1916 July Catalog of the State Normal School of Nebraska - Peru

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~ THE NEBRASKA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL BULLETIN Peru, Nebraska · (Semi-Centennial Celebration, June 1-6, 1917)

QUARTERLY BULLETIN Annual Catalogue Number

1916-17 Established 1867

JULY l, 191ft?


No. 3




A constant a nd growing demand fo r teachers with No rmal School Training.

Select the School that for

yo ur location an d needs will give you the g r eatest prestige.

Peru is the oldest Educational Institution in Nebraska. TUITION IS FREE.

Entered as second class matter Jul y 1 1915, at the post office at Peru, Nebraska, under act of August 24, 1912.

THE NEW TRAINING SCHOOL. To be dedicated September, 1916. L ength 196 ft .. depth 106 ft. Total cost equipped, $100,000. This bui lding is co n ceded by educators to be one of e best eq uipp ed, most mod ern a11 d finest arranged for its purpose of any school of its kind in the United States. pe rin tendents and Boards of Edu ca ti on may well s tudy it as a mod e l in arrangement and its adaptibility to th e rpo se fo r which it was const ru cted.

Calend ar. REGULAR Y EA R 1916-1 7. FaJI term begins Se pt. 11 , 1916. (Students must be pr esen t for m ee t ing Mond ay, Sept. 11, 1 :30 p. rn. or Tu esd ay, Se pt . 12, 8 :00 a . m .) Meeting of fac ulty 10 :00 a . m. , Mond a y Sept. 11. Registrati on Se p t . 11 a nd 12. Vacation Sta te Tea che r s' Associat ion , Nov. 9-13 , inclusive. Second qu a rter b egins No v. 16. Holid ay n1cati0n D ecem ber 23, 1916 , t o J an u ary 2, 1917, in clu sive. First Semester clo es J an u ry :2 6. Second Semester begin s J a nu ary 29. Spri ng vaca tion Marc h 29 to A pri l 2, in cl usive. Fourth q uarte r begins A pril 3 . Commencem en t a nd Semi-C en ten ni a l Celebra tion a nd Big Horn e Co rnin g W eek Jun e 1 t o 6, in clu sive. SUMMER SCHOOL 19 17. Summer School b egins Jun e 11. Summer Sch ool closes A ug ust 3 . NEBRASKA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. Hon . Dan Morris. Presid en L _________________ Ke a rn ey Hon. T. J . Majors, Vi ce Presid en t_ ______ ____ __ _Peru Hon. A. L. Cavin ess, Secreta r y _______ __ _ ______ Kearney Hon. George E. H a ll , Trea surer __________ ______ Lincoln Hon. A.H. V iele ________ __ ___ __ _________ _ ___ Norfolk Hon. H. E. Reisch e _ ______________ ______ ____ Ch adron

Hon. A. 0 . Thomas, State Sup erintendent_ ______ Lincoln

Faculty and Administrative Officers.

EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. D. W. Hayes, A. B., A. M., President. E. L. Rouse, A. B., Dean of the Normal School. Mattie Cook Ellie, Dean of Women. R. D. Overholt, A. B., Registrar. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH. H. C. House, Ph. D., Professor. (a) I. G. Wilson, A. B., Associate. (b) Iva Maud Dunn, Associate, Expression. (c) Susan Harman, B. Ed., Assistant. DEPARTMENT OF MA THEMATICS.

J. M. Howie, A. B., Professor. (a)

C. F. Beck, B. Ed., Associate. I

DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES. W. F. Hoyt, A. B., A. M., Professor. (a) B. Clifford Hendricks, B. Ed., M. S., Associate. DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. F. C. Jean, B. Sc., Professor. (a) L. F. Garey, B. Sc., A. M., Associate. (Acting Head of Department, 1916-17). H. C. Hanson, A. B. A. M., Substitute 1916-17. DEPARTMENT OF LATIN AND OTHER ANCIENT LANGUAGES. Esther A. Clark. A. B., A. M., Professor. DEPARTMENT OF GERMAN. Abba Willard Bowen, A. B., Professor. DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY. Rose B. Clark, A. B., Professor.

DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY. Mattie Cook Ellis, Professor. (a) W.R. Hull, .A. B., Associate. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.

F. M. Gregg, A. B., A. M., Professor. DEPARTMENT OF TRAINING FOR TEACHERS. E. L. Rouse, A. B., Professor. (a) M. C. Lefler, B. Ed., A. M., Associate and Principal of the High School. (b) Anna V. Tibbets, A. B., A. M., Associate, Director of High School English. (c) Earl Johnson, A. B. , Associate, Physical Training for Men. , (d) Jessie Downing, Teacher Physical Training for Women. (e) Mera McLellan, Teacher of Art. (f) Lou Ella Hosmer, Kindergarten Director. (g) Pearl Kelley, Primary Teacher. (h) Alice Hanthorn, A. B., Upper Primary T eacher. (i) Alice M. Burley, Interm ediate Teacher. (j) Winifred Perkins, Intermediate and Grammar Teacher. (k) Dora Knbs, Grammar Teacher. (!) Elizabeth Crawford, Teacher of Principl es and Methods of Education . DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE.

W. N. Delzell, Head of Department. (a)

Nona M. Palmer, B. Ed., Associate .

DEPARTMENT OF MANUAL TRAINING . F. C. Smith, A. B., B. S., Head of Department. (a) 0. J. Palm er, Assistant, Manual Training. (b) Mamie R. Mutz, B. Ed., ARsociate, Art.

DEPARTMENT OF RURAL EDUCATION. George W. Brown, Professor. (a) Ola Breedon, Teacher Affiliated Rural Demonstration and Practice School. OTHER SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS.

DEPARTMENT OF HOME ECONOMICS. Mary V. Dick, A. B., M~ Di., Head of Department. (a) Emma E. Knight, Associate, (Acting head 1916 -17). (b) Mame Mullen, substitute, 1916-17. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC. N. Maud Carpenter, Supervisor. PRIVATE INSTRUCTORS. Rita Thomas, Head of Pianoforte Department. (a) Nettie Meyer, Voice Instructor. (b) ) Violin and Orchestral Instruments. OFFICE FORCE. R. D. Overholt, A. B., Registrar. (a) Clara M. Dunigan, Assistant Registrar. (b) Bessie Graham, Secretary to President. (c) Mary E. Ogg, Bookkeeper. LIBRARY. Elva E. Rulon, B. Ed., A. B., Librarian. (a) Mary Tynon, Assistant Librarian. (b) Libbie Branson, Assistant Librarian. DORMITORY. Elizabeth Cleland, Preceptress. STUDENT INFIRMARY. Alice M. Barclay, Nurse. (*) Leave of absence 1916~17.

FACULTY COMMITTEES. Enrollment and Classification :-Mattie Cook Ellis, R. D. Overholt, Esther A. Clark, J. M. Howie, Alice Hanthorn. Additional Work-Dean Mattie Cook Ellis, J. M. Howie, Esther A. Clark. Library-Elva E. Rulon, Rose B. Clark. D. W. Hayes. Lecture Course-H. C. House, F. C. Jean, Rose B. Clark. Calendar and Entertainment-W. R. Hull, B. Clifford Hendricks, Iva Maud Dunn, Earl Johnson, M. C. Lefler, H. C. House, W. F. Hoyt, Abba Willard Bowen, L. F. Garey. Debating and Oratory-I. G. Wilson, F. M. Gregg, Iva Maud Dunn. Athletics-E. L. Rouse, Mattie Cook Ellis, F. C. Smith, Earl Johnson, R. D. Overholt. Graduation-Elizabeth Crawford, R. D. Overholt, W. N. Delzell, Abba Willard Bowen. Course of Study-Heads of Departments, Dean E. L. Rouse, Chairman. Daily Program-J. M. Howie, Elizabeth Crawford, W. F. Hoyt, Dean E. L. Rouse, Mary V. Dick, F. C. Jean. Budget-W. N. Delzel, C. F. Beck, B. Clifford Hendricks. Infirmary-Rose B. Clark, C. F. Beck, M. C. Lefler, Director Physical Training for Women, Emma Knight,. two student members, elected from seniors and graduate classes.


Grad uate Students ___ ____ _____ ______ __ __F. M. Gregg Clas '1 7 __ ___ __ __ __ __ ______ __ __ ___ ____ J. M. Howie Clas '18 ____ __________ _____ _____ ___ ____1. G. Wilson Cl ass ' 19 _________ ______________ ____lva Maud Dunn Clas '20 __ __________ ___ ____ __ ___ __ (To be supplied) Specials and Preparatories ___ ___ __ ___ (To be supplied) Training Class a nd Rural Tea chers __ Elizabeth Crawford Everett Liter ary Society ___ ____ ___ ________ L. F. Garey P hi lomath ean Literary Society ____ Abba Willard Bowen Young ¡women's Christian Association __ Esther A. Clark Young Men 's Christian Association ____ George W. Brown Normal Catholic Association ____ ____ ____ Mame Mullen E piscopal Guild ____ ________ ____ _Abha Willard Bowen Departmental Clubs _____ _____ __Heads of Departm ents Th e syst em of class advisers was organized in response to demands coming from the various classes, literary societies and other organizations of the school. T h e adviser stands between the class or other organization and t h e school. While he does not exercise auth ority over th e actions of the class, his r elation is such t hat the class n ever thinks of taking action without the approva l of th e a dviser . It is probable that no school in America h as t h e syst em of adviser ship more t h oroughly w orked out nor more harmoniously administered than the P eru State Normal. Every organization feels that it has in t h e adviser a sincere friend and counselor.

Peru State Normal School PERU :-PAST, PRESENT AN D FUTURE.

With the year 1916-17 th e Peru Normal roun ds out a half century of its existence as a state institution. To make this the greatest year in th e history of the chool there will be operative not only the natural momentum of fi ve decades of steadily enlarging influences, but also the conscious effort of the faculty and others deeply concerned in P eru's progress. The year's work will culminate in a grand home coming and semi-centennial celebration entirely worthy of the traditions and achievements of an institution with a great history. By the end of these fifty years, close to 30,000 students will have t a k en on a part of their intellectual development h ere, and will h ave enjoyed the actual experiences and the rich memories of ha ppy days in the riverbordered, timber-terraced, and temp le-crowned heights of Normal Hill in Picturesque Peru. Out of this large company of folk s whose lives have both given and received stimulation h ere, 2750 will h ave r eceive d diplomas for the completion of the advanced co ur e. While the original cha rter of the Methodist semina ry out of which the Peru Normal came into existence by act of the first state legislature, in 1867, the school was empowered to give the Bachelor's degree, the actual granting of such degrees to students who had earned them in residence work, began in 1913. Since that ti me thirtytwo such degrees have been bestowed on merit, and during the year 1915-16 eighty different students were doing either third or fourth year collegiate work, besd es near-



ly a t h ousand wh? w er e do ing th e fi r st a nd secon d year work. A ll of t his m er ely m eans t h at P eru is fu ll y m eeting th e demands of th e t imes for in creased ed ucational equipm ent for t h e t each ers of Nebraska. So we ll pre pared are the facu lty for t heir r espective lines of work, and so r ich and varied are the co urses now offel'.'ed, as may be seen from this catalog, that a stu dent just h avin g comp leted a twelve grade h igh school, COULD CONTINUE HIS STUDIES IN P ERU FOR AT LEAST SIX'TEEN YE ARS b efore a ll th e co urses¡ offered him here could be completed . In addition to a rich and varied program, the sch ool provides opportunity to specialize in a ll the newer lines of academic training, such as agriculture, manual training, domestic science, commercial branches, and many fo rms of musical and artistic expression. The most notable r ecent addition is the department of Rural Education, t o the head of which comes Professor George W. Brown, of Illinois, one of the best prepared men in Amer ica for this work. Incidental to the general spirit of progress that marks the work and organization of the school, the a dopt ion of the college-hour system of classes, the establishment of more exact scholastic standards, the gr oup system of courses, and the in creasing insistence on quality and character in t h ose wh o are h onored wit h P eru 's diplomas, are features which eviden ce t~ e t r end of expansion and development in Peru. In short, the a lmuni of t h e Peru Normal, both present a nd prospective, may count on t h e maintenan ce of an instit ution of learning h er e t hat will d o h onor to a ll whose



nam es have been con n ected w ith the school and that w ill steadily see k to deserve the patronage of the young men and yo ung women of a great commonwealth. DIRECTION OF PERU'S GROWTH.

The unmistakable tendency in the d irection of raising standards for the qual ifications of teachers in Nebraska has resulted in a heavy increase in the attendance of students in advanced classes. Peru anticipating this general tendency in the state has sought b y every possible means to offer a greater variety of collegiate co urses such as w ill be best fitted to m ee t the need of present day demands upon Nebraska's teachers. DEGREE WORK OFFERED.

In prep aring the curriculum for 19 16-17, more attention than ever before h as been given to such cou r ses as would be of special benefit to former graduates and to the advanced students who wish to take work leading to t he degree Bach elor of Education. The attention of grad uates and advanced st ud en ts is call ed to t h e followin g points: (a) Peru is now organiz ed on a r egular co ll egiate basis and is re cognized and accredited by the North Centra l Association of Coll eg es and UniversitiPs. (b) Peru re ce ntly adopted the hour period of recitation which enables it to enjoy full reciprocity with other schools of collegia te ranking withou t r ed uction of credits. (c) The big family sp iri t among stud ents and betwe en stud ents and faculty is still Peru's greatest pride. (cl) In proportion to t h e advantages offered it is



one of the least expensive schools in t he west. (Fees are practically nothing) . (e) Peru has a greater fac ulty t h an a ny other college in t h e state and its teachers are academicall y as well prepared. Out of more than eight hundred students enroll ed in the present summer school n early seven hundred are students of collegiate rank. This is un doubt edly the largest number of coll egiate students assembled in any institution in Nebraska this summer. (f) The extent and variety of electives give t he degree students a wide range of subjects from w hich to choose t heir major and minor subjects. PURPOSE OF THE SCHOOL.

The purpose of the Peru State Normal School is to train teachers for efficient service in all phases of public school work. By a careful reading of this catalog the prospective teacher will find courses to suit his needs in whatever line of public school service he chooses to work. DIRECTION AND CONTROL.

The statutes provide that: "All of the state normal schools shall be under the direction and control of a board of education consisting of seven members, five of whom shall be appointed by the governor for a term of five years each, and the state treasurer and the state superintendent of public instruction shall by virtue of their office, be members of the board. All vacancies occurring in the board shall be fill ed by appointment by the governor."



FREE TUITION. One great factor that h as contributed toward the growth and popularity of t h e Peru State Normal is t hat tuition is free. It is the policy of the state board of education to make the normal schools in fact what they are in theory, "FREE SCHOOLS FOR THE TRAINING OF TEACHERS." LOCAL EXPENSES.

The Peru State Normal being a state school, no tuition fees are charged. New students will pay a matriculation fee of $5 .00 which secures for them life priviliges in the school. Furnished room and board may be obtained at Mr. Vernon Hall, the ladies' dormitory, for from $2.90 to $3.00 a week. The dormitory can a lso accommodate a number of outside boarders at $2.50 per week. Board and room rent in private homes and private dormitories ranges from $3 .50 to $4 .50 a week. Many students find it possible to reduce their expenses very materially by renting rooms that are equipped for light housekeeping. In writing to the normal school for any kind of accommodations, students should be careful to express their preference, as to whether modern rooms are desired whether close to the buildings; in short, give full particulars. This will enable us to act more intelligently in locating students. Girls desiring room in Mt. Vernon Hall should send request with $2.00 deposit to the Registrar. In case the rooms are all engaged when the money is re.ceived, it will be returned to the sender.




Among t h e many imp r ove m ents at Peru made d uring the past few yea r s, th ere a r e n one more mark ed t h an those ma d e in the dinin g r oom servi ce a n d kitch en equipment of Mt. Vern on H a ll , the la di es' d ormitory. A complete new dining r oom outfit h as b ee n insta ll ed incl uding among oth er things a d ditiona l t a ble faci lities, n ew dishes, large coffee urns, t abl e line n, ice water urn, a n d service t ab les. Th e kitchen has b een comp letely t r ansformed by th e installatio n of new sinks. ste am dish wash er , zinc-covered tables, aluminum cooking ute nsi ls t hrou ghout, la r ge b a k ery oven an d oth er mode rn app lian ce$ t h a t insure t h e m aximu m app lication of t he prin cip le of sanitation. Mr. a nd Mrs. Fred Gil bert are in personal ch a r ge of t h e culinary departm ent a nd are giving to t h e stud ents t h e best prepared and most wholesome a nd sanitary m eals t h at can be serve d for the small price of $2 .50 pe r week. T h e dining room w ill accommodat e a p p r oxim ately 175 students. Table places w ill be reserved in t he ord er that requests are r eceived . T EXTBOOKS RENTED.

By t h e p aym ent of one d olla r per semester a nd the summer scho ol t erm t he stud ent is given the free use of all t extbooks necessar y for t h e pursuance of any cour se offer ed in t h e normal schools. W h en entering t h e student will b e required to dep osit $3. 00 which is a guarantee of the r eturn of his textbooks in good condition at the close of th e t erm. $2.00 will be r efund ed t o the student when books are returned.



WHEN TO ENTER. P r ospective students should stu dy t he calendar g iven on page three and make their plans t o enter the FIRST DAY OF THE SEMESTER OR SUMMER SCHOOL. If a student can attend but one quarter, he sh ould enter on the first day of the quarter. It is a matter of common observance that students who make a practive of entering a few days late are usually those who exhibit irregular attend anee while in ~ ;¡ hool. Not only is the student himself pl acecl at a cli<>Rdvantage by entering at irregular times but t h e inconvenience extends to his fellow class mates, to the faculty members and the office force of the normal. Note that the fall term begins SEPTEMBER 11, and tha t t he students must be in the normal to meet the President for general directions for r egistration at 1 :30 p. m. Sept. 11 or 8 :00 a . m. Sept. 12. Stud ents should consult the h ead of the department with whom they expect to take their major work. During the first week all classes will meet daily regardiess of the schedule in the catalog. HOW TO REGISTER.

By carefully noting the following points students will !"ind it very easy to register: 1. Go to reception room. 2. Go to P ersonal Card Committee to fill out personal card, (l ocal rooming place must be given). 3. Go to Classification Committee and secure w hite program car d . 4. Go to the proper regestr ation committee to make out program of stud ies. (Have program 0 . K. ' d by chairman of commi ttee ).



5. Pay all fees in Registrar's office . 6. Secure textbooks in .textbook library. 7. Be sure registr ation is correct. PRO GRAMS CANNOT BE CHANGED unl ess error is made by fac ulty committee, or a gross inj ustice other w ise r esults. RULES OF CONDUCT.

