Sta , } . l S I l , bNebraska is " 01 ma c 100 and Teache.r s College, Peru Nebras1
a1;0 or8 them,ior the American Ass ociation of Teacher s ' Colleges, Schools. e c · Central Associa tion of Colleges and Secondary
J uly 1924
Enter~d as
NO. 1
·N~lon kclassunder matter July, 1915, at the post office of Peru t he act of August 24, 1912. ' ·:i ,
-- --- . .,. .,. .,. ,. . .
T'llT't" l~~---------
Nebraska ka is a Sta t e N ormal School and Teachers College, Peru, Nebrasal~o of t1be}fer hfCthe American Association of Teachers Colleges, Schools. e ort entral Association of Colleges and Secondary
July 1924
NO . 1
Entered as Neb secon\ class matter July, 1915, at the post office of Peru, ras a, under the act of August 24, 1912.
_ 1 23456 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -JANUARY
___ 1 2 3 4 - - - - - - 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 1112 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 30 31 -- 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30 -- -- -- -- -- -1925 APRIL
1 7 8 91 14 15 16 01 21 22 23 ~~ 28 29 30 31 -- -- -- -- OCTO
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8 9 10 1112 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -MARCH
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ANNOUNCEMENTS 1924-25 First Semester Registration _____ Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 8 and 9, First Semester classes begin -------------------Wednesday, Sept. 10, Second Quarter begins ________ .___________________ Monday, Nov. 10, Thanksgiving Recess ____________________________________ Nov. 27-28, Christmas Vacation __________________ Dec. 20, 1924 to J an. 4, 1925 Second Semester begins ____________________________ Monday, Jan. ;~ Fourth Quarter begins __________________________ Mon day, March Second Semester closes ____________________________ F r iday, May 29'
SUMMER SCHOOL 1925 Write Registrar for Summer School Bulletin, 1925.
STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Honorable Honorable Jionora~le 'Jionor\ : Jionora 1 Honorable Honorable
T J Majors, Presidei;t __________________________ Peru D· ·Morris Vice-President ____________________ Kearney HanE Reische Secretary ______________________ Chadron F. s· Berry ~----------------------------------Wayne D·an · v. Stephens ____________________________ Fr<:mont E Ruth Pyrtle ________________________________ Lmcoln J · M Matzen State Superintendent of Public Instruction,
ADMINISTRATION W R Pate A. B., President. w: N". Delz~ll, Executive Dean and Director of Extension. Mrs In ice Dunning, Dean of Women
Elm~ I.
Gockley, Bookkeeper and Secretary to the President.
INSTRUCTION R. E. Albright, A. B., Professor of History. E. C. Beck, A. B., A. M., Professor of English, Head of Department. Mrs. Mae Miller Beck, A. B., Supervisor First and Second Grade Teaching. Ruth G. Brandt, Supervisor Junior High School Teaching. George W. Brown, Professor of Rural Education and Associate Professor of History and Sociology. Emily Burton, Supervisor Fifth and Sixth Grade Teaching. Esther A. Clark, A. B.. A. M., Professor of Foreign Languages. A. B. Clayburn, A. B., Professor of Geography. A. Crago, A. B., A. M., Professor of Education and Head of Department. ~uby E. Damme, Director Physical Education for Women. Mary Ebersole, B. S., Professor of Home Economics. Loarij ~·taulhaber, A. B., A. M., Associate Professor of English. L Y R Gi keson,_ Superintendent of Training School. A~h · L raf\ Director Physical Education for Men. A Eur · Hill, A. B. Professor of Mathematics.. WF Holch, A. B., Mus. B., A. M., Professor of Biology. · · HoDvt, A. B. A. M., Profcsso1· of Physical Science and Head of C. A H epartment. v Ii J.uck, A. B., Associate Professor of Mathematics. · · iipdrf, A. B., Director of Band and Orchestra, and Associate 0 Pearl S essor of M:'lthematics. Margar~t elley, Su~ervisor Third and Fourth Grade Teaching. Alice M Liughhn, A. B., Associate Professor Rural Education. Elizabeth ·ri:f8ce {{1an, Mus. B., Director Public School Music. Nona M p c 0 um, B. E., Director of Kindergarten. J. W. P~ul aimer, A. B.. Associate Professor of Commerce. wary J. Pi~ SB, Professor of Manual Arts, Head of Department. • Iorence R" e 0., Professor of Speech Education. Alice M Rne .art, Professor of Art. · obinson, A. B., Associate Professor of Languages.
i·h' ·
F loy Royse, Instructor of P iano. Grace Tea r, A. B., A . M ., Professor Educa tion. Alma A . Tolin, R. N., School Nurse. C. M. Yerkes, B. Sc. , Principal Demonstration H igh School.
LIBRARY Jessie J. Glass, A. B., L ibrarian. Lib bie A. Branson, A ssistant Librarian.
RECORDS AND ACCOUNTING R. D. Overh olt, A. B., Registrar. Clara M. Dunigan, A ssistan t Registrar .
:B'ACULTY COMMITTEES Calendar- P almer, Dunigan, Graf, Yerkes, Plaehn, Damme. Convocati~n-Dun ni n g, Musselman, Jindra, Royse, Bl'andt, G1lkeson. · Curriculum and Daily Program-Tear, Hoyt, Paul, Beck, Crago, O holt, Dunigan. Budget and Athletics-Delzell, Overholt, Beck, Brown, Clayburn, Hu ck, Paul. Library-Gl ass, Laug hlin, Crago, Faulhaber, Hill. Press and Pedagogian-Beck, Palmer, Albright. Personnel-Crago, Dunning, Delzell, P almer, Holch. S ocial-Ebersole, Damme, Kelley, Yerkes, McCollum, Jindra, Glass. 'Teacher s Bureau-Gilkeson, Delzell, Dunigan. ·wel fare and Health-Tolin, Damme, Dunning, Delzell, Gr af, Gillt Faculty Meetings-Crago. Brown, Bran son, R inehart , Clark. Rules-Del zell, Dun ni ng, Gilkeso n, Glass , Albright.
ADVISERS Dramatic Club-Mary J . Plaehn. Everett Literary Society-Emily Burton. Philomathean Literary Society- R. E. Albright. Y. M. C. A.- A . Crago, A. B. Clayburn. Y. W. C. A.-Elma I. Gockl ey, Alice M. Musselman. College Catholic Association-Mai·garet E . Laughlin. Christian Science Club--Clara M. Dunigan, Grace Tear. Episcopal Club--Emily Burton. College Men's Club--W. N. Delzell. College Girls Club--Mrs. !nice Dunning. Seniors-Grace Tear. Juniors- A. E . Holch. Sop homores-A. L. Hill. F reshmen-W. F. Hoyt.
PERU STATE NORMAL SCHOOL AND TEACHERS COLLE GE GENERAL INFORMATION Tl annua l catalog is int ended t o give su ch information con. 1e the P eru State Normal School a nd T each ers College as may cerdin 11 ~·ed by students plann ing to continu e their edu cation in a well be .e d st ate school. Becau se of limita tion in space, some things equipg: omitted from the catalog, information concerning which can maYI by writing to the President or to the Registrar reac 1.l y be obtai11ed at Peru, Nebraska. The chief purpose of t h e institution is educating and t raining teachers fo r the publi.c sch ools. You n g people wJ:o h ave not fully decided on a life vocat10n may complete t h e academic work generally accepted for t he freshmen an d soph omore years of any liberal arts college. The Bachelor of Arts degree ca n only be conferred on those who have completed the fo ur year course, which includes the required professional preparation for teaching. The in stitution is organized to include every ph a se of public school work whethn rural or grades, t h e ungraded one-room school, the kinder garten, the elementary graded school, the junior high, t he seni or demon stration high sch ool, and the teach ers college. E ach unit represents a real school situa tion with the education of the child and the t rain ing of the teacher as pr imar y a nd coor dinate obj ects.
HISTORY In 186'.', the same year that N ebrask a bec"lme a st a te, t he legislature proVJded for the establishment of a t r aining school for teachers a.t Peru . It was t~ e first state n ormal school west of the Mississippi nve_r. For over fifty years, it h as made an en viable record of ~chievemen~ in educational affairs. Its facu lty has ever been n oted ~r Profession al and progressive ideals and its students and gradua0 hbave done much to shape t he educa tional development not a lon e e raska but of the entire nation.
F or th irty-eight years, Peru w as th e only school of its kind in eh m~ a territor ·b As tl1e resources of th e st a t e wen~· developed and all its work 0 { t ecame se~tled the legisla tu re found it wise to ca r r y the the B 1 deacher trammg to other part s of th e st a te It authorized ano h~: : ~f ~ducation having cha r ge of the P eru school to establish :vears th~ 1 . • and the Bo_a rd locat ed it a t K earney. Within a f ew Rrrni·d of Eef slat~ure provided for two additional sch ools and the Chadron E uca ion est ablished one at Wayne and the other a.t linP. and e~ acI: of th~ four schools is developi ng alon g t he same work at p . c\ is workrng out t he same ideals that h ave guided the ei u or the past! fifty-five yea rs. The degrees . . . E clue ti on h d. ' B ac h e1OJ . of Arts m Eclucat10n and Bachelor of ~t thi time athPbS~n grant~d by t h e in stitution nreviou s to 1921, but o Teacher s C ll ate Legislatu re ch anged the State Normal Schools C?Ur se, confer~·i eges, and a u t horized them to offer a four year college s1ty does. ng the degree Bachelor of Arts a s the State Univer-
LOCATION Two lfnes of the Burlington pass t hrough Peru th Lincoln to Falls City, and the other from Nebraska c'it ~ one frot11 furni shing excellent passenger service from all point/ ino t~eatrice, reached by the Burlington system. The Missouri Pacific f e S~te coln and Omaha reaches Peru t hrough Burlington conner~!ll Lill. Nebraska City and Auburn. c 10ns at From Omaha one may t a ke Burlington at 4:30 p m d' Peru; from Lincoln take Burlington at 1: 30 p. m. via · Te~u~~ect to at 3 :00 p. m. direct to P eru. Burlington traJns leave Nebrask:~.~ for Peru at 9 :05 a. m . and 6 :55 p. m. Burlmgton trains leave at 1:20 ~· m. and Auburn at 4:02' p. n:1· for Peru. From Fall.a City the time is 5 :30 a. m. All ?.f these t rams are daily except Sunday. The Rock I sland from Fairbury connects with the Burlin., Beatrice or Rockford. 6"""
Because of good roads leading into Peru, a large number of s tu dents are no longer dependent upon train connections. ManJ s tudents drive regularly to Peru. A group of four or more can easily arrange for bu s service from or to Auburn or Nebraska Cit,.
BUILDINGS The executive offi ces are located in a three story structure, known as the Admini stration Building. The P resident, the Dean of Men, the Dean of Women, a nd the Registrar have offices on the main floor, a nd the other flo ors are given over to class a nd lecture room& This building is centrally located and readily accessible from all partl of the campus. The Library building is modern and complete in every way.. It contains 35,000 books and a very complete fi le of the best mi.faZl:' and periodicals published. Its reference department is a~ong uncle best in quantity and qu ality. In its juvenile department 1s fo . almost every worthwhile book for children, and its library collect: is very extensive and complete. The library is well adapteddltof needs of the school and at the same time it serves as a mo e or well selected city library.
Science Hall has two stories, the fir st of which is devoted::. biological sciences and th e second to physical sciences. ~achtdepd,.er ment is well equipped with lecture rooms and laboratones oge with all necessary apparatus.
The training school is the center of all special preparatio1T teaching and it is certainly fitting that it should occupy bthi 0 j its Majors Building, the finest on the campus, a nd among the e~o serve kind in the entire country. It is well equ ipped in every way as a model structure for any well graded school system. hapel, is a The gymnasium, known to former students as th e c hysical fin e brick building and contains everything necessary for j a vert training, namely; swimming pool, showers, locker rooms, an fine basketball floor.
Tl ew auditorium occupies the site of the ann ex to t h e original 1 e n.Iding. It is fireproof and durable in every way. It pro- -¡ collegf b.u~ll public gatherings connected with the institution, having ,¡ides ti~rg capacity of twelve h:undred. Its _acoustic properties and a sea f cilities are satisfactory m every particular. stage a M unt Vernon Hall has rooming facilities for one hundred girls d dining room sufficient for one hundred seven ty stu den ts. The ' n : of Women, who lives in the H all, makes a r eal h ome for the ~e.j . and an excellent menu is provided for those who take their gi~al ~ 'here. The purpose of the school is to furni sh rooms a nd ~eal s practically at cost and to set a standard of quality for a ll who desire to make homes for students. The infirmary, located on the college campus, is a thoroughly modern and well equipped hospital. Students n eeding the u se of a hospital are cared for at a cost for actual expense incurred, a nd the services of the nurse are free. A fin e power ulant, conveniently located , supplies h eat, light a nd power for all buildings on the campus. A n ew boiler with a utomatic stoker has recently been installed. T wo syst em s of electric Jtenerators and two sets of boilers guarantee continuou s a nd satisfactory service at all times. A t ran smi ssion line from Nebraska City also furni shes a continuous twenty-four hour electric current for light and power.
CAMPUS The Peru campus overlooking the Mi ssouri River is the most distinctive campus in Nebraska. Comprising over sixty acres of oakco;rered hills and valleys, it is the n a tural home of song birds and wlld flowers. In autumn it is a glory of colors; in spring it is a dream of song and verdure. 'J'.he athletic field was carved out of the hills. With its natural al nhitheatfn- it i1=; one of the most picturesque bowls a mong a ll the 1 po eg,~s. F ew colleges can boast as noble God-given setting as "Old eru.
ORGANIZATIONS RELIGIOUS. The Y. M. C. A., the Y. W . C. A., the College Catholic A tion, the Christian Science Student Club and the Episco ~ encourage student fellowship and participation in the reli~l!-1 ~ of the school. Membership in these organizations is openio:,s Ute student interested. llllJ SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL. Membership in the Girls' Club is open to every woman enroJle4 as a student. The work of the club is social a nd is planned to 1...t.;.: its members become acquainted and feel at home while in p._,, During the year, the club gives a number of parties and recepti::: It takes a personal interest in each of its members and in eve~ designed to make school life better and pleasanter. It is sponsored bj the Dean of V\Tomen. A Men's Club has recently worked along much the same linea as that for women. It has proved its value in bringing the Dial together with a common purpose of mutual benefit and social inf'.81'. course. It works in close touch with the Dean of Men. Other organizations which are important in the student life oa the campus are the Dramatic Club, Everett Literary Society, Philomathean Literary Society, a nd the class organizations. MUSIC. Under the Department of Music there is organized a ~ an orchestra and a glee club. These organizations give entertainmenta and concerts and furnish music for chapel entertainments. ATHLETICS. The letter men of the institution's athletic department maintafa the "P" club, sponsored by the college coach.
The Olympic Club is an athletic organization for girls under leadership of the director of Physical Education for wo_men: Pohl are given for work in tennis, hiking, basketball and sw1mmmg.
The Tennis Club. Any college student is eligib1e to this~ Tournaments are held in the spring and in the fall to dete IastiO the college championship in doubles and single.s . Interscho tournaments are also held.
RECREATION ffers unusual opportunities for outdoor sports and various · . 0 P erf recreation. The beautiful scen ery, the hills, the val~ey~, means ~l nds the riveT and the splendid roa ds a r e a constant mvithe. woot aan dutdoor lif~. The tennis courts are in u se from early tation o 11 spring until late fa · The swimming pool and th~ _new gYJ'.lnasium with its fin e basketJl court make complete prov1 s10n for mdoor sports. . . . ba The literary societies, classes, a n~ other . orga.m.z:;ition s give entertainment during the year, and fu r m sh social a ctivities for the student.
LECTURES AND RECITALS Lectures are given during the year by variou s f aculty m embers under the auspices of the Christian association s. Outside talent is also orocured. giving the student opportunities to hea r men and women of national reputation. Concerts and recitals have been given by students of the various departments of music. Outside talent is brought to the institution every year, for the purpose of permitting the students to hear the best music.
TEACHERS ' PLACEMENT BUREAU The Superintendent of the T raining School is chair man of the Teachers' Placement Bureau. The gradua t es are n ot gu aranteed positions but every effort is made to locat e them in desirable positions.
HEALTH F or a number of years P eru has Jed in h ealt h conservation as wel.l as. in provision for the care of the sick among its student s. It ~amtams a trained health director who gives p ractical instruction m ~chool sanitation, in care of school children, and in guarding agamst cont~gious and infectious diseases. A s a n experienced nurse, the he~lth dn:ector h as charge of the school infir mary where students when 111 receive foe best of medical attention. A f ee of fifty cents P~r semester and summer term is ch arged each student for this serVlthce., an_d an additional fee of one dollar per day for personal care in e mfi rmary.
ing &'raduation, a number of classes h ave left memori als con sistcont 0 . pictures, tablets, and various memen tos. The Ai·t Club has in tl~·ibu.ted a frieze, statuary and other works of art. The clock tain e /i~h·ary was the gift of the class of 1903 : the drinking foun1914 .0 e class of 1911; the campus electroliers of the class of dial ~ft~h portals at the north entrance of t he class of 1915; the sunwalk f. e class of 1920; and the class of 1924 will build a cement bui!diniom the. pav~ment to the athletic fi eld. In fact, a lmost every stud entg has histoncal features of interest to all a lumni and former s.
STUDENT LOAN FUND A new sort of memorial was in stituted by the class of 19 it founded what is ~own as the Student L Fund. 0th 13 When have assisted as the following li st shows: er c1assee Class
1913 1915
1916 1918 1919 1922 1923
Prnfessor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor
Sponsor B. C. H endricks F . C. Smith C. F . Beck I. G. Wilson Iva M. Dunn Nona M. Palmer Grace T ear
$ 50.00 50.00 55.00 300.00 311.00
18.85 294.84
During the last year seventeen loans have been made. The fund is under the custody of R . D. Overholt, Registrar and is accumulating interest when not in u se. A faculty committee decides upon the merits of each loan and the following provisions are considered : To be eligible to a loan from this fund the applicant must be a student in the college, who is preparing to t each and needs the money to complete his course. Preference is given to those nearing graduation. A note is required which is signed by applicant .and parent or guardian. A reasonable interest is charged. Applications for loan s should be made to the Regi strnr or Presi¡ dent and will be aeted upon in turn as approved a nd as money is available. Short time loans and nrompt payments a r e necessary conditions to assist the largest possible number of students. The greatest memorial that can be left by any student organization i~ the opportunity to contribute to t hose who prepare fo r a life of service to the state in educating its children.
ASSISTING STUDENTS Many students find it necessary to work some t o help ~!"1 expenses while in school. A Job Bureau is maintained wher!! a of people needing help is kept and an effort is made to brmg e work a nd the worker together.
LIVING EXPENSES I Peru the cost of living is at a minimum. Rooms in priva te . !1 at pi·esent rent at $1.25 to $1.50 ner week , per student, two 1 fam 1ie~ in a room. Meals are from $5.00 to $6.00 per week in st~dert boarding houses. Many students do light housekeeping, pri~l~t~es for which arn found in a number of places. f aCJ I l
The State maintain ~ Mount Ver n on H all as a home for g ir ls 'th the Dean of Women m ch arge. Modern rooms can be h ad here for wi dollar per week, per student, two girls in a room. Excellent on~Js are served in the dining room for those who room h ere and ro~. about seventy persons from outside a t $4.50 per w eek. Rooming and boarding faci lities in P eru are a mple for a ll students desir ing to attend school. Unless arrangem ents are made befon' <'omin ir to Peru. students should call at the Administration building, whei:e the R~gistrar , . the Dean .of Men and the Dean of Women will give full mformat1on concernmg rooms and meals. All private homes offering to room and board students are subject to supervision and approval of the college.
