1928-1929 Peru Pedagogian Issues 1-38

Page 1


Fresh.men Acquaintances With I Spirit .of Old Peru'



St. Benedict's Bolstered Mu ch Ov er L as t Season

The d ope bu cket m ay be damaged

" Get acquain t ed" was the spirit ·of the 'Colle ge MixeT held Sat urday e;v_e - and its conte n ts a ll ow ed to escap e nin g on t he ca mpus a nd athlet ic wh en the Bob cats m eet the pow erfield It is an o ld custom to hol d an ful S t. Benedict's College eleven in affair Of th is t yp.e e ach fall, as it the Peru bowl Saturd ay, Septemb er seems to pro ve ve ry successful in en- I 29. In other words , thin gs may haplarging stu d ents' "spe aking" a nd I pen! d atin g" a cqu a intances II S aturd ay 's con test w ill be th e seaIden t ifica tio n car ds di d th eir sha re 1 son-op ene r fo r both teams. Co ach in helping to make !>he exchange of Lon R. "Littl e Knu te" Graf h as b ee n nam es an easy tas k. w ork in g a hos t of v ete ra ns and The crowd met at the gymn as iu m I 1 Co a ch " Jimm y" Loveless has been a nd made acquaintances. F rom th ere I·, Pictured above are t he Bobcats, 1927 champions of the Nebr as ka Ipu shin g hi s fr es hm en charges in an t hey proceeded past the lib rary to -/ fJ Int ercollegia te conference Startin g from top left to right, th ey are: Nai- attempt to se nd a well- g roomed ag'IJVard t he training bu il ding, pas t the 1 '· L man, Ro g ers, Krejci, Parrig tt, Heywood, Hart, Selk, Willi am s, Ri g- gr eg a to in aga inst the inv a ders fro m dormitor y, a nd over the h ills to t he f,J g ins, Frady, Bunch ,· Gaines, Majors, Kutnink (Assistant Co ach), Graf Ithe wa r me r climes. So far, the wo rk nthletic i;iel d. Here the (Co a ch), Mc Elroy, Carter, Hertz, Gari ss (C aptain) , Brockman, Mal m, !'h as co nsisted mos tly of signal p rncwe re introduced to1 a few of the out- Fort, Zorn, Shum a rd, Zook, De lzell, Young and Kerner. 1 t ise and dummy scrimm age to sandstanding ev en ts of the co lle ge pro -. I Ipaper do wn t he rou gh edg es, bu t the gram, c-0 n vo cat io n, foot b all, and


11928 "'PED"

STAFF I Bobc at men t or expects to un co rk o rc hestra prac tice. HIGH SCHOOL SCHEDULE · some r eal practise wor k t hi s week Aft er the fr eshmen marched F INISH TRYOUTS I NOW ANNO UNCED '.a

aro und t he athletic £ eld with Jap- Sept. 28 Hu'mboldt at Peru. I

ri d a nese lanterns, t hey headed the m arch Oct. 12 Tecumseh, there. 1m achine ta ke the field aga in st the to .the cam pus where .t hey formed Annual Fall Play for 1928 Will Be : Oct. 19 Falls City, there. IJones, Ke ist e t, Cha telain , and Boot ? Kansa n s. an aisle for the upper classme n to "The Poor Nut" Nov. 2 Nebraska City, her e. I Will Head Publication Cap tain ·Daris Bunch, 208 p ound er, march thr ou gh. Br ick ice cr eam a nd 1 No v. 16 Shubert, there. · 'seem s likely to ge t the ca ll at ce n ter, cooki es made t he freshmen 's wa it CAS TI NG IN :PROGRESS Nov. 23 there. I"TIP" TO WRITE SPORTS w hil e a locker room full of b acks and wor th whil e. 1 No v. 29 Auburn, here. ' asp itra n ts fo r pos it ion s on the fo r-

From• an ap.earances, I Fall tryou ts for prob a tionar y mem- i Sept. 28 .Humboldt, here. The st a ff for the 1928 Pedagogian wa rd wall seem to be ha vin g a sn apmi xer assisted a de

Plans Made for Coming Year and Ru.dolf Anderson Lucille Hughes Ch Delight Audiences with Artistry ' . · 1- -0 -·-· -"Eats" Passed Out a rlot te Carlson Flo"1 d Lew1·s Busmess Ma11aa r

births·, to say 11'ttle of KerFred Cole MHdred Lefler P N b

The Y. M. C. A. held its firs t m eet- Harvey Cole Leland Lamb GIVE CLASSIC NUMBERS Ass't. Bus. ere r.Ed · B hi D elzell, R. H. Wiling of t he year September 12 in the Frank Cope Lois Metcalf p i·k _h___ Dou gl;s, wm oot F;wGler, Hurdle, Shestak, SimpLittle Theatre. Clay Coy Lucille Newcomer eru i es to ear Mr. Doyle sin g. ;Sports EditO'I· "T' " R b . . ms an rass g uards, a nd Miller Of particular merit were t wo num- 1 B bi p 0 erts and Brnnsdon to substitute for CapIn a s hort open iing 'address James IElvin Da v enport HarV'ey Nickel b . rownv1 e, e r. : · B . Delzell, pr esident of the a ssociation, Donna Jane Delzell William Okrent ers offered by this popul ar instruc- IAss't Sports Edi t or ___ Rol a nd Kreps Itam unch at the pivo t pp st. welcomed the new c omers. and urg ed Anna Donner Edith Prokes tor last Wednes:day at convocation. ! Da wson, Nebr. , . Most likely candidat es fo r posi tions th at every one co-oP'e rate to make t his 1 Don a ld Duryea Edward Shaefer sung was the ari a !Society Ed itor ____ Hazel Hutc hin so n I the bac_kfield include Zook, K rebtgg·est an d best ye ar for the I Fairhea.d Russell Shaefer from ElLJah , Now Take Away My I · Albion Ne braska , JCI,. a nd Li v ermore at qu arter wi th college Y. M. C. A. Corrnn·e Frye Ralph Sellh prn written ?Y Mendolssohn. Be- 1' Campus Editor -.' __ L_ Lucil e Dowe ll : "Big Joe" rulin g favori t e; Ca seb eer, !_,eo Hau ptman and Ralph Chate- i Ruth Ganz Earl Whipple .of. a very high type, this number Farragut, Iowa ISautt er'. Hart, Hurst, Sams, lam represent ed Peru at- the Estes· Marguerite Graves Walter Wiese cli.fficult to render. Mr. Doyle did !Faculty Editor __ Ha rold McCreight . and W1cma m the halfback holes Park Y. M. C. A. conference this Velma Hansell EU.en Wilson it well. Fairbury, Nebr. :-a nd Hertz and H art answerin g at su mmer. Mr. Hauptman brought Mary Hervey · The second song, "The Two Gren- jFeature EditoT ______ George Cook; fullb ack. Casebeer, Sa utter and b.ack a very interest ing The a nnual fall "The :Pooi;- adiers" (Schumann), is part icularly i Nebr a ska City, Nebr. I Zook been given t he ma n-sizti ve report of t he coovent10n. Nut", by J. C. and Ellen Nug ent, has interesting after an of its IAc t ivi ties Edit or _R aymond Ti enholm. eel assig nment doin g· t he kickin g.

A!-te r. the t.a lk t h.ere was a soc j al been receiving the attention of Mrs. music al phraseology. Repeated bits Peru, Nebr. !Hei t.z f or t he pr esent, period m w hich the old and new Joder club sponsor. Tryouts are in of the French anthem, the Ma rseilles., Deb a te Edi t or ____ Ern est Hassel blad j to divi.de his time b etween win g a nd bec am e a cquaint ed. pr0<gress at present, and the cast will are to bp heard in the refr ain. Mr. Per u, Nebr. fullb ack O ffi cers for t he present s chool be a nnounced in a few d ays. This Do•yl•e was accompanied by Mr. R. T. . Each mem ber o:fl t he st aff h as bee n I Fr es hmen Stronger Than Usu al year fo llow: is a play of college athlet ic life, and Benford. • g1v-en work for t he coming yea r. and I This yea r's fresh men st ock has James . Delzell President w ill b e, in dr am atic t one, a rather Again last Friday the Music de- j everyt hin g is wOi·ki ng smoothly. ! taken a j ump considera ble abo'Ve par. Wilbur Schindler __ Vice Pr eside nt light comedy. had charge of the pro g ram, Mnr. h of sp ort materi a l_ nnd j T he squad s eems to be e nElton 'Reinmiller - -Tre asur er t his time presenting Mr Jindra and news_ t_h e colleg e will be I d ow:d plen ty of fight a nd h ave Leo Ha uptman Secretary'


I Mr. Benford. Mr., Benford first play- pubhshed m t he city papers. I complex when mi xing Mr. L. B. Mathews, pr incip al of . l ed Chopin·s "Polonaise Opus 53" , it with t he v arsity in daily dummy the high school, and Mr. Muhm, as-


is a co:riposition a


scrimmage. s is tant professor of .g eo gra phy, are !d1ff1cult techmque. As an encore R aric.k, a clever pivot ma n hailin g t he advisers. / number, he gave a most pleasing ren-


fr om Au bur·n· s eems to be t he choice

On last Wed nesday ni g ht the Y. M. W ill Be D . ' dition of Beethoven's "Contra ...I at that pos1t10n on th-e fi rs t-ye a1· _ Performed in Peru urmg C. A. and Y. W. C. A. he ld a joint . Dance." - squad, w hile Co a ch Loveless h as unHolidays meeting in the hi gh school audit or- Following these Mr. Jindra "played Dr. G. B. Do1son To He ad Depart- 1 covered a shifty pair of en ds in i:im·. Mary took of t he "And Thou Bethlehem" is the title ; his second number first," whi ch w as ment at Nebraska Wesleyan Claussen of Hart in gton an d Cowell s ingmg fo lJ owmg which Ave ryl . "S · h D ,, b - R b H' of P eru. Rect or of Weeping Water . ' . of a Chnstmas cantata recently com- pams ance · Yi_ o y n. 1s sec- Games lead the dev otional. Jam es , 1 t d by M R T B f d f th ; ond offering "6th Air Va rie,, by de Wo rd w as ooffici ally publis hed at quarte r, Sch a ffn er of No rth Loup D 1 II d ' p e e r. . . en or o e , ' Th d h D G t h If d R a nd the r emamder o fl the meeting tte b Mr A J D 1 f 0 di"""layed in this number was self- he ad o:li Peru's En g lish d ep:artmen.t, 1 1 the othe r, and Walkin gsh aw of e[.Ze ma e sev·era l a nnounceme:its 1 mus ic dep a rtment The libretto was Beriot. The fine art istry Mr. Jindr a urs ay t at r. B. Dolson, new ' a one a an a ilsba ck of P er u at w1 1 n y . . . u n ap o ma- 1 h BJ h was gi ven over to an informal t im e. ha. The score provides fur four Jevid-en t. ad resig ned his p osit ion. He will a nc a rd, fowa, at fu llback mak e up I t ake up ne ".'." w ork at Nebras ka Wes- a ni ce combin ation of. b all luggers. pa rts, choru s, a nd seve ral solos. Pro.grams by a ny mem bers of the FRESHMEN M EET The premier performance of this .: music facul ty a re alw a ys g re a tly ap- ley an . University. Ackerso n of Ad ams a nd Figher of The men met with Mr. work will take polace in Peru near the !preciated. Dr. Dols on has be en in Pvru but Weep in g Water ha ve been playing Delzell on Septemb er 17 at con vo ca- Christmas holidays. Work has al- I a few w eeks ; neverthe less, h h as t he tackles with Stewart of Au burn tion time. I ready been be gun. All persons of , BOBCAT SCHEDULE many fr ie nds ·amon g the st,,den t J a nd !follenback of El mwood outThe hour was sp e nt in t eaching th e m usical incli nation who h ave . secret

body wh o will regret to see him standm g at guard The fr eshman ne wcomers the college so ng·.an d yells. amb1·t1·ons of be1·l}g "fi r.st n1'!lhte·rs"

leave. We wish hi m the best of sue- sq uad also . pr omises much in Cole, a Followin g is t he Bobcat sc hedule: pass sn agg h lfb k f w Accoird.ing to Mr. "tbose will w elcome the oppo rtunity of h ear- At Peru: cess in his new position and exten d . . · mg a ac rom eepF reshmen s ure can yell." ing this fi r st rendition, as well as t he 1st. Benedic ts, Sa tnrd ay Sept. 29. 'h ea r ty . cong rat ul atio ns Wesl eyan mg W ater, and Priefert, gua rd , f'rom

Th F h I h v.., , U . .t · 1 · R ey no ld s.

e· res men c a ss eld sep arate many fri e nds of the composer-pianist Maryville Mo Sa turd ay Oct 6

mversi Y· · T d s b 18 · d f h ' " ' " · And so, the spo tli ght falls on the convocation ues a_y, . er , who. are intereste rOlJll ot er pQ ints Chadron, S aturday, October 27

President Pa te stat es th at several h c urtain raiser. Last year Peru handat . t e co llege aud1tormm. of! VleW. (Homecomi ng) men are being considere d as Dr. Dol- ed St. Benedict's the short end of 19 Miss Tear had charge· of the m eet- M;r. Benfo•rd has b ee n q uite s ue- K .., F 'd N b son's s ucc essor, and th at one of these · · d . h lf F b f · H earuey, r1 .ay, ovem er 16 to 0 co u nt af te r a never-say-die co nmg, mtro ucmg erse as res man c ess fu l as a c omposer o m usic. e ·

will be chos en in the n ear f uture.

Dr. Dolso n r eceived hi s d egree from bu t wh at th e fi gh tin g Ir ish we re on e sp ons'er After teUin g , the class1·h as m an y s on gs no w pub lish ed, a nd Away from home: test at· At chis on, There is no dou bt the plans fo r t he future she an- is p ropably o ne of the 1-e adin g com- Oct. l-3, St. Louis Uni., at St. Louis. Corne ll Univers ity, Ith a ca, New York, olf the st rong est opponen ts th e Bobnouneed t hat i nstallati'on of o ffi c ers 1pos ers of Nebraska. Oct. 20, Still Co1lege at Des Moines. a nd s ince that time has t au ght at cats met l as t y ear and the sportswould take place s oon, and c an did ates / More de fi ni te inform ati on as to the Nov. 3, Wayne, at Wayne. Buffalo U niversity, New Yo rk, May- 1manship ·a'nd hospitality shown t owould be v oted on two weeks af ter- exact date w ill in the Ped ago 24, Omaha Uni at Omah a. ville Norm al, Ma ryville, N. D., and wa rd the visi t ing team is well worthy ward. giah later. , Nov. 29, Ta rkio, Mo., at Tark io I College of. t he Pacific, California. of n ote he re .--.-- - -State Tea c hers Colle ge, PERU, NEBR. /


Entered at the Postoffice of Peru, Nebraska, as second class _ I

Published weekly at Peru State Teachers College-the oldest trammg school I in the Missouri Valley, esta•blished J.867.

$1.00 the year. Sing!€ copy 5 ceats.


of the Caesars, or whether the rural lobby. D rop in and se e us somemailman makes it in a country road time. ,

;;r created, Glenn Sl agle left early Tuesd ay mo rnin g. News of' M r. Rhod es' speed y reco very is a ntici pated after a rain. We may fool ourselves 1

into thinking t hat we're in th e most \ THE MISCELLANEOUS CORNER FACULTY


deli g htful rut in the world ; but how \ a bout out? I Some d ay when you're in the Ii- · -----------------.: I " I'm begin ning to realize how 1i tagain, when we speak of set- brary, take a look at the mag a zines Mr. and Mrs Linds ay ,. durin g the I . tie I re ally kn ow, but t han ks to my thng may be reminded in the miscellaneous corner of the summer, tr av·eled in W yomin g and Peruvian Tells o·f Former Campus tp;ractic·e t eachin g, I am g etting alon g alinost 1mmed1ately of the "grind." magazine rack. It seems as if all the Monta na collec ting material :flrom the I College Arrang·emen t v er y well, " writes Cecil St ark. super_'N ell, if it i.s,a continual grind, t here "queer ide as" in the country have IHistorical Soci-ety at Helen a,_ Wyo- int endent of the m unic ipal ward 1s something wron g. True enough, \somehow foun d their way to this min g, on the History of Nm:thern C ap you im agine black waln ut s ch oo l at Ch app el, Ne bras k a. Mr we may need to grind place. Also , it seems as if the g re a t- Wyoming, particularly in reg ard to Ib oard the co Hege campus? Sta rk his work, and h as been to sharpen the edge of intellect, but 1 er part of t his pile of propaganda the Big H orn Basin. Mr. an d Mrs. l?an you 1magme_ P eru with out an )made ch a irm an of the N. S. T. A. axe is continually on the /has been sadly neglected. P erhaps Lindsay went through all the n·ews- mch m town? Such was membership committee for Deuel g rmdstone will never do any wo•rk. students are doing a little thinkin a papers in northern Wyomin g and lth.e picture pamted· by C. L. Hopper, coun ty, He p lans to en roll D euel An incessant grind is no t hin g but a !for themselves, after all. .,,, sou thern Montana. They also inter- a student from to w.ho was coun ty t eachers one h un dred prerc en t. rut. · viewed old settJ.ers, among them, Mr. Ion the with his fa mily last ___ Look investigate . things CONC:ERNING BELIEFS Beck, w ho accompanied Cofone! w. \Wednesday. That brilliant ma n of affairs, A.rthBefore dec1dmg upon a Journey W. Cody into the Big Horn Bas in. When asked if Peru had changed ur Li nda hl, who r eceived his degreethrough this institution, search out We do not wish to open that old Ano t her ·eminent person whom they Iany since he was a student here, Mr. in 1927, is ag ai n among us as as sistyour dest inat ion, then select your much hashed-over controversar y-sci- in terv iewed was Mr. Hayden, who Hopper replied tliat t he girl's dor- ant to Dr. Brow n, re gist rar road. Most of them are well marked, -ence vs. religion-herein. W·e only surveyed the city of Cody, Wyom- mitory was the only :fiamiliar b uildin g s urfaced, but chucky _in_ spots. wish to urge students, particularly ing. Mr. Hayden is a .graduate of the and that Miss Clark, langu a ge in- \ Walter Alfs, d egTee '27, and Llo yd Select your work, hit it hard, do as new students, not to become unduly University of Nebraska. They inter- structor, was the sole survi vor of t he I Beemer, deg ree l ast su mmer are ·enmuc? else as you can. Don't be excited, and to look at the propmsi- viewed Mr. Hall, the man wha sent faculty of his day. He said th e Ijoying envi able posit ions 'teaching afraid to correct mistakes, or'. if ne- tion with their reason in control of the message from Fort Stanborough t:ees have made an enormous g rowth manu al t rain ing at Mankato, Minne:o start. -all agam Set- their intelligence. to Omaha, a nnouncin g Custer's de- smce 1901 The campus, with it's sota. Mr. Alfs is sup ervisor of mana trifle wanly; then keep In so fas as taking sides with be- Hall resides near Fort Wash- spaced buildings, and hust-jual arts tn the junior high s chool · liefs, many people seemingly find a ak1e. He has been in the state Sen- mg students, seems very small and lthere. You might go wron g, but volll at · W · d · cramp d h "d H J • d h b . • shii.rp corner to turn when they reach e smce yommg was a m1tted to e , e sa1 . e exn ame t at 1 pro ably won't. college. Adolescence is rather free 1the Union. on the plains Wal do Willhoft, who r ec-eiv.ed his OUR POLICY (almost caref1ree) minded ; and there Mr. Lindsay has the con tract to PerU, was used to degree in 1926, left Saturday fo r Ann is a sharp and sudden narrowing edit the papers of John w. Deane, miles and seemg no thi ng but Arbor, Michigan. He i ntends to -en-

. Here is your first Pedago g ian of down,,to be .encounte!'ed "within· the Iwho was a colO'nel the Civil ter college of the University the year. Doubtless, it contains a walls. Nearly any person has men- War, and at present is Mayor of Mr. Hopper taught schoo l two of Michigan host of errors and imperfections. ta l abili ty enough to keep his bal- Wyoming. for six years. In These we will make an honest endea- ance on t his ,question, but the ten- Mr. Lmds.ay also had use of< the this capacity he h as had ampl-e opvor to weed out :a5 time passes, and de ncy is to make decisions without 1di a ry of Doctor Thomas Mg hee. Mr. lportunity to observe several Peru as our experience g rows rn fficie nt p1•epo nderance of tho ught. iMghee _accompanie_d Captain Bates sai;ne spirit of loyalty

We believe i·n the newspaper as an Nabody h' ht t an d Chief Washak1e on a raiding ex- \which was high rn 1901, and which as a ng o make a de- dT · h · 1 a d h" t d influence for good. By mak1"ng the cision wh" h d" 1· . !Pe I ion mto t e Big Ho rn Basin. IC use im o sen several studen ts m 1savows re 1g1on or re- Th" · t P · "d · Pedagogi an a g ood newspaper, we pudiates 1 1s was t he raid called Bates's B at- 0 eru, is evi ent m today's graducan also make it a poten tial influence yea ' t' m ess two tie orf July 4, 1847. ates of P.eru, he declared. He has for the upbuilding o:f1 the school. rs 1; colleg·e. And, m two Mr. Lindsay wi'l l use this material ..s'een several members of Peru's a lumTh f th h" ty.earstho s Y with careful medita- he has collect:ed for his doc tor's di s- \ni w ho have suc ceeded in their ere oire, e t mgs which in our 1011, ere is very mu ch less dang t t' H · · "Th ' fi · q own minds, are good wi'll b e' placed of a a· 1 · er ser a 10n. e 1s assistant professor I e cert1 cate issued to me is still ny ra 1ca revo lut·o t k' I · h" · rd · wi.th in _its pages We expect that 1 n a mg P ace. m istory an d other social sciences Iva I · It nearly expired rec en t ly, but some of you will not 1 Reh gwn IS too vital a t hi ng-too and instructor in English at Peru I was called on to fill an unexpec t ed a ways agr ee ancient · I 1 H · · with wh at we say- in fact e d t a Je a ous Y preserved preced- e 1s a graduate of the University of vacanc y, an d that preserved it" he ' ' w 0 no ent set bv N b k · ·a Mr H h ' want everybody to agree with what , · : ou r be cast ·e ras a with the A. B. and M. A. sa1 · opper as his home we say, fpr an unop,posed statem nt hastil y Science 1s too positive, de g rees, and a gr adu ate student at o_n a ra nch at Hay Spnn gs, Ne braska , is ooten one of li.tt\e moment. H:w- convmcmg a thing to be blindly the Univ ersi ty of Minnesota. retiring from the teaching proever, if you do disagree w'th ig nored. And here is the marro•w of fess1on. come around a nd tell us the whole Neither h as any busi- Mr. E. C. Beck, former Profess or Anyone who h as any :flaith in a con- ness meddling' m the other's business. a nd Head of the English Department E.AiRLY ' ELEMENTARY ELECTION viction should not be afrai d to set it D? not t hink yon are "straddlin g of Peru S tate T eachers College was forth. With this purpose in mind the issue" when you try to view both a welcomed visitor on the campus rewe are creating a Public of them fair-mindedly. Yo u are .not, cen tl y. Mr. Beck receiv ed his Ph. D. 10n co1lumn, wherein anybody has the for they are separate spheres ofl from Peabody College at Nashv ille right to air his views in a signed t hought- "as far as the east is from Tenn essee. .He will be the head of stateme nt. We hope it will be u se d. t he west." the En.g lish Department of Mount . it will the policy of the . Shall we g iv·e up our reli g ion? PJ.eas ant Normal School, Moun t Pleased1torial staff to mclude. as much as Ce1·tain ly not Sh II h . . ant, Michi ga n. Mr. Beck was g radu'bl · a we, t en ig nore t d · h h poss1 e, creative matenal of merit what science teaches? N ' ·1 a e wit t e Class of 1912, of which by Peru students. M:ake your mi"nd heh. lfven Y· W. N. Delzell was adviser

As fo th tt f · . ave i.tse and r e ma er o ed1tonals. vou forget there is a . fl" ' may accept, as the unqu alified isn't. con ict, for t here Mi-. Alfred Professor of Ed(Continued on Last Page)

Ru th Sm edl-ey of B ro ck, Ne bras ka, was .elected President of the Earl y Element ary Coun cil w hi ch met in the Kinder.gart en roorq Tue sday eveni ng at 7:30.

The evenin g was spent in pl ay in g games a nd initiation of fresh men. After the usu al business was bro ught befor e the c ouncil, install ation of\ O'fficers took pl ace.

Lig ht r efreshmen ts were served, a.nd the meeting adj orned.

Miss Cecil Ch ambers re ceived her degree m 1927. She has been elected as the T rainin g Teacher in the State Teachers College at East Lo V N M . s eg as b ev: ex1co. She left last week to egm her new wo rk.

The hi h g school of Jackso nville Florida, has el ected Esth L. . • H t er omse oy. as t heir d irector of music Mi Ho yt iis. a d · ss gra uate of P-eru and h been grad u ate work at Columbia Sc hool oil M . C . us1c, h1cago

Irma Casey h in the accep ted a posit ion . conune1·c 1al deuartm t f th hi.gh school at B:umboldt ho e Miss C asey recently w as , e rask a. t he Registrar at p secretary to eru

After l b" ., e s ummer at C um 1a Un iversity Mild oreturned to David' c· r ed P ate has begin he ity, Neb ras ka to r second year in th E ' de partment there. e ng lish

Miss M aud Hend er son is t k" work for her Mast , a mg Uni versity Sh er s deg r ee at Iowa . e was A . Women th· cting Dean of is su mm er d . Dunning's at ten da urmg Mrs Universit y. n ee at Columbia (


E. C. Beck, FoI'II\er English Addresses Students Hea<I, Eylvan Rodents Appearing creased N umbers


Committees Appointed and Sports Discussed

• , t ha! the Co ac h enlist a few gi rl s toMa x ine Reag an _____ Cor. Secretary make . a"t f'llll team. .

A commi t tee t he Christmas card

ArWAllffCHAMPS I f l K

GOLD S'HOES Palroer Service

s al . ted f 11 L .' . ' . < • ELECTRIC SHOP

i (Next to Gaines Hall on the . :

e was &.pp orn as o ows: eora 1 Washing and Greasing 0 Pavement.) · Set zer, ch a irman, Florence Roneau, =<:::>=-<:::::>=<:::>=<:::>=<:::>=<:::>=

an d Ma xine Re ag an. Trackers Receive Awards, of Merit .1 ,Polarine Mobil oil . . . I Shoe i:;epairing at 'Comfortable' . Fa ll sp1>rts were discussed by Miss For Spring Performance Free crank case service · prices! Ladies Shoes a Special- · Root. · Hit Pin Ba ll is to be the maj or . . O" hµnt whe.n :you When in Auburn : ' ·· ty. · · · ' · . . O' port and Archery t he minor. I Nmeteen cinder pounders received know the best EAT AT THE /l Ig old track shoes from Coach Graf at . . If {The Shoe Shop on the East ·





·pu·SHED'l the. 1928 season _which was , chmaxed with the annexmg of an__ !other champip nship to the already 0_-,

the opening of the school year in FLOYD PALMER 0 .. B B . c· 'f' 0 of the Street) of. -t heir perfo_rmances I usy. ee a e ' nI


New Science Hall Rising Rapidly Iswollen list. · · We Welcome Students and Faculty . from Old Ruins. ! Th os e to rpc[!i v,e the ·'and wish you all a happy healthy· a,nd prosperous school j sho·e were: Zo ok (Capt ai n), Mumper,. ' . year.

D urin g t he pa st week H. W. Meg- 1Zorn, Carter, Williams, Delzell, 'WiA- /J

i nnes, the architect for the new ina, Heywood, Sams, Young, Kern'er, .( Sc ience building, here inspecting Selk, Beckord, Dallam, 1 pvt he work done pr10r to pouring con- Hertz, KreJCI, and Le a hy. Zorn, 0 erhead to meet. .. . ':rete for the seco:r'.ltll floor. Con- Car ter, Heywood, Selk, McElroy and 1 s tructi on . work is p roceeding quite Beckord were lost through O

rap idl l'm>on t he buildin g, a ni ght shift .tion, but the rest are exnected to

'Qeen· press ed into action on give a good account of themselves , Q Watchmaker and Jewel'e,r

t he concrete floor construction. when track season rolls a round ag ain. ." We are glad b> welcoone you to Peru. ·

Th is new buildin g was provided for in al\ appropriatio n oil the - 1927 le g islature; and it occ upies t he space wh ere the Old Normal Hall stoo d but a f ew short weeks- ago

B. K. Ba ker, Associate Pro:flessor of Ed uc a tion, att en d-ed the Un iv ersity ef K ansas for ten weeks this summer. While there he made a special study of s om e new German psychologic al t heori es. At the close of. the term

I. Q .. TEST



cOME F.IND OUT: · ( '


he sp ent some time vacationing iit Peru, Nebraska

Camp Gr a ndview, Missouri. Mr. Q ,,.

Bak er, a.s usu al, caught m any fish,

b. ut had es_oecial g ood fort une to l and -r-...

a .forty-fi ve pound yellow catfish. ro ".:

Penn a nts, C aps, Pillo ws, etc. See 1 1

o. We are glad to wrap your ,.packages, gi;ve you boxes, ,. paper or string.

attractively priced.- Take

Elevator. "Mill a rd F owler, 1st d oo r N. G aines /l We are not mere store keepers But we ,merchanH all, or Ada Eyre, Dormitory. V

Q dise our products whlch ;are goo·d things " to :eat.. That is

F1·s<:::>=k why we have 6usiness. we· want · to ' thank the

many come:.back custoi;ners. (Incorporated)

0 M. E. Shuck, Ph.D. Manager /) 0

Suite 410 -11 Symes, Denver ov /) ' I'

Has more vacancies tha 11 satis- V

Ji fa ctory applicants to fill them. 0

New Shoe Department

Courtesy !jidered

, J. M. ROWEN /l ,particulars. eo. INC.,



Peru is proud of her , Training Cinder Men Working Out For School. Each year there has been ney-Peru Marathon 'Meet an increase in attendence in both the Senior and Junior high schools and Many track stars are limbering up in the grades. This is due to the for the Dual Country Meet with the splendid administration in cooperaKearney Teacher's at Peru, Novem- tion with best instruction possible. her, 16, during the Peru-Kearney Ali departments have increased in football game. size as is shown by the enrollment.

(Continued From Page 2)

uc ati on a nd . Head of Dep.artment of Education, left Friday, Sept. 14, for the Univers ity of Iowa, at Iowa Ci ty, Iow a, to take up work on his Ph. D. degree.

Mr. CrafSO assisted the period of reg istration and helped to : g ive the mental tests.

I1 Many new students have to·

The course has not been definite! )\ The Senior high school at thi s time laid, but will probably start flrom the! has an enrollment of 112 students; "P.eru Bowl," go up: Joy Hollow, and Ithe high school has 63; and return back to the athletic field. They Ithe Kmdergarten to sixth grades will finish between halves of the have 106. fo otb a ll game.

The following men have reported: : the Training School this year. Th'E! y

Dick Williams. track star in half are: mile and mile will lead the Bobcats. He showd up unusually well at the State Meet last spring.

Mumper, another track veteran is out for thet earn.

Gallaway of Plattsmouth, a high- j school s tar last year in distance'S is also working for a place with the Bobcat tracksters. He placed well in the . MINK meet.

Vincent Briggs of Falls City also a st ar quarter mil-er ;s l!ppearing regularly :fur stiff work outs.

Fred Coie, Glen Cope, Russell Sheafor and Ed Sheafer are showing up well.


Brownville: Harold Armstrong

Harold Furnas

Howard Furnas

Ivan Newton

Josephine Hylton

Margery Kelly

Katherin·e Whitten

Margie Lawrence Nemaha

Roland Stevenson

Helen Howe

Blanchard, Iowa: Elizabeth McGinnis

Syracuse: Eloise Fairhead

Tecumseh: Olita Fink



V·erne E. Chatelain, Professor of History and Other Social Scie11ces / and Head of the Department left I recently for the University of Mini nesota where he will finish work for I his Ph. D. degree Mr. Chatelain j was there !ast year, having re turned I to Peru this summer, to carry on his I work .Jn the college


Captain Daris Bunch will his A. B. Clayburn, Professor of Geoteam mates into action for the first . graphy, has left for the Unh1ei:sity time this season against St. Benne- 1of Chicago'. w·here he wm carry on diet's College of Atchison, Kansas. wor'k for his Doctorate. Bunch was chosen all-state on the mythical team of last year and John R. Muhm, Assistant Professor bids fair to repeat agaiIJ this season oil Geography, is taking over Mr . , Clayburn's work while the latter is ;:------------..,...-------.-, aw,ay. Mr. Muhm is a .graduate of


Mrs Johnson, wife of Doctor Johnson, of Peru, will ·assume Emily JohnS'On's p·osition of college nurse.

1the University of Nebraska with B. S. I and M. .S. degrees. For the past four summers he has taught Geography at the Teachers College of Emporia, Kansas. OUR AJ>VERTISERS

The Pe dagogian wishes to e:xgra titud e to our adverpress l did amount tisers for the sp en of ad ve rtising they have bu t ed: To st udents: Pedagogtan advertisers are up and coming. Let's p atronize them'!


