1923 Summer Catalog of the State Normal School of Nebraska - Peru

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Nebraska State Normal School and Teachers College PERU, NEBRASKA

Summer School June 4- July 13, 1923 July 16-August 24, l 923




NO. 2



LOCATION T wo lin es of the Burlington pass throug h P eru , the one frolll Lincoln to Falls City, an d the oth er from Nebr,a ska City to B ea trice,. furn ishing excellent pa s:;;enger service fr cm all points in t h e state r each ed by t h e Burlington system. The Missouri P acfic fro m Lincoln and Omaha reach es P er u t hr ough B urlington connections at Nebraska City and Auburn. From Om aha t ake Burlington at 4 :30 p. m . direct to P eru, fr 0111 Lin coln take Burlin gton at 1:30 p. m., via T ecumseh, or at 3 :00 p. m. direc t to Per u. Bur lingtcn tra ins leave Nebrask3 City for P eru 9:05 a. m . a nd 6:55 p. m. Burli ngton train s leave Beatri ce at 1 :20 and Auburn at 4 :02 fo r Peru. From Falls City, the t im e is 5 :30 a. m. AU of the se trai ns a r e daily except Sunday. The Rock I sla nd f ro m Fairbury conn ects with th e Burlington at Beatrice or Rockford.


FACU LTY Mos t of the r egu lar facu lty will be on duty for th e summer term and a numb er of excepticnally stro n g educators have been secured aa additional members of the faculty for the summ er school. Some of the g r eatest ed u cationa l leaders of th e country have been secu r ed to assist in making the summer school not onl v a strong term nf r egu lar scho ol w ork, but also r endering it a h igh typ e of teachers' in stitute as well. RECREATION Th ere will be opp or tun it y to participate in diff erent for m s of r ecrea ti onal athle tics. T ennis courts located on the ca mpus will be k ept in readiness fer th e use of stud e nts during th e summer m onths. The fin e n ew sw imming p ool will 1be in use dur in g the su mmer school. T he v ar ious ph ysi cal act ivities. t cgethe r w ith t h e beautifu l h ills and woods surr oun ding P eru, give to all the privilege of combi ning wholesom e and' h ealthfu l r ecrea ti on with sc hool life. SOCI A L LIFE Th e social life finds express ion through th e var iou s stud ent organizati ons of t h e i nstitution. The Y. W . C. A., the Y. M. C. A ., the C. C. C., th e Gir ls ' Club, th e Men' s Club, the County clubs. ·a nd the Literary societies h ave as their fi rst interest the welfare of t h e students atte ndin g P eru. LIVING EXPENSES In Peru, the co·s t of li ving is at a minimum . R oom s in pri v ate fami lies at present r ent at $1.25 and $1.50 per week, per stud ent, two students in the room. Thi s renta l u sualJy includes h eat, li g ht, an d bath privileges. Meals are from $4 .50 to $6.00 per week in priva t e boardrng hou ses. Many students do lig ht h ousek eeping, faci lities for wh ich are found in a numb er of places. . . The State maintains Mount V ernon H all as a hom e for girls with a comp etent Hou se Mother in cha r ge, Mc-dern rooms can be had here for one dollar p er week, per student, two girls to t he roo m. Excellendt m eals are served in t h e dining roo m for th ose who room h er e an abou t fifty persons fr c·m outside. Th e p resent price of meals is .$4.50 p er week a nd' will b e reduc ed as soori as good service will p ermit, as the dining h all is not operated for profit. Room ing an d bo ari dng facil iti es in P eru are ample t o car e for all students oesir ing t o atten d su mm er sch ool. Unless arrangem.e~ts are made before coming to P erl,] ! ~ tµd ent s should call at the Adm1ms-



