1919 (May) Catalog of the State Normal School of Nebraska - Peru

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MAY 1919






Enter ed as se co nd c l as s nrntt er . Jul y 1. 1915. at th e po sto ffi ce al Peru. C\ ebrnskB , und er act of Au g u st 24, 1912.




Fall term opens September 8. State Association Recess, November 6 to 10, mclnsiYe. Second Semester begins J a nuary 26 . For furth er inforrn::ition w rite President E . L. Rous e, Peru, Nebraska.


H on. Dan Morris, P resident_ _____________ ___ _Kearn eJ" H on. Fran k Pi lger, Vice PresidenL ________ _ ____ P ierce B on . H. E. l '. vi$ch e, S<:c路i路etary _______ _ _- 路路 _ Chadron Eon . D. B. Cr opsey, Treas urer ____ ____ ___ .. _ ---... Lincoln Hon. T . J. Ma.i or s ________________ _______ _____ __Per u H on. W . S. H eitzman _________________ _______ Qsce ola H on . W . H. Clem mons, State Su perin te nd enL ___ Lin coln



On e of th e most satisfac tory a dj ustm en ts t hat is t'. omi n g in t his n ew era is t h e lon g de lay ed in crease in ·alaries for t ea ch er s. It is not y et a d equate. It is no t ve n in proport ion t o th e in cr eased cost of living. T eacher s mu st r em em b er , how ever , t h a t a s prices a nd wages ~ee k a low er level th e sala r ies ·wi ll b e ap t to r em a in be- . cause it is evid ent t o a ll that th ey are unfa ir n ow. N ebrasJrn h as b ee n in t h e fo r efr on t of t h is campai gn. Practicall y <e ve r y elem en tar y teach er in Oma h a wi t h ex p eri ence will Teceive , 13 00 n ex.t year. Om a h a's scale for elem entary teac h er s run s to $17 00, prob a bly th e b est in th e United ::-J tates. Lincoln's scale fo r elem entary teach ers r un from $90 0 to $1200. Ma n y of the seco nd sized cities of t h e state a r e p ay in g as h ig h as $1000 for t h eir teachers Rural sc hools are paying from $900 to $11 25 for t eachers fo r on e a n d t w o r oom sch ools. A n ormal scho ol educat ion is req uir ed of th ose who ta k e these p ositions. 1

RENEWA L OF CERTIFICAT ES T h ~ n ew Certifi catio n La w in Nebras ka provides t h at ren ewal of county cer t ificates is based w holl y upo n th e co mp letion of a r equ ire d numb er of h ours of Ad·va nced w ork in a norm a l sc h ool or coll ege . This work may b e carried as Extension work. It is to m ee t th is dem a nd that t h e P er u Sta t e orm a l Sch ool h as provid ed the co urses out li n ed in t h is bu ll etin . In as fa r as possible Stud y Ce nte rs ·wi ll b e orga n ize d th at t e::ic h er s m ay h ave t h e ad va n tag e of p erson a l co nta ct with th e t eacher. ·w h er e th e d em a n d fo r th ese courses is no t suffi cient to j ust ify th e or g a n iz ·:ition ot h er cour ses a r e prov id ed which



may be carried on by correspondence . Please note the distinction between Study Centers and Correspondence Cou rses. GRADUATION IMPERATIVE

Every holder of a First Grade Co unty Certificate or a Grade City State Certificate should plan to complete the Advance Cou rse of a Normal School before the expiration of this certificate. It is practicall y demanded by law. Teachers sho ul d a lways be more progTessive than the law demand3. We call your attention to the brief outlin e of co urses w h ich ar e avai lab le in the P eru State Normal School. The entra nce requirement for all or t hese courses is the co mpletion of a four- year high school cou r se w it h at least 3 0 Un iversity entrance points. Comp letion of any of t h ese co urses requires two yeai<s and ent it les t h e graduate to t h e State Normal Diploma and a First Gr ade City State Certificate good for three years in a ny school in Nebraska. If one has t aught for two yea rs before entering t h e normal sch ool h e secures a Professional L.ife Certificate upon graduation. ·when he ha s taught two years upon the First Grad e Certificate it a utomaticall y becomes a life ProfessionalBRIEF OUTLINE OF COURSES Advanced Regular Course Senior Year .lu uior Year ___ _4 hours Itm·iews ... .4 hours l'sychologr ·--·····--.. .4 hours Teaclllng ... -··--·-···--··-·--- _... A hours Biology ·-- ··-·-····-··-- -__ .4 hours History of Edncatlon (2 hrs.) J;uglislt Hygiene (2 hrs. ) __ __ .4 hours Ollsen11tJ011 & JUetltods .. ..4 hours _____ .16 hours Tlteorr of }~ dn cation ____ 4 hours E lec tives ·Electives ___ _16 hour


KINDERGARDEN-PR IMARY COURSE Junior Year l'sycltologY _________ ________ .4 ' lliology ________ ___ ... .4 Engli1d1 ---------------------- ___ 1 Primary 01J se n-a1i un ancl ,Uethods __________________________ .4 liintlergarf-f'n Observation

