Midla nd Co l lege of Fr e mont is the lar gest Luth eran Coll ege in the we st- is se n di ng a big te am to test Speer's Pep Ma chine. T hi s is one of the ofdes t and best mu sical org an iza ti ons on the r oad Tn e lecture co ur se commi ttee were for tu nat e to g et th is gr eat musical tr eat Admi ssion Bu dget Ticket or $1.()0 i Ad missi on. Budget Ticket or $1.00
3 Foo tba ll Gam es
6 Bas ke t Ba lI Gam es 2 Dra m atic Cl ub Pl ays
l Gy mna si um Ex hibition 4 High Class Mo vi es 29 Nos. Norm ali te
Pe ru Beats Gra nd Island, 37 to 0. Iin th e se co nd ha lf, hut co uld n ot th e gam e, sco rin g Per u 's fi nal ! R eed. Pe ru-Beni sc h fo r Cot tle; Pro mp tly at t hr ee o' cl o ck Fri day sta nd aga in st the ons laug ht of th e to uchdown, mak i ng the fin al score Fi she r fo r R oes nq uist fo"r after n oon Refe ree Ca meron ca ll ed Pe ru boys. There was no scori ng Gr and Is la nd compl eted Fisher, Shaver for Rose nqui st, the ca p ta in of each team toget h er in th e third q ua r ter , b ot h te ams a few pa sses fo r short gains, but Higg in s for Sha ver, S. Prante for a nd flipp ed a co in. Gra nd Island play in g. a ki cki ng ga me. In the lwere neve r wit hi n str ikin g di!!ianc e Be ni sch, Sta ndl ey fo r S. Pra nte , wo n the tos s and Ra scb fo r Pe ru fou r th qua r te r, P er u op ened up for 1of Pe ru's goa l. Eac h te am too k Cho yce for Thomas, Ivers for k ick ed forty yards. Exchang e of scori ng . By th is ti me Coac h Speer lfi me o ut fre qu e nt ly du-rin g th e C hoy ce, Gate ly for S tep hen so n, pun ts an d a f umb le by Grand had all hi s subs in the ga me a nd g am e, du e to excess ive heat Ch oy ce fo r Gate ly. Island put t he bal l in s tr iki ng dis- th ey were fig hti ng h ar d to m ake a I Grand Island had a fin e bunch of I tan ce of thP. ir go al. Steve sw u ng showi ng On a dela ye d play Rasch play ers and they we re goo d losers. Pavemen t in Peru the te am in fo r some sn appy sl ippe d thru th e lin e fo r ty yard s ,. The lin e -up :· I 'fh e vil la ge .!o unci l in co-operaru shes. sl ipp in g in a short pass for anoth er t ouc h dow n. Pe ru Gra nd Isl and It ion with State Highway Engi nee r, o ve r th e goa l l in e that fail ed. Rasch A pa ss to P rao te ne tted Peru 1 1Sha rra r re. We il a nd 1 let th e contr act last w ee k to the im me diat ely sta rt ed the sco rin g si xty y ar d s. A few smash es I Ad ee r t. Flood j R obe rts Co., of Linwi th a place ki ck . In 'rhe sec ond and a short p ass , Steve to Gately , i Fi sher rg. McCann , co in , fo r a bn ck pavem ent from qu arter Peru gained t hi rty ya rd s put th e ba ll be hind the goa l li ne ! Roe tt ger, ca pt. c. Dai ly j the dep ot so uth to the Norma l on exc hang e of se ver al pu nts. One for a fo urth touc hdow n. After an: Co ttl e lg. Stevens 1 Gr ading w il l begin a bo ut fak e play fr om mid-fi e ld and a exchange of p un ts , R asch ki cked 1Co pe nha ver lt. Bur rough 1 the. mld.d le of October. Th e pa vebrill ia nt da sh by Gately, put the anoth er b eau tiful p lace k ic k fro m IThomas le Benja min i me nt Will be and ope ned ba ll on Gra nd Islan d' s se ven ya rd the t hir ty ya rd line. With but ' Pran te I h. Gold ste in , ca pt.; for tra ffi c on _or befo re Sep te m be r I i ne Two s ma shes by Ra sc h scored t wo minut es to play Gate ly gra b- ! Gat e ly rh. F. R ee d l, 1920 'fhl s forwa rd and pr oPeru's fir st l0 uc hdown . Rasc h, bed a p unt in m id - fi eld and wi th ; R asch fb Stron g gres si ve ac ti on m ee ts with un iv ercap t uring one of Gran d Isla nd' s exce ll ent int er fe rence dodg ed hi s IStephens on q. Ti lley sa_J app r ova l. 'f he impr ovement pa sses , raced 65 yard s thru th e way th ru th e Grand Isla nd t ea m I Sub s titut es : Gr and Island - Pow - Wi ll c os t ab out: fi fty thousan d do lentir e Gra nd Island te am for hi s for one of the sensa ti onal ru ns of ·ers , Ki m ba ll , Cobb, Ca ndish, G. Iar s. se cond t ou ch dowu Ga te ly kicke d I goal. Fi rst half e nd ed wit h Pe ru' s Men ' ss pec ia l chap el, We dn esday , They say Pe rn Norm al she a in t go t no pe p; · h' h h 1 d't · All ba ll on Gra nd [sla nd' s thi r ty ya rrl 111 Jg sc 00 au 1 o nu m. She's pep eve ry ste p! She 's pep every
l in e. Scor e, Pe ru 16, Grand Is- Th ey say Pe ru Norm al sh e
Grand Is(a nd came back str ong l...:=-
44 What's" in Football
These "Whats" will he lp the
Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Ne- the braska as secon d-class matter. roote rs to better und trstand
Published Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal
$1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cts
Dorot}cy Mauck, '20 Editor·in·Chief
Alvina Amende, '20 Associate Ed itor game.
Dim e ntion long by 160 zone behi nd
of fi e ld ? 300 • feet f ee t wide; 10 yard each goal; marked with lin es every ten yards.
Kick·lines? Ea ch forty-yard line, sixty yards from oppoi ste goal
IKick -off? At the beignning'of g am e, atfer each score and beginning of se cond half. '
Punt? Kicking ball before touches the ground, no s core
Place kick ? One play er hold s
Paul Bennett, '2l.. Assistnnt Editor ball on g round in 11crimmage , anFern Adams, '2l.. A• s istant Editor ot her of sa me side kicks it \
Raymond Huffer, '2t. Business Mg'r. Score? Touchdown 6 points·
Emm a Woodie, sp Mg'r. Mailing Dept. ' fi ld .I ft t hd ' 1 . t' e goa a er ouc own, pam ;
Whett in need of quality groceries, ring 25 or call at tbe Mardis store. S ervice, Courteous Treattt1ent with pure fresh goods has built our business ond reput a tion
Ro articles accepted after 8 o'cloc k place kick, 3 point s; drop kick, Phone 25 Mond ay morning. · 3 points; sa fet y, 2 points.
Dr op kick? Kicking th e ball
Same Football Jazz. after dr op ping it to the ground.
It was an opener-that old game Time ou t? Each s ide may la st Frid ay afternoon-yes it was tim e out for two minutes thr ee a real eye ope ner wh en th e " Sp eer times l n each 4 uarter; after tha pep ma c hine" kept up th e "pep- a two- ya rd penalty for each succespen" until i.t had pepped 37 pep s sive time out. 1 to not even a p eep from th e Baptist Pen al t y? Wh en a player com boys from the Grand Island college. mits a fo ul.
Th e re were so mam· stars in the F )? F f I ou or de en se is tripping, Peru aggrega tion th :- ': that it look· s lu gg in g, unnec essa ry roughnes s,
ow many people can you think of right now who wo uld like to have your ph o tograph, and how l ong since th at last one was made?
Phone 56 Peru, Ne br. ed like the milk}'w ay swearing, ta ckling out of bound s, Wa lri o says r.: piling onto player when down, J nst pe ned to get a little 1 ucK runn i ng into 1..fter lle hatt --:-- i • • :ai ·I :1 s::.sr arc d the -ball, off t.rde -;lti"C:'; L1 ctnuat u ratntng
::.•ne .me, the quar t er a nd fu ll- playt'ng rg to M•t 1
2ar6er Vhop m .1 ' • • t a r W" ODS oack did the work. "Steve" says Foul? F ff · ·d 'th "or o ens1ve or s1 e WI AND BATH every man a w inner-didn't n ee d b 11 t · · h ld' · h h d a - r1ppmg, o mg Wit an s, any s 1gnals from him "Funn y" bl k' · 1 'tl f t 1 oc mg m me WI 1 ee or egs , says all I did was to pass the ball, ff 'd o -s1 e, unn ecessary roughn ess , th e oth er fellow s did th e work. It was the same old story f ro m a ll the team-praising th e work of the other fell ows. Not a m an had the bighead nor was th ere a streak of ye llow in the bunch.
H. S. Boys' Conference.
A confere nce of business a nd facult y men, he ld las t week , decided to ask th e District Y. M. C. A. Boys' Conference to meet in Peru this fall. The state s ecretary for boys' work, Mr Paul McKee , was and accepted the invitation. This annual confe rec e is held by the Y. M. to promote reli-
gious work among hi gh school bo ys. It will be held the Friday, Saturday and Sund ay of Than ksg iv!ng week. The hundr ed or mo.re high school boys coming here will be entertained in Pe ru hom es. Profes so r Crago, who worked hard
to secure this confe rence for Peru, says that many exce llent speakers will be on the program. Wa tch th e bulletin b oa rds and Norm a lite for further information.
Do not forge t the youg women's special meetings Wedne sa dy in chap el.
more than one player in motion wh en ball is put in play, less than , seven men on scrimmage lin e, man not eligible touching ball on fo rward pass, de laying the game, subs titute not reporting to offic ial s, sub. ta lking to his player s before a s uccess i ve down ·
Penalty ? following a fo ul by one side: holding, 15 yards; offside, 5 yards
Scrimmage ? When both si des lin e up for play on opposite sides of ball with with r es tra i ning lin e betw ee n them, and one side put s the ba ll in play.
Neutral zone? Spa ce between imag inary lin es parallel to goa l lines, leng th of ball being distanc e apart.
Off-side? Wh en a player is on or beyond the neutral zone when the ball is put in play.
Note: These 15 "Whats" will be followed by others. This sp lend id suggest ion of "Whats" <'arne f rom our e nthu s ia s tic lady footbal I supporte rs
Anyone wishing help by the hour Frid ay afternoon and Sturaday , call up the office of the dean of wo men.
We are m ak ing a of Am e rican Black Walnut Try it o ut whil e here, and when you go out to teach we will s hip you Walnut and other woods you n eed
Meek 6umber
We Carry a Complete Line of Dry Goods, Purnishings Shoes Groceries
We wish at this time to call your attention to our shoes You can sove money in this department.
Outdoor Play, October 25. Ines, pears, _pickles and For the first time we are to have i marshmallows. To th1s menu Ben
J. U. G. Notes, Do you belong to the jolly bunch of J. U. G.'s? Once a J. U. G., always a J. U. G. This club was organized last year., and the members of the club count evenings spent at the J. U. G. Club meetings among th e most pleasant of all the year. All girls of Normal rank, rooming in houses where there are not more than five, automatically become members of the clu b at the beginning of each year. If you are included in this group, we want you at our business and social meetings.
Regular meetings are held the first Saturday of each month in expression hall. an outdoor dramatic performance \ Davis apples were added-later. Pholol Philo! in the fall. "T he Forest Princess," IOf course Ada forgot the matches Oh, say! let me te ll you the news a masque by Constance d' Arcy so she was compelled to go to a .before any one else has a chance. Mackay wi ll be given 'On the cam· : farmhouse for some When warn- There is a Philo program Saturday pus on Saturday afternoon, Octo- ed aginst smoking, Ada replied, night. And I know something else ber 25, under the diretion of Mrs . "Of course I'll smoke; I'm too about it, too. It is go ing to be R. F. Seyb olt. green to burn." 1\fter much laugh- an open meeting, which means that Thi s is to be an "a ll-school" I ter the 7:28 fo r Peru was boarded everyone , wh ether a member or production, and is one of the two and all who voted a good time not, may attend. I bet there'll dramatic performances on t he ·and another h1 ke soon. You oth er be a big crowd there, too ; don't budget ticket. A cast numbering I"Y" girls missed a jolly you? Now, if you know of any seventy-five, made up of both Nor- i time. one who neglected to join Philo mal and high school students, is 1 don't let them stay at home and a lready at work and is g ivin g' Freshman Class, get lonesome; bring them to the great promise of SUC'cess. Prepara- 1 We have now an ?f Philo entertainment Saturday tions are under way for the mak- twenty fre s hmen. With the aid night, October 11, in the chapel. inz of necessary scenery_ and of ! of our class advi sor , Miss Remember it is the night after many striking and colorful cos- we have organized by e lecting tlie we win from Midland. tumes. following officers: Sterling Sears, president; Edna Fisher, vice pres- Professor Gregg was a most Sophomore Class Notes. ident; Zola Knapp, treasurer; welcome visitor on our campus
Have you noticed, sitting in Veda Anderson, secretary; Ruby Saturday. Tho enjoying hi s new their new section in chapel by the Lawrence, chairman of program work at Wesleyan he ha s not forseniors, or tramping studiously comm itt ee; M. Crystal Meyer, yell gotten his old friends at Peru. He along the ro cky road to educati on, 'l eader. spent day at The Pointer office, the twenty-six fair lads and la sses j A picnic-breakfast was served on arranging for th e mailing out of of the sophomore clas s? And isn't , the ath letic field, Friday, at 5:30 the preliminary programs for the the combination, senior-sophomore, a. m., by the freshmen and for State Teachers' Association. This enuf to impress the wor ld! the fres hmen. In spite of the ear ly meeting promises to be one of the Tho se chosen as officers for this hour, nineteen sleepy freshmen largest in the history of the state. year are Floyd Higgins, president; · breakfasted together. I might add Much credit is due Professor Gregg Clyde Cooper , vice president; L ena that four or five missed the pre- for his proficient serv i ce in arrangBates, secretary-tr easurer; William , Jirninari es by corning just In time ing such an excellent program for Swartzwelder, yell leader. I for breakfast. ass ociation week. He has promised In the chape l period of last week, ! "A Freshman., to with the Peruvians at the!r Ada Schmitt g ave a very humorous 1 annua l ba nqu et at Omaha. readin g, "Pill er Fights," which i Y. W. c. A. was · fo ll ow ed by a spanish dance, La Cachoca, by Lena Bate s. B.oth the reading and the dance were highly appreciated.
The mee ting of October 9 will be a talk by Dr. Virg inia Holmes, who com es to us from Omaha in be half of the National Y. W. C. A. 1 Y. W. C. A. Hike, Thi s w ill be L1 e fourth of several A jo lly bunch of "Y' ' gir ls !'!tart- m ee tings schedul ed fpr Miss Chase's Barber Shop Milste ad Bas ement ALL WORK FIRSTCL!SS
Fu ll line of Toilets on hand A. W. CHASE, Prop.
By the box or pound Jnst the thing for that Birthday Present
or Anything in the Hardware line Ca11 In you will alwoys find a fu II stock at Mackprang's Hardware ed to tramp to Barney, Saturda y Holmes in Peru She has a meaafternoon. Th ey ca rried num erous sage for all girls which wi ll be paper sacks containing buns, wie- mo st valuable.
Students--Faculty--& Priends
It is a matter of plea s ur e and prid e with us to m ee t your need, in our lines, in a manner to accommodate you. Our entire business poli cy is shap ed hy thi s ambit i on. On that account we solicit your re ques ts for -eccommodat lon,
Cordially invites students and teaehers make this bank their banking home while in Peru
A New Book
To those who wi ll give some time to the reading of poetry, r would s uggest the reading of Hugh Gla ss by Mr. John Ne ih ardt This is a song of the Mi sso uri River and the h ero es who tr avE" I!ed it in the American fur tra din g- tirnes. A noted cr i tic ha s of this book, " An acihevem ent of the high es t ord e r."
A n ew editi on of rhi s book, w ith not es by Dr. Julius T. Hou se brother of our own Dr Hou se , ha s b ee n publi s hed and is be ing u se d as a text book in not a few of our s choo ls. Elva E. Rulon.
Dramatic Clu b Reception.
On Wedn es day eve n ing, October 1, the Dram a tic Club he ld its a nnu al rec e ption for new me mbers. Th e gu es ts we re hi ghly ent e rtain ed by Llc,yd Prante a nd oth er dramatic s tars who demon s trated th P. ir ab ili ty to "t oe th e mark" by end eavori ng to tread a cro oked ch alk lin e whi le pee rin g t hr u ope ra glas s es Even dignifi ed
Our Faithful Fri end s., "Sa ndy," flithfu l o lr.l veteran who fought many a baLLle for the of the s chool, came down
from City with nearly a co sre of hi s s tu r dy high scho ol warri ors to h P. Ip win the gam P for Pe ru, and let hi s se e a coll e ge g am e. Pe ru never had a more fa ithful play er than Robert S andber g. se nior s en te red into the play, s to op- Calendar. in g to til e floo r in various attempt s R eg ul ar E vent s. to pi ck up a pit of paper with th e ir We e kly. t ee th, at th e same ti me cl as pin g Monday s, Ch or11 s, 5:40 to 6:1 5. th e ri g ht fo ot wit h th e left han d Orch es tra, 7:30 to 8 :15. or le ft e ar with the rig-h t ha nd. Tu esda ys , Girl s' Glee Club. 8 :1 5 Not a on e had s ta ge fri g ht! Whil e to 9. Boy s' Gl ee Club, 7: 30 da inty refre s i11ments were be in g to 8 :15. Band, 8l5. se rved the victro la furni s hed mu s ic. Wedn es da ys , Choru s. 5 :40 to 6: 15. Th e charming pers onalit v of Mrs. Orch es tr a, 7:30 to 8:15. Y. Seybo lt add ed much to the s uccess M. C. A., 8:15. and pl easure of the ev ening, and Thursday s, Y. w. C. A., 7: 15 to club me mber s, old and new, g reat ly 8 :15. Girl s' Glee Club, appreciate havi ng her f or spon sor. 8:15 to 9. Boys' Glee Club, Phil omathean Officers
At the meeting of Phi fomath ean Soc ie ty, offi cers wPre ele ct ed for the fir st sem e!' ter. Fe rn Ferree was el e cted pr es ident, Co ra Clover vice pres id e nt, Richa rd O ve rho lt re cording se cre tary, Mabel Par so ns corr es pond ihg secr e tar y, Gla dy s Patterson treas urer and Ed Matejovs ky se rg eant-at·arms. This line-up of officers will ce rtainl y insure a ve ry s ucc ess fu l year.
Mr and Mrs. Ku hlm an of Pawnee City we re at Friday' s g ame, ch eerin g for th e white anrl blu e. Mr. Kuh l man is in s tructor in the high scho0l and Mr s. Kuhlman is county s up e rinte nd e nt.
Th e new sta cks for th e refere nc e boo ks at th e libr a ry arri ved la st wee k. This will make a ccess ibl e doze ns of bound vo l um es at an e ar ly date.
Fir st r eg ular mee tin g of th e Student Council of th e G ir ls' Club wi ll occur on Monday even in g, Octob er 13, 9 to 10 o'c lock.
Pres id ent Rou se wa s in L incoln, Monday , atte nding board of education m P.e ting.
7 :30 to 8:15 Ban a, 8: 15. Bi -m onthly.
S ec ond Frida y, Philomathean, 8 o'clo c k. Fourth F ri da y, P hil om a th ea n, 8 o'c lock.
Mo nthl y.
Se cond Tu es da y, Girl s' Club, 11: 5 0.
Fir st Wedn es d ay , Drama ti c, Fir st Sa turday, J. U. !)., S pe cial Ev ents.
Dr Vir g ini a Holme s in chap e l, s ubj e ct , So cial H yg iene,
We dn es day p. m., 11 :35 to 12:25 ; Thm·su ay eve ning, 8 to 9 o'clock.
Frida y eve nin g, Oc tob er 10, Sam
Le wi s Con ce rt Co , Le ctur e course - budget numb e r.
Friday, Octob er 10, football, Mid la nd I' OII ege
Phil o (m ont hl y mee ting ,) S atu rday e ve nin g- , 8 :1 5.
Willi nm F. Sc h oe nik e of Wate rtown, Wi s. , a rrived in Pe ru Mon\.l a:v mornin g. He b egan
hi s work in th e a fte rno on of th e same day asa ss is tant in the manu al train in g de partm e nt Mr. Scho en icke com es dir ec tly from hi s a rmy s erv ice. He spe nt the last ye ar in vocationa l educa tional work in co nn e ction with the rehabilitation mov ement. J. C. CHATELAIN
• 1 Fo un t acn Watches, Clocks, ue.we IPY• an.d Spectacles
S068 AN8 RE;FAiflE,8 S t y Sc h oo l Supp li es
Headquarters for Sc hool Je welry, Pennants, ta lOner • If you wa nt a Square De al If you wish
Pero, Ne
SAlVATION ARMY It need !'\ your help. Bn : a ticket to see HF ires of Faith"
Theatre, Octo II Matinee 3 p.m Evening 7 and 9 Admission 25c and 50c
On October I Pr ofessors Delze ll and Crago, and Willard Stafford Prante, Donalrl 0 verhol t, Wm Thomas and Ll oy d Prante left for th e Y. M. c A. conventio n at dresses , but severa l forum s were York Altho arriv i ng in York at held in which the co ll ege men got up on thP.i r f eet and d iscnssed 3 :00 o'clock in the early, frosty, the th eme of th e co nv en tio n, morning, the president of the York "C h ristian De mocracy," with it R Y. M. was at the depot to esco rt specia l relation to th e camp u s. th e d elegat ion to their rooms.
Thi s co nv entio n was si milar to the one he ld at Estes Park last
The fir st of the in doo r pr ograms on th e !'ched ule was given Friday (:'vening, Oct ober 10. At thi s time th e Sam Lewis Compa ny g;we a well se lected program, consi ::' tin g of s ong s, r ead in gs, piano 1 and violin solos
J Mr. Sam Le wis, tenor soloist, sa ng seve ra I groups of so ngs, among whi ch any one should have b ee n able to lind, e nj oy and appr eciate hi s type of song. Hi s vo ice, a clea r. lyric tenor, showed well ih "Mo ther Machree, " " Mammy Mine" and "The Americans Come''
Mr. Jam es L ave ry, violin fir st , playe d wel l Meditatio n by Mossenet an d Ava Ma ri a by Schubert. He drew ri ch ton es from the violin in hi s do ubl e wo rk
Mi ss Ir ene Harrufl', pianist and accompa n ist show ed h er ability as so loi!'t in The Concer t Etude by MacDowell. Her work as accompanist also merits ment ion. Mil'S Harru ff workPd und er a cerlai n ha ndica p ow ing- to the piai'lo used. Mi ss Ambe r Hopkins, reader, pl ease d a ll with her readin gs whic h we re given with taste and cha rm Music i!:> a g-rowing It wil l n ot be lon g befo re it i.; a p art of
Th e Coming Game.
Pr esident Rouse ar riv ecl Sa tu rJun e, o nly much shor te r, la sting H ea d of Physical Training DP.part- only till the 12t h. Suc h men as
day eve nin g in t ime the meet · in g of the Pr eside nts of the various colleges over the st ate.
Harrison Elli o tt, J. Stilt Wil so n,, Wh o won the game Friday? Th e the pr og ram. Th ese men are to give it to the r ooters fo r be in g leaped into the air, caught the ball study i ng the college man and hi s on thP. job. No Jack of pep there! and f oug ht way to within hi s. probl e ms. Thus it was that th e let's keep it up! All out opponents' ten yard li ne Thi s 1150 co ll ege and faculty men assem -voic es !' harp e ned for th e Wes leyan
me nt and Coach who do:man rls clean playing and clean talk in a fo ot ball Dad Elliott, and o th ers were on te am of cour se! But yo u' ll have
•Conti nu ed on Fourth 1 b led he re from all part s of the game . We 'r e going to win! game
According to good authority, Wesleyan ha s so me lin e -up, but just u se good judg-ement and it will be !'een th at with Peru on one s id e and Wes leya n on th e other, "Axi om I" will surely fail with Wesleyan be in g the loser and Pe ru w ith abo ut t wenty to the good S ome of the fac u•ly an d st udents attended the countyJair at Auburn last week.
Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as seco nd -c lass matter.
Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal
$ 1. 00 per year. Single copy 5 cts.
business reco rd. "Davy" p layed right ha lf. w hib Frank held the left ha lf. Th e older citizens w ill remember the ch arges "Tilde n" m ade thru the lines. Frank Beedle, n ow su ccessful superint e nd ent of Waverly's big co n so lidated schoo, 1 played right t ackle.
======== ====== mi g ht y good
Moirtz's team provided their ow n su it s, financed ther e own games, practiced in the old town ' past ure; th ey h ad no c?ac h, no 1gym nas ium, b ut they d1d have a
Til E uui'I' ORIAL ST AFF Hi s First Game.
Dorot hy Mauck, '20 Ed itor-in-Chief
Alvina Amende. '20 Associatc Erlitor He came to the game because his Paul Benn ett, ' 2l.. As!'istnn t EdiLor li tt le boy wanted to see the game.
Pcrn Adams, '21.. h sist ant Editor Sure he did. Anyone could see Ra ym ond HufTer, '2J. :vlg'r., that, three minutes after the ga1t1e Emma Woodie, sp Mg 'r :\1a1h ng Dept
Celi a Lor rancc Scnio r Mabrl Dress ler Juni or Helen Glasgow So pn o••morc Hildcgradt• Yeck
H Spec ials & Trainers
Ll ovd Pran te Y. M. C. A.
Willia ms Y. W. 1 '. A
Fern Ferree Girl s Club
Erma Wilson Philomath enn.
Della Weatherhog Dramatic Club
Catherine Li enc man J. U. r..
No artic les accepted after S o'clock Monday morning.
Dr Holmes ' Lecture
During the past week Dr Abbey Virginia Holmes of Omaha delivered a series of fou r lectures on Socia l E ducat i on to the Girls' Club. Guests of the club at these lec tur es were th e high schoo l girls and th e women _ of Peru. The lar ge and at tent ive audie n ce in a pa rticularl y crowded week, attest the int erest fe lt in Dr. Holme s' lectures.
The s peaker wa s the emhodiment of what social educat io n C"an do for a woman. All girls we re quick to recognize in Dr. Ho lmes a woma n of wel l-d efi ned and sane conv ic tio ns
And then it sta n ds to r easo n that any eight or ten year old b oy shou ld be in te n sely in te res ted in mter-collegiate footbal l; anu that th e interest of such a precocious lad would be the on ly thing str ong enough to attract hi s father, a staid o ld f arme r.
But, as I say, the farme r was there; and from the modest and disintere s ted way in w hich he came down the hill with hi s litt le boy and to0k h is place in the crowd, one natur.:llly would judge that the old fellow came to let the littl e fellow see hjs first game, and "dad" would much rather be at h ome at work Certa inl y, mu ch rath er.
Whe" in need of quality groceries, •-iug or call at the Mardis Qual ity. Serv ice, Courteous Treatment with pure fresh goods has built our business and reputati on Phone 25 MARDIS Phon6 25
ow many people ca n you of ri ght n ow who would l!ke to have you r photograph, and how long si n ce that last one was made?
Phone 56 Peru , Nebr
We are making a specialty of American Black Walnut Tr y it ou t while h ere, and when you go out to teach we will s hip you Walnut and other woods you need.
Lumber> E.o
Basement Fisher 's Dru g Store Fir s t-class W ork me n. Your Patr onage Solicited.
• alo ng the Jines of social education. queer actio ns for a iroFl-gray! Wh y, H er years of experie n cE: as a suc -he is actually h oppinng around on ces sful practition er, keen in si ght one foot and waving his hat and and un derstand in g of col lege girls' yel ling, "Goo d boy! Yo u're th e oftimes perplexing soc ial pr oblems , feller! Go to it! " coupled with her deep sympat hy, And so it was, a nd r ich er, when h er poise and her womanly charm, Sha rr ar made th e to u chdown over a ll contributed to the re al va lu e of Mrclalnds' s line at the close of the
And the ga me sta rts. Is it the mix t ure of the d ffere m c olored so ck s in the pil e of players at the first down that h as dazzled the old ge ntl eman? What makes him h alf stand and lean on his knees at the ball goes hurtling thru the a ir after Ra sch kicked it and Copenhaver down s hi s man as he feels th e ball in hi s hands? And what her lect ures.
The members of the club f ee l th at in Dr. Holmes th ey have a ne\\ fri e nd whose path and the ir s they h ope ma y cross again.
Our First Football T earn.
It was in the spr in g of 1893 that "Dick" Moritz, now Sup't R. D. Moritz of Seward , organ ized , r.oached a nd captained a f oo tbal l team. The lin e averaged nearly 190 ; th e li g htes t man weighed 150 pounds, a nd h ad a record of 100 ya rd s in ten se.!onds. He is known n ow as W. L. Davenport, dairyman of Preu, who h as a most !:Uccessful
first half that r esu lted in ou r six points to Midland's goose egg And every time Gately, Steve, Funny, Dad , or any of our boys made a counter , Mr. Farmer , wh CJ brought his litt le boy to see the game, would go up and beat the ai r an d r oot for Peru And th e I i tt le boy? Oh, he looked around in a sC"a r eli sort of way at first and app ear c<.l tu be scandaliz ed for the first minut e at suc h conduct on the part of his e ld er s; but pretty soo n it s tu ng him t oo, a nd in to it he flew! Same as Dad, and the same as - well, where were you win d -jam mers anyway, if you didn't see the pair?
We Carry a Complete Line of Dry Goods, Furnishings Shoes Groceries
W·e wish at this time to call your . attention to our shoes
You can save money in this department.
Philomathean. I Miss! Lucile Meek, Miss Helen S t d · g October i Neal and Mis s Margaret Fisher.
Several members of the Y. M. C. A. attended the Y. M. C. A. conference at York during the past week end.
Pretlid e nt Rouse and Col. T. J. Majors attended the meeting of the Board of Education in Lincoln Monday and Tuesday.
· Miss Alice Hanthorn, a former very efficient and greatly admired teacher of the traing school , is now teaching in the Iowa State Normal, Cedar Fall s, Iowa.
Girls' Club Notes,
The girls of the council are busy c hecking up on the point system, and will soon have the result of their work where all members of the club may have access to it.
On a ur ay evenm , I 11 Philo society formally opened When Virginia awoke they Anyone wishing to get student season of ente rtainment. That : disappeared. Everyone apprecwte help week ends, please let your the high standards of Philo in the : thi s pretty dance so capabl.y ren· wants be known at the office of the matt er of programs is not to be 1dered by th ese high school dean of women departerl from, was shown by the / Th e stage was very appropriately There is a call for girls who do variou s selections given. Miss ; decorated ,in .leaves neat mending, 20 and 25 cents an Fe rree the pre s ident of the socie- / berrie s. Great credit IS due Miss hour. Call at the office of the dean t l ' d the guests and new ; Le ah Culwell and her goorl c?m of women. y, we come bl a members in a very fitting and : mi ,ttee for th e ir capa e orgamz
C-a-le_n_d_a_r. plea sant talk Mr. Hohman, who J tion in getting such a group of tatis always so read y with his tal e nt, , ent togeth_e_r_. ____ play ed two piano solo s. Miss Sears i Faculty Notes. re ad '' Th e Morning Call." A 1 Profess ors Crago and Delzell group of gir]t; .re pre senting Ispent Saturday and Sunday in York, from the vanous walk s of llf e, 1 atte ndin g the state Y. M. C. A. sang popul ar s on gs In this group confere nce.
wer :_ Mi ss Ne ttie _ comes fr.om Super..i'QtenCiara Sick , Miss Cora Clover. M 1ss ; dent Sh ouse that he exp ect s to Neva Ho ak, a nd Miss Mon a Keith, ! have a critic teacher for th e art with Mis s Els a belh R essl er at the ! de partment of the training school pian o. Mi ss Loi s Hacker gave a soon very vivid monol o gue of a poor I Mr. A. E. Wolf, a Peru ' alumnu s, 1 mother's trials wit.h her four child· ! was in town Saturday. exp e cts ren, at the bathmg be ach. Mr. 1 to ta ke special work m manual Ga be l pla y ed "Just a We a ryin' for I training under Profe ssor Schoenicke You,' and "Som e wh ere a Voice is ! each Saturday. Mr. Wolf is sup e rCallin g," on th e cornet accompan1 nitend e nt of sch ools at Rivreton. ied by Mr. Hohman. J Iowa He says he could not find a Little Virginia Mil s tead wand e r- i manual training instructor, and so ed out in the woods whil e picking he is teaching the shop work himfl ower s and fe ll asl eep She drea m- self. h 1 d' · fl' h ' The "pep maken;" for t e a 1es ed of fi ve beauttful hutt er te s w o of the faculty are Miss Daniel s and danc ed about her as s he sle pt The Mi ss Palmer. Frirlay we found que en butterfly was Mi ss Sylvia them down on the s id e Jin es ch e erGarri so n; the oth er four butt er- ing for the boys. Good work! fli es were Mi ss Mildred Barnes, Ke ep it up.
Regular Events. Weekly.
Monda y s, Chorus , 5:40 to 6:15. Orchestra, 7:30 to 8 :15. Tuesday s, Girl s' Glee Club, 8:15 to 9. Boys' Glee Club, 7:30 to 8 :15. Band, 815. We dn esday s,· Choru s, {:):40 to 6:15 Orchestra, 7: 30 to 8:15 Y. M. C. A., 8 :15. Thursdays, Y. w. C. A., 7:15 to 8 :15 Girls' Glee Club, 8: 15 to 8. Boys' Glee Club, 7:30 to 8:15. Band, 8:15. Bi-monthly.
Student Council of Girls' Club. The Monday ev eni ng before the Second Tue s day of each month and every two we e ks th e reafter at 9:00 p.m.
Second Friday, Phi lomathe a n, 8 o'cl ock. Fourth Friday, Philomathe a n, 8 o'cl ock. Monthly.
Second Tuesday, Girls' Club , 11:50. Fir st Wednes day, Dramatic, fl Fir st Saturday, J. U. G., 8. Ch11l"e's Ba•-ber Shop
Another Peru Victory, (Continu ed !rom First Pag e.) took the pep out of the Midland team, so that another s hort pa ss, Gately to Sharrar, net ted Peru the touchdown that won th e game. Rasch tried for goal at a bad an g le and mis sed. Scor e, fir st half, Peru 6, Midland , 0.
Third quart e r. Midland kicked to Peru, wh o pl.ay ed a k icking ga me, gaining seve ra l ya rds on exc hange of punts and kept t.he ba ll in Midland's te rritory mo st of this quarter. Midland put up a terrific offence to sco re, mak.ing three first downs, but the Peru boys wer e dctermin ed to save the game and held before Mirlland got within str ikin g distanc e. Cop enh.aver wa s forc ed to leave the game due to injuri es Thi s left th e team with both its trusty tackles out of the game, Arl ee not starting.
Fourth quart e r. Both coach es mad e some changes in their lin eup. Each team opened up with r1asse s and fakes, oniy to be s moth er ed. Midland threat e ntd Peru's goal at the last minute of play Gatel y attempted to rceover a punt, the ball made a bad bound , just tipping his fingers. Midland's end rceovere d and was downed on Peru's fiv e yard line. Here Peru was called upon to show her mettle. With the charging of the lin e a nd th e brilliant tackling of Sharrar, Rash and Gately , th ey pu s hed the Midl a nd team back to th e ten yarrl line in their four successive attempt s to score. Ra sch kick ed to mid-fi e ld · Peru r ecovered, and Ra sc h ate ly booted the ball to Midland's fifteen yard lin e, who returned ten yards. A short pa ss to Midland 's le ft end was succ ess ful. Th e game ended Midland' s on their own thirty yard line. Final score, Peru 6, Midland 0.
The fullback for Midland was on the All-Gr ea t-Lakes-Navy team last year and was a bril liant player in Friday's game. Rasc h, Gately and Sharrar were the stars for Peru. GAtely' s clever work at quarter and Sharrar's ability to grflb passes put across the sco re that won the game. Ra : ch's defense at backing up the lin e and smashing ga ins thru Midland's
line was also a feature
Thom as G. Lan g is head of th e mechanical arts departme nt, Pasadena, Cal.. pub li c schoo ls. John Lan g is he ad of the sa me department of the Huntington Park Elementary sc hools. They both rep ort that th ey are falling in love ' with Californ ia. We are always glad to : kee p in touch with our Alumni.
Y. W. C. A.
The !ecture by Dr Holmes on fats Thurs day eH n ing was attended by a number of the girls of th e school a num ber of the ladie s of the faculty and town.
Th e next meeting is to be led by Mi ss Magn eso n at 7:15, October 16.
Leo n Roettger, Football Captai n.
Alumni Notes, Bess ie Clove r, 191, ha s enter ed for training for nur ses , Stanford University Hospital, San Franci sco, Cal ifornia.
A. N. Longfe ll ow, 1917, hea d of the commercial de partm e nt, Hobson , Montana, public sc hoo ls, writes that he expects to be in P c: ru the coming summ er to the work for his A. B. degree.
Cec il e Ward Bolding, 19 14, is a candidate for a position in th e Detroit, Michigan, public sc hool s.
Haz el E. John son , 1914, de gree 191 5, is taking a cour se in art in th e -Art In s titut e, Chica go , this yea r.
J A. Jimerson, 1914, is s uoe rintendent of schoo ls, Nashua ,. Montana , thi s yea r.
· S. L. Caldwel l is now at F oy il, Oklahom a. He wr i tes for the recent publi ca tion s of the Noraml that he may be in touch with graduates of the :<chool.
We have Stationery and Sl hool Su p plies See us for Shaffer's and Conklin 's Se lf -fillin g, Non-Leakable Fountain Pens
Nebraska's Two Best Teams and High School Students
On the Peru Field, Next Join in Dramatic Spectacle Saturday· at 3 p. m. on Normal Campus .
Peru's Pep Machine · vs. Wesleyan Outdoor
Trained Heavyweights .
Th e team which wins thi s ga me "Peru 's got to win." says "Pep" will be very sure of wi nnin g the Speer. state championship of Nebraska "Peru's sure to win," say all Not s ince 1911 in the hi a_tflr i.: loya l Kearney-Peru co nte st , when Peru 3000 alumni and 30,000 former won by a touchdown, has there been Pe ruvi ans are waiting to hear of so s tate wide an int eres t in a home Pe ru' s victory. ga me as th e re is in Friday's contest.
No one douhts th e fig hting ab ili· ty of Wesleyan's team. Th ere will be some thin g doing fr0m the k ickoff un til th e la st whi , tle is bl ow n. Peru and Wes leyan have always been on the best of te rms in their athletic cnntes s. When We sleya n lost we found her men goo d lose rs. 1 And when Peru · she too k her J med i ci ne with a smi le. As a rule th ere has hee n the best spo r tsman -! s hip in all th e games.
ha s the bes t of Peru on weight. Coac h Beck has his team well trained. But lik e the smal ler Fr enchmen sa id to th e big Ger· man;;, "fh ey shall not pass," so say we, for our bo ys make up in spe ed what th ev lack in WPight. Our boys , t oo , have bee n well train ed by Nebraska' s bP.st coach. Th ose who sa w th e Doa ne g-ame la st F'rida y are quite su re of Pe ru' s! holdin!! her o wn. Peru will ho ld he r ow n. Fnr th e wh o le sc hoo l is back of the team. Th e stude nt s,/ and citi zens have abso lute fai th in our squad. Neve r was more loyal s npp o rt given a t ea m. "Peru mu st win," says the tea_!1l. "Peru will win," says pres id ent Rouse
Play, Saturday, 25, at 2:30 P. M.
"Th e For est P ri ncess," to be Princess wi II appear to be a shrivgiven on the Pe ru Normal schoo l! e ll ed old woman, they agree Prince campu s, by a largP. group of Nor1 Ulric seeks a comfor tabl e bed in and nig.r, 3ome man or- ha ll, but Ala do re, who her 25, is practically a mo dernized 1 tho poorly dressed , is r eally a version of the fami li ar fair y story, ' prince in disg ui se , st ays out in the "The Sleeping Beaut y. " Th e ki ng fo r es t. H ere Swamp Oak puts h im· and queen of a wo odland ki ng dom 1 into a char med sleep so that ha in vite to the ch ri s tening f estivit i es ' will not wake up in time for the of th e ir he ir, an infa nt princess, i meet in g with the Pri ncess. Th e th e s pirits of the trees who, on goo d tr ee spirits. however. come such occa sions, are s ure to bes tow Ito hi s ai d. Because he is noble a nd wonderful gi f ts upon t he chi Id. generous he is ab le to break The witc h, Swamp oak , whose spe ll which hangs over th e Pr incess name suggests her dwelling place, and after the appr oved manner of is accidentally lef t uninvi te d and all f airy tales they '·'live hap i ly come::! to th e chr isteni ng in a fnri- ever af te r." ous rage. In sp it e of th e Queen's The ch ie f cha ra cters of "The Ipleading she ca sts a s pell on the j Prince ss , in the ord er in Pri ncess. U nd er its power the j whtch th ey spea r, are:. Prin cess is to wa x and wane with Ynol -. Alice Hum bert the moon, "Young in th e moon's IDame Mora Mi ss Cha pm an fu ll glow, but wh c> n 'ti s spe nt, a A Tra ve ler Mr. haggar d creatur e, wither ed. Hera ld - Mr. Ro se nqut st led, bent." Fo rtunately, as in th e Th e Kin g -. Mr. Ll oyd Prante old t ale, the re is one t ree sp ir it 1 Swamp Oak (a wttch) • Mi ss Cole wh o is ab le to li gh ten the cu r se The Qu ee n - Miss Ri ecker Sh e bids them hop e becau se if a
1 The Nurse • · Miss Ferree Pr incP. sha ll woo the Princess and The F orest k iss her v.hen she is o ld t he Mt ss Wea therh ogg shall be br oken. Prince Ulric Mr. Chase
''I have faith in every boy on the team; not a quitter in th e bunch-Peru will win Frid ay." E.
L. R.
In the seco nd sce ne the Prince ss Prince AladorP. Mr. Gr ffi ith s appears a bea utiful girl of eigh - Group s: t een, try i ng, in spite of the spe ll Courtiers: Miss es McAuley, whi ch clouds her hap p in ess , to D ye , Alma Gri ffi n, Lo is Griffin, app ear gay w ith her at te ndants. Loran ce, Ruth L awrence, Ruby Tw o suitors ap pea r, se eki ng the L aw re nce, Ne lson , Yeck, Myer, For est Prince ss wh o is fam o us for Sprecker, Griffiths , Wilson Mesher beauty. They are told to r e. srs. Pasco, Copenhaver, H ouse , turn wh en th e mo on is dark. No t Choyce , Woodie, Hu ffe r. kn ow ing t hat at that ti me the l Con llnu cd on Fo u•·th Pa ge.>
Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebra ska as seco nd -class ma tter.
Publi shed Week ly by t he Peru State No rmal
$ l. OO per year. Si ngl e copy 5 cts.
On Thursday several of the girls went over to the training school and invited the high school girls to attend the Y. W. m ee tings and join the a.c;sociation.
About seve nty-five were present at the vesper service la st Thursday evening Favorite songs se lected from the old ch apel hymnal were
Isung and Bible verses were r ea d. Miss Wil son and Miss Ke it.1 had charge of the mE>eting. Miss Gock·
======--=---=- ley th at there were a
D 8 I 'h' r number of antJ bands for sale, oro thy Mau cl(, '20......... c nor-in·C 1c:
Pau l Bennett. ':!l.. Assistant Editor Effort is being mad e to see t he Fern Adams, '2l.. Aa sist ant Edit•Jr wives of a ll facu lty me mbers and Raymond HutTer, '21 Busi ness Mg'r. th t · t · · g1 ve em an oppor um ty o JOin.
Emma Wood1e, sp Mg' r. Mathng Dept. 1 • 1< EPO IITf!RS: JU!1iO r S,
Celia Lorrance Senior Professor Heck ailclressed t he
Mabel Dressler Ju nior Juniors at class chape l on vital
Hel en Sopnonmore current eve nt s. Tho se who heard Yeck Freshmfn Pr of esso r Beck can a ssure those
Ida Special s & Trainers
Ll oyd Prante y M. c. ..-.. wh o did not th at th ey some-
He len Williams Y W. o·. A. thing worth while. An e xcellent
Fe rn Ferree Girls Clu b Pr og ram has been a rranged for Erma Wi lso n ne xt we e k. If you don't enjoy Della Weatherhogg Drum a tlc Cl ub f · d b t · 1 un you na et er s ta y away Catbenne Lteneman ). U. G. · ·
No articles accep te d a fter 8 o'cl ock Th e e ntire school ap preciates the Monday morning. s pl e ndid work of Mr s. SE>ybolt in -===========-==-::..:-=--=-- training the eighty me mbers of the Canary- ism.
Fortunately f or Peru, none of our football boy s have adopted the canary brand of honor. ca st for '' The Forest Princess.' '
Our very best s tucl e nts a re on th e team They a re lighting for the honor of Peru. So far the honor of the schoo l is placed above p erso nal pr eferment
Some of our si ster colleges complain of pr of essio nali s m. A. fe w of their men are ye ll ow in the class r oo m, tho not greE> n at fo o tball. These s ame men would kick a team mate off of the fie ld if th ey caught him laying d ow n or "s luff i ng" in a game, yet these men cut classes and s luff in th e ir class r oo m wor k a nd thu s run the risk of bei ng disqualified to the detrim e nt of the t eam. When th ey are taken off the team th e ir song is not quite so s weet as is the so ng of the I i ttle ye ll ow bird whose co lor they have chosen for their sc holasti c bann er.
It is true that du r ing their st re n· uous trainin g and th e ir being absent from s ch oo l th e players' class r oo m work will suffer a little Yet the true spurt will see his work is not se riou sly neg lected.
Who' s yellow'! A .player is yellow who de liberately "sluffs" in practi ce, in the ga m e, or in the cla ss room; th e f ac ul ty mem ber who del ibe rate ly allows th e pl ayer to 's l uff' or r efu ses to he!p a consc ientious player keep up wi th his work Any student, te acher or student is yellow wh o d oes not g ive Joya l support to the hom e team P er u has neve r chosen the canary for her emblematic bird.
Notwithstanding th e many entertainments · and the footbal l games, Mrs. Seybolt has workf:!d patien tly and pe rsis tently unti I she has prepared an o utd oo r entertainment of which Peru will be justly proud.
Y. M. C. A.
A little ba nd of faithful Y. 's m et in the mu si c r oom la st Wed nesday even in g an d di scusse d th e problem s of choosing l ife's work. The rain ke pt a farge numb er away bu t those who braved th e s torm were we ll repaid by the di sc u.ss ion s.
Every boy in school wants to be o ut nex t Wedne sday night to hear McK ee, the s tate High Y. s E' cretary. He wi II spe nd a ·few days in Peru making a rran ge me nts for th e hi gh school Y. association, wh ich is to be held here November ::!8 to 30.
Pe ru' s High Y. had a hik e Saturday afternoon and evening. Prant e, Th oma s, Shaver. Professors Gabel a nd Crago, and the Y. M. boys' work committ ee .lead the high sc hoo l boys on this hik e. A s pl en · did tim e is report e d.
Mi ss I va M. Dunn, he ad of th E> depa rtm ent of expression, who is at tend in g Chicago Univer sity, was called to her home in Syracuse, Ne br., by the d ea th of her fa th er on October 9. Servi ces were held in th e hom e in Syracuse, !::laturday, October 11.
Miss Ellis found a Jiv e bunch of John so n Co un ty t E>a ch e rs at st udy center meet i ng in Tec um se h.
Whe l1 in ne ed of quality ri ug 25 or call at th e Mard is Quality, Service, Cour teo us Treatment with pure fresh goods bas built our and reputation. _
ow man y people can you think of ri ght now who w ou ld J ike to h av e your ph otograph, and how long s ince that last one was made?
are making ·a specialty of
We Carry a Complete Line of Dry Goods, Furnishings Shoes Groceries
We wi!iih at thi!ii time to call your !-ipecial attention to our shoes You ce1n save money in this department.
M.. E. GOOD.
]. U. G Notes I The College Teamst
The J. U. G. Club last Tuesday I Won Lost held the election of officers. Norma 1 Cotner Barrett, pre s id en t; Alma Gri ffi n, l York vice pr es ident; Katherine Griffiths, i *Peru sec retary ; Catherine Linemann, ! Wesleya n treasurer; and Mabe l Root, We ltha /K ea rn ey Wilkie, and Myrtl_e Koon, r epresen-, Wayne tati ves to the Girls' Club Council, I Doane I co nst itute the officers of th e club. I Midland I
An a nnounceme nt concerning the Grand Island next meeting of the J. U. G.'s will *Only team he published later. against it.
Special and Trainers.
At a recent meeting of the specials and trainers t he following officres were elected : Stafford Prante, president; Mervin ' Pa sco , vice president; Mary Johnston, secretary and treasurer; Mervin Pasco, yell leader.
The program committee consi sts of Alva Fi s her, Ma ry Gilbert,' Hazel Williams, Pauline Shroeder and Homer Vogus, who have scheduled }Jrograms and a party.
Joy E. Morgan, an alumnus of Peru and former superintendent at Guide Rock, is now in Library War Service. he has charge of supp lying U. S. Shipping Board boat s with books and magazines Calendar. Regular Events. Weekly.
Monda ys , Chorus, 5:40 to 6:15. Orchestra, 7:30 to 8 :15: Tuesdays, Girls' Glee Club, 8 :15 to 9. Boys' Glee Club, 7:30 to 8:15 Band, 815. Wednesdays, Chor us, 5:40 to 6:15. Orchestra, 7:30 to 8:15 Y. M. C. A., 8:15.
Thursd ays, Y. w. C. A., 7:15 to 8:15 Girls' Glee Club, 8:15 to 9. Boys' Club, ' 7:30 to 8:15. Band, 8:15. Bi-monthly.
- Stludent Co u nci I of Girls' Club. The Monday eveni ng before the Second Tuesday of e ach mo nth and eve ry two weeks th ereafte r at 9 :00 p.m.
By the box or pound Just the
• Second Frida y, Philomath ea n, 8 o'clock Fourth Friday, thing for that Birthday Present
1 Phi loma th ea n, 8 o'c lock Monthly. Tuesday, Girls' Club, 11:50. Fir st Wednesday, Dramatic, First Saturday, J. U. G., 8. Special Ev e nts. Peru-Wesleyan Game, Oct. 24, 3:00 The Forest Pr ince5s, Oct 25, 2:30 Arl outdoor play. NORMAL STORE .
Littl e Orphan Annie, Oct 25, 8:15 A h' or nyt tttg Budget Movie.
November vacation, Nove mb er 6- 10 in the Hardware line Cristmas vacation Dec., 19, Jan. 6.
The Forest Princess
(Continu ed rrom First Page.)
Tree Spirits:-Misses Barrett, Bates, Barnes, Blough, Delzell, Fisher, Falkner, Garrison, Glasgow, A. J. Kelly , E Lew is, H. Lewis, Mile,:, Par so n, Patterson, Weaver.
Knitting La di es:-M isses Clark, H oy t, Schroed er, Bnrrh, Moo re Pe asants-MeR:' rs R') use , Brown . R. Overholt, Iv ers, Higgin s, He ywood, Fi sher, R. E Cliase, Car r, Sears. Mis ses Shellhorn, F. Gilliland, E. Gi llil and, Barajira , LaFranc e, Lee, Haye s, Fi sher, D. Parriott, Cook, And erso n, H eywood, Meye r, P op lew e ll. Wo ol ford, Bau g hman, Clo•t e r, He len Neal, C. Prariott , R. Jones
Twelve Thotful Thinks by Twelve Thotless Thinkers
A man who is :v el low loo ks j! r ee n.
If you can't soa r-d on'l g-e t sore.
All thing s com e to him wh o waits but too often th e wei g ht overcomes him Ge t bu sy !
Do not ta ke f too se riou s ly -you may be a jokE'.
Mi ss Rose Clark, head of J. C. CHATELAIN
Dept. of phy and one of the faculty advis ors for The Normalite, ha s return ed to Peru from her home in Pawn ee City, after two weeks' absence due to an operation for Mi ss Clark says that s he is on ce more ready for
Th e came l is se ld om s hort on wa- work and "feeling- fine " We take ter but the u se r of the "Cam el" is this op port unity (without her al ways sh ort on wind. knowl ed v. e or co n!'eot) to !'ay:
''Th e mo st un comm on th ing in Th e st aff· we lc omes Mi ss Clark back the wo rld is common sense ." again and espec iall y appref.'iates
Som e are- ot h ers thikn th ey that rar e in s piration which we are ; mi ssed so murh during 1-er a'?se nce
A tw o cy lind er moto rcyc le makeR Mi s,; Cla rk ha s bee n head of the mor e noh:e than a twe lve cy lind er geog ra ph y d epa rtment s ince Mis s tourin g ca r. Lo ui st:> Mea rs left in 19 11 She
A boy w ho is become!' an ha" huilt up thi R de partment until a ll a d it is now one of th e best in the roun ma n. Normal.
You may think you ar e "g ptting - ---·--by"-but it w ill be a co s tl y buy. I
The fe ll ow w ho tries to work o1h ers se ld om work s!
Boost and Puu boosts with yonknock Pe ru a nd PHu knock s ou.
Phon e 73 Peru, Ne br.
Cl a ra. Kimball Young in Clam," Saturday, Oct. 25 llc and l7c
Theda Bara. Friday, Oct. 24. 15 - 22 Tar·zan nf the A.pes-2 days . and Tne!"day, Oct 27 and 25c and 50c
Sir John Foster of Great Britain Disting-uished Worid- Traveler Publicist
Tuesday, Nov. 4, 8:15 p: rn. Normal Chapel
Sa t urciay afternoon the old gym
rs • The "jink" took 14.
wa s no long er th e old gym,-it was An Every body's. Meeti ug The Wesleyans won 7. a g lad e de ep in the autumn woods, at the Peru had what with the g lin t of a pool thru the was left of the 21 points. brown carp et of le aves. Into this High Scho.ol
Assembly' Wed. Oct.. 29,
The hour's ba ttle closed last " glad e of dreams " three or fonr A 8 l5 · Friday on o ur home ground with t : p. fU. hundred of us eve ryday mortals sat You our men in the middle of the field look in g. And we fe ll deep er and Gverybody Means going north with the ball in their d eeper under the sp ell, as we
There po ss ession. Th ey were fighting wa tchf' ci and listened. F'or Con- like tigers when the final whi s tle sta nce Mac Kay in her " Fore st t d t f th t bl I blew Pr t nces s" has tak en oo e of the san t ouf tahs one 0f pe no a le
ley horses" in the Peru camp. Yet we know our boy s will be in the game and we hope to see an Antelope scalp hangin g to "Pep" belt when he co me s home, but Kearn e yi tes ar e g ame play- j e rs a nd a s trong, clo se game is ex, pected.
AT KEARNEY. It wa l a battle royal f rom start even s o e year or er u. t A !f h '- d b 1 · · I ·immortal fair y tales. itse lf a nat.ur e I not er 1.ar att e awa1ts our I to fim sh w1th th e strong er team was nota ble as an example of school sturdy warriors next FrJ·day at ( t b tt.o ) · · my th, and ha s re fill ed it with the "team-work ., For it was not K no e .r wmnm g. s pi r it of natur e and po e try earney. For th e first ten mmutes the Th ose:who gave the love ly masque only the e lghty players who gave Kearney has a strong team anci preachers; were thinking of an ca ug ht its atm os ph ere, and int er- one of Nebras ka's bes t coach es It unkno wn and t he outcome pr etE d it s m oo ds and me a nings, is unfortunate that so man y Peru of their football exi s tence. with a s in cerity and a gra ce that s houlders and kne es are out of It was a Pe ru affa ir up to that time w ill mak e it a haunting memory plum. It will be ne cessary for Pe- -when th1e '' jinx" took a hand in f b W I k 'II ru to make a ca valry char ge on the game , and fourteen point s slip0 ea ut y· e on ° 0 ers WI not I Kearney because of so many ''Charsoon for get th e s tately court pro- ped over on the credit side of th e cess ion. the peasants both grave and gay, the ru s ti c dances , th e lov e ly in vocati on to th e tree s pirits at the alt a r, th e p :1 et ic beauty of th ese !' piri ts in th e ir s waying da nc es, -n nr Sw a mp Oak , th e witch, an d th e thrill of her malignan t proph eci es Then we saw th e :, wee t princ ess with her ri val s ui t or s, -th e one boa s ting largely of land s and go ld , the o th er a pilg rim from the la nd of Far -a way, h is t ower·crow ned cas tle s in Spain, hi s shi ps la den with
M tot S. SBY BO T, T, DiRECTO R.
We s leyan account. Captain " Funny" fa iled to take into account the ex ces sive h ea t in the Wes leyan line cau se d by three brilliant headli g hts, "Red" "Pink" and "Rus ty"-regular incen se fire s, the bree ders of the "jinx ." Well, thi s heat cau sed the air in our pigskin to expan d, and when on the fourth ciown " Funny" gav e the ball a littl e t oss it went up to se e th e moon an d came down too close to th e wrong go al line.
We ll , quarter one ended We sleyan 7, Peru 0. A cos tly fumble at the wr ong time and quarter tw<' ended Wes leyan 14, Peru 0. The third quart er th e pr each ers he ld a real old camp meeting revival and mad e a s ure-en ough touchdown without the he lp of the "jinx." Thus e nci ed the work of th e s core machine, with 21 all on the side of the prea chers.
Thi s do pe about th e "jinx" and Peru' s bad lu ck should not be <Co nti nued on Last Page.)
TE Peru, Nebraska, did not _have a THE PERU NORMALI great number of boys attendmg the Entered at th e Pos toffice at P er u, Ne- Normal after the dissolutionh bra ska as s econ d-cla ss m at ter. S. A. T. C. , it was true C rJ s tJ an
Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal spirit which closed ' the term. Peru
$ 1.00 per y ea r. S ingle co py 5 cts. had a li ttlc over forty s tudents enrolled in the Y. M. C. A. after th e Confe ren ce at Lincoln, and Pe ru promi se d fifteen for Es tes. It mi gh t be su ggetsed that Peru w.a s th e fir st to have her quota regJ s1 te red. Lat er Pe ru set the goal. at tw e nty and s ucc ee c! ed in bringw g al ong eight ee n. So it might be
TH E sTA FF. gges ted a gain t hat Pe ru se t her
• 0 E l' t 'n ·Ciu ef su C A
Doro th y Mauc k, 2 -< 1 nr., 1 t -half her Y. M. · · . d '20 A•soci atc Erlr tor goa a on e
Apl v rnl aB Arnrerctnt s:ista<nt Ed it or me mb ership . Some state umv e rau en • u h ld
Fe rn Ada m s, ' 2l.. ss ist an t Ecl itur s iti es to level up to Pe ru s 1 ou
Raym o nd H ufTer, '2 J. 13us ine:s Mg 'r s end so m et hin g 1ike one thou sand
Emm a Wo odi e, sp Mg' r. :0.1 a iling De pt .' to Estes!
wEPOriTI!ns: "Th e foll o wing are th e de leg at es
Celi a Lo r ran ce Sc ni or fr om Peru: Harold Br ow n, Har ve
Mabel Dre ss ler Juu io r Co ttl e, L ee He ming way, Raym ond
Hc:len Glasgow So pn o nm ore M
Hild egard e Yec k Fr cs hur cn Huff er, Lee Long , Edward ateJoV-
Irl a Specials & T ra in ers sky, Rich a rd 'Ote rh o lt, L eo n R oe tt-
Ll o Td Pra nte Y :0.1 <; -\ ge r, Law r-ence Rou se, Ll oy d Pra nt e, Willi ams . Y W. c· A. Roy S haver, Ve rnon Sim ons, Peter
Fern Fer ree Girl s C lub H Snyd e r, Cr ea th Spi c kler , Will
E rm a Wil son Pbi lo ma th ean W' ll' Th
Della Wea th erh ogg . Dram at ic Club iam S wa rtzwe ld e r, I tam omCa th erine Lien eman . J. U. r. as , Fuller Woodi e and Samuel Ha llNo ar ticle s a ccepted qft, r H o'c lo ck is We ir." Mo nday mornin g.
Y. M. C. A.
Este s Park A good cro wd of men and high
The following ex trrcts f·n m the s cho ol boy s was out at the regular "Rocky Mo untain Conferenee Re-We dn esday ev e ning m ee ting of th e cord " giv e th e r 1 Y. M. C. A. -4 from Ne bra ska co ll eg ...- ,, ,." a full Mr. Diehl , th e high s chool boy s' write -up of Pe ru S tat e Norm al at se cr eta ry for the state, and Mr. Estes Pa rk: McKee , who is at the he ad of a ll ''T wel ve men rept " •nte1 the state bo ys' wo rk were th e sp ea kers. Ne bra s ka Wes leya n U mve:rstl:y at Mr Diehl, who is new in the theY. M. C. A. co nfer+>rce sta te , s aid t hat McKee ha d bee n ' 'It was th e beg inni n s:r of :r P.at b oosting Pe ru all fa ll. He had da ys wh en fi ve of become anxious to see Pe ru , and Ne bra ska men met at Bu li ng -was pl e ased with hi s vi s it. He ton s tation in Lincoln to boa rd ex pl a in ed bri e fly th e wo rk of th e th e ir spec ial for the St udeo .Con- Hi Y. Clubs. He sa id th at the fere nce at E stes Park Th ey moveme nt is not a mu s hroom joined the men from Pe ru anrl o th- gro wth, as a bout 20 , 00 0 bo _, s are er railro.ad offi ci als th at th em of in th os e clubs, tr y in g to raise th e su ffic ie nt im po rtance to hook on a standa rd of C hri s tian li vi ng. s pe cial car. Mr McKee spoke bri e fly of th e "Doan e Coll ege sent fiv e men to High Scho ol Boys' Confere nce a tte nd th e Pa rk Confere nce to be he ld here just afte r Th a nks· t hi s Ye ar. gi vin g, an d urged all th e men and "Three men fr om Way ne a tt end ed boys to ge t ba ck of it to mareit th e co n fe rence at EstesP a rk go.
"The t hr ee Yo rk men who reac he rl Ev e ry one pr ese nt s ee m ed plea se d Estes Pa rk ca nn ot too str ongly d ec- wi th th ese two me n, and will be far e the ir pleasure a nd esp ecia ll y g lad to have th em re tu rn. So me th e wo rth a nd va lu e of th e wh ole new f aces were seen at the meetcon fe re nce. in g. A numb er of fac ul ty men "Hastings Co ll ege , a schoo l of 25 0 were also pr ese n t. Co me again. s tud e nts sent nin e de leg at es to th e Th e bo ys e nj oy these meetings. Y. M. C. A. co nference. If yo u don't be li eve it, stop as "Pe ru Norm al Co ll ege of Ne bra s· you go past and li sten to th em ka was t hi rd wit h eig hteen dele- sing. Th en ge t the ha bi t, and ga tes. Th e Pe ru delega tion look s jo in th em in on e ev enin g a wee k in · multitu d in ous when it is und er- go od whol esome fe ll ows hip st ood that these eig htee n men com·
Mr . R ay Ro bert so n, a Peru alurp -
Get the name. . 5 or · J"t roceries, rJng 2 Whe11 in need of qua 1 Y g · Q . 1 ty service, M d. !>\tore u a t ' call at the ar ts ure fresh g oods Co urteous Tt·eatment wtth P r· n d eputa 10 · has built our bu!'liness an r 25
Phone 25 MARDIS PhonG
We do We s eii Film Deve loping, Print Fini s hin g, E nl a rging , Tintin g. Koda ks , Films, P ape r, . k Ask for price li sts Pto mpt Service and Al qualit y wor Out of to wn o rd ers gi ven prom pt atte nti o n. PERU, NEBR.
91/anua/ llralnlng 2larber
Baseme nt Fi sher 's Dru g S to re First- cla ss W or km en. Y ou r Pa tr on a ge So licited.
wood s yo u n eed.
We Carry a Complete Line of Dry Goods, Furnishin.gs Shoes Groceries
We wish at this time to call your attention to our shoes You cun save money in this department.
Y. W. C. A. iwho doomed them to the lower reg-
The regular Thursday evening ions. They were hustled down a meeting was att;nded by a splendid Inarrow passageway and down a crowd of Y. W. s who learned a· , slick slide to the midst of the merbout a new of sins, "Res- : 1 k' th · M' , ryma mg m e gymnas tum. tss pectable Sms, whtch proved after ' Gl d 0 d bl · d II b f 1 ' a ys r very capa yengmeere a to every am1 tar. I . the games of the evenmg. Every- Mtss Amy Adams, as pre- d h t'l · t th · ·t one entere ear 1 y m o e sptn sen ted the subJect and the var10us i f th . d " d • • 1 o e t1 mes an even gran phases were then ably dts;ussed m h d" 'f th h d t 11 d , marc e as 1 ey a no ye e the followtng order: 1emper, M1ss th 1 h t th f tb 11 emse ves oarse a e oo a Olson ; Fal se Tongue, MISS Adams; th 1·t· M · L h game m e a ernoon. Iss ea
to be our advisor, Miss Shively. Every one agreed after the Virginia reel had been reeled and "Good Night, Ladies," had been sung, that they only wished they could have more such good times.
Budget Number Saturday eve ning "Little Orphant Annie," the first movie on tqe budget program was given. A good crowd was present, and all seemed to be pleased with the progr,am. Before presenting the pictm es Miss Fern Ferree read Riley 's poe m, ''Little Orphant Annie.' ' ·' T?is reading and the orchestral musis between films helped to round out and complete the program.
Calend ar.
Regular Events. Weekly. Mondays, Chorus; 5:40 to6:15. Orchestra, 7:30 to 8 :15. Tuesdays, Girls' Glee Club , 8: 15 to 9. Boys' Glee Club, 7:30 to 8:15. Band, 815. Wednesdays, Chorus, 5 :40 to 6:15. Orchestra, 7: 30 to 8:15. Y. ·M. C. A., 8: 15.
Jealousy, Mtss Brehm; Bigotry, C 1 JJ d h 'tt f d th · . u we an er co mm1 ee e e Mt ss Rteck er; Discontent, Mtss h k' . d Thursdays Y w C A 7:15 to uogry on pump tn pte an gave · •. · · · ·• Cllo Cla rk. M tss Palmer, m a very 1 h 1 f kl' 'd t 8 15 Girls' Glee Club • • • 1 uge g asses o spar mg ct er o · · ' appealwg and conv m cmg way, gen- , th h. Th 1 t f 8 ·15 to 9 Boys' Glee Club . . . i e t Irsty. ere was pen y o
· • eral!zed by explamwg how app!Jca- 1 .d f d d ld 7 ·30 to 8 ·15 Band 8:15 ct er or secon s an we wou · · · ' t10n of these can be made to our · h . t h B 1 · -m onth ly. l'f 1 es1ta e to say ow many more own us t. e. / than one glass Higgins or Red Student Council of Girls' Club. an tQ(esesti ng and hei.P:. J Bro wn had. - ·-- - --.- The Monday evening before the ful meetmg, one that every girl A h Tuesday of each month and . , . . verv s ort program was giVen. would enJOY· Don t mi ss a .s mgle A 1 II d n '' ld every two weeks thereafter at 9:00 c ever pa ntom1 me, ca e n 1 Y. W. meetmg for the one you do N II " b h f 11 · p ·m I e was g1 ven y t e o ow wg · · not atte nd may be the very one 1 R d M. C t 1 ·Second Friday Philomathean 8 payers: eaer, r. ote; • • whtch would mean the most to you. "L d V d V , th E 1• h o'clock F ourth Friday a y ere e ere, e • ng IS · • Come wheth er yo u are a me mber Heiress, Bel le Erisman; "Hand- Philomathean, 8 o'c lock. or not. Then join. some Harry," King of the Cow- Monthly. Philomathean Party, boys, Llood Prante; Sitting Bu ll, In- Second Tuesday, Girls' Club, 11:50. On Friday evening, October 24, dian Chief. Stafford Prante; 'Bull First Wednesday, Dramatic, R. Philomatheans gathered for a gen - Durham," his accomplice, Bill First Saturday , J. U. G., 8. uine good time. At least they Thomas; Hula Hula ," the Indian t Special Events. were invited to gather. They Merlicine Woman, Helen Williams; Sir John Foster Frazer, lecture, weremetatthe d oo rofthedark- "WildNeiJ,"tnePetofthePiains, Tuesday, November 4; budget ened chap el by a ghost ly Iigure who Nellie McAuley. A jolly clown number. bade them "Foll ow me." After bounced int o view, whirling and November vacation, November 6 -1 0 lea ding them for miles thru the dancing in a very c leve r mannner. Christmas vacation Dec., 19, Jan . 6. dark, the ghost turn ed them over To the great surprise of eve r yone , to a goblin with bright s hin y eyes, this entertaining clown proved Patronize our Advertisers.
Students--Faculty--& Friends
It is a matter of pleasure a nd pride with us to meet vour every need, in o ur lines, in a mann er to accommodate you. Our ent ir e business policy is shaped hy this ambition On that account we so li cit yo ur requests for specia l as well as ordinary. We want to earn your trade on the Chase's Barber Shop Milstead Basement ALL WORK FIRSTCLASS Full line of Toilets on hand A. W. CHASE, Prop
mer it of our service and goods.
'Tailor and 'c leaner
By th e box or pound. Just the thing for that Birthday Present
Cordially invites students and teachers make this bank th eir banking home while in Peru
(Continued rrom First Page.) interpreted in any way to reflect upon Wes leyan' s superb playing Peru has not s.een a better visiting t ea m in ma ny mo ons. · than these "back-s lid ers" who put on the reverse and s lid over for three touchd ow ns
The fa ct th at P Pr u had only a few penalti es and We leya sn h ad many, so me of which were costly , does not m ea n that Wes leyan played dirty ba ll, for th ey didn't. Both tean1 s iJ)a y ed cl ean footbal l.
The Wesleyans may have made the fourth touchd ow n wh en they had the ba ll nea r the goal line had not one of the "preachers" decided to ho ld d evo ti on al ex e rci ses all by him self b eca u !'e a certain play fai led. The referee, not being a church man, mi su nd ers t:mding hi s good intention s, pena l ized the team twenty
The game is over and the same good fe ll ows hip exi sts be twee n the two teams and their re spec t ive s upporter s. But w ith du e respect for the vi s it ors , we must say tl<.lt our "pep machine" dese rv ed at lea st 7 to 0, if not 0 to 0 had t!le "ji nx" not tak en a ha nd in th e Also the ten pounds per mau o: :>xtra • I we ight h el ped the visit orr .m.t erially in winning th e ir v ic!tory
We ar e glad to h ea r , .,... Is of prai se of coach Beck an t! 111s boys for our fighting bunch
· Mee ting of Librarians Orftaha
Th e annua l m ee tin g of the Nebraska Library Associ uti<,n• c lo se d
The Forest Princess.
(Continued rrom First Page.)
ways And beh i nd everything was Mrs. Seybolt, dyeing stuffs, de s igning costume s, imbuing the cast with the i mag in a tive ins ig ht which ma rke cl the whole performance.
Pri mari ly. ho wever, the event wa s .notabl e for a deeper reaso n. It s tressed here in Peru, among s tudent s whose aim is to become community leaders, one of the essential, if less obvious. va l ues of life. More and mor e, Am e rica is r ecog ni z ing th at a man with a dwarfed imagination, a man blind wh en it comes to s ee ing or fe£:ling beauty and p oetry, is in so far forth a def ec tiv e, -yes , literally a defect i ve . For decade s we tia ve kn own that a well-developed body wi ll resist di sea'se of the body , and ph ysi ca l trainin g is rightly co unted im po rtant in an ed ucati on for l ife.
Today it is e qually apparent to thotfu l p eo ple that a mi nd and s pirit exercised in percei ving and lov ing th e b ea utiful is armed to I r es ist th e pu l I toward th e cheap, th e tawdry , the n asty. In a de mo· cracy, at lea!lt, the&e is a mora l nece ss ity for an ae st hetic vis ion.
Th e Prairie of Chicago takes a two hour railway trip into the Dunes, and th ere each spr ing gives a ma sque written interpret th e spirit of the out-ofd oo rs. Th e Bohemians of SanF ra nci sco,a club of city men, prese nt o nce a year an origina l play up among the giant redwoods. The Univers ity of North Dakota ha s a October 24t h.
Th e ad dres ses, pape rs, and talks permanent outd oo r thea tre Peru we re he lpful a nd able, from has the one incomparable situation the opening address hy Miss Kat e which wou ld fit her to become NebM raska's leade r in inter preting nat- cHugh of Om a ha to the clos ing ta lk by Mi ss J ose phin e La mm ers of ure thru poetry. Why not an anth e library of the State Uni ve r sity nual outdoor pl ay, as we ll as an Mi ss Lamm er s was- th e fir st woman annu al mu s ic fe s tival an d an annua l f oot ball season? Wo uld it se r gea nt in th e (.! S. marin es in th e lat e war. n ot be wor th whi le?
Mr. Cha lm ers Had ley , of Den ve r, Vince nt Janda, an alumnus, at pr es id e nt of th e American Librar y Fairfa x, S. D writes tha t it ad dr esse d the Associa -s ur ely seems great to r ea d of Petion on "The En larged Program of ru 's football victories . He al so th e Am e ri ca n Libr ary Assoc ia - writes th at hi s team ha s been very ti on." s uccessful .
Mi ss Mary Massee, of Chica go, The Normal football team 'is ed itor of th e Libr a ry As -receiv in g unu s ua l comm e nt in the soc iation Book let, spo ke on "Chi !- st ate pap ers. Th e mo st sat isfac t ory dr en' s Li te rature Tw en ty-fiv e Years of this is that the "d ope" Ago a nd Today ." is n ot furni shed by th e in s titution
A numb er of persons wh o are itse lf, but is written by th e n ews
and who hav e been conn ected with paper m en of Lincoln and Om a ha. o ur sc hool cont ri buted to thi s pro- Mrs. J. W. Pau l a nd son arriv ed gram. Th ey were Mi sses Abba in Peru We dne sday morning This Bowen, Mary T.y non, Jess ie Jenks a ccou nts for th e incre ased and more Anna and Elea nor Whe el: ge nia l s mil e, if that be poss ib le, er. Mi ss Ma y In gles , li brar ian of that Professo r Paul us ua ll y wears Wes leyan Unive rs ity, wa s elected They begun housekeeping at once president of th e association f or th e in the Rogers cottage east of the
com ing yea r. Met hodi st church.
Coach Spee r for a wllol e week b e- l
The Old Peru No r ma l bas bad fo re the game was ttjying to chase ! (Found in Normal ite Bo x) many sp le ndid banq u ets and reu nions the "Char ley horses' out of the :·Pel:u I in d ays go ne by, but neve r was there Camp', but when be came to sh1p b1s The Symptoms: a more impr essive c rowd , a fin er enpep machine to Kearney a lot of I Wh en you're caug h t-vou squee ' Ithus iasm,· than in the banquet held 'Charley hor s es' went a long. When 1 Wh t ·t I 1last Thursday evening, at t he Black1 en you s ump your oe - you "'XP am. he l ande d in Kearney he hitched them I 1 l l Hote l, Om aha's mo st Cas hionto his ma ch ine and drove out into Wh en vou fa i ]- you tel e•Je ry lOC Y· ! able hot el. Outopolek's An tel ope llast ure and i Wh?n yo u rlon' t mak f' good-yon as k for sympat h y. ! T here we re gra ds oltl and grnds when those Charley ho rses saw the 1 Whe n can 't he i t-you cr y. n ew, facu i ty folk of long s tanding, herd of Antelopes , they sno rt ed and When a re "cali P. rl '' -you w hi ne. I an d faculty folk who were s eeing a I away they run o ft with th at m ac hine Wn rn yo u hav e t r, br ag on -Peru ba nqu et Cor the firs t tnne . L awr ight t hru the herd of AnteiO'pes from Wh t:- n yo u big and du ]i ltle. yers a nd bu siness m en ; city s up er inone en d of t he pas ture to the other ; W he n you tell h ow to I'UI• e very th ing j tendents a nd co ll ege pr ofesso r s; and baclc again, eve n to• the fourth 1 b . tl1e sc ho ol 1L.an the 1 • tear! h e1·s (rom the elementary a nd W lw n you know mur e a a nt r unmng- time across that field b efo re th ey ; ·I seco ndar y sc hoo ls-.'l ll wer e there. ' coul d be stop ped. 1 • 1 Th ey fi led in to th e ban que t 1·oom J n t he last nf thi s d is eaF e you lwco me a f uo l.
It was s imply scaudolou s the way j by c lasses (r om '7 8 to 1919, and an Coac h Spee r allowed his "pep ma -' It a gt: rm di8Pao;e ca ug ht thru the e ar, d eve loperl in the 1imp r ess iv e s ight they were, some chine' to be dragged ri ght ove1· Coach br ai n r·1vity and hrt>aks out t hru t he mouth thrP- e a nd thirty 10f tth em, Outopolel;;s bunch of "little d ee r s.'' ! We have tJad o nl y a few fatal ca sf's !iO fa r this yea r. all in good fellow s hip together. Then he picked up 26 littl e pelts to An Un known Student I Th e re were two very u nu s ual fenbring h ome as souviners. But th e tures in thi s banquet- fir s t-that the little d ee rs wer e so me stags too, speeches wer e really li ste ned to. when it came to puttin g up a fi g ht. ties h ave the ir off days , so we ·had that Is, monopol iz ing c lass con ve r sa- \!'. J. Blnc;kbui·n ,7 81-., capital They buclce d and bu t ted, 1\:icked an d ours. By 'a ll po,ints of' the compass ti on and annoy in g the teacher, jokes a nd goo d hu mo r, star te d the foug ht a ll the time. They were Cully the game s ho u ld h ave !Jeen o ur s but "To observe the practice of t he b es t fun. Pr ofess or Gregg, President of the as large as the " run-a-ways" a nd also by the s ign of the g reat born it s ocial forms a nd us age s.' T enrhar' s Associatio n g-ave u s a few never gave up until ,the last \Whistle was n't ou r s, wh en the hour was up. mom e nt s (1·om hi s bu sy day, to te ll bl ew. But when the Wayne Poss oms or 1 Th o Ot her Fell ow 's Po in t of View oC hi s cons ta nt l oyalty to Peru and That night tl:e " does' took a hand the Cotne r Bulldogs come s no oping I T he g reat principl e of i nte rnati onal - Peru v ian s. :\I r. Lefl er, '09. in hi s b est in •he g am e an d every P eruv ian su r- :1round ou r la ir th ey will find a mig h ty ' ism is to ge t th e other fellow's point " budget manner ", ma de a re por t of ren dered. For th ey were given a r OY- li ve bun ch oC Bob Cats waiting for of view. After sucb an in trod u ction, the exce ll e nt financ ial sta ndin g of the al g0d:> tJme a8 the Some them wit h a ll lci nds of scr ap fo r s ale. S ir Jo hn Fo ste r Fr ase r, in hi s le e- Alumni Assoc ia ti on. Th e pr ogram of tulle l ·rl tl1e Cbal'e l last Tu esday of the boys mis pe ll ed the wor d deer P. S. Do a ne' s report to tl::e State ' spe eche s wa s closed by a s oul- stirwhen writing -home to pa a nd rna papers oC thei r s uperior to the State night, tool< hi s au di en ce on a diplo- r'iP,g taLk [I jo m our ow n about the enterta inm ent giveq by the one more jol<e• for to r ead, i matic journey from country to coun- Rou se '08 in w hich be pl edged himAn tel opes P. s. No. 2. Our ba ll won 20 points try. With the in te lli ge nt sy mpat hy of se lr nnd hi s whol e st ren gth in service the man who knows eac h co untry at Kearney h ad excellent official s and 0, just the same mistalte it was to the d ea r old Norma l, a nd exp r esse d I k fir st hand, he s how ed us gl impse s of f tl 1 1 t a good clean game was played. Per u le ct on the tra in The Have oc · team hi s appreciation ·or 1e oya s npp or pr n fite d some by K earn ey's fumb ling took it out to Ge neva a nd won the mo st de mocmtic conn- or th e a lnmni. but the game was wo n by the be tter ga me with it and returned it to our try 0 11 ea r th, bu t wi th no continu i ty of T here we re man y deta il s or the traine d team.. boys on the road home. i wil l; unh a ppy lan q-hun- evening's plea su1·e which s ho uld be gry; th e Ballcan co untri es,- tom by me ntion ed. Dr. J. Paul Goode, oC the
The Doa ne Jfoan
Hello J inx, we want to te ll yo u some t hing but we are not going to do it now for we n eed the s pace to tell or tl!e Big Banquet of ove r 300
Co hwr St ndrnls Ar t. r eligio us di sse nt; Japan -eage r to set up a i\lonroe doctrine of her ow n; Ar-
ha s b ee n a dopt ed }}y 1 th e
Un i versi ty oC Chicago, who wa s a guest of hi s many Peru fr ie nd s. helped on the Cnn by leadjng in a good Nebmslm song- "Aifa lfa Hay". Dr. Goode rem a rl{ed to Sup t. A. J. Stodrl ar d. who pr esi d ed ove r the pr og r:mt , Pemvian fj at Omaha and the big vic,to ry over Ke ar ney without wastin g
Cntner stud en ts :
COTNER- The fo ll owing set oC re- pi ti(ul of all: to rt ured l:mds ; Britai n- with her white ma n' s bu rde n; America-a mel tin g po t wh ich has not mlted.
"Reso lve d: To be courte ous in a ll th in gs, whethe r to old p eo ple or to ot h er s chool s a nd their re pr esenta -
In hi s d isc u ss ion of our own c onn - that it wa s th e fin es t Noma! Schot11 tr y, :5 ir John gave us some rather crowd he had eve r seen Mr. Sh ou Re. t. ime on y ou. Yo u had no bus in ess tives. pnn gent c riti cism s; hi s exr; r ess ion of n ew h ead of o ur tra inin g d epa rtm ent paying us a seco nd vi s it anyway. "To be lo ya l to our s chool. its tra- anpr ecialion. ho weve r. we re so Cair declar ed it wa s th e be st sc hool event It was an off day for Peru a nd "o n' dition s and id ea ls. to on e a nd so ltincll y, that no thoughtcul he had eve r atte nd ed. day for Doane. For awhile it looked "To h nve res pect Cor the ca mpu s. to hearer co u ld fa il to undrs tand that Bacl\ of all t}•e full/ a nd 'the enlil<e a Peru wa lk away but wh en in not mar its be a uty by c-utting across the s pealter, t hou gh Br it- th usias 1;1 the de li g htful program, ann the fir st quarte r Per u had the ba ll corne r s. ish, was at th e sa me t im e trul y in- th e exce ll ent ba nqu et was the car• across the lin e a nd fum bl ed-a nd thr ee "To h ave th e sa me r es [Jec t for the tei·nationu l in spi rit. fu l plannin g and the wise foreth ought othe r times in tha t qu ar ter we were college buildin gs a nd t hei r furn ish ' of off ice rR of Alumni a ss ociation a nd within ll•e five yar d lin e but as the ing- s. I to the'm eve ry Peruvian is ind ebt ed quart,ors rolled around It began to "To r eme mb er tl•e hall s and c lass Th e Jun iors had a fine class Ch ape l fo1· thi s br illi ant occa sion. loo k Ferious ly lil\e a tie game- room s are primarily to be u sed for pr ogram Thu 1·s day. October· 30th. We Th ey say th e Old Nor mal , she a in't when Pe ru was thrown to the one lea rn ; ng a nd n ot to abu se them by un were ente rtain ed by a Ha ll owe'en got no p el)yard line du e to a pe nalty with the laughter a nd di s tur bin g no ises movie , In which g hosts a nd goblin s She 's pep ever y step, every 1 ep. ball on Doane's s id e and then, and "To re '> trnin cl ass rivalry from de - fl uttlecl arou nd th e s hak y-k n eed th en- well the game e nd ed with sev- s tray ing th e prope r ty of Beth any pe o- 1 sc hoolm aste r. Sltinuy Bennett It wa s en on the wro ng side of the account- pl e, who so h ospitably open th eir fin e a nd worth one s tim e to see Co me t he congregation will please ri se , et c. for class functions. !out next Thur sd ay and you'll see The Team s of our gr eates univer si- "T o cease 11eing a c lass nuisance so me thin g just as good.
Prof. F' C .lea n is i mp r oving nicP. Iy at the M. E. in O ma h a. where he und e rw e nt an operation ab out t<'n day s ago
T.IJ.e Pern Spirit
$1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cts.
It's simply: ''Peru Spirit", no other
Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Ne- name fits it. One school man of prombraska as seconcJ.cJass matter. d · t 1 inence said, it was ue o our ocaPubllsbed Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal tion and environment. Another it was the traditions of the the third said, it was due to the democracy in the school life. The fourth said, "I never was there but believe me, if a man ever attended a state association meeting in Nebraska, he always found abundance of Peru spirit.''
All are right,, our traditions are sacred-the cha1·m. of our surroundings with the school as the center· of I
THE BIIITOIHALSTAFF. our life, is no small Get
Mauclc, '20 mocracy in our school life creates
25 or Alvina Amende. '20 Editor "Peru Spirit''. No school function,,or
When in need of
Paul Bennett, •:n Edhor entertainments occur but thos;'"tn cull at the
· Fe·rn Adams, '21. \ssistant Editl)r which every student with a freed9ml
szoodS Ra)'mond Huffer, '21.. Bu!'iness M,g'r. of conscience takes part. L:ou s TreH tmen t W1 t pur Emma Woodie, sp ailing Dept. I : \ h n""' bu i It our bu ness ond
Echoes From Omaha. ph on 6
CeJia Lorranrc Senior T. w. BJackburn '78, 'Lawyer I
Mabel Drt-sslt"r junior one of Omaha's most prominent Alice Glasgow zents was one of the speakers at_the ·
N STU Hildegarde Yedc Banquet. 1-, J3 W MA B...,6Y
Ida .-:rederickson Specials & J. Stoddard. '10 presided in his Llo\'d Prante Y M. C .-\. masterly way at the Omaha Peru Helen Williains Y W. r·. A. meeting. Fern Ferree Girls Club
Erma VVilson Philomathean President E. L. Rouse '08 gave a Della Weatherho,gg Drnmatic L'lub lremarltable address to the Peruvians Catht"rine Lieneman · j. u. n. assembled. He aslted that each show "'o rtt' Je t 1 1-t o • 1 1 appreciation of what the school had ·' h c s acct" p t"l a er o o c oc < 1 • 1 a , new- student 1
The Normalite is several days! c. Ray Gates, A. J. Stoddoird,!
We do-Film Developing, We Kodaks, Print Finishing, Enlarging, Tinting. Films, Paper, Ptompt SPrvice and AI quality work. Ask for price iists Out of town orders given prompt attention. ·PERU, NEBR.
late thl·s e· ·k Th d 1 IGeorge E. Martin alJ graduates were: w e . e e av un· as avoidable on account of stckness, candtdates for Pr.esident. 1 = . I Sft-20F necessitating getting rart of the M. c. Lefler, the Alumni efficient 1 qn •- 1 work done away from home. IITreasurer an excellent report of ,,,.anual
uratntngl AND BATH
the Alumni.s financial standing. I Basement Drug Store Why Football 1 Mrs. Elizabeth Bhatt Baldwin '93, WOODS :First-class Workmen. Your Patron If football or any other student game Mrs: ,Elliott '95, and Mrs. 1 1 age So I i cited. does not developecharacterthenthere Sadte Smtth Trall95 were present·at We arP making- a Rpecialty 1 C. P. SCOVILL. Prop. is no answer -to "who?". If the team I Omaha meeting. of American Black Walnut '----------------or individual has to win each time to • The class of '95 have a c_ircular let- Try it out while here, and ! fl..:; B .k get any benefit then there is no use 'ter going its rounds. It recently when you go out to teach I I a y ·. ti c r y having a team. we cannot always: Morris Good, here at Peru.j we will sh1p. you Walnut win. Because we won 26 to 0 from .It then lacked only a few trips of mak- 1 and other you need. , AND Kearney is no absolute' proof of that ing the complete circuit.
contest being a lastingbenefit unless! The class is planning a
we talre the victory in the right at- tenial meeting next commencement
titude. Losing the Doane game by an time.
error on our part may do us and the' 1There. will be an eff?rt to get the
team more good than an overwhelm- , c asses of 94-95-96 to hoJd a reunion. ing victory would have done provtd.-! The Omaha Peru Club is planning a
ing our team and we are. made of the big get together meeting in Omaha in
right stuff. If we have the right at-: the near future. This club ·is· fortuttt.ude and baclr up the team and nate in having so able <L president as
talte our lesson· as we should it will is Miss Etta Mae Young. who recent-
malre every one of us stronger and i return·ed .from overseas
the school athletics all the better. 1She is one of -'most popu)ar
Fortunately our boys and tlie coach ,taechers. Peruvtans are well repre-
are made of sterner stuff and a ma-l serited in Omaha, there being over 2.50
jorfty-a big majorfty...:....of the school lin the teaching force and a large
er building in athletics: are prominent business men.
{'4111tp nre
Alumni Officers, The Mincio, oldest organization of The following officers of Alumni Camp Fire Girls in Peru, ·held a bustassociation were elected at the Omaha ness ineeting Thursday night. In fhe future, our regular meetings will be President-Supt R. R. McGee '07,. on the second and fourth Wednesday of David City. · of each month, a Council' Fire each Vice-Presid•ent-Supt. Bess E. And- two months. erson, '16, Miss Shiveley our new Guardian of Trustee, four year-Supt. Homer the Fire, • has led us on two lively Wrightsman; '9, hikes this fall, from which we have Trustee, five A.• J. returned' full o.f Camp Fire SJlirit, I Stoddard, Beatrice. enthusiasm,-ancl eats.
We Carry a Complete Line of
Dr y Goods, Furnishings Shoes Groceries
We wh•h at time to call your !-tpeciaJ atrention to our shoes Yuu can money in this dt: p1:1 r-r ment.
Sotlhornorc No t os
The Sop homore s hav e b ee11 s tudying h ar d, that th e weekly chapel Thm·sday was d evot ed en ti rely to a di scuss iou class bu s in ess For! next week, h owever, the charge has promised an ente r taini ng pr ogram.
Ft·oshman Notes
The Fres hman Class Is doing as well as ca n be expected for have we not b ee n asked to flll out the ph oto sc hedul es in the Chap el Lobby? Evidently the Peruvian require s a litt le gr ee nness.
M.. E. GOOD.
I \ many mor e Sen iors. Get some mor e p ep, Sen iors, and Saturday eve nin g a joll y bu nch of he lp in the "Send Off s'' and the Ral-
J. U. G. Party
J. U. G.'s as s emb led for some Hallo- 1 lys! Don 't let a certain curly-headween fun. A mysterious atmosp her e eel junior do all of the yelling was cr eated by Madam Fandangle Fa- 1
We ap pr ec iate very mu ch the invi tation to atte nd the Class Chape l exe rcises ln the High Sc h oo l ro om last Thu rsday morning. "The Pupp et Shovel'' g iven by the seventh grade, was very pl easing in its ori g in a li ty a nd charming and am us ing in its composition
.A very ab le ar ticle on "The Ameri- tima, who s umm oned un ear thly sp ir1 its, which tolp. our fort un es. La unching the boat of life w as a momentous
I Y. w. c. A. can Libr ary Assoc iatio n in Fra nc e"
Th e Y. W. C. A. gir ls celeb r ate d written by J ay E. Morgan, a formHa llowe' en F ri day !ni g ht in the In- 1 er stud ent here, ;h as b<' en receiv ed. tas k, attendant with mu ch exc itement 1 du stri a l. Bu,il :cJ in g. The ]e nvlironment Mr. Mo r ga n ha s a r esponsib le posi- a nd many 'oh' s' and 'all's'. Aft er play- of that old s tructure was th oro ug hly tion with the Amer ican Libr ary As- in g ''Truth , Yes an d No,' ' and othin keepin g wit h the occas ion . Gob-s ociation, Wa sh ingto n, D. c. er old fashi on ed games, refreshments !in s. witch es a nd black cats could find con si s ting of app les a nd pe a nut s were no spoo l\iet· si te. Und er the direc tion se rved. You J. U. G.'s wh o miss ou·r of Miss Bo nn ie E ll is, the gir ls a ll en- R 1 E !.arks ar'e •to be for we have egu ar •·ve nt s. tered into the games a nd pi:J yecl wit h fun from the t im e the party b eg in s the 't ru e s pirit of Ha llowe'en It W eekly. until the lights blink. J oin us at our Monda Ch 5 40 t 6 15 Ca le ndar,
next meeti ng. was on ly wi th a wa rnin g that lights ys , ' Ol'll!i, : 0 : . ' would go out, that t he g irl s consent- Orc h estra, 7: 30 to 8 :1 5. I 5ee our line of cor rect
Se ni or Cia ·s Notes eel to ta lie their c up s and go to Tuesdays , Gi rls' Glee C lub , 8: 15 kitchen to h ave their c up s filled with to 9. Boys' Glee Cl ub, 7: 30 Sen!or morn - cocoa and get doug!m u ts. Amidst to 8 :1 5. Band, 8 15. ing was opened by a vocal duet, "The the· revelle ry the root ball heroes Wednesdays, Chor us, 5:40 to 6 :1 5. Perfect Day,' by Misses McCarroll a nd wer e not forgotten for b efo re the 0 h 7 30 8 rc es tra, : to :15. Y. Hoak Following this se lection, Alice g irl s left the old building the vis itors d f , h M. C. A. , 8 :1 5. Bru nsd on gave a r ea ing rom 'T e of Kearney wet'e lu s til y ch ee r ed Thur sdays , Y w C A 7 ·15 to Lion a nd the Mou se.' Th e program All the g irl s de clar ed that r ea liza-. · · · · 1 8 :1 5. Girls' Glee Clu b, was concl ud ed by a very uniqu e Gyp- tion w as as gr eat as a nt icipation. sy dan ce, Alice Gl asgo w taking the The apo log y of the Scissors for outpart of the Gyp sy. Now that it bas ting it out or cut tin g it d ow n th e
8:15 to 9. Boys' Glee Cl ub, 7 :30 to 8:15. Band, 8: 15. heen proven what good• talent there above mentioned in st rume nt wishes to Bi-monthly is in fJh e Senior class, we are all a pologize. It is ou r greatest de s ir-e St udent Co un ci 1 of Girls' Clu b. 1 looking fo rwa rd to many more of to have r ep r esented in the col umns of Th M d . b f h 1 . . e on ay even mg e ore t e
A short bus in ess meeting fol lowe d our pa per the vanou s sc hool act tv lt he program, at which time it was ties, and om limited amo unt of space Se cond Tu esday of ea ch month and decided to assess each senio r a dime. demands that Norma li te 'write ups ,' Ieve ry two weeks thereafter at 9:00 This money is to go into the treasury in general, be bri ef a nd to the poin t. p. m. ro buy flowers for 't he best s)jo nso r Th ese same, seemingly sharp sc issors 1 1 Second Friday, Philo math ea n, 8 there eve r was, Professo t· Jean. wish also to ass ure a ll who have so o'c lock. F ourt h Fr id ay ,
A pretty big bun ch turned out generously co n tr ibu ted that we most P hil om at h ea n, 8 o'clock. T hur sday morning to see the footba ll s incere ly app r eciate th eir s pl e ndid coMonthly. hoys off to K ear ney, but we are ce r- op eration in re spo nse to o ur numerta in the re could havd been a grea t 0 115 reque sts. 1 Second Tu esda y, Girls' C lub, 11 :50.
Students--Faculty--& friends
F irst Wednesd ay , Dramatic , Fir st Sa tur day, J. U. G., 8. Sp ec ia l Events.
Novembe r vacation, N ove m ber 6-10 Chr ist m as vacation D ec ., 19 , Ja n. 6.
By th e box or pound. Just the thing f or t hat Birthday Present NO RMAL STORE
Chtlse's Barber Shop Milst ea d Basement ALL WORK FIRSTCLASS Ful l lin e of Toi lets on h and A. W. CHASE, Prop.
Batterie s or Anything in the Hardware line Call In
you will a 1ways fi11d a full stock at
lt a ma tter of pleasure a nrl prid e with us to m f'et vour eve r .v n ee rl. in o ur lin es in a ma nn er to accomm ndat e y11U Ou r Pnt ir e n e,;s oo li c.v is shaperl hy this a mbiti on. On that account we so li cit \' Ou r n-q u e;; ts fo r P.ccommndatlo n, as we ll as or rlin 3ry. We wa nt tn arn your tr ade on the 'mer it. nf Ol)r servicP. and I Patronize ou r Arlvert i sf' rs ·Mackprtlng's Hardware s pecial ======================================================= 'Ghe Cittzens eState .9lank
C ordially in vites and teac hers make this bank th eir bankin g home whi le in Peru
J. W.
Y. iU. Y. w. Jl(ass Mee tin g Imo st exce ll e nt de mon stration ot wire. ' . I l es l': te l egra ph Y w as given by M r. Th e studl() nts ma ss mee tw g lte d Bede ll. Th ese me etings ha ve pr oved Wedn esday e ve ni ng, October 2!>, w_as ' to be ve ry Inter es ting and in struc ti ve one tJ1at we sha ll reme mber for lts I d ·y ,v e il 'a tte nd ed Any . ' au ;1:., e ve1sn;r it of good fe llows hiP a nd hel pf ul- 1 • t ted 1 ·, th ese e xp e rim en ts · ' on e 111 er es "' · ne ss. Miss E ll is, Dean of Wom e n, is co r di a ll y inv ited to co me and e nwho pr es ided, bri efly stated the pu r-l 4 , oy them w'ith us. pose of the me etii!g a nti the n: intra - 1 ---·---duced the sp ea k er:; Each of the Th e Gho st Dane<'. thr ee t op ics was pr esente CJ by a yo un g Wh at 's the m atter wi th the girls of man a'nd young wom an. Thi rd fl oor?
Co-o pera li on, 'G et in l in e' was di s- Th ey 'r e a ll rig ht ! . cu sse d by Miss Ma uck a nd Mr. Chase ; H ave you he ar d a bo ut th e par ty in Democ racy or "Good Fellows hip' , by !the Do rmi to r y. M:i ss OlJl ,a n(.L !Mr s. H.oettge L T alks Ghosts lea d the gu ests thru th e 011 the c onferences at Estes Park by Iwi ld s, ove r a high c li ff, down the Mi ss 1\Jag neson and 1\'T r. P ran t e. Thi s s li de and back to 3rd flo or ha ll , wh ich mee ti ng was so th or oughly Ilo oke d lik e a wood land. Th e fir st suand so he lp ful that. Jt w as I bnrb into which I w as ru she d, was unamm ously voted to ha ve such fel-ca ll ed, Th e Rea lm of Depar ted Spi rlows hip gat h er in gs fre qu ent ly. i ts. There was a girl wh o had died ll ousr lla ll owc'cn of a b rol>en h eart, cl as ped in th e ar m 1 of h er s oldi er sweeth eart a nd I had
Did yo u ·!mo w th at the T ay l or House fort un e told-sh old maidLi v·ewir os had a p arty on Ha llowe'en my I r saw hu sba nd a nd eve? A ppr op ri ate r ef res hm e nts were fin a 11 y wen t ove r th e trans om to Hasei ved in "help your se lf " syle. E very ( Do n' t ask qu es tio n s. ) o ne rep or ted• a good lim e, even thougll After ·sev en ll we ird s to ries by the th o es corts didn 't get th e gu ests home ghosts, everyo ne got so shal<y we a ll u ntil se veral dOOI'S were l ocl> ed. b ega n to da nce when the vi ctrola 'ril e Se mim o nthl y me et ing at th e sta rted.
