Peru, Nebraska
br Neb~aska Sta te Normal School and Teachers College, Peru, Nele aska, is a member of t he American Association of Teachers ColSc'i:8• and of .t he North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Col 001 It 1.s als.o on the approved list of the Teachers College of um 1a Univer sity, New York City.
JULY, 1926
Entered as secon . d c1ass ma tter July, 1915, at the post office . of Peru, Nebr aska, under the Act of August 24, 1912.
Peru, Nebraska
b Neb~aska State Norma l Sch ool and Teachers College, Peru, N eraska., is a member of the American Association of Teachers Col~ghs, and of _the North Central A ssociation of Colleges and Secondary Cc ools: It i_s als.o on the approved list of the Teachers College of o1umb1a Umvers1ty, New York City.
JULY, 1926
Entered as second class matter July, 1915, at the post office of Peru, Nebraska, under t he Act of August 24, 1912.
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:~ :~ :: ~~I== ~~\~i\:~ 1 :~1 :~1 :~\::1 1,:~ 11 :~ , :: ~~1~=l==1 ==/~ :~ ;~~~1 ::~~:: GENERAL CALENDAR 1926. A nnounce ments 1926-1927.
F irs t semester regi strati on , Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 13 and 14, 192G F irs t semester classes begin _____________ Wednesda y, Sept. 15, 1926 Home-Coming Da y _________________________ Saturday, Oct. 30, 1926 Second quarter begin ______________________ Monday, Nov. 15, 1926 Christma s Vacation ______ ____ Dec. 24, 1926 to Jan. 3, 1927, inclu sive Second semester begins _____________________ Monday, Jan . 24, 1927 Fourth quarter begins ____________________ Monday, March 28, 1927 Second semester closes ___ ____________________ Friday, May 27 , 1927 Summer School, 1927. Two S ix Weeks Term s. First term, June 6 to Jul y 13. Second term, Jul y 14 to Au g. HJ W rite Registrar for S ummer School Bulletm, 1927.
- - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - STATE BOA RD OF EDUCATION Honorable T. J . Ma jm路s, .P resident __________________ _________ P e ru Honor able Dan Mor n s, Vice-Pres ident ____________ __ _______ Kearne y Honor able H . E. Reische, Secretary _________ _____________ Chadron Honor able Dan V. Stephen s ______________________________ Fremont Honor able F . S. Berry ----------------------------- -- -----Wayne Honor a ble J. !VI. Matzen, State Superintendent of Public Instruction -- ---------- -- ----------------------------------- Lincol n Honor able E. Ruth P yrtle ________________________________ Lincol n
FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE ADMINTSTRATTOX W. R. P ate, A. B., President. W. N. Delzell, Exec utive Dean and Director of Extension. Jvlrs. !nice Dunning, A. B., Dean of W ome n. Elma I. Gockle y, Bookkeeper and Secretary to t he Pre ident .
I NSTRUC'l'lOK B. K. Baker, A. B ., A. M. , As sociate Professor of Education. Chloe C. Baldr idge, A . B ., Professo r of Rural Education. E. C. Beck, A . B., A. M. , Professo r of Englis h, H ead of Department. Mrs. Mae Miller Beck, A. B. , Supervisor First a nd Second Grade Teaching . Ruth G. Brandt, Supervi sor J uni or High Tea ching. George 路w. Brown, Associa te Professor of Histor y and Sociology. Emily Burto n, Supervi sor Sixth Grade Tea ching. W. R. Carter, A. B., Associate Professor of Biology. V. E. Chatelain, A . B., A . M. , Professor of Hi stor y, Econom ics a nd Sociology, Head of Department. Esthe r A. Cla r k, A. B., A. M. , Professor of F or eign Languages. A. B. Clayb urn, A. B., A. M., Professor of Geography. S. L. Clements, A. B., A. M. , Superintendent of Tra ining School. A. Cr ago, A. B., A. M., Profe ssor of Education and H ead of DepartPr路 men t; Director of Research and P erso nnel. Mic~ Doyle, B. S., Supe1路visor of Public School Music. ~ arie H . Faulhaber, A. B., A. M., Associate Professor of English . Aon R. Gr af, Director Physical Education for Men. rthur L. Hill, A . B., Professor of Mathematics.
A . E. Holch, A. B., B. Mus. , A. M., Professor of Biology, Head of Department. W. F. H oyt, A. B., A M., Professor of Physical Science and Head of Department. C. A. Huck, A. B. , Associate Professor of Mathematics. Anna Irwin, B. S., Associate Professor of Commerce a nd Instructor in Palmer P enmanship. V. H. Jindra, A. B., Director of Band and Orchestr a and Instructor of Violin. P earl S. Kelley, Supervisor Third and Fourth Grade Teaching. Pearl Kenton, A. B., Associate Professor of Foreign Languages. Cecelia Kettunen, Professor of Art. Paul E. Kutnink, B. S., Assistant Director Physical Education for Men. A. V. Larson, A. B., Supervisor of Manual Training. Elizabeth McCollum, B. E ., Director of Kindergarten. Nelly Mendham, A. B., Instructor of Speech Education. Nor a M. Palmer, A. B., Professor of Commerce. Mrs. Devona M. Price, A. B. , Supervisor Juni \>r High School. Frances E. Root, B. S., Director Phys ical Education for Women . Floy Royse, Instructor of Piano. C. A. Spacht, A. B., Principal of High School. Gr ace Tear , A. B., A. M., Professor of Principles and Meth ods in Education. Alma A. Tolin, R. N., Schobl Nurse. Kathryn M. Towne, B. S., Professor of Home Economics. W. 0: Willh oft, A. B., Assistant in English and Hi story.
TIBRARY Grace M. Peter se n, A. B., Librarian . Libbie A. Branson, A. B., Assistant Lib1¡arian.
RECORDS AND ACCOUNTING R. D. Overholt, A. B., Registrar. Clara M. Dunigan, Assistant Registrar.
A. E. Holch, A. B., B. Mus., A. M., Professor of Biology, Head of Department. W. F. Hoyt, A. B., A M., Professor of Physical Science and Head of Depart ment. C. A. Huck, A. B., Associate Professor of Mathematics. Anna Irwin, B. S., Associate Professor of Commerce and Instructor in Palmer P enmanship. V. H. Jindra, A. B., Director of Band and Orchestra and Instructor of Violin. Pearl S. Kelley, Supervi sor Third and Fourth Grade Teaching. Pearl Kenton, A. B., Associate Professor of Foreign Languages. Cecelia Kettunen, Professor of Art. Paul E. Kutnink, B. S., Assistant Director Physical Education for Men. A. V. Larson, A. B., Supervisor of Manual Training. Elizabeth McCollum, B. E ., Director of Kindergarten. Nelly Mendham, A. B., Instructor of Speech Education. Nora M. Palmer, A. B., Professor of Commerce. Mrs. Devona M. Price, A. B., Supervisor Juni 9r High School. Frances E. Root, B. S., Director Physical Education for Wom en . Floy Royse, Instructor of Piano. C. A. Spacht, A. B., Principal of High School. Gr ace Tear , A. B., A . M., Professor of Principles and Meth ods in Education. Alma A. Tolin, R. N., School Nurse. Kathryn M. Towne, B. S., Professor of Home Economics. W. 0 . Willhoft, A. B. , Assistant in Engli sh and Hi story.
TIBRARY Grace M. Peter se n, A. B., Librarian . Libbie A. Branson, A. B., Assistant Librarian.
RECORDS AND ACCOUNTING R. D. Overholt, A. B., Registrar. Clar a M. Dunigan, Assistant Registrar.
FACULTY COMMITTEES Calendar- Palmer, Gockley, Graf, Spacht, Mendham, Root. Convocation-Dunning, Doyle, Jindra, Royse, Brandt, Mendham, Clements. Curriculum and Daily Program-Tear, Hoyt, Clayburn , Beck, Crago, Overholt, Dunigan, Baldridge. Budget and Athletics-Delzell, Overholt, Beck, Brown , Clayburn, Huck, Baker. Library- Petersen, Crago, Faulhaber, Hill, Carter. Press and Pedagogian-Beck, Palmer, Willhoft. Personnel-Crago, Dunning, Delzell, Palmer, H olch, Price . Peruvian-Sophomore, Senior, Junior, and Freshman advisers. Social-Towne, Root, Kelley, Spacht, McCollum, Mrs. Beck, Kenton, Jindra, Irwin, Kutnink. Teachers Bureau-Clements, Delzell, Dunigan. Welfare and Health-Tolin, Root, Dunning, Delzell, Graf, Clements. Faculty Meetings-Crago, Brown, Branson, Kettunen , Clark. Rules-Delzell, Dunning, Clements.
ADVISERS Sigma Tau Delta-A. Crago. Dramatic Club--N elly Mendham. Delta Alpha Pi-E. C. Beck. Everett Literary Society-Emily Burton. Philomathean Literary Society-V. E. Chatelain. Y. M. C. A.-A. B. Clayburn, A. V. Larson. Y. W. C. A.-E lma I. Gockley, Kathryn M. Town e. College Catholic Association-To be assigned. Chr' · . 1s t"1an Science Cl ub--Grace Tear, Clara M. Dunigan. Episcopal Club--Emily Burton. Rural Leadership Clu b--Chloe C. Baldridge. College Men's Club--W. N . Delzell. gonege Girls' Club--Mrs. !nice Dunnin g". · A. A.-Frances E. Root. P. Club-Lon R. Graf. Seniors-A. L. Hill Juniors-E. C. Beck. Sophomo F res- w . R. Carter reshmen-Nona M. Palm ~r.
GENERAL INFORMATION. The general catalog is intend ed to g ive such information concern:'. ng the Peru State Normal School and Teachers College as may be desir ed by students planning to continue their education in a well equipped state school. Because of limitation in space, some thing may be om itted from the ca ta log, information conce rning which can r eadily be obtained by writing to the Pres iden t or to the Registrar at Peru, Nebraska. The chief purpose of the institution is edu cating and t r aining teacher s for the public schools . Young people w.ho have n ot fully decided on a life vocation may complete the academic work g enerally a ccepted for t he freshman and sophomore years of any liberal arts college. The Bachelor of Arts degree can only be conferred on those who have completed the four year course, which includes the i¡equired professional preparation for teach ing. The institution is or ganized to include every phase of public school work whether rural or grades, the ungraded one-room school, the kindergarten, the elementary graded school, the junior high, the senior demonstration high school, and the teachers college. Each unit represents a rea l school s ituation with th e edu cation of the child and the training of the teach er as primary and coordi na te objects .
HISTORY. In 1867, the same year that Nebras ka became a s tate, the legislature provided for the es tablishment of a tra ining school fo r t eachers at Peru . It was the fir s t state normal sc hool wes t of the Mississippi River. For over fifty years, it has made an enviable r ecord of achievement in educational affair s . Its fac ulty has ever been noted fo r professional and progressive ideal s and its stude nts and graduates have done much to shape the ed ucational deve lopment no t alone of Nebraska, but of the e nt ire nation. For thirty-eight year s , Peru was t he only school of its kin d in Nebraska. As the resources of the state we re develop ed and all its territory became settled th e legis lature fo und it wi e to carry the work of teacher training to other parts of the state. It auth or ized the Board of Education having charge of the P eru school to esta blish another in 1905, and the Board located it at Kearn ey. Within a few year s, the legislature provided for two add itional sc hools and the Board of Education establis hed one at Wayne and t he oth er at Chadron. Each of the four sch ool_s is de ve loping a long the sa me lines and each is working out t h e s ame ideals that have g uid ed t he wor k at P eru for the past fifty-fiv e yea rs. The degrees, Bachelor of Arts in Edu ca tion and Bache lor of Education, had been granted by t he in s tit ut ion previous to 1921, but at
. time t he State Legi slature changed the State Normal Schools to this Collea-es and authorized them to offer a four year college Teachers "' ' . n:ferrin"" the degree Bachelor of Arts as the State Urnvercourse, co "' sity does.
LOCATION Railroads-Peru is on the Burlington, on t he Lin coln to Falb City a nd on the Nebr a ska City to Beati:ice Jines. The Missouri Pacific makes con nections at Nebraska City a nd Auburn. The Rock Tsland makes connection s at Beatri ce and Rockford. The Burlington leaves Omaha at 4 :30 p. m. direct to Peru. The Burlingto n leaves Lin coln v ia T ecumseh at 1:30 p. m . a nd direct t o Peru at 3 :20 p. m. From Nebraska City trains leave for Peru at 9:0 5 a. m. and 6 :55 p . m.; fr orn Falls City at 5 :30 a. m. ; from Beatri ce at 1:20 p. m. The r eg ular bu s lin e from Omaha and Lincoln v ia Nebraska City makes P eru every Sunday even ing. Highways- the highway conn ectin g Omaha an d Kansa s City marked H-H will take the traveler to the P eru Trail. The P eru Trail marked P -T in blu e and white leaves the highway just south of J ulian for the scenic ride a long t he Missouri Ri ver ridge, between Juli an and Aubu r n, ea st of B roc k for th e overlan d road, a nd at Aubu rn .
BUILDINGS. Th e e'Xecuti ve offices a r e located in a th r ee-story ~tructurc, l<nown a the Administration Building. The Presiden t, th e D ea n of Men, the Defrn of W omen, and the R egi strar ha ve offices on the main fl oor, a nd the other floors a r e given o\路.cn- to class a nd lecture room s. Thi s buildin g is cc:n tra ll y located and r eadily a<'ce~sibl e from all par t s of the campu s. The Libnn路y Bui lding is modern a nd co mplete in eve ry way. It con_tains 311,000 books a nd a ver y complete file of the best m aga<:i nes a na periodi cals publi shed. lts r efe r e nce depart m ent is among the best in quantity a nd qua li ty. In its _j uvenil e department is fo und almost every worthwh ile book fo1路 children, and its library coll ect ion is very exte n ive and complete. The librar y is well adapted to the needs of the sch col irnd at t he same t im e it serves as a model fo r a Well selected city library. . Science Hall ha s two s tories, the fir st of which is devoted to b1olog ica l 路 . . sciences and the second to physical sc iences . Each department is well . . . With eqmpped with lecture r oo ms an d la boratories together all necessary apparatus. t ~he training sc hool is th e ce nter of all special preparation for eac ing and it is certainl y fitting that it sh ould occupy the T. J .
Major s Building, t he fi nest on the camp us, an d among the best of its kind in t he en t ire coun try. It is well equi pped in ever y way to sen•e as a m odel structure for an y well graded sch ool s ys tem . The gymnas ium, k n own to fo r m er st udents a s the chap el, is a fine brick building a n d cont ain s ever ythin g necessar y for ph ysica l train ing, nam ely : swimm ing p ool, -; howe1·s, locker r oom s, and a very fin e basketbalf floor . The n ew auditorium occ upies the s it e of t he annex to th e original colleg e building. It is fir epr oof a nd durable in every way. It provides for a ll pu blic gatherings connected wit h the instit ution , having a seating capacity of twelve hu ndre d. Its acou st ic pr oper ti es and ':'tage facilities a r e sa t isfact or y in ever y particular . Mount Vernon H a ll h as r oomin g faci lities for one hundred girls a nd a dining r oom suffi cien t for one hundred seventy st udent s. The Dea n of W omen , who lives in the H a ll, makes a r eal home for the g irls ; a nd a n excellen t menu is provided for t h ose who take their meals her e. The purpose of the sch ool is to fu rnish r oo ms a n d meals pr actically at cos t and to set a s tan dar d of quality fo r a ll wh o desire t o make h omes for s tudent s. The infirma r y, loca ted on th e college campus, is a thoroughly modern a nd well equipp ed h ospital. Students needin g th e u se of a hospit al a r e car ed for at a cost for ac tu a l expe nse incun ed, an d the services of t h e nur e a r e f r ee. A fin e power plan t, con veni entl y loca t ed, su pplies heat, light a nd p ower for a ll bui ldin g s on the campus. A new boiler w ith automatic st ok er ha s r ecently been installed. Two syst ems of electric generator s and two set s of boilers g uara ntee co ntinu ous and satisfact or y ser vice a t all t im es. A t ransmission line from Nebraska City a lso f urnis hes a cont inu ous twent y-fo ur h our electric current f or lig·ht and power .
CAMPUS . The P eru campu s ove rlooking th e Mi ssouri R iver is th e mosl distinct ive campu s in N ebra sk a . Co mpri s in g over s ixty acr es of oakr over ed hills an d valley s, it is th e natural h om e of song bi rds and wild flower s. In autumn it is a g lor y of co lor s; in sprin g it is a dream of song and verdure. The athletic field was car ve d out of t he hill s. Wi t h it s nat ura l a mphi th ea ter it i s one of t he m ost pi ct uresq ue bo wls a m ong all the colleges. F ew colleg es can boa st a s noble a setting a s " Old P er u.'' On the athletic fie ld a r e fo und the bl ue-gn1$s g ri diron, t he c ind er track, t he base ball oncl ; an d t he t <> nni s courts .
ORGAN IZATIONS . RELIGIOU S. The Y. M. C. A ., t he Y. W. C. A .. t he Co ll eg e Cath o lic Associa -
. Christian Science Student Club, and the Episcopal Guild non, the student fellowlllhip and participation in the religious life encourageh ol Membership in these organization s is open to any of the sc o . !!:tudent interested. EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL: . The Girls' Club is an orgamzat10n open t o every woman e~rolle d . liege . The purpose of . the club is to make one . great family out in co f the girls at Peru. Durmg the year the club gives a number of 0 ties and r eceptions. It is sponsored by the Dean of Women. par The Men's Club is an orgamzat10n · · · open to every man enro II e d m college. It brings the men together to talk over school and professional problems. It is sponsored by the Dean of Men. The Dramatic Club is one of the strongest dramatic organizations in the west, and is one of the oldest. Its members try out and are selected on merit. It maintains the Little Theatre and gives the school the best in drama. The literary societies, Philomathean and Everett, are old in service and tt·aditions. They add to the literary and social life of the students. The Rural Leadership Club purposes to develop community leaders and to interest trained teachers in the rural schools. MUSIC. The glee · clubs have separate organizations until they comlJin·.' for the annual May Music Festival. These organizations give entertainments during the fall and winter. The orchestra is one of the stronger musical organizations. It is open to all students who play orchestral instruments. The c11llegc orchestra, the high school orchestra, and the junior high sc!10ol orchestra, afford every musician an opportunity. The band is particularly active during the football and L cskc ~ ball seasons.
HONOR SOCIETIES. Delta Alpha Pi is a local educational fraternity. It is open i o both men and women of full junior standing whose scholars\!ip is a.hove the average. Candidates must also show evidence of a con~mued interest in the field of education. The purpose of the organiz~t~on is t o promote the highest educational ideals and professional spirit among its members. th Sigma Tau Delta is the national professional English fraternity, . e purpose of which is to promote the mastery of written expression, encourage worth-while reading, and foster a spirit of fellowship am~ng .those specializing in the English language and literature. A ~!~~e in English and high scholarship are the requisites, and the scholar~h.assume the obligation to be productive in order that their ip may be effective.
ATHLE TICS. The " P " Club is a n or g aniza t ion of t he P e r u letter men. Its purpose is to fos t er t he spirit of good spor tsmanship. It is sponsored by the college coach . T he G. A . A . is an athletic or g aniza t ion for g irls under t he leader ship of t he director of physical educa tion for women . It offers letter s for satisfa ctory work in a pr ogram outlined by the club . The Tennis Club is open to a ll college students . Medal tournam ents a r e held in the fall a nd spring. The club fo sters inter-c ollegiate tenn is.
RECREATION. Old P eru on the Missouri River offer s unus ual opportun ities for <rntdoor sports, hikes a nd picni cs. The hill s, the t rees, the flowered valleys, the autumn color s, t he picturesqu e r iver vistas, the river it self, a ll t hese are a constant invit ation to an outdoor life . T ennis. is played on the college courts from early spring t o late fall. T he swimming p ool is one of the best in th e sta te. The basketball fl oor is the envy of the scho ols. The w orld's r ecord made by P eru in ba sketball is part ially due to the splendid playing fl oor. Volley ball, ind oor base ball, a nd gymnastics a r e well provided for. The ar t ist ic Dutch oven on the a thletic slope is t h e pride of picni cker s. It is for t h e use of students and visitors alik e. Social activities a r e center ed in the or g aniza t ions-literary, social, r eligi ous and class.
LECTURES AND RECITALS . Lectures are g iven durin g t he year by variou s fac ulty m embers under th e auspices of th e Christian associa t ions. Outside talent is :: !so procu red , g iving th e student opportuniti es to hea r men and women of n ationa l r epu tation . Concerts and r ecitals a r e g iven by students of the various departments of m usic. Outsi de t alent is br ought t o t he institution every year, for th e purpose of p erm itting t h e student s to h ear the best mu sic.
TEACHERS ' PLACEMENT BUREAU. The T eacher s' Placement Bureau is con ducted f or t he pu rpose of helping students secure desira ble position s. Graduates are n ot guar:lnteed position~, but ever y effort is made to locate worthy t eachers in satisfactor y places. A fe e of fifty cents is p a id by each student joining t he Placement Bureau. The Superintenden t of t he Training School is ch airman of the Bureau.
HEALTH. For a number of years P e~·u has .led in hea l~h conser vation as w.e ll . rovision fo r the care of the sick among its students. It mamas . m pa trained health d 1rec · t or w l10 gives · · · · prac t'1ca I mstruct10n m . guar a·mg agams . t •tams hool sanitation, in care o·f sc h oo 1 c h'1ld r en, an d m . c tagious and infect ious di sea ses. · As an experienced nurse, the ~~:Ith director has charge of t~e school i.nfirmary where_ students hen ill receive the best of medical attention. A fee of f ifty cen ts wer semester a nd summer term is charged each student for this service. and an additional fee of one dollar per day fo r per son a l care in the infirmary.
MEMORIALS . On graduation, a num ber of classes have left memorials co nsisting of pictures, tablets,. and various mementos. The Art Club has contributed a fri eze, statuary and other works of art. The clock in the library was the gift of the class of 1903; the drinking fountain of the class of 1911; the campus electroliers of the class of 1914; the ports ls at the north entrance of the class of 1915 ; t h e sundial of the class of 1920, and the class of 1924 built a cem ent wa lk fro m the pavement to the athletic fie ld. In fact , almost every building has historical features of interest to a ll alumni a nd form er stu dents.
STUDENT LOAN FUND. A new sort of m emorial was instituted by the class of 1912 when it founded what is known as t he Student Loan Fund. Other classes have assisted as t he following li st sh ows: Class. Sponsor. 1913 Professor B. C. Hendricks __ ____________ _$ 50.00 1915 Professor F. C. Smith ------------------- 50.00
i~i~ ~~~~:::~~ f J- J~~~n-================== 3gg:~~
i~~~ Professor I va M . Dunn ------------------ 311.00
Professor Nona M. Palmer -- ------------ 18.85 Professor Grace T ear ------ - ------------ 294.84 Professor A . E. Holch--- ---------------- 175.00 Professor A. L . Hill ------- - ------------ 95.36 nc The fund is in the custody of R. D . Overholt, Registrar, and is ' cumulating · t cid rn erest wh en not in u se. A facu lty committee <lecones'dupon th e men•t s of each loan and the following provisions are s1 ered · To be eli ib1 dent . g e to a loan from this fund the applicant must be a stuto co in the college, who is preparing to teach a n d need s the m oney p mp1ete his course reference · . · is given to those nearing graduation. 1923 1924 1925
A note is required which is signed by applicant and parent or guardian. A reasonable interest is charged. Applications for loans should be made to the Registrar or President and will be acted upon in turn as approved and as m oney is available. Short t ime loans and prompt payments are necessary to assist the largest possible number of students. The greatest memorial that can be left by any student organization is a contribution to those who prepare for a life of service to the state in educating its children. The College Girls' Club also maintain s a loan fun d subject to the same regulations which apply to the Student Loan Fund. Applications for loans from this fund may be made to Mrs. !nice Dunning, Dean of Women and Sponsor of the Girls' Club. B. E. SWENSON, JR., SCHOLARSHIP AND MEDAL. Bert E. Swenson, '09, and Stella Spillner Swenson, '09, have given to Peru an. annual athletic scholarship and medal in memory of their son, Bert Edward, Jr. No student shall receive the award more t han once. Juniors and Seniors are eligible. Basis for judging-lOO points. a. General 1. Character and personality _________ ________ 15 points 2. Scholarship ____ __________ ______ ____ __ ___ __ 15 points 3. Most valuable to school traditions __ ____ __ __ 20 points b. Athletics 1. Must make his emblem or school letter in at least two of the different spor ts. They need not be ma de in any one year __ _____ ___ ______ _______ ___ _______ 50 points Note-Making more than two school emblems would not count in "B" but might count something in "A-3". At the time of the award in 1940 and thereafter t he award will caITy a scholar ship valued at 150.00 besides the annual medal. 1925 Medal awarded to Mark W. Delzell 1926 Medal awarded to Earl L. Craig
ASSISTING STUDENTS. Many students find it necessar y to work some to help pay expenses while in school. A J ob Bureau is maintained where a list of people needing help is kept and an effort is made to bring the work a nd the worker together.
LIVING EXPENSES. In Peru, the cost of living is at a minimum . Rooms in private homes at present rent at $1.25 to $1.50 per week, per student, tw0 students in a room. Meals are from $5.00 to $6.00 per week in private boarding houses. Many students do light housekeeping, facilities for which are found in a number of places.
Th State maintains Mount Vernon Hall as a home for girls with en of Women in charge. Modern room s can be had for $1.00 the D:s er week, per student, two _girls in a room. Students are exto ~1.d t~ furnish their own bed lmen, blankets, towels, scarfs and pee e ·ns A deposit of two dollars per student is required for a curta~ation at Mount Vernon Hall, which deposit applies on rent when res: is occupied. Refund of this fee will be made only in case can~~llation of room reservation is made tw? weeks. ~efore the opening date of term. E xcellent meals are ser ved m the dmmg room for those who room here and for about seventy person s from outside at 4.50 per week. Rooming and boarding facilities · in P eru are ample for all students desiring to attend school. Unless arrangements are. n:ade ~e fore coming to Peru, students should call at the Admm1strat10n Building, where t he D e~n of Men or the Dean of W_omen will give full information concernmg r ooms and meals. All private homes offering to room and board students are subject to supervision and approval of the college.
SCHOOL FEES. At Peru State Teachers College, no tuition is charged, and only the lowest fe es possible with good work in any special department . All fees are payable in advance, each semester and summer term. Matriculation fee ------ -------------------------------------$5.00 Paid but once by each student entering college or the 11th or 12th grade of the high school. Textbook rental, each semester and s ummer t erm ------------- 1.50 Student deposits S4.50 each semester and summer term. Contingent fee, each s~mester and summer term --------------- 3.00 Infirmary, each semester and summer term ------------------- .50 Home Economics (College) ---------------------------------- 4.50 Home Economics (High School) ----------------------------- 1.50 Table Service and Demonstration -------------------------- ___ 5.00 Manual Arts (College) ------------------------------------- 3.50 Manual Arts Material Deposit (College) --------------------- 5.00 Manual Arts (High School) --------------------------------- 1.00 :anual. A1·ts Material Deposit (High School) ----------------- 2.00 Mechamcal Drawing ---------------------------------------- 1.00 p echanical Drawing deposit for instruments (refunded) ________ 8.00 sychology, Physiology, Geology, Botany, Industrial Arts, General Science Geogr ap h y, S urveymg, · each ---------------- .50 Zool ogy A · , Ch . ' gncultur e, Nature Study, Physics, each -- - --------- .75 L e~istry and Clay Modeling, each -------------------'"------ 1.00 T oc e~ Key, Gymnasium or Chemistry Laboratory, (refunded) __ .50 pfPenter r ental, for each hour credit ------------------------ 1.75 Pi:no rental, one period daily per semester -------------------- 3.50 Pia no rental, one period d a1·1Y summer t erm ------------------- 2 .00 no rental, two period s d ai·1 y per semes t er -----------------· 6 .00 Pian 0 rental, two periods daily summer term ---------------- - 3.50
Certificates Normal diploma __ __ _- ----- -- - --- - ----- ----- -- - - - --- -- -- - __ _ College degree - ------- - --- - ------- - ------ -- --- - ----- - --- --Swimming __ ___--- - ------ -- ______ - - --- - ---- --- - ---- - --- __ _ _ Piano, voice, a nd violin private lesson s, (to be paid in advance)
1.00 3.00 5.00 1.00
each - ----- -- ----- --- ---- --- --------------- - ----- - ---- --
FEES FOR NON-RESIDENT STUDENTS. Non-resident students will be charged fees in accordance with t he fo llowing ebraska Law: "All state educational im;titutio ns shall charge a non-resident f ee to each non-resident of Nebraska, who shall matriculate after taking effect of this act. Thi s fee shall not be less than the fees charged to residents of Nebraska for a similar course of study in a corresponding institution by the state in which the non-resident has his home ."
GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT WORK OF COLLEGE AND TRAINING SCHOOL. The work of this in stitu t ion includes every department of the public schools a s well as four years of college work. It has a complete system of graded schools, beginning with a preparatory grade or kindergarten , an elementary school of six years, a junior a nd a senior high school of six years and a four years teachers college. The insti tution is a unit a s to facu lty and management. It has the twofold purpose of developing the best possible conditions for the child in the public schools and of supplying the most effective trainin g for his teacher. The degree, Bachelor of Arts, is conferred upon the completion of 125 semester h ours of college work, 30 of which must be professional. Upon completion of 66 college hours, not less than 20 n or more than 24 of which must be professional, the graduate receives what is known as th e Normal School Diploma. This is a First Grade State Certificate and may be made a Professional Life State Certificate on completion of two years successful teaching. The Elementary State Certificate is iss ued upon the completion of 32 college hours, 8 of which must be professional. All college work is based upon the entrance r equirement of 30 credits or 15 units completed in a standard four year high school or the equivalent in college preparatory work. The Demonstration High School, which is maintained as part of the institution for the purpose of illustrating the best methods of teaching and permitting prospective high school teachers to earn credit in practice teaching, is accredited to the North Central A ssocia tion of Colleges and Secondary Schools and graduates can enter a n:-¡ College or University belonging to this A ssociation without furth er examination. The constant aim is to demonstrate the best in administration and practice teaching in order that the teachers taking th is work may give the best possible service to the high schools of thr state. The elementary school includes a kindergarten and the first six years of school. Admission to any grade is based on evidence of abil ity to do t he work in a satisfactory manner. By means of play s.
and social situations, the kindergart~n develops self-reliance games ares th e child for the more exactmg work of the school. and pr~~ut the grades the purpose is to supply a r eal situation and Throu~ the work along th e most approved lines . Both demonstrac?nduc d practice teaching privileges are provided, but the highest tionlf ane of th e child is the first consideration. we ar
CLASSIFICATION OF COLLEGE STUDENTS . F reshmen and Sophomores. All students, ·who, in September, are (1) within 36 hours or less f graduation from the two year course in May, or (2) within 48 ~ours or less of graduation from the two year co urse in August, provided th ey contemplate s ummer attendance; or who, entering at the beginning of the second semester, are (3) within 18 hours of graduation from the two year course in May, or ( 4) within 30 hours of graduation from t he two year course in August, if they contemplate ~ ummer attendance, are Sophomores. Those who have less hours tJ:an specified above should be classed as Freshmen . Juniors and Seniors. A two year diploma or 60 college hours for those who do not plan to secure the two year diploma, shall constitute the requirement for entrance into the Junior class in September ; at the beginning of the second semester, the r equirement shall be 75 college hours. All students who are (1) within 36 hours of a degree in May, or (2) who are within 48 hours of a degree in August provided t hey plan to attend s ummer school; or wh o, (3) at the beginning of the second semester are within 18 hours of a degree in May, or ( 4) within 30 hours of a degree in Augu st provided they plan to attend summer school; or who, (3) at the beginning of the second semester are within ~8 hours of a degree in May, or ( 4) wit>'11in thirty hours of a degree m August provided they plan to at tend summer scho ol, are Seniors. Those having a less number of hours than specified above should be classed as Juniors.
DE GREES AND CERT IF ICATES. This educational institution is authorized by law and the rules of the Board of Education to iss ue the following degree, dip lomas, and certificates. 1. Bachelor of Arts degree, see page 19. 2. Regular n ormal school diploma, (two year college) which is a three year first grade certificate good in any school in the state, see page 28. 3· ~pecial certificates for Domestic Science, Manual Training, ommerce, Public School Music, Public School Art, Elementary Educati on, Early Elementary (Kindergarten and Primary), on completion of two year college course, see pages 3242. 4. Professional life state certifi cate, see page 44. 5· Elementary state certificate, see page 44. ~- ~fvanced rural certificate, see pages 42-3. W ~mentary rural certificate, see page 45. ork is also given for the issuance of state certificates as contemplated in the new law effective July 1, 1925. See page 28.
CREDITS. A unit applies to high school or secondary subject s used for entrance to the College. A "point" is the credit received for a subject carried five hours per week, with the required preparation for a period of thirty-six weeks. A credit hour applies to college work. An "hour" is the credit received for a subject reciting one hour per week, with the required preparation, for a period of eighteen weeks. Full credit is given for work completed at institutions which maintain standards of admission a nd graduation equal to those of Peru. College credit is given for work done in a secondary school only upon examination under the head of the department concerned, and then for a maximum of eight hours credit, and only in chemistry, Greek, mechanical drawing, solid geometry, third semester algebra, trigonometry, third and fourth year Latin, German, French, and fourth year English. To receive college credits for such' work, application must be made to the Registrar within a year from the time of first registration.
STUDENT LOAD. The maximum credit which may be earned in one semester is 18 hours. Sixteen hours is the maximum credit which may be earned by a Freshman during his first semester in the College. Sixteen hours plus credit in a one hour subject or fifteen hours plus credit in Public School Music or in General Art 8 or 9 is the regular load for all students after the first semester's residence. Permission to carry the maximum load of eighteen hours must be secured by action of the faculty personnel committee.
GRADING SYSTEM. "A" "B" " C" "D" "E"
The following grading system is used : to be interpreted as EXCELLENT work. (This grade will be given only for ability and perfo1¡mance of an exceptionally high quality.) to be interpreted as ABOVE AVERAGE work. (This grade will be given for ability and performance distinctly above the average.) to be interpreted as AVERAGE work. (This grade will be given for good work, where ability and performance are of medium or average quality.) to be interpreted as BELOW AVERAGE work. (This grade will be given for ability and performance of only fair to poor quality, distinctively below average, but still passing.) to be interpreted as FAILING work. (This grade will be given where the quality of the work done does not justify credit.)
DISTRIBUTION OF GRADES. A g a r epresentative group of college students, work of .tm~ will be fo und, generally in from 3 to 10 cases in 100 qua i Y ,, ,, " " " " 15 " 20 " " " " B ,, " " 40 " 50 " " " " c " " " 15 " 20 " " " D " 3 " 10 " " " E POINTS. E ch letter gr a de will give the following points to the student: a A will give 3 points per hour
2 1 0 0
" " " " " " """
D " E" A candidate for a state elementary certificate must earn a total of at least 32 points; a candidate for graduation from the two year course must earn at least 66 points; and a candidate for graduation from the four year course must earn at least 125 points.
RESIDENT ATTENDANCE. A minimum attendance of twenty-four weeks is required for the issuance of any certificate, Normal School diploma or degree from this instiution. Of th e last thirty weeks attendance for a degree, twenty-four weeks shall be in this institution.
