietor, with some and girls. Follo wing conversation H. U. Landolt Phune 73 \ reproauce the most pleasant tr ip vehemence and choice English, o verheard: th is fal l-the Kearney trip. declares that the boys m~st use ' Dorm Girl:-"Just watch M iss The crowd leaves Peru at 7:10 some decency, moderation, and Knight make eyes. " 1 Thursday mornir1g on a special car. reason-or "git aout." Upon Compan ion :-· "Yes, s he flirts j Vacation on ., hanksgi ving Band and q ua r tet in good working ari si ng, the boys compla in of the conti n ual ly with 1-'Hlt. Smith. Day Only! Su re Hard Lucid condit ion. Car decorated wit h inadequacy of the heating system . Acts as if she is trying to get a ' 1dt ' hi11m. '" Lle Smith pours a hodful of coal a e wtt Peru ban ner . Rut S('Jld ~11111l' fi , o\\'('J' S h OIIIe Band gites a concert at Nebraska in the empty Rtove and Sandberg I The g-arne-6 to 20 for Peru!!!! tth i ~ :s th e big C h Y ': 111 1 ht·mum C~ty. Every body buys a paper. bri ngs hot "water from the bat h Mei ssner and Ra muna ::5naJ r ar month ) to wa1·m th eir l1t' ~l rt:'. Ltncoln paper says "six inches of room to add th ereto. Hot coal ~ call on di s tant r ealtive of Miss snow in Kearney." but_no radiation. ..::;:·: _ - :Shar rar's, who happens to be coun- , G. E. BERTHOLD Schneider:-"What will you bet 5: 10 a. m., Fr iday. Miss T ib- ty judge. Opening remark from THE FLORIST that there isn't any snow?" bets and Mi!'s Knig ht arrive, and the judge:- "Oh, yo u want a 11 NEHRA~KA ~EBRAS I\ A CITY. Lee Smith :-"Bet a box of candy tell f earful t a les of a drunk~n j lic.·nse, do you?" 1 there is at least three inches." porter. Moral : Go with th e Reception by Kearney faculty '-- - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - ' Vic:-"Wonder if it's wet crowd. ; frnm 7 to 9. Complete movie I - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - . 1 snow.'' Chape l : Prof. De lzel l appears as ins pection. Saturday. 8:30, homeWoodward s Craig: - "No, just wet on one . p~ i ma donna , Prof. Smith as lead- wa r d bound. N e llie, all ~xciteri: 1 :-;, 1 t'Xl't'jl l ion:. ll y di Ai.·1·,·nt. side." ing- man, suppor ted by company of - "Char les. Where's on r s uit So dt· lightf'ull _, rh· licinu!" Quartet starts singing " The ,. Pt.ruv ians. President Dick "start- . case ?' · ; ur ni sh a n ev tT f'o q .!O l l<· n Chu~ch in _the Del l. " At Syracuse ed t hi ngs" by ca lli ng upon Coach Sm ith decorates t he car wit h t he ! tn·a t to Ch<1C<tl::t te lo ve 1· ~. they· re s tnging "C:asey Jones." lfor a speech. Johnson, to the con- score, and "Peru Specia l. " The I Wooctwards Query:. W.~1at wi 11 they be -sing- ing ftagration of "Doc" and the demor- conductor, ho~ever: in formed th e at K~at ney. alization of the crowd, called upon people of Hasttngs m genera l and J.i,·t·,; . <1 ll<'W lll<' l lltin g tn . Shtpment of f ood received at Doc Owens, late of Scandi navia, to the Peruvians in particula r that th e Th Ftnl<sgi,·inL' tn·: 11, an Ltncoln. Concert and snow bal l speak-and Doc r~sponded, urged we could not s~ ip any thing like nut of' t ill' fiJ'd in:tJ'Y ,!!.i fL . fight at Crete. Finnegan swats on by the war cry he himself USLS that over on h1m and tl.at we Woodwaras Mi ss. Down in~ with a s nowba ll. on the fielrl, "Gin to ' em. Doc, eat 1 would be r eported to th e pres ident ; After the g:tnH' SHE w ill Mtss Downtn_g-:-' ' Where is that 'em, up," coming this time how- of the r oar! . From that time until , lik<' thl·n.! the train n'!ached Lincoln. the boy::; I boy? l'd just like to kil l him. ever, fr om his tea m mates. ' No_w I" can't get my hair to stay Prof. Delze ll of th e " cr eam and were busy ever y time t he train culled. roses " complexion evened up with stopped at a .station, remov ing Arrive i_n Hastings with one Prof. Martin of the Kearney fac ul - markings with t owPls. handker hour to wa it. Coach finds the best ty for having mad e d ispar agi ng chi efs . fo otba ll soc sa nd caps. I '--- - ---- -- - - - - - ---' :re~ I_unch. Another shipment of remarks about Mr. Delzell's beau- At Sy r acusP , A. Hungry Hunt 00 1 ~ ta~en on. ty, or lack thereof, by t ell ing of th e · presen ted a t e leg ram to Professor s 1- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -Arnve tn Kearney, 5 :lOp. p. m. Eng li sh servan t who was sPnt bv Johnson and Smit h, sayi ng , "You ·, " Where's the snow? " heard from his lord to visit t he man r eported the ~an~ boys, and foo t ball tea ~ ' to be the finest looki ng man in t he are tn vtted to a r ecepti on to be p l·ess, kingdom. ' 'Theservant reported jg iven at the dormitory by Mi ss l ter and repair hot ll l·trlt' ~· . clclyt' , al- , with emphasi-; : 'H e ' s a beauty, Cleland ~nd her g irls. " Signed, ' t':- .t 11 "'cren t · my lorrl. • And so must r r epor t N e II 1e ' M . ,Sm1t · h. l t·tnt'n's t'l o thingofe,·<" r_vdt'~c rip ti on . concerning Prof. Martin: - He' s a Little tokens of the trip are s ti(J I t hi n !! ." o u c " n Jl i n · I I•(' n I " x l 'C p l \Vc al so dea n. rrpni r anrl :liter fun:- beauty '? My Lord!" said Pro· ev ident - co lds anri ::;ore throats. I ynur phntog rnph . ru gs. rlnlperic,.. , Cftrpets :tn rl eurtfli n ~ . fe~sor D_el~el l in clos ing. The ~ap· Anri _latest of a ll.' Catherine Ke ll y \'o nr 1'1l Olngr: tpht·r ,~i ll V·le hnve a !'pecia l depnrtm'e nt for tams of the teams a nd the re- recet ved a r eg ister ed IE' tter , t he 11H t k t· t 111-m . t lw cleaning rtnd rl'hlncking nr' lad- mainder of our facul ty made burden of which s<:>emed to he I I ic!<' an d gt·ntlemen's hnts. We pny speeches; Kear ney band, P eru regr ets f or nn appointme nt broken band a nd Kearney base drum each by a Kea rney yo ung man. rt'l•.rn cha 1·ges o n u ll shipments. E. J. NEWMAN r endered selecti ons; and the dorm W. H. S mith writes to his son DRESHER B ROS! g ir ls, inspired by the concert our Howard " I never i n mv 1ife took Pend d' Oreille Studio 22 11-17 F AI<NAM ST. , band boys had given them the ni g ht any i~terPst in the sporting page, Phone 56 0:\ I AT-IA. NEnr~. Peru, N ebr before, sang the fol lowing song to but s 1nce I saw in the Sta te Journal Smith. " There goes another box of candy. I I Coach:-' 'Every member of the team goes to bed right after supper." Note: Supper was served at 11 p. m. Kearney band anri student::; meet

The Team . (Continued trom F i rst Pa~e. ) the face and the strain ing players were begin~ing to lose hope, it was Tige's "Fig ht 'em men !" t hat brat back determination and finally vict ory.

I Avenue Grocery












Milstead's Toggery












TW0 BIG BU8GE;T E;Vt:;NTS Tuesday, December 19, Col. Bain, the great Kentucky Orator Admi~sion

Hudget Ticket or 50 cents.

Wednesday, December 20, Peru Boys' Glee Club Admission


Ticket or 25 cents 8:15 p.m.



swaying figures in the old fashioned DRAMATIC CLUB WELL ENTERTAINED dance. Es pecial ly delightful was -the twinkl i ng gayety of the second Eleven Members Furnish an Inter" pas~age in the main theme. The esting Program

that th ey hail thot the mselves to be -. acquainted with the "dormers" Boys of Upper Classes Entertamed j rut that they had not rea ll y known By Dorm Ladies. them until they -had fr ol!cked with

The upperclassm en of the school them, sang with t hem, yelled with t hird number was a Bohemi an On Wednesay evening , December experi enced one of the most enjoy- them-Virginia-ree led with them, song, by Bold •, played wi th muted 6, three charmingly de lightful ab le jolificat ions of the school year if you please. Effervescent chuck!- strings, -a pathe ti c, dreamy, plays were pleasingly presented in Mben we were entertained f or three ings ar e yet to be heard when we mood composition, with a dramatic expression hall. The characters hilarious, rollicking hours by the rceall Harold Chatelai n's at-home- - trans ition in to the maj or. Mr. 1 were we 11 ch osen an d carne · d theJ·r Mt. Vernon girls at the latters' 1 ness, Kelley and Miss Gambe l's !::>chafer's. capacity fo r de licate in- j parts like professionals. Indeed it Christmas reception, December 9. dancing of the Virg inia r eel, terpretatwn was shown here per- wonld be putting it mildly to say· Careful preparation, wise planning Dudek's piety, Meissner's panto- haps a t its strongest. Finally, : those par ticipati ng in the plays and inventive genius for entertain- 1 mimic acting, Tige Haney's effor ts Wienawsky's " Obertass' '' was a • constituted an ''all star " cast, so ing, marked the evening's sociable to recall proverbs never learned, bit of s heer delight, with its dai n- well d id they handle their lines. as being abQ_ve the average in Harlow's chagr in upon tha t she ty vivacity and infectious rhythm. The casts of character s were as merit anu in enJoyment. By 7:40 with whom he had had his tete-a- The passage in harmonics her e was follows: "My Mexican Rose," the parlor was fill ed with young tete was ma~ried-but why go on? nothing short of fai r y music. Dona Lowry Lewis Tyler , John men, anxious for this critical peri- Each one of us has a n individua l It goes withou t say ing that the Mfller and, Katherine Kelly; od to pass and desirous for the mass of pleasant memories of that technical perfection of Mr Schaf- _"C nfessions , Homer Schwentker 0 ' evening proper to commence. .jolly J916 Christmas r eception at er's playing was remarkable thr- and Hazel Frye ; ''Rising of tlie We had a time to be remember- the dorm. That it may become an out .. Mor e th a~ that, the war-~ th Moon;" Francis Cooper, J ohn 1 ed-a memor y characterized by annual event is the wish of a ll th ose of mterpretat1on and exqu1s1te Weatherhogg, Earl Melvin and smi les and gnrgles of laug hter . for tunate enuf to have been there. fineness of f eeling were su~h tha~ Oscar Oakes. At this writing some of our throats : the ha lf ho ur of pure pleasure can- ----Ba sket Ball Season Opens. are still sore from our vociferous The Schafer Recital. not soon be forgotten. A week ago last Mondal even ing yel ling at various stages of the The vicissitudes of war have in Professor Gregg goes to WaynP, a score and a half of men r espond games and contests in which each the past year o r two brot to Amerthe latter part of the week, where ed to the call f or basketball players atte mpted to transcend the others ica many arti sts who unrler ordinhe will de liver two lectures to the in thi s respect. After an hour and ary conditions would still be play- C T h , A . t' and upon this het er ogeeonus throng ._ If • h . . . . . . ounty eac ers ssoc1a 1on. f a ua or sue mernment, par tners mg their part m th e artll'tlc world M G . h' wi ll fco ll the responsi bility <•r up1 11 for lunch were selected by match- ! of Europe." Among t hese a rti ~ ts ~~· r edggh WI kaccodm~any_ . .m. holding Peru ' s basket ball honors. · f d h b d · · . . . . . a nd spen t e Wt!e -en m v1s1tmg 1ng o can y earts em e ded 1s.the bnlllant v1o1Jm st who was f ·. d h- . h f h Any even ing you may choose to . . h d . . nen s, as t IS IS t e o;-mer orne . cotton snow ba II s. Bnck Jce cr eam ear JD a short chapel rec1t.al of Professor d M G peek into t he gymnasiUm you WJ 11 and cake were served a Ia cafateria, Wednesday, No.,ember 29. Mr. an rs. regg. see these fellows competi ng for They r esided in thi s section f or th t after which all participated in old Schafer has r ecently established a . . _ pares upon e earn. 1 seven years dunng wh1ch t1me . _ , . . _ . fashi oned games, such as skip-to- stuJO m Lincol n, and has orgamzed ' . W1th f our of last years men, . . , db _ _ _ Professor Gregg was m strumental l my-lou, three little Indians, and- a symphony orchestra, wh1ch will . . . 1 Captam Schne1der , Jones. San er g . , 1n help•ng to build up the Wayne I d - h h and ·Spacht back, ·an w1t sur but perhaps I had better not men- play 1ts firs t program January 18. ti on the other game, the partakers The r ec ital consisted of three num- 1Normal. men as Bell , Lee Smith, Emmert, 1 of which fled in confusion at the bers an and encore, all compositi ons I Craig, Tyso n and H unt trying .out approach of the De~n. At ten· of exceptional charm. The open· . a wi~ning quintet can already be 1 •hirty the people began to dis- ing numbe r, Sve.1sen's "Romance" 1 Lpred1cted . 1 Coach J ohnson has been having ..erse. A few of the gallants after is of a most appealing beauty. 1 passing thru the receivi ng line, 'fhe ser enity of the opening moveI the me'n spend considerable time _ pr actici ng the " hook pass" and found the hand -clasping and the ' ment, the change of mood to a Rort 1 smiles so enchanting that they of Gypsie strain , and the fina le . High School Room quick turning in or der to pass over 1 and to e lude close g uarding. If the flurried around to the rear door echoing the tirs t movement, were I a ndpassedthruElysiu!'J1oncemore. ! rendered b.v Mr. Schafer with- a;FrunLiS Coup~r j menperfectthisitwill be an in Outside, we united in rendering a most delicatP. appreciati on of every va luab le facto r in winning games. ft n d Nine games have been scherlulerl song and yell recital dedicated to 1nuance. Then f ollowed a Maz urka. 1 our successful hostesses, Miss Cle- , by Musin, open ing with a very 1 a t home. Ho wever, we will not 1 landandthegirls. brilliantcadenza,lead ing in to the l Mildred Monin gettosee ·theteaminactioninany Going home, various participants dance rhythm, whose cr isply defi ned 1 l· inte_rcollegiate game unti l after 1 of the r evelry were heard to say 1accent hrot before one's eyes the Leoders Chn stmas.




ml I


vesper Services

i 4:30 Sunday











law. All the people in this 'play did well in their parts. A trom-

Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Ne· bone duet by Messrs. Thomas and braska as second-class matter. Clements was e njoyed. Mrs. Publlsbt Weekly by tbc Peru State Normal House won her never-failing, always deserved tribute of the ap- 1 er year Single copy 5 cts. 75 t c s. P • plause for her vocal selections. A HOWARD SM ITH · . · Edit or poster sa1e finished the evening's . a Christmas Store now, full of A. LEWI~ TYLER . Associate Editor entertainment. Strictly speaking Our store IS and Children. GLENN 0. KELLEY . . . gifts suitable for Men, Women . as Business and Subscnptton Manager the sale was not an "entertain· Anybody that is looking for a Chnst~ ment," at least not to the aucDllPARTbWNT EDITORS • . mber of chorce tioneer, Vern e Chatelain. I Nona Palmer, .......... .......... ........ Alumm remembrance can fmd any nu Last Friday night we had a Eos Brown ...................... .. Phi lom~thean Marie Mcintyre .......... .... .. ... c.verett darky lodge meeting-the fraternand exclusive things here. Frank Leger .......................... Y. M. ~- ~ · Elsie Wilburn ............... .... .. ..Y. W. C. · ity and sorori ty for Wood Siding Price1 always reasonable. Louis Worth, · N. ·_A. entertained visiti ng delegates from 1 Bryan Emmert, ................. ....... Athldt ~s Miss Reine Jamison, as Miss Bowen ... .. ................ . . ... . Mustc Barney. Rosalie Kohn .................................. Humor most worshipful elect lady,, presid· Mrs Nellie l\'L Smitn, ....... ..... .LocH 1 · ."Minerva" ed over her unruly subjects in a Jack All sman . ..................... A lice Forman ...... ...............F ost· graSclu~t tes most efficient manner. Henry Mary_Ciary .................................... ~~:~~: NEBRASKA CITY 1 Rosalme K o tn ...................... . 1 Amende acted as lord high execu· J Gertrude Clifton .... ,................ Sophomores The audis· Freshme~ tioner, from Barney. Loy Hacker.... ... ....... ...... . Vivian Bishop ...... ........ ... High Schoo ence was regaled with a piano solo . j Specials ancl til attte Adee ........ .. ....... ·· 1 p rcparatories by Miss Susanah Purnphandle. alia L---~·:_----------========:::;:;:;:;~ Mr. Pal mer ... .. . .. Sci.:ncc Club Laura Mackprang. Samantha ~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;::;:;:;:;::;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prof. F. M. Gregg-Ad viser Highbrow, whom we call Martha , D L key tion fo r Teaching. r. uc It All Depends. Johnson, gave that delightful and contended that nine -t enths of the When it's on the last down and the· n~w poem, " Curfew _::iha ll not usual teaching of the c lassroom is score is a tie Ring Tonight." Brother Mag nitud- wasted thru a delusion that the inous, (Dick Meissner), gave us his d It · d 'Childmind is like the a u mm • And the rooters all beg you to ideas on the conriition of politics Our teaching is over-formalized, scor e one or die; When you long to deliver the goods Miss Ogg clogged for t he rielight of and most teachers take themselves the assembled multitude. The · 1 A in a pinch and t heir methods too ser1ous y. And you just gallop over by barely affair closed with a Virginia reel better understanding of the stages and the singi ng of "My Old Ken d an inchin the unfoldment of t he minrl an tucky Ho .ne. '' You're a hero! behav ior of a child will ameliorate The next meeting is a Christmas By Dad! our teaching as nothing else can. j program giving a reproduction of You're a hero! It was a mounta in vis10n of educathe Christma s celebration in Engti on t hat Dr. , Luckey gave his Butland of years ago. hearers, with a n exceed ing ly st im- i When an oppnnent d i veg twenty ulating conclusion, which we re- ! feet t hru the air Alumni Notes grPt we cannot reproduce for t he And na i Is you by merely the The Nebraska Cl ub at Columbia I benefit of our r eaders. 1 breadth of a hair University, New York, held ts Then you hear 'em all yell, ''That's first socia l gathering at the home On Thanksgiving day and the a deuce of a stunt. of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Moore. The day f ollowing a large n~mber . of Confound it, you waited too darned second event of this nature was a lumni visited Peru. It 1s an mlong to punt. he ld at t he home of Mr. and Mrs. sp irati on to hav·e these old students \ You're a bonehead ! Strickland. These four people ar e re t urn. ~ Almost w ithou~ exception By Dad ! all Peru alumni. Mr. Moore is they are making good in their You're a honehead !" president of this Nebraska Club . . respective communities. GO TO -Exchange. A r el!ent letter from B. F. Dal- 1 · lam, who is teaching in Conrad, Ia., Dean E. L. Ro use went to ;~edPhilomathean Doings. states that he has a splend id town ford, Thursday, where on F nday The program of Decemher 1. to worl< in. He coa<he:J a winning he add r esses the t each«::rs of was e njo.yed by a large number of football team which has served to·J Thomas county. l ~ya l Phllos, sev: ra l of whom v:ere awaken an active interest in the J -·- - - - - -former students. This program 1sch•)ol. , TEACHERS \YI ANTED. 1 NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA . was interesting, we ll prepared and ------1 appropriate to th e season. That At a profess~ona l mee~ing of the : To fill vacancies in every Dep~rt"' l THE QUALITY STORE favorite story, "The Courtship of !1 faculty last Frtday evemng, mem· , J?.e nt of School work, commencmg ; Miles Standi sh" was given wit h ' bersofthePeruM others'Cluband lwtththenewyear. Only 3~perceot , Everything Marked in Plain Figures. 1 Richard Meissner as John Al rl en, of the classes in c·hi ld s tudy a nd \I Commission. Register Now. :::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::~:::::::::::. Leonar d Dudek as the immorta l ado lescence bei ng guests, an addr ess T each ers Employment Buren u, .Miss E lva Rul on has just r e turn ed Captain, Mi ss PetE-rson as the was g iven by Dr . G. W. A. Luckey, E. I. Heuer, Mgr. from a trip t o see her g r a nriblushi ng and modest Priscilla a_n::l of ?ur ~ tat~ ~nivers ity, on the 228 Cedar RnpidsSavin~ Baok m o ther. who h as been qJite ill. Mi ss Dorwa rt as J ohn's mother-10·1 subJect, Child Study as a PreparaCedar Raptds. Iowa. Her home is near Humboldt ..







Dresses \Vaists Skirts

Coats Suits



Dry Goods


I L•


I S Q N S & C Q.



If you will buy some of our usefui Christmas gifts and take home w ith you , to the home folks

they will appreciatate it tht:: more because of it coming from Peru.

·The Cash Store


Phone 22

LOCALS Prof. W F. Hoyt ~ave a lecture in Elmwood last F ri day nig ht . • President Hayes will add r ess t he teachers and patrons of the Humboldt.schools on December 15. Prof . F. C. Smith has just returned f rom Nashville , Tenn. , where he de li vered an addr ess before the Nationa l Manua l Tr a ining Associa ti on. Two couples in t he ha ll way of the dorm. " Wha t sha ll we do?" asked one . " We might hav~ a dance," suggested another. It would be a tig ht squeeze,'' q uoth a th ird. " Tqat'll be fine," r ej oiced Henry Amende, t he four th of the group.


Your Gain! V B. Cha tela in , Ma nA ger. ·- - - - - - - -- --- - --

D o Your Chr istmas Shop ping and Gift Goods Buying at




$250,000 .00



Miss Mam ie M utz, of the ar t rlepar tm ent gave a lecture on art a t R iverton, Iowa, on Decebmer 7. Pr ofessor Hoyt spoke at Elmwood the same evening.

At th e recent meeting of the Nebraska Teachers' Association a number of the Peru facu lty were el ec t ed t o pr omm · ent positions in I t h e vanous · sections. Prof. F. M.

To most of us, the beautiful land of " to be" and let' s pretend" is an unknown country. But Nel lie Kelly has begun t o 0 . K. botany papers with· C. S., so Kotas re

Gregg was elected pr esident of the Health and Hygiene Section, .also pr esiden t of t he Association of Teachers of Education; P r ofessor Garey , chairman of the committee to arrange an agricultural course for the high school ; Prof esRor Hoyt, president of the Science Club; a nd Miss Tibbetts president of the Nebraska Woman's Educationa! Club. I


N. S. N. s; Store Oul" Gain!

Citizens State Bank

Holidays are Approachin g

Shop Early Avoid Oissappointment AT THE


After Kelley had r ea d his home town paper d uri ng most of t he Obs. rec itation, Miss Har r ington "Mr. Kelley, you rer emar ked : mind me of cer tai n members of our faculty occu py ing t he back row of As another evidence of the pracseats during chapel ser vice . . , t ical wor k that is being done by

While down town



CHASE'S for your

Barbt:!r Wor k


Neat, Clea n. All work first class. St'conrl door from po!'toflice

The faculty of the N orm ;:ll School the extension department and aslo ~==============:: have closed a dea l with ~ chaut au- as an indication of the appreciat ion of communities where t hi s qua company wit h t he intention of work is being carried on, we quote N. S . Ht\Ri\Jii\N You r Bnrher work havi ng a chautauqua in Per u the t he f ollowing from the Homer Star: :\. 13 .. D. D. S . •'\\' E STl:ilDE BAI<l3EI< SHOP" Graduate ot Cbtcaco Colle~~:e Dental Sur(c.oa coming sum mer, to take the place , of the usual su mmer lecture , November 24, the people gatherKINGSOLV ER & CO'~'ELL Rr:SIDENT DENTI ST ed in the sc~ool house at the in vicourse. Office m·cr Pay Bn kery tation of the young people to listen The Glee Clnb this year , whi ch to an addres~ g iven by Prof. H~t1 d q u a rt e r s lor is 6ne of t he large!'t Per u has ever George W. Brown of the Nebraska "Be yo ur ord ers g r eat or small Pianos Victrolas P ho ne or bring t hem one and a ll" had , has a d..,fini te sched ule of State Normal School at Peru on the TO dates for its annual concert t our. subject 'A Communi ty Score Card. ' SHEET MUSIC The t rip i n~l urles the follow i ng GASKILL MUSIC COMPANY NEBSASKA towns: Berl in. December 11th; Most of us. if we made 'that I NEB ~ A!' KA cI TV, Phone 218 Dunbar , on t he 12th, Wi lber, t he honest confession which is good Agent for Su nny ~i de Gr eenhouse Fal ls City, Nebr . 13th; Beatri ce, the H th a nd Paw- for the sou l, would ~.adm i t t hat nee City, the 15th. Shakespeare seems a bi t fa r -off and

We Solicit


Mrs. E. 0. Polzel

Fine Assortment of

Dr. R. D. Cole·

"Spud" Marois had made the harrl -to-get -at. So we are doubly grateful t o Miss D h0 · Leather and Toi let Goods. unn, w ' l n Correspondence Pads 50c to $3 same mi st ake twice in Ger ma n r et wenty mi nutes opened o ur eyes to Denti s t citation.~ Mi!'s Bowen stenped Memo. Books 25c to $1 50 c tO $5 Office over Variety Store back, s iezed hi m p layfu ll y by the the fac t that the .great Shakespeare Mamcure Sets H 11u~e 7 1 can he a boisterously g ood fellow. Lots of other Novel Articles. 1 1ffirt: Phone 33 ear , and commanded Fraulein West, ' ' Schreien Sie es i hm ins Ohr . " In her r eading from ' ·The Tam ing - - - - - - - - -·- - - ---· HE ( uf the Shrew" in chape l la st week , · LLHOR N Shout it in hi s ear. ) Bu t Miss she skilfu lly blocked in the un0 R • B • IJ• ~ Re~idenre Phnne 6 West intarprete rl it to mea n, " Hi t famillia r background for us, so DRUGGISTS Office over Rexa ll Sto re hi m on t he ear ," and obeyed the 1• that the actors Rtood out against it I P hone 3 1 command, as she un derstood it, 1w ith the picturesqueness of th.,ir NE I with vehemence. .- - - - - -- - -- · - -- -BR. · own t i me, and yet f ull of that huPERU. ~=============~ For the benefit of thos~ i nte rested man nature never hard to compre- chard in the Sprit.g," were charm1 NOW is l h e time to thin k about it m ay be wel l to ari d t hat our s tate . hend . Never was a more r ollick- i ng , and charmingly r ead. ~· our ( 'hrisrma!' pn·sents norm als send out men well qua li - i ing comedy tha n "The Shrew, , Prof. Geo. W. Br own and PrPs.1 Why not send a · good blooming ' · g a bu )plant or a nice box of flowas for fied to speak on subjects of current 1 a nrl Miss Dunn hrot out its ful l D. W. Hayes a r e pr Pparm Christmas? inter est, with no expen~e to the flavor. She P.mploys a ll the tech· letin on the rural life confere nce In &pllm we will have Cvrla men 50c $Itsoo,Begonias :iOc Christ mas com mun ity other tha n ra i lroad fare I nic o~ the professional reader , hut which was he ld in Peru last sumpepers H5c Prirniost"s 35c l'om,;.. tteas and entertainment . The residents 1 seems wholly free from convention- mer. T his bulletin will contain :t:i to 7!lc. Ferns 2 5 c to $! .:ill p~r of Wig le Creek are lo be conrrrat· l· al man~erismR; consequently her lhe best part of the lectures given plant. In flowe rs we wi ll h11vl' plt' nt\' '" ol Rose~. CarnRtions, Narcissus, Snap u lated for organi zi ng t he first com- read ing is fresh, vigorous and in - at that t ime by county suprintenmun ity club i n the coun ty." Miss rl ividual to a degree, besides d is- ~ rlents, loca l facu lty members and Oragonsand Sweet peas. Sfo\1ANTON & PENCE Hanson, who is in charg-e of the playi ng keen intell ig ence and in- o ut-of-town speakers. It will be L:RRAS'K.A.. school a t this place, is a forme r sig ht. The lilting verses given as ready for distribution January N r. FALL S CITY. , P eru stud ent. ; an encor e, "An Engli sh Apple Or- .I fi rst.







Everett Society Notes, .


·ano solo by Miss Helen Donovan II aP)nd en· oya ble songs by Miss Lura

Last Fn day evenmg the mem- 1G d J f II d The last nu m. . d ar ner o owe . her s of the Everett Society enJ oye I her of the even ing's enter tainment a splend id progra m. The ha ll was jwas a farce entitled " A Wi re E ncrowded with ma ny loyal members t flng lement. " Those taki ng part of the organization together wi th were Elzada Clover, Ollie Haupt on, · their f r iends. The g irl s d uo-quar- Raymo nd Carter and Dwight tet opened t he evening's program • Mardi s. The audi ence was kep t by sing ing "Marguer ite" and " In in a P.ont in ua l laug ht er listen ing to the Gloam ing . " - They finall y re- ,· the witty telephone conversa tions sponded t o a third number, after of the different par t ies and at t he much effort on the par t of t ho . same t ime wa tchi ng the care free aud ience, the encore being "T~ ree 1movements of t h_e offi:e boy. · Blind Mice." A nicely interpreted I The next meetwg I S to be held


CLEAN,~;/ :~~


on December 15 . T he progra~ . is H an t o be carri ed out as a a wa i 1 evening wit h the Xmas element d· 1 predom ina ting . A most cor Ia inv itation is ext ended to all t~ose who do not belong to ~n_y socie ty at present Come a nd J 0 10 us!

ter arrd repair both ladi e s ' a n~ g~ nt , fe rn en·,. dot h in g of eve r_\' cll' ~t· n p t t!ln W ~ a I>:0 c Ie ; 'r 11 ' refJn' ir a n d ;rl t e r fu r >-

;t ll d CU I l " "_' ~­ We h ;-~ ve a ~peci a l d e p a rt m e • t l<ll t he clea ning a n d n · h lnt·ki ng ' t' ies' and gent leme n 's ha 's. W e fl"." J ,ck Allsman had won a prize a t the dorm party. ' ' Do open yo ur re t• .rn c h a rgt:s on a ll s hi pm l' nt>' . r u g ,: ,cfr;rptTit·- , CI II' jl< t ;-

package r ight away, Mr. AJlsma n. D RESHER B R O ~ ! We want to see wha t you have r e2 2 I 1 - 1 7 F A I< \ \ :'. 1 :-; T · ceived. " ?" () \'1.\ i-i A . :\ 1:. I I. Allsman : " Maybe I got st u ng. - -- M iss C Ieland, suave I Y ; "N 0 n e ,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..=:::::::::;.;...-: ever g et s stung up here. " The Goal is at The


Avenue Grocery Whe n you wa nt some t hin~ ~oorl to eat Appl "s . )!1 Grape Fruit, Or al'l t;tl' Pickles, Bread a nd Cook ito::> Confect ionery Scho d S •

H. lJ. I a ndPI1

! .Phone 73

., I

Vaca ti on on Thank~gi vi ng


Day Only! Sure Hard Lu ch!


But sen d Sl>me fl .,we r;; hom e (t his :s th e b ig Ch : y,..;.rntbem u m mon t h) t o w ar m t he ir- h·eart s.

j I






I ·-=================~ 1;-

You Weren·t Able

Chrtsll7las Store

t -Il!.

Wonderfully C o mplet e Stock s have been · gathered for the Holiday Season--we are in a position to serve you better than ever before : From the top-most fl.oor to basement the store is filled w it h carefully selected merch a ndis e fr om which you may choosP. gifts suitablP, for every one on your list and that w ill meet ever y requiremen_t. We will he pleased to serve you in your Chris tmas shopping either per sonally or thr ough our mail or der depar t ment


Y ou r u n c fe Jack


says some of WOOD-


W A. R D' S L hncolates. wood have assi~ted




To g e t a ~ econd date

w it h he r?


you .



Il l


lll'I I:====================



\1 if


Yo n r fr ien_d;; t•an h n v ::~ nv­


•! !:



,.... 1!!·I


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th inl;! y o u c;-rn giv t> t be m except yo u r p h otogr a p h ._ Y~l\.t r . . Pho,ogntpht>r . ·:,..,.. c.G.fll a kt< t.h e'm·. , _, --~ ·l • .• .

'-"·111' '


J1 £; ~·:

'-'Alfl ·t'~ .,~l": t;:~ 1 • • •Jt•:

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'i· H'- '):v: .: ..:·':..,•,;.

