Nebraska State Nonnal School and T eachers College PERU, NEBRA SK A
of Study
APRIL, 1923
Th e P er u State Normal Sch ool and Teachers College is main. tained by t he state to train teachers for the public schools of N ebrask a. Excellent opportunity for demonstratio·n teaching and practice teaching is furnish ed in the Training Sch oo.] whi ch inrludes every pha1;tl of public school work-the one teacher school, the g r aded schoo l froni kin dergarten thr ou gh the eight h grade, and the four year typical high scho ol. The college proper includes the two-year courses, which prepare for t eaching in the grndes and junior hi g h school, and th e fo ur-year course which leads to t he regu lar A. B . degre e and prepares for teaching in any first class high school. Expenses he re are at a minimum . Be ing a tax s upp o.r ted state sch ool, t her e is n o tuition and the necessary fees ar e small. Board and room need not exceed fro m $20.00 to $25 .00 per month an d all other expenses need not exceed from $10. 00 to $15. 00 per semester or summer term. A m atriculatio·n fe e of $5.00 is paid but once, a contingent f ee of $3 .00 each sem ester or summer t erm, a boo k r ental fee of $1.50 each semester and l aboratory or other fe es depending on work t aken . A s tudent loan fund has been provided t o h elp stud ents financ ially. The rate of in terest is reasonable and the loans n ecessarily smali and for rath er short perio ds, due to the fact tha t the amount available is limited. But it is p ossible to hel p a number of students each year . COURSES OF STUDY The foll owin g pages give in detail the ccur ses of study an d the s uggested order of subj ects by seme ters. A carefu l study of them will avoid errors and confusion in registration, a s well as enab le the s tudent t o ch eck up from time to time on progress made. FOUR YEAR COURSE, LEADING TO BA CHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE This course may in clud e any one of th e shorter co urses leading to the general teachers' diploma or to a special supervisor's certificate. To secure the Bachelor of Arts degree, requires the completion ot 125 college hou rs, 30 of which must be in professional work Enough electives may be added to the general and group r equirements listed below to make the r eq uired total. General Requirements Professional Subj ects ------------------------------------30 English ____________________________________________ ____ 10 History ----------------------------------------------- 6 Physical E:ducation --------------------------- ----------- 4 Group I, Languages _________________________________ _____ l6 Group II, Science ----------------------------- - - -- ---- - 8 Gi·oup III, Math., Sociology, or Pol. Sci. ____________________ 8 Group IV, Subjects student is preparing to t each.
hours hours h ours hours hours hours houn
Major and Minors E:ach candidate for a degree sh all select at least one subj ect as a major and not less than two minors. Mo st high school po itions re· quir e ability to in struct in two or more c;liffe\·ent lines,
Hours for Minor
14 14
Drawing --------- - ----------------------- -24 English --- -- ---- -- --------------- - ------ -28 Geol. & Geog. ----- - -- - ------------------ - - -16 History --- - - ---------------------- - ------ 20 Home Economi cs ------------------ - --------- 22 Indu strial A r ts - - - - - ·---- -- -- -- - - ---- ---- ____24 La t in _______ _______________________________ 24
16 8 12 10 12
18 12
Ma thematics - - - -- -- ---- -- -- - - -- - - ---- -- -- --- 20 Mod. Lang. - - ------------- - ------------ - ---- 28 Music _- - -- -- -- - - ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- _24 Phys. Educati on ____________________________ 22 ?hysi cs ____ __ _------ --- _______ -- --- - -- -- -- _16 Ph ysiol ogy ________ _____ __________________ _ Social Sci ence (oth er than h istory) _________ _ Zoology ___ ------ ________________ _________ _
23 14 16 10 8 8 12
TWO YEA R COURSE LEADING TO DIPLOMA AND STATE CERTIFICATE This course may in clude preparation for primary, upp er g rade or high s chool te aching and electives s houl d be so select ed. T o secure th e s tate n or m al dip lo m a and - a first grade state cer tifi cate r equires th e ccmpletion of sixty-six college hours, of which not less than t wenty no r m or e than twenty-fo ur mu st be proiess iona l work. Af ter two yea r s of s uccessful t eaching, the g raduate is en titled to a profess ional life cer ti fi ca te . General Requirem en ts Group I.- P rof essional ----- ~------------------- -20 t o 24 ho urs P sycho logy ----------------- - ---------'! hours Pt inci ples and Meth ods ---------- - ------4 h o-urs Theory of Educati on - ---------------------4 h o ur ~ Teac hing ---------- -- - - ------- - ----------6 hou rs Profess iona l Electives -- -- ------------------ 2 to 6 hours Group II-Academic Biolpgy ___ ________ ________ _____________________ 4 hours Eng.Ii sh ______ ___________ ___________________ ___4 h ours Hygi ene _________ ___ ___ _____________ ~ __ _________ 2 hours Gr oup III-Other E ssentials Public S chool Mu s ic ____ ·_______ __ _______ 2 houn Public School A rt _____ ___________ ________________ 2 hours Physical Edu cation ________________________ ______ 2 hours L
______ _
G:·oup IV-Spec ial Certifi cate Subject s I n thi s group are fo und th e r equirements for t hos e w ish in g to pr epar e for teachi ng in grades, hi g h sch ool or s pecial s ubj ects.