PERSONAL WORK. When a student first enters college from high school he is confronted ¡with many perplexing problem s. The greatest of t hese is that of learning to adjust himself to new situations in college life. In his high school career he was living at home and his work was under ~irect supervision. In college he is away from home and has very httle if any direct supervision. His pr oblem of re-adjustment is a real one, for he is changing from home guidance to self guidance and from school super vision to self supervision. Problems of the proper balance between study and r ecreation; 'bhen and how to study ; college friendships; selection of studies and t. e for~ation of a desirable schedule; the selection of the most de~!rab)e field of education in which to specialize; social life; participaion m the traditions and customs that make up school spirit, all conf~~nt the student durin g his first year in college. The manner in which JU~tments ar e made to these problems determines the success and inaplptmes~ of the student in college life, and to a large extent at least, a er life. su The. work of the personnel committee is to help students make ab~f ad~ustments. The committee first collects data concerning the da~~ty, mtere~ts , and previous experiences of the student. With such them as a guide, members of the committee help students to adjust indi/J1vls to college life. This is done through class work, group and ua conf erences, and thr ough special convocations. I>ersonew studen~s should feel free to consult with members of the sidered~el committee. Their problems will be sympathetically con-
Gra du a t es of accredited high schools may have full adm iss ion to ¡fr eshman s tanding on 12 units (24 points), conditional admiss ion on 11 units , completed in the senfor high school (grades 10, 11, and 12); -pr ovided that a year of algebra and a year of fore ig n language may b e counted from work carried in grade 9, in such instances th e total cr e dits earn ed in grades 9 t o 12 not being fewer than 15 uni t s (30 point s ) . Nine academic units are required, 7 of which shall con sist of a maj or ( 3 units ) and 2 minors (2 u nits each), which shall include En glish, Mathematics, and Foreig n Language. Academic s ub jects are defined as English, Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Natural Sci!"nces, and Social Sciences . CERTIFICATE GRADES ACCEPTED FOR COLLEGE ENTRANCE CREDIT. A s tudent who presents a county or Professional Life Certificate issued und~r the certification law in for ce prior to July 1, 1925; or a State Elementar y or State High School Certificate issued b y the State Superintendent after July 1, 1925, iii accordan ce with th e new certification law for Tebraska , will receive entrance cr edit as indicated below fo r subjects in whi ch he has certificate grades if the certificate is filed with the Regi strar when student matriculate . Secondary cr edit will be allowed only when certifi ca t e is presented, not for single examination s. A griculture __________ ___ _ -- ____ -------------- ____ 1h Algebra --------------------------- - -------------1 Bookkeepin g ___________ ------ - ------ ___ ______ ___ _ lh B otan y --- - ---- --------------- ---- - ---- - ------- - -- 1h Chemistry _____ _____________ __________ ___________ 1h Civics __________ __ ___ ______ -- _____ ____ _______ _____ 1h English- Grammar ___ ___ ___________ __ ____________ 1h' Composition and Rhetoric --------------------- 1 American Literature ____ -------- - ---- - -- -- ---- ~2 English Lit erature ________ ____ ___ __ ____ --- --- 1h General His t ory -------- -- -- ---------- - -- --------- 1 Gen eral Science ----------- - - - --------- ---- - ------ ~2 Geography of N ebraska -- --- --------- -- -- - --------% Geogr aphy, Phys ical _____ ___ ______ ___ ____ ___ ______ 1h Geology _--------------------- ____________________ 1h Geometry ---------- - ------------------------ - -- - -1h Nebraska Course of Study -------- - ----------------% N ebraska High School Manual __ __ ____________ _____ 1h Physics - - --------- - -- ------ ------- - - -~ ----------- 1 Physiology and Hygiene- -------------- - - -- ------ - -% Psychology - - - -- --- --- ______ __ - - -- -- ----- - - - -- -- - 1h P s ychology, Educational _____ _____ ___ ___ __ _________ 1h Sociology ___ ______ __ ___ __ ____________ __ _____ ____ _ 1h Theory and Art (pedagogy) __ ___ _____ ___ ____ ______ 1h
i~-~rri;~~~~~~ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--====== ==== ===~
uni t uni t uni t unit un it uni t uni t uni t unit uni t uni t unit un it unit uni t uni t unit unit un it unit
unit unit unit unit unit un it
To sec ure t he Bachelor of Arts Degree r equires th e completion of hours 30 of which must be in professional work. I ncluded 125 co liege ' . . . . these cr edits m ay be t hose earned m a ny of the courses leadmg to mh two year g ener a l diploma. The 34 hours required by the State tBoard e · 1uded. See page 17 f or res1"d ent reof Edu cation mu st be me quirement. R EQUIREMENTS. Professiona l s ubject s, ( other than teaching) ______________ 22 hours (See page 21 for list of subjects which may be counted toward profess ional r equireme n ts). Teaching -- - ----- _____ - _ - - _ --- --- -- - -- -- - -- -- _ --- _ - -- ____ 8 hours (Two hours mus t be done in the senior year. If the candidate for degree is prep aring fo r high school teachi ng, two of the eight hours should be teaching credit in 'the major s ubject and two in one minor. If such credit has not been earned, his ad viser may require an a dditional 2 hours to insur e strong recommendati on fo r th e studen t in at least two lines of work. If preparing for g rad e work, 4 hours of tea chin g must be done in the grades fo r wh ich special preparation is being made. This teach ing sh ould follow the required cour ses in th e special meth od of tea ching of these subject s. Credit in these method co urses to the exten t of four hou r s may be applied to meet the profess ion a l requir emen ts.) Academic subjects based upon en trance requirements : Group I-Langua g e or E nglish ______ ___ ____ ___ ____ 8 hours Group II-Mathemat ics or Science -- - - --- --- - ---- - - 8 hou rs Group III- His t or y an d Other Social Sciences ____ __ 8 hours th Fo_ur hours are r equired in P hysical Education; 2 hours must be c ~~e listed with the general r equirements by the State Board of Edua ion for the two year cou rse, see page 28. Majors and Minors: ~aj~r ~ubje ct, minimum of _____________________ 20 hours Sirs mm?r subject, minim um of __________ __ ____ _12 hours econd rnmor su bject, min imum of ___ ___________ _12 hours Departmen t f · · . Biol . s rom_ whi ch l\faJor s and ~mors May Be C~osen: 0 1 1 )~1 Science; Commerce; Fme Arts; Education (see page
q eograph y; Home Economics; Language; Manual Arts;
O~ emSa t~ cs; P_h ysical Education; Physical Science; Hi story and er
oc1al Sciences.
A major · or may b e earned by any combmat10n · · Permitted b orh a mm of courses Y t e head of that department ..
The sub jects of the minor s, must be in departments other than. the major; however, a major and a minor or two minor s may be earned in the same department provided that each is enti r ely within a different division of that depart ment. Students who are taking the continuous four year course leading to a degree should make selection of the majors and minors at the beginning of the Sophomore year, with the advice of the Registrar and the head of the department of the major subject. Those who r e-enter college after the completion of a two year course should make selection at the beginning of the Junior year. Decision may not be delayed later than the beginning of the second semester of the Junior year. A record of subjects chosen must be filed in the office of the Registrar upon a card provided for that purpose. The professor in charge of the major subject becomes the candidate's adviser from t his time until graduation. Students who expect to do graduate work should elect a minor in foreign languages. Educat ion may not be used as a major or minor subject unless candidate for a Grade N ormal Training or Super visor's position. In this case he must major in Education. T en hours of Educat ion in addition to general professional requir ements is necessary for a major in Education. If preparing for grade work he must meet all r equirements of the two year course in Early Elementary Education or in Elementary Education. ELECTIVES. Enough electives may be added to the general and group r equirements to m ake the r equir ed total of 125 hours. Not m or e than 40 hours of work in any one departm.ent ma y be applied to an A. B. degree. Not m or e than two homs in addition to the fo ur h our s r equired may be elected in Physical Education unless Physical Education be made a major or minor subject. One hour is the maximum credit which may be earn ed in swimming. A max imum cr edit of five hours may be earned in piano or violin if made according to the rules stated by the music department on page If Public School Music be made a ma jor or minor eight hours may be counted. Credit to the extent of three hours may be made in the combined activities of glee club, orchestra, and band. See rules for cr edit pageStudents enrolling on or after September 5, 1924, will be held for the regulations. Those who have enrolled befor e that date wi!l be held as consist ently as the former selection of subjects will permit.
P ROFESSIONAL SUBJECTS. The courses listed below are those in which professional credit maY be made to meet r equirements of the two year and the A .B . courses. In Education Department : Required:
Int r oductory P sychology _________________ _4 hours Classr oom lVIanagement __ ___________ ______ 2 hours Curriculum ------------ ______ _____________ 2 hours Principles of Teaching _______ ___ __ ___ _____ 3 hours lVIethods a nd Observation __________________ ! hour Tea ching --- - - - -------- _________ _____ 6 to 8 hours H ygiene (Sch ool Hygiene and Health Education) - - - ------------------------------2 hours
Elective :
Child P sychology ------------- - -------------2 hours Educational lVIeasurements ____ ______________ 2 hour lVIen tal Testing -- --- --- ------ ---- -- - - ------2 hours Phychology of Adolescence __ ________ ________ 2 hours Educational Surveys --------- --- ----------- 2 Histor y of Education -- - -- -- -------------- -4 School Administration -- - ---- ----- ------- - --2 The Psychology of Learning ___ _____________ 2 The P sychology of School Subjects ________ __2 E xtra-Curricular Activities _________________ 2 Educational Sociology _______ __ _____________ 3 Scoutmastership Training __________________ 2 Camp Fire Training ___ ____________________ !
hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hour
Plays and Games (Early Elementary Edu cation ) --- - -- - ------ -- - - __ ______________ l
lVIanual Activities (Early Elementary Education ) ----- - ----- - -- - -- - ------------- - ----2 Story Telling (Early E lementary Education) _2 Children's Literature (Early Elementary Education) - ------- -- ------ - -- --- - - - - --- - --- 2 Rural Primary lVIethods __ _________________ 2
hours hours hours h ours
Rural Sch ool Intermediate a nd Grammar School lVIethods ----------------- - --------2 hours Rura l School lVIanagement ____ ______________ 2 hours Parent-Teacher Association and Community
GENERAL CATALOG Leadership Course __ ___ _______ ___________ 2 hours Such other electives a s may be offered in the department from time to time.
¡fhe following electives in departments other than education a re a lso elective professional credits and may be counted to the amou nt s of four hours provided they are in the department of the major or minor, although no credit can be u sed to satisfy both academic an d professional requirements: Commer ce Methods of Teaching Shorthand ___ ___ ________ 2 h oun Engli sh Teaching of High School Engli sh
-------~- - -3
Fine Arts Methods in Art _________ ___ ______________ _2 hours Hi stor y Teachers Course in History and Other Social Sciences _________________ 4
h our ~
Home E conomics Home Economics Method s ___ ___ ___________ 2 hours !.a tin T ea chers Lacin ________ ______ ___ _________ __ 2 hour! Manual Training Manual Training Methods and Organization __ _4 hour s Math ematics Methods of Secondary Mathematics __________ 2 Science
h our ~
Biology Methods ________ __ ____ _________ ___ 4 h ours Chemi stry Method s ____ __ ___ __ _____________ 2 hours Ph ysics Method s __ _______ __ _______ _________ 2 h ours
SUGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJ ECTS. FOUR YEAR COURSE LEADING TO BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE It is strongly r ecommended t h at all students who enter college for r years of continuou s work follow this course instead of building t~~ work of th e junior and senior years upon a two year diploma course. Freshman Year.
First Semester Hours English L -- - - -;-- -------- --- 4 Physical Education ------ -- -- 1 Free Academi c electives ______ 10
Second Semester Hours Biology -- ---- ----------- ---- 4 Physical Education ----------- 1 Free Academic E lectives _____ 10
Sophomore Year. First Semes ter Hours Psychology-- ------- -- --- ---- 4 Hygiene ---- -------------- - - 2 Physical Education ---------- 1 Music ____ ___ __ - --- - -- ------ 2 Group Electives ---------- --- 6
Second Semes ter Hours Prin. of Teaching, Methods and Obser vation ----------- 4 Art --- ------- -------- --- - -- - 2 Physical Education __________ 1 Group Electives ----- ---- -- - - 9
Junior Year. First Semester Hours '.::urriculum - ------~--- - ----- 2 reaching - - - - - -------------- 2 Major and Minor Electives ____ l2
Second Semester H ours Classroom Managemen t ____ __ 2 Teaching ------------------- 4 Major and Minor E lectives ____ lO
. Senior Year. F1r~t Semest er Hours Second Semester Hours ~~achm_g - - -----: ___________ 2 Professional Electives ________ 4 0 M !ess1onal ~lectives ____ ____ 2 Major a nd Minor Elect ives ___ 12 aJor and Mmor Electives ___ _12
certi~o: sugge~ti ons a s to correlation of this program with the spec ial
cate sub,Jects see the following pages: Commerce, ee page 32. Fine Arts, see page 40 . Early E lementary Education. see pages 24 , 33. E lementary Ed ucation. see pages 25,34. Home Economics, see page 36. Manual Arts, see pages 26, 37. Music, see page 41. Normal Training, see page 27.
E ARLY ELEMENTARY EDUCATION F OUR YEAR COURSE, LEADING TO A DEGREE SUGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJECTS Freshman Year. Second Semester Hours H ours First Semester 4 English I - - - - - - - -------- -- - - 4 Botanical Nat ure Study Early Elem. P r in. & Methods __ 3 Introductory P sychology - --- - 4 Dir ected Ob servation --- --- --- 1 Plays and Gam es -- - ---- - - --- 1 Manual Activities --- -- - -- - -- 2 Public School Music ---- - - ---- 2 Liter ar y Interpretation -- - --- 3 Primary Geography - - --- ---- 2 Physical Education -- -- - - ----- 1 Physical Education ___ __ __ ___ ] roy Construction - -- ---- -- - -- 2 General Art 8 -- - ---- ---- - -- - 2
16 16 Sophomore Year. Fir st Sem ester H ours Second Semester H ours Early E lementary Curriculum_ 2 Classroom Management ------ 2 Mental Testing' ------- - ----- - 2 Tea ching __ .:. ____ ____ ___ __ __ _ 2 Sociology ------ --------- - -- - 4 Child P sychology -- -- --- - - --- 2 Elect ive ____ ______ _ ________ _ 8 School H yg iene & Health E ducation ---- - - -- - -- - - - ------ 2 Story Telling -------- -------- 2 E lective --- - --- - -- - ---- ----- 7
16 Junior F irst Semester Hours Music Appr eciation - - --- - --- - 2 History of Education -------- 4 English II - - --- - ---------- __ 4 rea ching -- --- - ----- - -- - - --- 2 Elective -- - --- - ---- - ------ -- - 3
15 Senior Fir st Semest er Hours Advanced Com. Leader ship __ __ 2 Psychology of School Subjects_ 2 Eug enics - -- - -- - - --- - - - - - - --- 2 Educational Survey ---------- 2 Physical Education -- -- - -- --- 1 Elective ______________ ______ 6
I Ii
17 Year. Second Semest er Hours E ducational Sociology ___ _____ 4 Children's Literatur e ------- -- 2 Food Study I and II -- - ---- --- 4 P hysical Education ----- ----- 1 Tea ching _________ ------ ---- 2 E lective ----- - ----------- --- 2
15 Year. Second Semester Hours Ar t A ppreciation - ------ -- - -- 2 P sychology of Learning ____ __ 2 School Administration __ ___ __ 2 Educational Mea surements ___ 2 Tea ching -- - ---- - - ---- ----- -- 2 E lective ----- ------------- -- 5
For two year cour se in Early Elementar y E ducation leading to a special cer tifi cate, see page 33. It may be noted that the last two year s of the degree course are a cont inuation of t he cer tificate course. Students r et urning to wor k for a degree may enter the junior year with no loss of t itne or cr edit s. The major in this course is E ducation. (See special r equirement. page 20. The minor s a nd t he academic g roups r equired (see page 19) may be chosen under the direction of the adviser.
ELEMENTARY EDUCATION FOUR YEAR COURSE LEADING TO A DEGREE Freshman Year. First Semes~er Hours . Second Semes~er Hours g lish I or Biology --------- 4 B10logy or English I --------- 4 p~ffchology or Ele.mentary PrinEl~m.ent.ary Principles of Teaehciples of Teachmg -~------- 4 mg or Psycho!ogy :---- - ---- 4 Music or Gener~! Art .8 ------ 2 G~i:eral ~rt 8 or M~s!c _______ 2 Survey of American Histor y ___ 4 Citiz~nship and ~ohtics ______ 4 Penman ship ----: - ------------ 1 Phys~cal Education ---------- 1 Physical Education ---------- 1 Elective ------ - ---- --------- 2
17 16 Sophomore Year. First Semes ter H ours Second Semester Hours General Geography ---------- 4 Mental Testin g ---------- - --- 2 Classroom Managem ent ------ 2 Children's Literatur e --------- 2 Educational Measurem ents ____ 2 E lementary Curriculum ------ 2 General Science -- - -------- __ 2 School Hygiene & Health Edureaching _____ ___________ 2 or 4 cation -------------------- 2 i<:lectives _______________ _4 or 2 Teaching - -------------- -4 or 2 E lectives ----------------2 or 4 Primary Geography __________ 2 16 J unior First Semester H our s English II - ------ ----------- 4 Biological Nature Study _____ 4 reaching -- ---------------- - - 2 Music Appreciation ---------- 2 Electives -------------------- 3
15 Senior First Semester H ours Litt;rary Interpretat ion 3 Latin America 2 Recrea~ional Educ t 1 SRe;d.i~g--======== 1 [ndu~:i~~~rtiology -------- 3· Elective --------------- 2 s ----------- --------- 5
16 Year. Second Semes ter Hours Advanced Com. Leadership ___ 2 New Europe ---------------- 4 Teaching ------------- ------ 2 Child Psychology ------------ 2 Gr eek a nd R oman Myth ology __ 2 E lectives -----·----- --------- 4 16 Year. Second Semester Hours Ar t Appreciation ------------ 2 P sychology of School Subjects_ 2 T each mg . -------------------- 2 Play&'round Supervision ______ 1 E lectives -------------------- 6 13
rope~:tges~ed Electives a r e English 3, Play Production, Modeling, Eu-
F ac ground of American History. specia<t c!~~if~wo year cour se in Elementary Education leading to a Years of th icate, see page 34. It may be noted that the last two Students \ deg;ree course are a continuation of the certificate course. With no 1; e urfmi:g to w ork for a degree may enter the junior year The Ms. 0 ~ime .or cr edits. ers and theaJor m t?is course is Education (see page 20). The mini:lirection of tahcadem!c groups ( see page 19) may be chosen under the e adviser .
Students who are planning on fo ur years of continuous work and wish to major in this field should follow the course as outlined below in stead of building t h e work of the junior and senior years up on th e t wo year special certificate course. Those who have alrea dy earned their special certificate and de~ ire to work out their major in this department should consult th eir adviser, the head of t he Manual Arts Department before enr olling. Those desiring a minor in th is department ar e required to tak e courses 1, 2, 4, and 9. SUGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJECTS. Freshm an Year. First Sem ester Hours Second Semester Hours E ng lish I --------------- - --- 4 Biology - -- - - - -------------- - 4 Physical Education _______ ____ 1 Physical Education ________ __ 1 Intermediate W oodwork ______ 4 Mechanical Drawing -------- - 4 College Ph ysics - -- ----------- 5 Ch emistry ----- - ----- ------ - 4 Electives ------------------- - 1 Electives ----------------- - - - 2
Sophomore Year. First Semester Hours ¡ Second Semester Hours Psychology -------------- - -- - 4 Principles of Teaching and Hygiene ----------------- - -- 2 Meth ods and Obser vation __ 4 Physical Education __________ 1 Physical Education ________ ___ 1 Music -- - ---- - -------- - ------ 2 General Art - -- ----------- --- 2 Wood Turning _____________¡__ 2 E lementary Metal s ________ ___ 2 Sociology ------- - ---- - -- - -- - 4 Electives --------------- - - --- 6
15 Junior F irst Semester Hours Curriculum _________________ 2 Teaching -- - -- - ---~------- - - - 2 Manual Training Meth ods ___ _ 4 Architectural Drawing _______ 2 Electives ----- - ---- -- ----- - - - 6
Year. Second Semester Hours Classroom Mana gemen t __ __ __ 2 Tea ching ---- - --------- - - - - -- 4 Cabinet Construction ______ ___ 4 English -------------------- - 4 Electives --------------- - - - - - 2
16 Senior First Semester Hours Me ntal Testing --- -- ----- - - - - 2 Educational Meas urements ____ 2 Industrial Education ____ ___ __ 2 Manual Training Electives ____ 2 Electives ---- -- ------------- 9
Year. Second Semester H ours T eaching ----- ---------- ----- 2 Political Economy --- --------- 4 Advanced Cabinet Making __ __ 2 E lectives -- - -- - - ---- --------- 8
17 For description of courses see pages 67, 70.
NORMAL TRAINING. F OUR YEAR COURSE LEADING TO DEGREE FOR TEACH ERS OF NORMAL TRAI N I NG IN HIGH SCHOOLS. Freshman Year. Fir st. Seme ter Hours English I -- --------- --- - -- -- 4 General Geogra~h ---------- 4 Physical Education -- -- ------ 1 Manual Activities ------ ------ 2 Electi ves --- -----·- - ---------- 4
Second Semester Hours Biology --------------------- 4 History 1 or 13 or 14 _________ 4 Physical Education ----------- 1 Penmanship ----------------- 1 E lectives ------------- ---- --- 5
Sophomore Year. F irst Semester Hours Psychology ------------ ------ 4 Hygiene ----------------- --- 2 Physical Education ----------- 1 Music -- - -- - ---------- ------- 2 College Grammar - ----------- 2 Geography, 2 or 6 or 11 or 12 __ 2 Electives - ---- - -------------- 2
Second Semester Hours Principles of Teaching and Methods and Observation ___ 4 Art ------ - ------------------ 2 Physical Education ----------- 1 P olitical Economy ------------ 4 Menta l Test ing --- -- --------- 2 Electives ----- -- -- ---- ---- --- 3
Junior Year. First Semester Ho ur s Educationa l Measure men ts ___ 2 Teaching - - ---- -- - - -- -------- 2 Sociology 20 or 22 or E du c. Soc. _____________ ____ _3 or 4 Observation in Early E lem en tary and E lementary Grades 2 Electives - -- ----- - -------7 0 ; 6
Second Semes t er Hours Classroom Management ______ 2 Teaching --- ------- -- -------- 4 Curriculum, High School __ ____ 2 Child P sychology ------------ 4 E lectives - -------- -- -- --- --- 4
Senior Year. Second Semester Hours Com mun ity Leadershi p _______ 2 Rural Sch ool Management ____ 2 E lectives ____________________ 12
mino~~1 e
.m ajor in this co urse is in E d ucation, see page 20. The Educati ma y be chosen as recommended by the Director of Rural Nebras~n. The Normal Train in g teacher in a ny H igh School in exclusiv: ~fall haye had n~t less than two years s uccessful teaching, of which h tra ctice t ea chmg in college or normal school, one year s a 1 have been in a rural school.
TWO YEAR COURSE LEADING TO DIPLOMA AND STATE CERTIFICATE. This course may include preparation for rural, primary, grade, junior high, school or senior high school t eaching and elective should be so selected. T o secure the state normal diploma and a first grade state certificate requires the completion of sixty-six college hours, of which not less than twenty nor more than twenty-four must be professional work. Grades in each of t he subject s included in the third grade elementa).'y state certificate shall be submitted. These grades must be earned in the r egular state examination for certificates, in an accredited high school, or in the regular classes of this institution. Grades earn ed by examination must be 80 per cent or above. Passing grades earned in r egular classes satisfy the r equirement. After two years of successful teaching, the graduate is entitled to a professional life certificat e. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The following credits are required of all candidates for the t wo year diploma: Freshm an Year: Psych ology ________ ________ ______ ________ 4 Principles of T eachlng _________ __________ 3 Methods and Obser vation __________ _:._ _____ ! Biology ----- - ---------------- -- -------- -4 E nglish __ _________________ ___ _____ _____ _4 Public School Mu sic ____ _____________ ___ __ 2 P ublic School Art ----- - ----------- -- -----2 Physical Education _____________ ___ __ _____ !
hours hours hour h ours hours hours hours hour
21 hours Sophomor e Year : Theory of Education ------- ______ ________ 4 IIygiene --------- - -----------------------2 Teaching ---- -- ---- - ----------- - -------- -6 Physical Education -------¡----- - ----------!
hours hours hours hour 13 hours Total 34 hours
The courses her e listed are those in which the r equired credits may be earned. Psychology _________ __ __ __ ___ Introductory P sychology I and II. Principles of Teaching and Methods and Observation . IIigh School Junior IIigh School Elementary or Early E lementary Rural P r imary Rural School Intermediate and Grammar Grade
BioJogY---- ------------
___________ Botany: Ecology
Plant Physiology
29 and
Botany: P lant Mor phology College Zoology College Physiology Botanical Natu re Study (open only to students of Early Elementary and Rural Education)
English - - ~ ------ ----- ------- _____ English Composi tion I u blic School Music lOa, l Ob, lla, P u blic School Music ----------- 路路-_ P llb Public School Art ________________ General Art 8 or 9 Art History and Appreciation (Open only to those plan nin g to teach in High School) Physical Education fo r W om en _____ Physical Education I , I1 Physical Education for Men _________ Physical Education I , II, III, a nd I V or these courses comb ined w ith athletic spor ts. Theory of Educati on ______________ Classroom Ma nageme nt, a nd Curriculum: H igh School, J u nior H igh School, E lemen tar y, or Early Elementar y. (Two hours in Cla ssr oom Ma n agement a nd one two-hour co urse in Curriculum R equired.) Hygiene ____ _____________________ P er sonal H ygiene, H ome H ygiene a n d Car e of S ick Sch ool H ygien e a nd H ealth E ducation P er son a l H ygiene for Men Teaching ___________ ___________ __ W or k which is appr oved by the Sup erin t enden t of t he Tra ining School in tra ining school classes . . ~ot _less t ha n twenty n or more t han t wenty -four h our s of t h e r e~~i~e _sixty-s ix mus t be profess ional work. See pa g e 21 for a list of . o ess1onal subject .
In a dd"t路 1 ion to the two hour s required, one hour of P hysical Education may b may be elected . Three hours is the maxim um credit which 路 e earned. Fourt hours er e d"t . . l" . cording 1 m v10 m or pian o m ay be cou nted if m a de ac0 the r ul es g iven on page 72.
club, !.~h~a~ hour cr edit ea ch semest er is given for w ork in g lee a student .s ra, or band. Not m or e than one h ou r m ay be earned by three hourin these combined a ctivities in one year a nd not m or e t h an 8 may be coun t ed t ow ard a diploma.
In additio n to the th ir ty-four hours of req uired work thir ty-two hours are to be elected from catalogue co urses ope n to Freshmen and Sophomores. It is important that the student, if undecided as to a particular line of preparation, should earl y seek advice so that elective work may pr epare defi ni tely for a certain field of tea ching- .
Special co urses leading to depa r tment certif icates are offered in each of the following departments: Music, page 41. Art, page 39. Education Earl y E leme ntar y, pages 24, 3J. Elem e ntary, pages 25, 34. Rural, pages 42, 45. Commerce, page 32. Manual Training, pages 26, 37. Horne Economics, page 36. Depar tment ce rtif icates are granted in Mus ic, Ar t, Earl y E lemen tary Education, E leme n tary Education, and Rural Education , upon the co mpletion of the following: 34 hours r equired of all candidates fo r diplomas, (see page 28) 20-24 department r equirements except i n Rural Ed ucation which are 5 hours 8-12 fr ee electives excep t in Rural Education wh ich are 27 h ours All s tud e nts who e xpect to tea ch in city g rades s hould e lec t eithe r t he Early Elementary Education or the Elementary Education course. Those who wish to prepare to teach superior rural schools should !!lect the course in Rural Education . The certificate courses in Mu s ic and Art prepare teachers for ¡upervisory positions. Department certifica tes are granted in Commer ce, Manual Tra ining, a nd Home Economics upon comple t ion of the following: 34 hours r equired of a ll candidates for diplomas, (see page 28) 20-26 hours department r equirem ents. 6-12 hours in a de part ment other than th e certificate department to prepare fo r the teaching of a second high school s ubject. The two year program outlining definite ly the courses to be taken should be carefully followed when enrolling as certain of th e requ ired courses a r e offe r ed bu t once a year. The work has been ar -
:J l
ranged to provide a helpful ba la n ce of cou r ses a nd a consistent gradation of work. Wh en a studen t elect s a specia l course, the head of that departnt becomes hi s advise r throug h the two years. E nroll m ent each m~ester should be m a de unde r the direction of the advise r and n o ~~anges in program should be ma de u nless advised by h im . HIGH SCH OOL TEACI-n --: R s. Stud ents n ot qualify in g fo r the s pecial ce r tificates . but prepa r ing to teac;h the le s_s t echni cal fo r m s of H igh School work, shou ld m eet the fo llowing r eqmremen ts: 34 hours requireme nts of all candidates for diplomas . ( see page 28) 12 hour s in fir st ma jor s ubject 12 hours in seco nd ma jor subject 8 hour s in a depa r t ment othe r than tl1ose of the majo r s . State r equir eme n t s, p a g e 28, may n ot be credit in t hese 12 and 8 hour r equ ir em ents.
a pply as
The subj ects and subj ect groups fr om whi ch ma jors ma:,r be chosen are the sa me a s those li sted u n der t he A. B. r eq ui r emen ts. JUNIOR HIGH SCH OOL TEAC H E R S. Studen ts p repari ng to t each in the J uni or High School should meet the req uiremen t s outlin ed ab ove fo r h igh sch ool teach er s. Of th e State required subjects th e fo ll ow in g di vis ion s : h ould be chosen: Principl es of Tea chi ng ______ __ Juni or Hi gh School Curr iculunL _______ __________ Juni or High Sch ool Publi c School Mu s ic __________ J.l a a nd llb Public SC'hool Art_ __ __________ Art 9 H~' gi e n e ___ ____________ __ __ __ School H yg iene a nd H eal th Edut ion Tea ch ing ___________________ _Juni or H igh School the rh e t:"' 0 12 hou r maj or s and t h e e lectives sh ould be chose n und er c irection of th e pr incipal of t he J u nior H igh School. The fo ll ow in g are sugges ted fo r electives : F:du cation 24 , 3t> . 30a or ::J Ob 31 40 41 A rt 6 ¡ ¡ ' Geography 3, 4. 11 Hi story 2 Sociology 20 Engli sh 2, 15, 5b Latin 9 Mu sic 5, or 5a
I. REQUIREMENTS. Courses r equired of a ll candidates for dipl omas . (see page 28) -------------------------------------- - 34 houl"I> Of these required courses, students in this department should select the following sections : Principles of Teach ing ____________ ___ High School Curriculum __________________________ High School Of t he 6 hours of requ ired teaching, 4 h ours mu st be done in commer cial subjects.
II. DEPARTMENT RE QUIREMENTS . Beginning Shor thand --- - --------- - ------ -4 Advanced Shorthand __________________ ___ 4 Advanced Dictation ________________ ______ _4 Typewriting ________________________ ____ _6 Accounting ------- - ----------------------6 Commercial Methods ___________ __________ 2
hours h ours hours h ours hours hours 26 hours
IIL Electives
6 h ours 66 hours
Suggested electives: P enmanship, Orthography. English, Commercial Law, E conomic Geography, P olitical Economy. Students who have not had High School Bookkeeping will be requfred to take 8 hours of Accounting, COMMERCIAL COURSE TWO YEAR PROGRAM SUGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJECTS Freshman Year. First Semest er Hours Second Semester Hou rs Biology or English!_ _________ 4 8ngli sh I or Biology ___ ______ 4 Psychology or Principles of Principles of Teaching and Teaching and Methods and Methods and Observation or Observation --------------- 4 Psych ology ----------- ---- - 4 Beginning Shorthand _________ 4 Advanced Shorthand ----- -- -- 4 rypewriting ----------------- 3 Accounting ------------ ------ 2 Physical Education ______ __ ___ 1 Type:"l'iting ---:- - ------- ---- - ~ Physical Education -- - -------16
Sophomore Year. First Semester Hours Classroom Managemen t or Curriculum - -- - -------- ------- 2 reaching ------- - -.- --------- 2 General Art or Music -------- 2 Hygiene - -- - -- - - ---- -------- 2 Commercial Methods --- ------ 2 Elective - -- ----------------- 6
Second Semester Hours C urriculum or Classroom Management ------------------ 2 Teaching -------------------- 4 Music or General Art --------- 2 Advanced Accounting ________ 4 Advanced Dictation ---------- 4 Typewriting ----------------- 1
For de par t men t courses
page 47.
Students wh o en ter the Freshman year with the intention of completing a fo ur~year co1;1rse, should not take Commercial Methods until the t hird year. It 1s recommended that they take shorthand durilig the firs t a nd second years and accounting during the second and third years. Practice teaching in the Commerce Department should be done in the third and fourth years. Students who have completed the two-year commercial teacher's course and r eturn to tak e up w ork toward t h e A. B. degree, should elect Constructive E n g lish, E conomic Geography, P olitical Economy, Mental Tes ting, E d ucationa l M ea s urements, and other subjects which will sti·engthe n t hem as commercial teachers . EARLY EL E ME N T ARY EDUCATION
P R I MARY) , COURSE . Thi . co urse is pla n n ed to m eet t he needs of teache r s who are plannin g to teac h in th e K ind er garten or in the first or seco nd grade.
I. REQUJR MENT S. Courses required of all ca ndida tes for d iplomas, (see page 28) 34 hours
O~ these r equired courses students in th is course must se lect the 0 11 owmg secti on s : · p .. C~~~~~\~~of Teachin g _________________ E _Earl y EJ ementary Fine Arts ----- --- -- ------ ---------- - - ear 1y E 1ementary Bygien - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - --- - -- - - _____ General Art 8 Rio! e ---- ------- -- School H y giene and H ealth Education ~fu sf!Y -- - - - -- ---- -- ----·------ - ---Bi ological Nature Study -- - -- ---- ----- ----------------------- - -I Oa a nd l Ob
IL DE P ART MENT REQUIREMENTS ~entaJ Tes tin g ______ __ _ C 0 y Construction ------------- - ---- - -- ----2 hours ·h1ld Psychol o - - -- - ---·--------- - ------ - ---- - -- 2 hour s g y -- -- -------------- - ------ - --- - -- 2 h our s
GENERAL CATALOG Story Telling ---------------------------------- --2 Penmanship ------------------ -------- -----------1 Literary Interpretation ____________________________ 3 Plays and Garnes --------------------------------1 Manual Activities ________________________________ 2 Primary Geography ------------------------------2
hours hour hours hour hours hours Sociology --~------------------------------------- ' hours 21 hours
III. Electives
66 hours EARLY ELEMENTARY EDUCATION TWO YEAR PROGRAM SUGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJECTS Freshman Year. First Semester Hours Botanical Nature Study 4 Early Elem. Principles and Methods ------------------ 3 Directed Observation _________ 1 Manual Activities - -- -- ----- -- 2 Literary Interpretation ______ 3 Physical Education __________ 1 Toy Construction ____________ 2
Second Semester Hours English I ------------------- 4 Introductory Psychology ______ 4 Plays and Games -- ---------- 1 Public School Music --------- - 2 Primary Geography ---------- 2 Physical Education ----------- 1 General Art 8 --------- ------ 2 Penn1anship ------------- ---- 1
Sophomore Year. First Semester Hours Early Elementary Curriculum_ 2 reaching -------- ----------- 2 Mental Testing -------------- 2 Sociology ------------------- 4 Electives ___________________ 6
Second Semester Hours Classroom Management 2 Teaching -------------- ------ 4 Child Psychology ____________ 2 School Hvgiene and Health ____ 2 Story Telling ---------------- 2 Elective ---------------- ____ 5
For department courses see page 53. For four year course leading to an A. B. degree in Early Elementary Education see page 24. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION COURSE. This course is planned for students who wish to be r ecommended for general work in grades three, four, five, and six.
I. REQUIREMENTS. Courses required of all candidates for dip1omas, (see page 28) 34 hours Of these required courses students in the Elem entary Education course must take: Principles of Teaching _____________________ ___ Elementary Curriculum - - -- - -- - -------- --- ------ - ____ ____ Elementary Fine Arts _____ _____ ________________________ General Art 8 Hvgiene ______________ School Hygiene and Health Education Music ___________ _______ __Public School Music lOa and lOb
II. DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS Survey of American History ----------------------4 hours Children's Literature _____________________ ________ 2 hours General Science -- -- -- -- - ---------------- - - - ------ 2 hours Educational Measurements ________________ __ __ ____ 2 hours Mental Testing ----------------------- ---------- -2 Primary Geography --------- - ----------- - ------- -2 General Geography _______ ____________ ___________ 4 Citizenship and Politics __________________________ _4
hours hours hours hours
Pen1nanship - - --- -~- - --------------------- - ------ !
hour 23 hours
III. Electives
-- ----- ----- ------------------------------
9 hours 66 hours
The following- courses are suggested a s helpful electives : History of Music or Appreciation __ ________ 2 Greek and Ronum Mythology ______ ________ 2 Manual Activities or Toy Making __ ___ l or 2 Sociology --- ------- - --------------- - -----4 Speech Education ______________ ___________ 3 Educational Sociology ____________ ________ 3 Literary Interpretation ____ ______ _____ ____3
hours hours hours hours hours hours hours
Students •h · h see Junior H:· "h 0 wis to prepare for grade work above the s ixth, ig School Teachers, page 31.
Fre shman Year. First Semes ter Hours Second Semester H0urs English I or Biology _____ __ __ 4 Biology or Englis h I ------ --- 4 Psychology or E 1 e m e ntary E lemen tary Principles of TeachPrinciples of T eaching _____ 4 ing or P sych ology -- ---- __ 4 Music of General Art 8 ____ ___ 2 General Art 8 or Mus ic ____ __ 2 Survey of American History __ 4 Citizenship and P oli tics ______ 4 Penmanship ------- - --------- 1 Physical Education __________ 1 Ph ysical Education __________ l E lective -- - ------------ --2
Sophomore Year. First Semester H ours Second Semes ter Hours General Geography ---- -- -- - - 4 Mental T esting ----- --------- 2 Classroom Management ______ 2 Children's Literature __ _______ 2 Educational Measureme nts ___ 2 E lementary Curriculum ______ 2 General Science --------- - --- 2 School Hygiene & H eal th Educ. 2 r eaching ________________ 2 or 4 T eaching ---~- --- - -------4 or 2 El ectives _____ __________ _4 or 2 Primary Geography ________ __ 2 Electives ___ ________ _____ 2 or 5
For four year cour se leading to the A. B. Degree in Elem entary Education, see page 25. HOME ECONOMI CS COURSE
I. REQUIREMENTS . Cour ses required of a ll ca ndida tes for diplomas, (see page 28) 34 hours Of these required courses students in this course shou ld "elect the fo llowing sections: Principles of Teaching ____ High School or Junior High School Curriculum __________ ___ High School or Junior Hig-h School Biology ---- --- ______ __ _____ ______ ______ ______ Ph ys iology Of the 6 hours required tea ching 4 hou r s mu s t be done -in Home Econ omics .
II. DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS . Foods I, II, II, a nd IV ---------------------------- 8 h o ur ~ Clothing V, VI ____ _______________________ ________ 6 h ou r ~ H orne Economics Methods __________________ ____ ___ 2 hour ~ Ghemistry I and II ________________ ________ _______ 8 h our!' Hou seh old Managem en t VII ___ __ __________ ______ _2 hou r " 26 hou rs III. El !3ctive" (Suggested e lec ti ve. Des ign . 4 hours) - -- --- --- --- 6 hou rs 66 hou rs
First Semester Hours Foods I --------- ------------ 2 Clothing V --- - ----- --------- 2 Chemistry I --------- -------- 4 English or Principles of T eaching & Me.thods & Observat10n ' Psychology or Biology ------- 4
Foods II ---- ---------- -----Clothing VI ----------------Hygiene ----------------- -- Principles of Teaching & Meth od s and Observation or Eng . Chemistry II ______ _ _______ Ph ysica l Education __________
2 4 2
Sophomore Year. First Semester H ours Household Management VII __ 2 Foods III -- -------- --------- 2 Home Economics Methods __ __ 2 Biology or Psychology __ _____ 4 Music or Art ---- ---- -------- 2 Physical Education _____ _____ J Elective (Desig n) ________ ___ 4
Second Se mester
Foods IV ------------------Classroom Managem ent ______ Curriculu m -----------------Teaching --- ---------------Art or Mu sic --------------E lect ives --- - ------ _________
2 2
6 2 2
For departm en t co urses see page 64. .
Any student who desires to complete the four year cour se secur-
ml\' an A. B. degree can complete the tw o year Home Econ omics re-
quirements with the exception of the student teaching which should be taken in th e fourth year. Th e third and fourth ye ars of work may be made up of subjects whi ch are r equired for the completion of the general four year course leadin g to a B achelor of Arts D egree, see page 19. Student should choose the minors with the advice of the head of the depar tm en t of the major and including college physi~hlogy! educational sociology, sociolog y , political econom y, and organic c em1stry. ffi Any student wh o has secured the t wo year hom e eco nomi cs cer-
\~o c~t~ a nd returns to school to secure the. degr ee may continu e the r
foll owing t he plan outlined above.
Year;~is co urse is intended for t hose who expect to spend only two the rein ~ollege and wish to teach the manual arts. On completion of E>ntit1edutire 111 ents of the courses outlin ed below t he student will be 0 t 11 e special certificate. Sine ¡ e m most high scho ols th e manual arts instructor is required
t o t ea ch one or more a cad emi c s u bjects besides hi s sh op w ork , students taking t hi s course mu st prepare t o t ea ch one other subject and should select t h eir. e lectives fr om th e li st suggest e d below.
I. REQU IRE MENTS. Courses required of all ca ndidates for diplomas, (see page 28 ) ¡ 34
hour ~
Of th es<' r equired cour ses stud en ts in the Ma nual Arts Coursp mu st t ake : Pri nciples of T ea chin g .____ High Sch ool or Junior Hig h School Cu rri culum _____________ High School or Junior Hig h School Practice T eac hin g _______ F our of the required six hours must be in this department and the oth er two in the oth er s ubject whi ch th e stud ent is pre paring to t each.
II. DEPARTME NT REQUIREMENTS . In term ediate W oodwork -------- - - - --------- -- --- -4 Mechani cal Drawing __________ _ __________________ _4 E le mentary Metal W ork __________________ ____ ____ 2 Cem en t Constru ction or Carp entr y _________________ 2 Manual Txaining Methods or Organizat ion __ __ ___ ___ 4 Ca binet Making ---------- -------------- - -------- - 2 Ma nual Arts El ec ti ves __ ___ _______ _____ ___________ 4
hours hours hours hours hours hours h ours 22 hour"
III. ELECTIVES. Ca ndidate s fo r t he s pecial cer t ificate s hould selec t 4 hours of th e foll owin g electi ves ---- - --------- - ------------ - - -- 4 hours For g ing --- -------- ---------- ----------- --- ------2 hours T oy Con s tru ction _________________ ________ _______ 2 hours E le me ntar y E lectricity -- - ------------------------ 2 hours Gas En g ines - - ------------------- --- ---- - -------- 2 hours U ph olst er y and Woodfini shing ___________ _________ 2 hours Ar chitectural Drawing ______________________ _____ _4 hours C:a rp en tr y or Cem ent Con stru ction ________ _____ ____ 2 hours Select 6 hours fr om one of t he f ollowing groups : Mathemat. ics, Ph ysics, Chemi stry, Biology, History, Engli sh, or Language --------------------------- -- ------------ - 6 h ours 66 h ours
PJ:RU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE MANUAL ARTS. TWO YEAR PROGRAM . SUGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJECTS. Fres hman Year First Semester Hours Psychology ------------------ 4 Englis h I - - ----------------- 4 Gener a l Art --- --- ----------- 2 Public School Music --------- 2 Interm ediate W oodwork ______ 4
Seco nd Se mes ter H ours B iolog y -- -- ----------------- 4 High School Princ iples of T eac hin g & Method s a nd Observation --------------- 4 Physical Training ----------- 1 Elem. Metal-W ork & Carp'ntry 4 Mechanica l Drawing _________ 4
Sophomore Year. First Semester Hours Second Se mester ______ Hours Classr oom Management ______ 2 High School Curriculum _____ 2 Hygiene - -------- ---- ----- - - 2 T each ing a High Sch ool subject Teaching Manual Arts _______ 4 2 hrs. and elective Manual (Or t eaching a High School subArts 2 hrs. or teach ing Manject 2 hrs. and an elective ual Arts - - - - -------------- 4 Manua l Arts 2 hours.) Cabinet Making 2 hrs. and Physical Training --- -- --- --- 1 Elective Man . Arts 2 hrs. M~n ..Arts Methods & Organ and or Cabinet Making __ ___ 4 1za t10n _____ ___ --------- - - 4 Electives ___________________ 6 Electives - ------------------- 4
For depa r tme nt courses see page 67. F or four year cou r se lead ing to A. B. degree with ma jor in Ma nual Arts, see page 26. PUBLIC SCHOOL ART COURSE. Studen ts completing co urses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 together with r Pquired work i n t he Normal are entitled to a s pecial diplom a in Public School Art, in add ition to the Normal Scho ol dipl oma.
I. Requirements. Courses r eq uired of a ll ca ndida tes for diplomas, (see page 28) 34 hours Of these required courses st ud ent s in the depart ment must select the following: Princip les of Teach ing a nd Methods and Observation ___ ____ _ __ ______ __ _____ ___ ___ ______ E lem entar y or Juni or High Curriculu m ____________________ E lement ary or Juni or High Of t he 6 hours in r equired teaching 4 h ou r s mu st be clone sub jec t s
II. DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS. Dra wing and P a inting I ________ _________________ _4 Dra wing and Painting II ________ _________________ _4 Desig n ------ ------------ ------------------------4 Industrial Art --------- -- ---- -- ------- --- --------2 M:odeling -------- ---------- --------------------- -2 Principles and Methods of Art Teaching ____ ____ __ _2 Art History a nd Appreciat ion _____________________ 2 T oy Constru cti on --- - - - - -- ----- -- ------ -- -------- 2
hou r s hou rs hours hours hours hours hours h ours
E lect ives --- - -- -------------- -- - ----- - -- - --------- - -- --- 10 hours 66
h ou r~
SUGGESTED ELECTIVES. H istory of Ant iquity -- - -------- - ---- - ·----- -- ---- -4 P enm a ns hip ____ _____ _________________ ____ _____ __l Mythology _ -- - -------- - - - --------------------- - ---2 Mechani cal Drawing _________ ___ __ ________ ___ ___ _4 Soc iology --- -- - - - --- -- ---------------------------4
hours h our hours hours hours
PUBLI C SCHOOL ART TWO YEAR PROGRAM . UGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJE CT S. Freshman Year First Semester Hours Second Semester Hours P s ychology or Biology ________ 4 Biology or P sych ology ________ 4 English or Principles of TeachPrinciples of Teaching and ing & Methods and ObservaMethods and Observation or tion -------------- - ------- 4 English --- - - ------ ------ - - 4 ;)rawing and Painting I ______ 4 Drawing a nd Painting II _____ 4 Public School Music or GenerGe neral Art of Public School al Art - --------- - -- - - --- -- 2 Music - -------- - - - -- ---- -- 2 Physical Education --- -- -- ---- 1 Physical Education _______ _ 1 Electives _____ ________ __ ____ 1 Electives ______ ____ __________ 2
Sophomore Year. First Se mes te r Hours Second Semeste r Hours Teaching - - --- - ----- - ----- -- 2 Hygiene - -- -------- -- - ---- - - 2 *Design ---- - - ------ ------ - - 4 Curri culum ------- --- - -- __ - 2 Modeling -- - ---------- ------ 2 Classroom Management _____ _ 2 Industrial Art - ---- ------- - - 2 Art Teaching -- ------- -- - --- 4 Toy Construction ---- - ------- 2 Principles & Methods of Art His tory of Antiquity --1------- 4 Teaching --------- -------- ~ hlectives --- - -- - ------ -- - ---- o
16 *Drawi ng and Painting I mu st be prer equi s ite .
artment conditions may necessitate the enr olling of Note: D ep . n and Sophomores m a class of program above. bot h Fres h me For department courses, see page 58. Students planning to ~emain in Col.leg~ four years and who wish Art a major or mmor should d1str1bute courses as follows : to ma k e Drawing and Painting, I ' and II, -first year Design, Modeling, Indus trial Art, Toy Construction- Second year Principles a nd Methods of Art Teaching, Art History and Appreciation, Public School Art 8 or 9- t hird year Practi ce Teaching, Advanced Drawing and Painting- fourth year. Students r eturning to work for degree who hold the Art certifi ('ates are advised to include History of Antiquity, Mythology, Mechanical Drawing, and Sociology if they have not previously taken these courses. Courses offered in the English and History Departments are also suggested. Advanced work in Drawing and Painting can be arranged for.
I. REQUIREMENTS . Courses required of candidates for diplomas, (see page 28) 34 hours Students in this course should select the following courses : Prin~iples of Teaching ___________ ______ _______ Elementary Curriculum _____ ______ ___________ - -'- ---- - - __ _Elementary Practice Teachin g 6 hrs., 4 hrs. of wh ich must be in Music
II. DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS. ~ethod~ of Teaching Music ________ ______ __ _______ 4 hours
Hpprec1ation ----- - - -- - ---- - - ----- - -~- -- - - -- _____ 2 hours _____ _____ ___________ __________________ 6 hours Eu Y of Instruments ____ ______ ______ _______ ___ __6 hours s~ony
Vn~em.ble Music 1
----------------------------- ----2 hours or Major Instruments ______________ __ ___ ___ 3 hours Ys1cal Ed. (Dancing 3a) - --------- - ---- - ---- -- - -1 hour
p~ ci:
24 hours hours
-- -- ---- ---- ----- ---------- -- ---- ------ ---- -----8
66 hours
First Semester Hours Public School Mus ic, lOa & b __ 2 Principles of Teaching & Methods and Observation or P sycology -------------------- 4 Biology or English __________ 4 Harmony ----------- - ------- 4 . Physical Ed. (General Requirement) ---- ---------- -- ---- 1 Elective ------- ---- -------- - 1
Second Semester Hours Methods of Teaching Music (Meth. , Materiat <'ll Obs.) ___ 4 Harmony ---- ----- ---------- 2 English or Biology - --------- 4 Psychology or Principles of Teaching and Methods and Observation -------------- 4 Art ------------------------ 2 Voice or Major Instrument ___ 1
Sophomore Year. First Semester Hours Music Appreciation _____ ___ __ 2 Study of Instruments ________ 2 Practice Teaching Tn Music ___ 4 Physical Ed. 3a (!"ept. Req.) __ 1 Classroom Management ______ 2 Voice or Major Instrument ___ 1 Elective _________________ ___ 4
Second Semester H ours Study of Ins truments ________ 4 Hygiene -------------------- 2 Teaching (General Requirement) ---- -- - -- ----------- 2 Curriculum ----------------- 2 Voice or Major In strum ent_ ___ 1 Physical Ed. (General Requirement) ------ -------- ----- - 1 Elective - - - - ---------------- 5
For department courses see page 74. Students who enter the Freshman year with the intention of completing the four year course and who wish to earn a major or a minor in Public School Music should distribute the work offered in the special certificate course over the four years, (see page 23) in addition to the advanced work offered both in practical and applied music as directed by the head of the department, hi s adviser. See page 19 for A . B. degree requirements and page 72 for applied music credits allowed. Students r eturning to college to work for a degree wh o hold a Public School Music certificate may use music for a major. Additi onal work in applied music should be elected. (See page 72). Added experi ence in Orchestra and Chorus Conducting is advised . ADVANCED RURAL EDUCATION. 1. Upon completion of the first year's work the student maY re ceive an elementary s tate certificate. 2. Upon completion of the two year course the student may receive an Advanced Rural Certificate which is good in a ny rural, vil-
- - - - -- - - -- --- -
ta e or t own school in Nebraska for a period of t hree year s. After th~e~ year s of s uccessful teach ing experience on t his certif icate, the holder is ent itled to a Profess ional State Certificate good for life. 3. Students completing the two year Advanced Rura l Course will eceive the r egu lar normal school diploma and state certificate, good ~or three year s in any school in Nebraska. After two years of successful t eaching, the graduate is entitled to a professional life certificate. 4. Student s who plan to teach in rural schools should elect the course in Rura l Educat ion.
~ Courses r equired of all candidates for diplomas, (see page 28) 34 - hours Of t hese r equired courses, students in the Advanced Rural Educat ion Course must take: Principles of Teaching and Methods and Obser vation ___ Rura l
IL DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS . Rural School Management ___ __ ___ ___ _____ ___2 or 3 hours Community Leadership ____ - -·-------- -- -----------2 hours Penmanship ____ ____ __ ______ ___ ________ ____ ___ ___ l hour 5 or 6 hours
III. Electi ves ___ ____________ __________________ _________ 27 or 26 hours 66 h ours The following courses are suggested a s h elpful electives : gollege Grammar ______ ______ ___ __ _______ ___ ____ _2 hours General Geogr aph y _____ __ ______ _____________ ___ __2 hours Neograph y of t h e United States _____ _______ __ ___ _ _4 hours Vew _Europe __ __ ____ __ ____ __ ___ ___ __ ____ ______ __ 4 h our s P~dati on al Math ematics ____ ______ ___ __ ____ _____ __2 hours Pr· agogy of Secondary Mathematics ___ ____ __ ____ _2 hours Euimary Geography _____ __ __________ ___ _____ __ ___2 hours Un~~Pdan Background of American Histor y ________4 h ours Chi\a St ates History --· --- - ---- - - -- -- - -----------4 hours Tnt r en's Liter ature ____ _____________________ __ __2 hours Vit:pnediate W oodwork ____ __ __ _____ ____ _______ _ _4 hours Rura~zesi ~ gr icu l ture ____ ___ _______ ____ __ ___ ___ _ _4 hours l>Iaygro~~~ology --.-:- - -- -- -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- ____ __2 hour~ Superv1 s10 n ____ _____ ____ __ ___________ 2 hours
TWO YEAR COURSE. SUGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJECTS. Freshman Year. Fir st Semester Hours Second Semester Hours Psychology ___ __ ____________ 4 Biology or English I -- - ------ 4 Principles of Teaching and Music or Art ------ -- - ------ 2 Methods and Observation Rural School ManagemenL2 or 3 (rural) ___________________ 4 Community Leadership - - ---- 2 English I or Biology -- ------- 4 Penmanship' ----------- ----- 1 Art or Music -- ---------- - - - - 2 Physical Education --- -------- 1 E lectives ___ ___ __ ____ __ _____ 2 Electives - --- ---- - -- -----4 or 3
16 16 Sophomore Year. First Semestei· Hours Second Semester Hours Curriculum ---- - ----------- -- 2 Teaching ________ ________ 2 or 4 Teaching ___ _______ ______ 2 or 4 School Hygiene ----- -------- 2 Electives _______ __ ____ _13 or 11 Classroom Management ______ 2 Physical Education -- - ------- 1 Electives ______ _____ __ _10 or 8 17 17 Biological Nature Study may be substituted for Biology in t he Rura l Education Course. Students taking the Rural Education Course will observe in t he Training School, and in the Affiliated School in the open country. Students will be permitted to do some actual teaching in the Affiliated School. PROFESSIONAL LIFE STATE CERTIFICATE. For the Professional Life State Certificate the candidat e must <; ubmit proof of three years successful teaching experience before the No1·mal School diploma or degree is earned or two years successful experience after it is earned. A year as contemplated above must consist of at least six months. See page 28 for requirements for Normal School diploma and page 19 for requirements for degree. THE ELJ<--:MENTARY STATE CERTIFICATE. 1. For en trance to the course for this certificate the student shall present credentials conforming to Requirements for College Entrance, see page 2. To secure the Elementary State Certificate he shall submit indicated credits in the following college subjects: Biology or Nature Study __ ________ ____ _-4 semester hours Psychology ---- - --------------- --- -- - - -4 semester hours English ____ __ ___ ______ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ 4 semester houn Principle<> of Teaching and Methods and Observation -- -- - - -- - - - -- - ---- - - --- - 4 semester hours *Music -- - -- - - - - ---- ------ - - - - - - - ---- - --2 semester hours *Drawing -- - - - --- - -- ----- --- - - -- --- -- ---2 semester hours Electives __ ---- - - __________ ____ ________ __ __ 12 semester hours Total _____________ ____________ 32 semester hours
*These cr edits m ust consist of at least three hundred minutes per week given to th e subjects in study and pra ctice during one semester. The r equirements of the Elementary State Certificate are included in the F reshman year of each of the two year special certificate courses see page 28. Thi s enables the student to earn the Elementary State C~rtificate while completing one year of work in his selected course. The Advanced Rural Education Course is recommended for th ose who plan to t each at th e end of the freshman y ear. ELEMENTARY RURAL SCHOOL COURSE . Upon completion of t his course, th e candidate is gr an ted an Elementary Rural School Certificate, good for three years in the rural , village, and consolidate d schools of the State. It may be r enewed by twelve weeks additional att endance. ENTRANCE. Candidates desiring t o take the course leading t o the Elementary Rural Sch ool Certificate shall be 16 years of age as required by th e state law and shall present the following 16 high school credit points, or 8 units for entrance : English - -- ----- - ---- - -- -- ----- - - __ _____ ____ ____ 4 points European H istory - - - - - --- -- -- - - - - - --- - ----- - ---- - 2 points Algebra --- -------- - ------ ---- -- __ __ ____________ 2 points Bookkeeping ---- ---- -------- -------- -- ---- --- -- -1 point General Science or Physical Geograph y __ ___ ______ l point Botany -- --- - - - ---------- - - -- - - -- _____ ___ __ __ ___l point Agriculture ____ _____ _____ __ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ _____ __ l point Geometry --------------- --- - - --- - - - -- - - ---- - - - -- 2 points Latin or El~ ctives ----- ---------- --- -- - --- -- - ---- 2 points If the student does not submit these subjects for entrance credit and in lieu of them submits other credits acceptable to the institution, he must take these subjects for which he may' receive elective credit. (General Science or Physical Geography not required if Physics or Chemistry is taken for one year.) ELEMENTARY RURAL CERTIFICATE. A cour e for Secondary Credit, given in the Dem onstrati on H . S. TWO YEAR PROGRAM. First Year. A First Semester Points Second Semester Points merican History __ __ ____ ___ 1 American History --- - -- -- - - - 1 g~a.mmar and Orthography ___ 1 Manual Training or Domestic t'~1.cs - - -- -- - - -- -- ------- --- 1 Science - ----- -- -- - -- -- - -- - 1 a in or Elective ______ ___ ___ 1 Elementary Sociology _____ ___ 1 Elective or Latin _____________ J p¡ Second p 1r st Semester Points A~?fessi o~al Training __ ____ __ 1 PubJ~m~tic and Drawing ___ ___ 1 1 Phy .c chool Music ------- - --1h Ete!~?1ogy an d Hygiene ___ ___ 1 IVe __ ___ __ _____ _ __ _ __ ___ lh
Year. Second Semest er Points Professional Training __ ____ __ 1 Reading and Penmanship _____ 1 Geography - - - - - - - -- - - - ------ 1 Elective __ __ ___ ____ __ ___ ____ 1
COURSES OF INSTRUCTION. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Mr. Holch. Mr. Carter. In this department a minimum of fo ur hours is required of all candidates for the two year diploma. Any of co urses 1, 2, 3, or 7 will meet t his r equirement . Those majoring in Biology for t he A. B. degree may select any twenty hours from the following courses, with the exception of the cour se in Hygiene. 1. Botany: Plant Phys iology and Ecology-An introductory study of the life processes of plants. Absorption, transpir ation, photosynthesis, digestion, and respiration are briefly t r eat ed. Considerable attention is given to environm ental factors as reflected in the form and fun ction of plants. Habit faCtors governing the distribu ti on of plants and th e reaction of plants upon these factors. A ¡nature stud y treatment of the trees a nd weeds of the vicinity. A course which ever yone planning to teach botany should take. This course m eets the biology r equirement. First semester ; eight periods a week; four hours credit. 2. Botany: P lant Morphology-An introductory study of the structure, classification, and evolution of algae, fu ngi, liverwort s, m osses, f erns, conife r s, cycads, and flowering plants. This cours(', together with course 1 g ives a comprehensive one year's course in botany. This course meets the biology r equir ements. Second sem ester; eight periods a week; four hours credit. 3. College Zoology-A brief survey of tbe animal kingdom including a study of the differ ent a nimal ph yla, tracing the evolu ti on and development of the differ ent organic system s. T ype form s ar e given detailed study. This course meets the biology requirement. Each semester¡; eight hours attendan ce ; four hours credit. 4.. Genetics and Evolution-A stud y of the various theories of evolution and their exponents; the principles of her edity a s worked out by Mendel and others. Lectures, assigned readings, and class r ecitation s. Second semester ; four periods per week; four hour s credit. Prerequisite : a course in botany or zoology. 5. Biological Nature Study-Field and laboratory work on f eatures of the biological environment. Subjects sti.idied include brief consideration s of flow er s, weeds, trees, buds, stems, roots, leaves, seedlings, insects, birds, wild animals, domestic animals, etc. T he course is planned to meet the n eeds of those specializing in the E arly Elementary course and does not meet the biology requirement for any others, except that those taking the Rural Education course may be permitted to substitute this course for the required biology. Firs t semester; eight hours at tendance; four hours eredit.
6. Biology Met hods- A course in t he principles a nd practice of biology t eaching . Th is course carries cr edit either in the science dPpart ment or in t he education depa!'.tment. Prerquisite: a semester of either botany or zoology. Either semest er, by appointment on ly. 7. College Ph ys iology- A stud y of anatomy, physiology , a nd hygiene of t he hu ma n body, w ith special st udy of organ syst em s, and micr oscopic wor k on the hum a n t iss ues. Each semest er. Ei g ht hours attendance, includi ng laboratory ; four h ours credit. 8. H ygiene. See page 65. The foll owing cour ses are given fro m t ime to t ime as th e demand for them requ ir es. 9. Advan ced P la nt P hys iolog y- A somewh at detailed laborat ory and cla ssr oom stud y of ph otosynthesis, tran sportation , r espiration , absorpt ion, · me tab olis m, irri tability, gr owth, repr oduction , a nd a dap tation. F our h ours cr edit. Open only to Juniors a nd Seniors . 10. Histor y of B iology- A deta il d study of the histor y of biology, a nd bi ogr a ph y an d work of it s p rin cipal figures . T wo h ours cr edit. Open only to Junior s a nd Seni r s. 11. E ugeni cs- A st ud y of t he social sig ni fi ca nce of the biological contribu t ions of Mendel a nd hi s fo llower s. The a pplicati on of t h e laws · of her edit y t o huma n being s. Two h ours cr edi t . Open only to J uni ors and Sen ior s. 12. The Mutation T heo r y- A cri t ical stud y of t he N a t ur al Se lection Th eory of Ch arles Darwi n . Two h ours cr edi t. Open only t o Juni ors a nd Senior s. COMME R CE. Miss P alm er . Miss Irwin . A stud ent m ay do t he r egular teacher 's professional t r a ining work in addition to t h e r equired wor k in Commer ce. Upon completion of this course th e student ·will be g ranted a diploma and an additional certifi cate from th is depa rtm ent showing t hat h e is qualified to teach in a bu siness college or t h e business depar t m ent of any high school in Nebraska. Student s who wish to pr epar e fo r business positions can com plete the r equir ed course in one ye-a r . 1. Shorthan d, Gregg S ys tem- Manu al is comp leted. One hun dred twen t y- five pa ges of r eading required. F irst semester ; four hours a t t endan ce, four hours cr edit. 2. Comme r cial Law- A course designed to show, in a non-technieal manner , t he impor t ant factors of the common law affecting ordinary business transact ion s. F irst semester ; four hours attend ance ; f our hour s cr edit. 3. Ele mentary Acco untin g-This course deals with the fundamentals: debt and credit , journalizing, posting, trial balance, adjust -
ing and closing entries, balance sheet and profit and loss statements. Accounts peculiar to single! proprietorship an<;l. partnership are takea up. First and second semesters; four hours attendance; four houN< credit. 4. Advauced Accounting- Continuation of course 3. Multicolumnar books, analysis of income and expenditures, the organization capital stocks, dividends, surplus, reserves, depreciations and branch store accounts are among the features considered. Second semester four hours attendance; four hours credit. ' 5. Typewriting-Special attention is given to punctuati on, paragraphing and letter forms. Students may register for one . two three, or four hours work. First and second semesters, three hour~ attendance; one hour credit. 6. Advanced Shorthand- Continuation of course 1. Speed drills; transcribing and correspondence; general review of sten ographic principles. First and second semesters, four hours attendance; four hours credit. â&#x20AC;˘ 7. Advanced Dictation-Shorthand penmanship, writing and transcribing difficult matters, speed practice. Use of letter press and duplicating devices; filing. Students take dictation from differe nt members of the faculty and do other office work connected with the school. Second semester, four hours attendance; four hours cr edit. 8. Methods of Teaching Shorthand and Typewriting-Includes observation. Required subject for sophomores in this department. Second quarter, four hours attendance; two hours credit. 9. Penmanship- Legible, rapid, business writing is the chief aim . Palmer certificates are secured by those completing th e r equired work. First and second semesters, two hours attendance ; on e hour credit. 10. Orthography-Drills on lists of common words frequently misspelled. Analysis and application of simple rules. Devices and methods for teaching orthography in the high school. Summer School only. Three hours attendance; one hour credit. For two year program leading to a commercial certifi cate "ee. page 32.
PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology Theory of Education Principles of Teaching School Administration Rural Education Early Elementary Education General Electives Mr. Crago Mr. Clements Miss Tear Miss McCollum Miss Baldridge Mr. Baker A teacher:; college is primarily a professional school. A considerable body of knowledge based on scientific experiment is now available out of which a profession of teaching is developing. The cou!'ses in psychology, education and teacher training have the general purpose of making the student familiar with this body of professional knowledge. The department will not recommend students for positions f or which they have failed to make professional preparation. 1 an d 2. Introd uctor y Psychology-The course presents the accepted facts of psychology with the special purpose of applying them to the pr oblems of learning, teaching and personal development. It forms the scientific basis for the courses in Education. Textbook work is supplemented by laboratory exercises and demonstrations. First and second semester, four hours attendance; four hours credit. 23. (Formerly P sychology 4) Child P sychology-This course is concerned with the principles of the nature, growth and development of the child, a knowledge of which is fundamental to the successful management of children. The work is planned especially for elementary tea ch er s . P sychology 1 and 2 are p r erequi site. Four hours a t tendance; two hours credit. Fourth quarter. 36. P sychology of Leam in g-A study is made of the differen t types and laws of learning. T extbook work is supplemented by indi vidual an d group experiments. Not open to Freshmen. Four hours attendan ce; two hours credit. Third qu arter . 37. The P sych ology of School Subjects-The course deals w ith the rnentar processes as t h ey are active in t he different school subjects . Not open to Freshmen. F our hours atten dance; two hours credit . Fourth quar t er . 24. ( F ormerly P sychology 4 ) P sychology of Adolescence-A study of t~e physical, mental and socia l character istics of t he indi-
vidual during the a dolescent pe riod. Wi th this a s a bas is, t he course attemp t s t o develop an under standin g of t he p sychological principles und erlying t h e Juni or High or gani za t ion, articulation of the elementary a nd secondary school g rades, curri culum and othe r typical high school pr oblem s. P sych ology 1 a nd 2 are p r erequis ites. Open to J unior s a nd Sen ior s only by specia l app ointme nt . Four hours atte ndance; two h ours credit . Thir d quarter . T heory of Education. 42. Clas s room Ma n agement- The purpose of thi s cour se is to s uggest wa ys and means of meetin g t he ever yday practi cal problems that ever y tea ch er has to m ee t. The discussions and r eadings cover s uch t opics a s et hics for te ach er s, con structive di scipline, physical condition s of the classro oms, health and pla y direc tion , devi ces fo r r ating r ecitations and t eacher s, grading, pla nning lessons, attitude towa rd s sup ervis ion, adapting s ubject matter to individual needs, making a daily program, and the teacher 's obligation t o t he community. Offered first and third quarter s ; fo ur h ours a t te ndance; two hours cr edit. 3. The Cn:T icui um--Req uired in th e Soph omor e year for two yea r s of th e Thecr y of EJucati0n r equirement. Prer equis it es: pgycholog y, Principles of Teachin g , Obser vation a nd M eth ods. Four hours' :lttendance ; t wo h ours cr edit. Each s t udent should take t he coUTse which correlates with his h ourse in Principles of Tea chin g and in Methods a nd Observation . The second year is base d very definitely upon that of th e fir st, especially upon the s tudy m a de of the methods of t eachin g the sub jects of t he curri culum as obser ved in t he Training School. In the course listed below a stud y is made of the large principles of curri culum con struction and their r elation t o educational r esearch a nd experime ntat ion . The objectives ar e cons ider ed which determine th e selection, evalu a tion , orga ni zation and adaptation of subject-matter to t h e var ying age groups. 3d. Th e High Scho ol Curri culum. F ourth qua rter . 3e. Th e Junior High School Curriculum. Second quar ter . 3f The Element ary Curriculum. Third quarter. 3g. The E a rl y E lemen tar y Curri culum. First quar te r . Principles of Teaching. Prer equis ite to teaching. Required in t he F r eshman year of t hose wh o w ish to com plete the two year course . Thr ee hours of Principles of Teaching combin ed with one h our of Obser vat ion and Methods satisfi es t h e State r equiremen t for fo ur hou r s of Methods a nd Observation . Students wh o have earn ed fo ur h our s cr edit ma~â&#x20AC;˘ elect t wo addit ional h our s for elective cr edit . In Prin ciples of Tea ching , edu cational principl es wh ich are the
basis of t he general methods of good teaching are taught. In the orrelating course in Methods and Observation special methods of ~e subject s of the curriculum are discussed. Through observation of the children wh om he is later to teach, the student has opportunity to see th e practical illu strati on of both general and special methods. The two courses combined are planned to g ive to the freshman student t he fo llowing values: a. A sympathetic interest in children of the age group which h e ,expects to teach. b. A kn owledge of the best modern educational practice in many lines of work. c. An understandin g of large basic principles of education by which he may .evaluate school procedure. d. A g radual growth of the professional attitude which should be gain ed before he begins his practice teaching. Each student should enroll for the course which most nearly prepares him for the work w'.1ich he plans to teach. 8a. High School, for those who expect to teach in high school. Each semest er. 8b. J uni or H igh School, for those who expect to teach in grades seven or eig ht or in junior high school. Second semester. 8c. E lem entary, for those who expect to teach in grades three, four, five or six. Each semester . 8d. E arly Elementary, for those who expect to teach in the Kin dergart en or in grades one or two. First semester. E ach of t h e above, three hours attendance, three hours credit. Must be com bined with the required course in Methods and Observation. See Training School page 82. School Administration. ¡ School administration is a specialized field and calls for special training . Students who expecti to go out as superintendents or principals should consult with the head of the department or the Superintendent of t h e Training School, not later than the beginning of the fonior year. Students who plan to go out into a princ1palship or a superintende ncy should take psychology 36 or 37; education¡ 31, and 30a or 30b, and 5 or 26. St udents will be r ecommended for administrative positions by the department and by the Placement Bureau, only when adequate preparation for such positions has been made. 5. School Adm inistration-This course is organized to meet th e special needs of superintendents, principals, or students who wish to Prepare for a dministrative positions. Among the problems discussed ~re: selecting textbooks, the purchase of equipment and s upplies, Judging buildin gs, the janitor, selecting teachers, teachers meetings, school r ecords and reports, measuring instruction, classification and
promotiol!l of students, orgamzmg courses of study, supervision, an<l surveys. Open only to juniors and seniors except by special arrange. ment. Offered second quarter; four hours attendance; two hour -; credit. 26. Educational Survey- A study of existing surveys, and the methods used in the examination of a school system. Special emphesis will be placed upon the study of the small school system. The course is primarily for those who are preparing for a principalship or superintenden cy. The course in measur ements should precede this course. Open to juniors and seniors only. Four hours attendance: t wo hours credit. 6. Extra-curricular Activities-This cou r se has to do with the administration and direction of extra-curricular activities in the junior and senior high school. Person s who have specialized in the control of certain activities will be brought in for lectures or class di~ cussions. These discussions will be supplemented by readings and quizzes. The course is especially planned for superintendents and principals, but is open to any high school teacher above the sophomore year. Five hours attendance; two hours credit. Summer school only. Rural Ed ucation. 50a . Rural Primary Methods-Principles of Teaching and Rural Observation and Methods in primary grades of rural and small town schools. Methods in teaching beginning reading, educative seatwork, primary numbers, and language in the first four grades. Nebraska Elementary Course of Study emphasized. Credit in this course may be applied to meet the state board requirement in Methods. Four hours attendance. First quarter. Two hours credit. 50b. Rural School Intermediate and Grammar Grade MetltodsThis course covers work for the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. Nebraska Elementary Courses emphasized. Four hours atten dance . Second quarter. Two hours credit. 51. Rural School Management-A com·se to give teachers practical aid in the organization, management, and teaching of rural schools. Deals with administration of rural schools from the stand · point of the state, county and local district. Daily program and daily administrative problems to be co~sidered. Grounds, building , equipment, and consolidation of schools discussed. Four hours attendance: t hird quarter; two or three hours credit. 52. Parent-Teacher Association and Community Leadership Course--Course includes the plan of organizing the school as a social center; discussions for Parent-Teacher meetings; plans for commu nity activities. Relation of teacher to community. Leadership as a fac tor in developing the latent possibilities of agricultural commu nit i e~ . Four hours attendance; fourth quarter; two hours credit.
Vita lized Agr ic ul ture. *38. Theory. This course in vitalized agriculture consists of shop work, field trips, surveys, readings and lectures on the projects which ay be used in teach ing in the rural schools. It is planned to meet :e needs of t h ose progressive teachers who wish to motivate the work of the rural schools in their various communities. Ten hours attendance ; two hours credit. Summer school only. *Studen t s carrying course 38 should also carry course 39. 39. Methods. T his course will consist of observation of the work in vitalized agriculture by a group of childr en in the Training school. Demonstration lessons taught by the instructor will make up a part of the course. These will be supplemented with lectures and readings which will enable the teacher to go out into the rural schools and teach by the vitalized m eth ods. Special emphasis will be placed on thecorrelation of r egular school subjects. Five hours attendance; two hours credi t. Summ er school only. Early E lementary E du cation. These courses are planned especially for students who are taking the Early Elementary Education course. They are, however, open to all students for elective credit. 32. Manual Activities -P rinciples underlying the use of material in the early year of the child's education. Relation and p lace of Manual Activities in t h e curriculum. Experimen tal work in adjusting materials and t ools to the mental growth of the individual child. Four hours attendance; two ho urs cr edit . First semest er . 34. Plays and Games-Study of the fo lk games of many countries best adapted to t he use of the kindergarten and the lower grades. Building of original folk games. Rhythmical interpr etation of the most beloved st ories of childhood, combin ing the games, songs and rhythms of the little child into festival play, expressing those interests that a r e uppermost in his life, such as : Seasonal Changes, Christmas, Ci rcus Day, Means of Travel, and Children of Other Lands. Con st r uction of marionette theater and dolls. Study of importance in Geography, H istory and Engli sh. Two hours attendance; one hour credit. Secon d semester. 33. Story Telling- Selecting, adapting and tellin g of stories best ~uitecl to th e k in dergarten and lower grades. Analysis of type stories ~nd wr it ing of 01¡igi11al ~tories. Study of the American folk stories and the r elatio n of the story to the section of the country and the People from which it come ~. . Second semester; two hours attendance; t wo hours credit. l8. Children 's Liter atur A course for teachers of elementary grades. Guidance in children's reading. Acquaintance with good literature for ch 1"Id r en. Constant use of the library. . . two hours. T Credit wo hours attendance. First semester.
