b ~ebraska State Normal School and Teachers College, Peru, NeI raa a, is a member of the American Associa•tion of Teachers Col~~tnd 0 ~ the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary
b8 : It ls also on the approved list of the Teachers College of Utn ia University, New York City.
JULY, 1927
as second class matter July, 1915, at ithe post office of Peru, Nebraska, under the Act of August 24, 1912.
Peru, Nebraska
b Nebraska Stat e Norma l School a nd T ea ch ers College, P eru , Nera ska , is a mem ber of t he American A ssociat ion of Teachers Col~ges, and of t he North Central A ssociation of Colleges and Secondary 01 : It is_ als~ on t he approved list of the T eachers College of uinb1 a Univer sity, N ew York City.
===·==========~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VOLUME XIII Entered
JULY, 1927
as second class matter July, 1915, at the post office of P eru, Nebraska, under the Act of August 24, 1912.
1 4 516i 1
~ 5 6 1 ~ ~ lg ~lal ~IJ' 6 1 ~ ~ lg lt l~ 1112 13 14 15 16 17 9110!1112 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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1 11
Announcements 1927-1928
. t semester registration, Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 12-13, 1927
~~~:t semester classes begin____________ Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1927 1 -Coming Day ________________________ Saturday, Oct. 29, 1927 ~~~~:ska State Tea.chers Association recess, Nov. 4 to 7, 1927, inc. ond quarter begms ____________________ Monday, Nov. 14, 1927 :.istmas vacation __________ Dec. 23,1927, to Jan. 2, 1928, inclusive (School on Saturday, Dec. 17 and Saturday, Jan. 7) Second semester be~ins ______________________ Monday, Jan. 23, 1928 Fourth quarter begms :--------------------~onday, March .26, 1~28 Spring (Easter) vacatwn ______________ Apr1l 6 to 9, 1928, mclus1ve (School on Saturday, March 31) Second semester closes _______________________ Friday, May 25, 1928 Sum.mer School 1928 Two Six Weeks Terms First terlffi, Junej 4 to July 11. Second term, July 12 to August 17 Write Registrar for Summer School Bulletin, 1928.
TABLiiJ OF CONTENTS I. AdministratiYe, pages 5-18. State Board of Education Officers and Faculty II. General Information, pages 19-24. III. Curricula, pages 35-66. Entrance Requirements Degree Gene1·al Requirements Early Elementary Elementary Manual Arts Normal Training Diploma General Information Commercial Early Elementary Elementary Home Economics Manual Arts Public School Art Public School Music Advanced Rural Education Professional Life Certificate Elementary Sta•te Certificate Elementary Rural
IV. Cour se of Instruction, pages 67-110. Art Biology Commerce Edu cation English Foreign Langu ages Geography History and Ot her Social S ciences H om e E conomics Hygiene ;Manual Arts Mathematics Music Physical Education for Men Physical Education for W omen Phys ical Sciences Training School V. Extension Department, pages 111-116. Correspondence Courses Study Center Courses Service Bureau VI. Daily Programs for 1st and 2nd Sem es t ers, pa ges 117-130. V II. Roster of Students, pages 131-148. VIII. Degrees, Di pl omas and Certificates, pages 149-154. I X. SUJmmary of Attendance, pages 155-157. X . Index, pages 158-163.
S'r A'l1E BOARD OF ED1JCA'T110N JI norable T. J. Maj ors, President, P eru __________ Term expires 1933 JI~norable Dan Mo~ris, Vice-President, Kearney __ Term expi~·es 1933 Jionorable H. E. Re1sche, Secretary, Chadron ______ T erm exp.ires 1931 II norable F. S. Berry, Wayne __________________ T erm expires 1931 II~norable E. Ru•th Pyrtle, Lincoln ______________ T erm expi.res 1929 Honorable Dan V. Stephens, FnemonL _________ __T erm expll'es 1929 Honorable Charles W. T aylor, State Superintendent of Public Jnstructiion, Linco.ln _______________ ___ ______ __ ___ ___ Ex•officio
OFFICE~S OF ADMINISTRATION w. R. Pate, A. B., Pre'S ident. w. N. Delzell, E xecutive Dean an d Director of E :Kten sion. Mrs. !nice Dunning, A. B., Dean of Women. R. D. Overholt, A . B., Registrar. Clara M. Dunigan, As sist a nt Registrar. Elma I. Gockley, Bookkeeper, and Secr et ary to t he President. Irma D. Casey, A. B., Stenographer.
OFFI CERS OF I NSTRUCTION (Final date indicates year of beginning service at Peru) W. R. PATE-President. Education- A. B. Univers ity of N ebraska; graduate work at Columbia University. Experience-Rural Schools, Furnas County, N ebraska; Superintendent Danbury, Nebr., Trenton, N ebr., Grafton, Nebr., Sidney, Nebr., Alliance, Nebr. ; Instructor Norfh Platte, Nebraska, Junior Normal and Alliance, Nebraska, Junior Normal; Principal Alliance Junior Normal ; Professor State Normal College, Chadron, Nebr.; President P eru Sta te T eachers College. Phi Delta Kappa. 1923. BARNEY K. BAKER-Associate Professor of Education. Education-B. S. in Education, Sta t e Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas; A. M. University of Kansa s ; two years graduate work University of Chicago and University of Ka nsas. . Experience-High School Principal, Southwest City, Mo., Picher, Okla., Holyrood, Kan.; Superin•tendent of Schools, Picher , Okla. ;Assistant Professor State T eachers CoUeg e, Pittsburg, Kansas; Associate Professor of Education, Peru State Teachers College. Author of "Correlation of the P rofessional Freedom of City School Superintendents with Training, Experience, Tenure and Size of City." R ed Red Rose. 1926.
E. C. BECK-Professor of English, Head of Depar tmen t Education-A. B., A. M., University of Nebraska ; A, M. Harvard Un iversity. Expariene-Teacher and Superintendent in p ubli c sch 1 of Nebraska; In stru ctor in English, University of Nebras~:~ I nstructor in English, Northeastern Preparatory School, Bos: ton, Mass.; Supervisor of English Teaching, Mon tan a Sta te N ma! College, Dillon, Mon•tana; Associate Profes sor of Engli~~ U niver s ity of Florida, Gainesville, Fla.; Head of E nglish Depart: m ent, P eru State T eachers College. Author of "Some Questions on Shakespeare," "Vi su a l ·writing in American Literature to 1860," and "Map of American Sh ort-S tories." Kappa Delta Pi Sigma Tau Delta. 1923. ' MRS. MAE MILLER BECK-Supervisor of First a n d Second Grade Teaching. Education-A. B ., P eru State T eachers Colleg e ; Student University of Nebraska and University of F lorida ; Graduate Student University of Chicago. Experience_:__Teacher Utica, Nebraska, and Lincoln, Nebraska; Primary Supervisor , Montana State Normal Golleg e, Di!lon, Montana; Instructor in S tory Telling a nd Pri m ary Methods, U niv-e r sity of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. ; Primary Supervisor, P.eru State T each ers College. Memb er N a tion a l Primary Council, International Kindergarten Uni on. 1924. ROBERT T . BENFORD- Instru ctor in Pia no and Organ Education-Graduate Artists Music Course, Stat e Normal and T eachers CoHege, Ypsilanti, Mich. Experience-Instructor, Pia n o a nd Organ, State Teachers College, Ypsilanti, Mich.; H ead of Piano Departm en t, Central State Normal, Mt. Pleasant, Mich ..; Director of Choru s, Male Glee Club and Band, Central Normal, Mt. Pleasa nt, Mich.; Instructor in Piano and Organ, Peru State Teachers College. Composer of piano composition s among which are "Swinging" and " Valsa." Composer and arranger of music for "Dances of Our Pioneers" by Grace Ryan. Kappa Delt8, Pi. 1926. MAUD BERRY-Professor of Ru ral Education Education-Graduate two year course P eru State Teachers College; A . B., University of N ebraska. . . S h ols LinExpenence-Rural Schools of Nebraska; City c o ' coln, Nebrasaka; County Superintendent Lancaster County ; P rofessor of Rura l Education, Peru State Teachers College.
ANNA L. BEST-Associate Professor of Engli sh and Insti1uctor of Speech Education Education-B. S., Kan sa s State A,gricultural College ; Ph. M \, University of Wi scon sin; Graduate work at K a n sas State Agri cultural College a nd University of vVi scon si n. Experience-H ead of Speech Departunent, Western State College, Gunniso n, Colorado; A ssociate P rofessor of English and Instructor of Speech Education, P eru State T eacher s College. American College Quill Club, Sigma Tau Delta, National Collegiate Players, Wiscon sin Players, K a nsas. Purple Masque Play ers, Pi Kappa Delta. 1926. RUTH G. BRAND T- Principal Juni or High School Ed11cation-Graduate two yea r course, P eru State Teach ers College; Student University of N ebraska. Experience-Grades at Rando lph, Nebraska; High School at Carroll, Nebraska ; Superintendent of Schools at Un ad illa Nebraska; Junior Hig h Sch ool a t Lin coln, N ebraska; Principal Junior High School, P eru State T eachers College. Sigma T au Delta. 1921. LIB BIE A. BRANSON-A ssistant Librarian Education-A. B., P eru State T each er s College ; S tudent in University of Nebraska. Expe1·ience-Lexin g ton a nd Coza d city schools; assistant in Lincoln City Library a nd Libraria n of Lincoln, Northeast Branch ; Assistant L ibrarian P eru State T eachers College. 1911. GEORGE W. BROWN-Associate Professo r of History and Other Social Sciences Education-Student Union Christian College, Merom , Indiana. Experience-Teacher in country schools ; Princi pal In close, I sabel, Brocton, Illinois, Public Schools; Superinten dent Edgar Coun ty, Illinois, Public Schools, and Pana, Illinois, Public Schools . Special Lecturer-University of Montana, Missoula; Montana Agricultural College, Bozeman; Uni versity of Ohio, Columbus ; South Dakota Teachers College Madi son· State Ag-ricultural c0 11ege, Brookmgs . ' South Dakota; Illinoi s' State Farmers In~titute; Extension' Service, U n iversity of Illinois ; County Deachers Institutes Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, Kansas, S outh al~ota, Nebraska; A ssociate P rofessor of Hi st ory a n d Other Soc1al s · ciences, Peru State T each ers Colleg e. Pi Ga mma Mu. 191 6.
EMILY BURTON-Supervisor Fifth and Sixth Grade Teach· Education-Graduate two year course P eru State Te~~ College; Student at University of Nebraska. c era Experience-Grade teacher at Fairbury, Nebr aska· Su . ' Pervis or Third and Fourth Grade Teachmg, P eru State Teachers Colli!ge. 1921. WM. R. CARTER-Associate Professor of Biology Education-A. B. Peru Stabe Teachers College ; Student Iowa State University; Graduate Student University of Chicago. Experiencc--Rural Schools, Elementary Schools, Principal of High School and Superintendent of Schools in Nebraska ; As. ·sociate Professor of Biology, Peru State Teacher s College. Sigma Beta H.ho. 1922. VERNE E. CHATELAI N-Professor of History and Other Social Sciences, H ead of Department Education-B. E., A. B., P eru State Teahers College; A. M. in History, University of Chicago. E xperience-Superintendent of Schools, Dawson, Nebraska, and Lander, Wyoming; Coach of Debate and I nst ructor in Social Sciences, Omaha Central High School, Omaha, Nebraska; I nstructor in Public Speaking and Debate, American Institute of Banking, Omaha, Nebraska; P racticing Attorney in Nebraska; Professo·r of History and Other Social Sciences, Peru Staote Teachers College. 350th Regiment of the 88th Division, A. E. F. Author of "Henry Clay and the Public Land System," "John C. Calhoun and the Public Lands." Siguna Tau Delta. 1925. ESTHER A. CLARK-Professor of Foreign Langua ges Education-A. B., A. M., National Normal University, Lebanon, Ohio; A . B., University of Nebraska; Gradua te work, Yale university. Experience---Instructor in English and Latin, Lebanon, Ohio; Instructor in Latin, Chautauqua Summer School, Boulder, Colo.; Professor of Latin, Peru State Teachers College; Professor of Foreign Languages, Peru State Teacher s College. Author of "Grammar References for Caesar,'' " St udent·s• A 1'd to . Caesar," "Los Verbos Irregulares" (Spamsh verb games ) · 1898.
ANSEL 1BENNETT CLAYBURN-Pro£essor of GeographY' and Geology. Education-Graduate of Kearney : s~abe Nrorma~ SchoOil; A. B., A. M., University of N ebra ska; Gra duate Student University of Chicago. Experience-Principal High School, Bridgeport, Nebraska; Supervisor Secondary Sciences, T eachers College High School, University of N ebra saka; P rofessor of Geography and Geology, P eru Sfate Teachers College. American E xpeditionary Forces. Phi Delta Kappa; Sigma Gamma E psilon. 1922. SANFORD L. CLEMENTS-Superintendent of Tra ining School Education-Graduate two year course P eru State Teachers College; B. Sc., University of N ebraska : A. M., T eachers College, Columbia University; Gra duate Student Columbia University. Expenienc.e-Teacher :'GracJies ; seven and eight, Elmwood, Nebr. ; Coach and teacher High School, Alliance, Nebr.; In structor Science Department Peru State T each ers Collegie ; In tructor Department of Ed~cation and Hi gh School Critic, State Normal College, Chadron, N ebr.; Assistant Principal Senior High School, Lincoln, Nebr., Superintendent of Training School, Peru State Teachers College. American E xpeditiona.r y Forc·es. Phi Delta Kappa; Alpha Zeta ; Alpha Delta Pi. 1925. ALFRED CRAGO-Professor of Education, H ead .o f Department E ducation-A. B., A. M., Uni¥ersity of Nebraska; Graduate Student, University of N ebraska ; Graduate St udent, University of Chicago. Experience-S u per intendent of Schools, Tobias, Randolph, and Central City, Nebraska; P rof essor of Education, P eru State Teachers College. Joint author of Uni ted States Bureau of Education Bulletin 1919, No. 20. Phi Delta Kappa. 1917. W. N. DELZELL-Executive Dean and Director of Extension Education-Graduate two year course Peru State T eachers College ; Student University of Michigan , Uni¥er sity of Color ado, University of Tra¥el, Course of stud:v and travel in Engla.nd, F rance, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Greece. h E xperience-Superintendent, Urnadilla, Dunbar, Syracuse ; Tas held, successively, the following ·positions in Peru State eachers College : Assistant in Mathematics, H ead of Depart· ment of Commerce, Director of Field a nd Exten sion Departments, Executive Dean and Director of Extension. 1905.
PRICE DOYLE-DiTector of Con servatory of Music and Prof of Public School Music essor Education-B. S. State Teachers College, Maryville, Mo . Student Iowa State Teachers College, Cedar Falls; Gradu ~ Student University of North Carolina; Stu dent of Voice Ma C.. K. Gregg, Graduate of Lei psic Conservatory ; Student r~~ V.010e Lowell E. M. Wells, Graduate of Paris Conservatory· Student of Voice in France. ' Experience-Teacher Rural Schools, Iowa; H ead Voic,e Department, Inter-State Conservatory, Dodge City, Kansas; Critic Teacher in Music, State Teacher s College, Marysville, Mo., and student assi·s tant in Mu sic Department; Directm· of Music, City Schools, Concord, N. C,; Director of Conservatory of Music and Professor of Public School Music, Peru State Teachers College. Concert, Chautauqua and Lyceum entertainer. 1926. MRS. ! N ICE DUNNING-Dean of Women Educa•tion-A. B., Peru State Teachers College; Student State Junior Normal, Alliance, Nebraska; State Teachers College, Greely, Colorado; Hastings Conse•r vatory of Music, Santa Cruz, California. Experience-Rural schools in Nebraska and Iowa; City Schools, Alliance, Nebraska; Di1~ctor of P ublic School Music, Alliance, Nebraska; Dean of Women, Peru State Teachers College. Sigma Tau Delta; Delta Alpha Pi. 1924. MARIE HELEN FAULHABER-Associate Professor of English Education-A. B., Nebraska Wesleyan, English and Education; A. M., University of N ebraska, Education, and Philosophy; Graduate student, Columbia University. Experience--Supervisar of T eacher Training, Nebraska Wesleyan University; Principal State Nomnal Model School, Madison, S. Dakota; Department Editor of S. Dakot a, Educator; Supervisor English Teaching P eru State T eachers College Demonstration High School. 1920. LON RUSSELL GRAF-Director of Athletics. and Physical Educacation for Men Education-Student \Vestminister College, Fulton, Mo., University of Nebraska, Notre Dame Coaching School. Experience-Officers Training Camp, ls.t Co. , 3rd B~.,D~~ C. 0. T. C. ; Coach .of football, basketball, and track, an h rs rector of Physical Education for Men, Peru State Teac e College. Sigma Tau Delta. 1923.
RT HU R LORN HILL- Professor of Mathematics A E du cati on-A. B ., Doan e Colleg ?, Crete, Nebra ska; Gradua te St udent, U niversity of N ebraska. Experi ence- T eacher and Superintend ent of Schools in Nebra ska town s ; Reserve Office r, Uni be(l States A r my, with 314 Machine Gun En. overseas; Profess or of Mathematics, Peru State Teachers College. Ma them a ti ca l A ssociation of America; Nationa l Council of T ea ch er s of Ma th ematics ; N ebraska Academy of Scienc e ; Phi Delta Kappa. 1923. ARTHUR E. HOLCH-Professor of Biology, H ead of Departm ent E ducati on-A. B. , A . M ., Unive r sity of Colorado; B. Mu s, University of Illinois ; Graduate St ud ent, University of Minneota, a nd Uni ver si ty of Nebra ska. E xpzrience- Sup e'lintend ent School s , Cortez, Colorad o ; P rincipal Hi g h S chool, Cripp le Creek, Colorado' and Scottsbluff, Nebraska. Member of America n Assoia ti on for th e Ad van cement of S cience ; Botanica l S ociety of America; Nationa l Eugeni cs A !'lsociation; B ritish E colog ica l Society; E cological Society of America; Nebraska A cademy . of Science; 'N a h on a l Geneti cs Society; Sigma Xi ; Sigma B eta Rho; Phi Sigma ; Delta Al pha Pi ; Mu K ap pa Alp ha ; Pi Ga mmu Mu; Pi Kappa Lamb da; Delta Sigma Rh o ; K appa Delia Pi. 1919. WILB UR FRANKLI N HOYT-Professor of Physical Science, H ead of Department. Education- A. B., A. M ., Ohio Wesleyan University; S•';udent Na tiona l Normal, L ebanon, Ohio, and State Normal, Glasgow, K y.; Gra duate student Harvard University; Graduate tudent Chaut auqua Summ er S chool. E xperience-Public Sch ools, Ohio, P ennsylvania, Mo!l' ~an a ; Head Science Department, Chamberlain Institut e, N. Y., H ea d Biology Department, K an sa s Wesleya n Uni.; H e ad Physical S~ience Department, K a n sas W esleyan University ; Vice-Presiden t and A cting President, Kansa s W esleyan Univer sity; Profes sor of Physica l Science, H ead of D epartm ent, Peru St ate ~each ers College. Author " Chemi stry Man.ual and Manual Qualita~ive", " Chemistry by Exp erim entation", "Science and Lif e-A Philosophy of Life" " P r inciples Problem s and Meth ods of Ch · ' ' ' · e~istry" . Memb er N ebraska A cademy of Science; Fellow C National A ssociation for t h e Advancement of Science. 1910. · A. HUCK-Associate P rofessor of Mw':h ematics . Ed~cation-A. B., Cent ral W esleyan Colleg e, W arrenton , M1ssour1.
~xperience-Assi stant Instructor in Mathematics, Cent ral e;. eyan Academy, Warrenton , Missouri; Profess or of Mathete~dcs, Genesee W esleyan Seminary, Lima, New York; Superinent of School, W ellsville, Missouri. 1923. W
ANNA IRWIN-Associate Rrofessor of Commerce Instructor in Palmer Penmanship Education-B. S., State Teachers College, Warr en b Missouri; Student University of Colorado, Busin ess C s urg, 0 11 Sapulpa, Okla., Palmer Penmanship School, Cedar Rapids eg~, 1 ¡ Experience-Grade teacher in Indiana, Missour i, Ok!~h:wa: Commerce instructor in High Schools of Kansas and Color::: Associ~te Professor of Commerce and Instructor in Palmer Pen: mansh1p, Peru State Teachers College. 1925. VICTOR HUGO JINDRA-Director Band and Orch estra and Insfructor of Violin Education-A. B., University of Nebraska; Violin student Carl Frederic Steckelberg, Max Fischel ; Music Certifica~' Chicago Musical College. ' Experience-Superintendent Schools, Brainard and Firth Nebraska; Director Band and Orchestra and Instru ctor of Violin: Peru State Teachers College. Phi Beta Kappa, P h i Delta Kappa. 1923. EMILY JOHNSON-College Nurse, Instructor in Home and School Hygiene Education-R. N., Methodist Hos.pita! Training School, Omaha, Nebr.; Student Chicago Training School ; Completed Ann Arbor, Mich., Public Health Nursing Course; Student with Dr. Emerson in Nutrition work, Lincoln, N ebraska. Experience-Teacher, Elementary schools; N urse, Private duty; Army Nursing Corps, W¡o rld War; City Contagious work, Omaha, Nebr.; American R ed Cross county Nursing ; Hospital Supervision and School Nurse; College Nurse and Instructor in Home and School Hygiene, Peru State Teachers College. Member of National Organization of Public Health N urses; Reserve American Red Cross. 1926. PEARL A. KENTON-Associate Professor of Foreign L an guages Education-A. B., Peru Sta<te Teachers College ; Student, Boulder University. Experience-Teacher High School, Odell, Crofton, Johnsonf Kimball, Peru State Teachers College Associate Professor 0 Foreign Languages. 1924. PAUL E. KUTNINK-Assistant Director of Physical E ducation for Men Education-B. S., Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas; Graduate student, University of Illinois . . S hool Experience-Coach and Physical Director , High . c fo; Norton, Kansas; Assistant Director of Physical E ducation Men, Peru State Teachers College. 1926.
A. v.
LARSON-Supervisor of Manual Training Education-B. S. in Mech. Eng. University of Nebraska; Graduate Student, University of Chicago, Universi•ty of Nebraska, Univer sity of Minnesota. Experience-Teacher Manual Arts and Physical Sciences, Wahoo, Nebraska, High School; Teacher Manual Arts, Columbus, Nebraska, High School; Supervisor of Manual Training, Peru State Teachers College. Phi Delta Kappa. 1926.
ELIZABETH McCOLLUM-Director of Kindergarten Education-B. E., National Kinderga rten College, Chicago; Student Bloomsburg State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Penn., Valparaiso University, P enn. University, Columbia University. Experience-Teacher Darley, P enn., Demarest, New Jersey ; P rimary Supervisor Brook Private School, Chicago; Instructor Kansas Wesleyan University; DireC'tor of Kindergarten, Peru State Teachers College . 1924. LAVERN B. MATHE WS-Principal High School Education-Graduate two year course, Peru State T eachers College; A. B., University of Nebraska; A. M., Columbia University, New York City. Experience-Science teacher David City, Nebraska, High School; High School Principal, David City, N ebraska, Columbus, Nebraska; Principal of Demons•tration High School, Peru State Teachers College. Member of American Expeditionary Forces. Phi Beta Kappa . 1927.
R. D. OVERHOLT-Registrar Education-A. B., Toronto Univer sity; Graduate student Hamilton Collegiate Training School, Hamilton, Ontario; Student University of Nebraska. Experience-Superintendent Schools Ashland and Minden, Nebraska; Registrar, Peru State T eachers College. 1908. NONA M. PALMER-Professor of Commerce Education-A. B., P eru · State Teachers College; Graduate Gregg School of Shorthand, Chicago; Graduate Student, Sta•te Teachers College, Greeley, Colorado. Experience-Teacher public schools, Lincoln, Nebraska; Professor of Commer ce, P eru State Teachers College. Pi Omega Pi. 1915.
GRACE MARY PETERSO -Librarian Education-A. B., Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohi o· lfib Training Class, New York Public Librar y. ' j rary Experience-Catalog assistant, Librarian in charge of open shelf and academy reference work, Reserve ass istant at Ob lin College Library; Assis>tant, Catalog departm ent , New ye~ P ublic Library; City Libraria n and teacher of Bibliograp~r Elyria, Ohio, High School ; Library, Peru Stat e Teachers Co~: lege. 1925. MRS. DEVONA M. PRICE-Supervisor Junior H igh School Teachin Education-A. B., Peru State Teachers Colleg e ; two yea! diploma, Chadron State Normal College; student University of ebraska and Boulder St ate University ; Graduate student, Columbia Un iversity, Experience-Superintendent, Hemingford, N ebr., Depart. mental teacher, Alliance, Nebraska, Junior H igh Sch ool; Principal Ward School, Alliance, Nebr., Supervisor Junior High School Teaching, Peru State Teachers. College. Delta Alpha Pi. 1926. FRANCES E. ROOT-Director Physical Education for W omen Education-A. B., North Dakota Agricultural College; Graduate student, University of Wiscons in. Experience-Instructor in Physical Education for Women, North Dakota Agricultural College; Director Physical Education for W·o men, Peru Sta•te Teachers College. 1925. GRACE TEAR-Professor of Principles and Meth ods in Teaching Education-Diploma, State Teachers College, E mporia, Kansas; A. B., Fairmount College; Diploma, Teachers College, Columbia University; M. A. Columbia University; Gradu ate student Columbia Univers ity. Experience-Teacher rural schools, Illinois and Kansas; teacher city schools, Wichi•ta, Kansas, Principal High Scho?l, Garden Plain, Kan sas ; Supervisor Training Sch ool a nd lnstr~c tor in English and Education, State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas; Department Head in English in Tra ining School, Teachers College, Cedar Falls, Iowa; Professor of Educat ion, Teachers College Cedar Falls, Iowa; P1,ofessor of Principles a nd Methods in Teaching, Peru State Teachers College. Au thor-Monograph Grade School Reading. 1921. FLORENCE TILTON-Professor of Art DaEducation-A. B., B. A . E., State U n iversity of Sout? • 0 kota; Bachelor of Art Education, Chicago Art Instit ute, Ch~cag '. 0 Student Ohio Wesleyan University, Applied Arts School, Chicag ' Gradua•te Student, University South Dakota.
17 .
Experience-Teacher, Salem, S. D., Art teacher, Phoebe Sudlow Intermediate School, Davenport, Iowa, Junior and Senior High School, Salina, Kansas, N ormal Scho·ol and Public Schools of Sioux City, Iowa ; Instructor of Art, Huron College, Huron, s. D., Northern Normal and Indu strial School, Aberdeen, S. D.; Professor of Art, P eru State Teach ers College. 1927. KATHRYN M. TOWNE-P1,ofesso r of Home Economics Education-B . S., Montana State College, Bozeman; Graduate student, Univer sity of Washington. Experience-Teacher of H ome Economics, Harlowton, Montana, High School; Professor of Home Econ-omics, Peru State Teachers College. 1925. HAROLD E. WAGNE R-Instructor of Voice Education-A. B., B eloi•t College; Mus. B., Northwestern University. Experience-T eacher of Music and Director ·o f Glee Clubs, H enfeld High School, Duluth , Minn.; Director of Voice and Choral Department, Parker College, Winnebago, Minn.; Soloist, First Presbyteria n Church , Beloit, Wis., Cuyler Ave. M. E. Church, Oak Park, Ill., Trinity Cathedral (Episcopal), Duluth, Minn ., St. Patrick's Ch urch (Roman Catholic) Chicago; Former member Pauliat Choristers of St. Mary's Church, Chicago, and the A Cappella Choir, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill ., Instructor of Voice, Peru State Teachers College. 1927. WALDO OSCAR WILLHOFT-Instructor in English and History Education-A. B., Peru State T eachers College; Gradua•i:e student, University of Michiga n. Experience-Winner Nebraska State Bar E ssay Contest, 1925 and 1926; Instructor in English and History, P eru State ·Teachers College. Sigma Ta u Delta . 1926 . MRS. CLARA WILLS-Supervisor of Third and Fourth Grade Teaching Education-B. S., Southwest T eachers Colleg e, Springfield, Mo.; A. M. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City; student, Columbia University, Missouri. Experience-Teacher elementar y gr ades, Lamar, Mis·souri; ~eacher High School Normal Training, Marshfield, Mo .. ; Prin~ipal High School, Gallatin, Missouri; State Supervisor, Missouri ; upervisor Third and F ourth Grade Teaching, P eru State Teachers College. 1927.
FACULTY COMMITTES Calendar-:-Palmer, .Gockley, Gra~, Mathews, Best, Root, Benf<rd. Convocation-Dunmng, Doyle, Jmdra, Brandt, Best, Kutnink, Will. hoft. Curriculum and Daily Program-Tear, H oyt, Clayburn, Beck, Baker Overholt, Dunigan, Berry, Faulhaber. ' Budget and Ait hletics-Delzell, Ov;erholt, Beck, Brown , Clayburn Huck, Graf, Hill. ' Library-Peterson, Crago, Beck, Chatelain, Holch, Clements, Hoyt, Doyle. Persoonnel--Crag.o, Dunning, Delzell, Palmer, Holch, Clements, Hi:>yt, lain. Peruvian-Senior, Sophomore, Junior, and Freshman advisers. Social-Towne, Root, Wills, Mathews, McCollum, Mrs. Beck, Kenton Wagner, Irwin, Kutnink. ' Teachers Bureau-Clements, Delzell, Dunigan, Dunning. Welfare and Health--.Tohnson, Root, Dunning, Delzell, Graf, Clements. Faculty MeetingS-Holch, Brown, Branson, Tilton, Clark, Berry, Rules-Delzell, Dunning, Clements.
ADVISERS Philomathean Literary Society-A. L. Hill. Everett Literary Society-Emily Burton. Sigma Tau Delta-E. C. Beck. Delta Alpha Pi-A. Crago. Sigma Beta Rho-A. E. Holch. Pi Omega Pi-Nona M. Palmer. Dramatic Club-Anna L. Besot. Y. M. C. A-A. B. Clayburn, A. V. Larson. Y. W. C. A.-Elma I. Gockley, Kathryn M. Towne. College Catholic Association~T o be assigned. Christian Science Associatio11-Grace Tear, Clara M. Dunigan. Epsicopal Club-Emily Burton. Rural Leadership Club-Maud Berry. College Men's Club-W. N. Delzell. College Girl's Club-Mrs. !nice Dunning. G. A . A.-Frances E. Root. P. Club-Lon R. Graf. SeniorS-A. B. Clayburn. Juniors-W. R. Carter. SophomoreS-Nona M. Palmer . Freshme11-A. V. Larson.
GENERAL INFORMATION The general catalog is intended to g ive such information concern . the Peru State Normal School and Teachers College as may be ;~ired by students planni ng to continue their education in a well e ipped state sch ool. Becau se ·Of limifati on in space, some things e~y be omitted fro m the catalog, information concerning which can ~adily be obtain ed by writing to the President or to the Regi strar at Per u, Nebraska. The chief purpose of •the institution is educating and training teachers for the public sch ools. Y·oung people who h ave not fully decided on a life vocation may com plete t h e academic work generally accepted for th~ fres hman and sophom or e years of any liberal ar ts college. The Bachelor of Arts deg r ee can only be conferr ed ion those who have completed the fo ur year cour se, which includes the r equired profession a l preparation for teaching. The ins•titution · is organized t o include every phase •of public school work whether rura l or grades, t he ungraded one-room school, the kindergarten, the elementary graded school, t h e junior high, the senior demonstration high scho ol, and th e teacher s college. Each uni t represents a rea l school situa•tion with the edu cation of t he child and the training of the t eacher a s primary a nd coordina te •o bjects.
,.j •1FJ ' · - ' I
In 1 86~, the same year that N ebra ska became a state, the legis·latu:re provided for the establishment of a training sch ool for teache:s ~t Peru. It wa.s the first state nor ma l sch ool west of th e Mississip~i River. For over fifty years, it has made an enviable record of ;chievemen~ in educational affairs . Its faculty has ever been n ated : profess10nal and progressive ideals and its stud ents and gradua0 f ~have done much to shape t he edu cational developm ent not a lone 1 ebraska, but of the entire n a•tion . N b For thirty-eight years, P eru was the onl y school ·of its kind in e raska. As th . f ter r't e iesour ces o the sta te were developed a nd all its 1 work orfy became se-ttled the legislature fo und it wise to carry t he o teach t · · the B d er rammg to other parts of the state. It au thoriz ed anoth oar. of Education having charge of th e P eru school •to establis h Year s erthm 1905. ' and th e B oar d 1ocated it at Kearn ey. Within a few 1 Boarci of ~d~~Is~ature. pr~vided for two additional scho ols and the ron E h atwn es•cabb shed one a t Wayne and the other at Chad. ac of the fo . h I · . · each is w k' UI sc oo s is developmg a long t he same lines a nd Peru for ~~ mg out the same ideals t hat have guided the work at e past fifty-five years.
The degrees, Bachelor of Arts in Education and Bachelor of Ed cation, had been granted by the institution previous to 1921, but uthis time the State L egislatur e changed the State Nonna! School ~t 0 Teachers Colleges, and auth orized them to offer a fo ur year col~ course, conferring ·the Degree Bachelor of Arts as the State Uni:ge sity does. er.
LO CATI OK Railroads-Peru is on the Burlington, on the Lincoln to Fall City and on the Nebraska City to Beatrice lines. The Missour~ Pacific makes connections at Nebraska City and Auburn. The Rock I sland makes c.o nnecti.o ns at Beatrice and Rockford. The Burlington train leaves Omaha at 5:00 p. m. direct for Peru. One Burlingfon train leaves Lincoln for Peru via Tecumseh at 1:45 p. m .; another direct to Peru leaves Lincoln at 3 :10 p. m. From Nebraska City trains leav.e for Peru at 9:05 a . m. and 7:00 p. m.; from Falls City at 5 :50 a. m.; from Beatrice a 1 :30 p. m. Highways-The highway connecting Omaha and Kansas City marked H-H and K-T will take the traveler to the Peru Trail. · The Peru Trail connects with the federal highway six miles north of Auburn and fourteen miles south of Nebraska City. The Peru Trail is graveled, giving Peru any-weather roads to Omaha, Lincoln, and Kansas City. The most scenic trail into P eru leaves the f ederal highway just south of Julian and runs along •the Missouri river ridge.
BUILDINGS The executive offices are located in a three-story structure, known as the Administration Building. The President, t he Dean of Men, the Dean of Women, and the Regis•trar have offices on the main floor, and the other floors are given over to class a .. d lecture rooms. This building is centrally located and readily accessible from all pa.r ts of the campus. I The Library Building is modern and complete in ·e very way .. ~ contains 36,000 books and a very complete file of the bes•t magazm and periodicals published. Its reference department is . among t~~ best in quantity and quality. In its juvenile department is fou~d • 1 most every worthwhile book for children, and its libra.r y collection ~ very extensive and complete . The library is well adapted to e needs of the school and at the same time it serves as a model for a well selected city library. t d to . h is · devod e rtScience Hall has two stories, the first of w h 1c . 1 · Each epa biological sciences and the second to phys1ca sciences. . ther ment is well equipped with lecture rooms and laboratones tog~ated with all necessary equipment. The Legislature of 1927 _appropriared fund s for a new Science building. Plans are now bemg prep
f r the new building which should be ready for use in September ~ 2 8. The present Science Hall will be r emodeled to house the peranent organizations of the campus. zn The training school is the center of all special preparation for teaching and ib is cer tainly fittin g •that it should occupy t he T . J, Majors Building, the finest on the campus, and among t he best of its kind in the entire country. It is well equipped in everey way to serve as a model structure for any well graded school system. The gymnasium, known to form er students as the ch apel, is 3 fine brick building and contains everything necessary for physicaj training, n amely: swimming pool, shower s, locker rooms, and a very fine basketball floor. The new auditorium occupies t h e site of t h e annex to the origina i college building. It is fireproof and durable in every way. It pro. vides for a.JI public gatherings connected with t h e institu ~ion , having a seating capacity ,o f twelve hundred. Its acoustic properties and stage facilities are sa·tisfactory in every particular. Mount Vernon Hall has r ooming faci lities for one hundred girls a.nd a dining room sufficient for one hundred .seventy students. The Dean of Women, who lives in t he H all, makes a real home for the girls; and an excellent menu is provided for those who take their meals here. The purpose of the school is fo. furnish r ooms and meals practically at cost and to set a standard of quality for all who desire to make homes for students . The infirmary, located on the college campus, is a thorou ghly modern and well equipped hospital. S·tudents needing the use of a hospital are cared for at a cost for actual expense incurred, and the services of the nurse are free. A fine power plant, conveniently located, supplies h eat, light and power for all buildi ngs on the campus. A n ew boiler with automatic stoker has recently b een installed. Two systems of electric generators and two sets of boilers guarantee cont inuous and satisfactory service at all times . A transmission line from Nebraska City also furnishes a continuous twenty-four hour electric current for light and power.
CAMPUS d' t'Th7 Peru campus overlooking >th e Missouri River is the most is inctive campus in Nebraska. Comprising over .sixty acres of oak~:i~~r~d hills and valleys, it is the natural home ·o f son g birds and of owers. In autumn it is a glory of colors; in spring it i s a dream song and verdure. a.mp~~~e athle:ic. field was carved out of the hills. Wit h its n atural colleg ater it is one of the most picturesque bowls among all the On th:s. thie~v colleges can boast as noble a setting as "Old P eru." the ba a b etic field are found •the blue-grass gridiron, the cinder track se all diamond and the tennis courts.
ORGAJ. ~IZATIONS RELIGIOUS. The Y. M. C. A., the Y. W. C. A, the College Catholic Asso · tion, the Christian Science Student Club, and the Episcopal G~~~ encourage student fe llowship and par ticipation in th e religious l~f of the 1school. Member.ship in ·th ese organizations is open to a e student interested. ny EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL. The Girls' Club is an organization open to ever y woman enrolled in college. The purpose of t he club is to make one great fa mily out of the girls at Peru. During th e year the club gives a number of parties and receptions. It is sponsored by the Dean of Women. The Me.n's Club is an organization open to ever y man enrolled in college. It brings the men t ogether to talk over school a:id professional pr oblems. It is sponsored by t he Dean of Men. The Dramatic Club is one of the strongest dramatic organizations in the west , and is one of the oldest. Its members try out and are selected on merit. It maint ains the Little Theatre and gives the school .the best in drama. The literary societies, Philomathean and Everett, are old in ser-vice and ·traditions. They add to th e literary a nd social life of the s tuden ts . The Rural Leadership Club purp oses to develop community leaders and to interest trained teachers in the rural schools. MUSIC. The glee clubs have separate organizations until they combine for the annual May Music Festival. These organizations give entertainments during the fall and winter. The orchestra is one of the stronger m u sical organiza tions. It is open to all students who play orchestral instrument s. The college orchestra, the high school .o rchestra , and the j.unior high school orchestra, afford every i:iusician an .opport~nity. ketThe band is particularly active dunng the football and bas ball seasons. HONOR SOCIETIES. . It is open to Delta Alpha Pi is a local educational fraternity. . . . . d' 1 scholarship 19 b oth men and women of full Jumor stan mg w 10se on• h ·dence of a c above th e avera.ge. Candidates must a 1so s ow evi gan· 0 tinued interes t in the field of educa ti on . The purpose of th~ :ional ization is t o promote the highest ed ucational ideals and pro esspir it among its member s.
Sigma Tau Delta is the national p rofe~s iona l Engli sh fraternity, the purpose of which is to promote the master y of written expres. n encourage wrth-wfol e reading, and fo ster a spirit of fellowship ::~o~g those specia lizing _in th e Engli ~h language and. l~terature. A ajor in English a nd high scholarship are the reqm s1tes, and th e members assum e the obliga tion to be produ ctive in ord er t hat thei r m . cholarship may be effective. s Sigma Beta Rho is a professional h on orary biological fratern ity. Its membership includes those of ju.nior and senior rank who are majoring in biological sciences . Candidates must be above average in scholarsh ip a nd must in tend to make biology their permanent in ·· terest. The fratern ity aims to promote the study of b iological p ro blems and to interest students in the field of biology a s a profession. Pi Omega Pi is a commercial fraternity. Its aim is t o promote or create interest a nd sclrnlarship in commerce ; to encourage high ethical standards in business and p r ofessional life; and to foste:· a spirit of fellowsh ip among students studying commercal work. St ud ents maj·o ring in commerce and ha ving high scholastic standing are eligible to membershi p when they have completed fifteen hours in this major. There are now three chapters of this organization The con ti.tution provides that when the fourth chapter is organized the fraternity shall become national. ATHLETICS The "P" Club is an organization of the Peru letter m en. Its purpose is to foster the spirit of go :id s portsmanship. It is spon s0red by th e college coach. The G. A . A. is an athletic organization for girls und er th e leadership of the director of physical education for women. It offer s letters for satisfactory work in a p rogram outlin ed by th e club. The Tennis Club is open t o a ll colleg e students. Medal tournaments are held in the fa ll and s pring. The club fosters inter-collei;; ate tenn is.
RECREATION Ole! Peru on the Missouri Ri ver offers unu sual opportunitie ..; r 0r outdoor sports, hikes and picnics. The hill.s, th e trees, th e flowered ~-Rl!eys, th e autumn colors the picturesqu e r iver vista s the rh•er ItS€lf, all these are a con st~nt invitation to an outdoor lif~. Tennis 1· l fa ll. Th ~ P a.yed on th e college courts from early spring to la t e ball fl e ~wm1Jirnng pool is one of th e bes t in th e state. The baskctp . _oor is the envy of the schools. The wo rld 's record made by e1 u in baskotb. ll . . ley b . ~ a is partially clue to the spl endid playing fl ooL Vol11 ;h' md~or. base ball, a nd g ymnastics are well p1rovidecl for. Pick n ic~ ~rtistic_ Dutch oven on the athletic slope is th e priL1.e of Socie~s. 1.t _1 s_for the u se of stu dents and visitors alike. cial re l" a. activities are centered in t he organization s-literary, so' igious and class.
LECTURES AND RECITALS L ectu res are given during the year by variou s faculty membe under the auspices of the Christian associations. Outside talent ~s 1 also procured, giving the student opportunities to h ea: men : women of national rep utation. an Concerts and recitals are given by stu dents of the varir,us d _ partments of music. Ou,tside talent is brought to the institutio<: every year, for the purpose of permitting t h e stu dents t o hear th~ best music.
TEACHERS ' PLACEMENT BUREAU The Teachers' Placement Bu reau is conducted for th ~ put'pose of helping s t u dents secure desirable positions. Graduates are not guar, a nteed po s ~tion s , but every effort is made to locate worthy te:tcherd in satisfactory places. A fee of fifty cents is paid by each student joining the P lacement Bureau. The Superintendent of the T raining School is chairman of the Bureau.