SCHOOL FEES As in all Nebrai::ka stiJtP schools, no tuition is charged, and only the lowest fees possible with good work in any special depa rtment. All fees are payable in advance, each semest er a nd summer t erm. Matriculation fee ____________ __ _____________ ______________ $5.00 Paid but once by each student entering college or the 11th or 12th grade of the hi gh sch ool. Textbook rental, each semester and summer ter m ____________ $1.50 Student deposits $4.50 each semester or summer t erm. Coi:tingent fee. each semester and summer t erm ------------$3.00 *1firmary, each semester a nd summer t erm ---------------- .50 Home Economi cs, ( Collf'ge) -------------------------------- 4.50 T ohle Ecoi:omics, (High Scho?l) ------------ -------------- 1.50 Ma e Service iind Demonstration ---- ---------------------- 5.00 Manual Arts (College) ------------------------------------ 3.50 Manua} Arts Materi;oil deposit (College) ------------------ 5.00 Manua Arts (High School) ---------------- ---------------- 1.00 Mah1a1. Arts material deposit (High School) ---------------- 2.00
Ws:~h~~;~~i !51~~~~; d~p~sit--f-;~.-i~"St;;~-e~ts~-(;c~T~;a;af-==== ~:88
yc1oltogy, Physiology, Geology, Physics, Botany, Indu strial Zo l 0 r s Aach --------------------------------------------Ch~ l$"Yt griculture, Nature Study, each ------------------I ockis ky and Clay Modeling, each - ----------------------Tvpeer ··tey, gymnasium or chemistry laboratory (I"efu:ri.ded ) __ __ Pian ~Vll e~ rental, for each hour credit ---------------------Piano rent a , one pe1~iod da}ly per semester ---------------Piano ~e1;; 1 one pe-:10d da.1ly summer t erm ---------------Piano ren ~l' two periods daily per semester - ---- ------------Certifi~!:res ' two periods daily summer t erm ----------------
.50 .75 1.00 .50 1.75 3 .50 2.00 6.00 3.50
~in~~ d~E!i~;,~~========================================== ~:88 1
Non-resident students will be charged fees in accordan . following Nebraska law: ce With the "All state educational institutions shall charge a non-res id fee to each non-resident of N ebraska, who shall matric ert <'fter taking effect of this act. Th is fee shall n;t beu1 e than the f ees charged to residents of Nebraska for a sim·fss course of study in a corresponding institution by the tat~ ~r which such non-resident has his home." In
ADMISSION AND GRADUATION The work of this institution includes every department of th p~blic schools. It h as a comple~e sy stem of graded schools, beginnin: with a p reparatory grade or kmdergarten, an elementary school of six grades, a junior and senior high school of six years and a four years teachers' college. The in stitution is a unit as t o f aculty and managemen t. It has the twofold purpose of developing the best possible conditions for the child in the publi c schools and of supply· ing t h e most effective training for his teacher. The degree, Bachelor of Arts, is conferred upon the completion of on e hundred-twenty-five semester hours of college work, thirty of which must be professional. U pon completion of sixty-six college hours , n ot less than twenty nor more than twenty-four of which must be professional, the gra duate receives wh a t is known as ·the Normal School Diploma. This is a First Grade State Certificate and may be made a P rofessional Life Sta te certificate on completion of two years successful teaching. The Elementary State Certificate and the Advanced Rural Certificate are each issued u pon the completion of thirty-two college hours eight of which must be prof essional. All college work is based u pon the entrance requirement of thirty credits completed in a st andard fo ur-year high school or the equivalent in college prevaratory work. The Demor.stration H igh School, which is maintain ed as part of the institution for the pu rpose of illustrating the best methods of teaching and permitting prospective high school teachers to eta~ credit in practice teaching, is accredited to the North Cen ra Association of Colleges a n d Secondary Schools and &Ta.duate~ ca~ enter any College or Un iversity belonging to this A ssoc1at10n w1tlbou t fu rther examination . Th e con stant aim is to demon strate the es in administration and practice teaching in order t h at th~ teachels taking this work may give t.h e best possible service to th e high schoo s of the st ate. The elementary school includes a kindergarten and the. first si~ years of school. Admission to any grade is based on evidencj ~ a bility to do the work in a satiPfactorv m anner. Bv means of fl ay~ games and social situation s, the kin dergarten develops. s~\f-re ~h~ol. and prepares the child for th e m ore exacting work of 1 e. sn and Throughout th e grades, th e pu rpose is to supply a r eal s 1 tdati~nstra condu ct the work along the most approved lines. Bot 1 emhi hest tion a nd practice teaching privileges are provided , but the g welfare of the child is the first con s ideration.
DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES . ducation al institution is author ized by law a nd the r u les Tl1 1Bs e rd of E ducation t o issue the following degrees, diplomas, of the oa and certifica tes. Bach elor of Arts degree, see page 14. 1.
Regula r normal school diploma , (t wo y ear college) which ¡ is a three yea r fi r st grade certificat e g ood in a ny school in the state, see p age 18.
Special cer t ifica t es for Domest ic Scien ce, Ma nual T r a ining, Commerce Science, P ubl ic S ch ool Music, Public School Ar t , E lementa1:y Educa tion, E arly E lement,, ry E duca t ion (Kindergarten and Primar y), a nd Speech Education, on complet ion of two y ear college course, see p age 20.
Prof essional life state certifi cate, see p ag e 35.
5. Elementary state certifi cate, see p age 35. 6. Elementary rur al certificate, see page 36. 7.
Advanced rural certificate, see page 36.
Work is also given for the issu an ce of coun t y certificates, see .page 37.
CREDITS A credit poin t applies to high sch ool or second a ry subj ects u sed for en trance to the college. A " poin t" is the credit received for a subj ect carried five h ours p er week, with th e r equired p reparation for a period of eighteen weeks . .A c1¡edit h our applies t o colleg e work. An "hou r " is t he credit received tor a subj ect reciting on e h our p er week, w ith the r equired prepa r ation, for a period of eighteen week s.
STUDENT LOAD h T he i:iaximum credit wh ich m a y be earn ed in one semest er is 18 b ou~s. S 1xte~n h ou!s is ~he max imu m cr~d it which m ay be e.a r ned hy F r eshma n du r m g hi s first semester m t he College. Sixt een i~P~bl'lu S chredit in ~ one hour sub j ect or fifteen hours plus credit fo ic c ool Music or in Gen eral Art 8 or 9 is the r egular load r 11 st~ d~nts after t he first semest er's r esidence. be sec~r.1sbs10 n t~ carry the m aximum load of eighteen h ours must re Y act10n of th e faculty p er sonn el committee.
COURSES OF STUDY COLLEGE Entrance-The following credit s are necessary for entrance to th e freshman year of the College: English -------.------------------------ ------- ------6 points L anguage (foreign) ----------- ----------------4 p · M~1hemab'.s (alge bra a nd geometry) ~i~t History (European) ----------------- --- --------2 points Scien ce (la boratory) ---------------------------- ---2 poi ta Electives-other subj ects t au ght in an approved - --n High School ------------- ------------ -----12 points
Total ------------------------- ------ ----.=30 points
FOUR YRAR COURSE, T.JEADING TO BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE To secure the Bachelor of Arts Degree req ui res the completion of 125 college hours, 30 of which must be in professional work, I nclu ded in these creaits may be those earn ed in any of the courses leading to the t wo year gen eral diploma. The 34 hours required by the State Board of Edu cation must be includ ed. See page 18. REQUIREM ENTS Profession al subjects, (other th :m t eachin g ) ---- -----~- ---22 hours (See p age 16 for li st of subj ect s wh ich may be counted toward professional requirements). Teach ing ------- - -- - --- - - ---- - - - - - --- -------------------8 hours (2 hours must be done in t h e Senior year. If the candida te for degree is p reparing for high school t eaching, 2 of the 8. hours should be teaching cred it in the major subj ect and ~ m one mi nor. If su ch crerlit has n ot been earned, his advi sor ~ay require an additional 2 hours to insu re strong recomme~datfion fo r the studen t in at least two lines of work. If preparmg or grade work, 4 hou rs of teaching must be done in the ~rades fYJ which special preparation is being m ade. This t eachmg ~hou f follow t he r equired courses in the special method of teac~mf ~f these subj ects. Credit in these method courses to t he ~x en ts four hours may be applied to meet the professional requiremen • Academic subjects : . 8 hour s Group I- L anguage . and Engh_sh ------ - ------------- hour s Group II-Mathematics a nd Science --- - --------------88 houri Group III- Hi story a n d other Social SciencPc ----- ·t be F our ours are required in Physical .II:ducatio1 ; 2 hours mu. tsl tate Board those listed with t he general requ irr.ments by of Education fo r t he tw o year cour~e,- see page 18.
Majors and Minors: · r subject minimum of ______ __________________ 20 h ours : . M aJO minor · · · of ---------------- ---- 12 h ours First su'b·Jec t , Second minor subject, rnm1mum of ____ ___ _____ __ ____ 12 h ou rs S bject and subject grc»1ps from which the majors a nd minors be chosen : Biologica~ Sciences ;. Phy~ical Sciences ; Fine . Arts ; mMay al Arts · English; History ; Social Scien ces other t h an History; anue E cono~ics; Modern Languages ; Latin ; Mathematics ; Music; H om · Ed · Physical Educa tion; • uca t ion. Students who are taking the continuous four year course leading a degree should make selection of the major and m inor a t the i~ginning of the Sophomore year, with the advice of the Registra r and the head of the department of the major subject. Those who re-enter college after th.e c;ompletion of .a two year c;o~rs e should make selection at the begmmng of t he Jumor year . Decision m ay not be delayed later than the beginning of the second semester of t he Jun ior year. A record of subjects chosen must be fi led in the office of the Registrar upon a card provided for that purpose. The professor in charge of the major subj ect becomes the candida t e's advisor from this t ime until gradu a tion . The subj ects of the minors must be in departments other than the major. Education may n ot be u sed as a major or minor subject unless candidate for a Grade or Supervisor's position. In this case h e mu st m a jor in Educa t ion. T en h ours of E du cation in addition to general profession al requirem ents is necessary for a ma j or in Education. If preparing for grade work he must meet all requirements of the two year course in Early Elementary Education or in Elementary Education. ELECTI VE S Enough electives may be a dded to the general and group r equirements to make the required total of 125 hours. b Not more than 40 hours of work in any one department may e applied to an A. B. degree. Not more than two hours in addition to the four h ou rs required ~aa be elec;ted in P?ysical Education unless Physical Education be h a maJor or mmor subject. One hour is the maximum credit 1c may be earned in swimming.
A maximum credit of five hours may be earned in piano or violin if made according to the rules stated by the music department on page
may lbf Public School Music be m a de a major or minor eight hours e counted.
activTt~:~it0 i0
·Page 5g_ for
tf e extent of three hours m ay be made in the combined g ee club, orchestra and band. See rules for credit
t~~u~;nts e~rolling
on or a fter September 5, 1924, will be h eld
he held as gula~ions. Those who h ave enrolled before that date will consistently as the former selection of subj ects will permit.
The courses list ed below are those in which profess· ma y be made to meet requirements of the two year ando~l Cl'edit cou rse. In Education Department: e A. B. Requi red:
I ntroductory P sychology ---- -----Cla ss room Management ___ ------4 holll'I P~·inci ples a nd M.ethods of f;~chi~-i-====~ D1rect~d Observa tion - -------------------1 hour Teachmg -- -------------- ----------6 to g ho111'1
.E lective :
E ducat ional P sychology - - ----------- -2 houra Child P sychology ------------------------2 ho111'1 Educationa l Measurements --------- --==-2 houn Menta l T esting ------ - --- -- ------------=2 houl'I Psvch o ~ogy of Adolescence - -------------2 houn Educational Sur veys --- --- ---- - --- ------2 houl'I Hist ory of Education ---------------- ----4 houn Scoutmast er shi p Training ---------------2 hOUl'I Pla ys and Games (Ear ly Elementary Edu ca ti on) ----- - ------------- ------1 hour Manual Activities (Early Elementary E ducation) -------- ------ -----------2 hOUl'I Story Tellin g (Early Elementary Education) -- ---------------------------2 houn Such other elect ives as may be offered in the department from time to time. The follo wing electives i11 departments other than education, are a lso elective professional credits and may be counted to the amount of fou r hours, although no credit can be u sed to satisfy both a cademic and professional requirements : Commerce Methods of Teaching Shorthand ____ _____ _2 hours E nglish F ine A r t s Hist ory H ome E conomics
T each ing of High School English ____ __ __ 3 hours Methods in A.rt __ ____ ____ _______ ____ ____2 hours T eachers Cou r se in American History ____ 4 hours H ome Econ omics Methods __ ____________ __ 2
h urs
L atin
. 2 hours T eachers L a tin - - -,------- --------------Manua l T raining . · 4 hours Manual Training Methods and Orgamzat10n Mathema t ics
. 2 hours Methods of Seconda ry Mathematics ------
4 hours Biology Method s - - ------- ---------------4 hours Chemistry Methods - ----------- -- -----
is strongly recommended that all students who enter college /tur years of continuous work follow this course instead of buildf~~ t~e work of the junior and senior years upon a two year diploma course. Freshman Year First Semester English I -----.----------4 h1:s. Physical Education ______ l hr. Free Academic Electives _10 hrs.
Second Semester Biology _____ _____ _______ 4 h1·s. P hysical Education ______ 1 hr. Free Academic Electives 10 hrs.
15 hrs.
15 hrs.
Sophomore Year First Semester Psychology ______________ 4 Hygiene 1----------------2 Physical Education ______ l Music __________________ 2 Group Electives __________ 6
hrs. hrs. hr. hrs. hrs.
Second Semester Prin. a nd Methods of Teaching and Directed Observation ________ ___ 4 Art ____________________2 Physical Education ______ l Group Electives ___ ______ 9
15 hrs.
hrs. hrs. hr. hrs.
16 hrs.
Junior Year F irst Semester Curriculum ______________ 2 hrs. Teaching 2 h· Major and-~i~;r-;i~~thr-e~-i2 h~~:
Second Semester Classroom Management __ 2 T eaching _____ __ _________ 4 Professional electives ____ 2 Ma j or and minor electives 8
16 hrs.
hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs.
16 hrs.
Senior Year First Semester Teaching ______
2 hrs. t~o.fessional .Electi~~s-====2 hrs. Jar and mmor electives 12 hrs. 16 hrs.
Second Semester Professional Electives ____ 4 hrs. Major and minor electives 12 hrs. Total 125 hours.
16 hrs.
TWO YEAR COURSE LEADING TO DIPLOMA. AND STATE CERTIFICATE This course may include preparation for primary grade . high school or high school teaching and electives ' should ll:11ior selected. T o secure the state normal diploma and a first grade e 80 certificate requires the completion of sixty-six college hours of w~~ not less than twenty nor more than twenty-fou r must be pr'ofessj 1 work. Grades in each of the subjects included in the first on ~ounty certificate shall be s~bm\tted. These grades ~u st be e~= m the regular state examination for county certificates in accredited high school, or in the regular classes of this in;tituuc:! Grades earned by examination must be 80 % or above. Passin grades earned in regular classes satisfy the requirement. After tw~ years of successful teaching, the graduate is entitled to a professional life certificate.
GENERAL REQUIREM ENTS The following credits are required of all candidates for the two year diploma: Freshman Year: Psychology -----------------------------4 Principles and Methods of Teaching ______ 4 Biology --------------------------------4 English --------------------------------4 Public School Music ____________________2 Public School Art ______ _: _____________ __ 2 Physical Education ____________________ !
hours hours hours hours hours hours hour
21 ho111'1 Sophomore year: Theory of Education ____________________ 4 Hygiene --------------------------------2 Teaching -------------------------------6 Physical Education ____________________ !
hours hours hours hour
13 houl'B Total 34 hours
·ses here list ed are those in which the r equi red credits The coUI e earned. maY b . logy ____________________ Introductory P sychology I &"II 10 1 P syc . d Method s of T eaching a n d Directed Observation. Principles an High School, Junior H igh School Elementary or Early Elem entary _______ ____ __ __ Plant Physiology and E cology, Biology -----General P lant Morphology or Gen eral Zoology Engli sh --- - - -----:---------- --- Engl~sh Compositi.on I . Public School Music ______ _____ Public School Music 10, 11 01 12 Public School Art - --- - ------- G ene~·al Art 8 oi: 9 Physical Education for Women _Phys.1cal Educat.10n I a nd II Physical Educa tion for Men -- Physical Educat10n I , II, III • and IV or t hese courses combined with athletic sports. Theory of Education __________ Cla ssroom Management or Curriculum, High Sch ool Junior High School Elementary or Early Elementary (2 hrs. in Class room Management a nd one 2 hrs. course in Curriculum required ). Hygiene ---------------------- P ersonal Hygiene Home H ygiene a nd Care of Sick, School Hygiene and Health Educa tion or P ersonal Hygien e fo r Men Teaching - - ------ - - - - ------- - Work which is approved by the Superintendent of the T raining School in any traniing school classes. :r-:ot le_ss th::in twenty n or more tha n twenty-four hours of the See page 16 for a of professional subJects.
f~qtun ed s1xty-.s1x must. be professional work. 15
c f In addition to the two hours required, one hour of Physical Edu1011 b may be elected. Three hours is the maximum credit which u.ay e earned. _:
accoi~<?ur hours credit in violin or piano may be counted if made mg to the rules g iven on page 59.
club Onetalf hour credit each semest er is given for work in glee by ~ ~f~ estr:;i or band. Not more than one hour m ay be earn ed than th denht m these combined a ctivities in on e year and not more ree ours may be counted toward a diploma.
In addition to the thirty-four hours of r equired wo . two hours are to be elected from catalogue cou rses open to th1 a nd Sophomores. It is important that the student if und r~sh!Jlea to a yarticular line of prepar~t~on , should ear ly se~k a dvic ecide4 .. elective work may prepare defm1tely for a cer tain fi eld of t~a~~t
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Special courses ar~ offered in each of t he following departJne taâ&#x20AC;˘ Commercial n â&#x20AC;˘ Early Elementary Education (Kindergarten and Prinaary) Elementary Education Home Economics Manual Arts Public School Music Public School Art Speech E ducat ion General Science Special certificates are granted upon the completion of the wort required by the departments, each of which offers not less than twenty hou rs nor more than thirty-two hourn of departmental work. The two year program outlining definitely the courses to be taken should be ca r efully followed when enrolling as certain of the required courses are offernd but once a year. The work has been arranged to provide a helpful balance of courses and a consist.ent gradation of work. When a student elects a special course, the head of that depart. ment becomes his advisor throughout t he two years. Enrollment each semester should be made under the direction of t he advisor and no changes in program should be made unless advised by him. All students who expect to teach in the grades should el~ either the Early Elementary Education or t he E lementary Educati.Oll course. Those who wish to be recommended for high school teaching ill lines of work for which special certific a tes are not given, sho1;1ld see requirements g iven in the catalogue under the department hea ding.