tion building where the R egistrar, the Dean of Men, and the Dean t}aWomen will give full info rmation concerning rooms and meals. A ll 0 ri vate homes offering to ro om and board student s are subject to ~up ervisio n and approval of the college. SCHOOL FEES As in all N ebraska s tate schools, no tuition is charged and only the lowest f ees po ssible with good work in any special departmen t. All f ees are payable in advance, each semes t er a nd summer term . Matricul ati on Fee - -- - - --- - - - - - - - -- -- - -.-- -- - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - __ $5.00 Paid but once by each s tud ent entermg college or the 11th or 12th grade of the high school. Textbook rental, each sem ester and summer t erm ____ __________ $1.50 Stud ent depos its $4.50 each s umm er t erm or year. Conting ent fee, each semest er a nd summer term ____ ___ ______ ___ $3.0(J '.'.'he fo llowing fees cover laboratory work, typewriter practice, an d piano rent: Infirm ary, each semester and summe r t erm --- -------------- - $ .50 Home Economics (colleg e ) _------ -~ -- - -- --- _____ --- --- - --- - -- 4.50 Home Economics (high school) ---- --- - --- ----- ------------- - 1.50 Table Service an d Demonstrat ion --------------------------- - 5.00 Manual Arts (college ) -------------------- ------ -- ---------- 3.50 Manu al Arts (high school ) - - ---- -- ------------ -------------- 1.00 Mech anical Drawi ng (college) ------------------------- - ---- 1.00 Psychology, Physio logy, Geology, Physics, Botany, ea ch____ ____ .50 Chemistry, Zoology, Agric".llt ure, Nature Study, each_ ________ _ .75 Clay Modeling, Handwor k, each -- --------- - ----------- ----- .50 Locker key, gy mn asium or chemi stry labor at nry (refunded)____ .50 Typewriter r ent, for each h our credit ------------------------ 1.75 Piano rent, one per iod da ily per semes t er ------------ - ------ - 3.50 Piano rent, one peri od daily summer scho)L _____________ ______ 2.00 Pian o rent, two periods daily p er sem es t er ___________________ _ 6.00 Piano rent, two period s daily summer scho oL- ------ ---------- 3.50 DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES Thi s edu catio nal in stitution is auth orized' by law and the rules of the Board of Educa tion t o issue the follo wing degrees, diplomas, and certificates . 1. Bachelor of Arts degr ee. 2. Regula r normal school diploma, which is a three year first grade certifi ca t e g ood in a ny scho ol in the state. 3. Profess ional life state certificate. 4. Junior certificate, a state elementary certificate, represent ing C¡ne full year's work above a four y ear high school course. 5. Elementary state certificate. â‚Ź. Rural certificates, elementary an d advanced . 7. Special certifi ca tes for Dom estic Science, Manual Training, Commerce, H igh School Science, Public School Mu sic, Public School Art, Kinderga rten, Primary or Or al Expression. COUNTY CERTIFICATE SUBJECTS c Classes will be main t ain ed for t hose desiring to prepare for ounty ex aminations to secur e th e second and fi rs t grade county cer-



tificates. For a second grade county certificate, grades in the fo llow. ing ~; ub:ie c s re r equired: P enmanship Orthography Arithmetic (mental and written) Phy siology and Hygiene Geography Englis h Compo sit ion Engli 3h GramrnH Civil Goverr:ment Agriculture UJ1i.ted States History Drawing Th eo ry ancl Art (Observatio n anc: Methods.) Bookkeeping Reading Requi.r ed- - at least eight weeks of n ormal training in a standard normal 5chool, college, or university,-Theory and Art. For a first grade county certificate, in addition t o the subjects m enti oned above, grades in the following are r equired: Algebrn Botany Geometry Pu blic School Music H,equired-at least twelve weeks of normal training in a standard normal school, college, or university,-Theory and Art. CREDITS A credit point applies to hi gh school or secnndary subj ect s used for entrance to the college. A "point" is the credit received for a subject carried five h ours per week, with the r equired pr eparation, for a period of 18 weeks. A credit hour appli es to college w o.rk. An " hour" is th e credit r eceived for a subject reciting one hour per w eek , with the required preparation, for a p eriod of 18 weeks. Summer school courses mu st be carried for extra time to secure full sem ester credit. COLLEGE Courses in all dep artments will be off ered for: L Regular college students who wi sh to continue their work during the summer. IL T eachers wi shing to pursue pr ofessional work or . advanced work in any special field. III. Two _ye ar graduates and others desiring to do work toward a degree. HIGH SCHOOL L Work will be offered in regul ar high school courses to meet the needs of high sch o-01 stud ents. IL Speci al attention will be given to high school stud ent s wishing to earn credits for gradua'tion in their home high sch-001. SPECIAL COURSES The Palm er P enmanship syst em will be taught and t ho se completin g the course in a satisfactory m anner will be able to secure a certificate as teachers of this system. Physical Training for women and Pl ayground Supervision of children will be g ive n under a competent instructo.r . Excellent opportun iti es are offered in music, both voice and in stru mental, pian-0, violin, band, orch estra, chorus, and glee club. Special work in coaching fo.r high school principals a nd athletic coach es will be offered again this summer.