Senior Yen1· h ours J\inde r garten 'l;eachin g· hours (19 and 20) ______________________ s h o ur ~ h our s __Prim a ry 'reach ing __ __________ 2 ll oun• HisJor.r of .EcIHcat-.ion (2 hourn) hou rs Hygiene (2 hours) ____ 4 hour' 'l'heory of E cln cation ___ ... .4 hour s (14) ____ 2 hours Aclnrn ce1l J(inclergarte11 'rheorr Jii111lerg'nrt e n 1.rheory (15) 2 hours (2 1 a nd 22) _______ .4 hour ' 1!n1111111 Activities (16) ....4 hours Elect ives ____________ 10 h ours Jiitulergnrtcn Primary Projeci s (17) _________________________ .4 h ou r s Cltildren•s J, iterature (18) 4 hours

*Students shou ld elect 4 hours in Coll ege Physics or place of Biology . COMMERCE ,J unior Ye111· Psrcholog-y ------------------------ __ .4 hours . JlioJogy _________________ _________________ i h ours English 4 hours (l1Jservatio11 & Met.l 1 ocl~ ____ 4 hours Advanced Shorthand a nd Typewr itin g ______________ _4 hours )forca ntil e · Acco unting ___ _4 h our s Electives ______________________________ 8 hours

~e1 iior Yea1· *Ue 1•iews ---------------------------- .4 hours '{'cachin g _____________________________ .4 hours History of E clucatiou (2 hrs.) Hygieue (2 hrs.) _______ .4 hou1·~ 'J 'heo rr of }~ ducatio11 ____ ___ .4 hours Acco un t ing 5 a nd 6 _ ____ 4 hours Adva nced D ic ta tion a nd Corr es po;nclence _____________ _4 h oui•s _______ .4 hours Commeri cal Law Busi ness Econo mi cs _________ _4 hours

':'St udents shou ld select Commerical Arithmeti c 2 hours, and Commerica l Geography 2 hours, in p lac e of

Reviews. HOME ECONOMICS J unior Year Se111or Yea r l'sycholog.r ----------------------- ... .4 hours ])esig·11 3, P ul)Ilc School Jnorgn nic CJ1emist ry Ar t ---- -------- ---------------------- 2 hour s (First se mes te r ) --------------4 hours __ Tench.J ug ___________ __ ________________ 2 hours }:ngUsb _-------- --------------- _______ .4 hours Hom e Eco nom ic s 'Te:iclL Obse nntion & Met h ocl s ___ .4 hours Iu ~ _____________________________________ _4 hours



Food Study (1 and 2) ....... .4 hours Sewin g an d Textiles (5 an d 6) ...... .4 hours tluantitative an d H ou seJ1 0Id Chemistry (Second Semester ... .4 hours Physiology . .................. .4 hours

llis tor y of E ducation (2 hours) Hygiene (2 h ours ··----4 hours 1 '.1 J1eory of Education ..... .4 hourn Dietetics (3), Table Service and Dein on stration ( 4) 4 ho ur s Dressm a king, Public Schoo] Metliods & Costum e Design (7, 8, 9, and 10) ........... .4 hou rn H ome JUa11n ge111 e11t ......... .4 hour" Elective;s .......... .4 h our s

MANUAL TRAINING Jun ior Yen1· Psycl1 ology

..4 hours

Biology J;nglisJ1

.................... .4 .................... .4 a nd JUe tltods 4 Ma nual T1·aitti11 g 1 ........... .4 Manu al Trafoin g 3 ...... .4 1llanu a l Traiu in g 10 .. ... .... .4 Electives ............................... .4

O ~servation

hours hours hours hou r s hours hours hours .

Seuior Year *Itemew s ...... .4 hOUl' S Practice. '.l'eacl1i11 g ····-- 2 hour s Histor y of Educa tion (2 hours) H ygiene (2 hou r s) .......... ..4 hours TJieor y of E <lllca tion ...... .4 hours JIIanual '.l'r a ini11g 2 .. .4 hours l'IIaJJl u a l Training 5 ........... .4 hours JUanu a l '.11r nini11 g 6 (Teach ing .......... .4 hours Electives ............................... 6 hour~

*Students should elect 4 hours in Coll ege Physics or Algebra in p lace of Reviews. PHYSICAL TRAINING J1111 im· Ye.t r Psychol ogy 4 hours Biology ... .......4 ho u r s t;nglisJ1 ................................. .4 hours Olise rvation a 11d lUe tlt ods 4 hours Advanced Physiology ....... .4 hours Gymnasium .......... .4 hours Phys iology of E xe r cise 2 hours J1;Jectives ....... 6 hours

Se11ior Yr:ir *lteview s .....4 hours Tea cJ1in g .. .4 hours H istory of E du cation ... .... .4 hours (2 hours ) ... .4 hours Hygiene (2 hours) 'J'J1eory of E du cation ....... .4 hours Theory of Athletics ........... .4 honrs Playgir1ound .......... .4 hours Child Study ...... 2 hours Electives ... 6 hours

"'Stude nts m ay take 4 hours electives in place of Reviews.



