of the every community must early m i ts schoo l. tily (lecorated
SpeedshavP :;o;"e n•·gor. Eve1·y stud ent s boulrl s nb sr1·ibe. "t•tu : '" ann fn liae;e. tP!" of u11, !l!'ffi P make of h• i:;t yea1· in which the id eals, asp i rations, a nd I Begin with th e _first i ssue to fi le them ' rh e forma l pa rt of the even in g the gen uine " Spee r- Arro w" m ade to history of the community m ay fin d ex- ?.wuy Th ey Will be valuab le to y ou sist ed of the introd uc tion of the new run only on high a nd no r everse l eve r. press ion. Every church and fra ter-a ll du ring t he year and m ay be help- co rps of offic ers a nd the pres en tation Cha uffe ur Gate ly, known as Ca p ta in na l organizat ion in Am erica has found ful to yo u a ft er yo u l eave sc hool. of the co ns titution to the in coming Ga tel y, th e all sta te qua rter back ot it n ecessary to establi sh a l>aper or, Ma l\ e it yo ur bu s in ess to notif y re- pr es iden t, Mis s Farquh a ur by th e l ast year, w ill g ui de thi s n ew ma chine m agaz ine to he lp in the nece ssa ry pro- porters a nd ed i tors of ite ms of in te r- s pon s or , Miss El l is. Mi ss Fa rq uha ur' s t hi s com in g Fri day after noon th ru cess th at is abso lutely n ecessa ry in es t. Do not h es it ate to co ns ult d e- s pe ec h of ac ce ptance and of welc ome a wl;o le h erd of Yo rk Po rk ers witho ut such in stitu tions. Ve ry recen tl y: pa rtment e ditor s or th e editor -in -chi ef was mo st graciou s an d made the chang in g gee rs. Th ere arc six old m ar u fact uri ng in sti tutions a nd la r ge : " "' to the policy of th e paper a nd its memt ers hi p confid ent of fine l eader-pa rts from last yea r mar l,ed with a ' re l ation to st ud ent li fe a nd act i vitie s. :: h ip for }he year. • great big l etter "P". Th e co de na me s
bus in ess firm s ha ve fo und the va lu e or such pap ers.
The N orm a lite h as beco me an a bs olute ly nec ess ity in th e st ud ent life at Peru F ac ulty a nd st ud e nt s l ook fo rw ard to eac h issue wi th f ull as· s urance th at it will not only place th em in touch with the c urren t li fe I
As p res id ent of the sc hool, I take The e nte rtainm e nt f urni shed was (or th ese parts ar e-Ed Ros enqui st, this o ppor tuni ty to we lc om e eac h re-va ri ed and most e nj oyabl e. Many and Stan dl ey, Hi gg in s, Fi sher, S har rar ?- nd , turn ing s tud e nt an d to e xt e nd wm' m- cleve r we re th e st un ts of th e evening Gat el y, Six- Ye s exac tly a l1alf doz en ' gr eet 'ngs to tl1e "s tr an ge r with in Th e gr?n d m arc h was the sig na l old parts an d fi ve mor e parts to be the gates ". Let me urg e you to e n- Cor c ho os ing partnc t·s and d ecend ing sel ecte d [r om t hir ty pieces of fin e ter at on ce into as many act iviti es of to t he do:ne s t' c sc i ence ha ll where mat e ri a l. Be low are the nam es o! ' th e sc hoo l as yo ur time w ill pe rm i t. dain ty refre s hm en ts were se rv e d. lh es'e par ts a nd you gu es s wh ich on es i In t hi s w ay al on e do you b ec om e a As mi d night clrew on apace the w ill be sel ecte d rot· the fir st game part of the in s titution a nd its li fe. It gi rl s ba de a dieu to the ir ll os t es::;es We mi gM say som ethin g fi ne about is be tter to be an ac tive force in one with en thu si as tic ex pre ss ion s fo r one lhe n ew mater ia l for we !mow where • OJ' two organ iza tion s than to be a of the te st even in gs in o ld Pe nt. to b eg in b ut we co uld not s top unt il s iiE' nt p:1 rtn er in half a do zen. Come we n amed eve ry one or th e wh ole in a nd ge t acqu ai nt ed. My door is 'l'he Yorl\ •.ream s quad. Pe ru ne ve r had such a hu sl(y O!)e n to s tud ents every offic e. h our. of yo un gstet·s and old est ers \Ve l! it was a nd is s om e t eam a nd j E. L. Ro u se it !(no wn it wi ll re quire a ll the fi g htin g to mckc th e fi rst t eam. Eac h 1 <:u p110rt the s choo l cc: n give o ur boy s one is s aying, "I would lllre to ma\(e I Gir:' !" Cluh Part y ;c ''·c expec t to wi n. Th ere are ei ght the fi rst team bu t if a b etter man wins (Th Old Girl s Ent er ta in th e New) lett er men baclc. L as t y ea r th ey li cic- the pl ace. 1 wi ll he lp dev elop him in: e •0 n better man so we can w in f rom E•:c:· r inc c regis trat ion day when ft ve s tr ong t ea ms in cl ud ing We sthat my F>ti c organiz at ion , "Th e Gi rl s' <'ya n. M··ny tho ught this ,team co ul d Yot·ic'' I tile Ullt've i'st'ty t eain figlJt Our F oo tt a li S qu ad th ree g ood Clu b." tr ea ted us n ewcom ers so co n •- " ·· a lly, we h ave wanted to !mow mor e a bout it- to be c ome m em bers in fact as we ll as in nam e-and to beco me we ll e no ugh acq uai nted t.o see its "W l,ee ls go r ound. " Th at o pportunity ca me on S atu rd ay evening last when so me one hundred r ncl fif ty mai dens in th eir best at t ir e ror a to u ch d ow n. Th ey are gia nts th ey are. But now do n't ge t excite d th ey did not play wit h Pe ru last yea r. .-o u !mow what David did to th e Gian t- wel l -C har l ey Gat ely's is "Da vid " when it c om es to pl ay ing Yor lc He says bi s b oy s are go ih g to win a nd what Gate ly s ays goes in thi s n eck Bea m er, Paw n ee City; Brack e, Fairb ury; B ro wn, Peru; Brun sdo n, Pe r u: Biz e, .Juli a n: Ca n, S huiJ er t: Chas e, Pe ru; Ch ee k, Be atri ce; Cia ric, L ew is ton; C ro oi<, City; Delze ll , Pe ru ; Fis her, P eru: Far l ey , Pe ru ; Gately, Fai rbury: Griffith Salem; Ga nz el, Ot oe; Hi gg ins, of the sc hoo l bu t wi ll appr ise th em we nded the ir way to the sce ne or; tCon ti nu ed on Four th Page. ) I
Entered at the Postoffice at P eru, Nebra ska as second -class matter.
$l.Ofl per year. S ingle copy 5 cts.
If you do not receive yo ur Norma lit<', leave no tice in the No rm a lite hox in the Administration buil ding.
Iu011e On Tl1e Bootbnll Conference (Taken !rom the Wesleyan)
Twelve schoo ls wi ll be in the Nebraska state-conference race for the 1920 football championship This Is three mo re colleges than went after th e rag last year and so the contest
No ar ticles accepted after 8 Monday morning s hould be a wa rm ·one. The new o'clock school s are Univer sity or Omaha 1 Wayne Norma l and Grand Is land Col-
The editoria l staff will be ann ounced in f ull next week but it wlll be of especia l interest to our r eaders to know that Miss Ada Huff w!IJ be the ed itor in c hief and will hav e the full cha r ge this coming week. In !act t hi s wee lc she has had the most of the worlc. This issue is the work of every one so we want to than k every one.
leg e. Grand Isl and sta rted the rate last year. but wa s forced to drop out because of in ju ries to the mainstays of the Is land team.
B ri e fly, the forecast se lec ted fr om pre - season. dope is:
Nebraska Wes l eyan Un iversity
Highest percentage of old men returning. Ten or e leven expected back Splendid schedule with number of interes ting games at home. Coach Ray McCandless.
We are beginning on another week York College: Seven or ei ght or and soon another month. We have 1919 squa d returning with outlook fabegun on another year. Those who V'Orable for sp l endid athletic year,. h ave lcept up with th e times a nd do Coach, John Riddel l. not belong to the "has been '• crowd Doane College: Five or more leta1·e delighted with our outlook. Never ter men returning. Tigers confident in th e hi story of o ur country ha s there of procuri ng a winn in g machine been a greater demand for teachers Coac h H. H. J ohn ston. nor ha s .there been better wages paid Cotner U nivers ity: Large gro up but notwithstand in g th is big demand lette r men re turnin g to race good for teachers old Pe ru 'is more than sc h edule of s tate schoo l s. Bu lld ogs holdin g her own. optimistic. Coac h, Ray Dickson.
What's 'I'he Matter With Pern7 Hastings College: Schedule in comIJ lete. Br onchos have prospect fo r a Nothing-un less it is an increa se at- good team. Hastings will make owing tendance over last year, or a lar ger "f eastern schools this fa ll, playing squad of men out f01· practi ce eve ry Wes l eyan at Un iver sity Pl ace. night on the foot ball field , or that Wayne Normal: Entire b ackfi eld most.ot that squad are returning and good s hare or line. and a ll cl ean fellow s. Or m aybe it is Schedule incomp let e. F ir st season in t he large number of fe ll ows out to Coach , 0. Talma dge the midweek Y. M. C. A. meeting or Mars den. the unu sua l en thu siam in the Y. W. Kearney Norma l: Six var si ty men me etings, or the good strong Catholic ret urn. Ante lopes h ave good sc heYOtmg peop le 's organization, or the :lul e. Coach. Ray M. Os mun.
uuu s ua ll y l arge p erce nt of the student s and faculty taking part in the S und ay Sc hoo l work. Or, wl,}en we come to thi nk th e matte1· over, it may be th e fact that there will soon be paving from the Burling!on Station nil thr u th e town to the city li mits and then a ll the way thru the campus, or th at the city is s oon to own and run the el ectric light plant.-To be con-
l-' c ru Norma l: Seven lette r men l' e•urJling. Pedagogue s went strong l ast seaso n a nd expect to do bette r this year. Per u meets nine conference <·c hool s, the ha rde st "s trictly
We have rel:eived shipmt!nt frnhl the Philippine ll"lnnds f o r n1 a n u tt I truinins.! wo rk. Meek 6umber <:.o
/ sa,eme nt Fi ;he''' Dmg Stoce Nebr-aska City Laundry Fir s t-cla ss Workmen. Your Pa tr o n- · age Sol ic it. ed. Fhone 138 C. P. SCOVI LL Pmp. tinn e d.
encP" sc he dul e in the s tate. Coach W. G. Speer Cent ral: duplicate ou the gridiron. QuakPJ'S hav e closed four nie Adams. of their neven games s ea·,)n. Planning nn good el rYen this Coach, Er" "!-lOll. CoAch. Flu" l Mur r ay !.1 iclland The which Seen On The Cnmpu s '·el!l "\Ve<:leyan to a 7-0 v.ctory last Ea rl Ha1·low, an al umnus and an Dnv wil l have efr, ' :t Pnthnsinstic l' oos ter for old Peru
IR YOU !' c hil d's cand y wort h m ore buck. Good sc he dul e. SPconcl year spent n few duys l ast 'Yeek v is it ing th an his ed u cation? H not be in confer en ce. Coach, Bob Si s tv. frien ds or the ca mpu s and the tow n. wor th mo r e, but it is CO'lti ng mor e. G!flncl ls lnnd Co ll ege: Scherln l <' Har low has b een in the H awaii an Th e American School Jo urnal say s ' ncomplete. The T!-l l anders were :land s t he pa st two year s as a teach$8 45 ,000,,000 was Jt! Pent on th e publi c fo 1·ced to drop o ut or the race l ast er of scie n ce in one of the high l ast year while the tax e xpe rts :enso n. but expec t to stick to the fi n- ·cho ols ot Ho no lulu He is now on nt 'ngton say $950,000,000 wa f' ish th is !a ll. his way to Pitt s burgh, where he exspent andy in the same time, a Unive1·sity or Qmaha: First year in Peets to matri c ulate in the carnegie of 105 millions ln tnvor of for seve ral seasons. We nt 'Sc h ool or Tec hnology, tor specia l
cand y. Did you imagine it? t1·ong in bas ketball a ncl expect to t raining In el ect rical engineer ing,
Y. 'W C. A. to maintai n th is well-ke pt a nd tr im-
The mid -w eek mee ti ng s a re held in med app earance.
2107 each Wednesday nig ht at 7:30
Our fir st two meeti ngs have bee n ve ry The "Y" Gets A Good Start su ccess ful al th o we should li ke to , T he fir st Sa turd ay or th e school have more gi rl s p rese nt. Iyea r the. "Y" pull ed o ff the ir fir st bi g
Our fir st m eetin g was pr ima rily a s tun t. The enterta inm ent w as in the welc ome meeting. Th e fac ul ty 1form of a br eakfa st which was se rved vi sors and cabin et memb ers eac h· at 6: 30 in t he Neals' pas ture. Fun, >poke a few word s of gr ee ting to the · s ay about 45 or 50 boys had th e time new g ir ls. Iof the ir li ve s. They fir st a mu sed the m-
The top ic for las t week was, "Ec hoes se lves by play ing ind oo r b asebal l. fr om Gen eva," E im a Gockley a nd Th e game came out in fin e shape beMo na Keith , who were there last s um- cause b oth s ides we re sa ti s fie d th at mer re pr es entin g o ur sc hool , sp oke they h ad won the b ig e nd of the score Mi ss Gocld ey tol d of th ei r trip, w hat Th en we pl a yed "s quat tag" " Pli Boy' ' :-. bea u tif ul pl a ce the camp is, the op- as k "S hinn y" how be liked i t. Th en po rtunities giv en for boa ting, s wim -cam e br eakfas t. And watermel on, as ming, and qth er sports. Miss Ke ith far as we were a bl e to te ll, Ca rl ga ve us a brief s um ma ry of the g oo d Rosenq uist won th e long dis tance eatlec t ur es. and ta lk s th ey h eard th ere. , ing conte st of th e melon s an d "R ed" I
An y gu·I who stays away fro m th ese Brown the lon g distance throwing mid- week mee ti ngs is igno ring a of th e m. A Cter we had eate n I
ch an ce fo r On the n ew we could . we staged the te rr ible I of mem bers hip any gu·I is e hg1bl e , bat tl e of the melon rind s a nd we nt · to belong. Y'o u will be gi ven an o p- 1 home I po rt unity to join s oon a nd the Y. W.l Th e ab ove me ntio ned is on ly a part 1
C. A. will ma ke welcome nf wh;tt the "Y" h as do ne w ill J
Se pte mb er 28 th IS to be a JOlllt do for the bo ys t hi s year. Those boys mee ti ng of t he Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. •vho a tt en ded th e fir st two m eet ings
C. A. have seen the oth er side of th e"Y" th at is th e s pir itual Our m ee ti ngs
To th e f aculty a nd St ud en ts
When yo u buy frotn you can kn ow t ha t you are g ett ing the be s t. We gu ar a ntee it. If you s hou ld an y a rticle h ere th at h as not the quality it sbo u1d have , we w ant 11 n imtriediat e op portunity to tn fl ke it ri gh t.
Redfern & Ellenb erger
Uhe Citizens eState .9la nk
Hc c ounts nre gi v en con !-- ider a te a nd caref ul tt tt e ntion at t his ba nk.
E E. GuOD , Pr es id e nt 0. M. GOOD. Cas hi er J. W. M cAD AM S, V. Preai de nt AN NA FA RL EY A!'s t. Cas hier. the "p ep " a nd one en joys every I 1 • 1915 Miss Mer le D ra per, Class of 1914, Miss Juli ana Drape.r,. C a ss OL , minute of the m. And th en the ta lk s Did y ou notice th e we ll- kept ap- ! are a lways more t ha n worth th e time who spe nt mo re th an tw o yea rs In Red 1 1s to be Norm al Tr auun g teacher at
Our Campu s pea rnn ce of th e you re-I of th e .men who com e. Th e fir st talk Cross work in Ita ly, Gr eece, a nd Mitc hell fo r the coming y ear. turned to sc h oo l th1 s fa ll Th e gr ass 1 this y ear w as given by Mr Cr ago, our Armenia , ret urn ed to Amer ica In Au- Mr Cass ius Ken nedy a nd Miss Ruth was s moo th ly cu t; trees h ad been ,.. dv isor a nd the last t wo we re by Ed gust. She wi ll compl ete her wo rk at Courtwr ight of Beave r City we re mart ri mmed, the walks were repa ired and nos Pnquist a nd Al va Fisher on Estes th e Univers ity of Ne bras ka th is year. ri ed d ur ing vaca tiOI\ and are at borne the la mp po sts fr eshly pa inted. E ven Pa rle Th es e were a ll gr ea t. Boy, Miss Drap er s pent th e last ti.J ree on th e f in e fa rm of th e groom's near t he la mp shad es were cleaned a nd yo n can't afford no t to g et in a nd month s or her ex pe ri ence a broa d Brow nv ill e, No br as lm. poli shed. Those r es pons ib le are to be w ork wi th the Y. M. c. A. ; in the mem- 1tra ve lin g In Egy pt a nrl Pales tin e. Dori s Fr ye, Class of 191 9, was marcongrat ul ated on the su cc ess of t heir bers hip cam' paign thi s year g ot 65 Her c onn ect ion wi th th e Red ·Cross r ie d on Au gust 26 to Guy Steele or efforts to k ee p a bea utiful campus boy s. Th at is fin e but we wa nt every 1 mad e il p oss ibl e for her to have man y Ger in g, Ne bras lm Mrs. St ee le w ill looking at it s best at a tim e of th e boy in sc h oo l ou t. i a c.J.vant ages a nd liberties th at wou ld te ac h In the grade sch oo ls th e co min g year when it is most diffi cu lt to do so I 1not ha ve b een hers if an ord inary c iti- y ea r. Her hu sba nd is co n nec ted wi th T ho se who appr ecia te the se efforts 1 : zen. th e su ga r fa c to ry in that city. by the ri ght coop eration, can do mu ch: Pe ru pep pr epar ati on pays. I
Student s Dry Cle a nin g P• essi n ,g Re pai rinJ!
O. A. CEJKA Tail or and Cleaner Phone 62
Shttm r oc k S hop and Bath M ilst P. ad Fu ll lin e of To ilets on hancl A ge nt f or A uburn Lau nclry J. E. MURP HY, Prop.
We Inv it e You
To ca ll al our store for yo ur Ha rdward Ne ed s, Also Electric lamps, and Fl ashli ghts
Y ou wi ll al ways find a welco me at Mack prnag's tJ ardw are
Coac h Spee r, in s tructor, 191!-J and 1920 Peo- M i nes
Captain Gately, '1 9 Al l-Slate Quarterback
T he Pe ru Machine in Act ion
The New Pep Mach ine. <C.:onllnued !ro1n l<'lr :l l Palo:'"·'
Rou se, cha irm an of the re ception committee.
Ste ll a; I vers, Lindon, Co l orado; Ke ll y 'l'he tr y-o u ts for new member s will l\'ebmska Ci t y; Longfe llow ,Pe ru; be heltl Septembe r 27, and 28. The La ndolt, Peru; Noerlin ge r, Cr ab Or- fi rst r eg ul ar m eeti ng which is th e ch ar d; Paap, Otoe; Pra nte Otoe. r eceptio n to new m embe r s, is sche duiPomerory, All e n; Ro se nq uis t, Oog; ; ed for October 2 nd Ro s enquist, E., Ong; Rou se, Peru; 1 'l'he nec cptlon Sho wal te r, Rose land; Scwartzwelder. l York; Sha rr ar, Peru; Standley Peru· i Tort, Sup e rior; Wilcox, Cit;! S;;turda y night the Peru l\'orma l Will y, Heb r on; Tr uul. <;,·nh;un; gavf> a wel c om e to its n ew students, llnrvard. 1 in the o ld gy m. c haracterist ic of a ll • Pct·u,·ian mixer s. The g irl s were I 1 there in fluffy fro cks and the The York T earn. young men vi ed with each other ,in ccont lnu o.J d r•·om i!'irst their new su it s that they wear on ly or th e wood s. H will be a batt le r oya l on Sunday' s and rare occasions. worth goi ng mil es and mi l es to see Some of the old couple s of las t Th ere is n't a ye llow s treak in the ye:t r ca me in a nd cas t th eir gl ances Pe ru team. The new materi al has a round the room in sea r ch or familia r hncl e xperi e nce in our b est hi gh facE.s wh il e the new s tud e nts were sc hool s an d they are no g reen horn s nwd e to ree l at hom e in th e spi rit of wh e t• it comes to taking th e }' sq u ee l old Pe ru , the s pirit of which only s kin'' towa rd the goal lin e so we want ' Pe ru vians can boa s t. Not a Peruto te ll yo u th at Peru is g oing to win vinn was l eft on the s ide l ine. The yc.n be t". : old were at their b est and the new : jo in ed in the f un an d we re in itiated i nto the sc hool life whi ch we a ll love so mu ch. Ph e Dramatic Club hPid its fi rst i\li <-1: Dunn' s Es kimod es Es kima
hoth e r' s dir ec - South uf the bnilding, }'tiU the the n ew pres ident , pr esi ded and th e !f nd lass ie get acq uai n ted as shy and I Hem 1:1gway, v1ce -pres 1dent. t10 n un d th e1r h ope s wer e fulfi ll ed as long wa1k down town Re ddm g, sec r etary, an d Hild egarde i only a Pe ru mixer cno 1 do. · •
YeC'k trea su re r. Comm i ttees were i The vario us freig ht train s lin ed up , appo in te d, with W ill ard Griff iths, 1 we we re sh ipp ed to th e la nd of punch, c:halrman of the prog ram committ ee, 1after which the co upl es ju st before Raymon d Huffer, ch airman of the th e Iigl1ts win l{ed, fo ll owed the "lo ng, membership c ommittee , a nd Lawren ce !tong trai l. " ' I
(In Br1 ef .)
· Sup e rintendent Lefler 's ma ny
The game start erl off w ithWilly, friends will enjoy r eadi ng the Peru fullback , kick in g off York follow i ng ju1 t tribut P. taken from The York r ece i ve r was downed The Peru Pep Machine Turns the Trick.-Peru 'Peps" 27 an article in las t S und ay's State in his track s. Three l ine bu cks 1 Journal. We r earr et that we can- York Champions 0. found York fa rth er fr om Peru's n ot give the article in full. Mr. goa! than wh en s he b egan bucking I Lefler in an alumnus and an A. York kicked , Gately r etu rnin g 15 B. degree man from P eru , as well yards . A few end runs and a The New Pep
1920 Du tc h Clean se r when it comes to as a forme r member of our facutly pena lty on York put Peru on Yo r sk Speer-Arr ow-pe pp ed 27 peps to officia tin g at any game. Then Peru nev er had a m ore loyal a nd 20 ya rd lin e. Gat ely threw a trick I not a s in gle pe ep from th e Grove Porter, th e um pi re, a fo rm er p ote nt faet or in its f ac ulty than pass to Sharr ar m the ope n. the 1 gia nts from Yorks hire co untr y. Un i vers ity s tar ,· h as officiate d so Professo r L efle r. Peruv ians kn ow ball go in g just out of hi s r eac h as I Yes sir ee ; Coac h Speer had his mu ch f or us that we kn ow he w ill the f orce of thi s man, and kn ow he crosse d .th e goal Yo rk 's j ma c hin e a ll polished up and the stand only f or the purest w hite; that Lincoln scho ol• wi ll pro sper ball on their 20 yarn · lin e. The y 1t ank fille d f ull of q uintesse n ce of and our old friend. Roy Cowell. a under hi s skilled management. kicked a nd r ecove red th e ba ll n ea r peps in , a nd th en turn ed her loose 'Peru b oy, wa s h ea d lin es man; " Th e new supe rintendent spent mid-fie ld ; failing to make their in the Jot fac in g th e York fi gh te rs there was little da narer of dir t three ye ars in Lincoln in r es p ons idowns, agai n pu nt ed and r ecovered -as fine a bunch of animal s as Ibeing le ft eve n in th e c or ners . No ble admin is tra tive co nn ect io n the ba ll on Peru' s 15 ya rd li ne ev er s trayed into ou r Jot-and s he foul s wer e ca ll ed on e ith er si de for th en Pe ru boys built a sol id stone we nt chuck-a-chuck-a -c hu ck -a-ch u-j anythin g but tec hn ica l e rrors. 1 wall for t wo d owns a nd on th e ckig Gat ely up and down the fie ld, third r eco vered a )'ork fumbl e and fi rs t to the Fo uth and th en to the Fa culty Club Organize d. pu n ted out of the da nger z on e. nort h, around th e e nd a nd thru Plan s ha ve been perfected for the York tr ied a paslwh ic h was in - the ce nter a nd over the top she organizat i on of a cl ub w hi ch sha ll tercepted by W ill y in midfie ld. went 80 merr il y a nd R"ate ly along be co mposed of facul ty men a nrl With a se ri es of e nd run s and th ey ca rried the pigs kin ac r ose for >Vome n an d wives of men of th e
Peru march ed to York 's ten 1 f oJ r touch downs. fa cu lty. yar d -lin e, th en Ga te ly s lip ed a pass \ Th fi 0 b d 'd 1 T hi s club w ill me et five tim es e ne cto er ay was 1 ea ove r the lin e to Sha rr ar for a . during the year. At e nch m ee tinghd . b f h fi for th1 s co ll ege game. Many Pt=ru- h b . 11 touc ow n JUst e ore t e r st t e mem ers WI gather at S IX vian s were ne r vous and we ll mi g ht half ended Ga tely ki c ked g- oa l. o'c loc k for dinn e r. 1'hi s w ill be th ey be for a h usk ier bunch of Score at th e end of fir st half, follo wed by a d isc ussion of so me ca rn t> rs se ld om 1f eve r t . f 1 f · 1
Pe ru 7, Yo rk 0. op 1c o ge nera or pr o ess10 na T b k ap pe ared on our fi el d. Three yea r . t t Th · 'II b he secon d half Yo rk came ac 1 m eres . e e vemn g WI e concham plo ns- !'ome say for tt.ree I 1 d d b · 1 h F t str ong w ith a few sho rt gains and c u e Y a soc 1a ou r. or wo ytars they h arl nev er b Pe n b ea ten f h t' t 'd k r ec over in g a fu mbl e go t down o t ese m ee mg s ou s1 e spea ers hut the last two years th ey wal lop- 11 b · 't d Th fi t · t int o Peru's te rri to r y, but were WI e mv 1 e . e rs on e IS o ped ev er yt h ing in sight that had fo rced to ki ck. Chee k was sent be in Nov e mb er. in e nd fo r E. RosPnquist, who en oug-h to. tac kl e them, whi ch The faculty e lect ed as its exwith Wi lcox broug ht th e ba ll back rn c lu de rl that b,mch of preach- ecutive co m mittee Pr ofessor Jean, • ers from WesiPya n. Per u ha s n ot . C to m1d fie ld on end York wa s'
Dea n Ma tt1 e . E lli s a nd Mi ss
with th e local sch oo l first assista nt hi gh sch oo l pr i ncipal, and then as assistant to the s uperinte nd en t, b es id es ha ving l ived in the city w hil e wo rk ing fo r a ma st er 's deg'ree in ed ucat ion a nd psychology at the Univer si ty of Ne-
pla yed th em fur thre e vears when pe nali ze d twice for off -si C:e plays. - Rose Clar k. Th rs comrmttee plan s C. Rosenquist a nd S harrar ope n ed Yo rk gav e th e Peru boys. w ho for outs id e spea kers a nd s ubj ect s bra s ka, but se ems to be unk nown ha rl n' t g-Pne to war a free nd e up d. to a large of the ad ul t ua hole for W 1ll y on a cr oss bu ck ; f or rscus ;:;w n. It also selects s uband down th e fi e ld on t he Yor k' s I popu latio n. and by a bn ll1 a nt ope n fi e ld , . . committees to tak e r:! har ge of ea ch th h Y k I d h b I b1 g- fu ll- back s bRck. Frrd ay was "W ha t got h im the unanim ous rut e or team ante t e al me e ti ng. the fir s t. tim e York e ver tr iPd to lt . h 1 d 1 th b f vo te of the sch oo l boMd IS sa 1d to be tw een th e goa l posts for anoth Pr rs e 1eve 1y e mem ers o s tea l a rid e on nn !:' of th e Spee r- h 1 b 1 h' . . 11 1be h1 s co mb•nat1o n of admm•stray to uchd o wn Gate ly kicked gn& J •Ar.row s- much to th e ir '' s arro w ,, t e clu tl Hlt tt· •, s w.' lj li ve qua liti es with th e ab il ity to ork re ce i ved th e kicK bu t ooon I ls up p Y a on g e t es lr e or so cw I . h II I f I lost the ha ll when Gately in ter -We wa nt to compl i ment Yl)rk pl eas ure and exchange of id e as. 'get a on g wrt a c as ses o peop e. · · , no th e cle an ,...ame ..: he player! last One bo ard me mb er goes so far as cepted a long pa ss on Pe ru s 40 · C b · Frirl ay afte rno 1 n on th P Peru fi Plrl alenda r. to say that no ocl y eve r m th e sysyar d lm e. · · We.- kl .l' Me e tin gs. te rn sta nd s better wi th th e st ude nt
At the beginning of th e f .;u rrh The Peru boys pa id h igh tribut e h · f th · Y W C A We dn e sday 7 ·30 pm body, su pe rvi s or s, pr i ncipa ls a.nd Ed R I d to t e 1r opp one nts or e rr S:J o rts- · · · · · quarter ose nquist r ep ac e C W d d t eac hers, and ca n get along so Bracke at ha lf bai!k , made some mans hip and clea n pla yi ng. Y t>s Y. M. . A. e nee ay, 7:::!0 pm b h ·r1 1 d h d N C A Su da 10 a we ll wit h a ll eleme nle whi ch go to go od gains, taki ng the hal l ba ck in ot Si es pave . a ar clean ., n y, m. g am e. But the officia ls we h ad Band, Tues day-Thurs day, 7:3 0 pm make up st ud ent l ife . He has to York's te rritory. Yo rk in te r- d we re of the typP of me n wh o wou ld Or chestra. Monday -We dn e sday ,8:15 poise, an w ill be ready to m eet cepted a forward pass on Per u' s Specia l Ev Pnl s. any em ergency , and sta rts out with d not sta nd for anyt hin g else. Nor ten yar lin e C. Ro se nq ui st in - October 22, Foorba ll ga m e, Kear-the good will of ever ybody in the terce ted Yo rk 's punt be hind th e wo ul d the two c6ache s. Th e r efe r ee n ey. lin e. Wi ls on, Peru' s fighting ce n- was b ur former Coac h Joh nson who Octob er 15, Mov ies <Co ntinu ed on F'ourth P age.' IS a wa l kin g advert ise ment for O ld 29 , Movies.
sc hoo l syste m, ' says thi s ma n. Those who watched Mr. Le fl er' s tC o nlinn cd on f.' Oill'th Pngo. )
THE PERU NORMALITE play ha lf just as well as he can the encl. and that is puttin g it in the En tered at the Po..:t o fficc at 1-'cr u, Nc- supe rlative.
hrn ska as secon d. c lass m atte r. The tw o tackles can tac k le an ythPub ll shed Weekly by the Pe ru State No r ma l in g that comes th e ir way. Th e
$ 1.00 per ycu r. Si ngle copy;; way I-iiggins worked the othe r day wquld brin g j oy to th e hear t of the sa ddest f oot bal l f an in Am eri ca Ca rl Rosenquist play ed his first game Friday a nd put one ove r on r the Yorki es. He just didn 't know any better to sto p everyth ing that came his way, and then when York had to get be hind th e go al to ki ck Big Ro sey did n 't st op to ask if it would be pol ite 1 to
If _vou do not receive your i\ormalit(', ru sh ri gh t in front of the punter cave not ice in the Nonnalitc hox in the and block t he ba ll and let "Prexy" Adm ini st ration building Wil so n grab it fo r a to uch-
art icles :accepted after R o'c loc k I' down Now what do you think of i\1 on day morning-. t hat for new men'! Wh en speak ing_ of real li ve puneh-to-punch centers
T he Victors and How The Played. Wil s on is abo ut the peppi P!' t JWP
To one who kn ows th e prepara- cen ter that eve r started a ball in tion. the ex pe rience ami th e man- play. It was hi s fi rst game ar ho od of eac h pla ye r it is rlifficu lt center b ut he playecl like a ve teran. to decide wh o did the best work Th e two gu a rd s, my dearl y be · Thi s t ea in has no nne , two or th re e love rl , neve r played a g ame be fore who sta nd out in the s potlight as -no sir, ne ver played befor e. stars of gr ea te r magn itud e than We kn ow t he crow d wi ll n evPr beth e re st of the team. Ir. 's the t ea m liev e it, but it is a fac t. "Pop" the tea m, the team. Pe ru has had Paap gua r de d "Prexie " Wil son at good teams befor e hut n eve r su ch center lik e the apple of hi s eye
a r ea l team as the 19 20 This is and n ot a man fa ze d him; and on ' sa id in th e gr eates t r eEJ')e ct to all the other side of ce nter was form er teams. But in n ea rly all " Ntfty" No gamier fi sb form er t eams th ere see med to be was eve r caught in a mountain so me f ew who were the head lin er s. s tr ea m. Only a f ew d ay's pr a ctice
Th e ha ck field of eve ry team nat- but tha t didn't make any difference
W. W. MARDIS Phone 25
Photographic Service
Port r ait and Commercial We put the in snap-shots" We have the film that fits your camera
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Ph ona 56
Budget a Success I urally gets more newspaper no ti ce to thi s " spec iman " when he came ''How do yo u do it ?" than the lin e-men. to stopping Yo rk. The subs were what?" 1 Friday' s game will go d'l wn in no scrub s. Th ere was "Tin y" G1ve so much rea l, first clas s/ histo ry as one of th e best, if not Showa lter. He was so me sho w entertainment as t he budget comthe best, first season ga me ev er wh en he m ade charge after charge mitte e pr ovides, at so lit tle cost."
played in Pe ru Captai n Gately thru th e line aft er he took Tr oudt's The an swer is easy. It is be- l was at hi s best in ge nera ls hip . He place at guard Then in the th ird cause of th e LO YALTY of the see med to know in s tin c ti ve ly what quarter a str ea k of lig h tning wa s st ud e nt body, fa cul ty and fri ends ;-- GOOD THINGS TO EAT hi s lo ya l men wou ld and s hould do put in on end , which they nam Ed of Old Pe ru J Back of him was Will y, th e full Cheek. Ho w he did play-oh, boy . T he n_um be r of pledges for/ Studeut s' Headquar ters back. One of th e bes t p la ye rs Peru Swartzwe lde r, th e long boy from bu dg et t 1cke ts so far this year _ ever had on the fie ld, he n eve r mad e York st epped in to show hi s bret h- exceeds the expectat ions of th e a bobble. No hol e was too big f or ren what P er u tra inin g would do committee. lf pa id for at th e rate SEARS him to fill and when he mad e an for a York lad. Old L oya l Swartie of si ngle admi ss ion s fo r th e sen - AGENT attack he wa s, a fwt y -two centi- showed them too. L an dol t went so n' s e nter ta inmen t, the sales meter gun. He ha s won hi s pl a ce in for right half to ward the last would aggregate more than $5 , 000. and n ex t Fr id ay he wil l be more and h ow t ha t kid did go in to the und er the budget syste m it w ill than a match for Midl a nd's all- game. It ga ve us all a -th rill. co st b ut a fr ac ti on of this amount state full-back. Bral!k at left half "Plucky" Pomero y t ook P aap' s Everyb ody in this community was so me gro und gaine r and won plac e at guard for a while and he wh o h as th e welfar e of the Norma l his pl ace in that posi ti ow and fil led it, too, with a ve ngance. a nd in c id e ntall y, th e welfa re of th e then the oth er ha lf wa R Wil Keep your eye on · 'Piurke y." whole co m mu ni tv at h ea rt , should cox with plenty of ha ir on his head Longfe llow -bo th by nam e and fe el it a privi lege to ge t behinci and oodles of g ray matter und er natur e- we nt in th e last few min- the committee and a ss ist in financthat and a on e-hundred -fifly -u tes, a nd judging from the way ing the bi g e nterpri se ' pound bod I he played hi s pare nts kn ew what to A boo st for P e- ru is a b oos t for ; Y e ec tncall y charged. YO ?. Buy a big budget ticket and N ebt·as
Phtlrm acv No stop to "Ba ldy ." On the tw o ca ll him when th ey named him enJ OY the r es t of the yea r. ends wa have the best material "Er nest." That 's th e way he I FOR that eve r cam e down th e pike. went into the game. BARBE;R SHeF' I' Old fighting Frank Sharrar didn 't Not n quitter, n ot a s tr ea k of AND BATH School SuPPlies let ·a Yorker pass him and we are yellow in the bunch, but all real telling th M'dl d 1 B . I Stationery f" ,e 1 an ers thatheeats payers a ndgood bonefidestud en ts asement F1sher' s Drug Store , • tne candies T1gers for lunch. Then on the who play as a tea f th ' r.o· t 1 w 1 m or e gl ory L'J rs -c ass orkmen. Yo ur Patron- and Fa vort" te T . 1 left was Ed. Rose nqui st who can of Pe ru. age So li cited i 01 et c. P. SCOVILL·. Prop I A. rticles
Y. w. c. A.
P ra ctica l applicat i ons of th e Go lden R ul e were thoroughly co nside r ed in the jcint meeting of the You ng Men 's and Yo un g Women's Christ ian organ i za ti ons la st Wed-
nesda y night.
The Golde n Rule was di sc u ssed in connect ion with man y phases of lif e and after be in g caref ull y weighed in the ba lance it wa s found very ap pli cable by all.
The main top ic was di v id ed into s ub-topic s as fo ll ows: The Golden Rule in Athletics; in Bu l"i ne ss; in the Schoolroom; i.n the H ome; and in National Affairs He ro ful s ug · gestion8 were derived from a ll talks
Reme mber our weekly m eet ing next Get th e habit of and yo u wi ll n ever re gr et it.
Junior Class Notes.
Peru Downs York.
From the State Journal : P er u Normal defeated York College in football this aftern oo n, 27- 0. The Pe dagogues outc lassed the 191 9 champs in th e ga me which was closely thruout.
During the first quarter Peru fumbl ed badly and York severa l times within th e s hadow of the No rmal go,a l posts. Thi s was the only time York thr eat ened to break ir:to the sco re co lumn.
The Peru lin e exhibited s tonewall tendencies and turnea ba ck the as saults of York backfield.
Capta in Gately, al l· s tate quarter of last year, was th e bright sta r in the Peru line up Wilcox, Cheek, Br ac ke a nd Wily al so put up a good game Mo st of the Norma l gain s were made by sweep ing e nd run s and forward pa ss es. Th e Normalites wil l play .Mid land at Fremont The ju ni or cla ss rh ape l Thur sday Was gl.ven t th 1 • f n ex t f< 'riday. The Peru team w ill over o e e ect1o n o · . . Ipla y Wesley an at U n1'ver"1.ty Place officer s a nti organJzat Jon of the th 1s seaso n. ela ss Mr. Rou se mtrod uced us to The deci s ive victory of Peru our advi se r. M is s Pa l mer, who was over York has ca u sed footba ll stock g- iv en a hea rty we lcome and exat the sout hea ste rn No rmal Schoo l pressed her appreciation of th e honor and .responsibi lity. We' ll to soa r. The vic to ry is s upp osed
Mr. Wilson, temp o rary chairall root for Mi ss PalmP. r. to remove Yo rk fr om the list of ser iou s c hampion s hip contenders. man. th en ca ll ed th e meet in g to Dramatic Club. order for the elE-ction of officers. The Dramatic C lub he ld its u sual Paul Wi lcox wa s elected pres i de nt try<o ut s on Mo nd ay by a large majority. Thr ee ch eers and Tu es d ay even ings of the past fo r W il cox · 1week. Many of th e co nt estant s Then followed the elec tion of 1 sh owed great abi li ty, and we were vice pre side n t. Res> ie West ; treas- onl y t oo so rry not to be able to urer, Donald Blankenship; sec re- take more into the c lub
To the Faculty and Students
When you buy fro111 us you can know that you ore getting the best. we' guarantee it. If you should get ony ortic1e here that has not the quolity it sbou1d have, we wo11t on immediate opportunity to make it right.
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Stt1a II accounts ore l!iveu considerate a11d careful attention at this bank.
E. E. GUOD , Pre s ident 0. M. GOOD Cashie r J. W. McADAMS, V. Pre1 ident ANNA FARLEY, Asst Cashi er
tary, Jt ss ie Ke lly; and Hi ldega r de T he fo ll ow in g a re those chos en Yeck, chair man uf the pr og ram for membership: Hays-Herbert===;::========= ================== committee. Dormitory Notes.
_ __ _ Kelly , Paul Wil so n, Robert Quick, Wednesday noon Mr and Mr s Stude.n fs Sen N 1 Rex Miller , Rol an d Ca rr, V1'ctor
Ctor o es. Linn presented the dormitory girls ry From the nomine es r eco mmend- ' Brack, Troudt, Loyd Bea- with a new pic tur e. The Br igh t- p . ' ' • ne ss of the Sea, by Muller-Kurz- • • ed by a committee, th e senio rs mer· girls-Crystal Meyer Lois · ·
reS S II12 elected last Thur sday, the follow - Veal , Alice Schoenike, Mildred wi ll y. Th e gir ls sh owed t heir ap- · Repatnng in g officers : F or pr es ident, Lee Hanks, Ann e Ramsey, Myrt le pr ec i at ion by fiftee n rah si JNQ Hemingwa :": vice president, Miss 1 Arg-abright, Gr ace Ba ug hm an for Mr . a nd Mrs. Linn. • A. CEJKA Kel l igar; sec r ttary , ln ez Wil so n; and Evelyn Whi ffi n.
Cou n ci l members for the Girls' Tailor and Cleaner Edward Rosenquist Pilgrim Ce nt enary Clu b from the dorm we re elec t ed The re IS no. doubt now 1 Pe ru Nor mal is to a part in as fo llows: Ze li a E lli ott thirci floor; our year wil l be w1th th e na tion - wine ce lebr ati on of t he Ze lda Redding, seco nd floor; E::;R ie
ne 62 such effic ient peop le in Pil g rim Te rc e nt ena ry. The faculty I d d Brec k enridge, fi_rst_floor ._ 1 Shamrock Bat·ber Sho p t wa;l ecide that a commit t ee voted at a m eet 1ng Thursday that be appointed fo r eac h rhapel It wi ll int er es t Pe r uvia ns to and Bath the sc h ool shou ld pre se nt a ma sque progra m, s in ce th at plan was u se d or pageant jll st before tn e Chri ,t- lea rn th at I he t11xt hoo k in E ngl is h 1 Mi lst ea d Ba se mt->nt with s uc o sa ti s faction la st yea r. ! ma s hol ida ys. plan is to h ave for t ec hnica l' schoo ls, t.1e joint j • Full line of Toi lets on h and "When the ffi()Un camu up and I wor k of Prt•f. J. Lawre n ce Ea son. Agent f or A uburn Laundry ,. '" ch11nl and community participa te J th e s un went dow n on l<nday in thi s big burlge t eve nt. A co m- hea d of our Engl is'h departm Ent, J. E. MURPHY , Prop. E:ven ing were mittee is a lr eady at work so li citing and of Mr . M. H. Wessee n, of the I very bea utifull y lh e lllumJnatiOn Jmate rial from which to weave a U niv Prs , ty of NPbrakFa, has r c- We Invit e You was begun With l!le La ndolt ·Mc· l gy mbolie hi s tory of the Purit an ee olly hee n ad•lPted by th e WestKen n ey bonfire and Skin ny kep t UIJ I mov eme nt . It is h oped that th e Poi nt Mi lit ary Acad e my Ot h er the ge ne ral warmth by te ll ing ma sque wi ll not onl y fre shen our adoptions include Yale , John s Irish swrre;; an d co ns umin g th o&e m emor ies of th e hi s torica l eve n t, H opkins , th e Carn eg ie In s titut e of
To ca ll at our sto re for your Hardward Need s, litt le chocolate cakes "Real but w ill give us a beaut iful and Techno logy in Pitt s bur g, and sev. - Also Electric l amps, an d Flashcakt:s! with raisins in th e m!" sa id t t . . f h eral s tate Unive rs it i es , among Ann. Thank s are again due Ray -en er way a sense 0 them the Un i vers i ty of Mi c hi ga n.· ligh ts mond Huffer for eng ia eer ing su ch m uc h we owe to these Pilgrim Pe ru is to be congratulated on a gl or ious pic ni c. And a ll seni ors who .endured so much to rece ivin g mto her faculty a man You wi ll always find a we lcome at refer you to Profe ssor Bcek, mu s ic Igi ve to Ame nca her fu nd ame nt al of suc h distinction m hi s ch ose n teac her-spec ialty, "Alfalfa Ha y. " id ea ls. fie ld
Superintendent M. C. Lefler, position which he accepted in Jun e CContlnu ed r t·om First Pa c-e.) with the Univers i ty Publi shi ng e ducati onal wo rk as a sudent at Company. His kn ow ledge of Linthe University, re gard hi.m as fully co in sc hool cond it ior.s made hi s equal, if not s up'e ri or in me ntal calibre to hi s pr edecesso rs in the superintendency. Univers ity men and ot hers outside pr ed ict confident· ly that there is the making in him of a s tronger s up e rinte nrl e nt than Lincoln has ever had for t.h e schools. If this prediction comes tru e, it will not be the fir st timP. that a s trong man ha s been developed from Peru. Prof. George E. Howard is me ntion e rl amo ng th e b es t known pr o min ent Ne braskans educated ea rli er at Pe ru Normal.
se rvices se em nec es sa r,v at this time and Mr. Towne vo luntarily granted pe rmi ss ion for him to leave if he so desired. He was practically drafted for the j ob."
The Game as It Was Played. <Cont inu ed rrom First P a&;:" e.' ter, recovered the ball be hind the lin e and made Peru's third touchdown. Gat.e ly m issed goal. York became more det e rmin ed to score on the Peru boyA. A series of s hort end run s and short passes netted them a few yards,but "Ever Willy r eco vered .a pass
"Mr Lefler was born in Sarpy and Gately 11e nt his men thru the county on a farm n ea r S prin g fi e ld. line and around the Pnd, sweep in g He spent seve n years at Peru Nor- York off their fe et and by another mal, where he and he- timely fo rwarcl pass to Sharrar came pr ofessor of trainin g. Hi s mari e th e f ourt h and last touc hduti es at Peru ga ve him much down Gately kicked goa l. Yn rk expe ri e nce in organization and admini stra tion in sc ho ol matt ers b efore he came to Lincoln. Aft er re cove ree! a punt in Pe ru 's territory and ope ned up with pa ss es to score , but La ndolt int e ra degree at th e cepted a nd re turn ed 15 yar ds Umvers1ty of Nebra s ka, he t oo k a ITh th d d ' b' us e ga me en e . I"\ 1g s umm er 's course in ad mini st rati on · t f p th ) d VIC ory or e ru over a wor y an at Co lumbi a. fo e. Refer ee , Earl John so n: u rn-
During the tw o e.vars he was ass i!'pire, Grove Port e r; Head lin es· tant to Mr. Ne wl on, he had the man, Roy Cowe ll. se le cti on ancl as sig nm e nt of a ll el em e ntary teacher s, a nd al so the dist ributi on a nd cl assifi ca tion of pupil s.
Features of th e ga me wer e Ca ptain Gately's genera lship, sweep· ing run s by Wilco x, Chee k and E. Rosenquist, Sharrar's abi lit y to ha ul do wn and th e ba cki ng up of th e lin e by Willy. Subst itutes for Peru :-Ch ee k
The Chatelain Jewelry Store
Watches, Clocks, dewelry. Fountain F'ens. Stationery School Supples, M.i\IL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED OUR MOTTO;-" The best goods for th e least mon ey" We repair pens, watc heR, jewelr
"The n ew s up e rinte ndent is a r eady a nd dir ect spPa ker in conversation. He ha s de lic acy of percep tio n, a fine se nse of humor, an d h1 s sincerity is e vid e nt. Th e of thost;) who know him in his id ea ls and seme of honor, f urni shed one of his s trong r eco mmen dat ions. He is modest and unassuming, but think s for him se lf , for E. Rosenquist , E. RosFnq ui st for Bracke, La ndolt for Wi I cox, Showalter for Troudt, Swartzw e lder Nygracia
at least so educators say
"Those who have heard Mr. Lefler on the lect ur e platform speak hi g hly of him as a public s peaker. He ha s had much experienc e of thi s so rt in co nn ec tion with co un ty institutes , in ex tension work o ut of th e Nor mal School, and thr u inv itatio ns to g ive commen ce me nt addr esses. He g ave an a ddress at th e Epworth Asse mbly in th e interests of th e anti -cigaret lea gue. He speak s u !' ually with out refere n ce not es. He s ay s him self that the onl y times he reads fr om manu Ac ript is when g ivin g a formal address before so me such body as t he State Teach er s' Association on s ch oo l problem s, wh en it is important th at he be absolute ly accurate
"Mr. Lefler did not apply for the superintendency and wh en approach ed about th e matter, refused to as k for hi s release fr om George L. Town e, to whom he owed the
for Paap, and Pom er oy fo r Showalter , Longfe llo w for Swa rtz
Th e game ended Peru 27, Yo rk 0Midland at Fremont Frid ay.
Midland wi ll be on e of th e ha rde st nuts in th e co nfere nce to crack thi s coming Friday at Fremont. They are larger than York , if th e Omaha papers h ad th e ri g ht dope un the m. It was reported that t he Midland tea m averaged 1 79 po unds O maha, a li g ht er team, beat them by one 1 touchd ow n las t Friday, whic h will make Midland get do wn to practic e and more determ in ed to win th an ever; but n evert he less - notwith -s tanding, but by runnin g o ur boy s will win. Peru 1'\lUSt win. She wil l wi n.
Kearney is October 22
Kt:!arney pla.vs York this weel{. the Sco-:-e
Peru Wins Over Fremont School 1 by a 0 Scure I
After a full re !:' t the ., Pe ru boys were r ea rl:v to do t heir day 's work in 60 minu tes , and at ! 3:3 0 sta rte d at their ta sk. 1
Captai n Gate ly won th e toss; / Capta in Hawk e kicke r! off for :Vl id- ' lan d, Brack e re turnin g 20 yards, and the s cramhle was on. ll was a ho t da y and a dusty fi e-ld made it a II the more d ifficu It for fa st s ucces::;ive plays, but ne ith er tPam seem ed to pay a deal of att en tion to thi s from the way they / · tore into th e Bra c ke s lip - gains by Gately, Landolt and in thi s play, and was replaced by ped off tackl e for a good gai n./ ,Brac.:ke, reached Midland's IL ongfel low, who fo_u ght hard and Wi lcox ' mad e a yard s more 130 yard hne. Here Brack e ':as j pla yed well for h1s fir st ' att e mpt and Willy marie fi r ct and 1 off for a l' hort end run, and w1th at fu ll back. Peru wa s on the te n. Peru t ook the hall clown to Iperfect interference by Willy, J march for anoth er score. but time Mirlland' s 30 yard line on short e nd 1 Gately a nd E. R ose nquist and 1 was up befor e th ey co uld get acro ss run s. Here Midland he d, took \ other s he s tepped 30 fo r e nd ed with _Peru's the ba ll and proceede d to march the first touchd o:wn. Gately K1cked on M 1d.and s 20 yard II ne. Fmal back down on short end run s and Goal. The half ended Peru 7, score , Pe ru 1 5, Midland 0. lin e plays. They got down to Pe ru's Mirlland 0 · The Grand Island Game. 20 ya rd lin e. Here Captain Gate ly Midland came back strong in Ne xt Thursday 's game with called his t ea m toget her and · put th e se cond half but our boys h ad Grand Island college will doubtl es the fig"ht int o them that :-.topped ,;o l ve rl their offense and ke pt them be another battle roya l for Speer's Midland. En Rose nquist blocked out of Peru territory. During- warriors. If th e dopest e rs on s tat e a recover ing- it· be fore it th is quarte r ou r lin e and e nds did conf e rence • teams have gi•1en us touched the g-round , and was off some great defensive work. Car l, the right dope, Peru shou ld win. for a but the referee Rosey tucked on e of our kicks But we also rememb ar la st year's blew his whi stle Ed sto pper!, clown on Midl a nd's three yard lin e 1 dope had it that Grand Is land wssed him the ball, which he gave and Ed slashed in and block- : shou ld win fr om Pe ru-y et there back to : Midl a nrl for another try 1 ed Hawk e 's kick behind their goal i were five touchdowns to Peru's at a pa ss, which foiled. The Pe ru lin e for a w hich netted us Icredit with a goose egg to G. I.'s team was pretty sore at old honest two po ints. Peru 9, Midland 0. Grand Is land has a much stronger Ed for his blund e r, and at once Midland started severa l pa sses 1 team than she had la st yea r. Grand took their spite out on Midland, in the fourth quarter. but fai led, i Islanders are clean players and ta king the ba ll do wn into their with de sperate effort!', to score. ha rd fig hters. territory Fir st quarter e nded, Captain Gatey . met th e m, int e rPe ru's bal l on Midland's 40 yard cepted a lon g pass and r eturned to St ud e nt s are st ill r egister in g line \ midfi e ld . H ere Gate ly wa nted to daily. The following are among W.l · d B k d fi the Mid land crowd so me rea l thos e r eg is tering s ince September 1 cox an ra e e rna e ve ' d Yards each. Wi Icox mad e 10 more, team work · and pro ceede d to se ne! 22: M lldr ed Fro s trom, A ll y d b his team down the field on short j 1 Naviaux , Armand Naviaux, Dean .v hen he was hurt a nrl re pl ace Y Landolt who fought mo st d es per- and long lon g end runs , Willy , Pome roy, Al vah Ch ee k, ately for hi s te am. It seemed to Bracke, Landolt and the little cap- Troudt, Raymond Myers, Nelhe put new fi g ht into the team to see the subs titu tes step off some nice gains They lu gged ·, he bal l to Midland's 10 yard li ne, then were pena liz ed l 5 yards. Mid land he ld, and ki cke a out of danger The Peru boys werP determined to score. With :;ome con s istent tain taking their turn at stepping Wha len Ca rl son , Roland B. Reeves. off a few yards Midland was penali ze d for off-side, putting the ball on their one yard line. Car l Rosenquist, Longf e llow and Sharrar op e ned up a big h ole in th e line and Willy dived thru for anoth er and fina l score. Willy was injur ed Mi ss Martha Corl e y, C la ss of '20, e nt ered the Un i vers ity 'of Wi sco nsin last month She writes t hat all of h er credits· were accepted and she began h er work a full college jun ior She is deli ghted with the recog nition given her cr edits
Peru Ones More to Engage in For" ensic Bdttle.
A st r onsr feeling on the part of a group of students that a debating sociPty is necessa ry to put Pe ru on the map int e ll ectua ll y (as the football team ha s don e at hletIcally) leI to the organization of a debating so ciety last Friday even· ing under th e leader s hi p of Professor Ea so n, head of the depa rtment of En g lish.
So impo rtant was the subject of debating eon s id e red ; that the entire chapel pe riod Monday was given over to short disc u ssions by representatives from th e facu lty :md s tudent bod y. Professo r J ean, Mi ss Ada Huff, Mi ss Ro se Clark , and Professo r Eas on tall<ed on the value of d eba ting to the individual as we ll as to the school. In part these talks ra n som ew hat as follows:
"Debating s tands as a potent r epresentative of the aims and id eals that form th e basic principles of a ny sc hool. It battles with provinciali ::;m and d eve lops log ical and coher e nt thinkin g. It s timulates the participant 's int erest in present day problt'm s, s in ce these top ics are popularly chos en as suitab le question s of debate The de .., ve lopment of c ertai n facu lties, plu s th e e nlightenment and discipline ar.qu ired by menta l and moral training, are su re to follow as the re su lt of the preparati on and deliv ery of. a series arguments ."
Thou2h inter collegiate debatina is one of the definite objectives for the futur e, the members of this n ew club have other ai ms in view, and no on e p re se nt at the first organi zat i on meet in g could fail to get the se aims as presented by the charter members They have g one in for this thing because they believe that the battles of a debating hall are just as rea l and just as interesting as the fights on the athletic field.
They propo se to deal with li ve topics in a live way. Their purtCon ll nu r.d on Fout th Pugc.)
THE PE RU NORMALITE me mber s hi p be li mi ted, when h ow oft en shall me et ings be he ld,
Entered at the Postoffiee at l'cr u, Nr - and to wh at exte nt sha ll we inc lud e braslca as second -class
Publi shed Week ly by the Pe ru State Norma l
$I. nn per year. Singl e copy :1 cts.
' -
If yo u do not r ece ive yo ur No n na li tr, cave notice in the Nor nwlitc box in the Adm inistration bui lding.
No articles accepted a ft er R l\ l onday morningFoot ba ll?
socia l act iviti es as a part of ou r work The of the membe rs diffe red wid e ly and se ver al tim es th e "debates " becamP q uit e s pirited.
At the n ex t me e ting we shall hav e the repo rt of the com mittee on constit uti on a nd pr obably th e Ielection of office r s. Everything , Points to a really "live" o rgan ization
Mt. Verno n Hall
Th e dorm girls showed unusua l energy Thur sday m or nin g and se nt a lar ge rl elega ti on to see th e f oot, ball boys off . E very girl had o'c lock Iche eks tinted wi th the "natural"
Th is roug h and tumb le ga me of f oot ball is purely an American ga me. It com es in the fall of t he year when the Ame ri ca n you th is glow after hunierlly climbing th e hill t0 r eac h the dorm in time fo r breakfa st.
A spe cial dinne r wa s se rved at the dormitory, Su nd a y, in hon or of the vic tor y at Mid land
full of pe nt up en ergy a nd p ep Faculty Notes. stored up during th e sum me r. ProfeFso r J ea n wen t to Geneva Portrait and Commercia1··-We put the • •snap 1n
This game wor ks off thi s s ur p lu s and Fairmont th is week to organi ze SJ.lap-shots" We have the film that energy and in this way study cent er wo rk in na tur e s tud y. a sa f ety valve . He can begi n his Classes w ill be taught by Superinwork in the sc ho ol r oo m with mo re tendent Bedel l, form er pr of essor at zest. In olden times thi s pent up Pe ru energy often fe rm e nte d and sn ur ed and the sc hool lo st man y of its 1 Th e fol lowing correspondence m ost virile boys af te r the s ix th or co u rses are bei ng offered by Pe ru sevent h g rad e. Since footb al l ba s INorma l: be en intr odcu ed in o ur hi gh schoo ls J ld s tudy, h ou r s. a nd coll eges the percent of bny s 1 H 1s to ry of mode rn eel uca ion, 2 in CJJ iph sc h (lo ls is in cr eas i ng ! ho ur s. and will co ntin ue to If School hyg ie ne, 2 ho urs. fo otba ll fai Is to make ste rling Tneorys of educatio n, 2 hours hood, th en fo o tball is a failur e. Prmciple ;; a nd m et hnrl s of teac hing in hi gh sc hoo l. 2 hours.
P re!tminCJry Organiza tion. I Shakespeare's pl ays, T_he fir :; t m eet in g- of the debati ng I Hi story of English lit er at ur e, 2 soc 1ety was he ld Friday ni ght with hou r s. re s ults part icul a rl y plea si ng to ' H. t f A · 1· 1s ory o rnencan 1terature, th ose Interested m th e n ew organ - 2 hou r s. 1a t1 on.
Geog r ap hic influ en ce , 2 hours. As tr:o no my, 2 hour s.
Th e m eet in g was called to o rd er by Profes so r Ea so n, and Milt on Land olt and Richa rd Overho lt were Mi ss Ell is went to Omaha a week elected tem pora ry rm an and a go Saturday on bu s in ess secre tary, pecti ve ly. Th e J.JUrp ose of the or gan iatio n was rl iscuss ed. Some d iffic ul ty was exper ienced in selec tin g a name for th e
Miss P al me r, Miss Faulhab er, Miss Goodyear and Miss 'l'ydema n we nt to Nebraska City las t Sat urday on a flying s hopping tr ip new so ci ety, a nd the question \vas Mi ss Maud Ju dy, a co us in of fina ll y r efe rr ed to th e co mmit tee Miss Elva l<ulon, vis ited in Per u la st on con:;ti tutio n.
wee k. Mi ss J udy has r ece ntl y re-
The selection of thi s committ ee h turn ed from wa r-to rn t'o land, was t e m ost imp or tant work ac- wh ere she has been serv in g as a eompl is hed by the m ee ting. After h Red Cross n urse. Mi ss Judy ha s t e fi ve mem be rs of th e committee b ee n in Europe th e Great War had bee n nam e d, a very livel y di s- s tat·ted. She se rv ed just as an cu ss1o n ar ose:! wh en the members army nurse in Fr ance , wh ere she tri ed inform a ll y to in s truct th e wa s gassed. She wa s transfe rred committee as to what shou ld be to a J<ed Cross hospita l in Warsaw wr i tte n int o . the constitution. S after th e arm is ti ce wa s sign ed. o rn e of th e important questions The nurses ' h ea dq uarters in Warcons i de r ed Wt!re, s ha ll the m ee t- saw was the palace of a Pol ish ings be ope n or secret, s hnll the princ ess.
Mr. B. Frank N ea l, class of ' 90, I fr om Boi se. Id a ho, vis ited the recen tl y. He had been on 1 th e g round s but o nc e si nce gr a duat ion. Like m any of t he old a lumni , he as ked to to thru th e I "O ld Buildi ng "
Fresh and Smoked Meats
F res h fruits and vegetab les in seaso n . WYMORE & DENSMORE Peru, Nebraska.
Crysta I T heatre
WEDNES DAY, Oct. 13 j
Willi am Russell in a r ema nt ic love so ng of the plains ''S ho d wit h Fir e."
Prarmount pr esen ts D orot hy Dalton in '' Qu ick sa nd '' Students' Headquarters
Basement Fi sher's Drug Store Fir s t-class Workm e n. Your Patronage So li ci ted. I Stationery, fine candies C. P. SCOVILL Prop. and Favorite
Y. w. c. A.
A cons i derab le n umber of gir ls were in atte ndance at Y. W .C A. last Wednesday evening Th e meeting was a brie f one owing to th e fact that some wi shed to go to the Metho di st c hurc h. Miss Bessie Wes t was to have bee n our leade r and had planned a ra ll y meeting , but she was detain ed at the la st mmute and co uld not be present. Howe ver we owe o ur thanks to her for arrangi ng for Mi ss Ir ene Po lsey 's love ly song
Ou r r ally is post pone d unti I n ext
Vh:: E PRES f OE:-.IT OEL7. E LL. L et us make it a r ea l ra ll y. The Y. W. C. A. needs you but you need theY. W. C. A. sti ll more!
Girl s' Club Notes po si ti on. The other officers a re: Edwa rd Bat h, vi ce pres id e nt; Edna secretary and tr eas urer; Dea n Pomeroy, yell le ade r; Ed na Fi sher, chairman of th e program co mmittee, and Hel en Dye , hi s· torian.
On Mond ay eveni ng last week the Counci l met for th e first time this yea r, and coun cil members cliscussed what re spo ns ibilities and serious duties are theirs. But it is good to discus s pr oblems th at
Wti h these office rs we wi II surely be j ust as wi de awake as we are puzzling us a ll an d counc il ors wer e last year, if not more so hope to be rea l r epresentat iv es and Watch the soph i es ! ·
To the Faculty and Students
When you buy from us you can know that you are getting the best. We guarante e it. If you should get any article here that has not the quality it sbould have, we want an immediate opportunity to make it right.
Redfern & Ellenberger
Small acco-unts are give11 considerate and careful attention at this bank.
E. GOOD , Preside nt
M. GOOD. Cashier
W. McADAMS, V. Pre1 id ent ANNA FARLEY, Asst. Cashier
true helpers to the g irl s who elect - - --· ·-ed them Dramatic Club. Mi:;s Hylton, the new hea rl of of the building for watermelon'?"
To add • to th e socia l si de of ou r The ne w members of the Drama- the piano d epart ment, is ve ry fa - She expec ted it to become a permaclu b, it has bee n voted to se rve tic Club we re most graciously vor ably sp oken of by her st udents. nent custom. afte rn oo n tea once a month. The entertain ed by the old members o'n She has yet op en hourll, and several
first tea w ill be on the afternoo n Satu rd ay evening, October 2, the more children from the trai nin g MAHOGANY f 0 b T and pub lic school cou ld be acromo cto er 2 1. o the teas wi ll be rec e ptio n be ing held at ex press io n in vited, each ti me, a ll the mem - hall. m odated. If i nterested, ca ll Miss bers of two or more departments Th e evening was g iven over to Hyl to n at 2 20, or se e her in of sc hool. Unt il April we will A w k f D t h' h . 1 d her studi o 1n th e chapel. ee o a es w 1c mc u -1 follow this cu sto m and hope that ed "A Far mer' s Love Letter," A thing th at added much to the t hese l ittle pl easure gathe rin gs "Tues. Evening Re ci tal," "lni tia -· enjoyment of the Peru- York football may be gr eat ly e nj oye d by the men tion into the Sec r et Soci ety ," ga me was the Bulle tin ha nd ed out anrl wome n of th e sc hool. "Vaudeville, "Church Soc ial." by theY. M. C. A. Of co urse we
Ha ve yo u hea rd of Jt ? H eard of was won by Mi ss Hild ega rd e Yeck among us who are here for the what? Why, t he J. U. G. party and Mr. Fulle r Woodi e, in the first time. Strangers and people Thur sday eve ning at the ath- , of the "Farme r 's I not acquainted wiUa the game were letlc field The g irl s met at the Love Letter." Th e "Tuesd ay heard to exp re ss th eir appreciation admini s tration building and w it h Evening Recital" co ns isted of a of the paragraphs giving the lin ebask ets he avily lad en wi th water - Mozart " Sonata" a nd Fritz Kreis- · up of teams, and general informa-
We have just received a shipment from the Ph ilippine Islands for manual training work. Meek 6umbeF " Caba re t ,'' and "Seeing Nell ie all appr ec iated having a copy of ], U. G. H ome." Th e prize of th e Pvening the yells and songs , especia ll y those Students Dry Pressing Repairing
melon and with a bi g box of le r' s • 'V iennese P op ular Song " ti on concern ing the game. marshmal lows, tra il ed to th e athle- played on th e vio l in by Mr . Lee tic field. When t hey arrived there H em in gway. Mi ss Iva Mau d they found a fire a lr eady pr epa red for th em to toa st their marshmal· lows. Various games were played, songs s ung and ye ll s g iven Th e gi rl s g ath ered arou nd the fire and when ro ll was ca ll ed eac h gir l re sponde d by in tr od uc in g herse lf Afte r that larg e piece s of wa t ermelon were served by Mi ss Ellis The gir ls d epa rt ed from the at hlet ic fie ld singing "It's the La et
Mile ."
·Sophomor e Notes.
St ud ents a ppreci ate the new path 1 to the at hl etic fie ld. It is much Dunn r ea d two sho rt re adi ngs eas i er and sa fer than the ol d path. Tail or a nd Cleaner Phone
the i nterests of the campaign f or the supp or _t of the state Y. M. work.
From a ll appearances not only the ' stead ies saw thei r " Ne lli es " home.
Mi lstead Basement , F ul l lin e of To il ets on hand Ag ent f or Auburn Laundry
We I nvite You
The play committee of the Dramatic Club met Thursday evt: nin g ot selec t the fi r st of th e plays to be given by thE: club. Th ey d tc ided on "The L ost Silk Hat." by Lord Dunsany. a nd "N eigh bors," by Zona Ga le. Th e pl ays will be under st ud e nt direction, the fo rm er wil l be direc ted by Clyde Ivers a nd th e la tter by Hope Lewi s. These plays will be giyen the first part of Nove mb e r.
Merr itt Chaffee, clas s of '16, J E MUR •. PRY, Pr op who has bee n in the automobile business at Alliance , writes t hat he is rP.ady for a teaching pos iti on January 1. This is one / of the ma ny i nd i ca ti ons that the teaching profession is becomin g attractive.
To call at our s tore for your Hardwa\d Ne eds,
The child r en of t he lower grades in the tr ain ing school e njoy ed water mel on f eeds at various times during th e week. i ss Kelley rep or ted o ne child to hav e said the nexr. day, '• And no w do we go back
Also E lectric lamps, and Flashlights
Y ou will always fi nd a welcome at Mackprang's Hardware
Do you r emember tho se peppy fr eshmen of last year? These same freshmen have gathered t oge ther this year to organize the so phomore class. Ster ling Sea rs, our faithful pres id e nt of last year, was aga in un animo usly elec ted to that entitl ed "Billie B ra d a nd the Big H. F. Sm ith, st ate superi nten- Shamrock Barber Shop Lie," an d "Sweet Mi ss Peno li a." "C b , dent of Y. M. C. A . cou n ty secre - al1d Bath Refreshments came on a a ret ' taries, visited Peru last wee k in nig ht As k Ed Rosenqu i st h ow he li ked the cake.
c:tt fn Norm"lSt:hooZ, ·). (/ I':'/ Librlll1'y,
Debating is Given a·Boost. they comp lete the se m ester's work
<Continued rt·om First Pn.c-e.) in wh ich they participate in the po se is to debate qu est ion s t hat sport maki n g- a lt>tter possible. gro w out of the curr e nts of the Certi fl ed I ist of players: po li tical a nd ed u cationa l and soe ial It is necessary for eac h sch ool life of our own tim e. be longi ng to the Assoc iatio n to
Physics Class P ic nic.
We ha d the fi r st pi cnic of the s cho o I year.
And who are we?
Oh! ho! ho! a nd ah! ha ! ha!
And it is training a nd exper i- se nd in a li st of el igi bl e players, en ce in p ublic speak in g that th ese g 1ving th e fol lowing infor mati on: stud ents want, a nd they are as su re S tuclt•nt's nam e; rtate of e nr o llof t hi s as eve r Pat ri ck He nr y was ! ment; high sc h oo l c redit s whe n he practiced and po li shed his 1 h our s earn ed last semest er m atoratory befor e an au di ence of cowl!! te n da nce ; prese nt work. s ubje cts and sh ee p in hi s f ather 's ba rn yard. a nd cr ed it hour s. T his lis t is Notw iths tanding the fact t hat signed by the regi!>trar and se nt se veral who expect to bec nme mem- un df:'r sea l of the sch oo l. bers were out of town or oth erwi se ke pt fr om attend in g th e fir st mee tin g, the re were en ough char te r m embe rs pres e nt to make a good work i ng nu mb er. On Friday ni ght the sp iri t of the club wa s manifes t. f or th ose pre se nt took li vely tilts nt each ot her as th ey discuss ed pro
Th e pe ppiest b unch in Ne -br aska I PI I Ph I I Ph Ill and co n ju st how t hi s in fant organ s 1YS TCS. YSICS ization should be run. It is a 8crap Mr. Hoyt an.d Geo rge He y.wo?d that thev are look i ng for and a • took the phys1cs cla ss on a o;cmc, scrap wi ll ha ve if the ini tial during clas s peri orl, Thursd ay me eting is i nrlicative of wh at is Wf' wa lk ed ov er ea st of th e at h· to fo l low. lle tic fi eld, gat h ering all th e ,;tick-- - ---·-- I ti ghts we c am e to until we came New E li g ibi li ty La ws. to a pa s ture wh ere we played ba ll I
It is onl y fair that read ers of u ntil dinn er ti me the Nor mali t e !:' h ou ld have a full Of co ur se th P. ea ts are :he b es t un ders tand in g of the n ew el igi - part of a picn i c. There were bili ty rul es of the Nebra s ka I nte r- we inn ies. pick le s, bun s, ba nanas coll eg iate Athlet ic anrl mar s hm a ll ow s. We had a ll we Th ese ru les be came effect i ve Feb- cou ld cat. thank!:! to th e e ats comrua ry l, 1 920. mitt ee
Work to be carri ed: A s hort tim e after lun ch we sta rtNo s tud e nt shall e nte r any i nte r- ed ba ck to ::;choo l in time fo r our coll egiat e unl ess he ear ned, af tP rn oon cla sses. the la st !'em es ter ne wa s in school, Tn ere are thi rt y·one me mbers in twelve hour s of work in the co ll ege th e ph ys i cs olass this ,V Pa r. depar tme nt or fifte en h ours of s ubfre s hman wo rk, which shall be Senior Notes con si de rer! the e quiv a lent of tw elve At cl ass ch Hp el every coll e ge ho ur s. Type -wr i tin g, draw - se nior th ere appointed himself a ing, mu s ic, penm ans hi p. and other committ ee to ge t ev e ry other se ni or pur ely dri ll s ubjects cannot be in out. The on ly way we ca n do th e eluded in the twe lve hou r11 • H E: big things we h ave 1s to must keep the same number of he loyal to eve ry cla ss mov e ment. hours above pa ss ing while he is Our next meeting be!l' in s the ser ies playing of pr og ram s. A good co mmittee
St ud ents fr om ot her co ll eges of is at work the co nfe rence: Mo st of the Peru vian s taff h av e No s tudent who h as particip ated b ee n chose n. :There' ar e se ve ra l in a ny coll eg ia te sport in on e col- a sso ci a te s and de partm e nt ed it ors leg e can participate in an y s po rt ye t to be se cured: in anoth er col le ge until he has Editor-in -c hi e f. Amy Ad a ms ; earn ed tw e lve hour s of co ll ege a sso ciat e ed it or - in chi e f, Pearl work or it s e qu i valent in th e new Eri s man; bus in e!'s ma na g er Rayins titut i on. and in an y ca se he mond Hufft::r; a sso ciate bu siness cannot participa te in the sam e manage r, Adam Troud t; lit e rary s port the succe edi ng se ason. e ditor , Mab el Dre ss le r; oqra ni za-
Mu st remai n f ull se mes ter: tion s, Esther Delze ll ; re li g- iou s, No s tude nt sha ll be awarded a Frieda Mey e r; at hl etics, Ed ward l etter in an in s tituti on of thi s Rose nqui s t, Mary Jarv is; art, Association w ho doe s not earn at Mil dr erl Fi sh er; alumn i, Be ulah lea st twelve hours of co ll ege cred it Maxcy. A com pl e te li st wi ll be or fifte en hour s of secondary work given late r.
The Chate1ain Jewelry Store Wa tches , Clocks. dewelr>y. Fou nta in f>ens. School Sup p 1es. 1\'\AIL ORDERS f...IRO'\o\PTLY PI LLE !> OUR MOTTO;-"The best goods for the least money We repair pen s, watch es , jewe lry and spe ctac les Bifoc al Len !"<'S ·GIVE US A CALL J. C. CHATELAIN. Peru. Ne br.
A n1 ori ta Stand out among Perfumes as do t he Diamond , Ruby and Opol among Gems Try
See us for Stationery. School Supp li es and Notion s ..
South of th e bnilding, snves you th e long walk down town.
duri ng the se mes ter in wh ich he Professor Cr ago and Le e H emcompe tes. (This is to in sure that in gway att e nded the Y. M. c. A. s tud e nts who are honored with a convention al Lincoln last weekle tt er sha ll re mai n inse ho ol until end. Ph one 73
Will Head the Normal Training School
Su per int ende nt Chas .K Gr een
PEHU. N EBRA S KA , WE DNESD AY. OCTOBER 20, 19 2 0./ "---"'
The Grand Islanders Take Two Dips
Over Go al Line
of Idaho Sp rin gs Colora do, ha s It kant e be did-it just kant eac ce pted the pos iti on of supe rin ·
no s ir-n o team on ear th can te ndent of the Normal tr a inin g
beat a bunch of Bapti sts when it school , wh ich ha9 bee n vacan t s inc e is pourin g down rain. La st year
Mr Shou se lef t at th e b t! ginnin g
Thirteenth Contest
when it was dry th e Grand Isla nd of the yea r. Mr. Gree n was e le cted pre ach e rs were helpless but, oh at the boar<:} meetin g Mo nd ay , and I boy , thi s year th ey we nt into will reach Pe ru not lat er than
kahoots with old P lu vius who October Mr . Green a ttend ed turn ed dow n tubs and tub! full of Missou ri Wesl eya n U ni ve r6 it y for
F Q 0 T B A L L
wet wa ter on th e Gr a nd l l!land two y ea rs. He ho lds hi s A. B. a nd fie ld until it was a real pond Th en A. M. deg re es from th e Un• vers ity those Is land e rs began to q uck. of Denv er. He ha s com ple ted on e
On Our AthletiC Fie Jd.
s wim ar ound, fl ap th eir wings and year of his doc tor 's work at Ce lum· l fly at th e P ep Ma chin e which was bia U ni vers it y. 1 s kiddin g all over th e fie ld, and Mr. Gr ee ne has ha d ten year s before Capta in Gate ly co uld get ex perien ce in the public of The Pa st Contest s Mr Qui gley wa s t he umpire in Ithe ch ai ns on th ose ducks they the middl e wes t. thr ee year s as 19 07, Peru won at Pe ru. 1 the world' s s eri es in 191 9. by him and go t into Peru' s p rin cipal of th e hi gh sc ho ol at 1 1908, Pe ru wo n at' K ea rney. 1 1 wi II
reme mber Mr 1 ! and qu ac ked twelve Caldwell, Idah o, t wo ye ar s as prin- 1909, Pe ru won at Peru. QUJ gley at t he best and m os t e ffi - t1m es Th1 s all hap pe n ed in les s cipal of the hi gh s cho ol at Gu thri e, 19 10, Peru won at K ea rn ey. · , ci e nt r efe r ee in th e Wes leyan con- 1 than fi ve minu tes. No were Ok., thr ee years as s uperinten de nt 19 .!.1, Peru won at Pe ru. !t es t las t year Gra ve. Po!'ter, ki cked becau se the G. I. 's hev<: of s ehoo ls at Silve;t;n, Co lo., and 19 12, Kearn ey won ;t Kearn ey ! "H onest Grove." th e old Ne bra s ka web feet. Th en for fifty-fin mintw o ye ar s at Idah o S pr i ngs, Col o. 1913, Kearn ey won at Pe ru.. s tar, will b P. our um p ire. I ute s th e re was nothing but mu d Mr. Gree ne eome s most hi g hly .1 914, Kearn ey won at K ea rn ey. ·slin g ing-ni ce clean mud slinging. end or se d by lea di ng e du cat ors with 1 1915 Kearn ey won at Pe ru. Grand Isl and Te am on Top. I Tha t's all there is to say except whom he ha s come in con ta ct. Hi s I 1916, Peru won at Ke arn ey. Th e Bap tist eleve n ha s for ge d that we mu st nev er fi g ht that colwo rk at Co lumbi a Univ ers ity placed 1917, Kearn ey won at Pe ru. ahea d by its v ictory over Peru. le ge again wh en it is raining. him we ll in th P. f or e front of th e 1918, no g am e, due to war. , Imporant gam es are s ch edul ed for , Moral: "Can't li ck a Bapti st pro gressi ve you ng s up erinte ndents 191 9, Pe ru won at Kearney. th is wee k. Foll owing is the sta nd- in a water fi g ht " in that gr eat in s titu tion. He 192 0· '! won at Peru. I in g of the coll eg e teams : i . The Grand Is land Game made t wo di s tinct con t ributions to 1920-Comparative Record I W. L. Ti e Pet. Pts Op. The Pe ru boys arri ved at Grand educati on in Colorado. ln 1918 Gra nd Id. 1 0 1 1.000 19 7 Is land We dn es day ev e ning in tim e he ma de a s urvey of hi sow n sc hool, Pe ru and Ke a rney play ed
whi ch pu blica ti on has met a w1'de
circu la ti on in th e Unit ed States
Co ll ege th is year as follow s: '
d t th · d' Peru 27, York 0. ' w r u an g;e elr
L t h Kearn ey 0, York 13.
as year e was ch a irm an of a
co mmi tt ee whi ch mad e a s ur vev Kearn ey and Peru
of th e tea rh ers' sal ari es in Co lor;- Fri endly rela ti ons exist
do. Thi s was one of th e two great th ese tw o teac her tra inin g s cho ols. Wes
to rece ive studies w hi ch were used in th e sal ary Th ey fi g ht hard but cl ea n in the ir
Th e ki ck wa 11 hi gh a nd campa ign3 of last yea r. He is an Irthl etic co nt ests, i
e. Th e ball slipped thru active me mber of th e Co lor ado I In 1916 Kea rn ey won by a la rge Midl a nd
Ed Ro se nqui s t' s han ds. A Grand Te ache rs ' Associ ation marg in of 20 to 0. That ni g ht Wayne
Isla nd man r ecove red th e ball on .M r. Gr ee ne's .fa mil y con sist; of IPeru ga ve th e Kearn ey boys one ofj Ga mes t hi s we!!k: Peru' s 30 ya rd line. Gra nd bland w ife a nd t -:vo g 1rl s, fi ve a nd seven 1 th e fin est rece pti ons ever g iven Ha s tings vs. Doan E: at Crete. 'made 5 yard s on three buck• but of nge Th e fa mil y will be ; a ny te am at Pe ru, which was so Grand Isla nd vs Co tn er at Gra nd wer e forc ed to kick On an on -aide a add iti on to the c hurch, I hi g hl y a ppr ec iated by th e K ea r- Isla nd. dro p ki ck the Pe ru ba ck's fa iled su c1a l a nd schoo l li fe of the co m- ney lad s th at in 1916, when Pe ru Mi d land vs. York at Fr emon t. to d ow n it as th e ba ll fe ll sh ort mun ity won fr om Kea rn ey at Kearn e y, our Kea rn ey vs Pe ru at Peru. and bounden ba ck to ward th e The s econ d movi P on the budget bo ys were given a a-rand recept ion. Mo rningsid e Co ll ege vs. Gra nd Is land goal onlv to be recoTThl b t'f 1 at S iou x C ity, ln .-S tate Journal. d · b G d 1 t icket wa s gi ve n F riday ni g ht in 1 s eau 1 u .cus tom has been e re agam Y ran ts and. Thi s the chap e l, fea turin g Li lli an Gish 1 co n. tmu ed e ver sm ce We know put th e ball in Grand Is land's hands, h h Peda gogy • 2 in " Tt:Je Ro ma nce of Hap py t IS year t ese hap py re la tions w ill on Peru s 0 yard line. Grand Mr. Gab e l, ins tru c tin g hi gh d d Hollow." The r eels were full of continu e. Islan rna e their down s and up on f school t ea chers in pr oblems of a nd humor alon g with th e The Officials s uccess ive short e nd runs thru serwu s shad ows Th e audi e nce di scip line: "Let me a dvi se you, Peru' s le ft end netted them th e ir enj oy ed th e show very mu ch, a nd E. C. Q ui gley, one of th e umpires don't let your class get away fr om fir st touchdown. Goal wa• missed. appre ciate d the nu mb ers played 1 for th e Nati o nal leag ue will be th e y ou Find the seat of the troubl eby th e orc hestra I refer ee for th e Kearney contes t. Ca p tain Gately chose to rec e i...e th e then spa nk it." (Co ntinu ed on Last P al' e.>
Seni or
Wm Sw artz weld er J uni or
L oi s G ri ffi n . Sn JJ hn rn ore
To be selected Fres hmen
Re x Y. M. C •.;.
P en r lc Y. W. r. A.
To be selec ted N. C. A.
Esthe r Dclzcii. Gi• ;5 Cl ub
Margu erite Br id ges Dram at ic C lu b
e nte rta in ed us with We Port ra it a nd Co mm er cial We put the .. tn some mig hty fin e se le ct i ons. espec ially enjo yed the one tha t snap-sho ts" We h ave t he film thHt
Cur ley had comp os ed: "Don 't Make So Muc h No i se Eat in gS IUP. with a Sp oo n." We've got a dandy orches tr a and ho pe th at th ey'll com e often Mr Beck 's imp romptu s peec h was ri ght to the point. " Wh a t's th e matter wit h Mr. Beck ! .He's al( right ." Eve ry
Mt. Vernon Hall. one out next week ; you do n 't know
Gir ls' Club Notes.
The E. J. Newma n S tudio
Pr ofe1 sor Dlez e ll is spend in g th I we ek in Gage, F ill more and Jefferso n counties in th e in terest of 1 s tudy center wo rk
Fri da y e ve nin g My rtle Ar ga- what you are miss in g. ' bright a nci S ar ah Thomas ente rtai n ed Mi ss S hi ve ley and Miss Go odyear at a six o'clock di nner Em rna Fa It was h os te ss at Iunche on f or Mi ss S hi ve ly and Mi ss Krebs.
Th e gi rls of the d or m. met and ent hus iast i ca lly decided to have four rolli cki ng parti es during th e year Besid es t hi s we girl s have the jolli es t f ee ds and good timl'!s every wee k end.
A new re f ri i'erator for the dormitory kitchen h as bee n· ins ta ll ed, w hi ch wi ll e nabl e the schoo l to buy meat and ot her peri shable products in wholesale q ua r. ti ti es
Fr es h ma n Notes
Last, but by no means least are the fres hm en We may hav e been unusually de li bera te in the in g of our ad viser a nd offic e re , but j us t con sider t he r es ults! Pr ofessor Schoen i ke is o ur ad vi se r· Roland Carr, pr es id ent; G Pr yor, vic e Luc il e Flar aj ian, se c reta ry - treas ur er· Alyce Humber t, chairman of pr o: gra m committee; an d Ray mond Chase , yell leader.
Oh, the " gre en, green fres hmen!'' Just watc h our ste p. Th ere' ll be 11ometh in g do in g!
The Cou n ci l mem be rs who ha ve We sha ll be g la rl to h av e t he been elected fo r the ens uing are th e fo ll o wi ng: year ci ti zens of the t own ca ll at the
J ess ie Ke lly , Nea l ho use
Pea rl Eri s ma n, Taylo r h ou se.
H il dega rd Yeck, home girls.
In ez Wi lso n, home g irl s.
Lu ella Dowe ll, Ba ld win house.
Ze li a E lli ott ,, dor mito r y.
Zeld a Redd in g, d or mit ory.
Ruth Laurence a nd Gad ys Ea ds, te mp orary counc il ors J. U. G.
And by virtue of th eir offi ce:
sch oo l i nfirm a ry at an y tim e. Th is in st it ut io n oceupies the se con d story of Mrs . Ba rn um 's home.
C ry sta 1 The a tr e
WEDNES DAY , Oc t. 20
Ma ci aline Tr av er se In "Rose of th e We st ."
FRIDAY , Oct 22
Wm . Russe ll in "East wa rd H o. " SATURD AY, Oct. 23 - GOOD THIN GS
Fay Farq uh ar. presiden t; Esther Dorot hy Gi sh in "Battling Jane."
MOND AY, Oc t. 25 i
Ethel Cla y to n in Wom en's Weapon s' I BA R BG R I
Store I
First-class Workm e n. Yo ur Pa tr ona ge So l icite d. C. P. SCO VILL Pr op We
Schoo l Su p pJies
Shatt1rock Barbe r Shop and Bath M il ste ad Basement . Stationery , fi ne candies F ull lin e of Toilets on hand Agent for A uburn Lau ndry J. E. MU RPHY , Prop.
Delze ll , vice pr es ident; Ada Huff , Nebra ska C it y Lau nd ry Phone 138 tr eas urer; Bess 1e Wes t, sec re tary ; Mi ss E ll is, Th e nex t numb er 'of t he quarte rly bull et in of the Nor mal Sch ool wi ll be a mo st va l ua ble co n trib uti on to th e teac hing of ge og r ap hy by Mi ss Rose Clark Th is bu ll et in is th e ou tgrowth of a s tudy Mi ss Clark submi tted to the committee last w in ter. She had been ur ge d to p ut a whole etudy, of whi ch she submi tt ed o nl y a po rt io n, in to form fo r ·the bene ht of the ge ography teachen of th e co unt ry . The bullet in w ill be re a dy f or distri buti on about Jan uary 1. I
Prvf. F. C. Bec k.
Ju nior Class Notes. / wee kl y meeti ngs up to th e ho lid ays
We 'r e a ll r Pd. w hi te, rreP n or i So m li! of tht:: meet i ngs wi ll be of bl u l. a religiou s n·.ture, having to ci o
But we 'r e j un io rs thru and thr u. wi th pe r !<ona l lif e wo r k. p rob lems/ LaY t Tuesd ay morn ing- at o ur 1 th nt are co nfront in g us, and conFpecia l mee trn g rh P progra m com-dition s in odw r lan ds. Yo u can not mi ttee div id ed the cla ss in to four affo rd to mi ss th ese mee ti'n gs color gr oup:;. Each gr oup is to A rea l trea t at the Y. M C. A. give a program on ce a mont h at · We dn esd ay ni gh t. Evt> ry boy be c la ss cha pel. A chai rm an was ap -s ure to be pr ese nt.
Facu lty Notes.
Mi f:s Hy lt o n, th e hea d of th e piano depar tm e nt. gave a very e nt e rtai nin g recital Mo nd ay at c ha pe l. She showed rare tec hni que and d ee p of t he n umbe rs given f ro m Sc hube rt an d Chopin Mi ss Hylton ha s a lar ge cl as s of puJ>li ls a nd is mee ti ng very mar ke d s uccess in her t eac hing. 1 A very in teres ti ng tal k was gi ve n
by Miss El va Rulon on the Li vin g sto n Acad emy of T en nesse e, at the Ch ri st ia n ch urc h. even -
To the Fac ul ty and S tu de nts
in g. This aca demy is a mi ssi on. ! Whe n you buy s cho ol fo r th e mo un ta in ee rs.
from us you can know thu t yo u the bes t. We g uarant ee it. If Miss Pa lmer, Miss Rose h as been u si ng ar e g ettin g poi n ted fo r e ach group as follows: al l her sp are time in th e pr eparaRed. J os eph rn e Shellhorn; Wh ite, ti on of a va lua bl e con tri b ut ion to He r be rt Ke ll y; Blue , Wil l iam th e teach ing of g eog r ap hy. Th e Swa rt zw elder; Gr ee n, Ge rt rud e article wi ll ap pe ar in the nex t. Ca rve r. nu mb er of th e No rma l Sc hool
The Red gr oup had cha rg e of th e Bulle tin. pr og ram for o ur ch ape l on Thur s· Pre s id ent Ro u11 e spe nt Frid ay d ay Mi ss Ve al ga ve 11o me very a nd Sat urd ay at the Loup Vall ey derigh tfu l read ings wh ic h we re Tea cher 's As so c ia ti on at Oak. He we ll receiv ed by th e class: ap pea red on th e pr og ram four What 's the ma tter with the jun- times ior pi c ni c? twas gr eat , wasn 't it ! Our g uid es led us out tk ru a dark Y. W. C. A. w indin g r oa d up over th e bro w of Th eY. w. c. A. met la st Wedn esa hill where we we re greet ed by day eve nin g w ith Mi ss Faulhabe r t he sig ht of fo ur bea ut i ful bonfir es as leader, th e topic be in j;l," , "M ornglea ming be nea th th e tr ee s. The in g by Mo rnin g." A vast num ber whole affai r was a r egu l!.r pep of helpf ul th o ughts we re bro ught meet in g from the tim e we fe ll in ou t by Mi ss F au lh aber in her ta l k. for th e fi ra t g am e unti l we toasted Th e a tt e nd ance was no t as large th e las t mar shm allow ove r t he as we had h ope d f or, but our v ice dy in g embe ra Just befo re go ing pres id ent, Mi ss Wes t, report s that h11me we gat her ed ar o un d th e fir e and to ld j ok e3 an d g ru eso me ghost s co r ies. The nig ht of re ve lry wa s bro ug ht to a close with so ngs a nd ye ll s as we wended our home war d ways.
Y. M. C. A.
At the ·regu lar m ee ti ng la st Wednesd ay ev e nin g Pr esi de nt Rouse was th e speak er an d he left with the boys many worth whi le th ou ghts. His ta lk d ea lt lar ge ly on, Pi ek in g- th e Gold M in es out of L ife He poi n te d out th e fac t that e ach one has a gold mi ne in hi s life a nd each one is work in g th at gold mine now Dofl 't neglect the gold mi ne in yo ur re li gio us life. About th ir ty per ce nt of th e boy s in s choo l were at the meeting. Be tter j oin the m.
A com m ittee of the Y. M. C. A.
an en cou ra gi ng numb er of g ir ls have alr ea dy signed up fo r members hip . Any one who has n ot h ad a chan ce to jo in may obt rin a ca rd from either Miss Wes t or Miss Gock le y.
Ma ke Y. W C. A. a tte ndan ce yo ur bu s in ess , an d it is su re to be a payi ng one.
Spea king of Mn trimony
Ru th: "We ll , if y ou 're goi nj;l," to ge t ma rri ed you be t ter get busy ."
Lois T: "Which on e. David or P au l Bize .' '
E ntire Attention a£ Class. R uth, t ea ch ing 2 plus 2, w ith presumed inte re st of entire cla ss First g rad er, ''Miss La wre nc e, where did you ge t yo ur new
ca b inet have just pla nn ed f or th e sb0es ?"
you s hould get any articl e h er e t ha t has not the quality it shou ld hav e, we want an immediate opportunity to make it ri g ht
Redfern & Ellenberger UheCitizenseState.2Jank
Small account s are given con s id era te and careful attention at thi s ba nk .
E. ' E. GOOD, Pre sident 0. M. GOOD Cashi er
New Man age me nt · Fre sh and Smoked Meats
Fr esh fr uits and vege tables in se ason WYMORE & DENSMOR E Peru, Neb ra sk a.
We ha ve ju st rece ived a shipme nt from the Philippine Isla nd s f or man ual t ra in in g work.
J. W. McA DA MS, V. Preside nt A NN A FA RLEY, Ass t. Cashier.
Stu den ts
Dr y Pr ess i ng ·
Ta il or a nd Clea ner Phone 62
We Invite Yo u
To call at our store for your Ha rd ward Need s, · Al so Electric la mp s, a nd Flashlig hts
Y ow will al ways fi nd a we lcome at Mackprang's Hardw a re
Baptists Win in Water Fight. <Co ntinued from First ball again. P eru gained a yard on an en d run with the ball on Peru's 2U yard lin e. Gate ly called for a punt. The bal l being wet and slick the pass went. wi ld Willy was downed for five yard los !! Again Peru was 'set for a punt. The ball went wi hl and 7 yards more were lost. On th e fourth down Wilson rol led another pass. Willy had no time to re cover and kick, so was d ow ned on his own 6 yard line. The ball went to Grand Island. Grand Is land started their line sh ift that worked for another
Lloyd Pra nte, '20, team at Fairfield won from Harvard, 67 to 0.
S. B. Copenhaver, '2 0, team at Ord won from L oup Ci ty, 18 to 0.
Warren Stephenso n, ' 20 , team at Verdon won from a Kansas t ea m 56 to 0.
our l ads h0m e a Charley horse or two, and then with only Monday and Tuesday to practice, and the lo ng ride, af t le ft our boys in not the best condition s to m eet th e ear ly ru shes of their heavy antago nis ts. The littl e de lay in getting in to action for the fir!lt ten minutes tells the tale. Our brave lad s re gret the loss of the game but they pay tribute to the \ s trong team of Gra nd Is lancl Grand Isl and Co ll ege is to be iJe congratulated on sec uring so many strong re cruits thi s yea r. L ast year the team had to give up it s Rc hedul e for the lack of mate rial score. Goa l was missed All this after their game with Pe ru. came wit h in the first five minutes 'of play. Th e Peruvians cam e back What P eru Colta Are Doing. with more fight, r ecove rin g themselves and Grand Island off from any danger of scor ing during th e whole of the remaind er of the gam e. The Peru boy s fought d espe rately for scur es, carr y ing the ball well down into Grand
Island's territo rv. A 15 yard pen- The Hebron - Fairbury conte st is al ty upon a 20 yard gai n shut off of in terest to Peru; He bron won, one of Peru' s chances to score. 9 to 0; Wil ly, brother of Peru' s Bot h were fighting hard fu l lback, is captain of Hebron, j when the last whist le stopped the Gat e ly, brother of Pe ru's quart esc rambl e. rba ck, is captain of Fairbur)·; Bu-
The Chatelain Jewelry Store
Watches, Clock s. dewe.lry. Fountain f»ens. Stationer>y School Supples. ORDERS FILLED ·
OUR MOTT0;1 ' The best goods for the least m oney" We repair pens, watches, jewelry a nd s pectacles. Bifocal Lenses GIVE US A CALL J. C.
Peru, Nebr.
Calendar. Regular Events Weekly.
Monday ---Or ch es r.ra, 8: 15 p. m.
Tue sda y- - -D ebating Society, 7:3 0. Orch estra, 7 ::iO p. m. Gir ls' Club me eting fir st Tues day of each Wedn esday---¥. W. C. A 7:30
Feat ur es of the game were lon g ford Be ll, graduate of Peru. is end runs by Wil ly, Sharra's abil- coach of He bron; Frank Ledger, jty to catch fa st running passes gr a duate of Pe ru , is c oa ch of Fairfrom Gatf'ly, and th e defen se work hury; Coac h Speer of Peru was of C. Rosenqui s t. Grand Is land's ref e ree. A good cle an gam e, of ce nter and tack les were e xtra cour se s trong on defense Pe ru was weake ned cons id era bl y by th e loss of Wilcox at half back, one of our con sis tent ground g ain e rs and a sure d efe ns e pla yer. The te am cam e thru the contest w ith on ly a few minor inj ur ies, and are out for a r.ha n ce to re deem their lo ss by taking the measure of the Antelopes from Kearn ey.
Will we beat Kearney? Well the boys are mighty mad and are go ing to give the Kearney te am a fulls trength blow every down of the game next F'ri day.
Our boys ar e a l ii:t le·blue, du e to th e trick f ate p la yed the m, but they ar e not yel low and will fight any team 'in conference to a fini s h, as was s hown la st Thursday when th ey he ld Grand Is land fiftyfi ve minutes out of sixty.
Y. M. C. A, 7:30 p. m.
Orch es tra, 8:15 p. m.
Thur sday- --Band. 7:30 p. m.
Sunday---N. C. A., 10 a. m.
Bi-Mon th ly ..
Girl s' Club m ee tin g, first Tuesday in each month
Gir ls' Cl ub Cou nci l meeting, Alt e rnate Mondays, Octob er 4, 9- 10 p. m. beg inning
Why Grand Island Won. Dram at ic Club, first Wednesday in every month.
out among Perfumes as do the
N. C. A. Mass at Mrs. Jack 's every third Sa turday, 8:3 0 a. m. See u
School Supplt es and Notions. Two cos tly f umbl es durin g the first five minutes gave the Grand Is land ers th e lea d, which their strong team managed to hold, but they did not and could not get an y m. more. Their lin e is l'aid to av e r-
Sp ec ial Events. 3:3o p. Groceries,
K ea rn ey ga me, Friday,
age 190 pound s. The rai n and mud made it impo ss ible for Peru to do the fast open field work for which she is n ote d. Doubt less the hard game played at Fremo nt the Friday before wh en so many of Practice Teaching Miss Parriott , teac hing first g rade "What is th e matter with this k? Is it not too flat ?"
South of the building, saves you the lottg wa 1k down town.
Fern: "Well, if yo u sat down on it yo u wou ldn't ge t p in c hed ."
VOLUME XVI. PEl{U, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 27, 1920. .. / 5.
RAN OVER ANTELOPE HERD IThe pa sses of "pep ' machin e" I the advantage of be tter coaching, AFTER T.HE KEARNEY GAME Peru's '·Pep Machine" Runs Up BI'g whereKtoo ski.llfully manipulated for Iand perhaps a little advantage in t e ea Bip; Reception Given Kearney Boys S K 1 rney1 te s to int errupt Their the ·spt- ed lin e If the r epo rts of I. core on earney. J t k f II f · · , at Peru, __ ea rn wor ar below that Of Wesleyan's outsirle affairs are cor"Some game!" "Remember I Pe ru Yet m spite of th ese handi- r ec t, Peru men hold to training I On Friday evening, after " that 1912 !" A perfe ct balm must have caps our rival Normalites put up a bett er. Peru ha s s trong, sturdy l'&me," th e Kearney team were filled an old Peru v ian' s so ul as the good fight from start to finish to men w.ho have co me from th e farm spe cial guests at a r eception given game pr ogresse d. When the sco re uphold the hon or of the sch'ool they Iand other walks of life where plen- under the ampi ces of the Girls' re ached 75 he was see n show ing represe nted. I ty of labor is found , so we have Club. The entire first floor of the "Cu rl ey" a comparison of sco res It was a matter of deep regret strong, virile men, whose li ves a re Iadministration building was u se d with the ga me of 1912-Kea rney j to each ind iv idual in th e bleach e rs clean. If manh oo d, grit, arid de- 1anrl a charming evening was e njoy72. Peru 0. But, lo, he was com- and to the "pep machin e" in par- termination counts , Peru will ha ve 1 1 e d. The flU es ts were met at the pell ed to u se the s ign •. as 1 ticular, one of the K f'ar ne.v Ia ch a nce to win. Th e s tate .d ope - by delighful who he was speechless with men had h 1s leg broken he low the. ste rs hav e Wes leya n sla t ed to win, idir ec ted them to a s pacious r e: th e of jov " over the kn ee. The sy mpathy (!f the va st tcnnttnued 011 Last Pu:e. , fr es hm ent t ab le, a nd then into the awaited revenge for 191 2. body of r oo l: ers and p la yers went Kearney or Peru room. The KearThe Pe ru Dinner and Reunion.