· :·,(;" 1



~~~ (. ~')



. E. J.)NE1~AN

Pend d' Oreille Studio Phone 56

Peru. N ebr






GLEE CLUB HAS SUCCESSFUL TRIP Favorable Comment Comes from

Report to Date Shows the Condition Excellent


Points Visited


There's a whi teness in snow, The g rea t success of t he budget The thirty me mbers of t he Gl ee And t he fireside's r uddy g low system in t he past was due to the Club started on thei r week's tri p Sparkles wit h a brightness al l un known to it before. hear ty co-operation of everybody. Monday, December 11, g iving the There are greeti ngs between f r iends This year the school bought the first en ter tai nment a t Berlin. To t he ear th's remotest ends; maxim um number of season t ickWhile waiting between trai ~s a t T here are long ings for t he faces loved of yore. ets, but there were not as many Dunbar, the boys visited the Dunoutside the school. However. sold bar schoo l, where · H ouston, ' 16, is There a re webs of lovi ng plot ; the gate receipts are over $100 teachi ng. Jack, Spacht, a nd There ar e fancies long forgot , greater tha n last year. Also the "Cash" awed the students with And the chi ld-heart leaps again with in the breast ; current expenses are over $170 J ederma n, who short speeches. There are laughs of merrier r ing-; less, whi ch makes the net balance ha~ never st ud ied so lid g-eomet.ry, There a re tn ought~dha t needs m ust sing ; only $70.6~ less than i t was last was called upon to teach th is subTh~re's a lifti ng of our natu;es toward the best. . year at this time. ject for Ho uston, and thanks to t he There's a mystery in t he air, Total income, a ll sources, Dec assistance of Dudek, got away with All about us everywhere, 15, 1916 ' $2017.1 5. it. Af ter hold ing such a position, , And a s ub tle sense of g ladnes and good cheer ; Total expenses, Dec 15, 1220.fi7. J ederman was ra ther disg runtl ed to om~ pulses' joyous. thri ll By hear that a Wi lber lady wondered V esper Services. By Parth' s Pchoes of "good w i I I" if he (J ederman) could he Dr. I We kno .v the blessed Christmas-tide is here. OnP of the mos t impressive House' s little boy. -Esther A. Clark. I ser vices of the year was held SunAt Beatrice , the director introday, Decem ber 17. The hour of duced Verne a nd Ha r old Chate lain 1 t.he service was at 4 :30 , when t he as Dottie and Ida and a sked the audi ence t o decide f or them selves ===============i=============== j tw i lig ht drew near and the atrooswhi ch .was which. Because Thomas deri ved from the t r i p, t he memProfessor G. W. Brown, 1phere was one of peare and quiewas slow of percepti on a nd f&ileri ber s of the club feel very much in tud e. The topic, " Christmas to respond t o a n encore,' Dr. Hou~e \ debted to- the best leader in t he Prvfessor Br own' s long · exper- 1spi r it , ·· was well expla ined by asked the aud ience if they wa nted state, so the boys declare- Dr. ience as a p ub lic school man includ- 1severa l short talks. the " boy lo fid dl t: again"-and it House.· Three rahs and a ''tiger" ing all g rades of positions thru 1 "Peace on earth, good will toseems they did. ' f or h im. city ·super intendenci es up to t he 1 wa rd men." Such was the messMr. Cla ude Lewis of Council county super intenrl enc.v of Edgar age der laring the great purpose of Bluffs j oined t he c lub a t Berlin a nd Profe~sor H. C. H anson. the MastPr 's life. which the angels 1 p · t1 brot to the shepherd that night on received en thus t'a t ' raJse a Profe~sor H. C. Hanson, whose I s tc eve • t I It · t 1 f I Bethlehem's plain. No human herj rect a · IS ~x r~me Y or- home is in Minnesnta . is a grad utunate that Mr. Lewts wd ! be a ble / ate of t he Minnesota Universit~· . 1 ing has ever expr essethe Chri stmas to assis t in t he program t ote g iven a nd has received his Master 's spirit better than it was expressed






by the club Wednesday eveni ng a t degree from the Ne bras ka Un Jversp eru. ity. H e is a mem bf'r of Sigma Xi. T he following is taken f rom the national honorary scientific sociery. Beatrice Daily : " The Peru Glee

t hen. ' ' Give the j!Pntle word the kindl y



Be s weet a nd tender-that is doing good" .

Club, n umberi ng twenty- nine mem· - -- - - Per uviflns on A ll State T earn. bers, gave a fine concert of vocal and in:;tr ume n tal solos and chorus Sn fa r as can be lea rned but one num bers in the audi torium of the I selection of an ·'a ll-state" football PI<OI' G IV R li O\\'N hi gh school last evening to a good . , . . . . 1 team has been mad e-that by the an'l app reciative ud ience. Amo ng ro . ~t~ . 11 11nots: an.d h1s broacl ex- sport wri ter for the Omnha Be~. 1 the numbers deserving of specia l pe rtencP as a n tn:>t:Jlute worker anrl The ni l-state tea m is a nJyt h ica l menti on are the cornet solos by j lecturer on rural life tlwmf:'s g ive pi cked tt"am of the cn: am of tl w Will Jam Novak a nd Edwa rd Selehim an idea l prepa ration for the · foothall men of the state . Accord kind of work in which h ... fs e>n· inl! to the Ree n .o porter. our own ment. t he violin solo by Paul 1 fh omas, the horn d uet by the ~ra..rf'd at. Per u. His wo r k in the Vi c .Junes woul d pia~' le ft r nd (an \ha tela in brothers and the vocal establishinl! of study cen ters anrl honor l!iVl· n him last yE-a r also) and lo by Cla ude Lew is. The chorus in m•lre rJirert con ne<'tion with the , Sandberg nnd Marty Crail! wouln s·well as the solo numbers were ru ral dt> partment a lready. accllm · pla.v hal f bark C'lnd quarterback, arti st ical ly rendered and won appli,;hed at Pt:ru bu t confirms the n~spec tivel ~• . on the all ::: ta le second plause from the a udience. " ea rli er report!; of hi s Jitnef;;; fur hi :: ! tta m. · Go·)d crowds g reeted the boys at positi on. (;Pnial. ki nd . consider-all the concerts given, a nd it is the ate, courtt-ous, and mindful of thl' Elected to F<icu lty. ' opini on of thP. cul b t hat t he adverr 1 l!ht~ of h is peers, su bordina tes I Mi ss Grace Lan~rd o n , a former 1 tising- done a nd the rela ti ons estabPtWF. JJ. ..:. H AN,.,oN . • and s uperi oi-1'1 . he is wit h»l a valu - ~ Peru ~rraduate,.and now an efficient lished with t he Beatri ce people He is a very pleasant man to ahiP a..:qu isi tion to th e Stace N nr - trnch er in the Cook s<·hools, ha s alone repays all t he expense a nd wo r k w ith , anrl tho ro ly I.JeliPves mal facultv. a facul ty wh ich is in · 1been e lected ki ndergarten assistent inconvenience of t he t r i p. that a kn•JWiedg-e of a subject is t' r t'a-<inlo! n" less in the qual ity of ::~t Peru . She wil l begin her work For the success and keen pleas ure / one of th e es,entiab of a tHIC ht" r. i it:; JH:•r..:on nel than in its numhers. w it~ the second semPster .



Full to brim of g ladness is :a spri ng time day ! Fresh, soft g r een beneath our feet, with buds and blossoms flecked, A ll the trees are lovely, with misty green bedecked; Songs of birds returning to this northla nd of c urs, Fragrance most exq uisi te t hat follows April showers.

THE PERU NORMALITE Entered a t the Postoffice at Peru, Ne· braska as seco nd -cl as~:~ matter.

. cts. per year.

Publlsbt Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal 75

Single co py 5 cts.

HOWARD SMITH Editor A. LEWIS TY LER - Associate Editor GLENN 0. KELLEY Business and Subscription Manager

Full to the brim of g landess is a Nona Palmer, ...................... ........Alumn i su mmer day l Eos Brown ·············· ········ ...Philoma thean Corn that stretch es upward, reMarie Mcintyre .................... Everett Frank Leger ........ ................... Y. M. C. A. joicing in the heat, Elsie Wilburn ................ .. .... .. Y. W. C. A. R1' pening 'neath th e s un' s rays, Louis Worth, N. C. A. • Brya n Emmert, .................. ...... Athletics the fields of wheat. Miss Bowen ......................... .. ... .. Music Busy workers in the fields, despite Rosalie Kobo ................................. .. Humor h d Mrs Nellie l\•L Smith, ............. ...... Locnl t e ar ent s .m,J ack Allsman ........................."Minerva" Quiet evening, peaceful r est, to Alice Forman ...... ............. Yost.gruduates come w hen day is done. Ma ry Cla ry ...................................... Seniors Rosaline Kohn ......................... Juniors Gertrude Clifton ...................... Sophomores Full to brim of gladness is an auL?>: Hac~er.... .... ....... ........... . Freshmen tumn day! VJv1un B1shop ....... ........... ...... H1,gh School M tt' \d j Specials Hn~ Frosty tingl e in the air that sets a JC ' ee ................... " 1 p rcparaton es · . .. ..... ScJence Club the blood a thn ll, Mr. Pa I mer ...... Prof. F . M . Gregg-Ad viser Smoky, mi sty haze, low-hung above the di stant hi ll ; T o Our Frieodst Woods aglow with color, hills with The j olliest Christmas and the harvest crowned; merriest N ew Year· Sig hts, sound s, odors all p r oclaim The Staff. Cordially, that plenty doth a bound.

91/erry Chrtsl17las If you are worrying about wha~ to gi:'e, come here and allow us to assist you m solvmg

the problem! From our line of all sorts of handsom e gifts for everybody. there are many ch~iee an~ desirable things th at anyone wo~ld be deiig.hte,d to find in their stocking on Chnstmas mommg.


Gleveland· Stores :-JEBRASKA C ITY


Please take care in making contributions to the Normali'te th a t sufficient space is left bet ween Jines for any alterations. Also be sure for the printer' s sake that but one side of each sheet is used. - - -- - -- -

· f J -1 • F u II t 0 t he b nm 0 g al'ness IS a · t d t wm e r ay · 'k b ' I I' t bl th ;::, Y a ..: Jve a ri ta n ue, ear all sparkling white; Vo1·ces 0 f th e s ka t ers, c1ear, r •mg. 'th d J' ht m g WI e 1g , M . rry sou nd of sleighbef!s, ch ild -

fidence of the schoo l in calling him to its fac u lt); . . Would n't it Joo'k f u nny t o seeProfessor Delzell teachi ng a class with h is f eet on t he fl oor ?


Cler k a t Savoy in Lincoln during N. S. T . A, to Professor Rouse, who . Ji:l u just r egistered :-"W·h at is .v our name, please ?" Professor, exasperated :-"Why, don' t you see my s ig na t ure there on the boo k ?'' I, C lerk:-"That is just ~hat excited .

Dresses "Waists Skirts

ren 's carefree fun, my cur iosity ., I A senior recentl y r emarked to a I fri end, "Do you kn ow I feel so em- Joyful is~a winte r d ay , whe::n th~ I ear's work' s d one. Everett Society Notes. Y barrassed when that professor ; speaks to me outside the classroom. -M. B. The program gi ve n by t he Ever- I I may be enjoying every new thot ett Society las t Friday night was ! Out of the Past. tha t he gives a nd I may be absorbenjoyed by a large num b e r o f t h e ·' 1 ing a little, and it provokes me beNormalite, 15 year s ago: Peru member sandfriendsofth e organizcause I am never able to s tammer defeated by Lincoln hi g h, 35 to 0, ation. The evening ' s e nte r tainm ent out some sod: of appreciation." in football. was one of extraordi n a r y interes t Many a stu dent, a P inzon having a Fourteen years ago: Bi g game being wel l prepared a nd quite apSan Sa lvador of new thot pointed of f ootba ll between t own and Nor- propriate to t he season. The fir st ou t to him by th e Col un1 bus in the mal teams. At the last minute i t number 'was gi ven by one of the GO TO person of a professor, has felt just is discovered that the town team 1y u ong e r music ians of t he commung rati tude, - and has found himself has n ot enuf players. Two N ormal ity -Kingsley House . H e playea a as i mpotent to sho w any apprecia- players j oin the town tt>am, mak ing Prelude by Chopin and "Moments 1 ti on. Proba b ly the teaching shall nine players on a si de. Roy Musicoux" by Schubert, b oth se- / sho w fr uits hereafter in the lives Cowell, quarterback for the town leclions being Lh oro ly ~njoyed by J of these sa me stude nts, altho such team. Score 17 t o 0 favor of the t he listene rs. long de layed reward for the teach- Normal. The remainder o f th e prog ram I er is not nearly so pleasant as n Tl . W d was de voted to the act ing of a NEBRASKA CITY, · NEBRASKA . . 11 rteen years ago: on er . . h d II Chn stmas p lay e ntit led "A Chri s t- \ more nnmed1ate one . And as one ' poss1. \ wh y more stu e nts d on't come to , mas Ch'tme . ., Th ose ta k ing pa rt . THE Q UALITY ST O RE teac her remar ks, , ' E ve n t h IS ? . 1 . ·1 f d c ape . D I b 1T 1ty o f seemg my pupt s o to ay CJ' tf H d . k . h I were L i llia n wyer, Ma ri e Me Eve rything Marked in Plain Figures. 1 ore1 e n nc s w1 11 teac at 1 ' as he may be a t the height of his B k t' l l ntv r t>, Mr. L a wke mpe r a nd Mr ' roc n ex year. · - ~ ----------------1 development hereafter may be Ouri sch. The ease wit h w hich ea" h i - - -- - - - - - -- - - - deni ed me-he who plants the oli ve , Seve~ y~ars ago: M. C. Lefl.er. I p erson assum ed his par t re nde r ed l Prof. and Mr s . Hu l l a nd M iss tree may not ex pect to e njoy its 09, pnnctpal of. the · 1 • . . .mod e l ht gh l thep la .y a n e xtre me ly inter estin g \ Ba tcay wer e m N e b r aska City fruits." school, 1s a mply JUstifying the eon- an enjoy ab le fea ture. Wednesda:v.


' Coats




Dry Goods -------------------------

L. W EssE L 's SONS & CO.





If you will buy some of our usefui Christmas gifts and take home with you, to the home folks th ey will appreciatate it th e tnore because of it coming from Peru.

The Cash Store


Phone 22

Pnof. Wilson in junior- class chapel : -"I have a bill to present to the class-33 cents f or socks, Miss Sixta." Miss Baier : -" ! t hink the word is sacks.'' Cooper:-"! t hink somebody needs a penmanship lesson." Miss Walker (aside) :-"I think somebody needs a r eading lesson."

Do Your Christmas Shopping

Citizens State Bank

and Gift Goods Buying at



$250,00 0.0 0

Mr. Mapes:-Every time the baby looks at me he smi les. Mrs. Mapes :- Well, that shows t l'l at he a lready' has a sense of humor .



Alumni Notes P resi dent Hayes and Col. Majors J. J . Klima , ' 15, superintenden wer e in Lincoln Monday .:1nd Tues- at Shelby, is'·receiving commenda Richard Meissner went t o Nema- day, where they went to attend the tion f or havi ng intr oduce into his ha, Saturday, to take nar t in an Nor mal Boar d meeting. school a graded · course in musi c ent~rta inmen t to be g iven there. Prof. G. W. Br own went t o and ar t . Pla tts mouth F r iday and to WeepD. E. Donovan , ' 16, reports ing Water Saturday in connection g reat en joyment in his wor k' a s l teacher of the biological science with study center work. Marie Ro nk, at t he dormitory :- in the hi gh school of Bisbee, N At The Is t his peach or pumpki n butter ? D. Mrs. Donovan wi-ll be rem emW~ i tress : -Can't you tell by t he bet:ed as Miss Dorothy Mo rgan. taste? Mari e:-No. Wa itress: This ·h eadl ine appears in an Okla -Then what difference does it homa da ily : "Mr s. Susan Royse Your 6ain! make? For dyce, new pr esident of Oklaho - I Miss Car penter, after f a iling to rna Education Association has t w0 Our Gain! receive a cor rect answer, · 'Now, hobbies- medical inspeG_ti on a nd V. E. Chatela in , Man ager. Mr. Caldwell , we a ll know that you study of .indiv idua li ty." Mrs. For are very good looking, but that is dyce is one of the old g raduates of not what you are here fo r .," Peru. Prof . A. A. Wolf, superintend"Man is fundamentally a kil N. S. H A. RA.JIA.N ent at R iver ton, Iowa, was in town ler," asserts B. Clyde Moore, ' 09 A. B.. D. D.::>. Graduate of Cbicaco Collece O.Ota l Surteoa Saturday . We under .;cand he in an extremely intere::sting article a rranged fo r two ga mul of baskLt I on the psychology of war, in a re RESI DENT DENTIST ball betw~en Ri verton and Peru, '' cent issue of the "Pedagogica I Offi ce o ver Pay Ba kery one to be played at Ri-ver ton, De- l Semi nary. " Mr . •Moore is one of "Be your orders great or s ma ll cember 19, a nd t he othl:!r at 1-'eru. Peru ' s enthusiastic a lumni , now During th~ discussions of the wi nning scholastic disti ncLion in Phone or bring them one and all" TO principles of rapid r <:!ad ing Profes- Co lumbia Un iversity. sor Gregg sai d, "Now could any of In recent issues of the L incoln Phone 2 18 yo u after you had ftnLhed readi ngd papers appeared the names of the AgentforSunnysideOreenhouse Caesar ' Commentaries tell the sto- University students who . received I Falls City, Nebr. ry of D ivitiacus or any other of a wards for the highest schol arship his c-u-ss?"' in their vario us classes last year.




Gifts For the Students Peru Philo } p;., and R;ng• . Evertt Dramatic Pennants, Souvr nir Spoons a nd St:t tionery. Wishing you a Merry Xmas and Happy New YeAr I am Yours

Geo. (;. fi ll is

N. S. N. S. Store


Mrs. E. 0. PoJ.zeJ

Dr . R. D. Cole Dentist Office over Va riety St ore ()ffice Phone 33 Ho u ~e 71

DR. B.L. SHELLHORN Residence Phone 6 Office ovPr Rexall Store Phone31 NEB R. PERU,


is the time to think about your Christma~ presents Why not send a · good blooming plant or a nice box of flowers for Christ mas? In plants we will have Cyclamen 50c & $ 1 00, Begonias 50c Christmas pepers asc Primroses 3 5c l'omsetteas 25 to 75c, Ferns 25c to $1.50 pt-r plant. In flowe rs we will have plenty of Roses, Carn ations, Narcissus, Snap Dragons_.and Sweetpeas.



~----------------------~ '

Whilt' down town go to

CHASE'S for your

Bar bt!r Work Neat, Clean. All work first.class. !::lt"conrl door fmm po!'toffice

FE; W M0Rt;


Ch ri~tm :ts

Ha ircuts at




Het~d q u

e1r 1en; i or

& • Victrolas






The freshman Engl ish class were 1M~ss ~old.i~ Appleg~te, ,' 12, and discusssing the lega l c.hange of M1ss .Wmn!fred P~rkms, ~0, were · The following :He \'cry ap proprinames. Prof. Wi lson asked, "Can ment..10ned as havmg atta1ned the ntt· tor the ~cason~ rcnH.'mbnlncC. any woman legally change her 1 highest averages in t heir respect- Hox Pflpt'r~ 25c t o $1,50 na me ·except by mar r iage? " Nel lie ive classes, bnt they did no t re- Cor re!'pondt>ncr Pflrls 25c to 60c McAuley repli ed , ' ' Yes someti mes ceive awards because they are not Desk Pads and Blotters they ca n by d ivorce.·· regi~tered in the Unive rs ity thi s Moore flllrl Con klin Fountuin Pl'11~ $2.50 to $5 00 yea r Prof . Ha nson:-- " The foll ow ing : · peop le please expla in t heir absence I H . Ha r old Wi ll iams, '67, after lecture 1 teaching successfully in Nebraska : f ro m the stereoptico n DRUGGISTS Weonesday evening: - Mr. Kel - 1for ~ever.a l. ~~ars, saw enough. in ley!" Mr. Kelley, excited ly a n 1 the possJbJlltles of t he profess1on slightly f ussed: - " Why, Mr . Ha n- to justify him in making s uch fur - l ...--.- -- - -- ther preparation, as a docto r or law- j 1te IS proud to have on it s li st of son, 1 was standing right near the door . Ask Miss f{oby." yer - wu u ld. for his business. He exchanges: ---accordingly worked his way t hru I Presiclent HA.ves has sent letters TEACHERS \V/ ANTED. a doctorate in Stanford Universi- . to all fomer studen ts who wert> To fill vacancies in every Depart~ 1 ty, and is now the educational ex· withi n a semester and summer ment of Sch ool work, commen cing ; pert of California State C:ollege at school of graduation, inviting ancl with the new year . Only 3~ per cent Whittier. A recent United States urg ing them, to joi n t he sem i-cenbulletin of .a n educational survey ten nial c lass. Many favo rable r eComm1sswn. Register Now. of a Cal iforni a count y bears pl ies indicate that there will be 25T eachers Em ployment Burea u, E. I. H euer, Mgr. his na me, and he is at the t o 30 more enter the senior class, 228 Cedar Rapids Saving Bank present time editor of the J ourna l and a lso several cand idates for deCedar Ra pids, Iow a. of Delinquency, which the Nor mal · g~ees.

.Por · Clzristma.;:;





Iin the festivi t ies.

It was he who directed the subseq uent merry The Philo program last Fr iday making whi ch comprised a morris ni g ht was the fitting close ~f a dance g iven by twelve g irls, a solo year 's r ecorq of good meetm~s- by Lena Poole, Christ mas s ing ing The crowd was large and apprecJa- by the mummers and beggar child tive of the good things prepared ren, the cere mony of t he Yule log-, for its entertainment. the d uel of St. George and the Miss Hazel Frye expla ined t he · Turki sh Knight (which same was program t o follow f or t he en! igh- 1excruciating ly funny) a narria t ive t enment of those who were ig no- of the Christmas st ory by Professor rant of the procedure in Chri stmas Palmer and as a fitting conclusion, celebrat ions of the s ixteenth c~m- the s i n~i ng of a wassail song. t ury. The ceremony of crowmng . · - - - - -the Lord of Misrule occurred ear ly J : A. Woodard, '07. has been a pPhilomatheao Doings,



po inted to a position ir. the offi~e of the stat e superin tendent and wJIJ begin his work there th e fi r st of J anuary. Mr. Woodard was superintendent of tl; e Havelock fchools · the for s~veral years, a nd d unng past t wo years has held a si milar posi ti on in Seward .


W E CLEAN, ~;e~ a~~ Ap a ir both l adie s ' and gent, t er a n d r " . . . . 1 tl11·n g o feverv Iem en s co · descnpt1on. We also cl e::~ n , r epa ir a n d a l ter furs_, p eri e«· ' ca rpets l'lnd cu r t ains. rug!',ur8

We h ~t v e a s pecia l depa r t m e nt for t he c lean i ng and rebl oc ki ng of lad . ' a nd gen t leme n ' s h a t s . W e pay 1es of ret •·,rn ch arge s o n a ll s h ipm en t s.

Frank Hosie, ' 15, a memb er t he F ifth Nebraska reg iment, is ill with a fever, at t he base hospital in San Anto ni o. · Mr. H osie has r e· cently been transferred to the r egimental band .



22 11 -17 F A I<N AM ST., O MAHA. N EBR .

It's Your Store It's the p la ce t o bu y C o n fect ionery i n o n e h a lf a n d one pound Boxes, a lso in bul k . Apples. O r fl nge!' . G r fl p ..:!= , Ban nnas L un c h Me';;~t s, C ool; is ~t n d fl n ·arl. Sch o o l S u p piie!' j

H. U. Lan dolt , I

Vaca tion on Thanksgi ving · Day Only! Sure Hard Luck! B ut send s o m e fl owers h o me (this is the big Chrysa nthe m um month) to w a rm th e ir h earts. ;I



I i!

I11 ll


!I 11






l! i: t!

l. ~·.

ji1 !• !._ ~





'lihe Christmas Store





W onder full y Complet e Stoc ks have been gathered for the H o liday Season-~we are in a position to serve you better than ever before. From the top-most floor to basement. the store .i s fill ed with . car efully selected 'm e rch andise from which you m a y ch oos P gifts suitablP, for ever y on e o n your list and that will m eet ever y r e quirement. We wi ll hP. p leased to serve yo u in you r Christmas shopping ei th~r pers onally or t hrough our m ail order departm ent


lil f


h q

II lf


Your ·uncle Jack . MA Y B E O L D BU T h e ca n s till g ive advice t o y o u n g fo lks· bu y ing X m a s presents. " The y o u ng m;;~ n t h fl t hu y s a Ji tt l<: F r e nch Ivory. or W oodw;;~rrl ' " Ch oco l at~s. or a set n f cm pe. d <·-c hen e h n n d k c.> r ch ie f.o;; i!'; go ing t o \Vin . l'h e yo u ng l ;;~dy wi ll ple8 !"e h im crs mu c h . g~ t- tin g· fnr him !'Orne C)f th :-tt p re tty n ~ ,· k \Y o et r , o r <t ~ e t o f >: t tt d s <t n d .t ie pin . And let m e h el p st' le<' t ."

if' 0 . J. MILSTEA D

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Vn tt r fri enrl~ ca n

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gi n· th em t'Xccpt

ynu ~- p h~i togra ph .

Ynu r P hot og n tph er ' . -<··' . , m a kt- thc:: m.. .

•w i ll





LINCOLN, NEBR A SK A J Pend d'_.. Oreille Studio IIt!'!:::!.....-·---~--····-·····----··--·--···-·------·------··--·-·-··--··-·d1 P hone 56 Peru, N ebr. ••- ..- ·.- ·-·...·-·-········..- - ....... _ - ······---··-·-- --...........__.._ _ - - - - -. .- ···---....··-:---- - ···--.--..1 .·-- - ~--~~==~~--~---•








HOUSEWARMING AT NEW. B UILDJ ~G First Classes Held in the New Str ucture T his Week On Monday of this week, model school and teachers ' trainer classes convened {or the firs t t ime in the T. J. Majors trainer school building, the beautifu_l product of long and careful planning on the part of President H ayes and Dean Rouse. A more ideal spoVor the location of the building could not have been found. The oppotunity for recreation and nature study in connection w ith the training school work i.s one not given to many schools-a few steps from the buil d ing and th e ch ild is in to uch with a miniature f orest of native oaks and shady nooks not ye t cti stubeJ by men! The bui ld ing i tPERU'S LATEST PRlDE. self, J 96 feet by 106 feet, is a fine well-proportioned structure of ' Beford st one and vi ti fied brick for primay department are not d is - 1,.PROUD DAY . FOR THE LETTER · MEN may not know, t he number of the exterior walls. The interi or turbed by the pupils of the upper - white bars on the sweate1· steeve walls are of concrete reinforced by grades. They may enter the bui ld- ! Sweater s A r e Presented to Members I indicate th e r.umber of years the steel. Entering the building we ing by the same door s, but not of Football Team 1 player has won a letter, while the find that no effo r t has been spared meet in th e bu i !d ing dur ing t he Istar, if a l~o prr;>sPnl on the s leeve, to make it S!'! rve th e intended pur- entire day . T he cloak r ooms, At Friday's chape l period. nifty ! indicates that.t he plnyer has somepose. There is no waste roo m, reci tation rooms, play r ooms and i blue sweate rs ;nar kecl with the I t ime scr veci as raplain. there a re nil use les~ corrido rs. "toilet r ooms fn ki nde rg-arten pr i- l white ' ' P", were g-iven to 16 of ' --There cannot he foun rl d t)ors, win- ma ry' a nd grammar . grade~. are th e 19 1(i foot ba ll s,4 Ltad fnr havingFirst Game ~ery Doubtful. dows, or panels which are not ent ire ly separa t(J cl, yet so skillfu lly \ playeci in two or more games. ! Thursday evem ng-. January 11 , placed t~ serv~ s,,mE' econom ic pur- done t ha t a vi s itor m ig ht no t Ji~- ~ Craig, Allsman , Schneicier, Hanev j Per~ Normal plays ?asket ba_ll pose. Eveyr.h1ng has been arr ang - cover i t. (captain), Bryan Emmert, Wilhur agamst the Nebraska Cny Atnlettc ed to save steps, t ime and energy Other no table improvements are i Emmert, Spencer Leger , .Jones,, Club. Sch neider , captain, crack i n :he ~ovement of classes. Alii f ound in the domes ti c science Ho~ard Smith , Lee Smith , Owens, player .. a~rl tb~ very life of the r ecltatton, clas:> r ooms a nd labora- . r ooms: vermin-proof stove room; I Meissner, Sanl:5erg, Ca ldwe ll, Bell , t eam, IS sick with the mumps at ~ory fl.o.ors are ~f the fi ne~t c~n- 1 -bui It -in refrig-erator so arranged j anci Spacht rece ived th~ hono~·ary Elmwood. What wi II happen uncicrete, c•>vered with battleship Im- that temperature is controlled for . tokens. Haney as captai n rece ived er such a handicap is a big guess. oleum. This gives firmness and ' both winter anrl summer use· com - lfrom the coach per sonally a small Whatever happens, the boys are Cleanl l·ness · • yet red uces no 1·se an d plete e lectric a,;paratus for ' kitrh - . go 1...1u f oo tba 11 w1"ll1 th e ac(·ompany never "Ui ' 1 t ters a nd r oters may vib ration to a m ini mum. The f' n ; an arrangement wher eby al1 : ing r emark t hat he, .Johns.JD , had expect thrills. Students. get th e lighting is unilatera l and the heat- . t he ro(1 ms of the s uite may be \ never wo r ked wi th a h~tter olci z ip into the r ooti ng at this first ing is the vapor system of steam. quickly converter! into one large I caota in . mean i n-g- no disr~spec~t Lo gam~. :ork papers s_ay that the The ventilation is both plenum and dining hall. In t he manual train- :the e)(·Peru captai ns. Announc·e· . root~ng I S ha lf respon!l lhle for t ?e va~uum and i.s .i nsu r ed agai nst any ing rooms on the same tlonr, draw-l ment of th e result of t he e lection I s~onng- t.he . footba ll _ boys kno~v f~I IUJ.'t! to furnls~ plenty of fresh ing rcmm, bench room. and lathe) hPid by lhe " lettr;>r men" to decide what the rootmg was !Jke at y~, k air by powerfu[ electr ic motnrs. r oom a r e connE-cted in such a way I up0n next year's captain was also and we a ll know about Yo r k wtnA stationary vacuum svstem of t hat t h , mstruc . t or has easy over·~ <)f thP· th ree <'andirlate "• · n ing t he stale championship. Think -. nlarl",.,. . cleaning. has been installed t hruo ut . h f II th N h ll Pau l Kirl .... Do·· Owen· and Sandy you that the rah-rah tng has nolh. stg t o a e rooms. o e s '' · v " • ' • • . . • • • 1 the building and th e very best - . h ft· th .... t Kidrt was chosen. Both the ex- mg to do With wmnmg games · • • • 01 s a H or o er uangerous par s . . 1 The fact that an olci Peru star is 1 ~eans ofsanitatl~n has been pro· j of machi nery will be found expos- 1captain a nci .th:cap_la~n-elect m:ade l playing with the Nebraska City vided for the entue plant. Wir- ed. . speeche:> bnlllant w1th oratoncal bu~ch - "Oiie" Long-- will ining, p lumb ing and heating are Equa ll y well-plan ned is the ki nder ' effects a-; is character i~ti c~ of font- : crease the inter e.st in this game . . distr ibuted thru a s pecial subcel- garten r oom. Furlnnate is the chi lei ball player.; attPmpLing- to make • . The schedule has not heen definlar. This is an important feature h b . h I l"f . h ' speeches. l;tely ar r anged fol' tthe season, al. . ,. . w o m~y egi n sc ooo ' e tn sue 1 tho i t is known that Peru will play as Jt g1ves easy access at all times an envi r onment and f ortunate is the The boys are happy ov~r the with abo ut the same colleges t hat to the vital parts of th e heating, trainer w ho ma y r eceive her lnspi- sweaters --.Jack Allsman says ~ e is s he has in years past. There wi ll lighting and p lum b ing systems. r at,ion in that roo m . j prouder of his sweater than he was be t7n games p la~.ed at home, inCare and r epair of t hese essentials The uppe r f loor is g iven to the Iof hi s first pa ir of long b1•eeches- cludmg two w1t h Wesleyan, a may thus proceed at any time 1 J unior Hi g h School A large : and very grateful to those who are g~mhe fohr tNhe sctru bsA. ahnldt. a Cglamhe . . . · . . •Wi t t e ew on t e 1c u, Without dtstubt?g t~e work of the ! assembly room provided wi th a r esponsl ble f or procunng the Newton, Kansas. The. Newton school. By an w genwus arrange- ; well-eq uipped and lig hted stage sweaters for them. team was last year the middle-west mPnt of the interi or , pupi ls in the 1 As information for some who champion. 1 ron llnu <·d o n Fo mth Page. >









THE PERU NORMALITE - - -- - - - - - -- - - --:. Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nc· braskn as second-class matter. Publlsht Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal 7 5 cts. per year. Single copy s cts. Editor A. LEW IS TYLER . Associa te Editor GLENN 0 . .KELLEY Business a nd Subscription Manager DEPA R'r~mNT

e nrTOil s

sy rnmetri zed

Oscar Oakes w ill lead t he ing Sunday, J a nuary 14.




School O pens.

T he N or mal school, after a vacati on of nearl y two weeks, opened its sess ion a ga in Wednesady . Extra coaches on a ll t rains Tuesday were loaded w ith sludents.

Col. T . J. Majors we nt t o Linco ln,Monday, to be pr e~ent at the openi ng of the legis lature . Mrs. 0 . H. Beatti e , of Pari s, I ll. , who has been v is iting her sister, Mrs. G. W. Bro w n , !eturned home the firs t of the w eek. P r ofessor W. N . D e lzell was in Linco ln Saturday . Two of the adjustments , and a bortive projects. 1time. n H d childre n, Mary a nd Ma rk, we nt as Under s uch st i mulating s urI n this ma nual rrofessor en - far as Nebr as ka Ci ty , whe r e t hey r ourtoings, the temptation to mar rlcks has had the coura-ge and {{OOd visited r elati ves f or the day. property and ' 'slam " appara tus is sense to g ive largest p lace t o q ua1 T EA CH ERS \YI ANTED ve~y much lowered, and in the end itative rather tha n t o q uantitative • it costs less t o keep every thi ng in I work and to proceed 'from the To fill vacan cies in every D epart... · tha n to make fre- stud y o f t he fam 1har · · · · pnme repa1r tbmgs o f_ m ent of School wor k, commenclllg . . quent repurchase and spasmod iC the home a nd the commun itY to with the ne w y ear. Only 3 ~ per cent ' · • Reg1ster · N ow. renova t tons. , t h o.>e o·f a more r emo t e a n d a b - Com m tsston. F. M.G . . strac t nature. H e has further Teach er s Employ m ent Bu r ea u, ~--~--linked the~ stu dy of physics w it h E. I. Heuer, Mgr. 1 The s tudent who becomes expert common life by provid ing a splendid 228 Cedar Rapids Savin g Bank in t he va rious devices by which seri es of project s tud i e~ tha.t mus t Cedar Ra pi-Js ( W 'l the drudger y of learning is evaded _ ine vi tab ly ser ve to deve lop la rger ; :: _-,:_ - _- _-:__- _ _ _ _ _ _ __,___ imag ines that he is outwitting his interest a nd abili ty in "getting ins~ructors, bu t discovers in later informa tion f r om the wor ld of matlife tha t he has cheated h imself. ter a nd of for ce. " The procedure The di scipline of ed ucation is not is r egu la rly from th P. study of comt he a ttempt of the school or college mon things to the study of books, to benefi t itself. It has been de- r ounding out each major topi c w it h vised ;,~ nd is imposed f or the sole a we ll ordered outline s ummary pur pose of he lping the student. - · that can bu t serve t o fi x in m ind J'he OuLiook. the important f ac ts, othe rw ise too


Said the Norma lite on its editori a l pages in October , 1908 : "Our splendid campus is now radian t with a utum n tints a od our g lori ous oaks out of the ir life1 strugg les, da ily teach lessons of stren~th, of symmetr y, of self -reli ance, and of character . If t o the natural beauty a nd inspira t ion of t he campus there mig ht he addeci such art ificia l conditi ons as a more art isti cally unified syste m of wa lks, a happ ier )Jiacing of shru bber y and fto\>vers and a

Y. M. C. A.



Nona Palmer·, .......... . ........ ...... Alumni Eos Brnvv n ......... ... ........ .. Philoma thean Ma rie Mcinty re ·· ........ · Everett Frank Leger ....................... V. M. C. A. Ehtie Wilburn ............... ....... Y. w. c. A. Louis Worth, N. C. A. Charlotte Sixta, ....... ...... Eriscop~ l Guild . Bryan Emmert, ..................... Athlctics i\1iss Rowen Music Rosalie Kohn .. .·::.:..... :::·::::::."..".: ...... Humor Mrs Nellie 1\{. Smitn, ...... ..... .Local Jacl<Allsman · .. ........... · ... " Minerva'' A lice Forman .......... ..... .F ost-grad uates Ma ry Clary ..... ... .. ... . .. .. ... St'niors Rosalinc Kohn Junior;; Gertru de Clifton .............~·:.·.".".'..·.·.·:. So pho more~ Loy Hucker.... . ..... . .. Freshmen Vivian . Ui!<hop .. ........ j .. SpHigh ·ch.lsSchool a rl l\l nttrc Adce ....... · ...... · 1 ·P rrpurato ' ' n . rres Mr. Pa lnu!r .. Rricncc Club Prof. F:· M. Gregg:.:.:.:Ad viser


t he class of 1917 do fo r this semi - the subject g rad ua lly wa ned. centennial yea r t han to provide atP eru is proud of the f act t ha t 1 once a la ndscape ga rdener' s plan one ot the men w ho a re doing f or a rea lly beautifu l Peru ? We ' much to r estor e t he subject t o i ts respectfullly sub mi t thi s f or the : natural place of inter est a nd imconsidera tion of the present senior . por tance, is our own Prof essor class. H endricks, whose major thot wh!le Speaking of the .artistic side of doing his gr~ ua te work in phys1cs 1 t he normals, one is str uck, on a in the Univer sity of Chicago, was visit t o Wayn~ Normal, with the ' the q uest ion of motivati on i n th e unus ua lly clean and wholesome con- j t eaching ~f t he su bec~ to wh ich h is clition of it a ll. The fine new lif e energ1 es ha ve ma mly been deI h t 1 t bui ld ings all see_m t~ he adequately I voted. This ~urp~se as a a~ janitored and the re IS a total ab- found expre~s 10n 1n the 5plend ld . . . 11 sence of uns ig htly mar ki ngs, ac- ma nua l to which h 1s pup11s. as we cumulated dus t, neglected repairs, as those of a numbe r of other unfi nished structures, temporary schoo ls , have a ccess f or the til st

to p-




~anua Pe~

C:: lea~anc. e



of ten los t i n th e e asy aband onme n t



ogra phy , then would oiirs be an 1'he Normalite has been unduly of the la bors of the la borator y. ideal school setting . It is to be I da ll iant in givi ng adeq ua te r ecogWe p redict f or Professor B end1 hoped t hac a n a ppropria ti on may nition to t he "Manua l of Everyday rcks' Manua l a wid e ad opti on a nd sometime be secured to g ive us the P hys ics," go tten out earl y this : thru it a larger in te rest in an i ~ ­ help of an expert landscape gardner , semeste r by Professor Hendricks. I porta nt academic s u bject. in par king our grounds and in Bn ef me nti on of the studies waes providing definite plans for the made some weeks ago, but we H appenings in Rout to Omah a. fu t ure. By reason of what has desire now to speak in fuller terms . M 1· ss Sh, a rrar ( 1· n th e N e b ras k a t his line of a p iece of work that is no t onl y C't ·' been done a t Kea rney in . 1 Y uepo t ).. - rLI ow r1o we get ' to there a re those who thin k that the 1I a credit to its au t hor bu t t hat p ay ne.·1 grounds of the Kearney . State Nor- 1does honor to our N orma l School. M · p 1. W . . . . . . " . . 1ss oo . - ere you never .In . rna 1 W I 11 1n t1me, on the art1fic1al I he subJect of phys1cs came into 1p ay ne t)e f ore.7 s!l.le at least, be super ior to our thP hi g h schoo l cnrri culum years own unl ess we, as they, work out ago under the ca ption of natural Mi ss Wirth (in Platts mouth ) :defin ite and well ma tm·ed plan. " phi losophy. I t was then large ly a Is this Counc!l Bluff' s'! Mr. Me issner :- Now yo u kn ow More than e ight yea rs have now text-boo k subj Pct , but a po pular gone by wi t h little artisti c pro- ! one , because . most of t hose wh o that is mostly bluff. gress to ret'ord for Peru , whi iP. took it had alread y had abundant / Mi ss Mullen and Miss Down ing Kearney ca n boast of one of the ex peri ence in the labora tory of life posed f or t he camera- man a s most beautiful of cam puses to be a1~d f ound thei r motivati on for I " sleeping beauties." f oun in this or neighboring ~tates. physics tn t he cun os ily developed As the conductor enter ed ~th e But in a setti-ng such as Peru 's, in many contacts wilh nature. ·! train which was de layed fo r sev~ral where nature has done so nauch, With the passi ng of the earlier hours, the Peuvians sang t he 0-_ I NEBRASKA CITY, NEBR ASKA . 1s . texts and the comi ng in of physics u Iar a ir "They say t ha t t he Hurlp p ev_en 1' f ~a n has ·'uone so 1·Jt t Ie , 1t sttl l poss1ble to retrieve our lost with its emphasis on quan tative ing ton ain't got no timeTH E QU ALI TY S T OR E 1 , g round . What fine r thing cou ld wor k i n lhe labora tory, interest in t ime a ll t he while, a ll the wh ile.f;s Eve rything Marked lo Plain Figures.


R eady-tc-wear




N e w Stre et Dre sses Just In






the Famous In tern ational Ta il oring Co's Sample line from w h ·1 h c. you men of the school can make a beautiful selection for Suit or Trousers and have them made to measur e at a you want to r eason:ao le price. Come and see w.heatoer buy or not.

The Cash Store


Phone 22

Owi ng to t he s li ppery condition of the sidewalks of P eru for the past week, most every one has at some time taken a tu mb le. It Miss Violet Dulce reigns s upreme in o ur toilet goods departmig ht be some consolati on t o some ment. The ladies all vote for her "jus t perfectly exq uisite" ; a nd she t' know that if a young man should . is a supreme favorite with every ma n who knows her. The man slip a nd fa ll a nd br eak his knee he upon who m her in fi nate cha r ms a re bestowed is aure t o bt• happy wou ld only have to go to the South Ha ve you met this fascinating ).1 iss? If yo u have not, come in a nd where the "Ne-g r oes; " if a lady we'll glnclly introdu ce yo u. Yo u'll be delig hed to kn o w her. AN OLO f~E LC A R L E flA NK should break her knee, she would WITH ASS ETS O P OVER have t o go t o Ita ly, where t hey $250,000.00 have the "she-neys: " if a child ''THE REXALL STORE" s hould break his knee, he would have to go to the mea tmarket, LOCALS where they keep the " k id-neys ;" Alumni Notes Ro y Cowe II Iast week rece1. ved a I and if a baby should break its Peru initia l sweater earned.in base- l The .followin~ . wer e among knee, it would a lso have to go to ball in the season of 1904. 1a lumm who v1s1ted Peru dunng the mea tma r ket, wher e t hey keep Clyde Hutchinson , F d A h f 0 b between t he holidays: the 'wiem es " watc B E ' 16, M C00 k · Clar ence oun . town a nd depot. Fob worth m uch · ·' c ' How ie, B. E., ' 16 Fa ir bury· to loser, perhaps, as a n honor. F l . ,' ' Notify box 5 1, P. o· or ence Kite, ~·E., 15, Kearney; We are S till in the Market M. C. Bloss, 15, Ft. Calho un ; Prnf. Hull, a t postoffi ce:-Well , Kathr un S he llhorn '16 Milfor d With All Kinds of J ' here's a woman s uff rage magazi ne. Ia. ; Le la McKenney, •' ll:i, North' f ine Stati onery a nd Guess I won't ta ke that home. Loup; Milton B lankenshi p, '1 6, Ge.o . G· .GIIis Prop. Prof. ·Beck : -No, it 's bad enuf now. Harting ton; Cl are~ce Carter , ' 14, School Supplies Miss Bowen has been in Chicago a nd Haze l Miller .Carter, ' 14, Sif or the past week. where she is gourney, Ia.; H. H. Hum phreys,' 14 , Ou r Watc h l<epa rin g the Best Wh ile down to wn go to taking a course in pageant1y, pre- ,· Waco; Albin J q,hnson, ' 14, Univer The para tory t o assis t ing with the Peru . sity of Chicago: Ha rriet Glasgow, I spring pageant. ' 15, She lby ; Cora Brunsdon, '16, for your \ ' K Cha telain, Ma nager. Barber Work J ederma n :-New boil i ng's fine. Blai r; Frank Da llam, ' 15, Conrad, Neat, Clean. All wo rk fi rs t cla!>s. - - -- - -- - - - - - - I we nt to one of my two classes Ia. ; Ma rshal J ones, ' 14, Ainswor th ; Srcond rloor fro m postofli(·e t here this morn ing . The o ther one, Joy E. Mor ga n, ' 11 , Guide Rock; a ' ' seven-f orty" made a conflict. C. Gor don Beck, ' 10, Hast ings N. S. HA.R~JIA. N A. B ., U. IJ. ~. Smith : -R ow's that ? ~edermann : College ; Car ri e Hesselti ne, '04, I No reason why you shonldn't Envy the man witli a. fine haircut OrndU4tc ol Cbicago ColltJC Dental Surgeon - Conflicted with my sleeping Curtis Agricultural School ; S. J . I X-tcnd your tradt: Rt::Sl!JENT DEN TIST hours. Ellenberger , ' 12, and Lena Ha llet Try us ami own one Among the "books in t he press" Ellen ber ger, '08, Elwood : l<'ur rest Offi ce over P ay Ba kery KINGSOLVER & COWELL as announ ced by th e D. Van N os- McAdams, ' 1 0, a nd Florence Sehell •'WEST I::i!DE BAI<l3ER SH OP" trand Co. , New York, is " Chemi s- McAda ms, ' 18, May wood ; Ea rl ''Be your orders g r eat or small - -Phone or bring t hem one a nd all" try by Experimenta tio n, Including Meyer, '09, Geneva; W. S. BostQulaitative Ana lys i:;: a Labo ra tory der . ' 12, and Ethe l Meyer Bostder , TO Hetldqu art en~ ior Nor mal ; Hazel Manua l for t l-te F irs t Year Course, " '04, Chadron Victrolas Meyer. ' 16, _Ra ndo lph ; Loui s P ianos by Wilbur .Ii'. H oyt. P hone 218 SH EET MUSIC Of the e ig hty· five f orm er s t u- Char d. ' l G, Wi lber; Esth~::r Bla nkAgent for Sunnyside Greenhouse dents of P eru withi n a semester of enship, ' 16, Hyannis; Virg il Long , GAS!< ILL MU SIC COMPANY Falls City, Nebr . NEBSASKA grad uation whom P resident Hayes '1G, Nebr aska City; Flor ence Clif- I NEBRAS KA CITY, has wri tten, urgi ng them to r et urn to n, ' 16, Cook; Ed na Ringswald, to school to g raduate in t he cen- , 10. Cook; R. Mae Medl ey, '02, terin ia l class ' aho ut 25 have an- Dunbar; Pearl Ti bbetts, ' 11, Ny a l's T oi let Good s Den tist swer ed favorably. T his will i n ~ urf' Pawnee City; Cori nne Whi tfield, Office over Variety Store PHcc l'owd•·r a seni or class of mpre tha n ~OO '15 . L incol n ; Eth~ l Merlley, 11 , I FHce Cn.- m n (lfficc: Pho ne 33 H o w:e 7 1 members. Talc um Powder Boelus ; H elen Corne ll, ' 18, State Cold Cn·a m The December num ber of School Uni versity; Mrs. Lou ise Herri ck Alm o nrl Lo ti on BcHu ty Ba lm Sha mpoo DR. B. L. S HELLHORN Scie nce and Ma th ema ti cs contai ns Spatfurd, ' 11, Linco ln._ All t hr Fa mous Nya l '~ Qmdit y .f'h ilomathean Doin gs. an inter esting a rticl e on " Radi oac- ~ . Residence Ph one 6 1 The ri rs t meeti ng of t he .Philotiv ity in t he H igh Schoo l" by P r oOffice Ovt>r Rexall Sto re fesso r Hoy t. In t he course of th is 1mathea n ~o ciety in the new year is Ph o ne 3 1 I Miss arti cle it is made c lea r how the to be he ld Friday nigtlt. PERC, NEBR . DRUGGISTS I only moderately M'a ie Osborn has char ge of t he prohig h school equi pped can do some successful g ram. These numbers a r e a pat.t experimenti ng with t he pheno mena of the program: Selections by the of r a di oact ivi ty . Ph ilo orchest ra and the octette, a Yet Otie Thing is c ~dl at the Th e week beg inn ing J anuary 15 is vocaL number by Miss Adt:de Kren-

Have You. Met .fler?

Citizens State Bank




Trade at the

Variety Store -




I T herets a Reason

N. S. N. S. Store




Mrs. E. 0. P olzel

Dr. R. D. Cole




La ck i n g

the week of the ind m~tri al a rts exhibit. It is seldom poss ible to Plo wers /ro m o ur s ple nrled Gn·en- bring such an ehi xbit to Peru, made up as i t is of co ntr ibut ions ho use fo r t l->e big Occasi0 ns . from Boston Museum Sciwol, Penn· sy lvan ia Acade my, and Columbia SIMANTON & PENCE Teacher ' s College. Don' t neglect NEBRASK A. such opportunities. ::)pend a little FALLS CITY, _ time in study ing thi s exhibit. ~--------------------~·

z ien, a violin solo by Miss Char' lotte Six ta a nd a piano solo by Miss Laura Mackpra ng, and a cle lightf u I li t tle p lay e ntit led "Confessions. " Hazel Frye and Homer Schwen tker have the parts of a yo ung marri ed couple who ar e d isclosi ng, r ather r egretfully the secrets of th e .'' other g irls ' 'ami the " ot her men. ' '



.. WHITE STOR E' ' /

Por Fres h Good~ a nd

Social Cheer


Ias to the worth of

Housewarming at New Building. <Co ntinued !rom First Page.) , not only seat s all t he pupils but care sfo r all assem blies or convocati ons and makes proviSIOn for dramati zati ons, plays etc. The gymnas ium, 30x 60 f eet, is ar r a nged so that two a udi ences may b e convened at the same t ime. The poss ibiliti es f or g r ea t g ood , afforded by these t wo assembly rooms in th e wa y of social a~d community e n ter work are unlimited. Space d oes not pe rmi t ad eql!late me n t ion of r est r oo ms f or teache r or pup il who may be i ll or f a tigued, work rooms for trai ne r s to prepare p la ns or consult among t hemsel ves, t he ar t r oo ms, a nd ma ny other specia l f eatures of Pe ru 's n ew pr ide . [Most of the above is ta ken from a n arti cle by Sup't Gregor y, State Normal l'ra ining inspector .-Ed. ]

our next meet - 1 3 . T ha t a s ing le tax on land is · · and prepar- J''-s ' fiable. J o h n Allsman, G le nn ing . Be there on t1me u t1 ed to h~lp. I(ell ey. Sat urday, J a nuary 20. Preliminary Debates. 1. That t he· ann exatJ'on of M exThe pr eliminary deba tes will be ico would b e f or the best intrsts of held this year beginning Tuesday bot h ·countri es. Carri e Bai e r, Earl J a nuary 16, and continuing the H a rl ow. balance of the week, till th e 20th . 2. Tha t the i nfl ue nce of th e The subjects and debater s are as 1 movies .is be~fici a l. Otis O wens, ,·

pr es!>, d ye, al· 11o th I·'"' d1'es' a nd t-o-ent • ter a n d repa 1r le rnen's clo th ing o f e ver _v description. We a lso clea n, 1·epa ir a n d a lter fursr:~nd curta ins . ruas, dr a pe n.e~, c a rp e t s.· h a ve a specia l depa r tme nt for t he clean rng a nd re blocking ot ladies' a n d gentle me n 's h ats. We pay rc t•.r n c h a rg es on a ll shipments . .




foll ows : S tephe n Due ri s ch. · 22 11-17 FA~N AM S T .. . Tuesday, January 16. . 3 . T ha t th e U n ited States OMA H A, N EBR. 1 1. Reso lved, tha t educatiOn , sh ould prepar e .f or war . Richard =.=================:::-::====::..:===~ should prepare f or practical I if e. 1 Meissne r , Bryan E• mmer t .



It's Your Store

Affir ma ti ve, Arthur L ong fe llow, , 4 . T hat Cong r ess shoul d p ass an negative, Carrie Bloss. act p rovidi ng f or so r11e f orm 2. Tha t t he tax on incomes is ship subsid y. · L oy 1· I t's the pla ce to buy CoofectionMay S t1tt, e r v 1n o n e h alf and o n e pound j us ti fiable. My r t le H a rris, Leo H acke r . B~;es , also in bu l k. J ewell. 1 3. Tha t t he Monroe Doct r in e The f ollo w ing stud e nts who grad- .-\p fJ les. Or11 ng es ,Gra pc:s , Ba n a n as has outli ved its usefu lness. Flor- ',uate January 26, have b ee n loca ted Lunch Meats, Cookis ~nd Bread. ence Fuller. Verne Cha te lai n. at th is ea r ly date : Grace Douglas, Sc ho o l S u ppl ies. Wed nesday , J a nua r y 17. fi rst grade, Gran d Island , $60; 1. Tha t th e boycott is a justifi- Marie Mci ntyre, h igh school. Bellab le weapo n in reduci ng the hi g h wood, $65 ; L u lu Stur geon , p r i n- Phone 73 cost of li ving. Fra ncis Coope r, Iris cipai , Mar sland , $ 70 ; E d i th L oper, Y. W. C. A. J ackson. geography super viso r , Yor k , $65 ; Our Big Flower 2. Tha t t he presi dent should be Fer n Ter ry, g r amma r r oom, S t r a t - I Miss T ibbetts w i ll have cha rge HOUSE of t he nex t mee t ing Jan uary 14, eleded b y t he direct vote of the ton, $60; a nd E leanor F or eman, hi g h schoo l, T hedford , $ 70 . M iss l a nd a la rge a t tend ance is anti c ipat- people. Ta lbo t · H un t , Le na Pool. Is o n th e n·fty frnm t h e C. B. 3 . .. That w itnesses shoul d co n- Stu rgeon is tak i ng t h e p lace of J & Q. s t a ti o n to the b us iness e d . T hose hav ing heard Miss Tibbetts in ot her mee tings w ill testify fr ont the defendants. F r ed K uh l- M iss Adee a nd M iss For em51 n is !"CCI ion. man, Nellie Smith . tak i ng t he p lace of Miss R u nya n, PEEP IN! Thu rsday, Janua ry 18. in o rder that t hese you ng women 1 . That t he high cost of li ving may retur n to Reru and g r a d ua t e G. E. BERTHOLD Has the New Vear , is a result of the European wa r . in t he cen tennial c lass in June . THE FLORIST ! Mar y Cla ry, Oscar Oakes. P r of. and Mrs. B. C. H e nd rick s I Brough t a C hn nge NEBRASKA NEBRASKA CITY . 1 2. That the United S tates sho uld w e r e i n Nebr aska C ity Tuesday. inc rease its na v.v. Frank Leger . Reco rd y o u1· ~ elf fn r you r 1 Eos Brown . S hoe Dupartm e nt fri t: nds. A nc:w 1 9 17 portra it ' 3 . That i t is jnsti fia hle to buy w he re one ca n buy tthe cheapest . . nf you r sdf wi ll he a p rre~: i a lt' d !'c n ff · n p <l nrl Le wi s Tyler, Mi ldred Ma n ia . g ivl' ptt~>r !<a l}!<l:•eLinn 1 i fLhn· fi r E' ki d ; t·d. Sll: d <t rl 111 mu d h v vou r h om~· fulks . Friday, J an ua ry 19. II ;.~nd w R t~-r ;.~ncl ahu~ed. 1. Tha t intramur a l athl e tic,s sh ould be best for the school. On th e o t he r h ~• nrl we guan111tee ful l !"Hti:< fnct i o n if E. J. NEWMAti-S Brantley Copenhaver, Geo rge Esl!ht Ak e n ca re o f prn ps r ly \\"e l'l:<k _vn n t< o ,·;.11 :-. nrl !<l'C if v n u e nber g. ~ think o u r !<h ot' lint' \" V iii !'t: lll rlnp t o <>ll l' g u n r ;,ntce. Pend d' Oreille Studio 2. That the middle-men shou ld Peru , Nebr Phone 56 be d ispensed with by law. A . B. We ine rt, J ohn Black.

of ; I


H. U. Landolt



Milstead's Toggery

Basket Ball

The .first Game of the S eason

Nebr. Gity Ath • .Association



Peru State No r mal

Thursday Night, January II, 8:15

In Gymnasium

Admission Budget Ticket or 25 cents It is fortu nate for Per u to have i ts fi r st game wi th t he best team in the state . lt w i ll gi ve t he team an opporu n i t t o t !';t . !': • h b . 1 fo r e i t begins t he co ntest for t he stale col lege c hampi on::;hi p. T h is game will g ive the "fans " a n oppor tu n itv t o oet. .Y e, h t. s tl l>ngt .e · · · " fi · · · . . . • .,. " a 1me em t .e v. or k of th e mdl vl dua l players a nd at the same t1me see a ne exhlbJtJ on of ball t hn ,wmg by the VISitors. Also th e "Johnso n Colt , . a nd the n as Coac h's· tea m!> have the ha bit of doing. · s W t 11 s 11 o w so me sp eed n ow

The personne l of th"e "Nebs" assures a clean f ast game. Three fo rmer Pe r u :ltars, one We!'lle yan a n d on S t t TJ . . . . • e a e l n 1. s tar n ow on t he P r of ' teachmg f orce of the N ebraska C1~y publi c schools compose the tea~. The t hree Peru v1 ans are Sup.t E ar l Cl ine , 07 a mi Prof . Virg il Long , ' 16. All t hree were not only leaders in athleti cs, bu t we r e t h e most brill iant studen t . ' t h : · ~eo. Steve ns, 'll , s m etr r esp ect! ve c las ses.

Come, you shall see, what you see.

If we're lic ke d - how b a d s hall

:t b e?




FIREMEN TOBEHERE NEU WEDNESAY State Conven tion to Visit Peru if

Weather at all Favorable On Wednesday of next week, a t 1:20, t he state bre men, consisting of four hu ndr ed delegates attending t he state convention at Auburn, will vis it P eru and t he State Normal. A comm ittee from t he Commer cial Club has been work ing f or sever a l weeks t o a r range a s ui tab le progra m . It is r ecognized t hat this is the g reatest honor paid Peru f or many year s. It is doubtf ul whether we shall ever have the opportunity of entertaining ,this convention again. Everyone cerned is enthusiastic over making LATEST PICTURE OF TH E TRAIN ER BUILDING . this a big day-one long t o be remember ed. All business houses so f ar consulted have una ni mously p~rtments of t he ins titution: .ali i LAME BEGIN NING IN BASKET 8ALL Subs. f or Per u, K idd and Bell agreed to close up their places of wil l assemble at th e new tra1nmg --Refer ee, Riehle . business f rom 1 :30 to 2:30, in or- school build ing wher e ~ean Ro use, Nebr aska City Athletic Club and The f ollowing day the team der to attend t he exer cises pl ann~d M. C. Lefler Geor ge W. Brown a ncl C . h went to Omaha, wher e Cre igh· s W I·11 con d uct H,,... e v1• s 1•t retg ton Bury Peru a t the Sta te Norma 1 ·m b onor of T . J . MaJor __ ton won from Per u , 30 to 17. 1 t he vis iti ng g uest s. The memb~rs i ng delegates thru the bui ld ing . ! A crowd of peo ple unusua ll y Sandber g was the star of the evenof the Peru Fire Department ar e From t his poi nt souvenirs wi ll be ' large f or opening n ig ht, attended ing f or P eru . bas ke t Ye~ . it' s a bad sta rt bu t that a general committee on automobiles dist r i buted ana fa r ewell g ree tings I the cleh ut of t he Peru 1917 . a nd decora tion. They want to en- extended . l ball team , Janua ry 11. , Ne~raska doesn' t prophesy anything fo r th e Immed iately fol lowi ng this the · Ci ty Ath leti c Clu b nlayer s, P eru ' s re~t of the season. P ut a ll your list every automob ile in Peru and vicinity to make a trip to Aubur n visitors wi ll be ta ken throullh t he opponents, were in mid·season f a i th i nt o the 1917 tean1, you Joya l a r..d assis t the people of Auburn in bttsiness sect ion of the to wn, pass- f om , ~av ing played sever a l games Peruvians, a nd cheer y!l ur · throat s t ransporting t he firemen to Pet:u. "ing down Fifth s treet t o the Bur- previo us to the Peru g ame. Thi s raw a nd your heads off J anuarY' 24 Automobi les wi ll leave the Normal lin~ton depot , an d back to the is a · par tial explanat ion of the when Kearney comes hPr e for enf scor e of 21-9 in favor of Nebraska ter tainment. School grounds prompt ly at 11 :45. Normal on Sixth street. Basket Ball Sch edule. 1 City . The play ing of .Stevenson and -- --- - · T he plan is f or the delegation t o Games at Home. Stevens of Nebraska City was Scien ce C lub. r each Per u by 1 :20. Tpe f ollow 1 i ng is the progr a m so far as pr e- J an . 11 , Neb City A. C, 21·!1. ~ bl'l llwnt a nd rema rkably clean, i " On account of favor ing ci r pared : Jan. 24 , Kearney. Good g- uar d ing by Spacht a nd Vi c cumstances the total sola r ecli pse 1 :20-Reception by State Nor mal Jan. ~4 . Neb. C. H S . . vs Scruhs. Jon e:~ kept t he opponents scor e of June 8 , 19 18. wi ll be mor e 1 fr om becoming much lar ger th a n wide l.v obser ved in t his countr y band. J an 30 , N ew t on Kas. , A. C. 1 :30- Genera l convocation in .Nor- F eb. 2, York. ~ 21. T yson, not so o ld in the game than a ny pr e vious ecli pse.· The mal School chapel with vis it~ Fe b. 7. Cotner ' as his t eamma tes, showed nerve total path lenp:th is ~eater than j ~nd play.ing a bil i ty, a nd made the t'·.a t of a ny eclipse seen in the U. ing firem en as honor guest s: Fe b. 8. Wesleyan. President Hayes pres idi ng. Fe b9, Wesleyan. only field g ual of the eveni ng fo r S. s ince that of 1865, a nd covers Vocal duet, Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Feb. 15, Grand Island . J Peru. L ee Sm ith, handi~apped mor e terri to ry than either tha t House. Feb. 16, Doane. by a br utsed f oul, played ga me ly ecli pse o r those of 18 7H or 1900," Address of welcome, J.D. Gra ves, Games a way f r om hom e. ' ;md well. A li tlle unnecessary says Prof. Ed ison Pett it t. professor president · P eru Commer cia l Jan 12, Cr eig hton. HO 17. . r oughness was th e only un pleasant of as tronomy, Was hb 1rn Col lege, 1 Club ; and R. W. Ke lly, f or Feb. 19, Wesleyan. ·1 f eature of th e ga me , a l)d Fe?eived T opeka , Kan!las, in a n a r t icle in P eru Fire Depatment. Feb. 20, Cotner . the e mpha ti c and po inted d isap- the December n um ber of Popula r Music, special selections, State Feb. 21, York. proval of the a ud ience. As one Astronomy. Professor Petti t is a Normal Glee Club. F eb. 22, Gr and Isla nd . SJ.JeCtator r ema r ked, "Unless pres- Peru vian by bi rth a nd g rad ua ted ent forms of athlet ics teach se lf- fr om t he P eru No rmal m 1910. Responses f r om the various state Feb. 22, Scr ubs a t Neb . City. delegations. Feb . 23, Kearney. j mastery" firs t of a ll, be tter subs t i- 1 P ro fes~or Clyrle Fi lley of the Rpecial stunt, State Normal F ire Feb. 24, Doane. t ute tra ining in checkers or marb le- fa r m ma nagement d1 partment of 1 Department. Mar ch 2 Neb. City A. C, 1play ing . " • t he State U ni vers ity add ressed t he Following the .convocation peri. -.- - . ' Line up f or this game: . members of the Scienc·e Cl ub Fr iThe JUntor class enJoved a short i 1 od, the fir emen wi ll break u p into . ' · . Lee Smith f. Cli ne j day e vening , J anuary G. but deh ghtful c lass prog ram last ' H l"ll . P r ofesso r G. D. Swezey of th e groups and v is it the various places Thursday. Miss Bertha Wa lker Sandber g f. of interest a bout the State N ormal . · 'I'yson C. Steven . Uni ver s i ty of Nebras ka wi ll lecture rendered t~·o songs 1n a very Schoo l grounds. charming manner, a nd Miss Myrtle J ones g. LMgJ befor e the Science Club, Thursday After vis iting the various de- Chape ll gave a dramatic r earling. Spacht g. Stevenson ev~ni ng, .Januar y 22.






Se n i or N otes• . d' . \ Si nce Raym ond is a hustler o f T h e h and f ul of seniors that. atnd has been d PER U NOR MALI TE l b ad ha bits or tn tscretiOns. . . THE - - - -- -- - ------:-:--- 1 " I will appreciate your g lv m g t he first degr ee a t hree t e n ded c hapel T hursday, enJOY~ - Entered a t tl;c Postoffice a t Peru, Ne· m e a fra nk s t a t e m e nt, on the back kn own to make as much ~~ is M iss T emple's s inging :~Mry mShuacd~ braska as second-class matter. of t his blan k of your honest in ten- dollars in a s ingle d ay, here to She sa n g t wo songs, y " t tl 'ons tellt' ng ' m e the tbmgs you little dou bt bu t h e wil ~ n oth avethe ,, d " The Li t tle E lf M~n. Publlsht Wee kly by the Peru State Norma , . I b f e h e w ill ave ow, a n . if b are n ot the only ones w ill avo id a nd t he things you ex- wa t t ong e or 75cts. per year. Singlecopy5cts. pect to do M ake a ny confession , car. P a rt icula rl y is t ht s thrue h ' ll The oys . . b . ' h 't ' on t e J dili gen t ly practi Cing- asHOWA RD SM ITH -. Ed~tor vou des.i<re t o m a ke a n d Je t me know the school . a ut on les . f a whoba~~ The seni or g i r ls are do A.. LEW IS TYLER . Associate Edit or . f our resolu ti ons for improve- ~ co uld be ind uced t o pe:mtt o - ket a . t' 0 GLENN 0 . KELLEY Y . . . t ion penods.-Au · · m e fine work in prac tee. m g so · 'ght take Busl·11css a nd Subscription Manager )· me nt.· In a d d1 t10n to your app lt ca- , f <:!W more v_a ca 'I he o the r g irls'. t eams m 1 th tl· on you may no w and t hen desire burn R epu b) tcan_.____ ' .. 1 • arning We-or ra er OE P ART~I EN T EDI TO II S . Philom atheao Doings. !~:s t::; . :full y i~tend to be chamNona Palmer, ........... ....... .... Ah: mm t o fil e a state me nt t e lling me about The p rogr a m of t h e J anuary 12 Eos Brown ....................... Phi loonL~ t Jean yourself a nd how you a re gett ing · 1•I " C1ntyre .......... .... -- · c.vcrctt Mane A a long in a ny s pecia l effort you a re meeting of Phil o wa s carr ie d out p:_i_o n__-s-:t::.:h=i=s=y :..... ea .=.r::.= ·=======- Pran k Leger ....... ................... ~ · ~ · ~· A. Eh;ie Wil burn .......... ..... .. .. .. Y · \N · · C. A. making-. l as g iven in last week ' s e diti on ot ------~-- ~·--·· ~- ·-Louis WorLh, · , ·. · " I wi ll w r ite t o eac h nf you r the No r mali te. T he or ch esti:a se- . r.ri' . _ GJI),~ Cha rlottt: Sixta, ....... ...... Eriscopal Gut~d -J ~ v•T ;:/1__. Bryan Emmert, ................ ..... A thl ct l~!l r ef erences a nd t o so me others. ~· lecti ons wer e especi a l ly e nJ oyed, . M uslc M I I'ss "'o•" l :l .c•n . ... .. .............. . . R J~t_ ~ - CA/YII\j . ' ............ ........... .... . . ·urnor T he i r r eplies w ill be confide nt.ia l, ! being Brook's " Love' s Message, " Rosa I1.e 1''-O•In... Mrf\ Nellie M. Smitn, ....... ..... l.oca 1 yet I w i ll let you know t he potnts and "Even ifig Star " from YUJVI.L'. £>~ J. ack Allsman . .. .......... .. "Minerva ·• aga inst you i n case you do not get Ta nnhauser. T he m a le q uar t et's ~HI ~~ ~~ 4 -.-r.r:: £/ll.)~. A lice Forma n...... ............. 1-'ost. grad u ~tes Mary Cla ry ........... ........ ...... ....... Sen!ors the With ~onor e ndorseme nt . " ! n u m ber s wer e likewise apprec~ate_d ~0"" + . 0 Rosaline Kohn ............ .... ..... Jumor!' - .er, - - T he hall was wel l fi l led and 1.!_ I S ~ O"'t, J _..; Gertrude Clifto n ................. Sophomores Loy Hacker.... .. ....... ........... Presi1Jnen I eru uov a Hustler. 1hoped tha t the loyal me mbe r s , wh o ~ ~ ob ~ Vivian Bishop ....... ....... .. .. .. High School W i th t he beg inning of t he schnol l never m iss a m eeti ng w i II incr ease C) .. ,.,9;tA, ~ -{)~ . j Specials an~ Matt1e Adee .........· ....... · 1 p rt'pa raton es year at the P eru Normal, a nd aga in .1as t h e year passes. ~J Mr. Pa lmer ... .. ... Science Clnh 1 Prof. F. M. Gregg-Ad viser with the r e newal of stud ies fo llow- , The next p r ogr a m is to b e a _ (;{'t)~eM.IV't!V ~\J~ . ing the Chr istmas holiddays, t here · str ic tley mascul ine affai r. Mr. ~ Presiden t J . W. Crabtree, of t he a r e appoxi mately 500 students de- Novak, Mr. Kell ey a nd M r. Leger I scendi ng upon ou r ne ig hbori ng have it in c harge. · T he part i ciR iver Falls S ta te Nor ma l, by way h h' h t own wi th i n a very few ours. pants-t o -be are al l boys . w t c of st rongly e ndorsi ng certain gradAnd not a ll of these car e to car ry same is a c ha nce for t he m i no rity of uates of that school, is issui ng what t he ir gr ips a nd suit cases t o t he m en to assc:ort the mselves a nd s ho w he terms a "With H onor" recom- college on t he hill so far away; it off a b i t. _. mendat ion. His pr actice is attract- does seem a long way up there if The plans fo r renova!i ng th e p ig h ing wide attention , a nd i ts detai ls one has to " lug" a ,.. g:r ip a ll the 1' school assemb ly r oom a r e p r ogressmay b e in fer r ed from t he fo llowi ng way, and because of t his ther e has in g . T he members a r e unan i mous Jetter wh ich he addresses to those sprung up a b us iness t hat has called i n t he desire f or a better meeting applyi ng fo r t hi s endorsemen t: fort h t he ingenuity of t he yonng - p lace a nd i t is generall y concc:od ed " It is my desire to make t h is a sters of Peru to a r e markable ex- t hat t h e assemb ly r oom . whe n d ecver y special r ecognition of meri t. t ent, and at t he same ti me demon· oro ted and furn is hed wi II give the 1 S ince the human and persona l e le· strated the b us iness acu men of a better acco m mod a tiuns ~o . long men t is the m ost im por tant element few of t he boys t ha t equals, if not des ired. i n the teacher's qual ifications, I de- sur passes t hat of m a ny of t he i r · I Y. M.C.A. sire t o attach even greater i mpor t- older a nd mor e ma t u r e' br others. I Every man in school is urged to a nce t o personality anti example This is particula rl y true in 5he than to the matter of sc holarsh ip. case of Master Raymond Chase, son be present at o ur Sunday after· " The student who pays h is bi lls of one of Peru 's lead ing bar bers. noon mE>eti ngs. Fe ll ow~~ yo u canMr. promptly o;·, when t he re is necessa- A f ew yea rs ago Mas ter R~ymond not affo rd to st ay away. TalbOt H unt is our leader fn r next ry delay, has a sat isfact ory u nder- was carry ing grips to the col lege s ta nd ing wi'th t he proper per son, a t t he regu lar r ate of ten cen ts, Sunday, Jan ua ry 21. t h e t opic as who is punctua l in a tte nd i ng classes b ul this was not bringing the mon· ye t has not been d ecid ed l~pon , bu t and in meeting other engagements, ey as f.as t as h e seeme d to th 't nk 1. t we gua ra n tee a good meetm g . who does good soli d work on hi s o.ug ht to co me, so he ma naged to r ig ~ O ur m eeting Sund ay a f ter noo n. studies, who· uses his spare ti me i n •up a two -w h ee 1e d car l a n d h au led Januar y 17, was led hy Professor . e. · L efler who addressed u s on the '' good, wholesome wa ys, and who t wo and three g tt. ps at one t un










E. lea ranee Sale

Read·y-tc-w e ar


New Street D r esse s Just In

avo ids the e n ta ng lements of bad com pany , bad habits, a nd the careless use of time, has a good show for t his r ecogni t ion, whatever hi s stand ings in his st udi es.

Today he has a fi ne wagon with \ the me , ' 'T he Ter rib le F i re , '' which he can haul as many as seven A ltho a n un u£u a! ly large number · a d in arld i tion to this has a of fe llo ws were pre!:;ent, ma ny mo r e ~~n . f wagon which he l~ases to a noth er shonl d ,have. hear d t ht s powe r u l youngs t er on a pe,·ce n tage bas ;., .• , ta l-k. 'I he wtsh has bee n e xp r essed with t he resu lt t hat he has been e mphat ical ly by many of Mr Lefma k ing a good ly s um each year ler 's hearers at t he S unday mee t ing-, hau ling grips for stud ents. In fact t hat he re pro<luce t he address _al he has made e n ough t hat he is now chapel.


''No one shou ld apply for t his honor who is u nwilli ng to pay t he price. No one should apply who does not recogni ze full y t h e r easonab le ness of these requireme nts. No Ioo ki ng for ward to t he t ime whe n Miss Duni gan , of t he Nnrmal o'n e shou ld appl y e xpecting to re- he can go and p lan k down the neces- office force, retu m ed Saturday' ceive it too soon after cutti ng out sary co in for an a utomobile. from her two weeks ' vacatio n.

---- - --



T H E QUALITY STORE Everything 1\\ arked

In Plain



the Famou s International T ailorin g Co's Sample lin e from w hich you m en of th e school can make a beautiful selection for Suit or Trouse rs and have them made to measure at a reason~ble price. C om e and see w heatoer you want to buy or not.

The Cash Store

M. E. G O OD

Phone 22


COM lNG! WHAT? The Fortnig htly Art Club Exhibit WHEN? J anu a ry 31 , Februar y 1 a nd 2

Have You Met .S:er?

Citizens State Bank

Miss Violet Dulce reigns supreme in ou r toilet goods department. The la di es a ll vote for her "just perfectly exquisite" ; and she is a supreme fa vorite with every man who knows her. The man n ~on w hom her in fin ate charms are bestowed is &ure to br bappy Ha ve you met this fascinating Miss? If you have not, come in and we'll gl~ d l y introd uce you. You'll be delighed to know her.

WHERE? Adminis tration Building WHOSE Exhibit? Miss K a t ha rite Wood's of the Linco ln Fine Art Store. Wbo Will Be t he Prominent Spea ker. Dr. F. W. Fling of the Sta te Universit v.

For the New Semester \

Let us sppply your .-


TheN. S. N. S. Store V. B. Cbatelnin, Manager.

N. S. HI\RJ\JIJ\N A. B .. D.

D . ~.

Ora duate ol Cbltai O Collqe Dental SurteOO

RESIDENT DENTIST Office 0\'er Fay Bakery





LOCALS Miss Mamie Mutz spent Friday in Lincoln. Oscar Oakes visited his home in Salem_Fnday. For Rent.-One li brary seat. Terms r easonable - Ailee Smith. Miss Nona Pa lmer went to "Nebraska City Friday t o spend the Day. Miss Kohn :-''\Vhat wi ll you do when Hetty Evanl'l goes home?" Miss~Gabis:-"Why, 1'11 j~Jst mildew."

Professor Hoyt gave an illustrat- 1• - -- - - - - - - -- - -, ed lecture Monday evening on caves and cave formati ons. j

Trade at the

Variety Store

Lawrence Rouse is reported quite ! 1 seriously ill, following a slight injury a t basket ball practice. Mi-ss Iva M. Dunn' of t he expression department went to Lincoln last Monday to hear the Hindoo poet, Tagore.




Theret S a. Reason

Hon. Philander P. Claxton, naG eo. .....,. -=:. -=-11· ....., 1s p rop. tiona ! commissioner of education, has jus t. notified the Normal School of his acceptance of an in vitation I · .1ile d o wn town go t o Leonard P. Dove, of Chicago to cieliver the principal addr~ss on 1 University' gave a free illustrated semi-centenn !a i day. ~ ~ fo r your lecture on the Black Hills of South Alumni Notes Barber Work Dakota, at the Chapel last Fric.\ay The follo_wing is quoted frqm one Nea t . Clean. All worl< fi rst class. Secour! do or fro m pnstofficc evening. of our ed ucati onal magzines More extensive and intensive "Superintendent R. 0. Jackson of practice by the chorus is being in- Rushville is tobe congratulated on No reaso n why you sh o uldn't Envy the man with a firrt: haircut augurated to prepare f.Jr the May the very able manner in w hich the X-tend y o ur tra de F~st i val which wi ll be a part of teachers were entertained in that Try us ant.l own o ne the big celebration i n the spring . little city duri ng the session of the KINGSOLVER & COWELL Miss Damme: - But why is i N. W. Nebr aska A~!'loc iatiun . "


CH A 61:.E' 61:.




laughing an instinct?" Professo r Mr. Jackson is a member of the "Be your orders g reat or small Gregg:-"Because it is common c lass of 1910 and is Ol•e of the up- ,___ _ _ _ __ _....._ _ _ __ _.: Phone or bring th em one and all" Lo mankind and the higher animals. t J-date school men of northwest Hettdquaner"' f or TU Have you never heard of the Nebraska. Mr~. Polz~l hor se-la ug h ?" R. D. Moritz, ' 83, has been Phone 2 18 elected superintendent at Seward SHEET MUSIC Agent for Sunnyside Greenhouse 1 Dr. F olsom Eye, at a sa lary of $1600. Mr.. Moritz GASKILL MUSIC COMPANY Falls City, Nebr. Ear, .N ~se & Throat I is one of the most prorgessi ve r NEBRASKA cn.v. NEBSASKA ·-~;.!. Spec ialist at Dr. 1srh uo l men of the state. He comes - -- -: Shellhorn's office 0 n Tuesday. from 'I pos iti on in the s tate capitol 1 Jan. 23. Spectacles fitted. Exami- 1 to rf:'li eve Supt. .J. A. Woodard , Nyal'~ Toilet Goods De·ntis t na t"JOn f ree. ' 07, who goes to th e state superinr:l l'l' l'o wd t·r Office over VMiet y Store. F ~· c·e Crcfl 111 Doc Owens, bewi ldered, attempt- Itendent' s office. Tnlcum Powder Office Phone 3R H ou~e 71 ing to r egister for the second Cold Cream C AIJn nnrl Lotion Bea utv Ba l111 ;- semesterr : - "Is thPr e going to he Sunday, Y. J anuary 7, Miss Tib· W, , A. Sh:-1m(lon OR. H. L. ~HELLHORN a school-school- oh, a school betts talked to the girls on " Re laAII the· I-n mous N yfll ' ~ Qtulli ly ' 'ministration class ?" Professor tive Values." Miss Tibbets, from Residence P horJe 6 Overholt:-"Thi$ is no mini steri a l her larger' fie ld of experi encE' gave Office over Rex a ll ~tore ~ h I '· • shcool. We don't o ff e r any t eo- the girls exce llent adv ice on the Phone 3 L l o~y courses." 1 weighing of va lues and forming of DRUGGISTS PERll. NEBR . Professor Gregg (during a dis- judgments f or the f ormation of cussion of the purpose of pf>rspira- c:1aract~r. - We- alw-ays appreriate tion) :-"Why is a dog ' s nose a l- having Miss Tibbetts with us in ways coJd?" Miss McKay: l our meetings. Miss Harris sang a Yet One Thing is ' Call at -"Well, before the floor!, Noah 1 very charmi ng sacred so lo and Miss Locking put all of the animals in the ark. ' Si x ta, who is-' soon to leave us, At least he thot that he had the m I played a vi olin ~;o lo. Miss Nelli(, For Flowers from our splended Green- _ all in until he hPard t he whimper- ::)pauld ing IPd the~ next meeting, house for the big Occasiuns . ing of a dOg outside. But when January 14 , and her topic was, Fresh Fruit he tried to put the dog in. the ark "To Thine: Own Se lf Be True." Groceries was so crowded that the dog's nose The top ic was chosen f r om Shakesan_d stuck outside. It was fr9zen so peare's writings, capd with Miss SIMANTON & yet com- Spaulding as leader we had a slenVegetables NEBRASKA. badly that it has never FALLS CITY, dirl meeting. pJetely thawed out."

E. 0.




Dr.• R. D. Cole



"The White Store''


Grand Opera. The celebrated San Carlo Grand Opera Company wi ll sing in Omaha (auditorium), January 25, 26 and 27. Season ti ckets, $1.00, transfe rrable. Reserved seats upon these ti ckets from ten cents to 75 cents f or each opera. I have under taken the sale of seats in Peru, to any who care to attend. - Adv. Homer C. Hou!'e.





Has the New Year


Bro ug-h t n C hnnge

Record frien d s.

yo u r self fo r

y o ur

o f your self wi ll b e a p pr ecia ted

a cr es o r forest s per h ead of popula· Remedy fo r a Co 1d. tlon wh ich m akes It r icher than any Wh en you feel a cold cooing on, Eur~pean nation In thi s r espect. T he talc e. a ha lf teaspoonfu l of gin~er, on e_ area of fo rest s in Finla nd is 49,400,000 t teaSP"C!1fu l :>f white sugar . muc thor a cres, or 63 pOl' cent of the- area ot ougl~ ly with about . t h r ee tablesp oon -

b y your h o me fo lk s.



the cou ntry.

Pend d' Oreille Studio Peru, N ebr.

Fresh Cut Flowers For Any Occasion Such as Wed ding s , Birthda y P a r ties , Remcm bra nee~ Funer a ls , etc . in a p p r o priAte arr a n gem ents . No o r clu tu s m a ll a nd n on e t o o la rg e.



CIT Y MEAT MARKET Fresh a nd Cun·cl M ea t !' H o m e m a d e \Vie nit"!' & Bo logna Sp<·cia lt y Fu ll line o f can n ed Goo ds

W. C. BURGESS. P r o p

A venue


A n ew 1 917 p o r t r a it

Phone 56

wE ClEAN '

pr ess, Easil y Ex pla ine d. j d ye, a )Appl es Always Valued. of our forms . bo h 1 di es' a nd gent It Is known that excellent apples " How ridiculou s so.me otice of t h e t er a nd r e p a 1r t a . . ' Heres an k th eir 's cl othing o f eve r v d escn pt10n . W ere produ ced In ancient Greece and of speech a r e! 1e m en s tl' eY too up • f that as far back as t he time ot Jaggs whi ? 1I tS:: s ubu r bs. How could We also c lea n , r e p a ir a n d a lte r ursHomer they wer e r egarded as one o r r es idence m ?" "EasilY d t · the precious fr uits. They were the th ey t a ke up a re s ide n ce . ortabl~ rugs. dra peries, c a r pe t sa n c ur a m s. favorite d esser t of Philip of Macedon T hey've got on e o f these P W h e a s p ecia l d e p a rtm ent fo r r e Am erica n . : e av I t is houses."- Ba ltI·...., and of Alexander the Great. ...., 0 h • g a n d rebl oc king oi la dsaid t hat in th e latter's household - . t e c 1ea mn W ies' a n d gentle m en 's h a t s. e pay t her e was a s tri ct order that apples Stoical. should be served a t every mea l. . ou r bishop w en t r e t n rn c h a r ge!': 11n a ll s h ipm ent s. "Qmte r ecently 1 0 ·f over tile hospital and ~pol{e ~? DR E S H E R B R ~ • 1 Ba ls a Wood Like Cork. f m en in each ward . l n S_P JtC o f t . s th e 2 1 1-1 7 FA I<N AM S T ., 2 The balsa wood Is a very light wood , fe ring the m en seci!l~C· t :> b e ~~ g) · 0 M' AHA N EBR :wh ich grows In large quantities In the best o r s pl r it s ."- 1-:l er sllaiil 'n · · · t ropica l r egion s of Central and South !I Par ish .\ lagazin e. • - - - - - America. It weighs a s l!ttl e OJ' les:J 1 than cork but h as a noticeable grain. M ch It dry rots with comparative quick· · Resolut ion Mea ns u ·t t o be C a ll a t t h e n ess unless treated. It is usefu l for To th ink we are a ble is at1~os nt is any purpose wher e a bu oyant mater ial ' so. T o rlete rr::J.i? e u pon ~t :ll; rneT hUS is r eq uired · ft·equenlly atta uur. en t ltS · d . ea r n est r esolu tion h as o(t en see~e W h e n lunch o r m ea l t im e s eems to have al~ou t it a savor of OIDlll P DWea lt h In Finla nd 's Forests. t en ce.- Sa muel Sn1iles. a lon g tim e off yo u c a n b u y Finland 's na tural wealth consists In Lun c h mef! t s , Bread, C ook ies its immens e forest s. It ha s 18.75 ~



ruls of cc ld water and drink.



F rui ts a nd C o nfectio n e r J·


B u y y o ur Sch ool Supplies of us a nd s a ve t h e lo n g wa lk to town .

~ ~P-bo_o_e_7_J_

__,__ H_._ U_._L_a_n_d_o_J_ t


1 Dis a ppea ring Sea. 1 Happy Sr.- I uti c n. · Th e Ca !!'p!an st~a is said to be grad· Wha t a ha ppy s olution o f the ~qual u ally d iaappem·fn g. T his sea is about j s u tuage prc bl em it would be 1f a ll 1,..-----~ '- ,......----------, 720 miles in widt h. Its a rea is esti·l w-:-non who a r e tit for th e ba ll ot cou ld m a tea to be 17 0,000 s quare miles. Kot· vote in pla ce of th e men who a r e - Our Shoe Da pa rt ment withstan ding Its s ize. parts or the sea l not ! are very sha llow. In the sou thcm por. 1 ttons, howe ver . a dept h of over 3,000 1 Ceet has been register ed. S h ifts r>f Politi cs. 1 No one ::bjects to go i:1g into o ffice I en politi cal a ccoun t. but wh en a man Is full o f lh e n ew two-to n e Is as ked to ste [i out for t h e sam e r eaHe lped by Difficu lt ies. D!ffi<'ulty is n sever e ins tr uctor , s~t su:l. be g ets cross.-Ph ilad e lphia No v elty a n d S t a p le Shoes for ov er us by the Supreme Guard ian and Press 1 Legislator, who knows us better th an · . m en . wom en a nd chi ldre n . we k n ow ourselves: and loves us bet· 1 We a r c plea sed t o s h ow t hem ter, too. He that wrestles with us Da lly T h.o uoh t. 1 streng~hens our n erve~ und shapens Th er e is J!GLh i:J g in t he world s o to y o n . OUI' skill. Our a nt agon iSt Is our help· much ar!mired a s a m a n wl).,' kn ows er.-Burke. h ow t c bcla l' unhapp iness wi th <·our· • _, age.- -::>cn eca. Ca use .of Lung T rouble. While poor hous ing, exposure . alro· Opt imis t ic Th oug i1 t. ' H" t n••l il 11' I• ' a rt 1s a & 'Tea t bur- ; h olism use of common drfnlcing cups a nd o~erwork a ll t end to r ea uce th e !P' ., 1 .. .. .. ,.. power of miners to r esis t disease. th e - - -- -- - j pr ime factor In ca usi ng pu l~onary Old men have vis io ns, young m en troubl e is the rock du st in •th e mines. hnve dreams. Successrul fa r m e r·s according to a well-ve rsed doctor. _plow deep wh ile s luggard s s leep 1





Milstead's Toggery

ourse ·.

R eynolds Siste.f"ls an R e.cita I with Spi ne.f. ac.conlpani _m e. nt ~ .Saturday ~anuary 20, 8:15 p . m . Admission Budget Ticket or 50 cents





W c Invite You to ·Join

Preliminaries Last Week Were Very

' Hundred Autos Bring Convention

I "With us in -vesper Services, I

Interesting The-annual prelim inary deba tes commenced Tuesday evening of last week a nd continued unti l Saturday even ing. Needless to report they have all been i nter esting a nd i nstruct ive. T he firs t quest ion of t he &er ies was " That

High School room iu old Trainers' BJ.tilding -


Sunday, Jan. 28, 4:3Q. Three s pecla us ical numbers . Leaders, Frauk. Leger aud Miss Matthews. ·

====-= ==========;:==============