HEALTH F ,o r a number of years Peru has led in health conservation as well as in provision for the care of the sick among its students. H maintains a trained health director who gives practical instruction in school sanitation, in care of school children, and in g uarding against contagious and infectious diseases. As an experienced nurse, the health director has charge of the school infilimary where students when ill receive the be t od' medica l attention. A fee of fifty cents per semeste1: and summer term is charged each student for tlti,, ,;e~· vice, and an additional fee of one dollar per day for personal care in the infirmary.
MEMORIALS On graduation a nu mber of classes have left memorials C•>D 8isting of p ictures, tablets, and various mementos . The Art Clu~i ~:: 1 contributed a frieze, .s tatuary and other works of art. The clock ~ f library was the gift of the class of 1903; the drinking fountain 0~ the class of 1911; the campu s electroliers of the class .o f 1914; the 1> ~ 9 . l f the ca. tals at the north entrance of the class of 1915; the sun d ta 0 nt . lk f . the paveine of 1920, and the class of 1924 bmlt a cement wa r om t ·cal to the athletic fi eld. In fact, almost every building has his ori features of interest to all alumni and former students.
STUDENT LOAN FUND A n ew sor t of m emorial was instituted by th e class of 1912 Other J·t foun ded what is known ·a s th e Student Loan Fund. n w1e l classes have a ssisted a s th e following list shows : Class 1913 1915 1916 1918 1919 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926
Sponsor P rofessor B. C. H end ri cks - - ----- - ----- ---$ 50.00 P rofessor F. C. Smith -- --------------- ---- 50.00 P rofessor C. F. Beck -------------- - ---- --- fi5.00 P rofessor I. G. Wilson - - ---- - ---- ------ ----- 300.00 P rofessor I va M. Dunn --- --------------·--- 311.00 Professor Non a M. Palmer ------------- - ---- 18.SG P rofessor Grac e Tear · - - ---- ---------------- 204.84 Prof. A . E. H olch --------------- - ---------- 17fi .UO Professor A . L. Hill - --- - - - ----- ----------- _ 05.36 P rofessor E . C. Beck - - ---------- - --------- 156.00
The fun d is in the cus to dy of R. D. Overholt, Regist rar. A faculty committee decides u pon the m erits of .e a.c h loan a nd th e following provision s are con sidered: To be eligible to a loa n fro m this fund the applica nt mu st be a student in the college, who is preparing to t ea ch and n eeds th e money to com plet e his course. Preference is g iven t hose nearing graduation. A note is requ ired whi ch is signed by applican t and pia r e nt or guardian. A r easonable interest is ch arg ed. Applications for loa n s should be made to th e Registrar or P resident and will be a cted u pon in •turn a s a pp roved and a s money is available. Short time loan s a n d p rom pt payments a re n ecessar y t o assist the la1·g es t possible number of students. Th e g reat est n' emorial tha t can be left by a ny stud ent orga nization is a contribution ~o th ose who prepare for a life of service to the state in educati ng its children. th
The College Girls' Club a lso maintain s a loan fund subj ect to et· sanne regulation s which a pply t o the Student Loan Fund. Applica ion fo I n· r oan s from thi s fund ma y be made to Mrs. !nice ]ln n1ng, Dean 0 f W omen a n d Spo nsor of th e Girl s' Club.
B. E. S-WENSON, JR., SCHOLARSHIP AND MEDAL Bert E. Swenson, '09, and Stella Spillner Swenson, '09, have ..,. ,,.:, 'e 11 . to P eru an annual athletic scholarship and medal in memory of thtil' son, Bert Edward, J r. No st u dent shall receive the award more than once. Juniors aad Seniors are eligible. Basis for judging-100 points. a . General 1. Character and personality ---- ------------1 5 poinb 2. Scholarship - -----------------------------15 poiJ ~ts ::l. Most valuable to school traditions ----------20 points b. Athletics 1. Must make his emblem or school letter in at least two of the different sports. They n eed not be made in uny one year -------------------------------- 50 points Note-Making more than two school emblems would not count in "B" but might count something in " A-3." At the time of he award in 1940 and thereaf ter t he award will carry a scholarship valu ed at $150.00 besides the an nua l medal. 1925 Medal awarded to Mark W. Delzell. 1926 Medal awarded to Earl L. Craig. 1927 Medal awarded to G. H. Fra ry.
SIGMA TAU DELTA FRESHMAN ENGLISH MEDAL The national honorary English fraternity, Sigma Tau Delta, through the Alpha Phi chapit er of Peru State T eachers College awards annually the Sigma T a u Delta Freshman English medal t o the student registered in English 101 who writes the best composition durin~ the regular scl10ol year.
ASSISTING srrUDENTS Many students find it necessary to work to help pay eitf¡ . . t 0 penses while in J,;r,hool. A Job Bureau is maintained where a h s k people needing help is kept and an effort is made to bring the wor and the worker together.
LIVING EXPENSES In P eru, the cost of living is at a minimum. Rooms in p r ivate homes at present rent a t $1.25 to $1.50 per week, per stud ent, t wo students in a r oom. Meals are froip. $5.00 to $6.00 per week in private boarding houses. Many students d¡o light housekeeping, fa cil ities fo r which are found in a number of places .
The Sta t e majntains Mount Vernon Hall a s a home for girls with the Dean of Women in charge. Modern rooms can be had for $1.00 to $1.25 per week , per student, two girls in a room. Students are expected to fu r nish t heir own bed linen, blanket s, towels, scarfs a n d curtains. A deposit of two dollars per student is r equired for a r eser vation at Mount Vernon H a ll, which deposit applies on r ent wh en room is occupied. Refund of this fee will be made only in case cancellation of !'oom reservat ion is made two weeks before the opening date of t erm. E xcellent meals are served in the dining room for those who room her e and for about seventy ,persons from outside at $4.50 per week. Rooming and boarding faciliti es in Peru are a mple for all students desiring to a ttend school. Unless arrangements a re made before coming to P eru, students should call at the Administration Building, where the Dean of Men or the Dean of Women will give full information concerning r ooms and m eals. All p r ivate h omes of fering t o room and boar d stu dents are subj ect to approval and sup erYi sion of college.
SCHOOL FEES At P eru Stat e Teacher s College, n o tuition is cha rged, an d only th e lowest fees possible wit h good wo rk in any specia l departmen t. All fees ar e payable in a dvan ce, each semester and summer t erm. Matriculation fee - - ------ ------- - ------ - - - - - - ---- ---------$5 .00 Paid but once by ea ch student entering colleg e or the 11th or 12th g rade of the high school. Textbook rental ' each semes t er an d summer t erm ------- --- - - 2.00 St Co f udent deposits $4.50 each semester and summer t erm. I ; tngent f ee, each sem ester a nd summer term - ----- ------- - 3.00 u:~ma~-y, each semest er and summer t erm - - -------- --- ----- .50 Home E conoonics (College) - ------ - - ------ ---- - - - - - - ------- 4.50 e conom ics (High Sch ool) --- --- - ----- ---------------- 1.50
T able Service a nd Demon stration ---------- ------------ -s.oo Manual Art s (College ) ---- ----- ------------------ ------ --- 3.50 Manual Arts Material Deposit ( College) ---------------- - - - - 5.00 Manual A rts (High School) _______ :._ ______________ __________ l.OO Manual A rts Materia l Deposit (High School) ------- ----- --- - 2.00 Mecha nical Drawing ---------- ------ --- - ---- - - - - --- - - - - ---- l.OO Mecha nical Drawing deposit, for inst r umen ts (refund ed) __ ____ 8.00 P sychology, P hysiology, Geo.l ogy, Botany , Indu strial Arts, General Science, Geography, Surveying, each -------- - ------- .75 Zoology, Agricult ure, Nature St udy, Physics, each ---- ------- - 1.00 Chemistry a nd Clay Modeling, each ---------------- - --- --- - - l.50 Locker Key, Gymnasium or Chemist r y Labor atory, (refunded)__ .50 Typewriter rental, for each hou r credit --------- - --- ------ - -- 1.75 P iano ren tal, one period daily per semester ------------------ 3.50 P iano rental, one period daily summer t erm - - --- - ---------- - 2.00 P iano ren tal, two periods daily per semester --------- ------- -- 6.00 P iano ren tal , two periods daily su mmer term -------- - - ----- - 3.50 Cer tificates ----------------------------------------- - ------ 1.00 N omnal diploma --------------------------- ----:---- - ------- 3.00 College degree -------- ---- ---------------- -------- - ------- 5.00 Swimming ----------------------------------- ------------- 1.00 P iano, voice, and violin private lessons, (to be paid in advance) each ----------------- --- ------------------------------ 1.25
FEES FOR NON-RESIDENT STUDEN TS N on-resident students will be charged f ees in a ccordance ¡ with t he following N ebraska Law: " All state educational institut ions shall charge a non-resident f ee to each non-resident of Nebraska, who sh all matriculate after t aking effect of t his act. This f ee shall not be less t haru the fees charged to residen ts of Nebraska for a similar cou rse of stu dy¡ in a corresponding institution by the state in which t he n on-residen t has his home."
GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT WORK OF COLLEGE AND TRAINING SCHOOL The work of this institution includes every department of the iublic schools as well as four years of college work. It has a comlilete system of graded schools, beginning w ith a preparatory grade or ~indergarten, an elementary school of six years, a junior a nd a senior high school of six years and a four years teacher s college. The institution is a unit as to faculty and managem ent. It h as the twofold purpose of developing the best possible conditions for the child in the public schools and of supplying the m ost effective training for his teacher. The degree, Bachelor of Arts, is conferred u pon the com~.Ietion of 125 semester hours of colleg e work, 30 of which must be professional. Upon completion of 66 college hours, not less than 20 nor more than 24 of which must be profession al, the graduate r eceives what is known as the Nomnal School Diploma. Thi s is a First Grade State Certificate and may be made a Prof essional Life State Certificate on completion of two years su ccessful teaching. The Elemen tary State Certificate is issued upon the completion of 32 college hours, 8 of which must be professional. All college work is based u pon the entrance requirement of 30 credits or 15 units complet ed in a standard fou r year high school or the equivalent in college preparatory work. The Demonstration High School, which is m aintained as part of the institution for the purpose of illustrating the best methods of t eaching and permitting prospective high schoel t each ers to earn credit in practice teaching, is accredited to the North Central Association of Cofleges and Secondary Schools and gradu ates can enter any College or University belonging to this A ssociation without further examination. The constant aim is to demonstrate the b est in administration and practice teaching in order that the teachers taking this work may give the best possible service to t h e high schools of the state. The elementary school includes a kindergarten and the first six !tears of school. Adrrnission to any g rade is based on eviden ce of abil¡ a satisfactory . g1 Y to do th e work m mann er. By means of plays, a:es and social situations, t h e kindergarten develops self-reliance Th Preaiares the child for the mo1'e exacting work of the school. con1:u~hout the grades the purpose is to supply a r eal situation and tion uc d the w~rk along the m ost approved lines. Both demonstraWelfaan lractice teaching privileges are provided, but t h e highest re 0 the child is the first con sidera tion.
CLASSI.B'ICATION OF COLLEGE STUDJ!JNTS Fresh m an a nd Sophom ores All students, who, in September, are (1) within 36 h o.ur or 1 of graduation from the two year course in 1\'Lay, or (2 ) within h?urs or less of graduation from the two year course in August, provided they contemrplate summer attendance; or who, enter ing at th beginning of the ioecond semester, are (3) within 18 h ou rs of gradu~ ation from t he two year cou rse in ·May, or ( 4) wi thin 30 hours of gradu ation from the two year course in Au g u st, if t hey cont emplate suimmer attendance, are Sophomores. T hose who h ave less hours than specified above should be classed as F reshmen. J uniors a nd Senior s A two year d iploma or 60 college hou rs for those who do not plan to secu re t he two year diploma, shall con stitu te t he requirement for entrance into the J u nior class in September; at t he b eginning of the second semester, t he requ irement shall be 75 college hour s. All students w ho are (1 ) within 36 h ou rs of a deg r ee in May, or (2) who are with in 48 hours of a degree in .Aug u s t provided they plan to attend summer sch ool ; or who, (3) at t h e beg inning of the . econd semester are withi n 18 hou rs of a degree in 'May, or (4) within 30 hours of a degree in A ug u t provided they pla n to a ttend summer school; or who, (3) at the beginning of the second semester are within 18 hou rs of a degree in May, or (4) wi.thin t h irty h ou r s of a degree in A ugu st provided they plan to attend summer school, are Seniors. Those having a less n umber of hours than specified above should be classed as Juniors. ·
CREDITS A unit app lies to high school or secondary subje<:ts used for entrance to the College. A "point" is the credit received for a subject carried five hours per week, with the required preparation for a period of thir.ty-six weeks. A credit hour applies to college work. An · ·h ou r" is the credit i·eceived for a subject reciting one hour per week, with th e required preparation, for a period of eighteen weeks. F ull credit is g iven for work completed at institutions which maintain standards of a dmission and graduation ~q~a l ~o those of P eru. . College credit 1s given for work done m a seconda ry school on1Y upon examination under the head of the departmen t concerned: and then for a maximum of eight hours credit, an d onl y in chemistry, Greek, mechanical drawing, solid geometry, third semest er algebrad trigonometry, German, French, third and fou rth year Lati n, an. fourth year English. To receive college credits for su ch work, ap~h~ cation m u st be made to t he Registrar within a year from t he ti~ of first reg istration. These transferred secondary credit s ma Y f 0 u sed for electives but may not be u sed to meet the requir ements majors and minors for an A. B. degree.
grading system is u sed:
"A" to be interpreted as EXCELLENT work. (This grade will be given only for abili ty and performance of an exceptionally high quality.)
"B" to be interpreted a s ABOVE AVERAGE work.
(This grade will be given for ability and performance distinctly above the average.)
"C" to be interpreted as AVERAGE work. (This grade will be given for good work, wher e a bility and performance are of m edium or average quality.) "D " to be interpreted as BELOW AVERAGE work. (Thi s grade will ¡ be given for abi lity and ,performance of only fair to poo1: quality, distinctively below average, but still passing.) "E" to be interpreted as FAILING work. (This grade will be given where the quality of the work does n ot justify credit.) A failure can be removedeonly by r epeating the course. "W. D." Withdrawal. "Inc." Incomplete. An incomplete becomes a failure if not removed duringi the quarter after th e incomplete occu r s. DISTRIBUTION OF GRADES Among a representative group of college students, work of quality A will be found, gene rally in from 3 to 10 cases in 100 B
c "
15 " 20 40 50 15 " 20 3 " 10
POINTS. Each letter grade will give the following points to th e stu dent: A will give 3 points p er hour B 2 c 1 " D " 0 E 0 A candidate for a state elementary certificate must earn a t otal of at least 32 points; a candidate for graduation from th e two year ~ourse must earn at least 66 points; and a candidate for graduation rom the four year course must earn at leas t 125 p:oints.
STUDENT LOAD Sixteen hours is the maximum credit which may be earned by a fre shman during his first semester in college. Seventeen hour s i ~ the regular load af ter the fi rst semester. The maxi mum credit which ma y be earned in a semester is eighteen hours. Permission to ca rry the max imum load of eighteen hours must be secu red by action of t h e facu lty personnel committee.
RESI DI'JNT ATTE:NTIANCE A minimum attendance of twen ty-four weeks is requir ed for the issuance of any cert ificat e, N ormal School dip loma or degree from thi s institution. Of the last thirty weeks atten dan ce for a degrt!e, twenty-fou r weeks shall be in this in stitution.
When a stu dent first enters college from high school he is confronted wi th many perplexing problems. The greatest of these is that of learning to adjust himself to new situ ations in college life. In his high school car eer he was living at h ome, and h is work was under direct supervision. I n college he is awa y from home and has very little if any direct supervision. H is pr oblem of re-ad justment is a real one, for h e is ch anging from home gu idan ce to self guidance a nd from school sup ervision to self supervision. Problems of the proper balance between st u dy and recreation; when and how to study; college fri endship s ; selection of studieoi and the formation of a desirable sched ule; th e selection of t he most desirable field of education in which to sp.eciali zz ; social life ; participation in the traditions and cu stoms tha t make up school spirit, all confront the student during hi s first y ear in college. The manne r in which adjustments a re m a de to these problems determines t he success and happiness of the stu dent in colleg e life, an d to a large extent at least, in later life. ¡ The work of t h e personnel committee is to h elp stu dents make su ch adju stunents. The committee first collects data con cerning the ability, interests, and previous experiences of the studen t . W ith such data as guide, m embers of the committee help stu dents t o adj ust themselves to college life. Thi s is done through class work , g r ou p and individu al conferences, and throu gh special convocati on s. New students should feel free to con sult with m ember s of the per sonnel committee. Their problems will be sympath etically consider ed.
CURRICULA EKTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Graduates of accred ite d .high scho?ls may ha:'~ full a d11:i s~ion t o f . hman standing on 12 um ts (24 p omts ) , cond1t 10nal adm1ss1on on ~es nits completed in the senior high, school (grades 10, 11, and 12 ; u "ded that a year of a lgebra and a year of foreign language may proVI . . . 路 h I be countedi from work carried m grade ~ 路 m such m stan ces t .e t ota credi路ts earned in grades 9 to 12 not bemg f ew er than 15 umts (30
points) . Nine academic un its are required, 7 of which shall con sist of a major (3 units) and 2 minors (2 units each) , which shall include English, Mathematics, a nd Foreign Language. Acade mic subjects are defined as English, F or eig n Lang uages, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences.
CERr:L'IFICATE GRADES ACCEPTED FOR COLLEGE EN'r RAN CE CREDIT A student who presents a County or Professional Lif.e Certificate issued under othe certifi cation law in force prior to July 1, 1925 ; or a State Elementar y or State High School Certificate. issued by the State Superintendent after July 1, 1925, in accordance with the new certifica路tion law for Nebrask a, will receive entr.ance cr edit as indicated below for subjects in which h e h a s cert ificat e g r ades if the certificate is filed with the Registrar when student m a triculates. Secondary credit will be allowed only when certificat e is presented, not for single examinations. N o certificat e grade below 80% will be accepted. Agriculture __ ___ __-------------- ------------ --------112 Algebra ---------------------- ----------------------1 Bookkeeping -------- --------------------------------% Botany --------------------------------------------- 'h
unit unit uni t unit
~~;~:t~~G~~~~;;===================================E ~~{~
Composiu.on and Rhet oric ------- - ----------------1 unit American Literature --- -- - -----------------------112 unit Gene~:f1~~t;iterature _--------- ----- _____________ __ 112 ~~:!
g eneral Scienc: unit Geography of Nebr aska -------- ----- ------ ----------112 unit G:~r:;;h~~-~~~~~ca1 ____________ ____ ______ ___________ lh ~;i~ Geometry __ ___
-------- ------- -- -------------------~
Nebraska Course--;f-st;;<l;-===========================
~ ~~:~
GENERAL CATALOG Nebraska High School Manual ------路------------- ---- - 1h Physics ----- ----------------- --- ------ ------------ -- 1
Phy siology and H ygiene ----------------------- - -----% unit P sychology -------+-- -- ---- - --- - ---- -----------~- -- % untt Psych ology, Educational -- - ------------------- ------ -% unit Sociology ------ ------ ----------------- ---------- -- -- % unit Th eory and . Art (pedagogy) ---- ------ ------------ ---- % unit Trigonometry - ------------- - ---- ------ -- ,.-- -- - ----- - 1h unit Zoology --------------------------- ---- ---- ---- -- ---% unit
DEGREES AND CERTH'ICATES This edu cationa.l institution is authorized by law a nd the rules of the Board of Education t o issue th e following degree, diplomas, and cer t ificates. 1. Bachelor of Arts degree, which is a first grade certifica路:e, valid for any school in the state. See page 39. Converted into a Profes sional Life State certificate after thr ee years of successful teaching experience. 2. Normal School diploma, (two year colleg e ), which is a three year first g rad e state certificate valid in any school in the s tate. See page 48. Co路n.verted into a Professiona l Life State Certificate after three years of successful teaching experience. 3. Special certificates for Domes路tic Science, Manual Training, Commerce, Public School Music, Public School Art, E lementar y Education, Ea.r ly Elementary Education, (Kindergarten and Primary) on completion of two year college program. 4. P rofessional Life State
C ~rtificate,
See pages 52-62.
see page 65.
5. Elementary State Certificate, see page 65. 6. Advanced Ru ral Certificate, see page 63. 7. E lementary Rural Certificate, see page 66. Work is also given for t he issuance of state certificates as contemplated in th e new Jaw effective July 1, 1925.
BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE To secure :-h e Bachelor of Arts Degree requires the completion of 125 college hours, 30 of which must be in professional work. [ncluded in these credits may be t hose earned in any of the courses . g to the Normal School (two year college) diploma. The 34 lea d m ]lours 1,equired by the State Board of. Education ( see p:a.ge 48) m u st be included in the 125 h ours. See page 34 for resident requ irement.
REQUIREMENTS Professional subjects, (ather than teaching) --- -----------22 hours (See page 41 for list of subj ects which may be counted toward professio nal requirements ). Teaching --------- ---------- - --- ------------------------8 hours (Two hours must be done in the senior year. If the candidate for degree is preparing .for hi gh sch ool teaching, two of the eigM hours should be teaching credit in the major subject and two in the minor . If such credit has not been earned, his adviser may r equire an additional 2 hours to insure strong recommendation fo r the student in at least two lines of work. If preparing for grade work, 4 hours of teaching mus•t be done in the grades for which special preparation is being made. This teach in g should fo llow the required courses in the special m ethod of teaching of these subjects. Credit in these method courses to the extent of fo ur hours may be applied to meet the professional requir em ~n-ts. ) Academic subjects based upon entrance requirements : Group I-Language or E nglish ----- - ----- -- ----- 8 hours Group II-Mathematics or Science --------------8 h our s G!'oup III- History a nd Other Social Sciences ____ 8 hours F our hours are requir ed in Physical Education; z. hours must be those listed with the general r equ irements by t he State Board of Education for the two year course, see page 48. Ma jors and Minors : Major su bject, minimum of --------------------2 0 hours First minor s ubject, minimum of ----------------12 hours Second minor subject, minimum of ______________ 12 hom•s 0 epartments from which Majors and Minors May Be Chosen: Art· Biol og1ca · I S c1ence; · ' Commerce; EdUJCation (?ee page 41 ) E ' . Math ngh.sh; Geog:·aphy; Home Economics; L a ngu age; Manual Arts; and etrn thatics ; Music; Physical Edu cation; Physica l Science; Hist o-cy" 0 er Social Sciences. A ma· courses Jor . or a minor may be earned by any combination 0f permitted by the head of that department.
The subjects of the minors must be in departments other th the major; however, a major a.nd a minor or two minors tna an earned in the same department provided that each is entirely wfth'?e a different division of ·that department. in Cr edits transferred from secondary work may not be used to meet the major a nd minor requirements. See page 32. Education may not be u sed as a major or minor subj ect unle candidate for a Grade Normal Training or Supervisor's positio~s In this case h e must m ajor in Education. Ten hours of Educatio~ in addition to general pr.ofe sional rnquirements al' ::! necessary for a major in Education . If preparing for grade work h e must mer. all r equirements of the two year curriculum in Early Elementary Education or in Elementary Educat ion. Students who expect to do graduate work should elect a minor in foreign languages. SELECTION OF MAJORS AND MINORS Students who are taking the continuous four year course leading to a degree sh ould make selecti.on of the majors and minors at the beginning of •the Sophomore year, with the advice of the Registrar and the h ead of the department of the major subject. Those who re-enter C·o llegc after the completion of a two year course should make selection at the beginning of the Junior year. Decision may not be delayed later than the beginning of the second semester of the Junior year. A r ecord of subjects chosen must be filed in the office of the Registrar upon a card provided for tha•t purpose. The professor in ch arge of the major subject becomes the candidate's adviser from t his time until graduation. ELECTIVES Enough electives may be added to the general and group requirements to make t he required total of 125 hours. Not more than 40 h ours of work in an y one department may be applied to an A. B. degree. Not m or e than two hours in addition to the fvur hours required may be elected in Physical Education unless Physical Education be made a major or minor subject. One hour is the maximum credit which may be earned in swimming. A maximum credit of five hours may be earned in piano or violin if made accordi ng to the rules stated by the music department on page lOCt. If Public School Music be made a major or minor eight hours may be counted. Credit to the extent of three hours may be made in thP. co~ bined activities of g lee club, orchestra, and band. See rules for credit page 100. Students enrolling on -0r after September 5, 1924 will be he~~ for the r egulati.ons. Those who have enrolled before that date wil be held as consistently as the former selection of subjects will permit.
PROFESSIONAL SUBJECTS The courses listed below ar e those in which professional credit maY be made to meet requiremenâ&#x20AC;˘ts of the two year and the A. B. courses. In Education Department: Requir ed:
E lective :
Introductory Psychology ___ _____ _______ ___4 hours Classroom Management -- - ------ -- - ------2 Curriculum --------------------- --- ------ 2 Principles of Teaching ___________ ____ _____ 3 Methods and Observation _________________ ! Te.aching ________________________ __6 to: 8
hours hours hours h our hours
Hygiene (School H ygiene and H ealth Education) _ -------------- - ---------- _______ 2 Child P sychology -------------------------2 Educational Measurements ______ __________ 2 Mental Testing __ ___ ___________________ __2
h ours hours hours h our s
Psychology of Adolescence ______ ___ _____ __2 Educatioonal Surveys ______ ______________ __2 History of Education ____________________ _4 School AdminiS'tration __ __________________ 2 The Psychology of L earning __ ____________ 2 The P sychology of School Subjects ________ 2
hours h ours h ours hours hours hours
Extra-Curricular Activities ------- .,- --------2 h ours Educational Sociology __ __________ _______ 3 hours Scoutmastership Training --------- -- ------2 hours Camp Fire Training ____________ __________ ! hour Plays and Gam es (Early Elementary Education) _______________________ __________ ! Manual Activities (Early Elem entary Education) -- - -- --------- - ----------------- --- 2 Story T elling (Early Elementary Education)_2 Children's LHerature (Early Elementary Educatioon) - - -- - ----------------------------2 Rura.l Primary Methods --- ----- ---- ------2 Rural School Intermediate and Grammar School Methods _________ ________________ 2
hour hours hours hours h ours hours
Rural School Management ________________ 2 hours Pa!ent-Teacher Association and Community Leadership Course __________ _____________ 2 hours Character Development _______ ____________ 4 hours Such other electives as may be offered in the department from t ime to time.
The following electives in dep artments other t han education also elective professional credits and may be counted to the amou: of four hours provided they are in the department of t he maJ'o r or minor, although no credit can be¡ used to satisfy both academic and professional r equirements : Commerce Methods of Teaching Shorthand and' Typewriting ----------------------------- ----2 hours English T eachi ng of High School English --- ---- ---3 hours Teaching of Jr. High School English - -----2 hours Fine Arts Methods in Art --------------------- - - ---2 hours Geography The Technique of Teaching Elementary Geography --------- - --------- - ------- ---2 hours History Teachers Course in H istory and Other Social Sciences -- -- ------------- - -------- -- ----4 hours
H ome Economics Home E conomics Methods __ __ ___ ________ __2 hours Latin ¡ Teachers Latin _______________________ __ __ 2 hours Manual Training Manual Training Meth ods and Organization-4 hours Mathematics Methods of Secondary Mathematics ____ ____ 2 hours Music Methods of Teaching Music ____________ ___ 2 hours Science Biology Methods __________ ___ _____ ______ -4 hours Chemistry Methods ________ _____ __________ 2 hours Physics Methods ____________ ___.:. ~ - - ------ -2 hours
UGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJECTS- FOUR YEAR PROGRAM S LEADING TO BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE It is s·trongly recom mended that all students who enter c·ollege for f.our years of continu ous work follow this program instead of building the work of the junior and senior years upon a two year diploma program. It may be noted that in this program there is no professional ·k in the freshman year . In this year the student should decide :;~n the line of his major activity. Freshman Year Second Semester Hours First Semester Hours Engli sh 101 ---------------- 4 Biology -------------------- 4 Physical Education -- - ------ - 1 Phy,sical Education __ _____ __ 1 Free Academic electives ____ _10 Free Academic E lectives ____ 10
Sophomore Year Second Semester Hours First Semester Hours Psychology --------- ------- - 4 Prin. of Teaching, Methods and Observation _________ _ 4 Hygiene ----- - --- ----------- 2 Physical Education ___ _______ 1 Art ------------------------ 2 Music ---------------------- 2 Physical Education __________ 1 Group Electives ----------- -- 6 Group E lectives - ----- ----- -- 9
Junior Year First Semester Hours Second Semester Hours Curriculum or Classroom Classroom Management or M gt. -------------- ------- 2 Curriculum ------ --------- 2 Teaching ------------------- 2 T eaching ----------- -- ------ 4 Major and Minor Electives ___ l2 Major and Minor E lectives ____ lO
Senior Yea.r First Semester Hours Second Semester Hours Teaching ------------- ---- -- 2 Professional Electives ------- 4 Pr ofessional E lectives ___ ____ 2 Major and Minor Electives ____ l2 Major and Min or Elective,s ___ l2 16 16 ial cF o[fisuggestions as to correlation •of this program wHh the speer I cate subjects see the following pages : Art, page 59. Commerce, page 52. Early Elem entary Education, pages 44, 53. Elementary Education, pages 45, 55. H ome Economics., page 56. Man:ual Arts, pages 46, 58. Music, page 61. Normal Training, page 47.
EARLY ELEMENTARY EDUCATION-FOU R YEAR PROGR;\~ LEADING T O A DEGREE SUGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJECTS Freshman Year F irst Semest er H ours Second Semester Ho Li terary Interpretation ______ 3 Physical Education - ------ - - urf E a rly El. Prin . & Meth ods __ 3 .English 101 -------- ----- - - 4 Directed Observation -------- 1 Art 108 ---------------- - - - - 2 P hysical E ducation - - - ------- 1 P sychology 101 Public School Music _______ __ 2 Pla ys & Ga mes ----------- -- 41 Natu re Study ---------- ----- 4 P enman shi p ------ - ------ --- 1 Manual Act ivities ----------- 2 E lectives 3
Sophomor e Y ear Fi rs t Sem est er H ou r s Second Semester HOUirS E arly E l. Curriculum _______ 2 Classroom Man ag emen t __ ___ 2 Menta l Test ing --------- ----- 2 Chi ld P sychology --- --- - - - - -- 2 Sociology ------------------- 4 T ea ching ---- --------------- 2 T oy Construction __________ ___2 P r imary Geography -- --- ---- 2 Electives -------------- ----- 6 School Hygien e and H ealth ___ 2 ~ tory Telling --------- ------ 2 Electives ----- - - ---- - ---- --- 5
J unior Year First Sem ester H ou rs Second Semester Hours Music Ap preciati on __ _______ 2 Children 's Literaitu r e ------- 2 H istory of Edu cation ________ 4 English 202 - ------ -------- 4 F ood Study 101 and 102 ____ _ 4 Physica l Edu cation - - - ------- 1 Teaching ------------------- 2 T eaching - ------------ - ----- 2 E duca tion a l Socio.logy ________ 3 Electives ------------------- 6
15 Senior First Sem ester H ou rs P sychology of School Subj ects 2 Art Apprecia tion ___________ 2 E ducation al Measurements __ _ 2 Physical Education __________ 1 E lectives ------------------- 8
15 Year Second Semest er Hours Gen eti cs and Evolu tion - - - --- 4 P sych ology of Learning - ---- 2 T eaching ---- --------- - ----- 2 Electives --- ------------ ---- 7
F or two year program in Early E lementar y Education leading t o a special certificat e, see page 53. It m ay be noted that the last two years work of t he degr ee pr ogram is a continu ation of the special certificate pr ogr am. Students r eturning to w ork f·or a degree may enter the junior year with no loss of t ime or cr edits. The m ajor in t his department is Education.. (See special requirements page 40). The minor s ·and the academic groups required (see page 39) m ay be ch osen under th e directiolll .of t he adviser.
ELEMENTARY EDUCATION-FOUR YEAR PROGRAM LEADING TO A DEGREE SUGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJECTS Freshma n Year First Semest er . H ou rs . Second S em es ~e r H ou rs English 101 or Biology ------ 4 Biology or English 101 4 P sychology or Elementary Elem entary Principles of Principles l of TeaC\,liing T eaching and Methods and Meth ods and Obserand Observation or P syvation -------- ----- ------ 4 chology --- - ---- - --------- 4 Music or General Art 108 -- -- 2 General Art 108 or Music ____ 2 Survey of Am eri~an Histor y -- 4 Cit iz ~ n s hip 'a nd ~olitics. ------ 4 Physical E ducat10n - --------- 1 Physical Educa:bon ----- ----- 1 Penmanship ---------------- 1
Sophomore Year Second Semester H ours First Semester Hours Classroom Management ------ 2 T echnique of Teaching ______ 1 Elem entary Geography ______ 2 Education al Measurements ___ 2 Elem entary Curriculum ______ 2 Play Production ----- -------- 3 T eaching _______________ 4 or 2 Teaching __ ___ _________ _2 or 4 School Hygiene ------------- 2 Mental Testing ----------- - -- 2 Electives ------- - ------ -4 or 2 Geog. Inf. on American Hist. -- 2 Methods ,o f Ar t Teaching ___ 2 Electives ___ ___________ _l or 3
Junior Y ear Second Semester Hours First Semest er Hours His·tory of Antiquity ________ 4 Adv. Community Leader ship -- 2 Advanced Play Production ____ 2 New Europe ---- ------------ 4 Music Appr eciation --------- 2 Child P sycholo gy - - ---------- 2 Electives ----- -- --- --------- 8 Greek and Roman Mythology_ 2 Electives - ------------------ 6
------ - ---- - - ------ 7
Year Second Semester H ours Character Development 4 Teaching ------ - ------------ 2 Indus·trial Art --- - - --------- 2 English 202 ---------------- 4 Electives ------------------- 4
Senior F irst Semest er H ours Literary Int er pretation ------ 3 Latin America ----- --------- 2 Playground Supervision ______ 1 ~1~~t~~i~snal Sociology _______ 3
Suggested electives are English 303, Modeling, European Ba<:kound of American History. to For ~he t wo year program in Elementary Education leading twoa special certificate see page 55. It m ay be noted •that t he last e .Year s _work of the degr ee program is a continuation of the 8 ~a;ial ~ertificate program. Students returning to work for a degree ~n er t~e j?nior year with n o loss of time or credits. l'llino he maJor m this departm ent is Education, (see page 40). The the d? ant,d t he academic groups (see page 39) may be chosen under rec io n of the adviser. gr
MANUAL A RTS FOUR YEAR PROGRAM LEADING TO A DEGR E E Students who are planning on four years of continuous Work and wish to major in this field should fo llow the program as outlined below instead of building the work of the junior and senior years upon the two year special certifica·te pr·o gram. Those who have already earned their sp ecial certificat es and desire to work out t heir ma jor in this deP'artment should consult their adviser, the head of the Manual Arts Department, before enr olling. Those desiring a minor in this departm ent are r equired to take courses 101, 109, 302, 304. SUGGESTED ORDER OF SUBJECT S Freshman Year First Semester Hours Second Semest er Hours In termedi ate Woodwork ______ 4 English -- -- ---------- - - ---- 4 Biology ---- - --------------- 4 General Art -------- -- - - ---- 2 Public School Music _________ 2 Mechanical Drawing __ ______ 4 Phys ical Education ---------- 1 Physical Education --- -- ---- - 1 Electives --~-------------- - - 4 Electives -------------- ----- 4
Sophomore Y ear Educational Measurements -- 2 Second Semester H ours Wood Turning ---- ---------- 2 P sychology -- -- --- --- - - ----- 4 High School Prin. of T eachElementary Metals ----- - ---- 2 ing an d Methods & ObserCarpentry ------------ - - -- - - 2 Historv - - - --- -------------- 4 vation -------------------- 4 Chemistry ---- - ------------- 4 Physical Education - - - ------- 1 Phy sical Education __ ________ 1 Electives --------- ----- - -- -- 2 E lectives ------------------- 2
Junior Y e·a r Second Semester Hours First Semester H ours Architectural Drawing ----- - 2 Manual Training Methods and Organization ---------- 4 Cabin ~t Construction ---- ---- ~ Teaching Manual Arts ______ 4 T eac~m g - - ------ ----------4 Engl~sh ------------------- Physics ------ -------------- 4 Classroom Management ------ 2 Curr1~ulum ------ - - ---- -- - -- 2 2 Electives ------------------- 2 Electives -------- ---- ----- --
16 Senior First Semester H ours Mental T esting ------------- 2 Sociology ------------------- 4 Manu al Training electives ____ 2 Electives ------------------- 9
16 Year Hours S econ d S emes t er Indu st.rial Eduaction -- ---- 22 T eaching ------ --------- ---- 4 P olitical Economy ---- - ---- - 2 Advai:iced Cabinet Ma.k ing ---- 6 Electives ----------- --- ----- _
NORMAL TRAIN ING . FOUR YEAR PROGRAM LEADING TO DEGREE FOR TEACHERS OF NORMAL TRAINING IN HIGH SCHOOLS Freshm an Year First Semester H ours English I ------- ----------- 4 General Geogra~hy --- ------ - 4 Physical Educat10n ----- - ---- 1 Manual Activities ----------- 2 Electives ---------- --------- 4
Second Semester Hours Biology -- - - ------ ---------- 4 History 201 or 113 or 214 ____ 4 Physical Education ---------- 1 Penmanship - ------- --- ----- 1 E lectives - ------------------ 5
Sophomore· Year First Semester H ou rs Second Semester H ou rs P sychology --------------- -- 4 P r inciples of Teaching and P olitical Economy -- -------- - 4 Methods •a nd Observation __ 4 Physical Education ----- -- -- 1 Art ------ ------------------ 2 College Gram mar - -- -------- 2 Ph ysica l Education ---- - ----- 1 Geography 202, 106, 211 or Mental T esting -------- ----- 2 212 ---------------------- 2 H ygiene -------------------- 2 Electives ------------- ------ 2 Music - --------------------- 2 Electives ------------ - ------ 3
Junior Y e·a r Fi rst Semester Hours S econd Semest er H ou r s Educational Measurements ___ 2 Classr oom Management _____ _ 2 T eaching ------------ ------- 4 Teaching ----------- -------- 2 Sociology or Educ. Soc. __ 3 or 4 Curriculum, High School ____ 2 Observation in Early E lemenChild P sychology ----------- 4 tary and Elem entary Gra<les_ 2 Electives ----- ------- - - ----- 4 Electives ----- ---------- 7! or 6 16 Senior First Semester H ours Teaching ------------- ------ 2 ~ltygrot· und Supervision ______ 1 ec 1ves __________ _________ 13 16
16 Y ear Second Semest er H ou rs Community L eadership ______ 2 Rur al School Management ___ 2 Electives ___________________ 12 16
. The major in this department is in Education, see page 40. The minors may be chosen as recommended by the Director of Rural Educ~tion. The Norma l Training teacher in any Hig h School in Nebraska ~ all have had no·t less than two years successful teaching experience, exclusive of practice teaching in college or norm al school, one Year of which shall have been in a rural school.
TWO YEAR PROGRAM LEADING TO DIPLOMA Al~D :F'IRST GR.ADE STATE CERTIFICATE This program may include preparation for rural, primary, grade, junior high school, or senior high school teaching and electives should be so 1selected. T o secure t he state normal diploma a nd a first grade state certificate requires •the completion of sixty-six college hours, of which not less than twenty nor more than twenty-four must be professional work. After three years of successful teaching, the graduate is entitled to a professional life certificate . . GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The following credits are prescribed by t h e Sta.te Board of Education and are required of all candidates for the two year diplo0ma: Freshman Year: P sychology -----------------------------4 hours Principles of T eaching ___________________ 3· hours Methods and Observation ------- - --------1 hour Biology -----------~-------------------- 4 ·hours English ·- ------------------------------- 4 hours Public School Mu sic _____________________ 2 hours Public School Art -----------------------2 h ours Physical Education ----------------------1 hour
21 hours Sophomore Year: Theory of Education ___________________ _4 hours. Hygiene ____________ :_ ___________________ 2 hour s Te aching -------------------------------6 hours Physical Education ______________________ l hour 13 hours Total 34 hours The courses here listed are those in which the required credits may be earned. Psychology ______________ Introductory Psychology 101 and 102. Principles of Teaching and Methods and Observation. High School Junior High School E lementary or Early Elementary Rural Primary Rural School Intermediate and Grammar Grade.
------------------ -----------Educational Biology 116 _____________________ __ __ English Composition 101 . . publis School Music ______ Public School Music llQ.a, llOb, llla, lllb blic School Art _________ ___ ______ ______ General Art 108 or lO!J Pu Art History and Appreciation 106. (Open only to those planning to teach in High School.) Physical Education for Women ______ Physic::i-1 Educatior: lOla, 201b Physical Education for Men __________ Physical Education 101, 102 Theory of Education __________ Classrnom Management and Curriculum: High School, Junior High School, Elementary, or Early Elem entary. (Two hours in Classroom Management and one two-hour course in Curriculum Required. ) Bio1ogy . h ---Eng 1is -
Hygiene ______________________ _Home Hygien e and Care of Sick School Hygiene and H ealth Education. Personal Hygiene for Men. Teaching ----------------------Work which is a pproved by the Superintendent of the Training School in training school classes. Not less than twenty nor more than: twenty-four hours of the r equired sixty-six must be professional work. See page 41 for a list of professional subjects. . In addition to the two hour required, one hom路 of Physical Education may be elected. Three hours is the maximum credit which may be earned. Four hours credit in violin or piano may be counoted if made according to the rules given on page 100. 1
b One-half hour credit each semester is given for work in glee
~ u ' orchestra, or band. Not more than one hour may be earned by th student in these combined activities in one year and not more than ree hours may be counted toward a: diploma. 路
ELECTIVES In addT 1 hour ion to the thirty-four hours of required work thirty-two s are to b 1 Soph e e ected from catalogue courses open to Freshmen and omores It 路 路 Particul : is impiiotant that the student, if undecided as to a tive wo ~ hne of preparation, should early seek advice so that elecI may prepare defi nitely for a certain field of teaching.