I. REQUIREMENTS Cour ses required of a ll candidates for diplomas,
( seeJ;~he 1~~es;~~q~;;;a~~;;~~~-;,t;de;t~i;-this~~;r;~
should select the following sectio~s: . P rinciples and Methods of Teachrng __ H ~ gh School Curriculum ____________ _____ __ __ ____ Hig h School
II. DEPARTMENT REQUIREME NT S Beginning Shorthand ______________ ______ 4 Advanced Shorthand _____ ________ _______ 4 Typewriting ---------------- --------- - --6 Accounting -------- - - --------------- --- - 6 Advanced Dictation _______ __ ______ __ ____4 Commercial Law or Economic Geogr aphy __ 4 Commercial Methods ---- ------ ------ ----2
E~ctiv es
hour s hours hours hours hou rs hours hours
30 hours III. ___________________ ____________________ 2 hours 66 hours TWO YEAR PROGRAM
~~~i~~ 0 ~~ ~~~~f~ci~1;8a~ci-i\1eth~d~-;;d-Di;;;::ted-Obs-e~-=--- 4
Be~J~1~i~g-Sh~;fi;·;;;d- - -- -- - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - -- __4 h ours
Typewritin --- ----------- - ---:-- ----- - ------ - - - --4 hour s Physical E~u ~;t;~~------------------------------- --------3 hours ----- - ---- - --- ---------- - -- ---- -------1 hour 16 hours Second Semester
En.gli ~h I or Biolo Pr1nc1ple d Mgy -- -- --- --- --------------- - -- ------ - - -4 hours
cholog; -~~ethods and Directed Observation or P syAdvance.d Shorth;~a.--_----------- -- --- -- -- -------- -- --- ---4 hours
~~~~~·~W~ ----------====================================~ ~~~~~ Physical E~u~~ti~~--------- ------ - --- - -- ------------ ----- -2 hours ------------- ---- -- --------- - - - - - -- -- -1 hour
17 hours
SOPHOMORE: YEAR First Semester Class1:oom Management or Curriculum ________ _____ _______
~:~~;~~gAi;- -o~·-M ~~i~ -_-~~_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-~----_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-i ~~ Advanced A_ccou~tmg ---------- ---- --------------- - ------4 ho Advanc ed D1ctat1on -------------------------- ----- - -- 4 ho Commercial Methods ------------------------- -------- -===2 h~ Second Semester
16 J.,ura
~~~i~~neg -==============================================--~ l~!!: -------------------==2 -------- ------- ---4 Classroon.1 Management or ('.urriculum Comme~·c.1al Law or Economic Geography
oura oura
~{~1~:~~:~~~,~~~~~=======================================i t~~ 17 hours
EARLY ELEMENTARY EDUCATION (KINDE RGARTEN AND PRIMARY) COURSE This course is planned to meet the needs of t eachers who are planning to teach in the kindergarten or in the first or second grade. I REQUIREMENTS Courses required of all candidates for diplomas, (see page 18) 34 ho11111 Of these req.uir ed courses students in t his cour se must select the following sections: Principles and Methods of Teaching ____ E arly E lementar y Curriculum ------------------------ Early Elem entar y Fine Arts ---- -- ------------------------ General A1·t 8 Hygien e __________ School Hygiene and H ealth Education II DEPARTMENT REQU IREMENTS Nature Study ____________________________ ____ _4 hours Children's Literature ___________________ _______ 2 hours Educational Measurements _______________ _____ _2 hours Tov Construction _____ ______________________ ___ 2 hours Ch1ld Psychology --------------------------:---.2 hours Story Telling --------------------- ----------- - 2 hours Penmanship ---- ---------------------------- - - -1 hour Literary Interpretation __________________ ______ 3 hours Plays and Games ____________________ __________ l hour Manual Activities ---------------------------- - -2 hours Primary Geography _________________________ ___ 2 hours
23 hour•
9 hour•
------------------------------------------- ----,,:___
66 hOUl'll
PERU STAT E TEACHERS COLLEGE TWO YEAR PROGRAM SUGGESTE.D ORDER OF SUBJECTS FRESHMAN YEAR F irst Semester Biolo<>y -- -- -- --------- -- -- -- - -- - - -- -- - ------ ------ __ _4 Early El~-;entar)'. Principles and Methods _______ _____ ____3 Directed Observation ------------ - -- - - --- ---- -- - ------- ---1 General Art 8 ---- 7 ---------- - --------- ------- - - ---------2 {.iterary Interpretation --.------- - - -- - -- -- -- ---------- -----3 }'lays and Gam~s --------------- ------------ ------------1 Phys ical Education ------------------- - --- ----- ------- ---1 Penmanship ------------- - - -- ----- - ----- ----- -- ---- ------1
h ours hours hour hours ho urs hour hour hour
16 hours Second Semester English I ------------------------- --- -- ----- - --- - - - -- ----4 Introductory Psychology ----- --- - -------- -- - --- ----- - --- -4 Early Elementary Curriculum - - -- ---- - ---------------- - --2 Manu~ Activities --------- ------- - - - - --------------------2 Pu blic School Music -------------- -- - ---- - ------ -- ----- --2 Primary Geography --------------- ------------- -- --------2 Physical E ducation ---- ------------- ---- ----- - --------- - --1
hours hours hours hours hours hours hour
17 hours SOPHOMORE YEAR F irst Semester
~!~~hl~om Management ------- - - - - -- ----------- - ---------2 Chilcfr e;,s -:Lit~~·;;t~~·~ ----------------------- ---------- - ----2 School Hygiene and H-e-alth_E_d_;_at-;--- --- - - - ---- --- --- -- -- - ~ Nature Stud
c ion ---- ---- -- ----- ----- -
hours hours hours hours hours hours
Elective __ _'!_ _::: == === === == == ============================! 16 hours Second Semester Te1_tching ____ _ Child Psycholo -------------------- --- -- --------- - -- -- ----4 hours Educational M::su;~;:;~~t;--------- ---------------- -- -----2 hours Story Tellin -------- - - - - --------- --------- -2 hours ~oy 9onstru~ti~~-- --- ------------- - - -- - -- - - -- - - ------ - ---2 hours lective ----- -- ---- - - ----- - ---- -- -- ------- - - - ___2 hours ------- ----- --------------- - --- ------------------ 5 hours 17 hours
This co urse is pla nned for students who wish to be reco ed fo r general wo rk in the g rad es above t he second. lnntend I
REQUIREMENT S Courses required of a ll candida t es for diploma s, (see page 18) 34 h Of t hese required co urses stud ents in the Elementary E du cation Course mu st t ake Pri n~ ipl es and Meth ods ---------------- -- Elementary Curnculum -------------- - -- - ----- - ---- - - - - E lementary Fine Arts --- - ----------------------- --- General Art 8 Hygiene __________ School Hyg iene and H ealth Education II
DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS Survey of Am erican History ________ ____ __ ___ _4 Children 's Literature --- - -------- - --- - ----- ----2 General Sci ence ------ -- -- - ------ -- - -- -- -- - -----2 Educational Mea surem ents or Educational P sycholog y or Child P sychology ______ __ ___ ____ _2 General Geography __ ________ ______ __________ __ 2 Citizen ship and P olitics __ _____ ___ __ ____________ 4 P enmanship ____ ___ _______ ____ ___ __ ____ ______ __ ! Electi ves selected from suggested list below _3 to 4
hours hours hours hours hours hours hour hours
E lectives
__________________ ________ ___________ ___11
The fo llowing courses are suggested as helpful electives: Musical Hi story and Appreciation _____________ ___ 2 Greek and Roman Myth ology ___________ ___ ___ ___ 2 Manua l Activities or Toy Making ________ _____ __ ___ 2 Sociology ____ _ __ ______________ ___ ___ _ _ __________4 7 Speech Education -- - - -- - - ------- --- --- -----------3 Educational Sociology - - ------ - ------ -- - ---------2
hours h~~:
h ours
PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE TWO YEAR PROGRAM SUGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJECTS. F RESHMAN YEAR First Semester E !'sh I or Biology -------- ----------------------------4 p~ffc~ol.ogy or Elementary Methods a nd Directed Observation -------------------------- ---------------------4 Music or General Art 8 ------------ ------ --------------- -2 Survey of American History --- --------------- ----------- - 4 Penmanship - - -~---------- -- - -- --- --- - ------ ------- --- ---1 Physical Educat10n --------------- ------ -- - - ---- ---- -----1
hours hours hours hours hour hour
16 hours
Second Semester Biology or Engli sh I --------- -------------- - --- - ---- -----4 Elementary Methods a~d Directed Observation or P sychology 4 General Art 8 or Music ----------------------------------2 Citizenship and Politics ----------------- --- --- -----------4 Physical Education ------------ -------------- ------- -----1 General Geography -------- ----- ---- ----- ---- --- -- ----- --2
hours hours hours hours hour hours
17 hours SOPHOMORE YEAR F irs t Semester 6fementary Curriculum --------- ------ ------ - -------------2 Ge~s::~i°1~c¥e~~~gement - -- -- __ ______ ___________________ ___ 2 Teachin -------------- -- ------ ------------- ----- - 2 Electi ve~ ----------------------- - ----------------- --2 or 4 -------------------------------------------6 or 8
hours hours hours hours hours
16 hours
Second Semester Childre.n's Literature Education 1 M -------- - ------ ------ --------- ------2 School H a . easurement s or Alternatives ________ ____ ____ 2 Teaching ygiene and Health Education ___ __ ________________ 2 Electives ------------------ ---------- --- ------- --- --2 or 4 -------------- ------------ ------ - ---- ------7 or 9
hours hours hours hours hours
17 hours
REQUIREMENTS Courses required of a ll cand idates for diplomas, (see page 18) h Of t hese req uired courses students in t his course 34 Olalll should select the fo llowing sections : Principles and Methods of T eaching - - - - - ---- - - - - __ _______ __ _____ __ __High School or J unior High Sch-;,-oi Curric ulum - - - ----- - - High School. or J unior High School II DEPARTMENT REQUI RE MENTS Foods, I, II, III and IV - - -------- ---- - - - -- -- - 8 Clothing V, VI --- - - - -- - -- - --- - - --- -- - - -- - - - -- - 6 Home Economics Methods --- - - ------------ - ---- 2 Desig n - -- - --- - ---- - -- - ---- ------- -- - - - - --- - - --4 Chemi try I and II - - - ---- - ------ -- - ----- --- - -8 Physiology ____________________ ____ ___ ______ ___ 2 H ousehold Management VII __ 2
hoars hours hours hours hours hours hours
Second Semester Fo od~ II
2 hoUl'I boUl'I
-- ---- ------ --------- ---- -------- --- -- -- -------:4
Clothing VI --- -- - - -- -- -- -- - -- -- ----------- ---- - ---- -- -Prin_ciples and Methods and Directed Observat ion or
Englis~J ~g=
~~f~~\ry~~~:~~io~======================================~g::17 boutl
hold Management VII ------- ----------------------2 hours '
~~~f:n 1 =~-===============================================! ~~~~~
De g E mies Methods ------ --------- -----------------2 hours Hom~ 0 10c;;oor Biology --------------- --------------------4 hours Psyc or Ar¡t ---------- ---- ---- -------------------------2 :Music 1 hhours Physical Education --------- ---------- ------------------our
17 hours Second Semester Foods IV --------------------- ---------- ----- --- --------2 hours Classroom Management ---------------- ------------------2 hours hours hours hours hours
16 hours MANUAL ARTS COURSE This course is designed to prepare students for teaching the Manual Arts in Nebraska schools. Since in most schools the instructor is r equired to teach one or more academic subjects besides his shop work, students taking this course must prepare to t each one other subject and should select their electives from the list suggested below. I
REQU IREMENTS Courses requfred of all candidates for diplomas, (see page 18) 34 hours Students in this course should select the following courses : ~rin~iples and Methods of Teaching H igh School urr1 culum ----------------------- ----- -- High School II
~!~};:.di~teD Wo~dwork
____________ __ _____ _____ 4 rEwmg ------ ---------- ---------- 4 ~or t le~entary Metal-Work __________ 2 Tr ~s. ruction ----- - ------ --------- - ----2 Methods and Organization ______ 4 Ar~s 'E:1e;ti~~s_________ ____ ______ ____ __ __ 2 ------------- ------------4
Cement Manual Cabinet Manual
hours hours hours hours hours hom:s hours 22 hours
ELECTIVES Manual Arts Electives ( 4 hours to be chosen ) f'brging -----.---- ----------------- ------------- -2 hours Toy Construction . -.------------------- ---------- - 2 hours Elementary E.lectncity ----------- ------ - - --- -----4 houra Gas Engines ------------------------------ ---- -- - 4 houra Upho_lst ering and ~ood Finishing ----- -- - - ---- - --2 hours Architectural Drawmg ------------------- ---- - - - - -4 hour Carpentry or E_lementary Metal-Work ----------2 hour~ Suggested Electives ------------------------- - - 10 hours Select eight hours from one of the fo llovving groups · Ma thematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Engllsh 0 ; Language. TWO YE:AR PROGRAM SUGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJECTS. FRESHMAN YEAR First Semester
66 houn
Psychology ---------------------------------- --------- ---4 Freshman English ---------------- ----- ---------- ---- - - --4 Physical Training ----------------------------- ------ -- -- -1 Public School Music ---------------------- --------- --- - - --1 Intermediate Woodwork -- -- ---------------------- --- -----4 Mechanical Drawing -------------------------- --------- --2
houn hour hour houn
Second Semester 16 houn Biology ----------------------------------------- - -- ____ 4 houn High School Principles and Method s and Directed Observation_4 hours Ger..eral Art 9 ----------------------------------- ------ ---2 hours Physical Training or Public School Mu sic ----------- ---- - -- 1 hour Carpentry or Elementary Metal-Work _______ _________ ____ _2 hours Cement Construction ------------------------- -------- ·-- -2 houn Mechanical Drawing ______________________ _________ ___ ___ 2 holl?I 17 houri SOPHOMORE YEAR First Semester . Mana ge ment - ------------- -- - --- - ---------- - - _2 hours Classr_oom hoU?B 4 1
Teaoc;;;:a~fnn;~ -&-i~~ s~t;;;1 -s;bj-e~t~2-h~~;.~-;~d-Hygi~~~-2-~oh~~
Publi c School Music or Physical Training ------------- --- - - hours Training Methods and Organization ----------- - -- -- 4 hours 6 Electives ------------------------------------------- -- - - .::__. 17 houri Second Semester h un High School Curriculum ----------------------~---- -------~ h~urs T eaching a High School Subject. 2 hours and Hygie ne 2 hourso~ Teach in~ Manual ATts, 4 hours . 2 hour• Cabinet Making ------------------------------ - --- ----- - - 4 hours Elect!ve Manual Arts ----------------------------- ----===4 houn Electives ------------------ --------- -------- -------- -- ____
16 hOutl
REQUIREMENTS Courses required of all candidat es for diplomas, (see page 18 ) 34 h ou rs
II DEPARTMENT REQU IREMENTS Musical History and Appreciation, Course 5 __ ____ 2 Advanced Musical History and Appreciat ion Course 5a ------------------- -- - --------- - -- 4 Observation, Methods and Material, Course 1 ____ 2 Practic.e, Course 8 ---------- ------------------ 8 Ear Training and Sight Singing, Course 2 ______ 2 Harmony, Course 4 ----------------- -------- - 2 Orchestra Directin g, Course 14 ____ __ __________ 2 Chorus Directing, Course 6 ------- -------------2 Instrumentation, Course 7 ________ _____________ 2
hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours 26 hours
III Electives ------------------------ ------------------------6 hours 66 hours TWO YE:AR PROGRAM SUGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJECTS. FRESHMAN YEAR F irs t Semester ~eachers Course, Public School Music ___ ___ ______________ 2 hours
5Jb~~;~~Bo~ Principles and Methods and Directed Musical H' t ---- --------:---:------- - -- - --- -------- - --- - --4 Biology o:sEo:yli~~d Appreciation -- - --- --------------------2 Ob ervatio th d---- --- -- -- -.-- -- --- ------- -- -- - - -------4 EJectives ~~ ---e-- o s and Material ---- --- ------- ----------2 --- - ----- -- ---------- -- -- ----- -- ---------2
hours hours hours hours hours
16 ·hours Second Semester Practice Ear Traini;g:---d--S.-h---7--7- --- -- ------------------------4 hours En.g!i~h or Bi~lo ig t Srngrng ----- ----------------------2 hours Pr~~c~!;~h~lod M~lh~d;-;~d-Di~~~t;d-Obs-e~~~ti~~----------4 hours Art ___ __ gy ------------------- --- --- ----------------4 hours Physical Ed~~;ti~~------------- --- - ---- -- -- ------------ --2 hours --------- --- --- -----------------------1 hour 17 hours
H armony ---------------------- ------ --- - - ------ -2 Advanced Musical History and Appreciation 4 Practice ------- ------------------------ ------ - -- - ---4 Orchestra Directing ----------------------------------=--- 2 Chor~s Directing --------------- ------------ --- --- ----===1 Curriculum ------------------------- --- -- -------- ----2 Physical Education ---- ---------- ------------ -- - - --------1
h0 h 1ll'I
h~ ho:: hoUr h~ura hOUl'
16 houra
Second Semester
Instrumentation - ---- -- - - -- -- -- - - ---------- - -~- ----------2 houra
Cho~us Directing --- - ---------------- ------- - - --- - -------1 hoUl'
~Ia~~i~~ -================================================~ --------- ------------ ---- ---------2 ~~:::
Classroom Management houra Electives - ---- __ -- ---- ---- --- - - - -- -- - - -- -- -- -- ---- - ------8 houra 17 houri
Students completing courses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 together with required work in th e Normal, are entitled to a special diploma in Public School Art, in addition to the Normal School diploma. I
REQUIREMENTS Courses req uired of a ll candidates for diplomas, (see page 18) 34 hours Of these required courses students in the department must select the following: Principles and Methods of Teaching and Direct ed Observation -------------- Elementary or Junior H igh Curriculum ------- - ---- -- -- Elementary or J unior H igh
II DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS Drawing and Painting I ____ _____ _________ ____ 4 Drawing and P ainting II ___________________ ___ 4 Design ------------- ---------- ---------------42 Industrial Art _________________________ ________
hours hours hours hours
Modeling ---- ------------- _______________ ______ 2 Principles and Methods of Art Teaching ___ _____ 2 H istory of Antiquity __________ __ ____ __ _____ ___ _4 Art History and Appreciation _______ ___________ 2 Toy TMaking -- ----- ---- -----24 Art eaching -----------_________________ _____ __ ---__________
hours hours hours hours hours hours
30 hourâ&#x20AC;˘
III Electives
--------- ------------------------------- ------
__ 2 hours
66 hours
PERU STATE TE AC HERS COLLEGE SUGGESTED ELECTIVES P enmanship ------------ ------ - ------------- -- --1 hour Mythology -----:------------- - ---- - ---- ----------2 hours Mechanical Drawmg ------------ -----------------4 hom:s Sociology ----------------- -------- -- ------------2 hom s TWO YEAR PROGRAM SUGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJECTS. FRESHMAN YEAR First Semester Psychology or Biology ---------:- --- ---.--- - ---------- -.- ----4 Engli sh or Princip.les. and Method s and Directed Observation __4 Drawing and Pamtmg I ------------- -------------------4 Public School Mu sic or General Art ------------------------2 Physical Education -------- --- --- ----------- ----- ---------1 Electives ------------------------ ---- - -------------- - -- --1
hours hours h ours hours hour hour
16 Second Semester Biology or Psychology -------------------- -------------- - -4 Principles and Methods and Directed Observation or English 4 General Art or Public School Music ---- --------------------2 Drawing and Painting II -- - ---- ------------- ------------ --4 Physical Education --------------- - ---- -------------------1 E.!ectives ----------- ______ - -- ------ -- -- ---------------- --2
hours hours hours hours hours hour hours
17 hours SOPHOM ORE YEAR First Semester
~!~~~g Ind~~~~~!-================================================~ -A~t---------------- --------------- ------------- ~~~~~ ~~~~~ 2
~?~ oryMaking --===========================================~ hours of Antiquity - ------------- ----------------------4 hours is
*Drawing and Painting I must be prerequisite.
16 hours
Second 8emester
2~rk~iu~~=============================================~ ~~~~~
Art T~~~in anagement - --- ------------------------------2 Principles a:fd -M~th-o:;.------------- -:-----------------------4 Art ff t us of Art Teachmg ___________________ 2 E.l ectiv1: ory and Appreciation ----------- - - ---- --- ---- ----2 s --------- -------------------- -------- - --------- -3
hours hours hours hours hours
Note · D 17 hours Freshm epartment conditions may necessitate the enrolling of both en and Sophomores in a class of program above.
·REQUIREMENTS Cou rses required of all candidates for diplomas, (see page 18) 34 houra II
DEPARTMENT REQU IRE MENT S Backgrounds of Literature Shakespeare Argumentation and Debating Literary Interpretation Extempora neous Speaking Play Production Fundamentals of Public Speaking
(English (English (English (English (English (English (English
2 ) __ _4 17) __ _4 13) ___ 3 52, 53 )6 54) ___3 55 ) ___ 2 51) ___2
hours hou rs hours hour s hou r s h ou rs hours
24 houra III
Electives _______ -----·------------- ---- -- --- -- ------- - -- --8 houri 66 houra TWO YE:AR PROGRAM SUGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJE CTS FRESHMAN YEAR First Semester Psychology of Biology ---------------- --------- - - - --- -.-- -4 hours English I or Principles and Method s and Directed Observation 4 houra English 51 -------------------------------------- - - ------2 hours Publi~ School Mu sic or Public School Art --------- - - - -- --- - - ~ ~~~~ English 52 ------------------------------------------- - - h Physical Education ___________ --------- --------- - ----- ---:.:_our 16 hours
Second Semester .