education shoul d prepare f or pr actical life." It was affi r med a nd wel l defended by Ar thur Longf ellow, Miss Carri e Bloss us ing sarcasm effe-ctively deni ed the q uest ion . The second su bject was the . 10co me tax. Miss Myr tle Harr is

from Au burn to Peru


Last Wer!nesay afternoon the 1r oad leading into Peru literally tswar med wit h cars-a hund r ed of 'em-with a total rargo of half a 1 ,· thousand men, most of whom were delegat es to t he State Associati on of VoluntePr Firemen. in session at Auburn la~t week. The Auburn

lia r by looki ng the per son to whom classes have another means of test- ~=:~le at;;;' s~~~~~ledata r::~~~ t:s th: he is lis t eni ng straight in the eyes. ing as t o the superior ity of one f Mr. Kuhl man asser ted J·u r ebutta l .· M d specia l featu r e i n thei r phrograkm o "'I h class over t he other. on ay entertainment, because t ey new ffi I d o so le mnl-y a rm t hat aveAf nev- evening , J anuary 29, the gi rls' Peruvia ns could show f olks a good er looked t he lady i n t he eye: ter basket ball teams r epresenting the time. And then t here is a lways h f d' · t nt was . · t , . t e ray some 1sappo m me t wo classes wil l compete agams the possibi li ty that people over the 10 arg~ed ItS .def~nse and was es; exprest tha t pr ohi bi ti on and wonan I each other. I ncidental ly, this will state don 't know j ust how fine a 10 pec.Ja lly pleasmg her manner .~ suffrage:! wer e n ot discussed co·or- lf urnish one of t he few opportuni- school we have here un less t hey dehv.er~.1 Leo Jewell , a rme_d Wlth dinately with the subject in hancl. ties to observe girls' basket ball, have seen the thi ng-recently convmc ng :acts, ab ly dem ed the Four q i1est ions wer e scheduled as Peru girls play. no inter-collegi wi th their own eyes. same questJ~n bu t waxed rather for Thursday evE-ning , the first be- ate garrres. Leona Roby, '1 8, fo r So the Volunteer Firemen were 10 too eloq uent a few place~. The i ng the hi g h cost of li v ing . Miss four years a star on the Red Oak i n Peru Wednesday. We hust led final q uestion of the even~ng was Mary Clary showed qui te conclu- high s-chool team, has been elected them i~tc our capacious chapel , "Th~t the. Monroe Doct.~10e has sively that it is a direct r.esnlt of ~aptain of the j unior team, and wh ich was packe from top to bot· out hved It usefulness. Mrs. the European War . The arg u- Hazel Thomas, ' 17, captain of last tom, and treated them to t he best Florence Fu ller stated and a bly menta of Mr. Oakes, t he negati~e year's junior team and a play~r who we h~vl. After the meeting . was affirmed t he ques t io n ; she al!!o speaker, wer e a lso good b~t h1s f or four years fu rn ished thnl ls on called to order by our President "rome back" well in rebuttal. ma nner of deli very was fa ulty. · I n t he Nebraska City high school , Hayes, and after t he old r ound Verne Chat ela in en t hused all with his concluding remarks, he coul d team, ~.as been selected to head the ( "Scotland's Burning" had split his masterful de li very and well- not for a f ew seconds r ecall what seniors. I the roof in honor of the fire-fig ht1 prepar ed arguments. he had attem pted to pr ove:!, whic~ The same evening will be given ers, a duet by our Dr. and Mrs. On th e second evening, a la r ger situation caused momentary a muse- a short program by members of House, a nd a number by t he Boys' crowd greeted the deraters as t he ment am ong t he audience. T he in- Miss Downing's gymnasium classes, Glee Club, wi th their encores, folinterest had been greatly increasesJ. crease of the navy was t hen dis- consisting of three folk-dances, lowed each other in. rapid succesFrancis Cooper urged that t he boy, cussed by F rank- Leger and Miss Eos Swedish Clap Dans (National), sion. The vis itor s did not hes itate cott was justifiable and Miss Ir is Brown . Mr . Leger insisted t hat Norwegian Mountain March, (Na· to show t heir appreciation but brot Jackson denied i t. Her argument s G~rman sh ips had a velo<'ity of t iona!) , and "Reap ing of the back these entertainers aga in and were excellent and well arraJ.ged, i " twenty-six knots a mile, " while E?lax;" • 'Old French Minuet," in again with their resounding apbut her delive:y was. not forcefu l. t he Un i ted States' ve!:'sels had aJcostume; Butterfly Dans, in cos- plause. Next came th e speakers Talbot Hunt argued m favor of t~e speP.d of only twenty Miss Brown : tume; Esthetic Dans, "Spri ng," of the aftPrnoon : Mr. Graves, direct election of. presidPnt. His J showed car eful preparation in her in costume, by J osephi ne Holmes, president of t he Peru Commercial co rrcet use of English and pron un- denying s tate ments but her presen- 1Ruth Kone and L illie Parson. Club; Mr . Kelly, in behalf of t he ciation was espec ially commend- tation was not d:v.namic. The sh ip ! This prog ram will precede th e game Peru firemen; and s uch members a ble. Miss Lena Poole wi t h equal- subs idy question was well discussed ! while between halves of the game, of t he state firemen's as!!ociation as ly good a~gument~ attempted to j by two freshme n, Miss May Stitt , a dumb bell drill wi II be gi ven by ' · Uncle John ' ' Clellan~! of Fremont, prove all h1 s assertiOns ~alse. 1~- ~ and Loy Hacker. Inte rest was add - th e members of the second semester Lloyd Thomas of Allla11ce, W.· S. 10 tense interest was n;am fested. ed to the contP!:'t when it was gymnasi um classes. Rid gell of Lincol r., 0. W. Rh oades the last argument of the eveo m g ! learned that this was the i r initi a l , This evening promi ses bi g ex- of Scotts Blu ff, W. D. Fi sher of as both partic-ipants were married appearance on the de bati ng plat- ! cilemenL Come to cheer a nd root York and H. K. Webberl of Kearand s ingular ly popular . Mr. Kuhl· f orm. The affimative speaker for your favorite class ancl get into ney. The spef r h li st of th e da~ man, who contended that witnesses j sho~ld he commended for her clear the sr.1irit of the eve ning general ly. was completed most appropriate!~ !'hould confront the defendant. was-' enun!!iation. The negative. speak- Lineup for the game: by the tine old f ri end and pa.tron especially s tro ng in rebutta l. ~-rs. er's a r gument:q ':ere ~trikingly Junion:;. SPniors. of Peru ~ormal, ?ol. ~· .J. MaJor s. Smi th' s arguments were posJt Jve effect ive. cons 1denng the age of Hoffman g. Harmon From LJme to t1m e, JUSt to help and her self-poise was remar kab le. ! the spPaker. T he last debate of Damme ' lf. Clover the school ~o do her share in Sne showed ht:r ability to ta lk an.d t he eve~inp; was between Lewis Roby c. K uhlman "keeping things lively," ~has th ink on her feet, before an a ud t(Continued on Fourt h Pa.ge.l / Barta , f. 'rhomas Spacht led in yells for the vanous ence as well as private conversa. . S Aft A ll. ' Warner f. Merr itt. towns !:tnd spPakers. And it seems D · Juntor.-SentOr cr ap er d ht th fire un ng . . . f tba ll Suhs for seni ors, Balla r d and that we stu ents caug e tio.n and in the class r oom. th e d e ba t e, Mrs · Smith proved The a nnua d' l .lU OJOr-semor oo for· J·uniors, Ellis and Chapand pep of t hat great cr owd of d thi s year Bloss; ' [ (Continuccl o n ~~roncl p n11el f rom Chester t on W ith some empha- ' game .was . Jscourage h f 11 B t •he two pe ll e. u • sis, that a man proves h imself a 1' a nd qUJ te r tg t ll y.










I n t he Nor m al i te of J a nuary

---------------1 a ppear ed


some s ix t een inches of The progr am p r est>nted ~aturday m atter,,, stnff al r eady se t evening by t h e Misses Paul we _a n d P1.a e L uc1. 1e Reyno lrl s, accom parj ied by 10 Publlsht Weekly by the Peru State Normal , u p t ype and sent o u t ~y news- M r . W il liam G r iffith Hil l, was pa per houses to local pnnters for . . . f ha n a nd . . un 1que- 1n 1ts graec u 1 c r 1 . 1 5 t 75 cts. per yea r. S mg e copy c s. excelswr when no local excelswr d --------------- ~ . daint iness. T he concert was eH OWARD SM ITH • _ Editor ca n b e procure d. Plate matt er 1s i . d h wed an . • E A. · . Ed' 1. . . l ll g h tfu l tlh ruout, an s o A. L Ew IS 1 YL ~R • ssoc1atc 1t 0r somet1mes made u p of r ead mg . b 4'Y . . un usua lly sympathetJc ,·apport e1 .0 · I{EI' I,., GLENN , . . matter of a lma nac 1ntens1 ty - t he . · Busmcss a nd Subsc n pt10 n Ma nage r 1 . . t ween t he s ingers; bu t cl1 st m c tl y t op 1cs of some of t he p late matt e r . . f t was ·• J'·r·• EUT ,, o•1·ons . . t he most me nto n o u s ea u r e 0 h 1A · " " " co ns p1 c uo us 1n last week's No Fmalf h . ld B t Noaa Pa lmer, .......... .......... ...... A lumn i ·, te, " R d f a Co ld, " the rend i tio n o t e SIX o re o n em e y or . h fi t Eos Brow n . ......... ........... Phi lomat hcan · " I E folk -son"s co nstitutmg t e . rs 'Ma n e LTI C nty rc .......... .. ·· veret t " A pp les Al ways Val11ed , ., " Cause " Fra nk Leger ....... . ......... ..... Y. i\1. C. A. pa rt. Thr u the i nsigh t a nd i n tra Elsie Wilburn ....... . ....... Y. W. C. A. of Lung T roub les, " ''Op t im istic Louis Wonh, N.C. A. 'fh t , . t t well k specti ve powe r of t he a r tists t h ere . E · • 'Jd o , 111 us r a e a nown Ch ar Iot tc S 1xta, ...... ... ... · r1scop ..1 1>u1 · . t v t . 't was r ecr eated f or t he listen< rs to Bryan Emmer t, ......... ... ..... Athlet ics van e y. ~ es , cer a 1n 1y 1 was a .. Miss Bowen Music h t b f l t ... h I an amazing degree the · atmosp h ere Rosalie I<oh n ... ::......... :·.. :::::.:.: .... ... Humo r s a rne o e or cec o use sut' ma - 10 f l'f 'th 1 .Vl rs Nellie M. Smit n. ..... .. . Loc~d teri a l as t his. P a r t of the censu re a p r imitive peasant e, Wl jack Allsma n .. . .. " Mi nerva" h ld t th d't H h ld , its si m p le hu man jnterests, sim p le e s ou Alice Forman.. .... ... Fost-grad nates s ou go 0 e c 1 or . · nd f a r . sim ] p but · d Ntar_v Clary .... . .... ..... ..... St•nio rs have avoided s uch a hi und er. On JOYS a e s, P sh r e w Rosaline Koh n ... . ...... .... Juniors · b . ' h umor, - that a t mosphere in wh ich Gert rude Clifton Sophomores the other hand, he o VJOusly dare not Loy Hacker ..... Freshmen not devo te hi mse lf too exclusively fo lk-song is ho r n. l t was Viv ia n Bi ~h n p ..... . . Hig h School t th . H . on ly th e pretty p t>asa nt cos. 1Spec ia ls anrl o e sc 1100 1 paper. , e JS n ow M nltH' Adce . . . . · tumes no r t h e admirably f r esh a n d · t Pn parato.n es a cting as b us m ess manager and . . . :'vi r. Pa lmer . .. Sc-1<:nce cluh d ' t f . th NT . l't d . smcer e smg1ng (!)f the fo lkl'rof. F . M . Gregg-Adviser e l or or e 0 1 ma 1 e, a n WI 11 . . . nex t se mest e r take o n t he extr a melod •es, whJc h ach ieved this Entered at the Po!!toffice at Peru, braska a s second-class m:nter.

Ne- ~ "

State Firemen Visit the Nor m al (Con t i nued tro m F irst Pa~e.)

Brittany Folksong Reprod u ced.

v iril e manhood , and made t he old chapel s h a k e i n a way we never have-si nce t he writer has been in sch ool. Fi n a ll y , a f ter much flirtation , c anno n fi ri ng, h orn tooting, and many h ear ty ha n d shakes, the



P robably the m ost d i fficu lt wo rk connected w it h ed it ing- t he school pa per is getting h old of accoun ts of the fu nny happe nings or funn y say ings w hi ch bloom about the campus. I n order to encou rage t he contrib ution of any such rnat e rial wh ich has r eal hu mo r in it, a fi rs t pri ze of $ 1 and a seco nd pri ze of 50 cents is offered for t he funniest s tor y co nn ected w it h Peru school life a nd Pe r u students ha nde d in before February 2. The j ud· g es a re t o he S t even D ueri sch,


Rosaline Kohn , and Mabel Bri dges. Brevity, com position , a nd t he a mo unt of hu mor in the s tor y are t o be cons ider ed in th e ju9ging.

work of subscrip t ion manager, : effect. P robab ly n o ne of us w i ll whi c h inc ludes t he tedi ous work of e ver see pan tom i mic art better of f o ld i ng, a ddressi ng a nd ma i li ng- t he it s kind th an that which bod ied gim let. In- a i t ion , t here is some 1f orth t he -va ri ous peasant types, miscella neous repo r t ing wh ich can- i fr om _the, dr~matic in tensity o f _tlfe not be specifica lly a ssig:1ed to a ny escap m g pnsoner to the charmmg, me m ber of t he st:aff a nrl w hi ch young gi r l and thP m ust be attended to by the e d ito r . licio u s . r o bus tness; of t he jeeringAt t he same ti me, there is some unsen t i men tal o ld wife. 1t was,, subtle "black list" sys tPm wh ich n o_t s urpri si ng - t o lear n t hat th e oper ates among members of t he M•sses Reyno lds s t udied la s t su m- ~ f acul ty a nd s pells te rror to t he m er unde r M me. Yvette <; uilher t , prnfessiona l bl uffe r . T IH•refore·. worl d -famed for hl:'l' song-- impert he editor has one more duLy . He sona t io ns, (:'Specia lly i n th is- fietd.

pouti n~

t i_mes e ig h t patients in . the hos- l between t he li nes. in the N o r ma lp1 tal, _on e stu?e.nt suffen _ng from 1 ~ te box. postoffice in t he Ad tlui ld · ty phoid r ema1 n mg fo r s1x weeks l m g be fore six o'clock Friclav evenand r eau iring necessaril y ni g ht a nd ing except in unusua l eases.. Gi ve day care. a hand to t he g roorl work.

I 1

Mrs. E.

o. P olzcl

Pho n e 2 18 Agen t for Sunn yside Greenhouse F alls C ity, Nebr .


<:::lea ranee

Sale ·

GOODS New Street D re s s e s Just I n






Pr etty easy. A nd a fifty cent t a x proj ect, ~ i th time ly art icles of : TEACHERS W A NTED. j on each student each semester g e ner al 1nte rest, repor ts, local 1 doesn't a t. a ll pay expenses f or th is ite ms, and , al most prayerfu ll y it is F or every Depa rtrnent of school ! g rea t school be ne fit. Last semes- suggest ed to yo u r eaders, acco un ts work. Boards wi ll soon c o mmence ter fo r Ly ca lls were made u pon th e of t he r ea ll y f unn y ha ppen ings a nd to ~lect teachers fo r n ext yea r tra ine d nurse, Mi ss Bar c lay, a t the say ings yo u hea r of about the' ~EGISTER NO W and ~et in on the littl e hospi ta l home. Jn a dd itio n sc hool T h iR C'a n be t h e on lv solu· d lrst vaca ncies. Write today f or . 124 students rece i ved ea lls fro m t io n. Ever y effort wi II be to Ib!Jok. O nly 3 ¥2 '' Com, Pa y able I t he n nrse at their r ooms. Dur ing publ ish these contri hut ions One Nov. 1st. T erritor y: Iowa. W' is, Minn. 1 t h is peri od the re were at va r ious s ide of the sheet, plenty of space Neb. D ak otas and the West. Don't I


"Be you r orders grea t o r small P ho ne or br i n g- th e m one a nd all"


m ust occasio na ll y study. T his being ' Y. M. C. A . the da ta , w hat is t he so lution f or t he proble m '? Those loya l, h i ~; R . W. K <'IIY of the l'e r u State school-spi r ited people, w ho have Bank ~ave a ver y in te res t i ng ta lk on th e g ift of wri t ing in a vivacio us, the "Is le of Ma n " Sunday . .Janu clear , fo:-cef ul way with a refr f's h· a ry ~1. at t he m e n 's m · etil"g. His ing a bsence of Lhe old shopworn, r emin iscence, of his childhood in co nven ti onal, trite phraesology, this li: t lt> island in the l ri .-h Sea m ust cont ri bute fre e ly to t h is were llste!1ecl to ver .v attf'ntively. e nter prise, w hi c h is not at al l in- · Mr. Kel ly bega n teaching at t he d iv i ual, but ver y m uch of a schoo l age of thi!teen un~er bond.

Jus t now as we pay ou r "i nfir rnati on" f ee a ga in , we a r e r e minderl of th e benefits given t o stude nts by t hi s la te ad di t ion to t he scho1•l insti t u t ions, t he hospita l. A seme ster '-s insurance for fifty cen ts.

d e legat es returned to Aubu rn. W e hope t hese men w ill n ot f o.rget o ld Peru w h en a ny of them want a fin e place to l ive o r a good sch ool t o a tte nd. W e also hope t h at we, t h e people of t h e Normal , will never Jose the wo n de.r fu l spi rit and e nthusias·m which t h ese loyal Neb raska townsmen have left amo ng u s. L ast Wednesday's even t s have b een ver y properly ca lled "the finest thing that has str u c k Peru for a long, long ti m e." T yler.


w·E SSE L 'S

S ON S & CO.

NEBRASKA CITY, T eache r s Employmen t Bu r eau, NEBR ASKA E. I. H eue r , Mgr. T H E QUA LI TY ST O I~E 2 28 C edar R apids Savin g Ba nk I Eve r ything Marked in Pla in Figures Ced~r Rnpids, Io w a.


th e F amous Inter'n ati onal T ailorin g Co' s Sample li ne from h ' h beautifu l se lection _for Suit or Trousers and have _t hem made to measure at a r ea w tc, you m en of th e sch ool c an ma k~ a song,ole p rice. Co me and see w hether you want to buy or not.

The Cash Store ,

M. ·E. G OOD

Phone 22




Fre~h an d Cured Mea ts Home made Wienies& Bologn a ~pec i a l t y

F ull line of ca nn ed-Goods \V. C. BURGES~. Prop.

COM l NG! WHAT? The Fortni ght ly Exhibit

For Dainty Women it is the Daintiest

Citizens State Bank AN O LD

Art Club

1 ..

Everything that cou ld be done; ha!' -been rlone to m al<e VIO LEt DULCE VAN ISH I NG C ream the most pe r k-ct. dainty a nd delightful vanish ing creAm that you " •ill find possible to get. No cream of its chan1ctcr enjoyes so wide popularity nor volume of sulc. A proofof it'sQna lity . •




Wfl EN?

Januar v 3 1, Fl·bruary 1 and 2


Help th e boys bewilder Kearney Wed nesday evening, ranuary 24 . . M1ss Irene Wachte . . l has . been e lected to a . posJ b t10n as pn mary teach er at F a1r nry .

Adminis tration

B~ild i n g

\V HOSE Exh ibit?

Miss Kathnrite Wood's bf th.- Lincoln Fi;c Ar t S tore. Who Will Be the Pro'min ent Spenkc r .

- - - -- - - ----·---- -

V c . Cha tela in , M a u agt"r .

N. S. Hi\Ri\JIAN A. H .. 1>. D. ::;. I~ ESf DENT Qffi~.:c

\Vhill- down town go to

Miss Euna McKibbon went to haver produced twa real, delicious, Filley, last t<"riday, to teach j 11 the 1sugaret.l d oughnuts, and g1v 1ng one primary depanmeut o f t he Filley to his colleague, said, between his school;. · rave nous bites, that the affi 1:ma ti~e 't f t th . . . could partake of the hole sm ce 1t orge e Jum or-sen JOr , Don h · II' b d b k was separ ate from the doughnut. alrpu mg- eg par o n - as_ et- Of co urse ever y one could see hy ball game, .Monday even m g, h ffi . ·, h d' t e a rmat Jve s ungry , p 1ea mg " J a· nuary 2 OJ . I h h h I g anres t at t e o e was not sat .ls1 Miss Beu la h Ir win has vowed fying them. T hus the debate was that she will nP.ve r use t he te rm won by the e loquence of t hose "honey" agai n. Why'? As k W.t- 1 ;uppor ting the negati ve 'side. ~ be r Emme n. Re m e mbe r the vespt:"r • ~er v i ce~ 1 Alumni Notes

fo r ,·our

Barber Work All work first cla!ls. Second door from postoflice

Nenl, Clean.


S. N. S. Store




over Pay 8flkery

No t roub1e in writing your 1ettet·s when yo u use it. At the ·

Variety Store



Graduate ol Ch it 4l!O College

KEITH'S Pound Paper


For the New Semester




Dr. P. W. Fling of t he fl t ate Universitv.

Let us supply your

Ihole in the doughn u t is not a

part J of the doughnut. Miss Doris Hayes an.d Mr. Black very ably • t 1ve, ' up he J..lu th e a ffi r ma an11..1 a 1t h o a t fi rs t th ey p 1ea d e d 1n · t l1e d ough nu t's behalf, later they became so T h e speci a ls, so phs a nd fre:shies fiery a nd o ratorical that Miss have organized a bas ket ball team Knight ca me in . But when she with Doris F'rye as captain. 1 hea rd herse lf and the domestic Miss Huth Haub ecker has accept- science department quoted as aned a positi o n a t Hildre th at $65,- , thor i ty s he left in order that ·her high school and commercial work. presence might not influencE~ the Tune up you r meganhon e f or j.honorable- judgs. Miss Reagan and K~.-arney-Peru and seni or-jun ior 1 Mr. Copen have r a rg uing on th e games, J anuary 24 and 2\:l, respec- 1 negat. ive won the debate. As tive ly·. · it neared twelve o'clock Mr. Conen- 1



We :-trc ~_gl'nt~ fo r Carl Er. lic k' s "Nf!n-detl'cta hie" Wigs a nd Tn npec's. Each nne


g uH run lt>t·d.





Ht:udq u arte r ~





next Sunday. M iss Matth ew::; and I 0. W. Osnes, '16, has recent ly S H EET MUSIC Mr. L eger are leaders. Three I been e lectf•d s u peri ntendent of the GASKILL MUSIC COMPANY special mus ical numbe rs . The Carrolt.o n consolidated school near NEBSASKA I NEBRASKA CITY, ho ur-4 :30. ' Dedham, Iowa.


-- ------ - -

Remember the Fortnightly Art l J. ,J. Klima, ' 15, has been reClub exh ibit January 31, February e leclPd s upe rintendent at Shelby , ! Nyal's Toi tet Goods 1 and 2, givt>n under the dir.ecti_on 1 Nebraska, at a salary of $1000. , Denti s t of Miss Woocis, form e r P e1 u 111- 1 Thi s is th e best sort of evide nce Otliee over Variety Store F:-tt'l' l'rCflln Fm·t· Pnwdc·r structor, and now con nected w 1th l that he has mo re t han made g ood. 1 T ulctt 111 I'owe kr C olrl C rl':o m 'lfficc l'hone a~ H c•n,e 71 the Li ncoln Fine Arts Shop. · · th · fh John W LR'ng, '10, who has been t\ )nlond l.oti o n lknuty Bnlm e opport unitY o ear. D o n t m1ss ~.· · f St · t 1 county s upPnntendent at Dory, . S ll:ompon ing P ro f ess£•r r 1 1ng o tne , a e . Montana, wi ll return to Peru nt>xt AII dH I· ;11111111!' ;\; yn I'!' \Jun lit y UniversJ ty . · semes ter to take post graduate R e~ide nce Phone 6 What's going to hapre n yvednes~ ~\ o r k , the exigeneiPs o f poli tic::: Office ov..-r Re xR II Store day? You cion't know'! We ll, you havin g dep r ived him nf h is office. Phnn e~H have t he "sehoul s p in t" ind eed. : . . , DNUGGISTS N EBR . PERU, You don't belong in this great cu m · Mi sS Eva May Ratcliffe, 04. monwealth of ours. Hunt a round di ed January 8 at Hot Spring, S. t hru this paper and fi nd ou t what D. Miss R a t c liffie had taught j 1s to happen We dnesday ew~ning. thirteen years in the high schools at Yet One Thing is Ca 11 at .k 1 a t a e J Bancrofl, Ogalal laand RPrtrand. a nuary _24 . L 1 e y s nCl you r . . IJ Locking just as ignorant of the e nty rtai.il· She was· teaching- thJs yea r at ~·rhe

Dr. R. D. Cole


I ·


White Store.,

Plower!' from~ our !'plenrl ecl Gn·e nhou!'e for tl->e big Occasi0n<; .



ment for JanuaJy 29·. -You'll find that, t oo, di sc ussf'd somewh("re in . thi s sheet. • Of all the we ig hty questions di scussed last week t he re was none of greater mome nt t han the one debated i n the junior class c hap.e l.


Bru le. '16, who llas l Miss Rose Wa ll , been teach ing at Chester, has sca rl et fever. On that account t he schools of Chester have been clos~d. He nry Linn , '16, who is al so a teacher there, vis i ted i n Peru

~------------__:i The issue was, Resolved, tha~ the last week.



For Fresh Fruit Groceries ond Vegetables




• 1- AI

! !...-~""----------===-

TWO . BIG BUDGET ·EVENTS We.dne.sday,Janua~y 24,8:15 '


Basket Ball -· Double Heade·r Kearney Normal vs. Peru Noranal Nebraska City High School vs Peru Reserves Admission Budget Ticket or 25 cents

Thufsday NightJanuary 25, 8: 15 Annual Band and Orchestra Gonccrt Admission Budget Ticket or 2$ Cents WE C LEAN

able, considering the little experi- of Mr. Duerish, clothed in most press, ence these men ha ve had in debat- suggestive and polished English, ' dye, alTyler and Miss Mildred Mania. ing. Only one ·argument seemed elicited a great deal of after-com- t er a r~d repair both ladies' and gent, They discussea the patronage of to be the least bit fan t istic,-not ment from his audi ence. Mr. Iemen 's clothing o f every descripti on . Each of these a ll men who take ·athle tic tra"ininig Owens , while not so free in de home industries. We a lso clean, re pair a nd a lter fursspeakers proved himself to be a can slide down a long flight of stairs and bounce up· unhurt. AI- livery, was long on stat istics and ru gs. dra periel", carpets a nd cu rta ins. self-controlled, f orceful speaker. bert Weinert and J ohn Black show- seemed to have done a great deal We have a specia l depa rtmen t for Miss Monia caused Mr. Tyler's ed some good hard preparation on ?f reading upo~ the subj~et. Dur- the cleaning and reblockin g o f ladcheeks to redden slightly when she tbe question of the advisability of mg the debate Jt was proved - that ies' and gentlemen's hats. We pay referred to him on one occasion as ispens·mg W I·th th e m1·dl emen b ut 1 five- out of . every . f our . people con- ret•irn ch arge!': on a ll s hi pments. ' 'My dear opponent.'' '.'·ere somewhat bas hful in their ! nected With movmg picture s hows DRESHER Friday evening, George Eschenpresentation. The rea l pyrotech- die of tuberculosis-and the audi e - i BROS! 22 1 7 berg and Brantley Co-penhaver dis1 nee gasped. came when Me issner and Eml1-l FA I< N AM ST · nics of the evenino.., O~A f1 A . NEBK. cussed the question, " Tha t intra J ack A lisman and Glenn Kelley at- ! ~ert, f ormer members of Blair _:_ mural athletics is best for a tempted to settle f or all time the hig h school and Peru Normal de school." Mr. Eschen berg's log ic questi on of justness of a si ngle tax bating teams, respect ively , de bate and Mr. Copenhaver's composure on land . According to Dr. H ouse : the preparedness question with a Ca ll at the and gooci deli very were commendone must be either smart or good~ v~m ,_ sureness, logic, accuracy ·of ~ ,. looking to sucr>eed in this wor ld . dlc:•on, and cr edj table de livery ETWEEN friends Mr. Kelley has succeeded, -in prov- wh•ch sent people away with the When lunch or me1-tl ti m ~ "s.:em !': ing that he has promising capa- ....good_ taste in the mouth and a n ena long time off you ca n hu y the gift thot con- bility as a speaker. His diction thustasm for de hates unus ual at Lunch -me a t s , Brel'l rl, Coo kies veys the most of per- pleasantly free from so man.v of th~ ~eru. A little later in the even- F ruits a nd Confectio ner 1 . conventional, stock combinations mg an!louncement was made of t he sonal thought fu I· is concise, clear, some what polish~ following people having won p laces Huy yt)ur Sc· hool.~upp l ies n f ns ness- your Photo- ed, and more forceful than that of on the team ( name~ a r e given a lfa- a nd sa ve the lo ng walk t o town the average student debater. On ?etically with n<;> reference to rankgraph . Allsman, Verne Chatelain, Phone 73 H. U. Landolt 1 the other hand , his sarcasm, altho mg): no't raw, was used a littie too freeDuerish, Bryan Emme rt, H unt, -------1 1 Make an oppoint· ly. His arguments, a lso, were not Ke lley, Kuhlman, and Meissner . ment to day always focust!ri upon sufficient ly. Four. people receivP.d honorable ~r. Allsman replied With pleasing ment~nn: F_lorence Fuller, Myrtl e E.J. NEWMAN v1gor and well selected and balanc- Harn s, N el11e Smith and Mi ld red 1 Pend d' Oreille Studio ed argument, but was especially Monia. Our Shoe Dopa rtrnent Phone 56 P eru, Nebr. forcefu l in rebuttal. 1 Th E -. - - -, -G . . I T . e. pi csopa ulld enJ oyed a some t 1me ago at emng he Sconcl usiOnevening of the logether program the pleasant carne aturday homeev of · M . B · •th h ISS OWE'n The ] s full of the n <·nn • t Wtl· I nn e U WI. • - was . tn g et . t e Ian,nouncement O f tho..;e object of the mee t tng I wmn mg Pares on the team. The acqua inted .th M Nove lt y one:] Staple '-;hews for advisability of a nnexing Mexico Blundell . WI .d rs. Maud e For Any Occasion was first discussed by Ea.-! . Harlow man's A" v!lcl~ presl ent of the Wo- men . wom<· n a nd rhildrr n . . • UXI lary of N e brask· c·t Sm•h as \\'eclrl ings. Rinhd a v We are p lt:Rsed tu show tht·m an d Carne Baie r who gave proof of It was move d and car r it d that a It hY. Parties, Reml'mhmncrs Fu11e~­ to you . a ls , etc. i 11 appr•JpriAte nt·. . e some thoro preparation and abi li ty Guild s hou ld be a ra ngements. No " r dcr to . bl a nch of t he to debate along with the proof he- A .II . . UXI lary. Miss Emm u small and none too large. Iongmg to the s ubject in haml . man wa~:~ elected t r a orennaSteven Duerish and Doc Owen.:l local branch e~surer of the G. E. BERTHOLD debated the worth of the movies me t · · D:u n t y r e fres hTHE FLORIST b bl , n s wer e served and all d interestin g ed feelin th t , epar tpro a Y the most NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA . t d. . . g a the evt>nin h IScussed. 1he logic been most delighf II g ad qu es t lon ye u Y spent. Two Debating Teams are Chosen (Continued !rom First Pac-e.)


_ _____

Avenue Store


' I

' ~=======~======= res owers


h C t Fl












Score 4 1 to 14- Reserves T r ounced

Wednesday, Thu rsday and Friday Pu blic Can Sec Fine Pictures

16 to 14


Per u is to be p~pecia ll y favor ed An unusua lly large and enthuisthis WPPk wi t.h a n art ex hi bi t' and astic g r oup of spectators saw two 1 ta lks h y various JWrsons nf authorfi ne exhi bitions of basket ball last 1 ity along- this line. It is to open Wednesday evening when Neb raska j Wec;I nesday noon. an d r ema in open City high schoo l tr ounced the Peru to the general pubil t' each day 11nd r eserves, and the varsity wa lked a ll 1 evening- until Sa turday noon. On over Kearn ey. Wednef'd::ty cven inl!'. D r. Fl i ng . a The good def ense and the sna ppy man of inter nat io nal r eputat ion. play ing of the h ig h school and the wi ll lect ure. The adm ission to the poor goal tossing of the r eser ~e1: lecture and ar t I'Xhibit is twentyin a large mea~ure acco unted f or fi v'e cents. T hose ha ving t his in the victory of Coach Stevens' tea m. charge deserve special commendaFor t he Normal, Em mer t a nd Craig ti on f or bring ing an exhibit ion of headed the scoring end of t he this class to Peru. P erhaps no town ga me. each getting tVI·o baskets. : of t his s ize in the west has ever Kidd , Ca ld well, anrl Long played a · been so favo red. Along this line , goorl d Pf~ni sve game. j we wish to mention the exhibit of The b 1g ga me of t he e vening last week , which was he ld i n the r esulted in a n overwhelm ing defeat acu lty room. These pictures wer e f f or the Antel opes, who were sadly 1 sent out f n ;m the Pennsy lvan ia outcl assed in ever y stage of t he Academy of l ndstr ia l Ar t , t he Bosgame. The close g uar ding of f' ir• l Row- Lee !'nll th. C n p t:o in S.:h nd<l c.r. Jones School of Fine Arts, and t he ton J ones a nd Spacht r esu I ted in the ~"" 0 "' ' l<ow-T.vo<on, S undiJcrg, Spa.:ht, Bell T h ir d l< t.i w - \JcrJe L u n g, h o tu ~ . C r a ig Tec.tchers' Co llege of Columbia Unilo w score f or Kear ney ' wh ile the Fourth I< ow - l..:idd . C•>U<'h Jobnson, W u dc Caldwell versity. The pictures f rom Co· f T S dJ J F irs t a n1l ~t·t:uud l<u w s An: F'i r s t Tt::un ~l c.-n I g-oa t oss •ng o yson, ~ a n )e rg , =-=-===========~==~~~~~~~~====~== lum bia University were t he same a nd Ca pta in Schne ider qu ickly put : .- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - - - - - -- - --- -_ - _- _-:_-:_:.. -. as those wh ich wcr~ exhi biterl a t 'Peru in the lead, wh ich it mai n- ' San F ra ncisco. ta ined thruout t he game. Schneid- ! Q: er, t he fl it t ing, e lusive center , lo- i II I Band ... Or chestr a Con cert.





cated the ba ske t fr om a lmost a ny/' angle and dis ta nce, and wi th machine-li ke r egular ity he sho t t he goals. Never bef ore in s ix years of observa tion of interco llegiate ! tea ms has t he wri ter ·seen such playingaswas d isplayedbyo nr1917 1 capta i n. Of Peru ' s 4 1 points,

I 50 to be Gi ve n A . way

N 0 bluin g t o p e ddlP, no pamphl etS tO SCatter , DO fake t O it. Re a d t he second editoria l, s e con d p a ge of th i !"i p a pet·


Thru another m isha p, no report jea n begiven of th e prog ram r ender' ed by these exceiiPnt mus ica l orl gani zations u~dE'r thP d~ r:~ti on ?f P r ofessor Sm1l h. A <'l'1 Ll.c1sm wJll !appear next week.




Notice to A ll Gymnasium Gid s.

~chne ider made three-fou rths. Be ll , ·- -:--- -- -- - - -- -- ·- - - - - - - -- - - - - -

Any g-1rl ha ving lost a pa r t of her gym nas ium perip her na li a wou ld do well to ap ply to Professor 1 - Beck f or it bef or e g JvJng th e played I sing : Ki ss ing is th e r e ntnant in ~ arti cle up a nd say ing th a t it will I man of t he ca lf -li cki ng i ns t inct. never be re turned .

and Smi th p layed the fl oor well but I g-a me, an cl a s one s pectator was · cou ld no t locate t he baske t . 1

T he q u intet s howed a consider- / heard to r emar k. " They ab le im pro vemen t over t he las t 1 R8A L ltaskc r ba ll . "


_ __ Psyc hologica l defin itio n of kis

YORK Go111ing to Pe r u


Next Friday Night, Februarv., 2, 8:15 Wo 11 th e S t a te Cha mpious h i p i11 F oot B a l l, now airer S ta te C hampiouship i u B AS K E T BALL. ' . . Yo.-1\ 6 3 K~ arn e y 17, Peru 4 0 Kear uey 14

A dmission Bud g·e t Ticket or 25 cents

~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~M~i~s~ s lH~arrington:--"VVhat is the I .. wh ich were ver Y b etween beet s u g ar and



Make a list of tthe good quah- f!awalla~ songs diff erencer ?. " L ee S mi th :- "One ties yo u nnd. It will surprise you well r eceived. . . h en- cane sug a Th al attractiOn of t e ev r than theother." Miss . . e re I I t with is sweet e other Entered at \ he Postofilce at Peru, Ne· how many th e new student can d ISbraska as second-c ia~~ matter. y And then if you hear him ing however was the P a y e ' k Harrington :-Are t he r e a ny , . . . . h f 1 cha r a cters a ll ta en d' · · ' a ki ng domP1a · Publlsht Weekly "Y the Peru State Normal criticised te ll your pessimisti c e1~ t ema e. . . g irls in this I VISIOn ',, · ' • th Jme up -friend the t hings you know about by boys. H er e s e -h · e s tic sci e nce?" 75 cts. per yea r. Single copy 5 cts. him- the good things. You'll at Princi pal. J ohn Wea t~e: oggDoc ------HOWARD SMITH -. Ed!tor least be different, and you'll find Mrs. Gushove r , a VISitor, TEACHERS WANTED. · A I Ewls 'fYI ER - Assocta te Edttor that it does you m or e g ood than 0 wens. For every Departmen t f school GLE NN 0. KELL EY d 1 B' ' d t Di ck Me issner. • 'll n com mence Busi ness and Subscription Manager him. E ven after you have secure n ge • t work. Boards Wl soo · the list of good qualities and perPreceptress, Wilbe r Emm~r . to elect teachers for next year DE PARTME NT EDJ1'0RS G h M rty Craig · th Be ll us over, ' B. Ia c k • REGISTER NOW and. 2'et ln g irlsa John d on f e Nona Palmer, ..................... . ........ l \I Ul1111l. haps have decided that he is · not Eos Brow n ·············· ............Ph ilomat hean eli g ible f or the e lite of your cotome m.:>re ·' . first vacancies. Wrlte to ay or Marie Mcinty re .......... ··········· v ·· I/l "gc1t et·J· e at least g ive him an " Hell o" H en ry Amend e a nd R oy Benedi c_t.h Only 3lh % Com. Payable Frank Leger ............................. · · · · . . · · )y riC . blank. Elsie Wilburn ················· .... .. .. Y. w. c. A. that' ll Jet him know that Peru isn' t 'Ihe who le pl ay was SimP N 1 t Territory: Iowa. w·is, Minn, Loui!) Wor th, . N. ~·.A. d 1 "th f · g ir ls' a tte mpt to ov. 5 • Cha rlo t tl.! Sixta, .......... ... Er•scopal liu•ld. the wor st refri ger ant in the world. It eat WI OUJ · • d N b D kotas and the West. Don't Bryan Emmert, ................~ ........A thlcti~s All sounds mini steri al, d oesn't have a f eed f or th e ir boy :nen s, a Obl iterate that phase fr om and the breaking up of th eir plands ' eTay. 1 B Miss Bowe n ......... ················ ... .. . ~lus•c n osalie I<ohn ............... ················ ... Hu mor it "! 11 . principal an e ac lers Employment ureau, Mrs Nellie M. Smitn, ........ ..... .... Locul your co rtex. The impersonal by the we m eanw g E. I. Heuer, Mgr. J aclc Allsman . ...:...... ............ " 1 \l inen•a'' W th hogg cerAiice Forma n...... ·............. .Fost.grn cl ua tcs " you " has been used as the shor t- vis i to r . J ohn ea er · 28 Cedar R apids Sa ving Bank Ma ry Clary ...... .............. ······ ······· ~en~ors est way t o f ocus the point. tainl y mi ssed his ca lling by n ot - 2 Cedar R a pids, Iowa . ~~;:;~~~~~m~~~ ·:.·.·.·.·.·:.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.:.·:.·.·."soph~~~~~~~ Aga in, may I r epeat, let us gi ve being an o ld school teach~r. Dt~~ Loy Hacker.... .... ....... ....... .. Frc~hntc n the other f e llow a greeting when I Owens was ver y good as t le por_ . II Vivian Bishnp ...... ··········· .. . High School d . other of' Be ll and the wife "Be your order s g r eat o r sma . . j Specials and we meet him that would warm our a onng m r bring th em o ne and all" lllattJe Adce ....... ·········· .. I p rcpa ratorics a of G usho ver. H o w he co uld get Phone o . TO !VIr. Pa lmer .. !ki~ nc-e Cluh hearts were we a stranger in k . h dl Prof. l~:· fvl. Gregg::.:.:~\d viscr stra nge land . hi s vo ice into tha t sq uea IS ar y . . . I: Kelley. :fath oma ble . L.i ttl e Bell w as L.i• • Tha t poet of th e common people, ------ming in her no1sy w e lcome of her Phone 21 8 A ent for Sunnyside Greenhouse Nixon Waterman, has written thi s L ast week, two pri zes wer e off- moth er and her d esire ( ?) to have g Falls City , Nebr. tritefull y true bit of ver~e:ered , a first pr ize of a dollar and a her stay f or t he f eed. Li zzie E m ' 'If I knew you a nd you knew nte, second p ri ze of fifty cents, f or the mert a s the stern preceptress was If both of us could clearly see, best joke heard about the Peru a dandy. When " s he " chased the 1 1 And wi t h an inner sig ht , d iv ine campus, the sam€::. to be written u p "girls" to bed w ith a r evol ver a nd The mean ing of your heart and in as spi cy a f orm as p.ossi ble, and a stern expression, w e all ag reed 1 mine, t o be handed in on o r before Feb- that the force of her intent ions was !' I'm sure th a t we would di ffer less ruary 1. Not one story has so far sufficient to get the m thP.re. Al\d clasp ou r hands in friendliness. been ex poserl. This offer is entire- Meissner as th e Iri sh bi dd y added I Our thots would pleasan t ly agree ly bona fide. Don't be a fra id · one more star to his cro wn ~f f~me ; If I knew you and you knew me . .' Ther e' s no sti ng in it. Get exer- in imper sona ti on. My ad jeCtiVes , The new student en~ering Peru ted a little a nd send in the story are nea rl y exhaus ted but al l those I mid -year, unfo r tunately , does not of t he f unni es t happening or f un- tha t mea n or impl y classy, ori g inkn ow us nor we him. It is especia- niest say ing hea r d of about the a !, par excell ~nt ·.can be a p plied t o ll y difficult f or him, t oo, because Peru campus. Grading on brc:v- the characten zatJOn of th e boardwe older studen ts have be::ome set ity, point of story , and composi- 1 ing school mi sse:> b y th e o ther 1 1 in our environ ment and have estab- ti on. Judges- Rosa line Kohn, j th ree m ember s of the cas t . j li shed our select c ircle of fr iends. Steven Duerisch, and Ma bel Br id- I "Mi ss" Ame nde's pi a no solo d eThe cla mmy, di shrag handshake g es. Time will be extenberl to Feb- serves pa rticula r m en tio n. Won't th~t so me of these newly r egister ed ruar y 9 ,fi o' clock. all you people lucky e no ug h ro see st udents receive is d isgust ing in this be · glad you W<'n t t o see such t he ex t reme to those f or tun ate stuPhilo Notes. prett y gi r ls if nothin g else? • d ents who can forget th at dad has The meeting of th e Philo soc iet y Mr. Hun t' s fa r ewell a. ldress in I a For d and $500 in t he F'i rst Na- was well enjoyed, j udg·in~ f r om the beha lf of the r et iring p rogram ti ona!. r oars of la ughter w hi ch g reet ed t he committee has f ound a n ec ho in the Wa rm up, fellow stu den ts! If actors in 011e numbe r o f th e p rogram hearts of t he progr a m committee t her e isn't some good in t ha t new -e ig ht of onr boys attem ptin~ t o member s. I lonesome s tudent, what is he among im per so na te g ir ls in sc hool and So ende th thi s acco unt of a s up' ls fo r"? Anybody is co mpe- the ir teacher;;. morta erfine p rog ra m. t ent to point out and magnify hi s Ri chard Me issner gave three Profes;;or Grt'gg, t ry i ng to pr ove i d iosyncrasies. lf yo u wa nt to dis- r ead ings, " Rosa, " i n lla l i ~ n d ialt he powe r of s uggestirm : -"Oh, ting u ish yo urself, go arounrl point- ect, ' ' A Bowl of Noor!l e-so u p, ' in loo k a t t he flock o f geese !" ing ou t the pleas ing q ual i ties. Ge:·man, a nd a n unna med one i n Eve ryo ne t urnP.d to lnok ou t of Put hi m on a mental dissecti ng United States- thi s last one beingt he wi ndow except Doc Owens. t able, if yo u please. Cut him to an Pxpose on ' ' Coa l Oil," a nd Prof essor Gn:·gg :- "Why, Mr. l NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA pi ee.es and see what's in him. Re- hence extr emeley en lig htening to Owens , d iun't yo u look o u t at t he member - you are • looki t.g fo r the all p resent. The qua r tet co mposed geese'! ' ' TH E QU ALITY S T ORE • good. Throw away any bad you of th e Chatelains , Jr vin Ca lrlwell Due O wens :- "1 di d n' t have t o. I Everything Marked in Plain Figures. may discover and pr oceed to fo r get and Arth ur Longfel!.•w gave two I just looked around the r oom .








,, I!


I·T· rs.

0 Pol zcl


E.leaPance Sa le



Ready-to-wear Q·Q QDS



- - -----

New Street Dresses Just In ·





th e F amous International Tailoring Co's Sample line from w hich you m en of th e sch ool can make a beautiful selection for Suit or Trousers and have them made to measure at a re aso n~ble pri ce. Com e and see w hether you want to buy or not.

The Cash Store


Phone 22


Prof. F. M. Gregg went t o Auburn last Thursday where he ga~e the last of a series of Jecturt.s. On this occasion he spoke to the boys of the high school on sex hygiene, and had th e best of attendance and r apt attention.

The New Setttestor V. E. Chatelnin, Mnnage~.

ce n t~ .

~o l d :11




R ay Robertson of Auburn , last year prin~i pal at Newman Grove, i s he r e for the second semester. Welcome back, l<obbie. M iss Charlotte Sixta left for her home in Schuy ler on last Monday. She fioishe~ her work this semester, and is going to take a much n eed e\f rest for the next few months. Miss Sixta is an accompli shed vio lini st, a nd she a nd the "fiddle" wi ll be greatly missed.

At the N. S. N. S. Store for

Price 50


W. C. BURGESS, Prop.

School Supplies

Everyt hi ng that could b e· done·; hu~ hl·en done to p1ake VIOLET DULCE \'At\ISHI 1'1~ Crt·fl m the m ost perfect, dninty and ckligh trul ,·:onishing crrr.m th at you w ill find possible t n get. No en·am or its character enjoyes so wide popul:tri ty nnr ,·olumr of su le. A proof of i t's Qualit.v .


CITY MEAT MARKET Fresh and Cured Meats Home m ad<" Wienies & Bo logna Specia l ty Full line of can ned Goods

AU Sorts of

For Dainty Women it is the Daintiest

Citizens State Bank

Miss Lola Temple left for h er home in St. Loui s last Saturday, having completed her work last semester.

L ou is Wirth, who "was pai nfully i njured by a buzz saw in the manual training r oom , writes that he is feeling much better. The second and t hi rd finge rs of hi s lef t hand were a mputated but the first and fourth fingers a lso slashed and


·=============~ / the thumb wi ll be permanently

Miss Charlotte Sixta p layed tw 0 violin solos a nd the exqu1s1te 1 charm of the music sent an appeal I to every one in the audience. I Jewe I ry & Fountain Pens Do you beli eve that the For t- .I ni ghtly Art Club Exhibit ought n ot Bring thl'rn t o Elli~ Lite .Jl'\Vl'lt•r to he m issed? Hunt for their pr o- '' For Repair>', gram elsew here in the paper . A 1 th e Over in th e man ual training r:l e- 1 partment teachers must make models of the project to be taug ht to the students. Vic is just com _ I pleting a bird bungal ow wi t h ope nWhilc:- down town go to ings so large that a sig-n has been put over the doors, · ' No crows I a llowed.'' for y our Prof. G. D . Sweezey, of the Un Barber Work Neat, C lean. All work first class. i versity of Nebraska, gave a le cSecond door from postoflice ture on astronomy in the hig h school room last Monday evening We :1 re agents for Carl ErThe lecture was illustrated b~· Jan lic k's •· Non-detccta hle" Wigs tern sl ides and was very interest o ne Each anri Toupee's. in g and instructive. gua ran tecrl . Miss Mami e R. Mutz of t he a 1·t KINGSOLVER & COW ELL depa rtment gave a lectu re to th e •'WESTSIDE BAIWEI< SHOP" students of the a r t class on Monda y eveni ng. V iews were s hown illus t1t:tldqu art ers ior trati ng the lect ure, whi c h was up on the ear ly Egyptian and Grecia n Pianos Victrolas architecture and t he· splendi d SHEET MUSIC buildings at the t ime of the Roma n GASKILL MUSIC COMPANY supremacy, churches of the earl y

Watches, Clocks


Variety Store CHASE'S


s tiff. An old pr oblem for t h e calculus N. S. Hi\Ri\JIA N class: If it takes a four-months' A. B .. D. 0. ~. old woodpecker with a rubber bill Graduate of Chicago College Oenlal Surgeon 9 m oonths anrl 1;1 days to peck a ~ES l DENT DENTIST hol e thru a cy press log big enough OHiee ~~~· cr" Fay Bakery to make 117 s hing les, 165 shi ngles being required fo r a bund le wor t h 93. cents, how long w ill it t ake a cross-eyed grasshopper with a cork leg t o kick a ll the seeds out of a Dentist di ll pickle? Office over Variety Store Paul Thomas, who attended Peru NEBSASKA I NEBRASKA CITY, Office Phone 33 Hou~e 7i" Norma l t he first se mester of th e . Chrisians, and down to the late ca present school year an d n ow dt- th e d ra 1s . It was very interestin g rects the band and orc hestra oragn- . d 0 • . , 1n ee . DR.B.L. SHELLHOR N •tzatJOns Ny denh1 Tooth Paste at Ch ad ron Norma 1, wntes Re~idcnce Phone G that hi s work is very pleasant,- Y. M. C. A. andY. \VI, A. Notes C leans nncl polis hes the teeth Office over Rexa ll Store and one would add, p robab ly heavy, cosidering the fac t that he Owing t o a complication of mis - anrl filling~ with o ut Scr:tt rh in g. Phone 3 l I 'rrven t!' rli~color:t tion n ncl dehas some twt>nty-five pr i vate stu- 1 haps , no report of the vesper ser NEBR. PERU. de nts in v i-olin and o ther instru- ; vices held by these associat ions fll'nc:fit!': t hl' )!IIIIlS . CHV. menra l mus ic. · j January ~8. is i nserted i n thi s The Kind Thnt Smi th l i s(·~. To s up port the theory that a week's Normal i te. From frag Valentines of Flowers child up to the age of t w<:' lve years ments of conversation heard aho u I· You wil l find here a n1re collec- is p rimar il y an egotir-:t, self-center- the campus on th e day foll owing teo n uf flowe rs !'llita ule for Val- ed and not at all an a l truistic be ing, it is to be judged that these meet OUUGGISTS entines. From these you cnn se- Professor Gregg r elated the follow- 1 ings wer.e ul)u sua l in th e great sat lect tbe correct rernembc rance for ing story rt>cently: Ot is Gregg, a isfaction given to the wors~ipers the s weetht·art, wifc:-, sister or boy of .twe lve, ~ad over h.earcl ~he in atte nda_n_c_e_. - - - - mother. di scussion of an tnst ance n. wh1ch He re are a fe w s uggestions fo r his fa t he r had '"bawled out" a stuFortnightly Art Club Program. ·· her ''. of Cr.rsnge houq uets, $1.50 Anrl o ent, however, with no ma licious I Wedensday , 8 p. m., Dr. F li ng. intent . whatsoever. The boy's Thu~sday, 3:30, 8tchingr-:, Miss upward~; Flowe•· Basket. $ 1. 50 find upwMd~; Bouquets, $ 1 00 commen t was that "Papa ought not Brown. for and upw;trds. bawl out st ud e nts, " and f or a mo- Thursd ay , 4:30, Madon nas, M i~s P IRce yo ur orders to-day for ment it seemed that h e re was ar. '"-en and Wome11 Hantho rn. delive ry on St Valentine dHy. example of t rue a ltru is m cropping i''ri day, 3:00, La ndscapes, Mrs. at out at an ear ly age, but after a Delzell. SIMANTON litt le refl ection Otis continueb, " It Friday, 4:30, Story te lling pi cNEBRASKA. FALLS C ITY, hurts my suit case trade. " tures, Mi ss Har r ington.



Dr. R. D. Cole










A New Line

Tenois Shoes




''The White Store''

. I



Yes, The Great Masters are


Don't go to Boston, New York or Dresden to sec wh·at you May Enjoy at Peru Jan. 31, Febr. I and 2.

Annual Exhibition of the Fortnightly Art Glub.


Principal speakers, Prof. F. Fling of th_6 State University, has international reputation.

Will you neglect such Opportunity? Proceeds go to fund for pictures for Normal buildings, Lin coln's New Symphony Orchestra. Lamont Schaefer, whose wonderful Wi th in the las t decad e the U nited violin r ecital her e th is fa ll no one States hasexperi enced a phenomen- has forgotte n. A portion of the a ! evelopment in popular apprecia- commen t in Saturady's J ournal is tion of orchestral music. NP.w her e r eprinted: York, Boston, Chi cago, P hiladel"The first concert of th e new phia, Minneapo lis, St. Paul and Lincoln sy mphony orchestra , un der Cincinnati have great orchestras, the di rection of Jean Lamont the best of which ri va l in merit t he Schaefe r, was a finished per formlong-establ ished org ani zat ions of ance· which would be a credit to European capitals. Omaha has fo r ol der orchestras a nd muc h la rger several years been work ing toward cities. Mr. Schaefer, who is r ethe same goal t.hru her excell ent spo nsible for the ventur e, made Study Orchestra, directed by good hi s asser t ion that Lincoln has Hen ry Cox. Las t week a similar plenty of or chestra l materi al. Mr. enterprise was launched in Lincoln, 1 Schaefer proved an exper ien<·ed an.d due to th e in itiative of Mr. J ean . capable conductor. Und er h1s ..= - - . I baton t he thi rty-five musicians, 1 ' most of whom wer e unaccuston:Ied to symphony music, played wi th energy and preci s ion and presented ' effectively th e de li cate shades of interpretation indi cated by the T H O SE pM t m i t s t h at conductor." portray y o u1· trill' p~ r,: o n-

Better Than Ever

;tli tv .

Yon1· fri ~nd s app rr('i!l te t hem. i\ fn kc th e Appo jnlm<·nt.


Pend d' Oreille .Studio Phone 56

Peru, N ebr.

Fresh Cut Flowers For Any Occasion Sul: h r~ ~ \V erl rl ings. llin h rlity P:~ rtt e~. l~e rn t• m brrt nct·~ Fu nt•rals , etc. in app r opri:n e r a ngemcn t ~. 0i' n o nlt•r ,; mall and n o ne to o l;11·gc.




21 11 -17 FAI<NAM ST ., <H1 Ai-i .\ . .:'\ E I:H<.

Sorn P. bus i ne~~ co ncerning com menceme nt exe r cises was di sc ussed. Any ~ ne hav ing any i nforma tion bout any mini s ter wi'Jo wou ld be the one per s•m t o g i ve our baccalaurea te address, see e ith er Miss BloRs, Miss Cook or Mi ss Os borne .


15 Rahs for The New Students Sch ool Supplies , C onfl'ction e r y , Fruit,.;, G n1ceri<·>' , i\1ea t ,:, B1·ea rl a nd Coo kies the A Yenue S t o1·c \\' o uld lik e to sell. Bu / of u s a nd s:t\'t' th e lo ng wall< to to wn .

Three Sf'hi or s w ho ha vn ' t been to class chapel have con fid ed t o m e that th ey ar~ coming tom:lrr.nv to Juni.o r Class Chapel. the ·· F utur ist Orphe um" pro~ra m . 18 steps from the Campus It is often said tha t mere ly to Jus t wha t that is to be is a dee p entertain peopl e is not a rli fticult da rk secr et . Phone 73 task, but that to entertain th em Mr. and Mrs. Ma pp,s ha ve left and at th P. same time to instru ct Pe~n. for ~inco ln . Mr. Mapes has / the m is a lmost an impossible feat. atned h1s B. o f Ed. d eg ree from ob .. If this is so, th e juniors were doub Per u a nr! will now wo rk toward ob ly f ortunate in ha ving Mi ss Ti htaining t nf' A. B. deg ree fr om th e betts speHk to t hem las t Thursday U11i w r:; ity of N ebras ka . We sha ll at class chapPI. 1-1 er talk on Porto Jan. to f-ebr. Rico was inten,;cl y in terPsti l11! :'I s mi ss t hi ~ big-wai sted, big-h t'artetl, well as educa t ive. Th e descr iption ger. ial man greatly .


u. Lando:t

One Week Only 27


Big Exciting Days

of t he s mall volcan ic island a nd of the natives who are trying t o hecome true Ameri cans, was so vividly told that the hi g h schoo l room seemed to drift a way and hecome a part of th e isalnd i n the Atlantic.

Phi l Rouse r ece iver! hi s commi s- j s ion as second li e ute wtn t in his Money given away company last wee k. Th is is the 2 0 pc•· eent reduc ti o n o n wint n second promotion s in ce entering , the machine g u 11 com IJUny i 11 De- , un d rnvc ilr, swe nt er~& h <l th rnh<·!': ceml-er. P hil says his com pany ; \\lint e r· ·S u ·t . t s, 1l ' SS th :ctn m :•r kt' t will "sur e" leav e t he bor d er f or pn ces. Ten young ladies from th e Norma l form ed a party a nd atte nded a Nebraska on or be fQr e Fe bruary 3 _ • S h ot•s 20 pn ct- nt l e~s t hn n play at Shuber t, Wed nesday night. Mi ss La ng don of Seward mark<-t p•·iees. J. A. Hays, chief engineer at has arnved In Peru. and will assis t ' the Norma l, was called to Lincoln Miss Hosmer i n the ki nde rg arte n Thursday, on Norma l businetis. ' th e coming semes te r . I





~·· ·· ft:1 1"



... .


r ol

NORMAL QUINTET WINS TWO GAMES ~ -...:.u.......;...::.~..~..~..U.~.-..~o~o~..;;.;.:....---------------. ! MEISS~_EH'S T~QUR~ . , pCAYS /~~~~L

$.1,,50 to be GivenwA way . ·

Peru Adds Scalps of Newton, Kas,, and

t •'l' l• j " T" ll " A 'The Fortune Tnunter 1-argeiY, 1 .t ... 1 te~'p,e;d <Jnd Much Enjoyed ·:


York to Its Belt

No bluing to peddle, no pam ph.; • Tue.sday I lets to scatter, no fi::fk'~o,j to it.

.. ·-'

Hopes f •.'r a national champion-

· · The play, '"rhe Fortune


·::~ ,:.. ., nnter, . .,

1 ship were shattered last was give'n liePofe '·:a represen'Cati._ve 1," evening by Coach Johnson's fight~ ~··•I " ' " , and appreciative audience. in the 1 il ing quintet, wh en the Newton, Read the second editof'lial~ I· second page of Chapel on Saturday eyenit~ I!J Mr. 1 Kas., All Stars went down to de- l '" · ', Meissner , as "!'J Duncan. th e . this paper _. feat before t h e Bl ue an d Wh 1te. ' fortune hunter , was an espPci~lly Never before has such whirlwind strong <'haracter. H e has a· cha rfloor playing and uncanny basket ~cteristic, s~~;e manner, .,;,;hi ~/, i111; · ·,. "shooting" been witnessed on the inter-collegiate championship at' Vincen't J·anda, '15, who is at- m~diately'wihs his audience, • and · · home floor. ::;take. . ,, ; ;-; j ten ding the University of Nebraska his pe~formance upon thi s occa- •·· '' Newton started off like a flash From the toss-up till the end l this year, ' visited in Peru last swn did not fall short of its ·usual and scor ed in the first two minutes Peru took and maintaillled•, the ·lead-1' -week. '' 1 " excellence. He has a way of getof play, but were unable to tnain- altho at times it was by a si ngle Miss Jess e Downing. t!ng his interpretations " across" 1 . tain their lead. By the middle of point. P eru 's defience pl'0\led a • M' J . D h h tci his audi ence, wh i ch is unex · · ld 1 ISS ess1e . own mg, w o as . . the first half Peru took t h e Iead , I bulwark whic h t h e. •VJ Sttors cou h f th h . t . . 1pfainable. Miss E ls ie Wtlburn, as 1 0 1 which it constantly increased. not break thru. ·Sandberg and Spacht c arge e P yslca ram m g ! the druggist' s daughter was well department for ~o women, pre s~pted ' . The second half was fast er played above form while JCUI~tl'l, . · . fitted for the part and played _,_It h d one of the best evemng;l) e11~ertam' . k d , h I d fi d S d T and more ercely con teste t an chneider an yson •p aye .a; .goo · ment the past week t hat Peru has well. As some one r emar e conthe first. Newton broke thru consistent•game but were stiVI sll.ffTh ' cerning her, in the last act, " sl1e ·• 1s en- , was certa1nly . ;1 Peru's def ense severa I times b ut ering from t h e e ff ects of ., t he. ··N e.w- witnessed for some time. a dear. , . M'1ss Ro11y could not consistently locate the ton game. "Sandberg aame -••d.)l .,on • and M 1ss H ouston, the other fe ma le hoop. Schneider anrl Jones who the long end ofi•the •scor ing-: f.on v_th e characters in the play . were also at or 11 were both playing marvelous ball Normali:tes, wioth several .pretty the 1their best. Glen K elley', ol as were injured somewhat but fought dribb les• followed by I unctanny dru ggist, was almost without critI• gamely to the end. Schneider uasket "shootiltg." ·n ' i cism. Verne Curry, as the town t ime after time caged see mingly York p layed a ha rd, fierce game sport, &nd "Doc" Owens, as the imposs i ble baske ts while Tyson and and were unnecessarily · •rQ,u g h. live;-yman's son, d eserve special Sandberg fed th e ball to him and Perhaps thi s was due more tfl the men t ion. Vern e, who is some· shot occasional goals t hemselves. fault•of the ,eoach1 than to the spirit thing of a " Ch'6 ll y Boy" anyway, Newton played the ball dow11~ th.e, of the 1 players h the mselves. Line- 1 surely founcl 1h ~ m se lf ~ and "Doc," floor with a ~peed that t hreatened to up: ··• who "couldn' t hardl y get engaged sweep every thing before it, but Spacht •: ,.,. rg. Priebe with so many hang in' round , " wa s Spacht and J ones were rig ht th ere J ones Jg . Glur / a "scream' ' from start to fini sh. to guard the crafty elusive forwards. Schneider c. Jahn 1 ·1Anci we must also ment i on Wi lhur Toe fina l whis tle blew amid aseries . Sandber-g rf. Sto n~r E'm mert, th e old sheriff, who gave of br illi ant plays and Peru left the 1Tyson If... Burke, Ca!Jt. some g odd advice on getting mar<-' _, floo r wi th th e long, ri ed, as 'sllowi ng up to th e hes t 'ad - _," .. ·'end ) of a score Substitute, Sm1th fo r Ty~un. of 18 to ~0. R~feree , Stoddard of Aubu rn. vantae. · All in a ll, ·the 'play was or·· Tn e visitors took defeat ' g rat, .., , Al'UffiOI -;- . -N- 0 tes ' ' ' .,·s uch 'charac't er tha t each one ri Pc iously ane proved good sportsmen c' ard s· h'ave been · r ece 1veu . ..1 a nn 0 u n · 1 tPrrainment ·~ h ow erl . th e · res ult of :, s ~rves specia l .menti on, hut space , thruout the game. Line- up: '-' Mi ss Downing's excellent training :. doe.s not perm i t of too mtH'h f' lHh· 0 c1.rl'g r the arn. va 1 o f' n.o::.amun . 1 1 Peru . Newton. ..~ f M and ab ility •' · ' • J ora l ion. However, mu ch cred1t • ·• ' Grant, uaug hter o r. anu Mrs. · · ,. . . . . . , ·" Sand ber g f. Junes . • t'' C ,, · b . S he is a g rarluato nf Dav 1d Ctly , should be g 1ven Mr. Me1 ssne1, who Fred E H a lle tt o ham ~t J a Jn , :::>. • 1 . , . , . Tysun f. I)otson fJ • hig h school, attemlP.d t he Un ivers· had t he se leet1ng of t he cast , and ,, 1 Schneier c. Str auss · . .. ity of Neb'fa~ka fou r years maj or- t he coaching df ' the play . Con: !d · . Roy, B · ,,Co urer ,· '15, wno 1 ~ at ing in phys ica l education . . h f h , I' f t 1·.e G olrllng Jon es g. •. '•' and hold s ' enng t e act t a t eac 1 one o ::ipac ht g. __. K le imer the head of the manual t_raJ nJng a city s tate sup~rvi sor's certi licate . cast is al so carry ing sch ool work Ref er ee, Stevens of Nebr aska partm~nt in H emet, Ca in., wn ws ! ~he .wac; cit.v d irector ar.d play- ' too much prai se can not be givt n J. 'J tnat n1s P,.eru manua u 1· 1gro u nJ ::;unervi sion of th e Rea t nce . I t hem for t he 1r · . e ffor · t s. bY one w I'> 11 11 1 1 Cicy. ,, ' . 1 l tra1n1ng • No less fi erce ly contested was the ploma ha s been acce p ted and tna t jschools Wh il e in Heatrice she l is fa ir m i nd·~d . 1 • • • ' • ' · I k ne is e nu tled to teacn manual ' ' . - -- -- - game on Fnday evenmg wrth Yor · 1 plann t>rl a nd presen ted a May fes u - y M C A d ' Y \VI C A Notes· • .» trainJng 1n a ny secondary scnuvJ 1n · ·· · , . . , <Jn . , . , -. College. champions, n who'' wen !' 'tle1 . ! ~al in whi ch twelve h und rerl ch ild- . • t... ' Cal fornia 'l'nis 1::; nut on1y a nn ~t · I N11 meet ing ::; of these two a:<· , 1 . 1 f eated for t he fi rst t 1me- ~11 s season · .. ren took par t . ; . her snciat ions were helrl ·Sunrlay, lw- _ . . II . t'h ·l ~ t " - -b M - .I ::iS D 1Wnmg . .' f nrct' f u 1 1n 10 mter-co eg 1ate a e 1cs, Y a tCJbute t o Mr. Couer,. bu . L 1 d lcl:LS .: 1s . . J ·cause o"f th e storm~· weather . N<•xt credit upon P er u, as 1t I S un u.,u<d · h h ·score of 9 to 1 8 . wnrk ~ n d o 1r1s er slur1em s l'I )( H · . f his game while not so full of f,or California to _g ra n t thl ~ c.mc:,~~ ~ ly··to the hi g h s tanrlarcls of her nnwJ:,Sun day. ·~!f ~lr uar~Ql lt, Jt'dnaH . ' . . sia n to a ny norma l school s t uu er•L. . . , . . . · w ill lead V:. W. C. A., a n owarr thn lls a nd sen::;a t10na l .p)a.Ys,. , wa::;, . - , ,, , ; , · '~'l)... ~n rtea l8. She 1s alw ays w ill1 ng and .. . , 1 < M' ('' A~· · S b' . ., .-. 1 r , 1 J h on B t;d v . . · S m tih r. . l1 Jeer., . M ISS n aze o ns • · • mo re interestin <Y f r o m a score ·• ' anx io us to co-operate 1n a ny actJv-' 1" S d ,... · ts apd th e Chhr ch " !11111 v standpoi nt. The Normal had a writes that ·s he is enJOYI ng 11$f'~ llY which she sees is for t he au· 1 " L _e n •., 1 . ! , . J , .. • , cl




·· · ''''"'





I ·· ,,


de- l



football de feat to w i pe out an and I work in Alliance.

vancement of t he s tl1UI'f•t bun y.



I Psp~c t•t'vely.

contrast s af!d brilliancy that V:e as1 B d nd Orch estra Concert. My fr1 endsh1 p, or the Annua an a Jed h~ur soc1. ate WI'th t he' playing of th1s orabsence of my fri endship for her, Exactly a t t he schedu S 'th ga01. za tl'on . Miss Jeanette Meyer Entered at the Postnffice at Peru, Ne· ld not have notably affected her Thursday evenin~, Professor mfil t t hen sang, to the band's accompa~: braska as second-clas.; matte!'. wo u . . took baton in hand for t he .rey . Jmen t, L o h r 's ''Rose of my Heart Pubitsht Weekly by the Peru State Normal social activit ies. number of the band a nd or chestra 'th a charm and appeal that capM' Mey Who am I? You dor.'t knoow t one of t he year's most WI t ivated her audience, as ISS . • 75 cts cr car. Single copy 5 cts. . . concer • . · P Y me? I am Just a lonely. shy sp1r- •popular entertam ments. e r 's beautiful voice and gracwus ·. Ed!tor , it- haven't been at school long. • Par t one of t he fou r-part p r o- · HOWARD SM ITH fol, presence never f a1·1 t o do · The . A. LEW IS 'rYLER . Associate Editor But I have learned already that the gram inclurled t hree numbers by . band numbers Stickney ' . s GLENN 0. KBLLEY · t' · h h · d t h is JowmgBusiness and Subscription Manager ' ha rrlest tale t o get an apprec 1a 1ve t he orchestra . wh1 c s owe we II . k now n ''Serenade • ' ' contamed - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - }listener for is the tale of your own year a good balance a mong s tr ings, a delight ful' duet for baritone a~d DEI'AR'rMENT EDITORS Th Nona Palmer, .......... .......... .. ...... Alum ni woe. Guess I ' ll go now. Pretty wood-winds a nd brasses. er e t . I n t he overture to Suppe . . s Eos Brow n ...........................Phil om~thean day, isn' t it? was sureness of a ttack t hruout. corne ' ' Poet and Peasant,,, very artiSticMarie Mcintyre ............... .... Ev~rett h h b es were Frar1k Leger .............................¥. lll. C. A. I n the first mar c t e rass a lly interpreted , one real ized ~or t_he Etsi~ Wilburn ................. ........ Y. W. C. A. The prize stnry contest is sti ll in particu lar ly good; t he second nu m· first ti me that the band Jacks Its Lou1s Worth N. 0 ·A. ff · Charlotte Six'ta, .............Er•iscopal Gui!rl. t he going. If you hear t hat f un- ber gave opportunity for e ecttve usual complement of numbers-a B~yan Emmert, ................. · ...... Ath~t!~~~~ niest get-off or about that f unniest shad ing a nd dainty wor k with the Jackpevirlent only in the more del0 ~~:~~~ rt;~~.-~~~·::.:~.::::::·:.:~:::~: ."~: Humor happeni ng around about t he cam- strings; the intermezzo included a i cat~ and subdued passages. An 't · "0 l\1rs 1Netr1c li\'(S .. ml n, ...... ..... . Loca ' ..l pus, elaborate it a little and make 1 cut clarinet so lo· and m Jack Allsman .................. ....... " M 1ncrva c ear• . inspiri ng march based on national Alice Forman .................... 1-'nst-gra~u~llt's yourself therewith a contestant in Sol Mio," t he appeal of the Itahan ai rs , and brilliantly played, closed M ary_ Cl ary ................................. ·St·mors · IYuniors t his fu nny story contest. F'Irs t folk-songs was made e ff ect1ve a con..:er t thoroly enjoyed by every ~~:~~~~~~ ~t7Pt~~~; ·.·.·.·.:soph!)mores prize, $!.00. Second prize, 50 . Part two brough t before the aun ).' HnckP.· Freshmen . ts . member of the big aud ie nce. ;. · -~ · · .... .... ....... ...... Hi h School cents. So far one story h as come I dience sevreal popu Ia r so lOIS '\ 1v1an l:l1. hnp ...... .......... .. f! W ld "S :\'I . • Ad j Sp~cials an~ in to the judges. hy yo u cou Miss Sixta p!ayed Drla's ouve- • 'Be you r orders great or small • att1e cc ................. .. 1 p n·paratnncs d ·· b d P hone or bring them one and all" ., · ,. at least win t he secon pnze Y n ·r " with an excellent tone an. · 1 ;1.1 r. Pa !mer .... . .. ..... "<'1.-ncc '- 111 1> • TU l'rof. P. M. G rt'J!f!-Arlv i ~cr sim ply catchi ng something from sincere feeli ng, maki ng her aud it t he lips of Schne ider or Marty : ors regre t a new t hat this is her I have two friends in Per u. Craig, and sendi ng it to the jud ~.t- last perfo r mance her e. It will be P hone 2 18 Age nt for Sunn y ,;ide OreenhoUt;e There's a young man in t his es. Rouse up. All stori es must long befor e Peru hears better corFalls City, ~ebr . school who spoke to me t he first be in by six o' clock Fri day even.- netists t ha n Mr. Se lement a nd Noday I set foot on Peru's campus, ing, Febr uary !>. Normalite box, va k. and t he pleasure of t he aut he greenest frosh of them all. He postoffice, ad min istration building. di e~ce was enhanced by Miss encouraged me on the football Thomas ' spiri ted accompaniment field. When I crosser! over from i' Wilson, the ed itor of the 1917 to their s ti r r ing' d uet. A group t he scrubs to the varsity, and dis- Peruvian, and Smith, editor of the of Chop in preludes followed. p lacerl one of h is good friends, he Norma lite, vexed by fo rgetful and played with sympathy and intelli was yet cord ia l • even gi " ing me procrast inat ing correspondents fo r gence by K ingsley H ouse, Number q u iet hi nts how to improve my thei r respective p ublications, ap- 20, with its solid chords and somplaying in the position I had slip- l pointer! 3:15 Sunday as the hour, ber co lor ing, being • especia lly ped into. He never fai ls to and t he chapel build ing as t he beautifu l. Mr. Selement's elabo" know" .m e. He has many. many meeting: place, for the purpose of rate cornet solo f ollowing was exf r iends in this schoo l because of j oint ly composing a n erl itoria l fo r celle11tly played, a n d t he encor e, his foo tball ner ve and uncanny t he Nor malite to be labeled "Bless- Saint-Saens' ar ia, " My Heart a t basketall skill. He cou ld subsist ings of Promptness." Smith was: thy Sweet Voice, " r endered with feeli ng and good comfor tably enuf without the deep an hour late. Wilson neglected I s implicity. regard I hold for h im. I rather entirely to keep hi s appointment. I breadth 1 f tone. Mr. Chatelain's marvel at this "socia l democrat ·" Hence, it would be the least bit fine solo on t he baritone ho rn con His kind are few. hypocritical for tl_1ese two people to eluded part two, and was one of the · A young woman of this school attempt a scathing editorial rela- best numbers ot the evening, espehas warmed my heart. She never t ive ~to the subject -·- m~.!:tionerl. cially meritorious in phrasing and 1 was guilty of suddenly becoming NeverthelPss, keenly conscious as mellowness of tone. 1 interested in distant objects or the they may be of the1r ~w~ho rtgoThen came the boys' band, one of j texture of the soi l just under her ings an.d downfa ll ings in this~ re- the Peru inst itutions of ·which we feet, as she was about to pa:>s me sper.t, they must p lead again that have rt>ason to be gen uinely proud. and t he duty of ofl'ering me greet- contributors to their publications Two numbers were playerl, and well ' ing was about to devolve upon her. , be as punctua l as possible in a ll played . In attack and shading. t he Ind eed, a bit of p leasantry, with appointments. gai ns fro m a year's wo r k since t he n=!al evidencP. of ~pontane i ty, often firft appearance of the band are 1 accompanied the " howdy." But Students a nd tow nspeople, marked; and the semi-solo and du - 1 lik~ t he young man above ment ion- friends of Captain Schneider of the et pass~ges showed some first rate eel, she is very popu lar-adeptness basket ball team. have presented tone-poduc t ion. The march~ COI.-I in hand ling the violin, charming hi m wi th a fine pa1r of basket ba ll eluding part three had a swing smile, unaffected ~e~iality contrib- 1shoes, just _for love of the gen ial which set one's feet to tingling. NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA uting to her populanty. I am sur- boy. Art IS very grateful for the Part fo ur brought the veterans prised again that t his person gift and desires that announcement to t he stage-the State Normal ! THE QUALITY STORE should also have chosen to scatter to that effect be made th r u this pa- Ba nd -whose opening number exEve r ything Marked lo Plain Figu res, the sunsh ine even to my stowaway per . Hoch soli er lehen ! hibited ·all t he dash, the dramatic






. .... ...

. ·_·_-_·_-_·_-_·.' ·. ·.·::.

Mrs; E.

o. Pol.zel

Janua ry

E.. l ea ~ance

Sal e


Ready -to-w-e ar


N ew Street Dress es Jus t In








I 1



the Famous International T ailoring Co's Sample line from w hich you m en . of the school can m ake a beautiful selection fo r Sl!it or Trousers and have them made to m easure at a reasonOlb l e price C ome d h h · an see w et er you want to buy or n ot.

·T he Cash Store


Phone 22

Mrs. Nellie Smith to Kelley and Smith : 'rWhy I could get a husband any time I wanted one.


had two p~opcsals since Christmas." Smith:-"Kelley, were you one

Citizens State Bank

We are Agents for Ansco Cnmeros Ansco Pilms Cyko Paper Amateur phot ographers goods of Professional Quality.


of them?" Mrs. Smith :-"No, I wouldn't have been proud to tell of it if Kelley had been one of them.' • CITY MEAT MARKET Fresh and C ured Meats Home made Wienies& Bologna Specialty Full line of cann~d Goods W. C. BURGESS, Prop .

6et Thot Repoir Work Token Care of

At the

N. S. N. S. Store V. E. Cha tela in, Man Ftger.

N. S. HARAJIA.N A. B.. D.D. S. Oradu.ate of CbiC4KO College Dental Sur1eoo

RESIDENT DENTIS T Office over FFty Bakery

Dr. R. D. Cole Dentist Office over Va rie ty Store ttffi c~ Ph on ~: 33

Hc·u ~e 71

OR.B L.SHELLHORN Re!<idence Phooe 6 OffiL·e OV<T Rexall ~tore Phon e 31 PERU.



Barnes' Pharmacy

$250,000 .oo


LOCALS .. "';-z_. The School Masters'" Club '>'·ill meet in Omaha, on Friday, February 9. Our Professor W. N . Delzell is president of this club. Prof. W. N .' Delzell went to Reyn Jids, on Thursday, to attend a school meeti ng, or rather a meeting of the patrons of th e school. He was the' principal speaker on this occasion. Some of our prominent young men are tak ing junior grammar a gain thi s sem ester. They say they took it the first time as a "requi red" subject, and thi s time they are taking i t as an " elective''-Dr. Hou~e doing the "electing. ~· Among other changes around

One of the important events of the past week was the party given by the senior g irls to the boys of the senior class, the boys of the post grad uate class and the faculty. This was the first social affair held in th e new training building, a nd was a great success and thor oly enjoyed by alI.


Library Notes A letter from Baker & Taylor Co. , New Yor k City, . on January lOth says a shi pment of books for the Peru State N ormal Library will go forth tomorrow. This or- 1 der of books amounts to more than $900 ; and includes some valuable materia l for ou r library.

Watches, Clocks, Jewelry & Fountain Pens Bring tlw111 to Ellis the .J cw<"II·J· F o r Repai rs, At the

Variety Store While down town go to

CHASE'S for your

Barber Work

Neat, Clea n. All work fi rst class. Seconrl doo r f1·om postofficc . about thecapmuswith theadven tof The.class in library economy has,___ _ __ _ ____.:....__ _ __ ~ the new semester. Dr. A. Lewis Ty- ha d it3 firs t semester examinations. We nre :-tgt·nts for Carl Erler says he has noticed the change Each member of the class com pi led licl< 's "Non-detectahle" Wig!' in the flavor of the mucila ge on the a bibliography , as part of t he sea nd T o u pee's. EFtch o ne book covers, from peppermint to mester's work, that will be valuable gua rnnteerl. Thu!:! we progress. to the library. 1 wintergreen. KINGSOLVER & COWELL Miss Maude Carpen ter a nd A. We are pleased to know that •'WESTSIDE RAI<BER SHOP" Lewis Tyl~r went to Omaha the lat- Miss Grace Barbee, who is librart er part of last week to attend the ian of the Fremont public library several performances of t he San a nd Miss Bert is Crawford, who has Headquarters for Carl O' Opera Company, at the audi - a like posi tion at Fairfield, a re Pianos Victrolas torium. They saw presented Aida, l!iving good ser vice. Both were SHEET MUSIC Faust, Tales of Hoffman, Caval leria students at the Normal and took GASKILL MUSIC COMPAN\' Rusticana and I Pagliacci. They tra!ning in library work. NEBSASI<A NEBRA!\KA CITY, speak in the hi g hest praise of the The latest bu ll etins· g ive the f ol- I entertainment. · lowing i nteresti ng data in rej!ard "By th eir fruits ye s ha ll know to t he s izP of the various' school li- ' them." Who would have t hot that hrari es over the state : Uni vPrsity ' the s peech of "Doc" Owens, in ou r I of · Nehraska, l:W .OOO vo lumes; recent debating contest: woulJ I Creightn~ University , 47,000 volYnn will waut to. ccldlrH tc t h<" volumPs; have had the fa r-reachi ng i nfluence I umE:s; Peru ,25,498 that it has attained. A bill has Doane, 13.523 vol umes. It is also )!nod old S:1int!< day in due and I .J h ancicnt form . I ct U" IJ••Ijl · been i!'ltrorluced in the Legis lature o f ten a~serteu: a lt o no stat istics ~ ou . I 1 w hich ha s fo r its objcte the dai ly are avaJiabi P. 10 proof, t hat Peru We ha ve th e good!<. d is infecting of a ll t he picture / possesses the larj!est Prlncational li shows in the s ta te. We hasten t o bra ry in t he Mate. g ive our friend "Doc" full cred it OIHJOGISTS TEACHERS WANTED. f or orig inat ing thi s idea. Thi s is the way to instigate reform 5. For · every Department of school ~--------------------------' " The re's a kind of lone3ome fee- l work. Boards will soon commence li ng, when yo u come to say ' good- ! to elect teachers for next year bye, " says Ril ey . We ll , a g reat I REGISTER NOW and S!'et in on the of ma~y ofh~s have ha~ ba c hance to j first vacan cies. Write tod<~y for I venfy t I S s tate me!'l Y our per · bl k v c;: C sona l experience during the last, an · 0 n 1Y 3 ' 2 ' om. Paya~le fe w days. "Tige'' Haney, the in N ov. 1st. Territo~y: Iowa. Wis, Minn. for do mi tab le captain of o ur r enowned ' Neb. Dakotas ·~nd the W est. Don't '"en and Women football tea m, left Peru fo r his Delay. home in Springfie ld, 1ast Saturday ot Teacher s Employment Bureau, morning. May the best of good E. I. Heuer, Mgr. luck be with you, "Tige," is our 228 Cedar Rapids Saving Bank wish, and when we say this we 1 Cedar R?pids, Iowa. 1' - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - -' s peak for a host of your frienrls.






Valentines of Flowers You wi ll fi nd here a r are collecteo n ,,f flowers s nita hle for Va lentine!'. f-rom th ese you ca n select tl'•e cnr reet rerne~ hera nl'e for th t' sweetheart , w ife, sis ter or mother. Here a re a few suggestion!' for 'her ''. Cors11ge bouque t s . $ 1.5 0 ra nd upward!'; F lower 8:-t!<ket. $ 1 50 and upwFtrds; Bouquets, $ 1 OU and upw arris. Place yo ur orriers to- d H_v for delivery on St Valentine da y.




FJSH ER BROS. l A New Line

Tennis Shoes

''The White Store''



Wednesda¥,_~,fewua ry 7 · Thursday, February 8

Gotne r Wesleyan


WESLEY AN EXTRA GAME FRIDA V~ "FEB. 9 Friday Game is not a Bt dget Event.

Doors open at 7 :3~

All Gaanes Called promptly at,, 8:15 • .,

Co tner h a s a very fas t as well a s a very stong- team. C o tn rr,i t~s, :;ay its am o ng- t he best in the State . Wesleya n- Well y o u know Wesleya n . All Pe r uvians want to sec \Yesleya n pla y _ip ~t-ru. W h a t they want m o re th a n n n e _ga me is tw o ga mts T his g a m e m a kes one Wesleyan agreed to come if two ga mes w ere gun rantecd. T wo games ,were guarnntced. We w ill have Wes ley a n two gam es. extra, so a smnll admittantc f~:e wi ll be \·barged in add i t ion to t he budget t ic ket.

Friday's Gam~, Adult 15c, Youth lOc, Child 5c, and Budget Ticket. If yon fo rge t y o ur hurlget ticker 25 cents w ill admit yo u un Friday Night.

The Psychology of Art

'•!1 1




untary control , wh ile th e affections life experi ences of the one have not ~.:/sa~~ Most writers on psycholok y are o ne ex~eriences _are_ involuntary I sufficed to permit t his picture to com ing t o think that a ll orig ina l and s ubJ ect only 1nd1rectly to the unl ock the fountains of t he affec- ter a url r e pa i1 bo th Ltdi~::s' an d g e r. t, states of consciusness are either control of vo lition. Thi s differ ence ti ve consc i o usne~s: · I Again, the Iem en's clo thing o f eve ry dP<:c ri p. i o n . the one or the othe r of two sorts, may be ~ue to the fac t that t he technique of one work of art, how- We a lso clea n , repa ir aud Riter ln r · n~mely, sensations or \ affection!:'. affections p~obably deve loped thru ever r efined, will not alone suffice n ; g s . draperie s , ca q .. ~·t!" <~nd c111 1 • ~ The first of these makes one aware many ancestral generations, the t o stir the feelings , because the We ha ve a specia l depa r trr" 1 •· of what a thing is, w hi le the sec· ~onsciousness of the agreea ble se~v - j artist may have missed a' part of the clea ning and reblocl<; ,. g 01 ond informs him how he is affected mg to lead the creature to mam- 1the situation that is essentia·J a s a ies' a n d gent lem en 's hats . w, by it, that is, whether it is agree- tain the conditions producing it, stimulus of the affections. But if reto,rn charge s on a ll shipm e rol able or disagreeable to hi m. The while the disagreeable resulted in the artist has a sou l f o r bea uty, if DRESHER BRO~~ first lets him know that this is a 1a suspension of the conditi ons / he has, that is to say, a keen sensi 2211-17 FAI< NAM ST .. chocola:e drop, "while th e second I Y_ielding it. Co nver sely, a s1t ua·. tiveness to the things that • r eally 0~1Ai1A. N EBH . 1 leads h1m t o say Goody!" The firs t tJOn that on the whole proved bt>n- i do release the flow of affective entells him t hat thi s is a pin point, 1eficial to the creature awakened in· ' ergy, his art, even if not superlati ve I ·- - - - - -- - -- - - -t he second liberates the explosive volumarily a n agreeable affecti on, in its technique, may produce the "O utch !" · and con trary s it uati o n a disagree- greater es t he tic effects. For the most part, the sensations 1 able m.e. There are those who There is th is m uch to be sai d 15 Rahs for one experi e nces are mtaters of vo l- 1 think that the primJtiVI:l l orm of abo ut art and life, and here, too, The New ~tu ~ en t s ;=.~============~ I a ll consciOusness was thl:l alfl:lctive to be bri ef, we go back to t he con I onl:l, a nd that senastional or cugni - 1d i ti ons o f li fe ' s genesis. Agree- Sch ool S up pli e~ . C o n fect i o ne r y. tlve consciOusness Is a later l:lnaow- abl e a ffec t io ns, if not of th e vi o- , fr ui t" . Gro cerid: , Mea t:<. Bre Hrl ment in race history. lent sor t , a re anabolic, that is, a nd C oo ki ('~ t h e Aven ue S t o re Now, art in 1ts esthetic sense, if they are n utr itional. and bring vi - wo uld- li kt" to !<t'll. Hu J o f u s an n not in its sense of ski llful prua u, . tali ty to its highest pitch. Di sa· l S :l \"t" the lo ng· w a lk to t o w n . H 0 S E pnrtn1its t h at tion, is intima te ly h n~<.ed up wah greeabl e a ffec ti ons a:-e katabol ic, 18 steps from the Campus portra y _vo ur t rue pcr~o nthe awaken 1ng of tne argeeaole t hat is , they d estroy energy and re- I nlitv. affective consc lou::mes:;. Art, 1n a duce v ita bi l ity. Thus it co mes Phone 73 H. U. Landolt way, is pa:;:;l ve ana fi:!Sults In con· about t ha t a ll a r t that is not seclucYo 11r frie n rl~ appreciate them . scious s ta tes correspo nd ing LU i.nu;:;e tive. li ke a ll play that is moderate wni ch play, an at·~I·Ve cunCIIuon, and a l l r el ig ion t hat is vi ta l, is ' Make th e 1\p poin t mcnt. bnngs ano uc. lf play . may lllu.,t tremendo us ly worth wh i !e . / satisracwn Jy be uenned as sucn an ________ F. M. G. 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - exerc1 :;e oi one or mure C<~ll5t'll l lal E.J. NEWMAN actiVIties , (lns trncts and g-~·n eraJ The follo wi ng is a n extract fr om Pend d' Oreille Studio tenaenc1es) a:; w111 Yttra a IIJaXI- a le tte r to P r of. J. M. H owie fr o m Phone 56 Peru, Nebr. mum ur tne ag reeai.J lt!, so art may George P. McGrew, ' 08 , hea d of Jan. 27 to Febr. 3 be con:lld ertil.l as Lna t "I tuat1on th e 11e -' pa rtment o f 'mathematics , Big Exciting D ays Wh1 cn pas:Hvely pruuuces an ap- hi g h S('hoo l a nd jun io r coll ege, JJ_rec1a01e deg ree or sui.Juer artec- San Lui s Obi s po, Cali f o rnia: g i v l.! n ... way u un:; and emot wn:;. , "Perhaps you may t hink 1 am los t . Pernap:; It 1::; uecause these affl:lc- out h,..re. Jus t .cooped f o r a while For Any Occasion 20 pe t· Cl"ll t r·t-d ll t l inn on wi n tt' r t1ve cunsequ~uce::~ ~re automatic, Like it fine. Great ,climate-best undt-r w c ·H . s w e Htcr!<& h a th r o lw Sud1 as \\'t'rlrlin)!s . Hinhrla\' tnat u,ne ::;u utten hear::~ tne word in r.al ifornia. School. r athe r sma I I , PHrtit"s, l~em t' mhr:1nct·" Fune~.. ,, Wint er Suits l e.~~. ., ~ tl . .: n m 12 r 1 , t S!JI I"I tual . U::!t!d 111 connec u on -~00. Sala ry . g<'>od and wor k a l ~ . ett i 11 :1 pprn pri:o tt• n r. pric< •s. ru n g~:men t s . ;:-.;., 1 11rd t'r to wnn art, frum the ,tendency to at- lillh t. Give my best r egards t II ~rhnll n nrln o nc t'oodargc. ~tnoute to "::>!Jiflts'' What llnl:l can- in gooc} old P eru. , .. 0 a Shoes 20 per cent less t l111n not volunt:tr tl y control. H ence j J 0 h St dd d , . m a rk e t prite!'. . . • .. . · ' n o ar ,• 114 wa!'; 1ln p G. E. BERTHOLD too It comes abo u t tnat a IJallHing Ia t k . h ' · eru · . . s wee · 111 c arge of" the ar t , THE FLORIST may be a tmng of beaucy fur une hi bit 'h· h b"· ·d . ~!stead' S NEBRASKA CITY , NEBRASKA . w 1c 11e r ot own from t ex ti · .1 an d n~• L for another , because the Fine Arts Qt - L. e , "'ore m 1nco ln.