3g . Early Elementary Curri cu lum. See page 50 . 8d. Early Elmeentary Principles of Teachin g. See pages 50, 51. For the two year pr ograms leading to a n Ear ly Elementary Education certificate a nd an E leme nta r y Education certificate. See page
84. F or th e fo ur yea r program see page 23 . Ge ne ral E lectives . 27. History of E du cation in t he U ni ted St ates- A s tudy is made of educational leaders, beginning wit h Rou sseau. Thi s serves a s a backgro und for an understand ing of the development of public education in t he United States. Current educationa l problems r eceive special emphas is. Four h ours attendance; four h ours credit . F irst semester. Open to juniors and seni or s only. 28. E du cational Sociology- A study of the principles of sociology which form a basis for the und er standing of curr ent educationa l problems. Emphasis is placed up on the application of these pricniples to school problems. Not open to Freshmen. Three hours attendance; three hours cr edit. First semester. 30a. E du cation al Measurenients- Th e 'course emphasizes the significance of the testing movement, selection of tests, th e scor ing. tabulation, interpretation of results, the u ses that are made of standardized tests in th e elementary grades and a stud y of improvement in testing. Not open to FTeshmen. Four h ours attendance ; two h ours cr edit. Second quarter. 30b. E du cational Meas ure me nt s- Thi s course is s im.ilar to cour~e 30a, but deals with the problem of measUTement in high school subjects. Not open to Freshmen. Four hours attendance; two hours credit. Second quarter. 31. Mental Tes ting- The purpose of the course is that of acquainting teachers with th e nature and u ses of mental tes t s, anrl methods of adapting the sch ool to the needs of inferior a nd superior children. A study is made of the Binet tests a nd various standard group tests. The social a nd r acial significance of different degrees of intelligence is also emphas ized. P sychology 1 and 2 are prer equisites. F our h ours attendance; two h ours cr edit. First and fourth quarters . 40. Scou tm asters hip T r ainin g- A number of superint end ents and communities are now r ecognizing the value of boys' woTk in its r elation to the work of the public schools. They are asking that the young men who teach in their schools be prepar ed to handle boys' gToups such as Boy Scout Troops, Hi-Y, and similar organizations. Becau se of thi s t endency th e cou r se in Scoutmastershi p Train ing is being offered to help the young m en to prepare themselves for this line of community work. Th e co ur ~e involves three essen t ia l f :ictor~: (1) The problems of boyhood a nd the r elation of the obj ect ives of the Scout movement to those problems; (2) The technique of Scoutcraft; (3) The Educational Principles governing the meth ods of
¡ the Scout P rogram so as to affor d opportunity for boys presenting to develop them selves m os~ efficient ly. F our t h quarter; four hours attendance; tw o hours cr edi t. Closed to Freshmen. 41. Camp F ire T rainin g- T he course train s young women f or leaders of camp fir e girls. It g ives the scope and aim of the proam of Camp F ir e g irls ; how the Camp F ire does its work ; symfoli sm, camp fire programs and activit ies. Specia l poin ts for emphasis: organization and out-of-door activities. Three hours attendance; one hour cr edi t . F irst quarter . ENGLISH LA NGUAGE AN D LITER ATU R E.
Mr. Beck Mi ss Mendham Mr. Willhoft Mi ss F aulha ber Mi ss P et er sen Mrs. Dunning Mi ss Brand t Before t he department can r ecommend a student for Engli sh teaching in t he H igh School, the student will have t aken English 1, 2, 5, 15, and 55. Th ose wh o major in Engli sh for t he A. B. degr ee will take E ngli sh 1, 2, 5, 15, 16, 55, and t en h ours elective, a t otal of twenty-eigh t hours. 1. English Composition- Thi s course is r eq uired of all fresh men. Instructi on and practi ce in compositi on. U se of the library and cultivation of the r eadin g habit. Each semest er and summer. Four hours att en dan ce. Four hours cr edit. 2. Background s of Li terature- This course introdu ces t he student to th e great master s of t he liter ature of the world. Occidental literature stressed; Oriental literature included. Prer equi site English 1. Four hours attenda nce . F our h ours cr edit. 3. English Litera t ure- Thi s course includes a car eful study of characteristic wor k s of successive periods in English literat ure from the Elizabethans t o Burns as an expression of t he th ou ght of the Periods. Prer equi site Engli sh 1. Offe r ed alternate year s. F our hours attendance. Cr edit four h ours. 4. English Lite ra t ure- A cont inuati on of English 3. It covers ~he period from Burn s to t he Wor ld W ar . Prer equisit e E n glish 3. our hours attendance. Credit four h ours. 15. College Gr am mar- A cour se in t h e grammar of the E nglish 1 tnguage. Some t im e is given to t he bothersome English idioms and ~ teaching method s. First semester a nd summ er s. Two hours atndance. Cr edit two hours . 16. Advan ced Composition-Study and pr actice in exposition and
narration. Criticism offered. First semes ter. Prerequistite English 1 and 2. Three h ours attendance . Three hours cr edit. 5a. Teaching of High School English- A course in the methods and content of high school English. Teachers of English should enr oll for this course . Prerequisite English 1 and four hours of Methods. T hr ee hours attendance. Credit three hours. 5b. Teaching of Junior High School English- A course in the :meth ods and content of junior high school English with some attention given to work in the elementary grades. Teachers in junior high schools should enroll for this cour se. Prerequisite English 1 and four hours of Methods. Second semester. Two hours attendance. Two h ours credit. 14. News ¡writing- Study and practice in news writing. This class publishes the "Peru Pedagogian." It aims to fit t eachers to manage high school publications. Not open to Fres hmen except by special permission. Each semester and summer. Two or four hours credit. 17. Shakespeare-Four of the following dramas will be studied in detail: Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, King Lear, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, King Richard 11, The Winter's Tale, Twelfth Night, Cymbeline. Not open to Freshmen. Four hours attendance. Fout hours credit. 18. American Short-Story- A study of the short-story form in America from Irving to 0. Henry. and the current writeri:f. Many stories are read. Text: Pattee's "Development of th e Am erican Short-Story." Four hours attendance . First quarter, cr edit two hours. 19. Short-Story Technique--A study of the technique of the Short-Story. Many stories are read to illustrate technical p oints. English, French, Russian, Italian, Scandinavian and German stories are included. Four hours attendance. Second quarter, credit t wo hours. 20. Writing the Short-Story-A course for writers . Making plot books. Club room discussion of original plots and stories. Story marketing. Prerequisite English 1, 18, 19. See instructor before enrolling. Two hours attendance. Credit two hours. 32. Writing the Feature Story- A course for writer s. Club room discussion of original material. Text: Bleyer's "Special F eature Articles." Prerequisite English 1 and English 16 or the equivalent. Alternate years. Two hours attendance. Two hours credit. 12. The Modern Novel-A study of the n ovel since the days of Jane Austen . A detail study of Austen's "Pride and Prejudice." Meredith's "Ordeal of Richard Feverel," and Hardy's "Return of th e '1\ative." Text: Bliss Perry's "Study of Prose Fiction." Summers and by corr espondence. Two hours attendance. Credit two or fo ur hours. 21. Emerson-A thorough study of the great Amer ican saire¡
"Essays: First and Second Series" are stressed. Some attention is paid to Emer son's contemp.or~ries, especi~lly to the Concord group. Alternate years. Open to JUmors and semors only. Three hours attenda nce. Three hours credit. 11. Tennyson-A careful study of the lyrics and the "Idylls of the Kin g " or "The Princess." Two hours attendance. Credit two hours. 22. B rownin g- A careful study of the shorter dramatic monoJog ues a nd such dramas as "Luria," "Return of the Druses," and "Pippa Passes." Or a s tudy of the "The Ring and the Book." Prerequisite Eng lish 1 and 2. Three hours attendance. Credit three hours. 23. Cha ucer- The grammar and literature of Chaucer. Selection s from the "The Canterbury Tales." Open to juniors and seniors only. See instructor. Three hours attendance. Credit three hours. 24. A mer ican Litera ture- This course covers American Literature from t he colon ial writers to the twentieth centur y. It is given alterna te years with English literature. Three hours attendance. Credi t t hr ee hou r s. 13. A rg um entation and Debate-The theory and practice of argumel")tation and debate . The course is especially designed for intercollegiate debaters. Prerequi site eight hours of English. See instructor. Three hours attendance. Credit three hours. 3:3. Bibli ogr ap h y- This course consists of a study of the development , description, and history of books and manuscripts. It is recommend ed only to those who have a true love of t he physical make-up of books. Lecture s, assignments, class discussions. Not open to Freshmen. Two hou r s attendance. Two hours credit.
25. Bible- The bible as literature. A classroom cour se in the Book of Books. Second se mester. Two hours attendan ce. Two hours eredi t . 29. The E n glis h Dra ma- This course covers English drama from the miracle pla ys to Shaw a nd Galsworthy. The Greek and Latin backg r oun d is str essed. Four hours attendance. Credit four hours. 30. Mode rn- Poetry- A course in American and English poets and Poetry since the Victorians. Special attention will be given to materi a l that may be used by tea cher s. Summers. Two hours credit. d 31. Recreational Read ing- Students select their own reading uner super vision. Reading is so mewhat supervised. Informal talks.
GENERAL CATALOG Second se meste r and s umm er s. cr edit.
Two hours a t te ndan ce .
One hou 1
58. Modern Drama- A stud y of the r ece nt European an d Ame r ican pla ys . Attention given to th e modern thea tr e and moden' id e a ~ of stagec raft. Alterna te years with ENGLISH DRA M_i\ 29. F our h ours att endance. Four h our s credit. Speec h Education. 52. Literary Inteq>retation- The stud y and oral in terpretation of all form s of li terature. Each sem es ter. Three hours attendan ce. Credit t hree h ours . 53. Liter ary In te r pretation- A continuati on of E ng lis h 52. T hree h ours attendan ce. Cr edit three hours . 54. Extem 1>0ra neo us S peaki ng- The organization and delivery. of all types of speeches, and the study of r epresentative sp eech es of ea ch type. Two hours atte nd a nce. Cr edi t two hours . 55. P lay Produ ction- A course in practical stage direction , anrl in dramatic technique desig ned to enable the studen t to dire ct amateur play s in sch oo ls and communities . Some practice. Three hours attendan ce . Credit three hours . Each sem ester. 56. P ublic School Readin g- A course to help teachers with oral reading in th e public s chools. Certificate reading. Summ ers a nd study center. Two hours attendance. Credit two hours. 57. Ad va nced P lay Produ ction- Practice in coaching plays. Scene building a nd lighting . See in stru ctor. Prerequi site English 52 and 55. T wo hours attendance. Credi t two hours . Private lesson s in platform reading or in speech delivery are given at the cost of one dollar per lesson, a period of thirty minu tes. 59 . P a n to mime- Study of expres ion through patomim e, the framework up on which dramati c con struction depends. Two hours attendance. Two hours cr edit. Each se m ester. 60. Oral Co mp osit ion- Th e co urse cons ists chi efl y of drill in speech improvem en t: pronunciation, enun ciation, a nd di ction . A dapted to t h e n eeds of teachers and to those desiring to improve th eir speech habits . Two hou r s a t te nda nce . Two h ours credit. ¡Greek a nd R oma n Myt hology- See Latin 9. Story Telling-See Education 33. Children's Lite r ature- See Education 18 .
FINE ARTS. Miss Kettunen The courses in th is department a r e planned fo r teachers in the elementary gr ades, who desire to become acq uain te d with the methods of teaching and to develop skill necessar y to depi ct facts, ideas and impressions in graphic lan g uage. They a lso a im to cultivate an ap-
preciation of the arts. Studen ts who wish to qualify as special teacher of art in town and city schools, should complete courses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 together with th e r equired work of the college. 1. Drawing and P a int in g- Draw ing in ch arcoal a nd painting in water colors an d oils fr om studi es of still life and flowers. Studio course-students placed a nd ad vanced according to individual abilities. Four hours attendan ce ; four hours credit; first semest er.
2. Drawing and P a intin g II- Prerequisite Course I or its equivalent. A con t inu ation of Course I. Study of Pictorial and Decorative Compositi on u sin g still life, flow er s, figure s a nd stor ies. Second semester, fo ur h ours attendan ce, four hours credit. 3. Des ig n- Draw ing of designs from a na lys is drawings of nature forms. All design s appl ied. Study made of stenciling, block printing, parchment pa in ting a nd batik. Required of Home Economi cs students . First semester, fou r hours attendance, four hours credi t . 4. Indu strial Ar t- A course for teachers of interm ediate grades and junior hi gh sch ool in cr afts work includ in g the ·tudy of the following: book-bindin g , mode li ng, ba s ketr y. Second quarter , four h ou r s attendance, two hours cred it. 5. Method s in A rt - A teach e r s' cou r se . Prer eq ui s ite , General Art 8 or 9. The co urse in cl ud es a di scuss ion of the valu e of art in education; its r ela t ion to ot her subjec ts and to industries; and the meth ods of tea ch in g drawing in th e grades, the planning of lesson s and of a course of s tud y. T hird q ua r te r , four hours attendance, two hourn credit . . 6. .\r t Hi s tory an d Ap preciation- Pre r equ isite fo r art students History of Antiqui ty (See Hi stor y Depar tm en t). A s hor t course ~lanned to g ive so me a p preciation of the wor ld's g r eat pictures, sculpure a nd archi tectu r e. A discu ss ion of pictures for study and classr oom decoIa · t.ion . May be s ubs tituted · for general art 8 and 9 by th ose :Jan ning to te ach in hi gh sch ool. Four th quarter, four hours attenan ce, two hour s cr edit . 7.
Modelin g- A s t udy of th e process of mod eling and pottery
building a dapted t o grade teachers . S tor y ill u st ra tio n. ter . four hours att endan ce, t wo hours cr edit.
First quar-
Gen er al Art 8 or 9 (Drawing) r equired of all graduates. T his cour se is presented wit h a view toward t ea ch ing t he prospective t eacher how t o present ar t to childr en . 8. Ge neral Art-Drawing and pain ting fo r primar y an d in termediate t eachers- fi r st quar ter. P ost er wor k , letterin g, basketry, book-binding, etc.- second quar t er . First and second semester s , four hour s attendance, two hours cr edit . 9. General A r t- Drawing and paint ing fo r upper grades an d j unior high teacher s-first quart er. Post er work , letter ing , manual projects, book-binding, etc.- secon d quar t er . First and second sem ester, fo ur h ours attendan ce, t wo ho ur s cr edit. 9a. Drawing For Rural Teacher s - Mediu ms adapted t o all grades . E mphasis is placed up on in terest s of t he country child a nd m aterial found in his com mun ity . Summer , f our h ours attendan ce , four hours pr epar ation, two hours cr edit. 9b. Certificate Drawing- A course for th ose pr eparing t o take t he stat e examination. Offered in summer only . F our hours attendance, n o prepar ation, one hour cr edit. (Not a subst itute f or any of r equired ar t for cer tificate, diplom a or degr ee iss ued by th is in stit ut ion). 10. Teaching- F our b oursl teaching in the grades is r equir ed of all who complet e t h e cour se. P r er equisite courses 1 and 2; al so 5 or taken same sem ester . 11. A dvanced Drawing and Painting- Open to s tuden t s doing a dvan ced work. F ir st and second sem ester; four hours att endance; four h ours cr edit . Toy Making- Course 11 in Manual Arts Departm ent program. F or two year program leadin g to an ar t cer t ificate see page 40 . DEPARTME NT OF GEOGRAPHY . Mr. Claybu rn Studen ts wishing to tak e a ma jor in Geography for the A. B. degree should complete courses 1, 9, and 11, and eight hour s electives. Students t aking a minor in Geog-raphy should take Geography 1. and eight hour s electives. 1. General Geography- An introduct or y study of the mut ual relations between man and t h e elem ents of t h e n atur al environment. The course aim s to develop a clear conception of emrir onmental ele-
uch as climate, land form s, soils, m ineral deposits, a nd natiYe Jllen t s S . . tion a nd to show t he var10us adJustments of people to them , ta vege ' . . selected r egions bemg tafkenhas t he udmts of study. First semester, Four hours attendance, our ours ere it. 2. Prima r y Geography- Home and World Geography. The selection and a daptation of subjects and materials suitable for the first fo ur g r ades. Third quarter, four hours attendance, two hours c.Tedit. 3. Geographic I nfluences in American His tory- The geography of the United States in the past. The relation between earth condi tions and earth res ources on the one hand, and the settlement a nd de ve lopment of the country on t he othel'; the adjustments of a rapidly expanding people to varied environm ents, a nd how they have helped to bring ab out pr esent da y condition s. Geography 11 and History 12a or 13 r ecom mended a s prer<:quisites. Fourth quarter, four hours attendance, t wo hour s credit. 4. Economic Goograp hy-Treats of the geographic principles underlying the present and future economic development of the different countries, special emphasis being given the geographic distribution of the principa l mineral resources and non-mineral groups and the development of in dustries directly dependent upon them. Second semester, four hours attendance, fo ur hours credit. 5. General Geolog y- A discussion of dynamic and structural geology, ahd t he leadin g facts and more important events of historical geology. Emphasis p laced on the geological history of North America. Laborator y work consists of field trips, examination and determinat ion of miner als and rocks, and identification of certain index fo ssils. First sem ester. Four hours attendance. three hours la boratory, four hours cr edit. Closed to freshmen. 6. Geogra phy of Ne bras ka-Treats of Nebra ska's conditions; past, present, and future based on a study of the soil regions, climate, r esources, agr icultural a n d industr ial development of the state. Second quarter . F our h ours attendance, two hours credit. .
9. The N ew Europe-A regional study of the European countries made, emphasizing relief, climate, resources, government and industrial development. Special attention is given to changes in the ~ap of E urope and t h e geogr aphic problems made prominent by the s:eat War. The stu dy is correlated closely with Eur opean History. cond semest er , fo ur hours attendance, four hours credit. Closed t o F reshmen. 18
Clim ateology-A study of the meterological elements which
~o t o make up climates; classification of climatic types; climatic
/Pes as human cont r ols; the work of the United States Weather B ud:~u. Prerequisite Geography 1. Fourth quarter, four hours atten ce, two hours cr edit.
11. Geog raphy of t he U ni ted States-A study of the natur al regions of the cou ntr y. Emphasis is given the development of major r esources and industries such as agriculture, mining, manufact uring, and transportation, and the fun damen tal geographic conditions cont rolling each. Aids in an i nterpretation of A mer ican History . F ir st semes ter , four hours attendance, four hours credit. 12. Latin A me rica- A detailed study of th e geographical and industrial cond itions of the central and South American countries. Em phas is is placed on trade re lations . First qu arter, four hours a ttendance, two hours credit. 14·. The Teachin g of Geog raph y in Junior and Senior H igh School s- A cour se designe d for junior and senior high school teachf' ! "S a n d s uper visors. Topics treated : The modern point of view in geography, scope of the subject in grades VII-XII, contribution of geography to second ary education, principles und erl ying th e selection a nd organ ization of material, selected units of geographical study. Prerequisite Geogr aphy 1 a nd 4. Summer, 1927, five hours attenda nce, two hours credit.
HISTORY A ND OTHE R SOCIAL SCIENCES. Mr. Chatelain Mr. Brown Mr . W illh oft 1. E uropean Back g round of A me rican His tary- An attem pt at tracing of the condi tions in E urope that led to the discovery an d colonization of A merica and t he separation of t he coloni es fr om European cont r ol. F our hours atte ndance; fo ur hours cr edi t . 2. Teachers Course in History and Oth e r Social Sci e nces- History a dapted to meet t he needs of hig h sch ool a nd elemen tary school teacher s . P r erequisites for t h is course are eig h t hours in history. This course may coun t as hi stor y or education cr edit for h istor y student s . Second semester. Four hours attendance; four hours credit. Not open to F r esh men. 2a. Subject Matte r and Method s in Current His tor y- A co urse in the meth ods a n d subject m atter of cur r en t events, arranged for histor y t eachers, in a fie ld t he emphasis u pon whi ch is constantly increasing. Five hours attend a nce; two hours cre di t . Summer school only. 3. Eighteenth Century E urope (1700-1815)- Specia l emphasis on the F r ench Revolu t ion a n d the Napoleoni c E r a and the ir influ ence on European hi story. Four h ours attendance; four hours credit. 4. Nineteenth Century E urope (1 815-1900)- The period of re· action, the g rowth of liberalism, development of nationality, causes and r esults of E uropean wars duri ng the, 19th cen t ury. European el(·
pansion during t he 19th centur y. First se mes ter. F our hours attenda nce; four hours credi t . 25. Tw.e nt ieth Centur y H is tor y- An anal ys is of t he rise of Im erialism and its culmination in th e Grea t W ar, a s well a s a s tudy of pther causes of t he Great War ; th e events of 191 4-18 ; t he peace a nd ~ts consequ ences. Second semester, fo ur h ours attend ance ; fo ur hour s credi t. 7. E n g li s h Hi s tory- A g eneral course w ith special emph as is on overnm ent a nd imperia lism . Second se mes ter, fo ur hours a lte ndg; â&#x20AC;˘ a nce, f our hours credi t. 12. A me r ican H is tor y t o 1789- Europea n backgr oun d fo r ea r ly settlement s ; coloni a l settlements and p olicy ; the cau ses f or the Revolution ; th e set tlem en t ; th e Conf ederati on a nd the Co nstituti on . Fo ur hour s attend a nce, fo ur hou r s cr ed it . 12a. S ur ve y of A meri ca n H is tor y- A brief r ev iew of coloni al peri od fo llowed by a complet e st udy of the Uni te d States as a nation with emphas is on th e g r owt h of t he constitution an d our in st itutions. Emph asis on th e period from 1789-1877. F ir st sem ester , four hours attend ance; four h ours cr edit. 13. His tory of th e U nited States 1789-187 7- Empha sis on constituti ona l gro wth a nd expa ns ion, te rri torial growth, slavery, a nd in dustria l developmen t. F our h ours attendance; fo ur h ours cr edit. 14. Uni ted St ates Hi story, 1877-1925-Uni ted State s as a wor ld power ; confli ct s between capit al a nd labor ; W orld W ar a nd r ecent issues. F our h ours attendance ; fou r hours credit. Secon d se mester. 14a. Recent Mo ve ment s in Modern Gover nme nt- Lectures and readings on governm ent by p ublic opini on ; proportiona l r epresenta tion; immigration ; tend encies and materi a ls in socia lism, a narch ism , bolshevism , s yndica lis m , laboris m, and Am e ri cani s m ; a nd t heir effects on governments. Summer school only. (Not open to Freshmen) . Four hours cr edi t. 15. Hi s tory of A nt iqui ty- T rac ing t he E gypt ia n , Phoenician, Assyri a n. Persia n , Gr ee k, and R oma n civilization , and the eff ect of each upon our presen t civilization. First sem ester. Four hours attendan ce, fo ur hours cr edi t . 16. Recent Proble ms in Wo rld P oli t ics- A study of a llia nces, complications a nd wars since 1815 ; the effect of t hese up on E urope ; the causes a nd r es ul t s of th e W orld War ; t he N ear Eas t¡ th e F ar East ; Leagu e of Nations; W ashington confere nce a nd curr:n t topics . (Open to juniors an d seni or s only ) . Summer sch ool only. Two hours credit. d . 24. New Viewpoin ts in A me ri ca n a nd 'World Hi sto r y- A course t esigned t o call t he atte nt ion of t he stud ent expectin g to tea ch history 0 new fa cts a nd new in ter pr etation s in subject matter. Illustr ations
of the shifting emphasis to social and economic, as well a s other, problems will be provided. (It is desirable that some college history shall have been already taken, as a prerequisite for this course. Others seeking admission should obtain the permission of the department). Two hours credit. Summer only. Political Economy, Sociology, Political Scie11ce. 18. Citizenship and Politics-This is a course designed to meet the needs of teachers as well as any American citizen. The aim is to make our people better citizens and more enlightened lawmakers. Special emphasis is placed on immigration, naturalization, registration lawmaking, voting, elections, political parties, requisites of good citi'. zenship and community civics. Required of students taking Elementary Education course, and ¡History major. Second semester, four hours attendance, four hours credit. 20. Sociology-A study of society, its origin, growth, structur e and activities. First semester. Four hours attendance, four hours credit. 21. Political Economy-Preliminary View of Economics-The industrial organization of society; occupation and division of labor; production, exchange and distribution of wealth; wages, interest; r ent an d profit; rise and fall of prices; transportation; domestic and forei gn trade; protection; trusts and trade unions; socialism. Second semester. Four hours attendance, four hours credit. Not open to Freshmen without the special permission of the department. 22. Advanced Rural Sociology- A study of the essentials of country and village life. For t eachers of experience and principals of rural and consolidated schools. Summer school only; t wo hou rs credit. 23_ Rural Economics- Given by corr espondence onl y. Argumentation an~ Debate-See English 13. Departmental Requirements . Two-year course for City and Rural t each er s. Choose ONE from the following group: American Government ___ __ ______ ____ __ four hours U. S. History, to 1877 _________________ four hours U. S. History, 1877-1925 ___ ____________ four hours 19th Century Europe __ ______ __________ four hours English History ________ __ _____________ four hours Every graduate of the two year course should have at least FOU R HOURS credit in History or American Governm en t. 2. A History major of 20 hours for an A. B. degree will inclu de course 2 and 18. A History minor of 12 hours will include course 14. A Social Science major of 20 hours will include courses 2 and is . A Social Science minor of 12 hours will include course 20. For the Social Science sequence it is possible by special permission of the de1.
PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE partmen t to offer if necessa r y certain cou r ses in Geography. es 3 and 9 are suggested).
3. A student who expects to teach Histor y in the junior or senior hig h school should have earned at least twelve semester hours .in Histor y. No s tudent should expect to be recommended by the History Departm ent unl ess he has had th r ee co urses in Histor y.
When j uniors and seniors take cour ses which are open to freshmen and sophomores additional work is required in order to earn full credit. Stu dents taking such courses must co nsult with the instructor. HOME ECONOMI CS. The co urses in this department are planned primari ly to prepar e student" fo r teach ing H ome Econom ics in elemen tary a n d high schooh. I. Food Stud y-A study of the fu ndamen tal principles and process. of cooking, comparison of cost, composition , and nutritive value (}f foods, plann ing and servi ng s imple meals. First se m ester. Four hours lab ora to r y, two hours recitatio n; two hou r s credit. 2. Food Stud y- A co ntinuation of course 1. Four hours laboratory, tw o hours r ecitati on; two ho urs cr edit. 3. Advan ced Food Study- Thi s course includes food preservation, marketin g , an app lication of the principles of cooking to the more complicated proces s of food p r eparation, a s tudy of the dietetic needs of the bod y under var ying conditions; the pla nned a nd servin gof meals of vari ous t ypes a nd fo rm s of ser vice. First se m ester; four hours laboratory, two hours recitation; two hours credit. 4-. Advanced Food Study-A con t inuati on of F ood 3. Second semester, fo ur h our s laboratory, two hours recitat ion; two hours credit.
5. Clothin g- Application of fundamental stitches to simple garments of washable materials. Si mple a nd decorativ e embroider y stitches. Suitability of line and col or to variou s types considered . Textiles tak en up from the standp oin t of selection of materials. First semester. Four h ours laboratory t wo hours recitation· two hours credit. ' ' 6. Clothing- Desig nin g, cutting and making outer garments for adults and children, various materia ls used. Study a nd compari son of materials from stand po in t of consum er, id en tificat ion of material s by simple tests. Emphasizes th eeconom ic a nd artistic side of dress. Prer eqms1 · ·te C lothing 5. Seco nd se mes ter. Four h ou r s laboraton:, two hours r eci tati on ; fo ur hours credit .
. 7. Hom e Mana ge me nt- Stud y of house, t he planning, standards ;fteheJudging commercial furni sh ings , b udget studies, household accoun ts. ge neral econ omics of the First sem este r . Fou r hours ath orrn' .
ndan ce, t wo h ours credi t.
GENERAL CATALOG 8. Home Economics Methods-A s urvey of Home E conomic-;; examination and formu lation of co urses of study; a study of problems conn ected with text books, references, illus trative material a nd equipment; m e thods of presentation with specia l problems in fo ods, clothing, home management, health and other phases vita l to th" Hom e Economics teacher. First sem ester. Two hours credit. P n¡r equisites Food 1 and 2 and Cloth ing 5 and 6. HY GIENE. Mr. Graf Miss T olin Miss R oot
Ho me H ygie ne and Care of t he S ick- A co urse designed to make possible earlier r ecogni t ion of symptom s of disease and physical defects ; to greater care in guarding against communicable disease. Practical dem onstrations in bedside car e of the s ick , also ph ysical examinations of school children. Each sem es ter. two hours attendance; two hours credit. 5. School Hygiene and H ealth Education- A course which will help t eac hers to train t he ch ildren in health h a.bits, health attitu des and health kn owledge. Each semetser , two hours attendance; two hours cr edit. Personal H yg ie ne for Men- See Phys ical E ducation for Men. LATI N . Miss Cla r k M i s~
letters. Grammar, co mpositi on and I. Cicero-Orations and English derivati ves continu ed . Special s tress upon t he influence of th ought and fe elin g- upon t he sen tence. First se m este r. f our hours attendance; four hours cr edit. Seco nd se mes te r. four 2. Cicero-Continuation of co urse 1. hours attendance; four hours cr edit. 3. Vergil- Th e A eneid with practi ce in scanning a nd metrical reading. Interpreta t ion of th e r e ligiou s and patrioti c th em e of t he poem . along with t he s tory. Special stress up on th e literar y qu ali t i e~ of the epic. F irst sem ester , four hours atte nd a nce ; four hours credit. 4. Vergil-Con t inuation of co ur se :;, Second se mester . fou r hours atte nd ance; :four h ours cred it. !i. Horace-Odes. Study: of lyr ic m et e r s used by H orace . Spt' cial s tress u pon his writings a s pi cturing t he life of t h Augu stan A ge. Open to studen ts who have h a d four years of Latin. Fir. t quarter. four hou r s attenda nce ; two h ours cr <:' dit.
Horace-Satir es and Epistles. Continuation of course 5. Set:-
ond quarter, four hour attendance; two hours credit. 7. Ovid or Sallus t--Alternates \vit h Cour se 8-0pen to students
who ha ve b ad three years of Latin. Fourth quarter, four hours a t tendance ; two h ours credit. 8. Livy, Tacit us, Cicero's De A micit ia or De Senectute- or some other aut hor ch osen to meet the wishes of the class. Open to students who have h ad four years of Latin. May alternate with course 7. Tli.ird quar ter , fou r hours attendance; two hours credit. 9. Gree k a nd Roma n Myth ology-The principal myths in relation to nature, a r t, liter ature and astronomy. May alternate with course 8 in third quarter . Open to all students. Recommended for primary and kinder g ar t en t eachers as well as those preparing for Lation and English . T hird qua r ter, four hours attendance; two hours credit. 10. Teacher s' Lati n-A course in methods a n d grammar review. Required fo r those wishing to be recommended for teaching Latin. First qu ar ter a nd summer school, four hours attendance; two hours credit. Latin Major-24 hours, (three years above Latin en trance requirement.) Latin Minor- 12 h ou r s, (one year above Lati n entrance requiremen ts p lus cou r se 10 ). For r ecommendat ion for tigh school teachi ng a student mus t ha ve had at least thr ee years of Latin a nd cour se 10. SPANISH. Miss Cla r k The cou r se in Spanish aim at facility in th e use of Spanish, along with some knowledge and appr eciation of the best Spanish lit erature and an acqua in tance with th e life and custom of Spanish speaking peoples. Spanish !- ( Beginn ing Spanish ) Master y of fu nd amentals; pronunciation ; vocabula r y; accu r acy in forms; construction and idioms. Translation from E nglish to Spanish a nd from Spanish to English; easy conversation. First semester, four hours attendance; four hours credit. Spanis h 2-Con t inuation of Span ish 1, wit h Spani sh games and conver sation . Second semester four hours attenda nce¡ four hours credit. ' ' Spani s h 3-Spanis h literature, pr ose a nd verse; games an d conver~ation ; simple forms of correspond en ce. F irst semester , fo ur hours
~t ndance; four hours credit. Spanis h 4-Con tinuation of Spanish 3. ho1 1rs a t t enda nce; four hours credit.
Second semester , four
Spanis h 5- Spanish litera ture continued; conversation ; business and social correspondence. First se mester, fo ur hours attendance; four hours credit. Span i h 6-Continuation of Spani sh 5. Second sem ester ; four hours attendance; four hours credit. The last quarter will include aims and methods for teach er s with a brief review of pronunciation syntax and everyday idiom s. Thi quarter w ill be offered in s umm e1'. school als o, with two hours cr edit. Re co mmended for s tuden t s major, ing or minoring in Spanish . Spanish Major-24 hours, (three year s ab ove Latin entran ce requiremen t). Spanish Minor- 16 hours, (two years above La.tin entrnnce requirement) .
