State Teachers College Peru, Nebraska
For Reference Not to be taken from this room
I 9 2 2 w•~~<·"'''lf"• PERUVIAN
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THE '22 PERUVIAN The A nnu a l Y ea r Book of th e J>nu State Te ac he rs Co lk ~l' Publi shed b\ Th e So phomore Cl ass
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n lu m r
l'ER.l l, NE BR ASKA
LJHF.AHY Stat.e T\:achel"S Cotk~e Pe-ru, Neb-raska.
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paint in \\路ords and pi c ture s th e Pe ru State T eac h e rs College durin g th e pa st sc h oo l yea r and to co llect in last in g form such an acco unt o f h e r organizat ions, h e r act ivities and h e r acco mpli shm e nts, that all Pe n!\ia n s shall ha\路e an increas ed devoti on fo r th e ir Alma Mate r--- th ese ha\路e bee n th e purp oses set for achie\ement in thi s boo k.
Book I.
A rim in i.rt ratio11
Book II.
( :It !.I'.II '.1
Book I I I. •-1 t/1 !dies Book I V. 0 1:~-a111"::::ation.r Book
DE'DICA1,10 J\ To
:!llllhn; Nona :!llll. Jalmrr 0!( r f l
BEJ .OVED by e very student for h e r earnest effort, h e r sincere manner and wise guidance, \Ye, the Class of 1922, affectionate l y d e dicate this Pnuvian
'----J路 c:::::l
ALilllini!;trntion 1!htililing
L 'isten to t h ei1路 n'o rds of ?t 路isdu 111 / ,isten to the truth th ey t e ll ?JU?t, F'o1 路 th e Jlln s tcr of Life ho.q se11t th e 11t Prn111 t/1 e lrt11d nf l i.r;/!1 rtlld mo n 1in.q!
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And om路 hea1路ts be more unit ed; I-I ands be cla s p ed ?IW 'I'e clo se ly.
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irraiuiu~\ i!.lnilbiu~1
I'Ve l111 1' e / i .~ f f' ll e <i l u !JOIII ' 11/ esso r; e, f fl r< 11路i// f /i i11f.- 011 l l' f Wf !JOII f e/1 / / .~.
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1Gi br ar!J
Big woTcls clo not smite like wa-1·-clu bs , Boastf u l ln·eath is not a bow-string , T aunts aTe not so s h c~1p as arrows, D eeds m·e bett e?' t h·ings t h an wol'fl .<; o ! ' <' , l l r-tion.<; mi.r;htie1· thnn h n o .<; t h l .rJ !
...____ f i _
S>rirurr l!jall
Tll'll s th e fi elds s hall. be IIIOI 'C fruitful, And til e Jms sing of yolt'l' footsteps /J1'(tW (( 1/W,(jiC circle r01111d th e.111. , So that lleiti!Cl' Miq!tt uor 111ildew , S /11tll !'" ·''' o'er lite /1111,1/ir· l'irl'ie ! \
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IDo rmitnr!J
Long th ey livPd in p eace tnq c th e 1·, S pake w ith naked h erwts tn.r;eth e 1·, Pondering mu ch and 'lllllr· h cnn/;?·i'l'in,q H ow th e h ·i iJes of ?nen 111ight fi'I"OSJJel ' .
tJrru <lLnmpun
'\'ot fm路 tri lllilpli i11 tile /)((!ti c. A 11d I'C1/01CII (111/0II.IJ th e Wlll' l'ior :; , But for Jn 路ofit of tile Jl eO Jiie. F()r advanta.rJe of tile nalio11 s .
lll rrnill rnt'.ll i.~ onn r
Wh en you come so far to He e us ! All our town in peace c~wai ts yov, All our doors stand open for you; You shall enter all 01 11' w(qwants, Fo1路 th e h ew 路t's Tight hand w e ,qiv e yo11.
rHr rrJ<UVIAN Of-
Seven t een
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A. L .
A.M .
Ei,r;hlt ' t' >l
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<& r r r t t tt g !i
F ur mor e th a n tw en ty-fhe yea r s, it has been m y good fo rtun ~ Lu kn o \Y Lh e Peru Stat e N orm a l School, its fac ulty a nd its g r a duates. As a publi c sc hoo l s up erintendent, it has been my d uty to vis it th e ca m p us fr om year t o yea r in sear ch o f t each er s. l t is only f air t o sa y th at a m ong th e m a ny t eacher s selected, th er e w as n o d isa ppointment in I:J er so n a l charact er , or in s uita ble prepa r a tion fo r th e t ea chcr 路s work. And m y experi ence is b ut a r epetiti on of th a t of other sc hoo l m en . Th e prEse nt is a peri od of r ea d.i us tment in ever y line of huma n endea vo r. 'I hi s is espec ia lly tru e in t eacher tra inin g. The war peri od of hi g h salaries a nd low st a nda rds in q ua lificati on for teachin g is pass ing . Th e people a s a wh ole deem it better t o r ea djust qu a lifications r a th er th a n t o lower sa la ri es. H ence m or e s tud ents ente r t eacher training institutions a nd r ema in fo r longer a nd better prepara tion. The N ebras ka St a t e N ormal schools a r e developing into colleg e;; fo r t ea chers. Secondary or hi gh school wo rk can no lon ge r be cons id er ed a pa rt of th e college, but must tak e its place as prepa r a tion fo r the college. Th e hig h school must also ser ve a s a tra ining scho ol f or the stud ents w ho a r e to becom e hi g h school t each er s on co mple ti on of th e f ull f our year s of college. The tra ining school thus becom es a complet e syst em of g r a ded sc hools , beginning with th e kinder garten a nd including all g rad es as vvell as th e complet e fo ur ye<:u hig h schooL Brig ht a s has been th e reco r d of "o ld P eru " as a N orma l Schoo l a still brighter f utu re is in store fo r this instituti on as a T eacher s 路 College. E ver y loyal Peru via n-stud ent, fac ulty m ember. a nd f ri end of t each er t raining,- w ill co ntinu e t o be a n acti ve fac t or fo r better tea cher s and bett er schools for th e children of ou r st a t e. W orkin g t og eth er f or th e sa m e end , it mu st be th a t we sha ll r ea lize our fo ndest hopes in th e up-buildin g of t he institution we a ll love. A . L.
\ V. .' J . l! 1路:1.1. 1-:1. 1. ]';'.,-,~c ttfi l ' <.'
AL.In路; M . Unt i l uf
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H nHIN ~ O N
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T w enty
S u}J t • rin t c~n/ r · ;ll
of S C'!wnl
.'1. B., A .M. 7'ntiHill (/
\V . F . HoYT, A. ll .. A.M.
P hy.•..ical SC"i t•ure
l-!OLc;I, Niol ~'!lical
Rns E ll.
A. ll .. A.M.
( ,' ,·o_t/l'tiJ!h!J
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A.ll .. H . Mu.-. Sr·it· llt't '
A. R. A.M.
l·:rlllhl f ioll
a:=:> a..__ _-->
DEWEY, /\. D. lh"story and S nr·iolnrJ!t
J. M.
.J. L A wnJ·:~n: F:,xsor-: . .·\.R .. , \. M.
A. B.
M c~ th enutti c.<.t
l.!. :llflli.'{h
Sper> f: h
.T . W. PAn .. B . .'c. Monuol.
F:dur·r1 l 1.n 11
E s T ;i i·:H A. Ci. .\Hl\,
A. I L . A . !VI.
Ltlli·H uod s ,,a ·uislt
T ·we 11l J.J - 1 , .,
A. B .
Com.1n c rco
H . E.
A. fl .. A.M. 1'rainin rt
Comm cr ct:
MAMIE R . MIITZ, !'h. ll. Pnblit· Sc:lwol A ·rl
w . (; .
T 11 ' 1' 111!) - llt I' PI '
1. . .1 . C i t. I..: ESO ~ l·:. ,·t, •u:-:i oli I i i r, ·t·lor
B. Mus .
N .
l)uhl i f· S r·h ool Jl/111sir·
Di•·ecto1· oj Music
L ib1·a1·ian
EI.vA E. RUI.0 :-1, il . B.
1-/ on l f~
E~~ rrnrnilit.: .~
Tw enty-fmtr
1 ~ o.._·_ __ . ,
C. F.
B. Ed .
Jlt u lht •mHiif·s
s . M . n " owN EI.I.. A. n. J>Jt !J.'~ ical s ,·it • J/('1 '
MAR .E H . FAIILIIA I\ ER, A.B. . A.M. Rnylislt
A. 13.
Ru 1'ul J;;duf'ulion
~ER N WI':
GEo w:E W . R HO\r ~ Uttral l·.'dnntfiuu, 1/ i.·:loru
A. Tl .t ' T<ER. R. Se.
II 0/J/ 1'
1l t
,.;f'/1 '1/fiH/ it'S
~' . YERKES,
B. Sc.
: l .tJrif'llitun·
\V i\1.
Mwnual Arts
B IL \ i' IIT
./ woior lli,r1h 'J'r,tiH ill.f/
A~. TAN II A 1' 1- ii l / (/
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E L>J A I. Con ; u :·• Ho nk /,·,·e p ,•r
n1 i TI I n, .x o N . A . n . S c ,-rf'lar y
'l't l ' l ' l/ l ij- .4 1.''1' 1' /1.
tVI us . ~Ai\ I I ' EI. 'vV ,, l ·t:tt. S n. 1/ :u l ...:.r: MniJt ,·r - MI .
l' t T~I IIH
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iitnarb of 1.E(luratinn
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.. ... A
HoN. T. J. MAJO~S . Pr ~s ident
H oN . ETTA Yo ur-; r: H O!'." . DAiS' 1\ll nnHT s , Vic e
P n~ s .
' • Ho :-<. F. S.
H o:<. H . E. RE :S C HE, Sec r etary
HoN . J . M. MATZE:-1, S tale S up t.
Jrru i\Lumnt i\ssnrtatton OFFICERS W. G. Brooks, '07, President.. .. .. ..... .. ...... .. ........... .. .......... .. . . ....... Yo rk J. A. Jimerson, '14, Vice-Presid en: ____ ...... . .... .... ........ .. ... ... .. .. . .. .. StromsburgEmily Burton, '13, Treasurer.. ... .... ... ............ .. ....... .............. .. ... ... .. .. . .... ...... .. .. ..... P eru W. N. Delzell, '94 Secretary.. ... .... ... .... .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. ..... ........ .. ... .. . ... ...... ......... P e ru Trustees Term Expires B. B. Bedell , '08, Ashla nd..... .. .. . . .. .. ..... . · .. . ..... - .... .. . . ... .. .. ... .. . 1922 .. .... 19 2:l .. ... ............... .. . .. .. ... .... .. .. C. R. Gates, '07, Grand Island .. .... A. J. Stoddard, '10, Beatrice ........ .. ... ........ ... .. .... ....... .... ...... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ····· ····· ···· .. .. .1924 ..... ..... .. .... .. .192G T. W. Blackburn, '76, Omaha. .... ..... ... . .. ........ .. .... .. .. ...... ... .. M. C. Lefller , '09, Lincoln .. ........ ... . . .. .. .. .... ...... .. .. .. ........... . .. .. ..... .. .. .. ...... .. .. .... .. .. Hl2fi *Unabl e to get a picture soon enough to appear.
•·f.!· T w en t 11- n·iu h t
1!lrgrrr lliuriJrlur nf .!\rts itt iEllumtiott ~ ssurll by 1Jrru ~tatr Wrar!1rrs Qinllrgr l . i ~t
dnt•s not indudt' ln q;t• nutnlu· r of tht• lh• J;:'rt'f'!'i uf B:tt.' lwlor of Edut'ntion issttt•d 1•rior to J:IJX
Frank F. Adams, State No rm a l, M il waukee, "\Vi s ...... .... ................. ... ...... .. ...................... 191 8 J. H. Ad ee, Principal, S hub ert..... ........... .... .... ....... ... ........................... 191H . ...... ............. ............... .. 1918 Chal'i es E. A ndrew s, Superintendent, Osceo la .. .. G1 a ce Barb ee, Library, U nive r s ity of Wi sconsm , Madison ...... ......... ........... ........ ........ .1918 H. B. Bede ll, S up erintend ent, Fairm on t.. ..... ............. .... ........ ..... . ............. ...... .. 1920 An n a i\1 . Booth , !Vl u s ic, Ca lum et, Michi ga n. . ........ .. ..... . ................... ............. ... ..... .... 1913 Dalna Brown, Chi cago U niv e r s ity ......... ......... .. ................. .. ... .. ............... ................ .. .... ...... 1918 Eos Olaf Brown, Hi g h Sc hool, Utica .... .... .......... . ... .......... ........ .. . ............. ....... ..... .1918 Lillian J ew e ll Ba rn es, P eru ... ................ ......... ...... ... ...... .......... .......... ........... ..... ......... ....... ..... 1920 ...... ......... .. .... .... .... .. ....... .. ...... 1918 A ll en L. Carm en , Be lg rad e, Mo ntana .. ....... ... .. Verne E. Chatelain , Ce n t ral Hi g h Sc hoo l, Omaha ... . ................ .... .. .... ............. 1918 Mary Jan e Davi s, lJaw11 ee City .. .. ....... ...... ...... ................. ... ...... .... ..1918 Floyd T e lford Doane, Professor \ Ves leyan Coll ege, South Dakota .... ... ........... 1919 ...... .......... .. ... 1918 D;. E . Donovan, S up erinten de nt, Gilmore City, Iowa .......... ......... ... .... \<\ Ilbe t· Emmert, Supe rin t end ent, Dill e r.. ... .. ... .. .. ... ........ ....................... ... .. ..... ......... .. ......... 1918 S usa n R. Fordyce , H ea d of N . G. De pm tment, S haw n ee, Okl a homa. ~ .... .... ..... ... .... .. ... ... 1920 E lea nor Fore man , High Sc hoo l teach Er , Diller. ... ... .. .. ..... ... . ..... .... .... .. ..... ..1921 Ruth Fortney, Indi a n ola, I owa ..... ........... ..... .. ..... .. ....... ... ........ ..... ...... .. .. . ..... ...... ... .. 1918 . ..... ..... . ........... ... 1921 l{osa Garman , Principal \ Ves t Hi g h Schoo l, Goldfi eld , Idaho..... Gr&ce Gilb ert, Hi g h Sc hoo l, Ada m s .. ......... ...... ...... .. .. ...... .. ....... .... ....... ... ....... ... ............. .. ..... 1920 Gen t: vi eve Fana Gregg, Geo r ge W as hin g ton University ... . ..................... .......... ...... 1912 Ch ar les Len a rd Grimes , Pic kn ey, Mi chi ga n ..... .... ...... ........... ..... .............. .. . .. ..... 191 H Loy Jam es Hack e t·, Principa l Hi g h Schoo l, Ori ent, l owa ..... ............. ..... .. .... ....... ...... ... ... 1921 Ge orge S. Han sen , S up e rintend ent, \ Vi n s id e .... ...... ...... ..... ...... ....... .......... ..... ... ...... .... ........ 1921 . .. 192 1 Geo rge G. H ey wood, Hig h School, K eota, Colorado. ............ ... .. ... .. ..... .......... ... . ....1918 Clarence Alva H owie, Law Co 'l ege, Univers ity of Nebraska.. ... Clyde Hutchinson, Ames, I owa, Agricultural Co llege. .............. ................ ..... .. ..... 1920 Claren ce M. Hys lop, Governm ent Service, Washington ... .... ...... ... ...... ........ ..... .... ... ... .. . 1919 Vincent Janda, Superintendent, Fairfax , South Dakota .... ..... 1921 Leo Edward J ewell, Professo r, Albion, Idaho.... ...1921 .... . 1918 H azel E. J ohn son, Denver, Color a do.. ... ....... .... ... ................. .... .. ...... ... . . ........ ........ Nell ie !VI. Kelly, High Sch ool, Columbu s Montana ... . .. .. 1919 Pearl K enton , Hi g h School, Lewiston, Neb ra ska. ... .. .... ........ .. .. .... ..... .. .. ....... .... 1921 A li ce K en ton, Library, P eru .. .... ... ....... ....... ...... ..... ....... ... .. ... 1921 Lola Floren ce Kit e , Fairbury .. . .. . .. .. .. ... . ....... ... .. ... ..... . . .. ...... . ... ... 1918 Frank W. Lege r, High School, Fairbury. .. ...... ... ....... . .. .1918 ... 1918 H enry H a rold Linn, Superintendent, Laurel... .. .. ..... ................... . .... .... ... ............... Arthur N . Longfellow, High School, Hobson, South Dakota.. .. . .. ...... .... .. .. 1920 Laura Mackprang, Superintend ent Public School, P eru ...... .. 1918 C. B. Mapes , S up e rintend ent, Bethany.......... ........... .... .... ... ... .. .. .. .... .... .. 1918 ............ ..... .. .. .. .... ........ 1918 J ess ie F. Modlin, Beaver City .. F . Clarey Nie lsen, Principal, A s ko v, Minnesota .... ........ .. . ................ .. . .. .... ....... 1921 Chn rl eo A. Novak, Civi l Engineer ..................... .......... . .. 1918 Mary E. Ogg , Mi ss ionary, China... . . ..... .. .. .. .. .... .. ...... ...... ........ .... ... .. 1918 'iVilber Harm on Patchin, Prof essor , W as hington State Normal.. . .. .1918 Beulah S . Rad er, Bruns wi ck , Missouri ....... ...... .. .. ... . . ........ ..... .. .. . 1918 J.'lyrtl e E. Re ed, D enver , Co lorado........ ....... ................ .. 191 8 Mabel B. R oo t, Principa l, Con solidated School , Ingham, N ebraska.. ... .. 192 0 Grace E. Runyan, Government Service, Wa shington .. ... 192 0 Nona M. Palmer, Comm er c ia l De partm ent, P eru .. . 192 0 H e len Shepperd, Omaha . .. .. ......... .. 19 18 Leva H. Smith, Hig h Sch oo l. W estern, Nebraska. .... ... .. .. .. .. ... 1920 Mary K. Smith, Princ ipal of Nurses School, Omaha ...... 191R Ernest lVI . S pa ulding, Sup erintendent, Yutan .. .. 19 18 Grace C. T eich, Los An ge ' es, Ca lifornia .... .... ..... . .. 191S .... 191 8 Cha r les R. W eek s , H ead of Fi e 'd Work, Co ll ege , Manhattan , Kan sa s .. Dal e B. Whitfi eld .. . . ...... . . .. .. .. 1918 Ira G. Wil son , H ead of En g li s h Dep a rtmen t , Pitts burg, Kansa s.. ... .. 19 18 John W eathe rh ogg, S up e rintend ent, Greenw ood , N ebraska .. ... . .. ... 1920 Willi a m F . Yo un g, Trenton.. .... .. .... .. ... ....... HH 8
T w e·11 t y -1\'iu e
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State T'e.uchcrs College Peru. N d rra:ska T hi l'ty-on e
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Hi s to1路y
ZELLA / \ N DIU: W :;
I' a \\'n ee City
En;.di s h
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llum c Ecunomil"~. Eng路li s h
Home El"onumic s
Colorad o
Pem Education
1 .
c:::>C ___ _
c-_ '
Tltil'fy - /olll '
Th il'ty-five
_ __
I r !IZI':L
(jlli C f
t /t C11
f::llJ Cr sun , Iowa !}1J i l
fl e l" -
1/l tr /
Y. W . C. A., l'hilo , Ol y n1pic C lub.
H e tl·idn' l .~ toy !ollfl, /il(t h e lru s vue of our !H' JI/Ji esl 1d1 e ll h e 11'(/.~ /~e r e .
Philo, Footba ll , Y. i\11. C . A., P. C lub.
N ebraska Cit y
flrilliaut hut u/111o s l u{n1irl w e wi ll find '·it 01d . .
Dramatic C lub, Y. W. C. A . Everett Vice-Pre s ident, Olympic C lub.
Pawnee C it y
Ou1 · c ilam}J i on bo. t·e r . Dramatic C lub , r;1ilu, Y. iVI . C. A.
UII-:I-1 N,
Th e y ul w uy.~
S rl!J
llchrun "T1•t", lwt !" · (//1.
i s n ' t E: o n oisy aft e J·
Football , Dramati c Club , P. C lub , Phi lo, P e 1·u v ian Busin e . ;~ l\'Tanage 1·.
Tl! ii'l !t -" i '
])AVID BIZE, Julian
'Tis (' OS!/ to f> e .fnrr;et.
If" ('
Philo, Dramatic Cluh , Y. IV! . C. A .
PAUL BIZE, .Julian B ize , /nil 111'/' CI" t oo !Jif f< !/ to h c .frielldl!/.
.· ll i f"lf Jt S
Philo, Y. !VI. C. A.
J)o NA LD BLANKENSHIP, Peru i.~ all that CO/l 111 e, a11cl 110t ?P hat p eople
lV/iut I 111/ISt do eer//.~
th illk.
Eve rett, Y. M. C. A. Cab inet, Dram atic Club, Pcdag-og·ian Staff .
.Joll N A. BLACI\1-IliRST, Midland, Mi ch. Hu .~ 710 t i111 e for yirl.~ or fu111c,
A 11/CI"c diplo11w i11 h is 11i111 .
E ve rett, Y. IV!. C. A.
llALF. H. Bur.BEF., Diller Her·rms c
1/W I/. do es 11 't talk 111/tcli
i.~ 110 s i.rJII h e /l({s 1/o t h iur; t o Sllff.
Evc•rett, Y. IVI. C. :\.
ARTHUR BuRLEY, Park C ity, iVlont. I know w ha t th e r es t IIIII!/ 11 eVe 1路 know. C.C.A., Vice-president of P hilo , Assistant Bu s iness Manager, Peruvian; Business Manager, Pedagogian; Orchestra .
RoY C. BuscH, Utica "The
1"U11 {1
8C''IJCI" llf
111i1111tc .~
Y. M. C. A., Everett.
GERTRUDE CARVER, Ainsworth "W auld that m o1路e were like h c r" .
Dramatic Club, Vice-presid e nt Girls' Club, Secretary and Treasurer C. C. A., Philo, Reporter for Olympic Club, Peruvian Staff.
BERENICE CLARK, Swanton Not a grind, b1tf a. r; irl whn 11wJces good grad es and doP s othe1路 thin g s as well .
.J. U. G.
CECILF. CHAMBERS, Bennett A propP1" 11utiden-rmd thouuhtful.
:viiLilHED Co LEMA N, Fairbut路y
On e w ould thiuk he r quie t u util ou e kn ow.~ her. Y. W. C . A ., Eve r ett , .J. U . G.
SA HAH CoLEMA N, Fairbury
IV/i P/1 路w ords a re scarce th ey are ., ddo111 -'JJ CII.t iu naiu. Girl s ' C lub Coun cil , Stud e nt Coun cil , Y. W . C. A. , Ev e r e tt.
J. U. G.
H e r h eart ?Pa 8 a8 great a8 th e w orld, but th ere w a ~; no roo 111 iu it to h old th e m e mory of a ll 'l'o ng . Girl s ' C lub Council , Y .W. C .A., Evere tt , Olympic C lub.
Hright, but sh e lets pe ople .lind it out for t/1!' 11/.,f'/ve s. P e ruvi a n Staff, J. U. G.
J.ife i8 u se rio11 .' /JI' o ll/1'111; I '1/ 0t lctu,rJh at it. Philo.
T h i r t .11-11 i11e
<' fi ii-
C=:JO,__ _ _,
ELLEN A LBER, N e bras k a C ity D e .r;ood aucl le t ll'ho 1u ill li t' cf ev e1·.
Sec r etary, Philo .
A l itt l e smil e, n hH p ]J!f S(JII eal , B us h els of pe p, c111d th11/'s ! . ll c il/t•. C. C. A., Philo.
HA ZEL CARLSON , Brau s haw H e r m ai n ob ject i ll a t f e l/(liu ,r; sch ool i s t o ohto i n ln Hn vl ed ,q e.
J . U. G.
EDITH DEAN, Sh erman, N . Y. No t ouly ,q oo d bu t r; ood f o r s ome thin .r;.
Y. W. C. A. .~
E I,I'l'H F ox, Stockham So m ew h at cL hb1·evia t ed i 11 8fa t1t1'e, but not i11 s p eec h.
Y . W. C. A ., E ve r ett .
F o l'i !I
: -~"" g I . I
I s lwl/ thi11k-a11d !hut is sill'lln'.
Evl'rett, Y. W . C . .-\..
'f'h f' word !JIIi<'l is11't ill h e r hill(( I"Jf .
?•() ("({
P1·es id ent, C. C. A.; Ol y mpi : Club ; .J. U. G.
iVIYnL EAns, Brownville
.-1c t wl'/1 JfUtll' JJaJ·t; th ere u/1 tlte litJJitJJ' lies.
lVI Al1f:ARET Enw ARilS, Stella Whrtt! Fly frolit lo ne? 1'ai11 hope; th ere '.~ 110 r e tr eat, IJ!he 11 he ha s w i11.r;s ((lid I ha l'<' Ull{!f
fe Pt .
Eve rt>tt, ,J. U. G.
Falls City
. lli l' llffS " EI ' II Rt"
ill /wi/i
/f'O J"/;
(/lid /lilt !J.
KATHRYN R. E VA NS, Arapa h oe Nev e1· lea v e Katy at h ome w /i e ll we wcm l a good tim e.
Y. W. C. A ., P hil o, O lymp ic C lub .
MARY J. FULLER, P a wne e C it y Th e bTi yht est eyes a 11d the c h eer iest sm i le , Th e h appiest y irl i.q I II e 111 ns t wm·t h while.
J. U. G., Olympi c C lub, Phi lo, Orchestra, Y. W. C. A.
EDYTHE GATES , Blan ch ard, Iowa
A talkeT of much power ; She could e'tnpty the f? tll e.qf hn11 .qr in a half hom·.
Y. W. C. A ., Olympi c C lub.
ANN E. GILBERT, J ohn son In quiet unassuming wa y, She plays th e "y !ad rJWIIIr' " e?•e1'!1 da y.
Y. W. C. A., Orch estra, Philo , Gir ls Club Coun cil.
ALI CE E. GLASGOW, Peru l¥e r;·r an t, altho s h e had wit, Sh e wctsn.'t s hy of v.qinr; it.
m :11 r·lt
Philo , Sec'y D r amatic C lub, Asst. Editor Pedagog-ian , A 1·t Editor Peruvian, G irl s Club Coun cil.
F ort y-ftt ·n
J •
HEU:N WHITNEY GLASGOW, Peru S h e pill th e " .r;o' ' ill Glas.r;o1c.
Philo , Girl s C lub.
BEULAH GORDON, Pa\\"nee C ity I
11e1 •c r dare be as
C (('/1,
O lympic Cl ub.
LOIS E. GREGG, B ea trice She is w Uh 11g /111! !JOII co 11ldu ' t
unt ice it. Everett, Y. W . C. A., C lub.
Olympi ~
KATHERN GRIFF ITH S, Centra lia, Kan sas
Be merry cmd employ your chie feM tho11ght to
co ltl'l.~ h ip.
Dramatic C lub, Philo.
HAROLD HALL, T ec umseh A / (('ideu.~,
h11t unt
maide ug e'I!I'I'!JII'ilcl·e, maid for 111 1'.