E:nou gh academi c electives mu st b e included to make less than twenty-six nor more than t hirty college hours . General Commercial Ear ly E lem entary Education Manual Arts Home E conomics Physical Education Public Sch ool Music Public Sch ool Art Speech E ducation Science Rur al Edu cation SUGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJECTS Leading t o S pecial Teaching Certificates Th e foll owing arrangement of subj ects is designed to assist stu. dents to pla n their work to t he best advantage. Careful attention has been given to the elements of time and sequ ence of both elective a nd r equired subj ects.' FRESHMAN YEAR F irst Semester Psychology or Bi ology ----------------------------- - - - - - 4 h ours :English or P r inciples and Methods _______________________ _4 hours Public Sch ool Mu sic or Art ________________________ __ ______ 2 hours Fhvsical Education -------------------------------------- 1 h our El~ctives ---------------------------------------------- 6 hour& Second Semest er Biology or P sych ology ---------------------------------- 4 h ou rs P rinciples and Methods or English -- ----------------- --- 4 hours Publi c School Art or Music ---------------------------- 2 hours PhysicD i E ducation ---------------------------------- ¡-- 1' h our. Electives ----------------------- - --------------------- 6 hours SOPHOMORE YEAR First Semester Teaching Hygi t>1;e Electives
---------------------- ---- --- ----------- 2 o~ 4 houri -----------------------------------------2 hours ------------ -- --------- ---- ----- --- --- --10 er 12 h ou n Second Semest er T eaching ----- - ---------------------------------- 4 or 2 hours 4 hours Theory of Edu'cation -------------------------- -Elect ives -------------------------------------- -- 8 or IO h our&
COMMERCE COURSE The purpose of this course is to prepare the student to t each at least three comm er cial subjects . One entrance point in bookk eeping
is require?· Students deficient in this entrance point may make up the work m the D emon str ation High School. FRESHMAN YEAR F irst Semester Beginni:i ~ Shorthand ------------------- - ----------------4 hou~s Typewriting --- -- -- - ----- ---------- ------------ - -- ------ _2 hours Second Semester Advanced Sho r thand -------------------------------- ----4 hours
*;~~~:r~V~~g ,
-================ ============================i SOPHOMORE YEAR
First Semester Adv, Accounting -- ---------- -- -- --- ----- -- -- ---- - -------4 h ours Advanced Dictatio·n - ------- -- ----- ---- -- ------ ---- _____ _4 hours
~f!c~~1~;in~--=======================================o-~;-~ ~~~~: Second Semester
Commerdal Law or Economic Geography _________________ _4 Typewr iting ______ --- ____ ------- -- --- ---------- ---- ----- 1 Commer ci al Methods ---------- - -------------------------2 E.lectives - - -- - ---------- - ------------- - ------------ 0 or 2
hou rs h our h ours h ours
EARLY ELEMENTARY EDUCATION COURSE FRESHMAN YEAR First Semester Early Elementary Curriculum or Lit. Int. _________________ _4 h ours Elective ___ ______________ ___ ______ _ -- --- ------- ---- _____ 2 hours Second Semester Lit. Int erpretatio n or E arly Elementar y Curriculum _____ ___4 hours Elective ------------------------------------- ---------- -2 h ours SOPHOMORE YEAR F irst Semester Botany or Zoology _________________________ ____ _________ 4 hours Primar y Geography or Manual Activi t ies _________________ _4 hours Plays and Gam es or Thec-r y of Education ________ __ ________ 2 hours Elective ---- ------- - --- - --- - ---------------- - ------- 0 or 2 hou rs zoology or Botany ___ _________ Second Semester ___ ________ ___ __ _________ _4 hours Manual Act· T P · Th 1v1 ies or nmary Geograp h y -- -- -------- - ----- 4 h ours E eory of Education or Plays and Games __ ___ ______ _______ 2 h o-u r s lective _________ ___ ______ _____ : _______________ ___ __ 2 or 4 hours
El~~~~~~· k _-===== == == ==== ====== == ==== ==== == ==== ==== === == == i ~~~~~ C Second Semester Ei;ft~~!~y
or Elective Manual Arts _________ ___ __ ________ _4 hours
