1922 Summer Catalog of the State Normal School of Nebraska - Peru

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Nebraska State Normal School and Teachers College PERU, NEBRASKA

Summer School June

2- July 27, 1922

Announcements 1922 .. 23 VOLUME VII


NO. 2

The Chapel Walk




T. J. Majors, President_ __ ______ _______ ______ _____ ___ __Peru Dan Morris, Vice President_ _________ ____________ ___Kea rney H. E:. Reische, Secretary ____ __ ______ ________________ Chadron F . S. Berry _____ ________ _____ ____ _________ ____ ____ ___V/a yne

Hon. E. H. Gerhart___ ________ ___ _____ _____ ____ _____ ewman Grove Hon. Etta Young ___ __ ____ --_-- -- - - - -- - -- - -- -- -- - -- - ------ __Lincoln Hon. J .M. Matzen, State Superintendent_ _____ ____ __ ____ _____ Lincoln PRESIDENTS Robert I. Elliott_ ___ _- ------- - ------ - - - -- - --- - - _____ ______ Cha dron George E . Martin ____ ___ __ _._- -------- - - - - - - - - --- __------ - _Kearney A. L. Caviness ________ __ __ __________ ____ _______ ____ _____ ____ P er u U. S. Conn ___ ________ ___ ________ __ __________ _______ __ ___ V/ay ne

PERU CALENDAR Summer 1922 Summer School Registrati on _____ __ ___ __ ________ ____ _F r iday, June 2 Summer School Classes begin __________ ___ __ __ ___ __Monday, June 5 Summer School Commencement_ __ ___ __________ ___ Thursday, July 27 1922-23

First Semester Registration __ _______ ___ ___ ___ ______ F r iday, Sept. 8 First Semester Classes begin __ __ _________ __ __ __ ___Monday, Sept. 11 First Semester closes ____ __ _____ __________ _____ F r iday, Jan. 19, 1923

REGISTRATION The date for summer school registration is Friday, June 2, and ~gui:;r class work begins on Monday, June 5. The session is but eight toe~e lo~g and to do nine weeks work, it is necessary for each student r egistered and located before the first day. ·




Two Jines of the Burlington pass through Peru, the one from Lincoln to Fall!l City, and the other from Nebraska City to Beatrice, furnishing excellent passenger service from all points in the state reached by the Burlington system. The Mi ssouri Pacific from Lincoln and Omaha reaches Peru t hrough Burlington connections at Nebraska City and Auburn. From Omaha take Burlington at 4 :30 p. m., direct to P eru, fr om Lincoln take Burlington at 1 :30 p. m., via T ecumseh, or a t 3 :00 p. m., direct to Peru. BuTlington trains¡ leave Nebraska City for P eru at 9:05 a. m. and 6:55 p. m . Burlington trains leave Beatrice at 1:20 and Auburn at 4:02 for Peru. F'r om Falls City, the time is 5:30 a . m. AU of these trains are daily except Sunday. The Rock I sland from Fairbury connects with th e Burlington at Beatrice or Rockford. FACULTY Most of the regular faculty will be on duty for t he summer term and a number of exceptionally strong educators have been secured as additional members of t he faculty for the summer school. Some of the greatest educational leaders of the country have been secured to assist in making the summer school not only a strong term of regular school work, but also rendering every week of it a hi gh type of teachers' institute as well. Each week, as an inspirational institute, will have its spe.ci al feature emphasizing Primary In struction, English, School Administration, Vitalized Agriculture, Mu sic, or Education. RECREATION There will be opportunity to participate in different forms of recreational athletics. Tennis courts J.ocated on the campus, will be kept in readiness for the use o:f students during the summer months. It is fully expected that the fine new swimming pool, now in process of construction, will be ready for use during summer school. The various physical activities, together with the beautiful hill s and woods surrounding Peru, give to all the privilege of combining wholesome and healthful recreation with school life. SOCIAL LIFE The social life finds expression through the various student organ izations of the institution. The Y. W. C. A., the Y. M. C. A., the C. C. A ., t he Girls' Club, the Men's Club, the County clubs, and the Literary societies have as their first interest th~ welfare of the students atten ding P eru.