SPECI AL REQUI REMENT S Special courses leading· to de1Jartment certificates a 1•e offered ;,, each of the following departments: ... Music, page 61. Art, page 59. Education Early Elementary, pages 44, 53. Elementary, pages 45, 55. Rural, pages 63, 66. Commerce, page 52. Manual Training, pages 46, 58. Home Economics, page 56. Department certificates are granted in Mu sic, Art, Early E}e. mentary Education, E lementary Education and Rur al E ducation, UPoJI the completion of the following: 34 hours required of all candidates foT dipl omas (see page 48) 20-24 department requirements except in Ru ral Education which are 5 hours 8-12 free electives except in Rural Education which are f1 hours All stud ents who expect to teach in city grades should !!lect either the Early Elementary Education or the Elementary Edu cation course. Those who wish to prepare to teach superior rural schools should elect the course in Rural Education. The certificate courses in Music and Art prepare teachers for supervisory positions. Department certi fi cates are granted in Commerce, Manual Train· ing, and Home Economics upon completion of the following : 34 hours r equired of all candidates for diplomas (see page 48) 20-26 hours department requirements. 6-12 hours in a department other than the certificate department to prepare for the teaching of a second hlP school subj ect. The two year program outlining definitely the cou rses to be t;akell should be carefully followed when enrolling as certain of the 18" quired courses are offered but once a year. The work has been al" ranged to provide a helpful balance of courses and a con sistent graclation of work. • When a student elects a special course, the head of that de~ ment becomes his adviser through the two years. E nro~lment d semester should be made under the direction of the adviser an changes of program should be made unless advised by him.
HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS Students not qua lifying for the special certificates, but prepar. to ieaeh the less technical forms of High School work, should m eet ~~!following requi1,ements, if r ecommend ed for high school teaching : 34 hours requireiments of all candidates for diplomas, (see page 48) 12 hours in first m a j or subj ect 12 hours in second major subj ect 8 hours in a department other than those of the majors. State requirements, page 48, may rrot be us ed to apply a g, credit in these 12 and 8 hour requirements. The subjects a nd sub ject groups from which maj ors may be chosen are the same as those listed under the A. B. r equirements, page 39. JUN IOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS Students of the two year program' preparing to 'teach in th e junior high school, which includes grades seven, eight, and nine, should meet the following requirements : 34 hours i·equirement of all candidates for diploma, (see page 48). 12 hours in first ma j or subj ect 8 hours in second major subject Sfate Board of Education requirements, page 48, m ay not be u sed to apply as credit in th ~se major r equi r em ents. Of the State Board of Educati on r equire ments, the foll owing should be chosen : P rinciples of Teaching ________ Junior High School Curriculum ______ ___________ _Junior High School Public School Art 109 or 106 Teaching _____ _____________ __ Junior High School Department Requir ements Educational Measurements 230a or Mental Testing 2 h ours, P sychology of Adolescence ______ __________________ 2 hou r Recommended E lectives Sociology 428 ------------------------------~---3 P sychology of Learning 236 _________________ _____ 2 Greek and Roman Mythology 209 _________________2 English 202 S ------------------- -----------------4 · · 24 0 --- ----------------- 2 Ccoutmastership T rammg T~rnpfir~ Training 241 ___________ _______________ l
h ours h ou rs, h ours h ours h ours h our
of the e .m~Jors and elect ives should be chosen under th e di rection Prmc1pal of th e JUmor . . high . school .
Requirements Courses required of all candidates for diplomas, (see page 48) .• Of these r equired cour ses, students in this departm en t should s,elect the following sections : Principles of Teaching _ ___ __________ High School Curricu lum _________ _____ __________ High School Of the 6 hours required teaching, 4 hours must be done in commercial subjects. II Department Requirements Shorthand I ---------------- - ---------- -4 Shorthand II ----------------------------4 Shorthand III ------------------- ---- ·---4 Typewriting - - -- - -------- - ---- - --------~ 6 Accounting -- - --------------------------6 Commercial Method s ______ ______________ 2
hours hours, hours hours hours hours 26 hours
III Electives ------ - ---- ----------- ---- - - ------- --- 6 hours 66 hours Suggested electives: P enmanship, Orthogr aphy, English., Commercial Law, Economic Geography, Political Economy. Students who have not had H igh School Bookkeepi ng will be requi red to take 8 hours of Accounting. Two Year Program-Suggested Order of Subjects Fl'eshman Year Second Semester Hours First Semester Hours Biology or English 101 ______ 4 English 101 1or Biology - - - --- ' Principles, of Teaching :ind P sychology or P r inciples of Methods .'lnd ObserYation or ' Teaching a,nd ,\fothod s and P sychology _-- -- ------ ·-- -Observation __ _____ --·---- -- 4 4 Shorthand I ___ ------- - ·-- __ ..:. 4 Shorthand. II - ---- -- ----·-- -- 2 Typewriting ____ ------------ 3 Accounting ___ ---- -- ------ - - 2 Physical Educati·Jll __________ 1 Typewriting --- -- ·--------- --·-1 Physical Ed ucation - ---- · ---- _ 16
Sophomore Yea r F irst Semester H ou rs Cl a~sroom Managemen t or Cur riculum _________ --- ---··- - 2 Teaching ---------.- --- ----· -- 2 General Art or Music --- -- - -- 2 Hygiene ---------;- ----------- 2 Commercial Methoo'-; ---- ----- 2 Shorthand III ---- --- ·------- 4 Electives ------ - --- --- ------ 2
Secon d Semest er H ours Curriculum or Classr oom Management ________ . _______ ·-- :. T eaching -------·----·-------- 4 Music or General Art ____ ----·- 2 Advanced Accountir.g ________ 4 Typ ew r iting --- ------ -· _______ 1 Electives --------- __________ 4 17
For department cour2es see page 74. Students who enter the Freshman year with the intention of completing the fou r-year program, sh ould not •take Commercial Methods until the third year. It is r ecommended that they t ake shorthand during the first and second years and accounti ng during the second and third years. Practice teachin g in the Commerce Department should be done in t h e t hird a nd fourth years. Students who have complet ed the two-year commerc id tPacher's program and return to take up work toward the A. B. degree, should elect Constructive Engli sh, E conomic Geography, Mental T est ing, Educational Measurements, and other subj ects which will stl·en gthen them as commercial teachers. Political Economy and Commerc i a~ Law are required for a major fro m this department.
EARLY ELEMENTARY EDUCATION (KINDERGARTEN AND PRIMARY) This course is planned to meet th e n eeds of teach ers who are planning to teach in the Kindergarten or in the first or second grade.
I. Requirements Courses req mre · d o f a II cand1da . t es for d1.plomas (see page 48) 34 hou rs Of these required courses students in t his course must . select •the following sections: Principles of Teach·mg ______________ __ Early Elementary . Curr1culum · A.rt ----·------------------- ----Early Elem entary Hygi:~:----------------------- - ------ - --Gen eral Art 108 . ------------ School H ygiene an d Health Education B10 1ogy Mus· ________ ____________ ____ Biological Nature Study IC • ___________________ __ ___________ l10a and 110b
II Department Requi r ements Mental Testing -- ------ -------------------------2 T oy Constru ction -------------------------------- 2 Child P sy ch ology ------------------------------- 2 Story Telling ------------------------ -----------2 P enmanship ------------------------------------1 Literary Interp r etation _____________ ___________ :__3
h our s hours hours hours h our hours
Plays and Games --------------------------------1 hour Manu al Activities ------------------ ---- --- - -·---- 2 hours Primary Geog raphy ______ __ _____________________ 2 hours S ociology ----------- -------------------- ---- --- - 4 h ours 21 hourF
III. Electives
66 hours
Two Year
P r ogm m-S u ggeste~
Orde r of Subjects
F reshman Year F irst S emester ll ours S econd Semester Hours Botanical N a ture Study ______ 4 Engli sh 101 -- --------- - - --~. 4 In t r oductory P s.y chology __ . ·- 4 Early Elem . Principles anrl Methods --------------- ---· 3 P lays a nd Ga mes __ ___ _______ 1 Directed Observation -----· __ 1 Physical Education ___ .. ____ 1 Ma nu a l Activiti es ___________ 2 Ge n era l Art 108 - ------- - - -- 2 Literary Interpretation ______ 3 P enman sh ip ---- ---------- -·- - 1 Physical Edu cation ---------- 1 Electives ________ _ --- ------- 4 Public S chool Music _____ 2 16
Sophomore Year Hours Second Semester F irs.t S emester Hours Early Elronentary Curriculum 2 Classroom Management - - - -- 2 T e::-.ching ------------------- 2 T eaching ------------ - ----- Mental Tes ting ------------·- - 2 Child P sychology -------·- ---- ; Sociology -------------------- 4 School Hygiene and H ealtl1 -T oy Constuuction _____ ·- _____ 2 Story T elling -- --------;- ·--- : Electives -------------·--·---- 4 Primary Geography - ·------ - ·· 3 Electives - ------- --- - - -- · --- _
For department courses see page 80. . E rly EleFor four y ear program leadi ng to an A. B. degree m a mentary Education see page 44.
ELEMENTARY EDUCATION This program is plann ed for s,t udents who wish to be rec'i mrnended for general work in grades three, fou r , five, a nd six.
I. Requirements Course required of all candidate for diplomas, (see page 48) 34 hours Of these r equired courses stud ents in t h e Elementary Educa•tion course must take: Princi ples of T eaching ______________________ Elementary Curriculum) ___________ ___ __ __ ____ __ _________ Elementary Art _______ __ ___ ______________ ________ __ General Art 108 Hygiene ____________ School Hygi ene and H ealth Education Music _________________ Public School Music 110a and 110b
II. Department Requirements Survey of Aunerican Hi story ___ ___ ______________ 4 hp u rs Child P sychology -------- - ----------------------2 h ours Educational Measurement s ____ __________________ 2 hou rs Mental Testing ---------------------------------2 Technique of Teaching Elementary Geography ______ 2 Geog. I nfluences on American Hi story ____________ 2 Citizenship and Politics ________________________ .:__4 Penmanship ________ _______________ _____ _____ ___ ! Play Production __________ __ __________ ____ ______3
hours hours hours h ou rs h our hours 22 hc ·u r:i
III. Electives ---------------- ------------------------------10 hours 66 hou r s The following courses are suggested as helpful electives : History of Music or Appreciation ____ 4 or 2 hours Greek a nd Roman Mythology ______________ 2 hours Manual Activities or Toy Making __________ 2 hours Sociology ___ ___________________ _________ 4 hours Speech Education ____________ ___________ 3 hours Educational Sociology _____________ __ _____ 3 hours S Literary Interp1r e t a t'ion --- --------------- 3 h ours
J tu~ents who wish to prepare for grade work above the sixth, unior High School Teachers, page 51.
GE N ERAL CATALOG Two Year Prog ram-Sugges t ed Order of Subj ect.-; F reshman Year
"H our:; First Semester English 101 or Biology 4 P sychology or E lementar;>' Principles of T each ing, and Meth ods and Observation __ 4 Mu sic llOa and llOb or General Art 108 ---- - --- 路路----- 2 Survey of Am erican H istory_. 4 Physical Edu cation ________ __ 1 P eninan shhip --------------- 1
Second Semester Hou Biology or English 101 ______ E lementa r y Principles of Teach ing a nd Methods and Obser vation or P sychology __ Gen eral A rt 108 or Music llOa a n d llOb ------------ - - ---路-Citizenship and Politics -----Physical Education --------El ectives ----------- - ------..
r: 4 ~ 4 1
Sophomore Year Fir st Semester H our:> Classroom Ma n agement 2 E du cational Measurements ____ 2 Play Production ----------路- _ :J Teaching _______________ 2 or 4
Second Semester Hours T echnique of Teaching Elem. Geog. ------------------ - - 2 E lemen tary Curriculum ______ 2 School Hygiene ------------- 2 Teaching ___________ ___ _4 or 2 Geog. Inf. on Amer. History__ 2 Methods of A r t Teaching - --- 2 E lectives ____________ __ _2 or 4
Mental Testing -------------- 2 Electives __ __ ___________ 5 or 3
16 16 For four year program leading to t he A. B. degree in Elementary E ducation, see page 45. HOME ECONOMI CS I.
Req uire ments Courses required of a ll candidates for diplomas (see page 48 ) '.H hours Of these r equired courses students in t hi c ourse should select the fo llowing sections: Principles of Teaching __ High School or Junior High School Curriculum ____________ H igh School or Junior High Sch ool Of the 6 hours r equired in teaching 4 h ours mus t be done in H ome Econ omics.
II. Department R equirements Foods 101, 102, 203 and 204 __ _____ __ _____________ 8 hour s Clothing 105, 106, 207 __________ __ ________________ 6 hou r s
conomics Methods 208 ____________________ 2 hours. Home E Chemi stry 101 a nd 102 ---------------------------8 hours Household Management 209 --------------------- 2 h ours 26
Electives (Suggested elective, Desig n, 4 hours) ____________ 6
h om ~
Two Year Program-Suggested Order of Subjects Freshman Y ear Second Semest er H our s Fi tst S €mester H ou rs. Foods 101 ---- ---------- - --- ~ F oods 102 ------------------ 2 Cloth ing 105 - ---------------- 2 Cl othing 106 ---------------- ~ Chemistry 101 ----- --------- 4 Chemi stry 102 ____________ _ __ 4 Prin ciples of Teachi ng a nd Engli 8h 101 --------------- 4 Methods and Observation ____ 4 P sych ology 101 -------------- 4 Educational Biology --------- 4
16 Sophomoi·e Year First Smnester H ours Food 203 ---- --- ----------- 2 Home E conomics Methods 208 2 Music or Art - --------------- 2 Clothing 209 - -- --- ------ - ___ 2 Ph ysical Education 101 ___ ___ 1 Design (elective) ·------------ 4 Teaching _______ ____ ____ 2 or 4 Elective _____ ___________ 2 or O
Second Sem ester H ours Foods 204 ------------------ 2 Home Management 207 _____ _ 2 Curriculum ----- - ---------- Art or Music ---------------- 2 Physical Education 102 ____ __ 1 Hygiene -------------------- 2 1
Teaching _________ ______ 4 or 2 Elective ________________ 2 or 4
17 17 For department courses see page 94. Any student who des ires to complete th e four year program securing an A. B. degree ca,n compl ete the two year Home Economics requirements with the exception of a ll the student teaching, part of wh ich should be taken in the Senior y ear. The third and fourth yhears of work may be made u p of subj ects which are r equired for t e com 1 t· P e ion of the gen eral four year program leading to a Bach1 ~votrl of Arts d egree, see page 39. S•tud ent should choose the mjnors I l t he adv' . . clud ice of t h e h ea d of th e departm ent of the m aJor an d rnecone college p hys iology, edu cational sociology, sociology, political ~my, organic chemistry, and psychology of adolescence. tificat ny student who has Recured th e two yea.r home economics cerfol!o, ~ and r eturn s to secure the degree may continue the work b y 1'1J1g the plan outli ned above.
MANUAL A RTS This program is intended for those who expect to spend only t years in college a n d wish to teach the manual arts. On completionw~ the requ irements of t he courses outlined below the student Will ~ entitled to the special certifi cate. e Since in most high ¡ sch ools the manual arts instructor is required to teach one or more academic subj ects besides his sh op work, stu. dents taking Manual Arts il11U t prepare to teach on e other subject and should select their electives from t he list sugg ested below. I. Requirements Courses required of .all ca:1dida tes for diplomas, (see page 48) 34 hours Of t hese required courses students in t he Manual Arts must take : P rinciples of Teaching ______ __ High School or Junior High Schoc.l Curriculum __________________ High School or Juni or High School P ractice Teaching ____ ______ _F.o ur of the required six hours must be in this department and the other two in the oth er subj e"ct which the student is preparing t o teach.
II. Department Itequirements Intermediate Woodwork ______ ______ _________ __ __ 4 Mechanical Drawing ____________________________ _4 Elementary Metal Work __, ____________________ ___2 Cement Construction or Carpentry ----------------2 Ma nu al Traini ng Methods or Organization __________ 4 Cabinet Making _________________________________ 2 Manual Arts Electives ____________________ ______ _4
h ours hours h ours hours hours hours hours
22 hours III .. Electives Candidates for the special certificate should select 4 h ours of the following electives ------------------------------ 4 hours Forging ---------------------------------------2 hours Toy Construction _______________________________ 2 hours Elementary Electricity __________________________ 2 hours Gas Engines _______________________________ __ ___ 2 hours Upholstery and Woodfini shing ____________________ 2 hours Architectural Drawing ______________________ ___ _4 hours Carpentry or Cement Construction _________ ______ 2 hours Select 6 hours from on e of the fo llowing groups : Mathemat-
t:~::a~:ic~--~~~~~~~~~--~~~~:::~-~~~~~~~-~~-~l~~¡--~1~: hours 66 hours
Two Year Program-Suggested Order of Subjects Freshiman Year Fi rst Semester H ours rntermediate Woodwork ----- 4 Biology -------------------- 4 Hi o·h School Prin. of T eachi~ig and Methods a nd Observation -------------------- 4 Public School Music -------- 2
Second Semest er H ou rs Carpentry -------- - --------- 2 El<em entary Metal Work ___ _ 2 Mecha ni cal Drawing ________ 4 English -------------- ------ 4 P sychology - ---------------- 4 P hysical Education __________ 1
General Art 109 ------------ 2 16
Sophomore y ,e ar Hou rs First Semester 2 Cla.sroom Management Manual Arts Methods and Organization ---------------- 4 Hyg1i·ene ----·-------- ------- 2 Teaching Manual Arts 4 hrs. or teaching a High School sub ject 2 hrs and elective Manual Arts 2 hrs. ______ __ 4 Physical Education _______ __ 1 Electives ------------------- 4
Secon d Semest er H ours H igh School Cu r riculum 2 T eaching a High School Subj ect 2 hrs. a nd elective Manua l Arts 2 hrs. or Te aching Ma nual Arts ________ :.__ 4 Cabinet Making ------------- 4 E lectives ------------------- 6
16 17 F or department courses see page 95. For four year program leading to A . B. degree with m a j or in Manual Arts, see page 46. PUBLI C SCHOOL ART Students completing cours 0 s 101 202 203 104 20 5, 206 a n d 207 t .. ' ' ' ' ~geth er with required work in th e Normal are entitled t o a specia l chploma in Public School Art, in add ition to th e N ormal School diploma . I. Requirements Courses req · d f 1 Of t mre o . a I candidates for d·i plom as (see page 48) 34 h ours hese reqmred cour ses students in the dep·artment p -. · . must select the fo llowing: rinc:ples of Teaching a nd Method a nd Observation -----Cun:; ~-1----- ---- -· ----------- -E l ementa ry or Junior H igh Ofu ~m --------:----------Elementary or Jun ior High e 6 hours m req ui r ed t eaching 4 hours must be done in Art subjects.
II. Department Requirements Drawing and P a inting I -------------------------4 D r awi ng and Painting II ------------------------4 Design -----------------------------------------4 I n dust rial Ar t -----------------------------------2 Modeling ---------------------------------------- 2
h ours h ou rs hours hours hours P r inciples a nd Methods of Art Teaching _____ _____2 hours A rt History a n d Appreciation ____________________ 2 hours T oy Con struction -------------------------------- 2 hours
22 hours III E lect ives -------------:-------------------------- ------- 10 hours 66 hours H i ~ to ry
S uggested E lecti ves of Antiquity _______________________ _____ 4 h ours
P enman ship ------------------------------------! hour Mythology --------------------------------- ----2 hours Mechanical Drawing __________________ ________ __4 hour s Sociology ------------ -------------------------- - 4 hours Two Year Prog r am-Suggested Order of Subjects Freshman Year First Semest er H ours Secon d Semester Hours P sychology or Biology ____ ___ 4 Bi ology or P sychology - ------ 4 English or P r inciples of T eachPriruciples of T eaching and ing & Methods and Obser vaMeth ods an d Obser vation or t ion ---------------------- 4 English ---- ----- - - - ----- -- ~ Drawing a n d P ainting I _____ 4 Industria l Art - - - ----- ------ 2 Public School Music or Gen er Gen eral Art or Public School a l A r t ------------------- 2 Music ------- - - - ------ - --- 2 Physica l E ducation _________ l Physical Education ----- -- -¡ --- 1 4 Elecfi ves ------------------- 1 E J.ectives - - ------ - ---- ----16
Soph omore Year Hours Se_con d S t:mester __ First Semester H ou rs 2 Teaching --------------- ¡--- 2 Hygiene --- -------- - - - -- - 2 *Design -------------------- 4 Curriculum ------ --- - ------- - z Modeling ------------------- 2 Classroom Management - -- - 4 Toy Constru ction ----------- 2 Ar t T eaching -------- -- -----;.i Art H ist ory and Appreciation 2 P r inciples an d Met hod:o of A 2 Drawing and P a inting IL ____ 4 Teaching --------- -- - 5 Electives ----------- -- -16
*Drawing and Painting I i s prer equisite.
Note: Department condition s may n ecessitate th e em~oll:n g of reshmen and Sophomores in a class of program above. h bot F F or department courses see page 69 . Students planning to r emain in College four years and wh::> w ish e Art a major or minor s hould distribute cou rse a s fol!Pws : torn ak Drawing and Painting I, a nd Industrial Art, first y ear. Design, Modeling, Drawing and Painting II, Toy Constrn ction , second year. Prin ciples and Meitlhods of Art Teaching, Art His tory a11d Apprecia,tion, Public School Art 108 or 109, third y e11.r. Practice Teaching, Advanced Drawing and Painting, fourth year. Students returning t o work for degree who hold the Art certifi· cates are advised to include History of Antiquity, Mythology, :Mechanical Drawing, and Sociology if they have n ot previously tan er. these cou rses. Courses offer ed in th e English and History D·~ p a-r t ments are also suggested. Adva nced work in Drawing and Painting can be arranged for.
Requirements Courses r equired of candidat es for diplomas (see page 48) 34 hours Students in this cou rse should select the following cour se~ : Principles of Teaching ________ :_ _____________ Elementary Curriculum _______ _________________________ __ Elementary Practice Teaching 6 hrs., 4 h rs. of which must be in Music.
II M Department Requirements ethods of Teachin · (Ed uc. ere d"• ) - - - - - - - - 4 h ours Appreciation g Mus1c I '.
~~;ion; I---~~~~--~~--~~~~--~-------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: !:~~:
En e~~l ~tr~ments (Lis,t ed below a s elective) ____ 6 Voice eM: ~sic --- - --------------- ------ --------2 Physic~~ E ;Jor Inst_ruments _______________ __ _____ 3 · (Dancmg 3a) ____________ _______ ___!
hours hours hours hour
213 hours
------------------------- ------- 6 h ou rs 66 h ours
GENERAL CATALOG T wo Year Progr a m-Suggested Order of Subjects
Freshman Year First Semester !-'ours Second Semester II Public School Music llOa and Methods of Teach. Music lO~~ll llOb --------------------- 2 and l Ol b ------------- .. Principles of Tuaching anrl P sychology ·or P r inciples-- 4 0 Methods and Obser vation or T·eaching and Methods d P sychology ---------- ----- 4 Observation -----------~n 4 Biology or English ___ _____ ·- 4 En~l i sh or B.iology --------~~ 4 Music Appreciation III ------ ~ Vo1ce or MaJor Instrument __ 1 Physical Education (Gen. Req) . 1 Physical Edu cation 3a (Dept.· Elective -------------------- 3 Req.) ---------- - ---1
Art E lective ~. G
2 1
Soph01Inore Year First Semester Houn 4 Harmony 204a and 204b Study of In struments 315a ___ 2 P ractice Teaching in Music ___ 4 Classroom Management ______ 2 Voice or Major In strument_ ___ 1 Elective -------------------- 3
Second Semester Roura Harmony 204c a nd 204d ------ 4 Stu dy of I nstruments 315b and 315c ------------------ --- 4 T eaching (General Requirement) --------- ----------- I Curriculum ------- ---------- 2 Voice or Maj or In strument_ __ 1 Hygien e -------------------- 2 Physical Education (General Req.) -------------------- 1 Elective -------------------- 1
For department courses see page 102. Students who enter the Freshman year w it h the intention of completing the four year program and who wish to earn a majo~; :minor in Public School Music should distribute t he work offe "tial the two year program over the four years, (see page 43). in ad~ ,. to the advanced work offered both in practical a nd applied music • directed by the head of the department, his adviser . See. P~ for A. B. degree requirements and page 100 for applied music c allowed.
Students returning to college to work for a degr ee who Public School Music certificate may u se music for a maj or. Add~ work in applied music should be elected. (See page 100) . Ad perience in Orchestra and Chorus Conducting is a dvised.
1. Upon completion of th e first year's work the stu dent m ay re. n elementary state certificate. ce1ve a Upon completion of t he two year Advanced Rural Education 2 · in the student may receive either the Advanced Rura l Certifirogra · Pt or the regular Normal School dipl oma. The Advanced Rural ~t~i ficate is good in any r ural, village, or town s,chool in N eb raska , f . a period of three y.ears. After three years of successful t eaching orperience the holder is enti tled to a P rofessional Rural State Cer;~cate good for life. The r eg ular Normal School diplO!llla is, a first grade state certificate, good for three years ·in a ny school in N ebraska. After three years of successful experience the holder is entitled to a Professional Life Certificate.
3. Students who plan to teach in rural schools should elect the program suggested in this department . I
Requirements Course required of all candidates for diplomas, (see page 48) 34 hours Of these required courses, students in the Advanced Rural Education Cour se mu s't take: Principles of Teaching a nd Methods and Observation __ Rural
II . Department Req uirements Rural School Management ------------------ 2 or 3 h ours Communi ty Leadership __________________________ 2 h ou rs Penmanship ________ ____________ _______ __ ________ ! hour 5 or 6 hours III
h ours
66 hours The followi ng courses are suggested as h elpful electives : ege Grammar General Geograph -------------------------------- 2 hou~s Geograph f Y ---------~-------- ------------2 hour s New Eur~ 0 the United States __________________ 4 hours
hours dagogy of S -------------------------2 hours Primary Geo econdary Mathematics ______________ 2 hours graphy ------------------- ------- ---2 h ours
E u ropean Background of American History ________ 4 United Sta t es Hi story ----------------------------4 Story T elling ------------------------------------2 Intemnediate Woodwork --------------------------4 Vitalized Agriculture ----------------------------4 Plays and Games --------------------------------1 Playground Supervision _______________ ___ ____ ___ 2
hours hours hours hours h ours hour hours.
Two Year Proigram-Suggested Or der of Subjects Freshman Year Fi1:st Semester Hours Second Semester lioura Principles of Teachi/ng and English 101 ---------------- ' Methods and Observation Rural S chool Management 2 or 3 (Rural ) ------------ --- --- 4 Community Leadership ------ 2 N a ture Study --------------- 4 P sychology ----------------- ' Music ---------------------- 2 Physical Education ------- --- 1 P en manship ---------------- 1 E lectives ---------- ------3 or 2 Physical Education ---------- 1 Electives ------ ------------- 4
Sophomore Year First Semester Hours Second Semest er HolUB Curriculum ----------------- 2 Teachin g ______ _________ 2 T eaching _______________ 2 or 4 School Hygiene -------------- I Electives ________ ___ _13 or 11 Classroom Management --- -- I Physical Edu cation ------ --- 1 Electives ______ ___ _____ 10 or 8
or '
Biological Nature Study may be substituted Biology intM Rura l Education Curriculum. Students taking the Rural Education work w ill observe in t111 Training School, and in the Affiliated School in t h e open co~!?: Students will be permitted to do som e actual teach ing in the JU""' ated School.
PROFESSIONAL LIF'E STATE CERTIFICATE For the Professional Life State Certificate the candidate must submit proof of three years of successful teaching experience before the Normal School diploma or degree is earned or two yea r s successful experience after it is earned. A year as contemplated above mus.t cansist of at least six months. See page 48 fo¡r requirements for Nor mal School diploma and page 39 fo.r r equirements for degree.
THE ELEMENTARY STATE CERTIFICATE 1. For entrance to the cours.e for this certificate the student shall present credentia ls conforming to Requirements for College Entrance, see page 37. 2. To secure the Elementary State Certificate h e shall submit indicated credits in the following college subj ects,: Biology or Natu re Study _______________ _4 semester hours P sychology ------ -----------------------4 English --------------------- ________ _4 Principles of Teaching and Methods and Observation ____________ ____________ 4 *Music ________________ ____ ____________ 2
semester h ours semester hou rs sâ&#x20AC;˘emest er hours 'Semester hours
*Drawing _____ _____ _ __._____________ __ 2 seunest er h our s Electives ____________ _______ ____ ____ ______12 semester hours Total _____ ____________________ 32 semest er .hours *These credits must con sist of at least three hundred minutes per week given to the subj ects in study and practice during o.ne semester. The. requirements of the Elementary Sta te Certificate are included in the F reshman year of each of the two year specia l certificate courses, see page 48. This enables the student to ear111 the Elementary State Certificate while completing one year of work in his selected program. The Adva nced Rural Education curriculum is recommended for those who 1 t Pan o teach a t the end of the fre shman year.
ELEJ\lrENTARY RUB.AL CERTIF'I CATE Upon completion of this program, the can didate is granted an E lementary Rural Certificate, good for three years in t he rural village and consolidated schools of the State. It may be renewed b; twelve w eeks add iti onal attendance. · En.trance Can didates desir ing to take t h e work leading to the E lementary R ural Certificate shall be 16 years of age a s required by the state law a nd shall present t he folk>wing 16 high school credi•t points, or 8 units for entrance : · Engli sh -------------------------;---------- ____ 4 points European Hi story ------------------- ------------ 2 points Algebra ---------------------------------------2 ipoints B ookkeeping _____ ___ __ _____ -- ------ --------- ___ l point General Science or Phys ical Geography ___________ l point Botan\y _________ ---------- ________ __ ___ _____ ___ ! point Agriculture --------- - ------- ---------- - --------1 poin t Geometry ---------------------------------- ---- 2 points Latin or Electives ------------------- --- - --------2 points If the student does not subm it th ese s ubj ect s for en tra nce credit a nd in lieu of them s ubmits other credits a.cce ptable to t he institution, h~ must take th ese subj ects for which h e may receive elective credit. (General Science or Physical Geography not r equired if P hysics Ol' Chemistry is taken for one year.) A course for Secondary Credit, given in Demon stration H. S. Two Year Progra m First Y ear Points First S emester American History ----- ----- l Grammar a nd Orthography___ 1 Civics ---------------------- 1 Latin or Elective ------------ 1
Seco nd Semeste r Points American Hi story -- ------- -- 1 Manual T rai ning or Domestic Science ----- - ------------- 1 Elem enta ry Sociology ------ - 1 E lective or La.ti n -- - ---- -- - - - 1
Second Firs t Semester .Poi nts Professional Training _____ __ 1 Arithmetic and Drawing _____ 1 PuD1ic School Music _________ ~.:,, Physiology and Hygiene _____ 1 Elective ------------------ - - %
Yea r Second Semester Points Professional Train ing --:----- -- ~ Read ing a nd Penman shi p --- 1 1 Geog~·aphy Elective ------- ------- ---
COURSES OF INSTRUCTION NUMBERING OF COURSES The numbers preceding the courses of instruction indicate the class for which the work is primarily planned. The year 's program found on page 119, shows definitely the combination of classes desired and the restrictions necessary. Individual exception s may be made only by special arrangement with the instructor of the cou r se. 1-99. Free electives, unclassified. 100-199. Freshmen. 200-299. Sophomore. 300-399. Junior. 400-499. Senior.
ART Miss Tilton The courses in this department are planned for teachers in the elementary grades, who desire to become acquainted with the m ethods of teaching and to develop skill necessary to depict facts, ideas and iimpressions in graphic language. They a lso aim to oultivate an app11eciatfon of the arts. Students who wi sh to qualify a s special teacher.s of art in town and city school should complete course.s 101, 202, 203, 104, 205, 206, and 207, together with the req~ired work of the colleg e. 101. Drawing an d Painting-Dra.w ing in charcoal and painting in water colors and oils from studies of still life and flowers. Studio course-students placed and advanced according to individual abilities. .F our hours att endance; four hours credit; first semester.
202. Drawing and Painting II-Prerequisite course 101 or its equiV'alent. A continuation of Course 101. Study of Pictorial and Decorative Composition u sing still life flower s figures and stories. s. ' ' econd semester, four hom:s attendance, four hours credit. 203. Design-Drawing of de'signs from ~rfalysis ~rawings of
nature forms, All designs applied. St~dy made of steniciling, block ~rinting, parchment painting and batik. Required of Home Economics students 路 . . 路 F'1rst semester,路 four hours attendance, four hours. credlt. 104. . I A rL-A course for teachers - of intermediate . . . Ind us t na grades and Junior h' h lowin . . . ig . sc~oo.l in crafts work incluaing the study of the folh g 路 book-bmdmg, modeling, b ask etry. F ourth quarter, four ours attendance, two hours credit.
205. Methods in Art-A t eacher's course. Prequisite Gen Art 108 or 109. The course includes a di scussion of the vaiue of era) in education; its relation to other subjects and to ind u stries ; and ~rt me thods of teaching drawing in th e grades, the planni ng of less e and of a course of ' iudy. Third qu arter, foU'l· hou rs a ttenda:ns two hours credit. ce, 206. Art His tory a nd A ppreciatioll-Pre.requisite for art student: Hi story of Antiquity (S ee Hi story Department). A short courst! planned to give some appreciation of the world's greatest picture~· sculpture and arch itecture. A di~u ssion of .pictu res for study and classroom decoration. May be substituted for General Art 108 or 109 by those planning to teach in high school. First and second semei;.. ters, two hours attendance, two hours credit. 207. Modeling-A study of the process of modeling a nd pottery building adapted to grade teachers. Story illu stration. First quart er, four hours attendance, two hours credit. General Art 108 or 109 (Drawing) requi1,ed of all graduates. This course is presented with a view toward teach ing the prospective teacher how to present art to children. 108. Gener al Arf__Drawing and p·a inting for primary and intermediate teacher~firs t quarter. Pos ter work, lettering, basketry, book-binding, .etc.-second quarter. Firs t and second semesters , four hours attendance, two hour.s credit. 109, General Ar t-Drawing and painting for upper grades and junior high teachers-first quarter. Poster work, lettering, manual projects, book-binding, etc.-second quarte r. First and second sem· es ter, four hours attendance, two hours credit. 109a. Dr a wing fo r Rura l Teaehers.-Mediums a<lapted to all grades. Emphasis is placed upon interests of the coun t ry child and material found in hi s community. Summer, fou r ho urs attendance, four hours preparation, two hours credit. 210. Teaching-Four hours teaching in the grades is required of all who complete the course. Prerequisite courses 101, 202; also 205 or taken same semester. 311. Advanced Drawing and Painting-Open t o students dd~:. advanced work. First and second semester; fou r hou rs atten a ' four hours credit. """ ' C ourse 11 m · M anua1 Arts . .. vy M a k mgleading to an art certificate see page 58.
For two year program
BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Mr. Holch Mr. Carter Educational Biology, cour se 116, is r equired of a ll fre shmen with the exception of those majori1'.g in the Ea~·l_Y Elementary or Rural Education depa rtments and 1s a prerequi site for all other courses in th e department a fter September 1, 1927. Those majoring in bi ology for the A. B. degree may select a ny twenty hours fro m t he following cou r ses, with th e exception of the course in Hygiene, course 208. Two hours in historical geology, given in ihe Geography department will be accepted on the major and minor for the A. B. degree in thi s department. Those majori ng in biology for the two year diploma ma y select any twelve hours from the following cou1·ses a bove 116, including Hygiene, course 208. Those minoring in Biology for the A. R. degree m ay select any twelve hours frO!IIl the following courses, wi th th e exception of the course in Hygiene, co urse 208. Those minoring in Biology for the two year diploma may select any eight hours from t he following courses above 116, including Hygiene, course 208. Freshmen will be admitted . to courses planned for soph omor es, juni ors, and seniors, only by permission of th e one in charge of t h e course. ll6. Educational Biology-A study of the fundam ell'tal biological principles and generalizations, together with their relations to the life of the human being and to the theory and practice of education. Among the things treated are included a study of the cell, Protoplasm, tissues, organ systems, nutrition, excretion, decay, photos~nthesis, life histories of plants and animal s, evolu tion, and h eredity. Given each semester; fo ur hours cla ss and two hours laboratory , four hours credit.
st ~l.
Botan_y: Plant Physiology and Ecology-An introduc:tory
tou Y of ~he hfe processes of p la nts. Absorption, transpiration, phoa b~Ynthes1s,. digestion, and respiration are briefly treated. Cons<iderfo e attention is given to environmental factor s as r eflected in the bu~~ and function of pla nts. Habitat factors governing the di strigro~~na~f pla~ts and the reaction of p lants upon th ese factors. The treatrm d nucroscopic structur~ of plant organs. A nature study every ent of the trees and weeds of the vicinity. A cour.se which one pla · class . nnmg to teach botany should take. First semester; two I>enods and six laboratory hours , four hours credit. .
202. Botany=. Pla~t Morphology-:-An introductory ~tudy of the structure, class1ficat10n, and .evolut10n of algae, fung i, liverwort 8 mosses, fern s, cycad s, conifers, a nd fl owering plants. This cour ' 8 together with course 201 gives a comprehensive one year's course .e. botany. Second semester; two cla ss periods a nd six laborato~ hours, fo ur hour!] credit. 203). Invertebrate Zoology-A study of representatives of the invertebrate groups, including the anatomy of the adult, and the life history, together with discu ssion of h a bits a nd distribution. This course is designed to help give students the n ecessary background for the teaching of biology. Second semester and summer session to alternate w ith cou r se 218; two class hou rs and six laboratory hours fo ur hours c1,edit. ' 204. Genetics and Evolution-A study of the various theories of evolution and their exponents; the principles of heredity as worked out by Mendel and others. L ectures, a ssigned readings, a nd class recitations . Second semester; four hour.s per week , fo ur hours credit. 205 Biological Nature Study-Field and laboratory work on features of the biological environment. Brief con siderations of flowers, stems, rooL , leaves, buds, weeds, trees, seedling , birds, insects, wi ld anima ls, domest ic an imal s, etc. The course is planned to meet the needs of those specializing in t he Early E lementary course and in the Rural course. First semester ; four class periods and four laboratory p eriods per week, fo u r hours credit. 205a. Botanical Nature Stucly-W·o rk on flowers, stems, roots, leaves, bud s, weecis, trees, etc. Summer session only; four class periods and six laboratory hours per week, four h ou rs credit. \ 205b. Zoolog ical Nature Stud y-A detailed study of the birda of the middle west, a lso of the insect li£e and common a nimals of this vicinity. Field and laboratory, w01·k. This course is exceptionally adapted to grade teachers. Summer session only; four class hours and six laboratory hours per week, four hours credit. 406. Biology MethodS-A course in the principles and practice of bi·ology teaching. T his course carries cr edit eith er in t he biology department or in t h e education department. Prerequisite: a semester in either botany or zoology. Either semester, by a p.pointment ·onIYi four houi~s credit. 207. College Physiology-A study . of an~tomy, phys.iology, and hygiene of the human body, with specia l reference to organ syst~ms; and microscopic work on the human t issu es. First semester; ou class hours and four hours la boratory, four hours credit. 208.
Hygiene-See page 95.
309 . Advan.ced P lant P h ys iology-A somewhat detailed classroOl!Tl and labo1·atory stu~y of _Ph_otos.~th es i s , transpiration, .respirat" n absorption, metabolism, 1rritab1hty, growth, reproduction, and :~a~tation. Prerequisite: twelve hour.s work in the department. First semester ; fo ur class hou r s and fou r ho ur s laboratory, four hou rs credit. 315. P]ant Taxono my~Clas.s ification of flowering !Jlants, w'i1th field study of local flora, and preparation of an herbari um . Summer session only; two dass periods and four hou rs laboratory, four hours. credit.
414. Animal Ecology- A study of the world distribution of animals together with factors cau sing and limiting their distribution. Prerequisite: courses 116, 203, and 218. Given in a lternate years. Given in 1926-27. Fou r hours class work, four h our.s credit. 218. Vertebrate Zoology- Study of the repr esentatives of t he vertebrate groups, including the anatomy, development, and p hylogeny of the vertebrates. Thi s course, together with invertebra.t e zoology, course 203, completes the survey of the animal kingdom. Like invertebrate zoology, it is necessary to any st u dent who contemplates the teaching of biology. First semester, and sullll'Iler sessions to alternate with course 203 . Two class hours and six hours laboratory, four hours c11edit.
The following courses are given from time to time as the demand for them requires. 410. History of Biology-A detailed study of the )history of biology, and the biography and work of its principal figures. Prerequisite : twelve hours work in t"he d epart~ent. Two h ours credit. 411. Eugenics-A study of the social significance of the biological contributions of Mendel and hi s followers. The applicati on of the laws of heredity to human beings. Prer equisite: Course 204. Two hours credit. 412 · The Mutation Theory-A critical study of the Mutation Theory of H D . . . . ugo eVries. Prerequ1s1te: course 204. Two hours credit. 413. Th N . e atural Selection Theor y-A critical study of the atural Selection Theory of Charles Dar win. Prerequi site : course 204 T · Wo hours credit.
317. P lant Eccology-A stu dy of t h e climatic and soil factors w·th reference to their effect on t he individual p lant and upon the d~ tribution of plan ts. A gener al t r eaotmen t of t he r elations of t~ plant to its enviro ment. Prerequisite : course 201. Four h ours cla e 88 and two hours labor atory, four hours credit. 221. Field Zoology-An in trodu ction to loca l life based upon classificatio n, distribut ion, and n atu r al history of r epr esentatives of t he differ ent animal p hyla livin g in this r egion. P r erequisite: course 116. Given in summer sessions only; two hours class, six hours laboratory, four h ours credit . 219. E nto mology-A general !:'~sis of mo r ph ology and classification for a consider ation of the general biology of insects, without s pecial reference to t he economic problems. Given in summer session only; two hours class, six hours laboratory, four ho urs credit. 420. Com1>arati ve Ana tom y and Phys iolqgy of Vertebrates-Lectures an d laborator y. Deals· with the comparative anatomy, compara-:ive physiology, and evolution of the var ious vertebrate organs and systems 1of organs . The laborator y work consist s of the dissection of ver teba:ate types, µic luding fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds·, and mam ma ls. Prerequi site: courses 116 and 218. Four hours credit.
COMMEHOE Miss P almer Miss Irwin A student may do the regular teachers professional work in addition to the r equired work in Commerce. (See page 52). Upon completion of this program, the tudent will be granted a diploma and an additional certificate from this department sh owing that he is qualified to •teach in the commerce department of any high school in the state . Those majoring in Commerce for the A. B. degree m ust take, in addition to the required work of the two-year curri culum , Com· mercial Law and Political Economy. Students who wish •t<0 prepare for bu siness positions can com· plete the required work in one year.
one fhun· 101. S horthand I , Gregg System-Manual is completed. ur 0 dred twenty-five pages of reading required. First semester ; hours attendance, four hours credit.
. com mercial Law- A course designed to show, in a non-te_chmanner, the important factors of the common law affectmg 1 nicd~ma ry business, transactions . Fir.st semester, four hours attendor ance; four hours credit. .