MANUAL ART Mr. Lai¡son In prepar ing to teach the Manual Ar t s , in Nebraska, th e st udent s hould know t hat, except in a very limi ted number of p laces, th e Ma nual Arts in s tructor is expected to teach m or e t han one sub ject. A frequent combi nation is that of Manua l Arts and Athletics. Oth er combinations ru:¡e made with Science, Mathematics a nd Agricu l ture. When specializing in the Manual A r ts, studen ts shoul d ha ve the e fa cts in mind a nd prepare to teach at least one other subject. 1. Intermediate " 'oodwork-A teacher s' cou r se in woodw ork for intermed iate and junior high school grades. This course aims to develop a h igh g rad e of technic in handling woodwork ing tools and materials wh ile maki n g of projects a nd teachin g materi al s su ited t,o t he above grades . Fo r freshme n, f irst se mes ter and summer sthoo l, eight hours attenda nce, two hours pre paration; fo ur hours cred it . Prerequ is ite high sch ool cr ed it in woodwork . R equ ired for special cer t ificat e. Fee $3.50 plu s material depos it of S3 .00 . 2. Cabinet Making- Thi s cou r se is designed to prepare t he stu dent to teach t he advan ced work of t he se n ior high school. Machinery is used to speed up the work and g ive a wider scope in too l opera tions an dfo r rn s of construction, a nd to fa mili a ri ze th e student w ith the care a nd use of the w oodworkin g machi nes . Seco nd semester. eigh t hours attendan ce, two h ours preparation; fou r h ours credit. E lective. Fee 83.50 plu s material deposit of 85.00. 3. Forging- This co urse is p la nn ed to g ive Manual Ar ts studen ts a broader backgr ound of handwo rk a nd k nowledge of m aterials ~n order that tlwy may h ave a ba ~is for th e metal work in farm rnrcha.nies courses. It is a lso a practical course fo r agr icul t ure stu~nt;; . It mcludes a stud y of blacks mithing too ls a nd material s. W . rk is clone in the drawi ng , upsetting, be ndin g, we lding and rivetin [.;" of iron a.nd t he forgi n g, harde ni ng a nd temp erin g of tool s. Elec tive. 'b ird I
eio-ht hours attendance, two hours preparation ; two h ours 0 w·111 not be off erecI
• · 'l uarter 't , F ee Sl.75 plus material depm;it of $5 .O0.
cred1 . in 1926-27. . . , . . 1. Manual T rai n ing i\leth ods a11d Orga111zat1011- 'Ih1s course 1$ d. of a ll studen ts receiving the Manual Training Certificate. It requu e . . . !so a valuabl e cour se for those, who as future prmc1pals and sup15 ·at nde nt s will need to be familiar with the Manual Arts from an er1n e , . . administrative point of view. Th e co urse rnclucl es textbook work, as« o-necl readings, cl1 scu ss 1 on~, outlrne~, etc., 111 the study of the h1 ston developm ent of manual training and its place in the curriculum . ~~e gen er al pri nciples of teaching as applied to the manual arts, speial meth ods . co urses of study, equipment and materials. F irst sem:ster, four h ours attendance, four h ours credit. Prerequis ite P sychology and co urse s 1 and 9. Not open to freshmen. Required for Manual Arts course. 5. Teaching- Four hours of teaching in the shops and drawing room is required of a ll who complete t h e Manual Arts cou r se. Each quarter, t en h ours teaching and necessary preparation , four houro: credit. Soph om ores. 6. Wood Turnin g - W ood Turning is offer ed as an electiv::> course. It m ay be taken by those wishi ng a knowledge of the subje('~ to correlate w ith other woodwo rk, as it offe r s a broad fie ld for de s ign and originality . Tal ks are g iven on the lathe and its development, the history of turning, and the sch oolsh op turning equipmen t. Emphasis is placed on th e care and use of the lathe, on sh arpening tur nin g tools, and on t he p r oper use of the t urnin g tool s. The work includes; spindle turning, oval turning, duplicate turning, finishing and polishing on th e lathe, fac e plate turning, and chuck turning. F ir st quarte1\ ten hours s hop work, two h ou r s preparation; two hours cr edit. Prerequi si te course 1. Fee $3 .50 plus m aterial dep os it of 5.00. 7. Ce me n t Cons tru ction- Although an elective course for teachers, others wi shin g pr actical instru ction in cement work will find this course profitable. It is a practical cou r se for the Manual Arts teacher in either a city or rural com m u n it y. The cou r se will include lectures and r ecitation on th e t h eory of mixtures, forms, l'einfo rcin g, etc., as well a s pract ical w ork in form bu ilding, and the con structi on of such p1·oblem1> a s fe n ce posts, feed trough s, water ta nk , flower pots , Porch boxes, bird bath s, garden seats, su n dials, s idewalks, and curbs. Fourth quarter, eight hours atte nd a nce, two h ours preparati on ; two hours cr edit. Prer equ isite high sch ool credit in woodwork, or its equivalent. F ee $1.75 plu s material deposi t of S3.00. Will n ot be offe r ed during 1926-27 . 8. Ca rpentry- This course i n carpe n try will be of a two-fold na;ure and i plan ned for those w ishin g work a long agricu ltural line s 0 _ r. farm u se a n d students who in te nd teaching in agricultural or consolidated sch ools, as well a~ for perso ns who wish some trade experi-
ence. A fe w prelimina r y problem s are made, followed by work given on fo und a tions, far ming , r oofin g an d fi nishing small far m buildings. The work in house building may be t a ken u p and will be offered either in t he fo rm of section s or in the building of a sm all fr ame house. This includes w ork in t he foll owin g : fo und ations, fram ing, porch construction , r oof con stru cti on , ou tside fini s hing and in side finishing. E lective. Offer ed t hird qu arter , eight h ours attend an ce; two hours cr edit. Prer equis ite high school credit in woodwork. Fee $1.75. Dep osit $3 .00. 9. Mechanical Drawing- This is a te ach er s' cour se; students wishing a course in Mechani cal Drawin g as a preparat ion for drafting should r egist er for a m odificati on of t h is course . The course consists of lectures, reci tation s a nd worl in th e drafting room. The groun d cover ed includes the ma king of free ha nd working sketch, lettering, wor k ing, dr awi ng, in k ing, t r acing, blue prin t ing , applied geometrical constructions, a nd ort hogr aph ic projection , a pplied to developments a nd inter secti ons, blackboard dr awing, desig nin g of problems fo1¡ t urning a nd f urn iture cons tr uction. Second semest er , eight hours attend a nce, two h ours preparat ion; fo ur hours cr edit. Required for special certifi cat e. An $8.00 depos it is required in a ddition to drawing fee of $1.00 if drawing equipm e nt is loan ed to the student. F or Freshmen. 10. A rchitect ural Drawing- Thi s is a. pract ical course for studen ts, carp enter s, hom e builder s a nd oth er s desiring a kn owledge of building des ig n a n d t he archi tectural constructi on of small fra me buildin gs a nd fr ame l1ouses . The work deals w ith th e essentials of building p lanning, build ing constru cti on and methods of drawing, and is ad apte d to agri cultura l studen ts a nd th ose wishin g to take up Architectural Draft ing a s a vocation. Th e course covers work in ::irchitectu ral convent ions, basemen t a n d fo un dation pla n s, ~ketch ing of small bu ildings and houses, fl oor plans, elevations, fr a ming deta ils, co nstruct ion detail s, interior det a il s and specifi cations an d estimates. Second and fourth quarter s, eight h ours attendance ; two h ours prepar ati on; two or fo ur h ours credit. Prerequisite course 9. Fee and depos it same as co urse 9. Juniors and Seniors. ll. Toy Cons truction- A course in the des ign a nd construction of t oys, bird houses and projects in thin wood suited to the lower g r a des . Th e course should be of inter es t t o Primary teachers who wish som e t rainin g in this type of work. Elective. First quarter and summ er sc hool, eight hours attendan C(" two hours preparation; t w0 hours cr edit. F ee $1.00. Material dep osit $2.00. ¡ 12. U 1lholstering and Wood Finishing- Thi s course is designed to furni sh experience in the principal typ es of wood finish suited to g r ade and high school work. Different methods of upholstering with a nd without spring s are studied. Special attention is g iven to the refini shing a nd upholst erin g of old furniture. St udents should pro-
'd them selves with on e or m or e pieces of new or old furni t ure tn :ee as projects in thi s class . P r er equ isi t e cour se 1. El ective . Ei ght ¡s attenda n ce, two h ou rs p r epara tion; two h ours cr edit . Fourth =:ter and summer sch ool F ee Sl.75. Materi a l deposit $3.00. l3. Elementary Metal " -ork- A course in elemen tar y m etal op er tions which w ill provide t he foundat ion for th e m et al work fo und in : Ille and far m m e<:h ani cs courses. It w ill include work in for g"ing , :eet-metal a n d the sawing, chipping, filin g, dr illing a nd h a nd turn~ g of m etal. Elective. Fourth quarter. E ig h t h ours attenda n ce, : , hours preparati on ; t wo h ours cr edit . Fee Sl.75. Deposit $3 .00 . 0 14. E leme n tary E lect ri c ity--This is a labor atory cour se in p r a ctical electricity fo r t each er s. W"' believe t hi s t o be mi im portant Manual Arts subject for hi g h schools a nd this course will off er stu dents an opportunity for th is w ork. The course w ill include th e fo llowing: Gener a l princip les of electri city, circuits , cells, gen erator s . n;'ltors, applications o:f electricity t o bell s , h eatin g, ligh ting, ignition , etc. Second qu arter , eig h t h our s a tten dan ce, tw o h ours pr e pa rati on ; two hours credit. Electiv e. F ee $1.75. Deposit $3 .00. 15. Gas Eng ines- This course w ill cover the f undam enta l prin ciples of the g a s eng ine, its op e ra~ion, and r ep a ir. It will includ 0 types of en gines, carburet ion, ignition, cool ing syst em, l ubr icat ion , speed regulation, timing of engi nes , fitti n g pi ston r i n g s, grinding valves ; trouble hun ting , et c. Second semester, eight h ours atten d ance, tw o hours preparation ; fo ur h ours credit. Elective. No t offered in 1926-1927. 16. Advanced Cabin e t Mak in g- T his cours e is a con t inuati on cf course 2. More emphasis w ill be g ive n to m ach ine woodwor king aml a special study will be made on t h e u se an d care of sh op equipment . A study will be m ade of p eri od fu rniture w ith i ts adaptation to p r esent day designs. P rerequi site courses 1, 2, 6, a nd 9. Secon d semester or by sp ecial ar ran gem en t, eight hour s atten dan ce , two hours Preparation ; t w o or fou r h our s cr edi t. F ee S3. 50 plu s material deposit $5.00.
. 17. Indu stri a l Ed ucation- T his cou r se dea ls w ith t h e s tudy and ?1Vestigation of specia l problem s r elating to t he field of m a nu a l and Industria l arts. It w ill a lso inclu de a st u dy of sur veys that have been lllade of this w ork i n other states as well a s in N ebr a s ka a n d to fa ~iliarize studen t s w ith the exist ing fed eral law s r egulati ng t r a de a n d industrial educa t ion. J un ior s a n d sen ior s onl y. Fou r h ours atte n d ance; two h ours cr edit . First q uarter. . For th e two year prog:-am lea d ing to n Manu a l 37 .
see Page
rt s certifica te
For four y ear prog ram with maj or in Manua l Arts see page 26.
The cours es in m athema tics are des ign ed to meet th e demands 'lf those who are preparing t o teach mathematics a nd a ls o fo r those who plan to study high er mathematics or to take up s uch w or k as engineering. The required cour se s fo r a major for the A . B. degree total twenty hours and include the fo ll owi ng cour ses : 3, 5, 6, a nd 9; the remaining four hours elective. A minor for a degree or a ma jor for a diploma in m athematics constitutes twelve h ours and includes course s 3, 5, and 7, the remainder to be select ed exclu s ive of cours es 1 and 2. l. T hird Semes ter Algebra-Prer equi site one year of beginning algebra and on e year of plane geometry. First se mese r , four hours a t ten dance, four hours cr edi t. Given durin g s umm er sch opl only a nd by correspondence.
2. Solid Geometry- Prerequi s ite one a nd one-half years of algebra and one year of plane geometery. Second sem ester, four hou rs attendance, four h ours credit. Given during the su mmer school only. 3. College Algebra- Prer equi s ite one a nd one-half year:o; of ;:ilg ebra a nd one ye ar of plan e 11:eom etr y. F irs t sem ester, f ~ur hours att endan ce, four hours cr ed it. Given during the s ummer sch ool and also by correspondence . 5. P la ne and Sphe rical T ri gono metry- Prer eq ui s ite ~ame S course 3 above. Second se mester , four h ours attendan ce , four hours cr edit. Given durin g summ er sc ho ol a nd by corresponde nce. 7. Pedagogy of Secondar y Mathe matics- Prer equi s ite six points high school credit in mathematics or t heir equival en t. First or th ird quarters, four h our s attendance, two hours credit. Gi ven duri ng s ummer scho ol a nd a ls o by corre spo nd ence . Ma th em at ics or education credit. 11. S urvey in g- Prer equi s ite co ur se 4. First a nd fourth qu arter s four hours attendance, t wo or four hours cr edit. 15. Vocational Mathe matics- Prerequi s ite sam e as for courS(' ;3. Recommended for stud ents specializing in Manual Traini ng. Th ird quarter, four h ours attendance, two hours cr edit. Gi ven a lso b~¡ eo rrespondence. 6. Analytic Geometry- Prerequi s ite course 4. F irst semester . four hours attendance, four hours credit. 9. Differential Calculu s-Prerequisite cour se 8. Second semester. four hours attendan ce, four h ours cr edi t .
PERU STATE TEACHER S COLLEGE 10. In teg ral Calcul us- Prer equisite course 9. four hour s atte ndance, fo ur h ours cr edit.
., 7â&#x20AC;˘J
First semester ,
16. Sta ti s t ical Ana lys is- The principles of sta t is tics a s applied educat ional data. Prerequisite same a s course 3. Open only to 0 . niors and seniors an<l sch ool ex ecutives . First quarter , f our hours !~tendance, two hours credi t . Mathematics or education cr edit .
12. His to ry of Mathe matics- Prer equisite co urse 9. fourth quarter , two hours attendance; two hours credit.
Third or
13. Differential Eq uat ions -Prerequisite course 10. Three hours attenda nce, three hours cr edit. MUSIC. Mr. Doyle Mr. Jindra Miss Royse Private lessons in piano, all s tring ins truments, brass instru ments, wood wind instruments, and voice- $1.25 p er lesson. Class lessons in certai n bran ches-$0:25 per lesson . (See Director). APPLIED MUSIC. Credit fo r private lesso ns in piano, violin and voice taken under the direction of the college fa culty may be earned a s follows: F or two periods of daily practice a nd two lessons a week a credit of one college hour each semes t er may be earned. For one period of daily practice and on e lesson a week one-half hour credit will be given . Five hours is th e maximum cr edit that can be earned for private w ork unless taken by students in th e two year Public School Music course or by candidates for the A . B. degree, who have selected Public School Music as a major or minor sub ject . F or s uch students, eight hours is the maximum cr edit. Stude nts wi shing credit in thi s course mus t have the subject a nd the amoun t of cr edit t o be earned listed on their enrollmen t cards. Instru ctors will make a report of each s tudent on regular grade sh eet at th e r egistrar's of fice at th e end of each sem ester. Credi t of one-half hour for 36 re hearsals may be gi ven for work in
~lee club, orchestr a or band. Not more t h an one hour may be earned Y a student in these combined activities in one year and not more than three may be counted for credit toward an y diploma or degree. P IANO, VIOLIN AND VOICE. The co urses below are suggestive of the type of work which has :roven most helpful to th e ~tuden t. T hey will be varied to meet th e eeds of the individual.
GENERAL CATALOG Piano Course of Study.
First Year. Two, three and five finger exercises in simple designs; legato staccato and non-legato touches, simple pedal exercises; Theo. Presser' Beginners' Book for Pianoforte; Gurlitt, Techni c and Melody; Sar~ toria, Modern Method for Pianoforte, Book I. Second Year. E xercises for improvement of various touches a nd de velopment of fourth and fifth fin ger s ; scales and arpegios ; two finger phrasing exercises ; pedal studies: Clementi, Sonatinas; Burgmuller-Krentzlin Studies ; Duvernoy, op. 120; Schytte, Major and Minor studies; Book r. Third Year. Study of scales and chords in all keys; exercises in rhythm and accent; p edal studies ; Czerny-Germer Studies; Concone, 15 Studies m Style and Expression; Wolff, Short Octave Studies; Major and Minor Studies II, III, IV ; Handel Album; Beach, Two-part Inventions; Heller op. 46; Sonatas, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven. Fourth Year. A study of the works of the following composers: Bach, Beethove n, Haydn, Grieg, Macdowell, Chopin, Mozart and Mendelssohn. Fifth Year. To be arranged at the request of the student. The Kinscella Method of Piano class instruction i s used for training children and opportunity will be given advanced students to assist in these classes. Violin Course of Study. First Year. Correct manner of holding violin and bow stressed; Mitchell Method for Violin, Part I; Sevcik, Op. 6, Parts 3 and 4; Sevcik Bowing, Book 1; Wohlfahrt, Op. 45, Book I; Krogman, "Zephyrs from Melody Land;" Weiss, Op. 38. Second Year. Wohlfahrt, Book 2, Op. 45; Sevcik Bowing, Book 2; Sevcik Triller, Op. 7; Kayser, Vol. 1, Opus 20; Shradieck, Violin Technics, Section I, Application of Rhythms ; Boehmer, Position, Chord and Octave Studies; Solos by Godard, Papini, Sitt, Harris, Beethoven, D Dancila; Seitz Concerto No. 2. Third Year. Shradieck Violin Technics. (continued); Kayser ; Op. 20, Book 2; Boehmer Studies, (continued); Sevcik Op. 8; Mazas, Op. 36, Vol. 1; Kreutzer Etudes 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13; Accolay Concerto in A Min¡ or and other solos suitable t o advancament of student.
Fourth Year. Kreu t zer (finish; Mazas, Op. 36, Book 2; Sevcik Op. 9; Scale~ and ¡ s in t hree octaves; Kayser, Op. 20, Book 3; Concert pieces, 0 arpegtagI concer tos by Kreisler, DeBeriot, Handel; Brahm s. and comsona s, positions of equal value. Fifth Year. To be arranged by r equest of student. The above course of study is based on two lesson periods a week. Class L essons. Two years wor k offered. Material: Mitchell's class Method fot Violin. Books 1 an d 2. Supplemented by music adapted to ensemble performance. Advanced students may receive training by assisting in the direction of these groups. Vo ice. First Year- Anatomy in its r elation to the Voice. Position, breathing, tone-placing, vocalization. Vocalises by Vaccai, Sieber, Abt. Easy songs dur ing the second semester, or when the tones seem sufficiently well placed. Second Year- Breathing, tone work, vocalization. Vocalises by Concone, March esi, etc. Songs of medium difficulty. Third Year- Tone work, vocalization, interpretation. Vocalise >: by Marchesi, Panofka, Lamperti, etc. Songs from the Classical, Romantic and Mdern Schools. Stage deportment. Junior Recital. Fourth Year- Ton e work, advanced vocalization, interpretation. Advanced vocalises by Concone and others . Songs from Classical, Romantic and Modern Sch ools. Solos from stan dard oratorios and operas. Senior Recital. PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC. Mr. Doyle Mi ss Royse Mr. Jindra The following ar e the requirements for a major in Public School Music. Those courses marked -;- may be taken for a minor if desired and those marked X will satisfy the state requirement for t eachers. tlA. Methods of Teaching Music (Methods, Material and Obse.rvation) Freshman ¡or Sophomore . Prerequisite lOA & B . Deals With methods a nd mater ial for all gr ade music in primary school :nd offers observation both in singing and appreciation. Third quarer, two hours credit. tlB. Prerequisite lA. Same as above except for upper grades and h"Igh school. Fourth quarter, two hours credit. t3. Observation and Practice--Through the Training School the
student gets actua l practi ce in handling s ituations a s they ari :;e. This teaching is done under direct supe rvis ion of t he head of the depart. ment. Each quar ter. Four hours cr edit. t4. Harmon y- Sophomore. Prerequi site lOA. Review of lhe. ory, building triads, making m odels, harmonizing melodies in major minor mode, use of principal triads, authentic, plagal , and mixed candance. First quarter. Two hours credit. t4-B. Harmony- Prer equisite 4A. The 6-4 chord, the 7th chords a nd the resolution irregular progress ion s. Second quarter. Two hours credit. t4-C. Harmony- Prerequisite 4B. Cont inua tion of B using tap. per, second year harmony as basis. Throughout these courses stress is laid on pedagogy as well as con tent. Third quarter. T wo hours credit. 5. History of Music- The story of mu s ic history. The music "f ancient nations and its relations hip to our modern system. The notebook projects will include the fo llowing: a. A picture or diagram outline of the a ncient nations. b. The mu s ic and musical instru ments of the Bible. c. The story of an Opera . cl. Th e history of motion picture music within the student's experi ence. e. A chronological outline of composers on graph paper. f. The story of notation. g. The Organ. h. The Clavichord, Harpsichord, a nd Piano. i. The ins truments of the orchestra and their ancestors. j. The Genea logical Tree of Opera, a lso a diagram showing the manner' in wh ich the various elements of opera are treated by various schools. Texts: History of Music-Waldo-Shelden-Pratt. History of Music-Baltzell. Outline of Music History- Hamilton. Juniors, first semes ter, four hours attendance, four hours credit. txlOA. Public School M us ic-This cou rse is the basi s for all other courses in the department except Music Appreciation. It should be taken first. It deals with elements of mus ic and prepares teacher s to teach Public School Music under supervis ion or in the smaller situation by themselves. The aim is to start s ight singing and to give knowledge of a ll meth ods for lower grades. First and third quarters. One hour credit. txI OB. Public School Music- Thi s course follow s lOA and should be taken immediately after it . The requiremen t to complete this course shall be considered ability to sight rad a song of the aver¡ age difficulty of those encountered in the fifth or sixth grade. This follows very closely after lOA. Second a nd fourth qu a r ters. One hour credit. tx ll. A ppreciation of Music- While this cou r se aims to be mainly inspirational in character it also presents a carefully worked
out pedagogy fo r a ll g rades a nd high school. This course will satisfy the state r equirement fo r tea cher s who do not expect to teach g rades. Those expectin g to t each in the grades mu st take lOA and B. First and fou rth qu ar t er s. Two hours credit.
t15A. Study of In s truments- A study of t he string instrument s of. the orchestra . In t hi s co urse the studen t is g iven a ctual practice with various instruments of this fam ily and is requ ir ed t o perform creditably on one. Second qu a rter . Two hours cr edit. tI5B. Same as above except for brass instrumen ts. Third quarter. Two h our s credit. ·j·15C. 3ame a s above exce pt fo r wood inst ru ments. These courses cannot be stressed too much for t hey are invalu ab le t o t he supervisor in his work with or chestra or band. F ourth quarter. Two hours cr edit. 16. Condu ctin g a nd .Arran g in g- Prer equisite all other co urses in the depa rtment. Will include conducting for both band and orchestra and arran g ing a scor e for each . Ch oru s conducting will also be stressed and the student will get a ctual pr actice in each line. Open to Seniors only . Two hours credit.
Ensemble Music- Unde r this heading w ill be offer ed work in men and girls' glee clubs, mi xed ch orus, band , a nd orchestr a. The or ganizations will be used fo r variou s college fun ct ions, th e ch orus with orchestral accompa nimen t plann ing to present one or atori a l and one light oper a each year . Member ship in t h ese or gani zations is opt ional with the direct or. Thir ty-six hours att endance will permi t one-h alf hour cr edit. Certificate Req uirement- The candidate fo r a cert ifi cate from this department must satisfy t he direct or t ha t by per sona lity as well as preparation and backgroun d h e is fitted t o carr y on t he wor k of the supervisor. For those so fi tted public sch ool mu sic supervi sion offers unprecedented opp or tu ni ty and dem and . PHYSI CAL EDUCA TION FOR W OMEN. Miss Root Required cr edit for two year course, two h ours ; fo r four year or A. B. course, four h ours. Maximum cr edit allowed for two year cour se, three hours ; for fou r year or A. B. course, unless a m ajor or m inor, six hours. t• la. Ph ysical Educat ion- Requir ed of women. Swedish gymnas . •cs, military marching . Cor rection of improper stan ding and walking Positions. F olk dances and gymnast ic sp orts and gam es. Lectures on personal hyg iene . Each sem ester ; two hours attendanci! : one hou r cr edit.
lb. Ph ysical Ed ucation- Required. Prerequis ite P. E. la. Each semester. Two hours attendance; one hour credit. 2a. Physical Ed ucation- Required. Advance gymnastics and sports . Prerequisite P. E. lb. Elemen tar y work with apparatus, dumb-bells and Indian clubs. E ach semester, two hours attendance ; one hour cr edit. 2b. P h ysical Ed ucation-Required. Advan ce work in gymnastics and sports. P rer equisite P. E . 2a. Second semester, two hours attendance, one h.our credit. 3a. Beginn ing Dancin g- Open to all college students. Gives elementary principles of clog, character and interpretative dancing. First semester, two hours attendance; one hour credit. 3b. Advanced Dan cin g-Prerequisite beginning dancing 3a. Continuation of 3a. Second semester, two hours attendance, one hour credit. 6. Meth ods of Teachi ng P h ys ical E du cation- Open to college students preparing to teach Physical Education. Two hours lecture, two hours teaching in college or Training School under obser vation. Four hours per week; two hours credit. 7. Theory of Athletics-Open to all college students. T echnique of indoor and outdoor games, soccer, hockey, volley ball, basketball, base ball, tennis, swimming, etc. Systematic preparation for track athletics, and conduct of contests, both outdoor a nd indoor. Two hours attendance ; one hour credit. 8. Swimming- Beginning swimmi'ng, aquati c sports. Each semester. Two hours attendance; one hour credit. 9. Swimming-Advanced swimming. This cour se includes advanced strokes, diving, water games and life saving. Ability to pass s r igid examination in life saving. Two hours attendance ; one hour credit. 4. P laygrou nd S uper vision- Philosophy and P sychology of play. Aims and purposes of play ground organization, construction , equipment, and management. Gives thorough knowledge of games suitable for every kind of school and for every grade. Two hours a ttendance, one hour credit. Camp F ir e Training- See Education 41. Hygiene-See Hygiene I. PHYSI CAL EDUCATION FOR MEN. Mr. Graf Mr. Kutnink Required credit for two year course, two hours; for four year or A. B. course, four hours. Maximum credit allowed for two year course, three hours; for A. B. course unless a major or m inor, six hours.
I. P h ysical Tra inin g-Elementary gymnastics, marching tactics, tree hand calesthenics, apparatus exercises and gymnastic games. For beginners. First semester, two hours attendance; one hour credit. 2. Ph ysical Trainin g-Team tumbling, calesthenics, basketball. indoor g ymnastic gam es, team leadership, class and field management. F irst semester, two hours attendance; one hour credit. 3. P h ysical Train ing- Apparatus exercises. Calisthenics. Practice :field events. First semester, two hours attendance; one hour credit. 4. Physica l T ra ining- Advanced gymnastics and hygienic exercises. W or k of field events, Course 3 continued. Second semester, two hour s atten dance, on e hour credit. 5. Theory of Ph ys ical Trainin g fo r A thletics- Physiology and anatomy as it applies to life processes dealing with healthful living and car e of t he body. (Discont inued). 5a. P h ys iology of E xer cise- Anatomy and Physiology of the Neuro-muscu lar system. P hys iological study of training and fa tigue. Tests of respiration and circulation before an d after exercise. (Offer erl in place of 5 ; Theory of physical trai nin g for athletes ). Th ree hours attendance; three homs credit. 6. Pla yg rou nd Sup er vision-Theory of Physical Education for the grades an d high school. First or second semester, :five twentyminute peri ods per week; one hour cr edit. 7. Coachin g Athletics-The theory and art of coaching for those who intend to take charge 'o f high athletics. \Signal systems, fundament als, strategy, fi ne points and football formations of se11eral larg e institutions. Basketball f un damentals, shor t pass system, how to build your system accor ding to material. Tr ack and :field, training systems, practical ways of coa chin g each event. Those wishing a r ecommendation for athletic coachin g must have had this course. Second semester, four hour s attendance; four h our s credit. 8. Pe r sonal H ygiene for Men- The pur pose of this course is to give a thorough consideration of the essential details of the health of the human body and to increase practical application of the hygienic measures studied. Detailed con sideration will be g iven to the hygienic car e of the various organ s and their functions. Common disorders, their causes, nature, symptoms, prevention and treatment, will be discussed. Latest literatur e will be st udied and discussed. This course is especially fo r the boys in athletics and those intending to direct athletics. First semester, four hour s atten dance; two hours credit.
9. Swimmin g- Swimming and aquatic sports will be offered both semest 2rs. Two hour s attendance; one hour credit. Not more than one hour credit in swimming is accepted toward diploma or degree.
10. Psychology of Athletics- Second semes t er. Four hours att endance, two hours credit. A course of paramount importan ce to th ose who intend to purs ue the coaching game. 11. Anatomy- A study of the structure of t he huma n body. First semester. Two hours attendance; two hours credit. P r er equisite college Physiology. 12. Kines iology and Applied Anatomy-A s tudy of the muscles and the muscular movements of the human body. Five hours attendance ; five hours credit. Second semester. Prerequis ite P. E. 11. 13. Problems in Organization and Administration of Phys ical Education-Three hours attendance; three hours credit. Second semester. PHYSICAL SCIENCE. Mr. Hoyt Mr. Hill Chemistry. A Physical Science major of 20 hours will include Physics 1 and 2, Physics 3 or Chemistry 5, and 10 hours elective to be chosen fro m the department. AChemistry major of 20 hours or a Chemistry minor of 12 h ou r s will include Chemistry 5. A Physics minor of 12 hours will include Ph ysics 1, 2, 3, a nd 2 hours of assisting. 1. Ch emistry- A college course in elementary che mistr y for students in the freshman year. Students may take this course without previous study of the subject. Open also to High School s tu dents . Emphasis is placed upon the fundamenta ls, quantitative work an d problems. Each semes ter and summer school, four_hours attendance ; four houTs laboratory; four hours credit. 2. Chemistry-Prerequisite, Chemistry 1. A study of met allic s ub stances, a brief con sideration of simple or ganic compounds, a nd some advan ced chemical principles. Laboratory work the fir st qu ar ter is qualitative analysis by the reagent method, while the second quarter includes - con siderable practical chemistry, being designed especially to m eet the requirements of domestic scie nce and agriculture. Two selected theses are i¡equired of each pupil. First a nd se-::ond semester, four hours attendance; four hours laboratory; four hours credit. 3. Chemistry-Prerequisite Courses 1, 2. Organic chemistry, a m ore extended study of the series and classes of hydrocarbons and their derivatives. Firs t semester, two hours atten dance, one t hesis ; four hours laboratory; four hours credit. 4a. Chemistry-Prerequisites, Courses 1 a nd 2. A course in
PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE alitative analysis by reagent a nd blowpipe methods.
81 This course is
~u igned to fit the student for teaching the science, and each' student . e~rged to enroll as laboratory a ssistant in chemistry for practice in ~s borator y technique a nd management. First and second semesters; t~o hours attendance; one thesis; four hours laborator y; four hours credit with assistance; two hours without. 4b. Chemistry V-A brief cour se in Physiological Chemistry. three hours atte ndance a nd four hours laboratory. Beside the text work two thes es or som e advanced topic is required per semestel'. Prerequisites are cour ses 1, 2 and 3. Four ho urs credit. 5. Chemistry-Chemistr y m ethods, prerequisites Courses 1 and 2. A course in pedagogy of the science, both classroom an d laboratory One hour attendance; four hours laboratory practices; two hours credit. See instructor before registering. PHYSICAL SCIENCE. Mr. H oyt Mr. Hill Physics. Students wishing to major in Physics for a certificate or minor for a degree should complete courses 1, 2, 3. In order to secure the recommendation of this department, at least two hours of practice teaching sh ould be done in physics. 1. College P h ysics- A general course corresponding to the arts course of college and univer sity. A course in higher mathematics preceding or a ccompanying t hi s course is very much to be des ired. First semest er ; eight hours attendance; four h ours credit. 2, College Physics- A continuation of course 2, treating of magnetism, elect ricity and light. Second semester; eight hours attendance; four hours cr edit. 3. Physics Met hods- A course in methods and the p edagogy of physics. Four hours attendance; two hours cr edit. F ourth quarter and by correspondence. Ge ne ral Electives.
d . 6. Astron omy- An elementary cour se in descriptive a stron omy ~81 &:ned t o equip the studen t more full y for teach ing geography, ih Ysiography, geology, nature study, etc. The course is essential to a thorough under standing of latitude, long itude, time, tides, changes of A e season , pla netesimal theory a nd other topics of general interest. thstronomy is made doubly interesting in Peru by the use of one of c ~-largest t elescopes in the State. Attention is given to the app liions and principles of the scien ce, and to a solution of simple probrns, though n o mathemat ics beyond elementary algebra, and plane
geometry i s r equired . Labor atory work consists in study of the constellations, evenings in the obser vator y and manipulation of celestial and terrestial globes. First and second semester s, four hours attendance; t wo hours laboratory; four h ours credit. 7. P h ilosophy of Science-An advanced lecture course in scientific gen eralization s and theories, designed to sh ow t he 2¡elations of science t o the Bible, Religion, ethics, cul tur e, and civilization. Second semester; Two hours attendance; two h ours credit . 1. General Science- This is a general science course designed to prepare teach ers who are planning to t each gener al science. Second quarter; five hours attendance; two hours credit. TRAINING SCHOOL. S. L. Clem en ts, Superintendent. The Training School is loca te d in the finest building on the campus-the T . J . Major s Training School. This building was planned a nd constru cted esp ecially to m eet the needs of an up-to-date teacher training school. Ther e ar e few, if an y, training buildings in the Middle West t hat equ.a l this one. The purpose of the Training School is to provide, insofar as possible, typical public school situati on for experimental and demonstr at ion purposes as well a s to provide a g ood place where college stu dents may have the opportunity to learn how to teach, by teaching under expert guidance. There are over 300 pupils enrolled . The or gani zati on consists of a Kind ergarten, the Elementary Grades, a Junior High Sch ool and a Senior High School. DIRECTORS OF TEACHER TRAINING IN JUNIO R AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS. C. A. Spacht ___ _____ _______________ Principal of Seni or High School Ruth G. Brandt ____________________ Principal of Junior H igh School B. K. Baker _____________________________________________ Science Chloe C. Baldridge ------------------------------Normal Training Geo. W. Brown ------------------------------------ Social Science Marie H. Faulhaber ----------------------------------- - - English Glen Frary -- - --------- -------------------------- Athletic C. A. Huck --------------------------------- -- ----- Mathematics Pearl Kenton ----------------------------------------- Languages A. V. Larson ------------------------------------ --- Manual Arts Nona Palmer ----------------- --- -- -- ------- ----------: Commerc~ Mr s. Devona Price _____________________________ Junior Hi gh Sch? 0 Kathryn M. Towne -- ------- ----- ---------------- Home Econonncs
Directors of E lementary Teacher Train ing . . b th McCollum ______ ____ __________ _____________ Kindergarten ~i~a ;i!ler Beck __________ __ ________ ______________ Grades 1 and 2
p:arl s. Kelley __________ _____ _____ ___ _____________ Grades 3 and 4 Emily Burton _____________________________________ Grades 5 and 6 Special Departmental Supervisors. Price Doyle ________________ __________________ Public School Music V. H. Jindra ____________ _____________________ Band and Orchestra Cecelia K ettenun --------- --- - -- ---------------------:--------: -:'--rt Paul E. Ku tnink _________ _____ _________ _________ Physical Trammg
~:a B~~~r;-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_---~----_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-~_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-p;~m~::~i~ Methods and Directed Observation. The cour ses in Methods and Directed Observation are taught by the training teachers under the general direction of the superintendent of the t r aining school. These courses are prerequisite to teaching. The courses (Early Elementary, Elementary, Junior High School, Snior High School) are especially organized to prepare students fo1¡ teaching in t h e department in which they expect to specialize. One Methods a nd Obser vation course is required of each Freshman. Classes are open only to those who are taking the courses in Principles of Teaching. Two hours attendance; one hour credit. 10-11. Teaching-Prerequisite, Psychology and Principles and Methods of Teaching . This course consists of demonstration, cadeting and teaching. The student begins this course by observation in the grade or depar tment as taught by the training teacher. The observation is accompanied by cadeting in the class, his participation increasing until he assumes full r esponsibility in regular classroom teaching. Six h o'.lr.; work is required of all sophomores in all departments to be taken by each in. the department of his major, excepting in special departments where four hours are taken in the major department and two hours in a minor department in the regular training school organization. Students not in special departments who have had three Years experience or more and who have demonstrated their ability in teaching, will be excused from teaching two hours. To earn six hours ~tudents must teach one hour daily, five days weekly for three quar. rs, or a total of 135 teaching hours. Befor e registering for t each ~~ students should consult w ith the Superintendent of the Training c. 001 and h ave teaching hours assigned . See page 19 for A. B. re quirements in Teaching.
T he p ur pose of extens ion courses, wheth er Study Center or Corer spondence is to extend the ser vices of t he State Teacher s College t o ever y properly qualified person who cannot a ttend an educa tional ins titution for t he t ime being, but who wishes to pursue systematic study under com petent di rection a nd for college credit. The maxi mum amount of work that m ay be done in abse ntia shall not exceed s ixteen college h ours in t he two -year college co urse. An additional cr edit of sixteen college h ours may be so earn ed in t he de g r ee course. I . CORRESPON DEN CE COU RS E S. Purpose and Characte r- The p urpose a nd ch a r acter of correspondence courses are t he same as that of th e Study Center courses. How Enrolled-Each studen t must f ill out an app licat ion blank (Write for correspond ence bulletin a nd bla nk) in or der that the ins tructor may ascer tain hi s fi tn ess to p ursue wit h profi t the course he desires. If the studen t is accep ted, h e is n otified at once and will send the necessar y fees to th e Regi str a r. Instruction s a nd dir ections for the course will be sent the student wh en t h e fees are r ece ived. Regulations. 1. A fee of $3.00 per credit h our- $6.00 fo r two h ours-payable in advance is charg ed each per son enr olled. No fee r efu nded for any cause after enrollmen t h as bee n accepted a nd directi on s for work have been sent to t he studen t. T he stu den t must be a matriculant of the sch ool. The matircula tion fee is $5 .00 See page 2. A book depos it r ental fee of $4.50 for each two hour course is required in a dvance; $3.00 of t his, less 80c fo r p ostage on books and the necessary correspondence, is r emi tted to t he stud ent when books are return ed. 3. Time of registrat ion for corres ponde nce cour ses is between October 1 a nd March 1. A ll work mu st be com pleted by May 15. However , specia l arrangements for a limited number of courses maY be made in excepti onal cases for work durin g t he summer. Student is limited to one course at a time. 4. In each co urse for which two h ours credi t is given, the work r equir ed will appr oximate twenty lesso ns, requiring approximately five hours p r eparation for each. An examination is r equi red at t he close of t he course. 5. Ma ke a ll checks, drafts, money orders, etc., payable to Regis trar, Peru St ate Teachers College. 6. T he college does not g uar a ntee to give a ll th e courses listed in this bulletin, for t h e r eason that changes in th e teaching staff ma_Y necessitate withdrawal of courses fro m the list. Also each teacher is limited in the num ber of stud ents he may instruct at one tim e.
. The maximum credi t of six semester hours may be earned by 7 tudent in extension courses (Study Center and CorrespondanY one S . . • ) ·t hin t h e limits of the time set for the completion of. the work, ence w1 . · between October 1 a nd May 15. All exten s10n courses sh ould t ha t JS . be organi zed as early in the fall a s possible. Corr es pondence Cou r ses. Work is offered in the following subjects. Write for extens ion bulletin, whi ch g ives full information. Biology, Commerce, Education and Psycho logy, Engli sh, Fine Arts, Geography, Histor y, Economics and Other Social Scien ce, H ygiene, Manu a l Arts, Mathematics and Phys ical Science.
c.. ~..:te r of t he Co urse- Th e Stud y Center cour ses are the same as th ose gi ve n in the classroom of the State Teachers College at Peru and are conducted by the same members of the facu lty that conduct the courses in r esiden ce. How Organ ized- A Study Center may be organized if sufficient number to pay all expenses of the Center m a ke application for a course, cla ss to meet at same place agreed up on, and to study some one of the subj ect s offered in thi s catalog. An in structor or some other repr esentat ive of the college meet s with the group at their first meeting and assist s t hem in selecting the course best suited to their needs, and in an y other work of organ ization . At the close of the meeting a definite appointment is arranged for the first class meeting. The mi nimum numbe r of studen t s in a course is fifteen. Reg ulati ons. 1. Write Extension Director fo r definite plans of organization. 2. A fee of $3.00 per credit hour-$6.00 for two hoUl's-is charged each member enroll ed. Fees are collected at the first meeti~g by a representative of the college. A r eceipt will be issued by tfie College Registrar. F ees are not r efunded for any cause. All students emolling mu st matriculate, if they have not already done so. The matriculation fee is $5.00, see page 13. 3. A book deposit r ental fee of $4.50 mu st be made when each student r eg ist er s for the course, if he wishes to u se books from the College Librar y ; $1.50 is charged for each eighteen weeks the books are used by the stud ent and the remainder is refunded when the course is completed and books r eturned. t 4. Make all ch ecks, drafts, or money orders payable to Regisrar, Peru State Teachers College. f 5. After organization, the instructor meets the class nine dif~rent times in Study Center courses in which two hours credit is given. Ordinarily the meetings will be held every other week. By agreement of teacher and class m eetings may be held weekly.