"The Bett er Ole"

Thomas E. Er.mis, Assistant Pro- Starring Syd Chaplin in a side

fe8Sor of History and Other Social splitting w ar comedy. Also • 1

A very noticeable increase in numbers of stu"dents is found i; the Art Sciences, sp:ent three months this comedy. Ii summer as a counsellor and aquatic I f Miss Branson, assistant librarian ga ve a very interesting talk to all new students ,on the campus, Thursday at ch a pel t ime.

Gladys Tackett


Naomi Wilcox


students tak!ng Art .this year above last, many more being found in the requiPed Art classes as well as in Design classes.

Litta Hauptman Elmwood: Lela Horton Rulo: director in a camp for boys located I Wed., Tb ur5 ., Sep t. 26-27 J on Lake Mille Lacs, in northern Min- "THE CROWD" I nesota. I' I - Department. There are fifty or more Her talk was in regard tq the kinds of cards, use of desks, use of reference library and t he explanation 1 of all library rules. : P-rinted copies of library rules were g iven out at the close of the meeting.


Two hµndred twenty-eight Freshmen took the entrance test which was given during the first week of school. About did not take

Thelma Pasco

Colorado: Iris Burkey

Gerald Tyler

R. R. Wonder, coach of the Peru

More students· are taking Physical Science this year. There are thirtysix in Elementary Chemistry, whereas there were about twenty in times past.

I King Vidor's grea test succe ss I ' . I smce e --., 1recte "T.he Big II•Parade." Eleanor Bo ardman ·f. 11 and James .Mur ray s tarring in I this .big vroductioa.

1 I I PH OTOGRAPJ-JfC , .• f F.ri., Sat., Sep t. 28-29 I h MILTON SIL LS IN I NEEDS - f. a I YOUR

it but will be given an - I Bob kittens, had the mi sfo rtube to A number of students are enrolled' later. tear some ligaments of h is 11houlder in the Mat hematics and Maau a.l Arts

These tests have been given for the while training the kittens. From. all courses with the intention oil eventulast fiv•e years. This test shows a indications the Bopkittens will be a ally taking up Engineering at th e lar.r •· per cent of superior st udents hard fight ing team wi th punch University. Increased numbers takin the Freshmen class th an ever be- which very few high school teams in g Manu al Arts nec essitated a divifore. From these results Peru State can excell. Under Wond er's direc- Sion t he y ear's work so t h!\t a part Teachers College is 'attr actin g more tion, the squad should show some su- will receive second semestei: courses s uperior st udents each y ear. , perior teamwork and fast pl ayi ng. the first semester.

r-----......;.._________, \ The Training School campus should All · the Penmanship students of

appeal to all Training School stu- the second term of summer school LATE LOCALS dents as well as others The lawn in were g ranted their Palmer Teacher's , front of t he building is in fi ne con- 1Certificate. This makes the first one!.--------'· ------...! dition and gives a pleasin g effect. hundred per cent class of Pen.man-

Last Tu egday ni ght a squad picture J All play.g round equipmen t h as re- ,ship students here at Peru. · was ta ken of the Peru Bobcats, which 1 ceived a new coat of pain t, and pre-1 -· , ":'ill be sent to the St. Louis Univer- sents a appeara nce The W. R. Pate, President, a tt'ended s1ty. Iweeds which were we st of the Columbia University at New York

While the Bobcats were in a ction a 1 building have been cut, and even the !City during part of the summer. Mr. Bunch, an outstanding football play- 1proved uppn. Peru can boast of one College Administration. picture was taken of Captain Daris football dummy has been well im- 1Pate took special work in T.eachers


er in the colleg iate circles Also oth- of the finest Training Schools in Neer .s t ar players were taken and the campus is )n keeping while they were m action. with the fine building. 1t is known . H ' c•, d T ·1 Peru will play the St Louis Uni- as the T. J. Majors Training School. A. E. Johnson, D. D. s. ' erman s ieaners an .al ors

Join the Pressing Club--Big S aving. us about it. Come in and see

versity October 13 at St. Louis. Pennants, Caps, Pillows, etc. See Phone 36

Last week, T. J. Majors at- Millard Fowler, 1st door N. Gaines tended the National Encampment of Hall, or Ada Eyre, Dormitor y.

is Picnic Time the Grand Army of the Republic Denver, Colorado. Col. Majors is a

veteran of the Civil War.

Col. T. J. Majors !lnd Preside nt W.


. R. Pate left the latter p'llrt of last -FRESH FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERY week to attend the meeting of the Nebrasl\a State Normal Board which Cookies, Cakes, Bread, and Lunch Meats was held September 24. Mr. Majors is president of this board HOT COFFEE, COCOA, AND SANDWICHES' SCHOOL AND COLLEGE SUPPLIES

Pe nn a nts, Cap,s, Pillo ws, etc. See Milla rd Fowler, 1st door N. Gaines Q Hall, or Ada Eyre, Dormitory.

U. LAN ·DOLT Opposite Training School 73 Phones 78 Peru, Nebraska Lunches of all kinds

What is a picniic lunch witltaut f)astry and bakery delicacies? We

For tires, tubes, and all a uto accessories;



. AT¥. M. C. A. Survey of Social ATTENDANCE LARGE

· · This paper hopes to serve the


Some ma y say: "I didn't college as " the voice of the peokno".' The Pedagogian had an I Hereafter, therefore, we office. Where is it?" In st. Benedict's Downed Af- y our grievances, petiswer to t his, 'let us here, in ·a H d S 1 tions, appeals, pef g rouches, C<>nspicuous ' place, tetl - you' ter ar · trugg e joy.ous exuberance's, atld whatwhere to find us The gymna- FINA'L SCORE 6 TO 0 not for Qpinion col- CONTRACTS ARE READY sium is located bet'\"een the •ad- umn. This is one of the parts

Staff Officials Selected · in · ' Recent Poll iministration building and tlie of the paper which staff mem- The Peruvi an, the college's year'rhe third Y. M. C. A. meeting of library. I nside the front door

Coach Graf's Bobcats plung ed, be rs cannot sit down and write. bo ok, h as beg un operations fo r the the year #was well att ended and an I · and to the le (.t are stairs. Climb passed an d kicked t heir way to a 6 De posit all such m aterial in ye ar's work. At a class meeting held we re looking fo r ward to a four flights of thein and then to 'O win ov er the St. Benedi ct Irish the box near the do or to the . Tu esday, Septemb er 25, the Senior great f.or - the on I look" for a sign "Pedagog ian frdm At chison Saturday, S eptember I iR egistrar's Office. Be s ure to ele cted as Editor-in -Chief Wilca.mpius. Office" on the doot. That's us. 29, in the Peru bowl. · i i sign a ll .articles. i bur Schin dler ·of Fal ls City, N ebras; The ;mee ting w.as opened by Amzie t .

Alt.hou gh p en a lties too k. t he ir usual I ka . To the position of B usiness ManGrass who ha·d ch arge of the de vo- · early season toll, the Bobcats sho w- ager P aul Combs pf Tabor, Iow a, t ionals. He emphasized .th at l



ed considerabl.e driving power on the ·uPPER


;was elected. bur life we "Choose t 4e rig ht path." I · ·· , ··' offense and displayed : unusual "stone- l The s taff wi ll be chosen shortly, Mr Pate gav.e a very in t erest in g 1

wall" qu alities on the defense.


aft er whic h orga ni zed staff work will and instruct ive talk, nis subjec t be- The lone · tally of · the game came j begi n. From the Sophomore ing; "The Status of R eligious Tho ught l · . · l ate in the first quarter. Captain . ' 1 · • • th ere is yet to be elected two assoat tlhe Present Ti m e." Crowd _. Invades T 0 W n , Bunch's k ick-off was .receiv ed by 1 Marren, Mathews , Dy ke i ciate editors a nd an associate busiHe bro1U ght to the ' atten ti.on of. 'th_ej Homes, and Campus· Jo hnson o"n his own 18 yard li ne a nd New :Presidents 'ln ess manager. remaii:ider of th e society these facts: Egypt, early in return ed 6 v ards. Both tean1s failed I staff Hold appointive . offices. 't he histo ry, had been a great ! . Last' Frid·ay evenin g was! t h'e time to g ain and the exchange of punts Th e three upper cl asses have held I Negoti ations fo r the prin ting a nd powe1· but that she had pa ssed into whn the Bobc at was c ertai n ly let 01,1t n ettl ed Peru 20 yards P eru took the t heir el1ectio ns for the coming _y.ear. 'engraving con t'racts have been undc ad e Tic-e 'J,'her:,i Assy ri a came to of th e ba g! Led by t he four cheer ba·u d own t he fi e ld to the 20 yar d Th e followin g paragraphs con ta in d er way, and th ese co'n tracts will be top but a lso fell, Babyloma leap:ers mus icians. a pe p- lin e \vhere t hree penalties pushed a resume of th e. elections' resul ts: : signed sho rtl y. :rose to nu mber inflcted m ob of g ood-w ill riote rs th em back to mid fi eld ag a in. Case- Se niors j The Peru vian · h as been 'published t ho.se of the p ast 'Persia rei gn ed su- stormed the fo rti fic ations at sev-eral p!U nt "roll ed d ead in t he e nd At a recent meeting Harold Mar- by t he · schoo l for a long period of p reme but likew ise co'l.lld not s tand po1ints of vantage, an d gaine d the zone Fa ilin g' t? itai n fr om · sc rim- r en, T ecumgeh, N ebraska was elect- 1time. The .19?7 P eru':'1an commemothe test, then came the ·Gree ks under vict ory wi th little effo rt. m age, Wa lsh, Benedict's fullback ed president of t he Senior class. ; r ated the s ixti eth anmvers ary of the the mighty Alexander Qnly to pass Ear ly in evei;iing, z;umors ; dropp eCi ba ck and booted the , Mr Marren summer an d . college. Eac h year the h as µi µme det: adence with the oth- a b,;mt; something or other in the·form I to Young· who d ropp ed m I scho.ol her -e d uring the y ea rs I . th eme which IS car'11he great Roma_n Em pi re ·:was of a. rally -were g oin g about, but i his t1:ac ks on the Visit ors 40 ya rd I of 1924 to 1928, a nd h as taught fo ur ri ed its pages. .next in line but she fa red no better bady knew a nyt hin g. fo r su re Then •line. ,. !years. I The of the 1929 is than those following, and ' noy.r we a bou t nine o'clock I then came ac tion. " Big J oe's" Ot her offi c ers el ected were: 1Ioc ated m the c ollege_aud1tormm.. . the Anglo-8.axo,n race carvyin g who had do ne their work we ll, star t- th'i:illing pass·to · Youn g for 34 yards Averyl G ain es __.____ Vice -Presid ent l Mr. W. R. C arter is the Sem oi ci vilization. onward and µpward: . ed to gather co n verts from every CO i'- put the in scori ng pcrsi tfo.n P eru, N ebraska I cl ass sponsor The speaker gave two• ca uses for Iner The whole g roup in on t he Kans a s"s 8 y ard li ne. A p lun ge IMargaret Clin eb ur g Sec r eta ry:t he decadence of these r aces. F irst, 1 fr o nt of- t he Library buildi ng and I by H erti, by Casebeer a nd a Peru, N ebrask a : PHILOS BEGIN · ( Continued on Page 3._) j' star teq ou t fu


ivered an orat ion ·- · · rlpena lties

Iow a . 1 · The first r eg ul ar meetin g of the Th e bun ch th en sw un g b ack up. th'e Sighs ·oroke from t he sta nd s when Dor othy Mart rndal e S ec r eta ry. Philomath ea n society was held in the hill to Pre si dent Pat e's r esidence, an d Riggin's rec ove rx, of 1.\- fumbled pass Om ah a, Neb raska : 1hi gh s cho ol auditorium la st Thursd ay . ; The cas t fo r the firs t three-a ce g reeted him with vigo r. Fro m the nc e . (C ontinued on P ag e 4.) Willi"!i.m .Okre nt - -;-- Tre as urer evening.

Dr am at ic Cl ub play is now c omp lete . th ey p recee de cl to Dean De lz e lJ!s, at / .. 'l I Ha mbur g, ,Io wa. I . 'A v ery fin e pro gram w as prese nt, T hose players p assin g the tryou ts wh ich place, of course, .th ey we re


, Sophomores : ed The fir st se lect ion was a pian o hav e be en · a ss ign ed parts as fo llows: wa rmly gr eete d. ' ' 1ff D·ale 'Dyk e, •Malvern , Iowa, w ns soio by Mi ss Lucill e Hug hes, "Bu tterJ.o hn Mill er - D-0 na'ld Du ryea The ffn al. action was a fl ank move -

H·UMBOLDrT' . 1"' -6

el ect ed P res id ent of the Soph om0>re fl y, " by Grie g. Ruby Brown n ex t Col. Sm all - Leo Hau ptmai:i Iment upon the Dorrrut or y ..The - 'I· rt- cfass at a meeti ng held Tu es day at sang two numb ers, a ccomp a nied at ,;Spi'ke" Hoyt __ Ralp h Se ll horn aggre g·ation clustered a bou t t he fron t -.-.-. . 1chapel tim e in the hi gh s'C110 0J au di- .t he pi a no by Lucille Hu g hes, Jo y Coa ch J ac kson Harvey' Ni cke l p orc_h an d listene d some di g nified p t Fl h F on torium . ! Mic k el pl ay in g t he vi olin obli gato. Magpi e W-e lc h ---· Cedric Cri nk .remar ks of Mrs. Dun n in g. ·. "as · ·- <?rm Other offic ers are: I Miss Brow n's numbers were "Indi an Pro.fesso.r Deming Ha rv ey Co.l e Son gs a nd yells thereup on ffow..e d Muddy Grid.. Ernest Ro th ert - Vice P res id

nt I D aw n," by Zamecn ik a nd "One Fleet"H u b" .S mitn ____ : :_ ___ Clay Co y quite free ly, an d,

nder's Peru Pr ep sters 1Mary Gray -.--- Secreta ry' p resen t. Ju lia W inters __ Margaret Cl in eb urg ious occai>ion. , h d d h h' .· ,_ H n1 boldt. Sidney,

Margie Bl a )ce Marie Lash

:$.e ggie Ca rl son NEW RECORD FOR

Betty Lois Metca lf 1928 REGISTRA TION 12 to 6 count Frnjay,_, 2.s. 'FIRST PROGR AM ' the ordin ary fa rm to the South Af

He le n ·- L uc ill e N ew c omer


· Th e p !lay also calls for1 a numb,;er Ex ce ed s Prev iou s Ye ar's Al th ou gh th e gam e was yia: ed on , . , i As a fi tting; Mr. Be nfo r d, , inof " su pe rs" an d a crowd, a rela ti v ely slick fi e d, it 1 was fill ed! Officers Elected and Probation ers are Istruc to r in pi ano, played "Scherz o This play, w.rtt ten ab o_ut ·_, 1 : AtteQdanc e ,;., ith t hrills an d ste ll ar ·\ <:;bosen j 16," by Me ndelsso hn. His seco !1d life, can no t be . poT trayed any mor.e I . . . . . ... a · Humbo ld t rece i ved th e_ ope ni ng I , 1 nu m ber was "T ango in . D," Alre alisti cally than by co ll eg e pe op le. Reg 1st r atfo.n is n ow v1 rtu Uy com- kick -off an d fo und the go mg to ugh f The Evere tt Li ter ary S oc iety he ld . beni z. , The plo t . h as , .. of ' move -.1P_l et_e, t he i·esults be gra- t he i ts fir st mee ti ng of the y ear in the I Foll ow in g tht me; ti ng !mpor tan t ine nt, a nd is ma tenall_y a.ided by se:v:- ti fymg to w ho is mt erestea to p as h e1, mid get qu art L'ittl e- Thea tr e ,- Thursday,. September business was di sc u sse d a nd 1t w as deera l uniq ue and v ar ie d sta ge setti ngs in Pe ru St ate T ea che rs Co lle ge. Th e er, w ho re turned ball to 27. i cid ed to ta ke t we nty-one new, merr)-

The d at e of t otal .en ro ll men t at pre se nt .w riti ng Then behin d a m- ; The busin ess meeti ng cam e. in Ihers into the so ciety. with· ot he r informati on, wi ll oe pu o- ' te rfere nce, the h ttle Pei u fi eld the order of procedure 1Nomm ati on s lish ed at a lat.er date. · :is eigh t. era l ,galloped a roun<l en cl were ma de fo r v ice-presiqen t a nd se- J

This lS q mte a s ub st antia l' mc1-.ease tw en ty five yard s, pl acin g the cret ary to fill v ac ancies in t he ca bi- 1PROF•

ALPHA MU OME GA ' over f orme r· years, show in g that t he . s_kin Hu m_b o ld t's te n yard hn_e . net. J oe K rejc i of Ne-


. ELEC - TS OFFI CERS gains in enr ollme nt fo r the. past fe w ·A ser1 es of lme plu ng es , by b ras k a, was el ected vic e-presid en t and , a re qui te c ons ist ent. ' Fo r a an d_ ,Bernice L9vitt, of Cra b Orc h ar d, Ne- 1".Plans ( or an Initi a tion Meetin g are Y ·ball ov er t he lme fo1 tlie fiis t c ou n-b ras ka was elec t ed secretary I Discu sse d Plan s Reviewed for Mem be rship' in period t he : ter o:f the g·ame. T he pass for th e; Pa ul' Co mbs, Ben Gr oo thui s, a nd fi g ures were to be statw or i extra was kn oc ked_, do wn 1 Elmer H erte l were vo te d from pr o- Tyle r, pr ofesso r of Ru ra l Na t ional Organi:lation

a li t tle below p ar, but fo r several I The Pr epsters aga in carr ied the: b atio n ar y memb ers hip into full mem- Mr. AI -h ' M M b h" Me t hod s, was el ect ed a dvi ser of the A p usjness meeting of P a, u ye :irs the to t al ha s been ste adil y , ba ll over t he goal lin e l ate in the Ibers hi p in the soc iety. em ers _1p Om e ga w as h eld Wedne.Sday mou ntin g. , ·, qu ar ter. w. W illi ams, en'd, c ar ds were 'th.en r ea d, a nd _a Del ta P1 flrater mt y, at a no on at :whic h the fo.11owing offlce rs Th 11.. f t d ts to re o-J·ster rec overed a fumble to sta rt the sec -! tee w as app o rntecl , to cons id er n ess m eetin g held Tuesd ay eve nm g , d p · i e num..,er o s u en .,, ; . · , , , fo r tlfe semester w ere elec te · .res - · k·. f h 11 ' ond scorin g ra ll y. D as her s sensa- 1 1 in Room A-202. V . p "dent du rin g t he first w ee o sc . oo w as . . . . h d h f dent Li lli ai+ Br ad y; · i ce r esi . . . . . tional ·brok en fi eld run off the tackle I F ra nci s Mori.a r ty a c arge 0 : Mr. Tyler is· to take t he pl ace of Leslie C are y; Se c'y- Tr e as.., Lor me mo re th an five hundred. This is · carried the ba ll to eight yar d 1the folloiw i ng p ro gram: , 1 • Th . f th t · ·

· · h t I · . 1 Mr Cr ag o e purpose o e mee - E rj c kson. Arr ang ements we re com -a bou t ten per ce nt mcre ase over t a ) lin e for a gain of fo rty-two 0 1) IVo cal solo ___ Gray : · · · . . . . f pl e te d fo r t he r.eg ul ar meeti ng Mo n -1 of last- ye ar,· w hich Wa§ fu ur hu nd r ed the next pl ay the 'h eady li ttle quart- Acco mpa nied by Ru th Sh e ll ey dng was to arr an ge for mi tiati on ° day Oc tober 1. klitial s teps wer e 8 t. er b ack ran, unh am pere d, ar oun dt the R ea ding - - I va Pie rce, ne w members. to secu re, ·instituti cma l men:i - ix y. al en re llmen t is for Ien d fo r the to u chdow n. The k ic k fo r Violi n Due t - . I . several pJedge members her.sh ip in th e Amer ican Mathemat1 - p rese nt tot h I t ' . point fe ll sho rt ; Winnifred Pet ti t a nd J)o r is E ric kso n, to be ini tiate d, also a of n ew · s te th· time of vear t e aJ g es ever rn • t d t · cho Q!J" wh o w ill m eet the r.:al Asso c iati on fur the ' P eru is h. or of If ·the e n- . H umb old't co un ter came l ate in the I Accomp a ni ed by Ru th Is u s s f h so ciet Teachers Co ll ege. T he only oth er m- the is tt _Y ase as it <lid last ye ar t hird qu arter. A twenty-five yar d The · committ ee on apphc at1 on,s, quab ficat 1o nh s op·t .e th y. f . I h t- · rollmen i nc re ' h · t h d ad Delta Alp a i is e pro ess1ona stitutional m embe rs at t I.S ime m I b ho uld reach t he six hun- pass, Tergus to Rando l:fl, aq d a pena l-' me etin g af te r t e soc1e Y a : . l f "t f tl Nebras ka are t he U niversity a n.d :;:dn:.z:r :r :ythe end of the year. (Continued on P ag e 4. ) . j (C on ti nued on P age 3.) Educ ation a rat erm y o ie ca mpu s. Creig hton 1 State rreachers College.


:.Helen May Martin. Heard in Chapel Performance

Peru students and citizens had the Entered at the Postoffice of Peru, Nebraska, as class mail. privilege of attending a musical pro- j - gram, given by Miss Hele'n May Mar-

Published weekly at Peru Statit Teachers College-the oldest training school tin, the world's ' only blind and deaf in the Missouri Valley, established 1867. pianist, at the c-0Uege auqitoriqm ! Wednesday, September 26. , / I to the mother, Helen has I - - - : been deaf and blind since she was a STAFF I baby. She became interested in

$1.00 the year. Single copy 5 ce.nts.

MANAGING EDITOR - JOE JONES piano playing quite early, and so was EDITOR DON KEISTER : sent to a school - for the deaf, where BUSINESS MANAGERS RALPH CHATELAJN, EDWIN BOOTH 1 her talent was soon realized.

SPORTS EDITORS - "TIP" ROBERTS, ROLAND KREPS I She seems to get some definite i:nusSOCIETY EDITOR - HAZEL HUTCHINSON ical impressions and emotions thru CAMPUS EDITOR LUCILLE DOWELL the vibrations of the .tones produced


FEATURE EDITOR - GEORGE COOK There was nothing of the amateur FEATURE EDITOR - RUDOLF ANDERSON musician about Miss Martin's masterACTIVITIES EDITOR RAYMOND TRENHOLM ful P'laying. To each measure she EXCHANGE EDITOR - JOHN HARMON gave beauty of tone and perfect DEBATE ERNEST .HASSELBLAD technic to the who le, finess of feelin g INSTRUCTOR IN NEWS WRITING---------- - THOMAS E. ENNIS and interpretation of mood

She has the power of hearing music, not by the ear, b,1t by keepin g her THINGS ANCIENT ; be if we could only apply t.he ca- foot the piano. In / There seems to be a well-formed tastrophe theory to it, and hope that this· v.·ay she gets the vibr 'i t.i ons tendency cropping out these days to 1 it woud all be wiped out ih a single whkh give her an o tone

disregard things a ncient as of little ' cataclysm! ty. That enables her to put expvesmerit and of less consequence. Not i T lk b d . sion into· the music. · I a a out e uc a t1on reform it out d · h h · only 1s this true of mere disc arded

Her mother converse wit er m hypotheses and out-worn theories, of order. !here IS so much need a very ingenious sp·ellin g but <Yf laws a nd facts which are as Itohf today as by touc·hing different fingers and othtrue as time itself. / ere IS or re '<>rmmg the i-eformers. er parts ofl her hand. The girl then. In school, we have so must thrust answered In that tone of voice which How does 1t come about that we Iat us that we have little or no time a re getting this ridiculous idea th111t to think about any of ti t. Hence the IS peculiar to deaf which was written fifty years )tendency to accept the little th at we ! - ·-·-ag o 1s ofl any note? It is a genera- / really do accept. It is one thin g


of s upreme eg otists which thinks to go to a class and write obliging ··


1ts_elf to be the producer of all good answers on examination papers; thmgs. 1quite another to stand. before a cl ass I Various Problems D'"i.scussed and Sug- • Disregard for prec edent is getting of youngsters a nd try to practice / gestions strong in orthodox religion, but it the so-called "guiding priciples" I does not have one-half the hold which we wrote about ba ck there, there which it has in education. And , ,somewhere.

in the latter field, we may trace the origin of this slip-<Shod and faulty way of thinking directly to the door ofl the methodolo gists. Many _ of thes e people-illustrious persona g es to be sure-wish us to have the impression that nO'then written fif ty, twenty-five, or even tea years ago is of much value ; only the most modern of methods and devices will do "Let us teach the individaul," they prattle on; and in order that th at

And so, we are tryin g to feel our

A meeting of the rooming-house h os tesses was held in the fa culty room on W·ednes.d ay evenin g, Sept26. Abo1ut forty were present. way in a maze of this, th at and the Presiden t Pate gave an interestin g other If things are not done a c. talk concerning better homes for the cording to the fo1rmulae in the Jatest students. Followin.g bis talk Mrs. volumes ofl fiapoodl e, with which aur K en nedy ga ve some very g ood po.ints dear . friends, book so co nce rning• rooming houses. g rac1oµ s!y ,;urmsh q s, we a re" u n- Mr. Delzell expressed g ood ide as pro gTess1ve and do not k eep and then a round ta ble discussion .abreast with the times." Leu the j was held in which everyone took an last point be g ranted , for the active part. Many questio rfs per.tain--

"tim·es" are

t Q.._ keep abreast of them. an<l


Cut this out and place in y our Bl ue Handbook


Baker, B. K. ___ :. ..Hom e - -

Benfurd, R. T. -

Brown, Mrs. Castle M. ______

Brown, · George W. ______________

Bra nson, Libb ie A. __ Home

Bm:ton, Emil_y __ _Larson Carter, W. R. ___ ....Home

Clark, Esther a. ----------------Higgins Clements, S. L. - ----Home


may be done, the individu al's entire

Why not have a few mo re te ach.composite make-u:p--particularly his ing laws irlstead of so much teachidio s ynacracies- mut be di gg ed up . . . ' in g theory? How about le arni ng a scientifically dissected, and then l' ttl t th · d d 1 e ru concernm g pe a.gogy, an method1cally di sposed mto fractions 1 · th t 11 · t d f · . , earnin g: a we , ms ea o trymg and equations and filed aw ay amon g t 1 1 t th d d I · th . . d o e arn a o oi· me o an rnow mg o er impertment at a. t h· ? no mg.

Ag ain, all t hat needs to be done

A way back t hr oug h the cent uri es, in order to ma ke a tea cher is to seize ti h · t t d th Id ' le men w o in s r ue e e wor s upon an id1vidu al, g ive him a liber- t 1 d t h k h grea ea ers mus ave nown ow

and disc uss ed. Following thi.s came the social half hour. Refreshments were ser ved and th e meetin g adjourned .·


Freshmen Hear Dean of Meo · Give Annual Class Talk

Myrtle Mae McGinnis was

An tics Feature lnifrom the two-year course m 1923, • • • _ and now is expecting to teach in ha hon Cere mOtlleS Stockland, Illinois. al dose of modern and scien t ific meth- t h W Id


o s, and presto .-e marvelous work 11 d to k

t d , behold amaze d! a owe spea 0 us 0 ay.

However, we have not much need to fear for any one particular perscription of thi s most modern and scientific pedagogical pharmacopoeia fuir the gods are kind, and the medicine seems to be changed periodically. Truly, we have a most marvelous educational profession when the WALNUT STAINS AND INK. Campus." sLate of New York.

Delzell gave a very interesting Corrinne Whitfield Smith, who was talk at Freshman chapel Sept 27. His gra 'uated in 1915, writes that she subject was "Adjust!IM!nt on the plans to take up primary wo rk in the

At this time of year, as any obser- Many helpful suggestions were givver of juvenHe human nature well en to the Freshmen as to how to get 1 a cquainted, make new friends and knows , boys will be bound to show overcome the idea of being home-sick, up with brown walnut stain all O>Ver which many of the Freshmen have. their hands To these boys, such Mr. Delzell brought out the point that

The Freshm en men were put t}\ru "hot a ll y" tactics in front of the Admi n istr atio n bu ilding early Tuesd ay aft er no on.

The y we re made to lean over the r aili n gs and the upp er classmen for m ed a line and passed by the verted o ne s, swatting each as they came b y. Th ey were supposed to have used pine boards, but some of the u nluc ky ones maintain that

Mrs. F. Jean , who w as graduated from Peru in 1914, has gi ve n up te a chin g fair a ye ar, to .go with her husband to Southern Ca lifornia. stains are a mark ofdistinction and h h d f · d h" -· literature makes a complete turnover h every one as a rien s tp ,,mce onor rather than of chagrin. They childhood but ...,hen entering college Roscoe Blankenship , a former Pe- Se vei·al of the bO"ll carne p•·epar- o nce every decade or so. f k' h ., J come rom ta mg t e hulls from the the time has come to separate and ruvian, who is at present the c as hie r ed, w hich is to say thev had on sevthey were no.th ing of the sort , He who would be a teache r, let :walnuts before laving them on a f · d Al -h · of a Brock bank, was- 1·n Peru Thurs- 1 · f him nOlt sit too Ion"' in classrooms 1 - make new rien s. so, e mention- era pairs o tr ous ers. Overalls we re P wood shed roof to dry. d h f h th · 1 d · h' Mr Bl k h. M l th d · h watching educational conjurers pull e · t e act t at ere is a arge ay, wit s. an ens ip rs. a so e rage u ring t e afternoon's rabbits out of hats. Let him search Any time of' _ lhe school year, the group of people from which to pick Blankenship \Yas gradu a ted in 1902. performance. One individual in parout the truths of the past, and the are also to ha ve i.nk frj.ends when ·entering. college. ticular came fixed for the occasion fund a mentals of the art. Find them stams on theu: hnnds. These stams Mr. Delzell also advised the Fresh- W. G. Brooks was superintendent at After t he ex tr action oi several towel s where he will, it will not be in the come using the p,ens with which men that a study schedul is one of !Nebraska City several years a fter be- and a re am or two of P>ll!er from his frothy dogma which the greater th ey \\•nte. the most essential things for a col- ling .g raduated from Peru in 1907. He per son, he was given a goodly dose part of colleges are dolin g out The boys go to school, a nd the lege student. 1 1is ·now takin g work at Iowa Univer- of the pa ddle.

Wat are the fund.ament a ls o<f tp ach- stains of the ink those

sity for his Ph. D. So m e. of instructors will, no ing? We do no t know. We should of the walnut. Ex ammat10n of' a ;P. D.


doub t, mq Utre of the Fre shmen boys like very much to know, but we are which discloses _ this va- WITH FORMER HEAD I A .g radu ate with the Pe r uvi an class as to t he ca u se of th eir restlessness. too busy studyin g methods to find nety of color proves that he is wi se of 1894, Mrs. W. G. Mille r, of Long jIf th ey do not find out. it is suggest out. enough (unconsciously, of course) .Organization Will Invite Mrs. Nettle- !Beach, California, vi sited her alma ted that t he inv estigation be carried

Some day, we hope, some man who keep the balance between study- ton Taylor to Return Thursday. She w as accompan- to th:e upper classmen. thinks and has studied will write a mg books and studymg nature. l ied by her two dau ght ers well that thi§i phase qf callege book about the fundamentals of We college students, so it seems, The Ped ag og ian last week ma de I · -ac tivity h as b ee n alrady enacted. If teachin g. In this book we would never get any walnut stains on our Ithe announcement that Peru Drama- Iris Jo nes, who w as gra du ated fr om we re to come just before Saturhave him tell us wh at is of primary hands:--01nly ink stains. If we do,. tic Club had secured communication the two year music co u rse l ast sp ri n g, day's game, some of the v isitors impor t ance and wh at is not, rather they are of a synthetic nature-mad e Iwith Mrs Daisy Ne ttl eton 'Ta ylor , ;is at Anthon, Eow a. She rec en tly wo uld probab ly be prov01ked on a ct han g ive summaries a nd discussions la boratories from textbook form-1 who or g anized the club in 1908. Word made her first public . app ea ra nce cou nt the Freshmen's. sta nding up, about ha lf a dozen nondescript ulae. In other words, we ma ke poor h as be en sent Mrs. Taylor relative to the re and was well recelVed . obstructmg their view of the g ame. ods of spendin g much time g ett ing little attempts to learn about nature the fact th at the club is celebrat in g Let us hear something about t he ,nowhere. If it is true that simplici- out of drab and co1lorless books .when ,iJ;s twentieth anniversary thi s year, Kenneth Stiers, who was a j un ior p un 'shment meted out to the FreRhty is the truest test of genius, the .we should be learning in the field s and it is that s he will be able last w inte r, h as acc ep te d a p ositi on men girls! We hope t hey w ill 1,ace of educational geniuses must and woods. to be in attendance during a nniver- as pirinicp al in a twe lve grade hig·h er. ha ve lon g ago become extinct Why not mix a lit t le ofi na t ure's s ary we ek. school in New Me xico . A letter is ex-

There is a certain law connected brown wa lnut stain in with th e class- Mrs . Ta ylor is an accompli sed a rt- pecte d fr om hi m, an d details will be with the s cience of Geology which room smearsi of ink? ist in the field of readin g, a nd will, prin te d la ter. says that high specialization in a ny no doubt, be rememb ered qui.te dis-

Fred Ri cke r s, who was at Blue Spri ngs, in G age cou nty, last winter, 'is starting an other term there now. The Bobcat p 1·u d n . . ows an He tfook adva ntage o.f\ .a vacatd1on glv- nants have arriv ed--see them.- Ada en or the c0 un ty fan., an came Eyre Do r mitory, or M illard Fowler down to Pe ru . I N. of Gaines Ha ll. · '

Isn't it a bit strange that the world's "floating popul ation" should. be ignorant of the existence of such a commodity as Ivo ry soap ? type of animal life is a certain indi- The window in the Pedagogian of- tinctly by former studen ts of t he cation of impendin g extinc t ion. The flee has recently been fi x ed. All the colle g e. same will sooner or later hold true foregoin g ta lk in last week's issue An ar ticle expl ainin g full particufor all this highly specialized meth- about "airing of views" is, how ev er, lars con cernin g the Dr amatic C lub's ods talk. How delightful it would in order. pl ans for the a nniversar y week w ill , appear in this paper at an e arly d ate.