Young men a nd young women w h o attend P eru a r e as a rule young people with a serious p urpose in life, with high ideals of living an d th er efore con d uct t h emselves as gentlemen and la dies w ithout t h e n ecessity of formal rules. W hile it is well und ersto od t h a t a par t of P eru's prestige comes thr ough th e vast numb ers of students in attendan ce from year to year, P eru r ecogniz es t h at her greater prestige comes throu gh th e qu a lity rath er than quantity of th e stud ent body. She does not extend a w elcome to any young man or woman who does not hold char• acter as first i~ the list of qualifications of a teacher. Men and women wh o h ave oth er views will n ot fee l at home in Peru, nor will they be ret a ined in t he school if th eir lives are not in harmony with t h e idea ls for which Peru stands. Peru can not afford to send teach ers int o t h e schools of the state who do no t give promise of wi elding a constructive influ ence wh ich will ultim a t ely find expr ession in t he children whom th ey will be employe d to tea ch . E arnest and serious w ork ch aract erizes th e P eru stud ent . T h er efore, yo ung men a nd young women who fa il in half or more than ha lf of t he ir work will be ask ed t o withdraw. Peru stud ents are practicall y self-governed a lthough no boast is ma d e of t h e form al adop tion of a ny su ch scheme of discipline a nd con trol.



In order that there may be uniformity of action and a mutual understanding between the school and the rooming houses of Peru, the following rules affecting students and rooming houses have been unanimously adopted by the faculty. l. A list of approved rooming houses shall be kept in the office of the Dean of Women, and Registrar. 2. All students except those living at home shall be required to room at approved houses. 3. In order to be placed on the approved list, each rooming house shall agree to the following: (a) Each rooming house shall have a responsible head continually in charge. (b) Men and women students are not to room on the same floor, pref embly not in the same house. (c) It is also understood that students have the right to quiet and cleanliness in the house . . (cl) In no case shall young men callers be ente1·· tained in rooms of women students. (e) Women students shall have MODERATE use of a PUBLIC parlor, WI'I'HIN HOURS on CERTAIN EVENINGS in the week, when it will not interfere with study time. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY nights are study nights. (f) Halls shall be lighted upstairs and down until ten o'clock. (g) Rooms shall be heated to a proper temperature in the spring and fall, as well ·as in the winter. 4. It is further understood that students on their part are bound



(a) To observe quiet and orderly conduct in the rooming house, and to take due care of the furniture. (b) To keep proper hours, being in their rooms at ten o'clock. (Normal School entertainments are a justifiable exception to this rule). (c) Not to receive callers, either men or women, with undue frequency, and never prolonging these visits beyond ten o'clock. (d) Women students wishing to be absent from town first to report such wish to the Dean of Women and get her permission. 5. All persons who take students into their houses as lodgers are expected to report to Normal School authorities habits of study, sleep or recreation on the part ef the students, if these are in any way likely to injure the health, reputation or character of the students, or to bring discredit upon the school. 6. The Normal School Faculty recognizes that a rooming agreement between students and landladies is a legal one, and that school authorities therefore will not presume to act as a court to settle a dispute if such arises. However, it is earnestly recommended that students and landladies have a definite understanding in the beginning. Students are cautioned to avoid all unnecessary change of rooms, as a tendency to frequent changes reflects unpleasantly upon them. Any contemplated change must

be reported at once to the Administration offices, to the Dean of Women in the case of women students, and the istrar in the case of men.




The action of t h e state board of edu cation la st year cr eating the office of D ean of Women and th e a ppointm ent of Mattie Coo k Ellis t o that r esponsibl e p osit ion, has met with the unanimous appr oval of fac ulty a nd stud ents alike . Th e gir ls of t h e n orm a l school ¡w ill find in the Dean of W omen a sympath etic a n d earnest friend . She h as regular office ho urs w h ich ma k e her accessible t o the women of the nor mal school for consultation and advice at a ll t imes. FA CULTY. It is do ubtful wh ether any state no.rmal school in t he Un ited States can boast of a faculty whose ide a ls are higher, whose individual member s a r e stro nger in ch aracter or better prepared from the standpoint or academic and professional preparation. Th e Peru fac ul ty is in full sympathy with normal school methods and pub li c school n eeds. As new facu lty membe rs are empl oyed, t h ey are recom mende d because of their peculiar fitn ess from the standpoint of experience an d edu cation fo r t h e work which they w ill be ca lled upon to do . No faculty member in P eru is ever guilty of erecting a h aughty barrier betw een himself and t h e stud en ts. P eru stud ents fe el free at a ll t imes t o consul t a nd advise wit h t h e m en and women of th e facu lty.


All stud en ts and t each ers who are on th e main line of t h e Burlington will fi nd excell ent conn ections fo r Peru. At H astings, Min den and points w est, a t Grand Island,



Ravenna and all points northwest, and also on all connecting b ran ch lines, will take train s that reach Lincoln by 3 :30 p. m. leaving Lin coln on the Nebraska City train wh ich arrives in Peru at 7 :28 in the evening. Students on the main line of the Union Pacific a nd its branches will take the early east-bound trains so that changes may be made at Gra nd Island, Columbus or Fremont, or they may come by the way of Omaha, leaving Omaha at 4 :30 in th e aft ernoon , making direct connecti on for P eru at Nebraska City. Stud ents along the line of t h e North W estern out of Omaha should li kewise arran ge to r each Om a h a by 4 :30 p. m, so that they ma y take the Burl ingt on t r a in at 4 :30 r ea ching Peru a t 7 :28 in the evening. Students on th e Missouri P a cific and bra nch lines will fi nd it con venient to co nn ect with t he afternoon Burlington t ra in at Auburn or t he evening Burlin gton t rain at Nebrask a City. T he Holdredge an d Nebraska City Burlington line passes thro ugh P eru.

SOCIAL LIFE IN P ERU. Peru being classed among t h e small er towns of the st a te doe s not h ave any interests that overshadow thos e of the normal school, hence a ll social activities are dominated by the school. The vill age council and the citizens of t h e to w n are ever eager to co-operate with school a uthorities to make Peru a n id eal place for a great school; a place where parents may feel safe to send their children t o be educat ed. The social and spiritual life of the stud ents finds ex pression t hrou gh the various student organizations, including the Young Men's Christian Associa-



tion, the Young Womens Christian Association, the Normal Catholic Association, the Episcopal Guild, class organizations, Philomathean and Everett Literary Societies, club picnics in the woods which are the finest natural camping grounds in the state, the finest lecture and entertainment courses are provided including the best musical and lecture talent on the American platforms, also the choruses, glee clubs, band and orchestra, and the great annual May Festival. Then there are the athletic contests, the inter-normal school debates, dramatic club plays, German and Latin club programs, Science club seminars, and other organizations, all of which tend to stimulate the further growth and development of true culture. Facilities for encouragement of entertainments of a high class and the promotion of athletics are found at Peru in its splendid auditorium capable of seating fifteen hundred people; its great gymnasium over ninety feet square, and its athletic field which is a natural amphitheatre, the sloping banks on each side being covered with native forest. The addition of a cement stadium to this field gives Peru without question the best natural athletic field in any state. RECENT CHANGES AT PERU.

Peru's many friends will be interested and much pleased to hear of some of the changes that have taken place during the last biennium. A new department of Rural Education has been add- . ed and affiliated rm¡al demonstration schools made to serve that department. A new course of study for rural teachers has been established. The budget system has



proven more successful than its most sanguine advocates had anticipated. By payment of three dollars (this is optional with the students), at the beginning of the year, stduents are given free admission to every function of the school during the year. The recitation period has been changed to the hour basis, thus placing the n.ormal school on the regular collegiate basis and facilitating the matter of transfer of credits to other colleges and the University. The completion .of the new training school building, the finest equipped and most modern of its kind in the United States, give:; t 11 e re:1io:· at Peru privileges found in very few norm:il rc]~ools. The Student Infirmary is a result of unanim'lus 2ction of the student body in the year 1915. The student". Yolunbrily flgreed to pay ·fifty cents each every seme tcr in order that tl:e ~chool might have the sen·ices of a trained nurse. The wisdom of this action has been rrovPd m?..ny times during the present year. There has ~carcely been a day that the nurse bas not been consulted by c:ome student and scarceiy a week when the infirmary was not in use. TEACHERS' BUREAU.

Peru has a department; under thorough organization that looks after placing its graduates and students in the most suitable positions obtainable. Its motto is-"The right teacher in the right place". Every worthy young man and woman \vho graduates from Peru may be sure of the best position that his preparation will enable him to command. While we have never had enough teachers t~ supply the demands, the shortage is especially noticeable in qualified men to take charge of high s..;hool positions, prin-



cipalships, a nd simila r position s. The expenses of this bu reau are largely met by the Al um ni Association, so that its service is free to students. L A BRA T ORY AND OTHER F EES.

(T he fees cover one se m ester) Stud ents enrolling in any of t h e sub j ects listed b elow will pay the sm a ll fee in d icated in t h e tab ul ation . Note t h atthe matric ulationfee isdu e fro m a ll new stu dent s and infirm a r y fee from e v ery s t u d e nt each semester. T h e fees ch arged scarcely pay for th e m at eri a ls actuall y used by t h e studen ts in conn ection w ith th e la boratory work. ALL FEES ARE P AYABLE IN ADVANCE. Matr icul a t ion (Ne w Stu den t s ) _________________ $5.00 T extbook R enta l (All Stu den ts) -------------- 1.00 ($3 .00 mu st be de posited ) Infirma r y F ee (All Students) _________ _______ _ .50 Domesti c E con om y ________ 2.00 (Se w ing 50c . cooking $1.50) T r a in er Domes t ic E conomy -------------------- 1. 00 (Sew in g .2 5, cook ing .75) Domes ti c Eco nomy Cou r se 12, ______________ 3.00 Manua l Training __________ 2.00 Tra in er Manu al Train¡¡ ing -------------------- 1.00 L ock er k ey (Gy m ) (r efu nde d) ______________ _ .50

Physiologica l P syc ho logy_$ Physiolog y La bo r ator y__ __ Zoo log y ------ - -- -------Geology __________________ Ch emi stry ____ __ _________

.50 .50 .75 .50 .7 5

Ph ys ics -----------------Bota ny -- - ---------------Agri cultu re ----------- --Cla y Mod eling -----------Chemi s t r y Key I r efu nded ) H a n<! work _ ______ __ __ _____

.50 .50 .25 .50 .25 .50

'fypew ri te r r en t two pe r iods da il y per sem este r __________________ $4.50 Pia no r ent one period dail y pe r sem este r __ ----------------------- 2.70 Pia n o r ent l wo periods da ily per sem este r ------- - - ------------- 4.50


MATER IAL EQU IPM ENT. In material equi pm ent Peru is especia ll y fortunate. There are in all eight buildin gs d evoted to ed u cational purposes. In a ddition to these there is an observatory an d a steel fram e gr een hou se. The buildings consist of t he science h all , new training school b uilding, library, chapel, and g ymnasium, administration building, industrial an d fine a rts build ing, industrial building, manual training building , besides a girls' dormitory.

RULES OF ADM ISSION . Entra nce to Collegia te Classes. To enter any of the co urses classed as coll egiate, a student must have thir ty credit points, representing the completion of a twe lfth grade high school course or its equ ivale nt. The courses ¡ that come under this requirement are: Adva nced regular course, degree Bachelor of Edu c ation, a ll the supervisory courses including p u blic school music, public school art, man ual training, h o me economics, business, commerce, indergarten, and oral e xpression.

The stan d ard time for completion of any of these courses, excepting for the degree .Bachelor of Education, is two years in advance of a four-year high school course, making a tota l of 216 weeks a bove the eighth grade. It is re commended that the following required a nd optional secondary su bjects be taken in the high school, but in t he event the student does not enter with grades in th ese subjects they mu st be taken in the normal school before graduation.



Required Subjects for Entrance to the Collegiate Group Entrance 30 points Algebra _________________________ 2 points or 10 hours Rhetoric _______________________ -4 points or 20 hours Geometry ________________________ 2 points or 10 hours European History _________________ 2 points or 10 hours Foreign Language (at least 2 years of one) ___________________________ 4 points or 20 hours Laboratory Science----------~-----2 points or 10 hours In addition to the above required subjects for which no substitutes are accepted the applicant must present fourteen additional optional points taken in any standard ¡ high school. Entrance to Secondary Groups of Studies. The term secondary group includes the trainers' course, special rural teachers' course as contemplated by the laws enacted by the 1915 legislature, and all preparatory courses. Entrance to Trainers' Course. To enter the Trainers' course the student must have 22 entrance credits which is the equivelant of completion of an eleventh grade high school course. Entrance to Special Rural Teachers' Course. The basic requirements for entrance are (1) the completion of eight years of elementary education; (2) the following general certificate requirements under the laws of the state; must be earned in approved schools or upon the state uniform examinations. Students who are in arrears in any of the subjects mentioned must complete the same before receiving credentials from this course. Grades earned on examinations must be 80 per cent or above; Algebra 10 hours, Geometry 10 hours, English 20



hours, History 10 hours, Civics 5 hours, Physics or Chemistry 10 hours, Physical Geography 5 ho urs. Entrance to Preparatory Courses. By the la w of 191 3 mature students who have comp leted the eighth grade will be permitted to enter the preparatory courses of the normal schoo l.

Brie Outline of Courses in Collegiate


(Entrance 30 points, time of completion 2 years) Completion of this course entitles the student to th e state normal diploma and a first grade city state certificate good for three years in any school in Ne}?raska. This certificate becomes a professional city life certificate after two years succes ful teach ing. The class of city certificate issued to the graduate of this 'course will be d etermined by the nature of the electives. Junior Year Psychology ____________ _4 hoUl'S Biology _______________ _4 J1oru¡s English _______________ -4 hoUl's Observation ancl lllethods 4 hours Electives ______________ l6 hours

Senior Year Jleviews ______ __ _______ -4 Practiee _______________ -4 JI ist. of Education 2hrs.) Hygiene 2 hrs. ______ ) 4 Theory of Edncation __ 4 E lectives ______________ l6

hours hours hours hours hours

Students must a lso complete two hours each in the fo llowing drill sub jects : Public school music, public school drawing, Physical Training. The student will note that his time is equally divided between required and elective work, the two years' course covering 32 hours required work and 32 hours elective.



SPECIAL SUPERVISORS' COURSES. (Entrance 30 points, time of completion 2 years) Completion of any of the following supervisors' courses will give a student the normal school diploma and a lso a supervisors' certificate entitling him to teach in any of the schools of N ebraska, either high school or grades; the particular subjects which the supervisors' course co vers. Th ese supervisors' courses are formed by taking th e r equired work of the regular advanced course and electing twenty hours in the particul ar subject in which th e student wishes to specialize. It also gives the stud ent an opportu nity for twelve hours free electives. The same r equire ments in public school music, public school drawing and ph ysical training obtain in the special courses as in the regular avanced course.

SUPERVISOR'S COURSE IN HOME ECONOMICS. (Entrance 30 points, time of c ompleti~n 2 years.) Junior Year ____________ _4 J1ours

P~ yr hology


organic Chemistry ___ _4 hours

En glish ____ ______ _____ -4 llours Olis<'rrntion and ~fe tllotls 4 llours Foods & Dietetics (1 & 2) 4 hours S ewing (5 & 6) ____ __ ___ 4 hours El ectives ______________ 8 hours

Senior Year Reviews ___________ _____ 4 ltours Praetice _______________ _4 hours Hist. of :Ed ucation 2 hrs.) Hygiene 2 hrs ________ ) Theory or Rclneation ___ _4 l1ours Foods & Dietetics (3 & 4) 4hours Sewing (7 & 8) _____ ___ 4 hours Hom e Sanitation & De,~oration 2 hrs. ______ ) Horne managem ent, Nu rsing and L a undry 2 hrs) 4 hours Electives ________________ 4 hours

*Student" sho uld elect Qu antitative and Household 4 hours. *Students sho uld ta k e Ph ysio logy 4 hours in pl ace of the reg ul a r Sen ior Reviews. <;h emistry



SUPERVISORS' COURSE IN PUBLIC SCHOOL A RT. (Entrance 30 poin ts, time of completion 2 years.) Junior Year l'sycholog'y____________ -4 l1ours Jliol ogy ________________ 4 h ours English ____________ __ __4 hours Obscrrntion anrl )ft"tho<ls 4 hours Drawin g & Painting (1 • 2) ________________ 8 hours )lodelin g 2 hou r s ______ ) El em nta r y i\la nual Train ing 2 hours ____ ) 4 hours Electives ______________ _4 hours

Sen ior Year ltc,·iews _______ _____ ___ 4 Praeticc ______________ __ 4 llist. of Erlncatiou 2 J1rs.) ll ndl' ne 2 h rs. ________ ) -I 'l'heorr of Ed ueatiou ____ -I

hours hout'S hon rs hom·s

_______________ 4 hours P rin c ipl e,· of Publi c S c hool Art_ __________ 4 hon r El ectives________________ hours De~igning

*In se lection of electives students should take Art History and Appreciation 2 h ours, and Practice in Art 2


* tudent reviews.

may take el ectives four hou r s in place of

SUPERVISORS' COURSE IN PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC. Entrance 30 p oints, t ime of comp letion 2 years. ) .r1111io1· Year l'syc holo1,ty _, ___________ _4 J101u·s lliologJ _______________ -4 h o ur s English_____________ __ A 11ours Ob ervation & l\1ethocls Ob er valion ret holls & Matui a l :l hrs ______ ) Ear Training 2 hrs. ____ ) )lusic Obscrv~tio n & Practi ce 2 hrs. _____ ) Reperto ir e 2 II rs. ______ ) Elective ______________

4 hours 4 hou r s

, "c nior Yea1· 11<'\' i<'ws ________________ _t hom·s

J' n1<'f i('(• ____________ __ __ 4 h OUl'.

II isl" of Edneation 2 hr s) 4 110111· II y1.d e11e 2 hrs. ________ ) Tli rory 1 f f:tl uea t ion __ -l ho111·, Orcest ra a n d Orchestration _________________ 2 ho ur s He•)erto ;re _____________ 4 hour~

4 ho u r s

8 hour s

~lcU1o ~IR _____________ hour!' E lec ti .-es _________ ______ 4 hou r s

*Stud ents m a y take 4 ho urs electiv es in p l2.ce of Reviews.




Entrance 30 points, time of completion 2 years.) Junior Year Psycbology ____________ _4 Biology_ ·--------------4 Englisb _______________ -4 Observation and Metllods 4

11ours ho•us b011rs J1ours

Manual Training, including Wood Turning & Mechanical Drawing __ g hours Electives ______________ g hours

Senior Year fleYiews_ ______________ -4 Prartice _______________ -4 Ilist. of Edu<'ation 2 hrs.)4 Uygieue 2 11rs.________ ) Theory of E(luratiou .-4 Forge Practice 2 llr~.--)4 Pattern i\Iaking 2 hrs.) :\Iachine Design ancl Shop Practice _____________ 4 l\Ianual Training Methods & Electric Construction __________________ 4 Electi•es. _ ___ _ ____ 4

hours bours hours hours hours


hours hours

*Students should elect four hours in College Algebra

or Physics in place of the Reviews. SUPERVISORS' COURSE IN PHYSICAL TRAINING.