But to the game The wea th er 1 out to the unfortunate player. Th e . ney team was well sup pli ed with was perfl!ct, a nd the bleachers incident marr ed co ns id e rably the Agam t he Peruvians are to ha ve partners, but · th ere were onl y were fi ll ed with eQ thu s ia stic root- joy of victory. 1 a goo d ·old P eru tim e during the fifteen of them to s upply the g irl s, ers, each fi ll ed wi th th e expectancy ' Wh at mi g ht the score have been, 1 1 State Teach.ers' Association. a nd th ey were such g ood sports of a great vict ory Thruout much had coac h Spee r ke pt a ll hi s r eg u- Thursday m ght, Nov em ber 4, at 6 that th ere wa s much feminine of the ga me enthu s iasm ran .so hi gh Iars in th e game? As th e game o'cl(tCk, the Peru c lan will be ga th - rushinJl'. that the seats becam e !, pi·ogr essed the re gu lars were with- ered at the fo r th e ir The Girls' Club is proud of Promptly at 3 Peru kick ed off drawn and r ep lac ed 1:-y "s crub s. " Iannual dinner a nd re union. At chairmen who could co ndu ct such and before any one was fully aw are ' So far thi s seaso n the Peru "pep I":30 in th e afternoo n unti I 6:00 an affair. All we Peru vian s hop e of what was happening, Peru scor- has_completely ovncnme o'clo.ck, th:re will be the t these sp lend.id fe llow s und erst ood ea t he first to uchdo wn. Once th e in vi nc i hl e Brethren of YorK, !shak in g perrod when old acq ua mt· th at we ca n app lv. our o wn - pet started, h!!-bit was kept up till ha ve whipp ed thru and thru th e! ances will be re new ed and ne w ac· name of "f!eppy" to the m. th e "pep machine" had rolled up Midland Luth erans, have received quaintances will be made. T hi s., Inform al Tea. 103 score s to the Antelope's none. an annihilating baptism of water dinner and reunion is open to ni l f · d d f t d t · "Sugar? Lemon?" So cer t ai n·
From st art to finish Coach Spee r's at th e han rl s of th e Baptists, and n en s an ormer s u en s or P II h AI · fo rtun a te f olks were asked la11 t war riors kept up the perfect team now have whipped the graceful eru as we as t e umm. h 3''0 h T hu rsday a ft e rnoon. From 4 ·30 wo rk , the fierce line plunges .' for Antelopes off the ea r th. L as t year t ere were w at t e · · repeated ga ins, the e nd r uns of dl nn er and seve ral had .to be "turn- to 5:30 , tea was serv Pd by the li gh tnin g spee d a nd th e p ersiste nt I The Wesleyan Game. ed aw ay , but this provi s ions and effective fighting for which , Nex t Friday at University place are being made to accommodate a "the ll'!lng" is noted. · Only once th e two stron g es t teams in the lar ge r numb er. If the attendanc e thru out the prolonged ga me was Co nfere nc e will co nt est. The foot- at th e state association is as lar ge th e Peru g oal en dange red. Thru ball devo te es over the state have as las t year, · there will be 400 at a pena lt y th e ball was placed one looke d forward to thi s ga me as onf' the d inn er. ya rd from Per u 's goal, but in al- of th e grea t es t battl es to be fou g ht
Tell your fri e nd s to order their most less t ime than it requires to in the Con fe re n ce th is fa ll. Th e plates ea rl y, and when they r eac h relate it, the ba ll was carried by bana is go ing to go with the boy s Omaha to t ake any We st Farnam lin e p lun gea, passes and en d runs to help ch ee r our team on to vic- street car to go to the Blackston e behind the ene my's goa l. t ory. j Hote l. The " pep machine " m ade so 1 L t · th , •p h , h d I
Remember this dinner is no as y ea r e reac ers a many spectacular p lays that it is ...._ b t f th . f dr ess affa ir. Notify the sec retary u1e es o e argument m one o futil e to atte mp t an enume rati on. the hardest f oug ht battle s of the of the Alumm Assoc i atiOn, W N. Each player worked well , tho men- Th' h W 1 De lze ll , if you wi sh a plate reservseaso n. Is y ea r t e es f'ya n tion must, be made of r epeated h · t t . h . h ed .. If you se nd the n ot i fi.!atJOn by as en Je ter men on t e team w1t gai ns by Wilcox, th e lon g end runs f h 1 h . mad, send 1t to Oma ha, care of some o t ese men p aymg t e 1r 1 · by Troudt and ge ne ral s hi p of f th h'l p h 1 the Blackstone Hotel. Do not se nd our yea r, w 1 e er u as one 1 p Gate ly , the marve lous work of man playing hi s third year, three your etter to er u. Sharrar and Pomeroy at <m d, and 1 • h d d men P ayJ ng t ei r seco n J ea r, an Miss Elva Ru lon , libr aria n. and Willey a full. th t f h 1 e res o t e team Paying their Mi ss Mary Bi llmcr s)ey, assistant
From start to finish the Ante- fi t · h f f · "' rs year , w tt a ew o them n ev -l l'b · tt d d · t' f lopes playeda lo s in g ga me They h . 1 ranan. a en e a m ee mg o er av1ng seen a foo tball game be- th N b k L'l. A · t' lacked speed in stoppi ng the ]iaht-. .- e e r as a Jurary ss nc 1a Jon, • fore this year. The We sleya n men 0 t b 20 t 22 t L' 1 · f h p c o er o , a m co n. mng runs o t e er uv ian s. They average easi ly ten pouund s to th e were unable to break the exce ll e nt man heavier than Peru, w hich interference of thei r oppone nts; makes a gu antity of beef for Peru they were repeatedly fo il ed in l o- to carry as excess baggage on their eating the ba ll in line plunges. journey to • ' Goa ldom." Peru ha11
Pr es id e nt Rouse and family. a nd Professo r· Brown attend,ed the Co unty Su nday, School Co nve nti on at Julian, Wednesday evenin g.
Mi ss E lli s, Dean of Women Gir ls' Club; and th e "fortun ate folks'' were th e members of th e ar t, biologv a nd commerce departments. The gi rl s would like to have poured tea every one , but that being impossible the firs t three departments were invited. This arrange me nt includ ed· many, in fact one junior was heard to :remark, ''Taking botany and d raw ing 1 I!m invit ed twi ce, do I on ;•, .., , ,
EtJtered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second-class matter.
Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal
$1.00 per year. SitJgle copy 5 cts.
If you do not receive yo ur Normalitc.
Why Peru Won.
Peru had a stronger team. It was a real fighti ng machine of a c lean bunch of players against a fighting group of men who, were a clean team, yet they Jacked the training. The Kearney coach has be en greatly handicapped in building up his team due to the scarcity of men in school. He said the greatest number of men he had out
to practice was only twP.nty-t h ree. Then there were six men who had to be taken off of the team for cigarette smoking and poo r schoolwork. Peru lo st four of h er good
cave notice in the Normalite hox in the men owing to their being back in Admini strati on building. their school work, due to the large numb er of men we could spare
No article s _accepted after 8 o·clock • them without crippling the team.
Monday mornmg
The two Normals are to be congrat-
THE EOJTontA.t, STAFF ul ated for demanding c lean men to
Ada Huff, Editor in -Ch ief
Rohcrt Q:.tick Associate Editor
Ho pe Lewis Assistant Editor
Jess ie ICelley Ass is tant Editor
Res Niles . Business Mg'r.
Donald Flhmkenship Mg'r. Dept IIEP OIITI!RS:
Mahel Dressler !=;enior
Wm Swa r tzwelder .] unior
Loi s Griffin Sophomore
To be select ed : Freshmen
Hex Niles
Y. M. C .-i..
Pearle Bdle Y. W. r. A.
To be Sl'lected N. c. A.
Esther DelzelL. Gi1 is Club
Marguerite Bridges Ora mati c Club
The Kearney T earn
Peru will al ways have a place in her heart for those gritty boys who fou g ht th ei r best to the last against so great odds. Outc lassed and slightly outweighed, yet they I were g-ame. Both the Peru • boys and the Kearn ey hoys were enthusi astic in the p rai se of the cl ea n playing of their opponents. Tne Kearney boys praised Peru anrl the treatment they r er.e ived from the faculty a nd students and the official s. Never saw suc h officials who always a cted fair and were glad to give a rea son for each decision. No wonder, when we had such men
play clea n athletics. One of the officials, when speaking of the Peru team, Raid: "Peru has a wond e rful team of clea n players. There is not a team in a hundred which would not h ave taken advantage of of a weak team, yet the Peru boys avoided running into the cripp led opponent!< an y more than could possibly be avoided."Sophomore Pi cn ic.
Diu you hear us yell Thur sday evening at about five o'clock? Well, that was just when we were startin g on our first picnic. After wind
Portrait and Commercial··-We put the ''snap in snap-shots" We have the filfn 'hat fits your camera
The E. J. Newman Studio
Phone 56
Normal College against Kearney
Normal College. Peru is coached by "Bunt Speer," former Aggie star, w ho was coach of Hayes Normal when that sc h ool won the Kansas Conference flag Ernest C. Quigley re fereed the game, and wall hunting for a soft bed for a
Mis s Mutz, Sophomore Adviser. ing thru the woods for short time we found just the plac e.
long sleep after the strenuous '-- GOOD THINGS TO EAT-workout." Students' Heodquarters
Crystol Theatre , MONDAY, Nov 1, I Wallace Reid in "The Man From
Funeral Range.'' : WEDNESDAY, Nov. 3, l Nebraska City Laundry ae Quig ly with a national r eputation for refer ee, anrl Honest Grove P or ter, the ex - Uni star, forump ire. Pe ru deeply regrets the unfortunate accidPnt to Mr Reeves, the Kearney boy who had his leg brohn, but every one did all he could to make his s ufferingas li ght as pos s ible. No one seems to know how it happened.
Then the fun began. We had a regular, exciting ball· g ame , and after that the eats. It was lots of fun roasting wienies Yes, and we were entertained by the f amous "Pigtai l Quartet." And sa y, please don't embarrass anybody by asking who ate the most marshmal · lows All to the visitors and their coach, who were real ge n tlemen, who lost to a worthy team Then, to our r egret, it was ti me who se men and coach are as fine a for le ss on s, so of eourse we started set of men as ever played fo otba ll. homewards.
We know that Kenrney wi ll soon From Topeka Daily Capital: have a stro ng team, s ince sh e has "Those intere sted in football in the moral courage to demand clean ot her states may have noticed the athlet i cs. 103 to 0 score mad e by Peru, Nebr.,
Peggy Hy lander in ''Cheating Phone 138 Her s elf FRIDAY. No v. 5, in "The Shark." .; -----------------------------
SATURDAY, Nov. 6, 1 I I "Broken Blosso ms,'· the picture : that Rhowed at $2.00 admiss ion. i One of the most artist ic of Fi Im I pla ys FirRt show starts at seven i o'clock prompt-10 and 20c. 1 - -1
Shamrock Barber Shop and Bath
Mil s tead Basement Full line of Toilets on hand A gent for Auburn Laundry J. E. MURPHY, Prop. We
A Peru Cot tage
when they were before the club. , enthusiastic w·ere satisfied because The selec tion of officers had to 1 there were three other fortune-tell· be po stpo ned until this 'Iuesday. l ers, each of whom had a different In a week or tw o debating will way of re vealing them. probably be in full swi ng. Delicious brick ice cream and ehocolate cake were served. All Hallowe'en Party too soon the ''wink" of the lights
Anyon e who s.aw the gymnasium Iwarned us that a very happy evenSaturday mornmg must have thot t · mg was commg to a close. th at aomethmg was about to p en. But anyone who saw and heard the tenth grade Saturday evening knew that a good Hal· lowe' en party was in progress.
The main feature of the e ven-
y W. C. A. comes to quality-oh, we ll, really, ing was fortun e- telling. Mi ss j Basement Fisher's Dru g Store First-class Workm e n. Your Patronage Solicited.
Miss Bridp;es was th e leader at we don't lik e to boast or gossip Goodyear's marked ability to peer a very inter est ing m ee ting la st. about what we know, but you cer- into the future was much apprecievening. 'Ihe Inter- tainly should have been out to our ated by all. Who doesn't like to Church World move ment was ve ry last chapel program In ez Peterson have his fortune told? The most C. P. SCOVILL. Prop. ably discussed , both as to the pres· gave a very effective r ead ing, and =================:::============ ent re su lt s and thP. work outlined demonstrated our quality. A girls' for the future quartet composed of Misses Polsley, A special me eting of the Y. W. Argabright, H oak and Fisher gave
To the Faculty and Students
was called Thursday evening to two fine numb e rs. President Hem- When you buy from us you can know that you give Miss Tunnell who is the stu· in gw ay told us some secr ets that dent secretary for the northwestern concern seniors only You better are getting the best. We guarantee it. If fi eld, an opportuuity to speak to all co me next time and get in on ' th e girls. Those who attended this some of th e cominp; excitement- you should get any article here that meeting enjoyed most interestiqg (Sh-se-se, not so loud. the juniors and helpful tfllks on What theY. meet just across the hall) - but it's W. Means," and "Its Influence as going to be genuine, all right. a Worldwide Organization."
Mt. Vern on Hall
Saturdar afternoon Miss Tunell met theY. W. cabir.et and the ad- Monrlay evening Miss Daniels visers. She left with them a host entertained Professor Eason and of heJpful suggestions a nd inspirations tor th e year's work:. Root for Y. W. as enthusiastically as you do for our fooball team and we'll enjoy the same good results!
Alumni Notes.
family at a six o,elock dinner.
The cabinet members of the Y. W. C. A. were entertained by the president, Mi ss Mona Keith, at a very enj oyable dinner last Wedn es· day evening Miss Tunell and Miss Faulhaber were guests qf honor.
has not the quality it sbou1d have, we want an immediate opportunity to make it right.
Redfern & Ellenberge r
In expertancy of the Kearney huskies an extra table was installed in the center of the dining room. The "board" was spread and eighteen Kearneyites showed their appreciation of . d.ormitory f oo d.
Upon P.ntering the dinin g room
Howard H. Smith, class of '17, Mrs. Mvrtle Adee Smith, '17, Ruth Bugbee, '17. Earl Craig, '17, and Jessie · Modlin, '12, de gr ee ' 17, are on the teaching corps of Orleans, Nebraska. Thi s mu st mean that Orleans is a progressive sc h oo l in touch with rommunity life. Each and every one of these teachers was Sunday noon a nice surprise greeta decidedly live wire wh en here. ed the football boys. The room
Among the o ld Peruvian s on the had been transformed by festoons . . · Iand pennants of the good old NorFa lls Ctty teachmg staff who at- mal colors. Special favor was tended a picnic in Peru last Satur- 1shown at the boys' table in the way day, were Grace Langdon, '16, 1 of decoration. Nellie McAuley, '20, Emma Hage- The Webster Debating Club man, '20, and E va Clifton. 'Ihe De bating Club held its !ec- Milton Blanken s hip , class of ond meeting last Tuesday evening. 19 16, was the only one of twenty Like the first meeting it was to make the Dramatic Club at the State Uni this year. He was a :u rmer member of the Peru Dra· matic Club and this speaks well for Peru talent along this line.
Senior Notes. "When you're up , yo u' re up," When you're down, you're down; When you're up against the seniors You're upside down!"
It takes real talent to be an active me mb er of the senior class this year The juniors have one on us in quatnity, but when it
a series of debates concerning the organization of of the club. Two important items of business were accomplished : a name (which appears at the head of this article) was selected, and a constitution adopted
These names were proposed, the names "Ciceronian" and "Athen· ian" being discarded. Some of the provisioas of the constitution a11 proposed by the committee pro· v<fked quite a little discussion
Small accounts are given considerate and careful attention at this bank.
E. E. GUOD, President 0. M. GOOD Cashier
New Management Fresh and Smoked Meats
Fresh fruits and vegetables in seaso n WYMORE & DENSMORE Peru, Nebraska.
We have just received a shipment from the· Philippine Islands for manual training work. Meek bumber £o.
J. W.·McADAMS, V. Pree iden t. ANNA FARLEY. A!:st. Cashier. Students Dry Pressing Repairing
Tail or and Cleaner Phone 62
We Invite You To call at our store for your Hardward Needs, Also Electric lamps, and Flashlights
You will always find a welcome at
the Kearney Game.
(Continued from First Pa&"e.)
Ran Onr Antelope Herd.
<Continued f rom First Pae-e.)
due to the above causes, but four not cet two cups of tea?" Th P. weeks ago t hese same dopesters e ounc ll was in charge of thi• first h ad York elated to win, but she tea. Inez Wi lson and her c ommit- di dn't. tee "did over' the faculty room This year's record: wo n derfu ll y with fer ns and bitter- Wes leyan 7 Tarkio 0 aweet. The tea serving was super,- Wesleyan 13 Chadron 0 vised by Zelda Redding. We are •Wesleyan o Doane 0 s orry Zelda waa unable to see the Wesleyan o Morningside 31 reaults of her good work And Pearl Er isman managed with ease anrl poise the hostessinir.
1Ve all now firm ly believe in taking a cup o' tea. But then we knew what Mi ss E ll is reco mmen ded and Preside nt "Fay" planned and put across wo u ld be wor th while.
Next munth the ed ucation depa rtm ent wi ll be invited, and a ll who attended the Octob er tea will
Weslevan 20 Oppon ents 31
• Only Confere nce game.
Peru 27 York 0
Pe ru 15 Mid land 0
Peru 0 Grand Isl'd 13
Peru 145 Opponeats All Conference games.
Y. M. C.A. 13 agree that to "sip a cup o' glad- The week ly meeting of the Y. ness up" is truly in accord wi th M. C. A. was held Wed n esday the Peru s pirit night of last week. Two different
Home Girls Get Together
At the of Counc illors
Inez Wilson and Hildegard Yeck, a merry group of eome girls and their guests gathered round a roaring camp fire Friday evening at eight o'clock. Two hou rs of fun, fancy and frolic ensued. What an idea l night to caper round the camp fire , toast marsh mallows. munch popcorn and li s ten to prophecies of the future by the fortune te ll er of the evening, Miss Elli s. Finer hostesses than those Miasf!s Wilso n and Yeck it would be difficult to find.
J. U. G. Girla Elect Officers
apeakers were schedu led for the meeting but fai led to come. A very short time before the meetinll' 0ur leader asked severa l of our boys to speak on the topic of God 's Ca ll to Man. Loy Hacker, Ge orge j Heywood, Roland Reeves, F. C. Neilson and Lloyd Be amer responded to the ca ll and gave some very interesting talks whic h were true to the point
Membership cards were given out to all th ose who were pre sent.
Cards we re given out afterwards to all Y. M. C. A. members
Geor ge Showalter will have charge of the n ext meeting The topi c is, " The Friendeh i p Council." Make itapo i ntto bepresent to th is meet i ng
We omitted to announce in last issue the new offie ers of the J. U. G. for the year: Miss Ruth Law- The enrollment in the training renee, 19 21, president; Miss Esth er school is about t hi rty more than at Jenkin s, '22, vice president , and this time last year Se veral famMiss Edna Fi s k, '2 3, secretary- ilie s have moved in to the neighbortrea surer. The first two named h ood in order to have the advanta· are the J. U. G. councillors. Thus ges of the training school. Two officered the ''Jugs" anticipate a more familie;; are negotiating for proprety for the same rea s on ''live'' ·year.
Junior Class Notes, Calendar. Events. We ekly.
You shoulcl ha ve be en at junior clau chap el last Thurs day, and se en the "awkward squad" drilling! All th ey need is more room, having only the whol e chap e l, but of course the chairs were in th e way and had to be knock ed down and fal len over. Th e way th ey '.'f all in" and "fall out" is s imp ly s tunning.
Mr Hemingway e ntertained us with a beautifu l violin 11olo. Of course we disliked to ask a dignified senior to he lp us out, but the seniors· are a ll right ; th ey were all ju!liors once.
Everybody out Thurs day and witness a g ood program.
Monday -Orchesrra, 8: 15 p. m. Tu e sday -Debating Society, 7:30.
Orches tra, 7:30 p. m.
Girl s' Club me eting fir st Tu e sday of ea ch month.
Wedn esday -Y W. C. A 7:80
Y. M. C. A, 7: 30 p. m.
Orch es tra, 8: 15 p. m. Thur sdRy Band. 7:3 0 p. m. Sunday-- -N. C. A., 10 a. m. Bi - Monthly.
Gir ls' Club me eting, first Tue sday in e ach month.
•• ••
Girls' Club Council meeting, Alternate Mondaya, October 4, 9-10 p.m. beginninlf See for Stotionery, School Supplies nnd Notions.
Groceries, Meats, Fruits & Candy
South of the bnilding, SHves }'ou th e long walk down town.
Phon e 73
, Pe ru, Ne br • Phone 78
Two Factions of State
E. L. Rouse Named Leader to Con.I Three Hundred Peruvi ans Make Teachers
Merry at Blackstone Ho.• • tel tn Omaha I • I
L. president of the Normal co lf ea-e will head the n ew const itution of the Nebraska State Teachers' AsRocia lion. A. J. Stoddard, the president, announced at no on.
Stoddard expressed g reat f action with the big Omaha conve n tio n. which closed la st night I "For the first time in twenty years we closed a meeting with no strife 1 or political enmities and all factions ha rm on ized. I believe the new constitution can be made to keep a ll interes ts concilliated." I
The com mti t ee will meet on call
1 Fifty y ea rs was r ep r esen ted at tO the annu al reunion banquet hel d at : the Blacksto ne l'Iotel last week duri ng the State TPac hers' Association at Omaha. Thre e hunclr ed jolly Peru via ns we re assembled for a fea st of good times as well as a f ea:;t of good to eat. While
1the number was nearly th ree times I as lar ge as that or the State U ni-
1verai ty an d fiv e times as large as I so me of the oth er collegea, yet the ; good time enjoyed by all was the ' big thing. From 4 :3 0 to 6:00 th ey cam e until they filled t he bii'
of the chairman within the next Peru has lol"t on her own field l Doane and Peru are equal ly reception room to its uttermost. two weeks and pr.esenUts..dr.aft to only once- in - two - yea rs and that matched as to Our boys At 6: 10 they filed into the banquet t h t h 'th' th' t d I · hall. There the tun was con tin ued. e eac ers WI 10 lr .y ays wa·a· with "th em
the stuff, and will show it The. teacher:; w ill ha ve fivP. days in s lldm g·Method ls ts" who persis t in agam n•xt Fnday Doane has The class. of 1920. had the lar gest whic h to rej ec t their present con- f · th h' h made a fi ne shwoing this fall and r eprese nta tio n, wh1le the class of ac mg e1r mac me to t e re ar · 1 stitution and vote on the new.- db k I'd. d p , one of the bat t les ev er, 1914 to ok the lead in th e yells. World-Herald. ' a.n ac s I mg towar eru s goal f oug ht will be waged on our home\ The crowd cillled for Mrs. Anna lme. field • More head Joy of the class ot 70,
There mu !" t be to it mildly indeed-they yelled a preal.!hers, who o utw e igh ed Pe ru supe rs tition aftP.r all. A week "Hoorah" and pla yed a piece to by a large margin, sti ll step so me. ago Friday Jack Fro st tried hi s se nd the team on its way with But right here jinx o nce more ap· ".durnd es t" to freeze out the big more p ep a nd fi g hting spi rit. peared and snipped Gately on the booste r cro.vd that went to Univer- Ever y bod y met at the Wes leyan hear! when mak ing a Hying tack le
A PAIR OF TWINS sit.r Place to r oot for the team. grounds at two o'clock and, to- Out of his head , he was carried off And when be didn't succeed-rats! gether with a Peru the field (Chuck , n ot the jinx- no who was afra id of cold nn 11 e or bunch that swe:lled the whole to s uch lu ck), and the team fought fingers! - th e old jinx had to try more th1tn a hundr e d. t ook p os ition on, tho h eavi ly handicapped wit h the st unt of se nding black cats in a spec ial section of the gra nd I it s captain out. across their path. Qf course the stand re se rved for them The ba nd I Enough has been said Wesleyan bunch hought that these were: and Peru crowd with a lusty seemed to ha ve experien ce d one of Hallowe'en black cats Further- "Team! TP. am !" introduced the 1 those rare set of circumstances more. at leas t one of them had a blue and white war r io rs upon the j wh ere every man on the team was white tipped tail which shoD id fi e ld But o ld jinx-no adjectives Ia p erfe.ct unit of a wh.ole. have broken the spell, so nothing are available to describe him! · Outs1de of a bad cut 10 the nght more was thought of it But when bumped up again! By toss Cap tain Ieye of Hi g ll'in s, no furth er damage the Kelly "s up er-s 1x" with an ex- Gately won the kick-off against the was do ne to Peru, but crippled in pert driver-nothing wrong with s tr ong sout h wind And thP.n the 1 this way she fell a defeate d but Carl -had three 11 traight punctures fun heg an. stubborn vict im, by a final c ou nt of on the same tire, so methin2' see m- The Per u pep machine staggered two sco re po ints Rut the stubed radically wrong. and shivered repeated ly and se emed j born re s istan ce of the team in the I face of all odds is not to be for-
At Syracuse th e hand unloaded unable to stop that. bunch of red1 gotten. Old Peru still s tands and warming themselves in a h ea ded Methodi:Hs. Landy! how loy all y. by and you just the ga r age, fell in and marched and they could smas h and run! Grad- ! same, Ga ng! Make Doane moan! cnunter·marched thru th e busines s ually by the ot the ' Th H G e as ngs arne. section of the to wn. Meanwhile the second quarter, however, Chuck A maa-nificent back field tells th e Lincoln train pulled in and every- brought his machine to its former tale-great big fast fe llows. Hull, body made a mad dash fo r the de· equilibrium and gave e:very promise Ithe full back was the while ship. pot. Breathlessly-that is putting that it would mak e that bunch of , co ntinu ed on Fourth Page. 1
T. W. Blackburn of '79, and and former President. Dr. Beattie. A. J. Stoddard. president of the Slate Tea c hers' Association, stole away f rom h is m an y duties to be present a short whil e at th e ban que t. President McGee called for a sh or t sp eech Mr. Stod dard comp limented Peru on r.aving euch a large banquet and sa id that over a th ou an sd of the teac hers enr olled were e ith er graduates or fo rm er stude nt s of Peru. The ta lk of Mr. Stodd ard was hig hly appreciated. Before the soeake r of the evening was introdu c"'d the audi ence ro se an d sang Peru's Rally So ng, led by Mi ss Etta Mae Yo un g. Tho se who know Miss Youna- ca n appreciate wh at that leadership means for 1300 voices jo in ed in si nginathat old so ng. Those who h ad th e gnod fortune to be present will n ever forget that inspiring moment. Pr es ident McGee was at his best as pr esid ing officer and as was to be expected the w hole program was a s ucce ss. The speaker of th e evening, Supt. M. C. Lefler, '08, of Lin coln , gave one of the best I Contlnuo: .J on L ast Page. )
THE PERU NORMALITE Mix well, c oo k briskly. Serve hot,
Entered at the Po!'toffice at Peru, Ne. bras l( a as second-cla ss matter.
Publis hed We ek ly by the Peru State Normal
$ 1. 00 per year Sin gle copy i'i cts
If vou do not receive \'our :\ornHt lite. no ti ce in th e No rn.1al ite hox in Admini stra tion bui lding
with "Peru spirit" sauce
Roae B. Clark
What Con stitutes a Good School Paper
A littl e printer's ink and pa per p!u :l the int e ll ectu al he lp of the Peru faculty; add to thi s the united c o-operati on of students and 1taff for write up s t hat sh0w the spirit
I of Peru, an d we have wh at const itutes a good school paper.
I Ada Huff.
A good l:!hool paper s hould echo the sc h oo l activities a nd the sc hool spir it ; but above a ll, it should set forth the id ea ls of the school. Robert Quick.
A s tu dent bo dy ready to resp ond
No a rti cles accept ed aft er R o'clock, for co - op er a ti on with the staff will Mond ay mo rning hel p to make a good paper.
Ad a HuiT, Ed itor-in·Chief
Robert Qui ck te Editor
Hope Lewis Ass istant Eclitor
Je ssie Kelley Assistflnt Eclttor
Rex Ni les :'11g'r.
Donald Bla nken s hip Mg' r .\ola il ing Dept
!\l ab el Dress ler Senior
Wm Swart zwelder Juni or Lois Griffin Soph mo re Doroth y Petitt.. Freshmen
Re x Nil es Y. M. C ,.;
Pearle l:lclle Y. W. I', A.
To be st-lect ed N. C. A.
Business Mana ger.
Writeups of associations, j okes and s tunts by classes, all the se he lp to const itut e a good sch oo l paper.
Jessie Kelley. Good snap py art i :!l es and itell)s th at wi ll inter est the reade r s. Lois E. Griffin. Peppy writ e up s to portr ay all activi ties.
Hope Le wis. Whatever hum or and activities that are of the greatest inter est to t he largest g roup-not what con-
Esth er Delzell.. Gi 1 ig Clu b cerns two peop le, one of whom Marg uerite Brid ges Dnnn atic Clu b wa nts it published ·and the other Mab el Dre ssler.
Portrait and Commercial··-We put the in snap-shots" We hove the film that fits your camera
The E. J. Newman Studio
Phone 56
her 2. at which two pta'ys were j given The first was "The L ost , Don' t Be a Crow. Y. M. C. A. Silk Hat." by Lord Dunsanv. fhis Once upon a time a few meadow- George Showalter was lead er of play wa s rlirected by Clyde Iv ers.
lark• were singi n g- their so n gs of the Y. M. C. A. meeting last The ca st was: happiness when a couple of crows WedneAday evening. Chr ist ian The ca l le r, L ee H emi ngway I AND Lunch Room lit on the fence n ear by and bel!an lL oyal tv was the subject of the di s- The Laborer, Harold Brown 1' to croak over the loss fo a game . cussion. Messrs. Nel son. Meyers The Po et, Do nald Bla nk ens hip Th at bird comm uni ty lost its and Adams di scussed different Th e Clerk. Rex N il es i GOOD THINGS TO EAT-mora le, not due to so many c rows , phases of the sub jec t. The topic The Polieeman, Stafford Prante ! but because of so much cr oaki n g. wa s ab ly handled a nd was very Thi s play is written in Lor_d/1 Studeuts' Peru has a less number of football hel pfu l to those who we re there. D un sa ny's pe c ul iar sty le The than any ot he r sc hoo l com - An ho ur a week is not much cha rac ters were po rtr ayed in an munity in Nebraska, yet one or two tim e to spend on one's r elig ious excell ent manner. ' STERLING ca n cause a lot of trritation. For d 1 0 The "econd play was "Neigh- li eve opm e nt. ur r eg ul ar meet- " th e benefit of these few bird:; let us in gs are from 7 :SO to 8 :l 5 on hors," by Zona Gale, ana was AGENT say that Peru h as the resp ect of eve ry We dn esda y even ing. Put directed by H ope L ew is. The cas t: Nebra ska City Laundry every coll ege wit h which s he has this on your schedule. Gr and ma, Zelda Redding · fo ugh t. A Midland PJ,"Oft! sso r said •. Diant ha Ab e l, Phone 138 that Pe ru is the best team that has The -Webster Debating Club Ezra Williams, George Heywood played on their field thi s year. The c lub completed its organiza- PetPr, Richard Overholt Wesieyan, Hastings an d Grand tion by the elec tion of officers on In ez , Katherine Griffith I I sla nd say o ur lads are game fight- October 26 Th e following were Mis' Trot , Grace Buckingham ; ers. Kea rn ey a nd York say that elected: Mr. Nielson, president: Mis' Carr ie Ellsworth Peru ha s the cleanest and best Karl Schafer, v ic e president; Mil- Myrle Ar gabrillht : fig hters in th e state. In coa- dr ed Fisher, secret ary; Mr Reever , This comedv has been played by ' e lusi on Iet u ssay: Useashotgun treasurer; Loy Hacker, r ep or.er; "Little Th e atres" all ov er the : on the "croaks,' and let the "pep" Carl Rose nquis t, sergea nt-at-arm s; coun try and is extremely popula r. 1 birds have a c hance to be hea rd Pr of Eason, criti c. Eve ry on e ag r ees that th ey enjoy ed 1 Beat Doane! Beat Doane!! At th e fo ll owi ng meeting, which every minute of th e even tng. l
a Normalite
Reci pe for a college paper: Take equa l parts of intellectual , soc ial, and ath leti c interests; add a pinch of wit, a dash of 'pep -per and some spi ce of public opinion. fell on election ni g ht , two teams di scuss ed the league of n at ions, which question seemed appropriate to the day.
-Dra matic Club, The Dra mati c Club held i ts first meeti ng Tuesday even ing, N ovemI Shttt1lrock Barber Shop ' and Bath Milste ad Bas em e nt Fu ll lin e of To il e ts on hand Agent for Auburn La undry J. E. MURPHY, Prop.
Class of 1924 sa t isfied when at about 8 :1 5 we Green, A. E. Holch, J. M. Howi,;, Among the visitor s at the Normal the pa1t week were Esther Cole , '20, Odell; Lela Hazard, '20, Oxford; and Rose Miller, '20, Ohiowa,
Crystal Theatre
What is this we see coming! were divid ed into gro ups of ten W. F. Hoyt, F. C. Jean, J. w Hats off ! three ch eer3 for the each and were -.y hi s ked by ghosts IPaul, E. L. Rouse, Wm. Schoenike, freshie s! Say , don't vo n think i unkn ow n lands te e min g with and H. E Tretina, Mrs. F. C. they are a tin e looki ng, pe ppy 1 h1dden horro rs. Then after we had J ea n, and M1ss es Mary P. Bi llingsbunch of y oung folks? Eve ry Thur s· a sce nded from these lower regions ley , N. Mnud Ca rp e nter, Lulu C. day at the regular chape l period I we ro se to the e th e rial he ights of Daniel, Eth elyn Dewev, Iva M. yo u ca n St!e this noble lookin!l' the land of' th e depa rted 1pirits. Dunn, Matti e C. Elli s, Ma rie H. Ht>ave ns! Th e men w. ere even more Faulhaber. Viol a E. Foster, Bertha 1 THURSDAY, NOV. 11 sca r ce than th ey are her e. Geo rge IB. Goo d yea r, Amanda Hazeman,l Eddi e Polo in the Universal Sel Wa s hin gto n, th e orlly s up erior ILou E. H osmer, Pear l Ke ll ey, Dora rial "The Vanishing Daggar" ' being who had gai n ed E' ntran ce 1Krebs,Nona M Palmer, E!vaE.I SATURDAY N • 13 thru the pearly gates , \Vas there Ruth Sh1veley, Alm a A • ov. '
Iidly p la y in g his harp. To lin and Ed ith L. Tydeman. Paramount presents Reid, T in "The Du b," he old theory of "Heaven above Seve r al of these are on the associa- , 1 and Hades below" was completely tio u program, but as we have not MO NDAY , Nov. 15, I s ha ttere d. and we cliscovered that a program at h and we are unable INi v ion Martin in "Mandy Smiles" -Hades not r eached by a s ingle to g iv e n ames.-Pe ru Pointer. 1 1 WEDNES DAY, Nov. 17 , bound, but that we bu ild th E: la dder by which we ri se from the low ly Patronize Normalite Advertisers Wm , Farnum in the "O rp ha n." floor to the" "tran som s ki es But alas! We dropp ed thence thru unfathomable de pths of da rkness, plunk! into the Riv Pr Styx ! Ima g-
ine our coni'ternation at m ee ting
Mr. Schoen ik e, C lass Adviser. cro wd marching t oward the Ad. and narrow was the gatt>, and bui !din g following the freshm en man y there whom we th o ui'ht ro ute on the wall<s to the ir class Ic ou ld not en te r." chapel. You h ave probably read Th e s ign, "N o aclmittance except the advertisement of other class thru thi s barrel,'' caused many cha pels, but allow me to tip y ou regret! with no ho pe to vi s it off to the spl e ndid s pirit and l oy laty "Dinty Moore." ma nifeste d by these fre s hies 1 Many cam e out with ashen faces,
To the Faculty and Students
When you buy from us you can know that you our friend a, Mi!s Daniels a nd Mrs. Linn for "straight was the la dd er are getting the best. We guarantee it. If
you get any article here that has not the quality it should have, we want an immediate opportunity to make it right.
Redfern & Ellenberger
Last but n ot le as t, the fre shies Iafter e ntr eatin g Madam Fo rtune, ar e . proud that each one has a 1 stirring her _ kettle of 1 spec1al ta lent fo r entertainment, fates. I and also that their class is repre- • g_host stor ies we re J ============================= sent ed in gr eat number in the Peru a fittmg prep ar atiO n for our pa s"pep machine" and band . You 11a ge to the diml:v l ig ? te rl shou ld have been to our la st cla ss room, t hru the inky , ghost lined chapel wh e re memb ers ha ve proved halls Even her e, wh ile r eve lin g their various ta le nts We invite I 10 pumpkin pie, a pples, doughnuts yon to come out to see what the a nd a very incons irlerate fr e snies a re capab le of do in g. ghost in the ce nter of the r oom hr oke in upon ou r peace, wi th unHallowe'en Frolic. ca'\."Y cape rs of his arms No U!'e-" it can' t he did"-un-
Who eve r dared to say th at the Dorm never haYe any fun't less yo u were th ere you' II nev er Don't we? "We'll say we do, " if kn ow the re st. slang may be u sed to expre ss our Ha ts off to the g irls on th e third! fe e lin gs 11i nee the wonderful party i
Girls' Club OneCitizensState.9lank
Sma 11 accounts ure given considerate and cureful attention at thi s bank.
E. E. GOOD, President J. W. McADAMS, V. Pre 1ident. 0. M. GOOD. Cash i er ANNA FARLEY. Ass t. Cas
New Management the third floor g irl s gave the rest of us Saturday ni gh t. It was the spook i est. most hRir rai s ing Rememb er that the second of Fresh and Smol<ed Meats affair one cou ld imagine. the se ri es of a ft e rnoon t eas is
N h d b II d t sche duled for Thur sdav, November o one a een a owe o go up · On th th · d fl f k 18. Th e h ou r 1s 4 :30 to 5:30. The J ·ts r ·d t b , f guests are all e nroll ed in th e vari-
e 1r oer or a wee , exce pt \ esl en m em e rs ne o ten Saw th d h · th h II . h ous c la sses in the department of em as Jog up e a. w1t I d . e u cat 1on. arm loads of autumn leaves and fodd 0 · · t f II Miss Esaie B re cke nridge, 192 1 is t!r. ur curws1 y was u y
chairman of the committee on arrani'ements.
Attend State Association. The foll owi ng me111bers 0f the Normal School faculty are this week in atte ndan ce at th e State Teaehers' Associ ati on at Omaha: Professors C. I<'. BP.ck, G. W. Brown, A. Crago, W. N. Delzell. J. L. Eason, 0. J. Gabel. C. E.
Dry Clt:aning
Fresh fruits and vegetables in s easo n WYMORE & DENSMORE Peru , Nebraska
American Black Walnut
We manufacture this lumber for Manual Training work, selling direct to schools. Meek 6umbero
IJNO. A. CEJKA I Tailor and Cleaner Phone 62
We Invite You
To ca ll at o ur sto re for yo ur Hardward Needs, Electric lamps, and Flashlights
You w ill always find a welcome at Mackprang's Hardware
Peru Alumni Hold Reunion, there were no established authori<Continued from First ties to interfere with the realizaaddresses ever g iven at a Peru tion of their iaeals of rel igion and gathering. He spoke of the for- government. ward work of the Alumni in rela- These Mayflower Pilgrims were tion to the school's prog r ess and the pioneer s of b new movement grow th. We hope to give h is They opened the way for- others to splendid address in full in the follow. Their coming was but a Alumdi Numbt!r to be puhlished in humble beginning of a great exothe near future. Presinent Rouse dus of Puritans from En gland to wa• ealled on for a few remark•. America during the tyrannous rule which were indeed a fitting closing of King James I, and his successor, for this grand occasion. The Charles I. They were a selected applause · 2iven him .when he was introduced wu a just tribute to our president. It shows the high esteem in which he is held hy the almuni as he enters his third year of lead ership.
Supt. R. R. McGee, retiring president of the Alumni ' Association, is one of our most loyal alumni. He is to be congratulated upon the succes1 of the meeting
A Pair of Twins, <Continu ed from
No wonder he succeede d so well. for he is the scm of a Peruvian anrl a brother of our former Professor Hull. His home is in Hastings and from reports he wa s much at h ome too Hastings couldn't do anything wit h the Peru line , but they to ok to the air and flew over our lads' heads for three touchdowns , and then by trick plays cooped another ha lf dozen, then four 2'0als kicked tell the story. What if th ey did win , as long as our boys fought hard and nid their ve ry, very b es t. One-half of the teams loee. We have won as many as we have lo st. Peru is with you boy a! Beat Doane- Beat Doane!!
Peru beat Midland, 15 to 0. Do a ne Beat Midla•d 20 to 0. Wealeyan beat Cotner, 41 to 0. Peru has plenty of ''pep and punch left Thank you.
The Pil grims
Three centuries ago a little band of moored their bark on the bleak, inhospitable shores of New Ena-land. They sought neither wealth nor fame, but merely the opportunity to worship according to the dictates of their own conscience. Harried from England by .a government over-zealo us to protect and maintain the established form of worship. they first sought refuge in Holland. Tolerance and protection were granted them there, but they found it difficult to preserve their English languae-e and English cuetoms in that foreign en vironment. The spirit of nationality, strong within them, the spirit of se lf-governm ent clamoring for expression, and the fear of absorption by the Dutch nation, finally drove them forth to try their fortunes in the new country where
group of men and women with great st rength of character and sincerity of purpo se. They establis he d thei r ideals in this new land, and left to their posterity a rich heritage of noble principles. Our cherished national idPals of freedom of r eligion, popu lar education. and democratic govern · me nt may be traced back to Puritan beginnings England. the land that drove them forth, and America, the land that received them, now join in paying tribute to the memory of that noble band of exiles who defi ed tradition and establi s hed custom anrl broke their home ties in pursuit of their ideals. ,
Y. w. c. A.
A noth er of those worthwhile meetings of the Y. W. was well attended last Wednesday evening. Miss Annette Stocking was the lead e r. The topic, "Those Who ' follow Christ ," was developed by a study of Kipli ng 's poem, "Jf." Each line was interpreted, and some characte r, whose life illus-
trated the thot, wa s named.
and Shoe Repairing
Shoe polish es and laces
Prompt Repair Service
Basement Fi sher 's Drug Store
First-class Workmen. Your Patronage Solicited.
The Chatelain Jewelry Sto1 e Watches, Clocks. dewelry. Fountain f>ens. Stationery School Supples.
OUR MOTTO; -" The be st goods for the least money " We repair pt>ns, watch ef;, je welry and spectac les Bifocal Le nses GIVE US A CALL ,J. ('. t.:HATELAIN. Peru.
Ny gracia Watch for the Y. W. posters.
Get your arou sed, come to find out for
A young lady student to work for her board. Work to begin right after the November vaca tJOn. If interested, please leave your name at the office of dean of women.
Regular Events. Weekly.
Monday---Orches rra, 8:15 p. m. Tuesday---Debating Society, 7:30. Orchestra, 7 :30 p. m.
Gi rl s' Club meeting first Tuesday of each month.
Wednesday-- - Y. W. C. A 7:30 p.m.
Y. M. C. A, 7:30 p. m. Orchestra, 8:15 p. m.
Thursday--- Band, 7:30 p. m.
Sunday---N. C. A., 10 a. m.
Girls' Club meeting, first Tuesday in each month.
Girls' Club Council meet!n2, Alternate Mondaya, beginnin2 October 9-10 p. m.
Stand out Perfumes as du thtDiomond, Ruby and Opal omong
Groceries, Meats, Fruits
South of lhe bnilding: saves you long walk dow11 town.
Blue and White Grider's Put Up Interesting- Fight
It was s hiv eri ng co ld , but a cr owd cam e out nevertheless. A nd altho it was pretty c hill y for the onlo oke rs , it was the fine st kind pep weath er for the f ootba ll me n.
C& pta in Gate ly was ill and hand- I P.d ove r 1 he re in s of hi s t ea m ad ju tant. Wil cox, who. in sp ite of h is bad knee dire cted the pep I ma c hine wit h precision a nd stra tegy tha t merit him no mean place I as a quarter back. Hi s ent ir e I back fi e ld worked splend idl y and th e conte st was a close one all th e\ way thru. I
Th e game op e ned wi th Peru's kick·off and a di!'play of good l ive I pep on both Finding the l Pe ru line i mp r eg nable, Doane res ort ed to tr av el by ai r, and thru a
In Fl anders ' fi e ld s the poppies blow Be tween the cr osses, row on row, That mark our pl a ce; &nd in the sky
The la rks, st ill bravely si n ging, fly Sc a rce h eard am id th e g uns below
We a re the Dead. Sh ort days ago
We li ve d, fe lt da wn, saw sunset glow, Lov ed a nd were lo ved, a nd now we lie
In Flanders' fi e ld s.
T ake up our quarrel with the foe; To you from f ailing hands we thr ow
The torch; be youts to hold it high. If ye br e ak fa ith with us who die We sha ll not sleep, tho popp i es grow In Fland e rs' fields.
Appreciatian for Those who Fought for Our Ideals
Alth o we students h ave bee n given no holiday or pl anned or t aken par t in any celeb ra ti on, yet ou r memories go back to the day in April, 1917 , when ou r gr eat nation gave the fir st call fo r vo lun teers. On that day ma ny hea rts we re sad , as so n s, br ot he rs and friends a nswered the call to the col ora and left h ome and dear ones to fi g ht for the id eals our cou ntr y h old s mo.st de ar
All thru the y ear of 1917 and un t il Novembe r, 1918, our boys ! endured hard s hip so r deat h in order Ito m sure peace a nrl d emocr acy not oniy f or America but for th e whol e wo r ld 011' that memorable day of the e leven th of November th e
very lu cky ca t ch , netted a to uc h· j armisti ce wa s signed Hearts were glad, for peace again was herald ed from hom e to h ome. givi ng to Am er ica new fee ling of pa trio tiSTl'l' and appr ec i ati on for th ose who l iv ed and d ie d for our ideals.
Peace 1918 a nd 1920.
do wn after about e ie-ht mi nutes of play. Th is cam e as a complete pa ss in g in which Doane had the Iother hard luck stor ies, yet o ur surp ri se and the bl ue and wh ite be st of the barg a in. and s ucct!eded b ny s have never fa ltereti. Then "g rid e rs " gr itte rl th e ir teeth and final ly in pushing th e pigsk in II Wilson. old "Prex ie" the j oy , to re into action with add ed deter- acro ss the lin e for th e th ird time, th e g reat- big joy as he sm as hed the mi.nation. Doan e, s pu rr ed on with ne tting th em points. j Doane li ne (not t he Doane no se) No vm e ber 11 call s to mind th rs s ucc e ss, wa s not to he outdn ne. The game e nd ed. wrt h bo th te am s: for ga in time after time. Doan e Iaagrn th e sa me day two y ear s ag o, and the rest of the fi rst half was a st re nuou sly at it amid fi e ld The hadn't a man hi s eq ual. Then wh en :>e e·saw tu ssle th at see med qu it e crowd we nt h ome regretting oo ubtful in its outc ome. Big Carl the s core wa s not reve rsed, R osey, Per u ce nt e r. hur t hi s sh oul· sati s fi ed b ey ond doubt t ha t der pr et ty bad ly in tack ling a man cont es t was a cl ean, fast and on th e we st s id e -line and had to be te r es ting one.
Steve " held his two hundred poun· Ancl a home to go back to , ·
The Ga me Friday , der to a fare-ye-well. May be you Mu n -g-rimed, wir e torn, from the ir
'' The d d d h that Bra cke, old · co ns ist ent, eager guns went ea an t e but Br a ck s, who has be en tryi ng to war was wo n the trarle old "Charlie" off since the A nd the last mad dr iv e thru," in- .: Mi dland ga me, rode hrm to deat h Ancl th ere th ey lay with th e big Frid ay. Prant e, o ld "tighten • job done tak en out for the res t of the game. I No o ther of note occ urr ed, I anrl the half e nded w ith the hall in mid-fi e ld, and t.he sc ore 6 to 0 in Doan e's favo r.
After th e us ua l spe cu lat ion on the pa rt of the crowd , and after th e coaches had "u ni oaded" al l th e "dope" to be u sed for thl:' r es t of the game, the sec ond half opEned with mor e pep 1han ever Due to a co>t ly fum ble by Peru. Doan e ad van ce d raiJ idly via the Mars route with a of th e mo st lucky passe s e ve r di s played her e. Two such passes we re cau g ht in the air aft er Rtrik in g a nd bo uncing from the bodi es of 'play ers. W ith the ball on our thre e ya rd lin e, Doane had litt le di ffi culty in ma king a 11 eco nd touc hd o wn wi th a t otal score of thirtee n po ints.
It was a fight, a rea l tig ht fr om di dn't not i ce th at no tou c hdow n batte red hats sta rt to fin ish. A vi :;tior sa id it was mad e around th e e nd -nor To their s odd e n, fra yed pu tt ee s, sh ould have been a ti e, an d no I thru th e line either, exce pt once, And th eir fi sts st ill clen ched on on e feels th at Doane outplay ed ou rs I wh en a fluk e put th em wit h in a th e ir e mpty gats, T 1 f t f h 1 And their th oug hts acr osJ the seas over six po int s hi s is ea id wi 1h 1 oo o t e g oa. Th at one in the du e r esp ett to Doan e 's splendid fo urth d ow n, just by th e s kin of Tod ay fr om th e qu et> r g am e of aggreg a tion of fi g hters Twice Ith e t ee th. We mu stn't forget wa r, fr om t.he ph ysi cal di sco mf or ts luck fa vored them So me time it Brun sdo n, who was in the g ame of trench li fe have our ch aps will favor us. Pe ru has re aso n to 1 and was game wh en he took J s ti ll "carryin.g on" be proud of her lads wh o have th e Pra nte's pla ce to war d th e c lo se of wr th goo d na tu re and a smile the hard es t sc hedu le of a ny co ll ege th e game Th e Wes ley an and I ol d s pi r it of Arg onne and St. t eam in the sta te. Peru pl ays ni ne Ha s ting s bre thr en arranged to Mihiel d ay s. We pa y tr i butE' to out of e lev en te am s in the confe r- have ol d ge neral and Cap tain Gate- th e million s of dead wh o di ed in ence, with not a da y o ff , an d o nl y ly on the s id e lin es in th e Doan e f orge tfulne ss of se lf for one te am li gh ter than her s, yet. game. You ha d better g ive the se , a gre at rd eal, and al so to th ose who Per u has won 46 points more th an ge ntl e br e thren a v ote of thank s. are s til l li•, in g who we re to her opp one nt s. We hav e had fu ll y tak e th eir plac e knowing that they our shar e of bad luck. Gate ly Defeat at Home. mhrht di e sco rched lik e mo ths in h B . T f. h a f urn ace , be bl o wn to ato ms, urt, 1g o t, w o had th e It is better to have d efeat at N b gassed or to r tur ed. The ir minds ing of e ra s ka' s best tack le, o ut -home, if a team ar e rea l fight e rs ar e s till fr es h wi th the memories of th e gam e for the seas on wi th a Is uch as we have on the Peru team I of the buddi es who " went west," wi th fast li ne p lun ging and clev er broken · ank e, a nd with a do zen this y ear.
The fo urth qua rter was marked I C ontin ued on L as t Pa ge .)
Entered at Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second-class matter
Published Weekly by tb e Peru State Normal
$1.00 per yea r. S in gle copy 5 ct s. '
THE PERU NORMALITE our youth. Anythi ng that so vitally concerns the and mental welfare of our future generations, thus effecting so mater ially our social and econ omic life, demand s our immediate attention Will we solve this problem m the light of past experience , or will we fetter the hands of our national pr ogre ss by a compromi se with sin.
If you do not rece i v" yo ur Norma lite , eave noti ce in the 1\urma li te box in t he Administration building.
No articles accqn cd after 8 o'clo ck Itobacco may have be en in the pa st, Mon day mo rning. the comi ng of the cigarette, and
H owever detrim e ntal the use of
of Accommodation - its a lm ost univers al use by our
THE IWI'r<li! I AI. STAFF young me n and b oys, as we ll as by Ada Huff, Editor in ·Chief a far greater numb er of our girls
Robert Qui ck : Associate Edi tor than we care to admit: has made
H ope Lewis Assistan t Edito r it a problem of m ost gigantic prCl-
j essie l(eiJey Assistant Ed1 to r
R 0 es Niles Business Mg'r , portions There may be some of on ald Blanke nsh ip \lg' r. Mai li ng Dept. / you who are not cogm zant of th e enormous increase in the us e of the Ma be l Dre ssl er . Se ni or cigarette in the United States
Wm. Swartz weld er Juni or These figures from the Toba cco Lois Griffin Sophom ore Journal may aid in impr ess ing
11 orothy Peti tt.. Freshmen thi s up on your mind s. In 1 914
Re:X Hiles Y M. C .:i
Pearl e Belle Y. W. C'. A.
To be sdec t ed N. C. A. Esther Delzell... Gi,Js Club Dra matic Cl ub
we conu s med approxi mately l 80 cigarettes per capita, wni le in 191 8, over 500 pe r capit a, -an of 3 00 pre ce nt in just four years . T his enorm ous in· cr ease wa s due to the Am e rican
The Noramlite notes with plea s- i'To bacl!o takin g an ure th at John W. Maxcy, a· former unfair and most unpatriotic advanstudent of Peru , is at the he ad ef t age of a pub li c s pirit that was physical trainin g fo r men in th e paying litt le h eed to anything save Pot sdam Normal S chool, N. Y. the success of ou r arms and the
While a student at Pe ru he comfort of our boys Havinc a achieved deserved ac claim for his s urplus of t obacco they con ceived excellent work on the mound for the id ea of dispo s ing of it to the the Norma l ba se ba ll t ea m. At so ld ier, thu s not o nl y se lling th eir the outbr e ak of the war he e nt ered surplu s, but cr eati ng a market for the a viati on se rvi ce and became their ware s in the future. Go osean of no te. He a cted l quent to this deci sio n they fl ood ed as p1lot for th e late Loc klear and th e co untr y with tobacco propnot h er daring flyer s. La st year Mr. ganda, spending thousa nd s of doiMaxcy was awarded first place Jars fo r attractive adverti sements , in the Kansas state oratorica l con- st ori es in lea din g m agaz ine s, and tes t, and also in th e n ation al contes: s uch -misleading slogan s as: ·Fags for fighter s," " Cigarettes in every
Portrait and Commercia1··-We put the ••sn ap in snap -shots" We hove the film that fits your camera
The E. J. Newman Studio
Phone 56
preve nted hi s speed demon s tr a tion , ) which thr illed us in the Kea rn ey • game Then Sharrar and Pomeroy play ed a wonderful game-mighty few "m oans" got by th ese lads. The two tack les , H igg in s and C., Rosenqui st, were sma s hin g Doane's! line and des troying Doan e's moral e,
wh en "B ig Rosey " wa s hurt. THINGS TO EAT hi s s uccesso r, "Long" L ongfel lo w, , like the " village s mithi e," "a Students Headquarters migh ty man was he, with s trong
Our Ta sk. Co mfy - kit," etc. Mo thers who and si newy arm s," played a s tar John W. Ma-xcy would have aold their sou ls rath er
The h i:;tory of a nat ion is but the 11tory of an uncea s in g co nflict between the forces of good and e vi 1. Where th e re have been no nati onal ideals of Ju s tice .'a nd Pur ity th e hav e peri s hed. Thi s is God's "National Poi it is as unch angeab le as a re the s tars in their courses. We are a young nation an d have w rit ten into our national law more reform meas ures t.h1l n ha s any other. We have abo lis hed sla very, limited lega li zed vice, mad e &-amb l in g a crim e, and have taken {l gr eat step toward the total pr ohibiton of intoxicants. but we are not the incarnation of a ll that is goo d. , We ha ve problems co nf ront in g us sti ll tha t are worthy our subli m est ; effotrs. Am ong th ese none is more fa r-re aching than t hat of the use of tobaeco by
th an injure th e ir boys se nt them cigare tte s, thu s he lpin g to form a habit that has stunted their physical deve lopm ent , and stup efie d th e ir brains ; thi s be cause a s et of m en , for se lfi sh gain, chose to se lj the birthri g ht of American manh ood.
(To be continued.)
How Our Boys Fought Wi l ly, our f. f., fought li ke a Roman la st Friday. He g ave every ounce of he had " Ba ldy Wi lcox proved bimse lf a real ge nera l. Lik e Wi lly and R osey hi s 1eg was off; but he did wonders with the leg he had left Ed Rose nqu ist as he n ever fought befor e. Every minute of th e 11ame he put up a game fight. Troudt play ed his usu al strong game, laut Doane's interfere nce
Sophomore Notes. The soph omor es have bee n ha vin g so me re al li ve ly class chape ls. I won der how m any celebrated
SEi\RS AGENT City Laundry Phone 138 Armistice Day. That' s:w hat we 1--dirl on Nov em be r 11. Th e program was s tarted by t he whole cla ss s in g in g "America, th e Beautiful." Af ter thi s two splendid poems we re read by Lois G ri fllo. Re po rta were g-iven by Martha Cameron and Id a Heywood, a nd thu s the best program of th e ye ar came to a c lo se.
Shttmrock Bttrber Shop and Bath
M i !stea d Bas em ent F ull lin e of Toilets on h and Agent for Auburn La undry ... J. E. MURPH Y, Prop.
We Go to BARNES' Pharft1 acy FOR School Su ppHes Stntionery, fin e candies and Favorite Toilet Articles
New Courses fo r Second Quarter.
Stud e nts who are dropping work for any reason may en ter the follow ing classes Monday, November 22. and re ceive two hour credit in eac h cou r se if carried sat isfactorily thr u the qua rter
Elemen ta ry psychology, 1:40 daily. Laboratory Monday a nd Wedn esday.
the ga p. Geo. Showalter proved him se lf th e prizs d og ca tcher.
As the last eve nt of the eve nin g, a t eam from th e Sharrar Hous e chall e nged any other t ea m of the boy s present to a basket ball game.
Th P. score was nin e to five in fav or of the Sharrar house. At ·a late hour the boys d epa rted, full but happy.
Junior Class Notes, Say! Wasn't that a dand y pr ogram Thur sday at class chapel ?
Recent American history. A n ew Oh. that's right, a lot of you college course in American hi story weren't there. Well you miss ed will be offered at either 1:00 or seeing a real wild and wo o ly show 11 :00 if a 11ufficent numb er of j of the western plains. Rea l Injunst u de nts r egis ter for it. 1'n'ev e rythin g.
- Th en th e program by Mi ss CarGirls' Glee Club
Have,; ou ever play- 1 1 always be glad. Those who atten.d ed silly questiOns? By ao doing Y. W. know one way to be glad IS we learn ed who Helen Knapp likes 1 to break away from work one hour best, why Clarence Hawxby goes ! Wednesday evening of each week to th e Dorm so often, and many and come out to our meetings. other valuable things. We also had our fortunes told and played I Senior Class Chapel. g ames. After refreshments we I All seats are reserved for se niors departed, but not before g iviag at th e Orph e um Thursday, Novernfifteen ' rah s for M Gockley and her 19. Th e sp ecia l pictures are: Mi ss Withers, and the freshmen I 1. "Irene and the Milkmaid cl ass r I 2. When An gry Count a HunY. W. C. A. , dred," a Griffiths production. Le one Sparks was the leader of 3. A special number by MatheY. W. mee tin g last Wednesda y dame Thi st le Down , Premier Danevening From the exa mple of seuse. "Pollyanna' we learned how to Music by Mane orc hestra.
class, and we've got a lot of tnings to do thi s yea r. Rea l big things Let's pep up !!
In , spite of th e fact that the j ve r's. group the week before is Gi rls Glee Club IS so me what laLe certamly w ort hy of mention. It was a go od one. in organizing for their year's Co me on, juniors, and he lp out. w'l rk, the spirit and e nthu sias m A ha lf-hearte d attendance at class which the girls are displaying meetin gs m.a kes a half-hearted gives us reaso n to proph esy that there .viii be nothing s low about them hereatfer. Miss Hylton , th e n t- w director of the club, held tryouts last afte rnoon, and re ports that there is s ufficient tal-
At the Y. M. last Wednesday ent to pr om ise a fine year' s work eve ning a pleasant e vening was The club is to hav e all new music s pent and was very much enjoyed this year, and is only waiting f or by all. Edwarci Rose nqui st was the this to arr ive to hegi n actual work. le ad er. The topic, "How Large is Rehearsals will be held regularl y Your Neighborhood," was d isc us son Tuesd ay and Thursday of each ed Ly Willard Griffith, Richard week at ·7:15
Another op: Ove rholt ana·-Eawa ra portun ity for t ry- outs wi 11 be given 1 Th ey em pha sized the n ee d of helps I on Thur s day of this week fr om j to .Chris: iani ze the non-Christian I 4:3 0 to 6:00 p. m , for gi rls who natiOns. Th ese peo pl e may be supcnuld not arrange for it soo ne r. Iplied wi th an e du catio n an d reliMiss Hy lton will see th em in herl gion by Rend ing mi ss ionari es and st udio in the ch ape l at that time j mon ey to the non- Christian coun-- -- Itri eP.
Y. M. <;· A. Stag Feed Be s ure n ot mi ss me e tLaRt Saturday night so me forty 1ings as every na sa message to 1 boys met at the big g ym for a 1 brin g to you. soc ial time and a feed afte rw a rd s. I The fi r st amusem e nt was the pl ay- Freshman Notes. in g of in door The boys You s hould have attended fresh-
were divid ed into sides one and man class chapel la st Thursday. It tw o, N o. 1 w innil)g over No 2. ' was r ea ll y goo d, even if we do say After th e base ball came a carn e of Iso as s houldn't. Th e first number hothand , a warming up exercise, was a delightful reading by Hel en which was en joyed by all , especially IKnapp, entitled •A Mor ning's Farley. 1 Rid e." Thi s was fo llow ed by a
Vo ll ev ball was next played sho rt play , "At the Ph otograp hafter which we proceeded to fill er's,, presented by the following the gap Chief- bottle-washer, Red Icast Brown, announced that th e hot dog 'I Mr Mark Delz e ll wa s now ready for th e fillin g of Th e l' La ds Dorothy Parriott
Mrs. S1mpson - - Grace Riggs - ·1 Bridget Malone - Della Hand ley
We're not tell· I
ing you yet-· Just Wait!!!
l'. W. C. A.
Mrs. Willoughhy Mary Harajian
Aunt Harri e tt - Minnie Webber
Miss Sophia -Helen Jon es
Mi ss Flippet - Dorothy Pettit
Th e Interpret er - Vida Rh odus By the way , have you heard about the fre sh man party of Nove mber 5, in th e new gym? We were a small but mighty number chaperoned by Mise Gockley and
To the Faculty and Students
When you buy from us you can know thut you ure getting . the best. We guorantee it. If you should get any article here that has not the quality it sbould have, we wat1t an fmmediate opportunity to make it right.
Redfern & Ellenberge r
Small accounts are given and careful attention -at this bank. E. E. GUOD , President 0. M. GOOD Cas hi er
New Management J. W. McADAMS, V. Pre1ident ANNA FARLEY. Asst. Cashier.
Fresh fruita and vegetables in season WYMORE & DENSMORE Peru, Ne braska American Black Walnut
We manufacture this lumber for Manual Training wor k, selling direct to schools. Me.e.k bumbe.r
Tailor and Cleaner
Phon e 62
We Invite You
To call at our store for yo ur Hardward Nee ds, Also Electric lamps , and Flashlights
You will always find a welcome at Mackprang's Hardware
Peace 1918 and 1920.
(Continued Crom First "Punch'" in schools in west, he "of the carcass-strewn fieldR of says-Dr. Albert E. Winship, ed- khaki," of the shell furrowed iter the Journal of Education, trenches arJd the mud, on their in an acldress before a county persons, in their food, over their teachers' association in Masaschu - beds, in their eyes. in fact mud setts, said: e verywh e re, and now they have "Back hPre in the East, at the only memories of how they conexpense of f'ffiri'ncy: t.he sc hools tinued to smile and had the courworship polish; • nt West th ey put 1age to do it. November 11, 1920, in the punch. H J re in Ma ssa chu- 1the war iR over and setts there are r•Pop le who would rath er you woulrl in the s ubjunctive mood th an pray in mixed metaphors.' •
''The worn 0. D.'s in a closet no w And the tin hats deck the wall; It' s back we are at the desk and plow
"The Americ an Sc::hool, an educa- We left at a bugle call. tiona! journal published in Milwau- It's back we are to th e hearths of kee, contained in a recent II home review of the on ''Teachers' And the dreams they hold we Salaries in Colnrarlo," made by know Prof. Chas. E Greene , superinten- As the slow l:!moke drifts and old de nt of the Pern t raining sc hool. The reviewer not<' s that thi s re port will be of th e use to teachers in other stat e"
memories come Of a day two years ago."
Mt. Vernon Hall
Who's who in the dorm?
Shoes and Shoe Repairing
Shoe polishes and laces
Prompt Repair Se rvice
Basement Fisher's Drug Store First-class Workmen. Your Patr on· age So licited.
The Chatelain Jewelry Store
Watches, Clocks, Fountain f>ens, Stationer>y School Supples, I\\ AIL ORDERS PROMPTLY Fl LLEO
OUR MOTTO;-"The b est goods for the least money " We r epai r pens, watches, j ewel ry and spectac les. Bifocal L enses GIVE US A CALL-J. C. CHATELAIN, Peru, Nebr.
Who says th e third floor girls
The se nior girl s @f the normal sc>hool at Cortl11 nrl. N. Y., thru aren't full of pep? Anyone who their class pre s irl e r.t, have written wasn't there should ask the w ise a Jetter to th e sen ior high sehools o ld moon who peeped into the third of the state, url!i nt.r them ·to con- floor hall w ind ows after 10: 30 sider serious ly th e country's great Flriday night. He would have t ol d need before d ecirling on their n ext atep after graduatilln. The letter calls attention no t only to the ne cess ity for the right kind of teachers, but to the advantages of
you he saw something- never witnessed in the Dorm before. Great ma ss es of taffy (real black walnuts in it) were being pulled to snowy whiteness by thirty-six hun gry entering the te aching profession. girls. Ten - thirty, li ghts o ut, every
e ven at presenl, and to the more one fell in (meaning on) th e ir mat· attractive outloGk for the future t resses which were placed side by and urges the high sc hool g irl s to: side in the hall. Then to the "Prepare to become teachPrs. Go strai n3 of ukelele music, good old to so me norm al schoo l. Be teach- fa s hi oned m elo dies were s un g- iners!''
t er rupted at interval s by the lo ud
The current number of the Ne- chawing of taffy and munching of braska Tea cher has a co nvincing apples. article by PresidPnt E. L. Rouse A-- the ka," in which he urges principals and city s uperintende nts to begin a special eampaigcl to enlist hi gh l!chool graduates f or normal school training.
Often the contention is ma9e that Normal Sc hoel stude nts do moon.
Wante d, A young lady student to work f or her board. Work to begin ri g ht aft er the No vember vaca tiOn If please leave your name at the office of dean of wom en. n ot co n ti nue their education be - Calendar. yond the two coune. It is Regular Events. wor th while in connection with, Weekly. thi s to note th at la st year there Monday ---Orches rr a, 8 :1 5 p. m. were graduated from the Univer - Tuesday -D ebati ng Society, 7:30 sity of Nebraska the fo ll owing Orche st ra, 7: 30 p. m.
Peru grad ua tes: Girls' Club meeting first Bachelor of Arts, A. A. Dorsey , Tuesd ay of eac h month.
Myron J. Garey, Littith Wagg ener, We dn es day--·¥. W. C. A 7:30
Ra lph Walker, Edward L. Vogel- p. m.
tanz. Y. M. C. A, 7:30 p. m.
Bachelor of Scien ce in agricul - Orchestra, 8 :15 p. m. t u re, Sanfor d Clements. Thursday--- Ban d. 7:3 0 p. m.
Do ct or of dental s urge ry , Orville Sunday---N C. A., 10 a. m. A. Ralston. Bi-Monthly
Sta11d out among Perfumes as do the Diamond, Rub}' and Opttl among Gems
See u fur Sta tinnery,
Bachelor of law s, William Henry Girls' Club mee ting, first TuesLine. dav in eac h month. Teachers' college Diploma , Tillie Gir ls' Club Co unci l meeti ng, I. Hadley Alternate Mondays, Ma ster of Arts, Lila Sands. October 4, 9-10 p. m. y. of the bhilding, snves you the lohg walk down town.
Will Meet the Peruvians at Three O'clock Sha rp.
The final ga me of th e se ason is to be pl ayed on the ho me field Cotner ha s a str ong team, which h as pla ye d co nsi stent ball thruout the seaso n. The faCt that the J " Bull Dogs" hav e won onl.y on e gam e is no rea son for the public to thi nk th ey are weak. In the Doan e ga me the Cot nerites practically out pla ye d their opp one nt s, but Doa ne had her us ual good luck and got awa y with a fluke for a to uchdown Om a ha 's li ne, with her 100 per cent record, beat Cotner by onl y one point. Wes leyan beat Cotn er by only one po int more than th e ·'Backs liders" w on from Peru Cotner bea t Kearn ey 47 to 0, after Kearn ey had a good re st and more co ac hin g than when th e Kearneytes pl ayed Pe ru.
A hard battle, full of thrills, is e xp e cted . Pe ru is pi c ked to win by a clo se marg in by the s tate ' dop_es ter s" but the Norml}.Jite ha s a hun ch tha t so und s li ke'' 21 0 in f avo r of Pe ru
Cotner a! way s p[ a ys hard but cl ea n.
No t es fr om Co tnf!r Coll e gian:
Th e fo ot ball will go to Peru Thaanksgiving day for the ast game of th e season No _R'ame will b e: pla yed thi s week The g-am e with Peru promises to be a go od e xhibiti on of the gridiron sport Pe ru hil s a god team and has been playing a g ood brand 6f ball Thi s will he her last game thi s ye ar a nd no doubt she will be pr im ed fnr the Bulld ogs when their territor y is invad ed by them.
Washington, Nove mber 12 -Presid e nt Wil so n is sued hi s Thank gis ivng pro c lamation tonight sayin g that "in plenty, se curity and peace, our virtuous and self-reliant pe o pl e fa ce the future" and s et asid e Thursday, November 25 , for th e usual observances. The t ex t fo ll ows:
'' The s eas on approaches when it behoovee us to turn from th e dil'ltr a ction s and preoccupation s of our daily life , that we may contemplate the mercies which have be en vouch sa fed to us and give heartfelt thank ,s to God for his ma nifold goodnei'ls:
"This is an old o bservance of the American people, de e ply imb edd ed in our thoughts anrl habit s. The burdens and the s tr esses of life have th e ir own in si stenc e.' ·
"We tav e a bundant cause for th a nk s givin g. Th e wound s of the war ar e rapidl y healin g. The gre at army of fr ee men. whi ch Ameri ca se nt to th e defen se of libe rty , re turning to th e grateful embrace of the nation. has ' r es um ed the useful purs uits of peac e .. as s imply a nd as ' · promptl y ru :l hed to arm s in obedience to the co untry' s call. Th e equal jus tice of o ur law• has re ceived· s teady vindicati on in the support of a law-abiding p eo ple a ga in st vari ous and sini ster attacks which hav e refl e cted only the h as e3t ag itations of war, now happily pa ssing.
"In ·· pl e nty, security and peace, our virtuous and self-reliant lJeople face the future, its duties and its o pp ortuniti e s. May we have vision to di sce rn our duti es , th e stren g th both of hand and res olve, to di sc harge th em; a nd th e so undn ess of heart to realize that the trut! st op po rtuniti es are th ose of s ervice.
"In a spirit , th e n, of de vo:.ion and steward s hip we shoul d g iv e th a nk3 inr·our hea rts and de rli cate oursel ves to the servic e of God 's and lovin g purpo ses to hi s c hildr en.
"Whe refore, I. Woodrow Wilson, Pres id e nt of the United Stat es of Am e rica, do her e by de sig nate Thursda y, the twenty-fifth rlay of No vemb er ne xt, as a day of thank sgiving and prayer , and I call upon my countrymen to cease from ordinary ta s ks and avocation s upon that day, giving it up to the remembrance of God and hi s bl ess ing s and the ir dutiful and grateful acknowled gement."
When the He art Goes Home
1:ake Game Wayne After a Hard Fight
The foo t ball boy s had a fine trip and everything w as quite s ucc essful for the Peruvi a ns. The dry was ide al for football and th e large j crowd saw the two teams battle to a fini s h. Wayn e, tho outplayed at least three quarteu of the game, fought stubbornly. a nd made the Peru boys earn all th ey g ot Wayne won t he toss and Willy kicked to Wa yne wh o returned a few yards . Way ne u se d on s ide I punting mos t of th e time and
IIGate(y to ok no c han ces, playin g sa fe on all kicks a nd mad e so me Inice return s, ke e ping th e ball we ll to the midtfl e of th e fi e ld to s tart th e scrimmage. Pe ru fumbled in mid-field. Br a ck e was injured, Wilc ox re placing · him at cente r. Wayne put up a fi e rce fight to score, ge ttw g to Peru' s 15 yard line. but th e Pe ru boys vowed they 1 should not cro ss , and he ld for down s. Wi ll y punted out of dan ge r, and Wa yn e wa s ne ver a ga in ins ide our 20 ya rd zone. Bo th team s were holdin g for down s, and a p unting duel ensued for t he remain dei" of the qu a rter.
At the b eginnin g of the seco nd quarter fo ur fumbl es cam e on about the sam e number of play s, the hall chan g ing ha ncls each time. Peru fin a ll y th,e ball on Wa yn e' s 35 yard lin e. Peru made it to II Wayn e's 20 ya rd lin e on short end run s by Wil so n. Gat ely then shot
When the faces long vanished Th·e CotnPrites w ill have a week 's r es t before th e fina l tu ss el Those Wh en the days draw near Thank s-
Come to us with loving s mile, As we 'r e mu s in g by th e fire s ide wh o have heen on th e hos pital list giving Drea ming of them all th e while. will have re co vered and will be Wh en the ·· leav es are sear and Wh en the days dr aw n ea r Th a nks-
, a pass over th e goal lin e, just 0ut of reach of Sharrar. Aga in Pe ru brou g ht the -b a ll up to Wa yn e's 25 yard lin e on short e nd run s by Wil s on , Land o lt and Willy. At thi s po int of the g am e La nrlolt made a drive off ta c kl e, makin g a cl ever c ut back, after Wil ly, Gat e ly and Wilson had tak en him thru the r eadv for the fra y. Spirits are W dead ; . . f I giving, hi g-h s in '!e the walkaway at Kear- hen the mornin g alr IS , In' what ever land we -roam, ney la st wee k. Anhd skie3 ar e cl e ar o er j Something ca ll s us to the o ld two or three driving tackle s, ra e A rmi s tice day not only served to ea ; I fri e nds- j i·ng madly for the goal line and pe rpet uate the Alli ee vi dory over There's a lon g mg .for the old j And it' A then the heart goes home· considerable pum s hment Ger man y, but it gne birth to the place, from a coupl e of huskies as he took ove rwhe lm ing defeat oi Ke arney. And the heart goe s home once , Lives of football boy s remind us : . running dive to th e corner of The Norm a lit es s urrender ed 4 7 mor e · , That they fought their g ames ini the field · for th e only score of the poi n ts to t he Bulld ogs,·without a. Wher e the old time kindly g ree t- , '· j game. Gately · kicked goal. The whimpe r, and we re unable , 0 cross ing s And: left behind them 1 teams see- sawed back and forth in the Cotner goa l line Waited by the open doo r. ' i·· -Half theii::.fa$!eS in the mu d. l ..... ,· (Co ntinu ed on L as t P age. ) fi rst line of defen s e. He evaded
Ent ered at t he P osto ffi ce at Peru, Nebras ka as sec o nd-class ma tter.
Publlsbed Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal
$1.00 per yea r. Sing le copy 5 ct s.
us aware of the greatness of life and its immortal significance
For the aweetness and happiness of love, the o! duty , thf' joy of self-denial and service. lt'or the privilea-e of forgetting our se lvea in devotion and loyalty to o thers.
If you do not receiv e your No rmalite. For a ' divine love which seeks ea ve no ti ce in th e No rmalite box in the, not our comfort, but our growth; Admini stration buildi ng. and spares us no trial if only it
No a rticles acce pt ed after 8 o' cl oc k Ican brin g out the bf'st in us
Mond ay mo rnin g. For the joy of loving God and
Ad a Hu ff, Editor-in -C hief
Robert Quick Asso ciate Edi to r Ho pe Le wis Edi to r
Jessie X:elley Assist an t Edit or Res Nile s Bu sin ess M,!! 'r
the pea ce of tru st in Him.
For the co mpani ons hip of One who has lived thru all our experien ces a nd shown us how to be ii berated and e nri c hed by them.
For faith in immortality and the Do nald Bl a nkens hip Mg'r. Ma iling Dept .,• (llory of the heavenly vision.
kE I' O ilTHR S:
Ma bel Dressler : Se ni or Y. W. C. f>
Wm Juni or The meeting of Y. W. C. A.
Lois Griffin So phom ore Wednesday evening wa s an excep-
Dorot hy Petitt.. Fres hmen tionally inte re s ting one Miss
Re x Hiles Y. M. C A. Es th er Roe led the me e ting, the Pearl e Belle Y. \V ('. A. , F II
To be sel ec t ed N. c. A. topi c be ing, "The Wo rld s e owEs ther Delzell... Gio is Club s hip;" Our pr es ident talked about Marg ucrit eBrid ges Dram a tic Clu b the plan s for prayer me e tings to , be he ld the week. Miss THANKSGIVING Shi ve ly g av e a most deli ght ful talk
Let us be th a nkful: on th e ne ed s of the South · 'Ameri-
For the education we call life can Woman for the Y. W. C. A." which only enables us to gain Shively , knowing three of house s and lands a_nd possess ions of the se ve nteen Y. W. workers, made many kinds ; in ways and by it see m so much nearer to us. Miss me thod s plann ed beyond our wi s-Dewey gave a ta lk on ''The Work dom, if we acce pt it, ·leads us step of Chri s ti'ani ty in - th e Mo slem by step to , purity, freedom and Countrie s and the Difficulties to power. Be Ov er co me Th e re ." Miss Fuller
For the s courging s and buffetings and Mi ss Frostr um fnored us with that •mite and s ting when we s trive a du e t. The me e ting was closed to turq _ a training for s piritual with a f ew mom ents of silent e ftlciency into a mere skill in mak- 1pray er and our wa tchw o rd ing o urse lv es to be comfortable. Th eY. W. girl s of the dormitory
and Commercial---We
The E. J. Newman Studio
Phone 56
Howard Brun sdon a nd Dean Pomeroy s poke on differ e ut Jines of the Y. M. work and how it e ff e cted us Roland Carr wa s ele cted from I the High Y. to go to Fairbur y in th e vacati on for th e Y. M. C. A. co nvention th at will be held th er e. I
Th e re is a Y. M. cla ss in eve ry Sunday School. Make it a point Students' Headquarter s to be in on e of th ese class es next S undav morn i ng.
Mi ss' Ke ith, th e le ader, to ld us how
For call s to work and danger he ld th e ir fir st prayer meeting that cons tantly awaken s us out of Tu es day So many girl s at•l e ep and s ummon us to those te nd ed that it was decid ed to meet perilous and a rdu o us tasks which in three on Thursday night. make us men.
For the defeat of ambition and Y. W. wo rl< is influencing the plans which, if re ali zed, }Vould social life of th e So uth American wreck th e po ssibiliti es of women. Th e S criptur e readiag, our na tur e. Rom ans 14 : 1- , was fo llowed by
For the pleasur e of work and pr ayers for the furth e ran ce of Y. respon s ibility wh ich hold s us to o ur W. C. A. work in tho se co untri es places and ste adi es u• und er the where wom en ar e hindr ed socially allure ments of ea,; e a l)d luxury and educati ona ll y by o ld traditi o n-
For tbe pa in th at fo llows untruth al customs. and impurity, for the t hund e rb olts that st r ike us wh en we br eak th e law, for the bitter puni s hm ents that and arrest us wh en we stray into th e path s of di shonor.
· For the trials whieh deep en our affections and e nl arge our sympathies
For the senae of manifold sorrow of humanity "hich bre eds in us infinit e co mpassion •nd gives us the power of sympa thy.
For those de e per experi e nces whiah, in heurs of anguish make
On Thursday eve nin g three pra yer m eet in gs were he ld, one for each fl oor of th e dormito ry All these were very we ll a tte nd ed. China and Japan were di scussed a nd prayers were offe red for a ll Y. W. work in fo re ign fi e ld•
Y. M.C A.
Y. M. C. A. open ed it s r eg ular me etin g We dne11day night with Sterling Sear s as leader The subje ct wa s, Y. M. C. A. Work in Co untry and Nation. Milton Meyers, Roland Carr, Alva Fieher,
Th e wee k of pr aye r from No v-! ember 14 to Nov e mb er 21 was very 1 we ll obs erv ed by th e boy s of the I Y. M. C. A. Gro up m ee ting s we re , he ld in di ffe rent homes wh ere th e Nebraska (.: ity Lau ndry boys had come t ogeth er. Ma ny : , Phone 138 hea rt to hea rt ta lk s were mad e hy i th e boys who a tt ende d t he m ee t-;----in gs. Thu rsday eve nin g a jo in t I m ee tin g was he ld in th e libra ry Rev. E. D. Hage ma·n ga ve a ve ry ! inter est in g t alk on the s ubj ec t of j pr aye r. Af ter t hi s t alk th e m eet- ! in g was cl ose d with prayers by th e j boys and Mr. Ha ge man . Wo rds , a nd th o ught s brought fo rth in th ese J m ee tin gs will be long reme mb ere d. ' We Go to
A le tter fr om 0. W. Osn es, of I FOR the c lass of '16, te ll s of hi s ex pe ri - Sc hool Supplies ence in Geo rge Was h in t go n U ni- Statio ner y, fine cand i es vers ity , Was hin g ton, D. C. He is tr y in g o ut h• th e deba tin g co ntest with go od indi ca ti ons of gettin g a scalp. and Favorite Toilet Articles _
Crystal Theatre
Shirley Mason in "Her El e phant Man ." Children don't miRs this Thursday, Nov. 25, Eddie Polo, in the third episode, ''The Vanishing Dagger," comedy and a 2-reel western, Hoot Gibson in "Fightin' Terr or.''
1 Charles Ray, io '"The Girl Dod ge r"
1 MONDAY. Nov. 29
I Shorty Hamilton in "When ! Arizona Won."
1 1sham..-ock Barber Shop . and Bath
Girls' Club T ea. auto races beat them all. Why J (passus sum iam). '' The bon; I
The people of the educationnl de- Barney Oldfield would be green 1 legs of, Caesa r," (boni · leges 1 • partment were ll"Uests at the tea with envy had he seen them. The Caesaris).
Mi Is tead Basement
Full line of Toilets on hand
Agent for Auburn Laundry J. E. MURPHY, Prop. on November 18. We were g1ad Dodge really won the whole tourfor once that we were teaching nam e nt but the officials were a th ose young hopefuls, weren't we? littiP. partial to the Chalmers, we Th ere was surely a "before and bel ieve. Many other enjoyable afte r" ex pression on the faces of 1 games were played, all of which th e guests . A worried, tired, and s howed the efficiency of the enterblue atmosphere o'er hung the 1 ta inment committee approaching ones. But the happy, j The refreshment committ ee did 1 easy, shou ld we say satisfied, their bit by furnishing apple and I throng wandering out, made cer1 de-e·licious doughnuts tain seniors wish, in order to be j but not lea st we believe we educationa l that they might take hav e the best spo nsor of all. Fif1 • psychol ogy once again. : teen rahs fur Mi ss Palmer!
The club is ind ebted to Misses
Hop e Le wis, Essie Breckenridge, S T p e!liors Have heatre arty, Margaret Power and Mildred F . h h . f h" A breathless silence hoverea IS er as c an men o t IS success- ; ful t \ about t he audtence whtle the stage
A Ilea. h d t· 1 f lk h was being set at the "Orpheum" t e e uca tona o s ope th 11 b · 1 d d . h 1 la st Thursday. All the seats and ey WI e 1nc u e tn so mP. ot er I tea, thru some other class, for the "boxes" were occupied long beweek in which one attends a Girls' fore the hour for th e performance Club tea seems to be a little pleas- Iand standing room in the gallery anter, easier, and has less of the 1 was crowded.
To the Faculty and Students
When you buy from us you can know that . you are the best. We guarontee it. If you sltould get ony article here that has not the it sbou1d have, we want an immediate opportun-ity to moke it right.
& Ellenberger
One Citizens State
.9lank tune of the "grindstone ,. 1·When dainty Irene (Mildred I
Small accounts are given considerate and careful attention at this bank. Fi s her) tripped lightly out, sing· Junior Party. ing, and the Milkmaid Cho rus
Where were the juniors when the danced onto the stage with rhymlights went out? Sur:h a merry Ithic tread, the s pe ctato rs were &cramble for coats and caps! literall y agape. After the chorus
E. E. GOOD, President 0. M. GOOD. Cashier
If you don't believe this class has gave their encore . a "Griffiths" any you shou ld have _bee n a i production was presented to us. mouse Jn a corner of the b1g gym Hope Lewis was sta rred in this New Managemen t and you would ha ve been convinc- 1unusu ally clever numb er I p h d S k d M t .... . . ' · I "'res an mo e ea s eiJ. Of all th e exc1tmg game3 the I The last to send Uli happily home
J. W. McADAMS, V. Preaident. ANNA FARLEY, Mst. Cash ier Students
ressi n,g
·- to di sc uss this goodly constellation Fresh fru1ts and vegeta bles It's coming! l of s tars , was Madame Thistle in season ' IJNO.
Down Who h&sn't heard of this · • What? \ graceful dancer"! As "she" whirl- WYMORE & DENSMORE Tailor and Cleaner ...,. ...,. ...,. ed and glided before us, we were Peru, Nebraska. 'r 'r 'r 1 Phone 62 • • • 1dazzled by the maze of color and Where? drapery. Esther De lzell was manager of Training Bld'g the th eat re, and 'many said it was When 1 one of the best productions of the sea so n. Watch for date
Then PreparePrize for best family group (not more than 7). Y.W.C.A.
Intelligent student, picking up a Caesar- :-Oh my, Latin is easy r I wish I had taken it ; lo ok here -"Forty ducks in a r ow ," (forte dux in aro.) · "Pass us some jam,"
American Black Walnut
We manufacture this lumber for Manual Training work, selling direct to schools. Meek
We Invite You To call at our store for yf!ur Hardward Needs, Also Electric lamps, and Flashlights
You will always find a welcome at M·ackpraog's Hardware
.. Peruvians Win a Royal Battle
(Continued trom First mid-field, the half ending Peru's ball on Wayne's 40 yard ' line. Score, Peru 7, Wayne 0.
Second half, Peru reeeived the kick and came down the field with ·a mad rush to Wayne's 10 yard line, only to be held An off-side play put the boys back five yards and Higgin s dropRed back for a pas• to Sharrar, but again the pass went over his head behind the
We were surely up and doing, With a heart for any fate; When the last bell rani' for breakfast Some of us were rather late.
The Webster Debating Club
The WebstE:r Debating Club held another live meeting last Tue sday evening The routine business was tranl!acted, and alllo some special business, including the formal installation of officers and appointgoal line. Wayne came back strong ment of two committees after intercepting a pass in mid- The debate of the evening was field, made a desperate drive with particularly spirited and showed five yards at a down , but were set the result of three week's preparaback 15 yards for pushing the man tion on the part of the debaters. with the ball, and were forced to The subject discus sed was the exkick Play wa s about. even until elusion of the Japanese, Messrs .. the middle of the fourth quarter, Farl ey and Heywood taking the when Ed Rosenqui st went around affirmative, and Messrs. Overholt the end on a cri ss-cross from Peru's and Reeves the 40 yard line to 15 yard This Tuesday evening _ the quesline. Wayne for downs, and ti'on, Resolved , That a student some puntin g- follow e d. Wayne, eouncil $ho uld be es tablishe'd in · takiag every 'chance to score, Peru Normal, will be affirmed by opened up with short and long Karl Schafer and Mildred Fisher , passes and brought the ball to and denied by Roe and MaPeru's 35 yard line. Here Higgins bel Dressler : r, nipped one of their pas·ses and returned to 1Jli9-field. The Peru boys started for another score but time was up , Peru's ball on Wayne's 35 yard line. Final score, Peru 7, Wayne 0. The Peru team was certainly treated ro,Y.illy by th e Way ne stu• :; dent body Friday night the teams
with .the stud ent body gathered around a huge bon-fire, wherE: several speech es were made. Later ,, .,,. ,_ an a lL s chool mixer wa s enjoyed by
the Peru boys. Light refreshments served.
The game was a. hard fought, clean game. Our boys pay a high tribute to Wayne'• fighting team, an ii' especially to its full back who occasionally accepted an invitation to go thru the line.
Mt. Vernon Hall. Tell not in mournful numbers Friday ni g ht wa s but a dream : For the girl was dead who slumbered
And beds were not what they seemed.
All enjoyment and no :-sorrow Was our destined enrl and way For the first floor had a party That was over:-Saturday. .
Shoes and Shoe Repairing
Shoe polishes and laces
Prompt Repair Service
The Chatelain
Base ment Fi s her 's Drug Sto re First-class Workm e n. Your Patronage So li c ited.
Girls' Club Party.
Because the boys of the school are really ineligible to the club , the girls have sympathy for them and are invitinl' them to a party on · Saturday, November 27 This will be he ld in the J:tigh school assembly ro om. With Thanksgivin,; comes annually this party, the Saturday after, and we hope since the boy s wi I I be there to hearten each other, that they 'will not feel timid in attending a Girls' Club party
"Littl e boy, can I go thru this gate '! " · '1 guess so; a load of hay went thru it this morning."
A young lady student to work for her board. Work to begin right after the No vember vacatiOn, lf interestPd, please leave your name at the office of dean of women.
Calendar. Regular Events.
Weekly. Monday---Orchesrra, 8:15 p. m. Tu e sday---Debating Society, 7:30. Orchestra. 7 :ao p. m. Girls' Club meeting fir st Tuesday of each month
Loads o.f candy, bright red apples, Helped to make our lives subwednesday---Y w. c. A .• 7:3o Groceries,
lime; , But the real hit of the evening ·· -We lean't tell about in rhyme. Night was long, but time was fleeting, · · ·So at last we -went to bed Each <;me getting,in the Little kicks upon the' head
Y. M. C. A, 7:30 p. m. Orch estra, 8:15 p. m. Thursday--- Band, 7:30 p. m. Sunday---N. C. A., lOa. m. Bi-Monthly , Girls' Club meeting, first Tuesday in each montn. · G iris' Club Council meeting Alternate Mondaya, October 4, 9- 10 p. m. South of the buildin g, s nves y ou t he long walk down town.
th e date on o ur tag, there to re-1s hall ed by two s to th e .cafe t er ia in main till th e go ng so und ed, then th e d omest ic sci en ce depa rtm ent , stop at once an d go to t he ·next where a m ost delic io m; dinner wa s ro om; a tripple g ong would call s erved to the accompan im ent of us back to the assemb ly room la ughter, funny s tories , j okes, and Wh oo p-e e! Away we w en t, pel!- .a serie s of original so ngs, dealing me l!. for gett in g d er.o rum an d all. w it h th e personnel of the faculty Say, boy, we had some fun! Un in a s pi rit of kindly fun. Th e fo rtun ate ly the ''office cat'' wi ll au t hor of these so ng s is u nknown, not p er mit detai l.> Acco rdin g to j but a successful l iterary caref'r direct ions we went fr om the April may safely be pr e dicted f or himfool room to the F ou r th of J uly. or he r. thence to the Th anks!fi,ving and When the "inn P. r ma n" had b een finally to the C hri s tm as r oom , eac h 1 go r gE>d to r epl e ti on on the deJectaof wh ich was arti s tically and ap -1ble "eate " pr epared under our pr opriat ely c!ecor ated. Soon the 1 Mrs. Jean's s ki l lf ul management, ph o tograph er appear et!, mu ch be- th e gr oup of e duca to rs settl ed
wildere rl , ho we ve r, by t he din of do wn to a fea st"of re ason in the Captain Gatel y, all s tar quar te rmerr im f'nt and jollity flowi ng from form of a talk on "Th e Prob lem !' back who wag to see th e las t th e r eception rooms; b ut t hi s· of Im mig r ation " by Dr. W illi am s. g-a me du e to injuri es r ece ived at au gust g f' ntl ema n soo n comp osed ! one of t he ab le st s oci olo gi s ts of Wesleya n. him self and flitted fr om gr oup to th e middle w es t, and a m os t -g ro up a picture of eac h th at speak e r. Her br o ad sa ne, orig-ina l PERU WINS FROM COTNER
Miss Dunn, Direc tor of Pageant. we mi ght s ec u re a souv e nir from treatm e nt of the subj ect. an d h er
BOYS ROYALLY ENTERTAINED ( L'O n ti n ucd nn Secu nd , Pagc. ) and qu iet, kind ly, hum or. won Victory Lc1st Thursday Puts Peru Above the 600 Rating.
- · - - thi s most de lig-htful e ve n ing !· se rene poi se , e arnest si ncer it y, thP undividerl attenti on of all. Her
Girls' Club Hold s Most Successful Th F 1 D' Cl b Th B lid t t a nd e acu ty toner u • s tate ment , afterward s, that sh e e u ogs cam e o o wn PartySaturdayNight A mo re gen ial gr oup of peda - had never taJI;trl to ba rked .and ba rk ed h ut fai le rl to tha n that. which met in th e an au rl ie nce of li sten er :;, is exp la in- l!e t a stran gle ho ld on Sp ee r's PPP
All ton-et hPr, fift ee a " rah s" fo r · Th 1 kl d every pa rt ""' tr a inin g bu i ld in g laRt Friday ni g-ht ed by th e fact th!lt all fe lt that mac hm e. ey ac e th e Girl s' Cl uh! on the oc<'a s ion of it ll fir st dinn e r. t hey we re liste ning to an unusua l of th e mach in e from th e
Saturday e ve nino- t hP y oung mP n t t th e xhau st pip e " wa s n ev er se en in old Pe ru. The ! tr eatment of a mPSt ins p 1nng appara o e · O f th"' Nor mal dirPcted th e ir steps · 0 1 · · d ·e tr1' ed " memberR of the f acu l tv , w irh their : th e me. It is the wish of all that nee a g reat 11g- n1 ce ogg1 li o-htl y and in hi n-h exo e cta ti on , t t · t · th fr o nt sa"t but " "' gues ts, Co l. M ajo rs and Dr. Wil -, we may have other o pp o rtuniti eg o g- e m o e "" · t owarrl th e tr a ininrr building-, for p h' h' tl which F. Iiams of the State a ll of rnee ting and he a ring t hi s g if t ed apa 1t 1m on 1e nose there, aR per I th h'ne 1'nto th e re ve r se clotht!d in s hin in g- r aim !-" nt and : woman. rew o ur m ac 1 Mi ss Elli• and th e Gi rl s' Club, in • f f d t B 1 lv know " arm ed wit h rh e ir kee nest wi t and 1 Th is di nn er is the fi rst of a or a ew yar s; ve a c · " nu mbe rs su rpass1n 0' rh '! tr ad 1t 10 nal . h f . 1 f t chanrr e <Tear " sn no ha rm "' huhbllng humor, met m t e! :>eri es, a nd 1f 1t IS a a1 r s amp eo now o "' · ,., · • and h Pr 1 k ind ergarten room at 5 :4 5 for th e Iwh at may · be ex pec ted in t he fu - wa s done. No wo nder the who liv ed 1n a sh'le , v. ere at 1• k' ·h Aft er al h p fac lty may non fou<Y ht so wel l for th ey were m , " i pre 1m1nary s t LJ re, t e eru u '· ·, ""' to their masculine co- · shor t pe ri od devot ed to the fin e art j grat ul at.e on the orga nization thPir own te rn to ry .pr actica lly a ll eds. I of co nversa ti on th ey were mar -l of the new club th e tim E'. NPver cll d th f' y make Th e f,l;ue sts up nn arriva l wer e ' their do wn s thru th e line nor ush ered into th e 'shoe'' audit.o ri- 1 I ar ound th e en os. N o. no; th ey urn wh ere each boy a nrl each ju st couldn 't do it If th P. re was was tag g-e d wit h a date by a com - I a hole in th e line Will y ju st !:' Wel lt> d mi ttee of th e g irl s. Wh il e th e up and fill f' d it so n ot even a I itt le bo ys and girls were ar riv ing , s in g- do gg ie co ulri l! l:! t th ru . Did y ou ly , by twos , and by groups, the that . h oy A s1ar of th e a nd of the first ma l! nii.u de And th en ea rl y a rr i va ls wa" eas ed !'Omew hat Captain H igg- in s just litt>rall y harl bv th a !n ft st ra in s fr om three or four dosrr ies in the a ir th P pian o But th e of th e m ost of the t. im e. He was a r f'g-uun ini tiated grew a pace as we s at · • l a'.r ol rl juggler hand lin g b ullrlo g-s tr y in g to ap pear ndtu r al a nd h op - Ar o unrl th e e nd s? Well I guess in g th e last "slow pokes" wo uld / nqt for the tw o o ld mPn, pla ys oon come. in1g th e ir las t gam e b efo re th ey go
At last th e a ir of ex pe ctat ion so me hi gh schoo l Sp eerw as br oke n! One of our host es s es mint nt>xt fall. fo ug ht appe ar l! d wi th gP ntlt> rl ig r, i ty upon Olii' Fllank Sna rrar, vou hav e th P. ro st ru m and an no un ced the ,____ 1 • f o:U gh t a g oo d fi gh t and o ur pr aye r ord er of evPnt s for the ne xt h ll ur .: FRANK SHARRAR
ED. ROSE NQ Ui ST L• l t ha t. we may hav e loy al a nd We were asked to go to t he r oo m T of our tea rn wh o play e r! the r last game on Pe ru 's g rid ir on last ,l·l-int inll•·d nn l"c, ,J th ' wo I D bea rin g th e date to Th a nksg tvin g ay.
Boys Royally Entertained. (Co n tinued from First
Entered at the P ostoflice at Peru, Nebraska as seco nd -cl ass ma tter. All too soon the tripple . go ng soun ded Once again in the aasemPubll sbed Weekly by the Peru State Norma l bly room, all were asked to se c ure
$l. on per yea r. Single copy 5 ct s. partners and proceed to the base-
ment for refreshments . T his tim e we mustered co naid erable dignity, tho we fe lt like going down s ix s teps at a time. No, we haCI o ur
pa rtn ers now, you see.
IIf you do not receive your No rmalite. eave notice in the No rm a lite box in th e Administratio n buildin g.
But boy, our mouth waten yet at the thought! Each one was daintily serve d with generous portions of ice cream and de li cious cake whic h we happily carried to the dain tily decorated ''gym,'' and there leis-
No articles acce pted after 8 o'clock urely con su med our toothsome Monday mo rnin g. "help i ng."
THE l!ll iTo tliAL STAFF.,' Having asse mbl ed for a thir d
Ada Hu ff,.: time in the audito rium, Mis s
Ro bert QUJ ck As soctate Ed1t or announced that we boys m1 g ht
Hope Lewi s .Assi s tant Edi to r have a second "helping" if we jessie l(eJi cy Ass istunt Edit or would go down again. Every boy
Res Nil es Bu sin ess Mg' r.
Donald Blanke nsh ip Mg'r Mai ling Dept. prese nt wi1h ed so me one wo uld
Mabel Se ni or Wm. Sw a rt zweldc r junior Loi s Gri ffi n So ph omo re Do rothy Petitt.. Fres hm en
Rex Nil es Y. M. C A.
Pearl e B.:lle Y. W. 1'. A.
T.o be st'lccted N. C. A.
Esth er De lz ell... Gi, i9 Club
Marg uerit eBrid ges Dram a tic Club
Regular Events
We ekly
Monday---Orch es tra, 8:15 p. m.
Tuesday---D eba ting S ociety, 7:30 Orchestra, 7 :SO p. m. Girls' Club meeting fir st Tuesda y of each month.
Wednesday---¥. W. C. A 7:30 p.m.
Y. M. C. A, 7:30 p. m. Orches tra, 8:15 p. m.
Thursday: Band, 7: 30 p. m.
Sunday---N C. A., 10 a. m.
lead the way but fe lt too polit e to s.tart. Now the g irls cro wded around their yell leader , who led them in lu s ty yell s for the Girl s' Clu b, the clu b president, Mis s Ellis, and the boys. To show their appreciat i on the boys opened th e ir vocal ch ords in hearty and vociferous yells for Miss Elli s and th e gi rl s. To the •trains of "G ood Ni2'ht, Ladies," all joyfully, ye t sadly departed.
The evening- passed by without a s ingle "hitch" w hi ch speaks vo lumes for the careful plan nin g and hard work on th e part of our en t ertainers. We dare n ot menti on by name those dese rving mention as the list would be long and some might be f orgotten. Sufficient is said by saying the was an ab s otute s uecess.