Sci ence Clu b wa s held in the So we wo uld' nt t hin k it was a HoiSc ie nce Hall, Oc tober. The low e 'en. we were ushered to a canbus in e ss of the p re vious m ee ting was die- li g hte d dinin g room and ser ve d con li ued and ad dit io na l offi c ers we re to fi tti ng r efreshments. el ec ted as Col lo ws: Vi c e-P res. Geo r ge A lu sty yell for th e g irl s wh o had H ey woo d; Sec ' y. and Re por ter, Emm a so ro ya ll )r ente r ta ined wa s only a 'Nil s on slight exp re ss ion of uppreciation fo 1· Af ter th e short· bu s iness me et in g, a a jolly Ha llow e' en eve nin g of f un
I Fo u ll'l f ain
W atches, C& ocks. r> Y· rens. Station c::: r>y School Supp 1e.s,
Sch oo l and So ci ety Pi ns and Rin gs Pe nna nts, Fl as hli gh ts an d Sup p li es.
h · 1 y and spec tac l es
We rPpaJr watc J ew e r Will ord er we do n' t h av e an d sa ve you money.
C HATE L AIN. Peru. N ebr . ,J. C. Fi ne Dres s Shoes for both Ladies' and Ge ntlern cn
Price $4.50 to
Su it ;: Cle an • d. Pr esst d an d Re pa ired 0. J.
G et Peru ScE- nery Ca rds of when w rit ing to friends. They wi ll be g lad to see wh tre yon are attendi ng col lege. Fi ne assor tm ent of S tatio nery, also s om e wit h t.he Pe ru Pennant. ,·hen hu ngt·y u;.. for lu nr.. h
Ca n die s
H. U. LAI\l rrl 0 il..1f
Ph one 73 1/) · J..JUStn .r:ss
I er11 1\J( l1r. ..
!?rC'par f? fo r Uf?aching or !llus iness PERU - S1f ATE ..
Ment ion has bee n made before 1 of the Older Boys' onference to be ;
held in Peru on Friday, Saturday, / and Sunday, fo ll owing Th a nk sg iving. This is on ly one of five li:UCh Between gathe rin gs to be held in the s tate I th is yea r und er th e auspice s of the I State Y. M. C. A. A confere nce for 1
BA· LL! I; Two State Wayne ao d Normals-Peru
''Carry me back to dear old Estes!" In reality an impo ss ibility just now, but Mr and Mrs. Overholt, who entertained last Friday evening for th• •ighteen Estes Park men and-their wives and g irl friends, succeeded in piloting not onl y th• men, but the ladies as South Cen tral Nebraska will be h eld 1 one at !
simultan eously with the P E' ru.
Th ese gat herings, dir e cted by the Y. M., ar e held in co-operation with churches, Sunday schools, The youn g people's soc ieties , and high /
FRIDA Y, Nov. 21
"Bears'' From the Northland are the "Bob Cats" for the first Ti ttte
well, thru a mighty jolly evening that wi II lon g be remembered as a sort of Park reunion.
I "Red" Brown' s feet-n o feat, to and Cur ley's realistic imitation of and pr e paratory sc hools. Their obj ect is three fold, namel y: to 1 in any Athletic Contest Since Wayne train bo ys in met hods of various I Became a State Normal
the hopping hare, together with 1 Ll oy d Prante's verses and song I I will n ot be soo n fo rgotten.
To the s urpri se of all, it was 1 di scove red that some me mbers of ! the faculty were guests of t he kinds of wt> rk activities; to inspire I them to tak e on their shou ld ers the important ta s ks of . leaders among , THE
1 evening. Not in per son nor in .
• · spirit, however, but as s ilh ouettlils. their fellow s; and to' give them a sense of brotherhood in their new If report• are tru e one of the 1 Wayne easily beat th e Omaha r espo nsib ility. Boys fift ee n years of hard fought contest• will be waged Univenity by a big acore. This age or ol der are al!<:ept eu as Jell!- r. our gridi r on next Fr:d::y .ilu •s.that ou .rne sh.-ter Normal Mighty clever they were, t oo , and strange it was how readily thoy were recogni zed, tho Mr. Delze ll 's nose had been' re shaped at hi s o wn Th d d fi request.
gates to the se confere nces. Inoon. The Wayne men are heavy bas a bunch of hu sky defenders. e prog ram is one of the be st an are goo game rchters. But Peru i11 unfortunate this week in that could be provided and the aince the two t eams h ave not bee n Coach Speer's be ing callen away, When it camP. to the guess ing speakers to be pre sent are men who 1 play in g the same teatflB, it is diffi- but our "pep" machi ne will play game and the gue ss was naming are live workers in the cause they \ cu lt to estimate th e ir relativ e all the harder to help make kinds of dress material, "Dad" are promoting. Rev. 0. E. Cobby I strengths part for the lo ss in coaching. Cottle and ''Funny" ex cell ed, bu t will give th e banquet address his 1 the authority on makes of a utomob . b · "A · • c 11 L t Y 1 L' l IB biles wa s Weltha Wilkie. su )ect e tn g menca s a to as enr s ass · elle Edwnrds, Thurman, Ia ., sci. Young Manh oo d·" Oth er speakers Following is a li st of last yea r's I Etter, Colum bus, I Even after the dainty refreshon th e are Paul McKee, class who are teachin g, with th ei r dept. geog. ments were served the gue s ts linst ate' boys' se rretary; Harry F. 1 1ocation and the kind of work th ey ; g ered long, which on ly pr oved to Smith, s tate coun ty Y. M. worker ; 1 are doing:
Ru th Fjellin, Frem ont, i the hos t and hos tess how much L. C. Oberlies, and others equal ly 1 Elaine Abel , Lincoln, ·grades. Mary Fleishman, Springfield, sci. 1 every one had thoroly enjoyed the g oo d. Coach Sp eer wi ll have charge Margaret A lb e rt, Ly ons, int. D or is Frye, Gering, phy s. tr. j royal good time g iven th e m. of the recreation period s. of th e Etta Alfs, Wymore, commercial. !Helen Fuller, Edgar, music. I Conference. Everythin g points to- Courtney Anderson, Lincoln, g rades I Ro se Garman, Iow a. 1 11 Ca lled Home ward an enthusias tic and helpful l!.:va M. A ll en, Hol ly, Co l. , com. IEva Gollehon, McC oo k, grades. Mrs. Sp eer receivgathering, and every eligible high \I Ethel M: Andenoo, Osceo la, H S .Mari,. Gibso n, grades l ed a phone message fr om Cottonschoo l boy should be pr ese nt. ·, Clara Anthony, Co ok, primary. Gavin, , phys.tr woo d Fa ll s, Kan a, tllat Coach 1eta-t-a.-J;;I.apke., O.k.lahoma, phyl'. Vina, Gilbert, Sabetha, Kas, int. . Speer's youngest bro ther had beee The Apology os Th e S ciss ors 1 1Gladys M. Baird, Fremont, dept. / Elizaoeth Graham, Avoca, int. I killed in an autom'obile accident For cutting it out, or cutting it Alma V. Bar n ett, Linco ln. IGladys Gra ham, Co za d, grammar. Ion the Speer home s tead in Chase down, the above me ntiuned instru- l Pearl Bath, Fairbury. prim ary. Florence Green, Ellis, Kas., com. 1 County, Kansaa. He was drivin g me nt wiihes to apol ogize It is 1 Clara M. Beck, Superior, kgt. I Maude Hamilton, David Ci ty , int ! the car when it ,overturned and ou r gre atest des ir e to have repre- : Mrs . H ele n Bonekemper, Florence, Hapke, Syracuse , music. killed him instantly sented in the columns of o ur paper Li llian Brooker, Lola M. Hank s, NebqaAska I, Coacll Speer was attending the the various schoo l activities, and IKatie ' Florence "TNebraaka -K an eu ga me at Linco ln. our limited amount .,f s pace de· IRaymond Carter, Brookly n, Ia ., H aze l. 1. Kilg.ore, Juinetta, H. S. : President communicated th e mands that Normalite "write - man. t r. H edvtka Koct, Clarkson ud n ew• to htm . He left on th e ups ," in general, be brief and to Myrtle Chappelle, Kearn ey , pri. Verna Krejci, Fairbury, geog Imidnight train via th e M. P. for th e point These sa me seeming ly Gertrude Sup e rior, kgt Ariw Kruger, Lyons, 2, 4. 1 h ome. Mrs. Speer and child r en sharp sci sso rs wi sh also to assure I Worth Conkle, attending u. of N. Libbi e Kukral, Hooper, geog. joined him ai Auburn Coach all who have so generous ly contrib- p!111Jar:v - Bessie Lauman, Osceola, com. Speer's parents r ece ntly went to uted that we most s incerely apif]Sad ie Crink, Sterling, prin H. s. Lillie Larson, David City, pen. Ari zo na to spend the winter. prec iate their splendid co-operatio rf Edith Dort, Sabet ha, Kas, int. Helen Lawrence, Humboldt, int The whole 'school joins in th e ir in respon11e to our numerous re- H elen Dred la, Humboldt, kindgtn i L ee Lon g, Ar l ington, man. tr., ath. sympat hy to Profe1sor and Mrs. q uests · '1 t Eld Cl · d 1 p T 1 Speer in this aad hour. 1 n argare er, artn a, a ., (Co ntinn e<l on Scco ml Pace.)
$1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cts.
Dramatic Club.
The specials and trainers had a fine attendance at class chapel. After a short business meeting the class was delightfuiJy entertained by Miss Burley, our adviser, who read F. Hopkinson Smith's interesting story, "Another Dog." /
vania 48, Ursinus 7.
At Cleveland, 0., We:?tern Reerve 52, Baldwin Wallace 0.
At Laramie, Wyo Uni. of Wyoming, 35 Uni. of Denver
At Wheeling. W. Va West Vir· ginia Uni. 60, Bethany 0.
At Notre- Dame, lnci., Notre Dame 53, Western State Normal 0,
At Swarthmore. Pa .• Swarthmore 20. John Hopkins 6. ·
At Seattle, Was., Uni. of Wash· ington 120, Whitman CollegE' 0. A't Salt Lake City. Utah, Uni. of Utah 20, Uni. of Idaho 0.
At York, York College '54, Doane 0.
At Peru, Wesleyan 21, Peru <t
We Carry a Complete Line of Dry Go ods, Furnishings Shoes Groceries
We wish at this time to call your !i'pecial attentiot1 to our shoes You can save money in this departmeMt.
mu sic departm ent. A suggestive of thirty -six lessons, for rura l s ehool s, is now being worked out in thi s de partm en t.
Offer to Alumni and form er Peruvians: -The N orm alite till n ext Jun e for 50 cents Se nd sta mps Calendar. R eg ular Events. Weekly. Mondays, Chorm:;, 5 :40 to 6: 15. Orch es tra , 7: 30 to 8: 15. Tu esda ys, Girl s' Glee Club, 8: 15
to 9. Boys' Glee Club, 7:30
• to 8: 15. Ba nd , 815.
Wednesd ays , Choru s, 5:4 0 to 6:15
J uniors. at th eY. W. meet in g Thurs- Orches tra, 7: 30 to 8: 15. Y. 'fh e impr omptu ch apel program d ay ev ening. Mi ss Cecel ia Peter- M. C. A., 8: 15. Thursd ay met w ith fine r esp on se so n, as leader, prese nted th e s ub- T hu rs da ys , Y. W. C. A. , 7: 15 to Com e out fo r the next chap e l. A [j ec t and various topics, s uch as: 8: 15. Gir ls' Glee Club, I'Ood e ntertainment is be ing plan - jl our atti'tude , as s tudent s, tow a rd -... 8: 15 to 9. Bo ys ' Gle e Club, ned. ' a eac hers, o ur help in car in g for 7:30 to 8 :15. Band , 8 :15.
We want to eong ratulate th e Isc hoo l prop erty, a nd build · Bi -m onthl y. se niors on th e r ema rkable "good ' ing; court esy for sr. hool e mploye e!'! ; Student Counci l of G irl s' Club. tal ent there is in the se ni or, ela ss." j prnper s pirit in the libr ary; co- The Mond ay even in g befor e th e Yes , you do have sp lend id ta lent -/ operat ion with our facu lty and Se co nd Tu esday of each mo nth a nd taken from o ther classes, as wa s; fello w student s in keeping a spirit every two week s th ereaft er at 9: 00 show n in your wee k' s chape l i of dem oc r acy on our campu s; and p. m. program. Mi ss H oak is a Joya t 1 li ving up to sc h oo l id eals a nd Secon d Friday, Philomath ean, 8 juni or; Miss Gla sgo w, a sop hom ore. ;. tr ad iti ons, were di scussed in o'clock. Fou rth Frida y, M. D., a Juni or. ; forum style by diff erent persons. Philom at hea n, 8 o'cloc k. j Helen VanSant wi ll be lea der Monthl y. Y. M. C. A. for nex t Thur sd ay ni g ht . Her s ub- Seco nd Tu esday, Gir ls' Club , 11:5 0. A very nota ble Y. M. C. A. con -j ect will be the Des Moin es conve n-Fir st We dn esday, Dramat ic, R. fe rence is bt!ini' held at Det ro 1t, tion. This con ventio n is a ga th er- Fi rst Saturday, J. U. G., 8. Mich., thi s wee k. Am ong th e vi ta l ing of 70 00 s tu de nts from the Spec ial Eve nts. nat i ona l pr ob lems· th at wi ll be dis- U nite d States and Ca nada. Peru Per u-Way ne game, F rida y, Nocu ssed are: "How back m ay se nd four de legates. ve mber 2 1. into a ll th at is bes t in Am erican· Peru -Cotn er game, Thank sg ivin g and Ca nadian life. th e 5 ,300,000 1 This ouartH , for the fir st tim e, Day, November 27. young men of th e demobili zed Ia meth ods cla!>s in s horth and a nd 1 Boys-Hi gh -Y.-Associat ion, Fr iar mi eL"" '' How stab ' I' th l typew ritin o- is be in g offe red bv day, Sat urday and Sund ay , Novem"• · 1 IZe e many , . "' · be r 28, 29 and 30. mJIIJOns of men in in dust r y;" !Miss Pa lm er, head of the s horthand ChristmasvacationDec. , 19,Jan. 6. "How br i ng to bea r on Am e rica n and typ ew ri t in g of th e comm e rcia lracia l prob lems th e applied gospe l: de partm e nt l'or anyo ne who exof Chri stian Jove." These are pects to teach th ese su bj ects, thi s a few of s ignificant a nd vital course, giv in g an abu n dance of t opies that present th emse lves as liv e id eas and me th ods, fl nd much problems at thi s co nfere nce. : helpfu l mate ri a l, w il l prove ve ry ' vaLu a bl e. 1
Alumni and former students of Peru Y.W. C.A.
Tho the atmo!'p here was so me- Study ce nter work in mu s ic is I The N ormali te what chi ll y th ere was not hin g coo l be in g eonduct ed hy the rural !'lc hoo ls abeut the rli sc u ::sio ns af "Dt'moc- thruout the cou ntr y und er th e s uracy and Co-opera1ion on our Ca m- per vi s ion •>f Mi ss Carp e nter of th e until Ju ne 1920 for on Jy
Students--Faculty--& Friends Fifty Cents
It is a matter of pleasu re and pr ide with us to mee l vour eve ry neerl, in o ur l in es, in a [ se nd s tamp s] manner to accomm odate you. Our ent ir e bu s i- Keep in tou ch wit h the old sc hoo l
th e box or po und. Just th e th
g for th at Birth day Pre se nt NORMAL STORE Chase's Barber Shop Mi lstead Basement ALL WORK FIRSTCL ASS Fu ll line of Toilets on hand A. W. CHASE, Prop. or Any thing in the Hardware line Ca J1 In you will alway s find a full stoc k at Mackprang's Hardware
36,280,000 Word s a Year. I Eng li sh to Lat in m ay he sober , F .f d · th pl odd ing effo rt. but desp ite th e 1 ty wo r • a mnmte on e di ffic ul ties of fin(. proper typ ew nter IS considered ve ry go on k" k" d "t h... " . f or '' 1c an ouc .ow n, commer c1al speed, and there IS one f b 11 • • • r eport ing: a oot a ga me 1n on g1• begmner m the comm erc 1al depart- , 1 b th h h ·t fift d na l Latm 1s f un . n o CalleS t e me nt w o can wn e y wor s a · t d t h sp iri t of the play add s to the mmu e, an en mor e w o ca n ·t th" t 1 't th t 1work and the laug ht er he lps in th e wn e over 1r y. sn a a t mastery of th e s ubJ ect. "spee dy " record? Espec1ally, wh en I on e th at mere ma ste ry I The Measuring Test of the keyb oard is usual ly one I Wouldn' t you like to have vour qua r ter 's work for the average be - ta len ts mea su r ed? Th en just g inn er unl ess ex tr a t im e is devot- you r way ove r to the m usic dep arted to pra ct i ce me nt in the Sp eed a11d acc ur acy in rypew r it - Df cou r se that m ea ns rQUsieal ing a nd speed and accu r acy in t 1 t 1 a en . shor tha nd m us t go hand in ha nd. , ·The seas hore mu s ie rests f or Tak in g di cta tion of r ea l business · · 1 t 1 t · measun ng mu s1ca a en m eonle tters a nd tra nscr ibing them on ty pewriter, is keeping the adva mced ah or thand c la ss busy inter es t ed. Just a touc h GJf
so na nce, time, pitch, memo ry. and in te nsity are being thorou g hly tri ed and o ut a nd are p rovin g very valuabl e rea l in the vari ous classes. V ie · b us in ess I i fe! trola r ecords bearing th e app r opr iFoo tball Game in th e Latin Class. ate materi al are use d and whe n the "What forbids us to te ll the test is compl et ed a r ecor d of the tru th, laug hin g?" says Horace , th e student' s ab i lity is as celtt:ained old Lati_n p oe t, and the stude nt s of INot on ly musica l ability but al so the Latm d epar tm ent a re putti ng late nt talent in th e manu al arts hi s di ctum to the t est. ca n be diseovered, for if one h as a pr incipal may good se nse of t im e in mu sic , he be pl ain rlr ud ge ry, but "Appl eton 's doub tl ess can master teleg ra phy or Verb Ga m e" is "as good as a typ ew ritin Jr, in the study of whi ch rh yt hm is a highly essent ial pa rty." Turn in g set exerc ises from element.
I. W. W.' s Kill Dnle Hubb ard
From Montev i deo, Minn. News. Da le Hubbard, who se ma r riag-e to J ea n Rogers of M:mtevideo
I ba nd dierl fig ht in g for Amer i ca against an en emy as dange ro us and more coward ly th an the German fo e.·
occ urred October 15, was one of Miss Tydema n, head of th e the American Legion members pub l ic school ar t, in the Peru killed by m em b ers of the I. W. W. Nor ma l, is a perso nal f ri en d of during an Armist ice Day parade in Mr s. Hu bbard who se hu s band was Centralia, Wa sh. H ubbard I ki lled by th e I. W. W. in Was hgrew to womanhood m this city Iingto n, as re lated ahove. Miss and has many friends here whose T yde man ·of ten heard Mrs. Hubbard indi gnatio n at th e cowa rdl v a tt ack Ispea k of eac h of the victim s of t hi s by the I. W. W. was tempered wit h. awfu l crime They were th e best grief when they learned Wednes- 'of Amer ican ma nhood. day that one of the victim s was the j h usband of their f ri end. 1 Philomathean.
Assoc iat ed Press r epor ts gave :. The _P hil omat hea n Soc iety he ld the first information, stating that Its sem.1 month ly mee ti ng, Frirlay, Mr Hubbard d ied at 11:00 p m , No ,·emo er 14. The following proTu esday, of bu ll et wound s. A gram was gi ve n: Time ly te legram to Mrs. Loui se Gulbrand- , Mr. Matejo vs ky; vio lin so lo, Mi ss so n from Mrs C. E. Rogers, i Yeck; read in g, Mi sses Huff an d mother of Mr s. Hubbard, verified IOr e.lup ; vocal solo, Mi ss Dresslar; the swry. The r. w. w. ope ned. Hal mony, Octette; One Word fire u pon the parade of Amer ican IComedy, Mr Hou sfi and Miss Legion me mb ers a, th<'y marched,, Fi sher; dance, Mrs. Seybolt. A dow n the s tr ee ts of Ce ntralia. Th e good was prE-sent a nd e ve r ycowar dl y reds did the shooti ng I one e nJoyed the projil' r am so capab ly from in side a bu ild ing. Hubbard rendered by th ese me mbers. was shot after th e fir st attack, when Office Hours of De;n of Women he was chas ing an I. W. W. They Monday, 9:0 0 to 10 :10 3:3 0 to grapp led and the I. W. w. fired 14 :30 · fou r times in to Hubbard' s body. Tu esda y, Wednesci ay and Th ursHubbard was un armed . · day, 4:3 0 to 5:30 Th e Monte vid eo comm unity offers Fr ida y, 1:1 5 to 2:40. its sympat hy to Mrs. Hubbard in her heavy ber eave men t. Her hu s· Patro ni ze our Advertiser s.
Watches, Clocks, Fountain Stat ioner>y Schoo} Supples, Schoo l and Soc ie ty Pins a nd Rings Pennants, Flas hli g hts and Supp li es W ill order
We r epa ir pens, watches, jewel ry and spectac les anything we don't h ave a nd save yo u mon ey J. C. CHATELAIN. P&:ru. Nebr.
Cleant> d, Presse d a,nd Repaired
Get Peru Sce nery Cards of us wh en writing to you r fr ie nd s. They will be g lad to see wh e re you are attend in g co llege. Fin e a sso rt me nt of Stationery, also some wi th the Peru Pennant. When hungry see us for lunch goo ds, Fruils, Candie s
Why Not Be? A Football Coach? A Manuul l't·ainin,g lnstructnr? A Baud and 0•-chestra Pe ru, Ne br. A Lhorus and Glee Club Lender? WHY NOT? 'You can be one or more of th ese if you accept th e fine op portun it i es offered by the • STATE -
Following is the program of the The Thanksg iving services for Old er Boys' Conference, which will this year will be an entire change in sessio n in Peru from Friday from that usually observed. Th e to Sunday, inclusive: program will be in the hands of t Friday, November 28. laymen and a fine se rvice is provid4 :00 to 6:30 p. m., Registration ed. It will be held in the Methoa.nd assignments. dist Epicsopal church on Werlnesday 7:00 to 9:30 p. m., Banquet at M. l evening at 7:30 o'clock instead of E. Church. , Thank sgiving morning. It is Election of Conference Officers. : urged that the people of Peru Address by Rev. C. E. Cob bey ( remember the time a nd attend. of Omaha. : The foll owing program will be
Saturday, November 29. Rev. Samuel Miller presid-
9:00 to 9:30, a. m., Song Service j mg ·
and Devotions. A ssem bly Ro om ' Organ Vo luntary, Prof. A. E
Admission-Budget Ticket Holders 50c School I H oMlch I USlC. A II Others
$1.00 : 9:30 to 10:00, a. m., High Sch•10l l Pray er, Rav. S. Miller.· : Club Work by Paul H. McKee. Scr ipture Reading. i lO:O O to 10:30, a. m., Countyl Music. ·
We have had our four !:'c h ed uled have some of th e all wool and a W k b H F S 'th Address-Thanksgiving for Temd 'd , , or Y ervey ml I I Bl . p f J B Sh games for the hom e grounds, won yar w1 e ' Cotner cloth ' to fe ed 10 150 t 11 00 C 11 pora essmgs. ro ouse. three and lost one, with G7 points the "pep machine." · 0 · ' a. m. • 0 ege Address-Thanksgiving for PreWork by President Rouse. servatio n of the Nation, Col. T. J. for Peru and points for the! Tracy Mumford, an old Peru 11:00 to 11 :30. a. m.. Sunday ! Majors opponen ts. boy , is captain of the Bull Dog Schoo l Work by L C. Oberlies. Music.
Our boys were to have played team_. 11 .r 0 to 12 00
Addreas- Thanksg iving for the ..., m., Conferenc e Tarkio at Tarkio on Turkey -day. ! Captain Mumford's father was · · Home and School, Prof. C. F. Beck. Picture. Cotner also had a game sc heduled j janitor for the Normal for several
Address- Thanksgiving for the 2:00 to 5 :30 o. m., Rerceation in Church and its Spiritual In fluences, with them ea rlier in the season. years. The Mumfords now live in h f C b S f p c arge o oac peer o eru Pres. E. L. Rouse. But Tarkio cancelled both games. Bethany. · 1 Normal. Offering. Cotner and Peru took Thank sg iving Cotner started the season with 7 15 to 9 3 0, E . M Music. p. m., venmg B d' . R M'll as the only ope n date, which makes ten letter men on the team. I ene l CtJon, ev. 1 er. an extra game on the home The Bull D ogs have a s tr ong, ing.
Dr. H. C. House will have charge grounds, which is ve ry acceptable heavy line. A few of the men have to the schoo l and community. played for over four years.
This will give Peru a game at / Cotner next year. and at the same PERU 14; WAYNE 0 time make an enjoyable time at a j La st Friday aftP.rnoon a larger I verv small individual cost for each crowd than usual saw one of the of us. best games of the season· The
Cotner Dope
Wesleyan beat Cotner la st Friday, 29 to 0. Wesleyan beat Peru, October 24, 21 · to 0. ThPr efore and Q. E. D. we will have· a game old battle Thanksgiving. -
Cot ner beat D oa ne in the first game of the season. 10 to 0, the two weeks ago-isn't next Thursday-"ain't it?
The "Bull Dogs" always played good, clean football when playing with Peru, and next Thur!'lday we expect them to be nice doggiesto li e down and roll over and not hite the rubber tires on our pep machine.
Speer's o ld "pep machine " makes a specialty of making "the cloth" up into carpet rags. When th e G. I. preachers came to Peru we made only 37 to 0. Now we
game was called at three o'clock, I but as ear ly as 2:30 students and 1 townspeople had begun to drift in ; and the gate keepers were noting j budget-tickets, the Y. W. girls 1 were passing out cushions to the i spectators, and th e band were warm· · ing th e ir instrum e nts to enliven I the holiday crowd. · I
.When the Wa yne boys came on 1 the field from the north road thei r! bright uniform s 'attracted the at- I te nt ion of the students and as the I squad dashed up the field in a little ; preliminary work-out they were 1 given a cheer of welcome. A few I minute s before the opening of the 1 game the seats were pretty we ll filled-the band and cheer leaders down on the bottom rows Of seats.
At the cry of "Look who's here!" the crowd looked up, and
(Continued on Last Page.) I
<Continu ed on La st Pag-e.> of the music for the service.
The /meeting Thursday evening
Entered at the· PoRtoffice at Peru. Ne- the Student Volunteer braska as matter.
• and Non-volunteer conventJon to
Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal be held. at DesMoines, DeCE-!Jlber
$1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cts. 31 to January 4, inclusive. This convention wi 11 undoubtedly be a remarkable meeting. In the first place there never was a generation of students wbo have faced such a day as this and who must take on Isuch an uncommon load. ln the place, we need this conven-
====================-========- tion to make up lost time due to
'THE EniToRtAL STAFF. interruptions, dislocations \a.nd
Dorothy Mauck, '20 Bditor-in·Chief d dt
Alvina Amende. '20 Editor delays incident to. the Wort ar · Paul Bennett, ':&i. : Assis.tant Editor in the third place, we need to face, Fern Adams, '21. Assistant Edit,,r as a student group, the enlar,ged Huffer, '2l.._. Business Mg'r plans of the church and the nation Emma Woo?ie, sp which have followed the war and
JtEPORTRRs: which have very much increased Celia Lorrance Senior the need of workers.
Mabel j,Junior All the girts are very enthusiastic
A.lice Sop
Hildegard<> Yeck Freshnlt'n about it, and we expect to send our Ida Frederickson Specials & Trainers quota of delegates. The! are to LJo,·d Y Nl C .-\. be selected at a business met!ting Williams Y. W. r•. A. next Tuesday.
Fern Ferree h·:·Girls The Than \sgiving meeting will Erma Wilson P tlomat eHn
Della Dramatic CJuh be at nine o"cloc.k a. m., in ProfesCathl'rine Lieneman J. U.n. sor Hohman's studio. Miss Hoak :-Jo articJes accepted after R o 'clocl< wi) 1 be the leader. Monday morning. 1 ·· ·· - Specials and Trainers. ·
ceries. riuJ! 25 or Whe11 in need of quaiJtY gro Service, cal1 at tbe Mardis ,.tore. Qua l;Y• ·h 2oodM Courteous Treatment with pure htts bui.lt our business and reputtttloD
We do-Film Developing, We sell-Kodaks, Print Finishing, Enlarging, Tinting. Films, Paper, Ptompt Service and Al quality work. Ask price i ists · Out of town orders given prompt attention. Etc.
Y. M. C. A. On Saturday evening the specials I Wednesday theY. M. C. A. andtiainershad had a splendid meeting. Dick The evE::ning was spent 6 H sHe p Overholt told us of the activities/ ht ,Ja:vini; progressive domiflo"!'·llt 9Jlahojany .,£-u m !Je r AN D BATH
PERU, NEBR. a missionary was needed for other,. five Miss Pauline Shroeder , Basement Fisher's Drug Store than merely preaching the Gospel, and Miss Mary Johnston won the We have just re-,IFirst-class Workmen. Your Patron ouch as doctoring, farming, and prize and proved themselves .the ceived tl age Solicited. teaching. Lawrence Rouse explain- best mathematicians. I c. P. SCOVILL. Prop. ed in a clear way what the Student_ Appetizing refreshments consist- men t frum the Volunteer Movement is. Peru only ing of sandwiches, pickles. dough- Phillippine Is- I,
has three. boys that are nuts and cocoa were served. Dur- lands for manual 1 I of this movement. ThPre ing this time we were entertained tr"'l in j ng work I · AND be many more. Wm. Thomas ex· i by Miss Pauline Shroeder, who plained briefly the purpose and the sang a beautiful solo. She was
object of the Des Moines Confer· accompanied by Miss Mary Johnsence. Delegates were then elected ton. A splendid reading was given
for Des Moines. Edward Rosen- by Miss Grace Baughman.
quist and Lawrence Rouse were All felt much better elected to represent Peru's Y. M. when tl.is social occasion clns•d.
C. A. We were particularly pleased to see so many business men out. Prof. Geo. W. Brown at
the Pnrple Cane church
Come again. near North Bend last Sunday.
Wednesday, November 26, every w. E. Baker, of Colo ,
man should be out. "Funny,"
class of 1913, was recently P)ertpd
who is chaifmafi' of' the Gospel president of the westorn division
team wants to get a of the Colorado Education
lipe on all men that are in any way tion.
interested in. Gospel team work. Dr. House ·organized a study We hope to put·out a team that centPr at Pawnee. City with a very will win for Jesus Christ. lat;ge membPrship last Saturd'ay. ·A part of the next meeting They will study Browning during thP. year. also be spent in making ready for Miss Ellis held the 4th mPetin·g the Boys' Conference. Men, let's of the year at Tecumseh, last SataU come out next Wednesday even- urday, where a study CPnter is ing. ·We w(JJ get home in plenty of taking-her splendid <.'tlurse in Ninetime for agood night's rest for theenth Ceurnry History the big football game.
'·M-iss Rose Clark addressed the teacher-s of Odell on Nov. 15th.
·Invitations are out for thP. Girls' Club party to be given on Saturday evening, November 29. at 9 o'clock. The guests oi the evening are. the visiting High Y. hoys, the home High Y. boys,· and the men of the
Professor Crago been attending Schoolmasters' Club' in 'Lincoln. school.
We Carry a Complete Line of
Dry Go ods, Furnishings Shoes Groceries
Office Hours of Dean of Women Monday, 9 :00 t.o 10:10 3:30 to 4:3 0
Tu esday , Wednesday a nd "Thurs-
day, 4 :30 to 5:30
We wish at this time to call your special attention to our shoes You can save tnottey in this depttrtment. Friday, 1:15 to 2:40. Cale ndar. Reg ul ar Eve n ts Week ly. Mondays, Chorus, 5:40 to 6: 15. Orch estra, 7: 30 to 8: 15.
and Overcoats
Tuesdays , Girl s' Glee Club , 8: 15 to 9. Boys' Glee Club, 7:30
E GOOD . to 8: 15. Band, 815.
1•1• • • Wednesdays, Chorus, 5:40to6 :1 5. Orchestra, 7: 30 to 8 :1 5. Y.
Senior Notes. cis Faulkn e r, al l r ea dy for a nic e M. C. A., 8: 15.
Senior cla ss chape l, Thursd ay s tr oll down the "s hady lan e," "In Thur s days, Y. w. C. A ., 7:15 to morning, opene,d with tw o se lec - th e Good Ol d Summer Time;" 8:15 'Girls' Glee Cl ub, tions from the ne wly or g ani ze d Eli za bet h Sears, in a quaint 8: 15 to !:J. Boys' Gl ee Clu b, j azz band It pr oved to be a very "little" g-ray bon net, wa s qu ite 7:30 to 8: 15. Ba nd, 8:15. ''Choyce" ba nd , conta ining so me r eady to step into the "shay,'' fo r Bi -m onthl y.· ve ry good mu si cians, two of whom "Put on Your Old Gray Bonnet;" Student Cou ncil of Girl s' Club. are juniors. The fact of the mat- ; Mabe l Chapma n looked a ve ry The Monday even in g be fore th e ter is, th ey were so "hi gh da ss" Is tat ely and capable "Rose of No- Seco nd Tuesday of month and the juniors could not afforrl to keep Lan d; " say th at every two weeks th er eaf ter at 9:00 them becau se of th ei r price, and 1senwrs th ey am t go t no style, p. m. as the se ni ors were so much more / but fern Ferree, dressed in th e Second F rid ay, Philomathean, 8 able fi nanciall y to give th em th e .lat es t fa shi on ('!) wear in g, woman- o'c lock. Fourth Friday, pr ope r back ing, we sec ured their l fa s hi on, a bargain counter ha t P hil omat h ea n, 8 o'c lock. se rvi ces. Aft er he in g introduced by l which s till bore the " marke d Monthly.
Mr. Chase they played the fo ll ow- ! down" tag, proved that "they' re Second Tuesday, Girl s' Club , 11 :50 in g numbers: Waltz, "Beautif ul 1 s tyl e al l the wh i le, all the while ." First Wedne sday, Dramatic, See
Ohio," and Fo x tr ot, " Indianola ." For next cla ss chape l the comm it- Fir st Sat urd ay, J. U. G., 8. 'Ray fo r th e j f:I ZZ hand!. i t ee, Mi ss Bu cki ng ham, M ibs Es th er Sp ec ial Events. After Mr. Marejovsky, a "sen i or, Cole and Mr. Cha se. having - rhe Pe ru :Cotn er game, Thanksgi-ving
C hri st ma s vacation Dec., 19 , Jan. 6.
Alumni and former students of Peru
Chttse's Barber S hop Milstead Base ment ALL WORK FIRSTCLASS
Fu ll lin e of To il ets on h and A. W. CH ASE, Pr o p.
Students --Facul ty --& Friends
It i ,.: a matter of plea s ur e a nd pr id e with ·us to mPet vour every ne ed, in our lin es , in a ma nn er to accommo d ate yo u. Our enti re bu si- [send
The N ormalite until June 1920 for only Fifty Cents
Ba ttt!rie s or Anything
1n the Hardware line
enter t ained us wit h h is mono log u e, fir st twenty-five seniors to se lect Day, Nove mb er 27. "Abcdefghijklmrlopq r stuv wxyz , " from, are pr om i s! ng an exce ll en t Phi lo, 8 :1 5, Friday, N ovember 28. By the box or pound. Ju st th e we f elt su re that if suc h thrilling program. Gi rls ' Club party, S at urd ay , NoM . d · h 1 t hi ng for that Birt h day Present and insp irin g a monologue co uld be on ay eve nmg t e se ni or c ass, vember 29 heard mor e often there wo uld be went in a body to serena de Profes- Boys-Hi g h-Y.-A ssoc iation, Frino ne ed to req uir e juni Ll r En glish sor J ea n. Every one was in the day , Sat u rday a nd Su n day, No vemin the Normal. A very un iq ue best of sp irits an d very glad to see ber 28, 29 a nd 30. sty le show , in w ith a· Mr. Jt>an a nd find that he is get" song gro u p," ended th e program. ting a lo ng so wel l. We a ll hope Whil e eac h so ng was bei ng played he wi ll continue to improve , and a " sen i or '' gi rl app ea r E-d dr esse d, will soo n be th e ca mpu s aga in. to represent it Erma Wilson a ll M' C t · d d • 1 1ss arpen er orga m ze a s tu y rearly f or skating. for "Jingle t t W"lb f th S 1 • , cen er a 1 er or e a .m e Be ll s; Le ah Cu lwe ll, ta king th e t h 1 t S d 'Th county eac ers as atu r ay. ey part of a old woma n -11 d t th · · bl " · w1 evo e e 1r t:me to pu JC for S il ve r Threads Amon!! the • 1 · 1'h 1 , , sr n oo mu s 1c ere wa::l a sp e nGold; Cella Lor an<·e made a t'v p- d"d 1 t f b h. · 1 e nr o tm en o a out t 1rty 1ca l, fa sci nating " Micke.v;" Fra n- members.
Ca ll In you will al" ft.}'S find a full s tock at n es s policy. s haped hy tni s amb iti on. IKeep in touch w ith the old sch oo l On that account we _su l1 c1t your requ ests for Hccommutlat lon , s pec ial -you love so wel l. Mackprung's Hardware as well as orrlJO"'ry. We want to earn you r tr ade on the 1=============== ============= me rit of oor serv i ce and good s.
Une . Cittzens State .9lank
Banking matters conducted with Facility and Ac<::ura cy.
Peru 14; Wayne O.
A student can es timate the value
(Continu ed rrorn Fir st Pa.:e .) on see ing our play ers moving rap idly down the hill s id e, gave its favorite ye ll,_ "Team! Team!"
of his own work as accurately as can another s tud ent. This· was dell!onstrated la st week by the senior class in th eo ry of education. The procedure was as follow s: Each qui ck once acro ss the fi e ld to warm member of the cl ass read and grad· up, th e whi s tl e bl ew an d both s id es ed six pap ers written by others, met at the middle of the fi el d. after which he read and grad ed R asc h kicked off, Wa yn e receivin g his own paper . R esult s were tabu- the ball. For th e fir st few minutes Iated for 20 paper s which had bee n it was a matter of each team cauread by six or more people , in c lud- tiou s ly t es ting the oth e r' s strength ing the writer in each case. The and ability median grad e g iven to any paper Just as a Wa yn e man wa s alm ost wa s adopted as the true grade. Er - up on Ra sch he very provokingly rors were thus cal culated .• Results made a quick forward pa Rs to showed that 11 of th e 20 writers Gate ly who had wrigg led thru th e had made a smal ler error on their Ye ll ow lin e and rec ei•ved the ball
After th e Pe ru bo ys had ma de a
res pective papers than wa s found to for a touchdown. Th e crowd had be the avera ge err or of all oth er a s pasm anci it se lf hoarse. re ader s of th e same paper, and ten During the se cond quarter t wo of th e twe nty had done as we ll m very dete rmin ed bunch es of young grading th e ir own pa pers as in humanit y wr es tl ed and tugged here grading o th er papers, on the av er- and th ere, the ball in th e possession age. of fir st o ne s ide and th en the oth er;
Some probl ems for original in· no thing for e ith er s ide. A v G N u G
Th e th1rd qu a rter sta rt ed out a
vestigation, r ece ntly han d led in j th N I G h I wres tling match , and the crow d, e orma eogr ap y c a sses: 1
Wh I d h • was begmmn g to ge t nervou s; t en-
Y are monsoo n an s t e mos t . dense ) I t d . f h s1on broke wh en an me 1mp le te
Y po pu a e r eg 1ons o t e. world ? pass was thr ow n by Ga te ly , bl ocked
What Chan h I I ci f by Wa yne, and a ye ll ow bird fl ew
ce as re an or economic incl epend e nc e?
What ad vantage to Britain ar e her narro w tidal seas?
Why ar e th e lar ger lake ports on th e Am erica n, ra th er t han th e Ca nadi an s id e of th e Gr eat Lakes?
Wh y is th e ar ea bet wee n Pittsburgh and Chicago th e great es t ir on a nd s teel ce nter of th e world ?
Wh en t he world' s coa l g ives out · -what th en?
Thanks giving Services.
(Continu ed rrom F irst l Song Service. S pe cial Music.
Address by L. C. Ob erli es Sunday, N ove m ber 30.
8:00 to 9: 30 , a. m., Lead ers' Mee tin g at Norma l.
9:3 0 to 10 :3 0, a. m.. Co nferenc e Sunday School at High Schoo l.
L. C. Ob erli es S upe rintend ent of th e S. S.
11 :00 to 12 :a O, Chu r ch Se rvi ces
a :00 to 4 :3 0' p, m Af te rM on Mee tin g by L C. at M. E. Church; Spec ial Mu sic.
4 :30 to 5: 00 , p. in ., Delegat ion Meetings. ·
7:1 5 to 9 :30 , p. m., F arewe ll
Mee ting in char ge of Paul H. McKee, at M. E. Church .
Be sure to be on tim e to th e ses· of the Co n fe ren ce
Tickets fo r th e banquet will go on sal e at l<'i shers' drug store at :l p. m., Wedn esd ay, at 75 cents each. Tickets wi ll be sold to boys ov er fift een and men of th e community to a limit ed num be r.
off dow n th e field with the notion th at he was ma kin g a g oa l. Whil e he mad e a camp s to ol of the ball und er th e goa l po sts afld wa ited for th e de ci sion of th e spo rt-gods th e cr ow d m oa ned him a horselau gh and called for th e ball.
In th e last quarter all ha nd s were on de ck and pl ayed a liv e ly g ame. Wayne did a brilliant bit of playing a nd was ch eered. Rasch ma de a t wenty -fiv e ya rd a un and scored th e se cond touchdo wn for Peru, g iving Peru 14 to Wa yn e's ge tso me
Th e game was cl ean and vi gorous; both s id es were more or less s kinn ed up and brui sed, but when th e fi na l whi s tl e blew 'the boys gro uped and gave the ir school ye lls with a smil e. Bes id es the usual g oo d pla y ing of Rasch , Gately, a nd th e oth er regular pla ye rs, Shanr a r, our star enr:l. mad e him one step near er th e all -Ne bras ka team
Pe ru had th e ball in Way ne's territory t hree-fo ur ths of the ti me
Th e Wa vn e tea m were Gtr ong on defe nse and mu st be congra tu late d up on th e ir cl ea n fi g htin g a nd genuine s portsma nship.
Get Pe ru Sce nery Card s of us wh en w rit ing to yo ur fri e ncl s. Th ey w ill be g lad to see wh ere you are atte ndin g co ll ege.
F in e a sso rtm e nt of Stati one ry, al so some with the Pe ru Pe nnan t. When hungry see us for lun ch goods, Fruits, Candies
H. U.
Ph one 73
Why Not Be?
A Football Co11ch?
A Mant.utl rraining 'Instruc t or?
A Band and Orchestra Lead&:r? Peru , N eb r.
A and Glee Club
You can be one or mor e of th ese if yo u a ccep t th e fine oppor tu niti es offered by th e PERU
PERU 20, COTNER 0. "Dog -tow n," whe n Gate ly, old a nd he ld for three downs. Ra sch' GIFTS OF THE ART CLUB TO heady Gately, gave an or de r to th e pas se d into the end zo ne for a THE SCHOOL The Game as '' Cv" Saw It dog catch ers to clear the s tr eet, !Cunttnu eJ 0 ;. Last Pal';"e.> The coming of th e annual art exand then carr ied th e ba ll all by OLDER BOYS' CONFERENCE. hibit afford s an op por tunity for It was so merhing d oing when 'he-se lf' right thru the big hole a nd renewi ng our apprec ia tion of the th e "Bull Dogs" fr om Cotn er town .agai n for ttle third time planted • Tbe c_o nfer ence is . over. Over numerous g ift s of the Fortnightly tried to s tea l a rid e on Spe er's th e llr un t ball r ight in Cotner' s sev enty boys have gone to the ir Art Cluh to the sch ool; for to t his "p p machine'' last var io us homes in sout hea s tern Nee • · boneyard. c lub are we indebted no t only for El f II bl ooded Bu ll Dogs braska with a fix ed and determined
• eve n u ·, Th e ga me e nd ed with every cyJ. the e xhi b it brou g ht to us yea r by chu ck full of fight, spr<:!ad I inder p epp in g pep. with gas eno ug h purpo se to clean up their own year, but al so for the pictures and sel ves out over the pa sture and said left to last unti l Thank sgiving "back · yard s" and to g ive over to cast s which contribute to our per" bow -wow" Speer' s well oiled, Day, 1920 _ The Bull Dogs wer e fel l?ws. at. h ome th e. n.ew Imanent, everyday enjoyment. Is hi g hl y polished, tw e lve cylind er putting up a fight to the d ea th 1d eas a nd m sp n·at10ns of Chnst1an not this a goo d time to become "pep machine," when, wit h eleven when the whi s tle blew Bu ll Dogs li.ving which confer ence has better acquainted with the se pi c"Speers" stick in g out, it began to is a goo d nam e for the Cot ner boys given them. tures of ours as we go about the move toward the canine land In -no wh in e, no yellow, no loud Th e meetings have a ll been very campus, and by so doing make them less time than it takes to tell it, barking - nothing but a b un ch of succes s ful. Th e con ference op ened really our ow n? el e ven full grown "Bull Pups" gen uine, ful l- bloorl ed sports, who Fr i day eve nin g wit h a st ewed In the different rooms of the were st i cking onto th e ele ven fight to the last ditch, b ut make a ch ick en ba nq uet at the Methodist t rain ing s choo l are pictures su ited 'Speers, '' and the '' pep ma chine" clean fi g ht church a nd a most ins piring ad- to the various g rad es an d chosen was movin g toward the sout hland Peru fe els justly proud of a clean dres s on "America' s Ca ll to Young by teachers and child ren to g et he r. in low. vi ctory over a clean t eam. Man hood," by Re v. C. E. Cobbey The kinderga rten has pic tur es for It was in s econd quarter that of Omaha. No red-blooded Ameri- the littl e fo lks , such as "By the Capta in Reot t ger thot the engine The Game as It W as Played. can you ng man shou ld hav e mi ssed Fir es id e " Blumm er· and " Wa dwarm to cha nge th e gears Cotn er, wit h their big, beefy th i8 m ess age Eq ually in spiri.ng j ing,, The 'prim ary deint o h igh The pep-b us fairl y jum- line, st epped onto the fie ld with were the arl dr esses of L. C. Ob e rll es . pa rtm eot has "The Nat i vity ,, ped off th e ground as she bo un ded lots of confidence of victory. While on Sa tu rd ay and Sunday. Space H avi land; Head s" and the thru the "bo logna past ure" to the th e Bulldogs showed the fight and wi ll n ot pe rmi t us thi s week to "Age of Inn ocence, "Rey nolds;"The oth er si de of the two hi tch ing pos ts a va ri ety of tricks the Peru boy s te ll of the wonderful messages Du.:k Po n e! , "Kurt z we ll y; " Sav ed," where she unloa ded the pork-hide never lo!'t s ight of the ba ll and wh ich Mr Oberl ies had for the Landse er ; Baby Stuart," Van for what our fair lad ies ca ll a turn ed them back wit h a thud. boys Th e Norma li te will have a Dy ck; a nd "M orni ng," Thor"touch down." Th en Rasch had Capta in Roettger won the toss full acco un t of the co nfere nce and wa ldse n. to "s how off" by kicking the same and chose to defe nd the nort h goa l. the gist of th e lec tu re s in its next In the rooms of the t hird and h id e up in the air between the two Cotne r received the kick and was week's is sue. fourth grad es you wi ll find cop i es pos ts. forc ed to punt to Gate ly who made R s M d C THE GIRLS ' CLUB PARTY. 1 ; o.f. a ph ae l's is ti_ne a ona; In th e third quarter the Bu ll a go od r et urn. A lin esma sh or tv:o nglO' s "Holy Nig h t;" Landse er s Dogs, true to the ir tradition s, put gained five yards. Ro senqui st On Sa turday eveni ng the gymna- "A Memb er of the Human e Soc ie ty ; up an awfu l fight a nrl in terfered circ led th e left ·.md for twe n ty si um wa s the sce ne of a continual ! and K urzw e lly's "The Au strian lik e the mi schief with th e pep yards but with the snow on th e round of fun and froli c, when the 1Tyro l; a nd in th e ob se rvation room machi ne' s running in hi g h. But ba ll and co ld han ds he lost the ball Girls' Club held their a nn ua l party , Corot's "Dance of th e Ny mph s ," Brother Gate ly knew how t.o ha ndl e and Cotn er recovered. Exchange Ienterta in in g the boys of the Nor- and Murillo's " St. Anth ony of the ·.vheel so that none of the hi gh- of punts and a few incomplete mal a nd th e me mb ers of the Older j Padua." bred fi g hters had a smell at the pa ss es ' constituted the re mainder Boys' Co nfer ence. Mr. Pau l ln th e fifth and sixth grad e home ga rage. of the play in th e fir st quarter. Kee, state pres id ent of_ the Boy s' rooms are "The Li ttle Pr in cess in The fourth quarter wa s a 1mo st a Ea rl y in the seco nd quarte r Ro s- Confere n ce, Mr. Oberlles, one of th e Tower; " James's "The Wave," who le W illi am -a ge nuine fi ve enqu ist int ercepted a pass in mid th !l s.peaker s of the co nfere nce, a nd ILero ll e 's • 'Shephe rdess; "Borg lum 's doll ar ba nk note-a c ircu s-a hor se fie ld and g ain ed t we nty yard s, tak - Pr es1dent and Mr s. Rouse , Profe s- "Linco ln." and Hoffman' s "Head race and s hoot the shoo ts -a ll in in g th e ball into Cotner territory. sor an d Mrs. Delzell, Professor and of Chris t." one Gate ly made a short g ain around Mrs. Cra g o, anrl Professors Gab le Tt.e hi gh s cho ol ass emb ly room
Cap Fu nn y t hr ew the clu tches the le ft end On a lin e sh ift play and Hohman were gu e st s of honor. has "T he Bridge of Sighs ;" "The into hi gh ri g ht off the hat, and Rasch we nt a round the ri g ht e nd We were met at the foot of the Cows Comin g Ho me;" "Th e Mill," Rasch ste pp ed on th e ga s and off for Pe ru' s fir st to uchdown. Gately sta irs by Mi ss Ell is, s po nsor of th e Ruy sda el; "The Gl eaners ," Mi ll e t; the ma chine went in to s pac e, !ln in g kick ed goa l. The ha lf .ended, Pe ru Gir ls' C lub, and Miss Re ick er, pre s- "The Brig h tn ess of the Sea,, s trai ght for do g heaven , with 7, Cotn er 0; ba ll in mid -field . i dent of the cl uh. The party was Kurzw e ll y; and "Go ld en Au tumn "Ra!!ch ie boy " reachin g out a nd Both team s cam e ba ck s tr dng in s tarted wi th som e good Ji\·ely Days," J ernb erg. In the din in g ti l'k lin g th e dr.gg it-·s' no!'e!' a !! he t he third qu a rter and it wa s a games. Here they were playing [ room of th e domes tic sc i ence dewe nt riding by. It did not b it ter fi gh t. The defensive work "Ada m and Ev e ." over th er e "::s partment is a· la rge landscape in un t il th e "squ eal skin" found a of Pe ru's l ine was especi a ll y notice - d ee p," In an ot her place they were Cl) lor r esti ng p la ce in th e snow on the bl e. ' Cotner br ok e loose on an e nd indulging in "ring-arou nd -the- ro - Only one of the many good picother s id e of th e yard. And run for thirty ya rrl s, bringin g the si e;" ot hers were sayi ng, " This !s Iture s in the library was placed again within four minutes after the ba ll to Pe ru 's thirty-five yar d line. my nose" a nd pull in g at th e ir th ere by the Art Clu b, a fine co py cap ta in se t hi s foot on the s elf-A end around Prante ear s. Then th e lead er blew th e of Ti tan' s "The Portrait of an Unstarter th e ma chin e wa s a ch ugging carri ed th e ball twenty yard s near er Iwhi s tle and ann o unced tlaat we know n Man." In the geograp hy ri ght along t hru th e ma in street of Co tn er' s goa l. Here Cot ner braced I (Continued from third !Continued on Lnat Pag-e. I
Entered at the Postoffi ce at Peru, Nebra s ka as seco nd -cla s!' ma tter.
Published Weekly by tlie Peru Stat e Normal $ L.OO per year Single co py 5 ets.
whiles. There are always those who questio n th e value of time thus spent When you find your!> elf getti ng overba lanced on the practica l s id e, just r eca ll the o ld woman of the nurs ery ta le who "couldn't live on victuals and drink." No wonde r the poor cr e ature suffere d! The soul ca n easi )y starve in the mid st of ab un dant "victual s and drink." The Jov e Iof beauty is inb o rn , h ar.d to 1 clamorR for s ust e nance and sur-===== vi ves in sp i te of cru s hin g ut ili ta ri-
Dorothy Mauck. '20 Editnr-in·Chief ani sm.
Alvina Amende. '20 Editor 'Th e s ooner we get rid of th e id ea
Paul Bennett. '<! l. Edito r t hat art is s omething apa rt from Fern Ad ams, Edit:ar daily e xi s tence th e s ooner we get
Ray mo nd Hufler, 21. Ru san ess Ml! r. )
Emm a Woodi e, sp Mg'r. nept. !n tou ch with its uplifting. res tf u
_______:.____ 'infl uence. One wr it er has well
fl E PO I! THI! S:
Celi a Lorran c<> Senior s aid. ' 'It is the same a es th e ttc
fl.•! abel Dre ss ler Ju nior spark th at makes the f& rm er aclGlasgo w So JJhnm orc mire a stra ight f urrow th at fill s th e
Hildegardr Ycck Frc,.; hrnt! n
Ida Fn:dcricl< so n Specials & Trainers
Ll oy d Prantc Y r.. I. C. A.
Helen Wi lli am s Y. W. 1'. A.
art ist wi th un spe akab le joy when so me thing ha s come from his pe n, bru s h, or chise l. Mo st of us ar e
Fern Ferre e Girl s Club d es t in E- d to be "h ewers of wood, ''
Erm a Wi lso n .. ......... .... .... Ph ilo naath ca n Ibut no one iR the pleas ure of Dell a Dramati c Cluh appr ecia tive participat ion The I ta lCath<" n ne La cn c rnan ). U. t t h·. I' · h d · tans r ee urc m. 1vmg as e oes articles accepted a ft er 8 o'c locl< . · hi · d fl.lond ay mo rning m a nc Y e nvtr one art center, == .:.·:::- may, and no doubt do e!;, g et more
Ha ve yo n se en o ur work s of art? real sa ti sf actio n from a pa inted
-Have yo u read the artic le 011 art mast e rpi e ce tha n many a mu lt i· appre ciati on in thi s pape r'! Wh y mi ll ionair ed t ouri >t. not take the Normalite with Few of the world' s covet ed trcasanc:l go fr om room to room th is ures m ay be phy s ically j.Jossessed by at the pi ct ure s me n- Ith e the gre ater n ee d tton ed m th e art i cle on "A rt G ifts for cult tvatmg to th e Normal?" · 1f yo u haven ' t. ,. ''th e inner ey e wh y not'?
Which is the bli ss of solitude."
Art and Li fe 1 Th e things wh ich we hav e th e
Of h tast e to admire a nd e nj oy ar e ab id· t e man y peda g ogi cal lectures it has been the writer' s privi lege in g and add the glow of ar t to that t h w hi ch is commonp lace. o ear, one sta nd s out vividly in
But how and wh en can one a rmemory - perhaps becau se the content wa 3 quite di ffe re nt fr h quire genu in e art a ppr e ci a tion ? om w at r· II h d · f was anti cipated. Th b' •o ow t e a vi ce o a leading ar t , , e su Je ct, , , , L k . Pr act i ca l Ed u cation , attracted crtt1c. oo at ptc tures s tudiOu snot o nl y tea chers, but pare nts ly, e arn es tly and hones tl y. lt may anxious for that s ort educationa l take y ea rs_ b_efore yo u com e int o guidanc e that will lead directly to Ifu ll appr ect atJOn of a rt; but wh en future pros perity and pl e nty. · at last you have it, yo u wi ll be
The speaker in terested a ll, tho I of on e ot pur es t, )of· pro bably disappointed a few , be- j tte st and enn o blmg pl eas \l r es cause he dwe lt li g htl y on "brea d that th e CIVI li ze d world can off er and bu tte r" e duca tion, and del 'ved you ." deeply into cu ltuni l va lues So cons iste nt and e onv i ncmg was h is argum e nt that he le ft no do ubt in
Standi ng of the Teams
Foll o win g is the sta ndin g of th e the mind s of his hearer s as to the tea ms fo r the sea so n: importance of fe ed in g tr am- 1 Te am Won ing the emotions, of ten s ad ly neg. York le cted in th e marl rush for in te ll er - Wesleya n t ual attai nme nt. '·What we make Pe ru childr en love and des ir e is more I CotnPr important than what we make th em Hastin gs kn ow, fo r j oys , loves, a nd desires Midl an d are what prompt to act i on, de ter -Ke arney min e choice and develop wil L Doan e The appr oac hin g annua l Schoo l Central
Your Bank
Get the name.
Whe11 in need of quality groceries, riue or ·call at the Mard is Quality, Servlce, Courteous Treatment wi tb pure fre!-1 h J!O o ds has built our business and reputation Phone 25
W/ahoga ny Lumber I
We have received a rnent frorn th e Phillippine Islands for manual tr"lilling work Meek 6umber E.o. E.ity E.afe and Bakery
We Carry a Complete Line of Dry Goods, Furnishings Shoes Groceries
We wi sh at this time to call your special attention to our shoes You can save money in this department.
The Girls' Clu b Party
1 y W. C. A.
(Continued rrom First TheY . W. C. A. Thanksgiv ing should al l pl ay "choo -chu o- train." 1 1 servic e, Thur sday mornin g, was Thi s pr oved to be ve ry pop ular, we ll attend ed. and a delightfu l s in ce we a ll could take part in the I me et i ng con sis ting of s everal num· I same game. We had all so rts an d; bers of spec ial mu s ic , arranged by of _tra in s; fa s t, s low and l im- iMi ss Hoak. and a se rvice of thank' ted tra 1 tr ai ns with •·head-1fu lness. in charge of Mi ss Keith, lights," on e train with a "McKe e' ! 1was enjoyed by all. Th e me mory eng ine that cou ld go thru tunne ls 1 of thi1:1 me etin g may indeed be aridand over mo untains Of course /' eo to the Ji st of things to be th a nkthere were se veral wr ec ks. ful for After a Thanksgiving Afte r a ll t he trains were safe in 1 r ea din g was gi ve n, these to pics th e round-h ouses, the passengers, were di scu s se d: The or ig in of were served to dai nty r ef re s hments IThanksg iv in g; Wh at we as a of i ce _cr ea m cake. Each one Isc hoo l and as a Y. W. wa s g JVen a httle pumpk in as a 1 hav e to be thankful for t.h1 s yea r. souvenir of the party. j Then al l ca ll ed on to te ll what
The visitin_g- mem bers of the Old- I eac h as an individu al gave thanks er Boys ' Conference will -lcmg re- (f or. - Amon g the ma ny goo d thots, mem '.J er th e right g raciou s we lcome 1 so me espec i ally worthy of mention gi ven them by th e Gir ls' Cl ub or' an: '' Th e age in wh ich we are the No rm a l. Our own boys know 1now livin g a nd our op portun i ti es th e good fri end ship of the Girls' l as you ng people;" "the war is over 1 Club. 1and th e boys hav e come home ."
Y. M.C.A.
Last Wednesday evening theY. M. C. A. had th e best meet i ng of the year. After s inging a few songs we listened to some"C hoyce " jazz music by the orchestra. Shaver then in troduced Mr Bedell, who ta lked on the value and purposes of an Older Boys' Co nference Mr. Bede ll to ld us of the ma ny boys he kn ew who had t aken a differe nt view of li fe after having been to a co n ference Professri r Cra go briefly told us of the progl·am for the confe ren ce and urged every man to attend if po ss i ble. ''Funny," who is ca p tain of the Gospel, Team, exp lained the organization of this team. Any man who is wi lli ng to do some personal work among boys ought to get ,on this team. "Fu n ny" expects to send out at lea st one team dur i ng the holi days and we ek- end s thereafter. It was an en terta in in g mee ting a ll the way th ru. Come aga in Wedn esday , al 8: 15 p. m. ·
Cal endar
R eg ular Events Week ly. Monda ys , Chorus, 5 :4 0 to 6:15
Suits and Overcoats
Orch es tra, 7:30 to 8: 15. Tu esdays, Girls' Gle e Club, 8: 15 See our line 'of correct to 9. Boys' Glee Cl ub , 7:3 0 to 8: 15. Ba nd, 815. Wedn esdays , Chorus. 5:40 to 6:15. Orchestra, 7:30 to 8: 15. Y. M. C. A., 8 :1 5. B h b y t e ox or pound Just the Thur sday s, Y. W. C. A,., 7:15 to 8:15. Girls' Gl ee Club , th ing for that Birthday Present 8: 15 to 9. Boys' Glee Club, 7:30to8:15. Band , 8: 15. Bi-month ly. NORMAL STORE
Mr. Oberlies sa id, "This wa s a j as . Mrs. Rouse expr essed it , mig hty happy thot of Miss El l is 1 wll l h ve to be be tter men." So an d her g irl s to give thi s party to- we, too, can liv e better li ves, cornight. Ju st tne re laxation that i r ect in g our mi stak es and keep in g the boys need after a lo ng se ss ion 1Th a nksg iv in g every day of the of programs.'' year every two weeks thereafter at 9:0 0
Student Cou ncil of Girls' Club. The Monday evening before the 1 Chase's Barber Shop Second Tuesday of each mon th and Mil st ea d Base ment
A ve ry a nd e nj oyab le . So me of y W. g irls mi ss - p. m.
eve ning closed with cheers for Miss mg so me mig hty fi ne thm gs by Second Frida y, Phi lomathean, 8 El l is a nrl her girls. and the staying Com e ,o ut nex t. o'c loc k. Fourth Friday, singing "Farewe ll , Hi gh Y. ' s. Thur s day mght and then go ro me Phi lomathean, 8 o'c lock.
Fu ll l ine of. Toilets on hand A. W. CHASE, Prop.
Far ewfl ll, High Y. ' s, Far ewe ll High and w? rk at doub le speed. Mrs. Monthly Y.'s, We are s nrr y to see yo u go.' ' I Rouse 1s the. leader for thi s. week Second Tu es day, Gir ls' Club, 11:50. Battt!des or A.nythiug We know th1s mea ns so mething ex- First Wedne sday, Dramatic, fl. in the Hardware liue A Guest. l·tra fine in sto re for us. Be there! Fir st Satur da y, J. U. G., 8. 1 Sp ec ia l Events.
Students--Faculty--& Friends
It a mat ter of pleasure and pride w ith us to mPet vour eve ry nee d, in o ur lin e s, in a mann er to acco mmodat e you. Our e ntir e bu siness po li cy is s hap ed h.v thi s ambiti on. On that account we so li cit you r reques ts for nccommodat lon , specia l as well as We want to ea rn your tra de on the merit. of 9ur servi ce and goods.
Christmas vacati on Dec. , 19 , Jan . 6. Ca11 In Offi ce Hours of Dea n of Women. I Monday, 9 :00 to 10:10 3:30 to you wil l always find ft 4:30 Tuesday, Wedne!'day and Thursday, 4:30 to 5:30 Friday, 1:15 to 2:-10 fu II s tock at Mackp1 ang's Hardware · One Ctttzens State 2Jank I • Banking fl1atters co ndu cted wi th Facility . and Accuracy. E. E. GOOD, President 0. M. GOOD. Cas hi er J. W. McADAMS, V. Pres. ANNA FARLEY, Asst Oa
(Continued from First Page.\ (Continued from First Page.)
TRADE AND SAVE MONEY touchback. Neither team scored room Farquharson's "Then Came THE PLACE TO during the third quarter. Still Evening On" gives the glow k d well")'• Fountain · The fourth quarter found both of sunset thru, the trees even on the Watches, C Joe s, e 1 teams gojng str_ong on defense and darkest day. In the art room ate f»ens. Stationery Supp es, opening up for scores. Peru play- "The Duck Pond" and School and Society Pins and Rtngs . ed safe and hard to hold their lead Autumn," .Kurzwelly; "Washing- Pennants, and Supphes th'ey ·had gained in the first quar- ton Monument," Guesin; and a Wi Jl order . f G G H J • J and spectacles. ter. Sharrar was injured and re- prmt o eorge ize, o - We repair pens, watcheil, Jewe ry moved from the game, Standley bein. anything we don't have and save you money. taking his place at end. In the administration building J. C. CHATELAIN. Peru. Nebr. our flying Dutchman, recovered a the .English room has a copy in ]ow driving kick and raced sixtY· color of Inness' ''The Home of the
five yards thru and around the Heron;". the modern language
entire Cotner team for his second room, a fine hand touchdown, this being one of his of Merker'S "Evening the
old tricks. The spectators were Rain," one of the most beautiful wanting this thriller and went of all our pictures; the: history wild with enthusiasm when the· room exceJJent photographs of big fuJJback made this brilliant "The:court of the Lions" from the run for another srore. Gately Alhambra, ''Ami ens Cathedral,''
$4.50 to $12.00 kicked goal. and and Suits CJeanE>d, Pressed A few moments later Gately, the room, photographs of Peru's fighting little quarter back, the Roman ft orum and the Castle set his team off for a long end run of St. Angelo.
and Repaired drawing the defense over. He In the registrar's office is a copy
made a quick cutback off tackleand of ''The Lake" by Corot; and in ran thirty yards thru the Cotner the faculty room two of Michell team for the third touchdown of Angelo Sibyls, an unusually good I
the game. He a difficult goal. Score, Peru 20, Cotner 0. Prante was hurt during this play and was replar.ed by Chase. Cptner was never within striking distance · of Peru's goal. That old Peru "pep" stood them off at a safe · distance.
Death of Rev. Hiram Burch.
The fo11owing letter is from Professor L. A. Quivey, department of the University of Utah:
colored copy of Raphael's Sistine Madon..na," and a little etching, 'Lower Broadway," by Nordfeldt. Sistine Madonna f.n the W. C. A. rest room was the gift of the Art Club, as are also th'e chapel pictures, St•. Mark's Cathedral and the ColoSSP.Um. With the exception of the "Water Nymph'' orr the east waif all the casts were pres(:nted by the club. St. George with his shield, with his scrolls, Medica with her emblems of wisdom and healing, "As an alumnus of thE> Normal and the portion of the Parthenon
I write to inform you of the death Frieze, Phydias' masterpiece, last evening of Rev. Hiram Burch, showing the group of Olympian a brother-in-law of first President 'deities seated above the east enMcKenzie, and w.ith whom he or- trance of the temple, and the Greek ganized the Methodist Seminary youths and maidens approaching which later· becam,e the first nor- from ei.ther side. for the mal school of Nebraska. If the tion of the peplum to the of ilie While we iliank ilie Artaub be accepted, Mr. Burch was the most for these generous prime mover in the organization gifts, Jet us remember th'at our of this Methodist school; but he best thanks are expresse<t· in our had nothing to do with the t-chooJ appreciation and enj 9y:mfmt of after its transfer to the state. He them. and may they, 'fi ke our 08 ks was a pioneer'minister in ka, and stood high in the regard and hills· of Peru·, htalp t!>· foster of the conference there. He was in us the Jove of the beautiful. nearly ninety year8 old. His body will be taken to Lincoln tomorrow. A Word of Thanks,·
•'I have furnished you with this I Members of the committee of Ininformation as J deemed it a part arrangements for the B.oys' Conof the history of the Normal, an h' f institution for Y..hich I have a great ference. wish take t ts o deal of friendship. 1 thought that expressmg thetr · apprecuttJOn of possi\>ly you might like the news the hearty support given to, the con .. for chapel exE-rcises, and for histor- ference:' by aJI ,who in any way COD•· ical . · tributed to its success.
•' WIth best Wishes for the success of the school, as well as for your own welfare, I am
''Very truly yours, "L. A. Quav.ey, '98, Asst. Prof., U. of U. ''
;I President Rouse has been in Lincoln this week attending a meetfnsr of the committee on the educational provisions of the new constitution. .
Get fern Scenery Cards of us when writing to your friends. They will be glad to see where you are attending college.
Fine assortment of Stationery, also with the Peru Pennant. When butigry see us for lunch goods. Fruits, Candies
Phone 78
Why Not Be?
A Football Coach?
A Monuol Trainin.e
A Baud and Orchestra Leader? Peru, Nebr.
A Lhorut-t and Glee Club Leuder? WHY NOI?
can be one or more of these if you accept the fine opportunities offered by the
Fourteen Boys Get Letters -Ras ch
Elected Captain -----,.....
From th e Peru Pointer: What is Mt. Vernon's New Attr action, is the Quest ion
The business men of Peru gave a I banquet to the Normal football team at the K. P. hall Th ursday evening, in rceognition of thl' team 's work on the grid ir on this year Coac h Speer and twentyfour of hi s warriors were the gu l' sts of honor, and there were present b t>si de s these fifty of th e busin ess men and faculty. It was a jolly crowd, as ind Ped it should hav e be en fo ll ow i ng a record made by the team of five victories and only two defeats. The menu was so mewhat en igmat ical , and per h aps some of our r eaders will enjoy ' figuring out from the fo ll owing what it was the crowd had to eat: Line smash, scrimmage, ye llow streak, downs , criss t:ro!'l.s clots of gore, on s id e, de layed pass. scrubs , cold f eet , and Doane's brown taste. Suffice it to say that the supper was a fine one and the crowd did full JU s tice to it It was se rved by Dr Van ce and F. J. Gilbert, while abont ten of the younger girls of the Normal acted as waite r s. Th e of toasts were as follows : Referee (toastma s ter) Radcliffe Wil li e Kelly; Th e Old Guard -"S he' s Looking at You" Version, Willie Davenport; Hitting the Lin e. Capt. L Ro e ttger; Ret urn to Ranks, 1920, " Sh if ty" Gatel.v: What Shall We Do, Curl ey ; Kn 1cks and Knockers. Frnhl ich; Pep. Sp eed Sense, "Pep" S nea r. The ent ir e program was th oroly enjoyed When Earle Fi sh er , "F'ro hlich," fini sh ed his talk, he uncov ered a fine rocker and preSl'nt ed it to Coac h Speer , on behalf of the business men, as a tokea of their app r eciation of hi s work, and the coach r esl'lo n ded, thanki ng th e men fur it.
Be fore adj ou rning, Coach Speer r ead the names of fourteen who had ea rn ed their letters. Th ey are Captain Roettge r, Gately, Cot· tie, Shaver, Ke nesch, Copenhaver, Rasch, Prante. Sharrar, Higgin s. Rosenqu i st Fisher, Standley, and Chase. These men then hal lotted, and elected Rasc h captain for next year. Al l but four of these men wi II be back next year.
of the Hour
Perhaps a hundre d times, nor care d to see."
Th ese work:; of our own day have thei r special i nterest f or us. However, the exhibit include s also, as it should , r epre sentative works by the gr eat m asters of the past. Most
1 of these ar e Rhow n in the so -call ed "Medici pr i nts ," a proeess of r ep r od uc tion re nd e ring m ost faith-
Thi s way, all students of phy s ic s! for plea!'u re, have this oppo rtunity fu l ly of any known , the colors of A pr ob lem for you Given : A br ought to them By matching a the g-r eat originals. hea d-on colli :.ion be tw ee n an i rre · few m inu tes as ca n, three or Th is is not all. One big table fo rce anrl an imm ovab le l f our times a da :v we may first will be loaded with bowls object,-w hat's th e answer? ' brows e abou t tQ get a genera l iclea and lamps in glowing blu es and He .re's th e stateme nt up to date: iu: the the n ::;elect a f ew and opals-a c ol le cti on of The irres ist ib le forc e equals th e Iptctur es of spec tal appea l for closer Tiffanv art glass valued at $300, descPnt of the co al shor tag e up on 1study. Th e seco nd of an included in the exhib it b_y the l!:nPc•·u. Th e imm ovabiP ohj e ct equa ls hour !:'pe nt before a ptct u re tS wort h eros ity of P er u' s good fnend. M1ss the determi nation of the F.ortnight- !100 percen.t than first, IKather i ne Woods, of the Lincoln ly Art Club to hold its exhibit as and the r atiO m creases. ;::,o by the Fine Arts Sh op And pottery and s che dul ed. Tru e, a woman oftPn end of the week we s hall hav e made smal l framed pictures make th e exl'rcist-:> th e priviiE>ge uf changing a fe N at lea st ou r ow n Surely exhibit rooms a fine place for her mind; but when she do es mak e th e lasting mem ory of a fine pictn re Christmas shopping. Pro gram of Talks. up ht-r wind it is an awfully hard -its C·lloring, i ts composition, its t hi ng ltl strak.:; allll -vhe ,1 fift1 ey· is <ol'l""hou r or - two, women hov e reacht:>d th e :;a rne de- even ro the busiest of us. The exhibit wil l be o_pen Wed• • • 1 n esday, Thursday and Fn day, 9:00 cts1or.-well. they refus l' to y1eld Ch f h Exl ' b't 1 2 00 2 00 6 00 d th 1 ar acter o t e 11 1 • to 1 : , : to : , an e the ri![ht of way ven to Old K1ng 1 , C 'I Thi s year , about half the wall· first two days from 7:30 to 9:00 I. · 1· h · E · d th 'f II h h t space will be devoted to oils. water 1n t e evemng •acn ay ere hts a m l' ans t at t e ex- · · h b 1 1 f h k colon; etchings and wnori- c uts by 1w ill be a talk , and the old t1mers 1 1 t p anner or t P. current wee • 1 b . 1 d 1 d ,. 1 d arttsts wh o are wnri<Jng I kn ow that the talks are a \e ry wll e gtv en as !t u e , ne · 1 h"b" . . t oday. Many of these are land- wort h- wh1le part of the ex 1 tt. n,s day, Thur sday and Fnday, 1n · Th h d 1 · f 11 · scap e sub jects. "Why go esc e u e 1s as o o ws: the dormit o ry parlors. of the faculty ro o m.
Sixte en yPar;; ago the Pe rn Fortnightly Art Cl uu h t- IJ its fi rst ex· hibition, and ma intained it
to lflok at landscapes'' so me one Wednes day, 4 :35 p. m.: American whl'n we have them all abo ut Landscape, Mi ss T ydeman. us in l'er ,t?" Browning th e 5:20 p. m. : How an swer int o the m nuth of th e are made (with painter monk, Lipp o Lippi, who s tration of process ) Miss Mu tz since as an annual af[air Once a Friday, cha pel hour: Tiffan y sa ys : yeJr , in other wo rd-. t r.ose of us "F ,, r. don't you mark? we'r "' Glass, Mlss Ellis. ..v .1 • already ca r t' f or g-oud pictures. made sn that we love I The Art Club, fo llo win g th e a nrl th 0se whn wi sh to enncn their F irst wh n see tht- m pai nte d. ! public -sp iriterl cu stom of years, liv es bv rlevPinni n <E a new capacl tv thttli!S we have pa ::::;"d Iwil l spe nd every cent of the n et Ipn ·ceeds in pictures to beautify ithe Nnrma l buildings. Let us eve ry one swe ll the fund by twentyfive cents-the price of a season ti cket.
Why I Attend the Art Exhibit. Because 1 do n ot wish to be the j only perso n in town to miss the g oo d things to be seen th ere, including. as it do es, many of the m usterpieces of the world's great-
est artists C. F. Beck For the same rea so n I attenrl a footb all game, n ame ly: to see and enjoy the express ion in ar t. When anything worth while is done for the love of the doing , it is a work
I(C ontinued on Third Page.)
THE PERU NORMALITE Halfbacks -Hare, Wesleya n; Cflldw e ll , Cotner; Walt , Midland
Entered at the Postofficc at Peru, Ne. Fullbacks - Dixo n, Cotner; bra ska as matter.
Publi shed Week ly by the Peru State Normal Baugh, H as t ings
Gately, Best Pilot $ 1. 00 per year. Sing le copy 5 cts
Gately of Peru is by far the best pi lot in the state. The Normal coil egA quarterback, according to reports of coaches, offic ial s and r oo te rs alike, is a heady, quick
thinker who ca n think of m ore strategy · than any veteran quarter===== 1back on a big university eleven
ITnr> Er>tTotoAL sTAFF. Bowers of York has oft en demonDorothy Mauck, '20 Editor. in ·Chi ef Rtrated hi s worth.-Omaha Bee
Get the name.
Alviua Amende. ·:w ... .. Editor At the close of the season the Paul Ben nett , Ediwr I conference sta nding s stood as fo
Fern Adams, ' 21 Assi stant Editor
Hay mon d H ul1er. '21. .VIg'r lows: Emma Woodie, sp :'vlg'r. .\Jail ing Dept. Team. Won. L ost. Pet
••E I' OIITE IIS: 1. York 6
Ce lia f.qrrancC' .\1ubel Dressler. Juni or :\lic e Sophomore ll ilrle)!ardr· Ycck Fresh111cn
Ida Fn rh·ricl1511n Specials & Trainers
Ll rn-rl l' r:onl<' Y .\1. C .•\.
Hel en Williams
Fern Fcn·cc Girls Clu
Ha st ingR
art icles accepted after R o'cl oc l( I F II h S J 1' I i\ll onday morning o ow1ng IS t e tate ourna s. ---·-- --=----=- ..: = select ion for all-state teams: J STATE PRESS ON PERU "PE PS." Fir st Team.
Seven teams are represe nted in th e myt h ica l all-state footbal l t eam
Mey ers, Yo rk, left end. Saladen, Cotner, left tackle selected by the Omaha Bee's foot 1 Corey, D oane, left g-ua r d. ball writer. F ol low in g is hi s se lec- 1 Carr, Wes leya n, cente r. ti on 0f the fir st and seco nd team s,j Block, Mid la nd, right and in the first Peru gets two I CarnR , Hasti ngs, right tackl e. places. · Kahm, Wesleyan, right end. First team. Gately, Peru , qua rte r. Meyrs, York, left e nd. 1 Hud s on, Wes leyan, left half. Hawk, Midland, left tackl e. Pan ek , York, righ t half. Benesch, P eru , left guard. Zimmerma n, Yor k, fullback. Carr, Wes leyan, center. Second Team. S hul l, Cotner, ri ght g-uard. Brown, Ha st ings, left en d. Corey, Doane, right tackle, Hawk, Midland, le ft tackle. Kahrn, Wesleyan. right end. Par ki nso n, Wesleyan, left guard. Gately , Peru, quarter back. John s ton, Doane, center. Pan e k, York, left ha lf back. Benesch, Peru, r ight Hur son, Wes leyan, ri g ht half. Maim, Wes leyan, ri ght t ackle Zimmer.oan, York, ful l back . H ami lton, York, right end Second team. Hull , Ha s ting-!', quarter Br ow n, le ft end. Garlt, H aRtings, left half. Sladen, Cotn e r, left t ackle. , Coffey , York , right ha l f. I Park i nson, Wes leya n, left g- uard ./ Cotner, ful l bat'lc , 1 Jo hn s ton, Doan P. , center. Parlu nsnn of Wes le.v an and Ben- j Mulvaney, York. right guard. esch of Peru the second 's Carn, H astings , right tackle. Parkinson , who played cen ter in
When in need of quality riug or . t Quality. Servtce, 11 at the l\'\ard1s !'- 01 e. ca Tr-e '"'tment with pure fresh Cou rt eous <.& ha s built our and t·eputatiun
Phone 25 :MA R DI S P honE, 25
We do
Film Devel op ing, Print Fini s hing, We sP il-K odaks, Films , Enla rg in g, Tint in g-. Paper, Etc. Ptompt Service and A1 qual i ty work. Ask for price iists Out of town orders given prompt attention. PERU, NEBR.
9Jlah ogany Lu mb er
We ju!-'t received a !"-h i plnent from Phi l iippine 1!"-for m<:1nual tt·-ti 11 i 11 wor· k
Meek 6urrvber E.Hy <:.afe and
( BARBi -,R SH0F AND BATH : Fisher's Drug Store I I First-cla ss Wo rkm en. Your Patr on age Solic i ted. j C. P. SCOVILL. Prop.
/ Whol es ale Di l' tribut o rs. N, br a >= ka C' i ty , Ne b. Hamilton, York, rig ht end. Ithe Midland-Wesleyan conte st , has
Bowers, York, quarter back. th e of. a stron g guard and
Gault, Ha s tings, left half back. when h1 s pep 1s once started he is Coffee, Yor k, right half b ack. Ia hard man to stop. Benesch of El l iott, Midland , full back. Peru wa·s one of Coach Speer's Ho nor a ble Mention: reli ables. Weighing- 190 pounds End s- Luby, Ha st in gs; Shar rar, cou pled wit h a fa st a nd clever sty le
Peru; Kennedy, Cotner. of act i on he has been a wrench in Ta ckles -Larso n, York; Maim, the oppos ing machine atte mpts at Wes leyan; Kr oft, · Kearney; Kay, the l ine Cotner; Hubka, Yor k. Johnson of Doane stands next Guards- Parks, York; Enkh, to Carr in conference centers. He Midland. has played consistent ball du ri ng Centers-Hewitt, Enke, the season , seldom being guilty of Midland. tCun tlnuo:J on Ln st P n.ge. J
Dry Goods, Furnishin·gs Shoes Groceries
We wi sh at thi s tim e to ca 11 your attention to ou r sh oes You can save money in this department.
Why I Attend the Art Exh ibit. 1 1ti on has be en de ni ed to many of ( Co nu nued trom F ir11 t Page.! us who were born and ed ucated in of art, it is a painting or I smlJ. I_le: town s of Nebra s ka. In a fo rw ar d pa ss. w. N. D elze ll. th1s ex h1 b 1t eac h of us has an opI port unity to broad en hi s ed ucationBeca us e it h el ps to satisfy the l 1 Tl f t th t · a ex pene nce. 1e ve ry ac a natu ra l era vi ng for beauty 1 d "I · t one 1s me me to say, oo no Because, thru the mediation of 1 f th" 1 b· " · th 1 care or 1s ex 11 1t , IS ecearthe ar tist, I gain a g reater joy in t f h t h h ld d h f e s proo t a e s ou spe n as t e out- o -d oors. many , hours as pos so bl e in the BecausE:: each vis it deepens my ro om with it. E. L. Rouse. apprec ia tion of the artist's real mes sage. Rose B. Clark. Brought Big Price
phy si cal sc ie nces, come and join u s. You ar e missing worthwhile th in gs wh en you a s ingle meeting. Yea bo!
Y. w. c. A.
Th at the girls of th e sch oo l tru ly appr e ci a te Mrs . Rou se was sh own last Thursday night, wh en Y. W. met in Mi ss Burley's room and fill ed it to ov e rfl owing. Every cha ir was occupied , even to the kind erga rt en chai rs, a nd not a few sa t upon th e floor; but th e was equal ly sp lenndid from that l ang le. Mrs. Rou se r ead sket ch es from El len Maxwell's book, "The Bishop's Co nversi on, " tel li ng of the li fe of Satara, a g irl of Jndi a, and her love for the mis s ionari es who Aad befri e nded her. The life of the se wome n of India cont ras ts so gre atly with our liv es that litt le nee d be sa id of ou r great unc ounted \.v ealth in ha v in g this country to call ou r own. Co me out to the joint meeting next Wedne s da y eve ning, pr epared to a sk ques ti ons or m ake sug estio ns.
Because I feel that Pe ru owes Th e ca ke which the F av Baker y - Regu lar Ev e nt s. m uch to the u ntiring effort!! of the j' made last week for th e f oo t bal l Fortnightly Art Club in brin g ing boys, was p ut up at auc ti on Satur -M
ondays, C ho rus , 5:40 to 6 :1 5., to us t he annual art ex hibit. Th e I day aft e rnoon, and sold , the p ro- Orch es tra, 7: 30 to 8 :1 5. our line of cor rect of its uplifting- infl uence 1 1ce eds turn ed in to help bu y Tu es da ys, Gir ls' Glee C lub, 8 :1 5 JS found on the walls of nearly 1 the boys th e ir le tt er sweate r s. The to 9. Boys' Glee C lub , 7 :30 every h ome in Peru. Ieak e broug ht $54 77 , w hi ch w ill to 8: 15. Ban d, 815. Ellia E. Good. mat e ri a ll y help out th e sweater Wedn es day s, C horu s, 5:40 to 6: 15. Or chestra, 7: 30 to 8 :1 5. Y. Sta tion ery
I have so man y good reaso ns f or !f und. The biddin g wa s spiri ted, !VI. C. A., 8 :15. By the box or pound. Just th e att end iing th e art ex h ib it that I and th e cake wa s finally captured Thur sdays, Y. W. C. A. , 7:15 to ha ve di fficu lt y in choo s ing on e. II by Copenhaver 8 :1 5. G irl s' Glee Cl ub, t hin g for tha t Birthda y Pr ese nt I N 1 8 :1 5 to 9. Boys' Glee Club, am fond of pictures it is like At th e o rmal a conte:: t was he ld 1 r 1 7:30 to 8 :15. Ba nd, 8 :1 5. m ee tin g old fr ie nds to see my ! to s ee which cla >s shou ld furni sh a Bi-month ly.
NOR.l\\AL STORE f avor i tes among the Old Mast er s; ; la dy to make th e pr ese ntation of I Student Counci l of Club and each time I fi nd som e thing / the cake to th e class , a nd vo tes The Mo nd ay even i ng before the Chase's Barber Shop more to e njo y in th em Th en, too, , wer e one cent eac h Thi s was won Second Tu esday of each month and I 't · 1 t k th i by th e senior class fo r Mi ss Clove r eve ry two weeks th er eaf t er at 9 :0 0 1
1 IS a p eas ur e o rna e e ac- · ' · ' P qua intan ce of th e Mode rn Artist's I a nd the pr ocee ds we n: $ 10 6.75, s· m. d F 'd Ph" ! th 8 1 • r: I eco n r1 ay, 1 oma ea n, wo r k, a nd to s tud y th e modern makm g a of $l6 I,uo 2 which o'c lock. Fourth Frid ay ,· th d f 1the ca ke bro ug ht to th _ sweater Pt11·Jomathea n 8 o 'clo ck 1 me o s o a rt expres sion. f d p p · t ' · Eli zabeth Cle (and. I un .__ - Monthl y. · B II 1 · ! Physical Science Club Meeting. S econd Tu es day, Girls' C lub , 11 :50. ecau,e , per. ona y, appr ef'late ! First Wedn esda y. Dramatic , f\ th e etl' \t rts "f the Fortn ig htl y Art ! Th e Phy si cal_ ScierJce. Cl ub m et Fir st Sa tur day, J. U. G. , 8. Clu b to h rin (l an arr exhibit to ou r laAt Monday mg ht to d1 scuss th e SpPc ial Eve nt s.
M i Is tead Base ment ALL WORK FIRSTCLASS
Full line of Toil ets on ha nd A. W. C HA SE, Prop. •'Let there be Li ght" st ude nts annrr a ll y. Th <: opportunity electr ic furn ace an d Bessemer. I A rt. ex hibit, D ece mb er 10. ll, 12. We t·J d·velop· uQr ae :; Jh etic appr ecia- 1 If y ou are interel; t ed in th e Fre shman par t y, Saturd ay , Dec. 13. have a nice !m e of Electric L amps, Flas hli g hts a nd Ba t te ri es. Phil o, Friday, Dece m ber 12. ... -Fac uli} y--& Fr l· Ch ri s tma s vaca"t ion Dec., 19, Ja n. 6. 0 u i, '-" Safe ty Raz ors and Blad es, Skates, It i ,: a ma tt er of pl eas ure a nd pr ide wit h us to Office Hours of Dean of Women IP oc l< et Knive s and Ma nual Tr ai nin g m Het vour ever.v nee d, in .o urlin es, ina Monda y, 9:00 to10: 10 3:3 0to l Hardware. ma nn er to accommodate you O ur e ntir e bu s i- 14:30 · ness po li cy is sh aped hy thi s ambition. I We dne s rlay a nd Th ur s- Buy, yo ur goo ds in Peru. On th at account we sol i cit reques ts for ecco mm odatlon, spec ial _4 :.3° to. 5:30 ., lM ck prung's Hard wa re as well as or rlin ary. We want to ea rn yo ur trade on th e I Fr1d av , 1.1 5 to 2 .10. a me rit of o l.l r serv i ce and goods.
The new deposito•· is assured personal attention and service at this bank
E. E. GvOD, Pr es id e nt 0. M. GOOD. Cashi er J. W. McADAMS, V. Pres. ANNA FARLEY, Ass-t
CATCHES FROM THE CLASSES during a century, he will reach the
Is it only the trained art student number 1,296,000,000, or 'little who can appreciate beauty? Peep over ·one billion. In other words, :·the art· rooms this week and if the wealth of "John D." could you.will be convinced this is not sc;>. be arranged in a mass of silver Bt:;auty may be created and enjoyed dollars,· and one were to count this in a hundred ways by one who has money at the rate of one dollar learned its a b c's. second, worki"ng ten hours per day.
Look at the beautifully lettered he would be unable· to complete the and dP.corated recipe and kodak count. in his lifetime. books just finished by the grammar Again, suppose that an automatic grade drawing The Christ- machine began registermas cards they are making now ing the seconds of time with the show finer feeling fQr the elements birth of Christ•. If the machine of beauty than do many seen in worked twenty-four day, shops. 'arid -registered every second
, Ask to see the display cards, the of Christ to the models for grammar grade work, time, the number would suggested by .the gold fish at a be less than 60 billion. Haa .the local dealers. The dealer was machine commenced work forly shown these eards and is now using centuries C., it would rllgister, in his window· the one he consider- today, less than one-fifth of a ed best. liop.
· Examine the which an- It requires thirteen or nounce the annual exhibit of the figure, places to express thf .DumFortnightly Art Club.· They were ber "one trillion," while it re-
made'by special art students. Does requires sixty-four, or nearly five not your aesthetic self respond to times as many, places to the fine feeling these. show for the the number "one vigintillion." art of advertising? The unity What is a viigntillion? But a I attained in each sheet as a whole 1 vigintillion is as an atom compared is noteworthy. The lettering, un- I with "infinity." Then what is I usually well executed, is bo Id and infinity? forceful. The decoration--well, don't you like it? · State Press on Peru
Be sure to see the stenci lied sofa (Continued from second pillows turned out by the domestic a bad pass to the back field. arts design class. Do vou th•nk putting up a strong any member of the will ever which resulted in a victory over buy one of the sofa pillow atroci-1 Peru: Other strong cPnters are ties so frequently seen in shoos Hewttt of York. Roettger of Peru after learning what constitutes and Hageman of Cotner. The beauty in these useful and comfort- latter ir::: a veteran of many battles able things? Or better still have on the griciiron this same show you the At the wing positions Brnwn of eon sets they expect to finish be- Hastimrs and Hamilton of York fore Christmas. You will beg for are. to be found. good playand invitation to sit at the table ers are Ludy, Hastings; Mumford, made cheerful and gay by the.se Cotner: Sharrar, Peru.
The Chatelain Jewelry Store
THE PLACE TO TRADE AND SAVE MONEY • Watches. Clocks, c.Jewelry. Fountain . t=-ens. Stationery S.chool Supples. School and Society Pins and Rings Pennants, Flashlights and Supplies Will order We repair pens, watches, jewelry and spectacles. anything we don't have and save you money.
J. C. CHATELAIN. Peru. Nelbr.
Suits Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired
colorful things. · The 1919 season was a grflat year \\?ho says art is not practical? for Every conference'----Who says that beauty in the things had a .fullback. of I
of every day life is unimportant tearmg m oppo;;mg lineSj or and unattainable': smashing interfPrence on a play. __ The. leading fullbacks were Zim"Billion," "tri Ilion,'' ''quad- merman of Ynrk. Dickson of',..It. riUion/' ner, Peru ;r-- J· ion:'' and "infinity," are words land and Baugh of Hastings.--!' ;j ·
eastly rattled off without the least --. · _ ·i Juntor ·Notes -· ·· notton of their signficance in · · : regard to number values. .Tnn.rsday, at the Mliss In order to try get some little Rose _Clark g_ave a very I aP,preciation of number one anci ve talk on. 1 of ·the mathematics classes invest- some of tts characteru:ntcs We I igated to see what counting woulci to have Miss Cla1k tall5/tc).!\Js I show... Supposing that one count agam. ;1 I at. the. rate of one per· second, he I Thursda:, at 12 I wtll count sixty in a minute or tragtc Hawanan PrinSf:lOO in an hour. If heputs,ina be.given December Jrl. ten hour day· he will count S6,000. at JUnwr chapel. Chapel will ;be In one month be will have. counted held permanently in Miss Har·
1,080,000, and at the end of the mon's bufla- •s er year he will have reached 12 960 • All JUntors wtll receive com· J. 000 h 'l h ld h )' , , ph seats at this perform• w 1 e s ou e tve to count ance. · ··
So uth ea stern Neb ra ska Boya ' Meet,ing a Success
Peru was p ro ud to be host ess to th e Older Boys ' of Hi Y Clu bs of so ·lthea <:.t e rn Nebr aska on No vem be r 2 8, 29, and 3 0. Th e w:l' lle atfd ir was quite a nrl t he b oys a ll re marked that they had had a splendid time . The pr ogr am wi th such leaders as the R ev C. E Co bbe y, L. C. Obe rli eR, a nd Pa ul H. McKee , th e sta te secre tary of boy s' work of the Y. M. C. A., was i ns pirin g a nd s trength e ning to say t he leas t.
Wh en the state boar d cast ab out
f or a meeting po in t in thi s pa rt of I
BOY S' CONFER ENCE OF SOUTH E AS TERN NEBR ASKA the s tate Peru was cho sen because of her we ll know n s pi ri t anrl pe p. I vijZ or, ma ny sub mitt i ng to th e: to_ he met and so lv ed by of a Vic e Pr es ide nt , Ste wa rt Ba ll e r, Sh e mad e a huge effort not only Iavailab le " ::econrl s. " Th e ba se- 1 s ttll grea te r per so n ali ty. By Dewi tt to re ta in th is g ood r ecord but to / ment was fi ll e rl wi th la_ughter and means of s pl e nd id ill ustra ti ons Mr. Se cr etary, Wende ll Ber ge, Li nimp ro ve it a 11rf arid to it- ye lling fo r th e cook.q , th e fa ir <"l ear how the UPi te d Friday Eveoio2, Iwa it er s, th e "eats," etc., givi ng I S ta tt>s has h ee n p lace d u po n a pin -1 Satu;day Mornin p:. way fi nally to a most st irr ing ad-! n arl e by Eur ope and h ow the peo- j Th e ses!l ions of th e co nfe rence
Most of th e boys were h igh 1 dr ess on •' Am e ri ca's Ca ll to Young. pie loo k u po n us as th e i de al. W hat I opene d in th e lectu re r o01 o of the s ch ool ju nior s a nd senior s, no one · b . d f f Manh oo d, " hy Rev. C. E. Cobbey an opp ortunity we h ave as a nat ion I tra inin o- !'C h oo l with seve ral se lece mg un er o urt ee n years o age 1 1 "' . . of Om ah a. to g UJd e a nd (!Jrect! Here 1s cl ea r1 ti ons by the No r ma l "J azz " Or-
a 1 wer e ust e y t e._ oca Jg ·
Th ey a rr1v ed on the evenmg trams , 1 J h I d b h 1 1 h' hI In a m os t impr essive ma nner ly a ca ll for r eal men to g u1d e and I ch est ra In the abse n ce of M r.
s ch lO I oy:: an oy cou s o e I 1 • • 1 •
b d B S t t th Mr. Cob bey mad e clear th e gre at du cet ! Her e c lea r ly 1s a ca ll fo r: Oherlies Mr Mi cke lwr ight of
f I f th d t t" pr ese nt need for me n; real, un se l r ea l men, men b1gge r th an th e 1r Om aha ope n ed a roun d t ab le d isac u ty room o e a m m1 s ra 1on 1 •
b 1 d. H th t fi ;h, clean Chn s t1 an men w1th a money, mPn who w il l help kee p us c ussi on of Hi y Club probl e ms u1 ln Q' e re ey we re reg1s e rd d h pe r so na li ty and wi llin g to s ta nd d e!' er vm g ly upon th1s pinnac le 1n Ea ch hoy w rot e a qu es tion on a
e an se nt o ut to t e va r wu s , 1 h 'lmes of Pe ru for ente rtain ment. alone. The big n at iona l pr ob lems the ey es of the world l pi ec e of paper. Sin ce the aim of of toda y- the la bor tr ou bl es , th t' 1 The eve nin p: close d w1th the an- th ef'e club f' is to "creat e. mai ntai n, In t he base 11e nt of th e Methodi st 1 ch u rch we re loaded with coal s tr ike, I. W. W. and Red I by the I and e xt e nd thru out the !'cho ol a nd cr ea med ch icken a nd all th e deli ci - up ris in gs, e tc . -ca ll for me n of J comm 1tt ee of the fo ll owmg offi ce r s, co mm un i ty st an d ard s of th is t ype. fo r th e co nference : 'Chri st ian chara cte r, " most of the 0;1s trimm ings . At ei ght the hun-
1 gry visitors set to wi th yo u t.1ful
But in ad diti on to these nationa l Pr es iden t, St anl ey Ful lwoo d, , qu es ti ons had a di r ec t hear in g up on pro bl ems there ar e worl d pr obl em s Wymore. :the acco mnli s hm ent of t hi s ai m.
I Th e d ea lin g w it h sm ut and talk in the locl<e r r oo ms, p rofa ni ty , ciga r ette smo l< in l,!" dice, at te nd ing 1 meet in gs r eJ2"u lar ly, Bi ble s tudy , I I game!\ for we ekly m ee tm gs etc.• are examp les of th e li ne of discus, sio n. Th e boy!\ r ece i ve d ma ny : !,!"OO d for the !'O lu ti on
I of the ir local pr ob lems from the 1 exc hanQ'e of irleas a nd expe r ieceQ "3 : of th is
I Mr . Howie, he ad of th e ma themat ics rl epar t me nt of the Norma l, ' in a f ew words to ld of th e prese nt I (Co nt inn Nl on Third
R esolution s.
1 R eso lve d: That th e Sout heas te rn Nebr as ka Ulrl er Boys ' Confe re nce a!'se mbl ed here in the fina l meet'': ••n t iunrt1 nn c::c•:n11rl l':IJ.,!'<: l
PE}{ U, NEB RA SK A, T UESDA Y, D ECEMBE R 16, 1919.
Entered at Postoffice at Per u, Nebraska as second-class matter.
Publi shed Week ly by the Peru State No r mal $l.OO per year. Single copy 5 cts.
m ade our s tay here so very enj oya ble and profitable:
First:-To the homes for entertainment which they have so kind ly furni s hed.