A Ford ro ad ster driven by Oliver TRAINING SCHOOL


Mr. T. J. Majors, President of th e

' caught on fire in front -0if the "DIDOES" !Nebr a ska State Norm al Board, and

1Tra ini ng School buildin g late Tues-

Mr. Pate, President of Peru State day aftern oon, Sep t emb er 25. L as t

Te achers Colle g e, returned Monday Mr s. !nice Dunning , Dean ofl 'Wo- The exhau st pipe beca me di scon -. Wednes day evenin g the Girl s SeP't. 24, from the meeting of\ t Re se r ve unde r the s · · f men spen a very enjoy a ble time nect ed an d the gasolin e on the car-. '

upervision ° !bo ard. Only routine business was at Col umb ia University. buretor to ok fir e \ Mi ss Faulh a ber, .had •a picnic. Ad - transacted at this · meetin g. The The co nflagration, af te r. bl azin g for ·th ough .the weather was a tri e damp 1 1members of the ·board appointed a No na M. Palmer, Professor of Com-1seve ral min u tes, was pu t out by S!ilV- a fin e ti me :was rep o rted. The picnic new member, Mr. T. F. Harmer. Mr. mer ce, spen t her vacat ion at her eral b oys unde r the d ier ct ion of an w a_s wit hin t he Trainin g Scl!oo l IDan Morris of Ke a rney resi g ned in h · B · · buildin g I · • ome m radshaw , Nebraska. j im prom ptu fi re ch ief, Mr. Col e of · · 1Ju1ly l\!_r. will ta )rn his t he Avenue S to e. They accomplis h- P ace.


Y. W. C. A.

A. Y. W. C. A. meetin g took pl ace in the high school a uditorium, Wednesd ay ni g ht, September 26. · Miss Go kley a nnounced the pr ogram.

I Openin g son gs were sung, a nd Imo Brooker led t he devotion als. Est her Dickerson then san g a: sol0< which was very much enjoyed by every one present She was accomp1anied by Louise Bower.

Florence Davis ma de an interes tin g talk concerning her trip to the Estes Pa rk Convention.

Pl a ns are being made for an ou tdo o-r meetin g. This was discu ss·ed but has not be en fully decided upon . Camp son gs we re sun g and t he meetin g w as dismis se d wi th the Y. W. yea r. j STILL



spent a portion of the s ummer. Pa ul Irior mentali ty of the race. The solu-

Price Doyle, Direc tor of Music, Ied this ?Y thr owin g gravel a nd cin- At a reccent meetin g of the Train- · &pent a share of the su mmer ho bnob:', ders on the blaz·e. - in g School Hi-Y Paul La ndo lt w as IPRESIDENT PATE bin g at va rious resort$ in Color ado , I So on aft er the fire was over, Mr. el ect ed P1res1d e nt. Other o ffi c ers are : such G rand L ake and Denver. j Land olt arr ived on the sc en e· wth a Rober t Pa te, Vice Preside nt ; Alli so n J .TALKS TO Y. M. C. A. --- lfire ex t in g ui sh er, w ith w hich he Clineburg, Secretary · Mac Dun n in g, Ernest F. Monr oe, who was Acting q uickly cooled t he m otor -0 ff. Tre asurer. Pa ul •Landolt at this (Continued from Pa ge 1.) H ead of t he English Department l ast · mee t in g gave a repo rt of his wo rk t he biolo g ists' t heory, which says it is is t eaching Mr. Cr ago' s I . at Ca mp Nebr as k a, w he re he due to the dr a ining out of the supem t he Educat ion D epartment th is (DUELS

brou g ht back :o. Peru w ith t he tion to th at cause is that we must infourth g ener a t10n torch, winch w as I crease the better blood in the race .

Esther A. Cl ark, Pr ofessor of F or- V ai n effor ts a re bein g made to II lig hted at Hel sin g forth., En gla nd. lfhe second, and probably the most prayer. e1gn Languages, had a very pJ.easaint t h d . .1 . G The meetmg of last Thu r sday eve- lo g ic al theory is he stated, that it is t t. . H s amp out t e uelhng ev1 m er, nin g was h ld t ti· h k Penn a nts , Cap;s, Pillows, etc. See 1me v1s1 mg m artfo rd C on nect i- · e · o ou me t e wor due to a "crust" of civilization- the · ' t' Th" t• f Mill a rd Fowler, 1st door N. Ga ines cut, and different _noin ts in North a nd Iman un . i versl 1.es. 18 prac .ice, a 0 r the year a.nd to choosea reg ul ar I people do not change because they l f h d Hall, or Ada Eyre, Dormitory. South Dakota. IC s urviv a rom ot er ays time for meetmg. After the mee t ing a re held by custom and tr a dit ion . w hich h as s omehow ma nag ed to re- a watermelon feed · d b · ___ . . _ . . was enJoye Y Amenc a has pro g-ressed becau se she

This summer W R Ca t f th 1 tam a f ootmg m modern life, is re- those present h h d h .d d b r f Ii . · · r er 0 • e 'co nized as a roblem to olice . as c er 1 eas an . e ie s: 11,/ T • } Biology Dep a rtment h as been dorn g , 1 gth . . P dd . h P 1 the na tion that does not will never i

aduate k t th U .t f au or1ties are a re ssm g t emse v·es


p } S • gr. wor . a mv ersl y 0 I m ore a nd mo re vi orousl Not Ion progr ess.. I a mer ervtce Ch1cag-0•. Ha vmg carri ed on Mr. C ar - J g Y g ' In c losmg Mr. Pate emphasized ... · , ago, at Heide lbur g two vouths were . , ter. s work here, Mrs. Carter also w en t ,. t d t 1 ·th , . .


this fact: "As teachers we should so . sen ence o severa mon s .1mnr1s- · Washing and Greasing to Chicago at the close of the sum -' . t f fi ht· . d. 1 . -h . h !'teach th at the minds of tho se who ; o nmen or g mg a ue m .w ic . · Polarine and Mobil oil mer. 1 both d d . badl th t Ilearn are left free to change, as the ' we re wou n e .s.o Y a re- p · Free crank case service I moval to a' hospital was necessary. resent Play and Greet future of! our depends upon this A. V. Lar son , S up,ervisor of Ma n- ! The most de a dly type of duel at New _ Members · ' sort of education. Why hunt further when you ual Arts , attended the Un iv ersity of 1H eidelberg and · elsewhere is known At the _ close of m.eetmg me m- know the best. Minnesota at Minne apo li s, spec ia li z- • as "Mensur"- fou g ht with he av y ORATIONS GIVEN ber: hip cards were di sti:ibuted. : 01 - 0 FLOYD PALMER ing in D uri ng j sabres, the camb atan ts wea rin g fe w I . the re g ular me etmg a cabmet Mr Larson s ab s ence th is su mm er, if any pro t ective ba ndag es, pads or Peru Dramatic Club held its re- mee tmg w as called Arthur Bell carried on the work of other saf eg ua rd s. In this pleasant · ception for new members Frid ay I his departm e nt. the idea is not to win as many 28, in the Little Theatre. Mr. L. B. Mathews, Wilbur Schind- 0, . ST:OP AT THE pp 1nts as possible but ra ther to dr aw About sixty were pres,ent. !er and Lowell Decker were delega- .1' W. N. Delzell, Ex ec utive Dean a nd bloo d in sa ti sfyin g quantities. i The fir.st pa rt Off the evening a one- ites representing Peru Y.M.C A. cabiD . f E . h d 1 For years the Ge rman students a ct pl ay, "The Sequel,'' by Perciv al i-iet at the · Y MC A officers confer-

O 1rector o xtenS\ion a a sp e n- . .

did vacation th is su n:mer. Dur ing ha ve lo oked with favor upon combats 1 Wilde, was presented by several ence at Do a ne College Sep t ember _ MEALS t he first part of t he summer he went , o(f t hi s in)dul g edin mThemberst of the G. Janus Pl ayers. 28 , 29 , 30 h 1 or qu as i- ·ero c10us s wor com ats 1s e cas :

to De tr oit, Michigan, to visit isl conS:i der ed a so rt of m ora l obli g ation Milly Marg a ret Clineburg Penn ants, Caps, Pillows, etc. See daughter, Brownell, at ! that m "'t be liV<d up to ii' a <tudent Jaok - - - Joe Jon" Fowler, fat door N. Gain 0< DRINKS Grosse Pomt, Mic h igan, an d r etu rn ed 1expec ts to be ho nored amon g his fel- Mr. Horroc!Cs Wallac e Herv ey Hall, or Ad a Eyre, Dormitory. V _ to Peru ! lows. Thi s does not mean that e ver y The Butler -


Mrs. Johnson, w ho is filling Emity John so n's place temp o!I'ari Jy as school nurse , has had several years of successful experience in this tield and is also ·a reg istered nurse. Emil y J ohnson, the forme r nurse, resi g ned at t he end of the summer sess ion.

Ar t hur L. Hill, Professor of Mathem atics, accompa nied by Mrs. Hill, w ent north for his vacati on. Havin g g one to Winnipeg, Canada, by way of Detroit, Mr. Hill vis ited with the Assistant Superintendent of the Winnip eg schools an d learn ed some very pertinent facts concerning the Canadian educational system.

st ude nt in Germ any feels it neces sa ry This little as was said by the

to displ ay duelin g scars. Still , the iButler, treats of "the time immediate-

sc ar fe ti ch has Jong had a strong ly after she h as said 'yes,' and befor.e You'll not be dissappointed V

hold on t he imagination of the stU;- she has begun to say 'no.' " with Knapp's hair cuts. , I dent body. Leo Hauptman; presiden t of the BOB KNAPP, Prop. · i

Indeed, ou tsi ders ha ve sometimes club, presided and i-ntrod.uced bo th

(Next to Gaines Hall on tbe j p,ast heroi sm, is more i mportant than old and new members. Various ac- Pave ment.) suspected · t hat a scar, · betokening ' tivitie s of the club were d iscusse d. '' I 0 ELECTRIC SHOP t he battle in which it was a cquired. • Refreshments followed this, during .iUpon t he streets O'f Germ an universi - which time Mrs. Joder introduced the ty towns a fow years after the end cast .of "Tge Poor Nut" to the other IO Shoe repairing at 'Comfortable of the Gre at War, strangers noted club members. When in Q prices! Ladies Shoes a Specialwi th surprise t he number of! young ; Mr. Bill Knapp, an old- member of. & ty. me n_who se fac es showed disfiguring ; the club, was present at t he recep- EAT AT THE 0I g ashes , he a led or in the process of 1 tion. Also, a mess age from Jere Mick- J: (The Shoe Shop om the East healing. One at first, not un reason - el, who· is at present in Chicago , was Busy Bee Cafe vn' 0 Side of the Street) 0 a bly supposed th at these young sol- I read. Ill h d h I v v iers ad been maime,d fi g htin g for the Father land. But knew b etter, would exnlain th at t he J. w. Tyler, As soc iate P rofessor marks to ;tudent duel s I 1

CHATELAIN.'S . We Welcome Students

and Faculty of Education and Director of Rural foug ht and were surrounded with an I tt nd wish you all a happy healthy and ,prosperous school so m eth ing i

f'rs College at Greeley, Color a do. He SadJstic rn these prac t rne :;. It seems I 0 ' { has completed a ll hi s work for hi s that in some cases students sl al"h We h I Ph D. except the thes is. Tyle r bas their own faces wjth knive s or ra- · ave no surp US ov-

I th h d educa tional fl eld. At present be avoiding the b other of hav- 1 L •

has 109 students in his Rural Course& mg to pick a quarrel or hun t up an 0 J • C. CHATELAIN

had a wide rang-e of experience in zors, us wmmng a vican ous cele- er ea to meet opponent. •! t· . · Q Watchmaker and Jeweler WHEN IN AUBURN VISIT THE Castle M. Brown, Registrar an d As- Florence Tilto111, Professor of Art, sociate Professor oft History anq 0th- visited in Minnesota thi s summer. On er Sociai Sciences, c am e to Peru .dur- her trip she in spected various art


ga e r'i es an ex 1 its. · tsk Teachers Agency HIGH GRADE CANDIES of .the summer. He ta kes R. D. O ve r-. (Incorporated) SANDWICHES ing July, having been tro ut fi s hin g 11 • d h"b" t F' 0 at Riv er Fall s, Wi sconsin, the bolt's place as Registrar. Mr. B rown EmiHe Papez, who but recently M. E. Shuck, Ph. D. Manager receive d his Ph.D. from Deniso111 Uni- jo ined the f!aculty ranks , has her A. Suite 410-11 Symes, Denver

versit y of Granville, Ohio; his A. M. B: deg ree from the Univ:ei:sity of Ne- 0 Has more vacancies than satis- 0 from Columbia Universi'ty; and his br a ska an d li.er M.A. 'from Iowa Uni- () fact<>ry applicants to fill them. J. D. from the University of Chic a- versity.

g o. He is also a student of , -

t he University of Minnesota


Mrs Pat H. Norwood is h an dlin g CLARY'S CAFE SERVICE STATION lu 0 / t he Engli sh Department un t il some MEALS, LUNCHES, O Repair Work We are carrying the largest and best selected stock p.ermanent head i.s secured for that SHORT ORDERS Courtesy ' of Ladies Coats and Dresses in South Eastern Nebraska cleoar tment Mrs. Norwood is w ell 2 doors south of Post Office 0 J. M. ROWEN attractively priced.-Take the Elevator. fitted to do t his work. She was gra d-

uated from East Texas S tat e T·eachers Coll ege at Commerce, Te xas,

Visit Our New Shoe Department where she majored in En g lish for

maeor in English and to begin work on a Latin textbook w hich Dr. Clyde 3 CJle Pharr ofl Vanderbilt Univ ersity and Mrs. Norwood are prep a ring for use Q WHEN IN DOUBT- TRUMP OR COME

in t he second year of Latin study. KOEPPLE'S Ci\.FE

Mrs. Norwood taught Latin and T h FOR YOUR MEALS, LUNCHES, ETC. Spanish in East Texas State eac ers 5 P N b d En I. h · the Phone 19 eru, e

Co ll ege and Latin an g 1s m 0 . Color ado schools. I


TUESDA y .)CTOBER 2, 1928 ;:;


Samuel E. Traudt, a student of BACK HOME I 8LUE/JIAZE Ifloor leader": Charles w. Korber of EXCHANGE NEWS

ZE TO T OLK · _ We now have flour p ep leaders a8

Chemistry in coUege this year, won I · I " ·

Enrolled in School, "Your John" !__----------.,,......---....: Deshler for Secti<m A; Les lie Carey ......,_..,.. second prize in the 1927-28 contest ow Some of the merch ants -aba<ut town : 0 f I D k conducted by the American Che mic al Writes Home for Sectio n B; Da e Y e Soeiety. His topic was "The Rel a- · i t ell th at t hey ha ve b een missi ng va- 1pf Tabor, Iowa, for S ection C; AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED tion of Chemistry to National De- D ear Mother and Dad: I rious s mall articles of lumber, su ch , Marvin ( Dick) Williams wh? fence." The amount of the prize was H ow's ev erything on the fa rm? I l-.as boar ds from crates.a nd bo:lfes. The 1}1ave charge Jf tire pep m eetmgs 10 to the FOND MEMORY o.f our two hun d<red dollars. Russell Mel- Ijust go t back from down t own. I I km en on the new Build- !the capadty of! stage These berg of the Wayne State Te achers , , I' 1four men have been practi cing an d C 11 f W N b k h I went to t he P. 0. bu t there wasn t 1ing a lso report a shortage of b oar ds l . f. ti. gs o ege o ayne, e ras a, won t e 1 • , • getting or pep m-ee n · LATE LAMENTED and DEARLY BELOVED first prize of five hundred dollars. any letter fOO: me. Say the lf a ,ny of the colle ge stu dents know / are sure havmg a heck of a time any t hin g a bout wliere these boards


JOHN R. HARMON "Requiescat in Pace."

EVERETTS HEAR I now. The Sofs and juniors a nd sen- \ bave g one, infor mation would be ap- Service With a Smile FIRST PROGRAM . 1 iers go around with paddels and ben.d · ' R J HT A WA y ___ the f'reshys over e very once in i -,-- G

(Cont inued from Page 1.) awhHe and they sure do· hit us l;i a;d-1 SHOE SHOP O Ijourned, s elected the names of twen- 11y I hen paddeled so much th at T! , Tues day was one of the Peru Nebraska A

•--- ---•••••••• ty-three applicants for admi ssion to ,ca n' t h ardly si t down. The other 1 year when the first soup was served V .BOBCATS WIN pirobationary membership. aay one of the profs.--,! .do-n't remem-1 at the do r mitory Mr. Gilbert r.eFIRST GAME her w hich on e asked me why I c ould- f ports th at t here . were a good many · I n't set still a nd I told hi m that I w as ! , CURRENT BOOKS to bot He t old me th at if I didn' t /·"b lue no tes ,' but he h ope.s t hat the DR. N. S. HARAJIAN

(Continued from Page 1.) s et still he w owd send me out and Ibo arde rs w HI,... improve ·with more from the center f.or a touchdown was 1 cool me off. / Mr. Delzell gave us a practi c·e. t he n ext selectio n h as DENTIST

11 d b k d P ). d 51 t X-RAY SERVICE ca e ac an eru pen a ize 1 1 "The Bridge of San Lui.s Rey" has talk the ot her day. I don' t r ememb er 1 as "Morning, Noon, ya rds for holding. [its setting in Lima, Peru, two cen- what it was about but he told a and Nigh t • and an overture by von Over Barnes' Pharmacy. Tel. 27

The visitors only thl'eatened the i turies ago. One fateful day a brid ge 'funny story He said once there ; Suppe. Bobcat's goal once during the tilt. ; of asier br eaks and five p'eople a re was a fat conduct'r- on t be train that ! Three cross buck plays through the precipitated to their doom. ·Brother always t old t he people if t hey didn't I One mg ht last week D ean Del- ___.___ ...,.., ____ _ I I . line and olohnson's end run for 12 Juniper, a monk, witnesses the ca-g ive hi,m t here ticket that t hey could l.zell was w alking d own the st reet yards pl aced the ball on Peru's 19 . tastropbe a nd decides to ma ke a ao one of t hree thin gs produce there when he had the misfortune to bump I Crysta} Theatre I ya rd line, first and ten. Two line ' se archin g study of the fives of the !'ticket, pay their fair,' or get off of ! ipto a yo ung m an walk ing up t he I plays failed to g ain and liaig h's p ass victims to determine if! possi ble wh at the train. Well o ne day a drunk man Istreet. The Dean was a little put out I I to Gourge was down in the end zone. 1manner of existence they had lived got on the train and the conduct'r abo ut it,, a nd he accosted t he young I TUES., OCT 2. I Peru scrimmaged from their own 20 and whet her. some intention had se nt said you can do one .of t hree -t hings man with t his question: " Say, youn g CLARA BC>W IN I y ard line. ' , them to their doom. After a ca reful produce your ticket, pay your fair man , do you know who I am?" The I• Hertz, Kl'ejci, Youn g, Casebeer, ' investigation he finds that t he lives or ge t;! off of the train. Well the Freshman r eplied: "No, but if you I "My Lady of Whims" I Hart and Sauter were the bri g ht , of these fi ve people all tou che d one drunk man couldn't find his t icket know your address I'll take y ou ' Al so I li g hts on the offense, while Toft, : upon an other and he also made s uch so the co nduct'r went on. He said he home."

Kerner, Captain Bunch, Williams, discoveries a 13 to brin g do wn th e would be back after it. When he I ":Buffalo :Bill's Last Fight" Rigg ins, and Brunsdon were the lu- wrath of his superiors up on his own had come back the drunk man had· Penn ants, Caps, P illows, etc See l :ill in technicolor minaries of the forward wall. Pike's head when. he presented to them the Ihis ticket ready. The conduct'r took Mill a rd F owler, 1st d oor N. G ain es I heady play at left end received much result of his labors. it and went on down the isle. The Hall, or -4\da Eyre, Dormitory. 1·• WED., THURS ., OGT 3-4 favorable comment. ! The N ew Republi c says " In the drunk man hollered at him, remem- I MARION DAVIS IN W. Walsh, fullback; Hai g h, quart- ' of San texture! her this guy was awful fat, well he I "THE RE ' D' MILL'' . e rback; and Johnson, left ha!:£; made s umfied, n oth in g I hollered at him and said H ey m-m- fI most of the gains for St. Benedicts short ofi its maz:k, nothing it; Im-m-miste1· you can do one of three YOUR Blewe tt, left tackle, and JI. Walsh,.• the book as a w.ho•le is 1 things, you can walk mo re, ·eat less, j I Also News S PECIAL right guard, played the best game tless temples erected to ,a Ior bust. Say that sure brot down 1 I the line. i , ity-perha ps to St. Louis, the km g; the house but the best p.art of it was

I P erhaps to Pac a th d ' On Wednesday• nig ht will Th l' , c camac, e s un- go, Mr. Delzell uave such a perfick imi- ; I e me up Iof Peru " "' alS-O sh<>w shots taken of local PEJRU (6) St BENEDICT (0) tat ion of a boiled owl that I. t hink he /I 11eople Come out and see, you

Parriott re - Gourges ' Mr Ro Dah , must have had some experience be-

'I may .be on the screen.

R' · · Y lsti om, Class of 26 fore Mr Delzell sure is a good man ig,g ms rt - - Sla1rd was a campus visitor last Wednes- · · · · f R. Willi a ms rg H Walsh a Aft tho. He will tell you most any.t hmg - ay. er servmg as mst ruc tor in ou wa nt to know. Well i ts a bout II Bunch (c) c Weipert ehemistry and physics in the Central y , 11 Kerner lg Ward c··t

Caseheer lh - Johnson : cul,us class on the uses of ad;an;;;d - · -·


Hertz fb W. Walsh 911athematics in the fields of scienc e. I

OCT. 8 , I Peru Substitutes: Hoffm an for Par- I


riott, Mathews for Pike, Hart for \ Pat Norwood , Instructor in Junioa· MEEK LUMBER CO

Casebeer, for Kerner , 1 Hi:gh School Mathematics and Gen-

for Rig-

COMING, OCT. 12-13 f St. Benedict's Substitutions: Dyer ville, Tennessee.

for Wiepert, Hacky for Johnson, -. - I t

ty five

yard liiie. The boys· from the Train-

nir Sc h oo l I? eld only to ha ve their


punt to safety blocked. Randolf ·

Herman's Cleaners and Tailors

is Picnic Time again came into the limelight in this 0 FRESH FRUITS AND CONFEC'l'IONERY play. The kick was blocked.

Although the Bobkittens played the Cookies, Cakes, Bread, and Lunch Meats

What is a picnic h1ncJ;i without pastry and last quarter in Humboldt territ<>ry, HOT COFFEE, COCOA, AND SANDWICHES bakery delicacies? We have at all times they were unable to score further. An

plenty of fresh buns, rolls, and pies·for your intercepted pass cut short one march SCHOOL AND COLLEGE SUPPLIES ·outings. · goalward while inflicted })enalties halted another. H. U. LAN ·D Q LT

And the prices? They are right. For Peru, Dasher, Newton, and up the driving power on the offeµse Opposite Training School .

Captain Applegate seemed to make 0 with w. Williams, Pate, Gaines, and 73 Phones 78

E. Williams smearing things up on 0 the defense. Dasher's open field

E. Williams outstanding play at cen- ,

ter is worthy of the comment that he received from the stands.

W. Randolph , Tergus, and Captain BY ALL MEANS SEE Glathae seemed to be the bright

lights in the Humboldt line-up. The combination, Tergus to Randolph completed six passes for good yardage and Captain Glathae's offensive play was responsible for two of the five first downs earned by the invaders.




Bobca ts A re Ass u red of Real Battle

The c olleg e o rc h estra, un der the d irect ion of Mr Jindra, w ill play at a CO!l VOcatien on We dn esd ay , October 110. T heir o fferi ng is "Atlan tis Suite" a four pa rt composition by V. F. DOPE FAVORS ST. LOUIS '1 Sa franek. This number is a ni g hl y d esctipt:ve And again the Bo b cats turn to the on e. an d, feelin g that an apprec 1ap pract ice grind in pr eparation for the_ d escr it:Jtion of th e S ui te would enSt. Louis un i v l:! rsHv g ame at .St. Louis, han ;:e _e nj oyme nt of it the music dccornill i;" : parm ent has had made mimeograpn 1 If d op e can be r'eli ed 0'1 the P er u 1 c. r' ies of a 'riti?r of the selec- ! s-quad lea ves Thursday with the odds : tioi !. ! hese w ill he 1.istr1buted I ag ainst th em At any rate here's tho se in atten dance a 1 convoc ah r:»1. , so'me of the early sea son noise on the· Any comments up.or the effec t iv.J-l Mi ssour ians: I or of t his j "Weight, one of fo otb a ll's so-ca ll ed I , iy b_e put m the Pedag ogi an I essentials, and so stra ngely Jac king , a nd will be turn ed over to the music i



NOT SO v ery I FAR di stant, AND we wish TO SAY to TH OS E who r ead THIS P .NPER AND are doin g it AWAY FROM here



P eru Alum ni Asso ci at io n and the P eru S ta te Te achers College will hold an all Pe ru Lun ch eon, Th ursd ay ,noo n, N ovember 1, at the Cornhu sker H otel in Li ncoln with W. N. Uel- zell in charge. This will be durin g the Ne br aska S tate Teac h ers Asso cia-


Both Teams Fight for Ground Ha rd AN AERIAL GAME

t ion for Dis tri ct No. 1. In wh at was perh aps t he best game F or District N o. 2 an all Peru l un- of the ho me sea son, Coach Graf' s ch eo n with S. L. Clements in ch arge w ill be given Frida'} noon, N ovem-Bob cats stag ed a last quart er rally ber 2, in the Ro me Hotel at Om ah a. th at will go d own in the an nals of Ti cke ts fo r eith er of the abo ve Ju n- P eru fo otba ll, to d efeat , Mary ville cheons may be reserved by writ in g T eachers 6 to 0, S aturd a y, October 6, to one of' these per sons. in t he Peru b owl.

It h as Jong b ee n customary to hold Her e's how th in gs ha pp e ned Krejthese luncheo ns at the Asso ci ation meetin g s, a nd mu ch benefit is d eriv -ci retu rne d W. Smi t h's kick off to ed by r emewi ng old ac quain ta nc es at mi dfi e ld, wh ere the teams bat tled on these affairs. rela ti v el y even terms throu gh out the in the St. Louis Uni versity squad l ast 1 1 d epartment. J se ason, is bein g sought out by Coa ch - F OOTBALL GA ME Hunk A nderson as he rounds out .his J BIRCH PLANTED :1 en tire fi r st quar ter. P eru's passin g atprospects for t he comin g camp aign I I H ERE on Y. M. C. A. MEN tack fa il ed to fun ction and t he Bohon .the g ridi ron. QN CAMPUS ' HO MEC OMING DAY, TALK PQLJTJCS c ats' four

downs c ame as a resul t " Assisted by C hili Walsh a nd R ay ,

Maryville · OCTOBER 27th. Dahman both of whom pla yed un- : y

the Bo bcat fo rwa rd wall a nd der Knute Rockne wh en An derso n J Or_n amental Tree Has Ma ny j YOU will I ss ues m Coming N at ion al · · d U C.amp ai'gn Di'scussed tossed out enou gh pass:es to make was assist ing t he Not re Da me men- j Vane s es tor the n ew St L ou.is g uardi an of ! BE as t hree first downs durin g this period. fo o1tb a ll hon ors is out to ac - l WJ-b-I:;""GROW LARGE 1 WELCOME as the HOOV ER OR .SMI H? I Th e sec on d period opene d wi th co mp lish the ta sk wh ich has baffle d 1_ Pe ru in possession of the ba ll on th e the best o il namely'. I Have you seen the youn g tr ee that FLOWERS of The Y. M. C. A. helds its reg ul ar/ Mi ssou rian's 43-y a rd mark. E xch an ge a consistent wrn nm g combm ati on . w as pla nted sou thwest of the Old MAY. 'm eetin g· last We dn esday ev en in g in 1 of p un ts fo llo we d and the close of But t here ar e v eterans a plenty Scie nc e Hall last sprin g? , _ : the Little Theatre. After the op en-; fi rs t half flo u nd t he Gr afm en h oldin g for An d erson and his co-workers to· Do you know what kind it is? . · . . A th L' d hi t k h t he ed ge on t he Mar yv ille 22-yard d eal with this fall a nd the coach is. S ome c all it maple, oth ers oa k, oth ers: "FROSH" TRJ.-UMPH ,mg son gs r . ur m a 00 c arge lin e. · t d "th hi · t l t - · t• · · l 'of .the de vo tion als. Followmg the well acq uam e w1

a defensi ve star, Lintzen ic h i a t rip le St ates an d Canad a. Th ey gr ow from ·=• "'"'T t hreat on the a ttack ing side j 60 to 70 fe et in h ei g ht. When young , Takin g a dv anta ge of the breaks, •am fo r Smit h;" -a nd seon d, se na tor Bill Par illa at quarter an d Sy lv es - I th ey form a co mpact py ramida l h ea d, i the freshman sq uad turn ed in a 14 to IMo ses' artic le on " Wh y I am fo r ter Dirn de rge,r, 1928 captain a nd ha lf a nd in o ld age th ey become a b ra nc h- I6 w in over the Hi aw atha, Ka ns as 1 Ho ove r ." Afte r th ese two articles back w ill be a vailable to Anderson. less trunk a round- to ppe d I hi gh scpo ol eleven Frid a y, Septem- lhad bee n read the ma in iss u es of' Veteran li nemen include Joe Ba bka. o pen h ead of pend u lo us br anc h es I b er 5, in a ragg ed gu rne pla yed at It he campaig n we re li ste d as fo ll ows : Jewell Brow n ing, Ly le Drury, Vic These trees prefer ric h mois t hill- ! Hi aw ath a.. pr oh ib i tio n, i mmi gratio).1, tar iff, prosJo e Gene Schwartz, Ed. 1 sides an d bor d ers of stre ams, j Th e three 'to.uchd ow ns sc ored' on . peri ty, far m. re li ef, Ta_mmany Hall Brown, Titu s '. Cornel l. B Rrne v and swa mps. The ba rk at the base 1 b oth sid es were ma de p ossibl e corr u p.tio n, 01 1 sca nd al, mte rn al watDa ubn er. Ed D avi dso n, Barney Ca ld - of youn g tree s is b row n t in ged with i t hrou gh fumble s. Pe ru sc ore d first er ways, a nd fo r eig n polici es w ell, Morri s Tiso n a nd D ow ney. A n- , red , sep arati ng in to l arge i when Simp k ins, t ac k le, picked up. a In the discussi on it was ge nera ll y derson has not in dic a ted his possible · wood is br own, fumbl e a nd spr in t ed thir ty yards d ec id ed th at the ma in iss ue s of the tartin g line -up fo r t he open ing g ame tm g ed wi t? re a. It is li gh t, h ar d, ; ov er the goa l lin e. A p ass , Ra il s.- c ampai!fn were pro hi bit ion a nd farm howe ver. F red Jo seph, wi th s ome 200 tough, wtthc lose g ramm g, and ; b ac k to Cole, gave the Ye a rlin gs the 'reli ef. Most of t he evenin g was pounds and mor e, will probab ly be st ron g, a nd th e refo re is used fur , extra p oin t a nd an early 7 to O lead. sp ent in d is cussin g a nd ar guin g fur used in the line th i.s· ye ar i nstead of spools, s hoe l asts, wood pulp ,a nd l The Kan sa ns picked. up· t heir lone and against th e Volstead a ct. Th at in the ba ck fie ld wh er e he s ho w ed up I:u e !. Whe n are full , touchdown whe n Sch a ffner' s fumble !the di scussion ar ou sed much in te rstrong as a fr es hm an la st year. 1 the y al e a t hic k, fi rm, dull, on the Peru t wenty -five -y a rd Ji ne est is ob vio us by the fact th at it wa s

a fe w holes, ou t- d own in g t he Pe ru e leve n f'o ur to two. Sau tte r's kic k was r ecei v ed by Duse on hi s own 17-y ar d mark as t he qu art er end e d.

T he fourth , sta nza, one that will Ieng be rem e mbere d in Bobcat fo otba ll circ les, saw the invaders take the ball , afer two exc hange of p un ts, on the P er u 28-yard lin e a nd in ters perse end r un s with line p lun ges to ad vance the pigsk in to the P er u 8- yar d li n e, where t he Grafm en he ld. Duse's drop ki ck fro m the 21-y a rd m ar k w en t w id e a nd the stands brok e for th with a volley of cheerS'.