ORAL EXPRESSION Junior Year Psychology ------------------------- 4 Biology ...... .4 Englisl1 ............ .4 Observation & Metl1ods ..4 Oral Expression ___________ ....10 Electives .......... 6

Senior Year _________ ..4 hours Reviews ____________ .4 hours Tenr1th1g hours }[Mory of Education (2 hours) ... .4 hours hours HYgie;;e (2 hours) ... .4 hours Thf'ory of Edllcation Oral Expression .... 10 Electives 6

hours hours honrs hour.; h0ur tours

To complete this course it is necessary to have a minimum of three semesters of private lesssons. PUBLIC SCHOOL ART Junior Year Psyeh«logy _... .4 Biology ........ ........ .4 English ______________ .4 Observation & Methocls ... .4 Drawing & Painting (1&2) 8 Modeling (2 hours) ........ .4 Handwork (2 hours) ' Elect'ives .... ........... .4

Senior Year hours ** Reviews -------------..4 hours .. .4 hours hours Teacl1ing ___________ hours Jlistory of Education (2 hours) .4 ham»< hours JlYgiene (2 hours) hours. ... .4 hour; hours 'l'heory of Eclucation Design _... .4 hour• hours Principles of Public School Art ____ .. 2 hours Art History & Apprecia1tion .. 2 hour< .... 8 hours Electives

':'In selection of electives students should take Kindergarten Technics, and Teaching in Art 2 hours. **Students may take electives 4 fiours in place of Reviews.


Senior Year

l'sychology -------------·--------- ..4 hours R!'Vi!'ws __ 4 hours Biology ..... .4 hours Teaching ___ -------------·-- _ ...... .4 hours Euglis11 __________ .4 hours Hi<;!ory of EdncaHon Ohs!'rvation & lnf'thocls ___ 4 hours (2 hon rs)


PERU, NEBRASKA llygieue (2 hours) ....... -4 Observation, Methods a nd MaTheory of Education .......-4 terial 2 hours Ear 'Draining 2 hours ... -4 hours Orchestra an d Orch estra............... 2 :\Iusic Observation and Teachti on R epertoire ........................... .4 ing 2 hours Repertoire 2 hours ....... -4 hours Music T eachin g and l\Ieth ods .... 6 Electives .............................. 8 hours Electives ...... ..4

hou •13 h ours hours hour:; hours hours

*Students may take 4 hours electives in place of Reviews. GENERAL SCIENCE COURSE Junio1· Year l'sychology .......................... -4 hours Ufology .. .4 .. hou!'is Engli~h ........... ............ .4 hours flhs t>rva tion & 3Ic!hotls ... .4 hours Advanced Agriclture ... .4 hours Chemistry ............ ...4 hours Eleeti ves ............................. 8 hours

Senior Year Teaching .... .4 hours History of Educa1ion 2 hrs.) Jlygienc ( 2 hours ) ..4 hou rs 'l'heory of Education ........4 hours Physics ................ ...4 hours Gen eral Scien ce T eaching ........... .. 6 hours Ge ology ............................. .4 hours Electives ........... 6 hours


Study Center Courses are organized for several • classes of persons. First: Ma ny teachers will find it impossible to attend n 1mmer schools and will want to secure the six or twelve hours essential for the renewal of their certificate by taking advantage of Extension Courses. Second: Students who are looking toward graduation and want to make the credits they are receiving for renewal of certificates fit into their normal course. These students can h a ve much to say as to what courses will be offered in the Study Centers. Those enrolling for the first time with the Institution will not be particular as to conr::;eR.



Third: Many graduates of the Adva nced Course are working toward their degree. It w ill b e possible for such students to band themselves together and get advanced credit. This will a pply a lso to correspondence cour ses. ORGANIZE AT fN STITUTES It is of utmost importance t h at County Sup erintendents and t eachers who are interested in this line of work sho uld organize t h e Study Centers during Institute week. A representative of the P eru State Normal will visit each of the institutes in this part of the state for this distinct purpose. It will aid in this work if the teachers will have t h e preliminaries out of the way before t h e representative arrives.

EXPENSES Th e only expense connected with t h e Exter.sion work w ill be $2 enrollm nt fee for each two-hour co urse of• fered. It will be n ecessary for the teachers enroH ed in th ese Study CP.nters t o furni sh their own books. NUMBER OF MEETINGS There should be at least nine meetings of the Study Center. It will be better if mor e me etings can be arrang"d. COURSES OFFERED Art

Mami e R. Mutz-Publi c. School Dra win g :

Exerfr~ g





wit h p encil, scissors, brush and cray.on, which cover briefl y a co urse of stud y for th e elementary grades. Ten lessons, two hours drill cred it. Drawing a nd P a in ting : A course plann ed to develop power to draw and paint. T en lessons, two h ours elective cr edit. Handwork: Lessons dea ling with t h e m aterials used in the ind ustrial arts as t h ey are taught in elementary sch ools. Bookbinding, box making, basketry, sten cil , block pri!1ting, etc. T en l essons. two hours elective credit. Botany

F: C. J ean-A

course in elem entary botai1Y enab ling teac h ers to prepare fo r teacher's examin ation for first grade certificate; a lso entrance cr ed it. Commerce

K ona lVI. Palm er-Sh or thand a nd Typewritin g. Education


Crago-Educationa l P sychology, Educat ional Sociology, History of Edu cation.