Second :-To the Methodist Church b oa rd anti mini ste r for th e ir kindness in allowing the conference the us e of the building for the banquet and Sunday meet-
"1' 11 1!: i!I>ITOIOAI.
Dorothy Mauck, '20 Editnr-in·Ch icf
IThird :-To the good women who so efficiently l:lerved the banqu et night; also the women who serve d the leaners ' break-
Alvina Amende, '20 Edito r fast Sunday mornin g.
Paul Ben nett ':ll Editor Fourth :-To the Girls' Club of the Pern Adams, '21.. Assistant Editor Normal f or th e party \{aym ond H uiTc r. '21. 13usinc!'!< .\1,!!'r
E mma Wood ie, sp Mg'r ;..1ailing Dept given Satu rday even in g.
Celia Lnrran cc Senior
Mabel Ortl'slcr Junior
t\li cc Gia!',!!OW
llild cgarrl<' Yccl< Fre!'hmen
lrl a 1-'n:ch:rick so n Specia ls & Trainers
Ll ov rl Pran te. Y M C ..-\.
Hel en vVilliarns ,. \' \V ., ·. !\.
' Fifth :-To the Peru Nor mal for the use of the bu i ldings for meetin g-s
Sixth : - To Pe ru business men for their int erest and support.
Sevenlh :-To the mini!'ter s of Peru
Fern l;irls C lub for their l:lUppo rt. /
Get the name
When in ueed of quality gt·o{;e.-ies, riug or call at the Mardis Qui:dity, Servt ce, Courteou s Treatment with pure has bu ilt our at1d reputation Phone 25 MARDIS Phon£ 25
Eighth:-To the Normal facu l ty We do
We st-> 11 Kodaks, Erma W il so n Philomath<>an
Della Weat herh og"g Drama ti c C lub men f or the gr eat he lp given all thru th e confe r E>nce.
Ca th erine Liencm an . .J. U. G
Gre etings.
To the hunnr ed or more hoys who e nrol led in the boys' confere nce, we dedir.ate to you thi s i ssue of the Normal i te
In this hour of joy in the wprld '!'e send you the g reetin gs of th e sc hooL This Chri s tmas number is se nt to ea ch of you bepause we want you to know wha t joy you brot to us t. he conE ach and eve ry home wher e you stayed r emembe rs your v isit as that of friends.
We hope every boy in attE>ndance enjoyed us as much as we did you We appreciate th e way you e nt E>red into our P er u life and took to our P er u spirit. We hnpe that so me day your conference wi II meet with us again.
A Regret.
The "cut" for our big friend, Ober l ies, who wa s a big factor in the success of th e B11ys' ence, did not r E:>ac h us. But we ho pe to ha ve it for another iss ue.
P rayer.
They pray. To whom ! To God. Pray to God '! What is meant by that?
To place , by proc ess of th o ughl, the infinite below (the soul) in contact with the i nfinite above, is ca lled "prayer.
-V ictor Hugo in Les Miserab les.
Re so lutions,
<Continued trom First Pac-e.) i ng go on r eco rd as expressing ,d ee pest thank s and appreciation to the peo ple of Peru for all the '·courtesies exte nded _which have
Ninth : -To all speakers an d leaders, especially Mr. Ober l ies, Mr. Co bbey, Mr. McKelwright and Coach Speer.
T E> nth :-To Peru Hi Y Club and Normal Y. M. C. A. for great assista nce at a ll tim es.
Eleventh :-To Mr. Gabe l, Mr Hohman, Mr. Holch, Miss Wil so n and the quartet and orch estra f or mu s ic.
Fina ll y :-Be it reso lved that thi s conference go on record as stand ing four square for clean sp!:!ech, clean athlt>tics, cl!:!an scholar s hip and cl ea n livin g, an d that we wil l always E> nrl eavo r to ho ld the s tandard s high and continu e our training fur Christ ian leader s hip.
Film Dev elop ing, Pr in t Fini s hing, Enlarging, Fi)ms,
]. U. G. Christmas Party Pap
Littl e green bells jauntily tied with r ed ribbon su mm oned the J. U. G. g irl s to our Xmas party, l<J st Saturday. at e>;pressin n ha ll. Tl1e hal l was festooned with red and gr ee n the fir ep la ce he ld t hirty bul g y, and m ys teriou s s tocking-s I
Tinting. Etc
Ptompt Service and Al quality work. Ask for price ii s ts Out of t own orders gi ven prompt attent io n. PERU, NEB R.
97/ahogany Lumber
We have rece i v e d a s h i pmen t from f>hi l lippine Islands fut· manutll tr"'lining work
Meek .6urnber E.o.
€ity <.:.afe and Baker>y
Baseme nt Fi sh er 's Drug Store Fir s t-class Workm e n. Your Patron age So licit e d. C. P. SCOVILL Prop
We wer e ente rtain ed by all manner Wholesa le Di s tr i butor s. of Chri st mas games. After the StuJents NPbra s ka C it.v, Ne b. fro Ii c we gat her ed around 1he fir e. ___ place and blew sn ap hubbie s. Finally th e fir ep lace was robb ed of its wher e up on eac h gir l was given an oppo rtunity to investiga te its conlents. Th e mars hma ll ows were toasted by canrlle light, whil e we munch ed our popcorn balls. Litt le jug-s of hr ow n paper with the gi lt let te rin g J. U. G. were fuvorl:l.
All of our J. U. G. m ee tin gs have been enjoyabl e, but I am certain eve ry J. U. G. wou ld vote the Christmas party the m ost memorable of them a ll.
3. How can y ou cl ean up th e 110 :3 0. Mr. L. C. Obe rl ies ac ted I sp et> ch of th e fe ll ows in .l ocke r Ias supe rin te nd e nt. The fo ll o win g
IJece u JI ,. r lli. 191 9 W Cl d p t = ==-=- --=--==--====:::-:::=
Iroom s; school gro u nds , and 1n fa ct le ad ers had charge of classes : I
eve r yw here?
arr ingto n, 1ar , ran e,
4. Wh at is th e fee li ng of all on Th o ma s. a nd Shave r. There were th e use of c iga r ettes to and f rom 74 in atte nda nce. a nrl th e cn ll pc t i nr h ig h sch oo l? was $6.43 . Mar k Del ze ll of Pt-rP
5. Wh at is th e best method of 1g av e an int e rf's tin g ta lk un Ca mp
Bibl e sr urly?
I She ld on.
j 7. a bo ut g am bl in g ar o und I The de legat t: s att en derl chu rc h at s cho ol? j l 1 o 'c lock at the Bapt i:: t, Metho j 8. How sho uld Hi Y o ffi cer s be Id is t, an rl C hri s ti an c hur che s. Mr cho se n so th at undesi ra bl es are nut I Ob e rl ies pre ached at th e Ch ri ,: t ia n /p ut in offices? churc h.
9. Wh at ar e other Hi Y clu bs do ing?
Afte rno on
J. M. How ie, profes sor of mat h- The rl ele ga t es m el a: the Met h o-
. t p N mal wh ohas ldist ch u rc h at 3 oc lock ThP ! ema tt cs a e ru or • · · · of r he deleg at es le
Ib ee n in Y.
What mak es t e s een on t 1e spar -, who was
Senior Note s. I ? ) took ch ar ge: of the me et in g. He ing snow. jec t, was un a bl e to be pre se nt. T hur sday, D1•ce rn ber 11 the proIt's th e pPace in our h app y hear ts : Pr es id t' nt R uu se f ol lowed wi th a m ari e a fin e talk to th e boy s, touch- g-ram at cia,. ., cha pe l consisted of ag ow. t al l< on col lt g-e wurk. He exp am "' thr l:'e numb t:' rs. Th e num er I I I in tr on a nu mb er of i mpor t an t h
Wh I h h 'I I · th t'n rr thin gs He Pmph asi7. ed th e im p.:> r , at ma <est e t. rJ m e 1 , ed the nec e:os 1ty of bo . ys go in g tu a pa n tom ime, "Th e Coque tt e ' t an ce of clean li ving and cl ean ling a ir ? I co l leg-e, and ur ge d that the Hi Y Al t ho it is on e which ha s hePn
It's the glarl good w ill t hr obbi ng I cl ubs exe rt th e ir tnfl ue nce in ge t- to su cce!'s in lif e. Ar p la yed m an .\· t im es it al wa ys affo rd s ev er yw her e. ting boys to go to co lle g e. • n ew amu sem en t. Th e ca st: I . t he conc lu sion of Mr CJb e rli es'
Wh at mak es the joy of th e Ch ri st- Th e next sp eake r was Mr Pa ul ta lk bo .vs s ign ed ca rd s Th e unfo rt una te La dy, Cel ia Lomas tid e? H. McK ee . He ex plain ed th e wo rk- the ms e lv es to follo w the Ch ris tian ra n ee ; Fir st Gentlema n, (lat er a
It 's the love as br oa d as th e wo r ld ing of t ne Amer ica n C hr is ti an C iti- lif e. t ab le (,G eo H ey wo od; Se co nd GenMr McK ee m ad'e a f ew anz en s hip Trainin g. He la id .:!p eci al · tl eman (lat er a hat ra ck ), E st her A. Cl ar k. e mph as is on the cha rting plan no un ceme nt s about. th e .eve nin g H ack e r; Thi rd Ge nt lem an (late r an is w id e. wh ic h is used un de r thi s new pro- m ee tin g a nrl th e se ss io n adJo urn ed arm chai r, B. Cop enh ave r; Fo ur th Minutes of Older Boys' C uo fer eace Ea d: deleg ati on then he ld a sepa r- G tl . ( 1 1 ·n t il e a rm ch ; , g ram. 'd h . . en eman w 10-
P N b N b 28 1919 at e me r- t1ng to ron st er t e tr m- . ) '·V e ru , e r ., ov em er · · At 11 :45 th e m ee ttn g ad) o urnt:'d 1 but a very ff'w mtn utes. v a11 e All of th e delegat es had n ot ar- to hav e th e gr o up pi cture t al<e n. di v id ua l pr oblem s. ISte ph enson; The Mai d, Mi ss Fa l. ri v ed and th e p ri nc ip al e ve nt of Aft I Evening Th e clim ax was very exci li n gtmp o rtanc e was th e banquet at t ne . b The se rvic es at the Me th od 1st and a g oo d r ep r ud uc t1 on of the 1 ern oon. 1 ' Th e aftern oo n w as spe nt m as-
Me th od ist chur ch 1n the e ve n1ng. h d h h chur ch we re gi ve n ov er to th e con- "d ow nfa ll of ma n." Rev. C. E. Cob b ey of Om aha was 1 ! ket ball at t col leg eUan 1 .g feren ce. After th e singing of a Th e Gi rl s' Qui nt et tJ,a t s ch oo l gy mna s iUm s, 01 vers lly th e spea ker. He tal ked on the 1 • h few hym ns Re v. Samu el Mtll erof gou d ol d son g, "Sm ile :;. " They Plac e won tll gh es t hon ors 10 t e need for men 10 rec ons truct iOn and . f h . th e Bapti st Ch urch offered pr aye r. put pe p in to it :wd showed u., w hn t d cont es t s, defe ating all o t e 1r opo th er w ork. Office rs we re elec te
A q ua rtet rend ered a se lec ti on 1 g oo d-l ook in g s mi les have.
Fo ll o wi ng is the resu lt: pone nt s. which was f ol lowed by th e rea di ng·Th e g- i. !s were 8m ma Ke ll y, Al rn a Pr es ident, Sta nley F ul lwood, E vening Session at High School of re so lu tio ns th a nking the pe op le Gri ffi n. Dag ma r Bnnde. Matt ie Wy more. Th e m ee ting wa s op e ned at 7: 15 of Pe ru fo r th e sp lend id tr ea tm et G api n and My nl e Ku hn . As a fi nal V ice presi de nt, St ew art Ba ll e r, with a few sel ect ion s by th e orc he s- giv en th e co nf eren ce me mb ers d ur- num be r to all of t hi s fu n Belle Dewi tt. J tra and a s hort so ng service. S ho rt ing th eir stay. The r esoi uti ons Eri sm an as Un cle J os h, an d Fe rn
Secr e tary, Wen del l Berge , in-, s ent e nce pray er s we re th en o ff ere d we re u na nim ously a do pt ed. Ferr ee as au nt Mi ra n tl y told scme coin. j by differe nt members of th e con- Mr. McKee t oo k th a rg e.o fjof th e ir "' spe ri en ces in th e city, Sa turd ay, Nov 29. fe renc e. t he m <:. eting an rl aft er a fe w mm · 1 by g um !"
u h' h h 1 l Wen de ll Be rge, of Lin co ln, t hen utes ga ve e ac h boy a chan ce to tell Th e com m itt ee are do ing e xrel l- .orm ng s es s iO n at tg oo "Wh R Sh ld
The pro g ra m w as open ed at 9, read a on Y a oy " ou what he had gathe re d out of th e ent wo rk in ge tt in g up th eir en· I k 'th h ; Be Artl ve m the HI y Clu b. Mr . co nf er ence an rl wh at he in te nd ed to te rt a inm et :: an d th e sP niors as a o c. oc w1 as o rt song ser vrce , 1 • f . f II d b f I t b th McKe e foll owed w1th a ew m m- do when he reac h ed home. N ea rl y wh ole sho ul d be con grat ul at ed for o o we y a ew se ec tons y e 1 ba nd . Mr. Chard nf W ymo re pro- I utes t alk about Camp Shel do n. A eve ry boy sp oke, and pro mi s ed to e nt e rin g in an d t ak in g par t wh en d th 1 telegr am was r ea d from th e co n- do a great many th in gs Th e p rin- asked. no un ce e 1n voca t to n. 1 • • • A d d 1 fer en ce at Fa ir fie ld se ndm g gr eet- ci pal thin"'s we re to try to sta mp Th e co mm ittee ne xt w ee k co n- n mv Jt at tO n wa 3 rea an ac- "' t d f th G 1 , CJ b f ings and be st wish es for de ve lo p- ou t ciga re tte smok in g, cr ap sh oo t- sists of Miss Randa ll, Mag ne- cep e rom e 1r s u o P t . th . me nt of Chn s tan cha r ac ter. in g, and p ro fanity. The b oy s r ea l- s 1n a nd Mr. Pra nt e. Th e r ommit ee e ru , to a par y 10 e gy mnastum t 9 30 , 1 k S t d . 1 Mr. L. C. Ob e rll es , th e sp ea ker i ze d th ey had a bi g j ob on th e ir wa s a nn o un ced also fo r th e a : o c oc a ur ay even ng. E E M K I ht th b , k of th e eve nmp: , th en de lt vered h1 s ha nd s, but a ll seemed dete rmin ed w ee k a ft er vaca ti on: Mr. Ste ph e n- . . c e wng , e oy s wo r Iadd ress. He spoke of the need 't to a fin '1sh M' s· k and M1'ss Se id se cr etary for the Om aha Y. M. C. h 'd k to ca rr y I · s:m, 1ss · 1c · "' today for men w o ar e WI e awa e. Mr. Obe rl ies th en s pok e bri e fly Th e s eniors have d ec id ed to take
A., t oo k of th e m eet wg 1 • • • f d f H' y ,., 1 b k He p o1 nt ed out how bad Jt 1s to on the s ubj ec t "In gro wn So ul s ." th e su gges tion gi ve n in jo int Y. or ISCUSSIOn 0 I v U WOT • • was te time Th e m eet mg a d] o urr.- He laid espec ial st res s on th e fact M. and Y. W. co ncer ni ng d ev oti oned at 9 :30 to a tte nd th e girls' th at th e b oys must make goo d th e ir al s in cl ass chape l. We ar e hopin g
Fo ll ow i ng ar e the questio ns co ns id ere d:
1. Wh ere can d es ira bl e ga mes be fo und for Hi Y me etings '!
2. How c an the fe ll ows be ma de to t ake the w ork s erious ly ?
party in the chap el gymnasium . pro mi ses, and wh en they me et ea ch o ne will help out wh en reSunday Mornin2, Nov 30. obstacle s th ey mu st not e as lly be- qu ested. The confer e nce S unday sc hool co me di sco ur ag ed. 11ervices wer e held from 9 :30 to This en de d the co nfere nce. Most Pa tr o ni ze o ur Adv er tiser s.
Girls' Glee Cl ub. I
F or a se cond tim e d i ·aster ha s over ta ken t he plan s of th is mu s ical
Last year it was the "fi u", whic h ann ulled the m ee ting of th e S tate Teach er s' Assoc iation , at which t he girls were to have sun g. Thi s winter it is the cnal and th e attt!ndant interruption of train se rvic e, which has caused th e cancellat ion of a fine lin e of co nc ert wh ic h were to have been fill ed this week.
No r Pv e n:e. however, ha s been per mir ted to with r ehearsals or ciim th e art ist ic e nthu siasm of as fin 'e a co mpany of si nge rs as eve r re pre se nt ed the Neb ra :-: ka Sta te Nnrmal Scho ol. GlancP. ove r the following- pr og ram, to be pre · sented as a "bu dge t" numb Pr Tues day e ve'li n., !.J, ct-mbe r 16, in th e Monnt Ve rn on dini .ng !'OOm:
E.tud :ant in a La co mh
Se re nata T ost i
Fe rn J on es
Song Hatt on :\'la J:mc tic Waltz Arditti
Mrs. Hnu ;;e In th e Gloam in g
Darkie 's Cradl e So ng
P 1an o·-To Spring
Mr. H olc h
Many pe o pl e a mJr e · ''New
d · d especially
Sargent's qui e t, sm ce reJanel Hi lls" and will be glad to h" ar that t hi s painting has been b- ght bv the art d epartm e nt Th e Fou . htly Art Club d ec id ed to ort n1 g · fifty do ll a rs in Van Vree- 1n vest ItS I d • • ' Shep he rdess ." So this an s attrac tiv e wa te r col or wi 11 rem am .Je re f c. r tl. e schoo l to e njo y, othe r evi, : ence of the clu b's WISe gener osity.
The J oin t Meeting
The secon:"J jo int me et ing of the C hri st ian organizatio ns was held la st Wedne s clay evening. Miss IR iecke r' th e lead e r, pr o ved he rself very tactful in concli,;cting an open for um. S he bri efly to ld that th e o bject of th e m eeting was to allow any stu de nt or fa culty memb er to ma ke any he lp ful for t he school and to discuss them ther e. Th e questions were dh id ed
in to two gro ups: th ose c oncernin g
h · g ------:--
th e social I i fe a nd t o se con cernm
Ech oes of the Exhibit. l li g htfu l interpr e tar ion of the rca- th e re lig ious l ife of the schoo l. A In !'p it e of such as 1 1 sons why Tiffa ny gla ss is esteemd f .:!w of tl .e ques ti on s were:
bitter weather and a hurried c hanll"e 1 beautif ul, - each one le ft e h ear - "Sh ou ld there be more social acH arriso n of th e Fo rtnightl y Art ers wi th an in creased capa .: i ty for tiviti es in sc h oo l ?" "Are th e reli-
WheeiP r Cl ub counts la st wee k's ex hibit di s('e rnin g o bservatini1, he nce wit h gious organizations worth w hile "!" Gri eg fr om eve ry standpoint. Ian incr eased plea s ur e in l ooki ng ''Sh o uld cla ss chape ls have de vo-
In th e fir st place. th e re wa s an 1 at the a rti st's cr e ati ons It is a tions? '' All were good questions
Ser n·t ie Schub e rt d · unu suall.v intelli ge nt and apprecia -! plea sur e to expr ess our indebted n ess and brot out much live ly Jscus-
Mr s. Sey bolt
S elec t ed ' tive enj oym ent on the pa rt of th o e /to busy people wh o f oun d t im e s on. At the close Presid ent Rou se privi leged to stu dy th e beau tifu l to do the re st of us th is se rvi ce. t old of th t- value of th e re li g io us
u....g- la,; Heriorl ia rl e Mar sto n 1 pic tur es Th e sale l•f 214 sea so n I From the s tandp o int of dollars or ganiz a ti on s, as king a ll to take
E rm a Wil so n
J Jani ra Tr.e Owl anJ the Pussy Ca t
My Deal e,t Hea rt
Mas se net tickets s how er! a gen erous d es ire 1 and cents, th e ex h ib it wa s ar. so me part not on ly in schoo l aeto _co_ -ope rate in t_he c lu b's public- lu, ually imp or tant one, bei ng valu- t vi l ut also in th o se of the Norton sp mted Ev t•n more ed at ab out $80 00 00 A dist inc- loc ::d churches. Three s pecia l mus i-
De Kove n imp ortant, th e frequ e nt pr ese n ce i tiv e feature was th e large nu mb. r cal nu mbers were g iv en dur ing the of the tic ket- holde rs in th e gallery I of originals-tifty ·four wa te r co l- me etinp- Students and faculty Sul l ivan 1
Mr. House pr oveci that the exh ihit was r ec og- ors , "' ght o ils ( including th e memb e rs mis s some thin g worth
Whe n the Li ttle One s Say n ize d as an occasio n of excep t ional ' 00 Re dfield), fift e en etchings whil e whe n th ey stay a way from "G ood ni g ht' ' p k pl ea!'ure a nd profit. And th e re we re in blaek and white (am ong th em s ch meetings . Let us all be o ut ar s I d h · · d" 'H b ' · "d f · J Per so nne l of the Club. arll"e an e nt us1ast1c au amces 1 orn y : v1VI war scenes) , t en or the one 10 anuary at each of th th r ee talks. I e tchings in color, and a group of First so pran os :- Pa nsy Me· Th ose delightf ul talks d ese rve a 1 Be r th a Lum 's charming wood cuts. Jones, Abba Wi liard paragraph to t ht"m se lve s. Th e do m- , The oppnrtuni ty afforded to comB.nve n, Li l ian House , Alice Ken · inan t thought in each see med to pare processes was incide n ta lly keento n. Pau line Sc h ro ede r, Cora Clove r, be , not to give inf ormation, b ut to ly int r est in g. Bu t the essnti al pleasMo na Ke it h, Ada Schmicit. g uide the liste ners to mor e inte lli- ur e lay of cour se in t he fact that S >! c and so pran os : -Mab el Dress - ge nt st: eing Miss Ty ri ema n 's he lp- ' o 1e got th e art i st's m essage at first le r. H aze l Emm ert, Grace Gi l bert , f ul comm en to nwh a tmak es fo rtruth ha nd Not that goo d rep r oduc t ions An n Gilber t, J ose p hi ne Shel lhorn , and me rit in land sca pe painting; are to be de 3 p i!ied. Many of ot Faye Farqua r, Al ice Glasgo w, Mi ss Mutz 's cl ear exp lana ti on of ga in thu s ou r onl y acquaintance Elizabe th Roess le r, Mr s R F th ' fi · f th t h d · 1... h · · · . e sp ec1 c a1ms o e e c er , an Wi t•·• t e world's masterpi e ces.
Seybo lt. th e pr ocess I y w hich he achi eves And the co ll ect ion i ncluded some
Se ve r al Pe ruvi ans who are teaching in Nebraska and I ow a town s where schools hav e b ee n close d te mporar i ly, vi s ited t he cam pus recent ly. Among th ese ar e :-H elen Donovan, Martha J oh n so n, Rosa Go rman, Ne ll ie Ke ll y, Ta l bot Hunt, Marga ret, Flor en ce and Sayde Jones , Mi ldred Huffer an d Be ss ie Bede lL
First altos: - Erma Wi ls on , Net-h s an d Mi ss El l is' de- exce ll ent· exa mpl es of th1s sort. Pr of Gabel: Are late hours good tie McCa rro ll, Neva Hoa k, Mamie fo r one? Mutz , Emma Ke ll y, De ll a Wea th er -
Prof. Sh oen ik e: No, but they're h ogg, Isab el S ea rs, Celia Laurance, \ fi ne for tw o.
Ha rr ie tt Wi l born, Al ice Gi lber t, • B urtis Ke nn t- dy
Seco nd Altos: - Mildr ed Fis her, Linn ie Riechr, Grace Bauman, Clara Sick, Ma ry McKe nn ey , Mary J arvi s.
"Dad" Cott le: Is it prop er for a husba nd to kiss a wife in public ?
·'Funny :" lt depend s on whose w ife it i•. TRAININ G SCHOOL BUILDING.
"Cope:" Would yo u have a pet mon key '!
Miss No. ? : Oh, Cope, so s udd en!
If yo u do n ot li ke our jokes And their dryn ess makes groan. to YOU
Ju st _str o ll around occaesiona ll y WJt_h some goo d ones of Yo ur ow n.
We Car ry a Complete Line of
Dr y Goods, Furnishi n gs
S hoes Groceries
We wi sh at thi s time to ca ll your !" pedal attention to out· s hoe s You can SftVe money in this department.
M .. E. G OO D.
High Y. Boys' Conference. a tt a inm e nt s A we ll- o rder ed life
<Cont inu ed rro m Fi rst contain s the prop er balan ce of all te nd en cy of fa th ers to se nd their 1 the se chara cte ri s tics. Our Sav ior 's childr en to Sund ay school a nd s ta y life m ay be t ak en as th e mode l. away th emse lve s. In o th er word s, In f ac t, th e cha rt pi c tur ed these th ere is a lack of sett i ng the ex- m easu reme nt s in the fo rm of a amp le for c hil d rPn to fo ll ow. and 1 ch eck er ed cr oss. Upon th is cr o>s t ha t be cau se of it poor a tt e ndance Iirreg ul ar li nPs co uld be gra ph ed to is in ev it a ble. Mr. Howi e app e aled /s how th e exa ct m ess ur eme nts of to the bo.vs as th e fa th ers of the th e b oy c . in g gener at ion to co ntinu the ir / At the clo se nf the sess ion eve rySunday schoo l wor k an d th ereby/ body we nt to th e k in der ga r te n in r:! rea se th e attenda nce in the r oo m where a pi cture of th e whole fut u re conferen ce body was t ak en.
Rouse of th e Pe ru : S t d Aft . I a ur ay ern oo n.
No rm al ga ve a s hort but ex ce ll e nt
talk on th e val ue of a co llege t rain - Sa t ur day a fte rn oo n from 2 to ing Th e 1-1 ta nd ard of ed ur. a ti on is )5 :30 was given ov:r to ri sing year by y ear and g raduation ! Co ach Spee rs capab le dr re cfrom a hi gh sch oo l is no lo nger tJOn fiv e bas ket ba ll tea ms we re adequ ate tra in ing fo r one who is org an ized a nd a tou rn am ent he ld in tn play hi s pa rt fu lly in th e wo rld. 1 th e ch apel a nd h igh sch oo l gym naM r. R ous e urged th e boys to go on s ium s. Th e r esu lts of th e ga mes to coll ege wh en th ey comp leted, we re as fo ll ows : the ir high school wo rk As lea ders! l. Dew itt, 7, Wymor e, 4. t hey nee d th e coll ege to prepa re 1 2. Lin col n, 0, Uni Pl ace, 17. them for g reater leaders hip. In : 3. Peru, 15 , Dew it t, 4.
turn the co ll ege n eeds them for t he ! 4. Un i. Place, 18, Pe ru , 7, final s wholeso me to ne th ey will g iv e to 1 As seen ab ove , University Place th e schoo l, wh e th er it be a thl e ti cs. came ou t vi ctor. w ith Peru in sn cial act iv iti es, cla gs -room at tain- se cond pla ce All th·e games we re men to r sc ho ol s pirit int er es ting and fa s t. and wit h the
se le ction s by th e orch es tra and 'a short so ng service. We nd e ll Ber ge of Linco ln, of the co nfer e nce, read a s plendid paper on "Why a Boy Should Be an Active Memb er of a Hi Y Club." He point e cl o ut vivid ly th e n ee d and the advantag es of s uch a club. He empha size d the value of team work and th e fact :.hat every boy mu st work and be a li ve member. In the ab se nce of Mink Delze ll , Mr. McK ee told briefly of Camp S heldon, th e s umm er camp for boys. lt is lo cat ed ab o ut four miles so uth of Columbu s, Nebra s ka. Abo ut $3 0,000 has b ee n s pent there for cott ages , m ess hall , boat s, an d oth er camp improve 1•ents in ge ne ral. The bo ys ' camp for ne xt year is to be he ld Au gust 15-25 ML Ob e rlies arrived in to g ive a s pl e ndid talk on ''Fi ve O' cl ock in the Mo rnin g ." He made a s tro ng appeal for men to ' 'rol l out for a new day ." Not onl y mu st boys "ro ll out, " but capitali sts, ope rator s, a nd manufactur es as we ll. Ev en th e Y. .M. C. A. a nd th e church ne ed to " ro ll out" to f ace prese nt da y pr o bl ems. He told th e b oys not to wa ste time by lo af in g, smo king, gamblin g, etc. He said, "Tim e is all yon hav e. Th en why kill i t?" In co nclusi on. Mr. Ob erli es said to ca ll of ten on Go d to kee p " in tun e" with th e n ew da y.
At 9 :3 0 Mr. Oberli es , Mr, McK ee, and th e res t of th e "boy R" went ov er to the g ymna s ium wh e re I th ey were e nt ert ain ed by th e G irl s'
Club of Pe ru . By th e wa y, d id yo u no tice th at m os t of th e Pe ru b oys we re "o ut of luck " in g- etting partn ers to eat wi th ? Th e I vis it ors must hav e go tten a cq uainte el on th e las t rid e on th e "freig ht train," aft er whic h th e ice cream
By th e bo x or po und. Ju st the thin g fo r th at B irthday Pr ese nt
Mr. McKee close d th e mo rning :s p! e ndi d ref eree wo rk of th e co ach . a nd ca ke were s erv ed. s ess ion ·wi th a ta lk u po n th e four- we re excelle nt exa mples of clean fc lcl li fe. By m ea ns of a larg e athl e ti cs. Every man wo rked har d, Full li ne of Toilets on ha nd A. W. CH ASE, Pr o p. Sund ay Mo r ning bu t as a guod sp o rtsm an eve ry Su nda y mornin g at e ight o'cloc.: k wa ll cha rt he showe d clear ly how a w th e lea ders of the c·onfer en ce, facboy's lif e cou ld be m easu r ed g ra p h- min ute
Y. M. men were se rved a mo st ex- We have a ni ce !m e of El e ctric Sa turday Evenin g. ulty men, and a few of· th e Inca ! '' Let there be . Light" i ca lly in te rm s of hi s inte ll e ctual, : physical, d evo t io na-1'7 and se rvic e Th e meet in g op ened with t wo b ce ll e nt r ea k fas t in the dinin g La mp s, Fl ashlig hts a nd
It is a mat ter of pl easure a nd prid e with us to meet vou r ev e ry need, in our lines, in a ma nn er to acco mm ndate yu u. Ou r e nti re bu sin ess po licy is shap ed by thi s amb it ion. On th at acco unt we so li cit yo ur requests for Bcco mmodat lo n, special as we ll as or clin ary. We want to earn your trade on the me rit. of ou r s er vice and g-oo ds.
r oo m of th e dom es tic s ci ence de- Ba t te ri es. pa rtm en t. Th e br ea kfast was und er S f t R d Bl d Sk t · I a e Y azors an a es, a es, th e s upervision of Mrs. Jea n, head P oc ket Kniv es a nd Manu al Tr a inin g of th e domes tic science de pa rtment, I a ss isted by Mi t;S F os ter a nd the se ni or girls of th at depa rtm e nt. To Har dwa re. Buy yo ur goo ds in Pe ru.
CC Pnt l l1 110•ol on L n.«! Ptl.g-P. I I Hardware
The 11 ew depo s itor is as sured personal atte11tiot1 a11d service at this bank
High Y. Boys' Conference. · with about 82 percent of their [Contin u ed fr om thi rd pag-e. ) inmates. The loafing fool is a say that it was a sp lendid treat is murderer He kills time when there putting it very mildly. is so much to do, to see, and to After the breakfast the men hea r. The "blow-hard fool va lu es retired to the kindergarten room s hi s life at about 31 cen ts, and for a devotional service under th e jumps from one airplane to another direction. of Mr. McKee The sole in midair for s port He is generalpurpose of this m eet in g was to Jy a bully, He is always either a give spiritual suppo rt and confi- "just has been," or a " wi ll be." dence to Mr. Oberlies in his work but fails utt E> rl y.in ever being an w ith the afternoon meeting. "is-er." Then there is the gam, At 9:30 the boys a ll met in 1he bling fool who expect s Romethin!! lectur e room for Sunday school. f0r nothing, and the ' dude fool Mr. Oberlies acted as superintend- roll s up his trou sers in New ent and fig-ured out very clever ly York whn it rains in Londan'.' He the number of boys that did not plainly is subject to "fatty degenneed to attend Sunday school. He eration of the ego ." showed clearly that not a s in gle Mr. Oberlies urjled the to exception was permi ss ible. The live clean Jiv es and to think clean boys were then divider! into g roup s thoughts. To give opportun it y to of fifteen and sent to separate make objective beginnings toward ro o ms for real liv e Sunday schoo l improvement, carcls were work. When the classes returned, o ut to the be> ys u pon which they
Mark Delz e ll of Peru gave his he- pled()"ed some forward ste p. The
lated talk on his go·>d time at 11 p!E>ndid and the
TRA DE AND SAVE MONEY • THE PLACE TO e.lr> Fountain Watches, Clocks. Y• F'e.ns. Stationer>Y Supp 1e.s. Schoo l and Society Pins and RmgsPennants, Flashli g hts and Supplies . . I and c::pectacl e s. W il l o rd er We repair pens, watches, Jewe ry , thing we don't have and s ave you mon ey. any J) J. C. CHATELAir"'• eru. t
Suits Clean ed, Pre sse d and R epaired
Camp Sheldon la st June . There is meeting- a marked succ ess. j es no question about it. Mark is Sunday Evening. IFor the big t·ed a hft n as, · "s ure"that CampShe ldonissure This meeting- wa!< the bil,rgest
the place for boys, morally and l one of th e becau se it !
physically. He and Mr. Oberlies was in conjunction with a union 1 were in the same tent and of course service at th e Methodis t: this t en t won most of the contests church. Dr. and Mrs. House, Mrs. In the boat race, however, th ey 0. M. Good. and Mr. C. L. Meek lost out bec au se their boat sank. gave a s pecial musical numb er. Wonder why? Ask Mr Ob erli es Paul H. McKe e, better known as Mark sa id he sure didn't know wh y "M ack," gave a s hort talk in they lo st the ba seba ll game because which be emphasized the persistMr. Ob er lies was s ure doing hi s ence and d et ermination necessa ry best as umpire. He conc luded by in brin g ing about chan g es for the saying that after all, the races, better in any school or community. games, a nd hike• were not the He illustrated this with a story most entertaining or profitab le abo ut "kicking th e can all the things. The real value of the ramp way home." experi ence wa s to be found in The meetin g was then turned gathering around the camp-fire ov er to the boy s of th e confere nce and listening to talk s by the lead- and the fun sta rted. The se boys , ers all leaders in their respective hi gh Sunday sc hool closed in time for schools, arose and individually to ld all to attend one of the church se r- of the work to he done " again st vices. Each pastor gave a spec ial the devil" in th e ir schoo ls. Amon g sermon for the boys Mr. Ober- th e prob lems th ey determined to lies occupied the pulpit of the hit hard were gamb(ing in Christian church. forms, cigare ttes. profanity , Sunday Afternoon. "cleaning their own backya rd s
This me eting, held at the Meth - fir s t," etc. Th ey outlin ed 'and odi st church , opened with a pleas- took hom e with them a co nst ructi ve ing vocal so lo by Wil son. program that will "<io th e d ev i'l Mr. Ober li es th en gave a splendid definite damage." ta lk on "Fool s I Have Met ." This Mr. Oberlies closed th e wa s perhaps the most serious mtet- ence pro g ram with anoth er sp lening of the conference, and was one did talk on ho w the boyA mu st cone very man and boy in th e country round would have appreciated
Space will not permit us to tell fu ll y of th e "fools" Mr. Ober li es dea lt with. But among th e important ones was the profane fool who e xhibits his lack of vocabu lary with the use of cursing word s.
The drinking fool, once so com · mon, but no w fortunat e ly becoming a past number, has supplied the 1tate prisons thruout the country
duct th emse lves in working ou t th ese changes and remedy in g conditions at home. In f ac t, hi s remarks were the cl imax of hi s g rea t effo rt to impress upon the boys th e I need for and th e b ea uty of a cl ean Chri stian life. It is quite certain that his messa ge ''we nt across, '' and that the b oys wi ll forev er hold Mr . Ob er li es in a place to be envie d by any mao. What a and deserving r ew ard!
DEATH OF RACHEL HAYES. wel l-de fi n ed rh ythm and th e inter- b£> au se_ of it s own beauty and WILLIAM H. CLEMMONS Students and faculty of the State wove n melody of the fir st move -beca ue of i ts ma ste rl y pre se ntation. The State S up e rinte ndent di ed No rma l were sa dde ned on th e ir me nt was em in ently cha_racteristic S tud e nt 'Convention, at Fremont, Jan11ary 9, 1920. He. re turn from vacat ion to lea rn of th e death on 'Monday , Janu ary 5, of Ra che l Re becca se cond dau g hter ·of ·ex-Pr esident a nd Mrs. D. W. of the composer. on th e\ • The eighth Student Vo lunteer came to Nebraska in the prime of program was tha n th e. w hi ch was he ld at D es you ng ma nhood and gave mor e seco nd mo vement , m 1ts grave s 1m · ·. f '1-mes , I owa .Dece mber 31 to than one sco re a nd ten years of plJCJty a nd the orde r ed beauty o . 1 • • • • • • ·J:;muary 5, was th e largest com·en- 1 t1m e m he lpm g young men and Ha yes. tign of students eve r ga th er ed for women in their educ at ion. Thou- th e th eme in its progre ssions. The ,. 1 third mo veme nt, with a staccato
E ig ht of the b ri ef nin et een years t he pur pose of st u dyi ng th e se ri ous sa nd s of yo un g p eo pl e of Nebraska attack and a dai nty me lody for fir st 1 I of Rarhe l' s lif e were spe nt in Pe ru, si't nation of a!I countries and of 1 were mad e leaders in the va riou s where as a s tud e nt in tr aini ng violin against an accompaniment eva ng e li zing the non- Chri s tian Iwa lks of lif e b eca use Mr . a nd Mrs schoo l and Normal she en dea red ; of strin gs, furnished Over 800 0 s tudent s fr om IClemmon::; d ed icat ed th e ir li ves to . h · 1 · charmmg co nt ras t. It goes Without jl 1 1 he rse lf to all w1 t whom s 1e came 1000 m stl tnt-ions of h1 gh er lea rn- 1e P t ' ese yo un g p eop le to secure in conta ct. sa ymg that m this com poJ s twn as in g in the United States a nd a sta rt in -life.
As she grew into bea utiful young th ruout, the wa s ma rk ed 1ada were present. Abo ut 500 fo r- Wil l iam H. Clem mons did n ot woman ho od s he id e ntifieci herse lf bl Y flawle ss a nd by abso1 J ei'gn st ud e nt s, na ti ves of fort y -two only g iv e thirty yea rs of time'th h I t' 't' Sh ut e oneness o ee mg. d 'ff d b t h h' l 'f t th . f w1 ma n_y Rc oo ac lVI 1es . e . 1Iere nt cou ntn es, who are a tt en . u e _ga ve IS 1 e o e cause ·o was a an d va lued mem ber Th e n umb_er_ Iing ou; co l leges a nd uni vers ities e du ca t iOn of the G1r ls Gl ee Club from her I tw o compo s1t10ns. Skd lmg s Su n· were tne gu es ts of the convent ion.f d d I S ., b d w· b ' Xmas Bells-Wedding Bells. r es h ma n year, an a tal e nte ri se ong , ' ase on a mn e ago This was th e fi rs t co nve ntion to Miss Glad ys Patter so n a nd Mr. Warren Step henson, both of Peru a nd bot h me mb ers of the class of
wo rK er m th e Drama tic Clu b. Her Imelody was in te r es ting and oril!i· j be held. in six yea rs, becau se of chee rfu l ma nner , her help fuln ess na l, wi th so me effect i ve use of the war co nditi ons. Forty per ce nt of a nd her w il l in g ness to share re-sus tained monotone again st accom -1th e m en fr om Canada and th e ' b' l't h d 1 · t d · 't fi lj u · d s h b b '20, were married on Decembe r 22 sponst 1 1 y ga ve e ra rea y we · p am men , an an exqu iSI e na n 1te tates wore t e rown utcom e to th e Eve rett Lit er ary So ci - chord. In s ha rp co nt rast was th e 1 to n, sign ifyi ng overseas serv ice. at the h ome of Mr. a nd Mr s. Patety lat e_r _to the Ph il omat hea n. irr esi s tib le lil t of_ on The from Nebra ska te rsro.n, <> th e of W1th a 'SP I r1 t pf un se l fi s hn ess and I Sho re ,' ' play ed w1 th an mfectJ•lUS wf nt by s peciaf cars from Omaha. 1\u: -.nd M r fl,.. • n VI I' fi ne re li g iou s de v•) tion she ga ve Igayety
IAbo ut nin ety st u dents from th e Mr. in South sever al vears to lo yal and generous \ co lleges of the sta te went in thi s I Dak ota dUI mg the Ch ns tmas vaca· The second class ical co m po s itio n 1 • Th '! I k h ·. h service as a Sunda y "Cho ol cla ss 1 g roup a nd schoo l di ffe re nces were tiOn. ey WI ma e t en orn e fol low e d. A "Sere nad e" by Haydn, , office r lat er as a much lo ved · · ' fo r ge tten as we fac ed tb inrrs as a WIt h Mr. Step henson s par e nts on ' pla ye d w 1th mut ed s tr mgs, and th e "' w · ·1 h t ea ch er in th e prima rv dep a rtm ent st ate w es t as hm11;ton st reet un tl t e · ess ence of da m ty, fatry-IIk e pr e ci s- · of the Method ist Sunday sc h ool. 1ion, in c"nce ption and re ndi tion. I Th e city of Des Moines lite ra l ly Her be lo ve d p as t or, Rev. J. H. 1Then Cil n e an f' <:fl • c ial lv love ly I threw open i ts doo rs; the ci ti ze ns S titt, w ho had r ec ei ve d her into 1 nu mber, _ Si nd ing-' s e'nte rtain ed th e de legates in th e ir in the Fi rst Methodi st (opus 92 ) pl a ye d by the t wo viol ins, 1 own h omes and pr e pa reci mea ls at Church of Pe ru , was pr ivilege d to with J os eph Zolln er at th e pian o. churches and ot her conv e ni e nt read her b ur ia l serv ice. IJf one h ad to choos e amo ng the · g athe ring plac es.
clo se of the sch oo l yea r. We mu st th i nk of you as " Steve • and Gladys" and gi ve you our bless in g and b est wi shes a nd think of y ou as yo u hav o been, are and eve r wi II be-happy lovers. Th e who le s choo l joins us in a ge nuin e ''Go d bless you." .Girls' Club Notes.
. Miss E st he r. Cla rk represen ti ng three lov ely mov e ment s, perhaps I The speake rs of th e conventi?n . he fa cu lty, Cora Clove r a nd th e sec ond would stand out bv vir- 1were men w hom we kn ow as wntMiss Fran cis Faulkner, r epre se nt- l t f th fl t d · 1 d Ier s of books or of whom we have 1 ue o e owmg , en er me o y, i ng the s tu de nt s, am! Miss Ne lli e I ri s ing into mo re i nt en se s tr ai n and I read as leade rs of wo rld _m ove- Lenni e Rieck er, president of the McAu ley , Ra chel' s class mate an d th h · th t . 1 b t I me nts: John R. Mott , cha 1rman, Girls' Club, is ab out to co mpl ete 1 en ec om g e ranqUJ eau y 1 c hum for e1g ht year s. we re pr ese nt f th t. 1 th A 1 1 1 whose qu 1et, firm way I mpr ess ed · . o e 1111 1a erne ove y at her fun eral in Li ncoln on Tu es-11 • 1 • tl th' d us wi th th e val ue he placed up on her work a nd leave us to take a teaching po s it i on in Omaha. The club wi ll miss it s cha rmin g officia l da y. ! vncta pda ssalge 111 I alrppmo l ve- , th e purp ose of our gat he ri ng; She r-
Imen rn a e :1 so a s pec1a ea 1 1 wo od Eddy, Rob ert Sp ee r, Rob e rt f · h Zoellner Qu artet in Conce rt Th e fourth gr oup (also a double W' ld f d f h t head, who has bee n so ever .a ltT h . , I 1 er , ou n er 0 t e mov eme n ; fu l to it s inter es ts. Her r esig nae notewor thy mu stca l eve nt of number) op ened wi th Th e rn s B' h M 0 II f th M th d' t . . . . I 1s op c ow e o e e o 1s t' 't t ·al el ct ion th e yea r v.a s last F ri day' s co ncert " Ge niu s Loc1 " a comp o1st 10 n a s- . Ion ne ce ssi a es a s pec ! e • • ' , Ep 1scopa l Ch urch; Dean Br own of t h . Q t' on gi ven by the Zo lln er st rin g quart et 1sociate cl In di ssol ub ly w ith the qu ar- y 1 M h d t 1 d j 0 c oo se a su cce ss or. ues 1 • a e. any men a r av e e hat u ir! ? befo re a lar ge and a ppr eciat ive 1t et whic h re nd ers it so perf ectly. tl d f 'Je t be pre se nt w A "'M· · E All d t • 1 10usan so m1 l:i o s Jss •mma )er oes no a ud ien ce. The mu s ic oE strin gs It wou ld be ha rd to forg et th e Th 1 d f the movement 1·n p 't b e ea er o return to er u 1 ecom es nec essary ha;; 1ts um que ch a rm and be auty , riehn ess of ton e and th e su gg es -F C t p·e ce Maur·y Dr f h u tt H t h ranee, ap . 1 r , . or t e noe ge r ou se o c oose a too se ldo m w 1th1n o ur r ea ch; th e tiven ess of mood w it h which It w as I z f E t D J Camp b t th · werrer rom g yp , r. c - new mem er to repreRen em on pl easu re of hear in g th 1s sort of play ed . A whol ly d1 ffere nt no te b 11 Wh't f r- 1 tta Dr F 1• 1es h . 1 f th 1 b N M . . e 1 e o \ a cu , . , t e co un c1 o e c u . o, asmusic r en de r ed by one of th e 1wa s s truck by the Ru ss ian Folk 1 d . H 11 d d nv oth ers M · R tt · · II' 'b l , , ea er m o an an rn a . , ter ur ns oe ger 1s me 1g1 e, wJ rl d s n ota ble qua rtets is toda y ! :Song fo ll owin g, evok in g a picture t ld f tl
· I
a p ri v il ege to be gra tef ul for. of primiti ve ru stic fun. And
e w
rhe e xh ibitin g a ni ce 1 third mood, - the dainty forma l t I t y I d t eg 0 Religion is the li fe of God in th e I Is a wa r a e gra ua e, a n r ba lan ce be tw een cla s:> ic al a nd charm of an old-w orld co u rt d ance, f 8 th Af bl s ou l of m an 1 ro m ou nca, a venera e er e. was op ened by - marked the enco re so e nthu s ia s-J 1 t Ch' e a nd An hon es t hea dlin e w rit er is th e apane se, an e oqu en me s th ree m oveme n ts fr om a Moz ar t I tically de manded, and clo se d a 1 d. M . h h n ob lest thin g of Go d.- J. Stitt a "ery CIVJ 1ze ex1can oy eac Qu artet in D minor. Tn e cr isp, : program n ot soo n to be fo r go tte n, cc ontt 11 11 ed on Fourth Pa ge. ' Wi lson.
THE PERU NORMA.LITE will be o f' vital int erest to every junio r, and every Joyal j uni or wi ll
Entered at th e Posto ffi ce at Peru, Ne. braska as seco nd-class matter be the re to take h is part in clas s
Publi s hed Weekly ll y the Peru State No rmal
$ 1.00 per year. Si nf!l c copy 5 cts. affairs.
Mi sses VanZa nt, Lawr en ce , E ads and H oa k, mem bers of th e jun ior prog ram co mmittee, were en tertain ed at th e home of Miss F.sthe r Delzel l, the ir cha irm a n, to a six o'cloc k dinne r on F riday , Ja nuar y 1 9. After a sumptu ous thr ee course dinner had been se rved and th e__ ____ guests so roya ll y en tertain ed it was 'rl-1 !; EI>ITOIIIAI ST AFF UnanimOU Sly decid ed that th P.
Get the name .
Domthy Mauck , '20 Editnr- in ·Chicl hard s hip s and so rrow s of bein g the Alvin a Am ende. ':!O Editor • ? 5 Pa ul Bennett.':! ) Editor program committee fad e in to no th-
When in tteed of
rJUfl - or
Fern Adam s, '2 l.. As!:istant Editor in gn ess compa red with the j oys call at the Mar di s Qu al ity .
Ra vmond 1-lu O'c r, Mg 'r. f h d Emma Wood ie, sp :\1g'r :VI a iling Dept Philo Christmas Pl ay. Courteou s Trea ttnen t with pur e goo s In sp ite of the di ctates of t he has bu i It our bus i uess and r·e pu ta ti on
C<: lia Lonancc Scn inr fue l admin i str ator , Philo mem be rs
Mab el Dress ler Juni or and friends m anaged to h ave a very
Alice Glasf!o"· Sop h•u11 ore e nj oy ab le t im e the last Fri day
Hih.leganlc· Yeek eve ni ng befo re va'! atio n. Expres·
lela Fr,·dericbnn Spec ials' & T rai 11.: rs
William y C \. sion ha ll was crowd ed to capacity Helt: n, Williams \' w. ,.. J\. hut everyone felt more fri end ly
Pini s hen; Feru L'lul1 th an in th e big ch apel r oo m. A I' We do
De ll a Wcalhcr ho<m 0 · · · 1 · · ' I am.tuc L u 1 cons1s tmg of mu s ic and a pia I t L1eneman J C <' Y e · --:-;----:-::------"-"_ _ . _ _._ _._.__..::.:_·..:::..:.. ·· The jazz o rch estra was bett er
Wil so n P hil on 1athean 1 fi ne program h ad b ee n prepared We st> ll Kodaks , Films,
No ar ticles acct pted after 8 o'clock , 1 than eve r befo re and was cord iall." " on day morning. ·' - =- .:..=...=..:.=-.=- encor ed. Th e playlet was a clev er In Memoriam, li ttle farce, "Xmas Bo xes ," full
Sh e had f or so long and so r e- of laughs, containing so me t ears , cently "belong ed to u s," anrl so and a litt le p hil osop hy. Leah Cu idear had been her pres e nce among · well, as Mary Redm o nd , own er of t hat he;: d.::ath is fe lt as a per- Redmo nd Pl ac e, guardia n wd
Film Deve lopi ng, Pri nt Fini sh in g, En la r ging, Tinting. Pap e r,
Pt o mpt Se rvi ce and Al qu alit y work. Ask for price ii sts Out of to wn orde rs given prompt attenti o n. PERU, NEBR
Q7]a.honann L
sona l Joss to a larg e c ircle of co us in of Mi ss La ura Maxwel l l! nd "f' .7 J umber I
friends. Altho her deat h ha s lef t Mi ss Kitty S te rli ng , wa s es pecial ly a lonesome pl ace in man y a heart fine in a di fficul t r ole Franc is ou r li ves ar e rich er for Faulkn er as L aura Maxwe ll anrl known one so a ltoget her beautifu l Hope L ew is as Kitty Sterling, in her young womanhood Thi s adorab le, s weet yo ung g ir ls, fine of Rache l Hayes is de pri ved of t he plea s ur es of yo u th o urs for eve r. and of me n' s soc ie ty because of th e
The bereaved famil y h as our of Mar y R edmon d. Their
We have ju st received a !ooh ipmen t from the Phillippine Islands for manual tr<tin ing work I Basement Drug Sto re 1 1 Fir st -class W orkme
d eepest sympath y. ·M C sweet hea r ts, wh o br aved the da n- E. ge rs of discovery by the dra go n e15s Meek Lumber> E.o.
A Word of Thanks.
Among tho se complet ing th e ir wo rk and leav ing- Pe ru to tak e teach ing positions at the e nd of th e first se m este r ar e seve ral of o ur very efficient and faithf ul rep or ters W · h ·. e WI S to take this oppo rtunity to pub li cly th a nk you who are to leave for your s plendid coopera ti o n. We sha ll mi ss vou h b . ere ut wi sh yo u greate st s uccess in yo ur new wo rk.
The junior cla ss cer ta inly appreCiates th e splend iri things th e pr ogram committee ha s providerl for chapel In the f ace m any difficulti es we have no t had am t' · ee mg In which a pr og ram has not been ar r anged fo r, and th at we have not ha d worth while entert a inment.
Fr om now on unt il th e e nd of the year, every cl ass ch ape l proa-ram
a nd vent u red into te rritory forbidded to men, wer e Willard Gr iffi th as Pau l Lam b erton a nd Cla ren ce Choyce as J ames S yl ves ter. H elen William s as Nora O'Darrah a nd
G eo rge Heywood as De nnis McS hane t oo k do wn the hou se in th e ir clumsy efforts at lovemak in g, and in th e ir mixup wit h th e boxes labels w hich Mi ss L au ra and Mi ss Kitt y h ad so caref ul ly pre pare d. Everyon e was in ent ir e sympat hy with the awak ened Mary Re dmond; and Edward R os enqu i st as Li e ut. P owe ll, U. S. A., bro u ght the play to a h appy close by h is re turn fr om Franc e at th e critical m omen t, Xmas eve
Th e cha racte rs were han dled very capablv by a ll th ose tak i ng part and every one e nte red int o th e sp irit of' t he pl ay
The orche:;t ra gave seve ral m ore good num bers and the apprec iati on of the P hil o members was shown by the ir hea rty applause.
e Fo od For Sale AT ; AU P eru Stot· es j SARGEi\NT & RICE CO. I Wh olesale Dis trib utors. 1\t I JC!k 1'\dl.
Bulbs Already
Na t·ci ss us. Hv a cinth. Tulip s & In m (Jss fibre in no n-bre ak able fl · Dn ffod i1s o wer pot ;: Nothin open packages and set pots in sh II · !?: to ri o but k a ow Jard m ee ee p in an ord in ar y livinrr r, wate r a nd Th "' ro o m, office o t ey wtl l sta rt lea f and bud r !' ore . growth at 0 In a short ti me th e beautifu l f n ee a nd fl , ragrant · owers will appear 3 for 50 cents ,. Barnes'
Ite ms.
Th e new year finds the trai n ing sc hoo l back in i ts old quarters in the T. J. M. buildin g, the chape l performing its regu lar duties, and everyth in g running smoothl y aga in.
There wi ll be an in crea se d attendance for the seco nd semester. Severa l have written in dicating their intentio n to e nroll. Fol low -
Sen i ors, watch for furth er n ot i ce of that big h ar d-times party , next t;aturday nig ht!!
Isn 't It Funny? Yes No.2
Roettgers have a n ew board e r. Peru ha s a n ew gr aduate for the class of 1939 ; the f ootba ll squa d has a new star a nd a future captai n; the elass of 19 20 a new ass i sta nt Per uvian e ditor, in the ing is a list of st udents who have j ust e nterecl: Alice Cu mi ngs, 12132 per so n of L eon Roettger, Jr., who t t Cl had the rare wi sd om to choose th e Wall ace s r ee , 11cago ; Dean
Calenda r, Regu lar Events
K .t A b L 1 J M 1 · Roet tger home for a stoppmg p nee
1 e, u urn ; aure u vama ,
Ph I C .t M A th E B 1 for th e ne xt ' stee n years.
e ps 1 y, o. ; r ur ur ey,
P k C .t M t L eo n, Sr., has alw ays had a rare ar 1 y, on ana. , b 1 - h
W It G J h f S I s mile wh 1ch r ef used to be a o IS -
a er . o nson , o a e m, tt d th S 1 1 f M · ed but we must assure th e now a en mg e c 100 o · m es 1
a o en, o o., wn es a e IB
t G ld C I .t th t h . Iof th e said p roud fa th er who have
th k' f tt d' p St t 1 not see n him sm ce la st Wednesday 1n ·1ng o a en 1ng e ru a e
N I th d t that the o ld smile h as bee n repl aced o rm a e secon semes er. by one wh ich vo u e an h ea r as we ll Geo. Ebe rt is now taking voca- as se e. He sa;s that it is " some ti ona! wo rk unde r dircetio n of the boy, I want to te ll you ."
U. S. Fed era l Board of St Lou is. P. :; -The fat her is doing as Donald Phe lps is arra nging to we ll as could be expected. take work fo r pharmacy exa mi na - Mr. and Mr s Roet tge r have the ti on. co ngr atu lations of. th e who le sch oo l.
Senior Class Notes. Y. M. C. A. Eve ry one was might y glad to get L ast Wednesday evenin g Rev. A.
Wee k ly. Mo ndays , Choru s, 5:40 to 6: 15. Or ch es tra, 7: 30 to 8 :15. Tu esdays, Gir ls' Glee Club , 8: 15 to 9. Boys' Glee Clu b, 7 :30 to 8: 15. Band, 815. Wed n es days, Ch or u s, 5:40 to 6:15. Or c hestra, 7: 30 to 8:15. Y. M. C. A., 8 :1 5. Thursdays , Y. W. C. A., 7 :1 5to 8: 15. Gir ls' Gl ee Club, 8 :1 5 to 9. Boys ' Glee Club , 7: 30 t o8 :15. Band , 8:15. Bi-monthl y.
Student Cou nc il of Gir ls ' Club. Th e Mond ay eveni ng b efore th e Second T uesday of each month and every two weeks th ereafter at 9 :00 p.m.
Second Friday, Phi lo ma thea n, 8 o'c lock. F ourth Fri day, Phi lo ma thean, 8 o'clock fl(on th ly.
Seco nd Tu esday , Girl s' Clu b, 11:5 0.
First Wednesday , Dramatic, R. First Sa tur day, J. U. G., 8. Spec i al Events
Dr a mati c Clu b, J an uary 14. Fr ee Movie, Janu ary l 6. Phil o S ociety, J anua ry 1 6. Profes11 or J ea n has ret urned to
ba ck to old Peru aga in; and altho A. Rand al l spoke at th eY M. C. th e program comm i ttee had only A. meet ing Hi s subject was a few day s to work up " App lyi ng Ch ri s tian Prin ci ples to f or class c hapel, th ey, as usual, th e Pr ob lems of T oday. " He sai d his r egu lar wo rk si nce the holida ys that there is only on e law t ha t can and we are certa in ly hap py to h ave so lve problem s a nd that is God 's him back aga in loo ki ng so we l l. Jaw.' The f ricti on- fhat ex ists be-
eve r yone by having a very fine program con sist in g of two numbe r s.
Coxey's Ar my certa inly showed the r esul t of long conti n ued drill a nd gives us an i dea of what wo nderful so ldiers our se nior b oys
tween cap i ta l and labor will cont in ue unti l the principles of Je sus Chris t are kept uppermost in the minds of t he leade rs of th ese 1 wo uld ha ve made. org ani zation s. This was a very
The second number cons i ste d of hel pful meeting and the boys _ are two re adin gs by Mr s. Seybo lt ' mi ss in g somet hin g really wor th P oo r Dea r Mamma." take n from while when th ey do n ot come out. Kipling's "Story of th e Ga dsbys ," and ' 'Katy's An swe r .' ' Mis3 Ro se Clark. head of the
Love is t he supreme v ir tue, ar.d s acrifice is i ts virtu e.
Stewart' s School Service
of Linc ol n, Nebraska
We are so glad to have Pr of esso r geog ra p hy department, has g one Managed by Jean ba ck wit h us ag-ain, but h ope to Chicago University wh ere she is that Mr . Delzell wil l not e ntir ely taking a graduate cour se in geogfor ge t us. j rap hy. She will r et urn to Pe ru for ,
We wis h at th is time to exp r ess the la st qua rt er 's work.
to _Mr. ou r si nce re Stude nt Girl s.-If yo u have h ai r at10n of h1 s ever r eady w Jlltngn es , comb ing s ge t a switch made now. to help an d advise us dur ing the \ Cal l Mrs. Kna pp , 169, or leave abse nceofPr ofe ss orJ ean. 1 thematFi sher s'drugsto re .- Adv. W ill help Peru Gradu·
A Pe ru Alumn us, class of 1906
Students--Faculty--& friends
By th e box or pound Just the thi ng for that Bi rthd ay Pr esent NORMAL STORE Cha se's Barber Shop Mi lst ead Basement ALL WORK FIRSTCLASS F ull li ne of To ilets on hand A. W. CHASE, Prop. ''Let there be Light" W€ have a nice li ne of Electr ic L amps, Flas hlig hts a nd Batte ri es.
It is a matter of pleasure and prid e with us to meet vour every n ee d, in our lin es , in a ates get Po !ii itions ! Safety Razors and Blades, Poc ket Kn ives and Manua l Trammg Hardwa r e. · ma nner !o acc o mmodate you. Our enti re busi· I n ess policy is shaped by this ambitio n. On that account we so li cit your requests for -ec co mm odatlo n, spec ial as well as orcl in a ry. We want to earn your tr ade on the me rit. of ou r an d goods Watch f or the ir ad next we e k. Buy your go ods in Peru. 1Mackprang's Hardware
Sma11 A.cc ounts are given cot1 s iderate and careful attentiot1 at this bat1k
Student Volu nteer Conventio n.
(Conti nued f1·om First Pae-e. l in turn Pt oo d be fo re us and in de ep earnes tn ess and s incer ity plead with us to t hr ow th e advantages of our educat i on into th e breach of the ir gr ea t nee d.
The deleg ates from Pe ru Norm al w ere Mi ss Lucile Rando l, Mi ss Emma Meye r, Messrs. Edward R os enq ui st and L auran ce Rou se, and Mi ss Ru th S hi vel y.
Supt. Stoddard Pres ide nt N. S. T. A.
Th e m any fr ien ds of A. J. Stoddard of Beatrice , a gradu ate , '10, of Per u, will be g- lad to hear of his e lec tio n as pr es ident of the S tat e T ea chers' Ass ociat ion for th e com-
(b) Th e play in g of those in eligibles as ama te urs.
(c ) Th e play i ng of those wh o are n ot bona fid e st ud ents in go od and re g ul ar s tandi n g;
(d) I mpr oper and u nspo rts man1ik e co nduct of any sort wh at soever, either on the part of t he co nt es ta nt s, th e ir coac hes, th eir assista nts, or the stude nt body.
Th e e li gib ili ty rul es of th e Confe renc e are q uit e stringent as a few of them w hi ch fo ll ow indi cate:
No sc h oo l sha ll pl ay any o th er in s ti tutio n which re fu ses to accept the ru les of the Ne bras ka Conferen ce. No stu de nt s hal l pl ay unci er an a ss umed na me , in any gam e:
Ar.y s tud e nt wh o has pa rt i ci pated in g year. in an y inter-co lleg iate cont est a nd
Supe ri n tende nt Sto dd a rd is one lea ves sc hoo l to go to an ot her w ill of Ne br a ska's f orem os t an d pro- no t be e li igb le to pa rtic ipate in gr essi ve sc h ool m en A year ago athl etics of any ki nd in that sc hoo l he w as pr es i dent of th e Sout h- E n--t - until the s uc ceeding year No Th e Chatelain Jewe lry Store
TH E PLACE TO TRADE AND SAVE MONEY t . I Foun aan W at c hes , Cloc ks. de.we.
Stati one ry Sc hoo l Supp l es.
Sch ool a nd Soc i ety Pins and Rings
Pen na nts, Fl as hli gh ts and S upp lt es d c;p ect acles W ill orde r We r epa ir pe n s, watches, J ewelry an • a nyt hin g we don 't ha ve a nd s av e yo u mo n ey J. C. CH !\ T ELA IN. P eru. Fine Dress S ho es
Su i ts Clea ne d, Pres se d and Re pai red - -e rn Neb ra !'ka As so ciat io n. He s tud e nt s hal l e nter any inter-col-
r ai sed th e total e nr o ll me nt t:1 n ea r· }\
leg iat e co ntes t wh o cl ues not t ake ft__j,. ly t hr ee hundtd abov e i ts hi ghes t t 1 t t 1 h k t O ct eo . a ea s we ve ourg wor up o m ar k, anrl 1oacl e 1t the larg es t d 1s- th . d f th · · 1 F r e pa ss mg g ra e o e tnstttu· o tn ct a ssoc ta tw n m th e s tat e. 1 he 1 th f th f 11 1 the big red ap ple s. h ananas , CHOCOLA TES , (; ANOI ES tton, or r ee -our s u wor < State A sso ciat wn's s ue -· h h t t d · I w ere our s ar e no co un e as Jn ces s ts a ss ur ed und er th e le ade rs hip 1 11 d t 1 f M S dd d r eg u ar co ege e par me nts n o r. to ar . dd d II a iti on, no s tu wi rec ei ve
Wa yne a Me mb er of N. I. C. A. A. his offi ci al let te r wh o do es not car ry Sever al y ears a go the le adin g su ccess fu l ly t he above m entioned co lleges of N ebrasl<a fo rmed a sta te hours of work. It is also pr ov ided at hleti c a sso ciation P eru was one fur t he r that no st udent s hall enter of th e char ter members. At a any intP. r- co ll eg iate co ntest wh o r ece nt m eet in g Way ne was ac ep ted di d not r ece i ve during hi s pr ecedas a n ew me mb er by a unanim ous vo te of the colleges. Th e fol lo wi ng co ll eges are n ow re pr ese nt ed in th e
in g se m es te r cr ed it in at lea st tw e lv e hou rs of co ll e ge work or at leas t thr ee -fou rt hs fu ll sec o nda ry a ssoc iati on: Way ne, Kearney, wo rk or co ll e ge work where h ou rs Midl an d, Cent ral, D oa ne, Yo rk, are not co un ted a_s in re gul ar Has tin gs , Grand Isla nd, Cot ne r, co ll ege depar tm e nt s, se co ndary Wesleyan a nd P er u. wo rk no t to he c oun ted beyond that
The follow in g ru les go vern the su ffici ent to m ake the s tud e nt' s at hl etics of th e a sso ciat ion: total of s ec o ndary se meste r-p oin ts
E ach d epa rtm e nt of spo rt!? is e qua l to t hi rty - tw o. · un der the s up ervision of a co mmit tee chose n by th e a ssocia ti on at it s an nu al c onve nti o n. Each insti tuti on w hich is a me mb er of th is
Th e Fresh ma n P i! rty.
Did you know the fre s hm en had a pa rty? On Sa turd ay nig ht , Deassociati on a gr e es to enac t and ce mb er 13, th e fr es hmen and thei r enfo rc e s uc h meas ures as may be guests ass em bl ed in Miss Mu tz 's nec es sary to pre vent violat ions of ,ut r oom fo r the pu rpose of havin g the pr inc iples of amateur s port s, a good t im e. But it was M iss s uc h as:
(a) Proselyting :
1. The off ering of i nduce me nts to players to e nt er colleges, un iversi tie s or schoo ls becau se of the ir at hl e tic ab il itie s, and of s upp orting a nd ma intainin g pl a yer s wh ile stu dents on account of the ir at hl et ic abil i ti es , ei ther by ath le ti c or ga ni za tions, in di v idu al , a lumn i, or ot herwis e, d ir e ctl y or ind irectl y.
2. Th e singl in g o ut of prom ihent ath let ic st uden ts of pr epa ratory s cho ol s, or other co lleges, un ivers iti es or schoo ls, a nd e nd ea vorin g by undue i nfl uen ce to persuade t he m to e nter a pa rti cul ar s chool, co ll ege or uni vers it y.
Mut z's room no lo ng e r, for t he decor at ion co mmit te e had chan ged I it into a l ivi n g-r o om with yulet i de 1 wreaths at wind ows and d oo r s.
Th e wh ole e ve n ing w as spent in fol lo wi n,; o ut a system call ed "A Wee k of Dates ." It w as amu sing to see so me so pr ep lexed and bewi ld e re d at ha vi ng s even dat es in a bout fiv e m in utes.
Th P. ref res hm ent co mm i ttee was I hea rt i ly ch ee red for serv in g re · fr es hm e nts wh ich wer e real ly refr es hi ng Then every o ne playe d wi nkum b lin kum
A ll too soo n the P. lectr ic li gb ts joined the playe rs in t he ir a-arn e and in a sho rt t im e th t: r oo m and its deco r at ions we re th e onl y thin a-s left to i nd icat e
Cookies , B re ad and Lun ch Goods
See us for your st at ion ery an d School Su H. U. lAN DO
Phone 73
Per u, N eb r.
A nice assortme nt of pen k11!vcs, poc k et knu ves, cm lbrosdcry §G is .... sors and sh e ars .. We c arry e !e c l3 tr ic irons, flash lights & l W ea G HT
H ar dware and Purni ture - - - -
Bra .!ey
X V.
Last Thur sday eve nin g, January 15, Presid e nt aod Mrs. Rouse opened t:he ir bea utiful and spacious home to all members of the faculty. Practically e very member was ab le to be prese nt, and enjoyed to th e f ullest charming and pleasant hosp it ality of which the worthy h ostesses ar e so cap allle
T he program for the evening I cons isted distinctly of three "co urs es .'' To with, Mr. Hohman ente rtained the gathering wi Lh three splendid selections on the pian o. He played a Mazurka in B flat by Godard. ' The Devil's Da nce by 01 ·en, and a Nocturne by Schu man n. Th en Mrs. Sey bolt read I '' Th e Land of Hear t's Desire," by 1 Wil!iam Yates, in Irish ] dial ect. She was most heartily I encored and res ponded by reading , "A Charmin g Woman," by Jer ome I K. Jerome To hea r Mr Hohmann and Mrs Seybo lt was a treat and La lone fully wort h while coming / VANCE.-TYNON. 1 pla gue. No member of th e facult y, I THE TURTLE DOVE. to hear. "It is tr u e," say th e alumni, tl O his life, due tv th e 1 (;o nsid e rable spiash was ma de in The second "eourse" consisted I "Verne Vance and Jo Tynon ar e servrces of Dr. Vance and 1the dramatic pond of the pla ying of charade s. Mil's married ." Ye s, it is true. Our! hl s fe llow doctors of Peru. ni ght when the club members and Ellis and Mr. Gabe l as lea ders i Dr. Vance and Mis s Jo sephine _Eve_ry n:ar..' woman and child their gue s ts were prese nted w ith chose s id es and each group in turn · Tyn on, one of Omaha's mo st po pu- \ JOJO m wtshmg a full s hare and a u niq ue Chinese production. Barpr ese nted a cha rad e for th e ot her liar teachers , are married a ncl livin g. many years of happiness to Dr. and o ld Brown played the part of a to so lve. It took some time to Im oet happi ly in their be au tifut l Vance gong be arer and conducted him self "bare faced liar" and home on 6th s tr eet , sometimes with a gon g bearer's characteritsic sage, " and suc h head s as kn own as the North Avenue. Ancl Mr . LeRoy Reif and Mi ss J essie so lemni ty. Gay lord Cha se, the Mr Brow n a nd Mr. Delzell sc r atc h. we a ll say , never has such a brid e, Do .v ning we re marr! ed at th 8 hom e chor us who made a ll explanation s di l igently in their li ve ly competi- 1 and gr oo m been mor e wide ly r.or I of the Thursday, January 16 was a ll digoity and pompou sness, ti on. In fa ct , competition had more favorably kn ow n to Pe ruvians , Mr. R1 ef owns and mana ges the and deliver ed '' The three bows," r"ached "Uch a white heat that than are Dr. and Mrs. V. V. VHnce Federa l Bakery at Nebraska City. with hi s natural grace, which is for re freshments pre · I' of Peru, who wer e quiet ly m arri ed I one of his m os t va lu ab le contribuvented an imp ending cla s h. The in Auburn last week in the pres- tions to the club Charley Gate ly, charades had become more and ence of c1 few friend s. No, it wa s! the love r, wa s the most in love more diffi G!ult and the ice cream I no surpri se, we have been waiting 1 that any lov er ever be with hi s was fortunate ly ready at hand to\ weP.k by w ee k, month by month ' "cherry blo ss om ,' l Hope Lewi s, coo l the hot, spicy compliments be - i and year by y.ea r for thi s glad : who made the sweetest "cherry twee n groups. 1 ne ws. 1 I one can imagine. Th e
As alr e ad y s uggest ed. th e It was Jo and Vern e in the old Ipart of th e mandarin wa s played "co ur se" consi s ted of ice cream , "mode l" schoo l d ays , yea, eve n !by Brant ly Copenhaver, who s talked cake an d. coffe e, and th e light s wh en were s enio_rs I
j about in th e fa shi on to were wa y pa st hlinking time when Then m t1me, as Jo met wrth i hau g hty men of m eans. Wllltarn the "pla yfu l profs" dec id ed to go Ideserved s uccess as a teac her it
: Thomas was th e awfu l h e_athen god ho .n e. It is certain everyone had beca me Miss. Jo se phine or who became a !'tern but kmd fath er a m us t de lightful time. Tynon. Also "V""rne" became V. to the lover by bringin g happine ss V. V. and in time "Docto r Vance. to h im and hi s "honorable" adora, He has es tabli shed him self in th e J bl e one.
Professors Rous e, Delze ll, Crago. hear ts and affe ct ion s of the go od I
Warr en S tephenson, th e in v isibl e Sh?use and Gabe l were in Lin co ln p eo pl e of Pe ru. Th e stud e nts, j pr operty man. made a ll things and Saturday attending- of the fac ulty and cit izens i Mr s Rei f wi ll be remembered by po ss ible with the h elp of one' s irn mee tmg of th e Neb ra ska s up e nn- wt ll a lways rem e mber th e heroic Iher many friend s of Peru as head ag ination. Honor mu st be paid to te nd e nts and principals. Th ey also se rvic es of Dr. Vance last ye ar in of th e ph ysic al training for g irl s. s uch a cast a nd to th e director Mrs. Seybo lt and h er ass is tant: attendP d th e dedica tory se r vi ces th e dr ea dfu l sco ur ge of th e flu, I Sh e r es igned la st Augu1t. Mr. Ce lia Pe terson . This oriental drama of the new teachers' co ll ege building when hi s services saved hundr eds 1 and Mr s. Reif has th e who le is th e newest, cl evere st production of the Uni versity of Nebraska. from th e dreadful effect s of this I s chool' s heartiest congratu lat ion s. the club has ever presented.
Entered at the Posto flicc at fJc ru , Nchra s ka as seco nd matter.
Publi shed We ekly by th e Peru State No rm al $ 1. 00 per yea r. Singl e co py i1 cts
fo re Ja nuar y 1 to ev ery i ndiv idu al, partner s hi p a nd co rp o rati on th at fil ed a ret urn for th e ye ar 1918. so al l will have amp le time in wh ic h to fi le complete re tu rns wit hin th e time pr es c rib ed by law.
Every s in gl e person whose net in com e is $1000 and e ver y marri ed per .c;o n who se net i neom e is $2000 mu st m ake an i nc ome tax r et urn Th e re ar e penalties for fa ilure to do 1 so.
Senior Class Notes,
Dorothy Mauck, '20 Ed itnr-in -C hil:l T he seni or s he lcl thei r class
Al vina .-\mc ndc. Edi to r chap el in th e big c hape l Thursday , Pa ul Rennct t. ':! I A tu n t Edit nr a nd it ce rtainl y a one.
Ge t th e na me .
Wh en in ne ed of qua!t
F <: rn Ad a ru s, Ed ito r We 're telling the wnrl cl that it
Ravm o nd llu fTcr, '21 i\ lg'r t k · t 1 t d · 't to . . . . a e ss e n1 or a en an tng enu1 y burma Wo odrc. sp i'vlg r \l :rrl rn g lkpl ' have suc h good rr r> grams. Th e littl e p la ylet given by Mi ss Lin e-
Celi a Lo rrance Senior man and Mr. Thoma s ar ousE' d our Dn·sskr Juni or inte re st and curi os ity as t(l th e ,\Ji cc SoJJh o" " 're o utcom e of wh at . 'T he papers llilrl cgarrll.' Y<'d; Ida S pecials & Tra im:rs dirln't s ay_ " Mi ss Is ab el· Sean; \\'illiarn \' :\1. C -\. r ead " My Ri val!' anrl "ln th e
Hel en Wi lliam s Y. \V. •·. A. Us ua l Way," as she a lw ays r ead s, We' do--
se ii
d al-\s, Erm a Wi lso n Phil o tt't athean
Fern Ferree Girl s Club very charmingl-y Mis s Erma Wil so n' s s olos , "Someti ne " and a lullaby, mad e us wond er wha t we wil l do withou t her ne xt se mest t' r.
De lla \Vea th cr hogg Ora r11a tic Cln b Cathain e Li encnran J. U. ar t icl es accept ed aft er R o'cloel< i\1 on day mo rning.
An Em er gency.
Te ac hers' sa lari es are mu ch to o low. Th e re is no lo nLr er any -r oo m for argument abo ut it. Th e tim e has come for acti o n. Sala ri es sh o uld be rai se d, not next year
Pr of esso r Jean ta I ked to us for a few minute s and it see med qu ite lik e old time s aga in to see hi s sm ilin g face and h ea r hi s ideas.
Co mmi tte es for co mm ence ment and se nior mem o ri al ar rangeme nts I were app o in te d. Al:;o a pep commi tte e for g irl g' basket ball game ne xt Friclay. but no w.
F il m Develo pin g, Print Fi nis hin g, Enl arg in g, Tin t in g. Fi lms, Paper,
P tom pt Se rvi ce and A1 qua lit y w ork. Ask for p ri ce i i st s Out of to wn ord e rs given prom pt att e nt io n. PER U, NE BR.
HA Rt) -.R
9l/ahogany Lu mber / AND BATH
L yons, Nebras ka , a town of less I fo r the a cc ount of that big s enior than I, 000 p eo ple, has set a goo d par ty Th ere wa s so me p ep ! example . In Decem be r the board I · I of e du cati on the re adopted a sa le ry s chedule pro v idin g as fo llows:
For grad e t eac hers, minimum per ye ar, $1,0 00 ; maximum, $1,600
Fo r hi gh school teach ers, m ini -
I Now for th e big eve nt! L oo k
St e ll a vs. Peru H. S.
The high sch oo l t ea m we nt to
St e ll a. Fr,iday ev e nin g', Ja nua ry 16 , in ca rs , to play the St l:' lla fi rst team. The f oll o_w in g r es ult s wi ll s ho w clear ly that th e gtrength of mum per ye ar, L,200; maximum, team lay la r gl:' ly in th eir $ 2 , 200 - s ta r ba s ket-man, Pug-h Pe ru
For hi gh sch ool jJr inc ipal , min i· faile cl to hold h im down th e first m\lm per yea r, $ 1,60 0: maximum, half, a ll ow in g him to sco re 14 of $ 2 , 600 · th e 18 points mad e. In the seco nd
For su pe rinte nd ent of s ch ool s, half Delze ll, in a rath er amu sing minimum per ye ar , $2, 400; maxia nd sp ecta cu lar wa_v which th e mum, $3 ,400 roo ters co uld ha rdl y und ers tand at
We ha ve ju st received a !" hipm e n t fr o 1n l h P hi llipp i ne , B a!'e ment Fil"he r' s Dru g- Store I I Fir s t-c lass Wo rkm en. Y" ur Pa tro n • ag e So lic ir e:-- d. I j C. P. S CO VI LL Prop.
lt1n ds fo t· I I tr· ··d n i ng wo rl " I AN D
Me ek · bumlber> <::o _/_ Ll.Inch
€ity €afe and / Ves per Br and Ba ker>y / Foo d For I I AT
T hi s is practi ca ll y the s oh e du le fir s t, he ld thi s man down to two rec ommend ed by th e N at ion al Edu ca tion in it s r ece nt bu lle tin, Co mm i ss ion Se ri es No. 6. Thi s is a rea so n ab le ba sis for in crea sed salar ie 3. Why not ask yo ur board to con s id er it and take act ion s oo n?
An em er gency ex ists which mu st be met at once if o ur schoo ls are po ints.
AI tho· the g am e was los t, th e t ea m le arn ed many Ya lu a bl e lel'e;o ns to h t> lp th em in f utur e games.
Fo llo w in g is th e li ne-u p:
Pe ru -9 Ste ll a- 25
Cha se . f Sm ith
Cowe ll f. E. Wagn er to con ti nue on even a rea so na bl e Parri o tt c. R. Wagner basis of e ffi cie ncy.- The Ne br as ka Brun s don Pugh Te ach e r. g.
In come tax re tu rns are due Ja nuary 1, 1920. The last date of ti l· ing wi ll be March 1 6. Blan ks for making re tu rn s wi ll be mailed be-
Delzell g. Hens ley
Bask ets: Chase 2, Pa rri o tt 1,
Delze ll 1, E. Wagner. 2, R. Wagner 1, Pu gh 8. Fr ee thro wn: Parr io tt 1, Pu gh 3.
WELC O E§ ! A ll &-RI CE lO Wh ol_es al e Di str ib uto rs. Stu .&e nts Nf i J: : ]; 1-.d.
Dulb s ABre ad y ott ed
HH tdnrh. T uli ps & In m11SS fib re in non- br ea kab le fl ower po t· No th,.. _ t ng- to rio b ut open pac kages and s et pots in sha ll ow j ar din ee r at ' w er a nd kee p 1n an or dinary l1v1 ng room o ffiC' "" or t · • · s ore
Th ey wi ll start le::1f and b ud gro wt h at 0 11 ,. d · _ '-Pa n 1n a sh ort tim e the beauti fu l, fr agrant fl owers w ill app e ar
• 3 for 50 cent s
Phil oma thean.
La st Friday ni g ht Phil o pre se nted anoth er exce ll e nt pro g ram whi ch was r at her out of th e ord inary. Mi ss Esther Cole, the chairman , a nd her comm i tt ee are to be con· gra tulated on th e s uccess of suc h a varie d an d well bal an cen e nte rtainment. It has bee n felt that Philo was beco min g an e ntertai nm e nt soci e ty and was los ing sight of th e fact tha t it originally was a I i terary soc iety. To make an effo rt
Gym last Friday ni g ht. The No. could make good auctione ers. 1 's conn e cted wit h the goa l many Many o th er games were played bemore ti mes than did the No. 2's. fore tim e to ea t, w hi ch came a ll too
That is no re flect io'n on th e No. 2's, soo n, for you k now that t his party ho weve r, but a big compl ime nt to was differe nt from mo st, of course, th e N o. l' s. The fina l sco re was as it as a se nior party The eats 54 to 12. we re re g ul ar picnic grub: doughTu esd ay the Va rsi ty te am sta rts n uts , pickles an d coffee. Th ey on its long trip. Before th ey n- as te d I i kf. more, we t hou g ht. turn they will have m et th e bes t At 9 o'cloc k, sce ne t wo b ega n te a ms in the stat e of Nebraska . when we a ll wended our way down Th ey wi ll plav D 1ane, YHk, th e h il l to the rr.ovie. But wh en Kearney and Cot ne r. The fol low· we got there the first sh ow was s til l to re cover in thi s direction, Mi ss ing pl aye rs wi ll defend the honors gJ ing, so we gave th e t ow n a few Ruth Birch gave a ske tch of the of Peru: E. Rose n1u is t, C. H se n- ye l ls a nd 'r ahs ' to make sure every lif e of Ne ihardt, and Miss Bessie qui st , Ra sch, Bitz en baugh , Hi g- one r ea li ze that the sen ior s we re West reac one of hi s shorter plays, gins and Stand le.v. h tv i ng a mov ie party, nntil it wa s hand ling it e xc e pt ional ly well. 1 Fr om the las t s how 'ng. of the \ ti 'Yle to o;. nd see :dary in "The Lawrence and Harold It ea m s, th e Doane game will pc 1- H .J orl lum Br own appea r ed in a nove l tv va ude
1 hap s be the toug h est pr opos it ion We do n't n ee d to te ll you ab ou t vill e sk etc h, 1 pic ee on th e schedul e. Per u. wil l mak e a on ly if didn' t see of bl a ck face come dy, wh ic h wa s' plac e for h .: r-elf, 1f not at the 1t yo u m1 ssed somet hmg, but we do fu ll of ac tio n, wi ly jQkes, c lever he .d of tn e wel l up at th e t ot wa nt you to kn hw a nd re member takeo ffs on ;, uJ e nt s, and snappy Coach Speer has the s1me hank er -t hat th is was one of the b es t se ni or songs. in g afte r ba sket ball sca lp s as he p .:H ti es e ve r.
ple ce c!. R t>g ul ar work wil l t:eg in M.mda y, January 26
Th e takeoff of the eve nin g was had f or pigskins. So we are loc k- Ftfte en 'ral s for th e se nior s! the deba te-Podunk ve rsus Squ ee k- in g f orward to see scalp st ow n- up on th.c qu es tion: Re solv - dan g ling fr om Coac h Spee r' s b el t Th is Wt>e k wil l find regi s trat io n ft .r t he se cond seme ster com- ed that a is a be t ter wh en he com es marchin g home of de fen se for a woma n th an a ro lling pin. The hono rab le Junior Notes. · d M p ) B d Cla ss cha pel was ve ry much < 1>. J u ges were r. au en n et t an
Mr. Fr.tn ,{ Sharrar. The la di es I j oyed. The prog-ram wa s we ll r ende re d. Miss led th e fr nm PuJ un k who so nobly def e nd! t ffi t' M' devot ion s T.1e re st of th e e Lt e r-
Ca len da r, Regu lar Event s. Wee kly. ·See our line of
e, 11e a r ma Jv e were 1sses
Mo nd ays, Sarah Armstraight , Ca t her ine tai n ment consisted of a read i ng by R th L H · d Orche s tra, 7:30 to 8:15. GntfiL hs, J ane Will a- u a. ance
Choru s, 5 :40 to 6: 15.
dene Dauohin. who defe nd -( by Mt ss Shiv ely; a p 1uno ::. olo, Tu e.:;d ay s, Girl s' Glee Club , 8:15 ' Mona Ke ith. E ve ry juni or out t to 9. Boys ' Glee Clu b, 7:30 I
ed the n egat1ve from Squeektow n 8. B
th e ne xt meeti ng! lt is rumor ed to .15. and, 8 15. we re Sa lly Gob bl e mar e, Ruby L aw-
IBy th e bo x or pound. Just the th ing for that B irth day Prese nt that somethinrr u nusual a. nd im- Wedn es da ys , Choru s, 5:40 to 6: 15.
Da n1e ll a We ::; ter, Pear l o 0 1 8 y T;' •• portant is to be "r ul led off ." 1 rc 1es tr a, 7: 30 to :1 ?. .c.ll sm an M. C. A., 8 :1 5. Tn e ar gu nt nt s were we ll stated · S en ior Party, Thur sday s, Y. vv. c. A., 7:15 to an d to po in t; th e re butta l was Talk about pep! Th ere was lots 8:1 5. Girls' Glee Club, qu ick and s nappy; and the judges show n at the se ni or party Saturday 8 :15 to 9. Bo ys ' Glee Club, d ec i ue d in fav or of the " Broom- nig ht And good-looking" co s tum es ! 7 30 8 15 B d 8 15 I : to : . an , : . Did we tel l you it wa s n hard- 1 Bi- monthly.
M1 ss Le na Bates clo se d th e time rarty? Wel l, it was , and Stud ent Counc il of G irl s' C lub gram with oneof her da in tydan ces, so me of th e clo th es wer e certain ly Th e Monday eveni ng before th e which al wa ys plea se tho se wh·1 hard loo ki ng. Se co nd Tu es day of eac h month and hav e the pleas ure of wat c hing he r. The pa rt y bega n at 7:15 with a! eve ry two wee ks th ereafter at 9:00 Exhibition Game, Il ive ly ga me of t radi ng. Eve ryon e I p. m. 1 " had broug ht somet hing- whi ch he S econd Frida y, Philomath ea n, 8 P layed " u o'cl ock. Fourth Frid ay ,
Th e " Big 5 P eppers No. Itri"d to t. a ·'u off to some one else the "Big 5 P ep pers No '' s t'ght unc:.een ." Fr om t'he res ults 2" in an exh ib iti on gam e in th e f . Phil o mat hea n, 8 o'cl ock. 1 so me o o ur sen tors pr oved they 1 Mont hly.
It i;:; a ma tter of pl easu re and prid e wi th us to me et vour eve ry nee d, in o ur li nes, in a ma nner to a cco mm odate yo u. Ou r e ntir e bu s ine ss po li cy is shape d by this ambition.
On th at account we so licit yo ur reques ts for ecco m modat lon, s pec ial as we ll as ord in ary. We want to e arn you r trad e on the meri t. of our servi ce and goods.
Seco nd Tu es da y, Gi rls' Club, 11: 50. Fir st We dn esd ay Dramatic , R. Fir st Satu rd ay J. U. G., 8. Special Eve nt s.
Dramatic C lub, J anuary 14. Fr ee Movie, Ja nuar y 16 Phi lo Soc iet y, January 16.
Che1 se's Barber Shop M i I st ea d Base me nt ALL WORK FIRSTCLASS Fu ll l in e of To ilets on h and A. W. CHASE, Pr o p.
''Let there be Light" W€ hav e a ni ce lm e of Electric Lamps, Flas hli gh ts a nd Batterie s.
ISafety Razors and Blades, Ska tes, Poc.ket Kn i ves and Ma nual Tra inin g Ha r dware.
Buy your goods in Peru. Mackpre1ng's
liha Citizens eState .9lank
Sma ll Acco unt s are given con s iderate a nd careful atten tion at this bank ., E. E. GUOD, Pr es id ent 0 M. GOOD. Cas hi er
J. W. McADAMS, V. Pres. ANNA FARLEY, A.919t. em,;,
There is no use talking, you have the laugh on the whole crowd. An "August wedding" announced January is the cause of all this warm pleasant weather. Beg Your pardon! Mr. Robert Sandberg now a most popular teacher, and Miss Belle MeyP.rs, one of Randolph's popular were married in the month of August.
Mr. and Mrs. Sandberg are both graduates of Peru, and have made successes. Profes so r Sandberg is n ow coach, athl et ic dir e ctor ar.d manual training tea cher in the Nebraska City high schoo l. Mrs. Sandberg is now teach ing at Randolph. They will be remember ed by their many friend s as Belle and Sandy.
Readin' books, my dear boy, 'Cause they Jearn me so much." Get the hook!
-.Johnstown Democrat. He eo axed her one morn i rig to fly; They fell from half-way to the sky. When as ked to explain, She replied with much pain: "It almost killed he and I."
-Chicago Record -Herald.
Altho a st r ong suffragette She sa id of her cooking: You bet I do it so we ll
You plainly can tell There's nothing you couldn't of et. -0. J. L.
(In the Western Teacher.)
Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary, The Pointer did not learn till this week that Mr. and Mrs. David
We are a little late , but here we Jack on New Year's Day celebrated are wit h the heartiest congratula- their golden wedding anniversary. tions. Dr. John Jack and family of Chica-
A suggestion :-The next time go were here, as was Mr s. Winkleyo u two get married, :.ip it off man of Omaha. Dr. Will Jack was sooner, and the Normalite staff unable to be pre se nt. Other guests will take a pa ssenge r train were Mr. and Mrs . Casne r Barnes of Nemaha and Mrs . A Fool,Proof Universe 1 Ans ley of St. Jos eph. A big dinner
It 1s to be hop ed that no Pe ru- was prepar ed, and th e occasion was vian lost any sleep over predicted a very pl easant one. - Peru Pointer. catastrophies v.hich were to have
occurred on Dece mber 17. In Will Give Another Show. current vernacu lar. there was noth - The Ladie s Cemetery Assoc iation ing to it. It is pos s ihle th ere may wi ll give th e last of the se ri es of be below zero weat he r. or s un spot, picture shows for which season or earth ·quakes, just as it is also tickets were so ld, on Monday everl · po ss ible there may be outbreaks of ing. January 26. The film s s hown th e flu, or rai l way accidents, or will be as follow s: "The New riots on s uch a day, but if so, they Teacher, 1 reel; "In Da rkest w ill not i.>e due to any peculi ar Afr ica ," l ree l; "Hazza rds and arrangement of the plan e ts or other Home Run s, 1 reel; "Max Wants heavenly bodie s. The solar syste m a Divorce," 2 r eels. Mi ss Lois and the starry are, und er Ha cker will read. Admission , the reign of law, practical ly fool- seaso n ticket , or 10 and 25 cents proof; but unfortunate ly mankind, This is the la st show on th e seaso n because of ignorance of the starry ti cket s. It will be good. ComE' heavens, is not proof against f ool- and enjoy good pictures , and help is h notion s promulgated bv as to- the Cemetery Associat i on.-Adv · logica l fakirs, or "guinea pig Miss Louise Mears, -now one of brained" cranks '' God is in hi s the faulty of the Milwaukee Norheaven, and all is ri g ht wit h th e mal, was in Peru Wedne sday, wor ld. " A _ s trophil. iting old friends and looking after Grammar.
There wa s a young lady from Kent , Whose g rammar was t err ibl y bent; She said ' to her flame, "I'm so g lad you hav e cam e, But 1' II mi ss you so much when you've went. ''
- J'ittsburg Post
We kn ow her quite we ll , and a blund er
Of hers often re nd s us asunder ;
Sh e sa id - thi s is tru e"! what to do ,
Anrl I don e i t" - now ain 't s he t he wonder?
- Alton Tim es
She spends loti of time with a book
Historleal, trashy, or cook; '
And she says: "I enjoy
the sa le of the Mears store roo m.
Word has just bee n r ece ived that Mi ss Bess ie Gra ha m, secre t ary to th e president of th e Normal for many years, wae recently marri ed to Mr. C. John ston They will make their home at Scotts Bluff
Stewart's School Service of Lincoln, Nebraska Managed by W. T. DAVIS
A Peru Alumnus, class of 1906
Will help Peru Graduates get Positions Watch for their ad next week.
THE PLACE TO TRADE AND SAVE MONEY t • • lr" Foun aan W atche.s, Clocks, ue.we. v' Pens. Stationery School Supples. School and Soc iety Pins and Rings Pennants, Vlashlights and Supplies Will order • 1 d spectac les We repair pens, watches, Jewe ry an anything we don't have and s av e you money. J. c. CHJ\TELAIN. Peru. Nebr.
Fine Dress Shoes for both
Ladies' and Gentlemen
Price $4.50 to $!2.00
Su i ts Cleaned, Pressed 0. J. MILSTEAD. and Repaired
AVGNUG eo ••
For the red apples, oranges. banilnas, grapes CANDIES
Cookies, Bread and Lunch Goods
Phone 73
See us for your stationery ond School Su pp1ies H. U. LANDOLT, Peru, Nebr. CUTLERY
New Cu stom Inaugurated at PeruGradua t es
Last Friday Old Peru said good b.ve t :> he r seventeen "Tlid yea r graduates at co mm e nceme nt. exe r cises hel d in th e ir hnno r -lhe first
asfket Ball---friday Ni ght
Ooane the Champions of 1919
Plays on hom e fl oo r. Pe1·u's fir st game home fl oo r this G atue culled at 8::-lH · Adrnis ... ion Budget tL ket or 50c
seaso n.