Better Than Ever


0ne W f:~ek On l y


Fresh Cut Flowers



• •








The. Gi~ls' Glee. C..lu.b

in Annual Recital Soloist, Miss Meyer, Soprano', Miss Kinscena, Pianist.


W ednesday, February 14, 8:l5 p. m, Admission Budget Ticket or 25 cents BULL DOGS AND COYO.TES DEFEATEDJ B~ll



~uests w~re i



r eplaced Tyson at r ig ht f or 1 Mr s. N. ellie .Smith. Entertains. YOUNG ANNUAL Ref er ee, Hill of Nebr aska h 1 h d Normalites Defeat Wesleyan First City . Scor e, 19 to 8.. '· A ow m g w md e ig t egrees. Affair Attended by Nearly Every ' Time in History of School . The bi g gam e of the week came below zer o was not enough t o daunt Man in School off Friday eve nin g when P eru f or elev_e n j olly boys, the g uest.s of Mrs. . • . Wed nesday evening the Cotner th e fi l'S t t'I me .. In . I. t S h' IS . t Ory " Wa 1- Smith, who had found their WJlY. to The thud annual banq uet of the r d Univers i ty team put up a scrappy ( 1 rl" W 1 A . . the dormitory for las t Sunday's dm- Y. M. C. A. was held rues ay evenbasket ba ll gam e and a l most suc- 1 ope shurprdiSinbg ner. The sentiment of the fellows ing , Februa ry 6, 1917, in t he pa r1 fes feyan. orm Y •was . the wor d s of I or s o f t he M . E . c h urc h , whi ch b th t o W 1was s o twe expressed m ceeded in trouncing th e P eru qui n- reversa 1 With Schne ider and J ones l bott eams. t h <;!Stheyan. phut bufp a Schnei der : " Gee, i t' s cold, but nearly e very man in school, wi t h tet e mg e or out• of the game , Cotner by lucky 1 eh ' ler pgame_ an . e1 think of the r ecapt ion we 'II get. , 1f n. ends an d mem b ers of the f acul ty 11 1 k t th 1 goal tossing, c losed the first half w In the personnel of the atte nded . A course men.u '_Vas with a lead of two points .d d f b found thena mesofS chneider ,Cra ig, served. Tbe fir st course consiSti ng · playiflg, an cage a coup 1e o asf d oast "Vic" and "Arte r" r elieved Bell C h d . J ones Stevenson, both Emmerts, o oyster stew; secon course,r ' kets before th e oyotes a t im~ to , 's . h f d b n d po • and Smith in the second, and Peru bark The n the battle commenced. Spacht, K idd , Tyson, Lee mit j bee an rown .g radvy,h mas e f · . and Bell tatoes, m acar by clever floor work and goal shoot- Peru held the lead a ll thu t he firrst · . · . . om kl an cII eese, dperb ect Eleve n. boys h.a~e changed the ir t 10n sal.ad , p 1c es•. r o ~ an u ~ ing slowly wormed its way into the , half b ~ co u le of baskets, Sand1 d d d d th 'th Y P_ . 'b preconceived op1m on a bo ut t he fare ter ; th ird course, Ice c1earn, choco ea , an en e e g ame WI a berg, Bell and Schneider contn u- at the dorm A t least Sm ith, ' late cake and coffee. P r ofessor score of 19 to 15. t' · · · · · · · mg. lones Be ll :rnd Spac ht wh o wer e Sm) th m s1steJ tha t we stall en tl ng Sandberg, Spacht and Schneider Wesleyan came back in th e last · . ' f' J ' t ·e ser ved hi s ar · starred f or Peru, while Strain and period de termined to right matters gtven .syrup- t.hel oftlers de I ': l as sonntasb\~e wetxh t t he , " s.t uff' ' 1 need it One g 1r a ter war s was g umen em g a Parmen ter put rip th e. best. game from their point of view, but heard "Goodness, it looked 1 would get co ld and for the B ull Do gs. L m e up . Johnson' s men wer e also deter m.m - g ood t o see a whule ta ble f ull of ths i state ment in the thi r d co urse. Cotne r. .Peru ed to maintain the ir lead, :Vhi ch boys th ere a t one time. " An· Af ter t he menu was served Ar th ur Th·Jmas rf. I they did unti I th e last minutes swer ed Ma r ty : ' ' The pleasure is Longfell ow as toastmaster took Strain If. - Sm i t h of play, when Wesleya n with a s u· al l o urs. , Each boy ate wit h a cha rge of t he meet ing, and i ntra Gard ner c. . Be ll . per h uman burs t ?f speed down Ig irl -on the na me card a t t he rluced t he speakers with Parm en ter rg. Tyson I the floor a nd wi t h mach m e re~u- 1 plate. After the toasts ( ?) each so me cunni ng joke or stor y: A. Knopol~ , lg. Spacht la rity caged thr~e b~skets, wh tch boy departed - f or the parl or with ! Lewis Ty ler, who spoke on "The Substitutes- N e wma n f or T~o- ' p ut t he m one pom t m the lea?. Ia carna ti on i n his buttonh ole anti ' Coach ;" Cassius Kennedy, who mas, Sch ne ider f or Bell, J ones f or Crozier committed a fo ul and I h ' l th ind r attled outs ide, spoke on " The Ca ptain; " Stephen '-' fN · . w)e e w Tyso n. Ref er ee, •:Jte vens o e - Schne ider ;nade the bas.ket J l~st as hea r ts wer e merry aro und.' th e piano Duri ;:;h, who spoke on "Team braska City. . tire pistol crac~ed. Ft ve mmu~~s 1 with hym ns(?). S pacht ani:l :5chue id- Work;" Glen 0. Kdl ey, who s pnke •· ·ng a due t r epeated th e cho- on " The Goal;" and, lastl y, Hcv. Thu rsday even ing t he N orm a h tes 1'wer e g i ven to play off the t1 e . 1 . . h' . . t d jer s 1ng 1 , 'f suffered de fea t f or t he firs t t1me IS/' F o ur hund red r av m g ma m acs s 0 0 1r us severa l t i mes. Bubbl !-!d Marty c. A. Worth ley , who s po ke; on · he 1 season in a champi o nship g ame, at up o n the ir ::;eats a nd scr eamed or . . .. Ho w d o yo u s top that Vi ctory. " Too much pra ise canno L tne ha nds of t he swift ' Wesleyan ; g r oan ed as the ba ttle r aged . Nev - 1ag~ln; , be g i ven th ese men for th ei r <~lo· . I noJse . 1 1 Coyotes. Coach Klin e's qu in tet is er bef or e ha.s such speed y P ayl ng F our- thirty ca me and the boys q uence in ha nd ling t heir themes. the fastest a nd cleanest play ing been seen by t he Per u basket ba ll ~ departed-a ll exce pt .Wilbur Em- The writer wi shes to par t icul a r ly 1 1 tea m seen on t he ho me floor t hi s f ans. We ll , w he n Sand ber~ mad e mert, who seemed to t hink hi s in- emphasize the message of Hev season. the winn ing basket a nd Be ll f oll ow- I vi ta ti on was fu r s up per to. Per- Worthley who ins isted u pon there Peru ' s defeat was due la rgely t o , ed it wi th another. t he s pecta tors haps Miss R uby djd in vite him. bei ng no"fi ftv fi fty, " " g·et by" '.',. 1 a lack of fighting sp ir it a nd t he i n- never said a ~ord('?) but calm ly sa.~ 1 Cr aig, J ones and Ki dd left beh.i nd med iocr e student~, hut, as sta.t: ? ~ n 1 ability to locate t he baske t. It do wn as is t he ir custom o n s uch oc the ir head gea r while the g uil ty t he la ter trans la t iOn of Pau l, 1 ha t was the poor est ga me th e N or ma - j casions. Fi nal scor e, Peru 23, ' miscrea nts watched f rom behi nd we fig ht i t o ut on t he lieiJ a nri rt'" lites have put u p t hi s sea son. Wes- 1Wesleya n 18 . ' Li ne-u p ; windo w shades th e de(Ja r ture of the ma in victo r ious to thP. e nd. " f· Sa nd berg guP.sts. leyan had ever ything i ts way ·f rom ·· Hug hes Presirle nt Htyes, Df'an Rous<>. start to finis h and i n no stage of Anderson f. • Bel l Beca use the fe ll ows wer e pr ofuse the game d fd Pe ru outclass the vis- F e tz c. Schne ider wi th thei r p ra ise of the do rm, t he and P rofess:.>rs Del7.e ll , Lefl er , Uaritors. Sandberg, Spacht and Crozier g. Spacht in ma tes and th e ir hostess, -it is no ey an d Hend r icks went to Om::tha J ones Schneider can ied a way ·first honQ~s Bl'odge~ g. . s ig n th ey were no t s incere. last Fri day, to a ttend th e meetingRef er ee, Cline of Nebra ska CitY ' H ere 's t ; Mrs. Smi th, a booster, a of t he School Masters ' Club. A"' for the N ormalites , a.nd Crozier and s lated i n these c;o lumns befor e, f'nt J'I'I. Hughes d id the same f or Wes leyan. Mullen good hostess a nd enter tai ner, and a ft'sso r Delzell is pr es ident of th 1H h Mi ss Bo we n a nd M iss The r egula r li ne -up p layed t e loya l .Per uvian. club. first haJ'f, bu t in t he second half wer e in Omaha Saturday. I



~e:u :~rte;eoff o;it~ wh~~~~::d










t~ ~ay,










in half the t ime it took the j u niors ; Following the program . r e tiring and our ce nter-we ll, she was over President Chate lain spoke a few t he floor so fast it was bard to keep son. words of appreciation to the r e tir- track of h er. The f ollowing was Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second-class ma tter. 'Philomathean Meeting. ing offi cers and all those who had the li ne -up: Publlsbt Weekly by the Peru State Normal The present s trained relati ~n P.X· hel ped make t he prog rams a sue· J unior s. seni or s. . l isting in world politics made the cess. The e lecti on of officers for R oby c. 75 cts · per year. Smgle cp py 5 cts. J:eace Pr ogr am g tven · at t h e. Ph 1' Io the second semeste r foll owed. 0 u t Balla rd ·warner f. HOWARD S MITH . -. Ed~ tor j1 meeting last Saturday very oppor- of £he 150 who voted for preside nt Merri tt Barta f. A. LEW IS T YLER - Assocta tc Ed•t or t une. 'Ihe program opened with a J about t hi r ty loyal true m e mbers Th.>ma s Hoffman g. Clover GLENN 0. KEa LL EY Business nd Subscription :\lanag-e•·J voca I , d uet, "I . . wo u ld th a t MYI rema ined to the .end . . T h_ese a r e Dam me ~ g. Harma n Love, by M1 sses Warner and the r esu lts of the cam pa1 g n1ng : S u ~1.::n i t u t e , E lli s f or D amme . Dt>PAH'r~t~UIT t> OITORS . • N 1· S ld · Nona Palmer, .......... .......... ....... Alum ni Cour tn g ht; MI SS e lie pau · P res ident-William N ovak , 89 , R efer ee, M iss H a n tbor ne . Eos Brown .............. ....... ..Philomathca n ing r ead " A So ng of Peace." T he Glen KE' IIey, 61, Otis Owens, 13 . It w as t he f ast est, cleanest, and Frank Leger ........ . ........... ... Y. i\1. C. A. 0 t t t ''Good hve Sweel A rt h ur L ong f e I ~ Elsie Wil burn ........... ............. Y. w. c. A. c e e sang · • Vice pr es identm o->t s :) i r i t~:d g irls' gam e ever p layed Louis WorLh, N. C. _A. Day," in a ver y charming manner . low · i·ecording secreta ry, J o hn ' I 'h on Bryan Emmert, .......... ..... . ..... Athlct tc~ Th 0 t t t . c poseri of these , W'lb . in t his gy mna sium . Were Miss Bowen ....... ... .......... . . _ :\lnsic e c e e IS om Weather hogg ; trea surer, I m ora ble ment io n " t o be g i ven any Rosalie I~ohn ...._..._. ... ................ llu mor young lad ies : Mi sses Gamble, Em mer t · correspond ing secr et a r y , of the p layer s, i t wuld h ave t o be Local I 'H R d ' Mrs Ncllte M. Smt tn_, ....... ...... Jack Allsmatl ............ ............" ,'vl inc rva'' Wal ke r, Ogg, Poo e, arris, · e · Ruth Cone ; sergeant-a t-~rms, g iven, t ogether wi t h fifteen rahs, Mary Clary ............. ..... ......... .... ... Seniors fern, K. Ke lly a nd Hi bler, with Oscar Oa kes; proper ty ma nager , R o~alinc Kohn .......... ....... ...... Ju niors Gert rude Clifton .... ...... ...... Soph•>mores Miss Mac kprang as acco mpanist. Charles Pa lmer ; trus tees, Li II ian t o a ll eleven . I.oy Hacker.... ... ....... ..... . .. Freshmen T his or gani zation contr ibutes much Portennier e , H enry Ame nde , Otis Vivian Risho p ...... ... .... .... High School to t.h ~ success of t he prog rams on Mr. Pa lmer .. . . Sci..-ncc Club " Owens. Pmf. F . M . Gre_!!g-Arl v i~cr whi ch they appear. Miss Pm·teu- 1 Just a wor d in conclusio n. Next niere g ave a shor t ta lk Ol1 the best meeti .lg we' r e goi ng to have a par · rn, as a pr e- ty, a nrl yo u're gomg t o ha ve a da n About t hree in terest tng facts way to s ho_w pat n· ot1s emerge from o ur basket ball e~ per- Jude to th e Pagea nt of I eace. The dy time un less yo u're a con fi rmed iences of las t week. The Peru bas- t heme of t his pageant is t he pr ov- : g r ouch T hat las t epi t he t app lies 1 ' ket ball devotees have a good deal ing to the Commander by H uma n- to ro o'1 e on the P eru cam] u s tha t ' s of the Engli sh sporting spir it in ity that War is wholl y bad 10 its a Phi o. ;:; , come dressed f or a them. A g ood play by an a lien effects. Justice is to judge t he f ro lic; that warn ing is put in f or brings out. the a pplause a lmost case , a nd th e witnesses a re to be yo ur benefit an ri a " word t o t he every time- unless t he player has thP. child ren of War a nti th e chi ld- wise"-you know t he res~ of tha t gotten in bad wi th the crowd on ren of Peace. Here follows th e olri saw, but not of the pla ns~ account of r oug h s tuff. Oh, of lis t of characte rs : The Commander, Comi ng? course, ther e wer e a f ew at the F loyd Doane; H umanity, Ruth - -- - - games last week with that pr imit ive Cone; · J ustice, .Fern H uston; Girls' Gy mnasium Exhibition. senseofthehumorousandtheagr ee· Peace, May S ti tt; Wa r, Will1a m [Handed in too la t e f or No r ma lite able who could hiss when a foreig n , Novak . T he chi ldren of War a re of Fe br ua r y 7.j player was inj ured. Un happily it I Valor , Fami ne , Poverty, lg norOr. the even ing of J a nuary 29, a seems tha t these r ag-tag ar e indis· a nce , R uin, Pesti lence, Oppression, stranger upon entering our gy mnapensible to soci ety every where . Enmi ty, .Patri o ti sm and Glor•y. sium wo u ld have been much surp ris T hey wer e few in number at the r e- T he parts were taken by Mr. Clem - ~ ed to see t he calm, di g ni fied sen ior s . 1 cent gam es, -probably sma ll boys ents. Est her MaC' Dona ld , H enry proceed to t he so u t h s ide. and t he in t he main- a nd the visiting Amende. Dona ld Overholt, Donna I gi ddy youthf u l j uni or s to t he north j; teams ha ve carri ed a way pleasant L owr y, Gladys Hal lo \?i:l.Y, J ohn side of the r no rn. 1 ~:t..e t,;., r S to re } ' Our remembrances of cour teous tr eat- Mil ler, Gladys Trai n, Leona Roby 1 The e nter ta i nment was beg un by h e adqua r t ers when in ment from Peru. Aga i n, love fo r and Catherine Cor ey. T he ch ild- ' the a rr iva l of a band . F ive handour own coach is a li ttle st r onger refl of Peace a re: Eng ineering . Ex- some yo ung seni nrs- appr opri a t ely Neb r a s k a ·city .than it ever was before. (Sure way plorati on , invention, Prosperi ty. cl othed - marched a nd co unterto lose Coach's fr iendship is to get I I ndustry, Educat ion, ~ci ence, mar ched to t he sounQ. of the ir ce off this li ne of st uff about h im) . Brotherhood. the Ar ts, Happi ness, lestial mu ... ic. 1 A li ttle chance to compa re differ ent Freedom ' a nd Play; they wer e porSevt•r a l Q'ymnas ium classes pre- ! • coaches in t he lastfe wweeks dri ves tr ayed b.v B. Copenhver. Oti s sen ed " Rea pine:- t heFiax , " "But- , home t he fact that t he big coach Owens, irvi n Caldwe ll , Miss \\ ea- terl1y Dr ill , ' "The Mi nuet," a nd ; does a ll hi s work before t he game, ver, Ar t hur Longfe llow, Ar· j '' Spring. " Between t he ha lves of , N EBRA~ KA LITY, NE BR AS KA a nd keeps modest ly in the back- t hur Schu ltz, He len Wri g ht. Li lli e the ga me a dumbbell d r i ll ~-as ' 'ex: T rl E QUA LI TY STO HE g round during the g a me, tho the Pa_rsons, Ruth Leisur e. Doris Frye, J erut-'d . " scor e be 47 to 0 aga inst hi s tea m. M1ss Hondersheldt, Fr ances FaulkN .H..-- we come t.o the r ea l purpose Everythi ng 1\\arked in Plai n Figure• He doesn' t caP,tain t.he team. He ner, J ua ni ta \o\' il!iams, and Helen of the even ing. T ho r ather late , doesn't play for them. He wi ll MacMeacken. we sen io rs st_il l cr ow o ver t he juni - ; ---=-- ---==-- - ---='--------= even decline to assist in l he r ef · 'fhe pageant was_ well enacted, 1ors because of that game. Wh:v B eree mg. Lasll y, Scl~ nei der an d t he stage setting was E>xcepti ona lly lshoulcl we not wi t h a scor e of "Ph e your obrd~. rs g r eat o r s m a ll _ one or r m g the m one and all " • All t he goncl, with Old Glor y in t he uac.:l<- ~' to 22 in ou r fa vo r '? TU f am1 1y are winning . e labor ation neederl at th is po in t is g round g iving t he kc.vnote to the. The j m iors outwe ighed the sen the remind ing you t ha t P E' r U nevel· whole. The whule prog ram re- iors, but found it imposs ib le to o ut • • • 0 before beat Wesleya n,- and the fl eets high credit on llle a hil 1ty play t hem. Our g uards out-g uardA t f PS hone . 21 ~ · f h' · d 1 'f h · gen or unny,.Jde Greenhouse Wes Ieyan _team o t 1s season IS as an avor n L e cnm tn lltee. ed the m·' our F•a 11s c·1ty, Nebr. • fm·wa r ri s put in goals


as that of any previous sea - l

Our B u yer I s East at Present and his selections in

Spring Coats Suits and




Arriv}ng D ail y






MrS E 0

p '1 1 ze


the Famous International Tai lorin g Co's Sampl e line from w h ich you of th e sch oo l can mak e a beautiful selection for Suit or Trou ser s and have them made to measure at a reason~ble pri::~n C om e and see whether y ou wan t to buy or not.

The Cash St ore


P h one 22

Chas. Novak, B. E d, ' 14, has been elected chief engineer of the paving constr uction to be done a t Super ior. Salary, $175 per mont h. Novak was a mat h en th usiast wh ile at sch )ol and t his, together wi th the su•nmer survey ing course under Professor Howie and some outside

Citizens State Bank

read ing, amply · q uali fied him for


this position.




BC I~G E S~.

P rop

- -------------,.- -6etTbat Repair Work

Taken Care of At the

N. S. N. S. Store V K Cha tela in , Manager.

N. S. HA.RAJIJ\N A. B .. D.

D. ~-

Graduate ol Cblcago College Dental Surceoa


Offi ce l) vcr Fay Ba kery

The Advance in Cost of Stationary Lord Baltimore Pouttd Paper




Offi~.:~ l lfficc

OYer \'ariety Sto re

Ph o ne 33

H lllt >:>e 71

with 50 envelopes to ma tch. Value t\Oc. Wed. Th u1·. f ri . n nd Sa t . F ebr. 14, 15, 16, 17 . We offer you a pound of Lord Bnlt im ore a nd 50 envelops to mnt ch for 45c. Above da tes only a t thi11 pri&e.



:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;~ !.:~.-------------------~--·




Peru wi II play an important part in the Golden Anniversary of Ne- , braska . Both a re the same age. The two men, Col T . J. Maj ors and Jewelry & Fountain Pe ns Major William Da ily, who WE're members of the legi slature which Bring tbem t o E ll is the Jnvdt·r ~a ve t he St:lte Urriversity and the On Thursday the boys of t he Mo ther School of the Norma ls to F or Repa irs, Freshman class enter tained t he class At t he wi th a negr o minstre l show. A 1t he commonwea lth, are still Ji ving poem wri t ten by Mi ss Clover was in Ne ma ha county. When John acce pted for t he freshmen pages of Br own, of H l\!·per' s Ferry fame, brat a wago n load of "niggers" the Peruv1 a n . from the southla nrl, he camped Dr .. Folsom Eye, south of Peru in a d ist rict where . - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - While do w n tow n 11:0 to Ear, Nose & Thro;;1t D. C. Cole was teaching. Mr. Speci alist at Dr. Cole, who sa w and ta lked with J ohn 1 Shellhorn's office o n Thursday, Brown, is now more than four for your Febr. 22. Spectacles fi t t ed . E xami - score years, and is a hear ty, hale Barber Work nation free. - Ad\7. old man. In t he pageant to be Neat, Clea n. All work fi rst cla~s. Seconrl doo r from po-s toflice Arthur Schnei der, ca pt a in of .our g iven in connecti on wit h the gold- ! __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _..:........_ __ ___: baske t ball team , went to Nebras::a en a nni versa ry , th is inci dent of .--- - - -- ----:----::-:---:--City Eatura dy evening to refere_ J ohn Brown will be f eat ured .-NeWe a re ngents fo r Ca rl Erlick's ''0lo n-detccta ble" \\'igs the basket ba ll game he t ween Ne- braska Teacher. nntl T oupt:e' s. Each one braska City Athletic Club and Wes------l? ua ra ntced . Y. W. C. A. leyan. Wesleyan lost, 21 to 25 . of the A jolly informa l. group KINGSOLVER & COWELL "The J anua r y number of the N e• ' \\'E~T1-> I DE BA RHIU< SHO P'' g irls met at Mt. Vernon Saturday braska Tea cher ~ontained an a~·ti.cl e aftern oon f or t he regula r mont hly '-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_-___-_-_-_-_---~--~~------­ by Mi ss Burley of our tra mmg Kensing ton . A very pleasing prob · t f "Ar ts and Headquar t ers i or gram was g iven . Our onl y i·egret schoo-1 on t h e s u JeC 'l Crafts in La ng uage." Wat~h t ht is that our meetings do not come Pianos Vic rolas f tl Ma rch number of the sa me JOu rna l . . . more req uen y. SHEET MUSI C f or ano ther' ar tiCle With IJi ust:aMiss Lena P oole led Y. W. C. A. GASKILL MUSIC COMPANY tions fr om the work of our t hi r d Sunday a fter noon, I<ebruary 11. NEBS-\SKA NEBRASKA CITY, 1 and fourt h g rades. Her top ic, ' ' T he Student and the I The Februa ry numbers of t h: Ne- Church, " was we ll hand led. Miss braska Teacher a nd t he Mldclle- Flora Warner sang "Cah:ary" in ,..-- - - - - - - -- - - - West School Revi ew conta in inter- a very char mi ng ma nner, ann Miss esting art icles on astr onomy, th at I Ca rr ie Ba ier played an ins tr'umentin t he f ormer journa l ~being e nli- 1a l solo wh ich was appreciated by You will wn n liO cclchra ll' th e tied "Easy L es::ons in Astronomy, " ' a ll. !lO CH I ,, Jr) Sain ts day in due ~1nd and in _the la tter, " Why Not Study Mrs. J ones w ill tal k to the g irls T,c( u s lwl p yo u R ncit: n t' fo rm . As tronomy , ? " These a re both Su nday aftetnoon , Februar y 18, on from the pen of our Profe:;sor " The . Mini st ry of Hest. " · Girls, \V f? hnve t he goods. Miss Leona Roly went t o Falls City Friday eve.1i ng t o refer ee a baske t ball g ame between Fa lls City and Auburn g irls ' hig h school teams.

Watches, Clocks,


Variety Store CHASE'S

Dr. R. D. Cole I Dentist

Already you a re beginiug to lt-cl il.

H ere is one opportunity to protect yo ur expense a cconnl


~Ir~-~~ ~J~~~ ,.~~\~~~~:

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You have been warned.




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~ c~idence

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Valentines of Flowers You will find here n mre collectenn 11! fl o wen:: !.uito l>le fo r Va lentine~. 1- rorn the~<:: yo u ca n se· ktt the co r rect remernbcr a nce fo r the swtcthd ut, writ- , sister o r

mot ht'r II<-re are


fe\v s uggestions. for

' htr''. l!msage ho uq uet!::, $ 1 50 ~cJ n d upward-<; Flower ila!:>ket , $1.50 and upwa rds; Bouquets, $ 1 00 and upwards. !'lace your o rders to-da y for delivery on St Va lentin e d a y .




IH oy t ,

a n-d fa ir ly sci nt illate wit h do no t mi ss t hi s. You will regret stel lar lo re. it if you uo. Nothern Illinoi s· No rma l School , - - - - -weekly has picked an a ll-college TEACHERS WANTE!1_ weekly, m uch as al l s tate f ootba ll For e very Depar tment of school teams a r e picked. These people work. Boards will sooo comm en ce have indicated· which co lleges to elect teachers for n ext year should e d it cer t ai n depar t ment s, REGISTER NOW and j;!'et in on the · g t hei r J·edgement upo n th e first vacan cies. Wr ite today for b as m ,~. , C p bl 1 3 Only 2 '' om. aya t tb S e depar t men ts a re hand led blank. way e ·ous schools T . I w·· M' . tl1e van 1n · Peru has' . N ov. 1st. err1tor y1 owa. 1s, 1nn, . ' 'made" the team in the a thlet1c Ne b. , Dako tas and the West. Don t depa rtment, according to t hese Delay. J· ud ges. s peak a little more respec- j Teachers Em ploym • ent Bureau,



of ,



f ll y this week to Mr. Bryan Em- ! u t thletics reporter for t he t han you have before. j


. E. I. H euer, Mgr. 228 Cedar Rapids Saving Bank Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

A N ew Line Tennis Shoes


'"en oft 11d Women at


" 1

1'1; Wh•t Sf




e , Ore

'- -- - - - - --



- - - - -'

BALL Grand Island, It

Doane College,

Th,u rsday, February 15, at- 8:15 P• m. Friday, February 16, at 8:15 pa m.

Auburn H. S. vs. Peru Reserves on the same evening. . , . Admission Budget Ticket or 25 cents. High School.

hand such men, might make a fight Heard at the York game : ' to Miss Mabel Dressle r w ent for independence, abo lis hed these "Wake up, Nellie! You've been r O ma ha, Monday m orning, and eolympics. • dreaming too long." m a ined the r est of the week: ''Similar societies have sprung N. Spaulding, with a s igh:Jesse .Bishop has stopped school. up in the U. S. The Bohem ians I "I've just been thinking that mayhave organized teams, in which a j be Danderi ne would make hair The high school boys won a we!lperson of any nationality may con- g row on the upper lip." played game from the freshmen, test so long as he knows the BoFebruary Score, Jl to 2. RadProfessors Wilso n and Gregg hemian commands, to compete in er and I vers guarded well f or the were di scussi ng th e trials and dis· high schoo l. Cowell made -the enstate and na'tionl "to urnaments. comforts of conducting institutes tire 11 points for them. Line-up: However, the main purposE' of Hi g h School. Freshmen. these societies is to develop better in mid August. R ader • g. Fisher Prof. G. :- Why, man, I taught American Citizens. Ivers g. F lau last sum mer in the Auburn high The uniform of the Sokols has Weaver c. Jas. Vance school and I'd swear ;t was hot Cowel l the U. S. colors, blue trousers, f. Heywood enu f to vnlcan ize rubber!" Stacey Vance f. Fuller white jersey a nd r ed belt. The Prof. W. :- " Did you get the S6kols in greeting each other say 'na zdar,' which is sim ilar to our stiff neck?" word 'welcome,' but means infin : In harmony class Mi ss Carpenter itely more. Any one entering a played a r ecord and asked us to Bohem ian community and saying judge whether t he voice singing Men's Pressing Work 'na zdar' is assu red of a wa rm r ewas bass, contralto or tenor. We ception. \·len'._ 2 o r 3 Piece Suit:. guessed all t hree, then some Lri gh t Pressed fo r only $ .50 "Sokols, in entering a tournaboy said. "It's alto. " :v.l,en's Tr·ouscrs Pressed fur ment, must enter every ev'ent. At "Correct," said M iss Carpenter. onlv .25 Omaha in 1914 at a tournaent I "Well, you didn't g ive u s but :vien's 3 Piece <:;u it s, contested for three consecuti've C leaned and- Pr·essed for only 1.50 days, from 7 :30 a. m. to 6 p. , m:-, those three to pick fr o m," growl :\~ten's 2 Piece S•.itl', with an hour for noon. The per- ed Talbot Hunt. Clea nt·d a nd Pressed for onlv 1.25 formances at a tournament are on Heard in botany c lass : DRE~HE R BRO'i ! the parl:lllel bars, horizontal bars, Professor Hansen:-Yes, you 2211 - 17 F\t-: NA\l ST . h<?rses anq other apJ:;aratus. They 0 .\J A f-L\ . :-.i EBR. shou ld use this sc ien tific - m eth od represent skill, strength. and en ~ - - - - - -===.. extensively. I t would be a good i ;-==========-1 I durance. I will now show you examples nf each." . plan to use it in getting married." 15 Rabs for These he did and caused many For the benefit of th ose who do The New ~tudents " o hs"and ·'ahs" from his audi- not know just what the scientific methorl is, we would like to add School Supplit's, Confectionery. ence. that i t is-: 1, Accumulation of da- Fruits, Groceri.:s, l\l ea t~ . Brct d I The Prize Winners . ta; 2, r elat ion to each other, or <'~nd Cookies the Avcnuc Store The following stori«:>s were snb· arrang«:>ment; a nd, 3, conclusion would like to sdl. Bu_.- of us * nd mitted for the contest. The win- ba~ed on facts obtained .. H owev- s<~ve t he lo ng wnlk to town . ners of. first and Recond prizes . did j er , if he is using this method , th·lS l 18 steps from the Campus ~ot s1gn thei_r names to th e ir stor- 1seems to impeach t he data he has , 1es. Unless 1t can be setlled easily accumu lated around Peru, as Pro-1 Phone 7J The Pend d' Orei lle Studio as, to who. t hese peortle _§lre, the feE>so r Hansen s ti ll r e mai ns s ing le . ~=~=::=:==:=:=:::==:::=:==::=: pnzes must go to the winners of · -I I.,.--. E.J. NEWMAN the _thirr! and. fou1:th prizes. Thn , Y ~·C. A. Notes, 1.,. Phone 56 Peru, N ebr. i ~ton es ar~ g 1ven m order accord - ,. 1he meeung Sunday afternoon , ,_ _. . . :. ;. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __! j mg to t he1r respective ranks. . February 11, wus conducted bv , Senior Notes. · The seniors had a rare treat in class chapel last week. Mr. Novak lectured upon g~·mnast i cs and performed upon the par a lle l bars. Much &s we enjoyed hi s muscular ability and agilitY- upon the bars, a large percent of the class enjoyed his talk as we ll. His words were: ' 'This is ra ther an unusual performance ar.d I shall endeavor · to make it interesting. Ever since the time of the Olympic games. many countries have developed similar kinds ' of gymnastics. The Germans have the 'Turnvirm'; the Swedes have the system of organized gymnastics. l:iwed ish gymnastics are taug ht in most of our American colleges and high schools. The Bohemians (I am a Bohem ian) have had quite a large gy mnastic society. The gy mnasts a re called 'Sokols,' whi ch, literall y translated means falcon, activity, str ength. ·'In 1908, 8,000 Sokols he ld a tournament in Bohemia. In 1912 ther e were 15 ,000 Sokols who took part. Since 'that .time Austr ia fearing that Bohem ia, who had · a~


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II li





II li. 11


SPECIAL! Reduced Prices on





H. U. Landolt


Oh, My Yalentt.ne

r========--=~-=-=-=-=--= j

Fresh Cut Flowers F




ny CC8SIOO as \Vedd in~. 11inhrlnv


Such Parties, l~emt•mhrunc<·s Pnnt-~1 as, et<·. 1 n :t ppropri nte arraugements. No onle r to small and 11 0 1~ e too lnr·gc.: . ..




Why is M1·. True like a basket I Howard Smith, who gave us our ball game? Five on a sirle .- A- 1~th~esE>on ~rom "The Church and you need a pni r of thoR(· n on·ltv nonymous. I e pen . ountry" The s t rong J tw o-tone Rh o cE> at ;'VIil!'tcnd's . Ifeature ot th e meeting was the wa . Two _freshman ~prls were heard in which the leader br ot re y You Don't? . ~ISC~lSSihg Peru's la test add ition from the fell ows. sponses 10 t e way of s tyles- mustac hes. Men if · I " 1 tl . k h . . . , you enJoy the stor ies of . . 11n t cy are qu1te .d1 st1n- our soldi«:>rs you cannot aft' . • Then tr·y an."' of o ur st<~p lc line gUJshlng to a person, "commented be absent from o . or d to OnE'. . ur next "Sunday's ofs h oes. 1 MEAN. JT. meettng. Mr. Arthur Sl I . ':Well, you can if you want to," go ing to talk of hi , . 1U tz l S repl ied the other ' ·"but for m.v t he Bor . d er. Sl ogan· s expenences on . Fve . pa rt, 1 think Lhey are very unsani- sehoul hear Schult . " .ry man In j Mn~tead's tary. - U nsigned " E z next l:iunday in ·"' · verett hall, 2:15 p. m. I





~--=· ----~-


a rt d epartm ent ha ve been fr esco ing not on ly bea utiful in desig n and GIRLS' GLEE CLUB CONCERT ENJOYED I on the r ea r wa ll. execution but carry ing with it a The idea of hera ldry i s very old. deep mea n ing for the love r of sy m- Was One of th e Best Musical Enter.The kn ig h ts of t h e Crusad es, fi g ht - bois and t h e s tude nt of Ge r ma n tainmen ts of the Year· i ng with t he ir hea9 s i n h elmets 1 Histor y . Rut h L e isur e. and t he ir b od ies practica lly con- I The Gi rls ' Glee Club , u nder the cea!Pd by t he long shi e lds they A Streak of Good Luck. ircetion of Dr. H ou se, a nd assistd carri ed , n e"ed ed a form of distinc- 1 The P e r u Dra mat ic Club play ti on, that they mi g h t be r ecog n ized ' this year wi ll be uniq u e. In fu - ed by Hazel Gertrude K inscella , b y comman d er and fri end . At 1ture years peop le he re w ill look p ianist, J eanne t te Meyer , soprano, fid t th e bf'are r u sed on h is shi eld ba ck upon i t as a n epoch-maker. and Ge nevieve Gregg, accompanist, any symbol. he chose. But, since There a re t wo reasons. One of appear ed in its a nnual r ecital, confus ion a rose , the fancy of t he 1i 'e m is the q ua li ty of the cast-not Wednesday, Febru ary f ourteenth. bear e r was r estr ai ned, the u se of 1 too large an d t he bes t t her e is. If The club is s lig htly lar ger in symbols became systematic and 1 yo u don 't bel ieve i t j ust look t hi s n umber tha n usua 1~ a n d t h e prohe r ed i tary , and heraldry its<.:if ove~: Hazel Frye a nd Ma rty gram presented ill ustr a ted clear ly grew into a scie nce. The tra ns- Cra1g. Har ry Amende, My r t le H·a r- t hat !lar d wor k does pay . All t he m issi on of arms fr om fathe r t o son r is, Ruth Cone, and Lul u Bt.. r kett . n umbers wer e delivere cl w it h excelJed to t he e mbro ide r ing of t he Really, enough has been said now lent effect and showed much more 1 f am 1·Jy 1·ns ig·nia on t he surcnat , to guarantee a c hape l fu ll to hear finish t'·.an is usua 1 in an or gam. zaw orn over the coat -of -ma il , thu~ th e procluctio n : but we can' t leave tion of th is k ind . Those pr obably orig inati n g t h e expression " coat- lhe m atter without just a wor d hest r eceived were " In Old Maof-arms:" T he dev ice of th e he red - about Lhf' day i tself. . dr id," Tro te r P ; "A Song of Sea n K a te" is 1ts name." sons," H a wley; · ' My L ad y Chlo ', " i t a ry r ul e r gradua 11 Y came t o be , "Cousi . the device of t he state." , N ot hl ng very wo nd!(erfu,l tSo t hat I L e1g . h ter. ., an d " S e1ena . d e, " d IS ,, I C lnug11 I n t he ce n ter o f the f r esco a 1ong tbere?C ous1n ate s can a, . b l. . I{ , C l h , Neigli nger, w1th a n o tga to b y

Peru ''Va rsity" T a kes Another Pair of Sca lps Thursday even i ng in the slowest game of the season Grand Is la nd Co'lege was defeated by a score of 29 to l t Per u played b e low f orm anct at no stage of the con test di s playeJ such f or m as was shown in the Nl•wton or second Wesleyan arne. Grarid Is la nd ' s d ef e nse was wea k and t he Normalites broke t.J. ~ it with ease. Smith broke in to the JimC'lig h t ·.r· 'J a coup le of pretty goals a t the ver >" ~ · ::ri!"lni Ll of l he game. A < later Sandberg a n d Schn e ide r •a.· 1 Jn tribu ted sever a l m ore , t• n b1th teams sloweti u p. The -; ,.d la lf was only a r e p e titi on of irsL a nd the s tud e nts t ook v ic1' he ' ·~· ·. 1 m:!.t t e r o f co u rse. da..> ~ ~~~ ~hyed clean, scrappy ball , · 1yo u t c 1assed ·m ever y ut ,, c.r~ s1mp






I. . .


g. me nway with the tea m so m ust he omi t ted . Stevens of Nebras ka Cit) refereed all three games.

A Little Bit D e utschla nd in Peru . For t he past t e n days the s me ll of ba nana oil and sp lashes of go ld paint have g iven a p ecu l iar at mosphere to M 1ss B owe n's r oom, w hile students a nd teacher s have wa tched ad miri ng ly the progr ess of the br ightly colored ep itomic coat-ofarms, which eigh t g irls f r o m th e


or " onsm , ate sb' . .a astr op e t D r . H ouse. 10 wou lrl catc h tne pu ." c ·eye a ·Miss Ki nscella, t he pianist of the soo ne r a nd d raw , a b tgger c r owc! · t 1ca . 11 y re. ., a t eve m· ng , was en t h us1as th E' Gayety, Yet ' Cousm Kate .has 1ce1ve . d amI JUSt . Iy £o. Sh e Iuts a probablv· bPen played a t nne time 1b"1:r techmque, . . sense o f m . ~ fi ne or another on most of t he good "' . . . t erpretauve , a lues, and shows car e~tag_es 01 ~ew Yor~ to b tg en~h us~ f ul study. It would be difficult to Jasuc auc! Jc>nc-<!S, . . mght afrer n .ig h t d 1scn mmatc a mong t h e num b ers I t was new~ g ive n at the Hi p po- she otfe.red but perha ps t he L iszt drom e. It Is n ot a spectacl~, has "Gondo lie ra" showed to best ad no fat women, c! r unk men , fire.;; or h f t f . . , . vantage er ma:-te ry o ona 1 e train c.,ll ,s rons. ~ hts play tel ~s j fects , and the Wieniawski "Va lse a lwut n•r~ l p enplt-> With r eal sen t t- 1de Concert' ' the possibi lities of her ments-Eolks such as ynu and l . A . M. J(. · · techn tqu!::. s e ncmes, 1ss m0 know .r _want to k nl) w- typPs. l sc·ella ;Hided · 'The Mns ic Box, " · by wond e rful and con<l.>t <>nt. tak: n H einz, and a " Crad le Song-," h~ f , om ifl' as tne wn tt!r Rees 1t. . fi 1 t J osefy. 11 1 1 ~ nd . Lh.Pre~~ a .t nte0 ~t e ov;·l:l ~e 1 Mi::;~ MtJyPr, w ho is so genu inely 0 1 unnlng t ttl 1 . eep well li ked bnth f1 1 her ~ plt- ndid intt•r est of the children .. Just as . rl f h . e so n votce an or ne r c at n11n~ P r we judgP our friE:'nds a nd compan- alt·ty. san<T "V.I"t·uns" l>Y l(l·ei ns ,.. ~ 0 i ons by what t hey s~y, ~ we must Ia d t he •·R,rt! of ihe Wi lckrness" j udge t.h is play hy 1ts l1nPs a nd the n . . · b. H1 r"n1a rtn - the lal tcr nun tber fineness of their m te rp t etC:Jt\(l n. It ) I " is a mastlr piece. Arti::tn· shows giving bettPr di splay fn r the warm t hru e ve ry situalinn and ~urn of nch 4uality of her voice. To t nnught. And l ikt> e~erv w.,rk of th ese nu mbers Mis~ iVIE-xer· added . · · ( f ' · Darkh ' s S"' et't hfart.'' hy L iza yea rs . . a r L rr Jcrna n.ls t rorn us 1 we , · • T he sh ie lds a re pain ted d i :ec ly Wtluld appreciate il) ~y · n p<nh.v and I L"hmann , in rt:!~IJon~e to tlw hea rty 1111 a 1Jpla u ·e On t he wal l a nd add to the cna undE:'t standing. So when you come ' · . ~nd Ge rman atm osphere whi ch pe t· to St'e "l.:ousin K.att>," c.Jnte poe- , M is.; <: re~.r dtspln~'ed unusual vade M iss BowenJs cl assr~om. l h~ pared tt• do sor rte kePn listening, r talent in aeeompanytng, a n art t hat ar t s tude n ts· who, wo r to ng u nc.et I I . ' l hln k incr and to havP a I is all t•>" ra r<•l) pn,;:;ps,;erl , M. M t c· .. , d anc so llll ,... ' I h ('I Cl l th e d i r ec ti on o f ISS I u z, a! I \:' I I It f. t Leave your, A.• a final n ll m 1e r t e , ee ul . . . , roya n1~1 o I . . · ·I thei r p r oj ects t o comp 1etiOil a re t . gocrgles at home with the assts l,a nee of seveu . B lwrt! muv 1ng p1 c u re ,_ · . , ·; 11 ler Flo An derso n l:l • , ~-. . .• Those I young- men in sot s u n t. orms, Mane • . D r Dun'L ~·n ng you r tall t ng. I Rh " , . E mma Brenne m a n , L i I!J a n wye , ' " I t " and "get gave . , Ehren on the me tn d M. be l who expect to see a o j . Th . Iris Jac kson, Gladys M ea e , a I th ri lled" wi II get fooled. A per- song a nd pantonll me. e Jllnovavon Schutz, and Laura Wad dell. / ho ca n't l isten to t he lit.,-ra - I Lion was hi ghly effective a~d T he Ge rman department is g r eat •Y so~ ~ "C . Kale" and apprec- proved a fitt ing close to a splend id . b d t o these studen ts and to tur e In ousl n ' . ram Jnde t e . of decor a t in n ICon tiuU<·cl 011 ~l·o·IIIIC( paj.!C ) I )l l og . Mi ss Mn tz f or a p i ece .

departmen t of the g ame. the wa ll' of om· Germa n r oo m is the Firda y n igh t t h e d oubl e header I mpe rial Eag le w it h hi s cro w ~.-Came Off l·n good sha r. e f or Au b u r n t h e coat-of-arms of the German On eac h si de of t his and the "varsity. " The less said Empire. .es ·t · l c symbol are three shi elds, about the fi r st ga~e the better . ma) . The writer will say th is m u ch, coats-of -arms of s ix r e presentative "The r ese r ves played like a h un ch states fr o m t h e twenty-s ix consti of ya ps ,, . A u b urn pu t up a goo d tutt' nrr ,., t he e mpi·I·e. - T he tWL' game fo r a high school a nd were sh ie lds at the extre mes of the fr eswell r epresen ted al ong the s id e co a re those of two " f ree cit1 es." 1or m uni c ipal repu bli cs. B renwn •s Jines. At tl?r t h e comedy th e "varsi ty " sy mbol, t he -k ey, ty pi fies vezy took the D oane College t eam ' s nice ly he r p os it i on as o ne of the 1"~ ex t m ~as ure, 11 t o 26 . T he first half keys t o Germa n co mm er ce. wa3 not much better t ha n the first t o t hese ex tremes are coa ts.-of -artns half of the first game. Doane p u t of two of Germa ny's f our ki ng w.u up a goorl fight an d he ld t he s wift do ms Bayern (Bavari ~;~) an d nor ma l ites 4 t o G. Bu t Peru ca m~ temb~rg. S ch i ller 's b irth p face. back in t he last p e ri od, and t he T hese two are especi a lly a t t ractive The sh iel t s qui ntet got i ts mach i nery t o work- in color and desig n . ble m r " l>re I t i ng wi th Sch ne ider , Be ll , a n d 1 n ext to t h e ce n r a e m . · ,... ·, th t:' k. ng ca r·e of th e scori ng ' sent t wo of the g rand ducltt cs. " .. S 1 . 0 f these Sachse n-We i m<II · ond of t h e ba tt I e. Th e T tg e rs g ave ne 0 • • Per u all they h ad fr o m the in i t ia l E i sen ach, tho not t he la r ge.·t of t, t le final wh istl e b u t t hey had n't th~:: duchies , is immor ta l, Sl llCt' tile 'goods. " D oa ne p layed a Goethe m ad e it hi s ho me f or many (')"'an game t hr uo ut. The line-ups for t he games ha ve





I . .


• I

THE PERU NORMA LITE ~ tiseme nt?

Otherwise the 21 ca n not b e prin ted . En tered a t the Post office at Peru , Nc· ' hra~ka as second·class ma tter. AI urn n 1' N otes Publlsht Weekly by the Peru State Normal S un day afternoo~, F ebruary 11, . b ' ld P.onca, 75 cts. per year. Sing-le copy!'\ cts. J t he hi gh sch ool Ul ing in _ N ebraska, burned to t he g roun d, H O .VARD SM IT H -. ~d~to r 1spon t aneour combustio n be ing t he -\ LEW IS T YLER Assoctate Edttor G L E~N o. KELLE Y cause. The fire was we ll under Business an d Subscrip t ion Ma nager w ay before i t was di sco vrered and ' as t he hyd ra n ts wer e fro zen , pan icoF.P AR'r~J ENT EDITOR S , Nona Palmer, .......... .......... . ...... Alu mni str ic ke n citizens had · to s ta nd by Eos Brow n........................... Philoma t hca n and see t he build ing des tr oyed . Fra nk Leger ....... . ................... V. :\-1. G::. A. Elsie Wilburn ....................... Y. W . C. A. The r e wer e ()5 t ons of coa l in the


t~~~sn ~~~~rt,

........... ............. A~i~~~i~; :\lis's Bowen ......... ................... Music r~osalic Kohn ............................. Humor .VI r!< Nellie M Smit n, ....... ..... . Local J ack Allsman .................. "Minerva" ;\lary Cia ry ....................... Stniors J<osalinc Ko hn .. ........ .... .... Juniors (;e n rude Clifton Sophomores L"" Hacke r .. ....... .. . Preshmcn Vi via11 Ri shop ...... .. High Schoc\1 Mr. PaProf. lmer r .. .M . \.rc_gg.. . Arl Sch·ncc viser Club

. Entertatn~d.


t Thursday m issed a good proGlee Clubs as T h e p layette, "Look ing Q n Sa t u r day evening at 8 o'clock I ~~:~· W ife, " gi ve; by Mr. Palmer t he::e assembled a t the hom e of Dr. nd th e M i sses J u st 1sen , Cleveng er. a ancl Mrs. House t he two g 1ee c I u bs and Reeci was ve ry much a ppr eci1 a nd s ave r a l oth E:r g uests. T he t d We .ho pe to see e v e r y memd ff nd ' a e · e lectr ic li g-h ts we r e turn e o a ber of t hi s c la ss at o ur r egula r candl es we re li g h t e d. Dr. H ouse c la ss c h ap e l n ext Thurs day . a sked what he s hould r ead and a G dL k story of S he r lock Holmes, "Th e A Streak of oo. uc · Speckl e d Band, •• was una ni m ou s ly 1 <Co ntin ued fr o m Ftrs~ Pa~e..> h. At t he m ost e x c i ting 1 iate i t w i l l be a s bad ly dl sappo m ted c osen. 1 • 1 part Mr. Ho use a s ked if he s hou lrl • as seei ng P a d e r e ws k l Pay on a .s top. Wel l he d i d n't s t op. . d u mb-pi a n o o r th e Bo sto.n Sy mF ollowing the s t o ry r e fr es h me.1t 5 p ho n y orch estra in the m ov ies.





baseme nt. Ve ry little was sa ved . wer e served cons is ti ng .,.. of sa n ' - 1 Bn t i t' s g r ea t ! P e ru, wh o loves Beatrice Misegadi s, ' 16, is prin- w iches, o icld es, coo kies . coffee . t h e b est , wi ll go w i ld ove r i t. . al . · 1 f' 1 CI P • and ca ndy. It w as su r pn sw g lO W C lassi Y you r se v es. In r e por t ing t he ded icator y ser- m a ny peop le wa n t ed t o fin d t h e lt 's a w eek f rom n e xt S aturday . f h h h h of h f h v1ces or t e ne w ig sc 0 0 1 cozy corner s wh e n ,_t es• r e r es - night. b U.l' ld'mg m · D' iCt N 6 · d A · f JStnc o. Jn me nts were se r ve . pi c ture o ,. M iss Tibbe tts we n t t o Lin('o]n Washington county, th e state sup- t he two g lee c lu bs or. one p os t - W d d . d " D' . N 6 d e nes ay. ~ e n n t e n ent says: u;t n ct o. <'ar d were prese n te to eac h g u est __ _ r epresents our fines t t y pe of r ural la t th e same t ime . ::-------,;...----~---~ T he debat i ng teams c hosen in school improve me n t of the h1gh Aft e r v is i t in g t he punch- bo wl ' th e preli mi naries held in J -an uary school class. 1c is not a consnli da- t he boys sang t he ir ~ongs !'or t he ha ve now co mm en ced st renuous t ion, but the di s t ri c t is ab le fina n · 1 e n te rta in ment of t h e g irls a n d t h e n I work on t heir asi s~ned q uesti o ns . cia lly t o un~l,ertak~ ~he .improve- ' d e nt anded f o ur f r om th e g ir ls. Greeley Teacher s' College of Co l- men t a lon e. I he pnnc1 pa l ls a g rad- Afte r wh ic h Dr. and Mrs . H o use or auo, has accepted Peru ' s cha l- uate of t he Pe ru N ormal. This sang th r ee de li ghtful duets fo r u s . lenge fo r a dual d e bate , a nd has school distr ict scor es 125 poin ts The n all togethe r sa ng some o ld suggest ed the q uestion , "Reso lved, out of a eoss i ble 188, a n ri is one well known so ng s acco mpani ~d by tha~ la?or a nd capita l shou ld settl.e of t he,two schoo.ls ~f merit in .t he j Dr. H o use on h is g~ itar. After th e1~ d1 ~?ute~ by compu lsory arbl - ~tate: The pr1nc1pal :·ef.erred t o l s ing ing ' ' Good n i gh t, ~Lad i es, " the ' 1 trat:on, wh1 ch ha~ been &cc~pted , l iS M1ss Co ra Brunsd on, lb. guests left,- h aving e njoyed them and. Verne Chate lain a nd R 1cha rd Among t he Uni vers ity students.• se lves as only ~ues ts of t hese splenMelss ne r have ? ten selected to de- r ece i ving degr ees a t the mid- I did e nte rta i ne r s co u ld. bate the negat1ve at Greeley, and wi nt er commence ment last Thurs- ~ Vn e of t he f .._ rtunate. Fred Kuehl m~n and Jack ~lisman day evening, ~Pre t he following t he affir mative at Peru. The Pe ru alumni: Susa '1 Ha r mon , , 11. y M. C. A. Notes. question with Doane Co lleg e is, Ab i Beyon , ' 07, and Chas. Live ly , The meet ing- ~nnrl ay a fte rnoo n I ''Reso lved, t hat th e Monroe Doc- ' 13. was led by Arth u r Sch u ltz . who tirne shoul d be abandoned . " Ta l- Th d t. t . "Th D ' g a ve a sp le nclit tal k o n his e xperie rama 1za 1on , e ec 1ara. b •)t Hun t, Stephen Durish. Glenn 1 tl' on of 1 d d , h' h . 11 ence as a solrl1 e r o n th e Mex ica n n e pen ence, w IC WI I d M Vl. Ke lley and Bryan Emmer t affirm b . d . . . or e e r. I r. Sch ultz s p ok e t o o n e t h e g 1ven un ng 1naug urat10n next ' f t l 1 t he question he r e. N eg-o tiati ons are . ~ l o 1e a r~es g r oups t at has atmont h at Wa,s hmgton . D. C.. was 1 t 1 1 th y 1\1 C A . al.>o under way fo r t his tea m to · e nr ec e · . t h1s year Make our ~tore your wr itten by Mary Edna H ill Tay lor, WI t · · · d e ba te the ,same questio n with , · · 1Y no come out e very S u nd a v 12. When Mrs. T&y lor wa:; teach · ft r1 b · hetidq u a r t t:! r s w h en in Mid la nd College, Atch ison, Kansas: . • · . a er noo n a n !! r epa id in t he . 1n_g- m Ha r vard som e years ag-o l h1 s · · t 1 th · f :"'iebra~ki't l:ity . M uch str ess is la id u por. th is art · s p1r1 ua en us1a sm o t hes e m ee t • . pageant was g iven as " The Build- · ? Aft h 1 t he re, tb e inst i t u t ion offeri ng a -de,- ing of t he Na t ion. " On last Dec- 1ngs. . e r t e re 1g1 ou s inee ting ha t i ng p in t o t hose w i nn i ng a place t he fl) llow w g office r s we r e e lee ted or a t ion Day a part of it was preon the t ea m- a c ust om s imilar to for the comi ng year: C ha s . Pa lm sented in Washing ton a nd i t was so • o urs of awarding a le tte r f or athle · e r, pr esi dent; Ori s O wt ns, vice we ll r eceived that Secretary Lane tics . The suggestion should be one presid e n t: J ohn Blac k, secreta r v ,· .. h b , . has asked t hat i t be given in fu ll · r t o cog 1- d . . . k LeR oy Cleme nts , trea s u r e r. T he f or t h e powers t at e u n ng maugura t 10n wee . NEBRAS KA t a t.e upon . The stud ents have ex · J Y. M . C. A. s ur e ly has a r ig h t o u t- I NeB RASKA CITY, presserl by 'the ir votes th a t t hey A r ecent nu mbe r of t he Nebraska look for the fu t ure w.j th these exTH E Q UA LITY STORE dn-n ot favor t he rati o of $26 for 1Teacher pub! ished a le tter f rom · celle n t men as i ts J ead e~s. a lhl t> tics t o Sl fo r d eba t ing, as t he- Elwood Baker , '13, superinte nd en t Remember vesner se r vi ces n e xt , Everything Ma rked in Plain Figu re~ ap p ropriatio~ is a t pr ese nt made. at Te ll ur ide , Colo . , in wh ich he Sunday. Leader , Ne lli e Ke ll y an d, :-.---------------~ Not less athl e t ics, b ut mor e deba t - g i ves a n i nteresting account of t he Rt cha rd Me issner. T op 1c is . 1 1 ing, s hon ld pe our slogan . ni g ht school conduc t ed br h is city fo r m .of~ deba~e. "Resolved, th a Be y o u r ord:-r s grea t or s m a ll G. 0. K. t eacher s. wa1: 1s, 1ncons 1s te n t with Ch n sPhon e or brmg th t> m o n e and all '' - -- - - -C. Ray Gates, '07, s uper in ten- . llln l t.v. ' • 1TU



Is I East at Pre sent and his selec-




tions in






Suits and


Dresses are Arrl· n g Daily



t ;..

A " found'' ad has bee n t ur ned i n de nt at West Poi n t, has been una n-


s pec1a· 1s an d

Mrs. E. 0. PoJzDI '-'

T r ~i n e rs .

f r om box 23 1. Wi ll t he a ri veri tser imously re-e lected for a lPr m of Th ose who we re abse nt fr o m 1 .specials a nd t ra ine r s ' cla -.s c ha pe l p lea->e sig n hi s name t o the adver- two years a t $1 650 and 1700. I

NEW ~OOD~ purcl;tases.

i n all departments coming every few days.

Don 't wait till . too

We are mak in g our pri ces as reasonable as possibl e.

The Cash Stor e


P h on e 2 18 Agent for Sunoy11ide Oreenhou~e Falls C i ty , Nebr .

1at e to make your sp ring

- Phone 22




Notice To Philomatheans. Since the next meeting of Phi lo is to be a "rube " affair, t he committee in ·cha rge reques ts you to come attirea in ~ppropr i at e garb. If yo u want to dress as chi ld r en, all r ig ht; we' ll be glad to have you so. If several 'want to come as a family, that' s a good stun t. Hes t assured that you ' r s going t o have a good time . A ll you 're asked t o br ing are a sense of h•1mor and a jolly dispos ition.

A Source of Much Satisfaction


Is a Good

State Bank \




Fountain P en a nd yo u get Sa tisfaction Insnra nce with each one we sell. :\1oores-Non- Leak a ble?-T ha t's a g ood one. we sell i t. Conkl ins?- That 's ~. go ocl o ne. we sell i t . Am e ri.· a o - Safety-Sel t~fi ll c:r ?-Thnt's a g ood one, we sell i t. Co me select yonrs no w

I .•





LOCALS Miss Meinhold i mpertimmtly ask- -- ---------------------------, Rhue Green bas been e lected to ed, " How abou t the other ?" Pn.: ~h Hnrl C un·ci Ments the su perintendency at Tr umbul l. Professor Gr egg in social psyHo me 111adt' Wienit·s & lJolog-na John Weatherhogg has been Spc· ~: i ;drv choolg y :- "Why d id doctors wear Jewelry & Fountain Pens elected a ssistant pri ncipal at ShelP ull line o f ca n n~d Good s g<•atees and burnsides in the ear li· by; salary, . $80. , W. C RO RG ESS. P r op er d ays ' and to some extent yet? 13ring them to Ellis the Jeweler Dean Rouse went t o Sutton on Why, because there is prestige sug.-~ - ....:.=:..-====:-::r:=-----Por Repairs, F rid ay to g ive an address to t he g;estion i n that ..for a good man y Teacher s ' Inst i tute. people.-.-' Mrs. ~mi th : -"But a At t he 6etTh at S . J . E llen ber g er has been re· bear d is sim ply r epuls ive to me. . elected to t he super in tendency at T hat was th e r eason for Hughes' Re pa i r Wo rk Elwood , at a sa la ry of $ 1000. fai lure in the late campaign." Pr esiden t H ay es went to Omaha, ( Prof essor Gregg had previously Take n C a re of ; Thursday, on bus iness. Miss Nona admitted ha vingvot ed fo r Hugh~s.) While down t o wn go to 1 Pa lmer , oi; t he s horchand rlepart- A lisman :-"Why t ha t is all Hughes At the 1 ment, spent Saturday in Li ncoln . had to pro mo te his campai g n. " fo r yo ur ~n!Jii sh essays class a nd J ecl er - Pr of. _Gregg: - I r~fuse . to" be CI •

v MeA r


Watches, Clocks,


Variety Store CH A SE' S

-N. S. N. S. Store

Barber Work mann had rtropped his pencil th ree d rawn Jnt o another d1scuss•on . Neat, C lean . All work fi rst class. V E. Cha tela in, M a n ~to-cr_ · · qu1· c k successiO · n. "Can 't ' St'cond doo r from po~ toffice "' . _ . t 1mes m The Sluffer , you w histle to it, M i !?t~r ·" s ugThe s luffer is a lazy cuss ; he is a ges terl Dr. H ouse. pub lic pest. In class he never We a r e agents fo r C~ rl E•·N. S . Hi\RAJI AN A n umber of the me m ber s of our makes a f uss ; he never rloes his lick 's "No n-cietecta hle" Wigs A. B .. 1> . U. S Each one n nd T o u pee:'!'. facul t y are expecting to attend t he I best. H e ho wls a nd shr ieks and Oraduale of Cbtcago College Oenlal• Surgeon g.na ra n tet'd. Nati ona l Rur al Life Co nve nti on i n groans in pain whe n q u izzes ar e in 1\ESI f>E :--J T I>EN I' IST KINGSOLV ER & COWELL L inco ln thi s week. ~resident sig ht; he ca ri es while he sheds tea:-s •' WESTSID E RAR HE I{ S llO P " Offin• OVtT rr~y (h il\e r v Hayes w i ll de li ver an a dd ress on 1 like ra in , " I' m in a sorry plight. " "Tne Re lation of the Normal H e t ears aroun(:l and makes th ings ---------------School to t he Training of !{ura l hu m; he plugs .a nd cri es a nd cra ms; He i:ld q u a r t e r~ fur he sayc:, "I' l l have to study so me, I j Teache rs." Victrolas " Hip h urra~, " sho uted Oa kes, must pass those exams." The sly ' Pianos Oen ti !'it i as he e nter ed the King horn house ' old Pr of., he winks ·h is eye a nd i S H EET MUSIC J a t noo n, '·~oup for d inn er ·" Cap I says, " Your wor k is punk . Your GASKILL MUSIC COMPANY Otli ~·,· nv <-r Va r ie tv Sto re and coat w ere soo n off and- the soup 1 g rad e is not !'O ver y hi g h; I g uess NEBRASKA CITY, NEBSASKA pla te a ttacked. When i t had been 1 you'll have to flunk . " ' ' Brown al· I - - - - - ---------d ry cleaned , Oakes ejacu lated, ways was a lucky slob, ' ' in after .-------------------------~ O~ . K. L. SHE L L H O~l\ "Ach, that soup is g ood. " Ans- -years he' ll cr y. " He holds a hunP ERFUMESResidence Phnn t' (i wer ed J ohnson " Indeed O..;car, it d r ed do lla r jo b anrl wher e th e heck W e hn n · j 11 !- t n Tin·t'd n line of Office o v•T f~ t>xrt ll :-t!f• rt• is t he best 1 have ever HEARD. " Iam 1?" He ' ll never know t ha t t he Aj.! rn .pr rfn mt•f' in pop ul a r Ph () Il l' :-l L In t he par liamen ta ry la w class. B~own worl<~cl a nd neederl none to nrl or!'. 'I r :• il ir1g- Arh u ti!' .\Ef1R . PE£H..: . Mrs. N . Smith:--" 1 move that Mr . ' coax, anrl had t h ree ~ · s on eve~y \\'hi tc l<o!'<:. Lil h c f t l t · V:d lry ' G r egg te II us tl1e p1g · s t o r·y he men - card t hat Prexy sent. h 1s fo lks. I II CrHhA ppl<I ;,t·u ~ t Hlo!'~o m --~=~-------------------------. ., Cc P a lways t r y to be l1 ke Brown, an c ~r r nH ti n n ti oned a t o ur Iast mee t m g. , - 1' d ea I f or .my rna t es anu..~ t hen per- rJ<- Ii n •t <· l. m- ting R<·fin erl Va lentines of Flowers [)() n · n (!- pt· l· O IIO l'l' enhaver :- " Mr. Pre~ J df'nt, I t h 1n k · chance T'I I wear a cr own when NP :>.l o 1e. :--io Lt·:<s. t his wo uld be ap pr opria te bec~use Yo u \viii fine! h<·re : 1 r:1n· enllec , pass t hru t he pea r ly gatf's. i t<'rt n ,,f flowe r!< ~ ni\ <lhlt' fnr V;ctl . nogs a r e ve r v common am ong us. ' FISHER BROT H ER . l K L. S. , ' 18. lli~ !' I,(~ I ~ TS cnt inc!' . rorn th e·,.-<· _vnn cn n ~~-' Weath e rhogg: - "Po int of nr·cer. __ _ lee r t bt• e• tt n ·n r~· rn,. m ht·r:r lll·e fn r Mr. Cha irman. Th is is too persu nT EACH ERS WANT ED. l ht' "we:-e tl~<a r l , w.r,, s i~ tt' r 11 r a l. " For every D epartm en t of school mn t lwr Prof. Bedk had g i ve'n the D utch- wor k. Boar ds will soon commence H<· re art' : 1 fe w man' s th eory fo r th e ea!'e wit h ' to elect teachers for n ex t year ' 'her " . 1 · of l ll f Sil!?f" fllli HjUt·to.;, $ 1 f) () :.t nrl whi c h people r eca ll the fi r,;t wh ip· REGISTER NOW and sret in on the , upwa rcl .:: P lower R:.!'ket $ 1 50 p ing a nd t he fin:t kiss,- th e psych- 1 fjrst vaca n cies. Wrjte today for :-t ncl upwa rcl~ : l!ou qn ct f', $1 00 olog ica l p r inc i p le that t he fi r st im- 1blank. O nly. JV2 •, Com._., Pay?ble for an d up wa r ds. . · t h lo ngest in , N ov. lst. Terrttory: Iowa. W ts , Mtnn, pressJOns r e ma m t> N 0 k d tl W D ' Plnre yonr· ord ers to-clay for consciousness. Men a nd Wome n H e d escribed the Delb . a otas an le est. on t delivery o n St V:tknt ine cl :-t y. · · f' ·t h · ppi ng e ay, at vi v1d ness of hJ s ow n lrS w 1 T eachers Employment Bu r eau, E. I. H euer , Mgr. in an enterta in ing way, and t hen SIMANTON & . ' hastened t o con nect the theor y w ith 22 8 Cedar Rapids Savio~ Ban k NE BRASKA . t he teachi ng of a r i t h metic . Bu t PA LLS CIT Y. Cedar Raptds, Iow a. 1L----------------------------· ~------------------~ ,





Or. R . D . Cole



A New Line

Tennis Shoes



''The White Store"

-Book Review.


sevent h,


" reasona ble"



of th e ' 'Artiller y or t r a m e

d -, an ·

Course of Study a nd Outline in hyg iene in t he eigh t h , testifies in Abo u t 1650 several sp eci a l orde rs Sa nitation and H ygiene f or t he that di rection . 'The en u merat ion of t he co llege were passed. • ' No


"s~ri ngs

Schoo ls of N e braska . Prepar ed of of ·t he of h uman scholar shal l buy ' sell or excha n ge 0f by F. M. Gr egg. S t ate Normal actiOn" as the po mts of departure, .

School , Peru .

Published by the ond the psychological cothec than · anything to ye value


S eniors of th e U ni ver s i ty of Chi cago h ave organi ze a four weeks' bead -gro wing conteqt, w h ich IS n ow u n der way. Se ni or w o m e n w ill pick t h e winne r , t o whom will be gi ven a loving cup, m u s tache "sty le, in comme m oration of hi s hirsu te

S tat e of Nehraska De partme nt of t he logi cal organ ization of t he su h- 1without ye a ll owe n ce of h is par- e x c e lle nce . P ubli c Instruction , 1916. ject matte r so f a r a s to fit the chi ld en t s , guardi ans or t utor s. The


There Is an ever present tenden- mind, a" f urther evidences of the . soholars shall never use their mothM r . and Mrs. Russel Whi t field cy upon the par t of teachecs to a uthor's confidence In modecn ' er -tongue except in publi c exerds- have m oved to the orchards near t-!ach fac t s purelv for fa ct's sake educationa l theor y . to t each on even afte r t he line diT he of t hi s



conr sc

' es o f orat or y, where t hey a r e N e b r aska C i t Y, a n d h e will assist i n <;a iled tfl m ake t hem i nE ng lish. his fat h er i n t h e ir care t hi s season.

vtdi ng practice fr o m t heory has hyg iene u rg es, sets f or t.h in a ''No sthn la r w hatever, without Perhaps t his is very !"pecific mann er. th e sturl y of th e acq uain ta nc e a nd leave of ye b ee n passed. d esirab le, but a ll who have g i ven ''th ings" be for e the stud y abou t presid :> nt a nli hi s Tuto r sh al l be atle ntion t o ou r "inherited teach- " th ings" in hooks . He insists p re eH at an y of ye P u b licke C ivil ing tende ncies " wi ll a d mit t hat we (and who wi ll rl isput.e ?) that sen<;e 1 m eeti ng s- or Co ncourse of p eop le ! th e no r he t a ke t obacco unle ss ha ve not y e t approached the da ng er experiencP shou ld preced e l ihe of excessi ve ins is t ence upon second ha nd of r ecor ds pt:-r mitte rl by ye Pre si dent w i th y e t1 e hab it ual a p plicati on , by our in books . consent o f hiti 1Ja re nl.::. or g ua r di ans P J.Pi Is, of facts and p r inc i ples . A noth: r out s land ing cha racter is- an·! on g ood reaso n first g iven b y taug ht. So· i t is hi g hly g r at ify i ng 1be of t h1 s hyg ie n e hook le t is its a P hyi si tian a nti th e n- in a s ober t o ru n u pon s uch a pamph le t as th e clear appreciat ion of the ne e.l for and .r i ,· ,..te man)1<> r . A n o the r r ul e one u nd e r r eview,, whi c h stresses proper st a nda rch an d i mpliration was Jtw de p rov id i ng pu ni shmen t " h •bit hyg iene, " or in other wo rd s t hat effor t is li l<c ly to he f nti le fo r t he Se ni ors p r:l cti ce of sending e ·nphas izes t hat pr inc i ples of unless we ll d Pfined stan dar d<> a re in th e F' re ohmen c n errand s, or giene a r e va luab le o nly as t hey find t he mind of b ot h t Pa chr r anrl pupil . t>th e rw iseu se of t hem. 11 e xpress ion in t he life of th e one U pon open ing t he pamphle t almn:;t On ~atu rd a v e v n n g t he st ud e ts who learns t he m. ' th e fi r st thing that str i ~es t he we re r e q ·t ind t o retire t o the i r A perusal · of t he pamphl e t shows r eadrl'er' s eye t h is a · scor · e carr! f f ot cha mbe rs at s unst't · 'and n ot n een ou cr opp t ng of th e mode rn p y . gra 1n~ e santtat1on o the ts ;arily leave them, anrl f or all di s a t of mot;vaUon and ;nslg5ht .chool property chnlogy A few pages oro lm they were severe ly p u'n -

s~al l


hy~ I

upon almost every page,

___ _


Yet ;t ;s fart her 'on ;s a sugge<ted sohsme ;shed. sometimes expelled.

The ~ '4 HtJ s tli n g Dre sher B roth ers '' I t d oeo: n 't m a l< e a ny cl i ff rcmce wh ere yo u li ve; Pa rcels Pn,...t n nd < xpn•ss hr i ng·s t he S11 p~: r h I l r e :< IJC'I Clnaning Scr vict: to JO tl l v i 1'1 donr Dresbers pay P~o~rcels P o s t .. 1· Ex • r ·s<; ch argeo: o n e wa)' o n an v ~i zecl h ondle to any -

p<~i nt.

And plea .- k now th ot t hm ;sn't a 6nec gcnde o: cloanlng d n no ;n d>e

· 1 fo r 1' n t' 'I f h fi .D niterl S ra tcs. than t ha t feat n re rl <'tt ne so a ro1t y a nrl in s uch unspec mg pup1 !" o t e rst ~veryo ne was r equired to b e i n trlo echnical rl language t hat the lay ' fo ur grades, and. very hspolly, <he hi s ronm, Mndy; ng, by n;oe o'clock Ores hec's Omaha Pl•nl

reade r w i ll sca r ce ly r ealize it . closm g pa ge give; a n e ighth gracle T he recognition of t he e vo lut ion of hyg ie ne t €s t wlri c h t e<;tS n ot f or ch i ld nature in ·th e sh if t of s tress I words and facts b ut f or deeda anrl from "hab it '' hyg iene i n t he fift h hab i ts. p:.rad e thr u " ger m" hyg ie ne in the Eve ry teach•T a f; we ll as sixth a qd "commu n ity " hygi e ne in every superinte nden t \n N e braska 1 shou ld have a cnpy of t h i,; bu th:-t in - -- - -..,.-- -=-- - - -- . I ts clea r s tat em e n t of thP p urpose o f hyg iene in t ruction, i ts d e fin ite e nume ra t iolf of th e teac hpr 's prob 1e ms , it s sp Pcific rt> ferencc to pr actica lly e ver .v h yg ie ne l f' Xt bon k upo n th e ma rke t a nd a b o\'e a ll. it~ plea fo r a rl-'cognitio n of chi 'd natlll~e iu our inslruc t• on. ma ke it an _invaluable help ll• bot h t hose who a d mi ni st e r and th<•se who I t ea ch a course· in h~ g icne .



The Mirror that is

Ever Lasting


P ortrait The Pend d' Oreille Studio E. J . NEWMAN P hone 56

Peru. Nebr.

_I I

--~· C. H·

and " t o thi s e nd , theTu tors fre quently vi~i r ed tt"te i r ch a m bers (e spe r.ia ll.\· in th e i r s~>veral di str i c t s ) af t er n in e , nnrl at ot her study ing t o q .llcken t ne tn to . th.eo r


busif<' urth n~s~." er ,

"No f'c ho la r sha ll u ~­ neC'P&;a r i ly fr t>q ue n t any taver n or Victua l li ng House i n Cambridge to e H or Or in k t he r e withou t lea ve f ,.nm ye P resi de n t or one o f th e T ut or..:." lmm Prli'lte ly afte r t his or ..-' er wac:; r enPa l!i'd a n urrbe r of ea t ·tn!! h uu;:;e'>, pr nbab ly e xceeding th e p re~ent m u ltit ud e , s pra ng u p a nrl d id an e xr PIIe nt bus i ness. A t t .lls · peri nrl the r e i s al so m e n ~ ·: nnec1 the fi rst public d e b ater . ThP U nde r -g rarlu ates sh a 11 in

College Rules tO . Ear I y Days ' t, ht>i r r onr sP. d ec·laim p uhli c IY 1. n Probaly f e w ·h e HHI I. 111 one of ye three unrl e r g r aduat rs LPa rnf'rl LRng naR"c>S. The S . know under what f:t r ict r ul e=- t he Snphi &te rs sha ll eli :; ute . stude nts . of Har v,m l Cn ll eg e in j th P H a II o ncP a W-'ek p t t. H th e t Jn h

e~t~r publici~




Dyers Tai lor s

Cleaners Hatte r s


2 2 1 1- 17 PAI-< '1-\:vt ST ..

0 .\'l.\ Fi A. :--IE B I<.

15 R i1 hs f u r T h e N e w ~t u derit!"l Sc ho o l Su p plil•s. Prn it f', G1·o ct ri..:s, a nd Cool; ies 'l h c w o uld li kt' t o s el l. S H Vl' th e lo ng w •tlk

C o n ft·cli o n t't·y. i\l ca t s.


Av e ntlt'

S tor e

B u _,, of u s to tow n

::1 11 d

18 steps from the Campus Phone 73

H. U. Landolt

Oh, My Val e~tine

ea we r e g overned • of Mn, rc h . RPS!r1e . nt ., rl y tlmes Ba che!e nt •ro m a n u mber of t he. o lde,;t ~"~"' · sh c1 · . . ours 11 1 y o n n eed a pn i r o f t h nst' n o n .:lt: -------=---1 a ' "Pute tn t ne Hall ' r• or d s andorde r s of Lh e colleg. e ove r- fortn ·IC" ht ( t' r .t 'Tl ve t e nth o fonce a :>ee rs. m a ny of the m pa rtl v de•- tem b t l · ep- L~Y O·t0 11(' s h O l.'S q t ~f i l :-tt' a cl'!lrW e 1. Albe rt M alth"W ~ . ' H·; sur h er o ~ 1e t e nth o f Mar ch) on - ' ~. . qne stlnp c; a <> t he Pr 'd d' . . . lhe h i"tn r •v of lla r - rhct · . " 1' h (' re le b t' C:'S l cnt tr ::; h ) lS e For Any Occasion You Don't? . va rd htof,we 1750 for· t he ;\1a~-:a I t ra tons at th ese I h . c even s c•a used the foi l . ~ nl' h :1s \\' ,·rld ing s . Hinh d<l\' . c ,usetts H istorie 'l l S.>c ietv If a n v scho la r b owmg. o rde r : • • ha "· 1 t' ••·tics . l~<' llll'lll hr:o IlL'<' " F'unt" 1: • Then try coh'1cct e d an d s nmma r izNI th e law rl of · a n,v n f o u r :> U t ple line I , . , " ru n k e n ncss he sh a lle l ~ul fity ;t il'. et c. i n npprop r i >~ t c nrI I w l C 1 a sturlt;>n t hHd to obey nt that ! sh i llln s . . . 1e n e d 5 . :\o 11 nkr t tl r:ong<"nH·nl ~ pe r iod. . g. a nd ma ke a p u b l ic co nfes- of>- h oes. 1 M gAN l T . " n1 :dl an d nn tll' ton l;u·gt•. SJO n . No und e r d b h' g ra uate sh a ll I n t he fi rst place, no one Wlls k 1 • d • Pep Y t m br a ndy r G. E. BERTHOLD p~nnttte to go to anothe r to wn ot he r di sti ll pd " . . .' um, or a ny THE F LORIS T Wit h out the "Li ce n se of ve Over h II . . J) li llnous liquors · ' . nor s a he u se , NEBRASKA CITY , NEBRASKA see rs, , no r cnuld he be a me mber d 'tn .· k s a s p unch or aFlip. n y s"uch m ixt


f resh Cut flowers


l lttn~~;


Milstead's 'Toggery.



l\TTT '\'fOFp





Little Differ ent Education for Wom en

The faculty an d st udents of the Peru State Normal were ver y f or t una te in having w i t h the m on F eb ruary 2 Oand 2 1 a wo man of unus ual character anc! of n al:i ona l r e nutatio n in th e person of M r s. H en rietta W. Ca lvi n, specia list in hom~ econom ics , Bureau of Ed uca tion Wash ingto n , D . C. Mrs. Calv in is one of A me ri ca' s fo remost lead e r s in home eco no m· ics. H er name appear s in Wh o's Who in Ameri ca. ~h e \"\'as at o ne time pofessor of ho me eco no mics in t he Kansas State Agr icu lt ural College, a lso held a · s i mi la r posi ti on in t he U ni ver s ity at Perd ue Indiana, and f or some years wa~ Dean of the School of H o rne E co nomics i n t he Oregoq. Agr ic ultural College. Sh e hafl lectu_r e rl in


national me e ti ngs a nd cha u ta uqua s - -in "evera l st ates of t he U n ion . b~loved G~orge the ha lls were dec· 1er tso n pla ye rl t he b~:ltg-a me fo r the PER U LOSES S'l'A1'E CH AMPIONSHIP Mrs. Calvin came to Pe r u to r e p- or ated WIt h flags a n d b unting orange an d blar·k , ·~coring all bu t I resent the home ec;o nomic d epart- w h ich m~de t hose b lank walls look two points f <ll' t he ir team . Team Drops T h ree out of Six on the


tne nt be fo r e Htt> Sci e nce· Assoc ia t io n. S he a.dcJn..sseJ that a..:;soc iation on T uesday n igh t with m uch cre dit to the department w hi ch she She occupied the r epresen t ed. c hape I h o ur on W e de nsday m o rni ng and received t he undivided attention of he r aud ience. - She is a w,Hnan with a message due to her wealth of experience. The idea often d iscussed to the effect t ha t feminine educati on of today is


ver y .beaut if ul. The jun iors' offPn~i ve play ingT rip Each .gu es t was rnel a_t th e door wa ;; be t ter than Uwi r dEo>fPnsive by a co lo ni a l lady and escor t ed to , b ut their inah il i-ty to locate. The boys' baske t La ll team left t he p a rl or .to re ce pti on C:Jmmi t - ' hoop a ccounts fo r their low score . ' P e ru Monday, Fe bruary 19, for the tee. H e r e pupch anrl wafer s were.! L in{--up: · annual t r ip for games w i th the served, a n d it w i U have to be ad-j 0<>un ·l !lr.~. JunJ·r,r.n. cnnfer ence teams. .Altho losing ' ~ ~ mitt.ed tbat sever a l wen t t o be r c - J ew t' ll f. Clements t he rha m plll nShJp , they retu m ce ived more tba n once. After re - : Rotwrlson f Wheeldon having had a ·· swell t ime. ' Th e fres h ment t he gues t s wer e piloted H utl t fi rst game was wit h Wesleya n, c. CooJwr where the.'· we re bad ly out- played thru th e rooms of t he inmates. No v,·tl< n- . ,.,,nJJenhaver Fo ' ' BnJ·gnu " These rooms had been c o nverted in- K 11 ,t1 1rtr ..... tst by_ the Coyo t es, wh o managed tt? '" ~ ,, to ve y cha . h b R' f ,r I ptle up a RCO re of :~7 po ints as r ures . rmatnd ng pennants. omes Y me nas ' ,{• f' l' f'e , ,nng. of p ict T hey , ag ins t P e r u's (i. T hP large fl o01:



th~ "~"


t t 11 1 k 1. k 11 ' and stra nge surroundings, and t he overbalanced in fav or of a profess io n d . ct . Junior Class Chapd. which 93 a oo to 1 e bel pnson cethe" s, , Tt i:; Sl' ldom th1-1t cv<"'O a J>rofr.. R- st a le comliti on of t11 e L~am is th f' · dp eSrcent of. th e wom . e n of asI son ome a . ::;eemed 'eve 1 s ioMtl ~pe31<U" ean ho ld tlw attPn- admitt~d causp of t h!:'ir ovcrwhelu :; th e U ntte tate>- do not follow foe 1wo ul d . J over and gravel\• · . . t h ree .years, . · lackT hose who had been at some for- tio n nf a g·ro_• p of N<•r ma l ::tud enls 111g· rl e f'E'at. he nex t n ig ht un 1ng g for home -mak in g me r r ecept1on . · ' d e lt. ghted to between I I ::w 'anr 1 12 :10, bu t last c··o t ne r,., ' sn1a 11 IIllo r , l-' Pr u agat. n was.ftn·a tra1 kl n md. . were . a n d those w ho had never Th n rsr1ay even: JUilt · · or ;:at Pnra p- n1et cI,. f'eal gu d 1 nS Y an t · 1ncon t·rover tJ bly ar- go aga tn • «•t th e h an d s of tl l <ll P. • o s rong we re her rema r ks h · · · h · tu n ·cl as Ben Huadlc.v re lat"d ht'f' easy tealll b,y a score of 27 to 1:.1 . in f f th . , gone were ent us tas t tc 10 t e1r ex pl:' ri pnce,; wh.ilt> in milit a ry ... f'e r-., At York . the boys a ga1n we nt dow n avor. o bo.. e teach111g of home praise of t he fair cJion ial ladi es in • v iet> at t he H(,rd tr. As ht>·, (ll~~s~d to de Je:t, tht s tim e with a sco re ehconomtc::; . l mans iOn. · f - · t,ra t, 111 s pea king with 1thei r co lon 1a As one i n ' hi:; k haki n niform . . sl (lod be- of ;jij to lG . Y·n·k simply played er a terward s, one of t he fac u lty . . b ·d "Th · · t h fi.• .d .~ C . Jum o:: oy sa l , 1s ~ ~ e rs t for e t he elas'. and vividly p ictured f ast ball and l'c:ru didn ' t hav e th~ Sa 1 , mrs. f a 1v1 n ' you have made ti. m e 1 have gotten a goorl _look at t he li fP •Jf rrw Nat 1onal Cu: rds. 'gL10rls. As three of t.he Grand 3 1 •ne a most ee l that 1 am in the the Dorm . T he o t her tim es 1 we nt th e t>nti rc· au d i< Ol'e lrn•d with him Island playe rs Wt->re inel igi ble as a wrong profession. D ea n Rouse th ru Id 1·ct n ' tl 1' nger t o see w 1ta t 1·t th r u a II of t. he ex c· i Lt·nu: n t nf the re:;u It uf lo w 1-{rad,' ,;, th ey fo r t'ei ted spoke t he thot t>f the audi e nce well ' ._ woke d l'k 1 e . "F 1f teen ra h s f' or M 'ISS tri p down south, Lll~ en il f'ss hikeg. tlw ga me tu Pe r u. srm e 2 to 0. .;hen, in closi ng the exercises of CJ e 1an d an d h er · gtr · 1s . and thf' r ,•aii~LiC' manPUV<' r:'. T he. Trre fasteot. ga :n e of the t r ip was the morni ng, he said, "Aren't you I ann iversary ot' W<u;hington ' s binh- played at [(ea >ne', wht'l'!:! we won Juniors Annihilated glad to have you r m other r epreScbnei Satu rd ay even ing t h ~ jun ior c la ss day coulrl ttnt h ave be1-m more a p · with a.scor e uf :1<1 to G't. sented by ..1 ~YvQ'.lan like th is?" pro priaiL•l.Y C'f:' le hrllted t lr an hy der was un cioulJtedly the sta r of team m et defeat a t t he h and s uf E. E. K. le::trning. from o ne who knows, the game here. Saturday n ight Ca ptai n Hun ts fig h ting quintet. somf' t hing of the st rnggles and difthe boys doubled back to Cr e te . I n no d epar trp ent of the ga me di d Dorm Reception. tlculll es. thar The P at r io t mus t They won an easy game f r om Last Thursday eve n ing, Febr u- the junior s excel t he se ni or s. have met wi th and ove rcom e in Doane wit h a 22 to l5: s eo reJr"Bad The se ni ors put up a five -n an ary 22, the stude-nts. faculty. citifightin g fo r the freedorn oJ the col-~ fioo r , s low game; he ro, Schn c izens, and friend s we_re e ntertai ned defense thr u w hich the jun ior s o n 1Eo>S. . rler." cou lcl not break . Hu n t a n d . Robat Mt. Vernon hall. In me mory of






often expr essed by Mr. _House that _ __;___ p eo ple of this generatton do ~ot Entered at the Postofficc a t Peru, Nc· , r~ad Emerson enuf is the followtng , hraska as sccond-clas~ :naltc!· article fou nd in a r ecent number of 1 Publlsht Weekly-;-;;;~·· Peru State Normal t h e Oh io Stale J ourna l_: "From . ., what we ca n gathe r from a slight 75 cts. per year. Smglc copy n cts. . . . : 1 - - - -- ·- ---acquai n tance wtth soc te ty, we JO· , . ·. ~rl!tor 1 fer that Emerson is not. re ad as HOWARD S.V! ITH -\ . LEW ! ~ TYLE I~ Ass11cta~c Ed~t •>r h ,~ t be T his is a much as e usP.u o · . . GLENN 0 . l(g LLEY · J3usincss anrl Subscrip tion .VI<JOagcr great m tsfortu ne . A late wnter -· - - -- · has saicl " ln appl ied wisd om no


~ e x t y ea r's job depend s on


Your s elf- r e s pec t de ma nd s 1 • n d p r ,e ss• ng at reFirs r cl as !-0 cle a ntng a 0




so n a b le

r are~ .

, . . ollec tion an d D e hvery -

Mtfl?oriD Pawley ~ 11..#

L------ ------.. .

' d h'tm. " ! '-::;::;:::;::::::=:;::;:;:;:;;:;:;:;:;;:~;:;;::~~~==:=:=:.::~~= ===:::;:::;::;::;::;:;::,::;:::;:::.:;::;::;:~ America n has surpasse T hat is what t h is age needs mor e "' . • . · _ . d f o m t h e Harvard Lamthan anyth tng e lse- a pp 1tee1 WJS : T he Knock er . c 1Ippe r clam. some th in g that drJesn't whirl ' k 'th m y poo n : 00 ' ~. f . T he knocker loo s WJ $! 1 "Fi rst select a g i r l- a pr etty or make a clatter o r ~:>ho~ ttse 1 Jn eye upon each p leas ur e sc heme. e - t h en bet her a . d olla r that o n co lor or glitte r . There IS no book " clown . . d b He says, 1 hope to 1ay me t hatca nd o a senous-mtn 0 e oy l t d . if that is n ot a scream. yo u can kiss h e r "':itho u t ~ouching This sou n ds impossible and more good w he n he gets to the o te . . F II' Down h e r ' . h . , Emer- London BnJge JS a lg wi lj appea l to h e r sporting b lood . ag~ of unclest~ nd J ng, t an . th ' d call a great good time; or Next, ki ss h e r and pay t h e dollar sJn's E ssays " lt sho ul d be tn evey t t wn like a good loser . . , : . h why don ' t th t>y a ll go 0 o ery fami ly li br ary. .There _Js no t . - ' b rl a d ime?" H e Who wi n s':' ...._ - · ·· ing thatstates the t r uth ltke this , and ma y e spen ·. the age g oes do wn hill ! says, ''The t eacher :: trea t me fier~e , b oo k ' a n d h I <.1 b t With l n a recent issue of th e Nor ma - . that loses its inte t e t s in it. SPme - 1i n mi sery 1 am u r ,e ; . u nd · led tlS th e other dav how , a kn ife my ht'arr. I II pi erce a lite asser t io n was made th a t Peru ':; · , • ld , A0 d one as< _ victo ry over Wesleyan Fe br ua ry ma ny literary c l ubs Columhus had. j lea ve thi s ct uel , cold wor · 9, was the first in the history of We couldn' t say. We di dn' t know , ~ay i n!l thus he 'll leave us, h is t he two schools. We a r e indebted any. But one it ought to have , and !grievances t o _n urs~, a nd b~ood to a ),Jyal old Per u vian fo r t he cor. E n '"'lub , with v isage g iev to u s like the dnver that JS an merso " ·' 1 re ct ion of our error on t h is poin t . 1 of a hearse. And a t the ll'ame

Nona P alme r, ..... .. ... Alu~nni Eos Brown Philontathca n Fra nk Leger . . . . .. ... \'. ~1 . L. A Elsie Wil burn \'. \V . t..: A Louis Worth , ~- l'. A. Bryan Emmert, .. ..... ... . . A t hl.:tic>' ~!iss _Bowen Music J,osahe Kohn . . llumor Mrs Nellie M S n11 t n, Loc<tl J ackAII sman " .\lincrvH" ,\ !a ry Cla ry ~t·nior~ Rosaline Kohn lunior" Gertrude C:lift<>n Snph<JIHorcs Ln_v Hacker Prcsh ~tH·n Vivia n Bishop Hig h :o;dtnnl .\ lr. Pa l mer . .. ~ki,· ncc Llub Prof F.M <; rcg_g- t\ rh·i""r ,, o t' t' O I<S




P-HOENIX Guaranteed - Silk Hose

In the season of 1907-1908, Peru won one game f rom Wesleyan, the winning team bP.ing composed of such me n as Carl Schott, Earl Me.ver, Eggenbe rge r , Tolh u rst a nd Gordon Beck. In t he season of . 1908-1 909 , a team C{)mposed of Roy Lee, Car l ::5chott,Be rt Swenk cl G ,~ . h son, W n g tsman a n or11on 8 ec , w ith Ge lwick and Stevens for subs, defeat ed Wes leyan on the ir own 24 25 floor , to ·

K hu.k, W hit e

It is interes ti ng t o note the 1he tear s his ha ir a n d ~~unds upon i d d.. of· th e move ment 1 hi s cl o me, a nd says Our t e am 1 slea y a vance r1 f . . pi tication as i t is sur e is a bear. t h ey ought t o P a y ! 1 1 orfl spe dm. g s Jm book as Profe<>so r Gra ndma' s ' H ome. In s h or t re ecte 111 sue 11 ~ . . mJ'stry Devotees he is a mi sfit, o n society a blig ht: , 1-1oy t s ne w c 11e · · . . ld f . ll "ng mill note w t th •a nd i f I cou ld dar e n sk-- It I wou I 0 rat 1Clna 1 spe 1 " • ' . , 1 . 'd bl . tl' sfactl. (ln sucn s hoo t htm d o wn o n stght. l ll a consi era e sa 1 d h t su liur sulfuric "l ways see tb e sunny side; uf godd 1 wor s as t ruou , • •I ' d lk • tc The simJler. t h in gs say t hf' most.; and t he n m y 1 ox 1 , a a 11n, e . . . , . I 1. s pell ing of the two last m entioned t fn e nde won t gn an d h 1d e whe n worrls , if widely ~xte~ded, wi ll be I t h r uw up thP g host. . : I



C olor~

80....: n n d $i 10




PHOENIX Lisl e H ose


4 0 c an d 5.Sc


followed by a d ec 1ded tmproveme nt ·

To Edito r: - J f you


B e autifu I new


St rip e Si I k for ~ki rt~, Waists , etc . Yard wide

t h1 s '