A li ce Hanthorn-Prim !:lry and Intermediate Methods. Lue lla Hosm er-Kind ergarten Activit ies. George W. Brown-Rural Sociology, Rural School Methods and Ma nag em ent, a nd School Administration. English

H. C. Hou se-H istory

of English

Literatu r e,



Po ets, Browning's Poems and dra mas, Tenn yson. R ecent English Fi ction. (Will a lso conduct choral music. ) Susan Harman-Sh a k espea r e's Dramas. Geography

Rose B. Clark-Th e Geography Cur ricu lu m: Th e adap tation of a co urse of study to t he ne eds of Nebraska sc hools. Mathematics

J. M. Howie-Trigonom etry, An a lytics, Geom etry Methods, and any oth er subj ect in Ma t h ematics requ ir ed.

C. F. Beck-Arit hm etic, written Plane or Solid Geom etry.

or m enta l,

A lgebra.

Physical Sciences

W. F. Hoyt-Astro nom y .

If there be .1, d ema nd in any co unty on th e part of fen 1eachers for a ny course that ca n be given in this way < rrange m ents m ay be mad e for. it by taking th e m atter up 1rith President E . L. Rou se . CORRESPONDENCE COURSES

Students who cannot m eet with the Study Centers may arrange to carry certain lines of work by corresp on<lence. The fee is $2 for eac h two-hour co urse. Th e ~tud e nt must furnish his own text and reference books. Each of these courses require a written examination. Or<linarily this examination will be conducted by the s up erintendent or principal of the nearest town school.



CAUTION It is not the purpose of the extension course3 to en-co urage work in absentia wher e it is possible for the student to do r esi d ent work. Th ey a r e maintain ed for those only who find it impossib le to avail themselves of the privil eges of the normal sch ool as resident st udents. Students a r e cautioned to th in]~ carefu ll y before regi s. teri ng for corr espondence work as they often find it e ntails more labor than expected when registering and many as a consequence fail to complete the work. Th e history of exte nsion courses in genera l proves that fifty percent of those regi stering fai l to complete the work. We therefore urge students to be sure that they desire the work and that they will exhibit that ".::; ticktoitiY eness" th.'.lt will in sure the completion of all that i::" underta ken .

"When t h e l\Joo n Comes l l p " Ac1¡oss the 1\1 i sso u ri.


STATE :'\OR:\J..\L



COURSES OFFERED .Ka111 c of Co nr ~c Hou rn ('r erlit .\.rt- nrawing allll Pa i 11ti11g· 2 Vh•ics- 'rJ1 cor.r of G.0Ye n1111e11t 2 }~ 1l11 c al-io n - Cl 1il il S tnrlr 2 J>s Jc holo gr of 'l'hinldng· 2 His torr or j\I 01!Pr11 l~ d 11 c atio11 'l'heor.r of E cln ca tion 2 School Hygiene 2 J,ear11i11g Proces " 2 E11glish- 8 hak espea re's 1ri11H~r's '!'ale 2 Jli stor.r ]~ n g li,;h Litcratnrn 4 Rrow11i11 g"s T>ra111as- l' or AtlYa11crcl B1·owi11g St ndrnt-s 2 Jli,;torr or ,\ llll' :'i<• <1; 1 Litera t~11 r• 4 S ri e nccs- Geogrnphic l11fl11 e11crs 2 Xat11re S t·uclr 2 ,\ s t ro110111r 2

) /

]11 ,;trn!'lor i\J:uni e R. :1!111'

W. .\. Delzell A. Crago E. L. Ronse A. Cra o E. L. Hons£ A. E. Holch E. f,. House Su sa n Harman

H. C. Hou.e

H. C. House Surnn Hannan

Rose B. ('lark F. C. Jean W . F. !loyl

If other courses are desired or further inform ation ·wanted addre ss the presid ent d irectly.


STATE :\OR31.\


COURSES OFFERED J\a.111 c of Co urse H o ur s ('r cdif; _\rt- Drawing a111l P a i11011g CiYics- '.l'J1 eory of GOY<'n1111e11t }~ 1l11 c atio 11- CJ 1i!fl S tndr Psnholog r of 'J' hi11liin g· lfl ~ l ory or ]focl<'r11 Ed11calio11 'r .h co r y of E d11 cat io11 ScJ1 00L Hygie11 e L carnirr g Proc cs ~ En glislt- 8 hak es 11carf'\ Wi111·er's 'l'al e Hi sl (1ry J~ ngli~Ji Litcra lrrrc lfrow11 i11g"s ])n1111a ~ -}' or Atlva11c<'1l Jh·owirrg· S111dc11l·s Hi slor.r or ,\ rn c•rien; 1 J, itc ra t11H· 4 Sd c 11 ccs- Gcogra11hi c foflurrrc f's 2 :Valln·c Stuclr 2 ,\slro110111r

Jn,frtlf'lor R. )!ul \\'. :\. Delze

~/ami e



E. L. Hou A.


8. L. Rou A. E. Holrb E. L. Hou

Su san Harman H. C. Hou H. C'. Hou S11rnn Harman

Ro:e B. Clark F. C'. Jean W. F. llo)t

If other co urses are desired or furth er information wanted a ddre ss t h e presid ent directly.