Wins Two a nd Loses T wo-Scorcs 100 Points to Opponents 71
Two games won and two games lost is the sto ry of a long and hard trip. Last Tuesday mo rninJl our
D•1anP won fr om Peru on th e D oane f;!oo r last week hy a good quintet with a duet and the big forma l "Tlid - year co mmenc e ment in score marle the fir"'t half But hold! Pe ru came back in so lo ma de their debut into basket the hi ,tory of tne schoo l. Aft er th e last half with the bi g end of th e s core of 13 ball territory They had a li t tl e the openi ng hymn an d the in voca - to 10 , but did not ove r come the lea d in practice game wit h D oane -yes, t . M · E w 1 f h th e fi r st half. It was P er u' s
JOn 1ss rma 1 :; on u t e out- fir st game
D-o -a-n-e, that's the way you spe ll going cl ass sang- "Gr ay Days " and Frid ay's ga me will te ll th e tale --o f 1920 champs. it wh en you wa nt to spell "moa n" "My Ain Folk'' With th e appear- , ...........,...: ,. w 1ul ""'w& _,_..,._.,_ • an d call it "jin x. " Doane has i ng s im nl ici tr and <!harm that hav e - · tr.e 1919 champi ons hip t ea m of the mane her s in g in g such a pleas ur e good fri end!': ou r outgo in g se ni ors Girls' Basket Ball Tourn a ment. state which has bee n playing to to a ll of us. Th en fol l o-:Je d the ! behi nd _th e m. I Th e tournament was a gr ea t get her for th e last ' ste en yea rs, and a rl ur e; s of the day, by Dr. Li da B. I Mid-y ea r li st of su ccess The se ni ors wo n th e hi gh t he team is the r ea l article too. F.:a rh art , of the U niv ers ity of Ne- 1 Mar y Caldwe ll, honors with the freshmen c lo se T .1e _ first half was a run-awa y for I Addi e Bedell. Coa iP, second . T he juniors m ade a D oa ne. Thi s was the fi r st game ''Yo u - and Othe r Folks" was j Ha ze l Margaret Bmmert, i s)ler.d id show ing as did th e sop h- our boys, playing to get her , ever way Dr · Earhart phrase d th e topiC Fe rn Maude Ferr ee , om or es Th e following we re in played w ith a col lege tea m in their of her talk. Out of her own broad Zoe Gladys Ga rm an I the lin e up : little yo un g liv es so the fir st half and rich experience in te aching Et he l H aze l Gunderson, S en iors, 13 Juni ors lO. stood 19 to 3 for the c ham ps Then and in l iv ing she gave the class Alma Marie Le mke, W ill ia"Tls , cap If. Farquar in the seco nd half ou r qu in te t, s ane: go ..: d co un se l, all th e more Celia Lor ance, Salzman r g. N. Parr iott With Hi gg ins playing in place of fo rcd uJ a nd pregna nt for its kee n Linni e R. Ri ec ke r, B:-u:..,..!, i'l;; ..:. Jvl•us Lu ll,..:cl)J. , Rasch ':'!': c j:m.:, humnr and Kindl y human quality I' Ma bel Runy a n, Be ll rc. Eri sma n Ishowed th e ch amps some r ea l basWhat is to be you r contr i butio n, Karb a ra Scovi ll e, ; Spreche r lg. Cow ell ket bal l, win ning the sec ond ha lf sn e a!'k e d, "in c haracte r and in , Ne lli e L. Ste wart, 1 Boess ler rg. Huff 1 by a 12 to 10 score , makin g the spirit , to ou r profe;; ,ion?" Then I I ra M. Sides, ! Subs titut es : Ifinal sco re 2n to 15. N ext Fr i day pu tt ing as ide a ll questio n of te ch- I Wel tha Winona Wilkie, • D 1up hin
Veach night the champs are co min g to n ic al pr e parat ion , Dr. Earh ar t Helen Wi lli a ms, \ McCarrol
Jan is j Peru- say co me al l ye and hear ye, t al ked of four. tra1ts of per son ality Erm a !"!ly e Wil so n, 1 Bonde
Keit h Ithere will be so m eth in g do in g in whic h c,Jun t in any teacher a; !::lu3ie Mari e Wixo n. 1 Goa!H: Wi lliam s, a; Salzman 3 ; the old town on that ni ght. assets Hs clem e nts of s ucce "s. F ir st!' Farquahr 3; Parr i ott , 1 : fr ee throw, I On Wed nesd ay ni g ht the mig hty sn e spoke of a Pe nse of h umor- Mi ss Earh ar t G uest of Honor. Sal zman 1 ; aParro itt, 1 : Fa r qnahr, 1 team of Yorl< was lai d to r es t when "the p.)we r to meet half-way th e j La dt Fr iday afternoon, at an 1. our p ets playe d th ei r seco nd g ame spirit of fun put th ere when people infor mal fi ve o'!'lock tea in t he F" h 14 j ln t he first half score was 8 th . . h 1 S ophomo res 12. re s men, p d h mad e,' • and wa rn ed the ki nd erg ar te n, e tr ammg sc oo
Sh' 1 ond half was 30 to 4. es, 8 pus Griffiths rg 1ve ey ted ch e,·y tis;;Lte " Th en she ur g ed mal Sch oo l f ac u lty, ha? th e pleas-
C to 4 in fa vo r of eru an t e seed h h N Weaver, cap. r f. ameron 1 y 1 ci a .; -. a! ai n .• t developing • 'too much 1fa culty an t e 1r gu ests , t e or·
· D p . tt 30 m akes 38, and 4 plus 4 makes D L .d 8 E h t Mo•r e If arno . f f that t!arh tea cher have an avoca- ureof m eet in g r. I a . • ar ar-
1 H d 1 8. So it wa s 38 to 8 m avor o tion ri Je a hob hv to kee p from The kind er gar te n, wi lh its beau ti- D owell g. F' h eywoo IP eru -t hat was th e e nd of th e ' · ' I Adams c. 1s e r, cap. being swai iJ wed up in the detail s\ ful pi c tur es _ and fl "wer s, made a b t't l 1seco nd ni ght. b k d f th uu s 1 u es : 1 l{ of on e 's work. Tac t was \he t hi rd m o:; t attractive ac goun or e A On Thur sday mg nt ea rn ey was h t h d b t nd e rson d b . as et the r ecog ni ti on that others l•(l e rry g ruup s t a ga t ere a ou W r: C 5 highl y e nt e rtain e yo ur qu mlet • 1 h bl 4 th Goa l.: eave r, u; ameron, ;j d 8 8 8 h av e a ri ght to th e ir po int of vi ew. / t e t ea ta es or esco nse u e m- f h 0 2 Th e fir st half sco re to . e· J f th Mo ore 11; ree t ro w, 1 b d 1 And lastly the SJ.l l'ake r urge d that se ves 1n so n1 e o e man y cozy tween hal ves our ce e rate so 01st te ach e rs work to develop th e ir sense j cor ners. Imust have su ng one of hi s qua rtets of bt auty, work to s ti mu la te love Gradually the se grou ps , cau g ht Goes to Kirksville, Mo with jazz accompan im en t for the of beauty in other s, and to create by th e power and ch ar m of Dr. · Roy E. Shav er , of the cla ss of I seco nd half the quin t et d id a regube auty about th em , in th e school Earhart 's pe r so nality, ci rift ed h er '21, lea \fs PH u at the end of the l lar tr ot to the tune of 21 to an d in the co m munity. Dr. Ea r- way and hung on th e oute r edg e sem<'sler and goes_to Kirksville ,l4 in fa vor of Pe ru. Our boys ha r t's h earers will n ot soo n fo r get of th e c irc le with ea ger intentn ess. Mo., wh ere he will attend the ! received royal treatment by the her p lea for a ful l a nd genero us- Dr. Earhart's li ve ly description American Sc hool of Os teop•lth y. sister n orma l, afte r the g am e. spirited l ife on th e oart of those .of i nteresti ng s itu at ions and her Mr. Sha ver is one of Pe ru 's fo ot - Frid ay n ig ht Co tn er playe d a who are guiding o th ers in li vi ng. anal ys is of nati o na l pr o bl ems was ba ll Jetter men, a me m be r of the tri ck on us, ye s she did. Th e first Co l. T. J. Maj ors, b efore pre indeed a refreshi ng br eeze from Boys' Glee Club and Y. M. C. A half it was in ou r favo r and we se nt1op; the diplomas , sp uke ki ndly the outer wo rld. and a loy al s upp or ter of the jun i or tho ug ht wewe re to ha ve the ga me, wJrd :> of goodbye to the graduates, class The whole sc h oo l r eg r et s but at th e end of th e second half on be half of the sc ho o l. And hi s Mildr ed J. Marc h, s up e rint en-to lose Mr. Shavfr, bu t jo in in the pr eac he rs had to pr ono unce th e g ood wi s hes we re heart il y and dent in Nu cko ll s county, vis ited w is hin g him th e f ul lest s ucc ess in benediction, winning by the close affectionately ec hoed by the m any her si ste r in Pe ru thi s week e nd th e medical profession (C "n ti nlfl cl on lkco ntl Pag•·.J
THE PERU NORMALITE work at Sy ra cu se. She has recent ly
E co ntracted with th e Standard Chau· ·ntc red at the Postofficc at Peru, Ncta uq ua of Lincoln for a s umm e r' s brasl<a as seeo nd. cJ ass ma tter.
Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal trip as so loist fn a ladi e s' quarte t. Sh e w ill s tart in ea rly Jun e and $ 1. 00 per year. Singl e copy 5 ct s. will travel with the co mpany for the three summer months : She will s in g in Oklah o ma , Alabam a, Loui s iana, Mi ssi ss ppi, Texa s, New Me xico , Ar izo na, Col ora do and Wes te rn Ne bra s ka.
I Sanford Cle mm e nts is planning ===---===--======= to do h is wo rk towa rd hi s d eg r ee
1' 111; EUITo RIAL sTAFF at the State U r.ivr es ity thi s co min g
Doro thy Mauc k, ' :.!O..•..•. Edi tor.in·Chi cf M sem ester. r. Cleme nt s was.- r e-
Aivin a Ame nde, Assoc iate Edito r " l' a ul Benn et t, Edi iO r leased fr om service la st Novemb er. Fe rn Adams, ' 21.. Assista nt Edito r He had the bad lu ck to s pend th e l<aymo nd H uflcr, '2 1. MJ.! 'r last few mo nths in th e h .;s pi tal du e
E mm a Wood ie, sp Mg' r. :\ !ai lin g De pt to a barf attack of typh c> id f ev er 1 It wi II be so me tim e befo re he
Ce li a Lorrunce Scnior w ill be abl e to le ar! in b as ket ball
:\l :.•b.d Drcsslc r Juni or He is plannin g to e nt er th e teac h-
WuHfred S 1 • • ···· op 1omo rc tn g prof ess ion as soo n as hi s health
I ath ryn F reshmen . t H h
I ri a Fn cl· ri cl<sun "'rJec·•als & ·r perm1 s. e as bee n spPnd mg ·" · ramen;
Wi ll ia m fh umas Y. M. C. A. th e las t few wee ks at his home in Am,· Ad11 ms y w. 1 ·A. Elmwo od.
Helen Va nZa nt Girl s Clu h · -
-\li ce Glasgow Ph ilo mat heu n Graduate Recita l.
De ll a \Veat hcrh o).!g- Drnm atic Club On We dne:;day even ing at ei g ht
Ca th t:ri ne Lic ne man J. U. o'cl ock, in th P. chap e l, Miss Fe rn Fe rree will give her graduati on N o articles a cc epted a fter 8 0 'c lock M undu_v mo rnin g. recital. All membe rs of the fa cui ty,
Our Ball Outlook
Th e coach ia we ll sati s ri ed w ith o ur te am on it s fir st trip . He sees wh ere th e te nm can be made s tr onge r an d how th e indi viduai I p.a ye rs ca n be made to do even bet ter wo rk Of :.he he h as seen on thi s trip he thinks Pe ru sta nd s we ll towa rrl th e top. Ed Rose nq ui st was th e hi gh man in mak i ng th e po int :;;, w hil e hi s b ig bro th er Carl Rose nq ui st had li t tl e t ro ubl e g ettin g th e ball away fr om t he o th er ce n te rs. Bi tze nbaug h pl ayed a wo nd e rful g ame as guarrl, a nd f' ran te play ed hard and f ast at forwa rd and running guar d. Higg ins and St andl ey as subs have proven th e 1r 11tn ess on thi s trip
Ther e is no ques ti on if th e boy s can get th e pr oper pr actice a nd han g toge ther as they have do ne th at they stand a good chan ce of win n ing r es t of th'e gam es of the aeaso n
s tudents , and towns peopl e are co rdially in v ited Mis s Ferree will be a ss isted by Mi ss Roess ler and Mi ss
Ke ith at th e piano The progr am will be as follow s:
Marce l, O p. 66, No 6, Benjamin Goda rd , Mi ss R oess le r.
Th e Song of th e Turbin e Wh ee l.
Jo hn G. Ne ihardt, At Sunri se ,
Jo hn G. Ne ih a rdt, a nd Wat er Fa nta s _v, Fanni e Ste arns Davi s, Mi <>s Fe rre e, 1
T i" nel. Ca rl B.1hnm , Mi ss Keith. I
Selec ti ons fr om Nich olas Nic k· e lb y, Charl es Dick ens, Mi ss Fe rn Fe rre e. 1 Bmket Ba ll Team' s Trip
Get the name.
Whetl in need of quality 25 or call at the Mardis Quality. S ervice, Court e ous Tretttment with pure fresh ha s built our and reputation
Phone 25 MARDIS
Phon6 25
We d o-Fi lm De vel op in g, We st'II Koda ks, Print Fini s hin g, ·Enlarg ing, Tintin g. Fi lms, Paper, Etc.
Pto mpt Se rvice and Al quality work. Ask for pri ce lists Out of to wn o rd ers gi ve n prompt att ent ion. PERU, NEBR. 97/ahogany Lumber
We httve just rece i v e d a ment from the Phillippine 1and !"i for· t11 an u a 1 tr·dning wm- 1(
o_ not und ers tand that o ur la ds I
Alumni Notes, ( Co ntinu ed Crom Fir st margin of three po ints. Th e Co tne rites were unanim o us in say in g that it was anybod y 's until th e la st minute. On e of th e professo rs sa id he had see n many a ga me on the fl oo r bu t: t ha t 1 was th e bes t game he had e ver\ s een. T wo of Pe ru 's goa ls we re not co unt e d, du e to lhe 1-ul es, 1 Y.hich lost Pe ru the g am e. N ow 1 d
thwk th ere was any unfa irn ess in Our go od old friend Hyslop , '1 8, IS re all y ma rri ed. He ia now li ving in Washington wh e re he is in the e mpl oy of th e go vernm ent. The bride was a trained nurse wh o al so was in the employ of th e governm e nt. It was fe ared th at o ur old f riend wo uld n ever surr e nd er to C upid after the at Peru. Fl o r.ence Ha p ke, '19, who specalIzed m public school music and r ece i ved th e sp e cal certifica te , h as met with unusual s uccess in her
lo sing th ese four po in ts ; but it
wo uld hue been so ni ce to a dd to 18 so we co ul d have bee n one point Narcis s us. Hl' fH.:inth T 1 to th e good but-all th e co untry In mr1ss fibr e in
"d a t t t rea a e
N e1 e w n s u co me o se e the Cot- open an d se t po ts
ne r-P eru contest when it ha pp ens k ee p 1 n an o rdin ary r w J
a nd in Pe ru if a real e nte rta inment is They w ill sta
wanted to be &eer. by our good peo- in a sho rt tim e th bu g_row th at
and pie 21 t o· 18 is not so bad e ea ut1 f ul , f rag rant The trip end ed with g am es fl owe rs will app ea r won and tw o los t. 100 po ints in 3 for 50 cents o ur favor a nd 71 in fav or of o ur opp o nents.
Industr ia l Art Ex hibit
Shave r. Sh ave r is a r eg ul ar stan d- the class thru ot th e four year
The ex hi bit of the cla sses in in- by, and one who co u ld always be cou r se
Y. W. C. A. dustr ia l and app l ied art , giv en in de pe nd ed upon . Goo d luck to yo u, the fa cul ty r oo m, Thurs day, Janu- ·Roy l ary 23, deserves co mm e nda tion not American Legi on Organized, How ma ny wer a at th eY. W. onl y f or th e bea uty of di s pla y, Pau l Ph e lps P os t, No. 182, mee ti ng last Thursday eveni ng ? b ut eve n more fo r i ts pedagog ical Am erican L eg ion, was orga nize d If You we re th ere, you know what sig ni fic an ce. Its th eme, for even here January 2 0, wi th a char te r you ga ined; but , if you were not th e casua l visit or co uld no t f ail to me mb er sh ip of for ty. Th e fo l- t he re, yo u can onl y try to i mag ine fi nd it had a th eme, was des ign lowin g oftlcer s were elec ted: Dr. B. w ha t you los t. The topic was fr om n atu r e, th e d evel op ment of a 1 L. Shell horn , commande r; Carl " Th e Mission of Mu s ic," wi th ch ose n na ture fo rm in to a decor a- , Thurm an and Warr en S te ph enso n, Gladys La France as lea der. She tive m otif a nd i ts ad aptati on to vice co mmand e rs; Frank Sh a rr ar , showed us the relat ionshi p of th e s pe cial s pa ce or mate rial fo1 1 ad j uta nt ; Geo rge Eb e rt, fi nance offi - dr ea mli fe a nd mus i c, and th e eff ec t whi ch it was inte nd ed ce r; B. 0 He lm s, cl:ap lain; D. C of a nt he ms an d vo lunt ari es in It wo ul d be im poFs ible in thi s Phe lps, H. F. Patter so n a nd H ug h chur ch se r vic es. She also r ead wh at bri ef mention to do ju s ti ce to th e I Car man , ex ecu tive co mmi ttee He n ry Wa rd Beec her ha s said of va r io us featu r es of th e e xhibit, I Th e post will me et on th e fir st th e effe ct of mu s ic u po n hi s conbea ut ifu l hand wo rk a nd model- and t hi rd Sa rur Jay s of eac h mnnth gr egati on s. In g, the sh ee ts of des igns wo rk ed IIt was nam ed in honor of Pa ul Fe rn Jones and Ne t ti e Mc Ca rr ol ou t by th e drawin g cl asses , th e Ph e lps, a P er u boy, wh o g ave his each sa ng for us, and we re rece iv· masks an d f ai ry gar de ns in eut li fe in th e Argo n ne F or est, t ha t ed as t hey al ways ar e. Th e r est pape r. the s anita s l un cheo n se t s, freedom migh t live. It is hopt. d of the ho ur wa s sp en t in s ing ing th e p la ce ca rd s. ca nd le sha des, that this or ga n izatio n will be a the f avo ri te songs of the gir la mats . t owe ls. sofa p ill ow s, and power f or g oo d in thi s community, pr ese nt. Come out this week and bags , th e desi gns in a ffi iqu e and in and an honor to the gove rnment en joy th is sp lend id m ee ting w it h ste nc il , a nd th e f asc ina tin g Am e ri- whi ch it s me mb ers so val ian tly us.
Calendar. canization of an old J apa nese p ro - ser ved during t he Gr ea t War. cess of dyei ng ca ll ed ba tik . E ve ry one of th ese is worth y of dPsc rip - Senior Class Notes. Regu lar Even ts ti on, fo r they a ll show th e s in cere Th e fi r st nu mber at se n ior ch apf' l Wee kly. k f Thur sday, was an i ns trum ental Mo d Ch 5 40 6 5 wo r o cr eat i 'J e 1m ag m at 10n seek· n ays, or us , :
in g out the esse nti al lines of th e du et by Miss Ress ler and Miss O rch es tr a, 7:30 to_' 8 :1 5. chosen fo rm a nd fitt ing them to Ho ak. Th is was f ollowed by a Tues days, Girl s' Gl ee Club , 8: 15
of correct the object fo r wh ic h they were de - reading, "A n Itali an 's Vi ew on th e to 9. Boys' Gl ee Club , 7:30 · d Labor Ques ti on. by Est her Co !e. t 8 15 B d 815 s 1gne o : . an , .
Miss Mutz and her pupils are to Th e las t n umb er was a voca l solo Wednesdays, Ch or us, 5:40 to 6 :1 5. b by Ne tti e McCarr ol l. Fol lo win g 0 h 0 e co ngratu late d on t hi s very s uc· rc es tra, 7:3 to 8: 15. Y. f I h .b.t f h · , t hi s program th e se ni ors sh owed M c A 8 15
cess u ex 1 1 o t e 1r se mester s · · ·, : · k d I b h k d f lots of pep and practiced ye ll s. Th d y w C A 7 15 t wo r , an a so to e t an e or ur s ay s, . . . . , : o
oner y By the b ox or pound. J ust the th I ·t h Th ey h ad an other ra lly Sat urci ay 8 15 G' 1 ' Gl CJ b th ing for that Bi r thday Present
e P ea su re 1 gave to t ose o ut- 1 : • 1r s ee u , side of th e art a ft e rn oon It tak es pep to W ID a 8 :1 5 to 9. Boys ' Glee Clu b, - g am e and we ha ci it. 7:30 to 8: 15. Ban d, 8 :1 5. NORMA L STORE Y. M C. A. ,. Freshm an· Bi - mo nth ly was ve ry pr ofi t ab ly spe nt in th e fr om the cl ass of "greenness " into The Mon day eveni ng before th ej Cha se :s Ba rber S hop
Werlnesday evr mn g-'s meet in g' Some of our num be r have go ne St ude nt Council of Girls' Club. si ngi ng of a nu hm er of familicn th e cl ass of • ce r ta inty." Hi lde- Second T uesday of eac h month and M il st ead Basement hy mn s. fo ll owed by the elec ti on of 1gard Yeck, Ruby La wr ence, M. eve ry two weeks thereafter at 9:00 cahi net office r s. Tb e fo ll ow ing Crys tal Meyer, E st her H oy t and p. m. werP elec te d fo r thi s se mes te r: Milt on Meye r ar e n ow sop hi es. We Second F ri day, P hi lo math ean, 8 Wil li am Th omas , pr es i de nt ;. Ed -sha ll m iss their loy alty a nd ent hu s- o'clock. Four th Frid ay, ward Rose nqu is t, vice pr eside nt; Ii as m, but we kn ow that th ese sa me P hi lo ma th ea n, 8 o'clock
ALL WORK FIRSTCLASS F ull line of Toi lets on hand A. W. CH ASE, P rop. Wi ll ar d Gr i ffit hs, sec retar y; Staf1 tr a it s w ill be app r ec ia te d by th tir Mo n t.hly,. S d T d G I Cl b 11 50 ' 'Let there be Li g ht " ford Pr ant e, tr eas ur er. 1 new cl ass mat es. econ ues ay , 1r s u , : .
The Assoc i atio n is so rr y to lose I Gr een and go lrl h ave been chose n I Wednesday, Dramat ic , 8. We have a nice li ne of Ele ctr ie one of i ts most act i ve wor kers , Roy as c la ss co lor s. Th ese will ser ve Fm'!t Sat u rday, J. U. G. , 8. La mps, Flas hli ghts and Spec ial Eve nts. Batte ries.
-- Fa cu lty- -& Fr ie nd s January 28 · Mills Fe r ee 's recita l. Safety Ra zo rs an d Blades, Skates, It is a matte r of pleasu re an d p ri de with us to Jan u ary 30 · Doa ne bask et ball' Pocket K nives and Manual Tra i ni ng m eet vour ever .v nee d, in our line s, in a game and Philo. H d ar wa re. ma nn er to accommodate yo u. O ur en
A Se ni or Version.
Th ose who were n' t her e Saturday certai nly mies ed t he t im e of their Jives
As you kn ow the j ·.mior and se ni or gi rl s' ba sket ba ll game was play ed. Ne ver wa s th ere suc h a rousing game played on t hi s floor.
Th e team s wer e we ll match ed, so th e se ni ors ha rl a ha rd fig ht for thn ose thr ee s up eri ot' po int s.
Wh at 's th e ma tt er with the juniors' j azz ba nd? You didn't henri t? We ll, nei th er rlid the r est of us. But we did enjoy th e song compos ed by th e juni o rs an d -sung by t he s op ho mo r es.
Yes , we adm it they cap tur ed on e of o ur pe nn a nt s, but do th ey kn ow wh ere th e ir' s i s?
Th e exc itin g even in g was cl o11ed by a qui et littl e par ty g iven by th e juni ors for the ir team. B ut wh at wo uld a par ty be with out ea ts!' T he se nio rs were too kind hear te d to eve r th ink of such a tr agedy so-we ll , you kno w.
children 's pa r ty. H ow the old dorm reso un ded with the ir gleefu l laug h te r and lusty songs as they playe d "fa rm er in the dell" ar,d "muffi n ma n ." Su ch we ir d and won de rfu l anima ls as th es e chi ld is h gr o wn-ups creat ed from jus t a aheet of tab let pape r! Some of the more tal e nt ed spoke pieces and sang for th e e nte r tainm ent of the r es t .
Li ke a ll l ittl e fo lks th e dorm yot,ng Ht e rs Iike to play "follow your le ader , " and so wh en so me one s ta rte r! a g rand mar ch for th e dini ng room, all ft> ll in li ne. Go od re fr e shment s ar e th e r.appy e nd ing! of all parties, a nd oh, gir ls, : wasn't that br ick ice cream and J cak e del ic ious? A nd the re wa s 1 nice ha rd candy a ll ti e, ; up in I bri g ht co lored sacks fo ::- e ach child I to t ak e hom e. I
Bu these childr en just wo uldn't I go home till " Litt le Fer na Fe rr ee " r ec ited t wo more of the best (Jice es, just the kind "us chi ldr en" lik e. S urely eve ry one h ea rd thos e fif tee n big ra bs litt le gir ls
The Jun ior V ers ion. Iga ve f or Mis;; Clela nd. Oh, it was
Was n't it an un s teady f ee li ng '! I su ch a nice pa rty!
Did u 't one t hin k that th e ve ry · fo un da ti ons of a ll long sta ndin g Aubu rn 2nd s vs Pe ru H. S. cu stoms had bee n shaken to pi eces A large cr owd sa w the Lasket by the ea rthq uak e cla ss of •21 ? ba ll betw ee n the sec o nd team
Yes, we wi ll ad mit that we i n- of Au burn hi JZ" h sc hoo l a nd Peru te nd ed to m ak e a sensa ti on. B ut hi gh s ch oo l la st Friday eve ning.
on ob servin g- now many nervo us w rec ks and sud den " co ll aps es " were evide nt in the a ge d se nior we repented a nd just beat th em ha lf of the time. Of co urse e ve r yon e un ders ta nds that we sco red more th an they di d the half ju!l t to ke ep th em r oc kin g nervo sly du r in g that swif t fres hmanso ph omore g am e. Bu t oh, no, we wouldn't ha ve shake n t he tr ad ition
It was a close c.mt est and a ve ry good ga me. At th e e nd of th e fi rst ha lf th e sco re wa s 2 to 0 for Pe ru , bu t wi th a li ttle be tter team work Pe ru came ba ck in th e second hal f, ca i' ing fo ur fi eld ba s ket s and a fr ee th ro w.
Th e door re ce ip ts am o unted to over fi fty dolla rs, pa ying comp le tely for the new !:m i tll pu rchased f or th e te am t hi s With th 1s
of se n ior s wi nn ing out because we e nco ura geme nt and with th e p roare go in g ro win next y ea r, with gres> ma de in te am d eve lopm ent our same ol d thus far the boys hope to mak e a Hu ff -Farquar -Jo hns ton- Cowel te a m. pr et ty good rceord fo r th e season.
Chatelain Je welry Sto re
Watch e s, {;locks, e!e.we.l r>y, Fo u r.tc:. in Pe.ns .Sta ti o ne: r>y Sc hool Supples, Sc h oo l and Society Pin s an d R in gs Pe nnan ts, Fl ash li ghts and Sup plies
We re pair pens, wa tch e!' , jewe lr y a nd !' pe ct<Jc les Wi ll ord er any thin g we don 't have and sa ve you mon ey C. CH ATELAIN. Per u. Ne br
S uit s Cle an ed, P resse d and Re pa ir ed
For t he big red a pple s. haManas, gr a pes C AND IES
Cookies, Bread and Lunch Goods
See us for }' o u r s tatio 11 e r y a n d School Su
Ph one 73
A nice a ss o rtmen t of pen kn i ves, pocket k ni v es , e mb r oider y §G i§-
s o_r s_ a nd sh e ar§ . \AJe ca rry e te ctr JG f ia§h 6figh ts & batteri es
II l W. lo/ Rm G HT
Hardwa.- e and fur niture
Bi g Gir ls7 Little G irl s7 Bac kward, yes , backwa rd Tur n ed time in h er fli ght Mak ing each do rm g ir l a ga in .lust for one ni ght. child
Wh at a hap py ni g ht it was last Tuesday when, pr o mptly at 8 o'c lo ck , all th o g irl s at Mt Ver· non ha ll, for ge ttin g les so n plans nnd bo tan y exa ms, tripp ed ga il y down the s tairs to Mi ss Cleland's
Delzell g. Klein
And we wish to th a nk th e se n- I The n ex t game wi ll be with iors for r eturni ng o ur band inst ru- Sy ra cu se hi gh sch ool team in ment s so prom p tly ; for ar ra n,ll'ing cha 11el g ym ., on Thursda y e ve n1n g, to have ooe of our so ngs s ung so J anua ry nic e ly for u s; for furni s hing ue a . Fo ll ow 111g is t he Au b urn P t! ru l it t le ba nn er f or a confl agrat ion· lin eup: and especia ll y to thank "Nursi l! s' ; 1 1. f. Georgie and Ma tt y, in th e name Cow e ll f. Co nn ett of two of the lit tl e high school boys IP ar riot t c. Gu mb s for the u ee of the ir l itt le tin per -Br un sdon g. Kite ambulator.
Basket s: Chase 2; Cow ell
Delzell 1; Bourke l. Fr ee throw s: Gha se 1 ; Bou rke
St t: war t's Sc hool Service of Lin co ln, Nebra ska
Ma naged by W. T. DAVI S
A Pe ru A lumnu s, cl a ss of 1906
Will he lp Pe 1·u Gnt du ate s ge t
Watch fo r the ir ad ne xt week
Kearney vs. Peru
Thursday Night, February 5.
uame called "lt 8:15
The big game and a big time. Kearney has a strong quintet who has been practicing in hopes to win from the five Peru Peppers. But our "five Little Peppers" have been Peppen too.
Admisgion--Budget or 25c
Girls' Gymnastic Exhibition
Saturday nite, Feb 7, the training classes of the 1st semester will present an exhibition of their work.
8:30 sharp
Admission-··Budget or 25 cts.
that is always evident- at a Peru crowd.
The ne xt me eting of the club wi ll be he ld Satur day eve ning, the 21 st, in the Y. W. building, at wh ich time will be the annual elecpression Department.
Miss Fern Ferree's Recital. (C ontinued f rom F' tr·st
Entered at tbc :"' t Peru, Nchras lw as second -clas s m at te r. int erpretative capacity. Nothing
Publi shed Weekly by the Peru State Normal on the prog ram was more del iciou s than the encore-Pau l Lawr e nce
$ 1.00 per yea r. Sing le copy 5 cts.
Dun bar's "Spe ak up , Ike,-' s press yu'se'f." I ke n ever could hav e r es isted such effective wheedling, -a capital bit of imjJer sonatio n.
Miss Mona Keith, anothe r of Mr. Hohmann's pupi ls, added to
th e p leasure of the eveni ng by con -
' tributing Bohm's ''Tin se l," a gay
THE EII ITo rnAI STAFF wa ltz movement played with fa ci li ty
Dnm t hy Mauck, ' 20 Editor-in·Chi cf and d ash Then followed the final
Al vin a .\mcndc Erl itor number -the r eadin"' of a I' IB· •21 • & scene :Ill cnnett, ASSISta nt Edit or f D' k ' ''N' h I
Pt rn Adams, '21.. Assis tant Edit or rom JC ens IC o as Nl ckR:t vlll<llicl Hufrer, '21 Busincss Mg'r elby."
En11n a Wood ie, sp.. :\ifg'r :\'Jailing Dept The se nti menta l wi dow, see in g a
II EPO IITIWS: Co le Scnior
:\lahl'i J un ior
Winifred Ell< in s Sop hnmorc
l.oi s Griflin Frc>< hmcn
Id a Fn·dericks on Spec ials & Tra iners
\\' ill ia m Th omas Y :0.1 C. A.
Arnv Ad a ms Y. W. (' .A.
H<·len VanZa nt Gi rl s Cluh
.\lice . P hil omath can
Dell a Wca therh ogg Oramati c Cl ub
Cu th rine Lien eman J. U.
:'-1 o a rti cle s accepted aft er R o'clocl<
.\J,,nrJa_v morning.
' prospective love r in every man who looked her way, the f amo us o ld m adman who sho ut ed hi s "be mine!" ove r the ga rd en wall, and the een si ble daug hter, -all th es e were inve s ted with real i ty in Miss F er r ee's s pirited and ke e nl y ous re ndit io n. Th ere is a a spec<a l task before t he read er wh o und ertakes to bring Di c kens' hum or in its Engli sh set tin g, b'efore an audience so far away from England. Miss F erree accompli s hed her task
ably, as was attested by the hearty Pre s ident Rou se Addresses Chapel a nd prolonged applause a.t th e close
Th e students at chapel Mondav of a most su cces >ful recita l.
morn in g en j oyed a ra re treat
an informal talk by Pr es id ent High Sch co l Notes, Rou se with r ega rd to the teacher s The seco nd se m es ter began last
of Linco ln securi ng a rai se of Monday with g full day 's work.
$ 4 00 ye ar. ThJ's l·mportant actJ'on S tudents were h and ed program
When in need · of quality riu g 25 or call at the Mardis Quality, Service, Courteous Treatment with pure fre sh goods bas built our and reputation .
There is nothing th at means as much to you r fri e nd s as. a photograph of yo urs elf In any room or hom e you w ill find
You have so me of your fr i ends , so you kn ow how th ey are appr ec!ated Be tt er h ave your portr a it made today
\\' e
wa s broug ht about by a sane, or- cards at aesembly in the. m orning tn a t1 t1 facture th
gani zed effort of the teachE>rs. and fo ll owed them out comp lete ly. Wo< :d into ag e Sol i cited.
The teac hers of Lincoln orga ni zed A good beg-inning is ha lf won; at a lly Sui ted fm· Manu a I. C. P. SCOV ILL Prop. and adopted a constitution. The least th e first week has been ve ry I obj e ct of this orga ni zation is to satisfact ory bot h from the stan d- rra in in g. se I Jin g d i. t> l.: t pr omote co -ope ra tion among the point of th e pupils a nd the new (0
Lincoln t eac hers, a unity of spi rit, s tudent teac hers. democracy in the administration Mr Howie · gave a splendid ta lk of sc hoo l affair s, hi gher profes- on "Thrift" at the r egu lar Hi y !' ional s ta'ld ards , and to create in meeting la st Tuesdav He cited th e community a lar ge a nd de ep so me excelle nt exampl es of men se nse of th e wonh and dignity of w ho ha ve practiced thr ift in a !n ark ; th e interests which it r eprese nt s. ed way while here at th e No rmal. It is interest i ng to note tha t Mi ss The talk was very ins tru ctive and Julia Wo rt, a g raduat e of the Peru shou ld have been h eard by more Normal, headed the committ ee. wh o boys and you ng mt>n. ' fram ed the constitution Assistant Marie LaFrance le aves us thi s S up e rintend e nt Le fler and several to her go in F lo oth er Peruvians were also on Omaha to li ve. We will miss committee. Th e b oard of educa - Marie 's pep and fun and h opei s he ti on decided to rai se the t eachers' will get on we ll at th e big cen tral sa la ri es, but th ey had reached th e high school in Omaha. limit of the ir levy and call ed for That was "some pep meet ipg" a refe rendum vote by the ci ti zens in the hi gh sc hool cla ss chape l la st of Lin co ln The vole endorsing th e T hur sday. It co nsisted in the board 's act ion was carried by a 20 oi l ing of the yelling machin e for to 1 vote. Thi s is a great vic t ory the Sy r acu se game. The H. S. not onl y fo r th e Li nco ln teachers orchestra co ntribut ed co ns id era bl e but for the teach ers of Ne bra s ka : qu ota of o il in its initial appearIt sho wed ., the p ower and effect of ance before the school. an. inte lligent, loyal organi za ti on does n ot spe nd its tim e Ia· its ill s, but goes about In an mte lli ge nt, meth od i ca l m ton er to c ur e i ts i li s.
Pr ofessor Brown was in Lincoln last we ek for the county s uperinte nd e nt s' m ee tin g. He reports the prospects encouraging fo r s um mer S< hool atte ndance.
H "" ""' • \ HC1t1th T In fibr e in b ' u h PS & i non- re akab le fl ow op cl1 packa ges and t . er POtR. Not hin g to do but k . . se pots In sha ll ow d' eep 1n an or<.li nar 1• Jar tn ee r, water and Y JVJn g ro om ffi T ey w ill sta rt 1 f • o CE' or s tore ea and bud h in a sh ort tim e the be g_rowt at on ce and autlfu l, fr ag ra nt fl owe rs wi ll appear 3 for S.O cellts
It W as a Grand Old Time. ha s given up hi s work te mporarily, pres id e nt, and Mi ss Isabel Sears, When? Wh y, last Sat urd ay even- beca u se of illn ess , and Mi ss Mabel secr e tary, these offic es having b een i ng at th e "Y" soc ia l. Th ere R oo t, o ne of our councilors, ha s vaca ted by Miss Ord and Miss were abou t sixty b oys and men e ut. b een call ed th ere for thr ee or four Alber. Prof ess or Delzell talked to Al l so r ts of ga m es were played in wee ks, but ex pects to return in a us a few minutes about our prosw hi ch e very one co uld t ake part. short time pects for next year's teaching- posiBas ket ba ll a nd ind oo r base ball News ha s bee n rece ived th at Mi ss tiotJs. too k up m os t of the Perh a ps Linni e Ri ec ke r, who left Peru
Faculty Note 1 th e m os t exc it in g and laughabl e to fill her po s iti on in Omaha is Mrs. Seybolt made a week-and gam e was th e pillo" fi g ht Two very ill. trip to Kan sas City. boy s a s traddl e of a horizontal Th e Girl s' Club is plannin<T_ a del d " W. N. Delzell was a guest of po e an holding on with one hand, , Jightful tim e for their anniversary, honor at the Peru Club at Omaha ea_ch tri ed to kn ock the oth er off which is -Fe bruary 21. h Saturday night. wtt a pilliw. Th en we all lined f
II President Rouse was judge at a up or th e b est g ame of all, in Philomathean. whcih every one of us we re winners Phil o he ld its se mi-annual elec- debate at Shenandoah, Iowa, Friday ni g ht. -eats. You see whil e all thi s tion Friday night, and the followd f :dlss Carp e nter was away the g oo un w as going on Daugherty, ing office rs we re ele ct ed for thi s "R · pa st week end on exten s ion work. ed ' a nd Ch oy ce we re bu sy pre- se mester: Prei sdent, Cora Cl over; Mi ss Ellis de live red a lecture to pa rin g c offee , and sa nd wiches for v ice pr eside nt. Fr a nk Sharrar; h the te ach ers of Pa wnee City, Fri- t e b unch Wh o s ay s it is n't worth secretary, Alice Brunsdo n: corre sda y night , and on Sa turday morn- whil e fo r th e- men and b oys of Lh e ponding se cr eta ry , Dagmar Bo nde; ing met the atudy center at Tec ori:t m unity to mee t a nd spend the tr eas ure r, Ri c hard Ov e rh o lt; chair- cum se h. e ve nin g· t oge th er in ROo d whole- man prog ram committe e, Es ther som e g am es? co me out for Delze ll ; s erg eant at arm s, Paul th e one in Ma rch and see if it is n't Be nnett
a fin e thing.
Y. W. C. A. ed by a program of thr ee num be rs: a piano s olo by Mi ss Le la H azz ard , a b oo k report on ''Th e Re turn of th e Na tiv e" by Ada Miles , and a dramati zati on of " Hindu s tan " by Calendar. R eg ular E vents. Wee kly.
The bu s in ess m ee ting wa s follow-
Th e "Wh atsoeve r of the Bi ble." prove d to be a very int eresting top ic la st Thur sd ay evenin g. Alm ost any top ic would have b ee n as int eresti ng. howe ver, treated as L au ra K oo n tneated thi s one. Let 's nine girls. Seniors.
h ave more lik e it. There wa s t ime 'T was We dn esday at c hap el time, 0, so le mnity and sil en ce !
to di scuss only eig hteen of th e "Wh ats oeve r s, '' but this ga ve an op portunity to see th e gene ral na t ur e of th e m.
Wh at soeve r you put into theY
Monda ys , Choru s, 5:40 to 6:15. Or ch es tr a, 7 :3 0 to 8 :15. Tu esda ys , G irl s' Glee Club, 8: 15 to 9. Boys ' Gl ee Club, 7: 30 to 8 :1 5. Ba nd , 815.
We dn esd ays, Choru s, 5 :40to 6 :15. ,S 1• f t Orch es tra , 7: 30 to 8 :1 5. Y. ee our tne 0 correc M. C. A., 8: 15. Thur ;;d ays , Y. W. C. A ., 7: 15 to
We h ea rd with compos ur e mo st 8 :1 5. G irl s' Gl ee Clu b, 8: 15 to 9. Boy s' Glee Club, sublim e 7: 30 to 8:1 5. Band, 8 :1 5.
The us ual ann ounce ments.
oth er s ong."
By th e b ox or pound. Ju st the
Bi-monthl y. thing for that Birthday Prese nt Sa id Pres ident Rou .;e, "Now an-, S tud e nt Council of Girl s' Club. W., th at will you al so get out of i t. How mu ch ar e you going to p ut in to it '?
Girls' Club Note s.
Th e Gir ls ' Club gr eatly r egret the loss of ou r fo rm er pres ident, Mi ss Linni e R iec ke r, alth o we ar t pr oud of her succes so r, Mi ss Myrtl e Koon, who we kn ow w ill fi ll her pla ce sp lend idly. Th e election wa s a li ve ly one a nd th e girl s s ho wed great i nter es t.
John Wea th er h ogg, the s uperinte nd en t of th e Hi c km an sch ools ,
The Mond ay evenir g be for e th e NORMAL STORE
S_aid Matty, "Now, th e n, come Se cond Tu esday of each month and
So we p' raded round the chapel
Th e juni or.'i to abu se ,
Ca rrying th e ir bann ers
And th e juni or g oose.
To attempt to stop us
Was of no earthly u se
We ll, it en de d very we ll ;
Thi s is all th e
Th e se ni o rs th en a-a ve ba'!k
The juniors' ug ly goose.
At cla ss chape l, Thur s day, we e le c ted Mis s Belle Eri s man vic e
Students--Faculty--& Friends
It is a mat ter of pl eas ur e and prid e with us to m ee t vou r eve ry nee d, in o ur Jin es, in a ma nn er to acco mm od ate yo u. O ur ent ir e b us in ess po li cy is shaped hy thi s a mbi tion. _ On that accou nt we sol ic it yo ur requests fo r ecco mm odat lon, specta l as we ll as or d in ar y. We wa nt to e arn yo ur tr ade on the mer it of our service a nd goo rl s
eve ry two wee ks th ere after at 9 :00 p.m.
S eco nd Friday, Phil oma thean, 8 o' clock Fo urth Friday, Philom a th ea n, 8 o' cl ock. Mo nthl y. Second Tu es day, Girl s' Club, 11:5 0. First Wednesd ay , D ra mati c, R. F irst Sa turday , J. U. G. , 8. Sp ec ial Eve nt s.
Feb. 4, Dram a tic Club.
Fe b. 5, Ke arn ey Basket Ball. Feb. 6, Earl M. Cline.
Fe b. 7, Gym Ex hibiti on.
Pr of es11 or Delze ll vi s it ed Elmwoo d r ece ntl y. He co m es back w ith th e report that we wi ll hav e two or thr ee f oo tball men from Elmwoo d n ext year , and tw o or three youn g ladi es who will complete th e ad va nce d co urse.
Chase's Barber
Mil ste ad Base m,e nt ALL WORK FIRSTCLASS
Full lin e of To il ets on h!n.ld
A. W. CHASE, Pr o p.
''Let there be Light"
W€ hav e a nice line of Ele ctric
La mp s, Fl as hli g hts and Batt e ri es:
Sa f ety R azo rs a nd Blades , Ska t es , Poc ket Knives a nd Ma nu al Tra inin g Har dwa re.
Buy your goods in Pe ru. Mackprong's Hardware
A Grent Fe stiv al for 1920. Good English he lps yo u in getting That the Tenth Annual Festival better po s iti ons rig ht along. will be the m os t notable in the We have an instance here in our h istory of the Peru festival move· offiee. This boy just had a comm on ment has been made certai n by th e educat i on an d started in here as aq engage ment as r ec ital artist of the adding ma tthine b oy, but has be en phe nominal operatic star, promoted, and is now where he has Myrna Sharlowe. to di ctate a letter occas ionally. No sop rano of rec e nt years, with It is very h ar d for him and emth e single exception of Ga lli-Cur ci, barrassing, so I help him out as I h as ach ieveu suc h in stant and s ig- writ e hi s letters. He so oft en te ll s na l fame as ha s Ame rican g irl us h ow much he wishes he had in co nn ectio n with the Chica go en oug h ed ucati on to be able to ope r a. Many critics are acclaim- writ e good let t ers. ing her as one of the greatest s ing- The time is coming, or in fa ct ers of the pr esent gene r atio n. The is here, when a man without an opportu n ity of bringing her to education finds it rath er up-hill Peru for a fest i va l appearance was work to get along. You mu st have th e p rove r bia l "one ch ance in a it to get anywhe r e. l ifetime," as this seaso n -is the last Whenever yo u have a chance to in whi ch s he w ill IJe heard in a ny take pa rt in any debates be sure but th e la rgest cities, and the to take advantage of it. If you pr ice of her se r vices w ill be pro - can get up before an audience, exhibitive. Peruvian• who remember pr ess yo ur se lf correctly, and make the t im e when Galli-Curci could men feel that you kn ow what you ha ve b ee n sec ur ed for s ix hundred are talking about, you have won. doll ars and John MacCormar.k for Be sure to go to Sunday sch oo l, a thousand w ill be rejo i ce d to le a rn and ge t in with a good bunch of that the chance of br in g in g Shar- boyR, as that help s you to ge t your lowe here ''in time" was not over- cr edits in any state in st itution. looked I I would n ot star t out on the bus'
Every Peruvian R ead.
Ex tracts fr om a letter written by a s tudent of '08, who is n ow h ead stenographer for a lar ge who lesale house in Kansas Ci ty. Th ill sound advice comes afte r ten years of s uccessf ul experie n ce.
I ce r ta inly was surp ri sed to hear fr om you, bu t was so glad, and had been wi s hin g you wou ld write after you we nt back to s chool.
I am plea sed to know th at you lik e your work, as th at helps so much in every way. I think Peru is a fine pl ace to be; there a re not so many th;ngs to take you away f rom your schoo l work as there woul d be in a lar ge r place.
I only wish I were as young as you are, and just starting out on my career. Believe me, I would have an education and a good one. I just ache to know more, but of cou r se I cou ltl not see it when I was youn g, and did not listen. But 1 do want yo u to improve every chance you hav<>.
There are things that come up in business, one cannot understand wit hout a high school education, $lnd I suppose you ca n get all of this in t he model sch oo l, as it was when I was there.
Be sure to specia lize in as perhaps wh en you get in an office and are pr omoted from time to time, th e t ime will come when you wi II h ave to c1 ictate lettl:!rs. Yo u want to be r eady to do that, and th at requ ires a kn ow led ge of g rammar and the abi i lty to u se the ri ght word in the ri ght place.
in ess course for so me time yet , , as yo u n ee d so m uch more before I th at Fo r instance, I we nt to a I Shakespeare play th e o ther night. It was "The Tami ng of the Shrew.' Now I wo uldn 't ha ve und ers tood that at al l, if I had not had some h ig h sc hool edu catio n. It was fine Your t ru e fri end,
a cou r se in the Conservatory of
Mus ic at Lin co ln . has signed for i
ch.au tauqua summer. He sors
w1ll return to Pe ru m Se ptebmer • • to comp lete h.is course. ee has
made a fine record and hi s fri ends 11 be pleased to know he is com-
mg back.
Th e new cata logs arrived last wee k and are being sen t out to prospective stude n ts. Wh en the second supply comes they wi ll ' be sent to the busines s and profess ion· al men of the town. Look it t h1 u. Kn ow mor·e about your ow n Talk it everywhere. L et us meet the eme rgency in ecluc at ion and fill the sc hoo l to overflowing for the s ummer term. Prospects are flattering for summer scho ol this year.
Stewart's School Service of Lin col n, Nebraska Managed by W. T. DAVIS
A P er u Alumnus, class of 1906
Will help Peru Gradu· ates ge t Positions
Watch for their ad next week.
Won an E asy Victory Las t Thursday - Score 31 to 6
The Antelo pes put up a good but a los ing fight agaimt the "fi ve b , I 1g peppers of P er u last Thursday evenin g. "The Outo po lik s" did sp lend id individual playing but lacked the team work di splaye d by t he "Spearmints." The sco re demonstrates the su per io ri ty of the home team in indivi d ual p laying and in te:1 m wo rk.
Kea rn ey arrived on the bela ted eve ning train and appea r e<!, to be a tired bunch They had been on a tr ip for the week end and sho wed ev iden ce of hard playing. However they put up a plucky fight. A good share of th e ir misfortune was to be laid to the hands of te rrible "Bitse y." A s hot for g oa l was in dire di s tre ss with the sp1der - like tentacles ot t nis Pe ru guard waving in th e air. He caugi1t the bal l in mid-air when a thr ow was made tj me and again. ti II the Kea rn ey forward s thought the jinx was s tanding on "tall" legs that ni ght. That fiendish g rin on " Bitsey's" t ickl ed face, too, was e nou gh to make any K ea rney s ho t go wi Id.
The sp eedy little fo rward on the Kea rney team was Kreb s who wa s a former stude nt here at Peru. Rosey, th e Peru forward. tripped
Physical Training Cl ass es Staged Bud2 et Event S turd av Night
The a nnu al ph ys ical training exhibiti on given Saturday evenin g under the su pervisi on of Mias Shively, di r ecto r, was most credi tab le to both Miss Shively and th e students.
On account of th e il lness of of the members the num be rs to have been g iv en by th e hi gh scho ol gi rl s had to be om itted.
Wh en with t hi s old stub pen I'm thru, No more t.o hit the pa ce that k il ls, J 'm co min g down to Old Peru
To get a home amo ng the hil ls ,
Wh ere Ii lacs scent the br eath of sp ring, Where squir rels frisk about t he lawn, And I can hear th e wi ld bird s si ng
In chorns fr ee at peep o! dawn;
And man pursues his peacPfu l way; Wht>re no o ne fill s hi s sk in with booze
And trave ls he llward night and day; Wh e re there is peace and ful l delight, And little noise and politics; Wh ere o ne can always sleep at night And wa ke to bless the morn ing.
This old poem is pr i nted by request. And it so unds migh ty goori to us yet!
Th e dr ill and f ol k dance by one of the classes wa s sp lendi dl y exec u ted a nd show ed excellen t training The aesthetic dan ce , Snowflakes, was bPautifully done an d g re;1 tly appreci a ted
The folk dance , Chimes of Dunki r k, in costume, was very pretty and nicely do ne. The wand dr ill by an o ther of th e classes is deservi ng of menti on.
'f be stride ball relay ra ce a ffo rd· ed much mer rim ent to the onlook· ers as well as the participants
Valse Romantique, g iv en by thr ee mem be rs of th e aest hetic training c la ss. was most a rtisti cally and c harmingly g iv en
A short bas ket ball game pl ayed by t wo picked team s close d the
I entertainment.
Th e Norm al is to be co ng ratualt· ed in hav in g in Mi ss Shively such ! a fine c1 ire ctor. Thi s was evidenced
I '------------------------------ ' in the wa y the larger classes per· ==============================Iform ed th eir par ts, sho wing most on a two - by-four during th e warm- tinu ed sco ring kep t the home tea m Girl s' Club Entertains Ba ll Te ams. 1 painstaking and care f ul training. i ng -up pre l iminaries and sp rained easily far in the lead. A informal reception ! his ankl e. As they assi sted him Isucceede d in putting up a much was given Thursday even in g afte r; Stella Per u High School Game. to the loc ker r oo m to he bandaged be tter defensive but fai led to score tha Kearney gam e by the G irl s' ! Th ere i11 no questi on but that the a sigh of despa ir went thru th e\ an ything for th e first fift ee n min- Club. Th e contest in g team s were high school team is impro vin g grand stand. But R asey ut es Both teams put in t wo sub- th e guests of honor, and f ac ul ty every wee k. Most of the teams back as we knew he would, hmp- stitutes at this tim e a nd the con- and st udents were invited to m eet played th is sea son ha ve bee n out of ing but gr itty and determined to t es t was a littl e more evenl y ba l- th em. ita cla ss. With the excep ti on of "st ick it out ., He played a splen - anced. Th e K ea rn ey f orw ard s, The clever fi n )<!e ra of the com- the A ub ur n team all ha ve been the d'd e in sp ite of hi s ankle and .m ittee harl been busy all t he after- first tea ms of four-year hi.,.h 11chool. 1 gam • IFriend and Kr ebs, each caged a noon in the administration build - "' made th e first point for Peru w1th basket, and th e ti me -o ut pistol - in g. T he facult y r oom an d ail - The Auburn t ea m was the second a free throw. shot that took several "rises" out j 'l ce nt classr ooms were simply but t ea m of a la r ge four-year high
The first half was a s hu t-out in of the crowd, cloiied th e ga me wit h attractively decorated with pent f K th l ·sl.t<rs sue nants. the Kearn ey purple and gold goa s or ear ney, e v , -a sco re of 31·6 for Peru. Fo ll owan d Old Pe ru 's blue and -white, ceeding in gettin g only two points ing is the li ne·up: and with so me beaut ifu l gr owing on fouls. Pe ru , with sp len did K ea rney-6 Peru- 31. f er ns. Guests were ushered into team wo rk, su ccee ded in getting 7 the faclllty r oo m, where they were brskets and a free throw. Rose n- Krebs f. E. Rose nquis t served with ice and wafers Thence quist, Peru cente r, was hi gh score Fri e nd f. Ra sch th ey scatte red i nto ot her r oo ms, Yen sen c. C Rosenq uist and the admini stration buildin g man. L p te wa s a very gay scene,-until the Peru started out the seco nd haif aws g. ran inevitable ''wink" sent us all ll.ke a wh!' r lw J·nd, cagl·ng a basket Stubb g. Buettge nba ch 'th t· hom e, WI apprec1a 1ve memone s in five seconds with a clt!an t eam 1 Bohlman (c), sub. Higgin s (f), of the g raciou s hospitality of the play from center to forward s. Con - Pe tsch (g), sub. Stand ley (g). Girl s' Club.
sch ool. This shows t hat as r epre· se ntati ves of onl y a two -year sc hool t he local boys have proved themse lves to be far above their cla ss, and will make a splendid show ing if th ey go to the st ate tournam e nt at Lincol n in March. In this team is to be fo und sp landid coming material for futur e Normal teams, and they therefore deserve t he encouragement and support of the (Co ntinu ed on r.-n11 t P ttJCe.)
THE PERU NORMALITE North Platte, Sidney, $2, 500; Aurora, Superior,
Ent ered at t he Po!<to fl1ce at Peru, Ne- d bras ka as seco nd -clas!' ma tte r. Stapleton, $2 ,850; Cha ron , Kim· ball , $2, 3 00; Wayne, $ 2, 250;. Au·
Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal burn, Gandy, Harr.ington, Ravenna, $1_. 00 per yea r. Singl e co py 5 cts. Se ward, Sutton, Walthill, $2,200; West Point, $2,190 ; Barneston, Broken B tJ w, He bron , La"l!.re l, Lex· ington, Ne hawka, Platts mouth , Randolph, Te kamah, $2.'100 ; AI·
Ibion, $2 1 090; Col_e_E isJge, $2,08p; Central City, Creighton, David City ,' Fairfi e ld , Fill e y, Geri r g, -=T=,=11,=. =u=,,1=T=o=,u ,_=,.=s=T= ,_ FI==== Gothenburg, Ord, 8pringvit>w, I
Doro th y Mau ck, '20 Edi tor-in-Chief St a nton, S trom s bt•rg, Te cumseh, Alvin a Am ende '2 0 As!>oc ia tc Edi to r Valparai so , $2 ,000
Paul Rcnnett, '2 l.. A !<!'ist an t Edi t or Th e a ve rag e s alar y of th e s uperinFc rn Adams, '21. Assis ta nt Edi t or d. . h · fi · · · ten e nt s 1n t ese s rxty· ve crt1 es
Ray mond HutTe r, '2 1. Busines s Mg- 'r. Emm a Woodie , sp !'vlg'r. :>.•fa ilin g Dept of N ebra ska is now $2,4 70, whil e 1 o ne year ago th es e sa me sixty- fiv e kEI' OIIT Hil!' : c iti es paid on an· av e rage a few
E•th cr Colc S<'nior do llk rs less than $2,0 00, an average Mabd Dn:ss ll'r Ju nior
Winifred Elkin s. Sn phn mo re
increa se of $<1 7 5.
Loi a Gr iflin P res hrn l.'n Th'e lar ge r inc rea ses ar e in the l
Id a Specia l!' & Trai ner!'
Willi am Th o mas \' :0.1 C. .\.
Amy Adam s \' \V '· A.
:\ lice Glasgow Phi lnlll at h<'an
fo llowing c iti es : Omah a, $1500; Th
Stapl eton, $1, 4 50 ; Barn es to u, $900; I
Heleo nirl « l' luh Va lparais o' $875; Baya rd, Kim ·, ba ll , Uni vers ity Place , eac h; 1 Dell a Wcnth crhog-g- Dnu uatic l.'lnh B la ir $750 · Chadron Co lumbus I
Ca therin e Li cncma n J. L Cra wford, s'c huyle r, $•700; o ar ticles acce pt ed n ft cr R o'c lncl< Isla nd, Harting ton, Hav elock , l Mon day morn in g-. Kearn ey, Norfolk , S up erior, Sut- 1 - ton, West Po int, $60 0; F all s City , Whv Gra duate7 Fill ey , He bron, Holdrege, McCook, Why graduate? He, who is j No rth Pl a tte, Tecum seh, Walthill,
familiar with conditi ons of th e York, $500 each; Gandy ' ajtd indu s tri al and commerc ial world Sp rin gv iew s alari es were rio t gi ven
of toda y, adm its that th e e ffi cie nt- in the Dir ectory las t year , but th e ly train ed w ork er secur es th e best i ncr ease is pro bably appr oximatel y p os i tiona and e arn s th e hi gh est a do llars in ea ch case wage, He who wo uld win a race It is safe to pre dict that at least mu st keep runnin g, and he who one hundr ed citi es of Ne bras ka wiil would kee p runnin g in th e prese nt pay their sup er inte nde nts a industrial ra ce mu st equi p him- of $2 000 or mor e next yE ar.-- N e-
s elf with as hi gh a d egr ee of e ffi- bras ka Teac her. ciency as he is capabl e of acquiring. 1 Efficient training is ga ined step I by steo. Gradu a ti on is a ste p, Why NO T g radu at e?
City Superintendents' Salaries,
One year· ago citi ea of Nebr as ka ' were p ay ing the ir llUperint: nd e nta sal a ri es of $2 ,000 or more. Ttie proph ecy was th P. n made that the li11t could or should be doubl ed or tre bl ed. Th e pro phecy has co me tru e fo r th ere are now ai xty -fiv e cities in th e st ate pay ing th e ir su pe rin te nd e nts $2. 000 a year or more. N ebraska E du ca tional Dire ct ory for the c'urre nt s'ch'oo l year is now in presa and co ntains th e fo llowing Omah a, $7,500; Linco ln , $4,400; Fr emont, 3 ,600 ; Alli ance, Blair, Gra nd Is land, H as ting s, Scotts Bluff, York, $3 ,,000 ea ch; Beatri ce , NeCity, $2, 75 0; Sc huyler, $1700; Havelock, $2, 65 0; Columbus , Univers ity' Place,' $2 6 00 · Chappe ll, Crawford , ;.. Fairbury: Fall s C ity, Ho ldr ege , McCoo k,
Physical Science Club,
How many of you did not ben efit by o ur last mee tini''! Hold yo ur ha nd s high !
The pa rt of th e hour was de voted to' e le c ti on of second se mester o fficer s. '·Th e offic es w'ere filled as foll ows: Richard 'O ve rholt, pres ident ; Geo rge He yw ood , vice Ira th eryn ' Gr i ffith s.: t reas urer; Hi ld ega'rd e Yec k, sec- i r :! tary and No rmali te reporter ,' l' and A li ce Pes hek, se rgean t- at · a rm s.
Profes so r Be de II ta Ike el on the universal ad opt ion of th e me tri c sys tem. Rad io-a cti vity a nd El ec-, tricity were d isc u ssed by · George ,Heyw oo d. Int eres tin g demon11tra tior. s we re given with Cr oo ke' s, · Ge i ss ler, a nd Me rcury t ub es and the sp iii th ar i scope , Th e cl ub ex te nds·· J co rdial we lcom e to a ll inter es ted. ' · '
Col. Mators we nt to Lin coln We dn esday, on bu s in ess co nn ected with the Normal.
Whetl in need of qua.l_ity groceries, riug 25 or call at the Mardis Quality, Ser vice, Courteous Tretlltnent with pure go ods htlS built our bu and reputation
Yo u have some of yo ur frien ds , so you kn ow h ow th ey ar e appr ec iated. Better have y ou r portrait mad e today
: ack W a
We · mannfacture this
d I a
woo 1nto espcc1- 1 C · I .
ally suited for i\\anutll 'selling direct ! to schools. Fay
]. V. G. Party. Saturday the 81 st of atuddien.ce by hi s originality in in- Y. W. C. -A. January, the J U G . I ro ucmg the several me mbe rs of Hurrah for the girls who came · · · s met the company·, also in announcincr out to Y. m express JOn hall Th "' W. last Thursday even-
was the initiation of a purpose the num? ers. ing! One must be truly loya l to and it went forw dnew. members The dialogue, "Match·Making," come to me e ting thru the miat and
e mnity. The ca ndi ar With all so- / presented by "Yes, yo u, Miss fog , especially wh en he is anticipawhat reassured whdate! were some- ' Brunsuon," an d "A h! Brantl ey ting s uch a basket hall game---aa goat borrowed fen tohld that Copenhaver," cauRed much laugh- we , had that evenin•. I or t e occas10n ter. "N • had escaped w hil e Miss Palmer j oted Women," with Lillian was at suppt:! r. However their New Commercial Man. Oleson as leader, was an especially self·assurance was shatte red when We a re glad to have as a new worth-whil e topic. Do you know eac.h received a s li p paper de · member. of our Mr. Henry anythinll about Grace R. Dodge, scr rbmg some feat of skill or E. Tr e tma, who arnved in Peru Alice Freeman Palmer, Ida Tarbell, daring. These, they were told Satu rday, and cons id er ourselves MarY. Anton, of Florence Kelly? mu st be perf ormed by all very to have been able to Some show by th ei r expression that aspire to entering the sacred por- bse rvices. Professor do, Well, I'll venture the tals of th e J. u G. re ma IS to e head of the com-' W1sp on es" were at Y. W. Trul y it was ins piri n cr to h mercia) department. He c omes to I r:- ear f R ' Alumni Notes,
"America" Btl sung- backwa rd bv us ro.m hi gh sc hool, Lucy Blanken s hip an-' t G Reesevllle, W1 sco ns in, where he M' rs N. Fra.ncis Whitman, class • u o see ra ce of 12 t h Grant bite an inch off a foot ruler, been m charge of the commer- • IS eac mg scienee and do- l -hard woo d, too c1al department Mr. Tretina is mest lc ar t in the hi gh sc hoo l at a d t f h s Edwardsville, Kansas.
Then, a ll h av ing unsuccessfull y gra ua e t e tate Normal taken a sa n 1 ·ty t es t d 1 d School, Wh1tewater, Wisco ns in Wm E. Shuman, class of 1900, • were ec are ' f
fit and wo rth y of b h. and hae be en a s tudent in the 0 North Pla tte , is pla nning to I mem ers IP H · t d h
and Overcoats
and were told th t' . .fi· amll ton Co ll ege of Law , Chic ago. at en t e commencement reunion • , e my s rc - / th' cance of th e name J. U. G. Y. M. C. A. IS year. _ _
After a number of games and Who says th e "Y" has n 't pep ! 1 Calendar. , Tailor and Cleaner. puzzles, baskets of apples ancl At ou r Wednesday e\lening meet- Regula r Events. b 1 Chase' s Barber Shop utter ed popcorn pa ss ed Iing we had some fine music by the Weekly round Here the girls pr oved th e ir hoy s' orchestra Th en our th oughts Mondays, Chorus, 5:40 to_ 6: 15.1 determinat i on to 'ma ke themselves were turned to tho se of a more T d 7:30 to 8:1o. ues ays, G1rls ' Glee Club 8 ·15 nght at home ." Surely it was seno us. natu re. Professor Crago to 9. Boys' Glee Club : 7 ;30 wor th the ta sk of initiation. Come led us m a li ve ly discussio n in re- to 8: 15. Band, 815. on , gi rl s, 'ray f or th e J. u. G. gard to o ut for th e o ther Wedne sdays, Chorus, 5:40 to 6 :1 5.
One Who Was Initiat ed. f ellow. With 6; 000 ,00 0 people - Orchestra, 7-!30 t <t- 8: 15. Y. wh o cann ot read nor write M. C. A. • 8: 15. Seniors, . ' Thursdays , Y. W. C. A., 7:15 to I; any of $.18,000 ,0 00 r a1sed to keep the 8: 15 Girls' Glee Club, yo u seniors were not dt h h d e1p; teent am en me nt fr om going 8:15 to !:1. Boys' Glee Club, class chape l. you mi!l sed an extra- into effe ct, Austria starying, and 7:30 to 8: 15. Band, 8:15. I o Erdrn a ry e nt.e rtammn en t. Haz.el many o th er conditions of a like 1 Bi-monthly. I
Milstead Basement
Full line of Toilets on haod A. W. CHA SE, Prop.
· By th e box or pound. Just th e mmert, chairman of the co mm1t- nature, we all ha ve some thini' to Student Co uncil of Girls' Club. : tee,. showed exce l lent a bility in the rlo As one of th e boys sai d, it The Monday eveni ng before the t hing f or that Birthday Present cho1ce and arrangement of the sometimes looks as th o Christianity Second Tuesday of each month and gram. We were ve ry g lad of an- h as failed. But th e thought that eve ry two weeks therea ft er at 9:00 NORMAL STORE other oppor tuni t:v to hear a piano I bro ug ht o ut was that Chr istia n- m. d . . 1 b El' b h R Jty has n't failed, but r at her that so econ
,Fnda y, Ph1lomathean, 8 so o Y 1za et oess Jer , who 1 many people have faile d to applv o clock. Fo urth Friday, ••Let there be Light" pl ayed Cho pin's "Po lon aise " very th e Go lden Rule. Philomathean, 8 o'clock. W€ have a nice line of Electric I expressively Don't forget Y. M. C. A. Wed- Monthl y. 1 Lamps, Flas hli ghts and The Gre effee z ths - Prante symph- neaday evening at 8 :15. Seco nd Tuesday, Gir ls ' Club, 11 :5 0. l ony orc h t · 't fi t I' . . -. - j l''irst WPdnes day Dr-amatic 8 Ba tterie s. es ra, Jn I s rs appear- M 1ss Sh 1vely w1shes to take th1s F' S d 3 • U • · Safety Ra zors and Blades, Skates, ana h t' l 1 d d Th 1rst atu r ay, G., 8. e, was ear 1 Y app au e · e. oppo rtun ity to thank a ll the gi r ls Specia l Events. Pocket Kn ives and Manua l Trainini' · d1 r ector , Mr. Prante, "who ha s j wh o took part in the gym nastic Feb 11 Dramatic Club 8 ·30 Hardware. from childhood loved pastoral s ur- l exhibition for the hearty co -opera- Feb. 1a' Philo. ' · · roundings and has never los t hi s ti on and good work in making the Free 7: 15. Buy yo ur goods in Peru. fondness for Clover,·· won hi s affair a s uccess Feb. 14, J. U. G. Mackpn1 ug's Hurd
Students--Faculty--& Friends
It is a matter of pleasure and pride with us to meet vour every need, in ou r lin es, in a manner to accommodate you. Our e ntire bu s in ess policy is shaped hy this ambition. On that accou nt we so l ici t your requests for ecco mm odat lon, spec i al as well as ordinary. We wa nt to earn your trade on the me ri t of ou r serv ice and go o ds .
Let us assist yon in securing n better position. After 27 yeara of sucwe are q ual ified to g ive efficien t service No enrollment FEE ne cessa ry. Write for inform a ti on SABINS' EDU CA TION AL EXCHANGE A ..M. M. DORNON, Manager Flynn Buildi ng Des Mo in es , Iowa
Stttoll Accounts are given cons iderate ond careful attention at this bank
Peru .-Stella H igh School Game. which does not of te n come to an
(Continued Crom First educat i onal leade r. If he meets wnole commu nity In the hi gh it and wo rks it out he will ha ve sc hoo l is the place to beg in training done the st ate a nd e ducat ion as a goo d normal team. Th e two Igreat a se r vice as any man cou ld Rose nqui st3 ar e spl e nd id examp les hope to ha ve a chance to do Here of t hi s. is a ta sk eq ual to a ny ma n's ambi-
On Frid ay evenin g th e hi gh tio n. Mr . Ma tz en is you ng and school t ea m su cceeder! in w inning s tr ong and fresh for the contest eas ily from the f as t Stel la hi gh J which alw ays co mes when bi g sch oo l team that had "step pe d on thin gs are to be done.-Nebraska them" three weeks ago to t.1e tune Teac her. of 25 to 9. As was told in the report of t ha t game, the stre ngth of Ste ll a's team lay la rgeb• in their fast man Pug h. Ex perience is a good teacher. He failed to s tar here b ecause Peru gave him no
Th e firs t hal f was a hard tuss le, each team getti ng th ree fie ld bas-
Post Gradu ates,
In response to an invitation from the ir advi sor the me mb e rs of the graduate class assemb lt- d at the De lz el l home on Monday eve nin g, F eb ru a ry 2. It wa R not so di fficu lt as o ne mi g ht imagine to pers uade t hi s ste rn company to for s ak e
kets , but Peru gairting in additi on stud ies for a time, f or eve ry pos t three fr ee t hr ows. In t he seco nd graduate was pr ese nt and e nj oyed half S te lla was he ld to but three a m os t de li g htfully informal eve npoints to Pe ru' s e ight At th is i ng. Part of the time was d evoted atage of the game P er u showed to t ak in g imaginary trips
The Chatelain Jewelry Store
Watch€S• Clocks, Fo untain P€ns. Statione.ry School Supples.
Sc h oo l and Society Pins and Rings Pe nnant s, Vla s hlights and Supplies Will orde r W pens watche!O: J· ewel ry and spec tacl es e re pa1r , · • anything we don't hav e and sa':'e you m oney J. C CH A TELAIN. Peru. Nebr .
Suits Clean ed, Pr essed ancl Repaired
A v G N u G :: s T 0 G ea sy s up e ri orit y in g uarding and Jtaly and Germany. Th E>se tnp s pass ing- the ba ll , and placed the .b y of many 1 For the big red apples. ha nn n as, grapes final score at 17 to 9. Ico iO! ful po :s t cal ds. a nd C
Following is the lin e-u p: I hance d by pe1so nal E>xper1ences of • Stella- 9. Peru-17. Mr and Mrs. Delz e ll on th e ir r ea l!
E. Wagner f. Cuwell-Chase tri ps. Many othe r f or ms of Smith f. Medl ey entertainm ent were pro vi ded in-
Cookies. Bread and Lunch Goods
See us for .)' our t a tion ery and R. Wagner c. Parriott e ludin g delicious refr es hm ents. School Su Pu gh g. B run sdon Even after the lights had signalled
Hensley g. Del zell th e ir warning t he guestR seemed • • ' Walker r el uctant to leave and when finall y Ph o ne 73 Pe ru, Nebr. g.
John Matzen , State Superintendent. th ey ventured out into th e rainy ni g ht th ey felt that th ey had s pen t a most de lightful and profitable Governor McKelvie ha s appoint. ed Co unty Superintend e nt John ev e ning Matzen to fill the vacan cy caused The recommendati on of th e comby th e death of State Superinten - mittee on e ducat ior. to give the dent W. H. Cl e mons. The Gove rn or normal schoo ls co nst i tutio nal r ecchose a county s uperintendent be ognit ion pr actica lly assures that ca u3 e ju3t now t he rural scho ol this a men dment to the cons titution pro bl em is, nex t to t eachers' sala-. wi ll be sub mitted to the voters ries, the m os t difficult and most next N ove mber. important of th e immediate prob- -l• ms of education in the s ta te. Mr The F eb r uary meeting of the Matzen has bee n super inte nd ent of board of education wi ll be held on Dod ge county for fiftee n yean>. Feb r uary 16. This is a very imHe kn ows the rural schoo l thoroly, portant meet in g. The board will and he understand s th e point of cons ider rea dju s tment of salaries at th is time. vi ew of the f armer who is m ost ab out con so li da ti o n, re-
ATTENTION! .J d1stnct mg an d all the variou s p G . . I e ru raduates plan s for makmg an effic ie nt s ch oo l D . h f th b d . 1 unnl' t e past months we hav e or e oys an ga so n th e farm s. ha\·e pla ce r! number s of s tr ons.r norTh e Go vernor is wi se in selecting mal graduates in high sch oo ls and a man spec ial ly equipped by train- grade schools at splendid'salanes. i ng a nd long experience to lead in We ha ve fi lled grade pos iti ons at the movement to reclaim th e rural fro l:n. $9 00 to 11 00, h igh s chool , pos1tw ns at fr om $900 to 1200 schoo l. Ther e are JUSt at thi s time men still hi gher. We have plac ed some ve ry se ri ous problems con- teachers in Ne bra ska a nd al l s ur'nected with th e a dmi ni s tra ti on of soun ding states dur in g the past the red is trictin g law that needs ye a r. Our perso nal experience most careful ha ndling The con- mak es us able to vouch for the q ualit y of Peru gradua t es. We are so lidated sch oo l is a m ove in the co nfid ent we can m ake an enrollright di r ection but the consolida- ment witb us of decided mutual tion mu st be wi sely pl an ned or advantage. Write or ph one today. tho whole m ove m en t w ill re ceive Stewart's School Service a serio us setback. w. T. DAVIS, '0 6, Manager
Mr Matzen has an opp ortunity llt8 12th st, Lincoln , Nebr.
A nice assortment of pen knives, pocket knives, embroidery scissors and sh ears. We carry electric irons, flash lights & batteries
nnd furniture
Basket Ball. Wesleyn vs.
Thursday Evening, February 19, 1920
This will be one of the bfg games of the season. Don't miss it
A dmission---Budgct Ticket or 50c
SECOND BASKET,..BALL ROUND team, and the refer ee were goo d 1 ets are on sa le at both drug stores 1 1 AMERICAN LEGION MEMORIAL 1 sports. Roval tre atme nt was ac - and at the re gi stra r's office; sale , , T G t 0 · F f th • · f · 1 'II t t f Umon Serv1ces Next Sunday Ntght- wo ames o ne 1n avor o e corded the boy s both b efo re and af- o tH' {ets w1 s op a n oo n o Peru Normal. 1 ter the g am e. Th e score e nd ed 34 Thursday; price is 75 cents. Rev, A A. Randall to Speak. to 21 in P eru's favor. I Seniors. At a spec ial meeting held SaturAnother merry-go-round and _The triP ended w ith the game 1 Our Thur s day programs are well day evening final arrangement s for shoot. ing of the sho ots, and our Dana Co'l'lege at Blair, a nu th e worth atte ndin g. Al l of us appre- 1union se rvice s at t he Methodist "Five Big Pepper s, " full of pep, matc h for c1ate the wo rk of last week's co m- j church, Sunday eve ning, February came back with almost another 100 the b1g Ame n ca ns fr om Peru, mitt ee 122 , und er the di rection of the lo cal sco r es to th e ir opone nts scarcely for th e ga me ended 42 for Peru and , M:101 Se.::tr!': sanJ! in her chari'T)ing 1post of th" Am.,r;,.9 !l ""'re over the hal f hundred. Midland Us fo r ua na 1way , ",A Ch inese Love Song." made. Th e program wo rk ed out was the onl y co ll ege on the trip : 1 F ather .-Son Banquet The Zeblitzhfgnorjnlartzhi Grande by a spec ial committee was acceptwho managed to turn the t rick, Thi s is fath er and so n week. Its Quartet was re ceiv ed with much ed, and an attempt was al so made and that was by one measly littl e celebra t io 1 in Peru will take the applause. The first selectio n was I to secure State Commander Ea rl point. But thi s sc or e was by no form of a ba nquP.t to be ger ved Fri- extrem ely dramatic in charac t er, M. Clin e for this meet ing inst ea d means a disc re dit to ou r quintet. d th bd d t · f · F b 24 b t a ccessf I da y eveni ng at the Methodis t church an e su ue s ram s o mu s1c e . u w s un su u for th ey fought va llia nt ly and man- un der gener al directio n of a (did yo u hear th e m'?) as well as the It was agree d up on that a ll m emfully a gai nst odd s th at shou ld not comm it tee of men r ep r ese ntin g all facial expression of the singers (?)I bers · of the post sh ou ld come in have been aga in st the m. O ur "old made us f ee l that "th1·s grand com - uniform. of thP. Pe ru churches. Eve ry man fai t hf ul Bitzy " mu st have los t so me and eve ry hoy in P er u is wa nt ed at ic opera" could not be excel led ! At thi s tim e all L egio n posts of th e color i ng of hi s ha ir from the thi· s banqu e t,· prefera bly fath ers Dr. House ga ve a s hort bu t in- thruout the country will hold simst ruc ti ve rliscu ss i on of the kinds way the fl oor loo ked after one of and so ns shou ld att end in on e an - and elements of humor, illus tr ati ng ilar services f or the puro ose of th e "Middys" mi st oo k hi s nose for 1 o th e r' s co mpany, but each wi th one of his "d andy" prese ntin g the memoria l cert i ticates th e bal l. Another one of the ' Mid· j will be welcome. For the occasion j okes. gi ven by the Fr enc h governm e nt to d ys " go t hi s head turn ed and 1of thi s banquet young men over 18 We were all well pl eased families of Am er i ca n sold iers who P · h · · 1 to h •w e you come, Dr. House, a nd d · d · th · · F
threw ra nte 1.nto t e audl.ence m- years old ma y act as "fathers ·," 1e m e serv 1cc m ranee. hope th is will not be the last ti me stead of throwin g the ball mto the 1 they ma y borrow so ns for the even - 1 h 1 Th e ce rti ficates are in the fo rm
Iyou will speak to us at c ass c ape ba ske t. Th e refer <:!:! Pran- ing. Boys of l ess than 18 years of a diploma dr a wn by Franklin te ought not to ha•Je fall en mto th e rank as " so ns;" they ma:v have any , At Normalite Meeting Booth , an American. Each copy audience and pena li ze d th e Peru 1 wen over 18 as • 'fa tht? rs." Th e Wid e awake re por ter on the trai l I will bear the nam e of the decea sed boys, and th at one free goa l t el.ls j ban quet hour is se t at 6 p. m. A of some news:-"Isn' t the Boys ' sold ie r. At the t op of the engravsad, .sa? of }3 to 22 m / goo d dinn er will be served, a nd a Glee Clu b go ing on a trip soon?" Iin g are two li nes fr om Hugo which M1d la nd s d1 sfavor. But M1d1 li vel y program will ac co mpany the " Sk inny :"- N aw they ain 't 1 r ea d: land has a good strong team and dinn er; an ou t of t ow n s peak er has go i n'. Can't ge t a dr ess suit big "Those who di ed piously fu r th eir h t P h 11 h f , co:.; ntry when t. ey com e o e ru, we 8 a been invited to be pr esen t. T ic k· eno ug or m e.
I Have t ne ri ght that at their graves , see t hat th ey ge t what is comin g to th e peop le come to pr ay them , but get it t. onorab ly. It ha s j• w • " ==••= ww - N ea r the bot tom of the di ploma bee n the except ion in the hi s to ry 1 THE GROWING WORD. are the words: of Per u' s at hl e tic s tha t an y t eam 1 I ''To the memory of -
' What is the world 's true Bble? 'Tis th e h ighest thoug ht of man, 1of the Un ited States of Am er ic a, went away fee l in g it had been j who died fo r li berty du r ing the treate•J. Eve n in the f ew cases It , Th e thought di s till ed from ages th e dawn of t hou ght bega n, gr ea t war , the homage of France." genera ll y ha s be en the fau lt of a And eac h age adds it s wo rd th er eto, so me psa lms of pr om ise swee t, Paul Phe lps a nd George Young bum referee , and so it was in play- : A nd the canon is un finished and for ever inc ompl e te. · are the two Pe ru n1 en in whose ing Midla nd. I On the cha pters that are wr itt en long and lov in g ly we po r e- special honor th ese serv i ces wi ll be The seco nd game was played with B ut th e best is yet unwritt e n, for we grow from more to mor e. held The whole co mmunity shou ld Wayne State No rm al. State Nor-Let us heed t he Vo ice within us a nd its messages reh ea rse; come o ut as a mark of r P.s pect to mals certa inl y kn ow h ow to tr eat L et us build the gr owi ng Bibl e-for we, to o, must write a verse Ithose honored d ead and their s urvi v in g famili e s. each other. The: audi ence , the
Entered at th e at Peru, Nebras ka as second -c la ss matter.
Publis hed Week ly by the Peru State Normal $ l. OO per year. Single copy 5 cts.
Nebraska City Game
Th e basket ba ll ga me between our hig.1 schoo l t ea m and the Nebraska City hi gh sc hoo l second team la st Friday evening was too one si ded to be interesting. The visi tors with one or two exce ption s were very s mall and no match for our team at al l. H oweve r they put up a very good fight and gave cl ea r e vid en ce tha t they were wel l versed Iin bas k et ball tricks anrl plays
1 Fee lin i' their superiority, the --====- local boys failed to put forth th ei r .r"1
Ti ll; HlliTOIIIAI. !'TAFP. b est efforts , espec i ally after Medl ey ue
DorothyM auck , '20 Editnr-in·Chicf I d b Ch ttl d\
AlvinaAmcnclc.'20 AssociatcEdilnrwas re pace Y asea
Pa ul Bennett ' 2L.. Edilor of th e Sears a nd call at the Ma rdis
Fe rn Adarns, '2 1. :\ssistant bd it or Cu r substit ut ed for Co we ll a nd
l<aym o nd lluiTcr, '21. ivlg'r. Brun s don in th e la st quarter. o u r teo u s ,. e "' t men · ln c·z Longfrllow,'2tJ:\ll!'r :'.lailin"OcJlt .• I' · h 1 h"''"'.· bul' lfout· a11d reputation ·,.. •ollowing IS t e tn P. up:
Ne b. C ity 2nds-6
Gi hso n f. Cnwl'll "F I' OWr1ws: Cole Srnior Ju nior Ke ll y f. Medl ey 1 -Wilhoft c. Parrio lt
Phone 56 El l;ins Soph<>more
Ida F Speciu b &
Lo is 1;riflin Frc,..h111e11 of yourself In any room or h ome you w ill find pho tog raph s.
Sm ith g. De lzell There is no thing thnt m ea ns as mu ch to yo ur fri ends as a ph otog raph
William Th o mas y :vJ. c. ), Po lin g g. Brunsd on
Amy Adams \' \V. C. A. Neum eis te r f. Cha st>
Helen \'anZan t Girl s Cluh NP.I s on, g. sub Sears, You have some of your f ri ends, so you know h ow they Ali ce Glasgow Philomath<'an f. sub Carr. ,
Della \Veath crh ogg Orummic Clu b
R?sc :\'I ill er J. t.;. ( ;. Tr aining S choo l T est
Htld e!!ard \'eck, !'hysica l Sc ience Cluh j Tr abue language co mpl etion scal e I
N . B was rec e ntly given to grad Ps
t o art 1clcs accepted after 8 o clock I are appreciated Be tt P. r have your portrait mad e today
mo rning. I t hr ee to n 1ue 1nclus1ve of the train:--_-1 ing This test of language 1 PERU, NEBR. Me n Adopt Point System. abil ity consi sts ten sentences
Early la st fa ll Pr es ide nt Rnuse j from eac h .vh1ch some the 1·oom we re ve ry pn•tty, mdeed, SH0f' c alled a meeti ng of a ll the men in 1 have bee n om 1 tted ; the problem IS Iand the cit cl e of chair s and ru gs AN 0 EA T H school to con!> ide r the to sentences and s upply undE' r thP rerl and whit e st r eame rs Ba!'emE'nt Fi !'her's Store blfity of adopting some kind of a the m1 ss 1ng- words; the sente n ces we re as cozy as one cou ld imagine i F'ir s t-cl ass Worknw n. Your Patron " po in t system. " It was decid ed as arranged va ry in diH·icult):· The E'nt.erta inm e nt committee I age So li citE>d. that the president appo int a com- ?IaRs performance on the t est 1s had a li st of gam es pl a nn Pd, 1 C. P. S COV ILL Prop. mi ttee to work out a sys tem of Jllci ged from the score m<tde by the and t he "eats" cnmmil tE>e -!iay, ! p.o i nts for the variousschool activi -l median when the th ey showed them selve to he nret -1 t1es for men. T hi s comm i ttee at I papers are ar ran ged rn the orde r of ty S<' Outs. Mar!'hmall ow salad, ! first a system including exc ellence. cake and punc h hit the right 1 ! th ose act1vtt1e• for whieh cr ed it Th is test of langua ge ability was you het. and madE' ten o'clock see m is gi_ven, suc h _as a.thletics and tile chose n because of th e possibi l ity of a :togethe r too ea r ly for dismissa l. j
m us tc al organ 1zatJO n s. lt was com par i so n wit h r es ults publi s hed j dr::cided that th e men had no power in ot her place s. Trabue , th e au · 1 ----· to include th ese in t he point thor of the test, experimented in Black Walnut j' system. It was therefore , rec o m- New York and New J ersey. and me nd ed th at ,the facu l ty take some put.Jii shed what he re garderl as pr o- We ttHtnnfacture this ! r egard to cr edit activi- pe r sta nd a rd s of per formance tor wood into !-i iZes e!otpecitles. After stu dyin g- the matter each grad e. Printn er of the Ohio • \ for so me time the comm it tee thot State University h as also ally for Ma nu al I it b est to arlopt a po in t system re ::; ult!' fr om th e u se of thi s te,;t in rr<:lining. di 1·ect I that ''!l would be "' th e sa me as th e two schoo ls. one of wh ich h.e cnn ! to I
Gi rls' Club lnow has. this way side r ed a rat he r supe rior
there wou ld :be a uniform system whi le the ot her was an aw ra ge city / Meek Lumber <:: 0
for ho th : the men a nd the women of I school. 1 =:-========----====-=::::· tfiesc hoo l. The r es ults in evC' rv Jrnlde nf 1he
On Feb r ua ry J 0 about forty m en of the s cho ol met, and after much disc uss ion , a point system , which is the same as the Girls' Cl ub now has, was adopted unanimouAiy. A m ot ion was , also m ade and car· r ied that Preside nt Rouse appoint a l committ ee to check up on all the men in th e sc hoo l a nd upon a ll activ iti es to:w hi ch they be lon g. effect with th e beginning of this se meste r.
Pe rn traini ng sch •lO I were ab ove the expectat i ons cr e11tt>d by Trabu e; in lik e mann e r, in ev ery ab ove th e fourth, r esul 1s in th e training were better than those r eported by 'Printn er Nin1h Grade Par1y, Ar\y ninth grader who missed the Va lent in e party in th e hi gh sc hoo l gymnas ium last Sat urd ay ·evening ha s caus e for regr ets. The decora· tiona in canopy slyle at one e nd of
Y. M. C. A. of deci d ing " just wha t to say, " a nd
The Y. M. had a r ea l t reat at its to b ear the s ham e of being "turn erl last m ee tin g. Dr. Ha rajian spoke down. " She th oug ht ba chelor on s om e of the outsta ndi ng soc ial ma i ds very nece sl!ary anrl th at we and po litica l pro blems that the co uld no t do without th e m. United States is f ac in g toady. He j Th e j udges d ecided in Mi ss Lewsai d there were me n in Was hi ng ton
Iis' favor. at the pr ese nt tim e try in g to do Gi rls' Club Note s,
away wit h the freedom of the pr ess ·Miss Ne ttie McCa rr ol was ele ctin order that they m ay car ry out ed as th e n ew t reasu rer of th e th ei r own se lfish plans. Oth ers ar e Girl s' Cl ub
urging me n, suc h as ra ilroa d me n, to s tr i ke. Dr Ha ra ji an's so luti on of t he se prob lems is an e nli ghtened citizen ship of a ll the p eop le in the United States H is clo s in g wo rd s were, "tr ut h will o ut," an d advi se d th e boys to s ti ck to the truth.
Jun ior Not es.
Did a ll you juni or s come to h ear the fine t hi ngs we had at our prog ram Th ur s day ? Yo u mi ssed s om eth ing if you didn 't! Ada M il es gave a c harmin g re ad in g that contain ed so me hel pful s ugges tions. Professo r Hohmann ente rtai ned wit h two sple nd id piano numbe r s. Come agai n, Mr . Hohm a nn!
After the pr og ram , a s ho rt bus in ess meetin g was held. Did I say Th e g ir ls are n ow busy paying
Y. W. CA se m es ter du es.
s hort? We ll , short, but mi ghty
We dn es day, Fe bruary 1s, is the imp ort a nt Juni or dr ea ms are befir st a nniversa ry of th e Gi rls' Club, g inn ing t J th ese lv es into ac tu a li r e!:.
a nd we ar e plan ning to co mm emorat e the day.
A le tter fr om Miss Dun n ind i
In v itat io ns are o ut for our anni- cates that she w ill re turn to her versary par ty wh ic h is r.o be held work at the beg in ning of the su mSaturd ay eve ning. Fe bruary 21, in mer s chool. She is taking some I very gr at if y in g course s in th e U nive r sity of C hi ca go She a nd Miss Cla rk see ea ch oth er oft en.
The Y W. g irl s en joyed anothe r the hi gh sc hoo l asse mb ly r oo m. It sple n did meet in g last Thur sd ay ev -is to be a co loni al costu me pa r ty e ni ng. Th e top ic wa<; "Songs of We hope that Mi ss Li nni e Ri ec ke r, Pr aise, " with NPtt ie Mc Carr o ll as no w in O ma ha, w ill be ab le to a tleade r. Mo na KPi th sa ng a s ol o te nd ou r a nn ual party Sat urday Ca lendar. I th at was much e nj oyed by a ll , as ni g ht R eg ular Eve n ts I was the duet gi vt:' n by Haze l E m- Week ly. j
me rt an d Ma b el Dr ess ler. J. U. G. Party. C · Monda ys , horu s, 5:4 0 to 6: 15. 1 Co me out to m ee ti ng n ex t T hur s-The g ir ls let th e Orc hes tr .t , 7:30 to 8:15. ) Chase' s Bat·ber Sh op day ev e ni ng. The top ic wi ll be er keep t hem ro m the . . . Tuesda y!> , Girl s' Glee Clu b, 8: 15, "A Sw a rm of B' s. Th ey gi ve h on·l pa_r ty Sat u rday to 9. B oys' Glee Club, 7:30 i e.v, but ne ve r sting. "Th i,; m eet in g I mt sse d a fh_1e ttm e_ T_he_ m us tc B d 8 5 b d to 8:15. an , 1 . wi ll be led by Elma Gockl ey . Ii room of the u ii In gwas Wed n esdays , Chor us, 5:40 to 6: 15. won-ier what ki nd of "B's " th ey 1 warm and cozy a nd was decorated 0 h 7 30 8 r: y 1 rc es tr a, : to :1o.
M i Istead Ba se ment
Full I i ne of T oi lets on han d A. W. CH ASE , P ro p. wli l be /m os t at tr ar.tively wit h hea rt s of r ed M. C. A., 8 : 15 _ par er whic h swung and danced ev-T hur sdays, Y. w. C. A., 7: 15 to S ophom ore Notes. Ierywhe r e. Of c our se fr ee u se was 8: 15. Girls' Glee Cl ub, t
At cla:;s ch ap el last week t he made of th e pia no, and a ll th e new- 8: 15 to !J Boy s' Glee Club, See our li ne of co rr ec sophom or e;; li,.;tened to an e xceed- i es t f avorite s we re enjoyed, not just 7 :3 0 to 8:15. Ba nd , 8 :15 · . I . . d ,. h . b . h Bi -mont hl y. I Stat t "o ner y mg Y an en 1g te n tng 1 once , ut as many ti me s as t ey . . , . d <! bate. The v ..- ry pra ctica l q ue s- were des ire d. ' ?f GJbrlf s C luthb. t iO n of the h ou r wa ;;. ' Rt:so l ve d, In some m yste ri ous way an elec - Seco nd Tu es day of eac h month a nd
· · I . Th e " on ay eve n•ng e ore e By th e b ox or poun d. Ju st the th at l eap year sho ul d he t. ric p late m ad e its app earance, as eve ry two weeks th er eafter at 9: 00 th ing f or th at Bi rthday Pr esent in practic e as we ll as po l icy ." Th e]di d also a: qu a nt ity of :;y ru p, b ro wn p .m
NORM AL STOR E d ebaters we re LeRoy Mi ll er an d Isugar, e tc Th e girls were not ISe con d Fn da y, 8 · o'clock Four th [• n da ,., Edna L ew is. slow to get the Idea, and soon a P' 1 th 8 , 1 k · I · rl l oma e an , o c oc
M r. Mi ll e r, who t oo k the ta ffy pu ll was in f ull sw ing Mo nth ly. ' 'Let ther e be Lig ht" t" d "th t b · Af h ff h d b t t d W€ have a ni ce !me of Electric a tu rn _a out 1s te r t eta y a_ een as e !Second Tue sd ay, Girls' C lub , 11 :5 0. fair play He was qui te su re, and pronou nced tip-to p, pape r Fi rs t Wed nesd ay , Dram at ic, R. 1 Lamps, Flas hli gh ts and th at , sh ou ld th is policy ca rried 1 h ea rts ditJt ri hu t ed. eac h bear - Fi r:::t Sa tur day: J. U. G., 8. j Ba tteries out, " old maid,;" would be v ery Ii ng, as hea rts always do , s ome Spec tal
Safety Razo rs and Blades, Ska t es, f ew. Izle to be solved. Then more mus1c, Feuru ary l 8, D ram a ti c Cl ub , P ocket K ni ves an d Man ual Tr ai nin g His oppo nent. Mi ss Le wi s, d e- fo ll ow ed by fif tee n 'ra hs for Mi ss Fe bruar y 19, We sleya n bas ket ! Har dwa re. clared that, si nce me n ar e so m uch 1 Pa lme r, the hostess, and a mo st bal l. the str onge r, it is no m ore than pl easa ntly !' pent ev ening end ed fo r Fe brua ry 20. Ph ilo. I Buy yo ur goo ds in P eru. rig-ht f or them to have th e wo rr yjthe J. U. G .' s. Feb rua ry 21, G irl s' Club. Mackpn:t ug's Ha rdwa re
Let us a ss ist yon in secu rin g a be tt er po sition. Afte r 27 yea n1 of s ueIt is a ma tt er of pl eas ur e and prid e wit h us to Ir.e ssfu l ex perie nce we are q ual ifi ed to give e ffic ient ser vice. No enme et vour eve ry nee cl, in our lin_es , in _a ro llm ent F EE n ecess ar y. Wr it e fo r in fo rmat ion manner. to Y?U bust· I SA Bl NS ' E DU CA Ti ONA L EXC H AN GE ness pol tc.Y IS s hap ed hy th is amb 1t10n. th at account we solic it your r eq u ests fo r eccommodat lon, s pec ial A. M. M. DORNON, Ma nager as we ll as or d in a ry. We wa nt to ea rn yo ur tratl e on the Fl ynn Buil d in g Des Moi n es , Iowa mer it of oo r se rvi ce and goods.
'Uhe· Citizens State 2Jank
Sma ll i\cc oun ts are g iven con s id erate !i Dd car efu l a tt ent ion at thi s ban k
E. E. GOOD, Pr es ide nt 0. M. GOOD Cashi er J. W. M cADAMS, V. Pr ANNA FA RLEY,
In every community the re are I The quie t, citi ze ns some far-s ee ing, pub lic-spir i ted I in Pe r.u and the farm e rs ar ound citizene who not o nly take good 1 ! Peru selec t ed as th ei r comm i tt ee care of their own bu siness affairs men and wom en of each pa rt of 1 but al so find tim e to get all th e the whole community who had the p eo pl e inter es t ed in so met hi ng that Ire sp ect and con fide nce of all the will brin g more comfo rt and con -people in that pa rt of the commuvenience into th e lives of all the I nity; in this way a ll th e people peop le of the co mm un ity. l sa w the need of th e thing to be Thi s is good. Es pecially good,l done and we re g lad to do what they because it aw ake ns a pu b lic con-I· could to car ry the i mp ro veme nt sc iou sness of commo n nee ds and a thru. ip i rit of hom e lov e-a love not just I f th f ·1 h b t f th h Now a ll of tl S look to the Memoo e am1 y orne u o e o rn e tow n; a pr ide in t he appeara nc e Iria l Tra il with pr id e and sat i sfacof the fami ly and a pride in th e It ion We wcnde r if some other appearanc.e of th e home ty. th i ngs ma y not be s ta rted one at a Such a thmg has be en done m ou r tim e and fini shed so as to improve community in th e making of the ! th f t d e common com or an conv eoMem oria l Trai l and it s modest I monum ent in honor of the home i ence of ou r own go od li tt le ho me boys who gave their lives that Ji b- town Vern a Scoville, erty might not be lost to us. For Ninth Grad e Civ i cs Class
Annual Concert ' Pe ru Gra duat es
Assi sted by Miss L ela cert pian ist of Lincoln.
CHAPEL Sat' day at 8: 15 p. m.
Stewart 's School Service Budget Ticket or 50c W. T. DAVIS , '0 6, Manager 12th st, L in
Ch t lal·n Jewelry Sto re The a e THE PLACE TO TRADE AND SAVE MONEY • ,,'1 k clewelry. founta an Watch e s, "' oc s, FenS · Supples, Sc h ool and Soc i ety Pin s and Rmgs Pe nnants, Flash I ig h ts a nd Suppli es Will order · 1 y and spectac les We re pair pe ns, wa tches , Je we r , lJ e do n't have and save yo u mon ey an yt w Nebr. J. c. CHATELAIN. Peru.
to $12.00 Sui ts Cl ea n ed, Pr essed 0. J.
an d Repa ir ed A V G N U G :: S T 0 G For the red apples. hananas , grapes CHOCOLATES, CANDIES
Bread and Lunch Goods Pho ne 73 See us fnr your an d School Su pp1ies H. U. LANDOLT, Peru, Neb r.
nice assortment of pen knives, pocket knives, embroidery § cis· sors and shears. We carry eSec· tric irons, flash lights & batteries
A dd ed An oth er S ta r to Her Athletic Crown L as t Thursd<1y
Say, did yo u shou t, Oh b oy! oh \ j oy! la st Thurs day eve nin g wh t:. n
Pe ru wo n f rom Wesleya n '? It was I qu it e an u nu ua l game, bu t how co uld it have bee n otherw i se wi th o ur " Five Peppe rs" and Wes ley an so deter mi ne d to ca r ry away the vi cto r y? 1\ nd th ese pr eac hers wer e a h usky b·mch a nd goo d 1 lay ers to o, yet in th e fir st ' ha lf they found th ey had met the ir m at ch, and have a fee l in g wit h al l the ir sk ill a nd abili ty t ha t o ur boys we re mo re than a for th em in speed, sk i ll . and he ad wo rk.
W. N. Delze ll New Fie ld Dir ector.
Wash in gton 's bi rthd ay ? We did. A NOTHER FEB R'Y BIR THDAY
Se vera l co ncise, po inted exp re ssi dns an d br ief exce rpts fr om his Gi rl's C lub One Year Old Wedne s.spee ch es we re r ea d by di ffe rent mem be rs of th e class. It was day. the 18th Ir e_!l ll y qu ite helpfu l to relea rn the \ outsta nding f ea tur es of that Fe br ua ry bir t hd ays ! Well, w hat •, of it? Every body kn ows hones t states ma n' s po li cy an d ch ar acte r. A be and the gentleme n of ch err y If you abse n tee s do not want a ny
1 '
d ree -a c
arne a re g on
, part 1n th e " good old" class chapel
an pep, JUst co n ti nue to stay away 22 B
0 we mi ss at t e meet
you a1e th e Jose 1s. We ha ve l·ee n
Alt h . h 1 ·
ha vi ng so me fmpo r ta nt busi ness at the back of the chapel let fo rth meetings of late th ose pepso me ye ll s Wed ne1-1day, Am e ri ca n L egion's Memorial Servic e th e lSth. La ter • wh en they all l.' h is an epoch mark1 ng month ru shed to the front, where Bon ni e · h J'f f A large au dience cr owdej tl:e m t e • e o th e PH u N or ma l. E ll is seate d at the piano , F h fi d f h d Me th odist ch ur ch Su nd ay eve n ing , rom t e rs t ay o is a m ini s- the Misses Hoak and Jarvis perc h. p 'd R Fe b rua ry to pay ho mage to th e tra t1 on r es 1 ent ome h as plan - ed on the stage as starters, and a ll d d men of P eru who lost thei r l ives ne to se n a Ji ve re pr ese ntat i ve sang th at cl ever, "t un y" c lub song, in the Gr eat Wa r. The prog r am , out Jn to the sta te to kee p the na me then eve rybody knew it was a of t he Pe ru No rm al Sc h oo l con - under the a uspic es of the loca l bir thday ce lebration, eve n those stantly befo re hig h sc hoo l st ude nts, po st of the Ame r ican L egion was Iwho had previou s ly fa il ed to note parents, and pr og r ess i ve t eac her s. di r ected by the pos t comman der,, the Marne colo r ed tags worn by Su.:h a rna,, was at han d. Dr. L. She llh orn the girls or the loud lette r ed post -
One of the unu sual f ea tur es of t he game was th e lar ge numo er of fouls ca ll ed on bot h tea ms. The larger nu mbe r we re ca ll ed a ga in st Wes leya n, a nd P er u 's fo rw a rd, Rosey, succeeded mak in g 11 points out of 14 tr ies for fr ee go al s. Wesleyan 's man was less fort unate and fa il ed to score on H i,: place as he ad or the co mm er- or.gan Jzatwns connPcted Wi th war.. th'e--stage.cia l d epa rt me nt is fi l led. W. N. ac t ivities wer e gi ven spec ial seats. Audi ble whispe rs of thi s so rt
Delze ll will sp en d th e gr ea ter pa rt /The ushers fo r the even in g were co mmo nl y he ard : " On ly one a nu mb er of t ri es An other fea ture of hi s tim e vis itin g high schools ,· Harley Cope nhav er, of the mannes year old! Is that possib le'! Why, of th e game was th e co mpa rati ve ly co un ty a sso ciati ons, a nd teache rs' I Merl in El lio tt, rep rese ntin g the cons id ering the clu b' s versa t il it y, sma ll numb er of fie ld go al s ma de. He wi ll kee p in touch over- se as me n, Her be rt Pa tte rso n utili ty and s tr ength in the sc hool , Du rin g the fi r st half onl y thr ee with o ur·gra du at es. He wi ll r en - of the n avy an d Milton Land olt, we tho ug ht it m ust have b ee n in were th r ow n an :! tw o of them were der inva lu a bl e se r vice bv Wl •r ds of re present in g th e 8 · A. T. C. exia te nce .a decade ." Peru's. encou r ageme nt to th e new g1ad uate The pro g ram · opene d wi th the 'I It is ha rd to believe suc h a mere
At th e close of the first ha lf th e j us t b eg i nn ing her ca r ee r. He si nging e>f Amer i ca by t he au die nc: in fa nt co u ld have acco mpli shed so score stood Wes leya n 8, Pe ru 13 will by wLe and di sc r eet cou ncil an d a nu mbe r by the No r ma l Mens \ mu ch in one brief yea r. Go to, h h I P I Glee Club, "O nward. " R ev. A. A. · 1 1
In the second half Wes leya n ca me kee p man y a t oug t ess er uv1an 1 • • • 1g 1r s. - d' • Ran rla ll ga ve a st1rn ng ad dress m S f b back gr im a nd d eter mined to make, fr om fa il ur e on accou nt or m 1s-. . o many o t he were seen up the ma r gi n of five po ints a nd tie or w in th e game. But ag ain th ey we re outp laye d by o ur "F iv e Pep per s." Al th o our opp one nts f rE:qu ently ca rri ed the ball to our goa l they we re not a ble to make ma ny tri es for the bask e:.. The ga me close d with a sco re of 15 to 23 in favo r of Per u. cre ti ons. He wi ll fin d the out - whtch he co ntr asted very forc ibly wear in g the "'one yea r old" tags standing al um ni and be r eady to the_ slogan of_ wor ld fr eedo m with t hat day , I wo nde r if they wou ldn't wh1c h Amenca en tered the war l'k · · · h H · s end th em m to bette r posnwm: .' . 1 e to JO in m t e so ng. ere 1t Bes t of a ll he w ill keep a ll of o ur Wi th th at sloga n of ga m of is, to t he tune of " Fre nchy :" fo rm er stuuen t.; in clos er tuuth t ory or fig ht in g fo r life wi th whic h Oh, G ir ls' Cl ub, oh jo l ly Gi rls' w.ith their al ma mater. the Euro p ea n nat ions were ca rry- Club May th e k ind Pr ov i dence which ing on the war.