--- ---- ------------------ -------------- -------- -2 hou r&
SOPHOMORE YEAR M h . First Semester Mec am cal Drawing -------------- - ------------------- -- -4 h ours E!an~_al Ar t s Methods, Organization and Equipment __ __ ____ _4 h ours ec 1ves --------- --------------- ---------- ----- -- ---2 or 4 hours
Second Semester Cabin et Making and Carpentry ---------- --- ---------- ---- -4 houra
~l~~~)~~s ~~~~~~- ~~t~__ -= ===========================o-~;- -i ~~~~: H OME ECONOMI CS COURSE FRESHMAN YEAR First Semester
Chemi try ------------------------------ -- ------ -- --- -- -4 hours Foods I -------------- - --------- --- ----------------------2 hours Second Semester Chemi stry ------- __ ------------ ---------- ------- -- -- - __ _4 hours Foods II ---------------------------------- --------------2 hours SOPHOMORE YEAR First Semester Clothing ----------- --- -- - -------------- ----- ---------- --2 hours Design -------------- -- -------- -- ---- ------- ----- ------4 hours Foods III ___ _____________________ _------ --- ----- _______ 2· hours H ome Ec onomics Methods _______________ ____________ ___ __ 2 hours Second Semester Clothin g -- ------ -- ----- - ------------------------------ --4 hours Foods IV ----------------------------------- ---- - ------ --2 hours H ome Management --- - -----------------------------------2 hours Physiolog y _______________________________________ ____ __ 2 hours PH YSICAL EDUCATION COURSE FRESHMAN YEAR First Semester Physical E:d ucation I ------------------- - ---------------- 1 hour Physiol ogy of Exer cise _____________________ _____________ 2 hours Electives _____________ ___________________________________ 3 hours Second Semester Physical Educat io-n II ------------ -- ------ -- ----- ---- -----1 Electives ------------------------------------------ - --- 5 SOPHOMORE YEAR First Semester Theory of Physical Education ________________________ __ __ 2 Pl').ysical Education III ___ _______ ___ _____ _____ _____________ l Theory of Athleti cs (1 st or 2nd semester) __________________ 2 Electives ---------- -------- -- ---- -------- - ---------5 or 7 Second Semest er Methods of Teaching Physical Education __________________ 2 First Aid ________________________________________________ l Physical Education IV ------------------------------- --- - 1 Electives --------------- ------- ---- ----- ----- ------4 or 6
hours hour hours hours
PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC CO U RS E FRESHMAN YEAR First Semes ter Principles, Method's and Practice _____________________ _____ 4 E ar Train ing and Sight Singing __________________________ 2 Second Semester I{armony ---------- -- ---------------------------------- 4 Electives ---------------------------------------------- 2
hours hours
hour hours
hours hcur hou r hours
hours hours
SOP HOMORE YEAR First Semester t · n1entation ----- ------------------------- - - -------- 2 ~~j~al History - - ---- ------- ------------ -- ---- ---- __ __ ___ 2 Electives ----------- -- ------ ------------------------6 or 8 J Second Semester Mu sic Practice and Method ---- - ------- -- ------- -- -------6 Electives ------- ----- - ------------ - ----- - ---- ----- -- - 2 or 4
h ours hours hours hou r s hours
PUBLIC SCH OOL A RT COU RSE F RESHMAN YEAR F ir st Semest er Drawing and Painting I ---- --- -- - ----- - ------------------4 hours E~ctive s ----- ------ --------- -------- --- ---------------2 hours Second Semester Drawing and Painting II - ----- - ----------- --------------- -4 hours Electives --------------- - ------------------------------2 ho ur s SOP H OMORE YEA R F irst Se mest er Design ------------------- ------ ------ ------------------4 hour& Modeling (1s t quarte r ) - -- - ------- -- ---------------------2 hours Industrial Art (2nd quarter) -- - -------------- - ------------ 2 h ours Toy Making - -- - ----------------- - ------------ -- -------- 2 h c·ur s Electives --------------------- - - - --- - - ---- - -- ------ 0 or 2 hours · Second Semester Pr inciples of Art (1st quarter) _______ _____________ _: ___ __2 hour s Art History (2n d quarter) - - ---- - --------------- - -------2 hours