CULTURAL ADV ANT AGES AT PERU Stud ents who are consid ering continuing th eir education at P eru should bear in min d t hat th e school mak es most a d equ.q te provision for cu ltural courses. Private lessons in Voi ce, Pia no, Violin, and E xpression haYe a lways been possible . We h ave just completed arrangements whereby student3 intereste d ¡in Drawing and Paintin g, both landscape a nd portra it , m ay continue t heir studies a long this lin e. Miss Cl eaYe r of Falls City w ill b e in Peru two dayg each w ee k. Miss Cleaver h as not only a sta t e b ut a n ation w id e reputation in her specalties. Vl e trust th at many students w ill ava il th ems elves of this oppo rt uni t~¡ to stud y und er this ta lented artist and teach er. The music a l opportunities at. Peru are no t confine d to the private work m enti on ed above. Any st ud ent is eligibl e to th e Choral Society. E ach h as an opportunity to tak e pa r t in the Chora l work of the year a nd the final Festival of Mu sic at t h e Commencemcn~ se ason. In ad diti on to t hi s vvork in t h e Ch orus y oung peopl e of more than ordinary musica l ab ili ty tak e advantage of t h e Gle e Club . Every boy in sc ho ol w h o is in terested in Mu sic may becom e a mem ber of the Boy' s Glee Club . Th Girls' Glee Club i.:; limi te d . App li cation s for m emb ership .in th is Club should b e m ade early.

STATE ::\OR;,\L\ L








493 REUNION AND ORGANIZATION MAY 26. 1919 COMMENCEMENT. MAY 23 TO 27, INCLUSIVE Entered as second class matter, July l, 1915, at the post office at Peru, Nebraska · Under act of August 24, 1912.


In January, 1918, a committee was appointf'd to secure the names of all Peruvians participating in the Worlci War and to prepare a service flag and Honor Roll. This committee rrported two hundred and three names before commencement, 1918. In the fall of 1918 the committee was enlarged to the following personnel; Miss Mamie R. Mutz, chairman; Dean Mattie C. Ellis; Miss Elva E. Hul on; Prof. C. F. Beck; Vice President W. N. Delzell; and Miss Cla ra M. Dunigan. They now report the following nam es of student:; wh o responded to the call of their country. Even those who knew the school best are surprised at thP number . When one thinks of the altruism which prompted these young men early in th eir life to dedicate themeslves to public service he naturally expects a surprising percentage. This li st is sent out at this time in order that it may be corrected. revised, and increased until it is as nearly perfect as we can make it. We invite every one into whose hands it falls to he lp us revise it. If final rank is different than listed we must know it. If names are here that should not be, please notify us. We especially want honors won, wounrls, imprisonm ent, and deaths. It is the purpose of the school to put into a permanently bound record all these names that the Roll may b e prese rved for future generations. !\t 1 :30 p. m., May 26, 1919, we trust a large number of these Peruvians may organize a Peru Veteran Association. A most cordial invitation is extended to all discharged soldiers to spend commencement week with us. There will be plenty of oppor tunities for reunions, picnics, sight trips, and otl-.er social events. The class play will be Saturday night, Baccalaureate service on Sunday, and the big Musical Festival all day Monday, closing with the regular Commencement Exercises Tuesday. Come. It will do us good and we feel it will do you 1rood. The homes of the city will be thrown open for you. We can care for all who come. Notify President E. L. Rouse if you expect to come and give date of arrival.



Ackerman, Pulver A. Allsman, J ohn F. Althouse, Everett J., 1st Lieut. Amende , Harry I., Sergeant Anderson, C. Arthur And er son, Mel vin R., Co r poral Andrews , Charles E., Machinist's Mate 2nd Class Ashton, Thomas E., 2nd Lieut. Averill, Loyd James

Abbott, Stanto n, Cor poral Ad ee, J oshu a H. Alsworth, Loren A. Amen de, Carl W., 1st Lieut. Amende, Henry H. , Sergeant Anderson, Jesse C, Lieutenant Anderson, R. D., 1st Class Private Applegate, Sherman S. Armstrong, Frank Aue, Elton

B Baack, Carl M. , Sergeant Babb, Robert Bade, Gus A. Barrett, Bert Bates, Ford C. Beck, C. Gordon, 1st Li eutenant Bell, Beuford E. Bergquist, Rodger Dewey Bishoff, Harry Black, Ernest L Bloss, Mfilcena C., 2nd Lieut. Boner, Ear I W., Cadet Bosley, Charl es M. Bovd, Robert Brown, Douglas D. Bryson, Frank Butler, Asa A.