Elementary Acco unting-Th is course deals with the funda. debit and credit, journalizing, posting, trial balance, adjusttals .nen · . . and closing entnes, balance sheet and profit and loss s tatements. ;~aunts peculiar to s ingle proprietorship a nd partnership are taken up. First and second semesters ; four hours attendance; four hours credit. 204. Advanced Accounting-Continuation of course 103. Multicolummar books, analysis of income and expenditures, the organizaH:m, capital stocks, dividends, surplus, reserves, depreciations and branch store accounts are among the features considered. Second semester, four hours attendan ce; four hours credit. 5. T ypewriting-Special attentirn is given to punctuation, paragraphing and letter forms. Students may register f.or one, two, three, or four hours work. First and second sem ester s, t hree hours attendance; one hour credit. I
106. Shorthand II-Oontinua•tion of Course 101. Speed drills; transcribing and correspondence; ge~ra l review of, stenographic principles. &econd semester, four hours attendance; four h ours credit.
207. Shortha nd 111-Shorthan·d penmanship, writing and transcribing difficuE matter , speed practice. Use of duplicating devices; filing. Students take dictation from different members of the faculty and do other office work conn ected with th e school. First semester, four hours abtendance; four hours credit. 208. Methods of Teaching Shorthand and Typewriting-Includes observation. Required subject for sophom ores in this department. Second quarter, four h ours attendance; two hours credit. . 9. Penmansh ip-Legi ble, ra.pid, business writing i s -the chief aim. Palmer certificates are secured by those completing the required war~. First and second semesters, two hours attendance; one hour cr edit . . lO. Orthography-Dri lls o n lists of common words frequently misspelled. Analysis an d applicati<J n of simple rules. D evices and m~thods for teaching orth ography in the high school. Summer School on Y. Three hours attendance ; one hour credit.
For suggested order of subjects for two-year or four-year pro gram, see page 52.
EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY Psychology Theory of E du cation Principles of Teaching School Administration Rural Education Early Elementary Education General Electives Mr. Crago Mr. Clements Miss Tear Miss McCollum Miss Berry Mr. Baker A teachers college is primarily a professfonal school. A considerable body of knowledge based on scientific experiment is !llOW available out of which a profession of teaching is. developing. The courses in psychology, education and teacher training have the general purpose iof making · t he student familiar with this body of professional knowledge. The department will not recommend students for positions for which they have failed to make professional preparation. 101 and 102. _Introductory Psychology-The course presents the accepted facts ·o f ps.y chology with the special ·purpose of applying them to the problems of learning, teaching a nd personal development. It forms the scientific basis for the courses in Education. Textbook work is supplemented by laboratory exercises and demonstrations. Firs•t and second s.e mester, four hours attendance; four hours credit. 223. (Formerly Psych ology 3) Child Psycholo.g y-This course is concerned with the principles of the nature, growth and de· velopment of the child, a knowledge of which is fundame ntal to the successful management of children. The work is especially for elementary teachers. PsychoJ.ogy 101 and 102 prerequisite. Four hours attendance; two hours credit. F'ourth quarter. 236. Psychology of Learning-A study is made of the different types and laws ol learning. Textbook work is supplemente<_i by individual and group experiments. Four hours attendance; two hours credit. Third quarter. 337. The Psychology of School Subjects-T~e course deals with the mental processes a s they are active in the different school s.ubjects. Four hours• attendance; two hours credit. Second quarter.
(.Formerly Psychology 4) Psychology of Adolescence-A
22 t dy <Of the physical, mental and social characteristics of the indi-
s -~ al during the adolescent period. With this as a ba.s is, the oourse v~t ump ts to develop an understanding of the p.sychological principles a ~erlying the Junior High organization, articulation of •the elemen~n y and secondary school grades, curriculum and other typical high a~ool problems. Psychology 101 and 102 are prerequisites. Four
~~ur attendance; two hours credit. Third quarter.
Theory of Education Classroom Management-The purpose of •this course is to suggest ways and means• of meeting the everyday practical problems that every teacher has to meet. The discussions and readings oover such topics as ethics for teachers, constructive discipline, physical conditions of the classrooms, health and play direction, devices for rating r ecitations and teachers, grading, planning lessons, attitude towar ds sup ervision, adapting subject matter to individual needs, and m aking a daily program. Offered each quarter; four hours• aottendance ; two h ours credit. 204
The Curriculum- Required in the Sophomore year for two hours of the Theory of Edu cation r equirement. Prerequisites: Psychology, Principles of Teachinrr, Observation and Methods. Four hours attendance; two hours credit. Each student should take the course which correlates with his course in Principles of Teaching and in Meth<0ds and Observation. The. second yea.r is based very definitely upon that of the first, especially upon the study m a de of the methods of teaching -the subjects of the curriculum as observed in the Training School. In the course lis.t ed below a study is• made of the large principles of curriculum construction and their r elaition t o educatfonal research and experimentation. The objectives. are considered which determine the selection, evaluation, organization and adaption of subject-matter to the varying age groups. 203d. The High School Curriculum. Third and fourth quarters. 203e. The Junior High School Curriculum. Second quarter. 203f. The Elementary Curriculum. Third quarter . 203g. The Early E lem entary Curriculum. First quarter.
Principles of Teaching th Prerequisite to teaching . Required in the Freshman year of . h t o complet e the two year course. Three h ours, o.f p ose . . who wis· 1 ; ~ 1 Ples of Teaching combined with one hour of Observa•tion and an~ ~~s sati~fy the State r equirement for four hours of Methods elect twseryat~o.n. Students who have earned four hours credit may 0 additional hours for elective credit.
In Principles of Teaching, educational principles which are th basis >Of t he general meth ods' of good teaching are taught. In the cor relat ing cou rse in Meth ods and Obser vation special m ethods ~ 0 t he subjects of t he curriculum are discussed. Through observati0 of the children wh om h e is later to teach, the student has opp ~ tunit y to see the practical illustration of bo•th g ener al a nd spec~rl methods. The two courses combined are planned to g ive th e freshm:n studen t the fo llowing values: · a. A sympa•thetic inter est in child re n of t he ag e gr oup which he expects to teach. b. A knowledge of t he best m>0dern ed ucational pract ice in many lines of wor k. c. An underst andin g of lar ge bask principles of education by which he may evaluate school procedur e. d. A gradual growth .o f the professional attitude which should be g ained befor e he begins his pr actice tea ching. E ach student sh ould enroll for t he course which most nearly prepares h im for t he work which h e pla ns to teach. 108a. H igh Sch ool, for t hose who expect to ·tea ch in high school. Each semester. 108b . Ju nior High School, fo r th ose wh o expect to teach in junior h igh school or gr ades seven or eight. Second sem ester. 108c. Elementary, for those who expect to •teach in grades three, fo ur, five or six. E ach sem ester. 108d. Early Elementary, for those who expect to t each in the Kinder garte n or in grades one or two. First semes•ter . Each of the above, •three hours attenda nce, three h ours credit. Must be combined with the required course in Methods and Observation. See Training School, page 109. School A dminis t ra tion School administration is a specialized field and calls · for speci.'1 training. Students who expect to go out as su perin tendents or pr~n cipals should consult with the head of the departmen t or t he Superin· tendent of the Training School, not later than. t he beginning of the junior year. Students,' who plan to go out into a princip a.Jship or a superintendency should take psychology 236 or 337, educati~m 2Sl, and 230a or 230b, and 405 or 426.
Students will be recommended for administrative posit ions t he department and by the Placement Bureau, only when adequa preparation for such positions has been made.
405. School Administration~This course is organized to me~tht~: special needs of superintendents., principals, or studen ts who _wis sed prepare for administrative positions. Among the probleil'\S d iscu~·es 1 are: selecting textbooks, the purchase of equipment and supp '
. dging buildings, the janitor, selecting teachers, teachers meetings, JUhool records and r eports, measuring instruction, classification and
sc emotion of students, organizing co urses of study, s upervision, and pr · · · · 1 arrangesurveys. Open on 1y to Jumors an d semors excep t b y spec1a ment. Offered in summer school; two hours credit. 426. Educational Survey-A study of existing sur veys, and the methods u ~ed in the examination of a school system, special emphasis will be placed upon the s,tudy of the small school sys tem. The course is primarily for t ho.se who are preparing for a principalship or superintend ency. The course in measurements should precede this course. Four hours atte ndance; two hours credit . Not given in 19271928. 306. Extra-cu rricular Activities-This course has to do with th e adminis•tration and direction of extra-curricular activities in the junior and senior high school. P ersons who have specialized in the oontrol of certain activities will be brought in for lectures or class discussions . These discussions will be supplemented by readings and quizzes. The course is especially planned for superintendents and principals, but is open to any high school teacher above the sophomore year. Five hours atotendance; two hour.s credit. Summer school only. Rural Education 150a. Rural Primary Methods-Principl es of Teaching and Rura.J Observation and Methods in primary grades or rural and small town schools. Methods in teaching beginning reading, educative seatwork , primary numbers, and language in the first four grades. Nebraska Elementary Course of Study emphasized. Credit in this course may be applied to meet the state board requirements, in Methods. Four hours attendance. First quarter. Two hours credit. 150b. Rural School Intermediate and ·Grammar Grade MethodsThis course cover s work for the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. N ebraska Elementary Courses emphasized. Four hours attendance. Second quarter. Two hours credit . . 151. Rural School Management-A course to give t eachers practical aid in •the organization, management, and teaching of rura l schopls. Deals with administration of rural schools from the standpoint of the state, co un ty and local district. Daily program and daily administrative problems, to be considered. Grounds, building, equipment, and consolidation of schools discussed. Four hours attendance; third quarter; two or three hours credit. C 152 · Parent-Teacher Associatron and Community Leadership 0
ourse__Qourse includes the plan of organizing the school as. a llocial center· · ,,.L'Or Parent-Teacher meetmgs; · 1 f or commu.t • dis cuss1ons pans ~ ~ ac.tivities. R elation of teacher to community. Leader ship as a t· c or in developing the latent possibilities of agricultural communiies. Four hours attendance; fourth quarter; two hours credit.
Vitalized Ag ricult ure *138. Th e~r y-This course ~n vitalized agriculture consists of ho work, field trips, surveys, readings and ·1ectures on the projects Whi : may be used in teaching in the rural schools. It is planne d to J.rnec t the needs, ,o f those progressive teachers who wish to motivate work of the rural schools in their various communities. Ten hour: attendance; two hours credit. Summer school only.
*Students carrying course 138 should also car ry course 139. 139. Meth ods-This course will consist of obser vation of the work in vitalized a.griculture by a group of children in the Train ing school. Demonstration lesson s taught by the instructor will make up a part of the oourse . These will be supplemented with lectures a nd readings which will enable the teacher to go out into the r ural schools and teach by the vi'talized methods., Special empha-sis will be placed on the correlation of regular school subjects. Five hours attendance; two hours cr edi•t. Summer school only.
Early E lementary E ducation These courses are planned especially for .students who- a re taking the Early Elementary Education course. They are, h owever, open to a ll students for elective credit. 132. Manu al Activities-Principles underlying t he use of material in the early year of t he child's education. Relation a nd place of Manual Activities in the curriculum. Experimental work in adjust· ing materials and tools to •the mental growth of the individual child. Four hours atitendance; two hours credit. First semester.. 134. Plays and GameS-Study of the folk games of many countries best adapted to •the use of the kindergarten and t he lower grades. Building of original fo lk games. Rhythmical in terpretation of the most beloved stories ,of childhood, combining the g ames, songs and rhythms of the lit•tle child into festival play, express ing those interests that are uppermost in his life, such as,; Season al Changes, Christmas, Circus Day, Means of Travel, and Childr en of Ot?er Lands. Construction of marionette theater and dolls. Study of importance in Ge-ography, History and English. Two hours attendance; one hour credit. Second semester. 233. St0iry Telling-Selecting, adapting and tellin g of s•tories best suited to the kindergarten and lower grades. Analys is of t_Ype 5i°[~ ies and writing of original stories. Study of the American d stories and the relation of the story to the section of the country ant 11 the people from which it come.s. Second semester; two h ours tendance; two hours credit.
318. Children's Literature-A course for teachers of elementary rades. Guidance in children's reading. Ac~uaintance w~th good Htg ture for children. Constant use of the library. Credit two hours. era hours attendance. F.n-s t semes t er. TWO . 1um. See page 77. 203g. Early E lem entary Curricu 108d. Early Elementary Principles of Teaching.. See page 78. For the two year programs leading -to an Early Elementary Education certificate and an Elementary Education certificate. See pages 53-56, F or the four year programs, see pages 44, 45. .
General Electives 427. History of Education in th e United States-A study is made of educational leader s., beginning with Rousseau. This ser ves as a backgrou nd fo r a n understanding of the development of public education in the United States. Current educa•tional problems receive special emphasis. Four hours attendance ; four hours credit. First semester. Open to juniors also. 428. Educational Sociology-A study of the prinicples of sociology which form a basis for •the und ersta.nding of current educational problem s. Emphasis i ~ placed upon the application of th ese principles -to school problem s Three hours attendance ; three hours credit. First semester. Open to juniors a lso. 230a. Educational Measureme111ts-The course emphasizes the significance of the •testi ng movement, selection of tests, the scoring, tabulation, interpretation of results, the u ses that ar e made of standardized tests in the element ary grades and a s•tudy of improvement in testing. Four hours, atte ndance; two hours credit. Second quarter. 230b. Educational Meas urements-This course is similar t o course 230a, but deals wioth th e problem of measurement in high school subjects. Four hours attendance ; two hours credit. Second quarter. 231. Mental Testing-The purpose of the course i that of acquainting teachers with •th e nature and uses. of m ental tests, and m~thod s of adapting the school to the needs of inferior a nd superior children. A study is made of the Binet tests and variou s standard gro.up tests. The socia.l and racial significance of different degrees of 1 ~t~lligence is also emphasized. Psychology 101 and 102 are prer equisites. Four hours attendance; two hours cr edit. First and fourth quarters. 240 co · ~~outmastership Training-A numbe1: of superintendents and re~~umti es are now r ecognizi ng •the value of boys' work in its Yo:tion to the work of the public schools. They are asking that the gro ng men who teach in t heir schools be prepared to handle boys' Bec~ps such as Boy Scout Troops, Hi-Y, and similar or ganizations . bein;seffof this tendency •the cour.se in Scoutmastership Training is line ofo ered to help the young m en to prepare themselves for t his community work. The course involves three essential factor s:
(1) The problems of boyhood and t he relation of the objectives Scout movement t o those problems ; (2) T he technique of c t craft; (3) The Educational Principles governing the methods f ou • senting the Scout Program so as to afford opportunity for oy pr: 8 develop themselves m os t efficiently. Fourth quarter; four h urs attendance; two hours credit.
241. Camp F ire Tr ~ inin g-T.he course trains young leaders of camp fire girls. It gives the scope a nd aim gram Qf Camp Fire girls; how th e Camp Fire does Hs bolism, camp fir e progra ms and activities. Special points s is: organization and out-of-door activities. T hr ee h ours one hour credit. Summer school only.
women for of the prowork; sym. for emphaattendance· '
342. Character Develop ment-A study is made of th e principles and methods that may be applied in developing char acter in. children. Text book work is suppl em ented by special reports and case studies of children. Studen ts preparing for work in the elementary school should have taken course 223 before entering this course. Students preparing for high school work .should have taken course 224. Second semester; four hours a·ttendan ce, four h ours credit.
ENG i iISH LANGUAGE AND LI TJDRATUHE Mr. Beck Miss Best Mr. Willhoft Miss Faulhaber Miss P eterse;i Mrs. Dunning Miss Brandt Before •the department ca n recommend a student for English teaching in the high school, the student will have t a k en English 101, 202, 405, 215, a nd 255. Those who major in E ngli sh fo r the A. B. degree will take English 101, 202, 405, 215, 216, 255, and t en hours elective, a total of twenty-seven hours . 101. English Composition-This course is r equired ·o f al~. fre~: men. Instruction and practice in composition, specia l a tten· 01 ~n . . . . . . . f . and d1ct1on. mg given to mechamcs, mmnnum essentia 1s o grammai ' f r L ectures on the use of the library. Each semester and summer; ou hours attend ance, four h ours credit. . d t he s-tudent 202. Background of Literature-This course mtro uce~ rter1 to the great masters of the literature of the world. Occident a ~aY · · · l u d e d · Ce rtai·n freshmen hours atur e stressed; Onental literatur e me take the cour se by permissi·on. Four hours attenda nce, f our cretlit.
303. Englis h Lite ra tur e-This course includes a careful study Qf characteristic works of successive periods .in Englihsh literature frohm h Elizabethans to Burns as an expr ess10n of t e tho ught of t e t e ·ods Offered alternate years. First semester; four hours attendperi · . ance, four hours credit. 30 4. Englis h Literature-A continuation of English 303. It covers the period from Burns fo the ·world War. Second semester; four hours attendance, fou r hours credit. 215. College Gra mmar-A course in the grammar of the English language. Professionalized subject matter. Much of the s,t ress is 0!1 methods and public school c-0 ntent. History of the language. Bothersome idioms. First semes ter and s ummer; two hours attendance, two hours cr edit. 216. Advanced Composition-Study and practice in exposition, de&cription, and narration. Criticism offered . First semester; two hours · attendance, two hours cred it. 405a. Teaching of High School English-Method and content of high school E nglish. Curriculum making in English. When and how to teach gra mmar , , composition and literature. Examinations of courses of study, teX'ts, and tests. Careful study of the Nebraska High School Manua l. Three hours attendance, three hours credit. 205b. Teaching of Junior High School English-Methods and content of junior high school English with some attention given to work in the elementary grades. Articulation with elementary school and senior high school English. Second semescter and summers ; two hours attendance, two hours credit. 317. Shakespeare-Four of the following dramas will be studied in detail: Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, King Lear, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, King Richard II, The Win•ter's Tale, T welfth Night , Cymbeline. Other plays will be r ea d. Certain sophomores are eligible. Four hours attendance, four hours credit. 118. American Short-Story-A study of the short-story form in An:ierica from Wash ington Irving to O. Henry and the curren·: ~~riters. P~imarily a r eading cour se. Text: Pattee's "Development of e American Short- Story." Third quarter ; four hours attendan ce, two hours <Tedi·:. 119. Short-Story Technie-A study of the technic of the shorttory form. Stories are r ead to illus·trate, technical matters. Th e sto · d rie~ read are by English, French, Rus sian, Italian, German , Scan.a~navian, and American writers . Fourth qu arter; four hours attendee, two hours credit. 320 w ·c h . . . Jllot b · ri mg t e Short-Story-A course for writers . Makrn g 0 mag ? ks. Club room discussion of original material. Study of inst~zi:es and their needs. Prerequisite English 101, 118, 119. See c or before enrolling. Two hours <attendance, two hours credit.
GENERAL CATALOG 332. Writing t he F eature Story-A course for writer s. Altel'llat with English 320. Club room discussion of original mat erial. Stu:a of markets. Text: Bleyer's "Special Feature Articles." Prerequisi~ English 101 and 216 . Two hours attendance, two hour s credit. 212. The Modern Novel-A study of the novel since J ane Austen A detail study of three novels: Austen's " Pr ide an d Prejudice," Mere~ dith's "Ordeal of Richard Feverel," H ardy's " Return of t h e Native,, Hawthorn.e's "Scarlet Letter." Text: Bliss Perry's " Study of Pro~e Fiction." Summers and by cor r es pondence. Two hour s or four hours credi•t. 421. E merson-A t horough study of t he gr eat American sage. Detailed s tudy is given to his "American Scholar," " Divinity School Address," and "Essays: First and Second Series." Special attention is given to Emerson's contemporaries in Concord. Altern at e years. Three hour s attendance, thr ee hour s credit. 211. Tennyson-A careful study of certain lyrics. and " Idylls of the King" or "The Princess." Two hours attendance, two hours credit. 422. Br own ing-The shorter dramat ic monologues a nd su ch longer dramas as "Luria," "Return of the Druses," " P ippa Passes," and "Go lombe'~ Birthday." Or a study of "Th e Ring and t he Book." Three hours attendance, three hours credit. 423. Chaucer-The grammar and literature of Geoffrey Chaucer. Selection s from the 'Canterbury Tales." Some j uniors are admit ted by the instructor. Alternate years.. Three. hours attendance, three hours credit. 324. A merican Liter ature-This course covers Am erican literature from the Colonial wrHers to the twentieth century. Professionalized subj ect matter. Alternate yiears with English 303 . Three hours attendance, three hours credit. 13. Ar g um entation and Deba~e-The theory and practice of argumentation and debate. The course is especially designed for intercollegia•te debaters. Prerequisite eight hours of English. See instructor. Three hours. attendance. Credit three hours. 333.. The Evolution of th e Book (For merly 33 Bibliography)This course consists. of a study of the deveJ.opment, descr iption, and history of books and manuscripts. It is recommended only to t hose who have a true love of the ph ysical make-up of books. Lectures, assignments, class• discussions. Tw-0• hours attendance. Two hours credit. 225. Bible-The Bible as literature. A classroom course in t he Book of Books. Second semester. Tw-0 hours a>ttendan cc. Two hours credit. 229. Th e E nglish Drama-This £ourse covers English drama fr~~ 1 the miracle plays to Shaw and Galsworthy. The Gr eek and La backgr-0und is stressed. Four hours attendance. Cr edit four hours·
,8 5
Modern Drama-A study of the recent European and Amer58 2 ·,, ys Attention g iven to the modern theatre and modern ideas jean pra · raft. Alternate years. with ENGLISH DRAMA 229. Four t ec of sag d" endance Four hours ere it. att hours · Modern Poetry-A course in American and English poets 230 d ;oetry since the Victorians. Special a•ttention will be given to :aterial that may be used by teachers. Summers. Two hours credit. 31. Recreational Reading-Students select their own reading under supervision. Reading is s,o mewhat supervised. Informal talks·. Second semes•ter and summer s. Two hours attendance. One hour credit. 435. Old English-A course in the grammar of Old English, or Anglo-Saxon. Reading of prose and poetic specimens. A study of the history and development of the English language; Second semester; three hours attendance, three hours credit.
214. News W;riting-Study and practice in news writing, with some attention to the preparation of news for the printer . Students report news on assignment for the "Peru Pedagogian,'' and hold staff posit ions. A practical course. It aims, to fit teachers to manage high school publications. Not open to fr eshmen except by p ermisssion of instructor. Each semester and summer; two hours credit. 234. News Editing-Theory and practice in editing n ews. Copyreading, lproof-reading, headline reading, makie-up, a nd edit orial wri•ting are included in this course. Courses 214 and 234 constitute a C·Omplete survey of newspaper produ ction. News Writing a prerequisite. Instructor will wa.ive prerequisite requirement in the case of a few advanced students who are well versed in Engli sh fund amentals and mechanics . Fourth quarter, two hours. cr edit.
Speech Education Literary Interpretation-The purpose of this course is to ~nabl e the student to a•ttain som e proficiency in the art of oral interpretation. In connection with the practice work up on the platfdo:m the s•tudent is given such p oints of theor y and such routine . and f nil as are necessary for t he development and use of the voice or proper platform deportment. Each .s·emester; three hours attendance, three hours. credit. 152.
~ : Advanced Literary Interpreitation-A continuation · of English inter invol~s a lmore advanc-ed S'tudlf of t h e p;rinciplesi of oral clud Pretation and their application to platfrom r eading . Also, inthre es hpreparation and delivery of short recitals. Second semester; e ours attendance, three hours credit.
354. Extemporaneous Speaking-The work of this course c sists in the preparation and delivery of short addresses based on. pt·epared outlines. Careful preparation ·of material is required, plan of the speech is made in advance, but the choice of langua e is left for the m01nen•t of speaking. Criticism and points of theo!e given by the instructor supplement the practice. First semester· twy 0 hours attendance, two · hours credi't. ' 255. Play Prcduction-This. course in intended to answer th many fundamental questions which face every tea.cher a nd communit; leader when called upon to stage co mmunity entertainments. A historic background and brief study of the Little Theatre movement is presented . Next are studied: How to choose a play, f undamentals of directing, problems in high school play production, plays for children, make-up and stage craft. Each semester; t hree hours attendan·ce, three hours credit. 156, Public Seh ool Read in g-A cou rse to help teachers with oral reading in the public schools. Certificate r ead ing. Summers and s tudy center; two h ours attenda:1ce, two h ours credit. 357. Advanced Play Produc tion-This course is a combination of Play Production 255 with more definite problems in dramatic reseaTch. Actual practice in stagecraft is provided. Prerequisite English 255. Each semester; two hours atendance; two hours credit. 359. Pan to mine-Study of expression through pa n tomine. The course includes theory, a nd class practice. Two ho urs atte ndance, two hours credit. 460. Oral Cornposition~Specific study and practice of representa· tive types of public s peaking, s uch as forma l lecture, bus iness speech, popalar address, sermon. Two hours attendance, two hours credit.
LATIN Miss Clark Miss K enton 103. Vergil-The Aeneid with practice in scanning an d metricul reading. Interpretation of t h e religious and patriotic the me of . ~be poem along with the story. Special stress upon the literar y quail~;~ of the epic. First .semester, four h ours attendance; four hours ere 104. Vergil-Continuation of course 103. Second semester, four hours attendance; four hours credit. Spe205. Horace-Odes. Study of. lyric meters used by Horace. taJl cial stress upon his writ ings as picturing the life of the ~ugu;irSt Age. Open to students who have had four years of Latin. quarter, four hours attendance; two hours credit. Second 206. Horace-Satires and Epistles. Continuation of 305. quarter; four hours attendance, two hours credit.
Ovid or Sallus t-Ma y alter nate wi>th 308. Open to stude nts 307 h have had three or m ore years of Latin. Fourth quarter a nd s um0 w er s chool ·• fou r hours attendan ce, two h ours cr edit. 111 308. Livy, Cicero's De Amicitia or De Senectute-Open •to studems h have had fo ur year s of La tin. May alternate with 307. Fourth ~vu:rter and summer sch ool; fo ur hours attendance, two h<rnrs credit. 2o9. Greek and Roman Mythology-Classical mY'ths in r elation to nature, art, literatu re, a nd astronomy. Recommended as backgroirnd for English, Latin, a nd Early Elementary curricula. Third quarter and summ er school; fo ur h ours attendan ce, two hours credit. 210.. Teache rs La tin-A course in methods and grammar review. Requir ed for Latin major or minor. First quarter and summer schO")l; fo ur hours attendance, two' hours credit. 411. Tacitus or Qu intilian-View of t he writers of the Middle Empi r e. First ·term of summer sch ool only; fo ur hou rs attend a nce, two hours credit.
412. Roman L iterat ure-Survey of Roma n writers in connection with the life of their periods. Alternates with 411. First term of summer school only ; fo ur h ours attendance, two hours credit. Latin Major-20 hours of college work above three year s of High School Latin. Latin Minor-12 hours of college work above 'three years of High School La tin. F or r ecom mendati on for high school t eaching a student mu st have had at least three years of Latin and course 210. SPANISH Miss Clark The courses in Spanish aim at fac ility in the u se of Spanish, along with some knowledge and appreciation of t he bes t Spanish li terature and a n acquaintance with the life a nd custom of Spani sh peaking peoples . lOl. Spanis h 1-(Beginning Spanish) Mastery ?ronunciation; vocab ulary ; accuracy in form s ; idioi~s. Translation from E nglish to Spanish and ·. · f nghsh· · ' eas Y conver sa·t1on. First semester , four ou r hours credit.
of fundam entals ; constru c<tion and from Spanish to hours attendance:
~ · Spanish 2-Continuation of Spanish 1, with Spa nish games 311 cred i~~nversa•ti on . Second semester, fou r hours attend ance; four hours 203 s .h conv ·, .Panis 3-Spanish li terature, prose and verse; gam es an d er sat1on · · , hours t • simp1e forms of correspondence. First semester , four a t endance; four hours cred it.
204. Spanis h 4-Gontinuation of Spanish 3. Second sernest hours attendance; four hours credi't. er, four 305. Spanish Literature Cont inued-Review of pronunciat· tax, everyday idi,o ms, and methods for tea.c hers. Required fo/~n, s~n major. First quarter a:ld summer school ; four h ours attend an Panish hours cr edH. ce, two 306. Spanish Literatur e Continued-S econd quarter ; four hour 8 attendance, two hours credit. 307. Spanish L iter ature Continued-Business and social correspondence. Second semester; four hours attendance, fo ur hours credi ~.
Spanish Major-24 hours (three years of college work above Latin entrance requirement.) S1>anis h Minor-16 hours (two year.s of college work above Latin entrance requirement.)
GEOGRAPHY Mr. Cla.yburn Students wishing to •take a Major in Geogr aphy for the A. B. degree should complete courses 101, 309, 211, and eight hours electives. Students taking a Minor in Geography for the A. B. degree should take Geography 101, and eight hours elective. Students graduating from the two year course and taking a Major or Minor in Geography should include Geography 101. 101. General Geograp hy-An introductory sfody of the mutual rela.tions between man and the elements of the natural environment. The course aims to develop a clear conception of environmental elements such as climate, land• forms, soils, mineral deposiots, and native vegetation, and to show the vaTious adjustments of people to them, selected regions being ta.ken as the units of study. First semester, four hours attendance, four hours credit. 202. Primary Geography-Home and W·orld Geography. The selection and adaption of subjects and materials suitable for the fir;it four grades. Third quarter, four hours attendance, two hours credit 8 202ai. The Technique of Teaching Elementary Ge~g raphy-De: with class room procedure in the teaching of elementary geograp. Y· Topics: basis for the selection of material, elementary ~el~ work,;::~ troducing simple maps and diagrams, using pictures m ]leu of . n . . . l um•t s, express10es field, picture proJects, home geograp h y, regiona exercises, informal tests, games, and other drill devices, .and sou~he of material. Designed particularly for s tudents pr eparing fo~ urs 0 Elementary Grades. Fourth quarter; four hours attendance, two credit.
Geogr a ph ic Influences in American Hi tory-Th e g eography 203· United States in the past. The r elat ion be•tween ear t h condiof. th e d earth resources on t h e one h a nd, and t h e settlem ent and detions annt of the country on t he other ; t h e a djustm en ts of a rapidl y velopme . . ding people to vaned envir onm ents a nd how th ey h av \! h elpe d expabn ·ng about pr esent day condit ion s. Geography 211 a n rl to Tl . t r y 112a or 113 recommend ed a s prer equi sites. Third qu ar ter , H JS 0 d" f our hours a·tten da nce, t wo h ours er e it. 30 4. Econo mic Geog raph y-Treat s of t h e geographic p rinciples derlying the present a nd future econ omic developm en t of the dif~;rent countries, specia l emph a sis being g iven t h e geog r aphic di st ribu tion of the principa l m in eral r esources a nd n on-mineral g r ou ps an d •the development of industries dir ectly dependent up on t h em . Secon d se mester , four h ours a ttenda n ce , four h ours cr edit. 405. Genera l Geology-A di s:::u ssion of dy;i amic a nd structura l geology and the leadin g fact s a nd m or e im portan t events of historical geology. Emp h as is p laced on t he geo logical histor y of Nort h America. Laborator y w ork consists of fi eld trips, examina ti on a nd determination of miner a ls and rocks, an d iden t ification of certain index fo ssils. First semester. Four h our s att en dance, t hree h oµ r s lab oratory, four hours cr edit. 106. Geograph y of N e br a ska-Tr eats of Nebraska's condit ions-; past, present, and future b as ed on a study of the soil r eg ions, climate, re ources, agricuKural and in d ustria l devel op m ent of t h e stat e·. Second qu ar ter. Four hours att endan ce, two h ours c~edit. 309. The New E urope-A r egion al st ud y of the E ur opea n countries is. made, emphasizing r elief, clim ate , re sources, governm ent an"d indust ri al development. Special al'!:ent io n is g iven to changes in the map of Europe and t he geograp hi c problem s m a de prominent by th~ Great War. The study is correl at ed closely with European History: Second semester, fo ur hou rs at::endance, fo u r h ours credit. 210. Cli mateology- A st udy of t h e m eter ological elem ents which go to make up climates; class ifi cation of climatic typ es ; Climatic •types a s human con tro ls ; the w ork of t h e Uni t ed S t ates W eath er B u~ reau. Prerequisite Geogr aphy 101. F ourth quarter , f our h our~. atte~ d~ ance, t wo hours credit . . 211. Geograp h y of the United S tates-A stud y of th e nat ura l i."e.gion
of the country. E m p h as is is g iven t h e development of ma jor
re~ources and industri es such as a g ricul t ure, mining, manufa cturjn ~, :n n ·transporta·tion, a nd t h e fund am en t al geogra phic condit ion s consro mg each. Aids in a n i nt erpretation of Ameri can History. F ir::;t emester ' fo_ur h ours attend an ce, four h ours cr edit. . · ,· 21 2 ind '· ·. L atin A merica -A deta iled .study of :th e g eographical and . . Emustnal h . co n d"t· i ion s of t h e centr al and South. Am erican countr Hj.S. fou~ : sis is p laced on trac\e r elation s . First and fo u r th . qya~te_r!l; our s at•;;endance, two h our s cre.d it.
114. Economic Geography of North America-A survey of th principal economic activities in each of the major geographic e gions of North America from the standpoint of their relation to tr;natural environmental complex. Emphasis is placed on t he regiona~ equipment for industry in the several divisions of the contiMnt. Not open to those who have had Geogra.p hy 211. First t erm of sunun school only ; five hours attendance, two hours credit. er
HISTORY AND OTHER SOCIAl; SCIENCES Mr. Chatelain Mr. Brown Mrs. Price Mr. Willhoft 201. European Background of A merican History- An a ttempt to trace t he conditions in Europe that led to the discovery ,and co)o. niza•tion of America and th e separation of the colonies fro m European control. Four hours attendance; four hours credit. 202. Teachers Co urse in History a nd Other Social Sciences..-His· tory adapted to meet the needs of high school and elementary school teachers. Prerequisites for this course are eight hours in history. This course may count as history or education credit fo r history stu· dents. Second semester. Four hours attendance; four hours. credit. 202a. S ubject Matter a nd Meth ods in Cur rent History-A course in the methods and subject matter of current events, arranged for history teachers, in a field the emphasis upon which is const antly in· creasing. Five hours. attendance; •two hours credit. Summer school only. 203. Eighteenth Century Europe (1700·1815)-Specia l emphasis on the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era and the ir in fluence on European history. Four hours attendance; four hours cr edit. 204. Nineteenth Century Europe (1815·1900)-The period of ~· action, the growth of liberalism, development of nationa lity, causes and results of European wars during the 19th century. E uropean ex· pansion during the 19th century. First semester. Four hours attend· ance; four hours. credit. 225. Twentieth Century History-An analysis of the rise of perialism and its culminati·c n in the Great War, as well as a study 0d other causes of the Great War; the events of 1914-18 ; t he peace an its consequences. Second semes ter, four hours. attenda nce ; f our hours c1·edit. 107. English History-A general course with special emphasis government and imperialism. Second semester, four hours atten • ance, four hours credit. Jy 212. American History to 1789-Eul'opean background for ear settlements; colonial settlements and policy; the causes ~or ~he ~i:; lution; •the settlement; the Confederation and the Const1tut1on. semester; four hours attendance, four hours credit.
Sun·ey of American History-A brief review of colonial 112 . ;·followed by a co mplete study of the United States as a nat.ion p~rhio mphasis on the growth of the constitution and our ins•titution s. wit e · f r~~ 1789 -1 8 77. First ·· Emphasis on the period semester, four houn attendance; four hou rs ere i . 113 . History of the U nite~ States. 17~9-1877-Emphasis on c~n- ' stitutional growth and expansion, terntonal gro\vth, slavery, and ln d trial development. Four hours attendance; four hours credit. u; 14 . United States History 1877-1925-United States as a world . conflicts between cap.jtal and labor; World War and recent is~ pO\Ver ' sues. Four hours attendan ce; four hours credit. Second semester . .314a. Recent Movements in Modern Govern ment-Lectures and readings on governmen t by public opinion; proportional representation; immigration; tendencies and materials in socialism, anarchism, bolshevism, syndicalism, laborism , and Americanism; and their effects on governments. Sum mer school only. Four hou~s credit. 215. Histo ry of Antiquity-Tracing the Egyptian, Phoenicia!l , Assyrian, Persian, Greek, and Roman civilization, and the effect of each upon our pre sent civilization. First semester. Four hours attendance, four hours cred it. 416. Recent Problems in World Politics-A study of allianclls, complications and wars since 1815; the effect of these upon Europe; the causes and results of the World War; the Near East; the Far East; League of Nations; Washington conference and curr ent topics. (Open to juniors. also.) Summer school only. Two hours credit. 224 . New Viewpoints in A merican and World History-A course designed to call the attention of the student expecting to teach history to new fac ts and new interpretations in subject matter. Illustrations of the shifting emphasis to s·ocial and economic, as well as. other, problems will be provided. (It ·is desirable that some college history shall have been already taken, as a prerequisite for this course. Others seeking admission should obtain the permission of t he department.) Two hours credit. Summer only. Political Economy, Sociology, Political Science Citizens hip and Polities-This is a course designed to meet the needs of teachers as well as any American citizen. The aim is to n:ake our people bet·~er citizens and more enlightened lawmakers. Spe~ ial em?hasis is. placed on immigration, naturalization, registration, zaw~~king, voting, elections, political parties, requisites of good citiens 1P and community civics. Required of studen-ts taking Element ary Educat· sp . · ion course, a nd can be used in place of course 430 by S ~cia1 permission to satisfy requirement for History and Social c1ence majors . 11 8.
. ut· On request, additional work in constitution of U . S. and consti' ion of 1o, , . . ment. ~ a wi 11 be given to meet the Iowa certification require-
· · 220. Sociology-A study of society, its origin, growth, structure and. activities. First semester. Four h ours attendance, four houra credit. 221. Political Economy-Preliminary View of Economics:.._The . Justrial organization of society; occupation and division of lab~~: producUon, exchange and distribution of wealth; wages, intere ~'. rent. and profit; rise a~d fall of prices; transpo~ta•tion; ~omestic a~.i foreign trade; protection; trusts and trade umons; socialism. First sem ester, four hours attendance, four hours crediot. . 322. Advanced Rura l Sociology-A study of t he essentials ·'.lf country and village life. For teachers of experience and principals of rural and consolidated schools. Summer school only; two h ours credit. · 223. Rural Economics.-Given by correspondence only. Argu~entaton and Debate-See English 13. 326. The Dark Age&--An analysis of social, economic, and poli•tical" movem ents from the fall of Rome until the beginnings of absolutism and nationalism ; feudalism and church unity; t he merging of Latin and · Teutonic civilizations. Summer school; five hours attendance, two hours credit. · 357. T he Middle Ages and the Renaissance- An analysis of Europ.ean· and World History from the decline of feudalism and church un.i•ty to the coming of modernism . Attention will be p aid to the influence of the crusades, the rise. of mercantilism, t he development of absoiute monarchy, a.nd the beginnings· of liber alism; European and world backgrounds to American History. Summer school; five hours attendance. two hours credit.
' ,fa· American Politi.c s and Social Ideas-This course is designed for advanced work iri American social and politica.l problems. Afoter a bi·jef analysis of the structure of American government, a careful inquiry is conducted into the unfolding of •the social order in this couritry, ·and the various attemp•ts to solve major social problems by political activity. The Progressive movement and t he changing nature of Democracy are given special attention . Lecture and seminar sotudies. Required for History and Social Science majors. Second semester; four hours attendance, four hours credit. OT\ request, additional work in. constitution of U. S. and con· stitution of Iowa will · be given to meet t he Iowa certification re· q'ti\iement . . 2.31... United States History-Middle Period 1815-77-An advanced · student of American History emp h as1zmg · · constitu· co.urse ~or· the rob· tional and natioooal development; party changes; slavery a_s a P f com· le):ll de~endel'.lt upon expansion; the west; the abandonment 0 the mercialism and the rise of indus•trialism; the causes of , and d sfori of, the Civil War; the status of the country 1865-77. Se.con semester, fourth quarter; two hours credit.
Departmelllt Requirements History and Social Science majors and minors may each be 1. worked out in the department.
de2. A History major of not less than 20 hours for an A. ree will include courses 202 and 430. A major sequence in American g d European History must be approved by the Head of the Dean , 1 ent before the end of the third sem ester of college work. par•n · 3. A History minor s.e quence of not less than 12 hours_ in the case of the A. B. degree student must be a.p proved by the Head of the Department. It will include course 214, and some method work is su.g ges•ted additionally . 4. A Social Science major of not less than 20 hours for an A. B. degree must meet a lso the requirement of paragraph 2 (above). 5. A Social Science minor of not less than 12 hours, in the case of the A. B. degree student will include course 220. By special permission of the Head of this Dep artment, certain courses in Geography may be included where it seems advisable. 6. Two year major s or minors in His.t ory, and Social Sciences other than History, must · obtain approval for sequences of courses taken from the Head of the Department before s•tarting the third emester of college work. 7. No student teacher in Junior or Senior High School Social Sciences (including History) may ordinarily do practice teaching without having •taken course 202. 8. A student who expects, to teach History or Other Social Science in Junior or Senior High Schools should have earned at least twelve semester hours in the department. Recommendations of students for such teac hing positions. will u sually be based upon such standards. 9. Where Junio'r s or . Senj.o'r s take courses which are pre-emine~tly Sophomore or Freshman courses, additional work may be re~u~:ed at the option of the instructor to earn full credit. Student ; ing such work a.l ways secure permission from the Head of the epartment before registering.
. 1:
HOME ECONOMICS Miss, Towne The courses in this department are planned primaril y to pre . . Pare students for teaching H ome E c'onom1cs m e1ementar y and high schools . 101. Food Study-A study of the fundamental principles and p cess of cooking, comparison of cost, composition, an d nutritive Ya~o of foods, planning and serving simple meals. First semester fo ue hours laboratory, two hours recita>tion, two hours credit . ' ur
102. Food Study-A continuation of course 101. Second semester• four hours laboratory, two hours recitation, two hours credit. ' 203. Advanced Food Study-This course includes food preserva. tion, marketing, an application of the principles of cooking to the more complicated process of food preparation, a study of the dietetie needs of the body under varying conditions; the planning and serving of meals of various types and forms of service. Fir st semester; four hours laboratory, two hours redtati.on, two hours credit. 204. Advanced Food Study-A continuation of Food 203. Second semester, four hours laboratory, two hours recitation, two houra credit. 105. Clothing-Application of fundamental stitches to simple garments of washable materials. Simple and decorative emb:roidery stitches. Suitability of line and color to various types considered. Textiles taken up from the S'tandpoint of selection of m aterials. Fint semester ; four hours laboratory, two hours credit. 106. Clothing-Designing, cutting, and making out er garment& for adults, various materials used. Emphasizes t he economic and artistic side of dress. Prerequisite Clothing 105. Second semester; four hours laboratory, two hours credit. 209. Clothing-Cos.tume and design. Study and comparison of various materials from standpoint of consumer. Adva nced dress· making. Prerequisite Clothing 105 and 106. Two hours laboratory, two hours lecture, two hours credH. 207. Home Management-Study of house, the planni ng, standard& of judging commercial furnishings, budget studies, h ousehold ac· counts. The general economics of the home. First semester. Four hours attendance, two hours credit. ·cs· 208. Home Economics Methods.-A survey of Home Economi examination and formulation of courses of study; a study of prond lems connected with text books, references, illustrative material~ equipment; methods of presentation with special problem~ in f ~ clothing, home management, health and other phases vital to nd 8 Home Economics teacher. Prerequisites Foods 101 a nd 102, Clothing 105 and 106. First semester; two hours credit.