LIVI NG EXPENSES In Peru, the cost of living is at a minimum . Rooms in private f amilies at present rent at $1.25 and $1.50 per week, per student, two students in t he room. Thi s rental usually includes heat, light, and ba th privileges. Meals average about $6.00 per week in private boarding houses. Many students do light housek eeping, facilities for which are found in Oak Glen and a num ber of other places. The state maintains Mount Vernon Hall as a home for girls with a competent House Mother in charge. Modern rooms can be had here for one do llar per week, per student, two girls to the room. Excellent meals are served in the dining room for those who room h ere and about fifty persons, from outside. The present price of meals is $4.50 per week and will be reduced as soon as good service will permit, as t he' dining hall is not operated for profit. Rooming and boarding facilities in P eru are ample to care for all students des.iring t 1J attend summer school. Unless arrangements are made before coming to P eru, students s,h ould call at the Admin 'stration building wh ere the R egistrar, the Dean of Men, and the Dean of Women will give full information concerning rooms and meals. All private hom es off erin g to room and board students are subj ect l o supervision and approval of the college. SCHOOL FEES As in all Nebraska state schools, no tuition is charged and only the lowest fee s possible with good work in any sp ecial J epartment. All fees are payable in advance, each sem ester and summer t erm . Matricula t ion fee ________ __ ________ __ ____ __________________ _.$5.00 Paid but once by each student entering college or the 11th or 12th grade of the high school. Textbook rental, each semester and summer term ___ ____ ____ ____ 1.00 Student deposits $3 .00 each summer term or year. Contingent fee, each semester and summer term _________ ______ 3.00 The fo llowing fees cover laboratory work, typewriter practice, and piano rent: Infirmary, each semester and summer term ____________ ________ $ .50 Home Economics (college)----------------------------------- 4.50 Home E conomics (high school) ------------------------------- 3.50 ~able Service and Demonstration _____________________________ 5.00 Manual . Arts (college)--------------------------------------- 3.50 p anual Arts (high school) -----------------------------¡------ 1.00 chych.olngy, Physiology, ~eology, Physics, Botany, each_________ .50 C em1stry, Zoology, Agriculture, each________________________ .75 r1iay Modeling, Handwork, each______________________________ .50 Tycker ~ey, gymnasium or chemistrY: laborator;y (refunded) ___ __ .50 p ¡ Pewr1ter rent, for each hour credit ___ ________________ ______ 1.75 p :ano r ent, one p eriod daily per semester ____________________ 3.50 p ~ano rent, one perio d daily summer school_ ______ ___ ______ ___ 2.00 p!ano rent, two periods d'aily per semest er_ __________________ 6.00 1ano r ent, two periods daily summer schooL ________________ 3.50




DEGREES AND CERTIFI CATES This educational institution is authorized by law and the rulea of the Board of Education to issue the following degrees, diplomaa, and certificates. 1. Bachelor of Arts degree. 2.