The s chedule· da rk ,,, reen ab ove a nd p .ale ye ll ow -· d b t d decided to con t inu e with it at the · · I g re en beneath covered with m inute i w as scoope. up . Y op p on .en an . . . Oc t. 6 Southwest M1ssour T eac h ers . , b ' 1 converte d mto s1x pom ts . Howe ver nex t m eetm g. All men are mv1ted ept. -cv1c en ree o Jeg e. the fre s hme n remain ed m the· lead/to come, especiall y t ose mteresteu

S 29 111r K d C 1 la ck gla nds. In autumn th e l eav es I . .. . ' · h · .J

0 t 1 p turn cl ea r pa le ye ll ow. h th k' k · '· th · t' 1 J t' c . u- eru. Th p B' w ·en e 1c we nt xv1de. m · e com mg na 1ona e ec ion

0 t 2"M' _. 8 b 1 f M' e aper 1rch posses ses the most j I h' ba· f .1 · 't c . v- isso u1 t c oo o 1n es 1 d f 1 b k P er u ao aln score d l ate in the t.JJ_i rd pro 1 v-ion a a1 ure as 1 n ow won er u ar of any of our native · "' -·' · ·- ·d ? • · Oct. 27- Cre1g h to n Um v ers1ty it I d 1 I qu arter whe n Cl aussen end recov - sta n s. . . . ' ree s. n outwar co or, lt 1s a lu s- ' '

No v. 3-Detroit Uni ve rsit y. • t d h' b .11 I ere d a fumb le and aa!lop · ed un hari'l;- Can, it be mod ifie d su ccessfu ll y? i ro us creamy an w 1te, so n "ant j "' Nov. 10-Loyol a U ni v ersi ty , Ch ic a go .. th t .t .1 b "' . th p'ered, across th e last w hi te ma rk for Shoul d tJ1 e farm ers be e-ive n re li ef

N 17 L . .11 U . . a 1 s g e arns can e se_n m e I

ov. - o u1sv1 e mvers1ty. ! f t f th h six mor e p oi nt s Ra ilsb ack's e du ca- by the gove rn me nt?

N W . . . i o res as ar as e e ye can r ea c · 1 ·


P er u took the ba ll on her own 20ya rd line. Sau tter proce eded to ga in safety with a ki ck to the Missou ri ans' line but t hin gs ·looked bad when Maryv ill e up with their fa mous ove rh ead attac k. Th e spell was broken wh en Krejci in tercepted a pa S, Fi sher to Hod ge, a nd ca rri ed the ba ll to the inv ade rs' 45-y ard li ne. A p ass, Krej ci to and a 5yar d p ena lty ga ve Peru a first dow n· (C on ti nu ed on P age 2)

ov. 29- a.&h )ngton Um vers1ty , B th th th h't · te d toe a dd ed the extra poin t. ? Come an d 1 en ea e smoo w 1 e are p ape r- ij




What is. yo ur opi ni on. ! li ke layers w hi ch rea dily separ ate ·- - - ::... ·· exp res s it at the Y. M. C. A. meetin g

' (C ontinu ed on Page 4) , 'MEN'S

Th e rushin g

New Officers Introduced; Business Discussed plan s fo r the cons tr u ctio n of the n ew g atew ay at the east entrance of t he camp u s. Th is is being· pro vided for by the f unds' fr om the sop hom ore clas s of l ast ye ar. More detail s w ill be g i.v en l ate r.

Mary Gray, Sidn ey, Io wa, pres ident of the Girls Club took c harge of t he me eting Monday at chape l time in the · Audi t ori um.

Mrs. Dunning le d the d evo t iona ls.

C.ul tn re sis ters. a nd com mo n sense a re

Then t he officers for the com ing year Wh en a man lacks n er ve ·he is apt were ' in t roduced to the club. Th ey to t hin g he is dis cr e et.



Willia ms, "Ma il Man " W ill Head "M a le Me n"

Wed nes d ay . at _ }: 00 o'clock


L ast week a was gi ve n for Mr. and Mrs. Delze ll by the fac ulty


Songs by Mrs. Scoville

Al so Fea tured

Franc is Mori a rty _ V ic e Preside nt Omaha, Nebr

Ha zel Williams - Trea sur er Aub urn, Ne braska

Lillian Brady - Se cret a ry Peru, Nebr

The council members were voted upon by ballot, being nom inated districts.

flrom every girl s' rool'.l"J ng house wh ic h h as five or more girls.

Miss Gr ay toltl a bout th e dues for the year and the purp ose of these du es. Th ey are for the Girls' Cl ub st udent loan fu nd.

The meetin g close d with a brief out.line of the wor k for the yea r by S ub- cour·cil ors are to be elec te d the p res ide.nt.

T he Me n's Club met last Mond ay in the Li ttle T heatre at convoc a tio n time. J oe Krejc i took ch ar ge of the me etin g and the c lub w as di v id ed into five gro up s accordi ng to the place s nea r wh ich or at which the men s taye d. Th e purpose of the se g ro u ps is to g et the me n, in to sma )l enough di visions so th at th ey w ill be ab le to acc'ompJ ish more for the good o:f the schoo l. A cha ir man a nd se· cr etary wer e e le cted fr om eac h g rou p. These w ill serve as a g uidin g in fl uen ce, S'h ou ld any one deci de to. shirk on their jo b. Ea ch g roup w ill ha ve ch arge of the decoratin g of th eir resp ecti ve hou ses du ring H om ec om in g a nd such other even ts as

The facu lty met at the Li bra ry buildin g. an d then we nt to serenade Del, ze lls. Th ey were i nvi t ed i nto the hou se, a na Mr. P at e prese nt ed Mr. and Mrs. De lz,e ll with a gift f rom the fac ulty ·All en j oye d the se re nade.

Pe ru st u de n ts were favored by a sho rt talk by Dr Scoville a nd a mus ica l program g iv en by Mrs. Se o-. v ill e, We d nes day, September 3, at .

· 'chapel time. Mrs. Scov me h as a well tr aine d voice, wh ic h is recomth ey may be ca ll ed up on to help "p ut mended by the b est musi ci ans. Sh e ·across." sa ng th ree nu mbers wh ic h were ap -' are:

Th e n om in ees for offi ce for comi ng year were vote d on a nd fo llowi ng were elected to lea d club:

the preci ated by the co ll ege stu d ents. the Dr. Sc ovill e's talk was fu ll of hu , the: mor, but the· impovtan t facts wer e.

P resi d Mt ',' Dick" Williams

Vice Preside nt __ "Tu tty" B roc k ma n Secre tary __ "Din gie" Ho ffman

Tr eas u rer ---Had sell Hart

After t he c o11ege ye ll had been gi ve n the meet in g w as d ism isse d.

· b ro ught out in a· ma nner in w hich onl y few a re a bl e to acco mp li sh. D r. Sco vill e and pa rty are fro m Chi c ag o, a nd are ma ki ng a to ur in Neb ras ka d oi ng Eva n ge li stic wo rk. Monday, Octob er 8, the s tud en ts / fr om the pi an o d epartme nt gave the first piano reci tal of t he year.






l The re was a school teacher 1 t d Tuesd ay

away, , Forty student en is e I h t under the T · d H S M t W ho got a fa t check for his '! afternoon in t he ore es ra . I Peru- rame , • . en ors I H nry Kines .

pay : 1 direc tion 0:11 Professor e t Have Good Time , Neve r before has so much in teres "I know what I'll d I t l work , been shown in inst rumen a ·

R ti th ff f th 11· a-e I'll h it for Pera, ecen. y e o ice o e co e ., The Wesleyan.

Entered at the Postoffice of Peru, Nebraska, as second has received letters :flrom high 'school j A nd be there on Homecomin g j · ---··· -··- coac he s w ho were grfl.duated in 1928 l Day!" 1 About 45 candidates comp r is e the Published w'eekly at Peru Tead1ers College- the oldest training sch6ol Lewis Carter, coach at Hemingford, . l "Bobcat" squ ad this ye ar The line, in the Missouri Valley, established 1867. reported that his team won a hard 1 , as it has always been, wHl be heav_y fou g ht game from Bay ard , "Lewie" IFACULTY BUFFET I and fast. The backfield, ho wever , lS . ____ lplayed end last year. LUNCHEON SERVED :not so heavy, but shifty and fast. A ; Leo Beckord of Viola, Kansa s, 1 number of freshmen look very p-romSTAFF I stated that his team pl ayed a tie lisi'ng th is year The B@bca ts are out

$1.00 the year. Single copy 5

MANAGING EDITOR - - JOE JONES Igam: with a much hes.vier te a m. A luncheon w as held! for the ch ampionship flow ab out it Wilbert Zorn, at Burwell, Nebr as- IS at urd ay mg ht in the Home Econom- l Ea g l€s?--Chadron Eagle.

EDITOR -----·---- - DON KEISTER Ika, also won a game. He w as the ics parlors. About fifty were p i;esent ! ·

BUSINESS MANAGERS RALPH CHATELAIN EDWIN BOOTH Bobcat captain in 1926 a nd played The old faculty members were ! Wayne is confi dent of bea ting Peru -· • I halfb a ck last year. to the new faculty membe rs a nd I t his They have fifteen letter -

SPORTS EDITORS "TIP'' ROBERTS , ROLAND KREPS ! Geor ge McElroy (Abe) , c oac h at their w1v·es. The majority of' the l men back besides many go od fr e sh-

SOCIETY EDITOR HAZEL HUTCHINSON Torrin gton Wyomin g. McElroy 'wa s· of t he new members of the faculty ..n d · f th. , ! won a h ar d game ove r even in g was spent iq t he initi ation Ime We all know that the Bobca ts ' , · will be no snap. Ju gmg -ro n1 is

CAMPUS EDITOR - LUCILLE DOWELL All-St ate qu arterback a nd - ! t he Chadroni tes wiLl see a rea l ga me Ihad smce his fre sh· ! when the Wayne Teachers m·eet the

FACULTY EDITOR - - HAROLD McCREIGHT i man year. Supe_nntendent Kelly of I ABOirJT Pill'RSONS 1E ag les on the loca l field. - Chadr on FEATURE EDITOR : Bridgeport says that "Abe" is a "real / ij i:, E l GEORGE COOK l coach." , j , age.

EXCHANGE EDITOR RUDOLF ANDERSON · · - 1 Men of t he faculty wil1 organi ze ACTIVITIES EDITOR ....< \: Richard Hartley, Beru Gr ad u ate of ft wo volley b.all teams fp r the purpose RAYMOND iRENHOLM · 'th l '27 d th h t

recreation and }H"a

DEBATE EDITOR · ERNEST HASSELBLAD Y. W. C. A. .cently on his way to take up his cided at a meeting hel d i>y th"° m en I I work _as an instructor in Biolo gy in 1 1of fac ulty in t he -GymnasiumNSTRUCTOR IN NEWS WRITING ____ THOMAS E. ENNIS J C 11 B T i a umor o ege at - eaumont, exas. ' Commons building: TuesU. a y.

! Th_e Y. W. C. A. met t he past year and summer Mr. · The men will practice three days a TO THE ALUMNI TRUE I evemng, 3. The president Hartley worked on his M.A. de gree week and plan to compete with o th e. APPRECIATION 1 Florence Davis had char ge of the Iat the University of Iow a at Iowa , t f th ll d th y M Th · · • M' C k I . e arns o e co ege an e . . ,, IS zss ue of the Peru Pedagogian A word which has been in popular meeting. She introduced . !SS • J_ar City. . He received it this .summer. c. A -The we are dedicating to our a lumni. As usage for a number of years is that ; "':'ho read a number of ! H 1 poems. She also made an mtel'est mg I M· f p ' l · · omecommg season approaches we 1word "appreciation" It seems to 1 • • • • a ny o eru:.:: a umm were m at- ' · Italk per tammg to outdoor hfe and l ten dance t th ;f1o tb II s e xpect to see many of them return. : have a varied number of especially that in Peru j t b a e o a game ep· P . h . . . , ' 'I · em er 29.

The giant green sea turtle captured by Professor W. J. Kent, curator of the college museum, this sun1me,r off the Bahama Islands, has ar- ei u as been welcoming its alumm 1but the particular meaning -we would I Th e announcement w as made that I Amon er tl , . , . . I ,,, 1em were. fur over sixty years; many who re- 1treat of here _is that me a mn g in re· 1 Y. W. be on sale at . Margaret Je nkins a nd turn have marked success. spect for art.. like. the Dormitory. ! Towle of _ Ci ty. Eanice , rived in Hastings and will be kep -t

As we consider coming events, we , The term apprec1at1on is apiphed · Bermce Sh tre, Fall s City. reflect back upon h ow the school much more often to t he aesthetk MARYVILLE GAME R alp h Hi ggi ns, Auburn ha s g rown sinc·e many of these peo- th an t? the physical. Yet, however, Glean Rhoades, ple were in its halls. And , in doin cr is: not a clear enou gh distinc- (Con t inued Page 1) · I Winnie Brown, Sidney, Iowa this, we also realize th at much of the ti.011 ma de betwe en the terms "appre· on Maryville 36-yard mark. Then I Edn a Hertz, Malvern, , Iow a growth of the school h as been due ciatJOn" and "enjoyment." "Big-Joe" proceeded at once to .show I Beryl D ar ting

a,live for an indefin ite time in a sp ecially constr ucted conci-ete tank in I the museum. Hundreds , of visitor s 103, has settled down to steady lanearly five feet in len gth and is e stito be at least 500 years ol d. -Hastings Collegian. to loyal alumni. Samuel C. P ark er, a P rofe!:'sor of t he fans what a well directed pass in g 1 Merritt Whit ten, N ebras ka Cit y While it may be true that we as Educa t ion , has made this nic e dis- game looks like He one out ! Leslie Huff, Talm age The news writing class, English a state maintained sc hool, do not have tinction betwee n the terms: in the air to Cas ebeer fo r 28 y ards, I ' 103, has settled down to stead la.to rely upon our a lumni for mate ri" In sports "a nd athletic g·ames, so- and followed it ap, wi th an other for Miss Gl a dys Mann, Sophomore in b.or. The members of .the class have al aids, let it be borne in mind, th at ci al training through clubs .... an d 8. Sa uttev hit the line for a. first the School of Music, wo.n second 1 been assigned a defini te task to do . those who go out from here are the enjoyment of music, we ha ve been down a11d on the next pl ay C aseb eer pl ace in The Atwater Kent Hau r Each member go es to bis sep arate larg ly respon sible for the students able to discus

;i.,,-rm=• seemed , to !.l hine in the Peru bac k-c ently from a gro up of one tmer e. n yuu 1 '"'' "' 0.,.3 ., •• , , Therefore, to every Peru alumnus relatively clear in its connot ation, B K hundi ed 51·n.gers. you fo e! should be in the nap er ju st

field wi th Toft, rockman , erner, .., who reads t hese pa g es we send greet- while the term ·'api)reci a tion' is one Th · tell ·any member. of the class ab out r. nd Ca ptain Bunch furming the nu- e sixt een contestants will sin g ings. A he a rty welcome is in store of the most undefined an d loosely cl eus of a s tone wall line. Pike's in groUDS of four within a period .of it. Y ou r interest w ill be appe rci a.t ed. :-., fu r you Octobe r twe nty-sev en t h! used wo r ds to be found in pe d agog i- play at th e end until he w as carri ed four weeks. During that time the 1-K ea rney Antelope. cal di scussion s. When a perso n sa ys fro m t he field with minor injuries, public ;vo tes for t he sin ger whi ch i ,' HAIL To THE VISITORS '· he enjoys li s tenin g to the sex t et from · b t b h - .g1'1·l."" wr.::; · fe at ure on dP,fense. t es · I T e pro u ress oi' t e new s u t he oper a "Luci a ," you have a fairly and M" . h · · · · · ,,. · · Hall , A fine spirit wa s shown .tow a rd th,e cl ea r id ea of wh at he means bi it if F or Ma ryville, ..Fisher W. 1ss Ma n Wl.ll s'in g : he foll o wm g : do rrmto ry, known as Ne1ha rdt visitin g te a_m s from St Benedict's ,he sa ys he appreciates t he se - S mith see me d to the brunt qf numbers at the World The ater: ''Il been extremely marked sin ce the a nd Ma ry vtll e. A•ls o, there w as much ·Jection , his statement may hav!l one the att a ck while Meek, tackle, J. Baci o" an d "When Irish F:ye11 are :close of the summer session. e nthusi as m s hown in th e sta nd,s dur- of the · four following me a nin g s: Smi th, guard, and Do w nin g, ta ckle, S milin g."

l The ou tside work is ne arly finished , ·n th Wh'l th' l" k" · made g oing ha rd through t he line. onl y t he leve ling .of the grou n ds, the g e ga me s. 1 e 1s m mg up 1 Th t h · 1· t · · of ·enthu si asm a nd courtesy does not ' · a e enJoys JS e nm g to it: Ho d ge an d Gr aham we'r e a lw a ys pass- : Jn t he Au gust 24 iss ue of the Der-p ai n ting of the windows t he p.l acalw ays ho ld tru e,. it is v-e ry oft en . 2. he understa nds its re la- re ceivi ng t hre ats at the win gs . Sum- ry News, Derry, N ew Hampshire, ing of t he ir... a grille across the fr on t

found that the most enthusiastic tion to the rest of the ope r a, or to ma ry: there ap peare part of a su mm11try of ,o:li 'the terra ce remainin g to be done c rowds are also the mos t courteous. i the fine points in its or Peru (6) Maryville (0) a research made by L eo Haup tman Th e in side of t he bu ilding is n ow Doubtl ess, pep will be ra mp an t dur-:s ome o.th er aspect of .1t; Hoffm an re - Hod ge concerning Martin St ow ell who for comp l ete ly pl aste red a nd all roo1ns ing the remainder of the season. See- I 3. That he both enjoys and UP,- Brockm an rt Downing i several y ears, conduc t ed a' of ' are tinted·. Rough wood fioo.rs h ave in g, then, that handclappin g. and !derstands it; R. Williams rg J. Smith·; t he "Unde g round Ra ilro ad" at Petu. l ai d in all the rooms except the handshaking are rather closely bound I 4. That he understands it but does Bunch (c) c Thomas · M.r•Hauptman made t he research in'- basem ent. Fi n ished woodwork is betogether, we may look for the. jnot enjoy it." l.g - Cox to 'the life of this man durin g t he .in g put into place rap idly upo n t he courteous treatment of our v1s1tors We never he ar the terms "athletic Toft It -------"- Meek second se mester of school l ast y ear th ird floo r. T erraz zo floors ar e on in games to come. Pike - le (c) in a course under Mr. George w. a ll the co rrid o rs and stairs an d r eapp1,eciation" or "football apprecia- S h D

This is true Peru sp ' irit! t• " autter - r use j Brown. quire only the grfodin a- to make thi s ion, yet the ma jority both under- y 11 H d I · .,, oung. ': ges The co mplete rep ; rt of the 11e- p.a r.t of the bu ilding comple te . Th e stands and enjoys these thin gs , K · b Fi h I

BEING LATE reJCI q s . er search will appear in ty ,...,d fo rm. m arble, wainf?c otin g an d stalls of t he

Again, there are but fe w who ever Ca b fb W Smith · " se ee.r · and will be placed in the ,li br ary as. toilet and shower r ooms ar e comNo li.ttle amount of grief is caused really a nd - t ruly app,recfate music , Substitutes. Peru-Hart for Young , I a reserve book. p lete on the t hfrd fl oor on the ca mpus of this college, both a rt, and other aesthetic furm s. Ma thews for Pike; Pike for Ma thews; I A dau ght er of Mar t in S towe ll liv es l During t he nex t two w ee ks the uuto ins tructo1·s and students by ha l'Hg It seems to us that Profess o"r Park- Zook fo1 Sautte · H· 1·tz for Toft· j , v · r, ' 1at '!Derry , New H am p sh i re, fF om ;t om ati c O ttis Elevato r w ill be installs tudents come late to classes . There er is ri g ht in his distinction be tween Delzell. for Kerner; Sautter Hart.. w here the paper comes. Ano ther ed.-Way ne Goldenro d. is always ta lk about it upon and the two, and that we should be more for W: Sm1th; New daug hte r lives at Man chester New a bout the campus. Therefore, Jet it careful about our usage of these for J. Smith; Burch fur Hodge; G. Ham h" ' he re be form a lly called to attention. two vastly different terms. Smith for Mahood; Egg dorf for ps ue. 1 T HE MODERN CH IL D In th-e fi r st pla ce, timepieces of Downi ng Moore for Th omas; Se lli a rs --· ! ".How old are you?" i nquired the different individu als a re apt to vary A CORRECTION. for Cox; Alsup for Gr aham. VOLLEY BALL JS !v isi tor of t he hos t 's li ttle son. just a bout as much as th os e individ- First downs: Peru, 10 ; Maryville, 7., POPULAR SPORT j " Th at is a difficul t q uestion, " anuals themselve s. Ag ain, timepieces In last week's issue of the P.ed ago - Time ou t: Peru 6; Ma ry v ille 3. · i I s were d the youn g m an, removi ng his s et by different · individuals will va ry gian the1-e a ppeared a sub-h ead li ne Yard s ga ined from sc r imma g e: l ,sp e ct,acles and w ipin g th em re fi e ctin the s ame manner. It is re a dil y ev - "Orations Given" under the caption Peru, 153; Maryv ille, 121. \ All men on th e fac ul ty a re requ est- "The lates t pers onal survey i dent t hat no sa tisfactory a rran ge f th D Ya rds Jo st fro m scrimmag e: Peru , . ed to c ome ou t an d enj oy a good \ available shows my psycholo o- i· eal -o e rama tic Club re cept ion. N ow, "' m ent may be had, when there are a _,.d t . h 42; Mar.yv ill e, 19. 1game on Mond ay W·ednesd ay a nd age to be 12, my m oral ag e 4, In"· we u1 no w1 s to say th at or atio ns j ., ha lf doz en diffe r ent buildin gs to be . Y ards penali zed: Peru, 20; Mary- Frid ay ev en in g b etwee n 5 and 6 anatomical ag e 7, a nd mn physi"olog·i·were g iv en at this reception, a lth o .,. considered, by ea ch person re g ul atin g a len gthy di scour s<C or so w as in ville , 45. !o'cl9 ck . Of' course, the games are cal age 6. I supp ose, however, tha t his own time. ti·uth . d 1 d . Th · 1 1ove r in time so th at t he rest of the you refer to my ch ronoloo·i·cal · , m u ge m. is li t tl e he ad- "' age La xity ofl pnnctuali.ty, in this scho ol 1 "O

WHITFIELD DONATES famil y n. eed not :f'.ea1· that yo u h ave \whi ch is 8. That is so old -fashJ·oned me, ra tion s Gi ven ," st r aye d f ar \ 'in particular, is conducive to laxity awa <• from ho d . . b ee n captu Ped a nd tam ed th at I seldo m t hin k of it a ny ffiO l:'e." :fl t rt . th ;y me an got m to th-e


y k s db o punc ua I y m e many sc ho ols wron g habi t ation Wh t d'd . h Sometime yo u may, be going by the 1- or an u rr. served by t he gradu a tes of the one . 'to say with t hi s· te 1 1 W IS - T ra ini ng Sc h oo l build ing a nd hear a

An accurate sy s tem of cloc ks a nd t b f d . h · yp e s ug is S ter li ng Whi tfie ld, ma n ager of tae t er ribl e din th at sounds like li ons Wednesday o t b be!J.s would do away with practic ally ·o ou? m .t e _account of th e p ep Crystal The atr e, h as offered to dona te r oa ri'ng a nd fig hti·ng·. Do not call t he 1 I ' 0 er lO, the co ll! I· t t I d b . me etmg, m which it sta tes t ha t Co a ch ege ore ie stra will mak "ts fi a a eness o c asses, cause y G. f . d C . a special show for th e a lumni- .a nd po li ce, but calm yourself. Ta ke t i·ine pearance of th e 1 rst apo usly re g ulated timepieces and the · an aptam Bunch , toget h er t d t t P F 'd · h o e year unde th d" holdin g of clasQes over·time. with some f.ew members of t he f ac- s u , en s o eru , r1 ay mg t, c-to go to the gymnasium room a nd r ectio n of V. H. Jindra. r e l,.. It d t t d 26· in vesti gate. Th ere you will find t he It is not advisable to wa1"t unti"I u y, emon s ·ra .e t heir ' lin g ui s tic Th· · h · h d -. prowess to the Joy-mak ers H is ts t e mg t pr ecee i ng· Home - fac ul ty me n e nj oyin g a g ood g ame Pen n ants, Caps Pill cla ss gift funds accumulate before e th f t th t . · owev- coming, a nd is g iven as a part of of vo ll ey bal Go and join them Mi ll ard Fowler '1 ow s, etc. See this step is taken. We need it now r, .e ac . a orations do seem to th e Hom eco min g p rogram ' st d oo1· N G · · be giv en q mte fr e quen tly in t he se Hall, or Ada Eyr D . · a1nes On ac co un t of the lar ge crowd e, orm 1tor y. S Id th 1 parts g iv es us th e ide a that it mi ght w hich is expec ted he has ag re ed to OCTOBER TWENTY-SEVE NTH IS ome men wou ra er seep an be wi se to c as t up a numb er of "W hy are you th h" hour later than to wake up and find th ese s lu gs a nd ha v-e th em on ha nd g ive th e pictu re sh ow in the co ll e ge THE DAY son ?" "He will 1nghy our little themselves f amous. for future use. a uditorium. Th is is Mr. W hi tfi eld' s PERU AND CHAPRON MEET to morrow, and I s sc fl O\ r eport : contribution to Home co ming AGAIN TO PLA'\'. 1nigh t." m ust ,go n way to-



The A. B. Degree was grant ed to grou p hold small - sup erintenden c ie§. , eig·hty-one Peru students in 1928. AJl but two of the fifteen who were Fifty-two are teaching in high located in high sc hool positions have achoois; ofl this number nine are su- sp eci alized in commerce, manual perint endents and .several are prin- training, home economics, music , or cip als of good high schools. Seven athlet ics. This specialized work is members of the class are teaching in largely resp onsi ble fur the fact th at I elementary or junior high schools. they were a ble to get high sc hool Seven of the ladies a1·e keeping hot;tse p ositions. Some have secured posi- 1 f or t heir husbands whil-e a few are ti o ns in rur al schools but h ave not tra veling or working home. There rep orted their a ddress. Some with are d'oing graduate work while two less than two years colle ge training of t he .men have entered t he business are teachin g in high school!! on cerfield. Nine of the men are coaching ti ficates iss1,1e d by th e State Sup erinThe following list are published with tendent. t he suggestion t hat Peruvians wri te Many g raduates are, ke epin g their to one another crede nti als up-to-date the Col-1 A roster ofl t he two -year diploma leg e Pl aceme nt Bureau. The l as t pep ple who are known to have posi -g roup is a partial list of Alumni who t ions numbers seventy-si x. One en - re ce i v.e d help in securing better posicouragi ng sign for t he tea ching pro- Hons from the Pl a cement Bureau last fession is the fact t hat so many of summer. las t y ear's .sophomore class are bac k In spite of the fa ct that ther e. is a this year tJo work towards 'th e A. B. large surplus oft ea chers in our state, degree. Most of our two-year gradu- 'Nebraska superinten.dents have been ates locate in the .g rades or in the very generous in employing Peru I jullior high s chools. 'flwo of this graduates.


-· Anderso n, Clarine G. ______ Qklahoma __ Graduate Work , at Uni.

An derson, Laurine M.· ___Lyman __ High Scho ol

Bath 1 Edward J. ____ Sew ar d, Alaska _______ ,. ____ Superintendent Beamer, Lloyd - No Report

Beckor-d, Leo V. _ Viol a, Kans. ___________ High School Co ac h Bell, Arthur D. - -· Traveling ___ Lowe & Campbell Ath. Co.

Benford, Rob ert 1. Peru ________ _____ Pfan v Ins t:ru ctor

Bobbitt, Ben C. _ - Peru ______ Pastor Christi an Ch11 r ch

Bobbitt, Mrs k:{elen Mae Peru_ .:: __________ Keeping House

Booth, Anita· Mac -· Indianola ___ Hi gh School

Brecht, Anna Margaret _ Mason City _ Hi gh School

Brewer, S ylv ia ___ Illinois_· ____________ .: 'f'Ii-gh Sch oc.l

El'beth __ Shafter, Nev. _______ Hi gh Sch oo l

Carter, Lewis M. ______ Hemingford ___________ Hi gh School Coach

Casebeer Louise ___ Superior__________ Junior High School '. ffh S hl Oiiskey 'Rena __:_ Whi tney__________________ 1g c 00 dark Clifford, H. ______ Waco _____ Superinte nden t

Clineb ur g, Helen M. ____ Valparaiso _____ :. _____ Hi gh Scho ol Collicott, Gertru rle - -· __ Superior-------- - -: -

Dickeno;.i, Elmetrt:a F. Scotia __ .., ____ High Schoo l

1''isher, Lois E. ··-· ___ Wills, N evada ____ Hi gh Scho ol Arthur M. ___ Hartin&"ton ___________ High School Coach

G.ariss'. Mrs P erne __ Hartington _________ Keepin g .

Givens Je&Sie A. __ Filley _ High Sc bool I•r rnc1p nl Graf, Mn:. Lon - --· ____ KeeP.in g Ho us e

Godwin, Frank __ Fh:m: in g Pra iri e, Mi n n. - --------. Hi gh School

Grosse, Juli.a B. ___ _, ______ Peru _ Graduate in Music

Hair Ward A1tdn _ Mascoutah, Lll ____ llJg h Schoo l

H all Willard D. __ B artlett, Iowa _______________ .:_ __ Hi gh School

Harajian Eleanor R. - Weston__________________ 1g c o

' ' H" h S h cl

Hatten Ruth M. Avoca, Ia. __________________ Hi gh Sc hool

Fred W. ____ Bartlett, Iowa ___ ___ Superintendent

Brandt, Alice Syracuse_ _________________ Elementary

Brooker, Ruth Bayar d _____ -=:_______ Elementary

Brumfie•ld, Dorothy Irvin gton ________________ Elementary

Campb e ll, Musetta Burchard __________ Junior High School

Casey, Herbert Br a dy ______ .:. ___________ High School

Ch aS'e, Floyd L. ______ Nebraska City __________ Junior High School

Crandall , E1e anor ---Ra lston__ __ Elementary

Darwin, Ruth P. Holmesv ill e______ __ Rural

Dewey, Lola Brownvill e ______ Junior Hi gh School

Dickinson, Lucill e Durrbar ______ _,_ High School

Fuhrer, Geor gia Bayard _,_____ ______ Primary

Gib so n, Jerom e Wymor e _ L Hi gh School

Harpster, Loretta - Alas ka_____________ __ Elementary

Hasselblad, Marlon Monroe., Junfor Hi gh School

Hertz, Edn a Malvern, Iowa---------- Junior High School

Hiatt, Ruby - Bussey, Iowa __________________ Hi gh School

Holman, Marthalete_Marysville, Kan. _ Primary

Hop pock, Mildred __ Farrag ut, ·Iow a _,___ Rural

Huber, Walter W. - Deweese __________ Junior High School

Irwin, Lucille ______ Bron augh, Elementary

Jenkins, Margaret ______ Steele City__________ ___ Elementa ry

Jones, Iris Lucille Anthon, Ia _____________________ Prim ar y

Ka hm, Alma - North Platte- Kinder ga r ten

Keedy, Frances __ College Sprin gs, Ia.__________ _______ Elementar y

Leeper, Bessie - Fairbury_ ______ Elementa ry

McGuire, Myrlin AxtelL ____ Hi gh School

McKean, Irene - Superior___________________ __ Primar y McKeown. Lucille ______ Springfield---- -, Elementary

Metcalf, Wanna Edgar---------- Hi gh Scho ol Miller, Floyd Murdock __ ___ High School Coach

Mohr, Edna Bennington ·-- - Rural

Moore, Thelma ___ Stafford, Arizona_____ ___ Primary Moran, Louise Sutherland---- - Elementa ry

Moran Mary E. Columbus----------------- - Elementary Marion Crawford---------- Junior High Schoo l

Naiman, Walter Elgin ___________ High School Coac h Olson, Thelma _____ Logan Co., Colo.---- - .- Rur al Parker Catherine Rosalie---------- Junior High School

Parrio;t, Lester - Shelton------------------ High School

Pate, Chloe Falls City - - Elementary

Penkava, Verna Thayer Co.-- - Rural Ra.i:idall, Cunsta11 ce Unadilla-- - Hi gh School

Reinmiller George C. _________ Bee- - Superintendent ' - s . d t Rhoades , Cleon H. ·· - StaplehursL----- upermten en Rhodus, M:vg-aret!e _ V"lo:iraiso- - - Junior High Rickaboui;>·h, vehn a __ J ia rtlet-t, Ia.--------------------- Prim a ry Rohrs, Panama- Primary Roth ert, Clara - BellevueRoy Susan ------' Cha dron ..: ___ : __________ Pnmar y _______ P.eetz, Colo .- -R• J Edna Blue Springs - Primary uy -e , -

Ryan, Mar.garet __ Keyson, Colo.-

Sasseen, Marie - Eagle-- Junior High School

Schindler, Alberta _ Nebr. Ci tY------- Rural Schwedhelm, Minerva ___ BancrofL------------- - ------.--- Rur al Shadduck, Claudia Daykin - -----.---- i:1gh School

Shumard Lawrence __ Indianola---- High School Coach

Smith, J . .:. __ :. _ Duuglas Co.---- - Ru ra l El-izabeth Omaha.:.- - - Substitute Li st Swar;z Clayton __ Guide Rock---------- Junio r Hi gh ' S l c·t Primar y Towle Eunice tee e 1_Y-- -' Trotte'r, June ________ Glenwood, Ia.- - - Elementary Ubben , Ellen M. _______ :. ____ Paxton.:: "----- - --· - Eleme ntary , Wallin Elsie _______ .:. _ Peru__ __________________ Pnmary , Squi re - - S. Dakota ··- ----··---· _ ::i.i gh Schoo l Weibel, Bernice - Bellevue __________ Junior High School


The Freshmen met Tuesday, October 2, for separate convocation. The purpose of the meeting was to nominate class officers. Miss Tear gave a talk pertainin g to the kind of students to choose for officei:s. Sugge stions were made for a class party. Freshmen convocation was held Thursday, October 4, at regular convocatio•1 time. Mrs. Dunnin g gave a very interesting talk as to how to adjust yourself to college life. Plans were made for a class party to be held Mond ay night. A committee was appointed to make arrangements for the party, Donna Jane Delzell bein g the chairman of t'bis committee.