You all of one yea r ol d today has so g ra ciously gu i de d th e pr o- The. descript ion of and p rese nta- You are peppy , f ull of fun , gr ess of th e old sc h oo l g ive W. N. ti on of th e memo ri al ce i tificate > Many are the stunts yo u 've De lze ll p hysica l st rengt h for the gi ven by the F re nch gove rn ment dQn e. road wo rk and gu i de h im to wcrthy was ve ry fitt i ng ly in tro d uced by Oh , G iri s' Clu b, oh, jolly Gi rls' students who may be t hi nk i ng of the of the Ma r seil lai se , the Club French nationa l anthe m, and a ' pr e pa ri ng fo r th at match less fie ld
The tw o Rosenq ui sts mad e a ll th e scores for the Pepper s, and Ro!'ey was hig h score man . B ut wi th out the fast wo rk of th e ot her fo r wa rd , Ra sch, and th e effic ient offe nsi ve work of th e gua r ds , Pran te, Buettgenbach and Higgi n!;l , they wou ld never have had a cha nce at th e i mporta nt pos ition.
Yo u'v e w.n my heart with your f or pat ri ot ic service- th e p ub l ic readi ng, "Fr ance in Battle. ga i ty sch oo ls. The No rm al ite be lie ves no Flame," by Mrs. Seybo lt. Profes- Marc h on , marc h on, thru all the b et t er man co ul d be found for t hi P so r Beck of the Normal, a Spanish- yea rs to come;
America n Wa r veteran , descr ibed A nd when we're gone fro m Old th'e symbo lic detai ls of a sta tue in I Per u basket Senior s. Fra nce ere cte d to t he memo ry of We w ill be an xi o us to come ba ck
The com mi ttee , with Al ice a ll dea d Amer ica n so ldiers in to yo u.
The "Eta Hi ta Pi" fr ater nity Br un sd on as chair ma n, pr epa red a Fra nce. Eac h cetific ate to be give n had ptct ures taken last S unday goo d prog ram for Th ur sd a y. Ne tte to the fa mi li es of th e so ldi er d ead Pr ofesso rs Shouse a nd Delze ll Wh e re do t he "Eta B it a Pi 's" McCar ro ll sa ng t wo ex cellent so lo s, is a facsim il e of't hi s st at ue. The we re at Oma ha, la st Frid ay at te nd · li ve?? Tha t 's easy! Just ou ts i de and Grace Gra nt r ead f or us. ser vices closed wi th the si ng in g of ing a meet in g of the Schoo l mas te rs ' of one of the urn -u rn Sha rr ar pi e,;! j Anc! say! did you ce leb ra te I the SLar Spa ngled Ba nner. IC lu b.
Entered at the Posto lli ce at 1-'cru , 1'\chmsl<a as sec ond class matt c·r.
Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal $1 00 per year. Single copy 5 cts.
While enjoying s um ptt1ous repast we were entertaine_d by ga me s and spo rt s und er the di r ecti on of Professo r Gabe l. The placing of the p ostsc ript to this ple 'lsing hour was directed by Profe sso r Ho hmann in the hearty service of specially written so ngs set to fa· miliar music.
Mr. Sardius Ellenberger, the
It.oas t master of th e evening i ntroduced Rev. E. N. Thompkins of 1Trinity M. E. Lin co ln, th e
spe ak er of t he evening, in a bapp y
I!I•ITOIII ,\1 !' TAJ'F manner , Th e executive co mittee
Dor othy Mauck, '20 Editor-in·Chicf h ld b Ah-ina Amende. '20 Editor s ou e congratulated in secur1 I • 1 · "' · i ng a man who cou ld de liv er such ' au cnnclt, '2 •. ed it Or Fern t\da111s, '21.. ·\>sis tant .Editor a forceful mes sage · His s ubJect Hulli:r , '2l. llusincss Mg'r Wa s "S it up and s it dnd git up and liii 'Z Lro11gf<•llow, '211 :VI)!'r \1ailing Dept. • n-'t " H' dd d' 'd d .,1 IS a r ess was 1v1 e ttl!l'lli<TEII,;: into two parts-the fir st f.or t he E-th e,- ('ole Sc·nior lads, anrl th e conc lu sio n for the \I a ill'I l>n·,.sl,·r ········-·Juniordads. The ce ntral thought to the Wi nifn·rl EJI; in s So phn morc Lni s (;rifiin Prcs hm cn
Id a Spr cin ls &, Traincn.'< \\'illiam Th onHI!' Y M. C.•-\ """'
Y. W. C. A. ll clc n \'nnZant Girl s Club -\lice l.Jasgnw l'hil omatheall
Della Wcathahogg Dramat ic Club :Vl ilkr J. () r-
llild e!!nrd l'h y!'i,·nl Science C-lu b :-l" .n rti c·lcs accqlt NI nf1e r 8 o'clock i\1 "nday "'"rning
Dads a nd Lac's, No community e ntPrpri se in
many years ha s mH with such unite d suppo rt as was acco rded the fa then and so n, n -1 uet wh i ch was served in the ba sP ment of th e
sons was "con::;ecrat io n" of bod y, mind and spirit. 1'o the fath e rs, "manhood's id ea l. " The adciress was l ight e ned · by clever and apt stories which were dir ect contributio ns to the interpretation of h is su bj ec t.
Come agai n soon, Fathers' nnd So ns ' Banq11et, and bring with you Dr Thompkms. "If we could but
When in need of quality 25 or call at the Mardis Quality. S ervice, Courteous Tretlttnent with pure goods has built our al!ld -reputation Phone 25 MARDIS Phon€ 25
Whil e va ri ous towns in this part ' or the s tate ha ve be en t empo rari ly Black W al.nut closed up on accou nt of tAe flu, Peru ha s so far escap ed the ep i- We manufacture this demic. There are a f ew ca ses in woud into t ow n, a nd a go od many in thecou n- ally suited for Manual try, particualrly in the Camp Creek n ei ghb o rh ood , where Dr. Shellhorn Training, direct r epo rts twenty ca ses in five fami- ! to lies. Few of the flu cases are se ri-1
in vi sion see ours elv es the boys ous, though there are two or and m e-n God meant, we tru ly / seri ous pneumonia cases. 11ever more wou ld be content to be
the bovs and rr.en we a re.''
Nebrask a City Peru Game. Coac h Sandb erg pr o mised to put Met hodi st church fi'riday r.ight. a st r onger t eam up against ou r
A faithful co mmitte e carefu ll y high sc hool team wh en we return ed planned and executed a pr ogram the game played he re two w eeks which wa s th o roly by all. ago. This he did and gave the
In the gathering gloom of early Ne bra ska City fao s la st Thursday twili g ht one could not di s tinguish eveni ng one of the best games they those wh o hurri ed tp the scene of had had this seaso n. The sco re festivitie s. A ViP.w un der the bears out the fact very d.islinctly etreet li ghts s howed t·l,at the fa th- 'Peru used two new men_. Sears ers and sons of J• eru were walking ' and _coms tock, and did c re dit r.apidly side by s ide in the same to tuem se lves an d d-irection. Th e ea rl y-arrivals were The team surelr appr ec iated the enteratined with cho ice se lections very generous se nd-off given th e from the Peru Norm al Hand und er b oys at the stat.ion that eve nin g th e direction of Professor Bolch. Ove r half the ?igh scnoo l stud ent The frag rance fr om th e appet izi ng wa s thPrc with its lusty "Hi!
three Meek Lumber H:ARBE;R SH0ra AND ' BATH
Pe ru Graduates Baseme nt Fish e r' s Drug Store • 1 First - class Workmen. Your Patron Dunng- the past months we haver age So li c it ed haYe placed n umbers_of st ro ng ·nor-1 C. P. SCOVILL Prop.
mal graduates in h 1gh sch ools and g:a de sc h oo ls at sala n es 1 1 'A·e have filled grad e positio ns at from $900 to 1100, hi gh schoo l' positions at fr om $900 to 12 00./ .m en st ill hig h er. We h ave placed 1 tea·chP rs in Neb ra ska and all
sounding states during the pastyear. Our perso nal experie nce 1 makes us able to vouc h for the / quality of Pe ru g raduat es. We are confident we can make an e nroll -I ment wit h us of de cided mu t ual 1 a dvanta ge. Write or phon e today, 1 · H1r Rav 1 Rav'" and even th banquc>t soon exting-uished th e last th e. 1 r ain·, was .n e'arly an ho 1 ° (' Ul ate mg e nng ec ho es of the mu s ic ever yo ne sta yed to the the call of " eve ry thrng- is now thru. P eopl e little know how mu ch r ea d y." Professor Howie led a this me ans to a t ea m. · 1 half hundred eac h of 'dads and Mr. Roet tger acc o mpanied the la d " · team a, coac h. · s_ a pra ye r uf thankful ap- The next g ame will be play ed at pr e c1at1nn for th e ha p)Jy relation- Sy racu se , Friday, Fe bruary 27. l:i hips of father and son. Folow in g is the lin e-u p: The banquet wa s c:nique in that N eb raska C ity 2nds- 6. Peru-4 it was a lm ost wh o lly f athe r-and- Kelly f. Ch a se so n mad e and se rv ed. Jt was Smitn f. S ears . d Poling f. Comstock no t1ce that Runs quite ge nprally Crandal f. "took what fath er to ok ." "Please c. give me a second cup of coffee." Neumerite g. '' More · beans. etc. Zeals g.
Pa rri ott Delzell Brunsdon "Here as dad s and lads we din ed Kl e ber g. Wl.th oul· h d Fi e ld goals: Sm i th 1; Whitten ea rl s an sou ls e ntwin· c l ase 1; Fre e throws: Sm ith 1; j .• e . Whitten l; Chase 1.
Stewart's School Service II W. T DAVIS, '0 6. Mana-ger l i!S 1 2th st , Linco ln. Nehr.
Y. W. C A. cal e nd ar co mmitte e, the me mber s Pres id e nt Rou se left Thursday for Th e atte nd ance ·.vas not so pr esent de cid ed to have me etings Cleveland, Ohio.
at o ur last mee tin g as it h as b ee n. o nl y on<'e a m on th. Th ey dec ide d Lu cil e Ra nd ol is substitutin g
Th e d es ir e to see what kin d of B's to have six p ages in th e Peru v ian, in the B ea trice schools wjJ)
was in o ur swa rm was mo re t han and voted in tw t:! nty new me mbers. be gone two wee ks. s om e co uld withsta nd, ho weve r. The bu s in esss me et ing wa s fol- Br e hm came down fr om Eve ry on e was agr eea bl y s urpri se d low ed by a sho rt pr ogram. He rbert U na di lla to s pe nd the wee k-e nd
Made to You·r when he fo und th at the swarm Pr oko p, a new memb e r, pl ay ed a with her si ste r, Lill j an. co nt ai ne d a gro up of alph a betical violin so lo El sbe th Roessler and
Individual Measure B's. ever yo ne of whi ch wer e Ne va Hoak g ave a fin e pi ano duet, Calend ar. C hri s ti a n. "Let ea ch me mber try "Salu t a Pes th ." Th e ma in num- Regu lar Event s. to be a wh o le s warm of B' s ." ber was th e tabl eau, "Apoll o an d We e kl y. Mi ss Mag n eso n read th e nam es the Nir:e Mu ses." Ap oll o was Mo nd ays , Ch oru R, 5: 40 to 6 :1 5. of th e girl s th at hav e bee n chose n/ Willi am Th om as ; the Mu ses in Orch estra , 7 :30 to 8 :1 5. by th e ca bin et as ca ndidates for order of ap pe ar an ce w ere Mnr.a Tu esdays , Girl s' Gl ee Cl ub, 8 :1 5 ele cti on for ne xt yea r' s officer s. Ke ith , Em.na Kelly, Mabel Parson s, to 9. Boys ' Gl ee Cl ub, 7:30 Th ey ar e: Mona Ke ith, pre s id e nt; Ce ce lia Pet erson, Doroth y Mauck, to 8 :15. Band , 8 15 1 Amy Ad ams, vic e pr es i dent; La ura Be lle Eri sma nn, Halli e We av -e r, Wednes days , Ch or us, 5: 40 to 6: 15., Keen. d ev o ti onal chai rm a n; Ad a Fr a ncis Sh e a, Ali ce Glas go w. Or ch es tra, 7: 30 to 8 :1 5. Y. Mil es , so ci al se rv ic e c hairman; M. C. A., 8 :1 5. Neva H k 1 h. Phystc al Sctence ClubMeehng. Thur sd a ys , y. w. C. A., 7:1 5 to l oa . s oc1a c anman; I · • Gl Cl b El G kl fi · La st Monday night a lar gt:! nu n-8 :15. G1r ls ee u , na oc ey , nanc e cha1rman; 8 :15 to 9. Boys' G lee Cl ub,
Wes t, se cr e tar y. Th e elec· ber of us SC ientific fo lk I 7: 30 to 8: 15 Band, 8:15 ti on will be he ld ne xt Thur sday IinS 20 2 for th e purpo se Bi-month ly eve nin g at 7: 45. Come. /e nte rtain e d. Did we com e m_ va m. , Stud e nt Co un cil of Gi rls' ·c lub. I JOHN A. CEJKA, We ll , ha rd ly. Edward Mat e)ovs ky Th e Monday ev eni ng befor e the I Y. M. C. A. enlighten ed us as to Ein s tein and Seco nd T uesday of e ach month and Ta il or and Cle an er. Whil e th ere were not man y theo ri es Th e re 's so me rumor tw o :00 •--- --:--"-out to o ur last me eting. we had Iabo ut a de ba teh, too: t _, d t Frid ay, Phil omath ean, 8 !/ ·Chase's Barber -Shop a l ive ly di scussion. Th e to pic was. We wer e t en Jn rouuce 0 a • o'clock. F our th Fri day, "Wh at abo ut th e foreig ners in magician in the pe rs on of E lde ! Phil omart he an, 8 o' clock I this cou ntry? " Befo re th e war Cameron. who ga ve us pr oo f of hi s i Mo nthl y. • mo re money was spe nt in te achin g! ski ll by a numb er of •l ig l·t of har.d Tuesday, G irl s' Ge rm an to Am e rican c it izens than pe rf ormances Ye s, he I
Wed n t>sday, Dra mati c, R. 1 Mil stead Basement ALL WORK FIRSTCLASS Fu ll li ne of Toilets on ha nd wa s sp Pnt in te achin g fore ign ersla s in g ing fl ame, an expl os iOn, mk, F1r st Sat ur day: J. U. G., 8. . a d wine S pec 1al E ve n ts 1 to b ecom e g oo d c1t1 ze ns. Seve nty-/ · F b 2 € y w c A se ve i1 pe r ce nt of th e-p{l pu lati on ·of. Wby not be " sc i.e ntlfi c. fo lk ?' c rual) ' .. · Is ,. f ect· . . I . Fe bruary 27, Ph ll o. ee our tne 0 corr A. W. CH ASE , P ro p.
Pa tt erso n, N. J · IS of Mi .;s Carp e nt er wa s at Wllbur on I F eb ruary 27 , Cot ner b aske t ba ll.
No won de r tha t 10 a 'j Rtudy ce nter W<? rk la st Friday a nd I FeL ruary 28. Eo ys' Glee Club : Stationery ra 1d by th e gove rnment for Sa turday IC t ' I .c • • , on ce r .
Re ds we re found 111 th at City .! Mattie Gap en went to Platts -' March -1-Ear l Cline' s Lectur·e. By th e box or po un d. Ju st th e Tn e .foreigne rs c am e to thi s c oun- mouth, Friday, to s pend the we e k- I ! th ing for that Bi rt hd ay Pr esent try to b ette r their co ndit io n. Wh at e nd at hom e. I
a re we do in g to help th em? Thi s • I
· f h 1- bl h' h In s tead of be ing ' quarantmed l 1s one o t e 1ve pro e ms w 1c
teac er s must pay a 1g part m I ' . d Th I are ou t. ey a re I so V Jng. I . '
h J b in " Miss El lis and Mr s. Seyb olt I GQ1 N R ..,·Let there be Lt . ght"
b W d d now s taymg at Pr of esso r Br own s.
Wh y not e o ut n ex t e nes ay ev ening ? Pr o fe ssor D elze ll is sure Wes leyan' s plucky ce nt e r. who I to have so m et hin g go od for us wa s ove rc o tlf' by undu e exe rti on in 1 the Wes ley an - Peru gam e last I • Philomathean Thurdsay eve ning, ii; slo wly re-
Safe ty .Razors a nd Bla d es, Sk ates ,
Kniv es and Ma nu al Tr ai nin g Har dw ar e. Buy y our g ood s in P er u.
Pn il o Soc i ety m et la st Frid ay cove ring. We ar e ind ee d gla d to ., eve nin g for a sho rt pr og ram and a· he ar this, and al so proud tha t t he 8 vs. IW€ ha ve a nice line of Elect ri c La mps, Fl ash li g hts 'a nd Ba tte ri es
.. h ff " :15 p. 111. very imp ortant busin ess mee ting. injury wa s u ue to no rou g s tu \ f t B d t 50 M.ackprang's
In Normnl Chnpei.-Ciub Sings at Lincoln, Hnvelock and Cotner on Road Trip Th is Week
The pres e nt ye Rr is proving an Icial Club at a lun ch eon Wednesday extremely hard on e for chora l noon orga ni zation s. A great deal of The an nual hom e concert will be sicknes s and loss of voice by reason presenter) in the Normal School of colds anrl the influenza have chapel Saturrlay, February 28, at inr.e rf ered with rehearsals. More- 8:15 p. m This year's program o ver the prevalence of contagious inc lu des some very effective nomdi sease s in many commm1ities has hers by the c lub and by the so-ca llre nderer! difficult the securing of ed "Jazz Band," which, however, e ngagements. However, the Boys' play s music far above the lev el of (;l ee C lub is makinJ! a modest trip ordinary "jazz." Mi ss Lela Hardy, thi s week, singin g in Brownvil le a conc e rt pianiRt and teacher in the Monda y night, Havelock Wednes- University Sch ool of Music, will day night, and BethRny Thursday assist in the lora! concert. Follownight Th e b oys al so expect to ing is the program for H.e home s ing before th e Linc oln Commer- 1concert:
Watches, Clocks, dewelry, Fountain 'Stationery School Supp!es, Schoo l and Society Pin s and Rings Pennants, Flashlights and Supp li es
We repair pens, watches, jewelry and sp e ctacl es. Will order anyt hin g we don't have and save you money. J. C. CHATELAIN. Peru. Nebr.
S till, Still With Thee
Th e Wind s are all Hu shed
Over the Field s at Early Morn
Pr e lurle and Fugue in B flat minor
Miss Hard y
Fountain Pens and grade History Pupcr View cards and Stationery in b1wks
Bach I with the Pe·ru Pennant · Fresh Fruits, Candies, Cookies, G,-oceries,
Basketball=== Two Games Next Week
Watch for bins for dates
Uni. of Omaha here Monday or W cdncsday
Midland here Thurs _ day or Friday
More definite dates than this probably will not be known before Saturday, but bills will be out in .time, so watch for thetn
THAT PERU" COTNER GAME 1 that anyone who saw this laRt game , Tht:> visitor s played a constant and j MEN'S GLEE CLUB CONCERT
W G S 1 -E 17 9 1 and the other games knows that strong game thruout, after they 1 e et mal nd of a to : h d b . d f h . h' · k' A
S 'so me petals a ee n sw1pe rom got t e •r mac 1ne In war mg l nnua ustca vent
core o ur Ro si es and th e re wasn't near order. The chi ef feat ure of the Treat Bv Max. as much bite in Bitzy, and all ti1e visitors' strategy was their long l Wel l, basketba lli cal ly speak in g, Irest acted like subjects for se rmo ns di!l tance gfla l throws and qu i ck Th e annual concert of the Men 's wou ldn't that convert you! j -and you, Jinx, did it! Now short pa>lses. In thE: Wayn e team GJee Club was g iven last Saturda y "My John, no!" said a comely l'kedaed le. I Vinckel and Clark played a ste llar ! evening in the chapel. As-a lways, lass at the dorm, "it wouldn't! It I Fifthly: Ch eer up, a ll I'm ' :ra11e. _ The o th er me were not up l the event br ou g ht out a la rg e and m ade me f ee l I ike sayi ng things! I almost p ers u aded that we' II make to the ir us ual standard. Taken Ienthusiastic audience, w hich aplf we 'd played half th e game we 1 them flee from t"e wrath to come as a whole the game was keen and I preciated to th e full the artist ic play ed with We .; leya n the score j in th e next game , fast. ; program presented. wou ld hav e b ee n rev ersed in our I Don't lik e this blank verse? · ''The Chadr on ga me on Friday, , A group of three fine so ngs by the favor! '' ., Well, dr op over into the amen February 13, was quite thecontra st 1 ctub op e ned the evening. "Still, Ea sy, now, easy ! . corner until I reli t:> ve my sou l of of the Peru game. Lack of. with Thee," the initial numB t1 t. firstly: H on >t, k '.ds, wasn't I this last eta nza, and your period work on part of the VIS! tors Iher, is a so lid, d evo tional i nterprethe 11 t tl e dnme nght m the last of probati on wi II be up. caused comnderable com ment from tation of a well-kn own hymn. The p-'l.rt of her mental effus ion where I But think of all tho se ''d ea ns" the fans who were pr esen t for the 1club captured the audience at once sh e co mpar es this game wit h the I tr loping in without their dignity! Pe ru game on Wedn es day. Several i by sing in g th e composit i on with W ·-;]pyan gam :! '! Wasn't it great! Then, too, just times the Chadron men were a li i feeling and breadth. Th e difficult
Se condly: Reme mber the advice when we were ab o ut tn believe grouped under one goal scram -l recitative pas.;;ages were well William the Conqueror gave to that they had a ll be t:> n self steeped bling among them se l., es . Perhaps ; hand led, and the clim ax fin ely hi s soldie rs when th ey laughed at in a dE'gree of discipline and dig- the chief features of thi s game 1 done the prospect of a re al fight wit h nity! C url ey, you'll have to whip we re the wholesal e subst it utio ns' Th e poetic bea uty of "Th e Wind s of "subs" in th e p lace of the r egu -' , boyi s h, b eardless pri es ts? Well, I up or they will out step you and lar men on the Wayne t ea m and the Are All Hu sh ed was g1ve n full for one, th oroly enjoyed this gall1e you r feeble voiced followers! m ass pla_vs practic ed under the effect, the de licacy of th e shading We n ee d suc h young men to preach goals by the Chadron team. We and the sustained pianissimo tones to us in reconstruction days; and WAYNE GOOD LOSERS. were beaten fairly by Peru and meriting praise. Geibe l 's the country will profit by their The following from the "Golden- won eas il y Chadrp n Every- huntin g chorus, "Ovt:>r th e Fi e ld s, " body loves a wmn er but deliver us winning this gam e and other, but rod" substantiates the report of ' fr,om th e p oo r lo se r., 1 completing the group, was su ng different, games our boys that the Wayne team and I with a spir it and buoyancy that Th en. thirdl y: Cla ss , there isn't school were "good sports:" I At the Basket Ball Game. j w er e magnetic, and won hearty much difference betwe en preachers "Credit mu st be given to th e Before: 1applau se. anrl "teachers See, their team was Peru team for th e ir cleau playing
There was a bunch of bulldog barks l Mi ss Le la Hardy, pianiste, of our teache r; now I'm the preacher and th e ir sple ndi d t ea m work. The Baying, "Pe ru Pepp e rs are easy the Univers ity School of Music, -but, buddies, I'd much ra t her Wayne Normal machine was well marks ." ' followed. In her rendition of h ave a different cer emony to per· lubric ated and runnin g fine during What.will th ey do Bach's "Pre lud e and Fu gue in fo rm.
Fourthly: No , don't try to h1de, old Clown Prince Jinx! Come out of it, Eite l Fritz, back up here til l we adjust these s hould er straps so you can carry the burden you're
But l1mp from Peru; 1 M' , M' LJ d. d the first ten minutes of play. th e For OUR ba s ket ba ll shooters are B-ftat mor 1ss r ar ':i e monscore being 12 to 6 in favor of sharks. Istrat ed n ot only her ma stery of Wayne. At the end of sixtee n After: I her instrument, but. her sympaminutes the Wayne machine had Ther e was a bunch of bulldog barks , thetic comprehen s ion of the great developed a squeak that weakened "Peru Peppers are easy 1 classicist's thought. its power a nd the Peru team pull- I The club's of ., "Wh en alwa ys leaving ar ound some place. ed up to an even sco re of 13. F'rom
Not on you r life. Jinx, do es that I thi;; time until the end nf the game argument go! You kn ow, you rsP.l f, ; Peru had the odds in her favor
What d1d they do : Day Fades" was mark ed by art ist ic
But come to Peru; l d · d
Well-THEIR basket ball shoote rs contra s ts, go0 sus ta!D e to es, l:trc! s hark s. I tContlnu<'d "" La>H P11a:•·.a
THE PERU NORMALITE whit e and blue, appea r ed to r oot
Ent ered at the nt l' cm. Nchrasl;a as seco nd mat tcr.
Publi shed Week ly by the Pe ru State No r mal
$ 1.0 () per y<:ar. Sin gle copy 5 cts.
for ou r ''Fi ve Pepper s ,'' th ere was som e thin g do ing, let me tell
With Mr Tret in a to lead th e ye ll s, and with Miss Palm e r, us ing ple nty of real. em ph at ic emphasis, to dir ect that "Hi gh dere, Cotner!
Did you nebe r hear d at befo re?
Wh eneve r Rosey ge ts th e hall
Hi s br o th er mak es a sco r e!"
Ith e Pe ru-Cotner ga me, in spite 1 of that do leful 17 on the wrong ===== s id e, was one of - th e mo st exc it in g
Tllg EIIJToiiiAt. gam es of the sea so n. When it
Onrot hy Mau ck, '20 Editor- in- Chi cf · com es to tr uly "put t ing somelh i ng Alvinn ,\ lllt:nd c. ':!0 Editor l':rul Hcnnt·tt. Editor ac r oss, " you can count on th P. fac-
F rn !\dam s, '21.. .-b sista nt Ed it or ult y eve ry ti me. Yea, Bo! for llurTer, '2 I Rusincss .\1 g 'r th e fa cu lty co ll e cti vely and in divid ln<"z Lo ngf!·llo\\' , ' 2o :'\ lg'r :v!niling Dept. 1 uaJJ y. We' re for 'e :n!
tt i!JIO tt"I' EH :-;:
E-t ( 'nl<' Sl' ni or Syrucuse- Peru Game.
:O.Iah,·l J uni or Th e hi gh sc h oo l team dr ove in
Winil n·d El l< ins Sophomore
Get the name. When in need of quality gro ce rie!', 25 or ca 11 at the M a ,-dis Qu alit y. Courteous .Treat 1n ent with pure go ods has b uilt out· and reputation
l.oi;t:riOin ca rs to la st Fr iday afte r-Jare ver y e nt e rtam i ng and worth ·l· Bl k Ida Spl'(' i:ols & n oo n to play a r et ur n ga me with Iwh i I e. a G u
\\' illi am Thomas Y i\11. C. .-\ the hi gh sc ho ol th e re The Sy ra- La st week beca use of so me bu si1.& f h' "" 1'' AdanJs · \' w. C. A. cuse boy s e nt er tained each Pe ru 1ne-s, t he program w as limi te d to n e tnann acture t IS IJ,·Icn \'an/.a nt Gi rl s Clu b \lice c: la"!-!""' l' hilomathcan .player at s upp er and treated th em t hr ee numb e rs. Helen D ye read wood int o n, JJa 1\'cathcrhogu Dram atic Club m a roya l good mann e r. a Ju ut the life of a happyolti bache -, ally suited for Manual \lilh·r· ). u. r; Th e ga me was at 8:30 lor , and L ois Griffen to ld of the Cluh i Sy ra cJse was .·victo r in. th e first 1 " Wh en I Ki lle d a i Trai ninJ.!. _ d irec t :-.;., nrt1dcs accc ptr·d aft(' r R o' cloc l< half, but durm g th eseco nd ha lf jL ast, hut not leas t. Edna F1s her, 1 to !oiChool!". \J ,,nri:Jy nrornin g. IP eru out played th e ir opponents 1 in her own gra ce fu l way, danc ed I ancl won by one po in t. Such a 1 t'1 e mazu r ka. Meek Lumber> E.o Dr amatic Club Pl a y, Ico me-back al ways loo ks good, for I fhi s cl as5 ha s not pe rm i tted i ts Th e a nnual Dram at ic Club pl a y, · it shows that a mixtur e of " bra in: sma lln e '-' s in nu mu ers to hin de r i ts BARB G R S H 0f> a bud t et num be r. will he given and br aw n" ha s tak en place. I]J vt lio e ss and activ i ty.
on Marc h 26. An ahlp cast ha s The game e nd ed Syracuse 24, ========== =A=V=is=i=to=r=.=
DTrHuo- S to re be en at wo rk for some t im e and I P eru 9. , ,... gives pro mi se of an e xcell e nt pro - Alumni
UVian§! i Fir st- class Wo rkm e n. Yo ur Patr cn cluct ion. As 1920 is thP. thr ee 1 ag e Solic i ted h d dh Mildr ed Monia , classo f'l7, is
un re t anniver sa ry of the land-
havl' ng I d'd h N I The not
ing of the pilgrim s, th e p la y, "A sp en 1 succ ess 1n t e e. R So n Sc hoo ls Sle ha s cl f ' 'A r;;.• yuu o ninu tou ---t a
th e·story of the earl y Purita n da ys , e norma ra m mg.
ose of Plymouth To wn," te llin g , la rg e o ,... th I t
is part i cula rly tim ely The st age W. L. Ben e dict, cla ss of ' 17, wi ll
n1an age r, Harold Br ow n, wi ll be attend s ummer sr. hoo l and next
especia ll y 'grarefu l tn an y one who ye ar to complete hi s wo rk for hi s can he lp him locat e one or two old degre e. He now h as charg <! of fashio ned musk ets or pi!-lols. manu al t rainin g in th e Ord public "\ r·e ) ou goin g to rhe your
Our Pe ruvi a n. sc hools.
The many fr iends of Miss J osephine Gav in anrl Mr. Rctl e ig h Bagley -.ve re qu it e s urpr ised la st week t:o Jea rn of th ei r ma rri age whi ch took pl ace on De cemb er J 0, 1919. Th e happy eve nt wa s not an n ounced unt i I Mrs Bag ley ann o unce d it at a din ner which she gave to her
can dem au d."
Enroll with and get / the top. I I
Stewar t's School Servic e I
W. T. DAV IS, ' 06 , Manager
Th e rep o rt h as b ee n circulating that we are go ing to have t he best Peru vian "that ever thi s yea r. Do n't th i nk t hat it was o nl y a pr ophecy of an ov erenthu si ast ic why, i nd ePd, no! for it is e ntir e ly tru e. Our staff co nsists of of the m os t taleilted anrl m ost .faithful work ers of th e class, and we can expect mu ch of th em. We>ll. wait u nti l yo u see th r! bnuks, se ni ors, th en judge for yourse lv es fe ll ow high sc ho ol teach er 8 at l 2th st , Li nc oln, Ne hr. 1 Scotts Blufl'. Ou r citize ns w.i ll hav_e ple nty of ti me to mak e a co ll ec ti on of t in pan s, cow be ll s, fir e alarms, etc ., in o rd er to make thin gs interest ing up on the arr ival What's the Miltt er With the Faculty1 of the bri de when sc hool is out.Th ey 'r e a ll r ig ht ! Danbury, Neb r., News.
If "rip-roaring" r oo tin g could o nly run up the score at a basket ball ga me Pe ru' s sco re wou ld ha ve gone clear o ut of sight at the ga me last Friday nigh t. Wh en th at " Pep Pa rt y," ga il y attir ed in Mi ss Gav in gradua ted in the cla ss of•I919.
Freshmen, · Ju st th ose whd have n ever see n th e ir cla ss r hap el pr ograms n eed to be told that these fr es hm en .ch a pels !
Y. M. C. A.
Normal thi s year, and if yo u beAs a ll our s in gE> rs we re out on li eve in signs-just wait- · their tour, we WE>ren't very s uc cess ful in s in g ing songs. But Profes- Junior No tes. sor Delzell gave us a talk which We e njoy ed a s hor:. program at mad e up for it. our last meeting. Bess ie West Professor Delze ll was at the s tate gave a ch&rming Some Y. M. C. A. convention which was very imp o rtant ann ouncements r ece ntly he ld at Omaha He gave were made. Juni ors! Don't furan interesting re port up on the get th e big party about to be pullthr ee main ta lks c;f the conve n- ed Eve rybody out next wt?ek to ti on. We cannot s ay in this ab out it! A go?d ed s pace the many good things that 1s at wo rk and th 1ngs 1s g01 n w. ere brought out. H owe ver, Mr. / t er happen ." D elze ll did emphasize that if we · h t t h tl Nettie McCarroll' s sister came w1s o ge any w ere 1n 11s ld t d th th th t down from Uni on Sa turday. wor we mu s o e mg s a ought to be d one which the o th er Mi ss S hiveley we nt to Lin coln, fe ll ow doesn't want to do Friday morning, to spe nd the Be out to h ear Mis s Ellis Wed- e nd.
ne oday eve ning.
' Calendar, · Regular Events. Weekly.
Mondays, Chorus, 5:40 to 6: 15. Orches tra, 7:30 to 8:15
Tu esdays , Girls' Glee Club, 8 :15 to 9. Boys ' Glee Clu b, 7:30 to 8:11;) Band, 815.
Wed nesday s, Chorus, 5:40 to 6: 15 Orchestra, 7:30 to 8:15. Y. M. C. A. , 8:15
Thur s da ys , Y. w. C. A., 7: 15 to 8: 15. Girls' Glee Cl ub, 8 :15 to 9. Boys ' Glee Club, 7:30 to 8 :1 5. Band , 8 :15. Bi-monthly
Student Counc il of Girl s' Club. 1 Th e Mo nd ay even ing befor,e the I Second Tuesday of each mon th and every two weeks th e reafter at 9:00
Carrie Bl oss of Pawn ee City p. m. I spe nt Sat urday afte rn oo n and S un- Second
Y. w. c. A. day wit h the Oak Glenn gi rl s.
Frid ay, Philomathean, 8
Th e at tendance was much better Mr. a nd Mr s. F. w. Kuhlman o 'cl oc k. Fourt h Friday, la st Thursday ni ght than it I came from Pawnee C ity for th e be en fnr quite a whil e. Now that ! Gle e Club concert, Saturday night.
the n ew semeste r is we ll b egun it
Philom a th ea n, 8 o 'cl ock J Monthly. JOHN A.
Seco nd Tuesday, Girls' C lub , 11 :5o I i _______T_a il_o_r_a_n_d__C_l_ea_n_e_r_.
Th ey were the guests at the House First Wednesda y, Dram at ic, f' will pwbably cont inu e to i ncrea se h F s u G 8 ome. ir st aturday, J. ., Some of t he h igh sc h oo l gir ls were Mess rs. Thoma s, Ro e ttger. Pa ul , Spec ial Eve nts. 1 ) present also Come again, girls; T . C H · d D 1 11 Mar ch A · I d h ret1na, rago. o w1 e an e ze 4, men can we are g a to ave yo u. L egio n, i Chase's Barber Shop Milstead Basement T I] attended th e Y. M. C. A. conven -' Capta1n Earl Cl1r.e. he program was an unu s ua Y) . j t10n and I anquet at Au b urn, Feb - Mar ch 5, J. U. G. party ! mter est mg on e. Th e me e tin g was 23 M 1 6 t · · h 1 t ' ruary a! c 1 • r amm g sc oo par y. open ed a .> us ual, after whi ch Emma I ,
Two Games
Next Week Watch · for Bills
Students--Faculty--& Friends
:See our line of correct I Stationery
By th e box or po und. Ju st th e th ing for that Birthday Present NORMAL STORE
''Let there be Light"
ALL WORK FIRSTCLASS Fu II I i ne of Toilets on ha nd A. W. CHASE, Prop. 1h e sa ws and •I· ners in th e man- Ke ll y s ang in a very char ming , 1 mann er. The pla yle tte, " Comt> Iua training sh'Jp hav e been fitted into My Kitchen, "was very success 1 up with me ta l g uard .c... They I , f II · d th 1 · d 1 redu ce th e r isks of acc id e nts ve ry u y g1ve n, an oro y en J oye ffi f I mate nally. Followrng th e pla y th e o cers or 1 1 next year were ele cted These a;,e Word ha s _been r ec_eived the I to be in s ta ll ed Marc h 4. A s pecia l death of M1s s Ma 1me Cra1g on, i nstallation se rvic e will ' be u se d. February 24. Crai g was al t eacher in the Linc oln schoo ls. Another Pe ru Wedding. IPe ruvians will r emember her as 1 Mr. Jun e Ha ll, a st ud e nt of the a. sister of Mrs. J enn ie Doan e, with 1 co mm er ci al d ep ar tm ent. and Miss whom s he made her ho me when 1 Mona E. Tea re, of Dor.na , T ex as attending s chool in Pe ru. were married in Kan sas City, on Pr o fe sso r Gregory. s up eri nte n· F' eb ru a ry 16. Cong ratulation s dent of the Tecum se h sch oo ls, and bein g in order, we wi sh to e xtend Mr. Walter Campb e ll, c la ss of '98 a h ost of go od wi .sh es to Mr. and and sec re tary of the board of eduMrs. HJ II. Ha ve yo n no ticed it ? cation of th at city, visited Pe ru, There see ms to be some thing ab o ut · Februar y 23 Tecum s eh's s chool I t hi s Pe ru at mosp here acts board ha s taken an i_ntellia tru e co-w orker with S tr Cup td. ge nt in te.est 1n the se lectJGn of Thi s is the second wedd ing in the new te achers for the city sy ste m.
W€ have a ni ce line of El ect ri c
1 L amps , Flas hli gh ts a nd
Safety Razors a nd Blades, Skates, :Poc ket Kniv es and Manual Training
j Bu y your goods in Pe ru.
Mackpt·Hng's Hardwtlre TEAt.:HERS •.
1 Let us assist yon in secu rin g a be tter position. J\fter. 27 of su eIt is a matte r of pleasu re a nd pride u_s to I exper i ence we are q ualifi ed to gi ve effic1ent se rv1ce. No enmeet vour every n eed, in o ur lm_es, 10 .a ro llm ent FEE necessary. Write fo r inform at ion manner to accommodate Y? U. bu sJ- I SA BINS' EDU CATIONAL EXC HAN GE n es s po li cy is shaped hy th1 s A M M DORNON M On that account we so li c it your re qu es ts for eccommodat lo n, spec1 alj · · · • • anager as we ll as ordinary. We want to e arn your tra de on the Fl y nn Build i ng Des Mo in es , Iowa me rit. of our servic e and goods.
One Citizens eState 2ank
Small Accounts are given considerate and careful attent ion at this E E.
Men's Glee Club Concert I I to discuss, ' Th e ccont lnu cd rr om First ·of th e Students of Today," l}fte r an d some effective so lo pussag- es hy /' which a short pray er se r vice en ded fir st te non• and by basses. "O ver very worthwhile m ee ting the Way" was d one with just the I G C T . r ig-ht t ouc h of friv ol ity ; and the lee lub rtp. gr oup as a wh ole t he insiste nt app lause which fi nally el i ci t ed an enco r e.
Sc h uman's rom an tic "But'te rflies" wa s exq ui s itel y played by Miss Har d.v ; not one of the de licate n uances wa s mi ssed, not one of the fugitive mo ods ign or ed. Mi ss Hardy graci ou,;ly respo nded with an encore after t hi s num be r. lvlr. Walter Hohmann fol lowed , singing tw o fine songs, -Bu ck's lovely anci "The Mighty Deep" bv Jude. An impre ssively elrama tic co mp os i tion , " On wa rd ," adm ir a bl y gi ve n, c 1n cluded part I.
Accuracy of pi tch ro undn ess of tone, firm ness of attack and sympath et ic respon >e to th e demand s of
Owing to the flu , smal lpox, hydrop h ob ia, and other co ntagious di seases the glee c lu b obtained onlv three out-of-town e ngag ements. The fir st was befo re th e co mm erci al club of Lincoln We dnesd ay morning. He re we sa ng t hree numbe rs , an d rece ived exce l le nt a ttent ion and h earty applause-als o a fine lunch. Wed nesday afte rn oo n some of the fell ows swam :lnd o th ers spe nt the time hun t in g-a date'. That eveni ng we gave o ur co n ce rt at H ave lock. which was a pp r eci ated ve ry much by a la rge audience. Thursday th e boys resorte d to va ri ous sou r ces of en ter · tainment in th e city. Inqui re around an d see what these were. va ry in g moods mark ed the work of , In the even in g- ·;;e sa ng at Cotner, th e club during th e first half of 1 1 ann eve t'y thing went nic ely, exthe pr og ram Th e seco nd half was cepting when Paul Bennett's chair imbu ed wi th typical co ll ege glee - broke. Dr. Hou se sa id, s peaki ng club fun and l'pir it. Severa l co l- of the a udi e nc e at Cot ne r, "That lege songs we re sung; the ''Jazz is the b es t r ecep ti on a club of mine I Hand" player! fo ur selec tion s with ever got in Neb ra s ka, wi th the ex- 1 the verve that never fails to cap- ceptio n of Peru audiences." t ur e their aud iences; a nd P aul ! Friday, three o'clock, f ou nd us BE: n nett quite ev i dently had h is 1 all at the tr ain off for home-a ll h earers wi th h im during "F ive with th e excep ti on of Willard Minutes of Fooling." "The Flag Griffiths.. But Bill got th ere , Wit hout a Stain" was a fitt in g "Yea, Bo !" Just as the tr ain conc lu sio n to a concert whic h stands started he was seen coming thru hi gh as one co mpares it with th e the gate with his ar ms full of Performances of pr ev ious years bunrll es Red go t off a nd hel p ed him on and we we re ''settin'
A Praye r Se rvice, pr et ty." B ut Saturday night was A joint meeti ng of the Y. W. C. the best of all, because every boy A. and Y. M. C. A. orga ni zations had "sou1e one" watching him w;ls he ld Sunt'lay aft PJnoo n at five from th e audience. (We ll a coup le o'clock to the prayer ser 1 of us had the incentive at whic h was kept thruout th e Havelock.) We we re ve ry f ortunate U nited States in all Ch ristian col- in ha ving as a so loist, Miss Hard y leg-e orgni za tion s. of the State School of Music, who Lloyd Prante had ch&rge of t he play ed tw<' numb e rs and an e ncore, meeting Th e Sc ri p tur e lesson, that were appreciated . gr eatly. r ead by Do r ot hy Mauck, was fol- Then there were " Sk inn y" and lowed by a so lo by Mr. Hohmann the "Jazz Band." so altoget her we Mr. Crago e;.;p la in ed th e purpose go od , profitable ew ning. of the mee tin g anrl r ra d "The One of the Bovs. Call" from "In Fl an rlers Fie ld ." Every s turle nt mu st ht>lp to hi s Te acher Pa rty. I best ability to carry out the id ea ls P'oll ow ing the annual custo m, th e for which the so lnier s on this field group of tea c hers who h ave charge 1 gave th e ir livec:. of th e pract i ce teaching in the ,
Miss Ho wen liken ed th e ca rrying sc ho ol hav e invited th ei r I out of ou r id eal s tn th e Greek run- practice teacher s to a par ty to be who car ri ed a lighted torch h eld in the assem bl y room at the ! in hi s ha nd. Wh en the runner wa s training s ch ool building on Satu r- 1 t>x hau sted another took the torch day evening, March 6; it is un der -j a nn ca rri ed it fo rward . In the 8t oo d that the pa rty is given to
Watches, Clocks, Fountain Pens. Station e ry School Supples, Sc h oo l and Society Pins and Rin gs Penna n ts, Flash li ghts and Supplies
We r epair pe ns, watch es, jewe l ry and Will ord er anyt hi ng we do n 't have and sa ve you m oney J. C. CHATELAIN. Peru. Nebr.
Su it s Cleaned, Pre ssed and Repa ir ed
A V N U E. :: S T 0 E For your school supplies
Fountain Pens and grade History Paper View cards and Stationery in buoks with the Peru Pennant Fresh fruits, Candies, ,'\\eat -.!
Phone 73 Peru, Nebr. Phone 'iH
Phone 56
Ther e is nothing that m ea ns as mu ch to your f rie n ds as a photog r aph of yoursel f. In any room or h ome you wil l find ph otographs You have some of yo ur f ri ends, so you know h ow they are appreciate n. BettP.r have your por trait mad e today
11ame manner this generat ion of al l sen iors who do pr ac tic e teachstud e nts mu st .:arry th ei r ideals in g this year, a nd to juniors who aloft a nd forwa rd until the next can gr adu ate at n ex t mid -y ea r, if ge nerat ion come s to do it s bit for th ey are doin g any t eac hin g thi s th e wor ld. year. "Party" is the right word for thi s annua l event; it is just a jolly ge t-to-g ether affa ir for t eachers and near teach ers
An ope n forum was h eld for a few minut es to allow tho se prese nt
The cast of the play is as fol-
THE CLEVELAND, 0. MEETING I thickly settled communities in the finds work on the duel scene most country th e s tate must devise a un satisfactory in the absence of the An Enthusastic Gatheriog to Discuss n ew scheme for the training of villian. School Problems rural teachers
The necessity of trained teachers lo ws:
I wish every me mber of the fac- for this vital work is more and 1
Had Been Ill for Some Time-Death Came Suddtnly.
Miss Mary Tynon, first assi stant U J•y..and ef t'- · c1 ld
M'les Standish, Captain of Plym- " uedlemor ass - co.u more apparent Th e e nrollment in· librarian, di ed at her home on have been t th Cl 1 d · • outh ' Cl:v de Ivers a e eve an meetmg. the tea cher-training institution!1 of Norm! Ave nue early Tu esday mornA v1'taJ 1 'z1 · · · t' Garnett Fo s ter, of Weston's ng ton comes the country bas fall en off twenty- ing. Th e immedia:.e cause of her f 0 t h . h ld men Willard Griffiths r m ouc mg a ou ers with nine five perce nt. A nation-wide cam- M PI . h death was heart failur e. Mi ss t housa d d John ymout n men an women who are paign is to he inaugurated to fill Tynon wa s compelled to g1ve up le aders l·n the forward movem e t h co lomst - Clarence Choyce h k . th l'b I f II n s to t e limit these teacher training er wor m a 1 rar v ast a ·n th t d · 1
Ph1hppe de Ia Noye, Plymouth IH f . d . h · I e grea e ucatJOna program institutions. States men, politi· colonist R aymond Huffer ther many tn en s ldwere In ohpe• that is in a uaouraterl for this cians, labor le aders social workers, at a rea wou
d ecade As 1't should the d d h
- • eca e c urch peopl e, as well a11 public ea .
M1r1am, Chllhngsley , cousm h lth Th 1
ast ew mont s s e of 182 0 30 w 1·11 see the g t t to the captam, Hope Lewts h d t d 11 - rea es llchool superint end e nt s and officials Ba rbara Standish, wife of the as seebmet o grow grha ua Y advance ment in ed ucational id ea ls are beginning to see that train ed worE=e, u no one, even er own d t . f d d captain Cora Clover an prac te es o any eca e in th e teach e rs is th e first r equ isite in the family , suspected the end was eo h . t f th ld T
Resolute Story, aunt of the Ill ory o e wor here were improv ement of the schoo ls of the near. At two o'clock ' her sistt?r, fi t t d . f captain Isabel Sears ve ou sa n mg eatures in the country. Every indic ation points K&th e rine, was at her bedside and f h Rose de Ia N oye , ward of the programs o t 1s great mee ting, to an au s picious beginning in thi s gave her some nouri shm e nt. At nam e ly: Americanization, the rural Iwork. Most normal school pre s i- captain and sis ter of Phil- that tim e she seemed c he erful and school problem. teacher supply, dents r eport the indications are Iippe E sther Del zell to be resting. At fou r o'cl'ock her ad eq uate sa lari es , and training in fav o rable for a larger enrollment 11ister found th at life was gone moral s and ethics. in the summer sc hool of 1920 'ls Inter Church World Team to Come The ph ys ici a ns we re summoned Ame riani zat ion means very little we ll as for next year.
The Interchur ch World Moveme nt a nd they f om'ld she had be en,dead to us in Peru and to man Y. oth er The far r eac hing pu b li c ity g iven rep reR en ts the largest measure of nearl y an hour, she having passed Am erican communities in th e state to the tea ch er shortage and to th e ir Icooperation 'that-has-ever peace fully- t o... b eypndIn the larg er cities, in thousands in adequate pay is bringing f or de rtaken by the churche s of the the hear t had fa tl ed of counties and eve n in whole the st rikin g results. Salary sched- United States. It aims at the I week's Normalite will be congressiona l districts, it is a most ul es are being revised. Many adequate Christian occ upati on of ded1cated to th e me mory of Mary vital probl em in th ese troubleso me ci ti es ha ve incr eased their sched· America an<1 of all Pt her nations A. Tynon, wh ose life of servi ce t imes. In O,IJr almo st wholly Am e ri - ules fifty pe rce nt during the pr es - for which America h as a r esponsi- will n evet be fo r go tt en by th e can en vironment it is difficult for ent scho ol year. It is saf e to say bility. Surv eys that have b ee n in thou sa nds of student11and the us to sense that m any milli ons who that every trained teacher may be- pr ogress for the past year call for j bt!rs of the who m s he llervnever s peak or think in the E ngli sh j i'in h er work ne xt September up on an advance that is unprecedented. ed No 11erv 1ce of love was too lan guage. The conversatio n in a sa lary of $1100 to per This ra pidly expandi ng Igreat for her willi ng hand s to do; th e ir home life, their vocation, year. Even the rural sc·hools a re calls for a large number of new no task too hard if thereby s he their church. and within social offer in g $1200 to $1 5 00 for tra ined leaders. For th ese, it is n ecessary co uld hrin g h app iness to those groups, is a ll in a foreign tongue. teat:hers. Many normal schools and right to look to th e colleges about her. It can be truly 11aid How necessary it is that the schoo l' have increased the pay of th e ir , and universities. · of her that she ga ve' her life that shall t eac h not only the children, faculty fr om tw e nty to th irty-t hree ! A this move - othera mi g ht live more abundantly but the yo ung folks who are beyond and a third percent This m ea ns Iment-w 1ll v1s1t Peru. March 1 9, 20, because of her un selfi sh ser vi ce of sc h oo l age and even the parents to incr eased effi ciency in the t each er- and 21. Th& Y. W. C. A. and the lov e. s peak, wr ite, and think in our trainin g institutions. Y. M. C. A. e xpects to co -ope ratelanguage. In the oppor tunity The need for moral and ethical with the t ea m to mak e their vi s it Miss Ellis Speaks to the "Y" Men. sch,oo ls. the part time school s, the trainin g was never so apparent as s uccess Anno un ce me nt of the The boys apprec iated ve ry m uch evenin g sc hools, and the community it is today Our traditional e'ffort pr og ram wi ll be made later. Miss El lis' talk on "The Reconsc h oo ls directed by private e nter- to keep re li g ious in s tru ct io n out of st rn ct ion U nr es t in the United pri ses this part of the program is the schoo l has b ee n so effective ail Mr. Pau l, of th e manual tr a inin g States. " She Paid a new war is being put acro ss (Con tin ued nn Last d epa rt ment , went to Spr in gfiel d now on in which ri g ht is fig htin g
The rural s choo l problem is one B d N b M h 26 Monday, to give an addr ess on Bo lshev is m. A little lat er in her f th d .ffi I D . . u get urn er, arc V . I T . . h talk h 'd d . o e most 1 cu t. esp1te w1 se
ocat10 na ra1nmg to t e pa- s e cons1 ere 1t as an eco leade rship it is o nl y in a few states, St eady progress reported in the trona of th e Springfie ld schoo ls. nomic war , on e between cap i ta l and that in i so lated portion s, where wo rk of th e a ll star ca st of "A I and labor Much of this economic con s olidat ion!' , whi<'h means train- Rose of Plymouth T ow n," whi ch is I am hap py, very ha ppy s tri fe co uld be settled if eac h of ed teachers and hi gh school oppor· to be presented as th e a nnual dra -1 for in a day or two the contending s id es could get th e tuniti e s, ha s b een estab lished. The matic club pl a y, on March 26 Th e The mo rning rattl er s nappy o ther' s vi e wpoint. Mi ss Ellis' ca lam itous shorta ge of t ea ch e rs will rest of the company wll be glad to Will take us to Peru; closing statement mak es the outlo ok be fe lt most keenly in th e rural welcom e th e "vi lli an'' and th e And I hope to fi no , ve ry hop eful wh en she sa id' that sc hools. If th e rural sehoo l is t"o "comedy woman" back from the In a ni g ht or soone r, "eighty perc ent of th e mo st pr O'Shelp in the edu ca ti on not only of in fir ma ry whe re th ey have been If Per u is the town pe rous and influe nti al bu s iness· men rura l Americans, but of the many Ide tain ed f or so me time as victim s/ Wh e re they make Peruna of thia country are en gaged in .some thou sand s of foreigners loca ted in 1 of th e flu. Th e "lea din g juve nile" -The Chica go Tribune. 1 d efi nite re li g ious work."
THE PERU NORMALITE spelliuJZ lessons; in every poasible respect the outcome was neglected
· Entered at th( at Peru, Ne- so far as this particular list of brnska as second -class matter
words was concerned Since that
Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal time, ho·.vever, much stress hall
$1 00 per yea r. Sin gle copy 5 cts.
been laid upon attention to detail, accuracy of performance, and the desirability of spelling correctly.
On February 20 th e l!ame test was g iven again to the fourth grade under the same conditions as be ·
Ifore. It was believed that this would
cons titute the best obtainable meas-
__ -· 'l ure ot improvement in spelling
Till; J!IIJ'I'O RIAI STAFF ability. I
Do ro thy Mau ck, ' 20 Editnr-in- Ch icfl The following results were now· Wh
Alvioa Amende. '20 Edit or _ · · ·
Pa ul Rcnnett '2L Edit or obtame d: 1• the average score of call at the Mardis Quality, Serv1ce, F'c rn Ad a lliS, '2 1. ·\l' si s tant Editor the class was 63, an improvement
Courteous Treatment Wlt pure r ., Hun·er. 2l Busin css Ml! 'r. of 50 per cent ; 2. fifteen of the lu ez Longfc ll ow, '2 UMg'r :\1 a ilin gDcpt.r twenty-seven words were s pell ed! has built our and reputation correctly by as many as two-thirds
f'nl c of the class; over half of the :\ol :tlwl ll re><sler Juni or class correctly sp e ll ed as many as · I Elk ins So ph nm o r<' two-thirds of th e wo rd s; 4, th e we ek a go Thursday Miss o'clock. Fourth Friday, Lois l;riffin bes t half of th e class averaged 821well's committee e pre sented two I Philomath ean, 8o' clo c k. I ri a F Is &.
William y M. c.,\. on th e te s t. · numb e rs : "The !::-lailor's Knot," a 1 Monthly Am,· Aua nis \' \\' r·. A. Wh en th e tw o set s of results are I p!aylet by Mr. Thomas and Miss Second Tuesday, Girls' Club, 11: 50. Helen Van Zant <; iri s Club compared , even when one has made I Culwell, and a Polish dance by First Wednesday, Dramatic, -\li ce Gla s::rnw Phi lm.na th can e allowance for the fact that IM · s Shively F' t S t d J U G 8 r) II W I I I) Cl 1 s om 1s 1rs a ur ay , . . ., c a cat 1cr H>gg r urnau c u 1 · • d . . d f I :\1 ill er _1. L'. r. t he test was g1v en a _sec_on t1me, The la st program cons1ste o 1 Sp ecial Ev e nts. Hild el! a rrl Vee!;. !'h ysical Clu h I the facts seem that a two trombone solos br Mr Rouse 1 • 1 1 very nice degree of growth in anrl a reading by Leah Culwell.
:-.lo ar ticles accepted afte r R o cloc < I . . d · '. spelling abll1ty has bePn rna e dur- Both entertainments were heartily 1 ·' ,. mornin j:! - ingthepastfourandahalfmonths. received. All seniors appreciateiWe mannfacture this Defeat - What Is It? So far as the pupils we re the work of their program commit - wood into If the team , the coa c h, the stu- e d. tlrlat thi1 was not recogmzed tees, and are proud of having such de nt s a nd facul ty ar e all unit ed to as a repeated test seems fine tal e nt re pres e nt e d. allY. suited for Man utt L have at hl e tics for the go od of the by the fact that no one of them Calendar. se11ing direct sc hool and all the students, then mentioned having ever taken it to '"'. chool""'.• Regular Events. ,.. th e re can be no defe at. But if we before. i We e kly Meek Lumber E.o. are not unit ed, if W E' think we mu st Alumni. w in e ve ry if we do n_ot C. E. Andrews, degree 1914, who for s cholars hi p vs. professiOnalism 1 coached a winning team in football as our standard, th en indeed we and basket ball for Hastings Col· ha ve fail ed. Fo rr unately for Peru lege, has accepted the s upermten· we ha ve a coach wbo stands for dency of the Osceola public schools. clea n athl e t. ic3 His plaver s mu st Fifteen Peruvians are in the Hastbe goo d students. Th e facult y and ing s srhools Annetta Frantz, s tudents are united in their support Maysi e Light, Ada Grovt!r, Ze tta of athl e tic s.
Rowe, Grace Dou g las. Isabel Be rn:Grow th in Ability Measured. te n, Mabel Maupin and My rtle
IThe fourth g rade of the training IHanks are teachin g in th e Alcott Jtcho ol was given a timed sentence scho o l. Miss Dora Carricker, s pelling' te st on October 9. In de-a ss is tant principal , and Clara Fowtail thi s ·is th e c ha r. acter of- the ler , teacher juni or high, tt>s t: El even sent e nces Nickel, Linco ln sc ho ol, A Ita Mored at certain indicated·rates ; spell- gan, Alma Barn e tt and ' Ketu t\il h in JZ ability was judged irom the Lowe are teach ers of th e Longfe lsp el!in gs of tw e ntv -s ev en words low scho ol Mrs. Ne llie Smith found in the senten c.es. 'The fo l- de partment of commerce, senior lo win!! r es ults we re o btained: 1, high sc hoo l. tbe av e rage sco re of the cla ss was Mr R. W. Rose, '1 2, is principal 42, showing that th e t.es t was quite of the Molalla, Oregon. public dit-Iicult for the gra?e ; 2, only schools He reports the fast es t four of the twenty·seven word s basket ball team in his d we re spell ed corre ctl y by as many More than Aixty of his students as two-thirds of the class; 3, only are now in the colleges of the one-third of the class s pelled cor- northwest. The first commence· rectl y alii 'many as two-thirds of th e words; 4, the best half of the class averaged 65 on tbe test. ment exercises there were si·x years ago.
Senior Not£s.
No comments we re made on the We have had g ood procrams at re•mlt, nor wer e th e word s g iven in the last two meetina-1. A
Mond ays , Chorus, 5:40 to 6: 15. Orch es tra, 7: 30 to 8 :15
Tu es da ys , Girls' Gl ee Club, 8 :15 / BARBER to 9. Boys' Glee Club, 7: 30 AND BATH
a se me nt IS er s rug ore to 8 :15. Band, 815. I' B F' h • D St Wedn es days, Chorus, 5:40 to 6:15. Fir s t-class Workmen. Your Patron Orches tra, 7:30 to 8 :15 Y. 1 age So licited.
M. C. A., 8 :15. C. P. SCOVILL Pr op. Thur sda ys, Y. W. C. A., 7:15 to 8:15. Girls' Gl ee Club , 1 8: 15 to 9. Boys' Glee Club, 7: 30 to 8 :15. Band , 8:15. Bi-monthly.
Student Co uncil of Girls ' Club I
The Monday ev e ning be for e th e 1
Second Tu es day of each month and e vt>ry two weeks th ereafter at 9 :00 p.m.
Second Friday, Phi lomathean,
The Training School P arty Grace Blough "Comin' Thru the Ever s in ce Prof. Shouse gave that Rye," the Schoenike "Home, invitation, in chape l, a few wee ks Sweet Home," Paul Be nnett "Seeago , to attend the party gi ven by in g Ne lli e (Della) Hom e," the savthe crit ic t eac hers, the se niors had age Copenhaver calmed by the been eager ly anticipating the time ''Mu s ic in the Air," Mr. Howie they would have Saturday ni g ht directing th ose lam entinar· their And a real tim e they did have; misfortunes to "Pack up Your one that w ill remain in o ur memo- Tr oubl es in Your Old Kit Bag," or ries am<mg the for emos t of the Mr Sh ouse (or Ne lli e McAuley} very delightful e vents of this schoo l in "Yankee Doodl e. " Mrs. Rouse 's year. /g roup received the first, and Mr.
The supervisory force of the Gab el the se cond pri ze for guessing training sc hoo l manifeste d mo st th e greates t number of so ngs. exce ll e nt skill as e nte rta in ers, and But this wa!'l onlv th e beg inning we can not ex press to th em our of the evening's e njoyment; we full app r ec iati on for s uch a pl eas -next march ed to the dinin g hall of urabl e evening. th e dom es tic rooms whe re
Upon entering th e buildin(Z', dainty and deli.:ious refr es hments everyo ne won dered if he had really were se r ved. been taken to an o ld southern When we returned to the high man sio n, fo r thE:re sLood the digni- sc hool r oo m. a girls' oc t ette sang tied negro butl e r. us to a cha rmin g lullaby. After eve ryr eg ister a nd upstair s. On 1 body had so ng th e "Flower Song" the first landing we deposited our i a half d oze n times, th ey sang the 1 cards in the olat e, extended to u" ! Peru Color Song and gave "Hoo· l by a noth er of th ese dusky , dutifu l rah !" The only un plea sa nt servants ture of the even ing was the close
At the top of · the sta ir s. two of such a "good time," a nd the I sma ll girls presented eac h guest departur e for hom e. ! with specific in st ruc tions for be- Y. W. C A. ! havi or. These directions were in The inl'ltallation serv ic e was a the form of a progra.n of the even- very pretty and effective ceremony g 's e nt erta inment It was diffi- All of the new cabinet were there cult to recognize th e asse mbly i to be in s tall ed exce pt Bessie West , room , for it was deC'ora ted and wh o wa s ill.
arrallged- irt scrch·a "h omey" way, H ow many reme mber th e fi rst that we immediate ly felt at ea se. ) time th ey rode on the railr oa d?
And the mu s ic furni s hed by the You thou ght t hat mo th er neve r was
Some of the advertisements for clothes ''as g oo d as tailormade" are so well worded that I almost believe them m yse lf.
But I know be tte r. Years ago I bought an imitatio n di amond that they tol d me was as goo d as a genuine diamond-you can't tell the differenc e ." I never wea r it, but once in a while I look at it when I h ea r this "just as good" talk lt has been a lesso n to me.
Pe rhap3 imita ti on di amonds look like r ea l ones; imitat ion s ilk lcoks like r ea l silk-but the man who wears th em know.> the and fe els cheap. And my guess is that he looks ch ea p to others. Anyh ow he finds ou t there is a big difference if he tries to sell them. The real diamond is wort h its hundr eds of dollar s any time, while th e imitation won't bring thirty cents.
Th e genuine article is always wor th what it costs; the imi tation is dea r at any price. 'As a matter of fact , goo d tailor-made clothes, such as I build to fit, costs you no more tod ay than imitati on of do u btfu l qua lity. Th ey cost you less considering the lengt h of time they wear and give satisfaction.
Th e cloth I u se is genuine all-wool; the workman s hi p is a ll by hand; the fit is built in, not p re sse d in. And with every s uit is my binding money-back gua ra ntee.
Wh en you ca n get the genuine at my prices there isn 't mu ch u se of t alkin g about '' just as good as tailor made."
Come in and let me take your measurement.
Ver y truly yo urs,
JNO. A. CEJKA, Tailor & Cleaner
Chase' s Barber Shop orc he s tra contributed no email part . . . , ,1 because of lack of practice a nd of go mg". to s tart, Oldn t yo_u · We sic kn ess durin g the past month or to <JUr d el ig ht are gomg to have an ex curswn next · more but are to be commended for Mr. Beck, w1th h1 s usual tact Thursday The tra in will ' I · the plucky and persistent fight and hum o r, condu cted the games. leav eat 7·15' E xtracoacheshave T p · d _. : th ey p ut up he eru secon t ea m
In th e first, M1s s Ol s on was awa r(l- bee n prom 1se ci us. Th1s IS to be a . f 10 4 d won w1th a score o to , an ed a trul y va lu ab le pr1ze for bemg pleasu re trip and we s hall st op at fi . h f 53 t 6 · th e rst team 1t a sco re o · o .
Milstead Basement
F ull line of Toilets on hand A. W. CHASE , Prop. th e wisest of tho se pr ese nt. r efrt!s hm e nt Rtation on th e way
These ll:ames were the la st. to be •'Let there be ·Li ght" The biggest number of th e back. No fare is charged. We pla ved on the hom e floor. If possi"Liszt of Symphonies" waJ the wa nt eve ry girl in sc hool to take bl e, the fir st team will play the 1 We have a ni ce line of Elect ri c Anthology of Popular Songs. The thi s trip w ith us. Co me Auburn hi.gh .s: ho ol second s at I Lam ps, Flas hli g hts a nd company was divided into six - Auburn th1s I<nday, March 12. Batteri es P G I, This will close the season, and at • each of which planned th e Brownville" eru arne d hi h: te nt ion will be turn ed in ot her I Safety Ra zors and Blad es, Skates, dramatization of a s ong If a ny- B oth the first and seco n g . ' rlirt cti ons in athlet!cs . Pocket Knives and Man ual Traini ng One d oubts that t he "gr eat and school tea ms won easy v1 cton es 1
SKET BALL Ha rd wa re. wise" fac ulty anrl !!eni ors hav e last Friday evening from ti •e ' BA strong- dramatic ability, he sho uld Brownv il le high sc hoo l t ea ms. Th e 1 Mi'd la nd vs Peru at Peru, Fri- Buy your goods in Peru. have see n Lau r en ce Rouse and vi s ito rs were visibly handicapp ed March 12, at 8 :30. B ud get, Macknru"g's Hardware t 1ckEl t or 50c. 1
students--Faculty--& Friends
It is a matter of plea s ure and prid e with us to meet vour every ne erl, in our lines, in .a ma nn er to accommodate you Our e ntir e bu sl· ness po li cy is shaped hy thi s ambitio n. On that accou nt we so li cit yo ur reques ts for ecco mm oc.l a tl o n, as we ll as ordinary. We want to ear n yo ur tr ade on th e me rit. of o ur aervice and goo ds. special' Sma 11 i\ccou nt!" ore co"siderate and coreful attention at this bank
1 E. E. GUO D, Pr esid e nt , 0 M. GOOD Cas hier J. W. McADAMS , V. Preaiden t. ANNA FARLEY, A!:st. Cash ier TEA.C HERS.
Let us assi st yon ill' sec.uting a better po s ition After 27 yearil of s ucce ssf ul expe rience we are qua li fied to g iv e efficie nt serv ice No enrollme.ot !FEE necE1ssat'y. Write for infor m;1 ti on SABINS' EDUCATION AL EXC H ANGE : A. M. M. DORNON , Manager Fly nn B uildin g Des Mo ines , Iowa
The Cleveland, Ohio Meeting
<Contlnu fld rrom l!'lrst Pa.l:'f:. l to e liminate de fi ni te training in morale and e thics. In many pl aces ther P. is an atte mpt to intr oduce formal in s truction in both ethics and moral s. This is not limited to high schools but is placed as low as the fift h grade Sch oo l people r eali ze t hat eighty-five pe rc e nt of th e children never enter the high sch ool. The army educational t ests show t hat thirty perc ent of o ur citizens hip must wi se ly lead, socially a nd po liti cally, and actually a ss ist to· waru res pectab le livin g condit ions for seventy perc ent of ou r people. ln two or t hree s tat es laws ha ve been passed pr ov iding compulso ry in s tru c tion in th ese two vital topics . Utah tak es th e lead. It will pa y Nnrmalite r ea ders to ke ep their ey es ope n for an y articl es bearing upon thi s new phase of edu cation
Peru Meet• W orthv Foe. Prante' s ha nd is getting better but is Rtill n ot' in shape to permit him to do hi s best. Ra sc h was ou t of the game. These two fact s alone are enough to account for it. Hut the sa d new s to Peru and glad news to Wes iP.y an anri Omaha Un i. mu st be record e cl. Ed Rosenquist, our fin e forward, got a kn ock on hie kn ee at Wes leyan, which made another hole in our first five, which only a fortni g ht ago licked WPRieyan a g oo d and plenty. Thus enri e th our alibi. ,
B itz ie , Pr a nte an d C- Ro--zee, aided by our mo st worthy subs, made the "preacher s" the first half but our lads caught t he "back s liding" germ in the last half from the Meth odi sts and s ung th e "11wan song" to the t un e of 20 to 12. Wes leya ns play ed a good . fa st a nd furi ous gam e a nd ri ese rved th e honor
Watches, Clocks, F ountain f»ens. Stationery School Supp les, Schoo l and Society Pins and Rin gs Pennants, Flas hlights and Su pp li es
We r epa ir pens, watch es, j ewel ry and spectacles. Will or der anyth in g we d on't have and s ave yo u money J. C. CH.'\TELAIN. Peru. Nebr.
i ts Cleane d, Pressed
a nd Repair ed
Re ceive s Favorable Mention. The Omaha U ni wa s a lemo n A V G N U G :: S T 0 N G
A sp lend id conce rt was gi ven by pie. Bitzie and an Omaha lad cut the Pe ru Male Gl ee Club la st the pie, but when th e game was Thur s da y eve nin g at th e g ymna- ove r and the s moke all cl ea red s ium. The Glee Clu b was brought j away , the cou nt was on the
your school
Fount a in Pens and hi,gh grade His-tory Paper here by the Y. M. C. A. of the le d!l'er for Pe ru-"b e-1
View cards and Stationery in bunks with the Peru Pennant
The pro g ram was g iven in two cau se wh y" We mu st tell you, our I parts, the fi rst consist in g of c lass i- dear ly belo •;ed, Per u put th e ball c.al numbers and the seco nd part of in the basket a Jess num ber of Fresh fruits, Candies, Cookies, Groceries, Meat'\ lighter number s a nd "attractions. " ti mes , or Omaha p ut th e ball in
The Glee Club, und er the th e ba sket a gr ea ter numb P. r of twn of Mr. H ouse , s howed unu su· times-we do not know whi ch. It Pho ne 73 P
P hone 56
The que!i'tion is not "Are you 2oing to 2et a salery" · BUT
"Are you to szet the he!i't your services co ta dema t1d."
Th e re is no thing that me ans as muc h to yo ur fr i en ds as a photograph of yo ur se lf. In any room or home you .v iii find photograp hs. You have so me of your fri ends, so you kn ow h ow they are a ppr ec iat ed . B et ter hav e yo ur po rtrait made today
Phone 78 a ll y fi ne tra ining. Th ere was a was one or th e t' other - or bot h. fi n ish to the ir work that is se ld om IOmaha, 15; Peru 10. To be co nsee n in such a large gro up of ei ng- tinued nex t wee k. ers "Team work" well r ep rese nts th e effec t of th e ir work. Espec iall y fi ne wa s their piani ss imo work which was s pl e ndidly sus ta in ed, a nd with the we ll balanced parts, a nd blendin g of voi ces was greatly enjoyed. Tht! Glee Club was assi s ted by Mrs . Hou se in a so prano so lo, and by Mr. and Mrs . Hous e in two duets. Mrs. House has a cl ear , eve n vo ice, pleas in g in so lo work
Mr. Hohmann. who a ccompan ied th e Gl ee Club, played tw o se lec· tion s on th e pi ano. Mr. Hohma nn was a master of his pieces and played th em with a surety and i nterpr etatio n of an artist
Enroll with U!i' aMd get the top. · Stewart's School Service I
"On wa r d," the last numb er of W. T. DAVIS. ' On f
Part 1, showed th e ir ability in 12 th st, Lin co ln, Nebr. I heavy , rhymi c wor k. - --l
They ca mP. bac k s trong in th e
seco nd half , s trong on the ''jazz"
A five pi ece band ga ve four nu mbers and seve ral e ncor es. i
Mr Paul Be nn e tt gave "five
j minutes of foo ling," which ran ged
a ll the way from the Orph e um to
stra ig ht from Hawaii.
As :. clos ing num ber to th e pro-
g ram the Glee Club in a·ll it s a 10nery st rengt h, sang, "The Flag With out By th e box or po un d. Just th e
a Stain. "- The Cot ner Co ll egi an.
t hin g for th at B irthday Present
Midland vs. Peru - Friday, Mar. 12. NORMAL STORE
Was for Many Years Popular A ss ist• ant Librarian.
Th e sch oo l co n1munity wa s distinctly shocked Tuesday mo rnin g of la st wee k to learn of th e death of Mi ss Tynon \ Mary Agnes Tyno n. third <laughter of William Tynan, died at home e arly Tuesrlay mornin g, March 9, of hear t fai lur e. ShP. is su r vived by her father, six sis ters and an o nly bro ther , al l of Pe ru'or vicinity.
Miss Tyn an has spent her e ntir e lif e in Preu havin g heen born on the fc1rm just nort h of t 'l wn Wh en she was a little ehild the family removed to Normal ave nue where the r emai nd er of her I ife was spe nt She ente red the primary de partment of the training schoo l and eontinued in the schoo l umil htr g raduat ion fr om th e No rmal in 1898 She taught for two years., the latte r year in the Sy r ac u se public sc h oo ls. For the pa st fq urteen y ea rs she has bee n act i ve ly I with the No rmal Sc ho ol library as fi rst assistant. Her ser- i vi ce th ere has been continuous wi th the exc ep ti on of th e t ime spe nt in th e Madison, Wi sco nsin, Libr a ry Schoo l. La st fa ll was compelled to ask for leave of abs en ce beca use of failin g he alth Sh e returned home from tr ea tment in an Omaha h ospi t al ab o ut th e holiday time, and p lan s were mad e to go to a Milwaukee sa nit a rium. when dea th overtook her Her peacef ul death was in harm o ny with h er wh o le life.
Tne of Mo lly Tynan 's life will be tr eas ur ed long by th ose who love r ea litv, truthfuln ess and serv ic e. It was a si nc e re and genune life. Her speec h and ma nner we re simple and unaffected and all her ways were un ass uming. Her
Universal Sorrow Caused by Sudden De ath of Miss T ynon.
Mary A. T ynon died at four o'clock Tu es day morning, march 10 ofheart failure Weane sday aftern oo n friends were r equested to co me to the hom e at fr om tw o tro fiv e o'cl oc k. Th e funera l se rvices. which we re privat e, were he ld Thur sd ay at ten o'c lock.
It wa s a time mari e sacred by th e who le commun ity. where sor row put her s tllyin g ha nd up on the bu sy walk s and da il y cares of li fe so that lov ed ones could by so me ac t p ay tribu te to the memory of Ma ry A Tyn o n.
To lo ve one 's fri e nd s devotedly and yet be ever ready to serve the timid stranger seeking he lp ; to move serene ly thru the rletails of daily routine with a smi le for tho sP. who cross or parallel one's p'ith; to be so tilled with the s pirit of r ea l serv ice th at all th o ughts of fawning or flatt e ry are unc onsc iously fliminated; to po 3se3s th at gift of standing firmly fo ra principle while exerc isin g patien ce wi th a nd sy mpathy for th ose who cann ot or ·w ill not see th e pri nci pies , are rar.e gifts, Mary A. Tyn on eac h of th ese virtu es and dai ly e xemplified t.hem t ow ard faculty anrl s tud e nts. E. L. Ttou se
IITli e old pond ered in thei r me mory ovPr the gladsome day s of her Iyou th wh en heal th and beauty made her young life one s we et song ; th :! middle age thought of th e happy ho ur of th se ir acquaintanceship: th e youth. of th e kindly s mil e and C".t'l .:-w-.:J ;'n l'ab:: n1i-n-ist r··e rl to them in a th ou sand ways The ch il dren stopper! their play to wip e a tear in memo ry of the onP who was to o bu sy to attend to th e ir I i ttl e want s when th t>y came to ask for th ei r first books.
On Wedn esday a ft e rno on \ of friend s from th e commu ni ty a nd school came to pay thei r la st trih · ute and loo k upon th e sw eet fa<· • which yet wore til e ever preser t s mil e. "Sleeping, just pt>acefu Isleepi ug," sa id o ne of th e s tronf.! Iyo ung men as he gazed r.hru tt:ar 1stai ned eyes u po n the face of h1 s true fri e nd as she lay in the ('aSk('l surro und ed by hundr eds up on hundreds of r oses and other fl ower >sent hy loving fri e nd s. just sleep ing and peace fu Jly re!;ing" are th e words a ll fe lt as tht.\ lin ge red in th e last farew e ll wht n --,-- Ithey see med to hold communi111o
Her Favorite Poem. I And after that the dark, I with th e one th ey lov ed.
"Cross in g th e Ra r." ' And m ay there be no sadness of Th e day, t oo, see med in harm ony "Sunset and e vening star I with her life. It was one of d I II f 1 I When I e mbark. · t calm day s of early sprni•r participation in the life of family, An one c ear ca or m e. of 'I For tho fr om out our bourne quJe ' ,_ A d th re be no m oa nl.n" of wh en the s un see ms to warm tl"schoo l and co mmunity was so nat- n may e "' I virtues we re of th e generou s, unfo rce d, and consta nt kind Her th e bar
Time and Place heart of all nature-ju st the kind ural , so so well -p r opo rtioned that its en tirety was much When I put out to sea. I Th e fl oo d may bear me far, of day she lovt!d so well. Rut such a tide as moving seems I hop e to see my Pilot face to face. The funeral se rvi ce s w hich we rt"' gr eate r than liv es le ss free from exaggerat i on. Service to o th e rs and active th011g ht for their happi· ness was the keynot e of her li fe. What she did for the State No rmal can best be appreciated by those IC'o nt lnu {• d on Foul'th Pa g-e. ) asleep , Wh en I have crossed the bar." in ke ep ing with the qui et digni1 .1 · Too full for sound and foam, How appropriate this poem is of her life, were conducted br When that which drew from out for us at this time, when this last Father F. C. Weis of Nebra s ka th e boundless deep great h ope has been fulfilled, and City , and Fath er E. J. Feeney ot Turn s aga in home. s he ha s met that Pilot, who ha s Auburn. As the hour approach ed "Twilight anci eve ning be ll I gu id ed her life so perfectly. I 1 co n llnuc:<l 011 p 011 ,. , 11
THE PERU NORMA.LITE us in the loss , which is to us a persona l so rrow.
Entered at the Po;<tofficc at Per u, Nc- Gra ce Gi I bert. bras lca as seco nd -class ma tter.
Publi s hed Week ly by the Peru State No r ma l $I 00 p er yea r. Si ngl e co py 5 ets.
A f ace full of the lov e lin ess , of k indnQ SS , we see no mo re A form ever busy in th e service of ot hers is srone, yet " we do not fee l that she is far, sinc e n ea r at h and th e ange ls are."
Bank and acco mpli shed her ta s k. =--====- II Hundr eds of l iv es wer e touch ed ,..-, t the
Tlfg EIIITOIIIAI. STA FF. by her g ra CiOU S in fluenc e and Of 1 ue
S he le ft th e wo rld bett er th an ' s he found it; sh e' fill eo he rnich e
Dor_othy Mauck, th em a ll "none knew her but to I Whe'1 in Meed of quality grocerie s, 25 or Alvln:l. ,\ mcnd e. :w EclitOI love he r. none nam ed her but to • 0 1" t s .ce Paul Bennett. '21. Ed itor , ' I call at the MardlS _ua 1 y, ervJ ' f-'ern Adam s, '2 1. /\ ss is ta nt Edilor pra i Se. Co urf .u() U'"' .' Tre""tment with pure fresh J!fl' ' dS Lucy Blank i nship. .., Raymo nd H uller. '2I. .Vl g' r. bu!oOl·f1eSS at1d reputati on - I ha s i uilt our We mi ss that wi llin g h Pl per
It E I'OH'J I! U S: from our libr a ry, but we s hall pot Phone 25 MA R DI S P honE- 25 E><th er Co lc S, nior for ge t her n or th e many ti mes sh e S l.J nni or he lp ed us to find book s a nd artic les man' s cll ara" t'>l' wn' o S-l.nc er e ly I No one sho uld fo rg et the mee t- n tnl I'C( • Clll S. Op I" II IOI"l: c Loi s Griffin that we thoug ht mi g ht be som e· l ive s a C hri stian
lela Sp ecials&. T raine rs whe re on th ose Oio we
1\111\ , •\·'a1ns \" \V r· ,, .,- Holc o mb to whom th e Pe ru Y. M. to eru , arc , , ·
·· · · r equest at the e nc! of a long bu sy ' ·/
Hel en \anZant G1 rl ;; Cluh 1 C
\1 GJ· · , Ph"l 1 • Ida y th at she d1d not ch ee rfully anc l . . . k . C . 1 • • 1cc , a. ,._o ,, :utn : h1 s m1 ss wnary wnr Jn a: ro, State Stu d ent Vol un te er m ee tmg
Thomas atte nded
Dell a Dntlllalt c Slu!,I'wliiJngly h e) p us? Not to MI SS l!:g ypt. II in Lincoln Satu rd ay, March 13 Ro se ;\J il ler .I L.. I •. fynon.
llil dct: :ll·cl Ye ck. Science Cl ub One of the Many Wh o We1·e He!pe el I Ca lend ar. I :-\o al"ticl cs a ccepted aft er R n "l·lncl<I -. . . I R eg u lar Ev en ts I Black Walnut rn or uin g.
As one who wo r ked qu 1te Jntl- 1 mately with Mi ss Tynnn. I ca n tru · Wee kl y. We man nfacture this
As We Students Knew Mis s Tynon. 1 ly say was on e of th e most Mon davs Ch orn s 5:40 to 6: 15. · • • • · .· . I · · ' _ wo od 1 n to s1zes es pee•·
Th e re h as b ee n no ot her perso n, Je ndUI Ing a nd lovab le \\omen have Or che ·t ra, 7: 30 to 8:l u. · perh aps. who h as had s uch dir ec t ev er kn o wn She was alwa ys pati- Tue s d" ys , Gi rl s' Gl ee Club, 8 :1 51ally s uit ed for Ma n ual co nn e ct ion w ith all s tud e nts durin g- l ent and Never wa s to 9. Boy s' Glc.>e C lub. 7:a o!T 1·aining, se1li11g di re ct th e pa st fifte en year s as Mi ss she to 8:15. Ranci ,8 15. l to 'school!ii. 'l'yn on. and no ot her perso n, se l, was eve r wil l JO g to Wed n t>!" rl ay s, C huru :::. 5:40 to 6:15 .: d oubte dl v, has won the love and se rve those about h l:' r with o ut a 7 ::10 to 8 :15. y I l\'leek 6umber> E.o . of a ll th e.;; e pe ople a ::; she. fr o w_n, or a of M. c. A .. 8 :1 5. o1 d With her ev e r-willing s er- She 1n d ee rl la 1d down her l1fe f or Thur sdays, Y. w. c A 1 :1 5 tn vices , and her ki nd and ch ee ry h .! r fr ien Is. 8:15. Gir l•' Gl ee BARB F, R SH0ra word 'l We are he re g iving a few Mabel Dr Pss ler. 8 :1f) to 9 Bn.v:-:' Gi«:'f' Cl u b. : of the ma ny thin gg s aid by st u- 1 1 7:XlJ to 8:! :1 Ba nrl 8: 1 5. j Basem e nt Fish er' s Dru g Sto re In my fir st days at Peru wh en I r.'· t 1 W k y · p t de nt s, rn app r ec1allnn of her. 1 ' Bi -mon l hly I r rr s -c ass or men ou1 a ron AND BATH was a strange r amon!! th e stu de nt s, · · age So lici ted M1ss T.vnon was lov ed and h onor· ,
Studc>nt C ouncil of Gi r ls' Cl nh · I fo und a read v fn enrl- th e k10d C p SCOV ILL p t: d by al l th e stud e nts. S he will I . : . . . The Mond av P.venin.g bPforP lhe · · · rop. I b wh ose 1m pr t> ss 10n 1s la s t1n g- 1n · 1 a way s e rememb e red by th em for Se cond Tue s dav of e ;.rch month ;mrl J h th at sweet woman at th e ld .J rary · / I"':' •t I"':' f d er unt1r 1ng a nrl abnnoant e ff o rt s , · e ve ry two w eeks th e reaft er at 9:00 Y e an in hez· se ·c · th 1.b Th I des k. She was In te rest ed rn us all rv 1 es 1n e 1 rar y. el · n m 1 al ike; not on ly did she s tr ive to · · memory of her sw e et co un tena n ce, b Seco no Fr id ay , Ph i lom ath ea n 8 h I g1ve us Ju st what we n eeded. ut · ' er un se h ;; h a no no bl e character o'clock l•ou rth Fri day 1 w ill always lin ger with us. manifest ed Sin cere perso.nal : PhilomH th ea n 8 o 'c lock 'I
D E. Magn eson. j Int er es t becau se of her lov1 ng 1 M h' · 1 · n ature. E C. j ont ly. I of who h av e Jived in I j Tu es da :v·, G ir ls' l :5 0. , Peru s1 n ce ch ildh o od che rish many Y. M. C. A. WPdn es da .} Dramat.c f' /
tend er memo ri es of Mi ss Tynon I Th_e last . me et in g Wedn esda y l<' ir :- t Sa turday , J. U. G., 8. Pe rh ap s th e ones we prize mo st eve n1 ng con srsted of four mi nut e ============================== ar e of the day s when, as child r en, j talk R by fiv e of .the bnys. Ge orsre to o to ch oose o ur ow n r ea d- I Heywood Rpnke on '' What We Owe in g, a nd a bit fea rfu l a nd unce r tai n! the Pass in g Gener atio n." Th e a bo ut the way s of th e li brary, she cor e of hi s talk wa s, '' Be th e man r eas s ur ed us w ith her sympathy and kindly advice. Al l t hru the yea rs she wa s willin .c and an x· io us to se rve us. We sha ll always r"emembe r that quick li ttle s mil e of sy mpath y, her quiet e ffici en cy a nd th e cha rm of her perso nality. She has ri c hl y bles se d o ur I i ves a nd s ti II ha ve her memory to sus ta i · yo ur m ot her th ink s you ar e. " I Milt on Meye rs, who wa s in se rv ice o ver seas, gave us a few ske tch es of the "Y" work in France. Loy Hacker's topic was ''What 1 Mu st do to Be Saved." Frank Sha rr ar ta lk ed on "The Maste r' s Fear lessness." Carl Ro s enq ui st gave som e outs tanding ear - marks of th at
"The Chocolate with the w onderfu l ce nters.!IJ'
Peru Defeats Mid la nd. ., day e vPning. Th e train star ted Now, what do a ll you doubtful at 7 :1 5 with three coac hes we ll Thomases think abo ut i t? Ju st fill e d. We first s topp ed at Bibl e because Rosey had a sca b on hi s Vi ew, th en at th e Pow er H ouse kn ee, Prante a wart on hi s thumb, At th e R ef r es hment Depot Pan sy
Bi tzey was a wee bit " flu e y" Mc_K en ney sfl ng for us. At T es tiwas no indication at a ll that the mony Taven Mi ss Krebs g ave us a team wou ld "peter out" f or the ir plan for l ife's jo urn ey. Her pla n la st game --n o, not at all, n ot a-ta l l! had five aims: We see m to have fa ns ri g ht here l. To r econsec rate ourse lves to am o ngst us who do n ot kn ow ye t the se rv 1ce of Chri st what qua li ty of peppe r th ese 2. To be more fa ithf ul in at''Speer - mints" u se for se a so nin t e;'ld i ng the Th u rsday m ee tings. the ir ga m es 3. To be more zealous in a llY.
At least the ga me and its r esu lts W. wo rk. were qu it e a surprise to many of 4. To be hel pfu l and con side rat e the larg e crowd that saw th e con - in ou r home , in sc h oo l, and on the 1 test wit h Midla nd la st Frid ay campus. evening Th ere were lot s of pep 5. To s triv e to hav e a 100 pe r I and push - ch i efly pu ::; h. ce nt m f' mbe rsh ip.
The ga me wa s a wee bit rou gh in J At th is s ame T ave rn Est her Co le spots Th is was the re s ult of per· to ld of th e Encourage r. a nd Lllh an mitting a little: to o much freedom O lso n spoke of th e fo ll y of disreto "scrap" by the r efe r ee , and al so gar uin g comeq u cnce s. A litt le b ccau5e of tt. e sma ll floor play in g fa r th er on we fou nd Nel li P. Me ·! to wh ich Midland was acc us tom ed Auley at the Swi tch. S ll a Woo d ard I Gossip h ath it, h oweve r, that th e t01d of a f,.w of th e th i ng's that game at Midland w as s till roug her. count when we r eached Q ues ti on·
Be that as it m ay , th e cr owd vi lle cou ld say whe n it left , "V eaimus, \IVh(n we got to vidimus , vicimus." And all those one sang accomp a ni ed by N et tie 1 p oo r chump.;; that bet on Midland McCar roll at th e pia no. and could do nuth in g- but di g d ow n Ye ck and Miss Pettit w li!J th e ir deep i nto th e ir je an s and bew a il vi oli ns. At D es Moines · Em rna thdr po or j udge me nt. 'Meyer told of the wo rk of othe r Y.
Open Letter to l\IJy Customers
In these days of hi gh pric es a man has a ri g ht to kn ow exac tly wh at he is getting for hi s money
For ex amp le how mu ch of eac li do ll ar he spe nd s for clothes g- ,es for pr e tt y pictures . show windows, a nd adve rt is ing space ir , the magaz in es.
How much goes f or hi gh ren ts and big sa les r oo ms.
H ow mu ch goes for clever sa les me n.
How much goes for d ea d stocks to be disp ose d of after th ey are o ut of s ty le.
How mu ch goe s for al terati ons and ch anges to m ake th em come so me wh ere near fitting
H ow much goes for profits
And fina l ly how much goes for actual materia ls and work · man s hip
Ha ve yo u any figur es on t hi s?
I ca n only say fo r myse lf that th e fina l item is th P. o nl y imit em e nt e rin g int o my costs.
I have no high re nt, no pl ate glass wi nd ow, no e xpen s iv e adve rti s in g. no sal es men. I mak e to o rd e r, hence there ar e no alterations a nd no dead st ocks ; no wa s te of la bo r or materi als.
I h ave only th e one sm al l p rofit, th e ma nu fac tur er 's profit.
A·d m? re and more men al l th e t im e are d ema nd ing mor e v lue for their money my custom is cont inu ally inc reas· in g.
I am no ga JPsma n. If you come in to see me I s ha ll not urg-you to buy But l th ink my f abrics and my va lu es wil l speak for th emse lves and wrl l make you one of my permanent cu s tome rs.
1 su!!gest that you cal l ea rl y whil e !! t ock is st ill complete and wn1le I am n Jt pr esse rl f or timt:> to gP t out my or de rs, as I w ill he sure to ue when the sea son
The game started with co naide r- j W 's Then at the Way side 1 1 able ene rgy and Per u showed Miss Bu r ch r ea d _Tale!! of ior i ty in gett ing clo,;e r to th e 1r 1 Ch •1 dren. As part in g srg nal we l= =====
Very tru ly your s,
JNO. A. CEJKA, Tailor & Cleaner
goa l fo r eaQy shots and ro ll ed th e ir I r epeated the Y. W. be ne dictio n : . h t' f tl Ch , ,, - 1nt e pr epa ra 1o no H: scene ry. B nt·bet· Sh op scor e to 18 points to Midland's 6 Tht-re wi ll be no Y. W ..Ma r ch .18, 'H t:' is st ill Feeki ng c; n old f as hi one d in the first ha lf. ln th e secon d d ue to the G o5 pel tea ms com in g ·. 1 C b rl help 111m M il :; IP<Jd Hasl' nwnt h p1s to ,an any ,r Y half M idl a nd inh eri ted th e sa me on Frr day It IS hop t> cl that eac ? · lo c·ate one. AL L FIUSTCLASS trick and mad e 9 po int s to Pe ru 's IY. W: me mb er w 1ll att t: nd all th e _ __
7. Thei r b asket man m ee tin gs he ld by this te am if Senior Notes, was Bi xby, a. li ttl e forward who she can pos s 1bl y do T he staff annou nces defin i te pro · l'u ll line of To il ets on hand was a sure sh ot if gi'ven a chance , C ,,ress in th P. Pe ruvian . The · B Ch an ge 10 as t. '" ''let t het·e be Lioh t"
During the la;;t SIX minut es ltzey , ' sc ri pt wil l be se nt to th ee ngrav ers, "" was out on personals and wa;; re- As a of ll ln e,.s th ence to the printe r, ve ry s11on. 1 We hav e n nic e lme of El ec tr ic · A. W. CH ASS, Prop. pl aced by Standley. B ut the Sea r ;; h a:; h as had tog rve up w 1 f arl· concerni ng th e time I L arnps , Fl as hli g ht :-; and thn s ha ndi cappe d, successful ly th · f unt l' l"S•Jl ute, in th• ! atcl or s. ! 1 d for a tim e an d held M idl and pa rt, at 0 a of its pn hli c au on, and th e pnc e, I 13at te n es. p a ye 1' ti I Dram atic Cl ub pi<J y to be given nn b t , t o ur : from scon ng very much . he na E h . C 1 11 so th at yo u may e SUJ e 0 ge Y Safety Razo rs an d Bl arles Skatl·!'. P 25 d Midland 15 March 26. l\J 1ss a1 o e wt : score was e ru • an . . · book. I Poc ket Kniv es and Mamn1l Tra ini ng Th P !'t'nl or h ave dec1 e up on l Ha rdw ar e.
J 1m B1 zz 1 take Jr er p lacE'. 'd d 1 y W C A. H arold Br own, th P. h ei r co m me nc emen t pro gr ams and I . · · · m ak in g great s tnd es - 't Bu y yo ur goo ds 1n Peru. Q uite a numb er of igr ls took the \gP.r, IS 1 1 ' in v it at io ns. Don t f or g-Pt, 1 h ft d d ow n n cl<ety ac rle rs · I M . H d pleasure tr ip at Y. W. la st T hur s· c re Y up an to lea ve o rrl ersw1th your pr es 1de nt 1 at: kprnng !"' ar wan:•
On Students--Faculty--& f rien ds
It is a m atte r of pleasure and pride us .to m ee t vou r every nee d, in ou r l1 n e,; , 1n .a ma nn er to acco mmodat e yo u. Ou: re bu s I· n ess po li cy is shaped hy this t e So li cit vour r eques ts fur eccom mod a tlo n, that accou n w · ·h as we ll as o rdin ar y. We wa nt to ea rn y our tra de on t e me rit. of ollr se rvi ce a nd goods. :;pt-eia 1 1 I
Citizens Stale .2ank -\ t:C iltt nt!-i are 1!iven co n ident te careful attt::ntion c:tt t his hc:tnk r; K GU OD Pr es id e nt 0 M. GOOD. Cas hi er J. W. Mc:ADAMS. V. Prfsident. AJ\NA FARLEY. Al's t. Cashi t- r.
Let us ass ist yo n in sec uring a Af t er 27 y:ars of sur·experi ertce we are quallfiecl to g1ve effic1ent se rv1c e. No er.ro llm e nt FEE necess ar y. Writ e for info rm a ti on SAB I NS' EDU CAT I ONAL EXC H ANGE A. 'M. M. DORNON, Ma na ger Flynn B'u il d in g . Des Mo in es , I owa
Tribute of a Co Worker, I feel almost as if l should offer an apology to tlie m*'lmor y of my friend when I add my testimony of her worth in this public way, for
And only the Ma ster shall p. aise u s, and only th e Master shall blame;
And no one shall work for. money, and no one shall work for fame, But each for th e j oy of the work· no one else was more ready to voice praise and appreciation of others. ing, and each in his se parate star Shall draw the Thing as he sees It or mor e reluctant to accept commendation for hers e lf. What she for the God of Things as th ey are." did never see med worthy of men· I
L. A. B. tion, th e slightest. virtue in others Obituary of Miss Tvnon was seldom ove rl ooke d.
<Contin u ed rrom First
It has been a rare privilege to he v.ho know the amo unt of time, a ss ociated in an intimate way with ene rgv, and th oughtful devotion a character so sweet, so gentle, she gave to students and teach ers and so lovable. H er whole life in the library It was truly a serwa s such a beau tiful intluence that vice of love. Sh e was one of the it is difficult to choose a few char- unspoiled kind, wh o:>e de eds do not acteristics of which to spea k, but clamor for attention, who during I shall never forget these two-h(:;r life are far more nece ssa ry than childlike faith in humanity and they think and who after going are her wil!ingness to serve. increasingly mi ssed
How often I have seen her griev- She wi 11 not easily be forgott en. ed because some one had said an As long as the library stands it unkind thing. A lif e long habit of will reca 1 the image of this faithlo oking for the good in other sad ful worker. Her kindly, sweet developed a sweet charity which countenance, her gentle speech. her her blind to their fault!!. ingenuous open-hearted beautiful And you whom she served, you I presence will still be there the realized. yo u were nev er turned I unseen influence of the plaee.' away w1th a request unanswered, Mattie C. Ellis. j but you could not know, as we who we re coworkers with her, how Trib':lte of Loving Friends cheerfully s he se rved you, how she <Continued !rom F'lrst Pae-<:.1 was not content until she had for laying the casket in its last found everything available on the re st ing place the douds cleared subject, often working long past her hour in o rder to find the desired information.