Regular normal school diploma, which is a three year first grade certificate good in any school in the state. 3. Professional life state certificate. 4.- Junior certificate, a state elementary certificate, representing one full year's work above a four year high school course. 5. Elementary state certificate . . 6. Rural certificates, elementary and advanced. 7. Special certificates for Domestic Science, Manual Training, Com. merce, High s ·chool Science, Public School Music, Public School Art, Kindergarten, Primary, or Oral Expression. COUNTY CERTIFICATE SUBJ ECTS Classes will be maintained for those desiring to prepare for county examinations to secure the seco nd and fi.r st grade county certificates. For a second grade county certificate, grades in the foll owing subjects, obtained either by state examination or by credit earned in an approved normal training institution, are required: Orthography Penmanship Arithmetic (mental and written) Physio logy and Hygiene Geography English Composition English Grammar Civil Government United' State History Agric ul ture Drawing Theory and Art (Observation and Bookkeeping Methods) Reading Required-at least eight weeks of normal training in a standard normal school, college, or university,-Theory and Art. For a first grade county certificate, in addition to the subjects mentioned above, grades in the following are required: Algebra Botany Geom etry Public School Music . Required-at least twelve weeks of normal training in a standard normal school, college, or university,-Theory and Art. COURSES OF STUDY CREDITS ·A credit point applies to high school or secondary subjects used .ffJ'l entrance to the college. A "point" is the credit received for a subJ~Cl carried five hours per week, with the required preparation, for a per10 of 18 weeks. A credit hour applies to college work. An "hour" is the cr~dit received for a subject reciting one hour per week, with the required preparation, for a period of 18 weeks. Summer school courses· must be carried for doubl e time during the period of eight weeks to secure full credit.



COLLEGE Courses in all departments will be offered for: I. Regular college students who wish to continue their work during the summer. II. Teachers wishing to pursue professional work or advanced work in any special field. III. Two year graduates and others desiring to do work toward a degree. HIGH SCHOOL I. Work will be offered in regular high school courses to meet the needs of high school students. II. Special attention will be given to high school students wishing to earn credits for graduation in their home high school.

SPECIA L COU RSES The Palmer Penmanship system will be taught and those completing the course in a satisfactory manner will be able to secure a certifi cate as teachers of this system. Physical Training for women and Playgro~nd Supervision of children will be given under a competent instructor. Excellent opportunities are offered in music, both voice and instrumental, piano, violin, band, orchestra, chorus, and glee club. Special work in coaching for high school principal s and athletic coaches will be offered again this summer.

The No rt h Gate




B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I.

J. K.

A. B. C. D. E. F.

A. B. C.

SUMMER SCHOOL BULLETIN EDUCATION Curriculum--4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective. diploma or degree. School Administration-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma o.r degree. Educational Mea s urements-4 hou rs attendance, 2' hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. Child Study-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree (Prerequisite, 4 hours psychology). History of Education--4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College sophomore required, diploma or degree. Educational Sociology---4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma OT degree. American Rural E.ducation-4 hou rs attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma Qr degree. Children's Literuture-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, Required for Kindergarten course, diploma or degree. Primary Principles and Methods-4 hours attendance, 1 hour credit, Required for Primary course. (Not open to Freshmen or inexperienced students) . Manual Activities-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, Required for Primary or Kind ergarten course, diploma or degree. Plays and Games'---4 hours attendance, 1 hour credit, College elective, diploma or degree. PRINCIPLES AND METHODS OF TEACHING (Observation and Methods) High School-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College requ ired, diploma or degree. School Administration--4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. Rural Primary-8 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, COilege required, diploma or degree. Grammar--4 hours attendance, 1 hour cred it, College elective (for county and state certificate). Intermediate-4 hours attendance, 1 hour credit, College elective, (for county and state certificate). Primary-4 hours attendance, 1 hour credit, College elective, (for county and state certificate). PSYCHOLOGY Psychology I-5 hours attendance, 2 h ours credit, College Freshmen required, diploma or degree. Psychology II-5 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College Freshmen required, diploma or degree. Intelligence Testing-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, diploma or degree (Prerequi site, 4 hours psychology) .





Advanced Arithmetic-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, diploma or degree, required.

B. Solid Geometry-10 ho urs¡ attendance, 4 hours credit, elective, diploma or degree.


Colleg e Algebra-10 hours attendance, 4 hours credit, College elective, diploma oo: degree.

D. Trigonometry-10 hours attendance, 4 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. E.

Theory of Equations-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. ¡


Beginning Geometry-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit.

