Nebraska State Normal School and Teachers College PERU, NEBRASKA
Summer School Summer School Registration, Saturday, May 31, 1924 Summer School Begins, Monday, June 2, 1924 Summer School Closes, Friday, July 2 5, 192 4
ANNOUNCEMENTS 1924-1925 Registration First Semester, Friday, Septer:iber 5, 1924. First Semester Begins, Monday, September 8, 1924. First Semester Closes, Friday, January 23, 1925. Second Semester Begins, Monday, January 26, 1925. Second Semester Closes, Friday, May 29, 1925.
VOLUME X MARCH, 1924 NO. 3 Pe Entered as second class matter July, 1915, at the Post Office of ru, Nebraska, under the act of August 24, 1912.
LOCATION Two lines of the Burlington pass throu gh P eru , th e one from Lincoln to Falls City, ancl the othe r from :-lebras ka City to Bea trice fu r nis hing exce ll en t passenger se r vice from all poin ts in the stat~ reached by th e Burlin gton system . T he Missouri Pacific fr om Lin coln and Omaha r eac hes Peru throu g h Buriingto n conn ections at Nebra ska City and Auburn. From Omaha tak e Burlington at 4: 30 p. m. dir ect to P eru; from Lincoln tak e Bur lin gton at 1: 30 p. m. via Tecums eh , or at 3: 00 p. m. dir ect to Peru . Bur lin gto n t r ains leave Nebraska City for P eru at 9: 05 a. m. and 6: 55 p. m. Burlin gto n trains leave Beatri ce at 1: 20 and Auburn at 4: 02 for Peru. From F a ll s City th e tim e is 5:30 a . m. All of these trains are dail y except Sun day. The R ock Isl a nd from Fair bury connect s w ith th e Burlin gton at Beat rice or R ockford. Because of good roa d s leading into Pe ru, a large number of studen ts a r e no longe r dep end ent upon train co nn ections. Many stu de nts r eg ul arly dri ve to Peru. A group of fo ur or more can easil y arrange fo r bus se rvi ce from or to Auburn or Nebr as ka City. FACULTY
Practicall y a ll of the r eg ular fac ul ty will be on duty for t he summ er t erm. To m ee t th e n eeds of the in cr eased enroll me n t a nu mbe r of exce ptionally s tron g in stru ctor s from qther in stitutions have been secured. A course of lectur es give n by educational ex pe rts of nation a l promin ence is a stron g featur e of the summ er session. The followin g lectur er s h el ped to make th e summe r term of 1923 successful: Dav id Sn edde n, Professor T eache r s Coll ege, Columbia Univer s ity, N. Y.; Mrs. Co ra Wil son Stew art, Chairm an Illiteracy Commission of N. E. A., F ra nkfort Ky., Founder of Moon lig ht Schools; Mrs. Marie Turner Har vey, Chairman Missouri F ede ration of Wom en's Clu bs, Porter Rural School No . 2, Kirksvill e, Mo.; J . W . Searson , Univer sity of Nebraska. Oth ers equa lly stim ula tin g may be heard thi s coming summer. RECirnATION Ther e will be many opportuniti es for play, both physical and mental. Th e beautiful hill s and w oods surrounding P ru in vite dri ves, hik ing parties and picni cs. Th e gym n asi um swimmin g pool, al wa ~s popula r , is in hou r ly demand durin g th e s ummer weeks. T enms courts are eve r in readin ess and a t enni s tournam ent is one of the s umm er' s events. Con certs a nd fi lm prog ram s a r e provided by t scho ol for th e week end s. The dramati c club a lways delights wi th eir progr am of plays. A Chautauqua, spons ored jointly by th e college and the community will be an added attraction of th e 1924 summer school.