I hav e referr ed to her loyalty to her fri ends Not less st rikin g wa s her affec tion for Peru and the old Normal. I recall how pained she was when it necessary, a year or tw o ago, to remove some of the tr ees from the campus. It Reemeci as i ( she loved ev"e ry tr ee and ev ery building.
I reme mber that Miss Tyn on once sa id to me, "I couldn't be happy where there were no hi li s, cedars, ami redbirds.'' She has found a quiet resting place on Mt. Vernon Hill. A cedar tree stands sentinel over her grave. Who can say but the redbird s will build their nes ts in its welcome s hade, and send forth their mello·:• no tt!s from its topmost branches! A true and fa ithful fri e nd gone, but me mori es of her wi II come back to us in the lives that hav e been ennobled and enric11ed b eca use she dwelt among us.
'' When Earth's last picture is painted and the tubes are twisted and dried, · When the oldest colors have faded ,
away and the s un shone down on the casket as it sank slowly into its bed of roses. The Beene will never be forgotten bv those present-all was so peaceful yet so grand and beautiful-so was the life and death of Mary A. Tyn on.
Peruvian §!
The question is not "Are you to get a good saler)" BUT ""re you going to get the best your services ca t1 dema ud ."
Enroll with us and get the top.
Stewart's School Service
W. T. DAVIS, '06. Manager 1({8 12th st, Lin co ln, Nebr.
Watches, Clocks, Fountain Pens. Stationery School .Sur;ples. School and Society Pin s and Rin gs Flash li g hts a nd Supplies
We r epa ir pens, watches, jewelry and spec tacl es Will orde r anything we don't have and save yo u mon ey J. C. CHt\TELAIN. Peru. Nebr.
Pens and 2rade His tory Paper· View cards and Stationer}' in boc1ks with the Peru Pennant Fresh Candies, Cookie!',
There is nothing th at means as much to your fri e nds as a photograph of In any room or h ome yo u will find photog-raphs. You ha ve so me of your friends, so you know h ow th ey are appreciated. BettP.r have you r portrait made t oday
INTER-CHURCH ?OSPEL TEAM ,pa rall e ll ed th e two, showing how man who be li eves in th e gosde l ANNUALDRAMATICCLUBPLAY
New Wold M W 11 R th P.y wo rk in to eac h ot her. Hi s mu st sign hi sn ame to some definite . r oveme nt e ep"' J h b . resent d H L W k t ree po 1n ts on this topic were, orthEldox state ment. e ere ast ee . M . ' ystery. Theory, and Fact It IS 'j D r. Foster impressed the fact up-
Pe ru was on e of the four lucky no longer possib le to do gm at ize in 1conttnued lln Ln st Psu z:e. t sch ools of Ne bra s ka in obtain ing eit h er religion or sci e nce, rath er i
"A R ose of Plymouth T own."- No r m al Chapel, March 26.
On Friday, March 26, the Dramaone of th e lnter-Church Gospel 1one has to judge by the pa st Juniors Out for a Time tic Club w ill prese nt Mi ss Dix and te ams. Th e othe r thr ee sc ho ols the possibi li ties of th e future. It is a fine thin g to be a juni or, Mrs Suther la nd 's charming -rower e Midla n d, Omaha University , . , --. 'j on those ra re occasions when our mance of th e early days of Ply mand th e State Univers i ty. Grrls Mass Meeh n g. 1 r evered profs take off the screw s outh sett le ment , "A Rose of Pl y m-
We were very glad that our of th .e biggest meetings, an d 1a bit, a nd g iv e us t im e to relax. outh T ow n. Al th o the mai n plot sch ool was one of those to r ece i ve one m wh1ch the sp irit of world i L ife is pretty h ectic at Peru ; of the play is pu re ly fictitious, the the inspiration which such a te am cit i ze n sh ip was felt v ery E'tro ngl y, Jbut after severa l sk irmi shes with ba ckgro und incid ents are hi st or i c. has to gi ve. was th e girls' meeting Satur day 1 the ca le nd ar committee , we manag- In 16 22 Th omas Weston sent out
The te am was an unusually fine aftt>rnoon. Mrs. Perisho fi r st s po ke ed to capture a date f or a ''junior an exped iti on fr om Enga nd to one, cons i st ing of Dr. Foster, p as - of the power of God and Satan. inform a l." Time, the Saturday sta rt a co lony They st ayed t ern· tor of the First Ba ptist C hurch of I em ph.a si zed .th : fact that on e n ex t befo re good St. Patrick's day; porarily at Plym o uth , an d. one of Brook lyn, who had spe nt eightee n WIt h God IS a ma]OTI ty Her first place , thar. new r eso rt for fashion- our hi sto ri a ns sa ys of th e m: At month s in Euro pe in the se rvice of big was the o pportunity of ah le soc i ety th e dorm dinin l! room th e very outset they s howed their the Y. M. c. A ; :J r. Ge rh a rd, a eac h one in hi s own community (enter by the south door, please!) folly a nd le sse nin g the missionary wh o has gi ve n twenty · "The li ght that s hin es fart h es t man ner- we ll, st iff would NOT scant su ppl y of food by plunder three yea rs of his life in serv ice s hin es at home." She descr ib e it ! ing the gr een corn in the ni g iJt. in Ja pa n; Mr Cu nn ingha m, who th en stresse d t he teacher 's re ligi ous Just to convi n ce yourse lf th at it Their departu re to Wessa g usett has bee n in I nd ia fourteen yea r (', and socia l d ut i es Iwas informal, ask "1 and 16, 2 and dirl not put a s top to th eir indoand Mrs. Pe riRho, the wife of a Mrs. Perisho was fo llowed by 14, 5 and 37," the r ate of spee d lence an rl impro viden ce. forme r presid e nt of Sout h Dak ota Dr. Foster. He sai d th at it is a Ir eq uire d to chana-e places acr oss Restrai ned from r ob bin g the natiYes State College, and who is nowaY. wonde r that Ch ri stia ni ty ha s sur- a circle, with a b li ndfolded spinn- of their grain, Weston's w. viveci consi ders th e peo -1in g -top in t he middle. Ask th e settl er s were br oug ht to th e most Facu lty, stud e nt s, and town s-\ pi e wh ose bus iness it has been to s out h s id e bunch if the north s id e abj ect · p eo ple supporte ri the t ea m royally ca rr y on its work. Dr. F oster bunch are animat ed li ttle spe ll er s. In our story it is one of Weston' s Th os e who did not h ea r these peo -! d ivi ded th e gospe l into two p:.trts A sk anybody there if he lik es to Garrett Foster, who falls in pi e ca n nev er kn ow what th ey have -po les he cal It'd th em - the in d i- pl ay '' first im pre sions." Wr i ting l ove w ih Rose de Ia Noy e, a littl e mis sed. Th ey left us w ith a big -v idu al po le, and the soc ial pole. th em was easy enough, oh yes! g irl of Fr ench desce n t, li ving in ge r, broader visi on of th e world He showed that Go d h as power to I But it t ook so me courage to sta nd th e hou se hold of M il es Sta ndi s h. and i ts work. Th e t im e h as c ome save the group as we ll as th e indi · up and read off the trJths one' s,Jo hn Margeron, one of the colowhen eac h one mu st be a world vidual. He t alked of the n ecess ity Ilov ing friends had jott ed down, - nists, is also in love with Rose. citiz t: n, and st ri ve. to make the of Chr is tiani zing amusement , for "a per fe ct marcel," fo r example. On an autumn a fternoon when th e wo rld a be tt er place to live in. pe ople s impl y must h ave relaxation 1 No slackers. tho . Ever ybody fa ced yo un g people are hu s kin g corn Each one who was there feels that H is clos ing thought was that t he I th e mu s ic (except ou r chap e ron e) , Jo hn happens on a red e ar. he owes a duty to th e p eop le of o ur whole gospe l pr ob lem can be put and e very b ody but th e vi ctim en -j is an olrl say i ng th at he wh o fin ds d f d into one word: Fri e nrllin ess. j oye d every li st.
Ith e red ea r may cla sp and cla 1·m own an ore1g n natio ns, an that he is res ponsible fo r the car rying
After·supper s tunts were to have what maid he wil l. John t ri es to of the li gh t of J esus Chri st to Dr. Foster's T al k Silturd ay Eve ning. been put on by th e Ka t ze njammer put th is in to pr a cti ce , and of them
Those who we re at the Friday 1 f ami ly and al l ot h.er families . But cour se Gar r ett interfere s. In the m eeti ng were looking forw a rd to when the fatal wmk t oo k th e plot - du e l. wh ich fo ll ow s, Ros e's brother Friday Night Meeting Satu r day's me e ting and wer e not ting gro u ps by s urp ri se , we saw it Phil ip pe, is acc ide ntall y injur ed : Fr id ay night th e f ull gos pel t ea m disappointed. was a choice b et wee n stunts a nd and Ga rr e tt is b ani shed from the gave us their fi rst forma l me eting. Dr l<'oster be ga n by t el ling a supper , a nd supper won Th erP colony.
Dr Ger h ard spo ke hrst on the li itle of hi s exper i ence with were thick squa r es of white i ce Ga rr e tt goes to liv e with We eneeds of Japan. He to ld of th e ir doug hb oys and their meas ure of a cr eam, with a shamrock cen t er , to n's men at We ss aguse tt a nd d urschool syst ems and compulsa ry speake r. He sa id he had not failed just as goo d to E>at as to lool< a t, in g the wi nt er a rumor r eaches sch ool laws, but that because the y to hold such an audie n ce. a nd he fine litt le cakes, and a t iny iri sh him th at Rose is to marry J ohn were not gi ven Chri s tianity along pr ocee d ed to ho ld h1 s P ar u a udi e nce flag waving over eac h plate. No Margeso n. Thinking that he no wit h it educated men we re becoming just 11s co mp lett!ly. The t hree wonder Miss Hoak and her c im- longer ha s a cha nc e of winninR' h er d es pondent anrl e nding th eir own main po in ts of the ta lk were: The mittee r ece i ved · a hearty vote of he w rites wishing h er h appi ness lives. He sa id that oth er fo rei ll n Deity an d and the CrosR , Atone· th anks at the ne xt class meet i ng. and sayin g that he plans to return co untries had just as great a nee d ment , and Im mortality. He m ade We said our good byes, m ore or to Eng lan d. Hurt by hi s ap pare nt as Japan. He appealed to the big clear th e fact th at a person might less lin ge rin g, by th e light of one ly easy acce ptanc e of the rumor, side of the question . An yone who hllve an d have th e sa vi ng 1littl e lamp (b ig en oug h at that !) Rose accep ts Jo hn' s offer of maris l ook i ng for a sof t job had better faith in a Be ing, a lth o he And more than one jun ior wa s ri age. th o she makes no pretense of not go to the fore ign fie ld s ab a might not be ab le to make a defi- h eard to hum , as he stumbl ed out ' lovin g him She has hardly done mi ssionary. nite description or state me nt of it ; ar ou nd th e so uth wing, so when Garrett appears. He h as Foll o wing th i s, Dr. Foster spoke t.he great m is t ake of th e ch urches " It's a lw ays fine weat her, I tramped many mi les thru a on "Science and Re li gion." He havin g been tha.t they in sisted that When goo rl fe ll ows g et t ogether." I (C n nliuur d ou ''"!:" 1
THE PER U NORMA.LITE G arrett i nto an adm iss ion of it
Jo hn is disgra ced, Rose is re le ased
Entered at the P os to ffic e at Peru, Ne- brask a as secon d -c lass matter. f ro m her prom ise to hi m, a nd is fr ee to t urn on ce more to th e man
Publi shed Week ly by the Peru State Norma l she t rul y love&.
$ 1. 00 per yea r. Single co py 5 ct s. In the mea n t im e Rose' s b rother , fu ll y rec ove re d fr om his inj ury, rll £; E II ITO RIAL STAF I'. · Cl' f f all s in lo ve with Miriam Ch i lli ngs-
Dor ot hy Mau ck, ' 20 Edttor .in· tt c Alvina Am end e, '20 Ass oc iate Edi tor ly, the Capta in' s cous in. P hil ipp e Pa ul Benne tt, '2l A ss ista nt Ed ito r is a ba s hfu l yout h and fi nd s it exFe rn Ad ams, '2 1.. Ass istant Ed it or cee dingly diffic ult to pr opo se to Ray mo nd ll uiTcr, '21 Busincss Mg'r .l th ]' tt l 'd h ' ]] t h e 1 e ma t w o WI no as e
Inez Lon gfellow, ' 20 Mg' r. :\1 a tltn g Dep t. ' begs he r, "gi ve him o 11 e wo rd of 11 EPOJ!TE ns : hel p" becau se Standi sh
E!th er Co le Se nior say s 't is not see mly a maid s how
Ma bel Drcssler Juni or ,.,. ·r her love for a man t il l he hath -"
ntn • Ellun s So pho more
Lois Gr il1iu Fr es hm en Ph i lippe fina ll y r eso rt s to anoth er
I da Frederi ckson Specials& Tra ine rs method th an wo r ds for c aJI at the Mar d is sto r e.
S erv ice, Willi am Th omas Y M. c .. \. h is love. Co ur t eous Tr eatm e nt wi th pure fre sh goo ds \' \V. C. A·, Th ft t'l dt'b hasb•
Helen Va.nZa n t.. Girl s Club us, a er ma ny rta san rt
Alice Gla sgow P hi lo mat hca n ujations the sto ry en ds happi ly for ph Q ll e 2 5
De ll a \Vcal hcr hogg Drama ti c Clu b both pa irs of lov er s.
Ro se :VIill cr .J ll. r.. Th e cast of the plav isas follo ws : ll ildc!!ard Yeck. Phys iea i ScienccC iuh Ba rb ara St a ndi sh Co ra Clo ver
No ar ti cles accep ted afte r 8 o'c lock Mir iam Chi ll in g-s ly Hope Lewis Let us
l\ l on rl ay mo rninj! R es olu te s'tory, th e Cap t ain 's I
au nt Esth er Co le ro llme nt F EE n
G rea t Oppor tu ni ty for Me n. Rose de Ia N oy e Es ther Delze ll
Th e you ng m en th ruo ut th e s tate Ph il ip pe , her h rothe r A. M. M. DOR N ON , Man age r are being attr ac ted to Peru because Ray mon d Huffe r Flynn Buildi ng D
of her ath let i cs , ma nu al tra in i ng , Jo hn Marg eson Clarence Choyce hus in es:: co ur ses , as we ll as th e o p- M il es Stand ish, Ca ptai n of
po rtuni ty fo r yo un g men to train Plym outh Clyde Ive rs ' •
fo r pr i ncip alshi'p s a nd superinten-Garrett Foster Will ard Gri ffith s The que!';tl011 IS not w d · T '•''A e · t I e mannf actun: this
enc•es hi s yea r Peru ha s near ly 1 - - j r yo u gotng to ge a doubled her atte nrl an ce of young j· Cale nd ar. good Sc:tle r y" w oo d in to !"iz es Reg ul ar E ve nt s. , me n. As a r es ul t Pe ru won a hi gh BUT ) J • d f I h • Wee ki ". /a Y su1te or Manual P ace m t e state co ll ege co n tes ts J b ot h in foo t ba ll and baske t ba ll. Mo nd ays, Cho rus, 5:40 to 6 :1 5.1r "Are you goin g djred It is n ot s urp risin O' th at the Orch es tra, 7: 30 to 8:15. I he your to '"' ' · , / C<1t1 de maud ." 1 r ece nt bes t t eams in the s tat e to ur- Tues da ys , G tr ls Glee C lub, 8 :1 5 , 1 M L • b r; 0 t 9 B , Gl Cl b 7 30 Ent·u ll wuh UN and get j e el\: oum e r> nament of oasket ba ll were co ach ed o · oys ee u • Ith 1 1 by Pe ru tr a in ed men Ou r old to 8 :1 5. Band, 815. e op. 1 f ri end L ee S mi th had a bi g pa rt in I Wed nesd ays, Cho ru s. 5:40 to 6:15. St ewart's Scho ol Se rvice 1 B AR BER .SH 0r coac hin g th e Li nco ln team w hi ch 1 Orch es tra. 7:30 to 8 :1 5. Y. W. T. D AV IS, ' 06 Ma n age r Ai\0 BATH wo n class A. Vi cto r Toft, class of M. C. A. , 8 :1 5. 1::<8 l 2th s t, L inco ln, N ebr ! 8 '1 6 h d S · 1 • h Thur sd a ys , y W c A 7 15 · I a!'eme nt Dr ug Sto re • co ac e up enor t ea m w lJ C . . . . ., : to Cl , , ' . u ·b 6.::h - I First -class Wo rkm en. Yo ur Pat ron w on c lass B, L ee Long, '1 9, 8 :1 5. Gtr ls' Glee Club , lc:tse s ua t er a op /' a ge Solic i te d. c oac hed th e Ar li ngton tea m wh ich 8:15 to 9. Boys ' Glee Clu b, Mils tead Base me nt C. p S CO VJ LL ga ve th e Supe ri or t ea m rh e st ru g- 7: 30 to 8:15. Ban d, 8:15. ALL FIRSTCLASS / ___·_ ---· g le of their lif e in th e fi na l cont es t Bi - mo n thl y.
f 1 T s d F ull lin e of Toilets on hand <:.it y <::afe an d t 1e cup. here is a r easo n for tu ent Co unci I of Gir l!; ' Club. th J.i un usua l success. Th e y oun g The Mo nd ay eve ning be fore th e A. W. CH AS E, Pr op. / men of o ur s tate are b eg innin g to Second Tu es d ay of eac h mo nth and .
• , take notic eo f theva lu eof a Pe ru every tw ow ee ks th er ea ft e ra t9 :00 OU lf1f
' e du cat ion.
Annu al D ra n1a ti c C lu b Play, <Continued r rorn L;-ir.st Pac-e.) to wa rn the se ttl ement that th e In dians are on th e warp a th, a nd are pla nn ing an i mm edia te at ta ck. The attac•k is mad e th e fo ll o wi ng mo rn ing and Garre tt ta kes g oo d pa rt in the d (' fcnse of th e to wn
As he wea rs an olrl red c oat of M argeso n 's, borrowed because he had none on hi s a rr ival, he is mi stak en for .Io hn and t he cr ed it of defe ndin g th e g ap in the stock ade is gi ve n to John, wh o is t oo mu ch of a coward to te ll th e t ru th ab out th e matter . Rose , howev e r, di s· cove rs th e tr uth herself, a nd tri cks
p. m.
Seco nd Fr id ay , Phi lomat hean , 8 8 1(\flfY o'c lock. Fou rth Fri day, By the box or po un d. Ju st th e Philom at hean. 8 o'clock
M onthly.
'e cond Tu esday , Gir ls' Cl ub , 11 :50.
Fir!; t WPd n t'sday. D nt mR ti c.
Sa turd ay J. U. G I
''Let rhet·e he Ligh r" I
We have a ni ce li ne of. El ec t rie I La mps, a nrl
Batte ri es.
Sa fe ty Ra zor s and Bla rl es . S kates P oc ket K ni ves an d Ma nual
Har dw are.
Buy yo ur goods in Pe ru
Mac k,pr ung's Hn rd ware I
hin g fo r t hat Birt h d<Jy Pr ese nt
Dr, and Mrs House Enterta in sk i llfu l ly pres ided ov er by Ali ce
A party of guests were e nte rtain ed de li g htfully at the hom e of Dr. and Mrs. Hou!:ie, Wed nesday evening, March 17. A ll who enjoyed the occa si on we re cha rm ed by the graciou s hos pita li ty accord ed them
Mr s. House and Mis sHar mon we re the most e nt e rta ini ng and courteo us of ho s te!'ses , w hil e Dr. Ho u se . in his abi l ity to te ll a good story or hold t r1 e in tere st of li ste ners by the r eadi ng of we i I chose n selections, is un su rpa ss ed The guests so me of whon1 h ad kno\Yn him only in the class r oom, f ound
P esh ek as The qu iet da in ty service, as m uc h as the we llpr epa r ed food , add ed to the pl easur e of a ll.
Af te r lu nc heon , Iri sh stori es were to ld, wi th Mr. De lzel l and Mr Rouse we ll in the lead 'fh en the gu ests le ft, after express ing the ir apprec iatio n of a m ost del ig h tf tll eve nin g, d ue to th e cha rmin g hosp it a lity of the ir hostesses
Junior Note s
A Gu es t.
Ju ni or Bus in ess is pressing th ese days , a nd n ecE:ss i tates sh ort pr ogra ms. The gr ou p of w hi ch Miss his mann er in th e· home m ore pl eas -E · · h · d • nsman IS c a am an pr esen te a 10 1!, Jf po,;s 1ble, th an ht s c la ss r oo m · 1 d' 1 · 1 · h mu s1ca 1a ag ue m cos tum e w 11 c pe rsonality
Ibr oug ht mu ch app lau se Tht s wa s
After the se rvi ng of a del i cious f II d b · 1 • 1 l t lu!1ch, th e guests de manded t he 1 II I o owe y a g tr s voca quar e , a so we s un g. r ea d1ng of one more sto ry. D r. At the bu s in ess meet in g whi ch Hou se res pond ed with the ve ry best ' fo ll owed the banqu et co mm ittees of the eve ning, afte r Igav e s ome ve ry satisfacto ry r epo rt s., VIS i to rs rleparterl, th e ir · T he n it was d ec id ed tha t the co mkee n apprec iat ion. i ng w ee k th e e dit or-in ·chi ef a nd Th o:e pr ese nt inc lu ded Mi sses t he bu sin ess ma na ge r of nex t yea r 's Mabel Root.' Gilbe r t, Peruvian are to be electe d. T his Ke nt o n, Al1ce Glasgow, Emma I is a m os t i mp or ta nt matt er, so Hag-ema n, ancl Mrs Dau ghe rty. juniors , co me out to th e ne xt mee tstud t> nts of th e Ang·Jo -Saxo n cla ss , 1 in g and help choo se th e r ig ht peo ·j also Mrs. Dwy er and Mi ss Ola Bel l. ! pie 1
--·--- - j Alu mn i. ,,
Home E co n omics Lu nc h eo n. i 1 Flo yd Doane, who r ece ived his
Tu es da y evemng , March 16, at , · 1 · • 1 k h · h A. B. d eg re e In Pe ru la st year and s1x o c oc , t e semor o rne eco no- 1 • · 1 · db M J- wh o is now atte nding th e Untvt:'r - mi CS c a o;; :;, y r s. ean, 1 · d b r.r. t 1 h I sity of Il linoi s. ha s n•ce ntly b ee n e nterta 1ne at a Ufc e unc eo n. ! G h . . h re comm e nd ed fo r a po st t10n as a I uests wPre t e Jumo r orne
· 1 p 'd d I t t>a cher of che mis try in the Dakota 1 economt cs c ass , r es t ent an 1 I Wes leyan Um ver s 1t.y. 1
Mr s. an d Mrs .. Delze ll Mi ss F os te r and Mi ss Mi ss Bla nche Ji mer so n, ala ss of I
I ' 1916 h as bf.'en re·elect ed as p rin c i- 1 coc <. • I After greetin ,s an d a few mo- 1 pal of the St. P au l h ig h at
ments of conversat ion, luncheon I $1500. H f.' r br ot her, J. A. J ime.r· J was annou n ced. and the g r.t ests J. son, 1914, is on a h omestead Jn i proce eded to the de l ightf ull y Mon ta na, b ut expec ts to retu rn to I Neb r &ska next fa ll and r es um
arra n ged dini ng r oo m.
The tab le was bea u ti fu lly laid, teach ing. i li ghted with ca n dl es and wi tn a Good re port s com e fro m Bertd r and Nehr of the wo rk of Lela crn te r de::orat10n of gree n an ! • · • McKe nn ey. She re ce t ved a su bwhite carn'itJOns The co lor sc he me , Istan ti al in cr ease in salary th is the quaint and the 1semester. Mi ss McKe nn ey wi ll j l unc heon itse lf carried out the id ea, co nt inu e he r st ud i es fo r h er degr ee I of St. Patrick T he tab le · was 1 n ex t year I
Students - -Faculty... & F ri ends
It a mat ter of pleasure and pride with us to me et vour every need, in our Ii n es, in a
ma nn er to accom modate yo u. Our e ntire busi- I ness policy is shape d by thi s amb i ti on.
On that account we su licit .vou r requ es t !:i fo r eccom m oda tl on, sp ecial as we ll as ord i nar y. We want to earn yo ur tr ade on the me rit. of our se rvice and goods.
Open Letter .to My ·Customers
In these days of hi gh p ri ces a man has a ri ght to kn ow exactl y · what he is ge tting f or h is m oney.
Fo r example how m uc h of each do ll ar he spe nds for clothes goes for pr e tty pict ures , show w in dows , and adver ti si ng space in the magazin es.
How much go es io r high r ents and big sa les r ooms
H ow m uch goes for clever s al es men.
Ho w muc h goes fo r dead stock s to be dispos ed of are out of style after th ey
H ow m uch goes for alte r at ions and chang es to make them come somew here ne ar fitti ng.
H ow much goes fo r profits.
And fina ll y how muc h goes fo r actua l mate r ia ls and workman ship.
Have yo u any figures on t hi s?
I ca n on ly say fo r m yse lf that the fi na l it em is thP. only imp ortant item en te rin g i nto my cos ts.
I have no high r ent, no plate glass wi nd ow, no ex pensive ad · ve rtisi ng, no salesm e n. I ma ke to order , he nce th ere are no alteratio ns an d no dead stocks; no waste of labo r or ma ter ia ls.
I have only the one small pr ofit, the ma n uf ac tur er 's pro fit.
And because more and more men all the time de manding more value fo r their m oney my custom is continually i ncreasing
I am no !'a lesman lf yo u come in to see me, I s ha ll n ot urgyou tc. bu y. But I think my fab ri cs and my va lu es will spea k for themse lves and wi II make you one of my perma nent customers.
J su ggest that you call ea r ly wh il e my is sti ll com piP. te and wh il e I am not pressed for ti me to get ou t my or ders, as I wi II be su re to be when th e season opens Ve ry truly you r s,
JNO . A. CE JKA, Tailor & Cleaner
lihe Citizens S tate 2Jank
Sma ll i\ cc o unt s are con s id er ate a nd careful attention at thi s ba nk
E. E. GUOD, Pr es ident 0. M. GOOD. Cas hier
J. W. McADAMS, V. Presid ent ANNA FARLEY, Cash ie r.
The Chatelain Jewelry Store
THE PLA CE TO TRADE AND SAVE MONEY Wa tches, Cloc k s. deweiJ>y, F oun ta in Pe ns. St ati on ery School Su ppl es, • Schoo l and Society Pi ns and Ri ngs Pennants, Fla s hl ig h ts and Supp l ie s We r epa ir pens, je welry a nd Will or der anyt hing we don 't have a nd save you mon ey
Clea ne d, P
Inter;Church Gospel T ejlm.
(Co ntinued !rom First on hi s aud ience th at the go s pel of J es us Christ always remains th e same. Whenever it ha s not be en entirely successful, th e cause has been the interpret ation of it rath er than it s fundamental truths. The
the foreiga field to carry on the work aa it is being done now? We must make the world safe for Christianity and to do this we must win the wh o le wo rld for Christ
How must a Knight of the New Crusadf2 be equipped ? First he must ha ve the love of Chri st thru proof of the s upr ema cy of the every n erve and fiber in hi s body C hri s tian reli«i on is its survival I have edu ca.tion and extension in the pa st years, Th ts btg JOb ts up to the Kntght s from the time the first disciple s of th e New Cru sade or the people s tarted to preach the gospel to th e of tod ay. Are you in the ranks ? time , with its great num- Why not joi n '! b er of workers. Then Dr. Fo s ter spoke on the In up imm o rtality he virility and su rviva l of the church brou g ht ou t further th at ther e is from attacks of all kinds ?ihich no inte ll ec tual way of pr oving it, have been made up on. it. Th e but th at we h ave lived it more church h as h ad to overcome sevthese pa st six years th an ever before. The esse nti al point is that peop le wo rk alike rath er than think alike.
eral in s idious attacks. the attacks thru science. An imperfect under s tanding of ce rtain sc ie nti fic theories, co upled with an imperfect knowl edge of th e pur-
St•Jdcnt Volunteer Meeting pose of the Scripture" g ave occa·
1 • d ed thousand men and women to tries n ee d doctors and teachers. n r h. h have not . f Ch. there is a those countrt es w JC one provmce 0 108 ' h G rl f love, within population of five milli on people h ea rd of t e o o wtt h on ly one doctor. Japan has the n ex t five years. I Mr. Cunni ngha m th en asked, thirty thou s and students in its coh "What part are y ou taking now leges nin e ty pe rce nt of whom ave '1• • whatever Mr Gerhard and what part are you gotng to no re J gt on I . W d f G I d hi s addre ss by asking all to I take in sendm g the or o od c ose 1 d ?" for laborers to go to th es e into ev ery an pray . h t a j Dr Foster conduct ed a question countr i es whtch a'fe so gr ca : bo x di s cus s ion. At th e be!linning ne ed for J es us Chrtst. 1 • h · h t lk d the · of the even in g serv tces , t e ushers Mr C unntng am a e on · f h 't Ch · tt'an co ll e cted questton s whtch any one us e le ssness o ermt rts and nati ons. lf the may ha ve wanted to h ea r such a brilliant man as Dr. F oste r discuss. United Sta tes is going to win salTh ese quest i ons wer e answered in vat ion for th e world, we can no a WaY that shows th e of lo nger be a he rmit natio n. For Dr. Fo s ter, and his efficiency in so me tim e to co me, Europe cannot th e po si tion he ho ld s. aend mi s<> ionaries to heathen counfor th ey have lost many of their b es t Y<lung me n. They will be busy recons tru cti ng th e ir battletorn countri es. Therefore the Un ited States must send one hun·
Sunday afternoon Mr. Cunning - sio n and force to these attacks. _}\
h am gave a very inte resting and Another so -cal led attack is that of
he lpful talk to a sma ll g roup of higher and lo wer criti c ism. L ower st udents, among whom were se veral j criticism is mere ly textua l co m· s tudent vo luntee rs. He advised j parisons. for the purpose of derivforming a Stud e nt Vo luntee r Band ing fr om the seve ral ancient The work of the band is to pre - scripts the n earest approach to the
For your school supplies
Fountain Pens and high grade History Paper
View cards and tionery in books pare programs co nsi s ting of mu s ic or i ginal text. Hi g her criticism with the Peru Pennant and sp eec he s on foreign countries d eals espec ia lly with the i nte rnal Fresh Candies, Meats and their ne eds, to be taken to ev idence of th e text of the Bible as
U. LANDOLT, Phon e 73 Peru, Ne br. Phone 78 country churche s and schoo l hou ses. to auth ors hip , auth ent icity, his-
The purpo se is to lin k both th e torical value , et c. Is the Bible a young p eo pl e and the o lder p eop le hi s tor y or a book of sci e nc e? No. ) of th ese pla ces with U. e world' s it is a book of Gorl's n P.eds a nd with ou r co ll ege word, to lead us back to Him.
Phone 56
Meet in gs wou ld al so be held So me correctio ns ha ve ma de Ther e is no thing that me ans as much to your fri e nds as a photog raph he re in coll ege, at which bit s of in the Bible te xt, but nothin g vital info rmation gleaned from the for- or im po rtant has been ch:mge d. e i!rn fi e ld wou ld be give n and ques- "Criticism ha s only burned away tions pertaining to the mi ss ionary the dr oss. It has not touch ed the work would be di sc ussed. gold except to burnish it." The aims of th e Bible ar e personal sal-
The Sunday Afternoon Meeting. Ivation and the salvation of society.
S und ay afte rn oo n in the Metho- Ch ri st ia nit y will fit othu place s dist c hur<!h a ma ss meeting wa s Ithan the chur c h. It can be in poliheld to show the further uses whi ch, tics, education, and busin ess. Dr we might make of o ur lives. Mr. Foster left this las t th o ught wit h Cunning h am cho st! the title, "Cal l us, ''It is impossibl e to compass to the Knights of th e Ntw Cru- infinite t hin gs by finite s tc1te sad e, '' and in sub s tance sa id , ''T he mente." purpose of the Knight s of the New Crusade or the peop le of today, is The Lnst Meetin g. 'I to r escue from a non Chri st ian The last meeting was held in th e world on empty hea th en lif e. The Me thodist churc h, S unday night. call of th e new cru s•Hie is the call It was a mass mee ting for the
of th e world t_o d ir ect thP. evolving Icommunity for st ud en ts. f orces to attam the goal that ou r Mrs PP.rtsho spo ke or e ry bri e tlv H eave ni y Father intended Iof th e part woman may play in p ower back of thi s g reat work is · spr ea ding of th e Go::opel. The y that of Jesu s Chr ist. What are you I may e ncou ar ge the ir brothers, so ns doing with yo ur lif e in this world Ior hus bands to go if th ey them- 1 of today to brin g J esus Qhris t into selves are unabl e to go 1ntn fore ign I the hea rts of the p eo ple of the work. empty h ea th en nati o ns'? The ne ed Mr . Ger hard told of th e many
in the for ei gn field is great, for conv e ni ences to be found in C hina minist er s, teachers, doctora, nurees, and Japan which were intr od uced eng in eers, printers. Are you go- largely by America . B ut we hav e ing to be one of th e 100,000, who not told th em, as we s hould, the in the ne xt fiv e years must go to story of Jesu s Chr ist. Th ese co un-
of yo ur se lf. In any ro om or h ome you wi ll find photo.Q"raphs. You h ave so me of yo ur fri e nd s, so you kno w h ow they are appreciated BettP.r hav e your portrait made tod ay
Annual ·Instrumental , by the Band and Monday, April
5===8: 15 p.. m.
Ticket or 25G
A ROSE OF PLYMOUJH TOWN I sharp-eyed old Story ,·1Mr. and Mrs Overholt, Miss Bell i PERU'S HOME COMING WEEK always in quest of n ew se nsat ions, and 'Mrs. Jt:!an. ·
Dramatic Club Play Last Friday a -until she stumb led upon a r ea l 'the center picee of red tulips Class of 1895 Making Plans to tend Success one! As for pretty little Miriam, and tulip designs on candle shades she ' was c linging, capricious fiem- and menu cards, the de li cious food.
The Dramatic Club gave its an - ininit y itse lf m os t appealing - and the graciousness of the host and . . - · bl . f 1 r.· • ' ' : b The week begmmnsr w1th Fnday, nual pu IC per ormance ast l'rl - an exce ll ent foil to R ose. ho s te ss, the perfect service Y a M d . . h h I 1920 I s· k h May 20 and endmz Thursday, ay ay eve nmg m t e c ape- · John "Marge son the villain was 1\t.liss Sa lzman and M1ss IC • t P. • - w k f p· · ' 1 • "" • 27 1s the Home Commg ee or 1s the terce ntenary of the ll gnms played by Clarence Choyce with waitresses. maae th e who le ana1r • . T . . 't · · I · f . T all former Peruv1an s. h1 s yea1 I landing m Plymouth. -n VIew o poi"e and finish Mr Choyce's both beautiful and enJo able. o ·- f - · · 1 will be the golden anmversary o th1s fact. A Rose of Plymouth effective t1 se of the pause a thing plan and prepare the followmg t h ld " ·
· ' ' ' h th e first commencemen ever e town was a p ec uliarly tittmg shr unk from by many amateurs menu involves skd l an d a t oro •. f N
· 1 10 the state o e ras a. w en r. cho1ce As1de from any hiRtoncal il e serves note At the other pol e knowledge of house hold manage- H
h 1
jGeorge owar an rs. nn appropnateness, however. t e Pay from Margeson s qu1et me nt: M h d J · ed the1·r d 1'plo
1s an admtrable vehtcle for amateur ti on wa s the bo y ish downrightness Oyster Cocktail • talent. Its atmosphere and costum- of Philippe play ed by Rliym o nd 1Ch i cker Bouillion Bread Sticks ,. A t 0 out. nl t r 7 - .,e- W e ing are pict.ureFque. its plot- wel l·: nuffer. His Critica l or otherlv I Oltves doors and the spot where the defined, there is good balance be- frankness toward I< ose and her a c- Sa1mon Cutlets Rolls Grape JUice I uates stood is marked by the big tw ee n lightness and and, tions, his masculine acceptance of · Dr_essed Cucumbers granite houlder on the campu s. tho definitely a pl ay w1th two all little Miriam's fo i bles as charm- Arlwgton <\. spa raguB There will be an o ther re mark able leading ro le!!, ea ch c haracter is the ing,-these and an occasional gleam Sweet Bre a ds Chantllly Igathering during the Ho me Comcentral in at least one good of youthful impi s hn ess made the Potatoes ing Week, when practically all of scene. Peru's amateurs. gu ided by character very amus in g. As a Radishes Bread Tomato Ice the class of 18!J5 will re turn to Mrs. Seybolt's skillful coac hing, background to these varying types Grapefruit celebrate their 25th anniversary. saw "" the poss ibilitieR of their play, of young men MileR Standish's 1 Aligator rear Salad The followiag are the name s a nd and were ahle to interpret them stair:! gra•1ity and authority mad e· Wafers addresses of this class: effective ly. To this an audien c e, it self fe lt Clyde -I vers ' friends I Strawberry Sherbet in Meringue Mayme Agnes (Mrs. R. C. Ord), . perhaps the larg es t of the year for some reaso_n fo und it hard to Lady Fingers 5024 W ebste r St., Omaha. testifi ed by its ke en interest, its recognize him in th e di g nifi ed role. Ca fe Noir 1 Eli zabet h M. Bratt (M rs W. A. spontaneous laughter, and its hear- , The charming stage setting add- , Bonbons Nuts Baldwin), 28 14 Jack son St., Omaha ty app lause. ed much to the effectiveness of the L. I. 0 · A. Kate Collins, 145 North Myr-
The actors individualized their play. the out-door scene being I Miss Rose Clark Returns to Peru tie Ave., Monrovia, Cal. 0. M. ch a rac ters excellently, every one. espec; al ly. pretty. aspect d Miss Rose Ciark, head of the Good, Peru, Peru. Mabel B. Goozee Esther Delze ll c au hgtadmirably the the evening's success the ca st geography department, re turn ed (Mrs. Fred Ell iott), 5107 Webster soirit of th e French Rose,-viva- to the "honorable proper_ty man_. Frid ay from Chicag<>, where she St, Omaha. Estelle Graham (Mrs. cious, mingling fire gen_tle- Haro ld Brown, _whose ' assisted in and took specia l work J. M. McVicker,) Elleanor Apts., ness. and handling the climax m a was aided by vartous pobltc-splnt- th ography of th e modern Long Beach, Cal. Olive I d G ffi ' th I h I · l ama Jn e ge C · · Oh" E convincing way. Wil ar r I s, ed m embe rs of t e c ass tn 1 r · • · The schoo l welcomes Mi ss Box 884 incmnatt, 10. •mma h th · T' ce ll e nt war. (M F II ) T I playing Garrett t o er. tic productton . ne ex i Clark hack to Prea, and the geog- Hart rs. u er. ecu mse 1. leading role, sustained the mu s ic by the orches tra was r ap hy department anticipates some Winni e Hartl ey (Mrs. Burton L-. sion he made in "The Forest Prm- large eleme nt m the even JDg s very valuab le and int e resting work French).Ontario Place , :N W. Wash. cess," of a fl ex ibl e you ng actor enjoyment, and st imul ated our an- with her this last quarter. D. C. Bertha Johnson, 1320 18 th with real dramatic power The ticipation of next week's concert. St., Auburn. J .•J. King, 542 N. play of mood in his vari1 S d F I o,·nner
Have yo u stopped s moking? Raymond Ave., Pasadena, Cal. . I erve orma · k (M J A M k ) ous scenes was of wtde range, t Yep, sworn off. Lydia Mai e rs. un ers , On Tu es day March the twen ) - B d A Ch d D most interesting to watrh. 1 • • •, he I Why? 326 or eaux ve., a ro n.
The minor characters were ex- th 1rd. at SIX 0 clock, t . ht It's ge tting [o be so darn ed E. Martin, Hall of R eco rd s, Oaktremely we ll taken. CMa C!over's ' scie,nce sen iors an •effemi nate.- Pitt Panth er. land, Cal. G. A. McMichael, Y.
· h m- course formal dinner, m th e lnlng M. C. A. War work, Fargo, N. D. 8arbara Stanfllsh was very c ar 1 • • building
Money is a commod1ty that will ing in its dignified and sweet of the buy anything but h ea lth and h ap - Louise _w. Mears, _861 nity, contras ting admirably With Miss Myrtle Koohn ahn t and hoste ss pi ne ss and is a universal passport Ave., Mi lwaukee, Wta. ' Milwaukee d · t t p ters on were t e os • ' · Esther Cole's clever an consls en 1 e ' D d Mrs Shouse to everywhere but Heaven. I <Co ntinu ed on L ast P ar.:-e.> presentation of the sharp-tongued, the guests r. an · '
THE PERU NORMALITE tendentl in Nebraska. ''Peru pr epa ration pa ys"-not only th e
Ent ered at the P os to ffi ce at Peru, Ne- teacher but the sch ool which hires bras ka as second.class mat te r. he r. That is why Peru is popular.
Publi s hed Weekly by the Peru State Normal $ 1.00 per year. Single co py 5 cts. Calls for Teachers.
Calle have co me for Peru gradu-
A Good Bank IN A. Good Town
D h M k ' 20 Ed' · Cl · f ate 11 fr om Cal i fornia, Wa s hin g ton ,
oro t ·y 1 auc , ttO r·tn· 11e
Alvin a Ame nd e. '2 0 Associatc Ed ito r Idaho, Montana, C leve land and
Pa ul Benne tt, '2 l.. Ass istant Edi to r Ci ca go, as well as from citi es of Fern Adams , '21.. Ass istant Edi to r th e neighb oring s tati!S. But N _
Raymo nd Huffer, '2 l. Bu sinc ss Mg 'r. Ib k '11 t k . 11 e N II 0 1 21 l\• , _. 1 0 t ras a WI a e pra ct1ca y all of e te re up, l·•g r ..v.at tn g cp. 1 Peru's big g radu a ting cla ss.
II E I' O I!TER S: Co lc Sr ni or Freshmen, S .J unio r Yes , th e fre s hmen are s till alive.
tnt re tn s. o ph omorc
Lois Gri fll n Fres h men You would ea s ily beli e ve thi s
Id a Fredcri ckson Spec ials & Tra in ers had you been at cla ss chapel Tou r s-
Willi am Tho ma s Y. M. C ..;. day
Amy Ad a ms Y. W. C. A·, Helen VanZan t Girl s Club
Alice Glasgo w . Pb iloma th ea n
Dell a Weal herh ogg ..Dram at ic Club
Rose Mill er .] U. ( ;.
Hild ega rd Yeck, Ph ys ica l Sc im ce Clu b
No a rt ic les accep ted a ft er 8 o'cloc l< Mo nd ay mornin g.
When the so ft summ er win ds ar e a nd all nature is in tune w ith the Infinite Is the time we like to think of our fri e nds wh os e lives ha ve b ee n in ke eping with the s ummer days. We consc io usly or unconsciou<>l y associate liv es of o ur acquain t anc es with the seasons of th e y ear a nd how few li ves fi t into the earl y s umm er d ay s. Oft e n, to o ofte n, death must s hock us int o con sci ous ne ss that s uch a one has Jived in our mid st.
More Men for Peru.
The "num be r fo ur s" had planned a s plendid pr ogram. The scriptur e was re ad pv Mis s Clio Clark. Miss Fe rn Jones t hen play ed a b eau tiful in s trument al solo, aftt!r which Miss Shivel ey in her charming way danced a Polish dance for U!' The onl ookers enj oyed the whole progr a n1 very muc h.
Mis s Sorryful Seni or:-Oh, d ea r! I wish the Lord had made me a man!
Mi ss Joyful Junior : -M a ybe did , but you haven't found him yh, Calendar.
Reg ul ar Eve nts
• Wee kl y.
Monda ys , C horus, 5: 40 to 6: 5. O rch es tra, 7 :30 to 8 :15.
Tu es day s, Girl s' Glee C lub, 8 :1 5 to 9. Boy s' Gl ee C lub, 7: 30 to 8 :1 5. Band, 815.
La st yea r's bi g increa se in at- Wed n es days , Choru s, 5:40 to 6 :1 5. te nd ance of yo un g men ma rks the Or ches tra, 7:30 to 8 :1 5. Y.
M ake Our Bank Yo ur Ba nk
Get the name.
When in need of quality groceries. rit1 g 25 or call at the Mardis Quality, Ser v ice, Courteous Treatment with pure fresh goo ds has built our business and reputation
Phone 25 MARDIS Phon6 25 TEACHERS.
Let us assi st yon in se curin g a better p os iti o n. Aft er 27 ye ars of s urr.essful ex pe ri en ce Wt! ar e qualifi ed to g ive e ffici e nt se rvi ce No enro llment FEE ne ce ss ary. Write for informati on SA BINS' EDUCATIONAL E XC HANGE A. M. M. DORNON , Manager Fl y nn B uilding D
P eruvians! Black Walnut
The question is not We tn "' f t th ,· s uAre you to get al ann ac 'u.-e guud suler}" . wood into !"izes e!"pt! ci-
•· BUT ally for Ma nu al ynu going to get Training, di re ct I he be!"t your services , to<.:att demaud." ) with us and get [ €o . Stewart's School Service j BARBGR
W. T D AV IS, '0 6. 1 AND BAT H l 2 th st, Lin co ln. Ne hr. l' B . ase ment FT 5he r' s Dr ug St ore Chase' B ·b 6.:h - First -class Wo rkm e n. Yo ur P at ro n , a• e1 op
tendency of the time s. Th e re will M. C. A ., 8 :1 5. be a s till lar g er in cr ease incr ea se Thur sda ys , Y. W. C A., 7:15 to this comin g f all b eca use yo ung men 8 :1 5. Girl s' Gl ee Club, are fi ndin g that teac hing w ill pa y 8 :1 5 to !J Boys ' Glee C lu b, F ull l in e of To il ets on han d Mil st ea d Base me nt II C. P. SCOVILL Pr op. ALL FIRSTCLASS I I an d _th e trainin g at Pe ru fit s th em 7 :30 to 8: 15. Ba nd. 8: 15. for thi s imp or tant work. Add ed Bi-m onthl y. to thi s pr ofe s sion al work is the S tud e nt Co un c il of Girl s' Cluh
E. a fe and splendi d training in a thl e tics by a ITh e Mo nd ay eve nin g befor e thr coach wh o kn ows how to co ach· Seco nd Tu esday of e ach month an d in training and co .omerci ai 1eve ry two wee ks th ereaf ter at 9 :00 subJ ects, under the best i nst ruct or 8 1 p. m. A. W. CHA SE, Pr op. I See ou line of
found in Nebr aH ka. G ra duat es Sec ond Fr id ay, Phil oma th ea n, 8 fr ?m th ese line s can C) mmantl sa l- o'clock Fo u rth l.< , rid ay, at1 es of fr om $150 to $200 a month Phil oma th ea n, 8 o'c lo c k.
Peru's Popularity.
A ce rtain sup e rint e nd ent of one of th e best man age d sc hool s in Nebr as ka s aid : "I hav t: been in P er u but the pr o liu cts of Pe ru hav e b ee n in my fa c ulty in ev e ry school I hav e had for the pas t twe nty years. And they have b een my b es t as wei I as m os t loyal of a ll my t ea ch e rs. It's th e way you train th e m. I wa nt my dau g hter to gra duate from Peru ." Thi s is o nl y an exp1·ess ion w hich ia hea rd from hun dreds of s up er in
Mo nthl y.
Seco nd Tu es da y, Girl s' Club. II :50
Fir st WPdn t>sday Dramat ic, R. Fir st Sa t urda y, J. U. G P.
''Let 1 here be Light" 1
We have a ni ce l1n e of Elec tr ic I La mps, Fl as hli g ht s a nd Batte ri es.
Sa fe ty Ra zors a nd Blades , Sk at es , P ock et Kniv es and Ma nu al Tr a inin g Ha rdw are.
· Buy yo ur goods in Peru.
Mockprang' s Hur dw ar e I Stati(lnry I By th e bo x or pound Just th e I thin g f or th at Birthday Pr ese nt NORMAL STORE 1
''The Ch oco late wi th the won d er ful cen ters .''
Y. W. C. A.
Miss Esth er Clark led Y. W. las t Thursday even in g. Th e topic was "The Kingdom." She hega n by 1 peaking of the eart hl y kin gdo ms of Alexa nder, Napo leon, and Kai ser Wilhelm, anrl of t he fact that al tho they had gained so mu ch yet they lost a ll. Following the ec rthly kingdoms she passed to the H eave nly Kingdom. The r eal iza tion of this kin gdom is to be gained by makin g the id eal pr act ical. The to pic divid es i tse lf into the follow ing su b topics: l, Na ture of Kingdom; 2, Rul er of Kinirdom: 3, Exte nt and Durati on of Kingdom; 4, Pe ac e and Safety of Kin gdom; 5, Laws of the Kin g dom; 6, Ambassador of the Kin gd om which is Jesus Christ our Lord; 7, Wa y of Finding the Kingdom; 8, Work of the Subjects.
These point s were all elabora t ed by Bible r ea ding s. Th e m ee ting was an in s pir a ti on to all, and was just the kind each one nee ded aft er the splend id meeting s of last week.
problems and what is expected of each of th em. On e n ew id ea ha s bee n in st itute ri, that of requiring eac h ca bin et me mb er to take spec ia l examin at ion on Y. M. C. A. work.
Es tes Park again was emphasized. Th e colleg es of Nebraska ha ve as th e ir goal 200 men for thi s bi g co nfere nce to be he ld Jun e 11-21.
Pe ru's goal is ten men. L ast year 18 men went fr om here. Why not se nd a larger del egat ion as th ere are more men in school'?
Noel Seney , super intend ent of th e schoo ls of S hubert mad e a flying trip to Peru Sat urd a y. car ryin g co rresponde nce t oward his degr ee courses
Word comes that Earl Crai g, '17, principa l of th e high schoo l of Orl eans, has ju st bee n w it h a $50 0 in crease in sal11 r y. Marty dese r ves it.
He len Storms of Auburn will ente r the Norma l Mor.day. She
will r ema in unt il she graduates. You get individ11al cusSenior Notes. Mi ss St orm s has ha d thre e years tom tailoring service
Last was at t,he University of Neb ra ska. here. hi g hly enjoyable, perhaps especi- Professor Delze ll spe nt Saturda y, y 1 ou are not un es.s ally du e to its being given by the Sunday and Monday in Fairbu ry. \ your clothes are tailored made to men of the cla ss. Mr. Matejov- He is spe nd ing the bala nce of the , sky, chairman of the committee , week in Thayer county. We will FIT arranged a se ri es of vaudevi li e have a g ood enrollment f ro m bo th I offer you numbers under the novel titl e, coun ti es All pure woo l fa brics
"The Reception Given to 'Snooze' . The very lateRt styles wh en he return ed from France, by Supt Ve rne Chatelam of Lan- Perfect hand work
P B , Cl b , I der, Wyomnig , will be on the fi d a eru oys > u . J
Your figur e tte
P h I W 't t . d 11ummer echool fa cul ty, workrng rn h s a w. e a ren ye convrnce Po cke ts as vou wis th t 't d f a "lr'ttle th e hi story departme nt We a re b f a m swe e ream s o Lining s est or wear c;. h mad e moi se lle,, eve n our glad to mak e th is announcement. 1 B t t ['r ene V d h' b' l't th' , utt ons say pu h I e rne pr ove rs a 1 1 Y rn IS A . . 'bl jolly marin e would forget t at 1e I np 1m pos11 e Y. M. C. A. de;rart ment last July. had arrived at old Peru. However, March 17. Pr of essor Holch gave he was r oyal ly en tertain ed by the
Ar e, the fishes crazy when they go I will se rv e vou, save money for in seine? yo u and surely please you
Can an old hen si ng herlay?
Can you brin g reli ef f or a win dow ( J,.a ne ?
b. r mend the break of day ?-E x.
Prices the most reason• a very wort h-while talk on th e c lu b's jazz band"-vi o lin , saxo - Foolish Questions. t1 ble. "Hyrziene of Tob a cco." He s how- phone, cornet and tr o mb one. The ed very clearly the evil of the u se jokes co ntributed hy Mess rs. Cottle, of tobacco fr om the sta ndp oi nt of ' Ch ase, Mackprang, Rouse, Cope nhygiene , athletics and sc holarsh ip.) ha ve r, and Ha cke r, we re clever and Why not ha ve a hundr ed percent Iwe ll t old. The tr ombone a nd violin non-smoke rs in P er u? -· · 1 du et by R ouse and Mate j ovsKy, The men were e !Pcted I en ded a good program officers for next year: Dick Ove r- The bu s ine ss m ee ti ng was sh ort holt , pr esi d en t; Carl R ose nqui st, out s nappy, consistin!l' uf a final, vice pr es iri e nt ; Sterling Sears, rep ort from Dick Overholt's comsecreta r y; Clyde Ivers, trea s urer. Imitt ee on baccalaur ea te anrl ln u rd er to have a complete cab- me nc eme nt addresses. and appo1nt1 inet it wi ll be necessary to appo inr.1 m en t of oth er co mmitt ee s. How f ou r more me n. Thi s will ·be do ne busy the sen iors ar e, now·a-da)•s! next year. Supt Groves Visits P eru.
Jno. A. Cejka
Tailor & Cleaner
One Citizens eState .9lank
Small Accounts are given considerate and careful attention at this bank
E. E. GUOD, President
0. M. GOO D. Cashier
J. W. McADAMS, V. PrEeid ent. ANNA FAR L EY, Mst. Cas hier. March 24 As the cabin et of- · 1 fleers had just from Supe rintendent Grnve s from : ============================= I<' II Ci ty was in Peru Wedn csd y .. the officers Training Co nfe rence a s · H ave an rnter es trng talk rn I th at was hel d in Frem o nt r ece ntly, e g h . · th at a n ew e ra I f chapel emp asrz rng each was asked to tell of so me o . . . f the teachinR' pr o· . d h'l · rs begmnrng or \ the good th1ngs he recerv e w 1 e d t ch ers mu st re nder ff d d f es5 10n an ea th ere. Thi s conference a or e . . k p r'ng with incr eas ed b serv 1ces rn ee j an o pportunity for the new ca 1n et b I their wages. mem ers to get a 1ne on
Students--faculty--& Friends
It is a matter of pleasure pride uisn
The Chatelain Jewelry Store
Watches, Clocks, dewelry, Fountain Pens. Stationery School Supples, Schoo l a nd Society Pins and Rings Pennants, Fla shlig h ts and Supplies
We r epair pens, watche!l, jewelry and epec tar les. Will ord er anything we don't have and save you money. 1 J. C. CHATELAIN. Peru. Nebr.
m ee t vour eve ry nee d, rn ou r lr n.es , . ma nn er to accommodate you Ou: business poli cy is s hap ed hy thi s On that account we so li c it your you r tr ade on the as well as o rdin ar y. We wan 0 e d · ods m erit. of our serv rce an go Fine
Peru's Home Comiog Week.
(Continued from First
Sta te Norm al Sc hool. R. C. Ord, Webs ter St., Om a ha Oliv er P. Pal est in e, Folso m, California. Cla ra Quante ( Mrs. Robt Baker), Imperi a l. Pearl Rockwood (Mr s. W. C. Hall), Box 1 65 , Esterva n, Sask.• Ca nad a. E. E. Sa m11, No wata, Okla. Kat e S mith (M r s. J. Co d ington), New Hamil t on Apt1 ., Oma ha. Sadi e Smith ( Mrs Trai l) , !upt: scho ols, Carles to n. I. L. Stanford, 159 5 Lin wood Ave. , San Dieg o, Cal. Minni e Storm (Mr s. W. A. Rand o l), C lint on, Okl a. Bessie Tyn a n, A uburn Mae Van Vlee t ( Mrs. D. M. Wri g ht), 13U4 S. Bro wne St., Spo kan e, Was h. E. 0. Garrett, 1 959 Pa rk Ave., Ce dar Ra pid s, Iow a. Mami e Chase ( Mrs W. C. Du gge r), Cypress Ave., Sa nt a Ann a, Ca l.
ver s ity, Wa s hingto n, D. C., writ es that he will spend commen ce me nt wee k in Peru. We are glad that Mr Hyslop is coming We hop e he will bring the "Missus " al ong.
Mrs Seybolt Entertains the Cast
At eleven bell s- plus, on Mar ch 26, in th e year of our Lord J 92 0, th e family and fri e nds of Cap t ain Mi les Sta ndi sh were e ntertain ed by with " Mammy Mo on." Mis tress S ey bo lt in the Sta ndi sh The Ca mp Fire Girl s with their
home. Th e midn ig ht lun ch was a del ight unt o th e eye. Yea, and more than th e ey e. Und er th e soft ca ndle-glow were ro se ca nrly ba skets, ro se ice cr eam, ·r ose flo we r s· ,
Wim ona gave three histories of Ca mp of Camp Fir e ;" •·What Min e io Has Done, is D oi ng, and E xpe cts to D o; " " Minute Gi rl Pr og ram s During th e Wa r. " Thi s was fo ll owed by a dan ce of spring fl owers by Nii j iNaamid. Th en ar o und th e fire the g irls sa ng "The Sun is Sinking in th e We!l t," and cl osed th e e vening
Indian na m es are: Gu ardian , Mi ss Shi ve ly; Es th er Delz dl, Aka ; Jos ephin e Shellhorn, Okihiya ; Hope come.
a nd ind eed R ose cut th e r ose ca ke in t we lve r os ey piece s. Al so a " ki ss " th ere was for ever y on e. Wh y sho uld ou r sta ge ma na ger not h Re v. L. S. Mill er of Hun ston, t ink of st orinR" sce nery in " that Iowa, brother of Rev. S M i Jler of
The Y. W. ca bin et of la st Year gave ad visers and incom in cabin et a ple a sant surpr ise evenin g, March 8, in th e fo rm a r ece pti on in t he d ormi t ory par lor s. Da ff odils we re used as a center pi e ee on each of th e tables and the oth er d ecorati ons we re carri ed o ut in gr een and yellow Aft er a pl ea sant s oci al hour to: ge th e r, th e g irl s w en t hom e ex. press in g. th e ir ap pr e ciat ion lo the old cabin et for suc h a hearty weJ
Le wi s, Wimona; Mild re d Fist.er, Is ko odah; Alice Glsa go w, Niiji- In ez Lo ngfell o w, who is filling Nmidi ; Gla dys Ead s, Ganouk, Ne- o ut the year at Dawson , reports vad a Pa rriott, Wocilli; Mar ie Me- pl easant w ork. Ke nn ey , Owaissa.
littl e heavP.n." Miriam a nd Aunt this city conduct ed d evo tionals in Reso lut e fo rgot th e bean porrid g- e cha pe l Friday and Ga rrett trul y see med able to
eat more than roa ste d corn Th e sa me Mrs . Sey bo lt it was wh o g ave
===== ===--==----
Lunch Room
T ina A D av ia, Fr a nk BeP. dl e, Ne ll ie Gold e r, Clara M. James, N ev a Ray and Agn es Watt He nt on ha ve no t been loca ted. :: S T <:> your su p plies
Elsie Bixby, Ca rrie Duncans on, Nay At wate r, Minnie VanNo 3trom a nd Magg ie Wi s hard have pa ssed to th e Grea t Beyond Alumni.
F'a i rb ur.y's fortv -fo ur teach ers h ave a ll b ee n un a nim ous ly elected an:i th ir ty- nin e h ave signed up for us that jo lly part y, tha t mad e eve ry practi se pr o fit a bl e, a nd l< e pt eve ryone go od hum ored and happy thru a ll the week s of pre paration ./ Th ere are ei g- ht peo pl e who wi II fo.rge t on e fri end they llja de m th e tTl-cente nni al of th e Puritan la nd ing.
Fountain Pens 2rade History Paper cards and Stationery in bonks with the Peru Pennont
Neb r. Pho ne 56
There is n ot hing that m ea ns as m uc h to you r fri en ds as a ph otograph of I n any r oo m or home yo u w ill find p hoto)! r ap hs. Yo u· ha ve so me of yo ur fri enrls , so yo u know h ow th ey are ap pr ec iate cl Be tt er . have yo ur por tr ait m ade tod ay
Fre sh Fruit s, Candies, Cookie s, Me a t" the-com in i" ye ar. Thi s is 8 rema rlt- Mineio in Philo. \ ab le com plim e nt to the Fa irb ury So many pe opl e have ex pr eBsed sc hool syste m and Super i nte nrl ent a d es ir e to kn w what Ca mp ' Fir e Mor ton. · The fo ll ow ing Per uvia ns Girl s ar e an d wh at th ey do, t hat are on th e l is t of th ose r e-e lec te d: th e M in eio Cam p F ir P. G irl s en te rKat h er in e La mber t. norma l tr a in -ta in ed Ph il omath ea ns Fr id ay eve ni nsc Teressa Hi ll. cl omes ti c scien ce· in g wi th d r ea l re al gl imp se of Mary B. Edg- in gton, 8 th Ca mpfire life. ' tic; Helen Br a nd es , Rth hi s tory and The _ curtain r os e up on a diml y g: a mmar ; Mr s. E. E. St one ; Opa l s ta g e, d eco rated with Indian L.1ntz , Jl!ng li sh; Ge nev i eve Gr egg, ru gs and blank et s. At th e g uardhi st ory an d 8 th ci vics; F rank ege r, ia n' s cal l "Wohelo," th e girl s in ma nual ta inin g; Ne lli e Bens tgon, ceremon ia l qr ess slow ly en te red sc hool nurs e; E mil y Burt on I fr om eac h sid e, m ak in g the hand Burns Sc ho o l, mu sic: Isign of fire Aft er si ng in g "Wohe lo wntm g and sp e llin g; Ve rna Krejc i, for Aye ," Wam o na, Niiji Naamid, g eog r ap hy and ar ithm e tic; Ann a and G'lm o uk light ed th e fir es of Wea ve r, gr a mm ar and readin g; Work , Health and L ove, th e thr ee Marg ar et Ka mr a dt, hi sto r y, art wa tch wo rd so f Cam p F' ir e Isko odah and hygi ene; O lli e Gu inn, 4 th ga ve th e ' 'Ode to F ir e ." Then r oo m; Ell en Ma he r, 3rd r oom; the !l&n F: th e m,9 ti on Alb e rta Ta ylor, 2 nd ru um; Pea rl song, Burn F1r P, Burn ." Aft er Ba th, !st r oo m; Lula Pritcha rd, thi s, tw o g irl s were gra nt ed the Longfe ll ow Sr hool. pe n- p os ition a nd sy mb ,J of new ra nk man s h1p, mu si c anrl spe iJ 1ng; Ze lia Gan o uk receiv ed th e rank and s il ver Ga rn e r. geog r ap hy, ar ta nd hyg iene; ring- of Woo d· Gat here r; Uuai ssa, Fer.n Te rry, read ing and ra nk and s il ver br ace let of J os 1e Co le, a ri th mc lic an d h isto ry Fu·e. Make r. · Ver onic a McNi ff, 4 lh r oo m; Mr R: Camp li'ire Girl s seek to P ra nk e ge r, 4t h gr ade , Grant and de vel op th e ir so th e I School. pa rt pro gram fo llo w ing the I
Earl L. Crai g, clas s of 1917, has fire was giv en to sh ow what b ee n re·elected principal at Or g lrl could do. F ir st. a ro li c kNebr., hi gh sch oo l, at an "Gib Me Dat mcrea se of $5 u0 per ue ar. G d 1 Jon , Y Owaissa Okih ' J oo .. 1 ' 1ya, and Clarence H ys lo p, who is now a skoodah. Th en th e ca mp as a s tud e nt in th e Geo. Was hington U ni- ac ted a nd sa ng th e "Work ong. Nex t, Okihi ) a, Aka, and
Gorning Events Gast Their Shadows
1870 .. -GOLDEN ANN IVERSARY 1920 l920 , Soon
FINE CONCERT MONDAY NIGHT gretn and gold. Lack of s pace 1 thr own ou:. among the specta tors AUBURN H. S. TO GIVE PLAY I prevents menti on of all !by a ''Middy'' and the ga me was ! Band & Orchestra Under Prof. Holch l Th ere were many delightful ' lost by o ne point. The "Vo lante " Seni ors to Pre sent '' Fi Fi of the Toy Give Good j games, but grandmother and her : continuE's: ! Shop" Next Week.
. -- 1 partn er wo n the box of candy -, "Mid land defeated Gr and Is land :
A splendtd conce rt was gJven , Apri l Foo l! And you sho uld have Col lege in a fair conte st on th e. Over 175 people will t ake part b:v the Norma l Band and Normal 1 heard some of the queer proverbs ' Grand I;;land floor, and it was evi- in the product ion of "Fi-Fi of the Orchest ra Monday evening in the ! Anyone wishing information con- de nt that our team deserved the Toy Shop," which w ill he given chape l. The _first part of the pro- I cerning hypn o tism, go to Miss ; s ma'll en d of the Fcore. But a few in Auburn next Monday and Tuesgram gi ven by th e Yeck. , days prev i nus to that ga me Grand day nights, Apr il 12 and 13 under and the seco nd. par_t by the band. After e njoying our Apri I fo ol, Island pla y ed Mid land at Fremont, th e of the class of org-amz'ltJOns the Irefre s hm e ntg and our fav ors, we at the of ,t he first ha lf the h tgh scho o l. the d1rect1 on of lVlr. Holch showed ex- had so me of the "he!;test " 1ce ten pomts to M1dand s five The membt'rs of the se m or class who cellent training The pian i ssi mo 1 cream and hug- e pieces of ang- el food \ team happ ened to notice that th e have singing and speak ing part s and -.fortissirnn wo rk was excelle nt Icake. The i ce cream tasted doubly refe ree calle d and lots nf comedy, t here a re many anrl the parts were well balanced. hecause we ca me sn n ea rl y hy Midland during the mterm 1s- gro ups used in drills and menti 0n s hould be made I it sw ioad hy a "disinter- si on Jar features of the pJay. of the violin so lo, ''Scene de Ba l- 1 ested" party. WP ar'l likP ch ocnlat es • In the secllnd ha lf, one of G. Advance tickf'ts are on by let ," played by Miss Hi ldegard I but. oh you 1 's guards had a tooth knocked members of the sen i or class and Yeck Miss YPck's ton es wpre I Af ter giving fifteen 'rah " for ou t; G. Reed, forward , was thrown the cast. Seat;; may be reserved clear and even. The various duet.s Miss Mutz anrl Misl BnwPn. we so hard on his head that he lost his ne xt Saturday at Clin e's drug w· re much enjoyPd hv al l. Brahm's l 1 departed for J USt as th e for several minutes anrl wa s '3 t .:Jre "f<'ifth Hun garia n_ Dan.ce" ·.vas lights · fur good that 1 far below ord in ary the rest of the very pleasi ng M1ss S'11ve ly and ni ght. !game; and Wei land. the other April Fool Miss Glasgow were obliged to ap -, fA '! forward, and th e faste Rt man on Pvening the J. U. G. · A Word o pprecwHon. pear a se C'ond t1me.
I th e team was thrown out on pe r- club ht-ld a meeting to celeb ra te Tl)e Sextette" was s trong- ! The following ed itorial from the I fo ul s It was · hiR firsr ex : Arri l fool 's day Every member ly applauded and see m ed the fea · "Volante," of Grand Island Col - perience of the kind, and he does i was pres e nt by 8 :1 5. the tim e s et • 1 p ha.,i ze" Pern's Rlngan nf : d h h 1 1 • ture of thP even mg. em • · : n :t t ye t ow e sur· ! for the partr. and from that hour Mr. Ho lch sh>u ld given creiit "fair play in ath let ic s .'' i denly be rame so r ough. ! until midnight th e fun was upfor his pat ie nt work in training th es e organ iz a tions and the worki ng out of th ese pr ograms
Freshm an Party.
What shall we sa ? What cou ld we say except that we h ad a dandy good time at our party Friday
At eight o'clock Miss Mutz's cottage was tr ansfn rm e cl when the bevy of ma sked fillures made an appearance Among the mPrrY makers we re "B o- Peep,'' a c harming little la ss who entirely misthe use of her sh epherd' s crook , two demure maidens after Martha Washington's own heart two littl e school girls, Dolly and her mother (Sh-h! no one knows who they were) , and our charm in g hostess in a cos tum e of
"ln some of the co ll eges of the I "MI'..II won 16-25 !' . · f 1 u a J • · roan ous. sta te there has been dJssatts ac - ''It was the second R'ame Grand I The room was char ming ly dect i no with the preva iIi ng custom of IIsland lost t il the referee thi::! year or atPd in rPd and ye llow and the a llowing the hom e ba::ketball team \ and s he has had a diffic ult time fights were s had ed in soft purple. to se lect the r eferee. On e ddo es even c limb back on th e map, At 11 :30 were se r ved not so rruch commPnt on that I P- she feels that, d es pite the t endenc.1 by the hom e econom ics departsatisfa ct.io n in the collf'ge papers, there may he on the par t of some 1 ment. Tht>,;e of chicke n but WE' attribute the s il en ce to th e to Ci:ill her a 'crah,' she (JUght tois andwiches. We iFh rar ebi t, stuffed b I I ctance of a "choo l to . . . ; ha ctua re u · , plecJd for the perfec ti on wi th crf'am · 1· h f 'c r ah. 1 app e ar 1D the lg t 0 a the ch oice of r<'f e rees fc•r hasht - dress ing, ice cream, cak e and HowP.ver, one of the two hall cont ests as iR employed in t hE' cnffee. amnng Nebraska's cniiPges ;;e lect ion of officials for f •othail Several pia no solos we re gi ven Grand Jslan1 Cn ll esre Y M irlland, herself, havinsr by diffe rent members of th e club, ps reems, Peru Normal. a recently emigrated from th e !'tate and Miss PalmerR' r enditi on of joking comp laint in th e fo ll ow mg of Kan sas, wher e bask -t hall is 'L e t:the Ke,;t of the World Go By," ex tr act again.;t the peculiar treat- more popular than in Nebraska and Iwas heartily app laud e d. · b kt>tllall
me nr them a as · 1 where more strictness 10 Jt s r eg_u- This wa s by f ar the most successgame with M1dland: ! Jartio ns is supposed to prevaJI, ful a ffa ir the J. U. G.'s have had Here the "Vo lante' quotes frnm ! ought to be one of the firs t to sup· ! all year anrl we onl y reg-ret that it the Normalite's Mid l and-Pe ru Iport any movement for better did not tak e place owing to the M 'dland telling how Peru j ba sketball. game at 1 • snowstorm. was penalized when Prante wsa <Co ntll] ued on rJ: st
Ente red at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as seco nd -class matter.
Pub li shed Week ly by t he Pe ru St ate No r ma l $1.00 per year. Sin gle copy 5 cts."
tion whether bett er wages are being o ffe red now, or wh et her better wa ges wi II be offered the fir st week in Se ptemb er, and if the latter, whether the scho ols that offer such wages then wi ll be me rely left
THE eni-ro nrAr. STAFF. Have you d eci ded whether yo u
Dorothy Ma uck, '20 Ed itor-i n·Chicf h h
Alvin a Amende. '20 Assoc iate Ed itor will go fa r away, or W et er you
Paul Bennett, '2L A ssistant Editor wi ll 11tav n ea rer hom e so long as
Fern Ad ams, '2 l. Ass istant Ed itor the fo lks may ne ed yo u?
Raymo nd HutTer, '21 Business Mg'r.l
Nellie Orelup, '21 Mg'r. :\1a ili ng Dept.
The fo ll owing seniors ha ve ac-
cepted the p os i tions indicated: Get the name.
ER ther Co le Senior Emma Kelly, mu si c, art and pe n-
Mabel Dre sslcr .J unior
Winifred Elkins So ph omo re m ans hip, Lyons, $ 12 00 ; Dori s Han -
Lois Griflin Freshmen cock, kindergarten, H as tin gs, Id a hedcriclc so n Specia ls & Trai ners $ 11 50; Ne llie McA ule y, commer -
Willi am Th o mas Y M. C .; cia!, St. Edwards, $1200; Al ice
Amy Ada ms Y. W. C. A· • B d - St Ed d H I V Z G 1 Cl b run s on, sc1ence , . wa r s,
Whet1 in ueed of quality groceries, riug 25 or call at the Mardis Qua1ity, Service, ' Courteous Treatment with pure fresh goods has built our business ond reputation
c en an a nt rr s u ]
Alice Glasgow Philom a th ca n $120 0; Grace Grant, co mmer c ia • Phone 25
Della Weat herh ogg Drama t ic Cl ub Os ce ola , $ 1200; Thelma Cole, ------------------::-=-=----::-::::------------
Rosc Miller .j .U G. Emerson, $ 1170; Le la
Hi ld ega rd Yeck, Ph ys ica l Clu b Hazz ard, Lati n a nd Engli s h, Oxford,
No a rti cles acce pted a ft er 8 o'clocl< $ 11 25; Emma Haire man , 6 th g rade , l'vlu ncl ay mo rnin g. Fall s C ity , $ 1100; Rut h Burch, Questio ns for Seniors. primary, David Ci ty , !ji lOOO Pansy McK en ney, first grad e, David City, Let us a ss ist yon in securing a better A_ft er 27 years of s
cessful expe rience we are qualifi ed to g1ve
ro llm en t FEE n ecessary. Write fo r inform ati on SABINS' EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE A. M. M. DORNON, Manager Fly nn Bui lding D es Moines. I owa
Do y ou think o! go ing to a ce r- $10 00; Gr ace Blo ugh , kindergarten, tai n town to teach b ecause it offers Tecumseh, $1125; Alma Griffin, you a chance to do th e best kind Iseco nd grade, T ec ums eh, $ 1000; I of_work for.the- pupils'; Or because Thild a Nelson, si xt h gr ade, Ha ve-
P eruvians! B-lack Wa
nut it gi ves yout h eb e stki n dofcha nce jlock $ 1000 · Ali ce Pesh ek ho me Th t•'on t'snot f th•'s ? • • • • e ques We mann acture . I · · · : ,- e y o u g 01 n g g fot adva ncem en t. Or because you 1 economics l mpen al $ 121 5 · Mab el "A · to et a I l1ke the town peoole? Or Chapman, una ss igned, Om aha ,j uod Sc:tlery" woud 1nto espccJ· because the Sup e nn te nd e nt or ll 200. g ally suited for Manuul some of t he teac hers at·e particular _ - i BUT j. . . . -. friends of you r;;? Is it be ca us ejRe presentntive Good Talks toH.S "Are you going to get : di rec t are li hra ri e:l,_ \:h e_r e you 1 Thursday of la st week on in vi ta best. to !-oChool!-i. a lot uf thmgs 1n the tinn of th e civics training t eac hers , c_Htl I Me.e.k Lumber> <::o. few , spare mom_Pnts you Ur i Re presentative G ood of the Seco nd ! t:nrull With U!-o and get 1 because the :•;oc 1a1_ oppnr tumt les of District came to chape l anrl made the top. 1 unu sual?; av ery inter es tin ga nd ins t1uctive Stewart's S choo l Service 1 BARBE-R .SH0f' Is ;t b ecause 1t 1s a City of talk to th e high sc h oo l s tu den ts and AND BATH modern homes , wit h sple nd id f aculty un ''The Wo rk of the St!lte W. T. DAVIS, '0 6: PH ' li ghts, paved st re et sa nd o th er m od- •· 12 th s t, Lin co ln. Ne br. ; Baseme nt Fisher' s Dru g Store h ., ·I ·· 1. I · · I Fir st-c lass Wo rkm en Your Patron
e rn t 1ng-s. :=- It ut-> ca use th el Mr Good hr., ug ht to the young
Burber 1 age So licit e d. sc hoo ls are 1n th e vanguard of c iti ze ns' attention in a ch ar , con- ,
r.· d · - j 1 Milstead Ba se me nt C. P. SCOVILL Prop. t .mgs e uca tJOnal. or b ec ause th e cise way of 111any of 1he fo rm s and ALL \-\OUK FIRSTCLASS -are un us ua lly g-ood? Is 1 practices of th e two in I It because ev ery th ing is ra ther ! th e ir or ganiza ti on of the Jeg1:: la- Fu ll line of Toil ets on ha nd / ba ck_war d, and you see a t? ture and in the ir conduct of :he j A. W. C HASE, Prop. / put 1n you r best and ha rde st lick s? Iro ut inP. of law- makmg · Is it because th ev pay mnre money that are not .I!IVt•n 10 their te!'t· l·'et uu line of correct ! than ot her sc h ools'! ' books. - •- 1 I
Is it b=cat, se it is th e fi rst place I Th P c la sses fe el a ju st pr irl e in ! Stat i(lnry j you we re asked to t ake , a nd, lik e 1 hav 1ng ha rl a reai come ,- h b - - ---d- J -
By t e ox or poun ust tue 1 some ot h ers yn u find yuu r se1 f al- j th1-m. and as he I
w ay 11 to yield tu 1h e first Iis a publ rc- s pirit en ci ti %en of 0 r th in(! for that Birthday Pr ese nt , str o ng sugges ti on t hatcume;alon l! 'f community wh o::e abili ty was so l 1 H ave yo u se ttlt-• d in (I Wn 1 soon r ecJg nized by hi s f el low min rl qu es tion cof whtthtr a I legi slators that the _v at once t eac her should be a missionary and 1 ed h1m as chairman of the m 1st a marty r, WM kin g f or les,; th an I imp orta nt co mmitt ee in t ht> I an office g irl with nu fi nance committe e·. , ity, or bhe should jo in a Th e faculty expr ess!:' d fu r t he I la bor union and demand ju st classes the ir hea r ty appr ec iatiOn of wages?
Mr. Goo d' s int er e:>t in t hem, an d
Hav e you exa min en the t ow ns comp l imented him on th e c lt-'ar way th at nee d. t eac hers, and the coun- in which he exp lained th e w,1 ,-J< tr y districts, to see which offe rs of the law-mak er s. Max. you mos t n ear ly the condit ions under whi ch yo u_would ralh er work'{ Arthur Burley was a week e nd H ave you looked int o the qu es- vis it or in Lincoln thi s week
Scien ce C lub, Mrs. H ouse sa ng in her usual deDespite unpromising co n cii t 1 "o ns, li g htf 1 u ma nn er. She wns acco mqw i te a number of me mb ers ap. pa ni ed by Ne va H oa k. Rev. Mr. th e Sc ience C lub m ee tin c1." Ran da ll u sed as hi s top ic, ,Is It last 1"1 ay The li 2" h ts co ul d n ot We ll W ith Th ee."
Mi ss Burley spent t he wee k e nd in Linc o ln
Dea n Elli s and Mrs. Shou ee spent Ea ster in OmaHa.
be fixed m the science ha ll bu t Th e Meet in g n ex t n.ur sd ay Mr s. M. M. Hoak of Martland, that de laye d m atters on ly a short eve nin g w ill be held as us ual in is in Pe ru vis itin g wi th her daught im e u nt il th e apparat u fl co uld be the hi gh sc h oo l r oo m. Th e top ic ter Neva moved int o the psyc hol ogy r oo m. is The Li fe of Ch ri st in So ng.
On Fr id ay , Mrs. S ey bolt read Lon gfe ll ow 's of S icil y" at chape l. Thi s bea utiful poe m. so cha rmin g ly re nd ere d, a nd so in k ee pi ng with th e Eas ter seaso n, made a s tr qng a pp ea l to all wh o we re fo rtun ate enough to h ea r it.
Mr s. J. F. Wes t of Be lle wo od , Mi ss Ha rri e tt Wilborn re sign ed
The even in g's en te rtai nm en t was N et ti e McCa r ro ll w ill lea d. vi s ited her dau g ht er Bess ie last her p os iti on as se cret a ry to Pr es op ened hy Loy H ac ke r' s talk on th e wee k. Rouse , April 1. She h as accept ed cul tu ral s id e of sci ence l -ate r Junior Note s. M a p os iti on wi th the Fir st Tru st Co ., • a5ter Le onard Co ok of Linc oln, he condu cted an op en forum and Rusi nFRS is th e chi ef art i cl e of vi s it ed his aunt, Mi ss Ro se Clark, Linc o ln , a nd w ill report for work ever yo ne ha d a chan ce to g iv e hi s d iet for the ju niors at th e pr esent las t wee k. Monday mornin g. Mi ss Wilb orn opin ion 3 pro or con. Eldie Ca rner- ti me. Aft er th e ba nqu et , we ho pe has been a very e ffic ien t and faith· f II b
Mr s. W. J. Ad ams from Em e r- f 1 "II b on gave a ve ry in te re s tin g ta lk on to a ack on to the o ld me nu of u sec re tary. Her pl ace WI e "The Va l ue of As tr onom y. " Th e int er est in g pro gram s. We'r e a ll so n, Io wa, is vi sitin g her daug ht ers hard to fill. No atte mpt will be r es t of the evenin g was th en gi vP n ag r ee th at th e junior wo rld is a rn a e to do so at once. \ d Fe rn a nd H aze l. d over t) Geo. H eywoo d and M. Me1 bu sy one. Some lo ng · Mi ss Alma To lin find s it At chapel Mo nday mornin g, Pro; ?a ll de mon stra ted so me very Ico ns 1de red plan s for next we re to her mothE!r who f esso r H ow ie gave an inter es tin g 10 teres tm g ex pe ri me nts: hy dro · comp let ed l as t wee k, and w ill be· IS not 1mprov mg as rapidl y as was re port of th e Y. M. c. A. Co nstatic parad ox; so me ph eno men a pr ese nted and di sc u sse d late r. a ntici pa te d. Mi ss Tolin ma y be fer en ce at Frem ont . He told of du e to at m osp he ri c pr ess ure , etc It wa s d ec id ed that ac c ord in g to go ne tw o wee ks. Mi ss S hi vel y will th e work of th e Y. M. in sch ool s Th e m ee tin g a djourn ed ab o ut nin e cu sto m a ju nior numb er of the ans wer emer ge nc y ca ll s during her a nd co lle ges thru out t he s tate. o'c loc k. Norm a lite wo uld be e dit e d. Thi s ab se nce. Pe ru was re presented at thi s me et-
Se nior Notes. w ill not a pp ear for t im e ye t, Pres id e nt Rouse spent We dnesday in g by Laur enc e Rouse, Cail but Mabe l was elec ted in Lin c oln with a committ ee wo rk · Rose nqui s t, Don Overh o lt, Sterlin g
The bus in ess meetin g fi lle d over ha lf th e class pe ri od, Thur sday, when fi na l vo te was take n on so me im po rt a nt po int s of th e p lay , and seve ral oth er thin gs we re discu sse d.
edit or for tn at n um be r. an d she in g on m atte rs. Sea rs a nd P rofes sor H ow ie. h as a goo d comm itt ee at wor k. Th P Ne br as ka Associat ion of Co lSo ph omore.- leges_ and No rm al Sc h oo ls is deLast p rogra m wa s Ite rm w ed to ha ve clea n at hl e ti cs ve ry m uc h pnj oyed bv a ll p res"nt n Px t season. N ew rul es wi ll be
We arP so rr y th at not eve ry one · · I i!':s ued · a f d · • at class ch ape l. Miss Cr ys tal Mey- • ' In ew ays.
1n sc h oo l coul d he ar o ur prog ram I I "t · h. d h '· ers , cha 1rm an of the comm 1ttee. j 1 was Wit out ou t one of th e· h 1 d . 'h ad a rr anged fo r t wo exce ll entl m'lst wo rth w 1 e an e nJ oyable entertai n me n ts we h ave had. Mr ,;. I Regu lar Events. r ead t wo pnem s by Ro her t The fi rst was a_ song, La ss ie o' I Weekly. Service : "Bi ll. the Bomber," and' Mine, by An n Gi lb e rt; Est h t' r, Mo nd avs , Ch or u s, 5:40 to 6: 15. Cale ndar
" Carry On " The fir st wa s rend-' Hoy t hPr on th e j Or ches tr a, 7:30 to 8: 15. ered most effective ly and th e ri t i piano. Hi Yee k thPn ITu esdays, Gi r Is' Glee Clu b, 8:15 J 0 HN f h 1 cl h . . on e of Me rn ot s we1rd ghost l'tO I· to 9 Bo'"s ' GJoe C lu b 7·30
, o umo r m1n g e w1 t vJvac Jous · ·' " • ·· ' d . t. d h h d f i es en ti tied ''The Wt·re-Wo lf," 1 · to 8 ·15 Ba nd 81G et er m1na Jon an t e t rea o · · ' · j 'w hi ch cause (! eve rv one pr esent to Wed nes da \>S Chot·us 5·40 to ("· 15 pa th ns we re por tra ved 111 s pl en·! · · · ' · · · L · 1 · '' hold hi ,; br ea th" un ti l th e d ra· Or·chestr·a 7·30 Jc 8· 15 Y 1 drd lnt e rpr et'H ion g1ve n by t he · · 1 • • · • • m ar ie eli max wus r eaclw d. M C A 8 · 'fi 1 reade r The ot her was t ha t ki nd · · · · 1 • I f 1 h' d Th ose wno rni s:; cla:;s chape l cer- .T hur !' rl ays, Y. W. C A., 7: 15 to o Ins p1 ra t1 ona p oe m w 1ch we o tai nl.l' mi ss so ••1e1 hi ng wo rth w hi le.: R: 15 Gi rl s' Glee Club, not easil y fo r ge t. I f · r.1 ·11 1 1 1 t 8:1fi to !J Boys' Gl ee C lub, All th e se n iors app r ecia te th e Per u ne n 3 w1 •e P pasec o I h F D S 7 :30 tn 8: 15 Ba n d. R :1 5. · fa ct th at the fa cult y m embe rs :::o 1 know t at lur enee I'... rx t a. a
u rl was r e-elec t- Bi- mo nlh ly. wil lm szly give th t' lr t im e and,. for m er t:'e r stu e r.t Stu de nt Cnu ne il of Clnh effo rt s to bring us so m et hing goo d. ed to teac h advancPd gr arle for I . h 1 t s1·d n ev 1 The Monrl ay eve ning be fore the : th e c om JO I!' sc oo a · ce ntral sc oo , ul nev . e r.. 1
Y W C A I h 1 <.:'"d N b f or ! Secn nd Tuesd ay of eac h month a nd • , 1 evpry t wo wee ks th er eaf ter at 9:00
Students--Faculty--& Friends
''let th e n! be
The Y. W gi rl s at te nd ed th e $135 a mo nth Ml ,s Floren ce ha s; WE have a ni ce l1ne of Elect ri c Ea:> ter Wt' ek service at th e MP th o·l had wonde rful h t:"al th s in ce she ha:; 1p. m. F . . ,S t' co ncl n day, P h1 lom athea n, 8 Lam ps, Fla sh li g ht s and d 1st church eve n1 ng be en o ut 111 Neb r as l<a. 1 o'cloc k. Four tp Fr i day, Ra tteri Ps. P hil oma th ean, 8 o'c lock. S f t R 1 Bl -' Sl t 1 a e y azo rs anr a .. Ps, <a Month h•. · Pock Pt <m d Manua l Tr a in i ng ISeco nd Tuesd ay, Girls' C lub , 11: 50. Har dw a re WC? dn t>R day. Ru.v you r good s in Peru
It is a matter of plea sure and pride us to mPet vour every n ee ci , in our lln.e,;, 111 a ma nn er to ac commodate y ou. Our en t1re bu sin ess po l icy is s haped hy tni s amb it io n. 0 h 1 • que"t · r·or Bc c nm mLJ cl atlon.
n t at acco 11n t we so !Cit yo ur I e , :s as well as We wane tn l:'ar n your 1ra de nn the me rit. of our se r vice and good s
!Fi r!>! Sat ur day J. U. G. , F. Hard w ar·e spec ial!
lihe Citiz en s Sta te .9lank
ar e g iv en and ca reful atte nt ion at bank
E. E. GUOD, Pres ide nt 0. M. GOOD. Cas hi er' J. W. McADAMS, V. Pr esident. ANNA FARLEY. A!'st Cashi er
A Word of Appreciation. like sty le c leared up for the cl a as <Continued rrom First what to them was a perplexing "It is a pecu liar thing ' that, in chapter on the elect ion of Presispite of the fact that Christian dent of the Umted States. Thi s people of Nebraska contribute mil- was not unexpected at all by th e lion s of dollars to the denomina -c lass, for Mr. Barnes has fretional schoo ls at great sacrifice to quently shown much interest in the themselves, but with the hope that I classmates of hi s daughters, a nd it will be returned in the s hape of 1 the class f ee ls very grateful to Mr. characters better than the average Barnes for his interest in them. possessed by graduates of state Then about a week ago the class schools, it should always be the saw ahead of them in their textdenominational schoo l that shou ld book a chapter on money anc:l take the initiative in unfairness. cr edit. This put them to thinking Not one of the three state schoo ls. and with the help of their teacher in th e intercollegiate conference Ithe conclusion was reached tha t ha s had a charge of unfair1 Mr. R. W. Kelly of the Peru State ness pl aced agamst them On the Bank would be the citizen to call con trary, they have received co n- on to give an exp lan ation of so st&nt praises for their gentlemanly difficult a bit of study. So, l& st treatment of all representative s Wedn esday , their teacher arranged of other sc ho ols. This does not to have both c ivi cs classes in the mean that we di s approve of denom· same room a nd had Mr. Kelly come in ationa l schools. It d oes emphat - in and surprise them. He j!ave ically mean, however, that each of Ithem a brief hi s tory of money and th e den on: inational s ch oo ls shou ld banking; showt:'d to them the varibe esp ecially carefu l to do the ous kind s of paper money and ex· thing not only Iplained the re lation of the Unit ed f01 1ts own cred 1t but for the rna- States government to money; exterial ben efit of its brother col- plai ned ·;,;hat a clearing house is; leges to ld them the use of the
"If the st nrlent body sees a credit documents; and gave them wrong policy in any group of its : the hi s tory and purpose of the it change J Federal Re 8 erve Banks. that po l1 cy Immediately. If the l Now the boys and girls feel tha t schoo l fail s to remedy it s faults in Mr. Kelly is something mo re tha n conn ect ion with it s i&tercollegiate. just a co ld, banker-that it s hould be os tracizerl 1 he is a good fr iend to the young by the other !<C hoo ls. Ifolks. The result is that our you ng
"And the ostra c1 sm sho uld be as Icitiuns now see that t heir civics effective in in Itext b ook is full of thin gs that are ba sk.; tball a.; Jt Js 10 football. actually used day after day in the Busines s Men Intere st Civics Class. world of grown 1 e pie after they
Some time ago one of our gt>nia l: have finished school, and they see druggists, Mr. W. W. Barnes, ap- thaL a care ful study of civics is a peared before the higl) school civics thing th at pays. class and in a brief. terse busine ss · Max . •.
The Chatelain Jewelry Store
Watches, Clocks, Fountain Stationer>y School
School and Soc i ety Pins and Rings P en nants, .Flash li ghts and Supp l ies
We repair pens, watc hes, je welry and spectac les. Will or der anything we don't have and save you money
J. C. CHt\TELt\IN, Peru. Nebr.
Fine Dress Shoes for both
Ladies' and Gentlemen
Price $4.50 to $12.00 0. J.
Suits Clean ed, Pressed and Repaired A V G N U E :: S T 8 G For your school supplies
Fuuntain Pens and hiuh u;rade History Paper
View cards and Stationery in books with the Peru Pennont Fresh Candies, Cookie!", Grocerie!ii, Meattii
Phon e 73 Peru, Nebr. Phone 78
Phone 56
Th e re is nothing that mean s as much to your fri end s as a photograph of youri'elf. In any room or home you wil l find ph otog ra phs. You have some of your friends, so ' you kn ow ho w they are apprec iat ecl. BettP.r have your portrait mad e today
Bia Social Event of the Year Held Last Friday. PE}{U, NEBRASKA. WENDESDAY, APIRL 1'4, !9 20.
THE PERU NORMALITE The Seniors Said it-"With Flowers'' Bntc rcd at the Postoffiec at Peru, Nebraska as scco n.d-cla ss matter.
Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal $ 1. 00 per year. Si ngle copy 5 cts.
The class of 192 1 ha s demon strated that it h ad leadership and ability to do big things wh en it gave that magnificen t banquet to the s eniors la st Friday night.
The class of 12, t oo, has demonstrated in the past tw J years its right to lea dership It i11 not only a big class in numbers, but it is
bi&' in the way it d oes the big things. So Monday, at close of chap el hour, President Copenhaver
E ll lTORIAL STAFF took charge of atrain and in a few Get the name.
Do ro th y Ma uck, '20 Editor in ·Chicf we ll chosen wo rds expressed the Alvina Amende. ' 20 Editor appr ec ia tion as well as adm irati cn Pa ul Bennett, ' 21 As sista nt Edi tor to the junior class for the splendid" Fern Ad a 111s, '21.. -\s sislant Ed it or banquet.
Raym ond Hu lle r, '2 t.. Mg'r Nellie Orclup, '21 Mg'r. Dept SIX semor gnls d istribute d ---.------ carnatJflns to each member of the
Whefl in need of quality dug 25 or tall at the Mardis Quali t y. Ser vice, Courleous Treatment with pure go o ds has built our and reputati on
I<EI'OIITrw s: junior class, and a spec ial bouq uet Ph
Esthe r Colc Scnior Olle :\label Dressler Juni or to Miss Bowen an d Mrs. Jean, as a
Wini fred Elkins SoJJhnm ore to ken of t he appreciati on ot th e
Lois Gri flin r'resh111en entire se ni or class. Id a Fredc riclt sn n Spceiab & Trai ners Let us assist yo n in securi ng a be tt er p osi
w·Jr Tl expe ri ence we ar e qualified to gi ve efficient Ee r vice. No
1 tam lomas Y :\'1. C. ,.; Estes Park Meeting
Am :v Ad a nt s v. w. c. A· ro llm en t FEE n ecess ar y. Writ e for informat ion \'anZant Girl s Cl ub The Y. M. C. A. had a very I SA BINS' EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE Philomathean uni q ue me e ting la st Wednesday I A. M. M. DORNON, Ma na ge r e a Drnmatic Club eve ning. Snap sh o ts taken at Es tes Flynn B ui ldi ng Des Moines. lowa P_ar k, Co lo rado la st Jun e by the I eig ht een boys that were there were p · , Bl
... No artic les accepted after R o'cl ock shown upon th · 'M' eruvJans. iiG il nut :\ l onda,· m orn in '· 1:! sc r ee n m ISS • • -·-__:_. __ g Clark's room. lt was quite 1 The questton IS not We mannfttcture this The Annual Sen'o Ch 1 lik e a trip to Este s. F ir st we sa w! "Ar·e you gni ng to get a 1 (Continu ed rrom p::.-1 Picturesofourtrip.o utth ere, SaJer.)" i WOHd infO e!'\pCCl• matrimonia l fate s of "The of r oc ks, and BUT 1 a ll _l' fur Fascina ting Faculty Fe ll ows." nver s. A littl e later pictu r es ! ",\re ynu going to get ! Training, dir e ct Act V. Wh ereShalll PutWhom ? sh ow in g som e of oursiJort s an dl ,he !'lervices 1 to !'o.Chuol!'\. Cu rly rep resented thepr es irl ent games, and lastlypicturesof the detnaud." ! . hand lin g th e di ffic ulties of the conFerence leaders and so me of the with Ul'i and get ! Me.e.k Lumb eiP Eo r ece nt coa l short age. Th e climax mee tings. As pictures wer e s hown l top. I wa s re a ch ed when th e worth y ex- , th ey were e xplai nea by th e boys ec utiv e retired to his "private Iwho had hee n there. Slid es of Stewart's School Service swea rin g booth" for a littl e rl:!li ef Estes Park songs we re thrown upon W. T DAV ;S , '06. Ma r: 1-1 1 I of so ul. thE: sc r ee n a nd all join ed in si ng 1:-{8 12th st, Li ncoln. Nebr.;
Act VI. As We Knew Them ing them Eac h one who had been ·--- j Baseml:'nt Fi s her 's Drug S to re Best. ta E stes Park were aske<1 to te ll Btlr·ber Shop 1 First-class Workm e n. Yo ur Patr on In character is in gly true, ;:.o met h of what he got o ut of it M i 1st Pa d HasemPnt I age So Ii ci red. som e of our facult y friend s appear- All ag-reed that the trip was wel l I ALL \\OUK FIRSTCLASS C. P. SCOV ILL Pr op. ed. Mr. Shouse, aft er vi go rou £: wo rth while, many saying it i b h Full line of Toil e ts on hand / e ll ' rnging ma de a typ i cal chapel was wort a sem es t er 's wo rk in announcement. Mr . D elzell, n ot e- col le_g-e. A. W. CHASE, Prop. I b ook in ha nd, told hi '> best funn y From now until Jun e Peru mU!:t story to Mr. Pau l. Or. House, th t:> hoost for Estes Pa rk. ·Tal k it up OUr line Of COrrect i in sp iring mu si c-master, Mi ss Mutz, anrl go. No one ha s ever r eg re tt ed , I do in g a bit of colorful painting, go ing. _ .,. \ Miss Bowen, teach - - 13 y box or pound. Ju st t he I in g Frenc h by the "direct Y. W. C A. 1 thing- for thRt Birthday Prese nt m eth od," all wer e as Iaro-e as 11fe Th ey w · 1 d 1 I ,., s atten ed a ve rv NOnMAL ST and twice as na tural. · b ., " 0 E le m_eet in g· last Thur sday
To Mi ss Mauck and her able cnm - eve nm g. M1ss Nettie McC arro ll mi ttee is due th e c rtdit for thi s dire cte d an u nu s ually g-ood mu si ca l! uniq ue pr og ram. · h h program w1t t oughts a nd sc rip. I M · - tur e r efe rences on " Thi nJ.!s necesJSS Alma Ludwig, 19 17, who h b sa ry to make UJ s oul winners " as een t eachin_g- at Twin F al ls. Idaho, h as rec e ntly been re- elec ted Mi ss Ji'e rn Jon es sa ng ''Th ere is t a Green Hill, " and Miss An n G il or next yea r at a sal ary of $166 0. be rt sa ng "Littl e Boy Blue." Mi ss H. H. Linn, class of '1 6, Alice G ilb ert play ed an in s trumenwas 1 ece ntly re-el P.cted at Craig, tal so lo. at a sa la ry of $26 00. Li zzie Schel- 1 Next Thursd ay Mi ss ko tf , 1913, is principa l of th e high tell us of th e work of 1ch oo l at a sa lar y of $1500. Week '• Club."
Clela nd wil l th e "Eig ht
Inez Longfe ll ow, who is teaching at Dawso n, atte nd ed the b anquet Friday night.
Nellie McAu ley ca me up from Fa ll s City to a tt e nd the ba n quet a nd visit with home fo lks.
Maude La wrehce, 191 4. has recently been r e- elec ted at Mo rrill Kanass wi th a 50 pea<'ent increa se:
Pr se id e nt Rou se is in Linc oln thi s week atte nding th e board of e duca tion m ee: in g.
Lou is R. Kilze r, 19 15, has bee n r e-e lected sup e rintend e nt at Hatavi a, I owa, at a sa lary of $1600. He is leav in g the prof ess ion to en te r ot her bu s in es s.