Y. !VI . C. A., Everett.
Pul"f JJ - Ih r ee
J===> ....___ _ )
11/C JT U
N e bra s ka C iL y
h eart cloth .r; oocl lik e
111 cclicinc .
Ol y mpic Club.
Auro ra
No ve11eC'1', II en; elf.
s lu tln
ul w uy s
Y . W. C. A. Ca bin e t, S ecreta1路y O lympi c C,Jub , E ve r ett, Secre tar y and 1rea s ure 1路 J. U. G.
Nebra ska C ity
Swee tly th e i n str? tii/ C I1f to h er to uch.
J' CS J!O I ICl .q
Y. W. C. A. Ca bin e t , Chairman Prog ram Committe e , Dramati ~: Club, P eda gogia n Staff, (hchestr a , Philo.
N ebrask a City
B as hf1tlncss is 110f one of frw lt s uT vi1 路t11 es .
h P J'
Y . W . C. A . C abin et, Ol路ch es tra , Philo , S ec retary S o phomor e Cla ss .
S h e n a nd oa h, Io wa
" 1'1n j 11 s f as hiu fo !' m e," s h e s oi rl, "o s JJ01 1 arc b iu fo I' !f OH ".
Y . W . C. A ., Olympi c C lub , Girl s ' Club Coun cil.
F o i'l !f- /11111 '
II E L~I S i l'\G,
Tr11e 1//C I'it is lik e H ricer; th e rler'JH' I' i t is Ill<' less nnio e it 1//u/;cs.
Y. W. C. A .. J. U. G., Everett.
LELL\ lli C I\~L\1'\ ,
Atk in ><o n
f< lcu l Soplu >nw r e - 110 idle s h ow! lr/10 ll'onld q11 es tion ! ll' c know, !fOil knot!'.
Y. W . C. A.
1-"LoYil I!I GC I NS,
T h<'ff sin 1•-lt o tell 11~ l ouc <'llll die.
Vice-Pre s id ent Drama ti c Club, Pres ident Me n's Club , Student Coun eil , Y. M. C. A ., Trea surer P Club , P hil o, Captain Footua II, Basketball.
HoYT ,
. I yil'i 1(' /i o C(/1 / do 111(1/l!f thill!fo 'I('C /1.
Y. W . C. A ., Orches tra, Philo.
I >o N ALII I I u NCA TE, Pawn ee City 1-f lls l t,
111<1 11 1'1/ CI', (ur yestcrd(ly's !fO il I',' fr ' l(' grcut 111 !' 11 ~<fill lit· e.
Orchestra, Philo- Pres id en t Fir st Semest e 1·.
,. 1-' ul'l !1-fi I'< '
St. Jo se ph, i\lo.
"If th ere's any fun I(I"UIIIId, o/1 e -is there· I f th ere's £~ 1;wn flround, ur il" th ere isn't .s h e do es n't cure
-much.'' Y. W. C. A., Olympic C lub, Girls' C lub Council.
T ecum se h
Her gr eates t jo y is realizc.;d h el7Jing others.
Y. W. C. A., J. U. G.
W. HUNTER, Tabor , Iowa
"A s mile th ~ll laps ov e r a11d butto ns in the ba ck ". Dramatic Club, Student Council, P e ruvian Staff, Philo, Men's Quartet.
"Di.sguise uur bu11dage UH we w il 1 'Ti:o 1nun, ·nuu1., nuu1, w ho r·Hl c:; w; still" .
Everett, Orchestra.
"Sp1· y c 11d oli 111 , .~tu diuu .s wul t·r i·m " .
. 'r-
'- i
.1 O N I:: 'j , Nema ha
,1/uk cs !fUll f eel th ~ il 1111dt'1' h er /Jiu;h c / shitll's u greul light .
])ramatic C lu b . Y. W . C. ,\ .. Olympi c C lub.
V e rd o n
0(1 hu vc I /!(:urd de(eud c d / ,lftf e Stticl is SU IIIIC S.f 11/ CII c/ 1'(/.
Y . W. C . A .
Nebra,; ka C ity
lJ! e ut to 11 high sc lwu! ?t'ltcrc lit e '/ h · cl e Ito/ oir /111'1/a ce. ·
Phil.o, Y. M. C. A ., lhau1atic.: C lub , Stud ent Co uncil , Orch e~· tra, Peruvian Editor-in-chi ef.
.fE S!:i lE FELLY ,
Wymor e
J. ife is 1eul; lit'c is eurttesi Oh, pshott•.' IVh o be/ie t•cs ! hot:'
E ve r ett, Y. W. C. A., llnmati c Club.
Her poist• ;,,
to do two.
Y . W. C. A ., ()l'(:hest ra.
c-__ '
l'awn ee C ity
A Jlol h cr ll'ho i8 .-;l'/dnlll h c u rrl ; Em ·11s c1·e clit ll'ilh d c('(ls , 11ol 1ci llt worcls .
i I
Eve r e tt, Y. i\1. C . A.
I ~
I< N i r.J-JT,
Fall s C ity
Thi s "J(11i!Jhf, " th e /)(l/1/c of lor e t o wi11, Strode ;:or lh /o fight, a11d wo11
pm .
Pedagog-ian Stafl" , Ev e rett. President Second S e me s t e~ ·. Dramati c C lub.
Ne lwas ka C it y
Happin ess is a ]J e rf11111C yo 11
o th e rs w itho11t yet· t i 11y n f ew cl1· op .~ 0 11 !JOil/·.~ e lf.
1/0t ]Jonr 011
Student Co uncil , G id s C lub Coun ci l, Pres ident J. U. G ., Secreta1·y Philo, Y. W. C . A.
The tlii11!J
N e maha
uo es th e furt.lwl't
Towctnlmalciii[J li fe wor th ?ch il e , Tha t cos ts the /.ea s t do es tf, c
nws t, I s j11 s t ct pl
~ a s r111
t smile.
Hr11 ·cl w ork cmcl p/ayJ,eoua .i 11 U[J[ e>; the111 g et s o w ay ?Pi th it.
both rtlld
O lympi c C lu b, Phi lo, J. U. G. , Y. W. C. A.
Forl!J ·C i!Jh I
.---=:=> OIL--~
P e ru
.-t cla.uyht er of u od l' , cli v ill cl y A lid
11/ 0ijt
dU.'}.'J OII ely lj /1/((rt.
Philo, Y. W . C. A.
P a wn ee Cit y
A ch ee rful gri11 w ill g e t !JOII i11 IVh e re th e kick e r is 11 evc r lnl u /c ll. Ol y mpic C lub.
l\'lAJ~IE McK~::N NEY ,
Ccw n nyu ne curry n h eav y /jC itcdltle uncl a cu/je bett e r tha11 I ? Philo, Y. W. C. A.
ELVA Mc CoY, T ecum seh A child proclig yIt 1V o11/.cl nwke Ca esu r s ick to ~jCC
h er s t11dy. Y. W. C. A ., E ve z路e tt.
On g
A gir l of ch ee rflll u c ., f c nluy ~ confide n t t oii iU I'I'O'IlJ:; .
Y . W. C. A .
0' Ji'o r t y-ni ne
==::ll a:::::>
'-----Jo c::::::D
1楼hen wo rk is to be du11e Edith i.> the1路e- one of our bus k et ba ll "six ". Y . W. C. A ., O lympic C lub .
A girl we
"ad m e y e r".
Orchestra, Dramatic C lub, Y. W . C. A., P h ilo, J . U. G.
A modes t
with mode.<;t
Vice- President Y. M. C . A., Everett.
LARK IN, Beattie, Kansas
Although wuit e s ul e nw, :; h e al - . wa y s tt]J]JI"ecwtes c~ joice.
Y. W . C. A.
NELLIE O'CONNER, Omaha Si]Jf Bang! Bomn! Bum!
Come on, giTls, let's have some fun! C. C. A ., J. U. G.
GRACE N OERRLI NG ER , Lewh;ton Seriou.-;, y et c/o::;e/ y a.~~oc iuted w ith mir th.
Y. W. C. A., Everett.
E UNICE N OEHHLINGEH, Lewh;tun Wltut' ~ the u ~e of li v i11g if you ca11 ' t ha ve a good tim e?
Y . W . C. A., Everett.
:ii11gle, saf e, but 11 0t
S (~t isfi e cl.
Treas urer Men 's Club First S emester, Everett, Orchestra ,
C. C. A.
HERMA N RHODUS, Peru If h e w ill, h e will, a11d you 11111.11 depend on't; If h e wo n't , h e wo 11 ' t, nncl th e路r e',, c~路11 e 11d on't.
Dramatic Club.
PAT Ro ESSLER, Pl atts mouth O th e r s ar e ww aycd by this o11d thcU, Hut H edwig is alwa y s " stand路i llfJ P at".
Y. M. C. A., Everett.
Fifly-oll e
ti==:J> c::::J 0...-. -~
CAHL RoSEN</UIST, Ong; 1 lwi1 · 'in th e h ead i.~ 1cnrlh l1 cn in th e eomh. Dramati<: C lub, Student C oun<: il, President Y.i.\l. C .A., Pl·csid ent P C lu b, Philo, Footbail, Bas ketball.
lnw e vun uoud :;vecle . Vi<:c-Presid e nt Olympi<: C luu, Ever ett J. U. G., Dramatic C lub. '
C AHHIE RUSSELL, Odell IIW!J eume a11cl m e n IIWfJ but Carrie vue :; on fon:ve r.
J1! e ll
KATE: F. RussELL, Odell TE·I te1 'fJ!J rt ncl clet e rminn tiu11 clone WOilcle1'S 11UUI fJ (( ti·m e.
lw rc;
Y . W. C. A .
SAMUEL RoWLEY, C ly de, Kansas Th e WO IJ Wn yo:; :; ip he~:; h e r day:-;; B ehold! a man w ho talk:; l>utl• 'I.VC~ys.
Dramatic Club, Treasut·er Everett, Campus Set·vi ce , Y. i.\1. C. A.
==:::J> c:::>
11...0- - - '
"!ll y s i/eut to11g11 e gives 111 e ti111 e to thiuk." Everett Girl s ' Club Co un c il , C. C. A:, Olympic: Club , Y. 'vV.
C. A.
"A ])'roper nwide11 this oud thmtghlf'ltl".
Y. W . C. A.
"A faithful ond fr1u• (riend i., a /iv i11g tr e a~;ure, r111d iue.~ filllll!Ji e ]JO .~se.~s iou."
Olympic Club, Phil o.
"IV!n:/e we .~ 11111 the uotcs 011 1111c, rulolher wooe r /;uor· /; ~; rr/ the do01·." Y. W. C. A., Everett.
"/Jork hair,, s/11:11i11_rJ t.'!fCs, 11/eiTJJ lniiiiOr- .qhe .~ o ]JIT<e. Everett, J. U. G .. Y. W. C. A.
l•'ifl y-lhree
.___ __.o c._=r
Jltfy tongue withiu my lips I rein, Fol' w ho tcLlks nmch talk s 111 vain. Y. W. C. A., Eve rett.
She 路is tru e to h er word u11cl h e r work cwd her jl'iends . Y. W. C. A ., Philo .
.J. V, SIMON, Gretna Your college day s were w isf'! !J spent, All hail to you-our Presicle11t! Secretary Y. M. C. A., Dramatic C lu b, Philo, President Sophomore C lass . LEONA SPARKS, Tecumse h
The bette?' you know 'e?', th e be tter you like 'er . President Girl s C lu b, Student Coun cil, Y. W. C . A., Everett, O lympic C lub, Dramatic C luL , May Queen.
LAURA SM ITH, Don iphan
An unknown quantity .
Y. W . C. A.
Fifty- foil r
He' s 11oisy, but so is a ca·11m·y. Y. M. C. A., matic Club.
Yon cau't Nsteu talk.
fuM as I ca11
Y. lVI. C. A. Cabi net, Philo , Sophomore Reporter-Pedagog-ia n .
Th ere
'11/.oy be a s 11h s t'it11fe jo 1· nature, but I dou't kHo'l(! 1/lhat it 'is.
Philo, Orchestra.
Th ere' s uothi:11g ·i n th e 1Vol'id that 11eeds so littl e decomtiou as the ,r; enui11 e n1·tic/e. Reporter Girls' Club, Pedag-ogian staff.
Beware! I 111ay yet do so111e thiu g sen sa t-ional. Everett.
Pifl y-fi·o~
tt==:J) a::::::)O.r---,
A p leascmt fac e in the l-ibrm路u, u s hark at basketba ll , co!Cl rt g ood fr ien d to all . Y . W. C. A., Treasure r Philo, Olympic Club, Dramatic: C lub.
GAY LORD TOFT, Oak Bl"ightest stctr in P e n t's sky, Little Sophomor e-- ju s t so "high ''.
Football, Captain Basketball, Dramatic Club, Philo, Y. M. C. A. , Vice-Pres ident P C lub.
LOIS TYSON , Elmwood H a s anyone h ere .~eei l [( ell !J ?
Y. W. C. A., Olympic C lub, P eruvian Staff.
RosE WANEK, DeWitt I d on't talk all t h e ti'llle.
Y . W. C. A., Orchestra, Everett .
.J OSIE W EATHERHOGG, Unive r s ity Place A 1Jleascmt lVIi.~s wi th ct winm路 llrf smile cmd c/e1;er ctbility.
Dramatic Club, Philo, .J . U. G., Girl s' Clu b Coun cil.
F'路ifty-s i.l路
Nebra ska City
T o d o h er ju s tice H ee d .~ n boo k abou t ; Jll c' l/ s um it u p ill " u go od oid sco ut" .
Drama t ic: C!uu, Y. W . C. A., P hil o.
.JESSIE WHALE N , Platt ~ mouth
Sh e d ocs h er o wl/ thillkili!J allrl 1/ C'VC I '
Hee d s ndv icc .
Y . W. C. A.
V. WHIFFE N , Lewi s ton
A rer;ul wr B 路i zz y lz z y . Dramati c Club, Y. W. C. A. Cabin et, Trea s ure r Philo , P eru vian Sta ff .
F/il'fatioll is utt c llfinll ll'ilhollt illl c llfioll .
Y . W. C. A.
Beatri ce
H er Poir路 e H>a s so(t ltitd loll', u :1 l' .l'l' ell ellf thiltff i11 路n lt 'ollt ltli.
Y. W. C. A., Olympic Club.
F ifl!f- seor l/
... , ,
PAUL WILCOX, N e b r a sk a C ity A good f e llo w , a s JJi e itclicl r:tltif'lt', £~
e nte?·taill e r - ~c
co111bi11 u -
t iou /u o ·cl to b ea I. Footba ll, Ba s k etba ll , Editor Pedag-on·ian Per u vian Staff P Clu b, Pl1 ilo,' Y . :'vt. C . A., l);·a matic Clu b, V ice - P 1·e sident Me n 's C lu b.
M ILDRED WILLIAMS WILSO N, Nebra s ka C ity A pleosaut JHiss w ho is as pl ea::;aut
j tc ,;f
1111's .
Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, Philo, Olym pic C lu b, Orchest r a.
He ha s a quie t popular.
?UO !f
of be iuu
C. C. A., Football-Captain Elect, Me n's C lu b, Student Coun ci l, Vice-President Second Semest e r, Phi lo, P. C lub .
DoN WILSON, Harvard vValc e s ing .
aud hea1· th e "Bi1·die"
Phi lo, Football , Peruvian Stall', Treasurer Dramatic C lub , Y. iVI. C. A., P Clu b .
LILLIAN WOHLFORTH, Diller Sh e s p e ak s , h e ha ve s rm !l ru·ts .i/( s t lik e s h e ol(ultt.
Philo, Y. W. C. A., O r e h estra . Olymp ic Club .
Viftu -e iy/, t
Commer ce, Okla. H er hobby is 'l('ritiu r; lett ers t o a certa-in ]J /a ce i11 Oklah oma. Y. W . C. A.
N elso n
Th e l Vr ir;ht girl iu th e ri[Jh t pla ce . Y. W . C. A ., Olympi c Club.
Once th ere w as a sailor-
S h e r eally is u't as diyuijied as
l oo k .~.
Dramati c Clu b, Pres id ent Y. W . C. A., P hil o, Pet·uvi an Staff, Or chestr a.
Oma ha
S h e .~ee 111 s (J'IIiet, b11t do not j11dr; e hy (( ]J]JC((1' (( /I CC>!,
Fifty- n in r
c- -=:J
,..---- --., c..:::::1 ....__
fill!} , s /i e
Omaha 11/U I I fl fj es
th e1路e."
O ly mpi c: C lub- Pres id e n t S t路c:Semeste r .
ollC I
Au l>Ul'll
"Too ?mu:li of 11 ,1/1!11(/ tliiii.IJ iwpossi !Jie ; IIIII l 's 11'/i !I r IIIIi S?ll al!."
" "
Y. W. C. A .
i\'1 AE iVI OOHE, Nema h a "A yir l ?l' ifli UI'OII'II C!fr s u II(/ 11 1! in路c.<:is tibl e sllii/r. lV /i en o11ce ?/ 011 .~el' h er !fOil 11('1'1'1' forg e t h e路r ."
Ph il o, Dramatic: Club , Y. W. C. A.
"Aho v e "II tliiH,rJ.~ I lo ve we ll."
fr1sl1 iu 11s
A lvo
" ! l fil'llt, !Jef ('flll lin us JJti orl; gj,, R CC1'e , ?fl'{
1/i()I I[Jh
1'CSi[JIIecl . "
Y. W. C. A .
Si ..- ty-one
( .: -. 路.. . ~~
( -- -:=y
S i::c ty-tw o
..______.o .;:__.:::]路 r'""-----li"D
:==:J o-_路- - - '
ATLA!'\T,\ C oLE
Peru LEo
FAL' l'\ Cf:
Nebra s ka City VERA
Shenandoah , la. l\lERLE FISHER
Crab Orchard C LARENCE
Si ..v ty-th路r ee
8 ~t---"""""1 ~a.__
_ _
A. Palmyra
Plattsmouth EDWIN HENSEL
Weepin g Water ETHEL McMASTER
Peru W. Stella
Pawnee City EDNA KELLY
Rive rto n, I a.
Six ty- jo111'
ll AROLP i\ L\X CY
Hanl y Co RA PARh:Er. J o hn s on GLOVER i\11LA~I
Fairbury DEAN P oMEROY Allen ELDR ED C ook
Verd on GF RTR UDE D . i\llUDROW P eru IMA PoYNTER
Mound City, Mo. ANNA iVI. I\'ELSON
S i:rty -five
---> e=> ._____
,_a_ _
Utica LUCILE TH ;\ I i\"
Gra nd .Ju nction , Co:. HELl::!\' H. ScHE LL! K <:EH
Nebraska C ity RUTH UPI!Ihl,;
Rockport, :\l o . .JUAN ITA SHE!-:!(
Thurman, I a. HELEI': V/I:: I.\-JI-:1(
Roseland R. WELLS A lexa ndria
Pawnee City CLA IR WHITE
Malve rn, la. M ILDRED WILSON
Greenwood RUBY TA NEY
Otoe City FR IEDA WoiTZE L
P er u LOU ISE YUR({
Pawnee City
-'' \
(\.__ ___,~ .....=...__..:.
r - _ __)
r\ IK~l ,\1'\
P a wnce C i ly
Peru (Special)
Peru ( Sp e<.: i a l)
Utoe ( S p e<.:ia l )
A uuurn (Special)
i\1 A I IIII'.; i\ I AIU\ II A~!
i{iv er lon. Ia . (Sp e<.: ial)
- - - - -- - - -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - - - - - --
- -
d""'--""1) c:=J
' L.-- -
S i.l'i .11 -e i [J hI
I ~
:-l i :t' l'!f 路 'YihW
,.___ _ _,) c=)Q...---~
Howard Brundson Peru Football Basketball
Louise Farley Peru Gir ls' Basketball H. H . H.
Roland Carr Shubert Football Basketball
Della Handley Nemaha Girls' Basketball H. H . H . Y. W. C. A.
Clarence Hawxby Nemaha
...____--"o -
.:\lat路th a Ca m e t路 o n Peru G id s' Basket ball ( C aptain) II. H. II .
William Bu.~路 le Pent Football
Luc ile H a rajian P e ru H. H. H. y W. C . A. G irl s ' Basketball Philo
Mar k Delzell Peru Football ( Cap t .) Basketball (Captain) Philo
Helen J ones N e maha G irl s' Basketball Y. W. C. A. H. H. H.
8 e路ue J!I <t
Amy Kite Auburn Girls' Basketball H. H . H . Y. W . C. A.
c; eorgl' Is aacs Unadilla
ll ele n Knapp Nemaha Dramatic Club H. H . H . Y. W. C. A.
Berni ce Lewi s Peru Philo H. H. H. Y . W. C. A.
Glenn Slat-de Ha rad a
Grace Rigg-s A ubu r n Girl s' Basketball H . H. H . Y. W . C. A.
Welco me Wills Brownville Debate
â&#x20AC;˘"~ f ' I.Jf' 11 /
A rthur Maj or s Endicott Football Basketball Senior President
lj 0 Jl I '
Landen Whitfield Peru Seni or Vice-Pres. N. T. Club Presict ent
Hazel Roli ff Peru H. H. H .
The first gTaduating class of Peru High Sc hoo l ente re d the ninth gT a d e of Pent Training School Sept ember, 1918, wit h 29 me mb e r s. Thi s yca t· was m a rk ed by seve ral picnics and r:art _es in whi c: h we di scovered w hat a li ve ly bunch be lo n ge d to o ut· c lass. It was a lso matked because a basketbal l t ea m, c:ompo se cl mainl y of n in th g t·a d e boy::;. was organized. The next year was eve n more s uccessful soc: ia ll y . As th is was s upposed to be our last year t he Ninth grade gave a d e li g htful t·ec:eptio n in o ut· h o n or . -:r:he next year we entet:ed the Norma l as f r eshm en. W e proved that we were ft·es hmen m name only by havmg three men playing vars ity f oo tball . Four of our boys played with t he High Sc:hool basketball team a nd were influ e ntial in bringing about a victorious season. We also had a g ir l's basketba ll team w hi c h m et defeat at the ha nds of the more expeTienced Sophomor es by a s mall margi n. \Ve c: hose M1·. Sc: h oe nike to guide us thi s year and hi s effoTts in our beha lf were gr·ea t y ap prec iate d. Thi,: year was seasoned by snappy class chapels eac h w eek, three pa rti es , an oys~e r feed, a theater party and a much- enj oyed picnic w hi ch bro ug ht the yea •· to a c lose . About thi s time we discovered that a twe lfth g rade Hi g h Sc: h oo l was to b e ot·ganized and that our class would have the honor of being th e fir s t g r ad u ating c lass. Severa l new sen iors j oined the class makin g the tota l enro llm e nt 20 m e mb ers. We wisely chose Charl es E. Greene, Superintendent of t h e T•·ai n ing Sc h oo l, as our spon sor. We are greatly ind ebted to him for the s uccess of th e yea •·. Th e following officers were elected: Pres., Arthur Majors; Vice - Pres., Landen \Vh itfield; Sec .Treas., Lucille Harajian. Tho we cannot boast of quantity we g ive the following fa c t s to show th at wha t we lack in quantity is made u p in qu a lity: The captain of both footba ll and ba s k e tball teams is a seni or; the two bes t basketball guards Peru High Sc h oo l eve r h ad a 1·e seniors; the captain of the r eserve ba sketball t ea m is a senior; th e g irls tea m is cap tained by a senior and n early all the player s a r e seni ors; on e se ni o r is a m e m bet· of the debating team; in the coll ege we are represented by three se ni o r s in the Drama ti c Club, two in t he Olympic club a nd several in Literat·y societ ies. The first social event of the year was a hard-time pa rt y . It was a truly h ardtime with the exception of the eats, about which no one cou'd co mpl a in . W e n ex t were called on to g ive our support to Hig h Sch ool N ig ht wh:c h was g iven to m ake money to pay f or athletic equipment. The main event of t he evening wa s the min s trel show, g iven t hree times in which several seniors figur e::! . J:;es .des this we put on a show of our own call ed "Senior Frolic" w hi ch every one pr on ou nced a s u ccess. The w hole affair was spon sored by t h e fac ulty and th e s tudent co un c il of w hi c h s ix are seni ors . At t he beginning of the basketball season we set an exce ll Ent exa mp le t o th e oth el' classes by going over thCJ top w ith 100'; i- budget ticket h old e r s. Th !s r ecord was not equalled by any other class. When the debating season arrived we d ec id ed t o aga in set an exa mple to the other classes so with onl y one day to work we planned a social h our to fo ll ow th e debate. E veryone was invited to the gym nasium w h er e a brief program, ga m es, and d e li c iou s refreshments were enj oyed. Each debate f ollowin g was taken over by anoth e r c:lass . Toward the end of t he first semester th e facu lty was g ive n t h e pr ivil e g e <>f seeing themselves a s others see them . Without their knowing we secured t h e ir c loth es , and gave a w ell-prepared program before a la rge crowd of col lege a nd H. S . s tud ents and faculty member s. Evreyone enjoyed the progra m and most m e mb e r s of th e faculty felt quite flattered . When the Senior class leamed that we could have a Hi g h Sc h oo l sect ion in th e ~er';lvian we unanimou sly chose Land en Whitfield_ ed itor -in -chi ef ,as his a rti st ic ab ilIty JS as well known in college a s in hi gh school c1rcles. The last part of the year wa s c rowde c~ with events: "W hat Happen ed to Jon es," our cla ss play; Senior day when we went to Beatr ice ; Juni or-Se ni or da y ; a nd wit h nUJ· Graduat ion as a gr and final e.
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3Juntnrn When the doors of the Peru High School opened in 1919 th e r e wa ...; a large group of boy s and girls just "fresh" fr om th e g r a d es 1·ea cl y l() start their four years of High Schoo l life. Our first year was made pleasant by several parties and a much enjoyed sleigh ride. Mr. Gable was chosen class s ponsor and und e t· his leadership we "pulled through" the first year of our High Sc h oo l ex iste nc r; without very great difficulties. Our second year passed mu ch the same, and in th e fa ll of 1 ~)21 tiH; Junior class had the distinction of being the very firs t Junior class in l.h e newly organized High School. At the beginning of the year th e Junior.~ were very much in evidence. Coatney's pep machine was one of the out standing features of all high school activities. Early in the term a business meeting \Vas held for the purp ose 1> i' electing officers and a class sponsor. Mr. Brownell was ch ose n s p onsol' and under his kindly guidance the fo llowing offic ers ·w er e elected : Pr 2s ident, Arleen Ritchie; Vice President, Lucile Meek; Secretary , Rov,· e nH Beck; Treasurer, Roscoe Wright. Colors : red and wh ite. The Junior cla ss has taken a very active part in a ll sc hool activitie~:;. giving a very interesting little play in chapel th e fir st of the year and c:mtributing largely to the talent in the famous 1\'l instrel S how g ive n "High School N ite". In athletics, th e Juniors have been ver y prominent , h av ing three first team men in Basket Ball and the second team was made up m ostly of Juniors. In our short but successful football season, seven first t ea m Junio1· ...; helped to bring victory to P eru. The girls had a strong basket ball team but met defeat at the hands of the more experien ced Senior g irls in th e inter-class game. A number of class parties and entertainments were held during th•:! year including th e reception after one of the debates. Vve \vo uld also like to say that Roscoe Wright, a Junior, has tak en a very active part in this year's debating societ y . The student council members include five Juniors who vvill be ready next fall to help make the second year of the Peru High School a s till gr eat er success th an this year. The present Junior class has very bright prospects ahead for th e coming year. We have quantity in our class but do not lack fJua lity, a;-; hap, been shown in all school activities this yea r. A large part of th~ .Jllnior class is com in g back next year, so wat ch our "smoke" in 102 ~ .