SOCIAL LIFE The social life find s ex pression thr ough the various stu dent orga nization s of th e institution . The Y. M. C. A., th e Y. W. C. A., the C. c. A., the Girl s' Club, the Men's Club, th e County Clubs, and th e Liter a ry Societies have as their fir s t inter est the welfare of the students attending Peru. F eatures of especial inter es t a re s uch eve nts as the Sumrne ~ School Mixer a nd th e County Club picnics. Students a r e a l wa;vs we1cl come in the chur ches of P er u and find in th em additiona l social an r eligiou s oppor tunity.
LIVIKG EXPENSES n Peru, th e cost of living is a minimum . Rooms in private famI at present r ent at $1.25 and $1.50 per week, per student, two n1es nts In a r oom . Meals are from $4.50 to $6.00 per week in private studedlng houses. Many students do li ght housekeeping, facilities for boar · a num b e1· o f p1aces. blch are fou nd Ill " The State maintain s Mount Vernon Hall as a home for girls with competent H ouse Mother in charge. Modern rooms can be had here ~ r one dolla r per week, per student, two girls to the room. Exceli:nt meals ar e served in th e dining room for those who room here and about fifty per sons from outside. Roomin g and boarding facilities in Peru are ample for all stud ents desiring t o attend summer school. Un less arrangements are made before coming to Peru , students should ca ll at the Administration building, wh er e the Registrar, the Dean of Men, and the Dean of women will give full information concerning rooms and meals. All private homes offering to room and board s tudents are subject to supervision and approval of the coll ege.
SCHOOL FEES As In all Nebraska state schools, no tuition is charged, and only the lowest fees possible with good work in any special department. All fees are payab le in advance, each semester and summer term. Matriculation F ee ...... . ..... . . . . .. .... . . ....... . ............. $5.00 Paid but once by each student enterin g college or the 11th and 12th gr arle of the high school. TeJ:tbook Rental, each semester and summer term . .............. $1.50 Student deposits $4.50 each s ummer term or year. Contingent Fee, each semester and summer term .......... .. .. .. $3.00 The foll owing fees cover laboratory work, typewriter practice, and piano rent : Infirmary, each semester and summ er term .. . ... .... .......... $ .50 :ome Econ omics (college) .... . .. ... .. . ....................... 4.50 Tome Econ omi cs (high school) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 Mable Servi ce and Demon stration .......... . ................... 5.00 Manua1 Arts (college) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.50 Mannal Arts (high school) . . . .. ....... . .. ...... ........ . ..... .. 1.00 Mechanical Drawin g ............... . ... ..... . ....... . ......... 1.00 ~chani cal Drawing Deposit for in strum ents . .................. 8.00 ChYchology, Ph ysiology, Geology, Physics. Botany, each. . . . . . . . . .50 B emfstry, Zoology, Agri cultur e, Nature Study, each.. . . . . . . . . . . .75 cfeakage de posit for Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 to'!;~ Modelin g, Handwork, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Ty er key, gymnasium or chemistr y laboratory (refunded). . . . . .50 Pi:ewrfter re nt, for each hour credit ........................... 1.75 Piano r ent, on e period daily per semester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.50 Piano r ent, one period daily summer term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 · d s d a1·1 y per semes t e1· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 Pianno r ent ' two . peno 0 rent, two periods daily summer term ................. . ... . 3.50
DEGREES AND CERTU ' CCA'rES theT:is edu cational institution is author ized by law and the rules or Ce°rtfftoard of Education to issue the following degrees, diplomas, and cates : 1· Bach elor of Arts degree. 2 · Regular normal school diploma, which is a three year fir ~ t r r acle certificate good in any school in the state.
3. 4.