B.lan che Jimmerson, cla ss of 1916, , htgh Rchoo l pr in c ip als hi p, Fairfield , $1600.
Calend ar. Reg ular Eve nts. I Week ly. I
Fr ed I.. Stoddard, 19 15, who has Mis s Id a V. Clark, 191 8, who been principal of th e hi gh scho ol JS t eac hin g in A lli an ce, is to be at Boe lu s, ha s re centl y b ee u elected penmanship t eac h er there next to the of that yea r at a salary of $1350 / place at a s al ary of $2 000. This is We had th e pl easure of ha v in g an $8 00 in cr ease o ver hi s sa lary as the following mid yea r grad uat es of principal. the se nio r class with us at the banquet: Mis ses Helen Will iams, Erma Wilson, Mary Ca ldw e ll, Barhara Schovill, Ethe l Gund e rson.
Monday s, Ch orm;, 5:4 0 to 6: 15. Orche s tr a, 7:30 to 8: 15. I Tuesday s, G irl s' Glee Club , 8 :1 5 to 9. Boys ' Gl ee Club, 7:30 to 8 :15 Band, 815.
Jacob Sc h ott, 1911. is coach of the at hl et i cs of Salem, Or ego n, high thi s year . He r ecen tly won the state cham pi onshi p of Orego n by the narrow ma rgin of
Wednes day s, Choru s, 5:40 to 6: 15. Orch estra, 7: 30 to 8: 15. Y. M. C. A. , 8 :1 5. Th ursdays, Y. W. C. A., 7:15 to ! 8 :1 5. Girls' Glee Club, l 8: 15 to !:1. Boys ' Glee Clu b I 'I 7:30 to 8: 15. Ba nd , 8: 15. I B. I •-monthly.
Miss Rose B. Cla rk h as a prom- 12 to II. The ga m e> was play ed in inent place on th e Nebraska Acade- hi s home town The hi gh sc hool Student Counci l of Girls' Club. m 1 of Scie nce program The acade- Clarion devotes a full page to The Monday evening before the my me ets w ith Doane Co ll ege , Coa ch Schott's triumph. Seco nd Tuesday of eac h month and 1
April 30 and Ma.v 1. Mi ss Clark 's 1 eve>ry two weeks th e reafter at 9:00 I M. L. McL ean, 1916, has re>- p m to pic is "A Scie ntific Study of CPnt ly b ee n 1 t d · I · · re·e Pc e s up e rmt en- Seco nd Fnda Ph I th 8 Cz echo -Slova ki a." d t f th Ch . h h 1 Y. J oma ean,
Tailor and Cleaner
I en ° e a!le county 1g o'clock. Fourt h Frida y ! Lunch Room Cathe rin e Ke ll y.' _19 17 who ha s schnn l a Imp e ri al, at a salary of Philomath ean, 8 o'cloc k. 'I ''Let thet·e be Light" been . nor ma l tra mm g teacher a_t $2!i0 0. He is sP nding a numb Pr 1 W e have a ni ce l in e of El ec tric Harva rd, was recPn tl y compll- of h is gr a du att's to Pe ru fp r the 1 Mont hl y. 1 me_ nt e_d by_ an elect_ion to the , s choo l. In a r ece nt !Pt te r 'l e_cond Tu es day, Girls' C lub, 11: 50. 1 Lam ps, F la s hli g ht s and Batte ri es. pnn ctpalshtp of the ht gh ec h ool at i he says , "On c hau tauqua tr ip la !:' t F.rst Wednt>s day, Dramatic, fl. I of $ 155 0 _T hi s is a j su mm er I vi s itPd eigh t een ci ti es IFir st Sa turda y, J. U. G. , 8. ! Safety Ra_zo rs and Blades, mcrease, and a d ec td t> d promotJGn 1and tr avel ed 1800 0 mi les I found 1 • 1 1 Poc ket Kntves and Man ual Trammg for Mi ss Ke ll y. IPe ruvi ans in eve ry c it y. I al ways I Specta l Eve nts. Hard wa re. The se niors had charge of regu - heard favn r able r ep ,1rts co n ce rn i ng Apr il 16, Boys' GleP. Club tr ip. I Buy yo ur g rto ds in Peru. lar chapel Wedn Psday. Mi ss Doro - tht-ir work " Apr d 17 , Y. W. C. A. pa rty. 1\-\a ckprttng's Hardware th y Ma uck wa s chairma n of thf I I l d't · t th 1• t hi' h d 1 • n ar 1 1o n o e 1s pu 1s e comm i tte e that p lan ne d the pr o- 1 t k h f 11 · · I as wee 1 e o nw 1n g semo rs gram It was a r ea l en te rtainm e nt h ave h ee n elec led tn position s fo.r; fo r th e s turl e nr s It is prob a bl y n ex t year: lnrii a Hulburt, David I good f or th e fa cu lty to "s ee o ur -1Ci ty, d epa r tm e nt al. $10u0; S. H. selves as ot he rs see us." ICopenhav t> r. man ua l tn1 ining- a r. d i
J A. Wooda rd , 190 6, wh o ha s 1 athl e ti c c oa c·h. O re! hi gh sc h no l, 1 bfe n pr in c ip al of th e county hig-h 118 00; Ti ll y Home Eco- 1 sch oo l at Mil e!! City, Monrana , for nom ic!', Newrra n Gr ove, $112 5; 1 the la st tw o years, h as r ecc'n tl y! El la We a rh erhug-g- En gli sh -and bee n elected p rin cip al nf th e co unty I his t ory , E nd1 co tt h ig h schoo l, high school at Bosl· man, Montana. , $125u; Mr s. Luln G D wye r, at a sa!a ry of $36 00 , plus moving s eventh gra de, City, 1
expe nses Mr . Woo da r d' s f ri en ds J 1$ LO OO; Ma ude Wri gh t, kindt.r- 1 he re w ill re joice in hi s good gar te n, L ong Pin e, $12 0u ; H elen I f or tun e. Cn ug ratulation s to th e I Ta ylo r. thirri a nd ftJurt h sch o" l childr en of Rosema n. \ w1th pe nm ansh i p, Maso n C it y, $9 90; 1
you bu)' from uu Cilll hnuw th<1t )OU i'!rt! rhe bc!'\t. We Gut1rc::an 1ee i. If 'flU !"lhuuld a ny arth le here rhar hn!"i nor rh c:: quality it should "t! "i'lnt c::an f'te uppu r runit _,. tn make it r· h!ht.
The Chatelain Jewelry Store
Watch e s, L locks. dewelry. Founta in Fens. School Supples.
Sc hool and Socie t} Pin g and Ring s Pennant s, Fla s hlights and Supp lies
We rPp ai r pt-n s, watchPs , jewelry and Will ord er any thing we do n't have an d sa ve yo u mon ey.
•J. LHr\ . Peru. l"ehr.
(Continu ed rrom Firat
"T he Piay," a ntici paled by Profe sso r Del ze ll reviewed th e var ious
The me nu served in f our cour ses In c id ent s of the year. Mr Del· wa s unsur pa ssed. Each cou rse in ze ll was in his usu al happy fr ame poi nt of qua li ty, daintiness of se r- of mind and wrun g many h earty vice and ric h, de lici ous flav or left laug hs from t he audi ence. The n othi ng to be d es ir ed It was a show ended plea s antly, as a ll coms up erb feast : on e to delig ht th e e dies must , by the gr arlu ates g etmost exactin g, and wa s in complete ting married and li v ing ha pp ily ha rmony with the beau ty of the eve r afterward s.
The Junior Senior Banquet h al l. The e ntire menu was pre- Mrs. Dorothy Roet tger se t f orth pared by the junior and senior "The Prompter" a• th e faculty girls of the h ome eco n omic s de- that dir e cts from be.hind partment directed by Mr s Jean th e sce ne man attempt to. aml a bl y assis t ed by Mi ss Fos ter ate each s tudent to reac h h1 s hl ghThruout the s etvice of the e st possibi liti es Public senticourse s en chantiniJ musi c by the m ent was also hum orously r ep reNorm al Orchestra under th e lea d- sented as a promo ter that k eeps ersh ip of Profeseor Holch blended hairpin s in s trai g ht, shoes po li sh· sw ee tly wi th the hap py, animated e:I, and les s ons properly pr epa r ed. con vers at i on of the compa ny at th e tab les. The effect of th e wh o le sett ing was mos t pleasing and will
"Between Acts" or st udent activities wa s pres ented by Mi ss Ada Huff with a f orce and wit that r ema in s tamped ind el ibl y in the cap tiv ated her he ar er s. H er po ints , m emo ri es of the joyous guests. emph as iz ed by appropr ia te s tori es ,
At the cl ose of the last cours e, received gene r ous aoo lause.
Mr Clare nc e Ch oyce ae toas tma s ter Mr . Raymond Hu ffe r, th e junior
t oo k ch ar ge. In th is capacity Mr. presiden t, po rtra yed "Th e Star " Choyce s howed a ll th e fin ish a nd as th e seni or c la!'s He pa id them J effect i veness of the sPa•o ned t oas t- . a high tr ibute 'lnd t hen just as he I master. Hi s in tr oduct i on:; to the Ihad them a lm ost elev at ed to the I toa sts were a ppr opriat e, witt y a nd I star s cleve rl y turnen the tahl es ent e rtaining. The t oas ts, dcs ign at· and bro ught th em to ear th wit h a ed as " The Pa ss ing Sh ow qf 1920 ," da s h. Thi s none by qu ie tly were arrange d as a co medy port ra y- reachin g under the table, pullin l! ing the events of th e sc h oo l y ea r. out a nd displaying th e fin e se ni or As " The Curtai n l{aiser" Mr pennant stolen 110 me months 1 go h:v Choyce arose and wi th de libera te a marauding jun i or. Th rm, th e darin g in form ed the aud ience that ' sen io rs 11at in de ep chagrin , he
I max God made men to grow no c 1 • d he a dm o nish ed eve r yo ne to an 1 k Young a nd to gr ow untt proeep l 'f b t d into that lar ger l e a ove moe
Th e only sad n ote of the eve m ng Wh en the t oas tmaster ancame no un ced that beca u se of an IOJUTY Mies Ellis would be un ab le to take her role in the play. Dist i nct disappointment and keen regr et was read on eve ry face. Mi ss E lli s ho ld s a large place in the and aff ec ti ons of the st ude nts and no soc ial ev f'nt of t hat magnitude is co ns id er ed co mpl ete wit h out her presence.
The "End of £he Play" was presented by Mr. Cho yce in t his fittin g pa raphra se : ''The play is don e; the curtain dr ops, Slow falli nl' to the promp t er's bell; A mom eot yet the acto rs s top, And look ar ou nd to say far ewe ll. It is an irks ome task in wo rd and deed;
And, whe n they've laugherl and had th eir s ay, Th ey sh ow as they remove their ma s ks, Sad hear ts as well as hearts quite gay '' "O ne word ere yet th e evening ends, Let's clos e it with a pa rti ng rhyme, And pledge a hand to se ni or fri ends , As fit s thi s me rr y f estal time. On life's wide scene we, too, hav e parts, That fat e ere long wi II bid us pla y; Good night! with hone>t ge ntle hearts
A ki nd ly gr eeting go al way."
A I together th e ban qu et was one of the mo st spl endid s r. cial occasio ns ever seen in the hi story of th e Normal As hos ts and hostesses the juni ors were unexc elled a nd wh en the se niors leave. t hey will always ho ld among the te n derest memori es of Pe ru the juni or-se ni or ban qu et of 1920
A V G N U G :: S T 0 R G
For }'our schoo l supplies
Fountuin Pens and History J.'aper View cards and Stationery in buuks with the Peru Penni1nt fruit , Candies, Groceries, Mettt '"' H.
Ph one 73 Per u, Ne br Ph one 78
Phone 56
th e pr ea rranged s ign al "pinc h'' de lib Prately wa lked ov er a nd pr efrom Miss Bowe n, the juni or spo n- ePnted it to Mr Copenhaver, the sor, had b ee n transmitt ed to hi s sen i or pr esi d ent. It is n ee dless to Th ere is no thin g th at means as much to yo ur fri ends as a ph ot ograp h s ide and that th e show say that all seniors at this point of yo ur self. In any ro om or home you .vi ii fin d photo!2'r ap hs. begin. heanil y wi s hed that Miss Peter!>o n
"The Audi en ce" depi cted by h:1d revea led the id ent ity of that Co l. T. J. Majors was r ep resented ''fifty cent word ." as th e wh ole s tate wh ich is loo king "The Villain " was depicted by to the normal sc hoo ls of Neb r ask a Mr. Copen h aver to be thP junio r I
to meet h er n eed s in thi s ed u ca- cla ss. In th is role the y ha d attain- I ti on al cr is i•. Wi th a d epth of ed sorne lit tle su cce!>s in th at th ere feeling, t oo , t hat r ea ch ed hi s hear- were a few " R1•ds" (red h eaded 1 , e rs Mr. Majors sa id th at fa r dearer folk) amo ng th em. On the ot her
to h im than any po l1 tica l prefe r- hand all the 1. W W 's (I Won 't ment which he had re ce i ved was Wor k) had been re fo rmed and in th e co ns ciousness that he, in a ge ne ra l as a v illain th ev had failed hu.mb le wa y, haJ been privileg c! d j mi ser ably Th ey not eve n' to work for the prog r ess and de- I I! Ui 1ty of tt .e rum ored cha rge pf I of the Peru Stat e No r- l "hi·.iacking" th e facu lt y's eupp ly I mal Since theda y of it s foun da t 10 n. luf booz e that r ep os ed in t he bac k He .al so th e on end of Pr e!' id e nt Rou se 's cave und er j th e1r pres td e nt anrl v1ce pre stde nt, the libe lous, un sus pect i n!l' label 1)f I sayi ng that th ey were in no se ns e " appl es." He reiterated in c lo si ng ' "t wo .f ace d." For if they we re, that they h ad f ai led anrl in sisted I he h ad it on goo d au th o rit y that that th e ca st be cha nged and that ; th ey would wear th e ot h er face. th ey be a ss igned th e rol e of ''The 1 "T he Ush er'' as re ,; pond ed to by S tar."
Mi st; Cecel ia Pete rson in h er us ua l I In "The Climax" Pres irl e nt graciou s man n er pictur ed the Rouse in hi s inimitable way wa s various fac ulty committees as th ey right at home. He hum orously dir ec t ed t he etude n ts t hru the reviewed th e eve nt s of 1920 and laug habl e i nc id e nt s, tr ials and th en rightl y dec lared that ba nqu et pe rpl ex ities r eg istration day to be the c lim ax of the who le year e nabling eac h to u lt imately find an occasion nev er to be f orgotte n: hi s proper seat. In life, howe ver, he sa id th ere is
You have so me of yo ur f ri endR , so you know h ow they are app rec iat e d. BettP. r hav e you r port ra it mad e today
Miss Sharlow' s wo rk with the
s mile and a de s ir e to "s ing his Ivo ic es in pr ese nted in a gnmrll v I,--- --, d urndes t" on the pa rt of eve ry cal solo for ba r itone, th e ai r I member of th e cl ub. Iof whi ch is t ak en up and f urther • About _one hundred twenty-five elapo r ate d in th e fi n al ch orus. j !lath er ed 1n the asse mbly ro om to \ th e c once rt. This speaks we JJ II The Tenth F es tiva l. 1 for a ga th e rin g in a s ch ool in ·'no·. N th f t' 1 f · , , , n o er ea 1va o mu s 1c in tow n s land .' with ha rdl y a h ouse N b 1 · . h • e ra <sa ha s been susta in ed cnn•n s 1g t. Fur s uch a tu rn-ot,t S upt tinu ously for ten yea rs. Dur in g- '
A. E Edling ce rtainly d ese rv es j th e pa st de ca rl e much of the most c redit, for it i !> clear ev id ence of sp lend id chor al music h as been· the s plen d id communit y SJJirit sung- in Per n, awl man y gre at voca l which is bPi ng deve lope d he re. hav e b ee n heard. Peru's Tha t is th e fun ct ion of a real com· munity ce nt e r, and Bratton U ni on is ma king (.!Ood Th e audi ent: e was a sp le ndid o ne to s in g to. and <:nc or ed th e club a num be r of tim es. The of Dr. Hou se and "S ki nny" IJ e nn ett ''to o k'' ve ry we ll an d Bur le.'' made a big hit witlr his tr ap d rum s.
r t>pu ta t io n for arti:::tic ideals and accomnl ishment has i ly grown, un til th 11 u,ands of pe ople kn ow the l ittl e cit y on th e Mi s sou ri as the 1 seat of gre at mu !> ir al e nterp ri ses I supp o rted by a l vyal and e nthu siast ic community
The Pride of Peru
One of th e gre ate!!t of Am e rican ten ors , Mr. D avis h as be en re ca ll ed Ch ic llgo Opera ha s cau sed a verita · After th e c on ce rt cam.e th e se con d to Pe ru becau se none o th er could bl e sen s atio n in the WPst e rn me- "fe -rl" of pot ato :alad, ' Th Pre is n r.> si rle of ca mpus life be fo und so we ll ada p ted to si ng ma in ta in ed with ln<H e ge nerous lov -
It has be Pn our Jl'O od nit.kl e s, meat coc o a, fi 1 · the ex a ct1ng and beaut1fu l sc o res alt\',a n rlw1th mo re prot to t1e , fort un e to secur e her fn r a recital sauc e a nd c hn co lat e ca ke Tr ea ted · .of the Swa n of th e ca ntata. , p art1c 1pa nts. th an th e numerons in Pe ru be fo re t he price of her r1!!h t !? We ll we say so! H ere s S f M r. Davis is pr obably in more I mu!>iC'al activities o rn e o o ur servi ce s hall ha ve been aclvanc ed to fifte en time!' f or Bratton U n1 on and constant ·dema nd for conc e rt a nd public ath lete s fou nrl tim e . tl Pro hi b•riv e p ror:>ortions A co m- m t- an it! We 'l l ctlme aagin. o ra tono en gagem e nts 1an any ,.. ev en durin g th e st re nuous da yR of 1 1 · · A · · f' R · i G 11 ·c · ot 1er rna e s 1nger 1n mt!nca. pa nl on ° a lsa an a ·I urcl, Th e S wa n and t he Sky la rk. f oot ba ll, to co nt ri bute th eir sh are S na rkw. Ruffe rs not hing hv G T '· b _, 1 1 j · Thi .; c ant ata ll v A. 'ur ing hom· to glee c luu. an •• anr nr cws1ra YO UNG, comp ar ison w it h th e gr eat es t uf as , is nne of th em •st T hP fi ne solo work of these an rl ot hher SI Ster artists an 1 bea utiful ch or al wo rk s evr- r er lo ya l Pe ru vians \o\-ClS a lea din g ,. · P er u v1 ans of th e )'l•ars HJ12-14
Co ntral to.
Glee Club at B ra tt.J n Union. l wr i ltP n on a sec ular !he fPa tur e 1n the hnll aan r ly will recull the f avori te local si n ge r sto ry of th e dy 1ng swan 1s re ndered ba nd and orchestra co nce rt of a f ew Tn e Me n' s Gl ee C lu b gave · 1 t. · M Iof th use da ys who th is re· i ts wi th t hr illin g p arho' Jn th e ,.,olo wee ks Now t 1a t th e ull! ay , .· , 1 turn s tu a1d 1n th e l' e sllva l proreg ular con ce rt at th e Br atton Un - tenPr pans, a gaanst the Fe ,t1val IS rl o se upon Lb t 1e'e mu · g ram. Miss Yo un g's ri ch contralto i 10 cms :>J idHed s cn ool ber wee n me lan choly harm Jrti es of th e l si cians are doi ng th t! lr bi t in the to n es wilt l.J e heard in s olo pa rts in Auburn an rl Humbo dt las t Jl'rid <Jy Th en fodows th P. soar i ng note of ! musical ent erwise of th r Tn e Swil n and the and in the lar k, int erp r et ed in brilli ant , ye ar Thi s is the ge nuine sp irit of ev c: n1ng. Patrnns of the sc h oo l came to P t> ru in cars in th e aft t- rnoon f or th e b 1ys and brou gh t them ba ck r he ,a me f•ven i ng.
In man y wa vs the conc e rt wa s on e of the b t! :> t th e cl ulJ ha -1 giv en t1i::; yea r. Bu t th e for th is ar e on ly to o o bv io us The •Jid s ayi ·. ·'Treat a m'1n r a 11 d you can him t1 do a lm os t a ny · thin g ." We ll, Bra 1t on Un aon cer t ainly put its lf out for the ho ys Tne fir st thi ng 1taa t gr t hem was a '' tic ru mp ti JU S f .- ed" tn t r. e I pr etty li t tle sc ien re r 111 m 1 on th -' fir st fl uor. A gree 11n g to I old Pe ru hung an th e for m of blue and whit e streamers fr om ce il•n g, to walls The d1nn er pre par ed by th e dom es tic sc i ence g irl s un der the capable di r ec t ion of th e ir te ac h er, Mi ss Belle Maye r. hit the right sput with everyo ne and br ought a so pran o bravuras . w ith is s tirnn g co- ope ra tion and will roun t later cal l to life and joy At. th l:! close, i in oth er en terpr ises th at malu• th em rh t: s ym bJ ii s rn uf th e C,l ntr a ;; ting Ja 1n lif e.
conce rt so nl{ s uf her o wn select ion.
Cla ss of 1895 Reuni on, D el inl tl! arrange nH: nt s arc be ing madt- tur sliv er anni ve rs ary of t. ne uf '!:! 5. Practically all the rnem be n; of th e c las s w il l be h c:r e We<· i< Th e li st of th e nam es and kno wn ad dr esses of this cl ass wa s in our i :;sue uf March :31. t hat time the co rr tct addr ess of F1a nk Bee(Jl , is kn o wn. Il e is th e h t. ad of t he depa rtnunt of th e S mit h-H ug hes sc h oo l, at Wa ve rly' s b1g con so lidated s ch oo l. lt wi ll be 1n rere s t1 ng to l<n ow th at hi s team won first sta te honors in state jud g in g contes ts. E. 0. Ga rr ett iR st ill wi th the Ame ri ca n Book Co. , with headqu a rt ers at Ce dar R apid ;;, i owa
H OMER C. HOUS E, Di recto r
Entered at th e Postoffice at Peru, Nebr as ka as secon d-cl ass ma tte r.
THE PERU NORMA.LITE bid •nd Cec i li a -we ll , we didn't su p pose a ucti onee r Randall could be br i bed , butsom e how tho se folks do m anage.
Publi shed Weekly by the Peru Slate Norma l
$1.00 per ye at·. S in gle co py 5 cts.
Dor o thy Mauck, '20 Edit or-in·Chi d
Alv in a Am end e. ' 20 Erli to r
Pa ul Benn ett, '2 1. 1\ ss istant Edi to r
Pr og rams , listin g the th ne big ev e nt s of th e eve ni nl' wer e pa ssed. The first of th ese ev e nts was "Advertisements," which s avored slightly of an intelligence tes t. But as the gi rls began to rec og nize
fami l iar friends, s uch as "J ont ee t," "ca lor ite," and "Cutex" and as the "A rr ow" man was gr eeted by the boyil , the pr ess ur e lift e d.
Rush em Un iver si ty, Brush College, K. U. , and Bratton Uni on Co ll ege were th e fo ur sch o ol s re pFern Ada ms, ':! !. Ass ist an t Edi to r r ese nt ed at th e tr a ck m ee t. Th e
lby mo ud llu fTe r, '21. :-. Jg 'r 1 running·high-squ eal was Equ eal ed
Nellie Orelup, '2 1 i\ lg' r. :\J ai lin g Dep t.' by K. U. Ru s hem Univer sity won
the pot sh oo t. Carl R os ey captured Co le the pole vaul t for Bru sh Coll ege ,
i\l abc l Drcss ler Juui or and Brat ton Union s till t hinks that Winifr ed Elkiu s So phom ore her baw ler, Mr Paul Be nn e tt Lois Gri fli u Irl:-t Fr ed cr icl<so u Spec ials & rl ese rv ed first place in th e Willi am Th o 1n as y M. c. :\. baw l g am e.
W hen in need of quality groceries, 25 or call at the Mardis Quitlity " er v ice, Courteous Treatment with pure J!Ou ds ha s b uilt our business and reputatit1n
Amy Ad :11 ns Y. w. 1' i\ · Motivated fo ll o wed ro llm e nt F EE n ecess ary. W rite for inform a ti on
ll elc n Van %ant Gi rl s Cluh Motivat ed? Y es , if the boy s won SA BINS' EDUCATJONAL E XC HANGE
:\li ce Gla SJ! OW . Phil oma thcan h I
Dell a \V ca th cr hogg Oramati c Cluh t e gi r s had to se ek part ners for
Rose :\lilkr .. f. t..: r;.
Hil clc!!:t rd Ycck , Physical Scim.cc Cluh
A. M. M. DORNON, Mana g er Fl y nn Bui !ding D es Mo in es . lo wa
No nt·ti clcs a ccep ted aft er 8 o'c loc k re fr es hm e nt s; if the girl s wo n, I cu stom would n ot be brok e n. A do ll a r, a ca n and an e ar made e rr u vfians! Black Wa ut :\ l ou rl ay tllorn in g-. "b u cca nee r." The "Cro ok" di s-1 Th e qu e!" ti on f · dl' 1 • ne tn c:Jn n c:J Ct ure thtS gut se 11mse lf by turnm g ht s coat "Are you JZ0 1 111,! to Jlel a I
Wh a tP artDoesPeruS.S.Get out, but wa sjg uu d Stll·e r) " WO (! d into e !'lpe d· !::i hould Pe ru and o ur si ster Nor-dt sco ve red The sco re proved th at B UT a II.) !" u j red fc Jr Man IH:al mals in so me wa y be bene fitt ed by th e re wa s no n ee d to brea k cu st iJm 1· . th e mi !l ions of do llars bei ng rais ed Yet t hat grand march, s ur ely in " .\ re ) o u t:! Oi n g get I rtl i 11 i 11 I d j rel..t by the I nte r Ch urch World Move- t hat , long s tanr!in g were lh e h e!-<t y our ment? We do not mean in su pport broken do wn. On e th ou ght one t: a II de 111 a II d." j of th esc h oo l but in s upp or toft he wa sgo ing to ha ve ac e rt ai np e rH on .E nt·ull with and get ! Meek 6umber> €o. chur ch es a nd SJ nday sc ho ols of for . a partner, but one thought t top., Pe ru which ar e doing s uc h s plen dict : agam Th e were fine Slewarl s Sc h oo l Service ! work for the s tudents. IJur s tat e I Bi_ll Thoma s es peci a ll y liked the i W. T DA Vl S, ' 0(). M ;;m ; f' J I BAR BE R Al\0 BATH n ee ds pr ea cl1 e1·s d ·t · · h thtrd co ur s e. l: 'P J 2tl l st , L. · an 1 ts ng t that :oo tn coln. Ne br. 1 a large amoun t of thi s money bei ng Th e ex pect ed " wink" e nd ed on e -· __ Ba!' eme nt Fif'h er 's Dr ug- Store rai se d sho uld go to su ch s ch oo ls as of th e best parti es of the ye ar. Cht1!-'e':!'t Bttr bet· Yuu r Pat t on Ha s tin gs Cot ner G rand Is land M'l d !J I age Soltclt ed. D ' · 1 st Pa ,ase m t> nt oan: Wesleya n, wh ose gr ea t "Music. I yi e ld to th ee ;
function ts th e ''pr eac her train - As s wimm er to th e st>a 1
ing." Th ese sc h oo ls ce rtainl y nee d I I g iv e my sp iri t to th e floo d of I l•' u ll li ne of To il l:' ts on ha nrl
hel p. But th e to wn s of our s tat e I so ng: A. W. C HA S E, P ro p. ar e al so sact ly in n ee d of tra in ed Be ar me up on th y br east , I Sunda y sc hon l t eac hPrs Th e lo cal [n rnpture anrl at r es t, our line of correct of Pe ru have fo r yea rs Ba th e me in p ur e deligh t an d. • I ratn ed hu ndr eds of t t" a£ hers fo r mak e me s tr ong:
Statl(\nary I Sund ay sch oo l wo rk, without mu ch Frl)m s trtfe a nd s tru gg le By th t-- bnx or po unrl. Ju st th e help from st.ate org anization s. Is relea se , it right tl t 1 1 / thin g- fn r th 11 t Birthtla u Pr ese nt 1a o ur oc a c hurch es l.J e And draw th e waves of pa ss ion int o J asked to do nate to sup po rt ti ae,; of pea ce ers' trainin g sc h oo ls wh en th e.v I Mu sic, in th ee we fl oat and fu se n ee d fun ds for Su nrla y 1 lh e lon ely note I s ch oo l te ach ers tratntng wu rk here. Of sel f in th y c t' les ti al c1 d . p or ere I tn e ru.
Y. M Y. W. Pilrty of April17. "Now e ver yb ody mak e as lour! a noi se as you can. One, two, thre e? " Why no one di d mak e a noi !;C , ll!' k Mr. Gab e l.
Hand s (a nd the fair lad y attached to th e hand) were auct ioned off. "G rifT" wa s th e last man to
Until at las t we find
Th e I i fe to love resi g ned ln harm o ny of j oy r e3 tor ed I again;
And songs that ch ee red our mortal day s
Break on the co ast of light in e nd .' less h ymn s of prai se .' ' I -Van Dyk e.
Eight Weeks C lub. Do you kn ow about th e Eight Wee ks Cl ub '? We do, be ca u se we were at Y. W. last Thu rsctay evenin g. Mi ss Clela nd s ur ely g av e us info rmation th at it wo ul d h ave taken us ho ur s to h ave g ot t en in any ot her way.
Th e motto of th e c lub i11 Do Ye Next Th ing; wa tch wo rd, O th ers; co lor, tru e b lu e. Th e qu a lifi cat io nR necessary for on e to org ll ni ze a c lub are: That Hh e oe a go od le ad er hav e an ab und ance of e nthu si as m: be sy mpa th e tic, p ossess or ig inali t y, an d have a bil ity to do
At the m ee t in g of the No rm al boa rd slat w &e k, f ull length scr ee n i! were ord ere rl pl aced in th e e nti re dorm i tory.
Prof B. L ou is Go odyea r of Bat tl e Creek. Mi ch. ,' has bee n se c ur ed fo r voi ce work for th e su mm er schoo l. Prof essor Go odyear h'as ha d man y years e xpe rie nce as a vo ice in s truc t or. He is a soloist of wid e re pu t ation. He has h ad a gr e at deal of ex peri e nce in ch oru s and glee cl ub wo rk. Mr. Good yea r wi ll be a di s tinct addi-
se cond g rad e, Ruth Wo lford, fir st I g rad e, a ll Platt s mouth, $ 1000 each; Ro se Mill e r, La t in , Ohi o wa, $ 112 5;1
Mr s. Glady s Ste phen sr n, interme diat e, Pe ru, $900; Ge o. A. Medske r, su pe r in te nd e nt, Cook, $1600.
Ca lendar. R eg ul ar Eve nts. Wee kly. Mo nd ays , Chorm;, 5 :40 to 6:1 5. Or ches tr a, 7: 30 to 8 :15. Tu es day s, G irl s' Glee Club, 8 :15
to 9. Boys ' Gl ee Clu b, 7: 30 tion to our mu sic forc e. I to 8 :1 5. Band, 815. Tailor and Cleaner Miss Cleland al so told us h ow to or ga ni ze, di v id e the work and conduct t he mee tin gs . She wil l or ga nize a cla ss to s tudy thi s work more f ull y. Wh y not be one of th e g irl s to join th e class?
Mr s. J. M. Bu sh, Mr s. Oscar
Webe r, Mr s. G. Mugl cr and da u g- ht.er Ju lia. all of Nebraka C ity , wer e at th e Gockley home Th ursday. Th ey vi sited th e NormHI in th e a ft e rno o n.
Mr. John F. Wint er s. class of We dn es days , Choru s, 5:40 to 6 :15 .1 1878, has so ld hi s hom e in Li ncoln Or ches tra , 7: 30 to 8 :15. Y.l and boug ht a s pl e ndid r es idence M. C. A ., 8 :1 5. I PHOH E 6.21 and s ma ll lemon and or ange or cha rd Th ur sdays , Y. W. C. A., 7 :1 5 to! at Whitt ier, Ca lifornia , and has 8 :1 5. G ir ls' Glee Club, _ _ s hi pp ed hi s go od s th ere. and aft er 8: 15 to U. Bo ys ' Glee C lub, I June 1, be 60 1 7: 30to8 :1 5. Ban d,8 :1 5.
North Painter S t. , Whitti e r, Cal i· Bi-month ly. fornia. Whit tier is a s uburb of St u de nt Co unci l of Girl s' Club. AND Lu nch Room L os and r.as trolly co nn ec -j Th e Mond ay eve nin g before th e tion s wit h that cit y. We tru st. Mr. Seco nd Tu esd ay of each month and • Wint ers wi ll spe nd his last co m· eve ry two we ek s th ereafter at 9:oo ! 'm encement at the olo sc hoo l. He p. m. j
Fl oyd T. Doa ne was recently is u su a ll y )l ere.
Se cond Fr id ay, Phi loma th e an, 81 ''Let t he re be Li ght" ele ct ed pr ofe ss or of c hemi s tr y, Mi ss Lois Hacker was rece ntl y o'cl ock . Fo ur th Frida y, 1WE ha ve a ni ce lln e of El ec tri c Wesleyan Uni ve r sity. Mit che ll. S. in v it ed to go to N t> br a!! ka Cit y, Ph il oma thean, 8 o 'c lo c k. Lamp s, F la s hli gh ts an•ct
April 24. G irl s co unci l party. • Hardwa re
The Chatelain Jewelry St ore
Watch e s, Ciocks. dewelr>y. f ounta in Fens. Statione.r>y Schoo l Su pp 1e s.
Sc ho ol a nd Soc iety P in s and Rin gs Pe nnants, Flas hlights and Su pplie s
D Mr Doa ne is we ll pr ep ar ed anrl r ea d before th e Ea g- les ' ca rn i- Monthl y. Bat teries. for th e wo rk an d Wf: b esp e ak fori va l, as pa rt of on e of the ir ev e n1n g Second Tu esday, Girl s' C lub, 11 :5 0. · him s ucc ess fr om th e fi rst day.'I pr o)! r an .s. Af ter th e pro p: r am she Fir st We dn es day, Dramati c, R. Safe ty Ra zo rs a nd Blades, Skates, Arth ur Longfe ll ow wi ll be in wa s pr esent ed with a sub stan ti al Fir st Sat urda y, J. U. G., 8. Pock et Kni ves an d Ma nu al Tr aini ng P I I Har dwa re. e ru for summer scho ol_ to ch e ck as a token of l h r. appr ec ia· Sp ec ial Eve nt s. j' co m pl ete hi s wo rk for bi s A. B. tion of th e ma nagem en t of the c<J r· April 23, Philo. Buy yo ur go ods in Peru. degr ee. He ha s r ecen tl y been, ni va l In r efe re nc P. to h P. r app ea re le cted h ea d of t he comme rci al j the re, th e C1ty Pre ss departm e nt , Hobso n. Mont a na at ! say s: '' Mi ss H ac ker of Pe ru, an, a sa larv of $2 000 Thi s is an in - el ocut ionost, en te rta ine d the audi -; creasP of ove r 7 pe rc t> nt. ence w ith se veral se lec tio ns, whi ch 1 At ch ap oJ Thur :; day , 1 were we ll re C! e iv ed and high ly ! Brow n ta lk ed ab ou t th e pnm ary Ia pp r ec iat ed .'' ; elec ti on which occu rred thP. Tue s-, Th e fo ll ow in g- el!' ction s have tak - I day fo ll ow in g. He said he ' wo uld en p lace th e pas t we e k: Mary n'l l. tell us how to vo te, hut how to P eas e. '17. ki nci Pr ga rt !' n an d fir st vnt e the way we wanted to vot e" g ra de , Osceo la. $ 10 0 0; Cece li a i Af ter gi vi ng a hi s tor ical review P ete rson, do m es ti c scie nc e,
We repair p l' ns, j ewe lry a nd an y thi ng we don 't have and save you mon e y.
Will ord er of su ff r age in th e U S. and in Ne- C lo ud, Mat ti e Mil es , fif th 1 Peru. braska Pr 11 f es- or Br ow n e xpl a in ed Bl oomfi eld. $1 150 ; Dag mar 1 === ========================== .J CH ATELA IN. the u se of th e ba llot and e nd ed Ma g- n eso n, unassigne d, Omaha , wi th a wi ttv s ummi ng up of the $1400 ; Els heth l{oes sle r, una ss ig n- 1 1 candi da tes for tt. e co m· 1ed: F'ay 1n g ele ct ion. \ th1r d grad es , Pran ces Fau ll\ne r,
When you bu\ from us ) uu C<:tn know th<1t )' OU i'lre the We G uarnntee ir. If .} ou j!t:t a ny a ,. t i "- I e h e r e t h a r h <• n o t r h t: q •• n I i t Y it shou ld "e \\ tlllf an i mmt: ,d iup p ort un it \ to m ake ir d !! h t.
u 1111
Wednesday, May 26, 1920
10:00 A. M. Swan and Skylark. Soloi sts- --- Myrna Sharlow, Chi c ag o; Etta Young, Omaha; Frederick So uthw ick, New York; Ernest Davis , New York. 3 p. m. Artist Recital =--- M iss Sharlow. 8:15 Grand C oncer t
Bari to ne
-, I se r ved It was a real g irl!;' party, _}\ I cr-'\_ 00 00 j a nrl when the li gh ts wi nked, as dorm li ghts al way s ri o, th e gu es ts fo rr your s cho o ex pre ss ed tht>ir appreci at ion in tru e Peru sty le -fif t ee n r ahs for th e se co nd floor gi rls. j So- I
We're strong for Old Mt Vernon 1 !Fountain Pens and hi.l!h Histo ry Puper
View cards a nd Stat i oner.).. in b uu ks wi th the Peru Penn ant 1An d for do rmitory li fe; IFre sh
No lim e for ge ttin g lone some, C an die s, Coo kie!"' , G nH.:edc:-., ,\-at"' H. U. LAN [l) O ]'9
No tim e for fee lin g blue, 1 I
For wh ether 'tis study hours or not Ph o ne 73 Peru, Ne br. Phone 78
Th er e's alwa ys somethin g to do. / ==================== =========
It may be ju!'t a neighb or I
Who comes to b or ro w a book; i . .
Pho ne 56
It may be a· h it of t wo s ing" 1Th ere 1s n othing that means as m uc h to you r fri e nd s as a ph otog raph
In so me conven ie nt noo k; I of yo un,el f. In any room or home yo u w ill f ind pho t(J gra ph s.
It may be fu dge or a feed 1
With uk elele anrl song; 1 I I
Mr Southwick, on e of Hut it 's alwa ys O ld Mt. Ve rn on New Early morn and a ll day lon g.
Yo rk 's pr om inent vocali s ts , is And wh t:' n No rmal day s are over, of a powe r fu l a nri beauti- And we're f ar from Olri Pt:>ru, fu l barit o ne voice. Hi s sing1ng is Th l• do rm we' ll alway s rememb er in th e last degr ee arti s ti c. He 1 With a fe e li ng ev er tr ue.
IYou hav e some of yo ur fri en rl·, so ) ou kn ow ho w they are app re ciat e ci. Be tt P. r have you r portrait m ad e today
PERU, N E:BR. w ill be hea rd in th e cantata a nd 1 We'll remember the g ir ls we met
in the ge nera I concE> r l. I a nd lov ed; jWc 'll e ac h jo ll y time; Good T1me <lt Mr. Vernon. , And de ep 1n ou r he art s w ill remain
If you'v e eve r li ved in a girl s' 1 a s pot do rmitory , yo 11 can we ll un•lers tand For M L. Vern on - .v o ur ho me and that an e xtra g oo d ti me is an t ici - min e. pate d wh en all th e ![ iri s get 10- .ge th er f or a "j nll di r atiun ., On I meanin g of s ong goes d t-e p. last Frid ay ni g ht th e secn nd fhnr Who IS there that In log i ca l wu rd ,; g irl s e nt ertai ned th o,: c 11!1 lir st a nd can e xpr ess th e e ffl•ct mu :: ic ha:: on u ,: '! A kin d of inarti c ulat e. Ull - third to an "in f orma l" fo rm t.l par ty in th e rl orm d inin g r oo m But a dr n1n g ro om it was no lon j!e r when th e d oors op ened [n eig ht o'cl ock In st ead, a r erep 1ion hnll wit h chai rs arrangP d ag ai ns t th e wa ll and the ,·ictro la in the ce n te r sed!! Y ou kn ow what th at me an s. Ev ery on e e nj oyed th e Vir gi nia reel to the t un e of " Turkfa thoru h bl e :' J) !:' I!'Ch which lead s us lt• th e !:'d ge of th e i nlinit e a nd ltt s us for mome nt s gazeout int ot hat " I -Car ly le '
ey in th e Str aw .'' al ·o th e de liciou s punch and wafers so ge ne rou sly Mi ss Ma ry McC ui g, a g radu ate of th e No rmal. d ie rl at the hom e of her Mrs. S. S Wil so n, at Ne brmka City, We rln t>s day. Th e old er r es idents of Pe ru, who wi 11 reme mb er her we ll , will lear n with I r eg ret of her pa ss in g a w ay (
Spe cial Ch apel Was Held for Th at Purpose W ednesda y, April 22 II
Ev eryb od y k new · there was. g oin g to be so me thin g do in g at the chape l when th e bi g be ll began to rin g at 11 :30 , and no bo dy wa it ed to bea r the "Pr of." say ·.'C la ss excused !' ' but g rabbed hi s b oo ks and hat and ran . Wh y? Becau se th e Peruv ia ns we re to be so la and it was neces sary to be th e re on time
Entertained by its Pre s ident and ita
The cou nc i I me mb ers have been loo kin g forw a rd for wee ks to the ti me whe n th er were to be entertain ed by th e pr es i de nt and th e Ispons or of th e cl ub
So, alth o th e wea ther was not id eal , Sa tur da y evenin g foun d a ll th e pr esent cou nc il me mb ers, a nd som e of th e c harter coun cill ors of la st ye ar, at Mi ss Ellis ' pretty rooms , where th ey we re r oya ll y I en te rtaine d.
I Th e gu es ts wer e: Mi sses Ka th erin e Sc hill, Ada Miles , He!P.n Va nSant , Ola Buc kin g ham, Sal z' man, Luc il e Randol , Net tie McCarro ll, E th el Harmon, Dag mar Magn eso n, Alvin a Am ende , Dag mar Bon de , Leah C ul we ll , A lm a Gri ffi n, Mabe i Root, Hope · Le wi-s- and Mfs. ' Stephenson. Th e m embe rs of last
year who wer e prese nt we re Doroa ll ot us "ge t int o th e j!a me" was
Th e se niors ye l led and the sophs ye ll ed and th e jazz ba nd playe don! that ba nd ! And the ju ni ors! That's wh at caus ed the sens ati on, -that juni or s tunt. Th e re was tense an xie ty on e very se ni or's cou n ten ance wh en he behe ld th e jun io r sectio n-vaca nt! Th e joke was on the who h ad pla nn ed R " roa ri ng good" "pe pp y'' chap el hour,-an d th en to have the juniors in th e ir gay att ir e ma rch in and take ch arg e f.; r a w hil e and m ak e I
========= thy Roe ttger, E rma Wilson an d enough to ma ke th e senior" and else wh er e. If any annu al But now les t our read ers of non· • Mrs Al ys Co ttle. Li nni e Re icke r unti l th ey cr ied. ev en if we did ' · · wo uld be a tr eas ur ed k ee psa ke to: se nse shoul d tire. was ex pected , but was un a ble at th e feel a li ttle as if th ey'd put o ne th e Pe ru via n alu mni, it will be· We p ass on. to Da u- last to be present. ove r on us! If a fellow di d r. 't ""an t p hin and Dwy er. Eve ry mome nt was f ull of fun to fe el happy he wo uld h ave had th e 1920 a nnu a l. A f ew boo ks have T f . I mal'de ns now • , wo a1r lov e y re p- If ci ne was lucky in ch oos in g num· t 'l aw ay from chape l t ha t 1 bel.! n r ese rv ed fo r th e alu mm. So, ,,. · I ·f 1 II d . 1 resent "', ber s, a most wonde rf ul f ortune mornin g. n "l w, 1 . y ou. a umm rea Y es lre .a They 're Eri s man ancl Emm e rt, tru e await ed he r. But also, so mtl who P ro fes;; or Rec k t ol d us mi g hty i Ann ual, t i se n io rs, yo u s ee had care ful ly pl a nn ed th e ir fut ur e good reas on s lor buy in g a Pe ru- h es ita te to pu t Jn you.r or der ng ht Fa ulkner an d F is he r are not far were sadly' disill ulli one d. then Mi ss Bowe n r ecal led a way. You.r le tter maY, 1 behind , In another r oo m th e gu es ts we re man y of thi s ye a rs even ts which but s til l, yo u m ay be JU St 1n . Th ey 'r e cl eve r and witty, go od-confr o nted by an ar r ay of baby ar e reco rrl ed in th e annu a l. Pre s- Itim e to get th e las t o ne Exce pt : h ea rted a nd kind · pi c tu r es were to ld to pick out id e nt Ro use spo ke of th e Pe ru v ian by a ge nmn e leather back, th e G's for Grant Gr iffit hs a nd G il- th e ir fe ll ow co un cill ors. As a • 1 • binding can't be bea t· it has silk l· ' . ' m re a t1 nn to the whole sch oo l; and 1 • ' • Lert an d Gnm es, sou ve mr, ea ch one was gi ven a li fe th f D I b II re inf orce ment in side ba nd an d th e G . ffi en ·r10 es so r elze l set th e a , ' . ,Gapen a nd r1 n t ru e blue at ali ibook c·ont a mm g very 1mport ant II · h · 1 11 · I wh ole b oo k 1s a t wo co lor Job ; a • ro mg m t e act ua se 10g stunt 1 t1mes. events m pict ures an d also th e auTo be co nser va ti ve . be fo re th e $ 2 700 a nnu al for $ 4 IH is for Harm on a nd Ha ge man , t og ra.phs of every ot her gueet. A sale th e busi nes3 man age r fig ur ed I Wh A w ' R d d s I t OO, deli cious two co urse su pper was I o re e1 ea an e e. 1 on the sa le of ab o ut .200 b ooks 1 Hac ker and H ey wood, brav e se ni ors s er ve d. '!'hen the guests dep arte d, H owe ver , th ey a ll o tted th e am o unt A's f or Am en de , th e one sen JO r A. I and tru e; Imos t si n ce re in their ex pr ess ion s to be so ld to e ach cl ass on th e I B is fo r Ba rt on, and Blough and! Hulburt and H aza rd are s ur ely the of the ti me th ey had had , basis of a tota l of 260 Pr ac tic ll ii Y Kond e. j sa me and a ll f ee lin g t llat Mis s Ko on and al l classes ma de·lOO per·ce nt; a· fe w Al so Bur c h, Buc kin gha m, B run s- 1And J brin gs tw o Jrn es ' each Mi ss E lli s are c ha r min g h os tesses. r eachi ng over 100. so we '' went I oo n a nd Be ll. , boos ting t he name: A Gu est. ov er the to p" by sel li ng 272 Just like a ll ot her bees , these B siL is .fo r Longfe ll ow, La ub er a nd T he a nnu al pub li sh ed by th e c las s! work "':'e ll. L ee , Mi ss Pe&rl Kelley went to Roc h es· of 1920 feat ures th e fif t ie th a nn i. C is for Cui we ll a nd Ch ap man a nd 1 An br ina"d a of gay se n· ter , Minn ., Wednesda y to consult ve r sary of the fir st cl ass gra du at in I C ha se, 1ors, you see. w ith Ma yo Brot hers. It pro ba bly fr om th e Pe ru State Nor mal, ··a Corley and Clover, he re too fi nd 1 Thece'• Med• kec , MoCanoll, Mo· mea n• th at •he wHJ undecgo a, .,. golde n anni ve rsa ry ," a wn nd er ful I a pl ace ul e y, a nd M!I Ps , gi cal op e rati on an d be out of sch oo l lan dm ark for Peru! Ea ch p age Th e C's feel th ems el ves q UJt e d is - MateJovsky, McKe nn ey a nd Mill er until Se pte mber Mrs R. B. Bel · h d h and M de ll ha s ass ume d her duties in th e of the Peru via n t hi s yea r calls thi s tin g u1 s e we op e eye rs, to m ind bv m ea na of go ld en co lor Wi th two Co les a nd two
And last of all , M ag neson , Mauck training sc ho ol unti l co mm encein b oth t he and ·ta il pice es, and Ca rt er a nd ''Cop e.
<Con t: nued on Las t Pug- e. > me nt tim e.
Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as secon d-class matter.
Our echoing chapel to you we will, Where dry orato rs 11pe1k with Demosthenes' ski II.
The old gym we give to you, Where juniors met their "Waterloo ."
Spirit of dear old Peru
We leav e as ,I'Uard and guide to Paul Bennett, ' 2l.. As sistant Editor I you.
Fern Adams, '2 l...,. Our good example, juniors dear, Raymond Huffer, 2l.. Busmess Mg r. Take to help you on next year. Nellie Orelup, '21 Mg'r. Mailing Dept. W . h II II 'f e w1s you we tn a your str1 e;
II EI'OilTRilS: But wht!n you leave to enter life E•ther Co le Senior We make this one and last request, Mabel Drcssler junior That you will give unto the rest Wi_nifred Elkins Sophomore The thinKS you nevermore will L011 Gri ffin Freshmen d Id a 1-'redcrickson Specia ls & Trainers nee · William Thomas Y. M. c. A. 1 'Twill help them on a lot, indf!ed.
Amy Adams Y. W. C. A· Written by me thi11 24th day of Hel en VanZa nt Girl9 Club April, 1920, A. D., and duly witAlice Glas,gow Philomathean nessed and signed; in witness Della Wcatherhogg Dramatic Club thereof I thil day affix my hand Rose Miller ]. U. c;, Hild ega rd Yeck, Ph ysical Scicnc.: ...:Jub and seal. [ Seal]. Jessie Sprecher. No articles nccepted after 8 o'clock Signed Monday morning. Brantley·Cope nhaver.
Our Last Will and Testament Junior Notes We, th e seniors of Peru Normal (As Seniors understand their School, feelings.)
Make Our Bank Your Bank MARDIS!
Get the name.
Wbe11 in 11eed of quality riusz 25 or call at the Mardis store. Quality, Service, Courreous Treatment with pure "htts built our business and reputatit1n
L et us assist yon in securing a better position. After 27 yea ra of successful experience we are qualified to give e fficient se rvi ce No e nrollment FEE necessary. Write for information SABINS' EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE
A. M. M. DORNON, Manager Fl y nn Building De s Moines. Iowa
Peruvians! Black WalnGt
being sound aad sane of mind : Mr. Huffer is little, but mighty, Do hereby transfer, as is the rule, and can acc omplish wonders in our The question is not We tnannfac ture this 0 h t I h I · d Th "Are you ooing to oet a/ , ur perso nal pos1essions and things s or c ass c ape perto . e • .., wood Into !"JZes espe cl· of that kind bu s in ess meetings which we found guud St1 fer)
To the junior c la ss of "twenty- were so necess ary in carrying on • BUT ally suited for ManuuJ one." To wit: the banquet succe•sfully are over "Are you going to get Traininsz. direct
We leave our books, o ur pen and and we can come back to the good che he!'\t your services to ink , pr ogarms we always have The <.:i1tt demi1Pd."
We leave th e sig n that cautions programs are mo st carefully plan- f::nr o ll with us and get Me. e.k 6umbe.r> E.o. "Think," ned by the industrious and intelli- the top. Our sea ts, o ur desks and our old gent program committee. shoes
And other things we were wont to u!! e,
The buildings, class 'r oo mJ. roof to floor,
We leave all th ese to you, and more
With Miss Amy Adams as editor and Mr. Huffer as busin ess manager, we fe el quite certain that the 1921 Peruvian will be as fin e and complete in all phas es as that of 1920.
We leave the bell whose clattering noise Curley: "Why is a junior boy
Has hastened the feet of lingering like an old lamp '?'' boys Bennett: "Don't kn ow."
From th e step s of old Mt V Curley: " Well, he is not especiernon II b . h . f Hall, Ia Y rt g t, 1_s o ten turned down.
Whither they had come to call. smokes occasiOnally, and goes out at night "
As your wards we leave the other · classes, In "In seven years
And thi s means lad s as well aa every part in th e bod y cha nges " lasses. Mr. Holch: "Acco rding to your
We leave the faculty in your theor y, th e n, in seven years you charge, will cease to be Miss Hoak ."
Wee ones. small and g reat ones , Neva: "Why-er-yes, I hope la rge so!"
We trust that you will treat them k ind
Whil e they labor to improve your mind
The societiee now we give to thee , The club of girls and the clubs of glee, · Dramatic c lubs and the J. U. G., Chorus, band , and orchestra. 1f well our prowess you will wield.
The juniors with their pep ancl vim I were never known to give in; So with 011r prompter's E>ound advice, We had the banquet pretty nice. And now we h ope th e seniors feel That after all th e' re not to squeal, About the coming c lass, their sequel.
Stewart's School Service / BARBER SH0ra
W. T DAVIS, '0 6. Man ag 1 r l il8 12th s t, Lincoln. Nehr. 1 ANO HATH -__ ,I Fisher's Drug St01 e Chu!'Oe's Burber 1 First-class Workmen. Your Patron I age Solicired. Mil st ead Basement ALL WOI<K FIRSTCLASS I C. P. SCOVILL. Prop I Full lin e of Toilets on hand I ' A. W. C HASE, Prop. / our line of correct I
By the box or pound. Just the thing for th at Birthday Present NOUMAL STOUt:
An Appreciation of Our Alm a Mater
As the t ime dr aws near for many of us to leave P eru, we can not help recalling the ma ny, many, goo d times we have had her e. Nor can we help be in g dismayed at the of say in g good-bye to the ol d sc hoo l, the faculty, and o ur frie nds whom we hav e met h ere
Facing th e wor ld, ba cked by our own merits alone, mak es us feel a ll the m ore kee nly th e st aunch a ll ies our fa culty has bee n to us.
Say! Put it fir s t, you bl oomin' pi rut!
Did it ever strike you, budd y, that you 'd like to be a coach'! What
Some of us have been he re for did y ou do , bllnt it'! you did. two yea rs, others fo ur, a nd stil l Why ? Because you were ·eo old othe re thru high sc ho ol da ys. We and s tiff wh en th e idea fouled you all aa-ree that on e of the th in gs that vou had lo st al l your boyish that impr essed us first as we en ter- enthu s ia s m, and cont inued to think;
ed Peru was the beautiful scenery. and forgot it
That saying is old we know, but But that isn 't saying it don 't·"
arrived again, and it 's etart all over once more
But, aay, you good, eharp·edR"ecl old weapon, why no t use what e ligibl es yo u can r ake up, ancl fill in with first cla ss privates; they can at leas t sweat, a nd- say it under th ei r br ea th until t hey can qual ify; and let' s get goin1r encl win eno ugh to keep thin gs int erestin g, a nd everything! For the sak e of Auld Lang Syne and the Fiftieth Anniversa ry, so unti the roll and liste n!
Put 'er home! Max.
Our Thursday Ch apel. none th e le sstr u e"fo r a'th a t." tk f lib! dd a e a u - oo e , grown-up man The r epor ter ha s fail ed to report And it ha s bee n discov e red that to handle the jo b, at that, eh? th e g ood programs we have been one of the best remedies for home- Jmt s uppo se the case. Last year, having lately. Don't blame th e aickneB s. if it eve r occurs in Peru, say, you went to a nice, good s ized programs; blame her! is a long walk over wme of the s chool with a liberal sprinkling of A f ew weeks ago, Mr. Hobwonderful hill s-Cemetery Hill , as likely he s as you'd care to work mann played two s elections, for ins ta nce. If vo u ar e aot quite out on a g-ridiron. All crazy to get bot h of which we re heartily reconvi nced of that. ask-oh, we goin'; no sor t of athletics for over r.eived. Mr. Hohmann's confident won't mention any nam ea-or bet- a year. All daffy to get into the attitude in h is hi s cl ea r, consistent ter stil l, trv it yo urs e lf. But one game. You start thnigs; they hop i nte rpretation of good muaic, is does not need to go that far to to it. F ootbal l. ba s ket ball, all to be commended, and we wish to find an e nj oya bi e spot. What about to the g-o od; s ch ool way up in G thank him for entertaining ua Bo splend id ly
t 1e Norma l Hill itself with its then seaso n closes. We re&-re t that we have not often lovely campus and n ea rby athl e tic Now li •te n: Spring's come. ha d the oppo rtunity to hear Miss We fi eld s urrounded hy oak creste d What ? You know it; fe el it in Kelly sing Come agiau , Miss'
''Let there be Light" have a nice line of Electric Lamp s, Flas hlights and Batteri es hill s'! your bone s"? ! ? ! That's just it ? Kelly! Miss Hazzard's piano so lo was cer ta inly appreciated by the S10ce the year l 87 u students 1 h ec k! a s trip ling like yo u o ughtn't 1
Iclass Safety Razors and Blad es, Skate!, have heen coming here to this to know you've got any bones! Be t- Last Dr House read Pocket Knives and Manual Training sc hool, now so d ea r to us, wi th the ter ge t into th os e suits and get for us ag am, but not half long ! sa me hig-haimsa so urs. Manyof 'd1wn on report enough It isneedless tosa ythat l _ their a mbitions have be en r ealized Iyou at the ''d orm." !;lis audience sensed keen ap- Buy your goods m Peru. and perhaps some few have not. Did yo u . see you r little uncle pre ciati on the humorous sit uati ons Mackprattg's Hardware
por trayed. After we are graduates and have "Harm" p eg that pe llet in gone out in to the world will we the ed ge of the timb er, and hea r Jt
Imake our mark ? That re sts with 1smac k in the mit of that masked . us The sc ho ol has f ait hhll y car -l r ob ber behind home? He' s the only ried out her share of o ur pre para- 1campu s cat we've got left to our tion. ar1d we know by the spl _e ndid I that's kept his mu -;cles fit as examp les that have gone out from a fid d le all winter. her e that we should succt>ed. J But what's this most : . And what is the reason that of ou r elig1ble:> fi nJ s hJOg and not ,
The Chatelain Jewelry Store
THE PLACE TO TRADE AND SAVE Watches, (;locks, Fountain f"ens. StationeJ>y School Supples, School and Society Pin s and Rings Pennants, F lash ! igh ts and Suppl i es others hav e suc ceeded and that we 1 be ing here for summer sc h ool? 1 We re pair pens, watches, j ewelry and spectac les Will or der feel so confident of success? The iT hat 's where the dear coach earns anythi ng we do n't ha ve and sav e yo u money ·d h' 1 s· Just when he has a an 3we r is founrl in our splendl lis ! ..J. C. CHATELAIN, Peru, Nebr. sma s hing good layout all ready faculty. , fi n 't and I
Our memo ry of Peru wi ll be for- I fig ure o n, :e off !
d d t devel op another mac Joe a . ever linked with the mem ory of to wur h" th t I those wh o work ed so har an I 0 d h faithfully that we might be better wi ll win their laurels: en t
b"tft brother d1sapomtment as equipp ed to acc o mplish ou r aims. I ·
When you buy from us )OU can know thtlt )' OU are the best. We Guantntee it. If you should any article here that has nor it should we want. unmedtnte opportunity to make 1l
Th e jun i ors sa ng a Bad lam ent.
Who Are W e7 Read and See, <Co ntinu ed rrom Firat Page.) and Mackprang.
N fa for Nel s on a nd Nelson a lone. Olson a nd Ove rholt claim 0, we own P st an ds for Parrish and Par son as well.
Of Popplewell, Prante a nd Pes hek we tell.
Peterson, la st bu t not least, keep in mind, And P al so sta nd s for P ep , doubtleiS yo-u'll fi n d.
R brings a crowd who the big a ffa irs handl e-
T wo I i ve ly Roe ttgers, Rouae a nd R andol.
S is fo r Sa lz mann, Sears, Shea, Sick and Shi ll.
To 1ay t hese S·name s nearly g iv es
And the rousin g &ongs they've sung. He thinks of the fun when -a fre9hman
My! What a wond erful yea r!
And his lip s turn uo in a s mile, Recall ing th ose things so de ar. H ow wise he became when a sophomore;
He learned eve rythin g they taught; He wa1 fully as wise as th ey
If anyone asked ·what he thot
He thinks of work whe n a h1nior,
Of hi s mighty to wir:;
Of the ps ych, th e Eng li sh and hi story,
The y were a ll "a s hard as sin."
And th en he blos som s a senior ,
Ah, jun i ors!
"D o n't Jet them pass" o ur presJ- They'd been baffl ed on every s ide An d 'twas so on pub li s hed far an d wide dent sai d,
"They' II aret ou r pe nnant over I head !"
"W dare th em to!" we al l repli e d. e d
Th very soon a sen i or cne • en ,, •'Here 's th e ir s!
A yell of fury the jun i ors
And a ll in vain their b oys rave,
T rs st ood in their glea mm g eyes ea h And they turn ed away Wit many 15 i gh s " They've got. u s!"
How t hey'd lost!
The next is quite a diffe rent scene Supp o sed to be be hi nd the screen. Where hung the se ni or banner gay A stealth y juni or made his way, [Oh, blame it !]
It were n ot bad to think of, now (And we 'r e not look ing for a r ow) If only ''Shorty" hadn't tri ed to find
"Take care and me you'd heed; better Opp ortunity of such a kind To retur n it!
Your milk and need.'' oysters you will
The Mis ses Hnak and Roes sler of
(This was from had t he greed "Cope,,' wh o' d the piano depa rtm e nt de ligh tfu lly
To st eal the juniors' ready fee d. ) Wise seniors!
And-well, he can tell the r es t. ·
Of al l, t he la st and the best; The kn owledge, the wor k, the pleas ure, one a c hill.
Now come the two S tephensons, He thinks of that conqu e ring bal l Sprecher and Seid, te am
And n ext t hP. T' s, s oon of thi s verse
Which ma de th e juniors f ee l bad, yo u'll be rid. He thinks of m ys te ri ous snea k
There's TayJ,,r a nd Thom as; next day -comes ou r on e V, A nd th e s hi ve rs r un up his back.
Miss Vanc e, jus t as lon ely as lonely Yet w ith ju st th es e th ings together can be j Something aeem s to lack.
Next we ha ve We at herh ogg, Wol- These four yea rs of plea s ure and f ord and Wrig ht.
The y are t wo of the la st, and both . h appy and bri g ht.
And now our class alp hab et 's finished and thru, Go od-bye a ll o ur sch ool friends, we 'll soon be don e, too.
A beau tif ul May tim e e ven ing ;
A s il e nt se ni or lad ;
He' s f ee li ng alm ost· happy, And yet a littl e sad.
His thots ar e not on the future
Th e vi sion of whic r1 is dim ,
Nor on th e ma ny th ings wa i ti ng
For a li fe th at's ful l of vim;
Hi s th ots ar e not on th e preA e nt
Which all ab out him li es ,
Not on the ru gged hori zo n
Nor the vi olet tin t of th e ski es;
Not on the va ll ey helow him
lea rn
Are linked wi th a lasting chain Of fr ie nd s hip, Jove and duty - Which none but God can claim. He thin ks of the fi r st a nd the last link
Fro m a s mil e full of warmth and cheer
To the last ho urs he is spe ndin g In t hi s place wrtich to him is so dear.
And th en the th ots come rushin g
Till ha s heart is fi ll ed to the brim.
Per u is now and fore ver Th e Garden of Ede n to him.
T om orrow he' s going to leave her
For th e worl d and some thin g
new. In a br oken voic e he whisp ers, I " Fa r ewell , and God bl ess
Nor the moon and the s tar s above; - -
Not on th e mas .,; i ve oak tree
An Epis ode of 1920.
en tertaine d us wi th a piano d uet at chap el Monday. Th e ir w ell ch os en se lecti on consis te d of thr ee move-
1\s late at ni ght they h omewa rd ments fr om Bee th o ven' s S econd went Symphony.
1\V GNU G. ••
for your school supplies
Fountain Pens and hi2b grade HistOr}' Pap e r· View cards and Stationery in btwlis with the Peru Pennant Fresh · fruit!", Candies, Cookies, Groceries, H. U. LANDOlT,
Ph one 73 Peru, Nebr.
Phone 56
Phone 78
Th ere is n ot hin g that me ans as much to your fri e nds as a ph o togr a ph of yo ur self. In an y r oo m or home you wil l f in d
You hav e s om e of y our friend s, so you kn ow how they are appreciate d. Be tt er have yo ur por t rait mad e toda y
Nor the co o of the turtl e dove; The s had es of ni ght hnd fall en fb st
Not on th e s il e nt ri ver j And thru th e o ld gy mn as ium pa sse d
Which, a thr ea d, in the di s tance A clas s which bore with joyfu l p ride , s hin es . A ba nn er unfuri ed s tran g el y wid e. I
Anri tell s to man y a story "Se nior s!" 1 l Of adve nt ure anrl t hnlJing tim es Th e. were glad; th eir ey es, His th ots on th ese th1ngs ar e not I bene ath · !
ft'Ja shed lik e a fa lchi on from th e I
But on th e go lden pas t, sheath , 1
On th e, fo ur years of pl easure and IAnd li ke a silver clarion did swell learning Th e acc t! nt s of th at well-kn o wn ye ll
Which have com e to an end at "Senio rs !"
Ac ro es from them th ey sa w a sig ht! P eru ."
He t hinks of h is class an d advi so r, The juniors, angry , fiam in g br ig ht! li ow close ly toget her they're Ah me! They •d lost th at haughty clung; gr in
Of .the pi cn i c&, th e ye ll s and th e Th ey wore before, when they th ot ra lli es to win.
Well , th e juni or 1 • 11 Ih c ass 1s a co ec - orne-made cake were ser ved the t1ve self that • • we ve grown szen - las t course consistinll' of a s mall um e ly fond of Wh t . h . . · a WIt ptcmcs round packa ge and an enve lo pe , •
and parties,. class chapel and ban- When these werP opened eac h girl j' Juntors Planntng for Next Year
Combinatio n charged with mys- quet commtttees th • · · ' terious import! ' JOO· fonnd her sel f the prn ud possessor. are loy al good friends. By of a br ig ht colored sachet cus hi on 1. boy, did you know that the
The as tro loger lift ed hi s burn- n e, 1921 we s_hal_l ha ve an even and a. silhouette por tra it of her have a lrea dy b egu n on mg eyes from the crystal ball into warm er, closer Intimacy establish- ho stess 1 the tr Peruv ia n for 1 92 1? We'll say wh ich th ey had long gazed with a I:d, in a far larger group of '2 1 Even. without the se pr ecious me- l I got int o their meethe brought closer I emors mentoes the sen i or «iris, when they I mg wtthout their finding it out to htm t.he ctrcle of juniors, wait- Th en Pttt acos said his bit this leave Peru will tak "th th !and I am going to tell you all the . . h b d wav. K h , e WI em I d JDg, Wit ate breath, for the · now t y opportunity ." 1 the memory of another good time 1 ee p, da rk, sec r ets th at I have sage's pr ophecy . A good word that. We want to at the dormitory Wh th ll di scovered. That is the advantage "0 I bri "t h ere ver ey raw n ea re r!" he commanded. 1 •• n_g 1 orn e to every Nebra ska n, may be thruout the years to come of being a mou se. You can be "Hearke n, while the serva nt of the as a '2! se ni or. Peru, ; (a nd according to the pr ophe- ?ehind a chair and n ot eYe n a s tars interprets the future by the With finely trained faculty , her 1 cy some will trav el far) Miss Jun ior will know you are there onli g ht of the pa s t., "21! A ll'lance m any s •d ed life outside the class - I Cle lan d and her many thotf ul less y ou squeak. at th e fateful symbo l rev Pals its room. her of fi"iendly 1 kindne sses will n ever be forg otten March 18 one wide-awake comp Gnent elements - seve n, su- he lpfuln ess , I_s a good place to ge t I that the editor-inpremelv mystic digit, and three •8 real educat i on And n ext y ear, Y. W. C. A. Breakfast ch i ef and bu smess manag er be second only to se ven two or three yea rs from n ow, : Saturday morning at nine o'clo ck elec ted. Accordingly, at the n ex t numbers "Se'lf'n by itself lo o ms -I s the tim e to carry off that di1 about seventy stude nt a nd faculty meeting Amy Adam s was elected mighty e nou!Zh Ponrl er a mom e nt · pl oma. It' s a bond that always 1 g ather ed in th e home t>con om- ed itor-in ch ie f, and Ra ymond oh youths and maid e ns, it s 1 in goo d j ics r ooms for the annual May day Huffer manager. They t iven ess for our ·hor os cope Were I . Cons 1d er the e nd , is sa!!'e breakfast Gay dresses, happy got bUisy nght away a nd they, the re n ot seve n Wise Men of 1 Ch:l o's bit of wi sdom. The g oa l, fa ces and flowers paid trib· together with a number of other Gr eece ? Again, r eflect th at there i w_e ve set before us is honest ser- r ute to the spr in gt ime. I members of the c la ss had a mighty were just seven wonders of th e! VIce, With all t!-:e fun for o ur se lves T he hreakfast was aerve d cafe- ! helpful co nfer enr.e with th e wor ld , Amon!{ them th e C:olossus of ';'e. can ge t out of ll'ivin g it.. We teria style and to say that Mrs. re prt>se.ntatt ve of the Min neapolis Rhodu s Nay mo el Th d" 1 JUnior s appreciate that W<' are l iv - J,.an hal it in charge is enou<Y h to en g ravm g co mpan y. He pointed . r . e 1na 1 "' virtu es are seven, - wit h Hope 1mg In a big day with big wor k to 1 convince any st ud e nt of i ts da in t i- out to them some of the ob jectives g lea min g hright in their mid:>t. i be done. We are count in g on next n es5 , de li ciousne,os and abundance. t ha t sho uld keep be fore it. And li st 1 O h . h h 1 year to do more than any year yet,, Miss Isa bel Sears began the pro· He sa id that ma ny new and orip;i. n seven eill' ts t e . 1 •d ld b Roman s mounted , to look afar off to get us _r ea dy f11r ou r fair s tare gram with two d eli gh tfu l readings. na t ea_s cou e found in th e and d th cl f h. j of 1t W 1sh us l uck , eve rybo dy j Then repr esenta ti ves fr om ea ch most u nll kely places, a nd also u rgt redam e lr 0 am I· l and give your hearty c la ss told what the Y W C A j ed th e wi s dom of getting a goed ton an conquest -th e 1r '· · · · · t b f of G 1 ' to you , '2 1. " m ea nt to a fr eshma n a sop ho mor e Is a rt e ore commencement of this "Yau · I a ju nior and a senior. ' year. As a result the contract ea venly thi s 1s much But E · · · I · d f I . ' · · otertatos Seotor Gtrls. Mrs. Rouse, whose int er est in was stgne 01; next year'a book. mu t1 ply b.v t hr ee th e potency of Th b · th On la st Thursd ay evening the th e assoc iatiOn has been a constant e usmess manager ha s been t seniO r g 1rl s o! the dormit ory were m sp tr atiOn, gave 10 a few well • mng a a a ot - • ese portents! Wt sdo m three I . . . 1 • • • • bu3y lear · 11 th t ··n d" c tm es that nf Greece's wisest I 1 Itl h t t II h" T · · A . · m os t de li g htfully entertained by . cho se n word s her lo ve a nd appreci- e as 0 e 1m. he ed ttor-mchte vem e nt s of wonder th at out- Mi ss C lelan d. Th e re alw ays I ation fo r th is work chief has had a long talk with do tho se of the anci enst 1 Virtues I T Mrs Ro tt th " ' d" · som et hing inde scribably sweet he pro g ram was closed by Mi ss ! · e ger , IS year a e ttor, tnpl ed In power! Ambition-and app e aling about Mi ss Cleland and I Clark, o ur b elove d adviser who Iand the in fo rm a tion s he rece ived ·gall -suc h as th e wnrlrl h as not as a her charming II re ad a p_oe m which s he had wa s· enoug h to a ver i table see n before! Are th ese not a ll t t b1 a 10 stor m Tl t b 1 is e nhanc ed by her graciousness , wenty-we yea rs ago for ot her Y. · · 1ere m us e a ot toward her guests
IW. _a nd i"t was as bea utifu l! more do in g fr om_ the num- enwrapped in one sv mbol, -21 ?"
We are nnt pr o ud or b oas tful, beca use of the ast rologo r's reading of our f uture Oh no. Unti l Ma y 27 th e junior class know s it se lf to be only a modest floweret in th e shade of that mighty tree of '20. But. after th a t.WATCH US GROW!
To help us do it , we' ve borrowed a few bits of wisdom from tho se same seven wise men (Qu eer how li ke modern effic i ency experts th ey ta lk!) Here they are: Old solon said : "Know thyself."
'' Ca talogu es f or Observation" 1 and tn sp 1r1ng to us as it doubt less I of m ee tmp; s, ancl the Important we re gi ven to eac h gir l. The ' was to those othe r girls of a w hil e atr. that see ms to pervade t he t hings to be observed were numer - ago. I class When I got to th ese ous articles displ ayed on table s. So end ed the of spi rit and meet m gs , howeve r, I found the Fruit jars sy mboli ze d 'fami ly body , and on leavi ng, the girls door closed and knew t hat there jars" a nd pe nni es were "com- who will no t return h ad a tender would be "n <' admittance" ever. 1f 1· ! h to a mouse. mon se n se ." So me r ea lly "b ra in· I e: mg o r eg ret t at s uch fellowstorm" charades were out sh_JP must e nd, while th ose who and gu essed-or n"ot gu essed "'_' 111 return, fe lt an increaa ed de voSnatches of so ng played on the tiOn to the joy of this work topi ano tola a so ldi e r' s love sto r y, gether. and a littl e b oy and gir l e nterta in· "Oh th e sky is full of sun shine eel th e guests by dancing a l ove and the rose is full of dew; sce n e. And our hearts are full of love for Dainty r efres hm en ts with r ea l You -a nd you-and you ."
Mr Gabel : "I am tiring of t hi s ear th. I I s hall go to th e Janel of th'e mo on '' Carl R osey : ''Th ere are mna y dtfferen on e a, M r. Gabe l. Perhaps yo u mean the honey moon.''
THE PERU NORMALITE facts that are as plain as the n ose - on your face? We know we're a Entered at Post o ffice at Peru, Ne-
braska as second -class matter. little proud, but can any one hatch up su ffic ient reason why we s hould Publi shed Weekly by th e Peru State No rmal
n ot be? Toot! Toot! To ot!
$1.00 per year. Single copy ii cts. Summer Surcles
No, not mathematica l ones, but tho se jolly, happy one s formed among the sum mer schoo l st udents.
First in time of appearance is ,. the mixer, that su re cure for those 1 bot her some hom es ick feelings.
Doroth y Mauc k, '20 Edi tnr in·Chief Al vina A mendc. '20 Associat e Edit or
Here one m ee ts so many other s tudents that he imm ediat ely begins to feel th at he bel o ngs, to o.
Every Thur s day at the regu lar chap el ho urs, eac h class h as it s
Paul Benn ett ':!l.. Ass istant Ed itor Fern Adam s, '21.. 1\ssistant Erli tn r own rhapel featuring some ente rl< ay mo nd llu llcr, '21 :\lg 'r
tainm e nt, and qu ite o ft en business Orelup , '21 :\lg'r. :\!ailing Dept in th e form of plan s for pi c nics,
When in need of quality 25 or call at the Mardis Quctlity, Service, Courreous Treatment with pure fresh has bu i It our bu and reputation - ("Be sure to bring a cup and
ti EJ '() UTEUS: ,, E 1 spoo n. ), and othe r g-ood tim es
Th e t: e als o variou s religiou s
Wini fred E ld ns Sop homore or ga n1 zat10 ns; na mel y, the Epis co · Lois Grillin Fres h1ncn pal Gui ld, the No rmal Cath ol ic l rla Specials & Tra in ers Asssoc iation, th e Y. W. C. A. and
William Th n on!l s .... ............ Y .\'! .C th e Y. M. C. A.
Amv Adams \' \V. (' .A · ll clcn VanZant l. i1 ;s Club Th e s ummer budg et is a source of pleasure to all, cons is ting of mu sica l pr og ram s b.v noted a rti s ts,
Let us a ssist yon in securing a b ette r positio n. After 27 y1a rs of surexper ie nce we are qualified to give efficie nt SI:·J vice. No enro llm e nt FEE n ecess ary. Write for informati on
SABINS' EDUCATIONAL EXC HANG E A. M. M. DORN ON, Man a ge r :\ lice \. lasg-nw Philonoathrnn Flynn Building D es Moines. l ow a Dell a \Vcathcrhngg Dramati c Club :\I ill er j. U. f ;_ Hild etulrd Vt' ck. P!Hsi cal Sc irn cc Club a play by our own DramatiC' Club wi ll be of the b es t. Such men aa l Black wa l nut and lectur es by we ll kr:own me n. ' J T. St one, Raymond Ro bin s, A./ ", 1 t' 1 1 f Ca s t, but not least, are o ur own J. 8l li o tt and many o th ers were h'e nnf.,...• ture lhl'S ar 1c es acce pt er :a tcr 8 o'clock " ••• a.. u :\ lon da y morning. co unty clubs, tho se f rom e ach the leaders la st vea r I · · WO(rd in to e!'>i , cou nt y be in g organizer! into a Stnce of th e Rocky Mountain · Is t.he class of '2 1 boosting Peru ? Head this an d jurlge ! group. or in th e of tho se s tat es senrl dele(lates fr om th eir all) for Manual for t. for cou n tes so we ll rep rese nt e rl, colleges to Estes Pa rk, plans are ' lin{! direct seve ral he tn g t oge th t r. beirlg ma de to have the pres id e nts ' tu - yourself.
The firs t HU wh y t k h I I &t ud ent s who are w ithin a year or J no e t ese good times ems espec iall y in connecti on wit h a year sum I I f you rs and t hr s sc ho ol yo ur >c ho ol lh l:' Y. M. C A. I " mP. r sc wo o I . . d · th1 s s ummer ? () 1 gra uat10n. It app ealed to the · ne u 1y f ro m Pe ru h as alr ea dy:
W " 1 . F 1 1 Man y picn ics a nrl break fa-ts are of th e colleges of t hi s sect ion m eet ; d,< 1n 'Plluary allet ter prepared by th e junior en Joyecl In g rou ps ou t und er during th t> tim e of th e Y. M. C A. / Me.e.k Lumber> €o. was mailed to al l fo rm er p / the _ oaks H1 gh sc hoo l g raduates; conference and di scuss their pr ob- !•
BARB tJR AND BATH tea cher to l! iv e hi s best ef l'o rl s and I sen t in his r eg is tra tion f ee and two · talents to th e pr ofessio n. In or de r I Y. M. C A. soo!"l w ill You fellow.- with ,. 8C:Jsement Fi she r's Dru g Store Apri l 14 M · R '"' - · ' f< tr st -class Wor kmen Your p t to do t hi s one mn .;t have tra inin g . . rss 05e !'po ke your $l <J00 J obs for next yea r h arl ageS I .' d a ron an d Per u ofl'er s i t. The _ le tt er tt) lar j!e gr oup of young men and he trt'l' get in line and go wit h the o rcJte se t fo rth th e advanlai!PS and pleas- men on "The New Eu -i i!Cli.!J to Es t i:'S Park. C. P. SCOV 1LL Prop. ur es of Otlr sc hoo l lift>. It c lo se d rope.. Sne sp.,ke of the gr eat I - I by extendinl! a invitation to lpolt t tc al' c han ).!e:> go in g on in Eu- S R Copl nh llver, o ur fm i nFnt <::afe. and eaPh e li gib le Ne br askan to makPonr. rop.e. Sne le tting R.u ssiC:J was eating- in a' of n ex t yea r' s class , wh ic h, wo rk out It::> own pr ob.em 1n 1ts d tn er No t 1c 1ng th e wa st ef u lness in te n ds to have 100 percent r egpo ns:! , wa y. of th e farmt' JS in Jt aving marhinPs to a ro ll-c all of this ye ar 's junior,;. ! 1hose who attended t hi s m ee ting 1 to th e weather, he 1hav e a far bt:>tter und ersta nding of 1 u nconsc iously. "Oh a wast.-!" , Horn T oo ls. /the n ee ds of Europe, t- Spt>cial ly th e A Ia ly at th e nPxt ta bl e turned '
"H e th t t ea .•tern a nd the so uth e rn parts l qu•ckly Hnd !'nlpperl ou t: ' Si r·t ! a on te th n 'lt own Th ese c · · · · · 1 horn th ·I II - ou ntrt es a re rn gT I:'a t nt-td wtl l mrnrl yo ur ow n hu si ness? '' c..,' ,.. :;H\ n"t be· to ot · of C hri sti an edu c.:a tors. I --. .,;::)tu :: nts ed Th ere for e a -k yo u to note Ap ril 19 At fifth e sta rtlin g fa ct thul th o >O.Jt t.Y I cla ss h . l Juntnr were o ut to s ee t he colorer! sl i de" >ee n a btg t acco r in of E:; t e::l Parle Tne ·e sliu , ·I , I schoo l activiti es Ju n io r "' e:s Slowd . ed a s mall par_ t of th e bea utif ul , rna e up a larg-e perce n lllge of sce nery of thi s Natio nal P<J rk In I Peru' s athlet es thi s yea r. Th e cnst Co lorado j of th e Dramatic Cl ub 1 p ay wa s Mr Matejuvsky told brieflv th J ma inl y of junio r tale nt . f e o th e E ste r Pa ri< (' t' 'Etce te ra infinitum!! un e rone ence No s tudent or faculty rn an can we ll ima gine th e mon- h ld s ou fail to at tend thi s Y. M. st rous indign at ion. of th e puffy C. A. confe re nce · .June 11 to ''1 se nior when he read s th i s, but - w d c. e. o n ot know who the le d .' I Oh, we ll , what' s the use to dodge wil l b b . a el s, e ut we do know that th ey I
'The Chocolates with the wond erful ce nters .'
IEaid the b oy rPfl ec tiv ely, "on how Mr. Gab el and Mr. Be ck. Th ey th ey are u se d." s ang "A lfa l fa Hay."
The La nguage of Civiliza tio n. A travP ier wh o be li e ved him se lf When a Fe ller Needs a Friend. to be the so le su rv ivor of a s hip- Dirl yo u ever s top amid th e light wreck up on a ca nni ba l isle hie!. for and Pxci tPme nt of a !' ucc eFs ful occ athr_Pe d ays , in te rr or of hi s li fe . s ion. and let your th ou g- hts go bac k Dn ve n out hy hun ge r h f' cli scove r- 1to th e p owe r-h ou se wh e nce iss ues erl a thin wi sp of smo ke ri s ing- , th at )i ,.! ht, th e li fe of th e sce ne'! from 8 clump of bu sh es inland , In the Rt rai ning power-hou se ann cra w led c ar e fu ll .v to s tud y th e' from who se e ff o rts wa s cr eated the tvpe of sa vage s ab o ut i t. J ust as l junior-!' e ni or banqnet, there s toocl he reacher! th e cl ump he h eard a a sma ll dyn amo, th r obb in g inc esvoi ce sav: "Why in thu nd er o nn't l sa ntl y T hr u th e worried pre-bany ou play that card?" He dr opped q net week s, that dy n amo · throbb ed on hi s kn ees. a nd de vo ut !, rai s in g o n, turning- out the Ac hemes th at hi s Cri <.' rl : "Thank God, mad e a large part of o ur decorathe y ar e Chri !'tian s. " tions po ss ible. When we olher
100 P erce nt Right. mac hi nes were badly in ne ed of o ili ng- and repa ir, it wa s an ins pira
Qnestion: G iv e for any yea r the number of halP. s of co tton expor te d fr om th e Un ite rl States
An c; we r: 149 2. non e. Fin r l Fine!
Th Pn we r etu rn ee! h ome by way of J oy hill.
Ca le ndar. Re gular Eve nts. Weekly.
Mo nd ays, Ch orus, 5:40 to 6: 15. 01 ches tra, 7 :30 to 8 :1 5. Tue s day s, G irl s' Glee C lub , 8: 15 to 9. Boys' Glee C lub, 7:30 to 8: 15. Band, 815.
Wed nes day s, Choru s, 5:40 to 6: 15. Orchestr a, 7:30 to 8: 15. Y. M. C. A., 8 :1 5. Thurs da ys, Y. W. C. A. , 7: 15 to 8: 15. Gi rl s' Glee Cl ub, 8:15 to 9. Bo ys ' Gl ee Club, 7: 30 to 8 :15. Ba n d, 8 :15.
By th e
tion to watch th at litt le dynamo Bi - monthl y. Tailor and Gleaner Ph one 62 solve our im p oss iul e problem s. Student Co un c il of Gir ls' Club.
So let us try to exp ress to you, The Monday eve ning be for e the Mr. Scho e: nik e. thP. thanks of th e Second Tues day of ea ch mo nth and entir e ju nior class fo r y ou r pain s- I ever y two w ee ks ther e after at 9:00 t aking- and cheerful m our Ip .. m.
Fay Bakery AND
He: "If I sto le> a ki f;!l wou ld it h ou r of n eed. Seco nd Friday, Philomath ea n, . 8 Lunch Room be pe tty la rc en v?" o'clock. Fourth Fr id ay,
She: "No. 1 thi nk it WC'tl ld h Hig h.-Y Hike P hil oma th ean, 8 o'c loc k. , e '' Let ther e be Light ' gra nd ." Abo ut fiv p o'clock , Fr i day , Apr il ' Month ly. A L 1 --P 1 2 :-< , a gro up of the Hi g- h-Y I oys Second Tu esday, Gi rl s' C lub, 11: 50 1 We have a ni ce hn e of Elect ri c s t!t e as os s lb e. I h' d h F' W d d D . o L amp s and c nu ld be se en ma rc 1n g o wn t e 1rst e n es ay, ramat 1c, "· · •' Man wa n ts!'l hnt li ttl p h er e hP -, stre et e ach ca1 r yi ng- a la rg e br ow n First S aturday, J. U. G 8. I Ba tte ri es low ." r Pma rk Pd th e n ew arri val in I k 0 ld . . 1 · : _ . :paper :;a c ne cnu s car ce Y
Safety Razor s and B lad es, S kat es, as he hurned ly re mnv ed hl s i di s ting-ui sh Sh oe n ike from the COTNER MALE QUARTET ; Pock et Knives and Manua l Trai n ing overcoat. __ 'smaller High·Y boy s. ! Hardware.
Caution. _ Ha_\' in g a rri ve ci at Cr ee k 1 Friday, April 14 i Bu y your goo ds in Peru.
Th e m!.ln : "T would !l i ve lot s to we r!Jd not w as te any be - No rmal Chapel ; Mackprnng 's Hardware k h , 1 pl a1•in g ba ll. So m ·e m1 ght.v rna e you apov 1
Th - 1 ' 'V t - 1 ?" man Har land l ay lo r, e g-1 r : aca n or 1mpr oveo . ' tri t> d to m ak e a hit and brok e the.
th e bat
!VIr R 1 u c;e ; "WPII mv cl e ar, 1 Other fe au r t' s uf tthe Pv eni ng 1 wh'lt rl id y ou think of my I wer e racin g and pla y i n)! rat 1
Mr >l Ro us e: "It rPmindeclme , andrabblt I nf the rl'l ys wh en you were cou rt- ,' Su pper wa s th en re ad y. But. oh! I · " t he co ffe e that Gab el ancl Sch oe n1ke 1ng me
M R "H · th t?" ' ma" e 1 We ll we'll n"t !'ay an y r. ou'le : ow 1s a . I 11 • •
Mr s. RrlU se: 'Ynu to ok so long ' mo re as to that. Hut for Enme unin C'l m inq- to the poin t. " 1 ac co unt a bl e r ea on Sc ho en ik e
It A ll Depends. 1 peare d. The r es t of th e eve nin g we play' I "I sPe t hey are nnw making- Ied sh ee p-m y -pe n and lat er s ang ash es to • c; hin l! leq wAirh will not I songs ar ound th e ca mpfire We I bu r n, " s ai d te ach er 1 mo st Pn teJ:ta med I "W e ll. r I! IJe.;s it wil l de pend." Iby th e mo st Sing ers, I
"ht!" vou bu\ ' fr um liS )H •t ca n I\110W ' I thl'lt _,-0 art! J!efting the We j ( i u "'r a n tee i r• If } CHI h n u I d nn y j araide here that not the qui:d i ty
Chatelaio Jewel ry Store
Watches, Clocks, Fountain f>e.ns. Statione.l"y School Supples, Sch ool and Socie ty Pin s and Rin gs Pe nnants, Fl as hli ghts and S upp li es We repair pens, watch es , je we lr y and spe ctac les any thin g we do n't have an d s av e you mon ey Will o rd er •J. CH .t\TE LA IN. Peru, Nebr
S uit s Cle aned, Presse d and Re pai red it should "e wa nr an i mmedi-
n te opportunity to make it riJ!hl.
unt s
considerate and careful atte ntion at
Sidewalk Ecooomv-lmportaot Sum,.. mer School Course.
Th e Rosey opp ortunity to be come a member of the m os t po pular cl a ss of t he •ea so n Is pl ace d before you, in a co urse in sid e walk ec onomy. Th e entra nce r eq uireme nt s are few. An-yone who is fo nd of moonlight, or has had a s hort course in •trollology or star- ga zin g, is eligible. The enrollm e nt is unlimited, but only two may me et in the same 11ection, preferably between !!eve nthirty and eleven, p. m. The work is entirely in the labor a tory, and th e pr o blem s of ce rtain species of tulips ar e me t-th e pr o bl ems, not the tuli ps! There will be no
can't afford not to. He's worrying so he's los ing fl esh eve ry day and ha s giv en up his gove rnm ent jo b."
A s wee t un s ophisti ca ted g irl in her pr e tti est ton e, kno wing It wa s past tim e for books, said :" ' Jude' , please." The I i br ari an ra cked her brain. " Wh o i• 'Jude'-a di sc ip le, a b oo k of fi cti o n, the na me of a ma n, or a book in th e Bible?"
At Jaet it da wned upon her; it wa s Judd' s Psycholo gy that was des ir e d. Givi ng her the b oo k the libr a rian put in an extra co py of "How to U se Your Mind. "
I wond ered while s tandin g there ha nding out b oo ks: Do p eo ple re all y wa nt what th ey ca ll fo r?
ass ista nts, except th e Par so n. Fo r instan ce , wh en a 1eni or wa at s Ab ove a ll, Gra ndm a, th e Dem on a McMurray wh y d oes he call for Chaperon, is ba rred. Credits ar e Mr. Burley? If he wants a Cheyney certain. No one wi th ne rve en ough why d oes he s ay Sh e en y'! has eve r bee n kno wn to fl unl<. Th e 'l'h e de sk he ll was tappin g. The diplom a is a combinati on uf di a- la st ling erer harl be en dri ven o ut, mond s a ncl pla itt ba nd s. the door was loc ke d, and my thumb Is th ere a mortal in s ch ool wh o nail sk e tches ceased. is willing to pe rmit s uch a gold en -Please Tell Mel cha nce to 11lip by? Girls, now 's . . the tim e to r eg i ste r and take your Did JUntor rag day sta rt the I Ch oyce o! a ll ho ur s! Boys! take 1 overall farl ? 1 1 Hope, a nd jo in now! Who kn ocked the pi ece of s kin !rom Charli e 's brow ?
Th u mb Nail Sketches,
It was on e of th ose lazy, driz z ly da ys in · April wh en o ne h as noth· in g to do but amu se on e self by
us at ttm g tn
• • .l kn ess but Mr. / by th e unre trs ained enthuaia
ft h) ht cam e to our with whtch we a cce pt ed the in
s as Ig in ge t ti ng do wn st air s. t ati o n. We kn ow so me thmg a bout r escue Mr. ;iDd Mr s Rouse as jolly
N e Ra hs for Pres. and Mrs Rouse. fri e nd s, so we are looki ng for ward 10 th ·unt'ors he ard the Jetter Ito Ma v 8 very mu ch as a s ma ll boy
Wh en e J ,. 'd t and Mrs Rouse. c ou n ts th e da ys til l Chnstmas. from r es t en · , th to an eve nin g in the 1 No thmg bu t to rn adoes or sudden tn v •tm g em I . . woods in May, the s eni ors acr oss dea th _w'!l pr eve nt o ur be mg at the hall m us t hav e been di sturb ed I P IC niC.
College Male Quartette
friday, May 14, at
Admission 25c and 35c
for your school supplies
Founhtin Pens und urade History Paper View cards and Stationer}' in books
Why do s kinny and .l<'ern alwa ys with the Peru Pennont hrin g up the rear in zoology field Candies, (Jroceries, Meot.;; tr ips ?
wa tc hing peop le. Th e statue!! in What will Prante an a Gri ffit hs fr on t of the li b rary had all finall y clo wh en th e scr ee ns are na il ed on eom e to l ife and m oved in s id e; th e I th e dorm win do ws?
cou pl es wh o s troll up and do wn th e Ha s Frank he lp ed Mis
av e nu e had soug ht s helter. be tw et> n tw o of Glanc in g ove r th e library room, g irl pupil s? her Th ere is n ot hi ng tha t m ea ns as mu ch to yo ur fri e nd s as a ph ot ograp h I b ega n m .v gle anin gs Fir st, I Wh o is th e is th e Omaha eve po nd er ed why William Th o ma s has · su ch m agnet ic powe r that when a sp <! cialis t so we ll patr oni zed by ce rt a in g irl co m es in the d oo r she Choyce ? is un wil lin gly dr aw n to t he part of Who w as Co pe' s last gi rl? th e r oo m in wh ich is s itting. D oe s Neva da' s fa mi ly no lon ge r
It m igh t be du e to the fa ct 'th at use bak e r' s br ea d? he is a lea r ne d. n oble se nior and has wi sdo m kn ow n onl y to him sel f. Wa s B lan che Se id "Bize" at th e
I w as q uit e as to un de d a few ba nqu et? minute s la te r whe n C url f:'y Rouse Sh o uld a F is her angle for ca me ur an rl a.;ked fo r a Dear Fi sh '!
Hea rt. "Dea r Hea rt! You mean Wh e th er !' ho rt r r ea ll y mea nt it Ea rhart ?" Loo kin g a bo ut the roo m when he said : "All w ea r overa lls' ' he ano th er of the srme IThe juni or girl s wa nt to kn ow. spec ie s tn th e wes t win g. 'Don't - · : bo ther. I can' t j us t reme mb er her' Y. W, C. A. 1 1 name ," he r ep li ed ab!'e nt - mindedl y, Our m ee tin g las t wPe k wa s one and wa lked in a we'ite rl y direc ti o n. of th e very bes t we have E: ve r ha d, I I gu ess he f ound Dt>a r Heart. even if th e li g ht s did go o ut a nd All at on ce I not ice d a de cid ed le av e us !n th e dark. Th e to pi c s tir in t he r oo m. Faces c han ge d was "B oo ks " Boo ks were class ifrom gloo m to bri g htn ess and ti ed in to fo ur ma in by Mi ss lo oking ar o und to a sce rtain th e IBlank en!'hip Th ese gr oup s are cause I. saw Mr. Longfe llow, ha ppy Wi sdo m, Pi ety, Delight , an d Ut'e and s mi lin g, comin g in with the Mi ss Hosmer gave us a li st of m Girl s g ot up a nd left for books for use in making th e trans · th e dorm , but th e inquiry went ition from s tory telling to th e Pe r· aro und : "Don't Copenhaver carry sonal readin g of children. Th en mail any mor e? " . "No, Co pe's followed a discu ss ion of the book s worri ed th e se daye He s ays he that have had th e grea t es t influcan't a ff ord to ge t married ait d he e nce upon us. Th e "li g ht man"
of yo urs e lf In any r oo m or home yo u wi ll fin d ph otog r ap hs.
You have so me of yo ur f ri en cls, so you kn ow ho w they are ·appreciate d. Bett P. r have you r portrait made to da y
Studies in the Ec otone Betw een
IMPROVES PE RU COLOR SONG Prairie a nd Woodl a nd.
"l'he above tit le is gi ven to a ne w
botanical r esea rch paper just issued
•Prof. Hohmann Writes New Music
I M:. H oh m ann has wri t te n new new Numbe r 2 of th ·--- m us 1c. Un i ver s ity of N eb r aska
3000 Al umn i of Our Aln1a Mat er and t boo of Them
fami liar s.o ng haA had
Pr ofess or Jean car r ied on in vesti - Still Servi ng in Edu cational Field s Ian mterest mg h1story. The piece gation jo int ly wit h Doctors P oo l 1 was origina lly adapted with slight and Weaver of the Univers i ty de-· changes in the words, fr om the partment of Bo ta ny.
GRADUATES L' 1 N ! Neb ras ka Un iversity so ng entitled T he work as pla nn ed and carried mco ebraska, May 4. 1 920. , "T he Scar let ar.d the Cream," on h ad as i ts ob je ct to help de - 1 870 to 1 880 50 Ft ne ndds Alumn i: which in its turn had bee n borrowt ermine why it is that th e gre at . r a a ay w IC 1 we are liv- ed fr om a well know n Princeton b road-l e aved fo r es ts, ce ntr al in th e 1880 to 189 0 101 mg unrest , po lit i ca l co lor song In fact both wo rd s a nd unce r tamty , an d alm os t an I · · · ·
Ohi o Valley , exte n ded no fa rther 189 0 to t 900 268 1. th d . • 1 mu s1c , w1th s lr ght va r iat i ons in we t th t I In e e uca t JO nal worl d. With an th e fo rm er, have bee n ada p ted to s . an eas e rn Ne braska Thr ee 1900 to l!HO 8401 unprecedente d dema nd f or tra in ed local use b 'd bl exp e nm ent stat ions in di ffe re nt I Imen and wome n in the co mme r cial I Y a consl era e numplant hab i tat s were es tablis hed 1910 to 192 0 1748 wor ld h 1ber of Ne bra ska and hi gh t ere are thousands of j scho ol!'; "as "Th y II d th near Peru and thr ee nea r Lin col n. sch ool s in Am erica today without B ·;, f W Je e ow an .e T he l nv es tr'crat· t d d T ota l 3007 r own o es ey an , etc. Cred it ..., ron ex en e <1v re
teachers What a chance for ser - f th fi the entr· re gro · f · . or e rst e mploym ent m old wrng season o 1917. Deg r ees Granted. VICe! The pre se nt se nior cla ss is Peru of f ld . d d . such as wino evapo rat io n, Jl 910 to 1 920 68 tun it f h 1 ue to Pr? f. Ge orge H. Por tf' r, J\11 fact ors affect i ng plant growt h, to be congratulated up on its opp orl d ne o ai r an wor s IS temperature hum i dity s .I . J y e ping to m ee t this who occupied th e rhair of En g lish •. . ·. or mO IS· " ""'l.onrli rl gr ea t llat10 nal ne e d. in the 0 mal S h 1 d · tur e, and l1ght 1nten s1ty, we rel d d d d bl' h fi Ye t how much hard er'-foT f II d secon e ca e ou mg t e rst,
care u Y measu re and reco r ded.