4 hour•
~~l~~fff1e~r a~y~~~h~Js -a-~dDir-e~t;d-Ob~~~~;ti~~~;-:E;-gii;b:-{ ~ ~~!~ English 53 --------------------------------- ------ - ----- 2 Publi.c School A~t or Public School Music --------- - ---- -- - Education ------- ------------ - ----------- -- - - - - - : 13 Electives --------- --- -- ------- ---------------- - ----- - --17
hours hour houri hours
SOPHOMORE YE AR F irst Semest er
j~{~~::~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! ~i~j 16 hours Second Semester Teaching --- ----------------- --- - --------- - ---------2 hours Classroom :M:;~age:ment ------------ -- - - - ---- ----------- --2 hours
l~l~[t~~-~=~-~ -~-~ -~ ~-~-~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H!~l 17 hour s
REQUIREMENTS Courses required of all candidates for diplomas, (see page 18) 34 hours II
DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS **Biology (Courses 1, 2 or 3, included in 34 hours above). · ~*~oo!ogy or Botany _____________ ___ ___ ______ _4 Ph ~l stry ------------------------- --- - -------4 GeJI~~s, 1 or 2 --- ----------------- -- ------- - --4 *S . Y. -- ----------- ------------------ -- ------4 FrcieEi Methods and Practice _____________ ___ 4 ee ectives -------------------- - - --- - --- -- - 12
given hours h ours hou:s hour s h ours hours 32 hours 66 hours
**F our hours each of Botany a nd Zoology required. *Tw h 0 hours of this course :may be a pplied on the six ours of required practice teaching.
III ELECTIVES Suggested Science Electives: Organic Chemistry -------------- ------- -- - ----- 4 hours Advanced Analytical Chemistry -----------------=4 hours Genetics and Evolution --------- --- -- - - - ---------4 hours Plant Physiology and Ecology ------- -- - ----------4 hours Pl~nt :Morpho~ogy --------------------------------4 hours Science Pract1c~ ---------------- --- - - - - - - --------2 hours Advanced Physics -----------'-- - - - --- -- ----------4 hours Astronomy --------- - - ---------------- - --------- - 4 hours Philosophy of Science ----------- --- --- - ---------2 hours Advanced Human Physiology ---------- - --- - - - ---4 houra Science :Methods (Biological or Physical Science) __ 2 hours In special cases, other electives than the above may be approved by the science department. TWO YEAR PRO GRAM: SUGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJECTS FRESH:MAN YEAR First Semester Botany 1 or 2 or Chemistry 2 ---------------------- - -----4 houra En glish I or Principles and :Methods and Directed Observation 4 houn
~sii's~~o~~g~rt-============================================: ~~~~
Physical Education ---------------------------------------! hour Electives ------------------------------------------------! hour
16 hours Second Semester Chemistry 2 or Botany 1 or 2 ----- ------------------:---4 Principles and :Methods and Directed Observation or Engli sh 4 :Music or Art ----------------------------------- - - - - - - - --2 Physical Education -------------------------- -- - -- --------~
hours houri ~ours h~:.
~l~~~~~s -================================================217 houri hours SOPHO:MORE YEAR First Semester
¡ p rac t'ice -------------------- - --- -- - - - 4 T each'mg or sc1ence Cur'.iculum and Classroom :Management or E lectives -------- 4 2 Hyg1~ne ----------------- --------- --- ------ ---- ------ -- -- 4 Phys1_cs 2 or Geology ------------------------------ --- -- 2 Electives ------------------------------------------ ----16
hours hours hours hours hours hours
Second Semester Pr ctice or Teaching ---------- --------------------4 hours Science aManagement and Cu rriculum or Electives _____ _4 hours Classroom hours or Physics 1 ------------------------------------4 ____ ________ ____________________ 5 bouts Electives --------------__ 17 hours
PROFESSIONAL LIFE STATE CERTIFICATE For the Professional Life Sta te Certificate the candidate must mit roof of three years successful teaching experience before ~h~ Noririal School diplo;va is earn ed or two years successful t eaching experience after 1t 1s. earned. A year as contemplated above must consist of at least six months.
THE ELEMENTARY STATE CERTIFICATE 1. E ach applicant for this certificate shall present credentials conforming to Requirements for College Entrance, see page 14.
2. jects:
He shall submit indicated credits in the following college subBiology or Nature Study ---------------- 4 P sychology ----- -------- - ---------------4 English --------------- ----------------- - 4 Principles and Methods and Directed Observation .: ________ ___ ____________________ 4 *Music ------- - -------------------------2 *Drawing ------ - -- -------------------- --2 Eiectives ---------- --------------------12
semester hours semester hours semester hours semester semester sem ester semester
hours hours hours hours
Total 32 semester hours 3. He shall submit a grade in each of the subjects included in the fir st grade county certificate. These grades must be earned in ~~ehregular state examination for county certificate, in an accredited ig school, or in the r egular classes of this institution. Grades !!arned by examination must be 80 % or ab ove. Passing grades earned m regul.a r classes satisfy the r equirement. *These credits must consist of at least three hundred minutes per week given to the subject in study and practice, during one semester.
ELEMENTARY RURAL CERTIFICATE Candidates desiring to take the course leading to the t ary Rural Certificate shall b~ 16 years of aise as r equired ~le111era. law, and shall present 16 high school credit points of whfchtate 1 following are required : ' the
~r:~~~~ ~========================================: point E~l~::
Bookkeepmg ---------------------- - - - - - - --------! Physical Geography or General Science _7 ____ __ _ _ 1 Bot~ny ------------------ -- ----- - ---- ---- -------1 Agriculture --------- - -------------- ------ - - -----1 Geometry --------------------------- - - --- - - -----2
point point point points
TWO YE AR PROGRAM E LEMENTARY RU RAL CERTI FI CATE F irst Year Geography and Drawing ----------------------------- ---1 Arithmetic and Penmanship 1 Public School Music ------------------------ -- ----------! P hysiology and Hygiene ----------------- - ---- ---- ------1 American History ---------------------------------------2 Electives ________ ____ ------- ____ - ------- ----------------2
credit credit credit credit credita credita
Second Year Professional Training (Rural) - ------------------ - ----- - --2 Civics ----- ------------------ --- ----------------------- -2 Reading Grammar and Orthography ________________ ________ __ __ __! E lectives _______________________________________ ___ __ ___ 2
cred!ta credits credit cred!t credits
This certificate is good for three years.
It .is good in any rural, village and town school in Nebraska.
3. After three years of successful teaching, the ho~der of thi~ certificate is entitled to a Professional Rural Stat e Certificate goo for life. 4. To enter the course for this certificate t he candidate shall present 30 high school points as indicated on page 14.
T receive the Advanced Rural Certificate he shall satisfy g require_ments: the f 0 a. Attendance one year. b. Credits in college subject s as follows: Biology or Nature Study ---- ---- ---------------4 hours Psychology ------------------------------------4 hours Principles and Methods and Observation (Rural) 4 hours
~:~::g-~=========================~============~ ~~~;~
--------------- ----------------------12
6 He shall submit a grade in each subject required ~or a first . count[ certificate. These grades may be secured m any of de gra · the three fo · owmg me th od s.·
a. County examinations for certificate, in which case a grade of 80 % is required. b. Credit from an accredited high school. c. Credit secured in college.
COUNTY CERTIFICATES Classes are maintained for those desiring to prepare for county examinations to secure the second and first grade county certificate. Candidates for a second grade county certificate mu st have eight attendance at a standard Normal School, College or University where two-fifths of the hours taken must be professional, and secure grades in the following subjects : ~eek s'
Orthography Arithmetic (mental and written) Geography English Grammar United States History Drawing Bookkeeping
Reading P enmanship Physiology and Hygiene English Composition Civil Government Agriculture Theory and Art
subj:~ncfidate~ for a first grade county certificate, in addition to the Algeb s 1Genboned above, must secure grades in the following : twelv:a, eometry, Botany and Public School Music; and have Univer 1eeks attendance at a standard Normal School, College or SI Y Where two-fifths of the work taken must be professional.
County certificates are not issued by this institution. The t"ofiunty Superintendent gives the examinations and issues the cer1 cates.
1. Botany, Plant Physiology and Ecology-An int study of the life processes of plants. Absorption tran~o~uc.t:orJ photosynthesis, digestion and respiration are treated'. coJ~atio~ attention is given to environmental factors as r eflected in th ~able · and function of plants. Habit~t factors governing the distr~b of plants and the plant's reaction upon t hese fa ctors A 1 u Oil which everyone planning to teach botany should take. ·First 111• ter, eight periods per week; four hours credit.
2. Botany and P lant Mor phology- An introductory stud the structure, classification and relationship of algae fungi ~v: worts, mosses, ferns, conifers and flowering plants. ' This' course together with course 1 gives a compreh ensive one year's course ha bota!lY· Second semester, eigh,'t pieriods p er week; four hours credit. 3. College Zoology-A brief survey of t h e animal kingdolll including a study of the different animal phyla, tracing the evolution and development of the different organic systems. Type forma are given detailed study and economic relat ionships receive special emphasis. Second semester, laboratory and class work, eight houra per week; four hours credit. 4. H eredity a nd Evolution-A study of the various theories of evolution and their exponents, the principles of heredity as worked out by Mendel and others. Second semester. Lectures, assigned readings and' class recitations; four hour periods per week, four hou rs credit. Prerequisite, a course in botany or zoology.
5. Natu re Study- A class for kindergart en, primary and rural teachers who wish a knowledge of the natural materials of their environment. Topography, plant life, animal life and weather factors are considered. First semester, fo ur hours attendance, four hours field work and laboratory work ; fo ur hours credit. 6. Biology Methods-A course in t h e principles and pre:ctice of biology teaching. This course carries credit either in the sc1en~ department or in the education department. One semester. botany or zoology is a prerequisite. Either semester, by appoint· ment only; four hours credit.
COMMERCE Miss P almer A student may do the regular teach er's professional tral'ninl om· work in addition to the required work in Commerci:. Upon an pletion of this course the student will be granted a diploma. an uali· additional certificate from this department sh owing that he tis ~t of fied to teach in the business colleges and t he business depar me any high school in Nebraska.
ho wish to prepare for business positions can comW Studen. t squired . one year. course m plete the l c . thand Gregg System-Ma nual is completed. One hundred · 0 1. fv;1 ~a ges 'of reading r equired. . First and second semester; twentyattendance, four hours credit. four hours Business Law-A course designed to show, in a non-technical 2· . the important factors of the common law affecting ordinary ~:~~=~~ transactions. ~irst and second semest ers; four hours attendance; four hours credit. 3 Accounting-(Prerequisite, required high school bookkeep. ) · The effect of different for ms of proprietorship on accounts, ~~~t~oll in g accounts, opening books, adj usting errors and closing entries. Second and fourth quarters, four hours attendance; two hours credit. 4. Advanced Accounting-Continuation of course 3. Multicolumnar hooks, analysis of income and expenditures, t he organizations, capital stocks, dividends, surplus, re serves, depreciations and branch store accounts are among the fea tures considered. First and second semesters, four hours attendance ; four hours credit. 5. Typewriting-Special attention i s given to punctuation, paragraphing and letter forms . Students may r egist er for one, two, three or four hours work. First and s econd semesters, three hours attendance; one hour credit. 6. Advanced Shorthand-Continuation of course 1. Speed drills;_ trar,isc:ibing and corresponden ce ; general r eview of stenographic prmc1ples. First and second semesters, fo ur hours attendance; four hours credit. 7. . Advanc_ed_ Dictation-Shorthand, penmanship, writing and transcub_mg. d1ff1cult matter, speed practice. U se of letter press ~nd du phcatmg devices; filing. Students take Jictation from dif.:.rtent members of the faculty and do other office work connected 1 cr dh.tthe school. First semester, four h ours attendance ; four hours e 1•
obse~~at~ethods of . Teachin ~ Shorthand and Typewriting-Includes Second ion. t Reqmred subJect fo r sophomores in this department. quar er, four hours attenda nce; two hours credit.
9 airn · : enmanship;--Legible, rapid, business writing is the chief aimer certificates are secure d by those completing the requ·1re· d work. First d one hour credit. an second semesters, two hours attendance ; r d . . E ngliElectives sh p rt· ecommen ed for stu dents t akm g Commercial course: ing, Ci~ics~ 1 ical Economy, Economic Geography, Mechanical Draw-
A teachers college is primarily a professional school siderable body of knowledge based on scientific experim~n ~ conavailablE'. out of which a pro~ession of teaching is developi~gis ~" courses m psychology, education and teacher training have th he era! purpose of making the student familiar with this body of ;r sio~a~ knowledg~. The depart:n;ient will not reco mmend studen eapositrnns for which they have failed to make professional prepar~tfu°:.
Psychology 1 and 2. Introductory Psychology-The course presents the accepted facts of psychology with the special purpose of applying them to the problems of learning, teaching and personal development. It forms the scientific basis for the courses in Education. Textbook work is supplemented by laboratory exercises and demonstrations. First and second semesters, four hours attendance ; four hours credit.
23. (Formerly Psychology 3) Child Psychology-This course is concerned with the principles of the nature, growth and development of the child, a knowledge of which is fundamental to the successful management of children. The work is planned especial!Y for elementary teachers. P sychology 1 and 2 are prerequisite. Four hours attendance; two hours credit. 25. Educational Psychology-A study is made of the different types and methods of learning and of the mental processes involved in different school subjects. Not open to Freshmen. Four houri at1 en dance; two hours credit. 24. (Formerly Psychology 4) Psychology of Ad:olescence-;-A study of .the physical, mental and social charactedstics of ~he thmdividual during the adolescent period. With this as a basis, . e course attempts to develop an understanding of the p_sycho~ogical principles underlying the Junior High organizatio~, art1culationhof the elementary and secondary school grades, curriculum and .o~ er typical high school problems. Psychology 1 and 2 are prerequisites. Four hours attendance; two hours credit.
Theory of Education 4a. Classroom Management-This deals with theoryho~ classroom organization; management in various departments ~f ic and system. The lectm·es and reading will cover teacher, Sf 00ft'ered community problems of vital importance to all teachers. t hours first, second and third quarters, four hours attendance; wo credit.
The Curriculum-Required in the Sophomore year for two 3. t he Thleory of Education requirement~ P rerequisites : hOu rs ff y Principles and Methods of Teaching and Group Observa~sycho F~u~ hours attendance ; two hours credit. tion. I teacf of the one general course in Cuniculum previously . nsfour courses have been planned that t he student may more ~~fi~'tely consider the problems of the type of work he will teach. Each student sh ould take the course .which _correlates with h_is . e in Principles and Methods of Teachmg which h e completed ln hl~ Freshman year, as the second year course is based very definitely upon that of the first year. 1
These courses conside:i; the soci?log;ical objective~ which d~ter mine the selection, evaluation, orgamzation and adaption of subJectmatter to meet the needs of the varying age groups . ' 1 3d. The High School Curriculum . Third quarter. 3e. The Junior High School Curriculum. Second quarter 3f. The Elementary Curriculum. First quarter. 3g. Th e Early Elementary Curriculum. Fourth quarter. Principles and Methods of T eaching Prerequisite to teaching. Required in the Freshman year of those who wish to complete the two year course. Three h ours of Principles and Methods of Teaching combined with one hour of Observation satisfies the state requirement for four hours of Method's and Observation. Students who have earned four hours credit may elect two additional hours for Education credit. E ach of the four cours es listed below is planned with the following objectives in mind: a.
To supplement the other educational courses by making more concrete the psychological principles of education. b. . To give a basis for the correlating course in observation of class work thus preparing for effective student teaching. c. To supplement the work in stud ent teachin~ through a definite study of the best modern educational practice in many lines of activity.
In .each division basic principles will be taught with special appli-
cation to the n eeds and problems of the age group studied. Each h~udent should enroll in the course which will most nearly prepare nn for the work which he plans to teach. 11
High School, for those who expect to teach in high school. E ac h8a.semest er . seve~b. J)l~or High School, for those who expect to teach in grades Scor eig tor in junior high sch ool. Second sem ester. fou r fi Elell'1:entary, for those who expect to teach in grades three, Sd ve or six. E ach semester. kinder. Etarly ~lementary, for those who expect to teach in the gar en or m grades ¡one or two. First semester.
M:us~b~h See T
of t_he abo_ve, three hours attendance, three hours ci;-edit. . c_ombmed with the required course in Directed Observ ition. raining School.
ANNUAL CATALOG School Administration
5. School Administrat ion- This cour se is especial! 0 • for school executives and high school teachers who ar e Piepar~lliZecl a dmini strative positions. Consists of study of school orga~!ngtifor problems, surveys, from an executive's point of view. Open ~zi OJI, two year graduates or those who have had experience in exen ~i to work. Four hours attendance; two hours credit. Offered ;u ve quarter (Does not apply on Theory of E ducation r equir ement). 0 urth 26. Educational Surveys-A study is made of existing surve and the methods used in the examination of a school system. Spelid emphasis will be placed upon the study of t he small school syste1 T~e course is. primarily for those who are pr eparing fo r a princip!t ship or supermtendency . Not open to Freshmen. The courses in measurements should precede this course. Four hours attendance• two hours credit. ' Early Elementary E ducation These courses are planned especially fo r students who are taking the Early Elementary Educa tion course. They are, however, open to all students for elective credits. 32. Manual Activities-Principles underlying the use of material in the early years of a child's education. Practical work with clay, paper, textiles and wood in connection with t he development of projects in construction. Four hours attendance ; two hours credit. 33. Story Telling-A study of the selection, adaptation and presentation of stories for the kindergarten and primary grades. Four hours attendance; third quarter; two hours cr edit. 34. Plays and Games-Principles of r ecr eational activities. Participation in simple games suitable for the school roo m, gymna~ ium or playground. Two hours attendance; fourth quarter; one hour credit. Teaching See the Training School Directed Observation See the Training School General Electives 27. History of Education in the United States- A ~tudirv!: made of educational leaders, beginning with Rousseau. Thi f 8 ubliC as a background for and understanding of the dev~lopment nis reeducation in the United States. Current educat10nal pro h e rs atceive special emphasis. Not open to Freshmen. Four ou ten dance; four hours credit. . . . · les ofducational sociololrf 28. Educational Sociology-A study of the prmcip which form a basis for the understanding of cur r en.t e ychologf problems. The course aims to supplement the wo rk in ~~c societJ and in metho ds, giving teachers an idea of the democ:a Freshmen. into which they will attempt to fit the child. Not open Four hours attendance; two hours credit.
Educational Sociology-This ~ s a continua~io!!- of course 28, 29. . . the application of education to the prmciples developed emphasizin~ding course. Not open to Freshmen. Four hours atin the Pe:e~wo hours credit. tendanc , Educational Meas~rements--(Form e~·ly Education 3a) ~he 30. hasizes the sigmficance of th-e t estmg movem ent , select10n course t emEhe scoring tabulati on, interpretation of results, the uses 5 of tes . • made of sta~dardiz ed tests, and a study of improvement in thatt. ar e Not open to Freshmen. Four hours attendance; two tes mg. . hours credit. 31 Mental Testing-The purpose of the course is that of a c' teachers with the nature and uses of mental tests, and que~~ods of adapting the school to the needs of inferior and superior bildren A study is made of the Bin et tests and various standard ~rou p t~sts. The social and racial significance of different degrees of intelligence is also emphasized . P sychology 1 ~nd 2 are prerequisites. Four hours attendance ; two hours credit. 35. Rural Primary Methods- A general course meeting Second Grade County certificate requ irements. The following topics are emphasized: Selectin~ and or,ganizi;ng. ~ubject matter; . teach~ng supervised study; proJect teaching; md1vidual vs. group instruction in rural schools; special methods in r eading and language. Considerable time is devoted to acquainting the teachers with the new Elementary School Curriculum , which will be introduced in 1924 into the rural schools of Nebraska. Given in summer term. Eight hours attendance; two hours credit. Credit in this course cannot be annlied to meet the state board requirement for four hours in Observation and Methods. Special Types of Methods 40. . ~coutmastership Training-A number of superintendents and c_ommumties are now recognizing t he value of boys' work in its r elation to the work of the public schools. They are asking that the young men who teach in their schools be prepared to handl e b oys' Lroups as Boy Scout Troops, Hi Y, and similar organizations. ff e to this tendency the course in Scoutmastership Training is being ~o~red ~o help the young men to prepare themselves for this line of The mu_n~f work. The course involves three essential factors: (1) Scoul 10 ems of boyhood and the r elation of the objectives of the (a) Thovement. to these problems; (2) Th e t echnique of Sco utcraft. the S e tEiucational Principles governing the methods of presenting thems~Y~e rogram. s.o as to afford opportunity for boys to develop two h s most efficiently. Second quarter · four hours attendance · ours credit. ' '
ANNUAL CATALOG ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Mr. BecK Miss Plaehn Miss Faulhaber Miss Glass Miss Clark Miss McCollum
In this department a minimum of four hours is required of all candidates for the two-year collegiate diploma. For the two-year course this includes English 1 Before the department can recommend a student for En liah. teaching in the high school, the student will have taken Engli~h 1 2,. 5, 15 and 5~ . Those who major in English for the A. B. degrM will take English 1, 2, 5, 15, 16, 51 and ten hours elective. 1. English Composi'tion-This is the course required of all Freshmen. Instruction and practice in composition. Use of the library and cultivation .of the reading habit. Mr. Beck, Miss Faulhaber, Miss Glass. Four hours credit.