G. Third Semester Algebra-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. H. The following reviews are given for those desiring to take state examinations for county certificates : Arithmetic-4 hours attendance, no credit. Algebra--4 hours attendance, no credit. Geometry, 4 hours attendance, no credit.

Scene Near Campus



A. B. C. D. E. F. G.

SUMMER SCHOOL BULLETIN ENGLISH Freshmen English-8 hours attendance, 4 hours credit, Freshmen required, diploma or degree. English Literature-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, elective, diploma or degree. Shakespeare-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College diploma or degree. ¡ Short Story-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College diploma or degree. Tennyson-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College diploma or degree. Library Economy-2 hours attendance, 1 hour credit, Freshmen required, diploma or degree. For further co.ur ses, see }!::tlucation.

College College elective, elective, elective, College

SPEECH EDUCATION (English) Literary Interpretation (Interpretation of the printed page) -4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree (required, Kindergarten.) B. Public School Reading-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. C. Public Speaking-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. D. Play Production-(directing and staging) of pl'a ys)-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. E. Private lessons arranged.


A. B. C. D. E.

A. B. C. D. E. F. G.

FOREIGN LANGUAGE Beginning Latin-8 hours attendance, 4 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. Caesar-4 hours attendance, Zi hours credit, COllege elective diploma or degree. Review Caesar (Teachers' course)-4 hours attendance, 1 hour credit, College elective, diploma or degree. Beginning Spanish-8 hours attendance, 4 hours credit, College electi-.re, :~1r1:-ima or degree. Spanish III (2nd year )-4 hours at tendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. HISTORY AND SOCIOLOGY Recent American History-4 hours attendance, 21 hours credit. College elective, diploma or degree. Teachers' Course in High School History-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. Nineteenth Century History (European)-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. French Revolution and Napol eonic Era-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. Sociology-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. Advanced Rural SocioJ.ogy-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. American History-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit.




Political Economy-4 houxs attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree.


American Gov.ernment-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree.


Civics.-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. PHYSICAL SCIENCE

A. Physics IV. (Electricity)-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. B. Wireless Telegraphy-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, Colleg e elective, diploma or degree. C. Ch emist r y I-8 hours attendance, 4 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. D. Chemistry II (section one, analysis)-4 hours attendance, 2 hours cr edit, Colleg e elective, diploma or degree. E.

Chemistr y II (secti on two, practical)-'4 hours attendance, 2 hours cr edit , College elective, diploma or degree.


Chemistry III (organic)-4 hours attendance, 2 hou r s credit, College elective, diploma or degree.

G. As tronom y-4 hou rs attendance, 2 hours cr edit, College elective, diploma or degree. H.

Science Lecture Course-4 hours at te ndance, 2 hours cr edit, College elective, diploma or degree.

"When the Moon Comes Up"-Across the Mi ssouri




Nature Study (a)-8 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, diploma or degree, College ;required for Kindergarten. B. Nature Study (b)-8 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, diploma or degree, College required for Kindergarten. C. College Botany-10 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College required, diploma or degree. D. College Zoology-10 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College required, diploma or degree. E. School Hygiene--4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, diploma or degree (either E or F required). F. Personal Hygiene-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, diploma or degree, (either E or F required). G. Physiology-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. H. Botany-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high sc~ool credit. I . Agriculture-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. GEOGRAPHY

A. B. C. D. E. F.

Primary Geography-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. Regional Geography-4 h ours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. The New Europe-4 hours a t t endance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. The Geography of Nebraska-4 h ~ urs attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. Economic Geography-4 hou1s attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, di,ploma or degree. Normal Training Geography-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit.

COMMERCE Commercial Law-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or deg1 ee. B. Accountancy (Advanced Bookkeeping)--5 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. C. Advanced Shorthand-8 hours attendance, 4 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. D. Advanced Dictation, 8 hours attendance, 4 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. E. Palmer Penmanship (for Palmer certificate)-5 hours attendance, 1 hour drill credit. F. Orthography-2 hours attendance, 1 hour drill credit. G. Typewriting,-6 hours attendance, 1 hour drill credit. H. Beginning Bookkeeping-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. I . Beginning Shorthand-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. A.