Sell Cheaper [) We have ' no surplus ov· 0 erhead to meet.

W. ____ Bernice Bellevue ____ Junior High ,, Heywo od, E verett E. - Peru _ .: __ Fa rmin g Whitten , Sara Jane Nebr. City___ _: ______ Junior Hi g_h School

Ho oper, Grace - Lincoln __,_ Ele m en tary Williams, . Bert - Johnson---------- Junior Hi g h. School CLARY'S CAFE

J oder, G len R. - - Om aha ____ Attendin g Medic al Colle ge 11 Wood, Emma Pawnee City __, __ Hi gh School MEALS, LUNCHES, Jon e s, Clar e nc e R. _ Ten a nt, Ia. __ Superintendent Zabel, Joha nn a - Sterling _________ Primary

Jo nes , Flol'enee B. - Omaha___________ ___ Elementary


J o,nes, Frank lin - C amhrid ge _ High Scho ol Casler, G. V. - - Indianol a __, ___ Superintendent 2 doors south of Post Office Q Kaltenbo rn, ,Walter T. __ Yu tan ____ , Hi gh School Coach Chambers, Cecil Las Ve gas , N. M. __ Kg. & Primary Cri t ic Klaurens, R oy -; - - Fir th _______ Superi nt end e nt De lzell, Mark ·•-- - Cl ay · C!=! nter_ _; Superintendent Knapp, W:illiam J. - Panama __ High Hunt, George - - W·eepin g Water ________ Superintendent

Lam ber t, Lucjlle - - Shubert ___ No Report I( nap1p, Robert - ---Honey' Creek ___________ Superintendent McMahan, Mrs. C. - Plattsm outh ____ Keeping Hou se Kennedy , Freid.a - Lincoln __.; ____ Primary

Mah an, Be S& Hambur g, Ia __ High Scho ol Lawr en ce, Cl a ra - - - Dunbar_____________________ Primary Ma son, Mil dred ___ ..! __ Arnold __ Hi gh Sc ho ol Majors, Arthur - O'·DelL ___ Superin t enden t

fy.falm, Lawr ence 'R. E dg ar- High Schiml Cuach McKnig ht, Es'ther Lincoln __ Elementar y McEh'O•y, Geo rge A. _ _ Bridgepor t __________ High School Coach Melton, Charles - Steele City _________ .!_ __ Superintendent Merritt, James M. ______ Bennin g ton __ Superintendent Miller, Marjorie - =- Crete ________________________ Music Monroe, Ardis _ Buffalo , Mon bana ___ High School Moulton, S·elma - - Wymore_____ _________ Primary Nedro w, Wa r re n __ Cheving ton, W yo. __ Superinte n dent Neumeister, Harvey Talmage _________ Superintenaent New b urn, Lillian ___ _,_ __ Madison __________________ High School I! No erlinger, Ralph - DeWitt ___________ Hi gh School Co ach No x on, Ev e lyn L. _ Hoopup; O.o l. ___ Rural :> Ritchie, Arleen - Orchard _ High SchMl Princip al Oa ke s, Mrs. Mab el Jo rn __ Ke a rney ___ Keepin g Ho use Selk, Alene - - -Lyol1S __________ Junior High School Oakes, W. Otto - - - - Ke a rn ey ____ Junior Hi gh School Skaden, Shirley - Wymore ________ Prin. Jr. High School

Parish, F ranci s D. York _____________________ Dru g gis t Ta yl or, Harlan - Cl earw ater_ ___ Superintendent Pa rriott, Ch arles C. ___ Riverton __ .:-- - - Whitte n, Merri tt - - Nebr ask a Ci ty __ Junior Righ Scho ol P.asc o, Ruth - -, - Ros a lie_ ___ Elementary Woitzel, Freida · Leba non, IJI. ___ High School

Ra s p, Rolon - - Grant_ __________ High 8chool Coach

Robertson, J. H. __ St. Anthony , Id. __ Hi gh Sch ool

R obe rtso 11, Ray E. __ C ody, Wyomin g __ Superin t end en t

Rog ers, O li ver Hi gh School Pr incip al

R ot h ert, Fred - Pla ttsmouth __ High School Coach

Se lk, A rnold M. Ar lin g ton _____ Hi gh School Co ac h

Sheeha n, Loretta -Fa lls No Report

Sheik, Flora D. - Elb a ___ .:. ____ High Scho ol

Sie v ers, F rank L. - A ub ur n ____!_ __ Hi gh School }"r.\ ncip al

Sn ow d en, Am:y Rod.man , Iow a __ _ :ijigh School Principal

Sny der, Ev elyn S. Ca lifo r nia ___ Traveling with Parents

Snyd e r, Mrs Hazel T ay lor_ __ Denver ______________ Keeping House

Stark, Cecil - - Chappell_ _____ Junior High School

Stuc kenholtz, He len __H ay warden, la __________________ Hi gh School

Tra udt, _ Sioux Cit y, Ia. __________ High School

Va nce , Bartlett - Liberty' _ High Schoo l

.V ance, Marga r et _ Per i: -;- .,. - - At Home

Wagn er, Mrs Anna M. __ New . Yo rk __ Ke epin g House

W eatherfield, E lb y - Ay r_ ____ Hi gh S ch ool

W est, F. Marj orie - - - - Edg ar ___.,, __ High School Principal

W hit well , Wilma - - Ong _ High School

Wiles, Cretoria - - Mi lli-ga n __ Hi gh School

W itten,berg , Espe B. __ E1emen tary Zorn, Wi lbe rt L. - Burwell_ _________ Hi gh School Coach


A ndre w s, Irene __,_:. __ En dicott___ ___ Elementary

Argab r ight, Ed ith ______ Fa ll s Elementary

Argabright, Ma dge __ Tecu ms eh__ __ Elementa ry

AFmstron g, W iUiam - Shul;>ert __ !figh School

Balten sperg er, Anna __ Syra cuse__ _ Elementa ry

Bee be, A. Marie ______ G rove r Co lo. - - Elementary

STOP AT THE C OL L EGIATE 0 MEALS CAND"X° H. F. FINK 0 Peru Nebr. =>"'.. W.hen in Auburn EAT AT THE 0 Busy Bee Cafe

cation at Emporia Th at college , is hom

foo tba ll world , although they are


CAMPUS CLATTER a ny w ay . He m ost g en er all y b eats ri ed out in aut umn colors and flo w- 1the 1p eople of the e xtrem e no rth, who me all t he tim e. How is my bik e I ers. After di nner the co uncil had a I bruise it an d mix it the I wis h I had it he re t here is oh so ma ny bus iness-me etin g and made oJ ans for Wh en you lo ok at t his t ree, thmk -----------------' · of the fo reg oing t hin gs. f1

At th e close of e very term there tall hills. I've ne arly wore one pair Lhe ir s oci al calend ar. Cr ysta] Theat re cla re t hey ar e tir ed o:f1 school a nd soles off my sh oes on sid e wa l ks. II are so rne under gradu at es who de-

ALL FRIENDS A ND FANS OF OLD __ /G I! J'f t . ·Ask P ap:a tf I sh o uld gee t hem fi xe d PERU I· I no un ce co eg e 1 e m no unce r a1n : / ' Ii T UESDAY, OCT. 9 fa shion. B ut t ho se peop le are usual-' h er e or wa it un t il I come home. ON HOMECOMING D AY WE 'LL J Bob'S Shoe Shop t ! Jy b ack ea rly when t he n ex t term : Which I wi sh is soo n. WELCOMljl YOU. 1 ij BI LLIE DOVE IN op ens u p. P ro ba bly th ey get Jo ne - I I eat here at a pl ac e ca lled t he dor- 1' I s ome fo r the old c rowd ; m aybe t he y, mi to ry whe re there is Jo ts of girls. ft Neb r as ka Ci ty , Ne br have to w ork too ha rd du r in g vaca. I The y t ry to talk a nd g et ar6und me 0 SERVICE STATION d "Hear t of a Folli es Gi rl " t ion. Bu t yo u'll ·have to a dmi t th at, But I r ememb er wh at yo u. told me 0 I hea vy th ough yo ur sc hedule m ay be, befor I l·eft home about letti ng th em I 0 R epair work Ji I COMEDY it is gre at fun to go to co ll ege. help spend my mo ne y. I've o nl y Courtesy v 'rt.ll'l:D...... I ''Shell Sh oc ke d,, spent 15 cen ts fo r .thin gs yet. A nd n J. M. ROWEN 0 s p E c I A L T y I "See yo u rse lf as others see yo u!" can I buy a green cap li ke th e b oys

c ri ed the came ra ma n. He w as ta k- ;

Cut Flowers I I W ED., ONL Y, OCT. 10 ing of studen ts .in action · 1/ "'"i Y •

fore the libr ary, t he pic tur es bein g i 0

s ho wn do wn town Wed nes d ay eve - IV

ning, :and revealin g some in te resti n g/ Q

p oses by so me of our coJle aiates. Th is I ICE CREAM


1s a nothe r mstanc e of1 .takmg ad van- 1 0

of the hum an de sire fo r publi-

city, the sa me ins t inct which ofte n I

c auses youn g couples to be marr ied Q

over the radio. __ WHEN

When an exc·eptio tiall y warm d ay Q El'C

FOR YOUR MEALS, LUNCI{ES, co m1 se along, a nd the g irls gath er in P hone 195 Pe

li tt e g roup s about th e ca m pus a nd

!:h ey a ll lo ok t heir vrey prett iest,

Her e is your ch a nc e to expr ess your feelin gs in print. All contributions must be signed, and will be r·ead over by persons unprejudiced ei t her in your f"avor or a gainst you Don't be afraid to speak your mind .

The Peda gog ian Sta ff is s endin g this issue of The Pedag og ian to the 1928 g raduates of Peru St ate Te achers

If the se g raduate s desir e the Pedago g ian for the coming year, they may send their subscriptions to the Pedagogi an office.

Join the Pressing Club- Big Sa v ing. Come in and s ee . ALL TOGETHER- The Mardis Store is now in position to furn- us about it.

1sh your e very food need. Fresh Meats, Lunch Meats, Milk, Bread,

Ca ke s and Groceries. of all kinds. You will find our prices reasona- ;

ble, our merchandise the and our service unexcelled. O q Phone 25 THE MARDIS STORE Phone 25

1.1 What is a picnic lunch w itho ut p as try and bakery delicacies? We h ave at all•; tim es plenty of fresh buns, rolls, and pies for yo ur WHEN IN AUBURN VISIT THE 0 out i ngs.

Mr. Tyler, Head of Rural Education, left Peru last Friday morning 0 0 And the prices? They ar e right. to go to Fremont, where he spoke to

the Dodge County teachers insti t ute .


Mr. J. I. Ray, a Peruvian, is Superin- IIlGH GRADE CANDIES tendent there. From there Mr. Tyler Peru Nebraska

wen.t to W:ahoo, to spe ak to the SANDWICHES Saunders County institute. Q( FOUNTAIN SERVICE

Both E. A. Odman, Superintendent i

of Saunders and J. I. Ray annually

attend the county superintendents'




R·ussIAN cossAcK CH ORUS- . 1--SO-ME-TH-IN-G-NEW--·'BOBCATS-Sr. LOUIS TO 6; WILL SING HERE OCTOBER 19 1 . PERU STOCK A JUMP is now. publishing ·eYery w ee k 'I Event Promisies High to Rat e /NEW COURSE IN I· a list of the high school foot1 ba ll scores of. the te am s coach• 1 HISTORY NEXT SEM: ·: ed by Peru graduates. This is

NATIVE SONGS USED ' --.:.._ .' ' . ' I done both for the information

"Fa r Easte rn Hi story" to Be.Taught of those in school and fQ,r by Mr Ennis ·· in the field, and has not hereto-

FARE AT DORMITORY Krejci 's Pass Nets a Touch· UNDERGOES CHANGE down

Ne w Cu stoms Inaugurated at Mount Vernon Ha ll HOFFMAN MAKES SCORE fore been done We trust that Coach Graf's Bobc a ts were forced

A chorus of un - · h. t b h A n ew course has been i-'ecentfy our readers will enjoy this new l Anyone wis in g 0 ' rus up on to accept aJ 6 to 6 tie in their game der the direction of So c ol o ft ,

bl · tt t h Id a dded to ' the courses ·off ered in the feature:

ta e manners, etique e, e c., s w ith t he St. Louis university at St. will appear at the co ll ege a ud itori um M v l:I JI th e H is tory Dep artm ent' of the co ll eg e. It r eat at o unt ernon a • 0 · erwis Louis, Satu rday, 13 or;i. Friday, October 19 This po rtends 1- k h · I d 't Th ee re is a su_ rvey of ori g ins a_nd develo p-


nown as t e g 1r s orm1 ory. r Both teams ba ttled hard to score to be a musk:il affair of no li ttle mo - f I Js ed the re h d f m ent rn "Far E aste :r: n Hi story ," w1 th very orm a me a a re serv durin g the firs t ha lf, but t e en o me'Ilt, for the chorus h as ma de ap- d w ·t · fitt • at d s peci al em p ha sis upon the peri ods of\ every ay. at resse s, 111 mg - the second peri od foun no scores pearances in rarge cities of this coun- th e 19 th a nd 20 th cent urie This


tire and with good sty le, serve the ch a lked up Peru, pl a yin g a kickin g try, and its d irector is ra nk ed w ell up J • d d is g iv en t he seco nd s emestev with

meas. g am e in which they enJoye an aamoBg the l ea d ers of orgrui iz a tion s four hours credit. - --. ' the mornin g meal , is vanta ge, held the Mi ssourians for enroute. Ve ry few Golleg es in the Mi,.ddle Stage Plucky Against !served in co zy breakfast no oks. downs on the ir own three yard lin e

There is a s elected group of four- J d s h 1 b l · <l W est are a ble to g ive such an ex cell - n Ian

There is a nook for ·every ei g t per- aJ1 t er t wo soectacu ar runs e un t een sine:ers to nerform this en gage - 11 d - h d · d th e ent cou r se in History of the E ast Mr. sons. Breakfast 1s ca e at se v en. perfect interference a carne ment, each one of th em well tr ained o t 'd T. E. Ennis of the His tory Dep art- SCORE 14 TO 0. Bre a kfast usually consists of cere- pig skin to the 11 ya rd line. u s1 e in voice culture. It is only t hr ough '.m en t will conduct this cl ass. Mr. . als and fruits , the proper die t for of t his one threat, the rem a inder of manipulations i nvolving the pila ce- H" 1 11 t d t Th · t I d ·n m"d Ennis has been an instructo r in 1s- J Coach Hig g ins' , undefeated Tecum- : co e,ge u en s. ere are new 1m - the third quar er was p aye 1 iment of this concert betwee n larg er · p k I d f -'d f th f 't tory , Pekin g University, e in g-, seh ·eleven succeeded in downing the prove en ers or grape rm , fie ld engag!lments th at th e bu dget co m- China· a nd also did extensive news 0 for the purpose of sa vm g the stu- The fourth oeriod, in which all the 'tt has ma de the1' r apn e ara nce Bobk1ttens Friday, 14 to in a •_,, ::11e , h' k H F dmi ee "" · se r vice work ih the newsp aper filed j • dents eyes We t m enr y or sc ori l)g to ok pl a ce, was a- thriller. A po ssib le. T he co n cert w ill be gin While China, he obtained de- filled w1.th .hrills, at Tecumseh. manufactured them especi a lly for pass intercept ed with en'd runs and pr01:nptly at 8:QO o 'clo ck, a nd t he tail ed information concerning the I The initial score came early in the the dormitory. line plun g es net ted Sb. Louis a touch. adm ission is budget ti ck et or fift y conditio ns and developm ents of the : tussle when ' a partially blocked punt I At twelve-thirty lunch is call ed'. or d own soon after t he fourth s tan za Far East. !was recovered by Peru :flor a safety, shall we say obs erved? It consists op en ed, but the kick for extra poin t Since these men wi ll dou btless o ffer If it is at all po ssibl e, colle ge stu- ; . ts Th p t oceeded j of a sa ndwich and a g la ss of w ater or w as low a nd the g ame rem ained on d f lk two porn . e reps ers pr k many of the ir native son gs an o - de nts sho uld ma ke arran g em ent o:fl d cup of te a. A gain the conv en t10n al lic e. Pe ru started an ov erh e ad atta c songs, a consideration of the charac -j thei r prog ram for next semes te r to to kick to safety and put up a goo (C ontinued on Page 3. ) soon aft er the kickoff . A parti a lly ter of Ru ssian mus.ic might well be l en a bl.e them to ta ke thi s course. !fi g ht to hold speed kin gs of the blo cked pun t by Hertz ga ve Pe ru macile at this time . J Tecumseh eleven but the sc ore at ha lf



po ss ess ion of the ball on the t we n ty The Russian has n:1'ade a di sti n ctive

I time stood 8 to 0 in favor of th e In1 • yar d lin e. A clever lin e play c arri ed contribu t ion to mus1c Beca u se that - dians.


it, on the n ext play to the sev en yard peo ple _has _oppressed fo: cen -,


i The second touchdown of th e game li ne one b ac kfi eld man's t unes , its music is of a sombi e an d · came in the third quarter aft er end of ab 1h ty to follo w th e qua r terbacks erious nature, and much of i t,. for • runs and lin·e plun g es had a dv anc ed I This Year's Group a Large in st ruc tions and ·lack of coop er ati on t his reason ,. is written i.I the mmor I nt roduced to School at the ba ll to t he Peru 8-yard line Ma- I

One e nd ed in an in compl ete p ass a nd loss keys the Convocation I thi s around ri g ht end added th: coun- of th e ball of the jlussian , comp ose1s an d musi [ ter. His t oe fa iled to func t 10n fo r ''ATLANTI S" O_FFERED A:flter re g ainin g, the_ball in the dyc ians we find those of _Tch aikow sky, I PRES. PATE SPEAKS 1 the extr a point and .the s cor e re main - in g m inu tes of pl ay th e Bobcats r eRachman i no'ff, and R1mskay -Korsa- ! ed t at 14 to O. I --. so r te d to a p ass in g game. Two pl ays k ff / f p "th The entire college w as en t er tained a nd the score stoo d 6 to 6. Kr ejci's 0 · fi 1 t · th · Montieth showed uo or e ru w1 · h That oart of Russia inhab ited by For t he rs t tu:ne as ,sp .rrn g e '· . · . d t JI - 'I ti 1 L 't . by the colle ge ore estra at co nv oca- pass to Hoffma n was a thr


j had been going to the li be i·ai 11


Ithat prospects for a sy mph ony or- lco lle ges.

I?hestra were a nd that

Besides receiving a State Teachers 1 • it was hop ed this goa l would be PHJLO


College Scholarship, Margaret Cain

Pl ans for Coming- Year Discussed



OPEN He also said th at this year's of> Benson high schoo l Om aha re- 01 ch estra would probably make more

ceived a $200 sc hol ars hip fr om' the ; frequent appeara nces than . t hose Worl d Her a ld. Ruth Broo ke.r of Om- Coach Lindsay is Pleased . . . aha received one in 1927, an d E ve lyn I W'th p t ; A d esc 11pt10n of the selection was Noxon in 1924. 1 rospec s g iven eac h student. The number "At1 Of t he twentv -seven hon or stuaents I - !an tis" is played in four pa rts, and

entered here college only two are BROWN TO ADVISE 1 each part h as. a di stinct m ea nin g.



Short Program and Business



men Manv brilliant students flrom - 1 Ma ny ofl t he instruments ha ve solo The Everett Society held their re gSociety h eld Nebraska hi gh schools hav e come to . College is one of t?e most work durin g one_ of t h: p arts, a nd ul ar meeting, Thursd ay evenin g, Oct he1r annual re cept10n for new mem- Peru, w hich aoes to show what a important on the cnmpns. the whole work 1s a fair test of an [ to ber 11, at 8 o'clock in the Littl e be1·s l ast . Thursday evening in the . good nam e th; co ll ege h as. It is now The ability to, think clearly a nd re a- orchestra's perform a nce. ,. Theatre. • high school a uditorium. Th ere "".ere worthwhile to earn high gra des, while son logicall_y is .a. valuabl:e as- I work is devoted to i_n -, The meetin g was ca lled to order tw enty-.one new members voted rnto 1 ten years ago it was not. , set, a_nd this_ 1s promote d by ! tens1v_e stud y of a few worth w hil e Iby t he president, Ad a Eyre 'the society • Peru we lcomes and conaratulates deb atrn g activity. 1select10ns rather than to a volume of Roll call was g iven for both old The openin g address of welcome was i these scho la rship students wishes Mr Linds ay is the deb ate coa ch for ; music merely for t he sake of' volume. I' and new members. Then the con st i!Ziv en by President Hazel Williams. It ·t hem t he best of success. this year, and this in itself promises , As differen t numbers are rounded tution was read for all new members -su gg ested .tha t an_d I Tw ent y -seven scholarship st ud ent a great deal. He i_s a lre a dy working out by th_ey w ill be present- : and a motion was made to a Plnlomat heans g ive a J011;1t pl ay t hi s 1are enrolled at P er u this vear. on deb ate, and laym g plan s, for pro- , ed from time to time. committee to see a bou t modermzm g year. No action was taken. I Hono r students thiS ye.ar: cedure. The class in debate b eg ins Work will be be g un aga in upon : the old constitution. The minutes of The the meetin g Boatman', Edith _·_______ : ._ _ Shubert the Here the t heor y 1"Light as. soon as Ithe last meeing were read by the s pen t iI.l a soci al way, under the d1- : Cain , Margaret _.:_ • (Benson) O ma ha 9f deb atmg tis .first mastered , then a, s ymp homc m strume n tat10n 1s more secretary. rect io n of Marg aret Bump. " , Clark, Edna __.(Bratton U.) Humboldt 4irect ap plic.p._tjoIJ , fi?_f:· thi s theory is : comp lete. The program was in ch a rge ofl Sever al novel contests pad been ar - (Con t inued ' hn P age 4.) made. us that / Florence Coy. ra ng ed. The first was a b ean carrying · of• t he coac hes will be j GATEWAY PLANS . TO The first number was a piano sele ccont es t. 'Next was a hoop rolling SIGMA TAU DELTA in

BE REVISED: JUNIORS tio n by Margaret Cain, w hi ch der ace and last was a dressmakin g con - time t.he que' ' n· will· 1ie dec ided m an tled an encore The progr am t es t with Reinmiller and .Sellhorn .HOST TO ENG. MAJORS up on. . ' I East by 1928 closed with a reading, "So Bi g" by Entrance Arch Given as dr essm a kers. The opinion of t hos e Sever al ex p erienced deb ate rs are , SophOIIIlores Will Be of Brick Dorothy Worley. pr esent -w as that these two had cer- Professional Talks 'Made ·· by Experi- b',ack in school' tl:iisr · J " - .- A short business meeting was then ta inl y missed t heir new enced Writers :· should serve as the nucleu s of two !_ The cl ass' m et Thursd ay, held to see what action the committee members ·w ere t hen m1tiated mto th e . , · stro ng teams Added to these· en- October • 9 at chapel t ime in R oom had taken toward the Eve rett play. so ciety after which refreshments, I The Sigma Tau Delta frate:n.it,y couraging prospects is the fac t that ! Azo 2 Gl ; ude Matthews Presi dent of Before the meeting a djourn ed the wo rked out in t he colleg·e colors, were met Monday, 8, Dr. Brow n' has- kindly to t-he' class, took · of the president extended a very 'learty S "'r ved as g ue sts a ll students on ,t he campus assist in the capacity of critic and h. h . f . f d. . r welcome to the new membe'S from ''"'

· · Iw 1c was m orm .o a 1scuss1oi!I> ' !who were ma3ormg or mmormg m ad viser " rh· ·.8 h 11r , 1 .ftr· t he old me,mbers of the su En lish • · lconc ermng t e op omore c ass g1 · MORE POLITICAL TALK g . " Q the school last ye ar ' . AT Y M MEE't:'ING' Mr. Hasselblad welcomed MISS TEAR ADDRESSES At the c lo se o l ast ve ar t he Sopho- FACUL'J'Y'.GARDNERS IN • • .I! • t t' 1 · 1 · · ething of the · · T 10gues s, exp am mg som Y. W. C. Ar GI RLS OC . more class gave money to the college '. ·TILT OVER PRODUCTS · d h. to y of the orgamzat10n · · j Brown Gives ,Men "The arms an IS r · for the errection of a gate to be built " G. W. Dope" He t hen mtroduced speaker of "College Girls' .Religion '..'.. Subject ot Iat the east side of the campus in r e- Shades of Lutbe·r Bdr.ba'nk! the evening, Mr.. Enms, w ho _gave .a .- " semblance -to the one at the north enT he re1rn l ar m eetin g of the Y. M. a nfd trance. Mr. Huck, "t he only real agricn l· on · cue possi 1 1 res or wo r, m e The Y. W. A. held its r.egular 1 • After this qi , atter ha·d l;>een looked turist ofl the faculty," br oug ht in to C, A. was he lc;I last Wednesday. The Orient particularly in Chm a nBt ' r; · dev o tfo nals wer e in char f5 e of Earl 1 1 ' - meetin g at th e'· hi gh sc'h:ool aumi1!ol'i - 1 Iinto·· rnoh carefully, it was decid ed the office what he ca lled a 2-pound Whipple , who us ed as the _ scriptu re Ion Y b!;!t • in r a rt nm, JO. 1that t_here were not suffici_;.nt fund.s_ rad ish. Mr. Delzell weighed it o_n l th 101 t P l Mr Whipple many other Imes as well. l The meetmg was called to :order by to burlc1 a part cut"stone entrance. the college's sca les a nd found that 1t ess on e s sa m. · h I · f M E · 's · f b I b I H h h d ·d d l:i 'Id · h h th ,, t ' th t train At e cone us10n o . r. nms , Florence Davis, president o t e cu owever, t ey ave ec 1 e to ur weighed only 1% pounds. W ose 'llmp asized e 1' ac a we h · f ..,. •t fo t ate · ' · · 'M · G' · j "t · h b · k b ..1 d ? S · h M ours el ves to be t he sort of college J1.ddress, t e r .. 0 e;m Y w1aks b rCul 11 d ' Sin gmg was l ed lfy _ary ray. a ga e wit a ase an a ce- scales are correct. ti ll furt er, r. • f th d they enough to hear a sh ort ta Y e The d evotiona l ser v1ce v.ra!? cpn-, top 1 the to be as ne ar the Cl eme n ts, a gardner of great repumen who a re ne re or e goo c·t b . · · · · h 11 d th 1 es p Fordyce of Fa ll s i y, a mem er ducted by Georgia W orley Follow- 1 same as the north entrance as poss1- tation d ec l ares that this ve g etab le 1s ran do b ot co e ge an emse v . · . . · . th d . t• 1 Mr G oil .Sigma Tau Delta. in g this , Kat herine Krn g pl ayed 'a ble. The plan s are bem g worked on a turnip. Where is Mr. Holch of the Foll owwa- e e vo 10na s . . ·


"' . t t The rem a inder of the evening was selection on the piano. · now and are sure to prove very satis- b10lo gy department? He 1s a lso a w. Brow n gav e a v ery ms rue ove 1 •


· h·b·t· ti Mr pent in a social way. I Miss Tear was t hen mtr o n eed as factory. gardner of wide fame. Well, at any tlllk op t he t d. s Plans are being· made for the in -, the speaker of the evenin g. She gave 1' It is the hope of · the students and · rate, the vegetable is very l arge, and aro wn duction of new member, which w ill a very pleasing talk on "The Colle ge the Junior cl ass that it will be well Mr. Huck should feel proud of hi s th ere Wlll not be a eci e -g ,,.. t 1• place j (Continued on Page 3.) •underway by Home-coming. garden. 1 (Conti nu ed on P ag e 4.) svon ·




' :r

Entered at the Postoffice of P-eru, Nebraska, as seco.nd clasJ mail. j,

Published weekly at Peru Stat¢ Teachers training schooJ • fu the Missouri Valley, ' establisMd 1867. I 1 • a ;; ... :·:: $::t.00 the year. single copy 5 cents. / " •. > STAFF: jf 1\1 r :··1 , NES MANAGING JOE

EDITOR _____ :..:.. __ _____ · _ L:... ______ D.ON . . . ... r· ., "






Glory on glory of woods, JUST



Streng th upon strength of the I : 1 h t t etch one's ima- Adventures t a s r h lls I - -- t d hes nf pun- 1 ' j · t' to the utmos • ·

A.methist, purple, and blue, Late Arrival Hails from snatches of rollickWhere the bowl of the high l Arizona ;. humor and a thread of romance heaven spills i j so interwoven in All its splendors of li ght on t he I d · are ,, t ake 1t

Have you seen the horned toi:i m t . of "Trader Horn as o m air. I 1 s ory · find of . t he Old Science Hall? It is a rea : either the g-re;tce_,t

Saphire of river afar , Blazin g of sumac and 9ak, Crimson and russet and go ld, WHef·e the Painter of a ll b·eauty broke , His full on · Oetober the fair : - Esther· Ann Clark. I . or an art istic hoax



live - one brought direct from near modern hterature h d _ . . ccounts of t e a ve n I the North Rim of the Grand Canyon I The a d t d on the West I .tures of .this ol ra er in Arizona, by Joe Jones. Joe was f Af . a and his philosop hi c Coast o ric • there the later part of the· summe1 · b t'on of life in general make . o serva 1 on his vacation. He said it was ; a book off rare charm, wbether you running and he picked it up accept it as fiction or biogr aphy. I · S mith fresh from and took goo d care of the funny I Alfred- A oys_;us 1 t t : En lish grammer schoo se ou looking creature. Of course Joe was an g t' to seek adven-

. in the early seven ies

. rather'· skeptical of) it, but he w1ll ture on the West Coast of Africa.


anything opce. By the looks of the Here he became a trader in ivory and toad's tail ,· it must have had an awful rubber. As he expresses it: • time, for i.t lost its tail and is grow- "That's fine adventurous coun try · ., Iwhere Mahomet m-eets th e cannibals. . '.,··'Extr.a Curricular Activi· ing a· one I d

· ·A e! Rivers without names an

CAMPUS EDITOR · LUCILLE DOWEJJL ties·" th"' 'Subj ect ·This reptile )ias a.,;r-eal name, Horn- i Y . 'th t maps,, 'V • I. . r countries Wl OU •

J • ed Toad 01" Liz ar d. . t lS a IZ- He bad startlin g a dventures as the

FACULTY EDITOR ___________ :_ ______ HAROLD McCREIGHT t · · Iard of the family l-guamdae, popu- . h" 1 d f ast Thursday at Freshman convo- . f t . first white trader m t is an o can -

FEATURE EDITOR GEORGE COOK · , lk Jarly called toads, rom a cer am b 1 h h as initiated into 1 ca.tion, S. L. Clements g ave a ta on general resemblance in form and ni as w ere . e w . . '

EXCHANGE EDITOR RUDOLF ANDERS0 1'T • th · inner circ1e with its stran ge , i1 " Wh y P articipatE\ jn Extra-curncu- lmanner to those animals. eir '. H' 1 d · · · ' .' '· ' • I rites and ceremonies. is ove an ACTIVITIES EDITOR - RAYMOND .Jar Activities." A, cm;le._ 1 It may be readily take? for a near first hand knowledge of nat ure is l : cumfe1·ence ·w· as comtv.sed of l relat1've of' the Australian Moloch . d h'l th 'o t DEBATE EDITOR

ERNEST HASSELBLAD cir · · r-. be a utifully portraye w 1 e e J. - I circles and a small cue le as L1zard or _Mou.ntam Devil, as tings on native lo i e, C•lStom angi h1s-

INSTRUCTOR IN NEWS WRITING __ THOMAS E. ENNIS J the hub was placed on the black- dimmut1ve fo:m ai:d tol:'y give added interest to t he story · , board. The inner represented daily :spmy · seemmgly JUStify He learned the ways of g orill as and ' class work <from which radia tes oth- a supposition. The teeth are VJlrie d elephants, of pigmies and Fren ch THE ORCHESTRA ,,,