2. Backgrounds of Literature-This course introduces the students to the great masters of the world's literature. European literature is stressed; Oriental literature is studied. Credit four hours . 3. English Ljterature-This course includes a careful study of characteristic works of successive periods in English literature from the Elizabethans to Burns as an expression of the thought of the periods. Prerequisite English 1. Credit four hours. 4. English Literature-A continuation of English 3. It covert the period from Burns to the World War. Prerequisite English 8. Credit four hours. 5. Teaching of High School English-A course in the metboda and content of high school English. Teachers of English shoulj enroll for this course. Prerequisite English 1 and four hours Methods. Credit three hours. 15. College Grammar-A course in the grammar of .the. ~1:; lish language. Some time is given to the bothersome English 'cd'~t and to teaching ·methods. First semester and summers. r two hours. 16. Advanced Composition-Study and practice in expo~~: and narration. The formal and informal essay are stressedh. a cism offered. Prerequisite E.nglish 1 and 2. Credit three our ·
·n be 17. Shakespieare-Three of the following dramas WI and studied in detail: Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, King Lear, AnttJ'eifth Cleopatra,Coriolanus, Romeo and Juliet, A Winter's Ta 1e, Night, Cymbeline, As You Like It. Credit four hours.
ican Short-Story-A study of the short-story form in ~ er Irving to O. Henry and the current writers. ~any ,Am~nca ~;o~ad. Text: Patte~'s "Development of the American stor1es tar y ,, First quarter , credit two hours. Short- 8 or · Short-Story Technique-A study . of t he techni9ue of the 19. or . Many stori es a~·e read to ill~strate t echnical points . shor~-s: /rench Russian, Italian, Scandanavian and German stories Eng~is • ded Second quarter, credit two hours. are me1u . 1~·
Maki1"5 20 Writing the Short:Story~A cour~e . for writers. lot b~ok s. Club room d~ s~uss ion ~f original plots and stories. ~tory marketing. Prereqmsite English 1, 18, 19. See instructor before enrolling. Credit two hours. 12 The Modern Novel-A study of t h e novel since the days of Jane Austen. A detail study of Austen's "Pride and Prejudice", Meredeth's "Ordeal of Richard Feverel", and H ardy's "Return of the Native." Text: Bliss Perry's "Study of. Prose Fiction." Summer s and by correspondence, Mr. Beck. Credit two or four hours. 21. . Emerson-A thorough study of the great American sage. "Essays : First and Second Series" are stressed. Some attention is paid to Emerson's contemporaries, especially to the Concord group. Alter nate years. Prerequisite English 1, 2. Credit three hours. 11. Tennyson-A careful study of the lyrics and the "Idylls of the King" or "The Princess". Credit two hours . 22. Browning-A careful study of the shorter dramatic monologues and such dramas as "Luria" "Return of the Druses" and "Pipp~ Passes." Or a study of "Tbe Rin g and the Book." ' Prereqms1 te English 1 and 2. Credit three hours. .
Ch ~ucer-Th e grammar and literature of Chaucer. SelecOpen to juniors and seniors See mstructor. Credit three hours.
!~J°s from . The Canterbury Tales". y.
ture ;~ American .Litera.ture--This course covers American literaalter t m the colomal writers to the twentieth century It is given na e years with English literature. Credit thre~ hours.
and Debate--The theory and practice of tercollegi:t~o~ bn~ debate. The course is especially designed for infnstru ctor Ce ad.. tersh. Prerequisite eight hours of English. See · re 1 t ree hours. 25. The B"bl T . . the B0<ik of ~ e-.. he Bible as literature. A classroom course in Credit two h ours. ooks. Second semester. Mr. Hoyt, Mr. Delzell.
tu 26 · Mythology-A . . res and classr . cou:se m Greek and Roman myths. LecRo me." S oom discussion. Text: Guerber's "Myths of Greece ours. ee Language department. Miss Clark. Credit two
27. Story Telling-A course designed for teache grades. Study of stories and practice in telling S~s 0 { Pri~ education. Credit two hours. 路 e e ementai; 28. Children's Literature-A course for teachers of grades. Guidance in children's reading. Acquaintance e1e.mentarJ literature for children. Constant use of the library Se witdh gQocl ter. Credit two hours. 路 con quar.
. 14. News Writin~-Study and practice of writ ing new is the class that publishes the "Peru P edagogian". It ai! Thia teachers to manage high school publications. See instruc: to..~t Beck. Credit two or four hours. or """路
Speech Education Speech education aims to develop improvement in the use of our spoken language, to correct bad habits of speech and form better habits, and to ~evelop. self-contr~l, ease and ~ower . The intelligent and sympathetic oral mterpretat1-0n of good literature is an enviable accomplishment of great educational value. The department a1lo aims to give the student a keener literary sense through the studf and interpretation of the best in English literature. 51. Fundamentals of Public Speaking-A study of voice produe. tion, pronounciation, articulation, diction, emphasis, inflection and cadence. All this serves as a basis for the organization and deliv!I of various types of selections. Text: Cumnock's "Choice Readings. Credit two hours. 52. Literary Interpretation-The study and oral interpretation of all forms of literature. Credit three hours. 53. Literary Interpretation-A Credit three hours.
English 62.
54. Extemporaneous Speaking-The organizil.tion and deliv~ of all types of speeches, and t he study of represen tative r:,peeches UK each type. Credit three hours. 55. Play Production-A course in practical stage dir~ctinga:: in dramatic technique designed to enable the student to. d1recteredi' teur plays in schools and communities. Some practice. two hours. . 1; 53 was sp ee~ h Educatloa 52 was formerly Speech Educat10n 2; 54 was Speech Education 5; 55 was Speech E ducation 7路 Private lessons in platform reading or in speech _deliv;~ given at the cost of seventy-five cents per lesson, a penod 0 minutes.
FINE ARTS Miss Rinehart es in this departm ent are planned for teachers in t h e The cour~ades who desire to become acquainted with the methods eJemen t~.ry g~nd develop skill n ecessary to depict facts, ideas and of teac . ing in graphic language. They also aim to cultivate an ¡ press1ons im iation of the arts. . apprec
Students who wish to qu alify as special teachers of art in t own d 't schools should complete courses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 t o:~th~; ~ith the ;equired work of the college.
i: 9
Drawin g and Painting-This course is planned for th ose who
eci~Ji ze in the arts but is open to a ll who desire to g~ in some skill
handling pencil, crayon , charcoal and .water color. four hours attendance, four hours credit.
First semester,
z. Dra wing and Painti ng II-Prerequisite Course I. A study of water color, charcoal, pen .a:id ink. Special emphasis on still life, figure and landscape composition. Second semester, four hours attendance, four hours credit. 3. Design-Prerequisite or simultaneo usly, Course I. Required of Home E conomics students. An appreciation and practice of the princi ples of design in line, mass and color. Application made with wood blocks, batik, stencils and ot h er m edi ums. Th ese are pla nned for application on household articles. First semester, four hours attendance, fou r hours credit. 4. Industrial Art-A course plann ed for teachers of intermediate grade.s and junior high. Various med iums are u sed, as paper, raffia, ~eed, etc. The processes of box m aking, book binding, f:per decorat10n, basketry and stencil are te ught. First quarter, ur hours attendance, two hours credit.
and ~ethods in Art-A teachers' course. Prerequisite, Drawing of artnt1n g I a_nd II. The course includes a di scussion of the value and thin edhcation; its relation to other subj ects and to indu stries; Iessonse dt fds of teaching drawing in the grades, the plann ing of ance t.;n h o a cour~e of study. Third quarter, four hours attend' . o ours credit.
tiqui~y ~rete ~~tory and Appreciation-Prerequisite History of Ansorne appr . .1story Department) A short course plann ed to give ~cture. ~iat_ion o~ the world's great pictures, scu lpture and archit1on. Fourth discussion of pictures for study and cla ssroom decoraquarter, four hours attendance, two h ours credit. hti"ld7: Modeling A t d c 1 Ing adapt ds u Y of the process of modelin g- and pottery Stor to grade teachers. Modeling from life and from 0 hours c!ed\i~stration. Second quarter, four hours attendance,
General Art 8 or 9 (Drawing) required of all grad course is presented with a view toward teaching th uatea. '1'bil teacher how to present art to children. e ProsPecti,. 8. General Art;--Drawing. for primary and intermedi t ers. Natm·e drawmg, lettering, poster making foresh e teach. picture study, etc. First and second semester s fdur hou 0 rtenbllr. ance, two hours credit, no preparation. ' rs attend:' General Art-Dr:iwi?g for up~er grades and juni C<;>lor h_armome.s m po~ters, mtez:iors and costum:. ::: c1ples of d_es1gn; 1llustrat10!1 and co.mpos1tion; pictur~ study· Pfree hand lettermg; nature drawmgs.. First and second semesters 1 hours attendance, two hours credit. No preparation. ' Ollr 9.
9a. Drawing for rural teac her&-Mediums adapted to all grad Emphasis is placed upon interests of the country child and mateJ:i found in his community. Summer, four hours att endance foar hours preparation, two hours credit. ' 9b. Certificate Drawing-A course for those preparing to tab the state examination. Offered in summer only. F our hours atte.. dance, no preparation, one hour credit. (Not a substitute for an:r of required art for certificate, diploma or degree issued by this instita. tion).
10. Teaching-Four hours teaching in the grades is required of all who complete the course. Prerequisite courses 1 and 2; alao & or taken same semester. Toy Making-Course 13 in Manual Arts Department program. GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY Mr. Clayburn
a. Review Geography-The course opens with ~ survey o,f factors controlling climate. This is followed by region>:.! studi1r.. North America including a review in the geography of place. pares for state teachers examination. No credit.
General Geography-An introductory course in geogr!phi : Fundame!1tal ~e tre ~ principles treated and their adaptation to selected reg10ns 1dn e t1IO ious continents. Offered each quarter. Four hours atten anc ' hours credit. .__. . A t d of the nawnio 11. Geography of the United Statess u Y t of ma.tor regions of the country. Emphasis is given the ~e:'elopmen facturfDI resources and industries such as agriculture, mmy:.g, ml~dples COiiand transportation, and the fundamental geograp Ic P~ n Histod• trolling each. Aids in an interpretation of Americafour ho111' First and second semesters. Four hours attendance,
gr~mmar, grade and high school teachers.
2. Primary Geography-Home and World. Geo1~!&r!'for t11t selection and adaptation of subjects and matert1 1 d~nce two first four grades. Each quarter. Two hours a en ' credit.
hie Jnftuences--The more impor tant infl uences which
3. G~o~~~~ great movements in hi story a nd h a ve helped to prohave deter~! day condition s. Third quarter . F 'o ur hours attendance,
duce presen - . ours credit. tWO h E nomic Ge-0grap hy-Treats of t h e g eographic principles un4: t~~ resent and f uture eco nomic development -0f t he differ ent 1 de rlY 1'.g sp~cial emphasis b eing given th e geographic distribution of count~: ~~\pal mineral and non-mineral reso urces and th e development t~ei ~dustri es directly dependent u~on th em . S eco nd semester. Four hours attendance, four hours credit. 5. Geology, Geo~ra.p hi_cal and Hist<>rical-~ssentially a .history f the earth and its mhab1tants, collateral rea dm gs, field tnps, ex-
0 ¡nation and determination of minerals and rocks, a nd identification arucertain index fossi ls. First a nd second semester. Four hours ~ttendance, three hours laboratory, four hours credit.
6. Geography of Nebraska-Treats of N ebrask a's conditions; past, present ~uture, bas ed on. climate, bedrock, soi~s, topo)P'aphy and drainage, agncultural and mmeral resources and mdustnal and. cultural and political development. Third quarter. Four hours attendan ce, two hours credit. 9. The New Europe-A regional study of th e European countries is made, emphasizing relief, clima t e, resources, g overnment a nd ind ustrial development. Special attention i s given to change.:; in the map of Europe and to geographic problem s made prominent b:v the Great Wa-,:. The study is correlated closely with European Hi.story. First semester. Four hours attendance, four hours credit. 10. Climatology-Th e funda mentals of climate. The diversion of .the world into climatic provinces with their m ost significant plant, animal and human respon ses. Secon d quarter four hours/ attendance two hour s credit. Prerequisite G~ography I.
HISTORY, ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY Mr . Albright Mr . Brown trace\ 0 Et!r_op eax:i Background of A merican History-An attempt to of Am ~.diti ons m Europe that led to th e discovery and coloni zation troI. eF;~a and the separation of the colonies from European cont semester. Four hours attendance, four hours credit. 2 Trteet "th:f' n~chers C~urse in American History-History adapted to requisite foerd~h.f high school ai:id el ementa~y s~hool teache~s. Pl:ernay count a .. is course are eight hours m history. This course hour attends history or ed ucation credit for history students. Four ance, four hours credit. 3.
Ei g h~
on the Fren h n~h Cen.tury Euro11e (1700-1815)- Special emphasis ~n European ch. t evolut10 n and Napoleonic Era and their influence our h 1urs cred~st ory. Second sem eRter. F our hours atten da n c~ . i .
6. Ni neteenth Century E urope (1815-1900) -The . 0 d Of !ta action, the growth of liberalism, development of natio~:f.\ 1 and results of European wars during the 19th cen tury. Eu Y, ca111e1 pansion during the 19th century. Four hours attendar~Pean-. hours credit. ce, foar 7. English History-A general course with special em h government and impe.rialism. Second sem ester, four hourp8 astita Oil ance, four hours credit. a end20. Sociology-A study of society, its origin, gr owth struand activities. Second semester. F our hours a t tend~nee ..,_...... hours credit. • ..oar 21. Pol.itical Econo~y-El.ementar y. co:irse. Preliminary vi of the subJect. The Industrial orgamzat1on of society· occupatt' : and\ division of labor; production; exchange and distribution Gf wealth; wa~es, interes~; rent and. profits ; rise an d fall of pricea• transportation; domestic and foreign trade ; protection· trusts Qi trade unions; socialism. First and second semester s. ' Four homt attendance, four hours credit. 12. United States History to 1789-The discovery, settlement a11f ear ly development of our nation. Four hours at tendance foar hours credit. ' 12& Survey of American H istor y-A brief r eview of colonfll period followed by a complete study of the United States as a nation with emphasis on the Constitution a nd our institutions. ()pm to students taking the Elementary Edu cation Cou rse. First, four hours attendanc\:; four hours credit. 13. United States History, 1789-1877-The gr owth and devel9' ment of our nation; the growth of dem ocracy, slavery; seceBliOili Civil War; development of the W est ; trust s. Four hours attendanel; four hours credit. 14. United St ates History, 1877-1924-United Stat es as a power; conflicts between capital and labor ; W orld War and issu es. Four hours attendance, four h ours credit.
15. History of Ant iquity-Tr a cing the E gyptian, Phoff~ A ssyrian, Persian , Greek and Roman civilizat ion, and thde e t each upon our present civilization. F our hour s atten ance, hours credit . 16. R ecent Problems in World Polit ics-A study e>f a~~~ complications an d wars since 1815; the effect of t hese Ep~~ thery;.f t h e causes and results of the World War ; t he Near a s 'nt to1Jfelo· E ast; League of Nations ; W ashin gton conference and curJence .,_( Open to juniors and senior s only ) Four hour s atten a • h ours cr edit. 0 •gin of En 17. Modern E n gland and the Brit ish E mpire- ri h centurft instituti on s, develonment of democr acy duri !I~ t h.e 1 9 ~ World Wi det a iled stu dy of Engla nd's colonies, her pos1t1 ~n 111 try) Four a nd the wor ld affa irs, (Open t o juniors a nd sem or s on attendance, four hours cr edit.
Cit" nship and Politics- This is a cours e designed to meet 18. iz~eachers as v.:ell a.s any Am er ica n cit~zen . The aim is to the needs of people better cit izen s and more enhg htened lawmakers. to m.ake ou\asis is placed on immigration, naturalization, r egistraSpec1al empaking voting, elections, poli tica l parties, r equisites of tion, lat'-: ship 'and' communi ty civics . Required of all students 1 goo.d cti h ~ gener al course. Second semest er. Four hours attendance, takmg . four hours credit. 19 American Governm ent-A stud y ?f the origin, growth and The 1 •ment of our local, stat e and n ati onal governments. ~eve t?Pn of each branch of go vernment, duti es of officers, elections, e¥~; ~~e emphasized: Al?~ t he origin a nd growth _of political parties, and th eir influence rn poht1c.s, trus ts a nd cor porat10ns. Four hours attendance, four hours credit . Recommendations for Reqmrements for 1.
Two-year course for City and Rural teachers Choose ONE from the followin g group American Government Earl y American History U. S. History, 1789-1877 U. S. History, 1877-1924 19th Century Europe Modern England and t he Br it ish Empire
four fou r fo ur four fou r four
hours hou rs hours hours hours hour s
Ever y graduate of the two year course should h ave at least FOUR HO URS credit in History or American Gevernment. 2. MAJ OR requirements in Histor y for semester hours four of which mu st be MINOR requirements in Histor y for semest er hours, four of which must be
an A. Course a n A. Course
B. Degree-20 2. B. Degree-12 8.
. 3. A stu dent who expects to t ea ch History in th e junior or
i~nH: high school should have earn ed at least twelve semester hours R"15 t istorD'YNo student should expect to be r ecommended by the ory epartment unless he h as had t hree courses in History.
rnen Wh~n juniors and seniors t ak e co urses which are open to freshfull c~~it s op~omores add!tiona l work is r equ ired in ord er to earn structor. · tudents takmg such cour ses must consult with the in-
HOME ECON OMICS Miss E ber sole Th e courses . th.1 Udents fo r t mh. s depa rtm ent are planned primarily to prepare Schools. eac mg Hom e E conomics in elementary and high 8t
ce 1. Food Study A t \'alses of cookin s uqy of the fund a mental principles and proof foo ds pf' c_o m:!?ans·on of cost, composition, and nutritive r hours labor:fnmg an d serving simple meals. First semester. ory, two hours r ecitation; two hours credit.
2. Food Study-A continuation of course 1 . F our h tory, two hours recitation; two hours credit. ours labora,. . 3. Adv~nced Food ~tu~y-This cour~e includes food t10n, marketing, an application of the principles of cook" presena. more complicated process of food preparation, a study of d~o the needs of the bod;v under varying conditions; the planning and 1etet1e of meals of variou s types and forms of service. F irst 8 ser~ four hours laboratory, two hours recitation; two hours credit~meater,
4. Advan ced Food Study-A continuation of Food 3 S semester, four hours laboratory, two hours recitation· t' hecolld credit. ' WO 0U?a 5,, Clothing-Applicat!on of fu.ndamental stitch es to simple • ments of washable materials. Simple and decorative embroil:, stitches. Suitability of line and color to various types considered, Textiles taken up from the standpoint of selection ?f materials. Fint semester. Four hours laboratory, two hours recitation· two houn credit. '
6. Clothing-Designing, cutting and making outer garments for adults and children, various mater ials u sed. Study and comparilOll of materials from standpoint of con sumer, identification of materiall by simpre tests. Emphasizes the economic and artistic side of dress. Prereauisite Clothing 5. Second semester. Four houn laboratory, two hours recitation; two hours credit. 7. Home Management-Study of house, t he planning, standarda judging commercial furnishings, budget studies, household accounts. The general econ omics of the home. First semester. Four houn attendance, two hours credit. 8. Home Economics Methods-A survey of Home Fconomica; examination and formulation of courses of study ; a study of ~rob!~~ connected with text books, references, illustrative mate~1al AllOI\ equipment; methods of presentation with special problem ~ m fo°t clothing, home managem ent, h ealth and other phases vital ~-. Home Economics teacher. First semester. Two hours cnuH• Prerequisites Food 1 and 2 and Clothing 5 and 6. 9. Survey Course in Foods and Clothin~-No pre~equ~: Elective course for those who desire a short practical courF m ~ours making; adapted also to the needs of the rural t.each er: o:ester• laboratory, two h ours recitation; two hours credit. First se HYGIENE AND PHYSIOLOGY Mr. Graf Miss Tolin Miss Damme h fol'!llattoa 1. Personal Hygiene--Emphasis is placed upon t e e conaid• by each student of sp ecific health habits . H ealth ru~es ~~rnan ed in relation to the physiology and anatomy of t e First Reference reading is an essential part of the course. dit third quarters. Four hours attendance, two hours ere ·
ed P hysiology-This course makes a som ewhat ex.Advanc of the human body. Emphasis is placed on the fum:'haustiv e s~~d~rgans and organ sy~tems rather than u po_n anatomy. tions of t f the course is modified to meet the reqmrements of 0 The cont~nt the work. Recitations, lectures and laboratory work. those ta !Il ~ster . Three hours attendance, four hours laboratory Second sem d"t wo1·k·, four hours ere 1 · 3.