Entrance 30 points, time of completion 2 years.) Junior Year Biology _______________ _4 l1ours Psycbology ____________ _4 hours English ________________4 bours Observation and }f Ietbods 4 liours Advanced Physiology ____ 4 Gymnasium ____________ 4 Physiology of Exercise __ 2 Electives _______________ 6

hours hours hours hours

Senior Year Reviews _______________ -4 Practice _______________ _4 Hist. of Education 2 hrs.)4 Hygiene 2 hrs. ________ ) TJ1eory of Edncation_--4


Theory of Athletics ____ 4 Plyground ______________ 4 Child Study ____________ 2 Electives _______________ 6

hours hours Mura houra


honr8 hours

•students may take 4 hours electives in place of Reviews. The following is a recommended list of electives, if the student's time permits: Social Psychology 4 hours, Kinesiology 2 hours, History of Physical Education 2 hours, First Aid to the Injured 2 hours.



SUPERVISORS' COURSE IN COMMERCE. (Entrance 30 points, time of completion 2 ye ars) Prerequiste for this course: Beginning Bookkeeping 2 hours , Orth ogr ap hy 2 hours, Penmanship 2 h ours, Shorthand 4 hours, Ty pewriting 2 hours. Junior Year. Psychology ______ __ __ __A Biology _____ ______ __ ___ A English ______ __ ____ ____4 Obscnation aml ;1f cthotls 4 Ad vanced Shorthand & Type writing ____ ____ _4 Mercantile Accounting __ 4 Electives - ------------- 8

Seniot· Year. l10ms llours

J1onrs hours

Rc\if' rs ________________ 4 hours

Prnet iee _______________ 4 hours Hist . of J' duea tfon 2 hr. H hours J£ r git>11 f'


hrs. ________ )

Theory of F:tlueation ____ l J10 11rs hou r s hours hours

A ccounting 5 & 6______ 4 Ad va n ced Dictation & Co r r es ponden ce ______ -! Com me r cia l La w ________ 4 Hi sto r r o f Comrnerce ____ 4

hou r s ho u rs hou rs hour s

* Students should take Busin ess Eng lish 2 h ours a nd Commercial Arithmetic 2 hours in place of Revi ews. SUPERVISORS' COURSE IN ORAL EXPRESS ION. (Entrance 30 points, time of completion 2 years ) Ju nior Year. Psychology ______ ____ __ 4 J101H·s Biology __ ___ ___ __ __ ____ 4 h ours English ____ ___ _____ __ _ -4 hour s Obscnation a ncl llletllods 4 ho urs Oral Expr ession ________ l O hon rs Electives ------·-------- 6 !10u r ~

Senior Year. Heview!' ______ __ ____ __ 4 hours Praeticf' ______________ 4 hours l iq, of f:th;c at ion 2 hrs ) 4 hours ll rg- kuc 2 hr:. ________ )

'J'hr orr of £ d11e atio11 ____ 4 hour .,; Ora l Exp r es sio n _______ 10 ho u rs Electives ______________ 6 ho urs

SUPERVISORS' COURSE IN AGRICULTU RE. (Entran ce 30 points, ti me of completion 2 ye ar;; ) T .is co urse qua lifie s t o teach in a n y sch ool in t- <? state excepting Agr icultura l hi gh schools organi zed under t!:e Shumw ay la w of 191 3.



J1111lol' Ycal' Psychology ___ _________ _4 l1ours Biolog·y ________________ 4 11ours Engtish _____________ ~ __ 4 hou l's Observation and Methods 4 hours Soils ___________________ 4 hou r s Forage and Cereal Crops 4 hou r s Electives _______________ g hours

Senior Yeal' HHiews _______________ _4 Pl'ilcti<'e _______________ -4 Hist. of Ed ura1ion :? hr!>.) 4 H~ ~d<'ne 2 hl'.• ·--------· ) 'l' heorr of Ed ueatfo n _-4 Animal Hu s ba ndry & Dairying ____________ 4 F a rm Management_ _____ 4 Horticulture ____________ 2 Ag ri cultural ElectiveR __ _2 El ectives _________ ______ 4

honr s hour5 hour• hours hours hou r s hour hours hours

*Students sho uld take 4 hours electives in place of Reviews. The department recommends the selection of two hours of Business Law, two hours of either Eco nomics or Business English, and at least four h ours of Manual Training including wood work and forge . KINDERGARTEN AND KINDERGARTEN



(Entrance 30 points, time of completion 2 years) This comse prepares teachers for the Kindergarten and first two grades of the elementary schools. It places special emphasis on kindergarten training and calls for the maximum amount of practice in that department. However, students specializing in this course are required to take one quarter of primary practice. This arrangement will meet the demands in public schools, where the kindergarten a nd primary are not strictly differentiated; also result in greater efficiency since teachers in each department are strengthened by an acquaintance with both phases of work.



Junior Year Psychology ______ ______ _4 hours Nature Study (Biology) 4 English _______________ -4 Primary Observations & Methods ______ _____ __ _4 Kindergarten Observation (14) _____ _______ 2 Kindergarten Theory

hours hour s hours hours

(15) __________________ 2 hours

Kindergarten Technics (16 & 17) ____________ g hours Children's Literature (18) ___ ____________ __ -4 hours

Senior Year Kindergarten Practice (19 & 20) _________ __10 Primary practice ________ 2 llist. of E ducation 2 hrs) __ _______ ________ A Hygiene 2 hrs. ________ ) Theory of Edncation ___ -4 Advanced Kindergarten Theory (21 & 22) ____ 4 Electives .___ ·---- ------· _g

hours hours ltours hours hours hours

GENERAL SCIENCE COURSES. (Entrance 30 points, t ime of completion 2 years) Students m ay wish to ·prepare as general science teachers. The fo ll owing subjects together with the required professional subj ects constitute a course in science, design ed for t hose who wish to prepare themselves for science . teaching. Graduate students w ho wish to ta ke a major or minor in the sciences should consult with the head of the department in which such major or mi nor is taken relative to the work to be pursued. SUGGESTED PROGRAM. Junior Year Blology _____________ ___ -4 hour s Psycholog'Y--------------4 It.ours English _______________ _-4 hours

Observation ancl Methods 4 Advan ced Agriculture _. _ _4 Chemist ry _____________ _4 Electives ____ ________ __ _g

hom·s hour g hourn hours

Senior Year Practice ______ __ _______ A Jli st of E!lucation 2 lirs i Hyg·iene 2 hrs. ________ ) 'l'heo1·y of Edneatiou ____ -1 Ph ys ics _________________ 4 Gene r a l Science Practice 6 Geolo gy _______________ ___ 4 E l ectives ________________ 6

h ours hours hom·s ho u rs hou rs hours hou rs




During recent years P eru has offered in its courses of st udy two years additional work so that students may complete a four years college course in Peru and receive t h e d egree Bachelor of Education. There are increasingly larg e numbers of students who are taking advantage of the opportunity offered at Peru for completion of degree cour ses. The large f aculty employed, the economy with wh ich these courses may be pursued, the spl endid in· stru ction offered a ll contribute towards making P eru an ideal place for the pursuit of collegiate work. More than 900 di ffere nt stu den ts of college rank have been enrolled in Peru during the past year. Students in the selection of electiY es will b e guided by t h e following: General requireme nt 64 hours beyond completion of the regular advanced co urse . 20 hours of this work m ust be taken in one subject as a major and 12 hours in each of two sub· jects as m inors. The rest of the work w ill be free elec· tiv . J U NIOR CERTIFICATE COURSE.

The elemen tary state certificate m ay be granted to students who h av~ completed the work of the junior year as outlined in the regular advanced course. T h e standard time in which this certificate may be granted is 180 weeks above the eighth grade, the minimum time 16S weeks . POSTPONMENT OF THREE YEARS HIGH SCHOOL TRAINERS' COURSE.

A course covering a period of t h ree years, designed for te achers who wish to teach in t h e fo ur year ac credit-



ed high schools of N ebraska, was a d opted by t h e state board of educ ation in 1914 but w ill n ot go into effect b efore September, 1916. It will not apply to any students who have alre a d y m atricul ate d or who will m atriculate before September 1, 1916. It will t h en apply t o those students only w h o w ish t o te ach in t h e fu lly a ccr edited four year high schools.

BRIEF OUTLINE OF COURSES IN THE SECONDARY GROUP. (Entrance 22 points, t ime of completion 1 ye a r ) Completion of this course ent itles t h e stud ent to an elementar y stat e cer t ificate, good for three ye a r s, valid. in rural schools and all town and villa g e schools no t org-anized under sub-division 21. To com plete t his co urse the candidate must m ee t the following re quirem ents : H e must have a t least 150 h ours cr edit in sub jects of high ~choo l r ank including t hose subjects esp eciall y intended: as prep2.ration for teachin g. T he fo ll owing is a list of th e require d w ork: Agricul tu r e ________ __ _____________ _________ 5 hours Algebra ____ __ _________ _: __________ ________ l O hour s High School En glish ___________________ _____ 20 ho urs Plane Geometry ____ ___ ____ ________ ________ l O hou rs European History _______________ ___________ 10 hou rs Civics _____ __ ---:- ________________ _________ 5 ho urs Ph ysical Geogra p hy ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ __ __ __ 5 hour Elementary P hysical Scien ce ( P hysics a n d Chemistry ) ________________________ ________ 10 hou rs Biology ___________________________________ 5 hours Observation & Meth ods __________________ ____ 5 hours



Elementary Psychology & School Organization ___ 5 hours Arithmetic, Descriptive Geogra phy __ ____ 2l/:2 hours each Physiology ________________________________ 5 hours Physical Training ___________________________ l hour Public School Music _______ _________________ 2 hours Public School Drawing ____ _______________ ___ 2 hours (Note t h at this course is not of secondary rank and hence the n umber of hours does not i::orrespond w ith the collegiate hours in the advanced co urses.) To complete the 150 hours stude nts will select professional elec tives or academic subjcets of high schol rank approved by the president of the school. The candidate for an elementary certificate in the trainers' course must have grades in a ll subjects on the first grade co unty certifi cate excepting Bookkeeping. The grades may be earned either in the uniform state examinations or will be accepted from accredited schools, or they may be earned in the normal school. Grades in orthography, penmanship, co mp osition and reading may be based upon the general character of the work done in Engli h in the Normal school. The grade in m ental arithmetic may be based on the work done in written arith metic. County certifi cate grades to be accepted must be at least 80 percent.

COURSE FOR PREP ARA TORY STUDENTS. Students who enter the training high school, ninth and tenth grades, will take the following subjects.

PER U, NEBRASKA Ninth Gra!l c Alg eb ra ___ __ __________ 10 Latin __ _________ _______ lO Engl ish _______________ JO Elem entary Science ____ _5 Indu strial work _________ 5 Music as a drill


'l'cn t h Grade ho ur s hc>urs hnur s hours hour s

Geome t r y _____________ lo Caesar __ ______________ 10 Graek History __________ 5 Rom a n Histo r y ________ 5 Jn dustr ia l work ________ 5 English __________ ____ __ 5

hourf; hon r ;; hours hours hours hours

Music a s a drill

T h e fo llowing is a recommended course for stud ents who have completed the tenth gr ade . All stud ents in the preparatory department, unless perm itted by the president of the school to make som e oth er selection, will take these subjects: Elcrenth Gr:ul e Algebra. Third Sernester_5 Cicero or G8r man ______ l0 Physics _______________ 10 Solid Gemetry __________ 5 JDx pressio n (1) or Grammar (b) ______________ 5 En g Ii h ________________ 5

T welfth Grade hour s hourn hon r s hou r s hour s hours

Advanced Ame rican or Mediaeval History ____ 5 Chemis try or Agriculture 5 Ve r gi l or German _______ lO Civics _____ ______ __ ___ ___ fi Bo ta ny (a) __________ __5 English ________________ 5 Electives ______________ _5

hours liou r s ho ur s hou r s hours hou r s hours


The Depa r t m ent of Rura l Edu cation will have charge of a ll Study Center courses directed by th e state normal school. The stud y center courses sho uld appeal to two classes of per ons that are found in every community. First: Many persons by force of circumstances have been compelled to abandon their cherished ideals of securing a liberal education and are engaged in various activities which make impossible a continua n ce of an ed ucation without assistance from our state schools.





Second: The teaching of school is ranking rapidly with other professions. Many teachers must continue their work for a t ime because of insufficient fund s for study away from home. To the teac h er who desires to te ach a b etter school and continue a vital connection with the school from which he hopes to graduate, these study centers bridge this formerly impassable chasm with new hop e for a final fulfillment of life's plans. Superintendents, cou nty a nd city, may arrange for the presentation of teachers' r eading circle books by a member of the normal school faculty. By doing this each teacher who completes the work will r eceive credit in the normal school. Peru is cooperating with the state dep artment in the matter of reading circle credits. All the subjects offered in the regular course may be pursued in these study centers with a class of ten or more members. Any school district in so uth east Nebraska may organize and request that an instructor be assigned for help and guidance. Definite assignments will be mad e at each session for study between meetings. EXPENSES. The only expenses connected with this extension '"ork will be the traveling expenses and local entertainm ent for the instructor chosen t o offer the work. The expenses all or part may be paili from the ~ounty institute fund, or a sp ecial uniform assessm ent upon all students may be made. TIME OF MEETINGS. Th e meetings will be held weekly, fortni ghtly or monthl y on Friday night or Sa turd ay morning.




Full credit will be given in all departm ents for w ork completed by th ose who enroll in these study center s. PLACE OF MEETING.

The school house, libra ry, town hall 0r opera houses may be used for meeting places. Those interested should arrange for a meeting an d communicate with President Hayes or George W. Brown, Director ormal School Extension work. STU DY CENTER COURSES OFFERED.

ENGLISH. H. C. House-History of Englis h Literature; American Poets; Tennyson; Browning, poems and dra m as ; Recent English Fiction . (Also will conduct ch oral music.) 1. G. Wilson-English Gra mmar (Teachers' course, ) and any class in Secondary English . Jva Maude Dunn-Classes i11 Expression; Methods in Teaching Reading; R eading and Recitals. MA THEMATICS.

J. W.

Howie-Trigonometry; Analytics; any oth er subject in Mathematics required. C. F . Beck-Arithmetic, written or mental; Algebra; P lane or Solid Geometry. PHYSICAL SCIENCES. W. F. H oyt-Beginning Chemistry (if laboratory accessible ;) Astronomy.



B. Clifford Hendricks-Nature Study (for either city or rural teachers.)

BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. F. C. Jean-Beginning Botany (for county certificate grades or entrance to normal school or university,) or other secondary subjects. L. F. Grey-General Agriculture; Animal Husbandry, Horticulture; F~rm Crops; Milk Testing, etc. GEOGRAPHY. Rose B. Clark-Teaching of Primary Geography; Economic Geography of Europe. Talks on Geographic phases of Present War; Geographic Influences on American Life. HISTORY, CIVICS AND ECONOMICS. Mattie Cook Ellis-The Present European War. W. R. Hull-Civics; Political Economy; History of Education. EDUCATION. F. M. Gregg-General Psychology; Child Study; Social Psychology. Also, Parlimentary Law. MANUAL TRAINING. F. C. Smith-Mechanical Drawing and Design; any phase of Manual Training (if benches and tools are accessible.) RURAL EDUCATION. George W. Brown-Rural Sociology, Elementary and Advanced; Rural School Methods and Management, School Administration, Special Addresses.



HOME E CONOMICS. Mary V. Dick and Emma E. Knight -Food and Dietetics; Sewing; Home Sanitation a nd Decoration ; Demonst ration in Serving, Making Menu es, etc. ART. Mamie R. Mu tz-Drawing and Pain ting for Public School teach er s; Modeling; Ar t A ppr eciation. COMMERCE. W. N. Delzell- P enmansh ip for Teach ers; Commercial Law; Book k eeping. LECTURES. W h ile not offering study center co urses President D. W. Hayes and Dean E . L. Rouse will be available for lectures on educational lines for city and county institutes, women's clubs, patrons' associations, etc. Practically all faculty members of the normal sch ool will be available for lectures along their particular lin es. MUSIC. Music r ecitals may be arranged for, either piano, band, orchestra, men's gle e clubs or women's glee clubs. FREE LECTURES. The Faculty members of the Peru Normal will be available, without cost, outside of traveling expenses and local entertainment, for lectures for patrons' meetings, teachers' associations, city institutes, Women's Clubs, agricultural gatherings and other organizations in which they can be helpful. Those desiring the services of faculty members in this capacity should send request dir ect to the faculty member desired or to President D. W. H ayes, f rom ten days to two weks in advan ce of the time needed.



Outline of Courses. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND LITERATURE. H. C. H ouse, Professor. I. G. Wilson , Associate . Iva Ma ud Dunn , Associate Expression. Susan Harman, Assistant.

a. Freshman English-A study of composition and interpretative gr ammar, two hours each. This work is preparatory to the English of the Junior year , and is req uired of all students who complete the regul ar undergraduate course at Peru . Trainers are also required to take this cour se before graduation. First and second sem esters; four hours attendance; four hours credit. Summ er school two hours credit. M. T. W. Th. b. Elementary Grammar-An intensive study of t h e sentence. Technical points taught and discussed from the standpoint of the teacher. First and second semesters; four hours attendance; four hours cred it. Summer school two hours credit. M. T. \f..T. F . c. Sophomore English-A study of composition and r het oric as applied to Literature. Required of those takin g undergraduate cou r ses at Per u. F irst a nd second sem esi ers; fou r hour:; attendctnce; fo:.1i¡ h ours credit. M. T. Th. F.

g . Composition a nd Business English-Drill in pu nctuation, capit al ization, se nten ce stru cture, par agra:i;ihing, and letter ¡w riting, with special r ef er ence to busin ess usages. Str ess la id upo n comp osition of b usin ess letters a nd pap ers. First sem ester; four h ours attend a nce; fo ur h ours cr ed it. Summer school two hours



credit. (Identical with "g." Composition and Business English under Department of Commerce.) M. T. W. Th. 1. Shakespeare-Macbeth, Hamlet, Origin of English drama, and life of Shakespeare. A critical study of dramatic art, and of Shakespeare's language . Written exercises. First semester; four hours attendance; four hours credit. Summer school two hours credit. M. W. Th. F. 2. Shakespeare-A continuation of course 1. Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, Othello. Second semester; four hours attendance; four hours credit. T. W. Th. F.