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The Sophomore is about as s mall a cla ss as there is in the Hig-h SchooL How 0ver, we believe in the proverb, "Little, but oh my!" The following offi<.:ers were elected for th e current year: Bartlett Vance, Pres ident; Marion Ov erholt , Vice President; Grant Casey, Secretary; and Philip Hoyt, Treas urer. A great deal of credit is due our sponsor, Mr. Brown, who has guided us through a successful year of our life and left us none the worse for it. On "High School Nite" the Sphomoes "Brought Up Father", and while doing it held the audience in speechless awe throughout the entire performance . The Sophomores also had charge of a party after one of the d ebat es, and even the Juniors concede our program was better than theirs . March 10, we h e ld ou1· first class party of the year. Sandwic-hes, coffee, wafers, Ben Hur so up, and ice cream were se rv ed. vVe left as th e li g·hts g·ave a warning win]\ , and everyone declared they had had a rare old time. The Sophomores are well represented in all activities. In basketball, John Adam s held down a place on second team, while on the girls' t ea m, we find Gladys Sean; among the fir st. In debating we arc represented by Celia Kizer, Grant Casey and Avery Stevens . W e feel that the Sophomore c-lass ha s a brig·ht outlook for 192:~.
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1!;igl1 §rqnnl Atqlrtirn FOOTBALL The season of 192 1 proved to b a highly s uccessful on e for Peru High . Although on ly two games were played, the general sports m a nlik e a nd winning abi lity of th e tea m appea'ed to a ll , a nd w e had th e s upport of both th e col lege and th e town speo pll' 111 our first f ootball season . , The Pl at~smouth ga m e wa s ea s y, but at Neb r as k a C ity the boys were forced to r~t forth t hell' bes t efforts to win, the final score being 14 to 7 · be :rh e team loses Delze'l, Brund son, Can a nd Brow n , but with t h e . m en who will ,· b~ck, kd by Capta:n Bath, Coach Step h e n son s h oul d be abl e to t urn o ut a n ot h e r \\ mnm g tea m f or Peru Hi g h . BASKETBALL \Vith six letter men back and any amount of n e w mat fo' t· ial, Coac h Stephe n so n had n_o troubl e in selecting a winn in g basketba ll team. After th e u s ual pre limin ary pract~ce, t hese m en were picked for the t ea m : D elze ll (Capta in), Carr, Bl'und son, Co nkl e , Cowell , Parriot a nd W il son. . Humbo'dt was defeated in th e fir s t g·ame and Aubul'n, Syrac u se, Pawnee, Falls CJ t~ , a nd Seward met w ith the same fat e. Hiawatha, Kansas. s urpri sed u s by winning then·w· ga m e, an d Sh enandoah, Iowa, was ab le t o wm · by a sma I1 marg m. · 1 ~h on Y two defeats , our team was eas ily r ecognized as amo n g the best a nd wa s 1 Paced m cla ss B in the state tou r nament. The boys were greatlv hand icanred by the s ize of the fl oor and after a hard fight, I ost th fi • • ,. · e r st ga me to Seward . With rea l basketba ll star~ a s Wil son Conkl e Parriot a nd Cowell, Peru High h as a rJght to · ·· · ' ' expect t he ch ampions hip of her class in 192 3.
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go no further than his wonderful record as a college athlete and a college athletic direclo1路 to know that he is a man who has attained distinction in the athletic world. Coach Speer put in four years of service in the Kansas Aggie footail team and ''"on the honor of beins路 placed on the All-Missouri Valley team. He a 1 s o played baseball with the Aggies and was the leading infield hitter. It was because of his ability to "lay down bunts" and "beat 'em out", that he received the nick-name of "I3unt" Speer. While coaching at the Kansas State Teachers' College, COACH SPEER he built up a football team which took the championship of the Kansas conference. He then accepted a call to Peru and performed the miracle of changing the Peru team from a contender for the "cellar" championship to a contender for the highest honors of tbe conference. During the three years of his service at Peru , Coach Speer has develor:ed teams which have always been real contenders for championship honors. He never had a team which ranked below 500 per cent. This year has been the most successful one in the history of Peruvian athletics, because of the persistent efforts which the Coach put forth to grab off the Nebraska title. The basketball championship which rests with our own Peru quintet, is the best possible testimonial to the coach who not only builds for winning teams, but builds for clean athletics and true sportsmanship.
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CAPTAIN FLOYDE HIGGJN ...; Ta c kl e, Third Yeat· All-State, 1920-1\121
It was a red lettet· clay for Peru wh·-·n Hig- decided to abandon th e cultivator and plow, to hang- up the tattere d straw hat and faded b lu e overa ll s, kick the t·ic h b lack !-<'J il of the farm from his heavy work s hoe s. an d enro ll at the best Norma l School in th e s tate. H;g immediately reported for footbal l pradi ce a ~1d made rapid strides in acqu iring a working· knowl e dg e of the game. In hi s fi:o: st year at the popu lar fa ll spo rt h e played a guaJ'( ] position and s how ed promi se of having exceptiona l abi li ty as a lin eman. In his next seHson , with a g-ood bunch of footb ctll t't'cru :ts to h e lp him, he proceeded to show thl• cnnfe 1 ·en ~·l' l' Xact'y how the posit ion of tackl e s hould be p'ayerl. He succeeded so welJ in the demonstration that h e was g·iven :t berth on the all-state h onor team that yeat·. H e was th e logi cal ch oice for capta in of this year's SCJUad and was unaninwu s ly <'iec t cd by th e lett er tll lll. Hig played every mtnute of the season 's sc h e dul e and was a ston e wall in P eru's fir s t lin e of d ef ense. H is s e ' ec tion as an a ll- state man fot· tv..·o Yt,ars in s ucccss ·on is r roof enough of hi s remarkable ability as a f ootb :1ll p 1ay er .
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CAF TAI N -ELE CT GE ORGE WILLY, Qu arterbac k, Second Y ear A ll- State H onorable Mention Willy wa s th e logica l choic e of hi s team m ates fo r captain of the 1922 squad. Hi s e lection to thi s post of honor and 1·espon s ibility ca me as a r es ult of two yea r s of fa ithful s ervic e to th e Blue and W hi te. Hi s specialty is line plunging , punting a nd pass in g a nd he r a nk s with t he be s t m en in the conf er en ce in thes e departments of th e ga m e. Toppy proved to be a ve r y a b 1 e gen eral t hi s yea r in his pos iti on at QuarterbD ck; he was not content to let hi s bac kfi e 1cl m en do all the wo rk, so co mbin ed hi s abi lity a t brokenfi eld runnin g with hi s excell ent gen e ral ship and took hi s turn at passing u p the chalk lin es . H e had a fa s t pair of f eet en cased in tho se cleated sh oes anrl tore off m a ny a good run . H e wa s g ive n honorab le m ention on th e all -sta t e se lection th ;s yea r a nd n o d oubt w ill pr oYe to b e one of Coa<:h Speer's m ost valu ab le m C' n n ext fall. DO N WILSON, Ta ckl e, Second Year All-State Honorable Mention Wil s on acq ui red hi s background for co ll e o·e footba ll a t Harvard Hi o·h Sc hoo l w h er e he wa s a running mate of th e famous H a~ tl ey , Co rnhu s ker Capta in ~ vVi lson ha s a kn ac k at op en fi eld runn in g tha t is ha rd to beat and in many of t he ga m es t hi s year he was th e sensa tion of t he confer en ce. H e was es pec ia ll y va ·;.wb le at blockin g punts and man y of th e P er uvian sco r Es came as a r esu lt of hi s Pxce ll e n c~ in t hi s d epa r tm en t of th e ga me . H P was g iYen honorabl e m enti on on the all-s ta t e tea m for twu yea r s in s uccess ion. PAUL \VIL COX, H a lfbac k , Second Y ear A 11- Sta te Honorabl e Mention Wilcox put in three years of foo tball at Nebra ska City. before c limbin g in to a P eruvia n uniform , a nd during hi s two y ea n : of th e coll ege .g ndn·on sport her e h e ha s pl ayed a good con s ist ent ga m e. His bes t work wa s don e t hi s year at s afety w he r e hi s a lm ost uncann y ab ilit y to g r ab the punts out of th e a ir w.ithout fumblin g:. eo up lf' d w it h hi s a bility to lug: th e ball ba ck t hru t h e ene m y's t erno ry ra nk s him w it h t h <• lwst hackfielcl m e n in t he co nfe r Pncc. H e was pla<·e tl on t lw se<·ond tea m in niH· al! s tat<• St• l<'ct ion :1 11 d g· in• n hono rabl e nwnt ion on oth<' r s.
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CAR L ROSENQUIST, Center, Se<:und Year All- State Honorable Mention Rosenquist came to Peru with ve ry littl e foo tball experien<:e, but und er th e guida nce of Coach Speer h e soon developed into a "whale" of a cente r. H e is fast and shifty and hi s quick analysis of the opponent's play often ca u sed that sa m e opponent to lose con siderable ground . H e was g iven hono rab le mention on t h e a ll- state tea n 1. HARRY PAAP, Guard Second Year All-State H onorable Mention Football was barred in the town th a t Paap came from so hi s g-l"idiron ex pe ri e nc e before coming to Peru was quite incomplete. Howeve1路 it n ot take him lo ng- t o pick up the fundamentals of the game and he soon became a towe r of st r e n gt h in t h 0 Blue and White line. He is aggressive an d fast and time after time h e would brea k thru the opposing line and spill play s before they w e r e hard ly star t ed. Paap w a s g iven honorable m enti on on the all-state tean ~. ALVA FISHER, End, Second Year On Fi sher' s servic e record is in clud ed two years of va 1路s ity footba ll. H e h e ld down a wing position in a very capable m anner a nd w as es pecially good' at breaking up plays directed around his end. He would very often sp ill two or three of th e opponents' interfer ence and grab t he man with the ball before any ga in was mad e . Fisher' s ability to r epulse enem y attacks around hi s pos ition was one of the rea son s why Peru stood so hi g h in the state conference .
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DEAN POMEROY, Guard, Second Year Pomeroy is another "two str ip er" who ha s put in two yea r s of faithful service t o the Blu e and White. H e acquired con s id erabl e footb a ll experien ce at the Sc-hoo l of Ag-riculture, Lincoln, and , although a little late in arri v ing- upon the scen e , soon ea rned the right to climb into a varsi t y uniform. Hi s low, blocky build served him well in his guard pos ition and the enemy gen eral s soon lea rned not to send play~ thru Pomero y's place in the line. H e will pr oba bl y be back in uni fo rm nex t year. BURR STANDLEY, End, Seeond Year Standley is one of the nati ves of the Peru hill s w ho gathered in quite an undel路standing of th e g ridiron s port by watc hin g Peru v ia n teams in the olden days pe rfo rm on the marked-off i"ectangle . When he was a youn gst er the only way Burr's moth e ,路 could k eep him away from th e f ootba ll field, when the men were practicing:, was to buy him a saek of candy or t e ll him t he httl e neighbor g irl had co me over to pla y with him . Burr played a good share of the season a t ri g ht end, w here hi s steady , co ns ist en t 1vnrk was a big- h e lp to the Peru t eam. W A LTER BUETTGENBACH, Fullback , First Year All-State H onorable Mention Bitz e was undoub te dl y t he " s hinin g lig ht" of the B obcat team. H e was kn ow n all around th e c-o nference circu it b y hi s m op of flamin g r ed hair a nd hi s edu c-ated to P. Bitze is a noth er native Peruvian w hose football experi ence was limited to what he co uld ga ther b y watching the old-timers pla y . H e was ev id ently a good obse r ve r f or he di>'played r ea l ability thi s year in hi s first atte mpt at the g ridiron spo rt. Hi s defen s ive work was good a nd he was a powerful lir. e s m as h er. Hi s puntin g a nd dr op ki L路 kiH g was a feature of every game.
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GAYLORD TOFT, Guard, Firs t Year Last year wh en Toft came out for football he h ad the mi sfortune to s prain hi s ankle and was for ced to give up hope s of taking part in any games that s ea s on . This fall, however, he 1路eported in good condition and-man, how h e did tear things up! It wa s no unusual sight to b ehold Toft gather a f ew of t h e oppo s ing line men in on e arm and grab the man with th e ball in the othe r arm, and t h ou g h the y would ki c k and squirm they could not free them selv es from hi s clutch . Although on ly a one yem 路 man he showed r eal f ootball ability. H e gTaduates this year and leaves a hole in the line that will be hard to fill. ALBERT BIEH N , Half Back, First Year Biehn is a littl e r ed t error when h e is tum ed loose on the gt路idiron with a pigskin tu cked tightly ben eath hi s arm, and is capable of re eling off a consid e rable number of yards w h en the occa s ion demand s. H e ha s a s tocky build wh ich combine s speerl and power and when hi s s ignal wa s called t o driv e thru the line or skirt the end s , the oppon ents found him a might y hard m a n to get off hi s fe et. H e wa s a lway s full c f fight and hi s optimi s ti c encoura ge m ent ch ee r ed the team on to b ettet路 work . FRED ROTHERT, Halfback, First Year Roth ert is an other Harvard product who upholds in a very cr editable manner that hi gh sch ool 's r eputation of turning out ex cell ent football p lay er s . "Fritz" came tu P eru wit h hi s m ind mad e up to land a b erth on the Blue and White football squad, and his det erminati on a nd r eal ability wa s the m ean s by w hi ch h e r e alized hi s am bition. H e wilJ be b ac k in the Bobcat fold n ext year and s hould b e on e of the best perf ormer s in t he camp.
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GLEN FR ARY, End, First Year Frary playe d a year of h ig h sc ho o l football at A uburn b ef ore s ig nin g up with Coach Speer 's co ll ection of Bobcats. He was espec ia ll y good on th e rece iving: en d of a fo rward pa ss . His ab ilit y t o g rab the oval ou t of the ai r and speed away towa~d th e la st c halk lin e of th e r ectangl e accountE d fer t hr ee Peru touc hd owns. In s p:te of the fact t h at h e ha s co nsiderable we ig h t, Frm'y was on e of th e fa stest m en on th e sq uad . H e ha s ano th e r yea r at Peru and s hould be on e of Speer 's b es t m e n n ext fall. VI CTOR ASHLEY, End an d Half, First Year Ashley came mi g ht y n Ea r m ak in g hi s letter h ere with th e 19 15 s quad but w h en the time was checked in for the awards, he lacked just a li ttle of h av in g the r equ ired amount. Thi s year h e played a good s nappy game at e n d a nd haif. I-L.· was a sure tac kl er and was good at breaking up interference. "As h " was a h ard man to s top when h e went gall op in g clown th e field with the old "pigh :cle" tucked und er hi s arm. H e gTad u ated at the e nd of the first semeste1· and w il l be mi ssed in t h e lin e-up next yea r . LEO FAUN CE, Gu a rd, F irst Year Faunce was a Neb r aska C ity hi g·h sc hool g ricl ster before h e m ade t h e w:s ? de c ision to com e to Peru and try bobing a r ound with t h e Bobcats. Thru hi s han! work a nd hi s footb a ll ab ili ty h e landed a place on th e sq u a d as a g u a rd . H e ha s co n s id e r ah ll• we ight and h o lds d ow n a lin e pos ition in a capable m anne r. Faun ce w ill he in camp n"xt fall to battl e for the Blu e and White .
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The 1921 football season witnessed th e b es t display of Pemvian talent e v e r l'e corded in the annals of P eru fo otball hi s t ory. The Bobcats met d ef e at three tim es in the season's sch edul e of eight conference games, but the quality of the team s in tht• Nebraska circuit thi s year was f ar s uperior to that of a ny other y ea r. Our lo sses, recorded in conference standings were cut down to two when York forf e ited th e ir gam l' because an ineligibl e man was played. This put u s on. an eve n footing with th e confe rence champion s in th e numb er of ga m es won; but s in ce we pl aye d more games, the percentage column was agains t u s . In s pite of th e fa ct that the Bobca t s did not take th e sta t e champ ionsh ip in football, they were the highest scoring t ea m in th e conference; they played eight confel·ence gam es, and played s trictly fi rst r ate t ea ms, while th e two tit le co nte nders pl ayed only four and five conferenc e games and included "tail-enders" in their schedules; tht·y pil ed up 117 points to their oppon e nts 35 points ; they totaled 60 points to th e ir opponents' 10 points in the last two ga mes of the season; they landed in third plac e in the conference race, and W esleyan and W ay ne played a post-season game to d ec idt• first and second places. W esleyan def eat ed Grand I s land only 17-0; Wayn e defea ted Grand I sland only 14-0, while P eru d ef eated Grand Island 27-0; W es leyan defea t e d Hastin gs 14-0, while P eru defeated Ha stings 32-7. YORK GAME The Bobcats got away to a bad sta rt when they battl ed the York Panthers at york for the opening g ame of the season. Th e game was fast and hard fo ught, but r es ulte rl in a 16-13 v ictory for York. Old man jinx in vad ed the ca mp , and altho th e m e n mad e it very plain that lw was an unwe lcom e ca ll er, th ey were un ab le to get rid of him. In the first ha lf t h e Peru sq uad had everythin g t h eir own way; repeated gains w e r e made thru York's line a nd aro und their end s , whi le the frequent pa sses which th· ~ Pedagogues completed kept the York squad guessing. In t h e second ha lf, however, the Bobcats were handi capp ed by the loss of Willy. who had to be removed because of inju r ies and, as a result of th e neces sary shiftin g 111 the lin e-up t h e York sq u ad g·ained an a d vanta ge the Peruvians were un ab le t o OVl'l'e:ome.
GRAND ISLAND GAME Grand I s land Co ll ege was the n ext opponent fo_r the Boocat gridmen , and s marting under the d efeat at York, the Peruv1ans tore mto th e ga me with the fight and determination which proved dis astrous to the I s la nd men. The fir st half was featured by a punting du el in which the Bobcat boater got th<! best of hi s Zebra opponent. Altho the Bobcats only put ac r oss one tou chd own in the first half, they tram red on the Grand I s land squad for 21 points in the second period. Th e ga m e ended with Peru topping the h eap with a 27-0 score. KEARNEY GAME The Peru Pedagogues defeated the Kearney Antelopes in a hard fought game o n th e Kearney gridiron. The game was a batt'e royal thruout, furnishing quite a co ntrast to the 1920 Peru-Kearney en co unter, when Peru walked off with the lono· em! of the J03-0 sco r e. Kearney must be given cr edit for displaying lot s of fight and !itaging a co m eback from la st season's def~at s uffi cient to h old the Pedagogues to a :J-0 score. As the final count indicates, the two teachers college teams were very evenly matc hed and both teams put every ounce of fight into the game they co uld muster because of the keen rivalry between the two institution which they represented. In the last quarter of the game Bitzie booted a place kick over the bar for the only tally nf the contest. Peruvians always consider the season a s u ccess if the team beats i\.ea rney . MIDLAND GAME Coach Sisty's Midland .Lutherans came here determined to take the Pedagogue;; down a notc h but they reckoned without their host. During the first half no scores were made by either team but the Bobcats had a littl e the best of the encounter. In the last half the Bobcats clawed their way thru the tigers for two touchdowns, thus putting the game in storage labe ll ed "victory". DOANE GAME Anyway they cou ldn 't make a touchdown! Doane and Peru played a hard foug·ht ga m e of football on the Doane Co llege gridiron at Crete Friday, November 4. Doane came out of the game with a 3 point lead and can consider themselve~ very fortunate in annexing· suc h a victory. The game was anybody's up to the whistle , but the drop kick booted over by Buck, Doane fullback, in th e la st quarter, made the final tally Doane 3, P eru 0.
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Just among omselves Peru had the best team, The Bobcats out-fought the tigers , and made more yardage and first downs. However, Lady Luck smiled upon the Con路 gregationali sts, tilted their horseshoe at the right angle, put them in drop kick formation and when Buck booted the pigskin, directed it between the goal posts. Well alibi~~ are useless . But, goodness, Doane, you're lucky! WAYNE GAME Wayne defeated Peru in one of the most evenly matched games played on Peru' s g r:diron. The game was a thrill from start to finish, for while the final score was 路wayne 6, Peru 0, both teams were constantly threatening to score. Wayne succeeded in putting across one touchdown by the aerial route, but fail ed to ki ck g oal. Pe1 u took a brace in a final effort to score, but with the absence of on e of the best pl a yer s fr om the line-up, were unab:e to shove the oval across . HASTINGS GAME Th e P eru Bobcats clawed their way thru the Hastings Broncos for a 32-7 victory. The Hastings football aggregation was unable to stop the terriffic onslaught of the Peru " pep machine" when Peru and Has tings staged their annual football cla s sic on the P eru athletic field, Friday, November 17. In spite of the lopsided score in favor of Peru, the game was hard fought thruout. The Ha stings Bronchoes rarcd and bucked but the Bobcats kept right on clawing and just could not be stopped. The P eru machine looked to be an entirely different team from the one that crosse r! swords with the Wayne team and previous we ek. Wtih all the determination they could mu ster, and Coach Speer could inject, they trotted out onto th e marked-off rec tangl e and corral ed the Hast!ngs Boncho s in one of the most ex citing roundups ev er held on the P eru g ridiron. It a s very evident from the beginning that the Broncho -; did not wan t to be tamed; in fact, we had learned thru the state papers that they mad e t he journey t o P eru on ly because they intended to run wild and tramp'e the Peruvian s under t heir hoof s. However, they mad e a few seriou s miscalculation s , and when the roundup was over t he Ha s ting路s t eam wa s for ced to tal'e home th e s tory of 32-7 defea t.
N ine ty-! ?Pn
COTN ER GAM E p (~ rtl T eaclw r s Co ll ege beat th e Co tn er Bulld ogs on th :: Cotner lie:d by the scor e of 2::) t o :3 . Tb e Peru vian s s mas hed thru t he Bul~d og J:ne f or t wo touch down s in th e op eni ng p eri od, C"Ut loo;; e f or a nother in th e third a nd one in t he fo ur t h wh en F ra r y s na r (:d a pa ss ami l"r.n 4G y a rd ~ f or a touch down. Wi lly , pilot of t he P c rn via n cr ew, was a s tar of th e v is it in g tea m , c'os e·y seconded by th e hu s ky B uet tgc nbac h. \VJl cox , pla yin g hi s la s t ga m e f or the P eru t ea m a t ri g h t balfb a r:k , r e tum ed Cotn er pu r b f or lon g di s tances a nd nabb ed the ae r: a~s wi th a viselik e clutch . The Bulld og offe nse wa s not n early so perf ect a s t ha t of th e P e r u t eam , lac kin g th e pun c- h th e vis itor s put into their wo rk. Abili ty t o pick holes in the Blu e ena bl ed t he Bohca ls t o pu sh t he pi gsldn a cro ss the fi eld by line-plun g·in g. Few end r un s we re <' t to npted , whil e a eria l attac ks by both s :des was imperfect.
STA N DI NG OF TH E T E AMS \Vesleyan Vi' ay ne Pe ru ... Doa ne Kea rn ey H r s tin g s York Cotn er iV1 id la nd Gr a nd Is 1a nd C h ::~ dr o n
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GAYLORD TOFT, CAPTAI N Guard, S econd Y ear ; All-S tat e 1 D22 Champion s hip h on or s wo uld ha ve b ee n imposs ible f or Peru this yea r Yvith out Ca ptain Toft at th e s tationar y gua rd p ositi on, fi g htin g as th o hi s life de}: End ed u po n it, a nd fi g htin g eve r y minute of ever y ga m e in ' 'v hi ch h e pl a y e d. It ' 'v as du e t o his wo nd erful ab ilit y a s a g uard t h a t n o C') nf er en ce t eam was ab le t o !"core m o r e than e ig htee n p oints in a n y ga :11e a~a in s t th e P e ru v ia n quint e t. Toft was reco p- niz e d by a ll th e s p ort '"-Tite r s of the s t a t e t o be th e best g u a rd in th e c on fe r e n ce . a nd was co n f cq uentl y place d on every all-s t a t e ~e l ecti o n publis hed.
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FRED ROTHERT, Cap tain-Ele ct, Forward, First Y ea r Honorable Mention, 1922 1\othert won a place for himself on the Bobcat team because of his wonderful ability as a forward. Although th:s wa s hi s first year in Coll ege ba s k e tball h e ed into the team work of the victorious co mbina tion in fin e shape and dese r ves a large s han ~ of c redit for th e a ll- v ic toriou s sE:ason. "Fritz" was electHI captain of the 1\J23 t ea m . and is planning another championship year. CARL ROSENQUIST, Center, Third Y ea r All-State, 1922 "Rosy" h as put in three years of faithful , eff ective se r v ice for the Blu e a nd White . \Vh en he enroll e d at Peru he had a dream of p 1 aying on a championship t eam, and each year of service brought the realization of th e drea m closer and c'oser, until thi s year it beca me a reality. Ro sy has a valuabl e habit of dropping the lea th er through th e net with a surpris'ng regularity, thi s, togethe r with the fact that h e wa s a good floor man made him indi spenEab' e to the t eam. WALTER BEUTTGE NB A C H , Guard, Second Yea r Buettgenbach made hi s letter here two where h e wa s cap ta:n of a se r v ice t ea m , bra sl\ a Champion s hip. B itzi e is good both adding to hi s li s t of qualifications the f ae t player of exce ptional ability.
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years ago, a nd after a yea r in the Nav y, r e turn ed to h elp Old P e ru take the Neas an offen s ive a nd a def en s ive man a nd , that h e is r ed-h ead ed , ha s proven to be t.t
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PAUL WILCOX, Guard, Second Yea r Honorab le Men tion, 1921 Wilcox is another i.wo year man who has been a sta r in athletics both years whi le at Peru. This year he wa::; handicapp ed by an injury to his kne e which k e pt him out of some of the games . He did his best work this year in th e Midland game wh e n. by caging a spectr.cular shot he started the rally which won this game fot路 Peru. Everyone regrets that thi s is "Baldy's" last year with u s . GLEN FRARY, Forward, First Year H onorable Mention, 1922 Frary is another one year man who he i]: ed put Peru on th e athletic map of the state. H e hail s from Auburn, where he played on the class "A" high sc hool team. He has remarkable ab ility at caging the leather from the floor, and combines s peed with headwork in hi s playing. He is a hard man to guard, and is a dangerous s hut when he is in range of the ba sket. JAMES SIMO N, Forward, First Year Simons is a one year man who has proved that he can go into the game when called upon, and not weaken the mach:n e one particle. He is s p ee dy, and aggressive; he handle either fonvard or a guard position in a capab le manner. He estab lished a reputation and cinched a posit'on on th e squad in the first two games of the season when two of the o'd-timers were unabl e to play.