T he innovation a~ Nebraska Wes- int he ortheo py of t hose words, the 1 please have Yll llr proof-r~ader be ! Jeyan should in terest the Peru e<>sential vowel in whose last syll- ! more v igi lant . l ' m not knock ing, / you 1~ndersta nd, only giving a gen- ~ st uden ts who have expre::sed a b ig ~bie is shor t in pro~uncia tit~n. des ire to see t he be~t that the Mov- 1s to be regretted that th e a u t h ~ r 1t iP. h Int. ies otfer. N. W. u. ow ns her did not extend th is princ ip le to h1 s • --- - own mov ie mach ine , cha rges spell i ng of the word "ol eoma rgar- \ · Bachelor~, Atte ntio11! cents for six shows, a nd adver tises I .Ine. " A bright and charm i ng young amon g other films t he f ollowing: lad.v nf P e ru wi "' bf's to cnrrespon d · . of M i Ies "ota ndish, 'a r Ie V espe r Service' C ourts h 1p with man of te nd e r age : l ife co mof T wo Cities, La ncelot and Ela ine, On Sunday afternoon, l<'ebr uary pani onship th e obj eet. Only re1 Ye llowstone and San Francisco, 2 ,5 , t 11e y • w. c . A . an d y · M · C · quire me nt;- ·rP d. h air . Aclr1r ess, H II

$ 1. :;o t o $2.50 per }' d .


See The New THINGS

25 1




Hi awatha, Evange line. and As You A. met in j oint sessio n . M tss Nel· zG. ca re Pe ru Poi n t er. Th e re a re Li ke lt. One cou ld forget Doctor l ie Kelly and R ichard Me issne r had two of the m.-Arlv . Owen's scare relati ve to the terr i- 1 provid ed a very unique pogram i n NEBRASKA CITY , NEBRASKA ble pre valence of tuberculos is the form of a debate. The ques- I THE QUA LI TY STORE F orm Oth er Sch ools. am9ng mo vie de \'otees in orde r to I tion was: Can Christia n Nations _fverythiog Marked in Plain Figures T he Harva rtl Lampnon has d is ~ attend such a p r ogra m as above i Go to Wa r ? Messrs. Hum and cover er! a way to c u t down the hi g h I ---= outli ned. Allsman upheld the affirmat ive s ide pricf', of kil?si n •t. Rmacks can be I B e your orders great or s mal l a g ainst the Mi sses Chr istensen and hac! at $1 per, if a fo rm u la evolved "Phon e or br i ng th em on e and all" Among t he Engl ish courses otTl) , fered by D r. House this semest e r is Bloss at Har vard is f o ll nwen. It is e asnne called Engl ish Essa.vs, altho t he Eve ry girl out to Y. W. C. A. ier t ha n rol li ng off a loll:, a nd m uch fi rst essays st ud ied we re those of Sunday . Not ice p os ter i n lobby m ore p leasant, acco r d ing t o la t e P h one 218 Agent for Sunny!\lde Greenhouse 8 merson . I n l in~ with the regret of cha pe l. reports. H e r e's t he scenario, 1 F a lls Ci t y , Nebr .





Mrs. E.-O!J Polzel

NEW G OODS purchases.

Don 't w ait till too late to m ake y our spring

We are mak ing our prices as reasonable as possible.

The Cash Store '

in al l departments com in g eve ry few days.


Phone 22

LOCALS 1\liss J essie Modlin was ca)Jed to Beaver City, Thursday even ing, because of the death of her father. Pofessor Brown is in Lincoln attending the National Rural L ife Conference which is being held there. Miss Genevieve Gregg, M iss Rita Thomas, Miss Bowen and Miss Heigh went to Omaha last week to hear Gradowsk i, · th e celebr at ed

A Source of Much Satisfaction

Citizens State Bank

Is a Good

Fountain Pen nn rl you get Satisfaction ln snrancc with each one we !:ell . :\1oores. Non- Lea k able?-That's a good o ne , we s ell it. Co nk liu s?-Th a t 's 1-1 goou o ne. w e sell it. A m e rit·nn -"nfet v -Se lt~fillo:J·?-Tiutt' s a goorl o ne , we sell it. · Come st·lc:-ct yo urs no w







pianist. President Hayes, Dean Ro use, Professor Hull, and Misses T ibb · · ht H · t d H etts, K mg , arnng on an anthorn, went to Kansas City the first of the week to attend the convention of Princ ipals and Superintendents whi ch is being held there.

- - - - . - ·- - - -- - - - - Jederman, to Nelson who was visiting him :- I' m sorry the h · b d weat er IS so a . I wanted yho_u to see what a beautifu l place t 1s reall y is." Nelson:-"Never mind t hat. I d idn 't come down her e to see beauty. 1 came to see you."

Miss Bar.ta, of the juni nr class, enjoyed a visit las t week from her cousin, now a student in the State Univeristy dental school , bu~ less . . th e t rene I1es reeen t) y a so )d 1er 1n

- Ouch ! Professor F. C. Smith of our manual training. department and Professo r C. B. Cornell of Lincoln have been ca lled upon to draft a

''THE REXA LL STORE" Material f or the f'emi-centennial i The State Normal will be joined ·edition of the State Normal Cata- by the Masonic Lodge of ~eru in . . . ' the semi-cenennial celebrat iOn next log 1s be 1ng a~sembfed by M1ss June, this being the fiftieth anniGra ham, of the president's offiec. versary for both these organizatios. Heads of departments, in so far as A committee of Masons has just they have seemed to be in a brown completed a program to be given study of late have doubtless been June 5, on which day the N orm~l 's . ' . celebration will occur. Invlta m tent. upon the nJatenal for t he . lions will be extended to every Ma· new courses the catalog will show. soni c Lorlge in the state. The To the graduate class there have speaker for the Masonic part of the come this semester a number of ap- program will probably be Dr. C. . rl a rld'1t10ns. . A Shepherd of EIthaca, prec1ate mong th ese M. pastor of the M. . Churchformerl at Ne·y

of embattlerl Europe. He is a native of Bohemia, a nd like many others of hi s countrymen, was cq_m · pelled to fight against his wi ll , b ut by a fortunate c ircumstance, was enabled to r each happy America.

course of study to be used i n the there are Harr y Smith of Simpson braska Citv. high schools over th e state. They Col lege, Iowa; Cecelia Group, '13, .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:':. are wor k ing under the direction of of Springfield ; Mary Ogg, . of the the state superi ntendent and in- regisfrar's office; and Messrs Longspector. fell ow, Tyler, a 1.d Howard Smith, Mrs. Smith :-"Say, Professor tran~ferred from the prese!Tt senior Starts Delzel l, I want to ta lk to you ci a~.:;. :----C-l_T_Y_M _E_A_T _M _A_R _K_E_T--~ 'a.bout a minute." P rof. Delzell: .; Miss Blanche McCartney, ' 11, -"Well, what a bou t a minute ?" after completi ng a course at the 1-' ro:::h_a nrl C!Jn·n :Vlen t!' Miss Car pen ter , in public school State University, prepared herself Home tnadt· Wit"lli'·" & Bologna 1 At the music class:Miss Honderscheldt: for tht work of...a missionary, and :-.p cci ~ol l_v Full linL· o l <:Hnnt·d Goods seven sharps, what key'?" Miss • left last September for the foreign Honde rsche ldt, absent-mindedly:- 1 fie ld . Peru friends sent her a box \\' . C . BURGES:-', Prop . " l don't know." Mi ss C.:- of useful mementoes on her depar"Why, 1 thot you knew every t ure. and just now are heari ng Whil< clo wn town go t O th i ng." Miss H. :-"We ll, 1 do, from her in J apan , where she was School Supplies \ b'ut 1t has just slip ped my mind tetnporaril.v he ld fo r six weeks on Fountain Pens i for a moment. " her way to India. r~ •r ' <)Ur BarbL" r Work 1 The pam~hl e t , "Cources_ of. St~: T hf Meosnnie fraternity pu t on a and :-;,•fi t. ( lo.-nn ..\It w<nl{ fir:<t ch!:<S. dy in H yg 1e ne ~nd Samtat10n,_ stunt in Peru la,;t Saturrlay wel:'k S 1 ('P nd rlnnr fn>m pn~l <•ffice which was compileci by Professor which is not usually don<! outsi de Fine W riting M!3.terial Gre).?:g, and pub lis hed by the State of t he cities T 11e lodge was called J u ~ta wnrcl tn 1hos<> wh n shave them · At the Department, is ev ident ly 'l'eceivi ng to ord(>r about two n' clnck in the ,.!"ln·.- Tn a hnllk n f ••])[('KS" commendat~on from people outside aftern•HJn. and between that l ime Fac-<· J.n· in n anrl "'"P 1 h111 hurninl! • • • • of N ebraska, as well as in o ur o wn and te n thJrt,v al ni)!ht the fir!lt de- itc-h in!! ,,.n,flti .. u n•tcr yn nr mornF or~all'ut 24 • .gret' was conferred upiJn ~ix cand.i · in!J!'IHl\'t· sta te. _O,n Satur_rl ay, F e brua_ ~Y \' E Ch<lt(' l<t in, M nnRger. _ ·- 1 the Ch1cago Tn bun_e published a date:>. A r ect-ss was tak1>n at s1x ·"~'ESTSIDE BARBER SHOP''

Red Tag Sale

SATURDAY March 3rd


Variety Store CHASE'S



N S N S Store


porti on of this pamphlet in their ' o' cloc k and tne n.emiH::rs had lunch _ _ _ , "How t <;_. Keep Wel l' ' d epar t~ent, served in the hall, a lw ut twenty - .--H-e_~'_'_d_q_u_r_•_r_t_e_ r_o.;_ for N. S . H.\Ri\JIAN edited by· Dr. E vans, of Chicago.' five be ing presen t. Work wa.:; reA. B .. U. l! . S V ictrolas Dr. Evans g ives our p , ro f essor sumed at sevPn -thirty, and at the Pianos llroduale of Chicago ColfeJ{e flenla l Surgeon S HI~f·:T MUSIC Gregg full credit for the article , close refre~hmt>n U; comnsung of ice h:r.SII>EN T DE:'I/TfST and ma kes comments upon it. cream and <'ake wt-re servf'd. OASK II.L MU~ I C CO'\'\PANV NF.BS<\SI\A The g raduate class has for many A mong the cand i d a tE'~ wer e 1-'nlfes- I NERRAC:.K4 CIT\. ·~--_ ______ ___ _ _ _ _ _ ___: weeks been enjoying a seri es of 1sors H.III, ~n 11 th and Joh nson.



c lass chapel addresses on current top ics of world history g i ven by local 1 • • k 1people best qualified t o spea . Oen t i!o\t Two addresses la tely by Dr. HaraOtlice ova \'HJ"it-ty Sto1·e jian on the Balkan States and the ''ffi··~ uh 1) 11 • • a:~ ll<•uH· 7 1 war have been exteremel.v illumin'~ r ~ '------- --=----==~-----! ating. Las t week Profes~or ' Overta lked o n Canada and the War, holt n o 1.• SHELLHORN O"-• u and tomorrow is to take up the Re~idence Pho ne fi unique position of the Province of Office ov~"r Rex a ll Sto re Quebec in contrast to th,e rest. of Phnne 3 1 Canada-an entirely new reve latiOn NE BR . PEI<ll, L_ ______________________. , to mo::>t of hi s hear ers.

I Dr R

D. Cole


- - -- -


- - -· Specials and Trainers. . The ,;pecJals and tra i ners enjoyeu a · Va i ~IH IIlt' party la.~t B~ tur-,· day n•ghl, 1n tile ha,;e ml·nt or. tne library . Uame:; 1>/'er~ plnye:I unttl l \nw i!' the I IIIII' I o get I hn.._,. / a late tw ur . and then \ye enJoyed a 1 1'1 I ['; 1 m·l!' Frn nwd . \\'e en n do it trip 1n the at~rop ane. 1e !>Lere-.1 opt•c" n VIeWs hy !Vlr. Pa lmer were I tn n Qllcl'n ',; la'.Jt•. also a plt'asant feature of the ev~n - ~ ing ~:; prog ralll. The boys tn ed the 1 r ru ck shooting at hearts with 1 FISHER BROTHER th e bow and arrow, anrl in this way partners for suppt>r were ehos· , en All rE>port a g-ood time. . · -

Picture Framing

1!..._------.,--- - -- ---

. Author, Hulwrt 1-h·nn· f> nvi!"

Comedy in Three Acts


Th e Pl :ly That Made Ethel Barrymore Famous



Saturday Night, Ma~ch 3, 1917: 8:15

"Cousin Kate"--Hazel Frye "Desmond"·~·Earl Craig Admission Budget Ticket or 50 cents Spring Goods Our new Jine of Spring R ain (.;oa ls are in the Store. The ptt u~rns a r e very new aud different. Look thetu Over


Toggery -



Mi rro~

that i s

Ever lasting A

Portrait Th e Pend d' Orei lle Studio

E. J.


Phone 56

Peru. Nebr.


Fresh Cut Flowers For Any Occasion Snd1 a!' \\' l'ilrlin~ 'i . Rirthd:n Parties. l~ l·nwrn hr:~ II CI"!' P uner:. all'. etc 111 apprnprirtte rt l·· rn n ge nwnt ~. :-\o o rd ~r to s m ~dl ::~ncl n Onl' to<) lnrgt'.



1 Profsesor Hoyt's New Book. j a greate r degree o f t he students last w!?ek our tra ining school held For the the t hird t ime th is year who have t ake n H oyt's Ch e mi stry "openhous e" at which time th e me mber s of th e Pe ru faculty have th a n of t hose who have taken any to w nspeople wer e invited to inmade more or Jess important con- othe r ele me ntary course in chem- spect the work of tbe variouS detrib utio ns to p edagogica l litera- istry. partments. ture, the latest being Proffgsor This book is th e seco nd work on Hoyt' s "A Che mis try by Experimen- chemis try to be prepared ~by Protation, a Laborator y Manual for the fessor Hoyt si nce he came to Peru First Year Cour se." This is a sub- in 19 10, and it is not unlikely to stanti a l pas te boa rd bound vo lume be fo llowed by a third, na mely, a of l GO pages, issued by one of the textbook on t h e s ubject. These most discr iminati ng and extensive writi ngs and other activi ti es of pub lis he rs of sci entif ic works, the Profe;so r H oyt hav·e ~on fo r h im D. Van N1)s tranrl Co. New York. a place in "Wr10's Who in Amer The •'4 Hu st li ng Se.v eral featu res ~nrk t his as an ica," a nd ha ve commanded for him Dresh er Broth e•·~ · , impo r tant con tr ibution to its field. the re::,pecl and ad r~nirawn of a con [1] It is organized to develope a sirlera b le pronortion of P e ru 's pro knowledge of lhe science of cheom- .:essio n of ped CJ ~J.ogi cal p e r ipate ti<'S. lt .lne!'n't nHl kt' any diff,·remce istry in the most co ncrete, di r ect, Wr! besprak for the hook a wide when· .' oulive; l'arn·l,- p., ... t Hnrl •·:x· a nd in terest ing way. [2] lt in- use in secr·ndar.v schools of al l / pn.'!"!' brings t he St~pcr h ll rc..;lwr troduces the s turle nt to qualitalve sorts. Who knows but that t his Cl rwning Scn·ice to y<Hu· v e ry do o r a na lys is in the third quarter of the may be the hook to bring- back to I Dr·egher.;;pny 1';1rc<"b ~-'• •St n1· F,xl'n·,s conrse. and to s imple oganic chem· its forme r pop u larty the basic I chHrgt-" 01~c w ay on a n v S1Zt'<1 IJ\lhlllt' istry t he fourth quar ter. [:1] l t scienre of chemi~tr.v i n hi gh 1t" any p n111t.. lays es pecia l emphas is on th e mean- schools ? That it m·· y do f o r th at ~- Ancl pka!'c kne>w that the rf' i!'n· t ing r• f valence. reactions, and equ~- subj ect wha t we be l ieve w ill be ::~ ~ne1· g r ade oi ckn n ing cl o ne in t he t ions . [4) Each sN of laboratory achieoved f or the s ui.Jj ec t. of phys1cs• ("nitcd St a te~ . th ~'' th :lt fca t urcd al s tudi es 1s followed b.v a sti mulat- by ProfPs~or H e ndricks ' labora- l Dre"her's Omahn P la nt. ing group o f thot questions . - [5 .] to r y manua l, is lhe wi sh uf all of J The book brings to an irreduc ible us wh<l now nml httnce forr h doff D R E~ HE R mi ni mum the qn anti t.~. s i mplicity, ou r hats lo. t h e n atural _~f· i ence de- / and economy of th e a pparatus r e- partment of w e P t rn State No r- , BROTHERS


Iqui red

for th e cou rse. (fi] But ma l. Cleaners ' more s ig llifi rant than a ny t hi ng else , T h e fClreworcl of lhe hook makes is the inte nsely pract ical character ackuowl edgeme n t to Pres ide nt Htl,tters of the hook at every s te p. The l H ayes tflr va luabl e s ug g estions . I t !


2~ 1 1- 17

student who l a kes thi s course ca n. I may not be known t cJ the present not esca pe realizing t he impor tance 1 body of Peru s turlt·nts that Mr. of th e ~rt>a l science he is st udyi ng . I Hayes ' special s ubj t'Ct as a hi g h and teacher s tlf phvsiology. agri - school teacher in t hi s s tale was that cu lt ur e. anrl domeRtic science wi ll of c hem istrv . sur.e ly ' 's it up and take notict>'' to On W~dnesday and Thursday o f


St& bins' Ed u Ltl ti on ol Ex Lh 011 Re, (In{;.) Fnunded 1893.

· 1 .· Norm al T . . . •y -fou r .\cars hct·n .~un·~s~ful . JD p aung . llI :ti: fo r lwl·n 1 eac 1c rs, ~xpc ncnl·~d <•r int•x 'rJcrienccd · ·A~·k your teac Iwrs a d f HIIDJng 11 <l~tlls . Writ..: fo 1· onr rlans. ormcr s t u ..

l'vl Hnha tlan Uuilding

De~ :vloim·~. I owa.


Ta i 1urs P .\ 10 !-\ :\-1 ST O . ! A l-i .\ . -"l l~ HI<

R h s 1,. r i.

The Ne w ~tudent~ Scholl] S u pplies. C rtnf, eLio nc r, . Prnits. Gn>e, r i. .·.. . , ·\1 C fl t!', I'>H·;. f l mH.I Cookil'S th e Avl' I11H' S to n· would li ke t o :ot-11.- Bu.' o f u!" and save t he l nn ~t wa ll{ to ~own

18 steps from the Campus Phone 73

H. U. Landolt




"Cousin Kate.''

Senior Notes . The comedy of th e a b ove name Woul d that ther e wer e a Sherby Hubert H enry Dav is was put on lock H olmes in school!. Would in migh tily inte rest ing and effective th at t h.e r e cou ld be f ound in our fashi on last Sa turday ni g ht by the local Dra ma ti c Club unde r Miss noble AJ ma Mater a mind so br ilDunn's most a ble directi on . The ialn t, so a ll- knowing that i t (th e unerr ing taste , s hre wd i nsi g ht, a n d afor esaid mind) cou ld solve the compelli ng ideals of the "coach" wei g hty pr oblems that now conwere eviden t in e ve ry part of th e fr ont that g roup of worthy st udsatisfying perf orm a nce. T he piece ents ca lled Se nior s! ! itself is ra t he r m ore than clever· [Jack A lisman:- "Wou ld that being n either mawki sh n or farcica l ' some one cou ld invent an automabut a challeng ing a nd even i llumi n~ tic silencer for the li br a r y."] ati ng comedy of man ner s. The The sen ior wor ri es ma y be di vidreal st uffof drama is p rese nt in a J ed i nto Lhe " Who ', t he " What" ' thor o-going conflic t of standards-· and t he "Why. " and the dialog ue, while simple and Who are on t he landsca pe g ard easily f ollowed , is di scriminating P.ni ng com m i t tee'? and vivid-l'lt times quite poetical. Who a re on the othe r commitOf the seve n players in the cast, tees? all were so meritorious as to di s What are th ese commi ttees f or ? courage a ~ritic from' a ward i ng What is t he r P.ason that so few restricted praise. Howeve r, Miss seniors a ttend chapel ? Hazel Frye, in the title part, was What is the p urpose o f the yell easily the ce nte r of interest, and leader? . T he class secretary ? The received unstin ted admiration and chor isto r ? T he pian-is t '? The Cha papplaUIJe. Her rea d ing of a vari' e l Hymna l Books? ed text, calling for extremes of 1 Why, when mat te r s of busi ness emotional effect and a wide gamut II are brtmght u p in c hapel. does rhat of tones and mo ods, was intelli porlion of I he class t ha t. a ttPnrb gent and sy mpa thetic. Her ehapel s it with e xpression less fa ce " Cousin Kate " was jus t the sophisa nd stony hea r t, tak ing absolutely ticated yet unspoilt!d, wise yet im· no in terest in t i-e proceed ing??? pulsive, alluring , una ccounta ble, N ow, my k ind f ellow ~eni o rs , I • and wholly self-contradi ctor y Kate woii1d make a persona l p lea to yo ur COACH J O HNSON. - A N D NOW FOR BASEB ALL intended by the auth or . class loyalty . Co me to chapel a nrl Scarce ly less d ese rv ing of di shel p! he r j1; opria te-; were tincti on was t he p erfor mance o f a n d Y M. C. A. Not~:s. ! " A wt> ll sPiec tPd , in te llig-e ntl y Miss Jluth Cone as Amy Spencer. cr owtJ . Miss Co ne was c ha rmingly convi~c­ Mr. Wil b ur Emme rt as th e ~ t iff t C'l nceivNI. a rti st ica lly executed Re v. Mr. Robinson spo ke wi t h a . I pi ece" was t he g-e ne>ral ve rri ict. great d eal of vigor and insp ir a ti on ing in the r ole of the sou lful a nd a nd p r e t e rn atu r a I I v !'e If cnnsc10u s · in!!'. Sunday af H . C. H . at t he me n ' s meet censori ous "Sweet Yo ung :J'hing." cle r gy man , was i nimi.t ahle- a butt S d · H d ter noo n. - Not a la rge n um ber of Her solemn self-s u ffic ie ncy a nd be · 18 of laugh ter an d a ~n ur>'e of sat is fac· no ~ on er e . j me n wer e in at tenrla nre, alt ho t he wilder ed innocense in the presen ce 1 t i on to a l l. H is par t, cnn vP nti ona l l At t he mPetJ ng of the basket ba .l l u nusu ally large nu mbe r of townsof things sh e could n o t und e r s tand . 1· tii \ le tte r mPn l)f t he l 91T sPa so n r eas rt was, was pec u 1ar 1y r11 c u 11.. , . . •• . • • peo ple a nd fac u lty me m bers present was la ughable a n d d e lig htful. b u t Mr. E m me r t's inte iiJg!-" ncc and ce n tl. \ ' ~o b_e~ t S.t~dh:eg wa:s was gratif y ing. Thi s mee ting was Mr. E a rl Cra ig, as Heath Desex p eri e n ce m a de h i m i n e ve ry way 11 e lecte? ca pta rn to Kncc.eecl .Jf'w the first to be he ld unri e r !!>he d ir ecmond th e a r t is t, gave a r~ atural a n d eq ua l to th e "s i tu a t io:J . 0 f t he two ~rh nelder f or t he 19.1i:> seaso n. ti on of the ne w rre::i cl e nt. Mr. frank p resen ta ti on of a wholly mi n or cha r acte r s M iss Lu lu Burke tt, Sandbf' r g has hf'en a UIJ.>: a~sf't to Cha rl es Pa lmt>r , wh o succeeds Mr. amiable c harac ter. H e sp oke his t he se r vant, and Mr . l] e n ry Ame n- ~er u hecau:-~e of_ his .a thl eli.c a bi lir y, Spacht f or t his semPstPr . 1'ht~ lines with f eeling a nd a p pr ecia de as t he sv m pathet ic s ma l l boy , m h ap py co rn b lnat w n Wi t h clean '' Y" men chose well in selecting tion and conducted himself wi th ·. · B k • habi ts a nd s trnng rn an hootl. He "-uch charm ing m a nl i ness as t o we r e charm1 ng. M1ss ur e tt. s these me n as the presi ri e nls fo r lhe has W()n h i:~ le tter four qeaso n· " fi r st a nd second semest e rs , r espec· quite meet t h e fa vor of t he mos t broad smile and eCJua lly hroad aci n f oot ba II a nd five seasons in It is d iffic ult t o be a cen t we r e m u ch a pprec iated . as t ively. They have co mpell ed ad !riticaL tage hero ''and ge t a way w ith it. " w e r e Mr. Ame nd e ' s towering bas kPt ba ll. T he best o f )(nod fo r- mirat ion abou t t he· Pe ru ca m pu~. tun ~s for yo u an d Pe r u in !lw l!l lR because o f thP. sf'ven -da:v-a W<.'<'k Earl's f r iend s were proud of h im. w rath at h is s is te r' s mi sfo r tu nes, seaso n, Sa n h ! <"lea n living and virilt· ma nhood The t:ar t of t he w eep ing and a nd h is pry ing i n te res t i n wllat wi t hou t a hint of etl'crn inaC'y, e vPn si mple-hear ted w i d ow, m o the r of con cerned hi m leas t. Ha rry Hahl hf'rk, supe r i ntPnd e nt Amy, was adroi tl y set fo rth b yAll in a ll Lhe play was a f!r a t ify - I of t h e 1'ho mas r ounly h ig h school from the f e llows who a r e not in Miss Myrtle H a rr is. Thi s y oung ing success. T he c r o wd wa" la rg P ; a t_ Thedford , ~A!'> heen . re-e lected sy mpathy wi t hY. M. C. A. activ• • d · t" .J snappy · w 1th a sa lary 1ncrease of te n dol- ities. ' Ia rs pe r munth . 1ady rs known f or h e r su perlat~ ve art _ the b a n _mus t_c was m e anu , Next S unday a fte noon P rofes::;or -as a reader; and her d e licate 1mper- th e curtarn w rt h one no tabl e ex- 1 Pugsley will address the young sonation of a cha rmi ng w idow, cep t ion. worked we ll; stage ap · Miss Mutz was in Lincoln lasl me n. first in distr ess a n d la t er in relief J po i n t ments w e r e tastt>ful a nd a p- 1 S und ay .

j~~d;ed -~e-~ ~er: ~·



.~ horl.




who will c~nstitute the audi e nce. i. e . the JUges of the play . Entered a t the Postoffice a t Pe ru, Ne· Wha t the c ommittee has to de braska a s second-class ma t t er. c ide is: shall the p lay be f a rce ,


· h r1epe u ds on. i t Next ve n r . s JO b urlesque, spect acu la r , suc h as we You r .self- r es ped. dem a n~] s tt . r easo n ab le . d pl·c ssln u a t h'a ve been having f or some years F irs t c la ss c lea ni ng a n . I'?. . h d d llection a nd d e h ver y. past , a prod uctiO n t a t e ma n s r a t eS . C o no thing of u s a nd so g ives us n uth- 1 PH ONE 89 . · . r sha ll i t b e an oth er step m g' 0 • t oward the goa l we all see a nd s t r i ve f or-better, deeper, more DllPARTM I\NT I>OI'fO ilS . Nona Palmer, .......... .......... ........ AJumm culti vat ed, hi g he r P e ru ? T hi s is Eos Brown ........................Philo ma thcan not a hi g h-brow quest ion. The r e h Margarct J ones Everett Mrs. Smith i n socia l p syc o 1ogy: F ra nk Leger ...... . .. ................. Y. M. C. A. is nothing of show, or ::.ham, or d r ess·, Bl'shop L'tun tz, w h o w i ll d e b t· " - "Prof e ssor G r egg,do y o u _ e Jeve Elsie Wilburn ......... ....... .. .... Y. W. C. A. hypocri sy in the best . No r d o we .ll' ver the baccalaure ate address ; as I N. C. _A. Lo uis Wo rt h, f t hat t h ere a r e r e a lly any . peop e Bryan Emmert, ........... ...... ....... A t hlet1cs have to " preten d" to e njoy l t . rnany of t he f o rm e r pre s id e n ts o w h o reach that level , at w h ich a!Music Miss Bo wen ...... ..... .. ....... ... Ros1llie Kohn . .................... . . Humo r BI:lt how of ten, w he n we look t hru th e ins ti tu tion a nd the i r w i ves a s tr u i sm a nd idea lism a re the rooMrs Nellie M Smith, ....... ..... Loca l a nd b ack of a tinse ll ed sho\~ t ha t can possi bl y attend, t hose w h o -tive s f o r ever y act? " Profe~sor .Jack Allsmun ......... ........... " Mi ncr:-ra " we have per m i tte dt o begu ile ~s , l ha ve alread y a cce pted b ei ng D r . Gregg : ' 'Cer ta inl y, M r s. Sm 1th, i'vl nry Cla ry ........ ... .. ................ St·n!ors Rosa line Kohn .......... .... . . Jumors for a use less hour , d o we fi nd 1t a nd Mr s . J. M . M cKe nzie, firs t th e r e a r e a good man y of u s up Ger trude Cli fto n .............. Sopho mores p la t e d o r holl ow a nd that we have . ' d n t and " facu l t~,. of the h e r e . Come u p a nd j o in u s, come Lny Hacker ... .. .. . . . . fo'reshmen . ? I p t e sl e up a nd j o in u s . .. Vi,·ia n Bishop ..... .. A1gh Schon! Iower erl ou r se lves in look ing a t Jt. h ool D r and Mrs. A . Clark _.:..__ ___:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ . • I b I sc .. ... Science Cluh Mr. Pa lmer . . Wh y should th1s yP.ar s P. ay . e? 1 0 f K IT ' ksv'I lle , Mo . , Dr · and Mrs. Prof. P. M. Gregg- Ad vise r di ffe re nt from ~h ose_ weced m g lt. J . A. Be attie of Li n col n , P r e s id ent 1 Because t here I S go 1ng to be more anrl Mrs. J . C r abtree of Ri ver ' Shakespeare or Belasco. done thi s yea r in t he way of mak- , F a lls, Wiscons i n; J. L. McBrya n, La st Saturday evening we a ll lis- in g a r e puta t io n f or our school _and ~· na tiona l r u ra l life e x per t, Washt e ned to o ne of t he m ost de li g htfu l commu ni ty t han in a ny p~ev 1 o us · ing-ton , D. c.; J . J. Cr a bb e, preof p lays. T he e nt h us ia sm of s po n- a nni ver sary s ince t he fo ~ ndmg of I sid e n t of the S t a t e T eachers' Coltaneous comments pr oves its success t he institu t ion. A nd wnlle people l iege, Greely_, Colora do, Govern or Bl a ck, Wh ite & C o l o rs a m ong u s. More ha s been sa id a r e looki ng t owal"'d us f or t he mor e Ke ith Nevi lle , and sco r es of pro a bo u t " i n t er pretati on," "feeli ng," s ubst a nti a l thi ngs a nd a re r eady t. o minent a lumni. j' 80c and $ L -t0 "lesson ," a nrl mor e lines q'lloted accept t he m as they fa ll fr om oqr __ . Publlsht Weekly by the Peru State Normal . ,. 75 cts. per year. Smglc copy fi cts. . HOWAR D s:vtiTH -. Ed ~ tor A. L EWIS T YLE R - Associa te Editor GLENN 0 . K 8 LLEY Business and Subscription Manager

MJerle Pawley





Guarante e d Silk tDose

than has f oll owed in t he wake of hand, t he n is t he time wh~~ we any other pl ay -g ive n he r e in m a ny can not a fford to co mprom1 se or years. And you w ho sat b a ck un- hesi t ate. Let's not go back on ourder t he g a llery, why was it t ha t selves . Le t it be said t hat al l t ha t you coulrl hear e ve r y word of t he comes fr om P e ru is pure g old . dia log, every sha de of intonation , W ith yg u i s the decid ing . ever y s ignifican t turn of t he se.n- , Sha kespeare or Be lasco? A· L · T · t e nce? "hy d i d n •t peop 1e s h l f t




D octor Owen has a pproache_ci the No rmal ite ed i t o r urg mg h1m t o I d ec lare tha t t h e pari iame n t ary law · c lass 8 id n ot f ai rl y e le ct bim a r e- I por te r for t he Norma li te , and th a t 4 0 c and SSe he is t h u s e xcused fro m tha t ser- 1 vice . This is vi r tua lly a sl< ing t_h e l B e a utifu 1 new S h ort ed i tor t o fib f or h im, w hi c h ac'! co mmodati on i >~ he r ew ith r ef u sed . Stripe Si1k f o r ~ k i rt~,

P H OEN I X Lisle H ose



a bout, make r e marks, laugh , g e t l ----u p and g o o u t, a nd e a t peanuts. Membe r s of 'the Pe ru fa cultyW u i s ts , e tF Y ard wide 1 Only last year some of the best of who ma ke f req ue nt tt•ips ove r th e A resu m e of th e basketba ll sea- u $ ) • · h co rnn:'unl·tY!1 son wi• ll be i n c lud e~ ne xt 2 ..5 f_ per yd. our f aculty fo lk 't a lked as i f th a t sta t e in· connecti on w 1t wee k. 1 $ 1.::-Jv __ to ____ _ were t h e usual way fot: a Pe ru wor k ha ve a g ood opportunity to The s por t s e dit o r , s u fr e r ing f r om • cr owd to receive a e nterta inment . estimate the enthusias m growi ng p ink eye th is wee k mus t p ost po ne !: But last n ig ht - no, e veryone was a mong the old a lu m ni ami fri e nds the h isto r y of t he e ve ntful ba s ke t enjoying t he t hing hi mself, try ing Peru f o r th~ splendi~ cel ebra - ~ bal l sea son Pr e u ha s j ust co ~e 1 to h ear e ve r y word , do ing hi s best t 10n of the serut -centen n ta l of the t hr u .\ to le t hi s neighbor hea r. school. Peo ple who ha ve .not vi s itI n shor t . it all bes poke of public ed t h e picturesque s p ot si ne~> the ir . Y. W. C. A. I refinem ent a nd a p ub li c conscience. own grad uation day a re planning t o On Sunday after noo n, M a r ch 4,a Our p eople wan t th e b est in a r t ret u rn t hi s yea r to th ese p leasant 1ver y inter est ing meeting was le rl l • and music a nd dra ma and_ when it ~1i lls a nd t he school g:own cle~rer by Est he r Abbey. T he topi t>., "Co l- I come s t hey t rea t it a s t ho t hey 1111 me mo r y . Every week b nn gs leg e F r ie n dsh ip s, " w a s we ll deve lrecogni ze it, a nd g ive i c a we lco me. ne ws whi ch ind icates t hat the pro- 1 oped and many g ood thots w er e obNEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA The t i me is close at ha nd when g ram of t hese days w il l j nst ify the : ta ine d f ro m t h is Jesson. M iss THE QTJ ALITV S T O R E we mus t choose t he an n ua l senio~· a nti c ipa ti ons of these pros pe ctive Grace H ooper , s ta t e sec r e tar y of t he Eve rything Ma rked in Plain Figures class pla y f or t he year 1917. Of vis i tor s . Among t he peo p le who Chri s t ian E ndea vo r an d a f orm e r course i n f a ct -thi s ma t ter has been have sign ified th e ir inte n ti on of me mber of t he P e ru Y. W . C. A . • Be your o rd e r s g r eat or s m a ll r ef er red to a se ni or cl ass com mi t - be ing . present a t t he t i me of our was pres~nt a t th e m ee t ing , a nd " P ho ne or b r i n,g th e m o n e a nd a ll " tee , a nd -you may say t ha t a ny fi nal j ub i lee ar e: gave a n exreed ing ly h e lp ful t a lk TU ch oos ing wi ll be done by th t>m . Hon. P. P. Claxton, n a t ir;nal wh i ch she calle d "Advice . '• But t he de c ision of a ny s uch grou p com mi ss ione r of ed pca t ion, who Miss Me i nho ld t w i II lel!d t h e Pho n e 2-18 of people is absolute ly d e te rmi nec! will d e li ver both th e se m i ·cente n- nex t mee t i ng-. Marc h 11. Eve ry Agent for Sunny ide firee nbouse hy the sentiments a nd d emands of ni a l and th e com mf' nce me nt ad- g i r l ur~e d to be pr<?sent. F a lls C i t y , Nebr.

Sec T he New THINGS











M r s. E. 0~~ P olzel

NEW · GOODS purchases.

in all departments coming every few d ays.

Don't wait till t oo

l ate to m a ke your sprin g

W e are m akin g our prices as reasonabl e as possible.

The Cash Sto're


P hone 2 2




LOCALS Miss Mar y Tenna nt from Pawnee City is vis it ing Miss Zona t his

A Source of Much Sa tis faction:

Citizens . State Bank

week . The annua l catalog w ill be combined with the summe r schoo l bulletin a nd di stributed March 15.

Is a Good

--Fountain Pen a n rl yo u ge t Sa tisfactio n l ns nran('t: wi t h each o ne we sell. M oo r~s-Nun-Leak a ble?-Th at' s a good o ne, we sell it .

Co nk~t ns?-Tbat 's a good one, we sell it.

Monday eve ning, March 5, H owani Smi th was raise d 'to t he t hi r d degree in Pe ru L odg e , No. 14, A. F. and A . M. J ack A lisma n, a r g u ing a gainst woman suffrage : -"Wom e n are so easi ly influenced . " Miss Tibb e t ts - " How do you know, Mr. Ails~ man? Did you ever influ e n ce one?"

Am envan -Safety-.Selt~fi ller?-That' s

a good one, we sell it. Com e select y o urs n o w




._ ' ::-=-$-'2_5_0_,_0_0_ 0_._0_0___! :... Mar t h a Joh nson di scussing B r owning : -' ' Do yo~ think ther e is any rom ance in Bert ho ld's love?" Mi ss D unn ·-Oh · . , h e 1s ro ma n t ic enu f to want owne rship," (of t he h eroine) . Mi.ss J . : - " I'd want more t han t hat." Miss Dunn :--" I do n't know. May be yo u'l l do we ll to get that much some day. "

.Miss Alma Dillon e n tertained M is ses Mary Pease, Eb ba J oh n son Fern Huston, E s ther And e r so n -and Gladys Ord, a t h er h ome i n A u b urn from Friday u nti I Su nday of last week.



of ' 16, and now county super i ntenden t of schoo ls of N e maha County, was seen on our campus one day _ last week.

H a Ye Yo u Seen the Red T ags

a t the V arie~y St ore · Mar ie Fowler, ' 14 , sends greetings to Pe ru f r iends an d e xpresses '' Better Come Dow n" a r egre t t hat the Oma ha schools It 's Mo ney For Yo u w il l n ot c lose in ti me to permit our a lu m ni the r e to a t tend the celSome of t he recent se n ior elec- eb ra ti on in J une. ti <•ns are: Maude Fosn ot, primary, Wi lsonville, $50; Ra mon a Marg uerite Moulton, '16' of AlSharr a r, sixth grade, $ 57.50 ; Cora bany , Oreg on, sends best wishes ~----------------------\Nhite dow n t own go to Zoel ler, h is tory, domest i c sc ience. for th e I'Uccess of the Semi -eente n- 1 Engli sh, Shelby, $70; H oward nial Celebrati on, and expresses her for your Smi t h, super in tenden t, Di ller , disappointme nt a t not being abl e B arber Work · $ 1000; H uth Cone, Ed na Gabis. j to be pr esent. E un ice Edwards , Rising C ity. The Mi ss Ma ry Schmeekle, '16, Neat. Clea n. All work fi rst cla!'s.

Variety Store

Prof. F. M ~ Gregg we n t to Wilber, Saturday, w here h e lectu r ed that e vening to t he · teac hers of Wilber a nd De w i t t, on "Vi talized Hygiene Teachi ng;" and on Sunday atfe rnoon he spoke to the h !gh school boys a nd m e n of W i'l be r e n "Social Hygi e ne. "



--=---~-~-------sal ary and g r ade of work wh ich ~~CI~ T~ Y~M ~EA ~ T~M~A -R _K _E _T --~ these las t me nti o ned pe n p le are to ob ta in was no t learned. F res h a n cl Cured M ea ts H<11ne mad.t- Wienies& Bo log na Preside nt H a yes, Dea n Rouse, Speci a lt y and P r ofessor s De lzell, Tibbets, F 11lll inc o f ca nn ~d Goods H ul l, Bro wn , Kr.ight, H a n th orne, \\··.C. B P R G E Ss~ Prop . _ and Ha r r ing ton last wee k att~::nd ed


~='=S=e=c=o=n=rl=rl~o=o=r=f=ro=m~p=o=!=' t=0=ffi=c=e=~

wr i tes that sh e has enjoyed her wor k in t t he i n termediat e depart- : justa word to t hose w ho shav" them· men~ a t Eus tis , a nd that she fee ls sel ves. Try :l bott le of "()! (' KS" Face Lot ion n ud stop t hat burn ine: t hat she o wes m uc h to o ld Peru. jShe sends greetings f ro m Sup t . i tch i n~ ~cnsati n n a ftt·r your mornI~o hn ~oswell , ~n~ Lu r lie Lee, who iug shave For salt: ut 1 1 s assistant pnnc lpal. '''~'ESTSIDE BARBER SH O P''

The me mbe rs of th e class of ~::::::::::::::::::::::======: 19 16 are raj.Jid ly r edee min g t he ir r E . A. I t ':Vas t his ori g inal ly , but pledges fo r l ife member~hip in the Headqu a r t ers; fnr has broad en ed ou t to include nor- Alumni . Assoc iation . . Th~ percen t- Pianos Victrolas .nal school p residents, inst r uctors age m d1 cates t hat th1 s wll l be the SHEE T MUSIC in a ll teacher tra i n ing s ubj ects , s u- I ba nne r class. The class of 19 17 GASKI LL. MU SIC C01 '\'\PANV p e r viso rs in ho me eco nomics and ) marie _125 pledges. This is t he 1 NEBRASKA CITY, NEBSASKA domestic sc ience, an d m a ny other largest num ber p ledged f rom one Jines. class, bu t t he e nro llmen t is larger .

C ity what is ca lled t he ;===============. atsu perKa innsaste ndents' section of the N.


N. S. N.




H as Some



Sp eci ~l s




Picture Framing

Preside nt Hayes and Professor s R. M. Hil l, ' 15, of A rapahoe is H owie a nd Bro wn fr om P e r u we r e r ea lly mar r i eci according to a letin a t tendance at the N a ti ona l Rura l j ter rec~ived b~ tl~e t r~asurPr of the Se,e u s . , Life \'o\\" i~ thl· time to gel .tllfl!'<' Confer e nce held a t L inco ln re - A lu m m AssocJatwn m r esponse to centl y. Preside nt H ayes g ave •th e l1 "a d un jogging h is memor y a nd Panel ~ Frn merl. \\' e enn do i t ' addr ess of we lcome at the lun cheon cau.;; ing h i m to rea li7.e t hat he was Th ursd ay n oon , and a lso di scussed ! m i ssi n~ t he chan~e of. hi s l i fe i n Lo ~~ Queen ' s t m:tc. N. S. H4Ri\Jii\N A. B .. D. D . S bef or e tht! assembly the questi on of 1 not qu l ck l~ a llymg h1mse lf w il h Oraduale of Chicago l:ollege Dentul Surgeon "The R ela t ion of t he Nor ma l t he Alu mni Association . " FRSHER BROTHER RESIOENT D EN TIST Sch ool t o t he Trai ning of R ur al Miss Adys Hu herle, ' 16, now suOffice o ver P~y Ba l<e ry Teache rs." Professo r Bro wn a lso pe r visor of music in the Nor th de li ver ed an address at the m eetin g . Be nd sc hoo ls , recently gave t he · \ ca ntata, " The Wal r us a nd the Car - w i t h school thru Jh e Al umni AssnI' -------; A lum n i N otes. pe n te r." The success of t he un - cia ti on. Mr s. , H. S. Ma n vi lle of Geo. E. Lee, '06, superin te nd ent . d ertaking was sho wn by the facL Oma ha has r ecen t ly hecome a life a t Wy m or e, has been re-elected a t 1 t hat the schoo l hoa r d met and drew mP mher. Mrs. Mll nvi lle is k nown Denti s t a sala r y of $ 1600. up fo r mal reso lutions expressi ng to Pe r u people ns Verna H udscm, Otlice over V:t v Store R oger H e ndrick, '] 3, has been 1 t he ir appreciat ion of her in terest lii . Fred L. ,Jo hnson, 'l5, w ho is ( tffic~: I'ho~e 3~ I I uu ~c 7 1 r e-elected o n a two year contract in the con 1 mun i ty and her connec· meet ing w ith great. success on a r anch a t Ha r r isb ur g, has a l!'o just a t Hamp ton, with a sa la ry of $ 103 5 1t ion with t he school. 1 , Jt is inte r esting to note t he in ter- se nt in h is life mem be rshin fee. L. SHELLHOl~N and $1125 pe r annum. Residenc·e Ph o ne fl E. C. W e ll s, '1 5, r e p orts -a very 1I est 1in ho ld . P e r u 1man ifested by - -ney -- of Srpmgf1eld . . · h S. C. Ha aC'Office over Rexa ll ::! to re fi ne year a;:, Rey n olds . H e I S p la n- peop e w o a r e no onge r 1n t e compam. e d h y h'lA ,so n, E,ar 1, ' was n i ng to do g raduate work · a t Per u teachwg professiOn but who a r e the guests of his daughter, Mr s. 0. P ho ne 3 1 ne tx s ummer an d t he <'O m in p: year. an xio us to keep the ir affi l iation , J. Mi lstead, Satu rday ancl Su nday. NEBR . PEIH'.

Stationery & School Supplies



-----------------------: l>r. R. D. . Cole ri~·t










hea lth y, but not ne~essarily pretty. She can dress tastefully and





. anyone and make h1m eel enter t am at easey She can make bread as well 3 f. d as u ge, and cake as well as a

r arebit. 4 • She is appreciative of the dance and of the sports. She is br oad - m1nded, sym; 5 . t' optipat h e tc, tactfful • unselfish, . . . m1. s t'1c, thrifty • of good. d1spostt10n moderate in a ll thmgs. ancl . h She can stand r everses w1t · . 6 out worry. . 'l She is gentJe to ch tldren and kind to o lder people, especially her parents. . . B. She has a broad educatton, but not necessarily a college one. 9 . She is modest and true and h ome-loving. lO. She has good social stand .tng, is of a religous nature, and Let's ::;ee what we can do. Our to pray. motto is, "Every one do his part, is not too proud ~I ways be t here. be there on time." Clara Beck )ef t yesterday for Cal· Our next meeting has something ifornia, where she h opes to benefit entirely new an d is being worked her health. She w i ll r e main there out. Everybody get busy. Watch with h er sister for some mon ths. look. li sten. B e sure and b e there! watch for the poster.

A PORTION OF THE AMPHlTHF.ATRE, PERU ATHLETIC FIELD. .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ''---


Everett Notes,

Spring Goods I I

Las t even ing p roved to l le ·one of t,he most enjoyahle evenings of the year for the Everet~s. We have , : been increasing in numbers anrl our Our new line of i enthusiasm and interest show how Spring Rain Coats are ' loyal we are. Tlie members re' spond so readily to help, even in in the Store. the least thing, th at we are buildPhilo Notes. The patt~rns a -re i ng up all the time. Le t's keep the The first semesJer prorg-am com · very new at1d differ- good work going. Our program m1ttee concluded i ts term of office was given in the form of a musical w ith the b-ig carnival . Suffice it ent. whi<'h was a g r and success. A good to say that every o ne had a good Look them Over audience enjoyed th e treat which time riding the merry-go-round, consisted of the following num· throwing at th e ni gger • babies, hers. patroni~ing Dudek 'R lottery, visiP iano duet. '' Spring Breezes." ting the war works, seeing t he Mi sses Gates and Zoellner. wres t ling match uetween HocusVocal Solo, "Listening, ''Miss P ocus Smith and Bantam H eywood, Ame lia Chard. and- adm ir i ng the stunts on th e Vocal Solo, "J ean," Donald bars by Harry Smith, a Ia c lown , Blankenship. and Wi lliam N ovak, a Ja pr ofession Old-}l'ashionerl Comedy, Quartet. e lle. Horse races and auto polo Vocal Solo, " If I wer e a Ro;e," contes ts cone I uded t he entertainMiss Cora Zoellner. ment. Oh, no, I. forgot-the ice Vocal Duet, "Venelian Song," cream cones had that office. Donald Blankenship and Amelia The nexl meeting is in charge of i Misses Snell and Lehr and Mr. Chard. Vocal Solo, "Good Night, Little Doane. T he chief feature of the 1 Girl," Franklin Junes. , program, which is to be of Irish The entertainers all shower! a : character, is the play of Lady Greg reat amount of tal~nl and we gory's, cal led' "Spreading the The Pend d' Oreille Studio i hnpe to hear the m again. News.'' Other details of the pro. A shor t business meeting was gram prophesy a ver y successfu l E.J. NEWMAN : helrl after the p1·ngram and Frank- , t t . t I Jones was elected vicepresident, I en er ammen ·- - - - -· . lin Phone 56 Peru. Nebr. Donald. Blankenship, treasurer, Fa'y "Rouod...Table Boys." Jones, seargent·at·arms, Margare t The "round-table b oys," mem . J ont:s, Normal ile Ertitor, a nd two bes of the graduate school at Harme mbers of the secourl semester I vard, got together a ncl agreed on ' program committee, Mary Boyd and the ·'girl t hat' s worth while," as For Aoy Occasion Cora Clover, were appo tnted . follows: Now, we are ready for work. 1. She is attraeti ve, graceful, Sul·h a;; \\'edrling ~. flirthrla_v Parties, Hetni'Ol hrn net•;; Punet·a l;;, etc.. in npproprintc :u:rangemcnt;;. Nn order to Sabins' Educational Ex\.:hange, (Inc.) sma ll an d n o n e too large. Pounded 1893.

Milstead's T oggery

The Mirror that is Ever Lasting A








Fresh Cut Flowers ;



Ha!< for twenty.fo ur yea rs bel'n successful in placing Norm a l Training Teachers. cx perienc~d or iu ~xperic.>nced. Ask yo ur tcuchcrs and former ~;tu. d~nts. Write fo r our r tans.

Mao hntta n Building

Des MoineA , Iowa.


The •'4 Hustling Oresh~r Brothers ., I t doe;;n't mal<e any diffc>remce where yo u live; Parcels Post a nd express br ings the ·superb Dresher Clna ning Service to your very door. Ore;; her~ pay PR reels Post o r Ex prc~s chEJrges one way o n a n y s ized bundle to any pnint. Anrl please kn0w that there isn't a fine r grade o i clean ing rlone in the Uni.ted States , than that featured at Dre!'her';; Omaha Pl:'l nt.


.Dyers Tailors

22 11 -17 PAf<NAM ST .. 0:\1 AHA . ~EBR.

- - - - - --------15 Rahs for The Ne w Students School Supplies, Pr n i ts. t11·oeeri~s. and Cookies t he would lil<t" to sell. sa ve the l ong- wal k

Coll ft·<'tiont'ry . Mea t:o:, BreHrl Aven ue Store Ru 1 of u;; anrl to tow n .

18 steps from the Camvus Pbone 73

H. U. Landolt


P E R U, NEBRASKA, MARCH 14, 1917.



TRAINING SCHOOL HAS BIG FROLIC Brilliant A ffair a t New Trainer Build.in g Sa turday Evening At e ig ht o ' clock on Sat urd a y night. t hose who ha d d one practice teach ing d u r i ng th e year, breath less w i th a n t icipat ion , as se mbl ed in the n e w bu ildi n g as t he g ues ts o f t he t r a i n ing teach e r s. In our honor a r ug was p laced inside t he e ntrance . Scr eens w er e so arra nged t hat t he onl y way to be seen was "do wn :;ta i rs . " At the foo t of t h e s ta i r s w e we re g reeted by Miss Bro wn and M iss Lan gdon . From th e r e th e lad ies we r e escor ted to t he se wi ng r oom a nd th e gentl e mt:! n t o the o bservati o n room hy two Ii ttle g i r Is , wh e r e t h ey re moved the ir wraps. T hey wer e d irected t he nce t o the g y mnas i u m. But was i t poss i ble that t hi s was t hP. gy m nas ium ? L if e-l ike pink A ROA D YOU ' L L ALL T RAVEL THIS SPRING. roses b loo med a ll a round t he r oo m . The wa lls wer e fest oo n ed. I n on e lad i es s tepped f orwa r d and t he g e nts: several g irl s o-a ve the clap d ance to jI RESUM EOP THE BASKET BALL SEASON corn er was a qua int o ld wi sh i ng f ell back. " By t his t he p a r t nl:'rs . Victrola m us ic. _ _ 1 well with r eal wa te r. A tin pai I wer e changed . : The last g r oup r ece ived the Records Show Schneider Peru's C rack N ex t . to each pe r son was gi ven a J pri zP. a ja r o f s tick ca nd ies. Mr. 1 Goal Tosser took th e p la ce o f th e conventi onal " oake n bucke t." s lip nn whi c h was hi s n a rn e. Tile I Lell'! r di so layeri hi s wond erful hyp. l Sin ce th e boys are so scar ce, t he s li ps w e r e of five diffe r e n t co lors. not ic powe rs . H e ca used Mr . ! Basket ba ll is t he leadi ng winte r master of cer e m oni es , M r . Rouse. T hose hav ing th e same c~ l or me t j M eis~ner to r emove h ;s coat a nd : sport in the schools a nd co lleges ex pla ined h ow each g i r l could have in a se pa rate r oom and pla n nPd 1 sha ve; Ma ry Boyd to smoke a n th r uout t.h e c.o un t ry . In a grea t a chance at o ne, i f no t more . Then so me stu n t. In ten rninn tPs all i rpagine r v c iga r et i n a used -to- i t ma ny inst i t uti ons i t is ~econd onl y ou r school aucti o nee r , Mr. L efler, con ve ned i n t he. g~·mna~ium t ') sty le. Mi ss Carpenter a nd Mrs. t~ f ootball among al l th e inter colwi t h seriou~ face and "do or d ie" / perform t h e s tu nt s. H owi e pla ,·ed car ds. Mi ss Brown legiate sports Ther e a r e a great ma nner proceed ed to sell the boys. , F i r s t wa=- cf e p ictP.d an elopt>m~n t, danced . M iss Goheen j umped ma ny r easo ns fo r t he popu la ri ty of The g irls we re pri v ileged t o b id in whi ch M is,; Bre nn em'ln el ; p~d r ope . M iss 1-'~ rkin.; s h ined h r this gam e. At one moment a tea m any thing t hey pleased . Some of l w i t h Mr. H ow ie. Coac h .John ,;o n :wit~. a nd so me ot her s were ju mp· may be c·a r ry i ng t he ba ll d own t he OUl p . . f :l I ·'d" . . I '1' ne pantom 1m1ng· . . · rom1 s mg y~ u n g men we r e per or mer t 1e werj :ng ce r e m >n.v . : 1ng .Jac<-;. was fl ••o r on the offe ns ive, on ly to fi ne! th e mselves thP. next moml:'n t on th e sold fo r such thlllgs as a happy I Altho t h e f a t he r came to recla im ' pe r fect. home, a s mi le , three sq uare mea ls ! hi ,; da u g hte r . he was too late . ; Th!.' ll we w ere all tol d to march d efe nsive, became of a n inter cepta day, and a hapf.'Y fires id e. Vi c I The seco nd was a c ireus pa ra IP. 1down ti1e hal l u n til we met Miss j ~(! pas~ by an op pon.e n t. The ball was u nusua lly fortuna te. H e went Mrs . N e lli e Sm ith led t hP ba nd ' Bu r ley. She directed us to t he i Is co nt in u a lly cha ng m g hands, a nd fo r a laj) of luxury a ll his li fe. ; th at p laye<.l t h e popul a r snn'.r nov::-1 - : :·,.fre." hmen t~. We t he n r etunwd 1 t ha t is t he feature i n the game But the n V ic alway s was lu cky. A ; t.v . "Eve r y body' s Do i n~r l t. ' ' to t he gym an d bun :! the chai rs : that makes the resu lt so uncer tain grou p of fi ve , in which we r e D ea n / Mi ss Carey led he r t rain ed henrs . , on tlw wes t s id e fac i ng t he easr.. i an d t he gam ~ so fasci n ating as a Rouse, Professor H o w ie , Leo j 1-vi rs Ro use, Miss Harr ing to n, a nd A fte r we had eal.r.n ou r ice cream . spectacle . Bas ket ball is p la yed Je wel l, L eRoy Be nedir't and E lmPr I Miss B ro wn did an o r ie n t: d searf and cake, il1r. l{ouf'e t:!X pl ained t ha t ' i ndor~ rs. and th e a udi e nce is in cl~se W! lson, wer e sold fo r a F ord . , dance. P r esirl e nt H ayes p layPd th :~ who le r~vening ·Nas not to be prnxJm l t.Y to the p.layers, whi ch The re w ill now be a n inc r ease in t he on ly h u ma n ca l li op~ in th e !7iven to f~ •o l ~o;hnes..; ; that nnw Pnl· allows a close scrutm.v o f a ll the .· f Ph ·d Wh b 1, I ·I I 1 t ~sstll" S r111 t h woul d g1 VI:! a sen nus var ious p lays. The re are pr obab ly 01 s • en a o CJ wo1 r. , 111 us l ra te d 1ecture. '1' 11e p let · ures mo re organized tea ms o f basket th e pr 1ce o • • • 1 voung wo man ma d e the p urc hase N Pxt was a PI On E'e r scenP. l~! r. wl' r e ta ke n du r i ng hi s t rave ls ha ll in the e nun t r.v t han a ny ollwr Jf a blushing young ma n, she was Rou se a nd Victor .Jo nes we r e a a r nun I t he campus. T h1'n f ollo wed · r b 1 r 1 1 a t hlet ic ~~a nw . . II 1 forced to brave th e eyes o f th e a s - j yo ke of ox e n. M i .~s H at (·,e 1 1 r ove r: ar JC·at. urc~s o · n t 1 acu l.Y ~1nr sembly to c la im h e r vi ct i m. , th em wi t h a win dow s li ck, which sen 1ors . accolll pan r el~ by suc·n WillY Al tho Pe ru d id n ot w in the 1 f tl 1 r ema r k,; a,; tr n h• l'r nf. <:an make. cham pion ..;h i p, t hi s seasrr n has i n I b After t he her oes halI a I een . Victo r eare r1 g r ea sy, 1<1 nr a1 F'ollowin.r " ·this we wpru' "... II many r cs pPc ts 11een o ne of the most chosen by t h e hPr oi nes, we had a .. g id da p. " H a rry ~ 111 1 l l . an r a rranged by t he end 1 t•• r- in ch i c~f of interest ing a nd successf ul. In poin ts g ra nd ma rc h led by Mi ss Downing ! Mrs . L~:: fle r i m pe rso naterI a p 10neer the Peruvian . Jf you wish tr, see 0 . . and her eho i ~e. Tubby Bell. The co upl e. T h e I nd ia ns attac ked h~JW we .loo ked, < st>a re h r:nr o ur ~ enth,usla :Jm . a nd a ttenda nce t he ·he e ve r read y p1 ct ures 111 t he J.l l 7 Pe ru v1an 1 J!:J J 7 Sl:'t~ son has no r-qual. Obse rt orc hestra ' directe d b y P r o f esso r Ift hem . ·1' Afte . r Slll$!1ng . . , lor Song ·, . . f' o f co urse, b u '· . t th) th e Co , vatwn r e vea ls t he f ac t th a t 1 1 1 "Smythe " f"urn l · hed th e mus ic a 1 t h u cowboys 1 < JU er c · · 1 p N 1 d "' · , g 1v1ng- t 1e f' ru ormal .vel . · an th e atte ndan ce in almos t eve ry . , Then fol lowed the " H .:si ta t ion. " savages. I try i n~r to ex press to our hosts wha t case was cons ide rab ly la rge r t ha n 0 mercy n o! We did n 't da n ce ! The fo ur t h can ha rdly be te rme r! an enj oyable even in.; i t had been, a ny pre vi ous yea r. One n oticea bl e Whenever t he mus ic sto pped, " th e J a "stunt. " Mi ss Down ing- and 1we hu rr ied hornt~. (C .. ntin " "'l o 11 r,ast l 'a~;c.J









in preparing for the coming I centennial. You can not afford ~ Entered at the Postoffice at Pl'ru, Nc· 1 1 b ion fall thru or braska as second-class mattt·r. 1 to see the ce e rat the good name of Peru discounted Publlsht Weekly by the Peru State Normal! simply because the town cannot, 75 cts. per year. Single copy 5 cts. l "find room for the crowd." Talk j





Next venr'g job depends o~ it Your -self-respect demandg tt . 11 • ..1 • ~swCT at rensona > e First class cleanmg anu pt es r-.. r.J, t,ps .... Collection and deb vt·ry.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o


HOWARD SMITH -. Ed!tor j centennial; push for centennial;; t\. LEWIS TYLER - Assocmte Edttrlr 1 make room for centennial.-Ed.] GLENN 0. KELLEY i Business and Subscription Manager! Citizens of Peru, have you stop- I DRI'ARTlfi!NT RDITONS

Nona Pa1~er, ·······~· .......... ... ~lun1ni Eos Brown·············· .......... Philom~lthean Margaret jones Evt-n:tt Fr~nk l:eger ........................... ~- M. ~-A. El~•~ Wtlburn ················· ·· ·· · .. \' · W. C. A. Louts Worth, N.C. A. Bryan Emmert, ........................ ~ thletics Miss !Jowen....... .. ........ ....... . . Music T~wahe Yohn s ': ·· ····.-·:···· ··········· ···· · ·· Humor Mrs Nelhc M. Sm1tn,......... ...... . .Loc~~t

.Jaek AJisman ············ ............ ".\1m<.>ry:~'

:vlnr.v.Ciary .................................. St·n!ors Ro~alme Kohn .................. ..... Jumnrs Gertrude Clifton .................... Sophomores Loy Hacke•....

... ....... ........


Vivian Rishop .................... High ~chon! :\Jr. Pnlmer. .. . .. ..... Sci~m·e Cluh Prof. F. M. Grcgg-Arlvt!"er



Merle Paw ey


i ped

to think that the, commenceutent week, June 1-6, 1917, is tojl~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ be the most not nable in Peru his. . -. · h· tory'! Dr. A. E. Wmship of BosW ' h d of people too nice Isuch an effictent cabtnet as t ts, ton, United States Commissioner j e ve ear t Igreat success is expected. . to eat oysters but the 1ates ex- of Education Claxton, the presi-1 f " ' fi . kiness" was E dents of manv other normal schools. ample o super- ntc . f ~. .·;:····'"'.'-:..:1-, ',, Dr. Fo 1som, ye, I pu 11 e d off th eo th er day In Pro es- ~.•~~.--,:-d . ~II II 1. · f ..,, . . · · .. -· ..·, ..· :,"i Ear N ose & Th roat an practica y a IVIng ormer h certain <'"' , .i ·. ·;;:.!!'\, '. • presidents of the Peru normal are Isor Wilsons class, w en. a \,.;.~ill.·;;,~.:~;····-- ..,"" Spectaltst at Dr. b . I f h young lady quoted lines from Sh Ilh ' ffi on Wednesday to e our spec1a guests o onor. , " , "O wad e orn s o ce • Then there are to be hosts of Burns s To a Louse .' . Mar. 21. Spectacles fitted. Exami' . some nower " etc.-and Jnststed former students, frtends and alum' ' . rl "To nation free. -Adv. ni of the schoool who will be hack I that they were trom an o e, 1








to celebrate, with us the founding 1 ... out~ e. - - - - - - of the Peru Normal. For this we I Absalom Up,.T o..Date. Education. are glad. However, with this! . He goes to Mr. B. I. G. Head satisfaction over thing5 to be, j A learned professor was discuss· anrl says: "Do you know you 1 come::~ a responsibility. These I ing the boy athlete, and announced ought to be in the class play? I'll guests are going to look to us, the Ithat he is prone _to set athletics .too suggest your name to the commit- citizens, as their hosts. The hos-~ far above Engllsh, mathematics, tee having that in charge." He pitality which we extend to them and history. In conclusion he toid does, and compels the ~om~it_tee to is goJ.ng to have a large part in Iof a conversation he. had had with a Black, White & Colors turn down the Mr. Head. deter~~mng their enjoyment of; younfi nephew of hts a few days SOc and $ L I 0 He goes to Miss Em tie Rime- th.is . ·i~eat celebration. Can we l previous. ster and praises her poitry. "Yon me~t their. expectations? Some William," said I, "I'm glad to ought to publish your poems in the of thPse prospective guests have hear of your success on the school Rchool paper,"· he advises. Miss already expressed a doubt of our baseball team; but you must reEmttie does so and now has noth- ability to house them. That doubt I member that there are other things ing but biting criticism for that! must ·be completely dispelJed from I in life besides baseball." i 40c and 55c publication. I' their minds. We must provide j "Ye~. Uncle Will," he answreed 1 Onr Absalom goes to M'' r. Wood entertainment for every Cl'uest at a I, b_ravely, "but I'm afraid _I'm,t.oo B eautiful new Short ,_, B. Orator and croons: You cer- reasonable price. To do this our light for footall or rowtng. tainly ought to try out for debates. homes must be thrown open and Harper's Magazine. Stripe Si I k for Skirts, Nooneinschool can get a point every ~wailableroominPerumade Waists, etc. Yard wide across as you can." Mr. Orator ready for their coming. In nrrler Y. W. C. ·A. $l.50 to $2.5() per yd. enter.:; the preliminaries and is to locate these rooms and to catalog On Surulay, March 11, the topic 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nnw mentally accusing the judges thein so they may . be readily of "Missions" was discussed under/ of being prejudicial. reached when commencement the very able leadership of Miss 1 And everyone says that Mr . .A. comes.. acommitteeman will vi~dt Meinholdt This theme was taken i~ so nice, so appreciative, so Ieach home in Peru this WE'ek, up from three different view dis:!erning. Everyone, may I say probably upon Saturday. Will you: points: personal, home, and foreelCcept the unfortunate folk who have this mattPr in mind and as~i~t I ign missions. 1 are obliged to turn down his in- him, yes, assist P(lru to give the 1 , The nPxt meeting is to be of Clmpetent clientelle whom he flat- "glad hand" to our guests next such a nature that no girl will wait! t·~r::; but who, in turn, are too June? List your rooms evP.n tho· ~o he urgPd to attenrl .. Mrs. Rouse l vain and obtuse to fathom the there may be a possibility of some JS to cnnrl·l('t the meet.mg and her·' shallow trick. In this fable, dear family guest rorning at that time. theme wi II be announcerl later. ~tude?ts, may we b~ granted the i We'll protect such a possibility for Those whn have hearcl Mrs. Rouse NEBRASKA CITV, NEBRASKA 1 tntelh~ence to profit by the sad 1 yori. Committee on Commence-jat snme past time will be there· THE QFALITY STtH~E exp.3riPnce of this fanciful miJsaic Iment Reception_ and Houuing: together ':"ith those wh~. have not I Everything Marked in Plain Figures p~r.;;onality called Absalom. B. Chfford Hendricks, .1 yet expertenced that pnvtlege. =;:~~~~~~~====~~~=~ ______G_. 0. K. 1 Dr. N. S. Harajian, ! y T~e ~ewly elected officer~ of the "Be your ord:-rs great or small .. . I M. F. Meek, I · · · A. for thP. com1ng year I Phone or hr1ng them one anrl all" Peru Ctt1zens as Hosts, 1 J. D. GraveR, are: Verna Snell, presirlent; Effie I T<J [fhethotfulstudentwhenhereadsl Verne Chatelain, -S~anhnlm, vice-president; Rachel! PoJz~J the following announcement, will I c. F. Beck, ~~ t?r~s, .treasurer; Esther Me- 'j • • ~ ) ~ s~e that it is u to him to do his . ·'.na ' s~cretary; Ruth Vernon, Phone. 218 P M· C. Lefler. em respond tng secrPtary. With Agent for Sunnyt<lde Greenhouse 1 Falls City, Nebr.



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PHOENIX Lisle Hose


See The New THINGS




MrS E 0

NEW GOODS purchases.

in all departments coming every few days. We are making our prices as reasonable as possible.

The Cash Store

Don't wait till too late to make your spring


Phone 22 I

Everett Notes, At our regular society we enjoyed a well planned and well given program. The weather was so fine and spring-Jike that the Everetts Tlwre are no chOl·olateg made that are better nor are there any made a good showing • more attractively pacl<ed than are The solo by Dwight Mardis was LIGGETTS CHOCOLATES excellent and he responded with a Tal<e a box of thl·m \vith you next time you call on your lady and then note The Smile that wont come off. rery pleasing encore. We did not AN OLD RELIABLE BANK New Stock Just I~eceived . . know of his unusual talent or we ~~ hould have called upon him before WITH ASSETS OF OVER ' now. The playette "When Love is $250,000,00 Youn~'' was very satisfuctory. --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~~~~~-'-'T_H~E-R~E_x_A_L_L_-_s_T_O~R_E_"~~~~~~~~~ Miss Giltner~s reading was so well received by the audience that Alumni Notes. · Jssue of t he Normalite , the meet- ~-------------­ he was forced to respond with an The chorus of high school pupils, ing of Philomathean Society last encore and gave us, in poetical at Edgar, led by Superintendent Friday was in honor of old Ireland. Come Otie! Come A. II! form, some good advice concerning Jimerson, recently rendered an exSave Time! Save Money! the minding of one's own business. ceptionally good program, which re- Miss Snell, chairman of the proThe program ended with a "three [fleeted great credit npon both the gram committee, and her two able J at the leafed clover" trio. Another I chorus and their leader, and arouserl assistants, Mr. Doane and Mi~s I such pleasurable program will be much interest and ettthusiasm. Mr .. Lehr, deserve much credit for such· given in two weeks. Watch for Jimerson is a Peruvian, '14. Ia successful entertainment. futher notice. Supt. R. V. Kelley '15 has been I Th e vrogram began with an inter____ _______ re-elected at Colman, s. D. with e:sting sketch of the ''Origin of St. The Community Club, which a sustantial increase in salary was organized for the beautifying He reports school work progressin~ Patrick's Day" in which Wilbur "-~-~~-~-~~-~~-1 His high Em~ert gave us an item of inforof Peru, is planning to give '·The rapidly at that place. While down town JrO to f'amily Photograph Album" next school pupils are at present re- 'matton ~bsolutel~ ~ew to all of us I week. Prominent citizens of the hearsing a three act play to be !-that St. Patnck s mo~t noted town and members of the faculty given in the near future in the deed was that of driving lhe for your snakes out of Ireland. Living Irish ''Barber Work are to take the different charac- 1·nteres t of th e a thl e t•1c f un d . . p1ctures illustrating songs well Neat, Clean. All work first elm;!'. ters. Seeonrl door fr·om po!'toffice known to us followed. Miss MeinHigh School Party, hold represent~d ''Kathleen MaWanted vourneen" with voP.al accompani. justa word to those who shave: themCITY MEAT MARKET Your Presence at my Party. ment by Miss Stella Oleson. Hel- selves. 'fry a bottle of ''DICKS" Fresh anrl Cured Meats Neil Cole. en McMeecken was a beautiful por- Face Lotion and stop that burning Horne made Wienil~~ & Bologna itching ~en sa tion after your mornJan 7, 7:30. trayal of the "Rosary." William Specialt\' ing shave For !"ale at And that was what started it all. Full line of cnnni-d Goons Novak accompanied this picture The pupils of the ninth grade were with a cornet solo. Miss Kather·''~ESTSIDE BARBER SHOP'' W. C. BURGESS, Prop the lucky ones this time. ine Matthews was a charming -----------."At the hour set everyone''- '' Nlother Machree'' and Mr. , - - - - - - - - - - - -f- - - • ll 1t I""' t th e H I Heudquarters or • was f as h JOna J Y . . I 'fHE . a e. . )u . ou8e ' s smgmg o f th·IS Iove d bap· V 1 adherenc-e to fashwn certa1 nly . d1d:· Iau·' Ien t l'f . t ure. I ns . h JanOS ictro as 1 e t o th e ptc SHEET MUSIC not spoil the fun of the evemng. / me 1o d"1es were p 1ave d h y th e Ph"l 1o i The musical talent of the gu~sts Quartet, "Thf~ irish Washerwo- GASKILL MUSIC COMPANY was shown by several selectwns man,, "The Girl 1 Left Behinrl NEBRA5KA CIT\', NEBSASKA Has Some 1 from different members of ~he Me," ''St. Patrick's Day," und .~---------·---party. Then followed a ".rousmg. •'The Wearing of the Green," re- '-· Dandy Speci~ls in good time." Games, W~lch are: cPived appreciative and merited • always popular at part1es were : app 1anse. Stationery & School Supplies · put to good use. About H :BO it, While the stag-e was set for the was announced that we would play '. play to follow, Prt:?sident Wi II iam See us Gl't out your Korinek. Jf you "Good Evening." Some returned Novak in behalf of the new officers in a few moments, but othpr.:;, and program committee expressed don't ha\'c out·lt·t us !"dl you an partly undPr the spell of the Lady\ his appreciation of the efficient 1 Eastman Kodak N. S. HARAJIAN Moon and partly under the spell of I administration of the first semester i A. B .. I>. D. S. 1 THE ''lady," returned not quite· officers. We then attended to the FISHER BROTHERS 6raduafe of Chica9;o College Dc:ntal Surgeon RESI OENT DENTIST so soon. playette, "Spn·ading the New~," JJl<lJtiGISTS Office ovrr F:ty Hal<t·ry i After the belated couple, had. by Lady Gregory, which transport-: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' . s t r a g g l e d in, we chose partner~. erl us into the heart of lreland. 1:.....-~-~~~~~~~-------------•1 EaC'h gallant chose one of the array The cast of characters follows: I~·· Iof hands and escorterl his lady. intn · Bartley Fallon, Floyd Doane; hard to grinrl away at dry text 0 the parlor where delicious refresh- Mrs. Fallon, Mary Wickham; Red I hooks. Sn Charles Pulmer and ments were served. Just us we .Jack Smith, Wade Caldwell; Shawn! .John LaukempPr, brilliant Denti!-tt j i h~d finished the big ~vent o~ the: 8 arly, John All~man; Tim Casey,: geology students. ~nte~Psted .Miss Office (H'er Ym-idy Store evening, came the ommous blink of· Walter Johnson; James Hyl'on, Os- M. acl(pran. g and M1ss (Jc:.atPs m. a 11 ffit'l' Phone 3:~ II 11u~c 71 -:::----------------~~ the lights. There was a tw:;ty \car Oakes; Mrs. Tarpey, Myrtle tle II£ tnp. .S ._ evera I m t eres t mg -scramble for wraps, then all hurried I Donahoo; Pol iceman .. Arthur Rell; fossils were fou.nd, the most reO~. 8. L. SHE LLH 0 RN home to creep between the sheets I Magistrate, Victor Jones. markable of which was a button before the lights went out. from the coat of a Mound Builder. Rt•sidence Phollt' G ! M. F. and E. D. Great Interest in Geology. How much better is this way of Office ov('r I-~t·xn11 Store ---------Saturday dawned a bright, beau- studying than former unmotivated Philo Notes. • , ·. ' Phone :n ·ous tiful, shining day and it seemed 1methods. NERf{. As announced in the Prevl PERP, -------------------·-----------------------------


Citizens State Bank


Red Tag Sale

Vari•ety Store CHASE'S



N. S. N. S. Store


Spring is Here







--0 R r-; r. .



C 1








- - - - - - -






Resume of the Bnsket Ball Senson. th e 16 g ames. An j (Cont inu ed rrom Fl1·st Page. > co mpa ri son of th e totals d isplays : thing a bo u t t he a ud ie nce has been th ese figu r es: In 19 14, Peru ! their co urtesy a n d fairn r!ss t o t h e t otal ed a04 to its oppo ne nts 263 ; ~ Nebraska City, Nebraska v is it i ng teams . The Peru "crowd " in 1915, 471 t o 2~2; in 1916, 267 j played clean ball as di d the tea m. to ~ 26; a nd in 19 17, 312 t o 306. I A co mpa ri son ot the a ve rage These fi g ures s how t he men w ho scor es of the g a m es for the las t have led t he scoring end of the Th e Dramatic E vent of the Season f o ur years shows that th e a verage 1 g am e for th e las t f our seasons : ~ scor es this season have in propor- In 1914 J a nd a scor ed)4 po in t~ ; in j Kellerd Assi!'t ed by i\m l'rica' s r; rcatcs t Aclor J 0 h 11 E . ti on t o the number of g ames pl1y- 191!'5, M etzgc~r m ad e 122 poJnts ; anC. his P amous CompAny . C harles B. H ~tnforcJ . Gtm·gian a \vI 1son ed been sa pe rce nt less. This can la;;t year Sandbe rg t allied 85 ; and be accounted f or by the five man thi s season Schne id er scored 158 1 in a 111 ag nificcnt pro d uct io n in syste m of d efe nse wh ich a ll th e p oin ts-over half of the t otal Rl2 : 1 co ll ege teams d id not use un t il t hi s scores made thi s season. Schne ider' s season. Inte rcollegia t e teams p ut ind i vidual r eco rd has neve r before up a m or e sys t emmet ized and been eq ual ed in t he hi story of t he : stronger de fense this season than in schon l. yea rs prev io us. Jt'rom t he st a nd poi nt of co mparaPrices 50c, 75c. $1.00 and $1.50 ln 1914, Pe ru won 70 perce n t of 1 t i ve sco res a nd ga nws won, t hi s th e g am es p layed; in 19 15, 75 'i season has n ot he ld t he lead , b ut Je rcent ·, in 1916, 66 pe rcent; and in t hose t hin gs whi ch make fo r • d · J h n are go i ncr to t a lk on fi nd somr-: ver y ori g ina l es1gns 1 n ey o nso "' . . ff t Estes Pa r k. 'in 1917 Pe ru won 6~ pe rce nt <• f t he bi gger g a m e, whethe r it he in wh1c h have a pl eas1 ng e ec . 1 baske t ha ll or in a ny oth er ga me, 1 If yo u see a p e r so n acr oss t h e 1 S e n'or N o te s 1 th e HH7 tPa m heads th e Iist. · tab le wa i t ng fo r t h e paper yo u In sen io r c hape 1 1ast Th u r s d ay, Cham p ionship t eam s may come have in yo ur hand, t urn to the las t it wa s d e ci ded t o have up on class and go , but the t ea m whi c h wins page an d d o it a s i f lay i ng i t day th e cer emo ny of the P la n t ing of th e I vy, a May po le dance, a n d .a i ts way into th e hearts o f th e stu d ow n . As h e g rabs fo r i t h u ngri ly base ball game. A com mi ttee IS den ts, losing or winning , is the tea m of Our new line a pl easi ng diver s ion is to calmly to b e appointed b y t h 9 p r Esiden t of which plays cl ea n, ha rd, a nd fa i r. 1 star t tu rn i ng the pages back again the class t o a rra n ge f o r t hese Spring Rain Couts are !1he writer be li e ves th a t th e Hll7 and cover t ly watch th e d i ffere nt e vents . in the Store. tea m has wo n its place in th e Bishop Stun tz has co n sPnted to s hades of g r een on hi s fa ce. delive r th e baccala ureate sermon. The pattt!rns are hearts of the stude nts beca use of . E. L. S. ------~--- ----------- ---------- t hese thin gs. very new and diifer" Red" Emmer t. Y. J\11'. C. A. Notes. ent. Abou t fitty men gathe r ed Sunday Library Hints. ' afte rnoo n, Mar ch 11, t o li st e n to a Look them Over E nter th e libra ry wi t h a rush r e m arkable message g i ven by D ean Ian d af ter spotting all yo ur fri e nds Mc Pro url of t he Neb raska Wesley a n J with a r a pid g lance. flit fr om table U n iver si ty on t h e th e m e ' ' A muset o ta bl e exchang in g all th e la test ments and Ch ri stian ity." Dean The ''4 Hustling g ossip. Thi s crea tes a soo thing , ! Mc Proud cont e nded t hat t he e rne Dresher B•·others ., r es t f ul a t mos phe re whi ch is m uch tio na ) pa rt of man cons ist ed of ... It dnc~n ' t m :d;t• a n v diffc·remcc a p prec1 a t e d b Y t~;ose w Ito a re play . wo r k. love an d wot·;;h i p; a nd


Thursday, March 15






Spring Goods


Milstead's Toggery


IIt ryi ng t o study .

l':~ J-eds J' .,~t

demonst r ated h is t heo ry by som e \\'here yon li ,·(•; The Mirror th e Snl lt' r h nn.•;dwr Wh e n Vou Co:ne acr oss a good won1 I e r f u I pe r sonal expe ri ences ilT"!' b ri ll!!!' ·I j oke or a p ictu re in a ne w maga- w i t h ml' n . H e a lso a r gued t hat we Cln:11ri ng Sl'n ·il'l' t n yo u r n'l'y d oo r. · e, c I') that is No Pa J-cel,.; Pos t ' " . 11 ''t out · - e ·' e sho u ld s l r i ve f or a mental and I. z rn ca res to see it, a nd besicJes t he gap physic:d ba lance i n .der n ot to cl1:1 r gc;; on,· "'"Y :-~nv ;;iz<'d hu ndk Ever Lasting Iin t he page obl iterates t he mo not- i m pair ou r e ffi ciency . H e co n c l ud - ~ t" a11~· po int. 1uno us aspeet. of t hP r eadi ng matte r. ed by saying : "A ll amuse m e n ts ~ ~~ d ph': t;;t· k_nnw ~h:1t t hl'n~ i;;n't If t he cha ir a cross t he ta hl e from that bu il d u,; u p m e n ta ll y , p h ys ic- I" f111c r g r·:~ d t· n 1 c k n n1n g 111 the A yo u is not occup ied. stre t ch you r ally, m ora lly, a nd sp iri tua lly a r e l l' ni tu l S <:1t<·" · thr,n th:1t f(::tt uJTd :tt legs nu t an ri r est you r f eel on i t. gond; an:l a ll am usE' m r n ts t hat llrc~lw r· ~ (lrn:th:t l' l:t nt. Portrait Thi s pose has th e appr oval nf th e weake n us men ta ll y , phyi' ica ll y , / DRE~HER 1

Rnrl t'X-



Un·sh(· J·~ I >: r _,.

0 11 °





d o 11 c


UPJ)e l' c ircle:;·, a lso th e chairs mak e rn ·tra 11y , nr sp1ntua · · 11ya re bad .

The Pend d' Orei ll e Studio E. J. NEWMAN P hone 56

Peru, Nebr.

nt mud se ra pc rH. Iexcelle lf you a re a g irl, ge t a bou t Ithree of yo ur fr iE' nd s toge t her and


Snt'it :ts Werlrlin gs. r\irthrl~v Pa rtics. Rr nwm ht·:•ncrs Fune1::d!', t'l r . i 11 npp_rn pri :ttc· :1 rrangemrnts. No nrd (' r to ~mnl l anrlo nnc t oo la1·ge .




BROl' HERS Clea tters Dyers



For Any Occasion


'['It e m ec t'1ng was one o f t 11e m ost fi bl h t h h d

pro ta e t a we ave a t hi s ~·ear. An rl no doubt ma ny of us 1 bu.v so me ca nd y . Th e n g o i nto th e shall at some t im.e di g d eep i n to \ Hatters Tailors ! li bra ry a nd eat it am irl mu eh our pockPt books 111 order to hear a ST .. g igg ling anrl si de -l ong gla nce.;; a t lecturP n nt near ly so good as th 1·s ()\1 \ ·R . r II :\ . :-.; EH . the li brar ia n. Be su re lo leave one w h ich cn.;t us on ly the efrort o f some ch ocolate s ta i ns on th e t a ble. com ing. Ge t i nto the game . ComP ont' 15 R Hh s for . Tlw n wh e n one lays a clean slwet W · I . . . . e won 1r1 111<e to h ave ever y man I of paper on It t~ wnte some th t n ~ . i n schoo l prese n t next Sunday af- ' The Ne w Stu d e nts on the back of the sheet he w ill te r noo n. Cha rl ey S paC'h t a nd S id- \ Se h uo l Snppl il'" · l'') It f(: l't i 0 11t'l'.". F r ui t " . ( ~l'l lt'lT i l's, 1\lt::lt" . Utt•ad :111d C o ok it•s th e A \ 't' J1 LJ(' Storr ~tlbins' .l:ductltional Exl.hange, (Inc.) w o u ld lik t' tn ~ e ll. B tl ; of us nnd I'11 111Hl\:d J :-:!); 1_ li as for t \1'1.!11' y -f11 ur ·' car~ lll·•·n ~lll'e<·s~fu l in Jlh t·in" No· 1 "1 '. · · sn \' t' th e lo ng \·v n lk t o tow n . .. . • • . . . • . • . . " . • . . • ,.. I Il l a 1 a 1n1n g I c.tdt~r~. tx pc nc n~~d nt l ntx pcntnc~d. A~l; \'o11r t l"IC h <' r · • d f' . · • " ·Ill O l t ll c r st u 18 steps from the Cam pus dents. Wri te fo 1· our rl nn s. • •· l\ll a nltattan Building lks !Vl oinc;;, Iowa. Phone 7J H. U. Landolt

·- --------------'1

Fresh Cut Flowers




~:211 - 1 7 F,\ 1~:-.:.-\\1












For Semi-Centt>nnia l


AI- ,


Christian org a ni zations. dress by Presi cI e nt D .



Rol l call r es ponse which in vites I T I telling of one incide nt from the Is of Exceptional nterest to eac 1 ~ school li fe of each person ; a n e xI ers and Rural Communities hibit of all t he old school hooks 1 __

ayes. Mondr~.v. June 4. . An nna l Ft's t.ival of Mus 1c . A g r ea t number of calls for the that may be securer! i n a radius of As has alrPady be en mentJOn Pd H :30 n. m. - Open a i r h a nd conce rt. lates t Pe ru bul let in have been re- t hree or f our miles ; cond~;~ction of in these columns . the d rra nge m e nts HI :00 - Staha t Ma te r - Chorus a nd ce ive rl f r om s upe rintend en ts and a s hort r eci ta ti on f r om these books for the g olden annive r s ary a nd so lo i:;ts ' t<>a c·h e r s ovf' r the s tate. El e me nts w ith th e oldes t r eside nts of th e 19!7 comm e ucem e nt of th e P e r u 2 :HO p . 111. - Pi e d Piper - ch orus of in the co nst.ru ctio.l o f th is bu lle ti n community as a class ; d r a matizaNoraml Schon! are far o n th e ir way schoo l c hi lclrc•n. ' w h ic h ~ee m to adve rtise it so well • ti on of t he " H.o osie r Schoolmasto compl eti on. 'l'he program for 3 :00. _ Ar t i ;;rs' r f' c i ta l. ; a r e co mpos i ti o n and happy cho ice of t P.r:" histor y of th e first school in the week of th e a~ ni vf'rsary anrl 8 :00 . - G rand co nce rt / extr : me ly pract ica l topi c~ f,m: ~ i s- th e ne ig hbo1:hood by an olrl resicommenceme nt has alr ead.v h een l Tu~>~rl a.v, J u neS . cu~s ; on. Ad ;;:quate anclmfm rn~_ng dent ; old t 1me churc h sonp s a nd arranged, ~md is an unu s n a lly at· , Gra nd t-<e uni (l n a nd Se mi -Ce nte n - l r ev it' W.5 o f las t s umm er' s rura l _11fe jo ld t ime popu lar mus ic ; formulatractive one. Tentati ve ly t h is pro- j n ial CPie brati on 1 c••nfe r en ee a r e included, be:n ri.Ps ti on nf plans fnr sc hool r euninn. gram is as fo llows: j 1 0:00 a . m . -Addresses _by for me r uniq ue . and . compact ? ~ld he l(~ ~~ ~ ~ Prof esso r Br~ wu and Pres i de~t Friday, Jun e 1. j N o rm al Sc hoo l pres id e n ts, and , suj!gest1o ns for co un ty life wott_k. 11 a yes ha ve rece1vecl 1~any com~lll 1 8:00 p.m.-Ope n ses s i on of Phil o pro mine n t a lumni . A dis,;~ rta.ti on UJ.Jnn c~untr.v . 1_1 e m~nts for: the ir w~ rk 111 prepanng mathean a nd Eve r e tt Lite r ary ! r ·''0 rrJ. - Acldrf'SSeS h.v Dl . clubs IS fo llowed hy a te nta t iVe t h iS he lJ1f ul bu lle t i n. 2 .·) p. a nd o th e r n otable. cons t i t uti on a nd by- la ws for s uch - - -Societies ' C laxto n . . , ··" I ·· Notice. " l·an organi ~.a t 1 o n , a l1 st oi p o!'S iu e 2 S aturcl a v J nn e · <:rwa k er. · . 1 . . . If th young man a 1 d woma n · ' . . f n e \o\· • . Pa Pa n t-" Tll sto r- 1 cou ntry life c lub act1v1t1 es, one. e I ,. .00 a. m-Ded rcatJOn o / 8 :00. --G ra nd g I . r· to p l· cs v ·l tal and who Friday eve ning , n .'ar th e ld ·· f p ~· ' ' drt•d SIXtY· lY e · • training bui ldw g-. A r resses , ica l P agea n t 0 e r u. u_n hif di c:custiion at dub fo untain. dramati 7.ed, "lf thy lover 6 h ' Gove rn W lne--dav .Jun e . s u rla e or , . h h I . b 0 1 Y r . A. E. W rn s l fJ , . ec " . . I ( ' >mme n· t . . th e N e braska Hy mn, a sm i t ~ th ee u pon th y ng t <· P«:> <, . 'II p e side nt ' c •nLh Annua ·' ' meet ing s , . I . h k ... or Ke1th N e v1 e . r · I [<'o rt.v · •JPVC . . k . . b..:o lu tely indi s pen · l t urn to h1m t hy e tt c t"e agam 1frs · t rl· t Vx t:> r e1:;es. t o f 1>on ~ a ~ · . . h' l 1 D. I J. W. Crabtree , Sup(~nn en cpme n ' . t· v l if e libra ry, and aga m . " lor an e x 1 aratPc 1 >.Y I . sabl e 111 the c lUO I. . f' A d d rPSS hy ent Clemmons and o th e rprom - lO:OOa. m . . N r io n·b ·r· ·e· in th e wa v ofpro - audi e nce inthep•rsnoflrur sso r , I . p ('Iax ton, a and !Jil!:'SI I Ill " . I fi f I' t h Ph i lnn c e t · ' . ' . . . ·h mon t h of t he year. Wil:;on will leave ty ce nts • r e inent educators. . · •r of. educa t JO n, •rr ::~ m ~ to1 e<~c 1 f 2 :00 p, m. -Ciass Day exercises al Co mm 1ss run e _ · " ' · )r ogra m which is ' Nurma l ite editor a nd a L-Jershey or . -· -d For i nstance, l 1l e I 7:00. · -May pole drill . . nim a l hus !Ja n r y I . f . t l ve ry first mee t- ' Professor Wilson in the N orma 1Itt> (; ·ter Ill a suggested m l e 'I I 8:00 -Band concert. / Ja ' , . the s ixth ques· l . . I . the inte r<>s t it l.Jox t he names of t he parties WI ' W h at I S ·ng is t VfJI C:a 111 ' ' 1 I 8·30 A I · lass play c a ss :-, . "Can' t yo u ' · · · . - nnua semor c · 'I" P r of Gan'.v.· omi ses · I no t b e: divul ged in this paper,· or· o l . J ti o n. · . . ?" Wea th e r · pr · n· S Da ys, " the by word of m:.m t h exce pt to 1n t13 S unay, d 1 une. d oo d wnt rn g . ' ' Ye Oldl l me c1o I . li:oo a. m -Bacca la u reate sermon r ea g ' ·y . but we d o n t _ee . . mhe r s o f th e prog ram- mate fn e nds . · . h ogg :es, t 1t. le, nu by Bishop H . C. Stuntz : . , 2=00 P. m.-Union meet ing of al l · JL

r eady Arran~ed

- -










'" I





'----- 00 l'OU KNOW ,. ~- ' Wh o's Who ' in pre ference to 7!) cts. per year. Smgle copy 5 cts. • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1cla!'sical a uthors mentioned.'' H OWA IW S~ I TII • . Erlitorl -1 A. LEW I S TV L E I< Associate Edit•Jr Y. M. C. A . No tes. GLENN 0 . I.C 8LI.EY . . . l.lusincss a nd Subscrfttti\l n Man ~gcr A v~ry ~e_;:~.s tt ng meetmg ~as - - - - - - - -- ---;-·---..-· enj&~d. b~,:~he !Pen o{ the Y. M. C.



that th e glad Easter .seaso n is but sev enteen d a ys away. ~··-:_.-... We want to supply