Portrait and Commercia1---We put the !'Ontlp in snap-shots" We have the film that fits your camera
The E. J. Newman Studio
Phone 56 of 90 percent in daily work, be excused fr om fi nal exam ina tion." The affirmat i ve speak ers are Mis s Fre ida Meye r and Mr Ros enq ui s t; the negative, Mi ss Watson a nd Mr. This is to be an open /· meet mg Mt. Vernon H all . \ I
One of the m os t su cc es sful and GOOD THI N GS TO EAT elaborate ever given in Students' Headquarters Per u wa s held at M t. Ve rnon Hall, F riday, November 26 . Mr. Linn ,---------Bi-Monthly.
Girls' C lub me e ting, first Tuesday in each month.
Girls' C lu b Counci l A lternate Mondays, October 4, 9-10 p. m. me eting
" Honest Injun!" The boy s had a most delightfu l evening! Once more , fifteen "r ahs" for our entertainers! ga ve the ban q uet to t he f oot ba ll, boys wh o board at th e dormi t ory. ! He is to be con gr a tula t ed upon I The Webster Debating C lub
th e succe ssful manner in which t he The Webster De bat i ng C lu b di s- beginning atfair was ca rried ou t. The apcuesed at an open se ssi on the stu - preciation shown by th e f oo t ba ll dent cou ncil ques ti on Miss Fi s her boys is a tribut e to Mr Linn 's
The fo o tball days of 1920 are and Mr. Shafe r were on th e a ffi rm - ability. ended. Peru has made a nam e at i ve and Miss Dre ssler and Mias for herself by playing nine confer · Roe on the ne gative of the p ro p o· Mi ss Be rtha D. Goo dyear a nd ence games and a majority s ition. The judges' decision was her fi a nce, Mr. Chea s man , le ft fori f · f h De Kalb, I ll i noi s, Wedne sd ay eve n- · o them. Why? Because we had or t e negative. a splendid team, coac hed by a real Four new members we re admitcoach-yet the morale of the team ted and the members hip committee and the s choo l wa s the best. Th e re por ts that there will be several faculty and students were back of more to be voted up on ne xt m'ee tSpeer and his men. f ing It app e ars that th e clu b is
Our next move calls for a united very quick ly going to admit enoug h effort back of the oa•eant under new active members to make up the Jgadership of Miss Dunn. for t he Joss of th os e who ent ered
Pe ru wi ll w in an ot her vict ory for th·e elub at the begin nin g but wh o every tr ue loyal is ba ck were un able to take ac tive part. of thie celebration. We are with On De:!ember 7 the ques tion to you, Mi ss Du nn , aa we have been be discussed is, "Should s tudents with Coach Sp ee r, to the finish. of college rank who obta in a grad e
in g. They were marri ed at Mi ss Goodyear's ho me Th an ksgivi ng Day. Mi ss Go od year ha s r es i gned her posi tio n in the t ra i nin g sc hoo l, 1 but will continu e her work h er e un t il
Shamrock Barber Shop and Bath
Mi lste ad B as!lme nt Full lin e of To il ets on hand Ag ent for Aub urn La undry J. E. MU RPH Y, P rop.
Y. M. andY. W. Joint Meeti ng High School Notes
J oint Meetin g Su nd ay. Princi pa l 0. J. Gabel spe nt
The Y. M. and Y. W. held a On Novemb er 16 the girls of the The c los ing day of the nat io nal Thankgsiving at his home in Shajoint m eeti ng at th e la st meeting high sc hool met to orga ni ze a clu b; week of pray er was observ ed on bona, Illin o is. ni ght on the .to.pic of Thank sg i.ving I to further th e int eretss of th e gir ls I s.u nday a fter a oo n by a joint meet- ========== ==== and Thank s l! v ml' Paul Wllcox in sc hool. Rowe na Beck was l.!hosen ! t mg of theY W. and Y. M. Mr. Crystal Theatre was the and opened the as chairman protem. Committees ! ga ve a very il1teres t- TH U RSDAY, DE C. 2 meeti ng by s in gi ng, r espon is ve have been chosen to se lect a name Jmg a nd he lpful talk on the ''Power j . . . reading and prayer. 1 d · · and Va lue of Prayer in Our L' " Eddie Po lo, 10 the fourth episode, anc raft a co nst1 tutwn •ves. "Th v · h · Da · gg r," d Mis s Dunn read two beautiful Miss Marc y an d ReT. Hageman e am s JO g come Y poe ms, "The L ege nd Beautiful," The nmth be!2' inning Latin fa vo r ed us with a very b eautiful and a western from "Tales of a Wa ys ide Inn,, teache rs. M1sses Ma be l Dresslert du et. F RIDA Y, DEC. 3 by Longfe l low, and "Thanksg iv- and In ez Wil so n, have b een con- I A short s ea son of s il e nt prayer Marshall Neilan pr ese n ts "The ·ng" by Edward Markham . Miss ducting some very in t eres ti ng ex-: was f ollowed by a numb er of sen- ! Country God Forgo t." You can't
Cole spoke upon Thank sg iving as pe riments in t heir s ubj ect. Upon ; tence prayera Mi ss Myrtle Arg a- 1afford to miss it. our P ilg rim Fath ers Appl ied It. th e assumption that knowledge brigh t was the leader of this sple n- 1 SAT UR DA Y, DEC. 4 She contra ste d our b lessi ng s with of vocab ul ary, case and tense did m eet in g. Dorothy Gish in '' Boota" in gs , a nd Eng li sh derivatives are I th ose of our Pilgrim Fathers' We MONDAY , D EC. 6 fundamentals to be stresse d, th e I The f ollow in g fa culty members We truly shoul d 2'ive thanks, for classes ha ve bee n drilling the past ' at tended the Schoo lma sters' Club ! Shorty Hamilton in The Ranger, we ha ve so mu ch more to be thank- h '1 1' d ful for. quart er upon th es e es sen tial s by at L inc oln recE"ntly: Pr ofes so rs at n 1ng weste rn come y.
Mr. Neilso n spok e also upon Thank sgiving. Every day sho uld be Thanksg iv ing Day Have we as Chri s tians been doing our duty and are we Th an ksg iv ing?
mean s of a flash-card system !\ s Crago, De lze ll, Gr eene and Jean, l WEDNESDA Y, DEC. 8 a final examination, two t ests were and Presi dent Rouse. To ny Mix in "The Cyc lon e" prepared and given under timej========================== =================== li mits. Each test containP.d 100 words covered in the work so far.
To the Faculty and Students
some of whir.h were de riv ed fr om Mr. Wilc ox then left the topic op en fo r di sc us sion. Mr Hageman say s, " God is still in h is the Latin , others no t. · Students When you buy from us you can know that you were requir ed to ch eck or write heaveR." After a song the meet th em a ccording ly. The fo llo w ing is are getting the best. We guarantee it. If ng was dismi sse d by R ev Mr. Hagema n with a word of pray er. Fo rt y-four me mbers were present and the whole me et in g was a decided
Alumni Notes.
Mi ss Ollie E. Hoffman, class of '18, is t ear.hin g Engli sh a nd hi st ory in the Midd le River , Minn. , sc h oo l. MiddlE" Riv er is located 1n the la ke and forest a co mp a ri so n of sc ores wi th those mad e by a Ca lif orni a high school: I T es t I.
These figures show that the resu lts are on a p ar as a whol e region of nor thern Minneso ta. M with th ose thi s Cal ifonria s ch ool i ss H offma n says she is enjoy ing and t.1at th e drilla h ave borne her work in th is e ntirel y new fruit. lt is significant fur the r that the classes with this me thod environment.
Dr. Cla re B. Co rnell, formerl y a hav e:! already covered a fourth of 1 me mb er of ou r faculty, is n ow the ye ar's work. and bid fair to do di r ec tor of civi lian re lief, Lake better each quarter Divi sion, Am erican Red Cross, with headquarters at Cleveland, Th e ba sket ba ll season wi ll open Oh i o. His work ca rries him into the week after Thank sgiving. The the upper Mi ss isisppi s tates. Mrs. Peru hgih sc hool will have a Corne ll rep ort s that he li kes his "crackin' good" team t his year worK ve ry mu c h. with the excepbecau se men fr om the 9th to 12th
you should get any article here that has not the quality it sbou)d have, we want an immediate opportunity to make it right
Redfern & Ellenberger
Small accounts are given con s iderate and carefu 1 attention at this bank.
E. E. GOOD, Presid e nt
0. M. GOOD. Cashie r
New Mana ge me nt
ti on of the unplea sa nt feature of g rad es in c lu sive will be used This being away fr om home so much privilege was g rant ed at the annu- Fresh and Smoked Meats al Oma ha m ee ting of the Nebraltsa
County Fair! State High School Ath le ti c Associati on thi s fall. With such materia l
The Y. W. C. A. will hold a Pe ru can put on a regular four county fair in th e training build- year team and compete wit h any ing, four year high sc hool in her terriSi11Urday Ev'ni!, Dec. 4 tory. Ab out tw e nt y-fi ve men are
One of the big feature s of exp ec ted to come o ut for practice the eveni n 2' will be the awa rding of the first week. Am ong th ese ar e prizes to the b est <.:ostum ed individ- many la st year Jet ter men and so me ual an d to the best costumed fam - spl e ndid new mater ia l. Watch ily, of not more than se vea them!
Fi ll you r p oc kets with nickles and COME!
We promise to have you in t ears one minute and s plitting yo ur sid es wit h laughter the next. Come! Come!! Come!!!
School Go ss ip
During the f oo tball banquet the dorm. gi rl s were severe ly repriman ded for singing "Pop (Paap) g oes the Wease l. "
Fresh fr u its a nd vegetable s in seaso n WYMORE & DENSMORE Pe ru , Nebr as ka
Am1erican Black Walnut
We tttanufactu re this lumber for Manual Training work, selling direct to schools. Meek bumbe.r
Tail or and Cleaner Ph one 62
To call at our sto re for your Hardward Ne eds , Also Electric lamps, and Flashli ghts
You w ill always find a we lco me at Mackprang 's Hardwar.e
Peru Wins From Cotner, (Continued trom Firat
true fighters next vear to take your place. Ed Rosenquist, you, too,
you, Cotner, not because they had aught against you, but they did it for the Captain they loved so well.
fought a s plendid battle and old The Game, Peru i.s look in g ferward to some Cotner kicked off to Peru. Peru hi gh schoo l having a winning team made a good return and then by wi th you as its coac h. Mr Ge nera l line plunge a nd end ru ns brou ght Baldy Wilcox, we mus take off our the ball to th e one yard line and hat to you for the work you di d. lost it due to a fumble on th e
Not only yo ur general!!hip but yo ur fou r th down. The b all failed to br a nd of playing brought joy to r each its dest ina tio n and th e fu ll· th e hearts of every Peruvian. It back had to fall on the ball.
Captain Gately cou ld have s ee n you boys had a h ole big enough fo r a and the tec:L m fi g ht , old man , he truck re ad y for th e ball to come would ha ve given the b oy s one of thru for a to uc hd ow n. Cotn er got those rar e s miles of his wh i ch th e ba ll and kicked to the sixty wou ld have told yo u of hi s pr id e yar d li ne Then Peru buck ed the in y eur work. Wil s an and Brac ke line and when an opening wa 11 made forward· and back to the center Willy the in v itation to and th en to the half. Offensi ve, run sixty yards fo ra touchd ow n. Brack play ed cent er a nd Wil so n The int er ference of Sha rra r an d half, which wa s very offensive to Papa wi ll long be rem emb Pred by the Bu ll dog s, an d then on defensive th e Peruvian s and visitors as th ey Wils on pl aye d ce nter and Brack sp ill ed a whole string of bolog na h alf, a powe rful cl e fen si ve whic h over the field so Willy would n ot mad e "de fen ce" so high that no get his f eet tan gled up in the coulo climb ov er. All th P.y s trin gs of sa usa ges . T hen in th e could do was to put th e ir littl e se cond quarter Wil cox kicked a paws on "de fenc e" a nd sniff. be autoful drop ki ck ri g ht between The PP' s on e ither s ide of th e ce n· th e goal posts w hi eh e nd ed t he ter, Pom eroy and Papa, were live scoring pa rt of the game Bu t signs which a nnounce d th at no not thl ma gnificent p(aying of bot h Bu lld oi's were al lowed on the Peru teams. Cotner played a wonderful Park. We ll and f ait hfullv did th ey ga me Once by a fine forward pas s guard the right of w ay . Long- they ca me near making a t ouc hfellow play ed le ft tackl e, spe nt the down Pass after pass was in te r· w hol e tim e tryin g to teac h the ceoted and th ey hard in a Bulld oi' in front of him th e Psalm cle an gam e. One or t wo close of Life. Whil e the dogg ie did no t dec isi ons w hi ch fortunate ly. had get th e wo r ds he got t he idea i nto nothing to do with the r esu lt 11 of h is h ead that "Life was r ea l, life the game, w ere quest ioned by the was 'Ernes t' and things certain ly. visitor s, yet we kno w hones t Grove not what they see med." Th en Po rter, th e o ld Ne brask a s tar, did ther e was Landolt wh o fought hard what he was right The and fast a nd did "La nd -a -ho lt" on game was a fine ex hibiti on of fast eve ry " preac he r" who cam e hi s but cle an fo ot ba ll. Cotner was way. Duri ng the last qu ar te r, the co n fi dent of victory, and th ey h ad c oa ch sent in two yo un g bl oods , a r ight to be with th at sp lendid Delzell and Bruns do n of ou r own te am, ye t we co uld not spare t ha t home br ew. De lze ll t ook Landolt' s ga m.e, for we needed it in our place at ha lf , and Brunsdon we nt bus in ess. An old Nebr ask a Capin for Po meroy, · so could get tain on th e s id e lin es was loud in a taste of batt le. Bot h of these hi s praise of Peru's play i ng and sixtee n yea r o ld colts pulled ri ght th e gr eat t ea m work of th e back up in the collar l ike old wa r horses. fie ld and lin e.
Shoes and Shoe Repairing
Sho e poli11hes and lace11
Prompt Repai r Service
Base ment Fish er's Drug Store Fi rs t-clas s Workmen. Your Patr onage Solicited
Watches, c;ocks, dewelry, Fountain f>ens, Statione ry School Su pple s, ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED
OUR MOTTO;-" Th e best goods for the leas t m oney " We re pair pe n s, wa tch es , j ewel ry and spectac les. Bifocal Le nses ---GIV E US A CALL-J. C. CHATELAIN. Pet·u. Nebr.
"Ducyk ,' Homes, Umpir e; E. D. Hagema n, a former a ll- sta te cent er, whu p laye d on Co tn er t eam last year , was h ead l in es man Th ese officia ls could not have bee n fair er and sq ua re r.
Final sco re, Peru, 10 ; Cot ner 0.
Per u made h er fir st downs at will whil e Cotn er mad e on ly two , a nd th ose on forwar d passes PEru made ov er 400 yards in 11crim mage, while Cot n er m ade less th an 100 yar ds Roth te am s made two successfu l fo rwa rd pa sses.
It was a gr eat battle in which Officia ls; Grov e Porter, r efer ee ; eYery lad ga ve the ve ry b est he h ad in him not only for th e hon or of th e scho o( but for the sake of Captai n Gately, the a ll -st ate qu a rte rback, who was so seri ously hurt in the We sleya n game, and who Jay in the hospita l w ith the win d ow up so th at he might hear the coun t which the rooters se nt up fr om the hundr e ds of t hr oats te lli ng of •'On e- two -thr ee-fo ur- fi ve-s ix -seve neicht-nine -T EN !! P-E·R U! Cotner - oh -o-. " Ou r good fri e nd s fro m Co tner must for11iv e us for rejoic ing · f or we love "C huc k." Th e boys ·fough t hard a nd fas t against
Patronize Our Advertisers ,
NO<mol Bov' Hono"d 6v Bdng
Chose n for All,..State T earns.
Th e football boys wi n
versity of Chicago
The Popular Astronomy for Noreco gni tion from ouJ big fo otba ll vember ha s the f ollowing reference ju dges employed by our st ate to a former Peruvian and res ident pap ers, eith er by w innin g a place G of Peru " Dr Edison Pettit, on th e att state team s or h ono r ab le
by Peru State Norma I to Celebrate s inca 1918 assistant in so tar p hy si cs me ntion li sts: in Yerkes Observatory , has been
Flo yrl Higg in s. left guard, All the
Pilgrim Tercentenary
appointed a memb er of the st aff State fi r st team by S tate Journal of the Mount Wilson Ob serva tory and Wor ld ·He ral d. in California. At th e con vocatio n Prante, ri g ht guardonfirst a ll
17 --8:15 of the U niversity of Chi cago , the sta te team hy th e Omaha Bee degree of D octor of Philos op hy was Hon orable me ntion by State Jour· award ed him Th e title of Dr. nal. Pettit's th esis was 'T he Forms and
Fr a nk Shar rar, · right end on all A Pageant Se tting Forth the Historical Story of Mot ions of So lar Prominences.' state second team ty the Journal and it w as p ubli sh ed as part 4 of with honorable mention by th e the Pilgrims, and Interpreting th e Vital Volume III of th e Publica tions of othe rR. Sig nificance of Th eir Ideals and the Yer k es Ob servatory. Dr. Pettit Wilson, left hal f on second team Actions to All Ma nkind began his duties at Mount Wilson by th e World Herald and honorab le September 1. " It will be rem emmentio n by the State Journal. bered th at th e larges t reflecting Wi lly got honorable men tio n by The pageant begins with the Greatness co nsists in risking all telescope in the w orld, with an th e World·He rald for posi· revolt uy the aga in i!t for th e r ea li zatio n of an idea l. aperature of 100 inches has been tion. Th e fol lo wi ng was taken re li g io us co ntr ol by th e En!!lish This test ran ks the P il g rim s a mong r ecen tl y added to th e already mag· fro m the State J ou rnal : "Ha ys of government. Th at thev may ha ve the immortals of the world. The ni ficent equipment at Mt . W il son, Co tner w as a hard hitting l! ne li berty under law an asy lnm was entire com munit y s houl d see t hi 11 without doubt the gr eate st so lar p lu nge r." Th is is ce rtainly a just accepted in Holl a nd whi ch .na tio n i portrayal of th e P il g rim sp irit. lob ser v_atory that ha s . ev er. be en and true stateme nt , but had their at that time was the on ly on (! that 1 The Cast: 1 establlshed. Dr. Pett1t w tll be corre spo nd e nt se en the Cotn er offered re lig i ous freed om. Th e IThe Questioner Myrt le Argabright rem em bered as the keen est stu· Thanksg iving game wt h Peru he confl i ct of the Pil g rims with Du tch ITh e Interpreter Cl arey dent in m at he matic•. phys ics and wo uld have seen th is same man laws and cu sto ms ear ly con v inced 1Th e Angel Lois Gr i ffe n astronomy that Peru ha s ev er see n. o utp layed in eve ry point of t he them that they wo ul d soo n be 1Th e Spirit of Brothe rh ood 1 Dr. and Mrs Pettit both have g am e exce pt punting by our own ab sorb ed by the pe ople who had j Je an Johnson ?een credited with several articles ful l ba ck Willy given them a r efuge from Eng li sh 1 The Go d dess of Li berty tn Popu lar Ats ronomy and ot h er Th e Wo rld · Hera ld: "T he quarte r· religiou s tyrany. En g li sh man· I Pe arl E ri sman publicati ons. He ha s be en refe r· back po s ition draws at lea st f ou r ner s, Jaw s and customs are dear to William Br ew s ter Willard Griffith s r ed to in rece nt arti cl e!; as a uthor· con re s tants, Hull of Ha s tings , them That these may be pr ese r v- \ William Bradforrl Floyd Higgins ' ity on solar promi n enc es . D r. Bote more of Omaha U ni., Kauman ed a home b eyo nd the Atlantic in, John Robinson
D. A. Ganze l Pettit's family and re lat i ves st ill f G ..l 1 1 d J li ve in Peru.
o ran u sa n , a nd Ga te ly of unknown Ameri ca is Mi s tr ess Br ew!; ter Mabe l Dr essler Per u. soug ht. Mistress Chilt on Mignon Ma rcy Hon . E E Good for Speaker
The State Journal: " Gate ly of In the cr os s ing of the Atlantic Mistr ess Hobinson Flor ln ce Monagon Hon E. E. Gooll of the class of Pe ru ha ndicapp ed thi s yea r because a str ugg le wit h the storms of the Se r vant
E ld ie Camero n 1887, a life long citi ze n of Pe ru, of serious injuri es but d es erves deep is po rtr ayed by th e dan ce of I Sheriff Staffo rd Prante is one of th e mos t prom in ent cancr e dit for gene ra l ing the te nm the P. lements In Am e rica the IFir st Officer
Ah:a Fishe r didates for sp e ak er of the Hou se one of the Pe ru Nor- contests with natu re, fa.min e, dis· Second Officer Frank Shar rar of mal pla yer s is stationed at gaurd. ease and crdd are re prese nted by IPilgrim Wom en Mary Jarv is Mr. Go od haR re presented Nem a· He ha s l> ee n the main s tay of the\ symbo lic act ion, s pe a kin g parts 1
Ma b el McGinn is county s ev eral tim es and is emilin e this y ear Iand music The me et i ng with the IPi lgrim Men Ce cil Crook nent ly fitted for th ias imp ortant of ht s abJlJty to open up h oles HJs In dian s furnishes an e njoyable ep- 1
Char les Gate ly p ositio n. defense was a lways good i sode Governor Carver Clyd e I vers IVIr. Good is a Ne maha County "A t the end s Ha rr e ll of Wesley - William Bradford, the guat Mi les Sta ndi sh Leo .Jewe ll product. His fathP.r, Jacob Good , an an d Sn a rrar of Pe ru h av e hee n l eade r of th e Pilg ri ms, the strong Stephen Hopkins Fuller Woodie was on e of the ear ly sett lers who se le ct e d. Th ey rate uryd er Galt man of Old Plymou th, the Roose- Pom er oy t oo k advanta.r;re of th e rich oppor· and Sukovaty but n evertheless velt of that day, a man wh ose l ike James C hll.ton - Mtlton Meye r tunities offe r ed in th ene.w cou ntry. wvuld be an adj un ct to any squad. A . d t th' IDe go ry Pn es t -L ee He m1ngway Elli s Goo d first tauuht in E lm· men ca nee e a IS lane wrote • "Prante of Pe ru a ma in cog in . h t' ' I John Alde n Pau l Wilcox wood after grad ua tion. a nd when JD prop e IC VI SIOn: h 't th t h' f · th e Normal lin e ." 1 William Latham Rex N il es e qp t e eac pro e!'!'lJ.1n to "A s one smal l candle may ' light a John Biilington Ro land Car r enter bu s iness he was super inten -
Pro fe ssor De lze ll spe nt las t week in Lancaster , Saund e rs and Doug· las counties as fie ld director. thousa nd, so the li g ht here ki ndl ed Mi str es s Hop ki ns Dorothy Pettit the Valentine, Ne br., hath sh ow n to many, yea. in so me Mistress Billin!l;ton Min nie Kruger Hi s many fri e ncl s wish hi m suc· sort to our whole nation ." I <Conti nued on L nst Pag e. > cess in hi s race for the speakers hip
THE PERU NORMA.LITE essay• by leadin g a nd thi nke rs of our time, on su ch sub-
Entere d at Postoffiee at Per u, Ne-jee ts as the prob lems of co untry braska as second -cla ss mat t er li fe , sci ence, educa tion, pe rsonal Pub li shed Weekly by tbe Pe ru State Norma l pr oble ms, war and reco nstru c tion.
$ 1. 00 per :Yea r. Sieg le copy 5 cts In clas s, st ude nt s ar e urged to tal k and to exchan ge vi ews an d ex perien ces
Fro m the da ili es we learn t ha t Dr. Or v ill e Alf red Ralsto n, for-
Im erly of Pe ru , but now of Ai nsworth, a nd M is s Ch ar lot te Ha nna, d aug hter of Mr . a nd M rs Dav id
If yo u do not receiv e your Norma lite. Hanna of Wood Lak e, were married ea ve io th e Nor rn a li te bo x in the last wee k at the h ome of th e Admio istra ti en bui lding Br id e 's pare nt s, by th e Re v. Mr
No articles acc•·pted a fter 8 o 'cl ock West lake of Ai nsworth. Dr. and Monday mo rni ng. Mrs Ral ston w ill make th e ir home ' in A in swort h, where the groom is
Ad a Huff, Editor in-Chief engaged in the pract ice of denti sty Robe rt Quick .Assoc ia tc Ed itor Wab, as he was fa mili a rl y kn ow n
Hope Le w is Assis tan t Editor to hi s many fri e nd s in Peru. gradjessie IC elley As•istnn t Erht or u ated from the Norma l School he re
Rex Nil es Bu siness and th en wh il e st udy in g de n tistry
Dona ld Blan ke nshi p :\1g'r. :vt ni lin g Dept I< E I'O I!TH RS:
Mabel Dres sle r .Senior
Wm. Swart zwe ld er Junior
Loi s Gr iffin So phom ore
Do ro thy Petitt..
Rex Mil es Y. M. C -\
Pea rle Y. W. c·. A.
To be sdectcd !\ C. A.
Es t ber Deb;ell Gi• is Clu b Margueri t eB ridges Dramat ic Clu b
Ca lend ar.
Reg ul ar Eve nt s. Week ly.
Monday-- -Or chesr.r a, 8: 15 p. m.
Tu esd ay ---D eb at in g S oc i et y, 8: 15. Girls' Glee Cl ub, 7: 15 p. m. Ban d, 7: 30 p. m.
We dn es da y- --Y. W. C. A
p. m.
Y. M. C. A, 7: 30 p. m. Or ches tra , 8 :1 5 p. m.
was ca lled into the serv ic e of hi s c ount ry by the com in g of the Gr eat War. He we nt into the air se rv ice, p rac ti ced in t his co un tr y, in Canada a nd Eng land , wa s th en for a ti me given d uty in tak in g air p lan es f rom Eng lan d to Fran ce, and la ter assignfd to ac tive servi ce on th e battle fr o nt , where he more than m ade goo d, winning hi s t it le as " ae e, '' a nd we bel ie ve havi ng an offic ial r ecor d of se ven Ge rman pl a nes to his cre dit Upon h is retu rn he went back at on ce to s ch oo l, fin ished bi s de nti s try cour se , and began hi s pra cti ce. His ma ny fr ie nd s he re join the
7: 30 1 Po inter in wishing him and his br ide long li fe and hap p iness.Per u _Pointe r.
Th ursd ay Ba nd. 7:30 p. m. G irl s' Glee Club, 7: 15 p. m.
Pe ruvia n S taff, 8:15 p m. F ri day-M ov ie
The New Junior En glish
Juni or En gl ish is a course in Engli sh comp os iti on , ba sed on i deas Th e· co urse em p ha sizes thinking, whe th er in th e se nte nc e or in t he c omp os it ion as a wh.,Je, as a pr ereq ui ste to go od wr iting. Th at is to say, th e student is aske d to fi nd th e sp eci al s ub ject on whic h he is to write; th en he is ex pec ted to se le ct a nd · orga ni ze the m ater ia l of th e s ubj ect accordi ng to th e re q uireme nts b ot h of th e subje ct and th e reader; a nd fina ll y ta ught to arrange the d i vi !'l ions of the subje ct logi ca lly and effec tively. Thi s is call ed pl a nn ing t he composi t io n;
d o s tu de nt is rea dy to write on his s ub ject until he has a pl an as car ef u lly wor ked ou t ag t he bl ue p rint an a rchitec t draws for hi s house. Bes id es , tbe course in c lude s the st udy a nd analy si s of many
The meet ing o pen ed w ith Donald Bl an ke ns hip at th e piano and George Sho wa lter lea di ng th e singing. R ic hard Over holt then in trodu ced Mr Easo n wh o wa s the speaker of the e•Je ni ng. Hi s su bjec t wa s take n from Ec cl es iastes, twel fth cha pter a nd th e first v erse: "Remem be r now thy Creator in the day s of thy y outh , wh ile the evil da ys co me not." Ani llu stra tion was gi ve n s how in g that when a boy is away at co ll e ge he sh o uld have the pi ctur e of hi s fa th er a nd mo th er with him to ma ke hi m t hi nk of ho w mu ch is ex p ec t ed of hi m. Ho w so man y !'; in s may come in a b oy 's r oad to lead h im fr om hi s parents' teac hin g.
Th e wo rld ha s ple nty of m oney , etc., bu t th e wo rl d is Ja cki ng in Chr is tian men. We are here to es ta b li sh a Chri s ti an ch ar ac ter whi ch is not ea sy as th ere are so many thin gs to hi nde r on e f rom be coming a Christian. We are gro uped t ogether to he lp one an -
S ervi ce
Portrait and Commerci a l--- We put th e in s nap -shot s" We ha ve th e film that fits your c am er a
The E. J. New man Studio
Ph one 56
other le ad a Ch risti an li fe In 1 our thr ee vi llage churches a very s mal l pe rce nt of the s tuden ts are prese nt at Su nday sc h oo l, c hur ch at elev en o'clock, or chu rc h at seve n-thir ty in th e ev ening. Th is subj ect was open to the h oys for di sc u ssio n: " Why are not more stu de nts prese nt at chu rch and S und ay sch oo l. A nu mber of rea sons we re gi ve n, but none of th em ae: em ed to an swe r th e que sti on satisf acto ril y. Th e mee ti ng r.a me to an ab r up t cl ose at eight - fift ee n w ith a sh or t prayer by Mr. E as on. ; i
At th e m eeting of the coll ege sec ti on of the .S t ate Teac hers' Asso - Ne b ra s ka \.:ity Laundry cia ti on, a co mmitt ee was app oi nt - Phone 138
ed uo on adva nced sta ndi ng and
subj ec ts wo rth y of co li ege cr ed it. Registrar Ove rh olt will re pr ese nt the P er u No rmal upo n t hi s com- I mitt ee. It is the purpo se of the' coll ege authori ti es to ina ug ur atE> a uni fo rm sys tem Consi de r able c ritici sm come to th e va r io us sc hools of th e sta te beca use s om e have been ve ry lax in this r eg ard !
Sh a mro ck an d Bat h
Mil ste ad Base me nt F ull l ine of To il ets on hand Agent tor Aub u rn L au ndry J. E. MURPHY, Pr op
Dear Sal :- I 'm awf ul so rry yo u wasn't here Sat night to go along to that there County Fair. Gee, it was some d oins I'll sa y, and if I 'd a had enuf n ickles, kid, I'd a took you to al l the si de shows . I went to a ll the shows and tne first one f we nt to 1 thot they callecl th e Hall of Music, but I gess I m ust not a heard right becau !'e they wasn't much mus ic only Ma c!am Human S ha nk s she sung an awful sad and weepy so ng ar.d I'd ruther here you anyhow tha n her and they was a gir l sp oke an awf ul goo d pi ece about cuttin down trees and th en they was a feller and t wo gir ls frnm Hawai i sung so me awful good Hawaiian songs a nd p la yed on some Hawaiian fiddl es and they was the best danc er I bout ever saw, g-ee she was some dan ce r I'll say, and she wa s dre::;sed Iik e a clown and gee, kid, but she could dance and 1' m glad I went to tl:e second show because th ey was so me kids told me the Hawaiian singers didq 't g et there in t im e for the first show and I 'd sure been so rry if I did n't get to see all the \'!how And th en wh en I come o ut of that s ho w they .vas a fe ll er a holl erin for everybody to come and see the freeks and eve r ybo dy was a go in and so I went an th ey was a woman the re th ey sa id was th e fatt es t
The County Fair. An k id if I only knew a ll the qu est ions you asked in that H ouse of Myste rv w hy ma ybe -1 woul dn't be so mad after all, So, As alway s, Yo ur s.
P. S Say t hat th ere pictur su re ma de me want to see you.
Y. w. c. A.
Jess ie Kelley was the leader of an interesting- m eet in g We dn esday evening. Mi ss Rulon us a splend id practical talk on "Worth · whi le Bonks." She discus se d the s ubjeet c hi efly in desira· ble Christmas books and sto ri es and made us feel t hat one of th e best ways to to trul y " keep Chri stmas" is to rea d Xmas stories and books. The g irl ::; named fav o rit e books and to ld why th ey found their favor i tf's espec ia ll y helpfu l.
We have one r egre t in our Y. W. meetings. Too m any of our gi rl s are mi ssi ng these meetings, which are really on e of the m ost he lpful and e njoyabl e activ ities of our schoo l l ife.
Freshman Note s.
"What's the matter w1th junior cla ss chapels? They'r e a ll right!"
We'll say they are! After w itn essing the one to which- the.y so kindly in v it ed us last , Thursday, woman in Amer i ca, and gee , kid, th ere is abso lutel y no r oo m for she a int much fatte r than you. doubt in our mind s. And Jet us And then they was a whole fam ily give you a tip: if you e ver hav e of ni gge rs come in and I wouldn't, a chance to attend junior class stay o nly 1 wisht now I had my chapel , take it 4 ui ck! n icke l back cause some gi rl s was se ll in popcorn a nd l cou ldn't ge t The Webster Debating Club an y cause they was anot her show The de bate th is week was the and I went to that and it was th e most closely co ntes tP.d battle we House of my s tery and ge e it was have yet had. The quest ion of some sh ow. And when you wen t indu s tria l democracy was di scussin you climbed up a lad d er and a e d, Mi ss Roe and Miss Han son gi rl give me a push a nd I just affir ming a nd Miss Keith and Mr.
How often do you have your Suit Cleaned?
Do you know th at in the sp rin g of the year four time• as many c hi ld r en and gr ow n up die as durin g the r est of th e year put together. The whole reason for th at is they wear a su it all thr ough the winter-it is never cleaned.
Th ey wear it to schoo l and sit there all d ay, then th ey may a-o borne; the h ouse hold furnishings havn't been cleaned a nd they are full of ge r ms. Most disease s is result from negl ect of such things. Whooping Co ugh Mea sles , and othe rs are almost the direct result of uncleanliness.
Try us on yo ur next cleaning, pressing or dye work. We give service , qua li ty and reas onab le pr ices We sell woolens by yard Tailor and Cleaner J. A. CEJKA.
To the Faculty and Students
When yo u buy from us you cau know thilt you are g etting the best. We guarantee it. If you should get any articJe here that has not the quaJity it shouJd have , we want an immediate opportunity to make it right.
Redfern & Ellenberger
Small accounts are given and careful a ttention at thi s bank.
E. E. GOOD, President J. W. McADAMS , V. Pr eaide nt. 0. M. GOOD. Cashie r ANNA FARLEY, Cash i er.
Crystal Theatre American Black THURSDAY, DEC. 9
went a fl y in down an lit on th e T dt de nyJ·ng Two of the rou · Eddie Po lo, in the fifth ep i sode , floor and I wa:; afrai..! to go in but · d ges voted for th e affir mat i ve
•• JU "The Va ni shing Daggr," co medy I 'd bot my ticket an I didn't have and one for the n egat ive. We manufacture thi s lumber for Manual Training work, sel ling dir ect any mor nick les left. But g ee I New mem bers were agai n a dwas s ure glad I went because they mitterl to the soc it ey harl a wo nd erf ul ed horse For December 21 the question os there an I never saw one before an Reso lv ed. that the story of Santa they was a woman there could tell Claus sho uld not be told to ch il dyou anything you wa n ted to know ren. The debaters will be a nan I a;ked her a lot a quest ions an nounced at the m ee ti ng of De::em1 gess that s all for th is tim e cause ber 7th. I' ve run out of paper. So goodby I and l'm awfu l so rry you didn't get Last Mo nday Miss Cr oss, a repre se nt at ive of th e Victor Talkin g to go. As ever , B ill.
P. S. I 'm se nd in a a pictur of mP.. A fe ller at the Fa ir drew i t. Sp ecial de l ivery from Sa l to Bi ll, next d ay.
Dear Bi ll
Say kid I'm mad 'cau se you never told me vou was a goin to se ll tiekets for that there H!ill o Mu sic and everybody said yo u s ure looke d purty and jes t flirted wit h
Machin e Co ., ga ve a demon s tr atio n wit h the victro la for the bene fit of No rm al stud ents. In th e fore n oon work was accomp li shed in the grad es of the training sc hoo l and at 1:40 ge nera l work given to dri II classes Mi ss Cross ga ve practica l de mon strat ion in every case and showed her very broad tra ini ng in presenting the music,
and a we'stern.
Dustin Farman in "Durand of l he Bad Land s,''
MONDAY , DEC. 13 I to sch ool s.
B il lie Burke in " Goo d Graci ous I Meek 6umber Annabe ll e. '' I
Geo r ge Wal sh in "A Manhattan I Kn ight." I
We Invite You
To ca ll at our sto re fo r your Hardward Needs, New Ma nage ment l
r h d S k d M t Also Elect ri c lamps, and Fl as hres an mo e ea s li ghts
Fresh fruits a nd vegetab les in seaso n Yo u wi ll always fl nd a welcome at WYMORE & DENSMORE Peru, Nebraska Hard ware
A of Pilgrims.
<Continued from First Misstres1 Win s low Ruth Adams
Mistress Rose Standish
Esther Jenkins
Priscilla Mullens Elinor Roberts
Mary Chilton · Alice Schoenike
Humility Cooper Gertrude Carver
Desire Minter • Helen Knapp
Robert Cu11hman Clifford Clark
Englishmen Harold Brown
Ruth Kelligar - Vi olin
Mildred Hanks - - Vio lin
Arthur Rurley Clarionet
Herbert Kelly Clarionet
John She llhorn - Clarionet
Raymond Huffer Cornet
Mi l ton Landolt - C Saxophone
Neva Hoak Cello
Fern Jones - - Piano
Samuel Traudt - Drums
Pa gea nt Committee:
Iva Maud Dunn, Rose Clark, Geo. John Redfern W. Brown, J. Lawrence Eason, Roland Re ev-es Mamie Mutz.
Landon Whitfield
Squanto · Longfe ll ow Massasoit · Carl Rosenquist
Dire ctors: Pa gea nt Ma s ter I va Maud Dunn
Orch est ral Director A. E. Holch
Shoes and BARB ER SH0P Shoe Repairing AND BATH
Basement Fish e r' s Drug Store
Shoe polishes First-class Workm en. Your Patron · and laces ag e So lici t ed.
Prompt Repair Service
The Chatelain ·Jewelry Store
Adam Troudt, Wel come Wills, Basi l Kaul, Charles Denn is, Cedric Farley, Harry Paap.
Jesuit p rie11ts Rohert Quick
Stage Manager Wm. Sch oenike
Electrician J. W. Paul
Indians: Donald Wilson, L oy Hacker, Edward Rosenquist, H oward Brunsdo n, William SchwartzCostumers welder, Paul Bize, Mark Delzell, • Mamie Mutz
Edith Tydeman
Dir ector of Dances Ruth Shively
Cho-ral Director N. Maud Cz r oenter
Dramatic Club.
Gaylord Toft Two ex trem ely inter es ting plays
Pilgrim Cle r gymen were g iven by the Dramatic Club
Hunt ers
Watches, Clocks. Fountain f»e.ns, Sta tione. r>y School Supples, "tAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED
OUR MOTTO ;-"T he best goods for the least mo ney" We repair pens, watcheR, jewelry a nd spectacles. Bifo cal Len s es - -GIVE US A CALL-J. C'. CHATELAIN, Peru. Nebr.
Donald Blankens hip Friday evening, December 3. The L eRoy Miller Ifirst play was "Nevertheless," by Howurd McKen ny I Stewart Walker, and directed by Ralph Noerrlinge r Bess ie West. The cast was:
Lloyd Beam er Boy · - Raymond Huffer
George Willy Girl · - Alice Hu mbe rt
George Heywood Bu rg lar • - Samuel Troudt
Ed ward Bath "Nevertheless" is an unusual Syrian · · Iri s Tohler and a!lJu s in g litt le play The charJapan ese - Ada Verne Grab ill act ers we re portrayed excP.edin2'1Y Chinese -. Sterlin g Sea rs well.
Russian · Esher Landolt The second play was "Mrs. Pat Nobwegian - Lou e ll a Do we ll and the Law," by Mary Aldis. ArmP.nian · Mary Harajian The ca st was: Dutch • Mona Keith Mrs. Pat · Hildegarde Yeck Sw edish - Helen Hicks Pat Carl Ro senquist Italian - Mar ie Grabill Jimmie · - Fra nk Bogle Afr ican - Rola nd Forsyth Miss Ca rr o ll · ' Neva Hoak Spani sh · Ruth Gros chick Poli ceman • Lloyd Beamer Serbian · Hel en Dvorak The play was under the direction Dancers. of E ll th er Del zel l. Enough cannot Dance of the E lem ents: be raid about th e faithfulness of Thunder Josephine Shellhorn Mr s. Pat and Pat with hi s wheed· Esther Del ze ll lin g, to sa y nothin g of littl e Ji mRain · · Mildred Fi s her my and the nurse, Miss Carroll. Winds: West, Marie Ev e ryone ag r ees that the parts Dunn, Ruth L awrence , Mildred cou ld not have been playerl be tte r. Bar n es, Helen Chapman, Thelma Howe. Junior Chapel.
Dance of th e Stormy Sea: Ina St>ho e nthall, Ze lda Redding, Leona Sparks, Helyn Humbert, Lois Tyson, Kathry n Gr iffi ths, Ruby Lawrence, Bere ni ce Clar k, Eunice Noe rrl in ger, Gwendolyn Barnes, Edna Lewis, Gertrude Conge r. The ju ni ors entertained the fr es hmen at clas s chapel Thursda y. The program wa s dir ected by Mr. Swartzwelder. After a song by all, Mi ss Hank s and Mi ss Well s
Dance of the Sp ectres: Co ld). • - Hope Lewis Famin e' • · In ez Stock in g Pestil6!nce · Anna Jean Kelly
Drought - Frances Gi lliland Adv e nturous Spi ri ts : Grace Baug hma n, Nellie O'ConnE!r, Edna Fisher , Gene Todd, Mrs. Leo Je well, Veda Ander son. .: Orch estra: ; Lee Hemingway · Violin
favor ed us with d pian o duet whi ch wa s enjoyed very much . A pantomime was th en g iv en by a number of capab le juniors After this the audience jo in ed in singing the Color Song. The juniors ar e g oin g to lead in the si nging of t hi s song
Mr. Swartz welder sh owed hi s ability in "getting up" prograrns and the fre s hi es sa id that they really e njoyed i t. We'll admit that the fre shm en have a fine class . Patronize Our Advertisers.
See for Statin ne t·,·. SL hud Su pp1ies and Groceries, Me at s, Frui ts & C an dy
South of the bnilding, s l1ves }'o u the long wall( down town.
Gave to the \Y/ orld a New Id ea of Se lf Gove rnmen t.
The ThrPe Hundredt h An n ive rsary of thP Landi ng of the Pi lgT i ms sh ows no less e ni ng of th e signi ficance of thei r pi lgrimage The Pi lgrim; were the fi rst succes!' f ul Engl ish pi on e ers in the New Wo rld. WP honor the m. no t for th ei r str i ct th e ology, or fo rm al h ab i ts of lif e, but fo r be i ng 11t r nng. vig orous, indivii!ua l. r e!': pon s ibl e mPn and womPn Pi lgrim ani! pionee r are ne ar ly idPn t ica l te r ms in th e New
eate n their chi lor e n; the y sh ared ! Mar ie McKenney, Frieda Maye r, OUR BA SK ET BA LL PROSPECTS in the duties and ob ligation8 of Alice Moran Dorothy Pett i t, An ne axem en anti com mon wealt h th · · 1 ' e Jr Simp e g ov e rnment; they i Run ney, Elinor R obe rt Pat R oe s- Many Me n Out to Co n test for P laces
Wor ld-yet th ey not Pxc lu si ve; for th e Middle Colc:mies and the South have their cohorts of makers . Abra h am • Linco ln was of gave to the wo rl d a pr oo f that ca n i sler. Alice Sc h oe n ike , Lois Tys on.,. On T eam. hot h st rain s- Pu ri tan by he ri tag-e nev er be gainsa id- th e pr oo f thati Haz el Veal , I rene Wa r en, W inni ·, fr om hi s Massach usetts ancesto r s. a few hu m an be i ngs with h ig h' fred We lls , Eve lyn Whipple. Mary 1 We h ave s uppo r ted the by grace of his h ear ts and gooci lives can make a 1 Fuller, Blanche Maxcy, Mild red. fo o tbal l bo ys an d th e games they lr gm'a for bears. commo n wea lth and a gove rn me nt I Ma nley Sarah MaJ' ors, L ,· have played . We have bee n justly What th P'l ' h' d I ' d f h f h d e I Jr l'l ms ac l eve .: which is fit ted to last for a gt:>s. - I Car te r. ' pr ou o t ose e ll ows w o " ug The_v. were first to make th e grea t IAlb ert Hart , Professor of ! Iin " with might anti ma in to gain of e mig r ation; fir!'t in Governme nt, Harvard Un iv ers ity. I Th e G_eo logy Clilss Hik e. I victory and glory f or ol d P eru th e tr part of Amer ica; fir st to I Fnclay M1ss Rose Clark's g eo lou-y ! Normal. plant a treP on that tree Girl s' Glee Club. I class went "geolog iz ing" to th e 1 F oo tb a ll is over fo r yead that is st i ll budding ; fi r st (alo ng T he Glee C lu b this is! anc ient f oss il be ds west of Pe ru But th at does not m ean there is with Virgini a) to s how the demo - making great un;le r the Iand f ou nd ma ny i nt er esti ng- spec i- no. p lace for us to wav e wh i te and the wil lin gness to nf Mi ss Hy lton. le ft the C: rh :n if e rous j btue penn a nt s; no tim e to le t out y1eld pPacPfully in mino r_ thi nll' S m ee t a week and much Ipenod. B ra chtop ocis , crmo1d stems., up rah! ra hs! to for the commo n we::!l Th ey came e ffic ie nt. work 1s ac>c om plish ed with and a few pro ta zn ans were on the d1splay our sc h ool s pmt a nd en;:tl so as aga inst the at- such a shor t. time tr ai n ing The, list of the tr aces left by ancient It hu si asm. Not with !'uch a g ood tempt to f et ter th e ir mi n ds and c> lub intends t aking a week 's to ur I sea lif e in its d eposit s durin g the bas ket ball t ea m in trai ning r ig ht sou ls by an aut h or ity whic h Eng (. at the end of t he semester as the I Pe n nsy lva n ian period There are I he re on the campu s. under the and presentlv d es tr oyer! They c lim ax f or the fi rst pa rt uf the ir I many inte r est ing thingA along- thi s I di rectio n nf the old fighter, cam_e as prud ent , hardworki ng/ year's wo r k. This is n ot th e ulti- !t in e in Pe ru vicini ty s tnd t .ntsl Coac h Th is wint er the old bu,: m ess me n, who made a l iv ing mate en d in view fo r the help it wou ld be to have m teac h tng gymnasiUm w11i echo and re -e cho for themse l ve s an rl their chi lilr en wi ll be to girls in their socia l and evo lu t ion in sc hoo l or •ome wi th our "Say!" "What?" "Th at 's wh ere non e had worked be fore. sc h o.)l l ife whe n away from Pe ru of th P. sciences . N ow 's yo ur what!" and our he 11rts wi ll s we ll They s ucc eed ed wh Pre al l pr e vious , a nd the improv e ment in the ir s in chance to get an i_nt er es ti ng- co llec· pride as the sco re pil(,s up atte mpt s in New England had fa il - ging- voic e is rea l ize d by them a ll of soi ls. _r oc ks and 1 for Pe r u. ed; they were th e pi lot ship fo r the 1 , It is o nl y the ambit i ous that r eac h f ns Jl s, espe ci a ll y dun n g. t hese 1 Did you kn uw th at th ere a re t hr ee P warm day s when a wal k IS more I f 1 ur i tans;they lift ed the big- end of their goa l anti the Glee Club is re fr es h ing- and bene fi c ial than study 1 o ast year 's lett er men ba ck on the of the wo r ld impr o ving. Every gir l if it is ta ken in s mall do,es. Ithe fl oo r more }Jep than The world ad-jiS m vtted. so come one! Com e all! •ever? Bes1des t ht s, tt tere area mir es the Pilg rim Fat h ers bee . a us e 1 1 to th e Gle e Cl ub practice . The , , Y. W C A· Isco re of o th er fine b aske t ba ll men f h E . f II . • Hab tt Mak l nr{ anr.l Ha bi t Break- I t h h h d d h' h o t e ngl1sh pluck and de te mm a- o ow 1n g are th e members of the '. , · ou w o ave a g-oo 1g f:chool • • 1 1 1n g. Are you mtc• re!'t ed in the/ · Th h t10 n, a nti Engl1sh respect for law and 1 c ub: , e xp enen ce e t ree Je tter men j to p1c? Were you at Y. W Jast i h 1 d · h po wer of orga n1 zat10 n wh tch th ey Mtor le Ar gab n sr ht Mab el Arv id-d · < w 0 P aye m t e great fightf: of hore in to th e New Wo r ld so n, Bird ie Raid win: Ba rry · W e? nes a_y evening- to hear this la!'t year are : Floyd Higgins I G ' su bJ ect d1sc us se d? How rnuch de- f St 11 .J c 1 were a feeble communit y we i ghted 1 rac e Baughman, Es s 1e Breck en- o e a, anu ar and Edwar d with d ebt , no of the ir I rid ge , Lu el la Dowe ll, Mi ldred pen.ds upon hab tt? Do you have/ Rose nqui st of Ong. Of the n ew , hab1 ts you should bre ak and are G 1 d T f · k1ng-, had nn b ac king of a rich Fr os trom. 1\ nn G tl bert. , Effie Gi ll i- . ' 1 men ay or o t of Super iO r who L ther e so me you Will n ee d to fo rm ''! 1 d t h · co mpany , no colonizin g po l icy , no land uc !l e Har8J ian , l »aue l Ha rt · Do rothy .Jackso n was th e P aye ce n er on t e htg h s ch oo l con s ciou s ne ss that th ey were mak- ley , H aze l H ea t on, The lma How e. of this sp l endi d m ee tin g. team that wo n at the state tour n aing hi s tory-ju st a plain, su bs tan - Alyce · Hu mb ert, Hel en H umbert,: R eso lve to come to Y. W.. st ick me nt !aRt yea r; P aul Wi !cox, who tia l, hon est. u prig h t. religiou s F aye Far qu har, Mary Jarv is, Fe rn to your r_esolve an d you w il l soo n was the guard on the Nebody of me n, w ho trusted God and Jones. Mona Kei lh Jessie Ke ll y .have ac qutred one go ld h ab i t. bras ka City team; G eo rge Wi ly of k . 1 · I The or oce t! d3 of the Y. W co u nty Heb. . 0 W'l ept th et r powder dry. They edu- Kn 1gh t, Mignon Ma r cy, fai r am ounted to $ 98 00 · on I so n Harvard; · • oco ntlnu d on l''ourth •
Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second-class matter.
Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal
$l.Clfl per year
Single copy 5 ets.
The Webster_Debating Club.
At the last meeting of the socie ty the question, Reso lved, that college students whQ earn a grade of 90 percent in daily work should be exc u sed from final ex· aminations, was affirmed by Mi ss MP.yer a nd Mis s Wil so n, and denied by Mr. Nel so n and Mr. Ganzel!. The jud ges ' decision was for the
IAfter th e debate there was gen· e ral discussion of the speeches by the members of the club , conclud ed
If you do not receive you r Normalite, by the criti c. Sever al members
ca Te no ti ce in the Normalite box in the ha ve expressed special apprec iation Admini s tra tion building. of the critic's rep ort lt is ai-
No articles accepted after 8 o'clock ways made so that the mem ben Monday mo rning are able to i mprove their own de ·
TilE IH>tToR tAL STAFF i' bates by the suggestions made in Ad a Hufr, Editor-in-Chief his report.
Robert Quic k Associate Editor Tho the organizatio n is entirely Lewi s Editor comp leted and the "-policies" of Jcsste J(cllcy As ;rstant Erhtor h I b h b d · d h R N1 • · · t e c u ave een eterm 1ne , t e ex 1 cs Busmess Mg r. Donald R1Hnkenship , :-.1g'r. Mailing Dept business me etincs of th e c lub st ill provoke considerab le interest and I< F.I'OilTI!R S: Mabel , Senior discu ssio n. The members are quite
concerned over the work wh i ch in other aocieti es would be called Portrait and Commercial---We put .the ••snap in RexNiles : Y :vt .C A. "routi ne business." At the last snap-shots" We hove the film that Pearle B.:lle :.>.. Y. W. t '. A.
To be st·lected N. c. A. Esther Dclzcll.. Gi, ;9 Club MargueriteBridges Dramatic Club \ ': Calendar. Events. Wee kly.
m eeting it was decided to suspe nd one meeting and hold the next meeting on the Tuesday before vacation, when the question of op P. n versus closed shop will be affirmed by Messrs. Nieh;en and Rosenqui st , and denied by Messrs. McCa ll and Hacker
Phone 56
An amendment to the bylaws was
Monday---Orch es r.ra·, 8: 15 p. m. Tuesday-- -D ebating Societ y 8 ·15 Girls' Glee Club, 7 : 15 · read the seco nd time, and will be Band, 7:30 p. m. · · brought up for action next Tuts· Wed n esday---Y. w. C. A 7 :SO It was voted to send Miss p. m. IB1l lmgsley a vote of thanks for ai d
Y. M. c. A, 7 :30 p. m. glven to of the c(ub in Orchestra, 8 : 15 p. m. m ate nal. A new member Thursday- - -Ba nd. 7 :30 p. m. was i nitiated.
G irl s' Glee Cl ub, 7: 15 p. m. Earl Harlow, who has been teach· Peruvian Staff" 8 :1 5 p m. ing in the Mid-Pacific Insti tute at Friday-Movie.
Page; nt ·
The Octo her n umber of ''Drama'' places the Pi lgrim Pageant by Esther W. Bates as one of the best of its type.
We have had seniors, club m em be rs, the Girls' Club and chem istry ass is tants called often to after-chaptl mee tin gs in the •outhwest corner, but never before have 10 ma ny Ind ia ns, sea waves, Pi lgrims, spirit• and trappers been called from among us.
Chiffon scarfs , Indian moccasins priests' robes, si lver the costumers' li sts continue. The we ird s pecters will appear in costumes from a Chicago costume house and make spines creep up and down, to the music of ''Ase's Tod."
One young Indian acc laim s the fina l eh oru.s as ' 'some song'' and we mu st that it is.
H onolu l u, Hawaii for the past two years. is a graduate student in Carnegi e In st itut e, Pittsburgh, Pa. He writes that a ll his work in Peru ha R heen at par, an<;! tha t he nearly doub les the eight hour law running almost co nstantly at gear.
Keep your eye on Harlow He wi II m ake good.
Co l. Majors and President Rouse were in Lincoln. last week, attend· ing Norma l board meeti n g. The former return ed by way of Beatric e, and r epo r ts Mrs. Majors graclually impr oving in the ho spita l at that place.
A party of young people were amusi ng th e mselves by guessing the answerR to co nundrums One of them aeked, "Why is a pancake like the sun?" Because it rises in der yeast and sets b eh int der vest" was the answe r given by a br i lliant young Sweede.
The paving job is completed. Peru now h as a mile of paving, from the depot to and thr u the State No rmal gr ou nd s.
But for a combinatio n of weathe r and lack of material, the job would have been done some time ago, but was finsihed after dark last night, the last two cars of brick arnving yesterday fo r enoo n. The crew s tay ed oo the job until ten o'clock to complete the wo rk.
With the pavini' completed. and the light deal a success, it looks
- GOOD THINGS TO EATStudents' Headquarters as if Peru ough t to celeb.rate.Pointer I
He who fights and runs away , I Wi ll live to fight anot her day. STERLING SEARS AGENT
But he who courts and does not , wed i City Laundry I Wi ll find himeelf in court ' Phone 138 in s tead.
What a f un oy litt le thing
A frog are Ain't got no tail AI most hardly; Wh en he hop he yump; Wh en he yump he sit On he lit tle tail What he ai n 't got Almost har d ly
Barber Shop & Bath
Milstead Baseme nt
Fu ll line of Toilets on hand Agent f or Auburn Laundry
Girls' Club Notes. Winship Wisdom.
The December Girls' Club t ea One learns to read that he may
which was scheduled for December read when be has occasion to learn 16, will be omitted. Next week tbru reading to enjoy be in g Pageant week almost all or use.
sched ul ed even ts of classroom activiti es have willingly fl'iven way before this TercentenAry Ce le brc:ltio n. Note .ve say outside cla ssr oo m activities. The same tea
P oetry is usually rearl fnr the joy of reading it.
The funny papers are usual ly read for the amusement one gets from the reading. committee with Miss Jackson as Prudity is almost as vicious as chairman, will hold over for the impr op riety January tea.
Tne cou nci l wiJ] h ol d a sho rt but A gent leman. after glancing over mportant m/3eting in the fac u lty the bill of fare, looked around the room on Saturday afternoon, De- room for a waiter. cember 18, pro mptly at 4 o' clock. "Yes, sir," said the waiter slid·
The Joy house ha s attained th e ing onr in response to his ca l l. numeri ca l dignity necesaary to be "Tell me, waiter," asked the rt:!pr ese nterl on the Co unci 1. Miss gentleman, "h ave you got fr ogs' Amy Adams, erst-time counci llor legs?" from Oak Glen, the Jo y- "No, sir ," was the unexpected ous group. reply, "it's rheumatism that make s me walk this way.
Picture Show.
"Evangel ine'' was shown in the Educa'tion is learning how to chape l F'riday nig ht as another of lea rn to have fun without physica l, the Budget movies Beautiful mental or social demorali zatio n. scenes of th e sea, and the "mur- An emot ion al outlet is as essenmering pines and the h am locks" tia l to a healthy human bein(l as were enjoyed by those who attend · is motion to pure water and pure ed. Not only was th e story pleas- air ing, but budget owners were de- Stag nant emotions can becopte as l ighted with th e sce ne ry and offer putrid as a diseased ton sil or a their thanks to the movie commit- ve rmiform appendix. tee for their •election. There is no education in blindfolding so that one cannot see, or HiR:h School Game at Brownville.
Tho se brand in strapping one to a post so that new "golden" he will not stumble. sw eaters came just in time to be -Journal of Education. initiated at the Brownville game la st Friday evening The second 1 Jimmi e: "Do you think I wil l team of the high school squad ever be able to do anything with journe yed to t his neighbor on the my voice'!" south, and gave them a good fast Pe rspiring in s tructor: "Well, game. The sma ll size of the "little it might come in handy in case of church on the hill" gave little fire or shipwreck." chance for team work , and the Maj or premise: We come to game was a grand series of scram· college to improve our faculties hies for th e ball, with ba s ket s hoot- Min or premise: Our pr o fessors ing in "shoot as shoo t can " style are our fauclties
AI tho they lost th e game, the Coni us ion: Th ere fore, we com" ga ng" had a splendid time and to college to improve our Sears ancl Carr e!lpecially enjoyed fe ssors. the box s upper after the game at the school house.
Foll owi ng is the line up and score:
Peru 2nnds-9 WiiROn Brown vill e-11 Soper, W
He len: •'Oh, papa, look at the beautiful lamp Aunt Kate se r.t me It is the latest thing out."
Fat h er: "It wi ll be - Sunday ni g ht."
How often do yoll have ·you·r
Suit Cleaned?
Do yo u know that in the spr ing of the year four time• as many children and grown up d ie as during the r est of the
year put togethj:!r. The wh o le reason for that is th ey wea r a s ui t all through the winter - it is never cleaned. 1 They wea r it to sc hool and sit there all day, then t hey 1 may a-o home; the hou se hold furnishings havn't been cl ean ed and they are full of germs. Most diseases is from neglect of such things. Wh oo ping Cough Meas les , and others are almost the result of uncleanliness.
Try us on your next cleanin g, pressing or dye wo rk We g ive se rv ice, quality and reasonabl e prices. We sell woolens by yard Tailor and Cleaner ]. A. CEJKA.
To the Faculty and Students
When you buy from us yo.u can know tbt1t you are getting the best. We guarantee it. If you should get any article here that - has not the quality it sbou1d have, w.e want an immed i ate opportunity to make it right
Redfern & Ellenberger ·
Small accounts given considerate and careful attention at this bank
E. E. GUOD, President 0. M. GOOD. Cash ier
Eddie Polo, in the s ixth episode, J. W. McADAMS, V. Pre sid ent. ANNA FARLEY, ARst. Cashier.
American Black
"The Vanishing Daggr," comedy We manufacture this and a western.
SATURDAY, D EC. 18 I for Manual Tratntng work,
Enid Benn e tt m Happy Th o ugh I 1. d. M · d.. · sel t ug trect arne to schools. I
Shorty Hamilton in "When Arri- j Bath. E., Wills f. f. c. Andrews Wheth er the years prove fat or lean Sanders This vow 1 will reh ea rse: Carr g. Soper, H. I take th ee, deares t margarine, zona Won." I
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 22 Meek bumber Taylor g. Wheeler For butter or for worse! Sears g. Newton ··-Judge : "I've !oat my hat." Baske ts: W i Ison. 4 ; W. Sopher 2; And thro ,8 Lawyer: "That's no thing. I lo st rews 1; Sanders!. Foul " a suit here yesterday." in "The Square I Buck Jones Shooter." I ! i I
We Invite You
To call at our sto re f or yeur Hard ward Needs, Bath l; W. Soph er 3.
If you hear a joke That really makes you grin, Don't wa:;te it on yourselfWrite it down a nd han d it inMany women are not so bad as they are painte d.
New Management
Gold watches f or ladies with Fresh and Smoked Meats Also Electric lamps, and Flashplain or en ameled faces, $5.00 up.
Something ne w. Side combs for women without teeth, 27c. Colored women's umbrellas, $1.95 each. I i
• 1 Fres h fruits and vege tabl es lights in season You wi ll always find a welcome at WYMORE & DENSMORE Peru, Nebraska. Hardware
Our Basket Ball Prospects (Continu ed from First
Adam Troudt of Stockham; Clifford Clark of Tennessee; Ralph Noerlina-er of Pawnee ; and Alva Fisher, who has played on our own floor before, are good material from 1 which to choose the first team. A large number of others are out who wi II make up a stronger seco nd tea m than ha s ever been known, of which more will be sa id in a later Normalite. A trip will probably be arranged for th e seco nd team some time durin g the
The boys are a ll workin2' hard, showing sple ndid interest in p·repar at ion for the coming sche du le The schedu le w ill be fully as heavy as last yea r, which means approximat ely six games at hom e and e ight or ten away. It will be grve n out complete after the confere n ce meeting, Saturday , December 11, at Linc o ln
Our T ask.
John W. Maxcy.
clear-thinki ng men of action for tomorrow's wo rk , and anything
that will in any WliY thwart th is
ultimate end must be extirpated from our nat iona l life What then
mu st be our attitude the cigarette when we find that of the failures among the boys of our
Shoes and
Shoe Repat·r.·ng
Shoe po li shes and la ces Pr o mpt Repair Se
hi gh sc ho ol 98 percent are due to RINGE; R
its use? Of the boys sent to our
reformatories 99 out of every 100 are smoker s. At the Kansas State Agricultural College an average of 82 pe r cent of the s mo kers fail. At Yale Un i versity it has been found thru a series of the most exacting tests covering a number of years that th e smoke r is from 15 to 18 percent less efficient than the nonsmoker. Such business ·· as the Ca dillac Motor Car Co., J ohn Wannamaker Stores , Marshall Fie d & Co.; Ford Motor Car Co ancl scores of others of equal impurtance refuse to employ a cigarette user. Some the largest in surance compan i es of th is count ry have placed smoking along with "dangerous occupations ," their finding!< being that mortality amo ng the [Continued fr om Nov. 17 issue. ] non -smokers per 1 000 59, I There is no use of our trying to while smonsr the smokers 1t was cl ose our eyes to the evi l effects of 93. Can you ask for more convinctobacco upon our youth The truth ing evidence th!ln this? What hope concerning it is in evidence ori may we entertain for the future every hand. We may r ead it11 if our teachers a nd statesmen must record in our reformatories; its come up from the ranks of a cigarnicotinerl-stained hand may be seen ette smok in g youth?
in ou r juvenile courts; we s tand There is ye t another phase to appalled at the doors of our asy - this question th'lt is worthy our lnm s and morgues to no te the it1- mo st careful considE>ration. In ' creasing number of it s vi'ctims;· 191 8 we planted over one mi llion
yet in the face of this incriminat-· and a half acre• of our most pro-
ing evide nc e the presirlent of the ' ductive soil to tobacco, and thia American Tobacco Association, in at a time when the world was a letter for publication, makes starving for the necessities of life.
bold to a nn ounce to the world that In stead of aidi ng in the titanic the use of the cigarette is n ot struggle in which we were then harmful. ' Th e n um ber is legion engaged, these men, thru their who are willing to believe such finished product. were lowering ' unscientific s tatem en ts rather than the efficiency of our man- power to accept the findings of ou r most the equiva lent of over four million eminent sc ie nti sts and physicians. men, to say nothirng of the comMedical authorities have proved plete loss to le gi timat e busin ess of t hat the smoke of the cigarette· their own services. During the injures the mucous membrane of same year we expe nd ed for t obacco, the throat and lungs; it weakF!aS with no e conomic gain whatsoever, _}\
the heart and ha rden s the arteries: one billion, two hunderci million
tha t, due to a unio n of carbon dollars. Add to this enormous
monoxide with the blood, ins uffi- total our one hundred m illion doleie nt oxygenation results; that lar annua l fire lo ss due to carelessthere is r eleased by the burning of n ess on the part of smo kers, and glycerine and other products in. even extravagant America must the t obaccb and cigaret paper, re a li ze that t obacco is an e xpensive
nicotin e and furfural, poisons that indul gence. s hatter the nervous system a nd (To be continued.)
OUR MOTTO;-"The best goods for the least money" We re pair pe ns, jewelry and spectac les. - GIVE US A CALL Bifo cal Le nses J. C. CHATELAIN. Peru. Nebr.
South of the bnilding, suves }' OU the
long walk down town.
& Ca ndy make absolutely impo ss ible the norm al of the brain and nerve cells in the growing boy. Paul was visiting friends, dna when he eame down to• breakfast the first time, hi s hostess asked:
It is this "growing boy" who is our greates t asset. If America is ever to become the n atio n of our h opes sh'e must protect her youth. She must have strong,
"Paul, h ow de you lik e your eggs boiled?"
"Two at a time , please," was Paul's response.
SW:t - QQ
Nebraska's Pioneer and Veteran · BY
1 Edna Swans on Ver H a11 r to Appe ar
Politician Enjoys Ripe 1 I E I at Norm al Ch ape l. Friday, Years 1 • very nation has its sac r ed mem- England , their unsatisfactory so7 ories a nd tr ad it io ns that are near jo urn in Ho lland, and the ir fi nalj Ja n ua ry
POLITICS AND THE PUBLIC to the h earts of its people. In1 depa rt ur e fo r that w ild and un- I THE YEAR'S MUSICAL EVENT va ri ab ly r:late to s rru g1 known. across the sea Then I __
By L eo J. Ryan. / gles and pr1 vat10ns of 1ts ear ly the Spmts of the St ormy Sea in Edna Swanson Ver Haar is one Down in Nemaha county, at l pioneers a nd se ttlers. So h as it the whirl and ru sh of the ir dan ces of the mo st sati sfac tory concert Peru, li ves one of the !,!rand old been in the hi s tory. of ou r own the perils pr i vatio ns and or at or io contr alt os befo re th e me n of Nebra s ka po liti cs, Tom country. Eve ry ·chdd and gr ow n of th1 s dang erous JOurney. As Amer i can public. Si nce h er fir st Maj ors. In thE: thit::k of politics up has be en to ld that beautiful the se ex iles wer e the fi rst to come pr ofe ss iona l appearance f our yea rs for man y years, defeated f or gov- of the P ill'rim a nd has Jea rn- to th ese shores , so an an gel ago, she ha s-ste ad il y gr own in po per n or in one of th e most bitter ed to ho ld in profound res pect th 'O! t prec e des th em and upon ha t !}far favor. th e i nc reas ini' dem and ca mpa igns e ver fo ught in Neb ras-is n ea r to wo rs hip th ose pi ous and r.mgh and r ock-b ound coast pr e- foo: her services kee ping p ace ka, wh en Silas A. Holcomb, popu - self-saerific in g s ee ke rs of re lig i ou s d1c ts that th e irs is the gl ory and with her rema rk a ble ar tis tic adaid ed by a fr om the freedom. It is, th er efore, al to1 praise of thi s be ginning but that vancement. Durini' thi s time she r epublican pa rty, wa 11 el e cted , Tom ; get her fitt1ng and pr o per th at we all nations shall co me to follow has ap pea red wi th lead i ng arch esMaj ors is as ch ee ry and un s cat h ed sh oulrl as a nati on cele bra te an d and se nd their re pr esentat i ves to tr as and ch or al or ga ni zati ons with as if he had ne ver been in battle 1comm emora te the a nniversary of thi s land of fr ee dom of wors hip. unvar y in g succ ess. During the Se rving five years in t he Union th e landing of these pe ople In the seco ncl eoi s ode th e P i!- pa st summ er Ma dam Ver Ha ar army "of th e Civil War, emerg ing up on our sh ores in 1620·. grims Janel up on that most uni n- sang- in Sw eden as so loist w ith t he without a s cratc h, the battles of / For some of us it has been th e viting coa s t. Tht!Y se t at once to Swedish Ch oral Soci e ty of Chica g o, li fe seem not to ha ve hurt, but Igp od fortun e to s tan d b es i de that mak e home s for their wiv es and and achieved a se nsa ti on al pe rs on al rather me llowed th e p hil osop hy of memorabl e rock ha llowed by the ch i ld re n. In the mid st of th eir and artistical triumph. T hi s se ri es th e o ld tim e s tates man of Ne bra ska. fact of th ese me mories , and look opeartion s they are vis it ed by a of forty co nce rts was marked by a Ju st at pres ent Tom seaward as they d id out up on the band of fri e ndly Indian s. Th ey co nt inuou s o vati on for th is tal e ntyears ol rl, a me mb er of the St ate br oad Atl antic w ith its mem o ri es warn the newco mer s of the rig or s ed ar tist. Appearing in a ll th e Normal Bnard, and one of t he most of a long sto rm to ss ed jour 11 ey.; or Iof the cl im ate and offer an ex - pr inc i pa l ci ties of the co untr y, she youthful. ke t> n. pl eas ant old gentle- : inl and to that ru gge d littl e hi ll change of help Th e peace pip e was everywh ere ac claimed as on e of men in th e· st at e. Ibede ck e rl wi th ·crumbling red s labs about the co un ci l c ircle and t he br igh te st sta rs in the mu sical Tom Ma jors ca me to Ne bra s ka in that to this day s till te ll the ta le all pledge all eg ia nce to the p ac t. fi r mam e nt. 1859 . He was 19 years old th e n. ; of that te rrible fir !l t wint e r. The It is an o ld sto ry h ow C hief I - G p I ym . ar ty. He ha s hee n he re ever s in ce and trav e er c1 nnot so loo k w1th o ut Ma s.>aso it and hi s h rav e ba nd s aved I . ha s se en th e state grow up fr om a fe elin g that th e gro und up on whic h the fr om An Mo nda y at 8 "ld · · · h 't · d t he g1rl s of th e ph ys1ca l ed ucat iO n WI pr a •ne 1nto one of the m os t e IS s an '11 ng IS t oo s ac re to oc casional war da nce w1th its bl ood I pr osperous ce nt ers in th e co un try. wa lk up on 1 cur cil ing yells a nd s hr ie ks wo uld 1 de pa.rtment are to enJ OY a
. adapted to th e1r
And he ha s not stood idl y hv dur- B ut r.o mo st of us th1 s pri v il e ge strik e terror in to the heart s of th e d 11 b · · · taste s Pa rty r ess es WI e pro- Jo g th1 s proc ess of develop ment h es s till 1n th e fu tur e. !<'or who brav est. . . h . bl · h 'i · · , h1b1 te d a nd t e gy mnasi um oeme lt e r. I does n ot WI Sh s ome day to see Bu t th e fir st hRr ves t of the foi -l d 11 b d f · J ers an mlw11es WI e uonne or Th ere are fi ve ye ar s in Tom's Plymouth Rock and a ll it s a cc om- lowin g year find s th e li ttl e Rur v iv - 1 S d l .f : , , a re al fr o 1c. t un t s, game s an 1 e th at he parucu larly lik es to pany1n g me mon es ? Yet to every Iin" band wi th a plent io us s upply 11 b h d f th 1 e at s w1 e t e or er o e e ve nta lk a bo ut They ar e not obj ect -1. on e cam e th e ne xt b es t thin g. a for the on com ing wint er And 1.
Iv ely, pe rhap s, the fiv e greates t ve ry ra re opp o rtun 1tY la st Fnd ay 1 wi th thank f uln ess fo r a ll the bl ess
· · · j · 1
yea rs m h1 s llfe. Bu t they are the eve mng, when A Pageant of the ! in gs God had grant ed th em they se
· · · " • l 1ts
ye ars th at are mo st chenshed in ' P ll gnms, by Es th er M. Bat es , as id e a day f or tha nk c:g ivin g and . f th t 1 • tmuan ce o e cus o m. memory bv him self and of w hi ch was pr ese nt ed by facu l ty and s tu- f eas tin g. Th e Indian s wh o meant _he is most pr oo d - his s er vice to de nt s of the Norm al S choo l und er • so much to th em t he win - I Campfire Girl s. h is country. Ithe mos t capable dir e cti on of Miss ter are call ed in to share th e f ea st I In the earl y fall th e se ve nth a nd Am ong . other thin g s, Tom Dunn. Here w as a pre se ntati on To co mp lete th e ir joy the good e ighth grad es g irls met to co ns id er 11as the dis tin c ti on of he in g in living form a nd mo ti on that ' s hip Fo rtun e a rriv es with 35 new th e of a campfire . As th ey pos s ibl y the fir st a cl vocate of br o ught so cle ar ly to th e mi n ds of coloni sts. As yea rs go by oth ers app ealed to th e gir ls th ev dec id ed woman su ff r age in the s tat e. a perfe ct ly spe ll bound audi e nc e come to th ese Nor do th ey to orga nize and a ch a rter was se nt Bac k in 185 7, a fter he as a mem- th e of t hi s band of e xi les all s top on the bl eak sh ores of old fo r. Th ey chos e the s ig ni fi cant ber of the state Re na te ha rl aasis t- Emb le matic of ever New Eng- land We fi nd the Ad- ' na me " Normude." Mi ss Ho pe ed in the loC!at ion of t he St ate time, two spec tres s tand in g at ven t urous Spi ri ts Jurin g them on- j Le wi s has bee n c hm>en JlUardia n Normal Rt Per u, he we nt ' home to eith er s id e of th e sta gE> in the per-' all ty pes of pi on ee rs- tr a ppers. anrl Wa nda Sea rs president Th e atte nd. the sc h oo l he bad • fo un ded. son s of In qui s itor and In te rpr e ter h unt ers, priest s, bla ze rs. of tr a il s 1 gil11 s are now dPvis in g ways and Ther e, in a de bate a ga in st" John sought to e xp la in th e se ri es of pa :; - and wh at- n ot -l ea din g th em be -' me ans of' earning ho nor s and before Dundas , he held that wo men s hould s in g They recoun t th e y:md the coast la nd int o th e inter- 1 long e xpec t to he t he p roucl p ossesp er sec ution of t he Pi lg rims in so r of ma ny hon or bead s . r con t inu ed on S econd Pngc: .) 1l:o nt f nu Pc1 nn fl'o ur th
Entered at the Postoffi ce at Pe ru , Nebras ka as s eco nd -class ma tter
Published Weekly by th e Peru State Normal
$ 1.00 pt!r yea r. Single co py 5 cts
let th e time prec ed ing Xm as be fi lled w ith such turm o il and unr est th at we fa il to lift ours e lves up to t he great me an in g of the day.
Fe llo w stu de n ts , let us sp e nd th e af te rn oon in God 's out of doo rs, let go of the pet ty tri fles t hat te nd o nl y to de st ro y, an d gra sp th ose thi ngs w hi ch are pe rm ane nt . You wlll be im bued so much w ith the Xmas spi ri t a nd th is Christmas Iseason wi ll be On fil fil led wi th the tr ue spiri t of peace and good w ill ma ni fe ste il hy love.
If you do not receive your No rrn a li te ea ve nol icc in th e No rrn a li te box in th e Adminislra ti on bu ilding. -· No articles accl:'pt cd a fter 8 o 'clock Mon day mnrn in g.
Thru th e a ges th e sp ir it of Ch rist mas has beco me em bod ied more a nd mo re full y in mo r al co de and lega l enac tm e nt , in hum an pr ac tice3 an d t hi s custom
Ada Hun· Edit or in Chicf day of has gr ow n stronger
Ro be rt a nd more s ig ni fica nt. Th ere no
TH I! EIHTo iii AI. s·rAFF. 1 o l' ce leb rating one day as t he birth-
Ho pe Lew I!' Assist ant Ed tt or h 1 :1 b I d Ch · t o rc ay so e ove as ns mas.
j css1e Kt•lley r\ S·ISt<Jn t Ed1t or
Rex Niles Ml! 'r. Ch rrst mas IS the at.:know ledge me nt
j ess ie: Kcll cy Mg' r. Maili ng Dept of th e re ality of the i dea l of love in a wo r ld of hu ma n ity a nd in-
Ma be l Dn:,sl er hu manity. It r obs the snow an d
\Vm. Swnnzwc lder Ju nior t he co ld of Dece mbe r of a ll it s
Lo• s Griffin Sop hom ore P or
Do roth y tmtt Freshmen
P · te rr ors a nd co nver ts th em in to an u
Rex Hil es v M.C in evit a bl e hackgro und of go od
Pe a rle Helle Y. \V t'. A. cheer , as Ch ri st con ve r ted mis e ry
To be st·lec t ed N.C. A i nto th e o pp o rtunit y of cha rity, fit S your
Esther Oc lzeii... Gili s Club whereby alone men m ay ga in ha pMargueri teBrid ges Oram at ic Clu b L J k · pin ess. Christma s celeb rates th e oy . Hac er Oehat 111 g Club ea rt hl y imm o rt a li ty of man thru
Tom M ajors Refle cts Sun s hine . g if ts to th e poor , o ur fr ie nds a nd
<Conti nue d r rom Fi rs t P o.J;;e.l especia ll y ch il dre n, an d th ru the have the right to v ote, and he wo n ete rn al j oy t hat com es fr om the th e d eba te. l ove of c hil dho od
[The above extr ac ts fr om a lif e ske tch of our "fa ithfu l C hris tm as as Christ mas of th e No rmal Sch o ol. gi ve n are· If C hr is t mas gi vi ng has become cent nu mbe r of the Wor ld-Her al d, a bu g- he ar or lost its cha rm bew ill be interes tin g reacl ing to th e Ic au se it ha• be co me a mere mat ter hu ndr eds of frien ds of Per u' s hon-of em- tom, let us thr ow custom to
ore d ci ti zen, Th o ma s J. Ma j ors .] th e wi nds. Let o ur &" i ft s thi s year be in expensi ve: let th em be given thot fu l ly a nd wi th humili ty and
The ·E. J. New man Studio
Phone 56
is to ch ange its as pect of un ive rsal I warfar e fo r peace The power of se lfis hn e4S , a ll g ra s pi ng a nd seem - I I in gly inv in ci ble , is to yie ld to thi s div in e ene rgy. The so ng of ang els, On ea rth p eac e, '' wil l no t al way s ::lOund as fictio n .-Chan ning.
C hri stma s th oughts dnd atfec -
tions ma ke our spirits a land of - -GOOD T HI NGS TO EA T-Th e Seas on' • Good Chee r. uns e ttin g s un: i ts br ightn ess and l h As Chr istmas ti me appro ach es joy Chris t ma s oug ht to be re· th ere s tir s wit hin o ur mi nd s the li eved of it s bur de ns in o rd er th at
it s wa r mt h :::p r t> ad ing a so f ten ed He,' QL• glory over a ll the wo r ld.-C unn in gham Ge iki e qu esti ons conce rnin g the sig nifican ce of C hri st m as, it s rela li on '> h ip to a nd ita in flu ence on life. Eac h year more ti me , t ho ug ht an cl money are lavi shed in ho nor of th is season. Boo kl ets are left at o ur door s. Sho pp ing li sts try to so lve f or us th e pro bl em of C hri s tm as g if ts On ev ery side the craf t sma n s how s his ar t ful c unn ing by ad vert is eme nt or display as he d isp lays hi s wa r es in a m ost a lluri ng s tyl e. Fo rest a nd w ood la nd yield great loads of tr ees a nd gree ns and shops, church es and hou ses ar e bein g decked in ho liday at ti re. Fr om c hanc el ancl c hoi r th ere is wa ft ed th e s wee t m e!'sa ge of " Peace on Earth, good wi ll to men;'' an d fro m the le c tur n we h ea r agai n th e old story th at on th at fi rst Chri s ma s mo rnin g' th ere, too , was fo und no r oo m in th e i nn , fo r the message of Pe ace. Do not
it may be mo re i nt e ll ige ntly a nd en th usiastica ll y ce lebr ate d. Th e best th at pare nt or ch i ld ca n gi ve is always s pi r itu a l. The tra g edy li es in th P. su bs ti t ut io n of th e mat e ri al fo r sp iritual t hi ngs. Let us th en be gin on ce mo re to ge t an d to g iv e th e th at ro mPs
"Whatever gi fts the hour s be- 1 stow, or g- r eat or :; mall , I I wo ul d not m easur e AG E NT
As wo r th a ce rta in p ri ce in prase, 1 but ta ke th em a ll 1 <..:it )' L tlundry And use th em a ll. wi th s imple, \ Phone 138 he artfe lt ple asure."
from a th ous and ill us tr at ions in a Ca lend ar. 1 beau ti ful ways of the Reg ul ar Ev e nts. gr eat t ruth that t he di vin is t thing Wee kly ·1 in the wo rl d is love, and th e great - I Monday- --O rch es r ra, 8 :1 5 p m. es t joy of God is givi ng.
Mig h ty power s a re at work in Tu esda y -D eb at in g Society, 8: 15. ! th.e world. Wh o can stay th em? G irl s' Gll-'e C lu b, 7: 15 p. m. I Go d 's word has gone fo rt h, and I Band, 7 :30 p. m. · it• canno t re turn to h im vo i d. A We dn esd ay - Y. W. C. A 7:301 new co mprehension of the Chris t· p. m.
mas sp ir it, a n ew r ev e ren ce for Y. M. C. A, 7: 30 p. m. hum a nity , a new fe el in&' of bro t h· Orch es tra, 8:15 p. m. e rh ood and of all men 's r el ations Thu rsday---Ban d, 7: 30 p. m. to th e co mmon Fa th er ,- thi s is G irl s' Glee Club , 7:15 p. m. am ong th e signs of o ur ti mes. Peruvia n Staff, 8 :1 5 p. m. Soc iety s il e ntl y p ervaded by th is, F ri day-Mov ie.
Schoo l Su pplie s, IStn tionery , f ine ca t1(1 ie s l i aud Fa vor ite To ilet\ Articl es
Girls' Bask et Ball
At t his tim e of the year interest in the g am e of ba ll ia mos t keen and sp irit run s hi gh. Since th P. boya repre5 e nt the sc hoo l on the court s of the s tate, sc hoo l s pirit is ke e nly back of their practice. The girl s represe nt th e vario:r s {. J, sses of th e s cho ol in an annua l tournament a nrt no !ell s int eres t is sho wn in th e ir practice. Th e re ha s be en an exc e ptr on al ly large gro up of gi rl s o ut for basket ba ll this year. Th e fr e shm en, sma ll ' but mighty cla ss ha• e se nt practically a ll their girls to try out. Tho entirely new at th e game. som e ve ry clever and quick goa l t hr owers have de ve lope d a nd the group is playing- good ba ll.
We a ll remember th e fre s hmen of last yea r a nd the scrap th ey pu l
a Christmas so ng whi ch t ea apron, all befor e s he reach e rl the once," grandmother sa id "It was served and an opport unity g iv- front door. would be just like me to have en to ob s erve the e xhibit of other "ComP. in, come right in given Judge Swa n a piece of salt y a rti cles whic h the foreign trunk and let me take your things," pie. It's lucky 1 made some other conta in ed floated back to Tom as he st oo d in desert."
Art Club Meets. On Tuesday eve ning of las t wee k the Fort ni g htl y Art C lub a very plea sant ar:d pr ofitable · evenin g in f urt her study of rugs Mr s. C. Jean discussed "Di st in g ui s hing Makes of Turk· oma n and Bel uc hi stan Rugs." In a v ery capable ma nner the hi st ory of th ese ori e ntal peop les was traced. show in g its re la ti on to ru g making . K hi va a nd Bokara rugs were on ex hi b iti on. Pictu re s of Roy al Boka r a, Tekke, Beluchistan, Yermurl, Samarkand and Khiva rugs show n to i llu s tratt>
the · kit chen doo r waiticg for what Th e nex t day T om sat on the s id e he knew not, " and will y ou pl e as e porch again. He was liste ning to excuse me a minute?" the drone of th e be es But hi s Gra n, do you kn ow what you thou gh ts wer e not on bees or hon ey d id'!', sa id Tom in hi s boyi sh way. suckle vi ne. But upo n something " You put sa lt in that pie in s te ad he he ld in hi s hand It was a large of sug ar ." cher ry pie with juice oozi ng out ·'Yo u can't fool me, yo ung over a au ga ry cru st. As hi• teeth ma n." said granmdother. But sa nk in for a delrcoius bite he m urs he pi e 1 mur ed. found hersP. lf <gu il ty 1 don t j "Fe, fii, fo, fum, know how I am eve r go ing to 1 Cherry pie, th a nk you for being nau gh ty for I Y nm, yum. yum ."
To the Faculty and Students
aiffe re nt points mad e by rho:: up agai nst the se ni o r:s Th ey are j W he 11 o u hu y · spea ker. On Janu ary 28t h Mi ss all out again this yea r to repr ese nt Dunn will di s cuss "Oth er Makes of th e sophomore c la ss. There are from us yu 1.1 I I 1 11ow thtlt you Or i emal Ru gs." several fin e additions to the gro up and t hey are one of th e ve ry prom- ' Gra ndmother Turns the Tables. ising te am s.
As usu al it is very hard to te ll Tom sat on the lowPst limb of whether th e juni o rs or sen io rs ha ve the apple ' tr ee keep in g time with the st r onge st squad If numb ers his feet to the drone of the bees mea n su cc ess the juniors have the as the y hu mme rl in a nd o ut of th e s tr ongest sh ow in g. If i"Oal throw- hon ey s uc kle vine on th e s id e ers an d fine guar cl s and consis tent porch. He was a boy of thirteen practice mean anythin g the se ni ors are espec iall y in the limelight. It is too early to pick teams or with red hai r an d gr ay eyes. a nd a rath er large nose well sp rinkl ed with fr eck les. prophesy th e outcome of th e tour- The sweet odor of cherry pi e nam e nt There is sti 11 a chance floate r! out across the g arden to for many players who ha ve been him as he sa t tli ere wh fst li ng. to o bu ;; y up to the present time to See ing a bit · of Grandm oth er 's gr. t int o the garne. Si n ce it is up · black dress and the top of her red to th e gi rl s to upho ld the honors sunbonne t on Mrs. Stone's ba ck of the cla ;; s es, interest is ve ry porch he dr o pp ed noi s le ssly to th e kePn and rivalry runs hi gh. gr ounrl and c rept s ilently to the
ure the best. We guarttntee it. If you !o-h(lud szet ttny article here that has t1 o t the quai t y it s ll ,) .t l t ave , we want an immediate opportunity to m11ke it rit,!ht.
Redfern & -Ellenberger
Sin a 11 accounts szi ven and carefu I attention at this bank.
E. E. GOOD, Pr es iden t 0. M. GOOD. Ca s hi er
J. W. McADAMS, V. Pre eidenl. ANNA FA RLEY Af:st. Cas hier. pantry window There on the sill I y Vll an d Y M sat three che r ry pi es O h, h ow
fht! y W. C. A. and Y. M. C. t empt inll they looked. Tom help e d, Junior Clas s Notes, American Black A. held a jomt meeting fo llowed himself to a generous bitt! an d by an informal tea, Sunday afte r- swa llowe d it with a big gu lp
noon at the Baptist church The " S-alt!" he s puttered pu rpose of the m eeting was to show t he ne ces,; i ty for America to he lp t.he stud e nts of fo rei gn co untr ied to gar o their desr red ed ucation. Eason told abou t the great fa min e in China which is said to be th e gr eatest in the history of the country. Mr. Nelso n told of the hardships of st udents in Europe, and how we will be gi ven an opport un ity to help th em by placing Christmas gifts of money rn boxes wh ich wil t be in the lobby of t he ch ape l and the adm i ni s tration build in g this week . A one act play in w h1 ch cos tumes from a for e ign trunk wer e used was given by a group of gi rl s. This play port r ayed the fo r ieg n countries entreati ng the s pirit of C hristmas to g iv e thi er wo men aid in securing an educat ion The meeting was cloesd with
No w th at the pa gea nt is over the class of '22, that g oo d old c la ss, wi ll blo sso m out again by h av ing a gra nd old prog ram Thur sday
Grandmother had the habi t of suga ri ng her pi es within an in ch Did you eve r :-ee a livin g maga - We manufacture this of th eir sh ort li ves and in ha ste z in e? We ll c ome to class ch ape l lu tn ber for Mtt nual to prepare it for c ompa ny s he got Thur Rday and you will see so me- Train work, the salt can in s tead of th e sugar thr'n g new . A ll f ou r colo rs are • d dJrect box. Altho th e pie id not taste going tog et her to give it. Won't I good to Tom he wisely decided to it be an affair of g-ay co lor? , to schools. go swim min g. A ll JUnio rs out!! I Pr ompt ly at a quarter past fi ve, I' Meek Lumber> <::.o. Tom jumped the back fen ce and Barber Shop & Hath was in the act of patting him se lf Milstead Base m ent I on th e back f or being in such good Full line of Toilets on hand lu ck, when he saw gra ndm othe r Agent f or Aub urn Laundry I arme d with a rag ged c herry pie M 1\1\ d1 p I a nd a sti ck. As T om knew, sto len w. . ,, cAr e, rop. I 1 pie a nd hick ory sticksalways go MEAT
New Ma nage me nt Fresh and Smoked Meats Fr esh fruits a nd ve geta bl es
1 in season
We Invite You
To call at o ur sto re for your H ardward Needs, Also El ectric lamps, and Flashlights toR"e th er, he knew what to expect But just then the front gate click ed and th e dignified Judge Swan and h is wife wer e see n coming up the walk . G rand mother put the pie and stick on the table. took off h er sunbonn et and smoot hed her
1 Yo u will always find a welcome at WYMORE & DENSMORE Peru, Nebrask a. Mackprao's Hardware
A of the Pilgrims (Continued Crom First Pal:'e.) ior. Farther and farther they lead them, nor do they stop unti I tltey have crossed the Father of Waters, thirsted on the desert plains, and climbed the highest ridges that separate all from the great sea on the west. Ever farther do they go, from ua st to west and from west to east unti I a II the earth shall be discovered, settled and peopled by th e ir foll o wen
As a final s cene, embl ema tic of our present America, the Godde ss of Liberty came forth and representives of all nations come befor e her to seek the blessin gs of tru e liberty. What a glorious Rpectacle as she receives them all within her folds and call s them her children!
Wh en off in one corner a punch bowl we found.
And all thru the evening we did glide o'er the floor, Ti I I our feet were weary and corn s were all :;ore.
So we sat down to rest for a minute or less ,
And our hostesses vanished-and we must confess They flew to the kitchen and soon did re turn
With plates full of goodies for which we did ye a rn ;
Sti ck candy wa s hung on the tree with all :!are,
With appropriate ver ses for all who were there
We sprang from our chairs , gave a.yell for second floor,
And away we all flwe thru the ball Truly may they all sing in chorus room do or. the "Land of Hope and Liberty!" And we heard all exclaim as they Second Floor Treat. pas1ed out of sight, 'Twas two we eks before "What a wonrl e rful ' time we have mas. and all thru the dorm had this night. ''
S econd fi oo r girls were stirring, yes early that morn ; Decorations were hung in the ballroom with care, In hones that all inmates sure woul rl be there.
Each girl was scrubbing and washing her head
While they thought of the eats that that night would be spread; And Peg in her kerchief and I in
HiP'h School Basket Ball Prospects. The prospects for a splendid hi_g-h sch oo l b as ket ball team could not j be· bett e r. With the pri v il e ge granted this year by the Stato!! High School Atheltic Association to use home talent eleventh and tw e lfth grades. the same team used la st year iR back to a man. It a!Qo inclun es twu good new men, my cap, Ed Bath and Sears. Altogether, Had just settled down for an after- enough men are out to make two noon nap- strong team s of nearly equal Wh en down in the hall there arose s trength The first team lineup such a clatter will th P. refore be vPry much the We sprang fr om our bed to see what was the matter same afl last year , with Parriott ce nter, Delzell, Carr and Brunsdon
A way to the s tairway we flew like _g-uard s. ra nd Cowell , Cha se and a flash Coms tock forward s. Sears gives
To re down the stair s with one go od pr omise for a running guard wild da sh. pos iti on a nrl Wils on of la st year's
Thl! sun as it !! hewn thru t he windows below
Gave a spirit of Chri s tmas made everything glow; s f' co nrl t ea m is !'hawing up splendidl y a ,; an arlditi ona1 forward ·. that Other men sh o wing up well are
When, what to our wondering eyes should appear
But a monstrou s piano moved to the hallro om near; Mid hurry and flurry, when eight o' clock came, and Wills center, Ed and Howard Bath and Tayl or guards. Coatney and Ritchi e as forward s.
At a rec P. nt election Mark Delzell was unanimou sly made captain of the team We can e xpect• or,]y a s plen d id lead ership under Mark's dirPcti on. The high school stu ·
All chattered and shouted called each by •a rne; "Oh, Sally! oh, Molly! oh and Fan! de nts asso ciation chose Arl een e Susan Ritchie as ma na_g- er anri he is now
Come l<osi e! come Tilly! come making a s cherlul e. Attempts
Anna and Arm! To the room below at the end of the hall,
Now dance awav, rlance away , to some spl e ndid contes ts this down to the ball., winter. Arlingt 9n. wto played And there in a twinkling we heard in th e cla ss B 'finals last ye ar, and Be thany are two g ame11 already scheduled for the Peru floor. some one s ay ;
Oet your partners quick, Sue lead the way!"
Shoes and Shoe Repairing
Shoe · polish es and laces Pr ompt Repair Service &
The Chatelain Jewelry Store
Watches, Clocks, dewelr y. Fountain Pens. Stationery School .Supples. 1\14.1L ORDERS PROMPTLY FilLED
OUR MOTTO;-"The best goods for the Jeast money" We re pair pens, watch es, jewelry and spectacl es. Bi foc al Le ns es GIVE US A CALL ,J. C. CHATELAIN, Peru. Nebr.
So we picked up our train and went tripping aTound, Col. T. J. Majors was a passenger to Lincoln Wednesday. South of the bnildin g, sa ves yo u the lot1g walk down town.
Gerha rt of New
lin g- and in d icti o n, Gr ov e is a grad uate of a Nor ma l characte ri ze her pe rfo rman ce. Her Sch oo l of anoth er state a nd waa voi ce a rich co ntr a lto. unifo rm f or seve ral engag t> rl in pub li c in qu al ity t hru o ut a wide ra njl'e. 1 sc h oo l wo rk, clos in g hi s ed uc ati onal! Mad am Ver Ha ar best di s pl a yed I car eer as s upe ri n te ndent of the Iher ability in th e pro d uct ion of Newman Gr ove schools. He has I iow t on Ps in ,her hnal an been a mem ber of the board of ed -en co re requir in g a uca ti on at NPw man Grove for many qua'li ty of in terpret at ion of whi ch .vea r s. He wa s a member of the t hE> artist was ea• i ly ca pabl e .. In the las t se ss ion. He t hi s, as in ' 'Bv the Waters. of has been en l>('ag ed in ba nk ing chose to be a m embe r of the com- Min neto nk a." h er vo ice a nd in t erboa rd is as f ol low s: Mr. T. J. bus ini" SS at Kea rn ey for ma ny mit tee on ed uca t io n nn d \Va s m ad e · b'l' t th · b t pr e tat i VP a 1 1ty were a e1_r es _. Majo rs of Peru and Mr Dan irhai rma n of th is commi t te e. Mr Howe ve r. h er more ris of Kea rn ey for the six year Mr . H. E. Rei sc he of C hadr on 1Ge rhart a ranke r, we ll kn ow n: lvri ::s .. 'H'Qtli ri n g- a t l' rm; Mr. H. E. Rei she of Cha dr on has heen a member of th e board in his pa rt of the s tat e for hi s in- Irl ram at ic to nal e ffe ct, were we ll an d Mr. F re de ri rk S Berr y of for y ea rs. For m o.>t of 1 his 1terest in pu blic affa i rs and for un - anrl we ll rece ived Way ne f or th e f ou r year terrr.; M r. tim e h E! ha ;; heen sP cret ar y. It i sls elfi sh service alon g- l in e:; of fd uca- H ilt on ad rl erl much to the E H. Ge rh a rt of New man Gr-ove the un a ni mous ve rdic t of the Bo ard t io n a nd pub li c we lf are. GovP r no r ar ti s tic -e ff e ct of the c oncert by her and Mis:> Et ta Yo un g of Om a ha for th at a better secr etary co ul n not McKe lvie has ch osen wise ly. 1 th oro ly ap pro priate foll ow i ng of th e t wo .v ear te rm State Su pe rin- be f ound Mr. Rei sche com es ro Mi ss Et ta You ng of Oma ha is th e the ar tist 's in te rpr Ptat ion. tende nt J M. Ma t ze n is ex- o ffici o eac h board me eti n g- w ith ful l ina mem be r of th e b oar d. M r. Maj :) r s, Mr Morr is , Mr Reis ch e, and M r we re mem ber s of the old board
There i :; g"neral approval of t ht> at)poi ntm ent uf Mr Maj ors . He is as the fat her of the No rmal Sch:10 l sys te m of th e sta te Th"! fun d am ent al law es tabl is hi -ng
No rma l Schno ls in N t> bra ska was uprJO hi s in i tia tive. Th rtl :1 ]) the se fif ty ye ars he ha s m ai n ta in - I . . . . ed hi s deep i nt Pr es t, not· o nl y in 1 fo rm at iO n co nc erning the de t ails of the No rmal Sc hool at 1-' Pru :• hut in ! eac h sc hoo l. It is s urpris in g, of ten eac h of the oth Pr r<!orm al Sc ho ols I even to th e pre-id e nt s, to know a :; th ey were e«ta bl iF hPd Pe rhaps Ihow close ly r e i ::l in touch wit h not the m ll st c0 mp li mt:'ta ry fi nanc >'S nut th e g- Pn F- ral arlrn ini ,: uatio n h as hPf'n h1 sa rt1 tu de pn bit of t ., to .vHrl th t:! other in stit u tio n s. H1s 1 w hi c: h h t> i:; s .- r vln :t bro a rlmin dedn e ss an y .. Mr. Re ische is op en rr inded 10ward s hn e ss fnr the home :; ch oo l at Per u. , t.h e whole gen erfl l fiT "hiPm <'f t·du Hi s a ppo i ntm t' nt com es upon r he ca ti on a nd r Pa li ze !'l th e u na ni mo us re qtlf'!' t of rh e ot her I wor th of lhe Normal Sc h ols to 1he memb ers of th e Boa rd of Educa - Stat e. tio n. Th i·• is tr ue of the a pp o int · M r. Fr ederi ckS Be rr y of Wayn e men ts of Mr. Morris and M r. is one of th e le a di n l! ol Rei sc he als o. no rt .teas te rn as ka He hold.:.
Mr \1Mr is has a of an A. B. dt:'£-r ee fr om the Un iv er
Co mmercial Dep artm e nt
Ye!' th at von h ea r in th e arl mini ;: tr atio n huil rl in g d oe s com e thE' t vp P. wr it i ng room. Yes th Py kPPP tim P t0 the mu s ic Whflt for? Wh y. to !' Pc ur e rhyt hmi c
Istro ki n g- C'ont i nno u" oper at ion, gp ee rl is witho ut
hot h of r hp'sP fa r. t ors.
S neak in g- of r-:nee d. wo ul rl eig- ht " tr ok Ps a Re cnnrl hP. a I!OO d many f•'r nn -' nf vnur (ing Prs'! So me of nnr w hP to dPmonst r fltP how it is Ei l.!' ht st r okes
a. se C'o nd wi ll wr it e BO word s a m inU te 1 T he t vnP writing- ro(lm is not only a rla;;-<room bur a wo rk ,: hop a !l wel l. Mo r f' th11n hn nrlr Pd fift y pa!l'P !I qf m ll tPri ll l hAyf' b ee n type rl in th P·P thi s fll ll fnr uFe in fir st wo man to be IZ i ven vari o us he srhc,o l. ment nn th e Norma l Hoard. Mr ,; s If L h 1 f ·t "re vlf V IS t P !lO ll 0 WI You ng 1s a gr ad uat e of Per u, th , h. f b t 1 t' re s not 1ng un ny a on a co · of 1914 She is no w a t eac ht•r in 1 1 1 <' 1ape se rv1ce the L at hr op :;ch no l. Si nce graduation !' he has sp ent tY{O s umm e rs in Preei de nt Rou :le wa s in Li n co ln l( 'on tl n11< <1 on P1ure .1 Mo nda y.