Professional life state certificate. Junior certifi cate, a s tate el emen ary cer tificate, r ep resenr one full year 's work a bove a four year h igh school course ing 5. E lem en tary s tat e certificate. · 6. Rura l certificates, el eme n tary and advanced. 7. S pecial certificates for Domes tic Science, Manual Traiuiu Commer ce, High School Science, Public School Music Pub!~· Sch ool Art, Kin der garten, Primary or Speech Educati o~. ic
JUNIOR CERTIFICATE A g raduate of a four yea r hi gh s chool may sec ure an elementarv state ce r ti fi cate, good for three years, by atte ndin g Peru State Normal a semester a n d a summer school , or three s umm e r schools, if the fo llowi n g cou r se is carried: Psychology 4 hours, Principles an d Methods 4 hours, Physical Training 1 hour, Publi c School Music 1 hour Drawing 1 hour. The r em ain ing 12 college hour s may be sel ected fr orri t he co ur se of study. It will be n ecessar y to r eport grad es in t he fol l owin g certifi cate subjects: Algebra, Botan y, Geometry, Agriculture. Ci vics, Ar ith me tic, Geogr aphy, U. S. Histo r y, Physiology. These may be a cce pted fr om high school, norm a l or co unty certifi cate. A state examin ation grade must be at leas t 80% to be accepted. If two or t h ree of t h ese grades are miss ing, the subject s may be r evie wed and exa mination s taken at the Normal on an y examination date.
COUNTY CER'l 'IFICATE SUBJE CTS Classes will be m a in tained for those desiring to prepar e fo r coun ty examina tion s to secur e the second and fir s t grad e county certificate. For a second grade cou nty ce r tifi cate, grades in th e follo wing subjects a r e r equir ed : · Orthogr a phy. Penmanship. Arithmetic (m en tal a nd w ritten ). Physiology a nd Hygiene. Geography. E n glish Composition . E n gli sh Gr ammar . Civil Government. United States H istor y. Agriculture. Drawing. Theory and Art of T eachi ng. Bookkeeping. R eading. R equ ired-at lea s t eig ht week s of normal trainin g in a s tai1aard n orm a l sch ool, college or univ ersity, Methods. For the fir s t g rad e coun ty cer tificate, in addition to the subJects m ention ed ab ove, grad es in the following are required : Algebra. Botany. Geometry. Public School Music. R equired-at least twe l ve weeks of normal trainin g in a standard norm a l scho ol, college, or un fve r sity,-Methods.
A cr edit poin t ap plies to high school or secondary sub jects use~i~~~ entra n ce to t h e coll ege. A "poi nt" is the credit received for a su riod carri ed fi ve hours per week, with the required pr eparation , for a pe of 18 weeks. ·edit A cr ed it hour a pplies to college work. An " hour" is th e c~ired r eceived .for a subj ect r eciti n g on e hour per week, wit~ t h_e .reis· for preparat10n , for a per iod of 18 weeks . Maximum credit 8 boll t h e 8 weeks. · nre Summe r sch ool cour ses m ust be carried for e~trii time,to' sec full semester credit.
COLLEGE · es will be offered for the following persons : cou~~gular college stud ents who wish to continue their work dur. l~h summer . Many students make up a half year by taking sum1118 t eork. · This may be don e in two summers. me~ w Teacher s wishing to do professional work or advanced work in 1 ·pecial fi eld. Advan ced work oft en r es ults in more efficient work &DY s . d promotion. an .UI. Two year graduates and others desiring to work towar d a ee · d~V · Superi ntendents of smaller schools who feel the need of furf1f ·preparation for their work. Special courses taking up the tb oblems of th e administ rator an d t he supervisor will be offered. pr v. Persons desiri°:g t o pr epare for county examinations. See county Certificate subJects. VI All per sons who ar e interested in t he field of Rural Education. "cours~s in this group will take up problems of consolidation, rural life, and other pro.blems peculiar to edu cation in the country. llIGH SCHO OL 1. Work will be offer ed in r egul ar high school courses to meet ·· tbe needs of high school students. II. Special attention will be given to high s chool students wishing to earn cr ed its for graduation in their home high school. COLLEGE COURSES See th e ann ual catalog for more complete description of courses. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE . Botany. Tb e first half of Course 2 of th e general catalog. Attend. ance eight periods a week : Cr edit two hours . This course coun ts toward the biological r equir ement. Zoology. The second half of Course 3 of the general catalog. At·tendance eigh t periods a week . Credit two hours. This counts toward the biological r equirement. Botanical Natu r e Study.' 