Rustic Scene ART


Art History and Appreciation-4 hours attendance-2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree.


Industrial Art-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree.


Modeling-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree.


Drawing and Painting I-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree.


Applied Design--4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. (Prerequisite, either course in required drill drawing).

F. Drawing for Primary Teachers---4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, Required drill.

G. Drawing for Grammar Teachers-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, Required drill.


Drawing for Normal Training or Rural Teachers-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit (for rural certificate).


Certificate Druwing-4 hours attendance, 1 hour credit (Preparing for state examination).


Dalcroze Eurhythmics- 2 hours attendance. Ro te Song Repertoire-2 hours attendance, 2 hours cr edit, diploma or degree, Required for supervisor's course.


Appreciation- 4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit , College elect ive, diploma or degree, Required for super visor 's course.


Harmony-4 h ours att endance, 2 hours credit, Coll ege elective, diploma or deg-ree, r equired for supervisor 's course.


State E xamination Music--4 hours attendance, 1 hour cr edit.

E-:- Music--4 hours a t t endance, 1 hour credit, diploma or degree. F . Private Instruction a rr anged. HOME ECON OMICS A.

Foods I -10 hours att endance, 2 hours credit, College elective, dioloma or deg-ree. (Required for H. E. course ) . B. F oods II-10 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree, (Required for H . E . course). C. Clothing V.:--10 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree, (Required for H. E . course) . D. Clothing VI-10 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, dipl oma or degree, (Required for H. E. course). E. Survey-10 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. F. Home Economics Methods-5 hour s attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, diploma or degree. MANUAL ARTS A. B. C. D. E. F. G.

Teachers Course in Woodwork-10 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College eiective, (Required for supervisor's course.) Cabinet Making-10 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, (Prerequisite, course A). Woodfinishing and Upholstering-10 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, (Prerequisite, courses A and B). Carpentry-10 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective, (Prerequisite, 1 pt. high school credit). Wood Turning-10 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective. Mechanical Drawing-10 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, College elective.

Architectural Drawing-10 hours attendance, 2 hours credit, (Prerequisite, course F.) H . Manual Training Methods-8 hours attendance, 4 h ours cr edit, (Prerequisite, courses A, B and F, and P sychology ) Required for supervisor's course. (Any course may be discontinued if t he required number of seven does not r egister.)




LATIN A. Beginning Latin-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. B. Caesar-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. SPANISH A. Beginning Spanish-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. MATHEMATICS A. Beginning Algebra-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. B. Third Semester Algebra-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. c. Beginning Geometry- 10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. D. Solid Geometry-10 hou rs attendance, 1 pt. high sch ool credit. COMMERCE A. Shorthand-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. B. Bookkeeping-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. C. Typewriting-6 hours attendance. ENGLISH A. Eleventh Grade English (1st semester)-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. B. Eleventh Grade English (2nd semester)-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. C. Business English-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. HISTORY AND CIVICS A. United States History-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. B. Civics-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. MANUAL ARTS A. High School Woodwork (for beginners)-10 hours attendance, one-half high school credit. B. High School Mechanical Drawing-10 hours attendance, one-half high school credit. C. High School Wood Turning-10 hours attendance, one-half high school credit. SCIENCE A. Physiology-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. B. Botany-10 hours .attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. C. Agriculture-10 hours attendance, 1 pt. high school credit. REGISTRATION The date for summer school registration is Friday, June 2, and r~gular class work begins on Monday, June 5. The session is but etuight weeks long and to do nine weeks work, it is necessary for each 8 dent to be registered and located before the first day. For further information write, A. L. CAVINE SS, President, R. D. OVERHOLT, Registrar. ¡ Peru, Nebraska.



A Moonlight Scene on Campus

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