THE PERU NORMA LITE four score and ten years is entering ---.:-:1 - a term of six more ye ars of service
Ente red at the P os toffice_ Pe ctr, Ne- ' for Normal Schools braska as second-cla ss In !thf g half ce ntury of hi story
Published Weekly by the Peru Normal ncy or foe ha s thou g ht of ac___:!'.:..::·"c:...·.....:.. · cusina thi s old veteran of any graft $ J.On per year. Sin gle c opy 5 cts. • or se lfi1h interest. Since his tim e of service he has he lped to loca te --· .. / ,, ,. '• (' and ' • oth er state normal s chool s. , One of t he fine st tri bute 11 which could • be p aid any man wa s Irece ritly · by th e fri e nds of th e other 'three· sta te normals wh en r ther e wa·s unanimous de s ire on .•d 1 ., ,.. 1 the it '' part · have their .friend at J· o: lf you do not rece ivl' your '·Nort1u ll i'tc. Peru· ' reappointed. Governor Mcealle noti ce in tb ct No rm al ite box in the Ke lvi'P. · out th e wishes of J\.c!ministrat ien buil ding th 'e' S'c hool people of Nebras ka wh en 'N" 1 , . , . 1 ' tre stave Col. Majors the lon g term
o a rtt c es a cce pted a ft er 8 o 'cl oc < ,, • ' M onda 1• mbr ninJi • · ·· ,, ,, I on the Board of Edu- atior'r for th e State Normal Schools
THE E II\TO IISAL ST APF .• • • of Ne bra11ka.
Ada Hu lr; Editor in ·Chi ef· Quiclc'.. :.':: Asso cia te Ed itor An Alumna on the Normal Bo a cd Hope Lcwis .'.:·.: jess rc· !(etJey· .:.:::. l\ssistH nt Ed itb r ·We of th e Pe ru Normal are and Rex Nil c·s :.. Bu sinl!st> Mg'r. sh ould be inte rested in the per so nJ cssii',,Kell cy . Mg'r. Ma ilinv. J;)cpt. nel 'Of the Board of Edu cati on
I IIEPOR TRRS: , , , , ' Which ha S SO )arge a pa rt in directDress ler : ,. the policy of the teach er trainSwa r tzwe ld er .Ju mo r . . . Lois Griffi n .' Sophottro'rc' mg ·schools tn Ne braska. But we Petit t.. : feel a inter est in the Sll· Rex Nlles Y M. c .-1 pointm e nt of Mi ss Etta M. Y-o ung Pearl e Ad le y w A ·· ' · ·· ,. ·., .· ·, · to membeship thereon ·
Ge rtru de Conne rs N. C.!\.. Sh : d f h' h 1
To be' selected :.:: :.': .- Ph i'ln. e 18 a gra uate 0 t 1S IIC 00 Esther Delzel i... .: Clu b and since her ,g raduati on in MargucriteBrid ges 1914 she has m&intani ed a close Loy .J Hacker : :.1De b..,. tiug ,Ciu b w ith th e affair.s of her Alma
Portrait and Commercial··-We put the "s nap in snap-shots" We have the film that fits your camera
The E. J. Newman Studio
Phon e 56 PERU , NEBR. Mat er. She ha s pro ven he rs e lf me nt tea cher of musi c in Omaha's
• -7 largest ward school.
Calendar•. , r_ead r to do her ge'ne rou s·· part in ]I · • d k Her in t er es ts are unusually
Regular Events a 1ts pr og-ress 1ve un e rta ing s. 1 for so rpe tim e she has be en broad, a nd her coun s el is sought AND
Wee kly in many fi e lds outs id e that of M .d ,. •. de11t of wha t is undoubt edly th e Lunch Room on ay ---Orch es rra 7 ·30 p m C her te ach1 ' no-. Sh e has held many · · • · · larg es t Pe ru lub in the srat e. · Tuesday ---De bating S o.ciety, 8:15., Tho not th e fir st me mber of our positi ons of confid e nce and trust Girl s' Inte r.,c lass basket ball. Alumni As so ciati on to be on itl m os t worthily Sh e was a g ood Band, 7 :30 p. m. IBoard of Education , MiPs Young soldi e r, and during the war sought GOOD THI N GS TO EAT and obta ined overse as work in the We dn es day---¥ W. C. A 7:80 e njoys the di s tinction of being th e ardu ous but worth-wh i le fi el d of Students' HeadquHrter s p. m. first of her sex upon whom thi s Y. M. C. A, 7: 30 p. m. particular honor has been conferrRed Cro ss cant e en worker She Orche s tra, 8: 15 p. m. ed. It see ms altoge th er fitting wa s in Fra nce for a year · Her tald t h I ' ent ami taste· in thin gs musical STERLING "'"E RS
Thur sd ay ---Band 7: 30 p. m. an proper o a ve women as oJ " h b d f have won for her re cogniti on far · Girl s' Gl ee C lub, 7 : 15 p. m. as men on t e oar or Normal · beyond th e city in which s he is ' AGE NT Pe ruvian Staff, 8: 15 p. m. Schoo ls wh e re at. least se ve nty - five f · d d te aching. Thi s r ec ogn!ti on coupled
Friday-M ov 1e. pe rce nt o r eg1s te re stu ents are N with her knownabiilty as a teac her ebra s ka City Laund ry Sa turday---Dramat ic club 8 :1 5 . girls We feel confident that Mi ss
A Tribute to Our Honured Citizen, Th os J. Ma jo rs , wa s this week appointed a mem,be r of the new State Normal Boa rd of Education, more truly r ep r esents Peru than any being. Thi s is not due to the fact that he was so larg ely instrument al in securing the normal sc hool for Pe ru so much as it is the fact that he has be en id e nti fi ed with the sch ool and its we ffare for over fifty-eight years. Men have be en born and grown old since this Old Roman of the West has been serving the interes ts of the Normal schools. Yet this man who is nearing his
Young's woman's view-p oint., her has lep her into s ummer camp Phon e 138 quick good j udgm e nt, her sin cere work as mu s ical dir ec to r. 1 and sympath e tic \ll1ders tanding of ThiR ba re record of activities th e educ a tional ne ed s of her native will sugge st what manner of i st ate, coupl ed with her tact and wpman Gov. McKe lvi e ha s so wi se- I her progr ess ive ambi t ion for th e ly ch osen t'or this a pp oin t ment .\ te aching profe ssi on, will rend er We ..fe el s ur e that in Miss Yo ung i her se rv ices on the board a re al with her fine ideals and her charm- : con t ribution to education.
Mi ss Yo ung rece iv ed her e le ITJentary a nd secondary educati on in the pub I ic school s of Ne br as ka, anp her pr ofe ssi onal tr a inin g,. as above stated, ill th e old e!?t of il!l state normala. Since graduating from Peru she has continued her study at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois She is now and ha s for several years past ,depart-
I' h I mg- per so na 1ty eac and a II of the : Norm al student s of Neb ras ka will i ha ve a s taunch fri e nd
M i Istead Bas em e nt
Full line of To il ets on han d Ag ent for Auburn Laundry w. M. McArdle, Prop.
, Peru High School at Falls City.
The Peru train in g high school team played its first game of the season at Fa ll s City last Friday ev';ni ng It was an easy victory for Peru who took their opponen ts by storm the first ha lf, gaining 11 points before Falls City scored at all. Cowe ll was the heavy shooter in this half, caging five long s hots in nearly straight s ucc ess ion. The score was 16 to 5 in Peru's favor at the e nd of the first half.
Fo il s City came back in the second half .J.ike a bunch of furious tigers and fo,ught well to the end of the game. , They he ld Cowell down, but Wilson met the occasion with eq ually good &hooting, mak · ing four field goals. Delzell and Brunsdon did some splendid guarding, holding their opponents to practically no baskets in the first half, and making them fight like demons for those in th e half. Following is the lin e up and score:
Fa ll s City-1 6.
Brown Buis ing Mosiman Po ll ard
Y. M. Stag Feed.
our program by sinl'inl' "Silent Night." The "Freshmen Peanut," a far famed periodieal, was represented by members 'of the ataff. Land en Whitfield had ' charge of the section eoncerning "People We a ll Know;" Roland Carr had the "Mary LanP." section. and Helen J·ones the · "News from Nearby Town s' ' section.
After the hilarity caused by this numb er had subsided , Alyce Humbert gave a fine reading ent!tled ·'A Few Bars in the Key of G." The last number was a violin so lo by Mr Hemingway, w hich was enjoyed very much.
Dramatic Club. 1
The January meeting of the essary lin es. Chief among these, I Dramatic Club will be were th'e plans for a Le-
We )Invite You January 15. The following plays play to be given 'in the near j • · f To call at our store for your will be presen ted: '' Dust of the j ut_ure. Thi s'iS g.oing to be Hardward Ne eds, RGad," · by Kenneth Sawyer Good- thmg good, fell ows , and we want man; "Wh en Lov e is Young," by every Legionaire in Peru t.o have Also Electric lamps',' and FlashMarj o rie B Cook , and "Th e Flor- a hand in it. · So fall in! a ll you I ist Shop," by Winnifred Haw- that are 'theatrically' or musically · lights · ·· bridge. i ncl inf!d , 'and · do n'O't be j , , ,..
First Basket Ba ll G <1 me. in comnig forward · and offering lYou wi ll al ways find a we lcome at your services. And make it · · · Thur sd ay night, January 6, our py; for thi s ttiihg h'as go t to ' go · :, Mackp'rang's tfilrtlware Peru team met the Auburn Amer-i- over tt:e top. • 'Any person in his can Legion team on the home floor, mind knows we " have talent and defeated them 35 to 9. The here and will boost the show.
'American , Black
Commander ·' Walnut · MEAT MARKET
New Management ., ,... l : We this I P S ' 1 lum·b'er for Manual ' Jresh and moked Meats j Training work, se 'lli ng direct to schools.
Fresh fruits and vegetab les ,. in seaso n I WYMORE & DENSMORE I I Meek Lumber> E.o. Peru, Nebraska.
To the Faculty and Students
Vogeltanz,.Pol a k.
Word r eac h es Peru of the marriage of Edward Lewis Vugeltanz ann Mi ss Ame li a Cece l ia Polak, at Wahoo, on Tuesday, January -4 Mr. vo ge ltan z is well known in Peru as a nor mal student of a year or two ago. Th ey will be at hom e at Ord af.ter February 1.
When )' ou huy from us you can know that you are getting the best. We guarantee it. If you !-ihould get riny a·rticle here that has not the quality it shou ld ha've, we want an immediate opportunity to mahe it right.
next meeting
Freshman Notes.
The freshmen enjoyed an unusually good program on December 23 In keeping with the season we We re about to celebrate, we opened
American Legion. Pau l Phe l ps Post , No 182 , m et in the fir st regu lar me e ting of the year last Tuesday evening with a large attendance. Growing interest in Legion activities was manifested both in numbers and in new mebmers. / The new post contsitution was read, revised, and approved, and immediate action taken along nee -
Small accounts are given considerate and carefu 1 attention at this bftnk.
E. E. GOOD, President 0. M. GOOD, Cashier J. W. McADAMS, V. Preaident. ANNA FARLEY , Asst. Cashier
New B•ard of Education. large ly of town most of whom (Continu ed Crom Firat did not know the ga me before NoNorthwestern University · specializ- vember. They are mighty ing in public school mu1ic, and one fine spirit and team work year in work ' overseas. We .' Following are the teams. The a re pleased to see the captains will be announced later. recognizing the 11e wly · Seniors. · ed women by the appointment of Ne vada Parriott, forward. Miss Her devotedness to Farqujlar, forward. the cause q_f e ducation and her in- Neva Hoak, forward. tere•t in coupled her Marie Brown, Gua rd. fine personality, her wholesome Mary Jarvi s, guar d. humor, and her keen bu si n ess sense Zelia Elliott, gua rd will just ify her appointment. , center
Junior s.
Helyn H umbert , f orwa rd
Ethel Wielke, forward.
Shoes and Shoe Repairing
Shoe polishes and laces Prompt Repair Service
Basement Fisher's Drug Store First-class Your Patronage Solicited.
Superintendent John M · Matzen Argabright, center. ha s de mon s trated in the year that Aliee Scho enike , center. he has been a member of the board hi s interes t in the teac her training in stitutions of the state. He ha s been present at every meeti ng He was activ'e 'for the new •alary sched ule. His fourteen years' experience in the county auperintenrl'I e nt' s is invaluable as a backg round for this ne w positio,n, In the bro ad const ructiv e policy which Mr. Matzen is outlining for the school !' of Nebraska he has a large place for the Normal Sctioo ls and th e ir work. Mr. Hei t zma n and Mr. Pilger, who ' have gi ven sp lendid service to the schools for seve ral years, had eac h written the Governor that they did not ca re to • be considered for reappointm e nt.
The Normalite congratulates the alumni, students, and pro spective stude nts, as well as the ed uca tional forces of the s tate, up on thi s s plen· did board Into whose hand s the Governor h as seen fit to pl ace the Normal Schools in t hi s important era We bespeak f or the school R a periorl of prosperity und er this new leadership.
Girl•' Basket Ball.
Because of unprecedented interest, girl s' bas ket ball practice star ted in November of this year. Ah ear ly star t and hearty ent hu s iasm brought an unu Rual number of gi rl s out for practice, many comi ng just for the love of the ga me, ot hers with a more definite
P.nd in view. From t hi s lar ge number four teams of nin e players eac h have chose n, one te am fo r eac h of the claHses in schoo l, a nd they wi II battle for th e class champio n sh ip J an uar y 19 Nia e g irl s were picked, s ix of whom will play. As to the re lativ e merits of the various teams, on e dare not pr edict. Th e se nior s, whom we r emember as the snappy juniors of la st year, are showing their usua l ability. Th e juniors present a team made up large ly of players who were on hi gh sc hool teas las t year The sop homo res are the same group who so easily won from the sophs of last year, with the exception of two players. The group representg the class of 1924 is made up
Lois Tyson, gu ard. · '
Minnie Kr, ueger , cent er. ·•
L eo na Sparks, ce nter.
Edith Meek, cente r.
Sop h omores.
Edna Fisher. for ward.
Martha Cameron , forward.
Birdie Ba ld win, cen te r.
Grace Baughman, guar d.
Ida Heywood, guard.
Iv a Sc hoentha l, guard.
Velma Harger , centea Freshmen.
Hel en Jones, forward.
Luc i le Haraj1an , forward.
Ma ry Harajian, guard.
Loui se Farley,
Alyce Humb ert. R. center.
Della Hand ley , J. -center.
Grace RiggR, R. center
Minnie Weber, forward.
Y. W. C. A.
Y. W. met la st Wedn es day eveni ng to discuss the very important topic, "D iscnve rin g the New Year."
Isabel Hartley led the meeting which was truly an inspiration to begin the New right. Mil · dr ed Hanks favored us with a beaut if ul violin sol o.
What hetter N ew Year's r eso lution cou ld you m ake than "Reg ular attend a nce at Y. W. ?" Bef{ in nex t Wedne sday night.
Sophomore Note s.
Did we have music at class ch apel last Thur s day '! Ju st ask any souh or one of the juniors who vi s ited us. Mi sses Fis her and Griffin sang, "Don't Be Cross with Me , Sw e-et hear t," as tbe ope n ing numb e r. Fo ll ow ing were thre e se lections by the "Jazz" Orches tra, Birdie Baldwin, Mi ss Ca ll ag her, Gay lord Chase and Victor Bracke. Mi ss Ba ldwin sang as a so lo. "Just a We&ryi n' for You ." The orc hestra aga in favored us and as a prop er final e Mi ss Fisher ga ve a pre tty dance to one of the "jazzy" pi eces It ce rtainly wa s great
OUR MOTTO;-"The b es t goods for the least money " We repair pens, watch es, jewelry and spectacles. Bifoca l Len ses GIVE US A CALL J. C CHATELAIN. Peru, Nebr.
Qualty, Service & Prices
We carry a complete and line of groceries and dry goods l.:ome in and get our prices on dozer• and case Jots of ca nned good"'. '-' 'e carr_v a line of fruits und vegeta bJes.
Sheaffer Sharp Point c-t nd Wc thl Evershl:lrp Conklin and She<1ffer Fountftin Pen!-i, His tory po per •. Water Cf)lor J\ large Line of Sehoul Supplies GQOCERIES. FRUITS,
Tr ims Syracuse Athletic Club
Thursd ay Night
La st Thursday ni g ht Peru handed the fast Syr a cuse Ath letic A,soI c1at10n team a lemon sandw ich I when they easi ly def ea ted th em by a sco re of 25 to 8. Peru took th e lead afte r a few minutes of play, anr:l continu ed to flop the ball thru the loop for a counter e ver y so often while Svracuse fo und it ha rd to get ci Jse e nou gh to the bas ket to d•) much. Th e first half en ded 14 to 2 The fiashy team work and acc urat e coup led wit h t he ti g ht g ua r di ng of the local s made th em look to th e fan s The fi nal score wa s 25 to 8. Altho the sc ore was pl easi ng in irn ess of th e Pe ru team t he seore does no t tell th e r ea l merits of the two teams.
Basket Ball Ru les for B0ys and Girls. Many peop le f ee l th ey can no t be· come interested in ba sk et ball as pla yed by g ir ls, espe cially when the fielrl is divid ed into t hree sectio ns. The criticisms are that the gam e is cr am p ed, that th ere is no team work, th e forwards and guards do al l th e wo rk. etc., etc. Many of the se t'!riticisms are true, but they are not always so. To become interested in any game one must know th e ru les and the ru les for g ir ls' basket ball, as p ubli shed by the Phys i ca l Edu ca tion A ssoc ia tion are very different from the ru les f or b oys basket ba l l.
I think the most n oticeab le differ e nc e is in the me thod of g uard in g In g uard ing an opp one nt who has the ball, on e mu st not t:mch the body of an opponent w ith any pa rt of one's h e!dy , must not guard wi th arm s in any oth er p lan e than the pl ane of th e bod y, a 'l d mu st not under any conditions, touch the ba ll whi le it is in th e ha nd!-l of the oppo nent. Vio lat i ons of these rul es are fouls and are so called by the refer f!e. A n ot her gr eaL differ en ce is that g irl s are a ll owed only one dr ibb le wh ile boys are a ll owed a ny number so long as th ey do not t ake a double d ribbl e. This , of cours e, makes for more team work and 'less indiv idual p lay.
(Co.ntlnu ed on L as t Pa .re.)
TEAM OF 1920 - ..Top •.e rante , Cila<!'!vSpeer·..--·,.- - -----•
2 nd ro w-*Bitze nbauch, • Rasch , C. Ro sen qui st, F.. Rosenq u ist
* Prante-Conch at Fairfield H. S. Y. M. Leader
* Bir zenbauc h- C:s pt of 1st t eam at Navy Training Sch oo l in S an Fr a nc isco, Cal.
*R asch- P lays on loca l te am at Goo d land, Ka nsa:3. Others fo r Old Peru agai n.
Bas ket Ba ll Bare Fa cts 1 Girls' lnter Cl ass Games of 192 0. AMERICAN EAGLE CAPTURED Th e f ol lo wing "d ope" on bask et. · Seem ingly. as old as t im e, is the b II W. M. Dovel Pres ent s a Fine Spe ci,.. a IS s ugg es t ed fo r th ose un- interc lass basket ba ll scrap betwee n f men to Normal a mllli ar with the game th e juniors and se ni ors. The senTeam : A basket ball team con - always h ope to wi'n, a nd so me - La st Saturday W. M. Dov el, si Rts of five me n, one ce nte r, two ti mes the juniors f oo l them. J who a coupl e of mil es n or thfor wards and two· g uard s. The In 1920, a new inte r est was acid - west of Peru, and whose center. a tall man with ed to the ba s ket ball tournam e nt is attending the Normal, di scoverthe ag-i I i ty of a fr og. at th e in the form of a fre s hman ed a la rg e, in the act of carbe ginning of a pla y an d at te mpts more game. The cla !'s of 19231 r yi ng o ff · one of his fat hen s, and to get th e ball s tarted into th e show ed great basket ball promit:e hi s shotg un he winged t he hanci s of hi s team-mat es . At the las t ye\ar Th e t eam wa s compo s ed I big bird and then s ucceeded in beg innin g of ola y the for wa rd s ar e larg e. ly of gir ls wh o h ad come up II ca ptur ing it alive. He kept the statio ned near the ir goa l; the thru gr ades a nd hi gh schoo l to- two or day s, and then guards nea r th e ir goa l. ge th e r, a nd they had th at fine s pi ri t brou g ht it to town and pres en ted
Game: The con s ists of of co oper at ion an d team wor k it to ·the Normal Schoo l, and it t wo halves of 20 mi nu tes eac h, w hi ch is so vital to a te am. Th e now occupie s a ca ge in one of th e w ith a te n minu te r es t betw een. sophomo re team wa ,; mad e up of b ui ldings
Scores: A goal fr · the field girls who play ed thru pur e loya lty In shooting at th e bir d, Mr. co unt s t wo points; on from tha to th e rr class and th ey were not Dovel hit }tin th e tip of t he win g. free throw lint> on e point. For the !! ur pri se d wh en the fr es hm en be at breaki ng t he wi ng at the las t joint Recond hal f th e teams c han ge ba s- th em. Thi s tempor aril y put the wi ng out kets. , 'I'he J·un10 r e · of commission, a nd rende red it s mor game wa s an
Foul s: Th ese are of two kind s Iop Pn For we ek s there! use leso; for flyin g, but the bi rd was per s ona l a nd t ec hni ca l. wer e prtdicti ons and s urmi se::s as II after a fig ht. The nat u re of the fo rm er are as the to who would wi n. Neith er s ide sp ec im en IS a lar ge one, measurin g word suggests name ly, Iwa s all sure; t hey fe lt th e st r ength ll_lore fef! t from tip to bodily co ntaet, s uch as holding of the other si de keenly, and ca me of Jts wmgs It is th e int e n• tJOn of the N I t I 't · blocking, e tc. Tec hni - to the ni g ht of playing r ea li z ing or ma 0 Pace 1 m ca l fou la are such as runinn g they would each have a hard fi ht . a large cag e ex hi bi ti on. Th e g. sch oo l appreciates the th oug htfulthe ball, d ou bl e dribbl e, etc. Any The semora won by a small marg m. ne ss of Mr. Dovel in presen ting the <Continued on Four th Pa ge. ) <Co ntlnu ., J on Las t Pa ge.) b ird to the Normal.
THE PERU NORMA LITE law for settling disputes between Entered at Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as seco nd-cla ss matter. capital and labor should be adopted by Nebraksa. The question was affirmed by Miss Leona S)Jarks and Published Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal Mr. ·R. Overholt, and denied by $1.00 per year. S ingle copy 5 cts , G. Heywood and Mr. M. _ _ _ _::_: Meyer. The judges were Carl Rosenquist, Erland Nel so n and Carl Reeves. Some good points were broua-ht out on ooth s id es The judges decided in favor of the . Iaffirmative. · ;-:··:-· 'J ·A short business meeting took: place after the debate Profes sor , ,Eas on reported from the meeting "'--' held i• Lincoln in regard to the If you do not receive your ,.,Nor.rpa lj te. eave notice in the Norrnalitc rl;lox in the question for the intercollegiate Admini st rat ion bu il d in g. '( ' debates. The ques ti on decided upon wa s, Resolved: That immiNo arttcles accepted afte r 8 o'clocl<, Monday morning , • 1 • 1 grants from Japan be admitted to · · the United States under th.e same Till!: t.WIToRtALSTAFF. ·.• conditions as the immigrants from Ada Huff,.: in·C.hicf European nations It was decided
Robert QUtck Assoctate Edttor h ld h f h H to o t e tryouts or t e team ope Lcw ts Er;lt tor jess ie Ji(elley Edt tor the first week in the next se m es ter · Rex Nil es ) Ml!'r Any st udent in the Normal may J ess ie Kelley : i\1g'r. Nlailin g Dept take part and any one who possibly k EPotnRns: can s hould try for the debate.
Mabel Dre!<sler .' Sen ior Wm. Swartzwe lder .Junior
Lois Griffin Sop hnm o re Dorothy Petitt.. : Freshmen
Rex Niles V M. C .·i..
Nina Styles Y. \V 1' A.
Ger trude Carver : N. C. A.
To be selected Philo
Esther Delzell.. Gitl 9 Club
Ma rgue rite Bridges DrR ma tic C luh
Loy J. Hacker Debating Club
Senior Notes
Have you ever attendet:l a real mu s ical? Isn't it funny how a good orchestra always draws . a crowd? We n ot only had a "crackin good" orchestra, but we had some wond e rful violin solos as well. After counting noses, a committee found there were perhaps only a A Translation From the Spanish. half dozen juniors too busy to come. Be s ure and come n ext
In all mod ern po e try it would be dl'ffi It t fi d Thursday. That's the day w.e'll, cu o n a mor e exqutsTte thouO'ht b t:f II fini sh ce lebrating over the juniors' ., more eau 1 u y expressed t han th l 'ttl ll scalp. We have net1cr.d they have e 1 e poem ca ed 1 "Rima " b S 1 d D' M' had a rather ne rvous a1r for some s, y a va or 1az 1son, , a Mexl·ca 't E . h t1me. That s 0. K., Juntors You n wn er. ven tn t e very IT'teral t 1 t' . b j have plenty of reason to lo ok ' wor· ran s a Ton gtven e1 • d 1 low its charm ca n not be lost. ne · Day with its mantle Of v ivid colors
In sp ir es plea s ant thingR, Laughter and illu sion. Then thE! glance Turns to the flowersThe flowers are the ve r ses
The m eadow sings to the sun. Night with it s shadow o ut the ;tars,' In spires ser ious · adnesa and prayer. Th en th e g lance Turns to the starsThe s tars are th e ver ses
The: sky to God
Es ther A Clark. From th e Spanish of De Vitis' Spani sh Reader.
The Webs ter Deb ating Club. The _ Webster De bating Society met Tuesday evening, Mr. Shafer, viee presid e nt, presided at the "'The question for debate , : That the Kansas
Junior Class Notes, The jun!or class certainly e njoyed the program given by the freshmen at chapel Thur sd ay. 1t was the kind of progra m that makes one go away with a s mil e and a lighter heart.
The freshmen certa inly have a fine cla ss and are almo st enti re ly Pe ru product, for m ost nf them ha ve been thru th e grades here under the "s ki II" of the practice t eac he rs. Th e, juni ors are proud to ha ve them as a lli es and Jet 'B hop e they st ick together th e e ntire four years.
You kn ow what good thin2'S will come of th e union of the two stro n ges t cla sses in sch ool! Every body! Altoge th er now! L et's boost!!
-Students Self.-Boarding.
Any woman student wishing to do light heusekeep ing for seco nd semester please call at Miss Ellis' office
Povtrait and Commercia1---We put the in
We bH ve the fi ltn that fits your camera
The E. J. Newman Studio
Phone 56
Col. Major » went to Lincoln, \ Monday , to lo ol< a ft er matte.rs con-I nect ed with the state board of education.
.Cale n dar. Jan. 19 to Jan. 25. 7:30 I PERU, NEBR.
Wednesday--- Y. W. C. A p.m. Y. M. C. A, 7:30 p. m. Orch es tra , 8: 15 p. m.
Thursday---Band, 7:30 p. m. Girl s' Glee Club, 7:15 p. m. Peruvian Staff, 8:15 p. m. Girls' C lub Tea, 4:30 p. m.
Friday-Faculty Dinner Club.
Satllrday-- - H. S. Bas ketball Game. ! Headquarters j i I STERLING SEARS AGENT
Monda y---Orc hesrra, 7:30 p. m. 1 Nebraska City Laundry Tu esd ay ---D ebat ing Society, 8: 15. Ba nd, 7: 30 p. m. Phone 138 Girls ' Glee Club, 7: 15 p. m.
Barber Shop & Bath
Milstead Basement
Full line of Toilets on hand Agent f or Aub urn Laundry W. M. MeA rd le, Prop. , W·e Go to BARNES' Pharmacy FOR Schoo) Supplies Do you have your cleaned or repaired by Stationer)', fine
Jno. A. Ce jke, and Favorit e Toilet T-ailor and Cleaner Articles
Basket Ball Rules for Boys and Girls to the prestdency, but the other ccontlnued trom First PaJ:"e.> officers may be held by juniors.
The 1921 rules call for two divi- Cut out the following list of sion lines at each end of the field, people who are eligible to the prestwelve inches apart, allowing a idency an JUt it up where you can neutral space within which it is study it and come to your own delegitimate to step; this is a decid- cision. Next week the list will be ed advantage over the old rules continued, giving those who may which a ll owed on ly one line. over be vice president, treasurer or secwhich it was almost impossible not 1 retary, but cannot be president. to step. A viO lation of the rule I Twila Apking Irma Huddart which prevents one from stepping Hazel Carlson Mild r ed Hanks over the second lin e, does not give Gertrude Carver Verdal'lauptman a free throw to opponents, but sim- Berenice Clark Isabel Hartley ply gives the violator's opponent Gertrude Conger Hazel Heaton an unguarded throw from the spot Luella Dowell • Esther Hoyt where the violation t ook place. Helen Elhott Fern Jones
For the greater part of the game, Mary Fuller Jesse Ke lly the rules for boys and girls are Ann Gilbert F'rances Knight rlike. 'file playing time for girls Katheryd Griffths • Ruby Lawrence is fifteen mmute halves, but we Yresa Hansen Mabel McGinnis a ll agree that this is quite long Carrie Stephers MarieMcKenney enuf. Lois Tyson Hazel Martin
Basket Ball Bare F acts. Sarah Thomas Crysta l Meyer
(Conttnu e <l rrom First Winnifred Wells Mabel Meyer • number of technical fouls may be Eve lyd Whlffen Edith Meek • against a man, bu t three Ethe l Wiebke Eunice Noerrlinger personaisputs him out of the Hilrlegarde Yeck Pat :Raessler
The penalty for a foul is a free IEsther Jenkens Jo sephineShellh o rn• trial for goal for the opposing Bessie West Leona Sparks team. The names with the star are of Held Ball: Is when two or more those people who wi ll graduate in men have possessio n of the ball. the middle of the yea r.
The referee who officiates halts the Remember- nominations, Janugame with a whistle and tosses up ary 25, and election February 1. the ball between two men of The men of the school will have ing sides who jump as the centers a chance to see a real do at the beginning of play. we can asRure them.
Out of Bounds: A ball out of bounds is awarded to an opponPnt of the la st man touching- it. If
Normal People in Legion Play
The hill three act pay to be P"iven in doubt, the referee tosses it up in Peru and neighboring towns by between two men. the Paul Pheps Post has for i vs
Girls' lntcr Class Games of 1920
(Continu ed !rom First
Both junior and senior teams displayed good team work and clever basket shooting.
In the winners winners game the freshmen put up a plucky fiwht against tile heavier senior team, and it was nothing to their discred it that they made only four points, but much to their credit that they held the seniors to twelve points.
February first is election day for the Girls' Clu b. Next year's officers must be chosen on that date. The club has adopted the plan of primary nominations on Tuesday, January 25, and ' 'one hot campaign" for a week. Unlike a class or officer a Girls' Club officer represents and serves the entire school, so the cho ice of candidates rests witb every girl. The nomination is less than a week away and election very soon. So talk for the gi rl you believe iij the "only one." Only seniors and are eligible
jll eading ch aracters a number of Noraml peop le The leading lady's part wi II be played by Miss Carver, around wh om a strong cast has been built, including Misses Lewis, Gockley, ithers, Jarvis , Knapp and Redding, and Mesdames Good and Lewis. The hero's part will be taken by Mr. Caraoll Lewis, calss of '17, who has had a great deal of experitmce on the stage.
With such a cast of popular ladies, assisted hy men of wartime fame, a splendid play will surel y result.
Date o! play, February 4, Normal chapel.
Y. M. CA.
At the last meeting, Wednesday evening, the time was turn ed ov er to the singing of songs, speech making, and election of officera.
Dick Overho lt took charge of the election of officers George Showaiter was unttnimously elected for the new president of Y. M., to take the place of Dick Overholt. Carl Rosenquist was re-e lected vice president; Mark Delzell, treasurer , and Sterling Sears, secretary
Shoes and Shoe Repairing
Shoe polishes and laces
Prompt Repair Service
Basement Fisher 's Drug S to re First-class Workm e n. Your Patr onage Solicited. & MGBbGV c. P. SCOVILL. Prop
OUR MOTTO;-"The best goods for the least money" We repair pens, watches, jewelry and spectacles. Bifocai Lenses ---GIVE US A CALL
J. C. CHATELAIN, Peru, Nebr .
TRY US ·fOR---
Qualty, Service & Prices
We carry a complete and Jine of groceries and dry goods . C ome in and get our prices on dozett and case lots of canned goods. We also carry a fresh line of fruits · a 11d veueta bles.
Stand out among Perfumes as do thtDil1mond, Ruby and Opal among Gems
Sheaffer Sharp Point find Wahl Eversharp Pencils.
Conklin ttlld Shetlffer fountain Pens, His tory paper, Water Colo r
Peru plays Tabor, fa ., College at 9, after movi es at 7
MID, YEAR COMMENCEMEN T Iin imi table st:l' le the n eed f or sen io.r memb e r. of th e_ fr om II TEAM ON THREE GAME TRIP T W;-G d ·F 'd I col lege as well as junior co llege th e effi cie nt cham tm n. M•s s Mutz. wenty,two Il l ra ua te r1 ay, 1 . . d W in One and Lo se Two on Road J 28 I wurk in th e n orma l s how- wh ose art ist ic han wa s apparent anu i'l ry · d 1 t d t bl d Las t Wee k. -----'- ing by actua l f act s and fig ur es t he J' 10 the a1nt • Y p am e a e ecorThe mirl- yea r com me nc ement ex - mu tual hel pf u ln ess of each, wh er -a ti ons, to th e s ki lfu l! · coo k· a nd W ed nesday ni g ht last lJe ru playe rci sPS wi II bf' held In th e chapel ever tr ied out.. Hi s e nth us ia sm Ideft wa itr esses. ed its fi rst co ll ege confe ren ce game F'rirhv at 10:30 The fo,r the same did not ex pe nd it se lf Sp ec ial mentio n is due Pr ofesso rs at Doa ne Co ll ege. Doane has an add r es::; \v I] I b >! g•v en uy Dr . A D., in mere o pti m i>;t ic th eo ri z ing He ISchoen ike and Holch who fr equen t- II t b II team aga in t hi s yenr C U · exce en a of n tn er 01- , po int Pd out many practi,..a l wa ys 1ly and artfu ll y the wate r Ia nd lookf li ke champ. Peru boy s Vf> r .; •t v Dr Ha r mo n h as made a me an s of rea ·hing- th Pse 1 g- lasses th f' rehy o uttmg the cl ub 1 t them on floor wo rk
l"nJ! .:'t ud v of pr ob - hig-her, mo re u se fu l l'ta n da r os. on a pr oh i bitiOn ba sis. b ut cou ld not loc ate th e bas ket, • • • • I • - • I ' . .. . 1 we re equa o
He ;;;p end ,- rhre e of Prof esso r Cr ago in his topic, , Re mi ni sce nt of cou ntry sc h oo l es p ec ia ll y on th e ir lon g- sh ots. The eHC'h year unon thP rha nt a uqua " S!a n dard s of Scholars hi p·:, struck' day s we re th e li tt le red sc ho ol! ga me wa s fast and clea n thru out. of NPw Enl!la n rl Hnrl the o ut st raig ht from the sho ul der ,j ous e favo rs and th e_ clang- Peru boys put up a h ard fight a ll l'v!l drll e Atl.-tnt ic Stal es. He is a hitt in !{ th e w ea k. as we ll as the • 1 ing h and be ll wh •c h Si gna led ali i the way. Feature s of the game. E. sole n rl i rl "pea ker, e• er yo ne padrlec;l s pots in schoola s tic attain- chang es of pr ogram. 1Rosenqui st 's fr ee throws and Joh nwho him k nows that his s ub- me nts. Hi s te ll tal e s tati s tics per- I Thi s seco nd faculty d1nn er also s on and Brown of Do ane , long ba sj ec t w ill he hanct led in a masterful ta ining to "'w here we are at," were brou g ht into the li me lig ht n ew I ket ::. h oo t ing. Fi na l sco re, Pe ru way and t hat yo u ng anrl old wil l effective in ill um inating the poet s and so ng wr iters. The " Ed- ! l !:l. D oane 47 see the ir r espo ns ib i lity in th e light "where we oug ht to be ." goa l. uca t io nal Jabbe r wo r_k " is dest in ed i Thu rs day morning t he b oys jourof these ch ang ing tim es Prof ess or Gr eene ' s. Is for to be a s ch oo l c . The n eyed to K ea rn ey, arn vmg in Th e program follows : tra ini ng were v ivid ly por -p erso nal rh ymes )oll• ed up t e I time to tak e a few re fre sh ments at Invoc a ti on traved Hi s pap er inoculated one bun ch and gave eve rybod y a par t 1 the r eception in t he Kea rn ey gy m. Voca l Du e t, "Rose of My H ea rt" a ci Ps ire to board a on th e program. IThe game s tartect off with a rus h He rma n Lohr l ical airship and survey the who le lf it we re not that an ticioati on and two ba s ket s we re soo n ma rk ed Mign on Marcy puhlic sc hool - norma l sc h oo l 1 - b'i".itn tea·n1ii':"" -rrhen- Peru E. D. Hage man However Profe ss or Greene woulcl ] wJshiOI! the th nd dinner were I s tepped out w ith s ome long ba skets Com me ncement Add r ess I f av o'r pP rpe tual h igh soar i ng- near er at i taking a lea d th at Kearney n eve r
Dr. A. D. Ha r man He st r esse d th e neecl for close co- 1 ' overcame Th e Peru te am outCon ferring of D eg re es and Pr e- opPration he tween no rmal facu l tio s I Th e office of the r'lpan of women cla sse d th e K ear ney team in all dese> ntin g of Diplomas and ci ty I is g ett ing out a thoroly up-to-rlate partme n ts of th e ga me and took H on T. J. Majors J ea n. D f' lze ll and Rose In ir e ctdr y of. stu clent rooming- their time to it in the las t ten Persia n 5Pre nade Matthew s Clark partic i pated in i moromptu I It w ill be for mi nut e!' to sav e up for the hard Gi rl s' Club Idi scus·li o ns that spiked down man y mai ling to any on e Inter s ted by g-am e at Captai n Ed
The are the candHiates points, so ab lv pr esent ed by the Fe bru ary 1. Ro sen qui st wm; ri g ht on his f ree for and gra rl ua tion: s peak ers of the even ing. T he II Supe ri or Judg-e Te h ran L. L ew is. 1throw i ng co un t ing ni ne out of Bache lor of arts- gu est of ho nor . Miss F.tta Yo un g of p e:: id i ng- jude-e of tha San De g-io twe lve chanc eR Captain Gor in of F. Clar ey Ni else n EleanorF'oreman w as invf':-:ten with r he l' supe rior court. rliecl at h1 s home in K ea rn ey the st a: of Pearl K1nton dig-n i fiecl ti t le. "J unior Membe r" San Diego, California. la st week. his team, Fea ring- the to ta l of nineGraduates advanced co ur se-- of th e State ' Normal Board by ou r <l ud ge L ew iR was a me mbe r of t ee n point s for his team. Wil so n Pear l Be ll J ea n Jo nh ston be loved 'se ni or Col. I of l !H7 Hi s wi fe wa s for- : r!! pl ac ed _C lark ar rcl _hopped in th ree John Pau l Be nne tt H L. McKe nney Majors. In fl• un g- remark s 1 m er ly Mary Fu l lf'r of Tekama h. i 10 Rurc ess lon. To ft s tood Els ie B ill up s Ada C Mil es he naid hi g- h tr i hu te to th e newly ;· Supt G ro ves of Fa ll s City wr it es ' off th e riMe up ancl g-o t th e Edith Cole Iren e A. Po lsley . t d la dy me mh Pr thn s v o1c· b 1 1 hall out of w1th a fla sh of Ro nn ie El lis appr. 1n e · 1 that he wa s ve ry muc p eaRec n Marga ret Pow er · t of all presP nt defE- n"f' Vinal K ea rn eY 1 .., , wg th e se nt 1men s · with th e con str uctive p1ece of work · · Ernmd Fait La ur ence Rou se 1 k M ir:: · Yo un g Peru H5 l< ea rn ey com es to Pe ru Wh en ur g-et to s pea -" don e hy Mi ss H us mPr, ;v ho r ecen tly · · , , Hl'nry W Grdnt hs An na L Sak ryt · ded '' "h" came nor here to · d . F II C"t Februarv 22 for re turn ga me. L II V h r es pon .• j spPn ttw o -•Y in· ·. b•· Neva N. HoHk oue a ea c ta l k; hnw evii r. the kind.e rgart en and pri- 1 On Pe ru Ada Belle Huff t d t in g· Th"(·e•rJ'I:a utif-ul r; , f h bl" nuttinl! on th e ir th nd g ame of tlw. · se n r,,·. o s ....., "' mary dPpart ments o l e pu IC, . . d El e me n tary cer ticfia t es- we re re ncle r t'! d in her h -, th > She vi• Ited the trip cl ea rly Hast i ng- :.; an 0 w t .•. sc oo s er e. .• _, 1 h 1 t t Neva Anderson c• ess •e. es. fu ll , r ich, sy m)Ja r hetic voice, held conf eren ces with he ld th P. !Pa u un tJ: t e abs I PO 17' 1 .· d sou l-satisfying to · I minutes of play . A few as <et s Facult y DinnEE,r:,.{. lub. P ng an thP t eac hers. ld at lon g- ran ge a nd so me fr ee throw s Th e Faculty U in ner C lnb he mn s ic lovPrS. , !:' E M 9 · - • c1 • 'fh e d 1nn er part of th e cl ub m ee t 1 •'· '· or r nw clas s of 18 0 • IS gav e Has ting s a two po i nt le ad its seconn m eeti ng- in the o me s trc E u h _, ell "tt ed unti l i now l nca t !:! d at .!.. u g-ene , r etr on. th at fina ll y carried aw ay t he vic,; SC ie nc e dining room of t he T J. has een auvl se Y om• h h" l 'f · ld I E{ e is pl a nning to ave IS 1 e, tor y for th em We do not ohject Majors train in g buildi ng las t the last Trul y un bec oming wo u d t k f l .t be f"o r the ped agoa ues , tr adi- !I cer tifi cate r_ en ewe rl .· an . to en er '• to the fou ls we got. but when hot h Fr i r:!.a y eve nin g. The s pea ers o " th II t d 'th pl a"l n liv -1th e p rof ess iO n agam Si nce e playe rs foul on the sa me play the even in g were chose n from the Jona Y a ss oc •a e WI d' . d ' hi gh t hinkin g- to dot e on I rl e mand IS so Insiste nt for tr ame l, we draw th e lone pena lt y, we facu lty. Th ey fu ll y de monstrated mg an glories. N:ver-t h e- les s te ac hers. Mr. Morrow' s friends t hin k wP. have a. rig ht to object. the power and prepa r edness of ed- !{as tr o nomic d th in the in s titution will be glad to 1 Some say it wa s b eca u se h P. was a ucatoi:s in our mid >.t. this matt er es e rvest wo r men- he ar th at he is to be enro ll ed in ,; home offi.c ial , bein g from H as ti ngs; P ·d t Rouse the fir st s peak t1"o n. It was a mo s dppe 1 e ap. 1· re s• en ' - p . . d the t eac hi ng profess i on aga i n. IConllniiNl <>n Jl' nurth er, set forth in his forcefu l· and p eas ing affair. raise Is ue e very
THE PERU NQR·MA:LITE de nt Rouse when · she wa s ch osen - · · for the Ie acl ers hip of the model
En te red at Postoffice at Pe ru, Ne- rur al Rc h oo l connected w ith the bras k!l- as second -cla ss matter. No rmal. We al so congratulate th e
Published Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal · school and Pre s id e nt Rou se up on the w ise se lec tio n. Her e 's to you, $1 oo er year Single co py 5 cts
· · P · A rl a. We kno w you will s uc ce ed
Hop e Lewis, Edito r.-in .-Chief
If yo u do not-rece ive yo ur No r ma litc• eave in the Norm a li te box. in the Ad mi nistratio n bui lding.
At th e. Jas b mee t in g of· th e.No rmalite staff Hop e. L ew is, cl ass of I'21' to be -th e ne w ed i, tor of · th e No rmalit e, Next wee k Mi ss I;ewi s wi ll · ha ve th e dir ec t manage ment ' of· the edit ori al forcE's of th e pap er: Thi s fo rtun ate choi ce meets w ith the hear ty ap · p r.ov al of· the facult y and the e ntir e. sc ho ol. The No r. mali te. w ill No . articles accepted afte r s. o'c lock,!, h.old its .hi gh pla ce und er her d i r ec · Mond ay morni ng.
=========================== . t1 on
Ad a Hutr, Editor.in·Chi ef
Ro bert Qtrick Ass ocia te Ecli tor
Hope Lewi s Ed itor
jessie J(c ll cy Ass is tant EdJtu r
Re Jt Nile s Bu siness Mg'r
J ess ie ,Ke ll ey Mg' r. \1 ailin g De pt Anniversary of Dr y Ame r ica ''I have n ot Elee n, I may not see My· ho pe for man: take fo rm in fa ct !" plainti vely sa ng th e Quaker· P oet , in the da rk d ays pr ecedi ng th e C ivil. w ar : So fe lt we "wh o
Mabel Dre ssler .. Sen ior wa it ed for th e r edemptio n of I s- Portr a it and Commer c ia l ··-We pu t th e .. in Wm. Swartzwelder ju ni or rael" d uring th e dr ea ry yea rs when Lois Gr iffi n So ph omo re snap ·shots" We. ha ve the fim thut
Do ro thy Petitt Freshm en Bacc hu s was unqu es ti oned a uto-
Rex Nil es Y :\1. C .; crat of na ti onal a nd inte rn a ti onal fits your camer a Nina Styles Y. W. C. A po litic s, a nd po lic ies. We re call GTertlrudel Cat rdve r N. that a·pet iti on signed · by hundr eds
E. J·. Newma.n, Stud.io.
E o ,Je seDclc c,1 '. 1 1 'b' of th ousa nd s of ear n es t men and s tller e ze 111 9 l u 1 Marg ue ri teB ri dges Dr11 ma ti c Club wo men, to a nati o nal Ph one 56 PERU , NE BR. L oy j. Hac ke r Debati ng Cluh co n ve nti on by the W. C. T. U. wa s
Ad a Huff. · Th e No rmalite ha s be en ve ry fo rtu na te in ha vin g for it s editori n- c hi ef u nus ua ll y tale nted erlitor s r ece i ved with ope n co nt emp t- was SA BINE'S EDU CA TI ON AL EXCH A.N GE th e fl oor of a 1 Fo un ded. 1893 mltt ee r oom stamped and sea led We never r ecom me nd a t eacher u nl ess as l< fd to do by wi th rr:u dd y h oo ts and · tobacco spit tl e. N o, rl ea rl y belove d, thi s
No enr o llm ent Fee. Write us PRO MPT , E FFI CIE NT, RELIA BLE SERVICE ( fficials. thruou t it s exis tenae. The last few d1 d not·ha pp en · in Timhu ctoo or
E. T. HOUSH, Manager, Sh op Bid .• Ia ye ar s the qua lity of th e wo rk d on e Zu luland Wh y even dece nt people has been of such char ac ter as to argued th at th e salo:m wa s an un a·
Calend a r.
Ja n. 26 to Fe b. 1.
We dn esda y Y. W. C. A .• Y. M. C. A, 7:30 p. m. . I 7:3 0 I I
Orc h es tra, 7:30 p. m. Thur sday -Ba nd. 7:30 p. m.
G irb' Glee C lub, 7: 15 p. m.
Pe ru vian St aff , 8:15 p. m.
H. S Basket ball. Fr id ay -M ov ie-Le s Miser ab les
Sa turd ay- So ph om ore Par ty Mon day Orches 1. r a, 7 ;30 P .r m.
Gi rls' Club Co un j:: iJ. Tuesd ay --·Debat ing S oc iety, 8:15.
Ba n d, 7:30 p. m.
Girl s' Glee Cl ub, 7:15 p, m. ! I I
We Go to P harmacy FOR
Sc hool Suppl ies
St a tionery, fine co nd ies ond Favo r it e T oil et Ar tic les
gi ve t he No rm a lit e a n l\ me a nd a voi da ble if not nece !'sa ry ev il, a nd • tr a ffi c di es .ha rd, but: rl 'e i.t w ill .to Clarey Ni else n, who receives hi s sta ndin g among. t he coll ege s of th e apy way "pro hib i ti on did not a nd las: w1 gg le of. Its s lim y I degr ee at th e mid -wi nter gr ad u aatate Mi ss Ed na Sa lzm an is now co uld not. pro hib i.t!" Th e fr ontal g u!llotm ed a nd tr amp le d as Jt IS 1 ti on, ha s bee n elect ed super int e nad vis or of a most exc t:!ll e nt high a tt ac k on th e li quor st ronghol d. t oday . We oug ht not to de nt of th e Shu ber t sch oo ls. He sc h oo l p aper w hi ch is n ot ed- ha d disma lly fajled. Fin a iJ y a littl e that Fra n ce s E. co nc e iv ed m oved h is fa mily there the fir st of ted bu t pu bli shed by th e p upil s w oma n s ugg ested th at at least ou r and st ar r.ed th e.cam palgl,l th at ga ve ' t he we ek an rl repo rt ed for du ty un der her dir ec ti on in S.a nfo rd , c bil dren oug ht to be t aug ht t he us th e victo r y. If, as Woo ley s ays , Mo nda y mo rn1 ng . He tak es LauMo nt Mi ss Do rot hy Ma uc k, o ur ev il e ffects of s tr ong· dr i nk. The " Sam Jones was the Li on of th e ren ee Rous e w 1th him as a ss ist ant e ditor of las t yea r, is advi so r id ea gain ed a favora ble hearin g. Tribe of Pr o hi b iti o n, " s ur e ly no 1 in the hi gh sch ool , also beg inthe Sup e ri or hi gh sc hoo l pa per, for. Ev en sa lo o nist s Hn d drunkard s d id less WHS Fr anc es. E. Wil la rd its I n·ing hi s du ti es last Monday the est a bli s hm e nt of wh i ch sh e not want their children to grow up Joan of Ar c. 1 was lari'ely resp onsible. Th e exce l! - tlru n kards , a nd the law was passe d en t work of th ese two e dito rs w as in a maj o rity of th e state s. Tw enty continu ed thi s· fa ll by Mis s A da -t hirty years pa sR ed, and th ese Hu ff . T he r ea ders of th e No rm a l- inn oce nt sc h oo l children a pp ea red ite fo r thi s se m es ter need not be at the ba ll 9t h ox with rful y cer titold of her exce ll e nt wo rk. Sh e fi ed ba ll ot s. an d thin gs hega n to has ,c on t inu ed th e same co nsc ien· hap pe n all ov er th e Un ited S ta tes. ti ous wo rk of her pr edecesso rs, The co ho rt s of rum w ere asto un dal ways w illin g to do her shar e or ed. A fla nk an d r ea r a tt ac k had more to mak e th e paper worth ov er wh e lm ed a nrl · the " imwhi) e. pr eg na ble " H inde nberg lin e of th e It is w ith th e deepes t that rum tra ffic One .y ear ago Janu ary th e staff see s its le ad er ca ll ed to 16 th , th e Eig htee nth Am En dm en t other fi e ld s of la bor. Ye t th e went int o effect, a nd with the enco ngratul a ti o ns of th e f ra nch ise me nt of 'wome n, a nd w ith fo rce as well aa tbe sch o.ols is .ex- a h os ti le Supr eme' Co urt ; th e last te nded to Mi s11 Hu ff for the gr ea t hop e of am nes ty, or le ni ency for honor bes t ow.e d up on her by Pr es i- th e sa lo on is fo rever· past The
The onl y class chape l in sc ho ol if The cast included: we can jud ge from the atten dance. Aunt Debo rah Luci lie Hara ji an Evea the "elevated" juniors Elizabeth Travers Helen Knapp "condescended" to come. Mrs. War field Mary · Harajian But ev en at thut it was worth Mrs. Cartwright Ethyl Clouse 'm ost anyth in ,e- just to get to li sten Mrs. Travers Dorothy Pettit to the celeb rat ed Sn igg- le fami ly. Annette Veda Rh odus The one and-o nl y, pos it iv ely- mu st- Mary Helen .Tones not-m iss ed, chance -of your-life- A voca l du et by Birdie Baldwin tim e Sni g gles fam ily Ma S oi ggles and Hel yn Humbert concluded the was a sc ream; h er o ldest daughter, a long-drawn -out s hri ek; clea r on ----·Sophomore Notes. down to the "very tini efl t"- one, "Is it the team we Jove with all "my joy," the "pride of ml life." our he art s? whose chief characteristic was a demo ni ac cr oss between a st eam You te ll e'm, Fi g; we've got a date.'' siren and a whi p-po or wi ll. It is easy to see how th e late World War Y ou just bet they pla ye d with came abo ut. 1t wa s a ll due to the the sa me o ld s pirit too, and we' re f t th t th d h d f not dead eve n if the juniors did ac a . e crow n• ea s o h I bl beat us. Ju st wa1t untll next yea r Eurooe l os t t ose va ua e appen- , d an see. dae:es Gver the worthy e mmb ers of h S · 1 And , oh, those eats afterwards. t e n1gg es troup e. W , . h h' ? R 1
Z I k' , "S 1 • h as n t that JUSt t e t 1ng. ea e 1a 10 s song, m1 e w1t M , h 1 d hot chocolate, sala d, an d .b1g p1eees· . e, was a very wo rt y pre u e, of ca ke. only if she mea nt to h era ld the But we ·ca n count on our advi so r co m10g of the Sniggle se• it s houl d for thin gs lik e th at. hav e be en "Sm ile at Me," becau se that wa s what we did. Here's fiftee n rahs for Mi ss Mutz and th e tt>am. It is worthy of note that thi s production was co m posed e ntirel y Miss Pear l Kelley spe nt three days of senior talent.
J unior Class Notes.
Oh, where! oh, wher e! were all of last wee k visiting th e•kindergarten and p rimary d epartm en ts of the teach er s' coll ege of th• · Univer sity of Neb raska a nd in th e Linco ln the juniors 'to hear the fine pro- city sc hoo ls. gi ve n at clas s chapel? The Mrs. Leo n Roettger, class of '20 , comm i ttees s ur.e l:' do fin e in get tin g is teaching at Chappe ll. She is suc h fi_ne e nte rt amme nts. . plea s ed w ith her wo rk and sp eaks I
An In s trum e ntal solo was g 1ven. highly of the sc hool s th e re a nd of by Mr. Holch, a nd an inter est in g th e country in that part of Netal.k by Miss R ose Clar.k on ''Out braska.
of Doors. in Peru ." T he st ud e nt fl atten din g schoo I do n ot see a ll the di sp layed comforts which nat ur e revea ls Miss Clark certainly gav e us a picture that will c lin g to those who heard it
J uniors, be loya l to the old class, for you wi II become a se ni or soon e nough. Eve ry one out next week.
Girls' Club Notes.
We print he re the additi on to th e li st printed last we ek of g irl s am ong whom the Gir ls' Club m ay look for trea s ur e r, !'ecreta ry and v ice pr es id e nt . There are gir ls in th ese li sts who ar e capab le and loyal a nd we can make few se lect ion s which will not be good ones:
Birdie Ba ld win, Martha Cam eron. Cli o Clark, Edna Fishe r, Loi s Zela Knapp, Mildr ed Manley, Ina S hoentha l.
Freshman Note s.
We invited the juniors to be our gu ests at class chap el last T hursday, and pr es ented th e fo ll ow i ng program. The fir st number , wa s a readin g by Loi s Hacker The second was a sho rt p lay entitled
Make·Use Y.o'U·r Spa r.c Time.,
Increase · your·efficiency bY' studying by correspondence
One or two flour's credit can be earned· by using 30 minutes a day in intensive s tudy
Write at once to
Correspondence Study Extension
Peru, State Normal Division,
Nebraska City Laundry Ph one 138
We Invite You
To ca ll at our s tore for your Hardward N eeds , Al so Elect ric lamps, and Flashli ghts
j Yo u will a lwa ys find a welcome at
Basement Fi s her' s Drug Store I First-class Workmen. Your Patron- Mackprang 's Hardware a ge So li c ited.
American Black
Fresh and Smoked Meats : We manufacture this I lumber for Manual
Fr es h frui ts a nd vege tabl es Training worl{,
New Manage me nt Walnut in season se lling direct WYMORE & DENSMORE to s chools.
Peru, Nebraska. Meek Lumber E.o .
Cards r eac hed Peru this week an• I n ou oc in g the marriage of Dorothy I Koon to Mr. Robe rt McM ek in ·===========================
Mi ss Koon's mother and two sisters Ji ved in Peru last yea r. Miss Dorothy Koon was bookkee per in the Ci ti zens Sta te Bank last s umm er Miss es El l is, Dunn , Rose Clark Dewey , Mutz and Ke ll ey a tte nd ed the m ee ting of the Nebra ska Women' s Educationa l Co unci l at L inco ln last Saturday T hi s co uncil is tak in g a ve ry active part in sc hoo l and c hil d wel fare legi slation. The pu rp ose of this m eeting was to con s id er the part they s hould take along thes e lin es. The lad ie s an i nvitat i on to the cou nci I to ho ld its May meeting in Pe ru The matt er was le ft in th e hands of a com mittee.
Ba,rbe r· Shop·. & Bath
Mil s tead Base ment
Full line of Toilets on hand Agent , f or Auburn Laund ry
the Faculty and Stud'ents
When you buy from us you can know that you Hre the best. We guarantee it. If you should any article here that ha s not the quality it should have , we want an immediate oppo•·tunity · to make
Sma ll'accounts are g.iven considerate and careful attention ot
Team on Three Game Trip.
(Continu ed !rom Fi rst Pa&;e. ) Ito th e finish. Th e so ph o mor es were ve ry goo d at th e ir plac es and except ion a lly fa s t, a nd the forward & s how ed up bette r th an th ey did in
oth ers say he could not see wh at th e Ha sl in gs boys did for watc hin g u s. We had to agr ee to the home offic ial to get the ga me for th e trip . Wh ile the ga me was f ast and h ard fought, it wa s a clean and snappy game When the b oy s we re warmi ng up a h ear ty welco me yel l I of'th e Bl ue a nd White came from th e balc ony, an d that littl e crowd of Peruvian s wer e lo ya l to their t ea m th e entire as a ll Peruvians ar e where eve r we find th em F in al sco r e, Ha st ings 20 , Pe ru 18.
F ea tur es of the trip:
Coac h Spee r 's half mil e run to catc h th e train We dne Rda y mornin g.
A vaudev ill e at L inco ln wh ile th e c hipm onk s we re monkey in g wi th th e c hi ps the dPa f and dumb (boy) d id th e toe dance wit h the
tha pr e vi ous ga m e.
You'd be. Surprised at clea ning, press in g or , Dye wor k AND
We give se rv ic e, qua lity and
Fay Bakery
Lunch Room Tak en a ll in a ll this was one of rea so nab le p ri ces the very bes t to urn am ents that the Try us on yo ur n ext orde r and be
gir ls hav e eve r had on the Normal fl oor.
The Musical Ho use Fa mily.
The friend s of Dr House and fa mily will be plea sed to he ar of the part taken in the mu sica l program give n hy th e de· partm ent of mu sic in the Un i versi ty of Maryla nd. We hope the mu sic love rs of the East wi ll appr e ciate the rar e ability of_ th ese we gte rn artist s.
De pa rtm e nt of Mu s ic
Hom er C. Dir ector
By pupi ls of B. Goo dye ar mu s ic in hi s feet. and the Wome n 's Glee Club
A l ine party to the dor m after A d't · u 1 on um the ga me at Kea rn ey Ca rl, Toft T d E · D c 14 1920 u es ay ve mng, e . , and Coach were no t lu ckv but they Miss I da Hu epe r MPzzo-So pr ano won 'tmen tionanynameR. \ M· J 't F l'h S 1 1ss uma a roe 1c oprano
Coac h Spe er sto pp ed off to r efe ree I M H h 0 d H B 't , r. ug sgoo ou se an nne. a ga me at Auburn Saturrlay ni g ht I•• l{' 1 A H T j mr 1ngs ey ouse e nn r be twee n the Aubur n hi gh sch oo l 1 Wh · S 1 · s h b t 0 IS y VIa C U er a nd th e Sc hoo l for De af a nd D umb I tl · S t d T b
Of O maha. A b 2 ,., n 11s eques ere om u urn wo n, 4 to l I. Beethov en
The Girls' Baske t Ba ll Games. Ca lm as t he Ni g ht Bohm The g ir ls' int e rcla ss ba s ket ba ll Mi ss Hu e pe r gam es of 1921 were a gr eat s ur -2. Duet for Tenor a nd Bar i ton epr ise to th e man y peop le who wit- Bea u ty' s Eyes ne ss ed them. Th e fre :; hm an·::<npho- Ki ngsley a nd Hu gh House more gam e see med a littl e slow and 3. The Sweetest Flowe r that Blows no t at a ll certa in Th s wa s to be H aw ley ex p ecte d fr om . g irl s who h ad just Mr Hu gh Hou se r ece ntly le ar ned the ga n1e and ha d 4. My St Jr Spross n ot had t im e to get the fine points Mo r ning S pPaks of the game The players on both An Open Sec ret Woo d man sides we re good at th e ir plaee s but lV1 i ss Fr oel ich ne ith er team s how ed th e good 5. Un t il the Dawn P ark s pl ay in g th at th ey ha rl in pract ic e. Lady Cloe Clnug h-Leiter Women' s Glee Club
The !'e ni or -j uninr was a :{a st and p eppy one, a nd fu ll of 1 in terest from s t:nt to fini s h. So me features of th e ga me we re th e exceptiona l goal of Hel yn Humb e rt and th e cl ean and s nappy v;uard in g of Lois Ty son and Ruth Ro senqui s t; th e fa st work of John s ton at cente r, and the st ea dy, con sis te n t. play in g of Me rl e Argab ri g ht a nd Nevarla Par ri ott Th e juni ors ha d one of th e very bes t orga n ized teams th at ha s bee n see n on the floo r in R" i rls' bas ket bal J for some yea rs. Their ste ady team work easily gave th em the fir st pla ce in ra nk.
The soph omore- junior ga me
Are more num e rou s in th is offiec th an can d id ates
Peru peop le pe op le are in prim e fa vo r wi th our pa tr on s. W. T. DAVI S. '06 is tpanag er and propr ietor of SC HO OL SERV ICE
Ask me mb ers or other
sch oo l people as to hi s reliabi lit y. Writ e torlay to
Sch ool Service . Lin co ln, Nebra !> l<a Sh o es and Shoe
Repairin g
Shoe po Iishes and laces
co nvinc ed. J no. A. Cej ke, Tailor and Cleaner I- GOOD TH I NGS TO EA TIStud eut s' Headquarters
The C hate lain Jewelry Store
Watches, (: iocks , de.welry. Fountain f> ens. Stationer>y School .Supples. 1\'\AIL ORDERS PR O MPTLY FILLED
OUR MOTTO;-" The b est goods for th e least money" • We r epa ir pP n s, watc hes , j ewe lry and sp e ctac le s. Bifoca l Len 8es GI VE US A CA LL . I. CH A. TELA IN Peru. Nebr.
TRY US FO --Q ualty, Sc rvice & Prices
We ca t·ry a compl ete and u "1 lin e of and dry goods. Come in and ge t our prices on dozeu and c ase Jots of canned We ai!'Oo ca rr y a fre!'th line of f•· uits and vel!.etables.
Union f>hone. 52
Stand out among Perfumes as do the Dhuno nd, Ruby a' nd Opt1 I among Gems
Prompt Repair Serv i ce Sh eaffer Po i nt flnd Pencil!'t.
Conkli11 a11d Shee1ffer Fou ntain ·,1 Belts , History paper, Water Ctllor · ,A. la•·ge L.ine of School Suppli es GROC ERIES, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY
promised mu ch in th e way of rea l play in g and and d id n ot disappoi nt one in the l ea s t. Th e ju ni ors showed th ei r us ual s kill in loca tin g the baskets a nd in ge tti ng around ov er th e floo r. but the scrappy littl e sop homor es gave th em ·a tig ht HINGBR & M58b5Y · ;·.· .. U. LANDOLT, Phon e- 731 · ' , Pe ru, Ne br.
Teachers The National _Emergency In Mm , YiEAR coMMENCEMENT.
Las t Frid ay m01mlng occurred the
mi d-year ·co mm en cement exercises fo r t he class of '21. All of the , postgr aduates and five of the twenty-
RO USE ' · · two graduates are alr ea dy out In the ·1state each sholder in g his part of the
I! be li eves what we so j A. B. d egrees Adv El em. j em part of the s tate I found the re had burden of th ese troublesome times. blatantly re tterate, that e ducation is 1 1 st. Garde Course of Course been iss u ed 265 eme rg ency certificate s After the invo cation by R ev. Ranthe foundation of d emoc r acy and that ':' ert. Norm al Sch. 12th Gr and that there ar e. 49 sub-stan da rd 1dall Mi ss Mar cy and Mr. Hageman de mocr acy is the onl y· ty pe of govern- U niv. of Neb. 170 100 50 teache rs in the graded sch ools F acts ·: Rose of My Heart. The ir voices ment worth consi derat ion , we must Coll eges demoni a tions 76 97 87 ur e stu bb orn thin gs. Let us face • bl ended in a sweet, fu ll tide of barface re so lutely the pr esent s ituation Normal Sc hool s 28 259 127 !th em. Do we want Nebr aslm to con- I mon y. In truth it was so good th ey in r egard to teacher s upply. Normal Tra ining H. S. 1705 i t!nu e such ed u cationa l poli cy.? Iwere pe)·suaded to si ng again Commiss ione r Claxton said last :otal 274 450> 1 969 !We shoul·d· ehminate th ese eme1 - I The ad dre ss of the morn in g wa s May, "Of the 110,000 v acanci'e13 ass ur- G1 an d Total 269 8 gency ce1ttflca te teac h e1 s as soo n as g 1ve n by Dr. A. D. Harmon of Cotner. cd in teac hin g positions in elementary Needed _. .4500 1 possi bl e. J It was a addre ss , so l odgica l s choo ls in the U ni ted States there w ill Th e s uppl y IS exactly GO per ce nt I Th ere will be no -r e lief from other and so timely. A IJr ief r esuu1e, in be only 30,000 graduates of teacher 'f th e demand. I:; ta t es F or the last two years th e l which t he fo r ce a nd the earnestness training in st itutions to f ill them, a net Ass uming that one-fourth of the Superintend ent of Pub li c J the speaker are woefull y Jacl, ing is loss or 80 ,000 traine d teach ers." Con- s eco nd group will te a ch in the hi gh i of South Dalwta h as ru n in the, me- as follow s. tlnu ing, the Commis s ioner said., " On e- s chools of the s tate and adding t hi s 1 tropolitan da il y pape rs of Nebraska i T he cau se of the r est le ss ness of t he 'ift h of t he 84,0 00 teacher s now in th e ·, 4 to the 274 holding degrees. an advertisem ent ca ll ing · for 1000 1age is the, yeast (democ racy) wo r khigh sch oo ls w ill leave their pos i- are availabl e for h igh sch ool po sition s • teache rs for tha t s t1.te. Iowa ha s re- ing in the uinv ersal hum an h ea rt. tion s to e nt er s ome other occ upati o n; only 388. Thi s is scarcely 50 per ce nt' cently passed a minimum wage scale The infin ite plan is altogether good, 8,000 teach ers will be ne,eded to fill • th e number that will be n eeded ; r !\Vhi ch in s ur es th at teac her s will be but each pers on is not in h armony po s ition s cr eat ed next year by the re place those us ually lo st by : att racted to I owa rather than that iwith this plan. Life is ns a stream, growth of the hi gh sc hoo ls. The promotion to executive p os itio ns. any of her te a chers wi ll l eave. The 1 which viewed as a whole, pr esems rea le st po ss ible numb er of eligib les n'aJTi?ge, a nd t y tho c:e e nt er' ng other i St:- te Supe rintendent of Kan sas re-i one s imple per fec t pla in; but, whe n [or high schoo l t each ing is 9,000 a I ca llin gs. After deducting 114 fr0;11 ! ported in Dece mber tha t s he will h ave seen in part show s only the ch ips and s hortage of 1 5,000 po si tion s whi ch ' the gro up of normal sc ho ol gra du a te s a of teachers for 19 21. Th e rubbish in t he blac lnvater s of the ma in cannot be filled by a dequ ate ly pre- I we h ave left 34-1 availabl e for grade --1 tates to the north wes t have al ways 1- urrent. , pared teache,r s." l po s ition s. we;; pr obab ly n eed •lr:nv n J·eavil y u pon our bese teachers The das h· or auto c racy and demo -
Pre se nt con dit ions req uir e that our 1' of higher sa laries and th e op- cr acy in th e fam ily causes t he r uptu re !!Chool s s hou ld be more e ff ic ient a nd 1 For the on e- r oom rural sc hools we nor tun ity to " go \ Vest". Min:le <;otn u al balan ce s ee ms to be passing to t h(l effective than th ey hav e ever be e n. · " 11 prol: ably n eed 2200. ,If f· -p · is shor t. th e present year, 80 9 teach- of the whole syste m. T he intellec t"\V e are face to fa ce with a co ndi tio n 'one in g roup III tau ght th ere would ncr.o rd ing to r epo rts at t he St. wom a n's s ide. Men may so ori be that must mal• e th em le ss effective , fl'l pe rcent of them \Yill tea c h. Oth ers Pa ul Educationa l Conference Novem- earning pin mo n ey by taking s ubt ha n ever. B etween 300,00 0 and 400,- s till be a s hortage of 230. Le ss th an l·e1· 30. scr i ptions for the Ladies Home J ou rn000 c hil dren are depri"Yed of school 1w ill continue the ir education. Says State S up erinten dent Blai r of al. privileges thi s year b ecause of cl osed I T he re !ig u res are s ta rtli ng enougll I'Hpo is "Not mor e than 44 per cent There is now an a ntagoni sm beschool s on acc ount of the s hortage Ito a rou se t be m ost indiff er ent but 0f tl•e tea ch ers of Ill inois h ave more t ween reli gious autocracy which of tea chers. is ye t a greater menace in the an elementary sch oo l edur·:u ]>r esents a cr eed men may wo rs :t ip Every tho u ghtful citiz en knows that Nebraska s itu a tion. In order to keep th r. n per ce nt ha ve never f in - Go(\ as they choo s e. a school with a poor teac her is worse I onen all but thr ee or four hun dred ic;l•ed co lle ge or norm ;tl schooi. A 1 The industri al pro! 1!cm<.: of tod ay than no school. Lis ten ! "More than 1 chool s in the st ate the sta te s uperin- !;re:l t nun1ber are wilfu ll y incom- il\'E: due tr> the worltin R of t l>i ·· Y<':l <: t. t he teachers of thi s nation, 350 .- c•1d en t has iss ued approx im ate ly 1700 ''" ' uncmltur ed. a nd unt. rame<l It is not ju sl th at of two !P en who 000 of th e m, are not prepared, acco rd- "' menre n cy certifi cates and pe l·nit•: Wa ld o of Mlch iJ;"a n '· vote as equal s. on e s hould >hape tlJe ing to any reasonable sta nd ar d, for ., orde r that c ommunitie s m ay h ave "'l'l• cre a re te ache rs in lVJicl "l!:tll li fe of the other indu s tr ia ll y. A'd a te1ching; viz. two years of profes -: SOJ't of a and city '"h 'l IWV" not grn<lunted fr rnn h iv, h prote st come<> labor or gani za tion , ami c; ion rt l training be y ond the four ye ar , s choo ls may run With: ev en a redu ced 'Thool. Th ern a re Hi ] 4 more who n ow th e clash ha s co me. high sc h oo l co ur se ""-C laxton. Th e teac hin g for ce . I ga ther ed stat istics fini sh ed the elemen tar y Demo cracy means the abiljl.y to nu m ter of new teacher s requi red from tw e nt y co unt ies in on lv." t al\e ove r pow er an d to u sc t hi s power t f II Wl ll be a pp1ox1·mately 140,- : Ne braslw. where teacher tra mm g m- l'l"'!re in Nebra ska to nex a The task is fi rst to mal'e pco000 , r01 tb e un 1·ted St ates The num- 1 tit ut'on s a nd n,orm al tr ninin g h igl1 thv ma ny hundred <; of girls who )li e capab le, th en give tlwm an llll"er of ,.1.adtJates of no1·mal sc h oo ls s chools are most nu_ me rou s. made no preoaration. no1 hnd th e•· 1 '' ., pallin g conscic uce to uc;e t lOll' power in the who le c ountry w ill not exceed , statistic s s how th at Ill th ese twenty elvP n :>nv tho ugh t to te :> c htn e: un U! with justice. A trained ,and 20 ,000. If we ad d to this number I counties th ere w er e iss ued 18 9 e mer -a tt ra cted by the sn larle <; wh ich b oa•·ds n ot h ea rt Is a train ed devil. e:raduates from oth er s choo ls w ho .-r<>ncv ce r ti fica tes. Th ere are 81 of ed u cation were c omp el led to pav Th e abil 'ty of pupils on tlic U nited h ave h ad s ome little prep ar atio n for 1 ln tl'e er l' rl "d sch ool s of ;,1 or ci Pr to onen the ir at all. St a tes reduced to a l evel ra nlcs t h' . 1 11 not have to exceed th ese c ount' P" without tl>e m in im um Everv J)Oc;it.;o n h el d t-y su ch u npr e- s ixth gr ade; th at of teaohcrs In thP in any s en se j .,.., ,;,. PJT'ent" f or !O uch po s ition s. On e pared teac hers should be fil_! r rl by el even th. On e a uth or h as stated th at I ta 105 000 I"f th e!' e r Ppo rt <> P."ac tl v 20 " tr:-o i nP rl teacher at tl•e en rliP "t po<>- of that te rm ,-s 10r ge , · th e tr en d of a nat 1on may bn c hanged Wl! at is th e s ituation in Neb r aska ? per c ent of the teac hers out side of ,,," rl <> t P. Many of th ese emer - in a s ingle ge ner atio n by th e i;c hool d app l oxi mately I """ nt y ceat as emerjrency teac he! "· I.'" I'" Cv " will tha n prepnr e t Ge J'I1'!' nv I'« "'"' '1'01". B ve rv y ear we ne e h sys em. ·• • one- third: of tb e teach i ng fo r ce I. Eigh t of the se cou nti es hav e for A. se c oPd Y e n- Tn the lon g run that which is not b . ,.11 til e more emergency ce rt 1fi ca t es wlnl e illto thl!-. cH s tlnc ti ve ly pat rio tic t are abo ut 13,50 0 t eac e1 s . 1 ri ght will peri sh in the ete rn al jush 11 d 45 00 have l ess than five. One <:c •r vice Tt is tim e that thi s state '!'Ins mean s we s a n ee , d . I I 'tl . :r l th I "'he i ce of the ages. d the se w'J!l be fOJ' tlle four on ly. open e 1ts sc 100 s_ WI 1- ., ,.,t ,on nr ec esc ug y • , er s 800 or · 1 'After the a dd r ess. Pr eside nt Rouse · 0 f l" "r?.<'e ·• the use of an em ege n cy ce r ttfi c· te on ly po •;s1ble way to sec ur e tram ec yea r high sch oo ls, 150 or c.f ,.. t·h' What mu st be tr ue of the coun t ies t eaf'he rs for our school s is. to fill th e dip l omas, presen ting no s itions in th e s ta te and 22 ;(1 or e f ., , th e world' s cha ll e nge to th e yo u th '' ' in le ss favo r able s ituat ed por t ion s o nn the t"acher trni nlng in s tit utiOns ,o one-room rural school s. h h con dition s ob tain , . ·- lim it ' The enro llment in the ro ur I of tod ay. As a c losmg numb er the ? H the the sta te w en sue e . I ' What of th e su pp ly. ere are . tr twenty co unti es? From fo ur ·orm al sc hoo ls in the stat e -of -Nel,r as- Glr s fllee Cl ub Rang in a pleasi ng actual s tati s tic s fo r the scho ols of ' e <> e I sy mpath etic manner. wide ly srattere rl coun ties 111 the we s,t- 1C'nn tlnu ., ,t on La!<l PJtO::"-' Nebraska :
THE PERU NORMA.LITE are entering the preliminary contest, was agreed that th ere should be Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nc- no debates on Febru a ry 1s t. braslca as second -class matter. a nd that member s of the s ocie ty not 1 the contest be invited to hear the Publi s hed Weekly by the Peru State No rmal :;peakers.
$ L. OO per yea r. Sing le copy 5 ct s. The qu est ion for d(\bate on Februa ry 8, is "Res olved that the excess profit tuxes s hou ld be abolished and replaced by a corpo r ation profit tax."
I>or n-Ta b1H· kwu:
If you do not rece ive yo ur Normalite• l !ave n ot ice in the Norma li te hox in the Administrat io n bu il ding.
While qui e tly in Fre nch tortures with Jean Vaf:Pan in (be Cha pel movi es Frirlav rather cas ually gu a rant·' •' 1 <t least o ne ba s ket for Pe ru in the T abo r, Iow a, Co ll ege game, Capt. Rasey Remember? Well, it took you just five sec ond s and a half -to get that ona ::--lo articles accepted after 8 o'clock basket! Pretty work, pretty work old Mo nd ay mo rning-. And your team worked fdly. In ract, its machine - like ma ni-
IW ITO I!I AJ. pulatfon in pu s hing that leather JJill
Hope Lew1s Ed ttor in·Chief Pel'tl J·as! et d d t ·· d . . -. { -war was as e ermme
Robe rt Qmclc Assoc1ate Ech tor a 11 <1 definit tl · •t bl T b 1 e as 1e -m ev1 a e. a or
Jes sie _Kelley Ed•tnr was not in it at a ll. The 20 to 3
Ntl cs Ruslncss M1-!'r. s core at the end of the first ha lf
Jess ie Kelley M!!'r. :\1aifing Dept. 1 d tl t · 1 I< EI'OilTF.RS:
Mabel Dressler Senior
Wm. Sw a rtzwelder Junior
Loi s Griffin Sophnmorc
Dorothy Petitt Fr eshmen
Rex Nil es V M. C _.',.
Nin a Styles \' W. r·. A.
Gertrude Carver :N. C. A.
To be selec ted : : Phi ln
Esther Delzcll C lu b
MargucriteBridges Dramatic Club
Loy J. 1-! aelc cr C lub
Debuting Society s 10we 1a w1t 1out que s tion. And bully for you, you second team 'c llows! You canied on the work in the fir st fifteen minutes of the s econd 'l lf s plendidly and added on the a dditional 8 points for Peru. And if Ras ey' s gang hadn't butted in the last five minutes, you would ·ave caged s ome more points.
Portrait and Commercia1---We put the ••snap in snap -sbots" We have the fim th<1t fits your camera
But you can't blame them ·for getting re s tless sit ting on Ute sidelines watching you carry on so well. They all rooted hard for you and ached for ll lea!;t one uo1:e crack "at 'em." But Tab01· was working we ll by that Tu esday night being the regular tiiM and wa s s howing Peru that they SABINE 'S ED UCATIONAL EX ::: HANGE time for the election of officers, !or co uld sc rap to the last in spite of a j Founded 1893 the seco nd se mester, the Webster 28 to 10 sc ore. They were a ll fine We never recomm e nd a teache r to do by
Ca len dar I
Fe bruary ?.n d to l•'e!> t ua :·y Jth
Wedne sday-Y M. C. A. ..• :;(;! Y. W. C. A. 7: 30 1 Or ches tra : 8: 15
Thur sday-I-J!. S. t·aske t ba ll 8 :30 Ban d 7::J O Girl' s Gless Club 7: 15 Peruvian Staff 8: 15 Barber Shop & Bath
Milst e ad Ba se ment
Full li ne of Toilets on hand AgPnt f or Auburn Laundry :"ri day-A m. L egio n·· Play 8: O•' of Shirley" I w. M. MeA rdle, Prop. t dy Dt a.m1tic club .8. 30 1 " The Makers of Dreams" "The Playgoers"
Monday - Or ch est ra 7: 30 Tu es day- Band 7: 3') I Girl's Glee Club 7: Hi I Debating Society 8: 15 ! We
O< J c fLc.:>::.ls Debating So c iety had no regular pro- fellow s and their team work was good No enroll m ent Fee. Write UR gram. The new officers elected are Jbut not secure enough to get t hru our PROMPT , EFFICIENT, RELIABLE SERVICE as follo,, er s: Idefen«q. They s howed evidence of Roland Reeve,s. Pres ident: Lo y tu_rn that game Tabor this week E. T. HOUSH, Shop Bid., Moines, Ia Hac!{ er, Vi ce - president; Ysa Han s on , will doubtless try out on you. But Secre tary; Mable Dres s le r, Treasurer j we know what you can dQ along that J\lfr. Sason. Criti c; El and Nelson line. So hit 'em hard , gang; we're geant at arms; l eona Sparks, reporte1· with you. Yep, eV'ery inch After the bu s iness meeting, a pro- · g ram e of mu s ical number s was given I 1\li.ss Keith_ a piano s olo, and, 1 Y. )f. C. A. Anll Y. W. C. A. Hold .l l'in t M1. Gauz1ll. M1ss Dress ler Mis s 1 llf 'I • , ce . ng Fi sher and Mr. 0. Ro s enquist singing n quartett. The soc iety then ad- Th e old. yet ever in s piring su bj e ct journed and went immediately to the of se rvice wa s the topic of the joint dining room of the Home Economics of th e Y. M. C. A. and the Department for delicious refre s h- Y. W. C A. , Wedne sday evenng. Miss me nts. Hilton. U1 e leader s ummaril:ed the The p1·e lim inary contest for place s ron tract be tween g et ting and ' giving on the Deb a ting Team s will be held ns it wa s pr ese nted by Christ and va rThur sday night , February 3rd in the lou s member s of the two orga niza tion s high schoo l auditorium begining at <:poke on the differen t phases of pres7: 30. The Japane se !migration ent da y se rvi ce Two mu s ical numque s tion the sa me as for the Nebras ka Iber s. a vocal s olo by little Miss in_tracollegiate deb a ting leag ue, is and a u se d for the try-outs Each co nt est- olo by 1\ h. Huffe1 gave a pl eas mg ant ha s s elected some phase or part variel Y to the meeting. of the q nes tion eit h er affirn1ative or n egat ive on which · he has· prepared nn , spe ech .not more than ten I Amcricnn Le gion Pl ay .' m length. From these' spec! -For four weeks the f'nti re ca!'t men ar guments a set of judges will f or the "Camouflage of Shirley ," se lect eight repres entatives six for t b · F b , o e !l' IVen •e ru ar y 4, h ave been fl1 st place and two f01· seco nd, from . , ·. the total numb ers of contestants. Th e nght on the JOb Tm s is to be one judges are Miss E lli s, Mi ss Dem·ey of the b est playa ever produ ced in and Mr. Howie. Pe ru. Ti ck ets go on sa le at 10
On account of the fact that so o'cl ock, January 29, at Fish er of th e me mb ers of the society Bros. •11 store.-Adv.
"P" Club Formed 1 It would be impos sible to mak e a
A fe ''v o'f the lett ei· men of the s choo l p oor cho ice among th ese g irl s an d the ('ame to the t:: onc lu sion that an or•. clul,J w ill ce rtainly continue its line g-a. n' zntio n sho uld be formed c:on si!:> L- of good pr esi dents. El ec tion day ing of m en who· had 'earned and re- Tu esday Fe bruary 1s t. will be reme mceived a le tter in s om e major ath letic s : bere d. lt was fe lt th at suc ll an orga ni zat ion Fe br u ary is th e birthday month of wo uld benefit the men s oc: a!l:; a t.. d the· Gi rl s C lub and plans are already would ben e fit the sch ool by enc o: ir :tg- being made for our birthday party on ing s tudents to en ter athletic s a-::- e bruary 19. cording ly a mee t in g was ca ll ed and t ile fo ll owing offi ce rs electe d: presi- · D · Cl b' · d t D ld W 1 ram at tc u . . en , on a 1 s on ; s ecre tary, Pau l I Wilcox; tr easu r er, carl Rose nqui st .! On Mon day 17, two exIt was de c ided that the cl ub s hould be interes ting play s were given known 'as the "P" Clu b and that a ll ·· by the Dr a matic Cl'ub me mbers. Three men s hould be elgi ble for m em- 1pl ays had bu t . s hi p, an active member be in g onE) i W hen L OV'() 1s Yo un g by Mat'JOI'Ie who was in sc h oo l a nd in good s tand - 1 Benton Cc ol<e, had to t e po s tponed b ei ng wi th the club. A committee was : cause ...oi 1lte il.l..u.ess o.f Miss. Bess ie a ppoin te.d to dr aw up a con s tit u tion !\Ve " t. one of the player s. q to pre sent it to the ne xt m ee tin g ' Th e fir st play give n was " The •r ado ptio ns. It was decided that a ! 7 \ori st. Sh op" The direc tor ?f th ;<> com l 'ned a nd s oc ial m ee tirig !!Jlay was MilO red Fi sh er. The tlowen sho uld be he ld the fir st a nd· the th ird ! in thi s play wer e l oane d by 1 e- day of every month at ch ape l 1 Evan s, a nd Peclt of Nebras·m e. W. G. Sp eer wa s chosen as the I " Cit y. T he cas t was:
}k,·ry Paa p. n'u b a dvi s or . The follow in g is a list '\1aude Gnff m of the ch ar ter members: Sl ov sky :··· VI ctor Bra k E> Victor Br ac ke I!-Ienr y Rola nd Ca rr
Victor Brac ke, Donald W il s on , Paul 1 1;ss We ll s E dn a Lewi s ·:'! c ox , Ca rl Ro senqui st, Ch arle s Mr. J ac k so n Asch er L:tr edott , G t 1 Fl ·d H' D p !' Ev er yo ne did we ll but we w ill a e y, oy ean omero y Del R · G W' ll "d 'v ul g e'' none of their names. w::: rd o se nq u1 st, eo r ge 1 y, Th e second pl ay " Du st of th e Road" by Ke nn eth Saw ye r Goodm an wa s wonderf ul. Th e Time-Chri s t-
B ud g-et )Jo vie ma s Eve in ea rl y s eve nti es.
A; ve ry fin e e ig ht reel budget movie Th r. pla cc- Hon :e or a Middl e entitl ed "L'es Mi serabl es" pl ayed by l western far m er.
I· Make Usc of Your Spare Time. ·
Increase your efficiency by studying by correspondence
One or two hour's credit can · be earned by using 30 minutes a day in intensive study Write at once to Corr.espondence Study ·Extension Division, Peru State Normal
City Laundry
Ph one 138 We Invite You
To call at our s tore for your H ardw ard Need s, Al so Electric lamps, and Flash' lights I You w ill a lway s find a welcom e at
Base ment Fis her's Drug Store I First-class Workmen. Your Pa tron- Mackprang's Hardware age So licit ed. SH0t> AND BATH C. P. SCOV ILL. Prop. American Black
- New Manage m ent Walnut i Fresh and Smoked Meats 1 We manufacture this I lumber for Manual Fresh fruits and vegetables Training work, in seaso n selling direct WYMORE & DENSMORE to schools.
Peru, Nebr aska I 1 Meek Lumber <::o .
To the Faculty and Stu dents
In Prnc Hce Sc hool
Se nio i·-"Thi s man wa s u nco nsciou s for nin e d ays"
Wi ll ia m Fa rnu m wa s· g iv en at th e l Th F: cast: chape l Fr id ay night , Ja nu ary 28. I P eter S tee le Pau l Wel cox Th e play sh owed the fin e trait s of 1 1 Pr udc'lc>e Ste ele Est her Del ze_ll char ac ter di spl ayed by the he1·o J ean 1 'n Old Man Full er Wood le V?l jeain , hi s ]{indl y bi g h eart whi ch 'rhe Tramp Edwar cl Ro se nqui •;t open s to a ll in n eed at th e mo st criti -1· Tl'e - c> parts were h eavy a nd we re cal mom e nt; his lo ve for chi ldr en, al· well taken by ea ch one the pl ayei·s way s he ld to thE} hi ghest d egr ee; hi s Th ey gave eve ry on e a very enjoya bl e love for a ll hu ma ni ty was Christ lik e I rv n in g. '!) it s spi rit of s ac rifi ce. Hi s I l'ttle dau g hter. in the pl uy was ;>1 ] his pride an d joy. but he wi l li ngl J- gave h er to on e who l ove d h er :Ull1 woul d cher is h h er.
Effie J.- "O h. that n eve r could nnppen" Gi rls Clu b Mildr ed B.-"Why Iv 'e be en un conWe are s ure to be please d w ith the / s cion s for s ix wee k s-at nigh t" report of Tu es da y's elec t io n fo r the · three can did at es nominated on · Jan- I ua ry 25t h wer e:
V. 1-+
Leo na Spa rk s- 54
Hilrlegard Yeck- 17
Ann- "1 d on 't see why we co ul dn't h ave beaten tho se Ger man -, I mean .Jun iors!"
When you buy from us you can know that you ore get'.ting the best. We guarantee it. If you s hould get any article here that has not the quality it s hould have , we want an immediate opportunity to m.ake it
a>e d/ern & 81/enberger .
Uhe Ctttzens State .9lank
Small are given considerate and careful attention at thi s bank.
E .. E. GOOD, President 0. M. GO OD, Cas hi Pr ;, · r " J. W. McADAM S, V. Preaid e nt. ANNA FARLEY, Asst. Cashi er .
Tonchcrs ,Shortllgo.-'Jlhc :NatJonoi fl y ing boats with a wi ng s prea d
Emergency In Education of 1 07 f eet. Th ese m ac hines car ry
(Continued from First Paee .> fo urtee n passen ge rs a nd a re eq uippe d with two Lib erty motors. at our pressing or Dye work AND
ka sho uld be doub l ed by a system a tic campaign on the pa rt of superintenden ts, bo a rd s qf e du cation , a nd pa tron s of th e Ach oo ls. I-fere and there we h ear rumblin gs th at s alaries ar e to be re du ced! Go s lowly. We cannot afford thi s. Sa laries must be' in c rea se d
' ' ra th er th an d ec rea se d. Vife mu st attract p eo ple Into the profess ion who will be more or less per man e ntl y th er e. · We mu st l ea rn to weigh valu es. Some fa milie s who a re now c ompl a in ing about high tax es spe nt mor e 'for gas and rubb er la st y'ear, to say n othing ab c. ut th e fi rs t cost of th e au tom ob il es , th an th ey did for school taxes.
_ "The co n sc iousn ess of demo cr acy ," sa id Dr. Claxton, "has its roo ts In ed ucat ion. I am not agai n st any thin gce pt Ignoran ce: · A na tion th at ca n Hp en d $2, 100,0 00 ,000 for tobac co can affo rd to pay fo r e du cat ion; th at Is thr ee tim es as mu ch as is pa id to all ! he teachers in th e <'O uu t, v Tr inl•f hnyipg th ree c;:ll'a r l'! 't.es a ' ';c no : l u.v t ·.\ o, an d of smoking three ciga t·s he wr· t: ltl Rll!Oii:c t wo
In k eep ing with t he modern tre nd We g ive s ervice, quality and 1 of eve nts along c hild we lfa re li n es, :#
Room No rm al Scho ol has a nanged for Mr s, reasonable prices. ' Ira D. H asbrou ck for the week of Try us on your next order and be
Jul y 5 to 8 in c lus lve. She will di s, cuss with th e wome n of the sch oo l the ma ny probl ems h tat binge abo ut c hildhood -P re -Ad olesC!:)nce; Ado lescence; W hen a nd How Sh a ll Chil dren be Taug ht th e Beg in n ing of Life;' Ma lnutrition; and F ather hood-A Profession. Sh e will giVE\ each n oon of UI'e, w eek to pr Lvate ences wi th summer sc hool. stud en ts u pon the probl ems th ey mu st face in act ual sc hool work
Pr ofesso r James M. Mat hen y o! In di ana poli s, will spend two days with the s umm er school group di scuss ing th e var io us ph ases of th e Boy Probl em. Some of hi s to pi cs will be the H ea rt of a Boy a nd th e Fi ve th vt Unl oc k It; A Boy 's Honor: The Adolesce nt Boy a nd Mis und er stood Boys Hi s Wro n gs; lt is th e pur pose of the school to to the n ib i nstet d r,tp·• wi ng t!te out s tud en ts who will be in sym·lmtt away, • sa !l'tr!e · teac hers 1 path et ic to u ch with a ll pro!J l•!m<; th at t·ould be d ou l)led. is ror • have to dea l w ith c hilrl welfa r e. l ux ur ies in th is !ll'JI'o ! tha n I or fo ur aw l :;t h alf thlcS I Dr G. C. Cast of App l eto•l Collc.>Y,P. .l more than is pa id of :tll I 1\.. ppleto n, \Visc o nsin, tha.t his gmdcs of P.cluc a ti on .' ' worh is m ost delightful Jo ;/ enro lll•tt·t1f. is incr eas in g each '>'! •: .esrer the "''!lliJ\· are well and all are ha ppy High Sc hool Winner In Two Gnmcs \' r. ('ast is to pet·sCJnally cnn du r.t one • of the T em pl e To urs Tr ough Western Bnrope. f ro m Jun e 25 lo Thls will c ertainlY, be a deli gh tful ex p er ien ce .for Mr Ca st. We congr atu late hiin up on hi s o pp ort unity. i
Br ow nv ille 5- Pe ru Sec oncl s 6 Wy more Hi gh 3-P e ru Hi gh 32
In the double- h eader l no:; t Thur sd ay eve nin g th e Pe ru Hi gh Second s won from Bro wnvill e w ith a close sco re. Bot h teams sh owed fi ght and s punk ·nd Brow nv ill e is to be com me nd ed
Students' Headquarters
copvinced. J no. A. cej ke, Tailor and Cleaner -GOOD THINGS TO EAT-
0 UR MOTTO;· "The best goods for the least money" rep a ir pe ns, 'watches , jewelry and s pe c tacles US A CALL
Bifocal Len ses
J. c. CHATELAIN, Peru, Nebr.
Qualty, _·Scrvicc & Prices
We carry a complete and up-to-d,te Jine of and dry goods. Come in and get our prices on dozeta and CHSI! Jots of canned goods. We a1so carr.v a fresh Jine of fruits and Vel,leta bles.
.Store fo r !JUtt in g up such a sp lendid c on test 0 fl · - The di r ectory of th e ci ty schoo l r. or I · tile 0 n tah 00 1 so mu ch l arge r than L inco l n. Nebrask a, for 1920-21 d isne ey are u se d to
Th \V · H' · closes the fac t that t here are not N g . P eH' ytrnfiore tgh game with th e 1e c; s than 75 t eachers in th e City who y racJa f>hone 52 ·' eru tg 1 1rst t eam proved to be a I arc gr ad u ates of the P er u Norcam p ete wal k-off for the loca l l'oys 1 • "ood fa st t k ' · ma l. Th is includ es S upt. M. C. Lefle r T eam -wor - a nd the c le ver · · basket sho t· f C I e p ri nc t pa ls. a nd two or t hree !ugh . . o m g_ o owe ll we re th e sch oo l teac her s.lead mg fev tures of t he c ontest. H ow- , "Ver, th Ei W)'lnore b oys showed mt- -=-----=:--------------
mi s ta ka bl e evi dence of the ma kin g of a sp le ndid tea m after more ex pe ri en ce I
When It is co ns id ere.d t hat thi s is Ar e more num e rou s in this offiP c th e ir fi rst yea r in ba sket ball and th e than candidat es fourth ga me th ey h ave eve r playe d. one ca n r ea dil y s'ee th at • n ex t yea r Pe ru p eo ple pe ople :are· in p rim e "' .vmo re w ill co me for th as one of the favor with our pat ro n s. teams in h er te rr ito r y. Next T hur sd ay, Fe bru ary 3rd Arlin gto n c omes to pl ay the local team Arl in gto n wa <; in th e Cla ss B fina ls at the st ate to um ament las t .vca r a nd so w ill gi ve a fast ga me.
l\ Ii ss Vivien Te ich, Cl ass of '19 has l·een offe r ed a ve ry fla tte rin.g positi on ln Chin ook. Mon tana She resign ed her posi ti on at Alexa ndri a. So uth Dako ta. We l esp eak fo r Miss Teich ., 111111 'k ed su ccess from the fir st d ay She ha s es ta bll she!l a sp lendid re puta ti on in Nebl'aska Sc ho ols.
W. T. DA VIS. '0 6 is manager and ' prop ri et or of SC HOOL SE RVICE As k me mb ers or ot her sc hn ol _peo pl e as re liab ili ty. to da y to Stewart School Service. Lin co ln, Ne bra 11ka,.
A. Adrian===Chapel, Thurs. Feb. lOt 8:15
Mr. Adrian is a friend and co-wo rker of Burbank and will Lecture on ••The Plant Creations of the 'Plant Wizzard.'" · Admission by Budget Ticket or 50c
Big Movie and Gotncr Game on friday Night
The Cotner game is ·considered the hardest to be played on the Movie at 7, game following home floor.
OMAHA·PERU CLUB MEETING 1 Peru Club is due to the untir-1 tina, the bride' s young INTER,.. COL LEGIATE DEBATES P 'd E L R G £ H I ine- zeal of Its pr es id ent, MisR while Ze lia Redding as her hand- rest ent ou se uest o onor Peru Member of Lea g ue-Prelimin,..
At B t I Etta Young, and it s stcretary, some and tal e nted moth er, qu 1te aries Held L as t Week. anque · I Mis s Esther Larson. The pre se nt captur ed th e aud ie nce in the few Last Thursday eve nin g the clans 1 enrollment of former Pe ruvians in moments she was on the stage The Peru State Normal has just met in th e banquet room in the Y. : the teaching force of the Omaha The exce ll e nt suppor t g iv en by e ntered into another important W. C. A. building for a rousing sc ho ols has passed the two hun dred other members of the cast was activity by becoming a member of old Peru reunion The banquet mark. shown particularly in the charming the Inter-Collegiate De bating Leawas served promptly at 6:30, fo l· l scene a round tile tea tab le in the g ue. This league is composed of lowed by a most in s piring program. 1 Legion Play. fi r st act. the foll owing schoo l!!: Hastings, Bot h be for e and after the forma l! announc!ng the "Camou- Mi ss Iva Maude Dunn, head of Kear n ey, Grand ls lancl, Cotner, meeting, o ld acquaintances were ftage of Shir ley" by the Pau l the express i on department of the Wes le ya n, Midland, Doane, York renewed and new aequaintances Phelps Po st of the Amer. ican Legion Norma l assisted at the last reh ea r- and Peru. The que s tion we re made. Ther e were gr aduates put th e dr ama loving people of sals and members of th e Norma l upon for the int er-co ll egiate defrom the 8 0's, 90's oo s. lO's and Peru on the "qui vi ve " for its orchestra he lp ed to give atmo s- is. "Resolved that the 1920 pre se ntati on last Friday ev ening . ' ph e re by weav i ng many wa r time Immigrant s shou ld be a dmitted to Tbe So ng School Trio furni shed 1 As anticipated, the play had a Ime lorli es into their numb er s. • Le- the U niterl States under the sa me th e mu s ic for the occasion , which war-time plot with enoug h of mys- g ion men acted usher s and took conditions as European imm iwas hi ghly appreciated by' a ll pres- tery and romance to sus tain in- tickets at the door. Mr. 0. J. g rants ." All dehsting m this No rent. Then came the sp lendid talk ter est and lin es wh i ch brought Gabel , the of post, mal is und er the dir ec ti on of Proof Presid e nt Rouse on "Our fr equent laught Pr. The part of ' iS to be cong ratul ated on the f esso r Eason. Sc hool." The old anrl thP- more Shirl ey , a s pl e ndid American g irl. excell e nt performance Tr yout s for th e team were held re ce nt graduates were arou:>ed to played with s impl ic ity and Basket J3all Team Victorious Thur sda y even in g. Fe bruary 3. eve n greater effo rt to serv e the rese rve by Ge rtr u de Carver. Ca r- A h ard trip to Tabor Coll ege , Each cont es t::mt some schoo l the y love d so well. , roll Lewi s !lave the he ro , Ca ptain I owa, put our bo ys into a sl ump pha se or part of th e question. Mr Rou se s poke of past in- C lay Ca lh oun, the, s ame sy mpa - for th e first ga me, but the y were e ith er affi rmati ve or negativ e, on ftuence of the sc ho ol a nd th e exce l!- · th e tic. in ttd li ge nt interpr e tation victori ous over Tabor Co ll ege 20 to w hich he hac! pre par e rl an individent wo rk of hi s pr ed ecesso rs th at has marked hi s work in th e l 2. Late train s put the Peru team ual spece h of not more than ten ahw prai se d the pr ese nt pr og ressi ve pa st Elmer Wil s on, as Li e ut e nant at Ta bor at ten ?' clock Friday Iminut es '. Th P. judges were work of the faculty in c har ge and Wa y-ne. a de voted brid egroom. ni g ht Tht! ga me was ov er at te n Miss E ll1 s. M1ss Dewey, and Mr the spe cia l pre paration of each S tafford Prante, th e villain, and mir.u te s to tw e lve. Th e boys par- Howie. From th e co nt es t ants s ix indi v id ua l me mb er for hi s Henry Tr e tina, a Plack er who to ok of a tumbler of fre sh water were cho se n for fir st p lac e, and two He sa id Peru always s tood for the ; wasn't a slac ke r, gave exce ll e nt for a m id mght lunch a nd stro pp ed, for seco nd place. Thu t>e who marie high e st st anda rd s an d the best in support to th e lead ing characters. ove r at th e H ote l until fir st place were Lfo Jewe ll, Loy educat ion. The sc hoo l was p la nning H ope L ew is as th e very fe minine, 6: 45 a.m., and -· th en we re off for Hacke r, Es th er De lze ll Mona to exte nd its usef uln ess and s er- 1 h ys te ri ca ll y in c lin ed brid e of Fremont to take re ven ge on Mid - Keit h, Dick Overholt and Leo na vice to the tax payers in sou th east Li eute nant Wayne , was mos t con - lanrl Sparks. Seco nd p la ce was giv en ern Nebrask a. He concluded hi s vincing in her part, as wa s Rach el Afte r a wand e ring, barn s tormin g to Roland Reeve s and Erland remarks by giving a Ji st of good Withers, who caught the sy mpathy jaun t thru th e we ste rn counties of Nelso n. t hing s in sto re for Pe ru in the of th e audience with eve ry line I owa. th e Peruvian ho opste rs we re The schedul e for th e differ e nt f ut ure. 1 of the clever -tongu ed li t tle Iri sh roaming the s tre ets of Oma ha. debates has not been comp le ted. Miss Edna Barnes. who has made I waitre ss Mo ll y T aking a ful l anrl se lf helping for But the ca lendar to date is as fn la place for h erse lf in Nebraska as , 0 r Je nn1e, a wa1tress w1th an a1r, the no on meal at theY. M. C. A., low s: March 31, Peru, n egat i ve, a reader of rare abi lity, gave some l wasab ly portrayed by Mary Jarvis, th e matin ee was next on th e pro- va. York at York. March 3 1, of her best, a nd was ca ll ed back Iwho knows ho [ V: to An ex- gram. Coach Speer turned the Per u, affirmative, vs. Midl a nd at several times for more. Icell e nt bit of. httl e g"l rl. actmg wa s b oys loo se to choo se th e ir show to lPeru. Apri l 7, Peru, negative, The su ccess of the Omaha I given by Allee Scho e mke, a11 Bet- (Con tinued on Stcoud Pnge.)