Bacon, Lee Barnes, I. B. Bartel, J ohn A . Bea l, Clarence LeRoy Bell, Arthur D., Corporal Bened ict , LeRoy, Corporal Berkey, Harrison M., Corporal Bishop, Haml et Blankenship, L. Milton, Cadet Bohner, Hugo C. . Borland, William B., Sergeant Boyd, J. W. Branigan, J ohn , 2nd Lieutenant Brt, Otto K . , First Class Pvt. Burrows, Chase W., Corporal Butterfi eld, Graydon G.

c Camer on, Max Leo, Captain Caldwell, Irvin M., Corporal Carman, C. A., Chap., 1st Lieut. _.Cardwell, Wade L., Sgt. Carper , Charl es M., Corporal Carman, A. Hug h Carter , Clarence Mi !es, Sergeant Carpenter, Eric Gilbert Chaffee, Merritt L . Carter, Charles Raymond Castee l, J . Alden Chapman, Lewis Carl, Corporal Chambers, Guy C., 2r.d Li eutenant Chard, Raym ond Paul. Chard, Lewis F . Chase, Warren J.


Chatelain, Verne Elmo Christy, Floyd George Clapp, Henry L., Jr. Clary, Lester William Clements, Orley D. Clevenger, Bart0n Andrew Connell, Charles H. Cooper, Francis Courtright, Ruth, Canteen Cox, Jesse B., Sergeant Cramer, Charles Clarence Crilly, Howard M. Cummings, Carlton Curry, Verne D., Sergeant

Chase, Gaylord Eugene Chatelain, Harold Christensen, Dr. H. H. Chudley, Edward Clements, LeRoy D. Clements, Sanford L., Sergeant Cline, Earl M., Captain Cook, William 0. Copenhaver, Brantley Cowell, Floyd Craig, Earl L. Cramer, Leo J. Culp, Mabel, R. C. Nurse Cunningham, Ivan

D Dallam, Benjamin Franklin, Corp. Darling, R. A., 1st Class Musician Daugherty, James A. Davies, Lewis W. Davis, Walter Cyle DeWerff, William A., Corporal Dillon, Dun..:an Dillon, Tandy N., 1st Lieutenant Dollarhide, Russell R. Draper, Merle, Canteen Dudek, Leonard M. Durisch, Stephen Allen

Dally, Michael Darrow, Chester W., Chaplain Davey, John, Corporal Davis, Arthur M., 1st Class Pvt. DeLand, Charles W., 2nd Lieut. Diehl, Elmo Dillon, Lester Dodge, Lewis Downing, Bertha, Canteen Dressler, Herbert R. Dunn, Ray


Edee, Allen B., Second Class Seaman Ellis, Harry H., Second Lieutenant Emmert, Bryan Emmert, Wilber F

Ellenberger, Herwin Russell Ellenberger, Frank Polk Ely, Roy J. W., First Class Pvt. Emmert, Jesse L.

Fehlman, Leo George, Second Lieutenant Flamme, Clarence Frans, Elmer W. Fudge, May, Canteen

Finnegan, Arthur L. Flack, William H., Wagoner Flack, Robt. F. Flau, Carl J. Frye, Ellis K., Seaman Qtm.




Gaffney, Car l 0., First Sergeant Garey, Myron J., Qtm., 3rd Class Gay, Rex R.. Corpora! Gelwick, Arthur B., First Lieut, Germain, Everett, 2nd Lieutenant Gipson, Wm. Roy, Fir.sl Lieutenant Goff, Fred Otoe Gowin, George, First Lieutenant Green, Cassi us Grubb, R. C.

Ganzell, A. W., Hosp. Ap. lstCI. Gartrell, Clifford Earl Geib, Roger M. Gentert, Raymond L. Gilbert., Arthur Glasgow, Hal W., Sergeant Glasgow, H. Gilbert Good, Everett H .• Sergeant Grant, John W. Grossoehme, William


Hacker , Loy James Hahl beck, Harry W., Sergeant Hall, Ralph Carney Haney, Earl J. Haney, Frank D., First Lieutenant Hanks, Ralph Harman, Sergeant Harmon, Walter Guy Harrington, Robert Clarence, Sgt. Harris, L. P., Ensign Harrison, Robbert Dinsmore Havel, Fred Hays, Loyd, Second Class Seaman Heath, Harvey A., Corporal Hedge, Major McK., Com . Seaman Helvey, Foster H enning, Will, Corporal Hiatt, Heniy, Corporal Hinkle, Ernest 0. H9bson, Grace, R. C. Nurse Ht;lrton. Reuben C. Howie, Clarence A., 2d Lieutenant Hull, Abner Davis Hultman, Lawrence Hunt, George Talbot Hutchinson, Clai::de E. Hutchison, Will Hyslop, Clarence M., Corporal

Hagerty, Roy N., 1st bieuthnant Hahn, Lewis W. Hamilton, Earl J., Haney, George W. Haney, Oliver J. , Sergeant Hanson, Deal Cullan Harp, Earl Clement, Se rgea nt Harris, Harry E. Harris, Ray H. Hartzell, Dean E., 2d Class Mus. Havelka, Rudolph Hays, Warren A. Hedeland, Geo. T. , 2d Cl. Mus. Helms, Blinn 0. Hemingway, John Lee Hesseltine, Jesse Grant Hinds, Howard Frank Hoadley, Ben Butler, Sergeant Hollenbeck, Ernest P. Houston, William I. Hulbert, Rufus Hull, Roy B. Huntley, Jay Isaac Hutchins, J. Evan, 2d Class Mus. Hutchinson, Clyde A. Hyland, Pearl W.


