Study Center and C9rrespondence Courses
VOL. VIII SEPTEMBER, 1922 No. 1 Entered as d , . ebra k secon class ma Gter July, 1915, at the Pc·st Office of Peru, s a, under the act of August 24, 1912.
NEBRASKA ST A TE NORMA L SCH OOL AN D TEACHERS COLLEG E Peru, Nebraska E XTENSION COURSES The purpose of Exte n ion courses, whether Study Center or Corre spondence, is to ext end the ser vices of .the Stat e Teacher s College to evei:y properly qua lified p erson who cannot atte nd a n ed ucat io nal institution for t h e time bein g, but who wi shes to purs ue syst em atic study under co mp ete nt di r ection and fo r colleg e cr edi t . In additio n to its co urses in reside nce, one of th e m os t valuable services t ha t th e T eachers College can r en der is an oppor t unity for teachers in serv ice to contin ue t heir ed ucation and t o r eceive aid a nd inspiration in th eir dai ly work. Teachers a r e urged t o· ava il th em selves of every suc h adva ntage t hat t hi s s tate in stit u tio n , which is th eir institution , h as to off er t hose wh o, though t h ey ar e not n ow engaged in teaching, look forward t o t eachin g as th eir life work and wh o expect to ente r e r re -enter a Teacher s College la t er. 1. STUDY CENTER Character of t he Courses. The Study Center courses a re t he sam e as those give n in the cla ssroo·1n of t he State Tea ch ers College at P eTu and are con du cted by t he sa me m ember s of t he fa culty t ha t co nduct the courses in residence. How Orga nized. A Study Cen ter may be orga nized by t h e m utu al agreement of ten or more perso ns t o m eet at som e place accessi ble to both class and t eacher, an d t o study s om e one of t he s ub ject s offe.r ed in this bulletin. An instructor or so me other r epresentative of t h e college meets with the grc·up a t their fi rs t m eeting and a ss ists t hem in selecting the co urse or co urses (if mor e than on e class is desired ) best suited to th eir needs , an d in any other work of organ ization . J; t the close of the m eeting a de fi nite ap pointm ent is arra nged for th e fir ,; t class meeting.
Regulations. The minimum of students in a cou r se is ten . 9 A fee of $3.00 per cr edit hour-$6. 00 for t wo hours- i s cha rged e:i·~h member en rolled . F ees are collected at t he fir st m ee t ing by a representat:vc of th e college . A rece ip t will be issued by t h e Co llege Registrar. Fees are not refund'e d for any cau se. Th ose w ho wis h their grades to be entered upon t he college books fo r p erm a nent u se and reference mu s t mat1 icula t c, if th ey have not a lrea dy done so as resident students. T he matricul ation f ee is $5 .00. . 3. A boo k deposit ren t a l fee of $4.50 for each tw o hours' course is required in ad vance ; $3.00 of this is r emi t t ed t o t he stu den t w hen the books are Teturn ed. 1.
4. After org an izati on, th e instructcr m eets the cla ss ni ne diffe r e nt tim s in Study Center co ur ses in which two ho urs' credit is g iven . Ordinarily th e m ee tings will be held eYery other week. By a greem en t of t eacher an d cla ss, m eetings may be h eld weekly. 5. I n stru ctor s are limited to th e giving of not m ore t ha n one or tw o Study Cente1 courses at a time, and for thi s r eason som e courses offered may not long r emain open for s elec tio n. 6. All Study Cen ter courses are organized after September 15 a nd compl et ed by May 15. 7. A maximum ct edit of six seme st er hours m a y be earned by a ny o:i e studen t by ext e nsi on co ur ses (Study Center an::l Correspondence ) within th e li mits of the ti m e set fo r the completion of t h e work; th at is, bet wee n S ep tember 15 and May 15. All extension classes s hould be organiz ed a s early in the fa ll a s possible.