6. Inst r uc t or s a1·e limi ted to t h e g iving of not m or e than one <ir two St udy Cent er cour se at a t ime, and for this r eason sorne c ourses offer ed may n ot long r em a in open fo r select ion . 7. All Study Center courses are organized after Oct ober 1 and completed May 15. 8. A max imum cr edit of s ix sem ester h ours m ay be earned by any one s tudent in ext en sion courses (Study Cent er and Correspondence ) within the limits of th e t ime set for the completi on of t he wor k · that is, between October 1 and May 15. All exten s ion cla sses should be or ganized as early in th e fall a s possible. Study Center Co urses. 1926-1927. (See write-up under absentia courses ). Biology, Commer ce, Education and P sychology, English , History, E conomics and Other Socia l Science, Music. Free Service B urea u . The P eru State T ea cher s College exis t s to serve t he schools of Nebraska. The Study Center and Corresponden ce courses have h ad a large enrollment a nd have been of practical servi ce to teachers and superint en dents. From t ime to time calls have co me for a.ssistance in various sch ool and communi t y enterprises. The school has r esp onded and in this wa y has broaden ed it s fi eld of u sefuln ess. N ew a ddi tions t o the faculty makes it possible this year t o incr ea se t hi s ser vice. Below a r e list ed types of a ctivities with whi ch you m ay n eed help . If you do n ot see just th e a ssis tan ce des ired write to u s concerning your pr oblem and ·we shall try t o meet your need. ENTERTAINMENT. Lecturers. P a r ent T ea ch er's A ssocia ti on T ea cher s' Meetings Institutes School Clubs Commencem ent E xercises A ssemblies Civic Organizati on s Woman's Clubs Judges. D ebate Declamation Music Contests Music. Orchestra Band Girls ' Glee Club
Men's Glee Club College Chorus Men's Quartette Drama. Dramatic Club P lays Sch ool Problems This ser vice m ay be obtained through corr esp ondence, through personal conference at the . college or through work in the field by faculty member s. Organization and Direction of: Parent -Tea cher s' A ssociations Hi-Y Clubs Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. Boy Scouts Camp F ir e Organi zations Debating Select ing and Coach ing Plays Beaut ify ing Sch ool Grounds and Buildings Playgrou nd E quipment and Supervision. Selection of Lib raries School. Surveys Cuniculum Constru ction Problems in T eaching Mental Testi n g Educationa l ,.... easurements School Finance Building Plans If you wish addit ional information in any one or m or e of the activities mentioned, f ill out the fo llowin g blank and sen d it to the Director of Extension, care of St a te T ea cher s College, P eru, Nebras-
ka. TEAR OFF H E RE We are asking fo r m or e info rmation concerning number s _______ _ ___ ______ ________________________ in the r ecent extension bulletin mentioned under the h eading of Free Service Bureau The r eason for a sking t his information is: ___________ __ _______ _ - -- -: -- --- -- - - ___________________ - ¡ If assistance can be g iven us We ii.nan pay or provide for traveling expenses and shall provide en tertainment. Signed _______________________ ___________ _____________ _ Address _________ ____________ ________ ______ _____ ______ _
Name of or gani zation or sch ooL ----------------- - ----------------
Adams, Mrs. E ffi e H., H ebron Adams, Marie, P eru Adams, Orph a J ., Mead Akin s, Exh a D., W estern Ak in s Zayda J ., W estern Allen' Frederick, N emah a Ande~· son , Cla ur in e, Auburn Anderson, Edna C., Y ork An derson, H elen, Wah oo Ander son La ur ine, Aubu rn ~i\.nderson'. L eah V., Reyno:d,: Anderson, Ruth, Beatrice . And re ws, J ean , N ebr,1ska City Andrews, L ennie B., H ebron Arm strong, Dean, Bro wn vil A rnold, Winifred, R ulo Axtell, Beulah, F air bury Bade, Gus A., P a n a m'. t Bake1·, Ma ry, Trenton Baldwin, Birdie, P eru Barmore, E sther , Adam s Barmore, Mary, Ad ams Barnes, Ruby E ., H a mbu rg, Iowa Bat es, E sth er, T ecumseh Bath, Edwa rd, B rownville Beh rens, Kath r yn, Yuta n Bell , Forrest, Beatrice Bell, Millar d D., B eatrice Bever, I dessa M., L ewiston Biggerstaff , Myra , Aubu rn Bishop, Clarice, Gretn a Blades, Stewar t , I rwin, Iowa Bla s, Mary, Reynolds Bloodgood , H elen, Beatr·ice Bloss, Carrie, P awnee City Blount, Gr ace Iren e, Aubu r n Boellstorff, E lizabeth, P eru Bogle, \Villiam, P eru Booth, Evalyn, P a wn ee City Bor en, Ma u rice E ., P eru Bouse, Emilye, Milligan Bracke, Victor, P er u Bradford, Mrs. Edith, Rul o Brandt, Alice, Otoe Branson, L ibbie, P eTU Breckenr idge, B ernice, Gret na Bretzke, H attie, Clatoni a B rewer, Sylvia , Omah a Br inkman, E lma, P awnee City Brookin s, Viola , T almage B rooker, Flor en ce, Omah a Brown, Bessie, P eru Brown , Edna , F alls City
Brnwn, Eos Peru Brown, F lo;·a, Bancrnft Brown, Winnie, H amburg, Io wa Bruce, H el en , \Veston Br und son, H oward, P eru Bugbee, Ruth, F a irbu ry Buisin g , L or en e, F alls City But ke, Floyd, Beatrice Burn s, H a zel Ruth , Stella Bur t on, Lilli an, Shenandoah, Iowa Bu sch, Hoy C. , U t ica Busch, Mr s. R. C., De Soto Byr am , E va ng eline, Decatur Cadwell , Ru th, Ma lvern, Io\\·a Cameron , Can:ie, Burr Cam eron, El die. P eru Carm an , J oy, Cook Carpen t er, Monica, P eru Carr, Nellie, Dodge Carsch , P earl , Hu mb old t Car st ens, Rh ea, Beatrice Car ter, Alma, Vesta Car t er Darwin H eb rnn Carter; Opal .r a'ckson, H ebron Carter, Opal Y ost, P eru Casebeer. Lou ise. York Casler, G. V., Elli s Ca sselm an , Ru t h. P a lmyra Caulk , Cecil G., Steele City Caulk . La Rhea, Steele City Cech , · Viola E ., Sch uyler Chaney, E dyth e, Riverton, Iowa Chapi n, Audni. Belle, Ral ston Ch ard, L ouis F. , B eatrice Chase. F loyd , Bu rr Chatela in. Ralph J. , P eru Chi zek , E lsie T ., Omaha Ch izek. Li dmila, Omah a Church . Mrs. Bess ie., Peru Clark , Genevieve C., Fairbun· Clark , Ru th , Vesta Clevela nd , J ohn R ., No ra Clevenger, Barton , Aubu rn Clin eburg, H elen, P eru Cli nebu.rg, Mar garet, P eru Coa tney, Cecil, P eru . Coatney, Wi lm a L ., Falls City Colo. Coffin , Gr ace Ri ggs, Julesburg, Coldwell , Grace, Roun d Valley Collin , Bessie L eeper, Auburn Collins, L a ura, P eru Collins, P aul, P eru Colli st er , Ralph A., F airbury
PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE . r Mr s. L . W ., Pawnee City Coll~ste .' L Vl . P awnee City ~J~W: • Gl~dy1' ' V. , Odell bs E ther, Auburn Combs' Pearl, Aubu rn cco~er' J ess ie 1\1., J ohn son .!hu ' F, r a nc1s, · P e1·11· . Conkle, C n Velda L ., S terli ng Conn~r Net t ie Opal, Aubu rn C~~wa;-, i'l"Irs. E uni ce, Fairb~ ry C k Doroth y Nebra ska, City c:k: Mrs. Ma {·y E:, Nebraska City Cook Vera B., P er u Coop~r, Rachel M., P eru Corner -, Grace G., Aubu rn Cossairt, Velta, Gret na Cowell , Freda, Tecum seh Cowell. Pearl, A uburn Crandell. Mark, N ebraska City . Crook, Ali ce lJor othy, Nebraska City Cruiksha nk, Mary, Nebraska City Cullen. Beulah , Holm esville Cunmngham . Ca rl, P awnee Ci ty Current . Za li a, St ockville Daeschrier, Margaret , Moun d City, Mo. Dahlstrom, H0y, P eru l!allam, Boone, P eru ]lasher, Adel ene M., Stanton llav1s, Flor ence E ., N ebraska City nearin g, Doroth y . All iance De F1·eece, Lena S., Riverton , Iowa Delzell, Donn a J a n e, Pe1·u Delzell. E sth er. P tru Delzell ". Ma rk · P eru IJ~nni s, Ga rl~ n d , H ebron D!ckerson , Elmetta, Brnck l 1 !cker~o11, Flori s. Brock D!eli:. Dorothy, Papilli on Dillon . Ni b, J".. P er·u Jr Il!trks~n, Ann a Dora, Ves ta 1 ofi, Hazel, Bra dshaw ~loddere1-, H a rriett, Verdon 1 ~ferer. Ma n on, Verdon Dot and , Mr s. Ma ude, Hu mboldt llo ~on. Ha zele, Gretn a Du~c: L1zz1 e. Un ad illa l1un~! s ,. Al ice E ., Omaha JI,, 1 ~& · ~1r<. I ni ce P eru •~r, Win rma U · F..a~two d ~. ' rn on Ebe 0 ' !Vl ary . A rmou l rsotc n· k ' coln Edgin ' ic ·, L m Edie 0 11 • M inrne, Steele c I ty ~Uiott ~olan cl, P awnee City ~ri k in, P eru lfickc • Myrl , F a ir bury on, Lo1·in e, T ecumseh
Ern ,;t, Alberta, Fall s City ETm:t, Mark, Aubu r n E ske\1·, Els ie, Shenandoah, Iowa E sk ew, Frances, Shen a ndo a h , Io wa E ssex , Irma, Rockfol'd E stes, Belva, Sidn ey, Iowa f' ackl el'. Grace, Blair Fackler, H elen, Bla ir F a rley, L oui se, Peru Furrell, Marguerite, Aurnra Field, Josephine, Sh enandoah, Iowa Finke Mary Burr Fi sh, 'Grace V., Shubert Fi sher, Loi s, Pe1·u Fi sher, \V. Merle, Cook Ford, Minnie E., H a mburg, Iowa Fra nkfortPr, Thelma, Ohiowa Fran::: . Eul a, :VIurray '!<'ram', LaVon, Union Frary, Gl enn, Aubm·n Frey, Wi lma, llu Boi s Frye . Beryle, Ch ester Fuller, Everett, P eru Gage, Frankie, Auburn Gaines, Averyl, Peru Gn llant. Nellie, H ebron Gates, Edyth e, Blanch ard , Jo \\'a Germain , l\Iilclrecl, H umbold t Gi lkeson. Glen n , Peru Gillan , Kath l· yn Mary , Ex ete1· Gla sgow , H. W., Craig Gla sgow, Sadi e, P eru Good loe, Loi <:, Stella (;l'abill, May, Shenandoah, Iowa Graf, Daisy Cla ire, T ec um se h Graf, Lon I~ .• Peru Graf, Mildred , Peru •.} raham , Glady;:;, PerciYal, I o\\':1 Gra h um, Rebecca, Ju lian G ta ndy. Cla1·ence, P eru Grnui. Leila L., Alexandri a G•'<;ul. Leonard . A lexan dri a GrayP.s, El izabe.t h E., Fi llf'y G l ~' ve.;, Marguerite, Filley Gregg , L ois, Beatl'ice G1·ee 1•lee, Freel D., Tabo1', Iow a G1·egor, :Wrs. E sther, Diller G1·iffiths, Th eresa B., Verdon Grossoch me, Edith , P er u (' ru~ soehm c, Gladys, Peru Gro ~~oe hmc , Nan n., Auburn Gro s~ oehme, Wm., Auburn Gruenwalclt, Kathryn, Springfi eld G1·um1 ale!, Em il, ] Jun bar Gu illi att, Pearl, A ubu r n Gunclennan n , H elene, Ohiowa Gustafson, Mabel, \Vahoo
8 !)
Haclanan, Lydia M., Culbertson Hackman, Otto W., Lincoln Hackman, Viola, Lincoln Hageman, Freda, Ithaca Hall, C. L., Clarinda, Iowa Haney, Oliver, Independence, Iowa Hannigan, Kathryn, Silver Creek Hansen, Emma C., Fullerton Hanson, Clarence B., Shickley Hanson, John P., Shickley Hanson, Walter H., Johnson Harajian, Eleanore, Peru Harajian, Lucille, Peru Harajian, Mary E., Peru Harajian, Ruth, Peru Harrison, Ida, Omaha Harrison, Mary, Peru Harrison, R. D., Peru Hart, Mabel G., Farragut, Iowa Hartley, Harriott E., Nebraska City Hartley, Isabel M., Peru Hartley, Richard, Plattsmouth Hartung, Marie, Du Bois Hauptman, Verda, Julian Hedblom, Selma, Hamilton Hellmann, Minnie, Falls City Henderson, Maude M., Winner, S. D. Hendricks, Gertrude, Douglas Hendrix, Bernice, Ash land Hermsmeier, Elenora, Plymouth Hernsmeier, Minnie, Plymouth Heskett, Daisy J., Salem Hicks, Clara B., Auburn Hicks, Rosa Mae, Auburn Higgins, Floyd, Stella Higgins, Lois B., Fairmont Hitzeman, Marie, Steinauer Hobbs, Viola, Adams Hoffman, Hilda, Sutton Holch, Mrs. A. E., Peru Holscher, Hulda, Burr Holeman, Mrs. Maude, Anselmo Holeman, Alvin C., Ansley Hopper, Dorothy, Waterloo Horalek, Blanche, Pawnee City Howard, Emma L., Shenandoah, Iowa. Howard, Mabel, Murray Hoy, Florence, West Point Hoy, Mabel, Farnam Hoy, Paul K., Farnam Hoyt, Esther, Peru Hoyt, Phili,p, Peru Huck, C. A., Peru Huff, \Vesley A., Peru Rumberger, Esther, Jansen Hunt, Bernice, Peru Hunter, Ralph W., Tabor, Iowa
Hurt, Dorothy, Omaha Hutchings, Georgia, Malvern Iowa Hutchinson, Clyde A., Per~ Hylton, Lillian, Du Bois Ihrig, Minnie C., Johnson Irvin, Merle, Auburn Irwin, Katherine, Shenandoah Iowa Isom, Jessie, Thurman, Iowa ' Ivers, Clyde E., Grand Island Jacks, Loleta, Plattsmouth .Tames, Lola, Edgar James, Maude A., Stella James, Opal L., Nemaha Janouch, Marie R., Wilber Jantzen, Wm. G., Nebraska City Jave, Irene, Walnut, Iowa Jeffery, Irene, Beatricie .Jeffery, Myra, BeatI·ice Jenkins, Rutl1, Stella Johnson, Carol, Sterling Johnson, Clara, Chester Johnson, Marie 0., Benedict Jones, Clarence R.. Nemaha Jones, Franklin M., Peru .Jones, Helen M., Nemaha Jones, John W., Stella Jorgman, Flora, South Omaha Jorn, Alma, Verdon Jorn, Mabel, Verdon Kealy, Rosamae, St. Edward Keefer, Pearl, Papillion Kennedy, Freeda, Talmage Kennedy, Cora Mae, Tekamah Kennedy, Minnie, Nebraska City Kennedy, Nelle, Logan, Iowa Kenton, Pearl, Peru Ken, Gertrude, Virginia King, Etta L., Waterloo Kirby, Irene, Adams Kittle, Luella, Shenandoah, Iowa Klaasmeyer, Blanche, Burr Klinger, Freda, Plattsmouth Koester, Anna, Bostwick Knigge, L. Elsie, Guide Rock Knigge. L. Marie, Guide Rock Koch, Wilhelmina, Millard Kova11da. Jessie A., Milligan Krenz, Eva, Merna Kubovy, Emma, Omaha Kucera, Helen M., Tobias Kucera, Otto, Tobias Kukral, Libbie, NiobraTa Lamb, Beatrice C., Palmyra Larkin, Hazel, Beattie, Kans. Larkin, Lois, Beattie, Kans. Larsen, Clara, Lyons ff• Larsen, Helen M., Council Blu ·
Menefee, Virginia, Firth Menninga, Louise, Sterling Mese1路ve, Mary Fleichman, Torrington, Wyoming Meter, Gerald, Lorton Michaels. Elisa, Reynolds \tickel. .Jere, Lincoln Miesbach, Effie, Unadilla Milam, Albertina, Auburn Miller, Ethel, Beaver Crossing Miller, Fred J., Sterling Mille1路, Gertrude, Sterling 1V1iller, Margaretta, Hebron Miller Mildred May, Sterling Miller, Rose, Bladen Miller, Ruby, Beaver Crossing Milnes, Marion, Peru Miner, Marjorie, Tecumseh Monteith, Mona, Peru Montgomery, Maude, Humboldt Moreley, Josephine. Columbu s Mundt, Laura. Papillion Murray, Martha, Reynolds Naiman, J. G., Peru N2imen, Marie, Peru Naiman, Walte1路. Peru Nelson. Arthur J., Ruskin Nesbitt. Beatrice, Keokuk, Iowa Neill, Ferne W., David City Neumeister, Harvey A., Nebraska City Nicholas, Alfie, DeWitt Nicholas, Genevieve, Nebraska City Nicholas, Hester, DeWitt Nielson, Charlotte, Plattsmouth Nielson . E. G., Nebraska City Nippert, Ward E., Bruning Noerrlinger, Ralph, Crab Orchard Nugent, Josephine. Blencoe, Iowa O'Connell, Marguerite, Dawson O'Dell, Dora, Bigelow, Mo. Odman, 路E. A., Wahoo Olsen, Amy Gertrude, Greenwood Orner, Mildred, Beatrice Paasch, Margllret, Millard Pabian, Otto, Prague Parriott, Chas, E., Peru Parriott, Dorothy D., Peru Parriott, Jennings, Peru Parsons, Mrs. L. G., Verdon Parsons, Wilma, Verdon Pasco, Lois, Auburn Pasco. Ruth E., Auburn Pass, Miriam, Lincoln Pate, Chloe, Orleans Pate, Mildred, Peru Paynt. . Gladys, Talmage
P er son , Ellen, Bayard P er son , Mar y B., Baya rd P et er son. Alfie, Plattsmouth P eterson . Effie L ., E xet er P et erson , Emily, Peru P et erson , Harold, Peru Petti grew, Mae, Oak Pla ce, Chas., Nebraska City Poin ter, Maude, Fall s C ity Polan d, L oui se, DuBoi s Pool, Julian , E., Verdon P r ice, Devona, Allianc<' Potarcl, Alice, Brnck Powell, Th elma, Humboldt P oynter, Mrs. Faye, Nebraska City Poynter, James W., Nebraska City Poyntei'. Kenton, Mound City, Mo. Pratt, Sidney, Tobias Prokop, Libbi e, Wilber Prior , Amet hys t, Nemah a Pu sey, Mae Jos ie, Thomp ~on Fu se ~• , Lucy, Thompson Rainey, Clara, Plattsmouth Rain ey , M. I sabel, Plattsmouth Rath e, Irene . Adams Ra y , Ollye Mae, Ralston Reagan , Iva G., Humbold t Redfern, John , P eru Reed , H arold , Dougla s Reed. Lucille, Peru Retzl a ff, Cora, W a shin gton Retzlaff, Rose, Washington Richard s, Mr s. Laura, Reynold s Ri cketts, Esther A., Neb raska City Ricketts, Grace L ., Percival , Iowa H.oberts, Jos. H . Oak Robirds, Ruth M., Peru Rochman , Viola, Axtell, K an ~ . Rodaba ugh, Nelli e, Auburn Roessler, H ecl\\·ig, Plattsmouth Rogers, Leil a , Cambridge Rogge, Henrietta, Roh n Rogge, M. L oui se, Roh r s Ronnau, Florence, Syrac use Ross, Elsie M., Auburn Rothert, Freel A., Harvard Rundberg, Vivia n, Ong Ru ssell , Caroline, Lincoln Ru ssell , H elen, Armou1· Ru ssell, Kate, Lincoln Ru ssell, Ethel Mae, Armour Ru~ sel!, Lucille, Brown vill e Sage, Loretta, Julian Sak r yt, Anna L., Tobia s Sankey, Guy, Elk Creek Sch aefer, R osetta, Brock Schacheeyer, La Setta , Clatonia
Sch enk el, Joh a na, Fi r t h Scheu er , Muriel, Om a ha Schindler , W ilb ur, Fall s Cit\· Schneider, Arth ur, E lmwoocl Schneide1·, Luree, Mill a r d Schroeder, A g nes, Rul o Schwa rtz, Dorothy , S ou th Omaha Scott, Ruby, Hambu rg, Io wa Sea r s, Ma xin e, P eru Sears, Sterling S., P er u Sears, \Va nda, Peru Selk, Alene, Plymouth Seney, Delle Speck, H erman Seney, N oel, Herma n Sewell . Mrs. Addie. P eru Sh afe1:, Ward, Ru skin Sherman, H allie, Stell a Sherman , Hazel, Auburn Shirnonek , Helen, Wilbu r Shubert, I va A., Shubert Sim s, Basil H., Peru Sim s, Merle, Kalves ta, K an~. Si sk e, Mildred, Peru Skl enar, Bes ie, Ceresco Slemon s, Alice, Pawnee Citv Smidt, Ida, Adam s · Smidt, Ida Mae, Crab Orchard Smidt, Irene, Crab Orchard S midt, Louise D., Adam s Snow<len, Amy H., Shenandoah, Iowa Sn owden, Ian J., Shen andoah, Iowa Snyder, Blanche, Talm age Snyder, I sabelle, Auburn Sorenson, Myrtle, Plain vie\\" ich , Ola11ence, Stockham Speich, Virginia, Stockh am Sperry, Omer, Huntley Spinner, Lillian M., N ebrai'ka City Sprague, Esther, 'W ym ore Staben, S elma, Loui sville Standerforcl, Mae, Hum boldt Stanley, Gladys Irene, N ora Ste iner , Erma M., Burchard Steinpacher, Mamie, Milligan Stephen son , Floyd J ., P eru S.t ewart, Andrewin a., Beatrice Stiles, Clara, Brock Stoft, Beatrice, Papillion Stoft, Grace, Papillion Storrs, Luella, Edgar Study, Jun e, McPaul, Io\1·a Swan son, Grace, Davenport Swanson, N ellie, Daven po rt Swinn ey, Gre tchen, Duff T ackett, Cornelia, Rulo Tackett, Ha rry L., Rul o Taney, Ruby, Otoe
ersley, Margy, Auburn
rank. Mable M., Pel'll
Ta.Jet , Ha r lan d, Peru f<1ylo~, La Verda, La Platte Taylo .' Wa r d H ope, Rulo Tayl~l \ Vinn ifred, Bancroft Te1c • Minnie, H olmesvill e Thorn~ 5 Mabel , N emaha ~~~:as'. Nellie, Nemah~~ son Claren ce, E ll is ThhornPe Mrs Goldie, Panama Torp • · F p . Th0 rpe Norman ., anama . t ort' Ha zel 0 ., Scottsbluff Tie - ' . b ury Tippin, Kath ren '. F air Tobler, In s, P ei u Toft, Laurella A., 0.ak Torrey, Blan ch e, F a irbury Trively. Dora, ~lattsmouth Twombley, Fla via, Arcadia Tyner, Lydia, Shena n doah, Iowa Tfbben Ellen, Aubu r n Vance: Hazel I. , Pawn ee City Vance. Marga r et, P eru Veal, Irene, Verdon Vernon, Verta, Crab Orchard Vitek, Lillie, Vi rginia Vogel, Alma, H ome, Kans. Vodehnal, Lyd ia, Or d Vl iet, Nellie, Burchard Vollentine, Gl adys, P eru Wadick, E lizabeth , Pl att ~ rnouth Wanek, Ida, DeWi tt Ward, Emma, Rulo Ward, Gladys, Avoca Warman, W ill T ., Gla dstone
Warten sleben, Sheridan, \Vyornin g \\'atson, Blanche, Beatrice \Vatts, Gertrude, Sidney, Iowa Watts, Grace, Sidney, Iowa Weatherfiel<l, Elby, Oak Weimer, ]) . T., Hardy \\' eime1·, Ru ssell, Hardy \Verner, Ruth, Hamburg, Iowa \'i' esin , Ena Juliette, Omaha Whiffen, Evelyn, Lewiston Wh itaker, Wi lma, Grafton White, Alice, Tecum seh Whitfield. Alberta L., Stella Whitla, Myrna, Butte Whitten, Merritt, Nebra ska Cit~· Whit>vell, Harland, Peru Wickham. Faye E., Salem Wiebe, Helen, Beatrice Wi les, Cretonia, Syracu se \Viles, Lincoln, Syracuse Willhoft, Nora, Nebra ska City Wi!lhoft, Waldo 0., Nebraska City 'Williams, Helen B., Stockville \Vilson, Don, Harvard Winfrey, Melba, Stella \Vood ie F uller Berwvn Woodie: Hazel,' Pel'll · 'vVright, J o ~e phine, Auburn Wright, Noel, Shubert Wright. Roscoe E., Pel'll Yos t , H enry L., Beatrice Yos t. Paul L., Bartlett, Iowa Youn g, L ill ian V ., Peru Zelen y, F red, Brun o Zlab, Olga, Wi lber
SEPTEMEBR 1, 1925 TO JU N E 1, 1926. Adams, Wolburga, N ebr. Cit y . Alfs, Wal te r , Shickley ·~nemand, Genevieve, Stella ·.\ en, Glad ys I ., Doug l a ~ 4. "de, Lillian, Dawson -. n ~rson , Veda Graf ·.'1.llV \ Jll e, W m., P'eru Alton, Brock Ban~ A., P anama Bass:t't · D., Elm wood Bath HClarke, Unadilla Baue~ Hward , Brownv1ne Bebout Bazel, Ver don Beekora ~u lah , N ebr. City Beu F , onald C. W aco Bevin~rrest G., Be~ trice Bi!y, Ono:, PGrace M., Reyn olds · aw nee City
Blas, Mar y, Reynolds Boatma n, Delber t, Shubert Bogle, F rank P., Peru Booth, An ita , Douglas Boo th, Evelyn L ., P aw nee City Boyle, Basil, Ver don Branson, Libbie, P er u Brinkman , E lma, P Rw nee Cit,\· Brown, Bess C., P eru Brown, Rex R., Sto<'.kville Bruce, Lorenc, W cston Buetzenbach, ·waiter, P eru Buckingh a m , Ola I. , Auburn Bu ising, L orene, F a lls City Bunch, Daris J ., Falls City Burn s, Hazel, Stella Busch , Roy C., Utica Bu sch, Mrs. Roy C., De Soto
Butler, Joseph A., .A.lexandria Butts, Louise, Dearborn, Mo. Byram, Evangeline, Decatur Caldwell, Geraldine, Malvern, Ia. Caldwell, Ruth, Malvern, Ia. Caley, Jane Lucille, Creighton Cameron, Martha, Peru Campbell, Musetta, Violet Carpenter, Cecil W., Douglas Carper, Gladys, Unadilla Carsch, Pearl, Humboldt Carter, Lewis M., Hebron Carter, Opal Yost, Peru Carter, Wm. R., Peru Casler, G. V., Ellis Casler, Mrs. Lois, Ellis Cathcart, Amy, Cook Chamberlain, Roy, Brownville Chaney, Edythe, RiYerton, Ia. Chase, Helen, Auburn Chase, Stuart, J;llattsmouth Chatelain, Ralpf1, Peru Church, Ben, Alexandria Ciochon, Adelaide, Ord Clark, Harold. Omaha Clineburg, Helen M., Peru Clineburg, 11-fargaret, Peru Coldwell, Grace, Round Valley Colglazier, Enid C., Verdon Collins, Laura, Peru Collins, Paul, Peru Conkle, Francis L., Peru Conkle, Orville, Peru Cook, Vera B., Peru Cook, Verna M., Nebr. City Coonrad, Avis E., Reynolds "Cope, Frank, Peru Corey, Grace M., Shenandoah, Ia. Coupe, Margaret, Rulo Cowan, Frances M., Deweese Cowan, Grace, Deweese Cowell, George, Peru Cowell, Nelle, Peru Craig, Earl, Peru Crocker, Estella, David City Crocker, Rachel, BPatrice Crook, Ella Catherine, Nebr. City Cullen, Beulah, Holmesville Cunningham, Cecil, Pawnee City Current, Zalia, Stockville Dahlstrom, Marg:iret, Peru Dahlstrom, Roy, Peru Dallam. Boone, Peru Dallam, Chas., Peru Dallam, William L., Peru Davenport, Ben B., Norfolk
Davenport, Edith, Peru Davenport, Wm. Fulton Peru Davies, Donald E., Verdon Davi~, Adelaide R., Table Rock Dearmg, Dorothy, Alliance · DeLes Dernier, Thelma, Ehnwooct Delzell, James W., Peru Dickerson, Elmetta, Brock Dillon, John, Peru Dodderer, Harriett, Verdon Dodderer, lviarion, Verdon Dodson, Helen, Omaha Dl'iver, Thomas \V., Hartington Duncan, Lloyd, Peru Dunning, Mrs. !nice, Peru Durr, Bridget Agnes, Nebraska Cii.. Earl, Arthur, Bl'ownville •J Ellis, Mrs. Muriel, Bellevue Ellis, WJ<11. G., Bellevue Eiseman, Ruth, Millard Ennen, Etta, Cook Epler, Helen, Julian Eskew, Elsie E., Shenandoah, Ia. Eskew, Frances F., Shenandoah Ia. Evans, Edith E., Shubert · Evans, Elizabeth, Peru Farquhar, Faye H., Guide Rock Farrell, Marguerite, Aurora Fellers, Annie, Liberty Findies, Anna, Pawnee City Fisher, Marjorie, Olathe, Colo. Fisher, W. Merle, Cook Fletcher, Irene, Omaha Ford, Blanche, Watson, Mo. Frederickson, Dagmar, Newell, Ia. Frerichs, Laura, Auburn Fritz, Rosa, Verdon Fuhrer, Georgia Lea. Auburn Fuller, Everett, Peru Gaines, Kenneth, Peru Ganz, Ruth, Dunbar Gariss, Arthur M., Tecumseh Garrett, Maxine, Mound City, Mo. Gillespie, Ruth, Auburn Girthoffer, Edith, Omaha Girthoffer, Ethel, Omaha Givens, Jessie A., C<irtland Godwin, Frank, Plattsmouth Goodloe, Lois, Stella Graham, Gladys P., Percival, Ia. Graham, Rebecca, Julian Grass, Amzie V., Waco Graf, Mrs. Mildred, Peru ndria Graul, Leonard Richard, Alexa Gregg, Lois, Beatrice Grossoehme, Gladys, Peru
PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE 'franklin, Peru Belen, Salem Josephine, Omalla ne, Verdon ..,,eJyn, Paii:iyra l"'j:,jJJian, Friend "W~.hlllJIOrn, Walter, Waco Frances, Auburn Frances, Nemaha Freeda, Peru E~ily E., Auburn Pearl, Peru j Esther, Falls City ' Willow, Lead, S. Dak. John A., Malvern, Ia. Robert, Peru ' William, Peru ' Marie, Guide Rock ity, Alma, South Omaha da, Robertta, Table Rock Joe, Plattsmouth , Berta B., Omaha , Emma M., Omaha , Otto, Tobias g, Lorene, Douglas , Marion, Omaha , Lucille M., Nemaha rt, Raymond. Plattsmouth ,, Wm. E., Nemaha Arnold, Rawlins, Wyo. Malva, Rawlins, Wyo. , Beryl, Hebron e, Clara, Nemaha , Richard 0., P eru , Lillie E., Fairmont , Ruby, Peru Alice, Verdon -~lflliil61, Arthur C., Nebr. City , Norma, Morrill, Kans. .ton, Marion, Nebr. City lch, Florence, Alliance auline, Waco !\{rs. Ethel, Peru tck, Ruby, Syracuse â&#x20AC;˘ Maurice, Murdock y, Geo. !'>-., Blanchard, Ia. ,n, Lucille, Nebr. City â&#x20AC;˘ Mabel, Stella Esther A., Vesta ht, Esther, Albion n, Joseph R., Stella ,. M'.lrgaret, Omaha essie L., Omaha A~hur R., Peru i!dith, Endicott 'Wrence, Norfolk
Grossoehme, Wm., Peru Grover, Eva, Peru Grunwald, Emil E., Dunbar Hall, C. L., Clarinda, Ia. Hall, Willard D., Nemaha Haney, Earl J. Springfield Hanson, Clarence B., Shickley Hanson, Ethel E., Bellevue Hanson, John P., Shickley Harajian, Eleanore, Peru Harris, Merna, Stella Harrison, Mary, Peru Harrison, Robert D., Peru Hart, Ella, York Hartley, Isabel, Nebr. City Hartley, Richard, Peru Hastings, Charlie, Osceola Hauptman, Belva, Peru HayE'.'>, Frances, Elmwood Hayward, Eldon, Tecumseh Heafey, Kathryn, Nebr. City Hedblom, Selma, Aurora Heftie, Leon, Stockham Heinz, Harold W ., Lincoln Hendrix, Bernice, Ashland Herron, Amy M., Wal.son, Mo. Heywood, Everett, Peru Hicks, Clara B., Auburn Higgins, Lois B., Fa!rmont Higgins, Ralph B., Stella Hilgenfield, Hubert M., Steele City Hillard, Frank, B., Peru Hinton, Willard R., Stockville Hoffman, Margaret, Burchard Hoffman, Velma N., Steinauer Hoot, Thelma, Tecumseh Hoyt, Philip, Peru Huck, C. A., Peru Huff, Pearl, Peru Huff, Wesley A., Peru Hulfish, Herbert Gordon, Elmwood Hungate, Ruth, Pawnee City Hunt, Bernice, Peru Hunter, Ethel, South Bend Hunter, Mabel, Pert' Hunter, Marie D., Plattsmouth Hunter, Ralph W., Peru Hunter, Raymond E ., Peru Hurt, Dorothy M., Peru Hutchings, Georgia, Malvern, Ia. Hutchinson, Cora, Auburn Ivers, Lester, Schuyler Jackman, Evelyn, Louisville Johnson, Harold W., Salem Jones, Alice, Nemaha Jones, Clarence R., Nemaha
Manger, Dorothy, Omaha Mares, Elsie, Peru Marsh, Marion, Peru Marshall, Mrs. J. T., Panama Marshall, Viva, Panama Mason, Lillian, Salem Mason, Mildred, Salem Melton, Charles C., Waco Melvin, Edna N., Reynolds Mendenhall, Eldon, Weep:ng Water Mendenhall, Mabel, Elmwood Menefee, Virginia G., Firth Mentzer, Florence C., Peru Merritt, Ethel Haig, Peru Merritt, James M., Endicott Meserve, Mary F., Peru Meyer, Ruth A., Weeping Water Meyers, Dorothy, Nebr. City Mickel, Jere, Lincoln Miller, John W., Alexandria Miller, Lucy Fern, Bladen Miller, Mrs. Zella M., Beatrice Monson, Mary J., Sidney, Iowa Moore, Donna, Nemaha Moore, Ida, Nemaha Moore, Mary Sue, Omaha Moran, Maggie, Hardy ~organ, Marion, Omaha Moulton, Selma E ., Burchard Mudge, Mrs. Viola, Beatrice Nainfan, Joseph G., Alexandria Naiman, Marie, Peru Naiman, Walter, Peru Neal, Helen, Peru Nedrow, Warren, St.ella Nelson, Harriett L., Albion Nelson, Monell V., Ong Newton, Charles, Brownville Nicholas, Dorothy E., Nebr. Citv Nicholas, Genevieve, Nebr. City Nickel, LaDean, Murdock Noerrlinger, Barbara, Lewiston N ovotony, Emelia, Brainard Noxon, E;.melyn, Omaha Olson, Dorothy, Elmwood O'Neil, John E., Dunbar O'Neil, Vera, Dunbar · Ord, Mabel J., DuBois Osborne, Hazel B., Brownville Otto, Hazel, Verdon Pabian, Otto K., Prague Palmer, Nona M., Peru Panska, Verna, Elmwood Parish, Francis, Elmwood Parks, Charles B., Auburn Parriott, Dorothy, Peru
Parriott, Lester, Peru Parriott, Mar.iorite, Peru Pasco, Lois, Auburn Pasco, Lora, Auburn Pate, Mildred, Peru Penkava, Verna, Crab Orchard Peters, Dorothea, Greenfield Ia Peterson, Harold, Peru ' · Philbrook, Ruth E., Clarks Pierce, Gladys, Bartlett, Ia. Pierce, Leone, Bartlett, Ia. Pierce, Robert, Ellis Poling, Dorothea, Nebr. City Pospisil, Lillian, Western Poynter, Kenton A., Mound City JI 0 Price, Devona M., Alliance ·' · • Priefert, Leslie, Reynolds Rader, Gladys E., Beatrice Randall, Monte, Atkinson Rasmussen, A. Christine, Omaha Reagan, Allene)<:., Humboldt Rebuck, Mary,/Auburn Redfern, Barton, Peru Reynolds, Frances, Moorefield Reynolds, Mabel, Omaha Rhoades, Cleon H., Nemaha Rhodus, Kittie, Peru Rice, Doris, Peru Rickers, Fred H., Dunbar Ricketts, Esther, Nebr. City Rife, Rose, Omaha Ritchie, Arleene, Stella Rinne, Minnie C., Steinauer Roberts, Clifford, Brownville Roberts, Gertrude E., Douglas Rogers, Oliver, Peru Rohrs, Pauline, Aub\J.rn Roubinek, Malinda, Dodge Rowley, Lauretta, Bradshaw Ruemelin, Florence, Eimwood Rush, Kathryn, Beatrice Sasseen, Marie, Unadilla Scarbrough, Corine, Bridger, Mont. Schaefer, Rosetta, Brock Schindler, Alberta, Nebr. City Schindler, Ruth, Nebr. City Schneider, Luree, Millard Schreiner, Raymond, Dunbar Schwartz, Dorothy, Omaha Sears, Wanda, Peru Selk, Arnold M., Plymonth Setzer, Leora, Peru Sewell, Mrs. Addie, Peru Shafer, Ward, Ruskin Sheik, Flora, Crab Orchard Sheik, Leah, Crab Orchard
PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Bernice, Falls City 'er Forrest B., Plattsmouth on~, Vir ginia, Bradshaw kins, Logan, Reynolds en Shirley, Waco -~ Carl A., Elmwood . .~. Glenn M., Barada . ons Alice, Pawnee City = ons: Dean H., Pawnee City Sla1th• Opal, Salem SD41Wden, Ian, Emmettsburg, Ia. Sii)der Evelyn, Nemaha s-aer: Isabelle, Auburn ~ks , Verna G., Tecum_seh sPiner, Lillian, Nebr. City SUeves, Raymond G., Panama Sfephenson, F loyd J., f'eru steJlhenson, Mrs. Maude, Peru Stevens, Aver y, Nebr. City Stewart, Frances, P lattsmouth Stiers, Kenneth, Nemaha $, C1ara, Brock Stratton, Helen, Steinauer Stlikenholtz, Helen, Julian $ultzbaugh, Dean, Peru &ltherland, Max, Elmwood Swartwout, Rae, Kansas City, Mo. wisegood, Isabelle, Verdon Tackett, Harry L., Rulo Taney, Ruby, Otoe Taney, Willi s, Otoe T'uler, Mabel, Peru Taylor, Mildred, Mound City, Mo. Taylor, Minnie, Nebr. City l:.'!1'>'• Hugh , Alexandria inies, Alvina, Auburn it°Dlas, Nellie, Nemaha orpe, Jess B., Waco TPft. Laurella A., Oak ~Olrne, Kathryn M., Peru 'fiflJfnsend, Doris, Tecumseh r::send, Dor tha Peru ......,.;.L bridge, Alice,' Hastings ~ Laura, Weeping water ....__,: May ~elle, Weeping Water """!l'.er, Luc11le, Nebr. City
Turner, Margaret, Alliance Tyson, Mrs. Leona, Sidney, Ia. Uhlig; Mildred, Omaha Vance, Bartlett, Peru Vance, Hazel, Pawnee City Vance, Margaret, Peru Van Gleef, Helen, Fairbury Vanderbeek, Vester, Panama Vanderford, Leone, Peru Vanderford, Isabelle, Peru Veal, Irene, Verdon Vice, Edith, Shubert Vodehnal, Lydia, Ord Walker, Dale E., Verdon Walker; Veda, Sterling Waltze, Ferne, Peru Warner, Marion E., Nebr. City Wasley, Walter Russell, Plattsmouth Watkins, Joe W., Stockville Watkins, Vera Mae, Stockville Watson, Squire, Peru West, Wayne, Unadilla Wheeler, Naomi, Syracuse Wheeler, Salome, Syracuse Whitla, Myrna M., Butte Whittemore, Donald E ., Adams Whitwell, Wilma, Peru Wiechman, Malinda, Cook Willhoft, Waldo, Nebr. City Williams, Bert, Peru Williams, Helen B., Stockville Williams, Charles M., Douglas Williams, Lambert, Stella \Villiams, Ralph, Holdredge Winfrey, Melva, Stella W oi tzel, Erma, Greenwood W oitzel, Frieda, Greenwood Woodward, Dora P., Guide Rock Woodie, Hazel, Per11 Wright, Noel W., Shubert Wuster, Ruth, Dawson Yarborough, Estella. Alliance Yates, Alberta, Peru Zook, Owen, Peru Zorn, Wilbert, Falls City
CORRESPOND ENCE STUDENTS SUMMER 1925. YEAR 1925-1926 . Ada m s , Effie H ., Ru shvill e Ainlay, Dorothy, Belgrade Akins. Exha. W estern Alexander, Mae V., Culbertson Ames , Lillian, Dawson Anderson , L eah, ·Panama Armstrong, F. D., Brownville Armstrong, Mrs. F ern , Union Anvillc, Pascali ne, Richland Bade, Gus A., P a nama Baldridge, Mrs. Fanni e, Fullerton Barker, Mrs. Ro se, Superior Beach, Fern, Edgar Beecher, Mary E., Sunol Behrens, Kathryn, Yutan Bell, M illard, Bradshaw Berg, Genevieve, Shubert Bi shop, Clarice, Omaha Blazek, Joseph F., Howell s Bogle, W . F., Alma Booth, Evalyn, Pawnee City Boren, Maurice, Fremont Borne, Katherine, Nebraska City Boyd, Gladys, Des Moines, Iowa Bradford. Mrs, Edith, Rulo Brady, Mrs. Ida, Tecum seh Branson, Libbie, Peru Brooker. Florence. Omaha Brown, Edna A., Falls City Brown, Winnie, Hamburg, Iowa Bruce, Helen, vVeston Cameron, Mrs. Very!, Brady Ca rter. Opal, Orafino Caseb eer. Loui se, Waco Casler, G. V., Peru Catlett, Wayne, Pawnee City Chaney, Edythe P., Riverton, Iowa Chapin , Audra . Ral ston Chard, L. F ., Beatrice Clark, C. E. Waco Clevenger, B. A., vVymore Callen, Bessie, Aubu rn Colli ster, Ralph, Fairbury Collin s, Carolyn, Halfway, Wyo. Conway. Mrs. Eunice, Fai r bury Crandell, Mark, Nebraska City Crook , Alice, Nebraska City Cruikshank, Mary, Nebraska City Cunningham, Carl, Pawnee City Davis, Mrs. Lucy M ., Union
Diekmann, M a tilda M., I >orchester Ead ~ , Mr:s. Mary, Au bu rn Ellis, \ Vm . G., Omaha Everett, Maude B .. F airfi eld Fish er, M erl e, Cook Fletcher, Dorothy, Omaha Fletcher, Irene, Omaha Fogg , Ethel A., Doniphan Ford , Minnie E., Sh enandoah l<IJ"a Fran s, Eula, -Loui svill e ' Gallant, M rs. ellie, H ebron Ganzel. D. A., A lb ion Garrett, Bessie ~,a Rue , Union Gates, Mrs. Dal ~ Fairburv Giffee, Ro sella m, D awso~ Girthoffer, Edith , Omaha Girth offer , Ethel, Omah a Glasgow, Hal \ V., Craig Goolsby, Ethel, Bai ada Graf, Dai sy, Tecum seh Graham, Rebecca, Ju lian Gregory, Mrs. E sth er, J)il! er Grossoehme, Mrs . • ran, Auburn Grossoehme, \Vm., Aubu rn Grothe, Clara , Dorchester Gruenwald t, Erna, Pap illi on Gruenwaldt, Kathryn, Springfield Grun wald, E. E., Sturp;is, S. n. H a ckman. Mrs. Viola, Li ncoln H a llett, Fred W., Ch ambeda in, S. D Han e~ . Mrs. S . A., Freedom H aney, 0. J., Indepe ndence, Mo. Harri s, E ls ie A .. Sterli ng Harri son , Mrs. Mary, Panama H a rtl ey. Harriott, Aubu rn H a y r. E sthPr. Shi ck ley H edbloom . Selma, Aurora Heffley, Blanche, Gretna Hellmer, ·Ma ri e, \Vym orC' H ende n on, M;1 ude, \\Tin ner. S. n. H endri ckson. Marg:u erite, :\Titchell H enning, May, H ebron H oleman . Mrs . Ma ud , An ,elmo Hopper, Dorothy, W aterl oo Hover, Edith South Omaha Ho ward, Emm" . Sh enan doah, Iowa HeubE'r. Mrs. Belle, Rey nold' lngersol . Bess . Om aha I vers, Clyd e, Gran d l >la nd Jackso n, L e il a M., DeatricP
0IJal Nemaha James, W~ E Nebraska City Jantzen, · ., h Kennedy, Cora, Tekama . K ster Don D., Aubm n u. ge' Elsie Lau ra, Rosemont K nig ' . 0 ma h a J{ ch Wilhelmine, K~r~er Amanda, E ll~horn Krueger: Minnie, ~tkmson Kucera, Helen, Wilber . Kukral, Libbie F ., Arcadia Lewis, Edith , Shu_bert Lewis Thyra, Winnebago Lindahl Arthur, Nebraska City Livingston, Marion, N ebraska Ci ty Lucas, Alta B., Una dilla McCoy, E lva, Tecum seh McKeon, Margaret, Gretna McMahon, Warren D., Palttsmou lh McVay, Mary, Beaver City Madden, Richard, Chester }fagel, Leonore, Sidney, Iowa Marren , Agnes, Tecumseh Marren. Clara, Elsie Marren; Harold J., Tecumseh Martin, Addie, Anita, Iowa Martin, Sarah, F arragu t, Iowa Mason, Marion E ., Omaha Mead, Buena Lee, Dunbar Melvin , Glenn, S,pencer Miesbach. Effi e, Angora Mohler, Mrs. Marguerite, Pi·eston Morgan , alph, Tarkio, Mo. Moulton, Selma, Burchard Mu_rray, Martha, Reynolds Na!man, J oseph , P eru Naiman, Mari e, P eru Nelson , Arthur, H olstein Nelson . Erland, Ruskin ~~umei t cr , H arvey, Nebraska City ) Dell , Dora , Bigelow, Mo. 0 <lmaii , E . A., \Vahoo ~atte~·~on, .Mrs. W. E., Long Pine otaia, Abee, Brock Pave~ec, Luci ll e. Omaha Percival, F ern, . F alls Cit · Preston Y pPhelpo • · M.ane, pool, Julian . Verdon p~~kter. J. W., Plattsmouth Pri op. Robert F ., Hu ntley Puce, Devona, Allian ce 11 • Margaret McCall 1>... ey, J osey, Thompson cuse,· L Quee~' ucy, Thompson Raga·' Ml\rs. L. F., Ralston m, fary M. , Tecumseh
Raitora, Helen, Cook Randall , John , Rulo Reagan, Iva Grace, Humboldt Redfern . Herbert, Falls City Retzlafi'. Cora, Dalton Reynolds, Mable E., Omaha Robin son, Verna, Bloomington Ro essler. Hedwig, Plattsmouth Roger ~, Leila V., Cambridge Roubinek . Malinda, Dodge Rowley, S. F., DeWitt Russel. Caroline, Alliance Russell, Kate, Alliance Sakryt. Anna, Tobias Schenkel, Johanna, Firth Schroeder, Agnes, Falls City Shubert. I va A., Shubert Simic_. Mary Jane, Edgar Si ska, Mildred, Peru Skinner, C. J ., Monh'oss, Colo. Sim ,;, Basil, Flint, Mich. Smith, Blanche V., Dorche,;ter Smith, Desda, Spr ingfield Staley, Lena Grom, Swanton Spinner, Lillian, Nebraska City Sporer, Chester A., Murray Stewart, Andrewina, Beatrice Stewart, Mrs. Anna A., Blair Swan. Mrs. Ethel, Oconto Teich , Winnifred, Bancroft Thoma ~, Mabel, Nemaha Thorstenson, Ada, vVahoo Traudt, A. C., Sioux City, Iowa Tucker, Lucille, Nebraska City Twombley, Flavia, Arcadia Vitek, Lillie, Virginia " 'arman, Vv. T., Sandpoint, Idaho \Vasmeier, Mrs. Emma . \Vinnett, Mont. 'Vear , Millie, Friend V\Teimc1·, T. D., Hardy \Vernimont. Kenneth, Ohiowa vVhitaker, Jessie V., Grafton \Vhitfield , Landon, Peru Whitley. Doris J., Palmer Whitney, Mrs. Pearl, Humbold t Whitten, Merritt, Bruning Wiles, Cretonia, Angora 'vVillhoft, Nora, Nebraska City Willhoft, Waldo, Nebraska City Willmore, \Vanda M., Hebron · \\Tilson, Mrs. Frances, Omaha Wright, Roscoe, Stamford Zoar, Florence, South Bend
Allen, Mrs. M. L. Anderson, Ruth Andrews, Jean Arbuthnot, Sue Bishop, Bertha Bishop, Clarice Bourke, Benjamin Bourke, F. W. Brooker, Lillian Brooker, Florence Carstens, Rhea Cerney, Evaline Chaloupka. Ana Chard, L. F. Chizek, Elsie Claybaugh, Bini Crook, Alice Cruikshank, Mary DeLa Vega, Frances Griffiths, Mildred A. Gruenwaldt, Erna Gruenwaldt, Kathryn Hale, Mrs. Alta Headley, Mrs. Bessie
STUDY CENTER 1925-1926. Heffley, Blanche Otteson, Althea Helmricks, John Pearsall, Margaret Holiway, Helen Penner, Frieda Huebner, Vera Penner, Louise Hunter, Bernice Pluckett, Alice Jirovec, Louise Pugh, Margaret MtCall Kennedy, Minnie Rowley. Mrs. s. F. King, Etta Ruth, Marjorie King, Marye Loy Schellinger, Helen Koerner, Amanda Schmidt, Elva Kriter, Luella Shimonek, Helen Larkin, Lois Stewart, Andrewina Larkin, Hazel Stewart, Hoyle Lemke, Alma Thimm, Doris Linsenmeyer, Christine Tucker, Viola McKee, Goldie Waldo, Zella Mead, Buena Lee Watson, Blanche Meadows, Mrs. Charlotte Wiebe, Erna Meier, Dorothy Wiebe, ~,ertrude Wiebe, Tary Helen Miller, Elsie Moran, Alice Weibel. Mundt, Laura Willhoft, Nora Neumeister, Harvey Wright, Leona Nicholas, Hester Young, G7i.ce
STUDENTS DEMONSTRATION SCHOOL 1925-1926. SENIORS Bath, Louis Gaines, Averyl Neal, Helen Boellstorff, Elizabeth Gorden, Carl Newton, Burtis Chatelain, Ralph Parriott, Marjorie Gorden, Donald Hauptman, Zola Redfern, Barton Clary, George Clevenger, Lester Hays, June Retzloff, Rose Clinebrug, Margaret Hunt, Bernice Rhoades, Cleon Rhodus, Margarete Cole, Fred L. Ivers, Frank D. Collins, Paul Jones, Iris L. Rice, Doris Smith, Mary Cope, Frank Jones, Mildred Dallam, Charles Majors, Robert Standley. Joe K. Vanderford, Leone McAuley, Wilbur Davis, Marguerite Dillon, John Milnes, Marion Wilson, Ellen Yates, Alberta Earl, Arthur Monteith, Mona JUNIORS. Y'isher, Genevieve Adams, Carl Rader, Peary Rawson, Lillie Adams, Louise Frederick, Robert Boellstorff, Chas. Furnas, Marguerite Reed, Elizabeth Bogle, James Gillespie, Virginia Robirds, Paul Briggs, Robert Sherman, Hazel Gregory, John Sopher, HarveY' O. Brundson, Harry Grossoehme, Floyd Sultzbaugh, Clifford Cole, Floyd Juhl, John Dasher, Charles Taylor, Mary Lichty, Gladys Thornhill, Merritt Dasher, George Majors, Lucy Dickerson, Esther Nincehelser, Esther Thornhill, Joy Duerfeld, Doris Vance, Mildred Parriott, Leland Elliott, Flroine Paul, Robert Woodie, Hazel Prather, Joe
PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE SOPHOMORES. s, Ru th . legate, Vyril John ~)~torff, Ot t o Jilggs, Kathryn c;ook Harold 'u Clinton Donna J an P'Oller, Alyce (;eings, Edyth Grafton, Edith Graves, Oliver Gregory, Viola
Grossoehme, Bdith Hedge, Kathryn Hutchingson, Vera Jones, Raymond Kelso, Opal Kizer, Clarence H. Leahy, George Leahy, Leora Majors, Margaret Mcininch, Wm. Milstead, Virginia Nelson, Maurice Nels on, Stuart Patterson, Harold
Peterson, Emily Pierce, Edwin Polston, Andrew Railsback, Thomas Sarber, Frank Sears, Maxine Snyder, Frances Stromquist, Alice Voxberg, Charles Vosberg, Velma Walkinshaw, Edgar Walkinshaw, Esther Wright, Dorothy
Vergil Applegate, Earl Allen, Edward Clineburg, Allison Cook, Moorey Duvel, Doris Gorden, Byron Grafton, J ohn Harajian, Ruth Hutchinson, Hollis Landolt, Katherine Landolt, Paul
Leahy, Marjorie Lichty, Steve McAdams, Myrle Marsh, Oliver Medley, Frances Monteith, Joe N ea!, Mildred Peery, Ruth Pettit, Winifred Sarber, Myrtle Stromquist, Milton
Sultzbaugh, Bertha Tobler, Lewis Turner, Elsie Tynon, Virginia Velvick, Wesley Waltz, Thelma Waltz, Ivan Wey, Louise Wey, Milford Williams, Irwin Woodie, Hubert Yates, Pete
EIGHTH GRADE Burbridge, Louise Cherry, Byron Dasher, Ila Mae Dunning, Mac Gaines, Stephen Gilbert Helen Grover, Opal
Hayes, Lola Mills, Opal Pate, Robert Rhoades. Luella Richard?'on, Velma Stephens, Charles Sherman, Carrie
Sherman, Ethel Vance, Doris Vanderford, Sterling Vosberg, Archie Williams, Woodrow Yates, Harold Yates, Joe
SEVENTH GRADE. Bray, Bernice Burbridge, Eunice Cope, Melba 0 we1l , P au line owe, Helen
Hayes, Frank Milstead, Haney Nincehelser, Floyd Pierce, Wilda Rader, Lloyd
:lythe, Richard Bray, Juanita Cutts, Edith · Drago, J ean ahlstrom, Daisy
Fisher, Wendell Leahy, Wanda Parriott, Alice Potter, Gladys
Rhodus, Howard Sheetz, Fern Stromquist, Leora Snyder, Byron Tyson, Kathleen
SIXTH GRADE. Pugh, Melvin Sanders, Dorothy Stoltz, Harold Vanderford, Irene Wilson, George
Adams, Hazel Ca~vthorne, Dorothy Clary, Glen Cook, Luena Wilma Cowell, Roberta
Duvel, Eloise Gilliland, Ruth Good, Kenneth Gregory, Lena
Applegate, Ellen Burbridge, Dorothy Chatelain, Ruth Dasher, Lavena Douglas, Ellis Gorden, Mary
Leahy, Percy Mentzer, Louise Potter, Ernest, Rader, Carl Rhoades, Helen Slinker, Gene
Grover, Alan Lee, Georgia Neal, Billy Richards, Ardith Stafford, Francis
FOURTH GRADE. Stafford, Helen Straw, Raymond Schwedhelm, Eunice Velvick, Elmon Walters, Florence Williams, Evelyn
THIRD GRADE. Adams, Fay Allen, Eda Applegate, Ruth Cowell, Opal Cowell, Roland Grover, Dwight
Lantis, David Larsen, Helen Palmer, Harley Parriott, Delbert Rader, Ruth
Stromquist, ;ilbur Trowbridge, ' ozella Turner, Shirley Waltz, Bessie Maxine Whitwell, Beth Williams, Mi(red
SECOND GRADE. Adams, Eva Bray, Edith Carter, Gale Cherry, Elizabeth
Adams, Ellis Adams, Helen Cameron, Dyle Collister, Marjorie Dasher, Frank Dale Fisher, Harold Gaines, Monte Gene Grafton, George
Crago, John De Vore, Alice Potter, Freeda Redfern, Lorne FIRST GRADE. Lantis, Sue Larson, Frank Mason, Roger Price, Bernandine Rader, Ruby Redfern, Leroy Rhoades, Sidney
Rhoades, Franklin Riggs, Wayne Sarber, Alvinda Stephenson, Carroll
Rhodus, J ohu Stafford, Catherine Schwedhelm, Larraine Stephen son, Ronald Turner, Lester Valentine, Keith Whisler, Viola Waters, Helen
KINDERGARTEN. Applegate, Marion Applegate, Margaret Beck, Marjorie Mae Blythe, Dorothy Carter, Hope Crago, Ann Elizabeth Cherry, Dwight Doran, Sammy Earlman, Billy
Falu, Arman Grafton, Roy Hays, Norma Jean Howe, Clarice Katherine Lantis, Mary Medley, Ruth Potter, Alice Potter, Clarence Potter, Virgil
Riggs, Bobby Rador, Eula Sherman, Tommy Stephenson, Bill y Stafford, Ray Thurman, Beverly Vanderford Mary Alice Valentine, Marjorie Waltz, George Dale
DEGREES, DIPLOMAS AND CERTIFICATES GRANTED. FROM JUNE 1, 1925, TO JUNE 1, 1926 DEGREE Hartley, Mary Isabelle, Peru Henderson, Maude M., ·winner, S. D. Higgins, Floyd, Tecumseh Hunter, Ralph W., Sidney, Iowa Ivers, Clyde E., Grand Island Jones, Alice, Nemaha Livingston, Marion F., Nebraska City Medley, R. Mae, Havelock Novotny, Emelia L., Brainard G., American Falls Pate, Mildred Ellen, Peru Parriott, Dorothy D., Peru Peru Poynter, James W., Plattsmouth , Mark L., Franklin Price, Devona M., Allianc<: m, Roy, Peru Sakryt, Anna, Red Cloud , Wm. Lloyd, Peru Scheuer, Muriel E., Omaha Mark \V., Clay Center Schneider, Arthur W., McCook g, !nice M., Peru Sears, Sterling S., Troy, Idaho uriel B., Bellevue Sim s, Basil H., Flint, Mich. , Merle, Cook Speich, Clarence, Stockham n, Glenn P., Missouri Valley, Sperry, Omer E., Huntley Stephenson, Floyd J., Peru , Rebecca Lulu, Julian Taylor, Harland V., DeWitt Lois Elizabeth, Beatrice Tyson, Leona, Sidney, Iowa ubert L., Clarinda, Iowa Weimer, Donald T., Cody, Wyo. , Fred W., Chamberlain, S. D. Whitwell, Harland, Morrill , Oliver J., Independence, Iowa Wilson, Donald J., Grand Island Zayda Jean, ·wilber Stewart, Irwin, Iowa 'Maurice E., Valparaiso Mrs. W. S., Chadron 'ridge, Bernice F., Sidney, Ia. Lorene W., Falls City 'Bessie M., Raymond ;., Loid W., American Falls,
NORMAL SCHOOL DIPLOMA. n, Veda, Graf , Victo r, Auburn r, Florence 0., Omaha Nellie, Dodge Opal J., Orafino , Edythe, Riverton, Iowa , Audra, Ralston , Echo, Ralston , Ben M., Alexandria !ll, Adelaide, Ord rg, Helen, Peru • Gladys V., Odell · Verna, Nebraska City , Grace G., Auburn • ~ache!, Beatrice A11ce D., Nebraska City er! Margaret, Mound City, Urt
ce, Lena, Riverton, Iowa n, Elmetta, Brock
Dillon, J. Nita, Peru Du Bois, Alice E., Omaha Dunning, !nice M., Peru Eastwood, Mary Armour Emrick, Myrl, Fairbury Ernst, Ruth, Falls City Fletcher, Dorothy, Omaha Ganz, Ruth, Dunbar Girthoffer, Edith, Omaha Girthoffer, Ethel, Omaha Goodloe, Lois, Stella Graul, Leonard, Alexandria Grossoehme, Nan D., Auburn Grossoehme, Wm., Auburn Grover, Eva, Peru Gruenwaldt, Kathryn, Springfield Guilliatt, Pearl, Auburn Haney, Earl J., Springfield Hanson, John P., Shickley Hayward, Eldon W., Tecumseh
Heftie, Leon W., Stockham Higgins, Ralph B., Stella Huff, Wesley A., Peru Hunter, Mable, Sidney, Io""a Jones, Helen, Salem Jones, John W., Stella .Jorn, Alma, Falls City Kennedy, Cora Mae, Tekamah Kennedy, Nellie J., Logan, Iowa Knapp, Robert H., Peru Kohansky, Alma, Omaha Kucera, Otto W., Tobias Lichty, Ruby, Peru McCrory, Maurice, Elmwood McKnight, E sther, Albion Marshall. Viva B., Panama Mason, Lillian C., Salem Melton, Chas. C., Waco Milam, Glover, Auburn Moore, May Sue, Omaha Moulton, Selma E., Burchard Naiman, Joseph, Alexandria Nesbitt, Beatrice, Keokuk, Iowa Noerrlinger, Ralph J., Crab Orchard O'Neill, John E., Dunbar Parriott, Jennings, Peru Pasco, Lois, Auburn Pasco, Lora, Auburn Pass, Miriam, Lincoln
Phelps, Maria, Pres ton Rasmussen, A. Chri stine, Omaha Reeves, John Paul, Burwell Rinne, Minnie C., Steinauer Rohrs, Pauline, Auburn Rush, Kathryn E., Beatrice Shcreiner, Raymond A., Dunbar Schroth, Gertrude, Neligh Shier, Bernice, Falls City Snowden, Amy, Shenandoah, Iowa Sparks, Verna, Tecumseh Spinner, Lillian M., Nebraska City Steeves, Raymond G., Panama Tackett, Harry E., Rulo Tasler, Mable A., Peru Teich, Winifred, Bancroft Toft, Laurella A., Oak Tucker, Lucille, Nebr~s k a City Vance, Hazelle Irene, P awnee City Vodehnal, Lydia, Or · Warman, William T., F airbury 'Vartenslaben, Gretchen , Sheridan Wyoming / Weatherfield, Elby W , Oak Wesin, Juliette, Humboldt ·wickham, Faye, Salem Williams, Helen, Stockville Williams, Lambert, Stelia Zook, Owen G., Peru
LIFE PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE. Adams, Effie H., Hebron Atkisson, Paparita, Omaha Baldwin, Birdie, Slwnandoah, Ia. Bantz, Erma Vera, Howe Beckwith, Mary Ellen, Diller Bogle, Wm., Peru Brooker, Florence, Omaha Brubacher, Gladys, Plattsmouth Burns, Janet, Omaha Buckles, Vera, V., Table Rock Casler, G. V., Steele City Casler, Lois G., Steele City Chapin, Audra, Ralston Chapin, Echo, Ralston Clark, Bernice S., Swanton Colwell, Gladys V., Odell Corners, Grace D., Auburn Corey, Vivian D., Shenandoah, Ia. Crook, Alice D., Nebr. City Cudney, Viola. Omaha Cunningham, Carl, Pawnee City DeFreece, Lena, Riverton, Ia. Delzell, Esther, Peru Dickinson, Nellie B., Omaha
DuBois, Alice E., Omaha Edgington, Minnie, Diller Emrick, Faye, Fairbury Engelke, Edna, Sidney, Ia. Ernst, Delia, Falls City Eskew, Elsie E., Shenandoah, Ia. Ewers, Mabel, Fairbury Falt, Emma, Omaha Fisher, Lois E., Peru Frary, Glenn H ., Auburn Grabill, Adavern, Roseland Grossoehme, Mrs. W., Auburn Grossoehme, William, Auburn Grunwald, E . E., Dunbar Gunderson, Gladys, Crofton Hanna, Faye, Falls City Hansen, Walter, Johnson Harajian, Lucille, Peru Harajian, Mary E., Peru Harman, Ethel M., Omaha Hartley, Isabelle, Ne~r. City Heskett, Fred, Salem Hillquist, Lily, Omaha Hobson, Genevieve, Weeping Water
PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE paul K., Farnam . te J. D., Pawnee City r Ethel, South :3end Civde E., Grand Island -~ Katherine, Julian ~'Edna Mae, Wymore Nellie P., Nemaha JCeiJl~dY Cora Mac, Tekamah ~ri; Roy L., Firth ltOJ&llda: Dorothy. Pettit, Milligan Jtdlll!ra Otto, Tobias JAii( Ethel M., Lincoln ju.!fpin, Jean, Friend jfc_Ginnis, Myrtle, Stella. Jfallory, Gwen~olyn, J uhan ir.rtin• Opal Kizer, Peru M.-d, Buena Lee, Dunbar Melvin, Glenn, Reynolds .Jlttchell Lucy, North Loup iiUnan: Jos. G., Alexandria esbitt, Beatrice K., Keokuk, Ia. Hewhouse, Pearl E., Red Cloud lleice, Nellie M., Beatrice Pomeroy, Dean, Allen Peol, Julian E., Verdon :'Prokop, Irene, Crete Pugh, Marg. McCall, Plymouth
Reeves, J. Paul, Burwell Rothert, Fred A., Plattsmouth Rowe, Vivian, Omaha Schieferdecker, Louis L., Belvidere Schroth, Gertrude, Neligh Showalter, George L., Roseland Smith, Edyth M., Malvern, Ia. Smith, Frances F., Lincoln Spickler, Helen Williams, Ames, Ia. Spinner, Lillian, Nebr. City Staben, Selma, Springfield Taylor, Ferne, Palmyra Teich, Winifred, Omaha Thompson, Clarence C., Ellis Tobler, I. V., Peru Toft, Laurella, Oak Turner, Nellie, Verona Tyson, Lois, Elmwood Vance, Hazel I., Pawnee City Wade, Dorothy, Nebr. City Warnke, Edna F., Sterling Wickham, Faye, Salem Wilson, Donald I., Harvard Wilson, Mildred, Omaha W oitzel, Erna, Greenwood W oitzel, Frieda, Greenwood Yeck, Helen M., DeWitt
ELEMENTARY CEkTIFICATE. lhrens, Fern E., Panama Aliderson, Evelyn, Stromsberg Blas, Mary, Reynolds Booth, Emlyn, Pawnee City Britt, Esther, DuBo:s Cameron, Carrie, Burr ampbell, Musetta, Violet ~r, Gladys, Unadilla 'V1111e, Maud, Sutton ~aaebeer, Louise, York •thcart, Amy, Cook ~ey, Edythe, Riverton, Ia. ~k, Elsie, Omaha Margaret, Rulo, Frances, Deweese Diehan, Gr~ce, Deweese :tJin m, Juha, Sterling liaeen, Etta, Cook ll'hldx! Erma, Rockford Fish eis, Anna, Pawnee City l're ~ Grace V., Shubert ~;s. Laur.a M., Auburn 9.ra.uJ ' G_eorg1a L., Auburn 9rO;' Leila, Alexandria '-u~er, Eva, Peru Ptntan, Belva, Peru
Hauptman, Juanita, Julian Heafey, Katheryn W., Nebr. City Higgins, Lois B., Fairmont Hildebrand, Alice, Tobias Hinrich, Joy, Nebr. City Huff, Wesley E., Blanchard, Ia. Hulfish, Herbert, Elmwood Irvin, Merle K., Auburn Jackman, Evelyn, Louisville Jantzen, Wm. G., Nebraska City Jorn, Irene W., Verdon Jose, Evelyn, Palmyra Keedy, Frances M., Auburn Klinger, Mary, Julian Kubovy, Emma, Omaha Lambert, Lucille M., Nemaha Larson, Maye, Judith Gap, Mont. Lily. Alice, Verdon Lind, Augusta, College Springs, Ia. Luff, Fairy, Palmyra Lyon, Rita T., Douglas Maag, Norma, Nebr. City Majors, Ed}th M., Endicott Malone, Bernice, Havelock Malone, Vera, Douglas Mason, Lillian, Salem
l OG
Martin, Audrey, Pawnee City Melvin, Edna, Reynolds Meyer, Ruth, W eeping Water Miller, Lucy, Bladen Miller, Margaretta, Hebron Mills, Rosa Lee, Auburn Moor e, Eunice, Cambridge Morehead, Kathleen, Belvider e Naim a n, Joseph, A lexandri a Nicholas, Alfie, DeWitt Noerrlinger, Barbara, Crab Orchard Ol sen, Amy, Greenwood 01 en , Dorothy, E lmwood Olson, Cerna, Greenwood Otto, Hazel, Verdon Payne, Gladys, Talmage Pointer, Maude I. , Falls City Pospisi l, Lillian, Western Reagan, Allene, Humbold t
Reagan, Iva , Hum boldt Redfern, J ohn H. , P eru Reid, Harold, Doug la s Rey nolds, Mildred, Moorefield Ro be rts, Lulu, Dou glas Ru emelin , F lorence, Elmwood Sasseen, Marie, Unadilla Schwartz, Dorothy, Omaha Selk, Arnold M. , Pl ym outh Stewart, Frances . Plattsmouth Ta y lor . Minnie, Nebr. Citv T oft, Laurella , Oak · Tu cker, Laura, Sterlin g Vo llentin e, Gladys, P eru ·wa ltz, Fern, Peru W est, Wayne, Unadilla ~ Wiechman, Malinda, Co .k Wi les , Cr etonia, Syr acus Wil es, Lin coln , Syr acu se
E LEMENTARY RURAL CERTIFICAT E. J ones, Mildred, N emaha Newton, Burti s, Bro"\'IIlVille Retzlaff, Rose, Blair Siska, Mildr ed, P er u
Smith, Loui se, Adam s Sm ith, Mary, Brownvi,.lle Swinn ey, Gretch en, Duff
ATTENDANCE RE P ORT. Jun e 1, 1925 to J une 1, 1926, Men .
Wome n.
T otal.
12 37 81 178 444 44
17 91 113 239 534 46
5 -- --- - --- · - ------------ 56
67 149
72 205
37 63
38 86
75 14!1
21 6
35 9
rost-Gradu ates ---- -------------------
============================== fophomores --- - - -- - ----- ------ ------- 61 rreshmen ----.-- ---------- ---- -------- 90 Special ---- ---- - ---~-- --------------- -
Training School.
Grand T otal fo r Year ______ ________ 508
1::fr::::;t;~~ --=-=-==-:-::::::::::::-:::-= : -=::::=: ::::::=:: ;'::;; Adv~nced Rura l Certificate ---------------- -- ---------- -----15, 42 Advisers ---------- - -- ------- - ---- --- ----- -- - -------- -----5 6 Argumentation and Debate 1:~ is~i~;- st~d_e_n_t~- -~~------~--_-~_-_----~----_-_-_-_-_-_-~_-_-_-_~:----~_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_3:~ -~~
Astronon1y - -- - --- -- - ----------------- - ---- -------- ---------- -81 Athletic Field ______________________________________ _ -~ ____ ___ 8
Auditorium ____ ___ _____ ____ ____ ___ ---- ___ ------- - -- - ------- -- -8
~~~~d:-s-t;d-e~-t- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_----~~-----9~- i~ Boa rd of Educatio n ______________ ---- ______________ _________ ____ 3 Botany --- - --- - --- - ------------------------------- ------- ----46 Biolog ical Scien ce ______ _____ ___ ______ ____ ___ _______ _______ ] 8, 16 Bookkeeping ___ _______ ____ __ __ ___ _____ ________ _____ _______ 47, 48 Buildings ______ ___________ ______ __________________ __________ __ 7 Calendar _ __ ____ __ ___ __ __ ___________ ____ _ _ ____ ___ ____ ______ __ 2 Campu s _____________ ____ __ _______ _____ _______ ____ _________ ___ 8 Camn Fire Training _______ __ ____ ________ __ ___ ____ __________ __ 54 Ca tholic Associa tion ______________________________ __________ ___ 8 Certificates __ _______________ ___ ______ ___ ____ _____ ______ 15. 28. 40 Chemistry ___ __________ _____ ___ ______ ___ ____ ______ __________ _80 Choru s ______ _____ ___ _____ _____ _______ _____ ____ ___ _________ 9, 76 Classifica t ion of Students -- --- -- - ---- - ---- - ------- ---·-- ___ ___ 15 Comm er ce _______________________________________ ______ 19. 32, 47 Com merci al Law _______ ___ ____ ______ _________ ____ _________ ___ 47
~~~~:~~:'~~~~~~:J,_}}~::}~~~- --___::_~~:~~~=~-:-~:-~:~::_-:; Drawmg (See General Art) ·- - ------ - ----- ---- --- --- -------
Early E lementary Educati on ---------------------------- 24, 33, 53 Educa t ion - --------- -------- ----- ----------- -- --- ---------19, 49 Educationa l Mea sur em ents ---- - - ----- - ---- ____________________ 53 Educati ona l Or ganizations -- - -- --- --- ----------- ________________ 9 Educa t iona l S ociology -------- ------- -- -------- ---- ________ _____ 53 Educati ona l Survey - - -- -·----- - - ------ --- - --------- -- - ---- __ 26, 52 Elementa r y E du ca t ion - -- - -- --- - ------- ------ ----- __________ 25, 31 Elementar y Rura l Cer t ificate ------------- ______________ 15, 45, 106 E~m e nta ry School - - -----------------------------------------14 Elementar y Sta te Certificate ---------------------------15, 44, 105 English ------ --------------------------------------------19, 54 Entertainm en t -- ---- --- ----- ----- -------- ------- ---- __________ 86 Entrance Requirem ent ---- ---- --- --- ------ ---- ________________ 18
Ep~copal Club - ~----------------------------------------------8 Eugenics -------------- -------------- ________________________ 47 Everett Li te r ary Society ---- __ - -- --- -- _------- _________________ 9 Executive Office r s - - - --- --- - ---- - -- ------ -- - ----- _____ --- ______ 7 Expense ------------ --- --------------------------------------12 Expressi on (See Speech Education) Extension Cour ses -- ---- --------------------------------------84 Extra Curricular Ar.tivities -------------------------------------52 Faculty ---- ---------- --- ---------------------------------- -- --5 Fees --------- - ----- - ---- --------------------------- 13, 67, 70, 85 Fees fo r non-r esiden t stud ents _____________________________ ___ _14
~'.n~.Al~s -----=-----------_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-::_-_-_-::_-_-_--------~9~-~~·-~~ Gener~ ! Info r mation - ---------------------------------------6, 14
g::;~:;h~n~n~v~~~:n ~--------------------------------------- 46
Histor y of Ed uca t ion -----------------------------------6, 19, 61
~~§I:::~+~~/~~~~~~~~~<~~~~~~~-~:~!!~/J(l:ftii ~~~~:~.g~ !~~: S~I~ ~~1-_-_-_-_-_-_-_:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ ==== === ====== === == ==== ====3~ -- ---------------------- - -------------------- 14, 33
ANNOU NCEMENTS 1925-26 Second quarter begins ------------··---------- Monday, Nov. 15, 1926 Christmas Vacation ___________ Dec. 24, 1926, to Jan. 3, 1927, inclusive Second semester begins _____________________ Monda y, J an. 24, 1927 Fourth quarter begins ____________________ Monday, March 28, 1927 Second semester closes _______________________ Friday, Ma y 27, 1927 SUMMER SCHOOL 1927 TWO SIX WEEKS TERMS First term, Jun e 6 to Jul y 13. Second term, July 14 to Aug. 19 Write registrar for Catalogue or Summer School Bulletin, 1927.