Home Hygiene and . ~are of the Sick-A ~ourse designed. to sible earlier recognition of symptoms of disease and physical mfke/. ~ 0 teach greater care in g uarding against communicable disde ec s, Practical demonstrations i_n b edside care of the sick, a lso eahse .. al examinations of -school children. One semester, two hours p ys1c d"t attendance; two hours ere 1 • 4·
5 School Hygiene a nd Health Education-A co urse which will h Ip t eachers to train the childr en in health habits, health attitudes a~d healt h. knowiedge. One semester, two hours attendance; two hours credit.
LATIN Miss Clark 1. Cicer o--Orations an d let ter s. Grammar, compos ition and English der ivatives continu ed. Special stress upon the influence of
though t and f eeling upon t he sentence. attendance ; four hours credit.
First semester, four hours
2. Cicero-Continuation of course 1. hours attendance; four hours credit.
Second semester, four
~ - Vergil-The Aeneid with practice in scanning and m etrical readmg. Interpretation of th e r eligious and patriotic theme of the P?em along with the story. Special stress upon the literary qualities. of th e epic. First semes t er four hours attendance· four hours credit. ' '
h 4· Vergil-Continuation of course 3. ours attendance; four hours cr edit.
Second semester, four
Specf~ H?race-Ode~. Study of lyric meters used by Horace. Age tr ess upon his wr itings as picturing th e life of the Augustan qua;ter { en t o students who have had fo_ur years of Latin. First • our hours attendan ce; two hours credit.
Seco~d q~o~~c:-Satires 1
a nd Epistles. Continuation of Course 5. 0 ll: er, four hours attendance· two hours credit. dent~· wh vi~ or Sallust_.:_Alternates ~ith Course 8. Open to stuhours att~n d ave had t hree years of Latin. Fourth quarter, four ance ; two hours credi t. 7
othe~· au\~';?i: '\'iacitus, Cicero's De Amicitia or De Senectute--or some dents who h c osen to meet the wishes of the class. Open to stucourse 7 Th".e had four years of Latin. May alternate· with · ird quarter, four hours attendance; two hours credit.
9. Greek and Roman Mythology- The principal myths in rela . to nature, art, literature and astronomy. May alternate with co~10 n 8 in third quarter. Open to a ll students. Recommended for rs~ mary and kind ergarten teachers as well as those preparing for r]{1• and English. Third quarter, four hours attendance; two hou~n ~~ s 10. Teachers' Latin-A course in methods and grammar review based upon either Beginning Latin or Caesar. Required for thos~ wishing to be recommended ·for t eaching Latin. First quarter and summer schoo l, four hours attendance; two hours credit. Latin major-40 hours, (three years above Latin entrance requirement) . Latin minor-26 hours, (one y ear above Latin entrance requirement plus course 10) For recommendation for high school teaching a student must have had at least three year s of Latin and course 10. SPANISH Miss Clark The courses in Spanish aim at fac ility in the u se of Spanish, along with some knowledge and appreciation of the best Spanish literature and an acquaintance with the life and custom of Spanish speaking p eoples. Spani sh 1.-(Beginning Spanish) Mastery of fundamentals; pronounciation; vocabulary ; accuracy in form s ; c:.onstructio~ and idioms. Translation from Englis h to Spanish and from Spamsh to E ngli sh; easy conversation. First sem ester, four hours attendance ; four hours credit . Spanish 2- Continuation of Spanish 1 with Spanish games and conversation. Second semest er, four hours attendance; four hours credit. Spanish 3-Spanish literature, prose and verse ; games and conver sation; simple forms of correspondence. First semester, four hours attendance; four hours credit. Spani sh 4- Continuation of Spanish 3. hours attendan ce; four hours credit.
Second semester, four
Sp,a nish 5- Spanish literature continu ed; conversation; busin~!~ and social correspondence. First semest er, four h ours attendan ' four hours credit. Span ish 6- Continu ation of Spanish 5, with review and me~~:: of t eaching. Secon d semester, fo ur hours attendance; four credit. Spanish maj or-40 h ours, (thr i:1e years above L atin entrance r equirement.) uire· Spanish m inor- 32 hours. (two years above Latin entrance req ment) .
MANUAL ARTS Mr. Paul Jn preparing to teach the Manual Arts, in Nebraska, the stu.\dent shoul d know that, except for a very limited number of places, '&he Ma nual Arts instructor is expected to teach more than one subljeet A fr equent combination is that of Manual Arts and Athletics. · combinations are made with Science, Mathematics and Agrieulture. When specializing in the Manual Arts, students should )lave these facts in mind and prepare to teach at least one other 111bject. F or t heir public school drawing, students should take Grammar Grade drawi ng, and for th eir methods they should take Junior High School Meth ods or High School Methods. 1. Intermediate Woodwork-A teachers' course in woodwork for intermediate and junior high school grades . This course aims to develop a hig h grade of technic in handling woodworking tools and mater ials while making of projects and teaching materials suited to the above gr ades. For freshmen, first semester and summer school, eight hour s attendance, two hours preparation; four hours credit. Prerequisite high school credit in woodwork. Required for special certificate. Fee $3.50 plus material deposit of $5 .00. 2. Cabinet Making- This course is designed to prepare the st udent to t each the advanced woodwork of the senior high school. Machiner y is u sed to speed up the work and give a wider scope in tool operations and forms of construction, and to familiarize the student with t he care and use of the woodworking m achines . Second aem~ ster , eight hours attendance, two hour s preparation; four h our s credit. E lective. Fee $3.50 plus material deposit of $5.00. 3. For ging-This course is planned to give Manual Arts studinents a broader background of hand~ork and knowl edge of materials . order that he may have a basis for the metal work in farm mechanI~s. cours es. It is also a practical course for agr iculture stu den t s. incl.udes a study of blacksmithing tools and materials. W ork is ~one m the drawing, upsetting, bending, welding and rivetting of an d th e for ging, h ardening and temp ering of tools. Elective. h0:.rd quarter , eigh t h ours attendance, two ho urs preparation; two rs credit. Fee $3.50 plus material deposit of $5.00.
re Manual Trainin g M et!t~ds and Organizatio11;---;-This col:!rs e is It'\ re d of all stu dents rece1vmg the Manual Trarnm g Certificate. 1 au : .a so a valuable course for t hose who as f ut ure pri ncipals and anpa~m~e:ident?, will. n eed t? be famili ar with . t he Manual Ar t s from assi rnmi stra~1 ve p om t of V1ew. The course m cludes textbook work, tori:ied r eadm gs, discussion s, outlines, etc., in the study of t he histhe g development of manual t raining and its place in the cur ricullim, •Peciaineral principles of teaching as applied t o t h e manual art s, •e1r1est methods, c9 ur ses of study, equipment an d materials. First P11chyoir, four hours attendan ce, four hours credit. Prerequisites for Manogyl and cour ses 1 and 9. Not open to fr eshmen . Requir ed ua Arts course.
5. Teachin g-Four h ours of teaching in the shop s and draw· room is required of all who complete the Manual Arts course. E~ng quarter, ten hours teaching and n ecessar y preparation, four houch credit. Sophomores. lb 6. Wood T urnin g- W'ood Tinnin g is off ered as an elective course It ml!Y be taken by those wishing a knowledge of the subject t~ correlate with other woodwork, as it offers a broad field for design and originality. Talks are given on t he lathe and its development the history of turnin g, and the schoolshop turning equipment. Em~ phasis is placed on the care an d u se of t h e lathe, on sharpening turning tools, and on th e pro per use of the turning t ools. The work includes : spindle turning, oval turning, duplicate turning, finishing and polishing on the lathe, face plate turning, and chuck turning Third quart er, ten hou rs shop work, two hours preparation: two hours credit. Prerequisite course 1. Fee $3.50 plus materiai deposit of $5.00. 7. Cement Construction-Although an elective course for teachers, others wishing practica l instruction in cement work will find this course profitable. It is a practical course for the Manual Arts teacher in either a city or rural community. The course will includ e lectures and r ecitations on the t h eory of mixtures, for ms, reinforcing, etc., a s we)l as practical work in form building, and the construction of such problems as fence posts, feed troughs, water tanks, flower pots, porch boxes, bird baths, gard en seats, sun dials, sidewalks an d curbs. Fo urth quarter eight hours attendance, two hours preparation; two hours cr edit. P rer equisite high school credit in woodwork or its equivalent. Fee $3 .50 plus material deposit of $5.00 . 8. Carpentr y-This course in carpentry will be of a two-fo ld natu re and i s planned for those wishing work along agricultural lines for farm use and stud ents who intend teaching in agricultural or consolidated schools, as well as for persons who wish some trade exp_erience. A few preliminary problems are made, followed by work given on foundations, framing, roofing and fi nishing small ~a 1; buildings. T he work in hou se building may be taken up and will ~ offered either in t h e form of sections or in the building of a s.mal fram~ house. Thi!; inc.ludes work in th~ followi_ng: f~un?ationsd framing, porch constru ction , roof construction, outside fimshmg antinside finishi ng . E lective. Offered t hir d quar ter, eight. h?urs adt endance; t wo hours cr edit. P rerequisite high school credit m woo wor k. 9. Mechanical Drawing-Thi s is a t eachers' course; stude£i~ wishing a course in Mechan ical Dr awing as a nreparation for draonin g sho uld r~gi s ter f or a modifi cation of t his course. The course The sists of lectures,, recitations and work in t h e drafti~g roo m.h Jetground cover ed includes t he m aking of free hand working: sketc plied tering, w orking drawing, inkin g, t racing, blu e printing! ar0 de· geometrical co nstructions, and orthographic proj ection,. applied f pro· velopm ents and inter sections, blackboard drawing , d es1~mng 0 eight blems for turnin g and fu rniture construction. First se~estj{~quired hours attendan ce, two h ours preparati on; fou r h ours credit. cfd"tior> to for special cer tificat e. An $8.00 deposit is required in a 1tudent· drawing fee of $1.00 if dr awing equipment is loaned to the s For Freshmen .
Architectural Drawing-This is a practical course for stuenters home bu ilders and others desiring a knowledge of deJlt~, cai/esign ~nd the architectural construction of small frame bâ&#x20AC;˘~d!ng and frame houses. The work deals with the essentials of b,P~!ngsplanning, building construction and metho~s ?f drawing, and bail J°gted to agricultural students and those w1shmg to take up ii 8 .~~ctural Drafting as a vocation. The course covers work in\ectural conventions, basement and foundation plans, sketching 1all buildi ngs and houses, floor plans, elevations, framing details, of 8'fi.uction details, interior details and specifications and estimates. =nd semester, eight hours attendance, two hours preparation; four hours cr edit . Prerequisite course 9. Fee and deposit same as course 9.
1o. .
11 Toy Construction-A co urse in the design and construction of ~ys bird houses and projects in thin wood suited to the lower ades.' The course should be of interest to primary students who ~sh some trai ning in this type of work. Elective. First quarter and aummer school, eight hours attendance, two hours preparation; two hours credi t . F ee $1.00 Material deposit $2.00. 12.
Uphols t erin g a nd Wood Finishing-This course is designed
to furnish exp erience in the prindpal types of wood finish suited to grade a nd high school work. Different methods of upholstering with and without springs are studied. Special attention is given to the reftnishin g and upholstering of old furniture. Students should provide themselves wi t h one or more pieces of n ew or old furniture to use as projects in this class. Prerequisite course 1. Elective. Eight hours attendance, two h ours preparaiion; two hours credit. Fourth quarter and summer school. Fee $2.00. Material deposit $5 .00.
13. Ele mentary Metal Work-A course in elementary metal op!l'ations which will provide the foundation for the metal work found in home and farm mechanics courses. It will include work in forging, sheet-metal and t he sawing, chipping, filing, drilling and hand turning ohf metal. E.Jective. Third quarter. Eight hours attendance, two ours preparation; two hou rs credit. Fee $3.50. . 14. Elemen tary E lectricity- This is a laboratory course in practic1al electricity for teachers . We believe this to be an important Man Ua Arts .s ubject for high schools and this course will offer students an OpPortumty for this work. The course will include the following : :eni.ral . Principles of electricity, circuits, cells, generators, motors, !cations of electricity to bells, heating, lighting, ignition, etc. Sec0 hn semes~er, eigh t h ours attendance, two hours preparation ; four ours credit. Elective. Not offered in 1924-25.
course will cover the fundamental printi;i1es15 ofGast he.E ngines-This gas engine, its operation, and repair. It will inclu de
of eng1~ es, carburetion, ignition, cooling systems, lubrication , valv regulation, timin g of engines, fitting piston r ings, g rinding two eh, trouble hunting, etc. Second semester, eight h ours attendance, 1924_ ~~rs preparation ; four hours credit. E lective. N ot offer ed in
The courses in mathemati cs are designed to m eet the demands of those who are preparing to teach mathematics and also for thos wh~ plaz:i to study higher mathematics or to t ake up su ch work a~ engmeermg. The required courses for a major tota l twenty h ou rs and include the following courses, 6, 9, 10, 7 ; the remaining three hours to be selected from 11, 12 or 14. A minor in mathematics constitutes t welve hours and includes cou rses 3 and 7, the remainder t o be selected exclusive of courses 1 a nd 2. 1. Algebra-Prerequisite four points high school cr edit. semest er, three hours attendan ce ; three hours credit.
F irst
2. Solid Geometry-Prerequisite four points high school credit. Second semester, three hours attendance.; three hours credit. 3. Algebra and Plane Trigonometry-Prerequisite fi ve points high school credit. First and second semesters, five h ours attendance ; five hours credit. 4. Advanced Algebra-Prerequis ite Course 3. quarter, two hours attendan ce; two hours credit. 6. Analytic Geometry-Prerequisite Course 3. ter, five hours attendance ; five hours credit.
Third or fo urth Second semes-
7. Pedagogy of Secondary Mathematics--Prerequisite six points high school credit or t heir equ iv~ l e nt . Third or four th quarter, two hours attendance; two hours credit. 9. Calculus-Prerequisite Course 6. attendance; five h ours credit.
First -semester , fi ve hours
10. Calculus-Prerequi site Course 9. hours a ttenda nce; fi ve hours credit. 11. Surveying-Prerequ isite Course 3. hours attendan ce ; two hours credit.
Second semester, five F ourth quarter, two
J 2. History of Mathematics-Prerequisite Course 9. fourth quarter, one hour attendance ; one hour credit.
Third or
13. Mechanical Drawing- See Manual Arts Course. 14. Differential Equations--Prerequisite Course 10. Thr ee hours attendance, three hours credit.
MUSIC Miss Musselman Mr. Jindra Miss Royce APPLIED MUSIC Credit for private lessons in pia no and violin taken under the direction of the college faculty may be ea rned as follows : For two periods of daily practice and t wo lessons a week a credit of one college hour each semester ma y be earn ed. For one period of daily ractice an d one lesson a week one-ha lf hour credit will be given. ~e student must have a s a prerequisite the equivalent of the first ear's work before credit will be given. F ive hour ~ is the maximum ~redit that can be earned for privat e work unless taken by students iJt the two year Public School Mu sic course or by candidates for the A. B. degree, who have selected Public School Music as a major or minor subj ect. For such stu dents eight hou r s is the m aximum credit. Students wishing credit in this course must have the subject and the amount of credit t o be earned li st ed on their enrollment cards. Instructors w ill make a r eport of each student on regula r grade sheet at the registrar's office at the end of each semester. Credit of one-half hour each semester may be given for work Not more than one hour may be earned by a student in these combined activities in one year a nd not more than three hours may be counted for credit toward any diploma or degree.
in glee club, orchestra or ba nd.
P I ANO AND VIOLIN The courses below are suggestive of the type of work which has proven most h elpful to the students. They will be varied to meet the needs of the individual. Piano Course of Study First y ear Two, three and five finger exercises in simple designs; legato, an d non-legato touches; simple p edal exercises; Theo. ?.re sser, Beginners' Book for Pian oforte ; Gurlitt, Technic and me1ody; Sartorio, Modern Method f or Pia n oforte, Bk. I. Btaccato
Second year. Exer cises for improvement of various touches a nd development of fo'!lrth an d fifth fingers ; scales and arpegios; two fin ger phrasing sX:dc.1ses ; p edal stud ies : Cementi. Sonatinas ; Burgmuller-Kre.,t zlin 1es; Dudernoy, op. 120; Schytte, Major and Minor studies, Bk. I. Third year. ac Study of scales and chords in all keys; exercises in rhythm and in cSntyt,¡ pedal studies; Czerny-Germer S t u dies; Concone, 15 Studies 1e and E xpression; Wolff, Short Octave Stu dies ; Major and
Minor St udies II, III, I V; H an del Album; Ba ch , Two-part Inventions ; Heller op. 46; Sonatas, Mozar t, H aydn, Beet hoven. F ou rth year. A study of the wor ks of the following composers: Beet hoven , H aydn, Grieg, Macdowell, Chopin, Moza rt and sh on.
Mendel s~
Fifth year . T o be
a rra ~ge d
a t t he r equest of st udent. Class Lessons.
The Kinscella Method of piano cla ss instruct ion is used for t r a ining children and op portunit y will be given adva nced students to a ssist in these classes. Violin Course of Study
Fir st year. Correct manner of holdJng violin a nd bow st r essed; Mitchell Method for Violin, P a rt I ; Sevcik, Op. 6, P art s 3 and 4; Sevcik Bowing, Book I ; Wohlfa hrt, Op. 45, Book I ; Krogman, "Zephyrs from Melody La nd"; W eiss, Op. 38. Second year. Wohlfahr t, Book 2, Op. 45 ; Sevcik Bowing , Book 2; Sevcik Triller, Op . .7 ; Ka yser, Vol. 1, Opus 20; Shra dieck, Violi n Technics, Section 1, Applica tion of Rhythms ; Boehmer, Posit ion, Chord and Octave Studies ; Solos by Godard, Pa pini, Sitt , H arris, Beethoven, Dancla ; Seitz Concerto No. 2. Thir d year. Shradieck Violin Technics. (cont inued ) ; Kayser , Op. 20, Book 2; Boehmer Studies, (con t inued) ; Sevi ck On . 8 : Ma zas. On. 36,_Yol. 1; Kreu t zer Etudes 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ; Accolay Concerto m A Minor' and other solos suitable to advancement of student. F ourth year. K reutzer (fi nish ) ; Ma za s, Op. 36, Book 2 ; Sevcik Op. 9 ; Scales a nd arpeggios in three oct aves ; Kayser, Op. 20, Book 3; Concer t pieces, sonat inas, concertos hv Kr eisler, DeBeriot Handel; Brahms, and compositions of equal value. Fifth year. T o be a rra nged by r equest of student. The above course of study is based on two lesson per iods a week.
Minor Studies II, III, I V; Handel Album; Bach, Two-part Inventions ; Heller op. 46; Sonatas, Mozar t, Haydn, Beethoven. F ourth year. A study of the works of the following composers: Beethoven, Haydn, Grieg, Macdowell, Chopin, Mozart and sh on.
Mendel s~
Fifth year. To be
arra~ ged
at the request of student. Class L essons.