J Jack, Andrew Janda, Vincent, Corporal Jedermann, Frederick Jim erson, John Allen, Capt1:1in Johnso n, Albin 0., Jst Class Sgt. John son, Irl B. , Corporal Johnston, Harry H., 1st Sergeant Jones, Fay M. Jones , Riehard Everett Judd, Myrtle, Canteen

Jack, William Janouch, Karl Lawrence, Corp. Jewell, Leo Johnson, Fred L., Corporal Johnson, Harry J ohnson, Walter Glenn Jones, Benjami n F., Sergeant Jone,., Franklin M. Jones, Victor L., Corpora l Jury, Lee B., 1st Cl ass Private

K Kahler, Harry H. Kell ey, Glenn 0. Kidd, Paul R. Kil zer, Louis R. Klima, Joseph J. Kohn , Frank Kotas, Adolph Kreig-, Wallace Kruki cka, Adolph A. Kuhlman, Fred W., Corpoarl

Kantor, D. B,. 1st Class Private Kelley, Roy Verne, Corporal Kieck, William G., Lieutenant Kinsey, Cyril W. Kohler, Emil N. , Corporal Koop, Harvey B. Kratockvil, Charle& D. Krueger, Herman F., 1st L ieut. Kuebler, William E.

L Laird, Charles M., Second L ieutenrJant Landolt, Mi !ton H. , Sergeant Leger, Frank W., First Sergeant Leger , Spencer M. Leeper, Sam uel Lewis, Harlan Liebhart, Clair H., Corporal Linger, Ear l A. , F irst L ieut. Lintz, Roy P., Second L ieut. Logan, Elsie, Canteen Long, Verg il L. , 1st Class Seaman Lore, Floyd B. , 1st Class Pvt. lucado, Thorton J., ::lergeant

Laird, Ross Laird , Claude R., Captain Lee , Roy F. Lehr, Vergil L., Lieutenant Lewis, Carroll Lichtenwalter, Leon, Cadet L ine, W. Harrison Lindsay, McKinley Lockenour , Roy Merle Long, Lee Sherman Longfellow, Arthur N. Lovell, Norman E llsworth Lynn , Everett Lynn, Marion, Sergeant Major




M McClary, Terrence A. , 1st Cl. Pvt. McMillen, June D. Mackprang, Car l C. Majors, John Malony, Ric hard Cairns Marshall, Lewis Mason, Gord on Byron Mathers, Grover F., Sergt. Major Matti!!, Charles R., Sergeant Maxcy , John W. , Second Lieut. Meents, · Henry G. Me issner, Richard, Second Lieut. Me whirter , A. C. , 1st Class Pvt. Meyer, Earl, First Lieutenant Millay, Robert Lloyd Mil ler, J ohn Henry Money, Jam es L . , Fi r st Sergeant Monzings, Ear l L., Sergea nt Moran, Edwin Morse, C. K. Mudd, F. Thurm ond Mutz, · Otto, Sergea nt

McC lun, Davi d L ., Cor poral McReynolds, Claud e William Majo r s, Eugene Majors, Tom Marcel lus, Dona lci M. Mason, Clar ence E., Ser geant Massie, Frank E., Sergeant Mat hews , Laverne N . , Cor poral Ma ttox, Lesl ie May nard, Sidney Ba ker Meinzer, Fred W. Metzger , Fred C. Mewhir te r , A. L., 1st Class Pvt. Michae li s, Elmer Ernes t Mill er, Arth ur P . . Fi rst Sergt. Mi ller , M. S., Sergea nt Money, Wm. B., 2nd Cl Seaman Moore , Les lie M., Corporal Mo r ga n, Joy E. Moyer, H . H., Seco nd Lieut. Mumford, Tracy


Nibb ie, Ray D . Novak, Wi lliam T.

Nigh, F red A.

0 Ogg , Will iam F., Sergeant Overhol t , Do nal d McLaren Owen , T. Glen

Oakes, Oscar Osnes, Olaf W., First Lieut. Overton, Ernest Truma n

p Pa lmer", Chas. H ., Second Li eu t. Pal mer, Oscar J. Pa the, Lawrence F . Pa tter son . Her bert F., Coxswai n Patterson , Roscoe J. Pechota, He nr y Lee , 2d Class Mus.