UE I 'AI!T .\ IEN T E UITOUS ~ 8 .g~ods for an~ wom e n of Peru . Nona Pal rner, .......... ·········- _.. -~·Alumni "A. Sun.d'tlV, March 1 , 1917. Eos Brow n ....... ......... .>PhilornaLhca n Sidney Johnson gave a splendid Our b ig stock mean s a w ide Freedo m of 1\la rga rct Jo nes Evt·rctt ta lk on the scenery of Estes Par k, !. • Frank Leger .... ... ........ ...... Y. ~ I L.A. f Choi ce Elsie Wilburn ............... ...... Y. W. C. A. fo llowed by Char les Spacht who ...,. Louis Worth . N. C. A. -~ 1 Hrya n Ernrm:rt, ........ ...:!. J1..:~ A t hlcti~s gave a ~ l end i d talk on the re igThe trtam e below this•ad g uaran tees . ~ Miss llowcn ........ ,........-!:. . Mu:<1e iou~!s i d e of t he conference he ld Quality ~nd Ftlir Prices. Rosalie Kohn .................. :.......... . . Humor t here last June. Mr!< Ncllic ~ ~ Smi tn , .....:r:.... Loc>rl .J ack Allsrna n ... .'... ....!' ...... ".\li'.'crya" Both E" peak1-rs urged all who I Man· Cln rv ....... ................. Seniors 'bl ld t mak the tr ip Ros<ilinc K'o llll ............ ... ..... 1uniors posst -Y cou O e c;ertrudc Clifton ................ SQph•>lllorcs thi s spring to meet the . grea t reLoy Hacke.· .. .. ..... ... ~.'•·.,;"' Fn·shrn .. n . . f I ·ld I b Vivia n lli:< hnp ...... ....:... .. ~ .. High School i ll g tous leaders o t 1e WOI anc e 9/obrasKa C i ty. 9/obr. Mr. 1-'nlmcr . . .. ...... Science Cluh uplifted by a ssociation with these Prof. F . :vi. Gregg-"A dvi ~r r d . th f th · I --------~.~·----- comi men ngur1~ 1s ;;,•---~-~~-~~--~-~~~~=~-~-~~~~~~~~~ June. e Mneren~ ''He's carazy over mathematics.'' Anno unc~JTie nt was a lso made of ''She thinks of noth ing but Eng- theY. M. C. A. conference to he , Y. W. C. A . I Grace Noerrl inge r , speaking I ish . " He' s silly over debat ing. " helddi n Li ncoln, Friday, March · M E L R d t d t he abou t t he esthet ic da n ci ng- lessons: "I h a b nch of . . . rs . ' . . ouse con uc e . . - ·' Its awfullv hard to get the arm never saw s ue u The yo ung man who m1 sses th 1s IS , y W C A M h 18 sticks. They're al l cranks about losing t he opportun ity to hearsuch l · · • . , . arc . ' In a ver y 1 moveme n ts w lt h yourfeet. '' somethi ng. " ~ . unus ua 1 yet m t erestm g ma nner . 1 _, 'T H _, f E , b men as H. L . Hemz man, Re v. Mr. 1 1 to Sh e rea11 ' he an11 o sau Yi ----------------. Thank s fol. the co~mp ~ t'm"nt " Worthely a nd many other excellent D d h' h f 1 ,.. I our school. Cra nks-why . t he speakers. 1Margaret e_1an , . w ICf hwas h o What D f t th t S d ' lowed by a d rscusswn o t e c arworld is full of the[ll . would we do w ithout them 'I Who 1 :· Vo not ...or.g~ · Sa ~ext S und ay ! ac ter s. A g irls' q uarte t f ur ni shed · IS esper ver v1ce er v1ce un ay. woulrl make this old wor if 1 L ead ers, L eonar d D ud e k an d M'1ss the music. An • ld move · ear 1ey exhJ.bi·t of new l{emember t he Ves per Servi ce t here were no cranks.? Henry Ford Boyd. Theme "The Evil of EnC oats and Suits. is a crank un auto mobi le construe- vy. , Time, 4': 30, p. m. next Sunday, March 25, at 4:30. I -- - - - - - Ma r y Boyd a nd Mr. D udek a re ! t ion . Edison is a crank. Andrew Carneg ie is ,a crank on steel. Bil ly Senior No tes. I t he leaders, the topic being "The Sunday is a crank. Any man who Seni or:- " 1 didn ' t go to chapel E vil of Envy. " I does raot think as you do is a cl-ank. last week. Wha t hap pened?" 1 ' Beware of the crank. By and by .rust t hi s: Mr. Selement played Sophomore Notes I hi s na me wi ll be in every· man's the finest cornet solo .this year. . Ta lk a bou t i t. thesophs are ri g ht mouth, a nd he will have monu- Phenomenal is the onl y adj eclive to there, and t'lat i"' not a ll, they are ments in a dozen cities, while no- descri be it. A s urpri se for the over . . If yo u ha J been t he re, bony outside of your community rest of the school was disc m;sed- yo u' d ha ve found out for ycmrself. Th ey 're patt e rn e d a ft e r wi ll know t.hat you ever lived. lt but t hen that is a secret as yP.t. 1 On Saturday even ing, March 17, takes the crank to make the world Present seni or life might be pic· thi s c lass gave a celebrat ion in g~r m ent s o f famous origin· move, to ins ure progress. tured by severa l tab leaux . As, a honor of S t. Pat ri ck. lasting from ato rs of modes and embrace Don' t condemn the crank. Maybe yo ung man walks along the street eight o'clock until a leng thy time a ll o f th e n ewest fr a brics. you cou ld no t be one if you would. with bow!!d head . A ser ious fr own th ereaf ter. You'll appreciate the low Before you say you're t ha nk fu l you casts a gloom upon hi s face. He The committees on decorations prices prevailing. are not a crank,' examine yourself is a representation of a noble sen- a nd entertainmen t rlid the ir pa rts and see wha t the deficiency is that ior t ryi ng to frame !>Uch an appli - wel l, butt the eats r ommittee , with calion that it wil l cajole a job out Zelia Ward as chairman . was perhaps debars you f rom the e lection . B e autifu l Lin e of Georgette B. E. of some uns uspecting- board of edu· t he most heartily pra ised. Every cat ion . indication of a ver y large sophoCr e p e Wai s t s a t $5 98 It's Really Good. Another pi cture might por tray a more clas;; for nex t yea:-. Ibid, a woman s ub:;cr iber writes, young g ir l seated at a ta ble in the D un·sc h , very b usy on hi s lesson , ' • t0 h has a riva l in Anon as the author library. She alternate ly chews het' l 1 1 of familiar . quotations . " My finger na i Is and the rubber on her ! p and cam:. t e P ace where th e No t class, '' she says, · 'was asked f or penci l. She sig hs three time::; a nd : ;or _mac hmaw was ne eded. to her nearest ne rghnow~ n g ow to spel l it. pus he d the n whispers cr iticisms on ten famil iar poems. the d1 et tona ry t owa rd Pa lme d . . r an One g ir l wrote in her compos it ion bor, "Would you start a n appl ica. . ~· a s ked htm to find t he d NEB.R ASKA CITY, NEBRASKA wo r · that she preferred Anon's poems to t10n by saymg Dear S1r, or I lear · Mr. Smith ' ? " S uch is senior ex i:;tPa_lme r : ''O, Brantlev ! Pl ea se t hose of Burns, Byron, Long fe llow, T 1-l E Q ll A 1.1 T \' ~ T 0 I{ E bnng me the Montgomt::ry Ward Eve r y thi ng ·Ma r ked io Plain Figures or Whittier. Our pnfessor said ence in the Peru Normal. catalog.''




Cleveland Stores ..


At Wessel's





I 1'



NEW GOODS purch ases .

in a ll departme n ts comin g every few days .

Don 't wait

W e are m akin ~ ou r prices a s r easonabl e as p ossible.

The Cash Store


til l

t 'Jo


to m a k e

you r ~pring

Phone 22

LOCALS Miss Rose Clark has purchased a new Dodge car. Jack Allsman was ' called to hi s home at Strang Friday evening by the seri ous illness of ha s fat he r. .,. I Prof. Hendricks :- : :Why d oes lightni ng selrlom· ·'Strike t w ice in the same p lace?:' M iss Gwinn: -"It doesn't need t o."


Citizens State Bank

Watch Mr.



,, _ _ _ _ __ __ __

Mos t



yo un g

" buds"

-- ~,..-;-;-;-,. , -,.

TI-l E

ft! t

-----.. .:. :

Stationery & Sch oo l Su ~pli~s


N. ~.'JH .iR-\J6~N ' 1

H . I)_ D. ~ Chic.o~o College Ocnla l S urgeon ·•


f\ I:SIIl E NT DE N TI ST Ofnr<· "'' t' r F:~ y H:,l;erv ! ·, • ,





mee ting

~UrlaOimOUs l i bY-· two~V()te~.

·Arth-nr Schneltier, of ba sket ba ll fame , went to N.e bas ka C ity · .to tea c h rn; Virg ~J-,1.o ng 's place , F riday. Tha-t .e veni ng h e p layed .basket uall with t h e.: Nebraska 'it.v A.thleti c G; lp ,b, vs ,San ..fra nci s~o· s Nat i w~. Sc.>~s . and nJ,ay j,ng in hi~; ~sual ,g o.od,fo rt1l, w u r;t t l)e, g a me f o r


See u..;

•• · : •


Granulations, Mr. Cra ig.

DandY..~.P.eP&~ i.~. ~ . I


Coach J ohnson Edward Sdement, a nd '1Ja~t.v Craig, we re presen-t . In the e lec ti on for captain, Marty

N. S. N. S.i ->St@fe.





Grllduale of


l• oe your ord e rs gre at or s mall .


them , .2 2 to <20.

'f tl1 Tn ur::;day of la s.t w.eek. o n e,~ c ca rn •· nU"~ · t·a ,v:prr't(;lS, _D_qctor... .O_we , ns , r le tt for hi s horne - t\) worJ<, s o Oti :, say,s ; b u t ,,mo s ~ p.eo,p 1e k now _better." We ' JI see n omn~e, '' c,f Doc,u,n[)l .




_.I{ I J-• ' f l




I lf


'I I

'1 • 'I• • 1

·J I

Red Ta'g ·'f?,.aJe

I ,.

~, '

·"': .i .~.. ..-;


Ray Robertson was in ·Lincoln II part cif last week, taking · i ;; · th e J ack Al ls man a ske d Mr. Lewis state basket ball t ournament. I if CaJ;.ro ll b1,1rne cl . f\li.d ~ i a;J;!G oi l. C. D . Stoner, father of Mi ss dl. He,, ~nsw~ red, ·'No, he, !;>qt;n &gf~Sliari u·. 'Stone r , died at hi s horhe' iit a line." · · Osceol a on Tuesday, March 13. 1-l:e·, 1 If there 'is ever a t i me ·when you was a Nebraska Pioneer, havin1f l feel "put out: " s:it i's when yo u· are cr ossed the plains · in a n early day, asked to absent yourself f r om the and hav ing settled in the state earl y' library. :' -) ' ('~i n its· hi story. ·

.- - - -- -- - - -- - - - - a r ound ' th e ca rnpbs ar~--~Jossoming out in n e w sp ring b onne t s, and the \ :Jlrl Man Win tn' s gnne A ~ ~')J' . instructo:s ·,a ie hav ing d i fficu lt y in Gentle: ~ pringti mL·' s c •1me t:o s tay. r ecogni z ing m a ny of the m. Jolle_v pi c nic i n the: wo o d s , Professor Greg-g and Dean R ouse 1· ., , . /. 1\'e"ll,-upply the l u nch m:at goorl ~ . ~~n~}P Auburn, ,.. F~ iqay eveninb, BIJI<Gt> i:> J\II E r\T .\.1 -\ RKET '' t C?. flc.t ,rw judges in th e, debate ge..,,._. tweeii th ~ Auburn and T e cumse h hi g h schools . A u burn won , 3 t o 2.

SO me




I akc a h o x of thl'lll wi th you nex t time you ca ll on your la d_y ' ·lle th at ''"·o nt come ofT.• ···· ·f, I' •and th en n ote '1' 11eS,m · .. · 'Ne\v S tock .Jus t Receiv ed. "

True Lee Smith vis ited hi s home in ·-' Ne!ln'l\5~ C i fly, Sa~m·day .

Professor Wilson no longe r requires so~h-om0re Eng li sh stude nts to wri,l!e poetry. H e r e ' s . the reason: " Oh , helpful Jove! L e n d u s thi:ne aid And he lp us w r e tch e d schola r s; We've hired a fo o l to t e ac h the schoo l, ~A And pay him tifty dol la r s ."

H as

Then• a re no ~hol·olates made tha t a ne better n o r at·e t here a n v m ore attractin•ly packed than a re .


Did so meo ne mention cher r y pie? Ask Ruby D am m e for fu ll particularr ·concerning m eans of obtaining them. blush.


tl • •

of the









11 I



At th e th ird annual co nfer e nce of the dea ns of women · among 1:! Wi scon sin ·co ll eges he ld at Madi son 1- --\-f',..--- - -- - -- - --+r ecentl y , Miss Mattie C. Elli s-· was l,--.'tr !11-:--- - - - - - - - - - - - - ; \~ 11ilc down town go to a guest of honor. · Miss E ll is was f ormerly ·hea·d · prohsso r of hi story and d~::an of wcimen' ..at Peru, ·but for your s he is· now a ·g racluate student at ·:·:Barber Work !\eat. Cltan . All work firs t class. the s t ate university of Wisconsin. *t·cnn rl doo r fn1111 po!: tnffi cc Mrs. S mith in parliame ntary law c la ss b egi ns · t e fling about a woJus t a w•>rd to those w ho s ha ve t hemm a n' s " ri g ht 't6 wear ' hats during sch ·es. Try a h o ttlc of ' 'U IC KS" practice : - ' ' I don't ' th'fnk~ " Dnc Face Lot io n and s t o p t h at burning: Owe ns, c lambering l:o · hi's · feet:- itc hing se ns a t io n after yo ur m orn.. Point of or der , . Mi·. Chai r'a inn. ing shave F o r ~ale at Anyone wbo · doesn't "think has no ''WESTSIDE BARBER SHOP'' right to sp ~ak b e fore this asse mb ly.·" ·· Chairm a n: - "'fhe ··point · is Hec:1dquarte1·s ior we ll tak e n." Pianos Victrolas An · e ig ht p citmd ·;;un was b'orn to . SHEET MUSIC Mr. and Mrs: · E mmert ·· Donovan, of B is be e, S. D. Mrs·. · Donovan is GASKlLL- MUSit COMPANY ~EBI<A~KA CIH, NEBSo\SK A ::;ta y'ing at p r esent with · her ·uncle 1 ·- -- - - - -•:...'- · .,....,...---- a nd au nt, 'D r . a nd Mrs . Polla rd, at Omaha·; and 'Mrs. D . Donova n of h t hi s place is the re caring for. er. A ll are d oi ng nice ly now. a nd e ve n G randpa ~ B o n o van is ex pecte d ·t o .. . recove r·. Ge t out vo u1· Korlm· k . 1r .v 1111 ....,--------;,;do'1i't h:ll'(' tl l! l" kt li S !'l· JI VIl li :Ill Com'ngT.hrt~ lh.,R ye ' 1 "





Spring is Here

"Phone or br ing th e m o n e a 'na "a l l " ' bnr.Jnie . footpa l l , daY;'! , ,ne:Jt~ · .Jail, ·· (S uff rah·e Vers ion) "' ' TU · wh e n h e r e turn s 'o h e lp P e ru ,war p If a la tis ie wan-tfi t he bal lot Mr~·· Yo r k, ap r! to work t O\;Vfl i' C:l 1-!"!·adua_. - To h e lp run th e t own , .. 8 FISHER BROTHERS .l?!l'!-. • · Ph 21 8 ' ~ ion from t~ e N,o r _ r pa_I· ., . ~ And a -la;;sie• ge l s th e Ila II o t· " I ll~ l' I , (;I S T S ' ' one ,. . ' '- , I d f ., Agent for s'unn'y_. iife ureenfwuse Charl ey S p a cht .h a s b ee n e ec t~ · N eed 'a lacJd re r own · ' · F a 11s c·1t y, 1"e ....<t b·1. 1 to t h e pos ition : -:9 f 1·n _ s tr· u- c .to r· 1n !Ma ny a laddi e has t he ba llo t e t iCS • a t Nu t as ur ig· ht a s I. . ._ mathe ma t i. CS ;:t l} d .; athl < • 1 ~R-l i J 1 )~ I at $ ll'J p e r mont h . A And ma ny a lacl d ie votes h i:-< ba ll ot s ·UR-E ~ (i)U !know •r Pla tts m o ut l • "' , .• : •If. f' • • • O ven ·ome w ith .rye. , PRING is here and you 1 ••..; • F 1 lett e r; , , fr o m ,,M i,ss _ C h ~r lo~te , SJ x t C:J ,·s· two" w il l . . . . . . b . Oenti ... t -~. , , , i 1 nclica teo t:ha t · · Jx ta- , . th t If a lass ie - work.; .fo r . wages , -' I are tir ed of hearing a ou t It 1 rea c h 11rim a r .Y g ra d e:; a t ltld e n '' f' O Toili ng a ll ti~H d a y ; ' 1 • • ,, b,',t .brl·.n"'g out th ose old rl1' ~nr. in g 0 lfio«~ 0 Vl'T N nriet y :S t n rc L' 1 $u 1 Y . ' . · ~·ea r ' .. .Ja -a r y , . . A I I1e r work th e :.~::;tddi e ' s eq ua s, ' 'flirt !'ho ne H:-1 1-1 1 • 11 !'-e 7 ! :omtng · · 1 t' ns ma y be m togs. ·L ..ct J oe cl ean and ~ Rumu r .::i o f seve ra l e ec lo . .Give her eq u a l pay. ;--...__ -- . . c: u cc ess tul In th bu t !:ie n JOI ::o . f a r If a body pays th e ,tax es , , press em . 1eard so ~ ,.,. ,. . 1 Olt R L. ~HELLHORN •hPiJ' .. anp lr. ca t to n t ,s have . . ' M"c: · Surely ybtl ag.~ ee, I I r r . v. Jnf{ J. S it: .., f d. I' · ' I(J:.:i'c1cnee· l 'ht llfe f-i · nee n ve ry c!i lator.y .Jn ..,g r _: _ ' f 'fhala bod y ea rn s 1.tlic ranc11 se, , -· T{ "e n e ws o I 1 ' "·0fTI.cu ovr ·. r !l< <l'x~li .S ~nn: (fria h ~ m hr D e an ou. ,· n Whe t he r he <or ~1 1t · ' · 1' ; I ~ ,J J ·I I I' ' • J t'0n Snc h inforfl}a~tn I ' ! . ' .· .::....]. MeA. •ll t' ~ I ,., 1hll'ht I h e t r -e-,e c ·I . . _,_ ... _ ____..._..._. ---·--I •,, I ,; , Jrl ' tE!1R . PJ!R U. w iII be ~se_(~~t_:_c~ ~--·





P oDzel


c oJe I




. ..


--- ·-"" --- --


.. ·

Junior Notes, ch ildren. Mr. Anderson's portray-! The us.ual meeting of the juniors a l of the man who boasts to his neighbors that his cattle are thorolast Thursday was r eally and unusual breds, and yet pitifully tells the one in two respects: practicall y assessor that he has nought but . s u dc en fo r the Peruvi a n, every member of the class was scrubs on his farm, was very reyou seni o rs wh o h ~cl ptcture c . . c a ddress, a nd Ji st of school affil ipresent, and the program was the ali stic. t o ha nrl tn yo ur na m , .. best planned and m ost enjoyable of . . re t o William Novnk hefore Jt 1!' fo rAlumni Notes, any given this year. at i o n~ ? ~end or g l\ This is evidence of the inter est Dr. House sang t hree delightful eve r t oo late. Irish songs in a charming and that is being manifested in thi s sympathetic manner. His inter- home com ing. Miss Mabel Bede, • '14, wr ites pretation was so perfect, so much of an echo from the Emerald Is le, from Pine City, Minn., th a t she that one junior wanted to bet a expects to be with us at commenceHershey .that Dr. House's g iven ment. '-'t >r Plc n t y o f t ime between cia sse!' to name is Patrick. Miss Dalna Brown, '1 2, B. Ed., Hun·_< to the A venue ,.., < ..:. t fn The commedietta, " The Assess- '15, has been r e -elected to t he 1its·' and th e cho icest co nfecti un1 get coo ki es, h1·ea r1 , Inne h me c:: , or," was ably and effectively pre - principalshi p a t Elkhorn at a salary erv. sented by Mr. Harlow, the assessor; of $85. · f th e new Tt·aincr B ut'Jd'111/Z v<>tt'll li111 d aII Acros>' the s treet r o m Mr. And erson, Mr. Taxshi'rk; Miss Mi ss L ottie Deakin, '1 1), has kind s of sc h ool s uppli es. Bonner, Mrs. Taxshirk; Mr. Carter been re-dected to th e principalship and Miss Bower, the Taxshirk of the schools at Cowles at a saalry of $85. Miss Ruth R. J ones of Glenwood, l o wa, died Fe br uar y -18 , at Denver,· ;=;:;;;;;:=;~=:==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;=.;;;;;~;;;;;;;,;.;;;;.;_~- ____;.,..;,

Have You Forgotten


.fl_U. Landolt

Phone 73

Visit Our Custom.Tailoring

Department 7Ueo!/er

RoyafMade-to-Measure Suits and Overcoats qt

$r8oo $2o,$25,$3o. $35 and $40 Mli.ST EADS TOGGER Y

Spring Time

Portraits and Seasonable Mountmgs Make the appoi ntment today

The Pend d' Oreille Studio E. J. NEWMAN Phone 56

Peru, Nebr.

Fresh Cut Flowers For Any Occasion Such :1~ Werlcling-s, Rirthcla y Parties, Rem em hr;1nee~ Pun<';._ als, etc. in appropt·int e nrrangements . No onler to small and none too la t-gc.






Colorado. Miss J ones was in th e No rmal three years, graduating in 1913. She taught tw •.' years in Sidney, Iowa, and just previ ous t o her death was teaching in Omaha.

Next _ven r's job depen d>' on it Ynt1r self-respect demnnds it Fit-~l class cleaning a nd pressing at re;:tsonnhle r ates. Cnllection nnd ddi vt'ry .

Spencer Leger, ' 14, who left Peru a t Christmas season to take t he principalship at Axtell. has PHONE 89 been re -elected at an advance of salary. H e will receive $100 per mont h the coming year. Many r eports come to Peru of Spencer's success, and they' re all bona fida, too. g r ad ua ted from our Normal in 1908 . !

Merle Powley

Mi ss Anna Chamb~rs, •16, writes that she is enjoy ing her wo rk at . Al liance. She has JUSt r eco ve red from an opera ti on which necessi- . tated her being absen t f rom school a month. She says, " I hope this year's class will boos t for the infirmar y for it cl ings in my memory as one of Pe ru' s g r eatest blessings." A book on " Measuring Intel!'gence" has r ecently been ed ited by the professo r o f educati on in Leland Stanford Uni ve rs i ty. In his preface th e author commends t he work of hi s g radua te st ud ents which has made possible t he revisi on of t h is book. na m 1ng a tn ong others J. Harol d Williams, wh o

Mi ss Corinn e Whitfield, who is I teaching in th e Lincoln schoo ls . I I was at home last week, on account o f the illness of her mother. Sne r eturned Tuesday. The .,4 Hustling F. B. Brooks. '07. who has been teaching in Guthr ie, Oklah oma, Dresher Brothers'' has r ecently accepte d a splenrlid It dol' ~ n' t mal<e pos ition in th e State Normal Schoo l wht'rc' yn11 l iv('; l'm-LTl ~ l 'n~t nnrl •·xat Mankato, Minn. pn·~~ ht ·i n .!.!~ I he :-;upnh D rc· ~ l wr Pro fessor W. N. D e lzell went to Cln:tn ing ~lT Yi('l' tn \' 011 1' \'C'rv rlnnr. Lincoln , Saturday, and that eve n- Dreshet·s pay P<t r eels P ost o r Expms ing he wtth fi ve o the r s, was init i- eh:oq.:t'~ on ,· w:ty () 11 a nv sizerllntnrlle a ted into th e Sons of Veterans . In to any pninL the gro up that was initiated was Governor Neville; and C : And p1<': 1 ~e knnw that tht·re i~n't o m. 'tli nct·u·· ] - ' . 1 . 1) · Stewart of the G. A. R. was a lso ~ · . . ,..._. .t( c 01 Cot'n m ng cone 111 " 1111 1 1 presen t · H e 1s · a vet e ran d S we 11 _ t_er, ~, :ttcs. th r,,1 that fea< tured nt 1 as th e son 0 f a veteran. ) t e!' h ~ t- ~ nmn h:=t Phr nt -

~abins' Edur.;<1tion<1l Exr.;hange - , (I nr.;- . ) . Fnundnl I RH :·L

for I wen• ' . ·v-filUr ·vear~ hl'l'll ·S UL'C<' ·S ~ ful 1· 11 P1n e ·1 n~ No nn:o~l T 111111111 . · · 1 eaehcrs. ex p~ncnc~J or inl'x perie nt etl. Ask •. 1 .. '. 1-! . r yo ur tc .1e H 1~ and fn1'1ll"1' " t t I CIII S . ' "' ll· \\' rtl C: 10r our J'lans. Tl as

M an hat lir n Building-

DRESHER 1 BROTHERS ·C leaners Dy !fS H e:t tters Tailors

~ :! 11-1 7FA I<

Oe~ :vl oi n e~. To wn.


0\1 A t1 A :-.JE fll ~

Tucker & Shean 1123 0 St.

Lincoln, Neb.

M:tnHfa ct urers



Jt' Wt-1rv o f a ll Kiricl"'


Cla"' ~

Pins, Rin g s ·M<· cl 1 - . .' , • as, Hospttnl Emblems, Clnh anrl Society Bn ttons . Athle tic Trnphies, etc.



~ ~~~~~~~~~~~=============== \'OLUME XI. PERU .

~=;L~YP~O'~I'Y~GH~AP:'f~AL~6~UM~BH~.O~T~OU~T~==========~==~~~~~~~~================~~~ • NEBRASKA, MA.RCH 28, 1917.


SixtY People of the Community Give $122 Worth of Entertainment Dean Rouse says that every so often the faculty have to com e down and make f oo ls of th em selves. ln the latest come down, the production of th e "Fo tygraft Album" the eve nin g of March 20, wives of the facu Ity, as w e ll as many of the t own sp eop le and their wives, were invei g le rl into the toolmak ing with most laug hab le results. lf the appla use and shrieking laughter of th e audi e nce diminished a li ttle t o ward th e e nrl of the fun, it was du e to f a tigu e and not to a ny s upe riority of th e first over th e last f ot1es shown. Professor Gregg h egan th e program with a n earnest plea for more

trees in Peru, and advice as to


mt of trees m ost suitable to local conditions, his talk b e ing 1


sized by slides r ep rese nting Peru scenes of several years ago anrl the present time ancl aiming to con-

trast the barrenness of the treeless spots with the beauty

of arbored areas. lmmedately followecl the play of the evening. Pro fessor Smith, playing the part uf the

==========:-======--------====-~ s. E. NEBR. TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION j

you "Who Desire a Copy of the Semi· =Centennial Peruvian NOTICE

·t b t · d IJ All order~~ su1 or, was to e enter a m e Y the little girl of th <:' h o use. Mi s:--1 S(·nrl Orrll'rf' t n Dunn, while "sis" prepar · edto come d ow n t o r ece ive him . Pri ee $2 .50. lneidentally, th e pl ay e nd ed without t'·.e audience being g ive n th e

20 ·


Pt·ru . Nl'hrn,:lw

h enjoymen t which w o uld have co me we re funnier than ot he r :=;, per aps 0 from watchin o- Professo r Smith pay sp ec ial pra ise f!O t ., 1SJit, --''sis " "'has not ye t fini s h ed F is h e r , p layt>cl by Ear 1e F. tslet. h Be..Je ll h e r I i ttl e lamh, . MI :r Preparatio ns . Whil e h e a nr1 . u ll'a iteri, the ll.ttl e ..,,·ster bored hi m h. h "fo ll owed h e r to sc hool , "' . w JC . H t With pictu res of fifty-nin e r e lative!'< cou lcl no t b e found in M• ~s h lur:. d an acquaintances of the famr· 1y . ley ' s t eac h.m g p la n but neve rL e t-ss b 1 ] I't tl e was eag e rl y ·se 'lzed upon hy t 1e . e~1nning with " ma as a ' h ers. as a . c ~eae girl," repr e•e n tec l by Mi ss R ose ·catil e prac t·lc " " ve L Clark, and enrlinty wit h "pa," r e - means of moti vat .ion " ; t he trip· d Pre""nt db D " R e A ·large · ts M1. ss f3 o w e n • Mi ss M ll tz, an . "" <! y ean ous . . M ulz lilCJrlen-framed a lbum, with one ;e Vl ' ss' B a r c la y-tVII.:-S




To Be H e ld at Nebraska <;ity, April

5 and 6, 1917




The executive com'm' ittee of, the Nebraska l eachers Association hav e announced an. unu s.I , . . na ll.v s tron •,.. rr.ogra .m for th1 s yeatas.. Friday, Apn l G, wlll he known 1Southeas t

must be lh · b ) ' A pr 1·1

BU~I N l:.SS




[=> k' Mi ss Hanthorn and Miss er m s, dressP.d i n t h e ricti cu lous girl cosf tl e ' uO's· Professor tum es. o I Mrs 1 M a rdi~' as jolly nlct B r o wn am . .' . Mr . and Mrs. Bundy ; Profe1-so r MI."'" II JPr as J) e lzc·ll a nd ..,., - nsn ' Gra ndpa and Grandma Pe tNs ; 1 1 Mrs. Hull , th e s rin st er ~c1nn I l t t~>achPr. whns<" s ing u ar Jeau Y ·an·ul


. Peru Day.

On thi s day all music 1 will be by differe nt in di vi dual s an d mu~ical organizations of Peru . Among the numb ·11 be a piano so lo by Miss ers WI Ri ta Thomas, voca l solo Mi ss J eannette Meyer, numbeJ:: ; by the • Men 's Glee Clu b and the Womens




Glee Cl ub . In ar ranging f nr this pr ogra m . s pecial attenticn has ht•en g i ven hto the spcu ring of such tal ent and t e dl' scussin n o f such t opics as would ",e ' c>f' :peri a I in let est t o th ose conn "'ct Nr.rmal " erl w it h th e Stale I b Scho ol, either as facu ty me m e rs, stud ent teachers, nr prospective

a J·cle n t woo ing ~om .Jhow ~:; tarll"< 1 u p n ot the fa intest sig-n of love in t h e ·m t' e r·v 1·ous hea r t of Mr. (( eII y, as 1 , U c:o n Lieute na nt ;)parks ; and 1 ' ' . terri fic :-:qua il; Mr. R as ''Pa" But whe n the teac he rs. Among the promine n t 111 !an :: Beau ')US£> , '· k \VI' II be ••r".·. t ·as page, and no back a JJowerl ca u g ht I ·e r s ., a han c so m e IelSt Jl ·l ct u r·e 11ad l.Jee n s h ow n , an< 1 out-of ·stale spl·a . .•nsert1'on o f the p 1. ctur es f r om ~_.,'hate l at·n, ne th y ly ""ci ry Miss Rul on, e t a 1>"~arecl }l nd Ella l•'lagg 011ng, ltlrmcr 1 lhe back, the pos 1'ng of a s ubj ect 8 rumm e • and 1 lays· ' s is" had not ye ,. . -< · · <•f tl1e Chic:wo f t h e olt c < • h ·earn was s uperin LPndent ,... 1 '!O tbe 'd h t- ff fr·om th f' c haz·ml·ng b e l e o t. t wh<J"'e t he audi ence t hot t e sr r f' tl I " ·t edu c·a one Sl e , S U . 0 v ., • tne schools, one 0 te grc<t ooo!::' • ' . f1 C t h e corne IS , urof Smith fell aslel'p , I t the over. r · ' , t · n,·•l t•x. e"uL i\•e JJO;;itinns ever helc e\V of the a u d 1'ence, ()'oi ng on Fzra arey, ,... ,, . ld h ave m ea n ' . f the .. fot.vv;.raft,;' C'om - 111 . .... ' ithile the subj ect on the other sidt- dehornJng w o u f th e local ct">nir; s u bJec ts o I r re him in by a woman and Ha ro ld W. l• og ht. Was b ·l noexposed, gossipperl . provem e nt o fl . as in" across the stage 1e " I . national rural schnol spec iali st ... Im d f:.> r·o f esso r L e e t' "' l h . n (J' a. they hac In . D '' abo ut, and defamed bv Miss D un n Dr H ouse an S '·k . J't - his rea m, >e a v i "" ". t , . we re . .. ' f ro m Washin gton, · 11 . u . d f nd J:<'r edd ie .. JH• " ·. • the d ays wh e n tne Jll c. u res ' 'A rrangeme~ ts w.1 be ma e . or .· . Smith. Efforts made Wdlle a C'tu g ht wrth a · a c harming· prome- a spec ial tra1n aft e r th e even>ng 10 Oythe suitor t o break the spectivel y, th e one )r ess ion, " He tak e n, e\ en ·h a n :re of pretty noth- ' program t o Peruv~>~ere for the most part uns ucceefu t tPrrificall y t o ugh e I t' k- na nd y I nade a nd exc .g I . and Miss ia ns. Arrange ments will he made 'one of t he characte ristics of tbe O.t.her WJ.th a p.ious, saJsC -Aunt : inf!S by Mr. Chate a ln jfo r every student lO atte nd \vho . ' 1\ld t·1rne photo~raphs being the un sm 1. 1e,. Mrs. ·r or House, bel Rulun. l ':wc.J cares to tlo so . 5 t o n ep hew . . l co nt inu£'<1 o n ~"•'mtll ..., teakablenPss of the poses. If it Amanda, a t e r . . g propenst t.Y • / to ca use of her kl ssJn . Uld be said that certain makeups

b~ •ng

a~d Professor




TH E PERU NORMALITE :the tennis fa ns tha t the power =>' ! make pr ovision : f or more co\l'i' ts, Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Ne· possibly u t ilizing the l lar~e s't>ace braska as second-class matter. j ust east of the a dm inistration Publlsht Weekly by the Peru State Normal building, which wou ld seem to 75

cts. per year. Single copy 5 cts.

Iprod de

for at



D'O ¥0U KNOW · but seven t een th a t the g la d Easte r season lS


cour ts. HOWARD S:>.1 ITH Editor days away. A. LEW [!:) TY LER Associate Editor Out a t Kearney the f ootball boys W e want t o s u pply your r eady - to- wear GLENN 0 . KELLEY llusiness and Subscription Manager have just received thetr sweaters. Considerable contention has arisen, goods for men and women of Peru . D EPAHT~JENT EDITORS the r eason f or whi ch will become Nona Palmer, ...................... .. ........ Alum ni Ou r big stock means a wid e F reedom o f Eos Brown ........................... Philomathean apparent as one reads the fol lowi ng 1\largaret Jones Everett t wo contr ibutions to t he "Forum, " Frank Leger ........................... Y. 111 . C. A. Ch o ice Elsie Wilburn ......................... Y. W. C. A. a department in the Kearrney T h e n ame b e low t h is ad guarantees Louis Worth, N.C. A. Antelope avai lable for the expresBryan Emmert, .......................... A thlctic~ Miss Bowen .......... ................ .... .. . Music sion of stud ent sent iment. Qual it y a n d Fa ir Prices . Rosalie Kohn ................................ .. Humor Maxwel l, Neb. , March 18, 1917. Mrs Nellie 111. Smi til,......... ...... ..... . Local Concer ning t he cri mina l "CheapJack Allsman ............. ............... "Minerva" i\11ary Clary ..................................... Sc·n ~ ors ening of the School Symbol" now Rosaline Kohn ......................... jumors Gertrude Clifton ..................... Sophomores _goi ng on: Loy Hacker................ .........:... Freshmen Say, f e llers, ai n't it awful, 9/obraska C i ty. 9/o b r. Vivian Bishop ...... .................. High School Mr. Pa lmer .... .. ...... Sci~nce Club Simply shockin', plu m unlawful, Prof. 1-:-. M. Gregg-Adviser Fer a g irl to wea r a sweater mark · ed with K ? For obvious reasons, ever y a rhere b the r ig h t 1but gives the other fe llows their Wimmen wearen' fo?t ball sweaters, ticle accepted by a newspaper man- Mar ked w ith genome ::;chool Jet- t he season , earns t Y , ~ · to wear a symbo l so supremely due. -State N ormal Schoo l, De· agement should be s ig ned by the 111 ters... . f K lb Ill ' . · 'b 11...... 'Sa~d 7that it is pr ofam ty or any a , tno ts . cont ri bu tor. No such request has e ' em 1eave ' em t o t h err • e o.crs L t .Oth"'D' zperson to do it? -=--=--=--- ------=--=-=-:--=..:-.--:_:-.::::_:---=:----:~ been made of No r mal ite writers ,..., t I vwa say. • t'.oltrs si ncerely , so fa r, and t he editor has gotten Football men a re StlJ!e ·Oll'g'l:a'tre'f.a.l, ·Bes!';re I. F u rman. into no difficulties because of inLacki n' tact or doWt1Tig'. bt !halefl(}l, At accepting i nsi nuati ng nocent ly Else they wouldn't lend their Special Notice. articles. Nevertheless to forestall sweaters mgrke'd with K A t -our c lass chapel M iss H a r tzell ! A n ear ley exh ibit o f new a ny possible complicati ons of th is Think t hey' re Iul l-'fteagea knightsplayed t wo de lightful violi n solos. sort, and to g ive more of a metroC oats a nd Suits. in-armor , She was a ccompani ed by M i!'s M i 1- \ poli t.an tone to t h is weekly, th is ler. L ast week Miss Justesen gave latest bull etin comes from h is Winni n' prizes fe r a chllr mer! Work that won ' t-l et~nothin'-harm- a ver y rnterestmg . · t a lk on D e n- , happi ness, "No un isg-ned contrib'er mark. I1 utions wi ll be printed, altho the T her e are yet a f e w students who name of the contributor will not be Ga~ today!! publ ished in any ease except at An . what chanst has other fellers, . are not in the habit of attending Us JUSt rooters. g ra nd-stand ye,l ler:s, class chapel. Come out, class · the writer' s request." Agi n a man who lends a gi rl hi s K? mates, to hear t hese spec ia l p ro1grams. They arP worth it, One hig objection has been made Now t his year I gave a nickle, But since females are so fickel, 1 to college ath letics as conducted in In the Millennium. Next year they ' ll be in a pickle. 1 They're patterned after most schools, namely, that the The faculty wi ll be abolished . I'l l just say, games are for the f ew as far as ; g arments of famous ongm Chape l wi ll not be compu lsary. G'wan away actual physical benefit comes in. There will be no Jesson plans to ators of modes and embrace H owever t his may be, t here are Football sweaters? N(•t a penny, all o f th e newest frabrics. wr ite. college spor ts which give the most F0otball men don't deserve a ny, TherE> wi II he no 7:4 0 classes. You ' ll appreciate the lo w exhi larating a nd benefi ci al exercise When they ' ve cheapened the school Class poli tics will b e aboli she d. symbol prices prevailing. to ver y fat men an<.l wo men, to Tha t -a-way. The Normal ite w ill conta in some very scrawny men and women, Information Wa nterl :- Why is it · news. i and to all t he types in between. For inst::~ n ce , tennis . The local that in a school composed pri nci- 1 Dorm girls can stay out unt il B eautifu l Lin e of Geo r g ette . d · h . twelve. I Cr epe Waists at $5.98 club has been organ ized fo r the pa II y o f g 1r 1 stu ents. t e re I S no possible way open by which a g irl . Prof .. H~yt wi ll not bP ~hylock. j spring. The three courts whi ch t he Normal ·prov ides will accom- may earn the ri g ht to wear a 1 There will bP 400 boys 1n school. Far ;;chool sweater ? Why is it the ! . J oy wil l not monopo lize ed ucamodate seventy-five people. B. E . more have joined the club. A student body never concei ves the ; t lon. A Little Recognition for "Red." I s ituation ari ses agai n simila r to idea of bestowing monogrammed j that of last summer in which a ~w~aters on a group of gi rls;, Why "The Peru Normalite ' s at hl etic great many studen ts were deprived IS _Jt that a boy, by merely mak· d epartme nt is reall y wholeso me. NEBRASKA of th is most.: excellent form of exer- ing" a football team out of a I Unlike most edito rs, thi s one does NEBRASKA CITY, csie because of lack of playi ng handfu l or his f e ll ows, a nd going !Jot hunt up far-fetched and tr ite THE QU .'\ LITY S TO im ground. I t is the earnest wish of down to defeat in every game of a li bis f t> r e very game that is lost ..Eve r y th ing Ma r ked in Plain Figure!! 1


Cleveland S tores I














NE W GOODS p u rch a ses.

in a ll departme n ts c o m ing every few d a ys .

Don't wait

W e are makin g ou r prices as r eason a ble as p ossibl e.

The Cas h Store


till t oo

l ate


make your spring

Phone 22'


No Normalite Wednesday, April 4, in the week immedia t ely foll owing vacation. Professor Hoyt wa~ in Oma ha Friday, conferr ing with the presi~ dent of the State Teacher s' Association. Young men wanted f or s ummer work. Write M. H. Ly nn, princi pal Elk City schools, Elk City, Nebr.- Adv. President Hayes went to Omaha last Monday to be one of the , judges in the debate be t ween the Lincoln and Omaha h1g h schools. Miss Wil burn in disciplining some children in kinderg a r t e n who 1\'ere both try ing t o occupy the same chair, demurely addressed them thus : "Now, childre n, I think that is very i mp oli te f or you both to try to si t on the same chair. , 1 never try to s it on the same

Citizens State Bank

WHAT EVERY YOUNG MAN SHOULD K NOW There a re no chol·olates made that are better nor are t here any more att ractively packed t han are . T


$250,000.00 ~;:_::;;::::=:;:::-:;===:=:=:~~===~



akc a box of them with you next time yo u call on you r lady nnd t hen note T he Sm ile tha t wont come off. New Stock Just Received.


chair with a nyo.ne," a nd then turning t o M iss Langdon, continued w ith na ive g rav ity, "Now do you, Miss La ng don'! " Of course we a r e not tryi ng t o impeach her testimony, but-

teaching and later, in t he presence of the class in experimenta l education, he gave a demonstrat ion in determini ng t he mental class of a Cnrds, Candies fourth g rade boy, by the use of his syst em . Dr. Cornell is at preTh e Boys ' a nd Gi r ls' Garden ot1d Novelties sent head of the manual trai ni ng Club, under t he leadership of Prodepart ment of the Lincoln city fessor Ga rey was organi zed last of the schoo ls . week . From t he present ou t look, the club wi II be much larger than Notice. in years previous. Last week'a notice was published Four-year-old da ug hter of Pastor de manding the sum of fifty cents '---- - - - -- - - - - - Silvara t o Mi ss Langrlon of the and one Hershey bar, as the pr ice ~ld ~a n Winter's go ne a way kindergarte n d epartme nt:- ' 'You of silence regarding a certa in ex- 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. Gentle ~ pri rrg- timc' s come t o s t a y. While dow n town go t o have powder on . " Miss Lang don: change of courtesies which too k Jolley picnic in tHe wood s , Do place on t he precedi ng Fr iday 1\'e'll>"'l fiply -rhe lundh ·meat g oods. - "Why, ho w d o you know ? ·you see it ?" The precociou·s one:- eveni ng. Since t hat t ime we have for your BU 1<G ~:B MEAT M 1\RKET Barber Work "No, I smell it . " beP.n favo red wit h twenty-one bars Neat, Clean. All work first class. Comme rcia l la w as presEUJ ted by of Hershey and $10.50 in money. Srconrl doo r from po!:toflicc Professor De lze ll has proved to be In order not to seriously embarass 1:1 1 THE very enjoyable a nd prolific of ex- more of o~r st udents, and not to Just a word to t hose w ho sha vc themciting d iScuss ions. Considering car ry a j oke too far, we must r e- sch·es. Try a hot tle of "DICKS" I the r eli sh of thi s class for prob- quest tha t no more contr ibutions Face Loti on and !'top that burning itchi ng ~cnsation after your mornle ms, j t ha:: oeen suggested that be made . Has S om e ing s have Fo r sale at the following s imp le ptob lem be Vesper Service. "WESTSIDE BARBER SHOP'' presented fo r the cons iderati on of On March 25, M i!>s Mary Boyd Dand·. Speci 8. ls in the class : ·' Can a J ien be brok- and Mr. Melv in cond ucted t he j oint ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; serv1'ce of theY. W. C. A. and Y Packa'r d P1'ano Stationery & S chool S upplies e n '!'' Fri e nds of P rof essor Gregg who M. C. A. T he topic, " The Evils POPU LAR SHEET MUSIC I~ See uS have worri ed over his recent ind is- nf E nvy , was thoro ly" d iscussed by j 10c per copy, Postage lc extra positi on w ill soon be re lieved of the Misses Bridges and Wr ig.ht, and . GASKILL' MUSIC COMPANY co ncern fo r him. Whil e Mrl'. Messrs. Robertson a nd Caldwell 1 h The a udience was much larger tha~ I NEBRASKA CITY. NEBSASKA Gregg wa:: u nable t o attend t o t e usua l and w~ hope that the atten~·=============== N. S. HARAJIJ\.N cook ing because of he r inj ured da nce may conti nue LO grow. ;:. A. B .. 0 . D. S ha nds , Mis:> Genevieve ' ' presi d erl " Notice t he posters in the ·lobby • Gr~l1111e of ChiCII(o College Oenral Surgeon in the ki tchen . Th e change hac! no of the chapel for the a nnouncement RES! UENT DENTIST ma r ked effect on th e hea lt h of t he of t he next Y. W. C. A. meeting · Oflice ovC'r F;1y B::~ kerv psychologist b ut s ince the day Alumni Notes.




Variety Store CHASE'S

N. s. N.







Spring is Here

J~ I


Ge t n u l _vn u r l< nd a dc Jf yo u whe n when Mr s. S m i th with cha ri tFrank E. Hosie, '15 , has re.,Be Your ordP.rs g reat or s ma ll able inte n t pr e pa red one meal for t urned to Dallas, Texas, where he dou' t h:l\·c our il-l . us H· ll yo u a n Phone or bring th em one a nd a ll" t he f amily, .VIr. Gregg has not hfls accepted a splend 1d positi on as Eas tman Kodak u .T(J looked q ui te the sam e Mrs. teacher of manua l tra ining in t he Grerrg wi ll soon be able to attend CitY schools. ~=Among t he re-elect10ns at ChesF I SHER BROTH E R S to t he wor k of he r dep:~ rtment. ter we note the fo llowing .Peru Phone 218 Arent for Sunny~ ide Gr eenhouse Dr. Clare B. C:or ne ll. who was a lu mni: Super intendent Hansen, Falls City, Ne br. fo r mer ly c hi ef band master ,publ ic •12. Cece lia Wehrs, ' 10, pr.incipal of · ncl teacher of t he high schoo l, Henry L1nn, Rose school mus1c ma n, a N . 1 Wa ll and Esther Baker of the class ,. L, 01rna' of m athemat ics in t he Peru 1 16 . Mr. Linn wr ites that he sURE 'ou h now was a vi sitor in Per u Monda~. ~ wil l b'e inPerutbis summer to do . PRINGishere and you 1 Followi ng Dr . Corne ll 's work n work to wards his degree. ' are tired of hearing about it De nti s t a ml he beca me a st uMi ss Cora Brunsdon, Frank , Nor OHice ovt'r VHrie t y Store · a nd Milton · B lan k.ens h.1~ , bu t brmg · ou t th ose old spn·ng ' the P er u . S tate ' U ni ver itsy, a nd Dallam I)Jli ~~ne 3H H ou ~e 7 1 d ~!}t at the f d ctora te all members of t he class of 19 16, L J I d --- com ple ted hi s wo r k or a .o h .. is ited in Per u clu ing t he past togs. tt oe c .ean an D in psychology a nd ed~catJOn, I S :~ek. Miss Br unsdon is principal I press them. ~di l. ~HELLHURN thesiS . . b etng · ''A Po int Sca le Sys te m fa consoli dated ru ral sc!'10ol near . , uBla ir a nd Mr. Da II am and M 1.. . I n t elli.gence. Resirienre Pho ue 6 for Measun n~ k J.)r Cor Blankenship a re teach ing ma nual Oflil'e ovi-r ~t'xa ll ~ l o re While i n P er u t hi S wee , . . ' ni ng t he fo r mer at Conrad , a c ha pe l talk ~n p r ol t ll made Ph one 3 1 ne a t JOn for aral ., a nd 'the latter at Hartington. I :...._--- - - - - - - - ----" NEBR. fess ibna l scie nti fic pr e par


JYtrs. E. o. P olzel

i l

r====- --

;Or. R.

· o.








Joe Krepel a, Tailor.

Family Fotygraft Album Brot Out. (Continu ed trom Firs t Pae-e.)

Thus e nded a n e n t e r tainment whi ch b rot three g rea t resu lts : a shrie king ly f u nny e n ter tai nment ; a happy com ming ling of towns people a nd facu lt y : and $ 122 i n gat e r ecei pts t o be used f or 'ge n era l civic i mprov e me n t.

The "4 Hu s tling Dresher B r o ther ~. , It d oesn 't ma l<e a nv diff,..remce wh ere yo u live; Pan·els Po!'t a nd PXpress brings th e Su pcrb Dresher C lna nin g Ser vice to your very door. Drcshers pny Pn rcels Pos t 01· Ex press cha rges o ne way on a n y sized bu ndle ALONG T H E GRAPE VINE RO U TE, NEAR PERU. t o a ny po in t . An d please kno w t ha t t lwre isn't RecentSenior Eiectio~s. l yo u see a lad di e a nd a lass ie co m- j Ayers h ir e , Scotland . I t was a a fine r g ra de oi c lc-n nin g do ne in t he Fo ll owin g is a li st of recent , in g thru th e fi e ld ? If yo u d o, cus t o m in t h e o ld days that if a Uni tccl Sta tes , t h a n t hn t fea tured a t seni or f' lectio ns: N e lle Houdert he n you have the same miscon cepladdi e ca u g ht a b onni e lass i e c r ossDresher's OmAha f>IRnt. sche ldt, Eustis, third and f ourth ti on of the son g as 1 have harl. As in~ the r ive r o n t he ston es w h ich grades, $55 ; Ca t her ine Ke l ly, . a matte r of fac t , the " r ye" d oes lay in i t, h e co uld w i t h a l l propriB ROT H ERS Hampton, Eng li sh and h istor y , $60 l not h ave a ny r e fer e n ce t o a fie ld of e t y d e m a nd sever a l k:sses of t he Cleo ners Dyers I Gladys Train , H umboldt, fi r st 1r ye in Scotla nd a t a ll, b ut d oes pretty miss. • • g rade, $55; Flore nce Fuller, T il- l have r efe r e nce to t h e river R ye in 8 . C. Mo h r a mn. r s den , domestic scie nce, $75; Ma ry I - - -- - -Hatters Tatlo ========================--~ 22 11 -17 F A f< N AM ST. Pease, Rive rton, kind er garten, $55; 1 ;-----~------------------------0 \ l A f-i A. NEH I<. Clara Runya n , Elk Cr eek, pr inc ipal $75; Ma ry Wi c kh a m, McCoo k; pri - , ma ry, $GO ; Ed na Gabus, Ri s ing NC'x t y<•n r 's j nh dt· pen rl s on it C i ty , th •r d an d f ourlh g rades, 60 ; 1 Y ~lllt' St' lf: rt'!' JWl't d en·1:111n!' i t Amei la Chard, De Witt assistant I F i•·s t dnss ele:1n in g <~n rl prc~ ~ in_g I'l l re:1 snn :illl e prin cipa l, $65; Will iam Kueb le r , 1':.i lt s . Collt'e l in n Rnrl d e li vt·ry. super inte nd en t , S h ube rt, $90 ; Ed na 1





Owens, Pe nd e r, f ou r t h grade, $60; Le roy R. J3 e,1edict, princi pal of the hi g h school, a nd head instrucuor in vocati ona l wo r k, Pre.;t on, Sounth Dakota $1,000.

CustomTailoring Department ?Oeo/frr · Royn! Mncfe-to·Measure Suits ancf Overcoats


Fresh Cut Flowers

Spring Time

For Any Occasion


Sttl'h as \\'l' rlrli n t! ~. 1\irt hrlll \'


J, I I'

Pa rt it·s. R(' J11 (' 1Jl h r:l ll t'l'S r ll ll (' l:_ als. etc. i 11 ~l p propri H te a 1•• rnng <·mellt s . ;'lin n rrl er to s ~ud l n nrl non e l oo h r ge.

G. E. BERTHO LD Seasonable M oun tmg~ Mak e the a ppo in tm en t t od:ty

The Pend d' Oreille Studio E. J. N EWMA N

L--Phone -5 6-




Merle Pawley A R E YOU

Wha t is the p ictu re you g et as yo u si ng the wor ds , '· If a body meet a b ocl y , co mi n ' t hr u t he rye? " Do you see wav i ng fie lds of go lde n rye in m erry Scotla nd'! And do

$18oo $2o,$2s,$3o. $35 and $40

a nd .


Comin g Thru the Rye.



1 ' !1 0 .~


ll 11 r r : ro g'C'l l' Oook it :< , t' r \' .

Stn1·..:. 1'1ent y " f' t i•11 <' lw t W<'<·n eln.,!'C's tn • l)l'("' lrl . IIIIH'lI mnt t, f'rll ib. : IIHI t ill'l'h <o iec:-ll'nn t'c e t io n -

t h t· Avt'llll l'

A e r o!"~ t lw ~ ll'l't' l fr om

k i11rl>< 11 1' :<l'ltunl s11p pl il'l'.



Phon e 73

t il l'


n (' \\' T !'it in l' ,. II u i Irl in J..! yo II ' II fi n rl : d I

H . U. Landolt

~a bin s' Educut i nn(11 Ex· ·h.,._- - - - - -...

~ng~, ( ln<..: . ) '

Founded 1R9<l.

Has for 1\\:eu•y. fn ur yea r>< ht·•·n sueccs~ful 111 plat'i ng- Norma l Trn ining Teacher><· ' <' ·X pc· 1 · 1 '~ 11 c e d or 1·11<'xpcn.r nced. As k your teac h t•r ,; a nd fo r mer stu· dents. Wri te fi ,r our r la ns.

l r~~=:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N§I~~1§1~h~a~tt§:~•n§§R§t§li§lf§li~n~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~§§~~~~~~ - ---De!; :\ll n ine!', !o w n.


P-eru_ . N-e-br._,:j l

Tucker & Shean

1123 0 St. Lincoln, N eb.

1\1 IHitda ('ttH·et·s ;l f J I p· · <' W l' r y o f al l K i11 rl ~ . C l:,.,s 1n !'' R in gs . l\11 ed.l'I J" II . ~ ' ·' n!' plla l l ~ mhl l' m s, C lu b ~lll d ~nc iety R · utto n s. Athl e ti c Tt·"rhi es, etc.





-----:"- -:r""'




THE PACIFIST. It is useless to ''Cry peace! peace! when there is no peace," without sacrific~ of principles, and desertion of responsibility. There has been a deluge of shallow sentimenta li ty and muddled thinking concerning peace. The g reat need of the world today is f or justice rather than peace. Given justice and peace will f ollow as day follows the risi ng sun, but justice does not necessarily follow peace. Peace may imply the triumph of the oppressor and death of the helpless victim. Seventy of the greatest thinkers and divines of the U. S. in a recent warning, declared that · peace in the present world war on I the basis of the statu s quo, would ~

THIRD WAR OF INDEPENDENCE THE GREAT PEAR. We celebrate the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. The gJ,"eat f ear is upon us. Had our forefathers been paciIt co~ers all countries as a blanket of darkness and cloud. . It g:Jps all hearts with a nameless dread, paralyzes all wills with fists-? The little nation in 18 12 gave us Inexplicable forebod ing. the freedom of the seas· Shall our We are afraid of love. \ We know it is the cure of souls, yet we will try anything rather big nation give up that freedom? Unfair taxation without reprethan that. sentation caused the war in 1775; We are afraid of humanity. unjust servitude of American seaAfraid to b~ humane to criminals. Beat them, shackle them, men, the war of 1812 ; the wilful starve them, g ive them solitude and darkness till their skin killing of innocent men, women bleaches, their hair thins and grays, thei r souls shrivel into idiocy and children-citizens of the murder them, e lectrocute them in a chair or hang them from a United States the war of 1917. gallows tree-to "protect society". And all the while we know The pacifists of 1775 said, "Betpunishment never cured a human soul. Why don't we try love? ter taxation without representaWe are afraid. tion thar. r ebellion and war;" in The si lent Christ of the centuries says : "Love your enemies: 1812, "Better keep our seamen at do good to them that despitefully use you : if thine enemy hunger , home than have bloodshP.d ;" in f eed him : if be · thirst, g ive him drink." be the gr eatest calamity of the age But no! We have this great fear. We shoot him, mangle 1917, "Better lose our indepenand so say a ll clear thi nking him, star ve him. We can be safe only when we have bludgeoned dence on seas and let a few innocent citizens perish than to men. The pacirist seems to be him into subjection. Love him ? We dare not. our whole nalion into war. " The g r eat f ear is upon us all. It darts its murderous torpe- plunge hvpnotized by the word peace. Of the three wars for indepenJesus of Nazareth was not a does and plants its mines in the sea : it fi ll s the red t renches of the dence, 1775, 1812, and 1917, the land: it froth s upon the lips of e mperors and prime ministers : its cause of the lctst seems to be by far pacifist. True he e ndured personal horrid shadow rests upon ten thousand homes: it desolates the bah- the most just. injury a nd ins ult, but he never condoned sacrifice of princi pie nor itable earth. W. N. Delzell. social inj ustice . Witness his 1 Why do nations hate? It is draining t heir treasuries, decimatrelentless war on the Pharisees, the 1 ing their peoples, smiting their fi rs tborn like t he angel of the THRUST UPON US. pacifist kulturists of hi s day. He passovt!r, a r ed devil or ruin, a vile harlot of Babylon, a m<>wi ng I am not in favor of despoi ling flayed themt i me and again as f ools, ; mad man running amuck destroying civ ilization. Why do not na- my neighbor of his property, his vipers, hypocri tes, and children of · tions Jove one another? They ar e afraid. liberty, his pursuit of t he orrl inary The g reat fear is upon Europe, and hell is with it. The great avocations of life, his happiness, hell who made long prayers and ! devoured widow's houses and killed ' f ear advances in Ameri ca: we are shrieking for more armed ships, his life or tthe means of sustaining the pro phets Israel. This demor e forts, mor e professional killers, to save us. And they never life. Nei ther am I inelined to nunciation meant his own death, saved a na tion yet. r emain an · uninterested spectator and he knew it well. Witness his Nothing is so dangerous as love. when my neighbor attempts to take Nothing is so absurd and unfeasible _as reason. from me my property, liberty, encounters with the money-changNothing so untrust worthy as hu~amty. . . pursuit of happiness, my life, or ers, backed with knotted cords and physical force. Nothing so u topian as co-operation, nothmg so pr actical as the means of supporting life. Compare the principles for which contention. . . If my neighbor, from a misconthe colonists fought with ours We fear not the p it, and the devils of d 1strust and wra~h ception of hi s rig ht or a deter· that swarm up from its st inki ng: rlepths what we fear IS mined purpose, undertakes to entoday. The British did not murraven mg thunders of Sinai, the smiimg . . . d o~ of J esus: f · des1res · · der innocent men, women and the white w1s orce h IS agamst me, and children. Not a drop of blood was We are not afraid of Hell: what we fear IS the Kmgdom of will not listen to the voice of reashed t ill actual warfare started, Heaven. son and r ight, then according to 'fhe great fear is upon us. all canons of law, I am justified in cepting the quelling of a mob in ex Dr. Frank Crane. : using a ll the means at my comBoston. Washington loverl peace, mand in defending my rights. If a mad dog rushes into my and yet he held the co loni es r ele_ntle•sly to seven years of devastating yard and attacks, or even threatens war- for abst~act pr inciples. / by Its terronsm of outlawed ex- ti ng blows an~ arrogance, I beli eve ' my family, I should be devoJd of There were pac1fists then, whom 1 . e bulle ts of poisonous gases, j peace more v1rtuous and more hon- all sense of manhood if 1 did not we despised as Tori es. . The story . ~/~~;pelin a nd sub mar ine. piracy, · orable than wa-r. For our people put forth every effort to ward off . of the Hart~ord Con_ventiOn ~f 18 1 2 ; of wanton destruction, rap1ne and • to array itself against an~~her 1 the danger. should be mterestm g r ead 1ng to 1 t achery The travesty of Teuton people as such- to fight for na- ~ Unti I a very short t1 me ago 1 the pacifist. Lincoln wa~ a ~an 1/:th has. r eplaced that of Punic : ti ona! honor" so called -h~s. ap- was oppMed to this nat ion enterof peace, but he forced this na~JOn I f::t h. • 1f t hese things <Jre ~ot j peared a species of pr~vincwl!sm, ing the war, and a~ still opposed to face four years of t he bl oodi est worth fighting for, ~hen nothmg ! an exploitation of r~c1al eg?1sm. to a .w~r of aggression, conquEst. or Of what profit is 1t t ha t a_ man ;Yet 1 have for so me t 1me bell eved domm1on. But when any nat1on w.ar the world had ever seen,_ des- j . Pile pacifist opposition. History 1 IS. at ion save his or its ep1der- . that America must and wo uld enter persists in secret and overt acts, calls these latter " copperheads." or. ant the expense of self-respect the conflict on t he sirle of the 1wilfully a nd ruthlessly destroying The least admirable thing Horace mJ~ a of just ice and righteous- Iallies. It now seems clear that our property, taking the lives of Greeley ever did was to attempt to l' an. 7senAse tJ·ve pacificism borde.rs on j whatever the or.igi nal issues may ~ helpless women anrl children am! .In duce and force Lincoln to rna k e ness · c nder present . . a t presen L men engage d m . peaee f' u J occupa· c 1rcum-~ have been . t h e war 1s a premature peace. treason u one of · humanity against frightful- ~ ti ons, a nd even t hreateni ng the very The U.S. wil l fight in this war stances. W. F'. Hoyt. ness ; of soc iety against ~nrachis~; fife of our nation itself. - it now not only for international law and 'of t he rna~ against th~ km. I will · seems to ~e that. the o ~ly c~urse ~afety, but for the cause of hu~an- HUMANITY vs.FRIGHTFULNESS not, quoting Brownmg~ declare f~ft a se.lf-~·espec_tmg natiOn, . IS to Jty and civilization the principles j . t h new du· that "God bas set himself to n se up m Jts m1ght and sm1te the of justice and freed'om. Never has 1 • "New .occaswns ;:~ of other satan"- human issues are seldom power that has br ought such h.avoc such con · celess and hi deous · t1 es. L•ke thousa t ed peace so simple ami clear as tl>at- but I mto the world . lndeed there 1s no W4rfare bscien ged since the time Americans, I .have es ~~ so long bel ieve that America's present war other alternative. War has been of Gen h.ee~h w;,artar and Atti lla · as all but pnc~less. . nl 1· ng the is as holy a one as she has ever en - thrust upon us. Shall we stand the Ru~ IS T~e German miltarist ! as . the sJtuatwn G wv~; seemed tered-and I am with the country. idly by and witness the awful specaut · h d ed not on ly I Umted States and er~ Y rsenH. C. House. <C'ontlnu N l n n F o u1·th P nge. J . If I a ~ imple matter of takmg or · ocracy as en a nger . dernocracy, but civilizatJOn ltse • 1 "












m u st · k en world , b ave . 0 f a strJc 0 k 1 the name f g reat e nuf, r mig ht have been a wee bef~f~- be huma~ e~~~ble enuf tod sa:~ must now change my s ident , enuf an h. g sha ll sprea •, Entered a t the Pos t office a t P er u, Ne· "stand with . t he at;~~ to the " Thi s t ~~tever the cost ~0 us. no braska a s second-class ma t ter. " present a umfie~, n hi ch being farther, w sona l cons ieratwns_. hts Publlsbt Weekly by the Peru State Norma l r est of the. r ig ht or interna ti onal translated JS,Th 'my_c madness. Is i pra tmg a no talk about commerthis 75 cts. per year. Single copy 5 cts. a week ago is

w~;Jd, 0 ~:try ~r~ng~l~h wasJ~r~~g

HOWARD SM ITH • · Edi tor A. L E WIS T YLER . Associa te Edit or GLENN 0 . KELLE Y . . Business a nd S ubscnptto n Manager D &P An TME NT E DITORS


Nona Pa lmer, ..................... ... ,...... Al~mnt ~~sr::r~~"'Jo';{C's..................... Ph•lom~!e:~~

"~o P~~ut fns~e~a~:'gains

~e~o:e noble t oday?

If you draw your sword and stick

a fellow t hru, Government a in' t goin' t o answer, God'll send the bi ll straight to you."- Lowell. A young man of this school, about eighteen years of age, fired at t hree times by a cattle thief, could not br ing himself t o shoot his assa ilant . The boy can pick a half-dollar with a Colt about as far away as he can see it. " Thou shalt not kill " kept the boy 's finger off the trigger . Recent ly, the ultimatum has been g iven ~to this young man by his parents. In case of war. he must either volunteer or be disowned. Something like, " He t hat loveth father or mot her more than Me is not worthy of Me, ' ' from The Book has caused the boy t o write a refusa l to his parents and resolve in his heart, t hat if God give him streng th , he will suffer punishment from the government in the event of conscription ra ther than contr ibute to the murder of fe llow-humans, to the da mnation of his soul as he conceives it. Is he a coward ? "It also requires some bravery to stay out of the bandwagon and r estra in t he impu lse to yell for something you don't beli eve in." - Nebraska State Journa l. At the time the Aztec was sunk, I believed t hat a declaration of war agai nst Germany wo uld be a grave blunder. My government has declared t hat I a m wrong in tha t the resolut ion has passed congress and has received t he sanction of the president. The t heory seems to obtain among many people t ha t whatever my conviction as to t he right and wrong of t.he proposea declaration of war agai nst GE::rmany


~xpense, ~he

0 ,t~me _itny t~~ fa~o~:s the cona~:- , ~: ~~ntt;a~ P~!~~~~'a ~ 0bepe~~~ro~f necesRt . h it mus t ce ., d . . . t . h ,. 8

· Amer · b urned ; e r e t he jed by a ectsl ve vtc ory JB c ilidsh One of the noblest~en linn, t he g~at~;tion that n ow adds ftoin va - Mi l ita ri sm is something eeper th~ ica, "the second . mco Woodrow T e fo r a ny purpose short_ o No the possession of armies and navies patient, peace-/ o.vtnJ the convic- ~ar is n ot a brav~ nat iOn. ' tself I It is a p sycholog ical condition thai Wi lson, ~as exp ~me gard to the ~~ onor that a t this ttr~e lovesh~nor can only be destroyed from within of of t han h umanity JS true u s and by th e de mocr atic impulses of the advJsabi!Jty oG . any His motive N o law that s t ands bet~eenhuman- p eople themselves. France d~. ar agams t ezm · ' f he lp t ng ' l' t · · w d out in these paragrap~s the hi g her la w ? t he paper troye d German m1 1 art sm m 1806; stan s h 1 a to cong ress on h1s 1· ty in distr ess, JS worth tha t was not the end, but the befrom t e P e '' f 1G .,. t f the wa r resolution : i t is wr itten on . ginn ing o r ea eramn m1 ttarism. or not now thinki ng of the Germa ny destroyed French militar. 1 s0 involved, immense R ther :'tha n s ig n the death ism fro m t he outside in 1871; and seri ou':! as that is, but only of at fo r .d.A merica's best thou- this wa s only the begi nning of mod. the wanton and wholesa le destruc- warfa~{ yo ~ng m en , rather t~an ern French mili_~ri sm. (So much is tion of the lives of non-combatants, ~a nc s th heavy bu r de ns of taxa~JOn men ~· omen, and ch ildren, en · equea os Len cy r a ther t ha n subJeCt 'd ·n purs uits which ha ve .J pon P ' t Lo the seri ous gage I t 'od ou r gov er nme n d 't t d a lways, even in the dar kes pen d h of firs t degr ee preme I a e Old M a n Winter 's go ne away of modern history, been deeme : c a rJe ould Cong ress have proinnocent and legitima~e. Property ~ur e~, :a other tha n wa r for. t he Gentle s pringtime's come to sta~· / th e present comphcat- J olley p icnic in the woods, can be pai d f or. the li ves of peace- vJde~ ful a nd innoc~nt people cannot sodl ut_wbnleom . •,, Com e out, you who ' We ' ll s upply the lunch meat goods · . , I' 1 e p ro be. ' ' · h b asted of Amenca s un lmBUl< G ESS MEAT MARK ET "We must. put eeling ave o . Why sha ll we th not : :.._-- ---:--- - - - - - -1 . excited ' II not fbe re- 1..te d r esources. away . Our mot~ve ~ ~ . hd raw w ithin ourselves f or e ..-venge or the vlcton ous assertiOn V:J t b . f ollo w the advice of of th~ physical mi gh~ ~~ i~e n~f ~~~s~ ;~~~~ts whose na m es · are t~on, but only t he . vm IC~ JOnhich menti oned by some people on ly at n g ht, of hum~n n g ht, o . w, ch times as the pr esent-who was we are only a s mg le cha mpJOn. ~u . . should by no " We have no s~l fish ends t o seek. It ad vised Amenca 1 h If in An earl ey exhibit of new We desi re no conquest, no domin- means ever entang e ~rse reim- ; C oats and S1:1its. ion. We seek no inde mnities for ~uropea n qua rre ls-pr ovide would ourselves no ma terial compensa- burse ment fo r those who ! t ion for' t he sacrifices we shall suffer directly in s uch a t emporary ' freely make. We a re but one of embargo?======== the cna mpions of the rig hts . . of ma nkind . We shall ·be sati sfied I believe any AmencB:n w ho -v:1ll . when these ri g hts have been as cross t he seas i n t hese times of m - 1 secure as the fa ith and the freedom I sane cond uct a m ong E uro pean na- 1 of t he nations can make the m.' ' lti ons, a nd not waive the protec- . Summari zed, the Pr es ident' s t ion of the U ni ted St a tes govern- ~ message pr esents t hese t wo mo- l me nt, is not patrio ti c. _ t ives for _war against Germany : Guaranteemg t he safe ty of nonCan militarism be d estroyed by 1 Th ey're patterned after F olly. Can br ut e combatants on t he_ sea a nd rles- mi litari sm ? garm ents of famous origin· t roy ing the P russJan a utocracy. force project dem ocr a cy s uccessful- · 1 Are they valid ? ly upon a people not yet tu ned up ators of modes and embrace for i t'? Insanity . M i litarism is all of th e newest frabrics. Amos P inchnt, wri ti ng to the dest royed , a nd de mocracy g iven a Y ou 'II appreciate the low "I am peop le th r u a c hang e of heart, a New Yur k World , says: not pro-Ger man, nor for peace at tra nsforma ti on f r o m w i thin out. pri ces prevailing. any price. I was born in France. Wi t ness t.he b lood less revol uti on in · I am of Fre nch descent a nd strong - Ru ssia . All ow me-suppose Vic ly pro-ally in a ll my sympathies. I a nd " Li t t le S teve" s hould be come a nd decide to · B eautifu l Line of Georgette believe t hat t he German govern - mil ita r istic ment has been t he main agg ressor. demoh sh each other. Huma nita ri- 1 C re pe Waists at $5.98 I believe it prepar ed for a nd forced an du ty dema nds t hat I attem pt to the war; t hat it has carried it on pu rge the world of m ili taris m . I with stu pid brutality. Above a ll, jump i n a nd wallop one or t he I see in Ger man mi li tari sm a b li g ht ot her (this is not a t r uE' storv) . I , on' ci vilization. have to lled the f une ra l be ll fo r 1 "The war is a sweepi ng , wi de- mi li tari sm a s fa r as these two gen- ~ spread epide mi c for whi ch t here is t lemen a r e concerned ? Hardly . no precedent in history. If we Unless t hey a r e far mor e ser vil e , · are to h~ve_ d_emocracy, b_ro_t.l~er- sp ine less, and coward ly t ha n t he NEBRASKA NEBR ASKA CITY, hood , Chnst1amty , or a ny CJVJiJza - a verage Ger ma n or t he a · th 1· · · . • verag e t 10n wor 1vmg tn s~me natJ~n human, they w ill nurse t he veng e- · THE Q UAUTY STORE d for t he sake of t hese t h1ngs a nd m f ul f eeling lay fo . . , A •~m Eve rytbtog Marked In PI1110 r me, an g e t ,


8· !' tio~ ~~s so~l t~~ ~~claration

Fran k Leger ......... .................... Y. M. Elsie Wilburn .................. ..... ·· .. Y. W. · A. L ouis Wort h, N. 0 ·. · . Bryan Emmer t , .........................A thlett~ s Miss Bowen ................................. fruste Rosa lie Kohn .. ............ ................ . .. umo~ Mrs Nellie M. Smith,......... ............... Loc~ . J ack Alls ma n ........................... "Miserya Ma ry Cla ry ........................................ en~o rs Rosa line Kohn ................................. Juntors Gertrude Cli fto n ......................Soph omores Loy Ha cker ............................... ,Fress hhmeul · B'b \ ,.JVtan IS op . ..... .................. Htgh c oob Mr. Pa lmer ..... : . . . ... ........Scieucc Clu Prof. F. M. Gregg- Adviser

n~ial toler,ableap~talling

.. me. Ag am give heed to ~ Am p IDC · hot •· tos " With all due respect to tho ma ny s incere men who have join~ the mse lves t o the dollar Patri~ta a nd undesirab le ci t izens, who in the war scare a unique c'·.a see t o clothe themselves in the m en ts of patri otism, without Uti. due idea that militar:


pa~'l ;~roperty a~sd


At Wessel's






NEW GOODS purchases.

in all departments coming every few day s. We are making our prices as r easonable as possible.

The Cash Store

Don't w ait till t oo l at e t o m ake your spring


Phone 22


made of the "sin" Germany commi tted in being so we ll prepared for this war . Honest now, wasn' t increasing pre paredness t he under stood program a ll over E u rope before August, 1914. Be f ai r. Nothing criminal in t he Germ a ns having been a little more efficient than the ir jealous neighbor s. Ed itor) . F ig ht this war out t o a finish-to a ' d ictate d peace;' lea ve AN OLD RELI ABL E BANK the central power s with an undy ing W I TH ASSET S OF OVER grudge aga inst t h e ir conquer ors, and you have sown t he seed f or a $250,000.00 period of intrigue , in ter nationa l discord and m ilitarism tha t w ill -----·-~----~---­ bear f r uit in our ch ild re n's t ime, in another calam ity perhaps mor e the usu a l t endency of war. It terrible than t he present one _' ' br ings into power the mi li tary man who is trained to r ule by com' 'If the physical u nder taki ng is mand. Tha t involves the subj ecgreat, the moral undertak ing is tion of the people. We have a!greater . War im peri ls a na tion ready seen m anif estations of th is fro m wtthin hardly less t han f r om without. S ome E n gl i s hm e n t e ndency in a riot led by college charge that while the ir coun try prof essors fo r t he sup·pr ession of has been fighting to destroy li bert y of s peech, in t he g rowth Prussianism in Germany, it has of a sen time nt which bids f a ir to itself fallen vict im of Prussianism . e od in the actua l adoption of the (Sounds like Pi nchot ta lking a g a in, Prussian m ilitary system f or the but no, it 's t he N ebraska State U ni ted S ta t es, a nd in t he drastic JournaL-E ditor) . T hey mea n tha t restri ctions u pon f reedom of utt erthe Br itish people have lost t heir a nce whi ch are going th ru congress liber t ies, falling u nder t he sway of militarism and autocracy, in t he as measures of m i litary necessity."

Citizens State Bank

The Victo r Company Announces

A Complete Course in V ocol Traitii ng by Osl·ar Sa nger , in t wenty lessons on Ten Victor Records, Sopra no, Mezzo-So pra no, Tenor, Ba ritone or Bass. Are you interested ? If so let us dem onst ra te this singing cours fo r yo u.


It is evidence of neither loyalty onr patriotism for one to urge others to get into war when he himself is going to keep out. " The depth of my horror, t he int ensity of my distress in contempla t ing the measureless steps proposed, God only knows. Too grave is the responsib ility fo r anyone to at the permit a nothe r to stand spon~or for my conscience. My conscience and judgment after mature t hot and fer vent prayer fo r rightful guidance has pointed out clearly the path of my d uty and I have made L _____________ up my mi nd to wa lk in it if I go baref ooted and alone. " While down town go to LaFollette : " 1 bad supposed unt il recently that it was the duty of very process of fig hting a war senators a nd representtatives t o Why Did They Do It. aaginst t hese t hings. Thi s may for you r vot e and act t he ir convictions on Barber Work not be t r ue of E ng la nd bu t it is F ifty-s ix men vo ted against the questions coming before t hem. Neat , Clean. All worlt first class. war reso lution in our Congress. Quite a nother doctr ine had been , Secon d door ft·om postoflice Why? F ame. You see it's this pr oposed by the newspapers of the ~============~ way, as several have la tely ex- country. It is t he d'octr ine of THE plained, these men will be famous standing behind the president Justa word to those who shave t bem- 1 a cent ury he reafter because . they wit hout inq uiry as to whe ther he selves. Try a bottle of "DICKS" tore were of the crowd of "wilful" is rig ht or wrong . Face Lotion and stop that burn ing men. Savona rola · and J ohn H uss "I have stood behind him when I itching sensation after your morn· d ied· happy a t t he stake imagini ng believed him righ t and I sha ll con- ing shave For sale u t Has S om e how pleasant it wou ld be ~hat post inue to oppose hi m when I believe ''WESTSIDE BARBER SHOP'' • si bly centur ies after then· death , him wrong . Dandy Specials in t hey' wo uld ha ve honor s pa id ~ 0 " If it is impor tant f or us to t hei r m emon es because of t heir speak on matters of domestic polPackard Pi ano Stationery & School Supplies martyrd om ! H ere's what some of icy tho we may u nf or tunately be in MUSIC these men (four of them, Nor r is, disagreemen t , it is infini tely more POPULAR SHEET K inkaid, Reavis, and Sloan we:e importa nt to speak and _vot: our l Oc per copy, Postage lc extra S e e us Nebraskans) say in defense of their convi ction when t he quest iOn IS one GASKILL MUSIC COMPANY L--------~---- action: of peace or wa r involvi ng cer tainly NEBRASKA CITY, NEBSASKA Stone: " I fear that involving the li ves a nd f t•rtunes of our people =:========~=== t he Un i ted States in this E uropean and it may be t he destin ies of all ~ , N. S. Ht\RAJI AN war w ill com mit t he g reatest na- the nations of the world. A. B .. U. 0 . S. tiona! blu nder of hi stor y_. . I "Words ar e not strong enuf to Oraduale of Chicago College Dental Surgeon comrm_ttmg protest agai nst a combina t ion with shal l vote agai nst t h is m ista ke, to preven t ~h\~h I the en ten te a ll ies which wou ld have RES IDE:-.IT DE NTIST would g lacly lay down m~ lt fe. us endorse the violat ions of interOffice over F ay Bake ry Vard man: "For the l1f e of me na ti onal Ja w by Great Brita in and I cannot be lieve t hat war is f or the her pur pose to wreak vengence on All t he l'quipm r11 t you will need welfare of t he world or of_ t he t he German people." Whether La t o pl Ay t he ga me. Be your order s great or small , , eople of this nation. If the 1 ss~e Foll ette is rig ht on his hi story at " Phone or bring them one and all ~f war or peace should be subm1t- t his poi nt m ig ht be d isputed. lt TU · ted to the peopl~ who must fig ht is con t 1:ov~rta ble, howeve~ , · ~hat l! Mr~. the war, t he vo 1ce. of thh e dpe~plgP. ' Great Bnta t_n hash brok:nb m telannadFISHER BROTHERS "" ld be heard m t un elln tiona! la w smce t e wa1 egan Phone 218 wou d irecti ng t he preside nt to 1 has been a mbiti ous to crush Ger Dl<l"liG ISTS Ageot fo r Sunnyside Greenhouse ~~~e~ome other way t han war .'' 1 many. Certainly Ger many ~as L _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _

School SupplieS of all Kinds

Variety Store CHASE'S

:::==-- ------ - ----:---

N. S. N. S.




Base Ball Goods

E. O. PoJzeJ

Falls City, N e br.

.! Dr. R~~ D. Cole Dentist

Office over Variety Store Office Phone 33 H o u ~e 7 1



Residence P hone 6 Office over Rexall Store Phone 3 1 PE RU, NEB R.

c.:.::___ _ _ _ _---'


. "The sober second thot ' been the arch outlaw: '!he p_omt Sloan . .· n enp le, including I is, t here is so much mtr~gue •. Jealof the Ame~ICa i ~ f e lt , a nd ten · ousy , dir ty dealing, sord id n va lry suRE' o u know congfess, w ill defeat land selfishness a mong PRING is here and you days de lay . in i t . present I nations t hat one may not easily hx I the r~sol utJOn t> • the bla me fo r mischief upon any are ti red of hearing about it sha pe. . t h many parti cular one of the bu nch. J. Kitch in: " In VIeW of d e atr io- Bull' s re pu tation is not so f ragrant but bring out those old spring assumptions of Ioya t ly a n 0 t hose as it might be e ither. Remem~er tism on the part of s? m: a nd in- •75 , 1812, ' 65, and the cr uel m- togs. L et J oe cl ean· and who favo r t he resolutJ~n ' wardice vasion of Belg ium- pardon me, the press them. sinuations by them o t eo f t hose ter r i tory of the h?rmless Boer and d isloyalty on the par once re- farmers in South Afn ca) . who oppose it, let me . at ~es neiSenator No rris assumes t hat the mind the house tha~ It ta to " do ll ar " and subsidi zed press are L---- ----------· ther mora I Or p hysical courage tO fig ht. (Continued on L as t Page. ) declare a war for othe rs

l~f b~hegvote

Eu~ope~n l


Joe Krepela,

T "I at or.

Why Did They Do lt7 The Voice of Hope, (Con t inued fro m p age S . ) (Continued f r om First Pa.~re. ) The Uni ted States is a peace-lovh war In Aug ust, 1914, largely r espons ible f or t e . tacle of destruction of life and ing nati on. proper ty, and allow the sacred when war was proclaimed in attitude, a lt ho he has been m tsquorights of our citizens trampled E urope, we rej oiced that the ted as attaching this s tigma t~ th~ under foot by a ru thless foe ? God Uni ted States. was at peace. When Ameri can congress and Pres1d_en f or bid! I am not an alarmist, but Belgium was trodden under f oot, Wil son. The b iggest flight of tmT h e "'4 H ~ ll 1 n g in the lig ht of wha t has happened, homes and villages destroyed, many · t e who can say what may not happen'? of the people slaughtered, others agin~tion cannot quite pl C ur Dresher B roth cater ing to · Every loyal citizen of this g reat car r ied away to a nother nat ion, and Woodr ow Wilson I t d oesn' t ma ke a n, ,Jif t na tion should fait hfully up hold t he more left in a starving condi t ion, moneyed inte rests. It is dou btless hands of the President and Con- we said wit h grateful hearts t rue that a great dea l of the war w here yo u li ve; Pa ntl ~ l'o!'t :~nd ,x. gress, when they pledge t he ent ire tha t t he United States was at sent i ment of the coun try emanates pref:s b rin gs t he Superb nre>hl S · resources of the United States t o P eace. The L usitania wit h her de- from the beneficiari es of the p~edefend the principles of f reedom, fenseless men, women and children sen t war, a nd t he press ass~cta - Cln a oing crv1ce t o J OUr v<:n c!uor H ad ~ •. _ll tt~~ Dresber s pa y P a rcels P ost or c xprc>s liber ty and justice, established at was sent to t he bottom of t he sea. t ions influenced . C. F. Beck. so g reat cost. Some of our own ships followed . proof of t hat when the Jtng o cha rges o ne way on a ny sizeil bundle Still we thoug ht that the Uni ted press back East got so vexed _o:ver t o an y poin t . was at peace. the P resident's watchfu l waJtmg And please know that t here · . Dr. Folsom, Eye, States The definite proclamation in r e- pol icy But to r epeat, no one can . . . Jsn t Ear , Nose & Throat gard to submari ne warfa re and t he beli e\·~ that 'the r ecent speech of a fi ner g r ade 0 1 cleantng done in the Specialist at Dr. d iscovery of plots against our own Woodrow Wi )son came f r om ot her United Sta t es, t han tha t featu red at Shellhorn's office on Thursday, coun try have ca used us to acknow- t ha n cool, careful de liberation, Dresher's Om a ha Pla nt . Apr. 19. Spectaclse fi tted. Exami- eldge, while we desire peace, t ht:re un influenced by those who d o not nation f ree. -Adv. is no peace. We are in a state of r epresen t the people. war. The t ime for d iscussion has Howard Smi t h . passed. The t ime for action has . . B ROT HE RS [In other wor ds, Wilson tsactua t ed arrived. It is the du t.v of every Joyal citizen t o aid his country . by pure motives on ly, but t he news- ' Cleaners Dyers Onl y a lim ited num ber may become ! papers a re su bsid ized a nd o t her Hatter s Tailors For Any Occasion powerful factor·s , but all may be people ar e influen ced by t he "dolhelpful by being sober a nd chari - Jar" po i]cy when they advocate the 2211-17 FARNAM, ST. Such as Weddings, Birthday t able in speech. j same things.-S. W. H.] OMAHA, NEBR. Par ties , Remembra nces F unerLt..t us hope a nd pray that out of a ls, etc. in a ppropria te art his terrible conflict may come demrangements. No order to ocracy where there is now autocrasmall a nd none t oo la rge. cy, t hat the persecution of t he Christ ian Armeni ans by the Mohamedans . G. E. BERTHOLD s hal l forever cease, t hat a league of THE FLORIST nations for t he preserva t ion c. of EB~ASKA CITY, NEBRASKA peace will be so effective t hat nations need not compete with · each other in naval and army st rength . that th e glad E aster season is but s eventeen Elva E. Rulon. Thrust Upon Us.


Fresh Cut Flowers





days a way.

Spring Underwear

Neighborhood Quarrels, We wan t to su pply your ready-to-wear If : my neighbor , crazed _;, wi th ' anger, is beati ng his wi fe, shall 1 goods fo r men a nd women of P e ru. B. V. D's. a nd ot her nthlctic bury~myself .;more deeply ·inJ my books, tell my oeig h bors somethi ng Ou r big stock means a wide F reedom of ought to be done, send in a d iplo· for men. matic note, go in per son to urge Choice the beauties_of pacificism, or t o his Porosknit, B a l br i g an a n d insolent retort b ·" mind my own T he nam e below th is ad guaran tees business" wh ile he intensifiP.s his · Ga uze underwear for men , wo- frightfulness, shall I at some per Qua lity a n d Pair P rices . sonal r isk Prt' ceed to the defense men a nd children. of the woman ? The wor ld is observing t he gigant i c~madness of hear tless autoc- · racy, in its death strugle with peace- lo~ing democracy, imperili ng 9/ebraska City. 9/o br. the ga1ns of 2000 years in the "common brother hood of man." "":~~::::::::::~::~~_,.._...,_a:s...,_.:zx.,...""''J.,.,;.._,_ Is t his any of America'~ business as to how t he iss ue eventuates ? 1~'. M. G. I One or -tw _ o_o_f_ t_h_e_ b_e-st art icles are unavoi dabl~ crowded out th is iu week. They will be published in Hu rr·_,. t o t he Ave nue Store-. Pl en . the next issue. ' get cook ie.::. , r' ) r -rtr ~ 1 , 1nne h mt·at f . ty of ti me between classes to ' ru1t s, a nd lpe ch oicest confection· _Sup t. L. H. !fender son, ' 07, of I Am~worth, was.,inP_eru ~ l ast "week / Ac r o ~s the ~ t reet fro m I · rls of ~cho 1 ) ] S ll jlpl" . t tc: ne w Tra iner B·· "u cr 'II fi nd aII Ioo k~ng f or a commer cia!" t eacher . Iun Sui t a ble colors a m] cuts for •1I.Id 1 t"> vo u 1 ~ s. )~nr ph otos. M1ss Loure Salzmann, ' 16, who . has the cornmercial wor k at Ainswo_r~h this Year, has , a ccepted a 1 :\fa ke llw a ppoin tme nt torla y

Cle veland Stores

Milstead's T oggery



Spring Sty l es Mountings

The pend d' Oreifle Studio E. J. NEWMAN Pbone 56

Peru , Nebr.




.ff U L


the lr~~~i;.~;;~~~§§~~~~~·~~·~~a~~n~~~

I< 1_ne Ar ~sasShop in rapher Lincoln.i n She stt>nog will begm work in June.

. ~i~ Ali ce Li ntz, ' 11, was marne arMch 2 at her home in ;:::J ohnson to r . Lawrence Dirks f Tex M' L' h o . ~s. I ~S mtz ad been teachmg m t he c1ty schools in Lincoln.

Sobins' E d

. ucF a hon ttl Exchange, (Inc.)

Has for t wenty r. ounded 1 8 93. Te h . . our yea rs bee ac ers, experienced or. . n successfu l in placing Normal Traiuin!l dents. Write for our rJ ~ tnexpenenced. Ask y our M c.ns. t eachers a nd former stu· . r a nh a tta o Bt11"ld mg Des Moines, Iowa. \



:::::: VOLUME XI.