{' Ni11ety-eight
~ankrthall ALL-VICTORIOUS The year 1922 will lon g be rememb er ed by P eruvian s be c au~e of the ch a mpion s hip honor s which the Bobcats annexed foi· th e glo r y of the old schoo l. The conference was composed of unu s uall y s trong bas ke tball quintets, a nd the race for title honors was c lo se and fiercely contested. P eru was ha rd pressed thru out th e season by teams only a f ew n otches down the percentage lad d er , but it is all the m or e to the Bobcat' s cr edit to win a championship with. riva lry so keen and the c 'a ss of b :c~sketb a ll the best ever di sp layed in the N ebras ka conference. It has be en a number of yea rs s ince any college in the circuit ha s taken· the titl e with a c lea r r ecord a nd the Peru lis t of e leven confer en ce victories and three out-of-conferen ce wins without a s ing le loss is quite a n enviabl e acco mplis hment. TABOR 9-PERU 26 Tabor college was the first t ea m to m ee t d ef eat at th e ha nd s of the Peruvian cagesters. The Tabor quint et found the _race set b y th e Bobcats to be too f ast for th e m , s o the coach call ed off th e fir s t. s tring m en a nd r a n in the "Pony" t eam . KEARNEY 15-PERU 18 The rumor that th e Kearney T eac hers had r ecruited som e pron11 s m g bas ketball material from the hi g h school s tars in their t erritory was not a fal se on e, and the Bobcats w er e confronted by a powerful squad of cleve r ba s ke tba ll players when th ey m et the K ea rn e y Antelop es in a fierce encounter on the Kearn ey floor. The game started with Kearn ey cagin g the fir st ba sk et and the P eruvian s in ho t pursuit. Th first h a lf end ed with Ke a rn ey one po int in th e lead. It wa s not lon g before P eru ass um ed the r espon s ibility of l ea d er s hip and maintained the position thruout the rest of the game. At n o time, how ever , was ther e a saf e m ~ngin of points, and th e team felt relieved a nd happ y when th e timer blew hi s whistle. P eru is always proud to win fr om t he K earney T each er s b ec au se of the stron g rivalry between the two s ~ hoo ls . Coac h Speer's m en ha ve n ever been defeat ed by Kearney in the three years that he ha s been coachin g P eru a thl eti c teams. DOANE 12- PERU 23 Johnson, the la nky Tiger center. was the m ai n noi se for Do a n e , un 1ess it was the nowd shouting vain protests at Speer's m en for playing- keep-aw a y. J ohnson was th e man who reg-i ster ed a lJ of t he Doane scor es, w ith the exception of one ba sk et toss ed by Higgi nbothan. After Peru had gain ed quite a lead the Ti gers began shooting from way past th e middl e of the fl 0o r in a vain effort to ove rcome the P eru margin, when the final whi s tl e blew a nn ou n cin g to th e world t ha t P eru ha d bea t en the team which had taken the conference cha m pion s hip fo1· f ou r y ear s in su ccession. It was beyond our wild est dreams to nearly doub'e th e sc ore on the ex-c hamps . but you n ever Pan tell what impossib le things a Bobcat team will accomp li s h when th ey a r e turned loose to hunt their f eed. P eru def eated Doa ne by as many points as Doan e h as bee n defeated by all other teams co mbin ed in the la s t four yea r s. MIDLAND 13-PERU 19 Th e Midland Tig-r r s in vaded Bobcat-' a nd w ith tha t lea n , huneTy loo k w h; ch a lway s f o r ecasts a hard old se rap. Th e athle ti c contests b etween Mid la nd a nd Peru have a lway s been hard foug-ht and close. but P eru has n~a na ged to n ose out the Fre m ont m en nin e tim es out of ten ro nt Ps t s . A ba t t le roya l I S a lways assu r ed , howeve r , w hen th e two t ea m s a r e sch eduled to clas h. a nd as the s c> ore indi ca t es , the ga m e was a li ve ly encounter. Th e t ea m work. pa ss inR.·. and g·uardin g; of both t ea ms was n early pe rfect. Tim e after time the center and f01 wards wou ld bring- the ball clown n ea r th e ba sk et onl y to be s topped by th e g-pa rd s. ('q ·,tain T oft a nd But tg-e nJ;l ac h , in ~h e ir gyard pos iti ons . perforn1Pd s o effe ctively tlr1t M id la nd was un ab le to r eg1ste r a s m g·le fi eld dunng t h e fir s t half w hil e Roth ert <Jnd Fra1·v we r e ab' e t o evade the ir g·uards a nd drop t h e ball t hru th e ~ et four tim es . Th e fir st ha lf end ed w ith the score standi n g 12 to 5 in P eru 's favor.
N iuety-n·i ne
1Ba.akrthull Midland had talked th e s ituation ove 1· between lhL~ haiH·s and appointed lhci1· center to act as a co mmit tee of one to do the sco 1·ing. I l e wa s I' L•s ponsible for th e three IV. id and fi e'd gcals caged during th e last ha lf. TABOR 22- PF:RU
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As a s ide is sue to th e Mid land trip the Bobcats look on thl· Tabo1 ·, Iowa, Panthe 1·s . Contrary to expectations the Tab?r ~earn wa s not an easy one to take into camp, and Coach Speer was forced to use h1 s hrs t tenm to turn the tri c k . Th e Taho 1• crew wa::: re-enforce~ by the confidence of the hom e booste 1·s a nu a hom e of·li c ia l and consequently put up qmte a scrap. MIDLAND 17- PERU l k The P et·u quintet defeated Midland Co ll ege basketee1·s at Fr e lllont in one of the best games ?taged in conference c ir~ l es .this yea1·. Th e Luth c 1·ans starkd the fir e wo rk s early m the firs t h.alf ~y droppmg m a fl' ee throw fo1· a s ingl e tally. Buettgenbach r etaliated by droppmg m a pretty toss fr o m the ce nte 1· of the flo o r for a count of two. The Fremont men came back with two mo1·e li e 1d goals wh'ch gave th e m the edge on the scoring. The first. half end ed wit~ M icJiand leading. I I t:J 7. Early in thP second ha 1f W1lcox was sent mto the P e ru lmeup and soo n caged a long s hot from the floor which s tarted a ra lly f<;>r the teache 1·s. Rothe1·t and Rosenqu ist fol lowed by roping in some pretty shots wh1ch ga ve Peru a leed the Luth e 1·an s were nevet· ab le to overcome. KEARNEY 17- PERU 21 The Peru Cage artists encountered a fo1·mida!;>l e fo e _ when they tangled with the Kearney Teachers College quintet f01: th e seco.nd tnn e th1s ;v:ear. Th e game was hard fought throughout the· two twenty mmute p e nods and ~as t eatu!Td by the come-back of the Kearney cage men after the P eru fiv e had see mmgly r eg 1ste1·('(f e nough talli es for a safe lead . The defen s iv~ work.of the Peru g_uards was a SCJUI'Ce of p!ea s ure to the spectators and many a rehe~ed s 1gh came floatmg out ove1· the floo 1· as Bitzie 01· Toft would stretch out far-reachmg arms and g-rab th e mflate d lea th er from its path to the basket and start it rolling toward . th e. P e ru r: e t. Tht·oug·hout th e first period and well into the second, the Bobcats ma1.ntamed qy 1 ~e a le a d ,. but th e n th e Kearney crew commenced to swing together and chmb to w1thm two pomt ,; o f th e Peru total. Something desperate had to be done to s top t.he s_teady advaw·e of the Ke~nn e y cages ters, and Rothert solved the .problem by ropm?-' m, a pr~tty fi e ld s hot from the side. A few more seconds of franbc work and th e tnne r s wh·stl e stopped one of the b es t games ever staged on the local floor. SYRACUSE 14- · PF:RU 84 Th e Syracuse game was schedu led fo~ a rra~t'ce game before the co mpl e tion of t he conference schedule. The gan~e was mterest mg and w e ll p layed in s pite of th e fact that the outcome was never 1_11 doubt. .The ~yracuse t e am h a d won from somC:' good teams in the early part of th e· r season , meludmg W es leyan, but th e Bobcats w~t·e too much for them. DOANE 18- PERU 27 One of the most deci s ive games of the cenference wa s s tage d when th e Peru cage men met the quintet from Doane College and defeated them by a 27 to 18 count. The Doane Tigers lived up to their nam e and reput~tion and battled d es perate'y to stay in the 1922 title ra ce: Our own speedy Bobcat q~mtet, however, was too mu c h for them and aft er forty mm~tes of one. of the mos t. fier ce ly _co ntested cage battl es in the conf erence, the final wh1 stl e bl ew w1th the Peruv1ans _Ieadmg the 27 to 1 8 score. The fast off ense and impregnable defe_nse of the P eru qumtet was always a puzzle t o the Tiger cr ew . and althoug h they. tn ed d esperate ly to overcome the slight lea d thaJ· the P eruvians had establi s hed early Ill th e game, th ey w e re unab le to get thP ir sco r in g n'achin e to working properly.
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~uakrtball COTNER 11- PERU 27 Coach Sr:eer's Peru Co llegian s annexE:d anotht:r sca lp to their w ell laden b e lt when the Pedagogues wallop ed the Cotner codege five, 27 to 11 on the B ethany tloor. Th e victory was of a d ec is ive nature. Co ming· from b ehind a four-point advantage> which the Bulldogs had g·athered in the first ten minutes of play the Pedagogues closed tlw first half with a 10 to 15 lead, and tumed loose a scoring spurt in the second period wh ich topped the Co tner total by sixteen points. 1n wmnin g from Cotn er, the P eru five un corked one of the be s t displays of basket ball ex hibited on the Bethany court this season. The rangy Peruvia n s presented :1 st1 ong c ffen s iv e and defensive combination . The defense of the Pedagogues is shown in the fact that Cotner was held to four field bask et s , all of which were of the long \ a l"i (ty . The l:lutldogs were h e ld to a lon e field goa l dur ing· the final period. Th e lJeru offens:ve did not get und er full steam until the final period, when they caged six bas k e ts from the floor. YORK 13-- PERU 39 Th e F e tu u:ge men annexed another conference victory by defea tin g the York Co ll ege quintet in a lifel ess ga m e . The first ten minutes of play was decided ly ragged and was marked by the in ab ility of either team to s .ip the inflated lea ther thru th e iron hoop . Time after t:me the Bobca ts worked the ball down und e r the basket only to have th e s hot roll aro und the r;ng a nd then hop out. It was not until the second half that the Ca t s h :t the ir strid e and s tarted to roll the leath er thru the n et. COTNER 18-PERU 38 Cotner put up a scrappy game wh en they appeared for the last batt:e of the sea son, in spite of the fact that they fa ced the r ecogniz ed champions of Nebraska. Th e lopsided score do €s not indicate the real quality of the game, for it was n ot until th e la s t of the second ha!f that the Bobcats took a s purt and put the ga m e away on th~ victory column. THE SCORE At At At At At At At At At At At At
Peru . --- --- -- -- --- -- ·----- --- ----- --- -- ----- - __ _____ ____ Tabor ··- -· ......... ..... ... !:J Peru. -- -- -- ---- -- ---- .... .. ... ........ .. .... ____ Kearney ...... .. .. ....... . .. 15 Peru .. ... Doan e .. .. 12 . _____ ...... .... .. _ ... .. ...... .. ___ ___Midland .. .. ... 13 K earney __ Crete ....... .. .. .. ...... .. .. ...... ....... .. ... .... Tabor .. 22 Peru . . ___ .. ............... ....... .. .M idland ... .............. _____ 17 Tabor ... .............. .. __ _______ Keam ey ............. ...... .. .17 Tabor, Ia . ..... .. .... ......... .. ......... .... __ __ _Syracuse .14 Fremont.. --- ----- ----------------- --- -----.. ..... Cotn er ......... ........ .. __ ... 11 Peru ...... ...... .... .. Doan e ......... ...... .... .. .. .... 18 Peru.... . ... .. ............. ...... .. ... York __ _ .. .. ...... ..... ......... . 13 Bethany.. ..... .... .. ...... .. ---- -- ---- -- -...Cotn er ----- ----- -- ------- -- ... 18 Wayn e forf e ited two ga m e to P e ru. CON FEREN CE STANDING
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What is a college without a women's athletic club? The Olympic Club fills the need of such an organization in the Peru Teachers Ct liege. Our club is composed of live members who believe in the principles tha~ nhysical health, as well as mental health is essential to general well-being. Jt has, however, in this, its second year, had many difficulties to meet. Th e use of the high school gymnasium was limited to every other Saturday, but this did not prevent other activities. Numerous hikes have been n ,.:;ource of great pleas ure to all who took them. Club members have also l1ad t he privilege of practicing basketball with th e high sc hool girls n n umber of times. During the first semester, the club was organized under the leadership of Edna Fisher, who co uld well be called the star athlete of Peru. Pajarita Atkisson ser ved as president the second semester. Her enthusiasm an d athletic ab ility shown during the first part of the year carried ;:he clu b thru a semester's fun and sport. Miss Williams, our capable s ponsor, worked out a plan by which a girl could earn a letter and a sweater for athletic work done. A poin-t ~ystem, ado ~t ed by the club, provid~s that points can. be secured by hil(mg, b_y playmg basketball and tenms , and by pa rta km g in trac k . Tt j ,;; the v-:1s h of the club that next year many gir iMwi ll poRR e!'IR Rwea ters, thLlS show mg t hat the clu b iR a cti ve.
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The college girls' Olympic Club first organized in 1920, has furnished the greater part of women's athletic activities this year. Hikes along country roads and games in the gymnasium have brightened many a Saturday afternoon, and the interest and enthusiasm of the members proves that th e Olympic Club will long remain an institution of our college. The regular physical training classes have been under the direction of l\1iss Ruth Williams. Though gymnasium facilities have been limited this year the registration in all the classes has been large and the work along corrective and recreational lines has been thoroly enjoyable. Aesthetic dancing, directed by Alice Glasgow, has given much pleasure to those who would fain win beauty and grace; and has furnished various delightful exhibition numbers during the yearly entertainments ~tnd May day exercises. Of course the real athletic event of the season was the FreshmanSophomore Girls' tasketball game. The teams were ''" ell matched and both sides displayed real team work. But clever goal shooting during the first half establishe d a lead which the Freshmen were unable to overcome and the whistle blew on a 19-14 score, with the Sophomore class holding th e honors.
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1ilramuttr <!Iltth Judging from the enthu s iasm of its m e mb e r s and the wu1·k ac:c:omplitihed by the dub t hi s was a n exceptional year for the Dra m atic C lub. A spec: ial feature of th·~ year' <; wo rk was the Stud y C ir c ~ e w hich met every Wednesday night f or nin e weeks. This clas s studied practical hints in choosing and in stagi n g plays with high sc: h c 0 1 a mate urs particu la rl y in mind. Thi s h elpful study was accompanied by actual ex p e rience, for eac h one-act play was directe d a nd eac h c haract e r was m a d e up by s tudents . .At Chri stmas time the Study Circl e r:resent€d as a n out-d oo r· pantomine th e s t o r y of the bi,·th of the Chri st-child. Under the g uid a n ce of Miss Ruth M. Williams, a g r a du ate of Not·thwestern University, th e club w ith its full quota of s ixty active membe r s produ ce d th e following plays , the work of s tandard authors: "The Brink of S I1e n ce," " S uppr essed Desires,'' ''The Honorable T ogo," "Ten P. M.," "Fourteen," "The Will." "A Fan and Tw o Candl e sti cks ," "Th e Yo un g Wonder," "Uncle Jimmy," "A Tun e of a Tun e," "Th e Feast of the H oly Innocents ," a nd "On the Pi er". Th e plays f or February, "Overtones" by Alice Gerste1·nberg, and "In Hos pital " by Thomas Dickinson were presented at a n open sess ion. A s il ve r o ff er ing was taken tv in cr ea se P eru's s hare in the Studen t Friendship Relief Fund . Th e club owes much t o its advi so r, Miss Williams, w h o wa s a n ev e r willing h e lpe 1· in the a ct iviti es of t he club.
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"Qllarrurr" Booth Tarkington 's play, "Clarence" is a real American comedy. The characters are American; the action and plot have Yankee motives; the lines are all in the American language. It is as American as "Huckleberry Finn" or pumpkin pie. As a comedy with real meaty thought and with no lapses into farce, "Clarence" qualifies exactly. The action throughout is refined, s ubtle and above all natural. Those marvelous young people, Cora and Bobby Wheeler, are portrait sketches that appeal to every one but the originals. Their truth is lost on the "Flapper" and the "prep" scho ol yo uth. but to th eir rarEnts and guardians, to all, indeed, ' 'v ho ha ve emerged from the serious, Eelf-ccm:cious reriod of adolescence, they are an enduring joy. Laughs for the audience are frequent; in fact the play is made to lure tre laughter of its audience. On March 29, 1822, "Clarence" was presented by the fo ll owing ca::;t Mrs . Martin __ ---- -- -- -- -- -- ------ ----- __ Et h el !Vlc!Vlas ter IVIt-. \Vh ee ' er___ ___ ___ _Vaughn Ca s 1e r lVll's. Whee 1 er__ --- ------ --- -·- --- ·-·- -- -- -- _ _______ Hild egard e Ye ck Bobby ______ ___ ____ ___ ___ __Fuller 'Wood ie Cora ____ ________ _ ---------- ---·----·- ---- -____ _____ Helen Knapp Violet Pinney __ ----- -·--- ·- -- --- __ __ ___ ___ Esth e t· D e lze ll C larence __ __ . _ ---- -- ·-· . .. Carl Ros::mqu is t Della -- -· ·---- ·-- -···--·- ·- ·-------· -- --- ·--- ... Ruth R. os2nqui s t _______ ____ Gaylord Toft Dinwiddie_ Voice .. In ez Ray Well s Hube rt Ste m __ ---- ------ ------ ------- -- --- _______ Ralph Hunte r __ _______ _., ________ , ______ _.. _ _ .. .. .... Olga A lb er Stag·e Manager .
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@>opqomor.r 01laru1 'lay --··m11r iJ\ahthnut ·· By Augu stu s Thom as Augustus Thomas, author of "The Rainbow", is a n American autho1· of note and one who has a great number of worth while plays t o hi s c r e dit. His success as a dra~ a~is t i ~ n ot du e to accidental in s piration but to logical study of the prmc1ples m dramatic co n s truction. His art is nature in that he deals with American s ubj ects in American s ittings and presents American themes. He began t o write plays when only fourteen yean; of age; he is an experiencd director and is at present th e Art Director o f the Charles Frohman interest s. "He stands in our drama fo r litera r y craftrn a n s hip and for a se riou s interest in the furtherance of dramatic progress." The play, "The Rainbow", had a s uccessful professional career and was first presented with Henry Miller play in g th e part of N e il S umn e t· and Ruth Chatterton acting in the rol e of Cynthia. Because of a misunderstanding and a sacrific e o n th e part of N e il Sumner, his w ife, Ruth Sumner, left him and taking the child, Cynthia, went to Europe. There she remained until Cynthia grew to b e a beautiful girl of sixteen. Neil S~mner grew tired of his lonely e xis ten ce and lived a life of rather a questiOnable nature and surrounded him self with unworthy friends. Because Cynthia wished to know her father, Ruth was compelled to return f!?m. Europe and to a llow Cynth~a to s ta y vvith h : r father for a time. Nell s sister, Betsy Sumner, h elped h1rn ca re fo r Cyn thia and incidentally helped him to get rid_ of_ his disreputable acquaintance<; and to try to pick up the threads of h1s hfe where h e had dropp ed th e m some t welve or fourteen years bfore. Ruth Sumner, however, remained estranged until their lawyer, Edwa rd _Fellows , and Betsy cleare d up th e old misunderstanding. Then the _family w;:ts r e-united a nd th e rainbo Yv of joy and promise shone over Ne1l Sumners brok en h orn e and once-shattered hopes. THE CAST Neil Sumner .... ... .. .. . Edward F ellows ... . N ick H ollin s.. . .. W n1. Mortimer .. ...
. ....... ...... .
Jam es Judson .. ... ........... . John Gilmore ..... . .... ..... ... .. Bennett ..... . Ruth Sumner ... . . Betsy Sumner ... . . .... ... ......... · · Cynthia Surnner ..... .. .. -- ···· ······ ··· Jane Palm er .... . El sie Davis ..... . Therese ...... ... .. .... Stage Managers ...... .. . ....... ·· ·· · Property Manager ... Bu siness Manager.
Pau l Wilc- ox ... .. ........ . . ... .... .. ......... .... .... .. Do n a ld B'ank e n ~ hip . .. J ames S in1 on . Floyd Ri gg in ~ . ... Roy Bu sc h .Albert Bi e hn Ge ·)l·ge Willv . H e l e n Wil li a m·~ . .. Ev e ly n WhiffE'n M i'd n•d Hank s .J es~ i e K e ll y . .Ruh y Lawr e nc~· Edith Fox .C la 1·e n cE' S p e ic h. Sa nnH'l Rowl ey Hild C'ga rd e Y ec k Gaylord Toft
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:W. :!lilt. Ql. A. This has been a year of united effort and inspiration to our assoc iation. What we could do, what we dreamed we co uld do, we undertook, and these things were accomplished . One of the most interesting features of this year has been the numbet· of entertaining talks we have had at some of our Wednesday evening meetings. We want to express deep appreciation to our friends of the facu lty and the town who so hospitably consented to address us. The Y. M. C. A., together with the Y. W. C. A., was very successful in the drive for money to be sent to the needy students of Europe. Besides this more serious side of the work, \Ve have met together in the spirit of fellowship and good w ill for a fev.; h ours of merry-making. TheY men recommended and conducted the father-son banquet, an annual affair for the fathers, sons and college men of Peru . At the opening of the new Y den a stag feed was held in v,rhich every man took part, even in the prize fights and hot hand. But more than all these religious gatherings and good times, we hav e enjoyed the friendship and mutual s pirit of helpfulness a nd sympathy that has existed among the men in this school.
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Qlnllrgr cnntqnltr i\ssnrtatinn Throughout the entire year the College Catholic Association has en.ioyed the privilege of hearing mass every second week at the home of Mrs. Jack. Meetings have been held every Sunday morning at 11:00 o'c-lock in an especially fitted room. Before the graduation of Miss Helen Dworak, our president, and Mis~ Nellie O'Connor an informal social affair was held at the home of Mrs. Jack. It was indeed a pleasure to all and served to establish a closer bond of friendship. The club appreciates the kindness of their friend, Mrs. Jack, also th e effort and interest of our able advisor, Miss Laughlin. Officers for the current year were as follows: President, Helen Dworak; Vice-President, Irma Casey; Secretary a nd Treas urer, Gertrude Carver; Pedagogian Reporter, Lucille Buscher. It is our sincere wish that this organization be continued a nd that its future members may derive as much benefit and inspiration from these meetings as the Catholics of 1921-22.
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VLADIMIR JISA, Conductor PROGRAM I Star Spangled Banner __ _ ---· -·--· ··· ·---------- ----- ·-· -·-··· ··· ·····-- J ohn Stafford Sm ith Aida March -- ---· --· -·-··------ ·· _ ··-- --- ·-· -- --·· ·- ·--· - --· ···· -- ____ __ Verdi Barcarolle ------ -·---·----- -- ---- -----···· ·- --· -···--- --- -·- ----·-·· ·· ----- -- -----__ J. Offenbach Dance of the Mermaids __ ____ _________ ··-- -· ---- --- -- ----- ·· ··· ····· -······ .. - - Lumbye Violin Chant, "Negro Spiritual" _______ __ __ __________ ____ -·- - ---- ··- Clare n ce Cam ero n \i\Thite Miss Mildred Hank s Opera Gems_ ·----- -· ············- ------- -------·------- ·---· ·-- - _ -- ----- - -···· ···- - . · ---- Mackie-Beyer Intermiss ion II The Iron Cross ____ .. .. __ ·-· --· ·------ -·-- ··-· ___ -·-- --···-- ·--- ------ -·· ··-- ··-·-- ------- --·· _Isenma n Palms --· --·-- ----- -- ___ _ ___ __ __ -· ···· --· .... - --··· -- ·----- ·- -- --- ---- -· _____ J. Faure The Rose of Paradise __ __ _____ _____ ______ ____ __ --· - --- --·-····---- -··· -···-- -- Pedro Silva Voice Do Dreams Come True ____ . _- -··· --______ ___ _ -- ---····-· --· -·· -· -- B. S h erm an Fovvler Roses of Memory _____ _ __ ____ -- ----- -- -· --- Bernard Hamblem Mr. George Showalter Bridal Song ______ __ __ E. Eilenbe rg Emil l senma n The Black Eagle, "Grand March " ___ --· ·- ·- --- -- - -··--· -
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Possess ing member s with beauty, brains and talent, and an advisor capable and helpful , it is n : > wonder that Philomathean m ember s are always proud of their scc iEt.y . It is a really vital part of the experience of its enthusiastic s upporters. The r:rograms he:we stressed American talent in prose and poetry, realizing that modern American r:roductions are well worth study. Prog-ram leaders have 路work ed earnestly to provide interesting and profitable entertainment. The mu s ically g ifted m embers have m ade most delightful contributions to t.l:e programs. Each member has had a chance to add to the general enjoyment, so that no one might be imposed up on or carry extra burdens tecause of s uperior talent. A noticeable spirit of helpfulness and enthusiasm has always been a Philo characteristic. This has kept the society the leading one in school since its inception many yean ago. It has the honor of being the oldest and most vital literary organiz a tion in the Teachers College. Miss Williams, our adviser, has been a source of inspiration. H er vcillingness to h elp , no matter how full y her time has been occupied otherwise, has had its ben efit in making each one anxious to prove eq ua l t o hi s or her appointed task. Most fortunate was the choice of Richard Madden as president. A typical Philomathean, l:e is earnest a nd forceful, a real leader a nd capable of holding Philo to high ideals of accomplishment. The work has n ot all been of a serious nature for jolly parties hav2 added to the memories that Philomathe~tns vvill carr y w ith th em this com ing year. Those who go and those who stay will look back up on th e frolics with a glow of pleas ure. N o matter w h ere we go let us wear our f hilo pins. Then w ill fo llo w a glad r ecognition of the old members and a greeting路 :from th e new <~ nd a wonderful exchange of m emori es of th e good times a t Philo , in Per u!