<Continu ed on L ast 1
PERU NORMA LITE snatc hing two ba ske ts at close range which in th e e nd were nece ssary
Entered at the Postolfu:e at Peru, Ne. for v·ictory Fi s her was call ed braska as scco nd.c lass matter. on to take th e sta tionary guard
Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal posit i on on thi s trip. In the Midland game he was far from bein g $ LOn per year. S in gle copy 5 cts. stat i onary. We ll the boys found the new me mber of th e team on his job clampn g onto the ball and s napping it out to them in the op en. Did he fight? We ll, can a Iduck sw im. Th e Midland boys pla yed a fa s t, co nsiste nt g ame and put up a d es pe rate fi g ht to out count the Pe ru boys but Ed was
l fyou do not rece ive yo ur No rm alite consiste nt rin g ing up free thr ows , l!ave not ice in th e Normal ite box in the · 1 Administrat io n buil ding. making nin e out of twelve tna 8 and adding a fi e ld go al with th e No ar tic les accepted afte r 8 o'c loc l< score 25 to 24 in th e la st minut e Mo nrlay mornin)! ' of play put th e fi ni s hin g touche s
THe I! IHTO JIIAL !'TAFF Ion th e 27 to 24 vi ctory. Lu ndHop'" Lewi s : Editor in ·Chi cf berg at center an d H awkes guard Robert Qui ck Associatc Editor were the main s ta ys fo r Midland. j essie Kcll cy i\ ssista nt Editor Featur es of th e trip: Re• Nil es Ru sin css J ess io: Kelley Mg' r. :vi ailing Dept I< EI'O il1'E ilS:
M a he! Sen ior Heldegard Yeck Junior Loi!' Griffin Sophomo re Do rothy Petitt Fres hm en Ro land Ca rr V. M. C .A. Nina Sty les V. \V. ! '. A. Gertrude Ca r ver N. C. A. To he Philo Esther Delzell. Gi , 19 Clu b Hi gg in s strenuou!l effo rts at Payne Junction with a sack of candy in on e hand an d a h old of e nd of train with th e other Th at sea si ckness develop ed on trip from Mavern to Tabor.
Hig g in s ta min g a w ilri boy at Malvern. Re sult s-as k th e tailor. "Ba uldy" ga ve hi s heart away.
Lu n ch at th e Omaha <!afe teria. MargueriteBridges Drnma tic Cl ub " Ba uldy," • How mu ch is my Leo na Sparks Debatin gC iub bill ?" Clerk, "1. 35. " Coach, - "Fifty ce nt li mit. boys ."
Baske t Ba ll Team Vi ctori ous. Ba uldy , "Say Coach, can't we s lip
<Cont inu ed rrom First Pat:"e. l so me of thi s back?,' th ei r liking and afte r mi ssi ng two Higgins. w ith an empty purse or thr ee r eg ul ar sc hEduled tra in s af t er vis itin g the tai lor shop, an d for Fremont he tinally rounded the a $ l0 00 appet i te. "How much is t eam· up to take the last local. my bill ?" Clerk, "$ 1. 49 pl ease ."
Arriv in g- at Fremont in good Hig.-"Who ca n ' ste ak' m e?" time to get a full workout, th e Capta in Ed being la st one thrn the boy s, at eight o'clock, stepoed out lin e at lunch , find in g the all owance on the floor with a de term !nation for the meal ab out ex hau ste d and to get swee t rev enge on Midland fee lin g r at her r es pons ibl e for the for the one point defeat of las t behavior and welfare of h is team, year.
Captain Ed. Rosenquist me ant what he.sa id, when he rem ark ed to th e boys at the start of the a nd rPmarking he was no t very hung-ry, calmly orriered up 'a hal f chicken, plate of cel ery, as para gus ti ps, bottl e of milk , piece of pie ga me, "We came here to bea t th ese and jar of je llo with whipp ed
Portrait and Commercial---We put the snap in snap-shots" We have th:; fim that fits your camera
E. J. Newman Studio
Phone 56 PERU, NEBR. SAB I NE'S EDUCAT IO NAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 We n ever r ecommend a teac her unle ss askE'd to do oo by oc h oo l' <fficials No en ro llm ent Fee Write us PROMPT, EF FIC I ENT, RELIABLE SERV I CE E. T. HOUSH, Manager, Shop Bid., Des Moine!', Ia I ev id e nt to be de ni ed that ther e is som e thin g up the juniors' sleeves. (It takes both to hold "it.") Barber Shop & B.ath
Mil s tead Basement
Full lin e of Toil ets on hand
Agent for A uburn La undry
We we lcome mo st h eart ily al l new jun ior s and adm it that the I drawing card wa s und oubted ly the /1 sc hoo l championship f or the li ve ly juni ors whi ch terminated the gi rl s' I bas ket ba ll tournam ent. IW. M. McArdle, Prop. fe ll ows a nd we are go ing to do it." cream. At the co nc lu s ion of hi s As to po ints he al mos t lef t ou t m ea l sa id, lets see , we wi ll h ave to th e we par t of it f or when he broke eat an earl y su pper won't we '!
Sn apR hot wee k Wh en '?
Watch what we do! ·Watch the class of twent y- two! lo ose with th ose long, short, fo l· low -ups a nd fr ee shot s, he rung up 23 of t he total 27 Peru sc or es.
Juniors a nd Bu sine ss. Ou r class m eeting last week was But s ti ll it wa s we that did it. of ne ce ss ity co n ve rt ed into a bu si-
Th is wee k. Wh at kind'!
A ll s'n appy snaps. 'i Are you look in g for snaps? So are thP. P E: ruvi an staff. Where w ill they find th em? In the b ox in the chape l lob by. Wh o w ill put th em there'? We a ll will! See that yo u do. Wilcox, wel l you should ha ve see n ness mE> et ing. The n ew se meRte r him cut up a nd down and across founri th e c la ss wit h two vaca nt tha t floor;. sna pping the ba ll , f eed. offices. Co nseq ue ntl y. we a ll turn· ing to Ed and doin g h is gurdiang ed policiansan d unanimou sly elect· duty to per fect ion, quick asa fla sh. ed He rbert Kel ly vice pr es i dent to And old t ru s ty Car l was right su ccee d Bess ie We st. Ann r tt e tb er e· takin g care of th e c en ter Stock ing, chairman of the program f h - Shoes and Shoe portion o t e floor, keep in g th e committee. Let us he lp a nrl enpassinq; game s teady a nd working courage our new capahl e chairman Repairing leather ball to the open ahot. by witness in g and app lauding her S ho e po li shes Wll so n worked a good defensive program•. Th e re st of the time a nd la ces a rea on long s hots and worked un -· was devoted to bu siness and stri ct· Pro m pt Repa ir Service der the basket for fo llo w sh ots , ly "junior bu siness." It is too RING.GR & ME;Bb.E;Y
Girls' Club News
We hardly thought it possible fo r Le o na to be hi gher up in the wo rl d but it ha s bee n accompli s hed She was el e eted on February 1, G irl s' Club presi dent for 1921-22. Beca use of the large majority which e lected her it will be se en that s he was the choice of the club Miss Sparks .is a member of cla ss '2 2, be in g a graduate of Tecumseh hi gh sc hool. Th e sen i ors are glad to le ave the club under s uch good !1' Uid ance , am! th e juniore, well they kn ew from ex pe rienc e who would make a g ood chi ef for next year.
The re mainin g o fficer s of the club will be ele cte ci at th e meeting in March , all offic e rs re ceiving official in sta llation next Septe mber
The club is planning to celebrate it s seco nd birthday quite info rmall y in chap el on We d'n esday, Fe bruary 16. We e xtend a cordia l invita tion to the facult y, men of the sch oo l. a nd the high sch ool to atte nd our
a waiter, it was just about the best little any class has had this year.
Peru High Defeats A;lington. I Lee Long, a form er Perq man, brought a spl e ndid team from Ar lin gton las t Thur s day ev e ning to play our local high school team. They we re all fine fellow s, hard fi g hters but the cleane st team Peru has met this year . Ho wever, some thin g was wrong with the whole team, and Coach Long s tated that they pla ye d th e ir poorest th is year that night. Th e re are ce rtain days wh en a team reacts in thi s way. The s tuff is s imply not th e re to put out.
on th e other hand, was in splendid condiiton and play ed a fast g ame. The flo or work an d pa ssing were very g oo d, esp ecially at the beginn in g. Cowell and Parriott were high sc or e men. each making ten po ints.
Make Usc of Your Spare Time.
Increase your efficiency by studying by correspondence
One or two hour's credit can be earned by using 30 minutes a day in intensive study
Write at once to
Correspondence Study Extension
Nebraska City Laundry
Fol lo wing is the tine-up an d score: Arlington- 9 Ludwi g Schlapf er Peru-28 C0w e ll Scear s Phone 138
Base men t Fi sher' s Dr ug Store
Thru gr a duatiton a numb er of members ha ve be en lo st by the elub. We es pec ia ll y regr et lo s ing onr se cre tar y, Bessi e We s t. who was co mp e lled to take a little re st becaus e of her ill he alth. :)3ut at f. f. f. • Wi lson Fir st-cla ss Workmen. Yo ur Patron· Parriott a ge Sol ici te d.
Badger least by next fall we hop e s he will J. Keen an c. g. g. Brunsdon C. P. SCOV ILL Pro p.
Delze ll again be a hard work er for the McKibben L Keenan clu b as she ha s always b ee n. At g. Ca rr Bas ket !> : Ludwg, 3; Co well, 5; the s ame tim e, ho wev e r, as we Sear s 1· Wil so n, 2·, Parriott. 5 ·, lose member s we have gained new ' ' ones. Mrs. Ell swo rth Ad ee and De lzell, I. Bess ie Krunt o rad are old me mb ers Free throws : Lud wig 3. wh om we we lcom e back As real Pe ru high plays John so n at Johnnew ar e: E ll en Terry, Iowa; Cle o S igman , E dgar; O pa l K ee dy, An burn; Philson Friday, Feburary 11. Arlington high sc hool team defe ated Au burn high s chool on Fricla y night at Auburn by a score of om e na Kantor, Loring; Ada Hop- topn e r. Panama; Ly dia Tyn e r, Shenan d oah, Io wa; ! Th e lma Se b rin g, ! New Students. Paw nee Cit y; E. Savage, Tab o r, A number of new students ar e Io wa. 1 entering the second semester Among them are: Opal Keedy ,
We Invite You
To call at our s tore for your Hardward Needs,
Als o Electric lamps, and Flash-
1You wi ll alwa ys find a we lcome at
New Ma nage ment I
Fresh and Smol<ed Meats 1 We manufacture thi s I I lumber for Manual
Fr es h frui ts a nd vege tabl es Training work, in season I selling direct I to schooas. I
Peru, N e braRk a. I I Meek Lumber> C:::.o
To the Faculty and Students
you should get any article he1·e that has not the quality it should have, we want an immediate oppor·tunity to make it dght.
Small accounts are given considerate and careful attention at this bank.
E. E. GOOD, Pres ident 0. M. GOOD. Cashier J. W. McADAMS , V. Preaid e nt ANNA l<'ARLEY, As st. Cashier
Freshman Notes. 1\u b urn; Sy lvi a Garri so n, Peru; When you buy from us you can know that you Well, at la :s t the secret is a se- Ada May Hopp e r, Pa !lama; Ha rold c ret no mor e! What secret ? Why Hall, Elk Creek: Lewis Ke rl, are gett in g the best. We guarantee it. If don't you know ? In cla Rs c hapel. Pawn ee City; Warren D. McMa· Mr Schoenik e. ·with the aid of a ho n, Imoge ne. Ia.; E li za beth Savfe w memb e r::; of the cla ss. dem on- id)l'e, Tab or, Ia.; Ell en Terry, st ra te d how th e ba s ket ba ll team Gl e nwood, Iov.-a Lydia Tyn e r, had acq uired th e ir pep and en· Shenand oa h; Ja ; Daisy Portenier, duran ce We al so e nj oyed a piano Guide Roc k; Th el ma SPbring, solo by Mi ss K e: th, a nd a vocal solo Pawnee City; Mrs. Ell sworthAdee, by Mr. Ha2'e man acco mpanied by Pe ru; Ell s worth Ad ee. Peru; JoshMiss Marcv. ua Ade e, Pe ru; Alb ert Bi e hn, He bron; CI Po Sigman , Ed gar; Mrs Do we lik e oys ters? Oh, boy! M. F. Quill e r, Nemaha; Don HunAnd isn't Doroth y our favor- gate, Pawnee City; Mr;;. Fairy ite act res s? s ay sh e is! In Robird s, Peru; Ch es ter Me yer, ot h er wo rd s, th e fr es hm en cla ss , Wes tern; Phil omen a Ka ntor, h d b M s ho e nike Lona ; Krunt orad, Fairbury; c apero ne Y r. c • Fern Zeller s, Ben son went to the second s how last Saturda y ni g ht , and afterward s in- 1 Miss Ellis recently recevi_ ed the · F ' announcement of the marnage of du lg ed Jn an oy ster f ee d at ay. Byrne C. Marcellus to Miss Helen long with the crackers p1ckles, j K. Wi l son, of Avondale, Pennsyltoothp icks, salt, p epoer, water and Ivania. Mr. Marce llus is a graduat e Toppy" (hav in g b11en ad orned by of Peru,and w ill be remembe red as "A unt Je ss " for the occasio'l ) for one of Peru's foremo st d•baters.
Final reh ea rsals are under way this week for the annual concert of the Normal Band and Orchestra, which will be given in the chapel next Wednesday evening, February 16. The n t@bers have be en se lected with a view to pleasing every kind of mu s ical ta ste , as will be ap· parent fr om a review of the program which follows:
Part I.-Or e he st ra
Priests' March from Athalia Melody in F --
S weet Eve ning Star from Tannhau ser (Solo for Cornet) Rayrri ond Huffer
Spring So ng Melod y of Love
Serenade (Duet for Clarionets)
Arthur Burley and Herbert Kelley Love and Roses
Sextette from Lu cia cii Lamm e rmoor
Th e Hen the Cow
Polonaise (Solo fo r Violiu)
Part II.-Band
Lee Hemingway
Beautiful Annahelle Lee
Co t ton T op Rag
A11e's Tot (Reque st)
Mendelssohn Rubin stein
Mendelswhn Engle mann
Czibulka-Dauzet Doni zet ti
Meyer Chopin
Anitra' s Tan z (Request). --- Grieg
L ee Hemingway, Rut h Kelli ga r, Mildred Hanks, Hildegarde Yeck, Ne va Hoak, Fe rn Jon es, Milton Land olt
Amorita -
Mar ch " Fo rt Royal"
lnter.-Coll egia te Deb ates
Zamecnik Huff
Y. M. C. A
(Continu ed rr om F irst Pa J:" e.) Did you see the movies Wednesvs. Kearney at Peru. April 7 or da y night? If you didn't you 8, Peru , affirmat ive , vs. Cotner at · d th. T 1 1 C m1 s se s ome mg. wo ong ree s otner. !s ho wi ng camp lif e in Ca mp Sheldon. A debat in g cour se is being offer- 1 Oh h · h d ld b
, ow we W JS e we cou e ed und er th e d ireetion of Professor th th 1· 1 b ere as we saw ose 1ve y oys E aso n. The two t eam s are takm g1t k th · · d" d 1
a e e 1r mornmg 1p an pa y advanta ge of this cour se a nd hope f b b 11 t · 11 game s o ase a , e nm s. vo ey by th e la st of Mar ch to be quite ball a nd various other sports ready for the fir st engage me nt. After th e sh ow 0. R. Deihl, the Senior Frolics. s tate secretary for the Hi-Y Clu bs "Froli cs" is hardl y the sui t ab le in Ne braska, gave a ve ry int erestword either -a combination of in g talk on th e of the Hi"eats" a nd "u proar" wou ld be Y. a nd the need of its f urth er debetter, if it could be made Any- ve lo pme nt ,way eac h one was a senior, a nd • b I Y. w. c. A. every od y was ther e, and eve ry Th e Y. w. C. A. had a splendid one had a rou s in g tim e fr om th e . Wedn esda y even mg, und er moment he lan ded in the gym tillj th 1 d h" f M. · E · B k II h , , e ea er11 1p o 1ss ss 1e reca t e punc h '' wa s gone Ann I . . · e nn d ge The subJ ect wa s "J ucig e Ran n ey and Ed re a ll y g ot more N t , T · h" h h d b • I 0 OplC S W lC a een than t he1r share of pu nc h, but the I · t d · d d M · g 1ven ou were 1scu sse an 1ss re st e vened up wit h th em on b un s z d A'k d ,. htf 1 1 a a 1 ens gave a e tg u voca and p1ckl es and whipp ed crea m, , 1 t" · se ec Jon. anrl eve ryth1n g else that th ere-A b f · I s a num er o vaca ncte s were fr es hm e nt co mmittee se rved _, · th y w C A 1-. d b "S 1 maue 1n e . . . . 110ar y treets and a ll ey s" and "m ill er t d t · t t th d f ., s u en s gomg ou a e en o boy and a d oze n other 11 h . the first semes ter , the fo ll owm g Y ex au s tm g were pro v ided officers we re appoi nted: Doroth JUst to work up app t"t 'd tl Y . . e 1 esev J en y, Jackson , vice preside nt: Ann e tte because th1s §ffa JT was s tri ct ly a S k' · 1 'f d ., toe mg, s oc1a chairman; In ez ee · Wileon, soc ial service; Herm ina Th e musical eon cer t "re nd ered" Newman, und e rgraduate repres enat the cl ose of the by the tat ive. various gr oup s was a ''hewlin g G irl si Re member Y. w. c. A. success," to say the lea st. . next Wednesday eveni ng at 7:30.
You'd be Surprised Fay
at our cleaning, pressing or Dy e work
We give service , quality a nd . reas onabl e prices. us on your next order and be convinced.
Jno. A. Cejke, Ta i1or 'and Cleaner AND Lunch Room
We r epa ir pens, watc hes, j ewe lry and spectac les. Bifocal Len ses --GIVE US A CALL J. C. CHATELAIN. Pe ru, Nebr.
Qualty, Sc rvicc & Prices
• We carry a complete and up-to-d-,te 1i ne of t,! rocerie s and dry goods Come 111 an d get o·ur prices on dozett and case lot s of canned We also c arry a fresh Ji ne of fr·uit s and ve,geta bles.
FarmePs Union
Phone 52
Stand out fltuong Perfumes as dn the Diamond, Ruby and Opal amon g Gem s Try Them
•• •• FOR FINE CAND IES Big Candy Bars l"ew Si ze- More ca nd y for you r money Our Bread, Cooki es , Lunch and fruits will please you A large of S chool Su p pJi es Save the long walk down tow n. H. U. LAN DOL T, Phone 73 , Pe ru. Neb r. P
Valuable Training S choo l For Y. M.l C. A W orkcrs.
1 PERU TEAM DEFEATS COTNER S co re Was 26 to 14 La st Friday Night.
"Th ere's a re a•on" for othe r thin gs besi d es g rape nuts. ,. L ast Friday· was a hi story
Ne w conc!it ions and new s itua- ma king night for the five knig h ts ti ons de mand new exped in etR Iwho defended the honor of Peru in Wor ld vi sion is n ecessary to o ne of th e str ugg les ever meet the issues of to day , or as j s een on the hom e fl oo r. With th e so me one ha s put it, " Wh ere there o drls a gain Rt th em for th e first fi,,e is 00 viRi on the peopl e peris h. , Iminut es uf th e gam e and in a co nWith thi s vi ew in mind of train- test with one of th P. bes t t 9ams that in g Iearl erA w it h a v isi on th e' inter- I ever pllly ed on the Pe ru floor, our nat ional committ ee of th eY. M.
Ifive hnys gav e an e xhi b ition of a C A. h ave e!' tahliflh e rl s ummer BU I LDIN GS AT C AM P SH ELDO N. "come back" n eve r eq ualle d ·by trai nin g camps for t he s tudents of 1 an y te 'lm in ou r hi s tory Nor did today. I Cca:np Sh eld 'l n. j r! Pdicated to th t> you ng men of Ne -' the s tru gg le end at the first ten
So at E t P k C I _, 0 R. D :,.. hl, f' tate of 1 br a:;ka l minutes for victo rv w as not assurs es ar ,, orau o up ' · the ' th P Hwh "Y "f av ored us with a I Carrip Sh e ld on is a cha ra cte r ed to Ca pt ain Eel' !' aggr eg ation un10 mo untain s. thi r ty mil es • fr om a rai lr oad. they have placed vt s tt Wed Aesriay , Wtth i hn ilrlt ng i ns ti tu tio n. to se r ve t he ti l t he very la st f ew minut es of the one of th ese o pp o rtuniti e::; for the t"': o re PI m uv 1e he g ave a vivtcl i home , the c hur c h. a nd the sch oo l. game For th os e th :> ro hred fi g hts tucle nt R of Nebraksa Kama s, td ea of Ca mp She lrion an d the i Camp in g is th e b est method th at mg Bu ll Dogs held a de ath grip on South Dakota, Ida ho wor k that thi s ca mp is ca rr y ing i ha s y et bee n d es i j!' ned to hrin g the that gam e as lo ng as th e re wa s ' out ! bn yR and th e ir IPa ri ers i nt o cl ose anvth i ng left on wh ic h th ey co u ld ' t. h ld J d 1 f , Th t <> ts loc ated mil es , rela tt o mh ips ge t, a hold. The sc ore d oP.s n ot' te ll Utah , and Wyming · , • ts e 1n une an as ts , I • •t d It . h 1 s outh of Ne br as ka It 1 A co rd tal welco me ts ex te nd e cl t he s tory of that wo nd erf ul j!' a me. en ays. gt ves t e argest 1 d 'b l f 1 wa s gtven to the s tat e exe cultv e to a ll b uyil of to partic i. It oes not tell which team did th e po sst e return s or the captta · 1 · . d . h .d lco rnmttt ee by Mr C H. Sheld o n, 1 pate tn the. adva ntag es of th is "su pe rma n" a ct for wi th tw o tnve s te ett er con st ermg pe rsonI d l • and th e me mb ers of hts fam tl y .. ca mp t ea ms so ev e nl y ma tched it was a ev e pmen t or ; nRpt ra t JO ns for I · 1' . f Mr. Sh f' lcinn fu rm e rl.v ratlwd ca lves As!' ur a nc e iR g iv en pa rents tha t neces sar y to do .th e e xtr ao rd ina ry s er v tce or o the rs. Ask any s tu- · , d b 1 on 1 campn111: but he 1th P high es t typ p::; of to w in . Pe ru d id th e e xtra o rdin ary ent who ha s ee n there , ti rl . d 1 • r1 p h -' th d T 1 n ,; m >re e nJo y ment out ot eve w ill be in r ha r ge r,f al l an wo n. e ru au e e ge on he be st sta tes men, mtnt s ters, I h d C•ltn er t'n t ea m w"r l< a nd th e fin e optn g man o• : bu s in ess m prof ess ional men and i · · · These gt ft::: tnc luci e the s tt e of 97! PPru h nys sh oul d be pnin t.s of th e gam t>.; wh il e Co tn er I acr es and va nou R cuntnbutt u ns : tn tht s camp th ts s umm "r If yo u had the e_ncluran re a nd speed as
s ch o lars ar e there to le ctu r e. The • •. c leartst thinkin g m en in th e world • · · 1 · II h b .rom dtff erent g roup:< and tndlvtd- are mter este d ask Mark Delze ll we as t e a i li t :v to shoo t go al s ual s r es ult ed tn a 1J e rrn ane ntly Ho ward Brun :;clon, St P. rl tng Sears w en t e op po rt untt y o ere . are with you for ten days to help · I · ' h h · ff d yo u chno se yo ur life wo rk. Life h. ' h · 1 f · 1e qutpped camp valu ed at or Rev. E. D. w ten won t e un st mt er prai se o 1n the future a nd the n ee d of the ' th e 4 00 who saw th a t. ga me. wo rld in all ltne s a·re rev t> aled in j 1 It no one sta r- m an g ame on s uch a w ay th at l:'tUri !:' n ts ca n eith er sid e for eac h man pl aye d hi s the mo st fi tt ing ch oi ce part and played it pe rfe ct ly. lt Th e pur pose of th e Rn c ky Mo un 1 is t ru e th at the go al of t ai n Stud ent C onf eren ce is to "g tv e th '! two Rosenq ui c; ts br ought th e co ll eg e men ( und er co nrliti ons as1 to th ei r f eet. yet th ose nea rly irl ea l as m:l Y he fnrm t-! rl) an \ two lo vul it wo nld h ave op po rtunir y for a se ri ou !'l h ee n imp o3s ih le ha d it not b ee n at ioo of do min a nt wo rld i ss ue,; 1 f·•r the s up po rt of th e "ga ng ." fro m the po in t of vie w· of Ch n sr- i Th Pre w as th at gr t' a ;.e d ritr eak of iani ty 's cla im up on eve r .v as pec t I l il!htn inl! "Raolrl y" Wil co x, of life - in rliv idua l and s•.'c ia l. a nd I fe nd ing here. fnnrin g th e ball to offe r thru de finite g uirl a nc e and I forw ard th er f' and d oi ng the tra inin g in rh e ma x imum ex pr es - i thin !!' eve r) wh ere at th e ri ght tim e s io n of C hril; tilln pu rp ose a sse rv icel AT HL
LD O N. wh il e ever Clark wa s atr to th e ir fellow me n, ho th w hi le in j th e rij!'ht spot when nee ded to co ll e ge and in la ter ye ar s." Day of Prayer for St uden ts. l Pve rywh ere m ay he lp to kee p a Hu lldo g fr om s.te ttin g a· Est es Pa rk is partic ula rly fitt ed _
rangle hold. Bo th he and Bauldy The Wo rld's :;,t udent Ch ri s ti an '. . d h b to ca rr y out t ht s purp ose ; wh ere , ctal broth e rhoo d a nd co-op er at io n, foun t e· asket
asso ciat es theh le ad ing Ifor stu aents. Th e obJ e ct of this, is planning to ta ke · part in this part of th e ga me for . hi s s pl e ndid s tudents of Ame n ca; w ere on e fi nally, my br eat hern, r co ntl nu f' d on L'"'' Pa.K"<d · jntercessJOn I S, that C hrt st1an s tu.- ln te r ce ss
THE PERU NORMALITE Volunteer Movement, constittute a unit of orga ni zatio n in the FedEntered at th( Postofliee at Peru , Nc- eration Similar ly na tional movebraska as second·class matter. ments exist in many ot her coun -
Publlshcd We ekly by the Peru State Normal tries.$l.OO per year Single copy fi cts
Tht!se moveme nt s compr ise assoCiations of unions in no less than 2,409 in stitu tions, w ith a total membersh ip of 176,000 men and women students. Reports fCir the yea r 1917-18 show th at these move1 men ts h el d seventy-seven snmmer
co n fere nces, atte nd ed by 12,062 delegates
IIf you do not rccci vc yo ur Nor malite. l!ave notice in the Normalite box in the Adminis tration building.
It is a s ignificant fact t hat no 1 moveme nt or agency is r eady so J q uickly to beg in help toward a n ew 1 wo rl d as t hi s movement of Ch ri s- I tian students and professors in No art icles accepted after 8 o'cloc l< 1 th ese lan ds.
Monday mornin.[!. Today thi s federatio n is combat -
Hope Lewis Editnr in Chicf
Robert Qui ck Associate Ed it or Jess ie K: cll ey Editor
Re x Niles Bu s iness Mg'r
Jessie Kellcy .\•lg'r. Mailing Dept
t<EI'ORTEfi S: i ng famine and di sease among th e s tud ents of centra l Europe and Ch i na The Federatio n realizes that th e only hope of the se countries I ies in the stude ntR, so r they are maing a terrific batt le to eep
Mabel Dressler. Senior He rb ert Hoover's Reilef Admin-
Commercia)--- We put the !'ina p j n Heldegarde Ycck Junior them in schoo l.
Lois Griffin Sophomo re st r atio n has united with the stu· snap-shots" We have the fim thut Dorothy Pet it t dents of Am e rica in re lieving the Roland Carr Y M. C s itu ation. On February 19 and fits
Nin a Sty les
Y. W. ('.A 20 t he student execut ive council will meet in Linco ln to discuss
Esther Delzell Gi ri s Clu b how Ne bra s ka ca n help. David R. Mildred Hank s DrAmatic Clu b Porter, executive sec reta ry , stuLeona Spark s Debating Club dent department of the lnterna· tion a) Committee of the Y. M. C. Dr Frank Bohn wi ll Lecture. A. wi ll present " Eu r opean Stuclent
Dr. Frank Bo h n, specia l Eu rop e. Situ ation and o ur an repre senta ti ve of the New York and "T he Chalen ge of the Present Times, will lec ture Feb ru ary 22 , at World Si tuat i on." This schoo l 8:0 0 o'cloc k in the Norma l chapel. wi ll be rep re sented by Prof A. Dr. Bo hn wil l g-i ve the third I Showal ter , Ro la nd num ber of the Norma l entertai n- Reeves and R1c hard Over holt. me nt course.
Th e High Y.
The E. J. Newman Studio
Founded 1893
We never r ecommend a teacher unless asked to do by c ffi cials. No enrollment Fee Write UR PROMPT, EF FICIENT , RELIABLE SERVICE E. T. HOUSH, Manager. Shop Bid •• Des Moines, Ia
The "Hig h Y." organ iza ti on is an organization by boys and for boys. Th is work is d ir ected by the Y. M. C. A. ThP p urp ose of the Hi Y is "To create, maintain and exte nd thruout o nr high sc hool
At the c lo se of the World War , Dr. Bohn was sen t to E ur ope as a spec ial r epregentat i ve of the New York Ti mes . H is miss i on was to study the politica l and changes th at h ave been wr ought by th e war in enemy as wel l as Allied d t I t A 1 and com munity, h igh s tandards of an neu ra coun s a r es u t . . " f th . d h. 1 • Chnst 1an character. The1r slos;ra n o 18 s tu y 1s ectures are ttme-
I d ·1 1 · H' b' j 1s Clean hvm g; clea n speech, Y an 1 ummat1ng 1s su Jects "R 1 t' v 1 clean a thl et ics, and clea n scholarare evo u IOntzmg c..urope , h' "The Co ve nant " "The s lp.
W ld • p t p 1 ,. "Th• M' d See in another part of th is iss ue or s r ese n en , e m Of G " H. what some of our alumni are doing ermany. 1s appeara nce ' II b b d . k in Hi gh Y work Get in touch
WI e a u get t1c et eve nt I . . . . S [ I d · 50 w1th th1 s work wh 1le m schoo l. pec.a a mlsRJon, cents. High sch oo l boys need yo ur leaderWorld Mov ement Among Students. ship.
Th e World 's Student Fe deration is a federatio n of n at i onal student C hr istian mov e ments In the United States and Ca n ada the Associa ti ons ar e united under the int ernational convention of Young Men's Chri s ti an These two movements, with th e Y. W. C. A of Canada and the United Sta t es and the Stud e nt
N ew S tudent Secretary
We were very much pl e ased rec e ntly to learn of the action of th e State Co mmittee in appointi ng Mr. E. M. Bab er as state s tu de nt secretary. We have felt th e need of some one in thiR work ever since Mr. Ho lcombe left for Egypt. Mr. Baber h as h ad exper i enoe in college Y. M. C. A. work a nd knows
I our pr ob lems. We we re ple ased to I Barber Sho.p & Bath fe el his spir it of he l pf uln ess on his first visit ana are looking- forward to his r eturn.
Y. M. C. A.
In s ta llaion of new offic e rs wa s/1 hied ,Wednes day night Mr. Crago
Milstead Ba sement
Ful l l in e of Toi lets on h and Age nt for Auburn Laundry
gave an int er est in g ta lk on the I W many te mptat i ons that we have to I • M McArdle, Prop. contend with in this li fe. He put !' several questions before us in regard to thf' way we sho u ld fight I these temptations.
'' Ti n y" Showalter is our pr es ident; ' 'Big Rosey" our vice pr e si dent; "Turk" Sears our Re cretary, l and "Mac·' Del ze ll o ur t'reasur er ·1 Under the leaders hip of these the Y. M. C. A. can and wi ll do things in this school All you men and boys co me o ut Wednes day ni ght.
Shoes and Shoe
S ho e po l iah ea and laces Prompt Repa ir Service RINGE".R & Mt:;BbfiY We Go to
Junior Class Notes. You all heard th e se nior s' invitati on read in chap e l, but did you hear how e nt e rtaining th eir proganm wa s? To say that it was a minstrel show s eerris almost sufficient, but we must be privileg ed a few more comment s. Elaborate co stum es and sympathetic rend e ring of "darkey" songs gave the "coons" an alm ost th eatrical as pe c t. Ne ith er mu st Mab el Dre ss ler's fine vocal so lo nor Lee Hemingwa y' s dainty cake-wafkin g be fo rgo tten Thank you, se niors ! You gave us a pl easant twe nty minutes
Have you had any c uri osity as to how copi es of the sch oo l so ng found th e ir way into the chap el hymnal s? Well, it was not magic, but some more junior wo rk, thanks to Mi ss Palmer 's volunt ee r committee.
se riea of m E')etin gs will be a practical le cture on "Changes in Chrits ian Ideas," by Professor a very inter esting on Pay 1ng the Price" by Profeaso r Del zel l. This ta lk was given to th e boys in s ummer sch oo l last summ er and was very much appreciated. Watch for the dates of these two talks
Also some me e tings will be given over to missionary work, and the study of modern pr oblems.
Sp ecial music and good singing w iII be pr ovided for these meet· Some part of each meeting is ·given ov er to de votionala
Do n't neglect the rt!ligious s irle of your na ture. Put th e Y. M. C. A. weekly me eting in your schedule, Wednesday evening, 7:30 to 8 :15 Alumni
Make Usc of Your Spare Time.
Increase your efficiency by studying by correspondence
Oue or two hour's credit can be earned by 30 minutes a day in intensive study
Write at once to '
We Invite You
To call at our s tore for your Hardward Needs , What is the re al meanin g of the cently til Jearn of the success of Ph one l3S Y W C A ? Wh · h f f 1 · L F Ch d - - ! Also Electric lamps, and Flash- at 1s t e organ - our o our a umm. ar ization accompli s hing ? How can of Wymore is said to have one of you help? All. of theRe qu e stions the best High Y. organizations in
Y. W. C A. • We were e,.;pecial ly pleased re- Nebraska City Laundry
61\.RBE;R SH0f'
lights were an s wered at the devo- the state. Loyd Prante, of Fair- AND BATH I You wi ll always find a welcome at tional m ee ting Wedn esday eve ning. field is s pllk en of as one who made Basement Fi s her' s Drug Store 1 Miss Ne wman' as leader, direetcd prayer a re gu lar part of football M 1 ' H d First-class Workmen. Your BC <prang S ar Ware the di s cuss ion of Y. W. C. A. training. M. L. Ty s on o£ Scotts age Solicite d. work at hom e and abroad. In this Bluff is doing wond e rful work with C. P. SCOVILL. Prop. diacussion vari ous girls explained 1 the boys in High Y. Wm Th o mas how th e organi z ation , thru such is just organizing a High Y. u!'lder practical aids aR the employment difficult circum s tance s at Rand o lph. agency, the cafeteria and the gym- These men were leaders in Y. M. nasium is doing so much to im ·1C A .. work whil e in s ch ool and prove the condition of t he many 1 we art! proud of the work they are girls who look to it for he lp and 1 doir.g protection.
If you olan to teach and would At th e clos e of the meeting our Ilike to he lp boys as you would like attention was ca ll ed to the needs ! to have be en help ed, get in lin e of our local chapt e r. and th e plan s i with the Y. M. no w. for improving it were di s cus s ed. 1 Some under Dramatic Club. Isi bi li ty; others merely Rwell. I The Dramatic Club 1s very glad Girls wa nted at the Joy house to admit the follow i ng now mem- for board and ro om. to 6 per bers thru the second semester try - week.-Adv. outs:
_ _ New Manag emen t. I I I
American Black Walnut
Fresh and Smoked Meats i We manufacture this · i lumber for Manual Fresh fruits and vege tables 1 Train work, in !> ea son i selling direct I to schools
Peru, N ebraRka.
1 Meek Lumber E.o.
To the Faculty and Students
you !'\hould any article here that has t10l the quality it should have, we want an immediate upportunity to mt1ke it
Small accounts are given considerate and careful attention at this bank.
E. E. GUOD, President 0. M. GOOD. Cashi er J . .W. McADAMS, V. Pre1ident. ANNA FARLEY, Asst. Cashier.
Girl s :-Gertrud e Carv er, Edna Don 't be a knock e r. Remember When you buy from us you can know that you Fi s her, Ve rd a Hauptman. Helen the devil liv ed in Heav en until he started knocking are rhe best. We guarantee it. If Jones , Jessie Ke lley , Helen Knapp, _____ _ Alice Mo r an, Ne llie O'Conner, Yesterday is dead-forget it. Ruth Rosenqui st. T 0 morrow has not co me-don't Boys:-David Bize, Clifford wo rry. Today is he re-use it. Clark, Dewe y Ganze l! , Roland I -, Wh , ? It's co mmg. at s comm!l'. Re vee s William Swartzwelder, d d . 1 y ' Eats talk s, an a goo t1me. Don Wilcox . M. C. A. banquet! Li:sten , you' ll Weekly Meetings. hear of We ha ve a ve ry promising s ch edh I Th1:1 most. peri lous part of a u le of for t e comwg man' s life is wh en he fancies seme s ter. Last we con- , there's an easier way of making a duct ed o ur wee k ly udpon do llar than by earning it square ly. a se ri es pl an which we mten to c ont inue this se me ster One of One of the most int s ru ctive and a se ri es of mee tings this semester in spiring lectures that has been w il l have as its t heme sugge stion s given in Peru was the one by Mr. on ho w to choos e a life work. These Adrian, Thursday evening. He begin next week when re veals the secrets and wonders of Mr 0. M. Good will talk on the labo ratories, gardens and ex"O ppo rtunities in Business." stations of the plant Interspersed with vocational wi zzard, Luther Burbank.
, /
Estes Park Summer Camp.
(Con tinu ed !rom F irst wh ic h made Co tn er's t otal 14 You'd be Su rpris ed
hears and tal ks with t he leaders who are in a ll fie ld s of endeavo r.
"A fe w minutes of s ilen t ta lk wi th Go d in the whi rl of the busy hour is like a mountain br eeze on a st ifli ng day ; i"t invi go rates ph y· s icall y and e levates menta ll y. It cor rects wr ong motives, c lears o ur vi s ion, a nd turn s ou r tho u(Chts into right cha nn els. ''
poi n ts
E. Ro senquist ·made 5 he ld goals and 2 fr ee jloa ls or 12 po i nts. C. Ros enq ui at made fi ve fi eld goals or te n po in ts Wil cox 1 fie ld goa l and Cla rk 1 fi e ld g-o al m ak in g th e t ota l of 26 fo r Peru
Th e ga me is cl assed as one of th e cl ea nes t as we ll as th e fa st es t eve r pla yed on t he home fl oo r.
Peru Te am_D_e-fe-a-ts-Cotner. W here Our Money Goe s. <Con ti nu ed rr om F ir st Wh en most peop le th ink of money that sta nd ing g uar d, T of t, who in co nn ectio n with th eY M. C. kep t h opp i ng a ll ov er the Cotner A. th ey th ink of pl edges t hey have end of th e fi eld a nd s pill ed th e signed a nd pai d. But we wo u ldn 't bea ns ti me af ter ti me-for Co t ner. ha ve the m on ey to be ab le to use He just see m ed to k no w how to if it were not for our loya l ubbl ock the ba ll a nd sta rt it towa rd scri ber s. th e Pe ru goa l. an d to those who Our aver age bu dget for earh kn ow the sc ien ce of t he g ame, hi s yea r is fou r hundr ed One work was j ust as thrilling as if he fourth of t hi s amount g ot!s to mis had bee n shoo ti ng goa ls at th e sio ns. the big movement of th e ot h er end. Now do no t for get Chr ist ian wo rld tod ay. We he lp Car l Ro se nq ui st as cent er, for wa rd, to su p po rt Y. M. C. A ..wo rk in a nd in 1 oil'' -w ho kep t the pep mac hin e a pe pp in g. Now it wa s old Cap ta in Ed, when Cotn er had 6 to 2 at the end of the first fiv e mi n ute s, who stepped on th e gas at the 1:- eg in ni ng of t he second five min u te s with the cutou t out, with the s ky as the li m it on Egypt. Le t. ters com i ng f ro m there show that o ur mo ney is in g oo d re tu rn s.
An other fo urth go es to campus service. We do not nee d to ex · I plai n thi s pha s e, b eca use everyone knows of the ha nd books , th e ser vice bulle ti ns of the footba ll s pe e d, started th e scor ing mac hine g ames, and also the s tag feed s fo r Peru which d id not s top un t il An o the r fourt h goes to the sta te ten po ints we re re gi stered for work , national wo rk a nd for exPeru. ·While pa ndemo nium h ro ke pe nses of delegates to conferences loos e from the bench es on either If yo u do n't understa nd the valu e sid e we co uld hear abov e the din of this a sk the man who has been th at clari on ca ll of yo u rs - ''Hey ! !" to a co nferen ce
Your "bu nch" heard yo ur ra ll y ca ll An oth er fo ur th goes to B ib le st udy and r es po nded by fi ghti ng lik e tex ts. copi es of Ass oci ation Men mad un ti l victory perched on the and ot her liter ature , the P eru via n, s id e of th e sch oo l whi ch you and offi ce and ot her ex pen se s, whi ch me love so we ll. are necessar y in our work
The Game As It Was Played. So the ne xt tim e yo u give to the Co tne r- 14 Pe ru- 26 Y. M. remembe r "where our Etzen mi ll er *Ro lan s S hu ll f. Rosenqu is t, C. money go e_s_._" _ _ f. c. Sher man g. McPher so n g. *Wil s on C. Rose nqu ist Wilcox Toft *Rav en fo r Rola nd f.·
Peru H igh at John s on Peru hi gh ad d ed on e more !icalp to its be lt last F ri day night by a vic tory over J ohn son hi gh at John!lon, wi th the sco re 16 to 9. T hi s •clar k for Wil s on, f. makes a t ota l of fi ve g am es won Cotn er s co r ed fir s t, then Peru o ut of six pl ay e d. ti ed-2 to 2. Then Cot ner cam e
for tw o more goals and the first fiv e minu tes e nd ed w ith Co tn er 6, Per u 2. The se cond fi ve mi nu te s Pe ru mad e 10 po i nts, Cetner 0. The r es t of the fi rst ha lf was a defens ive game. The ha lf enrl ed with Pe ru 12 , Cotn er 6. Th e Johnso n has a strong t ea m and put up a goo d showing, es peciall y in the last half. Pe ru wa s heavi ly ha nd icapped by the s li pp ery fl oor and low ce il ing
O to e high plays her e ev ening, Fe br uary 17th. Thursrl ay B
s ec ond ha lf s hnwed a ha rd fou_ght T ru th alw ays ge ts ab ov e fal segam e b ut along abo ut th e aa me hood, as o il do es a bove water. li ne s as the fi rst half altho no t so sens at ional yet played with terr iffi c speed on the pa rt of both team s. The g am e e nd ed with a fi nal score
"Hope is the ma in spring of happin ess; resol ut ion is the secre t of success .'' of Cotn er 14 to Pe ru 's 2 6. Good health enab les yo u to li ve Et ze nm ill er ma de 5 fie ld goa ls fo r on g ood terms wi th your self ; a Cotner, Shu ll 1 fi eld r oa l and Sher- ro od di s pos ition to live on g oo d ma n made two po ints by free goa ls terms wit h ot hers.
at ou r cl e aning , pre ssing or Dye work AND
We g iv e serv ice, q uali ty and r easonab le pr ices L un c·h Room
Try us on your next o rd er an d be convi nced.
Jno. A. Ce jk e, Tailor and Cleaner I- GOOD THINGS TO EATIStu d euts' Headquarters
The Chatelain J ew e lry Store
Watch e s, C lo cks. dewelry. Fnuntain f> e ns. Stat i one ry Sc hool Supples. '" AIL OR DE RS P RO MPTLY FllLEO
OUR MOTTO ;-"T ne best goods for th e leas t money"
We re pa ir pens, wa tch es , jewe lry and spec tac les Bifocal Lenses
TRY US FOR--Qua lty, Sc rvicc & Prices
We ca rr y a com pl e te and up - to-d"ltt! line of g rocerie s and dry goods Come in a nd g et ou r pri c es on dnzera and c ase lo ts of ca nned good"'. \\ e also ca rr y a lin e of fruits and v eaeta h ies
Phon e 52
Sta nd out a mnnJl P er f umes as do the Dht mo nd, Ru hr tt nd Opal Gems T ry T hem
O ur Bread Cookie!ii , Lunch Me a tl-0 , a nd fru i ts wi ll pl ease you A large L in e of School Supplie s Save t he long walk down town.
Entered at the P ostofficc at Peru, Nebras ka as seco nd -cl ass ma tter.
Publi shed Weekly by the Peru State Normal
$ 1.00 per yea r. Sin gle copy 5 cts.
If yon do 1\o t recei ve yo ur Nor ma li tc
!:a ve noti ce in tb c Norm a lite bo x in the Admini st ra tion buildin g.
Th eatre '' for the second semester by pres e nting three short plays. Th e first of the plays was "A Maker of Dreams ," by Ol iphant Dowo, directed by Mi ss Dunn.
Thi s cl ever little fantasy in one act Centers around th e conve ntional Italian dancers and s ingers, Pierrot and Pi e rre tt The pl ay was mo st ably presented by th e fo llowin g ca s t:
IPi e rrot
Pi e rrett e
The · Ma nufac turer • - Cl y de Iv ers
Hope Le wi s Robert Quick
'' Wh en L ov e is Youn g" is a lo ve st ory to please the m os t romantic
Thi s pl ay is written by Mar g ar et Bent on Coake and was played by th e follo w ing cast under th e di-
No a rti cles accep t ed after 8 o'clock ,, re ct i on of Mary Jar vis: Mo nday mo rn ing.
Mr s. Sta rr - Jo se phin e Sh e llh orn
Mr s. Ma rtin - m ez Peter so n
Spe ci al Editori al Staff Poll y S tarr Ali ce Mor an
Ann etta Stock iog Ed itor-in-Ch ief Richard Mart in - He rb ert Kell y
H ope Lcwis Associatc Ed itor-in -C hief Th e m em bers of th e cast are to Nina Stiles Assis tant Edito r be co ng ratulated for so successfull y Al vce Hum ber t.. Go-gct tc r prese ntin g th e ir pla y.
Luc ill e 1-Iaraj ian " Th e las t play, "Th e Pla y Goers ," by Arthur P in e ro, is a co med y on Portrait and Commercial··-We put the snap in Our Advise r Honored, th e soluti on of th e se rvant pr ob - snap -shots" We have the fim that Mi ss E lli s has b ee n app oi nt ed le m. Th e ea st : pr es id e nt of th e S ec ond Di s trict Th e Mas ter Leo of th e N ebraska Sta te Teacher s' The Mi s tr ess Anne Ra nn ey
As socia t ion by th e ex ec uti ve co m- The Co ok Cr ysta l Meye r m it tee of th at org an iza tio n. She Th e Kitch enmaid - Mild red Hank s is busy pr epa rin g her program for Th e Parlormaid -E ve lyn Whiff en th e m ee tin g w hi ch i11 to be held Th e Us eful Maid - Alic e Sch oe nik e in Omaha, Ma rch 31 and Apr11 Th e Ho use ma id Mary Jarvi s 1 a nd 2. No on e kn ow s be tt er Th e Old Man S ta ffo rd Pran t e.
th an th e G irl s' Clu b h ow ca r ef ull y Dire ct or Mi ss Ruth Shive ly
sh e w ill pr e pare for thi s m ee tin g and w hat cli g nit y and di spa tch she Peru.-Otoe High Game. w ill exe rch;e as pr e sid e nt of the The ga me with Oto e High was fir st mee tin g of thi s Second Di s- Ione of the best hi gh sch ool g am es tri ct. t his season. Otoe has lollt but ve ry
In Norm al Educ ational Council s. Pr es id e nt E. L. Rouse le ft Ma nclay for th e Eas't. He will a ttend th e N at io nal Cou ncil of Norm al
few 2' ::t m es t hi s ye ar an d ha s a s trong line up. Coac h He nr y Me e nt s, a form er Pe ruvi a n, h as rea son to be proud of the record of hi s te am
Th e fir st ha lf was d ec id e dl y in f avo r of the local te a m, with the sco re 8 to 1. B ut in th e s eco na
The E. J. Newman Studio
SAB I NE 'S E DUC ATi ONA L E XC H ANGE Foun ded 18 93
We never reco mm e nd a te ach er unl ess aske d to do so by s ch oo l offic ials. No e nr o llm e nt Fee Writ e us PROMPT, EFFICIENT, RE LIABLE SE RVI CE E. T. HOUSH, Manager, Shop Bid., De s Moi nes, Ia I
Mr. Ho yt: Wh at is a va cuum? I Adam Troudt: 1 can't ju st e xpl a in it , but I have it in my h ea d.
Sch oo l Pr es id Pnts in Washin g ton, D. C. Thi s Coun c il g iv es a ba nquet on th e evening of Fe bru ary 24 at th e Ne w E bbitt. Th e gues ts of honor to be R ep reaen ta tiv es Town er and Se nato r Smith the ori g inal su p po rt ers of the S mithTo wn er b ill, w hi ch makes pr ovi s· ion for a depa rt me nt of educat ion in th e Pres id e nt 's ca bin et. Co ngr essman Re avis will al so be a gu es t at th is ba nqu et, as w ill th e entire Ne br as ka delega t io n of se na to rs a mi me mb ers of th e house of re pr esen tat iv es. From Wa shin g· t on , Preside nt Rouse will go to Atlanti c City , N. J. , to the Na tion al Educ ati on As sociati on, be ing a memb er of the co mmittee on coordinati on of r esea rch. a ba d knee a nd vacc in ated a rm also Ask facu lty
Are mor e num e rous in thi s offi ec I th an •can didates Barber Sh op & Bat h Mil st ea d Base ment F ull lin e of To il ets on hand Ag ent f or Aub urn La un dry
hal f Ot oe pu t up such a st rong Pe ru offe nsive tha t th ey th reat ened to people p eo pl e are in W. M. McA rdle , f avo r wit h our pa tr ons. j - - -
win the g am e. Al t ho Per u o utpl ayed th eir oppon ents on th e fl oo r, th e boys had hard l uc k in m ak in g ba skets, even when opport u ni ty afCowe ll a nd Se ars ou t with W. T. DAVI S. '06 I is manager a nd prop ri e to r of I SC HOOL SERV ICE We Go to
Dramatic Club Notes helped to
t oday to Pe ru. Nex t Fr ida y, Febr uar y 25 , Pe ru pl ays De w itt here. Dew it t won th e Ss:lline county tournllm ent S tewart Sc hool Service, Lin co ln , Ne bras ka last wee k and promi ses to p ut up a - - -Shoes a nd Sho e Repairin g s tr ong fig ht. You ca n't a ff ord to mi ss thi s ga m e.
Sh oe po li shes and la ce•
Eldi e: You look a.weet enou gh to eat Sa turday ni1ht, Fe bruary .l2, th e Opal : I do eat. Wh ere sha ll we Pro mpt Re pair Servi ce Drama t ic Club op e ned its "Littl e go? RIN Gt:;R & M f; Bb fi Y
Brilliant Mu sic al Evening makin g up th e per so nn el. Th e ir Mi ss Elli s join ed the Ne braska Mr. Br own , to stud ent: Have Th e ban d a nd orch es tra playe d so ngs had all the soap and spice del egati on in Chica go to go to the you seen anytbiag of my umbrella? to a a ppr e ci a tiv e a udi ence th at pedagogu es of their dignity winter s ess ion of theN. E. A. at Student: Was th e ha ndle hooked ? We dn esd ay eve nin g in their se c- co uld d es ir e. 1 Atlantic City, N. J. She will ap- Mr. Br own: All of it was. ond a nnual conce rt under th e dir e c- Th e d inn er was fo llowed by an pear on the proir am of th e Nat i ontion of Prof A E H 1 h h f · Lois Ha ze l, in a Peru merch an- . . . o c . This our o se r•ou s th o ught. Th e sub- al Meetin g of Deans of Women was one of th e most s ucces sful ject of the e vening wa s "Present there on Friday, Febru a ry 24 di se store: "I wa nt some tennis mus ical e nt ertainments ever given Day Standard s of Right and Cu lt- After the se ssion Mi ss E ll is will shoes for gym." by our s tud e nt s. Th e members of ure." The di s cu s sion was opened go to Washin gton, D. C., for the The merchant look ed for several both of these or ga niz a ti o ns ar e to by three s hort paper s. Mrs. Over - inaugurdti on. minu t es and came back say in g, be hi g hl y COl'l'.Jm e nd ed for their ho lt talk ed of what these s tandards "We do no t have th em in men's sp le ndi d wo rk ; and we are grateful are; Mi ss Dewey, of why th ey are; Am ong other boo s ters for the sizes." to them an d to th e ir effici e nt le ad er a nd Mr. Ea so n, of how we s hall St uden t Loan F und who sent us Wh ile Lois Haze l demurely refo r this eve ning of de li g htful mu s ic meet th e m. Several membe rs of birthd ay greetings are: Ethel plied: "I don 't wa nt th em for was ma de pos s ibl e o nly by many the fac u lty then di s cu ssed differ- Ha ig, El en or Foreman, Margu e ri te .men ; I want. a lad y's size." hours of pa ti e nt work ent pha ses of th e s ubject It was Bridges , Edith Cole, Veda Ander The me rch a nt: "We ll. you said
A se lec ted gro up from the or- ge nerali y agre ed th at th e s tandard s son, a nd Pearl Bell for Jim." ches tra rep ea te d, by re qu e st, Asa 's th at pre vail t oda y ar e in need of Patr oni ze our Adv e rti sers. _P_a_t_r_o_n-iz_e_o_u_r_A_d_v-er-·t-is_e_
Tot and An itra's Tanz, which they con s·id era ble reform th o ever y one had pre par ed earli er in th e year see s th at the chan g in g socia l confor use in th e Pa g eant of the Pi!- dition s of the world mu st nece s s·
g rims, and which won a place at arily brin g a bout new attitudes to AGENT that time in the hearts of music ward li fe.and new st anda r ds of love rs. educa tion and cultur e. Nebraska City Laundry ln additi on to the ensembl e Th e facult y left with thr ee cheers Ph one 138
wor k, we we re g lac:l to hEar for Mi ss Dewey and her co mmittee mond Huffer in a corn ot so lo a nd who had thi s pl easant and profitab le Art hur B url ey and He rb e rt Ke ll y ev e ning in char ge
We Invite You
To ca ll at our store for your Hard ward Needs, Also Elec tric lamps, and Flash
61\HBGH SH0P 1 lights in a clarin et du e t. Th es e numb e rs
1 1 You will a lways fin d a we lco me at A Reverie were ver y we ll g iven and the b oys B · shou ld he pr o ud of th e:. r co ntr l'bu- " No rma," inQuir ed a se ni or ase ment F is her's Drug Store I F. t 1 w k y p 1 Mackprang's Hardware tion to th e eve n,·ng's girl, in a di st r essed voice , of her us -c a ss or me n. ou r at r one nt ertain- ro ommate age Sol icite d. ment
Le e He mingway in his usual c harming manner app ea red in two "Wh a t, Bt> ss ," an sw ered her C. P. SC OVILL P ro p. American Black stu di ous fri e nd. ab se nt-mind e dly
Vl.ol· 1 L . f . "I'm go ing to sch ool." m so os . ee Js a av onte ' th d' d "Tole av es chool!"rep eatedNor_ -· • -· , WI our au 1ences an we ar e in- • . Irna m surpri s e. · New Ma nage ment 1 Walnut deed s orry that he IS s oon ro le ave "Y 1 h , hP 1 es, av en t enoug money : W f 't th" eru. Fresh and Smol-r ed Meats · ,e manu ac ure ts to last me a ll of nPxt se me ster and I P f M lumber for Manual ro. and rs. Holch Entertain, there 's no u se eta) in g for part '· Af ter th e co nc e rt We dn es day "'Oh, Bess, you can 't go! Yo u'r e Fre sh f ruits and ve geta bl es work, nig ht, Mr an d Mrs. Ho lch e nte r- so nearl y thru Think , o nly one in sea so n ,. selling direct taine d th e me mb ers of th e ba nd and semes te r! Sur ely s om e thing can WYMORE & DENSMORE to schools. orch es tra in a m os t plea s in g ma n- be done I ner. "I can't help it ."
A d eli cious tw o cour se lu nch eo n 1 A s il e nce ensued in which both was se r ve d th e first co ur se 1 g irl s thought fran ti cally of a wav sand wiche s, salad an d coffee we re ou t of th e dilemma Sudd enly No rm a began jumping up and
P er u, Ne bra ska. 1 Meek 6umber <::o.
To the Faculty and Students
sP.rved. The se co nd co urse con s iR · te d of tutti - fruit ti i ce cr e am and cak e-it w a-s re al hom e made cake. too. do wn and ex claim ed exc itedly, • "Bess, 1 hav e it. Apply to the When you buy frotu us you can know that you
After ha vin g a mi g hty fine time we sa id "G ood-nig ht. " and agreed that Mr. a nd Mr s. Ho lch ar e renerous enter tai ners in th e tru es t sense.
Facult y Dinner C lub _ Th e Fac ul ty Di nn er C lub met Frid ay nig ht in the do m es tic s cience r oo ms a nd onc e mo re de monst rate d the ir abi lit y to co mbin e a jo lly good t im e with a seri ous bit of thin k in g. T he ta bl es were ver y charmin g with th e ir d ec orations of cupid s and hea rt s whil e the bouq u ets of pu ss y w ill ows made one co nsc iou s of the app roa ch of spring da ys. The d inn er itself was exc e ll e nt a nd en tert ainme nt as fu rni shed betw ee n c ou rses by a male quartet, Mr. Gree n, Mr. G abe l, Mr Schoenike a nd Mr . Beck
G irls' Stud e nt Loan Fund." Thi s she did, wh!ch e nab led ht>r to fini sh th e se me ster with flyin g colors.
Marth a Wa s hington Tea
Februar y ap pea rs to mean "celebra te " So o.n Thur s day, 24 , th e·c lu b wi ll as sist th e mo nth' s celebt ra in g by gi ving a tea to th e ph ys ical tr a inin g, mu s ic, ph y si ca l sc ience, and math e mati cs d epa rtmen ts Thi s, th e las t tea of th e y ear, is to be s up ervise d by Ruth Ke lli g ar On Thur s da y at 4 :3 0 reme mb er to come for that la st c humm y cup of tea.
Mr Quick, who ba ct just purcha sed a sta mp : Mu st 1 put it on myse lf ?
Mr s. Bede ll , ve ry po litely: )t will probab ly acco mpli sh more if yo u put in on the lett er.
are the best. We guarantee it. If you should any article here that has not the quality it sbould have, we want an ·immediate opportunity to make it t.
Small nccounts are 2iven considerate and careful attention at this bank
Peru Loses Hard Fight to Cotner. Th e game star ted off with both teams a li ttle nervous and playing a stubborn defens i ve game. Aft er a few minutes of play bot h teams began breaking thr u fo r chance sho ts and the score kept climbing slowly, neither team having the edge by more than one or two poi n ts. Captain Ed Rosen qu ist, aft er several long s hots, found his aim a litt le off and began to work the ba ll thru with Carl to closer range, feed i ng to Wilson who fl i pped in the goa ls at close range during this ha lf. Fir st half ended Peru 11, Cotner 10.
Seco nd ha lf both teams were still playing the defensive game and the floor being rather na rrow made the defen se more effective. Once in th is period Cotner boys got in some effect i ve work, coupled with some fre e th rows put the score 15 to 14 one point in the lead. With o nly five minutes to pla y Carl and Ed worked the ball under for goa l each, making it 18 to 15 for Peru It l ooked as tho wi th only minut es to play tha t Peru had it tucked away but something we nt wron g the defens e broke a little a nd E tzenmiller for Cotner got two fairly lon g ope n shots, his hor se s hoes were with him and he s lipped the little leather eavered ball of air thru the r ing upon both occa sions and with the few seconds left to play Pe ru 'found no chance to brea k i nto th e lead again So histor y tells us Co tner won 19 to 18. Peru's floorwork was somewhat handi cap ped by the ab sence of Clark who was not able to m ake the tr ip but Wilson fought ha rd nnd worked un de r the ba s ket for
to jo in us.
Officers are Myr le Argabright, pr eside n t; Mi nnie Kreuger , vic e president; Ruth Rosenq u ist, secreta ry; Birdy Baldwin, trea surer; Miss Shively, spo nsor; and a membershi p committee cons i sting of Helen Hi ck11, chairman, Ru th Gr osch ick, and Gertrude Carver
The club id ea was conceived, planned and carried out by th e gir ls them se lves. How ever, th ey ao preciate the very hearty appr ov al and co -operat ion of Pres id ent Rou s e, Mi ss Elli s, and Miss Sh ively
T he Club's Second A nn iversary.
(Continued rrom First saying, "Hea rk en ye now to the word s of one of our maidens.
And there arose among them on e of the maid s and spake wi th a cl P. ar voice:
"Goodly Peruv ians, th ou kno wes t that it ha s eve r been the des ire of the Girls' Club to work in al l way s for the glory of Peru. It is now with thP. hope that we may help, a l itt le, the work of our glori_ou s I s ch oo l that we pr ese nt, with the blessing of Zeus, thi s ch eck ." Then h igh aloft she waved th e hard ea rned check. So spake she, and dead s ilence f ell on al l, and th ey were spell - bo un d thruout the s hadowy hal ls.
Go r geous Cos tume Affdir.
(Continued Crom Fi rst P age.l
Wou ldn't the original Martha nnd George ha ve b ee n proud if they could have see n these pr ize -winners? The eve ning' s entertainment would not. have been comp lete without a few peppy yells. After four ring ers. Not so bad for a the yells were given, the hono rable young memb er on the "team to be boys were as ked to a sse mble in the h igh point man in a game of thi s center of th e roo m where th ey calibre. Few fouls were call e d. could be view ed by th e gir ls. PerPeru drew six while Cotn er dr ew haps t he g irl s though t it was time on ly four Shenman for Cotner for refr es hme nts and wanted to made three out of si x anrl Ed tw o cho os e their partners. They shoul rl out of four trips to the fr ee throw hav e known that such goud loo king mark. boys we re alr eady spo kE:n for! To
F amous February Birthdays. (With Ap olog ie s to Hi story) Fe bruary 12, Li n co ln 's February 22, Wa s hi ngton's. 17, Girls' Club
Peppy Gi r ls Organize
Ve ry r ecently the re has bee n organi zed among the Normal girl s a new club. known as the ly mpi c Club , who se pu rpose it is to promote cle an, healt hfu l sport s among the gir ls of the Norma l. Al tho ve ry new, it already has a member shi p of and wis hes to extend a eord i al invitation to any matricu lated girl or f aculty gir l de si rous of taking an
at ouT cle aning, press i ng or Dye work AND We give service, quality and reas on ab le pric es. Lunch Room
Try us on your next order and be convinced -GOOD THI NGS TO EATJuo . A. Cejke, Tailor and Cleaner Students' Headquarter s
OUR MOTTO ;-" The bes t goods for the least m oney" We repair pe ns, watches, jewelry and spe ct acles.
GIVE US A CALL-Bi fo cal L enses
J. c. CHATELAIN. Peru. Nebr.
(1 ualty, Sc rvicc & Prices
We carry a complete an d Jine of groceries and dry gouds. Come in and get our prices on dozeta and case lots of canned good"'. "e carry a fresh Jine of and b1es
Union St OPe f>hone 52
Sta11d out Perfumes as do the Di1.1mond, Ruby and Opt-tl tlmong Gems
t he strain s of the grand marc h we pr ocee ded to th e domest ic s cienc e coJTidor where da inty refreshment s 'con s isting of s trawberr y ic e and cocoanut cakes, were se r ved 0 stay! 0 sta y!-
J oy so se ld om weaves a chain Like th is ton ight, thatoh! ' ti s pa in Big Cat1dy B1.1rs !\lew S ize - More l."an dy fnr your
To br eak its link s so so on
Word j_ust been rece ived fr om Mi ss Et hel Ha ig that her mot her rli ed on Saturday, Fe bruary 19. Mi ss Ha i g, a mem ber of th e se ni or 1noney
Our Bread. Cookie!'", Lunch Me ats, and Fruits will pleuse )' HU
A la rg e Line of School Supplies class, went ho rn e seve ral weeks ago to take care of her mother Th e Save the long walk down toWt1. heartfelt symp;tthy of the entire • sc hool is exte nd ed to Miss Haig in h.er bereavement. Phone 73
H. U. Peru, Ne br. Phone '78
Piles Up Twenty nine Points to Vis itors Ten
Fighting aga nst a stronger team of bigg er men who seemed to have the sc i ence of th e game more in hand, the Kearney team gave a fin e exhibition of ba sket qall a week ago on the Peru fl oor. They are a fa st and hard fighting with plenty of come ha ck which 1 1 IS s hown by th e ir de featin g Mi lan next night aft er th ey play ed Peru in th e fourth game played on th e trip
Th e game s tarted by Ke arn ey scorin g a field goal th en there wa s som.e thin g do in2' by the Ed' s bunch I of boo s ter s wh en th ey be gan to ser ve a few of th e pla ys combination whi ch the war i ors · Ev P. n mure to th e girl s who have ! appreciated and enjoyed. But th e) DOANE COMES FRIDAY NIGHT from the sis ter no rma l failed to as :; is ted at. these have they be st wa.s saved for the last as all ' For solve The first half ended Kear- b ee n occ&swn s of mterestwg co- extra fine things are. Franci s 1 a Most Important Cham pion I ship Game. ney 4, Peru 16. 1 op e ration. Pe rhaps that last pot Knight and Helen Humbert, evi-
The sec o nd half was a harder of tea wa s br e wed too strong, may Ident ly tru sted agents in a ce rtain ! Friday night is one of the most foul!ht ba ttle th 1w th e yet _b: th e wouldn't sl ice / Lane's de partment, kindly 1 im.portant g ames of the conference when the An t elopes spe eded up, 1 mcely or there m1ght have been a read some of the letters sent and th1s s eason. This game won or the "pe p" machine just n Re d a: "rus h," yet th e heart glo ws a little 1 received by perpl e xed juniors. Misfl los t ?Y Do a ne will figure lar gely in littl e more ga s and ke pt her l ead : warmer with sen•ing a friendly ILane' s con s oling Jet -! th e confer e nce u nl ess easily with the game ending in a cup of tea ters mad e such an 1mpres s1on that. Do a ne succeeds m dowmng Cotner score of 29 to 10 in Pe ru' s favor. j The club regrets that Miss Ellis we fear her business h ours wi ll of at Doane later in the season. Th e game was mu ch closer than co uld not hav e heen here to enjoy nece ss ity have to be len(!'thened i Here is th e dope: Midland beat the sco re indicated. Pe ru won ! our la st tea which Mis s Kelligar Every busy junior n P. eds to come Doane, Peru beat Mid land and f rom Kearn ey by a larger s core I carried out so we ll. 1 to our cla ss chape ls to cl ear hi s Doane beat Peru. Doane beat tban did either Wes leyan or th e hrain of all cobwebs and to set the Cotne r at Cotner, but Peru beat Y. M. and Y. W. Joint Meeting. h 1 • d d d · h C t t p d 1 t t c t t Omaha Univers ity. Kearn ey and w ee s gomg roun an roun w1t o ner a eru an os o o ner a P b th t b t 1 t d Sund ay wa s a day SPt aside for a fr esh imp e tu s Be on nann nex't Cotner Doane beat Kearney twice. eru are o o e cong-ra u a e , i · f th 1 d f t 1 pr a ver by th e World s Student Thur sday If too bu sy s impl y Peru beat Kea ':' ney twice and by a or e tr c ean an a;; ga me. 1 •• • Th k t h 1 • C hn s tJ an Fed e ratiOn. The Y. M. bring the bu s in ess along and Jet it larger margin of sco r es than did ere wa s een re gre t at we d y W C A p could not hav e given o ur friend s I C A. an · · · · of er u wait in th e chape l lo bby Doane. Cotner beat Mirlland twice. • 1 oh serv ed this dav by holding a B h · h . ' Doane beat M1'dland at Doane fr om th e w es t a rece ptiOn aft er the reat es t ere a cla ss w1t h soul j · gam e, whi ch b ee n our cust om m ee tm g Sunriay afterno on at fiv e so dead I Doane head s the confer e nce list for a numb er of ye ars, but th e o'clock in th e C hri st ian church Which n ev er to itse lf hath said, with on ly on e m.ark in her I? Rt lect ure g i" en befo re the game Edwarrl Ro s enqu ist wa s the "We must both work a nd play , co lumn. Cotner IS second Wi th le ad e r. Mi ss Dewey g av e an in - two mark s in th lo st I made th e co urtesy imp oss ible due To enjoy a fu ll BAd h appy day?" ! · · e co umn, teresdn g ta lk on "Sociali sm." Mr. ,. whil e Pe ru s tand s in the upper to the laten ess of the hour Nelso n gave a ta lk on "The Re- Dramatic Club. "' divi s ion with three mark s a gainst Girl s' Club Tea sp ons ibiliti es of th e Stud e nt. Th ere 1 The Dramatic Club play has be en ! her. fr om th e dope s heet "I am so so rr y thi s is th e la st I wa s a lar ge crowd pr e se nt. sel ected and th e cast is now at 1 Doan e has edge on Peru on tea! " wa; exp ressed and thought I 1' rram es won and but th · d J · Cl CI I work on it Th e p la y promi se s to "' · e 1r eat the G 1'rl s' C lub te a, Thur s day untor ass lape • be of interest to a ll and pr ese nted i feat by Doane ca me e arly in the aft P. rnoon, F eb ru ary 24 " Al l wo rk a nd no play mak es Th e t ab les we re so ch a rmin g, 1 th e juniors a dul l cla ss " mu st ha ve and fri e ndl y with ch ee ry red g era· 1 been th e slog an of our new proni ums dec ora t in g th e m. S miling, ; gram c hairman a nd her co mmitte e. lovl y hoste 3 ses po ur ed o ut a fr a1 Durin g t he fir st fe w. gra nt cup a nd if th e fortun e of humorou s and ch ar ac te nts •c ta lks th e t ea lea ves had be en rea d, were gi ve n by ce rtain fa c ulty me mcertain go od lu ck would ha ve b ee n bers, prot e m. Ask an y junior pr ophec ied. a bo ut the si gni fi can ce of these las t Loo k ing b ac k ov er th e ye ar, th e two word s. Judg ing from th e h ea rty teas on e has a tte nd ed, s tand out as app lau se, th e se cond n umb er. Mr bri g ht and welc ome mom e nt s.) Hungat e's clarinet solo , wa s fully
by a talented ca st wi ll be well Rea so n, in fact, th e fir st conference worth your tim e. ·! game. Peru team ha s made won-
The Big Eve nt wi ll he s taged: de rful improv eme nt s inc e that time 1 Friday ev ening, March 25 Thi s and we an t icipate Do ane will h ave will he a buriget numb e r. You · a me rry tim e to p as s our home can't a fford to mi ss it. : guard. This gam e promi ses to be Wat ch thi s column for de tail s of the, equa l to that of th e Cotner game and old Doane you be tter I l ook out if we ar e g oing li ke we Mis s Cl a rk anrl Mi ss Mutz! did in that game the orAnge ann hold th e ir s tudy cent e rs in · Fa lls ! black wi II take th e count for the I
the play in a lat er i .;:su e. City Saturday. I
THE PERU NORMA. LITE ways. that they hadn't time to ac· cumulate money for themselves or Entered at the Postoflice at Peru, Ne- their heirR and assigns. Mostly , bra ska as second-clas s matter. how ever, the eighty-two lac ked the Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal knack of money-making, or the gift of thrift.
$l.OO per year. Single copy 5 cts.
Most of th'ose who have made
the world better for their Jiving have qualified in the "leave noth· ing" class, but of co urse the mere fact that a man leaves his family Iwithout any means does not necessarily entitle him to be classed with the worl.t's successful ones. It all depends. -Minneapolis Journal.
If you do not receive your Normal)te, l!ave notice in the Normalitc box in the Adminis tration building.
Miss Palmer spent Friday in Lincoln.
, Prof 0 J. Gabel was in Lin·
No articles accepted after 8 o'clocl< coin last week where he took the Monday morning. degrees for the Scottish Rite. Mr.
Leona Spark s Dcbating Clu b Edna Fisher Oiympic Club
Beck accompanied him in order to administer first aid after the ordeal.
A beautiful se rving tra y WI!-S presented to Miss Tolin, for use in the infirmary, by Proft!ssor Schoenike and Miss 'i'ydeman. This tray was mad e by Mr. Schoenike and artistically decorated by Miss Tydeman.
The band will discontinue its weekly practice until after the juni o r-senior banquet. The entire time will be over to the orchestra, which Professor Holch is giving special training for this occasien.
The Average Man. Prof. Greene visited the Fair· From life in s urance sou rces in bury schools Friday and on Satur New York comes an interesting day he will address the County summary of what happens to a School Officers' As sociatio n of Jf.lfhundr ed average Americans. The ferson County. He will discuss with conclusions are based on exhau s- these officers the teacher problem tive studies of statis tics gathered and such other problems a11 confrom the leading life insurance solidation taxation, etc. companies and covering a period of many years. Thousands of individual cases were reviewed to arrive at average results.
A hundred average American boys begin their lives on the same day. what happens to them financielly
100 nvg. Uend :Rieh Wei! Live on Ocmcn to do Earin gs pdt
Finally, when death clalms them all, it is found that only one ha s left wealth, two have left comfort, fifteen have left from two to ten thousand dollara, and eighty two have left Dothing.
It would hav e been interE:sting, if the report could have told what the hundred left besides dollars. No doubt , some of these eightytwo penniless on es were so bu sy helping their fellow men in various ·
D. Elliott Martin, assistant county superintendent of sc hoo ls of Almeda county, California, is mentioned quite prominently by the Oakland, Cal., Tribune His picture in the paper s hows him to be the same vigorous man as he is remember ed by his many friends of Peru His report s howR 72,000 pupils in his co unty , with 2242 teachers at a to tal sa lary of $3. · 457,529.35. School property worth $11 ,5112,997.
At Mt. Vernon Cemetery.
Portrait and Commercial---We put the in snap-shots" We ht.tve the film that fits your camera
The E. J. Newman Studio
Phone 56
Founded 1893
We never recommend a teacher unles s ask E' d to do so by f<'hoo l rfficia ls. No enrollment Fee Write us PROMPT, EFFICIENT, RELIABLE SERVICE E. T. HOUSH, Manager, Shop Bid., Des Ia
Patronize ou r Advertisers. Barber Shop & Bath
Patronize our Advertisers. Milstead Base ment
F'ull I ine of Toilets on hand
Agent for Aubur n Laundr y
Are more numerous in this offiec than candidates W M M P I I 1 • • cArdle, Prop. eru peop e peop e are m pnme I favor with our patrons. -W. T. DAVIS. '06 is manag er a nd propri etor of SCHOO L SERVICE
Ask facu lty memb e rs or other sc ho ol people as to his rei iability. Write today to We Go to
'fwo little ghosts on a summer Stewart School Service, night. Pharmacy FOR Strolled about in their s hrouds so white, And this is what they hea rd:
"Do you Jove me, dearie ?" was whispered low
"I love you better than all , yo u know."
And the rest-oh, it would sou nd absurd!
Lincoln, Nebraska
Shoes ond Shoe Repairing
Shoe polishes and lace11
Prompt Repa ir Service RINGER & MEE>bflY School Supplies
Stationery, fine cand ies ond Favorite Toilet Articles
Y. w. c. A.
At th e regular mee ting of th e Y. W. C A. Wednesday even in g, Mildred Fro s trom , as lea de r, conduct· ed a ve ry int e re s tin g di scu ss ion of the Student Vo luntee r movem ent. After the di sc uss ion the following officers were elec t ed for ne xt ye ar: Hildegard Ye ck, pr es id e nt; Mildr ed Hank s, v ice pres id e nt; Esther Ro e, secreta r y: El rna Gock ley , trea s ure r; Yrsa Han son, devotional secreta ry; Ev elyn Whiffe n. social secr eta ry; Edna Fisher , social s ervice secretary; A nn e Gilert. publ ici tv secretary; Minnie Webb er, und e rgraduate represe ntative
Y. M. C. A.
A ser i es of lec tures wi II be given at the Y. M. C. A. me e ti n gs fr om we ek to week. Th e fi rst of these talk s was given by 0. M. Good la st Wed ne sday ni g ht. He ga ve a very interes itn g talk on "O ppo rt uniti es in Bus in ess ." The purp ose of th ese talk s is to help th ose who h ave not ch osen th e ir life work to
by no means be the last hike the He ard Good Lecture g irls w ill take thi s s pring. If any The schoo l and commu nity were were so rry they joined the club, . given a rare treat last Tuesday as k th e g irl s wh o we nt Saturday Ievening in the lect ure by Prof. to tell you about our good time. Frank Bohn Professor Bohn gave - his celeb ra ted talk on the world Th e latea t bull e tin i ssu ed by th e prnblems in the prese nt cns1s. He gave a very viv id desc ription of the condition s that now
Peru State Norma l is "G eog raphy for th e Grades." by Mis s Rose B. Cla rk , head of th e dep a rtment of geography. T hi s bull et in conta in !. ex ist in th e Europ ea n and As iatic countrie s an d of the ir g reat nee d outlin es and helps in teac hin g for immediate help. He said there geography t ogether with problems for th e st udy of the Americas and are two ways to hel p these people; nne was to have fr ee immi gr at ion the New E urop e. In th e prepa ra· from al l countries and thu s furni sh tion of th ese he lp a Mi ss Clark has eliminated the more scientific and technica l phra ses a nd adapted the wording to the child For that reason, probl ems, que stions, and exp lanations ar e so stater! tha t it is not necessarY. for the teacher to tran sl·ate these fr om her own to the c hil d's vocabul a ry.
Call s ar e co min g in daily for Miss Clar k to v isit g eography teach ers over the s tale and g ive
ch oo se th e bus ine ss or vocatio n th em n ew in spiration and s uggesb es t suited for them. Thi s s hould tion s for the t eac hin g of thi s vital
ch ea p lab or for all Americans. He sa id this meth od wou ld provide these n eedy peopl e with food and clot hin g and reli eve the s ituation
Nebraska City Laundry
Ph one 138
IIn those crowded countries and at the same time make it possible for Am e ricans, even with moderate mean s, to Jive like a ri s to crats and be fr ee from hard phyaical labor But he said he preferr ed to foll ow the pl an that America u sed in Cuba and the Philippines and help th e people in their ow n countries by them how to Jive better and h ow to deve lop the ir own resourc es In talkin g with severa l members of the fa culty after his lecture, he in ade this statement even more emphatic, that he wo uld prohibit immi grat ion for the next ten years and would make a national effo rt to he lp all nations carry out their gr eat work of r eo r ga nization in their oy.r n homes -Pointer.
We Invite You
To call at our s tore for you r Hard ward Needs,
Also Electri c lamps, and Flashli ghts
I 1You w il l al ways fi nd a welcome at inter es t a gr ea t man y. There was a lar ge crowd o ut to hear Mr. Good
Lets have a large r ' cr o wd out ne xt wee k. Everv one come.
su bj ect. This week she spend s Monday a nd Tu esday in Hastings, Wedne sda y in Osceola. and Thu rsday an d F riday in David C ity, visiting the gPog raphy cla sses and Senior C la ss, holdin g co nferences with th e teach·
Se nior s met last week in ex- ers. L ate r she exp ect s to go to press ion hall, wit h the chie f bu si- Omaha, Fa ll s City, Pe nd er, Frankness of el ect ing a ne w c la ss pr es i- l tin county and other plaee s in redent. Charle s Gately was cho sen, 1 s pon se to th eir invitation s. and if he puts as mu ch pE:p into c lass presidency as he put int o Whe n the wa s Built. football last fal l, there won't be A qu es tion came up on the street room e nou gh on th e ca mpu s fo r last we ek as to wh P.n the Bur lin gthe s eniors. ton railr oa d was bu i lt, and for a
By way of e nt e rtainm e nt, Gl aci ys time the recorda were diligently Ead s as the daring lad from Ne- sea rch ed fnr the informati on. Tho bra s ka City took a c rowd of gig not sett led at th e ti me, lat er a glin g g irls for a ca r ri de or ra ther s tatement was found in Mi se Loui se a Fo rd rid e. Th ey recognized Mear s' littl e book, "The Hill f> of many old fri e nd s as they whirl ed Pe ru," that th e depot wa s rui lt in
Basement Fisher's Drug Store Firs t-c las s Workmen. You r Pa tr onage So l ic ited.
N ew Managem e nt
Fresh fruit s a nd vegeta ble s ·in se a so n
Peru , Nebraska. I Mackprang's Hardware
American Black Walnut manufacture thi s lumber for Manual Training work, selling dit·ect to schoo l s.
Meek 6umbeP E.o.
To the Faculty and Students
by on four chairs. Th ey took ad- 1875. This was confirm ed also by When you buy from us you can know that you van t age of th e dean's abse nc e to Uncle Dan Co le, w ho states that go unchaperoned, th e road was built in 1874-5 .- are the best. We guarantee it. If
The senior g irl s' quartet sa ng Peru Poin te r. one so n g.
Olympic Club
WP.l l pe o pl e, it 's this way. The peppy bun ch of g irl s you saw sta rtin g up the Hollow last Saturd ay aftern oo n was the O(ymp ic Club on its first hi ke After a wander ing jaunt thru the wood s aro und Honey Cr ee k, the club 'lisited the old coal min e and Wood Siding from which place th ey s tar ted ho meward.
For s pecialfea tutes of th e trip: Ask Ir e ne and Lu cil e why th ey went so uth from Wood Siding. See Inez and Bla nch abo ut th eir method for f as t and stea dy trav elEdn a found a "starter." I Altho this was the fi rst, it wi ll
Send us yo ur g arm e nts that nee d ex pert atte ntion.
Se rvi ce and workman s hip are gua ra nt ee d.
J no. A. Cej ke, Tailor and Cleaner
Phon e 62
you shou ld szet any article here that has not the quality it should have, we want an immediate opportunity to moke it
Small accounts are given con s iderate and careful attention at this bank.
E. GUOD , Pres id e nt
Heywood, George, The Lone Campu s Roamer.
Doane Comes Friday Night. (Continued !rom First second mark in the lost column. Dope is just dope, but we expect to up set that dope again Friday night. Be th ere with flying colors and a loud "rah 'rah for the pepperlest game of the season. New books: Wilcox, Paul, Party Costumes for Young Ladies.
The grass is growing, IZ'rowing, grdwing, And the w ind is blowing, blowinp:, blowing, I Yet I'm not knowing, knowing, Tyson, Lois, The Reducing Diet. knowing, As I wal k to clas s! Rosenquist, Carl, The La st Heir.
Hoake, Neva, Seventeen.
Mrs. Griffin calls him Wi IIi am, Peru High Defeats Dewitt Hoake, Neva, Short Stories for The professo rs call him Wi II, Th e crippled Peru high t eam , Short Pe op le. The kids all call him Willie,
with Cowell and out of the Showalter, George Tiny, Love But Lois calls him-Bill! line-up, took the fa st D ewitt high
to a cleaning Friday night by a Lyrics. Ganzel!, Dewey, Because I L ove score of 12-4.
Th e Dewitt team, which has been playing high class teams all year, came to Peru, Friday night t hinking they had picks tor the evening game. The Peru bunch r ea li zi ng their crippled condi tion and the strength of thd t ea m from Dewitt I went into the game with all that was in them, and th ey · certainly ga ve the Dewitt bunch a plenty. Each one of t he home clan had the old never-di e spirit, which every real athletic is possessed with. It was a fast and hard pla yed Kame from whist le to whistle. Both teams fighting like demons to bring h ome the big end of the sco r e. Both teams guarded closely as the score book shows that each
Elliott, Zelia, Traut Fi Rhin g from a Dam.
Thomas, Sarah Ann, Cooking for Two.
Fisher, Mildred, My Rosy Schoo l Days.
Tretina, Profe ssor Henry, Love in a Cottage.
Shellhorn, Josephine, The Art of Letter Writing.
News From 1930 Norm alite. Herbert Kelly, American amba!lsador to England. writer of hearin g our old friend, Lee ifem · in gway , in a recital with Fritz Kreisler recently. Mr. Hemingway expects to make an American te am gathered one field goal from tour soon. the floor. Captain Mark Delzell The Boys' Club celebrated thei r eighth anniversary la st Friday in chap e l. The pink and white caps were very becoming.
OUR MOTTO;-"T he best goods for the least money " We re pair pens, watch es, jewel ry and sp ectacles.
Bifo cal Lense s
J. c. CHATELAIN. Peru. Nebr.
Qualty, Sc rvicc & Prices
We carry a complete and up-t o- d-,te line of groceries and dry goods. Come in and get our prices on dozeta and case lots of canned goods. We also carry a fresh line of fruits ond ve,eetables.
Their ' address is now third table, East Side. At home when Mrs. Vance is absent.
Miss Davis for go t her glasses. Miss Rulon failed to recog ni ze her and asked, "Who is that student behind the desk?"
February 28 , 192 1.-Miss Ruth
Lawrence :-The current copy of Good Housekeeping was due this morning at 9 o'clock. Please call and pay fine of 15 centa.-Librarian
Miss Dwark has resumed her duties as after a short le ave of abs ence.
The basket ball t'l'ip to Cotner was delayecl today, becam;e of serious trouble with the Normal airplane motor. The Alumni will be pleased to hear that the new coach is Edward Rosenquist of '21.
Plans are und er way for the
Owing to the large enrollment thi s semester th e practice teaching has been reduc ed from th e usual term of one month to two weeks.
The Girls' Club election shows the very fort un ate choice of Maxin e Sears as president for the coming year. ,
represented his tea m in this department. Mark also played a str ong floor game, as did Carr and Chase. Wilson, the diminutive fo rw ar d of the locals, played a good flo or game but was guarded very closely by Dewitt gua rd s. Brunsd on , the crowd agreed, played the best game of his career. The ability of Parriott to toRs goals brought victory to the Peru combination as he caged, 10 out of 14 fouls. Peru started the sco rin g after a few minutes of play, by Parriott hitting the basket with 8 fr ee junior prom. sche dul ed f or March throw. Peru m ainta ined the lead 10 The juniors hav e ar r an 'ge d to thruout the game. The score at use the ball room of the alumni the e nd of the fir st half stood 5-2 building. in Peru's favor. Roth teams c:1me back strong in the second half and it began with the ball go ing up and down the floor so fast that it was hard for the spectato rs to keep an eye it. Peru 12, Dewitt 4. Library Notes. Neva and Shorty have moved.
Miss Jarvis, the librarian. wishes Big Candy Bars ]\Jew
us to announce that the wireless
telephones' must not be used in the library for the ourpose of making dates.
Inquiry comes from a student the ProYincial high school, lb ez, Philippine Isl a nd•, ask ing for a catalog and information concerning the NormaL The 1tutient expects to study in some normal school in the Un ited States. money
cttnd y for
Our Bt·ead. Cookie!>!, Lunch and Fruits will pleose you A large Line of School Supplie s Save the long walk down town.
Fourteen Football Men Won Letter s I I I La st Fa ll I
Hardest Fou ght Ga me of Seas on Lost by 16-14 Score.
Th e re was he ir! at the chapel on i Wa s that som e game Friday ? Wednesday, Ma r ch 1, one of-n o 1 we wi ll E>ay th e be:::t pr ese ntation '
We ll! I'll te (l the world! Sleep an y that night? You di dn't'? Wel l, exerc i,es that Peru has ever se en you're not the only on e. Mr. As in thosP. glor i ous co nflict s rlo wn. Del ze ll tells U !; he lay on o ne s id e on the fielrls la st fall. the program ' tr y in g to forl!et a ll and go to sl ee p. was coached hy Mr. Speer. ; But th ere . wa s no sleep ; forever
First we ch ee red thE> te am np ; be fore him went th e Roseys, Ba ldy to a fi ne r o';111 of chair:'> on the and Cla rk, T oft and the r est of platform Th e vaca nt cha ir mu st them tearing down the floo r like have b ee n fo r Pomer oy ; we are all possessed! Th en bing o! Cursorry that. Dodo coulrl n't h ave b ee n ses! The referee f ouls on e of them here to get his swea ter at th e cele- 1 tr ave l in!!! W ou nldn't that b ; of th Me men will be back n ext aga in st him Whil e Cha se went rat1on. 1 • rn rk yo u! And look! Doane makes R d H ff h k dl ye::t r "h a Jf.bad" as we say . l in for ab out ten minut es in hi s ay mon u er s oo some goo , 1 th e fre e thr ow ! Mo re curses, for II f d S h 1 The has n t forgotten tho se pl ac e. he had time to think it over ye s out o us an Mr. c oP mk e I . that ties the sco r e! d .rl k h C 1 S othe r me n e1 lh er. who wore g ra y and come back with a spl e ndid fight d . h h 1 rna P t e o or nnQ' s nappy, ' H eav mg a tr eme n ous s 1g , e • • 1 May he 'ou were ca ll ed a nd t ea m work. Goo rl work Carr ·
Coa ch Spee r PXp la1 n erl to us that l h · 1 · hb ' d AI h h 1 ' . he t urn P. d ov er and tned to h h _, , f b II sc ru 1s. ut t te scru tn!!s an t o t e sc ore w::ts c ose, we "l1ck - d I' d , f th t e aun t wo n oor a g::t me s by ".c los P. em eye 1 s rom a the rlrubhlnf!S you gave these fo ur- erl them" anyway and to the tune I .. 8 ld , speeches; b ut one thin g But loo k! a Y pops he rloes wi n by his is his te en men we re ce rtainly a wo rk of of to 1 6 · h . h h into th e th i ck of the fray, s natch es audience. arici aft er al l, Coac h: art. 19 VI Cto ry t e et{l t ou t! the ba ll and clashes t hru the Doa ne t hat's wh at a sp eec h is r ea ll y in- Ev Pry nne f ee ls h::t ppier ancl of mne games this seaso n, a r ecord rank s like a red d emo n! See that h ea rti er f or an o th er hal f ho ur of to be proud of. T.1 ere remain s tenrled fo r. little d-di cke ns g o! H oo ray fo r f tl II S (' h k d H ld d now the wo rk of th e state tou rn a-
Th e re have been manv spi Pniid no la · 0 uc an a :Van "Baldv !" He mis!'es the goal Ed and T op py and Bill Ro!>ey and ment , and With Co we ll and Sears I c' k I' . . f h captains Pe ru had r espec ted in Peru. hut ne ver ha s a capta in that was mo re anrl more hon pst ly arlbut Jar s 1ps 1t 1n r om t er eDnn and Trout ancl Paap and Lo ng- back m 1he r&nk s fo r th is, Pe ru 1 p . . h d 1 bou nd! eru 1s t wo po tnt s a ea . fellow an rl Sh:urar and Lan do lt and ough t to m ake a g uo d sho w mg. I . cl d I 1 H ea r th at crow go rna St e ve an d and H ig! here's 1 M' 1 G C · d · mir ed bv every one in sc hool than I 1d and a rne oming. \ He tu:ned over a_jram an agam, Charl es Gately Yes. Chuck is a to you! You have done well! 1 Midland Co lle ge haske tball team •and fi nall y flopomg ha ck from · senior. but he is also a true-blue ' : will inva de P eru te rritory for shee r ex hau st io n, sank into a Pe ruvian. l Peru Hi gh Defeats Palmyra season finish March 15 tr oub led sleep. He dr ea mpt he Flo yd captain-elect, I The {!arn e with Palmyra high This is las t game of the seaso n for I wa s the fi sh which swa llow ed Jo nah has proverl what he can do fo r Pe ru las t Thtnsrl av proved to be one of Pe ru. To win this game m ea ns lor some offictal. t hru tw o yea rs of con s tructive the b Ps t hi gh !'Chool gam es thi!! that Pe ru wi ll fini sh in first divis - Now if yo;; could s ink off into playing an d next y ear whe n "h e's s eason. Litt le was k nown of the ion of sta nding obli vi on with less di fficl!lty than a Sbnior" we kn ow that Peru wi ll reco rd. of te am and th e ir I Ea rly in the season, Doane f ell to .afte r such a game, you were be glad , a stro ng thr ee yea r m an s plenrlld showwg- was rath er a s ur- 1defeat at th e ha nd s of Mid la nd, · go1ng so me. For le t me te ll you, is in charge. ' pris e to Peru fan ,.; In fact, so Ialso Omaha U ni. rece iv ed th e ir Ithi s game was fast. and th e imAft er these two fe ll ows had pa id much so in the tir st part of the o nl y ci efe at fr om Midl and Pe ru left were la s ting o nes. the c apta in' s penalty of ''s pe e ch se co nd ha lf that it lrlOked de cided- Ibc:at Midla nrl by thr ee points at The game without quest ion wa s making." Mr Delze ll a trib- ly lik e a vi clory for th e m. J Mid land. Th is game will not only th e hard eRt fought ana mos t exut e of thanKs to the team for "r e-I Peru. h owe ver was not to be 1 be the last of t hi s year 's t>nco un- citing see n here. And when d . h' h I deem ing Is rael." He de scribed to s quelch e Jn t IS w ay Y any I te r s, but will be one nf th e on e cn nf'id erf! that Doane according us the ; ight lo ng yea rs of anguiE>h, 'mean s. but rallierl t he ir force s w it h I on the home foo r. Jones of to Conference " do pe" is th e ] <' 12 Kear n ey defeated com e back that was worthy of i' York ofiic i ates the ga me. This Ist r onge!'it college t ea m in the s tate, fnnce 10 "' • 1 rl' Peru 72-0 , he had wa i ted a nd wait- vetera n team It was !'Pen ld. !game is not a hurlget l! am e as that Peru hel d them to a tie ed in vai n. But that at last her oes boy s! You I!Ua rd :o. Delz.e ll and lha•Je be en !'ix budget this sco re to the last fift ef n Eeconds o1. long foretold by th e pr op hets had Brun sdo n. h ad yo ur h ands fu ll bu t year and the budg et committee play, one can on ly co ncl ude that . d d f d K Y 104 0 not so much so hut that eac h mad e could all ow th is .,.arne only on a Peru ha s a mighty s tr ong team ansen an e e ate earne - · 1 "' a h asl<e t. Pr e tty J!OCl rl r eco rd for ca!'h gate. anrl p ut up a wo nd er fu l fight. Team of 1920. we thank you And thus the fi rst act ended Th e curtain fell a nrl betw ee n acts each class. then, a ll t oge ther, gave "ray -rays " that sh ook th e dome. As the finale, the curtain r ose, an J there stoo i fourteen warr ior5 of the bl ue an d white, in all their glory. To t hink that at lea st nine gua r ds. you bet . A nd in the co me- Game at 8: 15. A dmi ss ion 25c. I The first t wo min utes of the back Parriott and Wil so n rc ll- 1 game were lar!!ely o ne s of each l! d in tw o ba skets that mad e the Announ ce ment. t ea m tr ying th e mett le of th e !>CO re se Pm a litti P. more lik e old Th e Librar y would lik e to an - other. It wa s f ast and furious like time s. Carr wa s bu sy in th e second nounce that the east enrl of the I a whirlwind, Finally Peru foul ed half bei ng nice to his oppon e nt. main desk wher e the penc il s harp· Ia nd Doane mad e its first point. for he had bee n t oo na ughty th e I is, is not the place to mak e/ Half a m inute lat er Doane foul ed first ha lf and had thr ee per s onal s dates or get acquainted. on J1'olll'th P:un'· '
als o sho wed their skill as orators
The le tter men vani shed for a Entered at the P os to ffic e at Peru, Ne- few mome nts but soon appeared brnslm as se cond-c lass mat t er.
Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal $ l.OO per y ear. Single co py fi cts.
a gain loo kin gve ryn eatanrl trim in th e ir new s weaters Those who proudly wore them were: Charles Gately, Floyd Higgin1, Carl Ro sen· quist, Ed Rosenquist, Paul Wilco x, Don Wilson, Es cher Landolt, Adam Troudt , Steve 1.-'rante, Victor Brack, Frank Sharrar , Harry Paap, Gayllord Toft, Erne st Longfellow , Aha Fi sher and Ge or ge Willy.
Frida y, March 4.
Mr Br own g ave a short addr ess ab o ut th e inau g urati 0n of Pres ident Wa rren G. Hard ng and th e
If you do not rece ive your Norm ali te l!ave no ti ce in the No rm alit e hox in the cabin e.t he has ch osen In place of Admi ni st ratio n buil din g. the r eg ular scrip t ur e reading Mi ss --' Dunn re ad the beautiful po e 111 ,
No article s accepted a ft er 8 o'clocl<
Mo nd ay mo rnin g.
Ho pe Lewi s Editor-in-Chief
Robert Qu iclc Assoc in tc Edi tor
Ann etta Stoc ldng Ass istant Ed itor
Rex Ni les Ml! ' t·.
Ka rl Shaefe r Mg 'r. Dep t.
Mabe l Drc:sslcr Se nio r Heldegarde Ycci< Juni or Lois Griffin Sop homore
Dorot hy Petitt..
Ro land Ca rr Y M. C .•-'.
Nina Sty les Y. W. C. A
Ge rt ru de Ca r ve r N. C. A.
To be selected Phil o
Est her Delzc li... Gid s Clu b
Mildred Ha nk s Dramat ic Clu b
Leo na Spark s De ba ti ng Clu b
Edn a Fis hc:r Oiympic Clu b
"How fat" Ha ve We Mi s sed the Pathway, by Strickland Gillilan.
The first verse fol. ows:
Now wh e re is th e tape can mea sur e how far we have stra y,e d fr om Go d-
Fr om God th e infinite Spirit, not mere ly a Ia w or a th oug ht ?
How far ha ve we mi ssed the pathway th e b es t of our fath ers tr od '?
What bourne, as our feet have wa nd ered, have our de viou s g rop in g- s brought ?
We have narr owed our Godward vi sion in se arch of an cre ed; We have systematized Je hovah in the s lo g an- a nd-catchw ord realm; We have re ckon ed ourselves suffi-
Portrait and Commercia1--- We put the in snap -shots" We have the film tha t fits your cament
The E. J. Newman Studio
Ph one 56 PER U, NEBR.
SABINE'S EDUCAT10NAL E XC HA NG E Founded 189 3 ci ent to o ur eve ry admitted We never reco mm e nd a te acher unl ess asked to do so by sc ho ol offi c ial s. New Office. n eed ; No e nrollment Fe e. Writ e
The Normalit e st aff ha s been We h av e s ei ze d w ith our hand s t he P ROMPT, EFFICIENT, RE LIA BLE SER VI CE ve ry f or tun ate in that th ey ha ve till er and s hoved Him off fr om E. T. HOUSH, Manager, Shop B!d., Ia b ee n given ro om 105 in th e ad- th e he lm ! mi ni stra ti on bu i lding to us e as th e ir pe rm ane nt head q uart ers. Th e num be r of read ers has incre as ed and thu s it became necess ar y tha t a more con ve n ie nt room be asig ne d to the Normalite forc e. Th e ne eessa ry equ ipm e nt is bein g s uppli ed so that the work of the s taff can be carri ed on more e fficiently
A box ha s been placed out s ide th e door of this offi ce and all contributions from stud e nts , in cluding jo kes a nd person al ite ms of general inter es t may be slipped into this box.