3. History of English Literature-A general sketch of English Literature, with carefully selected readings to illustrate each period studied . Elective. Second semester; four hours attendance; four hours credit. M. T. W. Th. 4. Tennyson-Lectures on the elements of poetical style, with widely selected re adings from English verse ; followed by a detailed and complete study of Tennyson's Princess. Alternate years offered in 1917-18. First semester; four hours attendance; four hours credit. M. T. W. F . 5. Browning-Critical study of the shorter poems, and of Lauria. Written Exercises. First semester; four hours attendance; four hours credit. Summer school, two hours credit. M. T. Th. F. 6i. __ Junior English-Required of all candidates for graduation . Analy~is of sentence structure, idiomatic forms and usage; paragraph and theme writing; class drill. First and second semester; four hours attendance;



fo ur ho urs cr edit . Summer sch ool ; eight h ours attendan ce ; four hours credit . M. W. Th. F. 7. Public Speaking-Correct forms. P rep a rat ion of one address. Actual practice. This cour se is open to j uniors, se nior s, a nd gra duate stud ents. Second semester ; fo ur h ours att end a nce ; four h ours cr edit. T. W . Th. F . 8. Anglo-Saxon-Grammar and selections from Brig ht 's A nglo-Saxon Read er , a nd t h e Boewulf. Or igin of tl:e English langua g e. Co m par a t ive la nguage study. Th is course is d esig ned esp ecia ll y fo r t h ose inte ndin g t o t ea ch Engl ish, Lati n or Ger ma n in high sch ools. Stude nts ta king Co ur se 8 sho ul d plan t o foll ow it w it h Co urse 9. Fir st E" em ester ; fou r h ours atte ndan ce ; fo ur hours cred it. M. T. W. T h . . 9. An glo-Saxon a n d Middle English-Continuatio n of Co ur se 2. Boewulf, th ro ug h 2 ,00 0 lin es. Studie in t h e later de \¡ elop m ent of t h e la ng ur lje , with some acco unt of the Fren cl1 a nd La ti n el ements. econd semester ; four h ours attel'.l d anc e ; fo ur hours cr edit. 1\1 . T . W. F. 10 . A mer ican Litera ture-A gener2.l sur vey, w it h cl o:oe r ea d ing!" of selected classic. Crit ica l pa pers. Fir st se mcr;ter ; fo ur Lcu TJ att en d a n ce ; fo ur h ours cr ed it. umm er sc' ool, t wo l OlES cr edit. M. T. Th. F . 1 1. A r gumen ta tion-Th is co urse is op en to juniors, se ni :::n ;, r d gr a du nt e st ud en ts. T h is course .i s counte d as an electi\"C:) in English . First sem ester; fo ur h our attendan ce ; f :) ur h ours cr edit. M. W . Th . F .

12. Recent English Fiction-P rin ciples of no vel cr iticism. Class paper s on th e n ovels of George Mer ed ith, Thomas Ha rd y, Mrs. Humphrey W ard a nd oth er s. ec-


ond semester; four hours attendance; four hours credit. Alternate years offere d in 19 17-18. T. W. Th. F. 13. American Poets-Lectur es, and readings fro m the poems of Laurier , Whitman, P oe, and others. Al ternate years. Offered in 1916-17. First sem ester ; fou r hours attendance; four hours credit . 1\1. T. W. F . 14. English Essays-Bacon , Addison, M acau lay, Carlyle, Emerson; Chesterton, and others. Alternate years. Offered in 1916-17. Second se mester; four ho urs attend ance; fo ur h ours cr edit. T. W. Th . F. 15. Advanced Browning- P ip pa Passes, Colombe' s Birthday, Return of th e Druses, Rin g and t he Book. Second semester; four hours attend a n ce; fo ur hours credit. M. T. Th. F.

ORAL EXPRESSION. The aim of this co urse is to make go0d readers. The method of teaching Expression is b a, ed u pon the psychological principles. Exercises are g i\-en to free th e Yoic e and body in orde r that. the student ma y r ultivate re ponsiveness. H e is l ed to think and feel while on his f eet before an audience, and to express thoughts a nd emotions through bis own individuality. This cultivates literary taste, develop p ersonal pow er and re s ults in a n atural style. (See Oral Expression group for gra duation r equire-

ment.) 1-a Traine r's Rea ding-Te ach el''s ~ o ur se . A preparation for state examination. Compri,es a bri ef cou rse in phonics, and study of the mechani cs of read ing. Third



q uarter a nd summer school ; four h ours attendance; two hours credit . M. T. W. Th. 1. Oral Expression-Intellectual con ception. De· velopment of power to r ead ideas. Memory tr aining, Studies of expression of simple emot ions. Practical ex· er cises for cultivation of simplicity an d naturaln ess. First and second semesters ; four hours attendance; four hours credit. Summer school, do ubl e perio d. M. T. W. F I

2. Oral Expression-Follows Expression 1. Litera· ture expression thought and feeling more complex is used. Pra ctice upon committed selections. P rinciples of pantomime to free the body for full manifestations of emotions. First and second semesters; four hours attendance; four hoers credit. Summer school two hours credit. M. T. rl'h . F . 3. Oral Expression-Prerequisite , one year's ex· p:ression. Interpretation of literary masterpieces. Cult ivation of imagination. Practice in vari0'1s dialects. F irst semester; four hours attendance; four hours credit. M. W .'l'h.F. 4. Oral Expression-Follows Expression 3. Gest nre work. Classical dra.m a studied from interpretation and staging standpoints. Repertoire. Second semester; fou r hours attendance; f our hours credit. T. W . Th. F. 5. Oral Expression-A cr itical study of the technic of drama. Class papers on the great modern dramas. Suggestions for coaching and staging plays. Re com· mended for high school teach ers. Fourth quarter; four hours attendance; t wo hours credit. M. T. W. Th.



6. Oral Expression-Advanced course. Arrangement and preparation of recitals. Dramatic work in greater detail. First semester; four hours attendance; four hours credit. M. T . W. F . 7. Methods of Reading-A survey of modern methods of teaching public school reading. Psychology of expression. Practice methods of instruction. Principles of literary interpretation. Phonetics. This course recommended for all perso~s who expect to teach in the elementary grades or in rural schools. Second quarter and summer school; four hours atten darui.e; tw o h ours credit. M. T . Th. F. 8. Private Lessons in Expressi(lln and all form of platform Art. Cost of private instruction, seventy-five cents per lesson, a period of forty-five minutes. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS.

J. M. Howie, Professo r. C. F. Beck , Associate. W. R. Hull, Associate. Students electing subjects in this d epartment w ith a view to teaching mathematics in the smaller schools will be expected to complete at least courses 1, 2, and 14. Courses 3, 4, 6, 7, and 13 are designed for those desiring to become special teach er s of mathematics. Course b-3, C¡3 and 5 are absolute requirements of a ll mathematic teachers. Courses8to 13, and 15 will be given when there i ufficient call for them. They are intended primarily fo1• graduate students who desire to continue mathme ica i study, eith er for the purpose of becoming stronger teach -



ers in both elementary and advanced mat hmetics, or for engineering and other courses in universities and technical schools. a. Arithmetic-A course, including mental arithmetic for students in the training a nd rural courses. First and second semesters; fo u r hours attendan ce ; fou r hours credit . M. T. Th. F. a-1 Arithmetic-While this course is primarily a review for those preparing to take the state examinations, at t he same time arithmetic from t he teacher's standpoint will be made a prominent featu re of this course . Summer school; two hours credit to t hose who d o special work prescribed by th e instructor. b-1. Algebra-A beginning class for mature stud ents who h ave not h ad t h e sub ject, an d also for students who may have done some work in Algebra, but who desire to make a thorough study of the subject with the idea of teaching it. First semester and summer scho ol; fo ur hours attend ance (double for summer school) ; four hours credit. M . T. W. Th. b-2. Algebra-Course b-1 continued. Second semester; four hours credit; four hours attendan ce. M. T. W .Th. b-3. Al~;ebra-This course is for freshmer! and i ordinarily knowH as "Third Semester Algebra." Prerequisite one year's work in high school algebra, or equivalent, imr•)l \ring simple equations, involution, evolution, and some work with exponents, radicals, and the graph. :?irst semester and summer school; four hours attendance (double for summer school); four hours credit. M. W . Th.F.



b-4. Algebra-A r eview co urse . Any one having had one year's w ork in a lgebra may tak e t his course. Prepar es for stat e examination . Sum mer school ; four hours attendance ; no credit. c-1. Plane Geometry-A course for mature st udents wh o have n ever studied geometry. Stude nts who have done some work in the subject may t ake t his course for a thorough r eview and com pletion of sub ject. First seme ter an d summer sch ool ; four h ours a ttendance (double.for summer sch ool) ; fo ur h ours cr edit . T. W. Th. F. c-2. Plant Geometry-Co urse c-1 continued. Second semester; four hours attendance; four ho urs cr edit. T. W. Th. F .

c-3. Solid Geometry-This course is for fr eshmen. Prerequ isite: Plane Geometry complete a n d co urse b-3. Second semester and summer school: fo ur hours att endance (double for summer school) ; four ho urs cre dit . M. W.Th . F. c-4. Geometry- A review course. Any on e having completed plane geometry may take this course . Prepares for state examination. Summer school; four hours attendan ce; no credit . 1. College Algebra-In this course special attention will be given to the more advanced phases of simultaneous quadratics, theory of quadratics, special higher equations, questionable and legitimate transformations of equations and theory in logarithms. This course will a lso include such topics as the binominal t h eorem, unde~ termined coeffi cients, arrangements and groups, exponential and logarithmic seri es, etc. Each semester a nd sum-



m er sch ool; four hours attendance (double for summer school) ; four h ours crdeit. M. T. Th. F. 2. Trigonometry-A course¡ in plane trigonometry including the stu dy of the trigonom etric functions, rela- ¡ tions between the fun ctions, solution of right and oblique triangl es with applica tions to surveying and mensuration. Special emphasis is given to th e solution of t rigonometric equaticns. Each semest er and summer school; four hours attendance (doubl e for summ er school) ; fo ur hours credit. M. T. W . F. 3. Analytic Geometry-A geometric interpretation of algebra. This course gives the stud ent a n ew view of algebra and geometry and makes him a mu ch better teacher of both subjects. Without a nalytj cs it is exceedingl y difficu lt for any teach er to have co nfid ence in t he teaching of th e graph in a lgebra. The .co urse includes rectangular and polar co-ordinates, tra nsform a tion of coordinates, problems in loci, and the straight line, the circle and some work with the ellipse, parabola , a nd hyperbola. First semester; four hours attendanc e, four hours cr edit. M. T. W. Th. 4. Theory of Equations-This course will also include det erminants. Prerequist e : Course 1. Fourth qu arter; four hours atten danc e ; two hours cr ed it. 5. Advanced Arithmetic-Required of seniors in a ll courses exceptin g sp ecial courses. Th is course is a n ew view, from t h e teacher 's standpoint, rather than a r evi ew of arith m etic. Each quarter a nd summer school ; four hours attend ance ; tw o hours cr edit. T. W . Th. F. 6', Calculus-A co urs e in differe ntial calculus including the differ enta tion of alg ebraic and trancend ental



functions, expansion of functions including MacLaurin's and Taylor's theorems, indeterminate forms, and maxima and minima. First semester; four hours attendance; four hours credit. M. W. Th. F. 7. Calculus-Course 6 continued and a course in integral calcu lus consisti ng chiefly of th e intergration of the functions with some work in dou ble and triple integration and app li cation of integral calculus to geometry and physics. M. W. Th. F.

8. Analytic Geometry-A continuation of course 3 including tangents, diameters, poles and pol ars, general equation of the secon d degr ee, a nd a short course in t he analytic geometr y of space. Second semester; fou r hours attendance; four hours credit. M. T . W. Th. 9. Advanced Calculus a n d Ana lytics-Prerequisite: Courses 3 and 7. Students completing this course will have met the math em atics r equirem ents for t h e engineering courses of universities a n d technical schools. Fourth quarter; four hours attendance; two h our s credit. M. T. W. Th. 10. Spherica l T r igonometry-Prerequisite : Course 2. Two hours attendance for one quarter; one hour credit. 11. Differential Equations-Prerequisites: Course 9. Four hours attendance for on e quarter; two hours credit. 12. Advanced Geometry-Prerequisites : Coun3e 3. Modern methods in analytic geometry. Four hours attendance for one quarter; two hours credit.

13. Surveying-Prerequisite : Course 2. A course for me n co nsisting largely of the use of surveying instru-



ment.s in the field.

Credit determined by work done.

14. Methods in Geometry-A course primarily for those intending to teach geometry. Any one h aving completed¡ p lane and solid geometry may take this course. Third qua rter and summer school; four hours attendance; two hours credit. M. T. W. Th. 15. Higher Trigonometry-Four h ours attendance for ne quarter; two h ours credit. DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCES. AGRICULTURE. L. F . Garey, Associate Professor. a. General Agriculture- A review co urse in general agric ulture. Intended for those preparing to take state examinations and want no cerdit. Summer school; four hours attendance; no laboratory; no credit. 3. Soils- A study of soils from view point of plant growth and crop production. Soil regions and precipitation; oil classification; formation; flo w of air and perculation of water; moisture; mulches ; absorbtion of gasses and moisture; floccu lation; structure and texture; temperature; effect of color, slope, vegetation and moisture ; specifi c gravity, specific heat; evaporation; soil examination; field trips. First semester, four hours attendance; fo ur hours preparation; four hours labora tory; four hours credit . Summer school two hours credit. Daily.

4. Forage and Cereal Crops-One half of the semester will be given over to the study of the forages and <>ne half to t he study of cereals. The work in forages will be on the ten l eading grasses an d t he ten l ead in~



legumes in Nebraska. Minor study will be given those of lesser importance. The work in cereals will consist of a detailed study of wheat a nd corn and a brief study of oats, barley and t he sorghu ms. Special emphasis will be given regarding management with r efer en ce to Nebraska conditions. Second semester; four hours attendance; four hours preparation; four hours laboratory; fou r hours credit. Summer school two hours cr edit . Daily. 5. Horticulture-Includes t he prin cipl es of horticul ture. Special attendion given to the location, planning, planting, pruning, grafting, top work, cultivat ion, picking, packing, marketing and or ch a rd management. Third quarter; four hours attendance; four hours prep a ration; four ho urs laboratory; two hours credit. Daily. 7. Vegetable Gardening-A thorough study of t he mostimportantvegetables of econom ic importa~tce. Special reference will be given to the school garden, the organiation and management of garden clubs, canning, exhibits, prizes, planning and planting. Gree n house a nd garden work. Lantern slides. F ourth quarter and summer school; four hours attendance; four hours preparation ; four hours laboratory; two hours credit. Daily. 8. Animal Husbandry-A study of the type and breeds of farm animals including horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, and poultry. Meth ods of developmen t; characteristics and ada ptability; m a nagement ; principles of feeding; balanced r ations; j udging; lantern slides. Third quarter; four hours attendance; four hours prep ar atio n; laboratory to be arranged; two hours credit. M. T. W, Th.


9. Dairying-Gives fundam ental training in dairying as w ell as of practical val ue to the student. Characteristics and composition of milk; factors influencing amount of milk; physiology of milk secretion; breeds of dairy cattl e ; judging; milk, cr eam, butter a nd cheese testing ; m ark etin g of dairy products; d a iry sanitation; how to f ee d a dairy cow; tub er culin t est ; car e a n d management of d a iry cattle; la ntern slides. F ourt h quarter and summer school ; four h ours attend ance ; fo ur hours preparation; fo ur hours la b ora t ory ; tw o hours cr edit. Daily.

10. Farm Management- Farm Management is the business side of farming. It deals with problems which confront the man on the farm in the organization and management of his business. Types of farming and their adaption to different regions; capital; labor; systems of land tenure; cropping systems; farm layouts; farmstea d and its location; m arketing; cooperation; choice and purchase of a farm; factors affecting profits; practice in taking farm records. Work is based on text book, bulletins and Nebraska farm management survey records. Part of the semester is given over to the study of farm accounts in which the actual cost of farm operations and the loss and gain upon each farm enterprise are figure d . .This is data actually taken from farms, one being in south eastern Nebraska. Open to juniors and senior.s or by perm1ss1on . First semester; four hours attendance ; six hours preparation ; laborator y t o be arranged; four hours credit. Summ er sch ool two h ours credit. Daily. Community Surveys-A continuation of Course Prerequisite Course 10. Each student makes an

1 1.




investigation and reports upon some particular problem. The nature of the investigation can be largely of the students own selection . First and Second semester and summer school; three to twelve hours meeting, preparation and library; one to four hours credit. BIOLOGY.

L. F. Garey, Acting Head. H. C. Hanson, Associate. a. Botany-A study of the parts and organs of plants and of their simpler physiological functions. Classification given attention and a herbarium collected. Second semester; three hours attendance; four hours laboratory and fi eld work; entrance credit. M. W . Th. b. Botany-A cursory study of the simple aglae, fungi, mosses, and ferns, followed by work on flowerin g plants similar to that outlined in co urse a . Especially designed for those prep aring for state examinations. Summer school ; four hours attendance; six hours laboratory and field work; entrance credit.

I & 2. Botany.-General Botany-A study of the plant cell and fundamental tissues, subsequent to which, type forms representing the differ ent phyla of the plant kingdom are studied. Special attention is placed on the evolutionary development and classification of plants. Their economic r elations also receive careful consideration. First and second semester; four hours attendance; eight hours la boratory and preparation; four hours credit. M. T. W. Th.

3. Botany-An examination of the plant cell and fund amental tissues, fo llowed by a study of type forms re-



presenting both the algae and some classes of fungi. Plant evolution, classification and economic relations are emphasized. The course closes with work on Phaeophyceae. Summer school; four hours attendance; six hours l aboratory; two hours credit. 4. Plant Physiology-An introductory study to the processes and functions of plants. It includes the study of absorption, translocation, phetosynthe es, transpiration, r Pspiration, irritability and growth. First semester; four hours atten dance; six hours laboratory; four hours credit. Summer ch ool, two h ours credit. Prerequisite, Courses 1 an d 2. T. W. Th. F . 5. Botany-An advance d course in general botany d eali ng especiall y with flowering plants. Prerequisite, 1 and 2. Second semester; four hours atte ndance ; eight hours laboratory and preparation; two hours credit. T. W . Th.F. 12. Botany Methods-See Science Methods.