HYGIENE .Mr. Graf Miss Johns on .Miss Roat
204. Home Hygiene and ~are of the Sick-The Am erican R ed s Course is given according to th e syllabus for college classes. Gros t ical ins truction an d d emons t ra t·10ns. are given · · b e d s1"d e care m P rac · fi "d d 1 · 1e f the sick, the sick-room, r s t a1 , an contro of commumcab 0 d. ses It aims to develop a n appreciation of heaHh and a n interest is ea · . home, community a nd pers onal hygiene. The National A. R . C. in 1;iticate is granted to t h e s tudents wh o attain th e requ ired grade ~ h . and a-ttendance. Each semes ter; two ours credit. 205. School Hygie ne a nd Health Education-A course wh ich will help teachers to trai n t he chi ldren in health h a bits, health attitudes and health knowledge. Each semes ter, two hours a•ttendance, two hours credit. Personal Hygie ne for Me n-See Physical Education for Men, 208.
MANUAL ARTS Mr. Larson In preparing to teach the Manual Arts, in Nebraska, the student should know that, except in a very limi'ted number of places,· the Manual Arts instructor is expected to teach more than one subject. A frequent combination is th a t of Manual Arts and Athletics. Other combinations are made with Science, a nd Mathematics. When specializing in the Manual A rts, studen ts should have these facts in R1ind and prepa.re to teach at least one other su.b ject. IOI. In termediate Woodw0irk-A teacher's course in woodwork for intermediate and junior high school grades. This course aims to develop a high grade technique in handling woodw-0rking t-Ools and materials while making projects and t each ing materials suited to the ~bove grades. For fresh m en , first semester and summer school, eight 0 ~~s attendance, two h ours preparation; four hours credit. Prere~uisite high school cr edi·t in woodwork. Required for special certicate. F ee $3 .50 plus ma t erial deposit of $3.00. d 302 · Cabinet Making-This course is designed to prepare the stu-
en t_ to teacli. the advanced work of the senior high school. Machin18 used to speed up t h e w-0rk and g ive a wider scope in tool operath ns and forms of construction, and to familiarize the student with e care . g machmes. .. S econ d semeste1 eight h and use of t h e w oodworkin E!ecr ours abtendance, two hours preparation; four hours credit. ive.. Fee $3.50 plus material deposit of $5.00.
203. Forging-This course is planned to give Manual Arts dents a broader background of handwork and knowledge of mat ~tu. in order that theyi may have a basis for the metal work in fari:nals chanics courses. It is also a practical C·o urse for agriculture stud Ille. It includes a study of blacksmithing tools and materials. W ~t~. done in the drawing, upsetting, bending, welding and riveting 0~r. 18 and the forging, hardening and tempering of tools. Elective. Th~on quarter, eight hours attendance, two hours preparation; two h ird credit. Fee $1.75 plus material deposit of 5.00. Will not be otfo: in 1927-28. e 30~. Manual Training Methods and Organization-This course is :eqmred of all students receiving the Manual Training Certificate. It is also a valuable course for those, who as future principals and superintendents, will need to be familiar with the Manual Arts from an administrative point of view. The course includes textbook work assigned readings, discussions, outlines, etc., in the study of th~ historical development of manual training and its. place in the cur. riculum, •the general principles of teaching as applied to the manual arts, special methods, courses of study, equipment and materials. First semester, four hours attendance, four hours credit. Prerequisite Psychology and courses 101 and 109. Required for Manual Arts major or minor. 305. Teaching-Four hours of teaching in the shops and drawing room is required of all who complete the Manual Arts c-0urse. Each quarter, ten hours teaching and necessary preparation, four hours credit. Sophomores. 206. Wood T urning-This is an elective but it is recommended that ·students who a're specializing in the Manual Arts field take this course in order to· correlate with ·o ther woodworking courses. A study is made of the development, types, care and uses of t he modern lathe and the schoolshop turning equipment. The work includes spindle, oval, duplicate, face plate and chuck turning and finishing and polishing on the lathe. First and second quarters; eight hours shop work, two hours preparati-on, two h ours credit. Prerequisite course 101. Fee $3.50 plus material deposit of $5. 207 ..· Cement Construction-Although an eleC'tive co urse for teac~ ers, others wishing practical instruction in cement work will find this course profitable. It is a practical course for the Manual Arts teach· er in either city or rural community. The course will include ~ec tures and recitation on the theory of mixtures, for ms, reinforci~g, etc., as well as praC'tical work in form building, and the constructio~ of such problems as fence posts, feed troughs, water tank, flowed pots, porch boxes, bird baths, garden .seats.,, .sun dials 1 sidewalks, a:. curbs . .Fourth quarter, eight hours attendance, two ·hours prep~k, •tion; two hours credit. Prerequisite high school cr edit in woo~;o ot or <its equivalent. Fee $1.75 plus material deposit of $3.00 . . Wi n be offered during 1927-28.
Carpentry-This co urse in carpen try will be of a two-fol d
~· d is planned for those wish ing work a long agricultural ~atui ~o:nfarm use and students w ho intend t eachin g in agricultural
1ines l"dated sch ools, as we ll as for perso ns who wi sh . some trade or co~ so ~ A few preliminary problem s ar e m ade, fo ll owed by work experienc ·foundatio n s, farm mg, · " g s ma 11 f·arm '. r·oo f"mg an d fi m· s h m 0 gi~~;.1 : The work in hou se buildin g m ay be taken up and will be buii ~geither in the form of secti ons or in th e building of a small o~ere 11 ouse. This includes work in th e fo llowing : fo und ation s, framfiam c rch constru ction, roo f cons t rue t.10n, ou t s1"cl e fi m· s h"mg an d 1n· . 111:' -~~i shing. Elective. Offered th ird quarter, eight hours atten d5 1 e . t"'O hours cred it . Prerequisite h igh school cr edit in woodwork. ance, n· Fee 1.75. Deposit 3.00. J09 . Mechanical Drawing-This is a teacher s' co urse ; stud ents wishin g a course in Mecha ni cal Draw ing a s a preparation for drafting should register for a modification of t his course. Th e course conist of lectures, r ecita·t ions a nd work in the draftin g room. T he ground covered includes th e making of freehand working ske tch, lettering, working, drawi ng , inking , trac ing, blue printing, applied geometrical constructions, a nd orthographi c projection, applied to developments a nd intersec ti ons, blackboard drawing, des ig nin g of problem s for turning a nd fu rni ture constru ction. Second semester, eight hours attend a nce, twp hours preparation; fo ur hours cr edi t. Required for specia l certificate. An !$8.00 deposit is required in addition to drawing fee of Sl.00 if drawin g equipm ent is loa ned to th e stud ent. 310. Architectural Drawing-Thi s is a p ractical co urse for students, car penters, home builder s a nd others desiri ng a knowledge of building design a nd t he architectural constru ction of sm all fram e buildings and frame hou ses. The work deal s wi'th t he essential s of building planning, building co n stru ction a nd methods of drawing, and is ad apted to agricultural s tudents and th ose wi shing to tak e u p Archi tectural Drafting as a vocation. The course covers work in architectural conventions , basement and foundation plans, sketchin g of_ small buildings a nd houses, floor plan s, elevations, framing details, con struction de·tai ls, interior details a nd s pecifications and estimates. Second and fo urth quarters, eight hours attendance ; two hours preparation; two or fo ur hours cr ed it. Prer equi s ite course l09. Fee and deposit same as course 109. 11 f · Toy Constructio n-A course in t he des ign and c~nstruc'tion 0 f to ys and other projects in thin wood . It al so includes the making ~r such projects as will acquaint the student with elementar y tool and tool tech nique. It should be of interest to primary anodcesses tr ai rural . . t eachers and a lso to those wh o wish some · elementary sumning in woodworking. Elective. First and second quarters and hourtner school; eight hours attendance, two hours preparation , two s credit. Fee $1.00. Materi al depos it $2.00.
212. . U phols t~rin g ~ nd ·w~ ~ ini s h ing-This course is design
to furmsh experience m the prmc1pal types of wood finis h suited eel
grade ~nd high ~chool work. J?ifferent ~eth-0ds ~f u~holstering 'llVi~ and withou t sprmgs are studied. Special atten t10n 1s g iven to th refinishing and upholstering of old furniture . Studen ts. should p e vide themselves with one or mor e pieces of new or old f urniture r: use as projects in this class. Pre requ ~site course 101. Elective. Eight hours attendance, two hours preparation; two hours credit. Fourth quarter -and summer school. Fee $1.75. Material deposit $3.00. 213. E lemen tary Metal W ork-A course in elemen tary m etal operations which will provide the fo undation for the metal w ork found in hom e a n d farm mechanics courses. It will include work in forging sheet-metal and the sawi ng, chipping, filing, driUing and hand turn~ ing of metal. Elective. F-0urth quarter and summer school. E ight hours attendance, two hours preparation; two hou rs credit. Fee $1.75 , Dep-0sit $3.00. 214. E lemen tar y E lectri city-This i s a laboratory course in practical electricity for -teachers. We believe this to be an important Manual Arts subject for high S{!hools and this course w ill offer students an opportunity for this work. The course will include t he following: General principles of electricity, circuits, cells, generators, m-0 tors, applications of electricity to bells, heating, light ing, ignition, etc. Second semester, eight hours attendance, two ho urs preparation; two hours credit. Elective. Fee $1.75 .. Deposit $3 .00. !H5. Gas Engines-This course will cover the fu ndam ental principles of the gas e ngine, its operation, and repair. It w ill include types of engines, carbure·::ion, ignit ion, cooling system . lubrication, speed regulation, timing -0f engines, fitting piston ri ngs, grinding va lves; trouble hu:1ting, etc. Second semester, e ight h ours attendance, two hours preparation; four hours credit. E lective, Not offered in 1927-28. 416. Advanced Cabinet Making-This course is a con tinu ation of course 302. More emphasis will be given to machine woodworking and a special study will be made on the use a nd care of shop equipment. A study will be made of period furniture with its a da ption to presen·t day designs. Prerequisite courses 101, 109, 206, and 302. Second semester or by special arrangement, e ight hours a ttendance, two hours preparation; two or four hours credit. Fee $3 ·50 plus material deposit $5.00. d 417. Industrial Education-Thi s course de~ls w ith the study and investigation of special problems r elating to the field of manu al~n industrial arts. It will al so include a study of su rveys that hadvet famade of this work in other st '.'. t es a -; w ell as in Nebraska an and miliarize students with the exi sting federal laws regulating dt:fdhird 1 industrial education. Four hours attendance ; two hour ere • quarter. tificate For the two year program leading to a Manual Arts cer , see page 58. For four year program with major i_n Manual see page 46.
MATHEMA'l'ICS Mr. Hill Mr. Huck Th courses in Ma.thematics are planned to meet the demands e nts who are preparing to teach and also for those who are t of s u d h k . . ·ng th emselves for sue wor as eng m eermg. prep an The required courses for a major for the A. B. degree total ty hours and include the following courses 103, 105, 206, 209 ·twen and th e r emaining fo ur h ours w1·11 b e e1ec t·ive. A minor for a degree o r a major for a diploma in mathematics total t wel e hour s. Of t his. number ten are r equired in C{)urses 103, l05, and 107, the remaining two hours will be elective.
In addit ion to the above all students who expect to be recommended by t his departm ent must do at leas t two hours practice teaching in math ematics . JOI. Third Se mest er A lg ebra-Prerequisit e one year of beginnin;; algebra and one year of plane ge·ometry. Given during th e summer school only an d by corr espond ence, four hours credit.
102. Solid Geome try-Prer equisite one and one-half years of algebr a, and one year of p lane g eometry. First semes.t er; four hou r s attend an ce, four h ou r s credi t . Given during the summ er school a.nd by corr espondence. 103. College Algeb ra-Pre r equis ite one and one-ha lf y ears of algebra and one year of plan e g eometry. First sem est er; fo ur hour s attend ance, four hours cr edi t . Given dur ing t he summ er school and by correspondence. 105. Plane and Sphe rica l Trigonometry-Prerequisite cou rse 103. Second semester ; fo ur h ours a ttendance, f our h ours credit. Given during th e summer school and b y correspond en ce. 111. Surveyi ng-Prerequi site co urse 105. First and fourth quart ers ; fou r hours atte ndance, t wo or fo ur h ours credit . 115, Vocatio na l Mathe m a tics-Prerequi site sam e a s for course ~o 3 . Reccmmended for s tud ents sp ecia li zing in Ma.n u a l Tra ining. b hird quarter ; four h ou r s attend an ce, two ho urs. cr edit. Given a ls o Y correspondence, two or fou r hours credi t . 206 · Analytic Geo metr y-Prer equi si·te course 105., Fir st sem es t er; f our hours attenda nce, fo u r hours cr edi t . h' ~ ' Pedagogy of Seco ndary Mathema tics-Prerequisite six p oints a;f dschool credit or t heir equiva1en t. Secon d quarter ; fou r hou rs br en ance, ·two hour s cr ed it. Given dur ing th e summer school a.nd correspondence . Math emat ics or edu cation credi t. 2 7
209 n·lf . 1 tneste~· f erential Calcu lus-Prere quis ite course 206 . Second s e, our hours attenda nce, fdur h our cr edit .
212. His tory of Mathematics-Prerequisi·te course 209. quarter; fo ur hours attenda nce, four hour s cr edit. 310. Integral Calculu s-Prequis ite cour se 209 . Four hours attend. a nce, four hours cr ed it . 313. Differerntial Eq uat ions-Prerequisite cours e 31 0. Four hours aHe ndance, four hours credit. ' 316, Statistical Anal ys is-Prerequisite same as for course 103 The principles of statistics a s applied to educational data. Op ' only to juniors and seni ors a nd school executives. Third quarter; fo~n h ours attendance , two hours credit. Mathematics or education credit? Given during the s ummer school and by corresponde nce. '
M:usrc Mr. Doyle Mr. Jindra Mr. Benford Mr. Wagner Private lesson s in p ia no, all string instruments, brass instruments, wood wind ins truments, and voice- 1.25 per lesso n. Class lesson s in certain branches-$0.25 per lesso n. (See Director). APPLIED MUSIC Credit for private lesso ns in piano, violin a nd voice ·taken under the direction of the college faculty may be earned as fo ll ows: For two periods of daily practice and two less ons a week a cr edit of one college h our each semest er may be earned. For one period of daily practice a nd one lesson a week one-half h our credit will be given. Five hours is the maximum credit t hat ca n be ear ned for private work unless taken by s tudents in the two year Public School Music course or by cand id ates for the A. B. degr ee, who have selected Public School Mu s ic as a niajor or minor s ubject.. For s uch students, e ight hours is the maximum credit. Students wi shi ng cr edit in this course must ha.ve th e subject and the amount of cred it to be earned lis ted on th eir enr ollment cards . Ins truct or s will make a report of each student on r eg ular grade sheet · a t the registrar' s office at the end of each semester. Credit of one-half hour for 36 rehearsa ls may be g iven for work in glee club, orchestra or band. Not more tha n one hour ma~ be earned by a s tud ent in these combined activities in one year an not more than three m ay be counted for credit to ward any diploma or degree . PIANO, VIOLIN AN D VO ICE . k hich haS The courses below are s uggestive of the type of wor w ~he proven most h elpful to the student. They will be vari ed to meet ' needs of the individual.
Piano Course of Stud y First Year T 0 three and five fi nger exer cises in s imple des igns ; legato, ~ 'and non-legato to uches , sjmple p edal exercises; Theo. Presst~cc~eginners' Book for Pianoforte; Gurlitt, Techni c a nd Melody: ser,t 1·a Modern Method fo r Pianoforte,. Book I. Sar or , Second Year Exercises for improvement of various touches and development 0
f fourth and fifth finge r s; scales and arpegios; two fing er phrasing
ercises; pedal studies: Clemen ti, Sonatinas ; Burgmuller-Krentzlin Duvernoy, op. 120; Schytte, Maj or and Minor studies; Book
~~tidies; I.
Third Year Study of scales and chords in all k eys ; exer cises in rh ythm and accent; peda l studies; Czerny-Germer Studies ; Concone, 15 Studies in Style and Expression ; Wolff, Short Octave Studies; Maj or and Minor Studies II, III, lV; Handel Album; Beach, Two-part Invent ions; Heller op. 46; Sonatas, Mozart, Haydn , Beethoven .. Fourth Year A study of the works of t he following co mposers : Bach, Beethoven, Haydn, Grieg, Macdowell , Chopin, Mozart and Mend elssohn. Fifth Year To be arran!l"ed at the r equ es t of the tudent. The Kinscella Method of Piano class ins•truction is used for training child1·en a nd oppo1·tunity will be given advanced students to assist in these classes. Violin Co urse of St ud y First Year Correct manner of holding violin and bow stressed; Mitchell ~ ethod for Violin, Part I ; Sevcik,. Op. 6, Parts 3 and 4; Sevcik Bowing, Book l; Wohlfah rt, Op . 45, Book I ; Krogman , "Zephyrs from Melody La nd;" Weiss, Op. 38. . Second Year . Wohlfahrt, Book 2, Op. 45; Sevcik Bowing, Book 2; Sevcik ~rill.er, Op. 7; Kayser, Vol. 1, Opus 20; Shradieck, Violin T echnics, Oection I, Application of Rhythms; Boehmer , Position , Chord and D~~~e Studies ; Solos by Godard, Papini, Sitt, Harri s, Beeth oven , D cila; Seitz Concerto No. 2. Third Year Bo hShradieck Violin Technics. (continued); Kay ser; Op. 20, Book 2; Kr: ~er &tudies, (continued ) ; Sevcik Op. 8; Mazas, Op. 36; Vol. 1; or u ~er Etudes 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13; Acco lay Concerto in A Minan other solos suitable to advancement of s tudent.
Kreutz er (finish); Mazas, Op. 36, Book Z; Sevcik Op. 9. Se l • a ea and arpeggios in three octaves; Kayser, Op. 20, Book 3 ; Concert pieces, sonatas, concertos by Kreisler, D eBerio·t, Hand el ; Brahma, and compositions of equal value., . Fifth Year To be arranged by request of student. The above course of study is based on two lesso n periods a week. Class Lessons• Two years work offered. Material: Mi tchell's class Method for · Vi olin. Books 1 and 2. Supplemented by mu sic adapted to ensemble performance. Advanced student s may r eceive traini ng by assisting in the direction of t hese g roup s . Voice Firs•t Year-An a t omy in its r elation to t h e Voice. Position, breathing, tone-p lacing, vocalization . Vocalises b y Vaccai, Sieber, Abt. Easy so ngs durin g •th e second se mester, or wh en tones seem s ufficiently well p laced. Second Year-Breathing, ton e work, vocalizat i·on. Vocalises by Co n con e, Marches i, etc. Songs of medium difficulty. Third Year-Ton e work, voc alization, interpretation. Vocalises by Marchesi, P anofka, Lamperti, etc. Songs from t h e Classical, Romantic and Modern Schools . S·tage depor tm ent. Juni or Recital. Fourth Year-Tone work, advanced vo calization, interpretation. Advanced vocalises b y Concone and oth er s . So:::igs from Cla ssical, Romantic a nd Modern Schools . Solos from sta ndard oratorios and op· eras. Senior R ecital. PUB LIC SCHOOL MUSIC Mr. Doyle Mr .. Jin dra Mr. B enfo rd Mr._ Wagner The fo llowing a r e t he r equirem ents fo r a major in Public Sc~ool Mu sic. Those courses mark ed ·j· m ay b e tak en for a minor if desired a nd those marked X will sa t isfy th e s t a te r equirement for teachers.
tIOIA. Methods of Teachin g Musie-(Method s, Material and s ervation) Freshman or Sophomore. Prer equisite 110 A and 1.10 · D eals with m e t h ods a nd material fo r all grade music in prim~~ sch ool and offers observa tion both in sin g ing and appr eciation. Firs or t hird quarter, t w o hours cr edi t. tlO l B.-Prerequis ite 101 A. Same a s a bove except for upper g rad es a nd high sch ool. Second or fourth qu arter, two hours credi't·
Observation a nd Practice-dl~hro~ gh t_he Trainhing Sc~ool the ts actual practice in h a n mg s1tuat10ns a s t ey aris e. This stude~t g~s done under direct s up ervisio n of the head of the depar t1 teachmg h quarter. Two hours ere d I'"· "" ment. E a C t 204A. Rarmony-So?h omore. _Pr ere qui s it~ _llOA. Re ~ie"': of t~ e' b i!ding triads, makmg melodies, harmom zmg melodies m maJJr or_) ' umode use of principal tr iads, a uth e nt ic, pla g a l, and mixed minor ' . cadence. First quarter. Two hours cr edit. ,. 2o4B. Harmony-Prerequ is ite 204A. Th e 6-4 chord, th e 7th ch ords an~ t)le resolution irregula r progressions. Second qu arter. Two hours credit. j·204C. Harmony-Prerequ isite 204B. Co ntinuation of B u s ing Tapper, second year harmony as basis. Thir d qu art er . T wo h ours credit. j·204D. Harmony-Prereq uisit e 204C. Cont inu ation of co urse 2048, using Tapper and some of the mor e m odern text s as a bas is. Throug h out these courses stress is la id on pedagogy as well as c·on te nt . Fou rth quarter; tw0 hours credit . 305. History of Mu s ic.-The mus ic of a ncien t nation s. a nd i'ts relationship to our modern sys tem; earl y ch ur ch m u sic; fo lk music of the Middle Ages; polyphony a nd m on Cl'p h ony expla.ined an d discussed; the story of notation; r ise a nd developm ent of t he oper a and our modern symphony; classical and roman t ic sch ools of co mp osition; modern instrumental music. The aim t hro ug hou t in t hi s course is to trace the growth of mu sic n ot by mere statement of facts, but through analysis of causes which led to cer ta in definite r esults. First a.nd second quarters; fo ur ho ur s attendance, fou r hours cr edit. j·xllOA. Public School Music.-This course is t he basis fo r a ll other courses in the departme nt except Music Appreciation. , It sh ould be taken first. It deals with elements of music and prepares teachers to ·teach Public School Music und er supervision or in the smaller si_tuation by •themselves. The aim is to s tart sight s.i nging and to give knowledge of all methods for lower grades , First and third quarters. One hour credit. ,_ 1 203•
b i"xllOB. Public School Musie-This course follows llOA a nd should e taken immediately after it. The r equirement to c·omplete this cours~ ~hall be considered ab ili·ty to sight r ead a song of th e aver;~~0!llf1 culty of those encountered in the fifth or sixth grade. This h s very closely after l lOA. Second and fourth quarters: One our credit. is i:l~I. Appreciation of Music.-(Public School Mus ic). This course gradesigned ~or th_ose teachers' who do not expect to teach in th e req ~s, and is mamly inspirational in character. It will satisfy the u1rement · Th ose s t u d ents who will . teach m . the grades must take llOA. credit. and lIOB. Each semester; •two hours attendance, two hours
·i·315A. Study of Instrum ent s- A study of the s tring instru of t he orchestr a . I n t his course th e stud ent is given actual prrne~ta with various instru ments of this family and is r equired to Pe~ctice credi tably on one. Seco nd qu a rter. Two h ours cr edit . <>1'1t 315B.- Same as. ab ove except fo r brass in strum e nts . Thi rd Quart. er. Two hours cr edit. t 315C- Sanrn as a bove except for wo od instruments .. These cour cann ot be str essed t oo much for t h ey ar e invaluable to the supsea visor in hi s work with orches tra or band. F our th quarter . Two ho:;; cred it. 416.. Condu cting and A rran g in g- Prerequisit e a ll -ot her courses in the depar tment. Will include conducting f or b oth band and orchestra a nd a r r a ng ing a scor e fo r ea ch . Chorus co nducting will also lltl str essed a nd t he s t udent w ill get actu al pra ctice in each line. Open t o Senior s only. Two hours cr edi t. 17. Men's Glee Club-Thirty-six h ours a tte nda nce, one-half hour cr edit. 18. ' Voman 's Glee Club- T hir ty-s ix hours a ttendance, one-half h our cr edit. 19. College Choru s-Thir t y-six h ours att end a nce, one-half hour cred it . T hi s or g a n izat ion with orch estra acco mpaniment will present one ora tor io a nd one light opera ea ch year. 20. Coillege Orchestra- Thir ty-six h ours atte ndan ce, one-half hour cr edit. 21. College Band-Thir ty-six h ours a t te nd an ce, one-half hour cr edit. Certifi cate Requi re ment-The candidate for a certifi ca t e fr om this depa r t m ent mu st sati sfy th e director th a t by per son ality as well as preparati on a nd · backgr ound h e is fi tted t o carry on th e work of th e supervisor. F or t hose so fitt ed public school mu sic supervision offer s unprecedent ed op por t unity a nd dem an d.
PH YNl CA L BDUCATIOl\ IN)H, :M J•}N° Mr. Gr af Mr. Ku t nink Requ ir ed cr edit fo r t wo y ear course, two hours; for fo ur year or A . B . co urse, fo ur hours. Maximum cr edi t a llowed for ·two ye~r course, three h our s ; for A . B. course un less a m a jor or minor, six hours. 101. Ph ys ical T r a ining-Required Freshm en. E lementary g~nt· nas ti es, marching ta cti cs, fr ee hand calesth eni cs, apparatus exercises and g ymn as ti c games . F or beginner s. Both semes t er s, two hours at· tend a nce ; one hou r credi t.
Physica l Training-Req uired Freshmen. Team tumbling, caltO Z. . ba.sketball , indoor gymnastic games, team leade1•ship, class esthen1cs, management. Both semes ters, two· hours attendance ; one and fi e ld hour credit. _ Phys ical Trai nin g-R~qu ir e d for A. B .. degree. Appara·:us 203 ·ses Calisthenics, Practice fi eld events . First semester, two exerc1 · . hours attend ance; one hour credit. 20 4. Physica l Training-Required for A. B. degree. Advanced gymnastics and hygienic exercises . 'Vork .of field events, Course 2? ~ continued. Second semester, two hours a·.tendance, one h our cr edit. 5. Theory of P hysical Training for Athletics.-Physiology and anatomy as it applies to life processes dealing with h ealthful living and care of the body. (Discontinued). Course n ow included in 105A.
105A. Physiology of Exe rcise- Anatomy and Ph ysiology of t he Neuro-m uscular sys·tem ., Physiological study o.f training and fat igue. Tests of respiration an d circulation before and after exer cise. (Offered in place of 5.; Theory of physical training for athletes ). Two hours attendance; two hours credH. 106. Playground Supervis ion-Theory of Physical Education for th e grades and high school. First • or second semester, fi ve twentyminute peri ods per week; one h our credit.
207. Coaching Athletics-The th eory and art of coaching for t hose \\"ho intend to take charge of high school athletics. Signal systems. fun dam enta ls, stra t egy, fin e points and football formation s of several large institutions. Ba::oketball f undamentals, short pass system, h ow to build your syst em accord ing -to material. Track and fi eld, training · ystems, practical ways of coaching each event. Those wishing a recommendation for athletic coaching must have had thi s course . Second semest er, fo ur hours attendance; four hours credi t . . 208. Personal Hygiene for Men- The purpose of t his course is to give a thorou g h considerat ion of t h e essent ia l details of th e he alth of the human body and to increase practical appli cation of th e h ygieni c mea~ures studi ed, Detailed con sider a·tion will be given to th e h ygiemc care of th e various organs and th eir f unction s. Common disorders . • th e·1r causes, natur e, symptoms, prevention and treatment, 11 ;~. be discussed. Latest li·t erature will be studied a nd discussed. . is course is especially for t he boys in a.thletics and those intending to di r ec t a t hl ebcs. . First quarter , fo ur hours attendance; two 1iours credit .. 9 em· Swimming-Swimming a nd aquatic sports will be offered bo t h . N ot more than one e~~ h s · T wo h ours attendance; one hour credrt.
degre~.ur electi ve credit in swim ming is accepted toward d iploma or
106 210.
GENERAL CATALOG Psycholo,gy of AthleticS-A c<mrse of paramount irnporta
to those who intend to pursue •the coaching game. Second seme8~ee
Four hours attendance, two hours credit. r. 311. Anat-0my-A study of the structure of the human bod First semester . Two hours att endance; two hours credit. P rereq ~· site college Physiology. ui-
212.. KinesioJogy and Ap11lied Anatomy-A study -0f t he muscles and the muscular movements of the human body. Two hours attendance; two hours credit. Second semester. 113. Problems in Organization and Administration of PhYlsical Education-Prerequisite 114. Two hours attendance ; two hours credit. Second semester. 114. Calisthenics and 'I1acticS-Prerequisite for course 113. First semester; two hours attendance, two hours credit.
Miss Root Required credit for two year program, two hours; for four year program or A. B. degree, four hours. Maximum credit a llowed for two year program, three hours; for four year program or A. B. degree, unless a major or minor, six hours. lOlA. Physical EducatioTh-Required of women. Swedish a nd Danish gymnastics. Correction of improper standing and walking positions. F-olk dances, gymnastic games. Each semester; two hours attendance, one hour credit. 201B. Physical Education-Required. Prerequisite 101A. Continuation of Swedish and Danish gymnastics . Stunts and pyramid building. Folk dances and gymnastic games. Each semester ; two hours attendance, one hour credit. 302A. Physical Education-Required for A. B. degree. Advanced sports. Prerequisite 201B. Each semester; two hours attendance, one hour credit. 3A. Beginning Dancing-Open to all college students. Gives ele· mentary principals of clog, character, and interpreta.tive dancing. E •a ch semester; two hours attendance, -0ne hour credit. 3B. Advanced Dancing-Prerequisite 3A.. Continuation of 3A. Second semester; two hours attendance, one hour credit. 206. Methods of Teaching -Physical Education-Prerequisite lOlAj Two hours lecture, two hours teaching in College or Tra.ining SchO'J under observation, four hours per week, two hours credit. . . 101 A . T ec h mque . of indoor 207, Theory of Athletics-Prerequisite . st and outdoor games, volley ball, basket ball, baseball, and tennis. Fir semester; two hours attendance, one hour credit.
s. ter;
Swimming-Beginning swimming, aquatic sports. Each semestw0 hours atte ndance, one hour credit .
Swimming-Advan ced s.w imming. This course included ad9· d strokes diving, water games, and life saving. Ability to pass vance • . . . · id examination rn life savrng . Each semester; two hours ata ri g .• tendance, one hour cred1·•. Playground Supervisioll-I'hilosophy and Psychology of 104. Jay. Aims and purposes of p la.y. ground organizations, constr!1ction, ~quipment, and manage ment. Gives thorough knowledge of games suitable for every kind of school and ~or every grade . First semester. Two hours attendance, one hour credit. Campfire Training-See E duca·tion 241. Hygiene-See Hygiene 205 .
PHYSI CAL SCIENCE Mr. Hoyt Mr. Hill A Physical Science major will include twelve hours of Chemistry or Ph ysics and eight hour s of Physics or Chemistry, alternately, and ten hours of electives chosen from the Depar tment. In order to be recommended for teaching Chemistry it is very desirable that Chemistry 305 be taken, or for t eaching Physics, Physics 203. Twenty hours ·o f Ch emistry are requ ired for a major, and twelve hours for a minor. A Physics minor includes 12 h ours of Phys ics . Chemistry Chemistry I-A college course in elem entary ch emistry. No Prerequisite insisted upon . Emphasis is placed upon fundamental ~rinciples and problems, with several quantitative problems. Offered hr st semester 'a nd summer school; four h ours attendance and four ours laboratory, fo ur hours credit. 101.
Ch102: Chemistry II-Pirerequisite Chemistry I ,or High Sc.1001 .emistry. A study of the metallic s ubsfances and a brief considera t ion 0 f · · P. . simple organ ic s ubstances, and some advan ced chemical rinciples. Laboratory work during the first quarter consist s of ~~al~tiative analysis by the reagent m ethod, while during the second .,,. ar er it includes considerable "practical" chemistry and experi.. ,entation · h · . qui d wit simple orgamc compounds. Two selected theses reat/e d of each pupil. Second semester and summer school; three h ours en ance and four hours laboratory, four hours credit.
203. Ch emistry III-Prerequisites Chemistry I and II. Org . Chemistry. A more extended study of organic substances. ch·:te 1 hydrocarbons and their compounds. First semeste~· and sum lll ly school; three hours attendance and four hours labor atory, one ~r vanced thesis, four hours credit. a 204A. Ch emistr y IV-Prerequisites Chemistry I and II p· . · 1rst quarter, analysis by reagent method; second quarter, an alysis by fh blowpipe method. Second semester; three hours attendance f. e . . ' our hours laboratory, one thesis, four hours credit. 304B. Chemistry V-Prerequisi'tes Chemistry I , II, and III. A brief ctiurse in physiological chemistry. Three hours attendance, thre hours laboratory, two thesis, four hours credit. e 305. Chemistr y VI -Prerequisites Chemistry I and II. Chemistry meothods 'a nd pedagogy of teaching chemistry. First semester; one hour attendance,, four hours laboratory practice, t wo hours credit. Teaching credit may be given if arrangements are m ade. P hysics 201. College P hysics I -Prerequisite four hours college mathematics. Mechanics, heat and sound. Three hours attendance, three hours laboratory, four hours credit. 202. College Physics II-Prerequisite P hysics I. ( Student may enter the class from High School Physics, if a fai r 'l:na<thematician with a good record in H. S.) A continuation of Physics I. Magnetism electricity, and light. Three hours attendance, three h ours laboratory, four hours credit. 203. College Phys ics III-A course in methods and pedagogy of teaching Physics. Students desiring recommendation for teaching physics should take this course. One hour attendan ce, t hree hours laboratory, two hours credit. General Electives 306. As tron omy-An elementary course in descriptive astrooomy. This course is designed to equip a. student more fu lly for teaching g eography, geology and nature study .. It is essential for a. clear understanding of latitude, longitude, time, tides, changes of seasons, and th e planetesimal theory and other topics of wide inter est. Second semester and summer sochool; four hours •a ttendance, two hours star-gazing and use of telescope, star charts and use of g lobes, four hours credit. . . f 407. Philosoph y of Science-A general course. A discussion ° science and evolution and their relations to religion , ethics, and culture. It is desirable that the student have as broad a background of science as possible. First semester and summer sch ool; two hour: attendance, selected readings from standard books on science an philosophy, one thesis, two hours credit. . . .t I. General Science-This is a general science course designed do . · ce · Secon prepare teachers who are plannmg to teac h ge.nera1 sc1en d in quarter; five hours. attendance; two hours credit. Not offere 1927-28.
TRAINING SCHOOL S. L . Clements, Superintendent The Training School is l?c~ted in -the fin~st b~ il~ing on the ca111s- t h e T. J . Majors Tra mmg School. This bmldm g was planned pu d nstructed especially to meet the neeqs of an up-to-date teach er an . ~o school There are few, if a ny, training buildings in the Midtrammg · . le West that equal th is one. · d The purpose of the Training School is to provide, insofar as pos'bl tYIJical public school situation s for experimental and demonstra51 e, . t' n purposes as well as to prov1'd e a goo d p 1ace where co·1lege stud:nts may have the opportunity t o learn how to teach, by teachi!lg under expert guidance. There are over 300 pupils e nr olled. The organization consists of a Kindergarten, the E lem entary Grades, a Junior High School and a Seni or High School.
DIRECTORS OF TEACHER TRAINING IN JUNIOR AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS L. B. Mathews _____ _______________ P r in cipal of Seni or High School Ruth G. Brandt __ __ ____ ________ Principal of Ju nior High Sch ool B. K. Baker --- - ------ - --------------- - ----------- ------ Science Maud Berry -- - ---- --- ---- ---------------------- ormal Training Geo. W. Brown - --- -- - - - --------------------·------- Social Science Marie H. Faulhaber __ ____________________________ ______ English R. R. Wonder ___ ___ ____ __________________________ Athletic Coach C. A. Huck ___ _____ ___ __ ____________________________ Mathematics Pearl Kenton -- -- - -- - - ---- - --- -- ------------- ----------Languages A. V. Larson __________ _____________ ________ _______ Manual Arts Nona. Palmer ___ ___ __ __________________ ____________ ___ Commerce Mrs. Devona Price __ __ __ ___ _______________ ___ _Junior High School Kathryn M. Towne - -------- ----------- - ---------H ome E conomics Directors o.f E leme ntary Teacher Training
~tzabeth McCollum - ---------------- _______________ Kindergarte,1 ~te
Miller Beck ____ ____ ________________________ Grades 1 and 2 E~~iyc~:~.t~il~s ____ __ _____ _ _:_ _________ __ __________ Grades 3 and 4 ---------- - ------ ------------------Grades 5 and 6
p . Special Departmental Supervisors --- - ______________ ______________ Pubhc . School Music . Vrice H: Doyle J' · · mdra B O h Flor - --- - --- ---- -- ---------------- -- and a nd re estra ence Tilton . Pau_I E . Kutnink - ---- -- ----- ---------- - -· --------------:-------.- ~! t EnuJ y J ohnson ------ - -------------- --------- - Ph ysical T ramm g Sara B. Ware -- --- --------------------------- ----------H ea1'th --- ----- - - - -----------------~--------- Penmanshi p
Methods and Directed Observation The courses in Methods and Directed Observation ar e taught the training te~c~ers under the general direction of t~e superinteb~ ?ent of the trammg school. These courses are prereqm site to ~ mg. The courses (Early Elementary, Elementary, Junior School, Senior High School) are. especially organized to Preplgh stud~n~s for teaching in the depart~ent in wh~ch they expect a: specialize. One Methods and Observation course· is required of each Freshman. Classes are open only to those who are biking th courses in Principles of Teaching. Two hours attenda nce; one ~ credit. 10-11. Teaching-Prerequisite, Psychology and · Principles and Methods of Teaching. This course consists of demonstration, cadeting and teaching. The student begins this course by observation in the grade or, department as taught by the training teacher. The observa. tio.n is accompanied by cadeting in the class, his participation increaa. ing until he assumes full responsibility in regular classr oom teaching. Six hours is required of all sophomores in all- departments to be taken by each in the department.of his major, excepting in special departments where four hours are taken in the major department and two hours in a minor department in the regular training school organization. Students not in special departments who have had three years experience or more and who have demonstrated th eir ability in teaching, will be excused from teaching two hours. To earn six hoU!'I students must teach one hour daily, five days weekly for three quarters, or a total of 135 teaching hours. Before registering for teaching, students should consult wi·th the Superintendent of the Training School and have teaching hours assigned. See page 39 for A. B. requirements in Teaching.
EXTENSION COURSES The purpose of Exten s ion courses, whether Correspondence or St d Center, is to extend the services of th e State T each ers College t ue;:ry properly qualified person who cannot attend an edu cational 0 . titution for the t ime being, but wh o wi shes to pursue systematic ins · · · w ·it l1 a view · stud y under competent c11rcct10n a n d f or co 11 ege ere d 1t of attending College la t er. In addition to its course in residence, on e of the most valuable servi.ces that the T each er s College can rend er is a,n opportunit. for teachers in service to continue their education and to receive aid and in spiration in the ir daily work. Teachers are u rged to avail themselves of every such advantage t hat this sta'te institution, which i s their institution, has to offer them.
CORRESPONDENCE COURSES Correspondence courses are offiered n ot only for college credit, bu t also for mature stu dents w ho need to earn College entrance credits. T hese courses have an advantage over study center courses in two respects; first, the individual can take what he needs, a nd seconc:, he can carry the work for ward as rapidly as he is able. Because of these two advantages, corr espondence courses have grown in fav oc during the past few year s. Inasmu ch as six teen hours earned i11 absentia may be applied toward a degree or a two year di p lom,1, correspondenoe work is a ppealing strongly both to graduates of the two year college course who wi sh to take work to ward a degree while teaching, and to those students who were compell ed to teach befo re completing the two year course. No stud~nt, how eve1-, should attempt t o tak e a ll th e wo rk Jw needs by study center a nd correspondence, even if that were possible, as by doing so h e loses the inspiration that comes fr om contact wi fr1 a virile student body and a sympathetic a,nd enthusiastic facu lty. This contact brings a bout a culture, refinement, and poise that re.' ident attendance only can give. -. How enrolled : Each student mu st fill out an app li cation bla11h, in order that the instructor may a ·c ertain hi s fitn ess t o pursue v:ith ]lrofit the course he des ires . If the student is accepte·d, h e is noti.fied ~t on~e by the Registrar, to whom h e p a y s the ~ec zssary fees. T he ~n tructor then will communicate direc tly w ith the student, g 1vi11v lllstructions and directions for the course . u Regulations
1 · A fee of $3 .00 per credit hour, $6.00 for two hou rs, is Ch arged · · an in advance, each person enrolled. No foes are refun ded fo r ha~ c~use after enrollment has been accepted a nd direction s for work be : een. sent to the student. E very student taking this work ri1.u st once.~atnculant of the College . (Matriculation f ee is $5 .00, paid bnt
2. A ~ook depo.s~t rei:tal fee ~f $4.50 is requ ired when th.. student registers for work, 1f they vnsh to u se book s from the C ~ 1 lege Library; $2.00 is charged for each eighteen weeks the boo~ are used by the stu dent and t he remainder of $4.50 (Less RO c~nt: for pos~age on books and correspondence), is refunded, when tht course 1s completed and the books are retu rned. 3. Time of registration for correspondence cou rses is between September 15 and March 1. A ll work is to be com pleted by ~1ny l!i 4.. Credit will be granted on the basis of N I NE WRITTEN LEs: SONS for one semester hour credit. 5. Students are limited to one correspondence cou.r se a t a tiillc. No correspondence work is offered to students in res iden ce . 6. The College does not guarantee to g ive a ll cou rses li!JiLd in t his bulletin, for the reason that changes in the teachin g staff may necessitate withdrawal of cou1~se s from the list. A lso, each tcache:r is limited in the n umber of su ch stu dents he may in struct at rme time. 7. A maximum credit of six semester hours may be earned by any one stu dent by extension courses (Study Center a nd Cor~sw•n<l ence) within the limits of the time set for the completion of tile work, that is, between S.eptember 15 and May 15. All ex ten::1on courses should be orga,nized as early in the fall as possible. Corresponde nce Courses Work is offered in the fo ll owing subj ects. Write for extension bulletin, which gives f u ll information . Biology, Commerce, Education and Psychology, E nglish . Fine Arts, Geography, History, Economics and Other Social Science . Hygiene, Manual Arts, Mathematics and Physical Science. STUDY CENTER How Organized. A Study Center may oo organi zed. if sufficjent number to pay a ll expenses of the Center make application for a course, the class will meet at .some place agreed u pon , an d w ill study some one of the subj·e cts offered in this b ulletin. An in<;tru ctur or some other representative of the College meets with the g roup at their first meeting and assists them in selecting the course or courses (if more than one class is desired) best su ited to their -i1eerl ::., ::nil 11 in any other work · or organization. At the close of th e mt:et ir.g, definite appointment is arranged for the first class meeting. Regulations 1. Wri•te Extension Director for definite plans of or ganizationd 2. A fee of $3.00 per credit hour, $6.00 for two h ou rs , is cha rg•: each member enrolled. Fees are collected · at the first m ee t 1"r•-,"" by· ae r epresentative of the college. A receipt will be is su ed by th e Cullcg t Registrar. Fees are not refunded for a_ny ca_use. E~ch stude~~;,~:Ut be a matriculant of the College. (Matnculation fee 1s $5 .00, l once. )
A book deposit rental fee of $4.50 must be made whe:n each 3 路 t i路egisters for ~ours e, if he wishes to uise books from th e stu den . . e Library; $2.00 is charged for each eighteen weeks the books 11 Co egsed by the student and the remainder is refunded when course are u . mpleted and books returned. JS CO . 路 4. Credit will be granted on the ba:s1s of SIXTEEN LECTURE HO URS for one semeste r hour credit. 5. Instructors a r e limited to the giving of not more th'ln one r two Study Center courses at one time, and fo.r this reaso11 some ~ourses offered may n ot long reanain open f~r s election. 6. All Study Center courses are organized after September 15 and completed by May 15. 7. A maximum cr edit of six semester hours may be earneJ. by any one student by ext en sion cou1~se s (Study Center and C0rrespondence) withln the limits of the time set for the completion of the work; that is, between September 15 and May 15. All extension classes should be organized as e arly in the fa ll a s possible. Study Center Courses 1927-1928 Biology, Commerce, Education and Psychology, Engli sh, History, Economics and Other Social Science, Music. FREE SERVICE BUREAU T he Peru State Teachers College exi st s to serve the sch ocl s of Nebraska. T he Study Center a nd Correspondence courses have h aci a la1路ge enrollment and have been of p:ractical service to t eachers and ;;upe rintendents. From t ime t o tirrne calls hav.e come for a~s i s tanc .:? in various school and community enterprises. The school has r espondeG a nd in this way has broaden ed its field of usefulness. New addi.tions to the faculty makes it possible this year to increase this service. Below are listed types of acti vities with which you may need help. If you do not see just the ass istance desired write to u s concerning- ypur problem and we shall t r y to meet your need.