Chapel Notes.
Wedn esd ay, March 2.
We we re wondering why all the boys were go in g to the pLatf orm but Coach Spe er soon to ld us in a few word s -he wa s having the whisp ers as usual. The letter men who had won so many glorious victori es for the s chool were to rceeive their sw eaters. Mr. Del z ell told of wh at the team's victory over Kearn ey and the other s chools had meant to our Normal. Ca ptain Gately and Ca pta in·elect Hi gg ins
Peru High in Class C.
Accor d ing to the returns fr om Linc ol n, Peru high sch oo l was pla ce d in rl ass C, and play s the fir st g am e w ith Friend in that cla ss Thursda y mo rning, March 10.
Fo ll ow in g ar e the te ams in this class and in tht or d er of pl a y: Peru Training- vs Friend D ew itt vs. Shickl ey.
Sc hu y ler vs. N ew man Grove. Arlington vs. Sco tts Blu ff Litc hfi e ld vs. Tilden.
thi s th ere wi II be one r ee l of the 1 life of Lin co ln played by Drinkwa ter. Ad mis sion by budget ticket or 25 ce nts.
Barb er S hop & Hath
Mil stead Basement
F ull lin e of To il ets on hand
A ge nt for Aubu rn L au ndry
Are mor e num e rou s in this offi ec than ca ndidates 1 W. M. Mc Ard le, Pr op.
Peru p eo pl e p eo ple a re in prim e I f av or with our patr ons. '
W. T. DAVIS. '0 6 We Go
Rave nna vs. Ha vel oc k. is mana ge r a nd propri e tor of I Aur ora vs. E xe ter. SCHOOL SERVIC E , Cre te vs. Yo rk I to Fr om thi s group Peru has won Ask fac ul ty me mbers or oth er from Arli ng ton and De witt. Both s ch oo l peo pl e as to his reliath ese team s have won from oth e rs bility. Write today to in the gro up, g iving Pe ru, accordin g to "do pe," a chance to eome out s trong. At le ast, the team is confid ent of s ucc e!s and will fi g ht on ita toes eve ry se cond. Here's to your ge tting the cup, boys!
Movie Friday Night
Frida y ni g ht th e re will be sho wn in th e Norm al chapel five re els of the H oos ier Schoolmaster. Bes id es
Stewart School Service, Lincoln, Ne braska
Shoe s and Shoe
Rep a iring
Sho e poli shes and lac es Pr ompt R ep air S er vice RINGER & ME.BbE.Y
Pti onn acv FOR Sc hoo l S upp l ie s
Statione r y, fi ne co nd ies ond Fo v orite To ile t
Art icles
First Floor Treat. Any r·a-a-ags? No rags today! But one cou ld hardl y say that la st Satu rda y night. for the poor "dorm" gir ls looked very poormuch poorer than us ual. They Cllme to this Hard T im es party in rags and tags and even ove r alls. One could see that they were har d up, bu t that did not prevent them fr om having a good tim e. The fun started by playing
cental'e of the occupa ti ons men -, ti on ed were "part ners hip" concerns.
Mi ss Marcy and Mr. Gabel contributed th e class ica l si de of the pragram by giv i ng voca l and piano so lo11.
The who le program was va s tly e ntertaining, and the se ni ors highly apprec i ate d be in g invited.
Y. W. C. A.
Th ere wa s a large cr owd out to hea r Mr . Delze ll last Wednesday night. He ga ve a very interesting ta lk on "Paying the P ri ce." It was en j oyed by eve ry on e as it was a talk st rai ght fr om th e sh ou lder . He emphasized the fact that we can h ave almos t any thing we want but we mu st pay the price s om e t ime or ot h er It was the kind of a ta lk that makes you think
Mi nutes of Play Scores
s treets and alley s. Next a littl e wh ite jug was brought out. It was one of the "ro ll y" k in d. It was discovered th at thi s j ug tr uly lived up to its n ame for wh P.n anyone tri ed to ba lance her se lf on it long enoug h to write her n&.m e, she was promptly rol led off. She discove r erl the d inin g room h ad a hard-w ood floor, t oo. But t hi s ga me had to he abandon ed, f or Mrs. L ynn flatly r efused to play. mor e se ri ous ly about your every Nebraska City Laundry day life.
To call at our store for yo ur Hardward Needs , Also Electric l amps, and Fl ash- Howeve r, we were not d isap - Ph one 138 We we re favored by some s pecial pointe d for Madame Merchon music by LeRoy Mill er who played Cle men cea u, just over fr om Paris, disp layed her latest mode ls. Tears two selectio ns on hi s xy lophone Re mem be r Y. M. C. A. next of lon ging stood in our eyes as v;-e Wednesday ni ght at 7:30 o'clock. viewed the wonderf ul co s tumes, Every one out. especially the ri d in g habit and -the Olympic ga rb Aft lr thi s wo n- Calenda r. derfu l display we danced -sq ua re danees , circles, two- s teps, robber's waltz 'n eve ry thin g-.
But folks, one of the nic e thing s abo ut this party was that the eatfl weren't ''hard ti mey" at al l. fo r brick ice c ream and the '' gnoci " kind of cook i es were passed round, and round, and r ound aga in
lt was a II th e mo!lt fun and the dorm g irl s went back to their roo ms, almos t weepi ng t ears of g ratitude for the goo d ti me the first ft0or had gi ve n them.
Olympic Cl ub.
What 's tha t! Twe lv e n ew members!!! Now who sa id th e Olympic Cl ub lost its l-i -f- e on it s first ten mi le hike. Ask any of the twelve new membe rs. who we re invit ed Saturday, abou t it
Why tht:! new m embe rs believed the club to be live ly: Wonder why Ke ll y cleaned the sewer. Why artha knew the oath to the athletic field. Ask Corco ran why there were cind ers in h er shoes.
We dnesday, Ma r ch 9 Y. W. C. A 7:30 p. m. Y. M. C. A, 7:30 p. m.
Orch est ra, 7:15 p. m.
Basement Fisher's Drug Store First-c lass Workmen. Your Patronage Solic i ted C. P. SCOVILL. Prop ' lights 1 Yo u wi ll alwa ys find a welcome at Mackprang's Hardware
American Black
Thursday, March 10 1 ' New Manage ment
Gi rl s' Glee Cl uh, 7:15 p. m.
i We manufacture this
H. s.. Aesthetic Danc in g 8:00. I Fresh and Smoked M eats I lu for Ma nua l Fr id ay March 11 Big Movie. Fresh fr uits and vegetables
1 Training wo rk, Monday, March 14 in seaso n sel ling direct
O rch esr.ra , 7:15 p. m. WYMORE & DENSMORE I to schools.
Peruvian Staff, 7:00 p. m.
Tu esday, Ma r ch 15
Gir ls' Glee Club 7:15
Debat in g Society, 8:0 0.
H. S Aesthetic Dancing 8: 15 Wed n esday, March 16
Y. W. C. A. 7:30
Y. M.. C. A. 7 :30
Orchestra 8: 15
Basket Ball , Var s ity.
Look '"Peppy"
Wa lk snappyDr ess s mar tlyKeep your cloth es L ook ing "Aii ve "Keep 'e m Keep 'em mended-
Senior Class. Keep !innings intact a nd
Senior chape l was was d ese rt ed Buttons ti!!' h t. because we al l we nt to see and h ea r Why, man (o r lad_y), yo u do n't, the famou s "Pi gnola" inven ted by realize ho w much we can he lp yo u.
the juniors, but credited to Tho mas If WE keep your clo th es in sh ape
Edison. It was nothing shor t of yo u can look the world in the eye
mi ra culous that B ill cou ld play a nd say: "Out with i t-if yo u such an in 3t rument so marve lous ly. h ave an yt hin g to say about my It was also i nte r esting to note clothe s, tell it." what many of he members of th e Jno. A. Cejke. junior and senior classes will be doing in the years to come. It was Ta ilor and Cleaner quite noticable that a large per- Phor.e 62
Peru , Nebra ska. I Meek LurnbeP E.o.
Small nccounts ore given con s iderate and careful attention at this bank.
I E. E. GUOD, Preside nt 0. M. GOOD. Cash i er J. W. McA DA MS , V. Pre1ident. ANNA FARLEY , Asst Cash ier.
Do ane Wins a Close Game, Notice, Presidents Rouse, Conn, Elliott. /
<Continu ed trom Flr11t Po.l:"c.> Found :-The fol low ing article and Martin of the four / and Rasey scored Peru's first point which expla in s itself. Owner State Normals, and H. E. Rei s che, : Thus ti ed, the two teams strugg led plea se call at Norma lit e office to s ecretary of th e h oa rd of education, I f or supremacy. Doane came out receive same, and pay for publ i ca- we re the gue sts of Representative I th e v ic tor , ma king three baskets ti on. Kinkaid at a lun ch eon in in side of four minutes, and s eemed Wedne sday, November 17, 1920 ton la st wt>ek. During the day
to have s wung things their way. Eighteen years of age and can't But Peru he ld them fr om further for the life of me ima gine i t. scoring, the quarter ending with Didn't h ear from any of the folk s th e score 8 to 2 for Doan e. Thur sday, No vember 18. 1920.
The seco nd was a dis- Almo st too bu sy to think well. tinct com e -back for Peru. In s ide Mr. Traudt wanted a date for of five min utes two fi e ld goal s Friday night · and I turned him were r eg is ter ed to her credit , wh il e down.
Doane was he ld to but one point
Friday, November 18 by fr ee thr ow. The first half end ed I'm to clan:!e in pageant. Holy with the score 9 to 6 for Doane. mother! I tried ou t tonight and The third quarter was the crucia l did everyt h ing frightfully al l on point in th e game. Peru, armed purpo se yet s he put me in. S lumto the <'bin with " speers" and ber p arty on floor tonight. Devil'H pepper of the rarest vari e ty came hall, devil's de ligh and a nic e back wi tk that good old fight for s no ozy time. Four which she is known thi s year an d th en every one tell some ghost st ory gradua ll y crept up on Doane 's they know came from elev en littl e lead in the s co r e. Aft er about heads a ll in a row . As leep at 2 seve n mi n utes of play ·she h ad m. Saturday cleaned the deck and cau g ht up, Saturday, November 20 tying the sc ore at 10 to 10. Real- Got up in t im e tn go to brea kfa st iz in g that th e ir h old of the s itua- in soite of slumber party. Cl e an ed tion was gradua ll y s lip pi ng and r oo m and g ot a letter from Harold. , that this wa s to be no wa lk off for Went to junior party in gym. Had them, Doane played "keep-away" a perfect ly ripping time. Room s in an att e mpt to worry th e ir oppo - stacked by se nio r girls when 1 renent s. But Ro se y ru shed in to turned. Slept three in a b ed in force a play and the rem a inder of Ann' s room . We nt to bed at h alf the qua rter wa s largely fi erce de- pa st twe lve. fen se in charact e r. It e nd ed wit h Sunday, Novemb er 21. th e s core a tie, 12 to 12. Churc h and Sunday sc ho o l. Dir,-
The nigh t wa s very wa rm and ner pu n k. Boys came i nto parlor m ade fr e qu e nt time out for e ither and we s ang. Es ther to ld me that
si de nece ssary. Doane s cor ed a ba s ket aft er about thr ee minutes, fo llo wed by Peru in five more, tying the s core again at 14 to 14 and two minute s to go. EaP. h team strained its utmo st to ke ep the other f rom scori ng to w in and for some time it looked ve ry much like a tie game. Finn ll y, with 15
AND Lunch Room
Pre s ide nt Rou se had the hon or of intr oduc ed to " Unc le Joe" I __ GOOD TH lN GS TO EAT Cannon and Speak er G i !letts of th e I House of Repre se ntative s. Headq u arter s
The C·hatelaio Jewelry Store
Watches, Clocks. dewe.lry. Fountain Fe.ns. Stationery Schoo! .Supp1e.s. 1\\ AiL ORDERS PRO M PTLY Fl LLEO
OUR MOTTO ;-"T he b est goods for the le ast mo ne y"
We repair pen s, watches, jewelry and spe ctacles. Bifo C'al LenEes - GIVE US A CALL ,J C. CHATELAIN. Pe ru Ne hr.
Qualty, Service & Pric es
We carry a complete and Jine of groceries and dr}" go .. ds. <.:ome in and get our prices on ddze ra and case lots nf canned "e Hlso cat-ry a fresh line of fruits n nd vet!.eta b1es
the boy s were coming but it rain ed Ann came ip and we had a fine ta lk J<'udge party. Isabel, Bes sie, Mildred, Lois and I present. Mi l- Nygracia dred sick Herbert. We gir ls take care of
Monday. Novemb er 22. Ev ery one looking forwa rd to Thanksgiving Day. In head over second s to go Doane scored wi th a heels in work. Impr ovin g in delucky sh ot from the left, deciding s ign the game in th e1r f avor 16 tg 14.
Tuesday, Novebmer 23. Nothing of s pec i al note. Actua ll y talked in Jr En glish. We dne sda y, Nov. 24.
T hu s the gam e wa s lost and won, placin g Pe ru a notch hi gher for pu tting up s uch a sple ndid defense , and p ut t in g Doan e ne arer the ch ampi ons hip of the s tate. We nt down and met th e 5 :01 mail fe lt s ure I'd rece ive a package. Terrib ly di sappointed Mi11s Marjory West, a s tudent of but wh en I return ed to th e dorm the Norma l fou r years ago, who is
no w principa l of the Unadi ll a hi gh school, chap e roned th e Unad i !Ia seniors durin g the ir vi s it to th e Norm a l, Wednesday, March fir s t.
Mi ss Danie ls me tme at thedo or wit h a bi g b ox. 0 boy! Chi c ken fri ed and roas t. Cra c kerja c k, pick- Big Ctlndy Bars New S ize -Mo re cand y for )lO Ur les, cookies and cak e. Uh big f ee d
Mr. Wm. Cronov e r, also of Una di ll a, who attend ed th e Normal in 1886 and 188 7, sp e nt clay vis iting eld fam il ar place s, and th e many new buildings wh ich hnve been ere cted since he wa s here. The old Normal ba ll is the on ly bu il ding whic h at that time h ad been built in Fa ye's room. Thur sda y. Thank sgivin g. Morai.-Don't writ e y our diary in a loo se leaf not e book!!!!!
Donald and Sarah Ann we re wa lkin g up Pike' s l'e ak ( in Pe ru , you kno w). When? Oh, I don't know, but once upon a timP. Sarah Ann:-"My! what a s te ep hill.
Wi sh I had a donk ey." Donald :"Oh, j list lean on me ." money Our Bread, Coold e!" , Lunch and Fruits will please y ou A large Line of School Supplie s Save the long walk down tow11.
What the Y. W. has Been Doing Hopes to Do.
l:l v Edwin A. Gu est Miss Fa ulh aber Doe s Sple ndid Work Here.
I would not s tand apart nor dwe ll alone, Miss Marie Fau lh abE-r, who has For thirty-four years the Y. W. Nor liv e as one t oo good to so il my han rls; I been chairman of our adv isory C. A. ha s h ee n a v it al fa cto r in th e 1 would n ot guard th e so ul that is my o wn boa rd for the past few mo nth s, lives of Peru Nor ma l s tudent s. So clo sely that it s hrinl< s fr om li fe's comm an d came to us from the S tate Norm al The organization has flourished And scor ns to go where s in and so rr ow rei gn Scho ol at Madiso n, S. D. , where un de r the of capRble · For 'fea r it, too, will b ea r the sca r iet. stain. she hart worked in tne sa me capacand e nthu s ia s tic gir ls and under I w9 u ld not "I'm holier th an th ou ," it y for thr ee years p reviou s to her the h E- l pful g uid a nce of faculty ad - And sta nd aloof when ot hers cry for aid; com i ng to Peru T he fact that she vi sors. In 188 7, this yo ung wo- 1 I would put d ow n mv sho ul der to the p low he lped to or g ani ze the Y. W. C. man's organizat ion furni shed th e And j oin wi th m en. und au nted, unafraid. A. in Madison , and continued her o nl y socia l act iv iti es for girls. ! lf thru th e mir e wit h puro ose high I go , work w ith it unti l leavi ng t her e,
TheY. W. C. A. h as lived sinc e I How came the mud upon me, God wi ll know is strong ev id ence of her deep in1887 and wi ll liv e on because its ! Cl ea n hand 3 at night! That is the pnd e I ask , terest in the Y. W. C. A. wor l<, irl ea ls have be en of th e pu re st an.d I Bu t let me sta nd at :;ervic e th ru the day; and of her sy m pat hy with it s aims hi g hest. In the fir st plact-, 1 t 1 Let me go gladly to my gr imy task, and its mission. And surely h er stands for, and pr om ot es high , I'll bear th e dirt th at I can wash aw ay , i unselfis.h a nd untiring effor ts fo r sta ndard s of s chool life, · Tho deep in mire ca lls on me to fight, the Associ a ti on in Per u, have pr nvship and lo yalty. Sec o nrll y, it up -: What ma t ters th at if I am clea n at n!ght ? ' en this to the gi rls who have wo r khold s so irit ual a nd rel ig ious id ea ls 1 ed with her in this year, ani! have . -·Then. thirdl y, it aff o rds soc ial ! Iwon for her their hi g hest regard adva ntag es in that it g iv es opport -/ G enGe N_.e,.Ne v .. a Va, Geneva I wh 1ch has been as 1sgned to her -unity for mutual f el low s hip among Wh en one arrive s, abou t fo ur l1delega ti o n, and in tii e mi dst of Recre nt ion. the gir ls and f os ters a friendl y, o' clo ck on an Augus t aftern oon. at r emo ving the trad iti o nal as wel l as "Le t's ha ve a g am e 0 : tennis in he lp f ul s pirit 1 the Y. W. C A .. camp on L ake · th e actual du st and g rim e of trav el 1 the morning and a dip befo re k h I 'b re akfa,;t." "All ri gh t, can In 1898 the Peru Y. W. C A. IGe ne va, She IS ta en tot P. te nt -cnntinuN1 nn l•'u urth P••l:'"·' w ith theY. M. r eache d out ancl I aw ak en in pl enty of time " Thi s g-ave aid to a p oo r n ee dy girl. •· Hope Norma l," as she was cal led by P eruv ians, was ad o pted 1 in childh ood educ at ed until at g rad ua te of her and final!y f placed as a C hn st 1an teac her 10 C hin a.
Th e influ e nce of the Y. W. C. A., ha s be en f elt in o th er ways, t oo. , Not a year go es by but arrangements are made for Y. W. gi rl s to
c nnve r sa ri on mi ght be heard a lm ost an y e,·ening in Ji ny ten t at the Lake 1Ge neva summer confer e nce. Ten1 nis is. a favor i te game with mo st of the girls the first thing in the mo rnin g and the n a di p befo re the ris -
1 i ng bell rings, war nin g every o ne tha t ' 'if yo u d un't hurry and get read y you will be la te to yo ur breakfa s t'' and that no one wants to d o, for at Lake Ge neva one is t ('nn rl nHNl nn L :tll
Dramatic Club Play==="Normal Chapel, Friday, March 25, 8:15 "The Importance
Entered at the! Postoffi.ce at Peru, Nebraska as second-class matter.
wrights. Oscar Wilde, playwright, poet, novelist, and essayest, was born in Dublin in 1856 and died in 190 0. He has been called ''the Published Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal greatest Iri1hman of letters since Swift." I Wilde was always the "inevitable artist" in anything he wrote and If you do not receive your Normalite, his plays, which are gems of connotice in the Normalite box in the Administration build ing struction, sparkle with witty epi-
$1. on per year. Single copy 5 cts. g rams and clever. paradoxical, sayNo articles accepted after 8 o'clod{ Iings On the s urface he seems Mond ay morning. · in since re but there is a note of Cl f si ncerity und er lying hi s most friv-
Helen Hicks Editor-in· lie
THE "TAl'F olous productions, in which class Mona St iles !Vlona J(eith ''The Importance of Being EarnAlma Goc kley Alic e Shoenike est," belongs.
Hope Lewis ' Probably m0st of the people on I S h A the campus know Wilde in some n out mertca. , pha se -as the author of ''The Mtss Ruth Sheldon, who ts dotng d G 1 " f Ba lla of oa or o secretarial work with theY W. C. 1 "Th p'· f that un1que ta e, e tcture o A. at Buenos Aires , r ecent ly spent Dorian Gray," or of the brilliant seve ral weeks in Chile. play, "Lndy ·a Fan," She writes of a tropical Christ- or of that exquisite fairy tale. man at Sant i ago, where th e time- "The Happy Prince " Those who honored Chri stmas tree was left do not know this famous arti st growing in the patio , tho decorat- wi ll have the pleasure of making ed in all Yuletide g lory. The his acquaintance Oil the evening of twinkling candles were lighted March 25 , in our chapel. very ear ly in th e morning to prevent the ir melting und er the rays The True Y. W. Girl, of a tropical s un. Th e re's a gir l -Tho the dust and heat of the Who never s hirks, Chilean city proved disagreeable, There's a gir l the Omahan thoro ly enjoyed a trip Wno always works thru the Andes mountains . Masses For the best of ye ll ow flowers s pread a cloth of Will not rest go ld over the dull brown rocks, Till Y. W. is blest contrasting sharpl y with the green With success. foothills and sparkling streams of We confess the North American Rockies. That we'll grieve
Miss Sheldon will remain in To see her leave.
South America three years, contin- Let us all begin to weave uing her work with the Y. W. C. Flowers for a crowning wreath A.-Omaha Daily News. For Mona Keith.
Miss Sheldon is a friend of Miss YetShively. Y. W. is lucky ·
There's another maiden plucky
First Student Center in S, A. Takes her place
The first st ud ent foyer in South Gives us grace Ameri"ea has just been opened in To work hard Santiago, Chile, by theY. W. C. For Hildegard. A. of that city. There are twelve ·--hundred women students in one of Don't's for Library
Portrait and Commercial---We put the '"snap in snap-shots" We have the film that fits your camera
The E. J. Newman Studio
Phone 56 PERU, NEBR.
Founded 1893
We never recomm end a teacher unless asked to do so by sc ho ol offic i als No enrollment Fee. Write us PROMPT, EFFICIENT, RELIABLE SERVICE
E. T. HOUSH, Manager, Sbop Bid., Des Moines, Ia
Don't bother about goi ng into I Miss Elli• spent Wednesday in the "smoker" if you want a half- Omaha in the interests of the hour's convers at ion with any one. The people around you enjoy the Teachers ' Association for Dit>rict No. 2. of which she is president. conversation whether th ey are On Monday even ing Professor int erested or not. Brown went to Cook, where he will
- - ciation on Mr. I address the Par e nt-Teachers AssoBrown has some mt e restmg lantern
Are more numerous in this offiec 1 slides which he will use on this than candidates occas10n. the universities of Santiago but no Don't bring own pen; student dormitories. The new cen- neighbor lik es to lend his.
favor with our patr ons. W. T. DAVJS. '06 is manager and proprietor of SCHOOL SERVICE
yofr Peru people people are in prime ter will provide s tud y and c lub Dont push your chair under the rooms, a socia l gat her ing place, table; the others enjoy a long walk and gymnasium. The recreational around. games and gymnastics are enor- Don't sit in one place all the mously popular as the university time; move around and be sociab le. has no s uch activities. A restau- Don't be too quie t; other people rant ' will be opened in the center may not know you're there. 1 later. One feature attracting much Don't return a. book to the reattention is the providing of hot turn shelf; a good walk arou'ld baths which can seldom be obtain· eac h table for it is better ed in the boarding houses where than physical culture students live. Don't lea ve the dictionary after Dr amatic Club.
The ·:':Dramatic Club feels proud of the fact that their annual play is from "pen of Oscar Wilde, o.ne of the best of modern play-
lookin g up one word; just stay by it until you look up all the words you ever heard.
As a' final suggestion-don't ever bother about studying when :l'OU come to th e library.
Ask facu lty members or other school people as to his relia· bility. Write today to Stewart School Service, Lincoln, Nebraska Sboes ancJ Sboe Repairing
Shoe polishes and laces Prompt Repair Service RING.E;R & ME;B6E;
Serving Class Entertains
0 T d spoke our ni cest pi eces. Ruth's n ues ay March 8, at 5:45, the lumo r Economics g irl s wa s thi s: "T he American Eagle Miss Foster and Mrs Jean soa red alott, and-and--The rest . d · were of my piece is torn off. " Isn't it en tertarne at a buffet lun cheo n funn y?
give n by the senior serv in g c la ss
d Before I we nt home I th a nk ed in the mi ng ro om of the Home h
· d t e hoste ss for th e nice ice cream Econom i cs epartment w ith with out th " k" 1 II Th 10 mg mamma 11a1d I Dehze • omaTs, Gay and Wi e bke mus t. I suppose because it tasted as ostesses . he center piece was d · · daffod ills and ye llo w candles. The ,. I hope I h f 1r w1 aveaparty co or sc e rne o yellow was carried 1 so on! out most art is tical ly in the It was near s upper t1me when ing menu: Golden Chi cken Iwe went home Poor Tra iling Arbutus lost one ef hi.s ea rs The Asparagus a Ia H ol landa ise 1 • r est of us went home wh o le Pickles Lettuce PotatoesD t d B d d Y. w. c. A. a es an rea an Butter San dTh e n ew cabi net members for wiches Tea
Daffodil Salad Waf ers
19 21 wer e ini t iated into their new rluties la st Monday night After a short bu s in ess the old
To call at our sto re fo r your Ha rdward Ne eds , Lady Fin ger s Salted Pecans Orange M int s At the close of th e lunch eo n daffod i Is were give n to th e gu est s as favo r s.
Ph one 138
Orange Cream She rb et cabin et invited th e new otlicers to Nebraska City Laundry an inf o rm al rec ep tion in the faculty room. After a pleasant half hour of talkin g and mu.s ic dainty re fr es hments of ice cream and cookies were served. Every one had an enjoyab le eve ning. The o ld
TheY. W. Kid Party. cabinet mem bers hav e do ne valua· "Hel lo Be ul a h! Hello Annette! ble service for the Y. W. C. A. and Hello Ruth! Oh, wha t pr e tty cu rl s the ne wly electe d officers will put yo u got! Where did yo u ge t that forth all e ffo rt s to ke ep up a liv e ly dog? Has he a name ?" "Helen so ciety
let me hold him and hi s nam e is Wednesrlay ni g ht the Y. M. C. 'T ra il in p: Arbutus. ·• A. in vi ted the Y. w. c. A. to see
Basement Fisher's Drug Store Fir s t-cl ass Workmen. Your Patronage So licited. C. P. SCOVILL. Prop.
1 : Oh, what a beautiful name I' II their stereopticon views. Th e New Management give that name to my bunn y. Here· vi ews were sp le nd id and all the !
Als o E le c tr ic lamps, an d Flash-
li gh ts
You will always find a welcome at Mackprang's Hardware
American Black
j We manufacture this
comes Haze l Lois and see her big gir ls appreciated the opportunity I Fresh and Smoked Meats j )umber for Manual doll." of seeing th em.
• Fresh fruits a nd vegeta b les
1 work, "Haze l Lois, let m t! ho ld your Sophomore Notes. I" d · do ll !" we all sho ut e d. And she in seaso n sel tng trect The sophomores had a very in-
'to schools. lf't me hold it for a fe w minutes ter es tin g p rogr am Thursday. WYMORE & DENSMORE beca use I was th ere first. Loi s's Mildred Han ks gave a eplendid
1 d II d h Peru, Neb ra ska. MeeL 1 umbeF €o o has r ea l hair an eyes t at v iolin so lo She was acco mpanied 1\: u • close when yo u Jay h er dnwn. I'm by Winnifr ed Wells. " Chip off going to hav e Santa Claus the Old Block" was beautifull y me one next Ct ri stmas. read by Lois Hacker, and Miss As soon as so me more girls ca me Marcy in her sple ndid way sang we began tc play ga m es First we "My Littl e Gra y Home in the played "farmer in th e dell." We West." played it un ti I eve ry one had had 1 The pr og,ram was much enjoyed a cha nce at be in g farmer, wife, Iby every sophomore present. Come nu rse , child , dog, cat. mouse , and on. sophomores. We need more of cheese We n ex t pl ayed a you out. down ga me, ca ll ed "tin-tin." Miss H' . , b' thd In honor of 1ggms 1r ay a Cla r ke played t oo , and who do yo u d t t bl • II huge cake was se rve a a e think was her man. I d are n t te . ·st d We could hardly fi ni sh the thre e. Hi gg ins onc e JOSI e on be ing ''Carver.' fo r we heard th e clatter of spoons I anrl di shes. Mr. Green in theory class: At last they in the ic e "The b oy s hould ow n a cream It was half brow n and half when he grows up to be a hog he wh ite. I guess they ca ll it brick can se ll him. " ice cream. It r ea ll y wasn't so aw- Mr. Rous e on a r ec@ nt visit to fu lly hard, we co uld bite into it the city was much impressed by I tried to eat min e as· s low as I the parking sys tem there and has could to make it la st long We had e nforced th e sa me system in our so me nice brown cookies too. They d ea r old chapel : had chocolate a ll over the outs ide of them and marshmallow and je l ly in the inside. It makes me awfully hungry to thi nk of them. Before we went home we all
Turn failur e into victory Don't Jet yo ur cour a ge fade And if you get a lem on Just make a lem onade.
A Scene From Camp Geneva
Y. W, Present and Future.
( Cont inu ed Cr om F irat Pa&: e. )
(Continued Crom Firat l meet trains and d irect home sick sta rts to wonder who w ill occupy students, who are in P er u for the eac h of th e o th er th ree littl e r ooms first tim e, a nd s how th em the en- in her tent. She soo n fi nds out tran ce in to Peru sp i.ri t and good wi II , and begin11 to get acquainted 1lhe as we ll as the way to their room- best p art of getting acquainted is ing houses Perhap1 you remem - that formalities aren't at all n eeher when the Y. W. g irl sm il ed on essar y becau se eve ry one is ll Y. you and k ep t you from taking W. girl and is related to every first tra in h ome ami missing• the ot her Y. W. g irl. Peru, Wes leyan, "sweet ta s te" yo u have gai n ed here. Midland, Chaoro n and York deleH owever, th er e ar e many things gates were in anti te nt last s umm er n for us to s trive for in the future. At the fi r st genera l me e ting of A 100 percent mambership wou ld the co nferenc e thi s same g ir l learn s be fi ne and a unit ed effort would who the pe op le are at th e h ead of surely bring us a laraer atte nd a nce the camp.
a week ly meetings Let us dig When eig ht stat es are represent· r ig ht in a nd ga in th ese for Y. W. ed one ex perien ces a thrill of pride Recre ation.
CC ontl nu ed Cr om Fi rst always ready for as many mea ls as she has time to ea t durin g 'the d ay or n ig ht One has no t ime for
u po n lea rning that the ho stess of thP camp is from her own sta t e. The Nebra s ka g irl s felt this wh en th ey found that De an Amanda Hep· ner of the St ate U niv er Rity was recr eat i on of thi s part icul ar k ind greet in g th em in that capac ity -durin g the l ater part of the morn- Th e clas ges which the gir ls at· in g for abo ut ei g ht-thi rey is the tend are of the mo st inspirational morning wors hi p, nine and ten are sort They con sist ma inl y of leecla sses and eleve n is general tures by experienced, practical as di s cussio n or for um amon g the well as ideali s tic men and women girls. They are not classes as we The cla sses do not i nterfere w ith I think of th em but neverthe less very the good times, for the whole worth w hil e things an d oft en ti mes a ft ernoo n is turn ed over to all pe rsonal exper iences tol d by people varieties of recreation , un der who know. It is rec rea ti on of the direction or ot herwi se as th e indi · mind. Afternoo n is fr ee fo r hik- vidual may choose. ing, whi ch must be done following Th e evenings are occu p ied by cert a in ru les if y ou are tr yi ng f or lecture s, movies , assoc ia tion night , a blue "Y " whic h is in the mind stu nt night and other ent!!rtainof m os t of the hik ers. Then fo r ment as well as e du ca ti onal and about two hour s, wh en the lif e in spirational f ea tu re s. guard is on du ty the Jake around The camp has s uch beautiful su rthe d ocks is a mass of moving roundings and the ac tivit i es are so h eads. L ookin g out ove r th e lake we ll planned that n ot a single girl you can see r ow boats laz il y moving leaves without hav ing su ng with and then a flash of a motor boa t on heart and soul in it: it s way. Th er e' s a boat wh istl e Genev a ca mp' s t he place to go Who is go in g to Geneva City or To make the fri end ship' s rar e. Williom s Bay an d walk back? L aug ht er, chimes, and happy t im es, Hurry or we w ill be )eft. "There A nd gir ls fr om ev er yw here. is th e mail;" "We were in Glad! Oh, be glad! time to ge t a box," and "1 am so And s adly s ail away sor ry yo u have to sta nd in li ne," Only don't f orget to sa il a re so me of the remarks you hear Ba ck to William s Bay as you e nter th e administration building Speci al Cla ss Hello folks! You th ou ght that
About a rn ile from camg and we we re asleep, didn't you ? Yes. near Ye rkes Ob servatory are the I kn ow that we ' ve been keeping golf link s w hi ch call to many of s ti l l. but really, y ou couldnt expect the girls. If you wi sh, put yo ur a bunch wi th s name lik e ours to
Li sten ! It' s a r ea l s ur e-'nough pa rt y! When? Wh ere? O h, say, do you th ink we' d let you kn ow?
Fay Bakery
No t much! But don't you w ish that I we'd invit e you? AN D
Mona : Well, Hele n, at last I have br oug ht up your next gene rati on. I __ GOOD THI N GS TO EAT-
Beula h: Good; that will saver her th e troubl e.
Stude n ts' Headq ua rt er s
The Chatelain Jewe lry Store
CSock s, de w e!.-. y. !F ountain f»ens. Statione r>y Scho o&.Sup p! e:s, '" AIL ORDERS PRO MPTLY FU LLE D
OUR MOTTO;-"The best goods for the le ast m on ey"
We re pair pens, watches, j ewe lry a nd s pectac le s. Bifocal Lense s - GIVE US A CAL L--
I J. c. CHATELAIN. Peru. Nebr.
ualty, Service & Pr ices
We carry a comp lete and line of 2roceries and dry goods. Come in and g et our prices on dozeta and case lots of can 11ed goods. "-'e c at· ry a fresh line of fruits a nd ve.geta bles.
Rosa l ys
Am or ita
Stand out among Perfumes as do the Di<:tmo nd, Ruby a11d Opal among Gems Try Them
w;;: • ..., FOR FINE CANDIES
Oh, t ha t chape l Thursday! Di gnifi ed? Well. not so that it was not iceab le. Did yo u ever hPar of anyone s ittin g right down in th e mid dle of the floor to ea t hi s lunch - an d in chape l to o'? That's just what hun g ry Denis did, hon es t!
'Spose you ask Woodie why he in· terf er ed when LeRoy Miller trier! to make a ge t-away with that good g irl. What are we go in g to do next?
name d own on th e tennis tourname nt li st Or pe rhap s yo ur sc h oo l wants you to be fir st basema n in the baseball t eam they are organizin g, but you are trying out for the swimming meet, he ld on the la st day in ca mp a nd do not have ti me. By the tim e you have sp ent ten days at Lak e Geneva playing te nni s, bas eba ll , go lf, and hiking ro wing and swimm in g, besides taking pic tu res, to say nothing of the sl ee pin g and eating, yuu w ill very truthfully say, "Thi s h as been the m ost wo n derf ul ten d ays I have ever sp ent.'' act as common, ord inary people do , now co uld you ?
Big Candy Bars New Size - More ca ndy for mo ney
Our Bt·ead, Coo ki e!"! , Lunch and Fndts will ple as e you
A. large Line of School Supplie s
PE]{U, NE BRASKA, MARCH 23, 1921.
Sen - SenSen - SenHooray! Sen - SenRahRah · Hooray! RahRah Rah Rah
NORMAL WINS THE FIN AL I Swedelewe Dumbum.
I Oh all ye junior s look this way You Can Te ll 'Em. You ca n always tell a se ni or For h e's so sedat " ly
Closes S eason by Defeating Midland Swede lewe Dum hum 18 to 11. And li st to wh at we have to say You ca n always ted a junior
Most Brilliant Social Affair of the Year
S we rielew e Dumbum By the way he jumps a round . ] The Juni or- Se ni or banquet, one
T he basket ba ll seaso n is ov er We think an awful lot nf you ! You can a lways t eq a fr es hi e of th e biJ?gest eventR of th e t>eason, and it was a ra re enterta inm e nt j Y ou do th e best that you c an do j From hi s ve rd a nt looks and such was he ld in the gymnasi um of the that th e Mid landers from Pathfin- But e 're the st a rs of Old Peru I You can always tell a so phomor e- training school, Friday evenin g, der town g ave us. Th ey brat with i Swed elewe Dumbum. But you cannot tell him much. March 1 8. them th e "long boy fr om a way out 1
The gymnasium had b ee n tr answes t where the hop toad winks ." I form ed into a wo nd e rful star-lit
An d let m :> t el l yo u. th e wh ole garelen The tables with their bla med quintet could play ba l l, g- o rg-eo us co lors of brown a nd gold by Jink s! co mpl eted the color f:c heme The
Th e first ha lf , it l ooked as th o I me nu for tbe banquet was as folour quintet wo uld not be si ng i ng lows: the winnin g song , bu _t. as us ual \ Grap e fruit cockta il. their come-back bro t JOY to th e 1 Potato es baked in half she ll. royal t outers Eac h te am t hr ew I chick en in p astr y cases five goa ls from th e fi eld. An d it 1 IHarvard he ets Hall s. is said that Ca p ta in Ed 's great ' Rip e o li ves. Gr ee n olives. g randf a thPr studied to a I I Lemon ice. mini ster - one of those nlil-fas hl on -,
Pe rfe cti on s alad. ed kind that l ik ed chir•k ens. Thi s·
Br ow n br e ad sa ndwtches. must hav e heen true way Cap- ! I ce cr ea m. Ca k e. tain Ed t hr ew th e c hi cke n s-(J h, 1 !
Satt ed pec a ns. no! I mean fowl s!- int o th e sack
th e oth er ni g ht Only o ne nf th e I Class Adviser I I ..-:va s prepared hy th e girl s b ird s got awa y fr om him the whole j C HAS GATELY. of t th e hom e economi cs deh I Pr e sident eveni n g. S ev en fow ls in t e <I pa r tment und er the s upervisis not so bar! , C aptain T he il s hin ea anoth er pin; Re pr ese ntati ve 1 • 0 n of MrP. J Pa n and Mi sR Fos- 1 Cl ass Prophecy. Frem ont ers only land ed one meas .Y Merle Argab right is fr om the ter, a nd wa s by high sc hoo l fow l. It is tru e o ur quintt>t rl icl The Set' rel'S gaze d lo ng a nrl ea rn- distr ict of Nebraska. ' rrir ls. Mr. Hig gi ns was very co mnot n et as ma n v fo wIs onr of th e ly in to the cry s ttl I then Th ere a pa u «e; th e Ipe te nt in hi R office as ma s ter of barnvard as d 1d th e P athfi nde r ,; she ca st her e:e s upon Ifrown ed sl ight ly but spoke aga11s l cere mon ieH. The orchestra di_r ec tThe on ly of the eve ning the e ager Pe ruv1an before h er slow ly a nd in low tones. e el by Prof Pss or Bo lch furm s hed w:1s the fac t tha t our Ra lrlv wa s "Oos t th ou swea r et er n al secrecy'? '! "1 count th e bachelor s and ol.d \ mo st pleas ing- for the taki ng t im e off at th e infirmary Th ou wilt te ll no nne the ; maid s; the t ime is 1 940 Why IS Is ian The viol in l' nlos hy Mt ss anrl the cr owd T)1 i s.-!:'d him. But Norrr.al lt es taff an rl Franci s Kmgh tl ir. that the Fi sher s it. !': hy th e seal Davi s anrl pia no Fo lo bv Miss Coa ch mari e a s hift a nd put in orde r that il m a.v be l< e pt a d P. ad a nd Why do es Jud ge Huff er Shively were e nj nyerl hy all. Fishe r irs as gua rd a nd soo n the se cr et ., T hP bre athle-:s li s ren er li ve such a lon e ly I I Herbert Ke lly as toa gtma ster old pep machinP wa .; a way cau g ht a li tt le a nd swa n: Perh aps th ey were dJ s app o lnl ed In verv. eff.ectivelv introducer! t he t owa rd vi ctory , espe cially tn th e,. Th en. in Ddph ic toneR lo ve ." pea rl lik e tea r was \su bjec t sc ho se n for The toa !l t sw hich last half Not one in th e audie nce th e Seert>SS began. dr o pp ed hy t he But a n ew wer e of the main t op ic, understood w hy Fi s her sho uld be "1 see the Un it ed of cheerful li l! ht cam e into her eyes "Play i ng th e Game , The f ollowcalled t he st andin g g uard . He Am er ic a, in th e year 19 3 0. On all as she pr oceeded toast'! were g iv en: sho uld ha"e be en ca ll ed th e jum p- th e hi gh peaks of achi eve me nt " Ah, a merri er picture is n ow Warming U p" i n£, ki cking tackle No such shi ne lit tle gold pin s of '2 1. I Ree pr ese nted. I beho ld a fath er re- "Toss Up "na me is admitted in th e b as ke tball ' parade of school ch ild ren of New counti ng to hi s so n his college "Personal s" Vocab ulary' bu t he did play some ,. aYo rk c 1ty·, at its h ead s tri des the days. I h ea r h.im 'Y es , s onny, c darldy's Peru s wea ter. What ? "Team Work" ga me. my d early beloverl. ; 'ty superintende nt, Hon Mr. · Ye s, th e s tar means that d ad dy "Shooting the Goa l" And then o ld Capt a in Ed clo s ed Iver::; , and the ba nd is was a captai n, Laur ence .' " Mis s Mr Wi lcox
Professo r Be ck
Mr. Gately Miss Griffiths hi s seas on and career in a spec ta c.! "K-K-K-Katv'. He we ar s a pm Sudd en ly th e sp her e turn ed all "T he Score" President Rouse ular game. c. topped I of '21 In the h alls of Co ngr ess CContln ncrl on IJ:l!ll Pl\ll:t! .l <Cont inu ed on L as t Page. >
Prof. C. F. BECK,
Fran cis Kelly.
The ent ir e sc ho ol was shocked En tered at the Postoffice at Peru, Ne- on Tu esday mornin g whe n the awbraska as second-class matter. f ul news came of the de ath of
Publi shed Weekly by the Peru Sta te Normal Francis Kelly in th e Omah a h osp ita l wh ere she h ad been tak en for
$LOOper yea r. Sin gle copy 5 cts. treatment. A few weeks ago she was str i cke n w ith pneum onia a nd
If yo u do no t receive yo ur No rm a li te, n ever ful ly r eco ver ed from thi s l!ave no lice in tbe No rmalite box in the dread dis ease. The repor ts had Admini stratien building. come that she wa s better and h er ' little classm ates in th e fifth grad e No a rticles accepted after 8 o 'cl ock f h . . I b Monday morning. o t e tra1mng schoo were usy mak in g th ei r tokens of love to
THE IW IT OIIIAL S TAPF se nd her for making h er dayS
Hop e Lewis Ed ito r·in Chi cf happy Little m essages of Jove
Rob ert Quick Edito r we re bei ng wr i tten her by her
Ann etta Stoekiog Ass istu nt Edito r cla ss ma tes and teac hers. And th en
Re:x Ni les Bu s incs s Ml! 'r. cam e th e awful s hock No c hild
Ka rl Shaefe r Mg'r. :\'I a ilin g De pt .,· was b et ter known, nor better loved
I< EPO I! TRRS: th F . J( II H I d an •ranc1s e y. er g a
Mabel : ·Scnior sweet s mil e in a winning way won
Held ega rdc Ycc k .junior th h t f ld d E e ear s o o an you n g. • very
L01 s Gnffin So phom ore
Dorot hy Pet itt one love d Francis Ke ll y. Her place
Roland Carr v. M. c.;.. t:!an nev er be fil led in th eir hear ts.
Nina Sty les Y. W. C. A. The fa ct that 1!or te n years th e
Ge rtrude Carve r. N. C. A. li ttle lif e had be en sr i ven to lo ve
To scl cc tecl Phi lo anrl kindness a nd devot i on to the Esth er De lzell. Giols Club
M'Jcl d 11 k happiness and welfa re of othe rs • re ·an s : Dramati c Club
Leona Sparks Dehat io g Club wi II mean more to make t he wor ld
Edn a Fisber Oiym pic Club be tt er than scores of othe rs wh o
Boos t.
If th ere is any one whom th e publi'c di slik es it is a "knocker." Are yo u one? There are many t hi ni'S in o ur s choo l li fe that are have Jiv ed t hei r a ll o tted time and devoted the ir Ji ves to se lfi sh ambition and worldly gain. Al ways th in ki ng of ot hers· fi rst an d se lf aft erwa rd s, eve n to the very last h ou rs, wh en the - ch ee ry word s came to th e Doctor when he asked her not as we wo ul d ha ve them , but so me time s th e things we want are h ow she felt. "I am f ee lin g fi ne." n ot bes t for us. If the sc hoo l is God bl ess yo ur memory, Li ttle not run as yo u like i t, don 't Fra nci s. M ay we so Jiv e wh o knew "crab" but make the most of i t. you that you r life of love may not If th e fac ul ty mak es mista ke s don't 1 h ave bee n li ve d in vain. them d ow n" but fo r ge t th e Y. W. C. A. m1 s take. Just re memb er you may have some s mall fault your se lf eve n if you are n ot a war e of it. From n ow on, let us al l bo ost ra th er than kno ck. If yo u se e a way of improvin g th in gs go to the iti es a nd show them wh ere they are wrong. Be a boost e r.
An nual Dra matic Clu b Play,
Mo st gre at wri t ers in du lge occa siona ll y in some outbur st of non se nse th at is appar entl y " just for the f un of the thing." Shakes peare's " Co m edy of Er rors" is ju st pure fu n in l in e and in s ituati on. Osc ar Wi lde has follow ed in the foo t step s of the gr E'a t master dramat i st in hi s "Importanc e of Be ing Earnes t." He ca ll s it a "Tr ivi al Co medy for Ser i ous P eople. '' Why, for se rious p eop le, we cannot guess, un less it is b eca u se he hop es th ey will n ever be qui te so se riou s aga in. If yo u a re ab le to laugh at ridiculou s si tuati ons and cleve rl y ab s ur d lin es, be s ure a nd s ee the Dramatic C lu b play , Frid ay night
Ar e you usi ng your tal e nt s? We who attende d the r egu lar m ee ting of th eY. W. C. A. thi s week have r ece iv ed a n ew in s pira tion to develop our ow n l itt le ab ili ti es , and to use them in the se rvice of humanity. Whether our tale nt s be man y or few it matters not. It is our concer n o nl y to use th em, and th at in best po ss ible way. Th e
Photographic •
Portrait and put the !'<nap in snap -shots" We htlv e the film that fits your c atne 1·a
We never r ecommen d a te acher unl ess to uo b) ! < Lu1 •l No enrollment F ee w, itE' ( ft \ ( '· PROMPT , EF FIC I ENT, RELIABLE S E:RV l CE E. T. HOUSH, Manager, Shop B8d ., Des Ia
T each ers. Sh oes ana Shoe Rep a id ng Sho e po li sh es a nd laces
lf you wa nt th e he st position and th e "High Do llar " in sala rs, wr ite toda y fo r ou r lite r atu re. 1 One e nr o ll me nt gi ves yo u m embE> r- / s hip in all thre e officP.Il , Ce dar I R apids , Iowa , .Oma ha, Nehr., and Prompt R epa ir Se rvic e Kana ss Ci tv , All will work 1Rl NG tR & M GBblG Y for yo u. Co mrn1 ss 1on only 4 pe rcen t. Payab le in Fall. !
leader of th e very he l pfu l m eet- The Heu er T eac he rs' A!iren ry,
We Go in g wh ere thi s di s cu ss ion t ook Adv Cetla r Rapids , Io wa place was Miss E lm a Goc kl ey.
Even th e advi so r of the fr esh· m en cla ss at ti m es is somew hat fre sh as th e fo ll owi ng will i llus· trat e. Mi ss Gock lev had dropp ed a note for him tv re po r.t at th e o ffi ce. He dici so and in h is very poli te st way sa id to Miss Gock ley , "D o y ou want m e1" Of co ur se •• M1ss Gock ley blushed , and suggested that s uch quest ions shouldn't be as k ed in p ub lic.
As seni ors s til l we ke P.p our place Up n ea th th e Pr of' s ste rn eye, Till gra duation com es round And then we' ll say " go odb ye !"
Are more nu merous in this offi ec I than can di da t es i
Pe ru peop le pe op le are in pr i me favor with our patr ons W. T. DA Vl S. 'OG is m anager and prop r ieto r of SC HO OL SERV ICE
Ask facu lty me mb e rs or sc h oo l people as to hi s re li ability Writ e today to Stewart Schoo) Service, L in co ln, Ne braska to
Stati onery, fine candies and Favorite Toilet Articles
Do you re ali ze that commencement will soo n be here? Let it be the duty of each se nior to see that he is pre se nt at every cla ss chap el from now on, for part of each pr og ram is be ing con verte d in to an imp ortant business mP. E- ting which co ncern s the class as a whole.
to Kearn ey and defeated Omaha ISarah ta lked herself to death, then Un i 20 to 10 We s leyan won and there were fl ve. lost to Cot ner a nd lost two to I Five littl e juni ors crammed for Doa n e. Peru won both games I "exams ga lore," from Kearney. Peru lo st to Hast- Willy burst his little hea d then ings by two po i nts at Hast in gs but th e re were f ou r. co uld not get r etu rn game with Four l ittle juni ors in an apple them and lhat' s all that saved tr ee, Hastings f rom getting a good trim- Wil so n got lost in th e green leaves ,
The · one and last sad soec im tn drank mercury in town, And 'twas a sad day for the juniors when the mercury we nt down.
Olympic Club
All mem bers o ut for track next Saturday
It was tri erl la st Saturday and everyb ody enjoyed jogging around min g at the hands of the P er u boys. th en there were thr ee.
We are thankfu l fot· out· success Sp t t f 11 h the traclc throw1'n g the base ball ec a ors o a t e ga mes , save Thr ee litt le juni ors said, Now we'll • In th in gs hap pe nin g in the pa s t. the first ga me out at D oa n e, re- di e or do, and basket ball , jumping, etc. Is We want to be just as lu cky marked t hat Peru would have won So Noerrlinger qui t, then there that all? ? '! We will admit that From now on to the la st!" all their game& with an eve n br eak were two. ! we were stiff and so re the n ext Thursday, Marc h 17, Inez Peter- on the fouls And we firm ly agree T wo little juni or s out to find the few days but a good warming up son 1gave a very in terest ig readin g on this point as Captain Ed Rosen- sun every Saturday wi ll soon put us on entitled, "The Hazing of Valaint." quist made an enviable record on Tiny 'got lost on main st r eet , then the level with "Bil lie Edwards ." We hope t ha t she wil l r ead for us f e t · th' h ·
r e · osswg 1s year eav mg there wa s one. Remember ou r Advertisers. again in the future. The children about 70 out of 100 chances. Peru of the " Frog Po n d" distriet school has sco r ed an even 100 points more are to entertai n us next Thursday. than their oppone nt s h avi ng tallierl
So every senior out!!
3 15 points to their oppo ne nts 215,
To call at our store for your Hardward Needs, At the business m eet ing Miss and when we count up the margins Nebraska City Laund•·y Alice Schoenike was e le cted to take in th e three defeats of only 5 Miss Ke ll i ga r' s place as vice pr es - points in all we got close to a id ent; and Miss Ruth Gr oschic k champion s hi p in points yet too far was elect ed for class r epo rt e r. away in games won and lo st. On ly Miss Helen Hicks, our program th e winner s of this year's ch amchairman , is leaving us this week, pionship, Doane, and the to take an a rt position in the Oma - runners up , pl us the game at Hastha sc hoo ls. Her e's to yo u, Helen, in gs sl ip ped away f rom won who hav e been so sp lend idl y atte n- 1from Peru this year. WaLc·h oul I tiv e to any work as3igned you, and f or Peru ne xt year only on e man has contributed a fair share in the that Capt. Ed. wi ll be fr om class activities. May yo u continue this yea r' s To Ed to be su cl!e s sfu l in eve ry undertak- a Jot yet Coac h Speer has
Ph one 138
Basement Fisher's Drug Store First-class Workmen Your Patronag e Solic it ed. C. P. SCOVILL. Prop.
Also Electr ic lamps, an d FlashI li ghts
Yo u will alwa ys find a welcome at Mackprang's Hardware
American Black Walnut ing, and al ways remember the class some ' pr nm ising hi gh school 1
New Management ! of '21. on the road to Peru to work m to 1 ·j We manufacture this - th e 1922 squsd. Fresh and Smol(ed Meats I lumber for Manual Basketball 1921.
·Training work,
The basket ba ll season for Peru Ten lit tle juniors came to Fresh frui ts and vegeta bl es • in season 1 sel ling dtrect was a successfu l one In closing · on tim e. 1 to schools. thP season la st Tue s day by d efea t- Ev elyn fe ll rlc;wn sta irs then th ere
J. M. WYM ORE I ing Midland at Peru 18 to ll, were nine. • giv es us nine games won to f our Nine littl e jun i nrs stu d ying t.o be Peru, Nebraska. I Me.e.k 6umbe.P tO· lost in the entire se as on In the j great . Kelly fell asleep th en th ere confere n ce we wo n five a nd lo st I Wt" re ei ght fou r. Wilcox was not able t.o take Tho se eight junio rs decided to go part in th e l ast Midland gam P. and to heave n , hi s absence fo un d the team Bize co ll apse d on Eng ll sh then around wit h Fi sher at the statio nary job again to he lp def eat the opponents. With Wilcox ou the team was a l ittl e irregular with lh e pass in g ga me during first half but finding th e ir s tride in the las t half coupl ed with Ed' s free tossi ng for g ed ah t- ad a nd tuck ed th e game awa y and pla ye ci i t. safe to hold th e lead.
A brief re vi ew of the seaso n and confere nce mi g ht throw more li'l!ht on th e value of th e Pe ru qui nte t. Th e dop e s heet: read s about as fo llows: Mid lan d su rr ende rP.d tw ice to t he Pe ru team and in tur n took two g ames from Doane. Per u wo n from Cot n er 26 to 14 a nd lost to the same team with th e absence of Clark by one po int 19 to 18 whil e Co tn er wo n bo th from Midland and won and lost to Doa ne. Midl a nd al so defeated We sleyan twice thi s ye ar and won and lo st
there we re seve n.
Seven little juniors trying chem tricks
Bu rley fai led compl ete ly, then there werE' s ix
Six litt le jun i ors l ik e bees in a hi ve.
Inspection Than I
-Your clothe s as th ey go t hron gh our cl ean ing proc ess , ar e i n;; pected I not only once, but ma ny tim es. I
- Some. in fa ct. th i nk th at many of these in s pt>c ti on s are s up erfluou s- bot WE DO NOT
- We much pr efer th e appa re ntly n ee dl ess in spection. to th e pla int s we sh ould rece iv e if we let ''so me thin g s lip b y."
-If yo u ca re for mi cn•scop ica ll y clean clea nin g work ca ll at the Tailor Shop. J no. A. Cej ke. Tailor and Cleaner Phone 62
I Normal Wins the Final. CC on ttnu ed rrom First the record. Three of next year's quintet covered them11e lves wit h p;Jory and had a yard or two to spare And Wi lson as usual came in at the finish just to let p eo ple know he is to help pull the state champion s hip in 1922.
We want to r eg i ster our con g ratulations to th e Mi dland Col lege for havi ng s uch ma g nifi cent fighter s as well as s uch a clean bunch of players. And a wo rd of tribute we want to i'ive to that magnificent refe ree P<:ru knows a goo d ref eree wh en s he s t. es one. Ref•r ee Jon es wa s cer tai nl y e fficient.
For ten years Pe ru has been ve ry fortun ate in h avi ng refer ees who always had th e of ou r cultured routers, but we can only say that we have never had a better, fair e r, refer ee than Jon es, who re fer ee d the Midland ga me
Class Prophecy.
We wrote a pieeA of lit er at ure
So many years ago , Of d ays wh en we were juni ors gr een
Our sorrows a nd our woes.
But n ow t wo years have s lipped aw ay ,
And seniors ta ll are we
In junior's sec ti on in every row E ac h yea r n ew fac es s ee.
Th e re's Sammy in the jun i or row
With g irl s fl ocked her e a nd t he re
H e's go t a case on Betty no w They make a hand so me pa ir.
All hail th e juni or pres id e nt , A man without a wife, Amhiti ons hi gh are felt by h im Of gett ing one for life.
our juni or at hl ete
And Ge r trude -hi s in s pir at ionClarke our juni or dr amatis t And Gertrude-h is con so lat ion.
Th er e's Donald so modes t and shy
With Sa rah mos t e ver y day
And Mary , and Fra nce s, a nd J oe
Wh ose men are so far away
Th en there's Pr ante , whose cur ly
<Continued !rom First hair
Melons do n't do very we ll he re because th e vines grow so fa st t hey wea r t he mel on s o ut dragging th em around on the gr ound .-Salo me, Ariz ., News.
Ed.: I kn ow w ha t makes peopl e
laugh in t heir sleeves.
Fay Bakery AND
Lunch Room
Sarah: What ? GOOD THI NGS TO EATEd : ' Ca use that' s where th e ir funn y b one is. Student s' Headquarters
The Chatelain Jewelry Store
Watches, Clocks, dewe.IP)'· Fnuntain f>ens • .StationeP)' School Supp 1es. '"AIL ORDERS· PROMPTLY fiLL EO
OUR MOTTO;-"The b est goods for the least m oney" We r epa ir pen s, watches, jewelry and spe ctac les. Bif ocal L t- nses GIVE US A CALL-J. C. CHATELAIN. Peru, Nt!br
. Our pen s hould n ot escape
But as we lac k both spa ce and t im e We lea ve them to th e ir fate.
You Tell'Em
You tell 'em Sa m, yo u' re gettin g Savidge.
blue an d w hit e and a wo n derfu l Hetty so r oma ntically admi res s mil e il lum in e ci the f ace of the And th er e's Beame r w ith hi s S ee r ess as she repeated the d nte. rad ian t s mi le "1 965. A h, thou m ost l ucky Per u- Of whi ch Hi ldega rd e never tir es. vian 1 see th e ce nte nnial cel e- The n th ere 's Helen who se voic e so brati on of Peru. A hundr ed years clea r she ha s s erved her s tate and cou n· Rings thru th e ha ll s of th e dorm, tr y. Each cla ss has a re uni on but He len E lli ott , Mr. Rhodu s is her e the lar ge st , the largest , th e mo st Do hu rry for he look s so forlorn. i ll us tri ous is that of 19 2 1. Si lve r Th ere's many oth er fo lk s who from locks adorn m ost of th e br ows , but h owever I do p erceive four h eads th at s hin e wi th a go ld en glory , n eve r daunted by a w hite hair. lt is t he only c la ss t hat comes back a hundr ed• s tr ong and each wears ·a pin of '21."
As the crysta l ball slow ly cea se d to glow the Seeress rai se d a ga in her eye s to th e E:ager s tud ent before her, a nd in sep ulchral in tonatio ns she gave th is
You te ll 'em, Hig, you're a goo d Ca rve r.
You te ll 'em , Mulvany, yo u lil<e Vea l.
Yo·u tell ' em, Lel a nd, you have warning. had a goo d Kn ap p.
Qualty, Service & Prices
We carry a complete a nd u p ·to- d--.tt! line of groceries a nd dry goods. Come in and get our prices on dozerr and case lots of c an ned We a J!'<o cat·ry a fresh Jine of fruit s and v e,geta bles.
Uni on f>hone 52
Stand out amon2 Perfumes as dn Diamond, Ruhy and Opn J am ong Gems
Yon tell 'em Car r, yo u know
How e.
You te ll ' em, Longfe llow, yo u have Graee
You te ll 'em. Ann e tte , you' re s om e Stock i ng
'' Beware the cla ss of '22, my Yo u tell 'e m, Ca rl, you're a g oo n goo d fri e nd . be war e! A class that Fish er. win s the juni or-se nior ba ll g am e as the juni ors n eeds et er nal wa tch· ing Th ey may prove ha rml ess but do not gi ve up y ou r co n tin ual vi gi len ce. " And t he See r ess drew he r lon g flo at in g v eil ab out her hea d and the int erv iew was en rl ed.
We're th e cla ss that h as the s pirit
We're the class that ha s th e s tyl e
We 'r e t he cla ss that always ra nk s the high es t
When it c om'es to do in&' things wo rt h w hil e ..
We' re th e cla11s tha t' s always mak· in g hi st ory
That will s till live on when we are don e
We'r e the c la sa that alwa ys the bi g thin gs
We 'r e the class of '2 1. does
You tell 'em. Eve lyn. you nei th er hes itatE: Noer- lin jler
Yo u te ll 'em, Mi ldred, that' ll F rostum.
You tell 'e m, Loi s, you can 'e nTy som.
You te ll 'em, Cooper, yo u e nj oy Twili g ht.
You te ll 'e m, Adavern, you're Tir.y.
You te ll e'm , Omaha, yo u have da nc ed in th e co urt.
You tell 'em, Ne va, y ou' re su re of S ho rt y.
Yo u te ll 'em, Anne, your path is Rosy.
Devote a little tim e to i 11ves ti gut in g out· pl"ices on Stationery School supplies Fountain pens, etc.
High quality and low pric es . Grocerie s, aneat s, fruits, candies and good eats
THE PERU NORMALITE en core was eq ua ll y pleas in g. Suc h a b len d of col or and s uch d ai nty
Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second·class matter.
Publi shed Wee kly by tbe Peru State Norm al
$ 1. 00 pe r year Sing le copy 5 cts.
Ist ep s as Edna Fisher broug ht to us a lm ost tran spor ted the ve ry real cl ass of '22 into fa ir yland. Bu t wh en the da nci ng spr i te va ni sh ed th e seco nd tim e, we came back to ear th wi th a b um p. You see Mi ss Pa lm er's ex pl anat ion of t he wo rk th at con fr on ts an ener get ic class f oll owe d.
F ri day ch ape l-
Wasn't it a h appy f eel ing, 0, j uni ors, to have a cloud of golden daffod il s litera ll y descen d upon you? Of course we do n 't k now
If you do no t rece ive yo ur No r ma li te, l eave notice in the Normalitc box in the just how we acte d, but we do k now Ad min istration bu il ding. that eve ry jun ior was ra th er su rp ri sed, ext re me ly gr atef ul to the No art iales accepted after 8 o'c loc l< , . d . I h Monday morn ing.
Hope Lewis Ed ito r-in -Ch ief Robert Quic k Ass ociate Editor Annetta Stock ing Ass istant Ed itor Ni les Bus iness Mg'r. Ka rl Shaefer Mg'r. :\1a iling Ocpt
semo ra, an Immen se y appy.
Y. W. C. A. At la st week 's Y. M. C. A. m eet· i ng t he tim e was lar ge ly ti ll ed by the r epo r ts fr om the St u dent Vo l· unteer co n vent i on at Fr emo nt. Ou r . t wo delegates, Mi sses Ersa Han so n and M ild red Fr ostru m both
Mabe l Dressler Senio r gave very in tcrest i 11g r epo r ts of Por tr a it and C ommercial We put the in
Heldegarde Yeck .Ju nior the wo rk of t he conven ti on and of snap -shots " We have the film that
Lois Grifl'iu : Sop homore the move me nt itse lf, and are loud
Dorot hy Pet itt.. Freshmen in t he pra ises of Midland's hosp i-
Roland Carr Y. M. C. ..:i.
Nina Styles Y. w. c. A. tal i ty. A voca l so lo by An ne Gil -
' Gertrude Carve r N. c. A. be rt add ed muc h to the pleasu r e: of
To be selected Ph il o the eve nin g.
Esthe r Dclzeii Git is Cl ub
Mildred Hanks Dramatic Club Y. M. C. A
Leona Sparks Debat ing Club Miss R ul on is mak in g out a li st
Edn a.Fi sher Olympic Club
Deb a ting S ocie ty. of books fou n rl in ou r li brary concr::r ning of men. Th is l ist will en ab le you to find u p-tod ate mate r ia l on a lm ost any vocation in wh ich yo u may be in terested. Ge t one of these li sts.
The Webster Deb a ting Society held its r eg ul ar meeting last Tuesd ay eveni ng in th e Tr ain i ng bu ildi ng The quest i on for de b ate was, "Reso l ved that im miga r, ts fr om Ja pa n be admitted to the Un ite d St ates on the sa me bas is as the immi gra nt s from the Eu r opea n n ati ons ." Th is is the ques ti on ch osen f or the i nterco ll egia te debat es and was d t:bate d by t he tw o Pe ru te ams. Leo ne Spa r ks, Mo na Ke it h and L oy H acke r had th e affi rm at i ve of th e quest ion a nd Esth er Delze ll, Ri cha rd .Over ho lt and Leo Jewe ll the n egative The re we re some good argu ments bro ug ht f ort h by bo lh si des. The judges were Miss Pal mer , Mi ss Adams a nd Mi ss Ga rm an The ir d ecis ion was t wo to one in fav or of the n egativ e.
Th e qu estio n f or Ap ri I 5 is , Reilo lv ed th at the Federal gover n me nt sh ou ld adopt a sys t em of ce nso rshi p.
Junior s. Thursd ay class cha p el -
Wasn' t it a fine f ee lin g, 0, j uni or s, to for ge t about com mit tee meet in gs and w itn ess a fin e pr og.ra m We were glnd to h ear Mi lls re nd er a love ly vio lin se lect i on in her own cha rmin g m an ne r. H er
St ude nt in phys i cs class-! ca n 't
get th is stuff t hru my head
The E. J. Newman Studio
Founded 1893
We n eve r recom m end a teacher un less asked to do so by No enrol lment Fee. Wr ite us PROM P T, EF FICIENT, RELIAB LE SERV I CE
E. T. HOUSH, Manager, Shop Bh!., Des Ia
Pr of. Hoyt: -Why, don 't you If you wa nt the hest pos ition kn ow that bo ne is a no n·conducto r and the "H igh Dol ta r" in sa Iars , of el ectricity; wri te today fo r uu r' li te r atu r e. Shoe pol i shes and laces
Ne lli e:-" Wh en 1 don' t catch a per son's name whe n I am be i ng in tr odu c ed I ask whet her it is spel led wit h an 'e' or an 'i' and then I eas il y fi nd o ut t hP name."
Ar t: - "Th at do n' t always work. On e even i ng I was be! ng in troduced to a gi rl anrl when 1 asked her that ques ti on she flus hed and wou ld n' t speak to me for the whole eve ni ng ."
Nellie :- "What was her nam e :'"
Art :-' 'l f ound out later it was Hi ll."
Pat:What is a pola r bear?
Mi ke: -We ll , Pat, a po lar bear is one of th ose big white anima ls t hat li ves away up n ort h and always s it s on a ca ke of ire. 1
Pat:- 1 won't do i t! I won't do it!
Mike: -What 's tha t, Pat'!
Pat: -Th ere we re a bunch of peop le dow n in th at hou se wh e re you see a ri bbo n on t he door who asked me to be a po lar bear and 1 wo n 't do i t! I wo n' t do it!
Mi ke :-O h, Pat, you mea n a pa ll- bea r er , n ot a polar bea r.
One enrol l men t gives you me mbersh ip in a ll th ree offices , Cedar / Rapids , Iowa, Oma ha, Nebr., and Prompt Repair Service
Ka nass Ci tv , All wil l work / & ME;BL,E; Y fo r yo u. ComrntssJOn on ly 4 percent Payable in Fa ll I - -- -The Heue r T eachers ' Ailenry, Adv CeGar Rapids, I owa
Are more nu mero us in this offiec than candidates
Pe ru peop le pe ople are in prime favor with our pa t rons.
W. T. DAVIS. '06 is manage r and propr i etor of SCHOO L SERVICE
Ask faculty membe rs or other sc h oo l people as to his re lia· bility. Write today to Stewart School Service, Li nco ln, Nebraska
Miss Helen Hic ks left Mond ay to accept an art positio n in th e Omaha city sc hool s.
Miss Tydeman met w ith Miss Mutz's study cente r class at Auburn on SattJrday.
Miss Ruth Kelligar left a week ago to begin her new duti es in the prim a ry de partmtnt of the Columbia sc h oo l, Omaha.
Miss Fra n ces G illiland le ft last Saturday eve nin g for Pe nder, where she is to teach L at in in th e high schoo l- the rest of thi s yea r.
E. E. Melvin, class of '18, has been recently re -elected at Ches ter with his sala ry to $2 4 00 Another ev id en ce that Peruvians are making good
Pr of. Easo n acled as one of the judge;; in a deba te betw ee n Ce ntral hi gh sc hoo l and Com me rce hi gh schoo l in Omaha, la st Tue s day The vict o ry we nt to Ce nt ral hi gh. Our Ve rne Chate la ir. has charge of the debating at Ce ntral.
March 31 a nd April 1 a nd 2. Mi ss Rose Clark and Mr. Gabel wi ll addr ess the Lin c oln m eet in g and Mr. Gr een a nd Miss Shive ly, th e m eetin g at Omaha. After Miss C lark's address on "Humam z in g Geography," Miss Ma ud Rou sseau , forme rly of Pe ru, w ill g iv e a geog raphy demonstrati on with one of her cla sses fr om the Lincoln city schools. Mr Gabel wil l spea k upon the topic, 'Some Pr oje cts in Rural Scho ol Arithm e tic;" Mi ss S hiv ely, "Hea lth Educat ion in Rural Sc hool s;" and Mr . Gre e n, "M a king Public Sch oo ls Pu bli c, a Major Function of the Superintende nt ." Mi ss E lli s is pr es ident of District No. 2, which m ee ts in Omaha.
A Spec Letter. D ea r Bud :--I mqst te ll you about th e wonderfu l tim e we had Sa turday ni gh t! You know. I told you what we were going to have, last week There was n't one of the wh ole crowd who didn't get a new Mi ss 'fe lv a Dr ess ler has been r e- co st um e just for thi s affa ir ! So me ele cted head of the no r mal tra ini ng of th em we re s impl y st unnin g-! departm e nt at Ce n tra l C ity at a Everybocly we met 00 th e street salary of $1650 per yea r. Miss turned around an d looke d at us. I, bet thE'y wondend where we ge t o ur clothes!
Dress ler is mu ch inter es tecl in her spec ial work a nd the people at Central C it y are determined to retain her s plendid serv i ce.
Uh -huh! We harl it in the as -
Lots of s tunts plann ed for your entertainme nt at the P Cl ub ca rnival.
Even Simply Pressit1g Your Clothes
M.Hke s a Big Difference
A lot of folk s think th ey havn't the ti me to ha ve their cloth es cleaned r eg ul ar! y. But if such fol k knew how much better they would look IF we were to at leas t PRES S th e ir clot h es occasio nally they wou ld soo n become regula r customers of ou rs.
Learn to know that a mod ern "Clea ner" is very closely asseciateci with your "be tter appearance."
Jno. A.. Cejke, Tailor and CJeaner
Phone 62
We Invite You
N ew Manage me nt
Fresh and Smoked Meats
Fresh fruits and vegetable s in season
Peru, Nebraska
Base me nt Fisher's D rug Store First -c lass Workmen Your Patronage Solicited. C. P. SCOVILL. Prop
; Nebraska City Laundry I ! Ph one 138
American Black Walnut
To ca ll at our store for your.I H ar d war d Needs, I We manufacture this Al so El ectric l amps, and Flash - lumber for Manual selling direct
li gh ts j Trainin g work, se mbly r oo m, but we nearly didn't You wi ll always find a welcome at I to schools Mackprang's Hardware I Meek bumber E.o.
Hom e Office Boise Ida ho
U ta h Office Salt Lake Ci ty
L argest in Wes t Alive, Ale rt, Pr ogress i ve Free Enrollment
Sanford C lem e nts. '12, wil l reth e marbl e sta irs,-but o h, we were so hungry we cou ldn't go ceive hi s Ma ster's degree fr om J 1 d 'f t h If sow, an ore we go a way Teac hers ' College in May. Mr .' down we we re r ac in' pe ll- me ll. Cle me nt s has mad e a s pl en did re- We go t so mixect up ge ttin' int o cord . He is anx i uus to r etur n to th e gym n th at we a lmt)St los t our Nebra s ka. He wi ll certainly be a partners Th e tabl es were all set valuable supe rintendent or hi gh lo vely with ic e cr ea m and cake schoo l princ ipa l fo r some city in Th ere we ren't any c hair s so v.. e the state. iu st sat on the t ab le s. Th e juniors N(l el Tyson , '1::1' principa l of the ha d th e gym decora ted for us just hi gh . s choo l at Scottsbluff. is in grand! Oh, I wish I could te ll yo u Teachers' Col leg-e. Co lumbia Uni -a ll a bou t it 'ca u se we h ad an awfu l veristy, on leave of ab s ence . He good tim e, but 1 go t t' st ud y now. is making spec ial preparat i on in Yo ur s for e ver, P eggy
schoo l aclministration and suoer-1 P. S. -We ca ll ed thi s do 1n 's a I vision He wa s one of th e dou bl e ha rd time party. I
qua rt e tte Teachers ' A bache lor was asketl to g iv e a
Ca li fo rn ia & H awaii Berkley, Cali fornia
We placP. mor e J' e ru Nor mal g radu ates than any ot her agency in the west. We can use both expe r ienced an d in expe ri enced teachers.
Profe sso r Jean is to g iv e an il- be ca use th e li g ht s wer en't on when lustrated l ectu re befor e the Ne- we got there. We had jnst he aps braska Academy of Sc i ence w hich of f un playin' Je rusa le m, winkum, 1 ::· ==== mee ts in Linc o ln Ap ri 1 1 a nd 2. and lots of other ga me11 His s ubj ec t wi II be "Roo ts of Crop Wh en we were ri g ht in the middl e Plants. " Do r is H aves will of one of th em Ganze l! ye ll ed, sneak upon '·Apog amy in Pellaea ." "Time fo r the gra nd mar ch!" We Prof essor Hoyt is sec ret au_ of the all lined up nice, ju st l ik e the Academy of Sc i ence. junior and se ni ors and s tarted dow n
College at thP. annua l ba n quet at toa st at a Woman';; Club banq uet ,!==
Atla nti c City a nd he l ped to ente r- a nd th e topic g iv en him was, tai n more than 1000 former s tu - · • Woman; without h er , man would dents. Mr. Tyson ha s bee n se lec t-be a savage." ed for th e cha ract er of kin g in th e de re punctuat ed th e title and adannual pageant in con nec tion wit h dr es se d th e club on the su bjec t, the commencement exe rcises " Woman, without h er man, wou ld The First District Associat ion be a savage." of t he Nebraska St ate Tea ch ers'd You've got a big surp ri se coming Assoc iati on meets in Linco ln an the Second District in Omaha on A pril 9, at th e p Club carni va l.
Small accounts are given con s iderate and careful attention at thi s bank
The Dramatic Club Play. probl em and all who heard him e ig P. Club carnival! Apri l
(Con tlnued trom Firat l were very much in s pired. A li ve ly You can't afford to miss i t! Worthing, who was willing to undergo even c hrist eni ng to sat isfy the whim of the adorab le Gwendo· line Without doubt Hildegarde Yeck was just the girl to play with di g nity and poise the pa rt of Gwen · doline the beautiful. Cl ifford Clark was t he natura l choice for · Algernon, the irreHponsible younger broth er , fond of cucumber sandwiches, muffins, and Cecily, especially Cecily. And who could ha ve
di s cuss ion followed after which und er the direction of Mis s Kelley man y interes ting games were pl 8yed. Pageants of th e s easo ns we re presented by th e 0' Rafferty, Diamon ste in, Schwenkenfelder and Salvato ri fam ili es. All would have gone we ll had it not been for the obstr e pe r ous kid s in the Iri sh and Dago fa milies.
Th e light s blink ed all t oo soon and the happy group hastened to made a more charmin g Cecily than express it s appreciati on to Mu. Anne Ranney, de li g htful to h ea r Rouse a nd her co mmitt ee for the and even more de l ightful to see. hour s of merriment and pleasure. But h ow cou ld ever Mi ss Dunn ha ve known that Paul Wi lcox could Cello Recital. look the part of the Reverend The lec ture committee of th e Chasuble and act a nd talk in a man- Normal are pl easP d to announce ner s uited to hi s ministerial black? that the final numb er of this yJar's Or how could s he see that Edna cour se will be a cello rec ita l by L ew is cou ld po ss ibly portray wd l Vera Poppe. Mi ss Po ppe is of Rus· an aged spinster of se ntim e ntal sian extra ction, but is a nati ve temperament ? We could of Capetown, South Africa. She have imagin ed C harles Gately as h as stu died und er the masters in a butler who cou ld order a dog both Ru ss ia and Eng land Ever ycart as naturally as th o it were a where she ha s app ea r ed in Am e rica jitney Neith er wou ld we ha ve 1 _has been receiv ed most enthusthought of Fuller Woodie as Lane, JastJcally. I th e man servant who had a cci de nt- The Chica go Tribun e, commentally been married once. But here in2' ' on her appearance ther e, has these all were and right we ll did this to say: "Vera Poppe has a they frolic thru the scenes. All pers onality both forceful and charbut La dv Brac hn e ll. Zelda Red - ming. Melodies s un g by her ce lo ding saw to it that s he preceded have that indefinable impul se that with dig ni ty and great deci s ion con v in ces. She Possesses every
The stage setti ng was of the mecha nical requirem e nt plus the di sti nctive poster type, in accord divine spark." with the new art movement. The The New York Tr i bune, in regarden scene in Act II was perhaps porting her r ecital, Eays: "Mi ss the mo st ch arming. Here dark Poppe is an artist of attainments, tree s and gay ho llyhocks made a s incer e musician, the possessor effective bacl<ground for the light of an excellent tone and an ad mirfurni:;hing s and br ig ht gowns. able technical equipment."
A well chosen program by the Miss Poppe's appearance in Peru orchestra, dir e cted by Mr. Holch , will be a real mu s ical event Sh e made happier the ve ry h appy even - comes April 6. and the reci ta l will ing. begin at 8: 15. Admission: Budget
The Faculty Dinner Club. !Continued trom Flr11t Pace.) ticket or 50 cents.
countera ct th e adhesive properties of plus H20. Other articles which deserve honorable me ntion are the "Phi losophy of Life" by Dr. L. E. Es uor and ''E t iqu et of the Street" by Prof Lebag
After the. epicurean ta stes of the pedagogues had been sati s fi ed they listened to an address by Mr. G. R. Cri ss man. superintPndent of training sc hool of Central Mi sso uri State Tea che r s' Co llege. Sup er intendent Crissman spo ke on the "Function and Curri cuI urn of the Teacher Training School." In a very clear anrl ca reful manner he present ed the aims of the curriculum and traced the relation of such a school to other departments of a teacher training in st itution. Mr. Crissman showed a thoro apprec i ation of th e training school
Robert:-"May I call you by AND you r first name ?"
Marie:-"By your last if you Lunch Room like ."
L ve is like an o ni on;
-GOOD THINGS TO EAT - We taste it with de li ght. But when it s gone, we wonder Whatever made us bite Headquarters
The Chatelain Jewelry Store
Watches, Clocks, dewelr>y, Fountain Stationer>y School Supples, 1\\A.IL ORDERS PROM P'fL Y Fl LLEO
OUR MOTTO;-"The bes t goods for the least money " We repai r pens, watches, jewelry and spectac les . Bi fora l L enses GIVE US A CALL--
J. C. CHATELAI N. Peru. Nebr.
Qualty, Sc rvice & Prices
We carry a complete and up-to-d"itc: Ji ne of groceries and dry goods. Come in and get our prices on dozeta and case lots of canned goo ds. We also carry a fresh line of fa·ui ts and
Slight Accident, A Chink by the name of Ching · Ling Fe ll off a st reet car, bin g bing; The con turned his h ead,
To the pas se nger s said, "The car's ding." lo st a washer, din2",
Be the re! Where'! Gy mn asiui"J of the new Training building. Wh e n'? Apri l 9. -
An ima g inar y lin e is th e waist Whi ch seldom stays where it's pl aced, But a mbl es and slips 'Twi xt the shoulders and hips, According to popular ta s te.
'Twas midnight in the parlor 'Twas darkness everywhere. The silence was unbrok en for There was nobody th ere!
Stand out among Perfumes as do the Dhtmond, Ruby and Opal among Getns Try
Devote a little time to invest igating our pl"ices on
Fountain pens, etc. quality and low price s. Ga·oceries, meats, fruits, candies and
Cotner Debate; Thursday
Night, April 14
Peru Defeats Midland and York Ith ey ma de This was the first Ise nte d Kearney a nd defended the Edwin L. Rou se,
The first. two of Peru's ser ies of tim e any of them h ad taken part Iaffirmative ot the question. The For fifty a nd four go ld en mter-collegJate debates occ urr ed in inter-collegiate d ebat in g, and Peru team on the oppos ing side 1 Peru ha s had men of sterl ing worth Wednesday even mg , March 30 , and only one or t wo had ever entered was Esthe r Delzel l, Le o Jewell and and fixed int eg ri ty to guide her Peru was winner in both of them. th e pr e limin a ry conte sts before, Rie har d Overho lt. de sti ni es It is du e to t his more
The l ocal debate was with Mid- Peru ha s been out of the debat- The is sue was fa ir ly joined fro m than to a ny one fa ctor, that we a re land of Fremont: The Iin g game si nce before the war.- the opening speech and wa s a bact le Ii ndebted to Nebraska for an instiquestJOn IS the sa me that Js being Peru Pointer. r oy al to the tap of the fi nal bell. tut io n seco nd to n one in th e U nitdebated by all th e teams in the - · ed States for the loy alty of its sta te college debating . leag ue , l alumni and stnd ents "Th at immigrants fr om Ja pan be I ln 1 918 Dt>an E. L. Rouse beadmitted to the. United States came President Eowin L. Rouse und er the sa me conditions as im- and as!'umed duties in the fall migrants fro m Eur opean nations •· of rhat year. No tim e in th e h isMidl a nd ha d the negative, an d to ry. of the school could ha ve been was represented by Miss H anna h Imore unausoicious for so great an Klotsc he, Wirad Jo hn so n and un d ertaking than tha t year when Tho ma s Rinde. l:'eru had the the gr eat World Wa r was at its affirmative, and her speakers were height. The mar.hin ery of the Loy J. Ha cke r, Miss Mona Keith school was largely turned ov er to a nd Miss Leona Sparks. The judges se rv ing ou r country. The ma in were th e Bon. V. G. Lyford, a bui ld ing was given over to the merchant of !<·ail s C ity; Supt R. tr ain in g of sold iers. The faculty H. Yankief ot he Humboldt sc hool s j were serving on war committees. and Supt. C. R. Biglow, of th e, Seve ral of the faculty were in Pawnee City s ch oo ls. The debate I actua l se r vice , while the student11 was and we ll h and led by we re handicapped because of th e both sides, but Miss Sparks has 1 Iwar d uti es a nd wa r st rain. Many been especially commended f or - had tu remai n at h ome be:!au se of clos in g speech for Peru. The dec1-l I shortage of help at home or the si on of th e jud ges was made with- shortage of teachers. so the attenout consultation with o th e.r, I da nce was cut fully 100 pe rc ent and wit hout leaving th et r seats m from the pre- wa r aftendance. h · I d t b I Such wer-e the cond i tions when the audience, t e1 r se a e vo e ing collected and passed to Pres 1- Pr t!side nt Rouse took charge of his dent Rouse, who was the presiding I duties , vet he did not falte r nor offir.er. The decision of two of the I shirk. F ol lowing the war came judges was for the affirmative1 the greatest shortage of public · / school teac h ers in the history of Peru , and o ne for the n ega tiv eNeb r aska This cn used the sc hools Midla nd. 1
Whe n the decis ion was an noun ce d to low er th eir s tand a rd s and raise the Midland debate rs crossed the salaries so that h igh schoo l gr ad ud a tes could posit i om; in our best stage and shook hands w ith an · scho ols without b eing r equired to congrat ulated t he victo rs Follow· I secure the n ece5s ary preparatio n at ing the debate a reception was a no rm al Notw ithstan ding given both teams. at which refreshd Wh .l h'
PR[;'S ID E.NT ROUSE the se great oddH magn ifice nt work ments we re serve 1 e t IS c. y k 1 has be en a ccomn l is hed The at t t> nd · was going on wo rd came from or 'l ance lncrea,ed rluring the that the Peru team had won there The Deb ate. 1 All lovers of forens 1c evt-n ts were 1 20 th I b b · t I thrill ed as the of wit and school year nea r Y pt! rc ent. e also. The de ate e. Wt-f' n earns rep- 1 • , s tandard nf the work has been In the d<>bate wit h Yo rk Co ll ege. re senting th e Kearney a nd th e l logtc prog r essed The arg um ents rai sed . Th e schoo l lwen raised Peru had the negative side of the Peru State Norma l S t· h ool,; was were strong a nd were deltvered to col lege rank Jn t he summe r same question, and was represe nt ed he ld la 5t Wednes da y even ing in I with force and convict ron on bo'th school of last year. the re wa s o ver by Leo Jew e ll. Ri cha rd Over ho lt the Norma l chapel. The lJU es tion: s id es So ev e nly matched were 50 pea cent larg er than and Miss Esther Delzell, who with Reso lv e d: That immi gants from the te_ams that at the cl ose It wa s summer befor e Mr. was their coac h, Professor Ea son , lef t Japan be admitte d to the U nit ed ! a. con J ect ur_e as to wha t the dec l- elec t ed. This co ming s ummer that m orn in g for York. The only States und er the same conditions sJon of the wou ld be sch ool pr omises to eveu su rp ass the detai ls w hi ch reach us of thi s de- !'grants fr om Europea n Mr. Je well s arg ument wa s we ll b·. h I f a!l tmm ro und ed and clea r and throughout tg su mmer sc oo o ten years bate is the fact that Peru won, an·d nations'is th e one se lected by th e wa s inte r sperce d with po int ed a go. by the same decision there as at Inter collegiate Debating L eague quest ions that worried hi s oppo - President Rouse leaves his wor k home, two to one. . of the atate. Edith Meyers, ll a nen ts. Mi ss Delzell spoke with at the close of the schoo l year to The Peru debate rs are certam _ ly d W · , <C tt 1 L t Weeks and Clau e etm er repre- cCon tl nu t: .:J on u iiSt .on nu P.c on "" ,to be congratulated on the sh ow mg
Entered at the Postoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second-cla ss matter.
THE PERU NORMA.LITE Swan" by Saint-Saens: "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia ," arrang ed by herself for the cello; and a Gavotte 1:-y Rameau.
Published Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal
$1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cts.
IIf you do not r eceive your Norrnalite. l!ave notice in the Normalitc box in the Administrat ion buildin g.
Her own compositions were ve ry inter est ing, the "Song of Pan" being especially c harming. The applau se after th is number was so great that she was compelled to play it a se cond time.
Miss personality adds greatly to the pleasu re of her playing. She is very gracious, modest and unassum ing, and yet forceful. Her short descriptions of the numbers of her program were very interesting, and were jlreat ly appreciated by thP. audience.
No a rticles accepted afte r 8 Monday moruing o"clocl< She was greatly assisted by her
' accompanist, MiRs Catherine Fos============== ter, whose work added much to the pleasure of the evening.
Hope Lewi s Editor-in-Chief
Robert Quiclc. Associate Edito r Annetta Stoclcing Ass ista nt Ed itor
Rex Niles Bu siness .M.!!'r. Karl Sbntfer Mg'r. Mailing Dept.
Mabel Dressl er Senior Heldegarde Yeck Juni or Loi s Griffin Sop hom ore
Dorothy Petitt Freshmen
Roland Carr Y. M. C. ..;.
Nina Styles Y. W. 1". A.
Gertrude Carver N. C. A.
To be selec ted Philo
Esther Delzell.. Girl!! Club
Mildred Ha nk s .. Dra matic Club
Leona Sparks Debating Club
Edna Fisher Oiympi c Club
Splendid Lecture Number.
On la st Thursday evening, Mi ss Vera Poppe, cellist, closed the 1920-21 lec tu re course with a recital which was indeed a rare treat to those who were permitted to hear it In an exceedingly wel l varied program, Miss Poppe to her audience that she is a musician with a message. While she has 1plendid technic, ye t at no time during her program did s he re sort to a mere technical di sp lay She proved h er rea l musicianship in her opening numb er, Bach's "A rios o," which was admirably played. She pos sesses a temp e rament which adapts its e lf readily to many differe nt sty les of music In the "Kol Nidrei," by Max Bruch, the deep, ri ch tone• of her cel lo expres sed beautifu lly the religious in mu s ic ; in th e " Raphsody," by Popper, she portrayed vividly the wild life of the Gypsi es; the Gavotte by Popper, and her own "Pi erette" and "Song of Pan" were daintily a nd charmingly a nd the "Allegro Vivace," from a concerto by was a brilliant clima x for the projlram.
Miss Poppe was v er y generous in h er respons e to the applause of the audience, a nd played five encores: a "Gavotte" by Popper; "The
IThe lecture committee surely deserves great credit for bringing to Peru thi1:1 sp lendid number, wh ich cannot help being a source of much in spiratio n to all who heard it.
Girls' Club Notes.
At the April me eting of the Girls' Cl ub on Tuesday, Apri l 1 2, we make plans for next year. The g(rls who were n ew in th e fall recognized with gratefu l remembrance, that the Girls' Clu b room of registration days last fall , was possible b ecause of previously la id plans and all are anxious to pr ov ide for those n ew me mbers of ou rs who will com e n ext September.
The council has been writing to the alumni of the last two years concerning ou r student loan fund, and from the fin e r esponses that have be en returned, we are sure that ou r birthday present to the school meets the approval of the g radu ated Girl•' Club members. It Pncourages us to fee l that the "older minds" approve.
There is but one more meeting for ou r club, on May 10, and we mu st make it the Lest m eet in g because it is the last
Deba tin g PercentaS?;es. 1
Following is the s tandin g of the colleges in the Debating League, April 8,:
Cotne rHastings
Portrait and Commercial---We put the .. in snap-shots" We have the film that fits your camera
The E. J. Newman·Studio
Phone 56 PERU, NEBR
We never recommend a teacher unl ess asked to do so by < fficiols. No enrollment Fee Wr it e ug PROMPT, EFFIC I ENT, RELIABLE SERVICE E. T. HOUSH, Manager, Shop Bid., Ia
We Invite You To cal l at our sto re for your Hardward Ne ed s,
We manufacture Also E lectric lamps, and Flashlumber for Mc:tnual li hts 'f k g wur , / selling direct Yo u w ill alway s fi nd a welc ome at to schools. , ,I Mackprang's Hardware Meek bumber> €o. 1 , We Go
POSITIONS to Are more num erous in this offiec I
A Motorist Epitaph. Here lies the body of Jim Lak e, Tread sof tly all who pass; He thot his fo ot was on the brake, B ut it was on the gas. -Exc hanre. than candidates I B A R N E S 11 Peru people people are in prim e favor with our patr ons.
W. T. DAVI S. '0 6 is manag er a nd proprietor of SCHOOL SERVICE
Ask faculty membe rs or oth er sc hool peop le as to his re liability Write today to Stewart School Service, Lincoln , Ne braska
Su pp Jies
Stationery , fine ctt ndies and Favorite Toilel
''P" Club Carnival,
One ef tha biggest e nt er tainments of the year was staged Saturday night in the &'Ymnasium of the train in g building in th e form of a carn ival sponsored by the "P" club.
Thru out the year we have seen these letter me n, of w hich the c lub is composed , in action on the f oo tba ll field or on the basket ba ll court and from their remark ab le performance a there, as well as from their uni q ue advertising stunt in chape l and t heir bi g parade Saturday aftern oon we fe lt that we could expect a bangup time at th e carnival. We were not disappo inted
A m instrel sh ow, co mpo sE: d of the Y. M. C. A. quartet, a ne gro j azz band of four pi ec es , and tw o black--faced co mmedians, was perhaps the bi gge st a ttra c tion of the eve nin g. They pla yed to two pack ed hou ses. Another drawing card was iJ. wrest l ing match between Be ihn and B ea mer, better know n
induceme nt for the fellows to buy ? chautauqua and lyceum work this Ev en Simply
And can y ou te ll us how it hap· s ummer and next winter. H ia pened t hat Car l Rosen quist got r outin g th i1 summer takes him M i lclr ed 's box and HigR"in s got Iinto nearly every state in the the one put up by Ge rtru d e? And Union, vi s itin g ma ny of the lar ge r th en no one could have auct ioned c iti es both west and east, and also th em off as we ll as did go ing into Canad a.
Del ze ll.
The car nival see med to be a big hit with th e crowd an d whi le the weather was not id ea l, s till the attendance was llOOci and th e m embers of th e "P" Club f ee l elated beca use of fact that the pr o· eeeds wi II cover th e expense of letter sweaters for the bask et ball meu.
Junior Chapel,
A very interesti ng progr am wh ich' Miss Mildr ed Fro strum had in charge was given for the benefit of the juni ors The rem a inder of the chapel tim e was gi ven ov er to th e election of officers for next year's Peruvian Herbert Kell y was elected edito r- i n-chi ef an d Cli ffo rd Clark, bu si ness man ager in athl e tic circles as "Chili Bean" The cla ss of '22 fe els quit e cerand "Gask et Beamer." These tain that their annual. dire cted by two se em ed to be quite ev enly suc h capable students wil l be a suema tch e d, a nd although "Chili essful o ne Bean" to ok the Jaurals of the Here's to the annua l that is to even ing, winning two falla in be!
Heard in a Resta urant
First Girl: Don't you ever eat your corn on the cob , Ma mie?
Second g irl: Not thi s summer. It butters up one's ear puffs so. - Ex.
The teacher gave her clae s a test in which sh e a1ked the m to name five ef Sbakesoeare's plays. Among the tit lea r eceive d were the se: Kin g Liar.
A M er ch an t of Ve nus.
Old Fellow McBath.
Which remind s us of th e hi gh school pupil who said that Shakespea re' s most famous poem was "Venice and Aden o ids. "E x.
Cotner Debate
Pressing Your Clothes Mo kes a Big Difference
A lo t of fol ks t hin k they havn't t he time to have their cl oth es cle aned r egul a rly. But if folk knew how much better they wo ul d look IF we were to at leas t PRESS their clot hes occasionally they would so on become reg ular customers of ours.
1 Learn to kn ow that a modern ' 'C leaner'' is very closely asae- · ciated with your "better appeara nce .' '
Jno. A. Cejke, Tailor and Cleaner
Phone 62
Basement Fi sh er's D rug S to re Fir s t- class Workmen. Your Patronage Solicited.
C. P. SCOVILL. Prop.
Che ste r E. Sippl e of Kal ona , thirteen minutes, he bad no easy time of it. Another attraetion was a w il d man, captured in the heart of Africa, who ate raw meat by the pound. Side-shows, such as the "c rock-a-dial,, "bridle- Iowa, arrived in Pe ru on Tuesd ay and has regi s tered for four th quarter work at the Nor mal
pair," "vi ews on th e Rhine," th e Irish bot,' • and the '• Russian seal ," were cleverly gotten up a nd were well patronized Many people who attend ed are now le ngthened as to their future Pros perity and a happy mar ri ed life seem• to have been predicted by the two Gipsy fortune tell e rs for many of their customen.
A few clowns, imported fr om Ringling Brothers' circus, helped make the eve ning li vely.
An efficient police force , composed of some of the hu skies of the club, were t her e maintained Alth o ma ny arrests were mad e, and m any fines we re paid to th e po lic e jud ge, no very serious disorder prevail ed. · A stand managed by several good JookinK" g irl s, was very s ucc essfu l, and huge amounts of ic e cream, l em onad e, sandwiehes, cand y, and popcorn ball s, were di spense d to the cr ow d.
After the e xcitement had somewhat co ol ed a nd when th e lights were b eg inning to think of ing, a box s upper was held boxes we re put up by the Olympic Club girls and they contained r eal eats. And besidea, a swee t. attractive yo un g lady went w ith ea ch box. Coul d there ha ve been any more
· Mrs. Phil Hou se and littl e daughter, Hel e n, of Omaha, are visitin g at the Rouse home.
Tbursday April 14
Nebraska City Laundry
Ph one 138
Home Office
Boise , Ida ho
Utah Office Ca lif ornia & H awa ii
Sa lt Lake City Be r kley , Cal if ornia. Miss Nona Palmer, up on h er Largest in West Alive, Alert, Progressive Free Enrollment return to Peru , was accompani ed We p lacP. more I'eru Normal g raduates th an any other a gency in t he by her littl e nephew who ha s en· west We can use both expe rienced and inexperienced teachers
tered the fifth g rade in the training s ch oo l.
The Y. W. C. A. cabinet, toget her with Miss Fau lhab er, attended th e Y. W. C. A. Cabinet Co nf erence which held at Lincoln Saturd ay Sunday was and
Jam es A. 'Eastwo od, cl as s of '0 9, is sup e rinte nd e nt of a rural high s chool at Satant a. Kan sa s. He bas r ecen tly been re -e l ected with an increase of $500 for next yea r, making his sa lar y $3,0 00. Since leavi ng he re he has comp iE:ted his A. B. d egr ee work
Hel en F uller, class of '1 9, ha s b een elected at Tecumseh for the coming year at a sa lary of $1400. After a very seve re try-out with her cello in Linc o ln recently , s he has contracted for Chautauqua vrork f or the summer. Her work wi ll take her thru' the so uth, t he far west, and into Ca nada.
Le e Hem in gway write• from Lincoln that he is very busy at the Conservatory for his
Peru Defeats Midland and York.
(Continu ed from First poise and deliberation and with a directness that was con"lncing.
Mr. Overholt's attack waa sp irited 11nd his argument had been carefully th oug ht out. His work was marked by excellent diction and a aplendid c limax On the Kearney aide all the speakers had their arguments well ma stPred and s poke with great fluency and eatie. All three me'mbers of the team were r ea l opponents, but the work of Mr. Weimar was es pecially · and effective.
the yo uthful but coinoetent freshmen girls. Minnie Webber as leader cor.ducted one of the mos t successful informal of the year. ' ' The que s tion was, "What Cohstitutes Sabbat h Keeping?'' Many of the g irl s contributed very helpful hints from their own experiences, and the program was further enriched by 11 frP.l:lhmen girls' quartet
Dramatic Club.
'!'he Dram a ti c C lub clo sed i ts season Friday nigh t, Ma rc h 8, by presenting three sh ort play s. The expr ession hall was crowded and the plays were wei I rece1 ved
New Manage m ent AND Fresh and Smoked Meats Lunch Room Fresh fruits and in sPason
J. M. WYMORE -GOOD THI N GS TO EATPeru, Nebraska. Headquarters
The ·chatelaio ·J·ewelry Store
"Joint Owners in Sp a in," th e
W atche.s, Clocks, fo un fa. in t>ens. Stationer>y School Supples. 1\\AII. ORDERS 1-JRO l\PTLY fi ll ED
OUR MOTTO;-" The best go ods for the least mon ey " We re pai r p t- ns, wat ch es , jewe lr y a nd spe ctac les GIVE US A CALL
Mi ss Fullerton Verda Hauptman
The judges' decision read by Professor Brown, who presided, stood two for the affirmative and opening play, was written by Alice one for the n egative. Its an noll nce - Brown and directed by Lois me nt re li eved the su s pen se of the Gri ffi n. The play was abl y preaudience and many joi ned in comsented by the foll o wing ca s t: mending both teams for their e x- Mrs. Mitchell, dir e ctor of an cellent WQrk Th e judges were old ladies' horne - Edna Fi !i her Supt N. C. Abb ott and Judge Paul ln matet> of the horne: J essen of Nebra s ka C ity and Pr of. M. H. Weseen of the University of Nebraska. At the close of the
Mi ss Mrs. Blair Ne lli e O' Conn er Je ssie Kel ly
The inm ates rlifficult1es in r oo mdebate the Webst er Debating Society held a delightful r eception in ing together provecl very am usi ng honor of the two teams, th e j udges to th e audience. an d some friends
Th e second play, ''Confe ss ion. '' 'Jhru the e nthu siastic and cffici- by A. Co nan Doyle. kept the au rl i·
ent efforts of Professor Ea son and e nc e in an uproar of laughter. the hearty response of an earnest Hope Lewi s direct ed this play and group of stud ents debating at Peru th e cast were: has been givtn gr e at impe tus this He Fl oyd Higg i ns
year. Altho at th e beginning all the de baters we re practically in- She He len Knapp experienced, they are rapidly de- The Jast play was of a more ::; er ivelop in g in argumentative and ous nature The sce ne for ''B ac k forensi c ability. Come a<?;ain. of t he Yard:." i s. laid in the st oc k Kearney. We sha(l look fo rward yards district of Chi cago. Thi s to an even more thrilling contest next year. play w11s written by Kenneth Saw-
We carry a complete and up t•·-d ·ot e 1ine of and dn '- ome i n a n d e t o u r p r h.: e s o n d z . " 11 s> d case lot s of can ned "' e o car-ry a Jine of
52 - ·--- yet Goodman and wa s by 1 Ny ..sracia
Edwin L. Rouse. the following cast under the dir ec - 6
(Continued from l?lrst take charge of the public sc hools of tion of Meryle Argabright:
Scotts Bluff This off er came to A Priest Roland Re ev t' s him unsolicited a nd unsought. Due to fi nan cial r easons and poor he a lth , Mr. Rouse thought it best to accept the work wh i ch wou ld be less
A Police Sergea ntA Boy Don Wil so n Dav1d B ize
The Boy's .\1other A girl Mi ldred Fish er Hel en Jon es stre nuous and where he would be Mu ch regr et was expressed by nearer his land holdings. Also the the audience that no more plays new position wi ll give the are to be giv en this yea r. s ummers·to rest and r ecuperate.