'fh e botanical work of Course 5 of the general catalog. Attendance eight periods a week. Two hours credit. This course as given in the summer co ts toward the biological re. quirement. Zoological Nature Study. Th e Zoological work of Course 5 of the gTheneral catalog. Attendance eight periods a week. Two hours cr edit. Is course as given in the summer counts toward the biological r equirement. Heredity an d Evolu tion. The first h alf of Course 4 of the general catalog. Attendan ce four periods a week. Credit two hours. This is an elective course. ti, B~ology Methods . A course in method s and especially in practl ·0 Ill biological laboratory teachin g. T1~0 hours credit. Registr aon by appointment only. COMMERCE Bookkee ping-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit. ~dv~nc.ed Bookkeeping-4 hours attendance, 2 hours cr edit. credlt~mn1n g Shorthand, Gregg System-10 hou rs attendance, 4 h ours
cre~ftPewriting-Students may regis ter for one, two, or three h ours • 6 hours attendan ce, 1 hour credit.
S- MMER SCHOOL BULLETIN Orthography- Includes methods and devices for teaching spelU 4 hours attendance, 1 hour credit. ng, Penmanship- Palmer System. 4 hours attendance, 1 hour credit Business English-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit. · Com me r cial Law-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit. EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY Psychology I-This is the first par t of Introductory P sychology page il l in the regu la r cata log. 4 hours attendance, 2 hours Ct'edft see Psycho logy II- This co urse is a continuation of course I and c~ m pletes the required work in psychology. Course I is a prerequisite 4 hou!:,s attendan ce, 2 hours cr edit. · Child Psycl10logy- 4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit. Adolescence- 4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit. Intelligence Testing-4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit. See cata log page 31. Bducational Measure ments-4 hours attendan ce, 2 hours credit. Not open to Freshmen. Educational Sociology- Course 10, r egul a r catalog page 32. hours atte nd a nce, 2 hours credit. Not open to ~reshm en. Theory of Education. Class room management.-This course deals with theory of class room organization ; management in various departments of school system. The lectures a nd reading will cover teacher, school and comm unity problems of vital importance to all teachers. The cour se is organized for those who plan to complete the two-year course within a year. Required. 4 hours attendance, 2 hours cr edit. Advanced School Administration- This. co urse is especially organized for sc hool executives and high school teachers who are preparing fo r admi nis trative positions. Consists of study of school organization, problems, s urveys, from an executive's point of view. Open on ly to two year grad uates or those who have had experience in executive work. Four hours attendance, 2 hours credit. (Does not apply on theory of education requirement.) Principles and Methods of Education- R equir ed. (See ann ual cata log, page 33, 34.) 1. Junior High School- for those who expect to teach in grades seven or eight or in the early years of high school. 2. Elementary-for those who expect to teach in grades fo ur, five or six. 3. Early E lementary-for those who expect to teach in t he kindergarten or in grades one and two. Each of th e above cours es has 4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit. . g secRural Primary Methods-A general methods course mee t ID_ re ond Grade Co unty ce rtifi cate requirements. The followin g top1ccli~ng emp hasized: Selecting and organizing subject matter; te ~ in s upervised s tudy; project teaching, individual vs. group instruction rur a l sc hool s; special methods in r eading a nd language. h Co nsiderable time is devoted in acquainting the teachers with ~P~ n ew :JDleme ntary School Curriculum, which will be introduced ~ce, tember, 1924, into the Rural Schools of Nebraska. 4 hours atte nda 2 hours credit. 1 actil'' Manual Activities-A study of the ed ucative use of manna ateities in Early E lementary Ed ucation through the actual use ot ~e 2 rial s and in working out various projects. 4 hours attendan ' hours cr edit.