Correspondence Courses and Study Center
1926- 1927
OCTOBER, 1926 No. 3 Entered as < second-class matter Jul y, 1915, at the Post Office of Peru Ne bra k ' s a, und er the act of August 24 , 1912.
EXTENSION COURSES The purpose of Extens ion courses, whether Correspondence or Study Center, is to extend the services of the State Teach ers College to every properl y qualifi ed per son who can not attend an educational in stitution for the time being, but who wi shes to pursue systematic study un? er competent direction a nd for college credit witl, a view of attendmg College later. \ In addition to its cou r ses in resid ence, one of th e most valuable services that the T eacher s College can rend er is an opportunity for teac her s in service to continu e their edu cation and to receive .id and inspiration in thei r dail y work. Teacher s are urged to avail them~elves of every such adv a n tage that t his sta te institution , which is thei r in stituti on, has to offer th em. I.
Corr esponde nce co urses are offered not only for college cred it, but also fo r mature s tudents who nee d to earn College entra nce credi ts . These courses have an advantage over study ce nter courses in t wo respects; first, the individual can tak e what he needs, and second, he can carr y th e work for ward as rapidl y as he is abl e. Because of these two advan tages, corre spondence courses have grown in favo r duri ng the past few years. Inasmu ch as sixteen hours earned 111 abs entia may be applied toward a degree or a two year dip loma, corresponde nce work is appea ling s trongly both to graduates of the two year college course who wi sh to take work toward a degree while teaching, and to those students who were compell ed lo leach before completin g th e t wo year co urse. No studen t, h owe ver, sho uld attempt to take all the wo rk he needs by. stud y cen ter and c~rr espo n.d e n ce, eve n if thal were p~ss 1 b.~~ as ~Y. dom g so he loses the m sp1rat10n that com es from contad ~~ a virile studen t body and a sympathetic a nd enthusiastic fac u y. T his contact brings about a culture, refinement, and poise th at residen t attenda nce only ca n give. 1
How enrolled: . Each st.uclent mu st fill out an applicati.o n ~la~ ~'. (see last pa~e o~ bulletm for bla~k) in order th al the mstiui~es . may ascertam h is fitn ess to pursue with profi t the cou r se hP destr r If the student is accepted, he is notifi ed at once by the Reg is ~'. 0 to whom he pays the necessary f ees. The instructor then will ~¡10 nâ&#x20AC;˘ m u ni cate directly with the student, giving instruction s and d1rec for the cou rse.
Regulations. A fee of $3.00 p er credi t hour , $6 .00 fo r two h ours, is 1. 路 advance ea ch p er son enrolled. N o fees a r e refu nded for charged, inafter enr~llment h as bee n acce pted a nd dir ections for wor k anY cause sen t t o th e student. Ever y studen t takin g t hi s wor k m ust have beetnicu lan t of th e Colleg e. ( Matri culation fee is $5.00, pai d but be a mar onee.) . . A book dep os it r ei:tal fee of $4.50 1s r equired whe n t h e d 2路 t regi sters fo r work, 1f t h ey wish to use books from t he Colstu eiibrary; $1.50 is charg ed for ea ch eig-htee n weeks the boo ks lege d by th e student and t he r emain de r of $4.50 (Les s 80 ce nts afre u~~tag~ on books and corres p ondence). is r efu nded , w h en t h e or Pe 路s completed and th e books are r eturned. cours 1 3 Time of r egistr a ti on fo r corres p ond ence co ur ses is between Septe~ber 15 a nd March 1. All work is to be co mpl eted by May
li. 4 Credit will be gran te d on th e basis of N I N E WRITT EN LE SSONS for one sem es t er hour路 cr edit. 5. Students a re li mited to one correspon dence cou r se at a t ime. No correspondence wor k is offe r ed to stud ents in r es iden ce. 6. The College does n ot g ua ra ntee t o g ive a ll cou rse s l isted in this bulletin, for th e r ea so n th at ch a n ges in th e teachin g staff may :aecessitate withdrawa l of courses fr om th e list. Also , each teacher is limited in th e num ber of su ch stud ents h e ma y in stru ct at on e
time. 7. A maximum credit of s ix semester hours may be earned by any one student by exte n sion co urses (Stu da y Cen t r e and Corres p ondence) within the limi ts of t h e time set for t he co mpl eti on of th e work, that is, betwee n September 15 and May 15. All exte n s ion courses should be organi zed as earl y in t h e fall a s p ossible.
Application blank form
w ill be fo und on pa ge 13 of this
CORRESPON DENCE CO LJ R SES 1926-1 927 College C r edit BIOLOGY
T . College l~ h ysiology , Biol ogy 7, tw o h ours cr edit , Mr. Ca r ter. tihis course is a t r eat m en t of t h e stru cture and fun ctio nin g of t he ~sues, organs , and or gan syste m s of t he human body. It s h ould co take!! by th ose who p lan to te a c h ph ys iolo gy or t h e hi gh sch ool bi:{se. m gen er a l biology. The co urse is accepted on a m a j or in og1cal science fo r t h e A. B . degree.
This Evolutio_n , Btolog y 4, two hour s cr edi t, Mr. H olch . ihe COrs.e IS a t r eatmen t of t h e evidences of or gani c evolu tion, a nd otlie~vo utio.n ~h eorie s of Lama r ck , Darw in. W eis ma nn, De Vri es, and ia aces. tlt is inten ded for a dvan ced stu dents of biology. Th e co urse ep ed on a m a j or in biol ogi cal scien ce for th e A. B. de gree.
Subj~ature S~udy,
Biology 5. ( Zool ogical. 2 or 4 hour s, Mr. Carter) . ts studi ed includ e bri ef con sid era t ion s of flowe r s, weeds, t r ee s,
buds, st em s , ro ot s, leaves, seedlings, insects, birds, wild ani dome s ti c a nim a ls, etc. Th e cou r ses are plan ned to meet the ;:ia 1s, of t hose specializing in the Early E lementary course and do not .::ieds t he biology requir ement for a ny others, except those taking the Rueet Education course ma y be p ermi tted to s ub s titute this course for {ha! r equired biology. Both B otanical a nd Zoological Nature Study e accepted on a major fo r th e A. B. degree. are Genetics a nd Evolu tion, two or fo ur hour s cr edi t, Mr. Holch A study of t h e various theori es of evolu t ion a nd their exp one nt~路 the principles of her edity as work ed ou t by Mend el and others. ' E ugeni cs, two hours credit, Mr. Holch. A s tudy of the social s ignificance of t he biologi cal contri butions of Mendel a nd his fo llowers. Th e application of the laws of heredity to human beings . T he Mutation T heory, two hours cr edi t, Mr. H olch. A critical stud y of th e Mutati on Theor y of Hugo DeVri 路s. COMMERCE
E le men tary Acco unt ing, Commerce 3, four h ours cr edit, Miss Irwin. / Thi s course deal s with the fundame nta ls; debit and credit journalizing, posti ng, trial balance, adj us ting and closing entries'. balance sheet, and profit and loss statements. Accounts peculiar to single proprietor ship and partnership are take n u p . A d vanced Account in g , Comm erce 4, fo ur h ours credit, Miss Irw in. Continuati on of course 3. Multicolumnar book s, analysis of income a nd expenditure, th e or ganization , capita l stocks, divid end s, surplus, Teserves, depr eciations, a nd branch stor e accoun ts are among the feat ures con s ider ed. Com me rcia l Law. First se mester; four hou r s attendance ; fo ur hours cr edit, Mi ss I rwin . A cou rse de signed to s how , in a non- tec hni cal ma nn e1路, th e importa nt factors of the common law affecting ordinary bu siness transactions. EDUCATION AND PS YCH OLOGY H istory of Ed ucation , Education 27, t w o hours cre<lit, Mr. Crago. This course is a study of th e g r owth and developmen t of educatio n .in th e U ni ted Sta tes . Current edu cational problem s r eceive s pecial emph as is. Open only to stud en ts of Soph om or e College rank an d to teacher s of experience. Ch ild P sychology, Edu cation 23, two hours credit, Mr. Crago . . The cour se i s concern ed with th e psychology of childh ood a nd 15 plann ed especially for elem en tar y teacher s. Th e course is open to par en ts wh o w ish to g et a know ledg e of the co ntribu tions of moc_lern p sychology to t h e problems of t he ir children. P sychology 1 15 a pre-req uisite. Educatio na l S ur veys, Education 26, two or three hour~ cred it, Mr. Crago. . the A study is made of existing su r veys, with specia l emphas is upon The small school system. Special s urvey prob lem s are a ssigned . courses in m eas urem ent should precede thi s co urse. Children's Literat ure, Edu ca ti on 18, two hours credi t, Miss Mc路 Collum. A course for teacher s of ele m entar y g rad es . Survey of literature appropria te for childr en with m eth ods of presentation .
Mental T esting, Edu cation 31, two hours credit, Mr. Crago . t dy is m ad e of the na ture and use of mental tests. Some tests
A tu be give n, scor ed a nd tabu lated. P sychology 1 a n d 2 are preare 0 requisites. Rural School Ma nage ment, Education 51, two hours cred it, Miss Baldridg e. urse to give teachers practical aid in the organization , manageA c~ and teaching of rural schools. Deal s with administration of men 1' schools from t h e standpoint of the state, county, and local disru!~ Daily program a nd da ily adm ini stration problems to be con:d~~ed. Grounds, bu il ding s, equipment and community activities discussed. Parent-Teachers' Associations, Education 52, two hour s credit, Miss Ba ldridge. The purpose of or ganizing parent-teachers' ass ociations is to promote a mu ch n eeded spirit of co-~perat ion . Patro_n co-operation lessens occasions for acute cnses m school admm1strat1on and promotes orderl y a nd harmoni ous adjustment of the ed u cational system to comm4nity n eeds. The co urse is based on the following: ( 1) How to organize a P aren t-Teach er Association; (2) Social plans for Parent-Teacher s' Associations; (3) Program-plans for rural and town Parent-Teachers' Associations; (4) Discussions on school and child welfare worked out to be given at regular m ee tings. By following the suggestions t h at are outlined in the course, any teacher can successfully organi ze and carry on a Parent-'l'eacher Association. Peru was the fir st college in the United States to offer this course by correspondence. This course has been accepted and endorsed by the National Co ngr ess of P arent-Teacher A ssociations, and can be taken by residents of other states as well as of Nebraska, for two hours elective cr edit. ENGLISH Modern Novel, English 12, two hours cr edit, Mr. Beck. A study of the novel since the days of Jan e Austen. In tensive study of some novels ; cri ticism of current nov e ls. Browning, Eng¡lish 22, three hours credit, Mr. Beck . A c~rful study . of " Luria," " R eturn of the Druses ," and the dramatic monologs. Th Shakes 1>eare, Engli sh 17, four hours cr edit, Mr. Beck. Othej of t.he followin g will be studied in detail : Hamlet, Macbeth, 1 Kmg Lear, Anton y and Cleopatr a , A Winter 's Ta le. Others wi'llebo, e read . Ac English Literature, English 3, three h our s credit, Mr. Beck. M:a:ireful study of the characteristic works of successive periods from ford.owe to Burns . T ext : "The Great Tradition," Green law-Han-
Literature, English 4, fo ur hours credit, Mr. Beck. a ion of Engli sh 3.
E n g lish 11, two hours credit, Miss Faulhaber. ion of poem s and study of philosophy and author. Teaching f ff h Miss F ig School Engl ish (Eng lish V), three hours credit, A cours . au 1 aber. e m the meth ods and contents of high school English.
Des ig n, Fine Arts 3, two hours credit, Miss K ettunen. Stu dy of elements of de s ig n. Original designs to be worked out and app lied. Drawin g and Painting, Fine Arts 1, two hours credit, Miss K ettun en. A stu dy in the u se of pencil, charcoa l, water color, and oil paint Study of composition -in subjects dealing with figur es, landsca pe: : a ni mal life and still life. GEOGR AP H Y Economic Geography, Geography 4, two or four hou r s cred it , Mr. Clayburn. Treats of the geographic principles underlying the. pr~e s e n t and fu ture economic developmen t of the different.countries, spe !al emphasis being given the fundamental min eral r esour ces a nd r lat ed ind ustries of t he world; stud ies of coal, iron and steel, and pet rol eum, fro m the industrial standpoint ; and the wor ld economic situation a s related to these res ources. A study is a lso made of the leading agricultural indu stries , wheat, corn, cotton, sh eep and wool. Th ( conditions in t h e United States are studied in deta il, and a summ ar y of the world situation is pr e sented. Emphasis on the eco nomic imp or tance of international trade of agricultural products. Geography of Nebraska, Geogr aphy 6, two hours cr edit, !\fr. Clayburn. Treats of Nebraska's conditions ; pa st, present, and f ut ure. based on climate, bedrock, soils , top og r aphy, a nd drainage, agr icultural and m ineral r esources , industrial, cultura l, a nd politi cal development. The New Euro11e, Ge ography 9, two or four h our s credit, Mr. Clayburn. A regiona l study of th e European countries is ma de. emphasiz ing r elief, climate, re s ources, ~;ov ernmental and indu stria l develo pme nt. Atten tion is given to changes in the map of Europe a nd to geographic problem s mad e prominent by the W orld W ar. Physical Geogra11hy, two hour s credit, Mr. Cla y burn . Designed for t eachers of p h ysical geography and g eneral science. Through a series of carefully selected¡ problems, wi t h la boratory material and special r eferences , th e student w ill be g uided to a n ap preciation an d understanding of the fundamental principles involved in that phase of physiography which leads to an under standing of t~e phys ical featur es of th e earth's su rface . The course w ill cover the study of soil m a kin g, the work of running water, t he work of t e winds , of ground water, of snow and ice, of wave s an d t curr en ts, and mountain making . A special series of t opographic matphs, issued by the United States Geographical Survey, wi ll be used as e basis of la boratory work. HISTORY, E CONOMICS AND OTHER SOCI AL SCIENCE Eighteenth Centu ry Europe (1700-1815) , 2 h ours cr edi t Mr. Chatelain. Special em p hasis on the French R evolution and the N apoleonic Era a nd their influence on European history.
Nineteenth Century Europe (1815-1900), two hours credit, Mr. Chatelain. . . iod of r eaction, the growth of liberalism, development of naThe )~~ causes a nd r esults of European wars during the 19th ceRtiona 1E~ropean expa ns ion during the 19th century. turY¡
American His tor y to 1789, two hours cr edit, Mr. Chatelam. ean Background for early settleme nt; colonial settlements and Eu ~ 0 P. the causes of the Revolution; the settlement ; the Confederapo icy, .t t. tion and ConstI u ion. Uni~d States Histor y, Discovery-1877, two hours credit, Mr. Chatelain. . . The colonization, orgamzat10n, growth and developmei:it . of our naf n¡ the growth of democracy; slavery; secess10n; C1v1l War; de::iopment of the W est; trusts. United States History, 1877-1925, two hou r s credit, Mr. Chatelain . United States as a world power; conflicts between capital and labor; World War and rec ent issues . History of Antiquity, two hours credit, Mr. Chatelain. Tracing th e Eg yptian, Phoenician , Assyrian, Persian, Greek and Roman civilizati on, and the effect of each upon our present civilization. Citizenshi p and Politics, two hours cr edit, Mr. Chatelain. This is a course designed to meet the needs of teachers as well as any Am erican citizen. The aim is to make our people better citizens and more enlightened lawmakers. Special emphasis is p lac ed on immigration, naturalization, registration, lawmaking, voting, elections, political parties, requisites of good citizenshi p and community civics. Required of studen t taking Elementary Education course and History major. Sociology, two hours credit, Mr. Chatelain. A study of society, its origin, growth, structur e and activities. Political Economy, two h ou r s credit, Mr. Chatelain. J".reliminary v.i ew of Economics. The industrial organization of soc1~ty;. occupat10n and division of labor; production exchange and distr1but~on of wealth; wages, interest; rent and profits; rise and fall of prices; transportation; domestic and fore ign trade; protection; trusts and trade unions; socialism. Advanced Ru ral Sociology, two hours credit, Mr. Brown. ~study. of the essentials of country and village life. For teachers 0 experience and principals of rural and co nsolidated schools.
This~echanica l Drawing, (Beginnin g), two hours credit, Mr. Larson. 1
Stud \ the hsecond half of course 9 as listed in the 1926-1927 catalog. 0 have co~pleted the first half may finish the course by own in otn ence. It will be necessary for the student to furnish his s ruments and material.
corre~~ s
MATHEMATICS Coll ~--Open to e~e Algebra, Math. 3aX, two or four hours credit, Mr. Hill. Who have hd~nts who. desire to major or minor i n mathematics and With Math ; five pomts of high school mathematics. This course 3 as give~ . X fhr three hours credit is the equivalent of course Math. sununer schm lt e 1926-27 catalogu e. Math. 5X is given during the oo also.
Trigono metry, Math. 5X, t w o or fo ur 11ours credit, Mr. Hi ll. Open to students who have had t hird se m ester algebra and are Pro. ficient in logarithm s. A lgebra, Mathematics 1, three hours credi t, Mr. Hill. The third sem es t er of a lg ebra, in cludi n g som e advanced mater]aJ. Pre-requi s ite fou r p oints hi gh scho ol math ematics cr edi t. Geo metry. Math emati cs 2, t hree h our s cr edit, Mr. Huck. So li~ Geome try. Pre:r equ isite four poi n ts hi g h scho ol m athem atic credit. s Pe dagogy of Second ary Ma t he matics, Math . 7, two hours credit, Mr. Hill. Phys ics Method s (3), two hours credit, Mr. Hill . A course in method s and the p edagog y of p h ysics . Vocational Mathe mat ics, Math 15, two h ours credit, Mr. Hill. This course provides t raining in t he com m erci al m ethods of solving mathematical problem s n ecessary in every day life ~ Mathematical k n owledge is appli ed t o meet th e needs of trade and, ¡indu stry. This cours e is particu larly h e lpful to the regu lar teacher f m athe matics in the junior a nd se nior h igh school a s w ell a s t h e manu al tra ining or sh op teacher. Open to those who have had beginning a lgebra and p lan e geometry.
SECONDARY CR E DIT COMMERCE Bookkeep in g , cr edit one-half poin t hi gh school credit, Miss Irwin. Thi s cour se is based on the first twelve ch apters of 20th Century Bookkeepin g. Th'-.e e month s ' work in an elem entary set of books ( Godwin's Practice Set) is worked out. In connection with t he p ractice s et a nd problem s in t h e text, t h e pupil gains th e basic principles of bookkeeping ,,such as theory of debit and credit, closing stateme nts, a nd closi ng the books . A s tudy of all bu siness p aper s, ch ecks, invoices, drafts, n otes, B us in ess E ngl is h, on e po in t high sch ool credit, Mi s P a lmer . Drill in pu nctuation, cap~a li zation , se n ten ce struc ture, choice of words, paragraphing, a nd letter writing . Stress is laid upon composition of letter s and other busi ness papers. ENGLISH E ng lis h V, one p oin t of hi g h sch ool cr edi t, Miss F aulh aber. Fifth sem este r of h igh sch ool w ork. E n g lis h VI, one point h igh sch ool cr edit, Miss Faulha ber . Sixth .sem ester of high school wor k. Eng lish VII and VIII, on e p oint each high sch ool cr edit, Miss Faulhaber . . Seventh and eig hth sem est er s. Co nn ecting lin k w ith Colleg e Eng lish . HISTORY American Hi story I , on e point high sch ool cr edit, Mr. Brown. Jfth First sem ester of American Histor y, ope n to eleventh a nd twe grade stu dents. American His tory II, on e point high sch ool cr edit, Mr. Brown. Continua t ion of Am erican Hi s tory I.
Hi story I one point high school credit, Mr. Brown. Europe~~ early n~tion to the French R evolution . Ji. studY of eHis tory JI one point high school credit, Mr. Brown. Euro173~ Rcvolutio~ of 1fi88 to and including the World War. froni '~ne point high school credit, Mr. Browi:i. . . CiV1C5£ the national and state governments, with special emphasis Ji. st~~yUonited States constitution. on t MATHEMATICS
I one point high school cr ed it, Mr. Huck. I b Agera •. ·b· fi t semeste r of alge r a. The A~~ebra n, one point high school cred it, Mr. Huck. second semester of alg~bra. . The rithm etic, one point high sch ool credit, Mr. Huck. t Ad of arithmetic in general; prmc1ples and practice problems . Ji. 5 ~m etry r, one point high school credit, Mr. Huck. The first semester of geomefry. . Geometry II, one pomt high school crecht, Mr. Huck. The second semester of geometry. PHYSICAL SCIENCE
Phvsics a, one poin t high school cr~dit, Mr. _Hill. Primarily for t~ach~rs who h~ve studied physics, but who are preparing for exammat10_n. ~he first semester of ph_Ys1cs. Physics b, one porn~ high school credit, Mr. Hill. . A continuatio n of Physics a. The second semester of Physic~. Character of the Courses. The Study Center courses are the same as those g iven in the classroom of t he State Teachers College at Peru and are conducted by the same members of the faculty that conduct the courses in residenc<:>.
II STIJDY CENTER How Organized. A Stud y Center may be organized if sufficient number to pay a ll expe nses of the Center make application for a course, the class will meet at some place agreed upon, and will stu dy some one of the subjects offered in t hi s bulletin. An instructor or so~e ?ther r epr esentative of the College 111eets with the group at t~e1r first meeting a nd assi sts them in selecting the course or courses ~if more than one class is desired) best suited to their needs, and m ~n.y other work or organ ization . At the close of the meeting, a definite appointm ent is arrang<:>d for the first class meeting. Regulations. ~· Write E xtension Director for definite plans of organization. each · A fee of 3.00 per cr edit hour, $6.00 for two hours, is charged re r me mb~r enrolled. Fees are collected at the first meeting by a Rlgie~entative of the college. A r eceipt will be issued by the College be a i:nrar.. F ees are not refunded for any cause. Each student must once.) atnculant of the College. (Matriculation fee is $5.00, paid but
stud!~t A. b?ok deposit rental fee of S4.50 must be made when each College L~~isters for course, if he wishes to use books from the are used 1 rary; $1.50 is charged for each eighteen weeks the books is comp! ~~the student and t h e r emaind er is refunded when course 4. e e _and _b ooks returned. ffOURs ~redit will be granted on the basi s of SIXTEEN LECTURE or one semester hour credit.
5. Ins tr uctor s a r e limi te d to th e g iving of not mo; - ; - - - or tw o Study Ce nter cou rses at a tim e, a nd fo r th io r ee an one cou r ses offe r ed may n ot long r em a in open for selecti on. ason sorne 6. All Study Cen ter cour ses a r e orga nized after Sept a n d co mpleted by May 15. ember 15 7. A m axi mum credit of six semest er h ours may be any one studen t by exten sio n courses ( Study Center a·nd Coe~rn ed by ence) within th e limi ts of t he t ime set fo r t h e completion of ~hespond. th a t is, between Septe m ber 15 a nd Ma y 15. All exte ns ion e wrok; sh ould be or ganized a s early in th e fa ll a s possible. clas es STU DY CENTER COU R SES ] 926 -1927 BIOLOGY College Ph ys iology. T wo h ou r s cr edi t , Mr . ,arter . This course is a t r ea tm ent of t he stru ct ur e a ,cl fun ctioni ng of th cells, ti ss ues, organs, and or g an systems of th e J{ .man body. It sh out~ be t aken by those who pla n to t each ph ys iology or the ·high school cour se in g ener al b iology. The course is accepted on a major in biologica l scien ce for the A. B. deg r ee . Na tu re Study, Biology 5a. T wo or fo ur hou cr edit, Mr. Holch or Mr. Car ter . A stud y of th e natural materials of th e en viron ment. F ield t rips a nd labor ator y st udies of pla nt life , animal lif e, and topography are m ade. A course of special valu e to t h ose teachi ng natu r e study in the grades or high sch ool. This co urse is accepted on the required biolog y work of the t wo year cour se a nd a lso on th e major in biological science for the A. B. degr ee. Genetics an d Evol utio n, two or fou r h ours credi t . :\fr. Holch. A s tud y of t he various t heori es of evolu tion a nd th eir t xponents ; the principles of h er edi ty as worked out by Mendel a nd othl'rs. College Zoology, Biology 3, two h ours cr edit. Mr Carter . A brief survey of t h e a nim a l kingdom includin g a study of the di~ ferent a nimal Phyla, t r acin g t h e development of differe nt orga nic syst em s. T ype forms a r e give n deta iled s tud y. T hi s cou r se may be appli ed on a m aj or in biological science for th e A. B. degree. COMMERCE S ho rtha nd , Gr egg S:.·st e m, Commer ce 1. F our hour,; cr edit, Miss - P a lmer . Manu a l is complet ed. One hundred twenty -five pages of r ea di ng requi r ed. T ype wri t ing, Comm erce 5, On e hour credi t , Mi ss P almer . Special attent ion is g ive n t o punctua t ion , p ar agr aphing· a n_d letter f or m s. Studen ts m ay r egister fo r one, two, thr ee or fo ur hours wor k. EDUCATION A ND P SYCH OLOGY Mental T es t in g, Educat ion 31, tw o hours credi t , Mr. Cra go. t are A stud y is made of t h e nature a nd use of mental tests. Tes sJenis gi ve n, scor ed a nd tabul a ted. The r es ults are t a bu la ted an d _pro~sion. ch osen from these r es ul t for ex periment , study, and discu P sychology 1 and 2 a r e pre-r eq ui sites. . two History of E du ca ti on in t h e U nited States, E du cation 27 ' h ours cr edit, Mr. Crago. f ducation The course is a st ud y of the g r owth an d developm ent o e
Current educational problems r eceive special is. . . "Id psychology, Ed ucation 23, two hours credit, Mr. Crago. se is concerned with the psychology of childhood and is ~~~specially for elementar y teachers. The co urse is open to P"".:ts who wish to get a knowledge of the contributions of modern ~ologY to the problems of th~ir children. . . ~hildren's Lit er ature, Educat10n 18, two hours credit, Miss Mc-
Coll:~~r teacher of e~ementary . grades. Guida_nce in children's
Acquaintance with good literature for children. Constant of the library. . . . 1119 Educational Soc10logy, two h ours credit, Miss Tear. 8 in Education. 28 ~ n d 29 a_re comb_ined to give a practical :eof the basic soc10log1cal prmc1ples which are strongly mf!uencinl modern edu cation , and a ~ons i deration of their application to problemS of curriculum constru ct10n and class room procedure . ENGLI S H Short-Story, E nglish 19, two hours credit, Mr. Beck. A study of th e t echnique of the short-story. Readings from American and for eign writ er s. Modern Novel, Eng lish 12, two hours credit, Mr. Beck. A. study of the novel since the days of Jane Austen. Intensive study of some novels ; criti cism of current novels. Browning, English 22, two hours credit, Mr. Beck. A carfeul study of the dramatic monologues and certain dramas. Or a study of "The Ring a nd the Book." Emerson, English 21, two hours credit, Mr. Beck. "Essays: Fir st and Second Series" are stressed. Some attention to Emerson's Concor d contemporaries. College Grammar, English 15, two hours credit, Mr. Beck. A c_o~rse in the gr ammar of the English language. Some time spent on 1d1oms and on m ethods. Tennys_on, English 11, t wo hours credit, Mi ss Faulhaber. Interpretation of poems and study of philosophy of the author. FM~ndamentals of Publ ic Spea king, English 51, two hours credit, 1ss Best. ~ study of voice, diction, phrasing, group ing and emotion. The dethr~~mh~~ of po"'.er t o inter pret orally different forms of literature e pr actical application of these principles. Bxtetmporaneous Speaking, English 54, two hours credit, Miss es . The orgamza · t• of ion and deliver y of a ll types of speeches, and the study representative speeches of each type.
HISTORY AND OTHE R SOCIAL SCIENCES American H " t European Ba is ory to 1789, two hours credit, Mr. Chatelain. Policies · the ckgr oun d for earl y settlements; colonial settlements and the Con~titn tau ses of the American Revolution; the Confederation and U . ion. untted · ntted State ff States a s 1s t CJry 1877-19 25, two hours credit, Mr. Chatelain. Wd Irnperi ali s s _a world p ower ; the rise of the Industrial Revolution ar and recen~ ! economic, social and political problem s ; the World .A Citizensh. issues. thorough s~v~nd Politics, t_w_o hours credit, Mr. Chatelain. Y of the political and social problems. Special em-
on co mpa~at i ve governmen_t, immigr ~t i on, natura l! zation , re . tration, lawmaking, votm g, electio ns, parti es, a nd r equis ites of gis. citizensh ip. good Sociology, two h ours cred it, Mr. Ch atelai n. ~n intens iv e stu dy of societ y , its ori g in , g r owth, stru cture and acti .
Political Econo m y, two h our s cr edit, Mr. Chat ela in . T_h~ indu strial a nd eco n om ic_ orga n ization o~ soci~ty; . occ upation a d d1Vls 1on of _labor; pr?du ctrnn s , ~o n s umpt1on, distribu t ion a nd en·_ change; special econ omic philosophies. x E ig hteenth Ce ntury History , 1700-1815, two hour s cr edit, Mr Chatelain . · An ana lysis of th e Cultural, Fre nch , Am erican and Indu stria l Revol tion s ; the meaning an d activity of Napol eon . uMAT H EMATI CS
\,. I
College A l ge hra, Mat hematics 3, two hours cr ed it , :\fr. H ill. A course designed to prepare for th e stud y of high er math ematics and a lso to g ive suf fici entl y advan ced work so that th e te ache r of any co urse i n high school a lgebr a will h ave n o diff(. ult y with subject matter . Offer ed by corr espo nden ce a lso. Tri go nome try , Mathem atics 5, two or four hour s cr edit, Mr. Hi ll. A thorough cour se in p la n e a nd spherical trigonom etr :-• sufficient to prepare fo r the s t ud y of en g ineerin g a nd the stud y of a dvanced math ema tics. MUSIC P ublic School M us ic now occ upie s an im por tan t place in the curriculum of most of th e State T ea ch er s Colleges an d Un iver sities. Even the scho ols in the r ural di stri cts a r e demanding the services of a mu sic s up er visor , w hi ch is indicati ve of univer sal musica l awakening . Ther efor e, it is v itall y important t ha t th e t eacher have as thorough a knowledge of mu sic as is demanded in the other bra nches of edu cation. It is to me et t hi s r equirem ent that a co urse in Public School Mus ic is being offer ed th rough the medium of t he tudy Cen ter. Thi s cour se covers a ll t h e practical pha ses of Public School Music, including Method s , Sig ht S ingin g, Apprec ia tion , Orga nization of School Orchestra s, etc. PUBLIC S CHOOL M US I C, 11 A p1>reciat ion of M us ic, two h ours cr edit , Mr. Doyle . . Thi s is a cou r se in mu sic appre ciation , whi ch will m eet the requirem en t for those p eople no t exp ectin g to teach in the grades. Such people s hou ld tak e lOa a nd lOb, w hi ch a r e n ot offered lly exte nsion: Mus ic 11, while bein g an in sp irationa l course, does not m an~ measure neglect the p edagogical sid e, but is carefully . workedd ouo 11 w ith the vie w of its being ta ught. Th er e is no pre-req u1s1te , an tech ni cal k n owledge of mu s ic is n ecessar y . P U BLIC SCHOOL MUSIC la AND 1 b Met h ods of T each in g Mus ic, two hour s cr edit, Mr. D oyle. ·ials Thi s is a course wh ich prese nts in detai l procedures a nd mate~e rY for the grade sch ool teacher. I t w ill be of inestimable va lue to e isorteacher t eaching her own m usic, either with or withou t a sup:r;rade The first co ur se is for p rim ary t each er s, th e seco nd for uppdei imple and Juni or High School. Pre-r equ isite, ability to sight re a 5 songs .
To Director of Extens ion,
State Teachers College,
Peru, Nebraska. Date ___ ___ _ ___ ___ _____ __ _____ _______________ _
Name Address- -- - ------ ----- - - - -- - -- - ----------- -- -------------- -- - - Present Occupation _ -- - - --·· ------ --- - --- - ------------------ ____ _ Graduate from what hig h school_ _______ __________ ________ _______ _ If at any tim e enrolled in th is State T ea cher s College, please give the year or years and th e n umber of mon ths in attenda nce. Year __ _____________ ___ ____ l\l[on th s Attended ____ ______________ __ _ Year _____ ____ ___ __________ l\l[on ths Attended _____ ___________ ____ _ Year _____ _____ __ __________ l\fonth s Attended _____ ___ __ __________ _ Attendance in other institu tion s , includi n g both high schools and colleges. Name of institution ____ ___ _____________ l\l[onth s attended __________ _ Name of instituti on ___ ____ _____________ l\fon th s attended __________ _ Name of institution _______ ___ __________ l\fonth s attend ed __________ _
Your classifica t ion a s a stud ent by th e a m ou nt of credit you
now have
----------.--h igh sch ool pomts __ ________ Col. Sem . hrs.
What other courses are you ta kin g or planning to take wheth
. er in
this or in som e other institution? -- - -- - ------ ----------- ------
Subject you now desire by corr espond ence _______ _____ ____ __ ______ _
Enclosed find check for $---------- - ---to cover fees, etc., mentioned on page 3 of t he bulletin. I make t his application with the understandin g that all t he work in t hi s course be done in absent ia, and that it is to be comple ted and handl ed in ready for approval or r ejection by the in stru ctor before I again ente r as a resident student at Peru State Teacher s College or any other College or U niver sity. Signed _________ __________ _____________ __ _____ Applicant. }( ___________ ________ ___________ ______ ___ha s my approval to take corr espond ence for __________ h ours cr edit in ______ ____ - ---- - - ----- -wit h th e understanding that all the wo rk is t o be done in absentia a n d fu ll y completed r eady for approval or r ejection befor e r e-e ntering any sch ool. Signed ___ __ _____________ _______________ _____ _ Dept. of ________ __________ __ --------------ApproY ed ~ -- - --- ---- - - - -------- - ---------- - - Â
Extension Direct or .
FREE SE RVI CE B U RE AU The Peru State Teach er s College ex is t s to ser ve t he sch ools of Nebraska. The Study Center a n d Correspond ence co urses have had a large ltment a nd have been of practical ser vice to te acher s a nd super ::ndents. F r om t im e to tim e calls come for a ssista nce in "ous school a nd com m uni t y enterprises . Th e school has r esponded ~in this wa y h a s br oadened it s fi eld of usefu lness. New addi t ions : the facul ty make it possi ~l e . t hi s¡ _year t? incr ease t his se r vice. Below are li sted typ es of a ct1v1t 1es wit h which you may need help . If you do not see just the a ssistance desired wri te to us co ncern ing ,our problems a nd we shall tr y to m eet yo ur need. Entertainment Lecturers Parent-Tea cher s Associations Teacher s Meeting s Institutes School Clu bs Comm enceme nt E xerci ses Assemblies Civic Organizati ons Woman's Clubs Judges Debate Declamation Music Contests Music Orchestra Band Girls' Glee Club Men's Glee Clu b College Choru s Men's Quartette Drama Dra matic Cl ub Plays
Schoo] Problems This . Personal serfvice ma y be ob t ain ed through corresp ond ence, thr ough f...._ , , con er ences a t t h e college or through work in th e fi eld by ,.......,IUtâ&#x20AC;˘ J tnernbers .
EXTENSION BULLETIN Organ ization and d ir ection of: Parent-Teach er s ' A s sociations H i-Y Cl ub s Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. Boy Scouts Camp F ir e Organizations Selecting L ibraries Selecting and Coaching P la ys Debati ng Clubs Beautifying School Ground s and Bu il din gs Playgrou nd Equipment a nd Supervi s ion School Surveys Curriculum Construction Problem s in T ea ching Mental Testing Educationa l Mea sure ments School F inan ce Buildi ng P lans
If you wi sh add it ional information in an y one or more of the activities m e nt ioned, fill out th e fo llowing blank and send it to the Director of Exte nsion, care of State T each er s Coll e g e, P eru, Nebraska.
We are a s kin g for m or e info rmation conce rnin g number s ____ ___ _ ________ ______ __ __ in th e r ece nt ex tension bulleti n mentioned under the head ing of Free Servi ce Bureau . The r eason fo r a sk ing thi s informati on is : _____________ ____ _
If a ssis tance can be gi ve n us we shall pa y or provid e for t raveling exp enses and sha ll provide entertainment. S igned _________ ___ _________ ____________ ____ __ .Address ____ __ __ ___________ ________________ am e of organization or sc hool_ ____ ______ __________________ __ _