13. Bota ny Laboratory Practice-See Course 13, Ge n eral Science Meth ods. 14. General Zoology-A brief general survey of th e fi e'd of zoology. A study of t he different phyla of the an ima l kingdom, tracing t he evolution and deve lopment of u~ e diff erent orga ns. Type forms of the different phyla will be given detailed study in th e laboratory. Morphology a nd p hysiology w ill receive special attention. Dissec ti on.::; 21: d dr awings will be required. The work of the fi rst q u~rter treats mainl y of the Protozoa and the lower Meti::zoa ; tl: e seco nd quarter, of the higher Metazoa, and especi::t ll y of t h e phyla Arthropoda .:rnd Ch ordata. Spec-



ial attention will be g iven to econ omic relat ions. First semester; four hours atte ndance; :four i.our .,; prepa.1-,.tion ; six hours laboratory ; fo ur h ourn creJtt. 3 um tu er .:;chool two hours credit. T. W. Th . F . Classes in Advanced .£:001ogy w il1 be organized to meet t he deman ds of st udents. CHEMISTRY. W. F . Hoyt, Professor . .., Chemistry-An elementary course in inorganic chemistry . including chiefly fu nd am ental principles and H study of non-m etalli c ~ ub st::i.nces . This course is the equiva lent of the ordinary bgh school ch emistry. Muc;1 emphasis is placed u pon o,~;t: , 1 rna;: ; t ery of \·a lence, :'-.:« v tion and equ a tions as \Yill en a b le t he student to understand and inter pre'., t he i1-r-1 pler processes of ch emical action, and to sol ve pfoct ica l pr oblem . E ach semester and summer school; fo ur ho urs a ttenchnce; fou r hours la boratory; four h our'l credit. T. W . Th. F. 1. Chemistry-A college co urse in element ary chemistry for students beyon d the sophomo1·e ye ar of the normal. Junior, seni o1· an d graduate "tuLl c 11 ~" n; .. y t" .. e this course without previo s stud y of the sub j ect. l\1ore emp hasis is p laced upon the fu ndam enta ls, qu a nt itr.tive work and probl ems. - Eac'1 E! eme. ter and summer school ; four hours attend an ce; fo ur hou ~·:::; ~ abo ra t ory; four Lours credit. Summ er sc ho ol, four I'..our cre di t. T. Th . F. 1

2. Chemistry- P rerequis ite Ci1emi btry (a) oi· (1 ). A study of metalli c sub stan ces, a br ief con~ i deration of sim ple organic co mpounds, and some adva nc ed ci1em ica l principles. Laboratory work the first qua rter is quali ta-



t ive an alysis by the reagent m ethod, while' the second quarter is d esign ed to me et the requirments of courses in dom estic science and agriculture. Two select ed t h eses are r equired of each pupil d uring the course . First and second semesters ; four h ours attend ance ; four periods laborator y; fo ur hours credit. Summer schoo l (qualitative an alysis only ), two hours credit. T . vV. Th. F. 3. Chemistry-Prerequisites, courses 1 and 2. A c ourse in qualitative a n a lysis by reagent a nd blowpipe mefr f'd3. This course is design ed to fit the student for teach ing the science, and each stud ent is urge d to enroll as laboratory assistant in chemistry for practice in lab oratory technique and management. First a nd second semesters; two hours attendance; one thesis ; four hours laboratory; fo ur hours credit with assistance, two hours witho ut. Summer school, two hours credit with assistance, one hour without. W. F.


Chemistry-A co ntinu ance of course 3 with adquantitative work an d the use of spectrometer ;and polerimeter in analysis . Second sem ester ; t wo hours attendance; one th esis ; four hou rs lab oratory ; four h ours credit with assistance; two hours without. W. F . ditiom~l

5. Chemistry-Prerequisites, courses 1 to 4. Organic chemistry, a more extended stud y of the series an d classes of hydrocarbons and their derivatives. Second semester; two hours attendance ; one thesis; four hours laboratory; two hours credit. M. W. 6 . Astronomy-An elementary course in descript ive astronomy, d esigned to equip st ud ents more fully fo r teachin g geogr a phy, physiography, geology, nature s tudy, etc. The course is emir'')ntly pra ctical, some such


study being essential to a thor ough understanding of latitude, longitude, time, tid es, changes of seasons, and other topics of general use. Astromony is an interesting subject in itself, and is rendered doubly so in the Normal by the use of two good refracting telescopes, three inches and five inches, on the same equatorial mountin g , collimated so as to give two magnifications at the same time. Considerable attention is given to the applications a nd principles of the scien ce, and to the solution of practical problems, though no mathmetics b eyond algebra and plane geometry is r equired of the pupil. Laboratory work consists chiefl y of a study of the constellations, evenings with the telescope, manipulation of celestial and terrestrial globes, measurements, etc. First and second semester; four hours atten d ance ; four hours laboratory; one thesis; four hours credit. Summer school, two hours credit. M. T. W . Th . ods.

12. Chemistry Methods. Credit four hours.

See General Science meth-

13. Laboratory Practice in Chemistry--See laboratory practice under General Science. Consult instructor before enrolling. Credit two hours. EARTH SCIE NCES. Rose B. Clark, Professor. a. Trainer Geography-The course opens with a study of the factors controlling climate. This is followe d by a survey of regions illustrating various climatic controls, with emphasis laid upon man's response to these controls. Fourth quarter and summer school; four hours attendance ; two hours credit. M. T. Th. F.



b. Physical Geography-A st udy of t h e earth's fea~ tures with regard to th eir orig in a nd signifi ca nce. The human side is stressed . Field trips an d la bor ato r y wo r k . Se cond sem este r; four hours atte ndan ce; fou r hour~ credit. Summer school two hours cr edi t . IVI . W. Th. F I. Grammar Gra de and High School Geogra phy~ A study of t h e principles which govern the e lection and presentation of materia l for the gramma r grades and high school. Regional geography with t h e problem method. Primaril y for seniors. First and second semester ' ; foUl' h o:irs attenda n ce; four hours credit. Summer school two h ou rs cr edi t. T . W. Th. F. 2. Geography in t he Pr imar y Gra des- Home and Worl d Geogr a phy. The selection and adaptation of ma~ t er ials suitable fo r t h e firsL four grades. A study of peOe pi es nnde r m ar kedly different co ntrols. First and sec¡ ond se mesters ; fo ur hours attendance; four hours credit. Su mmer sch ool two hours credit. IVI. T . W . Th . 2' , Geographic Influences-A tudy of the more in1e p N t ant influ ences w h ich have determined great movem ents in h istor y, a nd have helped to prod uce present clay c o ndi ti o n~ . Second quarter; four hours attendanc e ; two hou rs credit. IVI. T .. W. T h.

4. in d ustrial Geogr a p hy-A br ief surny of the m od•:!rn r.: omrn ercia l and in dustrial world. Smith' ' In~ dustrial and Comm er cia l Geography will be used a a t ext. First quarter; fou r h ours attend a nce; two hours credit . T. W . Th. F. 5. Geology-Geogra phical and Historica l.- Field tri ps, investigation of top ographi cal m aps ; m inera l a nae lysis. Fi r st a nd second semester; fo ur h ours atte ndan<'e

FEfil1, . 'EBRASKA


tv o hours laboratory; chool two hours cr edit.

four h ours M. T. W. Th.




ll. f;li fford Hendricks, Associate, and Assistant a. Physics, Beginning- Work based who ll y upon neld wor k, a nd experimen ts which are largely qua litative and ind uctive in ch ara cter. Much made of t h e stud ent's em·ironm ent in which the principl es of the subj ect are to function . Topics treated: Gravity, work and machines, mo tion, fluid pressure and power , and sound. First seme ter ; fo ur hours a ttend ance; four hours laboratory; ioiu· ho urs cr ed it. M. T. W. Th . a-1. Physics, Beginning- First quarter 's work of course a. Top ics : Gr avit y, work and machines, and motion. Summer school, two hours credit. a-2 Physics, Beginning- Se cond quarter's work of course a. Topics ; Fluid pr essure and power, an d sound. Summer school, tw o h ours cr edit. (C ourses a-1 and a -2 may be ta ken togeth er for four h ours credit for course a. ) ·b. Physics, Second Semeste r -Co·ntinu ation of .course a . Top ics : H eq., and molec ular physics, electri.city and ligh t. Labora.t<rr·y work large ly q u 9.ntit ativ e. Sec~nd emester; four h 0u rs atte nd a nce; four hours la boratory; four hours cr e.dit. ( Courses b-1 and b-2 are offered _in summer school upon a basis simil ar to a-1 and a-2 wh en ,requisit,e ;np_m b er make application for same.) M. T. W.

•}h! c. Physics, Laboratory Course-Quantitative experiments with individual _instr~~ti911. First and second



semester and summer school; three hours laboratory; one hour credit. (Credit not to exceed two hours.) 1. Physics, Review-A course designed to give a survey of the whole field of ·high school physics for teach ers of physics and those wishing to review physics for state examinations. Summ er school; ten h ours attendan ce; two hours cr edit .

2. Physics of the Atmosphere, Beteorology-A study of the atmosphere, its circula tion in re lation to winds, weath er, and climate; th e weather maps and t heir aid in interpreting t h e w eath er of Nebraska. Supplements Geology 5 in prep aring students for t eaching high school physical geograph y. Summer sc hool; fo ur h ou1:s attendance; four hours laboratory ; tw o hours credit. 3. Physics, College-A general college course t r eating mechanics and electricity. Prerequisite : Two points high school entrance credit 01~ coursB b and trignametry. First semester; four hours atte ndance ; six hour& la boratory; four hours credit. T. W. Th. F. 4. Physics, College-A continu ation of course 3, tre ating : Hea t, mole cul ar ph ysics, light and soun d. Prerequisites, sam e as for Course 3. Second senrnster; four hours atte ndan ce ; six hours lab oratory ; four hours er dit. T. W . Th. F. 12.

Physics Method_- See Co ursB L und er Science

Methods. 13. Physics Practice~A course of practice in l abo~ r atory teach ing an d ad ministration in the norm al ph . sics la boratory. Open to stud ents of coll ege rank. First and second semester; on e hour conference; five hours la boe~l ­ tory; two hours credit.



PHYSIOLOGY. Earl Johnson, Associate. a. Elementary Physiology-This course goes more deeply into the subject than is commonly taken up in elementary or high schools, an d presupposes some little acquaintances with the subject. Emphasis is laid on methods of teaching. Each semester and summ er school; four hours attendance; two hours laborat 0ry; four hours credit. Summ er school two hours credit. M. T. W. Th. 1. Advanced Physiology-Takes up a more exh austive study of the huma n body. This course should, if possible, be preceded or accompanied by the first course in Zoology and in Chemistry. Recitations and lecutrers. Given when seven or m ore students request it; four hours attendance; two hours laboratory; four hours credit. M. T.W. Th.

3. Physiology of Exercise-Presupposes a course in Physiology and takes up t his science from t h e viewpoint of the athlete or gymnast and the playground supervisor. The effects of exercise upon the vital processes. Considers the physical val ue of various exercises. Given when seven or more students request it; two hours atten danc e two hours credit. T. Th. 4. Kinesiology- A study of the actions of the muscles and le vers of the body. Course founded on a late text, supp lemented by exp eriment and observation of value to the athlete or gymnastic coach. Given when seven or more students re q uest it; two hours attendance; two hours credit. T. Th.



SCIENCE FOR GRADE TEACHERS. 1. Nature Study-A class for k indergarten, primary and rural teach ers who wish a knowledge of methods in studying the material of their environment and a t raining in the ability to adapt it to their school subjects. First and second semester; four hours attendance; fo ur hours field work; fo ur h ours credit. M. T. W. Th.

1-a Nature Study- The first quarter of course 1. Summer school ; four hours attendance; four ho urs field work; two h ours credit. 1-b. Nature Study-The second quarter of course 1. Summer school; four hours attend a nce ; four h ours field work; two hours credit. (1 -a uot a ne cessary prerequisite for 1-b.) 2. Grammar Gr ade and General Science- A class devoted to a consideration of the sub ject m atter, organization and methods of handling science in the grammar grades and the first year of the high school. Summer school; four hours attendance; four hours laboratory; two hours credit. SCIENCE METHODS. 12. Science Methods-A course dealing with the content, organization, methods of instructio~ and la boratory administration of high school agricult ure, botany, chemistry, physics and physiology. Prerequisite, two hours of approved college credits in each subj ect taken. Second semester; four hours attendance ; four hours credit.



Professors Rose B. Clark, W. F. Hoyt. Associates L. F . Garey, H. C. Hanson and B. Clifford Hendricks.


Agric;ulture-Laboratory Practice. Associate Professor L. F. Garey. 13. Botany-Laboratory Practice. Associate Professor H. C. Hanson. 13. Chemistry-Laboratory Practice. Professor W. F. Hoyt. 13. Physics-Laboratory Practice. Associate Professor B. Clifford Hendricks. 13. Physiography-Laboratory Practice. Professor Rose B. Clark *In all laboratory practice courses students should consult instructor before registering. Credit on basis of one hour for t hree hours assistance. DEPARTMENT OF LATIN AND OTHER ANCIENT LAN GAUGES.

Esther A. Clark, Professor. a. Beginning Latin-The fundamentals of Latin study. Special stress placed upon the mastery of paradigms, vocabulary,_and common constructions necessary for reading simple Latin. Attention given to English derivatives from the Latin of the text. First semester; four hours attendance; four hours credit. Summer school, two hours credit. M. T. Th. F. b. Beginning Latin-Continuation of course a. Second semester; four hours attendance; four hours credit. M. T. Th. F.



c. Ceasar___..:.Th e Gallic War. Special stress pl aced upon r eading the connected sto r y, reading La t in for sen 'e and sight translation . Latin con1posit ion, review of pa .. radigms a nd furthe r study of constru ction. Attention given to English Latin words in other High sc hoo l sub¡ jects. First sem ester ; four hours attendan ce ; fou r hours credit. Summer sch ool, two hours credit. .M. T . Th. F. d. Caesar-Continu a tion of Course c. econd semester; fo ur hours attenda nce ; four hours cred it. M. T. Th. F. 1. Cicero-A st udy of th e oration s a n d letters of Cicero in their prop er setting of life and time. Gramm.ar and co mposition con tinu ed. Spec ia l attention to the th ought a s it molds the senten ce. First se mester: our hours attenda nce; four hours cr edit. M . VI. Th. F. 2. Cicero-Continuati on of Course 1. econd sem ester; four hours attend a n ce ; four hours credit. M . \V. Th. F. 3. Vergil-Th e Aeneid stud ie d as a lite r a ry ma terpiece. Interpretation of th e p atrio t ic th P-me of t h e poe m a s we ll as the story. Sp ecia l attent ion t o b eauty of thou ght and expression. Practi ce in canning a nd metd cal r eading. First seme t er; fo ur hours attenda n ce : fo ur hour s credit. M. T. W. Th.

4. Vergil-Continua t ion of Course 3. Second ::;emester; fou r hours attendance; fours hours cr edit . M .T, W.Th.

5. Horace-Stud y of the Odes in their r elati on t o th e life of the Augustan age. Open to stud ents wh o ha \¡e had four years of Latin . F irst q ua r ter; fo ur h our _ a tt tuftflllC e; wo hours credit. M. T . W. F.



6. Horace-Satives and Epistles. Continuation of Course 5. Second quarter; four hours attendance; two hours credit. M. T. W. F . 7. Ovid-Selections from the Metamorphoses. Practice in scanning a nd metrical reading. Open to students wh o h ave had three years of Latin. Fourth quarter and summer school; alternates with course 8, four hours attendance; two hours credit. M. T. W. F. 8. Sallust- Catiline's Conspiracy. Open to students w_h o have had three years of Latin. Fourth quarter and summer school; alternates with course 7; four hours attendance ; two hours credit. M. T . W. F.

9. Livy, Tacitus, De Amicitia or De SenectuteThe author chosen to m eet the wishes of the class. Open to students who have had four years of Latin. May, if desirable, alternate with courses 7 and 8. Fourth quarter and summer school; four hours attendance; t wo hours credit. M. T. W. F.

10. Greek and Roman Mythology- The principal myths in their relation to nature, literature, art a nd astronomy. A general culture course open to all students. In third quarter mythology will a lternate with course 9. Third quarter and summer school ; four hours attendance; two hours credit. M. T. W. F. 11. Beginning Latin- A review course for teachers and those who wish to strengthen t h emselves in the fundamentals of Latin study. First semester and summer school;¡ four hours attendance; two hours credit. M. T. Th. F. 12. Caesar-A review course for teachers and those who wish to strengthen themselves in Caesar. Special



attention to construction and methods of presen ting the subject. F irst semester and summer sch ool ; four hour attendance; two hours credit. Summer school, on e hour credit. T. W. Th. F. A Latin Club meeting once a month will be organized for the members of the Latin department, the t ime being given to Latin games, songs and entertainments design ed to give a full er appreciation of Roman life an d Literatur , DEPARTMENT OF GERMAN AND OTHER MOD ER N LANG U AGES.

Abba Willard Bowen, Professor. T he general aim of th is co ur::;e is given to a practical. m astery of t he fund a mentals of the la ngu a ge, a nd a uyn1pathetic insight into Germany's significance for the world, T he abi lity to grasp the thought directly through the r eadings or hearing the German is the major aim; t he ability to write and speak simple German cor rectl y the minor aim. Speaking and writing are practiced con ti nu¡ ously from t h e first, however, as the most effective mean of achieving the main purpose of the course . I. Elemen tary Course -Te xt s' Prokosc h 's "German for Beginners;" Gueber's Ma erchen und Erzae hlunge n; Scherer a nd Dirk's Lied erbuch . Two weeks of systema t ic drill in th e elem ents of phonetics. Inciden ta l work in phonetics in every course of t !:': e dep a rtment. Fu nda m entals of gram ma r , syste matic vocabulary study, simple word building, prin ciples of senten ce-order, taught by m eans of the d irect m eth od. Oral and writte n exercises, in fo rm of q uestions, a nswers and very sh or t reproductions, based on t exts r~ ad . F olk songs commi tte d and ¡



sung. First semester; four hours attendance; four hours credit.

T. W. Th. F. Continuation of Course 1-Texts, German for Beginners completed ; Glueck Auf ; Sch erer and irk' s Liederbuch. Continuation of g en eral plan of Course 1. More sustained and intensive work in composition. A s in German 1, definite effort toward t h e acquirement of an active vocabulary. Second semester ; fo ur hours attendance; four hours cr edit. T. W. Th . F. 2.

3. Third Semester-Texts, Ba co n's Im Vaterland , descriptive of mod ern German life in its every-d a y phases; Prokosch's Lese-u nd Ub u ngsbuch, a direct E:d od composition book, presen ting imply the g eogrn ph:..r, commerce and indu stries of the German Em pire . Cr::i.l and written composition based on t exts in fo r!".1 of conversation, short r eproductions, letters. Empha s ·s u po;J the tudy of the mo de l auxi !iari e'.l Rnd th e passive Yo '.ce. Memorizing of idi oms and of short i;oems. Fi st ·emet:ter; four hours attendance; four hou:t s credit. l\L T . Th. F. 4. Continua t ion of Course 3- Texb, Sb rm' 3 Irr.mensee ; Ernst's Fl acksrnann 2.l s Erziehe:· ; Lc Je -u.1 cl Ubungsbuch com p leted. Gen eral me t h od that of course 3. As in previous courses, all texts read aloud. Emphasis upon uses of the subjun ctive . Second semester; four hours attendanc e; fou r h ours cred it. M. T. Th. F .

5. Th ird Year German-Texts, F 1·eyta g's die Journalisten; Stern's Gesc hic hten vo n deutcl:en SL cd ':e:1; Bacon's German Com position , fi ·:::t L:d: , _ rehn's Guide to Germ:rn Voca bulary . Rapid re ;} din g. ReJ:wc du -:c tion (largely in German) in stead of translation. Intens' ve



::Jtudy of idioms and of associated vocabulary groups. Es.sentia ls of dramatic structure surveyed . Frequent writing of short German th emes based in the t~xt. First sem ester, four hours att end an ce ; fo ur h ours credit. M. T. W.F. 6. Continuation of Course 5-Texts, Sud ermann's Frau Sorge; otherwise same as in 5. Survey of basic J>rinciples underlying construction of the novel. Themes as in 5. Second semester; fo ur hours attend an ce ; .four :hours credit. M. T . W . F . 7. A dvan ced German-Texts' W ilhelm Tell or Marie Stuart; selecte d poems (including "<las Lied von der Glocke" and "der Spaziergang"; one modern play or short story; Prehn's Guide to German Vocabulary. Three hours per week academic work, one hour methods of teaching German . Library readings on method. Survey of principles of dram atic structure . Daily practice in roral composition. 'Frequent themes in German. Sysitematic vocabulary studies. First semester; four hours attendance; four hours credit. M. T . W. Th. 8. Continuation of Course 7-Texts, Carl Schurz' Lebenserinnerungen; shorter texts for rapid reading; selected poems; Prehn. Elementary historical study of the 1848 period. Otherwise, method of procedure as in Course 7. Second semester ; four hours attendance; four h ours credit. M. T. W. T h.

DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY SOCIOLOGY AND ECONOMICS. ¡ Mattie C. Ellis, P rof essor. W . R. H ull, Associate. A nna V. Tibbets, Associate.



a. History of the United St ates- A ge;1era l s:.irvey of the history of our country pr ep a ratory to teachin g it in the elementary schools in N ebrask a . First and Gecond emesters ; four hours att end an ce ; fou r h ours c~·e d i t. Summer school, two hours credit. M. T. Th. F.

b. Med i.:_eval i-~ :_t ory- Ope n to all who haY e h a d General Hi.,tory or Courses 1 an d 2. Fir st semest er ; four hours atlenda,1ce; fo ur hours cr edit. Summer sch ool, two hcu1·s credit . T . W . Th. F. l. lireek H istory-Op en to all who h ave h ~,c1 Gen eral History in t h e h igh sch ool. First semester ; four hours atte;;dance; four ho urs cre dit . M. T. W. Th.

2. Roman History- Open to a ll who h ave h ad Ge neral History in the h igh scho ol. Second sem ester; f ur hours atte ndance; fotE' !:ours credi t. lVI. T . W . '_1_' n . 3. French Revolu tion an d Na poleonic H ist :r_ ·Open to all who h ave l:ad coti!'"e b . F irst sem -.. ter ; fJur hours attendance ; fo ur ho urs cred it. Sum mer sc~10 o l , two hours cred it. lVI. W . Th. F .

4. Advanced A merican H istory- Begins wi t 11 t he treaty of P aris, 17 63 : covers t h e p i-.:;- Revo~ u tio n a ry an d th e Constitutiona l pe1·iod of w es tw::ird growth a nd expansion . Fii·:st semeJter ; fo ur hours atte ndanc e ; f ur hours cre dit. Sun!mcr t' Chool, t wo hours cr ed it. l\I. vV. Th. F. 5. History of Afr ica•• :::L~110:· J in America-Origin , growth and crisis. Second s meste r : four hou r , attendance ; fo ur hours cr edi t. M. VI . T h . F. 6. Europe in the Nine teenth Century and th e Fresent European War-Fir st and second semester ; four hours atten dance; fou r ho urs cr edit. M. T. W. T h .



7. English History-Op en to a ll who h ave h ad the Gen eral History or its equivalent. Second sem ester ; four hours a ttendance; fo ur hours credit. Summer school, two h ours cr edit . T . W. Th. F. 8. History of the Protestant Reformation-Open t o a ll who h a ve h a d History b . Secon d semester ; att endan ce four hours ; fou r h ours cr edit.

1. Political Science-A stu dy of t h e nature and c ourse of socia l d evelopment, t he or igin and t h e function of th e more imp ortant socia l instit utions su ch as t h e famil y a nd state assemblies. Second semest er ; four h ours attendan ce ; fo ur ho urs cr edit. T. W . Th. F. 2. Eth ics-Fundamental principles of ethics applied to questions of social life. Fourth quar~e r; fo ur hours attendance; two hours credit. M. T. W . F. 3. Politica l Economy-A study of the laws governing the economic activity of man. Investigation and discussion of important present day problems. First se~ mester; four hours attendance; four hours credit. T. W. Th. F.

DEPARTMENT O F EDUCA TION A ND PSYC HOLOGY. F. 'M. Gregg, Professor. 1. P hysiological Psychology-This course constitutes the first half of the required psychology of the j unior year. It includes a study of the structure and functions of the nervous system as the physical basis of min d. The course includes two periods of Jaborator y w ork a week, adj usted to suit t h e student's daily program. First and t hird qu arters and summer school ; fo ur hours attendance; two hours cr edit. M. T. W. Th.



2. General Psychology-This course constituting the sc.cond half of the required psychology of t h e junior year, takes up the topics usually considered in introductory work in the study of the cognitive, affective, and conative aspects of mind. It is supplemented by lectures, collateral readings, and individual and class experimentation. Second and fourth qua r ters and summer school; four hours attendance; two h ours credit. M. T. W . Th. 3. Child Study. __ This course, while elective, gives a viewpoint for teachers of elementary grades t h at t h e Required Psychology cannot suppl y. It includes a study of the springs of human behavior, p eriods of unfolding childhood, and th e proper regimen for successful child development . Observation and r eports of children form a part of th e course . P sychologies 1 and 2 are prerequisites. First quarter a nd summer school ; four hours a ttandance; two hours credit . M. T. Th. F. 4. Psychology of Adolescense- W h ile t his is an elective co urse for the gener al stud ent of education, it is especially designed to meet the needs of those intending to become high school teachers. This course covers t he phenomena of physical growth and mental development in the highly interesting period from 13 or 14 to 17 or 18 years of age. Psychologies 1 and 2 are prerequisites. Second qu arter and summer school; four hours attendance; two hours credits. M. T. Th. F. 5. Social Psychology, Psychological Aspect-This is a course that goes more profoundly into the roots~ of human nature t ha n a ny other elective course in psychology off ered here, a nd only t h e more thoughtful and ambitious st udents will find t his a congenial course. A



limited study of the p sychology of r eligion is included in ¡ t his course , and also a study of th e essentially social natur e of the mind. McDougall's Social P sychology is the basis of the course . P sychologies 1 an d 2 are prerequisites. T h ir d qu ar ter; four h ours att en dan ce; t wo hours credit. M. T. Th. F. 6. Social Psychology, Sociological Aspect-The principles of human nature as revealed in a study of the s ocial mind are here applied to the explanation of fashion, custom, conventionality , r ational and irrational imit ation, etc. Emphasis is laid on t he pe dagogical implicat ions an d on th e m eaning of socia l and individu al contacts. T h e p sychology of public speaking, sa lesm anship, a dv ertising , etc., a r e consider ed . P sychology 1 and 2 are p r er equ isites. F ourt h q uarter; fo ur hours a ttendance ; tw o hours credit . M. T. Th. F . 7. Psychology of Thinking-An in tensive study of t he cognitive asp ects of mind. Esp ecial em phasis is laid u p on the n ew do ctrine of attitudes as it affe'cts t h P. usvc h ologic th eory of prece pt ion, con cep tion , and the consciousness of m ea ning. The sign ifican ce of this view for t h e m a nu al and d ynam ic forms of educating is made clear. P sych ologies 1 a nd 2 a r e pr ere quisites. Fourth u ~rter; four h ours atten d ance ; two ho urs cr edit . T. W. ~J' h . F .

$. Exp erimental Psychology and Education-A :study of certain ed ucation al problem::; from th e experiment al standp oint , int end ed to enable t h e stud en t t o understand the technical literature of th.e scien ce of educ ation, a nd to construct and interpret gra phs, correlat ion s, etc. Th e study of the Binet-Simon, the Yerkes, and



the Cornell intelligence tests is tak en up an d app lies in practice. The course also includes practical work in the measurement of education.al achievements. P sychologies 1 and 2 are prerequisites. Third quarter; four hours attendance; two hours credit. M. T . Th. F. 9. Educational Psychology (Psychology of School Subjects)- An elective course designed to cove r somewhat exhaustively the psychology of the common and high school subjects, such as the psychology of spelling, reading, mathematics, scien ces, languages, etc. The method is partly one of research and partly on e of individual and of class experim entation. P sychologies 1 and 2 are prerequisites. Given on d em and of seven students; four hours attendan ce ; two hours cr edit. M. T. Th. F. 10. Genetic Psychology-An elective course involving a study of mind in the light of evolu t ion; unfo lding of consciousness as deve loped in a nimal forms and racial history. The course is made con crete by certain direct studies of animal b ehavior and learning processes. Psychologies 1 and 2 are prerequisiteti. Given on demand of seven students ;four hours attendance; two hours credit. M. T. Th . F. 11. History of Modern Educat ion.- A required course for seniors, invol ving a study of the evolution of educational ideals, especial attention being paid to t h e work of such reformers as have distinctly influenced modern pedagogical practice. ¡ A limited study of educational classics is included. Every quarter and summer school; four hours attend ance; t wo hours credit. T. W. Th. F.


12. Person al and School Hygiene-A required. course for seniors, looking to the general conservation and control of h ealth , and emphasizing (1) hygene for tb.e individual and especially the school child, (2) sanitation of the school room , building and grounds, (3) the b.y. giene of instruction, and (4) public school instruction in h ygiene. Every quarter and summer school; four hours attendan ce; four hours credit. T. W. Th. F . 13. Parliamentary Law-A study a nd practice of the principles employed in co ntrollin g p~r liam e n btry assemb lies. The subject is taken up progressi\ ely and every point is illustrated in th e spontaneous clal's activity. Each student is g iven abu nd a n t practice in pre-:; iding an d opportunity for participating in all forms of parlimentary procedure, including such exercises a s a p¡residential nomin ating co nvent ion , a sitting of legislature, or a parliamentary tourname nt. For en thusiasm, utility, a nd disc ipline, f ew s ubjects approach this short course in parliamentary law. This course is given the second se mester, the class meet ing twice a we ek ; it is a lso given d uring the s umm er school, the class meeti1Jg four times a wee k. One hour drill credit.

DEPARTMENT OF TRAININ G FOR T EACHERS. (See Training Department Faculty Page 5) The Training School.

There are t hree ge neral p la ns for providing teaching in normal sch ool courses. One is to affi liate the normal school with the public school. The teaching is then a part of the regu lar city school under joint direction of the training department and t he school authoriti es. A



econd pl an is to have the training sch ool a part of the public syste m , bu t h oused , equip pe d and ta ught by the norm a l scho ol. The distri ct then pays a certain fee f or the edu cation thu s provid ed its chil dren. The third plan is to have the training school organized as a part of the normal school itse lf, th us giving direct and full control of it. Our tr a ining school is of this latter type . The t r aining sc hool is the "ed ucational cli nic" in t he teacher's profession. It serves two distinct p urp oses in the general pla n of professiona l training. It furni sh es for illustrative teaching p upils with w h om t h e sp ecia l teachers in th is lin e are in di rect t ouch and who lend themse lves easily to the m ethods used in illu strative teaching. In the !Second place it gives opportunity fo r students to do actua l teachin g und er expert guidance . Here the st ud ent learns to app ly his psychology and principles of teaching. Public school sup ervisor s a nd principals r ecognize this' as a va lu a ble tra ining for beginning teachers. Experienced teachers usua lly find it a place in which they m ay re-a djust themselves to the new things in education and keep themse lves abreast of the times. 3. Theory of E duc a tion (Educationd P sychology ) -

The fo ur hours of required psychology adm it~ of little time for the practical app li cation of the subject to the teaching act. It is the purpose of th is course to take up the ap plica tion of the principles of psychology to t he science of education. The course includes some experimentation and a critical study of several problems bearing upon ed ucation , theory, and practice. One-third of the t ime is given to a systematic study of t he problems of sc hool management. E ach semester; four hours attendance ; four hours cr edit. M. T. W. Th.



8. Methods and Principles of Education-Junior year. Gives insight in to teaching as a n art and constit utes a ration a l preparation for practice teaching, edu ca~ tional prin cip les and general methods illustrated by model lesson s in different subjects. Section 1, primary teachers; section 2, grammar teachers. First and second q u arters; four hours attendance; two hours credit. ece t ion 1, M. T. W. Th. Section 2, T. W. Th . F. 9. Methods and Principles of Education-Follows Course 8. Furnishes an essential working basis for subsequ ent teach ing. Methods of p r esenting va:rious ubj e cts in elemen tary sch ool currciculum elaborated by m eans of lectures, reports and disr:: ussions. Section 1, primary teach ers ; section 2, gramm ar teachers. econd and fo ur th q u a r ters ; fo ur h ours atten d a n ce; two h ours credit . Sectio n 1, M. T. W . T h . Section 2, T . W. Th. F, N ote- By doin g double work, it is possib le to compl ete t h e work o utl in ed in Ed ucation c3 and 9 in two summ er sessions. 10. Practice-Cou r se open to seniors onl:>'路 Prereq u.isite ed u catio n 8 and 9. Each student ha ntire ch arge of a class in the Training School for a p eriod da ily. O pportun ity g iven for change of subject, grade an d depar tment at stated inte r va ls. Work close ly sup ervised. by training teachers who hold frequ ent individtta l and g r oup conferenc es for the purpose of gi,路ing di1路ectidn and suggestion s, a nalyzing m eth ods a nd discussin g p lans and reports. Work differentiated to suit needs of sup rintend ents, high school, primary and grammar g;tad e teachers. Each semester; dail y r ecitation; four hours c1路edit. 12. Obse r vation- Training class. Students obser\'e expert teaching. Discuss with model teac her the aint"

r nu, NEBRASKA · n processes of h er teaching acts. School management. heory of education, School La w. Hand work. First se ester; fou r hours attend a nce; fo ur hours credit. T. 1¥. Th. F. Note :- Rural teachers w ill register for Rural school Methods and Man a gement (1) the second semes-


T his course prepares teachers for the kind ergarten an d first two grad es of the elementary scho ols. It places specia1 emphasis on kind ergarte n training and calls for t ht maximum amount of p r a ctice in that depart ment H owever. stu d ents speci alizing in this co urse are r equired io ta1<e one q uarter of primary practice . This arrangement wi ll m eet th e dem an d s in p ubl ic schools, w here the kindergarte n and prim ar y are not str ictly differentiate d; abo result in greater efficiency, since teachers in each department are strengthened by an acquaintance with both -phases of w ork. 14. K indergarten Observa tion-Daily observation in t he Train ing School Kindergarten. Discussion leading to .the discoYery of fund a mental kindergart en principles in·volYed in the various activities observed. First semester; five hours observation , one hour r ecit ation; no out side .P11eparation; two hours cr edit. F.

15. Kindergarten Theory-A study of the ed ucai ional views of Froebe!, Pestalozzi, a nd H erbert as compared with eftch other a nd wit h some of the leading pres.ent day ed ucators, Dewey and Montessori. First semester; two h ours att~ nda n ce; two h ours credit. 1\1. W .




16. Kindergarten Technics-Various lines of h an d .. work, meeting the needs of both primary and kindergar.. ten teach ers- such as w eaving, raffia, cardboard con· stru ction , p aper cutting, usuall y included in th e t erm, occupations. Also, songs, plays, traditional g a mes, f olk d an ces, rhythmic ex er cises. First semester; four h ours attend ance; four hours credit. M. T . W. Th. 17. Kindergarten Technics-Practical work with Froebel's gifts, miscellaneous educational toys and en .. larged b uilding materials with reference to their value as means of expression. Son gs, games, etc., continued as in Course 16. Second semester; fo ur hours attendance; four hours credit. M. T. W. Th. 18. Children's Literature-Consideration of juvennil e literature for kindergarten and primary grades. Fanciful and realistic stories. Folk and fairy tales' myths, fab les, realistic stories. Selection, adaptation and telling of stories. Second semester; four hours attenda n ce; four hours credit. M. T .Th. F. 19. Kindergarten P ractice-Each student given op .. portunity to tak e full charge of th e training school kinder · garten at st a ted inter va ls. Practice offered in a ll lines that constit ute th e usua l kind ergarten progra m. Work closely sup er vised by t h e tr a inin g t each er of t his departm ent . First sem ester; fiv e ho urs practice; fo ur hours credit. 20. Kindergarten Practice-Co urse 19 continu ed. Secon d semester ; five h ours practice ; four h ours credit. 21. Kindergarten Theory-Progr a m m a kin g. P r o· blems in ad ministration. A comprehensive study of kine d er garten p rin ciples in r ela t io n to som e of the n ew sup ple~



mentary play materia l. First se mester, thre e h ours attendance ; two hours credit. 1\1. Vv. F . 22 . K indergarten T heory- Co urse 21 continued. Second se mester ; three hours atten d anc e; two hours credit. M. W. F. Students havin g had seve r a l year s of successful primary and kindergarten p ubli c scho ol experience may be able to r ed uce the practice requirem ent t o fewer hours; the adj ustment made according to in dividual preparation and experien ce . Courses 14, 15, 16 , 17, and 18 may be elected by students taking th e primary course . Courses 20 a nd 22 open to those taking kindergarten practice. Senior kindergarteners in r egistering are requested to leave the nin e and ten o'clock periods open, so practice teaching may be arranged for either hour. Several courses in th is department will be offered du rin g the summer term. Credit one-half of that given for the semester's work. D etails given in Summ er School Bulletin. PHYSICAL TRAINING FOR MEN. The following courses are designed esp ecia lly to prepare one for teaching similar work in high and grade schools. The pedagogical prin ciples of gymnasium work are followed out and car efully explained with reference to the teaching of gymnastics, games and ath letics in schools where apparatus an d room are limited as well as in those th at h ave a well equip ped gymn asium. Al tho ugh the primar y object of th ese courses is n ot to teach "stunts" it is a very valuable asset t o th e t eacher of high



school physical training courses if he excels in some branch of sport or gymnasium work, and every encourage· ment is given the teacher who desires to develop some line in which he is proficient. No effort is spared to make the following courses interesting and attractive as well as instructive and physically beneficial. 1. Physical Training-Calisthenics, drills, games, introductory work on heavy apparatus. Each day's work is based on the Swedish sy,terri d g 'i'l .sties "11cl :s rdapt· ed to the needs of tbe clvss. Esr.ecial emphasis on discipline and correct bearing. The student must provide himself with the regulation gymnasium suit, consisting of grey sleeveless jersey, gray trousers, white belt, and white tennis shoes. This course, or iia equiva 1 ent. i:; required before the student will be allowed to enter any of the elective gymnasium classes. Two hours attendance; one hour credit. M. W. 1

2. Physical Training-Theory of gymnasium "·ork. Practice teaching in Physical Training 1. Especial atten· tion to the theory and organization of grade school gymnastics. A normal class in gymnastics designed especially to fit the student for supervision of grade school gymnastics. Two hours attendance; one ~our credit. T. Th. 3. Physical Training, Gymnastics-Graded "·ork on each piece of heavy apparatus. Emphasis placed on form and correct execution of each exercise. The class w ill be advanced as rapidly as the work premits. Two hours attendance; o ~". e hour credit. M. W. 4. Physical 'fraiaing--Mat work, ground and lofty t umbling, pyramid building. The work in this class is .always intensely interesting and gives scope for the wid·



est range of ph ysical deve lopment. Difficult "stunts" are made easy. Extreme care ta k en to prevent accidents. Two hours attendance; one hour credit. T. Th. 5. Physical Training-Rhythm exercises. Folk dances of the more vigorous type . Highland Fling, Sailors Hornpipe . The b est kind of work for develop ing gracefu l carriage and physica l co-ordination. Two hou rs attend ance; one hour credit. M. W. 6. Physical Training, Boxing--Scientific presentation of this excell ent form of exercise . Emphasis placed on the val ue of skill and ab ility as against brute strength and ability to stand punishment . One hour attendance; two hours practice; on e hour cre dit. F. 7. Physica l Training-Theory of Sports. Fo ot ball six weeks ; basket ball, track and baseball fo ur weeks each . A course in the theory of each supplement by practical demonstrations during class hours and by outside reading and observation . Four hours a ttendanc e ; two hours credit. M. T . W . Th. 8. Physical Training, History of Physical Education-A course of readings and discussions, tracing t he history an d development of physical training and the influence of th e different movements u pon the modern science. Two hours attendance ; one hour credit. M. W. PHYSICAL TRAINING FOR WOMEN. The Physical Training Course for Women offers exexcises which are design ed to develop organic health and strength a nd bodily grace. The work is also planned so as to give the young women a practical grasp of exercises and games so that they may conduct work of a similar nature in the public schools.