THE TRAlNJNG RCJIOOJ, Trainin g School will be in session for four weeks. Oppor~he for practice tea ching will be offe r ed in the elementary school tu~• Y App lication for practice teaching shou ld be made early. Those on y. re to graduate fr om th e two year course will be selected first. wb~frected Observation. A limited number of expe ri e nced teache r s sec ure work in observation by making s pecial a rran gem ents with ~~Y Sn perintencl ent of the Trainin g School. Ko cred it.
EXGJ, ISH J,A'.\"GUAGE i\X D Ll'l 'E JUT URE R equir ed. Composition a n d Englis h On e- Fres h man Eng lish. hours a ttendan ce, '!-hours class roo m lectur es and co rre ctions. credi t. American Sh ort-Stor y-Elective. From Ir ving to 0 . Henry, r epresentative short-stori es a r e r eacl. 4 ho ur s attenda n ce, 2 hours credit. Modern Nove l-Elective. A detailed st ud y of th r ee novels-a stud y of novei tec hn i c-an analysis of seve ral best sell ers . 5 hour s attend ance,d-hour s cr edit. c ollege Gram ma r-E lective. A co ll ege co urse in Engli sh gr a mmar for hi gh sc hool an d grammar sc hool teach er s. 4 hours attendan ce, >"hours credit. Brownin g-E lective. Two or three dramas a nd th e bes t of th e shorter poems. 4 hours atte nd ance, 2 hours credit. Chaucer-jJunior-Sen ior elective-for upp er classme n. See instructor. 4 hours attendan ce, 2 hours credit. Shakespeare-"Macbelh" and "H am let., or "Kin g Lear" and "Othello." 4 h ours attendance, 2 hours cred it. Survey of High School Eng!ish-Semina r for teachers of high school E ng lish. L ectures, r eports, projects and criti cis m of s pecimen composition s. Not open to Freshmen. 4 hours atte ndance, 2 h our s credit.
Sl'E ECH EDUCA'l' LO:N Literar y In terpretation-(required for prima r y certificate). 4 hours a ttendan ce, 2 hours cr edit. 2. Play Production-(Practical stage d irectin g a nd dramatic tech niqu e.) 4 hour s a ttend ance, 2 hours credit. 3. P u blic Speaking- (Fundamentals of Speech a nd Extempore Speec h.) 4 hours atten dance, 2 hours cr edit. 4. P ri vate lesso ns arranged-(Lesso n in platfor m r eadi ng.) 1.
GE OGRAPHY COURSE Se e Annu al Catalog, pages 37, 38. Gener a l Geogra ph y- An introductory cour se in geograp hy for grammar grad e a nd hi gh school teachers. 4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit. Prim ar y Geography- Home a nd ¡world Geograph y. (Req uir ed for Primary certificate .) 4 hours attend ance, 2 hours cred it. Geographi c Influ en ces-The more importa nt influe nces which hav e determin ed gr eat movemen ts in hi sto ry. 4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit. >Geography of Nebraska-T r eats o[ Neb r aska's cond ition s, past, Present a nd futur e. 4 hours attendance, 2 hou r s credit. Jn The New Europe-A r egio n a l study of t he E urop ean countries is tr~d e, em phas izin g relief, cli mate, resources, governm ent and indu sa development. 4 l1ours atte nd ance, 2 hou r s cr edit.