The whole sc h oo l and faculty are pleased to know that the man whom th ey loved so well is to have life made easier, for no member of the faculty devoted more hours of hard labor to his work than did Pre side nt Rouse.
The sehoo l, the faculty, the community, as well as the sc hoo l men of the ent ire sta t e, deeply regret the loss of this great man from ou r i nstitutio n. Yet Peru will have
How a Teacher Got Rich
She started poor as the pro· verbial church mou se twenty years ago. She has now retirerl wi th a comfortable fortune of $50 , 000
This money was acquired thru in du s try, ec on o my, con sc ious eff ort to g.ive full in d omitabl e perseverence, and th e death of an uncle who ldt her $49. 999.5 0.--E x. Popular Songs.
Slow and Ea s y: De l iberate anrl Tranquil. no more loyal s upp o rter than this When Abraham Lincoln of th e Nebraska You 'r e Alon e: Wh en school men.
Y. W. C. A.
The Y. W. C. A. meeting Wedn esday eveni ng · was in charge of
You're Existing in a State of- Abso lu te Solitude. I Want a Daddy Who Will Rock Me to Sleep: I Want a Parent Who Will Lull Me i nto the Arm s of Morpheus.-Ex.
Junior A thletes. r
To that th e juni ors wen '! I succeRsful in at hlet ics wo ul d be I sta ti ng it mildly. 9f the foo tb a ll squad six of the le tter men wer e jun iors. H ig gi nR. the ca pta i nelect, was an all-s tat e man. Wils on , half ba ck. a nd Wi l ly , fu ll bac k, we re gi ven hono rabl e tion. R m;e nqui st pla ye d a ha lfba ck and quart er b ac k. A ll th ese l men w il l und ou btedly be ba ck l fig ht in g for ol d Pe ru ne xt yea r, an d-we l l. JU St wat ch th e1r smo ke. I And th en the re' s ba s ke t bal l• where th e jun i ors ho ld an ov e r-
Wh () t Our Ju oi or Girl s Are DoinR·
'I;en a re in th e orchestr a.
Fi fte en are in th e Gl ee Club
Mi sses Hank s, Wh iffen, Roe, Hans en and Gilbe rt ar e on theY. W. C. A. cabin et
L eo na Spar ks is a me mb er of the team.
H il dega rd e Yeck h as bee n ele ct ed pr eside nt of the Y. W. C. A. for ne xt year.
Peru h as n ever had a be tt er girls' bas ket ba ll t ea m th an th e junior t ea m whi ch did such admirab le work dur ing th e i nter-class whel mi ng majo ri ty. Six of the gam es squad were jun iors. T wo of t his
We fin d· on th e Gir ls' Co uncil , n um be r, Ca rl R ose ng ui st a nd Pau l Mi sse s KrueQ;er, D owe ll, Je nken s, Wil cox , we re g iven honor able men- Ye ck and J ess ie Ke ll y. tion on th e a ll- st ate se le c tio n. MISS PA LM ER
Le on a Spar ks ha ll b ee n elected
While we mu st to the se n- pr es ide nt of the Girl s' C lu b for io rs that we will mi ss Ca ptai n Ed j 'I next ve ar. Rosenq ui st , we beli eve that when 1 Ge rtrud e Car ve r, H ild egarde th e s qua d a sse mb les the w eek fol· Wh ::tt' s th e m at ter with Mi ss I im po rtant J uni or affair, Mi ss Pal - Ye ck, a nd Ed na Lewis in th eir lowin g Th ank t-g iv in g of n f' Xt ye ar , Palm P. r '! She's a ll righ t. Who mer waR e ver r eady to a dvise. Yes , 1 comm e nda ble work in ope n o nl y a few r.lr ops of oi l w ill be nee -s aid s o? J un io rs! an d e lse she has ev en b een faithfu l in at - plays , have dem onstr ated our e ssa ry fo r Co ach S peer and Capta in who know s he r. But we who have te ndin g chape l, since the pa rk ing dram at ic abil it y.
To ft .to pr od uce a ma c_h· a ss oci ated w it h her th is year isys tem was e.s ta b,l: sh(: d: to Min ni e Kr uger, Ru th Ros enme th at w!ll more than hold Jts lea rne d to appr eci ate and hold 1D I how ma ny llt tle Ju mors fa il ed Leona Sp a rks and Gert ru de ow n in the co nferen ce ._ . I high e >' teem our wo rt hy ad vi se r. '1 to at tend. As fo.r the banqu e t, she Ca r ve r hold offic es in the Olympic Wi th th ese loyal JU mor s back She has entered in to the Jun ior n ot onl y supe rv ised, bu t devoted Clu b. next ye ar fi g hting f or old Pe ru on l'- act ivi ties with muc h e nth u si a !' m I t ime a nd effo rt t oward mak_the gr idiron and on th e ba sket b all and wit h a wi lli ngne ll s to do alii 1ng 1t a su ccess Jun ior Co n tributio ns to Sch ool floo r, Co ac h Sp ee r be liev es tha r. a that she co ul d to m ak e th ese a And so her e' R to yo u, Mi ss Ac tivities won d erf ul ye ar in at hle ti cs is J s uc ces a. Whe th er it was a class IPalme r, the bes t w is hes of the Car l R ose nqu ist and Do na ld ahead of us in 1 92 1 -2 2. ' par ty, a chap el progra m, or some cl ass of ' 22. B la nkensh ip are on the Gospe l - I t ea m.
J unior Chape l. 1 J . I
Swede le we Dum bum uo tor s. Our ju ni or pre sid e nt stars in Ev i dent ly th e pr og ram co mmit - Th e Junio rs are a live ly bu nc h. ath le tic !" an d dr am at ic a rt. tee wa nt ed to ma ke the jun i or s, Oh , a ll ye seniors lo ok t hJ s way Th ey hand le th ings wi th lots of and vis it ors laug h: Th ey s ucc ee d- I SwedelewP Dum bu m punch. ed adm irab ly we ll. And list to what we hav e to say Gi ve it to 'e m! T he Cause O f al l thi s me rrim e nt I Swerle lewe Dum bum Th ey 're th e lar ges t class in s ch oo l, Was t wo Sp ec l .al num be r :'l. A tal-If yo u'r e th e stars of Old Peru, Th ere's no exce pti on to t hi s r ul e.
N ot ice the nam Ps of jun iors on th e Norm alite st aff E rl and Ne lso n is a mem ber of the debat in g t ea m.
Thr ee of our b oys ho ld offi ces in ente d quar tet Consl.s tin g of Do n ald And all its love is ju st fnr yo u I Give it to 'e m! 1 th e P Clu b; Wilso n, v ice preside nt ; Blan kensh ip. Her be rt Ke lly, Car l We surely. thi nk i t. mu st be true I The se n io r st hink thei rc lasllis fi ne, Wi lcox , sec r etar y; Rose nqu ist , Rose nqui st a nd Wm. Sch wa rtzwe i1 .T ha t i ts !'ad de at h is alm ost due. ! But the j uni ors wi n in ev ery lin e. D b l Give it to 'em tr ea su re r. der, r endered a hum orous so ng in I Swe delew e urn urn Carl Rose nqui st has been ele cted 1 In a th letics t he y e xce ll , a hig hl y or i g- ina l an d se nsa tions F or wh at wo ul d our Normal do pres id ent of th e Y. M. C. A· , a nd W I In scho larship a nd ar ts as well, manner Cl iffor d Clark , Don i - Wit h out its loya l j un iors tru e? G. , 1 Er la nrl Nels.m, vic e p resiae nt. 1 1ve 1t to em. 1 so n, and A rt hur Burley ve ry gra· It mu st lov e us ns we ll as yo u, , h , t th 1 f Fl oy d Hi ggi ns is cap ta in -e le ct i Then ere s o e c ass o t we ntyci ous ly conse n ted to do so me aes -A nd we' ll be here when you are; two fo r th e f ootba ll tea m. th etic (probab ly at hl e ti c) da nc ing. thru :Th at's' al ways pulli ng fo r Old Per u. Their grace and cha rm are 80 i rre- Swe delewe Du mb um I G iv e it to ' em· IC on tl n""'l on LRI' I Gay lor d To ft iS o ur n ext ba sket ba ll cap ta i n.
THE PERU NORMA.LITE was delive red by the gu est of the evening, Dr Laura Pfeiffer of Entered at 1he J?os to ffi ce at Peru, Ne- Nebraska State University, who braska as st·cond -class ma tter.
Published Weekly by the Peru State Normal
$l.OO per vear. Sin g le copy 5 cts
If you do not receive yo ur No rmalite, l:ave noti ce in th e No rm a lite box in the Admini s tr a tian buil din g.
spoke upon "The Present Attempt 'at World Organi zation ." Mi ss Pfeifer has had unmmal opportunity to study the politir.al and ec onomic situation at hom e and abroad. She spoke forcibly and convincin g ly in favor of the Lea gue of Nations as the one solution of
Ithe world's problem s a nd in closing paid tribute to th e in spir a tional leaders hip of Wo odr ow Wil son.
Th e comm e nc e ment dinn er was se r ve d upon ta bles made beautiful by tall white candl es and delicat e ly tint ed s pring flowers. During the No article s accepted a ft er s o 'cl ocl< dinner the rival fra s orities and Mond ay mo rnin g. I' sorterni tie s competed for the pri ze to be giv en for the m os t effectiv e
TH E E mT o JHAL STA PF. group of so ngs and ye lle The Hope Lewi s . Ed itor·in·Chief nuttin ess of the Si g ma Nots won
Robert Qui ck... : Ass?c iate from the jud ges the deci s ion, and
An net ta S to clnn g Ass tsta nt Ed tto r
Roland Ca rr Busin ess Ml!'r to the fortunate fr asc ri ty wa s pre·
Ka rl Sh aefe r .. Mg 'r. Ma iling Dept . s ented with due and fit t ing cere-
Mabel Drc!'< sl er Seni or Held ega rde Yec k Juni or Loi s Gri ffi n. Sophomore Dor othy Pe tit t.. Freshm en
Rolan d Ca rr Y. M. C. 2..
Nina Styl es Y. W. 1'. A.
Gertrud e Ca rver N. C. A.
To se lected Phil o Es ther Delzell , Gids Club
Mildred Ha nk s . Drama t ic Club
Leo na Spa rk s De bat ing Clu b Edna Fi sher. Olym pic Clu b
Ch ai rm a n-Hildeg ar de Yeck
Co mmitt ee:
mony an entire stick of Wri&'ley's best.
After the singing of the Peru Alumni Song written by Se nior Hoyt, the inevitable waste ba s ket appeared and Miss Dunn, serving for Col. Majors present ed the cla ss diplomas to Happy Hooligan, B'armer John, Adventuroous Cowboy, Matc hmaker Extra ordinary and a ll of the other s eniors. Many of the cl ass , seemingly unfamiliar with their own initial s, had di ffi culty in recognizing their nam es when
Helen Hum be rt Ni na Stiles called Minni e Robe rt Quick Albe rt Biehn
Faculty Dinner Club.
Last Friday evening the Faculty Dinner Club, meeting fgr the la st time thi s year, celebrated their graduation from their courses in dinner serving. ' Happy they thru the evening, goina from surprise to Rurprise No feature of the commencement Beason was lacking. The first event of the day exercises was the May-pole dance , in which Mr Brown won es pecial applause for the grace of his light steps This was followed by Shakespearean scenes portrayed in moving pictures. Perhaps the most winnin g of the pictures was that of Mr. Greene as Othello adva ncing with evil eye and gleaming blade to slay Mrs. Howie, the fair Desdemona Illness prevented the eloquent youna- class Wilber F. Hoyt, from delivering his passionate and soul stirring class oration, entitled, ''Over the Hills Lies Missouri."
As usual the commencement address was the most dignified part of the commencement program It
The curtains of thE: room in which the comrr,encement exercise s were held we re carefully drawn, and ca re was tak en to all evidences of the evening's fe stivite s. It seems to be g enerally ad mitted that it is not expedient to let the stu'dents know just how frivolous their instructors can be when they start to frivol.
Y. W. C. A.
At the la st m ee ting our fre shly in s pired cabinet members gave some very inter es ting reports of what the y saw and heard at th e Lincoln co nvention. They seem to have been qu i te di s tinguished. Th ey were the youn ge>s t ca bin et th ere But in spit e of ,their youth and ba s hfuln ess they e nter ed int o th e work of the conv ention as dieigently as the oldest memb e r. Alt oge ther they report the pl easure and the profit from th e convention to have been in about equal proportions
Hope Lewis: How fast is your car ?
Photographic Servi ce
. Portrait and Cotnmercial··-We put the ""!-On ap in snap-shots" We have the film that fits your camera
E. ·J. Newman Studio
We never recommend a teacher unless asked to do so by offi ci a ls No enrollment Fee. Write m; PROMPT, RELIABLE SERVICE E. T. HOUSH, Manager, Shop Bid., Des Moi ,; e!-0, Ia
American Black Walnut We Invite You To call at our store for yo ur Hardward N eed s,
We manufacture this Also Electric lamps, and Flashlumber for Manual li g hts work, sel1ing .direct to schoo·ts. I You will alwa ys find a welcom e at Mackprang 's Hard wa re Meek bu mber>
Are Peru
more numerous in this offiec I than candidat es· I people peo ple are in prime I favor with our patron s.
W. T. DAVIS. '0 6 is mana ge r and pr oprietor of 'SCHOOL SERVICE
Ask faculty members or oth er scho ol people as to his re liability Write today to We Go to
S' Ph a rm acy fO R Scho ol Supplies
St a ti oner y, f ine can d ies and Favorite Toilet
Mr. Schoenike: Well, it k ee> ps about six mooth s ahead of my in- Stewart School Service , come generall y. Lin coln, Ne bra s ka Ar ti cles
The Peru-Cotner Debates, May the work of the Debating went hom e with the impress ion Even Simply Peru c hapel was the scene of a C lnb crmtinue until every st ud e nt that Mr Linn is quite familiar spirited rontest last Thursdav eve n- it as an important fac- with a young man's id ea of a good in g- , th e eve nt be ing one ·of the tor in his pr epa r at ions to m eet th e/ time. dual debates betw een Peru and Cot- problem of life.
Big Difference
Pressing Your Clothes MfJkes a U Iner n1v ens ty. The question was the s ame one that had been -debat- Paculty Entertains Student Teachers. ed on pr e vi ous o<:casions, "Resolv- Are we prourl to be practice e d: That immigrants from Japan teachers? Well I g-uess! Saturday be adm i tted to the Untied States nigh t, Apr il 23, we were glad we under the same conditions as im- had suffered and e ndured th e trials migrant!'! from European nati ons., nnd the worrie s, caus ed by confer· The affi rmative wa s most ably pre- ences, writing lesson plans, keeping se nted by Barton Johnson, Richard record sh ee ttl, disciplining brats, M cCa nn, a nd Ge orge Robb af Cot- etc. We met our dear critics in ne r, whi le the n egative was stub- an entirely new atm os pher e. bo rnly de fended by the home t_eam. The high s chool assembly bad Leo Jewell, Esther Delzell and be en fitted up to look like an 1mmense pa rl or with ru gs, seees and
Olympic Club. "Fourth foul on the third strike! Out!" called Miss Shively and Irene sull e nly handed the bat to Yrsa a nd walked away Strike one! Ba 11 tw o! Foul! Hom e run! Hurrah! The se are only a few of the shrieks heard in the gym last Saturday afternoon. Anyone would know that it was on ly the Olympic Club a-iris playing ball at their weekly meeting in the gymnas ium. And a Jolly time they have, too, playing ball, tak-
A lot of folks think they havn't the time to have their clothes clea ned r eg ularly. But if such folk knew how mu ch better they would look IF we were to at lea st PRESS th e ir clothes occasionally they would soon become regular' custo mers of ours.
Learn to know that a mod ern "C leaner" is very close ly asRe · ciated with your "better appearance.''
Richard Ov e rhol t
The contest was a clo se one, as eve ry spea ker pre se nt ed hi s argume nts clear ly, forcibly and convincingly . The judges were won by the affirmative, not bv force of ar g um e nt alone, tho that was not lacking, but by the faultle ss diction and fini s hed oratory w ith whi'.!h the arguments were de livere d. Tho the vi s itors bore away the laur els in triumph, Pe ru is justly proud of t he members of her t ea m, for the courage and confidence of their defen se , f or the vigor and e ffectiveness of th e ir arguments , for tbe masterful attack upon every point ad va need by their oppo r. en ts, and for the sportsma ns hip displayed in th e cheery acceptance of d efe at and in the prompt a nd hearty
fe rns Upon entering, M!ss et:·• and it mer was waiting to greet us and , If th ey re gomg to pl ay te nnis
Freshman Notes.
in c id enta lly to pin a sma ll red or soon. blue paper pe nnant up on us This de s ignatea the Harv a rd or Yale Last Thur sday we had a short program follow ed by a busine ss meeting. The program consisted
Jno. A. Cejke, Tailor Cleaner
Phone 62
si de to which we were to be lo ng in the college track-meet to be held the eve ning We found Mr. Gabel in one corner behind s ome of two numb ers, a piano duet by Basement Fisher' s Drug Store Verna Cook and Lucile Mee k, a nd IFirst -cla ss Workmen. Your Patron· s cales who very obligin g ly weighed each on e. Many becam e alarmed at th eir a da nce by Grac e Baughman and age So lici ted. Edna Fis her ' C. P. SCOV ILL. Prop We con sidered plan s for a gat hincr ease in weight, llut upon find- eri ng of the tribe next week. H owing that se veral pairs of f ee t were ever the what, when and where of bein g weigh ed at th e same time, the affa ir ca nr:ot be determined felt somewhat reliev ed. until the weathe r beco mes more The contests of the track-meet 11ett led and all class dues are paid. were familiar in name but n ew So next week be on th e a lert for arrange ment s concerning the above
Nebraska City Laundry Phone 138 in form. Mi ss Tear was mi s tr ess a nd be to PlY YOllr cl aB d ue5 of ceremonies, while Mrs. Greene , I:..:-=========
Mr s Beck and PreRiclent Rou se co ngrat ulation s exte nd ed to the · were the honorable jud geR. Mi ss
The Cot ner was accompanie to Pe ru by the coach, Prof. Glen McRae. S up erinte ndent H. E Dow, of Hamburg. Iowa. L. R. Greg-ory of Tecum se h. and B. H. Grov Ps of Fall s C ity, acted as judg-es
Kelly was chos en capra in of the Harvard group, whi le Yale elected Mr. P!iul. Harvard :kept in the lead until the la st few minute s of th e m ee t, when Yale s ucceeded in the highest ooint by g ivin g the most effective yell. The
winning s ide, after be ing pre sent-
Home Offic e Uta h Office California & Hawaii Boi se, Idah o Salt La ke City Be rkl ey , Ca lif ornia. Largest in Wes t Alive , A_lert, Progres sive Free Enrollment We placP. more I'eru Normal graduates than any other ag ency in the west. We can use both experienced and inexp e ri en ced tea chers.
The s ame even ing Peru's affirm- ed wit h a beautifu l s il ver (?)loving ative team, consis ting of Mona Keith. Erland Nel s on and Leona Sparks oppos€d Cotner's n egat iv e tPam. Mario n Shafer. !<,loy d Leavitt and Ray Brarl le at Co tn e r. Th ere , too , the work of the Peru t ea m was es pecia ll y s trong, but th e battl e hard one and the d ec is ion was re nd e red in Cotn er's favor by the jud ges, J. A. Chri s tian so n; Ho mer K. John so n, and S. C. Zimme rm an. a ll of whom were cho s en by Cotner. contrary to the us ual cus tom , w ithout th e adva n ce ap· prova l of Pe ru.
Tbi s du al co nt es t close d the seri es of int e r-c o ll egiat e debat es in whic h Peru ha s pa rticip ate d with much ho nor to the schoo l and profit to th e de bat e rs. Once mor e. than ks to the untiring e ffort s of Professor Easo n, forensic eve nt s have be en adv anced to an hon ored place am on g our sc hool activities.
cup, wa s giv en the privilege of partners for s upper from th e opp os i te si de. After refre s hme nt s we were e nt e rtained by a male q uartet C'Ompos ed of Messr s. Gabe l, Green, Schoenike and Beck. Yo u wo11ldn't have recogni zed ou r di g ni fied in s tructors in the role tak en in s ome of the so ng R. At a late hour we d epa rted, wi shin g that the re might be more good tim e( with th e trainin g s chool f aculty as e nte rtai n trs
Bovs' Party.
A grab party wa s given by Mr. Linn for boy s dining room of the dormito :t 11 >t id y The e vening was spent playing ga mes , doing s tunts, and trying to relieve the ta bl e of the many good thing s with which it
was burden ed. After trying in I vain for several h ours , everyon e
t:ome in
Junior Ch apel. Severely injured while attempt -
ccontlnnPd from First Paa:e.) ing to butt in-Inez Peterson. sistab le that they are contracted Di slocation of the neck while New Management AND for a summer tour of the United l ooking at Opal-Eidie Cameron. Fresh and Smoked Meats States and adjoining islands with Di ed from exhaustion wh ile at-
Lunch Room
the Orpheum circuit. tempt'ng to evade the dormitory Thi e program conducted by the rule s-Mabel Arvidson. juni or boy s was a hilarioussucces s.
If you can 't sass yo ur mother who is it you Kan sas?
If a woma n didn't wish to go to Coney Isla ncl alone, wou ld a strE:et car conductor?
If a barber's wife buys a n ew dre ss at a drygoods store, where would th e barber shop?
If the trees bend, wi ll gasoline?
Suffering severe ly from a broken promise-Meryl Argabright.
Advice to the Lovelorn.
Dear Mary Lan e:
How long s hould we wear our dres ses?
My DE>ar Seniors:
Senior Girl s.
After very carefu l cons ider ation of the question, and after many
If Nia gara Fall s, will Minne ha consultations with eminent auh a? thoritie s, including Dean Ellis and
If Tiny Showa lter weighs fom the edi t or uf the daily papers in hundr ed pounds, what wi ll a stair - this state a nd others, I ha ve -reachway'! ed a conclusion which I tru st yo u
If I told a secret, would a will find satisfactory your mantel? dres ses until they are worn out.
If th ey buried father in ever -D ear Mary Lane: ttreen , oh whe re was marmalade? What is the proper way to an-
If fighters are getti ng scarce, nounce our engagement? We want why doe sn 't a hatbox'? it to be in the be st form.
If water works, why shou ld veal Neva and Shorty. l oa f?
My Dear Children:
If a hen sat on an ax, woul d s he In yo ur case an announcement h atchet? is Pntire ly unn ecessary. The en-
If two peaches are a pair, will gagem e nt is obvious. Howev er, if they m ake a date? you care to, it wou ld be perfectly
If a train was running 1ixty mil es an hour, wo uld a gras • h op pe r'?
You may think I'm witty, but the man who wrote "Snowb o und" was Whitti e r.
To kn ow train connections between Pawnee City and Fairbury. -Charles Gately.
To know who borrowed my set of teeth.-Mr. Holeh.
proper to announce it by a duet in chapel or by a notice in the Norma lit e.
Base Ball.
The much contradicted ability of the boys who ea t at the dormitory and tho se who eat at Shar r ar 's is yet to be settled. T h<> game that was pla yed Thursday afternoon ended with th e sco re tied, 3 and 3.
The fres h man boy with blu shing che ek 'l'o know the s hortest path to the dorm.-Herman Rhodus. Stood brave ly up and tried to
To subscribe for the Good Housek ee ping Ma gaz ine.--Zelda Redding.
A $5 0, 000 man; I don't care what hi s other name is .-Mary J arvis.
A po s ition with go od salary and li g ht work .- Es cher Landolt.
One good night' s sleep.-Ciyde Ivers.
Some one to ta lk to -Ro lan d Reeves.
Some publicity -Zella Elliott and Adam Troudt
First Annual Report,
Followin g ie the first a nnual r eport of th e Senior Accident Insuran ce Co mpa!ly:
Jumped at co nc lu sions and footing-Anne Ranney.
Choked to death while chewin g the rag -Zayda Akins
Compound fracture of the heart -Edward Rose nquist.
But try and try as best he could, Not one worrl came just as it shou ld
So down he sat, and blushing more,
Fe lt very s imp le, s ick and sore
Burr S.: What' s my gra de in English?
Miss Daniel: Just what you are worth.
Burrs.: I won't accep t it.
Sci en ce teacher: What is th e prop erty of h ea t?
Pupil! It causes bodi es to expand, while co ld th em to c ontract
Carl R. (ov er phone): Is this you, darling'?
Mildr ed (swee tly): Yes, who is talking ?
Lo s t.-A bl ack umbr e lla with gold a nd aba lone handl e. Monogram, I. M. D. Finder pl e ase notify Miss Dunn.
Fresh fru its and vegetables in seaso n J. M. WYMORE
OUR MOTTO; - "The b est goods for the lea st money"
We repair pens, watches, jeweh;y and sp ectac les. Bifoca l Le nses GIVE US A CALL J. C. CHATELAIN. Peru. Nebr.
Qualty, Service &
We carry a complete and line of groceries and dry goods. (;ome in and get our prices on duzeta and case lots of canned goods. We al!iio carry a fresh line of fruits und F'hone. 52
Stand out among Perfumes as do the Diamond, Ruby and Opal among Gems
Devote a little time to our prices nn
Fountain pens, etc. quality and low Groceries . ' ments, candies ttnd good eats
Pe ru. Nebr. P hon e
A·nn.ual Goncert of the Girls' Glee Club
Normal Chapel, Friday,· April 29, at 8:30 p. rn.
25 Girls i·n Chor·us, Scxtette, Quartette, Duet and Solo work
T-:nPointsWhyYouNeedaPeruviao m ea n it but is the technical ; copy of the 1921 Peruvian . : ExpertstoCo.-operate on Peruvian.
Ord er your vo lum e Frirt ay. :.language of th e prayer meet ing I yo u're ha vin g a fight Up in Minne so ta they have in Th e An nu al is your book-pre- ! But s upp ose th e old ileacon ye lled th e w1 fe what bet ter ammumt!on h · d · a dd1t1on to so me ten t ousan pared by yo ur .sch oo lm ates -your ex- out, 0 Lorrl, I have bee n g-1 vmg. co uld yo u .have than ts show her
· · short weig h ts in my s tore' or "I I in the "Per uvian" how much pr e t- lak es, one J. J. Sh e r, who 15 about pe nse 18 ! hav e b ee n flirting with the milli · tier your old college were. ' ,the wisest and peppiest littl e maoThe oppo rtumty to get a 19 21 · · th · Jd Wh · ner " every man and woma n in th e And when yol:lr· h-usband starts ager In e engravmg wor · en Pe ru v1an comes but once In a llfe ' h · 1 h · church would li sten with bated 1 hating h·im se lf for his go od lo oks, t e re 1sany new engrav ng sc emes t im e.. , bre at h just ha nd down th e "1 92 1 Peru- to be had Sher ha s them a nd pa ss es
In JU St ice to you r college and · : . h 1 M Sh · If 't 1 t th. h . 1 Of course there are p;oing to be vi an" a nd show h'i m the many t em a ong. r. er IS mana ge r yo urbse tyou can e f tJshc abncet a number of hum or ous han dsome college boy s you turned of the college annual divisi on of ·go '! o secure one o e es the Bureau of Engraving, of MinI b l' h d t p feature s in th e joke sect ion th at down ano ua 1 8 pu 11 1 s e t e ru , !will be alm os t as e:i:cl't in g what ! When you're loneso me and have n ea polis , and will have charge of 1. t s t e co ege JS o ry · - -. - - all e nrgaving work for the 1 92 1
2. It 's YOUR book and YOUR DP.acon Joneg say If he nothmg t.o do, Peruvian. This me ans that the • 1 wo U'Id. To te ll th em would , Take d own your Peruv1an a nd look history 1 d th· W · -1 h · ·t th campus view s ec tion a nd th e art
I · 1 th t 11 h spo1 a goo J ng a1t unt1 t e1 1 ru
h 3. f ltk IS a voh um e ha Wfil s tohw book is ou t. When yo u exa min e , work w ill be la,l rl out by ma ster t e o s at orne ow ne e "Feature Section" a "Dinger.'' hands' • 1 · the 19 21 Pe1;u vi an you are gomg co ll ege r eal ly IS. t to say. " The m a-n age me nt told the STOP! L00K ! and after y ou' ve You know th at the pictures w ill 4. It wi II re turn •to you coun - · se en the feature sect ion tbe roar mak e or ruin an annual and that truth! '' less hou rs of pleasure on your In- 1you'll gi ve out won't give you any the mo st important step in putting ves tm e nt. Peruvian as All Campus Handbook. time for " li ste ning." Li ve ly? th ese pi ctur es into condition is 5· It will be e ngraved an d; The Peruvian is to the Peru Say, if you don 't ge t you r money' s th e engraving. .With the Newman p rinted by experts. Istudent what the draft list is to worth in laughs out of that sec tion Studio sp ecia lizing in our pho togS. It is a picture review of th e the U, S. War Department. This alone yo u either ca n't read or w'ill raphy and th e Bur eau of most bea utiful campus in America a-nnual is th e campus w hat- does -have gone blind when you get your ing doing o ur engraving work, we 7. It will be on e of your he-look-lik e and do-l -care -to-go - first gli mps e of the annual next have a combination t.hat can put choices t possessions after lea ving with-him gui de , han dboo k and di- month Jok es, snapshots, pictures out th e b es t. school. 1 rect ory. It i_s a g uarantee d cure -they must spe ak for themselves - -=---
8. Everyone lik es sn appy jokes. for the I-can' t -get-a- girl disease -and, well you wi l.l see for your· No Extras to Be Had io June. Here's where you get th e m! I and also the only. r emedy for that se lf when you get your copy of the There are always a f ew stu den ts 9. It contains ma ny s picy snaps terrible affliction l-w o n't -go -with·- 19 21 Peruvian. each year who feel th at th ey will ·that yo u will be glad to h ave. -he-d oes n't-lo o k- well-in-the- Handb ook. put off s ub scribin g the Peru10 Don 't put it off. Get yours Peruvian. vian on the assumpt•on that pe ri B t the 192 1 P er uvi an is to be In purs umg th e vanous courses . J h . 11 b f F •id ay u haps m un e t e re WI e a ew
• 1 h t in cam pustry offered at th1s msti- J e•;en mor e to t e pr ese n ca mpu s 1 • • ext ra one s ordered that they may
Telling the Trut h. population than past annuals have i tutJOn the Peruvian IS the purchase. Th e 1921 Pe rovian
People want to kn ow all abo ut b textb oo k u sed by the masculine d ee n. A . 1 gra nted their printing contract what th ey in te nd to purchase an The aim of th e st aff has been to portion of th e s tud e nt s. gu this year to o ne of the mos t suethey expect it to be built upon put - picture:; of every s tude nt in whose picture does not a ppE>ar in ces sful college annual pr inters in truth. We a re h ere to te ll the the Pe ru vian The st 1,df al so claims Ithe Peruvian is ser io.us ly hampered d . h t • • 1 • • the country an at a pn ce t. a trut h altho we ho pe we shall no t to catal og in complete form the 1 m her soc 1al caree r. For com- k it b 1 t 1 h'b' t 1 1 • • • • rna es a so u e y pro 1 1t1ve . o be like Deakin Jones and und e r- . ca mpu s ac tivities of all cl assmen 1 pan so n of the of the · d · 1 t E · I , or. era s mg e e:)C ra co py. very · estimate it , 1 80 that the a nnual will at all times Apolo-hke of tl he -men of 1 t th i 921 p . th at · · th e campus the · guls a lways use-:. vo. ume 0 • e eruv1an When the co untr y s to re k eeper, serve as a h andy dnectory to th e the as th e ir te x tbo ok ';>{ill. ap pea r for delivery mu st be Deacon Jones, ge ts up in prayer individu al t al en ts of st udents. and are assured .that many ha p- or.dered during the campaign meeting and says loud eno u gh for I0 -· ld Says: 1 py romances beel) sta rted · To put a of this kind off th e congregat i on tg hear him , "0 I swa S p 11 , thru the mediu.m of a_we ll taken until later will in all probability L · rable sinner I Beyond a do ubt amt eter WI and well · ret ouch ed p1cture such · · · 1 ord, what a mise , entrance to Heaven to every as will appear in the 1 92•1 Peru- r es ult !n your not obtammg a copy am ," no one gets exc it ed. They refus e d nt that fails to secure a I vian. . . . . . of th e Peruvian. know that the deaco n does not Peru stu e .
Entered at the Postofficc at Peru, Nebraska as second-class matter.
Published Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal
$ 1.011 per year Sing le copy 5 cts
If you do not receive your Normalite, !:ave n otice in th e Norma li te hox in th e Administration building.
No article s accepted after 8 o 'cl o cl< Mond ay morning.
Hope Lewi s . Edito r.in ·Chi cf Robert Quick Associate Editor
Ann etta StocKing Assistan t Edito r Rola nd Carr Business
Karl Sharfer Mg'r. Mail in g Dept
Mabel Se nior
Heldegarde Yeck Junior Loi s Griffin Sophomore
Hen House 4, Derbies 3. Ye s, they finally did it. What? Why the House of Hen beat the House of De rby in the bi g championship game of base ball Thursday night at the athletic field. La st week's &'arne resulted in a 3-3 tie, but the men who eat at the dormitory d ec id ed that the Sharrar men had a defeat coming to them. So in accordan ce with thi s decisi on the House of Derby went down to defeat.
Whose book? Everybody's.
Y. W. C. A. Movie, You need to see a real good movie an d thi s speci al film needs to see you. The Y. W. C. A. is endeavoring to meet thi s double need by h avi ng a six-reel film s hown Thursday ni g ht, April 28, at R:30 o'c lo::k in the Norma] chapel. · The proceeds are to s we ll the Lake Geneva fund, which is u se d to sen d de legat es to th e s um-
mer conference Home-mad e candv Portrait and Commercial··-We put the in wi II be sold at the doors. •
Do rothy Petitt.. Fres hmen snap-shots" We hHve the film that Come! We want you ther e!
Roland Carr Y. M. C. A.
Nina Styles Y. W. C. A.
Gertrude Ca r ve r N. C. A.
To be Philo
Esther Delzeii.. Gir19 Club
Mi ld red 1-l an ks Dram atic Club
Leona Spar ks Debating Cl ub Fis her Olympic Club
Chflord Clark I' C lu b
Two Year Course Maintained.
Peruvian Day, April 29 ' 1921.
Dormitory Party; All good little girls at Mt. Vern on Hall, The lean and the fat, the s hort and th e tall, Stepped into a party last Saturday night
There ha ve been many in qu iries Fu sse d up i·n clean dr es11es, and and considerable uneasines s as to hair-ribbons bri g ht. the status of tht> present junior Some carried dollies, and so me class in the transformation of the car ried none, Normal School into a Teachers' But every child there had j ust College. ood les of fun
There is no attempt to disturb We played Mother Goose games lhe present two year course · Any- and sa ng Mother Goose &ongs one entering with 30 high achool And danced all the dances for credita will be graduated from which a child longs. two year co ll eg !ate course just at The acte d goo py, • th e bowpresent. The diploma and certih- wow ed, cate issued at that time will be Aad any stray grown-up was lost good for three yea rs and transfer- in the crowd able into a life certificate after two It sou nded like Christmas and
Newman Studio
Phone 56 PERU, NEBR.
Founded 1893
We never recomm e nd a teacher unless asked to do so by f>Chool officials. No enrollment Fee Write us PROMPT, EFFICIENT, RELIABLE SERVICE E. T. HOUSH, Manager, Shop Bid., Des Ia
American B1ack
We Invite You
To call at our store for your Hardward Needs,
We manufacture this Also Electric lamps, and Flashlumber for Mtanual lights Training work, selling direct to schoo,s.
You will always find a welcome at ! . years' teaching experience. No Fourth or Ju]y; Me.e.k action has been taken as to when And any old grouch was turned
Mackprang's Hardware 6umbe.r> the naming of the classes will be out-doors to di e.
The present juni or class But at la st it was over; our party
will be known as the aenior class was finished. And all the i cecrea m cones were Are next year. more num er ous in this offiec than candidates I
In every announcement the Normal authorities have tried to make it clear th at the Teac hers' College is only the same courses that have been maintained for several years, viz,, a two year • collegiate eourse and a four year collea-iate course. At present the graduate• of the four year course receive a Bachelor of Arts in Education; on and after July 1, 1921, they will receive a Bachelor of Arts dPgree.
sadly d im ini shed
So we thanked Mrs. Linn and Miss Peru Daniel gay people people are in prim e favor with our patr on s.
For the jolliest party in many a day.
The eagle which was kept for a time on the campus was sent to Lincoln to be added to the zoo there. The park superintendent reports that the specimen is a fine one and the -mayor of Linc oln sends his thanks in behalf of th e city for the addition to the zo o.
Ask faculty members or ot her school people as to his reliability. Write today to Stewart School Service, Lincoln, Nebraska We Go to
W. T. DAVIS. '06 is man age r and pro prietor of SCHOOL SERVICE
B A R·N E S' Phormtacy FOR School Su ppHes Stationery, fine candies and Favorite Toilet Articles
Be in s tyle-buy a Peruvian.
Supt. W. H. Mor ton of Fair- Fr om a pr iva re letter to a friend
The 1921 Per uv ian-a veri able bury, S upt. A. J. Stoddard of we lear n that Professor LeRoy Car l-
Lost .-A black u mbre lla with g-old and aba lone handl e. Monogr am, I. M. D. F in der please n otify Miss Dunn. go ld mine.
Supt 1. A. Jimerson was Peru last wee k. He expeet a be he re for the summe r sess ion.
Beat ri ce, and Supt L. R. Gregory son, the very popular head of the Miss Mamie R. Mutz has re- ?f were in Pe ru recently / piano department two y ea rs ago, is t urned from Lincoln. I m the of their r espec ti ve hav ing ple nty of opportunity to sc h oo ls whrch art:! in need of t eac h- real iz e hi s dream to rio concert in ers for n ext year. Mr. John son, work During the Chri stmas vacato a ban ker of T ecumse h, acco mpa ni ed tio n he gave seve n concerts in Texthem and had a visit with hi s as Th e first week in Apri l he I
Roy V. Ke ll y, class of '15, has he n re-elected super in tende nt of the Alvo con:;olidated schoo l for nex t year at a sa lary of $2500.
The grad uating clas s at the Peru St ate No rmal this year wi ll number se ventv -five member s, which, ev eryth in g con s idered, vr i II be a goodly number.
Mi ss Carpenter and Miss Jo seph rne Sh e ll h or n returned Sat urday eve ning from St. Joseph, Mo., wh ere they have been attending t he Music Con fere nce :
ol d friend, Prof es11or Beck. gave ten concerts in the larger cit -
Arrangements ar e rapid ly being comp leted for the l 92 1 co mm encement, wh ieh will be he ld th e week of May The bacc al aure ate serm on by Dr. Cha rles M. Sh eph erd of Lincoln. w ill occur on Suntur e. day. T he crowning of the May
queen. the Iv y Day exercises, on May 2 6. The commencement exer· ci ses will be on Friday, May 27, and the Reve r end Titu s L owe of O ma ha wi ll be th e commence ment or a tor The regular a lu mni lunch-
M R th Sh' 1 d M' eon and re uni on will be ht> ld at
I SS U IVe y an ISS
Ed i th Tydeman tendered th e ir n oo n on F riday, and w ill close th e activities of the week. resignat ions, effectivE: May 3 1. Each is going to Ca lifornia as her perma nent home
Y. W. C. A.
At the r ecen t Boa rd meeting
The toJ?i c under dil"cus si on Wennesd ay eve nin g wa s "Th e Imp ortanc e of Being H appy. " Most of us are inclined to loo k upon happi-
ies of Illin ois an d including Ch i cago. Mr. Ca rl son is co n ti nuin g his s tud ies with th e r ea l mas· ters of the pia no. We expe ct to hear more and more flatter in g repo r ts conce rning his musical fu-
Olympic Club
Hot was the su n, Hard blew the gale , But the Olympics had fun
We Make It
for you to wear a new suit each seaso n w ith ou t actually investing the price of
Our regular patrons find that their l'arments wear longer becaus e we keep ' em at::ady f or any occasion
Jno. A.. Cejka
Tailor and Cleaner
Phone 62
When they hit that trail. I When? Where? Why last Sat- i nrday aftern oon After a sh ort 1 bu siness meeting twenty -tw o girls hiked to Joy hill. After r est ing there a f ew minutes th ey we re off aga in. Up hill down hill, thru th e woods an d to the ri ver tb ey I we nt. Many inter esting things - -ness as so met hin g to be desired, were seen on that hike. Of course Minnie did not think the snake
Basement Fis her's Drug Store
First-class Workmen. Your Patr onage Solicited.
C. P. SCOV ILL. Prop co ntr acts were e nte red into for a new b oi ler eq uipped with power stoker to replace the three old
SEA.RS was interesti n g. Gertrude and boilers that have g iven out during not so m et hin g to be rlese rved. We Ine z were very proud of their sue- AGEN T the winter. neg-lect the part which the will ce1s in ca tching moths. Alth o the' , • plays in secu r ing hap p in ess. Co n- gir ls were t ire d a fter t he hike they Nebraska C1ty Laundry
On Monday eveni ng of la st week
d th · d · f th sequentl v the aim of the m eet i ng Iex presse etr estre or an o er Ph 138 Professor Delze ll addr esse d th e t . t t th t hi ke before the school year is o' er. one
J:'arent-Teacher Asso c ia ti on at Cook. wa s 0 porn ou a one may ac-1::===========================
quire an un se lfi sh disosition, which The qua rtet, Ca rl Rose nq ui st. is th e finest f ou nd a ti on f or true
George Showalter, William F. Schoenike, and Roland Reeve1, fur- h aippness, by cu lt i vati ng the habit Ho me Office
Utah Office Cal ifornia & H awa tl of un se lfi sh action. Bo ise, Idaho Sa lt La ke City Berkley, California. nished th e and Mi ss L ois Thl' s was on ly one of the que .ntl'on . F E ol lm ent Largest in West Alive, Aler t, Progressive r ee nr Hacker gave several readings. b d d h · t.. s w hi ch h as een iscusse wit We placP. more l'eru Normal g ra duates than any other agency m t1•e
The f ollowi ng mem bers of the so much pr ofi t at r ecP. nt Y. W. C. we st. We can use both expe r ie nced and in exper i enced teachers. fac ult y we re gr ante d l eave of ab- A. mee tin gs One cannot we ll sence for the sum mer sch ool: Mi1s afford to miss e ith er the pleasure Hosmer aneii Miss Tear to s tud y at · or the profit of these di s cu ssions. Columbia University; Mi ss Daniel Fill yo ur pen and s ign the pl e dg e at Ch icago University; Miss Fo ster for 192 1 Peruvian. at the U ni vers it y of Nebraska.
Mr Gabe l, Rul on a nd Miss Palmer w ill not work during t he su mm er school.
Th e following additional f ac ul ty members we re e mpl oye d for the su mm er sc h oo l: Mi ss Mildred leorbel, L incol n. Teacher of prin ciples and methods of e rluc a tion; Miss Kat he rin e Lambart. Fairbury, as her assistant; Mr s. Erma Ha sbr ouck, Nebraskll City, assistant in the art departme nt; Supt. W. G. Brooks, Nebral:lka City, in s tructor in history and ed ucati on; Geo. S. Hanson, W in side, ass is tant in the phy si ca l sc ienc e department ; P rin cipa l J. A. Jimerson , Brock, part ti me teac her in mathematics. Mr. Jimm e rson ia w ith in two s ummer schools of his A. B. deg r ee.
Don't proc ra stinate Buy a Pe r uvian now!
Visitors' Day,
Our pro g ram chairman was indeed fortunat e to get Teac her Francis Knight to arlmit the juni or class into her country sc hoolroom.
The juniors had the ra re opportunity of see ing a th orol y exp e rienced te ac her apply a ll she had lea rned in obs and met hods to a group of bri g ht- eye d. "playful" youn g ster s. The pupi ls furnished a special program of r ec it at ion and son a;s. Be amer a nd Bu r ley , tw o hopeful s, furni shed the climax by pro-..idin g a littl e mouse scene in which th e teac her pl ayed a cons picuous part. Pr of. Hi gg ins with hi s dignity and g ray soon restored o rder. Little Will y's ambitions to draw teache r were st ifled by a lar ge du nce cap.
We had an e nj oyab le vis it Our I only r eg ret is th at everyon e could not s hare amusement.
Y. M, C. A. Banquet.
One of the big eve nts of the Y. M. C. A. year took place la st Friday when more than seven ty-five students, faculty and business men of Peru met in the base· ment of the Methodist church for the annual banquet. There was
declared further that w hat our t l d . . country mos nee s IS servtce Christians, men who will assume leadership without desire for se lfish ga in , men who know "the joy of life" beca use have given themselves in unselfish service to their fP.Jlow men and to their counfood for lhe physical man and there try was food for the intellectual and Mr. Wallace is a business man, spiritua l man The special guest and speaker of the evening waa Mr Rohert Wallace, of Cou ncil Bluffs, Iowa, whose inspiring address was a main feature of the occasion.
Promptly at six-thirty the crowd gathered on the lawn of the church dnd waited patiently until the head cook 11aid the word that
in the real estate busin ses , who shows his faith in Christian ity by his works He stated to his audience that it'was a rule of his life to devote four hours to Chr.istan serviee for every eight h.e spent in hi s office. This time is given largely toY. M. C. A. work.
Girls' Glee Club.
MEAT MARKET Fay,· Bakery
Debating Team s_.En tertained
New Management AND Fresh and Smoked !"'eats Lunch Room
Fre sh fru its and vegetables in season
J. M. WYMO RE -GOOD THINGS TO EATPeru, Nebraska Students' Headquarters
The c·hatelain Jewelry Store
Watches, Clocks, dewelry. Fountain f»ens • .Stationery School Supp les. ORDERS f.>ROMPT1 Y FILLED
OU.R MOTTO;-"The best goods for the least money" We repair pens, watches, jewelry and spectac les.
GIVE US A CALL-lil i fo<"a 1 Lenses
J. C. CHATELAIN. Peru, Nebr.
Qualty, Sc rvice & Prices .
We carry a cotnpl ete and Jine of groceries and dry goods. Come in and get OJ.tr prices on dozeu and case lots of canned goods. We also carry_ a fresh line of fruits a11d ve2e ttrb'les.
The question for Saturday evening, Apri l 23, was, "Resolved:
That Mr. and Mrs. Eason are the best of entertainers. '' The debating teams entire ly for the Japanese, but the debate was rather a failure as all seven debaters insisteci on taking the affirmative of the que:::tion
brought young men, old men, and "When a big brown bear goes middle-aged men down to th ere 'Woof!' "-Oh, my! places before the f es tive board. Well, if you're around the chapel Real hone s t-to-goodness chicken next Fr id ay, yo u'll be lik ely to and other good to match, hear something that sounds I ike brick ice cream and cake, to say a big brown bear. But don't be nothing of th e beautiful bou- fri gh1tened 'cause it's on ly the Glee qdets of wild sweet wil lam s, faced Club the ba nqueters as each straight · Dian't you know· we had a Glee way forgot what manner of man Cl ub here? We ll, my goodness, we he was. Sure ly the ladies were in have, and they are going to g ive this place and the men knew it not. us a concert next Friday under the The first hour went we ll , and so direction of Miss Hilton. And don't began the second, for the crowd h esitate to come, thinking that all had divided itself into two rival their songs wi ll sound bearish yelling groups and were sp li tting 'cause they won't. They have the roof of the building with learned a heap of songs ye ll s and s ongs when th e sudden s ure to lik e. So bring your best arr ival of the speaker was signal g irl and your budget ticket, a nd for the sp eech-making to b egi n. be there at 8:15 if yvu want in Showa lter , act in g as toastmaster, fir st called on Erlan d Nel so n, whose topic was "What Y. M. C. A. Stands for." Ganze ll then outlined the work planned for the coming schoo l year, after w hich Mark Detzel! exp lained the things for whic h the asso ciation spends its money each year. All these student talks were goodLand interesting a nd indicated th at these men had a real comprehension not only ·of th e mea ning of th e ''Y," but also of th e work that is necesfor the whole show.
Th ei r argum ent was proved by the following points: sary to carry on its undertakings. 1. A chicken dinn er that in
At thi s point th e t oastmaster, real strawb er ry need s in very goo d grace, ca lled on Pres- no proof for its validity. ThE: proof id e nt Ro use to introduc e Mr . Wa l- is in th e eati ng. la ce, the main speakE:r of the even- 2. We hav e had th e beat coach ing. The speaker in turn intro- in Nebr.aska and a rea l friend in duced himself as one who was'not Mr. Eason.
0 R G a religious fanatic, or a profession- 3. No debatin g season ever al in re ligi on, but a bu si ness .man, ended better than ours, due to one who was interested in practica l these friendly p eo pl e, Mr. and Mrs. Christianity as it may be lived and Eason fostered in a Young Men'• Chris- The plac e wa s the Eason home tian Association. · "The word an·d the occasion a six ,o'c lo ck dinChristian," decl a red Mr. Wallace, ner. The d ec ision of th e judges ''is the ve ry heart of the Associa- was unanimou s ly in our; fa vor. tion; take that word out and yo u have just an ordinary c lub." The speaker then Christiana into what he call ed surface Chris-
Whatchu gonna aay?
Whatchu gonna pay ? Savin' my mon ey t1ans and serv1ce Christ i ans, and For D,ay
Devote a little time to in vesfigtlti mg our prices an Stationery · .
.School suppli es Fountafn pens, etc.
High quality and Jow Groceries, mea ts, fruits, candies ttnd good eats
and the s pirit and life of the Summary of 1920,-21 Season. school. BesidPs th e !'nappy social When the s hrill blaBt of th e functions for the memb ers, a carni- referees' whistle anntmnced the va l was staged and the proceed s opening of the 1920 football seaturned over to the basket ball s on , we saw on th e field ready for sweater fund; anrl very soon. if a pitched battle with the ex chamwe can beli eve the manufacturers, pions of York College, our ow n ' the eight men of the ba ,ke t ball Peru warriors. S ome n ew face s squad will ue strutting around the them to be sure, but their campus wi th big white coat sweat- baptism of fire showed that they ers trimmed with a Llue ldter and d ese rved to be th e re The back· th e number of ee, vice stripes ward march of the Yo rk. team at
FLOYD HIGGINS, Football Captain-E lect
About the middle of the first semester the football men began to I fee l that the schoo l should have I an athletic club for th oAe who had I earned lett ers in some major ath1 letics. After some discussion n' meeting was called for the purpose of organizing such a club; A co nstitution was later adopted and 1 the f ol lowing officers were elected: 1 Bracke, president; Wilson, vice ! president; Wilcox, secretary; and I C. Rose nqui st, treasurer.
The men believe the club can be I a great benefit to the school as j well as a benefit to themselves. ' They plan to write letters to high school athletes dOd others who : . : would he an asset to the athletics
C Rosen qui st E Rosenqui st Will .v Prante Paap Landolt
A Troudt Clark Toft Longft>llow Iver s
The f ootba ll and ba sket ball prospects for the 1921 - 22 season are indeed bright. Having most of last year's athletes back fighting for old Peru, we anticipate a combination of play1!rs that shnuld make an all-victoriou s
On the football field, Captain Higgins, our big all -state lineman, will no doubt more th11n rep eat his excellent playing of last season. Other men from the 1920 machine are Longfellow, Paap, Prante. Carl Rosenquist and Pomeroy, who have demo nstrated their. ability to put up a stonewall defense and next fall wi ll find th em charging with their b ig captain to "a rry the backs past the first line of defense. We will in all pr o bability have a c om· plete back-field and set of ends
'from previous teamB of the blue and white. Willy at fullback, got his bearings in the big college sport last sea ann and wi II undoubt-
tConttn nc nn PnJ::" r- " ---·
Our $1800 Capta ins. 1921 Schedule 1 Charles Gately, footbal l captain, Octobe r 1, open, at Peru. {u and see the and Edwa rd Ro:-.e nquist , ba!lket October 6, York College at y,pring Styles •••• ball cap tam have each had many I calls from schoo l m en of Ne- 1 Octob er 14, Grand P Peru br aska Gately tt• awnee , Js land '.f Norma · C · d R t goes to Stan ! October 21, Kearney tty an o1enqu1s • 1 ton, both at the salary of $1800 j Kearn ey. 1 These two townA are October 28, M1dland College , ia Nebraaka high school athletic I Peru. ;zs 81/enberger
State 2Jank circles and with two suc h effieient I November 4, Doane College , coahes-well the ot her Achoo ls in · Crete \re given considerate their territory had better keep a November ll, fill eo later. l tion at this bank. watchful eye upon them. N ove mber 18, Hastings Col let ,. fi . f th ht at Peru. Aggressive ghtJng or e rig I th Jd a f November 23 , Cotner Uni. Iis the noblest sport e wor • f d Roo sevelt • Bethany. 1 or s.- · J. W. McADAMS, V. Preaident. ANNA FARLEY, Asst. Cashier. •
ROSENQUIST, Basket Ball Captain.
THE PERU NORMALITE in the s tate with one e xcep· tion.
Entered at the Pos toffice at Peru, Nebraska as second -cla ss matter.
Remember Peru Preparati on Puts Punch and Pep into the Published Weekly by the Peru State No rmal science of coaching athletics.
$1.00 per y ea r. Single copy 5 cts. The Ten Commandments.
1. Thou sha lt first seek out Nebra ska City.
Emerging as it were, form th e humbl e, kindly atttempts of th e juni ors, we trained it toward Nebraska City, shopped a wee , talked a wee and walked a wee.
2. Thou shal.t in I ike mann e r, ==== ==== , =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== visit the schools and th e pe da -
lfy ou do not receive your Normalite. thereof.
l! ave notice in th e Norm a lite box in the Admini stra tion buildin g.
Tramp! Thru the ward sch ools, 1 high schoo l, and Blind Insti t ute , No a rticle s a ccep t ed after 8 o'cl ock taking note as you ad v is ed us, Mr. Mon d ay mo rning- Greene.
Ho pe Lewi s. Editnr-in Chi ef Robert Quick Associa te Editor
Ann et ta Stoc kin g Assistan t Edit or P an ] Wi lcox Ass istant Edit or Roland Carr Bu sines s Mg'r.
Ka rl Shaefer Mg' r. Ma iling Dept
Mabel Dre!'sler Senio r Held ega rd e Yeck Jnnior
Lois Griffin Sophomo re Doro thy Petitt Freshmen
Rola nd Carr Y. M. C _.;,
Nin a St yl es Y. W. r. A:
Ger tru de Ca r ve r N. C. A.
To be selected Philo
Est her Delz ell. Gir1 9 Clu b Mildred Hank s . Dramatic Club
Le ona Sp a rk s De bating Club Fi!' her Olvm pie Club
Ch fl ord Cla rk .:.. I' Club
''P" Club Editorial Committee Pa ul Wilco x, Cha irman Victor Brae ke_:.D ona lr:l Wil so n
Peru Trained Coach:s-
The demand for Peru trainerl coaches is growing greater year by ye a r. Why ? Th e re is somet hin g more to c: oachin g a team than the knowledge of the technique of the game. A coac h must know the science of teaching, he mu st know how to car e fo'r his men and to and hold the repsec.tecne. IQ,'tli'
3. Assemble ye at the cour t house at the eiP.venth hour.
With th'ree belated pa sse nger s picked up, we steered th e s hi p into mid-ocean and turned our fac es toward Arbor Lodge.
4. Eat that ye may be sati s fl ed and strengthened for the day.
How many times did the bread lin e pass around for another pia te ful l? Let us spare our frail faculties so arduous a task, bes ides we wi sh to remove such a temp t ati on, as the menu our dear friends, the juniors.
5. Explore ye th e mansi on there and lift thine eyes into the pine s.
You who have ne"er wa ndered a pin e grove thru, or vi s it ed a ho me of wea l th, sunned yours e lf in a sun - parlo r, or sat in Teddy's chair, do not attempt to assimilate this paragraph.
· 6. Thou shalt play and be happy in so doing.
Baseba II, horse shuttlecork-a word to the wi se is sufficient.
7. To you I make announcement: The Chamber of Comm e rce will enterta in the sen ior class at the Paramount heatre, at four o'clock. Go ye in! real "We saw it to the end - and was part of the fan ." no p . . w what, did you say ? Oh ask JS Jn • z. •emor.
. N Take the thirty pi e ces of 1n , Mr Er ' take! eat ! 3 1e of us had a te a-bone
Portrait and put the ••snap in I snap-shots" We have the film that fits your camera
J. Newman Studio
Found ed 189 3 We recommend a teacher unl ess ask ed to do so by l:'ch oo l official s. No enrol lme nt F ee Write us PROMPT, EFFICIENT, RELI A BLE SERVICE E. T. HOUSH, 1\)nnager, Shop Bid., Des Ia
American Black
We manufacture this lutnber for Mttttual Training work, selling direct to schools . Meek Lumber €o
At thui'porilt · t'ne toastmaster, in very good grace, called on President Rouse to introduce Mr. Wallace, the main speaktr of the evening. The speaker in turn in troduced himself as one who was' not a religious fanatic, or a professional in religion, but a business man, one who was interested in practical Christianity as it may be lived and fostered in a Young Men'• Christian Association. · "The word Christian," declared Mr. Wallace, ''is the very heart of the Ass ociation; take that word out and you have just an ordinary club." The speaker then gro uped Christian• into what he called surface Christians and service Christians, and S:>pportunity looks for vou wh en Stewart Schoo1 Service, F ond Favorite Toilet J are worth find1ng.-Ex. Lin co ln, Nebrask a Article s
Are more num e rou s in this offi ec We Invite You To call at our store for you r Hardward Needs, Also Electric lamps , and Flas hlig hts
' You will always fi nd a welc ome at Mackprang's Hardware We Go to endee Peru th .ne of us had only a c up of ese
E Some of us four co ur se nso The rsan'd' ut it was part of the fun. Turn ye your faces to the ner. d ewar stretch- back to your was<s undone. A perfect sun se t, vperfect day, a perfec t Pe ru you ask for more ?
than candidates I peopl e pe op le are in prim e . fav or wi th o ur patr ons. ; :
W. T. DAVIS. ' 06 is ma nager and pr opri etor of- · SCHOOL SE RVI CE
Ask faculty members or oth er'' Pharmacy \ FOR School
sc ho ol pe opl e as to hi s ret i a- Stationery , fine ca ud ie s bi lit y. Wri te t od ay to ·
Seniors, was spent in eating, and in s in ging We h ave all often heard of the son gs old adage , "Reg ul ar chip o ff the Th e on es who wo rked and s tood old blo ck." After two years of behind th e whol e pro g ram we re ur.d_e rs tudyin g of th e faculty, the IFaye Farquh a r, Ne vada Parriott , se n1or s we re abl e to show th ose an d Huth Gro s chick, to wh 1)m a attend ing c hapel on Wedn e sriay, great d ea l of the credit of such a how well th ey had master ed their good chap el program is due. su bj P.cts by car e fully "Following in th e footsteps of th e ir elders."
Y. W. C. A.
Anoth er ad age was clever ly portray- The regular meetin g Wedn es day ed : "If we could see ourse lves as ev e ning was a boost for Geneva others see us." I summ er camp Mona Ke ith as
The s en i or s were kind and big leader gave us something of the hearte lii enou gh to gi ve a few of sp irit of the camp by mean s of the th e an opportunity to draw songs with which we ope ned the conc lus iOns concerning th ems elve s. 1 meeting. We ev en had the "ukes." Th e first part of the program was Then A lm a Gock ley strengthened an usual program in a photograph our desire to be present at the studio. Cl yde Ivers took the part camp in some h appy futur e of a plea s ing a nd patient photog- ' summ er by relating her own rapher. Among his di s tinguished exoeriencel'l at Geneva pa trons during th e day were Miss l At the close of the meeting Hosmer. Gladys Ead s; Professor there was a un a nimou s vote to have Brown and his inevitab le umbrella, , the usual May morning breafast Ray mond Huffer; Mrs. Jean, Beu- i this year. lah Maxcy; Mis3 Foster, Esther Delzell, and vari ous junior mem- Girls' Glee Club. ben. Once more the old chapel thirlled
The second part of the program to the merry so und of g irl s' voies, opened by a piano duet by Miss as the Glee Club sang, la st Hilton, Mo na Keit h; and Miss ft'riday night. A hu sh of expec tShively, Mi ss Ne va Hoak, presid- l ancy held th e audience as a new glee club, with a new leader, came
tance that the large audi e nce departed.
Fo llowin g is the program.
Song On! L. Den za
Reverie Speaks
Serenade Schubert
Myrle Argabright
!\utumn E. Marzo
Birdie Baldwin, Helen Humbert
Spring E. Marzo
The Kerry Dance Molloy-Parks
Mi sses Ke lly, Gilbert, Har aji a n, Jarv is
Loves Highway Cadman
Star of Peace Abt-Parks
Obli g ato, Misses Argabright and Baldwin
Spark li ng Sunlight A•dite
Misses KE'll e y, Baldwin, Gilbert, Rann ey , Pe ttit and Br eckenridge
The Big Brown Bear Manna-Zucca Hush, Yo Honey, Hus h - Parks
Fay Bakery AND Lunch Room
We Make It
for you to wea'r a new suit each sea s on without actually investin2" th e price of ne w. Our regular patron s find that their garments wear longer becau se we keep 'em aeady any occasion.
Jno. A.. Cejka
Tailor and Cleaner
Phone 62
Baseme nt Fisher' s Drug Store
First-class Workmen. Your Patronage Solicited
C. P. SCOVILL. Prop.
New Manage ment
Students' Headquarters Fresh and Smoked Meats
ing at the piano. Then came the Facult y Dinner Club, tho se seated for th for their first conce rt. Few AGENT
Fresh fruits and vegeta bl es in sea son at the table were Miss Mutz, Ruth of the members of the old club Nebraska City Laundry Gr oschick; Miss Rose Clark, Ann are now singing and the songs I Phon e 138
J. M. WYMORE Ranny; Miss Foster, Esther Delzell; accentuated the yout h and delicacy Peru, Nebraska. Miss Esther Clark , Opa l Ham- of the various voices. Miss Hylton =========================== mond; Mi ss Ke ll ey , Inez Peterson; ia to be con gratualt ed on her sue-
NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS AGENCY Mi ss Hosmer, Gladys Eads; Miss cess with so much ne w mate rial. Palmer, Zayda Aikens; Mi ss Hil- l Mi ss Argabright's solo, Schuton , Mona Ke ith; Mi ss Da ni els, I bert 's Serenade, was ve ry sweet I Mildred Fisher; Miss Ellis, Miss · and pleasingly sung. Misses BaldMonagan; Miss Krebs. Marthn , win and Humbert struck a new ·note in the perfect blending of Kuebler; Mr. Gabel, Mr. S1pp)e; I h . . . d t ''A t " 1 t en vo1ces m a ue , u umn. Mr. Greene, Escher Landolt; Mr. "The Kerry Dance" was warmly Sch o enike, George Heywood; Mr. j received. and ' _'Spa rli ng Paul, Ed Ro senqu ist; Mr. Brown, I was a damty b1t of poetry m song Raymond Huffer; Mr. Crago, exquisite ly rendered. "The Big Ch I G I M FI t Eld I Brown Bear," brought forth many ar E:S ate y; r. oy , ' 1e a "Woof" from the aud1ence m Cameron. Mr. Crago and : pleased responsP.. When the conHoyt gave two ve ry mterestmg , cert clo sed wit h "Hush, Yo Honey, speeches. The rest of the time ' Hush," it was with great reluc-
Home Offi ce Uta h Offi ce Ca li fornia & Hawaii Boise, Idaho Salt Lake City Berkley, Ca lifornia. Largest in West Alive, Alert, Progressive Free E nro llment We place more Peru Nor mal graduates than any other agency in the west. We can use both experienced and in experienced teachers
Friday, May 6_, at
Jazz band, Tumbling, Dancers, Clowns, Play Goers, Negro Minstrels. Admission 25G and 15G
Prospects for Next Year Ilinger and Beamer will be back cconttnu ec1 rrom First 1 next year fighting for a pl ace edly be a whirlwind next year And then th e re' s Buettgen bac.h, a Wil so n, a con s istent player at big hu sky and a s tar on t. he 1920 ba ck, · can be counted on for the team wh o pr o mi ses to be in school s teady Wilcox at quarter- next year and wh o will un do u bte dback, and Bracke at halfback, tho ly be an important cog in th e 192 1pa rtially disabl ed part of the time 22 machine la st s eas on , deliv e red some n ecessary - I gains and we e xp ect them to be Summary of the Se ason. (C ontlnu ec1 from First re spons ible for th e ir share of the team work and to help pu sh that once assured us that the 192 0 pep machine had promi se of being a
The Chatelain Jewelry Store
Watches, Clocks. dewelr>y, Fountai n • .Stationer>y School Supples.
OUR MOTTO;-"The best goods for the least mon ey " We re pa ir pens, wa tches, jewe lry an d specta cl es. Bi fe ca l Lenses --GIVE US A CALL--
J. c. CHATELAIN, Peru, Nebr. pigakin ov er the line. As for end s, winner
we have Fisher and Standley, two The te am was placed in th e 1
le tter men who have ma<;le their
s ervices eount for much In the first division of the conferen ce and i
pas t. Most of the s econd team gained a lot of experience that wilt ! make next year's team loo m up : men will be out to make a place on
the squad and you never can tell strong. The York and Midl a nd gam es were both victories for Olrl when a youngster is going to break Peru. Then came t he mid-aea so n I loos e in his se cond attempt and ta ke a pl a ce for his own. Among "jinx." an y of the team were I
those who will try to land on the con s id erabl y battered up and had 1 squad are Del ze ll , Bea- to watch the gam es from th e El ide 1 mer, Sh owalte r, Swartz we lder, lin es At Gran d Is land t he y wer e j Carr, Crook, Ke lly, Buett g enbach, showing us how to pl ay polo on I Toft, Brown, and Ivers. ThP.se a rain-soaked gridir o n. Kea rn ey ,, men, with the of Buet- Way ne and Cotn er we re the retg enbd c h, wh o has just returned maind er of our victories, while! from service in th e all play- Doane, Wes leyan and Hastin gs: ed an imporlant pa rt in the de- ei t her out scored us or the g ame velopm e nt of la st year 's "pep wa1 over before we co uld catch up
machine." with them. And 10 the seas on
Qualty, Se rv.ice & Prices[
We corry a complete and up-to-d ":l tt= line of groceries and dry goods. Come in aud get our prices on dozeta ond case lots of canned goods. We al so carry a fresh line of fruits an d
sche dule we do appr e ciate wh at thE::y have
With 80 many of the old men ended with five won and four los t., . back and s eve ral high ICho ol stars I 'Ihose leaving our ran ks are who are most sure to be with us, Captam ?ately, Sharrar, Ed Rosen· I we ean Jonk forward to a wonderful quiet, Landolt and Troud t. While I season next year a nd a fast, snappy we regret not having them wi th team to defend th e blue and white us for more of their efficient work , 1
On th e basketball floor we will done on the gridiron and wish have a full team of heads for th em the be st of succes s in t heir next seaso n. By graduation we work a1 teach ers and coaches. lose th e fl eet captain, Ed Rosen- Fo llowing the football season 1
qui s t. and will have to do some tall basket ball took up the center of
ru stlini' to till his place , but we attraction and we can say for the
know each year must lose part indoor pastime that t he men took
of th e m, so th e men are all deter- to it enthusiastica lly and s oo n had mined to put out another winner tteir eyes on the big games to; A full team of experienced players come Th e long grind of th e s ea -,: l!an be lined up with ca pta in-elect son brouJ[ht us th ru wi th Toft. Carl Ro senqui s t, Wilcox, victories a nd only four defea ts, 1 Clark, Wilson, Fisher and Higgins. and wllile the end found th e boys : With all these men of one, and re a dy to turn in t.heir s uits, it also I some of two, years' experience, we found them thankful that th ey had 1 wi II be able to offer a team that had the experienc e ne ce ssary for a, should more than hold its own in winning team next year And so 1 1 the conference. On the second I Captain Ed Rosenqui st hand s over team we :had a lively bunch of Ithe s.ame team , with th e exception 1 youngsters th at often gave the var- of _ h1ms e lf, to Captam-Elect To.ft w1th the a ss urance th at the;; w1ll SJty a .:warm workout Of these Iwork ha rd fo r Old Pe ru in th e seamen, Burl ey, Kelly, Crook , Noer- so n to com e.
Gre at Musical Event ils a Pi!rt of the 1 Commencern t Pr ogram
A rl fri en ds of the Normal and lo ve rs of mu-ic will bP de li g hted to know that arrangements have be "n compl.,ted for a )'Upe rb ti-:t's r ec it al :1 nrl ,-trin g-e d co nc prt as o np of the e vents of commencement w t>e k For eleven years Per u' s commencement felltivr t if's have hee n kn ow n as mueh for their sp l en did Mav Fes t iv al of Mu sic as for any ot.her f eatu re. Wh ile thP. ex te nt anrl n>\tur e of thi s mn>'rcal occasion will bt' c han .g-e d and vari ed somewhat, th t-> same I high sta nd ards st t in her pas t fe!'tivals will be m<Aintainerl. This year the at tractir ns are to he crowd• rl into t. nf' hig proj!ram of mu s ic to bf' given Wt-dnHday tvening-, May 25 , at o'c loc k. I
The leading eve nt will be IJn a rti st'11 r eci ral hy Margery Max- I we ll of the C hica go Grand Op E.' ra : Compa n y. Mi ss Maxwe ll has a pure, id ea l ly ric S11p ran o vo ic e wh ic h is co l 1rfu l and by evenness of tone thruout its wide range. She can cha rm by h er Mrt alone but f;he has 1 he a dd ed gifts of pe rsona l ity an rJ gno d looks t hat make her an i dea l During her she sco r ed an indi vidua l s uc ce11s in both C hi cago and New Yo rk.
The Chicago Daily Tribune p ro -
Pe ru Fortunate in H aving Great Music F acu lty for Summer Voic e
We count u nu s ual ly for t unate in be in g- ab lE' t<•
Mr Ca rl r>ton a Nemaha ro 1Jnty hov with a natior.al r £-putat.on in the wor ld; as voice in s tructor a nd leader of chorus and glee cl u hs
Mr. Cumm i ngs gra<iua t ed from the Nebraska Wes !P.ya n Conservatory of Mu sic in Since th en he ha s s tu died one and a half ye ar s at the lnst i tute of M Art, New York C1ty , nne and a ha lf yea rs at the Ch i cago Musical Cn lhre. one summer at th e Ame ri ca n Co nse rv atory , Chicago, and one and a ha lf yea rs at the New Eng land Qo nservatory at. Ba t so n, at whir h in st itut ion he - is n ow an instructor
Mr C ummin gs ho lds a spec i al soloist 's d ip loma . He ha s had cho ra l d ir ec t io n un de r Fra nk Dam r osc h of New York City, Emil Mollenhaue r of th e H :mde i-Ha yd n S ocie ty, Boston, and G. W. Chadwick of the New England Cvnservatory Before the war Mr. Cummi nllS was director of the Co ns er vatory of Wneaton College, Wh ea ton, Illi nois He spent two y ea rs as so ng leader in the war camps He has tr ave leo extensive!y as a so lo ist and me mb er of quar tet s.
Peru tlas not bet!n able befo re to p re se nt so disti ngu ishe d a munounc e !! her "on e of Chicago 's best ways in sp ir Pd a nd pleasecl· Mi ss/ Additional Faculty for Summer, C , sician in th e voice depart me nt. a rti s ls. '' The hicago Advertis- 1 Eic he is th e musica l manager of I Eve rv in di cat i on pPi n ts to a JarWe tr u 3t tha t man y of the s tud e nt s i ng says of her, '' Miss M axwe ll 's this t.rio a nd th ey h ave th.e e nthu · g-er summer sc hool tha n last yea r f · as we ll as musically in c lin ed peaconcert work has won fr om mu s ica l siast ic eocio rsement o Lin coln's: when th e e nr o ll ment rea ched 682 pie of ne ighbo r ing ci ties will take critics uniform and ent hu sias ti c la rg est cho ru s di_rect.or. The ir IIn order to carry the te a ch in g loa d ad va ntage of this opportu nity to pra ise. A th o ro st ud e nt. gi fted swee t chamber mus1c Will va ry th e of s uch a g rou p the fo ll owing fac· I ca rry wo rk with him. with a natura l vo i ce of exce ptional prog-ram and de li ght the a udience. I ulty me mber s have b ee n ad d ed to clea rness and pur ity. she is l ook ed T ht s gra nd mu s ical tr ea t ha s j th e fo r ce: Piano. upon by Manager Campanini as an been secured thru an arr a ngement Supt. w. G. Brook s of Neb r as ka Mies Helen Hylton, a American product de stined to bft- that will make it ava ilable to a ll. ICity wi ll car ry work in ed ucatio n of the Unive rsi ty School of Music', come internationa lly famous." It may be e njoyed for the. no minal 1 a nd pe ycho logy. w il l be head of the piano d epa r tThe seconrl strong attruti?n char ge of one dollar ; chlldren un- Mrs. Erma H asbrouck who was ment durin g the summer schoo l which will give the concert part der thirt ee n yea rs of ag e, fift y' a very popula r t eac her in the a rt Miss Hylton ca me to Peru la st Sepof the 8 venin g's program is th e ce nts Reserved sea ts w ill go on i d epar tm ent in th e summer s chool temb er high ly recomm e nd ed by h er Harmoniq ue Tr io of Linco l n. It sa le at Fisher Brothers ' drug s tor e' of 1920 , will be with us in the t eac hers. She fo ll owed two mo st cons ists of Mrs. August Moiz er , Saturday morning, May 21, at nin e, s ame department t hi s summer popular a nd succes sf ul meD as hea d vio l in; Mi ss Li ll ian Eiche, violon - o'c lock. A numb er of seats wi ll / Mrs. Ha s br o uck has r ece n tly been of th is depa rtm e nt. She h as cel lo; and Mr s Ed ith B urlin g im be res er ved for out-of-town gu ests . electe d to an art posi tion in the h ad m an y adv anced s tudents who Ross, piano. Miss Eic he is not S en d al l o rd ers to R. D. Overholt, St. Paul, M inn eso ta, schoo ls. h ad stu di ed wi th Professor Car lnew to Peru music l overs· As a Re gis trar . These will be reserved Supt' S. Han se n of Win- son and Pr ofessor Ho hm an n. member of former May Festiva l in th e order in wh i ch th ey are re- si de, who for seve ral su mmers was These stud en ts do not h es i tate to talent groups her playin&" has al- ceived ( Co ntinu ed on r conttnued on Fou1·th P age.>
CARLE TON CUMM INGS, Voice, C noru s and Glee Club s.
THE PERU NORMA.LITE bi e nnial re port to the Board of Ed· ucation last Dece mber , in which he
Entered at the Postoffi ce at Peru, Ne- said, ''There se e m• to be no reasonbrask a as seco nd -cl ass mat te r. able way to corr e ct the poor acou stics of our auditorium. ·I suggest Published Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal that the auditorium be conve rted
$ LOn per yel! r- Sin gle co py 5 cts into a gymnasium and tha t the prese nt ba sement gymn a sium be remodel ed so as to provide a s wimming pool and ad e quate locker r oo ms."
Board and Room
If you desir e tabl e board at the dormit ory at $4. 50 per week and ha ve not made reservation for the s am e, write at once to Mr R. D.
If you do not rece ive your Nor ma li te , l!av e not ice in th e No rm cs lite hox in the Overh olt, Pe ru, Ne br as ka, asking
Admini strat ion build in g. him to res e rv e a place for you.
' Private board may be s ecur ed No article s a ft er 8 o'cloc l< at several ood boardni g house s at Mo nd ay mornm g-. g ============== $6 .00 per we ek. The fo llo wmg
• T HE I!I>ITOil i AL S TA FF. pl aces s till have room at their ta-
Hope Lew is Ed itor-in-Chi ef
Robert Qui elc Editor
Ann etta Stock in g Ass ista nt Edit or P an ] Wi lcox Editor
bl es: Mes dam es B. D. Bal d win, M. V. Co le, E. 0. Da s her, J. D. McAuley, Milli e MeKenney, J. D. Ro liff , and A. M. T ay lor, and Mi ss . Business lVIp; 'r. Ella Miller. Portral·t and Commercl"a1··-We put the ... p in ar lae,er.. Mg 'r :vt a iling Dept u Man y stud e nts com e to Pe ru the fir st day of summer s chool with o ut snap-shots" We have the film that I< EPOR TERS:
Mabel Drcss ler Se nior
Hel deg-a rde Y cc k .] unior
Lois Gri ffi n So phom o.re
Doro th y Petitt . F res hm en
Rola nd Ca rr Y. M. C A.
Nin a Styles Y. W. (' A.
Ge rtru de Carver N. C. A.
To be selec ted Phil o Est her Delze li. Girls Club
Mild !ed 1-l a nk s Dm mat ic Cl ub
Leo na Spa rk s . Debatin g Club
Ec! na F is her Oiymp ic Club
Chflo rcl Clark !' Clu b
havin g en ga ged a ro om. It will not be s afe to do that this year. If you do not have de finit e r ese r· va ti ons, write at once to R. D. Overh o lt, g ivin g him authority to locate you. Room s run fr om $7 .00 to $ Ul per ro om, two in a r oo m. Indi cate about the p rice yo u wi sh to pay in your letter to Mr. Overhole.
Girl s' Club.
Swimming Pool and New Gym. Th e la st ciub me etmg for the
Work has beg un on remod e ling y ear was held on Thur sd ay , May 5" th e prese nt chap el building for u se To mak e th e la st the best, a speas a s wimming po ol and gymna s i- cia) prog ram wa s plann e d. Marum. The old gymnasium will be garet Co chran wa s enc ored for a pr ovid ed with th e mo st mod ern charming s olo. Loi s Griffin and s wimmin g po ol and equipm e nt in In ez Pe ter so n r ea d for us, and yes, th e way of s hower ba t hs, locke rs th e re was a Jittle"boy" (at this and viol et ray purify in g processes Girls' Club me eting!), but it was Th e pr esent chapel r oo m will be Alice Humbert' we lea rn ed a ft e reon ve r te d into a gy mn as ium. Th e wa rds. E dna Fi sher ve ril y per so nst age will be left int a ct in ord er to ified the spirit of Girl sl C lub, in ac '!o mm odate th e large audiences bla ck a nd oran ge danc in g. Al so that usua lly att e nd pla ys and May Fe st ivals.
A regular convocati on hall is to be pr ovi de d on th e second flo or of th e old tr a inin g sc hool building
Th ere will be sea tin g r oo m for 6 00 in a we ll - li g bte d, w ell -ventil ated room with a mpl e st age we were e nt e rt a ined by a 2'l ee club sex te tt e, a nd thi s m Pa ns it wa s go od.
Pe rhap s th ere co ur d be no more vital inn ova tion in co nn e ction with th e instituti on, Ea ch of th e oth er Normal Sch oo ls is pro v id ed with a pool. Our g ymna sium alw ays b ee n a se riou s ha ndi cap in bas ket ball a ctiviti es. Th e n ew gymna · sium will be one of the be st in the st ate.
Mis s Elli s a nd our Fay F arq uha r, each g av e us a lit· ti e talk as to th e yea r's work, a nd we a ll r ece i ve d th e love li est token from Mi ss Elli s. Ea ch g irl wa s pr ese nted with & flow er of o ur c heerful or an ge , club co lor. As we wor e thes e fl ow er s thru th e da y, we ve ry se lf -s uffici e ntly congratu · fated our s elves for bei ng me mbe rs of such a club bu t th ey c an't he lp but ad mit it.
Founded 1893
We never recomm e nd a teach er unl ess as ked to do so by official s. No enrollment F ee Write us PROMPT, EFFICIENT , RE LIA BLE SERVI CE E. T. HOUSH, Manager, Shop Bid., fa
American Black Walnut
We lnvire You
To ca ll at our store fo r yo ur Hardwar d Needs,
We manufacture Also El ectri c lamps , and Fl ashlumber for Munual li ght Training worl<, 5 selling direct You will alwa ys find a welco me at to . Me.e.k 6umbe.r E.o.
Are more num erous in thi s o ffi ec th an ca ndidates
Pe ru p eop le p eo pl e are in prim e f avo r wi th our pa tr ons. W. T. DAVI S. '0 6 is ma na ge r a nd pr opr ie tor of SC HOOL SERVI CE
Ask fa culty me mb ers or other s ch oo l peo pl e as to hi s re li ability Write today to
Supp l ies
Sta tione ry, fine condies on d Favo rite Toi l et I re gret oft en that I have spokThi s pl an r ea li zes th e drea m of en, never th at 1 have been s il e nt Stewart Schoo) Service, Rou se as outlined in his -Sy rus. Lin co ln, Ne br as ka Ar ti cleM
Y. W, Brea kfast. \girl s she e xemplified for them the his students gave a very e ntertain- Extra! Special! Extra!
•·we need not, Lord, our g ladness mother spirit of und er standing ing de mon s trati on of c lassroom You can't afford to miss this Lig l eave, sympathy which mu st ever be wo- work in physical tr a ining for boys. event of the year. To. worsh ip Thee aright; man.'s .distinctive contribution to,This was one of the most popular What? An e ntertainment-a big Our JOYfulness for praise receive! C hn s t1 an serv!ce. numb ers on th e pro g ram. Iprogram and a box suppP.r. Thou mak'stour liv es so bright." Mildred Fi sher The Pl aygoe rs, presented. by. an Where '? Gym, of the T. J. Majors'
gr ee n spray;; of spring flowers made a fitting sett in g f or the bri g ht spr in g gow ns.
This jo yf ul spirit, exp r esse d in led m th e BJnglng of many cl eve rly all·star cast, was th e co ntnbut10n I training building. When? May 8 we ll known hymn is c haracteris· worded Y. W. C. A. songM of the Dramatic Club to the even- 14 at 7 :30 o'clock. What for? To tic of Y. W. C. A. girls. It was Y-y-y-y-y-y doub]e C. A, was ingot entertainment. earn money to beautify the school most ev id ent in th e group of stu- echoed thru the halls as th e girls grounds dents who gat hered morn - tro ope d o,ut to take up college du- Council Entertained. ing to ma ke m er ry together over ties with a new realization of and The Counil of th e Girls' Club the annual May-morning breakfast. appr ec iation of he lpful co mrade- met for their regular me e ting, on They met in the ho me eco nomics ship. Monday, May 2. But the meeting was all ther e was of the occasion dining r oom where deco rations of Vaudeville Mdkes Hit. that waa " regular," for Miss Ellis Students, fa and friends of and Fay Farquhar ha& a surprise the sc ho ol had the rare privilege for the Council. They had a won11ast Friday ni g ht of attending a derful party all planned and had A beautifully appointed thr ee · high class va ud ev ill e performance ke pt it as a surprise. Th ere were course breakfast which includ ed Icomprising fiv e big acts in eac h of pink rose flowers, and pink ice girls lov e be st was s erv e d. I which were featur ed several re- cream, and angel food cake with We Jl cheer, chee.l, che er Mrs. I nowned s tars. Peru's popular jazz pink frosting and pink candy The J ean.'' th e girls sang at the · close Iband e nliv ene cl th e occasion with a guests declared thnt the party was and a ll pledged their in one I' numbH of ae lection s. the "oink of perfection." And as mo re cup of hot coffee. The reading by Alyce Humbert, ma ny of the councilors would not
A nne Ranney was a most gra- as Bill's little pal, gather again, our sponsor told us
Base ment Fisher's Drug Store Workm en. Your Patron· age Solicited. C. P. SCOVILL. Prop
Fay Bakery AND Lunch Room
cious She intr.o- Iwas one of th e best appreciated all about our futur e liv e s. Mind <iced Hil dega r de Ye ck and Mtl- numbers. ni e is to loo k for someone fat and GOOD THINGS TO EAT-dred Hanks who pl ayed a violin The minstrel troup e, which forty, and in ye ars we will find duet which was a lovely prelude made its first appearance nt the P Ruth doing high class laundry Students' Headquarters for the program that followed. Club carnival, was again present work! (My! we never dreamed of Inez Peterson read a characteristic with song 11 , jokes, and and such a thing! But Miss Ellis said STERLING SEARS story of co II Pge life. the girls from tbe physica( train - so!)
In the talks given , the growth of in g department repeated the beau- The officers for next year's club t he s tudent in the wholesome, st i- tiful which they gave a were pre sen t, and if their year bemuta ting atmosphere of a Chris- s hort time ago in a chapel pro- gins as enjoyably as ours closed tian college was compared with the : gram Ith ey will certainly be successful. development of a plant. Alyce I In addition to these , we were Humbert s poke of the soil, Edna Ipri v il ege d to s ee a group of rough-
Nebraska City Laundry Phone 138
Fisher of th e see d, Yna Hansen of and tumble clowns who were not Home Office
Utah Office California & Hawaii the blade, ar:d Amy Adams of the Iwanting in the agility and frivol- Boi se, Idaho Salt Lake City Berkley, California. sta lk Eac-h spoke simply a nd di- ity characteristic of the real circus Largest in We st Alive Alert Progressive Free Enrollment rectly with an ea rn est ne s• which I clown. ' ' th age ncy in the I We pla ce more Peru Normal graduates than any o er made the compari so n impre ss ive. Boys' aesthetic dancing is an west. We can use both experienced and in ex perienced teachers. Mrs. Rouse, in her words concer- 1entirely new feature. The ning the fruit . s ummed up the boys have demonstrated that th1s qualities need ed for a Christian Iis not alone a gir ls' art · T.he womanhood w hich is to be a whole· audience thoroly enJoyed the1r tns ome, h el pful, leav e ning pow er J te rpreta ti on of an a esthetic dan ce in +he world. As s he spoke to the I Coach Speer and a group of
Private Music-Pian·o and Voice, method in school administrati on for the National Education Asso ci -l an d appr o pr ra te vocal :-olu by Ft-rn cconttnucd rrom First that a teach er can no lon ge r ta ke ation, will be in Peru for the last and two lovely little Mo th · h f up the work of s uperint ending week Mr Ma<YilJ's l ectu re s will 1er:>' Day r eadings hy Inez P ele r- place her as t e equal of either o ,..
Ithese gentle men. Several of the without special training. The be well wo rth to each student who son th e o rigin the da y t'Xd following topics will be tr•ated ·, h ea rs him the entire cost of the plained by E 11sle Breckenndge students ha ve in ividually expreRs- "' 1 ed themselves in this manne r: city school organization and it s week's schooling The remain der of the meeting was I anal og ies in other administrat1've 1' Rpent in a gen er al db-cusHi on of "Miss Hy ton is the best piano teacher 1 have ever had." uni ts; the f:luperintendent and the Y. W. C. A. th e rnany thin gs which our m• th·
ers ha vl:' non e for u!', and how we Summer sch oo l st udents will be board of tne raising Wednesday evening's meeting ' can pr ove o ur BIJ pr eC'ra tiun of able to take aclvantage of her in- and expenditure of school moneys; Iwas given o ver to the honor of , th e ir love Y rsa Ha n,en marie a struction · 8!! sure to meet her teacher s and the s uoer!ntendent I Mothers' Day After a beautiful very cap ab le l€ader. nuring th '! days of regi s tr a tion and their selection. supervieion, sa larrange for your hours early. aries, local and state organ i zaDoubtles s !:!he will no t be able to tions; schoo l publicity: school accommodate all who wi ll apply buildings and building programo. for pidno instructi o n, but all ar - The Curriculum. Theo ry of rangement s for instructi on in the Education. Credit 2 hours pian o department must be made Superintendent Brooks through Miss Hy lton The purpose of thi s cour se is to Supt Harold Humphreys of make a careful st udy of th e soeiol· Steele City will care for beginning foundat i ons of school currie · piano students and for any others ul a, und to s uggest me thods for who may have known of the bril- c urriculum building. A surv y liant work of Mr Humphreys when will be mad e of some spe cific outhe was a student in Peru comes that we may expect from
Additional Pnculty for Summer.
<Continu ed !rom Flrl!t the sc h ool activities of children. The project method as an ans wer to recent social pr ob lems will re· an assistan t and an instructor in ceive brief treatment the science department , will offer Educational Measurement s. Th ecours.es in physic!:! and .botany. I ory of Educat i oR. Credit 2 hour s.
Pnnclpal J. A. J1mmerson of Superintendent Gr eene. the Brock high sczhool, who before This course will make a careful th e war was a mos t s uccessful su- stu dy of a few of the most u se d perintendent at Shelby and Edgar, standardized t ests ; their present awill assist in the mathematics de- tion, tr ea tment of results, and anpartment. alyses of resu lt s to de termine what
Mi ss Anna Booth of Alliance, modificdtions in the teach ina- of who has been associated with the sc hool subjects should be made mu s ic al department for several After a brief survey of teachers' years, will be with us in the sa me present methods of markin g, tests department. will be given in th e Training Miss Katherine Lam bart returns Sahool anrl their results s tudied in
after res ting last s ummer, as an the following snb j ects , or such of
assi s tant in the training de part- them as time permits; arithm etic , ment la nguage, spe lling, reading, and Superintendeat Yankei of Hum- handwrit!ng. Students are inboldt will assist in mathematics vite'd to bring data fr om their and hi s tory. s chools for comp a rati ve studie s. .!.
Special Courses in Education, Special Lectvres.
So me of the co urses in education Amon g the spec ial lecturers for this su mmer w ill be co n cerned the summer s chool are Mr. James mainly with the recent develop- M. Ma theny of Ohio, who comes meats that are influencing practice for two days to di scm;s the old but in the best school systems. They timely tapic of "The Boy Prob· are designed esp ec ially fo r super in - I em ." He wi II apeak several tendents and prin::ipals but will be times His mesAages wil l be help· equally helpful fo .· teachers who ful to all, but especially to the bewish to keep up-to-date. These ginning teachers who will e onst i· courses are offe re d by auperinten· tute about fifty perct!nt of our en· dent Charles E. Greene of the .ro llment. training schoo l anrl Superintendent Mrs. Ira D. Hasbrouck, who W: G. Br oo ks of Ne braska City, comes under the au spices of the both of whom have recently spe- National Chi ld Welfare Associ&· cialized in these fields in Teachers' tion, will spe nd the week of July College , Columbia University, 4 lecturins:t and nolding conf eren · New York City. A brief outline ces on Child Welfare. Two of her of three courses follows: lectures wi 11 be "Growth of Child City School Administration. Welfare in the United States ," and Theory of Education. Credit 2 "Community Co-operation for h ours. Superintendent Greene. Child Welfare." Both of these So much progress h as recently lectures will be illustrated. been made in the use of scientific Hugh S. Magill, fi e ld secretary
OUR MOTTO;-"The best goods for the. least money" We r epa ir pens , watch es , jewelry and specta c les. Bif oral Lem;es --GIVE US A CALL-J. c. CHATELAIN, Peru. Nebr
Qualty, Sc rviGc & Prices
We carry a complete and up-tn-d"ltt: 1ine of groceries and dry l:ome in and get our on dHZt:!tl nnd case lots of canned We carry o Jine of fruits n nd b1es.
Union 52
Cl ass of ' 21 Pr esents the Comedy, I " Mary Goes First" I
Fo r th e seco nd tim e thi s y ea r I the schoo l c an fee l pr o ud
i t:1 students have chose n to produ ce a olay f rom t he pe n nf a ma ster cra ft s man.
He nry Arthur Jan es. th e auth or of "Ma ry G oes Fir s t. " is. J 1ke
Os car Wi Id e, o ne of th e great En g-
IPresident Elect of Peru State Te ach ers' Coll ege
Sup e rint end e nt Cavi ness s th e unanimou s cho ice of the Board of E du cat! on for th e important ofiice of presid e nt of the s chool. Peru has aga in be en singuarly fortunate in th e selection of a man to guid e h er destin i es and dete rmine her cour se. Fo r the pa st fifty-four y ea rs Pe ru has had pr esi-
l is h dr a ma tists of mod e rn tim e s. d h 1 h d h I 1 ents w o 1ave d hig id ea s H is fi r st pl ay was wrIt te n i A 1878
1and a fi xe d pol icr fo r the better · a nd al m os t every yea r :s ince, thi s i ment of tbe s chool. Each presiable pl ay wri g ht ha s g iv en us an- Ident has in some specific way left other ma s terpiec e of co merly. 1the scho ol better than he found it.
Jon es is c hi efly a w rit er of hi gh
The board of educat ion in th e coem dy . Ma ry Goes Fir s t, lik e I
MARGERY MAXWELL. IchClice of A. L. Cav in ess has se lectal l of hi s fin es t pla ys is a s atir P. .i ed on e of Nebtaksa 's best organ ion Eng li sh p ol i tics a nd so ciety. ?nd er the di re ction of th e pleasa nt fea ture s of th a_ eve- :ze rs. and a s chool ma n who has T he autho r b uil ds th e e nt i re pla y Ch 1ca go Grand Op era Compan y n1ng was the a ppearance of Ma r· made good in e very place in pubab0ut a tr i via l l itt le i nc id en tl Ma rge r: Ma xwell recently a p- / ge ry Maxw e ll. " Lin co ln lie s cho ol work. He has tau g ht !n wh ic h ha pp en erl in a circle of 80 ./ p ea red 1n four se parate ope ra s dur- St ate Journal mak es t h1 s comment: th e r ura l, villa ge, town and· city cial aR C lyd e Fitch : th e San op e rat:i c s ea -I "Miss Maxwell po ssesses schoo ls. He is a graduate of th e cal ls them. Th ese ver y uoimpor- , son •. and w1t h such arti s ts as I a vo_1c e of range Illin ois U ni vers ity, Ypsilanti Nortant p eo ple ta ke them se lves and L uc 1en Mu rato re an d Mary Ga r den Iquallty, pa rt 1r ularly m _th e. b1gh mal, Michigan's largest state north e ir s oc ial and po li tical de tini es !n this
A me r- I and of a dramatic mten· mal, and holds a master 's degree so seriou sly that th e aud ienc e. Je an gJr l ha s a vo ice of s uc h cha rrn · Slty. from our ow n Nebraska State Un ilaug hs h ea rtil y at th e abs urdity of l' an c:l un s urp asJ i ng- beau ty, an ap- But Marge ry Maxwe ll is not the v ersi ty. His E>xper i ence in Nebr a sth e si tu a ti on. pea ran ce an d per:> onality pleas -whole show Sh e w ill be sple ndid· ka began in Ne b raska City 811 a Whil e Am e rican s are not st r iv -1ing, that :; he wit h nearly ly s up por led and o.n the same eve - ward pr in ci paL Since th at time in g to sec ure titlE:s and are not so e ve ry promin e nt mu si<'a1 fe st iv al in program by th e Har mon- be has b een supe rinte ndent of the co n ce rn ed over s oc ial preced e nce, the cou ntr y. She is beyond que s- ique Trio of Linc o ln Mr s. Au- Syracuse, McCook, Fa irb ury and we ar e s triving for j us t as trivia l ti on on e of th e m ost popular sop ra· gu st Mqlze r, with the vio lin. Miss and Kearn ey s chools. Hi s re putathi ngs w ith j ust as abwrd persist- n os n ow a va il abl e. Des pite her Li lian Eiche, violincello, and Mrs· tion as an or g anize r be came kn own youth, s he has atta in ed for her se lf , Ed ith Burli ngim Ross. piano, wi ll thr uout Nebraska when be was cho · encv. 1 Th e come dy rs a chara cter com· / a p! ace among the b es t musical off er a of sweet , sen treasur er of the Nebr aska d d I th f art 1sts of the d ay chamber mu s1c. Sta te Teachers' Assoc i ation He e y an con se qu ent y e un 1s 1 1 • • d I • t - d . t d 1 • • th Th ere IS pr obab ly no sopra no Th 1s a ge nUin e ly co -o per a tiv e e n· put this or ga ni zat •o n upon a busie 1ca e an q u1 e an 1es m e . . i • d I h' h . d' I IVO ICe In the cou ntr y that excells t erp nse. Peru IS a ble to sec ur e n ess basis He found th.o org t\ni- Ia ogu e w IC 1s exc ee 1ng y . , . , 1 • f "b f th J h M1 ss Maxw e ll s 1n b ea ut y, say s the th1 s great mu sica l tr eat by a rti sts aztion wit hou t f un ds and l eft it un ny e cause o e peop e w o . . C . J f h h. h · I k h I d th .t t' L ouiSVIll e, Ky ., ouner- our na l. o s ue 1g quality on ly by the Iwith a lar ge surp lu s So we ll have spea t e m es an e s1 ua IOns · · h . h . . h ,. y "She ha s ranve, stren g th an d 1 sup p ort of a large au
PI·:I-W, NEHRASKA , MAY 18, 1921.
Ente red at t he at Peru, Nebraska as seco nd .class matter.
Publi s hed Weekly by the Peru State Normal
$ LOti per year. S in g le co py 5 cts.
If yo u do no t rece ive your Norma lite.
l:a ve no ti ce in th e No rm alite box in the Ad mini st rat ion buildin g.
No a rti cle s acce pted a ft er 8 o 'cl ocl<
Laurance Rouse, Shubert.
Ir ene Pplsley, Omah a.
Mara- aret Po wer, Omaha
A nna Sakryt, Dewit.
Lu e lla Veach. A urora
G race S wart a ut, Riverside , Cal.
In ez Peter so n, Hyannis.
E ss ie Br e ck e nridge , Bellevue
Hop e Le wi s, Scotts blu ff.
B'lor ence Man aga n, Red Cl oud
A my Adams, Bethany
Mab el McGi nni s, Sc ribner
Ze li a Elli o tt,Omah a
Bonni e E lli s, U nion
Cha rl es Gate ly, Pa w nee City.
Fr an ces Gilliland, Pend e r.
Ed ward Rose nqu i st , Sta nton.
Ada m Tr audt, Ne braska City.
Helen Hi ck s, Om a ha
Pr of esso r Gr een e des erv es great eredit for hi s e ffici e nt work. Pro ·
Mund ay mornin g. fe sso r Delz ell, chairman of the
T Tl !! H lliTOil iAL S TAFF
Hope Lew is Ed it nr. jn Ch icf
Robert Quick Assoc iate Editor
Ann etta Stock in g Assista nt Edit or
co mmitte e, ha s b ee n away most of the tim e vi s itin g school•. Pro-
f esso r Gr een e has had chnr ge of thi s imp ortant work
Pan l Wil cox As,;istant Ed itor Rol and Car r Busin ess Mg' r. An ex hibit of the home econom · Portrait and Commercial---We put the •• s nap in ic s, fin e arts and ma nual arts d eKa rl Shaefe r Mg' r. Mailin g Dept partm e nt s of the Normal Sch ool snap-shots" We hove the film th at
Mahe l Dre sslrr Sen ior
Hcl degarde Yee k.. Junior
Lois Gri ffi n So phom o re
wi ll be held on May 25 and 26, in th e Ho me e :!o nomica rooms of th e tr a inin g s ch ool building The exhibit w ill include WGrk of the n oro lh y Pe ti tt Fres hm en L'ar r ..... Y. M. c A. training school cla sse s as well as Nina Styles Y. W. r· A. that of Normal stud e nts. Thi s is
Ge rlr udc: Ca rvc: r . N. C. A. an opp o rtunity for the st11den ts
To be ······Philfl who have not viaited these dep a rt-
Es th er OrlzcT J.. Gitl !! Club mPnts to see the work that is beMi lrlrc: rl Dram a tic Club
Leo na Spar ks , Deba ti ng Club ing don e. Vi s itors here during Edna Fishcr Oly mp ic Clu b co mm encem e nt we ek, and th e ge nCiiOo rd Clark I' Cl uh eral pu blic, are invited. Th e e x· · · Ihi hi t r oo ms will be op en at Seniors Secure Positions f oll owin g ho urs: We dn Ps day,
That the Tea chers' Bur ea u ha s 1: 30 to 5:00 p. m . and 6:3 0 to b ee n active is evide nc ed in par t 7 :30 p. m·; Tnurs da y, 8:3 0 to by the long li st of se ni ors of 192 1 10:30 a. m., and 1: 30 to 2:30 p. m.
a ft e rn oon. Sh e report s a most sat-
We n eve r re comm e nd a teach er unl ess asked to do so by !'choo l offic i als. No enr ollm e nt Fee. Write UR PROMPT, E F' FICI EN T, RE LIA BLE SERV ICE E. T. HOUSH, Mana1!er, Shop Bid., Des Ia
American Black Walnut I
We In v ite Yuu
To call at o ur store f or your Hardwar d Nee ds, wh o have a lr ea ci y a cce pt ed positi ons for next year. A number of tho se wh os e names do not appear her e hav e bee n off er ed pl aces but have not accep ted th e m. In additi on a lar ge numb er of Pe ru grad ::::ltt? "' n ow in th e fi eld have ecured promo ti ons thru the Bu rea u. Mi ss Roee Clark re turn ed Sun da y We manufHcture Also El ectric lamp s, and Flash-
A nn e Ra nney , Ha st in l!f:1. Ze lda Red ding, Co lu mb us, Ma bel Arv id Fo n. Fa irbu r y. Ma ri e Br o wn, Fa i rbu r y.