The Kinscella Method of pia no class instruction is used for training ch ildren and opportunity will be given advanced students to assist in these classes. Violin Course of Study First year. Correct manner of holdlng violin and bow stressed; Mitchell Method for Violin, P a rt I ; Sevcik, Op. 6, Part s 3 and 4; Sevcik Bowing , Book I; Wohlfahrt, Op. 45, Book I; Krogman, "Zephyrs from Melody Land"; Weiss, Op. 38. Second yea r . Wohlfahrt, Book 2, Op. 45 ; Sevcik Bowing, Book 2; Sevcik Triller, Op . .7; Kayser, Vol. 1, Opu s 20; Shradieck, Violin T echnics, Section 1, Application of Rhythms ; Boehmer, P osition , Chord and Octave Studies; Solos by Godard, Papini, Sitt, H arris, Beethoven, Dancla ; Seitz Concerto No. 2. Third year. Shradieck Violin Technics. (continued ); Kayser, Op. 20, Book 2; Boehmer Studies, (continued ); Sevick Ou. 8: Ma zas. Ou. 36, VoA!. 1; K reutzer Etudes 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ; Accolay Concerto in Minor' a nd other solos suitable to advancement of student. Fourth year . Kreutzer (finish) ; Ma zas; Op. 36, Book 2; Sevcik Op. 9; Scales and arpeggios in three octaves; Ka yser, Op. 20, Book 3; Concert pieces, sonatinas, concertos hv Krei sler, DeBeriot Handel; Brahms, and compositions of equal value. F ifth year. To be arranged by request of student. The above course of st udy is based on two lesson periods a week.
Class Lessons Two years work offered. Material: Mitchell's Class Met!tod for Violin. Hooks 1 a nd 2. Supplemented by i:iusic a~a?ted to e performance. Adva nced students may receive t rammg by ass1stmg in the direction of these groups. Band Open to all students who can play any band instrument. The band plays on various programs thruout the year, and supplies t he music fo r athletic contests. Music is furni shed by the school. Two hours attendance, one-half hour credit. Orchestra Open t o a ll students who can play any orchestral instrument . The orchestra prepares each year at least two select programs and plays on numerous other occasions. Two hours attendance, one-half hour credit. Opportunity will be given for those desiring work in t he t eaching of the various musical instruments, in leading choruses, and orchestra conducting to have practice work in these lines. PUBLI C SCHOOL MU SIC Supervisor's Course-This course of study offers a t raining for those who wish to become supervisors. It is the aint not only t o ÂĽive a thor ough theo retical basis in method but also to give opportunity for application of these methods. The different branches of !11Usical work, aside from strict class room routine are also stressed man effor t to make the graduate as broad a musician as possible. 1. Observation, Methods, Material- The most simnle, as well a s very difficult, technical work is done with different classes. A thorough and comprehensive study of the presentation and development of t he points and problems in graded school music. Discussion of methods which conform to sound pedagogic principles. A critical ~dy of t he best mu sic written for primary, grammar, an d high .....,ools. First semester, no preparation ; t wo hou rs credit .
. 2. Ear Traini ng-, Sight Reading-Ear training lies at t he founda~1on of sight reading and its practical value is emphasized. The Piano is seldom u sed at rehearsals, t hus students become expert in ~curacy of intonation and develop a f eeling fo r absolute pitch. Urh practice in rapid sight reading, a great deal of individual ""ork, voice t esting and placing of voices both fo r t he preservation :~the natural quality of the voice and for the satisfactory musica l h ect of part singing. F irst semester, four hou rs a ttendance, eight ours preparation ; t wo hou rs credit . 3.
Observation and Practice-Teaching is begun a s soon a s the
=~ent has g ained sufficient theor etic knowledge and confidence to Sec0e practice of va lue to the student and not harmful to the pupil. nd semest er, fou r hours attendance ; two hours credit.
4. Harmony, T heory, Counteq>0int-Ability to recognize both by sight a nd ear, chords and¡ chord progression s, k eys and modu!a tions; ability to harmonize m elodies . Deduction of Theory-the stud of stric't forms is emphasized as a drill in in tellectual activity and a~ an end in itself. First and second semesters, two hours attendance . two hours credit. ' 5. Musical History and App reciation-A course designed to develop the power of intelligent listening. T aking up development of musical expression as correlated with the g rowth of civilization Analysis of form, a nd of vocal and instrumental effects are illustrated with the Victrola. Second semester, four hours attendance; two hours credit. 5a. Advanced Muska! History and Apureciation-A continuation of course 5 designed to give a more thorough knowledge of the h istory of the development of music as an art a nd also to tra ce the many phases which make u p modern music. Semester followi ng Course 5, four hours attendance; four hours credit. 6. Practice in College and Grades-Chorus Conducting. Actual experience in teaching is acquired wh ere students are assigned for a certain length of time in every grade and in practice and criticism classes of college students. Second semester, four hou rs attendance; ¡ two hours credit. 7, Band and Orchestra Instrumentation-The sup er visor of music should have a knowledge of instruments, their combination and band and orchestral ro utin e. An am ateur orchestr a gives practical work for the beginner and the College Band and Orchestra are open t o those who are qualified. Scoring for bands a nd orchestras. First¡ or second semesters, four hours preparation; two hours credit. 8. Pract ice--At least a year of actual t eaching wit h full responsibility. First and second semesters, four hours attendance; four hours credit, each semester. 9. Repertoir e--As a prerequi site to a certificate from the department, each student must satisfactorily perform at least forty children's soni;s. Th ese mu st be acceptably played as well as sung. In addition four school marches must be prepared-two memorized .and two played from manuscript. Teachers Course- (Public School Mu sic r equired of all candidates for gradua tion). The n eeds of those with little or no training as well as the requirement of the advanced musician have been kept in mind. A general course designed and so a rranged as to give t eachers a,n opportunity to select that exact phase of music best adapted to their immediate n eeds. Four hours attendance one quarter; one hol!r credit. Two full quarters required for diploma. One quarter ll1 each of two semesters may be taken if n ecessary. Any one of the following courses 10, 11 a nd 12, will fulfill the requirement of two hours public school music for the normal school diploma.
rn. Public School Music-Beginning. No prerequi site. t raining, tone development a nd much individual recitation. above for att endance and credit.
Ear Note
11 Public Scho.ol Music-Advanced . P rerequisite, ability to read usic with a fair degree of fluency. Advanced work in objective :ne study and musical appreciation. Note above for attendance and Credit. 0
12. Public School Music-Advanced beginning. Prerequisite, a free voice and ability to sing a simple tune. (a) Study of material and method of presentation from first to fourth grades inclusive. (b) Study of m a~erial and methods of presentation from . fifth to eighth grades inclusive. Note above for attendance and credit. 13. Rural School Music-The Victrola in its relation to the rural school is especially emphasized. First and second semesters, two hours attendance; two hours credit. 14. Orchestra Directing-A course offered to give instruction in a school orchestra. Four hours attendance; two hours
credit. 15. Glee Club-Open to students registered in College. hours per week attendance; one-half hour credit.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN Mr. Graf Mr. Yerkes Required credit for two year course, two hours ; for four year or A. B. course, four hours. Maximum credit allowed for two year course, three hours; for A. B. course unless a major or minor, six hours.
1. Physica l Training-Elementary gymnastics, marching tactics, ree hand ca listhenics, light apparatus exercises and gymnastic rames. F or beginners. First semester, two hours attendance; one hour credit. . 2. Physical Training-Team tumbling, calisthenics, basketball, llldoor gymnastic games, team leadership, class and field manageJnent. Fir st semester, two hours attendance; one h our credit. .
3.. Physical Training-Advanced work in team tumbling. CalP ractice field events. First semester, t wo hours attennce; one hour ~redit.
er . 4. Physical Training-Advanced gymnastics and hygienic extwcises. Work of fi eld events, Course 3 continued. Second semester, o hours attendance, one hour credit.
an 5. Theory of Physical Training for Athletes-Physi0l0g-v and &ndtomy as it applies to life processPs dP"ling with healthful living care of the body (Not given in 1924-25).
6. Playground Supervision-Theory of Physical Education fo the grades and h,igh school. First or second semest er, five twent r minute periods per week; one hour credit. Y7_. Coaching Athletics-The: t heory and ar t o.f coach ing, for t hos who mtend to take charge of high school athletics. Signal system: fund amen tals, stra t egy, fine points and foot ball fo r m ations of sev~ era! larg e institution s. Basketball fund amen t als, (Meanwell) short pass system, follow you r pass syst em, how to build your system according to ma terial. Track and field, training syst ems, practical ways of coa ching each event. Those wishing a recommendation for athletic coaching must have had this course. Secon d semester a lecture course, four hours attendance; two hours credit. ' 8. Personal Hygiene for Men-The purpose of t his course is to give a thorough consideration of the essential deta ils of the health of the human body and to increase practical application of the hygienic measu res studied. Det a iled consider ation will be given to the hygienic care of the various organs and their function s. Common disord er s, th eir cau ses , na t ure, sympto ms, prevention and treatment, will be discussed. Latest liter ature will be studied and discussed. This course is especia lly for the boys in a thleti cs and those intending to direct a thletics. Second semest er, four hours a tten dance; four hours credit. 9>. · Swimming-Swimming and aquatic s ports will be offered both semest er s. Two h ours attendance ; one hou r credit. N ot more than one hour cr edit in swimming is a ccepted t oward diploma or degree.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR WOMEN Miss Damme Required credit for two year cou r se, two hours; fo r four year or A. B. course, four hou rs. Maximum credit allowed for two year course, three hours ; for four year or A. B. course, unless a major or minor, six hours. 1. Light Gymnastics-Required of Women. Swedi sh gymnastic~. Military marching. Correction of improper standing and walking posil tions. Folk dances a nd gymnastic games. L ectures on persona hygiene. First and second semester, two hours attendance; one hour credit. 2. Lig ht Gymnastics- R equired of Women. Continuat ion . of course 1. Elementary work with dumb bells, wands and In4ian clubs.. F olk dances and gymnastic games. Military marc_hmg. First and second semeste1, two hou rs attendance; one hour credit. 3. Aesthetic Dancing- Open to all college students. Pr~re~ quisite course. 1. The course gives thorough knowledge of techm.qug of dancing. Trains for artistic group dances and solo dan_cin · First a nd second semesters, two hou r s attendance; one hour credit.
4. Playground Supervison~Philosophy and P sych ology of pl~Y~ Aims and purposes of playground organization, construction, e.iulf1e ment, a nd managemen t. Gives t h orough k nowledge of games sui a _ for every kind of school. Actu al practice on Training School pl:£s ground. Two h ours each week. Lectu res, r eadings and repodit: First and second semester s, fou r hours attendance; two hours ere
Physiology and Bodily Exercise-Open to college students to teach Physical Education. Anatomy and Physiology of ~~o-mu scular system. Physiological study of training, breathlessss fatigue, and stiffness. Test of respiration a nd circulation be~ere' and after exercise. Lecture:s and readings. First semester, two h~urs atten dance; one hour credit. a~in g
6. Methods of Teaching Physical E ducation-Open to college students preparing to teach Physical Education. Two hours lecture, two hours t eaching in College or Training School under observation, Four hou rs per week; two hours credit. 7. Theory of Athletics-Open to stud ents preparing to teach Physical E ducation. Technique of indoor and outdoor games, soccer, hockey, basketball, volley ball, baseball, etc. Systematic preparation for track athletics and conduct of contests, outdoor and indoor. Practice. P roper form in all track events in games. Physical work for training. F our hours a week; two hours credit.
8. Swimming-S wimming and aquatic sports each semester. Not more than one hour credit in swimming is accepted for diploma or degree. Two hours attendance, one hour credit.
PHYSICAL SCIENCE Mr. Hoyt Mr. Hill Sufficient work is offered in the department for a major of 26 hours in chemistry, and a mincir of 12 hours in chemistry, and a minor of 16 hours in physics. Those expecting to teach chemistry should have not less than a minor and at least four hours additional are urged. Arrangements are made below for a teacher's course in physics , but the full minor is very desirable. Genernl science teachers should take the General Science Course. CHEMISTRY Chemistry-A college course in elementary chemistry. This course may be taken without previous study of the subject. The fund amental principles and problems of chemistry are taught as well ahs a study of the non-metallic elements. Four hours attendance, fou r ours laboratory; first semester; four hours credit. 1.
2. Ch mistry-Prerequ isite chemistry 1. This course includes a st1;1dy of the metallic elements a nd compounds, with elementary lualitat ive analysis, and a brief study of, elementary organic ch emisry with practical applications such as tests for food s and drugs, and the chemistry of digestion. At least one thesis or report on some phase of chemistry not treated in the text. Second semester four hou r attendance, four hours la boratory; four hours credit. . 3. Cheimist'r y-Prerequisites, courses 1 and 2. Organic chem~stdrY-a more extended consideration of the series and classes of Y ro-carbon s and their derivatives. One t hesis or report per stoemest er . F irst semester, three hours attendance, four hours laborary; fou r hours credit. cl .4. Chemistry-Prer equisites courses 1, 2 and 3. A course in n. Uding a more extended studv of general chemistry and metallic and on-metallic elements and compoupd s, with analysis by both wet a nd
dry methods. This course is csigned to fit the student for teach ing the science. Second semest er, three h ou rs attendan ce, four hour~ laboratory, one thesis ; four hours credit. 5. Chemistry-Chemistry Methods. Prerequisites courses 1 and 2. This is a course in the pedagogy of t he science in classroom and laboratory, especially fitting the students to t each chemistry. May be taken for credit in g ener a l wor k or in t eaching. See instructor before enrolling. On e hour attendance, four hours laboratory assistance; two hours credit. 6. Astronomy-An el ementary course in descriptive a stronomy designed for g eneral cult ure and a s a preparation for better teaching of geography, physiogra phy and geology, natu r e stu dy, etc. The course is essential to a th orough understanding of latitude, longitude time, tides, seasons, planetesimal t heory, etc. Attention is given t~ principles of the scien ce, and the solution of elementary p roblems but no mathematics beyond elementary algebra is necessary. Th~ school h as a three-inch a nd a five and one-half inch t elescope, and several evenings will be needed in mapping the constellations, and observation with the telescope. Second semester and summer school, four hours attendan ce ; four hours credit. 7. Philosophy of Science--An advanced course in scientific generalizations a nd theories, designed to show the relations of science to the Bible, religion, ethics, culture, and civilization. This course is designed to g ive a comprehensive view of the fi eld of scien ce and to correct misconceptions r egarding both science and r eligion. Two hours attendance a nd extensive readings on the topics . It is very desir able that one have some knowledge of various sciences. Outlines and brief thesis required each week. First semester and summer schood; two hours credit.
PHYSICS The minor in Physics includes College Physics (8), Astronomy ( 4), Applied Physics (2), and Physics Methods (2). 1. Physics-A t eacher s' and science certificate course, and is recommended for those preparing to take the examination in physics for a high school city state certificate. Prerequisite, one year high school physics. A course in college mathematics is desirable. Second semester eight hours attendance, four hours credit.
2. College Physics-A general course corresponding t o the a1:ts course of college and university. A cou rse in higher mathematics preceding or accompanying this course is very much to be desired. First; semester, eight hours attendance ; four hours credit.
3. College Physics-A continuation of course 2, treating of magnetism, electricity and light. Second semest er, eight hours att endance; four hours credit. 4. Physics-A co urse in methods and the pedagogy of physics. Four hours attendance; two hours credit. ¡ 5.
Applied Physics----See Manual Arts courses 14 and 15.
6. General Science-This is a general science course designed to prepare t ea chers who are plann ing to teach general science. Fir~t quarter and summer school, eight hours attenda nce; two h ours credit.
TRAIN ING SCHOOL Loy J. Gilkeson, Superintendent Junior and Senior High School :Mr. Yerkes :Miss F aulhaber :Miss Laughlin :Miss Ebersole
Mr. Brown Miss Brandt Mr. Huck Mr. Paul Mr. Jind ra Elementary Training Teachers
:Miss Burton Miss Kelley
Mrs. Beck Miss Musselman Miss McCollum
The organization of the Training School at Peril is a typical organization which will be found in the majority of towns and cities of Nebraska. It consists of a kindergarten, elementary grades, junior high sch ool and senior high school. The elementa ry enrollment is about 150 stu dents; junior and senior high schools, approximately 175. Students taking trai ning in this institution are especially fortun ate because the training school is so much like the regular public school. The organization includes courses in Theory of Education; Directed Observation and Teaching. 9. Directed Observation-The course in Directed Observation must be t aken in conj un ction . with the college Methods courses. It will con sist of observation of teaching in the classrooms of the Training School, und er the direction of the superintendent of the Training School. Students will observe in the department in which they expect to take th eir training. Class open only to those who are registered fo r Method s courses. Two hours attendance; one hour credit. Requi red of a ll fre shmen. 10-11. Teaching-Prerequisite, P sychology and Principles and !'dethod s of T eaching. This course consists of demonstration, cadet1ng and t eaching. The student be~ins his course by observation in the grade or department as taught by the tra ining teacher. The ?bservation is accompanied by cadeting in the class, his participation mcre,..,sing until he assumes full responsibility in r egular classroom teaching.
Six hours work is required of all sophomores in all departments
to. be t aken by each in th e department of his ma jor, excepting in spe-
cial departments where four hours are taken in the major departlllent and two hours in a minor department in the regular training school orga nization. St udents not in special departments who h ave h8 ? _three years experience or more and who have dem nnstrated their ab1l_1ty in t e11ching, w ill be excused from teaching two hours. Before ~g1 stering for teaching, students should consult with the SuperinS ndent of the T raining School and have teaching hours assigned. ee page 14 for A. B. requirements in Teaching.
EXTE N SION COURSES The purpose of exten sion course , whether St udy Center or Correspondence is to extend the services of the State Tea chers Colle e to every properly qualified person who cannot attend an education~! institution for the time bein g, but who wi shes to pursue systematic study under competent direction and for college credit. I. STUDY CENTER
Character of the Cuurse---ThP Studv Center courses are t he same as those given in the chssroom of the State Teachers College at Peru and are conducted by the same m emb ers of the faculty tha t conduct the courses in residence. How Org"anizPd-A St udy Center mav be organizerl if suffi rient number to pay all expenses of the Centn make applica tion for a course. class to meet ::it some phce agreed upon , and to study some one of the s;:ib_iects o:ff~red in this catalog. An instructor or some other representative of the College meet s with the group a t their first meeting and assist s them ' in selPcting the course best suited to their n eeds, and in any other work of organi zation. At th e close of the meeting- a definite appoi ntment is arranged for the fi r~t class meeting . The minimum number of students in a cou rse is fifteen. Regulations. 1.
Write E xtension Director for definite plans of organization.
2. A fee of $3 .00 per crerlit h our-$fl.00 for two hours- is charged each member en rolled. F ees are coll ected >tt the first meetinp: by a r eornsentati ve of the college. A receipt w ill be issued hy the College RPP'istrar. F ees ine n ot rPfund ed for any cause. All students enrolling mu st m at riculate, if they have not already done so. The matriculation fee is $5.00, see page 11. 3. A book deoosit rental fee of $4.50 for each two hours' course is reauired in advance. $3 .00 of this is remitted to the student when the books are returned. 4. Make all checks, drafts, or money orders payable to Registrar, P eru State Tea chers College. 5. After organization, the instructor meets the class nine. differ ent tirnP R in StPrlv Center cour~es in which two h our' cred1tB1s given. Ordinarily the meetings will be held every other week. Y agreement of teacher and class, meetin gs may be h eld w eekly. 6. Instructors are limited to the g1vmg of n ot more than one or two Study Center courses at a time, and for thi s reason some courses offered may not long remain open for selection. 7. All St11rly CPnter courses are organized after October 1 and completed by May 15. 8. A maximum credit of six semester hour s m ay be earned 1;;'. any one student in exten sion courses (Study Center and Corref he dence) within the limits of the time set for the completion ses work ~ that is, between October 1 and May 15. All extension c1as should be organized a s early in the fall a s possible.
PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Study Center Courses 1924-1925
Art Drawing and Painting, 2 hours. Design-Elements and Problems, 2 hours. Biology Nature Study, 2 hours. Advanced Physiology, 2 hours School Hygiene, 2 hours.
Commerce Beginning Shorthand, 2 hours. Typewriting, 2 hours.