JUSTORY, ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY Ameri can Gov ern me n t- A study of fe der a l government .. organiza tion , f un ction s, power of corp orations, etc. 4 ·hours' a~~igin, a Rce, 2 hours credit. end 2. Sociology- A s u rvey co u rse of t h e organ ization of the fa . its effect upon s ociety ; cr imes, its ca uses, effects and preven~ily.' h eredity an d en vironmen t ; poverty . 4 hour s attendance 2 hoon , cr edi t. ' urs 3. History of th e Un ited S tates, 1840-1898-A study of the issu whi ch m a de for t h e de velopme n t o f t h e Un ited S tates from 1840-l &Ses t he tariff, section a lism , civil war, reconstru ction aud its effects. de' Yelopm ent of th e Wes t. T ru sts. 4 h our s atten da n ce, 2 hours credit. R ecent Prob lems in Wor ld P oli ti cs- A s urvey of allian ces, conferences, conflicts, wa r s, etc., lea din g to the cris is i n 1914; the League of Na tion s; Disa r mam ent Con fe r en ce; c urren t topics of the day. 4 h ours att end a n ce, 2 hou r s c r ed it. 5. Ad vanced Rura l Socio logy- A s t u dy of th e essential s o[ country a n d v illage li fe. 2 hou rs credit. Fo r teach er s of ex perience and prin ciples of vill age a nd con sol idate d sc hoo ls. (Courses 3 and 4 ab ove a r e not open to Fresh m en .) 1.
HOME ECONOMICS (See a nnu al ca ta log, page 39.) Foods I.-A st udy of t h e fund am en tal principl es and processes or cookin g, r equir ed fo r Hom e E con omics Course. 8 hours attendance, 2 ho ur s credit. F oods III.- A stud y of t h e dietetic n eeds of the bod y under var ying conditions. R equir ed fo r Ho me E con omics Cou r se. S hours attenda n ce, 2 hours cr edit. Foods IV.-iA s t udy of a dva n ced dieteti cs , r equ ired for Home Econ omi cs Co u rse. 8 hou r s atten da n ce, 2 h ours cr edi t. Clothin g V .- A s t ud y of textiles fro m th e s tand point o[ selection or mate ri a ls, t h e s ui ta bi lity of li ne a n d color to va ri ous typ es, a nd the mak in g of simp le g arm en ts, r equi r ed for Home Eco n omics Cou rse. h ours atte nd a n ce, 2 h our s cr edit.
HYGIENE (See a nn u a l catalog, pages 28, 29.) 1. P erson a l H ygien e- A s t u dy of h ealth ru les in r elation to the phys iology and a n a tomy of t he hum a n body. R eq uired. -! hour atte nda n ce, 2 hours cr edit. 2. Hom e Hygie ne an d Ca re of t h e Sick- A s tu dy of sympt?ms 0 ~ di sease and phys ical defects; gu a r ding aga in s t communi cable chsease, bedsid e ca re of t h e s ick. 2 hours atten dan ce, 1 h ou r credit.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE L a tin 12. Teac her s' L a tin- E lective. 4 hour s attend ance, 2 )lou rs cr edit . . · u~ L atin 7 or 8. Ovid or Sa llust, or L ivy, T a citus, Cicero's DeAmici or De Sen ectu te. E lect ive. 4 hours atten dance, 2 h our s credit. ·y S panish 1- Mas tery of fund a menta ls; pronun ciation , vocabu1aid~ accuracy in fo r m s, con s tru ction a n d idioms ; electi ve. 8 hours atten a n ce, 4 hours credit. Spanis h 3-Spanish Liter atur e, prose an d ver se· conversation~ business a nd socia l cor res pon den ce. E lectiv e. 4 h ou ~·s attendance, hours cr edit.