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EVERETT LITERARY SOCIETY The Everett Literary Society is fortunat e in its name. Edward Eve;·ett, whose nam e is perpetuate d by this society, is foremost among American schola1 s and orator<>, and his works show the tru e literary spirit . Th e soc iety \Vas organized in 18'12. Its first aim was to reciprocate the honor which was conferred on it w1th the nam e, Everelt, :'lnd this ai1~1 remains paramount. Honor is paid this worthy literary mas ~er in ho:dmg· the soc1ety up to his id ea!s, and striving to obtain the greatest cultural training for its individual members. And the end and aim of a:J tru e edDcation is to fit the individual for soc ial se rvice. This service can be rendered best by th e individual who has a d eve lopm ent broader than that which books and the classroom alone can give. In a literary society, there is opportunity for th e dev elopment of those qualiti es which make for a large r success in co ping with mode m conditions lead ership and sr:eaking in public. Both are requisite to s u ccess in any line of work, and to a mark ed degree necessary in the teaching profess ion. Everett truly has mad e muc·h progresco.; in this line. One of the things of which the society is mo s t proud, and which h as been most enjoyed, is th e Evere tt Orchestra, co mpos ed of t e n pi ecE's. That this orchestra plays only mu s ic of the highes t class, is woTthy of note. . . . While greatest effort has been direc t ed along edu cational lm es , the soua l pha"·-' which has a very significant part in cultural training, ha s n ot been neg lected. One of the mos t enjoyable featur es of the society ha s been its pleasant soc ial events whieh have meant so much to eaeh memb er . Success in making Everett a liv e and progressive soc ie ty, and in plat'ing; it on ,1 sound literary basis is in no sma ll nwas un• due to the et-hrts of t h e advisers.
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®ur §tuilrttt Qlo unril About a month after school opened, the student body saw th e n e~t I and desirability of having some student organization. Th e id e a being approved by President Caviness and faculty m e mbers, and e ndorse d by all classes, a representative committee met daily to work out details of organization. On Monday, October 17, a proposed constitution for a Student Council was submitted to and accepted by the student body as a working: basis. According to this Constitution, on the follo,;v ing Friday thirty ca ndidates for the council were nominated, each s tudent vo ting for t e n p e rs o n s. Two weeks later, ·written and s igned ballots were cast, eac h s tud e nt voting frum the list of nominees fo r fifteen people. This e lection of fifte e n student co uncil m embers was followed by an organization vv ithin th e co un c il. Elmer Wilson and Gertrude Carver se r ve d resp ect ive ly as c hairman and secretary. To the Council we owe thanks for planning th e second ::-;emester mix e l', and the basketball rallies and reception s. VV e , as a student b r>dy, at·e pround that the Student Co un cil ex is t s on our ca mpus and appreciate the effort s of th at body in working for a Greater and Detter P er u.
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Every one remembers the hearty welcome given him by the Girls' Club on registration day, or perhaps some remember more distinctly the delicious punch and wafers which were served. Since that first day the Club has meant a great deal to each girl. Our first party \•v as given in September, our special guests being ihe girls of the high school. At our next party in November we entertaine .:l the "Men's Club" of the college. In February the Costume Party was a very merry occasion, and, although the boys were not invited this time, there -vvere a number of "effeminate boys" present who seemed to have as good a time as the girls. On February 17, 1922, we celebrated the anniversary of the Girls' Club third birthday, the 18th being on Saturday. All club members were decorated with gold and black ribbons, thus carrying out the colors of the club. A very fine program was given in the chapel at the regular hour und all girls took part in making the songs and yells livelier and peppier than ever. The Student Loan Fund instituted by the second year's Girls' Club has been a real help to several college girls. It is constantly being enlarged by donations from Alumni members, but this year's club will greatly swell its principal by a large gift at the end of the school year. The afternoon teas have been a decided success this year and are eagerly looked forward to by the students and faculty members of the various departments . These informal teas given each month have helped u~ to become better acquainted with one another. But behind the frolics, behind the parties and the dainty teas, has been the constant steady work of the Council, Miss Robinson, and our president, Leona Sparks. The tireless effort of these folks has made everything the club has undertaken a success, and we of the club wish to express our sincere appreciation for the help given so generously and heartily by them in making the third year of the Girls' Club one long to be r emembered.
On e h lllld? ·ed I h·h ·t y - >U'?Je n
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Firs t Semester Officers
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Se2ond Sem<:ster Officers
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For the first time in the h: story of our grand old institution, th e men of th e sc ho;,] have organized into a d is tinct organization known a s th e M e n's C 'ub. Fot· the lase few year s, th e girls hav e had an organ ization kn own as The Girls' C lu b whic·h ha,.; been a po we r for good in th e sc hool. The Men' s Club is composed wholly of college m e n and is a dub organizat:on in the f ull est meaning of that word. The club has been a s u ccess from th e beg-inning·. The luncheons and ta lks from bu si n ess m en of Lincoln have b ee n rare tr ea ts fot· lhv cl ub memb e r s . Upon organization of the dub, the following constitution was adopted: ARTICLE I-N AME The name of this organization shall be "Th e P e ru Co ll eg·e Men's C lub ." ARTI CLE II- OBJE CT Th e obj ect shall be to furthe;· in every way th e socia l unity among th e mf'n of t he coll ege, to promote go eel f e llow s hip, to inn ease a se n"e of r e spon s ibili ty tow a ;·d maintaining a nd uph o ldin g the goo d name of the coll ege . ARTICLE III-MEMBERSHIP All men stud ents of t he co ll ege, nam e ly: fr es hm e n, so phom o r es, juniors, senim·"· and. those class ifi ed as spec ia' s , shall b eco m e n'ember s of th e club , automatica ll y upun registration. ARTICLE IV- OFFI CERS Sect ion 1- The officers of this c lub s hall be a pres id e nt, a v:c e-pres irl e nt , a "l"C' I'l't:uy a nd a treasurer. Section 2- The Dean of Men sh a ll be advisor of the cluh .
-- -
.-\RTI CLE V- DUTIES Se<.:tion 1- Th e pres iden t s ha ll pres ide o\· e r all meetings a nd s ha ll be cha i nn an of th e e x ec uti ve committee . :::i enion 2-Th e n ee -p r es id en t s hall pres id e in t he absence of t he president and s hall be chairman of t he :::iocia l Committee . Section :J-T he St'ci·eta r y s hall r ec ord all minu tes of ge neral or s pecial meetings of the dub and of the e xecu tiY e mee tin g-s . a nd s hall be th e officia l correspondent for th e club . · Sect ion ..J-Th e tre.:s u ;·e r s hall co ll ect a nd di s pen se all money upon ord er of the pr e<·id e nt and s hall mak e quarterl y r e ports to th e advis or. ARTI C LE V I -COMMITTEE Section 1- Th e Ex ec u t ive Co mm.t tce shall con s ist of the presid ent, v;ce-president. sc>cr e tai y and trea s ure r, th e a dYi sor of th e clu b, and a r epr esentative from each of lhe uni ts h e r e in afte r m en t ioned. A RTI CLE V II - UN ITS Th e unit s s h a ll be s uch div is ions as m a y be determine d by the Executive Commi t t ee. ARTI C LE VIII- ELE CTIO N Sect'o n ! - El ec tion s ha ll be he ld t he lii s t or ~eco nd w eek of ea ch sem ester as ma y he d ~t e nnim·d by the Exec utiv e Co mmi ttee. . . SeL t10n 2- N o minati on s s h ~:ll be n1a c!e b y in fo rm al ba ll ot; the three r eceiving t he 11I g h est numb e r of votes s ha ll b e th e candid ates for elec tion. Sel t.on :;-E Jec ti on s ha ll be b y ball ot a nd the maj orit y vote s hall elect. ARTI CLE IX-ELIGIBILIT Y Sect ion 1-No one s h a ll be e li g:ible t o th e office of president or vice-pres: den t unl ess h e ha s bee n in c:oll Ege one school yea r of nin e months prior to hi s e lectiOn and h o ld s the rank of so phom or e, junior or sen ior . Section 2-Any stud ent of co lle ge ra nk is elig ibl e to the office of secretary or t r ea sure r o r e x ec u t ive committee . ARTI CLE X- MEETINGS Sec tion 1- A meeting of a ll the m emb er s ma y be ca ll ed by the pres ident or adv isor, 0 1' by a ny ten m e mb e1·s . Section 2- R egul a r met: tings s ha ll be he ld once a month, time and place to be ~ e t e nnin ed and set asid e b y the executive co mmittee. At least twenty-four hours' notic e s hall be g:i\·e n by cha pe l a nn ouncemen t, b y bull etin or thru the college paper, the Pedagog-ian. · S ection 3-0n e -tenth of the m embership s ha ll co nsti tute a quorum. ARTICLE X I-FINAN CES Section 1- A f ee of fift" cen ts ~ h a ll be levied at th e beginning of each se mester. S ection 2-A s pec i<1l a;,:essm en t ma y be levied by a vote of a majori ty of the l ota l m e mb e r s hip . ARTI CLE XII- INTERPRETATION All qu es ti on s of inte rpretation of th e con stitution s ha ll be r ef erred to the Executive Committee, w hose d ec is ion s ha ll be final. ARTICLE XIII- AMENDMENTS This con s titution ma y be am end ed by a two-third s vote of the me mbership . (Unanimou sly a d opted D ecemb er 16, 1921.) The charter members of the c lub are as follows: J,,_. wi:-:
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I'AUL V. WL C OX . ..
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(!llans may LEONA SPARKS, May Queen 11:00 p.m.
MAY D AY CEREMONIES Ivy Chain-Freshman Girls Revel of the Fairies-Kindergarten Children Coronation of the Queen Dance of the Roses May Pole Dance-Sophomore Girls Final Tableau
2 :00 p.m.
3 :00 p.m.
IVY DAY CEREMONIES Two-part Chorus-Sophomore Girls Ivy Day Oration-Carl Rosenquist Class Poem-Olga Alber Class History-Francis Knight Presentation of Trowel-James Simon Freshman Response-Ross McDaniels
8 :30 p. m.
CLASS PLA Y-"The Rainbow"
011 c ln mclr ed forty-five
Commenc:e m ent Speake1
HI~ v. S . M ILLS HAn::-; l:lacndaureatc: Sc nron
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Ql o ut tn r n r r ut r tt t MAY 21-BACCALAUREATE SUNDAY
11 :00
Bacalaureate Sermon Rev. S. Mills Hayes
10:00 2:00 8 :00 MAY 24
11 :00 2:00 3:00 8:30 MAY 25-
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/111111/ J'l'r/ /Ill'/ !}-St '1Jt' 11
May Day Ceremonies Band Concert Ivy Day Ceremonies Class Play
11 :00
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High School Commencement Address-Mr. M. C. Lefler Artist's Recital Estelle Liebling Orchestra Concert
Commencement Address Mr. Earl M. Cline
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------------------·-------------------~ Th e P e1·uvian is nmning this yew· for the fint time in a good many yean a F eatw·e Section.
Th e pe1·sons jo1· this Section
ha ~·e
elected by th e Student Body ancl w hile elected on the basis of popula1·ity we believe that th eu 1·eceived this h ono1· because th ey so tnlly J' e]J-· resentecl P enwian Spirit and because th ey ha ve paTticipatecl in school activities ancl stand fo!' the best in P ent Uf e.
Th ose selected as the
most pop11la1· a1·e: P?'o[esso1· A. E. H olclt Ge1·tntcle Ca1've·r B e1'1~ice
Albe1·t L. Biehn
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§ir liJitu H ea1·t f?' ee, hand f?"e e, Blue above , b1·own unde r, All th e wo?'lcl to me I s a place of wonde1·. Sun shine, moon shine, Sta?'s, and winds a-blowiuu, All into this h ea1 ·t of mine Flowing, flo wing , f lowing .' Mind j1·ee, step j1·ee, Days to follow aja1·, Joy s of life sold to me F or· th e price of laught e1·. Gi1·l' s love , man's love , Love of work and duty, Just a will of God' s to p?'O'Ue B eauty, beauty, beau ty! -William Stanley B-mith w ait e.
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® u r Ol l m• n The Junior class of 1921 was the best in the school; no Sophomo1·e of 1922 denies it. Have you noticed th e superior quality of th e So ph omores th is year? You see we were .Junior s last year and n ot Fres hmen. Our social activities this year hav e been a p leas ing seq u e l to thos e of las t year, which we here review. The first Junior event was a picnic. Our guides led us o ut thr u a dark winding ro a d up over the brow of a hi ll ·w he re th e s ight of f o ur beautifu l bonfires gleaming beneath the trees greeted us. Th e wh ole affair was :! regular pep meeting from the time •ve fe ll in for the first game, unti l " ·e toasted the last marshmallow over th e dy ing embers. .Just before going home we gathered around the fire and to ld jok es and gr u eso m e ghost stories. 'l he night of revelry was brought to a close with so n gs and ye lls as we wended our homeward way . Do a~y of you remember hearing about our fir s t Junior party? Tha~ was the time when we had s uch a merry scramble for coat s and caps . Of a ll the exciting games, the auto races beat them a ll. Why Barney Oldfield would be green with envy had he seen them ! W e recommend eating apples and doughnuts after attending auto races. Before long another picnic was planned, but thru some misunderstanding it rained. Numerous oil s toves and chafing dis hes found their way into the gymna sium, and the picnic progressed in a very lively manner. How the bacon s izzled! We di scovered that bacon and eggs are idea l for indoor picnics. The Junior-Senior Banquet was the biggest event of th e year. Persistent planning and working a lways bring res ult s. On this occasion th e gymnasium was tran sfo ~me~ into a sta r~it gc_trden : a blue sky, tw ink ling with stars ; a white trellis with la rge white pillars at interva ls ; huge bas kets of yellow chrysanthemums on_ t~e top of each pillar; great mounds of fern on the garden walls. The topic f~r toasts v.ras "P lay the Game" . Wh o were the Sophomores last year? Jumors! All Junior activities came to a happy climax when th e Junior girls won the basketball championship. N o class cou ld ask for anything better with which to complete a year's record. Thus you see our career as Juniors was ended, and one as Sophomores begun.
Att 1Eur of limrlrotttr Knowing that the social life of each new schoo l year must have a start, theY. W. C. A., Y. M. C. A., ~nd C. C. A. w~th the hearty cooperation of the Faculty provided a place, tim e, a nd occaswn for a jolly get-acquainted mix-up. In no time by means of a few slips of paper Labor Unions '' 'ere for med. Old friends and new friends were group ed off as Bakers, Bricklayer s, Carpent ers, Maso ns and T eachers. Our hosts and hostesses knowing th a t genial companions hip accompanies the partaking of food provid ed ice a nd cake. We just k ept on getting happier as the evening progressed so that when th e "wink" hinted of leaving every one was to o ha ppy to r egret the close, a nd s uffi ciently happy t o f orget abo ut loneliness, strangn ess, or homes ickness .
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Every loyal Sophomore "路anted to come to this, the first class party, and after each one had been in the picture gallery where fellow classmen in various guises could be seen, everybody wanted to stay. The fun-loving spirit of this peppy class pervaded the entire gymnasium and building and even saturated the surrounding air outside. A fe-vv night prowlers prowling around the building caught a little of it and later s urrounded Landolts' stor e where the bricks (ice cream) were stored. The Sophomore standing reserve of Spartan-like warriors and of dauntless Amazons, bricks under arm , safely elbowed its way thru hostile lines. The hard-fought battles of Yale and Harvard in athletics, dramatics, debating and scholarship put an edge to our pep and a feather in the cap of the entertainment committee which had maneuvered to crowd a college year's activities into one evening. The light s, forgetting to blink a warning, \Yent out; co nsequently the merr y-makers gro}:ed their \Ya y out, happily anticipating the next class event.
1Fnuthall 11lmu]udn The sixteen letter men of the 1921 squad, w ho piled glory up on themselves and the old school throughout the football season , were twice blessed with banquets. How eagerly the 'gang' .~rat hered at the home of Coach Speer! Yo ~l see e\'ery fellow had heard about Mrs. Speer's culinary skill. There seemed no end of good things to eat and as course followed course, belts grew ti ; hter and vests were found tJ fit more snugly. (In fact, when Toft complained that so m ~ >J ne was throwin g stones at him , it was disCJvered th:ot t th e buttons, which had been straining at their moorings on Riggin's vest, had s uddenly released th em . selves and fiown across the table to antagonize the left guard.) Coach Sreer who acted as toast-master, made a few introductory r emarks in a hum oro us vein and handed out a plentiful supply of "sla ms ", which f urnis hed Eome heart y laughs at the expe nse of the ones who were hit. He also declared that he was mighty th a nkful for ha vi ng such a good sq uad of men to wo rk with and such a loyal student body to support the team. After an elapse of .i ust one \veek, the same squad assembled in th e dining hall of the dormitory for a second banquet. Mr. Linn certainly included ever y thing in the menu th at a football player co uld des ire. Onl v ad jectives of the s uperlati ve degree can describe the feas t . The table wa's
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decorated with yellow and pink cut "mums", and in the center of th e table was a small football boy who also wore a letter sweater. After the banquet, Carl Rosenquist acted as toastmaster. and here once more a few of the many stories were told and enj oyed by all. It has been rumored that these banquets have helped a few fellow!:' decide to return next year. ~irh;'
(!lluh 1.EntertaittH
Because the time was the Saturday after Thanksgiving and after a gloriou s football victory, and because the hostesses ,,路ere the Girls' Club, this party was an unusual success. The s houts and cheers that echoed up and down the halls indicated the enthusiasm with which everyone entered into the fun of the evening. In Room 313, the horns, violins and drums employed produced little mu s ic , but shriek after shriek of laughter, (the popular music of the evening). Basketball stock went soaring in that "If you get hit, get out of the circle" game. And that three-act farce would have played havoc with the serious side of anything. The gymnasium had been transformed into a spacious dining room with seats arranged in groups of four. The _serving of creamed cheese sandwiches, fruit salad, hot chocolat_e, and . mmts b? white-capped and w hite-aproned waitresses was the chm~x o! the evenmg's entertainment. Everyone left with a warm spot m his heart for the peppy, peppy Girls' Club. ]1rl'.aqmt>tt Artiuitil'.s
We, the Freshmen of 1~22, firmly I;>elieving that li.fe should be part work and part play, have given a practical demonstration of this theory during the year. . . . . We set about our task m a logical fashwn,. and the first step in our proof was a picnic supp~r. One Sat,urda~ e~enmg at about 5 :30 o'clock we, some sixty strong, hiked to Neal s pastUI e to add another memory to those that are to be remembered always and always. And such we did for the buns and weinies were better than most buns and weinies, th~ apples were better than appl~s usually are and the coffee, the pickles, and the marshmallows were debci~us. That ca;npfire, those games in its glar~. and those songs by its glow will we forget. No, we cannot forget. 'rhen followed a period of studious activity until the first of December w hen we held a "hard time" party i~ the high school gymnasium. Th~ memory of "Bob's" alarm cloc~, Edna s bustle, and numerous other striking features will ling~r long with us. The games and refreshments were s uitable for the occaswn, and we. hope that the Sophomore's en.ioyed our can dy and apples as much as we did. Thus having prove~ our worth, we are now occupied with plans for the most important social ev~nt of the year-the Freshman-Sophomore Banquet. We mean to make this the most successful of our social activities.
IDift> QLqristrmto <!!rll'brutintt On the Sunday before <:hristmas, the s tory of the Christ-child was presented by the students of the College to an appreciative audience 011
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the campus. Th e evening was perfect and a light s now added the real C hristmas touch to the beautiful s ur roundings. The chapel formed a fitting background for the brilliant decorations of the tree and the artistic lighting effect used in presenting the living pictures. The chorus. led by a male quartet, -vvas massed in front of the building while the scenes of the story \Yere given on the steps of the east entrance. " 0 Little To-vvn of Bethlehem" was sung as a pre-路 lude, followed by the carols, " It Came Upon a Midnight Clear," and "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing." During the s inging of these songs the story was slowly unfolded by the characters used to present it. High above, the Star of Bethlehem appeared and the Shepherds came into sight. They \vere fo ll owed by the Angels, almost too beautiful to be of earth, and then ca rne the Wise Men bearing their gifts. As the first notes of "Holy Night" ca me sweet and clear upon the evening air, the doors s lowly opened and there came into view a glorified copy of Botticelli's famous picture of the Nativity. The light r a diating from the child illumined the face of Mary bending over the manger, f ull of rapture over the div ine gift that had been bestowed upon her, while around her were grouped the Shepherds and 'iVise Men in an attitude of adoration. The music ceased, the doors closed, the Christmas celebration of 1921 bcame a memory. The progra m was characterized by a sweet r ever ence and nothing occurred to mar the solemnity of the occasion.
Wqr :tlmtb-1jrar :!illltxrr So many n ew students came in th e second semes ter that a mixer was imperative. On Saturday night, the 4th of February, practically every member of the college met at the Tra ining Building for the purpose of making new friends. After a unique entertainment in the assembly room we divided into four groups and v,路ent to the room designated by th e color of the h eart we 路wore, and th er e the m erry -making doubled, a nd trebled a nd quadrupled; yea, it had almost reached the boiling point when we were in vited to the gymnas ium w h ere the lid came off and the m erriment boiled over in the Virginia Reel. Meat sand w iches. pickles, and cocoa vcere th en ser ved a nd we h es itatingly departed for h ome feeling that it was ind eed, a m ost s uccessfu l, mixy mixer.
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T he P Clu b kept up its nam e !'or be in g a li n~ - ,,· in: o r ga ni zat io n by g iving a party on October 29 whi c h \\· e nt clo,,·n in hi:--;tor_,. a:-; o n e or thos e affairs which is never forgotten . E\·e r y man out !'or rootba ll wa:-; invite d. The requirement for gettin g in that eve ning ,,·as to b1·ing a gil"l. Stra n ge to say, few of Coach Speer's cand id ates sta_\·e cl at hom e. Th e r eve lry continued until th e lights went out, afte r ,,·hi c h ,,·as h eanl the oft 1·epeat ed cr y, "Where's my girl?" Soon after our a ll-v ict or ious basketba ll season bega n. th e J> C lu b gave another very successfu l party for th e be n e fit o f' all men out rot· basketball. The men invited fo llowed th e preced ent es talJlish e cl at ou1· firsl party and appeared w ith their lady friends . At the close of t he basketball season, th e n e ,,- lette r m e n or 1922 \Y e 1·e initiated into the P Clu b. B lind boxing a nd pa cldlin gs are m e mories of the evening. The next entertainm e nt was t h e fr es hm en and Sophomo 1·e l> a:-; k etball games, with wrestlin g and box ing match es in the int e rmi:--;:-;ion . At this writing we h ave an e ntertainment ,,· e ll und e 1· way whi c h will be given in th e chape l. Th e g irls' dancing c lass, a Dramatic C lub play, tumbling by a physical trainin g class, and ot h e r num be rs uy co llege talent are features of this entertainm e nt which w e a r e plannin g to mak e th ~ best ever.
JEL ([ .
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Too often Y. W. C. A. g irls are thought t o plan no soc ial a ctiv iti es . A survey of our socia l life for this yea r· abso lu te !.\· co n t r ad icts such a n otion. The birthday anniversary of the Association on October 1 n was th t.= occasion for th e fir st pa rty. Th e early part of th e even in g was devoted to a program, consisting of musical num bers, readings, a nd solo dances. W e were indeed fortunate t o have Mrs . N ea l, first pr es id ent of the Y . vV. Association in Peru, relate t o us h ow the orga nizat io n was for m e d . The presence of Miss Tunell, our field secretary, h e lp ed much in making th e party a memorable one. In November, the Y. W. C. A . e nterta in ed fifty guests at a n autumn luncheon. A two-course lunch eo n ,.v as deftly served a nd t h oro u g hly enjoyed. Miss Faulhaber \vh o acte? as toast-mis~ress lik ened theY. Vv. C. A . to a ship. Then, toasts on th e pilot. th e ca ptam, th e crew ,t h e life savers, the anchor, and the voyag-e fo llowed . M uc h zes t and e nthu s ias m for th e fut ure voyages of theY. W. s hip were ex hibi ted in songs and ye lls. The time of on e Saturday afternoon turned backward for two pleasant hours a nd th e Y. W. C. A. m e mbers m et as c hildr e n in the high school gy mnasium . Ring-around-the-rosy, drop the h a ndk e rchi ef. a nd cat and mo use were popu lar games . Th ere was much riva lr_y for th e partnershiu of those who came dressed as boys. · On the last Saturd ay in J a nu ary, a trip aro und th e \\'or ld in the Y. vV. ship was secured at excursion rates . Th e tra vele1·s first stopped midst the shamrocks on the Emerald I s le; then, they paused to s ee t h e latest styles of Paris (a real style s h oYv from N e bras ka C ity). Th e dancers from Spain furnis hed delightfu l enterta inm e nt. T o , -is it Japan and to
On h u11drnl
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feel the thrill of adventure of an Eskimo hunt ' 'v ere enjoyable privileges. After each one had stopped at a cafe in the United States, the voyage \vas ended. 'i'hus you see \ve, Y. girls, devote a part of our time and energy to fun and frolic.
:拢till'u 路u Qllub iJuur ql' ou11 Though a nevv organization, the Men's Club had a pleasant, profitable year. Three events stand out, particularly. Dean Delzell's idea of starting the year with a big feed and "get-together" was certainly a happy one. President Caviness, Mrs. Caviness, Mrs. Waugh, Miss Robinson, and Mr. Speer were the guests of the evening. The feed was prepared by Mr. Linn in such fine style that nothing else in the way of food could be desired. Special talks from the guests were thoroughly enjoyed. About five weeks later, President Caviness planned a noon luncheon for the club. The first of a series of addresses delivered by different members of the Lincoln Rotary Club was given by Mr. Frank Tomson. He gave the teachers an idea of teaching from a business man's point of view. As to qualities which bring success, the speaker stated that it \Vas necessary for one to be honest, courageous, and to be willing to render service. He illustrated his point by giving the Rotary motto: "He profits most, who serves." At the second luncheon, the men had the pleasure of listening to Mr. Verne Hedge, president of the Lincoln Rotary Club. He gave them an idea of the Rotary Club and explained hov,r the members are chosen, only one member being selected from each occupation. Mr. Hedge is an abstractor of titles and told in a very interesting way how the abstract of title was made out for a certain piece of land. The Men's Club has thoroughly enjoyed the talks of the Lincoln Rotarians. In fact, the men of the school will ahvays swear by the Rotary Club of Lincoln and heartily accord in giving rousing cheers for that organization.