One gratifying fact to be no t iced from the recent performance of the coUege orchestra is that the or ga nization is beginning to assume an independent function

When a thing exists for the sake of itself alone, and can, within itself, produce that which is not dependent upon auxiliary productions, it is entitled to distinctive consideration and he have said? What could he have er activities. One was the spoke to !in character. colonists. Toward the latter he was room and board. Many students who j The body and head. are broad, thick ' not a lw ays sympathe tic: Sc1en ce h as its laws, defimtely set enter colle ge g·o from class work to and flattened , the tail short, and the I "French, Ma'am. A language for down to be definitely When ' room a nd 10om to class wo:k, jusual a_ttitude a sort of sq u atti ng ?os.- the mea g re-he arted. If God ever anything is claimed to .be tru e, few frie 1e1s and "l"soclat10ns with lture .with head elevated. It made a worse colonist than t he science can apply these fundamental others. In so doing they become as though Joe bro ught this Fren_ch, He has n't let me know about laws as a test, and de termine wheth- homesick , 10J esome, and soon leave specimen back a so uvemr, as it. It takes more than a little stra w er or not the assertion is true. Hence school. .Other students enter a ll ex- people do, but mste ad he don ate d it hat and a cigarette a nd a t himblefu l anything "\\'.hich is no true is discard- , tra-curricular activities and have nn to the Biolo gy department. of absinthe all set out in a neat little ed Jong before it reaches the public time left for regular school work, The scales on the body bear prumi- office to open out Africa." eye. thei;i; time bein g taken for all these Inent conical spines, and the horns of He witnessed queer feats of voodoregard. In education, anybody has a per- meetin gs. \ What is _one in school for, ithe head are supported by bon y ism, wondrous cures of native mediIn a certain fashion , the story of feet right to say anything he pleases to study all the tlme, .to spend . cones; The mottled brown and gray cine· ipe n, <to ok par t in .triba.l wars. the orchestra within our own institu- and get awa y with it. Why is this, the time In activities, to do nothmg colors harmonize well with the Th e strangest tale an d perhaps not tion parallels that of the orchestra do you ask? Simply because there in or to and up ex· Jtoad's natural surroun_din is:s. It l oves e?tirely based on truth, is th e kidn apin the musical world. At fo·st, wh at has never been made a code of fun- tra -,curncular act1v1t1es as tune per- to bask in the s un s hine m the hot- J ping of the goddes s of t he dose-hou se was known as the orchestra was de- damental laws to follow in order to , mits? Is he to be removed from the test weather a nd will bury itself in IIn all probability it is one of the finitely bound up with the word, the· judge what is so and what is not so. I g roup and "form the_ sa nd. Never being very tricks Tra_der Horn uses .to capture tl a nce, or the drama,-dependent up- Truly, these laws must exist. Science, exterior to the college a nd none m active, it will Become extremely the attent10n ofl the readu'lg public. on them while helpin g to elaborate a rt, business, engineering,-all phas- the college? Some students spend gish in cool or dull weather : n<l h1- After ye ars of hardships he had his lhetn. About the time of Haydn (a es of life seemingly, have them. I a ll their time on athletics, music, bernate in the w inter. While in its business eye turned to the money contemporary of Washin gto n), or- Thel'e must be some fur teaching, ' dram at ics, etc., and no time is lef't natural home , the toad fed 'Jn all value that might result from such Jitchestral music bega n to dissociate somewhere, but where are they? Ifor studies. Each is here for an .edu- kinds of insects for w hi ch it .sear ch ed erary efforts, especially to the effect from these things and to be a pro- -· - I cation plus extra-curricular activities. onl y durin g t he h ottest h ours of the t hat such a book would have upon

"J the American people : STUDENTS AND SIDEWALKS j There are many activities about day, and drank copiously of w ater "Aye the Americans must have been in :E'eru. Last Wednesday's a p- Some of our g ood ·townspeop•le have ! campus that each can when sprinkled in the form uf dr ops. novel1 ' t1 es whether in search of. one I Cl b R 1. · O gamzations Music In Arizona people lariat these • 1 t pearance was unique in that it was been complai nin g against students , u ·e igious r . of t hese breakfast foods or in 1 erthe orchestra alone which depicted using the pavement as a pedestl"ian I Organizations, horned toads by me a ns of 11. strin g ary matters." · ft o its audience definite thoughts thru thoroughfare on their way to and Itions, Class officers and tied around neck. Inst ead. of His full life of wonde1 ing-.3, seasonmusic , from the college There is an ordin- Debate, Peruvian or Pedagog1an staff, the toads eatmg grass, as a cow . . d ar·e vein of · I s 1 o · t' Id h · k ants with the ed observ at10ns an r

The orchestr a wishes hereafter to ance they say which strictly forbids Athletics and ocia rgamza 10ns. wou t ey p1c up h Id have been lost were it be reco g nized as the college orches- this 'practice ;nd makes it an ap pre- ' But da ily work is the hub of all i fl.ash-liJse. r e- umor liter.a.r instinct symhensible offens e. However, the or- t thes e. Itr actio n of their to notthfo1oft Mres LewY_1s the Sou th Afri- tra only when it is performing· this 1 'fi h' h th ts st"ck t is ;; urprismcr pa y . function Other orchestral combin a- dinance does not specify as to where I Mr. Clements made these spec1 c I w IC e an h , t"' ! n velist At her home in Johanh h ' "Wh p •· · t · E t 1 the number of ants eac one can ea can ° · h tions will be co mposed of members ;the students are to walk w en t ere points on y e m x ·11 fi d M C . 1nesburg one Monday morn ing, s e '

lk · · 1 t" T · Sometimes one w1 n r. arcer ' . . of the college orchestra to a lar ge are no s1dewa s. '1 curncu ar ac iv1 ies. ·opened her d oor to a o-eddler in t in.

· . l"f 1 of the B10lo gy department .:aressmg I - Id exten11/ hioweve'r;•lJ,nd' it is hoped that 1 Again, they say that it is dange r ous '. 1. Make friends: goo d 1 e ong ' . H th" k ch ware The personality of t he o


tra der reduced to su ch '

h ·11 b · this creature. e m s very u.u 1 • • throrrglf these va no.u s combmations 1to life and hmb to walk on the pave- · loyal friends , nen


d . d h 1 ' · the of 1s recent y acquire pe I • the true WFs hes of t e st u ent o Y ment. That pomt IS easily grante , 1 tereste m you an e P you m lstances, was so v ivid and arresting , ,can be more • regarded and but it would not be one-half so dan- world. that Mrs. Lewis asked him to write 1ger?us were the motorists who drivej 2. Get greater out of ; - ·r down his adventures Perhaps the Th.e of October tenth •their cars up .and down that pave- I <:_o llege life. You will be more happy. , ALUMNI NOTES most enjoyable parts' of t he book are Wlj!S, the orches" ment to exercise some reason• as to Less time to think of troubles and ! the conversations at th e end of each tra's bid to be regarded as an artis- what constitutes a justifiable speed become homesick, provides worth/ 1chapter. In th e se T rader Horn tal ks 1tic organization existin g solely for limit. use of leisure time. I A Jetter w as received last week over with his edi tor, the incidents of the presentation of its own artistic Student:; are not walking on the-, 3. Real pleasure and satisfaction from Arnold Selk in which he, ex- the chapter and incidently tucks in accomplishments. / . · pavement out of choice, but out of ·1 comes from a that you 1 pressed some. disappointment .a t hi s many bits of "ruminating" that make It is hoped that a udienc es will take necessity; and 1t seems to us that the contributed something of worth-while school at Arlmgton not h avmg a !the book s uch raI'e good fu.n cognizance of this fact with future motorists are not giving thoughtful Ieffort and talent to your college football team. However, he expects There is the unr aveling of two eleannouncements of orchestral pre- consideration to the situation. 4 Participation will make you to have a fine group for basketball. 1 ments of romance, one of inciden t sentation. When a person starts to . walk on mOI'e interested in and loyal to the "Shorty" plans to be here for Home- I and one of character: the adv..en tuTes nine out of ten he jschool. You . won't enjoy the . real coming. of a young lad in the ':vilds of the WHERE ARE THEY? will keep on walkmg on pavement., "Peru Spirit" unless you contnbute , West and the pithy bits of During a recent address made to When he starts to walk on a side- to it. • j graduates have_ m homey that come from Peru students, the three admonitions walk, he ·will stay on the sidewalk. 5 p t" t• 11 wi"den your askmg for the Pedagog1an, bemg m- ag·e and experience. . ar 1cip a ion w1 . h d · f th · Al of the Spartan mother to her son It seems to us to be· a little bit un- d d 1 b' l't terested m t e om gs o e1r ma ' mteres.t;s an eve op your a 1 1 1es were given. Among these was the fan· to condemn people for walking Latent talent may be discovered. J Maller. admonition to "rid bareback," that on the pav·ement when they have no • fid to stand alone and not be dependent other place to walk. 1 6· It w1ll give you ence m I Cleon Rho ades of Stap lehurst, who upon a help which one c an do with- your ability to lead and direct others. suffered a broken le g some time out. As examples of men who had ELEMENTS OF CURRICULUM 7. Through participation you un - i ago, is now back <:>n the job . Glen done this were g iven the names of Football season has begun. After consciously learn how to meet people, jSlagle, who substituted, say that Newton , Farad ay , Watt, a nd others, carry on an inte resting conversation !Cleon has a real bunch of yo un gall of whom are oustanding men of football season is over then will Iand mingle socially. Te ac hers should sters. s'Cience. come basketball season. After bas- be g ood mixers It will help you to

The achievemnts of scientific men ketball season will come track f know what real coopera.tion BOBCAT COACHES' SCORES son. So first lesson m . . . I :I • _... ,, are plain. They stand out clearly be- coll g· t t 1 h' h . I 8. It 1s a pos1t1ve means of dev el- h e 1a e me eoro ogy, w IC 1s a fore t e mmd, and are easily recog- t 1 d 11 tt d d oping. persona.).!_ty. · d Al 1 mos popu ar an we -a en e . -,.. .. b mze . s o, science, m ate years , c.ourse. , ps th.e l.e asset. has made tremendous advances, and \ . . • 1 I 9. Participation will make you less is, in the minds of many, ,the prime I The time for studymg has oom- selfish a nd New conforce of present day living. There menced. be tacts give you outlook on is one thought, however, which done, after m?re ':ork will !:le lire, helps to make you a bi gger and

Lawrence Malm, EdgaF-, Nebraska Ed gar 27, Howard 6 Rol an d Rasp, Grant, Nebr aska Gr ant 6, Wa un eta 0

George McElroy, Brid geport, Nebr. Bridgeport 9, Morrill 0 · llhould be indelibly printed upon the idone. Followm?' _:tl;us ,W;lil be yet better citizen.

Lewis Car ter, Hemingfo Fd, Nebr. Hemingford 12, Rushville Paroch. o Wilbert Zorn, Burwell, Nebraska Burwell 0, C omstock 7 minds. of all: These discoveries and Imo;e work This. fs course 10. Makes tea chin g easier. You invent10ns haV:e been made poss ible which has been m col- have to do those thing s when you only by the _di sco very of fundamen- leies, and is meetmg with modest teach. Less worry. Helps you to d? e 0 ;;:; succe,sses. . ' '· , ,!J;" ""- be tter the thin gs you will h ave to do FOR SALE-O ak desk, good con• • " anyway. dition I. R. Rogers, Phone 156. at the end sought. Scienc e is an or- AN 11. Those who participate b ecome ganization of law ahd Qrder. ' Next week's •issue · of the Ped ago- known first and best by the faculty. some extracurricular activities. Had the speaker been asked to give lg ian wi_H contain special Partic ipants get the b est The convoc ation was concluded by the names of the men who have ex- concern mg the Peru Dramatic Club, d atio ns for positions.. , . t . - 1 •• · ii an ding out questionaires CQncerning pounded to us the laws 1and will_ known as the Drarnat ic I 12. The best payin g jo bs ar e usu- 1.extra-curr-icular activities. Results of peda gogy, or teachmg, what would 1Club Ed1t10n. - ally s ecured by t hose who ca n dir ect of the se are bein g· compiled .


THE PLAC.E for you to DO I T. ' .





FARE CHANGES !only the skirmish did not last qui te so lon g as there was no t hing left to

(Continued from page 1) to figh t over after the first ten min· diet ·for college , stlidents. (It has utes.

Freshman Oly mpics and the Mid- • i ,, fouli:d 1 that a sttrdent cannot land-Doane fo t ball game are to be Spectal Report of Initiation ISlogan for 1929 Book "Big- work so well on a' loaded ·st omach.) the fe ature of t qe third Dads' ' Bares Startling Facts ; d B tt " Then at six comes dinner This is day to be c elebrated by the st udents . - ger aQ. e er bbe meal of the day. This time and faculty of Midland college Oct MANY LIONS SUBDUED I the st udents do justice to the meal, 12. The dads of all students : . I The st,a ff for the. 1928 Peruvian -has just as they are get ting well vited to v isit t he 11 . 1 been elected. Here they are: · d dd 1 Th t he uests c? ege and to_ be the Lion Tamers Club had l Editor-in-chief :.. L- Wilbur Schindler starte ' they su en Y stop. e

Some of the old st udents may say that t hey are getting some " high falutin" ideas but we a re g lad they have taken this st ep toward civilization a nd only hope th at t he bo a rding houses will soon fo llow t his go od example.

hg :'!.t all Midland func t 1on.:J its 1mtiation for New Members. The j Managing Editor __ Leo Hauptmlan meal is over, the table is bare and on t at d ay . · •t· t' h" 'h h _,, · . . they go away. If you will consult MISS TEAR SPEAKS TOY. W. C. A. Th . . .; ., , mi ion w Ic was under t c •.u- E<h t or ____ Margaret Clmeburg

8 e _e c eleb1 i'it.1on w1 ,1 a Irect1on of Clements, Mat hews, I Organization Editors a well educated doctor he will tell P cial chapel serv ice of talks and , ancl Larson was held in Mr Larson'" I A 1 G . d Ed . R tor you th at this is the proper way to (Continued from Page 1.) . 1 . · · very ames an wm ec 1 G' I' Rel' . ,, I h t lk ·h mus1ca num bers m the morning, a.t j home. F t Ed't M G .i- eave the table. 1r s 1g10n. n er ·n s e which time a dad of oTJ.e of th t I ea ure 1 or ary ray This method of running the eating brough t ou the- necessity of \' >1leg-e d ts 11 d h e 8 11 • The constituti0TJ. of the order wa'1 ! Men's Athletic Edi.tor_James Mumper w1 a dress t e ga_thering. At l read and each new member was to ! W&men's Ath. EdLBetty Vanderford affairs of the dormitory was drawn I girls' religio!} and gave t hree re a, .th p. m. a lunl!he?n will l>e served I pledge ' 25 d<:>llars per month for the I Calendar up in October 1928. Let us see how l sons illusfrate this. e dads A special feature '.>f the . h . . j it, was in Octob'er, 1927, and before. "Girls are human beings; they are f · 1 1 mamtenance of t is orgamzation. Hazel Williams and Earl Whipple , a ternoon will be the annual !';opho S 1 d I Th b kf t b 11 women because they are t hrown in to ' · 1· evera new members attempte to Art __ Ada Eyre and Felix Su111mers e rea as e ran g at seven mor e-freshm an pn?r r.o 1 reject this pledge but in a.. short IBusjness Manager ______ Paul Combs o'clock. There was one gr and rush new surroundings. It more football game. At this tun.e / time enthusiastically stood and ' Circulating Manager__ Wilbur Shafer for the long table and ham a nd eggs for a w oman to havhe religion soph omores and freshmen will vie agreed to pledge this amount. ! Adv. Manager ___ Wallace Hervey and biscu its began to fl y. Someone shhe has off er. for v ictory that day. If the fresh- A short time ago if you will re- Secretary Mary at the other end of the ta ble called · t e respon_si 1 ity 0 raism g c 1 ren. e n a e · t · th ·11 b · After Miss Tear's talk, pledge cards m r vic orwus ey WI · e per- member 1- h' d Ad · Mr C t d M L son fur a b1scu1 ' t, a forward pa.ss was 1·n- . . d . . many ions were s 1ppe v1sers__ ar er an r. ar t d th t" d m1tte to discard their green caps . . . . . b were g iven oa an e mee mg a - d b d t Th k . . t' here for this m1tiat1on. They were Last week the engraver was here tercepted Y someone else and he . d an arm an s a an sg1v1ng rme, I d . d b t th h A l f h 1 Th" must ca ll for another one. This time IJ_o_u_rn_e_.____________

th · th 11 t' p ace in ens a ou e ouse. to lay out p ans or t e annua is o erwise ey w1 con inue to wear j • s t h" h d · th d d "h til Ch . t Th M"dl d brave captain had hlS group of book is to have an umque scheme that omeone go is ea in e roa an em un ns mas.- e an · wa k k d t B th" t' th hounds and attempted to catch the Ihas never been •ned before. It 1s to s n oc e ou · Y is ime e 1

I th "F t R ti ,, d lions. The hounds were unable to 1 be a "larger and better annu al" than biscuits were all g one a nd t he fellow I · "Wnh e h remlont thus elr : 1· do anything but bay, and such a din! ever be:flore. The South-western En- at the ot her end w as left out. Severen c ape a at p ace is IS· 1. al of th boys t k t a · b I S 11 Ch

. d th . I d Fmally the captain shot the ions graving Company of Fort; Worth, e oo o we ring ase- . e eapef frrussteh , ere is no pe e I with his pistol. Lunch was served Texas, .is to plan the book. ball masks and football he ad gears ' . or e means O.L· exit. e g1r s are f th t . t I to keep from getting their heads hurt . l 11 d t l ti t h ·1 h b : a ter e en ertammen

Work is well under way or. this I • a owe o ea ve rs , w I e t e oys I ; by flyin g biscuits. ,:1 We have no SUrplUS OV" :rremain pa ssi v ely in their seats." I President and Mrs. Pate and Dean new an .i better pr-.>jeit. F P" ulty pie- Dinner, at 12:30, was a meal to be

Think of a ll the confusion that I and Mrs. Delzell were guests of the / tures have been taken the f. ;·:;i week. remembered. Meals are usually re- 1' er head to meet. wnuld be e liminated were this fine · evening. IMernbe1 3 of the staff ha ve be ':' r work- membered for .the quali ty ofl t he food. custom to be established ih our own I The Lion Club is rather a 1ing eve;y day. These were differen t,, they were re· Bronco Stable. It perhaps sounds : recent orgamzat1on on the campus. : Many students JUSt entermg colleg.e membered by black eyes and empty like a bid of blatting theory, but it 1 During the spring of 19'26 it was · and some who have been here be- stomachs. It was a case of first here

J. C. CHATELAiN Q Watchmaker and Jeweler 1 ' has worked in other schools; why not j organized with the following charter : fore have no idea, what the "Peru- first served. here? At I-east it is something worth members. I vian" is. Others don't care to know. Supper was again . a b attle scene, thinking a bout.- The Hastings Colle- I E. C. Beck, State Sch9ol, : ask '.' What has it to do with CLARY'S CAFE gian. , Mount Pleasant, Michigan j me?

. . / V. E. Chatelain, Unive1·sHy of Minn. i This ? oo k is a composite of ( · MEALS, LU NCH ES, H is seve nty -four y ears r estm g i S. L. Clements

Superintendent of sch ool, is m!,lde up of separate umt YOUR 1' 2 doosrsHOsoRuTth OoRfDPEosRStOfficn lightly on his shoulders, Com. I Peru Sch.ool. students and organizations of stu- , u Q John Phiilip So usa is preparmg to set R p p 'd t f th p dents. Every collegian is included l Id 'b"l t F"f W. ate, res1 en o e eru h' h p . d II 1 out on ns go en JU 1 ee our. i -, T h C 11 wit m t e eruv1an an a c asses

PHOTOGRAPHIC = h" I State eac ers o ege. 1 • • " • • ty y ears ago m a t heater m W as mg- 1

• are direct ly responsible to the staff to ng the s li ght yo un g man who was W. N. Delzell, Dean of Men, Peru 1through .the ir class editors. There to bec ome known to the world as State College. • : is not a college studen t, th e n, who is NEEDS " Th e March K ing" took up th e baton Alfred Crago, Iowa Uni., Iowa City. j not represented in th e Peruvian, fo r for the fir st t ime. Thirty-six A. B. Clayburn, Chicago University. 1 through at least one medium- his y ears ago after twelve years as the Charles Spadit Superintendent of class. The greater majority of stuhe ad of the U nite d States Marine Schools Nebraska. dents have various activities in which 1 • band, Sousa formed his own musi c al s· h' t" th · b h' are en g ag ed, and the inclusion . . I . h 1 . mce

down in history as a tie.

Sousa will make .two stops in Nebraska, Omaha and Kearn ey to be t he only points visited. He w ill be m Ke a rney, Oct. 9, giving both a m atinee and e vening Kearney Antelop e. (C ont inued from Page 1.)

P Line(-6u)p: Yhou'll hoot be dissappointed

Hoffman re Daubner

. eru St. Louis (6) .J wit ouBr OaBir cKuNts.APP t Broc;kman - rt Joseph

.1 U

In the Nebr aska State Scholarship Kerner __ rg _____ E. Brown (Next to Gaines Hall on the 1 co ntest recentl y held at Bunch ( c) --c - - Willetts l Paveme nt.)

Wesleyan Un iversity, Blair High H. Williams _ lg - Swartz

ALL TOGETHER- The Mardis Store is ;ow position t; furn::-Sc hool carried o ff fir st honors. That Hertz __·_ It .: _ Cornell -

ish your ev ery food need. Fresh Meats, Lunch Meats, Milk, Bread, t hi s is an a chi evement worthy of Pike - - le _ F. Cakes and Groceries. of all kinds. You will find our prices r ensonac ommend at ion can r eadily-' be seen q.b Naidorf (( ble, our,, merchandise .the best, our service unexcelled. ' wh en it is taken into consideration Hart - - rh - Kimmel

t hat Blair High is a comp aratively Zook lh Joyce

small school a nd that it h.d t hirty- - fb Dirnberg er (c) 0 ELECTRIC SHOP 0 six competito rs to over come. There Substit utions for w ere five hun dred students partici- Cas ebeer; Young for Hart; Delzell Shoe repairing at ' Comfortable' Q patin g. for Kerner; Sautter for Zook. St. prices! ·Ladies Shoes a Special- ;.,

This is the se cond consecut ive year Louis uni v:ersity- Parilla for Na idorf; I ty. ((0 t hat Bl air h as taken fi rst plac·e.-The Surt ain i'or E. Brown; Ennis Dana Hermes Kimmel ; for Ennis; Ga- 1 (The Shoe Shop on the East zelle for D1rnberg er ; Miller for Jo- Side of the Street) Mi d lan d Pl ay ers, t he c ollege dr a" seph ; Eato n for Joyce; Corcoran for matic c lub, wi ll g ive the c oncluding Willett e. '. i number of the rtist c ourse s eries Touchdowns: Lintzenich, Hoffman. th is year. The;-,.. w ill produce "Sev-

enth Heave n ," a p la y in four ac ts, by

Austin S fro ng.- The Midl a nd

D on a ld E. B ro ught on, former are always found chumming with self confidence and

in gs co ll ege stu den t and. mem ber .of thusiasm. The four are pals of successful endeavor. We

the 1925 Bron co footba ll t eam wh o 0 are no.t .mere storekeepers'. Why? ' Because we mer-

has just comp leted his duties as Uni- chandise our own products, not others.' Some thing new



Last Thursday the Faculty Dames had their first meeting of the year. Mrs. Benford, with the aid of Mrs. Ellen Benford and Mrs. Chatelain, had charge of the meeting.

Tuesd a y, October 9, the faculty had .their regular monthly meeting in t he faculty room. Routine work and di scussion of the curriculum were taken up.

Due to the enrollment in the Physical Education classes, Mrs. Ennis is assistin g Miss Roo t in this depart-' ment. She is also assisting Miss town in Home Economics. Mrs. Ennis is well qualified for this, havin g received her deg ree in Home Ec onomic s from the Iowa State Agricultural Gol -j lege at Ames, Iowa.

Mr.John R. Muhm is scheduled as a s peaker on the Rural Sec t ion program to be presented before Nebraska 1;.eachers of Distric t 4 at the Te a chers Convention bein g held at North Platte, October 31, November 1, 2. Professor Muhm h as chosen for his topic of "The More Effective Use of the Geo g raphy Text."






DEAR FOLKS: (Co ntinued from P age 1.)

Ju.st been to manual train in g cl a ss. in the He also said There was a. guy there t ryin g to show that aft er they are passed the people us how to make sement posts. He sit back a nd t hi'nk that t he la ws wm ta lk ed about 2 hrs. yesterd ay morn- enforce t hemselves. Th e law ag ainst in g and he talked about t hat lon g li quor is much harder to e nfo rce t han The co m mercial departm ent is la rger t han usu al this year Most of t he st ude nts in commerce a re working fu r t he spec ial two -year ' certifi -

cate. A new is being i ns talled in room A 3 05 for the con veni en ce of t he instructor and stud ents

this morning. He sure can talk. Well t he law against m urder, fo r the firs t _ he fi nally got thru talkin g and we j is a l aw a gainst habi t,. while t he Jat-1 F.o otb all sched ules fo r th 1s ye ar t ook some sand and sement a nd some ter i<:. a l aw against inst in ct. ha ve been s ent out to ma ny of the water and mi x ed it up and put it in The t ro uble lies n ot in that the re i surr ou n ding tow ns. S ee Mr. Delz.ella fo rm a nd it will be ha rd in a little I are too few men to en fo r ce the law, abou t one to your h ome tow n. w hile and we will h ave some posts. b ut it is beca use the great bulk of the thus he lpm g to boost for t he B obj I surely s_tic the joints Am e ri can people are not de ad in ear- c ats Ithis morm ng We h c-.d Jun class I nest in w hat t hey say a nd do. terda y a nd we had to dt. every thm g I Th b t 'bl d. t .. li Dinner a nd supp er 30 c a me al.- ' . . e es poss1 e a JUS m·en o es Ifrom st.an d on our he a ds to w1ggelmg Ifi d t" . t th Ph one 46. Mrs McMaho n.-Ad v: rst m an e uc a ion agams e us e

1 our ears. After we g:ot thru we play- / ' . .

I b k b l S "t of a lcohol, and seconq, rn a w ork a bl e '<:::::>,,...,._ ed some as ·et a ,. ay 1 sure 1s '-"'

i I · b ll d t Ilaw with oroper CJtfic ials to e nforce

1 , own, t e oor or a ou en yar s I" Prohibi tion will never be e nforc ed

1 fun. got tne a onc e an wen1 d h fi 11 b t t" d that law. In closing Mr. B rown sa1_d:

with t he ba ll underneath rny a rm and 1 .t . th f tb II f th 1 . . . . as ODO' as 1 1s e oo a o e


· the refen t ook 1t aw ay a nd give it 1.t "' ,, 11 ! to the other side. I don t know what po 1 icians. Ov er Ba rne s' Pharmacy. Tel. 27 Ihe did t hat for. Well t he ne :h t ime I After the reg ular meet ing t here ! I O' Ot it I made a drop kic k at the was a sh ort cabinet m eeting. I I ba; ke t ball w hoop but it didnt go in, I . - --------- --'about that time the c oach g ot me I Caps, P1 llows, etc. _See f i by t he arm and t ook me out He Mi ll a rd Fowler, 1st d oor N. Ga1neS I Crys tal Thea tre I i said I couldn't pl ay anymore that IHall, or Ada Eyre, DormitoTy f f ! day. I gu·ess he thot i was gettin g I MON., T UES OCT 15- 16 I i too goo d for the rest of t hem. He f B b' Sh Sh II I i told me I hiW better go out for foot- I 0 s oe op I "Diamond lia 11dcuffs " .f. ·: ball t oo, so -i: guess he thin ks I am I I With , plenty good. Well, I guess I:ll go to I Nebraska City, Nebr. , f EL EANOR BOA.ROMAN t dinner at the dorm. I don t me an ' e l1 and I ' dinner, I mean lunch Th ey g ot the __ I CONRAD NA GEL

In 1926 the Emporia State Tea.ch! funniest idea here now t hey have • I Meet the s ucce ssor to the f ers College, Emporia, Kansas, finish- lunch for dinner and dinner f or sup- _____....______ I " Gold -di gger" - the di amond I ed fourth in the National to urn ament. per a?d we dont get anyt hin g to eat I

1 di gger in society 'i; gilded doJ. L. Loveless captained that team. any time.

I I main. In underworld ha unts f

Concrete Construction Discussed Is 1 This year, Peru's d estinies the Well I must quiet: I ·Cut Flowers I I sh e stalks her prey; thr i U;; g·a- f baske t1ii a ll court have been entrusted Your lovin g so n,

to a new-comer. J. L. Loveless is that J ohn. I

person. , P. S ,_ your last


-----letter Was a da nd y P hon e 128 Peru, Nebr. Iii I WED

-TIN Company sends one of their repre- P. E. Kutnink , Mr. Lov-el ess will

T. 17-18 Each year the Portland Cement Elected to succeed Assistant coach send some more.

sentatives to talk and demonstrate to have ch arge of' basketb a ll and will ONE TH'lNG which i screen. B ring the kiddi es

the ma nual arts classes of Peru. assist Coach Graf in footb all and II IS BOTHERING

Horace J. Young ofl Lincoln en track.

the campus for two da ys. Wednes- Mr Loveless played fou r y ears of

ods of mixin g, and h ow to reinforc e and '24 a nd was at of t ?e concrete was g.iven. forward s on the mythical quintet m As a the class wi th t he aid 1925 a nd '26. He was hi gh p oi n.t man of Mr. made co ncrete \ at t he N ational tournament. Kan sas pos ts. The usual way of mixing (On -•City, t he latter year a nd w as crete is to me asure the sand a nd ce-a :f!orward on the second All-Amerim en t. The new scientifi c way is to can team. his Bachelor of Science measure t he g allons of water for each sack of cement. The amount of deg ree in 1926, Co ach Loiveless cast sand to use is to make .the co ncrete hi s lot.. w ith the St. J oseph Hillyards, a work able mixture The l ess w ater National in 1925-6-7. The ,, · close of· the 1927 season found "Jim- used the stron g er the concret e. my" Lovel ess unanimo us choice for Sidewa lks commonly called cement a forw ard birth on the All-American s idew alks are not such but concrete

WHO is. GOiN G TO - PAY FOR the FEED th at the HOUNDS

CONSUME which h ave BEEN HIRED to KE EP the SQUI RRELS AWAY from "THE POOR NUT ?" i that well k.now-n team in II "LADY BE GOODH

MEEK LUMBER CO. a picture full of la ughs, crys, I l and t hrills Also Com edy. MANUAL TRAI NING I MON., TUES., OCT. 22- 23 /l LUMBER JOHNY HINES IN •, v 0o "Ch inato wn Cha rlie"

sidewalk s. Cement is the material team. Last year, despite the fact u sed to stick the s and and g ravel to- that he was unable to enter the Naticmal t ournament because of illness O'ether Concrete is the mixt ure of · "' · he was g iven honorable mention on sand, g ravel and cement Remember the Valley Leag ue. t his when talking about concr ete work. Slides will be shown in the near future. Washing and Greasing J oin the Pressing Sa ving. Come in a nd s ee Polarine and Mobil oil us about it Free crank case service 0 FOR ' SALE 0 Why hunt further w hen you 1



Cowan, Dorothy

Deweese What is a picn ic lun ch without pastFy and

STATION iu bakery delica cies? We have at a ll times Jay, Jessie ---

Repair Work of .fresh buns, rolls, an'd pi es for your Kal t enborn, Helen - - Waco outings. Lefler, Mildred ___ Springfi eld SHOE SHOP

MD · l Alt u d'll


Meier, Margaret DuBois

Morford, Alberta Hubbell

Olson, Inez - - - Elmwood

Ot to, Margaret_ _ .Sac.Heart, Falls City SCHOOL SUPPLIES, STATIONERY, TOILET

Swiseg ood, Ruth Verdon

W atso n, Ma rion - -Dannebro g THE REXALL STORE

Wesner, Sue - Nebr. City Woods, Emily - - Yutan

The following scholarship students WHEN IN DOUBT- TRUMP OR COI\JE TO Zink, Ellen - -Murdock

attended school durin g· t he summer KOEPPLE'S CAFE " school of 19'28, and are now teachin g:

Ande rson, Iona - --·__ Shic kley Ph 195 McCr ei g ht, Rus sell Fairbury one Peru,

W agoner, Esther Bro a dwater Wiltse, Ida Pe arl ____ Honey Creek.;.




A College Story Played by College Stud ents

The twentieth anniversary of P eru Dramatic Club w ill be b rou ght to a c limax on the eveni ng of H omecoming, October 27, with the pro duc tio n 1 of the three-act comedy, "The P oo r Nut," by J. C. Nu gent a nd Ell en Nu: gent.

In the production of t he play, t he club is using the lar gest c ast wh ich has been used at P eru in re cent years, consisting of over se ve nty pe rsons. To ad d to t he success of t he prod u ction a new $400 In te ri or set of scenery, equ ipped with pr actic al do ors, is being use d.