Lecturers. Parent-Teacher Association . Teachers' M~tings Institutes School Clubs Commencement Exercises Assemblies Civic Organizations Woman's Clubs J udges. Debaite Declamation Music Contests
Music. Orchestra Ba nd Girls' Glee Club Men's Glee Club College Chorus Men's Quartette Drama. Dramatic Club P lays School Problems This ser v ice may be obtained thl·ough correspondence, through perso nal conference at the college or through work in the neld by facu lty members. Organization and Direction of: Parent-Teachers' Associations H i-Y Clubs Y. W. C. A and Y. M. C. A. Boy Scouts Camp Fire Organiza tion s Debating Selecting and Coaching Plays Beautifying School Grounds and Buildings Playground Equipment and Supervi sion Selection of Libraries School Surveys Curriculum Construction Problems in Teaching Mental Testing Ed ucational Measurements School Finance Building Plans If you wish a dditional information on any one or more of the activities mentioned, fill ou t the following blank and send it to the Director of Exten s ion, care of State Teach ers College, Pern, Nebraska.
--------------------------- - - - -- -
Tear Off Here vVe are ask ing for more informatio11 concernin g numbers ___ --··- ______________________________ __ _in th e recent exten s ion hul!f:tin mentioned under the heading of Free Service Bureau. The reason for asking thi s information 1s : ---- ------ - --- 5 ---------------- -- --------------- - · If a ssistance can be giYcn ¥ we shall pay or provide for traveling expenses ,and shall previde en· tertainment. Signed ---------------------- - --- - - ---- --Address ___ _____ __ __ _______ _______________ __ __ __:_ ____ -·· Name of organization or school ----- - ----- - -------.-----.--:-··
.ART-Tilt.on, L 301, Design 203, Cl'. 4 hrs., (also 8 :50) M. W. Th. F. BIOLOGY-Holch, S 103, Botany 201, Cr. 4 hr., (also 8:50) M. W. Th. F. -Carter, S 102, Physiology 207, Cr. 4 hr., (also 8 :50) M. W. Th. F. . COMMERCE-Palmer, A 301, Shortha,nd 101, Cr. 4 hr., M. W. Th. F. -Irwin, A 304, Commercial Law 202, Cr. 4 hr. M. W. Th. F. EDUCATION~Crago, A 202, History of Education 427, Cr. 4 hr., M. W. Th. F. -Clements, L 103, Classl'oom Management 204 (S) Cr. 2 hr., M. W. Th. F., 1st arid 2nd quarter. -Tear, A 104, Early Elementa;ry Currculum 203g (S) 1st qr., Cr. 2 hrs. M. W. Th. F. -Tear, A 104, Jr. H. S. Curriculum 203e, (S) 2nd qr. Cr. 2 hrs., M. W. Th. F. ENGLISH-Beck, A 303, Coliege Grammar 215, Cr. 2 hr., M. Th. -Beck, A 303, Advanced Composition 216, Cr. 2 hr., W. F. -Best, L 306, Literary Interpretation 152, Cr. 3 hr., M. W. Th. HISTORY--Willhoft, A 101, Argumentation and Debate 13, Cr. 2 hrs., 2nd qr., M. W. Th. F. -Brown, A 102, Survey of American History 112a, Cr. 4 hrs., M. W. Th. F. HOME ECONOMICS-Towne, T 110, Foods 101, Cr. 2 hrs., M. Th. (also 8 :50). -Towne, T 110, Clothing 105, Cr. 2 hrs., W. F. (also 8 :50) MANUAL ARTS-Larson, I 301, Intermediate Woodwork 101, Cr. 4 hrs., M. W. Th. F. also 8:50. MATHEMATICS-Hill, A 304, College Algebra 103, Cr. 4 hrs., M. W. Th. F. MUSIC-Doyle, T 102, Methods of Teaching Music 101a and b, Cr. p 4 hrs., M. W. Th. F. (also observation 10 :50) HYSICAL EDUCATION-Graf, A 103, Personal Hygiene 218, 1st qr., Cr. 2 hrs., M. W. Th. F. -Kutnink, Calisthenics and Tactics 114, Cr. 2 hrs., M. W. -Root, gym, Physical Education 101a, (1'') Sec. 1, Cr. 1 hr., W. F.
8 :50 ART-Tilton, L 301, Uesign 20:J, see 7 :50. HIOLOGY-Holch, S l O:l, Botany, See 7:b0, M. \V . Th. F . -Carter, S 102, Phys iology, See 7:50, M. W. Th . F. <~OMMERCE-Pa l mer, A 302, Typing 5, Cr. 1 or 2 hrs. Daily. -Irwin, A 301, E letmentary Accounting 10:3, Cr. 4 hr M. W . 'l'h. F.
EDUCATION-Crago, A 202, Educational Mea suremen t: 2:JOb Cr. 2 hrs (For H. S. Teachers) 1st qr., M. W. Th . F. ' -Crago, A 202, Edu cational Measu rements 2!JOa, Cr. 2 hrs., (For E lementary Teachers ) 2nd qr. M. W. Th. F. -Tear, A 104, Early Elementary Principle~ of Teaching 108d, (F) Cr. 3 hrs. M . Th. F. -Berry, T 314, R ural Primary Method~ 130a , (F) Cr. 2 hrs., 1st qr., M. \V. Th. F. -Berry, T 314, Rural Intermediate Method~ l :iOb, (1') Cr 2 hrs., 2nd qr., l\1. \Y. Th. F . l ~NGLISH-Beck, A 303, Teaching of H. S. Engli~h 40,) a , Cr. :: hr. M. \V. F.
-Be:;t, L 306, Advanced Play Procluction :Jii7, Cr. 2 lus., JVL Th. GEOGRAPHY-Clayb u rn, L 104, General Geography 101, Cr. 4 hr•., M. W. Th . F. (Open to Soph. also) HISTORY-Chatelain, A 102, Nineteenth Century Europe 204, Cr. 4 hrs., M. W . Th. F . (Opzn to Jr. and Sr. a lso) HOME ECONOMI CS-Towne, T 110, Foods 101, Cr. 2 h rs., \\'. F. (also 7 :50) -Towne, T 110, Clothing lOii, Cr. 2 hrs., \\ • F . (also 7 :50) LANGUAGE-Clark, A 204, S panish 101, CL 4 hrs., M. \\'. Th. F. MANUAL ARTS-Lan;on, I 301, Intermediate Woodwork 101, see 7::;0. WA.THEMATICS-Hill, A 304, Solid Geometry 102, Cr. 4 W. Th . F. \IUSIC-Doyle, T 102, Public School Music llOa and b, (F) Sec. 1 Cr. 2 hrs., l\'I. W. Th . F. -Wagner, T 102, Men's Glee Club 17, Cr. Th. 9:50) . Doyle, Auditorium, Women's Glee Club 18, (also Th. 9 :50). . . t02 PHYSICAL EDUCATION-Kutnink, gym, Physical T n unmg (F) Cr. 1 hr., M. "Th. . ''02a -Root, gym., Physical Ed ucat 10n '' Cr. 1 hr., M. Th. . 207 -Root, Gym. Theory of Athlet i c~ Cr. 1 hr., W . F.
9 :50 RT-Tilton, L 301, Public School Art 206, Cr. 2 hrs., (Art A ' History and Appreciation-for all H. S. Teachers, open als0 ·to Jr. by permission). BIOLOGY-Holch, S 103, Plant Physiology 207, Cr. 4 hrs., M. T. W. F. (also 10:50) -Carter, S 102, Vertebrate Zoology 218, Cr. 4 l11's., :\!. T. W. F. (also 10 :50) -Holch-Carter, Educational Biology Laboratory, Sec. 1-M, Sec. 2-T, Sec. ::l-W, Sec. 4-F. Also 10 :50. COi\lllil~RCE-Palmer, A :101, Shorthand III 207, Cr. .4 hrs., ~r. T. W. F. --Irwin, A :J02, Typing 5, Cr. 1 or 2 hrs., Daily. EflUCATION-Clements and Superv'>:Hs, L 103, Cr. 1 hr. Observation and Methods. ( F) H. School \V. F., Elementary T. F., Early Elementary M. W. -Baker, A 101, Mental Testing 2:n, Cr. 2 hrs., !st qr., l\1. T. W. F. . -Baker, A 1.01, Psychology of School Subjects :J:l7, 2nd qr., Cr. 2 hrs., M. T. W. F. ENGLISH-Beck, A :303, Shakespeare 317, Cr. 4 hrs., 111. T. \V. F. -Best, L 306, Extemporaneous Speaking 354, Cr. 2 hrs.T. F. GEOGRAPHY-Clayburn, L 104, Latin America 212, Cr. 2 hrs .. ht qr., M. T . \\'. F. (open a lso to Jr. anrl Sr.) -Clayburn, L 104, Geography of Nebraska 106, Cr. 2 hrs . 2nd qr., M. T . W. F. (open also to Soph ., .Tr. and Sr.) HISTORY-Willhoft, A 102, History of Antiquity 215, Cr. 4 hrs. M. T. W. F. (open alqo to .Jr. and Sr.) HOi\IF. ECONOMICS-Towne, T 110, FoC!ds 203, Cr. 2 hrs., M. W. (also 10:50.) -Towne, T 110, Hom<' Economic Methods 208, Cr. 2 hrs., T. F. AinS-Larson, I 301, Manual Arts Methods and Organ~! . ization 304, Cr. 4 hrs., M. T. W. F. · 1..;SIC-J>oyle, Tl02, Harmony 204a and b, Cr. 4 hrs. -..:.\\'agner, T 102, Men's Glee Club 17, Cr. 1 2 hr. Th. (also 8:ii0 T.)
-lloylc, Auditorium, Women's Glee Club 18, Cr. (also 8:50 T)
hr., Th.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION-Graf, gym, Physical Training 101, (F) Cr. 1 l11-., M. W. -Kutnink, Physiology of Exercise IO:ia, Cr. 2 hrs., T. F. -Root, gym, Phy>=ical Education 201b, Cr. 1 hr., M. W. -Root, Beg. Swimming 8, Cr. 1 hr., T. F.
PHYSICAL SCIENCE-Hoyt, S 205, Organic Cheuni~try 203, Cr. 4 hrs., M. T. W. F., Laboratory adJusted. lo.50 ART-Tilton, L 301, Modeling 207, Cr. 2 hrs., 1st qr., M. T. W. F BIOLOGY-Holch, S 103, Plant Phys. 207, (see 9 :50 M. T. W. F.) -Carter, S 102, Vertebrate Zoology 218, (see 9 :50 M. T. W. F.) -Holch-Carter, Ed. Biol. Lab. (see 9 :50) COMMERCE-Palmer, A 302, Typing 5, Cr. 1 or 2 hrs. Daily. -Irwin, A 301, Penmanship 109; Sec. 1, Cr. 1 hr., M. W. EDUCATION-Crago-Baker, A 202, Psychology 101 and 102, (F) Cr. 4 hrs., M. T. W. F. -Tear, A 104, Ed. Soc. 428, Cr. !) hrs. T . W. F <Open also to Jr.) ENGLISH-Beck-Willhoft, A :Jo3, English 101, (F) Cr. 4 hrs., M. T. W. F. -Best, L 306, Play Prod. 255, Cr. 3 hrs., T. W. F. HISTORY-Chatelain, A 102, Sociology 220, Cr. 4 hrs., M. T. W. F. (Open also to J1路. and Sr.) HOME ECONOMICS-Towne, T 110, Foods 203, Cr. 2 hrs. M. W. see 9 :50. MATHEMATICS-Hill, A 304, Anal. Geom. 206, Cr. 4 hrs ... M. T. W. F. MUSIC-Wagner, T 102, Pub. Sch. Music 111, (F) Music App.) Cr. 2 hrs. For all H. S. Teacher Sec. 1 M. W:, Sec. 2 T. F, -Doyle, Aud., College Chorus 19, Cr. 1 ':! hr., (also Wed. 2:30) Th. PHYSICAL EDUCATION-Root, Gym, Beg. Dancing, 3a, Cr. 1 hr. M.W. -Root, Gym, Phys. Ed. 101a, Sec. 2, Cr. 1 hr., T. F. PHYSICAL SCIENCE-Hoyt, S 205, Elem. Chem. 101, Cr. 4 hr Lab. arr. M. T. W. F. 1:30 ART-Tilton, L :301, Pub. Sch. Art 108, (F) Cr. 2 hrs'., M. T Th. F. BIOLOGY-Holch, S 103, Educational Biology 116, (F) Cr. 4 hr&路 Lab. 1 day, See 9:50 and 10:50, M. T. Th. F. b 1 -Carter, S 102, Educ. Biol. 116 (F) Cr. 4 hrs., La 路 day, See 9:50 and 10:50. M. T. Th. F. COMMERCE-Palmer, A 302, Typing 5, Cr. 1 or 2 hrs. Daily. hr& EDUCATION-Tear, A 104, H . S. Prin. of Teach. 108a, Cr. '3 (F) M. T. Th. F. ENGLISH-Faulhaber, English 101, (F) Cr. 4 hrs., M. T. ThF -Willhoft, Newswriting 214, Cr. 2 hrs., M. T. Th. 路
GEOGRAPHY-Clayburn, L 104, Geology 405, Cr. 4 hrs. (open also to Jr.) Lab. arr. M. T. Th. F. HISTORY-Chatelain, A 102, Arn. Hist. to 1789, 212, Cr. 4 hrs. (open also to Jr. and Sr.) M. T. Th. F. LANGUAGE:-Clark, A 204, Spanish 203, Cr. 4 hrs. M. T .. Th. F. MANUAL ARTS-Larson, T 101, Woodturning 206, Cr. 2 hrs., 1st qr., (see 2:30) M. T. Th. F. MATHEMATICS-Hill, A 304, Surveying 111, Cr. 2 hrs., 1st qr. M. T. Th. F. -Hill, A 304, Ped. of Sec. Math. 207," Cr. 2 hrs., 2nd qr.M. T. Th. F. 7\IUSIC-Wagner, T 102, Pub. Sch. Music 110 a and b, Sec. 2, Cr. 2 hrs., M. T. Th. F. -Jindra, N, Study of Inst. 315a, Cr. 2 hrs., 2nd qr. M. T. Th. F. -Jindra, N, Col. Orch. 20, Cr. 1h hr., W. (also 2 :30) PHYSICAL EDUCATION-Root, gym, Meth. of Phys. Ed. 206, Cr. 2 hrs., M. T. Th. F. 2:30 ART-Tilton, L 301, Drawing and Painting 101, Ci-. 4 hrs., M. T. Th. F. BIOLOGY-Holch, S 103, Ed. Biol. 116, (F) 4 hrs. er. Lab. (see 9:50 and 10:50) 1 da. M. T. Th. F. -Car.ter, S 102, Nat1Ure Study 205, (F) Cr. 4 hrs., also 3 :30 M. T. Th. F. COMMERCE-Palmer. A 304, Com. Meth. 208, Cr. 2 hrs. 2nd qr. M. T. Th. F. EDUCATION-Crago-Baker, A 202, Psych. 101-102, hrs., M. T. Th. F.
Cr. 4
-Tear, A .l.04, Elem. Prin. of Teach. 108c (F) Cr. 3 hrs., M. T. Th. EXGLISH-Beck-Willhoft A 101 English 101, lVI. T. Th. F. ' '
Cr. 4 hrs.
-Beck, A 303, Amer. Lit. 324, Cr. 3 hrs., T. Th. F.
L 104, Geography of U. S. 211, Cr. 4 hrs.(open also to Juniors and Seniors) M. T. Th. F. GUAGE-Cla1·k, A 204, Virgil 103, Cr. 4 hrs., M. T. Th. F. ~Ln.;uAL ARTS-Larson, T 101, W oodturning 206, Cr. 2 hrs. 1st qr. (also 1 :30) M. T. Th. F. LA.N
Aud. ?ollege Chorus 19, Cr. 1 2 hr. W. Also 10:50 Th. -Jmdra, N, Hist. of Mus1c 305, Cr. 4 hrs., M. T. Th. F. Jindra, N, Hist. of Music 305, Cr. 4 hrs., M. T. Th. F.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION-Graf, Th. -Root, 1 hr., M. -Root,
gym, Swimming 9, Cr. 1 hr., M. gyim, Playground Super. 104, Cr. Th. gym, Adv. Swimming 9, Cr. 1 hr.
T. F. PHYSICAL SCIENCE-Hill, S 202, Physics 201, Cr. 4 lm., (see 3 :~JO) M. T. Th. F. 3:30 ART-Tilton, L 301, Public Sch. Art 109, (F) Cr. 2 Th . .!<".
M. T.
BIOLOGY-Carter, S 102, Nature Study 205, (F) 4 hr~. Cr., see 2:30. T. W. Th. F. COMMERCE-Irwin, A :101, Penmanship 9, sec. 2, Cr. 1 hr. T. Th. HISTORY-Chatelain, A 102, Pol. Econ. 221, Cr. 4 hr, (open also to Jr. and Sr.) HYGIENE-Johnson, A :103, Home Hyg. 204, Cr. 2 hrs., \Y. F. -Root, L 103, Sch. Hyg. 205, (S) Cr. 2 hrs. T. Th. LANGUAGE-Clark, A 204, Horac~ 205 or 206, Cr. 2 hrs. T. W. Th. F. MANUAL ARTS-Larson, I 301, Toy Construction 11, Sec. 1, 1st qr., Cr. 2 hrs. Sec. 2, 2nd qr., Cr. 2 hrs., T. W. Th, F. (also 4:00) MUSIC-Jindra, N, College Band 21, Cr. 1,'z hr., M. (also 4:30) PHYSICAL EDUCATION-Graf and Kutnink, Football and Basket ball, Cr. 1 hr. Daily. Also 4: 30. PHYSICAL SCIENCE-Hoyt, S 205, Phil. of Science 407, hrs., T. Th. -Hill, S 202, Physics, (see 2:30) 4:30 El>UCATION-McCollum, T 202, Manual Act. 132, Cr. 2 W. Th. F.
MANUAL ARTS--Larson, Toy Construction, (see 3:30) MUSIC-Jindra, N, College Band, (see 3:30) PHYSICAL EDUCATION-Graf and Kutnink, Football ketball, (see 3 :30)
SECOND SEMESTER 1927-1928 7:50 BIOLOGY~Carter,
S 102, Invertebrate Zoology 203, Cr. 4 hrs. Also 8:50. M. W. Th. F.
COMMERCE-Palmer, A 301, ShorthandII 106, Cr. 4 hrs., M. W. Th. F. -Irwin, A 302, Typing 5, Cr. 1 or 2 hrs. Daily. EDUCATION-Crago, A 202, Child Psychology 223, Cr. 2 hrs., M. . W. Th. F. 4th q1·. -Clements, L 103, Classroom Mgt. 204, (S) Cr. 2 hrs. 2nd and 4th qrs. M. W. Th. F. -Tear, A 104, Elem. Curriculum 203f, (S) Cr. 2 hrs., 3rd qr., M. T. Th. F. -Tear, A 104, H. S. Curr. 203d, (S) Cr. 2 hrs,, Sec, 2, 4th qr., M. W. Th. F. -Clayburn, L 104, Scoutmastership Trg. 240, Cr. 2 hrs., 4th qr. (Open also to Jr. and Sr.) M. W. Th. F. ENGLISH-Beck, A 303, Old English 435, Cr. 3 hrs., M. W. F. -Best, L 306, Lit. Inter. 152, Cr. 3 hrs., M. W. Th. HISTORY-Chatelain, A 102, U. S. Hist. 1877-1925 214, Cr. 4 hrs. M. W. Th. F. (Open also to Fr., Sr. and Jr.J HOME ECONOMICS-Towne, T 110, Foods II 102, Cr. 2 hrs., (also
8:50) M. Th. -Towne, T 110, Clothing 106, Cr. 2 hrs. (also 8:80) W. F. MANUAL ARTS-Larson, I 301, Industrial Educ. 417, Cr. 2 hrs., M. W. Th. F. 3rd qr. -Larson, I 301, Carpentry 208, 3rd qr. Cr. 2 hrs., also 8:50. M. W. Th. F. -Larson, I 301, Metal Work 213, Also 8:50, 4th qr. M. W. Th. F.
A 304, Trig. 105, Cr. 4 hrs., M. W. Th. F. SIC-Doyle, T 102, Meth. of Teach. Music 101a, 101b. (Also Obs. 10:50) M. W. Th. F.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION-Kutnink, gym, Organ. Admin. ' of Pub. Sich. Phys. Educ. 3 hrs., M. W. Th. -Root, gym, Phys. Ed. 101a, Cr. 1 hr., Sec. 1. W. F.
8:50 ART-Tilton, L 301, Public Sch. Art 108 (F) Cr. 2 hrs., M. ·W. Th. F. BIOLOGY-Carter, S 102, Invertebrate Zoology 203, Cr. 4 hrs. Also 7 :50. M. W. Th. F. COMMERCE-Palmer, A 302, Typing 5, Cr. 1 or 2 hrs. Daily. -Irwin, A 301, Elem. Acct. 103. Cr. 4 hrs. M. W. Th, 1''. EDUCATION-~rago, A 202, Adolescence 224, Cr. 2 hrs. 3rd qr. M. "·Th. F. -Tear, A 104, Jr. H. S. Prin. of Teach. 108b, (!-') Cr. 3 hrs., M. Th. F. -Berry, T 314, Rural Sch. Mgt. 151, Cr. 2hrs., 3rd qr. M. W. Th. F. -Berry, T 314, Com. Leadership and P. T. A. 152. Cr. 2 hrs., 4th qr. M. W. Th, F . ENGLISH-Beck, A 303, Amer. Short Story 118, Cr. 2 hrs., 3rd qr. M . W. Th. F . --Beck, A 303, Short Story Technic 119, Cr. 2 hrs. 4th qr. M. W. Th. F. -Best, L 306, Adv. Play Prod. 357, Cr. 2 hrs. M. Th. GEOGRAPHY-Clayburn, L 104, Latin America 212 1 Cr. 2 hrs., 4th qr. M. W. Th . .I!'. (Open also to Freshmen) -Clayburn, L 104, Geog. Inf. In Amer. Hist. 203, Cr. 2 hrs., 3rd qr. (Open also to Juniors and Seniors) M. W. Th. F. HISTORY-Chatelain, A 102, Twentienth Century Hist. 225, Cr. 4 hrs. M. W. Th. F. (Open also to Freshmen, Juniors and Seniors) HOME ECONOMICS-Towne, T 110, Foods 102 (See 7 :50). -Towne, T 110, Clothing 106 (See 7:50) LANGUAGE-Clark, A 204, Spanish 102. Cr. 4 hrs. M. W. Th. F. MANUAL ARTS-Larson, I 301, Carpentry 208 (See 7:50). -Larson, I 301, Metal Work 213 (See 7:50). MATHEMATICS-Hill, A 304, Calculus 209, Cr. 4 hrs., M. W. Th. MUSIC-Doyle, T 102, Public Sch. Music 110 a and b, (F) Cr. hrs. M. W. Th. F. -Doyle, Aud, ·women's Glee Club 18, Cr. 1i2 hr. T . Th.) -Wagner, T 102, Men's Glee Club 17, ~r. 1 ~ hr. T. Th.) 1 PHYSICAL EDUCATION-Kutnink, gym, Phys. Tr. 102, Cr.
hi-. (F) M. W.
-Root, gym, Phys. Ed. 302a, er. 1 M . Th. -Root, gym, AdY. W. F.
9:50 RT-Tilton, L 301, Public Sch. Art 206, Cr. 2 hrs., (Art Hist. A and App.) For all H. S. Teachers. Open to Freshmen by permission. T. F. BIOI,OGY-Holch, S 103, Plant Morphology 202, Cr. 4 hrs. Also lO:EO. M. T. W. F. -Holch-Carter, Educ. Biol. Lab. 116, Sec. 1-M. Sec. 2-T. Sec. 3-W. Sec. 4-F. (also 10 :50). -Carter, S 102, Comparative Anatomy 420, Cr. 4 hrs. (also 10:50) M. T. W. F. COMMERCE-Irwin, A! 301, Adv. Acc. 204, Cr. 4 hrs. M. T. W. F. EDUCATION-Crago, A 202, Character Development 342, Cr. 4 hrs. M. T. W. F. -Baker, A 101, Psych. of Learning 236, Cr. 2 hrs. 3rd qr. M. T. W. F. -Baker, A 101, Mental Testing 231, Cr. 2 hrs. 4th qr. M. T. W. F. -Clements and Supervisors, L 103, Observation and Methods (F) Cr. 1 hr. H. School M. F. Elementary T. F. Jr. H. School 1\1. W. ENGLISH-Willhoft, A 303, Eng. 202, Cr. 4 hrs. M. T. W. F. -Best, L 306, Adv. Lit. Inter. 253, Cr. 3 hrs. M. T. F. HISTORY-Chatelain, A 102, English History 107, Cr 4 hrs. M. T. W. F. HOME ECONOMICS-Towne, T 110, Foods 204. Cr. 2°hrs. M. W. (also 10 :50) -Towne, T 110, Home Management 209, Cr. 2 hrs. T. F. (also 10 :50) HANU AL ARTS-Larson, I 301, Cab. Making 302, Cr. 4 hrs also 10:50, M. T. W. F. -Larson, I 301, Adv. Cab. Making 416, Cr. 2 or 4 hrs. also 10:50. M. T. W. F. 109, Cr. 2 or 4 hrs. also 10 :50. M. T. W. F. MUSIC-'-Doyle, T 102, Harmony 204 c and d, Cr. 4 hrs. M. T. W. F. -Doyle, Aud, Women's Glee Club 18, see 8:50. -Wagner, Aud, Men's Glee Club 17, see 8:50. PHYSICAL EJIUCATJON-Grnf, gyim, Phys. Ed. 101, Cr. 1 hr.
-Kutnink, Kinesology and Applied Anatomy 212, Cr. 2 hrs. T. F. -Root, gym, Phys. Ed. 201b, (S) Cr. 1 hr. T. F. -Root, gym, Beg. Swimming 8, Cr. 1 hr.M. W. SCIENCE-Hoyt, S 205, Analytical Chemistry 204a, Cr. 4 hrs. M. T. W. F.
ART-;:~~i. L 301, Industrial Art 104, 4th qr. Cr. 2 hrs.
-Tilton, L 301, Meth. of Art Teaching 205, 3rd qr. Cr. 2 hrs. M. T. W. F. BIOLOGY-Holch, Ed. Biol. Lab. See 9 :50. -Carter, Comparative Anatomy. See 9 :50. COMMERCE-Palmer, A 302, Typing 5, Cr. 1 or 2 hrs. Daily. -Irwin, A 301, Penmanship 9, Cr. 1 hr. Sec. 1. M. EDlJCATION-Crago-Bak€r, A 202, Psych. 101-102, (F) hrs. M. T. W. F.
Cr. 4
ENGLISH-Willhoft-Beck, A 101, Eng. 101 (F) Cr. 4 hrs. M. T. W. F. -Beck, A 303, Tennyson 211, Cr. 2 hrs. M. W. -Best, L 306, Play Production 255, Cr .3 hrs. T. W. F. -P€tersen, L 103, Evolution of the Book 33. 2 rs. er. T. F. GEOGRAPHY-Clayburn, L 104, Economic Geog. 304, Cr. 4 hrs. M. T. W. F. (Open also to Soph. and Sr.) HISTORY-Chatelain-Price, A 102, Teachers Course in History and Other Social Sciences 202, Cr. 4 hrs, M, T. W. F. HOME ECONOMICS-Towne, T 110, Foods 204, See 9 :EO. -Towne, T 110, Home Management 209. See 9:50. MANUAL ARTS-Larson, I 301, Cabinet Making. See 9:50. -Larson, I 301, Adv. Cab. Making. See 9 :50. -Larson, I 301, Meeh. or Arch. Draw. See 9:50. MATHEMATICS-Hill, A 304, Statistical Analysis 316, 2 hrs. Cr. 3rd qr. l\L T. W. F. -Hill, A 304, Surveying 111, Cr. 2 hrs. 4th qr. M. T. W. F. MUSIC-Doyle, Aud. Col. Chorus 19, Cr. 1h hr. Th. (also W. 2:30) -Wagner, T 102, P. S. Mus. 111 (F) Sec. 1, M. Th. Sec. 2, T. F. PHYSICAL EDUCATION-Graf, A 104, Psychology of Athletics 210, Cr. 2 hrs. 3rd qr. M. T. W. F. hr -Root, gym, Beg. Dancing 3a, Cr. 1 · M. W. Cr -Root, gym, Phys. Ed. lOla, Sec. 2• · 1 hr. T. F. 102 PHYSICAL SCIENCE-Hoyt, S 205, Anal. and Org. Chem. • Cr. 4 hrs. M. T. W. F.
1:30 OLOGY-Holch-Carter, Ed. Biology 116, (F) Cr. 4 hrs. Lao. Bl See 9:50 and 10:50. M. T. Th. F. oMMERCE-Palmer, A 302, Typing 4, Cr. 1 or 2 hrs. Daily. ~DUCATION-Tear, A 104, H. S. Prin. of Teaching 108a, (F) Cr. 3 hrs. M. T. Th. ENGLISH-Beck, A 303, Teaching of H. S. Eng. 405a, Cr.. 3 hrs. M. T. Th. -Faulhaber, A 202, Eng. 101, (F) Cr. 4 hrs. M. T. Th. F. GEOGRAPHY-Clayburn, L 104, Primary Geog. 202, M. T. Th. F. Cr. 2 hrs, 3rd qr. -Clayburn, L 104, Technic of Teaching Elem. Geog. 202a, Cr. 2 hrs. 4th qr. M. T. Th .. F. HISTORY-Willhoft, A 102, Argumentation and Debate 13, Cr. 2 hrs. Sec. I, 3rd qr. M. T. Th. F. LANGUAGE-Clark, A 204, Spanish 204, Cr. 4 hrs. M. T. Th. F. MANUAL ARTS-Larson, I 301, Woodturning 206, Cr. 2 hrs. See also 2 :30. 3rd qr. M. T. Th. F. MATHE.M ATICS-Hill, A 304, Vocational Math. 115, 3rd qr. Cr. 2 hrs. M. T. Th. F. -Hill, A 304, Hist. of Math. 212, Cr. 2 hrs. 4th qr. M. T. Th. F. :\1USIC-Doyle, N 101, Study of Instruments 315b, Cr. 2 hrs. 3rd qr. M. T. Th. F. -Jindra, N 101, College Orchestra 20, Cr. 1h hr. W. also 2 :30 -Jindra, N 101, Study of Instruments 315c, 2 hrs. Cr. 4th qr. M. T. Th. F. -Wagner, T 102, 'Public Sch Mus. 110 a and b, (F) Sec. 2. Cr. 2 hrs. M. T. Th. F. PHYSICAL EDUCATION-Graf, A 101, Coaching Athletics 207, Cr. 4 hrs. M. T. Th. F. -Root, gym, Meth. of Phys. Ed. 206, Cr. 2 hrs. M. T. Th. F.
2:30 ART-Tilton, L 301, Drawing and Painting 202, Cr. 4 hrs. M. T. Th. F. BIOLOGY-Holch-Carter, Educational Biology 116, (F) Cr. 4 hrs. ED Lab. see 9:50 and 10:50. M. T. Th. F. UCATION-Crago-Baker, A 202, Psych. 101, 102, (F) Cr. 4 hrs. M. T. Th. F. -Tear, A 104, Elem. Prin. of Teaching 108c. (F) Cr. 3 hrs. M. T. Th. -McCollum, T 202, Children's Lit. 318. (F) Cr. 2 ENGL! hrs. T. Th. SH-Beck, A 303, Eng. 101, (F) Cr. 4 hrs. M. T. Th. F. -Willhoft, A 301, News Editing 234, Cr. 2 hrs. 4th qr. M· T. Th. F.