MANUAL ARTS course A. Elementary Woodwork. 8 hours attendance, ¥.! point trance. (No college credit.) en course 1. Woodworking. A Teacher s' Co urse. First half of course, hours attendance, 2 hours credit. course 2. Cabinet Making. 8 hours attendan ce, 2 hours credit; 16 hours attendan ce, 4 hours credit. course 2A. Wood Finishing and Upholstering. A course for teachers who need experi ence in this work. Stud ents should bring some piece of furni tur e to r efinish and upholster. 8 hours attendance, 2 bours cred it. course 6. 'Vood T urning. 8 hours attendan ce, 2 hours credit. course 9. Mechanical Drawi ng, fir st half of course. 8 hours altendance, 2 hours credit. Course 10. Architect ural Drawing, first ha![ of cour se. 8 hours attendan ce, 2 hours credit. For a description of the above courses, see pages 42 and 44 of the general cata log. J£A'l'HEM.ATICS (Sec a nnual catalog, pages 44, 45.) Solid Geometr y-e lective, diploma, degree. 8 hours attendance, 4 hours credit. College Algebra-elective. 4 hours atte ndance, 2 hours credit. Trigonometry-e lective. 4 hours atte ndan ce, 2 hours credit. Anal yti c Geometry-elective. 4 hours attend ance, 2 hours credit. Algebra and Geometry Methods-elective. May count for mathematics or ed ucation . 4 hours a ttend a n ce, 2 hours credit. Th e following reviews are given for those desiring to take the state examination s for county certificates: Arithmetic, no credit, Algebra, no credit ; Pla ne Geometry, no cr edit. PHYSICAL EDUCATION F OR MEN Physical 'rraining for men, inclu des marchings, calistheni cs, etc. 4 hou rs attendance, 1 hour credit. 2. Advan ced Calisthenics, also Track and Field events. 4 hours alt endance, 1 hour credit. 3. Playg r ou nd Su pervision. 4 hours attendance, 1 hour credit. f 4. Coaching Athletics. Fundamentals of football. Various styles 0 odffense and defe nse. Signal systems . 4 hours attendance, 1 hour ere it. 5· Swimmin g a nd Aquatic Spor ts 4 hours attendance, 1 hour credit. · l, 2 a nd 5 above may be accepted for credit required in physical t rainin g, 1.
PHYSICAL l:DUCATION l' Oit WOMEN 4 hours attendan ce. 1 hour
cre~it. Gymnasti cs-(Swe di sh system ).
an c! t layground Supervision-(Plays and Games) . 4 hours attend3 • hour credit. Bas~b heor y of Athletics (Coaching of Basketball, Volley Ball, Indoor for crad1. and Track). 4 hours attend ance, 1 hour credit. Not accepted 4 e it r eq uired for physical training. ' wJ min , '! l1ourn atten\:litnce, l lrnur recm,
PHYSICAL SCIENCE Chemistr y 1. No pre r equisite. 8 hours recitation, 8 hours lab 0 ator y, 4 h our s cr edit. r2. Chemistry 2. Prer equi site, Chemistry 1. Section 1. Ana lytical. 4 hours recitation , 4 hours laboratory, 2 h our s cr edi t. Section 2. Organ ic a nd P ractical. 4 hours recitation, 4 hours laborato ry, 2 hou r s cr edit. E ither secli on or both may be taken. 3. Chem istr y 3. Organi c. Prer equisite, Chemistry 1 and 2. hours recitation , 4 hour s labo r atory, 2 hours credit. 4. Astron om y, Descr iptive. 4 hours attendance, 2 hours credit. An angeme nts may be made for add itional 2 hours in absentia. 5. P hil osophy of Science. Lectur e a nd reading co urse. Prerequis ite, some coll ege scien ce. 4 hours attendance, 2 ho ur s credit. Note: Of 3, 4 and 5, only one, determ ined by confer ence after enroll me nt, wi ll be g iven. 6. T eac he rs ' Course in Physics. 8 hours recitation, 8 hours labora to ry, 4 h our s cr e dit. See catalog fo r full desc r iption . 1.