.:!IDlt. Nt>rttott 1Jhttt Mt. Vernon Hall has been the scene for many of the happiest gatherings that have been held in Peru. At the first of the year, we decided to have each month some kind of entertainment. For September, a get-acquainted party was imperative. Our spaciou s lawn suggested a place where we could play all sorts of games. But being hostesses, we needed guests; consequently, the boys who board at the hall \;v ere invited, for we did want to get acquainted. V/e know a Hallowe'en party in October is not unusual, but ours certainly was not any ordinary Hallowe'en party. Even the rain could not stop our fun. Since Midland had come down for a little fight with our football squad, we were glad to make them ';v elcome and to let them share our apples, doughnuts, pumpkin pie, and coffee. Thanksgiving Day furnished the occas ion for a November party. All the boys were our guests. 01.-n路 hall s~emed a little bit small when so
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ma ny ga th ered in it, b ut lovely "foo d " helps mu c h in rurni o; hin g cu nl e n l and en joym ent. . , . E ven th oug h ·w e were exc it ~d abo u t C hn s t mas a nd abo ut go in g h o m e, r: ur D ecem ber party was n ot .' li g ht ed . 8ac h on e's h e m ·t 0\·e rfl o ,,·ed with Chris tm as j oy as s h e d a n ce~ aro und _t he Ch ~· i s l mao; t r ee ,,· hi c h , b ea uti f ull y illumin ated, h eld its place m t he. mi dd le o f . t he pa l'i o l'. Is a be l p t· e s e nte cl Mrs. Wa u.vh w ith a .bread tray f ~;o f!l t he !p rls,,a nd l\l1·s . \1\' a u g h in tur: 1 pr ese nt ed th e H a ll w ith a. r ec~r d , S ile n t .N ig ht , s un g b y Sc:human-1-I e ink. Th e J a nu ary da n ce IS sm d by t h e g irl s to be th e li ve li es t on e o f t h e year. Jus t back fro m vacat ion a nd la d e n wi t h C hi·is lmas pr ese nt::; , we co uldn 't h elp being m err y . Our Febru a r y part y fo ll owed a bas ketball g am e , ,·it h Doan e . Do t h t eams were in v ited , bu t mu ch t o our r egret t h e , ·is it in g tea m n ee d e d !'est fo r its n ext ni g ht's .ga m e a n~ co uld. n ot a~cept. ~ -!'. .Jisa a nd M r. Ye rl<es delig htf ully ent ert a m ed u ~ w ith th e ir mu s ic . D e li c io us r e fr es hm e nts w e 1·e ser ved a nd thu s a ha ppy tim e vvas b~o u g ht to a close. Mar ch was t oo b usy a m on t h fo r a p a 1·t.v . b ut so m e goo d tim e s a r e pla nn ed for April a n d May. Ou r J? art ies ha v e .fun1i s h c d u s so m uc h fun that we reco mm end a n y g r ou p of g ir ls t o o r ga 111 ze and plan ni g-hts o f fun. T o our h ouse m oth er, Mrs . V\:'au g h, w e o \\·~ a g n~at d eal. A h o m e -lih c s pi r it per va d es our ha ll; w e a r e .JU s t on e b ig famil y o f g il'ls.
0frt' if{l'rl'ptitltt Aftrr IT:l~t' 1Kranu·g (l)mtu' A ll of us- eve n th e m e m he r s of t h e cl e f ~a t ~ d t e a rn - e a n~ce p .. ,f't er a ba sketba ll ga m e, a nd n o seco nd mntati (J n s had t o u e g i ve n LIOn (:. .' . cl th K . . for th e on e w h rc h fo llowe : ea_1 n :y ga m e . . . . A s s oo n a s th e )!a rn e w a s. ove1. ,., e m a cl e ~t ru s h hn· th e r e J-r e ::;hm e nt b th on th e lower floor and Im pa ti e ntl y a \\·a ite cl our t u r n. After b e ino· s~~ved w ith or a n ge ice a nd. ca.k e: \\·e w e nt up to th e hi <2: h sc h oo l asse mbl~ e we gath er ed m m for m a l gro u ps to e at , t a lk , and e n 1·0 y th P r oo m · H er h t · · mus ic f urni s h ed by th ~ olt. ch· etshr~l·l. t f' W e li ved over agam e n m g r~ o m e n s o th e g am e, and cliscus::;e d a nd pra ised the players t o our. h ea r ts co n te nt. l}ut th e IJ!in~< in g light-; put a s t op t o a ll thiS, a nd we 1elu ct a ntl y s ta r te d f u r h ome, \\"Jshin g that a r eception mig ht fo llow eve r y bask e t ball ga m e .
TI.hwltt> t 1J3o ~1 n· Ifhttt 11 ul'1 Pb W h en te n m en rece ive d in vita ti on s t o. a tt e nd a b anqu e t a t th e h o m e o f Coach Speer, s mil es ha.d ~ een '~·o rn fo r th_r ee cl a.' -_s, be~ aus e P er u had th e S t a t e Ch a mpron s hip m bas k et ba ll , wid e n e d mt o Imm e ns e g rin ::; . ~ohn· did t h e "ga ng" g r!n ? W ell , hvo ,,·o rd s will .ex pl a in.: good e a ts . YAt th e s p ecified trm e th.e bask ete~ rs \Yea nn g a cl .Ju s tabl e b e lts and sweat ers w hi ch co n cea led g ~Il ty a PJ~ etrt es " ·e l' e w e le o m e cl b.v t h e C oac h w ho was wearin g h is best s m t a nd hi s All- Sta t e -C h a mpi o n s hip-Bas k e tb a ll . smi le. . . tl . . On entering th e chmn g roo m , wy ~1I S<.:on~ J' e ( 1 s tand ItH!.' th <:' l' l' t\\' o t abl e;:; h eaped wit h ca n dy, good ea t s of a !~ lo ncl s, a nd h ea u t ifu.l s \\ ·~;:,e t p e a s a nd roses. T here were m a n y ch a n ves 111 t h e ap pear a n ce fll th e tal)! e s aft e 1· Coach had blow n t he w hi stle fo r th e g-a m e to sta r t. l' o r hi s m e n " ·e r e w e ll trained. Co urse after co u rse ca m P a nd \\·e n t.
Hav ing done th orou g h justice to the "eats", the college champs lis tened to a t a lk by Coach Speer. H e explain ed how it had been poss ible for Peru t o have a winning team composed of all sta1·s. H e a lso expressed his appreciation of the w ay in which the student body, facu lty, and men cooperated. The Coach 's prophecy, as he sees each member of the squad twenty yea r s h ence, w as ver y interesting. Each m a n has a bright future, especially Bitzy and his fam ily of fo ur. At a ver y late h our and after each g uest h ad expressed his appreciation for th e \vo nderful feed to Mr. and Mrs. Speer, the champs went hom e decla ring that they ,~,, ould be on the hard-s urfaced floor next year if there was a n y chance fo r another fee d.
Wl1r Wrahtiug §rl1ool l~artu The Saturday evening before vacation, all the practice teacher s cast aside their p edagogical cares and fared merrily fort h to the training seh oul to be entertained by the training scho ol faculty. At the door, player s' complimentary tickets t o the Orpheum theatre were issued. Being amateur night, however, all of us ·were asked to contribute to the evening's entertainment. The amateurs were di vided into five troups or companies. Fortunately, a half h our vvas allotted to each gro up to do a little n ecessary practicing. Th ere was a very s trong incent ive to practice zealously beca use a n angelfood cake was to be awarded as the prize for the best s how . At the so und of the bell, a ll the troups filed into the theatre, which, to be exact, was the assembly room in disguise. The amateur stunts were varied in nature and evidently planned w ith the idea of provoking laughter. The Peruna P layers produced s ome "Well-Shaken Shakespea re." The Featuring Beauty Chorus staged an almost tragic, but h a ppy -ending operetta, called "Wooed, Won and ·wed.' ' The Maggie-Jiggs aggregation carried off the cake with the production, "The Bringing Down of Father" . We can h ard ly blame the judges fo1· g iving in to Maggie's awe-ins piring rolling pin . "Spring's Awakening," an interpretative dance produced by the Fairy Fantasy Group was som e thing quite different f rom Jiggs ' troubles . "Topics of the Day" as fea tured by the Future Film Service were novel and highly interesting. Th~ evening's perfo rman ce, h owever, \vas n ot altogether amateurish. The selection by the Cosmopolitan Mixed Quartette gave eviden ce of real talent. In fact, the quartette to ok the a udience by s torm and had to respond with two encores. Th e presentation of a p eppy sk it, entitled "In 1999," by "Charles Green & Co .", was truly profess ional. This forc eful bit of elrama revealed to us the change in domestic policies in 1999 w h en "The Man" sh a ll be removed from his pedestal as h ead of the h ou,.;e and will spend his evening at h ome making dresses for "baby Rollo" w hile " w ife" s pends her evenin gs at the club. As for Ruthovitch Williaminsky, \ve can say s h e is truly professional in both name and ability to dance. After the s hov,, t h e Orpheum Cafe was rushed v;ith orders for orange ice and cake. The Sophomores noted with pleasure that their ovm color s . bro'~' n and gold, had been used as the color sc h eme in the refreshments. Altogether the evenin g was one of the most m ~morab l e we h ave hac1 this year. E veryo n e declared that "you'll have to hand it to the facu lty; they kn ow h ow to entert a in. "
Wf1r 111rrllqman-&npf1nmorr 1Banquet Plans and h opes for an event which wou ld be the crown ing- one of t h e year culminated in the banquet prepared for the Sophomores by the Freshman class. Tho se who wo uld c lass th 1s event as an ordinary r ep etition of an annual affa ir, have f orgotten to con sider the entertaining c la ss. The Freshmen proved themselves unusually >; l\:ill ed in planning· a ll three phases of a banquet: d ecorations, menu, and entertainment. Each in itself was perfect. Guests h osts, and h ostesses a~ se mbl e d in the high school assembly which was transformed into a spaciou s drawing room. Mr. Cas ler , master of ceremonies, in a properly dig-nified a nd composed manner arra n ged the . line f or the grand march to th e g-ym n as iu m. But who could believe w e wer e entering the "gy1n" , for we were ushered into a veritab le roofed garden. This garden had individu ality in b e ino- created in g-reen and go ld-co lor s suggesti n g th e Freshma n c lass. A l ow roof fashioned of wide str ips of green and narrow strips of go ld was further enhanced by a strip of b lack night w hich sepa rated thi s heaven of colors from t h e green lattice work surrounding the room. Large brown ba s kets of tiny yell ow flow ers suspended from the roof f urni s h ed t h e last requisite fer a p erfect garden . Long s no w w hite tabl es were illuminated by flick ering ye llow cand les. Sm ilin g daffodils flashed before us their wealth of ye ll ow g-old, symbolic of both c lasses. vVhat proud and pleased guests to find their colors-brown and gold-adorn in g the littl e nut baskets! The ye ll ow g-rapefruit baskets decorated with little brown ribbon bows m ade c harmin g containers for the Sophomore Cocktai l. The courses were served as fo llows: Sophomore Cockta il C hi cken a Ia King Buttered New Potatoes Jellied Peas Radishes Rolls Cheese Straw Spring Salad Cake Fruited Ice Cream Coffee Mints This m e nu, prepared and served by the domestic science department, was the per-f ection of culin ary art . Pauses between courses were as enjoyabl e as the courses themselves. The orch estra numbers were much app r eciated and received generou s applause. Three special numbers- very specia l too-added mu ch to the entertainment: Mr. B eeb e's voca l solo, "Na ture's Adoration" by Ludwig; Mi ss Burton's w hi s tling sol o, "Menn eto from Don Giovanni" by Mozart, she h erself acco mpanying on the harp; Mis s Delz e ll 's so lo da n ce "The Pipes of Pan". Mr. Showalte r , the toastmaster w h o was "in d ee per than you think" quote d by way of introdu ction: The time h as come the Sophomores say, To talk of many things. Tlwn the following toasts were g iven: Of w h y we're here.... . ..... ........ .. . ··-- ·-·-- - ... Mr. McDani els Of the Sophomore year.. ...... .. ... .. . ........... Mr. Simon Of P eru ways .. ··-··-·· -···· -··-·---· .. .. ..... Miss Sparks Of joyou s days .... .. .......... ... ... ... . lVIiss I-Iillqui st Of h ard tasks cl on e.. . ······ ··--··--- ---· ... ... .. Mr. Green Of victori es vvon .. _______ _ . . .. ·· ···· ·· ·· ---· ....... .. Mr. D el ze ll Of the hopes com m encement brings. ... Miss Pa lm er In each toast there wa s much fun. Mr. Green's sto ry of th e li ttle boy who promised t h e s uperintend ent not to kiss little girls until h e was a man, caused much laug·hte r. Each s peaker left with u s so m e t h ou ght that we can treas ure as a future guide anct h e lp . What, after a ll , is more enjoyable than a goo d tom<t prog-ram A s all things in time com e and go and are s tored as treas ur es in m e mory' s h all, s o this unsurpassah le banqu e t ended and beca m e a memor y .
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E ve 1·ybudy g lad l(J s ee en· 1·yll1Jdy l' lse and t h e Fre s hmen a r c g· in·n th e g-lad hand. Tu es. 1:; St ill m o re; <l!Ti \·e. Th e g- i1·ls at tl1L' pun c h how l han~ t h e afh·antag·L· on·1· t h e 1·est of u s . Wed . 14 Lost - a Fn·s hm an w hi le lookin g· for A101. Thurs. 1 fi Pr·ofs . d ea l out long- a ss ig- nm e n ts much lo th e jo y of e \·t·ryonl'. 16 Our first picnic, r e membe t·? Load s of wate nn e lons and a li tt l(• 1·ain . Fri . 17 Th e big mi xer. "Tut" b rin g s hi s co u s in. Sat. S un. 18 All tired and a b it h o m es ick. Tu es. 20 I sn ' t it h ar d t o ge t down to study? Thurs . 22 So ph om ores sa ll y f ort h to c lass meeting· an d t h e g il"l s l'lecl a good loDkin g presid ent. Fri. 23 Philo's h ave fir s t m ee ting. 24 The Y . M. m en take to the wood s eari y Sa t . in the morning. G irl s ' Clu b old m e mbers and fac ulty . D elta Ze lta somr ity wo ~ the prize w ith their watc hwo 1·d "We roll our own ." Mon. 26 Dramatic Club t1·youts. "Sta r s Sh ine" . Tues. 27 "Men's Club" organ iz ed. Wed. 28 High Sch oo l d em on s trate th e ir "Pe p". Thurs. 29 While anxious h eart s wa it Tin y distributes the Dramatic C lu b rece pti on in v itations . 30 Th e Dorm. Girl s ente rt a in the boys w ho Fri. eat there at a ca mpu s party. Mo n.
+ · - ·I - II - NII - IIII - hi - 11 - "I - ~I - ~II - II II - IA - II -- RII - II I I - 1 11 - IIII - 1111 - IIPI - 111 - IIn -a ii - IIJ: - IIII - IIU - III - UII-ult - o i !O- •t +
Dr a 111 at i c C lub reception. M<ug-aret l;l\l' S to play sta tu e . 2 Refr es hm e nts se 1·ve d in parIo !· fr ee of e h a 1· g·e . away at sa m e o ld "" Gr·indingst uff. Big 1·a ll y in c hape l and a sa le of budg-e t t ie k ets .
Thurs . Sat.
6 8
Sun. Mon. Thu rs. Fri. Sat. Mo n . Tues. Thurs . Fri . Wed .
9 10 13 14 15 17 18 20 21 26
Thurs. 27 f.ri.
Su n. Mon.
Sad n ews-York won 16 to 13. Sc ien ce Departments enjo y a g e t-acq uaint ed pienie. Bob goes along as a g uest. In ez S t ockin g is a ll s mil es-you can't g u ess w h y. College "Y" Confe r ence is held at Lin co ln. Our d t> leg:atl·s attend. Big rally down t own. Rit zy mak es hi s d e but. A lucky day for u s. Grand I s la nd 0- Peru 27 . The "Y. \V." celebrate th e ir birthday. Miss Tun e ll was a g- m· st. Th e constituti on of th e student couw·il read to st ud e n t b(Jdy . The fir st fire drill at dor m a nd a lot of exc itement. Every one up early f or brea kfast and d own to see boys off. M u sic in our ea rs. Kearney 0- Peru 3 . Whole stud ent bodv have picture taken. Don loo k s so n a tura l. Footba ll rall y d own town . "Moth er H aw k" talk s . A grand victo r y; seo 1·e 14 to 0. Dorm girls g ive party a nd inv ite f ootba ll m en for last h a lf. "P" Clu b party . Sever e case of date ritis. Clean up party. Dramatic Clu b play s . W e find we have su ppressed d esires .
CALENDAH- (Continued) Tu es.
\V e a r e r elieved of a few d o I 1 a r s-class du es du e. D odo and Hig nea rl y Thurs . decide not to t a k e a football trip to Doan e . Fri. 4 Sad but true. Doane 3-Peru 0. W ed . Fall vacation for all but football boys . Fri . 11 Of course they couldn 't win w it h ou t u s here to ch eer them on. \Vayne GPeru 0. Mon. 14 Everyone back and so a nxi ou s t o get t o wo rk. Thurs . 17 First Girls' Club tea. Dramat!c Club p lays very mu ch of a success. F ri. 18 Another victim of the Bobcats. Ha stin gs 7-Peru 32. Wed. 23 Th e Bobcats' la s t fo otba ll ga m e. Cotner 3-Peru 28. Thurs. 24 Thank sgiving-Celeb r a t ed b y Dorm party. Mr. Schoenike decides to b e s in g le no longer. Fri. 2"i Freshmen h ave a wonderful time a t a h a rd time p arty. Sat. 2G Girls' Club give party fo r fa culty a nd boys of school. Wed. 30 Fath er a nd Son Banquet at Dorm. "Girls, in your r ooms t hi s evening." 1
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Thur s .
3 5
Wed. 1 Thurs. 9 10 Sat. 11 Sun. Wed . 14 Thurs . 15 Fri. Sat.
1G 17
S un.
l\1 on .
Tu es. W ed.
20 21
Thurs . 22 30 Fi.
Coach S peer g ives the football boys a banquet. Willy is cap tain-elect. Our class has a big party . Casler wins a place in the h earts of many . Basketball practice beg in s in earnest . We find out Who 's Who on the a ll -state tea m .
Football squ ad a r e enterta ined by Mr. Linn. Uppe r classmen, Juni ors and Seniors, h ave pa rty at Mrs. Ma rdi s '. How w e enjoy th ese Saturdays. Mr. Ji sa will b e up to practice Chri stmas Carols . Y. W. and Y . M. have charge of con vocation a nd b egin drive f or re li ef of European college stud ents . Pretty Chri s tmas tea given by Girls' Club. Dramati c Club g ives two exce ll ent plays. Boys' Club have big "feed" in dinin g hall. Dorm. Girls ha ve Chri s tma s party a nd th e J. U. G. h ave party in Library ba sem ent. Th e story of the Chri s t Child presented by mu s ic a nd pageant. Ju s t thre2 more clays after t his one. 72 hours- 4320 minutes. Beebe practi ces "Pr incess Gera nium " . Mr. B eebe , th e band. a nd t he or chest ra g ive co nce rt in ch apel. Everyon e off for h om e. Mi ss K ell y send s her r e tu rn tic k et bac- k to P e ru .
/1?1 1'/d'r (' rl .~ix t y-'lline
CALENDAR- ( Cont inu ed) S un . ·>
Tu vs .
J·: n ·l·yoiH' IS th in king· <>f ,· ta1 ·t ing l>a l" k lo s c h ool. :\'<· ln·a s k a ( ' ii y s l l'l'l'Ls ar e " '"<• 1' -<·J "" ' '·'It-d with Pl'ru v ian s and st rik L· J·s - "T in y" S . and :'>l o 1·ford ha ve a n:tl"l'l> \\" l' Sl':l }ll'. 1·: \-l' I"Y "IH' d t·l ig·hted ('!) t o I"<• SIII II< ' s ludiv ,.;,
D iamond s are ge tt ing num l' J·ou s . High Sch oo l ral ly in <.: h a p•~ l. T in y - "\-ol<· for nH· . Y. W . "Kid" pa rty " and w e had th e mo s tu s f' un." A wo nd e rfu l da y. W e lak e ~>U I ' g l<> \'l·s a nd ~~·· f ~> l ' a w a lk. So much t o d o and n o t im e t o d o i L Freshm en an d Sophomore ba s k e lha l I ga lll l' . :\' ~·<· d I !' SS 1 ' • s a~- So ph s w "n. 1\'Ir. Gi lk eson, our n e w f ac ult y m e mlw r , ta lk :-' in ch apel. Fri. 1"' We h ave our fir s t b ig (?) ba s k l·thal l g·anH· ·'-' w ith T abo r. Sco r e 2 ~J to 1 n. Sat. 14 Bask e tball "P" Club pa r ty . Th l· Ca "if<>l·ni; ; bears ate t h e m up. Hi Art Clu b ha ve an ex hibit. Mo n. Thu rs. 19 Afternoon t ea ~ i ve n by t h e G i1 ·'s ' <'lu i>. Dramatic Club p lay is g·ive n. P e r u ha s k dball boys at K earn ey . Won I X-J ;, _ Fri . 20 Th e Bobcat s at Doan e . S t.: r a l c h ed th<· s<-< >1 "< · to 23 P er u- 12 Doan e. 21 Th e HHoes r e turn . Sa t. Mon. 23 Coac h plays th e g·a m es ove r fo r u s in c hapc· l. Wed . 2) E x am s and more Exam s, a nd st ill Wl' Ji ,- , .. Thurs. 25 A game with Mi d land. Sco 1·in g I !J lo I :L Fri. 27 Orchestra co ncer t very good. Mr. Showal ter's solos greatly appl a-ud ed. Sat. 28 W e take a t r ip a r o und th e wo rld and e,.;pec ially enjo y o u r s tay in Par is . Sun . 29 On ~ g rand c lean up of th e Tntining b u il d ing from th e night b efore. rs . Fri . Sat. 7 S un. 8 l\ion. 9 Tu es. 10 W ed. 11
+ • - •• - •• - •• - •• - •• - •• - •• - •• - At - • t - all-at-- u ~ - ~~a - u a - ar - • u - ~u - l!u - n oo - u u - ,. ,, _ , ,, _,. , ,_., ,
- - -.-W e d. Fri.
T ues . Thurs.
7 9
Sat . Mon .
11 13
W ed. F ri.
Tu es .
Thurs . 23 Fri. Mon . Tues .
24 27 28
__ ",_"ll -
1111 -
T h e mon t h ,..;tal"ll' d 1·igh t h y a v i<'toJ· y o\"l' l' !VIidland. l i' to II . :~
"C :ap-
tain Kid, .Jr. " mo v ie in th<· chapel. Su t. 4 S et: ond se m ester mix e < for the rtl'W s t <Jd e n ts. Girl s' Club officers e lected f o r n e xt veal'. Our long looked for c la ss p in s a r riv e. ·w e w in fr om K earn ey 31 to 17. And we scrub aga in. Football boys are g iven t h e ir s w e ate r s h y the• fair sex. P e ru v ian clay in c h ap e l a big day . Girls' Club ce leb r a t e th e ir b irth day b y p l·o g ram in chap el. You w ouldn' t Gir ls' Clu b cos tum e party . th ink it of h er. Sophomore boys hav e a n importan t Sl'l' l"l.'t m eeting. Why? _ M iss D ef eat wed s M l' . Doant>. 21 to I )-I_ Oak Glen s tarts to burn and (' I<·" d"'' " n ' t· h ave h er lesson p la n s w ri tt e n. We def ea t Cotner 27 to I I. York com es down to he lp us out. Dr. A lex an d er lectul'es on " ('ult.UJ '(' 111 thr· Misso ur i Va ll <'y" . (J Ill '
CALENDAR- (Continued) \.. ....
. .
Princess Chrysanthemum blosso ms forth. A da y long to be remer.1b ered. vV e are basketba E champions A the s tate. Rally down tuwn and a bi g bu~f 1re.
Tue s .
Sun .
Tues . Fri.
1 17
Thurs. 23 Fri. 24 Sat.
Mon. Tues.
27 28
Thurs. 3 0
\Ve are glad io announce Fritz capta inelect for basketball. Coach Speer entertains basketball m en to 6 o'clock dinner. Our Dormitory Bride announces h er marriage and makes her e xit. The "P'' Club initiate their n ew member. We learn to concentrate. Douglas Fairbanks in "Reaching for the Moon." Philos have party. Inter-class basketball games. 'N e break even . Teachers of Training school entertain student teachers. \Ve were de lighted with the play of Charlie Green & Co. Budget numb e r-violin recital. Serving class finish up the quarter with a formal dinner. "Clarence," Dramati c Club play given. "Look, you've b een in the army, what would you do?" Home Sweet Home .
+•-••-••-••- •• - •• - •• -~~ • - •• - •• - ••-•• - •• -- a• - •a - a" - •• - • • - ••-••- •• - a• -• a - '111 - 1 1 - 11 - la -~ • - t t u - n-f.
Sat. Sun. Mon. W e d.
8 9 10 12
Sat. Sun. Mon. Wed. Fri. Tues. Wed.
15 16 17 19 21 25 26
Thurs . 27 F1·i.
Have had a wonderful time, but vacat ion wasn't half long enou gh. Tu es . 4 And Tut ca n s mile from ear to ea r. \Ved. 5 Coach Speer and hi s acrobats perform m chapel. Invitations are out for the banquet. Too rainy to go down town (?). A nice day for a walk. Miss Hilton plays in chapel. Oak Glen burns down the r est of the >vay. Girls don 't lik e to be call ed for breakfast so early. Dorm girls have party. Easter Sunday. Peruvian Staff meet at Picture Bush, Casler and Rutledge late Freshman-Sophomore Banquet. Reception at Mt. Ve rnon for Dr. Blake. Fac ulty Women entertain girls at 6 o'clock dinner. Fres hmen given fiow ers at Sop homor ~ Cla ss Chapel. Baseball, Peru 7; Schubert 4. Dramati c Club Plays. Budge t Movie "Th e Littl e Minister." Hig-h School Civ ics Club give ente rtainment.
011 e h llllcl?· ed seve? lfy-ou e
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I a~ · .
Hi g- t illl L'
F )'(·,.; hman s ,.,;n da l e di t io n of h <· l' <·dag-.,g- ian appear ..; . 11 ig-h Schoo l ,.;L• ni o l' c lass pl ay " \\"hat ll app<·Iw d to .J o n es ." 1c<' cn·a 1n f o 1· dinll l' l'. \ 1u s i,· \I ,. I l l " r ~('on test. t
Su n. T u•· ,.; . Thurs . 11 Fri. Mon. Wed. Thurs . Sat. Sun.
12 1 :)
17 18 20
Mon .
Tu e~ .
23 24
W ed. Thurs . 2:)
Wes t S isters St 1·ing Q u a J·t<'lt!'. So nh om o r e 1 umb e 1· o f 1' L· d: q.~ " g- ian. \V e' re e ve n n ow . Y . W. Movie. Dean D elz e' l attend s c hap e l. Exam s are thru st upon u s . Drama ti c Club pi cn ic. Girls ge t t he ir Me mor y hoo k s fi l l <· d . Bacca lau r eate S und ay. Ou r la ,.;l \\·al k to t h e river. F lunk Day. High Sch ool Com m e n ec m e nt. Sophomore Cla ss Da y . Co mm en cem ent Da y .
+ ·- ··-·· - ··- ··-··- ··- ·· - ··- ··- · · - ·· - ·~ -- ~· - ·· - ·,. - ·· - ·· - ·· - ·· - ·· - ·· - ·· - ·· -
. . - .. - ... - .. _ ,,,_ ., +
BUDGET ENTEH.TAINMJ<.:NTS The Budget Committee which h as be e n at \\·ork so hal'Cl J'or u s this year has just announced th e s pea k ers th at hav e been e ngaged to furnish enterta inment for the remainder of th e year. This Com mitte has jus tl y earned the commendation of all th e s tud e nt!-; (\Y h o die! not buy ti c k e ts) b y furnishing us with high-class m ov ies e\·er y vveek o 1· so (m o stl y so) and by the splendid artists who h ave prov id ed us \\'ith so many long eve nings of peaceful s leep. Some of th e famous speak e rs \\'hic:h th e Bud ge t ha s e ngaged are these: Billy Hohenzollern His Highness the Shah o f P e r s ia Henry Ford Carrie Nation Erland N elso n Billy Sunday Benedict Arn o ld N e ro ( of R o me) The last two speakers will be awaited v;ith int e 1·es t because of th e distance they will travel to k ee p their a ppointm e nts.