Accordin g to one s ce ni c autho ri ty t he Pe ru Dram a tic Club has t he o nly a mate ur stage in Neb rask a wi th p racti c al doors. The play is based in a mc st am using way on the "inferiori ty comp lex"

The above cut shows t he cast and the settin g of t he pr oductio n of Lula Vollmer's "Sun -Up/' g iven at Peru, April 1, 1927. The characters from left to ri ght are: "Pap'I Todd, Willi am Kn ap p; " Bud," Frank lin Jones; She r iff Weeks, James Delze ll; Preacher, War ren Ned r ow; Emmy Todd, Joh a nna Zabel ; Ruf'e Cag le, Jo e Jon es; Mrs. Ca g le, Sorensen. This play with most of the original cast, was agam produ c ed at s umme r session, June 19, 1928. Miss My r tle Sorensen, who p_layed Widd ow Cagle, is now studyin g dr amatic art in Omaha.


Osteopa t hs Maltrea t Peru Visitors

The Graf-coached Bobcats suffe r ed the fi.rst reversal of the 1928 season, S atu rday, when th ey dropped an eradi c tussle to the S till College outfit at Des Moines. The fin al re c koning was 16 to 12

T he P eruvia ns left for Des Mo in es I d oped to win by a su bstant ial ma rgin of to uchdowns. Hewover, .a s!umpthe kind that h as d efeat ed many a fig h ting eleven- came over t he team, and two fumb les du ring the firs t h alf paved ·the way f'or the first t wo Oesteopath touchd owns.

P eru's first co u nter came as a resuit of straig ht foot ball. A march d own the fiel d in the second qu arte r

Y. W. C. A. HOLDS AN IMPRESSIVE SERVICE HISTORY OF ' EARL y ELEMENTAR . - .Y .. Iby means of lin e pl ays and end ru ns n eted the to uchdo wn The sec ond

CLUB GIRLS SEE SPOOKS i P eru score came as of ·a and sh ows how a vic t im of it ri ses above h imself. I New ·Me mbers Given Fellowship in Organiza tfon's Ritual 1 long p ass, Sa u tter to Pike, over the Party a Well Balanced Mi x ture of I goal line. Both tries for the extra This is one of the most en te1 ta in iJ, g college plays ever wr itte n. It i n- Doing-s of P. D. C. a Story Pleasure and Business !poin t

blocked or knocked down. '1 1 Th e Y. W. C. A. me eting he ld Wed- f St d G th The E I El t C ·1 t eludes excellent ch aracter :;.;, udies, a, 0 ea Y row 'ar Y e men ary ounci me Still's two to uchd owns ca me as a rethe excitement of a track n>eet. an d' n es d ay e venin g was devoted to a Tu esd ay eveni ng at 8 o'clock in the Isu it of breaks. A P eru on an · appeali ng·1ove stoi·y. It has a s ta- ! rec og ni tion ser vice of th e new mem- The Peru Dramatic Club, one OJ" kind ergarten room. , 1., 6 1O-yard lin e made t he firs t posdi um and track bro ught in up r•n thel be rs. , the oldest, a nd most ex clusi ve or- Th e meeting was in fo rm of a sible, while a fumb le in mid field stage. Th e ope nin g so n gs were " Give of . g aniza tions in t he Peru State Te a ch- ghost p arty. E ac h g irl came dress- followed by a long pass and run netTbere are three acts in the play, i Your Best to t he Mast er" a nd "H ave ers College (owin g to the fact th at ed as a gh ost. Wh en the girls enter- ted the The d rop kick was the second having two sc enes. T he Thin e Own W ay, Lord." but eighty p ersons may be elected to ed the T rainers Buildin g it appeared made in the fo urth quar t er fr om t.he first act is in a u niversity bo okstor e Mis s Goc kley led the de votio nals. membership during a semester), is very scary. T hey were taken th ru 23-yard line af ter the Bobcats h ad in June. The first sc ene of the sec- Her text was a b ea utiful po em con - celebratin g its twent ieth ann ivesary many d ark and i;poo ky places befo re h el d the Iowans on their 12-ya rd ond act is in the trai ne r's tent at the cernin g th e Se a of Ga lile e a nd the this week. they reached the kind ergarten which mark. athletic £eld the next day, with the D ead S ea Th e poem t old of the Sea The club was organi zed by Mrs. was d ecorated in lfall owe'e n style. second scene on the track in fro nt Ga lil ee b oth re ceivin g an d giv in g ou t Daisy Nettl eto n-Taylor, asso ci ate pro-E ve ry one was se ated on the floor of th e five m inutes sp ar kli r\g drops of water, whil e the f'essor of exp ression in t he fall of in a big circle. A large gh ost in the than scene one. The scen e fo r t he De ad Sea e agerly gathered th em in 1908. The fl r st on r eco rd j cen t er a story th at made every last act is

The Peru Bobkittens were defea t ed __--_-__ ____ Donald Duryea / also g iv e. :/ that would the- work on step r ardizing. the club by but Jul ia Winters __ Mar ga re t Clineburg Florence Davis then called the l farther into the study and interpre· , was decided that scholarship would by Falls City with a score 19 to 0 "Spike" Hoyt ____ R al ph Sellho rn names of the new members . As th e! tation of the true dramatic art, anu ,. be just one of the standards the girl s. after a hard battle. "Hub" Smith Cla:}' Coy 1 na mes were ca lled, each girl wen t it was to fulfill this need that the were.to live up to: High morals, per, During the first quarter the Bob" Magpie" Welc h ____ Cedr ic Crink // forw a rd and received a small bum'-:! Dramatic Club was organized. I so?ahty , good sportsman- kittens failed to have the "old fight"

Coach Jackso n -Har vey Nickel in g c andle and her member s hi!l carc1. l1 The club has alwavs presented sev· ' s hip, a nd physic al fitness are others a nd Falls City seemed to out play "Wallie" Pi erce -E ar l Whippl e i Th e room was darkened, a nd the era} one-act plays during · the year. · so that every g irl in the Early E' e- ·them to a great extent.

D · H Cole g irls sta nd "ng · a Ia g - J : - mentary council mav be a member

Professor e mrng arvey ! 1 rn r e circ e, re- Smee 1919 the number has mcreased · But during the third and fourth "D " S ur ney Wa ll ace He rv ey I pe a ted the ouroose of the Y W C A f 8 t 20 1 t of this organization. After some di soc P · rom o over as year. . . • . . . quarter the Bobkittens had formed a A F hma Jo hn Bath The service closed with the y W I . . . . cuss1on the meetmg adJourned r es n ,- I · · Membership hm1t m the club has tight line and held Falls City most

Official Starter - Da le Dyke, benediction. varied from 115 to 60, and is now 80 CONVOCATIONS A.RE of the time, and usually playing in Reggie - Charl otte Carl son It was once the custom to vote on Falls City territory.

Betty - Lois Metc a lf COSSACKS PRESENT applications for membership but PLEASING STUDENTS Falls City first kicked to Peru. Doris - Lu cill e Ne w comer : HIGH TYPE MUSIC since a meeting on May 26, 1916, the I Peru then made their • gains through Wiscons in r unn ers : Ru ssel and Ed- " tryout method has been u.s ed.

Programs o.f Musical Merit and Ed· I the line, but failed to hold the ball. ward Sh a efer, F ra nk Cope. Native Songs and Folk Legends Since the first year, meetings hav e ucational Worth Given After sever al exchanges of punts Ohio r un n er: Haro ld Reid , Fl' ed Cole; I Featured .by Native Chorus "been held regularly twice a month. Falls City pushed the "pig skin" · b f the / Both seniors and freshmen wer e h I h't l' f with the rem aimn g mem ers o The first year meetings were held 6n across t e ast w e me or a d d th sec I d f represented in the convocation pro- t


club in t he sta i um urm g e -A musi ca event unique an o ex- the last Tuesday of e;:tch month. ouc own . e ex ra porn coun· 1 - h gram last Wednesday, October 17. d o nd act 1ce pt1 o na m_er1t was t e a_ppearance While meetings are still held t wice a e " fl h R C k Ch h · Paul Collins represented the s en- Th e play is em ph atic a ll y co ll eg 1a_te, j o t e us s1_an _ ossac . orus at t e month, the first monthly meeting is Falls City kickin g ag ain, Peru JI d F d 0 t b iors, by sin g in g two numbers; accom- h a1t og et her fitting fo r Home c omm g : co ege au 1tormrn, n ay , c o er on the second Thursday at chapel ag ain made their yardage throu g f 19 ..... h. · t' f t I panied by Mr. Benford. b ff k with but one laugh-that rom 1s or ga mza ion o we ve na- time and is devoted to business, the the line, ut not su icient to ma e ·1 th 1 se t' g ave students a tvpe of Where'er You Walk Handel th -d . Aft 1 t he rise of the cu rtai n u nt1 e co ·1ve men - second monthly meeting, on the thir d e1r owns. er sev era exh b f I 'd

On the Road to Mandal ay __ Speaks Of the play. s on g whic , it may e sa e y sa1 , Thursday, in the evening, is given changes o! punts, Fa ll s City made b d d · th Grace Peterson, a freshm_an, also h d h d b has ne ver een ren e re m ese over to the production of one-act t e secon touc own y goin g

.BIRTHDAY OF h II presented two numbers, accompanied arouncl the ends, but failed for the a s. plays by the player's groups At- 1 by Julia Grosse. extra point Their fi r st g roup opened with "Serenade" by Moisseeff, sung slowly and wi th the full resonance which characterize s the Russ ian voic e. • Then

This week a Gafa One for Local Club

tendence is required , at all meetings. The Four-Leaf Clover _ Cowan

Durin g the twenty years the Peru The Slave Song Del Riego Five minute s before the end of th e Dramatic Club has been organized , Miss Peterson won the district ra- half Falls City tried a double p ass, h fumbled, and went a round the end it has done D1UC toward creating a dio musical contest and also competfollo w ed a quick "Sel e ction from higher aooreciation of dramatic art ed in the state contest ·at Omaha, but for a touchdown. The extra poin t Bandor a" by Davidovsky The tenor In 191Z -because of illness Mrs. Net- the result has not as yet been an- did not count. Thus making t he solo in "The Sentinel's Son g" (Kunz) / tleton was forced to resi gn her posi- nou'nced The winner of tqe state score 19 to 0.

Cl b is ta kin g was very well done .. "The Cossack's . tion which was filled by Ruby P ag e contest will be entered in a sectional During the second half Peru's 'lin e The Peru Dram atic 27 ut celebr ate Before the Battle" (Kolatilin) II The preductions under contest at Chicago, .and the winner strengthened and eight and twelve. this w eek , October 220 fim s hed the first g roup , and . an en1 the directi'on of Miss Fer gu so n were . - yard gains were made. Then a fum1-ts t wen ti ' eth ann i'versar.v an d to b "GI W ,, from there , will go to New num er ow orm w as " ble and Peru lo st the ball. H co re _ '. · I "Strong Heart," "A Man from Home, The chapel pro g ram Friday varied Wor k in conJ·unction wit h omecom- E 1 h rn ng is · and "The Lion and the Mouse." In considerably from the re g ular pr oing pr og ram. , re in ainder of t he pro g ram was : each case the annual play w as re- cedure

To cel ebr ate th e week , the follo w- of t he sa me quality and fines se which ' peated for the summer session.

Mr. Benford led the college sin g in g ing pro gr am was aTran g ed : char acterized the first part. In de- I Miss Ferguson is now Mrs. An- with Ralph Chatelain at the piano. Mond ay , October 22, Co n voc at ion- ta il it is: thony Euwer of 508 Aspen Road , Dr. Brown played two violin solos, They also opened up an aerial atta ck. Some yarda ge was made. Peru several times g ot the ba ll on Fall s City's 20-yard Jin.e t but failed to ge t it across· the line."

"An Ame rican C itizen," the fi rs_t pla y Part II Portland , Oregon She is a dramatic / a ccompanied by- Mr. Benford.w-· Dr. pr od uc ed by t he cl u b, read li brary Priso ne r' s Esca pe - Ture nkoff read.er of considerable note. Bi;own's talent ha s not been realize_d SHUBERT ENTERS M·l-N·K style I Song of t he Vol ga Boatment - 1 Iin the past by the students, as this The first entry in the M-I-N-K Muw d da y Octover 24 conv oca- /' Arr. by Sokoloff Sn owsto rm - Varl :;i.moff was his first musical appe a rance. Dr. . d D . t' b . e nes · ' T 1 C k p D av id sky M h h s· 1 K 1 1 sic an rama ics tournament to e . Add by Varro E. y er,' A ossa c arty ov f arc of t. e s --- o ati m I Brown's numbers were: . t10 n- ress l b d -the fi rst I Encore " Teeter Totter" En core "Dixie" A' f th G St Bach held at Peru in February has been ·cient of t he cu un ng • ' 1r or e rmgprest . - t i" on · Part III The chorus was or g anized in 1921 Oi·i'entale Caesar Gui received firom Shubert Elsie Mares, of zt.s or gamza · . j ---- --- ------year d Oc t over 24 noo n- Le g end of Christ - -' - Tchaik ovsky and has been in the United States for Mr Lindsay di scussed a f'ew of the a staunch Peruvian, is principal Wedne s ay, ' s · · h - g Mr Ty ler. P ot po urri of Folk on gs --. three years. They have toured m current topics among which was .the there. Shubert will send the followLuncheon o nonn · A b S k I ff h · · f h 'ddl · . 0 t b 26 Convocation- r r. y o o o more t an a :sc01e o t e m1 e w es t- campaign results t hus far, and com- ing: Friday c o er Kol t ""n / _ th e c lub. ; Song of Ru ss ia -. a en states. parison with those of the past. Mr. Piano solo History 0 t b 27 eveni ng 8 p. Marc h - Sl a v1an s ka1a The director, Mr. Sergie Soko loff, Lindsay discussed the "straw" votes, Saturday, c No etr" ' ith the Enco re " Mo t her Ma chre e" received his mu sic al trainin g at the showin g th at they were particularly m "The P oo r u ' w ' IV M C · .- . th ast Recep - / Pa rt oscow onservatory , and was a dt- large this year. The "Literary · DiD mat ic club m e c · ·· "P · I " h h ra · 1 b mbers and Pe asants ' Cho r us from rrnc e g or rector t ere until t e organization oi g e!!t" gave the results of the "straw tio n for Dram a ti c c u mhe 1 af- Borodin this chorus. He directs without ba- vote election" Mr. Hoover winning th e stag e of t e Pay - - z 't ff ·al umni on St ern Oc ean 31 se ton. by half a million votes. terw a rd.

Soprano solo Contralto solo

Tenor solo Girls' Glee Club One-act Play Reading /



at Leadore th

past wee

n.· in the Missouri Valley, establis hed 1867. , leave thi s institution His r es igna-1p !' d

ceive , repor

nor tie d. ; tion _ is expecte momen ari y. . • ll! ges, espe cially the Teachers' Col- mals wer e neithe r co rrall ed $1.00 the year. Single copy 5 cents. I Eight years ag o Mr. Pa.te si g ned leg es she·w i eod margins ov·er last I -St. Anthony Sc hool Daze _ 1 the g ra,duation dipl 9ma _ of one Glen enrollments. Joe, by the w ay, is an old Ped ag·oSTAFF • Joder, who.was then bemg Particularly , other schoo ls say, t he g1a n r eporter

MANA,GING EDITOR - - -.---- .{- JOE JONES Ifro_m h 1WM n raR>ks of the Sophomore and Fresh1 Mr. er n_is ig sc 00 r. men cl ass es are filling up even more Mrs . E llen Maher M ow_ery, in. a re-

EDITOR - ·- DON KEISTER Pate sig ned hi s diploma. . h b t d F h 1 tt f m Phoe nix Arizona, I ... · than m1 g t e expec e or t e cen t e · er ro .

BUSINESS MANAGERS - - - RALPH GHATELAIN, EDWIN BOOTH Wh_en Mr 'Joder receiv:d his de- most part, the greatest gain is to be Istates that th e re a re fiv e g ree m 1928, Mr Pate ag am had the feund among these t wo. lower class es. te a ch ing in the pu b lic ther e.

SPOR'fS "TIP'' ROBERTS, ROLAND KREPS I honor of sig nin g his diploma. The University of Nebraska re -, lo w in g are the t eachers: ·

SOCIETY EDITOR - -·HAZEL HUTCHINSON I Now, that aforesaid Mr. Joder ha.s ports an exceeding large influx of Ru th Peter son, class of '18 · left Peru to attend the Nebraska Freshmen. j Fer n Hu ston, cl a ss of '18

CAMPUS EDITOR - - - - - - LUCILLE DOWELL 1 State Medical at Omaha, Ne- AU this .jg due, in a large measure, Mrs. Charl o tte Lehn class of

FACULTY EDITOR - - HAROLD McCREIGHT ' braska. to the economic prospects in Nebras- I Ceci lia Peterson , cl ass of '20 j It is plain to be seen that Mr. Pate / ka this year. 1 18

FEATURE EDITOR - - - GEORGE COOK ; intends to leave Peru for t he purpose/ No reliable figures are as yet avail - Mrs. E ll en Maher M owery, class of:

EXCHANGE EDITOR - - - RUDOLF ANDERSON : of ag ain with Joder. He ; able on the departmental enrollments '18 expects to be m a posit10n where he 1in variou:5 colleges, but at Peru the

A_CTIVITIES EDITOR - RAYMOND TRENHOL f-1 can si gn his next diploma when it is Iincreases have been largely in the John W. Wear, M. D., is now v ice rec eived. I departments of Art Manual Arts and I pres iden t and med ical di rector of the DEBATE EDITOR - - ERNEST HASSELBLAD I ' '. ' . ' ' N t' al F' deli tv Life Insurance· Mr. Pate's intentions are of the Science J a io n 1_

INSTRUCTOR IN NEWS WRITING _ THOMAS E. ENNIS ; best, and we hope that he succeeds, J It is well also to note that the at Kanbecause Joder would probably think Training School at Peru has gained ' sas City, : his diploma not to be legal or of any considerably over last year. I He was v1s1tmg fr i ends Oll PERU DRAMATIC CLUB. Ilearned from the ex a mples of these valne if Mr. Pate's name were not af- 1 1c am pu s last JVIr. Wear was The week beg inning October 22 is, j three venerable persons. A life pur- fixed.

gra du ate d from P er u in 1914 _,He was at Peru, Dr a matic Club Anniversary pose, no ma tter how g re at or sma ll, h p 1 p


Ivery enth usi asti c ov er Peru 's ath l etw k d · h' h th 1 b · 1 h' . . .

ee , unng w ic e c u 1s ce e- will ac 1eve- 1f1 1t is earned fai t - ·n ,

. h ' W en Mr. ate eaves eru we


1 k f F brating its twentieth birthday. Th e re- fully t hrou gh. We use these names hope :hat ever: one wih' lukrnhcu. 1·


ore, 1s e i ion o ue e ago g ian is only for ex ample ; the same is tru e I . ·

f th d't' f t'-' p d . . , see him off and we t m t ey w1 ,

wee ron1 rank known as Dramatic Club Edition. everywhere I fc-r he i:; very well known and umver- IHos ie, class of '19, he sta te s that he Organized twenty years ago , the 1 Ho"w students who a re no w in / srllv liked. !Dramatists, Actors Among , recen tly met H arold W agn er, wh oclub has seen many and colle ge have a strong life purpose I Peru will be out of one. good the Alumni Iwas wit h us as ins tructor o :f" g rown much. From tlie very first , which will carry them throu gh to I president went he goes . What is she vo ice. Bot h Mr. Hosie anq Mr. Wag-there has always been a· hi gh stan· such ends of satisfaction in a task: going to do for another one? H as j Peru Dramatic Club in its celebr a- ner are members of the faculty of dard of ·work done, as may be seen well done? There are t oo , t oo few ianyone any suggestions? Perhaps Ition of the twen t ieth anni v ers ary of th e R oc hester school s at Rochester , from the historical accounts appe ar- Mr: Pa.te _should someon e. and its or ga nization has received many New York. ing elsewhere in this paper TO THE BUDGET COMMITTEE tram him mto the office of president t' f 1 f th lub . Igree m gs rom a umm o e c . k h h In a friendly and equanimous so that Peru will not feel the lo ss h There is now at dwor d t de '. spirit we would here like to di scuss so keenly Any other su g gestions From New a rk, N. J., we recei ve t e club a svs tem of gra uate ere its an , ' will be appceciated. · followin g gr ee t in gs fr om Ellsw ort h aw a rds which has helped very ma- a certain matter wi th the bud g et P. Conkle , a pl aywri ght wh o is comcommittee . terially in rai sin g dramatic sta ndard s INTRODUCING.· in g into nat ion al prominence and on this campus. Each member of the Now, you , as a committ ee, have whose home is in Pe r u: "For t we nty club is a real worker, else he does char ge of the direction a nd finan cin g "THE PEP CLUB" years t here h

not retain his memb ers hip. Her e is of! all a ctivities in t

f h itself deri ves a part of its income ; The Pe_o Club , a new org an iz at ion I ly by the Dr ama t ic Club. ye iu in g, make s for the unifi catio n o t e 1 1 the d ate is set as A pril 5. play whole. fro m bud get sou rces. 1 on the campus , held it s fir.;t

The sec o nd adv is er o f' th e dub, usua llv t he h eav i. est produ ction of The si g nific a nc e of thi s wee k· is Now we , as t pe rec ip iec i:.- of th e·:e I aft e rn oon at 2:30 m the Iwho su ccee ded Mrs. Net tl eto n T ay the vea;. For several ye ars S hakespl ain to a ll Dramatic Club members , L:•nefits, ar e d esir ous to kno w just I gy mn a smm. sends greet in gs from Po rtl an d, Ore .. Th h a nd cannot be too mu ch impr es esd hr w va riou s fund s are np·:r"priat ed I Dick Williams, head of the or- "I know yo u h ave ma de wond erfu l p la ys were use d. e c ange h d h f h d d to mod e;n pl ays wa s mad e wh en upon others. The o"rg anizati on make s fo r the various T' ·erefofe , ga niz a tio l)-. a c a rge o t e me et- st rides si nce t ho se ear ly ays an b h , '. ' h t t la "S un -Up" w as given in 1927 a very definite co ntri ntion to t e we w ish to sug·gest th at v rep ort ot ! mg. des erve s in ce re, e ar Y. congra ulife of t he ca mpu s. Let us a ll join t he. bud get commi t tee to th e· stude nt:\ Uniforn: s for the club were dis- lti ons. Wi s hin g yo u g rea t su ccess in T he play being con side r ed this year f h h ] d D k h t t lk on P en s l R b 1·s "A Doll's .H ouse" a dra1na in fo ur in accord with the sp irit o t ·JS en- 1body be pl aced wit in t 1e pa ges of I cusse ·· 1c. gave a s or . a you r wo rk. inc ere y y our, u Y terpri se. I The Pedagogian at an e ar ly d ate.; and what it. should to a p e::i F. Eu w er." act s bv Hen rik I bse n. The le ading Doubtless,, this year's work is, as ye t, 1 club. The g irls a re gomg to sh ow a Irole w-as played by Naz imova in the OLD TIMERS Istill a form a ti ve c ondition wh ich will · lot of spirit at the rest of th e ga me s. J ere Mickel, at on e time pres id ent movies and on t he legitim ate s tag;e. Ever y school m ust g row , or else no t wa rran t s uch a rep Ol·t How eve r, I Some p'lans were talked about fo r of Peru Dram a ti c Club a nd n ow as - I Ibsen pl a vs are qu ite diffi cu lt fol' it will cease to function All colle ge j last may be t ak en as a repre- i Homceomin g, and the meeth1g ad- so cl ated with the G oo d ma n Memorial 1 amateurs - bu t "A D oll's H ouse" and s tudents have the experi ence of hear- sentative report. Of course, it i !! no t,; journe d. Another _meet ing w '.ll be Theatre, Chic ago, Illin ois, a part of "The Wild D uck" ha v·e b een used by in g old alumni members tell abou t de sir a ble to publish ex act fi g ur es , so i held Saturdav mormng at 6:30 111 t he the Ch ic ago A rt In stitute write s th e s ome L it tle The at re gro u r>s an d col, I t heir colle ge in th e mo re or less early we su gg est t hat a percen tage sch em e I gy m. club as foll ows: "G reeti ngs to my le g es. Mrs. J oder f eels that P er u diays. Whil e- at t imes we may be be substi t uted.

· ,fellow members of the Per u D ram a- Dramatic Club h as the tal e nt a vailrather fi Hed up with s uch tr adition s, ' This is a matter which is of in te r- FOR ART'S SAKE 'tic Club on its tw en t ie th b irt hd ay. All ab le for this play . it must be remembered that it is est to all students, and we ta ke thi s Many great sacrifices are made fo r success to y our pl a ns for t hi s year Another pl ay wh ich mi ght -be used largely thr ou gh t he effor ts of loyal opportunity to ask a bout the relalive- 1the s ake of a·rt and many In return for t he many be ne fi ts t he is "Outward Bo und " by Sutt on Vane a lumni that colleges ta ke their ty of expenditures made fo r the di- of Peru Dramatic Club have been p ut club has giv en in my e ff ort s tag e- T his is an unusu al pl ay with splen • growth. , . verse. ac t ivities. great f?r .the nd- wa rd . I hope th at this w iH be· the· di d chances f or g oo d cha ra ct er work. At present, a· new building is bem g

varrcement of the h1str1omc art. most g lorious y ear of a ll. J. M." cdnstructed on our camp us. To per- PERUVIAN AND PEDAGOGIAN Not many, however, can com bi ne sons who were here only a year or .There exis ts on the campus a rath- 1this spirit of sacrifice with t he fin an- The orga ni zer and for four years


two ag o, it will make campus er unfortunte complex, if we may '1 as Mr. Dury ea has do ne a dviser of the club, Mrs Daisy B. seem much different It is no. sur- term it such, of confusing the names himsel! to play t he Ne t tleton T ay lor, s ends us her repr ise, the r efore, that the old timers of the college ye ar book and the c ol- I Po or Nu t. F or this part he needecl gret s for it not bein g po s si ble for The Pe ru lun ch eons duri ng S tate who re t urn :should be s urpri sed, and , lege w eekly, The and The Ilong shaggy , unkept ha ir. 'J.'he best her to be here for t he A nn iv ersar y Ass ocia tion in Li nc oln at conse quent ly, express the ir surprise. Pedagogian, respectiTely. Now that way to g et t his was to let the !i.a i:r We ek on acc oun t of the illness of the Cornhus k er Ho tel, and in Oma ha

At Homecoming time , which will work has defini tely started on The I g row So a whole her paren ts Mrs. T aylor wr ite s: at the Hotel Ro me will be better soon be upon us, t he re w ill be much P eruvian, we wish to call to your at- i done without a haircut. Fi gu re " Nothin g would give mo re ple a.s u re than ever before. to be he a rd a bout what the school tention the difference between the 11t for yourself, at least a dollar and t han to be in Peru fo r the an niver - All friends studen ts, and alumni of used to do and to be. The re will be tw o. twenty cents saved, a nd fo r Ar t's sar y and meet the o ld stu de n ts as Peru .State '.fe ac hers Colle ge al·e in · much said whi ch, vie wed li g htl y, will The Peruvian is the college annu at; sake. w ell as the p rese nt on es." She closes · vited. , seem trite a nd unin t erestin g. Look The Pedago g ian is the c olle ge with greet in gs to the club, "Yo ur The l uncheon at Ho te l C ornh usker under the surface a little and see thei r newspaper. G. COUNCIL MEETING pl ans sound mos t inte restin g. B est will be Thurs day no o n, Novemb er 1, deeper me a nin gs wri t ten into t he Remember that The Peruvi an as Last Thursday aftern oon at 4:3o w ishes for all s uc cess., Si n cerel-y Dand is in ch ar ge of W. N. Delzell, g ro w th of this .j.ns ti tution, eur Alm a, the name ir:iplies, is :printed for all Ithe g irls' council enterta!ned the Daisy B. T ay lor." , ean of Men , Peru. The lu nch eon Mater. Peru vi ans, a lumn i a nd students. It s ub -council. membe rs at an informal at H otel Rom e will be Friday n oon, is a compl e te record of a· yea r of ac- I tea, in t he facul ty room.. Pl a ns were

INo ve mb e 2 d l d f d h · r , un er the dir e ction of THREE GREAT NAMES tivities at Peru- hefi ce the name "Pe- c omp ete or ecoratm g ouses for



S L Cl Fr om the drama durin g the past ruvi·an." I Homecomin g. The bo ys of the co l- · "".":7: , ,. • •• emen ts, Supe r inte nde nt of the Train i ng School, P.eru. m onths h av e b ee n t aken three of its1 The Pedagogi an is, essenti all y, the 1 ie ge ar e com peting with th e g irls - Reserva tions ma b . m?st notable figure s. Alt hou gh th;y 1·newspaper of the Peru ped agogs, or ! for the_ prize offered for the b est An a nnoun cement has been receiv - in.g to t he hotel s Y e made by w1ll never trea d t he bo m·ds agam, fut ure te a chers It is written about de corat10ns ed fr om Mr and Mrs . A lb ri gh t, form - cha rg e of th 1 or t he men 1n ,t he names and the influence of these only the current doin g-s of the ped a- er fac ulty members of t he P eru State Iei gh ty fi e uncheon. Plates three ca nn ot soon be lost The w orld gugs, and is of interest pr imaril y to ALPHA .MU OME GA Teach ers College of th e arriva l of a - ve ce nts at each lun cheon. of the and every lover of t he t he pedagogs.

Mond a y, Oc t ober · 15, Alpha Mu so n, S eptem ber 5, 1928. Mr. Al brighta rtistic will lon g ho n or the memor- Let's learn to make thi s di stincti on Qm ega, held a busi ness me etin g. A is 'ow a facu lty m emb er of t he St at e The MEET ies of Ellen Terry , John Dr ew , and now, once an1 for all commi tt ee w asappo in te d to ma ke tea chers CoJJe ge,; at Dillon, M·mt;ms ch apel class met Tu e sday at Robert Mantell. pl a ns f or a nd printin g of membe r- ve ry in A303 for a sho rt bu t Each of these perso ns made hi s exit 1 BONES s hip ca rd s. An w as also \ '. Wil b ur Sc hi ndler, wh ile :wor \cin g Anna -;;r ant bu s in e ss meeting. only wli.en many years' servic.e had j Workmen enga ge d in demo1ishing ma de to t he cons titut10 n so th at qua!-with some glass tub in g in the che m- · onner was 1 been Pel formed , and all rep resented , the old Normal Hal) are sa·•d to have "fi ti f b '- · f editor of the Pe i· . e ec t ed semor .. 1 ca ons or m em e rS•llP were plac- st ry lab oratory last Thursd ay, h ad uv t ile hl'ghest art of wh i.<l h the theatre ! found n•1mber of d d b i Ith du es Were d" ian Also class u e on a gra e ass. \ e mi sfor tun e to cut h is fin geF q ui te lscuss ed T is capable. They · were f.aithful b•:neath i t. 1"t wou ld adjourned. · he meeting ""' , ' - - d eep ly wh en the glass br ok e. P au l t hroughout their en tire lives .to ,a be wiMi to te ar do.wn some of our .Upp erc lassma n: Wh y didn 't yo u Com bs, bus iness man age r of the Pecho sen purpose, and th ey made thi s pr...s ent un.t enable educ at1°on al theo- stay for t he ole sho ? w w ·· ru via n, says: "Not wi th sta nd ing th is pu.rp o"Se strong. ries, a nd see wh at sort of bones we F res h Ro om mate : Pr •j gram said, fact , the Peruvian will stil\ be out Ther{! is no small lesson to be might find beneath ruin°s, · · "Act t hr ee s am e as ·act;' one." \ on time ." · "I sn't ·t 1 funn h tnen in the fi Y t at most of t he "N ·rs t row are . o, most of · tlckets fr them bought their on1 a scalper."



Sh ake spe ar e a F avorite in Or ganization Ye ar

The Pe ru Dramatic C1ub was o r- i g·an i ze d the ealrly fa !ll of· 1'908, while th e first me etin g on re co rd was held on Octo ber 22, of that y ea r. A presiden t was in eh nr ge of the m eetirig and the 6!0 0 Stituti @.D was r eaC and ad opte d, so organ i zat i·on must hav e tak en plae·e. earli er than Oc toaer 2 2r

The cl ub was limi ted to a s hip of 115 in ord er that all mem b ei·s mig ht be ; benefite d by it. It had a fu ll memb er sh ip, a nd ma ny we re tu1·n.e d awaN at e ach meet i ng All applic ations for m embe rs hi p w tr e vot ed on by the c lub. T he c lu b met mo n thly f or pro gra m and bu ;,in ess 1ne et1.ngs, an d th ere · we re some spe1.:ial occasion s on which ot her pers ons than members· co uld att ena.