CO LLEGE COU RSES S uggested . fo r the S ummer Sessi.on NOTE: In genera 1 all courses for th e summ er session ar e 1 nned to cover t he fu ll tw elve week s. H owever, classes will be Pr~an ged and wo rk ad ju sted fo r those stud en t s .w.ho desire t o attend a_x weeks eight week s or twelve w eek s. The m1mmum en rollment t o m . seven stu dents . maintain a' class 1s EDUCATION Curriculu m-elect ive, diplom a or degr ee. School A dmi ni str ation-elective, di plo m a or degree. Educational Mea surem ents- elect ive, diploma or degee. Child Study-elective, dipl oma or degree (Prerequisite, 4 hou rs psychology.) Histo1y of E ducation-elect ive, d iplom a or degTee. Educational Sociology- elective, diplom a or degree. American Rural Education-elect ive, dip loma or degree. Children's Literature- r equired for K indergarten course, diploma or degree. Primary Princ iples an d Methods-requi red fo r pr imary course. (Not open to Freshmen or inexper ienced stu den t s. ) Manual Activities-required for pr im ar y or kin de r ga r ten cours e, diploma or degr ee . Plays and Gam es- elective, diploma or degree. PRIN CIPLES AN D ME 'rHODS OF TEACHIN G (O r 'lerva t ion and Met hods) High School -r equir ed, diploma or degr ee. School Ad ministration-elect ive, diplom a or degree. Rural Primary-elective, diplom a or degree. Grammar-elective (fo r coun ty and st st e certifi cate. ) Intermediate- elective, (for cou nt y and s tate certificate ) . Primary-electi ve (fo.r cou nty an d¡ state cer t ifica t e. ) PSY CHOLOGY Psychology I. Fres hmen required¡, di plo ma or degr ee. Psychology II. Fres hmen r equired, di ploma or deg.r e e. Intelligence Testi ng- diploma or deg r ee (P rerequi site, 4 hours psychology.) MATHEMATICS Solid Geometry-elective, diplom a or deg r ee. College Algebra-elective, diploma or degree. Trigono metr y-elective, diplom a or degree. Theory of Equations-elective, diploma or degr ee. ~he fo llowing r eviews a re g iven for t hose desiring t o take st at e examm'.ltions fo r county certifi cates. Arith metic-n o credi t . Algebra-no credit. Geometry-no credit E N GLISH Freshma n En g lish- Freshm an r equired, diplom a or degree. English Li t er a t u1 e-el ctiv e, diplom a or degr ee. Shakespeare-elective, dip lom a or degree.


El UMMER SCHOOL l3tJLt.E'r1 Short tory-elective, diploma or degree, T ennyson- elective, dipl om a or d'e gree. For fu rther courses see Education.

SPEECH EDUCATION (ENGLISH) Literary Interp r etation- elective, diploma or degree. (required, Kind erga:rten.) Public Sch0ol Reading-elective, diploma o.r degree. Public Speaking- el ectiv e, diplom a or degree. Play Production-(directing and s taging of plays )-elective, diploma or degree. Private lessons arranged. FOREIGN LANGUAGE Beginn ing Latin-elective, d iploma or degree. Caesar-elective, diploma or degree. Review Caesar (Teach er s' com e)-clective, diploma or degree. Beginning Sp an ish- electi ve, diploma or degree. Spanish III. (2nd ye ar)-elective, diploma or degree. HISTORY AND SOCIOLOGY Rec ent Amer ica n History-elective, diploma or degree. Teachers' Course in Hig h School History-elec tive, diplo ma or degree. Nineteenth Century Hist c¡ry (European)-elective, diploma or degree. French Revolution an d Napoleonic Era-electiv e, diploma or degree. Sociology-elective, diploma or deg ree. Adv anced Rural Sociology-elec tiv e, diploma o.r degree. ECO NOMICS AND CIVICS Political Economy-ele ctiv e, dip loma or deg r ee. Amer ican Government -elective, dipl oma or degr ee. PHYSICAL SCIENCE Physics IV. (El ec tricity)-elective, diploma or degr ee. W ireless T elegraphy-elective, dipl oma or d ~ gr ee . Chemistry !.-elective, diplcm a or deg ree. Chemistry II. (secti on on e, analysis )-elective, diploma or degree. Chemi stry II. (section two, practical) -elective diploma or degree. Chemis try III. (o r ganic) -elec tive, diploma or degree. Astronomy-elec tiv e, diploma or deg r ee. Sci ence Lec ture Cou r se-elective, diploma or degree. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE Nature Study (a)-requi r ed for Kind ergarten, diploma or degree. Nature St udy (b )- r equired for Kind er garten, dipl oma or degree Coll ege Bo tan y-requir ed, dipl oma or degree. (or Zoology ) College Zoology-r equi'r ecl', dipl oma o-r de g r ee. (or Botany) Hygien e-required, diploma or degree.