STUDY CEN TER COURSES ]922 -1923 D!·aw'ng and Painti ng , 2 hou rs _________ _______ Mi ss Rinehart C'csign- - E lern ents and Pi obl ems, 2 ho ur s ___ ___ Miss Rin ehart
BIOLUGY Nature S tudy, 2 hours ~ ----- -- - ------ - - - - -- - ---- Mr. Holch A dvanc ed P hys iology , 2 hem s - ----- - - - - - --- - - - - -- Mr. Holch Scho ol Hy gie ne, 2 homs _________ __ ___ ____ __ ____ __ Mr. Holch CO MMERCE Beg inn ing Shor th a nd, 2 hour s -- --- -- ----------- Mi ss P al m er Typ ew rit ing , 2 hou r s- -- --- --- - -- - - - - - - -------- Miss Palmer
E DU CATIO ' AND PSYCHOLOGY H is : ory of Edu c:: t ion a nd Mod er n Scho el Problems 2 hours - --- -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- ----- --- -------- Mr. Grago E ducation al Soc iolog y, 2 hou r s ------ -- ------- - -- Mr. Crago E' duc J t ic r.a l P sycho '. og y , 2 h outs ----- - -- -- - --- - - M '. Crago The A m e;i : a n Ru i a l School, 2 hour s __ 7 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Mr. Brown E du catio na l Soci clc gy , 2 hours - - - -- -- -- - ------ Miss Tear Ch ildr en 's L it er at ur e, 2 hours - - ---- -- - - - - - - Miss Rosenquist P : ::i y ~ a nd G:im es, 2 hou rs -- - - -- - - ------ -- Mi ss R osenquist L t::!. rr:e diate Meth ods , 2 hours-- ---- -- - -- - -- - - Miss Hazeman Chi!dre:i's L" '. e; at ur c, 2 ho ur s - --- - - -- ------ - - Miss Laughlin Ci t:z cnsh p for G · ad es , 2 h c·urs ---- -------- - - Mi ss La ug hl in Gra d e R eadi ng , 2 h · u:s - --- - - ------ - -- - - -- - - - Miss L aug hlin E l'\ GLISH Sha kes;;ea:e- Cc m edi es, 2 hou r s -- - ---- - --- - - ---- - Mr. Easc·n Shak es pe ar e-T : agedi es, 2 hours ----------- - ---- Mr. E as on B r ~ w niag-Shor te r P c em s, 2 hours ---- -- ---- -- -- Mr. E ason T e Great Tr::c d'. t ion- English and American Li teratur e 2 e r 4 b ur s -------- - ---------- - - - -- - ----- - - - - Mr. Eason
HO ME ECON OMICS Clot hi ng, 2 ho ur s-- - ---- - ------------- ~ ------- -- Miss F os ter H om e Economi cs for Rura l Teacher s, 2 hours ___ _Miss• Fo ster HIS'f'ORY . Teache rs Cou rse in Hi sto ry, 2 hour s ---------- -- Miss Minne Advanced Am eri ca n Hi s tory, 2 hours __________ Miss Minne MUSIC . Pu bl ic School Music, 2 hours ---------------- Miss Ca.rpenter F olk Ga mes and Dances, 2 hours ---------- Miss Carpenter Constructive Play, 2 hours ________________ Miss Carpenter PH YSICAL SCIEN CE Phi losop hy of Scie nc e, 2 hours -- ---------------- Mr. H oyt (Advance d stud ents only) A str onomy, 2 hour s ------------------------------ Mr. H oyt POLITIS AL AN D SOCIAL SCIENCE Advanced Rur a l Sociology, 2 hou rs ----------- -- - Mr. Brown In tr oduction to th e Study of Sociology, 2 hour s __ Miss Hazeman Industria l Society, 2 hou rs - -- -- - - - - --------- Mi ss Hazeman II CORRESP01 DENCE COURSES Purpose and Cha.racter. Th e purpose and cha rac t er of correspond ence cou r ses a re the sa m e as t hat of the Study Center courses. How En r olled . Each stu<i ent mu st fill out an application blank (s e.e last page of this bulletin for bla;1k) in ord e.r that the instructor may ascer ta in his fitn es to purs ue with p rofi t th e co urse he de sires. If th e stu ce nt is accepted, he is notifi ed ~>.t once by the R egistrar, to ;1 he pa ys t he necessary fe es . Th e in ~ tr u ctor th en will commu nicate di1ectly with t he s tud ent, giving i ri ~ t ruction s and di rections for t he co urse. Reg ulatio ns 1. A f ee of $3.00 per credit hour-$G.OO for two h ours - is cha rged, in ad vance, each p erso n enrolled. No f ees refunded for any cau se after enrollment has been accepted and directions for work hav e been se nt to th e s tu den t. Tho£e wh o wish their grades t o be enter ed upo n th e college bo oks fo r perman en t use and r efer ence must matrk ul ate, if they have not alr eady done so as r esident s tud ents. The matric ula t ion f ee is $5. 00.