Pa lmer, Harry E. Sergeant Par ks, Samuel Dudley Patr ick, Ra lph W. Pa tterson, J ohn W. Paw ley, Me rl e Pe likan , Cha rl es C., Sergeant



Pettit, Edison, Sergeant Pettit, Wilber, 1st Class Private Phelps, Donald C. Phelps, Paul C. Phillips, James, Corporal Pohlmann, Elmer H., Sergeant Pommel, Eugene Clyrle, Musician Pospisil, William Poynter, James W., Lieutenant Prai, Joseph E., Sergeant Prante, Lo)'d R

Ralston, Orville, Lieutenant, Ace Ramsey, Curtis Ransom, Elijah 0. Ray, Geo. Webster, 2nd Lieut. Redfern, Lc:e W. Reed, William A. Reeves, Joseph A. Reeves, Roland Bickford Reimers. Waldo A. Reinhart, Chas. Edwin, 2nd Lt. Renfro, Pinkney Renneker, Rudolph H., Sergeant Rerucha, Ernest Anthony Rhodus, Herman Riesenberg, Ralph A. Riggs, Howard A., Sergeant Ritchie, Floyd Montgomery Robertson, Ray E., First Sergt. Robinson, Tutt A. Rock, Byron Roettger, Leon L. Rouse, Philip L., First Lieut.

s Sahlstrom, John W., Sgt. Major Sanders, Harry B., Sergeant Sands, William B., Sergeant Schacht, Henry W. Schellenberg, Elmer H. Schneider, William W. Schoenthal, Lynn 0. Schott, Carl P., Captain Schultz, Arthur L. Schultze, Arthur T. Schwartz, Walter H. S. Schwentker, 0. Homer Scott, Earle E. Sexson, John A., Sr.,Captain Shellhorn, Barton L., Captain Sims, Basil H. Slothower, J. P. Smiley, Church H., Sergeant Smith, Harry Glen, 2nd Lieut. Smithers, James

Sandberg, Robert L. Sanders, John P., First Lieut. Saville, George A., Jr. Schell, John H. Schneider, Arthur W., Corporal Schock, Jno Lloyd, Major Schoonover, Harry 0. Schott, Jacob G. Schultze, Carl W. Schwenker, Harold M. Scott, A. Ray Scott, Walter, Lieutenant Selement, Edward L. Sharrar, Frank, Corporal Shildneck, Je,;se W. Singer, Myron Leslie Smathers, John Smith, F. C., Y. M. C. A. Smith, Lee 0., 2nd Lieutenant Snell, Verna




Snodgrass, H . F., lst Class Prvt Spacht, Charl es A. Staack, H enr y F., Top Sergeant Stansberry, Charl es A. Stech, Edward, Corpora l Stephens, Har<Jld M. , 2nd. Lieu. Stephenson, Warren Watson Stod dard , Glen E. Stoehr , Paul

S nid er, Frank J., Li eu tena nt Snyder, Peter H. Spafford. Lewis L. Stake, Earl M. Stark, Walter C. Stee le, Ri chard 0. Stephens, Orville L ., 2nd Lieut. Stoddard, Fred L. , l st Cl. Pv t. Stoddard, J ohn E . Swan, Reuben

T Taylor, Har lan Bertel Tennan t, Hardin S. Th omas , Paul W., 1st Cl. Mu s. Th omas, William Ernest Thomson, Philip P. Tobin, Armond Tru e, Lloyd 0 ., Enaign Ty ler, A. Lewis, . Midshipman Tvl er, T r acy Tyl er, Wa lter Scott Tyson , Roland

Tei ch, Quinton C ; I::;t Cl. Sgt. T homas, Cr a ig Th omas, Verne N., Gun'rs W'ch Thompson, H. H ., Li eutenant Tilt on, Frank V. Tob in , J ohn Truman, Rex Tyler, Percy W., Mmician Tyler , Varro, First Li eu t enant Tyso n, N oel

v Vance, Stacy VanHorne, Myron L. Ve lvick, James Verhusen, Alex F. Vern on, Cha r les, Serg-eant Vern on, Robe rt 0., Lieutenant Vogeltanz, Edward L . , Flying Cade t

w Walker, J oy M. Ward, Clarence Dewey Ward, Eugene, Corporal Wear, J ohn W., Jr., First Li eut Weaver, Ta lmage B. Well ett, E. A., Seaman Guard We lsh, Fred M. Wheeldon, Mi lo, First Class Pvt. Whitney, Ralph Willi ams, LeRoy P.

Walker , Ralph G., Second Li eutenant Waybright, Ralph Weatherhogg, J ohn T., Corporal Weinert, Theophi lus Franklin Wells, E~rl Glenn We lte, Herber t Whitfield , Sterling, First Lieut. Wiar , Robert Wil liamson, Burton W.


Wil son, Albert C. Wilson, Donald J. Wilson, Elmer E. Winslow , C. Ivan Witte, J ohn T . Woodie, Fuller Talton Wright, Verne H.

Wilson, Cha rl es L ewis Wilson, }<_;lm er Earl Wil son , T . Kenn eth Wirth, L ouis J. Wolfe, Asa Allen, Sergeant Wright, Charl es Allen, Musici a n

y Young, Don J. Young, William Franklin Yunker, J. R., 2d CL Seaman

Young , Etta M., Canteen Young, Harry, Li e utenant

z Zaruba, Joseph L .

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