ART A rt Hi to r y and Appreciation . 4 hours attendance, 2 hours cred it. In dustr ial Art. 4 hours att endance, 2 hours cr edi t. Mode lin g. 4 h ou r s attendan ce, 2 hours credit. Draw in g a nd Paintin g. 4 hours attendance, 2 hour s cr edit. App lied Design . 4 hours attendan ce, 2 hours cr edit. Dr aw ing for P ri mary T eac hers (Required). 4 bours attendance, hou r s credi t. Draw in g for Grammar Grades (Requir ed). 4 hours attendance, 2 hou rs cr edit. D1¡awin g for Normal Tra inin g or Rural 1'eacber s . 4 hours attenda nce, 2 hour s c redit. (F or rnral ce rtifi cate.) Certi fi cate D raw in g. 4 hour s atte ndance, 1 hour credit. (Pre par ing fo r state examin ation .) MUSIC P ub lic Schoo l Music, First semester i\Iusi ¡ (Requ ired). 4 ho urs atte nd an ce, 1 hou r cr edit. Secon d Se mes ter Mus ic (Required). 4 hours attendance, 1 hour c r edit. Ce r tificat e Music. .:-Jo cr edit. Advance d Mus ic. (Requi r ed for special mus ic ce rtifi cate.) 4 hours atten darice, 2 hours cr edit. Gir ls ' Glee Club. 2 hours attendance, lh hour credit.
BA:XU AND ORVl-lES'.l'HA Ban d. One rehea rsal each w ck. 0-pcn ai r concert (on campus) on e eve nin g each week. llz 11our c redit. 2. Orchestr a. T wo rehear sals each week . Concert at close of s umm e r session. % hou r c r edit. 3. Or ch est r atio n . 2 hours atte ndance, 1 hou r cr edit. Open to all in te res ted in organi zing hi gh school and g rade or chestr as. 4. Violin and Clarinet, private and class instruction. Private J e~ tlQ ls , U.00 l a,~s ~ss ons , 25c, 1.
P I ANO priva t e l essons in pia no w ill be offe r ed fo r both beginning a nd a dvanced studen ts. P r ivat ~ l es sons, $1. 00. Class lessons, 25c . The K inscell a Meth od of pia no class in s t r u ction is used for t raining childr en a n d o pportunity w ill be gi ven a dvan ced students to assist Jn these classes .
HIGH SCHOOL COURSES Beginn in g S panis h . 8 h ours attendan ce, 1 point hi gh school cr edit.
Mathematics Beginnin g Algebr a. 8 hour s a ttendan ce, 1 point hig h s chool cr e dit. ¡Thir d Semes t er Al geb r a. 8 hou rs a ttend an ce, 1 p oint h igh scho ol credit. Beginn in g Geometry. 8 hour s attend an ce, 1 point h igh school credit. Solid Geometry. 8 h ours attendance, 1 point high s chool entran ce.
Commer ce Shortha nd . 8 hou r s attendan ce, 1 point hi gh school cr edit. Bookk eep in g. 8 h ours a t tend a n ce, 1 point h igh schoo l cr edit. Typewr iting. 6 hours attendan ce, ~ point high school cr edit. Hi ~to 1T
an cl Chics
United States H i stor y. 8 h ours a t t en dan ce, 1 point high school cr edit. Ci vics . 8 hou r s a ttend an ce, 1 p oin t hi gh sch ool cr edit. iUa.imal Arts Hig h Sch ool W ood work (fo r beginn er s) . 8 hours a ttenda n ce, % point hi gh sch ool cr edit. High Sch ool Mech a ni cal Draw in g. 8 hours attenda n ce, 1/z point hi gh school cr edit . Hi gh Scho ol W ood Turnin g . 8 hour s a ttend an ce, % poin t h igh school cr edit.
Science Physiology. 8 hour s a tten dance, 1 point hig h sch ool cr edit. Botan y. 8 hou r s atte ndan ce, 1 point hig h school credit. Agri cu ltur e. 8 h ou r s atten dan ce, 1 point hig h school cr edit. Phys ics. 8 h ours a t tend a n ce, 1 point hi gh sch ool credit. Oth er h igh school courses will be given if th ese i s suffi cien t demand for th em.