NUMBER 25 t . · g ·m the ·ir boots epo because are stillofshak~ m the VICIOUS VOTING SYSTEM IN GERMANY ways a dominant positi on among His Chemica1s · eized and Held Germa tt 1 -the twenty-six states. The l<ing of fi1ne n ad empt t o blow up their Wealthy and Ruling Classes Con-' p rUSSia · IS · ex-0 ffi ClO · German emperNebraska Cl.ty new epot we do not know, but trol Electl'ons k' doubtless they b e li eve that war isor; as mg of Prussia he controls Our esteemed f e llow townsman h t Sh . seventeen votes in the Bundesrat, w a erman said it was. . Richard Me tcalf said the other and can 1·n effect 1·n 1·t1·ate des!' red and member <•f the Normal l;'Cbool p f ro essor Hoyt happens to be a mght, addressing a patriotic mass jiegi'slat1·0n p · · · f t faculty, Professor W. F. Hoyt, was "Y k . . . russia 1s m ac a n ee of the Yankees ," and one meetmg m Omaha, America is not largely an 1·ndustri'al state today·, taken for a German secret agent of th t d k' e mos ra ical Americans in rna mg war upon the German , but owing to the dl'rect ratJ'o bein Nebraska City las t Friday even- th · t· f 1 IS sec Ion o the country, which I peop e. She is waging the war I tween income and suffrage rights, ing, and came near be ing de tained w ill make the e pisode a ll t he more of democracy against autocracy." it happens in some Prussian dis. h as sueh • h a d h IS c e micals conn - ,! enjoyable t o hi s friends d 1>wn here. What did he mean ? Substantialtricts that tf!n percent of the voters seated, and has not yet ha d them , - Peru Pointer. ly this: At first glance the organcontrol 95 percent of the electoral returned. 1 ization of the German empire The dominant element otes. The. story is too _good. to keep, Science Notes. 1 seems democratic enough-a lower consists of reactionary, aristocratic e.;pec.lall y as. t he JOke 1s on the The Peru Science Associ·ati·on ho us ~ elected by .univer.s al suffrage·, 1and owners; hence the conserva1 1 Nebiaska C1ty p eop le even more was very fortunate in having Prof. , an upper house m wh 1ch twenty- tive stand of Prussia in imper ial than on t~e profess.or.' and we can- Bude ll of Wayne State Normal six individual states are represent- affairs. not refram from g tvmg it to our School with them on Apri l 13. He ed as such; an executive, the Kai A Frenchman once said· that readers. represente d the physica l science 1ser, hereditary to be sure, but with Prussia was hatched from a cannon Professor Hoyt , who i s at the d epartment. His lecture on Wire· no power to initiate legislat ion,- ball as an eagle is hatched from an head of the departm ent of chemis- less Telegraphy was very interest- without. even a vote! Butegg. For two centuries the pertry in the N ormal, and has b een for ing and instructive and greatly 1 (1) The lower house, ~eichstag, feeling of a fight ing machine has severa l year::;, went to N ebraska enjoyed by every one present. has only 397 memhers mstead of been a major Prussian objective. City with the bunch last Friday to Prof . Bude ll has a governmental the 600 that the r.onsti tutional sys- Today the world sees the result of attend th e teachers' association. wireless telegraph station at Wayne 1 tern of repr esentation pr ov ides for. that action of 1871 by which the 1 While there he secure d, as he has and offers a s pe cial course in this A redistribution bill is regu lar)~ new empire accepted the Prussian often done before , a large demi- work at the N ormal Schoo l. From blocked by the government, for it military l;'ystem as the system of john full of liquid ammonia f or use the ir station at Wayne they have would g ive the industrial centers, the empi re, and made the Prussian in the laboratory. H e took this, r eceived messages from the At lan- hotbeds of socialism and democrat- king , as emperor, commander-i nwell crated and packed in cotton, tic, Pacific and Gu lf coa sts. They ! ic senti men t , twice the ir present chief. to the depot, during the afternoon, have sent m essages as f ar as Fort power. Fur.ther, th is hou~e can Because it has been necessary to A number of . vote on a b ill only after It has · condense th is article as much as and left it there, cove re d with Wayn e, Indiana. some paper. He then went back to graduates from the Wayne Normal . pas::;ed the upper house. possible, many statements conthe association. The Peru cro~d , ha ve 'insta ll ed stations and receive (2) Members of the upper house, tained here in lack needful qualifyremanied for the even ing session, cla i ly messages frnm the Wayne : Bundesrat, are not elected· but ap- i ng and an1pl ifying. Every care has . h . I b t tat ion I poi nted by t he vari ous s tate heads been taken however to insure coming home on t e spec1a , u s 1 . • • ' ' 'd d t On account of th e war al l gov- (thest: rul ers be mg chiefly hered l- accuracy i·n these statements. The Prof essor H oy t d ec1 e o come fi · · 1 • d · t · H ernment sti om have been dis man- tary) , a nd are r.1e lmtey lnstructe !article is designed to makein some horne on th e eve n1ng ram. e . . . . . ! tl"'d As "OOn as condi t ions wi II as to t he •r vote on Important meas- 1measure comprehensl ble. the nddle was th us a lone w h e n h e r eac I1e d th e "' · ~ h d 1 • t . um it an effort wtll be made to ures. Eac e egatJOn must vo e I whi ch Ger many presen ts to the depot, and began to look f01 hi s P ' . lid This very f eeble upper J ld t c1 b. fi ~ · d secure a government statiOn for so · . . wor o ay. lg a,~. But It was gone,. ~n 1p Lilli an Wild . house is pres1ded over by the Ka •- , Abba Willard Bowen. the statiOn employees w e re wa1 tmg e ru. ser ' s mouthp iece, the i mperial l for the man who mi g ht come to . A d , who tau g ht chancellor. Recent S_enior Elections. cl · · T h d d. ve re d 1 Hazry me n e . 16 ' , atm tt. hey ~ ISCO at B er lin las t year , was re-electc!d J (3) When the New. German Esther Anderson, primary what they thou_g ht m1 g h t be a Ge r but r es igned . a ttd will e nter E mp ire was organi zed m 1 ~71, g rades , Hampto n; Myrtle Harris, man bomb, des1~ned .to bl ~w u p n_e Crei g hton U nive r ;; ity nex t fall. Pruss ia was .a ccorded in vanous l primary,McCook; Ruth C0ne, fifth depot, and had first tnvest 1gated 1t , I a nti sixth g rades, Ris ing City; -slightly- th en has til y r emoved it ! Ca1rie Br ush, pri mary, Boise, 1 to a place of safety . The train Ida ho; Maie Osborn , depa rtmental







. .I



Semi =Cen ten nia I· Peruvian

was about due to leave. the professor had not t ime to se11d for a nyone to canfi r m hi s s tory as to why he should have peculiar -lookin g ehemirals in large quantities in hi s

Orders must be in by Apr. 20

rmsst:s!'ion, and t hi s with hi s a pparent haste to lea ve on the tr!'lin, seemed only to co nfir m s uspicion a~ainst hi~. H e t here ftlre took train, asking th e station people to forwa rd his ammonia to him When th~y had di scover ed the h harmless qua lity of it. So far e has not rece iverl the ammonia, nor any intima tion t ha t h e will: eve r get it. 1


Whether the

employees of the


Do You


~.nt On/i>.~lll



Business Manager N b at once at Peru, e r.

If s 0, write

PriGC $2.50


fi f th. six lh and seventh grades. El:::ie Wilburn, primary, 1 1McCook; Waun ita Williams, I Nor mal office, Peru; Hazel l•'rye, "fourth g rade, McCook; L. H. 13en1Tilde1.;

edict, positi on in Minnesota, $1125: Harry Smith, position in Idaho; Arthu r Schne irl e r, manual tra ining and ath letics, Bloom field , $HO; Wade Cald we ll, manual t rain ing- and agricul t ure, Papill ion, $85; Myrtle Adee, princ ipal. Julian, $85; Cora Olson, hisUry a nd Eng li sh, Spencer, $70; Bla nche Merritt, histo ry and Eng lish, county h i~rh srhonl, Springv iew, $70; Pearl Kinton, hits·.'rY and L'lti n, Odt:!l l, $65.

A Poem Found on the Campus doubl e-minded? THE PERU NORMALITE I Say to the waves and winds, "Be ashamed, Y e s I flee? There ain't no. notbin' much no sti II," , Should such a man . a th . more, Entered at the Postofficc at Peru, Ne· And so they will, and so they will. Greater love hath no man than ;s· There's nothin' ain't no use to me; that a man lay down his Iifet my or braska as Second-class matter. 1 Bixby in S tate J ourna. In. vain I trear'l th e lonely shore his friends. Wipe not ou Publlsbt Weekly by the Peru State Normal Since I have saw the last of thee. The Good Samaritan. ood deeds that I have d one' nor 75 cts. per year. Single copy 5 cts. A certain man went down from ~a ugh them to scorn." . Alas! for I hain• t on~ of_ they Jerusalem to. J ericho and fell among I And the priest and the LevJ ~e What hasn't got no fa1th m love; HOW ARD SM ITH Editor A. LEWIS TYLER - Associate Edit or thi eves, and· as they were stripping ifterl~up their eyes to the Saman- , And them fond words of yesterday 1 GLENN 0 . KELLEY him of his raiment and wounding tan and sa id, " Hast th o u eyes of Was spoken true by H eaven above. Business a nd Subscription Manager him , a cP.rta in Samaritan, as he f! es h,or seest thou as man seeth, O, lo ve, I done w hat I have d id · t after our With out no thot of no offense; DEl'ARTl!!;N'l' EDITOR S journeyed, came w h ere th ey were th a t thou inqutres Nona Palmer, ...................... . ........ Alumni Eos Brown ........................... Philomathcan and when he saw them he cried out iniquity, and searchest for o~~ Return. return, I fondly bid, Margaret Jones Everclt with a loud voice , "Ye are worthy s in ?" And t hey were asham. 1 Before m y feelin's get intense. Frank Leger ...... ....................... Y. !\[.C. A. to be beaten. Put away th e evil and confounrl t>d , and covered th e ir Elsie Wilburn ......................... Y. W. C. A. Louis Worth, N.C. A. of your doings from you." And heads. -The Outlook. I have g ive up a ll wealth of show, 1 Dry an Emmert, ................... ...... A thlctic~ they who heard his words heeded 1 I have give up all hope of fame; Miss Bowen .......... ........................ Music Pedestrians Act Thus. But ob. what joy' twould be to Rosalie Kohn ................................. Humor him not, and his anger was kindled Mrs Nellie i\1:. Smith, ..................... ... Loc;.tl More of th e facu lty people J know Jack Allsrnan ..........................."Mincrya" greatly against the m. Mary Clary ....... ................................Sen1ors Then the Samaritan said: " I cry possess ati tos than ever before. '[bat t h ou bast came.'' Rosaline Kohn ......................... Junior~ · Get·tmde Cli fto n .............. ........ So phom o re~ out ' Violence! ' but I am 1·s here, and a long with . not heard. S pnng . ' Loy H ack e~.... ..... ....... ........ ... Prcshmen I myself will fight wtth a strong · spring has come the crowdmg, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vi vian Bisho p ...... .............. .. Fl igh School Mr. Palme r ...... .. ...... Science Club arm." And he went up and f el l I hurrying auto s p orting along Nor- ; Old Man Winter's gone aw ay Pmf. P. M. Gregg- Adviser upon them, and smote certain of mal avenue. The following rules j Ge ntle Fpringtimc 's cnme to stay. them and the Lord brot the fear of for the conduct of pedestrians set J olley picn ic in the woods, Steady Now, him upon them, so . that they fled: furth by the Law and Order Soci - /1 We'll !' upp ly th e lunch meat goods. When frightful things are done and went forth t~ h1de themselves. ety are certain ly timely: BU t<GESS MEAT :vJ A.RKET a nd said, Then t he Samaritan bound up. l<ule 1. Pedestrians crossing When rumors fill the a ir, the wounds of him who had gone boulevards at night shall wear a The n is the timP. to keep your bead down from Jerusalem. and com- white light in front and a red ligh t : , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; And hold yourself four-square. forted him. th o the blood ran out in the r ear. · Don't put your arg um ent to o of his own wounds i nto the ground. Rul e ~P edestrians before j s trongAn·d he said , "No man shall set on t urning to the right or left must I. - - - - - - - - - - - - -You may be wrong, you may be th ee to hurt thee." And when g ive three s hor t blas ts on a horn at Kayser Silk Gloves 60c, 85~:: $ 1 25 wrong . t hey had rested a while they went least three inches in di a m e ter . on the ir way towards J ericho. Rule 3. Pedestrians mus t, when I T o wne's Wa sh r.~hle Chamoi sett~ When a ggt·avating deeds occur And ~s the~ journeyed _they. met an inexpe rienced auto · driver is Upon the r ag ing ma in, Glo ves 69c, $ 1 10 a certam prt est, and IJkewJse a made nervous by a pedestrian, bide By which we has til y infer Levite, who were going both of behind a tree until the auto mobile That someone should be s la in , them together and the Samaritan h a s passe d . 1 P hoenix Guaranteed Scoff not at him who says, "Don't to ld them what had befal len him. R u 1e 4 . p e d es t nans · ho Jd not s u fight"He may be right, he may be ri g ht. Then the pries t and the Levitelcarry ' in their pockets any s harp Sill< H n!'e SOt: a nd $ 1 . 10 looked the one unto the othP. r a !> instruments liab le to cut automoWhite' Bl ac k anrl Colo t·s It is no s ig n of sense to rave, tho th ey said in th e ir hearts, 1 b"l t . I 1 e H es. When raving does no good: "Verily, t~li s man 1.s a fo ol. ~e Ru le 5. P erlestrians shal l not in , Ka_v>'et· Silk H ose $ 1 75 Unfurl the flag and let it· wave, is not pat1ent, but a -brawl er m l d 0 d . automob iles But keep on sawing wood. public places to hi s own hurt." g1ng run raster l<ay!'er Gln...-e Silk Ve!'t>' $ 1.85 than tWenty miles an hour. The bravest men are a lways cool- Then ~a id the Lev ite aloud to the KHyser Glove Silk Unio n Rule 6. Pedestrians mus t r egisDon't be a fool, Don ' t be a fool. Suits $4 50 Samaritan: "Such an other ma n ter at beg inning of each yea r and who had fal len among thie ves did pay .1 l 1 ce n ~ e f pe of ~·s . );o r ebat e \ We are so apt to go aRtraywe find upon the roa d fr om Jericho, When troubled by the Dutch wi ll be allowed if they do not l iv~ and we cons ulted together w1th We don ' t know what to do or say, t hru the e ntire year. , Ne w V<·ilin gs. Nnv P ur~ es, we sa id, 'ThHe Geo rge tte C rep(" c.. nar, one consent. And And so we say t oo ·much. Rule 7. Ped estr ia ns, before I shall be no ioss of 1 i fe am ong us For hate-hymns substitute a psa lmlicense t ags wi ll be issued to th em, Do let' s be calm, do let' s be calm. f or..,thi s man 's sake.' S 1 w 2 abode must demonstrate before an exam Be>~11tiful Af'sortmc nt ofrl:1intv und er ~ tree and se t a watch in i ng board their sk il l in dodg ing , It seems that tur bu lence of thot Em broidererl Hand ke rch ieli: against them, saying, with the leaping, crawling and extr icating May like a tempest r oll : Prophet Dani e l, . 'Blessed is he that Strong m en are in the whirlpool ·waiteth.' Wh en t he thieves have themse lves from machinery. caught Hule 8. P edestrians not wearing done, they sha ll be judged by the And lose th eir se lf-control, numbered license tags, will be he ld\ law of liber ty. But when they The qu iet on~s are heard to yel lr esponsi ble fo r all damages done to had done, th e man was dead, and It does beat all, it does beat al l. automobiles or the ir occupants by the thieves fled ever y one to hi s collisi ons.~x chan ge. To lead us into wild excess · ~EBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA own country. So the re was need













Men travel fa r an rl wid e, And loudly howl-we can't do less Than · ' kee p t he peace" insid f:'.

NEW GOODS purchases.


neither for succor nor Judgment." TH E QUA LITY ST ORE L ouis R. Kilzer, '15, has heen Th f:'n t he Samaritan ans ~ered r e-el ected s uper intendent at Liber-j Everything Ma rked in Plain Fi gure~ them strai g htway : ''Are ye not tyv ille , Iowa , Salar y . $ HIO per. _ _ _ _ __ _,__ ______ _

in all departments com in g every few days. We are making our prices as r easonable as possible.

The Cash. Store


Don't wait till . too late to make your spring


Phone 22

LOCALS The girls' Glee Club wi ll give a concert in Brock on Satruday evenng, April 21.

Citizens State Bank

Dr. and Mrs. House a nd Verne anrl Harold Chatela in gave a sacred concert in Shenanoab, Iowa, last Sunay evening . · Prof. Hoyt:- If it were not for the nitrogen in the air the probability is that many would burn up before their destined time.

The Victor Company Announces

A Complete Course in Vocal Ta·aining by Osl·ar Sanger, in twenty lesso ns on Ten Victor Records, Soprano, Mezzo-Sopra no, Tenor, Baritone or Bass. Are yo u iutcrestcd? If so let us dem onstra te this si ngi ng cours fo r you .




$250,000 .oo


A new idea in mo~ivation, fr om _ one of our training t eachers: -same date. Our , d negative t eam solid dinner, sent me clown a cold Say, ki , cu t out that gum; I've consis ts of Myrtle Harris, Talbot got to get a grade in thi s. " We Hunt and Stephen D uerish . The eggnog, heavy with chocolate. understand it worked , splendidly. teams have been working hard on Could have managed i t all right if hadn't been so cold, but that The first of the series of debates the q uestion a nd f eel confiden t of it !> will ?ccur Monday eve n ing, Apr il ! wi nnin~ v ictori es on both sides. makes it terribly hard to deal 23, m the Normal chapel. The Let us show· o ur in terest in things w i t h. team chosen to debate Midland mental by tu rni ng out in lar ge 1 :10 p. m. More ice water. College, Atch ison, Kansas, consists num b ers. of the followi ng studen ts: Mild- - - -- - 1:40 p.m. Was mistaken abo ut · Gl Y. W. C. A. the peanu ts. She fo und a nother re d Monta, en n Kelley and Br yan Professor Brown discussed rural handful in the bottom of her bag, Em mer t . Th urs d ay, Apri I 26, t he religious work i n a very in te resting and now I have them to tend to. . same team JOtuneys t o Crete, t o manner. H e s ho\o\·ed th e different 2 :05 p. m. More ice water and lock the horns with Doane Coll ege on p \ases of rura l life and the oppor- another H er shey. same Monr oe D octnne ques- tunities offered to a ny one who I 3 :!0 p. m . She has been lifting tion. The Doane affi rma t .Jve team w1shes . to take adva ntag e of them. . some heavy books, and , as usual, debates the f e : u team here on th e . ·Miss Ame lia Chard. who cond uct- use d my muse . 1es instead of her 1 ed an EighL Wee k Club last s um - 1arm muscles as she should have mer, described thi s work, show ing : done. Tired me more than digesthow it sho uld be carried on and ing a six course dinner . what was acco m plished by it. 3 : ~0 p. m. Some one has A study, which wi ll better en- brough t us a box of car ame ls and able the girls to carry on t hi s work she has started on that. is always ready to serve during th e summer, wi 11 be con4 :3 0 p . m. Have r eceived some. ducted once a week by Miss Arms. thing li ke a ha lf pound of caramels your wants from our line of All t he g irls a r e iuv it ed to attend, since last entry. She just said Stationery, SchooJ even t ho th ey may not wish to or - "Oh dear, I don't feel a bit well gan ize a c lu b. I know the mJ!k in that eggnog Supplit!S, Jewelry, Y. W. C. A. next Sunday at ~:15; must have been sour." Fine Watch Repairing topic. Secret of Chris tian Service ; 6 :30p.m. Wepla~ed a set of - - - - - - -- -- - - - leader, Josi e Ke iser. tennis before din ner and here 1 am a ll tired o u t and a dinner to Diary of a Stomach. I handle.

School Supplies of all Kinds



at t he

Variety Store Wh ile cl o wn town go t o

CHASE'S fo r your

Barber Work

Neat , Clea n. ~f'c nn.rl


N. S. N. S. Store



J us t a w•lrd t o those who s ha ve t hemselves. Try a h o ttlc o f '' UIC K S" F ace L o tio n a nd s t o p that hurninl! itching ~en~at i o n after your morning s have F o r sale ut




N. S. Hi\Ri\JIAN

~ :50

10 a. m . Oh d ear! Anot her p. m. We were invited warm day. Wonder if I 'll be out to have a soda before going A. 8 . . I ) . r) . ~. Graduate of ChitDgo College Dental Su rgeon abused as 1 was yesterday? lf 1 home. Had a lemon phosphate, RES! DE:-J T DE NTIST am, l 'm go ing to strike . Just and ' then ran f or the train. dis posed uf a ha lf che wed b r eak- 1 7 p. m. Fri ed potatoes, cucumOffice O VlT Fr~ y [h tkcry fas t. We ran f o r the tra in, whi ch ' bers , veal a nd canned blueberri es. meant 1 was so jiggled abo ut and 1 What do you kno w about that ? Be your order s great or s ma ll so tired tha t it took m e twice as 7:45. We are g o ing down f ot "Phone or br i ng them one a nd all" . long to -do my work. H ope she a chocolate walnut college ice, TO f com- nc . h w1t . h cream. 1 g ives me a n hour or two o rS. • • 0 ZC pl e te rest before any t hing more · 8 :20. Got home and found some Phone 218 comes my. way . Oh, here comes a one had made some lemonad e. She Agent for Sunny ~ ide Greenhouse H ershey . drank two glasses. Tha t on top of Fa lls City , N ebr. T wo g Iasses . o f 1 t h e co 11ege 1ce · sett 1es 1· t. 1 s tr1· ke. 10:::10 a . m . ice wa ter have jus t a rri ved. lt 8 :30. Ha ve se nt r a ck the colwtll take al l th e e ne rgy 1 ca n ' lege ice and lemo l)ade. pump up in the next hour to warm 8 :40. Returned th e blueberri es m e up to no rm a l aga i n. 8 :50. And t he veal Dentist




E 0 P I




I :Dr. R. D. Cole Olfi ce ova Vn ri cty St o re t' tffice fJh o nt: 3:1 llc · u~e 71

DR. B L. ~HELLHORN Residence Ph o ne G . Office ovPr Re xn ll S t ore P.hone 3 l

10:50 a. m . Half chewed break- ! !-J: I U. She has sent for th < fas t did no t sati sfy her, and shP. d octor. Says t hat college ice must boug ht som e peanuts and s tarted have had so methinr.r the mat ter eating them . with it. Her mother says it i~ 12M. P ea nu ts have dribbled p roba bly th e weak stomach she · d f rom h er f a l h er . a long stead i ly ever s ince 1ast en t ry. inhente Think s he has fini shed them t ho. 9:00. Doctor says i ts just a 12:30 p. m . D ecid ed s he wasn't littl e upse t , due to the weather .

NEBR. very h ung ry and instead of a g ood PE RU, ~--------------------~

Goorl night.

All w o rk first class.

do or from pn!:t o ffi cc


Packard Pi ano POP.ULAR SHEET MUSIC 10c per copy, Postage 1c extra



Base Ball Goods All th e equipmtlll ,vo n will need tO

pl:t_v th l·

g: IIII C.


IIsuRE\ ~u know PR I NC here and Iare

IS you tired of hearing about it

but bring out those ol d spri ng togs . L et Joe press them.



Joe Krepela, Tailor.

clamoring to go t o the Krug . An- Mabel Zentz, both of the class of . Class Goes to Omaha. 1910 have been elected to positions On the last Tuesday of the quar- other was the maj ority' s choice, in t he Omaha schools. Both of . ter, Professor Garey pi loted the however, and r efrains and anectb.ese yo ung ladies have had several first of three cars of animal hus- dotes are still in evidence of the years of successfu l work in the bandry class to the state's metro- fact. I Professor Garey and Wilson were grnd~j polis. No excitement disturbed The •'4 Hustling the pleasure of the trip going, logether and at the concl usion of Miss Dot H odges and Miss Lu• with the exception of a blow-out the performance-eleven o'clock- cille Stambaugh, members of last Dresher Brothers'' on Jewel l's car immediately on went at once to the hotel. As they year's class, have had a very suegaining the pave ment in South s tepped out of the elevator Wilson cessful year at Superior and have . It doe~n't m a l<e any diffPremce said "Good · ni g ht, Prof." in re - been elected to· positions in Lin- ·where you li ve; Parcels Post and exOmaha. sponse to Garey's "Good nig ht, cJln. pn·ss brings the Superb Dresher With the "horses' " saf ely garaged, Elmer," and went t o bed, but two Clnnni ng Service to you r very door. nearlY. al l rushed for a hotel, where hours later Ga rey was seen saunterE. 0. Blackstone, ' O!), . has been D resl1cr~ pr~y Pr~ r-ccls P ost or Exprc~s Schneider asked for a r oom in the ing al ong Douglas. e lected to the s uperintendency of cha rges o ne way on any s1ze . d bundle sleeping porch, and Bi II Reed The next morning , after Reed t he schools at Wei ~ser , I daho, a t to any roinl. wanted to bunk in the hall. had r eceived hl·s "money's wor th," $2000 per year. Mr. Blackstone I I<nc)w tl1a t t 11l're isn 't An d pease Schwentker was lost just preceding a ll boarded a car fo r South Omaha. is attend ing t he Un iversity of Ne- a finer ,!!;ra rle oi cleaning do ne in the this, going to Council Bluffs . t o see At the stock yards we were fu ra l braska. . H e received his_ A . B. United States. t han that feat ured at hi s brother(?) . ni shed with a very efficient and 1 degree m January and I S now Dresher 's Omaha Plant. "Shows" naturally f oll owed sup· 1 p leasant guide who answered abou t working on h is Master' s. 1 per, d uring which time Steve was as many questions as any mortal A very interesting article on The was ever asked. Our course took us , Work of a Sc hool Improvement BROI'HERS thru the whole of t he yards; t he Clu b. which appears in the A pril Dyers enormity of which is unappreciat- number of the Nor ma l Instructor, Cleaners ed by t hose who ha ve never taken was written by Mrs. Wiley, ' 09, Hatters Tailors For Any Occasion this trip. Some idea may be who teaches in the inter media te 22 11 - 17 Fr\I<NAM, S T. Such as Wcrlrlings. Birthday 0.\J Ai-iA. NEBR. gained by knowing that the Uni on room of the Peru public school. Pa rtics, Remem hr:t n ee~ FuncrStocl<yaJ:ds alone cover about 100 nls. etc. in a ppro prir~ tc nracres of grou nd, ever y foot of .- =::o,.._...,,.,..,_,.....,_ _,.,..._,_....,_,...,.,.....,_,_ _ _=-:::a-=,._..,.,..,.__,,_::::::~e:z:a._, rangcmr nts. No nnlc r lo smrtll :1 11d none too large. which is utili zed. After t he , morning' s inspect ion tri p whi ch ' G. E. BERTHOLD includt...d all there was to be seen THE FLORIST and explained at the yards, we j EBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA were taken to. the Stockyards F:xchange. that the glad Easter season is but sevent een H ere we were guests of the stockyard s ma nagement, at a days away. d inner, which later was the subject We want to supply your r eady-to- wear of a discussion as tc how many co urses there r ea lly were. The goods for men and women of Peru. complexity of the si tuation so B. \ '. D's. a nd other nthlcL ic Our big stock means a wide Freedom of overcame Carter that he asked a for men. wa itress to s ugar his coffee when Choice the proper time came. The stockPon>~knit, 13a lb rigan nnd yar•ls people are certa inly genuine Th e n ame bel ow thi s ad guarantees




Fresh Cut Flowers



Spring Underwear

Gn n%e nndt•t-wt' a r for men ,

E:nt 1~rtain e rs . \\' 0·

Quality and Fair Prices.

At 12: ::·lO we were at the Swift packing plant. A trip thr u this plant g ives one a mate ri a l conception of the te rm "efficiency" · At f our o'clock we started the return trip, which was pleasant to a ll

men :1nd children.

Milsteadts Toggery

Cleveland Stores 7/ubraslc-a City.


wh~ """;;~s~~~~~~~::~~~=-"""'...,.."""'=~...,.,o:a;;"""""""'-"'Z:,_...,.,.,._J

except those in J e we ll's car, retched home at twu a . m., became :.. "'"'gs of a series of punctures. The only r egret is, that for some, it is the last of s ttch trips The concensus of opinion is that llntT; ln ti1 1: t\ \'(•nuc Stnr-:. Pl ent ., . . Professor Garey cer tainly knows ' geL cootk ic:s. • .. 1 1 .\ tl t tnlt· hetwl'en classe!' to how to make a trip pleasa nt, intertl t~ :t(. nnch llH•:tl fru its . • . er·y . · · · .tnd lnt: c horcc!'t co nfectionesting, and proli table. Ac ro!<s L he .st r('t'l r,·om the 1!('\\' T r 'niner· B· 111' ]c1·m g you' ll find nll Alumni Notes. ki nds of ~ch.,.,l Sttpplil's.


Spring Styles 111'

Mountings Snit:1bl r colo rs and ents for your photos . :\lah· tht· appoinlmt•nt lorl:t\'

The Pend d' Oreille Studio E.J. NEWMAN

Phone 56

Peru, Nebr.


A. A. Dorsey , '15, who is at I p~esent attending the Univer!';ity of. Neb raska, has accepted the sup- '


enn tenrlency on ataught twoyear c~ntract.at Be Mr.rlin Dorsey at Berhn last yeat\ and t he fact ~hat he was asked to re turn at a n mcreased sa lary test l'fies to tl1 qua lity of hi s work. e S . M 1ss tella ~ . Opp and M. <


Phone 73


u . Landolt

r~~~~~;~;~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~ - --~abins' Eductltional E

, Xl:hange, (Inc.) l Iias for Lwcntv.fo lH!'l:{. ·. ur ,·carsl·oundtd hct· d eac lcrs. c:~pcricnc.:tl or i ;{·xp~ ric:nc~ su~cessful in placing Normal Traiuinl! en ts. \Vntc fo t· our rlans. · sk your tcachrrs and former stu· T


i\1 1 anwtt:t n lluilding






2~4·,-1-:-:9-17.---::--__;_:_============ NUMBER 26



Members of Faculty, Their Wives and I I

Post1Grads Hold Dignified Party




More than seventy people, i nc l ud·- i ing members of the faculty , their : wi.ve~. a~d ~ost ~raduates, attended \ aJolly pJcmc Fnday evening in the 1 gymnasium of the new trainer The Monroe Doctr · ·11 b · bui lding-. Sobriety ruled f or b ut oppo~ite to tha t h. h mhe W I e d iscussed , Peru taking the side w JC s e debated Monday nig ht. a few minutes a fter the assembling of the merry make r s; Mrs · Over Thi s is one of the t wo extr·a debates. p eru will debate dee.ply interested i n a conve r- 1 G reeley, Colo ., in two weeks. ~at10n w1th two oth er lad ies, acci Ad msis.ion f or the two debates, 25 .cents to a ll budget ticket dentally seated herself in t he lap' hold ers. Smg le adm ission 25 cents to a ll others. of Professor Hoyt, and the "dance was on," diabolica lly speaking. Dignity was at prem i urn. Be havior was far fr om inte ll ect ua l. joined by the injured brass button THE GEOLOGICAL STORY OF PERU President Hayes a nd Professor man; the cha!>e leads across the Howie brot a large crock and a back lot wher e a washer woman is Was On ce Under W ater and Again quart m easure, re!'lpectively, to kn ocked over into the tub of suds ·• Under a Glacier meet the c ommittee's r equ ire ment oth er catastroph ies occur at eveP' Geo logical histo~y. like the his· that each picnicer furnish his own corner, and so on in lac k for items t or y of Noah, centers about a flood. utensils. And others of t he party -ad infi nitum. Incidental ly, the post grarluate~ Many ages ago, in a time known to would have d one likewise, ha d they who enj oyed the democracy so the geologist as the Carboniferous, conceived of such a thing, proved m uc.h rece iv~d a little Jesson in Peru w~s covered with a s nal low by the barbaric way in which sevhygiene Evidently r eall y intelli- sea. R1vers from the highlands to eral of the envi ous ones charge•.l gent peop le who r ea ll y wcrk hard t he east and the west poured in down upon Pres id ent Hayes and most enthu s ias ti ca lly, their waters, murky with sand and r eal ly play wrested the schoo ne r a way from Re- silt, till the bed of the sea was covs incerely, and aba ndoned ly. him. After the su pper di ffe re nt gror ps m inds one of President Wilson e red many f athoms deep wi th this presented a patrio ti c pageant, play ing golf most of the forenoon stolen debris. In the sandstone of · dramatizing Pau l Revere's r 1·d e, of the day in wh ich that marvel- our rive r bluffs today we may read the Emancipation Proclamation, ous ly constructed s ta te paper , the c 1ear 1Y t h e story of that a nciP.nt the launching of the Clermont, cal l t o conrgess for the reso lut ion of sea. Where t he waters were deeJoseph Smith crossing t he plains, wa r, was draf ted . But one of the per far out from the shore lime the Barbara F'rietchie episode, and faculty, in repl y to a re mark made forming-· creatures of the se; fore1 othec notable events .in ouc 1by a "post" betcoyino his ama,e- gatheced, and, depacting, left !story. A group led by Professor \ ment at t he pranks of th e profes . behind t hem many layPrs of limeHoy t perhaps made the Qiggest sors, sa id de preciatingl y "Oh but s tone marie from their ho nes and scream by doi ng a parody on the I think t hey are rather feeb le • this shells·. In the re1 clay banks a long Fri etc hie dramatization even ing . · I have seen the m do so the road west of the Burl ington given a few minutes The much bette r !" station, just back of Chas. Majors' march thru Freder ick's str eet was bung-a low, is a dis tinct record of made wi th the famous Ge rman July Peru Bird Li~e. the mos t ancient life Nebraska had . goose-step. Bar bara's Hag had As I s it at our wes t w111dow th!s 1 Her e are fossil s of that sea life been firpd upon a nd s he had made even ing and wa tch the wooded that t hri ved in Peru when the now


Thursday, April 26, 8:15p.m.














must be measured in milli ons of years there occurred the most dramatic event in the making of Peru. In the region west of Hudson Bay, the snows of thousands of years accumulated ti ll the weighty mass moved southward in the f orm of a continental g lacier . Such a mass, over a ·mile th ick, carved and scraped the surface over which it passed in its early course. As it advanced over eastern Nebraska it slowly melted back, scatterin~ the load of clay, sand and bowlders which it had plundered from th~ lands north of us. Most of the large bowlders have long since decayed, except th.ose of quar tz ite such as the large glacial bowlder on our campus. The cyclon ic winds, blowing over the g lacial debris, (which had been sorted somewhat by the wor·k of glacial streams (picked up the fine material, or "rock flour" and carried it far and wide, to deposit it in uneven depths over eastern and centra l Nebraska. Nearly all our clay banks in Peru are of this wind-laid loess. Peru has been a much favored spot. The g ifts of the sea, of the g lacier, and of the winds, have b roug ..... t us wonderfu l prosperity. Soi l, made by the disint"!gra tion of native . 0rock, f.orms so s lowly that a ep d th f one lllC h of such residual so ·1 l ·Js fi ve h un d re d years in the making. We have received the accumulat ions of many r eg ions, hece, and in depth, ducabil ity, ond variety of elements, ou r soil can compete with the res t of t he wo r ld. The ri ver, to.l, been a t work, now cutting, and now depositing along its banks. The fl ood-pla in beyond the rai lroad stati on has bee n bui lt la rge ly in the last fi f ty years, bv the deposition of ri ver sedi mE'nt in th e inner cur ve of the



ht>r ml!morable r e ply . Then Stone· on Norma l Hill darken in the ! venerable Appalachian Mounta ins meander. wall, in the person of Professor j s hadows, I hear t he even notes ' wPre in their infancy, and the · Mountain making movements Hoyt, quavered out, "Who touches I of t he wood th ru sh, the tw itter of Rockies had not yet been upfold ed . have affected us little. Ou r h<Wia. ha ir of yon gray head, li es-di es j' the s kimming chimney swifts as ! Jn t ime thi s central sea receded, zonta ll y bedded strata have b<>en hke Delze ll." I the~ f orag.e above the tr~e to~~ f or . an.d weatherin~ hegan on the fresh t~nly ~lightly cl.i s turbed. I~ul th P A terrific game £ d arebase he - 1the ir t he till even su rafce Jelentle:;s of.run-ofi wate r , 0 tween the ladies and the men end - ' alarm cry of a dJ::turbecl cat ·bJrd, ! was rlespo!ltd a nd hill s and valleys anti the di s mlegral! ng action ,,f ed the fun. Descci p ti on-ad equate a nd the c beep -cheep of th e ev<' Ia p"eaced. Again, in the pcocess I wi "d, f cost. hea t, cold have description- is difficult. It was present Eng ! iRh sparrow. Iof time, came a nother invasion of I r~ughened our surface to the ~tecp somewhat sugg-es ti ve of those overSuch so un ds, and ma ny more, the sea, from t he south , with its slow hills we have t oday. They are now worked funny scramb les in the have added t o the s ummer exper- j ,nfilli ng. with sediments from the I in the stage kno wn aa "early matmoving pictues in w hi ch a s ma ll iences of t hose who ha ve had ears water-worn hi g hla nds. Since that urity. " Co ntinued weathering boy puts a firecracker under an t o hear them. H e who would, t ime Peru has been dry-may it will wear t hem down to the monotel:Ierly man, the victim gives need but to go forth unde r Peru's conti nue so ! any of plains- but yo u and 1 will C1tse, runs into a policeman; fo rest t rees an d lis t to nature'" After a very long- int<> rval, which not be here to see it.

i n~

even 1 n~ m~a.l,

occa~J ~nal . la1d strat~,







(( ·~ ,ltlllll t' d o n

I .~: t s l

J•a ;..; •·.l



Work for the Bachelor's degr ee to . me Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Ne- because of the 111t1mate relatJOnl ,.~~~ka a s second-class matter. shi ps that d evelop between t he i'uhllsht Wee kly by the Peru State Normal senior co llege students and the 7:> cts. p<·r yea r. Sin_glc co py fi cts. i heads of departments. Moreover -i , JvVAIW ~ . v iiTH • _ Editor ! th~ qu iet scholastic s urroundings 1 . I"~(I'tt<Jr !I are most ' I \ LEW I ~ T\'l.f~R • Assocwtc favorable to stu dy. , ;LE~N o. KELLEY . . 1 Jessie Modl in . llu s in c~~ and Subscnpt10n Manager . J 'fl1e OPJ)Or tnu i ty to take senior 11 J1 •• ,, '~'~'~• EWt' EOJ1'0 ns ~'l ila Pn l ul~·r, ·.................... ......... Alumni college work in Peru t his year has I''"". llr" ,,, 11 ........... ............ Philomathean To · b een of la rge b ene h. t t o me. 'I a rga ret jones bvcrctt Frank Ll'gcr . .. .....................Y. M . C. A. my Normal co urse 1t has seemed to 1-:1~i~ \.V.ilhurn ......... ..... ........ Y. W. C. A. dd sy mmetry a nd com pleteness. l,nu ts \Von It, N.C. A. a ll•·.van Eu1111crt, ......................... Athlcti~s From my work in the Hamb urg \ I iss _ llm.''l'll ..................... ........ Mustc hools I can appr eciate what a del~nsal tc koh11 .......................... .. Humor SC \ Irs :--h·l lic i\1 Smit'n, ........ ............ .. Loca l g r ee would mean to me. ):11·1< All~'~~ " ~~ ....... ........ ....... " 1\li ner:--a·• John Weatherhogg. ·l ary Cl"r-" ............. ...... ........ S,t·n~ors I fee l that my work for a Bach1\ n~ahm· Knh 11 ................ ....... . umors

---·--- - -- -- --,- 1at the Peru Nor~al .appeals

.;,·nrurlt.· Clit'lon ... .............. Sophomores 1.. •,. II :H'I<I• r ............. . ... Freshmen \' i,·i~tn lli<h" P . ... . ......... .. High School , 1r. l'a 11m·r ........ Science Cluh · l'r"f 1 ~ . ,\ 1. Grc,~?g- A d vtscr - - - -- - - - - - - - - - What They Think of it.

DO YOU KNOW that t he .glad E aster season

is but seventeen

days away. supply your ready-to-wear We wan t to goods for men and w omen of P eru. Ou r big stock m eans a wid e Freedom of Ch oice Th e name below t his ad guarantees

elor's degree in Peru has been the f .. cap sheaf t o the stack o gram 1 t d th w hi ch has been accumu a e ru I my school years. Laura Mackprang.

Quality and Fair Prices.

Cleveland Stores 7/obraska Cit!/,


Nature afford s for the Peru State • . II ·k t Scl1001 l if'e in Peru has always lu-!e n mv fondest J'oy. The atmos- Normal Schon! an evironment re - : samp led the gifts w I1 t. Ch s h e so / I fou nd semor . fco ege h f \'·Ot II . a - r e of - honest work and conscien- mar kab le for its oppor tuni· t ies · f or generously lav ishes upo n you ?· Peru worth wh il e or t e o owmg piHi pervades the the study of bi ological sci ences. A. L ew is T yler . rea~ons: . 1 ious ef[or t wh ich i •ni or colleg·e extends to the grad- Geography has located the schoo l When one sets about selecting 1. Opportu nlt~_r- personal •.ate or se nit1r college work as well. wher e the ear nest st udent suffe~s t he schoo l which is t o be hi s Alma .Vlay it grow! little d istraction f rom the_ purs UJt Mater, th ere a r e several factor s Verne E. Chatela in. of . knowl edge. And. society h~s ' which he must consider if hi s As the plum p ud di ng is to t he assembled a g roup of mfluences ~n education is to be full and com- ! - - - - Chri stmas d inner, so is seni or eol - faculty and peo ple that . n:a e plete. The s ize of t he school is of I Kavser ::;ilk Glovt>s 6Uc, 8fl"' $ 1 25 !e .:"P. work tn t he Normal, or j unior strongly for mor~l a~d rellgJOus 1i ttle consequence if th ere is the ! ll l'se at Peru-delight· betterment. I be li eve m P eru. a competent <· dl ege , Co Frank W. Leger. proper mo_ral . tone, . . h T ow nt''s Was h:.thl e Chamnisette ulr satis fying-, a nrl professio nally faculty wh1ch IS sympathet ic Wit 'I G lovts o9l'. $ t 10 ecessar y. Mary L. Hi bler. The g:eatest P_ric~ipa l ever_ give~ the students , is locat.ed in s uch. a Seni <,r C•lllege wo r k has been to man I S th e pnnc1ple of br ot heJ- place that al l of t he mftuences _w_1l l l 1 ·neficia l to me in that it has I hood and dem ocracy. In fact t he · be co nducive to educational, sp1nt- ,· Phoenix Guarant eed 111en me a much better foundati on ~vhole w~r ld is no w str.iv ing for 311 11 ua l and physical_ advancemen t, a_nd •r the wllt'l< t hat I may have as a mternat10nal de moctacy. Peru whose s tandin g 1s such as to g 1ve Sil k Hn!'e 80l' nnd $ 1.1 0 1 ,.a cher next ~'ear. Nell ie Kelly. believes in the hi g hest develop- prestige to its dipl oma . Such a W h itt'' Hl a ck and C o lo rs The Peru N1rma l has two con- ment of each student to his hi ghest place is P eru -far from the mad'-';Jicuous advan tages for its sen ior efliciency for serv ice t o his fellows, I ding cro wd. nestled in among t he K:t_\'!'<'r Silk ll oSl' $ 1.75 dleg-e wnrk It d oes not afford which i ~ the high~st ex~ressi o n of j' h i lls, in one of t he "beauty spots Kav!'t'r t;l t~v t· Silk Yl·~ t !' $ 1. 85 h1se a t t r a~tions wh ich keep the hrothern ood. W rth thiS as the of nature," with a faculty and K :t\'!'t· t· Gl\lV<' Silk Uni o n 11 intl f rom s tudy, and t he classes dominan t spiri t of the school, com townspeop le working for th e stuSui ts$-!- fiO -1re s mall enuf so that t he spiri t of bined w i t h t he high scholarshi p, den ts- a superior place in wh ich to nrlividualitv may asser t itself. and in timate r elat ion of teacher to stu- do senior coll eg e work. library and 11 w. Emmert. 1 ,.J,s!!l' r ela ti· tnship exist between dent, and exce llent 1 ~nv Vl· iling!'. Nt'\v Purses, 1 :-n u dents and 1n,:tructo rs. laborato ry faci i ties, what b.etter 1 A ftt>r grad ua t i ng from the Peru Gt.·nrgttte C r·t]H.· C nli M~ could one do than to select P eru S t N h t Idel la Strayer. · ta e orma 1. 1 ave a 1(en up for one's Alma Mater. On e nf thP big advantages that G S . h graduate work m wh1c h I a m specl r.-; n t.· t1e 1 semor · Harry· rm t . 1·1a 1rz1ng · · h e vocatwna · l fi1e ld , an rl 11:' menne co II ege tnt Bl·r~u: i ful AsstJt' tt1ll.' nt ofd:tinrv ··ass have 11ver those of other The oppo rtuni ty fo r persona l I fi nd myself f ortuate i n t he in E111hro idt.:t'l'rl H a nd l; erchit.fs ' :noo ls rs their close association association w i t h large men anrl j struction I am r eceiving. 1 e nj oy ,vith the faculty . Another advan- women, than whom no othE-r insti -.J the graduate class chape l whi ch is , t;.('! is tha t th!:! s ize of t he class is . tution wit~ in reach offer s g~·e_a~er . l he ld on Thursday of each week. l t ,.. t.:h that m 1re indivi_d~al he!p j larg~ equ1 pm e~t a_nd fac!l1t1 es, 1 is a m eeting at which m Pmbe r s of • ·:l lY be rccc1vl:'d. Condrt10ns w ill cand1d compa mons hrp, a p~·fect l the faculty and of th e towns people l, ·t·nnw :::till more atmos.ph ere.' in di scuss ing ve r y inww n onl y th e u pper classmen are ! these th1ngs Per u nff ets 111 ahun teres t 111 ~ world to pics. 1 am NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA alt "verltoc:"·rect the papers and ~ d~nce. What_ mew~ wou ld YO U I ha~pyinlw in g o ne of a c la ss in Tll l ~U l :.\J.JT\' ST OHE n ~ ~··ltnok~ ol degree studen ts. expect of any schoo l . Why leave wh 1ch 80 g r eat a s pirit of co-operaEverything Marked in Plain Figures A. N. Longfellow. Old Normal, when yo u have m er e ly t ion prevai Is. L. R. Rene<.! ict.









· ·


satisfactot:y l academi~

_ec~nor~w- ~ partic_ipate 1



S &


------------------------~-------------===========--l I NE\IV GOODS in all departm ents com in g every few days.

I rh e Cash Store p•HChases.

W e are making our pri ces as r easonabl e as possibl e.


Don 't wait till too late to make your spring


Phone 22

touch with the teachers. 2. No necessity for learning a new system or adj us ting to a ne w program. 3. A fac ulty with a sympath eti c acquaintance w ith pub!i c school proble ms. 4. Energies are conce ntrated on the profess ion of t eaching alone. 5. Expense account conside rabl y less than in a large u niver s ity . 6. A holder of P e ru' s Bac helor's degree admitted direc tly i nto grad uate work in the Univen;ity of Nebraska.

Citizens State Bank AN O LD

The Victor Company Announces

A Complete Course iu Vocal Tt·aiuiug by Os<·a r Sange r·, in twenty lessons on Ten Victor Records, Sopra no, Mezzo-Sopra no, T enor, Baritone or Bass. Are you in te rested ? If so let us de monstrate t hi s sing ing cours for you.






C. B. Mapes. Peru Plant Life,

hirlden surpri ses. In spring and s umme r the vivid g reens of the bottom lanq w illows, shad ing into To the plant lover and the bot- the more sob e r green qf the · hi IIanist the wooded bluffs and hill s of s ide oaks satis fi es our fee ling f or Peru and i~s. e n v i r~ns are sources 1 colo r; in autumn ever y knol l and of never fa!lmg delig-ht. At al l s ea- , b_luff is a study in co lor with t he osns of the ~ear they in vite him to n ch, ~ubdued brown and red of its. explore the1r d e pths Tnev offer c1 oaks li g h ten ed h e r e and ther e by better acquaintan ce with Nature flaming s umac a nd woodbin e, or who is ever n ew and e ntranc ing the br i g h t joyous yE: llo w of the with her unfoldin g- tr eas ure and wilrl grape •tine. , _ As one goes fr o m r i ver bottom

ing to one of the lowest orders., One must be very observant ind eed to discover thi s fern, for it grows only one i n a place and sends up only one frond each year. In some p laces the g raceful maidenhair fern with its purpl ish black at t he stems g r ows abundantly. Wher- \ eve r th e sun breaks thru a clearing, here i n early spr ing are l patches of wild blue phlox. Onto he p r otected north s lopes may be fo u nd two sp eci es of orchid-the \!__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

la nds to bluffs , h e finds an in terest ing var iati on of p lant life duel to land e levati on. D ow n in the marshes with t h e ir r oo ts immersed We ll ,.u pply lhl·lunc h mea t goCJ rl~. in wate r, grow the wild blue iris in g r eat p r ofus ion. as beautifu l a;:; BUr<Gc::-;::; MEAT ~1 1.\RKET any c ultivated s pecie::-. Cat-ta ils, a n :ow-leaf plants , sedges, water THE p lants and wi llows a r e on ever y 1 hand. H e r e too is the cP.phala nth u;:; o r b utton bush w ith its sp he rical bu tton-s haped h ead of flowers. is always ready to serve • Al ong the foo t of the r ocky bluffs betwPen low land~ and w ood ed h i lls, your wants from our line of o ne lind.;; a n in te r esting lower form Stationery, School of plant life, the li ve r wort, g row ing beneath the proj ecting rocky Suppli~s. Jewelry, ledges or o n th e slopes of deep Fine Watch Repaidng ravines. H e r e and t here a rare lit t le f ern, th e c li ff-brake, r ears

yel low moccasi n flower or lady's 1 , . . . . - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - ; Whik down town go t o s lipper, a nd the lavender tin ted showy or c hid. One of the rare flowering plants which gets its nou ri shf11r your ment fr om decay ing vegetable malBarber Work ler is the Indian pi pe. It is a deNcnt, Clea n. All work first class. S1·con rl door from po!'toffice li cate snow wh ite fl ower which grows upon rotton wood in wet years . Many iuter esting and Justa wl)rd to those who shaYco tlll'lll · bri lliant hued fungi are found in sch·cs. Tn a bottle of "D! C l..:S" Face Lotio;, anrl stop that hurnin!! the woods. T he re is such a variety of trees it ching sensa tin n a fter your morning sbaYe F o r sale at · that space will permit only the ''WESTSIDE BARBER SHOP'' merest menti on of them. They range f rom the dwarf sandbar type of w i llows to the majesti c oaks Packard Piano whi ch crown the hills. Many vines POPULAR SHEET MUSIC h h are found among t e trees-t e ! 10c per copy, P ostage l c extra bitter-sweet beari ng bright sca rl et GASKILL MUSIC COMPANY berri es, wild smilax, g r ape and NEBRASKA CIT\' , NEBSASKA

Old Man Winter·,. gnne aw ;1y l;cntle !'pri ngtim ~.:'s <:<> me to s tay . jolley pic ni c in rhe w oorls.

N. S. N. S. Store



I ;=:=::::::=:==:==:===:==:=::=::==:=:==:~

School Supplies


of all Kinds

Variety Store CHASE'S



its frond s u p in some roc ky niche wood bine, and it were best not to 1J_ of the b luff. forge t the thr ee leafed poison ivy. , _ A. U .. D. U .S. One of the most beautiful of a ll is The bluffs a r e covered wi l h a the cilmbing wi ld-rose, Graduate of Chicago College Dental Su rgeon which I' g r owth of flowers, vines and I d culti · vated ' J e nse f~ 1-:S I IJENT DE N TI ST b 1 when transp ante to i s hrubs . . ~Ier~ g r ows.. thle f .u<.: < ga r dens, riva ls its more cultured 1 Office over F~1 y B:-~ k(•r v t horn e w 1tn 1ts exqu1s rte Y rag- . . mall one woul d · sisters. rant flowPrs, so s . So t h ese ±riends, th e pla nts, Ali t he cqnip mcut you will need .J~e yo ur or ders g J ea t or s mall " • scarcely notice them but f or ~he becke n here a nd there. The r e is to play the game. The b lad d e r nut With . e ne w acquai ntance to be l Phone or bring- th e m o n e and all l perfurne. TU . fl d la te r evel som its waxy whrte owe rs, an_ fl made ~orne hidden beauty hi ther to · ~ d m · atef1 · ' 1 Polz ~ 11 11 • its pecu li a r thr ee PJ~nge ' ~nnoticed wh ich takes but t i me 1 FISHER BROTH ERS 1 • • • attentiOn Branches Phone 21 8 . fru 1t., m v Jtes · . a nd a n obse r vant eye to lea r n. J 11< L' t ;l; I STS Agent for Sunny:dde Green house of t~e buck -b r us h covered w:th ' Mrs. ft'. C. Jean . Falls C i ty, N~br. · deep r e d b e rri es make ~ lovely 1 • ---- -· bouquet I t sprrng an d 1 The fo llowmg membe rs of our autumn · . . s umm er th Pre are wild flowers In own facu lty have fP.Celved t he B. 'ou know (J'reat p r ofus ion, not the least Ed. degree from P eru: .Professors j PR l NG is here and you , 1; -b e ~ u tl'f u 1 nf whic. h is t.he gracef.ul, . He n d ri eks, Jean and Wllsu n. a nd. Den tl• ""'~ t lomo n'!' seal, g r owmg Mi sses ~usa n Harmon and No na are tired of hearing about it s state IY •S 0 . 1 . OH'il'e ov<·r· V: •rit:ty' t ore II three l'eec hi g h. Palme r . · but bri ng out those old spri ng 11 ffi 7 1 two or I H 'ec l'h one :i:l . "u~t· . aJ·e ca r peted At the commenccmen t .111 J une 1 togs. Let Joe clean and '-- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - Th h dy rav1n es < · • ,. h e s a es o f m any spe cies . The the dEgree will be conferred upon . press them . HELJ.H•)HN . n g r ows. in such M i sse~ I)~ B 1--• -. -~ - ' " ' J w l t moss ood fer . , Laura Mackprang, Jessie co mm on w me de ll s I Modlin a nd Mary E. Ogg, a nd • b dan ce as to turn so l "h I . W 'II Re,.l.de nee l' h on e 6 · ·d H ere Messrs. Ve rne C a te a 111. 1 )el a un Office ov•·r f~t·xrdl :-)tore ' t b le f e rn gar en.,. into ve n a. beau tiful and Emmert, Norman K Lovell, a nd a nd t here IS found a . h I cr- Harry G. Smith. ..:...-------------NE IW . 1 rare f e r·n • the moonwm t, e ono PE RU.

N. S. H ,\ R i\ J IAN


Base Ball Goods


Mrs E 0




I role : Dr • R • D • '-'



·----=-- -=---------"!



Joe Krepela, Tailor.


COMING.! !! -


Opening chapter of "Patria'' featuring the most





Night. April 26. You are a11 iu.v ited to get sta rted on thi s serial of serials. with Pta the News and good Comedy at the Crystal.

Ladies Free to Opening Chapter

Adn1ission Children 5c Adults IOc Peru as a Fou("Year Normal. S ince 1867 the Peru Normal has h ::!<:! 11 empowered to g ra nt the Bachlolu!·'s deg ree, and up to 1913 such d ..:grees we re given to those who cdmpleted their junior co llege work he re and t heir senior coll ege \V.) rk c:IHewhere. But in the latter .l'~ar thFJ State Board m ade the r e-

Fresh Cut Flowers For Any-Occasion Such :1,.: \\'t·drling~. IJir t hrln ,. f':tt'l it•,:, l~t'flll'lll hr11nces Fu nct:: 11 ~. l'll' in nppropri:tte arr:tll,!..!l'tlll'lll ~ No OJ'dCI' to "m:tll :tncln one t oo l;l!·gc.


Spring Underwear ~~


"' If'

If,: . a nd ot her athl etic

lll l'll.

Po rn •kllit,

B a liH i rrn n <'>

n nd

l:;,,, zt· tlltdo·rwcar for men, wo111<'11 n11d

c hi ! lren.

quirem ent that the last year of th e ti on are making p oss ible more than tain ly fift y percent, of Nebraska's senior college work mast be done ever an experim e n ta l in vestigation 400 s~eciesd of birpds a r e t o be · . found Jn an n ear eru . An old in Peru t o secur e the Bachelor of / of e_duc~tJO~al pro?lems, a nd _an c heck Ji st, prepared by a resident Education degree, a degree wh i ch ~pphcat i ~ n m practice of the gains th~ year 18 96, sh owed _someth1 is t he f ull equ ivalen t of the I m educa ti o nal prog ress. , mg like 120, and t he re_ a r e a great Bache lo r of Arts, or of any other 7. Coincide nt with expansion in many ~ere n ow . which are not bachelor's d . u date, all other li nes, the co urse of study found 1n t hat f1st. R ecently a egi ee. P to considerable tract of land along the f orty such degr ees have been is constantl y being enriched in a Misso uri ri ver in t he vic in i ty of g ranted, an d t his year the number way t o ful ly m ee t curre nt de - Bellevue was purchased and set w ill be increased by probably ten mands. The studen t enteri ng on a as ide as a preserve for b irds, wild more. fou r-year normal co urse ·has the animals, and pla nt life. Our NorA g lance at t he co llecti on of choice of co urses tha t would take mal park has, if anything, even a more than sixtee n years to com- m ore abundant and more vaned . . . op miOns 10 this num be r under th e bird life than t hat of this F ontancaption, "What They Think of plete tf he took them all. e lle Park. And we are com ing to lt'!" will g ive some clue to h We do n ot h ere give d etails of appreciate i t too. t e the specific requirem e nts for se~ urincreasing popularity of degree 1ng · B. C liffor d Hendricks. a Bachelo r of Education degree



ucati o nal insti tuti o n in N e bras ka except th e Sta te Un ivers i ty. 4 . Th e Peru Normal is one nf th e t h irteen normal co lleges in the United StatPs, and is r ecogni zed and accredited in t he North Central Association of Co lleges and Uni vers i ties.

Spring Styles in


. 5.

T he equipm ent of th e sc hool is kept up t o a hig h standa~·d of compl etene~s, a nd new appa t·a tus is b ei ng co nstan t ly

~~ all departments

\' IIIII' J >itll tll,-,

.\ l :tl:l· tlt l' :tppnintmcn t t o d:" ·

Orei lle Studio

E.J. NEWMAN Peru, Nebr.



adrl ed thru the al e rtness of th facul_ty in keeping fully a breast o; t he t unes, a•~d t hru the generos ity i of the s tate m mee ting a ll leg .t ._ 11 mate expense of expansion. . . 6. ,The Inagn i· fice nt new t.1amm g sc ·.ool bui lding and or ga . n1 za-




- - - -- -- - --

Phone S6

beca use a very complete catalog has just been i ss u ed, wh i ch may be secured f r om t h e registrar on request.

1. The re is a n increasing a nd July Peru Bird Life. just demand for more thoro prepar. (Conllnued from First Page. ) ation of educati<:mal leaders and music while from every s ide it · espec ia iJy of those who have gone comes in ever increasing bea uty. The •'4 Hustling as far as the Master' s degree. On- the oth e r hanrl, have yo u ever- ~ ~ see n the _indigo buntin g , t he Balt 1· _ Dresher Brother!' ., Graduate wo . d r k in our State Un i- more, onol e t he c hewink, tht- ye lI t d oe~n't m a ke an_v difft·remre versJty nee s a n d is enti t led to all low warbler, or the ro~e-breasted wh t' re you li ve; P~rcels Pn:-;t Hnrl l'X· the feeders for its courses it can grossbeak? H e who has can ap• . ge t. p reciate the refere n ce in Peru ~~t !'-S . bn~lgs. the Superb Dre:<hrr 2 . This incr ease w i' Il be finan- rhy m es to painting '' with co lor n~tntn g, cr n ce tn y o ur very door. . ed may e nj oyR i' ( ) re:-; hl'rsp:ty P~trcel:-; P<~s t o r Exprr1's cially p ossible if more students t r~e. ''. Th e ~ye - m md th iS life quite as much , if n ot t• h ;t r,ge~ o ne wa y on a n y s ized hun clle take advantage of t he economi es of m or e, t I1an those wh ose sensory J t" any p<~in t. doing their senior college work in pleas ur es come thru the ea r. ~nd pl<'n~e knPw that tht-re i~n 't t he State Normals , awl use the Or ~erhaps it little ava ils to t r y n fi_ner g rade o i clt"~uin;:! rl o m. in the sav ing inexpenses to take a Mas- t o entice you hy es th e tic apppa ls. Unnerl SrHtt's. tlt ::o11 tlw t featu rt'd m ter's degree in the U . 't l f Per_haps yours is a pra ctica l natu re / ll rc·~·dwr':-; llm<~hn ' l' l ;mt mve rs i .y. wh1 ch d e mand fi · _ three~ears' schoo ling can be go t- hard, f o r yo ur ~ati~~:::i·on~o ldAta~~ l ten f o1 a lmost the price of two, p(ace_. t he n, can y o u learn mor e B ·. why not take t he former? Think , r_ea dJ_I y t~an in Pe ru, that the mul - . RO I HERS t hi s over. tipl y ing Increase of f ea th e r ed life I Cleaners D}'ers 3: Pe r u has a larger faculty and ~akt~s for aydecreasi ng insec t pop- I H u I ters Tai tors I ua ton. e,; P e ru I b' d 'a arger enrollment of s tudents of Pe rhaps seve~ty.. five ~as Ir s. 22 11 - 17 F'A I<NAM , ST. coll egiaterank thanany ot her edPE t C'ent, cer- , 0\'J c\ i-lA NEHI< .

MilsteadtS Toggery !

I he Pend d'


work in Per u and we i ncorporate some a dditi onal cons iderations why the comp letion of a f our-normal co urse here is worth whi le.


One Chapter shown each Thursday


ARE l'OU HUNGRY ll11n· .- to tl l t' ·'\ \ '(' llJI L' S tO I'.:. Pic 1t r . g et t·nokil·,-, hn·nrl lulll'h . t I. I y" l llne between cl n~~es to . m t·:l ntit-: ., ,·l rl t ' I . ' l 'J' \'. . ·· · ne <: lllll'e,.:t confect ion-



Aero~~ Ill!' ~t t'l'l't frnm the n ew T t"' tinet· B lll·r cI'tng y o u 'll find tdl kinds of "L'hn., J !'11ppltl'S .

Phone 73

.fl. U. Lando} t

~::::::;::::::;::::::;;;~:;,~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~;;;~~;~J ~ab in s' Eductl tion o l E ~

·h Xl:

angt!, (In~.)

II · f. l·oundet.J 189'1 .ts or twenty -four vea rs I '. cncht!rs.\\1experi enced or .Inex . perienced . Jcen successful in placi•1g N orma I T ra111 . rn_g . dents . A ·k . . . ntc fo t· oul· f'lan s. . s you r tcaclwrs a nd former ~ tu· ~lnnh11tt : 111 [1 1II'II' r tn g Des !\ll nines. Jowl'!. T




BASE BALL--May Day 0pe.ninS Tuesday .. May I.

Game called 3:45

Gotncr~ vs. Peru Normal On Athle tic Fi e ld

Admission Budg et Ticke t or 25 cents

0N .WG8NGS81\Y, MAY 2 Gotnc r plays Pc ru A thlctic Glub On City Ball Park

Admission 25 cents

6ame Called at 3:45



Secured by Audubon Club, Nature .

INext Debate

is with BiR" Teachers' College, Greeley, Colo.



Study Class an_d Mr, McCommons ,.

The Audubon Club of the local school and the nature study class of the Normal, enco uraged by Mr. MeCommons, manager of the Crys tal Theatre, brot to Per u a fine set of films represe nting b ird life. The 1 largest crowd eve r in atte ndance at this theatre brot in o ve r $40 in re- I ceipts, ticke ts selling at fi ve and ten cents each. This marks th e e mphatic approval of the g ood m ovie by our students and m e m b e rs o f our I faculty. The grea t s o ccess of th e h bi rd show is more p r oof that t e \ desirPs of the p a tr on s , far mo.r e 1 than th e whims of the m ovie man- ! agers, d e t e rmin e t h e q uality of the !



film3 to be s h ow n. Wednesday 0f eac h wee k a n educatt'onal film wi II b e s ho wn a t t h e . loca l theatre .

Th e p rogram will : trave logs (hand1 t he Japa nese i colored films, a s scenic pictures s h o wn I· n connecti on !' with the bird sho w), P a th e N ews !

consist of two


(viv id and inte r es tin g p o rtr ayal of ! s auth e ntic ! current events,-an d a : as most ne w spape r s ). a nd s ome ! c.,m·l c fi lm. 'I hi s kind of prog ra m .: tf is a hint that the d aY. is nn t f a ro ; when S ha kes p e ri a n pl a y s w ill be ! Presented oft e n a t the lo cal th eat~e. ' All t hat is n eeded is e v id e nce Uia t thHe is d e m a nd for th a t kind of . Show.. - - -· - - - n ce Kite, · '10 ' who Miss Flore


in the Kearney hi g h school, teaches . . . Peru a few VISited her m oth e r In davs last w eek .

King Al coho l was born back yonder in the ea rl y ages. H e was sired by Fusel-Oil, a nd dammed by everyb ody. Mortal illness ove rtoo k him on the seventh d ay of November, 1916, brot on by an ove rdose of cons tituti onal ame ndment, prescribed by the people ·of N e braska. Dea t h occurred on M ay 1, 19 17. The d eceased has many friend s who will mourn his loss. He is s urvived by three cousin8, Jamai ca Ginger, Peruna and L e m on Extract. His so n , Little Prince N ear-B ee r , f o ll owed his father into the shadowy land , d espite the valiant e fforts of physicians in the Nebra~ka S enate to save the life of the little innocent. The old Kmg was quite a j es te r as we ll as a fighte r. . Strong m e n have been known t? put him clown for ~ whtle H e made m.en c1 la ugh,d but h e a lways li c ked ' e m in t he end. . up th e ir wives. He starved chtl t bea and Cry the n dr en han • h t S o me m e n he made s ick an ot e r s brodke wom e n s ea Mross~ a ll m en who g ot into trouble blamed it he rove cr azy. . o n him anrl le ft a s t a teme n t in whi c h the y ad; lsed e ve ry yo ung man t o shun him as they woul d a snake. Sn he mus t ha ve been a very bad ar;t Qr in his tim e . Hl· s body will li e in st a t e but not thi s o ne. Kansas C ity. 1 d th er s an o . .e t WI. II pt·obahly be hi s last restin ~ place. Bootd egg h th h t f . ds sa y th ey will vi s it hi s mausole um an ave e w I erJ e n .d" . ··t'ts " call him back f or a n occas ional' seance. aprone s pnt 1 • ·1 1 1 m is · The p il g rimages will be mad e unt1 t1e mauso.e u. _ d b y a n act of Congress t o ma ke r oo m fm clean, fin a ll~· raze • J san i t a ry business



We -lesl' r e t o thank our f ew f ri end s f or t.he ma ny kind u d th ecen t f solace ancl f! nwe r y speeches mad e unng e r . ~or s o d eat h o f our o ld fri e nd a nJ assoc iate, Ktnf! Illn ess an d . . ·h t thank th ose legi s lato r ..; a nd . h I We esp ecia lly Wl S o . A lco o. J wi tn hi m till t he la::;t ditch ( .S ig ned) s t:l te.;~ ~n w w st \lye JMA BOOTL8GG ER, VE RA DRUNK, R. E. SU BMISSION . t of an obitu~ry appparing in the Manh~ttan -Arrangem e n . h d ea th of th e Ktng ' s l"1s t • co mm e m oratJDg t e . N a uona bro the r in Kan sa s. d

The evening of Monday, April 23, marked the opening of the debating season in Peru. By 8 :15 l an enthusiastic audi ence of well over two hundred were present at the chapel to hear the discussion of the qusti on, ' ' Resolved, that tthe United Sta tes should abandon th e Monroe Doctrine." The negative was uphe ld by ·Midland College, of Atchi son, Kansas , the personne l of the team be ing Miss Walker and Messrs. Pee ry and Wa ltP.r s The q uesti on was affirmed by Pe ru, the team be ing Mi ss Mildr ed Mon ia, and Messsr. Gle nn Ke ll ey a nd Bryan Emme rt. Mis8 Monia , the fi rst aflirmat ive spea ke r, opened the de bates, by sta t ing th e a ttitud e of t he affirmative toward th e Monroe Doctrine, that i t was inadequa te, unn ecessary , and und esin:sbl e. The first point, th a t of inadequacy, was take n u p a t lf'ng th hy the sa me spea ke r . Th e la:'t two po in ts were d iscussed in the order na mt>d by : t he fo llowing Pe r u s pPake rs. t.h e I • h last, Mr . 8 m me n . p ropos ing· a su s t i t u te , whi rh w;H t he Wil sn n Onet ri ne. aid ed anrl a be tted h.v i n te rnational l:1w . The Mi dl a nd team p u t forth a n excelle n t debate a nd a re to he I'On · zratulated upon t heir log,ical thinking and free and easy de livery . Their grea tes t di screpancy was a fai 1ure to effectually attack t he ~ ubstitute offe r ed by Pe ru. The Pe ru tea m was cons is te nt thro ugh~




~ ~~--••••••••l••••· ••••r•••••••••• a

(( ' ., nrl nu N l

on L n11 1 J'a gt'.)




te rn in general are scar cely dreamed of in Peru; that ming li ng 1 Entered a t the Postoffice at_ Peru, Ne· \ of stud ents and facult y to such ad brasku as seco~d-cluss matte!. va ntage as obta ins at Pen1 is imPubllsht Weekly by the Peru State Normo'l possible at th e larger school ; that 75 cts. per year. SingJc·copy 5 cts. 'opportunity for individual de velopHOWARD SM ITH . F.:cliwr ment among a greater proportion of :\ . LEW IS TYLE R - Associa te Eclit nr the students is obviously more ' GLE:>lN 0. KELLEY ' bl t our own Normal • Business a nd Subscription Manager p oss1 e a · I "'



Nona Palmer, .......... ..........

........ A lu rnni

Eos Bro wn ...................... ... Phi lorn a thea n Everett Margarctjoncs Fran It Leger ....... . ............ ...... Y. M . C. A. El><ic Wil hu rn ......... ..... .... .. .. Y. W. C. A. Louis Worth, N.C. A· Hn·an Emmert, ......... , ...... . ..... Ath letics M r~s !Iowen .. ... .. ........ ....... . . Music Rosalie Kohn·... .. .................. ....... fi umor .\Irs Nellie M. Smith, ...... .......... Loca l 1acl; Alisman ............ ..... ....... " M incn·a" ·,\ •fan· Clary ................................ St·nio rs J{m:ilin<" Kohn , ........ ....... .. juniors c:crtrutlc Cli ftun ................... Sophomores (..,,. ll a c k e ~ .. ....... ...... Fn•!<hmt u \'i,:ian nishop ...... .. ........ lligh School \J r. Palm~: r . .... .. ... St·k nct: Clu h Prof. F. M. G rcgg-Arl v i ~cr



From Normal Outlook,Los Angel es: An innovation in the manual arts course is prac:tical constr uction building. The building course wi ll be taken up in a practical ma nner. The course takes in ca rpentry, bricklay ing, concrete work, a nd plumbing , from a practica l way. Besides this the s tucie nts taking up this work must produce ori g inal draw ings of build· i ngs, garages, etc. i l enjoyed immensely a course at A garage is now be ing bui lt and

that the glad Easter season is but seventeen days away. We want to supply your ready-to-w ear goods for men and women of P eru . Our big stock means a wide Fre edom of Choi ce The name bel ow this ad guarantees

Quality and fair Prices.

Cleveland Stores 7/o braska City. 7/ubr.

the University of Nebraska in th e will be so ld to the hi g hest bidder 1 ~~~~~;;;;======================== fall se mester of 1915 a nd the sum- at aucti on. A bungal ow with at ' A lso th e thoug ht of wh a t r longed ' Blu e Bird Juni or Audubon Club of Owing to various least s ix r ooms will be th: nex t to he, .l the publi c school in acco mplishing mer of 19 15. shifts in my schedule of classes , I to be constructed a nd sold m tne Will never come hack again. 1' thi s work. was worked upon by as manv as same way. lj eleven teachers rluring my s tay at The t rain ing school "handball : From Win t hrop Weekly N ews, t hi s scho:>l. Some were among the tournament" starts Monday , · Rock Hill , S . C. (1000 g irls and no mor e prominent ins tructor s . I at _noon , ~ a nd con~inue~ . noon : boys in attendance at thig school): I. have taken work in th e same de· a nd aftP.rnoon unttl lim shec!, l "In South Ca r o lina;" _ _·_ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ partments at Per u, and bel ieve s in- 1t he se.ve nth, e ig h t h and ninth , The breezes whispe r lig h test Ka,vser Gloves 60c, 85t: $ 1 25 cerely that progress inte ll ectual ly g rades participating. Each class ! "In .South Carolina; " in ' these particular rlepartments is divided into j uni or, in termeci i- · The people treat one whitest, Townt·'~ Wa!"h ~1hle C hamnisette may be as r apirl in the one school ate, , seni or , and special groups. P lain g irls are t he f e w est , Glo vt's 69c, $ 1 10 as in the other . H aving had no The winner in each class will re- Maiden's eyes are bluest, othe r expe ri ence with university ceive a letter a nd the school c ham- Thei r li t tle hea rts th e truest training outside of these d epart- pion w ii!Jbe furt her r ewa rded. "In South Ca r o l ina " Phoenix Guaranteed ments, I can make no othe r comTh e best two boys in each c lass Th h 'ld. f' lll mgs tower prouc1est parisons as t o the q uality of in- will p lay doubles in the city school , " I S th C . , ~ ilk l lolst· S Ot: an d $ l.l () ,, . • n OU aro 1Ina; structions in the two sc hools. The tourname nt. 1h e wmners a r e to T h t h h d \Vhi t t:-' Bl ac k and Colm·s e un oer pen 1s t e 1ou est li brary eq uipm ent at L inco ln is:ex- be reward ed by th e school depart- I • , • 'I S h C • n out Ja ro 1ma; 1 tensi ve, yet it is doubted if t h e me nt. ; Blind t iger booze is clea r Ps t, pedagogical library is more up -to· • j And in some ways th e d earest, Goo e. date or much larger t han that af 1<:-~y s t· r · Glon· Si lk Vt'sts $ 1 85 1 Yet a lways arts t he QU !:'e r es t From th e Wesleyan, Uni. Pla ce : th e Peru Normal. I.;: Hysn Glov t· Sill< Un i o n "In S out h Ca r o l ina . " Nnw if it bP. true tha t opportun- Churp, ch url<, churp, Sui 1 ~ $+ fi () itie;; fo r pedagogica l train i ng at our On t he cold r f'd ·stones of the main, Thf' nature study class for rh is Norma l approach those of t he U ni - And 1 would that my tongue could : s pring srme, te r ha s s uccessfully .\ l n v Vt·ilin,!!s. N,·w Purst:!" . vers i ty, and that some other conutte r c~rri ed to comp lf't i on a n u mbe r o f si ue rations rather favor the Norma l The thoughts th a t ta mpe r m y gr o~l P e nte r pri "e'. Arnong th Pse l;t·nrg t'ttt' Crt'fH' c .. llan. ohf fu e l val ues o f brain . · p r n.1 ects . a study c:1 School, what conclusion then ? 1woor1s wa-> ma e t e ocras ion o f a 1 found t hat a r oo m o ne block · · · th ..1 0 well fl)l' the freshma n gi rl PICnic suppe r In e woot~ ~ upon lk:•tr: iful A !"s(lf't n1l'nt of rl:.in t v f rom 0 stree t is not quite so conApril l!:J. wit h Mi so:es Sne ll and T hat attracts the s turle nt' s eye ; Emh t l •ich: n ' rl Han rlknchit:>f~ ducive to s tudy as a room in quiet Cla rk in charge. Arhor Day pro1 0. well for t he bashful lad, d Pe ru ; t hat a $ 10 laboratory fee is ., g r ams we r e ma e conc r ete hv a hard er on t hP. re latives than a 25 That's hold the c ha i r nearby , j s pecia l Arbo r Da.v pro_,tram ~e n · And th e statf'ly sun go(~S on d e r ed by t he cl_ass _las t Wednesrlay cent fee ; t hat. one may rent a ll th e Ancl is lost 'neath the wind ow s ill, Iund e r t he rl1_rect 10n of Mi ss!-'s text-books necessary at Pe ru for B . t t 0 th 111 ' 1 t h t th , Calla n a nd Wn g ht. T h e bi gges t 0 one year ' s study for less t han I ut ' JU S { a e va n- , untle rtaking, howe ve r. wa s t h e a ;l. a.• :50 ished day . . . ve rt.i sinoa nd "' O'U"'I'anteel·ng t he paid for one text at r..incoln , .p3 Fo n Left my lesson<; wa1t1ng me stdl. fu nds necessar y to brincr tf> e bird NEBRASKA CITY, NEBR ASKA (there a ll texts must be furni siH'd ,.. motion pi c ture fi lms to Pe ru. THE Q ll .<\ 1.1 TV S T U I~ E by s tud e nts) ·, that the "divine Chur p, c hn rp, c hurp, M' Ch 1ss , ase and Mrs . P i ck arrl, as a Eve r ything Marke d in Pla in Figure~ right of money" and the ca5te sys- On the cold red stones of !.he main, comm itteP.. co -ope rated with th e



I ---- ----------------! DreSS








NEW GOODS purchases.

in all departments comin g every few days. We are making our prices as reasonabl e as possibl e.

The Cash Store

Don't wait till t oo l ate to make your sprin g


Phone 22



Miss Bowen:-"Mr. Me lvin, ]ease decline 'a pretty w o tnan . "' Pl{elvJn · :- "Sorry, M.1ss Bowe n, I 'never cou ld . " prof. How ie:-"Watc h the figure closely while 1 dra w i t." Student :- , 'Wou ld you p lease step a little to one sid e so I can see?"

Mr. Smith , call ing fr o m th e h ead of t\e stairs at

11:30 p. m. : -

''Mary, don't you t hink i t is abou t Ma rv :time to go to beci ?', "Yes, papa, dear. What on earth keeps you up so late '! " Last Thursday the jun iors e lec ted

Earl Harlow editor-in-ch ief of the J918 Per uvian, anti Loui s W irth business manager . The e lect ions were held thi s s pring i n ord e r that these men may be helped by the expecience of the present s taff.

~In Ma n Win te r's gnne a wa _y (;cntle ,pringtiml·' s Cllmc til s t ay. inlley picnic in t h e woocis, We II >u pp ly the Iu nch meat gon rl ~.


is always ready to serve your wants fro m ou r lin e of

.~ u ppl ies,




Fine Watl:h Uepairing -'

The Victor Company An no unces

A Complet e Course i n Voca l Tra in i n g by Osl·ar Sanger. in twenty lessons on Ten Victor Records, Sopra no, Me?.zo-So prano, Tenor, Ba ritone or Bass. An: you interested? If so let us demonstrate this singing cours


fo r you .



$250,000 .00 A lum ni

Notes. Miss Florence Kite has recently been re-e lected to a posi tier. in t he Kearney high school with a tendol lar i ncrease in salary. C. E. Andrews, who is teaching in the hi g h school at Super ior, has been e lected to t he superintendency at E ust is. Miss Susdn Harmon rece ived her A. B. degree f r om the University of Nebraska in January, and is now doi ng wor k toward her Master '~ degree. Dr. H ou se, addressing the Omaha P er u Club banqueter s, found that these people are much inter ested in the se mi -centennia l celebrati on to be he ld at P eru thi s s pring. Effort is being made to have Omaha teache rs excused for

''THE REXALL STORE" thPm. On Sundny, April 22, Miss Josie Kiser led the meeting, her topic being, "The Secr et of Christ ian Service. " The Y. W. C. A. Kensi ngton was held at Mt. Verno,n Hall Saturday afternoon.

I Be Patriotic

PIag l~~i~~ers P ins

EHi s t he J e weler

theRday of th'ls ecen e nthusiastic club are, presi dent, Etta Youn g , '14; vice presidents, Dorothy Hill, 'Hi, Bessie Bede ll,

Recen t Elections. Fol lowing is the 'Jist of the seniors and post-graduates recently elected to school positions : Ag nes Korbel, Hampton, primary; Mary Royd, Elwood, assistant priucioal, English and history; Riene Jame- I son, Omaha, grades; Augusta Heinke, Ainsworth, commerce; F. A. J edermann, Bell wood, superintendent, $90 : Louise Kimme l, Maywooci, sixth affd seventh grades; Richard Meissner, supeljiptendent, Milford, $100; Li llian 1 Porten ier, Omaha, grades ; Ruth . Redfern , Dawson, assistant princi - ~· pal; Eleanor Steyskal, Hyanni s, pr i mary; Lola Temple, Omaha, grades ; Celia Group, primary,

'06, and Lula Gunder w n, '15; serreta r y- t r eas u rer, E s ther Larson, '1 4 . C. A. Anderson , '12' n ow attending Columbia Univeris t.y and acting as president of t he P P.ru Club of th a t inst ituti o n . has been

P ilger; Nell ie Ke ll v, Hyanl')i,s, ' ~===============~· sci ence and mathematics, $80; Packa r d P i an o John Weatherhogg, Shelby, manpal POPULAR SHEET MUSIC training ; ora 01 eson, S pencer, j 1 Oc per copy . Postage 1c extr a English and normal tra ining ; ! Harnet Arms, rura l demonstra- GASKI LL MU SIC COMPANY NEBSASI<A tion school, Honey Creek, Peru . I NEBRASKA CI T'r.

otlfy tehleecptaegdeaonffi~-rers

N. S. N. S. Store

S!tttionery ,

Citizens State Bank




Variety Store While down t o wn



CHASE'S for vour

Barber Work

Neat, Clean. All work fi rst class. Scconrl dom· from pn!<tnffice Justawordtothosl:whoshavethemselves. Try a hottle o,r Face Lotion anrl stop llat urmng itching sensation at1cr your moming shave For sale .. t ···~'ESTSIDE BA RBER SHOP''



elected superi n t~nden t of schoo ls a t $80; Cecel ia Peterson, rural dem- 1~-= - :==:;.~.~-i::========::, Avon. N ew York, at a sa la r y of onstration schoo l, Arab, Per u, $75; Graduate of Chicago College Ocntul Su rgeon Margaret J ones, Fairbury, fo urth $ 1700 . RI:S I UENT OE:--1 I' I ST A. J . Stocidard, '10, s uper inten- , grade; Nellie Spau lding , Fairbury, dent o f the Have lock schools, has second g rade; E thel Bl oom, OmaOflin· 1, vl·r F:-1 .Y B ~• kc r.v been elected superintende n t of th t> ' ha, kindergar ten or primary ; Mar. ' I .•\ll t J11- t•rtniJlllll'Jtt ,·nu will llt'l'd schools a t N e b ras k a C.t I Y to ·succeed gare t Telyea, T e ka rna h , li rs t gra d e; "BPeh you r or ders great o r smadll II" Ea rl Cline , ' 07, who ex pects to Ethel Hauptma n, McCook, h igh to pl:•y l hl· gn ttl t'. one or bring th em o ne an a , .. TO take a Jaw cour se: , ~ch ool; F red Kuhl.man, super m, e n- ~ h Mi ss H e le n .VlaJ ors, 16. has been dent Wolbach, $ 100; Earl M!;!l0 e lerted to a in L_incnln vin,. Fairbury, principal, FISHER BROTHERS Phone 218 schoo ls. Mi ss MaJors wrr~es that $85 ; Bertha Wlld, Talmage, lll\l't , (~J~TS Agent fo r Sun ny -ide Greenlwuse 1 · g t h t -> he and he r mot he r a r e P ann•n o pr incipal, Ge rma n and mat ema Falls City , N ebr. ~ k _ _____ be in Peru commencement weP · ics ; Mar~ Cla r y. Wolbach. Latin I Messrs. C lyde and Claud e Hutch- and Engl ish; Lola Lohr, Prosser , j insnn wl:'re called t o Pe ru last week pr incipa l ; Lena Poole, l{uskin, URF. • 0 11 l< n ow bv th e dea t h of t he ir mot her . T he Eng-li s h his tory ; Leah TrcsenPR ING is here an d you J)en fl ... t : r .,,c,.ived hi ::; Bachelor's Je· j1• ·ter Chappe ll, eighth grade; 1 fo rm e 1 ~ " . • . are tired of hearing about it teacht Officeovt· t· V:~ri l· t _v Store , g r ee Ia s t Ye .," rand has been . C· ng · Margery Peterson, Omaha,, , substi' 'ffin· 1->hnnt' ~=~ H<>n:-e 7 1 manual tra ining- s ince Jn t he Jl e~e tut<! work; ]{ uth Bu~bee, l almage, but bring out those old spring 'schoo ls. Cla ud e , who grad uated m primary; Grace Gt· J ~g, Newman togs. L et J oe clean and 1911 is teaching in LaConnor~. Grove, fifth grade; Ll~ll e Parsons, Hartington, intermedia te ; Myrt le press th em . DR. B L. '-'HELLHORN Was hingto n. Donahoo, West Po int, sixth grade; Residence (->h n ne G y,w. c.A. Office ovt>r R exa ll ~tore have been Alma Ludw• g , Twin Falls , Jrlaho, . The las t few m e~ t.' ngs the primary; Milli e McDona ld, DanPhone 3 l exceptionally inspn·mg adnd ~~~e of bury, primary. ERR. girls a r e urged to take a van f'ERt:.

N. S. H .- \R .: \JIA N A. B .. l l ll .


Base Ball Goods


E 0 p • •



: r.

• .•

1 J ze










Joe Kre pela, Tai.lor.




Game of the Season

Grei3hton University vs. Peru Normal Friday, May 4th

Athletic Field

Game Call ed 3:45

Admission Budget Ticket or 25 cents

Satur>day'.s Game E.ity Ball rar>k Peru A thlctic Glub vs. G reighton University Admission 25 cents

Game Called Promptly at 2 o'clock I solved , tha t labor and capita l be tan g ular in shape , and fr om thirty

Professor Gregg

t o fifty f eet on a side. · 'Profe~sor Gilder Eltates that these ruins a r e sever a l thousand Life's Larger Loy a Jties yea rs old. Dr. Sh eldon of N ebraska is somewhat of th e !'a rne opinio n . Dr. Sterns of H a r vard Univer sity who made som e excava ti ons here at the r equest of tht! writer, Peru Wins Twice and Loses Once, is confident that they are at least Peru Anthropology, l Conlln ued rrom Fir·s t Pa g e. ) several hundred years old." F. M. Gregg. out, and were especi a lly pleasing Ca nnibals in Peru! Wher e? On For Any Occasion a nd effecti ve in the ir r ebuttal. the hilltops all abo ut! When ?·-============---=-___:.---.:.::. Such a~ Weddings, f\i rt hrfa y After a shor t tal k, the judge, Mr. Some hundreds or even thousands of I p,, rties. Rem em hr:a nces Funet:· Harry Bradford, awarded the de- years a go ! How do you know? lf als. etc. in 11p pro pri~1tc nrcision to Peru's negati ve veam. you are inter ested. talk with Mr. r:l_ngc men ts. No o rd er t o s mall ll nrl nont' t oo lnrge. Thurc;dav evening the questi on Carle ton Meek, local a nthropologist j fo r deba te was t he same a s for at the office of the Meek Lumber j G. E. BERTHOLD Mond ay, Doane affirming and Peru Co., a nd inspect the r elics which THE FLORIST denying. Doane was r epr esented he has ther e. Here is an excerpt ! The "'4 Hustling EBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA by Rev. B. Davies, Joe Belka and fro m a n article by Mr. Meek : \ Dresher Brother~ . , 1 Harry Ty ler. Peru was repre- ~ "It has r ecentl y been discovered 1 , • t d b T lb H I t doesn t make a nv chl ft-remce sen e. Y a ot unt, Steven tha t what ha ve been commonly , • . . . ·> . . Duen sch and M tl H · II d " b ff \\here.' o n hve, Pa rcd s f o s t And e:-x' yr e arns. ca e u a lo wallows'' were ne. , Professor Maxey instru cto · · d b pn·~s hrmgs th e Snpcrh l>reshc:-r .• r m m- ver rna e y the buffa lo at all , . , . terna ti ona l Ja w at the Sta te u n· b t h .. ' Cln ;•nm g Scrv H:e to yo ur vt·r v rl o or. 1- u are t e ru1n ed ho mes of a · · versi ty judged th e de bate A fte h. t . f Dresht-rs pa )' P:u cels P ost or Ex prc~s ' • · r pre •s o nc r ace o peo plE> · I I . · t'l:orgt's Otll' way o n a n y stzt"rl lmn tile 11. \'. D's. a nd nt her a t hlct ic- skillful ly and . . am us mg Y P ay m g Nearl y twenty.fi ve of t hese ruins '" a nv point. WJ.th t he anx10us aud ience f or some ca n be f o un d on to ps of the hills in Anci plt·ast' knr>w th;Jt t hac i ~n · t for men. 1 mmutes a t the cl o~e of the deba te, and ar o und Peru. fint·r gr;Hil· oi cl('a uing d<>li L in the Mr. Maxey finally a nnounced t ha t ''There is no e vidence tha t these Unitt rl ~ • :ttl's . tl ~;_., d~rtt fea tu n·cl at PorCl~ k nit, Bu l h r· ig-:1 11 n n d Peru had won flrt-s hn:- ()m :-~ h ;;~ l'l nn t • 1 At convocati on hour on the fol~~op e d' ! -' er e lm..J ~ny w~y rela ted t o E~H· t>a uzc underw ea r f11r 111e11 , \ VO· I · ·' . ·I e mn ern n~.: Ja n; 1n fact ever y · 1i::J ow.mg- uay, Profe~;sor Wilson ex- ind ica ti on wo uld g o t o s how th a t , I pla1 ned very carefull y essential ! they wer e a diffe ren t r ace of peo BRO I HERS nll'll and child n' n. p:)i~1ts which judges reg-ard in de- l pie. They were a n agr ic u ltura l I C lea n~rs D} ers cJdJr'lg debates, a nd r emoved some people . as shown by th e •r stone and H C1l tt: rs T ·1 . hone hoes and spa de . Th h tt 1 urs of. thesur pri sePv . n 1y und ::s. e rr o rrnec e~ 2'J i l l - FA I< "•M 'T e rg round - · t . ~ ·'"' . S . .incerlby th e au- j wer.e b Ul' It pa d 1ence th eevenmgbefo r e. While ' · O.VI Ai-IA NE HI<. the Doa ne you ng men were maste rful in deli ve ry a nu d icti on. Pt..r ll 1 excell ed in r ebutta l. I~ach Peruvia n began his ma in speech by answering argu me nts already preHun-_., tn the A \' C il trt' Stnr.: 1'1 f' . . l'nty " ' II O t" ht' t wet·n clas!'es- tn sented by Doane o pponents, besides in gt'l t·ookit "· n n ·Hrl, htlll' h lllnt t f 1· . . . . ' lil ts, .t ud lil t' chn1ce,.:t t'n nlt:l·tionlater r eiterating and streng thening L'l" \' . the:;e r epli es in the t ime cus to mart ht' new T r <t i net· Buildi ng y ou 'll find Hll ily g iven to r ebu t ta l. Glenn 0 . Kelley, Brya n E mmert Sui t ; t blc colo rs nnd t'nl s fo r· anrl Mildred Monia de nied the same you r photos. questio n at Doane t he same even ing. Doane won at home. T he M :~ ke t he a ppoi ntment torJay in ter est of the a urli ence in t hi s ki ncl of contest was r emarka ble and Si1bins' Edu.cfltion<al E The Pend d' Oreille Studio , XLhung~. (lell:.) pleasing . Ther e is no doubt t ha t ' ' IIUildt'l.l I K~'! I I us fo r t w c nty. fo u r vc· . ~he bi ggest crowd yet will attend E. J. NEWMAN ' ·· T · a rs 1lt' t ' fl ... . f I . cachcrs. cx p erien ct:!d . · u~c{·s~ 11 m placing Norma l T r a initw · • debate bet ween P eru and th the 0 r •ncx pe n t· need A ·k ,.. Pbone 56 Peru, N ebr. r1ern ~ . W rite fur our rl a ns. · s yo ur I{'Hch. r,; an d former :;tu· g reat teachers' college of Greeleye Co lorado. T he question is, re: Ma n h a t t:-~ n Bu ilri ing Des Moines , l owfl.