1. Swedish Gymnastics-Correction of improper standing and walking p osture s. Elementary artistic exercises and gymnastic games. One semester; four hours attendance; two hours credit. M. T. W. Th.

2. Continuation of Course I-Elective. Training in class leadershi p and the te ach in g of gymnastics One. semester ; four hours atten dance; two hours credit M. T. W. Th. D EPARTMENT OF COMMERCE.

W . N. Delzell, Professor. Nona M. P a lmer, Assistant. The work in this department has be en r a ised t o college cre di t fo r junior an d senior years. An additional teaching force has enabled the d e p artment to do more efficient work. T he course is so arranged that a student m ay d o the regul ar teacher's professional tra inin g work in a ddition to the required work in commerce. Upon comp letion of this course the student will be gran ted a diploma and a n a dditiona l certificate from th is dep artment showing that he is qualified to teach in th e busin es coll eges and the business department of any high school in Nebraska. A large number of high schools through out t h e states are introdu cing b usiness courses thus creating a demand for especially train ed teachers. a . Bookkeeping-T his work incl udes theory in book keeping. Special emphasis is given to the theory of debits and cre d its a;: d the essentials in th e s ub ject. . u ¡ £. n ess forms are caTefu Jy st udi ed. ~hrougho ut the co ur.s~ attention is given to E-c rncfo. c ds of teach ing t te sub,ii>.c'-. This co urse if offered to second ary students who h ave not



had required work in high school bookeeping. First , second and third quarters and summer school; four hours attendance; two hours credit. T. W. Th. F. b. Shorthand-The Gregg system of shorthand is taught. Much practice in writing and reading the shorthand is given. No extra cn1:1.rgt J.Oi' ~his c o u ~·~e . l ' .. , .; and second semesters; four hours attendance; four hour;:; credit. T. W. Th. F. c. Typewriting-The typewriter is becoming mo:;:e and more an important factor in commercial work, and the demand for skillful operators is ever increasing. The "touch" method is taught. Words and phrases are studied until they can be written readily and unconsciously. Special attention paid to vocabulary, spelling, "'tnc,u ' tion, and paragraphing. Great stress is placed on accuracy, rapidity and nea tness. The best sta:r d ,-·d 1-a Le machines are furnished for practice. This subject may be taken as a drill by any student. Fir st and seco;-d _,e1T?.e.::.ter and summer school. Credit depends upon amount of time the subject is pursued. As a drill, credit not to exceed one hour. d. Penmanship-The instruction is based upon sound psychological and pPd 1 go g i~::i.l princip~c :; with the aim of securing concrete results. Plain, legible, business writing is the chief aim. Work in theory and methods is given during t~e last half of e'lch semester. This subject m·1y be takc,1 ::.::; a d rill by ::i.:-:y sh.1d ~ nt. First and second semester; four ho11rs 2.ttendanc e : bvo hours credit. As I\ drill, one hour credit. M. T. W. Th. e. Orth<5r;r.::phy-In f ' i~. c:mrse special attention is give;1 to :. i.J~C> of spelling, syllabification and definitions,



p ronun ciation a nd etymology . Spe cial m eth ods an d devices of t eaching spe lling in p ublic schools. F irst and second sem este rs ; fo u r h ours atte n d a nc e ; two hours credit. Summer schoo l, on e ho ur cr edit . M. W . Th. F . f . Commercial A rith me tic -Drills in r a pid calculat ion . Specia l emphasis laid on pe rc entage, interest, partnership and equa t ion of acco unts, :rn d such other subjects 2 s ar e used in the business w orld. Second an d third q uarter s ; four h ou r s a ttend a nce ; two ho urs cred it . T. W. Th.F. g. Comp osit 'on a n d Business English-Drill in p un ct uation , ca pita li zation , sent en ce str ucture, paragra ph ing, a nd letter writing, w ith sp eci al refer ence to busir:esR uRag es. Str esR hid up on .~ om IJ O Riti o n of busin ess letters a n d papers. First sem ester ; fo ur hours attend ance; four h ours cr edit . Summer school, two hours cr edit. (Identi cal with "g" Composition and Business English und er En glish D epartment.) M . T . W . Th. 1. Business History a nd Economics- A stu dy of this subj ect g ives the st u den t a bro a d kn owled ge of the d evelopment of business re lations from t he earli est t ime to the present, and a study of the economica l basis of b usiness. The student t r a ces from the p ast the influ ences r esulting in commercia l supremacy of ind ividual n ations, and determines the p ossible trend of tr ade in t h e fut ure, d eals w ith the t ype of b usiness orga niz ations, efficient b usiness m ethods, buying and selling, and the gen er al k nowledge of t h e economics of business. F irst sem ester ; four hours attendan ce ; fo ur hours credit . M. T . W . Th. 2. Business Law-The com mon law in business t r a nsactions. A course d esigned t o show, in a non-tech-



nical manner, the importe.nt factors of the common law affecting ordinary business transactions. The chief aim is to present in a clear and comprehensive manner the principles governing contracts in general, sale of good8, bailments, insurance, credits and loans; contracts of guaranty, negotiable instruments, agency, partnership and joint stock companies, and real and personal property. Practical discussions taken up in class. First and second semesters; four hours attendance; four houra credit. Summer school, two hours credit. T. W. Th. F. 3. Mercantile Accounting-(Prerequisite required high school bookkeeping, 2 hours). This is an advanced course covering the work in mercantile busines'J a:ud tee best modern practice in keeping the business reco.tdJ. Tb~ object is for scientific accounting and business efficiency. This work covers the classification of accounting to sl:ow in detail the condition of every department of busil1eJs at all times. First and second semester fom· houi's atte;1dance; four hours credit. T. W. Th. F. 4. Corporation and Factory Accounting-This course is the continuation of course 4. It illustrates the modern cost keeping, gives a scientific classification of expenses, and shows in detail the activities, productive and ex:;ibitive of the manufactu~'ing business. Third quarter; foc1~· hours atte11dance; hYo hours credit. M. T. W. Th. 5. Bank /'.ccounting-This course follows course 5. Organization and management of the bank books all open eel from statemenb of banks already in operation. The work intm:dJ to give a tLeoretical knowledge of banking. Fours·: c:u2r'..er; four tours nt~e~:dance; two hours credit. M. T. W. Th.



6. Principles of Rural Accountin g-T he object of t his course is to ada pt the principles of Bookk eeping to t h e principles of Ru ral Industry . Its object is to prepare t h e stu dents not on ly in the prin ciple' f Boo kkeeping. but especiall y to prepare them to take up special work in Farm Accoun ting. Second quarter; two hours a t ten d ance; two hours credit. T . W. Th. F. 7. Adv~ ncec! Shor thand-Con tinuation of course b. Dictation; letter writing a nd postal information ; office practice consisting of stencil cutting, m imeographing, letter-press an d ca rbon copying, filing; general r eview of Rtenograp hic principles. First and second se mester; four hou rs atten d E>.nce; fonr l'.our ¡¡ cre di t . Summ'.)r school, two ho urs credit. lVI. T . W. Th. 8. Ad van~e d Dict.::.tion-This work fo llows course 7. Shorthand p enmanship drills, writing and transcribing different matter, speed practice . Students take dictation from differe nt memb ers of the faculty and do other office work con nected with the school. First and second semesters; four hours attendance; four hours credit. M. W. Th . F. Electives recommended to students taking this course: Civics, political economy, commercial geography, drawing, mechanical drawing, German 1 and 2, Latin a, b, c, and d, general economics, and farm management. DEPARTMENT OF MANUAL TRAINING AND ART. F. C. Srp.ith, Professor. 0. J. P al mer, Assistant. Mamie R. Mutz, Associate. Manual Training. This course is intended to prepare teachers and su-


pervisors of manual training in the schools of Nebraska. Completion of this course in connection with the regular normal course, entitles the student to a special manual h'aining diploma. (To comp lete th is course the student must have courses 1, 2, 3, 10, 4 hours other Manual Tra ining elective and 4 hours practice, 24 hours in all.) a. Elementary Sloyd-A study of the more simple tools and their uses. Open to all students who care to learn of the simpler tool processes but do not expect to take the r egular course. An elem entar y course in Mechanical Drawin g will be given in conn ection wit h t h is course. First and second se m est er; eight hours sh op work ; two hours preparat ion ; two hours drawing ; fou r hours cr edit. Summ er school , two hours cr edit. Da ily. 1. Joinery and Elementary Cabinet Making-Beginning work for those w h o expe ct to complet e t h e m anual training course. Exer cises are given in saw ing an d planing to dim ensions, the squ ar ing up of stock , a nd stud y ing the.use of t h e saw, plan e, square, r ul e, chisel a n d bits. A series of joints important to the carp enter a n d cabinet maker is made and later app lied in t h e constr uction of furniture an d cabinets. First and second sem esters; eight hours shop work; two hours preparation; two hours drawing; fo ur hours credit. Summer school two hours credit. Daily. 2. Avanced Ca binet Making. -Continuation of course l. Th e work includes problems involving accurate tool manipu lation, experim ental use of the band saw, groover, sander, planer, jointer, etc., an d the proper use of stains, oils and va rnishes. The drawing in connection with this course in cludes the mak ing of working drawing and blue prints of all furniture mad e in the shop . First



and second semesters; eight hours shop¡ work; two hours preparation; two hours drawing; four hours credit_. Summer school, two hours c1¡edit. Daily. 3. Wood Turning-The work in wood turning is to familiarize the student with both turners' and pattern makers' work. The exercises include cylinders, cones, grooves, heeds, etc. This is followed by face and chuck work. Each student is taught to use and care for his own lathe and to make and interpret his own blue prints. Prerequisite course 1. First and second semesters; eight hours shop work; two hours preparation; two hours drawing; four hours credit. Summer school, two hours credit. Daily. 4. Forge and Foundry-The use and care of the forge and iron working tools is well explained before the shop work begins. ExerciseB are given in fire building, use of the hardie with hot and cold iron, upsetting, welding, tool making and tem1)ering. Each ~tudent is required to make a set of toolB including a rrnir d to11gs, cold chisel, punch, drill, nnd knife. Jn the latter part of the semester the study of the foundry is taken up. The art of ramming, Yenting, parting, gate cutting and other moulding processes is acquired by actual individual wo.rk. Castings are made in lea.d and brass. Prerequisite Courses 1 and 3 First and second ::;emesters; eight hours shop work; two hours preparation; two hours drawing; four hours credit. Daily. 5. Machine Shop Practice-Bench \VOrk and machine tool work are given to teach some of the fundamental operations of the modern machine shop. Each student receives experiemental knowledge of the use of the engine lathe, gear cutting machine, steam and gas en-



gine, dynamo a nd motor. This course is especially for those supervisors wh o have to care for extensive apparatus and machinery in t heir shops and for those who expect to take up some engineering course at the university. The work includes Machine Drafting and Shop Mathematics. Prerequisite course s 1 an d 4. First and second semester ; eight hours shop work; two hours preparation; two hours drawing; four hours credit. Daily. 6. Arts and Cr afts-Decorative work in copper, brass and leather is offered to teachers interested in the application of design to small pieces of work. This work is adapted to schools where a full line of m anual training tools is not available . Elective. Secon d semester; ten hours attendance; two hours preparation; four hours credit. Summer school, two hours cr edit. Daily. 7. Electrical Construction-Inten ded for those who desire to continue course 5. Advanced work is given in motor and dynamo building, electric wiring and light equipment, electric plating a nd wire less experimenting. Especially suited for those who expect to take up Electrical Engin eering. Elective . Secon d semester; ten hours attendance; two hours preparation; four hours credit. Daily. 8. Mechanical Drawing-Given two p eriods a week and re quired of all students takin g manual training. The work includes isometric, cabinet and orthographic proj ection, working drawing, etc . All projects executed in the manual training shop m ust be drawn in the drawing room :first. This incl udes cou r ses 1 to 6. First and second semester; two hour s attendance; one hou r credit. Summer school, on e hour cr edit.



9. Tra iners' Course for Rural Teacher s -For Trainers only.) A course for ru r al te achers who wish to hav e som e kind of industrial work in their schools. Lectures an d d emonstr a tions are g iven to teach the proper use and care of the four fu nd am enta l tools : Saw, p la n e, hamm er a nd square. A fe w prelimin ary exercises are made after which a rticles useful in t h e r ural community are ma d e. Consideration is g iven to equi pm ent, organ ization a n d installat ion . Se cond semester and summ er school ; two h ours atte nd a n ce ; one ho ur pre para tion ; one hour cr edit. 10. Manual Tra ining Methods- Requ ire d of all who complete the co urse. T his course incl u des th e study of woods, its pre paration for a nd use in th e manu a l training shop , the man uf a cture a nd use of g lu e, st a ins, oils a nd finish eN, sh op equi pm ent, su pplies, etc. A complete c ourse of st udy from th e 5th to t h e 10th gra d es, with mode ls, is arra nge d , and all d r a wings a nd blue prints made r eady for the actual sho p w ork . Each st ud en t is r equired to visit at least two m anua l training shops in t h e state and r e por t t o the class. Second se m ester; four ho ur s attenda nc e ; four h ours cred it. 11. Pr actice Teaching. F our hours practic e te aching in t h e sh ops a nd drawing room is r equired of a ll who c omplete th e course.

P UBLIC SCH OOL A RT. T he co urses in this department are arra nged primar il y for t eacher s in th e elementa r y gra des w h o desir e to becom e acqua inted wit h m eth ods of teachin g and to d evelop t h e skill n ecessar y to de p ict f ac ts, id eals a nd im-



pressions in graphic language. They also a im to cultivate appreciation of t h e arts. Students comp leting this course together with required work in the Normal, are entitled to a special dip loma in Public School Art in a dd ition to the Norma l School diploma . 1. Drawing and Painting- This co urse is pla nn ed for those who int end to spe cia lize in the arts bu t is open to a ll who desire to gain so me skill in handling pencil and brush. First and second se m esters; four ho urs attendance; four hours credit. Summer school, two hours credit. M. T. W . Th .

2. Drawing and Painting-Co nti n uation of course 1. with special emphasis on still life d rawing, la ndscape and com position . Second semester ; four hours atten d¡ ance; four hours credit. M. T. Th. F . . 3. Design-A cou r se in de sign as emb odied in elementary school curri cul a . The first quarter is d evote d to practice in vo lving t he principles of d esign. In tl~e second quarter these principles are appl ied to d esigns for book covers, poster s, letter advertisements and t exts, plans fo r furnitu re, rooms, etc . First semester; four hours atte ndanc e ; fo ur hours credit. M. T. Th. F. 4. H andwork-E xercises in weaving, folding and cutting w ith various mate ri a ls. Work with raffia and related materials. Box m a k ing and elementary bookbindin g. Fir t and second se m ester s; four hours attendan ce fo r on e quarter; two hours cr edi t. Summer school, two hours credit. M. T. T h. F . 5. Principles and Methods of Teaching Art-Special emphasis is placed u pon pr esen t day m ethods of a rt



education in elementary schools and a course of study is planned. Second semester; four hours attendance for one quarte~; two hours credit. T. W. Th. F. 6. Art History and Appreciation.-A short course planned to give some appreciation of the world's great pice tures, sculpture and architecture. Special emphasis is placed on a discussion of pictures for study and school room decoration. Second semester and summer school; four hours attenance for one quarter; two hours credit. T. W. Th. F. 7. Modeling-A study of the processes of modeling and pottery building adapted to grade teachers. Model~ ing from life and from cast. Story illustration. First semester and summer school; four hours attendance for one quarter; two hours credit. M. T. Th. F. 9. Drawing-Required drill for primary teachers. First and second semesters; four hours attendance; no preparation; two hours credit. Summer school, one hour credit. 9. Drawing-Required drill for grammar grade teachers. First and second semesters; four hours attendance; no preparation; two hours <;redit. Summer school one hour credit. 10. ¡Freehand Perspective and Detail Drawing-Required drill for those who have not registered as primary or grammar teachers. Adapted to high school teachers. First and second semesters; four hours attendance; no preparation; two hours credit. Summer school, one h our credit. a. Drawing-A course planned especially for rural teachers with mediums adapted to all grades. Includes exercises in modeling and handwork of various kinds.


b. D rawing-A course for those preparing to take the state exa min a ti on . Offered in summer school only; daily attend ance ; one hour cr edit. D EPARTMENT OF RURAL E DUCATION.

George W. Brown, Professor. The purp ose of this department is to give specia l attention to the prese nt needs of th e ru ral schools of Nebraska and t o a ssist in t:: e preparation of earnest, co urage ou you ng men and v1o men for f !:l it~ ful :~e rvicc in rura l life leadership. A new day is dawning for the dwellers in the open co untry who are working together for better social, intellectua l an d spiritual op portuni ties. T h e new rural teach- . er must be a cheerfu l toiler at this task. This depa rtment will make a dir ect contrib ut ion to all te acl:ers w h o desire a n entran ce in to this heretofore neglected field. Each teacher who pursues this course will cooperation more effe ctively a n d enthu siastically with all con. tructive comunity activities. The dem a nd for te ~ c r ers who ha ve co mpleted st udies in this dep artment will far excee d the supp ly. Wages will be much higher on the avera ge for t h ose wh o make this pr epar ation. The teacher w ho does not w it '-1 genuin e sym path y enter h eart a nd soul int o the solution of the problems that h er ald the new country life will be relegated by natural selection from th e profession . A new epoch is upon u , Society insists that the teacher and school be potent facto r s in usheri ng in this n ew era for those w h o live in far m and field .