GENERAL CATALOG AT T ENDANCE PERU S T A T E TEACHERS COLLEGE SUMMER 1926 Adams, Mrs. Effie H., H eb ron Aegerter, H elen , Yankton , So. Dak . Ah l ch wede, Gertrude, H ebron Akins, Exha D ., \Vestern Alexand er, May V., Hastings Ande1,son , Clarin e, P eru ..\.nderson, H elen, Waho o A nderson, Kathryn, Nebraska C ity Anderson , L. E sther, Palmyra ..\nder so n, Laurin e, Peru Anderson, L eah V. , Reynv td s And e1·son, Ruth, B eatrice ..\ndrews , I ren e, Auburn ..\ndrews, Mabel C. , Omaha A ntes, Gertrud e, Syracu se Arga bright, Edi t h, N emaha Argabright, Madge, Nemaha ..\ rmstrong, M a bel, Sidney, Iowa ..\nnstrong, Paul , A u bu r n A rmstrong, \Villiam, Auburn ~\m old, Marjorie. H amburg, Iowa ..\:'hcraft, Olive, Ellis ..\s hl ey, Victor, Gord on Ax tell, Violet, F airbury Rabb , Ferne, Falls City Babcock , Au drey M ., Charlesto n Rade, G us A., Pan ama Rai ley, ·warren D., Elmwood Daker, Mary, T rento n Dn,ldr idge, Mrs . F"nnie R., Fuller ton Baldwin , Helen, H ebron Fl ai l, Flo, Chester Ba ltensperger, Anna :.vi:., Bush nell Ranks, Gertrude, Stel la Bartlett. Ruth E., Elli s Bates , Odus E.,. T ecum seh Rath , E. J., H arrison Re<tmer, L loyd A., Armour Bebou t, Beul a h, Nebraska City Reck, Dora L., Aubm·n Reckord, Donald C .. \Va co Beec ham, Clare, P almyra n eec her. Mary E., Peru Beeler, H a lli e, Beaver City flpeler, H a ttie, Beaver City Rehm~, Ru th L .. N eh awka Rell, Forest G., Beatrice · Bell, Millard D., Bel'ltrice Rell, M rs. Mill ard. Edgar Rell, Ruth, Nebraska City Berg, Genevieve, Shubert . Beutler, Man e M., V erdon Bily, Ona, Pawniee City Blount, Grace I., Auburn
Bobbitt, Ben · C., Pe ru Bobbitt, Mrs. H elen , P e ru Bollin g , V era , P a pilli on Booth, Evelyn, Pawn ee City Boren, Marga r et E ., Fairmont B ov ey, Doraleah, Cr ete Bovey, Leahdora, Crete Rowen, Alice, W hite Cloud Kansa0. Doyer, Nellie, Pap illion ' Boyla n, Alda A ., ~a sti n gs , Iowa B radford, Mrs. Eclt t h , Rulo Brandt, Alice, Otoe Brnwn, B e;,.s C., Peru Brown, Tiex R., S tockv ille Rrnce, He len, Weston B ruce, L orene, W eston Btunsdon, H owa rd, Peru Drun sdon, Mrs. N e llie, P eru Buchenan , N eva , Nema ha Dugbee , Donald, Fairbur y Bumgardner , Mi ldred, Ong B uettzenb ach, Walter, Geneva B u r n s , H azel · R, Stella Bu sch, Roy C. , Utica Butts , N ann ie L., Dearborn, 1\10. Cadwell, Gcra lden e, Malvern , Iowa Cadwell, Ru t h, Ma lvern , Iowa Cain , Fra n ces M.. Schuvler Camcr::>n , Jl'lrs . Very! W ., ~eru <''.rnlp, Fr:.inccs M., i'lymo ~l! 1 \.· pfield , K <>1 h2,·yn E .. Fan-mnnt Carl son, A li ce B. Yo rk Carman, May L., T ecumseh Carmichael , H~'.zel A., F illey d Carm icl e, . •1th E.. South Ren Carpenter. Cocil, Doug!'!S Carper, Gladys, Un a d1 lla Carsch, P c'.1rl, Humbolcll Carstens. Ilh ca , Beatncc Carter, Dorwin \V., H ehr 0 i. Carter, Opal Y., Peru Carter, Opal J., Hebron Cash, Ellis S., Ben n et. Casler, G. V aughn, .U t ica Ca sler, Loi s E., E lli s Casper, Elizabeth, E xete1:. C'.atlPtt, Wr•yne, Pawnee City Caulk, Cecil G., Dodge Caulk, LaRh ee G., DBdge 1\· ill" 0 r1i. ~rr 1lerl ain. Roy, "'; Ch a1mbers, Cecil ~ , Ash 1~hl and Chamb ers, Flossie L., ", '. Cit y ('.ha ndle,:, Mad ge, Neb r~$ i<:.t Chard, L ewis F., Bea tri ce Chase, F loyd, Bu rr
PERU STATE TEACH ERS COL LEGE I telain, Ralph J., Peru C 1'.1 k Elsie, Omaha Cl11~e • h Irene, Guide Roe~ Gia augh, Marjorie, Gu1d~ 11<Jc:k Cl~~~u1t1lfford, Swan t on Cla1 k, G · ve C Fai rbu '"•: lark, enevie . ., '· ·k Lois, Filley Clai ' Claypoo1' M a1"ie D " Orlean s Clevenger, B. A., Auburn CJ'neburg, Helen, P ern CI: neburg, ~argaret, P e rn " " Clover, Bessie R., Penit.as, 1,e,x.ts Cl ver Elzada y., Pemtas, I ex a ;; C l~ver'. Vida N., Penitas, T C!xas Cloyd, Ru th, Hebron Cole. L. Fred, Peru Coiglazer, Mi.ldr~d, Verdon Colgiazer, Minnie, Verdon Collins, Laura, Peru Collins, P aul E., Peru Collister. R. A .. J><nsen Comer, Jessie M., Johnso n Combs, PParl D., Auburn Conner, Nettie 0., Auburn Cooperrider, Abbie, H ebron Cooperride1·, Hazel, H ebron Copenhaver, Rutl1, Syr:-ir.us,' Cornelius. Amy V .. Humbol<l : Cowell, Freda D., Tecu m:; P]• Cowell, Nelle, Peru Craig, E. L., Orleans Craney, Anna L .. T ecnm~'~ h Cranston, Ocie Belle, Fall-; C' ty Cr~w, Louell"'. '\Veeuing WatPr Crmkshank. Marv. Nebras];,1 City Cudney, Viola, Omaha bunn!ngh am, Car~. Pawnee City Cu~~mgham .. Cer11. Pawnel' City ui tent, Zaba, Stockvill e Dallai_n, Boone. Peru garwm, Ruth P .. Virginia navenport, w. Fulton. PPt'U n~~; R, Mrs. Adelai.[l~ R. Table R~ ck n .s, Helen. Svracus" av1s, R.Pnn eth ·o .. Aubu,·n' nean Gold. B . De~e~h le ., Belvid<>re Dell)h v·~t, Gladys, H ebro n Dicke;s 1 m"' V.. Dawson Dick· on, Elmetta. Brock Dif't~nsDon, Lucille C.. Al\im1ce n·1!1 0 11· Jorothv "l·l'lll h . N ., p d.., J:l Dirk ~ 0 n. Peru Di tioff n,RAnna, Vestf\ Dodde{·e. azel E'.·· Br,11];h,1w ])oddere~' Harnett, '\.'erdon Dodderer' :&fable, Ve;·drm l)od on H anon, V crdon nole Th lelen M., Ornaln ' e ma, Peru
Doyle, Lizzie, Una rl !lla Drda . Berth a M., Wiilll' r Duerfeldt, Vera, N emaha Dunning, I nice, P er <1 Eads, Gladys , Auburn Eads, Mrs. May, Aubu:.: n Easley, E lizabeth, Sutt0n Easley, John, Sutton Eheler, Alvina C., S yruc1:"'~ Eckard, Dorothy, P awuce Cit~r Ehrli ch , Clun'ics vV., F all5 Cily Ein s pahr, Marie, Hoi ~·te i!1 Ekart, Loui se R., Pa1 1· nee City Ekberg, Loui se, Alma Elliott. Aus tin 0., P eru E llis, William G .. Bellevu e E l ~ eman. Ruth. Millard Epler, H elen, Ju linn Erickson. Lorin e E., T ec um,eh E sk ew, Elsie E., Sh e nan do~, h, Iowa E skew, Frances F .. Shenandoah, Ia. Eva ns, Elizabeth. Peru Eyre, Ada G., Nebrask a City F ackler, Grace H., Rlai r F ackler, H elen, Blair · Farley. Louise, Peru Fi sh, Grace V., Shubert li'itzger alcl. G?rhude. H ebron F leming, Mildred, Platt -;mcu t h li'\etclier, Clara M., H <tml::urg, Iowa 'F'J.etrher. Irene, Omah a 'F'on·ll. LPland, ChPster li'owler. Ch <>.rles, Elmwor.d Franklin . H elen, Cambri rtg·e 'F'rerlericl<sen, n a.irmar. N ewell. Ia. Fredericksen, Stella , N ewell, Io1va Frye, B eryle, Chester Ga.u:e, Fr~ nki e. Aubu r n Gallant, Mrs. Nellie, H ehrr1n r:.anzel , Dewey A .. Albion Gardner, 7,ol a I .. T ecum sen liartner, Ell a . Gl Pnvil Gartn i>r, Marie. Glenvi l Gartr ell, Melinda. Adal'l ts r. a~sn e. Len or», ~ ~ottsbluff Gates, Edith M .. Blanch nrd, fowa Giffee, Rosella R. . Dawso:1 Gil!:oi n , Kathrvn, E xeter Gilliland, Effie, Peru Gillispie, Virginia M., Per u Gilguest, Alfhild . Omah :i (!l asgow, B :i l vV .. Lyons Glassrow, Sadi e, P er11 C::.oorllo Lurile. S tell n f! raf. Mr o.. Mildren . P eru f!randy, r.hrencP. Unive t'f' itv J'lace Graves, Elizabeth. Filley · Graves, Marguerite, Filley Grossoeh me, Gladys, P.~ ,.u 0 •
Grossoehme, William, Auburn Gruenwaldt, Erna, Springfield Grunwald, Emil E., Dunbar Grunwald, Mrs. Zola, Peru Grush, Alice, Salem Gundermann, H elene, Omaha Gwinn, Edna B., Paw11c'.! Ci ;y Hackman, 0. W., Lincoln Hackman, Viola G., Lincoln Hagan, Inez, Guide Roi:;c Haines, Nora M., Wy:nC1 c·e Hall, C. L., Clarinda, Iowa Hall, Edna, Brownvilfo Hall, Willard D .. Nenrnha Haney, Earl J., P e1-u Hannan, Clyde M., Panam<l. Hannan, Ina S., Panam.'t Hansen, Alice M., N ebraska City Hansen, C. B., Shickley Hanson, Eth el, Bellevue Harajian, Eleanore, Peru Harajian, Lucille E., Peru Harajian, Ruth, Peru Harri s, Katherine E., Plat t srr.outh Harrison, Ida, Omaha Harrison, Mary, Panama H arrison, R. D., Br.adsihaw Hart, Ella C., York Hartley, Harriott E., Ncb~·a ska City Hartley. Richard T., Peru Hasselblad, Oliver, Gotiwnbu rg Hayes, Frances, Elmwno:I Haynes, Grace A., Auburn Hays, Isabelle M., Pe1·u Hazen, Mildred, Te::um•;eh Hedblom, Selma, Aurcr l Heftie, Leon W., E'.tnel;iJam Hermsmeier, ·Clara, Pl~outh Hermsmeier, '1Iinnie, Plymouth Herron, Mari.:!, \Vatson, l\lo. Hertz, Paul, Malvern, Iowa Heskett. Fred, Salem Hiatt, Ruth, Sidney, Iowa Hicks. Clara B., Auburn Hildebrand, Alice, DuBois Hilg-enfeld, Herbert. Falls , City Hill, Mrs. Leona, Peru Hillard, Frank B., Peru Hirsch, Elizabeth, Fairbury Hitzeman. Hazel M., Steinauer Hodye, Mildred, Schuyler Hoffman, Margaret L., Burchard Hoffman. VellITla, Steinauer Hog-ue, Ruth, Maynard Holch, Mrs. A. E., Peru Holeman, Alvin C.. Ansley Holliway, Helen. Nebraska City ff oot, Thelma, Tecumseh Hopp.eek, Mildred J., Peru
Howard, Emma, Shenandoah I Howland, Lucy, Ashland ' owa Hoy, Mabel E., Farnam Hoy, Paul K., Farnam Hoyt, Phillip, Pei·u Rucker, Vera, Fort Crook Huff, vVesley, Blanchard, Iowa Hungate, R~th D., Pawnte City Hunt, Bermce, Peru Hunt, Geneva, Tabor, Iowa Hunter, Marie D., Plattsmouth Hunter, Raymond E., Sidney low Hurt, Dorothy, Peru ' a Huston, E lla J., Omaha Hutchings, Georgia, Malvern Iowa Ihrig, Freda E. , J ohnson ' Ihrig, Minnie, J ohnson Irwin, Merle, Auburn I vers, Lester, Shuyler James, Alma F., Dawson Jantzen, W. Gene, Ellis Jarvis, Mary, Nemaha Jeffrey, Irene J. , Beatrice .Jenkins-, Ruth, Stella Jensen, Bertha, Creighton Johnson, Clara A., Chester Johnson, Myrtle M .. Haigler Johnson, Ruth E., Edinburg, Texas John son, Winona, McPaul, Iowa Johnston, L. Grace, Alliance Jones, Clarence, N emaha Jones, Ethel, Nemaha · .Tones, Florence B., Peru Jones, Franklin, Peru · Jones, John W., Stella Jones, Mildred B .. South Bend .T osephson, Bertha L .. Weeping Water Jun, Bessie M., DuBoi s Jungjohann, Louise, Yutan Kaltenborn, Theodore, Waco Kanaly, Mary, Rulo Keedy, Frances, Auburn Keefer. Pearl L., Papillion Kelly, Frances V., Nemaha Kelly, Nellie, Nemaha Kennedy, Freeda, P eru Kennedy, Minnia, Nebraska City Kenton. Alice. Peru Kerl, H elen E., Humboldt Kerr, Gertrude, Virginia. ,,~k Kindscher, Marjorie, Gmde i""" King. Etta L .. Waterloo Kingsolver. Mrs. C. G. , Kingston, Edna M., Bra s Kinney, Cleo, Auburn Kinney, Vivian, Auburn Kistler, Marjorie, Omaha Klaurens, Roy L ., Firth
Ruth, Adams Margrave, Julia, Preston Robert H., P eru Marren, Agnes, Tecumseh ~naP~ · William J., P eru Marsh, Marion, Peru ~ap ' L., Guide Rock Marshall, Vi va, Panama .i-.nig~, Frances M., Falls City Mason , Mildred, Sal•e m ~ni g"ht' Gertrude, Beatrice Mason , Mildred M., H olmesville ~ni~ Wilhelmine, Millard Matzke, Clarisse, Wes tern ~ 0 \ier Lena, Humboldt Matzke, Mevlin, Western J{:rnei'., Amanda, Elkhorn Maxey, Mary, Hwnboldt J{ubovy, Berta, Omaha. Max well, Anna M., Thurston Kucera, Helen M.•. Tobias Medley, Ethel E ., P eru Kucera, Otto, !obias Medley, Fra n ces M., Peru Kuenning, Lonne, D.ouglas Mei singer, Gladys A., Mynarcl Kukral, F. Li.bb1e, N10brara Melton, Charles, Waco Lamb, Beatnce C. , Palmyra Melvin , Glen n, Reynolds Lamb, Yola, J'.almyra Mendenhall, Eldon, Wee ping \.Va ter La mbert, Lucile, Shubert. Menclenha II, Theda, Dawson Landrigan, Nina, Falls. City Mentzer, Floren ce M., Council Lark in, Lois H., Beattie, K a n sa s Bluffs, Iowa Lar en, K. Cla ra, Lyons Meredith, Jenni e I., Edholm Lauts, Christine, Spencer Meritt, J a mes, F a irbury La uts, Helena, Spencer Meserve, Mary F ., Peru Law, Myrtle, Tecumseh Meter, Ger a ld M., Lorton Lawless, Beryl, Hebron Mayer, M. Crystal, Peru Lee, Katheryn K., Harri sburg Mickel, J ere, University Place Lewis, Edith, Shubert Mickel, J oy, Univers ity Place Linford, Ruby G., Sterling Miesha.ch . Effie, Unadilla Li nsenmeyer, Christine, Blue Springs Miller, Marj ode, Beatrice Livengood, Nor ma, Morri ll, Kan s. Mi ller, Lucill e R., Beaver Crossing Livingston, Mable, Ed ison · Miller, Sara h B., P eru Li vingston, Marion, Nebraska City Miller, Mrs . Zella , Beatrice Long, Mrs. V. L .. E lmwood M ill stead, Virginia, P eru Lo n~, Virgil L., E lmwood Miner , Mar j orie, T ecumseh Lovitt, Mr . L .. Crab Orchard Monteith , Mona, P eru Lucas, Alta, Unadilla Moore. W . H azel. Da ws.on tudmgto~,, Carl R.. Syracuse Moorehead , Kathleen, Belvidere utz, Josie E., Aub1nn Moran, Alice. Wvmore 1Lutz, Loret.ta,_ Humboldt Moran, Amy E., Hardy , ~arJ0 1 ·1e. Shenandoah, Iowa Moran, Mary C., H ardy 1,(~n Cn, Rita, Palmyr11. Moritz, Mary J ., Humph rey ~~C~nn,_ Llovd E ., Edison Morris, Du lcie, Humboldt ) 1cCr 11!1'1Jic t, Ruby, Syra~~se Morse, Mrs. J osephine . Adams :\fcF e!g • Harold, Fairtm ry Mote , Dorothymac, Allia n ce :\fc"~n~n,J'uella. Nebraska City Mudge, Viola, B eatrice )1cG]~~~ s, 1Mabel M .. Stella Muenster, Agnes, Millard '1cG· ~ s , yrtle. StPlla "'1" us il Abbie W Wilber ·'!lfcIIra 1nn1s • p ~ar, 1 Stella · Dorothy,·• Auburn Myer s, Mcv 1·bbry, MildrPd, Te<'umseh Mv r · Mildred Auburn • ~ 1n Er b ·~ · • McLean · iza eth, Otoe Naima n , .Tosenh , Alexandri a McMah;n H~en F., Fairbu ry Naiman, Marie M .. Alexandria McQuin, S . arren, Far.ragut, Iowa N ailman, Walter, H ol stein :\fadtlen, CaiHh M., Un10n. eal, Mil dred A. , P eru Madden Pawnee City Neal. H elen . P eru Madsen' H ichard, Pawnee City Nelson, Arthur J ., Ru skin :\tagnu; elen, Nebraska City Nelson, Harriett, Albion 0 Mafors :,: !dna, Mead Nelson, Monell, Ong 1 ).tares 'E • ur, Endicott Newbauer Laurine N eb raska Citv. 1 ' s1e p· ' ' ' ierce N eumeister, Harvey A. , N eb. City ~lein,
n· ··
Newton, Charles, Brownville Nicholas, Clara A., DeWitt Nicholas, Genevieve, Nebrask a City Nichola,s , H ester A., DeWitt Nickel, Harvey T., Clay Oenter Niday, Mildred, Randolph, Iowa Nielsen, Einar G., Nebraska City Nielson, Mary, Brownville Niffest, W ard E., Bruning Novak, Libbie, Prague Novotny, Emelia, Brainard O'Dell, Dora, Bigelow, Mo. Oestmann, Augusta, Auburn Olson, Dorothy, Elmwood O'Neil, Vera, Dunbar Ord, Mabel, DuB ois Osborne, H azel E., Brownville Otto, Hazel, Verdon Overholt, Marion, P eru Palmer, Alice H ., Muskogee, Okla. P apst, Gertrude C., Otoe P arker, Miriam, P awnee City Pasco, Ruth, Auburn J>ienner, H elen A., Beatrice P et erka, Lillian, P aw nee City P eterson, Emily, Peru Peterson, H arold P eru P arker, W anda, Humbold t Parli, A. Lyd ia , Humboldt Parriott. Charles, P eru Pate, Chloe, Orlean s Pate, Mildred, Peru Payne, Gladys H .. T almage Penkava, . Verna, Crab Orchard Peneva l, F ern, F alls City Peties, Dorathea, Creston, Ia Pience, Robert, Beatrice Ph el ps , Hazel, Tecum seh Pettit, Winifred B., P eru P ettinger. Inez. Syracu se Flager, Enest, Humboldt P ool, Juli an, E ., Verdon Pool, Opa l, Verdon Pospi sil, Lillian, Weston Powell, Th elma , Humboldt Poyr.ter, Kenton. Mound City, Mo. Presnall, Ruby F., Chester Prokor , Robert F., Crete Pryor, J ay A., M'uysville, Kan . Pugh, Margaret, Plymouth Rainey, Florence P ., H ebron Rainey, Winnie B .. Hebron Ra1msey, Laura, Edenbu rg, T ex. 'Rasmussen. A. Chri~ti n e. Omaha Reagan, Allene K.. Humboldt Re>tgan , Iva, Humboldt Rebnck, Mary L., Auburn Redfern, H erbert, P eru Redfern, .Tohn H ., P eru
R eed, Lucille L., Peru Reeve, Grace, Gui de Rock Reynolds, Mable, Oma ha Rhoads, Grace H ., Ch arlesto Ri ce, E sther Doris, P eru n Richards, Mrs·. Mina, Sterlin Richards, Stella, Sterling Co~'0 Colo Richardson, Telbert, Brock • Richtarik, Alice, Wilbur Ricketts, Grace L., P ercival Ia Roberts, Gertrude, Douglas' · Robert s, Lulu, Douglas Robertson, Joseph, Oak Rockemann, Viola, Axtell Rockholm, Emma, Naper Roessler, H elevig, P la ttsmouth Rogers, L eila V., Cambr idge Rogers, Mabel D., Bradshaw Rogers, Oliver, Peru Rogge, H enrietta, Rohrs Rogge, Thova, Sterling Rogge, Theresa, Aubur n Ronnau, Florence, Syracuse Ross, Dor othy, Dunba r Ross, Elsie Mae, Auburn Roth, Louise, Shubert Rothert, Fred A., H arva r d Roubinek, Malinda, Dodge Rowley, Hildegarde M., DeWitt Rowl ey, Samuel F., DeWitt Ruby, Edna P earl, Danbury Rummel, Loui se K., Plattsmouth Ru se, Evea, G., Tabor, Iowa Russell, Caroline, H ., Lincoln Russell, Ethel M. , Arm our Russell, Helen E ., Arm our Russell , Kate E., Li ncoln Russell, Lucille, Brown ville Ryan, Margaret, Dawson Sanger, Ada H ., Blan cha rd, Iowa Sankey, Roy A., Elk Creek Sch aefer, Rosetta, Peru . Sch ach·e nmeier, LaSetta , Cla tom!'Schillinger, F rances. Nebr~ska City Schindler, Wilber, Falls City Schneid er, Luree E ., Millard Schoenbeck, Martha. Odell Schoene, Ella M., Cook Schroeder, Agnes, Rulo Schul enberg, Alice, Salem Schul enber g, Mary, Salem Scott, Ruby L., Hamburg, Iowa Sears , Max ine, P eru Sefrna, Bessie. Dorchester Seibold, Ruth M., Chalco Selk, Ale11e L., P lymout h Seney, Noel, H erman Seward, Veda J., Tecumseh Shadduck, Claudia, Omaha
T homas, Mabel D., Shubert r B F. Florine, Shubert Thomas , N ellie, Shubert . Shafe ' vVard Ru skin Thompson , P . C. Clai,en ce, E llis Sha!~r'Leah A., Cra~ Orch ard Thompson , E lean ore, Beatr ice She 1.~· Nellie, Percival , Iowa Shel on, Hallie M Stella Thorpe, Goldie; P an ama Sherm an, Hazel p·~ru Th orpe, J esse B., P eru herm an, Thelma, ' N ema lm Thor pe, N. F ., Panam a . ley Shive ' Harriet H. David City T eg nor, Mrs. E., Auburn Shuman, S 't T immerma n, A my M., Stella s· on Cora C., tan on Ti nnemeyer, H ilda, Aubu rn si~on: James, Stanton T obler Iris P eru ·nnen Emma, Cook Tony,' Neille, F airbu ry g~aded, Shirley, Waco . Towle, E un ice K., Sou th Bend Skeen, Carl, Elmwood T randt, Adam, Stockham Slagle, Glenn, Bara.da . Tret sch, Meriam L . P lattsmou th Slemons, Alice, Pawnee City Trotter, June, Douglas Smedl ey, H arold, Brock Trowbridge, A lice M., Hasting mith, Desda, Fort Crook T ucke1', Viola , Nebraska City Smith, H azel B., Dunba1· Turner, Marjorie, H ebron Smith, Opal J., Salem Snowden. J. Ian, Emmetsburg, Ia. T yn er, Lydia, Shenandoah, Iowa Tvnon, Virginia, Peru Snyder, Blanche G., T aLmage Uh lig , Philena, Fall s City Snyder, Isabelle, Aubu_rn Un kel, Mildred A., Omaha Snyder, Ruth, Falls City V ahle. Edna . Orlean s Snyder, S. Evelyn, Nemaha Soenni chsen, Christine, Plattsmou th V anC leef, H elen, Fairbury V an derford , E verett, P eru Sogard, Viola, Weeping Water Soper, Glad ys, Peru Veal, I ren e, Verdon Sorenson, Myrtle. Plainview Vernon, Verta . Cra b Orchard SoJ"nson, Meredith, Sutton Vitek, Lillie, E ., Vi rginia Stanl ey, Gladys I.. Nora Vodenhal, Lydia, Ord Stauber, Beulah G., Hebron V ollintin e, Gladys L ., P eru Steeves, Raymond G., Panama Votipka, Alice, Fairmont Stephenson, Mrs. Maude, P eru Vrana, Barbara, Malina Stevens, Avery M .. Nebraska City W agner, Elver a, Memphi s tenart, FranceR I.. Platt smouth ·walter s. Truly T ., Hiawa tha, Kan. Stilwell, Sarah E., Unadilla Waltz, Dorothy T., P eru Stoddard. Pearl, Auburn \<V anek, I da, DeWitt Stoehr, Johanna, J ohnrnn W anek, Sylvi a , DeWitt SStoft, Beatrice, Pap.il!ion ·w ard , Emma , Rulo toft, Grace E., Papillion ~T arman, H a zel, Gl:oidston e Study_. June, McPaul. Iowa W arren Agnes Elkh orn 'sSutorms. Florence Humboldt vV asmei~r Emn\a Fri end utton, Orin Hebi'.on W aten pau'gh, Ma ;.tha, H ebron ~voboda, Er~e st, Liberty Watkins, Vera M .. Stockville swanson , Nellie. DaveniJort ' Vatton, Ca rrie. Verdon s:~:invout. Rae I., K:trn;as City Mo. We:".therfi eld, Elby. Auburn swi~hey, Gretchen, Duff ' Weddle. Elma, Stella Tacke~f • gharle.s, Greenfield, Iowa Wendell, L etta, Cook 1'ane R ornPha, Rulo Wendell. Mary, Cook 1'an Y, uby, Otoe West. F. Marj orie. Unadill<.. T eky, Willi s C. Otoe ' Vheeler, Naomi, Syracuse an ers!Py M ' Whitaker, J ,e ssie . Gra fton 'l'aylor i) ' . arggy, Auburn 'l'aylor' oris, Fort Crook W hitla , Mvrna M., Butte 'l'aylor' : lorence D., LaP!atte W h itten, Everett M .. Neb. City Terry 'Rope W .. Rulo Whitten . Zella F., Brownville Thay~r Lg:h, Alexandria Whitwell, Wilma, Peru 1'hies Al ~1s, Nora Wieland , Bernice S ., Sutton 'I'hirnm i)'m:i, Auburn W ieland, Cecelia . Su tton ' oris R., Beatrice Wieland, Meta, Su tton
Wilcox, Paul, Nebraska Cit y Wiles, Crotoria, Syracuse Wiley, Mrs .. Zelia, University Place Willhoft, Nora M., N ebraska City Willia ms, Bert, Peru \Villiams , H elen E., Omah a ·wmiams, Lambert, Stella \Villiams, Mrs. Maxine, Mr ur: d City, Missouri Williams, Ralph, Holdredge \Villimore, W a nda M., Hebron Willis, Taney, Otoe \Vills , W . W ., Brownvili e Wi lson, Mrs. Frances, Orr.aha Wiltse, Mary E., Falls City
Winfrey, Melba, Stella Witulski, Mildred A., Bea tric" Wolter, Edith, Olnowa \Voodie, Fuller, E., Aubur11 Woodward, Dora, Guide P oc.k Worm, Ida, Ord Wright, Josephine, Auburn Wright, Roscoe E., .Per u Wright, Zeila B., Vesbi Wu ster, Ruth, Dawson Young , Ger a ld, Brock Zaar, Florence M., So11ih Rend Zeleny, Fred J., Bruno Z~mm e rman, Margaret,_ Neb. City Zimmerman, Mary Lovm::,, Auburn
SEPTEMBER 1, 1926 TO JU E 1, 1927 Adams, W a lburga, Neb raska City Bre cht, Anna M., Fall City Ahern, Beatrice, Stella Brewer, Sylvia, Omaha Aitken, Hildreth, T ecumseh Brinkman, E lma, Pawnee City Alfs, Walter W., Shickley B rockman, Helmit, Elmwood Alfs , Mrs. W. W., Per u Broken s , Lillie, Brock All en, Frederick, N emaha Bror ken s, Viola, Ta lmage And erson, Clarine, Peru Brooker, Ruth, Omaha Ander son, L aurine, Peru Brown, Bess, Peru Anville, William , Julian Broz, Viola, 'Wilbur Arm strong, F loyd D., Br ownville Brumfield, Dorothy, Omaha Brundson, Howard C., Peru Bailey, Warren, Elmwood Bardwell, Carl E ., Coun cil Bluffs, Ia. Brundson, Mrs. H. C., Peru Bartlett, Ruth E., E lli s Bunch, Dari s J., Falls Cit y Bateman, Ruth, Beatrice Butler, Joseph A., Powell Butts, Loui se, Dearborn , Mo. Bath, H oward, Brownville Byram, Evangeline, Decatur Beckord, Leo, Peru Caldwell, Perry, Swanton Beebe, Marie, Omaha Cameron, Mrs. Very!, Peru Beecher, Mary E., Peru Cape, Harold, Clearwater Behrens, Kathryn, Yutan Carey, Leslie, DeWitt Behrns, Rurth L., Nehawka Carpenter, Jua nita, Dougla s Benford, R. T., P eru Carson, Jay W., Osceola . Bentz, Gertrude, Nebraska City Carstens, Rh ea C., Beatrice Bentz. Mildred, Nebraska City Carter, Leola , Douglas Bethel, Willi s, Table Rock Carter, Lewis M., Hebron Bevington, Grace, Reynolds Carter, ·Opal Yost, Peru Bl a ck, L:;.ye, Brock Casebeer, Louise, York Bloodgood, Helen, Beatrice Casey, H erbert, Tecumseh Bloss, Carrie, Lincoln Casey, Madge, Johns_on · Boatman, Arletta, Shubert Caskey, Rena, Beatrice Boatman. Elsie, .Nemaha Cathcart . H elen , Cook Bobbitt, Ben C., Peru Catle1';, Wayne, Pawnee City Bobbitt, Mrs. Helen, P eru Chamber s, Cecile L., Ashland Bogle, Frank, Peru Chambers , Flossie L., Ashlang.ty Bogle, W. F., P eru Ch ap in, Frank J ., Nebraska 1 Boyd, Charles, Salem Chase, H elen, Brayton Boyle, Basil, Verdon Chat elai n, Ralph, Peru •t Brady, Lillian, Peru Christen, Anna, Nebraska . Ci Y Brady, Madonna. P eru Church, Ben M., Alexa nd r ia Brandt, Merna , Nehawka
PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Adelaide, Elyria Cioehon, · Wahoo k Bessie, Clar , Harol.d, Omaha Clark, Herman, Vesta Clark, th Vesta Clar~, RE!iz~beth, Stella Clar e, Magdalene, Omaha Claussen, B A Auburn Cleve; ;;;• M·arg~ret, P eru Chne Dora, Filley Clutter, Ethel Falls City Coatney, 'p Cole, Fred L.,. eru Colglazier, Emd, Verdon Collins, Laura, Peru Collins, Paul E., Feru Colwell, Gladys V., Odell Compton, Chloteal, Omaha Condron, Vavi:i, Anselmo Conkle Francis L., P eru Conkle' Orville, Peru Coonr;d, Avis, Reynolds Cooper, Lola, Peru Cope F rank, Peru Corey, Grace, Shenandoah, Iowa Corey Vivian, Shenandoah, Iowa Coul~r, Mild red, Auburn Coupe, Agnes M., Rulo . Cowan, Mildred E., Gunnison, Colo. Cowell, Nelle, Peru Coy, Flor ence, Farragut, Iowa Crago, Mrs. Laura, Peru Crandell, Eleanor, Omaha Crink, Cedric, Malvern, Iowa Crook, Ella, Nebraska City Current, Olna W., Tecumseh Dahlstrom, . Margaret, P eru Dallam, Charles E., Peru Damon, Darwin, Tecumseh Damon, Mildred, Tecumseh Dappen, Lenore, Dawson Darwin, Ruth P., Virginia Davenport, Ben, Norfolk l>avenport, Edith, Peru Dav~nport, Fulton W., Peru gavi~, Florence, Nebraska City () e~ring, Dorothy, Alliance Del oer, Vera, Bradshaw ~ z~ll , J ames W., Peru g!c~son, Lucille, Alliance n!j1 1 , Selma, Sterling n bn, J ohn, Peru
D~aJ~w, E. M!lude, Beaver City
nod rer, Marion, Verdon nod son, Mary P ., Wilber
n son, Helen, Omaha oinan M· · Dot ' inn1e, Burchard D son, Hazel, Gretna Olfell, W. Ebner, Farragut, Iowa
Duey, Fred, Brock Duncan, Lloyd, Peru Dunning, Mrs. !nice, Peru Ebeler, Alvina, Syracuse Ec;kard, Dorothy, Pawnee City Edie, Roland L., Pawnee City Eichner, Tillie, Gretna Ellis, W. G., Bellevue Epler, H elen, Julian Ernst, Alberta, Falls City Evans, Edith, Shubert Eyre, Ada G., Nebraska City Faulhaber, Marie, Lincoln Fish, Ethel, Shubert Fleming, Mildred, Plattsmouth Fletcher, Clara, Hamburg, Iowa Flynn, Alice 1\1., Pleasanton Fort, Raymond, DeWitt Fowler, Charles, Elmwood Fowler, Millard, Nebraska City Frary, G. H., Auburn Frary, Verda H., Auburn French, Elberta, Douglas Fry, Nella A., DuBois Fuller, Everett, Peru Gaines, Kenneth, Peru Gaines, Orpha A., Peru Gari ss, Arthur, T ecumseh Gartner, Ella, Glenvil Gibble, Joe, Verdon Giberson, Margar.e t, Lincoln Gibson, J erome, Blanchard, Iowa Gillispie, Mae, Auburn Gillispie, Ruth, Auburn Gilmore, Effie, Nebraska City Given!, Jessie, .Cortland Glandt, Verna, Omaha Goodwin, Frank, Plattsmouth Good, Franklin, Long Beach, Calif. Graf, Mildred, Peru Gross, Amzie, Waco Graul, Leila, Alexandria Graves, Elizabeth, Filley Gro!se, Julia B., Tabor, Iowa Grossoehme, Floyd, Peru Grossoehme, Gladys, Peru Hague, Lois, Wy:more Hall, Edna, Malvern, Iowa Hall, Howard, Palmyra Hall, Willard D., Nemaha Hansen, Walter W., Johnson Hanson, John, Shickley Hanson, Thelma, Bellevu e Harajian, Eleanore, Peru Harajian, Lucille, Peru Harger, Loreen, Shubert Hannon, John, Auburn Harpster, Loretta, Omaha
Harman, Lynn, Brock Harris, Merna, Stella Harshburger, Gladys, Humboldt Hart, Ella, York Hartley, Richa rd, P eru Hasselblad, E r n est, Peru H att, Sterling, Platt smouth Haynes, Grace, Auburn Hays, I sabelle, Peru Heftie, L eon W., Stockham Henderson, Russell, Verdon Hedblom, Selma A., Au rora Herron, Marie, Watson, Mo. Hertz, Edna, Malvern, Iowa H ertz, Paul, Malvern, Iowa Heywood, Everett, P eru Higgins, Ralph B., Stella Hill, Mrs. Leone, P eru Hillard, Frank, Peru Hinricks, Joy, Nebraska City Holch, Mrs. A. E., P eru H oppock, June M., Farragut, Iowa H offman , 'Margaret, Burchard Howorth, H a rden, Tecumseh H oyt, Philip, Peru Hoyt, Edith, .!v.farietta, Ohio Hughes, Dorothy, Auburn Hughes, Lucille, F airbury Hungate, Ru t h, P awn ee City Hunt, Bernice, P eru Hu rt, Dorothy,West Liberty, Iowa Hu tcheson, Ruth, Brush, Colo. Ih rig, Freda, J ohn son Irwin, Anna, P eru I rwin , Lucille, Bronaugh, Mo. Ivers Frank P eru Jame~ , Alan '. Dawson .Janssen, Evelyn, Beatrice J enkins, Gladys, Blue Springs John son, H arold, Salem Jensen, Bertha , Pla inview Joder, Glen H ., Alliance .John son, H arold, Salem J ohnson, Lucille, Palmyra .Jon son, Winona, McPaul, Iowa Johnston, Grace, Alliance Jones, Ethel, N emaha Jones, Florence B., P eru Jones, Franklin, Peru Jones, Helen M., N emah a Jones, I ris L., N emaha .Jones, Kenneth, Malvern, Iowa .Jones, Joe, Tecumseh .Jorn, Mrs. Harriett, Verdon Jorn, Perry, Verdon Jun, Bessie Marie, DuBois Kalberg, N ellie, York Kaltentiorn, Theodore, Waco
Keister, Don D., Aubu r n Kelly, Frances, Nemaha Kelly, Irene J ., Nemaha Kelly, Nellie, N emaha Kenton, P eal'!, P er u Kern er, Frank, T ecumseh Killeen, Marguerite, Burchard Ki ssack, Willow, Lead, S. Dak Kistler, Marjorie, Omaha · Klinger, Hilda, Ju lian Klumb, H elen R., Fall s City Knapp, Robert H., Peru Kn app, William J., Peru Kochi ei-, Lena, Humboldt Krejci, J oe, Plattsmou t h Kukral, F. Libbie, N iobrara L amb, Marion, Omaha Lambert, Lucille, Shubert Landis, Inez, Malvern, Iowa Law, Myrtle, Stella Lawrence, Clara, Nemaha Lentfer, Lilli e, Fremont L ichtenberger, Allan, Bradshaw Li chtenberger, Lula, Bra dshaw Lindah l, Arthur, Nebraska City Livengood, Norma, Morrill , Kan. Lovitt, Mildred, F illey Lucas, Omar, Verdon Lyle, Pauline, vVa co Lynn, Marjorie, Shen andoah, Iowa Lyon, Mona L., Harrison McConnaha, Delbert, H al'tington McCormick, Ruby, Syracuse McDowell, Blanche, Salem McElroy, George, Blancha r d, Iowa McFarren , Luella, Nebraska City McFarreri, Ruby, Virginia ·McGu ire, Myrlin, DeWitt McKean, Irene, Hambur g, Iowa McKeown, Lucille, H arla n, Iowa McLeran, Ruth, Beatrice Mahaffey, Margaret, Omaha Mahan, Bess, Omaha Majors, Muriel, Endicott Majors, Robert, Peru Malm, Laurence, Norfolk Mares, El sie, P eru Marren, H arold, Tecum seh Ma r sh, Marion, Peru Ci"' Martin, Barbara, Pawnee •3 Mason, Mildred, Salem Mastin, J. A., Aubu r n Meier, Dorothy, Wymor e Meier, Alma, DuBois . Meisbach, Effie, U nacj1lla Melton , Charles , ·waco Mentzer, Mrs. F lorence, Peru Meritt, James, Peru . Metca lf, \Vanna, Beatrice
PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE . Hulda C., 0;111aha )[Jchej, J y University P lace )lick~' Ali~e, Omaha )!iile .' Cath erine, Stockham )ltJlei, Fl d Unadilla )!i!ler, L oy 'F Edgar « Iler ucy ., . ~· ~ .' Marjorie, B eatnce M11lei, M . J Sidney . son a1y ., ' Iowa )I on ·th Mona Peru Mon te1 Thelma.,' Omah a ~r oo ie, · Hardy \roran, Loms~, . \roran, Magg.is, Ha1dy. ~I ·gan Manon, Omaha ~!~:-ri s, ' Grace, . N~braska ~ity )fosteller, MarJorie, DuB ois )foulton, Selma, Wymor e ~Iulli , J ohn G., Dunbar ~forph y, Gertrude, T ecumseh )fyers, Dorothy, Auburn . aviaux Gerald, N ebraska City N~viaux: Virginia, Nebraska City Nedrow, Warren, Stella . '.lleumeister, Harvey A., Neb. City Neuton Charles, Brown ;rille Ni chol ~s, Genevieve, Nebraska City Nickel, La Dean, Murdock ' oerrlin ger, Florence M., Crab Orchard . oxon, L. Evelyn, Omaha O'Neil, J ohn E ., Dunbar Panaska, M. Verna, E lmwood ParL h, Francis D., Elmwood Parks, Char les B., Aubu rn Parriott, Lester, Peru Parriott, Marj orie, P eru Par!i, Lydia, Humboldt Pa co, Lora, Auburn Patter on, Edna, Peru Penkava, Kristina F., Virginia ~eters , Carl J., Brock pcte.rson. Harold, Peru Pettit, E stelene, Beaver City pierce, Daisy, Bartlett, .Iowa p::::ce, ~ladys 0., Bartlett, Iowa Ph . ;e, eone, Bartlett, Iowa p ;.1orook, Ruth, Clarks p0 Dorothy, N ebraska City Plo' Opal, Verdon p atner, H ., Omaha p~ebllb, Ruth, Powell 11 eno M I Priefert ' L j~·y, mperial 1 Prokop 'L "b~. e, Reynold s Quacke~b 1 ie H .., Wilbur Raitora Marion, DeWitt Rasmus' en en N., ~u~chard Redfern B A. Chr1stme, Omaha Reed E'th arton, P eru Reinmiller el L., Beatrice ' George C., Staplehurst
Reisinger, Marion, Brad shaw Rhoades, Cecil, Waterloo Rhoades, Cleon H ., N emaha Rhodus, Margarett e, P eru Rice, E sther. D., P eru Richardson, Ruth, Brock Rickabaugh, Velma, Bartlett, Iowa Rick ers, Fred H ., Dunbar Ricketts, E sther, Nebraska City Rife, Rose, Omaha Riggins, Rollie, Malvern, Iowa Rin ehart, Gladys L., D ouglas l{ing, William, H ebron Rinne, E sther, Steina u er Ritchie, Arleene B., Stella Roberts, Clifford, Brownville Rockholm, Emma , Naper Rogers, E sther, Martell Roger s, Lawren ce, De,Vitt Rogers, Oliver, Peru Rohrs, Kathryn , P eru Ronn a u, Fl orence, Syracuse Rookstool, L eta, Nebraska City Roy, Susan M., Aubu rn Ruyle, Edna E., Beatrice Ryan, Margaret, Dawson Sage, Lor·etta , Julian Sa les, Birchel, Mi ssou ri Valley, Ia. Salfrank, Eda , Riverton, Iowa Sampson, Margaret E ., Crab Orchard Sam s, Duane, Brock Sawyer, Birdi e,· Ch ester Schindler, Alberta, Nebraska . City Schindler, Ruth, Nebraska City Schneider, Luree, Gretna Schrepel, I da, Burchard Schwartz, Dorothy, Omaha Selk, Alen e L., Plymouth Selk, Arnold M .. Plymou th Setzer, Leona, P eru Sewell, Mrs. Addie, P eru Shad duck, Claudia, Omaha Sheehan, Lorett a E., Salem Sheik, Flora D., Crab Orchard Shelley, Ruth J.; H olmesville Shrader, Forrest B., Plattsmouth Shumard, Laurence, DeWitt Simmon s, Virginia, Bradshaw Simon, Cora C., P eru Simon, J a mes, Peru Simpkins, E. Logan, Reynolds Ska den, Shir ley, Waco Sk een, Carl A., Elmwood Smedl ey , Ruth, Brock Smith, Opal , Salem Snabl, Bessie, Table Rock Snyder, . E velyn, Nemaha
Sogard, Viola, Weeping Water Sopher, Harry H., Peru Sorenson, Myrtle M., Plainview Spangler, Helen, Stanton Sparks, Leona, Tecumseh Spohn, Beatrice E ., Weeping Water Springman, Alton, Palmyra Stahn, John W., Milford Standley, Joe K., Peru Standley, Winona, Peru Stark, Cecil, Elllllwood Steeves, Raymond, Panama Stephens, Raymond, Friend Stiers, Kenneth, Nemaha Stites, Clara, Brock Stoddard, Pearl, Auburn Stone, Elizabeth, Omaha Stratton, Helen, Steinauer Stoft, Beatrice, Papillion Study, June, McPaul, Iowa Sultzbaugh, Leland, Auburn Swanson, Mildred, Valparaiso Taney, Elma, Otoe Taney, Emma A., Otoe Taylor, Eva, Palmyra Taylor, Florence, LaPlatte Taylor, Mattie, Unadilla Taylor, Minnie, Nebraska City Thies, Alvina, Auburn Thomas, Craig E., Shickley Thompson, Dick, Loup City Thorpe, Jesse B., Peru Tigard, Paul, Dorchester Timmerman, Amy, Stella Toft, Einer, Oak Towle, Eunice, South Bend Trowbridge, Alice, Hastings Turner, Margaret, Alliance Uhlig, Philena, Falls City Ulrich, Raymond, Talmage Unkel, Mildred, Omaha Vance, Bartlett, Peru Vance, Margaret, Peru Vanderbeek, Vester, Panama Vanderford, Leona., Peru
Vap, Dorothy R., Deweese Vap, Elizabeth, Deweese Walker, Veda, Sterling Wallin, Elsie M., Snyder Warboys, Vida, Deweese ~are, Sara ~., Pawnee City Warner, Marion E., Nebraska c·t 1 Warnke, Earl, Humboldt Y Wasley, Walter R., Plattsmouth Watson, Squire, Peru Waymire, Charles, Douglas Weddle, Elma A., Stella Welch, Howard, Deweese Wells, Inez R., Alexandria Wendeln, Alma, Burr Wendeln, Leta, Burr Wheeler, ·Naomi, Syracuse Whipple, Maye E., Fortscue Mo Whitfield, Alberta L., Humix;ldt · Whitney, Una- E., Humboldt Whittemore, Donald, Adams Whitten, Sara Jane, Nebraska City Whitwell, Wilma, Peru Wiles, Cretoria, Syracuse Williams, Bert, Peru Williams, Harold, P eru Williams, Lambert, Peru Williams, Marvin, Neligh Willia.m s, Mrs. Maxine, '"Peru Wil son, Evelyn, Auburn W.oitz.el, Erna, Greenwood Woftzel, Frieda, Greenwood Wolfe, Delores, Auburn Wolfe, Charles R., Nemaha Woodward, Dora, Guide Rock Wright, Josephine, Auburn Wuster, Ruth, Dawson Yates, Alberta, Peru Young, D. Wilber, Adams Young, Lela Belle, Cook Zabel, Gertrude, Auburn Zabel, Johanna, Auburn Zook, Howard, TecUIIIllleh Zook, Owen, Peru Zorn, Wilbert, Falls City
CO RRESPONDENCE STUJJE TS SUMMER 1926 YEAR 1926-1927 Adams, Effie H., Fairbury Adams, Leah M., Omaha .\.dams, Ruth, Oak . Akins, Exha D., Wilbur Ames, Lillian, Salem . Anderson, Kathryn, Superior Anville, Pascaline, Peru Anville, William, Peru Armstr ong, William L., Lincoln Baker, Mary, Trenton Banks, Mrs. Gertrude, Stella Barker, Mrs. Rose, Superior Bartels, Mrs. Viola, Ge.:eva Bath, Edward, Brownville Beamer, Lloyd, Selby, S. Dak. Beckord, D. C., Waco Bell, A. D., Lead, S. Dak. Bell, Forest, Bea.t rice Berg, Genevieve, Shubert Broz, Arnold, Wilber Bruce, Lorene, Weston Burke, Benjamin, Beatrice Burke, Floyd, Beatrice Busch, Roy C., Auselm Cantrell, Florence L., Wilber Carsch, Pearl, Omaha Carter, Mrs .. Opal J., Orafino Carter , Mrs. Opal Y. Cathcart, Amy, Auburn Caulk, Cecil , Dodge g~ulk, Mr~. LaRhee, Dodge Chamber lam, Roy, Peru Cl amp, Eva, Odell c i3rk, Mrs .. Lacy D., Fairbury Elzoda, Sam Fordyce T ex lover, over El d ' · Cal!ico't t C, 0 a, Sam Fordyce, Tex. Conwa ' R ertrude, Kan. City, K an. Cope ose, Gresham CordUJ aMr, Ruth , Syracuse Corner~ Grs. I. K., Bern, Kan. Carson 'R race, Auburn Cullen ' B a~ehll , R., Tecumseh Daeschn eu a ' Holmesville Mo. er, Margaret, Mound City Davenport F 1 Delano B : u ton, Peru ' ianca, Reynold!!