Education and P sychology Intelligence Testing or Educational Measurements, 2 hours. Educational Surveys, (A measurement course), 2 hours. History of Education and Modern School Problems, 2 hours. Educational P sychology, 2 hours. Educational Sociology, 2 hours Children 's Literature, 2 hours Citizenship for Grades, 2 hours Grade Reading, 2 hours
English Short Story, 2 hours Modern Novel, 2 hours Browning, Shorter P oems, 2 hours Emerson, 2 hours Tennyson,. 2 hours College Grammar, 2 hours
History RAecent American H istory, 1865-1923, 2 hours dvanced American Hi story, 2 hours
Mathematics $o!lege Algebra, 2 hours r1gonometry, 2 hours )fllaie Public School Music, 2 hours
Physical Science Ihtilosophy of Science, 2 hours (For advanced students only) 8 ronomy, 2 hours
Political and Social Science Advanced Rural Sociology, 2 hours Sociology, 2 hours If any other subject, not listed above, is desired, write to the E xtension Director, a nd a rra ngem ents will be made if possible, for this subject to be offered.
II CORRESPONDENCE COURSES Puri>ose and Character-Th e purpose and' character of correspondence courses are the same as that of the Study Cen ter courses. How E nrolled . Each student must fill out an application blank (see page of the catalog for bla nk) in order that the instructor may sf:certain his fitne ss to pursue with profit the course he desi res. If the student is accepted, he is notified at once and will send the necessary f ees to the Registrar. Instructions and directions for the course will be sent the student when the fees are r eceived. h <t:â&#x20AC;˘1lations. 1. A fee of $3.00 per credit hour-$6.00 for two h ours-payable in a dvan ce fo rharged each person enrolled. No f ees refunded for any cause after enr ollment ho." been accepted and directions for work have been sent to the student. 'l'he st udent must be a matriculant of the school. The ma triculation f ee i ,:; $5.00, see page 11.
2. A book deposit r ental f ee of $4.50 for each two hour course is r equired in advance; $3.00 of th is, less 80c for post age on books and the necessary correspondence, is remitted to the students when books are r eturned. 3. Time of registration for correspondence courses is between October 1 a nd March 1. All work must be completed by May 15. H owever, special arrangements for a limited number of courses may be ma de in exceptional cases for work during the summer . Student is limited to one course at a time. 4. In each course f or which two hours' credit is given , the work required will approx ima te twenty lessons, requiring approximately five hours preparation for each. An examination is r equired at the close of the course. 5. Make all checks, drafts, money orders, etc. payable to Registrar, P eru State Teachers College. 6. The college does not guarantee to give a ll the courses listed in thi s bulletin, for the reason that changes in the tea ching sta~ may necessitate withdrawal of cour es from the list. Also, eac t eacher is limited in the number of students he may inst r uct at one time. 7. A maximum credit of six semester hour s may be earned bY any one student in exten sion courses (Study Cen ter and Corresp~h~ dence) within the limits of the time set for the completion of es work, that is, bet ween October 1 and May 15. All extension cours should be organized as early in the fall a s possible.
Corr espondence Courses 1924-1925
Address all correspondence to Extension Director, P eru, Nebr.
Drawing and P ainting, 2 hou rs Biology School Hygiene, 2 hours Advanced Physiology, 2 hours :Edueation and Psychology History of Education, 2 hours Child P sychology, 2 hours, (Prerequisite P sychology I) Class Room Management, 2 hours School Administration, 2 ¡ hours A Measurement of Intelligence, 2 hours Educationa l Sociology, 2 hours English
Browning-Dramas, 2 hours Shakespeare-Tragedif's, 2 hour s Modern Fiction-The Novel, 2 or 4 hours Short Story, 2 hours Tennyson , 2 hours Geography Geography of N ebraska, 2 hours The New Europe, 2 hours History American History to 1865, 2 hours
ll1111ic History of Music, 2 hours Physical Science Astronomy, 2 hours Political and Social Science American Govern noPnt a nd Politics, 2 hours ARmerican Rural Education, 2 hours ural Economics, 2 hours.
â&#x20AC;˘bo If !lny other college subject or any secondary subject, not listed
ll'? 'Ve,
is desired. write to Extension Director, Peru, Nebraska, and angements w ill be made, if possible, for this subject to be offered.
Application for Correspondence St.udy To the Registrar, State Teachers College, P eru, Nebraska.
Date __________________ ______________
Name ---------------------------------------- - ---------- -----Address ------------ ------------------------------------------ Present Occupation ------------ ---- ----------------------- -----Graduat e from what high school ______ _.:_ _________________ ____ __ _ If at any time enrolled in thi s Sta t e Teachers College, please give the year or years and the number of months in attendance.
Year ______________________ Months
attended _________ ____ __ ______
Year __--¡------------- _____Months
a ttendecl _______ _____________ _
Year __ ________________ ____ Mon th s
attended ___ __________ - - - -----
Attendance in other in stitutions. includin g both high schools and ¡ collegci;: Na me of institution __ __________________ Months attended __ _______ _ N ame of institution _____________ _______ Months attended ___ ______ _ N ame of inst itution ____________________ Months attended ___ ___ ____ Show you r classification as a student by the amount of credit you now have ____________ high school points ___ ___________ collegE: hours What other courses are you taking or planning to take whether in thi s or in some other institution ?_ _______ ___ _____ __ __ __---- ------
Subject you now desire by correspondence _________ __ _____ __ _______ No. hours heretofore earned by extension in other institutions? No. hours her etofore earned by extension in this institution ?
DEGREES, DIPLOMAS AN]) CERTIFICATES GRANTED DURING THE YEAR 1923-24 DEGREE Mae Miller Beck Ma ry C. Borne Irma D. Casey ¡Ma r garet Atlanta Cole Esther Cole Jessie F . Connell Spencer M. Leger May Linger Lola Ellen Lohr
Crystal Margaret Meyer Mabel Gu staf son Quiller Alice A. Smith Ruth Strong Warnock Daniel H. Weber George R. Willy Mary E. Wiltse Dessie Wright DIPLOMA
Effie Hanchett Adams Marj orie E. Arnold Cleeo B. Austin Erma Vera Bantz Forrest George Bell Millard DeWitt Bell Golda Belle Bishop Stewart Blades Ruth Fran ces Blomquist William F reeman Bogle Maurice E. Boren Leo L. Bourke Marie Bou rke Bernice Breckenridge Howard Cook Brunsdon Ola Corinne Burgner J ane Lucille Caley Helen Aileen Carman Darwin C. Carter Bessie M. Church George J. Church Milo B. Clarke Barton Clevenger Mayme Clevenger J ames A. Conway David F. Costello Mark L. Crandell Goldie M. Creech Lloyd Willi am Dallam Mark Wilson Delzell Elsie J. Dollarhide Marion Dowling P aul Dunlap Edna Engelke Louise Margaret Farley Edna Alice Fish Edna Irene Fisher Lois Fisher E. Everett Fuller Cla r a M. Gagnon Glenn P. Gilkeson Bessie Gillan
Ollie M. Klumb Zola Mildred Knapp Laura Kovanda Gladys Muriel Kurtz Ruth Victoria Kurtz Yola Mae Lamb Elbert Lyle Laughlin Marie L ePoidevin Bernice Gladys Lewis Ethel C. Lindahl Maggie Bell McAlpin Edward S. McCall Loui se M. McCrory Lucille Ellen Mahoney Arthur R. Majors Anna Mae Mason Elizabeth B. Masfalka Herald E. Maxcy John Glenn Melvin Margaret Miller Edith Neal Irene P. Nelson Pearl Newhouse Emilie Novotny W. Otto Oakes Susan O'Conner Auburn Conley O'Neal M. Nelle Pierce Elsie Faye Redd Edna Lillie Rieger Vivian Dorothy Rowe Vina Klar Rudolph . Ruth E. Sandell Muriel Elizabeth Scheuer Blanche May Seibold Ona M. Seipel Alvina Selk Alberta Skeen Alice Marie Sorensen Omer E . Sperry Helen B. Stallsmith Hugh P. Stoddard
74 Alfhild Gilquest Daisy Claire Graf Clarence W. Grandy W. Alton Hair Adnee H amilton Ralph M. H ansen Loui se Edith Harris Lucile H arris Verda J. Hauptman Clarence E. Hawxby Ida M. Heywood Helen H olliway Paul K. Hoy Raymond E. Hunter Leon a M. Johnson Dorcas Dill Johnston Ca therine T. Joiner H elen M. J ones Mabel Jorn E sth er Grace Keefer Amy L. Kite Roy L. Klauren s
Ka rn ie Sundell Ruby M. T an ey H arland Ver ne Taylor Zelma E. Taylor Ella Frances Teich Zenas T eich Clarence C. Thompson Ethel Thompson Lucille Thompson Claire I rene Veal Lois Mae Veeder Dorothy Wa de Dona ld T . Weimer Thelma Frances Wells Robert G. Whittemore H arland Whit well H arry An derson Williams H azel 0 . W ilson F uller T. Woodie Roscoe E. Wright H elen Marie Y eek Paul L. Y ost
E LEME NTARY CERTIFICATE Mabel Abbott Rut h Adams Elsie An derson Willia m Anville Edith M. Ar gabright Deva Armstrong Lucy E. A r m strong Freda C. Austin Clarice Bi sh op F ern e Bur gess Cha rles Carp enter Opal Cart er Audra Chapin David Cla rk Magdalen e Claussen Marie Clau ssen J essie Mae Com er Rose A. Con way Bianca Delano Vera L . Duerfeldt Ruth E r n st N ellie Graf Ruth Ganz Edith Gapen L ois Goodloe Lu cile Goodloe E dn a Hall Edna M. H all Claude M. H annan F red W. H eskett Vict or Houser Opa l J ack son Gla dys Jorgen sen Or pha Keebler
Ma r th a Layton Alice Lin dgren Gladys McKenney Vera Malon e Viva B. Ma r sh all E lisa M. Michels Agnes Muen st er H elen M. N eal Margar et N elson Corinne Nissley Floren ce N oerrlinger Lydi a Ott en s Lucille Owen Amethyst Pryor H erbert Redfern Lucille Reed L eila R og ers E mile F. Rogge Mary Roya l Lucille M. Russell H azel Sarvis Gladys Sears Alen e L. Selk H a llie Sherman Ruth Shiveley Paul Smit h SP-lm:J. Staben Gladys Sta nley Sara Stilwell J .ois Stoddard Mabel Thomas Norman Thorpe E verett V anterford F ern Vvare
Ceiiabelle Kizer Otto Kucera
PROFESSIONAL STATE CERTIFICATE Hazel Adams Marie Adams Ruth Blomquist Roy C. Busch Goida M. Calvin Eldie L. Cameron Gertrude Carver Clifford E. Clark Ger trude Conger James A. Conway Elsie J. Dollarhide Pearle Erisman Edna Fish Agnes V. F isher Mary Fuller L. J. Hacker Harold Hall Mildred C. Hanks Yrsa H ansen May Harri son Carrie H eacock Hazel E. Heaton Neva N. Hoak Lucille J alas Leona M. Johnson Alice J ones Mabel Jorn E sther G. Keefer H. D. Kelly Jessie Kelly
Ollie M. Klumb Frances M. Knight Loui se McCr ory Hazel M. Martin Anna M. Mason Edna E. Mauel Edith B. Meek Ada C. Miles Erland Nelson Eunice Noerrlinger Helen Parriott Jessie L. Ri spler Nainie Robertson Hedwig Roessler Ruth Rosenquist Hildegarde Rowley Bla nche M. Seibold Ona M. Seipel Mary J. Shrader Cleo Sigman Carrie A. Stephens Florence T aylor Ella Fran'ces Teich Sara A. Thomas H elen D. Thompson Claire I rene Veal Evelyn Whiffen Ethel Wiebke Paul V. Wilcox May A. Yates
SPECIAL TWO YEAR DIPLOMA Forrest George Bell William F . Bogle Maurice E. Boren Bern>i.rd 0. Bostrom Leo L. Bourke Howard C. Brunsdon Darwin C. Carter George J. Church Milo B. Clarke Barton Clevenger David F. Costello Mark L. Crandell Mark W. Delzell Paul Dunlap E. Everett Fuller Glenn P. Gilkeson W. Alton H air Loui se E . Harris Verda J. H au ptman Clarence E. Hawxby Ida M. Heywood Ethel C. Lindahl
Edward S. McCall Lau ra Macknrang Arthur R. Majors Herald E. Maxcy John Glenn Melvin W . Otto Oakes Auburn Conley O'Neal M. Nelle Pierce Alvina Selk Alice A. Smith Omer E. Sperry Pugh P. Stoddard Ruby M. Taney Dorothy Wade Robert G. Whittemore Harland Whitwell Harry Anderson Williams George R. Willy Mary E. Wiltse Fuller T. Woodie Helen Marie Y eek P a ul Leslie Yost
CONTENTS Accounting ------ ------------ ------- - ------------ ------------39 Administration ---------- ---- - -------------- -------------------3 Adm ission ------------ ------------¡- - ----- -- -------------- --- -12 Advanced Rural Certificate -----------------------------------36 Advisers ------ ------------------ ----------------------- - -----4 Art ------------- ------------ --------------------------------30 Assisting Students ---- --------------------------------------- 10 Astronomy ---------------- ---- ------------------ -------------66 Athletic fi eld ------------------ ----------- ------------------ - - 7 Athletics - ---------------------------------- ------ ---------8, 65 Auditori um ------------------------------- --------------- - ----7 Band ------------------------------------- - --------------- 8, 61 Boa rd, Student -------- ---------------- ---- ---- --- - ----- -----11 Board of Education ----------------------- ------------------- -3 Bot any ---------------------------------- --- ----------------- 38 Biological Science _____ _____ ________________________ ____ ______ 38 Bookkeeping _____ ______ ____ _______ __________________________ _39
Buildings -----------------------------------------------------6 . Calendar ----------------- ------- ----------------------- - -----2 Campus ------------------- --- ------ ------ -------- ------ - -----7 Catholic Association - - ------------------------------ - --------- - 8 Certificates ______ ____ ____________________ 12, 13, 18, 35, 36, 37, 73 Chemistry _______ ______ _________ _____ __ __ __________ __ ________ 65 Commerce --- ~-------------------------- --- --- --- ---16, 21, 22, 38 Committees of F aculty ____ ________ __ __ ___ _____ __ __ ____ ________ 4 Correspondence, Courses in ---------:--------------- ---- ---- 70, 72 County Certificates ____ _____ __ __ ___ ___________ _______________ 37 Courses of Study ______________ __ ____ ____ ______ __________ ___ _14 Credits ________ ______________ ________ __ _______________ ____ 13, 70 Deg ree ____________ __ __ __ ________ _______________ 12, 13, 14, 17, 73 Diploma ---------------- --- ------- -----------------------18, 73 Dormitory ------------- ----- ------------------------------ 7, 11 Dramatic Club ------- ---------------------- ------------ - -----8 Drawing (See General Art) __ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 30, 47, 48 E arly Elementary Education ______________________________ 22, 42 Economics ----------------------------- ------ ----------------49
Education ---------------------------------------------------40 Educational Organizations -------------------------------------8 Elementary Education ----------------------------------------24 Elementary Rural Certificate ____ ____________________________ 36 Elementary School -------------------------------------------12 Elementary State Certificate ------------------------------13, 35 English --------------------------------------------------16, 44 Entrance ----------------------------------------------------14 E verett Literary Society --------------------------------------8 Executive Offices ---- ------------------------------------------6 E xpP,nse -----------------------------------------------------11 E xpression, (See Speech Education) ---------------------------E xtension ---------------------------------------------------69 Faculty ------------------------------------------------------3 Fees - - ------------------------------------------------11, 68,2,0 Fees for Non-resident students --------------------------------12 F ine Arts ------------------------------------------------16, 47 General Information ------------------------------------------ 5 General Course (Two-year course ) --------------------------18, 73 General Science ___________ _____________ ______________________ 33 Geography and Geology --------------------------------------48 Girl's Club ---------------------------------------------------8 Glee Club -------------------------------------------------8, 63 Graduation --------------------------------------------------12 Gymnasium ------------------------------------------------6, 9 Health -------------------------------------------------------9 Heredity and Evolution ---------------- ----------------------38 High School ----------------------------------------------12, 67 History ------------------------------------------------5, 16, 49 History of Education -----------------------------------------42 Home Economics --------------------------------------16, 26, 51 Hygiene --------------------~---- - ----------- ----------------52 Industrial Arts, (See Manual Arts ) ---------------------------Infirmary ---------- ------------ ------------------------------ 9 Instruction ---------------------------------------------------3 Kindergarten --------------------------------------------12, 22 Laboratory Fees ---------------------------------------------11 Latin ----------------------------------------------------16, 53 Lectures ------------------------------------------------------9
Library ----- -----------------------------------------------4, 6 Living Expenses --------------------------------------- - -----11 Loan Fund --------------------------------------------------10 Location --------------------------------------------------- - -- 6 l\1ajors ----------------------- - -- ~----- -------- -- ----15, 51, 54 l\1anual Arts (l\1anual Training) - -------------------- --- 16, 27, 55 l\1athematics ------ ------------------------------------ - --16, 58 l\1easurements - - - --- - ------------- ------------------------ - - - - 43 l\1emorials ---------- ----------------------------- -------------9 l\1en's Club --- --¡-------------- - - ------ - -----------------------8 l\1inors ------- ----- - ------ -------------------- ---------15, 51, 54 l\1t. Vernon Hall ---- ---------- ----------------------------7, 11 l\1usic --- ----------- ------ -------------- - -------------- ------59 Nature Study --- - - - ------------------ ----- --------- - ---- ----38 Nurse -------------- ----------------------- ---- ----------- --7, 9 Observation ---------------- ---------- --------------------41, 67 Olympic Club - --- ----- ---------- -------------- ---------------8 Orchestra -------- -------- - - ---- - - - ------------------ - --8, 61, 63 Organization s -------------------------------------------------8 Pen1nanship ________ ____ __ ____________________________ _____ __ 39 Philomathean Literary Society ---------- ---- ______ ____________ 8 Physical Education ___________________ _____ _________ _______ 63, 64 Physical Sciences ____ ______________ ________ __________________ 65 Physics ___ __________________________ ___________ ___ __ ___ _____ 66 Physiology --------------- ------ - --- ----------- - ------- - ------52 Piano ___ _____ ____ ____ ____ __________ ___________ ____ __________ 59 Political Economy ______ ______________________________________ 50 Primary _____________________ ________________________________ 22 Principles and l\1ethods ____ __ ________________________ _________ 41 Professional Life Certificate ____________ ________ ______ ______ __ 35 Professional Subjects --------- ----------------- -- ------~=:::-_=:__16 Professional Training ___________ ______________ _____ _____ _____ 37 Psychology --~ --------------------- -- -------------------- ----40 Public School Art ____ ______ __ ______________ __ __ ________ ______ 30 Public School l\1usic ______ __ ___________ ______ ______________ 29, 61 Recitals ---------------------------- - --- ----------------------9 Records and Accounting - - - ------------------------- --- -------4 Recreation ----------------- - --------- ------------------- - -----9 Registration --------------------------------------------------2
Religious Organi zations -------------------- - - -------------- ----8 Requirements, General - - --------------- --- ----------------14, 18 Room and Board ------------------------------------------- - 11 Rural Education - ------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ---36 School · Administration -------------------------------------- --42 School Fees --------------------------------------------------11 Science Building -------- -------------------------------------6 Scou tmastershi p Training ____________________________ ________ 43 Shorthand -------------------------- -------------------------39 Social Organizations -------------------------------------------8 Sociology - - --------------------------- -----------------------49 Spanish --------------------------- --------------------------54 Speech Education -----------------------------------------32, 46 State Board of Education ------------------------------------3 Student Activities ---------------------------------------------8 Student Load ------------------------------------------------13 Student Loan Fund _________ _________________________________10 Study Center ----------------------------------------------- 68 Summer School -------------------------- ---------------------2 Superintendent Training School ________________________________ 9 Swimming ---------------------- ----------------------------65 Swimming Pool -----------------------------------------------9 Teacher's Placement Bureau -------------------------------- ----9 Teaching ------------------------------------------------42, 67 Tennis Club --------------------------------------------------8 Text books --------------------------------------------------11 Theory of Education --------- ------------------------------ ---40 Tournaments -------------------------------------------------8 Training School ____ :._ ___ ______________________________________ 67 TYPewriting ----------------------------------------- ---------39 Vacation ----------------------- ------------------------------2 Violin ______________________________________ _________________ 59
Y. l\'.I. C. A. --------------------------------------------------8 Y. VV. C. A. --------------------------------------------------8 Zoology ------------------------------------------------------38