THE RURAL OBSERVATION SCHOOL. One essen tial for the training of teachers ÂŁor rural schools is the actual observation of and the participation in the work of a real rural school. Through the affiliat ion with the Honey Creek School near Peru this impor~ tant necessity has been secured. The normal school through this department now offers students the unusual advantage of coming in actual contact with the daily problems of a one teach er rural school. The local school board will install modern conveniences and cooperate with this department in every way. The school will be under the direct charge of an expert critic teacher selected jointly by the local board and the normal school authorities. 1. Rural School Methods and Management-This co urse is planned to be of immediate assistance to all who will teach in a co untry or village community. Emphasis will be placed on the environment of the country chil d as a means of interpreting and vivifying the curriculum. The student will have an opportunity to study from a new vantage the important common branches, th us vitalizing t h e work of daily administration . This cour se mu st follow Observation 12. Second semester four hours attendance; fo ur hours credit. 2. Rural Sociology-For begenning students of rural education and teachers having a few years of experience in sch ool work. A study of the salient features in the development of r ural life with a closing emphasis upon the part that the new rural school must contribute to the immediate solution of r ura l life problems. First semester; four hours attendance; four hours credit.



3. Rural Sociology-For experien ced rura l t eachers, high school teachers of norm a l t raining classc -: , and superintendents who are earn estly seeking for a p:'2)aration that will make them better community l e ac: :;~'J . The fun damentals of institutional life, country life epoch s, home, business, civic r e:;) onsibilities, church, social, social activities, the transforming agencies, comm unity e3se11tials, new countr y life, country life pageants, club -:. f :_' S, etc. Sec0n d sem ester; four h ours attenda._cc; f 1:.rr hours credit. 5. School Administration-A course for surierintendents an d principals. A practical study of the n r ious relationships in the public schools. The u;.1erintc ,: c1 c:1t and the principal in relation to state , public, sc~JO ) l L'o ' r d, teachers, pupils, etc. Firat semester; bur ho urs ['tic .dance; four hours cre dit. DEARTMENT OF H OM E ECONOMICS. Emma E. Knight, Acting H ea d . Mame Mullen, Assistant. This course prep ares students f r teaching D or>.1estic Science and Art in elementary and high sc~10ol s . Up on compl etion of this course toge tt er with th e re quired w or k in the regular normal courses a special diploma in Home Economics will be granted in addition t o the regul ar Normal chool dip loma. Many positions are now opening up in this line of work. a. Home Economics for Rural School TeachersThe study of the h ome a n d t h e industries connected with it is entering into t h e curr ic ul a of all elementary and rural schools as we ll a s of higher institutions. This short gen-



eral course aims to give the fundamel)ta l principles in two phases of Home Economics. E ither course may be taken separately. a-1. Domestic Science-This is a study of common foods , how to prepare them, serve them attractively, and combine them to make balanced meals; treated fro m the standpoint of t h e rural teacher who must direct the noon lunch ¡; eith er its actual preparation, or its service, if bro ught from home; and who must correlate food study w ith class work in arithmetic, n ature study, geography, physiology, hygiene and language. First and third quarters and summer school; one hour attendance; four hours laboratory; one hour preparation; one hour credit. a-2. Domestic Art-Includes hand stitching-applied to sewing bag-; use of patterns, use of sewing machine, simpl e processes in garment constru ction-a pplied to the making of a corset cover. T extile fibers are studied briefly in their re lation to H ygiene and Economics of <Clothing. Second and fourth quarters and summer school; one hour att endance; four hours laboratory; one hour prepa ration; one hour credit. 1. Food Study-Prerequisite or para llel, Chemistry 1. Deals with food preservation and the carbohydrate food stuffs. Causes of deterioration of food an d methods of preventing it. Composition of carb ohydrates, their digestion, use in the body, sources, such as cereals and vegetables, industries involved in their manufacture. Laboratory work consists of canning, preserving of food, jelly making, effect of heat and cold on carboh ydrates and various cookery processes. First semester and summer school; one hour attendance; fou r hours laboratory; one hour preparation; two hours credit.



2. Food Study-Prerequisite or parallel, Chemistry 2. A continuation of Cour se 1. The four other foodstuffs,. water,. mineral matter, fats and proteins., are studied in a manner similar to Course 1. Applied to bever ages, frozen desserts, milk and milk products, eggs and m eat. Second semest er and summer sch ool ; one hour attendance; fo ur hours laboratory; on e hour preparation; two hours credit. 3 & 4. Advanced Cooker y a nd Meth ods-Prerequisites Courses 1 & 2. l\Iore diffic ul t pro cesses of co okery are taught, the work being on an experimenta l b a s i ~ .. Applied to cakes, pastri es, salads,. an d desserts. Durin g t h e second quarter practice will b e given in demonstrnt:o¡1 work. First semester; four hours laboratory; one a~' rl one-half ho urs credit. Methods will inclu d e ' e'3 "0. p ! ~c ~, planning of courses of study, lab ora tory eq uip m ent anl management, in both do m es tic , ci ence a nd Ar t. Al tern a tP> with Course 9 below . First semester; on e h our attendance ; one hour preparation; one-half hou r cr edit. Note :-Home Economics st ud ents tak e 3, 4, 8, & 9 in combinat ion fi rst semester for fo ur h our s cr edit. 5. Dietetics a nd Table Service-Prer equisites Courses 1, 2, & 3. Study of the diete ti c needs of th e body in chi ldhood, adu lt life an d old age un der varying cond itions. Th e laboratory work will inc lud e the stud ent, cooking, a nd proper service of meals p la nn ed in t h e di t.etics class, a s w ell as breakfasts. lun ch eons, dinners, and suppers show ing di ffe rences in ty) e a nd fo r ma lity of service . Second sem ester; attend anc e tw o l:olE' ~ ; la lnra tm¡y thre e Lours ; pr epa r ation three !: ou rs; tw o a f'. d one-half hours cre dit.

1 00


Note : -H o m e Economics students take 5 & 10 in

combination secon d semester for four hours cr edit. 6. Sewing and Textiles-In clud es practice in the f ollowing: Use of t h e sewing machine and its attachments, making of fundamenta l stit ch es, drafting and use ~ <lf p atterns, han d and machine sewing a pplied to simple · garments such as und erwear. All through t h e course a - c ar-efuJ study is made of t h e textile fib er s, cotton, wool, s ilk and linen. Their use for clothing is consider ed. Stu- d e11~l!toyj. de:.m ate ria l subject to t h e approval of th e in· s tru.ctt>r.· · Firt1t:semester and summer school ; one hour atte n dan ~ ; fp ur hours laboratory; one hour preparation; t w o h ours credit. '7. Sew ing and Textiles -Continu ation of Course 1. Finish und erwear and make eooking a pron a nd· white linen shirt-waist suit . Study and cdmf)a rison 0'f materi'a1s from the standpoint of the consumer ; indi;lntification of fjbers and adulteration of cloth by meaits of tfi'e"·miscro:scope and other tests, care and hygiene of clotl:ij,ng. Sec-:<, .._ -ond semester and summ er school; one hour atten d anc~ ; :four hours laboratory; one hour preparation; two hours credit. 8 & 9 .' Dressma king and Drafting- Econ omics and D esign of Cloth ing-Prerequisite Courses 6 and 7.Making of wool dress; working out a Christmas project; planning an evening dress. First semester; four hours laboratory; cme and one-half hours credit. One period a week will he devoted to the study of the followin g : Suit ability of v arious lines an d colors to in dividuals ; histor y of costume; c lothing budgets and relative percentage of income spent for clothing; economical a nd sociological ph ases of the



Alternates with Course 4 clothing industries today. above. First semester; one hour attendance; one hour preparation; one h alf hour cr edit . Note :- Home Economics stud ents take 3, 4, 8, & 9, in combination t he first semester for four hours credit. 10. Dressmaking & Drafting-Continuation of Course 8. Making of evening dress; planning and making of a lingerie dress. Second sem ester ; fo ur hours laboratory; one and one-half hours credit . Note :-Home Economics students take 5 & 10 in combination in the second semester for four hours credit. 11. Household Management-Amount of the income to be spent on housing; different types of houses; selection of furnishings; sanitation of air, water, soil, and other surrounding conditions; laundrying; simple home nursing; and general management of a home. First semester; four hours attendance; eight hours preparation ; four hours credit. 12. Home Cookery and Table Service- No prerequisite; purely elective for those who wish to take a short, practical course in Domestic Science. This course will include the study, planning and cooking of breakfasts, luncheons, dinners, and suppers and the proper service of each, showing differences in type and formality. Emphasis will be placed on the aesthetic and economic sides of the selection of the materials. Laboratory fee $3.00 ; second semester; two hours attendance; three hours laboratory; one hour preparation; two hours credit. Note :-It is required that each student taking Food Study Cookery or Serving wear a white waist in laboratory periods and t hat she be provided with a sufficient



number of large, white cooking aprons, small hand towels, hol ders a nd sleeve pro tectors. DEPARTME NT OF PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC. N. Maud Carpenter, Supervisor. Supervisor' s Course-This course of study offers a t r aining for those wh o wish to become specialists in the subject. It is the aim of this course not only to give a thorough theoretical basis in method but also to gi\路e op路 portunity for application of these methods and for indiv~ idual growth . The different branches of musical work aside from strict class room routine are also stressed in an effort to make the graduate as broad a musician as possible. 1. Observa tion, Methods, Material-The most sim~ pl e as well as very difficult technical work is constantly being don e with different classes, and students are able to observe the close rel ation of the technical and the vocal to the interpretative side of singing. A thorough and com pre h ensive study of the presentation and deYelop~ men t of the points and problems in graded school music. Discussion of m ethods which conform to so und pedagogic princip les. A critical study of the best musi c written for primary, grammar, and h igh schools. First semester and summer sch ool ; no preparation; two hours credit. T. W. Th. F.

2. Ear Training, Sigh t Reading路- Ear traini ng lie 路 at t he fo und ation of sight r eading and is pre-emin ently the master of h armon y. Its practical va lu e is em phasized. The piano is seldom used at rehearsals, thus stud ents become expert in accu ro.cy of inton ation a n d deve lop a feel-



Ing for abso lu te pitch. Much practice in rapid sight reading, a great deal of individual work, voice testing and placing of voices both for the preservation of the natural quality of the voice and for the satisfactory musical effect of part singing. First semester; four hours attendance; eight hours preparation; four hours credit. Summer school, two hours credit. T. W. Th. F. 3. Observation and Practice-T eaching is begun as soon as the student has gained suffi cient theoretic knowledge and confidence to make practice of value to the student and not harmful to the pupil. Second seme_s ter; four hours attendance; two hours credit. T. W. Th . F. 4. Harmony, Theory, Counterpoint-Ability to recognize both by sight and ear, chords and chord progressions, keys and modulations; ability to harmonize me lodies. Deduction of Theory-the study of strict forms is emphasized as a drill in intellectual activity and as an end in itself. Second semester; four hours attendance; two hours credit. T. W. Th. F. 5. Musical History and Appreciation-A course designed to develop the power of intelligent listening. Taking up development of musical expression as correlated with the growth of civilization, through the periods of the Ancient Greeks., the Early Church Schools, Folk Songs in the Secular Schools,. Formal Construction in the Classic Schools, t he Romantic School, and including Modern Music with its subdivisions of national characteristics. Analysis of form, and of vocal and instrumental effect.s are illustrated with the Victrola. Second semester; four hours attendance; two hours credit. T. W. Th. F. 6. Practice in Normal and Grades-Chorus conducting. Actual experience in teaching is acquired in



mod el school where stud ents are assigned fo r a certain length of time in every grade and in practice and criti· cism classes of norm al students. Practical work in con• du cting a large chorus is g iven each student until a atis· factory degree of proficiency is acquired. Each student is given opportunity to conduct at least one program in pub· lie, handling all d etails independently. Second semester~ four hours attendance; two hours cre dit. T. W. Th. F 7. Band and Orchestra Instrumentation-T he UP• ervisor of music should have a knowledge of instruments, their combination and band and orchestral routine. An amateur orchestra gives practica l work .for the beginnei' and the Normal Band and Orchestra are open to tho e who are qualified. Scoring for bands and orchestra , First and second semesters; fo ur hours preparation; two hours credit. T. W. Th. F . 8. Practice-At least a year of actual teaching with full responsibility. First and second se m e ters; four hours attendance; two hours credit. Dail y. 9. Repertoire- As a prerequisite to graduation from the departm ent, each student must satisfactorily perform at least eighteen songs. These mu st be accept· a bly played as well as sung.

Il ·

Tea cher's ·course-(Drill required of all candidates for grad uation. ) The needs of those with littl e or no training as we ll as the r equirements of the ad\'anced tnU· sician have been kept in mind. A general course design· ed and so arranged as to g ive teachers ::J.n opportunity to select t hat exact phase of music best adapted to their immediate teachin g n eeds.




Public School Music-Advanced. P r er equisite,

ability to read music with a fair d egree of flu en cy. a. Advanced work in objective ton e study and musical appreciation. F irst an d secon d sem est er s ; four h ours attendance; no prepar ation; t wo h ours cr edit. Summer school, one hour credit . M. T . W. T h . b. Study of m aterial and m ethod of presentation from fifth to eight h gra des inclusive . First a nd second semesters; four h ours atte nd an ce ; n o prep ara tion; t wo hours credit. Summ er sch ool, on e hour cr edit. M. T.

W. Th. 11. Public School Music-Advan ce d beginningPrerequisite, a free voice a nd a bility t o sing a simple tune. a. Study of m ateria l and m etho d of present ation from first to fo urt h gr ades in clusive . First a nd second semesters; four hours atten dan ce ; n o prep ar a tion; two hours credit. Summ er scho ol, on e hour cr edit. M. T .

W: Th. b. Intr odu ct ory Harmony. First and secon d semesters; four h ours a tte ndan ce ; n o pr eparation; two h ours credit. ummer school , one hour cr edit. M. T . W . Th . 12. Public School Music-Beginning. No pr er e-0uisite. Ear training, ton e deve lopment a n d mu ch individual reG itation . First an d second sem ester s; four hours atten dance; n o prep ar ation: two h ou rs cr edit. Summer school, on e h our credit. M. T . W . T h. ' J DEPA RTMENT OF MUSIC. H. C. House, Director Festival, Ch orus and Glee


F. C. Smith , Director Ban d and Orch estr a.



Peru h as enjoyed a remarkab le growth within the past few years in t h e members interested in the various musical or ganizations of the school. The great Annual Music Festival attracts hundreds of people from every part of Southeastern Nebraska. Special t r a ins are run on festival days to accommodate the increasingly large numbers of t hose attending. Inst ruction is free in ch orus, glee club, band and or· chestra. Festival Chorus-M embership in this organization is absolutely fre e. Reh earsals a re continued in this organiza~ tion throughout the year. The great choral classes are studied, and programs prepared for the Annual Festival of Music. Credit on recommendation of director. Glee Club-Open to male students possessed of a fair quality of voice and musical ear. Every student ad· mitted to membership must purchase his own fu ll dress suit. Frequent public concerts are given by this club. Credit on recommendation of director. Girls' Glee Club-Tuition in this organization is free, Th e voices are selected by the director of choral singing. The club is expected to prepare a complete program of choice par t songs and to give a number of public concerts. Cr edit on r ecommendation of dire ctor. Band-O pen to all m en who have had some experi· en ce in band work. The school furnishes all the music and some of the larger instruments. A beginning band will be organized for those who are inexperien ced if t h ere is a suffi cient d emand . Tuition free . Credit on r ecommendation of director. Two hours attendance. Orchestra-Op en to all stud ents who can play any orc h estral instrument if interested in this lin e of w ork,


Each year number of and there director.


the band a nd orchestra gives a conc ert as one the Budget. All music furnished by t h e school is no tuition. Credit on recomm endation of Two h ours attenda n ce.

LIBRARY. Elva E. R ulon , Lib arian . A co urse in li brary economy, which includes a ll the details of the care and managem ent of a library, is g iven to a limited numb er. Classifi cation and cataloging will be taken up the second semester. First and second semesters ; two hours attendan ce ; t en hours labor atory; four hours credit .

DEPARTMENTS OF PRIVATE MUSIC. Piano, Voice, Violin a nd Orchestral Instruments.

(Stud ents r egist ered in t hese d epar~men ts wi ll appear in public performance only upon th e consent of t he teacher. ) The work offered in t h ese departments by specialists, approved by the state board of education h as proved very pop ul ar with the norm a l school stud ents. Th eir popularity is attested b y the fact that the enrollm en t in these departments has increased more t h an two h undred percent within t he past tvvo years. Miss Rita Thomas in charge of the pianoforte department was gradua te d from the University of Nebraska School of Music in 1911 with the degree Bachelor of Music: She a lso stud ied for a year under t h e personal instruction of Director Rob ert W. Stevens of t h e University of Chicago School of Music. Following this work Miss Thomas was engaged as head of the depar tment at P eru



in which position for t hree years路 sh e h as maintained the high standard of musical sch olarship which is attracting. an 路 increasing number of 8erious music students to Peru. Miss T h omas has just returned from another year as graduate student in Chicago where she has worked under the celebrated pianist Glen Dilland G unn . During her year's work in Chicago she h as won special recognition as a n accompanist, h aving pl ayed studio accorrtpanimentsfor E d ward Clark t h ro ugh out t h e year, and oth er noted singers amon g t h em Julia Claussen. Sh e h as also had a. varied experien ce in co n cert work , h avin g prese n ted olo programs and appeared in join t r ecital with A lbert Lind路 quist a n d Marie Z a n dt. Miss J eanette Meyer in charge of t h e vocal work during th e p ast t h ree years has buil t up a str on g and steadily growin g d epartme n L Miss Meyer is a gr aduateof th e Univer sity of Nebrask a Sch ool of Music, having the路 degree Bach elor of Music.

W hil e in t h e


School of Music sh e was a pupil of C. F. 1L Mills.

h e is

at presen t doing graduate work under t h e sam e instr uctor. Miss Meyer is a brilliant singer of broad exp tience as well as a skillful teacher.

She has held church p osi-

tions in Lincoln and elsewhere and has app ~ ared m a ny times in concert.

She t h erefore not only brings th eor ti-

cal but practical know ledge to bear upon th e training of her pupils. The Violin and Orchestral Instrument te a her is yet t o be supplied for t h e year 1916-17.

The work how ever

will be in the hands of those emin ently fitted for it.



TUITION RATES-PRIVATE INSTRUCTION. Piano-Miss Rita Thomas, two lessons a week, 30 minutes~ for a term of nine weeks------------------$17.5() Piano-Miss Rita Thomas, one lesson a week, 30 minutes~ for a term of nine weeks_________________ 9.0() Miss Thomas also announces a class in Interpretation which will be given once a week and which is free to all those registered in her department. Voice-Miss Jeanette Meyer, two lesons a week, 30 minutes, for a term of nine weeks ______________ 13.50 Voice-Miss Jeanette Meyer, one lesson a week, 30 minutes, for a term of nine weeks_________ _____ 7.0() Violin-Per lesson , 30 minutes__ __ ________ __ ___ 1.0() TUITON PAY ABLE STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. For further information concerning any phase of the work offered at Peru, or for an evaluation of credits, Address PRESIDENT D. W . HAYES, P ERU, NEBRASKA.

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