HOME ECONOMIC GIRLS HONORED Th e Home Economic Girls again co m e into th e lim e light at the Fr eshman-Sophomore banquet. These girls are preparin g for th e great life work of catering to the better sex so w h e n ever a feed of any kind is staged th e girls are given a chance t o practice th e ir c ulinar y skill upon the p oo r deluded and uns usp ecting publi c. Whil e at on e tim e th e g irls succeeded in poisoning ten or tw enty of th e Tra inin g Sc hool Pupils no deaths hav e as vet resulted. However, th e girls expect to ha ve hett e r lu c k this tim e so the Profs, t h e Doctors, and th e Unde 1·take l' s awa it \·v it h gk~::• t h t:• e xpeded returns from the annual Freshman-Sophomor e banqu e t.
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Jrnlugur It has been said that history ought to be more than a mere catalogue of elates and we maintain that a Peruvian ought to be more than a cross between a hash-house directory and an edition of the Police Gazette. The editor tells us that he was elected editor-inchief last spring and we weren't and then he said that he would be editor all by himself. He finaiiy condescended to let us be his vassels as humor editors and we were to arrange the annual Rogues Gaiiery of the Peruvian. He shows the boys and girls in their Sunday clothes and calls them by the names their dads make out checks to, whereas, 've call them other names. His section is written in English and ours in U. S. A. You can decide for yourself which is the worst, anyway he is to blame for most of this. He drove us to it, so turn the page and don't get mad.
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Th e P e ru v ian Staff t hi s yea r ha s secured a Histori a n and Biographer of note , Mr. Gabba Lot, to a ss is t them in t he publ ica ti on of the Humor Section. This gentleman agreed to tak e nin e of the m ost popular and prominent people in school and in tht·ce hundrd words m or e or less, mak e co mplete fools of t hem , enemies for the Staff and a litt le hum or f o r our r ea der s. Th is Hi s torian, like m ost of his co ll egues is very biased and lo ok s at life thru a Convex Mirror and ft·om a pessimist's standpoint. If you object to any of Mr. Gabba Lot's witticis m s we can arrange to have yo u take yom· troubles up pe r so na ll y with him , warning yc u in advance t hat h e is s ix f eet six inch es ta ll , weighs two hunch·ed and fift y s ix pound s and sw in gs a wicked fist. So ca st your lamp s ove r the fo ll owing sec tion , r e membe t·ing that the truth he ha s tol d may possibly ha ve been warped and twi s ted out of a ll r ecogn ition . CA RLOS BLUMINSTEIN ROSE N QUIST , Ong , Nebr. Grandpa is a n old gent w ho, afte r f ollowing A g ricultura l pursu its for about steen years, dec ided to com e to Peru and get an edica tion . But Grandpa can act just as young (and a goo d dea l more fooli s h) a s the r est of the boys a nd were it not for that telltale s hinin g dom e of hi s and hi s feeb le and cr ac k ed vo ice we wou ld never have g u essed that h e voted for Grant. Ca rl is such a bu sy man that he ha s little time to take part in school life. On the memorable occa s ion of the election of the Y . M. P r esi dent hi s s p eech to the congregation was som ewhat as fo llows: "Fell ows, befor e we proceed to the e lect ion of a Y. !VI . Pres id ent I want to say I am so busy I don't want :vou to g ive n! e }his j ob v ery bad but if you in s ist upon electing m e to thi s honor I wo.uld acce pt tt . Need less to say when th e e lection r eturn s indicated that Mr. Ros enqUi s t had b:en elected to thi s position with a tota l vote of G for him , it ca me as a com plet e surpn se. On e of the most pecu liar things about Gra ndpa is that he ha s a chi ldish conviction that h e's a ba sk e tballe r. It is pitiful as well as amusino· to wa t ch him on the bask etbal l floor.. H e . mor- es around with a dop ey look on his ~nu g waiting for some ?ne t0 present htm w1th the ball and if h e do es g et th e ball the on ly thing he can thml.;: of JS to s h oo t and th en mayb e they'll g ive fifteen rah rahs fo r Grandpa . But many thmgs ca n be for g ive n the aged, for n o doubt h e was qu ite a m a n in t he prime of his l ife. RI CHARD MADDEN, Pawn ee City \Vh en Madd en dump ed a ll his w orld ly b elongings into hi s red ba nda na and bumn~ed hi s way to Peru via the boxcar route, hi s h eart wa s aflame with th El_ ambition of bemg the mos t promin ent s tudent in school. \ Vh en h e arrived he was a sked to come out for fo otball so that h e mi g ht b e kno cked aound to g-ive the varsity practice for their games . He thot h e was quite a footbal ler until Coac h g r a bbed him by the neck and lin ed him up in front of the first string m en and told them that it was a lmost useless for th em to s crimmage with s uch a w ea k s pecimen on the oppos ing t ea m as thi s g u y was h e had by the n eck. "\Vhy ," sa id the Coach , "when you scrimmage with this. g uy in the oppos ing lineup you have to ima g in e yo u are hitting som ebody about t en tm?es as goo d in order to get any practi ce at a ll. " W e noti ce that thi s guy ha s g-one w1th a goo d m any of th e young ladi es of th e co ll ege- a t least o:-~c c. But then it is. quite apparent to u s that the only r ea son he didn 't rep ea t a date with t he sa me p:n·l 1s be·· ~a u se it didn 't tak e any of th em long to get wise t o th e fact that s he had draw11 a blank in the lottery. Thi s sa m e Madden bird was e ledcd Editor-in- Chi ef of next yea r 's Peruvian-of course th er e mu st have been som e mis take; we don't see how he c-ou ld po ss ibly hav e beer, e lec t ed by any norm a l mind ed g roup of peop le. W e a re ti ckled to death h e was e lected though, because we fee l sure th at our book will s tand out as a ma s terpi ece of co llege pub lications in co n t r ast t o t he sc rap book that is s ure to r es ult f ro m hi s botchy work . ( Co ntinu ed on page 177)
n11e h1111clred
.~n· e J!IU-fh ' c
One hundr ccl gc v e nty -s i,\:
(Continu e d f r om page l'i 5 )
DONALD BLANKENSHIP, P eruna, Braska Don, as all t h e g irl s aff ectionately call h :m , is one of those creatures which you oft e n see a prett y wo m an d n 1gging· along at the end of a chain. H e thinks he is a gen e r a ! favorite with everyone in sc h ool and our h ero is especially strong for athle ti cs . H e can b e s een with a fait• ca mpa ni a n perch ed upon a stack of pillows in the center sec tion of the bl eac h ers at eve t·y ga m e a nd, in addition, ha s no mean athle ti c r eco 1d him se 1f. At the local chess tournam ent, for example, Donald brought the s pectator s t o t h ei r feet by dribblin g t h e entire length of the board and hopping il bi s h op. Don is not u s uall y rough but on on e occasion h e got ex cee dingly so and cu s sed out the t e nibl e oath "Oh P s haw" ! When that n a u g h ty Sharra r Hou se Gang launc h ed the Universal Paddling Campaign th e boy s ca m e n early s panking Dona 1 d but finally old Judge Swat decid ed that t h e de c re e m e ant only that every m an in school wa s to be paddl ed, so of course Don wa s exe mp t. A s a piani st Donald n ot onl y tickl e s the ivori es but the audien ce as w ell. Pop Sou sa him se lf mad e th e unqualifi ed s tate m ent that h e had never h eard anything like Dan's playing and it is a w e ll kn own fa c t that Caru so would g ive a lmos t anything to h ear one of hi s selec tion s . FRED ROTHERT, Harvard, Nebraska One day a co rn feel hick e m e rged f rc m the sticks in the w est ern part of th e state and land ed w ith hi s t e lescope, c ontaining all of hi s worldly po~s essions, at the Burlin gto n depot. Just why h e cho se the Burlington to convey him to hi s destination is not known, perhaps h e d ec ided that the many other lin es ente ring our Missouri river metropoli s w e1·e too p r etentious fo r so lowly a coun t r y lad. At any rate he landed s afe ly and trudg ed f e arl ess ly up th e hill to take hi s place in the bu sy life at Per~. It wa s thought by so m e fe w of u s wh o were privileged to see the comi c sight of _h 1s arrival that it would b e a diffi cult job ind eed to ·assimilate him into th e life of a typ1ca l Peruvian- and so it wa s . You ma y have guessed, you who know him by s ig ht, that this lad of whom w e write is "Fritz" Roth ert. On e clay when Fritz was a lad h e re~d Hawthorne' s s tory of "The Great Stone Face" and the s tory took su ch a grip on h_15 rather weak and chi ldi s h mind that h e d ec'd ed to take this character as his model m life. How we ll he s u cceed ed in m is interpretin g th e " Grea t Ston e Fac e" may be det e rmined by one g lan ce at hi s s t e rn , ro cky, ex press ionl ess coun te n a n ce . Fritz tries to po se as a woma n hater but h e can't pull that old s tuff off on this bunch of ow ls, bec-ause we kno'..v darned w e ll that th e on ly reason h e is n ' t a socie ty man is becau se h e is so c rude and homely. HERBERT KELLY , N ebra s ka City Las t year whe n it ca m e time to elect the Editor-in-Chi ef of this publication H e ,·· b e r t Kelly, a littl e sawed-off wart who had n ever b een h ea rd of up to that tim_e , de· c iu ed t hat th e office of Editor \.va s v ery d es irable s inc e it pla ced one con sta ntl y 111 t ht> lime light of school affairs . And with thi s con clu s ion prop erly dl'awn and firmly ~-oo~ed into his consciou s n ess h e proceded to buy th e votes of ove 1· half t h e class, thmlo_ng no doubt, to mak e up for this burst of ex travagan ce from the proceed s of the Pe~·uv l_an s al e. S ince K e ll y s u ccee d E' d in b u ying hi s w ay into offi ce w e feel t h a t, in a ll JU~tJ ce to th e rest of t h e s taff, so m e exp lan ation of th is book is n ecessa r y. \ Ve f eel a h ~tl e h es itant in turning t h e spotli g ht on t h e real fa ct s of the case s in ce it wo uld se~ m Il11mocl est for u s perhap s, but truth will out anyway and so h e r e goes . If ther e ~~ anything about th is 1922 P eru v ian which es p ec ia ll y pleases you w e f eel s ure that It ha s
n11 e huudr ecl Rev e lifJJ- 8C'V e n
I l
• - J
()u< ' huud1·ed s< ' t'<'IIIJJ - t' igltl
(Continued from page 177)
co me from th e p e n of so m e member of the staff or thru their diligent labors. On the other hand, if th e r e is any part of th e book which does not meet your approval we f ee l s ure that it is from th e clum sy pen of K e lly or through his bungles ome work. Perhaps our self-righteou s attitud e can be e xcu sed when you take into consideration the w ea risom e ta s k we have had in trying t o ge t K elly to work. But perhaps you don ' t know thi s foul ball when you see him; w ell he is an easy person for us to point o ut to you b ec au se he 's the only guy on the campu s who looks like an undeveloped co rn s talk. Oh , h e ha s a " k een " fi g ure w e can t ell you; one day he fell down on the s id ewalk and split t h e con c rete s nw ck dab in two because hi s elbows and knees were so _sharp. ~i s _figure is not the only cutting thing about him, howe ve r; he has a tongu e pOi son e d w1th m solen ce and sa n:asm whi ch he use s with telling eff ec t. We don't suppose that K e lly ·w ill let thi s s tuff get b y hi s editorial sh eers but w e just had to write it to reli eve our mind s . ELMER WILSON, P eru , Nebraska are about to make you a cquainted with the s upre m e egotis t of the P eru campus. Perhaps though, we have made a wrong s tart beca use if you have attended P e ru in this, the year of our publication , you are s ure to have noticed thi s man of colossal co n ceit who so willingly thrust himse lf before the public gaze, and s o no formal introdu ction will be n ecessar y. W e f eel that it is our duty , however , to set to right the de luded id ea whi ch some one or two of his fri ends (he only has one or two) m ay have in regard to his c haracter and integrity. It took u s about two clays to get hep to this would-be Napoleon but we don ' t exac tly see that it is our fault because when we asked him who the most prominent personage in Peru was , h e r eluctantly admitted that he g·uessed he was about the most important guy in the outfit. So you seewh en he admitted it him self, what w er e we to do but believe him? At least, as w e say, for a day or two. V ery shortly after school started, for he is an en ergetic piece of cheese and does not allow th e rats to nibbl e. h e started propaganda for the organization of a Student Council, with the und er s tanding, of course, that h e was to be th e big firework s . Following his elect'on he proceeded to the Pres id ent' s office and told Prexy that th e way in which he (Prexy) was runnin g the s chool was the bunk and that it would have to b e stopped right away . " Do you und er stand ?" h e says to Prexy. A s an agitator and apple-knocker h e has no equal. What strikes us as being particularly humorou s is hi s attitude of kingly s uperiority. Can ' t you just picture him with his ch est inflate d, hand a cross hi s breast in Napol eanic fashion, survey in ~ h' s Peruvian kingdom? In a loud commanding· voice, lik e the roar of a thou sand lion s , he exclaims, "I am the mighty Wil son. Fall ye down at m y feet a nd do m e homage, th e Maker and I have dec icl n l that this is my domain. " '~' e
VAUGHN HUMBUG CAS LER , Utica, Nebraska (Written by Mr. Gabba Lot after a personal intervi ew.) I am Vaughn Humbug Ca s le r. I ca m e to P eru to t e ll the Pres' dent how to 1_·un the sc hool. I am a Fres hman but you could n ever t e ll it to look at m e. Befor e co mmQ· to P eru I \Va s in the army but finally dec id ed to resign from th e service because Ge ne ral P ers hing and th e war de partm ent had it in for m e and I f a il ed to get the re~og nition I d eserved. Afte r I rece ived my disc harge l ca m e to P e ru _to e?u ca t e th_e _nativ e ~ and inaugurate fl as hing reforms. Accordingly I was very a etJve m orgamzmg the Student Council but the Coun c il ha s accomplished very littl e this yea r du e to the fa ct that I wa s n't e lecte d Chairm a n or eve n Secre tary by the ig norant and un gra t eful m e mbers. Although I only r ece ived tw o votes for Freshman President (and then wa s acc u s ed of 1·epeat in g- ) I did pull e n oug·h w ires to beco m e (; la!"s 'Treas urer h owever and
One Hollcll' ed Se vc llf!J·IIill e
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One hu nclred e ig hl:y
(Contin u ed to pag-e 179)
hav e gntftcd e n o u gh to enable m e to c.:o m e to sc hoo l anothe r year. This gave m e a chanc e to ge t bef o r e th e public , whi ch is so m ething I n eve r mi ~s an opportunity to do, for c.:an I no t give t h e m a lin e that will kn oc k 'e m cold? I g-o t another s ingularly un e xpecte d honor at the banqu et and b e in g .M a ster of Cer emoni es a lso gave m e a c hance to strut around and look important. And t hough I do s a y it m yself I'm worth looking at. In fact you'l l h aYe to d off your hat to m e, Vaughn Humbug Casler, t h e champion toreador of P e ru. DEAN PO i\IEROY and GEORGE WILLY vVe have dec id ed that Dodo a nd Toppy shou lei be r em e mb ered togethet• for several r ea so ns : First, becau se th ey nre su ch goo d friends; second, because the two nick~lam cs go w e ll t ogeth e r; third, be ca u se both inf est th e dormi to ry parlor at r egular mte rval s ; and fourth, b ec aus e of the i1· b::n-it on e (bare -of-tone) voices . They are typical Rocky Mountain Canari es and when t h ey sing- we f ee l like asking·, "vVho set the wild a sses fr ee?" Anyon e r ea ding thi s s hould ha ve t he co mmon pol.tenes s not. to tel l Toppy and Dodo about our opini on . Toppy Willy is big, s trong and m a nl y and a football sta r , h e says so him self :;o it must be true. vVhe n the oppos in g lin e is weak a nd clumsy Toppy s impl y t ea rs 'e m up. H e u s ually makes more yards t ha n th e center or e ither of the g uards , du e to t he fact that h e is quarterback and ha s th e opportun ity (which h e makes u se of) of carryin g the ball ev ery three ti m es out of four at !E'as t. Dodo in addition to hi s voice is noted for hi s gracefu ln ess a nd beauty. If it were not for the fact that h e is s li ghtly bow-legged, pi geon-toed, knock-kn eed, flat-footed and s tring-halte d and we t·e it n ot f or that f ace of hi s h e wou 1d nm Paa p a clo se second for th e Anow Collm· aclvertisment man. FLO\'DE HIGGI NS . St eJl a, Nebra ska The rog·ue's gall ery would not be complete w ithout the entrancin g and altoge the r charming photo of Higgins. H e is the lad w ho think s all th e dames on t h e campu s ar e plumb wild about him . You s h ou ld h ave seen him th e clay h e arrived in P eru from th e tall unc ut so m ewh er e near S hub ert or St ella; h e s ure looked like the prize m otion pi c ture rub e. Hi ggin s says he is quite a n athl e te but w e w er e down to th e football field at eve"y ga m e in the last two years a nd we fail ed to see where h e had any c lass as a s tellar r-erfonner on th e g ridiron. H e r emind ed u s of an old draft h or se trying to k ee p pace with a bun ch of race ho1·ses but then w e can hardly blame him, becau se b e in g a farmer lad h e would naturall y be m o1·e familiar with the draft hor ses than with the ra cer s . Besides b e ing infam ou s as a football performer Higgin s is es pecially noted for his supposE'd b ea uty . Th e girl s all think h e has the mo s t di v in e c url y locks and Hig, who e mphati ca ll y agrees w ith them, t a k es no end of pain s to k ee p hi s "mop" presentabl e so lhat h e ma y ba sk in the pl easure of fe minine appreciation. On hi s dresser ma y b e see n a co mpl ete lin e of cos metics w hich h e appli es at r egular inte rva ls to prese rv e hi s wondrous beauty. Vv e will n ever be able to beli eve that Hig do es not u se kid curl er s . or a n elec tric curling iron, to put the mu ch admired wave in h ;s hair. Th e onl y s ubj ect Hig is ab~e t o ta lk inte lli gently upon is c lothes; whenever h e h ea r s of a n ew fad in fa s hi on s h e rushes c! O\V11 to Cj ek a's tail or s ho p to ha ve hi s m easur e tak en for a n ew s ui t. In fa ct we h ave lea rn ed from re li abl ~ :<ou1·c.:es that Hig is about the only r eason why:'! tailor s ho p is a profitab le und ertaking; in P e n1. Oh we ll , Hip: says h e s hou'd wo rr y as long a s dad is content to work lik e a s la ve ba ck on t he old fat·m to furnish him with monE'y .
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fEd it or' s Note ) - Th e a bove facu lty m em b e 1 ·~ h a 11d Pd thPi r· pi el ur· t>~ in :-" c' l att• that \\ ' t' Wt' l 't-' unahl t· to ~et th em in th e r eg ul A I' fac ulty ;-;ect io n a nd we h()p e that t.h ;·:>-· ''ill 11111 \"n \.; "1 1t pf p :: l C t ' to ycH I in th i;-; par t o f t he annua l.
:!lnbrl Jrru Motto-"Littl e L ea n 1i11!J a'll(/ L e::;::; L a bur" DEPA R TME N T OF C HE MI S TRY
Prof . Samu el Brown ell
Th e p urp ose of t hi s cours e is to in stru ct th e s tu de n ts in t he process of " brewin g on e's own ". D EPA RT M E N T OF AST R O N OMY
P r of . Da dd y H oyt
S tud y in gen e r a l w ill be limited t o "s tar-gaz ing a s a practical m ean s of ent e r ta inm ent". Labo r ato r y h our s fr o m seven t o e leven each evening at t h e A thl et ic Fi e ld. D EPA RTMENT O F FI N A NCE
Prof . Bill Delze ll Th e ai m of th is course is t o deve lop m ean s and m e thods of get t ing m on ey with out w orkin g. All a mbitio u s m e n s h ould investig ate.
P r of. N. Ma ud e Ca r pen te r DEPART ME NT OF MUSI C S ubjec t fo r thi s sem ester is t o be " J azz, and its ap plica ti on t o m odern da ncin g" . Stud y will be lim ;ted to pac ti ca l labo r a t or y h ours eac h evening .
Prof. J . La wrence Easo n
Class w ill m eet in a s p ec ia l r eadin g r oom in the Y. M . D en, w hich is well e quipp e d with davenport s, e a s y ch a irs, e t c. Thi s se m es t e r the s tudy of " Life", " Jud ge", and " Th e P olice Gazette" will b e the pred om in a nt f eature. DE P ARTME NT OF DEAD LA N GUAGE S
Prof . E sth er Clarke
S tud y of ob so lete w ord s, s u ch as " Ba r ", " Whis k ey" , " Drunk", etc. nin g each w eek w ill b e g iven over to practical dem on s tra ti on.
On e eve-
NOTE-Litt le or no cr edit is r equired f or graduation. The m oving picture hou ses are th rown op en t o the s tud e nts. a nd th ey a r e a s k ed t o enj oy them selves as much as poss ibl e . S tud ents a r e a lso a' low e d t o u se t h ei r own d iscre ti on about a ttending classes, whic h ·w ill m eet r egul a rl y on ce in a w hil e.
THE F AC ULTY H e w h o s ti ck s b y t h e job in s pi te of f a t e, una pprecia t ed a nd con t um ely, s tic kin g f or th e pure love of dut y, is n ob le . Hi s t ory m oo t s it lit t le w h eth er hi s idea be m .s t a l\c n, hi s p ur pose errin g or n o Na p oleon gets in to t h e Glor y Gazette. H e stuc l' unt il th ey s tu c k him . Th e k a ise r will lose f ace with futur e ge n er ation s, not b eca u ~e h e d id h o r r id murd e r on an in te rn a ti on a l sca le, (Nap d id t h at), bu t beca u se he qmt, co ld a nd y e ll ow, whf n h e couldn ' t d raw to a bob-ta iled flu s h. Stud en_ts ~ n o:v a nd und e r s t a nd th a t fa culti Es a r e u se less, n on- essen t ia l a p pend'a ges to• a n m s t1 tu t~ on of lea rnin g . Judg ing f ro m what r esult t h ey g·et, t h e f aculti es mu st u ndersta nd 1t to,J . Yet w h o wa n ts t o quit t h e star ch e d s hir t\ a nd s wa ll ow -ta il ed fr ock a.nd sa!J y f~ rth t o se ll the humbl e t a m a le o r th e lowly s h oe-l ace? So t he fac ul ty, too, I S nob le. 1hey st;c k, stick , in spite of th e m e r e pi t t a n ce of w ages , a bu se b y t hose w hom t ht:Y see k ~o up lif t , a nd c ru e l q uirk s by t he co mi c sect ion s o-" S und ay papers- t hey st1ek, st1ek, stick.
o 11r l lltll rl l'l'rl ,.iy !ttv- t!t ,·ce
1£tt~rarn Written by A cc id ent
Dat e Unimpo rtant
1J1arulty 1Ji aunrs munrtng! I PROF. PAUL INSTIGATES FLASHING REFORMS At a special mee tin g of th e fa c ulty held yes te rday a ft e rn oo n in th e Li brary, a resoluti o n was drawn up by Prof. Paul and passed by the fac ulty forcina dancina o n h elp less and un su >· pec t in~ s tudent~. Altho no ne o f the d e tail s have been published, it is u nder· s to ud that a Depar tme nt of A es thcti c Gesticulation wi ll be es tabli she d to
car ry o n th e work. a nd Miss Carpe nt er wi ll be p la ced tn c har ge . Th e P lay make rs o rc h e s tr a is to be requir e d to furni sh mu sic for a ll c la ss e s in ord e r to ge l c rcdi I in Publi c Sc hoo l Mu s rc. Thi s new subj e c t w ill b e requ ir e d for unde r - classm e n a nd may be co nt inu e d w rth ad~an c c d work lea din g to ..t d egree. 1 he . s tud e nt body will h o ld a clo se d mee lrn g tomor row to di sc uss th e matt e r a nd e nt e r a v igo ro u s pr o tes t aga rn s l thr s rad rca l a nd revo luti o n arj" mea s ure.
Durin g the High Schoo l Budget Sal e w hen the re was a popularity co nt es t o n between the co ll ege Fres hm e n a nd Sophomores, Showalter was a grea t aid to th e Freshmen. The fact tha t he was nomina ted by th e Fres hm e n as mo st popular vs the Sophomore candidate, Willy, did no t keep him from selling a large numb er of tickets. We firmly believe that it was mainly thru hi s eff or ts that the Freshme n won the contest, thus voting Sh owalte r the mo s t popul ar ma n in sc hool. The Fres hmen should consider them selves g rea ti :t indebted to him for hi s popularity ana valiant effor t.
Professor A. E. H o lc h wa ; h a d e d int o poli ce co urt last Sa turd ay o n th e charge o f b ea tin g hr s wrfe up . and reli ab le tes tim ony es tab li s he d th e a~ cusa tion beyo nd a n y doubt. A co n fessio n wa s wr un g from th e d e fe nd a nt an d th e judge, aft er carefully m e dital: rn g o n th e affarr. di smi sse d th e case . but o nly a ft e r th e acc u se d h ad <' ive n hi s wo rd o f ho n o r n e ver to re p e a7 th e deed . . Eye wi tn esses tes tifi e d th a t n o i o nly drd Prof. H olc h beat hi s w if e u p but he had th e fire built and bre akfa s ; ready before his b e tt e r half awak ~ n ed fr om th e arms o f Morph e us .
BARBER BUSINESS PICKS UP The tonso rial artists see m to ha ve ad op ted a new method of ad ver ti sino. Signs of thi s a re eviden ced by the fa~l tha t the speci es of bobb ed-haired girL ts rncreasmg rapidly in number . . We must admit that this new s tyl e ts qmte becoming to a grea t many of the grrl s, a nd it mioht be practi cal if so much time neel no t be spent m curlm g and fuzzing. Care mus t be taken abo ut pa ttin <' littl e gir ls on the head, for they may b; only women wi th bobbed hair and s kirts . . If thi s keeps o n Mrs. Waugh a nd Mrss Robin so n may take up th e s ty le. Ca n it be th a t wome n a re fwdi n ~ th e sec re t of perpe tua l youth 1
LATEST SCANDAL It ha s la te ly been dis co v e re d that a promme~t young man in o u r mid s t ha s been .eadrng a double life . fhi s ha s b een proven by r ece nt de ve lo n m e nt s. This youn g man I S no n e o th~r than Alb e rt Biehn. and we unde rstand that nerthe r o f his bett e r quarters know the real facts. Som e o f 11 fe minin e a dmi re rs. we hav e h eard, w ;']J h ave n o thi ng more to do w ith him . rn a n rnltma le way at leas t. This p lo t may untan g le. and agarn it may s had o . Bi e hn's w ho le futur e. "
A HOT TIME Some tim e ago the S harrar h o u se ga n g d ec id ed to padd le e very man 1 n
Pri nt ed h y Mi s take co ll ege . Vari o u s m e th o d s of e nti c rn g m e n s rn \.\ ly up to th e s eco nd s tory of th e h o u se were u ;cd . until q uit e a m ob h a d bee n in t i iilted. S h owa lt er was o n e o f th e frr s l. H e . fl oy d Hi gg in s . a nd l< c d Br o wn c a n we ll r e m e mber h o w it fe lt <l n y h ow . f o r so me tim e th e g a n g s tu c k c lo se toge th e r in order to g e l s o n1 c of the ta rdy o n es. A mo ng th e de lin q u e nt s were Rh o du s . S ta ndl e y. Land o lt and Cas le r. Ev e n Ove rh o lt h ad hr s turn. Pr es id e nt Ca vin ess len t prote c ti o n to a fe w o f th e boys by as kin g th e ga n g n o t to lay it on too h a rd. Thi s c an b e remembe r ed as one of th e mos t li ve ly cv<' nl s ta kin g p lace in P er u . P er h a p s l\1il s tead h a d du e ca u se to o rder m o re tr o u se r s . H e s hould th an k th e S h a rr a r ga n g say \ ve .