. 2. A bcok deposit r en tal fee c-f $4.50 fo r eac h two hou rs cou.tse is r eq uired in advance ; $3.00 of t hi s is rem itted to th e stud ent wh en the books a r e ret urned. 3. Time of r eg istrati c-n for Corr es pont.! e nce co urses is between Se.p t embe r 15 and March 1. All wor k mu st be completed by May 15. However, £pecia l anangem ents for a limi ted numb er of cour ses m ay be made in exceptional cases fo r work during t he summ er . ~ - I n each course fo r which two hou rs ' cr ed it is given, th e work required will a pproximate tw en ty les so ns, requirin g approximately
five hours preparatio n for each . close of t he cour se.
An examination is r equired at the
5. Studen ts are limit ed to one correspondence course at a time. No correspond ence work is off ered to stud ents in r esidence. 6. Th e co¡Ilege do es not guarantee to give all courses iisted in th is bulletin, for the r eason that changes in the t eaching staff may necessitat e withdrawal of cour ses from th e list . Also , each teacher is limited in the number of such stud ents he may instruct a t one time. 7. A m aximum credit of six sem es t er hours m ay be earned by any one student by extension courses (S tudy Center and Correspond ence ) within the limits of th e time set fo.r the com pl etion of the work-that is, between September 15 and May 15. All extension courses should be or ganized a s early in the fa ll a s possibl e. CORRESPONDENCES COURSES 1922-1923 ART Drawing :i.nd Paintin g, 2 hour s
Miss Rinehart
BIOLOGY School Hygiene, 2 h ours ------------------------ Mr . Holch P t-rson al Hygien e, 2 hours ---------------------- Mr. Speer Advaneed Ph ysiology, 2 h curs -------------------- Mr. Speer EDUCATIO N AND PSYCHOLOGY History of Educat ion, 2 hours ------------------ M.r. Crago Child P sychology, 2 hours -------------------- -- Mr. Crago (Prerequi site P sychol ogy I) ENGLI SH Recent En glis h Fi ction, 2 hou r s ------------------ Mr. Easo n Short Story, 2 hours ---------------------- Mi ss Fauihaber GEOGRAPHY Geography of N eb rnska, 2 h our s ____________ Mr. Clayburn Th e N ew Europe, 2 hours---------------------- Mr. Clayburn HISTORY America n Hi story 1765-1845, 2 hours ____________ . Miss Mi nne MUSIC History of Mu sic, 2 hou rs ---- - --------------- Miss Carpenter E lementary Harmony, 2 hours ------------- - Mi ss Carpenter PHYSICAL SCIENCE A str onomy, 2 hours ------------------------------- Mr. Hoyt POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE American GoveTnment, 2 hours ---------------- Miss Minne American Governm ent, 2 hours ------- - -------- -- Mr. Br own Introd ucti cn to the Study of Socioiogy, 2 ho urs __ Miss Hazeman Inotlustrial Society, 2 hou r s -------------------- Mi ss H azeman
APPLICATION FOR CORHESPONDENCE STUDY To ']'he Heg is trar State Teacher s College Peru . ~ eb raska. Date ___ -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - ---- -- - - Nam e Ad dr ess - ------- ------------------ - ------ -----~---- -- -- ---- - --P re sent Occupation --- -- -- ------- --- - -------------------------- GraJ uate
f10 111
what high school ---------- ---- -- - -------- ----- - -
If at any tim e e nrn lled in this State T eachers College, p!ease give th e year or ye ar s and t he numb er of mon t hs in att endanc e.
Months Att znd ed __ ___ ______ ______ __ _
Months Attended ___ ____ _______ _____ _
Months Attended __________________ _ _
'A ttendanc e in oth er in stitutions, including both high s chools and colleges . Name of in stitution
Month s attended
Name of institution
Months attended
t:am e of in stitution
Months attended
Show your class ifi cation as a stud ent by the a mount of credit you now have-------- ------ hig h school poin:s _____ _____ College hour s. Wh at other co u rses ar e you takin g or planning to take whether in thi s or in some other in stitution? ---- -- ---- ---- - ------ -- - -- ------
Subj ect you now desire by correspondence - - ------- - -- -- -- --- -----