Vesper Services 4:30, Sunday,

May 6.

com pe ll ed by la w t o settle th eir d ispu tes by arbitrati on. Mr. Rober tso n a nd Mr. Kuhl ma n will affi rm a t Peru , w hile Mr. Chatelai n and Mr. MP.i!';sner will deny the same q uestion at Greeley.

Fresh Cut Flowers


Spring Underwear









Milstead's Toggery

Spring Styles




Phone 73

ff. U. Landolt





What's .Swat===Swat What?? Co-lo-ra-do Ho11o!


Co-lo-ra-do Hello!!!


6ive us Co-lo-ra-do!!!



Ot1 Eleventh oi May, fifteen after Eight, We are goi~g to have a big Debate.

Greeley c .o lorado State Normal College vs. Peru, Nebraska's Greatest State Normat On Compulsory Arbitration Peru will aifirm··-Greel~y deny. We will win or we'll know Why. Quest ion: R eso lved, that Capital and Labor be compelled by law to settle their disputes by arbitration. Frederick Ku l man arid Ray Robertson will uphold the affirmative. (Verne Chatelain and Richard 'Meisner wi11 uphold the nega tive at Greeley).

Admission Green (Debate) Ticket or 25 cents PERU WILL DEHATE GREELEY COLLEGE

ulars were called in to help the COTNER DEFEATS PERU A1' 8ASEBALL Newman p. M. Long National Guard keep order. Most IMore c. Bell Biggest Debating Event of Year Next ; of us reme mber ha ving heard at Normalites Trounced 2 to 0 by the ; Umpire, Cowel l. Hits, Cotner , 'd I · 1 Bulldogs /4r Peru, 3. Errors, Cotner , 4, F n ay that time of the " Ludlow Mass- j __ i Peru 2.



Last Tuesday the fast Cotner Girls Glee Club Goes to Brock This week Peru is to meet in acre" in the heart of the coal fie lds forensi.c combat for the first time of Colorad o. tea m def eated : April 21 was a red lettter day in history, the State Teachers' / In order t o prevent th e r ecur- P eru m tts tnltlal game of. th: for the Girls' GleP. Club of the NorCollege from Greeley, Colorado. renee of any suc h warfare ag a in, season, 2 to 0. The Normalttes mal. About 5 :30 Saturady evenNot only the formidab le size and : Colorado p assed a Compulsory In- almost f aul t less fielding fa iled. to ing the joyous crowd of girls, who relative importa nce among institu- 1ves tig ati on Act , mode lled very bring defea t to a t eam which lined the railing al ong the west tions of its kind makes Greeley ! much on the id ea of the Canad ian "bunched hits. " ' side of the campus, were met by a From t~e first it was a pitcher's number of cars from Brock. The loom up large on the horizon, but Di sp utes and In ves ti g ati on Act. two or three oth er features serve This law in our s ister state is the battl e, With Long and Newman evening •was perfectly ideal, with to stimulate particula r interest in only one of its kind in the U n ited breakin~ ev~n on honors., ?~tner an agreeable breeze and a charming Sta tes and comes neare r to being scor ed Its firs t run ea rly m the sunset and so the trip wa~ quite a tb e f ray· I ' . . d k h I · l d ' · · Greeley is one of the t wo State compul sor y arb1trat1on than any ga~e an ept t e on~ scol e ea del ig htful d1vers10n from the usual ArrangeTeachers Colleges in the U. S . , the ' oth er law which exis t s in the until the first of the e ighth, when routine of school wo rk. other b_ing the I owa State Teach- country t oday. It was some .s uch another run was added. The first ment::; had been made f or the recepers' Colle O'e at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I meas ure as thi s that the Pres 1dent score came as the resu lt of a hit, a tion of the g irls in vari ous B . o~k It is f or ;his r eason largely, that · asked for las t Dece mber in hi s li s t stolen base, a nd a passed ball ; the homes. and after a hurried "fusstions calcula t ed to second ~n1m t wo hits. Thi s gave ing up," the g irls appeared at the Mr. H ayes WI. 11 a ccompany the of reco mmenda · b . . h · . · · · · . G ·y · put an e nd to the railroad tr ou le. the v1s1tor s t e1r two wmnmg opera house happy and charmmg m negat1ve team t o r ee 1e . . . . . , , ·dera tions Thr: re lati on of cap1tal and labor scores. theJr de l1ca te ly hued f rocks. f he B ut among o the r co n s 1 . · · j · · . . If t d t pre is of more than cas ual inter est to Long p1tched a wmmng game g ir ls sa ng f or a very apprec1 at1ve t he qut!SttOn 1tse s an s ou -/ . . . h' h ht to . all of us and affec ts us directly. bad hi s teamma tes bund1ed the1r a udi ence, whi ch showed double deem inentl y as a thmg w IC oug ' 1 . d b t Th ' The di sc uss ion of a me th od pro- hits. a nd bad the crowd proper Y light wh t>n the Houses rE>nclered IS · 11 · g1ve color t o t he - e a e. . . . R 1 d osed to settle labo r tr oubl es s uppor ted t he ir team. Few c0 ege the ir arti s tic numbers, wh1ch cClnquesttOn a s s tate d IS · eso ve • P . . h . • II d , hould be li stened t o therefore hy tea ms can wm w1thout fee 1mg t e s 1sted of solos hy Dr. House, du ets . b . h that cant tal and la bor e compe e , s F . ct . t b ' Peru a udience not onl v because suppor t of the ir school behm t em. by Dr. and Mrs. House, and two by law to se ttle the l!: ls p u es . Y o~r . d ~ ire to he lp Per u. win bu t Wi th everybody boosting fo r the j exce llent pia no selecti ons by t heir arbi tration. It is at the s ug g estiOn ; o our e::s b . to a gr~a ter tea m there IS on reason why we I son Kingsley. • . . th. . to be used . ; so that we may ecnme 0 f C0 I h d ora o t a t IS I S :d f . ia r w i th the subj ec t cannot have a successf ul team. Miss Myr t le H arr 1s, a member of A d · · ]'k 1 th t there is mor e l egree a mi 1 . n 1t IS I e Y .a . . Remember how we d id it last fa ll. t he Glee Club a nd a fo rmer t eacher than a pass ing mte rest to these Itse lf. L ine-up : and favo rite in Brock , gave in her people in t ne de bate, because they Senior Elections. Co tner Peru charmin g way two pianologs. Longfell ow, Gra ngev il le , Gar dner l b. Cra ig T welve of the g irls remained in feel the i mporta nce of this topic to · 1K I 2h J ones B t hemselves. A. N in Idaho; sci en ce, manual tr a in i ~g ~app e · roc k an J repor t th e peop Ie of Three years ag o Color ado was hi . $ . Ka ren BJa ·, DJI I Hb. E. Long . Brock to be de lig ht ful a nd hospit11 90 the throes of a n industrial war and at e t lcS, ' . ' · . M· _ Th~m as ss. Schne ider ' a ble. f T d 0 est lc sci e nce , ar wh ich r iva lled most occ urrences ~ 1 r entoLn, · ~ Campbe ll seventh Stra in If. Kuebler i P rofessor Letler was i·n Pawnee . k1nd . . t h e h IS . tory of thiS garet . eona ru, d • L . L ong 'c ity Ia~t .Satur d· ay 1n . connect10n . 1ts 1n Alb ia I owa J effn es cf . country. S uch large dimensions and e ight~ ~ra es, ' ' McCoy rf Kicld with study center work. ' did it assume tha t the U. S . Reg- manual tralmng , $90. I


Unive~sit~ ba~e~a~l




It is as bad to leave t he flag out a ll night as it wou ld be to Entered at the Postoffice at. Peru, Ne· sleep i n your dress su it in a park. brasku as second-class matte1. In inte rior use the "Uni on" should Publi sh! Weekly by the Peru State Normal be toward the east or north , ac75 cts. per year.

Single copy 5 cts. HOWARD S MITH . Editor A. LEWIS TYLER · Associate Editor GLENN .o. KELLEY . . Manager Busmess and Subscnpt10n



Icording to the arr~ngement of the room. On Memonal day the flag Ishould be half- masted from sunrise

to noon and mast- h eaded from noon to sunset. In half-masting the DEPARnmNT EDr1·ous Alumni colors, th ey should b e raised to the ~~·~a B~~~~~.~.'...:·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.··.:::·.·.·.·.·.·_-_:phij;;;~Jathcan mast-head and then lowered.-Sid M arga ret jones Everett ney Enterprise. Frank Leger ............................. \_'· l\'L C. A. · -- - - Elsie Wilburn ..................... ..... \ . W. C. A. Our National A n th em. Louis Worth, N.C. A. Dryan Emmert , ......................... 11 thletics (As i t is usual ly sung by the patriMiss Bowen ................................ . .. Music Rosalie Kohn .............................. . .. Hum or oti c publi c.) Mrs Nellie M. Smith, ....................... Locul Jack Allsman .......................... "Mincr~·a" 0-oh say, can ·y ou see by th e dawn Mary Clary .................................... S<'n~ o r!; zurly light Rosaline Kohn ....... .......... ...... jun1or:; Whatso prow d leewe hail dat t he l :crlrude Cliftou ...................... Sophomores Loy Hn cker...... ... ....... ....... . Freshmen Ia -Ia-Ia gleaming? Vi,·ian flishop ..................... ... High School ;'vi r. Pa I mer ...... . ......... Sdencc Club Who sbraw stri psan bri sta h sroo . Prof. P. M . Grcgg-Ach·iser 9/obraska C i t}/· 9/obr. the perilous night O'er th e Ia-Ia-la- Ia were so galIt is surpri s ing that w ith all this Jan -tlee strea-ming. talk about increased a cr ege and i n- And the rah-ket's red (s ilence, save f for a f e w t enors) bur- I pupi ls prepar i ng for eight grade teacher teaches . on an av_erage o tensive farmi ng to produce t he nethree other subJects and Jn n ea1 ly cessary amount of food stuffs to stingin air exa minati ons. , h . all cases they are scie nces. feed the country, a nd of stopping La-la thru the nigh t-that our fia Chester W. Darrow, 13 ' w o I S the manufacture of Jiqm•rs to congwah sti 11 there. attending Colgate Universi ty, won _;,_ _: : : : :_ __ _ __ __ _ serve t he grains, that no one has 0, say does t ha-at stah-spang- le ba- the New York State intercol legiate 1 sugg.:sted-or at least we have not a-ner-er ye-et wa-ay oratorical contLst recently he ld at ! seen i t sugges ted - that the la nd O'er the la -an of t he freeeee, an Cornell Unive rsity. Mr. Darrow ! now wasted on the g rowing of to th e ho-oh mof t h uh bray ? was awarded a fifty-o ll ar prize, and 1 bacco be turned to good accoun t On that shore al -la -la: lala-la -al- he will represent New York s tate Toi n the producti on of grain. Ia -Ia next year i n a sec tional contest. j bacco is a luxury to say the least1 La -ladoo-du11-die -day, doodledayand a very useless one. I n fact it The souven il· program for the dee-die-oo-u ll? is more t han a useless luxury, is is La la-la -l a -la-la; lala-la- la-la-la? Se mi-Cente nnial celebration and It will en t itle you to the in many cases a positive detr iment La-la-la (etc· f or three l ines ; th e for ty-seve nth a nnual com- . following discounts on New to t he user. Then why n ot stop tl II t th ) mencement wi 11 be r eady for dis- 1 1en a oge er . . i ts cultivation and produce some- Tizz thu h stah-bang-le-spann er, 0 tribution May 10, and wil l con tam . Spring Goods. thing useful ? Or is the tobacco 1 in detai l the schedu le of events for Iaw-aw may-ay-1·t w a -a Y interests as strongly intrenched as 0 t he la-an doff the freeeee, an I commencement week. I t he liquor interes ts have been?the ho-oh moff t h u bray . I From an investigation made r e- All New Cl oth Suits Per u Pointer. 1 (Remaining stanzas by the band, cently on agr i cultural teaching in 33i per cent with spilsms from the patriots.)- N e braska h ig h schools in cl uding All New Cl oth Coats How to Treat the Flag. Rupert Hug hes , in Life. the e leventh and twe lfth grades it 20 per cent In these days when patri otism is was found that 29.5 percent of the to the fore and strenuous times are Fortnightly Art Club. total hi g h school e nr ollment were All New Silk and wool in view, much is being said about The following officers were taking agriculture. Of that nnmdi splay ing our country's flag, as is elected f or the yea r 1917-1 8, at ) be r the city furni s hed 60 perc!:'nt. Dr esses 25 per cent right a nd proper. But one troubl e the meeting of the Fortni g ht ly Art and the country 40 percent, :vet --·--- - - - -- - - - - has been that there are too few Clu b he ld Tuesarlay evening, April on ly 19.4 percent of th e entire hi g h who know how the flag shou ld be 24: E lizabeth Clt:dand, pre~irlPnt; school e nrollm e nt wPre from the properl y d isplayerl , and many who Lou E. H osmer, vice pr e:; irlent; co untry. . ~nima l hus bandry was Cut out t h is advertisement and are moved by patr iotic feel ings t o Mrs. Ida Gond, treas urer; Be~si e taught m 28.G p erce nt of th e 1 Save Money disp lay the ·National colors would Graham, secretar y. Mrs . H. C. cshoo ls ; dairying in 22 . 2 percent; be chagrinned to think that in House and Miss Bowen . as de le- vegetab le garden ing in 18 percent; I failing to observe the mi litary gates, r e ported th e district con- so i ls in 31. 2 percent; fi e ld cropR in : etiquette, t hey often i nsu lt the vention he ld at Brock recen tly. ~9.1 percent; anrl farm man age - \ colors instead of honoring them. me nt in 16. 1 pe rce n t Most rapid It is only in warlike t i mes, howAlumni Notes. pr.)g r ess has bee n m ade in farm j ever, that these things collle to the Super i ntendent Trauernich t, ' 14, ma nagem e nt, it being a n e w s ub- J NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA surface. The na ti ona l colors of Gage county has prepared an j ec t and ha ving b ee n taught in the THE QU.\L!T Y STORE shoul d ne ver be raised b e for e eight g r ade quest ion book which public sch oo ls leiis t han a h a lf ! Everything Marked io Plain Figures


_ __ _ _ _ _ ___.:_ _ ____,.,.--- j'

''GOMMENGEMENT'' Cleveland Stores




Bring this Advertisement with you





sunrise nor allowed to fiy

afLer provides a systemat ic r ev iew for dozen

NEW GOODS purchases.

in all departments coming every few days.

We are makin g our prices as reasonabl e as possible.

The Cash Store


Th e

a g riculture ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Don't wait till too late to make your spring


Phone 22


LOCALS Phl'l Rouse was a last week.

Peru visi tor

~~ou patronize a S~da

Citizens State Bank

Professor Johnson moved last week to the Boellstorff cottage. Professor Brown went to Dunbar Saturday in connec tion with study center work . .


At a recent m eeting of the ton w board Professor F . C. Sm i th was chosen mayor and Professor Hull town clerk.

that rt and s~nito t·y.

Ours Is Such A P ouu taiu We will s pa re no effort, time nor expense, in order t hat each

drink served is it's very bes t. Our fountain is now open and oecau se of t he above featu res, we sha ll expect your pa tonage t his Season.






Miss Emma Kn ight was called to Kansas City last Thursday, to atMiss Anna V. Tibbetts w ill give tend her sist er who is i ll at one of a paper before the Nebraska Assothe hospitals there. ciation o f Hi st ory Teachers at the ir Material for the walks around meeting i n Columbus nex t Saturday. the new trainers' bui lding wil l be President Hayes, Registrar Over here in a day or two. · When th is work is co mpleted, i t w i ll make a ho l t, D ean E. L . Ro use, and Pro-

. evening was g i ven by Dr. George Ell iott Howard, whose subject was, "Fifty Year s of Educational Gr o"" th in Nebraska." Dr. Howard and Mrs. Anna Morehead Joy were the first two Peru graduates, having g raduated in 1872.

Be Patriotic

Flagj ~~~~s


Ellis t he Jeweler

Among those attending the ma~­ decided impprovement in the ap- f essor s L e fl er and Gregg attended th e meeti ng of t he Schoo l Mas ters' ual training and art exhibit at pearance ~f the build ing . C lub in Linco ln, last Friday. Lincol n last week were the followWhy are t he dormitory girls smi li ng'? No, guess aga i n; i t is no t beca use t he footba ll boys are com ing up to dinner, it is because

:Jid Man WintL-r's gone away Gentle ~p ri ngtimc' s Cq m e to stay. Jolley picnic in the wood s , We'll !'U ppl y l he Iu nch meat goods.

BlJt<Gc:-1S MEAT



is always ready to serve

your wants from ou r line of


N. S. H..\Rr\JIAN A. IL

IJ. 0 .


Graduate of Chicago College Denial Surgeon


Variety Store

ing : Harry Sm it h, Benedict, Schul tz, Sch wentker, Russell , Car ter , Dudek, Cooper , and the Misses Mutz, Ballard and H olloway.

While down town go to

CHASE'S fo r you r

Dr. House informs us t hat he d i d not atte nd the m eeti ng of t he Schoo l Mas ters ' Club on accou nt of t he H . c. of L.; and o w ing to


Stationt!ry, Schoo l Supplies, Jewe l ry, fine Watch Repairing

at the

T o take the pl ace of the third Mr. Gilbert has a g ain taken charge of t he d o rmi tor y din ing rom. r egular quarterly bulletin, a souv-


N. S. N.


Founta in want to know every t bmg served yo u rs clea n sweet a nd ·


enir booklet has been pr epar ed containing a panor am ic view of the campus as it is at present, and scores of other views of the campus t he f act that he is going to con- and of the scenery in the vicinity tribute h is spar e m oney to th e flag of Peru. It will be r earl y for disfund . tr ibution at t he commencement season. Peru Normal has fur n ished five Pres id ent Hayes has j ust rece ived boys for th e war: Frank S harrar, no ti ce of hi s e lection to Ph i Kappa Frank li n J o nes, and Ma r sh a ll have P hi , a national honorary scholaren listed i r, t he Fifth RP!dm ent N. ship society, e lig ibi lity to memberN. G, w hi le Leo Jewe ll and F'ay shi p in wh ich is determined by Jones have e nli sted in the r eg ular s uccess after graduation and 1 army. scho larshi p, an average grade of at

Barber Work Neat , Clean .

All work first class.

Seconrl door from po!'t ollicc Just a word to th ose who shave: themsch·es. Try a ho t t le of ' 'DICKS" Face L o t io n and s t o p t ha t burning itching sen sa t ion after y o ur morning s have F o r ~a l e at ·"~'ESTSIDE


Pa c kard Pi a no POPULAR SHEET MUSIC lOc per copy, Postage lc extra


Miss Ma ry V. Dick, head of the least n inety in all subjects being NEBRASKA CITY, d e par t m en t o f ho m e eco nomi cs, has r eq uired. Membership is never I r esi g ned. Mi ss Emma Knight, g ramed to mo re · t han two persons who has b een acting head this from one class. year. wi ll take Mi ss Dick ' s p lace, The f :>ll owi ng facu lty members · s Ma m e E Mu ll e n has bePn a n d lM I S • ·. , • have been g ranted leave of absence e lected assoc iate In that depart- , for th e summ er an cI mos t o f then1



Mothers' Day

Be yo ur ord ers g r eat or s mall " Phone or bring t h e m one a nd a ll "


Mrs. E. 0. PolzeB Phon e 2 18 Agent for Sun ny -ide Gree nhouse Fall s C i ty , N e br.


:Or. R. D. Cole Den ri !'0 t Office OVl'l' V ~~~· iL't y S to re H11u ~e7 1 ffirt: ~·h o ne 3;~

11 ;...

---- - ---OR.K L. ~HEL LHORN [{e,;idence 1-'h n 11 e 6 Offi l·e ov•·r f~exn ll :-; tore !-'hon e 3 1 NE BR. PE RU,


G. l


M. l

May 13

me nt. w i 11 purs ue g raduate work: l. Sup ply 1s I w is h to thank a ll who so ki ndly 1 Wi h;on , Emma E. Kn ight, Nona I ,C':J vc· order~ C'n rl y. limlll'd ~o don't rn\'Jl (' d r ~ ap p om l· ' attempted to chee r my J so la~e Pal mer, Anna V. Tibbetts, Iva IIH' l t l ltv waiti u g uuti l Lhr ln ~ t m o m e nts (mont hs ) by sP. ndJng Dun n, Matti e C. E ll is, Lena M. : Ill i 11 11 t l'. fl o w e r :; and g-oodi es, cal li ng by te le- 1Ha r r ington, Me ra McCle lla n, Ma ry.: p hone or other w ise, a nd es pec ia ll y I Ty non. The f o llowing have been . FISHER BROTHERS those who w er e bra ve enuu jZh to I e lec t."!d to fi ll t hP. places t hus made I JI<lh ·l ~ I :-; TS vis it. from a sa fe d istance -Chas. l vacant: E. C. Beck, L incoln , EngA. Palmer, Sma ll pox Ave. l l ish ; Marga1·et Fedde, Un i veris ty f W N. D e lzell . p r esiden t of agri cultura l college, home eco· URE 'ou ~now P ro · · t nomics; J essie Co11ne ll Centra l , t he School Master 's Club, we n t o ' PRING is here and you . I n Thursd ay of las t week Ci ty, commPr ce; S upt P.ar l M e)~r, Lmco n o . f this Geneva. Hi s tory; Ma r t ha Ha mrl · are tired of h ear ing abou t it es ide a t a m eetin g o •• . I to p r . . h lad ies' . ton, Dye r!:iberg. l enn . , expre:;sJOn; 1 bu t brin g out those old sprin g Fnday n 1g t was ' . h c Iu b· . . Gover nor Prin. J. C. Master~. Omaha .h 1g togs. L et Joe cl ean and . . . . U 11 1. g h t • at wh Jc h t Jme h d ' ra . ll asote r Jg n ·J1a 1· 1·es. scho ol , h1 s tory o1 econorm c~. Nev d le. a s w e On thi s occaHion I Ell ison, u :-iver.sity of N e~raska •. press th em. was prese nt. f a ha ad - a:>sistant 10 r nra l depa1tment, 1 0 John Lee We bs t er o hm b)'ect Marv Loui se Heo tj e , S ioux City , j e s u th · "• art· . J ess ie P. ,Je nks, Ma d'1son, dressed t h e m e e tin g o n t G. f N ebras ka r o w • ' ' 0 Y "Fifty ears . ·~ of t he Wi s., l ib ra ry as5is tant. , !..__ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ b u t t he princ i pa l add J ess



I Joe Krepela, Ta ilor.


a lis t, will direct a conference for tired congressional intellects. It Fundamentals in methods; Leavitt rural teachers, June 25 to 28. Mysteries ofDebate·-and a Prophecy, is therefore a trifle disconcerting & Brown Prevocational education The "Eight Weeks Club" class On May 11, the red letter climax to learn that on t he same evening in the pu,bl ic school ; Monroe, Pri n- (E. W. C.) met at Oak Glenn on of t he deba ti ng season in Per.u, ocYale was successfu l in dt!fence of ciples of secondary education; Saturday at 6 a. m. , for a Picnic curs t he dual debate between t he the negative against Princeton, Moore, Wha t is e d ucation; Parker, breakfast after wh ich they held Greeley Teachers' College and the her affirmative team was equally Methodsof teach ing in h igh sch ools ; the ir m eeting. Many suggestio Peru State Normal School. The . ns successfu l in obtaining a unani- Rapeer, Eduational hygiene; Sand - for commumty entertainments latter school of course is going to mous judgement against the oppos- wik, How to study and what to were g ive n by the members. An win both sides of the compulsory ing Harvard team. In the same study; Scott. Social education; one interes ted in this kind of wor~ arbitratio n question. Such paraleague, Princeton with an imparti- Valentine, Experimenta l psycholo· is we lcom e to meet with the club doxes are not at a ll uncommon. a lity equally g racious was defeated gy and education; Whitney. The so· at 4 :30 on Saturady afternoons at A few years ago in the tr ianguOak G len . A nyone interetsed but lar debates between Harvard on both s ides of the question. But c ia lized recitation. "A wel l equ ipped, we ll adm ini slet the reader be spared further Princeton and Yale, the question of who cannot attend mav be intercomplexities. tered and wel l used library is the ested in r eading: Outlook, Vol. ?rgumentation was "A prompt and But it only goes to prove the greatest corrective against the ill- 110. p. 200 and 464; and Vol. 109 substantial increase in our army value of inter-collegiate debati ng informed, superficial thinkin~ which P- 695 and 987. · and navy." Here, indeed, one which enables the stud ent to is the great curse of a country of In flated- Punctured might look for enlightenment on a perplexing national question~ for espouse a ll sides of a stated ques- unive rsal suffrage. "-Pyne. . "Our co llege won." It the fresh and systematically trained t ion with equal . conviction. "They d id? 'Rah! 'Rah! 'Rah! som~how reminds one of perpetual The s.tate Normal School is inWhat did they.. win?" minds of these under graduates, ' 'The de bate." doubtless the future leaders of this motiOn. 1t is quite similar, in : auguratmg two courses for rural "0, pshaw !"-Washington Hercountry, should 1:-e above the mists fact, to our two-party system which teachers, to meet th e requirements and "pork-barrel" dreams of the makes it incumbent on our legisla- of the law just passed by the leg- ald. tors not necessari ly to conisder re- 1 islature. An e lementary course levant facts and accomplish desired 1will be provided which adm i ts "This is the back door. · She's not r esults, but to justify a platform · eighth fgrade graduates over s. ixteen L e R oy hBene ere 1ct heard m . fear . bef ore a n electorate of loyal par- yeats o age. T he course I S two H e h a d co me t o t a k e a wa lk · For Any Occasion t1 sans: And so, I say, it wi ll be yea rs In le ngth and gives to t he And in this p light 'twas hard,totalk. Sm:h a~ Wedding-s, Bi ·thrlay no st1gma upon t he merits of student a three-year elementary 1 Par ties, Rem embrance~ Funere ither s ide of the arbitration ques - rura l school certificate. Pupils als, etc. i n approp ri:~te ar· ran gcments. " f No order to twn when both of our teams comple ting the e lementary course, small and none t oo l:~rge. " br ing home the bacon, "-which success ful rural· school teachers, or ·result is the only. logical prophecy high school graduates may enter ~ staunch Peruv1an could procla im 11 the advanced course, complete it in G. E. BERTHOLD THE FLORIST ' • 1f he has once heard the arguments two yea rs and receive a first grade The "'4 H~s t ling 1 and de li very of these two teams. st ate certificate, which after three I==E=B=R=A=S=K=A=C=IT=Y=·=·;=- r=· To the writer the value of college years of sl,Jccessful t eachi ng beDresher B rothers '' debating lies in the training m comes a life certificate. The latter It doe!'n't make anv diffforernce :veighing the comparative value of certificate al so qualities the ho lder where yo n live; Parcels Post and rxfacts, getting the thot to conofr m 1 to teach in lhe smaller t owns and press bring s the S uperb Dresher 1 to these facts, in arranging them vi llages. ClnH n in g Service to your very door. 1 in a way that sha ll convince, and The .following p ersons have been Ore!' hers pny P:-~ reels P <>s t o r E.xprm W P. have in the house a Ifinally in so delivering them that engaged as additional members of c h:crge~ o ne w:-~y on a n y sized bundle they wi II con vi nee the hearers. the summer schoo! facu lty: Supt. t<> any p (lint. large line of men's, ladies' An cl plt·:I!'C l<n c> w· that tht're i~n't Our teams against Greeley are preMorton, Fairbury, ma the mat~• finer gn:1rle o; clea nincr cl n m in 1he and chi ldren's low shoes. pared in a ll these things-and Ics; Cordelia Condra, Kearney, Un itt rl St:1 tes. t ha 11 t h:~t ft.• a turt d at more. - They are going to close geography ; Josephine Richards IJres hl·r's nmn h n P l :-~ nt White and Black in the Peru's record thi s year, ' 'Four out Tecumseh, commerce. Supt G • S H ' . eo. medium and narrow witd hs. of five. " Yea, veri ly. . anson, Chester, phys ical sciR li:7 Ke lley. I e nc.e; Margare t S eeck, Ha::;tings, BROTHERS Look T hem Over. assistant, German. N New Bool<s. Lovell Pad h . orma.n E. l lleaners 0'-·ers F 11 . ' uca ' Kv ass J t t . H i 'O OWI~g is a li s t of the books public schoo l mus ic- 0. Har Is an tlllt: rs Ta iJ tors oneducatlonrecentlyadded to the Fvg ht , nati onal rur~l sch oo'l'd :::!~ l l-17F.-\l-< NA M, ST. library: spec I 0.\1 A H /\ NEHI<.



Fresh Cut Flo~ers





I -===---== =-·=·=-========--

=N=E=B=R=A=S=K=~=i. ,






'lstead' s T oggery I M - - -- --

Keep In Step Step in , keep in lolll·h ·wi t h


(l h otncrr:~ r lht• l- · M

f'ri t'IHI. fcll'


li t• ·I S. _\'O II r

1-lnvc· n porUJit mmic

frirnd h.v


fri l'nd o f _I'OII r

fril'll rl 's f'r it' IHI.

Tl 1e Pend d' Orei lle Studio E. J. NEWMAN

Phone 56

Peru, Nebr.



Alderman. School credit for home work; Bachman, Principles of ele- J ~entary education; Bourne, The I Gare.y schools; Cole, Industrial ed- 1 ucatJOn; Dewey, Democr;cy and I educati on ; Dooley , The ed uca tion j of the .ne'er-do-well ; Emerson. The I evolution of t he Pducati onai ideal· Foerster , Essays for col lege men : Foght, Rural De nmark and it~ schoo. ls; Gauss · Thru coli ege on a year · Ha ll Th . I .nothing. · · • e questJUn • " , J o 11nes asa factor 1n teachincr · 1::.r 1 ~acl~ward children : Jenkins, Head ., Ltng- 1n.the H h pri mary g rades ; J oh n·'~


school educati on '. J u dd ' f yc o ogy o hig subJ' ects,· Ke da II & Mirickh-school How t t 11 0 each ' r( d f uml amental subJ'ects·' ~· e nne y,



to •

gn t·oolon: ,

t he Avc n ue ""o ~t r._. bn·n rl llln c h '



i\eross t he st r·c·et lrom 1s " . schn .. I . 1· 1


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Phone 73

I t'S .

·~ab ins'



Plcnt ft' h . y n lin e e twet•n cln!'se!' to . n cl Lne • c hnJct·st . ' lr11its· · ,, conft-ction·

h C' n t' \\' T r nine 1· I •>U ·1 cl' I 111!! yo u'll fi 11C.l ,nil "


ff U. Landolt ~~~~~~~§~~~~~;~;~~~~ - ·--


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bducar· -- Ext:hatlge, (In• ·.) . lonal

. ~ hlund ecl 1 ~!JH. vcars b 111 • ~·<·n succcs~ful · I . d<!nt~ \·\' . r lc~u or l ncx pcri~ncecl ., k. • P ac1ng Normal Trainin.e ·'· ntc oor O l 1r I'1an s. · ·"' s von r teac 1wrs a nd former stu· 1 !Vlnnh<~ttnn B · 1 1. Dcs ~ oine~. Tow a.

11 ns for t we n•)'· fo T cacI1crs. c:x pcriet .1 ur•









hi story, $75; Ang ie McCarroll, Crete, department h is t ory, fifth, s ixth, seventh and eighth g rades, $62.50; Lyllis Wetmore , Schuy· ler, geography e i ghth and junior high, $70; E sth er Waybnght, Clarinda, l a., domestic science; Laura Chaney, Blue Hill, third and fourth g r ades ; Mary L. Hibler, Oakale, English and hi st ory.

tumes; evening , concert, The PERU LOSES TO CREIGHTON TEAM Boyds; lecture, "Evolution in Wios Only Two out of Five, but Matters Governmental," Hon Les· Normalites Hold Visitors to Three Makes Big T earns Hustle lie M. Swaw of Iowa, ex-secre tary Scores U. S. Treas. Per u can well be congratulated The best game Peru has witW ed nesday, July 4-afternoon. on her showing in th e inte r-colleginessed for a long time was seen the White Hussars; evening, conate clash of intellects which took last Friady afternoon when the cert, the White Hussar s; Ross place on the e vening of May 11. Normalites held the swift CreighCrane, cartoonist and clay modeler, Representatives from the Stale ton nine to three runs. J ohnson's in his celebrated program, "From Teachers' Coll ege, Greeley, Colomen were unable to place hit~, but the Eyebrows Up." , H<:~ts at Nlrs. Jewett Thomas's. rado, journeyed to P e ru to debate succeeded in scoring a s ingle run in This makes a program that wi ll on a su bject near and fami li ar to $1. 98, $2. 98, and $3. 98. One be the equal of any chautauqua, in the second inninlg. them : "Resolved, That capita l week on ly, beginning Friday, May this part of the state, and will · In the first inning Creighton's and labor be com pe ll ed by law · to 11. Gossa rd cor!'ets, $2.00 and up. come more than a month P-arlier "lead-off man" secured a three base hit. With no outs, the h eavy settle their di sputes by arbitra- Fitting free. Cal( and see us bethan neighboring chautauquas. end ·of the batting li st up, and n fore buying. tion." Let us a ll , school,: town, and rna~ on third, things looked bad Mrs. Jewett Thomas, Thi s question ansmg fr om count.ry, get behind this enter· -Adv. Nebraska C ity. for the home tellm. Selement strikes and lock-outs was di scussed pr ise, and b oost it to success. pitching invincible oall was eq ua 1 before an audience of sco re keepers. Completing Plans for Chautauqua. Whether it w1ll continue as a perto the occas ion and Vandier perMessrs. Kuhlman and Robertso n As was announced las t fall, Peru m:ment s ummer f eature depends d In the second presented the affirmative for . Peru \ is to hav e a chautauqua thi s sum- upon us . If we do our part there ished on thir . inning Peru scor ed its lone run in a r eamrkable and cred1lable 1me r. D efi nite arrange mnets have is no reason why we cannot have a with two men down. I<:idd ·s popma nne r. Messrs. Adam Alfis and 1 been complf'ted by the budget com· profitable chautauqua during every up was not fielded by Manion who Ross capably presente d the n ega- mittee the past week. Thi s chau· se~sion of the summer school. cut Bell off at second. Two s tolen tive for Greeley. All of the four tauqua will take the place of the bases and a passed ball let Ki.dd Former Pet u Boy to France. speake rs were ab le to hold the at~ r egu la r summer schoo l lecture scor e the first run of the season for David Jack on Friday last re· tention of the audi en ce from th e course, anrl th e budge t ti ckets wil l r.e ived t he tol lowing te le r gam from the Normalites. start until the final belL The ar- apply to thi s the same as it does to Creighton !!Cor ed two in the Wm. D. Jack, who has been for gument w e re explained so we ll that the lecture cour se. The committee so me time a member of the faculty fourth on doubles by Mania n, the u s ual fault of seeming to be has close'' a contract with a promof Johns Hopkins Univers ity, and Campbell and Leahy, and one on difficult was n ot prese nt, which inent chautauqua a nd lyceum buwho is a surgeon of more than the eighth on a fi elder's err or and fa ult is too often appa r e nt where reau, a nd has secured th e ir .:::itandordinary n ote, the message being Lyck's doub le. momentnus ques tions are consid-/ ard Cha utauq.ua progr~m. T he dJted at Ba ltimore, May 4: Sele ment struck out more men er ed. It can be cal led a good de- chautauqua w il l open Fnrlay after•·Have been ordered by War De- than McGuire and held t he vis itors bate: n on, Jun e 29, and wil l continue partment to sai l at once for France to s ix hits. P eru swung on the First, because a ll the advantages till the evening of July 4. Follow· with sealed ordeas for duty in the ball but always drove it in to the of cons id e ring a wei g hty qu es tion ing are so me of the prominent fea- field. L etter follows. In this hands of a waiting Cr eig hton were obtamed . tures of the program. Detailed time of danger no questions can be playe r. Capta in Craig secured a 1 Second, because, in addition it program will b e publi shed later. 1 am pleased to be one ' two-bagger in the fifth, the N or, 1. as 1.ec . had al l th e advantages of those F rid ay, Jun e 29-afternoon, con· amon th e first men sent to th e ma lites lone hit. Lme-up: memor ab le d e bates on such ques- ce rt, Chicago Orches tral S ex te tte, front gand you may be su r e 1 w1·11 1)e Peru Cre1g h ton Vandi e r tions a ;; R eso lve d, That the horse including male, mi xed anrl instru· at all times guided by the same Scbnt'i cl er s. Manion is of more be ne fit to man than the me ntal qua rtettes ; eve ning, co n· s pirit anrl same blood that helped Jon~s h2. Lea hy cow, or R esolved, That the broom ce rt, Ch i cago O rches tral S extette; ·yo u from ' s ixty lo 'sixty·five , ancl Cra 1g lb. Lyck c. is more use ful than the di shrag. lectur e , "With an Iris h man l sha ll do what lies before me Bt::ll Caroll 3h. The announcem e nt of the two to Through the J ung Ie~ o f Africa , " chee rfull y, to e4.ual if I can vour M. Long Er.glish rf. one decisi o n for the negative oc- Dr. Gabriel R. Magu1re. C ivi l War record wh ich has been an Kidd Howa rd cf. casioned much surprise, a ltho 1 Saturday , June 30 - afte rnoon, insp irati on tp me. I feel very L. Long McGuire p. every one conceded that th e scores concert, Kuehn Concert CL•m pany; bl uP but no matter what fate Sele me nt CampbPII If. were close. A s ingle perce nt eve ning, mus i ca l prelude, K ueh n awaits mH I s ha ll mee t it as yo ur KuPbl e r Umpire. Cowell. meant · victory for Co lor ado an·d Concert Co. ; lectu re, " Ru ss i.a To· so n shou ld mee t 1' t · 1:r wi ll be at defeat for Peru. But P er u was day," M ~r~· i s G. Hindu_~· native of th e Wald orf, New York Ci t y, Vesper Services May 6. Will. not outclassed, and no tears n eed Russ ia, c1t1zen of AmeJ ICa. Sa turday. All who at tenrl ed ves per meeting be wept over such a d ec.is ion. Th e Sunday, Jul y ! - afte rn oo n, co nThe letter fol lowing this tele· last Sunday e njoy ed i t very much. f St . the· Old Fas hioned G irls, .a ladyf gram stated that he wou ld sa il on judges we r e Supt. Mayes 0 · ce r 1• Mr. Gregg presented loyalty in !t!< . Ay les worth artette in so ngs and s ton es o Tu P~day, tho f or what po r t, or on eve ry phase vt' ry forci bl.v. The Y. Joseph Mo Chancel lol qu ' h " tl' of Cot~er a~d Chancellor Fullme r of '6 1. costumed readin~s, w I S _.' ngl what vessel or rout e was n ol M. and Y. W. hf'rt- by thank Pro· . l'n so los·• eve mn g , mu::nca . . t Dr • Jack ha s spe nt s ix fessur Gregg for h is services. 8. D . a n(l..~ vw 1 ,ra t>r 1. W" 1 "s eyan. 'i ·k t h Old F<~s hinned Girls; !eel- rnonth s in t he hospital ser vice in . E . s e c , Senior lectwns, . D Dani e l F. Fox. The Fair Sex. France, so that the country and th e f ur e , r. Following are the m e mbers c Monad y, Jul y 2 - afternoon, con- work will not b e entirel y new to I've no d esire to create ire the senior class r ece ntly e lected. to cert Fi s k Jubil ee S inge rs: e \:en- h Jm Or angry pasl;ions train , . . Peo p le in Peru wi ll iollow posit ions: Bn•an E mme rt, AlbJ.a, ing.' g rand co n cert, Fi s k Jubilee h is fortunes with kee n in te rest, But l ' tl like to crush the 'hum an 1 · · $9 0 · Luelle . ''m ush" a. , manua l t r a mwg, ' . . 1 • Smgt>r s · -aftern oo n. pop· ~md wis h for him the largest That ca lls a gi rl "some Jane." J. Broyles, L ew isto n, pnncJpa ' Tu t>sday , Jul y 3 b The Boyd~. measure of s uccess a nd good fo r · -Ex. $80; Grace Pasco, E lkhorn, . assbt- ular. p~~~:r:~s s~etch es in CO!'· tune. ant principal, Englis h , Latm and muSIC, ,





of years, r eceive any num- 1


her of deg r ees and sti ll not be edEntered at t he Postoffice a t Peru, Ne· . d f h hraska as second-class matter. u ca ted m the broa est sense o t e




cts. per year. Single copy 5 cts. to at~end ~.ch oo l at a l~ to .be educatHOWARD SMITH _ _ Editor ed, s mce A n ed u cat10n IS the re1 :\.LEW IS TYLER - Associate Edit 0 r suit of accepted influences." GLENN 0. KELLEY . Manager The saloon • the s lums • the dance Business and Subscription hall, and the gambling den all ed DEPART~I ENT I.WI TORS 1'\ona Palmer, .......... .......... .. ...... Alumni ucate as much as the home, c h urch, Eos f3row n ............................ Philomat hean and schoo l. The only d i fference is Ev<:rctt Margaret jones Frank Leier .......................... Y. l\1. C. A. that one is genera ll y e levating Elsie Wilburn .......... .............. Y. W. C. A. whi le t he other is a lways debasing. Louis Worth, N.C. A. What then is the best education Bryan Enunert, ................ ........ A thlt:ti~" :\!iss Bowen ........................... . .... Mus1c if the slums are debas ing and Rosalie Kohn .............................. .. Humor :\Irs Nell ie i\£. Smit'n, ....... ..... .. .. Loca l collegiate graduat ion does not a l- 1 Jack Alls111an ............... ........ " Mi~cr~·~,·· ways assure i t.? If you can say yeg I ,\ Jan· Clarv .................... ...... :....... ~<·ni<H!' J{osaline J(nhn . ................ ...... Junior" to every one of these questions you I (:crtruclc Clifton ............. ...... Snphn uwr('>' may consider yourself educated in I Ln1· Hacke r.... .. ....... ...... . Pre>'hmcn Vi ~i;w Bishop ...... ......... .. II i,l!h School the best sense of the word, says a j :\Jr. Pa l111cr ...... .. ...... Sc i ~ucc Club prominent professo r i n the Uni· !'rof. P. ;\ I. G r cg~- t\rll'i Sc 1· ve rsity of Chicago. I Has education g iven you sympaA surpr isi ng, s uccessful debating season has just closed. Even late thy with all good causes and made 7G

in the season, i t was th ot i mposs ib le to arrange for any intercolleg iate contest for our debaters, but it has come about that five debates with other schools have been f urn ished, al lowing- ten of our dehaters to participate. Bryan Emmert, Mi ld r ed Mon ia a n d Glenn o. Kelly debated agains t M icl la nd a nd Doane on the negative side of the argument. Talbot Hunt, Steven Duerisch and Myrtle Harris aga inst Doane College on the affirmative side of the argument. Ray Robertson and Frederick Will iam K u hlman affi r med against Greeley, while Verne Chate lain and Richard Mei ssner den ied aga inst the same schoo l. An innovation at the last debate was the distributing of score cards to the aud ie nce. allowi ng every hearer to score p ercentages for everyth ing from oratory t() r efutation. Profess(•!' 1. G. Wilson, able coac h of our debaters fo r man)' years, was this year assisted by Mr. P. B. Cope, pastor of the Christian Church. The dehaters, and the devo tees of debating, must feel like cordially congnltu lat ing th ese two me n.

The Best Education. Educa ti on is popularly measurP.d hy the n umber of years schooling <•ne has had ; the number of institut ions one has attended; and t he ~umber of d egrees con fe r red upon onP.. This view is too nanov. and i ~ not a true meas ure of eclucat ion . Apperson may at tend schoo l any

NEW GOODS purch ases.

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• H . , h b n . yo u espo use them? · rna d e yo u pu b l JC-Sp ' ·ln' t e d?. . C larence ow1e,. . 16 .• as F ee H as 1t .. I h er Master's d egree from the UniIJ~as 1' t macIe you a b ro t'her t o t h e 1r e-e lec tedtoaposltJOnmt fi h e d a11t l- ~·vers i tyofN ebra ska. bury schoo ls at a twEnty- ve o ar weak? · ~--- -----------Ha ve you learn ed to rna k e increase per m onth m salary. friends and keep t he m? Do you 1 Miss Grace Ogg, who r ece ive d : know what i t is to be a friPnd , her B.· Ed. degree in 1914, has . yourse lf'! accepted a dom esti c scie nce posi- : S h e is '; Can :vou look a n honest man or a J· t ion i n Deadwood , S. D. Do you . now teach i ng at Coopvi lle , Wash. 1 Pure woman in t he eye? see anything to love in a little She expects to b e in Perl! 'during . child? Wi ll a lonely dog follow the summer.


Bring this Advertisement with you


you in the street? . . 1 Mrs. Anna Moorehead Joy , of/ Can .you be hlgh-mmded. ana Lacc.nne r s, Washington, a nd Prof. h Rppy 111 th e mea ne r d ru d gen e s Of / Geo. E. Howard , of the depart- / life? Do you thi n k washing- di shes me nt of sociology a t the Un iversity and hoeing corn just as compatible of Nebraska, wi ll be present at the / with h ig h thinking as piano-play- I Semi-Centen n ial ce lebrati o n. The:;e ing or gol f'! j people graduate in ! 870 and were Are you good for anything to 1 th e on ly m e mbers of the first gr<:Jdyo urself? Can you be happy ; uat:ing cla:;s. alone? Ca n yo u look out on the j Among the promotions for Peru wor ld and see anything except State Normal alumn i we record the dollars and ce nts? hnno r which has cnme to Mis::> Can von look into a mucl pndrlle LllU I·se ..V M h ' II h ' v • ears, w n WI t IS by th e wayside and see a cl ear skv'! fall leave her ) . . ., • • • 1 I resent pos nwn at Can :vou see anythmg In the purldle ' teacher of GeugraJ,Jhy i n the Milbut mud'? Can you look into the wa ukee Sta t N I '·' I I . sky at ni g ht a ncl ~ee beyonrt the · come duan ofe orma 0C 100 t o . be · . " )Jh women stars ? Ca.1 you r sou l cla 1m re la - in geogra at hand , a ssoc1ate . · h' · h h . ·? Y t ~ 1 0 hlo tJons lp Wit t e Cl <:: a i Ol. S tateN I C II 1'\,ent . ' urma o ege. hJ s Sl:h oo l Bryan Emmert. _ _ _ _ is hantl sumel.v located in t h e Wes Alumni Notes. tern R(~ser ve of Oh io, n ear C teveland . lts at te nd ance dur i ng each Henry Linn, ' 16, who is teaching of the past three su mme r s h as apat Ches ter, has accepted the princip rox imated 2000 s tud e nts . Mi ss pa lsh i p nf the Ba,\·a rd schools. Mears, who was form e rly a 'teacher A. A. Dorsey, ' 15, and Vincent of geography at P e ru, is a IJ f e Jan da, 'lo, are amnng th ~se o f the Univers ity stud e nts who are now me mbe r nf t hP. A lumni A ssoc iation having b ee n th e seco nd pe r son t~ engaged in farming. enro ll a~ life -me mbe r. She has






in a ll departments co:11ing e v e ry few d ays.



Don't w a i t


:il l too

entitle you


following disco u nts on Spr ing Goods.

the New

All New Cl oth Suits 33~ per


All New Cl oth Coats




Al l N ew Si l k and wool Dr.esses


mak i n~ o ur pri ces as reasonable as possib l e.

The Cash Store





High l,!rade Garme11t~ C u t out this adverti se ment and Save Money


hlo rke d




: late

to make your spring

Phone 22


LOCALS Misses Harris, H e ndricks, Wilburn a nd Stitt went to Aubur n, Saturday, to spend t he week's e nd. Misses P erki ns, Krebs, E~ther Clark a nd Tibbe ts attended the meeting of the Wo man 's Edu~a­ tional Club at Lincoln Saturday.


Old Ma n Winter 's go ne away Gen t le:: >= prin gtimc's com e t o s t ay. J oll ey pic.:n ic in the woods, We 'll ;;upply th e lunch m eat goods.

Out· fo unta in is now open a nd because of the above featu res, we s ha ll expo:ct your patonage th is Season.




(Sent in by Vi c.)-Warr en .Step henson made his weekly trip to Nemaha, las t Saturday. -Nemaha Beacon. Professor Brown wi ll de liver the graduati ng add r ess to the 1917 class of the V irg in ia hi~h school, May 19.

W. D. Slaughter, ' 15, has just been elected to the princi palship of 1 the Mansfield , Washington, hig h school, at a salary of $100 a month.

Be Patriot ic

Flag l~~~~ers Pins

Harry Smith, of the senior class, and a brother of Professor Smith, Ellis the Jeweler went to Lincoln Thursday to be exat the Miss El va Rulon has just r e- ami ned for admission to the officers' turneri from Table Rock, where corps at Ft. Snell ing . she went to attend t he funeral of Pr~s i dent Hayes was called to her g randmother, Mrs. Emi ly Fish- Emporia, Kan ass, last Fri ady night er, who di ed last week. to act as judge in an inter-state or- -lt- --town - -go -Mr. Dudek went t o Lincoln, atorical contest. The states repre- 1r -Whi d o wn to - - - - ; sented were Illinois, Iowa, WisconSaturday , to accept a position teaching manual trai ning in the sin, Kansas and Missouri. for vour Lincoln schools. Francis Cooper The girls of the junior class gave Barbt!r Work leaves next Tuesday to acce pt a a May party Saturday evening in Neat, Clea n . All work first class. like position. Sr·cond door ft·nm postofficc honor of t he freshmen, tra iners and

Variety Store CHASE'S



Carl Amende, John J . O'Brien, B'r ed H. J ohnson a nd H a rry E . Pal mer, former P eru students, have been chosen for th e officers reserve corps to take train ing at Fort Snelling.

N. S. N. S. Store is always ready to serve · your wants from our line of



g ir ls were very much

I present pleased at h av ing so many at the services

·===========.. :===-.: . _I Fine Watch Repuiring

We will spare no effor t , time nor expense, in order that each




Fou ntain yo u want to know every tbmg ser ved you is clean sweet and

Ours Is Such A Fountain


Some of our faculty me mbers have been called upon to rle li ver commencement addresses in various towns thruout the state. Professor Gregg delivers the address at Verdon, Thursday even ing , and at Waco, Fr ida: evening. Dean Rouse speaks m Bellwood Thursday eveni ng, and in Nora Friday evening.

School Jewelry,

that 1t a nd sanitat·y.

• r1 rink served is it's very•best.

Professors H owie , Hoyt and Hendricks ,and M iss R ose Clark attended the m eeting of the N e braska Acarlemy of Science in Lincoln the lattter part of the week.


~~ou patronir.e a S~da

Citizens State Bank

aftern oon , May 13.

m others Sunday Miss Perkins

Jed a very effecti ve meeting which was greatly enjoyed by al l present.

N. S. Hr\R ..\JIAN

specials. The rooms were very tasteful ly decorated. About three hundred were present and t he occasion was a very pleasant one.

Just a w o rd to those w ho s h a vr: themselves. Tr)· a hottlc of ' 'OIC KS" Face Lot io n and s top tha t b u rning itching scnsalin n attcr your m orning s h a \'C For sale ut

Wilson Delzell, who last year graduated from the law school, and who is now teaching in the Omaha h igh sch<;>Ol, vi si ted his uncle over Sunday. He goes to For t Snell ing, where he wi ll take training for a n officer in the U. S. Army.



POPULAR SHEET MUSIC 1Oc per copy. Postage 1 c extra

Professor Delzell, who is noted GASK ILL MU SIC COMPANY NEBSASKA Messrs. Hoger Berquist, Brantley a ro unrl the campu~; for his wonder- I NEBRASKA CITV,

r\. H.. U. D. S. Graduate of Chicago College llcntal Surgeon

Copenhaver, E. E. Me lvin and ful a ltrUistic spi rit, gave a fin e Earle L ong have left school to demonstra ti on of this most desirI~ r: SI DEN T DE :-.I l' I ST wo rk on the f arm . T hey wil l be ab le trait one day last week, when g iven credit f or the rest of th e he callerl do wn to Prof essor Gregg year's wo rk, th e same as if they while s ta nding on the outside . of Be yo ur or ders g r ea t or sma ll had stayed in schoo l. the professor's new office window: "Phone or bring th em o ne and all" "Ti ge" Haney of Spring fielrl, " Come on , I' ll help you out. Ho w TU f orm er captain of our f ootba ll long have you been in ther e any t eam, "Ford ecl" in last Tuesday, way? " Professor Gregg in hi s Ph one 218 and has been sp ending th e weP.k notably sepulchra l tone r ep li ed, 1 with hi s many friends here, a nd in- j ''Ten year:;!" WhPre upon byAgent fo r Sunny -ide Greenhouse F a lls City, Nebr. cidentally. jus t trying to see ho w standers turned away sorrowfu l.



MrSa E. 0. PolzeJ

CARNATIONS FOR Mothers' Day May 13 L NI \'t' orrlt-n: (':t r l ,. . Su ppl ,. i;; limitt·cl ~o cl(tn't invi.te rli~: l )lJH;i n t· mc11t hv waiting until t ill: l : 1 ~t 11 1 inn l t'.



m a ny heavy weights t~at Ford will The correspo nrle nce from the carr y up the ave nue. Normal School office ind icates an Prof. Gregg, i n soc ia l psycho logy increasi ng int erest _in the SemiDentist c la ss :- ''Mr. Leger, yo u may tel l CentPnni a l Ce lehrat10n and the 1 us w hat is meant by 'romantic I Forty-seventh Annua l Commence- 1 , a nd what effect ha~ it had ment Exercises. Offic.:e over VH t·ie t y Stm e :VIrs. L. An na · 1 1•ffk·c:: l-'h o ne3:-{ l lm t,.c 7 1 uovoe~th eoverthrowofthe sway of • Brown Cornell, class of 18 76, !....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___-_-_-.=====-~~ c~stom." Mr. Leger: - "1 rlon ' t l writesfromColumbus, Oh io, that believe 1 can answer that." Prof. she and her husban·d expect to be 0~. B L. ~HELLHORN Gregg:-" We ll, it's a fine t h ing, , present, and that Mr. and Mrs. Re~ i cl e nce (Jhonc Ci T hus Fort of Kanass City, Mo., the a ny way·, 1·s n't it • L eger? " , . Office ov•-r Ht'x::t ll :->tore does Prof. Gregg take advanage of 1 former one of her classmates and poor helpless i nd ivid ua ls in hi s th e latte r her roommate , a lso exNEI1R. pect to be prese nt. c 1asses. 1

; Dr • R • D., Cole



~----------------------~ 1

~ no w

• ou S UJ?E PR I NG is here and


are tired of hearing about it but bring out those old spring togs. L tt J oe clean and press th em.

Joe Krepela, Tailor.

Can You Do It.

sys tem


domes tic economy in as

~he lights shed their final b eams. !

The souve n!r


== are now

If you conside' youcself well ed- Jack Spcatt's household.

He st,uggled faithfully with the 1 ready foe d>Stnbutwn. Citizens ucated in the vecy ficst steps of 7. Descdbe bcieHy the ast.ml blankets( ?) in the dack. " These of Pecu having special fciends to knowledge .. tcy to pass this exam- phenomena which led t o th• elope- things seem to be of a peculiac wh om they wish to send these bullinati on given in the Litemy ment of two useful kitchen uten- shape, but J guess I'll get them etins should call at the Nocma] o; gest. s i Is. steal gh t aftec wh i 1e, " he ce- School office w hece they may ceFoe what pecson oc pecsons 8. How manr couct musicians macked. Eventually the bed was ceive bulletins and envelopes in was the ·wool of the black s hee p wece maintained at the couct of Old once more pronounced ready foe which to send them. While the .1


King Cole?

se rvice.


Soon the art man was supply is somewhat




2. Descdbe the maneuvecs of 9_and descdbe actkle on . wmpped in sweet s lum bee the 1school :"ill do all it can to dtsttithe Fcench ac mY as cecocded by wh >eh M"s M uffet sat. M cs.' s new c icc u Iac table s dencer ! 1bu t e h bemlly among the towns-


Mother Goose, and give number of 10. Who stole men in French army. Hear t's pastry ?

th e

Qu pen

of Oh, wou ld that the sun were as people of P e ru. thotful of human comfort as o ur The following Peru a lumni were

3. Give a short biog raphical 11. . Compare Schopenhauer on Preside nt. among the young m e n who ran ked A No. 1 in thei r examinat ion for sketch of Solomon Grundy and th e "Vanity of Existence" with ·· th Old \V Is This True? Yes. mentwn seven importan t events of e oman who live d unde r . entrance to Fort ::inel ling, 1 the camp: hi s life. the hill. M1ss Thomas at dinne r, having o ffi cers , tramtng . . H a G las"d 1 gow, 15 , 3. o h n St o dd a r d , , 14 J 4. Wh o kill ed Cock Robi n ? 12. Give a mathe matical s urvey fou n d a tea leaf 1n h er cup, took ·It , . . 1mmerson, 14 , rl u r . Gel· I II f 5. Discuss the soc ial signifi· of the Ten-o'clock-scholar's at- care u Y o ut, a 1 it on the back of A J" , A h B ' · wtc· , ll, ern e ng,;t, '16, i I h h d er an , an1 c aBp!Og th e other . k , V W . .... r.ance of t he botan i cal arrang e m e nt tenr1ance. 1 of Quite Contrary Marv's garden. 10. What was the net result of o ne o ver it, as per long established Frank D. Han ey, 'l o , " Wal/' RaJ. sto n and Cla r e nce Hy~l op. '16. 6. D escribe the co-operative the efforts of the royal forces, both rules, m ade h e r wi sh. infa ntry and caYalry , t o r etsor e Scene II., Act 1. Time, 6:00. Humpty-Dumpty to h is f orme r P la ce, at the supper t abl e . Miss Gray ce T e i ch , who teaches est a t e? Do you see in t"hi s any Miss Knight : -"Miss Thomas, dom estic sc ie nce at Co l umbus, was w is h c ome true ?" J electe_d s_ecr e tary of th e n e w State lesson as to the failure of a mili - did laristic syst.:m? MI SS Th om as : - ' ' Yes, indeed." A ssoc tat!On of T eachers of Art 14 . D escribe the co oper at ive Littl e Miss Bai ley, rapturously: and Ma nual Tra ining , which was exped ition of Jack a n d Jill and th e - "Tha t's right. True did come, oragni zed in Lincoln las t week. Su~h rt!': \V cdrlin ):!~ . Rirt hrl a v Pa rtles , Rem em h•·a nee<: Pu n ci~­ From th e didn't he? en su ing ca tastrophe. als. etc. . in appropriate nrpoint o f v iew of e mancipate d wo Suppressed s ilence in the court. rangemen ts . I No order t o manhood, ought Jill to have pre Curtain. sma ll and none too hrac ' ,.., . ··-' ceded Jack down the hill ? In T abloid D oses, G. E. BERTHOLD 15. E x plain by a diagram t he ''N , d encounter of th L " d un;e, moane the convalesTHE FLORIST e 1on an the ce n t pa t"1e n t , .. can , t I ha ve someu · D EBRASKA CITY, NEHRASKA The "'4 Hustling mcorn. o y ou see in this any th ing to eat ? l' m starvin " Dresher Brother~· ·' prophecy as to the o utcom e of th e , 'Y th d . g. war in Euro e·J D h . es, e octo r saHl you cou ld . P . oes t e Untcorn startt tak typ1fy Ger many? b ing . so lids today ' but You I t d oe!':n ' t m a ke a nv di lferemce mus eg m s 1owly " sh e said . · . · n v tew of the r eflect ions Th h h ld ' · I where you 11\·e; P<~rrels Po!':t l'tnrl rx16 thI ' upon · · . e n s e e ou t a teaspoonfu l of . · e cond tt1 on of h1 g hwa vs in t . pn·:<s bnngs the Superb Dre<:her , a p10ca. . Gloucester, container! in th e ac· "W t Cln~ ning Scrvi rc to vour vcrv door I co t f tl . . e mus on 1v advance by d e . . un _o Je VISIt of Dr. F os ter to grees, " s he add~d I >res her!' pay P:-t red :< Post or Ex prc~s W ~ have in the house a that c1ty, should the rhym e be f or H , · eh:.rge:< om: ... vay o n anv sizt·cl hunrllc 1 large line of men's, ladies' bidden in the public school as dete sucked _t sp oon dr y and felt tn a ny point. ! rimen t a l to commercial inte. t II more tantaltzw g lv hungry th a n Anrl knPw th at t lwre and children 's low shoes. l and contrary to the lo al s iril es B ever . H e begged fo r a sec ond :t fi_ner g_n,rfe o ; c lt· a ning clnnL in th e . ,; p t of spoon fu l , but sh e s hoo k he r h ead Untterl t h:, n th :tt featured at ' ''Dot 't I . k h White and Black in the I 1 moe , oost . llre:< he1·'o.: nm a h n f hn I "You don 't know how much yo saymg that e ver y thin g at th e l:ltart . , , , t. medium and narrow witdh s. ' h ave to kn ow in orcl e r to l<now ho: msut done in s imilarl y sma ll \ \ little you know. " proportiOns. _Presently he sumBROTHERS Look Them O ver. mooed ( ' I eaners " N he r ,agam to hi s be d ::s· id e. I Dy er s urse, he ga,;ped . "bring 1 1 want to J H <1 h :- rs Tailors I S I' Oh, would thac t he . su n wer e me a postage s tamp . as t h_otful of hun~an comfort as our 1ead "-Ex. 2~1 1 - 1 7 P A I<N .\ M , :-;T I 0 .\.1 AHA NE HR . Pre:m.l ent! H::n·e you ever hPa rrl





Fresh Cut Flowers


For Any Occasion








I .

I Milsteadt


plee~sc :-;t :-~tes.




T· oggery

·- - --===========:. ' t ha t rich acco unt of our pres ident 1 an~! t he art man? We ll, i t was like 1 t ht s . . Mr·. Fling g a ve an art lee- ! ture m our town . The night was bitter cold. As he was be ing entertained at the president's h Step in, keep in to m·h w "t t ll o ur ~r t man b n . skly and j oyously orne,



Keep In Step

t he ,;hotogra ph e'·: · li e i:< you r


fril·nd . l-1 :1\·t• a pnrlait m:td l"


for n fi-it>nd h _ v a fril' ncl of your friend" :< fril'IHI.

The Pend dl Oreille Studio E.J. NEWMAN Peru, N ebr.

Phone 56

I ·I

H11 rr ; to t he .\n·n uc Stor · PI .. .l!l't eonki•·s. 1 .. 1 1 ' l"nty Ill lime hetwer n clnsses to Jn.Jr. unch mo:"' lt , f rut"t !':, and tne r hni<.:t::< t co n fi:rt inn('1 ".'" ·

I . AcI r os~ the !':tn·et I rom t h <: n e w Traine r Buildino- ' 'ou' ll fi

re paned to t hat dwelling immed i1 a~ely after hi s lectur e. In · cine ttme the president escor terl him to


lilt~ ,f :<ehonl ~u ppltl·s.

Ihi s chamb.er and the n r e turned .to I Phone 73 the w~rmth below , to r e fl ec t upon I the btttern ess of the night and



fi nall y _to wond er if hi s guest we 1e co ly warm. him This to later a l mfo le ngl tab t h prompted got h•lt in



nd a ll

ff. U. Landolt

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~d ~ttbi ns' l:d uc~t1onal , · Exchang~, (Inc.)

bed-cloth·lng. 1sea "Hrch of . m or e bl • a mce woo ley pa ir of 0 ankets," he said j oyo us ly , and I

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __! hast e ned to his guest's l"OOn1, J"us t

,.., •



H a". fo r twcn'y-four . . r ou11dl·d 1 H". " ·'' · T cnc1H~rs, .-x perienc ~d or il~ex 'carl< . hco·n •u <·c.-s~ fu 1 I· n p!acillg Norm a l Training dcm s. Write for our r lan!<. · pCril'llt.:t"d . Aslt yu ur tca clwrs and fo rmer stu· M fi ll h att<-tn Building

n cs Moine!', Iowll.



JUNE 1··61 YES.




The Most Joyous Golllmcnccmcnt Ever calls for a s p ecial souvenir, something to provide happy memories in 1~20, and valuable infor ma.t ion. pictur es, and details of ·programs on the day s fr o m J u n e 1 to 6 . · KEEP YOU~ EAR TO THE G ROUND for fu r ther details in the next few days. WILL GI VE " THE HOUSE




Seniors H ave Chosen Splendid Cla ss Play

F RIDAY, J UNE 1 8 :15 p. m . Open Session of Phi lo and E verett Literary Societi es SATURDAY, JUNE 2 10 :00 a. m. Dedi'catJ' on of T. J. Ma)·ors Training School Building 2: 00 p. m. Class Day Exercises 3 :00 p. m . Baseball Game-Seniors vs. Alu mni 7:00 p. m . May Pole Exe rcises 8 :00 p . m. Open Air Concer t State Normal a nd Juv_e nile Bands 8 :30 p. m. Senior Cla ss Play SUNDAY, JUNE 3 :00 a. m. Bacca laur eate Sermon, Bishop Homer C. Stuntz 11 Union Meeting of Normal Christi an Organizations 2 :3 0 p. m . MONDAY, J UN E 4

In seeking f or a class play wh ich f h · .would be wor th y o t e sem1-centennia l year , the seniors f elt that a play with true d ig ni ty a nd a real messag e was desirable . ' ' The House N ext Door" is s uch a play. This comedy i s intended to a llay anti-se ns i t iwmess . The author, J. Hart ley Manners, who by the way, Wrote ''Peg o' My H eart"-shows with sincerity of p urpose t he inev 1-tab le surrend er of the r ig h t thinki ng a ris tocrat to the g rowing d spirit of democracy an b ro t h e:The play I S hood in the world . disti nctly humorous even w h 1.le I't tl.lts at unreasonl· ng race preJ'udice. The Story O f the play is a ppea ld ing·, t he dialog is crisp an witty; the cha ract er s are caref ully drawn and, bes t of all from an - stay tor the semi -cen te nnia l-

Annual Festival of Musi c TUESDAY, JU NE 5 0 ·OO Reun ion and Semi-Cen tennia l Celebrat ion 12:.00 Ma. . m.Aiu n1nl· R".tlnl·on Luncheon, H on. T. W. Blackburn, '78, " p resid ing p p Cl t S · Cen tenn ial Add ress Hon · · ax on 2 ·30 P- m. eml' , . C t · 1 Address . . A. F. and A. M. Peru Lodge N o 14, ::3emJ - en enma (Masons as honor guests)


8 :30 p. m.

Pa geant of Per u WEDNESDAY, JU N E 6 S th Ann ual Commencement Exercises



Repay s Cotner for Game Bulldogs Captured Here

On Monday and Tuesday of last week the baseball team made its annual tr ip, playing t he first game with the Wesleyan Coyote:o and the second with Cotner Uni. The Wesleyan game was far from being up t o the standard as the team lacked the usua l punch that it takes to win any sort of athletic contest. Ineffectiveness of :mr pi tchers · d and the poor support t hey rece1ve proved our downfa ll. " Spud' f p b t started t he game or er u u · ret ired a t the end of t he sixth blin Ifavor of Selement who wfas una de to tu rn the ti de in our avor an the game ended wit h Wesleyan in the lead, 9 to 2. Per u students are to be congrat· t t turn ou ulated on the way they the games as compared with Weso-


leyan attendance, altho our students sometimes lack t he sp ir it at

'::9:::4:5:a:·:m=:·:F:·:or=t=y~-=e=v=e=n===~~===~~~~:~~~=~ Ialikebaseball t o see.game which our

evening of leave pure stirred e1,joy meby nt the t he audience will fact :



that despite r ank or race, ."a man' s d'10 at 1 . 3 0 p. m., and Main stree t past Dr. E. C. Reed' s ,. On Tuesday we played t he Cotner a man fo r a ' that.' ' graph stu h t 1 /h t tl choo l n-rounds 1 t d' · · wi II march east a s fa r as t he o e • orne o 1e s "· Bulldogs and here t 1e earn ISFlag R aising, then nor t h on Fi f th str ee t to th e I There wi II be music by the two played some of its rea l class and Today, Tuesday , has been set a s ide lower garage a nd then west on I Nomral bands form. Selement stared on t he fir as F lag Ra is ing Day in P eru, and ing line fo r Per u and with better the Nor mal, t he public school, a nd suppor t ancl mo re "pep" in the some of t he nearby d is tri ct scl)ool.,;, - - stay for commenct>mentas well as the -v.. hole people of Peru game, we ce lebrated our first vicJite, d el ive t·ed e a ch noon a t a The Dai ly Nor m and vacin ity w il l partici pate. Col. tory of the season. Better hi tti ng .. 25 c the Ground s Majors wi ll presid e,_and two promand fie lrling was the feature of the games our s tand poin t. Our only • inent mini sters from Auburn will regret is t hat we cou ld not have deliver the add r esses of the occaThe D a i 1y Nnrma lite fo r i ive d ays m a Hed in shut t hem out on t heir own fie lrl sion. These are Re v. A. A. Ranas they did us on ours. dall of the Me thod is t Chur ch, a nd one packa ge any where i n the U • S . A. 25c On acrnunt of bei ng una ble to Rev. Ma rtin A. R itze n, patsor of ~ecur e a ).!arne wit h York c~, J lege, the Ger ma n L utheran Church, a native of Ger man y. These gentleDaily No r ma l 1•t e m ai)f;! d e ac h dav a n y - the t rip was not extended to KearThe ney acco rrl i ng to the fi rst plans. men w 1' ll be well wor t h litseniog . t · n t he U . S . A . fi ve c o pies 3 0 c l Line- ups : where to. Th e exer c ises w i II begm ~ . Peru. Wesleyan. two o'clock, but the parade w il l Schneider , ss. Mayo , 2b. June 1, 2, 4, 5 , a nd 6 . form at 1 :30. d J ones, h2. Anderson, c. " The childr en of the pu b_l i~ ~ n _. Craig lb H udson, p. t ( cvntf nu cd o n L ns t !Jago.) model school s and a lso adJ OI01 ng dJstn cts wil l meet a t the p hoto -



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Nona Palmer, ..................... . ........ Alumni Eos Brow n ............................Phi lo ma t hcan .Margaret j ones Everett Frank Leger ........................... Y. M. C. A. E lsie Wi lburn ......................... Y. W. C. A. Lo uis Worth, N.C. A. Dryan E mmert, .......................... A thldics Miss Bowen ............................ .. . M usic Rosalie Kohn ............................. ... Hum o r Mrs Nellie M . S mi til, ......... ..... .. . Loca I Jack Alls man .................. ........ " ,\lincn·a" ·1\lary Clary ......................................S(·nior!' Rosaline I<ohn .................. ..... Junio rs Gertrndc Clifton ............. ........ Sophomores Loy Il acke r .. .. ....... ....... ... Freshmen Vivian Bisho p ...... ......... ...... High School iVJr. Pa lmer ...... . . ...... SC'iunce Club l'rof. F. M. Gregg--Adviser

This is a card of thanks. It may seem -pretentious f or the editot· of a sma ll college weekly to make public acknow ledgement of indebtedness to friends for their support. My apology-any work, however t ri vial, is pecu liarly important to t he author t hereof. I am g ratefu l to a loyal staff, fri end-stay fo1· the semi-centennially students, anrl encouraging prof essors, and am especially g rateful f or the staunch, hear ty, constant fri endshi p a nd he lpfulness of Glenn 0. Kelly and Professor F. M . Gregg.


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follow in g discoun ts on New Sprin g Goods.

Al l New Cloth Suits 33~

per c~nt All N ew Cloth C oats 20 per cent A ll N ew Sil k and wool Dresses 25 per cent

Cut out t hi s advertisement and Save Money


in all departmen ts com ing every few day s. We are making our pri ces as r easonable as pos;5ibl e.

The Cash Store




Commencement. It may be prudent at the outset to say that this is not the product of a fres hly blown hi gh school graduate, however muc h the essence of it may smack of that immortal literature. But witb th is fina l commencement issue of our college paper, and with the approaching close of the school days of a large - remain fo r commencementnumber of students now enrolled in the Peru Normal, it behooves each one to pause and med itate in the silence a nd sanctity of hi s own room upon what it is a ll about. Thi s is not the writer' s task. Nor sha li t he attempt be made to £1i ssertate on the histori c! develop · ment of these sig nificant exercises which origina lly were he ld a t the • beginning of the ne w term of study. Nor sha ll the platitudinous plea be made that the m~mhe rs of the 1917· sen ior class consiue1· not t his anni versary commencementwhen the speeches a ll are made,




in Plain


Don't wait till too late to m ake you r spring


Phone 22

LOCALS Dr. H ouse at G i r ls' G lee Club practice:-Gir ls, don't hold t he " men" so long. Leo Jewe ll a,nd Fay Jones have enlisted in t he machi ne gun co r s which furnishes about as dang~r~ ous work as any other kind of army service.

Citizens State Bank AN OLD RELIAI3LE BANK

~you pa tro nize a t hat it a nd sanitary.

Soda F ountain you want to know every th ing served you is clean sweet a nd '

Ours Is Such A Fountain We will s pare no effo rt, tim e n or expense, in order t hat each drink served is it 's very best. Out· fountain is now o pen a nd because of t he above features, we sha ll ex pect your patonage this Season .

WITH ASSETS OF OVER Dr. House lectured on The Old and the New and the Peru· Quartet, $250,000.00 ''TH E REXALL STORE" Messrs. Good, Meek V erne C hatelai n and Dr_. Ho u se. sang Friday Mi ss E lva Ru lon and M iss Branevening at Julian. The occasi on Professo r Delzell gave the com- ~ son were in Nebraska City Friday. was the school commencement exmencement address at Salem Thurs- Gr~duation Time is Here ercises. Miss Beulah Irwin was called day evening . and we have b ee n prel?aring fo r it home Saturday on account of s ickDr. and Mrs . McKenzie expect Supt. and Mrs. M. A. Sams nef's in the home. to arr ive in Peru next week in expect to camp in Peru the entire We invite you to see Arthur Shultz r eceived a te le- commencement week. orcler to visit t he sch ool a few days our 6 ifts he fore before commencement. It is a lso gram Saturd ay ordering him t o The summer school schedules will •l you Purchase expected that Professor J. W. report fo r duty at Fort Snelling. be printed a few days in arlvance Crabtree and Dr. W. A. C lark will Grandma De lzell, m othe r of of the closing of school here so arrive also a few days ear ly. Prof. W. N. D e lze ll , made a shop- that students may plan their course ping t rip to Nebraska City Friady. ahead of tim e. At the Variety Store Mrs. S mith :- ' 'I have never seen The will be a r ecital a t the NorOld Man Wintc1·'s gone a way a sweet Wi ll iam." And Bill mal chapel next Wednesday evenGentle !Opringtimc's co m e to s tay. Novak sa id no m or e on the botany ing, by the departments of voice, I While dow n town go to .Jolley pic nic in t he woods, fie ld trip. piano and expression. A very We'll !:u p ply lhc lun c h men t goorl!:. Miss Need leson, a s tudent in excellent prog ram has been preBtJt-<GESS MEAT :\11\RKET th e School for t he B lind at Ne- pared by these t hree c!epartmwts, Bar~~~oWor k braska City , was i n P eru Saturday and w i ll be we ll worth listening to. Neat, Clean. All worl< first class. arrang ing a schedule for the The admission is free, and · the I L___:S:.: t:. .:·:c..:.o:.::n:..:.rl:.. .d::.o:..:.o:..:.r:.._:.f'_·o_n_l.....:P_o_!':_t_ o _ffi_c_e_ , The ~chool Year i s s u mmer Sl!hool course. publ ic is invited. 1- - - -- - -- - - - - - Miss Hazel Frye, one of the .----- - -- --1-~--t-1--, Near I y Done. Ray Cla r k, '14 , was recently Justa word to those w 10 s 1avc: !em charming readers of the school, 1 selves. Try a hottle of ' 'DICKS" g iven m emberuhip in th e Ph i ' Beta We ta ke th i!' nppu t·t unity to Kappa Society of the State Un i ver- wi ll enter tain with the four-act Face Lotion and stop that burning ex press our t h ~t nk s for the p ats ity, which is a s i g na l r ecogni t ion play, "Chanticleer , " by Erlmond : itch ing sensation after your mornFor sale ut Rostand, in t h e c h ape I, M onday ing shave of scholarship on hi s part. ro nage g iven u ;; ·h_v you t hi s yca t·. evening , May 28. Miss Frye has ·'WESTSIDE BARBER SHOP'' H enry A m ende has r e ceived a the same entertainment Do n't forget t he posi t ion as s tenographer in the Pacl\.ard Piano army, while Harry Amende, ' 16, in t he state wi th pleasure to her No One Who has heard arers h has r ecei ved a c lerical posi t ion. e · POP UL AR SH EET MUSIC her read wi II miss the pleasure of Both boys are t.o go to Fort L ogan. being one of her audince Monday lOc per copy , Postage lc extra


Ellis The Jeweler





N. S. N.




The commencement dai ly f or June ,l 2, 4 , 5, a nd 6, de livered Pach noon, for 25 cents, sent any w her e in the U. S. A. or 25 cents if he five n umbers fare sen t in one package, but 30 cents if each numbe r is mailed se perate ly.

N. S. HAR.t\JIAN A. B .. 1> . 0 . S .

Grnduate f~


Ch i ca~o

College Dental Surgeon


Office nV('r

P ~t y


Presiden t Hayes ami th e deba lBe your orders g r eat o r s mall er s wer e hi g hly pleased to meet a "Phone or bring- them o ne and all" number of t he a lumni on th e ir reT() ' cent trip to Gr eeley . Among t hem wt>r e Mr. and lv.[rs. Dobbs, now in Phon e 2 18 the ban Jdng bus iness at LaSa ll e. Agen t for Sunny•i de Gree nhouse Co lo., a nd Mrs. Bickl.:>, who live Fall s C i ty, Nebr. on a 40 o.acr e farm th r ee and onehalf mi les from Greeley; a lso Supt. J. D.McMill e n of G r over, .Colo. At one of the bes t boarding ho uses in PHJ , rice hac! become Denti"'t . rat h e r ta booed by t he boarders. . Office ovt·r \ ' :triety Store eas ure rice was sent 111 m t As a Ja s . llffin: Ph om· :·W I I' ·u ~e 71 . kl d wit h a f e w strawbern es. s rnn e .t of th e board ing house set T he w 1 s . , . ,, - - - - ---to work. The ''coax m pudding DR. B. L. ~HELLHO~N was the fi r s t co n tr i bu ti on in th e e but the you ng lad y Residence 1-'hnn e G way of a n a m • wit se ttled the d iscuss ion by r eferOffi ce ov•·r Hc xn ll Store ring to t.he adu lterated r ice as t he l 'h nm· :~ I. NERR . "tease 'em" p uddi ng . PER U,

Mrs. E .. o. Polzel

-------------------------------------r :Dr. R. Oa Cole : - - 1-

out l ~=============:-;




evenin g. Admission free . GASKILL MUSIC For joll ity, luck, and happy-go- 1 NEBRASKA CITY.


lucki ness Victor Jones scor es high. ~ ~======:=======~ RPcently several letters of recomm endation were sent for him to a Lel>' go to certain sc hool board . Three or FISHER'S fou r days after th ese letter s had for a gone, Vic recalled that he had not yet sent his pe r so nal letter to the board. Accordingly Vi c hastened to assure the sc hool board that he Thci1• Fn unt:till i~ lh t pl:tn:. was th e party r eferred to in t he FISHER BROTHERS com mendatory letters-a nd th e repo rt is that he was elected.


Sundae oi Quality


Prof. H. C. H anson, who has so a bl y li lied th e place of Professo r Jean in t he d epartment of biological sciences for the pas t yea r, has S UR E , ou know just received not ice of ~ppointme~t 1 PRING is here and you as instructor of botany 1n the Un 1- . are tir ed of hearing about it vers ity of Ci nci nna t i. located at Ci ncinnati. Ohio . Whi le we desire but brin g out those old spring to wish Professor Hanso n s uccess Let Joe clean and ID his new fi eld of labor. we deeply togs. r egr et t hat he is go ing to. leave press th em. Pe ru ; as he has endear ed h 1m~elf to th e pupi Is who have been for-~ tunate enuf to take wor k und er him. He is a man f our -squar e and j a n i ns tructor of the hi g hest t ype. , '- - - - - - - - - - - - - --

Joe Krepela,

T .

at 1or.

TWO G AM ES of BASE BAGL Next Tuesday and Wednesday, May 22 and 23. Normal Athletic Field, at 3:40 P• m.

W e sleyan Univers ity vs. r>e ru Normal Admission, Budget Ticket or 25 cents for each game. Eva Morton, Coo k, seve nth and Erro rs, Peru 4; I world ove r. Another feature was eig hth g rades ; Ray Robertson, AuBaseball T eam Wins and Loses. · Wesleyan, 14. I I the ta king of th e p hot o of the b u rn , pr inc i pal wa rd school. <Continued trom F ir s t Page.) Wesleyan 1. I 1 Keubler , If. Fetz, bl. Peru . C?tner . / "pea ch" tree. E. Long , 3b. Ka hn Schneider, ss. J effr ey, cf . , --Thomas, ss. Jun ior Class Chape1. L. Long, If. B lodgett, cf . J ones, 2b. Gard ner, l b. j T hursday, t he tenth, facu lty a nd . Beel, C. Holman Cr a ig, lb. Moor e, c. Istudents were the g u ests of the 1. Kidd, rf . Gr ubb Ke ubler, If . Web 3 ter E. Long, 3b. Strain 3b. 'j juni ors at class chapel. The pro - j Mardis, p. Such as Wed rl ings. Birthday 1 L.L ong , cf . Knap ple: 2b. g ra m opened with t he sing ing of i Pa r ties. Rem embra nce!' FunerSelement, p. Devot ions wer e led by 1 a ls, e tc. 1 n appro pri :'lte a rUmpi t:e, Kline. H its, P eru, 6 ; Be II, c. Newman' P. l. Amer ica. r a nge ment s. No o r de r to K idd, rf. Mumford, l b. : Carr ie Bai er. Mr . Cl~ments , s m a ll a nd no ne t oo la rge. ~---------------: ; Selement, p. Worsham, rf. I pleased a ll hy a t r ombone so lo. : Hits, Cot ner, 2; Per u, 7. ' As an encor e number he played G. E. BERTHOLD Err ors, Cotner 3; P eru, 1. ' "Believe Me, if A ll T hose EndearTHE FLORIS T ing Young Charms. " T wo piano NEBRASKA CITY. NEBRA SKA A Chemistry H ike. tr ios, exceptionally we ll r ender ed The chemistry classes took t heir by N i na !:;hubert, F ern Huston and We have in th e house a 1 semester hike on t he 16th inst. , Gl adys H oll oway , wer e followed by large line of men's, ladies ' start ing from t he la b at 3:30 p. the fa rce, "Miss Tomboy . " This m. , -after g iving the chemistry yell. - r ema in fo r t he sem i-c-entennia l - / and children's low shoes. The ice p lant a nd pum ping· s ta t ion clever l ittle playle t kept the a udi - / White and Black in th e wer e visited enro ute t o th e wood- ! ence la ug hing from t he ver y be- l la~d valley running east f rom J oy ! g inning , and it wo uld be ha rd to I medium and narrow witdhs. Hil l, wher e lunch was ser ved . l decide whi ch part was b est r e pre- \ The •'4 Hustling Look Th em Over. !The classes were represented by / sented- the ma dca p He len by Miss ! Dresher Brothers '' Misses F lo Gi ston. Dinah Mite, Damme, the d1 gn ified m other by I It doe!'n 't m ake a n v difft' remce Ella Meant, Molly Kul e, Ann Miss Robey, or t he anxi ous a nd 1 where vo u live; Par cels Post a nd <'X· Hy· h·id, An ni e L ine, Ann Neal, Ann sym pathe ti c ser va nt by Miss prt>!"s . brings t he Su per b Dresher O' Dne, Ann All ie Sees, Ann S. Ba iley. The pr ogra m t hru out wa s Cln a n ing Sc r vicl' t o yo u r ve ry doo r. The tics, Car ri e Sene, E t hel E . well selected and we ll r endered , Drt>she rs p1-1y PHreels Post ur Express Thur, F. F lo Rescence, Gay Lena, and was t hor oly e nj oyed by e ver y ciH1rges one wCJy o n any sized bund le - rema in fo r commencement- one pr esent . j' to nny poin t . Pol l Merr, and Vinnie Garr, and And plt·:H<e knnw th a t t hl" re isn't said ''yo u re u Senior Elections, d o ne in t he 1 :1 fin er g r·arle oi clea nin!l M C essrs . n. 1 eant, 0. Zo ne, AI K. 1 •· goi ng to ha ,·c a ph o tog r<~ ph Line, A. C. Tate, Ole O. Ma rgar in, Ma ry McCo ll, Shi ckley , assis ta nt United St Htes. th a n th nt fea tu red at ma de bef(we you go, :u·n't yo u? N ick O' Teen, N ick L. S teele, Pete pr ineiple , L atin and E ng li s h, $65 ; fl re~he,·'s Om :~ h a Pl::t nt. Roleu m, a nd Ben Zene . The pa rty Lydia Beck, Mavwood, domestic an d you p ro mi ~e d . was amply chape roned by Aunty s~ience; Mabel Carey, Beeme r , BROTHERS Yo u a nrl yo ur fami ly w ill be Monia, Au nty Dote, Aunty Septic, Sixth and sevent h grades; H aro ld proud of t hat pictu re in yea rs · Dyers A unty 1, oxm, A. Mo r phous, Mrs. Chatela i n, Bloo mfie ld , ba nd d 1•1·ect- Cleaners Polly Mor phus, AI D. H yde, Mrs. or, $75 : Mil d r ed M. H uffe r Cook Hatters Tailors to come. th ird and f ourth g r ades;' J os i ~ 22 11- 17 F Al<NAM. S T Et hel AI D. Hyde, a nd ''Copper" Ki ser , Cook. domestic sc ie nce, $70 ; 0 :\1A R A. NE H I~. Dn- it-to- rl:t v AI Loy. Among th e g uests were The Pend d' Orei lle Studio Dr. Iva n Or ville Payne, Add ie ~ abins' Educut i onul E x ~han gt!, (Inc.) P ose, and Amos Qu ito . t he f a mous Founded 1 ~!l:.L E.J. NEW MAN 1singer who r ender ed one of his TI ns fo1· t wen 1 .r-fo nr yea n ; hct·n ~ucct-ssful in placing Norma l Training exquisi te solos t hat have been Phone 56 Teacher!<. cxpcri.,nctd or incxpcric:nced. Asl1 \'o ur tcach t-rs o nd fnrmcr stu· Peru, Nebr. d<!nts. \\'rite fo r our rlans. • . 1istened to with emotio ns by ki ngs, 1 l v l a nha tl:lll Buildin g -----------------! queens and r oya l personages th e De~ Moin e., Town.


I Fresh Cut. FJ owers For Any Occasion



Milsteadts T oggery





The Senior Glass of the Pe r u State Normal Presents THE HOUSE NEXT DOOR

A Comedy i n T hree Acts by J





a nners, unde r t he directions of I va Maud D unn


Saturday Evening, J.u~~ 2, 1917 at 8 :30 in the Gha el Aamt s swn 35 and 50 cents p The Reserved Seat Ti ckets

· 11 b


e so

ld M ' onday Afternoon, May 28, at Fishe r Bro thers ' Drug Store.

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