Art Practice - -· -- - - ---- --· -- ----- -- -- -- --- -------- -· -- --- -4 hours Electives ----- - --- ----- -- - ----- --- ------- -- --- --- -- 0 or 2 ho urs SPEECH E DUCATION COURSE F RE SHMAN YEA R F irst Semest er Literary In terpr etation I ----- - ---- ------------------ ------4 hours E lectives ---------- - - -- ------------------- - --- ---- ----- 2 h ours Second Semester L;terary Interpretation II ------------ ------ - -------- - --- -4 hours Ercwning or Ten nyson __ _____ __ ____ ___________ _________ ___ 2 hours SOPHO MORE YEAR First Semest er Shah:8pear<' or P lay Producti on ___________________________ 4 hours Ext<-mpo raneo us Speaking ·- ------- - --------- -- ---------- -4 ho ur s ~lg~~n1~1at i o n an d Debate _____________________________ _2 h ours e~~ve & ------- ------------------- ----------------0 or 2 h o~ i s Second Semester ~1y Production o-r Shak espeare ___ ________ ___ __ ______ __ 4 hou r s ~l va~ced Public Speaking _______ __ ___ __ _________ ____ ____ 4 hours Ec~ves --- -------------- -- -----------------------0 or 2 ho urs GENERA L SCIENCE COU RSE F RESHMAN YEAR Ch . F irst Semester E l ern_istry or Zoolpgy -------------------- -------- --- - --4 ect1ves ------- ------------ - -- - ---- -------------- -- --- 2 Second Semester ~l~~~~s ci· Chemistry --------------- -- -------- -- ------- -4 --------- ------ - ------------------------------2
hours h ours hours h ours
~~JJ~i~~s -_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=:_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=:_~=-=_=_=_=_=_=_~=-=_=_=z= ~;=! ~~= Second Se mest er Science P ractice --------------------------------- - - -- - - -4 holll'l& E:Jectives ----------------- - ----------------- - ---- --4 or 6 ho~ Science E lectives Eight (8) hours to be selected from t he foll owing sub jects: Organic Chemistry ---------------- - -------------- - ----- -4 hours Advanced Analytical Chemistr y ------------------------ --- -4 hours Genetics and Evolu t ion ---------- - ----------------- - ---- -4 hours P lant Physiology and E cology ____________________ ___ _____ _4 hours P lant Morphology ------------------------------ - ------- --4 hours Science PTactice _------------ __ ---------- _________ ____ __ _2 hours Advanced Phys ics ------------------------------- - ----- - - -4 hours Ast ronomy -- ------------- - ------------ - ----------- - -- - - - - 4 hours Radi o - ---------------------------------- - ----------- --2 hours Philosophy of Science --------------------------- - ------ --2 hours Advanced Huma n Physiology ________ _______ ___ _____ _____ __ 4 hours In special cases, other electives t han the above may be approved by the science department R URA L ED UCAT ION COURSE FRESHMAN YEAR F irst SemesterRural E conomics -- - ---------- -- -------------------- - --- - -4 Elective - -------------------- - -- - ------------------- - - --2 Second Semester A mer ican Rural E ducation _____________________________ ___ 4 Elective ___________ ---------------- _______________ ____ __2 SOPHOMORE YE AR Fir st Semester Rural Home E co nomics or Man ual Arts __________________ __4 Advanced Rural Sociology _________________ _____________ __4 Arithmetic or Geography ------------------------------- ---2 Elective -------------------------------------------- 0 or 2 Secon d Semester School Ad ministr ation ------------- - -------------- - -- - - - -4 Georgraphy or Arithmetic _______________________ ___ ____ __ 2 Elective ---------- - ------------------ - ---- -- ---- --- -2 or 4
hours hours hours hours
hours hours hours h'ours hours hour11 hours
PERU CA LENDAR Summer 1923 .¡ Summer School Reg istr ation ___________________ _____ F ri day, June 1 Fir st Term begins __________________________ ______ Monaay, June 4 Second Term begins ______________________________ Monday, July 16 Second Term closes ------~----------------------- Friday, August 24 1923-24 First Semester Registration _________ _______________ Friday, Sept. 7 First Semester begins _________________________ ___Monday, Sept. 10 First Semest er closes __ ________ __ ___ ___ __ __ ___ __ _January 18, 1924