- JUniOr to stay in training when a the Peru chape l so ng book wa 11 The plant com11u n it i e.;; we re al:;o i and t he t.hlrd the second. double op portunity pr ese nt s itse lf, comp i led a f ew ye ars ago, a restud i ed and t abu lated. T he n the fo u rt h p lun ge d aw ay in the for m of a go od s alary a nd : writrng of th e p oe m wa s macle by The fin al repo rt is e mb o di ed in a ahe arl. but ou r pr esen t deca de in a chance to m ee t so me community's : a committe e and endor sed by the neat att ract i vely bound bu lle tin, th e f ace of m:my obs t ac lt>s has need! Decis io ns r es pPcting schoo l facu lty Sw eep ing changes il lustrated by pict u res , . gra ph s, douh(ed eve n th at large numb er, offe r" shou ld r es t no t on wha t ntX t iwe re ma de in t he di ction , so that ta bles and belt tra ns ects T he ma in
Y. ear may bri ng , but . " Wh .. at will I the lin es consti tuted a practica ll y and in addit i on ha s gr ante d si xtyconc lus io n as by the sum -
1t mean te n yea rs fr om now? " I ne w and or iginal setti ng of :) he col · mary are: eight deg r ees
From that angle eve ry alumnu of 1 or them e.
1. The pra iri es and wo od l an d 1 who have go ne o ut And now comes a mu si cal genius in the vici nity of Lincol n are mu ch I Ol i ve Gr i ffit hs. ' 95 , of Damo h, f rom Pe ru w il l jCJ in me .•in saying in th e person of Pr of esso r Hohdr i er th an tho se in the vici n ity of 1 In dia , is in t hi s on you cann ot afford to lea v_e be fore I ma nn, ou r piani st , and gives us a Peru. 'Ioug h. and at present IS takm g th at last year of wor k 1s done splendid new comp osit ion to fi t the z. Ecological cond it ions a re Rome work p hil- These tu r bulent need II familia r poem. The recons t ituted srown to cha nge r apidly as th e osop hy 1n C h1 cago Umvers l ty better heads for th e1r g UJrlance song wa s re hear se d in chapel a forest pr airie ec oto ne is traversed I Char les L ively, '1 3, is a memher t ha n did th e m ure pearfu l times : we ek ago, and _ facu l ty anrl st ud ents in NebraFka. of th e depa r tm e nt of socio logy , be_fore.' If you ar_e to make a con-i were in he arti est accord in the 3. The low h umid i ty and low in t he Un iversi ty of Mi nne!'ot R. t nb ut1on of lastmg wo r th ge t} lecision that the Pe ru Color Song co nt ent of t he p ra iri.e I Opa l Li ntz, '1 4, elec ted to ful ly pr epa red now. l has at reached its final and s1tes 1n ea stern Neb r as ka co ns t1- mem bers hi p in Phi Be ta Kap pa at Ve ry si ncer ely , per ma nent rorm . tutes barr iers ove r wh ich trees c an the Un ive rsity of Neb r aska thi s B. Cli ff ord Hendricks, '10. The n f' w s ong prese nts the three pass. l yea r. 1 Chemi s try I:ta l l, Uni. of Nebr . st anza s as a swing i ng uni son 4. The for es t trees. on ly as far I ch orus , f ol lowed by a r efrain in wes t as t he vicinity of Lin co ln , Idr ill , was by eigh tee n g irl s, six l Edna Fis her, and Ha ll ie Weave r. 1 which is irr es istible in its mat e rially in . to from ea ch of the t hr ee gymn_asium ! Th is ve ry wh ic h I ga1ety . rhythm. Th e_ ent ir e spec 1es fr om tho se fo und m s 1mlla r clas oes. 'fhe dr il l was s tr 1ctly a I one of a senes of SIX learned I IS easy and s1_ngable, habitats at Peru. di_s play of clas& work, as it haa lm regular cla ss work, was gvien w1th a _m oveme nt f ournot bee n plann ed as a specia l ex hi · j by the gi rls in charming "Bo Pe e p" 1four t1me wh1c h adapts 1t most bit.io n n umbe r. It was a :plend id , costu m es , and _a hear ty j ad m irably to al l mann er of pub lic
Sp ecial Ch apel Progr am.
The special d epa rtm e nts have de monst ration of exerci ses fo r enco re from the app r ec1 at1ve chape l uses. strengthen in g shoul der mn sc l es and! f olks. Pr of. W. F. H0yt was rece nll y encourag i ng good pos tur es. Su ch demonstr ations of r egula r elec ted ::;ecretary of t he Nebra ska
re cen tly been contr ibu ting so me ve ry attract ive feat u res of our chapel prog rams . L as t week th e The seco nd n um b er, the "Shep - class wor k ev i dences the splend id Academy of Scie n ce , for the en su· t rain in g ·the g irl s ar e r ece iv in g i na- year. This is one of th e may departm e nt of ph ys i ca l t rai nin g for h erdess Dan ce, '' was given by four women prese nted two exce ll e nt girls from the aes th et ic danc in g I numbers The first, an Ind ian club class , He len VanSa n t, Hope L ew iS, u nde r t he of Miss Sh i ve ly ways in wh ich Pr ofe sso r Hoyt has of th e ph ys i ca l tr ain ni g depa rt- bee n rec ogn i zed as a lea der among m en t. the sc i ent ists of th e s tate
THE PERU NORMA.LITE You can e ver win a pri ze.
Lite's battle don't alway• go
Entered at t he Postoffice at Peru, Ne- To the stronger or ta1ter man; brask a as second-class matter.
Bu t soo n or late the man who wins
Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal Is the fe ll ow who thinks he can.
$1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cts
Dorot by Mauck , '20 Edito r in-Chi ef
The Friend. (Au th or Unknown)
A fri e nd is a pe rson who "fo r
you," a lways , und er a ny su spici ons.
He n eve r inve s ti&" a tes you.
When charges are mad e ag-ainst you, he does not ask pro o f.
He asks the accuaer to cl ea r out.
He li kes yo u just as you are.
He does not want to alter you.
He I i k es your su cce ss.
Alvina Amende. ...... Associate Ed itor A nd your failure en d ea rs yo u to
Paul Bennett, '2l. A ssistant Edit or him th e mo re
Fern Adams, '2l.. Ae sista nt Editc>r ' He is better than a lover be-
Raym ond Huffer, '2l Bu s iness Mg'r h · · I '
Get the name.
Whet1 in need of quality groceries, riu(! 25 or call at the Mardis Quality, Service, Courteous Treatment with pure fresh goods has built our busit1ess and reputation
N II o 1 • 21 M • ,1 1 0 ca use e 1s n eve r Jea ous.
e u: re up , p, r. ·' at mg ept.
Esther Cole Scnior
Mabel Dressler J unior
Winifred Elkins Sop homore
Lo is G riflin Freshmen
Id a Fred ericks on Specia ls & Tr a iners
Willia m Thomas Y M. C. A.
Amy Adams Y. \V. f'. A·
Helen VanZ a nt Gi, is Clu b /\ lice Glasgow Phil omat hean
Dell a Weatherhogj:!' Drnmatic Club
Rose Mi ll er ]. U. r..
Hi ldegMd Yeck, Physica l Sc ie nce Club
He wants no thin g from you, excep t that yo u be you rself
He is the o ne b eing wit h whom you can feel safe.
With him you ca n utter yo ur heart, it s badness and its good ness.
You d on' t have to be careful.
In his pr e3ence you ca n be ind iscreet; which me ans yo u can res t.
There ar e many faithful wive s a nd hu sband; there are few faithful frien d s.
Anyb od y m ay sta nd by you when No articles accepted after 8 o'clock yo u are ri gh t; a friend sta nd s bv M o nd a_v morning.
A Po em Th at Will Help you. (Fairmo nt Se ntin e l. ) you even when yo u are wrong.
A local member of the A merican Leg ion liilys that the fo llowing p oe m wa s distributed to thousands of buddies, espec ially on the ocean lin er s. It is w or th r ead i ng a nd re -r ead in g:
If you t hink vou are beate n, you a re.
Th.o h i rrhoof- \,'" " _," ""•""" "' friendship is that of the dog to hi s master.
Yo u are ill luck if you can fi nd
one man or one woman on earth who ha s that kind of affecti on for you and fide lity to yo u.
It is he that keeps a live you r faith in humal'l natu re, th at makes you believe it is a good u ni verse.
Let us assist yon in securing a b et ter pos iti on Af ter 27 yea rs of successf ul experience we are qualified to give efficient service No enrollment FEE ne cessar y. Write for information
A. M. M. DORNON, Manager Flynn Bu ild ing
capac ity s he se rv ed until 1 914 , whe n she was ma de head of the Des Moines. l owa Black Walnut department of Englit< h in Cotne r We tnannfacture this College She th e summer in ' wo od into es cci · the State Um vers1 ty and to ok up I P her new duties in S eptember, 1 914. ally su ited for Manual vUIJeg la n.
TrufnfnJ!, direct
The fo ll owing repo r ts of accep- to schools. for next year ha ve been tiled i smce last pu bl ication: Wi ll o dene j Meek bumbeP E.o. Dauphin, scie nc e, Clay Cente r, 1
$1 M ac kprang, manual j t raining and athletics, Wi,.ner, /.
$1500; Lel a W il so n, junio r cla!'s , 1 P aw nee City !
$900; Et hel Harrnaa, unassi n d. ' . Baseme nt Fish er's Drug Store Peru Alumni at Cotner. g e · Workmen. Your Pat r on
If you t hi nk you dare no t, you Omaha, Belle Erisman ,: age Solicited dont.
A lb e rt We sley Oste rh ou t is com- mathemetics and Engli sh, Spring- ' C p S ·
If yo u'd like to win, but lhin y ou hi s e i.llht E>e nth year at fiP.Irl, $1 125; Co le , I COV ILL. Prop. can't, Cot n er. He has been f ai t hful to h il!h school. Odell , $I::Wfl; Ella · I t's alm ost a cinch you won't the cause of C hristian educatio n. w oodard. first gr ade , Lyo ns. i E.ity and If you th i nk you' ll lose you've He to Cot n er in 1902. Afte r $1QOO ; Mahe l Pars o n, third and ! lost, · ' spent severa l years in the f ourt h Co lumbus, $1000 .! Bakery
F . t f h1gh !:C h no ls of N , 0 k LI Cl B k '
Su ccess beg in s with a fe ll o w' s / h is trainin g the Pe ru IYork, $1 175; Lu ci le R.lndol,
0 1 ou o the w ur ld you find e la s a r e a ra PC 1919, ;
will- - - No rm al, gr ad uat 1ngJ n 189::! , Q maha, $JA.OJl ;._B_!a.och I
It's all in the st ate of mind College, getting- hi s' and English Cham·: - t>eru F 11 · d1ploma 1n 1915 H b ' u many a race is lost e was at the =1s. $ 11 25 : Gr ace do m es- 1
E head of the c · 1 · re ever a st ep is run om rn e rcJa d l:'pa rt - t•c science, Chamhas, $1. 125. 1
And many a cowa rd fa il s me nt _m Co tn er f or eight
E re ever his wo r k's beg J O.>Ie York O;;t erhou t went fr om
Think big and your ud:eds wil l the co untry sc hoo l to th e Stale gr ow; Norma l at PtJru , fr om which s he
Think s mall and you' ll fall wa s gra rlu ated in June. I 893 In hin d; be- Jun e, 1894, s he was ma rri ed 10 A.
Think that W. Osterhout. In th e fall of 1900
vou can and YOU Wi ll-
It 's a ll in the state of mi.nd she accepted three classes in the
If you t hink you' re outcl . d department of e ducati on of Cotne r ar e; asse ' yo u Co ll ege a nd in Ja nuar y of the same
You've got to thl k h' h . year was made head of the depar tn lg to n se: ment Aft
Yo u've got to be sure of you r se lf . er several years in thi s before work, !> he was e le cted te ach er of En,.lis h for the Acad e my in which
Science Club,
Our me e tinll s for th e Ye ar were broug ht to a cl ose with last Friday 's pr og ram Th e committee suc ceederl In ma kin g th e la st s essi on one which we all wil l reme mber. Wh y? 1 can 't te ll just now for that would be te lling th e end fir st.
We are always &'lad to hear Loy Hack er talk, and thi s time he clearly e xp lained what science is a nd the value of it. The article en t itl ed Solidification of Sunshine, and read by Es ther Delzell, was very interesting, for it told how oleomargarin e is made. 1 don't be li ev e l can te ll you the debate on Spiritualism, but Eldie Cameron and Heywood are regular "walkina e ncyclopedias" on the subj eet.
We as an o ra-anization hope that next year will find an even more active Phy s ical Sc 1ence Club.
s kill. Professo r Ho lch played containing littl e to as ts and boosts MacD owe ll 's "To a Wild Roae" to the gues ts.
and "To a Water Li ly." Any one ---·---w ho ha s hear d Mr. Hol ch nee d not be to ld how we e nj oyed these sele cti on s.
La st Thur s day, President Rouse sp oke to us on the prob lem s which we are lik e ly to me et in our first te aching P. xpe ri e nce and how to solve them The talk was inspirational and helpful. Let all senion of '20 show the o ld sch oo l what Peruvians can really do!
Wedne s day of thi s week is Senior Day. Th e old custom of "sneak day" ha s b ee n discarded by the pres ent class and we open ly announce our picnic day.
Calendar. Regular Eve nts. Weekly.
Mondays, Chorus, 5 :40 to6:15. O.rche s tra, 7:30 to 8 :15 Tues days, Girls' Glee Club. 8: 15 to 9. Boys' Gl ee Club, 7:30 to 8 :15. Band, 815. Wednes days, Chorus, 5:40 to 6: 15. Orchestra, 7:30 to 8 :15. Y. M. :c. A., 8 :1 5.
Thursdays, Y. W. C. A., 7:15 to 8:15. Girl s' Glee Club, 8 :15 to 9. Boys' Glee Club, 7:30 to 8:15. Band, 8 :15. Bi-monthly. Student Council of Gir ls' Club.
By th e bo x or pound. Just the thing for that Birthday Present NORMAL STORE
Chase's Barber Shop
Mi !stead Ba sement ALL WORK FIRSTCLASS Full line of To il ets on h and A. W. CHASE, Prop.
Dry Cleaning
Accepts New Position. The Monday eve ning before: the Tail or and Gleaner Phone 62
Prof. M. C. Le fler ha s accepted Second Tuesday of each month and the sa lea managership w ith the every two weeks th ereafter at 9:00 Univer s ity Pub l ication Company of p. m.
Fay Bakery
Lincoln, o ne of the largest text- Second Friday, Phil omathean, 8 AND book publi s hing houses in the west. ;, o'clock. , Fourth Friday, Y. W, C. A. The fol lowing from the State Philomathean, 8 o'clock. Lunch Room
Pre s id e nt Rou se spoke to us last Journal is an indi cation of the Monthly. Thur s day eve nin g. His topic was est ee m in which he is he ld by his Second Tue sday, Girls' Club, 11:50. Our Moth ers. He s pokP. in a ve ry co-::vork ers:
Fir st Wednesday, Dramatic, R.
intere sting- but informal manner. Forty of the supervi sors and Fir st Saturday, J. U. G., 8. Every on e felt that the hour was principal s of th e Lin co ln pub li c very well !; pe nt , ann left with a I met Friday in the bigge r conce pti on of th e meaning 1 hotel fo_r a dmn er gl v tm of Mothe r' s D ay . Come ag ain, Mr. 10 honor of a ss1stant s upenntenRou se, we are alwa ys g la d to have dent Le fl er and Mrs. Lefll er who expect to leave Lincoln soon . The gue s ts, th i rty-t wo in numb e r, were se at e rl at one large decora ted tab le with a lar ge bowl of tu li ps as a cent er pi e ce, and with place
Th e meeting for thi ;: week is to be on th e a ffi liated me mbership, and the la di es of the facu lty are plannin g it We are sure tn have a good m ee tin g. Ev e rybody be th ere cards of artificia l tulips mad e by the of the ei g hth grade cla ss es of th e Capito l and Ev e rett Senior Notes. school s. The program consis ted Notwith sta ndin g th e pr essure of / of mu s ic al numb ers by the high incr ea sed work near co mmencement s chool s tud e nt s and Mrs C. G. tim e. we have had exce llent pr o· How e ll, s ome of them dedicat ed to gram s in cla ss chapel. th e gue sts of hono r. In addition
On April 29, Mr s. Co ttle gave a to thi s th ose prese nt pe rfo rm ed r ea ding- e ntitl ed ''D eath of the !' tunrs acc ording to direction s Hir ed Ma n." by th e mod e rn poet, found in s id e the place card Rob e rt Fr ost. This piece was ex - Mr Newlon closed the evening treme ly well .re nd e red. th e varying with a toast to Mr. and Mrs. and co ntra sts of characters\ Le fl e r. A new s paper being pr ese nt e rl with ex lra ordinary di s tribut ed durmg the
Wht:rJ you buy from us }UU can k11ow thtlt } ou are getting the best. We
(i " r l1 n 1 e e i 1. If y o u s h o u I d e t a n y ttrrh le here that has not the quality it should "e wanf an itnmedi» te opportunity to make it right.
•'Let there be Light"
WE have a nic e line of El e ctric Lamps, Flashlights and
COTNER MALE QUARTET jSa fety Razors and Blades, Skates, Pocket Knives and Manual Training Hardware. Friday, April 14 Boy y our g ood s in Peru. 1 Mackprttng's Hardware Normal Chapel
The Chate1ain Jewelry Store
Watches, <.:locks, deweiPy, Fountain Pens. StationePy School Supples, Scho ol and Society Pins and Rings Pe nnants, Flashlights a nd Suppli es
We re pair pens, wa tch es , jewelry and spectacles. an y thin g we don't hav e and save you mon ey Will ord er J. C. CHi\ TELA IN. Peru, Nebr.
New Voice Te ache r. Alumni.
John Bran igan, '11, who is now nead of the scie n ce department of the high schoo l at Wins lo w, Arizona, h as re cently elect ed superintendent of the ci ty schoo ls at Holbrook, Arizona. He writ es for a manual training and gram mar g rad e t eache r.
Etta Sc h wartz sends an interestin g letter from G illette, Wyoming. Mi ss Schwa rt z fi led on a h omestead near Newcastle, and w ill prove up in 1921, afte r whic h s he expects to re turn to Pe-ru to complete h er course in the Nor mal. Here's to th e> plucky Peru g irl s!
Mi ss Lu e lla Dye, class of '13, who has been teaching out of the state for a number of years, is
The Norma l School is fortunate teaching n ow in Brul e, Nebra sea in th e acquisition of the brilliant She leaves the sc h oo l work in June vo ice te ac he r, Pr ofe ss or B. Loui s 'l nd t ake s a position in the bank G oo dy e ar, of Cr e ek, Michi- We are sorry to see Miss Dye leave gan , as head of th e dt>partm e nt of the profession. She has been a voi ce cu ltur P.. Mr Goodyear comes very successful teacher. wi th a fin e recorcl as a sing er and Mn; Ne lli e Laml> Howard, '15, vo ic: bu il der He is his writes fr om Greenwood, Ne braska, I family to and w lll conduct th at her ten months 0 ld son is busy I cla sses dunng the summ er s ch oo11s tudying the "l aw of gravit ation," as we ll as the regular school yea r. and gives fr equent demo nst r ati ns
Exhibition of Indu s tri al Arts.
We wi sh to ca ll att P. ntion to the fo llo w ing:
of the sa me. Nellie L am b is rem e mb ered by many students and te achers as one of the most bril-
The Big Event of this Week CONCERT
Cotner College Male Quartette
f riday, May 14, at Admission
Not a Budget Number
Just tl few steps fr()m the buildings and y ou save the lung and tired w i::tl k down tO\\ n. See us for your stationery and
When Hungry our line of l iant students Peru ha s h ad. We Pruits and Candy will you
When ? During th e aft e rn oon exp e ct to we le ome her son to our a nd eve nin g of Thu rs day, Ma y 20. number wh en he is a hit older.
Wh er e? In th e gy m of th e tr ai nin g bui Iding. Me mb ers of M Ga r ma n' s class H. U.
Wha t? An exhibition of indu s- in de si gn rec ently madP. health tri al po s ter s. Thnse drawn by Nollie
Phone 56
Th ere wi ll be work done by the Wo odbu r y, Kath e rine L ieberKnecht, There is noth ing that means as mu ch to your fri e nds as a phot ograph stud e nt s of both training s ch t> ol Gu end o lin All en, a nd Ha7.el Munt er - of your self. an d th e Normal Sc hool. were sent by Mil's Holstrom to the
In any room or ho me yo u wi ll · fi nd Manual traini ng work su ch as Illin ois Tu be rculosis as soc iati on. wo od turn in g, furnitur e making, Mr. J. U Recke r, chairm an of me chani ca l drawing. schoJI aativities of tha t association, Fr om the c lo t hing departm e nt, say s in a lett er add ressed to Miss a pron s anrl many oth Pr "W e app reci ate the which have b Pe n worked sp lendid post ers you sent us ; out by th e g irls sh ow ent h usia sm and int erest on I Sa n1 ples of wo rk done in dr a wing the pa rt of bo th pupi a nd adul ts. and pa intin g done in th e first eig ht We are proud to have th em a nd grad es wi II be sho wn. will take th em to St Louis to exTh e No rmal art oepartm e nt wi ll hib it at th e National Tu berc ·.1 lo s is ex hib it so me W• 1rk in ba sket s, clay Al' sociat io n, Ap ril 23 and 24. mo de ling a nd ha nd work. Thi s Ma y we keep th em for th e st ate department had its re gular exhibit fair ex hibit'!" earli er in the year. --"--
Tho se in charg e cord i all y invite Student Re cit a ls. all int er es ted in the wnrk of the 3e May 1, '2, at 5:15 o'clock, M.iss d epar tme nts to attend. It wi l! be Paulin e Sch roe de r, sop r ano, as :; i st · open to eve ry one. ed by Miss La ura Mackpran g, pianist.
Rev E. D. Hage man is th is May 20 at 5: 15 o'c lock M' k . h. d ' ' I SS wee movmg IS g oo s to Peru, Mona Keith, pia ni s t, hy and aft er a couple of we eks more IMl·ss A nn G'lb t • 1 er , soprano. will becom e a perm ane nt reside nt May 21, at 7:3, Mi ss Elizabeth of Peru. Roess ler, pi ani s t, as s ist ed by Mis s
Th e Cotn er Ma le Qua rt et w ill be Lilli e Le wi s, Alto. in Pr eu Fr iday even in g, May 14. These g irl s hav e have done f ait hThis is not a budget eve nt, and ful work on the ir reci ta l material th e admi ss ion w ill be 25 and 35 and deserve a good audience. Come cents. and hear them if p oss ible
You have some of y ou r frienrl s, so you know how the y are appr e ciated. Bett P. r have y our por t rai t made toda y
Wife of Vice President Delzell Died Friday, May 14
Peruvians were ci eeply sadde n ed last week to learn of th e d eat h of Mrs Dora Wilson De lzell , which I oce11rred on Friday n oo n, Ma y 14. Mrs De lzell had b ee n in fatling health f or a lm o3t th re e years but during the pa st f ew month s shP had seemerl to be gain i ng somewhat in str engt h. Tw o we e ks age• , h owe ver, the valvu lar troub le of the hea rt, wh i eh was th e cause of her death. b eca me critical and baffl ed eve ry effo rt (• f !:' kill and
Dr. House and Prof. Hohmann De" lightfu lly Entertain Audien ce.
The rec ita l of 8Vening, May 10 st ands out as one of the most d eligtfuhl mu sical ev ents of the Three memhers of the faculty, Homer C. House, te nor , Walter H. Hohman n, pianist, and Arth ur E. Holch, accompanist, collaborated in presresenting most ar tistically a pr ogra m of unu sual beauty Even in thA hurry of the pre -exam inat ion week, a good sized audience had found time for the recital. and responded to the devotion music with obv iously keen e nj oyTh e fun e ral serv ices were h eld I ment and enthus iasm. on t he lawn of th e family home, Thi s b 'l uldPr mark s the s pot where Geo. E. Howard an d Anna 1 Mr. Hohmann opened the proafte rn oon. The aged par- Mo orh ea d stoorl fifty yea rs ago when they gave th e ir orations ' and Igram with a Bach Pre lu de and ents and br o th e rs and s isters of rece iv ed their dipl o ma s fro.!!l--E:er-11-Nebr ask a'! firs t State Norma l l Fuge, and r ende r erl its serenely Mr s. De lzell were all present Nor- -the first ever held in Nebraska. •classical sp irit with delicacy a nd ma l classes and bu s ine ss houses finis h. Two movements f rom were close d, wh il e th e whole town Beethoven's '' WaldRtein Sonata" _, . . h . The Service Fl ag Lowered, Seotor Pl ay. un1t eu 1n paymg on or to o ne / form ed hi s n ex t number, the Aileu niver sally loved One of th e must imp r ess ive eXE'T· Uo es 1t pay to pretend to be l gro opportunity for the Rev. (;. A. Carma n, form e rl y I of the year was held w hat you are not't Violet and Ad le-' specia l beauty of The her pasto r in the Baptist Ch urch. , Fnday mornmg at the r egular aide. daughters of "Patent Merli - other piano num bers we re reprecam e from hi s preR e nt charge in chapel h our, wh en t he Service cine" Jim Sa} les, pose as Norman sentative of modern compo se r s, all Shenandoah, Io wa, to hring to the was lowe r ed. Five hundred French De Sa l les befo re the family se lec tion s of rare beauty, and emsorrowing family and friend• a sixty Peru s tudents, nine of who m of fia nce. How the inently charactPristic. Mr. Hohme :;sarre of sympathy a nrl h ope were women, a re r epresented on was di sco ver ed a nd a happy end 1ng ' m:mn m ade hi s li s teners feel the He spnke wit h exa lt ation of the thi !:' stars ar e gold. In hr ought about , the play itse lf will di fferen ce in , spir it be twe en the profound de pth of comfort fo r a the abllen ce of Mi ss E lli s, und er di sc lo se. MacD owell Praeludium, with its h rl . t · th fla wa made Co me and find out! d grit>f te uder and for one so nobly w ose lr ec I On e g s big dramatic ch or ds , an the th by the Gtrl s' Club, Mi s!' Rose Clark Cast of characters: dr eamers of Debussy's "En WClFrew .Per uvians but ha ve PnJ·Clyed gave th ie heautiful lind touching Ju sti n Rawson Gaylord Chase Bateau," wh ose rocking rhythm I M' R · h' · I the delightful co mpani ons hip and ! trib ute which will be treasu red by ISS awson, IS SISter was a dmi r ahly br oua-ht out. The warm h ea rt ed hos pitality of the ! all Pe ruvians: Dagmar Magneson conc l uding group, comp os ed . ot' a Delze ll ho me. It was a rare p ri vi- "It is o ur hi gh privilege to offer Geoffrey l{aw so n, hi s you nl'er soD Brahms "Sallade" and the weli)Pge to know th e beautiful and profo und g ratitude to these repre· Carl Mackprana- known Pade rewsk i "Lege nd, both t f ld P To them Anth ony Rawson, h is elder so n · graciou s woma n who was the soul senta 1ves o o e ru. • esse ntiall y romantic m tone, we re of that home Her ready sympa - our pr a ise and th a nks are due , :or Lloyd Prante Hbly and sympathet ically prese nted. thy. her spont an eo us wit, h er th e br ave young which Ste p hen Lea vitt William Thomas Dr. Hou s e's part of the pro gsere ne poise, her fine faith in God bad e th em offer th e ir se rvice to Mrs. Stephen Leavitt Isabel Sea rs , ram con s ist e ci of only three so ngs, their co untr:v: for the we arisome Peter Swallow Lawrenc e Rouse I which howeve r covered a wide and hum anity made her the great , , h er home weeks of drill in camp; for the Kiteon Edward Matej ovsky range of sty le and of emo ti on. P cw er that she was in N F F lk stout hearts which bor e the bitter- ina •ranees •au ne r "The L over 'o Good ni ght" (Draand community. M d S C I' p TC' her hu sband and children, ness of di sappoin tm e nt if th e ove r- rs. e aile ece Ia ete r so n per), acimirably suiteci to Dr. her parent s. her brothers anci seas call did not come to them; for Vi olet de Salle Della _Weat he rh ogg Hou se's smoot h tenor, is a mood thel ·r the un certaint y and danger on the Mrs. Bumpscead -Leigh Emma Kelly i pic ture of d elicate interval s and si s ter s, all Peruvians ex te nd Sea' Wh en l he pestt!Fnce wa lked in cha rm1'ng tenderness 'l 'he lovely de ep and sincere sympat hy. Grandma Delzell, who has made · · --· _ _ ___ darkn ess and d es tructi on waste d her home in Peru for severa l legate passages were especially apat noonday; fo r th e lone l iness they years accom anied her dau ghter, pealing in Dr. Hou se's presentaPr es id ent Rouse a nd Pr ofesso r felt in a s trange land, am ong peo- Mrs. Tarr, Pto her home in West tion. Charlwick's "Allah" is a Shouse are away giving co mmence- Ipi e of an unknown tongue; for Inoble theme, treated with such d Virginia for an i nd efinite visit me nt aci r esses mud and filth and vermin they deceptive s implicity by the comMr. aad Mrs Geo L. Towne encount ere d; for hours of tense and Professor Brown went to Brown - that it fail s of effe c tiveness came down fr om Lincoln to attend fearful waiting at the outpost of ville, Friday evening, de liv er unless sung wi th , much delicacy of the fun e ral of Mrs . Delzell. danger; for the ho rror of struggle the comme.ncement Mi ss insi ght . Dr. House g ave it in a Miss Ellis was un e xpectedly call - with an nnprincipled foe ,. for Mona MIS::! most satisfying way, both as to ed to St. Lou is. Fr iday, by the rackin g torture of sick and wound- / accompamed him to t ake part m- techni que a nd as to interpretatio n. I f h ph"W / l<.:onlinued on l•'u11rt.h Pu.r;e. • th e program <Continu ed on r o.s t P ug-e. > Rerwus 11 ne ss o er ne " ·
Ent ered at the Postofficc at Peru, Nebraska as seco nd-class mat te r.
THE PERU NORMA.LITE s urp ri se" wer e fro zen on all thei r lips, and a sho ut of laughter bunt fo r th when Miss Bowen's fac e was seen as tke lights were turned
Published Weekly by the Pe ru State Normal on·. IN
$ 1. 00 per yea r. Sin gle co py 5 cts.
It took se vera l minutes for her to compre hend that this s urp r ise was beinl' i'iven by her '!lasses as a partin g "get toge t her" and " goo d time" before her departure for S mith College. Two mi nutes Iwe re g iven for a ''mittened ha ndshake." Some "mittens" (sacks) were quite badly to rn at th e e nd of th at tim e. It was found th at Pearle Kin to n wa s t he moat ·popu -
Do rot hy Ma uck , '20 Editor in·Chicf tar on e, as her sa ck was alm ost
Al vin a Amend e. ':.!O Assoc iatc Erlit or entir e ly go ne.
Paul Benne t t, ':..!l A Ed ito r Lela Haz za rd then pr esent ed Miss
Fern Ada ms, '2 l.. Assist an t Ed ito r 1Bo wen with an elec tric g rill as a ' 2 1.. Mg'r.l re membrance and parting g ift wi th Orelup, 21 M g- 'r. :vla tlm g Dept b' th1a 1t of vere s:
E:o ther Co le
Mabe l Drcssler .Jun io r
Winifre d Ell<i11 s So ph more
Lois Gri ffi n Fres hmen
lrl a Fred eri ckson Sp ecials & Tra in ers
\V illi a rn Th nmas Y l\11. C. A
Am\' Ada ms Y. \V r·. i\ ·
Hele n \" a nZa nt Git is Clu h
Al ice Gla sgow P hi lo mat hca n
De ll a Wcatherh ogg Onun m ic C' lu h
Ro se :\1 iller ........................... ..f U. l·lil dc card rh vs io ll Se i(' ncc Clu b
:-.In a rti cles acce pted a fte r 8 o'cloc k M 1>n rl ay morni ng.
Joint Meeting Chri s ti il n As soci a tions
Th e Chri s ti an orjl'an iza ti ons of th e schoo l fo ll owe d th Pir us ual cus tom. a nd h el d th P ir last mE! et in g tolirethEr Sunrl ny aftre nnon. A very large c ro wd waR pr ese n t. Man y of o ur alumni were here to j oin us in t hi s last meeting.
Mr s. Dau ghe rt y rep res ent ed the Normal Cath o li c Assoc ia ti on, and gave us a ve ry talk on " What Can a Teacher Do Thi s Summer." The spe cial mu s ic was very a-reatl y en joyed Mr. Ho hmann is an arti st tha t .we neve r tire of
Pres i dent Rouse of co urse alwa ys giv e li us sp le ndi d talk s and thi s was not an exc ep tion .' He spoke on the "Re lati on of t he Or ga niz ation to the Sch oo l."
The Y. M. C. A. had charJre of th e meeti ng a nd showe d th e ir val ue in the way in w hi ch th ey conduct ed th e meet in .c It wa s rath er a so le mn meetin g for th ose who are le aving; and an in spiration to tho se wh o ar e re tu rn in g to ca rry the wo rk forward n ex t year
"A Bientot''
Mi ss Mutz f ou nd th at her cott age had b ee n tran sform ed and par ty fe s tiviti es we re ab out to comm ence wh en she a nd Mi ss Bow en g ot home from ch or us la st Tuesday eve ning Th e word s "un e be ll e
You've taught us· p at iently and true;
A nd now at l as t we 'v e brou g ht to you
Our lo ve in s hinin g l itt le pans. Of co ur ::;e, you know th ey 're quite too s mal l.
For Ba rr els co uldn't ho ld it all; So we 'll ke ep aome in ev ery he art Thru all the co min g ye ars to gro w.
And since we cannot say "adieu" We 'l l just say "a bien tot ." ·
Th e re st of the evening wa s g ive n to mu s ic, which wa s furni s hed hy Miss E lli s' vic trola , an d g am es.
Mr Gately can sin g be autif u ll
Chin ese lov e s on gs if he is per to hold Mi ss Bowe n' s hand while he doea it; and Mr . Lynch ma kes a perfect( y fin e c anary. He wa s n't in a caj;('e, e ither, bu t could ha ve fl own a way whenever. he ch ose
Th P. rl:!fr eshments were ice cr e am
When in need of quality groceries, ring 25 or call at the Mardis Qui-:tli ry, Ser v ice, Courteou s Treatment with pu re fre sh g oods has built our busine ss and reputation
Let us as si st yo n in se curi ng a be t te r p os ition. Aft er 27 yea ra of successf ul expe ri en ce we are qua li fi ed to gi ve e fficient serv ice. No enrollme nt FEE nec ess ary. Write for infor ma ti on
A. M. M. DORNO N, Ma n ager
Fl y nn B uil d ing D es Mo in es . Iowa
The co st price, whi ch wa s SEN fOR CLASS PLA V ed with each dr ess, g av e an adde d no te of inte r es t.
Tuesday, May 25
The work of the de partment of. manua l training wa s of an e xcep- : Normal Chapel ti onally high chara cte r a nd in cl uded a vari ety of fu rni t ur e. many: B lack. Wa ln ut s plend id ex amp les of wood t ur nin g, · We tnannfactut·e this a nd se t• of mech a ni cal dr aw i ngs · w hi ch ·represent ed pers is t en t, =wo od into especipain s taking app l icat ion on the pa rt J ally s uited fur Manual of s tud e nts and instruc to r s. 1
Th e de partm en t:cf fi ne ar ts aid· Traininl!, selling direct not di s pla y a large asso r tm ent of to schools. wo rk becau :;e t hey had had a for· Meek Lumber <:: o. an rl " home·mad e" cake whi ch was mPr exh ib it, but th t.> work Cllnt r ibmi gh ty fi ne. The int e llig Pnce tes t ute d w as uy ra re. wa s a plac e wh ere e very one fell IJ ea uty an d excel len ce 1 <::ity <::afe and Baker v do wn. Do n' t o rr y! You ma y be Many e xcl am at i on s of su rpri se I given an o th er ch an ce Home tim e a nd ad mir at ion were v oi ct-d for the i Th e party br oke up wht.>n t he re mar kable r es ul ts se cured in th P! li g ht mon soid ir was tim e to go to wo rk of the chi ldrPn; and the : be d. Mi ss Bo wen g av e ea ch a pa rt · yo ung peo ple who exiJeCt to te ach! ing gift; bu t no one isgo in g to te ll n ext f al l ar t> ve ry g ra tef ul for this 1 wh at it was Io pp o rtuni ty to rece ive ons · I d-. A E -.-. r· ,.. for work which mny he c arr ie d o ut I n ustrtal rts xhtbtt 11 . h 1 ' jn . lt' lr ow n sc oo s
The stud e nts and in struc tors in th e dep ar tm en ts of man ua l trainin g, hom e econ o mi cs , a nd fine ar ts
sho uld be hig- hly co mm e nd ed fo r
The Hills of Peru
By Lou i se W. Mea rs th e s pl endid wo rk ex hi b it ed last H ave you Pve: ., h PP n a stude n.t at Pe ru and t rd mp ed ovPr the hills wee k. Thi s exhibiti nn wa s on e of of old · You w" u ld like co a souve ni r of yo ur sc h oo l th e finest of its kind held in days for and yo ur fr ie n ds You wa nt wo rth whil e. · Th en do not a ll to get a copy of TH e; HILLS Of PE I-{U a book of u, and th e ro om w aa op en li te r ar y a nri wri tten by L ou i se W. Mea rs w h'i le teacher
In th e e vemn g a lar ge r number of Iof ge og ra ph y In th e P er u State No r mal Schoo l lt pictures the , pe ?p le to atten d. e.ver y PP ru per s?n known a nd !ove d, and lo n gs to see fhe se wmg don e 10 th e g ra des 1 1s an acc ura te h1 sto nca l account of the r>IO n ee r pe riod and steama nd in the Nor.mal maint a in ed th e bl oa t days. With It s m aps an d pictures, it is a g ui de to new st u dents s th ere a co py In :v our publ ic li br ary? sa me hll'h s tandard as 10 former The HILLS 0 1! PERU is on sale at year s. The a-arm Pnt s seemed
es p ec iall y da in ty and at tracti ve arn es' Phar ma cy ye t in eve ry instance utility nnd Pri ce 7 5c pr ac ti ca ln ess had bP.e n emphas ized. Ded icated to th e class of ' 95
Senior Day,Picnic for Junior s. Norma l School, cam e of Peru to atWhat a d ay it wa s! The t yp 1·cal Th e eve nin g of May 8, a jovfu l tend the fune ral of Mrs . Delze ll. rainy day for a pi c ni c! The exco ngr ega tion of j uniors with Mi•s curs ion on the seven to that •'se- B Girls Club Notes. owen and Pr es id ent and Mrs. cret" place, abo ut whic h on ly the Rouse, gathered on the athletic
By the box or pound. Just the thing for that Bir thday Present NORMAL STORE committee knew, was out of th e fi e ld. The air see med tilled with year, May 18. wa s unu•ually well q ue&ti on. What ne xt? To the carni- festal so und!! After seve ral ball attended, s ho w ing plainly the val at Auhurn! was the happ y thot games had been successful ly con· growing interest in the organi zaf Orne One S b h · Chase's Barber Shop o s · o ac to t e s tation elud ed - th at is to say, for the t10n. A numb er of matters of im- u Mi Istead Basement ALL WORK FIRSTCLASS
The last meet in g of the s ch oo l
Full line of Toilets on hand A. W. CHASE, Pro p. at nine forty -fi ve tripped a band of winning side, and a lib e ral supply partance were d ec ided up on , among dec id ed ly un-solemn seniors, de- of he els h ad bee n str ewn as troph· them two constitutional am e ndtermin ed to do or dif!. And do jes, th e signa l was g iv en for a new menta, one changing the time of they did, e xcept when the kewpee attract i on. Mr s. Rouse Jeri the the annual elect ion from April to dea lers ''did" th e m. Home process ion that filed to the old February; other incr ea1 ing the on the five and up to the 1n•m in pa geant gro und s where we found seme s ter memb ers hip dues to fifty · Dry Cl eaning the training school, where the big Curley takin g hu ge strides around cents beca use of the H. C. L. Ac- Pressing celP.bration of the clay took place. a crack! in g bonfire. We were tion was also taken to hol d monthly 1 Repairing Wh en you 'r e se lecting a class ser ved with such ea tll as no oicnie afternovn t ea• next year. Plans JN Q
sponse r, always se lec t one who h as m enu eve r yet contanied. We wer e then made for the jun i or -sen -: • • an inter es t in the domestic scie n ce wouldn't think of te ll how many ior proctors for the opening of I Tail or and Gleaner departm e nt, and yo u' II ha,·e a buns and pi c kl es we a te. schoo l nex t September. 1 Phone 62 pla ce to fry your ham and ej!gs Who ever dar ed to say th at Mr. The inco ming officers are: when the wea ther man's ideas and and Mrs. Rouse ' arP. not real· Farquhar, pr es ident; Esthe r De l1
zell, vice presid en t; Bess ie West, yo ur hopes cl:a sh. fri ends. Ev ery junior wil l !lay the y secretary ; and Ida Huff, tr easurer.
Most inr!o or picn ics are hop e le ss are. Three ' cheers for "The This ends anot her sue· AND failur es-a t best poor e xruaes, but Rous es ," and Mi ss Bowen and Mr. cesaful year for th e G irl s' Club. a few ar e gloriou sly success ful. Beck! Th o the club will surely miss the 1 -·____ _ eenion and graduate s, aa well as I Hap p il y for this o ne it wa9 num- Jam es Del ze ll of the Wi sconsin juniors who will not be here, '
Lunch Room
ber ed amo nj! th e fav o red fe w. It S N bri!r ht hopes po int to a P'ro•perous l •'Let there be Light" tat e orm al brot her of Profese or d h f 1920 21 d I mu st ha ve been because those w ho an appv yea r or · , un er Delze ll, and Mr s. Crabtree, of J the effici e nt guid a nce of Dean We have a nice line of Electric went to the carniva l were so glad . , Wa s hingto n. D. C., sis ter ot Mrs Ellis, sponsor of the Girls' Club ,. Lamps, Flashlights and th ev wl:!nt. and tho se who dJdo t go D 1 II 11 d t p b th · · c ze , were ca e o e ru Y 1:! - • Batteries. were so gl ad th ey didn't or so me- ideath of Mrs W. N. Deizell.
thin g - anyhow eve ry one for go t 1 d h ! Safety Ra zors and Blades, Skates, d' d Geo A. Meds ke r atten e· t e
•p k K. d M 1 T · · h1 ,; !'•appointment s an empty oc et mv es an anua rammg p ock etbook, and the s <> nior class Int er -co ll egiate
Basement Fisher's Drug S to re I Hardwar e. Sp eaking Conte ts at th e.. F' t 1 w k y P>-t · · unr -of M K -c.ass or men. our " r on l Buy your goods m Peru. State Norm al on ay lt. ear ney age Sol ici ted. M k , H d the whole sen i or yea r. Oh. th Me won first place, and Creighto n C. P. SCOVILL. Prop. l ac prttng S ar ware eat s! Twu cours es. yo u kno w !! Co ii i:').Ie Sf' conc:l Mr Medske r re· All you cou ld eat a nd th en ports fine tr o:-at me nt by th e KearHow cou ld s uch a s ucce sFful , . ney peop le. I journ ey on th e road to greate r wl sd , m h ave h ad a ha p pier e nding? I' The en gag• me nt of Miss Nev.a Tne of 192 0 have many jolly I Mae Shub ert, of S huh ert , to M1 Ricr.ard Dl'lul e Bak e r. of Fall time s w ;; t 11 re away 1n t he sru re-1 hou se of pleasa nt memo ri P.s , and ICity. is a nn ounce d. The weddm g h · c1 1 h t. ha will occur at St. Th omatl chur ch w he n t e ,.., mor ay ce e ra wn s · 1 · th t in Falls C•ty nn Ju ne M1ss been gv1 en a pace therP•n. a 1
· 1 b · ht f 11 : S hu be rt r eceivt-d her degree from storehou< t' w11 t' m1 g y near u Preu in 191 8. anrl runn1n l!
Sen! Se n! Ray! R ay!
Sun! R':l y!
Ho ora y ! Hoor a v!
Sen! Sen! Ray! Ray !
Patronize our adver ti se rs.
P ro fessor He ndricks , form erl y he ad of the ph _ysica l science departme nt of Peru, a nd now conneeted with th e sa me de partment at the
S tat e Univer ., i ty , and Mi ss Woods, a former fa culty me mber of th e I
,, ht...:t l you from us yuu can know )Ou e1re the best. We (iua re1nree ir. If getany ar tide here th at hC1!"> not the quality i t s h o u I d h rt v " e w h 11 f tl n i 111 me d inn tH II'runir' to mnke ir di!ht.
The Chatelain Jewelry Store
Watches, Clocks, dewelry. Founta in f>ens. Stationery School Supples, School a nd Soci ety Pins and Rin gs Pennants , Flashlights and Supplies
We r epair pe ns, jewe lry and spe ctacles. W ill ord er anything we don't have and sa ve you money . J. c l:HATELAIN Peru. Nebr.
The Week's Recitals, Paulin e Schroed er. so pran o, and Laura Mackpra na- e ntertained an audi e nce of m"us ic lovers.
appreciat ive and mu sic ianly. Mi ss Ke ith has made marked gain during the year in finish and in clarity of interpretati on, and the e nthu s iastic app lau11e tes tified to the enj oyment of her hearers
MisR Schroeder off ered a j.Jrogram of most int e rest in g s on gs of whi ch Schub ert' s world famed "The Wand e rer" and "Death anrl On Fr i day ev e ning Mr. Hohmann the Ma 1·den" presented in recital Elsbeth were cons pi c uou s numbers. Ro essle r, piani s t, and Mi ss Lilli e
A naive charming per•onality heightened by a ge ntle Le wis, of Shubert, alto. The recidignity, an d a good •tage pr es ence ta l wa s the last of a series which are her very va luabl e a sse ts. In has te s tifi ld to Mr Ho hmann's e very in s tance th e intonation wa s e ffec tive work thi s year. tr u e, attack certain, a nd phr as in g- Miss Roessler open ed th e procon sis tent . - g ram with a beautiful Moz ar t It wou ld aeem absurd to spea k of " Fan tas ia." In its rendition Mi ss the pian o parts as aceo mp a niments Ro ess ler demonstrated a mark ed for · h · ga in in rh ythm and in fl o wi ng 1n eac 1 there was a sina-ul ar almo st qua lity of techni q ue . The Schuan in e vitabl eness of the m us ic mann N oc t ur ne compo s ing- her next to th e po e m. Mi ss Elsb e th Roess- num ber is rarely lovel y. Mi ss ler wa1 at the piano. R oes sl er caught a nd pr eae nted i ts
Mis s Mackpr a ng's inte rpr e tation mo od a dmirabll y, the mell ow of Bee th ove n' s "Moo nlight So - cho rd s of the pensive introdu c ti on nata" wa s prefac ed by a time ly be in g es peciall y effective. Th e ex plana tion of its chara cter. This Mosche les Conce rto G. Minor q ui et u no btru si ve pe ns onali ty see m- co ncl udin g t he pr ogram, give n by Pd to effa ce herelf co mp let e ly ancl Mi ss Roess ler wi th Mr . Hohmann sh e played with a at t_h e s ec ond piano ,· wa s a nota ble depth a nd poetry of fee li ng. Her j ac hi evem e nt a musicia n. crese nd os and diminu e ndo s de pi c t- Th e ro man ti_c su gges tiveness of e.d most !l" ra phicall y th e gloo my, th e . the de li cacy of tr ag ic, hea vi ng a gony of Bee th o- ce rtm ly nc p assa ge s, th e changin g ven 's mut e sorr ows a nd were a mo od s, all cam e to effect in t he cause for wo n de rm ent. Mi ss Ma ck - pr ese ntati on, which was mark ed pran2" c ou ld not di sa p po int an by s ure ness a nd de fini te ness of ina ud ience for she has bo th mu sica l te rpre tati o n. f ee lin g a d b · Mi ss Le wis' rich me ll ow alto n rams -an in vi nci ble combinat ion. vo i ce to ok by s urp rise tho se of th e Mr H 1 au dience who had not heard of · o 1mann is a mus i<'i an of
hi gh id eal s, an irJs tru cto r a nd coach thi s pr o misin g yo un g s in ger. who hi s pu pi ls with co n- Ne id lin ge r' s "Serenade" an d two fide n ce a nd enthu s ia s m. so ngs by Ja cobs -B ond-" Shadows"
A c harmi ng pr ogra m was presen te d la st Thur sday after noo n in th e ch ape l by Miss Mo na Keith pi a ni st, and Miss An n G il be rt : so pr ano, the lat ter ac co mp a ni ed very at is ticall y by Miss H oa k. The rec it al was the seco•d in a serie s given by Mr. Ho hmann' s pupil s.
M ia s Gilb et san g her one song "Ros e of My L ife,, with a sy mpat hy of vo i ce a nd manner w hich made it de li g htful The r ic h ton es by Mi ss Gil be rt' s me ll ow voi ce, a nd her ca paci ty for s in cere f ee ling. g iv P. pr omi se of go od things in the futur e.
Miss Kei th 's t ax in g prog ram op ened wi th one of Chopi n 's bes tkn own Ba ll ades (Opu s 4 7) wi th an ap pealin g lyric th e me. Thi s was foll owed by Grie g's " In th e Home of th e Mo un ta in K in g ," fr om th e l' eer Gynt S uit e. The fin al nulllber of the re ci ta l wa s a Mozart Conce rto in D Min or, play ed by Mi ss Ke ith, Mr Hohmann p lay in g th e orch es tr al pa rts. The re nditi on of th e a mbitiou s compos ition was
F21cultv Members in Recital. li C!i ous littl e so ng, typi ca lly
a ncl "D e Las' Long Rest ," mad e uo he r part of th e prog ram . Her capa cit y for sust ain ed ton es, he r and th e hi gh tones of a bea n ty eq ual to the low e r, mar ked Mi Rs L ew is' It is hoped that sh e wi II often be beard on I t he campue.
The Se- r vice Fl ag Lowered.
! Co nti nu ed rrom Fi rst Pa(:e. l ed bodi es ; fo r th e sig ht of tragedi es too aw ful f/S'} memory to r eca ll Ab ove a ll do we .t! iv f' our dee pest a dmir at ion tor the moral co ur age that ma intain ed Ameri can s tan da rd s on t hat st range soi 1 and for the goo d faith wit h whi ch tht>y turn ed fr om th e st irring adve ntu re of wa r to th e qu iet p urs ui ts of pea ce."
Aft er this m os t appr opri ate intr od uctio n whi le th e·audi e nc e st oo d at at tenti on, the fla g was lowe r ed by four g irl s who re ver ently carri ecl it from th e r oo m to be pla ced wi th th e tr easur es of th e sc ho ol.
e Duve
<Con ti nu ed rrom Fi rst It go es wi tho ut sayin g that Dr "Dreams," by Strel ezki, a typica l, Ho ose 's par t of th e progr am owed tenor so ng in its play of mo oci and Ia sub sta ntial par t of i ts b ea u ty to brilliant fin a le, was ad m irably 1 1 Mr. Holch's accompanime n ts , ats un,-. In r es pon se to an in si ste nt ways of a hi gh artist ic qu al ity, and demand Dr. House san g as an en- j sensiti ve ly r espondin_g- to the mood core, ''De nny 's Daughte r," a de-of the so loist.
Mrs. Bump s tead-Leitzh
Tuesday M ay 25, 8:30 P• m.
Just a few steps frum th e b uildin 2s and you save the I u 11 g a 11 d tired w ttl k down town . See us for your stationery and School Supplies.
When Hungry our line of Groceries, Meat !'" , fresh Fruits and Candy will plea se you H. U. LANDO lT, Ph o ne 73 Pe ru. Ne
Th ere is no th ing th at mea ns as m uc h to you r f ri ends as a photograp h of yo u
You have of yo ur f ri encls, so you kn ow h ow they are app r ec iated . Be tter have yo ur po r trait made to day
NOTICE -HOW TO REGISTER Houn at Which Students May En roll for Summer School
Registration will begin at 1 :30
Special Su2a:estions for High School
Students p. m., Monday, June 7, in the Ad-
10 :00 a. m.
Faculty m ee ting
Students who are here to secure miRistration Building, a nd con- 1: 30 to 5:30 R egi Btra t ion- Administration high school cradit• sho\illd select tinue until 5:30 p. m. On Tues- Building from these subjectts: Srd seme1ter day registration will be fr om 8:oo
TUESDAY:- ex pression , L, ht or 2nd to 12 :oo, and from 1 :3o to 5 :3o. 1
8:0 0 to 12:00 Regi stration
semester phy s ics, beginning Latin, Th ose arriving la te may regis ter I 1 :30 to 5:30
double p er iod, elementary physiolWedoesday forenoon at the Regis - 8:3 0 p. m. Free movie in chapel ogy, botany A, agriculture, ci v ics , trar 's office.
WEDNESDAY:- so lid g eometry, beginning book-
Before yo u complete yo ur r eg i s- keeping, beginning chemistry, U. All classes r ec ite regardle1s of s h' c tration, you will have to pay cer- · 1story, ae sar, do uble period, the "off day." 1 ta in fe es at the R eg i st r ar 's office. Frenoo , 1 or 2, manual training, 11 :55 a. m. First chape l f h E 1· h Br in g cash as indicated late r. If res man ng 1s and revi ew gram- 'bl 7 ;30 p. m. Y. M. andY. W. me et ings mar sophom E 1· h d . p:lSS I ewe prefer a check on e 1 · ther , ore ng 1s an rev1ew
THURSDAY:- of the loca l banks or your hom e g rammar , beginning 1horthand. bank. Th ere will be no exc hange All classes re cite regardless of Review geome try and review algecharged. WE MUCH PREFER the "off day. " bra will remove conditions in these CHECKS New students who pay I FRIDAY:- subjects if consent of the Superincash should have at le ast $15. i If All classes recite regardless of tendent has bee n secured. yo u are to room and board at the I the "off day. " County Certificate Group you sh ould have , if 11 :55 a. m. Chapel
All new students who are possible, $40 This wi ll pay room / SATURDAY:- bere to meet the "Normal Trainrent for tbe summP r schon/ !.lnd 8 :0 0 p. m. Big re cep tion in gymFJasium. Iing req uireme 11ts for a second board for the first month. If for j ·•
· ,;t:rtific& tc s lto uld any reason you are called home , register for rural observations and ' r efu nd of board mon ey will be methods, 9 :oo and 2 :4o, under made. Theory of Education offered by Juniors and Seniors. Mi ss Burley or Rural Ob se rvation Look over the prog ram on the Mr. Rouse),· f1 igh Sc hoo l Methods and Methods, 1o :oo and .3 :4o under I
Gradu a tes of four year hi gh in side of this paper. as f ar as pos- and Secondary Education by Mr. h 1 Miss Burley. None of the oth er I sc oo should see that the eig ht sib le se lect the s ub]·ects yo u wish Gabel: Community and hours obser va ti on an d methods co urses for which they re gi ster to carry If you ar e to comp lete. Rural Economics by Mr. Brown: -count directly toward graduation. will he accepted for this Normal any one of the s peci al courses see 1 1 Climatology, The New Europe and If you are to attend two or thr ee Training requirement. These s tuthe heact ef the department before Ge og r ap hical Geo logy by Miss dents w ill elect any other six su mmer schools before spending a Y ou registe r. Heads of Clark. Stude nt s who carried Bot- hou rs. If yo u have for the year here, get your obse rvati on a nd ments are as follows: any may elect t wo hour s of Zoolo- meth ods out of the way. One- hal f s econd grade county cert ifi cate, be Co mmer ce, Mr. Tretin a. 1gy or twu or fo ur hours of Na tur e of it this summer in either of Mi sll sure to choos e work that w ill count M I T Is d PJ h toward graduation. If you must a nu a ra inin g, Mr. Paul. 1 tu y. ease note t at you can Burl ey's section s and one half of D o_ mest ic Sc i ence, Mrs. Jean. 1 s ecu re either first or secon_d se _ mes-1 1 it next summer. St udents who r eview cert ifica te subjects, select h them befo re you decid e which llecK10dergarten, Miss H osmer. l ter Fr enc h, four hour s m e1t er. ha ve had one summer of rural h h I ti on of rural observatio n and Public School Music. Mi ss Ca r- L ook ca re full y t hr o ug t e e ec- observation and me thods 11 hould 1 ff H me th ods you will e nter. Do not penter. I tiv es o ered in En g lish, istory, take th e adv an ced observation and 1L · M h · h s · spe nd t1m e m rev1ew work unle ss Pub l1c School Art Mutz. l atm, at e mat1 cs, t e c1ences l meth ode at 11 ·oo a nd 2·4o with 't · '- 1 t 1 • • • • • • 1 1 IS a..,so u e y nec ess ary to ge t Physieal Ed ucati on, Miss Shive ly & the spe c1al d epa.rtme nts In whic h I Mi ss Krebs. This co mp letes the . a grade for yo ur county C!eatificate. or Mr. Speer. I you are persnally JD t eresterl Watch Irequ ir ed work listed in the cata- We r eco mmend that all asp irants Regard l ess of th e "off day" show n! your maj o rs and min o rs . Reme m- Iog ue as principles a nd methods of for the s ec ond grade certificate on your program, all classes will ber that the s ixty hours required t eac hing, e ducation 8 nnd 9. If take_ one hour of pu?Iic s ch oo l ... ·· If h fi d · t d mus1c and one hour of e1th er drawrecite daily this firs t week. . r t e rst gra u acw n are e you ha ve not yet se lected yo ur in g or ph ys ical tr ain in g. Before No te the in s truc tions for specia l 1 m the _final up of yo ur maJora C<•U rRe , b,e sure to do so befo re you _secure your fi rst gr a de county gr o up3of stud en t3 given be low and and mmors. registering thi s summer. Make cert1fiate you mu Bt have a grade in fo ll ow carefully the paragraph that 1 • ,. your e lective• count directly tow ard sc hoo l music. If th e re is a Courses Not Ltsted. gradu t' · C It 'th th h d co nfl 1ct between observation and ap p lies to your case. a Jon onsu WI e ea th d d · While we cannot offe r coarses to ! of the department in which yo u mt e o_s ank_ sodml e. subJ e ts, you WISh
D S o re view , m y report 1t to Mr egree tudents , accommodate all, we will offe r any wish to spe ciali ze Delzell or Preeident Rouse during We call the spec i al atte nU on of cou r se possible if r eq ueste d by r egi stra t ion days. Whenever seven the degee stud e nts to the fo llow- 1seve n or more s tud ents Thi s is Rame mber the free moving pic- or. more wa nt a r eview sub ject, it ing new courses: E ducatio nal ' your school. Your pare nts and tur e ent erta inm e nt to be given at will be offere d. Before yo u regi1ter Statistics E ducationa l Measure- 1 fri e nds m aintaic it. We are her e the chapel next Tu esday evening, afobr uctolltehge subjects, think • ! o e co urse you 'are g omg to ments, and The C urn cul um by Mr. I to serve you. June 8, at 8 o'el oc k. This en ter- t ak e. If you are to special, Shouse, (None of these co ur ses 1 • tainment is for all Normal s tudents lze, do not c ho ose electives at ranwill conflict wit h the courses in Reg is ter ea rly 1 and their friends dom.
E nte red at the P ost office at Peru , Nebraska as second -cl ass matter
Publlsbed Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal
$1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cts
8:00 A. M.
House, Ll07 Junior English ·D
Al so 9: 00, 4 hr cr.
Fogg, L306 Express ion 1-M
Also 9:00, 4 hr cr.
Daniel, T313 Re Y. Grammar-M
Be ck, A303 a rd Se rn. Al g. -M
Al so 2 :4 0, 4 hr . cr.
Hoyt, 8205 Ch e mi st ry I-F 4 hr cr
Bede ll, S202 Beg. Phy si cs-Th
Al so 9: 00
Jea n, SI03 Junior Botany-D
Al so 9: 00, 2 hr cr.
Grane t, AI 02 Fr e nch I- M
Al so 9: 00 , 4 hr. c r.
R. Clark, Ll0 4 Re. Geog- M
Rosseau, T303 Tr. Geog. -F'
Sh ou se T3'Z l Curri c ul um- W
Th eo ry of E d.
Gab e l, T323 Ed. 7, H. S. Me th .- W
Cra go , AIOI Hi s t. of Ed. -F
Br ow n. T305 Com. Leade rs hip -M
H os mer, T209 Pri. P ro je cts-F
Sp eer , Tr Gym., f'h ys Tr -F
Shively, Gym, Aes th. Da nc. -M
Mauc k, A302 T ypew ri t in g -0
Gilm ore, A3u5 Beg. Sho rth a nd -F
Al so 3:4 0, 4 hr. cr
Paul, Cabin et Ma king -D
Al so 9 :00, 2 hr. cr
Schoe n ike , T 101 Woo d Turng -D
Al so 9: 00, 2 hr. c r.
Tydeman, T307 Dom Art D es ign-F
J ea n, Tl 07 Jun F oods , Rec. on F
House, L107 Junior Engl i sb:.--0
Also 8 :oo, 4 hr. cr
Harman, AI04 Fr.
Fo gg, L306 Express ion I- M
Al so 8 :oo, .4 hr. cr
Howie, A304 Trigonometry -D
Al so 10 :oo, 4 hr. cr.
Beck,A 303 Rev. Arith. No cr --W
Gabel, T321, Rev. Geom ., No c:r-F
Bedell, S202 Beg. Ph:vsics-TI.r
Also 8 :oo a. m.
Jean, 8103 Junior Botany-D
Al so M:oo, 2 hr. cr
El. Phys iol ogy- 'I!ln
, *E. Clark, A204 Beg. Latin- W
Al so 2: 40, 4 hr cr Tr La.Z
Gran e t, AI02 Fre nch I-M
Al so 8:oo, 4 hr . cr.
R. Clar k, Ll04 Clima t ology- W
Chate lain, A202 En g li sh Hi st. - F"
Crago , AlOl Psyc ho lo g y, S ec
Br ow n, T305 E l. Ru Soc io i. -Tti
Krebs, T323 Gram. O bs & M. -D 1 hr . cr.
Burl ey , T 304 Ru Ob s'& M. se e 1!-F
Al so 2: 4o , 2 hr. cr.
K orb e l, T213 Pri. Obs. & Met f:n.. -D I ho ur cr ed it.
Tret ina , A3 01 Beg. Boo k pg.-M
Mau ck, A302 Typewr iti ng-D
Gilm ore, A3 05 Ad v. Dict .- M
Pau l, 1302 Cabinet Makin g -D
Al so 8:oo, 2 hr cr.
Schoenik e, TI Ol Woo d Al so 8:oo, 2 hr cr
Tyd eman, T307 Art Hi s tory-T h
J ea n, T I0 7 Juni or F oo ds, r ec O l'l F Al so 8:oo , Lab M T W T
Car p11 n ter, T206 Mus ic 1 sem.- F
Boot h, T20(-i Music Dr. 2 !'lem. -F
Al so 9; lab M T W T • Ta ken as Rev., 2 hr. cr
0:00 A. M.
Fogg, LR0 6 Expression II-W
Howie , A304 Trigonometry-D
Also 9 :oo, 4 hr. cr.
Beck, A305 S0lid Geometry-Th
Also 11 :oo, 4 hr. cr
Hoyt, S205 Chemistry-Lab. arangd
Bedell, 8202 Physics, 2 sem. -F Lab. 2:4o
Jean, Sl03 Nature Study-D
Al so 11 :oo, 2 hr. cr.
11:00 A .M.
Harman, Al04 Sop h. Eng. -Th
Howi e, A304 Rev. Ari th ., no cr .·Tu Beck, A30;:$ So lid Geo m.-Th
Also lo:o o
Gabel, T3 21 Sr. Arith.-Tu
Jean, SI0 2 Nature Study-D
Also Io :oo , 2 hr. cr.
Holch, 8104 Zoology-D Al so lo :oo, 2 hr cr.
E. Clark, A204 Mytholoa-y-Th
R. Clark, Ll04 The New Europe-Th Ellis , A202 Pol. Econ @my -F
Holch, Sl04 Zoology -D Al so 11 :oo, 2 hr. cr Cra g o, AIOI P sy chol ogy I sec 2-D
Ch ate lain, A202 Rec U.S. Hist-Tu Krebs,T3 23 Adv Ru.Obs. & Meth -F
Gabe l, T323 Ec_!. 6 Seed. Eci-Th Korbel, T213 Int Obs & Meth.-D I hour credit.
Burley, Ra Obs. & Meth ., sec 2-F AI 3 4 2h Hosmer, T209 Gam es & Khyth-Tu so : o, r. cr
Hos me r, T305 Childr e n' s Lit.- W Shively, Gym., Ph ys Tr I. ser I-Th
Sp eer, C20 1 Tr gy m., Pys Tr Ath ·F
Tretin a, A30 I B eg Bo ok sec 2-M
Delze ll, A30 5 Sp e llin g, 1 hr c.-M
Shiv ely, Al0 4 Per so nal Hy gi e ne-M Prul , Al02 Ma n. Tr. Me th.-F
Tret i na , A301 Adv. Bo ok. -Tu
Gil mo r e, A302
Sch oenike, TIOI Mec h. Draw. D Al so 11 :oo
Hasb ro uck , Gram. Dr a w.-M 2 hr . cr.
Jean, *Cook & Ta hi P Ser. on M W Lab. on T Th aiso I :40
F oster , Tl0 5 Cl oth a nd Tex t. on F Al so 11 :oo Lau. M T W Th
Carpente r, T2 06 M uS t. Exa m.- F
Boo th , T206 Mus ic 1st se m. -F
*.Seco nd Se me!': ter Juni or .l<'oods
Schoeni ke , T IOI Me ch Draw .-D
Al so Io :oo, 4 hr. cr.
Has brouck , L104 Handwk sec I-Th
Tyde man T3 07 Ru. Draw.-Th
Jean , Tl0 7 Coo k. &Ta b.S on M W
Al so lo 00 , Lab. Tu Th
F os te r, T10 5 Jr. Cl o th . &T ex t on F Al so l o: OO Lab M T W T
11 :5 0 A. .M
gi ven if called for in stead of Br ow n, T305 Ru. R d. Tab on TuTh
Ho me Coo ki ng and Ta bl e Servi ce. De lzt>ll,Ll 04 Gr Sch Rod Tb on Tu T
CO L T J. MAJ ORS R es id ent Boarrl Me mb er
R. D. OVER HOLT, MISS ELLIS, Dean of Wo men /
1:40 P. M.
Fogg, L306 Tr. Reading-Tb
Howie , A304 Geom. Meth ods-D
Gabe l, T323, Rev. Al g. , no cr.-M
Hoyt , S205 As tronomy -F
Jean. 8103 Botany a-D
Also 2:4a, hr. cr
B ol ch, S l0 4 Gen.
Also 2:4o, 4 hr cr.
Ford yce, A104 Sch Hyg ien e-M
E. Clark, A 202 Ad v. La tin -T h
To be sel ected
Granet. A102 Frenc h 2-W
Also 2 :4o , 4 hr. cr.
Ch atela in , A20 2 Fr e nc h Revo L-Th
Brown, T305 Ru. Econom ics-Th
Delze ll, A301 Pe nmanship -To
H os mer, T2 09 Ma nua l Activ. -Th
Shi ve ly , Gym ., Playgr ou lil d-W
Tr e tina, A30 5 Adv . Shorthand-W
Mauck, A302 Typewrit in g- D·
2:4 0P. M.
Harman, A1 04 Ha ml et -F
Fogg, L3 06 Readi ng Meth .-Tu
Beck, A8 03 3rd Sem. Alg.-M
Also 8:oo, 4 hr. cr.
H oyt, S2 05 Che rn . L ab
Bedell, S202 Physics L ab.
Jean, S103 Beg inning Bot any- D
Also 1 :4o, 4 hr . cr.
Bolch, S l0 4 Gen. Ag r- D
Al so 1 :4o, 4 hr. cr.
E. Clark, A20 4 Beg. La ti n -W
Also 9 :oo, 4 hr cr.
1 Gr ane t, A l02 Fr en ch 2- W
Al so 1 :4o, 4 hr . cr.
, R Clark , Ll 04 Geog. Geo i.-F
:fto usse au, Ll04 Pr i. Geog.-M
Elli s, A202 l Uth CeRt. H ist. -M and Gr eat War
Sho use, T309 Ed. Statis ti es-Tu
Kr ebs, T201 Adv Ru Obs& Me th-F
Also 11 :oo, 2 hr. cr.
Bu rl ey , Tl 03 R u. Obs. & Me th .-F
Also 9 :oo, 2 hr. cr. sec 1
S pee r, Tr. Gy m. , Ph ys Tr .-W
Shi ve l y, Gy m. 2 Phys. Tr.-W
Ma uck, A302 Ty pe writ i ng- D
Tre tina, A301 Com. Law-W
Pau l, 120 3 R u. Man !. Tr. -D
Also 3 :4o, 2 h r. cr.
H as brouck , L301 Draw . & P tg .-Tu , Scb oe nike, T lO l El. Man!. T r. -1_>
F os te r, T105 Jr. Clot h & Tex. on F
Also 2 :4o, , Lab. M T W T
Car pen ter, T206 Music 2nd sem. -F
Boo th, T20 6 Mu sic St. Exa m. -F
Also 3 :4o . 2 hr. cr.
Tyd e man, T307 Pr i Dr aw ing-.M
Foste r, Tl0 5 Jr Cl. & Tx. on F
Also 1 :4o, La b. M T W T
Car pe n te r, T206 H armo ny-M
Boo th, T20 6M usic, Hi st. Fo rm. -M
3:40 P.ll
House, L 107 Bro wing-F
Dani el, T3 13 Am . Lit. -Th
Howie , AS0 4 Th. of Equations-F
Hoyt , S2 05 Chemistry 3-D
Jean, S10S Nat ure Study, 2qr -D
Also 4 :4o , 2hr. cr
.Rousseau, L 104 Pr i. Geograph y-Tu
Chate la i n, A202 Nationa l Civ -M
Shouse, T30 9 Ed. Meas -F Par t 2, Th. of Ed.
Crago, Al01 Psyc hol ogy 2 qr -D
Brown, T30l'i U. S. Hi story -T
Bu r ley, Tl03 Ru. Ohs & .Met h.-D
Al so l o:oo, 2 hr. cr. see. 2
Shive ly, Gym ., Beg P hs. Tr .-F
Mauc k, A302 Tyypewriting-D
4:40P. M.
House, L107 Modern P oet s-F
Danie l, T313 Re'\' Gra mm ar- M
Hoyt , S205 Che rn. Lab
1 1Je an, S103 N ature Study 2 qr.-D
Also 8 :4e, 2 hr. cr.
Fordyce , L1 04 Tra iner Geog. -Tu
Cha telain, A202 State Civics- W
Spe er, Gym., Coa ch Man Ath.-M
, Gilmore, 305 Ad v. Dictation-To I Also 9 :oo , 4 hr. cr.
Hasbr ouck, L30 1 Cert. Draw.- F j 2 hr. cr. f or Home Econ. 5: 40 P. M.
Gilmo r e, A302 Beg Short hand- Th Houee, L107 Cho ru s on M and W
Also 8 :oo, 4hr cr
P au l, 120 3 Ru Man l. Tr.-D
Al so 2 :4o , 2 hr cr
Schoe ni ke , A10 1 EJ. Manl. Tr. -D
Al so 2 :4o, 2 hr. cr
H asbrouck, L301 Handw ork sec2-W
Tydema n, T307 Modeli ng-W
Speer, Tennis 7:30 P. M.
House, L1 07 Glee Club on Tu & Th
Private Lesson•. any ias tr ument in either org aa iza. Spec ial attent ion is call ed to the tlon se e Mr. Holch. opp ortunity to sec ur e private lea· Meal s at the Dorm itory-Atten tion sons in mueic. Mr. B. Lou is Go od· New Studen ts year comes to Pe ru from a very auccessful e xpe rience in Battle Cre ek, Michigan. Mr . Goo d year has ha d s up erb trai nin g an d a w ide exp erien ce not on ly as an ins tructor in voice bu t as a lead er of gl ee club s, choru ses and comm u nity singing. Summer sch ool studen ts hav e a ra re opportuni ty for voic e in!O tructi on under such a t al e nted in stru ctor.
Mr. Walter H. Hoh man n has dem ons trated hi s s up eri or a bi lit y
St ude nts who come early may get meal s at the dormi t ory begi nn ing Saturday even ing for twen ty -five cents per mea l. The r eg ular dining ro om 11erv ice will begi n w it h Monday's sup per
Big Chautauqua for Sum mer Sch ool. Peru i11 to have a ch autauqua again this year. This is the word t ha t comes from the bud get co mmi t tee of the Norma l: The da te s are Ju ly 10 to 14 . A splen did proaa a pia no in s tru ctor by a mos t gram is be in g ar ran g ed, and ansuccess ful yea r in Pe ru It wi 11 nouMement of th e tal e nt secured be n ecessa ry for yo u to r eg is ter ' wil l be made later. Thi s chau tauearl y with Mr . Hohmann. Doub t- q ua , running fi ve days, and g ivin g less his hour s will be taken by ten big pr ogr am s, will take t he Tuesday n oo n. See hi m at yo ur place of th e su mm er entert a inm en t ea rliest conve ni ence . Mr. Arthur cour se at t he Nor ma l.
E. H olch, who holds h is Bachelor An no un cement of the s al e of of Mus ic fro m t he U ni vers 1ty of t ickets a nd the prioo , will be made Illin ois and who has had ye ars of expe ri ence as a p iano ins tru c torwi ll take a lim ited nu mber of st udents when Mr . Ho hm an has fi ll ed his t ime.
Vi olin in s truction w ill be ar r ang1 ed fo r if t en or more r eq u es t it. Mak e a pp l ica tion fo r viol in lesson s throu gh Mr. Hohma nn.
Reme mb er that the Glee Clubs ana Nor mal Choru s are ope n to a ll. Band a ni! Orch est ra will be orga n ize d the fi rst week If you pl ay I
Dr Geo . E. H owa rd Class of '70
Largest Attendance Since We En; tered the Great War.
The summer school enrollment shows n earl y fifty pe rce nt more in J attendance than there we re in 1918 or 1919 Eve ry coun ty in Peru's territor y show s an incr ease So me of the counties have a 100 percent increase Notwithstanding Peru has territory only on th e !!o uth and west, has practically one of the larg e3t su mm er sc hool s in the state
'fhe Oldest and Largest independent Chautauqua and Lyceum Bureau
Peru, Nebr., July 10 to 14, 1920
Tt.e Chautauqua is a twenti eth century assembly featuring intelleet, art, music, oratory and entertainment of th e better sort
The Chautauqua most effecti vel y bui lds the community spirit by impelling a hearty and united effo rt for the common good
The Cha utauq ua, without be ing academic , is broadly edu cational. Ex -Pr esident Roosevelt called it "The Peop le 's Uaiversi ty ."
Th e Chautauqua hns at last so lved the problem of clean, whol esome public entertainment at a minimum cost on t he of dem oc racy
Peru Normal Give• Excellent Two Day ProRTam for Rural Workers
There was held in Peru laat week in co nnectio n with the summer scho ol a tw'o days' Better Rural Schoo l confere nce This is one of many such be i ng held in various parts of the cou ntry where the need of reorganiz ation of rural educati on has long been recognized. Th e Ienthus iasm shown in the conference wa s a recogniti on of the fundam ental part of the rural school in Nebraska' s e ducati ona l syste m.
1 in attendance fr om outside of her home county. The I ow a Juni or State Normal is bein g held in Shenan doah this year which has cut the usual Iowa attendance very ma terially ln the twenty-fi ve counti es belonging to Peru there are eight school s do in g te a ch er training, and the most of these have summer sc hool s. yet the g rand
I old school is m0re than holding her , own. Whv sn •uldn 't she when he r i history is ri ch with Nebraska's j"
The Chaut auqua becomea a rallyin g poinl for all f orwa rd looki ng pe op le by its loya lty to high ideal s withou t cre ed al P. mphas is.
Th e Chautauqua, r ecog nized as an in stitution of es tabli s hed value s, was called by President Wilso n "an integ ra l part of th e Na t io nal defeoe·e. '' "'
Th e Chautauq ua pl atfC> rm is an inc orruptable non -partisan
fo rum for the diacussion of v ital quest io n di st ingu ished speakers.
The Chauta uq ua leve ls prejud1ce in school &tate, church, and society. It cr ea tes mutual confidence for all social progress.
The Chautauqua is an intern ati onal movement t owar ds worl d democ r acy ex pr essed in the fellowship of mutual s11 rvi ce emulating the hi ghest aspirations of mankind in every aveaue of expre ss ive e ndeavor.
The conference was wisely conce ived, and those in charge had the good fortune to make the happiest poss ibl e choi ce of out-of-state talent to addrP.ss the co nfer ence, in Lee L. Driver and Howard L. • Mr. I>river Is direct or
a direct and forc efu l and com bin es in a rare degree th e Ideal and the pr actical. These things combined with hi s sense of humor made him a te lling f actor as a teacher and lecturer
Iof rural in Pennsylvania. Hi> ; ., p pAQt !"'AAtPr in his ow..n._ ....____, j particular edu ca tiona l fit- 0c.iffe i• be st in educa!ton? Peru has a united faculty working in perfect J harmony un de r the leaders hip of i our most wo rth y President Rouse. I We have a libr arv of the best sel e cted books in th e state with th e largest number of bo oks of any libr ary espec iall y adap ted to trainin g of teachers in the sta te of Ne-
545 Tickets already so ld. braska. An ideal location with a rare beauty not found in other / Success is Repe ated Iin g :·villain:" Ivers parts of Nebraska or in few places : Del ightfull y picturesque and an mt erest JOg Mil es Standish i j and Ra ymond Huffer a boyi sh an d in th e Un ited States, makes Peru n atura l was the performance of '' A lik ab le "Phil!pp e." Th e cast was a nat ural setting for ascho ol to · Rose o' Plym outh Town" 1!!1 ven In as fo ll ows: train teachtors No w on der that f J th e chape l on the e•1e nin g 0 une Ba rbara, wife of Mil es Standiah, teac hers fr om a ll pa rts of the state th e 19 th by the Dramatic Club. Cora Clover. come to Peru for their s umm er . • , Th e se ttmgs and costumes were Miriam Chillingsley, cousin of
Mr. I>riggs of Sal t Lake City is author of the well -know n series of books on English for rural, elementa ry and high 1chool. We wer e glad to have him wi t.h us to demonstrate his theories on th e teacbof English.
State Super in tende nt of Public In st ruc ti on Matzen honored t he occasio n with his presence , a nd contributed his generoutl 1hare toward th e success of the program. scho o lin g. I d d · h the play procee P. wit Sta ndish, Hope Lew is. There was a very ge neral and la got•d swing to it, th ere were no Resolute Story, aunt of Stan dis h, ready· respo nse on the part of the / long waits between a cts and the Esther Cole. leaders in rural educat ion of sout hMonday, Chorus, 5:40 to 6 :1 5. lin es " got ac r oss " in spite of th e Ro se de Ia Noye. ward of Stand· east ern Neb r aska- th e co un ty s uOrchestra, 7:30 to 8: 15 difficulty of hearing in th e ro om. ish, Esther Del zel l. perint en de nt s, a g roup of alert, Tuesd a y, Girl's Glee Club, 7:30 Thru her vivid personality and Ph ill ippe de Ia Noye, brother of 1 pr ogr essive, forward -l ooki ng men to 8 :15. I grace, Esther Delze ll in the titl eiRose and one of the Plymouth and women. The following were Ban d. 7: 30 to 8: 1 5. I role, earried th e audience with her co lonists, Raymond H uffer. !n at t endance: Boys' Gle e Club, 8:15 to 9:0 0. /I all the time an d Willar? Grifiths John Margeson, of the Pl y mouth Bess And er so n. Nemaha county; We dnesdo& y, Chorus, 5:40 to 6:1 5 made an inte nsely a ppealing he ro. Carl Ro senq uist. Hel en Wri g ht, .:v unty ; Orc hestra, 7:30 to 8: 15. i Esther Co le, as "Aunt Resolute" I Garrett Foster, of Weston's men , Mrs. Bertha Kuhlman, Pawnee Calendar. y_ M. CA andY . W. C. A 7:30 did a poli shed bit of character Willard Griffiths. county; Ber tha Bishop, Sarpy Thursd a y, Girls' Glee Club, 7:30 work, and H ope Lew is put a good Mi les Standish, Cap ta in of coun ty; Charle1 Speedie, Otoe to 8 :1 5. Ideal of freshabandoniato her part. Plymouth, Cl yde vers county; D. H. Weber, Richard son Band, 7:30 to 8: 15. 1 "Barbara Stanrlish," as portrayed county; Jt>annette Nels on, LancaaBoys' Girls' C lub, 8:15 tO 9 :0 0. Iby Cora Clover, was ch a rming in Mrs. E. L. Rouse went to Fair· tcr county; Telfer C. Lord, York Friday, Philo program. Ih er th ought ful maturity, and mont, last as delegate to the county; Bert ha Foster, Gage connSaturday, Movie. / Rosenquist was in deed a convmc- state co n ven tiO n of the P. E. 0. <Co nti nu ed on ll'onrth Pngc. •
En tere d at the Posto ffi ce at Pe ru, Nebra ska as s ecoud-cla ss mat te r.
Publi shed Weekly by the Peru State Normal $1. 00 per yea r. S in gle co py 5 cts
S he encoura ge him to say it, and par tm ent for the s ummer. was recentl y el ected head of the h im to say _i t we ll._ Dr. G_ri ggs co m merc ial dep ar tme nt of the Su- was s ki llf ul m _creatm g. co ndl tw ns · N b h' h h 1 t 1 ! wher ein th e ch il d fee l 1mpe ll ed to penor, e r., 1g sc oo a a ary of $180 a mon th ex press himself. Th e Nor mali te com mi ttee ex - At the cha p el ho ur Dr. Dn ggs pre sse s to Mi ss Mauck its dee pes t ,. u sed the seve nt h a nrl eig hth · · d' p1'l s to s how h ow even tec hm ca l ap pr ec1at 10n for her s pl en 1d work 1 pu as e di tor -in -ch i ef, ancl its hear ty gr a mmar ma y beco me a l1 ve lan gu1 1 · th I 'ld 's led to see cong ratul at io ns fo r her dese rv ed age esson IS e c 11 1 promotion. 1 • 'the relat ion be twe en the gra mmar st udied and th e use he may Dr Dri gg D iscu s ses En glish. I ma ke of gra mmar ."
No a rti c les acc<·ptrd f!(t !' r 8 o'cloc l< Monday mo rn ing.
Fe r.o Ferree, Ed itor in,.. Ch ief
'T he No rmalit e h as ind eed been mo•t fo rt un ate in th e set ecl ion of M is• Fe rn Ferr ee for P. d i tor fo r the r ema ini ng numb ers of the summer schoo l iss ues. She wi ll b eg in her duti es with the next n um be r. Th ose who kn ow Miss Ft>r r ee of On g, kn ow th at the "pe p" wh ic h has be en so man if es t in th e No rma lit e duri ng th e past y ea r \v iii be f ou nd th is s ummer.
We also wi sh to anno un ce the fortu nate select ion of R. M. Baldw in of He br on for fi rst assis t· ant. It is unu s ua l to select a new stud e nt for this imp ortant place , but Mr. Bal dw in 's past expe rience m ''"' er wo rk. as hi s exce ll ent r eco rd in school m ade him the fi r st choi ce of th e com mit· tee.
Th e s umm er school st ud ents are to be co ngra tu la te d in the se lec t ion of these two editors.
Ca rl Rosenquist w ill have c harge of the bus in ess manage ment for the c om in g te rm Wh en "Ros i e'' ge ts busy t her e ill some bu s in ess do ne.
Th e r es t of th e s taff wi II be annou nced next week. We wi sh to tha nk a ll those wh o ab ly assisted us in t hi s week 's iss ue
Dorothy Ma uck.
It is se ldom that a co ll ege pap er at tracts state wici e inter es t and is read re l'u lar ly by those who are not int e rested pe rsonall y in th e schoo l. The Normal i te has an honored pl ace am ong th P. co ll ege pa pe rs. It is one of the best pap ers in Nebr as ka , es pec ia ll y fr om an ed 1torial view point. It ha s been re ad wi th inte rest and its edi tori als qu oted th ru o ut the l:l t ate du rin g the pa st yea r.
Fo r t h1 s- ,m le ndid recor d, Mi ss Do rothy Mau ck, wh o has bee n edi to r-in -chi ef for th e past should be g iv en credit. In tha t qu iet forcef ul way she ha s ma de a nam e for her se lf whi ch wi ll long be reme mb ered by Peru.
Mi ss Mauck gra du ated in May She is head of th e ty pe wr i tin g de -
Dr . H ow a rd R. Dri g gs , author 1 D r. Driggs th e of ·' 'Liv e Lan g ua ge L esso ns," spoke s pirit of t he lan g ua ge work tn t he to app rec ia tiv e audi ences Thur sd ay ! train i ng s ch oo l depar tme nt and af ter noo n an d eve ni ng , an d Fr ida y 1 made he s ta te me nt that some of morning, and insp ir ed the P.eru the co mp osi ti ons co ll e cted fr om the I an d faculty wit h a new fo urth grade would "co me out verr ent hu s iasm fo r the t eac hing of close to the to p" if t hey were E ngli sh. mi xed up wi th th ose he had colln hi s af te rn oo n lec ture to t he lected fr om t he sixth gra de fr om clas ses in ob se rvati on and meth ods a ll par ts of the Un it ed States he e mpha s ized th e t wo big pr ob·
lems.of t ea chin g language , nam ely, ! how to vita li ze the wo rk and how to o rganize i t. He urged the te a chP rs to get awa y fr om th e im-j i ta li \·e r ep roducti on of stor ies, th e; ' 'Po ll y wants-a-cra cker '' kind of i
We mannfacture: Wa l nut Oal< and other hard woo ds for Manu al Train ing w ork, s hippin g to all part s of the co un tr y. Let us fi gur e wi th you for next year
Meek Lumber
Good Ba nk
comp os i tion. "Give the c hil d," i A G d T he "an oppo rt unity tO expr eSA - 00 own himse lf on s ubj e cts close to h is o wn interests and help him to
Our Bank \'our Bank mak e that u pre ssi on more eff ec1
li ve ." !
In the eve ning Dr ta in ed hi s a ud ie nc e with wes te rn ' stor ies tha t thr ill ed with th e re al l ity of lif e, s to ri es th a t, as he sa id, ! 'spel l Am eri can ism." He vi vidly 1 ske tch ed th e ea r ly tr affic up th e; Mi sso uri Riv er to Neb r as ka Ci ty ; a nd on to Lin co ln , a nd graph irall y i pictur ed the pony ex pr ess across' th e wes te rn pla in s a nd thr u th e sout h pa ss to the Paci fic His m
v Watc hes, Clocks, fo untain f>e ns. StaHon c;; ry S chool Suppl e s. Sch ool and Soc ie ty Pi ns and Ri ngs and Pennants
We re pa ir pl' ns, jewelry a nd spe ctac les. Bifocal Lens es --GIVE US A CALL .J. c. CH;\ Peru. Neb•··
stori es ill us trat ed the strugg le of • 1 t d' IJ.) 6-1 t w those s turdy pi on ee rs who blazed a IV'II 5 ca s ., eauy- 0- ear
tr ai l acr oss th e co ntin en t. "T he se sto ri es t ha t show th e hear t of the Waists . Dres se s, Sh oe s, men of th e w es t sho ul ci no t be H · a ll owed to diP- out ; Jt is th e bu si-; OSlery ne ss of the t eac her to g at her th em . up before they are lost to us, '' ; said Dr. Dr iggs. !
li'rid ay mornin g Dr Driggs cond uc t ed th ree de mons tr at io n cla sses in t:ng lis h. At 9 o'c loc k he used th e four th grad e p up il s to illu s-' trat e fiv e ty pe s of language t ea c h- ' ing, namely, co nver sa ti on, vi ta lize d spe lling, vi talize d co mp os iti on. i la ng uage and r ea din g, an d drill s. i
The lesson gr ew out of th a child· ren's discu ssion of bi rd s they knew a nd was a g oo d i ll us tra tion of a; nature pr oject.
At te n o'clock Dr. ua ed th e s ix th gr aa e pu pli s to i llu str ate the thr ee "D' s" in la ng uage t ea chi ng, disco very, deve lop ment a nd d ril l. Th e teacher should fi rflt rl o ut what th ech ild has to sa y, r t
Su it s Clea ne d, P ressed and Repa i reci
A Great Rural Conference, (Continued trom First PaJil'e.)
ty; Alpha Peterson, Cass county : and Mar g aret Haughawaut, Fillmore c ount1 Superintendent Bouchal of Saline cou nty, and Super intendent Barbee of Thayer county had pl a nned to be present, but were unable to do so. Mr. Boucha l und er went an opera tion la st week, and Mr Barbee'• father i1 s enou sly ill at his home. S uperintendent Greenwood of Seward eountr had mad e re1ervatio ns and wr ote on Tuesday that he would be present, but wa s kept at hom e the last minute by a co nsoli dation coatest.
It is no wonder that our s ummer schoo l is a li ve group und er this leade rs hip
The tw o days' program follow•: Wednesday , June 16. was as 9 :00 and 10:00. !<ural Observatl on and Methods classes condu ct· ed by Miss Alice Burley.
unity in a quart et can r ul t only from years of a sso ciation together. Proba bly t he most exquisite voice bl ending of the concert was accomplished in "S ilver Thread s Among th e Go ld, " th e solo part be ing sun g with unusual de licacy of interpr etation by Dr. Houes, to a re markably well balanced accompaniment by the other three voices. In Brah ms' "Lullaby," the soft blended aa tho I fr om a sJDg le voice, while Mr. Ro ss Ho use sa ng th e solo part with be ll-I ike clearness.
In the humorous numbers, particul a rl y In " Lucky, Lurky Jim" and " Nothing E ls e to Do, " good
a cting an d var ie ty of facial e xpres-
sion a dd ed mucb to th e total merit • of th e se le ctions
The entire concert was characterized by the exact clear-cut nature of the harm ony, a mu s ica l preci sio n made easy by the ex actn ess of the bass voi ce of Professor George All er of Doane Coll ege.
11 :0 0. Special chape l -Add r ess , The mem bers of the cast of "A Lee L. Driver R ose o' Plymouth Town" wish to 1 :40 Address-State Sup e rin- take thi s opportunity to ex press
te ndent J. H. Matzen. the ir thanks to Miss Eleanor F ogg , 2:40 Ru r al School Home Pro- head of the expression department, jects Round Ta bl e- Co unty Su- for her hel p!u l sugges t io ns and perintendent Telfer C. Lord of effic ient work "behi nd the scenes." York County presid in g. La st year 's Dram a ti c Cl ub adviser, 3:4 0. The Rural Situation in Mr s. Seybolt, who formerly dir ect.N Cl 2rk , !n9:;>xt.s.r ed ,the .olay croc w ith us th is sumof Rural Schools mer. We a ll re ali ze that Miss 8:3 0. Consolidation: the Soluti on F'ogg's position ha s been _a difficult of Rural Pro lbe ms - Lee L. Dri- one , and we appreciate wh at s he ver. has done.
Thund ay , Jun e 17.
9:0 0. Round Table on Ru ral The Square Deal Store Schoo l Problems-Lee L. Driver
10 :00. Our L ivi ng Langua geH oward R. Rriggs.
Joint meeti ng of Observation an d Methods sec tien s and vi s itors.
In v ites yo ur att en ti on to it s Line of Hosiery
For Men, Women, Boys and Girls
11:40 Addres3-Lee L Driver. ALSO A NI CE LINE OF 1 1 1:40. Free fo rall conference--- Handkerchiefs--. Supt Loy J. Gilkeson of Clay Co unty presidi ng.
2:40 Language in the Rural Schools-Howard R. Driggs. Joint meet ing of Rural Observat ion a nd Me thod s sec ti ons and
w. w. MARDIS
Shoe Repairing
You wil l find every thing at this visitors.
8:30. Add ress-H owa rd R. Drig&"s. shop that you may expect in an upSto ri es of the West Gain ed from t o-date , fi rs t-cla ss shoe shop. Pers ona l Ex pe rience.
It is our hope that the Rurnl Sc hool Confere nc e w ill become a fix ed feature of ou r su mm er sc ho ol.
Ad elphian Quartet Entertains.
Peru , Nebr.
The City Meat Market Handles eve rythi11g
The Adelphian Mal e Q uartette , which has maintained i tA origina l carried by a first-class me mbt!rs hip f or t hirty -two years, meat market.
Our Soda Fouutains und Ice Creoms are of the best quality
See us for Stotionery, School ppJies and Notions
Groceries, Meats, Fruits & Candy
saves you the long walk down town.
Portraits Kokak Einisbing
Larger Prints, & Enlarging and
Cameras, Kodaks. Film s, Etc.
The E. J. Newman Studio
Pho ne 56
Do you reolize that the !-ohle for sta tiun e t·y ju .., t as U1 u h as f o ,. '' e a d 11 g a p p a reI You want to be up -t •J ·date in dress and that i!"l fo•· y ou are judged by your a ppetl ranee when you meet sfr tlngers You are also judged by )' our sta tioner y when you wdte to them. Get in the sw im and se lect s omethin g from our s to ck , which has just been re· cei ved from the factory. entertain ed th e student body w ith a program of unusu al musical merit Monday. The same unity of feeli ng a nd of int erp r eta tion wae evident in both the hum or ous a nd the str ious num bers. Such musica l
Dr. Driver's Chapel Lecture. in to th e life of a child becau11e we A Student Write• to Her Friend. Th e pers o na l equa tion is one of fai I to know the previous life of Dear Helen:th e g reate st factors in the life of the child.
You were mighty nice to ask me a stude nt. That part of a t eac her Ro bin son 's circus had tw o big to come to yo ur h ome la st Saturday wh ich hecomes part of the real a ssets-a doub le trunked elephant but you see I simpJy couldn't. I 've fibre of a pupi 1 is one of the great - and a publicity agent named Bailey; had so much fun s in ce I came to est infl ue nces of life Barnum offered more than the Peru tha t I'm n ot one bit ho me-
Most sales are made thru was wort h; Bailey adver-s ick Of curose 1 h ad quite a sonal tat ion: the same is true ti sed Barnum's offer. Barnum's tim e getti ng re gistered and started of the me mbership of churches; told him to get the fam- in my classes , but I simply c ou ldn't thi s is even more tru e of marri- ous elephant regardlees of cost; mis• that big st udent recepti on al!:'es. These are but illu st ration s Barnum sa id , "I d on' t want the Saturday nlte. Th e Y. W. C. A. , of the tremendous imp orta nee of elep h ant; I want that man Bailey ." Y. M. C. A. and N. C. A. went personnl influence. He wanted the mind that was able to gether and had a r ecep ti on for
One must put hi s soul in to his to put itself ac r oss in to th e mind s us new studen ts. It was entirely wo rk; hi s s ou l is himself. While of th e public. any r eceptio n I ever went teaching a univer sity cla ss the to. They have the prettiest campus speaker as ked hi s class to report Bu dget Syste m. here, so gr een and so many trees. in wr itin g th e people who had The budget sy11 tem for There is a big la wn do t ted wit h been most influ e ntial over them en terta inmente has become perma - oaks and surrounded by buildings. b ar ring mo thers anci univer s il; Ine nt at Peru Normal. Economy We met in front of the cha p P.l a nd profe ssors. In tw Pnty-three out in tim e, ene r gy and cost is shown, were intr odu c ed to the pr eside nt of twenty - four re s po n se s teache rs 1 and th e re sults fully justify the and his charming ..yife an d severa l were named havin g bee n the Icontinuance of the plan. of tl:le faculty . R ea ll y that re cepm ost in fluent i al , and they were Fo r the ente rtainment of the tion line was t oo funny. I mag ine mo s tlv primary tea chr es. James stud e nts and citizens of the com - 700 people stand ing in line to meet Whitcomb Riley say s that a teacher munity fo r the s ummer sch oo l thi s the president of the schoo l! Of w:ts th e first per so n to cal l good year , th e following event s ar e c ou r se it took some time but we any thing that he (Ri ley) had done; pres ented: mete all our o ld nei g hb or ·s Then this teach er gav e part of h ers elf A le cture by L. L. Driver; w.e sa ng songs and you know that to niley in givin g unr!er s tanding Dramatic Cl ub pl ay by the Dra- ma de me happy becau11e I lov e Lat er on. Riley him self was the Imatic Club; three base ball games ; music.
Cleaning Repairi11g first to giv e hearing and en courage three g r. od movies; g ranrl concert, We picked ou t names from a box ment to an e levalor hoy who con - in which th e Band, Orchestra, and were told to find the penon JNQ A CEJKA fe ssed to havitlg written ver ses; Mens' G lee Club and Ladies' Glee who se name we had. It was lo ts • • T.he_ boy wao; Pa ul D !;l n- C_luh _ tak e_ part_; _a stunt pn gnm I of fun because you 'd meet fifty Tailor and Glea ner b ar. In ea ch ca se gi vin g so me 1 in wh ich e verybody the people tefore yoa fo und the one Ph Qne 62 thin g of self to anot her Jed the Normalite th e publication, whose name you had. I was fortuother to give much of se lf to many one c upy each we ek during the nate be cau se I cirew a boy's name.
We never kn ow wh en we are giv- sess ion; and in addition to a ll the. Well. I wore my pink organdie ing to a c hilrl a word which w ill ahove. on July 10 , 11, 12, 13 a nd 1 an d every b ody e lse ha d on th e ir result in bil.! and fine. 14, th e Mutual Lyceum and Chau- prettiest things. We played all
You have to know so m et hin g of a tauqua Sy stem will give teA doub le so r t!> of games. I didn't know child' s exp e ri e nces before you can numb e rs boy" or " lose yo ur s upput yourse lf into hi s life. A litt le The ;ale of season tick ets was pe r" was 110 much fu n.
Bas e ment Fisher's Drug Store
First-class Workmen. Your Patronage Sol ic ited C. P. SCOV ILL Prop.
girl, repeating the s tor y of Cinde- made at th e chap el hour on Mon- We had some co ol fru it punch rilla, s aid that the ragged dress da y. the 14lh The hudget com- an d the n sang so ngs around the was cha ng ed into a beautiful ni g ht mittee was gratifi ed whe n the sale founta in in the center of· the cam .,_ You can always find ft dress, and th at the prince found wa s over to finrl that about 500 rP s- pus. When the "lights out" sign good stock of hardware, Cinder illa at th e bal l park; the ervations harl been made. The i!e nt us scurryi ng across the street teacher. in tPII th e had committee wish es to say that t!cket to the dorm, we were a mighty sa id "beautifu l go wn" a nd at a may be bo ught at an y time at the happy crowd. I met so many dandy ball;" the c hi ld gave it back as she r egular price of $ 3.00. Sin$!le ad - girls so I won't. be lonesome again. did because to her a gown was a mission s will be from 25 ce nts to A bunch of us are going on an night dress and her l<noweldge of 50 cents, mo st of them at 50 cents. , early mo r ni ng breakfast tomorrow. ball s was limit e rl to ba se balls. The admonit ion to BUY BUDGET You had better c ome down and Th on :>awls of times we fail to get TICKETS NOW hn ld b h d d Ivisit !fie. We_'ll have lo ts of fun s u e ee e · Betty -