GEOGRAPHY Prim ary Geogr a phy-elect ive, diplom a or degree . Regional Geograp hy-elective, diplom a or degree. The New Eur ope-elective, diplom a or degr ee. The Geography of N ebrask a- elect ive, diploma or degr ee. Eco nomic Geogr aphy-elective, diploma or degr ee. COMMERCE Commercial Law- elective, di plom a or degr ee. Acco untancy (Advan ced Bookkeeping)-elective, dipl om a or degree. Adva nced Shorthand- elective, diploma or degr ee. Advanced Dict ation-elective, dip lc¡ma or degree. Pal mer Penm an hip (for P almer cer t ificate )-1 hour drill credit. Orthography-1 h our drill credit. Typewriting-elective. ART Art History an d Appreciation...:._electi ve, dipl oma or degr ee . Ind ustrial A r t-elect ive, diploma or degree. Modeling-elective, di ploma or degr ee. Drawing and P ainting !.-elect ive, diploma or degree. Applied Design-electi ve, diplo ma or degree. (Prer equis ite, either course in require d drill dra win g . ) Drawi ng for Primary Tea cher s- r equired drill. Drawing fo r Gr ammar 'l'eacher s- required drill. Drawing f or Nor mal Training or Rural Teach ers.---- (for ru r al cer tificate. ) Certificate Dra wing-( P r eparing for state examin ation) MUS IC Da!croze Eurhythmics- requir ed for sup ervisor's course, diploma or ckgr ee. Rote Son7, Repertoir e-required for s upervisor 's course, diploma or degree. Appreciation-electiv e, di ploma or deg.ree (requi re d for sup er vi sor's co urse. ) Harmony- elective, diploma or degree (required for superviso.r's course.) State Exami nation Music. Music-Private Instru ction ar.ran g ed. HOME ECON OMICS Food !.-elective, diploma or degree (requi.red fo r H. E . course.) Food's IL-elective, diploma or degr ee. (required for H . E. course. ) Clothing V.- elective, diplom a or degr ee (required fo r H. E .) Clothing VI.-elective, diploma or degree (required fo r H. E.) Survey-elective, diplom a .or degree. Home Economic.s Met hod s--elective, dip loma or degr ee. MAN UAL ARTS Teaceh rs ' Course in Woo<lwork-elective. (required for sup er visor's course.) T Cabin et Making-elective, diplom a or degree. ( Prer equisite, eachers' Course in Woodwork.)



W oodfinishi ng and Upholstering-(Prerequisite, Woodwork and Cabinet Making.) Carpentry-elective, (Prerequi site, 1 pt. high sch ool credit.) Wood Turning-elective, diploma or degree. Mechan ical Drawing-elective, cliplom a or degree . . Architectu ral Drawing-elective (Prerequisite, Mechanical Dr aw. ing.) Man ual T rain ing Method s- required for sup ervisor's course. rn

HIGH SCHOOL COURSES Latin Begin ning Latin-1 point hi gh scho ol credit. Ca es ar-1 point high school credit. Spanish Begi nnin g Spa ni s h- 1 p oint hi gh sch o·ol credit. Mathemat ics Beginni ng Algebra- 1 point high school credit. Third Semester Algebra-1 point high school credit. Begi nn ing Geo metr y-1 point hi gh school credit. Solid Geo metry-1 point hi gh scho ol credit. Commerce Shorthand- I point hi gh school credit. Bookkeeping- I poin t h igh school credit. Typewriting-6 hours attendance. English Eleventh Grade English (1 st semes ter)-1 point high school credit. Eleventh Grade English (2nd semester)-1 poin t h igh school credit. Bu siness E nglish-1 p oint high school credit. His tory and Civics United States History-1 point high school credit. Civics-1 p o·int high sch ool credit. Manual Arts Hi gh School Wordwork (for beginners)-one-h alf h igh school credit. Hi gh School Mech anical Drawing-one half high school credit. Hi gh S chool W oo-cl T urning-one ~h a lf high school credit. Science Physiology-I point high school cred it. Botany-1 poin t hi gh school credit. Agriculture-I point high school credit. PERU CALENDAR Summer 1923 Summer Sch o·ol Registr ation --- - --------------- --- Friday, J une 1 First term begins ______________________________ __Monday, J une 4 Second Term begin s ______ ________________________ Monday, J uly 16 Second T erm closes ___ ___ _____ _____ ____________ Friday, August 24 1923-24 F ir st S emes t er Regi str ati on ____ ____________________ F 'r iday, S ept . 7 First Semester begins _________ ________ ___________ Mond ay, Sept. 10 First Semester closes ____________________________ J an uary 18, 1924

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