FRESH PAINT! E ntir e ly un a id e d o ur tru s ty Hawks haw di scove r e d th a t the Pre s iden t' s hou se h a d bee n pai nt ed by som e mis · c r ea nl s jus t th e ni g ht before. Finger· prin Is were photographed but brought n o r es ult s. Th e ea rly discovery of the paintin g m a d e it possib le to be take n wi th o ut lea vin g a ny notice ab le o ff marks. fift ee n "r a h s" for Hawkshaw Gr osshoeme- d e c t i v e. ni ghtwatc h. janitor. and eve nin g campus advi ser .
TEACHER HAS GREAT MISFORTUNE Th e r e was grea t co n s ter n a tion 10 th e mind of Mr ss P e arl K e ll ey when s he found that s h e had se nt h er re t~rrl t rip ti c k e t back to P e ru in h er laundr y We are w hil e away on a vaca tion . n o t over ly s urprise d at this. how e v e r . s h e being a m ere sc h oo l teac h er . A > to w h e th e r s h e se nt for th e ti c k e t Ill tim e or bought ano th e r we a r e unc ertain. T h ey do that way som e tim es.
ERRONEOUS MISTAKE Wh e n P rof. Vladimar Ji sa"s lady fn e nd was in I O \ V n h e \ Vas v e r y a n XI OUs to intr oduce h er to th e faculty . It was e ntir e ly a case of mistak e n id e ntity w h e n h e rnno ce ntly introdu ced M rs . M cCa llum as Mr s. Ca vin ess . A t leas t M rs. M cCa llum ca n say th a t sh e W<l s ta k .- n for th e preside nt' s wiFe.
£ ibntry 3lttlliyrutiou FOR RENT
'There is no,,· in the co urse of co n struction a number o f t\\·opa ssc n ge r benches at th e Mt. l\'lt. Vernon C e metery , fo r th e us c of to e College students. Th e se ''"ill h e re nted b v month or yea r as pre ferred . Get bids in ea rlv as some choice be nch es h ;H·e ;lr·cady be e n spoken fo r. \tV ANTED - Paint brmhcs hy the e \ e nin!!. - Da,·i d Bizy .
vVA N TED - Younf.! man to lea rn the \\· e ll digging trade. On e prefe rred \\·h o is willin g to h cgin a t th e bottom and \\ ·o rk up . R oo ms to let by day o r m o nth· Running ,., ·ate r, pi a no a nd card ro o m in connection. Rent reasonable to right parti es ( incapacitated.
More Ads and Less Nc ,,·s
During the past week another honor than Any Sheet West of Miss. h as befallen one o f our P eru yo ungNot over three mi stakes per sters. Hawkshaw Grossho eme, ni ght agate lin e. 1f you \Yant to ta ke watch, has just receive d from the Shera crack at your \Yorst ene m y, loc k Holme s Det ec tiv e School his diploma. This ha s caused Mr. Gros ssend him a copy o f T/,r Pn·11 hoeme much dili gent labor and he dePedaJro.f{ian . serves much credit for hi s work . We noti ce that Mr . Gro ssho eme has lately Blind Janitor to Sweep Out Mt. been ke epin g clos e tab on the fo o lish Vernon Hall every m orni n g at young couples about the campus, and we feel that we owe him a great deal , 7 :00. .l'vlust be handso m e, quiet for hi s wat chful care. It has als o been and refin ed . Call No . 1001. noticed that Floyd Gro sshoeme. son of Hawkshaw, inherits thes e sleuthing H you are acc u s t ome d to tenden cies from hi s father. H e has li vin g in a Boiler Factory, put up a watchful air about him that shows he is keepin g . clo se eye on all law at --------brea ke rs. All ga m es played according
to Hoyle. Mr. Charles Place has c ha rge o f all VOC AL \ 1V ORK. Call 100 for reservations.
Hunt e r- ''You sit down o n eve ry joke ·r write." Mae M.-''Well. I wouldn't if th ere was any point to the m." Hilda- "Does your pen lea k th a t way all the time?" Myd. H.- "Oh! No; just when it has ink in it."
WANTED- A sno re muffler for th e do rmitory.- H. Dale I Bu gbee .
They call us couch lizards because we loaf at the Dormitory; and they call us campus loafers vvhen we sit on the grass. I suppose we'd better stay in the library. If we do though , they'll call us bookworms and sprinkle us v,rith insect powder. . The Gov~rnment continues to find new methods of taxing us; they Will ke_ep cuttmg the wool off the calf that lays the golden egg until they pump 1t dry. Henel to his girl: Do you kno w ,.,,hy I go to bed. She: No, why? Hensel: Because the bed won't come to me. Dodo: On the fa rm we have a pig. out of the pen.
I call him in!< because he run s
An optimist is a woman who marries a man. A pess imist is a man w ho wea r s both belt and s uspender s - can 't trust either. Girl (in deep wat er ) : Help! H elp'! I can 't ~nvim. Beamer (on s hore ( : I can't either, but I ain't hollerin' about it.
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Keep Frietlrlships G;·een With Photogt·ctp!JJ. There are few things that can g;iv e as mu c h pleasure as lool<ing ove1· an nld alhum of half-forgotten photogTaphs. A 1· e y o u marking the mil eston es of yo u!' life with photographs so that in afte1· yea l's ,vou ma y recall the friendships of today? EXCHANGE PHOTOGRAPHS \\Till t-\I . L Y< n · R FRIENDS- AND DO IT YEARLY
Peterson's St11rlio Makers of Permanent Photographs
l(nowing How to 1\!Ieasure Yourself Is HALF OF THE BATTLE When Mond3.y is all set, then go on to Tu e~ da.\· and figul' e out what to do that day, and so on through the yea!'. You will be s urprised how mu ch eas ie 1· .v o ul' work \\'ill l> e and how much more interesting. Everything in life is largel y dependent upon one'~ attitude toward the thing desired . Many a man worries him self into a ne1·vo us hl'ea kclovvn thinking about the things to be done in the futu1·e. Do the things that must be done today and the future will slip into the pa~t unnoticed. "IT'S THE LITTLE THINGS THAT TELL''. said the .nm ng lady, as sh e pulled her yo unger brother from und e r the sofa. We are at your service.
Try us for anythin .!2,· in our line.
Our greatest desire is to mak e yo u feel that a \ is it to ou1· sto1·c has help ed in som e degree to st 1·e ngth en the bonds of f1·iendshi!) and mutual under sbnding between t h e Consumer and Retailf'r.
T e a c het·s mu st n ot atte nd college beca u se of tenible temptation offered b y Lad y Nico ~ in e.
The Stat e Board of Edu cation f o rma!ly d ec r eed that t eachers of the state were not t o b e given " leaves of absence" to continu e education at Columbia, Chicago, or 1'\m·thwcstern on a ccount of the preva len ce of the cigar e t te habit a mong the stud ent;;. The Stat e Board , r ea li z in g t hat t he t ea ch er s employ ed in Nebi·aska are creatures of low moral s t a ndards, a nd parti cularl y s u sce pt:bl e to evil habits, have barred the t ea-: h ers from th e lea din g ed ucational in s titution s in the country so that they ma y not bec0me c ig are tte a ddi cts. Of course th e Board beli eves it is do"ng a rare act of charity in pa ss ing s uc h a d e cr ee, but w e wond e r if their "Holi er than thou" attitude should not b e mark e d as a choi ce bit of humor. \V e would only remind the stern fathers of t h e Board that th e o ld maxim "C harit~· s hould begin at hom e," is no t a n ew saying but o ne often quoted by ge ntl e m en of th e ir own time. Of course w e concede th e ri g ht of the Board to legis late sc h ool m atte r s· but we wonder if it is possib' e for a group of politi c ian s who infest th e hall s of th e legi s lat ure wh er e toba cc o s moke can be s liced with a kni fe and law m a k e r s are eve r prac ticin g· th e gentl e art of s hoo tin g the brown juice into th e bras s c u sp idors, t o be wholly un tai nted by t he ir s urroundings. The qu estion we have finall y arrived at is this: Are the State Board fath ers forcing a c ampai g n issu e or do th ey see th e fo ll y of the ir ways and are t hey t r y ing to s t eer the coming gen e rati o n aright"?
A lit tl e pou.:d er 'JIOIU aud th en Is dabb ed 011 by th e old est h eu. Say , waiter, is this an incubator Bracl<e (to \;v aiter in hotel) chicken? Waiter: I don't knov,r, sir. Why do you ask? Bracke: It must be. I didn't think any chicl<en that had had a mother could be as tough as this. Milam: Did you know Carl Rosenquist got hurt last night? Place: No, how? Milam: The Gospel Team ran a-vvay with him.
" It: s such a hanls hi p d1'inlci11g soup," Saul th e- man 1cith mustach e lon q a11d pla·i·11: And as h e pu s h ed his wal·r us back. "! alway s find it's quite a st rain." Jess ie K. to Fisher: In what pos ition did yo u pla:v on th e footba ll team? Fisher (blus hingly ) : Bent over. First Child: How do you like yo ur n ew pa pa? Second Child: Oh, h e is very nice. First Child: Yes, he is, we had him last yea r.
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STOP at this s t or e of 10,000 ite m s wh e r e y o u \\路ill find mod e rn g oods at m odern pri ce s , m od e rn e quipm e nt. mod e rn service . LOOK among th e 10,000 item s- y ou will find what .\路ou want and when you want it. LISTEN while we tell y o u what is in t his sto1路e of 10,000. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, TOILET ARTICLES, BOOKS, WALL PAPER, PAINTS, CUT GLASS, POTTERY.
School Supplies
1-<'ountain Pens
Nyal Goods
.-\ rt M a tlTi~d Icc (~rcain
The student and the co-ed fair Who to our cozy home repair
Avenue Store Agency for
vVill pass their time in high spun glee Because they're fed well, don't you see?
FAY BAKERY Lunches, Confectionary and Fountain Service
THE REMINGTON Portable T_vpewriter's Standard Keyboard, the most compact of all writing machines. School supplies, stationery, fountain pens, notions, candies, fruits . groceries and meats. Opposite Training- School
H. U. l . andolt PERU,
On (' h1111dr ed
uiu e tu-t 路1c ~ J
'----.Jo c
Farmers Union Store The Store Where you feel "AT H 0 ME" Dry Goods, Groceri es , S hoes .
Ext e nds an in\路itation to a ll m c mlJe l"s of the st ud ent hod:: and Fac ult\路 to com e Lo this store fo1路 all usual Dnq.r needs. i n dud i n g--
The Rexal l Store
.rl)/ic /t )'l)ttr jHT /ri)J!f1~路1' .
Phone 52
Peru, Nebr .
Our service is availahle to all Me1nbers of Faculty and Students. rfhis Bank i-s your Bank. WE ARE CLAD TO BE OF SER\'lCL TO YOL"
Carl Hansen., Cashier
Interc epted Pass
Hard First Down
First and Ten
Completed Pass
Milkweed Highball
$$$ Triple-tongued Thoupe
??? Fried Fins of Coy Cuddle Fish !!! Badly Bent Potatoes
Square Peas
Whittled Wings of Whimpering Whisker Parrot Motoroil Dressing
Snake Skin Salad (E(E(E
Gin Physique :;:**
Wat Beetle Float Bread, Butter and Coffee with Each Meat Order Seegars (with bands)
AN EXAM (Apologies to Tennyson) Questions to the right of m e, Questions to the left of me, Questions in front of me, Badly I wrote and well, But into the jaw of death, Into the mouth of hell, Rode my hundred. Written and thundered, Stormed out with "why" and "tell" ,
011 e huuclrecl Sinr:fy-fi ve
) I
0. ] . MilsteaJ Dealer in
and mail
\'OLI I' oni L·I·
f ()I"
Pilllnv Tops
Hotel Rome Cafeteria Open Day and Night
./. C'. C'/;a/('laillc Watchmake r-.J ewe Ie r
P e ru, NehLtska
T H I R T Y- F I V E
Yock Michel For
Dray and Baggage Delivery Phone 2
Class or ~oeiety Pins or Rings Would lJ<; g lad to do .\·o u1· l' e pairing and sc;ll .U ll.ll' \\'eclding 1·ings.
Y I·>\ R S
This issue of the; Peru v i :111 m arks the thirt.\·-f·ifth :-.·e:ll' of our business in Peru. During that time we ha \·e en .ioyed a Yer.\' ni ce busin ess with st ud ents and facult,\·, :.1 l'eCOl'd we an~ p1·oud to ad v·e rtise.
\1\ 1 .
\\ . .
M :'\ R I) I S
Call at Your Patronag-e Solicited
Citizen.r State 1-Ja11 f Peru, Ne br.
.~.l/crii(J ' '\
/f,lcctric 5'/;oc ,'J'/;op
Firs t do<Jr sout h of post offic e.
Ou e H
ud 1-ed .\· iu<'l !t -six
Uu e 1-f ll l l!{ l'(' d S iue /!f - s< ' I ' CII
c- -,,_-_ c=-o
Visit Our
Confectionary and
JWilam Green
Ice Cream Parlors
House The Best of Everything in our line
Phone 189 Auburn, Nebraska
S)wan 'J GOOD FURNITURE, RUGS AND HARDWARE In Auburn for 35 years.
Pn"nter.r and Publi.rheJJ VICTROLAS AND RECORDS
Phone 77 ('
Auburn, Nebraska
. .-
() //( '
路r/ . II. /Ill( 1/(
\ . inl'f!}-'1/.i-IIC
...____. c______
CLAFLIN PRINTING COMPANY ll!e 5't!lr/c;;t's f-.Jrilltcr BOOK AND MAGAZINE \V ORK p R () G R A l\!l S, AN N 0 U N C E LVI EN T S
University Place,
Dr. L. B. Shrieve DENTIST
John .-\.
Office Phone 27
Res. 234
Tailor and Cleaner Phone 62 Artistic Custom TailoringPER U , NEBRASKA
Holt' rloth the !J Cidl e lauwlre.c;:-; S eek out th e 1/ ' Pa k e.c..;t iniuf.c..; , And ah uays sc 1·ap P th e 1)//ff!ill-' !iJj' At th e m rJ .c; t .c. ; tro,rj el i r· }J()iuf s?
Will cho k er! h i.c; litt/r • si.<-d e r; S h e //'a s rl e rul !J e(rJI 'f:' tli etJ tlli s.,e rl /ir •1·. al i i' CL!JS 11 }J t() t J-ir·k .'-'-
W1:ll·i e' s
A in' t h e c 11 t e ?
H " ' s n 11 I!1 ·' i. •·.
11~11 J
f T
5 Holl' to R emoL' e em 1'/llc spot from cloth es-A lot depends on the ink. If the ink is thick, try a teaspoon. But if the ink is thin and has insinuated itself into the fabric, a pair of scissors or a can-opener 路will be effective. Cut carefully around the edges of the ink spot, being careful not to damage the cloth, after this is done the ink spot can be removed ' vith ease. In the treatment of an ink spot, blotters are sometimes useful. ATTENTION STUDENTS! Don't worry over your ro om rent and board bills, all houses in Peru are supported by a foundation. Costello: " I have a very bad cold in my head." Beer: "It must be terribly loneso me." Speich: I want a divorce. Lawyer: Are yo u married? Speich: Yes. Lawyer: What reasons have yo u for wanting a clivorce '? Speich: Well, my w ifeLav,路yer: Reason enough.
!" -
., ---'
Coal and Lumber Wholesale and Retail "He profits most who serves best'' \Ve emphasize quality a nd service.
Whitebreast Coal and Lun1ber Con1pany MEMBERS LINCOLN ROTARY CLUB LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 107 No. lJ th Street
College Book Store
.Jewelers--Diamond s , Watc h es , Fin e J ew e lry , C lock s , Ste rling Si lver, Cut Glas s, Expert Watc h, C lo ck and Jew e lry r e pairing and manuf ac turing ..
E. H. LONG, Proprietor
Opticians-Eyes examin ed fre e. In our Optical D e partment you may s el ec t just wh a t you want in Eye Glasses or Spec t ac les. Fine Opti cal R e pa; rin g. B r oke n le n ses dupli cated. Stationers- Station e ry for the of fi ce , s chool and hom e . Wate rman's F ountain P en s, Office Equipm ent a nd Suppl es . Cr a n e's , Whiting' s and Hurd's Fine Stationery . Complet e lin e of Suppli es for all d e partm ents of sc h oo ls a nd co ll e g es . 112 3 0 St.
Lincoln, N ebraska
Thousands of text and reference books on a ll subject s . New and second hand.
A ll Students S uppli es WHOLESALE AND RETAIL
T •ltJfl J-f ltlldi"Nl 7' 11 ···
'}' " '" H 11 lld rerl Th l' !'e
- - - . ..c:::::J 0.-------..,)
..... ... - .
- .__.JJ
lHOMA5' /(/Ll_)A li(JG'K G'(J. (JJWA HA GOOD
and the Truth about it Seaso nable apparel for Women
Fashion and Refinement with Economy
WE APPRECIATE the business we get from Nebraska school teachers and coiiege students. As Nebraska's oldest cleaning and dyeing plant, and because we have a special parcel post department to serve out of town customers, we feel that we make a special appeal to yo u . Your appearance, your health and your pocketbook all benefit when we do yo ur cleanin g, dyeing and r epairing .
THE PANTORIUM 1515 Jones Street
One-half block East of the Castle Hotel
TI( >O H ulldr erl Four
c:==:J> c:::J
c:::::3 lc==:::~•
Jrruuianant irfi SPECIAL CHAPEL Another splendid program was rendered (used by request) Monday at Ch<~pel. The program had been well advertized in the Peru Pedagogian and by Dean Delzell so there was a large crowd of perhaps twenty persons in attendance, among them it is rumored, were some of the Faculty members. The meeting was opened with devotionals conducted by Mr. Leo Faunce. After this Dean Delzell favored us with some of his annnouncements (interspersed with usual number of .iokes from the 1914 Peruvian). He laid particular stress on the fact that the students are getting the ,ndks dirty by continual travel on them and they must reform and in the future "keep on the grass •·. The rest of the morning's program -vvas occupied by community singing. The execution of "Old Zip Coon" was especially en.ioyed by all. There is a persistent rumor that Vladmir Jis& is the composer of this delightful ditty, if this rumor becomes authenticated friends of "Vlad" have little hope of him ever living to a peaceful conclusion. After a few more songs Chapel was dismissed because of the fact that the audience had entirely disappeared with the exception of the janitor who remained to lock up. Students have expressed the hope that all our chapels may be as inspiring and beneficial as this one. Willy: Dodo:
"I didn 't meant to break off your train of thought." "Oh, that's all right. It was only a freight anyway."
Behn: Poole:
"Did you ever see the Catskill Mountains?" "No, but I've seen 'em kill mice."
Miller: My head aches terribly this morning. Dentist (absent-mindedly) : vVhy not have it filled? This weather reminds one of the seats in a Ford car. How's that? Just enuf spring to make you sore. Mildred Barnes: What did papa say when you told him your love for me was like a gushing brook? Burley: He said "Damn it". Wilcox: Where did you do most of your skating while learning ? Lois Tyson: I think that's a rather personal question. Neighbor: Look here, sir, your dog has .iust eaten one of my chickens. Borland: Thanks for the information. I won't give him any dinn er. Prokop to Prof Paul: I am indebted to you for all 1 kno w. Prof. Paul: Don't mention it. It's only a mere trifl e.
'/ " ' "
Fi l'e
t __
- ' 2' '
§tuornts of Wrru mtll hl' lltl'lroml'
Highway to Ne braska C ity
N r hnt a'' a C!l tt!!
..7 .
Presbyterian Church
·~1· ..
-- -~--~
Rridg·c Acro ss
~'l i ss ouri
T "'" // 11 11 rl ,.,., :-; i .•·
Our 1\llotto:
''ADVANCE NEBRASKA CITY'' this end our Association is to the furtherance T 0 pledged
of courtesy, co-operation and the square deal.
You \Vill find our Merchants alert and progressive, -vvith large and varied stocks for your inspection. Our beautiful stores will bear comparison with large city stores as to prices and quality of merchandise and the utmost consideration is given to the out of town patrons.
Nebraska City Chan1 berofCotntnerce '( ll' u H llil d re d
Sl' l' t ' ll
A Gateway to Progress There it stands-a simple forty-foot gateway but unlike any other in the entire world. Through it have come many of the engineering ideas tha t have made this an electrical Am erica.
The story of electrical d evelopment begins in the Research Laboratories. Here the nling spirit is one of knowledge- truthrath er than immediate practical results. In this are established new theoriestools for future use-which sooner or later find re:1dy application. The great industries th a t cluster around Niagara Falls, the electrically driven battleships, t~e trolley cars and electrified railways tl: at carry m ill ions, the lamps tha t glow in hom es and streets, the household conveniences that have relieved women of drudgery, the labor-saving e~ectrical tools of factories, all owe th eir existence, partly at le3st, to the co-ordinated efforts of the thousands who daily stream through this gatewa y. .
_ J
t' @ffirtal !§-tatl'lltl'nt uf 1~122 llrruuiatt DEBIT Expenditures A ntiqu e Ma hoga n y Furniture for Otlice ........ . (;reyhound to K ee p Squirre ls Away from Office . ... . ............... ....... . Profes s ional Arti s t s . .. . . Life In s uran ce f o r J ok e Editors.. .. .. .. .... ........ .. .. . Three Pairs of S h oes fo;· Burley (colleeting for ads)..... .. .. .. .. .. ............ .. .. ....... . Date book f o1· Athl et ic Editor .. S pittoon f o r Ofllce........ ...... .. .... .......... .... .. .. .. .. . .. Hay Rum fo r Hunte r 's Hair....... .. .............. ...... .. .... .. .. . ~ l e u t h s to Obtain Pi c ture ~.. .. .... ...... .. ...... .................. ........... ........ ........ .. !VIU n ey Don ated to U. S. Governm en t Eng1·a v in g Printing B indin g Total
385.95 10.1)0 .13 1,000.00 30.2.) .43 4.5U 33 .2 5 -17,698.42 00 ,000.01 1.1\J .79 .49
... $? , ???.?? CREDIT
V.1 a stc
Pap er Cr edit. .. . l-lu s h Muncy .... F o r Pictu1·es run by r equ est.. ............. .. ...... . Sa il• of Ch ewed Lead P en c il s at R edu ced Rates Sale of Annual s .. !Jribc s for Unp ubli s h ed ScandaL T .., tal ..... ..... . .
105.00 100.00 45.00 26 .00 3.4:) 8,654.80
$?,??'? . ??
Q I)
'lo bt. .S 1-..o"t'
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3 U)l I\. I~ e. THE
.· •
·· ··- - ·-· · ·---~----
~ ~ ~
For the past fifteen years the Educational Department of the Bureau of Engraving, Inc., has been collecting a vast fund of information from the experiences of hundreds of editors and managers of Annuals. This data covering organization, financing, advertising, construction, selling and original features has been systematically tabulated and forms the subject matter for our series of reference books. These are furnished free to those securing "Bureau" co-operation in the making of engravings for their books.
•I I I I
Begin where others have left off. Profit by their experience and assure success for y our Annual.
. I
··•••••• •m • aa a~ CIImCD•e.m•••••
••••••a•••••••••••••••• •
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Arknoutlrhgntrttt5 1\'ow /hat f!l e- Cl11l1 lws final/!f co nd esce ncl ed to ha 11cl in its writeup; t h e photorfm}Jii er hand ed Its th e la st si.?:C life pict11re; th e E11grau er e:r plai·ll ed ll'h!f Co p!f No. 1 .~7 //'as onlu half a.-; l.arg c as ord ered, t he IJu s iness JlllaiWfJCI' to ld 11 s 1/' e .'i]JCIIt too nw ch III Oneu ewe/ th e Ja11 'ito r clw.sed us ou t of the P e ut rian ojj'ice for th e la .-;t ti111 e-w e ar e thankflll that it's all ov er. Jl! e CCI?! 1/ 0//' hreak th e Pr e-and Post-L ent en fa st fi'0/11 stlld!J awl proceed to ma k e lt}J a ho11t 'ste en 1/' Ce ks of reading.
It ca 11110 t !f et s ee /)/ possibl e that th e 19.'22 P en11·ian is a. realitu.
Onc e ·we ll' e l' e of tlu:' opinio11 that it 1/'0illd be child's plau to put ou.t an cmnual; la.te1·, w e t lWilrJllt that it co11ldn't li e don e in nin e short months; now, we can look /Jack a11d say "It //'as eas y" .
Th e 1·e a l' e 111a 11 !/ to ll'hO/)/ lt' e are grat eful for th e u·oJ ·k that has bee n drm e r!'ll this /wok. W e ca111/0t, for wcmt of space, speak of as many as ll' e should l·i k e . but to the folloll'i·ng i?l particular zc e 'll'ant to e:r press our sincer e tho 11 ks a,/1( / appreciatir)}l: Nil'. J. J. Sh er rd th e IJ11r ea1t of Engraring , who se suggestions hav e pl'ot· ed i 111 ·allla!Jle : F.· W. Nliles of th e Clafiiit P!·int·i11g Co ., 1l'lwse help awl co-op e 1·cttirm Jws h elp ed gr eatly i11 pllbl.ishing th e book; to Landen Whitfi eld, his Tol 1le l', RIIIIJJ Laztre?ICC awl Esth er R out fo1~ the e.rcel/.ent dra~c ings ll'hich app ear hi the a11illtal.. Th e e·nt'ire P en wicw Staff ha ve at all tim es .CJil· e 11 th eil' 11 ntiri ng effort s rtnd are dese rring of much commendat·i on fr)} · the 1/'ol'k 11 ·hich th e!J hae c dou e. To all th c:·; e (1'/1{{ more. li' C are grat eflll. Th e pa st uea.r has been o1w of pleci.'Htrabl e a.~s ociatiml.'; a11d ha)'(/ IL'OI'k , Cl'll(/ ·i f we ha.c e bee n forc ed to gic e up oth e r thin.r;s for th e P enr ria11, ·i t ha s bce11 emi·n cntlu u•o1·th 1/'hile.-THE EDITOR.
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