Ru th L awre n ce. F airbury.
G!ad ys Ea d s, Da vid Ci tv N evada Pa rriott, Dav ici Ci ty
Dor ot hy Jac kso n, Shenandoah, Ia Op al Ha mm on d. North Pl a tt e.
A li ce Mayvill e, Wi s. Ruth Ke lli ga r, Om a ha .· Pearl Be ll , Beatrice.
Pa ul Be nn e tt, Basse tt
E dith Col e, Stockham ·
Emm a F'a lt, Om aha
Willa rd Gr iffit hs, Ed ga r. Ne va Hoak, Ge n eva.
Ad a Mil es , Fa irbury.
Clar ey Ne il son , S hu bert
lumb er for M u n u a I iRf ac tor y trip to De troit. li ght s Tt·oininl! work, The me mb ers of th e fa c ulty enjoyed a de li g htful pi c nic on Wedn esday eve nin g. Th e wea th er man
d ec r eed that it sho uld be h el d in · d oo rs inst ea d of in the woo ds as pla nn ed, but this change did not in any way sup press th e merr imen t nor mar th e pl eas ure of the occasion. Pr es ident a nd Mrs. Rouse , and th e Mi sses Tyd e man, Shiv ely, direct to M ee k bumber
u w ill al wa ys find a we lco me
Are more num erous in t hi s offi ec • th an ca ndid ates
Kr ebs a nd H os mer, who hav e r e- Peru peopl e peo pl e are in p rim e ce ntl y r es igned, were th e guests of favo r wi th ou r pat ro ns. W. T. DA VIS. '06 is ma na ge r a nd proprietor of SCH OO L SERVI CE
Ask fac ul ty members or oth er sc hoo l peo pl e as to hi s re li ability Wr ite to d ay to houor. Th e me mb ers of th e ty bt! come e nd eared to one anoth er in th e ir rela ti ons hi ps in Paru, and t he de parture of th ese peo pl e brin gs a de cid ed note of sadn ess ; but thi s de pr ess ing element was cast as id e for th e ti me be ing, with a dete rmination to make this on e of th e most e njoyable of ou r many S tewort S choo) Serv ice, happy ga th erin g s. Linco ln , Nebraska
The Junior H S Entertnins T amo ng th e you ng peo ple in thi s E he training schoo l IZY mna s ium pl ay.
verybody Likes the Seniors. Mr. Easo n acte d as one of the proved be an idea l ltttl e place The ni nth O' rad e P t d th " 1 kinda have a good feeli n, for three judges in the So utheaste rn for the J · H ,., rese n e etr the ·ent' f 11 " untor · S ente rtainm ent dramatizat i on of • "rl L d f 1 8 ors. a ter a , a dear littl e Dec lamatory contest hel d at Wylast S t d • te a y o 1 • "o • · . d a ur ay eve ning Bl h th e Lake ,, , . fi • rm JUntor r ema rk e las t Thu rsmor e on Ap ri I 29 There were twenty-ei g ht contestants repr ese n t· ing twenty- t wo high sc hools in the sout heatsern pa rt of Ne bra sk a. Ther e wer e four classes -hu mo rous, orat orica l, dr amat ic and extem poran eou:;. Meda Is we re awarded wi nne rs in eac h class. were e re cte on the m ve ac ts Thi s play Iday even in g. . h waR enttre ly of th e ir ovrn m ak ing Now ctng t e hall-way whic h serve d in co nn ec ti on wi tn th d' can you tm agme what a stag-e This was \' e ry attrac- the book i e r ea ln g of woulcl cause a re mark like that t 1 d • an r eprese nted so me fr om a · · 'I N 1, I ve Y ecorated to r ep r ese nt an persi!>ten t ha rd wo• k n ' J um or. o, m s ur e you outdoo r sce ne and was qu'lte a sur- of th I o the part cant u nle ss yo u think pr e tty hard e 1r sl ut ent t eac her Miss Mil d prise to a ll wh en th e roller cur- dr ed F' h d ' . - an r eme mb er JU St wha t happe ned ta· IS er, un er th e dir ect ion of las t Thursd ay ni g ht ms we re raised !or th e fi rst time. Mt ss Faulhab er. · The hi gh sc hool orche s tra ope ned A pian o duet by Ve rna Cook and Yes, yo u 've gu esse d it. It wa sth. e program wit h two l ive ly se lec- L1 M k that da ndy ch ic ken d inn er that the BARBB.H SH0F' uc1 e ee , a mixed chorus n umtlon s that we re we ll rendered. ber dir ect ed by Mi ss Ca rpenter , Ly nns gave tv the seni ors And AND BATH
The majority of the me mb ers of and addt ional se lec ti ons by th e the r es t of th e "dorm " folks g ot I this organizat 1 'on a · h h in on it too But the y dt'dn 'c get Basement Fi sher's Drug Store re n•nt grade rs ore es tr a we re. thrown in be twe en n ext yea r g iv e promise for an numb ers to lend vari ety. Then a to sit at a big long table, all de -F ir s t-class Workmen. Your Patr onlffiiJOrtant a Rse t t th h' h 1 co rated in ce riae an d c re am or age Solicited · o e 1g sc hool. sp end id box supper with som e spiA May pole da nce called " Me r- rited bi driing for ''Mollie' s" box they didn 't get to eat lots of cerC. P. S COV ILL. Prop ry May Tim e," b .v th e se ve nth and cappe d the ev en ing's enter tain -ise and cream cand y ei th e r, or eighth gra·1 e tl bear th e wi tty conversatt'on ca u :3 was 1e next num- me nt Ev er ybo dy lef t s miling, r- f
be r g iv en d h ri ed on by the se nt' ors. ay a cry ' un er t e capa ble di- f ee li n g- th ey had had a rich, full rection Of Mi ss Sh i ve ly. The dan- eve nin g of fun. We're glad to say, however, th at costumed to re pr e sent th e var-1 As ha d b ee adverti sed, the en- t hey did get to hear th e fine ta lks 1?us co mmon flower s very a ttra c-te rtainm t' nt wa s g iven by th e given by Pres i dent Rouse an d Mr ttvely wound an d unw ound the INint h Grade Civic Leagu e to ere- Be ck 'cau se we kn ow th ey w ill do
Lunch Room
May po le of 2'r ee o and whi te ate fund s fur beautifv !ng the tr ai n- them hea ps of goo d, iust !Ike th ey streamers Iing sc h oo l gr ounds Fi nanc ia lly will the re st of us· An d I guess --GOOD THINGS TO EAT
The nex t was a play, "A Dinn er th e aff a ir was qu i te a s ucc ess , ne t they ye ll ed juts as loud as any one Party ,' prese n ted by th e te nth Iting ab ou t $3 1. Alth o thi s w ill when we gave th r ee cheers for Students' Headquarters grade It of a ve ry amus- 1n ot be eno u gh to do nil that is Pres ident Rou se, and three yea -b os ing si tuation in wh ich two men of plann e rl, it is a sp le ndi d b eg inn· fo r Mr. Beck and a lot more cheers th e sa me n ame- Dr. Landi s-are in g for a project that will he lp for the Ly nn s.
STERLING SEA.RS AGENT to ge th er int o a very com· make the training sch oo l ground s But who wouldn't ye ll phcated situa ti on at a dinn er par- th e mo st beautifu l on the cam pus. yo u 've h ad s uch a f eed; Nebraska City Laundry Ph one 138 ty. So me bitte r f ee lin gs are crea- Much credit is due Cha rl es Gately And 'fe 'JI say for th e Ly nns ted th at fina lly are nieely ir o ned 88 the s tud e nt teacher of this class 'Twas a heave nly d eed. out and a ll e nd s we ll. So me r ea l and to Miss 'Fau lh aber in the man========
NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS AGENGY dramat ic ta le nt was ex hibi ted age ment of th e whole affair.
P rofes s or A. L. C av in e ss
(Continued Crom Flr11t P age·.) zat ion. Here again his or ga ni zing
not for ge t the o ld Sc hoo l. For fo ur ye ars he wa s a m em ber of the Board of Ed uca tion fo r th e Sta te Normals. abi l ity displa yed itse lf for th at S in ce Pe ru harl to have a ne wy ea r th e a ssoc iat ion ha d the lar-preside nt , du e to the r es ignat ion ges t atte n dance it e ve r harl to that of Mr Rou se who decided up .m a d ate ch ange of wo rk due to con rl itionA
When he was elect ed su pe rin te n- of h ea lt h. t he Bo ar rl of Edu cat ion dent of Fa i rbury, to su cc eed Su pt. wa s wise to se lect a man wh o is esW. L. Step hens, lat er of L inco ln pe ci ally we ll e quip ped as an or ga n· ana now of Long Be ac h, Ca l., he i ze r a nd buil d er. fo und one old, p oo r ly equi pped high sc hoo l build in g, an d t wo wa rd bu il d in gs in eve n wor se condit i on Wh en he ·lef t si x yea rs a go , the o ld high s ch oo l bu ildi ng had bee n remorl e le d and fix ed in to
Ma rge ry M axwell R eci tal. ( Cont in ued Cr om First Pall:e. l pr i ses , th is r ec ital and con cer t is a bl e to s tand on its own mer it ,s o far as qua lity and pri ce ar e ca ncera mod er n bui ldi ng we ll eq ui pped. ned . The pr ice of one do llar
On th e sa me grou nd s had been· (chi ldren fi f ty cent s) is ind eed a ere cted a new modern , fu ll y eq ui p-nom in al on e, an d makes it p ossi bl e ped high school bu il d in g. In the pla ce of th e old shack in t he ea st ward st oo d a n ew eig ht r oo m pr essed bri ck bu il din g, mode rn in e ve ry r espe ct, whic h is yet th e p l'i de of t he city. T he wes t wa rd building ha d be en e nl ar ge d to do uf or eve ry on e to att end. Here is a s ou l fe ast of the yea r
May Recital and Co n cert
Oon't Fa il to
The Cha t el a in Je we Jry Stor e
Wa tche s, <.:J oc ks, dewe lr y. F ountai n Fens. Statio ner>y Sc hool Su ppl es VR O ,'t\ PTLY fi lLE D
OUR best go od s for th e le as t mon ey"
We repa ir ptms , je we lry a nd sp ectac les . B ifocal Len ses --GiVE US A CA LL
.1 C. <..: HATELAI N. Peru Neh r.
T RY US fO R-....
Servi ce & Prices
We ca rr y a com plete and Ji ne of and dr y·go od s. t:o 1ue in a nd g et our pri ces on and c ase lot s of ca nn ed We als n ca rr·y a line of f•·ui ls tt nd b le s.
Un -ion
Fhone 52
ed us with th eir danc in g, as d 1d thP. m al e q uart er w ith th eir selection!'. And th en, beca us e eve ryth in g m us t have its se ri ous ve in, we wept co piou sly over th e tr age dy "I Love You Truely" enac ted by Al ice u mb e rt, Rola nd Ca rr 'a nd Mark Delze ll.
As so me one has we ll s aid, "Ar ecit al by Miss Max we ll is an event to be chr oni cl ed one of th e h ig h spoTs in th e a rti stic li fe of any comm un ity " Th is d oes no t ove r bl e the size a nd f ul ly eq u ipp ed sta re th e case. We lear n to apl) re with mode rn con ve ni en ces. A cia te and to cheri sh th ese fi ne bl oc k of gro un d w it h a bri ck bu i lrt -j thi ngs <.>nly bv h l!ar in g the m. F 0 r ing, fo rm erl y a hos pita l, ha d been most of us li fe at b es t is all too pu rch ase d, and is n ow u se d te rn- poo r. Once in a wh ile, th erefor e_. porar il y for se ni or hi gh we n eed to go and lay ou rse lves Thi s bu il d in g record was accom- to the fin e in spi rat ion of a plished in a quiet, f orcefu l ma n-g re at feast such as only ner which on ly a real. or gan izt! r tr ue ani sts ca n br ing. can accomp li s h. So go oci a r eco rd did he make at Fai rbury thdt th e K ea rn ey boa rd of ed uc a tion off ered Fres h ma n N otes n!m th e supe ri ntendencv of the T hu rsday we held our la st Kea rn ey sch oo ls He found th e c hape l of th is year. Hel}n Ke a rney schoo l buildi ngs m uch in Humber t and Th e lm a Bowe charmth e sa me con dit ion in whi ch he h ad fo und th e Fa i rbu ry sc h oo l buildings; yet wi t hin the short spa ce of s ix y ea rs the re has b ee n a com plete re voluti on in the org an i · za tions of the sc ho ol sys tem. The hi g- h school b ull ding ha s bee n enla r ged, new mode rn jun i or hi gh a nd wa rd bu i ld ings er ected, unt il now Kearney pu blic schoo l bu ildin gs are amo ng the b es t in wes tcen tral Nebraska.
In t he sc ho ols wh e re be h as s up er vised, ma1k ec:l im pro vement has b ee n made nut on ly in bu ild in gs , b ut in the fo r ce an d work ac co mpl isned r es ulting in an incr e as e in aL te nda n ce an d nu mber of gra duates fr u:n th e hi gh scho ol.
A. L. L> a ma n who is kn :1 wn by hi ti wo rk s. He has a
That evening we had o ur ldnglook ed·forwar d-t o pi cn ic The a thl etic fi e !d ce r ta in ly ma kes a fi ne ball g round , bu t of cou r se Ma rk and Clar e nce had to for ge t their cu ps and go ho me af tt! r th em, wh i le Lo ui se h ad to pay t he pena lty fo r her va n it y. ls Alv a Fi sher f as t? He s ur ely is-on his f eet Eats! ' S ev e n" m ay be a sac r ed n um bt r, but it is also a very fi llin g on e wh en app li ed to d oze ns of bana nas. Honest ly, we were so fu ll qui e t, un a ss u miu g ma nn er of the that it to ok a ll of our to type of General G ra nt, who said: give the fr es hman yell and d ep an ''I'l l cap t ure Richmo nd if it tak es for home. a ll su mm er." He has al ways been a wa rm frie nd of Pe ru. He beg an Wor d com es to us fr om Mi ss to sec lec t t eac hers from Pe ru wh en Bran son t hat h er sister, for whom he was at Sy r acuse and he has ne-she wa s ca rin g, passed away las t ver taught a year without so me of wee k. Mi ss Bra nson w ill be in Pe ru 's product on hi s fo rce. Eve n Peru Si ain ve ry soo n, p robab ly wh en he we nt to K ea rn ey he di d with in a we ek.
Stand nut Pe r fum es f1 S do the l) ia"H• nd 9 Rub y and Op td amon g G em s
T r- y The m
AVGNUE •• ••
Devote a little ti me to inve!oiti g utin2 our nn
St ationer y Sc h ool s upplies
F ou ntai n p en s, et c.
qua lit y an d 1ow pr·i ce!'<. cand ies good eats h tld
H. U. LANDOLT, P ho nt> 73 Peru. Ne hr Phone 'i8
on week t he e nr ollm e nt has e x- 1 I
1, t oge ther p rov 1ded a t1me and a, i st ra ti on and Ee rv e the inst itu tion i of rts kmd Tn Nebr aeka , name ), ce eded th e tota l enr o llm ent fo r th e I place for a jol ly mi x -up To be gin I as we ll as th ei r f ri en ds by handing Ithe Ph ilomat he an L ite rary Soc ie ty 1920 summe r sc h oo l [ h b · · 1 d' w·1 E M · 'd t . at t e eg 1n nmg, we al pas se 1 to Mr . Dez le ll , Mr. :Rou se or Mi ss I r so n . a]ors w as presr en W hil e figu res are not I rlow n the receiving lin e, and past: With ers the nam es and addr es!'es of 1 of th e socie ty upon its or ga iz ati on as t!) the numb er of th e tab le where we o btain ed num - ,1 s tud e nt s who ar e not here this in 1868 Dr Ge or ge E. Howarrl, and post gr adua t es , Jt. IS q ui te bers for th e on e of the two me mh e rs of th e 'd b h · · · 1 s umm er who mr !! ht be rnter es ted I evl e nt Y t e re gTs tra t TO n TD th e Befo re th e pla c ard ed le ad ers 1 . . . . 1 fi rst r. lass tha t g radu ae d fr om Pe ru I b t . d h d· I by plac mg 10 th en han ds IT teraru ra 0 e srva ron an met 0 "' could turn arou nd we had s ur - INormal was pr e!' 1de nt of Phrl o· clasess th at the re are as many n ew · tur e con ce rnrn g the sch ool a nd by ' roun ded th em a nd clam or ed to bt- per sona l corresp on de nce fr om the when it incor po rated under the st ude nts t hi s year as last when th e g in pla y in g. Tr.e lea der s knew ffi laws of Ne bra ska It may be of fi nal sum mary disc losed th e rec ord h · b · d 0 ce. · th t Ph '! · t e 1r us me ss, an ci soo n ha us Wh en yo u have read thi s para- TD terest to no te a r o TS now breaking num ber of n ew ma tri cu - ·1 I h 1 · d l't · me rrr y p la ying lem on, lemon; , graph jot dow n in yo ur note bo ok t eon y m co r po rat e 1 erary eoc JIants to be 35 0 of an e nr ollment b d d d 1 1 t · th t t re e- eep, an str ee ts an a Ie) s. the names of aoy hi gh scho ol grad. e Y rn e s at e. of 700 or over. Th ere were so ma ny n ew names a nci IuatPS or r ur al te ach ers whom vou I Sin ce 1868 t he m agnifice nt de-
ers or 1 sum mer sc h oo l. Ya nk ee wa s hi ghly in d ignant in be· th 19
. • The re IS a ten den cy to dec lar e I in g di s fr a nchi se d for nibblin
One of th e mo st plea sing as pe c ts faces that a oad on w hi ch to ske tc h Iwo ul d li ke to see in the Peru Sta te I velopm e nt of the sc hool has be en of the en ro llmen t is th e ve ry a fa ce a nd j ot a na me would 'T eachers' Coll ege Hand th em to etead lil y s rp porte d by th e me rr.b !! rn umbe r of pe ople who ar e nea nn g bten helpf ul I b d j ship of the se ni or li te rar y soc iety · any of th e a ove named persons an th e com ple tiO n of t he 1r A. B. de-, Th en th e relay rac es ' The m ys- ff 11 b 1 d 1of the Norm a l. And n ow . when 1 · · yo ur e orts WI e s upp emente I gr ee co ur se. Th e.re are at le as t a tery of rh e r op ed off portion of the b h f h ffi in to the n ee d for h 1g her h If d h11 · h · 1 y t at o t eo ce a oze n w o WI r ece 1ve t e1 r c ampu s wa s final ly r ev ea led. Th e trai ni ng of t eac hers, the sc h ool has on July 2_9. Ten_or fif t ee n! ma ny demons tr a ti ons of agility and I Nem ah a Cou nty P icn ic Ihee n a yea r wall co mplete th e 1r wo rk 1n ano th er Iq ui c kn es" were vtry a mu s in g Prof I All N h C t h f co llege, Tt rs fittm g th at P hrl o, t oo, I
th at eac h s umm er sc hool 1s s upen - th e top of ht s
ab ly tru e. Th ere 1s constantlyllig htful cl ose to a delight fu l even-d . f 5 30 t 7 30 effect ed. The mem bers h ip wi ll be ay evolmn g, rom . o . . tn c rea s 1ng pe rce nt age of co ll ege Iin g Th e f amo us oste op
wr over m 1m e o a en stu de n ts in t he summer s cho ol. for med two ra th er mi racu lous th 1 1 M' B and th ese mu st be taking c oll ege . . I , e sem or c ass pay. 1ss ess Fac ulty me mb ers ar e qu tte am form cur es Wou ldn't yo u li ke to see • d t . t d t f wor k. Eac h h fe member of t he • 1 An ers on, eoun y supenn en en o I in th ei r opi ni on th at th e pre sent th at doctor in the da y-tim e? A! h 1 11 b th t of h so ciety has be en perm1tted to sub• 1 sc oo s, w1 e e gues summer school se t tle d dow n to re al wed di ng an d a funeral we re both 1 · S . 1 . .t t' t d d m1t the na me of one per son as an - or. pec1a mv1 a 1on IS ex en e . busin ess ear li er than any pr e vi ous he ld th at e ve nin g The pri es ts of ' t th t k' th t . ap p hc a nt for me mber s h1p, and · . o ose a mg e coun y ex amrnsu
t tt d limited to one hundre d stud ents, ·
Entered at the P os toffice at Per u, Nebras ka as seco nd -cl ass mat ter.
lea ve it at home. Th oae wh o'do n ot ho ld a b udget ticket wi II be adm it ted on pa yme nt of th e si ng le a dmi ss io n pr ice
Publi shed We e kly by the Pe ru State Normal Th e
$1. Oil pe r yea r. Sing le copy 5 cts. te r in char ge wi sh es to ex pr ess its
appr e cia tion for th e very ge nerous CA RL H
sup po rt given
The Four Ye ar H S. Plans fo r the P er u h ig h s ch oo l next yea r inclu de a sch oo l of twefol e g rad es. The aevent h, e ig hth and ninth gr ad es w ill re ma in in the j unior high 1c hoo l and the
If you do no t recei ve yo ur No rma lite. The two sch oo ls will be separ ate I!ave not ice in th e No rmalite box in the . II f h . k d · · · b 'Jd' m a o t e 1r w or
A num st rat10n ur mg. Excep ti on al ad va nt ages are to
No a rticles accepted afler 8 o 'clock be offe red in th e se ni or hiih schoo l.
Mo nday mo rni ng.
Ho pe Lew is Ed it or-in ·Chicf
Rober t Qu ick .Associate Erli ro r
Ann ett a S tock ing Ed ito r
P an t Wil cox .... Assistant Editor
Rola nd Carr . Business Mg 'r. Instead of th e re q uir ed co ur se w hi ch we now have for th ose g rad es , four se pa rate co ur ses, c har ateris tic of th e be st and largest hi gh schoo ls in Ne brask a, w ill be ope n to th e st ud en ts Th ese wi II be an a cademic co ur se , to pr epare
K ! ..,, r M • "::Il ·1· o fo r <:o ll ege or uni versi ty wo rk The ar "' tat •er l I!' r. at mg ept k [lPO RT I:l RS:
Mabe l Dre!'s ler St·nior
Hclrl egard e Ycck ...Juni or Lois Gri ffi n So phnm ot·c
Do ro th y Petitt Fres hm en
Ro la nd l' arr Y .\1 C A.
Nina Styles Y. W. f'. A
Ger tr ude Carver N.C . A. wor k of th e acad e mic co ur se wi ll be a cc re di ted by eve ry u ni vers ity in thQ J'4 id dll'l West Th ere is th e no rm al train in g course, wh ic h m ee ts a ll of the Stat e No rm al trai ni ng req uir e ments and gi ve a cer ti fica te to t eac h in rural sc h oo ls up on·
To he selected Phil o gr ad ua tion . A comm e rc ia l cour se
Esther Uclzell Gitls l' luh w hich offers t wo ye ars each of
Mi ldr ed Hanks DrR matic C' luh b ook kee ping, sh ;J rth a nd, and t ype ·
Leo na Spa rk s Club wr it in g wi II pr epare th ose w ho
Erln R Fi sher Ol ympic Club • wisb to be come st enog ra ph er s upon
Clifl ord Clark I' L'luh
hig h school graduation. The f ou rth course to be offe r ed wi II be th e
In ter es t pa id or1 savi n J! de posits
Pickle s, Butt e r, Fr·u its, Cooki e s, Lu ncheon Ever }' t hin g guod
A bout Th e B•; dg et.
T he budget system for tak ing ca re of lec tures, m us ica ls a nd o th er paid ente rt a in ments has be com e a fixed po li cy at Peru An y sy s tem
Sm ith H ug hes in rl us tri al co ur se in agr ic ultu re . m an ual trai nin g and hom e eco no mi cs.
T he wor k of the Peru h ig h sch ool will ad d many ad va nt ages along that pro v ide s a m ax imum of ente rtai nm ent at a mini mllm ef cost r ec- social, mu sic al a nd a thl e tic lin e ;; as well. St ud e nt s w ill sti ll be o mm end :l it se lf to a ll thinkin g peopl e. Th is the bud ge t sy stem does , a nd hen ce we 0 ff er no apologies for c onti nuin g th e Ry s tem
No t o nl y d "les it r em it in a grea t fin ancia l saving to the pu r chase 0f
e (jgi ble to a ll co ll ege ac ti vit ies a nd co ll e ge classe s as th ey n ow are.
Th e fir st gra du a tin g cl ass fr om the P er u sen io r hi gh :;c h oo l will be th e class of 1922
a b ud ge t tick et , but ti me, wor k CALENDAR. and p at ienc e are co nserv ed by re a-June :l2 to Ju ne 29 s :> n of a s in g le transac t io n be in g Wednesday-Y M. C. A, 7:3 0 all that is necess ary Y. W. C. A .• 7:30
Abou t 600 ti c ke t :; have bee n so ld O rch estr a, 8 :1 5. to da te, an d th ese ticke ts w ill ad- Thu rsday -Band. 7 :3 0 mit the ho ld er to a ll t he e nt er t ai n- Girls' Glee Cl ub 7:30. ments off t> red hy th e com mitt ee, includi ng th e bi g cha ut uaq ua, wh ich wi ll be held he re Jul y 9, 10 , 11 , 12, an d 1 3.
Ann o unc eme nt of each p rogr am wi II .he made thru the co lumns of th e No rm a lite.
Men's Gl ee Cl ub , 8:15. Fr iday-Se ni or Pl ay , 8:15. Sat urd ay -M ov ie, Huc kl eb erry. F inn. Mo nd ay -Debat in g Soc iet y, 7 :3 0. Orchestra, 8: 15. Tu es day - Ba nd, 7: 3 0.
When I'm Aw ay. 'All by my:> e lf I 'll think of you? 'fhi nk of the t hin gs we used to do Think of the things we u 'ed to say: Thi nk of each h appy yeste rd ay So metime.i I'll sigh' somet im es 1'1 sm il e
And keep eac h olden , golden whi le Al l to my se lf. "
Given by Mr s. Rhoda Rouse at the reee nt A lumni Lun c heon.
Will the Time Ever Come7
When decent young men will deal a death-blow to ''mash ers. • • When flne yo ung womea w ill demand a "single standard" of mo rals?
When any you ng woma n goes to school she shall be guaranteed li berty and pur,;uit of happ in ess, fr ee from al l human pests?
Will They Ever Stop?
The public s pe a ker s' remarking about lady 's dre• •?
The young sports "ca llin2' out" cute say; ngs to y oun g ladies pa ssing on the sr r ee t?
The yo ung flirts gigg lin g a nd " makinl! eves" at you osr fo ols?
The yo un g gi rl s tr ying to be old and old g irl s trying to be young'! Sma ll me n 's ref er rin g to their acq uoi ntance with great men?
Five ti mea as many persons are killed or injur ed each year as die fr om na t ur al causes.
rMore die and are di sabled from pin pri cks anrl o th er injuries than di e fr om pn eumo ni a. l
• Patte r son's €aie Meal s, Luttcheon Ice Cream Students Welcome
peop le are ki ll ed and injured year ly than in any war of the Milstead Basement last two hundred years excep t the Barber Shop rec e nt World's War.
Baths-Full li ne of toil et s, sham -
More peo ple ar e ke pt from work b Ip oo ing etc. Y acci d enta l injury th an are idle
J Ha ir Bo bb ing a specialty from lack of employm e nt
0 d C. A. BARBER, Prop ne eath in eve ry t we lve is due to ac cide ntal causes.
INew Mi litary hee ls on those old A per so n is twice as liab le to We Invite You s ho es makes them in to the latest die fr om accirlent as fr l)m' old a ge sty les. Out of 20,000,000 cases of di s ability occurrin g y ea rl y only 5 per· cent are fat al. -F rom Government St a ti stics. To
The Philoma thean Society, Ialto's lasses canno t be outc lassed. tC:,ntlnued !r om ll' l rst PaJ;re. • I Ye fair s inger s of Peru and ou r durin g the su mm er sc ho o l, a nd 1 Jeader, Mr. Cummings, wi ll place one op en se ss ion wi ll be held in th e you where you ca nno t he lp b U' t chapel. enjo y every minute of you r The fo ll owing o fficers hav e been practi ce.
elected for th e s umm er term: ! Come out , will you? More wi ll €. 1\.
Fra nci s Cooper, pre s id e nt; Mr s.! be given you next wee k conce r ning Glady s Patter!'On St ep hen so n, vice : our s plendid gir l''s glee club.
prestdent; Alic e Glasgow , secre -! . C · F II n• d' t 'j County ·. tubs
tary; u er vvoo 1e, re asurer. , . . C b? U d th J d h . f t.h What JstheS. S. Couuty Ju. n er e ea ers 1p o . ese 1 • ff Ph 1 11 t' lt 1s an org amzat10n to bo os t Peru I o ce rs, 1 o WJ con 1nue as a. ·t 1 t f th h l J 'f of th e:s pir i t, to pro mot e goo d f ellows h!p v1 a par o e sc oo 1 e , h J · f l92l I in th e s ummer school. E ac h or ga n1 • summ er sc oo sess10n o . - -·- i zat ion a me mb er of th e fac- !
Our Glee Clubs. ul ty for ad viso r who th e i With th e su mm er sc h oo l at ·Old organi z at ion. Of co ur se the r eg u- j Peru now in sess ion along with our Jar of the fac ulty join dai ly routine or co ncs ien tiou:; lwith e nthu s ia sm for. th: goo ? re- j
f»r> ,O
Watche.s 9· <.:locks, de.welry. Founiain f>e.ns. Stationer>-y .Scho ol Supp.Jes. 1\\AIL ORDERS PRO.'"PTLY riLLJ?O 'at co, st OUR MOTTO; - "The best goo ds for the mog ey," We re pair pens, watches, jewel ry and spectacles -GIVE US A CALL -=--,] C' CHATELAIN, Peru, Nebr labor s comes t he few hours each 1 ceiveri fr om th e aa s oc1at10n w1th a • we ek that we ca n devote to the g ro up of st ud e nt s It is ex1 j oy men t and deve lop m ent of o ur i pected, of cour se. t hat th e old i _ft. v a= N u •• S T 6f:.' P I= aesthetic tas tes. Now Peru a lwa ys members of the faculty shou ld be L_, IJ •• \ U h as had on e of th e be st indiv id ua l! Joya l but it is inri eed gratifyin g to•: b oys ' a nd gi rl s' gl ee club s in the n ote the true Jo yafty and ent hu sis tate, a nd with so murh se renadimg ' rsm of the new membes of the fac -:
0pposite the Tr> ..:d nins Sckool Building go in g on a bout o ur h al ts a nd ulty who ar e her e f or the s umm er. I
you ca . n get
Cream camp us the wr iter canno t imagi ne The following clubs will be 1 1 why more of our would -b e song -org anized for th e se mm e r: Bu tl e r, I and Cold Drin ks sters do not turn o ut to practice. Polk. Sau nd ers, Wa s hin gt on, Doug- I
The boys hav e had two me etm gs la s, Sa rpy , Cass , L ancaste r, Sewar.d,
to d ate, and welcome back some of York, Hamilton, Clay, Fillmore , 'I th e old g uard s w ho were th e star s Sal in e, Webste r, Franklin, Nuck- .
in the cr ow n of th e glee clubs live , oils, Tha ye r, J efferso n. Gage, J oh n-
six and se ven yea rs ago. Here so n, Nemaha (out:;ide of Pe ru ), comes Humphreys wi th hi s gentle Peru, Ot oe , Richards on, PawnE: e, Grocei.ies,
Fru i t. s Candies barito n e. The writer r ememb ers "the Mighty Fiver s" (Fifth Di swe ll wh en he u se d to tic kle th e trict ), "K i nl <a id ers '' (Sixth Dis-
ivory s in solo wo rk. We lcome trict). Third District, all state J ba ck agai n, " Hump." Jim trs on, an army ca ptain f rom Brock , manag er I Automobilitis-a of gl ee clubs a od the like. A na nd I Reports are the f rom all , of greet in g is o ut to yo u. Mc Lean th e coll eges of th e s tat e, dnd three seaso ns with Dr. H ouses; ; especia lly fr om the Univer s ity , of: worth i es_ made him a s ucc ess fu l I re gard for th e • bassg With t.le H ar moni que Trio ., tht?gs In l tf e. The o ld tJme cou :Cream IS right of the S tandard C haut auq ua Co te s1es be twee n yo ung men and 1 • • las t year, pla y ing in eleven s tates ./ are
Fruits are right Along w ith the se co me the boys J th e pe st automob t ht1 s,. wh_1c h. who are the re and ove r. Alth o' catch es S0 m any yo ung ladleS IS a Sy ru ps are right · f ew in nu IJ t h 1 b t r ea l source of tr oub le to the au. m er we cann ? e P u thori ties of a ll the sc ho o ls
belt eve .we sha ll ha ve so me club. Th e good s tate r oa ds to Peru Mr Cumm in l!s, ou r le ader, is a have added to our trou' bl es in Ser vice is right man of no s mall n ot e. We think rece nt yea rs In th e. futu re yo ung he ha s Witherspoon bac ke d off of men wh o come to Peru ca rr y ing this germ will be g iv en oppn rtuoithe map 1 1 ty to exp lain to t he authnr i tiesl '
Our g irl s are no ted for th e ir why they s houl d not be quarantinbeauty of so ng. Our soprano's ed.
"H U C K L E B E R R Y FINN'' Pa·esented by Je sse L. La !"I k v Normal Chapel, Saturday,June 25, at . 8:15p.m. Admission- .. -Budget ticket or 25c
Phon P n· Peru. Ne hr
A grnup of principals, and o th ers specia ll y int • refted in sc h oo l a dmini s trati on met during the !'lecond wee k of s um mer sc h oo l to ca nva ss the desirab ilit y of forming an o rgani zat ion to s tudy problem s nf co mmnn int er es t. Principal YankPe of Gr11nd Isla nrl wa s a ppninted cha irman of a to s ugg-Pst a progra m of summ er !" tud y The committee r ecomm e nd ed the sc hoo l aurvey as a fie ld of st ucly. Th ey furth er recommend ed that the c lub make th e ir st udi es with a vi ew to carrying them out in th e various schoo l systems re pr ese nt ed whPn school begins in th e fa ll. Th e plan twofo ld; indiv i dual m embe rs will makean i nves ti ga t io nof a problem s elt>cted in th e s umm e r' s st ud y a nd re po rt back to the State Teach e rs' Co lle ge at Pe ru fr om which as a clearing hou se the full tabulations will be se nt out; sec -
NUMBEl < 32
Uncle Wilse 78 and Uncle Tom 80
I Years Young
IWh en it comes to talking abo ut !real genu in e boys, Peru can b na!'t • : of th e two youngest for th e ir i in America. Yes. Un c le Wil se celebrated hi s 7 8t h birthday on June 19th. and Uncle Tom ce le brated hi s 80th birthday a wee k late r, on J nne 25 th
The life of this grand in etitut.ion is connected closely with the I i li ves of th ese two grand old men
I who wa lk with a firm step and 1rrre et their fri ends with a g enuin e-
! ne ss known on ly to these two old vete ran s. They cam e here fr om
I Iowa when th ey were in th e ir
I teen s. It was from here they we nt to the de fen se of th e ir country and se r ved thruout th e war.
I Wil so n has held very fe w offices 1and seem ed to be conte nt to spPn d his time in l iterary a nd socia l pursuit s. He was elected county clt>rk for two te rm s and cou lcl hav e b ee n ele c ten to other offi ces had he given his consent. He was apond, 8 comp lete s choo l s urvf!y of poi nted as a me mber of the boa rd some s choo l syste m will be a t- of e ducati on and s erved wit h tempted th e ye ar. if opp or- honor. Two yea rs aro he was tunity offe rs. a nd the findings pub Picni c-a Ia Philo. j We ca n onlv say that the initiatron 1elected State Commander of th e G. li shed for genera l us e. Phil o, Phil o, rah , rah, rah! _ I s atisfactorily to all A. R. But he f ee ls e 8 pecia ll y Supt. W. G. Brook!! of Neb ras ka Ev e rybody e lse, ha! ha! ha! cand1date!'i Iproud of th e one office he held in Ci ty was elec teo of th e Philom a theans a ren't us ually j thi s time, of course th e de- the early d ay s, which wa s being Adminirstration C lu b. and Supt' conc e ited but did feel a. trifte j ll c Jnu sly, nn!'l urpa ssed adore of · the fir st presid e nt of the Ph li omaCharl es E. Green e of th e tr a ining s tuck - upi sh on Saturday af te rno o n, ! pi c nic food had been tea s ing our Ithean Soci ety ora;an ize d in October, schoo l at Peru was chosen sec re· Jun e 25 ! app e tites and wh en Alice Bruna- 1868. tary. Th e me e tin gs ar e he ld week- The c lan gathered in front of don told U ll a ll was ready we cer- Tho s ..T. Majors h as had a more ly, on Monday eve nin gs. The fir st the ch apel and everyone tainly se rv ed ou rselves generous ly, strenuoua career than that philos omee ting was a ddressed by Super in- ed his cup and s poon eve ryone Mr. Jimer so n filling hi s quart pher brother of his. After se rvtend e nt Greene on " The N eed of but Mr .' Jim e rson and he- but we I' "cup" full of ateaming cof-no, ing in the army he was se nt with th e S !i! ho ol Surv ey in S mall Scho ol promised we wou ldn't let Mr s. we can't Ihis r eg iment as comman ding officer Systems io Ne bras ka." Round Jim e rs on k now what th e Quar t can I Ju st whil e we wa re fim s hmg a ll to he lp put down the Indian upri stable di s cussion fo ll owed The was us ed f or Ithe good thin gs t hat came fi r st, Iing. In 1867 he serveed In Nes econd meeting was he ld June 27, The old members decid ed on the l before we b ega n on thP good bra ska's fir st s tate l eg is la ture. It and was add r essed by S upt. W. G. p la ce. Then n ew folk s wer e, of : things that came la s t, we discover- was during this tim e he s ecured Brooks on th e s ubj ect. "Me th ods.! cour se , so far •J!) IY acquainterl with Ied the e nd of th e rain how. The th e bill providing for Ne br as ka' s a nd Materials of th e School Sur- th e at hl etic fie lcl and th e cemete ry i place we had cho se n for our first fir st s tate n orma l schoo l to be tovey." be nch . We traveled so uth and Phi lo frulic of th e su mm er was the cated at Peru. It is fitting tha t It is the pu rpose of the Adm in- th en wes t, under two fences, down l uc k iest in in Peru, for the rain - th e bill making thi s sa me s ta te is trat ion C lu b to a dmit tho se who a hill , up a hill and we were bow was right in front of us prom- normal In to a t eacher s' college are int e reste d in th e pr'ob lems! ther e. ' i is ing us good lu ck for all th e l! hould be in the pr ese nee of studied and who can carry on th e/ All were so peppy th at ga th e r- 1 e vents of th e. s ummer Ju st th en . 1 Col. Maj ors fifty -fou r y ean later. · t' a tJ'on s in th e ir ow n sc h oo l, }ng firewood was not e nou gh ex - s om e unpoeti c.: soul d1 s cov e red a He was appointed to Congrel!l! Inves Jg / " d d II sy ste ms. A lth o it is ope n to a ll, ercise so we tn ed a var! e ty of Jl'_"er so n wee • an a rom a nce 1 and served w1th honor and dJ s tmcwhether in the Per u Sta te games and contests. tion. He has served Ne braska Co ll ege su mm er s chool :or n ot, a Nex t it was ne ces sary to s how Phiiomatheanl! are fortu nate to fa ithfully and well in both th e uplarge membership is not des ir e d. our n ew a little of the have suc h officers this s um - per and lo wer houses of the Ieg ia la· · 1· 't ed to so me 't s of Philo There we re three m er and With so many old s teady ture. He was twice elected to th e At present 1t 11 1m 1 I r1 e · . t dents a nd mysteriou s bags hun g on a stJek-me mber s, and so many new ener- office of Litutena nt Governor. In twenty-four super m en I but that i1 all that can be told. cco ntlnu ed on L ast Pa.-e.) cco ntlnu ed on Fourth p rincipals. ·
A photngraph t ake n from the $50 0 portrait of Mr. Majo rs, R"iven the sc hool hy his fri e nds , and now han gi ng in the Training sc hool building.
THE PERU NORMALITE be tter seek fr e td om imm ed iately. Not only the youn g men but the Entered at the Posto ffi cc at Peru. Ne- young wom en sho uld org a niz e to bras ka as seco nd -cl ass ma tt er.
Published Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal
$1.00 per yea r. Single co py i'i cts
If you do not rccei ve your No rmalite: l=a ve oo li cc in th e No r ma lite box in the Adminis tra ti on buil d in g.
drive th ese dogs out of bu s ine ss
A woman owes it to her se x to report the ca se at once. On e youn g lady had her pe ncil and tabl et re ady and to ok th e numb er of th e car of th e In s ulter who did not li nger long in thi s co mmunity
Unfo rtunately hi s car had a Mi sso uri numb er.
Intere st pnid on s c-a vi ng
W. W. WIL SON , Pr es
C. C. FI SHER, Vice Pre s. CARL HANSEN , Ca s hi er
N. DELZ t:LL, Direc tors
We are Glad to he of !"'ervice to yo u·
For Your Picnic Lunc h
S om e say t hat the oth er schools Pickles, Olive!'!, Pt!anut Hutter, (.;ookies , ar e wor se than Pe ru, which may Luncheon Me"1tS, Everything good to be tru e, but that ha s n't an y thing
No arti cles acce p ted aft er 8 o'clo cl< Mond a;' mo rnin g. to do with Peru cl ea nin g up Pe ru The s chool a uth orities are tllkin g deci d ed s tep s to put a stop to thi s evil, so far as it is in th e ir power. Th e bu s in ess men of Pe ru co-op e rating to do their s har e to stamp out thi s e vil in the to wn a nd it iH the hop e of eve ry one that g oo d Hope Le wis Ed itor-in -C hief wi II com e of thi s mov ement for
Down With the "Masher."
Th e mo st c on tempta bl e s oecimens a mon g the long ear ed va riety of ma le s of th e human race is the "masher." He is a di sgr ace to the manh ood a ny co mmuni ty wh ere he exists, and wh en he drifts off into an oth er co mmunity he becom es th e wo tst of human p est s. We hav e a fe w, unfortunat ely, in our o th e rwi se de li g htful vill age a nd it is tim e th at thP. d ece nt men
purity for Peru.
Richardson County R-
Ri c h- a rd -so n-n. Monday at th e organizati on of counti es , we a gain heard that we ll known nam e, Richard so n, ringing acro ss the campus A II the old me mbers of last s umm er w ho ar e hack a re tingling with e nthusia sm and the new one s are catching it. Our advi so r-who is all that h is • and wo men oi thi s c ommunit y make na me sig ni fies -gath ered us all a holy war ag ain st these so cial tog eth er und er on e of those s prea dvultur es.
Iing e lm s and in a few minutes had It is cert a inl y g- ra ti fy ing to I thi s big or g ani_ze d as know th at our bu s in ess men are, lo ws : Ollie Klum, pres id ent; M1s s al ea dy pl a nnin g a ca fT!pai gn to cl e ar G riffin , se creta ry ; Mildr ed Jorn , up the s treets and mak e it possible a nd Dori s Mason, reporfor their own wives a nd daug hter s te r. A nd th e r es t of you counti es as we ll as the girls w ho ar e at-be tt er look out wh en you see our te ndin g scho ol to go do wn the s mok e, f or we 'r e su re ly go na tare street with o ut th e ir be ing in sulted and even tho we do hav e on e of by th e rema rk s of th ese human th e fin es t pil ots in Peru, with cur s. No de ce nt man will make such a bunch as this he is bound -to su gge ativ e re marks to any lady ca rry hi s he ad hi gh a nd-h e mi g ht pa ss in g him on th e stree t, nor w !ll not s ee you! a ll'e ntl e man a ll ow such a rema rk Wh a t' s the ma tter w ith Mr unch a ll enge d to he made in his Ya nki e!? ! pr ese nc e.
Yes , Pe ru has th e re putati on of be ing a re fin ed to wn and for thi s BE PHOTOGRAPHED THIS ve ry rea so n th e yo un g men of th e YEAR ON YOUR BIRTHDAY sc hoo l, the men of the f aculty and th e men of th e to wn a re pla n ning a moveme nt to cl ea r tl; e to wn of He llo 56--: To morr ow is my b lrthvi s itin g youn g spi rit s, Wh en a youn g man with an auto d ay. If I come at 10 o'cloc k can I stop s a ny oun g lady a nd for ces have my ph ot ogra ph taken?
hi s att e nti on upon her he sh ould be arr es ted and kept away from s oc
Senior Class Pl ay I t' ·b · es mg, , ut sh owed th e re sult of Th e su mm er sc h oo l st u dents most capab le a nd effic ien t dir cewere g iven the o pp o rt u nty to w it- Itio n. Mi ss Du nn de se rves no l itt le ness th e dra mat ic abi li ty of th e· cr ed it fo r the res ul ts o bta in ed in • 9 I clas s of l on l"riday eve ning I th is cleve r pr od ucti on. , ;he cla ss play," Ma ry Go es 1 No sma ll pa rt of th e success of Fn s t, was ve ry suc cess full y re-I the pl ay was due to th e mu sic be· peat ed. T.,e play was of special /fore and betw f! en th e act s by th e me rit from the sta ndpo int of th e c•1liege o rrc hes tr a und er th e dir e c' !Specta t ors beca use of tb e fa ct th at ti on of Pr of . A E. Bolc h. If we it wa s nut bu i lt aro un d the wo rk of are to j udge th e comin g eoncert anyo ne m embe r of the cast , but by th e wo rk of t he '" orc h es tra on • upon the u nited effort of a ll. th is occasi :m, it iS go in g to be the Per haps t he m ost diffic ult pa rt b ig tr eat of th e budge t. W hil e ot the play was the p nr t of Mary SJ me of the f aces were f am il ia r, I Wh iche llo. wh ich was very success- th ere were many n ew f aces in t he I fully olayed by E st h er De lz ell. per so n el. In l eas th an th ree we eks This cha rac ter is of a dis tinct ive Mr. Bolch ha s org an iz ed , ar rang -1 bu t Mi ss Delze ll 's int e rpr e- e d, and given us a sp le nd id pro1 tat 10 n was t he r es ult not on ly of gram; one that was va ried eno ugh' hard work but of ge nui ne dra matic 1to appea l to al l, ea ch of ' ab i lity. wh ic h was ar ti s ti c all y int e rpr e ted an rl well r ece iv ed. W jm;tJy pr o ud of o ur mu s ical an d recog ni ze in th em a neceHsa ry pa rt of our co ll ege a cti viti es. They dese rve th e su ppo rt of th e s tu de nt b ody
A Comp any of Genuine Enterta inNs-O ne of the Ma ny Good Th in gs to Be at Our Ch autauqua
Ric ha rd Whiche ll o, wh o played op pos ite Mary , wa s taken by Char les Ga te ly. Whil e Gately has demo ns trat ed un u sual ability as a footba ll ge n era l, we did not think of hi rn be i ng ab le to t ra nsfer thi s d This ct> mpnny of years of s uc-cesses in the Chnutnuq un nnd Lyce um I!'< abi IJ'ty to h 1·s domest 1·c re lat 1'ona an a ny one who can take pa rt in , N 1 hett er than 1 ew so ngs. mouologs t·ln rn<"le t· songs nnll in strumentn l However hi s presentation of thi s a ny of th e mu si ca l or ganizat io ns numbers. 'l'lt c> ir pro:;r nm ofTe t·s 11uough of the c lussicn i to pi ense th e <·nu· character showed th at hi s dr ama tic owes it not o nly to hi mse lf but to I noisse m· and l•l!'nl .v of good , clea n lminor to e nt ertai n nnd refres h th e tir<!J th h I II ti i t man or 1\'0II IUII. nud to make them glad thnt th e,v cume to the perfot·mnn cP.
ab ili r.y is n ot s econd to hi s wo rk in e sc 00 as we c pa e. Th is is t he mo st elnh or nt ely cost um ed company nppenr in g on !he Chnutnuqun
Coach Spee r's pep mac hin e. T he mus1cal or ga m za t 10 ns of the platfo rm. he iie\·ing tha t something pleasing to th e eye is as esse ntinl 11., sch oo l offe r a m ed ium f ur the som ething to th e l'll r. Theo<l or t> 'f m·nqnis t. teno r nnd mnn nget·, hns heen I ll'· Ed ward Roesnq uia t, as Fe lix
co n str u ct ive by hureau mnnngers ns the bes t diu iecti rinn hefore the pu hllc. Galpin, had the ra the r diffi c ult m ost efficte nt and Mme. l<: dnn Sl' verin t:"hnus, contra lto nn<l chlll'acte r a rtis te , is exc!cb lingly cluu·111• de velop ment of th e " es pri t de ing, unrl the rap idity ll'it h ll' hirh she cl ;nng-es her <'hnrncte r <: os tum es is srill
pa rt ot inter pr eting what in r ea li ty was a weak ch arac t er, a t as k wh ich he accomp li sh ed in so clever a way as to w in th e admiration a nd app lau se of th e audien ce c orps" of the sch oo l. ns bell'iltl ering to n il ntull en<"es. Annn Murphy, rend er nnd sopran o, wn -. 11 gtud ent of Ll' lnt1ll Poll'er:::, und hns me1· with l! l'ent sur·c·ess ns nn nn thCJ t' 1111 <1 rea de r of shut t slaHc hes.
Th e co ncrete wo rk on th e ne w s wimmin g p oo l was b eg un on Thu rsd ay of las
C.Jycie Ive rs, as Si r Tho mae B od swort h, and Myr tl e Argabr ig ht, as La dy Bod sw or th, we re a so ur ce of m uc h of th e h um or of the pJ ay and at ' th e s am e t ime were the pi voting ch a ract e rs ol the pl ot. W hi le Lady Bodswo rth 's v ari ety of compl e xions and hai r were the aou rce of much a mu si ng com ment, her acting wa s anything b ut unseme ly.
Hope Lew i s, as E ll a So uth woo d, was a co nstant so u rce of de li g ht. Her wo rk w as very pleas in g,' nat ura l, ann unaffe ct e d.
Don ald Bla n ke ns hi p, as Dr Chesher, portray ed the ul tr a-co nse rva titm of an En glia h ma n of hi s s tati on in l ife.
Th e w ork of Eldie Cam e ro n, as Mr. Tadma n, a nd Zelda Re dd ;n g, as Mr s. Tod m an , was up to the same sta ndard of e xce ll ence cha racteri s tic of the ent i re cast.
E:;c her Land o lt, as Dak in the But le r, Raym o nd Hu ffe r as H arvey Betts, th e p oli tical w hi p, and Lawrence Rou se as Po ll ar d, d id the th ing w hi ch adds perfect i on to a pl ay; th ey held the mi no r parts on a dram a tic par wi th the leads
New Military hee ls on th ose o ld shoes makes them into th e la test styles.
Just r ece i ve d a new st oc k of poli shes an d lac es, all th e lat est sh ades.
We h ave· lowered our pri ces on r epai rin g more than th e pr ice of le ath er h as co me d ow n.
As a wh ole th e play wa s no t o nl y ente rtaining, pleas ing and in t erHi 11 ger & Medley Sh oe Shop
A Chau tnu qu n is on e of th e educa ti on al in ;; tltu t ions In Am e rl cn brin ging ns It tl o<'s the messages of helpful in splrnt ltm which the commu ni· ty neeci G. to sn y nothing of the hig h eha racl.cr of entertainment w hi ch it prov ides
Do It todny-huy thnt Chnt!tauqun
lmcll\'11. I 11 <>lllll <·hcocosp the Chnu ta uqua Governat· E: hc rhanli uf Miii iii'S otn "'l' he Ch an tanq nu Is :\ ll ll'l
Two Young Majors Lads.
<Continued from First l 1894 he was the re publican standard bearer for gov e rnor. Nl,twithstanding the coalition of all ' other political forces aga in st the republicans, Mr Majors made the greatest fiirht ever waged in Nebraska and lost by only a s mall vote. Yet defeat ciid not s our him as later the defeat s did so me pf his opponent s who los t in their for imp:>rtant office But while Mr Major s' friends are proud of his triumph s yet we all are proud of hi s unselfi sh record in service for our dear old school. He has never waverecl in his devotion to its interests wh e ther he was on the board of education or was a common citi zen of Peru He always backed up anyone , be he a fri -e nd or foe , if that individual was working for th e interests of Peru. It might be well to add that he would g et his back up at an y one who was not true to th e beRt inte rest s of his be lov ed in s titution. It wag fitting that hi s many fri e nd s and re latives s hould come to do him honor and congratulate him on hi s eightieth"' birthday :·
Th e faculty, the school as well as the citiz e ns of the whole state of -Ne brak sa jnin -·in their bes t wishes and ' t wentv years from now we know T. J. Major s will still be fig hting for Old Pe ru. -::., 1-.J·•.J
Picnic a la Philo. rcontlnu ed from Flr><t g etic me mb ers Philo will have it s b es t season.
If Uncl e Wilse Majors, Philo' s first pr es id e nt, could have found it po ss ible to have been th e re and told us of Philo's organization fift ythree year s ago we would have felt the picnic an unrival ed succ es s. But really we believ e that at the movi es th at follo wed the picnic , Philomath ea ns could be di stin g uish ed from th e rest of th e c rowd by their s up erior look of comol ete sa ti sfaction.
Mis s Ann a T olio School Nurse
Mi st Tolin r ece ntly asked for le aave of abse n ce for the s umm er 1.10 she could continue her s tudi es. It is th e hop e of th e e nt i re school that Mi ss Tolin will a- et r es t and pl easur e ip her change of work. In her qui et way she ha ::l won a place in the h eart s of the ·student s and faculty. Nor h as she co nfin ed her deeds of kindn ess me rcy to th e s chool alone for when her se rvices were not : nee ded by th e sc ho ol she would find her way to the beds ide of some littl e chidld which needed her, or an older per son in troubl e or sorrow.
Miss Heien Wh esenand of Omaha will have ch arge of Mis a Tolin's work during her ab sence/
"Meet Me at Brown Tent." i
This sl ogn n shoulrl be on every one's · lips. We nre to ha vc a wond erful pi'0- 1' grnm nt o ur Chnu t auqun L ook it over, nn<l then get season tick et qulck
Wnt'\\'i cl; mn le quartet, g rand conc·crt. A revel of songs, gl ees, <luets, :<Clio::;, hy on e of' th P. Cahut a uqua's best <ll'gani z: ttion s. '
Tnn1 Cn t'll' fn e. un e ntirely orl gln a.J nml un iqu e pt·og-t·nm by the Pt in ce of Pol y phoni c artists. A ri ot. of lhe rl enn cs t f un n nd entet·tninment
B f' n Hur singet·s a nti pla yers. New son gs, sl wtrh e:<, monul o"s. ch nnl<'t Pr Rongs nnd i nstt·nmPn tnl nnnthPt' s.
C hari eR L. I•' icl; lin lecture. "Bi g l\I en of ' J'OIIIOI'I'OW."
Evening nen Hur :m el plnyc t·s. Jmper son:t t ions. clmma tic skct!'lt eR ntH! r <>ndin gs and rlnssfc songs. hy ex)JPriPt werl <'tltPrf :1 i npr s. Charl ps L. Fi r kl ln. l ecture, "Keeping Top Th ings on Top."
DAY. · • Aft e rno on.
Glt·,·in !] n inl <'t. A c·otn pnny of trn lned mu ;:icinn s in 11 I'<'JWI'tnit'P. of pl ensing vnri pty nncl stl'l' l ing
Hi chn nl H. 1-ln !!lt ••s. lect ure. "The Quest of Ev .:: ni•1g.
C: it'Yfn !]ll i lltl't concet·t Iection s f rom t hP hPsl composition!!,
r ln ssi <' n ncl poJn tlnr. J1ic·h:ll'c1 D. llu;dt <'S. lectllrP "A " \Vo See E ut opP :nul l•:•n·npP Us."
f'hi C'f' !'O Li "l·· · .•.,.,.:1 c·nm n:tn 1·. A
r·nmpntw of sP'•• In n vn t'I Pt .v
rOOC't'rl fl l'" "l':'J :l 11' 1' 1 ('1' tfl p I C':t ;}pr ;:hip nf nnc> of !'h' r·:•g o'" f :t JJJOJJS light op<' l'll rli t'Pc·tors. A n•:t I l l' <' :t t f nr music lo ving peoplP "!HI nlrl.
Eve n n 11
f'hild t'Pil 'S I'IIII >'Pl'l' ltl i ctll Pll l!l-' 1111. 1\ " <'I'll!' of lw:t l!l.\' :t tt d lnstt' lll'tl Pil h,v ilmf or worl;pr :-: :tJJ rl loC':t l <·hilclrPn. f'hi cn !!o l.igl ll np••t·n c·ompnn1·-A :p !'('tl!C'llln r pt•rt cilll' li on of thP ·omic OJwt·n h .v C: il hert & Snllf vn n. 'ThP P irn tP" of l' <'nzntH·e'' In f ull •nst ume n ncl ll'it h :.:.!l FI F TH DAY.
Lfh <>rnt l. nncl :-; t and PowPI romnny. Th<> ll'o rlrl' s gr f;nt pst COI'Ilf'tf l<t frtu oso. soprnno !<olos. skPtch Ps renrlngs. PIC. l\1. H ..Tnrl;son lertm·e "Shnmt ocks nrl Henth Pr." Evening
City Meat Market
Bukt:ry and Cuf:
Line ti 1\'\eals and hr ---M 'eat.... ph:nics
€. c:A.. Wey,
We Invite Yuu
Li bera t i. :lll rl Sc·" r •HHI Po wer <·omnny. a g rnn rl con cert f eatlll'lng th is vlznrd of the corn et nnd a duo of enertniners of m erit. M. H. J ncl•son, lec ture, "Squ enks." To call at our s tor e for yo ur Hardward N ee ds, Also Electric lamps, and Flashlights I Mil!<;tead
f»atfei>sOn 's €afe Meals, Luttcheon Ice Ct·eu tn Students Wekome
Interesting Session Held Reviewing Past History
Philo's first summer program was held Friday, with Miss Esther Delzel l as chairman of the evening. As t hi s was the first r eg ular meeting for the newly initiated members, the program was large ly planned to g ive the pa st history and future aim s of the or ga nizatio n. For the number, the by-la ws of the original constitution, formed in 1867, and the constitution written in 1916, which is in present use, were read by the secretary, Miss Alice Glasgow. Following this, Clarence Howie, with his splendid talent and charm s, play ed as a piano- solo the selecti on, "M is erer e '' from " II Tr o-..ato re."
It is rare indeed that a society i ncorporated over fifty y ears ago shou ld ye t have as an a ctive member its first · president. Such is Ph ilo's rare good fortune, and it was with real int er est that Philoma theans o ld and new listened to Wilson E . Majors te ll of the eociety's fo unding, o ne evening fift y -fo ur winters ago, when about fifteen young men gat hered about a wood-stove for which Dr. J. M. McKenzie, Peru Normal School's first presideat, sp lit the kindling and tended the fi re There, as the o ld pream ble reads, they formed intG a "society for the pr omtion of three g reat objec ts, viz .: Literature. F ri e ndship and Morality."
Mr. Ellis E. Good th en sp oke of what Philo stood for some thirty years later. We learned that Mr. Good wi ll always be an e nthus;a1tic Philoma thean because of the inspiration he received there years ago. We gather also that the inspiratioa was measured not so much from the excellence of the programs as by the length of the intermission between Miss Grace Bauman s mterpretation of a !lpirited. graceful, Spanish dance merited worthy applause. Miss Fern Jones sang "Often" in her clear, ch armin g, soprano Both of these numbers VOICe. were accompan ied by Miss Hilton. In closin6, Mr . J im erson presented the visio n of wha t P hil o e."pected to realize from its splendid or-
Prof, Harding of Ark ., Talks on "Other Worlds than Ours."
The first h:cture of the budget course was a d ecide d succ ess if it was a progre ssive affair. Prof. Ha rdin g was not able to fini sh his lecture in the chapel bec ause hi s lantf!rn r eq uired higher power t han the school plant furnished, so th e 1audience moved to the M. E. church where the school lantern wa1 used.
j The title of t he lecture by Profes sor Harding, who Is professor of astronomy in the Univer s ity of I Arkansas, was "Other Worlds th an Ours." Th e lecturer was a clear and interesting speaker. He en! tlvened his le cture with apt humor.
j He was master of his subject. The pictures whic h were clear and b ea u tiful ga ve a visual conception of the appearance of the univers e. The compari so ns m ade anrl statistics given c!e;rly ah owed !" how vast immensities can pi erce" Aft E>r seYeral of uninterrurH l' rl success Oil the Mutual Chau- and systems into systems run. "
A Company of Musicians That Ranks With the Best and Is Ex ceedingly P'opula'r.
tn ul]ua In whi ch th eir populnr lty untl qtul llt y we re demons trnte<l dally, It \Y :I S riPt'lfl l! (] to Ifo'-t'll)!ll gC th em for 1\ tOll\' Of QUI' 1\'CSte\'11 C JI'CUitS 1\S ll Special off 1 1·1ng to it s mu ;; i<--lm in g people Th e pP nmmwl for thi s engage mellt wa s h:t ud pl d;erl from t he Clt:b 01'(·1 <•st rn of by Hnm on B. C:lr\'ln, "·hose perso nal ar hl en' men ts nn tl prnHIIIl Pn t'e in the Am er icu n Conof 11111l;e It nPt:eRl'!I I'Y for h;m 10 se iP<'t nr ti sts nf pcc ulln r 11 1prft. 1->esides th P d is ti n;.n llsher: lend er in n lihcrn l num her of so los, n tt·Jo r:·.,1n u:1;n this 1\'il! exec ute t'" 'lllis ll el,v :-; p< ·clnlly ch ose n num111 ll' hi(']l tlwlr :thili ly wi ll he P. vlrlP!H'Ni. li: ueh me mb er of this >I'<'I! I 'S II' :I ll;t $ \WJI I _lnrJ I\'Idnll i
July 9-13
ganization. How many Philos were g uardianship so they would not there that even ing that did not di sappear. "The Big Three" some what later eoftly hum Mr. und ers tood Tretlna's motive, so Jimerson's appropriate revision eent on e of th.eir - members with of an old melody: him and to the surprise of all they "It's the old tim e Philo, the old arri ved safely with nothing mi sstime Philo , the old time Philo, and ing it's g ood e nough for me I The picnic began with a baseball It was good enough for Good and I game. If any baseball organizaMajors. it wa s good enou gh for Itlon needs competent pla::ers, they Good and Majors, it was good may be sure of securmg them enough for Good and Majora and from "The Big Three." it's good enough for me." Th e picnickers then pa rtook of The Big Three.
Who are ''The Big Three?"
What did they do ?
They met on the school campus
Wednesday even at 5:30 and hiked to a secluded spot south ea st of the athletic field.
Tretina, their sponsor, however, to it that the ''eats" werP saw h. stored away in hi• coupe under IS
the delicious supper prepared by the refeshment committee. Sorenson was feeling badly over the fact that they had a "wate rmelon feed" at the dormitory and she mi sse li out.
After supper the picnickers played tag??? After which they departed to their homes feelin g that th ey would like another picnic ROO D.
The County Clubs
The county Clubs han reported their organization• at sa llows: Pawnee.
Advi sor, Mi ss Dewey Presid ent, Raymond Flanigan. Sec. -Tr eas, Annabella Hutchi so n. Yell leade r, May Stanek. Re porter, Maude Lucky. Yell: P-a-w-n·e-e, P·a-w-n-e-e!
Pawnee County, rah! rah! Who rah ? Who rah? Pawnee, rah ! rah Cass.
Adv isor, Mr. Crago. Presid ent, Minnie Sutherland. Sec. -t.rea1., Ne ll E Norton. Reporter, Lottie Penterman. Yell : Hot tamale , sun flower seed! That's the ltuff on which we fe ed.
We' re the hot stuff of ' Creation, We're the Cass county tion Gage.
Ad•isor, Miss Shackleton. Pre1id ent, Alice Moran. Vic e pre1. and sec Mary Loy Reporter, Dorothea Weg ner Lanca1t1r.
Advisor, Mis s Carrin g ton. Preside nt, Grace Baughman. Trea•urer, Ada Hopper (Co nt inued on second pa ge)
Entered at the Po stoffice at Peru, Nebraska as second-class matter
Published Weekly by fhe Peru State Normal,
$1.00 per year. Single copy 5 cts
If you do not receive your Normalite: l:ave notice in the Normalite box in the Admin'istratien building.
No articles a ccepted after 8 o'clock Monday morning.
TBR lliDITORIAL STAFF. Hope Lewi s Editor-in-Chief ASSISTANTS
Anna Qb erg, Edna
Mabel Arvid s on, Katherine Mc-Al p in, Ruby Thompse n. Fa ith Spearman, Lottie Penterrnan
The County Clubs. (Continued trom First Pal:'e l Secretary, La Verne Marshall. Rep9rter, Verna McFadden.
Happy Hooligan, Heoligan gus, What the deuce is thQ matter with us!
Nothing at all, at all! Sarpy county, the head of 'em all. Thayer.
Advisor, Prot. Howie. President. E. E. Melvin. Secretary, Rosella Watson. Treasurer, Dewis Schieferdcker. Reporter, Mary Worlein. Saline.
Advisor, Prof. Brown. President, C. E. Strong. Secretary, .Adelaide Prokop. Treasurer, Zayda Aiken. 1 Reporter, Katherine McAlpine. Yell:
Swanton, Western, Tobias, Friend, Dorchester, DeWitt and Crete; Wilber' Wilber, the county seat, All from the county that can't be beat!
Saline, Saline, Saline! York and Filmore. Adviser, Prof Hoyt. President, Fern Graham. Treasurer, Ruby Sole. Secretary, Bessie Lantz. District 5 and 6, "Sand bur Club." Advisor, , Mr. Smith and Mr. McLean.
President, W. R. Carter. Vlee Pres., MiBs L. A. Shepherd.
Advisor, Mr. Holch. President Hazel Ru11sell. Sec. -treas., Adrea Foster. Reporter, Anna Oberg. Song, tune of "Micky:" Otoe. 0' Micky, O'Micky Mickys, From your home so far away On the hilltops of Peru
Advisor, W .G. Brooks. Presiden•, Dewey Ganzell. Secretary, Ellen Albers. Treasurer, Ruby itoontz.
W. W. WILSON , Pres. C. C. FISHER, Vice Pres. CARL HANSEN, Cashier
Olives, Pt:anut Butter, Fruits, Cookies, Luncheon Everything good to eot n nd ready to eut
Nemaha County Club Notes. Iin charge of Miss Luc y Ke ll ey who The students from Nemaha cou n -, very ab ly g uides th e youn g peo ple. ty were very h appy indeed when Th e Assocation as a whole. f ee ls the announceme nt wu made that ind eb tecl to Pnf. Delze ll who ha s the cou nty cl ubs were to be r>rgan• , always acted as a JlUUrdian over it. ized. Th e club ha s already s hown Re v. Fath er Wei ss who was at its sp irit by g ivin g a picni c at th e the time, on his vacati on, and pageant grou nd s. The main fea- Rev. Anthony Pax of Nebra1ka ture of this picnic was, of co ur se City were in Peru the fore part of the bi g f eed whieh had b een pro- th e t er m, and arran•ed to cele· vided by the refres hment commit- brate Ma ss he re. Father Weiss tee who evidently .underst ood just s aid Mass on Sunday, Jun e 19. how hungry st udent s get a bout aix Fa th er Pa x ce le brated Holy Mass 'oc locl< in the evening here on Saturday, July 2, and exBefore leaving the grounds, a pects to come from Nebraska City short businesa mee tin g was he ld every &e(;ond Saturday. The Assoafter which ye ll s were pra c ticer!. ciation very greatly appreciates the About eig ht 'oclock all left for extreme kindnes s of Mr and Mrs. home feeling that, in spite of their David Ja ck w ho have. for so many ene mies, the mosq uitoes, they had years made it p oss ible for the stuenjoyed the pienic immen1e ly, and dents of Peru to hav e th e advanhoping that there would be many tag es of Catholic serviees. more such occasions in tb e future lt is probable that arrang e ments
The O' Mickys,
The christening of the 0' Mickv s took place about 6:3 0 Thursd ay evening at the pageant grounds, with Brother Del z ell and Brother Sp ear offi ciating. As no riv er was close at hand , p op was use d to launch the ship of States.
Th e banquet was spr ea d on the nice green grass and while eve ry one e njoyed the repast, th e famous mosquito band furnished th e muaic.
Wandering thru the brush we happened upon the Cass County Club We did bate to see them loo k so lonely, so we decid ed to accept their chpllenge to a game of base ball. But of course bei ng out of practice we couldnt' exp e ct to bea t a bunch th at had spent their Sabbath days getting so well prepared so we came home marcbt n&' to the tune of Micky.
0 is for old Oklahoma, M is of course, s how me, I is aeross the o ld river, C fs Co lo rado you see, K is the plains of o ld Kanass, Y is Wyo min g go ne wrong, s is for o ur So uth Dakota, • Now wha t do y ou think of oursong.
And now we will s ing you an encore,
For we've a Montana m ai d, too; And De lzell is our Hoosier laddi e, For witho ut him, oh what would we do!
N. C. A No tes
The Norma l Cat holic Assoc i at ion whi ch was establis h ed some ago is sW I lo ok ing after the spirit· ua l we l fare of the members. The memb ership this summe r numbers not less than thi r ty and th e presence of each member sh ows the high regard in whie h the Teachers Coll e ge of Peru is · The Association t hi s summer IS
may be mari e whtreby the members of the N. C. A. wi II have an oppor tunity to visit th e pari sh of Paul so me time durin g the s ummer term and atte nd ma ss in one .of the most beautiful churches in this section of our country.
Cats Co. Club Picnic
The Cass County Club had its first picnic Thursday eve ning on the athletic field. After havingpart aken of a lunch consisting of sandwiches, pickles, olives, peac hes coo ls_i es , etc. they pl ay ed a game of t»is&a ll with the "O'Mickys," who were al so on .a picnic that day. The game resulted in a score of 13 to 9 in favor of Cass co unty, in sp ite of th e fa ct that "Coach Speer:• pitched for the All- States team a nd "Delze ll" pla ye d fir st
In the se cond inning Delzell who "h appe ned" to be on first was coaching "Kelly" to run home and was s uch a fine job he forgot to run him se lf. Mr. Crar:o proved a valuable catcher and "umpire" for Cass county, and k ep t thin gs go ing thruout th e picnic tim e. Her e's l oo king forwa rd to an ot her g ood time t ogethe r.
Calend ar
Jul y 6 to July 18
Wednesday, Y. M. C. A., 7:30. Y. W. C. A., 7:30 Orchestra, 8: 15. Ac;lministration Club, 8 :1 5. Thunday, Band, 7:30. G irl s' G le e Club, 7:30 Men's Glee Club, 8: 15. Sat urday, Chautauqua. Sunday, Chauta uqua. Monday, Normalite, 7:0 0. Cb autauqua
Tuesday, Cha utauqua.
Wednesday, Y. C. A., 7 :30. Y. W. C. A., 7:30 Chautauqua, 8: 15.
County Club Notes
The York anrl Fillmor e Counties held their first picnic Monday even ing, th e re was quite a parad e about 6 :00 oc lock p eop le carJying cups and !!poon s jo urn eyi ng to the campus. From th e re we saw them going to the athletic fi eld ca rry ing all so rt s of bundles, which looked like som eth ing to eat.
Saline County Picnic. Friday, Jun e 24 , at 5 o'c lock , eighteen of ou r number, a lo ng with Mr. and Mn. Brown, met at the ch apel, then went down to the athletic field. Games we re played, after which we all enjoyed a very fine lunch
A very good time was enjoyed, YOUR BIRTHDAY as the girls showed great akill in YEAR ON bal l.
Clay cou nty boasts the largest repr esentat ion of boys of any cou nty in t he st ate.
Gage co unty has incr ease d its enrollm ent about 33 p ercent.
Hello 56 -: Tomorrow is my birthday. If I come at 10 o'clock can I have my phot og raph tak en?
The Sarpv County Club has been PHOTOGRAPAS organi ze d under their old stand-by, that impre•s the onlonker with the Prof. Schoenike, as spo nsor. The personali ty of th e sitter. pep of the smalle1t county of th e I st ate was ma nifest in early IThe Newman Studio morning br eak fast for wh1ch they
Phone 56 left their comfortable beds to par-I ticipate.
Pa wn ee county has the larges t 1 club or ga ni zat ion in summer school ; and has an increa se over las t year's enr o llm ent of alm os t 125 pe rcent.
President Rou se and Professor Delze ll will atte nd the Na tional Education Association to be held at De• Moines, Iowa, this week.
American BlackWalnut Large Stock Immediate Delivery
Just received a new s tock of polishes an d la ces, all the latest shades. We ha ve lowered our prices on r epa iring more than the price of leather has come d ow n. Rihger & Medley Shoe S ho, AND Lunch Room - GOO D THINGS TO EATStudents' Headquarters
New Military hee ls on those old shoes makes them into the latest styles.
Meek bumber €o.
Fay Bakery
The County Clubs (Conti nu ed !rom scc oud page)
We're glad we're in Peru. O'Mickys, O'Micky Mickys
Can you blame us at all For being so proud of you!
City Meat Market
City Bakery and Cafe
Full Line & Cured Meals and Lunches fur ---Meat!'--€. ,\. W ey, f»rop.
S t t We ' the states of "Meet Me at the erg Brown Tent."
- -a- -e-s re the U. S. P-e-r-u, P-e-r-u! Nine states in old Peru !
Jefferso n.
Advisor, Miss Katherine Lambart.
President, Charles Gately' Treasurer, Eifel Caulk. Yell le ader, Myrl Emriek. Yell : Ahlareo garoo! Wahoo bazoo. Hi ix, hi ix Ika pika do minika Hong kong tipa pika Alah gabah gabah! J afferson, Jefferson Rab! rah! rah!
Nuckolls and Webster. Advisor, Prof Paul. President, Golda Calvin. Sec.-treas., Pearl Hogg. Rep orters, Mary Benson, Rose Miller.
Yell leader, Bessie Rouse.
Yell: Ringo bingo
Any old thingol Nuckolls and Webster Yes by j i n&'o ! Richardson.
Advisor, Prof. Yankie. President, Ollie Klumb. Secretary, Luci a Griffe n. Treasurer, Mildred Journ Reporter , Dorris Mason. Nemaha (Peru)
Advi sor, Prof. Hans e n. President, Sterling Sears Sec -treas.. Hope Lewis. Yell leader, Francis Cooper. Reporter, Laurence Rouse Nemaha (Outside Peru).
Advisor , Prof. Green. President, Myrle Argabright. Secretary, Alice Jones. Treasurer, Paul Bize. Reporte r, Maude Lawrence. Yell leader, Helen Carman.
Riff raff, riff raff, riff raff rue! Nemaha co unty for me and you! Are we in it? I guess yes!
Nemaha County is the best!
The third district organized into a county club last week. They decided to call themselvea "The Big Three.'' The officers of ''The Big Three" are, Miss Sorensen, presid en t; Miss Baird, secretary; Miss Sievere, treasurer; Miss Hastrup, re porter. Mr. Tretina is their sponsor.
Boomerang l boomerang, boo merang, rah!
This sl oga n should be on every one's lips. We are to h uve a wonderfu l progmm nt OUI' Chnutauqun. Look It over, nnd then get :rom· senson ti cke t quick.
WnnYick mnle quartet, grand con<·crt. A revel of songs, glees, duets, solos, by one of th e Cahutnuqua•s best orgnn l;r,n tl on s. Tom C01 wlne. nn entirely original n ncl unique progmm by the Prince of n•·tlsts. A riot of the cleanest fun and entertainment.
Ben Hur singers nnd players. New songs. slte tch el>, mon ol ogs, chnrnct P.r · songs nnd lns trument.n l numbers.
Chnrl es L. Jriclt lin, l ecture, "Big Men of T omorr ow."
Ben Hur slnge1·s nnd plnyer s. Imper sonn tlon s. clmmn tic sketches and rendlngs nnd cl nssic songs by expe•·lenccd entert n lner s.
CIHIJ'I es L. Ficldln , l ecture, "Keeping Top Things on 1'op."
Gh·vl n quintet A company of trained mu slcl nns In n rep ertoire of pl easing ,·n•·l ety nnrl stPI'Ii ng quality
Ri chnrcl H. Hu gh es l ectu re, "The Quest of Happiness."
Girvin quintet. gl'llnd concer t. SP.Iectlon s from th e h est compositions r>lnsslc nnrl popul nr
Ri chnrrl D. 1-111!-(h cs. lecture, " As We See Europe 111111 Os."
After ne>on.
C'hl rn!!o Li !!l•· • lt•f' l'fl A of sph • In n vnl'iPt,V
I'On('PI't 111 IIIH 1l'l' th P h>nrl Pl'Ship nf Oll P Of ('lJ jc•:t !-(01 '-' fnlllOIIS li ght O[lPI'll
IIIJ'ectoi'S. A l'Pitl ll'f'nl for mu sic l ovIng p copl P. nnrl olrl.
C'hilrlrf'n's c·nnsc>JTPtlon pnge:1nt. A "CVIIP nf nn<l lnsn·nrtion hy lnnlor work f'I'S nnrl ln<'n l cltil rl t'c>n. Chi C!lj!O Ll !-(ht ()pt>J'Il ('Olll[l llll ,\1-A P<'<'tn <"nlnr Jli'OOIII'tl on of tlw <'IH!"SIC •om lc op ent hy Gilbert & Sutllvn n, ''fhe Pirnt Ps nf i'Pnr.tu we" In full •nsh1me nncl wi th all
Afternol"n. Lihern tl. n nrl Sr·ull a net Pnw c>l <'nm'l'he wnrl rl's grr;n t pst col'Detl st lrtnoso. sopmnn solos. sltet chPs. renrlngs, et <' 1\f. H . .Tn<'l\snn. l e<'ture, "Sha mrocks ml n cu thc>t·.'' Evening.
Libera ti. uml >tnd Powl'l <·nm•nnv. A gmnd concert f en turing th is of the col'lt et nod a duo of enertnln ers of merit. M. II. J ncltson, l ecture,
To call at our s tore far your Hardward Needs, picnics
Also Electric lamps, and Flashligt.lts M i l§tead Bosemen t Barber Shop
Baths-Full tine of to il et s, shamYou will always find a welcome at pooing etc.
Mackprang's Hardware Hair Bobbing a specialty C. A. BARBER, Prop.
The Chatelain Jewelry Store Watches, Clocks, Fountain Pens, Stationery School Supples. 1\\A.IL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED at cost OUR best goods for the least money" We repair pens, watches, j ewe lry and spectacles. --GIVE US A CALL-J. C. CHATELAIN, Peru. Nebr. «1\Vt:;NUG •• •• ST0NG
0pposite the. Training Sckool Building --Where you can get Ice Cream and Cold Drinks School Supplies Stationery, Notions
EAT AT FISHERSCream is right Fruits are right Syrups are right Service is right
fJI·:H. u. NI'
WEDNESDAY. JU LY 1a. 1921. NU MR EII ::! 4
CH AU TAUQUA A BIG SUCC ES S j =----:::o---=-=-=-=-=--·-==-====
Fioe P rog r ams- A tt e od a oce GoodWea ther Propiti ou s
The ch a ut a uqu a is a decided f' Ucbo th in att t> nd a nc e a nd in q ua lit v of or ol! ram s. bi g t en t I fu ll to ove rfl o wing at ea ch se s si o n.
Sa turdav ev ening the Wa r wic k Ma le Qu al't et were real si nge rs anrl enter ta in ers T he q ua rt Pt a- a ve the fi rst part of th eir pr og ram be for e Tom Cnrw in e hPl(a n to p ou r out co r'n wine of w it an rl hum or wh ic h m arle us a ll glo ri ov sl y hap py "To m" s ays he pu t the "t om'' in the ''t omfoo ler y." Those who h im a f ew ago in th e same pr ogr am Iaug he r! ju!'t as h ar d as did th ose w ho hea rd h1m f or th e fi rst t1 me.
Then S un day af te rn oo n th e Ben Hur a nd Playe rs w ith th eir n ew s ong!l, sketc h E-s , monolog u es,
The o ld Normal Hall to remode led into a new, moder n, fir e- pr oo f, u p-to-date bu i ld ing.
char acte r so n gs were one of the occa:do ns. Ve ry often th ei r work r all y witho ut a ba nd UFua l ly fa ll s FUNERAL OF N OR MAN LOVELL gr eates t treat s of the c hau ta uq ua. merely supp lemen ts the more spec- fl at , a nd t!i e memb ers of t he mu slT hi s tri o were real a rti sts wh o have t ac ul ar a rtivitie 3 of co ll ege lif e, cal organizatio ns shou ld fee l t ha t The Mao Whom Peru Lo ved il tld played an d su eg t hi rt ee n year s t o- ye t mos t of th ese ac ti viti es would t hei r contr i bution to the success of Honored L aid to Res t. ge th er. be seri ously ha ndi ca p pe d w ith ou t oth er co ll ege a ct i vit i Ps is a real
Mr Ch ar les L. Fickl in' s lec tur es musi c. ; and vital on e, alt ho oft en it may No rm an Love ll , a gr adu ate of both afte rn oo n and eve ning were The me mbers of tbe m usi ra l, be co nsidered the le ss spectac ul ar I dd Th • B Peru, and a l oun g man we ll known un usua a re sses . e · ig- Men or ga n iza ti ons are to be co ng rat- part. of Tom o rrow" wi II lo ng be ul al rl th · 1 1 ·1 to Pe ruvians. was buried at his e . u p.o n e1r oya ty to th ei r/ 1 her e rl by thos e pr ese nt as we ll his organ 1zat 10n, an d thru it. to lh e Dr. H ed rick Vis its Pe ru . ; home to wn , Spri ngfie ld, las t S uneve nin g le ct ur e on "Ke epin g Top sc hoo l. F ew peop le reali ze thel Pe ru was fort un at e in h av in g as day . He wa s one of the boy s callTh i ngs on To p." cons id er able pre parat ion nPcss ar y Ia tea cher for two da ys th is wee k ed to t he se rvi ce of hi s count ry,
The Monday p ro grams were we ll for a pub li c appearance of the, Dr. Earl e Raym ond Hed r ick, hea d a nd sent to Fran ce with th e A. E. up to the stan rl ar d. Richar d H. b and , the or th e glee of the departme nt of math e mat ics Hughe ;; was a ll a nd more th an he club s, the long ho urs of rehe ar s al at the Univ er sity of Mis souri. F. He pa rticipated in sev eral w as advert is ed to b e. Whil e we ve ry oft en at tim es when Dr. Hed r ick is vis iti ng the prin- min or engag eme nts , an d the n on a ll en joyed hi s "Qu es t of Hap p i- things may s ee m more imm e di ately cip al sta te unive rsit ies a nd t ea ch -· Sep te mbe r 13, 1918, was in the ness" yet hi s "As We See E ur ope inter es tin g to the mem be rs. In er s' colleges of the Cent ral West ba ttle of St. Mi hi el and was kill ed and Eu'rope Sees Us " see med to f ac t, yea r in a nd year ou t, it is 1 as nfficia l rep resen tat iv e of the in th at battle At the r eq uest of b ri ng the great truth s ho mE:: to the doub t ful if any a ct iv ity of th e j on Math em at- hi s par en ts , the g overnment broug ht audie n ce wh ic h made th em th ink sch oo l requ ire s the time spe nt and ReqUirements, unde r the a ubeyond as we ll as ab ou t th em se lve s the ca r ef ul pre r,>a ra ti on which is I sp 1ces of th e Mathema t ical Asso- the bo dy back ho me for burial. and their coun try. essen tia l for the b and and orch es1 c iat ion of Am erica. Dr. Herl r ick is T he fune r al was held at the li ttle The Gi rvin Qu in te t we re certa in- tra We some ti mes co n side r t he Ia keen thi nker and is one of the chu rch whe re he had a lway• atly refresh Th ey ,;, a de us for- I b an d so much a mat te r of cou r se l leaders of math ematical th o ug ht in te n ded, and of wh ic h he was a get the hot J ul y day and just turn /that we fai l to app r eciate the tim ejAmer i ca tod_ay.. He his fir st me mbe r, a nd the funera l serm on our se lves ov er to them and let th em 1 a nd eff ort r eq uir ed for its success-: degr ee at M1ch 1ga n, h1 s sec ond at was pr each ed by his old pastor who make us happy. ful appea rance. !Ha r va rrl , a nd the doctorate at had receiv(!d hi m int o the c hu rch.
To th e me m be rs of Goe tt i ngen He. is past pres id ent Th e funeral was cond uc ted in f ull O ur Musi cal Organizations za ti ons th e sc hool owes a de bt of. of the Math e mat ica l Asso cia ti on of military fo rm, th e Ame ri ca n L egio n The gl ee clubs. ba nd a nd o rches1 gratitude They are en ti rely vol- 1Amer i ca , pas t vice pr es ide nt of of the county un it ing for thi 1 las t tra orga.ni zat ions whi ch at i unt ary gro ups , held t oge th er lar ge1 t he Ame r! ca n _Ma th e mat i ca l Socie- sa d r ite Peru reac h ers Co ll eg e h ave Jy by the loyalty of th e ir me mb ers ty, an d IS ed1tor of th e Bu ll e tin Pe ru was re pr es e nt ed by 0. J. b ee n a ve ry r ea l pa rt of th e llfe, to the coll eg e. Ve ry of t en, to play of th e American Mat he mat i ca l So-Milst ea d and fa mi ly, an d Mi ss N. of the sc hoo l. Th eir music is / in on e of th ese or ga ni za t io ns mean s eie ty Ma u de Carpen te r, Mi ss Anna always in dem an d, wh et h er it be at to deny o ne s' se lf the pr iv il ege of On Tuesday and Wed nesday Boot h, Miss L au ra Mack pr ang, their annua l con cer ts, or at f oo t1 mak in g- what is u sua ll y cons id ere d a fte rn oo ns Dr. Hedr ick addre ss ed El mer Wi lso n and Donald B lan ke n· ball or basket ba ll games, or at the a mo re sh owy part in t he f oo tball th e high sc hool meth ods cla ss and sh ip, who dr ove up fo r the f une ral b ill banquet, class play , or other rall y or th e class pl ay. And ye t a I ccontlnu ed on Lut Paa-e. 1 a nd bac k that ev en in g.- Pointe r.
·THE PERU NORMALITE in Peru perm a nen t ly. His work in the hi gh sc hool will be ag ricui-
Entered at the P ostoffice at Peru , Ne· tur e und er th e Smith-Hugh es braska as seco nd.class ma t ter. sys te m. -Po inter.
Publi s hed Weekly by tbe Peru State Normal
$ 1. on per year. Sin g le copy o cts Alumni
Tho Re who were in att end ance at summer school last year will be int er es ted to know durin g
Interest pn id on sa v ing dep o sit s
W. W. WILSON, Pr es. W. R. KE LLY, C. C. FISHER , Vice Pres W. N. DELZ.I!.:LL, CARL' HANSEN , Cas hi er Direc to rs We are Glad to be of service to you.
th e fir at w eek of June Mi11s Els beth · =======:::===================== R oess ler and Mr W. H. Hohm a nn were ma rri ed at Plattsm outh, 1\ti sa Roess le r' s home. They are no w 'atu d yin g mus ic in Chicago and ne tx fa ll Mr . Ho hlman will r et urn to Fre eman Co llege, Fr eeman , South Dako ta. Mrs Hohm a nn
If you do not receive yo ur Normali te , no ti ce in the No r ma lite box in the will a ss ist her husband in hi s work
Adtu ini st ra tio n buil din g. Ithere __ ·
No articles accep ted a fter 8 o'cloc l< Dorothy Mauck of the c la ss of ' 20 Mond ay mo rni ng. wa s married June'}, to Mr Bas il C. Wehrman After a trip to th e noiT o Rt AL S TAPP M inneeota lakes , Mr. and Mr s. Hope Lewi s Editor in Cbicf We hrman return ed to Nelson where AS!' JST ANTS they will live in a lovely fa rm Anna Qbe rg, Edna iYI au: l,
Mabel Arv idso n, Ka therin e l\'{('A ipin, Ru by Fa ith Spea rm an, Lo ttie Pe ntc rman
hom e ne ar th at pl ace Mrs. We hrman will he reme mb ered as ou r
o wn "Do Mauck" of the c la ss of c lass of ' 20. She will be re me mbere d for her re markabl e wo rk as e ditor of the Normalite. .N ot
No tice ha :> bE:>en rece ived of th e marria ge of Mi ss Margare t Mitc hel to Mr. Ch a rles Pa lmer on Thursda y, Jun e 3 0, at Elm Cr ee k, N ebra s ka.
Mr Dwi g ht Mardi s of Pe ru and Mi ss Da gm ar Bond e of Om aha were marri ed at th e hom e of t he brid e 's sis te r in Omaha , on We dn es day, Jun e 6.
Aft er a sho rt we dding t ri p t hey will re turn to P eru, wh e re they will be at home after Au g ust 1.
Mr s. Ha s brook Lectures, for her exce ll e nt ma na ge ment but al so for th e s pl e ndid e di t orial s a nd Mrs. Ha s brook of th e Na tional th e life and the pep of th e pa per s. Child Welfar e Bure au of New Yo rk wa s with us for se veral da ys la st wee k, duin g which time s he ga ve se veral ve ry inter es ting and e du cation al talks. In ch a pel We dn esda y, she to uched upon t he conditi on of th e children of th e world in ge neral creatin g in those pres ent a d es ir e to hea r her illust rat ed lect ure on "M a lnu t riti on, '' which s he d el ivere d the fo llowin g eve nin&". In thi s le c tur e sh e s tated that on e c hil d in every thr ee in thi s co untr y is ma ln ouris hed, and th en we nt on to gi ve causes and re medi es for thi s co ndition.
Her talk to th e women of th e school waa dir e ct, fr a nk and f or ceful.
A large co ll ec ti on of panels and b oo ks whi ch had fo r th ei r pur p ose th e tra inin g of childr en in citi zen -
Th e gr oo m is on e of Pe ru' s ener ge ti c and capable youn g men, and has a positi on in th e s tor e of hi s gr an dfa th er , W. W. Mardis. Th e brid e is an Omah a girl, bu t is very we ll a nd favora bl y know n her e. She att e nd ed th e Nor ma l s hip an d hea lth were on ex hibit in several years , gra duatin g a year th e f ac ul ty rcwm. ago, s in ce wh ic il tim e she has been Her illu s trated lec ture on Thur s-te achin g in the Omaha sc hools. d ay eve nin g wa s mu ch a ppr e ciat ed, Both have a host of fri e nd s here and a fin e a udi ence turned o ut who wish th em succes s an d ha p pi-
Profess or Andrews He re.
P ro f. L. S. Andr ews, w ho ha s been rece ntly elec ted as teach er of ag ri cu ltu re in th e t ra inin g hi gh achool, arriv ed in Peru Tuesday He comes from Uni ve rs ity Pl ace, and is a gra du ate of t he U niversity Sch oo l of Ag ri c ul tu re. Whil e thi s w ill be hi s headqua rters, he will for a month or more be e n&"a ged in fi eld wor k for the hi gh s ch ool, but afte r th at he will be ne ss.
Girls' Gl ee Club I Th e Girls' Glee Clu b, w hi ch ia \ under th e di rec ti on of Mr. Cu m-
Imings ia doing sp lendid wo rk a nd shows g rea t imp roveme nt . We fi nd Mr. Cu mi n gs to be a ve ry efficient leader . The c lub int e nds to gi ve a conce rt th e 26t h of July 'Ih e fo ll ow ing are membe rs of the clu b: Mil d re d Co lema n, Sa r ah Co lema n, Helen Ca rm an, Cora Oliver. Ella Co nrad, Lenora Co well , Mab el Dr ess ler, Mary Fuller, Gra ce Gi lbe rt, Mami e Gillil a nd Effie G illil a nd , E li za be th Fa rley: Mi ldred Wi lli am s. Helen Wilis Rose ll a Watson , Bess ie Wels h: Eve lyn H ubka, Ali ce Glasgow, Mar y Gr ah am, Cre ol a Hadl ey Vir g ini a Ho in es, Ve ra Ham rshaw, O na Ho s trup, Mary Hara -
" Wh ere th ey wa nd er an d coo ." · jian, Lu ci ll e Hara jian, Thel ma Howe , Gr ac e Ba ug hman , Dorothy Mo th er: El sie, you must not Pe ttit , Gr ace Ri g-gs , Birdie Bald- s lam yo ur doll dow n in her cradle w in , Lan ta Co le, Fr a nci s Bauer, like th a t. lt is just as easy to Jay W ini f red A rn o ld , Winifr ed Arga- her do wn ge ntly. br ig ht, My rl e Ar ga brig ht, Ma rvil El s ie : It i:m't wh en you ' re mad. App lega t e, Zayda Akins, Nora "Go in g to ge t a new s uit t hi s Bead ley, Ann abe l Hutchins on, Lu · se a so n ?" "No Th ought of it, cile Ja las, E li z ab e th Johns on, Fe rn but my tail or says he ca n't a ffo rd Jon es , R osa Mae Ke al y, Ruby it."
Lawrence. De ll a Le ddy, Grace Lee, Ma ry Loy . Ne lli e McCoy Mildred " lly time, " said th e mag nate , Mc Cul loug h. Inez Mitche ll Alice "is worth $ !00 a minute." ' "We ll " d h' f · d Mora n Reva Ne lson Mary Petty • answ ere ts rten , casuE ·1 'p k z' ld R dd ' ')a lly, "let's go out thi s mt y ar orny, e a e tDi' , • I R th R M t S D . and play $ 10 ,000 or $15, 00u worth .u ee\>·e, e a 1evers , or1s f If ,.
S im s, Cle mmie Shu c k, Myrtl e 0 ==go=.= === ======
Sore n sa n, Cr ystal Sorensen, Lue lla Sta rr s, Gre tch en Swinney, Fe rn
T ay lor , Ma ri e Upp and Ir e ne Warren.
Calend ar.
Ju ly 13 to July 20.
We d nesday, Y. M. C. A., 7 :3 0. Y. W. C. A. , 7 :30
Chau ta uqua, 8: 15.
Thursday, Ba nd, 7:3 0.
G irl s' Glee Club, 7: 3 0.
Men 's Gl ee C lub , 8 :15
Friday Y. M. So ci a l.
Sa tu rday-Phil o.
Mo n day-De ba tin g Society , 7:30
Norma lit e 7:0 0
Tu es day-Orc h es tra 8: 15
Band 7:0 0
Girls' Gl ee Clu b 7:30
Men's Gl ee Clu b 8 :1 5
He: Why do wo m en speak less in Febr u ary than any other mon th '!
She: Why 1
He: Be cau se it h asn 't many days.
"I wa nt to te ll her w .h at I thiak of her but words fa il me." ·'Well , just ;e ll her yo u hope no mo vie produce r wi JJ ever see her, a nd Jet it go at that ·•
American Black Walnut
Large Stock
Immediate Delivery
Hello 56-: Tomorr ow is my bi r th- ! day. If I come at 10 o'c loc k can I I my ph ot ograp h taken? PH OTOG R APAS that impress the o nl ooke r with th e per so nality of the s itter The Newman Studio
AGENT excite ment Nebras ka City Laundry "Un heard of- gr eat at the
au accou nt
D r. He drick Vi&it s Peru, Iour ch erished belief s, it is the co ncco ntln ued !rom F irst cenSUS of op ini on th at it is OUt' other s in ter es te rl in m at hema tics most sa tis fato ry e xpl an ati on of th (;! teach in g. on "Juni or High School known phy s ica l fa cts of t he un iMa thi!ma ti cs" and "' Fou nd at ions ver se. of Math em at i cs. " Tuesda y ev enin g, be fo re a lar ge an d app r ec ia-La ncaster County ti ve audien ce , he gave an Y es , t ha t wa s Lanca ster <Cou nty I tion a ll y in tere ntl ng and in str uct i ve C lu b y ou eaw Sat urd ay morning le c tur e on "Ei nst ei n' :< Th eory ." t ra ilin g d ow n t he road with cup In hi s di sc u!si on of th e E in s te in an rl sp oon in ha nd th eory D r. H ed r ick ex pla in ed that Di d yo u see th t:! one anrl only thia th eory is th e perfe ct ex -man? We ll , he is th e Lanca s te r pl an at ion of the ob se rved fac ts c ou nty mascot. a nd a fine one he of th e univ er se yet de vi sed. He m akeR, too trac ed the devel op ment of o ur i deas Not hin g da unt ed 0ur dete rmi nof th e universe fr om t he days of at ion to h av e a goo d tim e, not even th e ancie nt Gr ee ks, ip or der to craw li ng und er fence s. In th is sh ow ho w su ccessive th eor ies hav e f eat Miss Ca rrin gton out s hi nerl l"iv en way to new discoveries a nd us all. to si mp ler the or ies. T hu s th e We ate o ur br ea kfas t un der the Gr eek s imag ine d th e ea rth to be shade of the grand old oaks fl at and a bs olut ely sti ll in spac e. We came d ow n th e long, lo n R" with a ll the hea ven ly bodies r otat -tra il home eaC' h one as sur in g t he in g ar o und it. Th ese id eas were oth er of th eir g-oo cJ ti me. gr ad ua ll y changed t hruo ut the ce n- We are the c ou n ty that pu t turi es by the disco•; eries and th e "si c" in to "sickum." th eori es of Cope rni cu s. Ga li leo, New to n a nd ot hers. The th eor y Dou glas and Washington. o! disco ve red Ly We'v e g ot th e Iri E' h, N ew t on h as b ee n the bas is of a ll We 've got th e pep mode rn th eory of the u ni ve rse un -If yo u kee p up with us til re cent yea r s. You ' ve got to st ep. Very r ece nt disc ov e ri es r ega rd- I' ll say vo u do . a nd step li vel y at in g li gh t, elec tric ity, and matte r, 1 t.h.a t. You'll do we ll to ke ep up
City Meat Mar k\T. \,.:i.ty Bakery Cafe
Fu II L ine S: Cur ed Mc uSs a nd Lu nc he s for Mea t
<:.. A o W ey , f>rop.
Also El ectric lamps, and Flqshl ig hts picnic s PH ON £ 112
We In vite Y ou
To c all at ou r s to re fo.J: you r Ha rdwa rd Needs, I
f>a tt e. Fson 's <:.afe Mea Is, Lu tach eon Ice Cree1 111
Stude nts We h.. um e
T he Chatelain Jewel
ry Store
Watches, Clocks, F ou n tain f»ens. Stationery S chool S upp le s. '".1\ IL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILL ED at OUR MOTTO;- "The best goods for the le ast m oney"
GIV E US A CA LL -\la ve forced us to create new theo-, w1th us at a ll wes. The simples t a nd m os t su e-We dn es day , ?.7. -.vt! heiv ·
cess ful is th e Ein ste in th eo ry, fir st our !Jil:u ic ti u wn on t he athiecie J. C. CHATE LA IN, P eru. Nebr. 1ann ounced in 1905 in partia l form fi elrl , f rom 5: 30 until we were a nd com pleted in general in 1917. t ired. Su ch a fi ne ti me as we had Dr. Hed r ic k i ll ustrated some of How cou ld we do ot he rwise, its prin ci ples by compar ison with 1 wit h s uc h a da nd y bu nc h, a nd effects wh i ch a ll of us have no ti ced wi lh t he adv is or we have'! a nd gave a ske tc h of th e f un da me n: On our arri va l at the fie ld, we tal notions on wh ich the t heo ry is had a baseba ll ga me-or rather based, wit hou t, h owe ve r, us in g th e beginni ng of one- to wo r l< up a ny ma them at ics. an Th en came t he ea ts , 1'he the ory has been tes te d ex - anrl how fin e th ey we re. Talk pe rim en ta ll y by:as tro n om ica l obse r- abo ut y ou r lem ona de m ix e n, Mr. va t ions on the planet Merc u ry and 1 Ea son has th e whole wo rld s kin ne d. on sta rs whos e ra ys p ass cl ose to A fter t he ea ts we ha d a rea l ga me. th e s un duri ng a total eclips e. The T he "lu c ky s eve n" we re the w inth eory exp lai ns th ese act ual ob -n ers , ow in g to the "bu mpi e, " Ir ene Ar ga bri g ht. serv an ces tho no f or mer tl'leoy h as d one so . F in a ll y, th e t heo ry is ma th e mat ica ll y a nd lo gicall y perf ec t. it de str oys s ome of "Doctor, do n 't y0u thin k that raw oy ste rs · are h ea lth y?" Yes: I ne ve r knew one to co mplai n."
0p p osite th e T rainin g Sc koo 1 Bu ilding liift&'A3I!Sll W he re y ou can g et Ice Crea m and Cold D rink s S choo l Su pplies
St at ion er y, M ea t s, _ Fr uits Candies H. U" LANDOLT, Phon e 7R Peru. N ehr.