Disbrow, Maude, Beaver City Dobbs, Alice, Beatr ice Doyle, Lizzie, Unadilla Eades, Mrs. May, Auburn Easley, Eli zabeth , Sutton Easton , M:..s .. Edna, Hebron Ebersole, Carterette, Nelson Erickson, L orine, Tecumseh Everett, Eva, Lorton Farg uhar, F loyd Faunce, Leo W., Bonapart, Iowa Fish, Grace V., Shubert Fletcher, Clara, Hamburg, I a. Frederickson, Dagmar, N ewell, Ia. Freiburghouse, Mary, Sabetha, Kan . Gallant, Mrs. Nellie, Hebron Gering, Mrs. Clara, Unadilla Glasgow, Hal W., L yon s Glasgow, Sadie, Peru Goodloe, Lucile, Stella Gotchalk, Sadi e, Oma.h a Graves, Margu er ite, F illey Haines, Nora M .• Chester Hallett, Fred, Chamberlain S. Dak . Hansen, Ralph M., Hanson, E mma C., Fullerton Hartley, Harriott, Falls City Hellmer, Marie, W ymore H endr ickson, Marguerite, Minatare H epperlen, Kath eryn, Beatrice H ermsmei er, Clara, P lymou th H esson, Wi lma, Doug la s H iattt, Ruby, Sidney, Iowa H icks, Clara B., Aubu r n Hil debrand, A lice, DuB ois H offm an, Margaret, Burchard H oover, Mr s, Mami e E., P eet z, Colo. H oward, E mma L. , Shena n doah, Ia . H oy, Mabel E., Farnam H oy, P a ul K., Stockville Hun ter, R. E ., S idney, Iowa I de, Grace, Tecumseh Ihrig, F reda, J ohnson J a ckson , Leile M., Im perial J an ouch , Marie, Cret e J ohnston, Dorcas, Bridgeport J ohnston , L . Grace, P eru
Jones. Bertha A., Dorchester Porter, H elen, Sta nton Jungj ohn, L ou ise, Pla inview P rokop, Robert, Cret e Kelly, Nellie P ., Beatrice Pugh , Mr s. Ma rgare t , Marion Kennedy, Minnie, Nebraska City Richardson , T . L., Brock Kiger, Eth el, Bellevue Ricketts, Grace L ., Nebraska c·t 1 King, Edith, Superior Rin n ie, Minn ie , Steinauer Y King, E lla , S uperior Rogain, Mary M., T ecumseh King, Etta L. , Waterloo Retzlaff, Cora, St. Edward Knigge, Marie L., Gu ide Rock Retzlaff, Rose, St. Edwa rd Kovanda, Dorothy P ., Milligan Robertson, _Ray E., Casper, \Vyo. Kucera, H elen, Wilber Rogers, Leila V., Cambridge Kucera, Otto, Deshler Ross, Dorothy, Dunbar Lants . Christine, Spencer Ross, Elsie lVL, E mmet Law, Myrtle, Stella Rothert, Fred A. , P la ttsmonth Lichty, Mrs. I n ez. Carleton Rowley, Hildegarde, DeW itt Lindgren, Alice, M" lmo Ru ddy. Gladvs, Auburn Lockhart, Lessie, Dunbar Ru ssell, Lucille, Howe Long, Virgil, Rockwell City Iowa Sanger, Ada, Blan ch ard, Iowa Lord, Charlotte, Ingham Sceli, P earle N., Hartington Lucas, Alta B ., Una dilla Sch roeder, Agnes. F alls City Lutz, J osie, Auburn Scott, Ruby L., E n camp r.1ent, Wvo. McCall, R. C., Nebraska City Sebring. Thelma , DuB ois • MoCoy, I rma, Arapahoe Sefina, Bessie F., Dorches rer McGinnis, Myrtle M., Albion Sellhorn, R alph D .. Nor t h Bend McLain , Mae S., Omaha Sha nnon, Marie, Br idgepor;; McMahan . Warren M., Plattsmou th Shu ster, John B. , Br ock McQuin, Sarah, Union Shirely, Ruth, Blue Spring--; '[adsen, H elen, Avoca Sor genfrei, Louise, P alme.· Marcellus, Irene, Daykin Spor er, Chester A., Murray Margrave, Julia , Preston Steeves, Ra ymond , P a nama Martin, Sarah, Farragut,. Iowa Stephen son, Mrs .. F . J., Blanchard, Mathews, Etta, Blair Iowa Mead, Buena Lee, Dunbar Stewart, Andrewina, Beat r ice Medley, Gerald M., Norfolk Stiers, Kenneth , Nemaha Mentyer, Mrs. Flo, Shenandoah, Ia. Stoneman, Mabel Miller, Gertrude, Sterling Taney, Willi s, Otoe Miner, Marjorie D. , T ecumseh Thurstenson, Ada, \Vahoo M.osie, Mattie, Salem Trandt, A. C., .Sioux City, Iowa Moran, Mary C., Byron Turner, Margaret, Alliance Muenster, Agnes, Louisville Tyner, Lydia, Shen andoa h, Iowa Muir, Clifford, Bayard Vahle, Edna, Or lean s Musil, Abbie, Wilber Vernon, Verta, Marisville Nelson, Arthur, H olstein Wagner, Ada, Fairbury Nelson, Margaret, T ecumseh W alker, Mrs. Howard, Hebron Nelson, Monell, Ong Weatherfield, Elby, Oak Oakes, Otto, Kearney West, Ma rj orie. U)'ladilla Osborne, Bazel E., Brownville Weyrich,Clara E., Plattsmouth Paasch, Margaret C., Millard Whitaker, Jessie V. , Grafton Pabian, Otto, Orleans Whitney, Pearle, Humboldt Papst, Gertrude, Burr Wiles, Cretoria, Syracuse h on Pasco, Grace, Omaha . \\Tilson, Mrs. Donald , R. , J o ns ' Pasco, Ruth E., Talmage Ka nsas Penkova, Verna ·woodruff, Orena, St amford Peters, Mrs. Anna V., Alma Young, Grace, Beat rice Peterson, Alpha C., Plattsmouth Woods, H a zle, W ., Wyrrnore Pollard, Mrs. Mary G., Nehawka Zose, F lorenc.e, South Ben d Pool, J ulian, Verdon Zimmer s, Margaret, Dunbar
STUDY CENTER 1926-1927 M L Papi llion Holli way, H elen, Auburn Allen, MrMary M.. Fairbury Holliwa y, H elen, N ebraska City AJ lpreas, J ean N~brask a City Huebner, Vera, Papillion Andr~ws, g Mi:s. Viola, Papillion Kenn edy, Minnie, Nebraska City ArD1~l roVi~let Fairbury Kidd, Mrs. Millicent, Papillion ..\xte • . ndra A uburn King, Etta L.,Ash eand Park Bee;, MiB~rtha 'Papillion Langford, Mrs. Wiley, Auburn Bis 0.P'Mrs Neilie Papillion Lar kin, Lois, Omaha Boy~i, tner . Dorth~da , A shla nd Park Larkin, Hazel, Omaha BoniguEth~l A Fairbury Lemke, Alma, Nebraska City Brem,ker Florence ., M l c K ean, M rs. N e 11" 1e, N eb . c i·ty ~rook Mrs Elsie F., Fairbury Marceleas, Irene, Fairbury r~fso~ · Deiia ' Mead, Beuna L ee, Nebraska City C~i·sch 'Pearl Ashland Park Meadows, Mrs. Charlotte, P apillion cf\ek' Elsie' Ash land Park Miller, Mrs. Viola , Fairbury C l~:zek; Ludrr{ila, Ashland Park Montgomery, Maude, Auburn Clark, Genevieve C., Fall"bu r y Mumdt1 Laura, Omaha Claybaugh Bird, Ashland P ark Naysmith, · Rosetta, Aubur n ~;llin, Mr~. Bessie L., Auburn Noe, M:rs. K atherine, A s,hlancl Park onner Mrs. Opal B., Auburn Oestmann, Augu sta, Auourn Coll\rny, Eunice, F a i1 bury Pusey, Josie, Fa i ~·bury Cor ners. Grace, Auburn Pusey, Lucy, Fairbury ox Margaret L ., Fairbury Ross, Mrs. 0 . L., F a irbury Cro~k A11ce, Nebraska City Ru ssell, Lucille, A uburn l>a hn~ke, Mrs . • Leona, P ap illion Rudely, Glady , Auburn Chapman, Margaret, Ashland P a rk Sa mland, Carrie, Ashlan d P ark Deitz, Dorothy Schellinger , Franci s . N ebraska City l>elano, Bianca, F a irbury Schellinger , Mary H., N ebraska City Dernre, Lillie, Fairbury Sheahan . Mildred , Ash la nd P ark Downey, Elizabeth, Nebraska City Starr, E lizabeth, F a irbury DuB ois, Alice Stoneman , Mab el, Fairbury Durr, Bridget A., N ebraska City Thompson, P earl, Fairbury Ead~. Mr s. May, Auburn Tignor , Mrs. Earl, Auburn Fanders, Mrs .. Lessa, Fairbury Tucker, Viola , Nebraska City Goodson, Erwm D., Fairbury Wagner, Ad a , Fairbury ~o~schalk, Mrs. Sadie, Papillion \.Ya rman, H azel, Fairbury Ha ii' Mrs. Alta, Papillion Williams, Mrs. M., Oimaha H~n~e~dBa e N b k c· Wu 1 , u a, e ras a 1ty . rth, Ida E., · Fairbury · Heffler, Blanche, Papillion Z1ettlow, Wilma, Fairbur y ~i~ch, Elizabeth, Fairbury Zimmerurnn, Lorsin, Auburn 0 en ee, Lula K., Fairbury Zirnmers , Margaret, N ebraska City STUDENTS DEMONSTRATION SCHOOL 1926-1927 SENIORS Adams, Carl Bernard • L enora B B0 1l"1e, J ames B~jggs , H azel B ggs, Robert rundson H Cole ' arry • Fl oyd r) .tckers nuerfel~~· E st?er ' Doris
E lliott, Florine Fi sher, ·Genevieve Furnas, Margueri te Juhl, John Ma jors, Lucy Miln es, Marian Milstead, Virginia Nincehelser , Esther Peterson, Emily
Rawson, Lillie Robirds, Paul Sears, Maxine Sherman, Hazel Sopher, H arvey Swartz, Clayton Thornhill, Joy Thornhill, Merritt Vance, Mildred
Adams, Ruth, ApI>legate, Vyril B'ath, John Boellstorff, Otto Briggs, Kathryn Clary, Marie Cowell, Clinton Cook, H arold Delzell, Donna Jane Ford, Maryland Fuller, Alyce Graves, Oliver Grossoehme, Edith
Harajian, Ruth Hedge, Kathryn Hutchinson, Vera Kelso, Opa l Kizer, Clarence Lichty, Gladys Majors, Margaret Mclninch, William Noah, Opal Nelson, Stewart Nelson, Mamrice Patt erson, Edna Leahy, L eora
Able, Virgi l Applegate, Earl Brady, Ada Glineburg, Allison Collin, La mbert Cook, Moorey Gordon, Byron Grafton, Edith Grafton, John Hu tch inson, Hollis La ndolt, Katha rin ~
Landolt, Paul Leahy, Marj orie Marsh, Oliver, McAdarrn s, Myrle Medley, Frances Monteith, Joe Neal, Mildred Nelson, Ster ling P eery, Ruth Pettitt, Winifred Stromqu ist Milto•
Patterson, Harold Polston, Andrew Railsback, Thomas Rohrs, L ouise Sedoris, Chester Snyder, Frances Stromquist , Dallas Sultzbaugh, Clifford Vosberg, Cha rles Vosberg, Velma Wa de, Lu cile Wiles, Gadys Williams, Kathryn Wright, D orothy
SOPHOMORES Sultzbaug h, Bertha Swartz, Merie Tobler, L ewis, Turner, Elsie Tynon, Virginia Velvick, W esley Wey, L ou ise Wey, Milfor d Williams, I r win Yates, Pete
FRESHME N Burbridge, Loui se Carli sle, Vivian Cherry, Byron Dunning, Mac Gai nes, Stephen Gilbert, Helen Good, Ines Grover, Opal Graves, E ugene Graves, Jessie Graves, Mabel Ha• lon, l\fary Louise
Hays, Marie L ola Kingsolver, Ha rriett Majors, Lora Medley, Ralph Merritt, Dela Pate, Robert Patterson, Carl Patterson, Thoma s Railsback, Sylvia Rawson, Ernest Richardson , Velma
Burbridge, Eunice Cope, Melba Cowell, P.au line Hays, Frank :Milstead, Haney
N incehelser, Floyd Pierce, Wilda Rhodus, H oward Riggs, H oward
Setzer, Vida Ma ri e Sherman, Ca rrie Sherman , Ethel Tynon, Andrew Van derfor d, Sterling Van ce, Dori s Vosberg, Archi e Yates , Ha r old Yates, J oe Youn g, Ma rj ori e Whitney, Omer Willi ams, Woodrow
EIGHTH GRADE Sayer, Ri chard Scheetz, F ern Sherm a n, Earl Snyder, Byron Stromquisi; Leora
Blythe, Ric~ard Bray, Juanita Crago, Jean . Dahlstrom, Daisy fisher, Wendell Good, Vera
SEVENTH GRADE H enry, Gladys H owe, Helen Leahy, Wanda P a rriott, Alice P otter, Gladys Pugh, Melvin
Rader , Lloyd Rohrs, Frederick Sander s, Dorothy Stoltz, Harold Tyson, Kathleen Vanderfo r d , Irene
SIXTH GRAD E Adams, Hazel Cawthorne, Dorothy Clary, Glen . Cook, Luena Wilma
Cowell, Roberta Gilliland, Ruth Good, Kenneth Gr over, Alan
Neal, Billy Ri chards, Ardith Stafford, Francis Whitlon, Clifford
FIFTH GRADE Applegate, Ellen Burbridge, Dorothy Chatelain, Ruth Gorden, Mary Holch, Mary Shirley Leahy, Percy
Ma urer, Helen Mentzer, Louise P otter, Ernest iiader , Carl Rhoades, Helen Slinke, Gene
Stafford, Helen Straw, Raymond Schwedhelm, Eunice Velvick, Elmon Webster , Walter vVilliams , Evelyn
FOURTH GRADE Adams, F ay Applega te, Ruth Cowell, Opal Cowell, Roland Grover, Dwight Larsen , Helen
Medley, Gladys P almer, Harley Parriott, Delbert Perry, Noyle Ra der, Ruth S hel'man, Harold
Adams, Iva Bray, Edith Carter, Gale c herry, E lizabeth C rago, John
De Vor e, Alice Foster, Amuiel Maurer, Jama Potter , Freeda
Adarni; E11 111 · Ada ' Carn.rns, Helen Loui se ll eron, Dyle F~~her, Frank Dale is er, Harold F06te . r, Loyde Ga1nes •r ' •u onte Gene
Grafton, George Lantis, Sue Larson, Frank Clark Merritt, Hazel Moser, Leona Moser, Lloyde Price, Bernadine
Stromquist, Wilbur Stiles, Hazel Trowbridge, Rozella Turner, Shirley Webster, Junior Whitwell, Beth Williams, Mildred
THIRD GRADE Redfern, Lorene Rhoades, Franklin Riggs, Wayne Webst er, Mary
SECOND GRADE Rader, Ruby Redfern, Leory Rhodus, John Stafford, Catherine Stiles, Helen Schwedhelrn, Lorraine Turner, Lester Whitfield, Helen May
Beck, Margymae Beckford, Robert Blyth e, Dorothy Crago, Ann Cherry, Dwight Erlm ann, William
FIRST GRADE Flau, Valdemar Good, Doris Grafton, Roy Hanlon, J ames Lehrman, Ann Leon McKnight, Geraldine Medl ey, Frances Ruth .
Potter, Clarence Rhoades, Sidney Rader, Ruby Sherman, Tommy Vanderford, Mary Al" Webster, Charles iee Whitfield, Cprinne
Adams, Charles Applegate, Margaret Applegate, Mirian Becker, Barbara J ea n Burbridge, Wendel Carter, Hope Chatelain, Shirley Claments, Richard Collins, Lilly Mae Foster, Franci s Hackman, Ardith
KINDERGARTEN Hackman, Miriam Hanlon, Nettie Frances Hays, Norma Jean Hays, J;lalph Jones, Nancy Ellen La rlucan, Margre Jean Larson, L eonora Leheigh, Alton Lyons, Edgar Allen Mason, Twila Maxted , Tommy
Merritt, Evelyn Mosher, Frank . incehelser, Donald Potter, Alsie Potter, Clarence Potter, Virgil Riggs, Bobby, Sherman, Mamie Slinker, Neal Stafford, Roy Volentine, Marjorie Waltz, George Dale
AFFILIATED RURAL SCHOOL Adams, Bert Adam s, Bonni e Adams, Edith Bell, Lorra ine Bloomingdale, Mary Bloomingdale, Richard Brown, Edgar Brown, Edythe Margaret Brown. Marion Cole, Ida Cole, Lucy Cook, Clyde Cook, William
Hadges, Della Hall, Walter Klon e, Ednamae Klon e, Eugene .Maag, Dorine Maag, Irvin, Jr. Maag, Luceen Mcintyre, Lloyd Pursel, Rachel Schindler, Helen Schneider, Carl Schneider, Ellen Schneider, ¡Rosemary
Schneider, Vera Ulbinch, Paul Vaughin , Dorothy Vaughin, Harley Vaughin, Jackson Vaughin, Jessie Vock, Helen Vock, George Vock, Marie Vock, Sterling Wood rum, Donald Woodrum, Gilbert
DEGREES, DIPLOMAS AND CERTIFICATES GRANTED F ROM JUNE 1, 1926 TO JUNE 1, 1927 DE GREE . Watter \V. Shickley Aifs, Gus A., Panama . Bade, . Mary E ., Beatri ce Beechel, Forres t G., Beatrice . Bel•1 Millard D., Beatrice Belli William F., Peru Bog e, Libbie A Pern BransonB, C Pe.{·u Brown ess ., C p d ~on Howard ., eru ~~~rtzenb'ach, Walter E., Pern Busch, Roy C., Anselmo . Casler, G. Vaughn, Steele City Carter, Opal Yost . Clevenger, Ba1:ton A., Aubu1n Conkle, Francis L., .Per u Craig, Earl L., Hartington Cruikshank, Mary, Nebraska City !lallam Daniel Boone, P eru llodder~r, Marion E., Verdon Ellis, William G., Bellevue Eskew, Elsie E., Shenandoah, Ia. Eskew, Frances F ., Shenandoah, I a. Frary, Glenn H., Aubun1 Frary, Verda H ., Auburn Fuller, Everett F., Peru Glasgow, Hal W., Lyon s Grandy, Clarence W., Humboldt Grunwala, Emil G., Sturgi s, S. D. Hackman , Otto W., Lincoln Hackman, Viola G., Lincoln Hansen, Walter W. Johnson Harrison, Mary S ..' P anama Harrison, Robert D., l'anama H~dblom , Selma A., Aurora Higgins, Ralph B., Stella Hilgenfeld, Hurbert, Falls City Holch, Hazeldean S., P eru 7unter, Raymond E., Tabor, Iowa ones, Ethel, Nemaha
Jones, H elen M., N Qmah a Jorn, Harriet t D., Verdon Jorn, Perry J., Verdon Kucera, Otto F., Tobias Kukral, Libbie F., Niobrara Mc Ginnis, Mabel M., Stella Madden, Richard, Pawnee City Majors, Arthur R., Endi cott Mares, El sie, Peru Marsh, Marion, Peru Maxwell, Anna , Thu rs ton Meser ve , Mary F., Peru Mickel, J ere C., ·Lincoln Mill er, Marjorie M., Beatrice Miller, Zella M., Beatrice Nielsen, Einar G., H astings Nippert, \'\-'ard E., Bruning P ierce, Gladys, Bar tlett, Iowa P ierce, Len e, Bartlett, Iowa Pool, Julian E., Verdon Paynter, K en ton A., Mound City, Mi ssou ri Ritch ie, Arleene B., Stella Roub inek, Malin da, Dodge Ro wley, Samuel F., Dewitt Russell, Caroline H., Lincoln Russell, Kate E stella , Lin con Seney, Noel B., Decatur Simon, -Gora C., Stanton Simon, J ames V., Stanton Sparks, L. Leon a, Tecum seh Swartwou t, Rae Imogene, Kansas City, Mo. Veal, Irene, Verdo:R Willhoft, Wald 0., N ebra ska City Williams, J. Lambert, Stella Woihel, Erna. Greenwood Woitzel, :Frieda, Greenwood \:!fright, Roscoe E ., Pe:ru Zook, Owen G., P eru
DEGREES, DIPLOMAS AND CERTIFICATES GRANTED F ROM JUNE 1, 1926 TO JUNE 1, 1927 DE GREE . Watter \V. Shickley Aifs, Gus A., Panama . Bade, . Mary E ., Beatri ce Beechel, Forres t G., Beatrice . Bel•1 Millard D., Beatrice Belli William F., Peru Bog e, Libbie A Pern BransonB, C Pe.{·u Brown ess ., C p d ~on Howard ., eru ~~~rtzenb'ach, Walter E., Pern Busch, Roy C., Anselmo . Casler, G. Vaughn, Steele City Carter, Opal Yost . Clevenger, Ba1:ton A., Aubu1n Conkle, Francis L., .Per u Craig, Earl L., Hartington Cruikshank, Mary, Nebraska City !lallam Daniel Boone, P eru llodder~r, Marion E., Verdon Ellis, William G., Bellevue Eskew, Elsie E., Shenandoah, Ia. Eskew, Frances F ., Shenandoah, I a. Frary, Glenn H., Aubun1 Frary, Verda H ., Auburn Fuller, Everett F., Peru Glasgow, Hal W., Lyon s Grandy, Clarence W., Humboldt Grunwala, Emil G., Sturgi s, S. D. Hackman , Otto W., Lincoln Hackman, Viola G., Lincoln Hansen, Walter W. Johnson Harrison, Mary S ..' P anama Harrison, Robert D., l'anama H~dblom , Selma A., Aurora Higgins, Ralph B., Stella Hilgenfeld, Hurbert, Falls City Holch, Hazeldean S., P eru 7unter, Raymond E., Tabor, Iowa ones, Ethel, Nemaha
Jones, H elen M., N Qmah a Jorn, Harriet t D., Verdon Jorn, Perry J., Verdon Kucera, Otto F., Tobias Kukral, Libbie F., Niobrara Mc Ginnis, Mabel M., Stella Madden, Richard, Pawnee City Majors, Arthur R., Endi cott Mares, El sie, Peru Marsh, Marion, Peru Maxwell, Anna , Thu rs ton Meser ve , Mary F., Peru Mickel, J ere C., ·Lincoln Mill er, Marjorie M., Beatrice Miller, Zella M., Beatrice Nielsen, Einar G., H astings Nippert, \'\-'ard E., Bruning P ierce, Gladys, Bar tlett, Iowa P ierce, Len e, Bartlett, Iowa Pool, Julian E., Verdon Paynter, K en ton A., Mound City, Mi ssou ri Ritch ie, Arleene B., Stella Roub inek, Malin da, Dodge Ro wley, Samuel F., Dewitt Russell, Caroline H., Lincoln Russell, Kate E stella , Lin con Seney, Noel B., Decatur Simon, -Gora C., Stanton Simon, J ames V., Stanton Sparks, L. Leon a, Tecum seh Swartwou t, Rae Imogene, Kansas City, Mo. Veal, Irene, Verdo:R Willhoft, Wald 0., N ebra ska City Williams, J. Lambert, Stella Woihel, Erna. Greenwood Woitzel, :Frieda, Greenwood \:!fright, Roscoe E ., Pe:ru Zook, Owen G., P eru
Adams , Walburga, Nebraska City Anville, William, P eru Bath, Howa r d A ., Brownville Beh rem:, Kathryn H ., Yutan Bevington, Gr ace l\:I., Reynolds Bi ly:, Ona, Pawnee City Bloodgood, H elen L. , B eatr ice Booth, Evelyn, Pawnee City Boyle, Basil I., Verdon Brewer, Sylvia , Omaha Br u ce, Loen e F ., \Veston Bru ndson, Nell G .. P eru Burns, H azel R., Stella Bryam, Evangeline, Decatur Cadwell, Ruth G., Malvern, Iowa Carsch, Pearl, Humboldt Carstens , Rh ea, Beat r ice Catlett, Wayne, P awnee Cit y Chamberlain, Roy, Brownv ille Clarke, Elizabeth, Stella Coglazier, E n id. V erdon Coonrod, Avis E. , R eynolds Corey, Grace, Shen andoah , Iowa Cullen , Beulah, Holmesville Current, Zalia. Stockvill P. Dearin g , Dorothy E., Alliance f) ieh m, Selma J .. Sterling Epler, H elen , J u li an Evans, Edith E., Shubert Evans, Elizabeth, Sabeth a, Kan. Frederickson, Dagmar, N ewell , Kan. Graul, Leila, Alexandria Grossoehme, Gladvs , Peru Hall , Willard D., Nem ah a Hanson , Ethell E., Bellevue Herron. Marie, 路watson. Mo. 路 Hoot, Thelm a, T ecumseh H u rt. Dorothy , Omah a H utchings, Georgia, Malvern , Iowa Ihrig, Freda E., Johnson Jen sen , Bertha, Pla inview John son. H arold W., Salem Kahm, Lillian . Friend Kaltenborn, Walter T., W aco Kelly, Fra n ces V. , N em aha Kennedy, Freeda, P eru Kingston. Edn a, Bradshaw Kissoclc W illow, L ead, So. Dak. Lamb, Miirion L. , Omaha Larsen , Clara K ., Albion Lawren ce. Clarn. N em aha Lentfer, L illie, F airmon t Li ndgren, Alice. Malmo Lyle , Pauline. W a co McCormick, Ruby, Syracuse Mc l<'erren, Luella, N eb raska City Mahaffey, M ar gar et, Omah a
Ma han , Bess, Omaha Mentzer, F lorence , Council BI Iowa Ulfs, Mares, E lsie, P er u Mer itt, J ames M., H ebron Miesbach, Effie, U na dilla Moran, Maggie M., H a rdy Moseman, Alma, F a lls City Myers, Dor othy E ., Auburn N a ~man, Ma ri e M., Alexandria Na ima n, 路w alter L ., Alexandria Nedrow, W arren N., Stella N elson , Mon ell, Ong Newton, Cha r les S., Brownville Ni chola s, Gen evieve, Nebraska CitJ Nickel. C. L aDean, Murdock Ord , Mabel, DuB ois Osb orne, H azel E ., Brnwnville Pa nska, Vern a M., E lmwood P arish, Francis., D., Elmwood Philbrook. Ruth , Cla r ks P ri efe1't, Leslie, A ., Reynolds Rin n e. Minnie, Steinauer Russell, Dorothy, Portland, Oregon ~chind l <;>r, R uth. N ebraska City Setzer, Leora H., P eru Shafer, Garden \Varel, Ruskin Schaefer, Rose tta , Brnck Shrad er, F orr est B .. Pl attsmouth Simmons, Virginia, Bradshaw Simpki ns, Logan E., Reynolds Skan den. Shirley, Waco RkE>en, Carl A .. E lmwood Smith, Desda Gail, Springfield Snyder, I sabelle, Auburn Sorenson, Myrtle. P lai nview Stanley, Gladys I., Nora Taylor, Minnie E .. Nebraska City Thies, Alvin a , Aubu rn T h orpe, J esse B., W aco . Trowb r idge, Alice, H astmgs Tyn er, Lydia, Sh en andoah, Iowa TTnkel, Mildred, OmRha Van ce, Bartlett L. , P eru Van ce, Mar garet D., P eru Vn n derb eek, V ester, P anama Wiles, Cretoria E ., Syracuse Whalen, Alice, Kimball W hitla . Meina, Butte c路t W illhoft, Nora, N ebr a ska 1 Y Williams, Maxine G. , Stella Willmore. W an da. H ebron ' ;l/ il son, F rances H. , Omaha Win frey Melva. Stella "'Wright,' Josephine, A~burn Wuster Ruth , Dawson Zabel, Gertru de, A1uburn
ELEMENTARY CERTIFICATE Lovitt, Mildred, Filley Beatrice, Stella McCormick, Ruby M., Syracu S(' A.Jiern, E sther Panama McDowell, Blanche, Salem ,\ndersonRuth E.', Ellis Menefee, Virginia, Firth Bartlett, Ruth B., Beatrice Miller, Catherine, Stockham Bateinan:Ruth Nehawka Moore, Donna, Nemaha Behrns, e Brock Moore, Ida, N emaha Black,. LoyE'lsie, Nemaha Morris, Grace E., Nebraska City BoatinanMuna H., Nehawka Nelson, Harriett, Albin Brapdt, Lillie, Brock O' Neill, Vera, Dunba1· BroKe~lola Wilber Penkova, Kristine F., Virgjnia Broz, ter Juanita C., Dougla s Carpen ' C k Pribbeno, Mary, Imperial C thcart Helen, oo P i·okop, Libbie H., Wilber ·k' B~s sie Arlene, Wahoo Railora, Ellen Nora, Burchard Cl:~·k: Herman ~·· V.esta R buck, Mary, Auburn Clutter, Dorn, Fi.Hey Uedfern, Barton, Peru Cooper, Lola, Julian . . Reynold s, Mable, Omaha rocker, Estella, .David City . Richardson, Ruth, Brock Cunningham, Cecil, Pawnee City Rinn e, E sther, Steinauer Doman, Minnie,~ Burchard Roberts, Gertrude, Douglas Dotson Hazel E., Gretna Schneider, Luree, Gretna Eseler,' Al".i~a C., Syracuse Schindl er, Wilbur, Falls City Eichner, T1lhe A.! Gretna Schrepel, Ida, Burchard Eiseman, Ruth Millard Sheik, Leah, Crab Orchard Em t, Alberta L., Falls City Shu s ter, J ohn, Julian Fletcher, Irene, Omaha Snabl, Bessie, Table Rock Flynn, Alice, Pleasanton Sogard, Viola, W eeping Water Gage, Franki e, Auburn Spohn, Beatrice E., Weep.ing Water Gilli pie, Mae, Auburn Stoddard, Pearl A., Auburn Gillispie, Ruth, Auburn Harger, Loreen, Shubert Swan son, Mildred, Valparaiso Harshburger, Gladvs E., Humboldt 'T'aney, Alta, Otoe Hayes, Frances, El!IIlwood Taney, Elma C., Otoe Haynes, Grace, Auburn Taylor, Florence D., La Platte Hicks, Clara B., Aubu rn Taylor. Mattie E., Unadilla Hoffman, Margaret, Burchard Vap, Elizabeth, DevVeese Hughes, Dorothy, Auburn Vap. Rosa, DevVeese Jenkms, G.ladys lyt, Blue Springs Walker, Vera, Sterling J.un, Bessie Mane, DuBois Wa rboys, Vida Grace, DevVeesc ~illeen, Marguerite, Burchard Wendlen, Alma L., Burr ~linger, Hilda, Julian Wendeln, Lita E., Burr ~ubo'·¥· Berta, Omaha Whitney, Una E., Humboldt ~.henning, Lorene, Douglas Wil son, Evelyn, Auburn 1 ' tcnberger, All an, Rrad sha \\' \\' olfe, Delores, Auburn
D · ELEMENTARY RURAL CERTIFICATE orig Ir kg • Hazel Peru Mendenhall, Eldon, Elmwood ic er on E 'th Duerfeldt' s . er, Nemaha Nincehelser, E sther, Peru Hunt B ', p or1s, Nemaha . c1n1ce, Panama P.aw!'<on , Lillie, Brownville
LIFE PROF E SSIONAL CERTI F I CATE Anderson, Yid.a, Graf McManan, Warr en D., Plattsmo th Aufenkamp, Zola Kn a pp, J ulian Ma hon ey, Ra mona M., F alls Ciu Arnold, Marjorie, H amburg, .Iowa Mentzer, Florence M. , Council Blty• I owa U111, Bath, Edward J ., H arri son Bell, Millard D., E dg ar Me yer, Crysta l, P er u Bily, Ona, Pawn ee City Moseman, Dorothy, F a lls City Blankenship·, D. J., York Moulton, Selma , W ymore Boren, Maurice ·E. , .Valparaiso Noerrlin gf'.r• . Ralph, Crab Orchard Brocke, Victor, Auburn · Oa kes, Wilham Ottoe, Kearney Bruce, Loren e; W est on Ord, Mabel, DuBois Carmon, Helen . A., Au burn Osborne, H a zel E ., Brownville Can, Nellie, Dodge Place, Charles H., P ott er Garter, D. C., H ebron Paynter, Jaones 'N ., P la t tsmouth Carter, Opal J ., H ebron Ri nne, Minnie, Steinauer Casey, Irma D., P eru Rogers , Alvine A ., Syracuse Clary, W. M., Amar illo, Texas Schaefer, Elsa, Omah a Cole, Atlanta; P eru Sear s, Sterling, T roy, Ida ho Crandell, M . . L., Nebraska City Selk, Alvin o, P lymo uth Delzell, E sth el', . Peru Snyder , I sa belle, Auburn Dickerson, Ji:lmet.ta, B1:ock Soren son, Alice M., Omaha Dunning, · !nice McCorkle, P eru Spacht, Cha r les, Allia nce Gilquest M. A lf hild, Omaha · Sper ry, 0 . E., Huntley Gordon, Beulah, Col111l'..lbus City St a h lsmith, H elen , P la ttsmout h Guilliatt, P earl, Auburn Stanley, Gladys I ., Nora Hanson, Clarence B., Sh ickley Stoelzel, Lou ise, Omah a H eart, Larene A., E lmyra Sundell, Karni e, Oma ha H en ton, Nedra A., Shenandoah, Ia. T a ylor, D. June, Columbus H oyt, Es thei:· · Lou ise, P eru Th orpe, Goldie, P a n ama Hu nt, Georg e T ., \V'eep ing \ \Tater Thor pe, N. F., Panama J.o hnson, S ig ri d M., Malmo Tyson, L eone L ., Nebraska City J ohnston, Dor cas, E lmo, Mo. iVe imer, H elen, Hardy K ahm, Lillian M., F r ien d Whittemore, R. G., Adams Willhof s, Nor a, N ebraska City Knapp, Robert H ., P eru \Villia ms, H arry, V alentine Kennedy, Freeda, Per u Kerl, Lewis H., P a wnee City Willmore, Warda M., Hebron Kingston, Edna M., :i'ir a dshaw W a lse, Ma r y E ., F a lls City Kurtz, Gladys, Omaha \Viloon, Frances H., Omaha Lamb, Yola M. , Palmyra \Voodi e, F . E ., P eru Larsen, Cla ra, Albion vVright, Roscoe, E., P er u L ichty, H elen E., P eru \~' u s ter . Ruth, Daw son Yost, P a ul L., Bartlett, Iowa Lorefon, Edit h Neal, Omaha
PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE SUMMARY OF ATTENDANCE June 1. 1926 to June l, 1927 Men College Post-Graduates ---- ----- ----- ------------ O
Women 17 64 83 139 541 61
Total 17 136 152 215 637 86
____________ __ __________ __ 333
Jlth and 12th Grades -------------------- 27
EXTENSION ENROLLMENT Study Center - ----------------- -- --- ----- 1 Correspondence ------------ --- ---- ------ 44
82 161
83 205
Totals --- - ------------------- --- 45
. 243
TRAINING SCHOOL 9th and 10th Grades - - ----------- - ------ - 33 Kinder garten to 8th inclus ive ------------ 76
34 94
67 170
Totals __________________ __ _____ _109
Affiliated Rural School - --- -------- ------ 15
GRAND TOTALS FOR YEAR __________ 534
~J~:~~::_:_-~:~=1-=~~:~~:-:~~J~I==== I~ Total
Advanced Rural Certificat e --------------------------------38 63 Advisers --------------------------------------------------~~18 Argumentation a nd Debate ---------------------------- ------84 Art --------------------------------------------------39, 59, 69 A ssisting Students - -- -- ------------------------------ --------28 Astronomy ----------------------------.--- -----------------108 Athletic Field -------------------------------------- - - ------23 Athletics _---------------- -------- --------------------------25 Attendance, Summary of -------------------------- - -----155, 15'1 Auditorium --------------------------------------------------23 Band ------------------------------------------------- -24, 104 Board, st udent ------------------------------------ -- - - -------29 Board of Education ----------------------------- -------- - ------" BotanY . --------------------------------------------- --------'11 Biological Science ---------------------------=------------38, '11 Bookkeeping ----------------~-------------------------- ------76 Bui !dings ------~ ___________ ----------- - __ - -------------------22 Calendar - - ------------- ------------------------------- -----...3 Cam pus _____ ------------------ ------------------- ---- - ------23 Cam11 Fire Training ------------------------------------ --- ---83 Catholic Association -------- -------- ------------------ --------24 Certificates ----------------------------------------------38, 48
Classification of Students ----------------------------- --- ------32 9
~~::;;~~a1-i~~--_-_-_-_-_-_-~~-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_=-----_=~ :_~:~-~: Committees of Faculty --------------------------~~------ -----13 Correspondence Courses --------------------------------------1 69 7 Courses of Instruction ------------------------------------6 , 32
Daily Programs ---------------------------------------- 11 ' Debating --------------------------- ------ --
g~:i::.a--=_-=_-=_-=_-=_-=_-=_-=_-_-_-_-=_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_:-_:-_-__~_38: 48, 149, Distribution of Grades
------·-------------------------------23- 29
~~~:~t~~y cl~b-- - - - - -=- - - - -~- - - - - - - - -~- - - - - - - -~- - - - - ~-----------44--=====
Drawing (See General Ar:) ----------------53, SO Early Elen,entary Educat10n -------------------------- ' 39 76 Education ---------------·----- --- -- ----------------------- '
Educational Measur ements ----------------------------- -------81 Educational Organizations ------·- __ ------------ _______ ---- ---- ~4 Educational Sociology ------- - ------------ -- ___________________ 81 Educational Survey ---------- ------- - - - -- -- - ----------------- 7~ Elementary Education ------------------ ------------------45, 55 Elementary Rural Certifi cate ------------ -- -- --- ---38 1 66, 149, 153 Elementary School ---:---- -------------------- ---- - ------ - ___ __ 31 Elementary State Certificate - ---------------------38, 65, 149, 153 Engli sh - --------------------- ----------------------------3 9, 82 Entertainment ------------------------------ ------ -- --------115 Entrance Requireinent ------------------ ---- ----------- - ------<Vi Episcopal Club ------------ ---- ------------ ---- -------- --- ---24 Eugenics -------- ------ ------------ -- ---------------- -- ------ 73 Everett Literary Society ------------ -- -7----------------------24 Executive Officers ---- - ----- ---------------------------------- 7 ENpense --------- ------------- ----- ------------- -------------29 Expression (See Speech Education) Extension Courses - - ------ ------------------------------111, 113 Extra Curri cular Activities -------------- -- - ------- -------- ---- 79 Fees -------------------------- ----------- ------- 29, 95, 98,' 113 Fees for non-resident st udents ________________________________ 30 Foreign Languages ----- ____ __ - --------- ---- ---- ----------- ___ 86 G. A. A. ---------------- ---------- -~ -- ------------ -- --------25 General Info11mation __ :._ _____ ____ __________ __ ______________ 19, 31 Genetics and Evolution ---- ---------- - - ------ - --- ------------ n Geography and Geology ___ _______________·_______ _____ __ 38, 39, 88 Girl ~ Club -- ------------ -------- - - -- ----------------------~-~4
g~:~i;~u~y;~~-==========================================~~-=~: . ~M ~m
----==================================================26 H~~ School ----------------- ---------- ---------------31, 51, 109 H~story --------------------------- -------------------21, 39 90
H~~~ryEco;no!~~~a~~~~ --------------------------------------~-81
H --------------- -------------------39, 50 94 onor Societies ' Hygiene -------=-------- ----------- ---------- ------- -- -------24 Industrial Art ____________ __ __________________________ 95, 1 ~5
l:~~:;~n--:::::::=::=::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::==::::::::: Rind:rga:f!i School -------- - -- --- ------------ - ------ - --------51
t:~i~·ator¥ Fe~~-==========================================~~: ~~
Living Expenses________________________________ __ 38, 65, 149, 154 __________ _____________ __ ________________ ____ 29
Loa n F und ------------------------------- ----- ------ - -------'
~ooc:et;~n L~-;;~~~~;-== ====== ======== ========== =================~9 Ma j ors ------------------------------------ ----39, 50, 87, 88
93 "Ma nua l Activiti ss ------------------------ --- ----------- - - ' 80 M anual A~'ts (M anual Training ) ----------------- --- -- - -46, "ES,-95
Minors ------------------------------·- - ----------3 9, 50, 87, 88, 93 Mt. Vernon Hall -------------------------------------- - ---23, 29 Music _____________________________________ ______ 24, 61, 100, 102 Nat ure Study ---------------------------- - - ----- - - - - ----- ----72 Normal Diploma (See Diploma ) Normal T raining --------------- --- --------- ----- --- ----- ----47 N umbering of Cou.rses ---------------------- -- -- - --- - - ---- ----69 Nurse ______ _______ ---------- - ----- - - - __ -------- ----------23, 26 Observation --------------------------------------------77, 110 Orchestra _____________________ ---------- -- _________ __ ___ 24, 104 0 r g aniza ti on s ____________ -- ________ ---- -- -- - - -- --------- __ ___ 24 Ort hography ______________________________ --------- - - -------- 71i P . Club -------------------------------------- ------ ----------25 P arent-T eacher Association ________________________ __ __ ________ 79 P en manship ---------------------- ---------- ----- - ______ _____ 75 P ersonnel Wo rk __________________________ _______ ___ ____ ______ 34 P hilomathean Literary Society ___________ _____________________ 24 P hysical Educa tion ___________________ ______ _________ 39, 104, 106 Physical Scien ces _____________________________ ______ ____ 39, 107
~~::!cs-==========================================!==========~~: P la ys and Games ______ ________________ ____ ______________ ____80 Political E conomy (Economics ) __ ____________________ __________ 92
P11nc1p ~ es of Teaching. ---------------------------- ---_65 P rofessional Life Certificate ------------- -------------- ------ 41 P rof essional Subjects ----------------- -- ---------------- ------76 P sychology -------------------------------- ------ ------------69 Publ~c Sch ool Art. --------------- - ------------------------6~9 • 102 P ublic School Mus1d ------------------------------------ -- ' 26
Religiou s Organization s ______________ __: _______ ________ ----39-~48 Requ ir ements, General -------------------- - ----- ---------- '
~~;,:t:l:f:7a"~:_:=_:_:_:_:_:__ :::_:_::::::_:: :_: _:_:_~=-~:_:_:_:_~::_:~_:,~ =:: School Adm1mstrat10n -------- -- ---- --:-------------------------78 School Mam~gement ---- -- ------- ------------------- - ---------79
~~~::~eF~~ldj;~-=============================================~~ ScoutmaS1tership Trammg ---- - - ------------ - -------------- ----81 Shor than d ---------------------------------- - -------------74, 75 Sigma Tau Delta lVfodal ------------------- -------------------28 Soci al Organizations --------- --- ------------------------------24 Social Science ___ _: ____ --- - -- -------- - - ------ -- --------- ---- ___ 08 Sociology _____________________ _______________________ 38, 39, 92 Spani sh --------------- - ---- - ------- - ------- - -------- -- ----- -87 Speech E ducation ___________ _____________________ ___ ___ __ __ __ 85 State Board of Education ------ -- -- ---- --------------- - - - ------ 7 State Certificates - - -- --- ---- ---------- - - - ---- - - ______ ____ __ __38 Story Telling ------ ---- ------------------ --- ------- - ---------80 Student Activities --------------- - -- --- --------------------24, 25 Student Load ------------------ --------------------- --------- 04 Student Loan Fund ------ ------------------------------------ 27 Stud0n ts, Roster of ---- ------------------- - --------------131, 133 Study Center ------------- - --- --------- - ------- -- - ----------110 Summer School ------------ ---- ---------------------------------0 Superintendent Training School __________________________ 2.6, 109 Swenson Scholarsi p _______ _ ---------------------------- --- ___ 28
~:~~:i~!c~~~~;~~-~~-~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- =-~-~~~:~i
Teachers' Placement Bureau __ __ ___ __ _________________________ 26 Teaching ________________________ ______________ __________ 77, 110
i:~~~o;~ub -------------- -------------- ---------------- -----22 ~ T -------------------------- ------------------------- v T he?ry of Education _______ __ _______ _________ ______ __ ______ ___ 77 ranun g School ------------- ---- ---- ---- - --------- - - -23, 78, 109 TY,i:;12wr itin o·
i~o1~~:c.AA.~-================================================~! -------------~ ------ -- - ------- -- ---- - ----- --- - ------- 7 2