Dur ing t he iirst semester th e work was co ntined to t he stud y a nd presen tation of Shake ;,p e ana n p lay s. Scen es we re from " As Yo u Lik e It," Ma cbe th," " Hamle t," and "·Othello." ln aesc r ibi ng t he work , I

SPONSOR OF P. D. C. ,.. 1908

SPONSOR OF P. D. C., 1928'


Awards Made Based

"Point System"


.As a reward to those members of t he Peru Dramatic Club who do outstanding work an honor roll is announced at the of eaeh year Special honor d agge rs , used as guards for the pins, a:re give n to these per · ,.sons who win the highest number Gi" points under the point system. Th ose so honored last year we1·e; Joe Jones, Cedric Crink , William Kna:pp, Leo Hauptman, Wa llace Her•:Vey, Fred Duey , Hazel Williams , Wanna Metcalf, Madge Argabright, Helen Stukenholtz, and Iris Jones

1 The latter four and William Knapp r are not in school this year. will ' be


1908AN.D1928 ' IN YEAR .1928 CLUB'S '. AGE

Much Work of Merit in Past Activities of Present Time Peru Organization Proved and Present Many and Varied the Oldest t he 1909 Peruv i an say s, at these pro- 1 gra ms t he re was no music , no comic · Mrs. Daisy B. Nettleton , who organ- Holding to that s ame enthusi asm rn Of the nearly twenty c61leges an d s peeches, or funn y' numbers; !n short i ized Peru Cl\Jb in 1908 has characterist'.c of the group ·.vhich in universities of Nebraska, Peru State not hing to pl ay to the audien c e, but 1since become Mrs. E. _L. T.aylor, of 1908 organized this club , the rnem- Teachers College has the oldest dra· llhe n·e·,·e"t ne ver lagg ed , a na tne C arme l-by-the-Sea, Ca hforma. • Mrs. bers of today are striving toward ar- · 1 b u matic c u . The club was organized attend a nc e was a1ways g ooct. " Nett leton-Taylor was the adviser of tistic productions. The motto, "The . T he g re at est fe a ture of' the the c lub for four years. Show -Must Go Ou," is. felt with true b:il Mrs Daisy Nettleton Taylor in the . th la An American Ci t izen," I Under the advice a nd directioll' of I histrionic fervor by every member. f of 1908. The first meetm g on J was e pt y, d Am on g the spe- I Mrs. Tavlor manv excellent readers It' is with oride that we point to · record w as e>ctober 22, 1908. a t ou r-ac · come y. -1 1 the c iuo for HIU8 ' were b ro ug ht · to the campus. t he p10neers who had the fore r: 1g ht to Kearney r uns a· close second havc1a progra ms o i . ' · . h p D t" Cl b w ' was a re cl tai by ivu.,s t1uwell i ro m, Mr s. Nettle ton-T ay lor w as ener get- orga nize t e IC u · e evide nce of t heir first meeting of · · · d 1 o ked w'th d ete ·m n- a re orou d of t his heritage and know- ·t he State U111versit_,. Mi ss tl <H ·el 1 IC an a ways w r i 1 1 • - ·. · a dramatic club on O'ctober 13 1908 ' L d t li Mou se " An- I ation for the best results. During mg that we h av e this wonderful !rnst ·. • • read 1 he io n an e · · : . d t which was their first meeting f 1 .- b M"s· Cii'ne I 1910 - 11 1"ud g es were chosen for plays to bmld upon we strive towar gr ea - · or orother rec1ta w as g iven Y 1 " '

· b l) f E I in order that the characters taki ng er successes. ga mz ation, ut at the meetm g Octoassista nt in the e part men t 0 x- ,· b 22 · p

· I pa rt might put forth greater effort. Last yea !," ,the am ateur play wrig hts er m eru, the const1tut10i;i was pression I The victorious cast was entertained were gjven incentive· in t he play writ- read a nd adopte d. There had been

. and a fitting prize

, .

The work of the year re a ched its / by the advisei· at her home. ing coi1tcst. The t hre e best pl ays a president previously elected, for he climax with the St Patri,ck's Mrs. Taylor writes her regrets for produced to an enthu siastic au- took charge of the meeting. P lay, "The Land o.f Heaort s De sire I.'not bei"ng aq le to be with us due to dience An or g inal one-act play con- that PHONE 56 PERU : h . Mrs. Nettleton-Taylor states If it had no t been fo r t he ent us1- i the illness of her parents. ;test will be held again this year. , h h . h M N ttl eto n Ta v I "If the constitution was read a nd asm wit w 1c rs. e - ·· - Th t d" t M A For two years the club ha s irdver- I · b . e presen irec or, rs. nna - ' · d d 0 lor started the club we_ w ould e. Best Jod er has been with t he club · ,tised the school an d dr amatic a ctivi- a opte ctober 22, thP1e were at celebr ating o ur twen tie th anm v er- ! since t he fall of 1926. During this ties by touring southwestern Nebras- two or thre e me etin gs befor e. I sa ry this week . Thos e rem em- '. time Mrs. Jo der has built up a repu- ka with a tJiree-act play.' Thi s plan There is no d oubt but th at Peru Club J 0


ber Mrs he! as : ta tio h T or · her work, and is to be continueg in·a modified form "-as 's tarte.d first." CH . . a stro ng deter mma tion and '. complete direction of pl ay s. The this year. A service burea u is pl a n- Ne· other co lle ges eve n approach 0 . 1mtiat1ve. 1 sch ool knows Mrs. Jo de r 's productions n ed to supply one-act or lon g pl ays these 'records. The Un! v crsity Play- &

. I ar e as near


Men Pre dom i nate as Club 's Ex- ; play on the road in 19126. She has The major prod.uctio;.s planned for club b oth in 1921, Midland P lay ers e cu tiv es a lso chan g ed from one to two ma jor this year are: . "The N ut," "A 1925, and t he Ha stings College Play- O erhead to meet. produc t iun'5 a·ye ar. Doll's House ," "T a ke My Ad.vi ce," ers in t he spring of 1928. W esl ey an Q ·Dur ing the pa st t wen ty years t he re, One of tnf faculty congrat ulates "East is We st,'' and "Out of the University has a club of some years ·J. C.

have been twent v-seven uers ons as-! t.he club on having a direc t or of such Night." Three or. f'our one- a ct plays org an ization, but they can n ot give O Watch maker and Jewel er · c end to the for. I' and Mrs. Joder will be g iven at each monthly meet: the ex act d ate. t he P eru Dramatic Club. Of t his on .he m,:nner 111. which she coop er- ing

Ten Ne b1' aska Colleg es h ave no n-um b er th ere ha ve been se ve n girls 1ates vn t h other department:; of the The clu.b sponsors the one-act play dram ati c org anizat ion. They are:

an d twenty b oys. It h as be en six 1 sc hool. contest of the M-I-N-K hi gh sc.hopl Cotner, Duchesne, W ay ne, D ana, Ne- CLARY'S CAFE ye :us since the presidenc v has beeri I · music a nd dramatic tourn ament bras-ka Cen t ral, Hebron Junior, Con- .ME.l).LS, LUNCHES, ' o ccupied ·a g- i; I. Glasgow COLLEGE GIRLS. which is held in Februa ry at Peru,. I cordia, Gr and Island, Union Coliege I SHORT .ORDERS t he of the f.airer sex to have MEET TOGETHER The efforts and fund s of the club and Chadron;, however, Co t ner plans t his honor m 1922-23. with help from the school have gone to org anize a club within a shor'ti 2 doors south of Post Office ff

A list of the ,!) residents who ha ve i '.Falks Made About Various Girls' t oward eq uipping the stages in The time. s erved Pe1·u Dramatic Club follows: j Activities Little and the nudi t orium.

1909-1910 Isab el Ga bus and Eliz a-: The Gi r ls' Club geld its reg u- auditorium a nd a. eyclprama a nd ve- Club is prepa rin g for the biggest

1908-1909 Varro E. Ty ler J y.e.ar diT?mers were added to the . 0 'S. TOP. AT THE . beth Curry lar meeting Monday at Chauel t ime lour front . curt ains to Li ttle The- year in its history.

1910 -1911 Orville Stephenson and Iin the audi t orium. - · atre. This ye ar a .cyclorama and two : The officers of the club fo r this ' . Tl sets of : s cen e rv are bein g a dded to : S • , 1e me e tmg opened with Mrs. Dun- h d. - Th " ! year a re: pres iden t, Leo Hau ptman· MEAL Bernice O'Kief · • d' th d t' 1 Sh t e au 1to1 .1um. · e new scen erv . 1s.1 , n1n g s re a mg e evo 10na s. . e - j v'' ·d t L·11 · CANDY

1911 -1912 Fran k Ellenberg er 1 1 k Iequipped wi th practical d.oors. ' ic e-presi en , 1 ian Brady; s ecte- 1 , ai so ga ve a s i ort ta! on the art · · • t M G

1912-1913 Edith Cornell a nd Ch a rles / _. ·' W 'th · f· · ·k ·1 ary, · ary · ray; and treasurer •· DRINKS

191'.l- 1914 1 914-1 915 ' 1915- 1916' 1916-1917 1917-1918 1918-1919 work which t he g irls at the Dorm1- I a gro up o energe tic wd'I ers· W II H .. . . , Novak d · d . f h' h b'l' _ a ac e er v ey. The foll owing six tory ha ve been doin a The work was an an a v1ser o ig a l ity, m.rs. 1 l I . C . K d , ,, 1 A , B' t J d · .h , . . . , peop e are e aders 0£ plavers gro ups· H F F I N K assms enn e y on di snl av in t he front of the room. nna es o er, w o g ives unsp a r- F. . M . . ·. -. . · M .l t Bl k h' • I f h . . d b' d an ces onantv, Cedri c Crin k Ma-. 1 on an ens 1p - Mrs. Dunning extended an invitat ion mg y o er t ime an a ih tyJ tow ar s d B , - ' • · • C . Th I . h I b 'h p D . onn a rad y, Eldon Ha yw a rd Hazel 0 Peru

r a1g omas to a ll g irls outside of the Do rmitory servin g t e c u t e e ru r am at1c w·1r " , Earl Crai g I iams, an d Ma rgaret Clinebu rg to t ake up thl s work a nd in t he fuOscar O akes ture org anize an art club Th e a irls

Lyn n Schaen t hal a nd B es - have been ma king magazine · r:cks, When in Auburn ·

si e Laum an desk se ts, do or stops, pictures a nd EAT AT

1921-192.2 Fu ll er Woo die ' president, Mary Gray, who gave us P LJ 1922-1923 Be rnice Par ki ns on a nd a talk on Homecomif1:g. She tola t he

1923-1924 1925-1926

Harriett Glasg:ow ' girls not only to b.e thinking a.bout 1)

Otto O a kes homecoming but to talk it au t he

rk Delzell ti me The


Homecomers Assured of a Battle Royal Oct. 27


ion concernmg

li gibl e for teams. Th

Pe ru _ ron game, with pictures Wi t..h- W ednes d ay and Fri d ay, also Sa tur- am ora cin thi s ,book be a pl ace to d ay eveni ng du ri ng the p lay. "The tic ee w ill be held next Monda; and keep -a de tail ed record of th e P oor Nu t." Tu es da y; the hit-pin ball

It is fi tting that Pe ru s hould ope n to urn ament will begin in th

her conferen ce sc he dul e aga in st an 1 .game, as well as much other Th e so u venir pamp hl et gi ves the e gym. DR. N. S. Ol d rl·val. material of inter e st. Th e sale . hi story of the clu ll ·, a picture of Mrs. R p DENTIST W. . ate w en t to Lincoln las t 0

A large cro , wd of home-c omers are of the books is s ponsored by 1 Daisy B. Nettle to n Tavlor, who or-d bu· X- RAY SER V JCE h d the Homecoming c ommittee :.ind · _, I b -f th Fri ay, on ·a s mess trip, t exp ectea to witl}ess t e ne ver-s a y- ie ga ni zeu tie c lu ; pi ctu res o · e Tel 27 th · · t t Ov er Barn e s' Pharmac y. · tilt betw een Coach Stark' s Ch ad ron e pnce 19 en cen s. present off ice rs and advi s er, L eo .,,_.,,..,.__ ,,,_ _____ _ E ag les a nd Coac h Graf's cl aw in g Hauptm an, Lilli an Br ad y, Ma ry I S P E C JA L T y I Bo b ca ts when the two tea c her s col- A Sophom o re cl ass meetin g was ! Gray, &-nd Wa ll ace H ervey, a nd Mrs I I

l eg es fig ht it out on the Pe ru grid - held Tuesday, Oc t ob er 16, at r eg ul ar IAnna Bes t J oder, respectively; a list I Cut Flowers ·1 I iron S aturday. Th at the g ame w ill chapel t ime. of the pr esiden ts who ·hav e ser ved I L. HOR TON & CO. I C J Th t I be a g oo d one is ins ured by t;he fact The me eti ng was ca ll ed to order by P. D. C. ; a nd a li st of the Pl a ye rs I Ph o ne 128 Peru, Ne br. ·,

that the two schools h ave a lwa ys t he pre si den t, Da le Dyk e. A vote Grou ps, an d va r io us art ic les abo ut b h ·-------- -.... TU ESD y 3 I b ee n itter ri va ls si n ce 1923 w en w as mad e up on a class ed itors hi p the c lub . A , O CT. 2

Per u tie d Ch a dron 10 to 10, drop pin g for t he Peru via n, an d Ted R oehr ka s- JOHNN IE HINES IN I her from championship cons ide ration. se of Seward , Neb ras k a, was elec t ed.

So far th is seaso n, both re- I It w as d eci ded th at. th ere wo uld be ! FOR SAL E 1 R • W k Al so Com ed y "SUGAR DA - f und efe a te d a nd tilt'!no social acti vities of the class un til SomE: good roomin g hou ses, ep a1r or DIES" I w ill be t he fi rs t appe ara nce of eith er after Home co min g. w ell loc at ed, and at the ri g ht

in t he N. I. I. A. confer ence circle. Mr. La r son gav e a short ta lk on price Inquire of

J. M. ROWEN WED., OCT 24, 1 DA y ONL y I Cha dron took ·the season -open.er from "Pep fo r Ho mecom in g,' ' fo ll ow in g Of G E

t he Sp e arfi sh T ea chers 26 to 7. Th e w hi ch the me eti ng closed.

s ame d ay saw the Bob cats trim St. WITH Bene di cts 6 to 0. Th ese c omp ari ti ve

MULHALL AND I s cor es w ou ld indicate Ch ad ro n to I 1

E. Johnson, D. D. S. CHARLIE MURRAY I have lo ts of driv e, a nd Coac h G raf IrJ

Th'e Pe ru ele v en is in the best co n-

dition it has kn ow this se as on. K re

JCi 1s ac in t e 1n e- up at qu arter

a nd is expec ted to make thin gs in - 3

teresti ng with hi s pass es. The r es t 8

such men as H art, Sa utt er, Zoo k, J

Youn g, C as ebeer, a nd Hurst, a nd a ll ·• WHY IS THERE

of them capable. The line includ es

Capta in Bunch at the pivot w ith a N ESS AT THE COLLINS'

He rtz, Broc kman, Ri gg in s, Toft a nd a

Cowell at the t ac kl es; Willi ams, Ker- I COME

ner, Delz ell, a nd Shestak at gu ard s;

He a speed de mon on the I


ALL TOGETHER- The Mardis Store is now in position to furn-

ish your every food need. Fresh Meats, Lunch Meats, Milk, Bread,

Professor Hill has been notified of Cakes and Groceries. of all kinds. You will find our prices reasona-

his appointment by Mr. Harry C. ble, our merchandise the best, ancJ our service unexcelled. Barber, President of the National Phone 25 THE MARDIS STORE Phone 25

Council of Mathematics to serve on I q the membership committee As a part = _ of his duties Mr. Hill will at tend to

central states.

Have you noticed the large Nastur- 1 0 We are still in our old

ti um le af in the office. It was pre- i stand. Come in; you will be • s ented by Miss Tear. She has an

as welcome as you always

of raising flowers, and en-

JOYS it immensely. were.

This leaf is different from most

le aves, for, as Mr. Delzell says, it

has two diameters:, one seven inches 0

and the other seven and one-fourth


Why not have the other members

of the faculty show their garden · I, u' ,

products? see one each week


Wilbert L. Zorn, Bu'rwell, Nebraska

Burwell 0, Sarg ent 20

R. 0. Rasp, Grant, Nebraska

Grant 45, Palisade 0

Lewis M. Ca rter, Hemingford, Nebr.

Lawrence Malm, Edgar, Nebraska FRESH FRUITS AND C


Hemingford 24, Dalton 0 ONFECTIONERY

Edgar 6, Geneva 0 Cookies, Cakes, Bread, and Lunch Meats

George McElroy, Bridg eport, Nebr. Bridgeport 32 Sidney 0 HOT COFFEE, COCOA, AND SANDWICHES


day, October 31 for the State Teach-

ers Association. No school will 'be

Cleaners ·and Ta il o rs

What is a picnic l unc h without pas try and bakery delicacies? 'fe have at a ll times of fresh b uns , rolls, and pi es for your outmgs.

And the prices ? They a re right.

Y Ne bras ka November and day, November 2. Frilfay's classes Opposite Training School '5 will recite Saturday, November 10. No excuses will be given for absence from these classes. . 0 Fisk teachers Agency WHEN IN DOUBT- TRUMP OR COME TO

Q M. E. Shuck, Ph. D. Manager KOEPPLE'S CAFE

Suite 410-11 Symes, Denver FOR YOUR MEALS, LUNCHES, ETC.

Has more vacancies than satis- 0 P.hone 195 Peru, Nebr.

factory applicants to fill them.

and Greasing

Polarine and Mobil oil

PALMER I Ne braska City, Neb r.



T aken Ill While m Des Moines


L: Love1ess, assistant dire ct or of men' s physic al education, d ied suddeQ.ly Jl.1onday, nig ht, Octo ber 22 in the ' Methodist Hospital at Omah a, Nebraska. Mr. Loveless was taken s ick while wi th the Bo bcats at Des Moin es, Iowa Monday n oon, due to the se riousness of his illn ess, he was t aken to the hospital at Omaha.

H is home was at Empo ria, Kans as, w here ·the fune r al was, held Frid ay afternoon Several Peru people were at t he services Dean Delzell represen t ed the executive , d epartment, Charles Lin ds ay, the faculty , Russell Wasley the a thletic d ep a rtme nt, and Wa yne Ca tlett and W illiam Okrent represen t ed t he Senior a nd Junior cla sses.

).\'Ir. L ovel ess was g raduated from t he Emporia State Teachers College of Ei:nporia, Ka ns as, in 1926 and there gained a considerable rep u tation as a basketbal-1 player: He play ed fo ur years and was g ivert honorable menti.on on the a ll-Karisas c onfere n ce

tineup in 1923 an d '24, and, in 1925




Bobcats ' Scoring A tt ack in Last Half


The Bobcats op en ed the 1928 conf erence schedule Saturday, by handing Coach Stark's Eagles the short en d of a 13 to 0 count in a bitterly cont ested argu me nt before a l arge home coming crowd.

Bfth P eru to uchdowns came ro:ter a scoreless first h alf. The fir st cou nter came as a r esult of strai g·ht foo t ball wtth Hart, Zook, and Sau tter drivin g off the tackles and runnin g the en d,s l on g a nd cu nsistent gains. Zoo k carried t he b all 4 yar ds thro ugh , t he, lin e fo'r the score Krejci's t oe failed to fun ction for the ex tra p oi nt.

Th e Grafmen scored again in th t fo urth qua r ter after Kr ejci's return of Sampo nt's sh ort pun t to t he Ch a: dron 8-ya rd lin e. Zook again c arried th e ov al over the last whi te stripe. Krejci's t oe a dde d th e ext1 • point.



WORK IS COMPLETION and ' 26 was p lac ed as one oi; th e foi;- COMING


wards on the Natio nal my t;hi cal qu in-

tet He was .high p oint man at the

Nationai Tournament at Kansa5 City Much ,,.Enth usiasm Dis play-

in 1926 and was named a forward on

t he seeond All-American team After

r<:lce_ivi ng his d ee:ree


Players Show Much Talent in Homecoming P lay

Ch ad ron made her lone bid for scorin g honors in the second sta nz a. Sh ort passes ov er center an d an encl run or two ad vanced the ball to th · P eru 8- yard li ne the Bobcats to ok it on d ow ns.

Sat urd ay 's contest g iv es Per u a one game marg in of victories in the fo ur tu ssles bet-wee n the two schools.

In 1923 P eru pl ayed the Eag les to a 10 to 10 tie at Chadron: in 1924 t.h Bobcats h an ded Ch ad ro n a 6 to 0 defe at to cop the confe re nce c hampi onsh ip; 1925 saw Roy Wynne's pr oteges p ass t he buck a nd take th e champio nship from Peru to t he tu ne of 13 td 3. A tota l ";'ill show Peru to hav e ( Contin u ed on p age 4)

EVERETT CHOICE harmon iou s; Hnd every one of tho e Thhe building is ha lf as l ar.g e' Th e plot, bri efly, is thi s: John :M:ili-

Society Decides upon ture Producti on raindrops that fell before tri ed i ts as t e plans ca ll for. The state legi.'>- er, " The Po or Nut," is employed in b est to pu t a damp er on , it a ll-a nd lature did not appropri ate any more t he bo okst ore of "Colon e l" Sm a ll at F funds fo r t he construc t ion of the en- Ohio State. Marg erie Bl a ke is also a U• it couldn' t be done! tire building. It is hoped th at this cle rk in the store. Julia Winters, Along in the early par t of th e w eek will be done in the nea r future. Th at fro m Wi scon sin is en gage d to "Sp ike" spi r it c ommenced to g row st ron ger, part of the building will ex te nd ea t. Hoy t, tr ack cap ta in at t he l!"!'liv ersity

The Ev·eretts held a m eetin g Th urs- d t d h fr 11 and t he wo rk whi ch had been in pro- an w es an ave a ont ent ranc e .- ;>we1v e1 •1pnn C() : nin g- to Ohi o fo r day at 8 o'clo ck in th e Little Th ea tr e. at the north. The n_ art now under Lhe t rack meet, she de cides i lw t " Th e g ress fo r lon g be g an to com e in to

Roll call was taken by t he secre- construction extends no,r th a nd so uth Poor Nut" is mor e to her likin g, prod th · t f th l t more evident notice. B_v the middle ta ry an e m mu es o e as a nd occupi es the former site of th e vided th at he wins in the I 1ar k me C' i me e ting were rea d and app r ove d•. of the week folks beg ah to 'see that Old N,orm al Hall which w as recently • - ·: ·:• ; • ) , Taken ent fr ols oy s urMiss Burton gave a r epo rt of the it would be some Homec oming. The razed in order to make ro om fo r the prise, he is "hy pno t ized" by ,J .i li a



Program Presented in High Sc h ool Auditorium

The regular meeting of the Philoma.the an liter a ry society was held l as t Thursd ay evenin g in t he hi gh school a uditorium c ommittee of the E:verett pl ay. It p reli m in ary eruption of the v olc ano new building ." Winters, and , (a lthou gh he is re a lly was .de ci d ed by_vote to have t hr ee of pep h" h h d 1 b tt The buildin g bein g construc ed is in love with Mar g erie) they are "en- The program was under the di r ec1 th h · t w ic a ong een snu er-o ne- act p ays ra er t an JU S one F "d An- • 81 feet lon g a nd 61 feet a nd 10 ga g ed- practically." tion of John Bath a nd consisted of mg c ame n ay mormng. im- . . ... . play. . . . pr omtu ra ll y was in sti gate d by ,sever- wide · and three . stones . m 1 Next day comes the meet. In a four groups of music al numbers. 'then t he socie ty d eci ded w he t he1 1 1 d .d d b th b d


e1g ht The

floor 1s exception - I sh ort scene takin g ol ac e in t tr a in- The first was a pi a no solo by Ma x· h · lu· a ea ers a1 e y e an , an ev- · _ t hey should ave Just o ne or t ee ht k bl Th ally w ell a rran g ed. The entranc e at er's te nt at the field th e inferiority ine Re ag an; the second a violin sol o . h P . . t h" · . dj ery on e caug on remar a y. en . : • b pages m t e e1 uv1an is yea1 an t 1 the so uthwest corner op ens mto a complex of "The Poor Nut" is mi ra - Y Otto Boellstorff, a ccompa nied by ft d "t d "d 1 a con vo c at10n a re gu ation pep "b 1 h · L .11 H h H" fi b a er som e 1scuss10 n, 1 was ec1 - t" f ll d d th f th vestI u e. From ere, sta irs go up culously chan cr ed into a superiority uc1 e ug es. 1s rst num er h l n1ee 1n g o 0 we , an e or com- . "' ed to· hav e t e sa me as ast yeaI, . f d" d At th" t to the se cond floor. Al so, a ha ll from c omple x af te r his " eg o" has been on- w as "S a lute d' Armour" a nd his sec· 1ng r ay was IScusse . IS even 't hree pages. th . 1 , 1 b d .t the vesti bule connects wi th th e ma in er ated upon He ent ers th e rac e a nd ond "Perp etrf il Motion ." Pa ul Colh H e g ir s pep c u ma e I s appear- · 1 h Mr. S a,efer and Mr. er v ey we re ( d th t t 6 .00 th t hall, which ex t ends the full len g th of wins it. ms t en san g "D a nn y Boy" a nd as h d a nc e an ey go up a . a h b ·1a· d . 9 f "d . Th h" d l 0n t. e program committee an p re- m or nin g for oract ic e, too ). Fr id ay t e UJ mg an . IS eet w1 e. e Th at evenin g t here is a fr at er ni ty is secon se ection a popul ar n umsented the following: th - th d h d floor of t he hall is to have a concrete par ty John Miller re alizes th at he her "I To 11e Up Your Pic tu re Wh en , e ve nin g, en , e gra s a com- . . . . ·· y s "d G db ,, T Clarinet olo - --J oe J ones d . d th t" . base co vered Wlth ba ttleship lmole -h as b ee n du oe d in to t hi s en gag em ent ou a1 · oo ye. wo ce ll o so lo s P ·ano so lo Walter We ise m_e nce to co me m, an .e. un e was um The Physi cs deo artmen t will · · - by Imo Brooker,· "The Sw an," a nd 1 - - ripe f or a re al demonstrat10n. There · . - w ith Juh a, a nd, th r ou gh the help of · - (Continued on Page 3) h" B f d f d h "Traumerie" concluded tile pro gram. fo ll owe d a ro u si ng t orchli ght :parad e · is ota ny pro ·esso r an rien s, e

PIRATES OF PE NZANCE an d ra ll v whi ch told the to wn wh at ma na ges to slip ou t of it in a way IS THE ANNUAL OPE RA wa s up -( as if they ha dn 't been an x- AUTUMN TREES ARE th at ma kes s ome of t he others a ssu me ious ly wii ting fo r it all · al on g), and SUBJECTS OF NOTICE the roles of "nuts ." The con vention al BOBCATS TO WAYNE LAST OF WE EK Gilbert aJJd Sclii;,. an P iece to Be Pe r- whi ch w as prop erly closed by a mov , happy endin g is then in order after form ed in Pe ru ie at t he college a uditorium The Classes Are Stud ying Flora Intens- almost everything else has been p ut Peru Men Will Face Second Confer_,.. picture shown w as "The Colle ge ively at This Time out of order. Mr. Doyl e, of the mu si c dep art- H ero," don at ed by W. S. Whitfield.

In the role of "Th e Poo r Nu t," Don has an nounced the operati c By t he mi ddle of the fore n oon on Nume r ous g rou ps of stud en ts h av e Dur yea did q uite a cre ditabl e bi t of ence Oppone nt

(Continued on Page 4.) d.istance.

(Continued on Page 3.) state Tea<Jhers College ,

L as t yea r t he ga me w as playe d on P er u so il and r es ul te d in u r ath er lop-sid ed score, b ut the Wildc ats have be en buildi ng a fi ght in g t eam t hi s yea r a nd w ill be pl ayin g before a H om ec omin g day a s.s embly

Followin g thi s game P er u w ill not pl ay again un t il the gam e wit h Kea rney here on No ve mb er 16. Foll owin g t hi s is a game at Om aha with Om aha Univ er sity. Th e team at th at pl a ce h as had a compl ete r eversa l of form since l as t year and ha s bee n upsetting the dope pr etty

The Peru Bob cats w ill journ ey t hi s we ek to Wa yne, wh ere they will meet the Wild cats of th at ci ty on prod u ction of th e year to be " Th g Pi- th e ne xt d a:y , th e house deco rations been no tic ed on and a bout t he ca m-w ork. Marie L as h a nd Marg ar et r ates of .Penzan c e," a work by Gil- w ere a ll displayed, the various g roups pus durin g the p as t we ek or so Clineburg, pl ayi ng Mar ge rie Blake be rt a nd Sullivan. Th e opera w ill be ha ving done t hei r work quite faith- in g the .trees. Both the art a nd bi- a nd Juli a Winters, did two nic ely b l .> • 1 d L Saturda y, Nov emb er 3. g iven before the close of t he fi r st se-f ully. Of these 'so decor a ted hou ses olo gy dep artments are now makin g a a nc e.. opp osi t 1ona pa r ts, an eo mest er, t hus givi ng leeway fo r work ( as announced la ter) t he Tr en- speci al emp has is up on tree stud y, Haup t man came in for a g ood interon the M-I-N-K Mu sic a nd Dr ama tic s holm house a nd Mt. Ve r.non Hall were their reaso ns be in g qu ite diff ere n t. pre taiion of the eccent r ic Tournament a nd the comi ng G lee I t he winners. At the Trenholm house In so far as con cern s the biolo g·ist, Sma ll. Clu b tour the bovs of 't he di str ict mark ed off a the trees a re no w all in frui t a nd the " Spike" Hoy t, " Hub" Smith, and The aut hors of op era are weli / fi eld in th e y arfd, e rect ed :fall c hemic al changes in th e leaves "W a lli e" Pi er ce wer e playe d by' kno wn f or t heir wo r ks , some of the I g oal a nd suspended o ve r th e are b eg innin g to t ake pla ce. Ra lph Sellhorn , Cl ay Coy, and E arl' more :P rom inent of them b ei ng." Pi.na- / whol e of it a hu ge web , be ar - To the a rtist, color in the fall' Whippl e. This pl ay w as the first co lfore," " The Mikado," and "The Pi-! ing its we ll-k nown s1g mfic ant. char- wo ods is at its heig ht The re are yet lege appear ance fo r a ll of t hi s trio ; rat es of Pen z ance." T he mus ic o f' 1 act ers. T he up per story wmdows a few g reens left to blend into pie- no tw ithstand ing, t he p ar ts we re c arSir Ar t hur Sulliva n, while be in g of a; were covered from the inside with tures, altho ug h the reds and ye ll ow s ried we ll. classical ty pe, has rollicking cha rac- I .the blue a nd red. with white lett ers of the oaks are quite pre domi na nt. We ll de fi ned cha r ac t er roles were teristi<;s which recomm ends it even i symbolizing the c_olo rs of Pe ru Bes t views of the autumn foliage are taken by Harv ey Col e as P rofesso r to the uns killed .in operatic appr eci- '. and Chadron. Li ghts behind the se ob tain ed by m ass es rul seen fr om a Demin g, Harvey Nickel as Coach ati.on.


Entered at the Postoffice of Peru, as secb nd class ma ii. .'


STAY IN AT ..OCT. 27 GAME ,,·. . " FRATERNITIES .. Mond ay evenin g, October 15, Delta Alph a Pi, ·the edu GCatfo nal fr a terni ty of t he .college held i ts init iation of new member s r-t the hurn c of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tyler. The initi ation of each n ew me mb er., Popular Exec ut ive to Old tain P osition Gra ds Are Loyal P. S. T. C. to i It -is w ith ex ceeding gr e at j oy that I P.eru 's al umn i de scen ded upon the

Published weekly at Peru 6 ollege--t he oldest train· I :'as .the of_ reports co nr ernin the Missouri Valley, established 1867 mg sc ioo .mg mte restm g topics. These wel'e The Ped a:g ogian thi s we ek is a n- icampus Sa tu r day morning, and the nouncin g to the st udent bo dy, and 1 sc e ne was one of a successful others, th at President Pate h as re -!h omecomin g. A pproximately one considered his deci sio n to leave Peru. ! hu ndred th irty -three ex -s tu den ts of $ 1.00 the year. Single copy 5 cents _ STAFF

EDITOR - - :. - - JO E JO NES





1followed by questions asked by the act iv e memb ers of the fr at ern ity.

After t he initi atio n ceremonies, the h os te ss, Mrs. Tyl er, serv ed a very delig htful ltfn Ch. , The following person s were taken into t he fraterni ty :

Mary Conw ay

Fred Duey

Jon e:;

Har old McCre ight

Lucy Mitchell

Wilbur Schindler

Ru th Shelley

El sie Wallin









lt is with sorrow that we bri efl y IZATION pause to know a fri end and tea ch er 1 I ,_.__ is taken from u s, a nd our he ads are A short _ time a go t he s tatemen t of bow ed for him. Wi th double ke en- I a law of ge olo.gy was m ade ess is s uch gr ief felt bv tho se w ho ! an ed1 to nal a ppe arin g w ithin this knew him well as both. - cdlu mn. Th is law is d eriv ed fro m 0 h isto ri ca l geolog Y, a nd re s ul ts from ur te a chers, it seems, a re some 1 , observatio ns t ak en of anim al li fe way a l so close to us that somet hin g p ull s the v ery he a rt wh en on e has th ro ugh a ll the many earth ages. In S l .k simp le ter m s, th at Jaw is t hi s: "Hig h g on e. o 1 e our fr iends th ey are th t · h speci a li zation of a s_n ec ies indi ca tes a , te ac er- fr iends, th es e qu ali ties d bl d its prese nt ' e xtinc tion." It me a ns t l1 at o .en in an amal g am.

Think what t his, ou r lo ss, is wh en the a ni ma l or plant beg in s to mea n- pr od u ce ac cesso ry pr otective dev ic es in g; t hen consider the to tal h · h b w 1c t e v er,Y produ ct ion of these dev ice_ the life of a t ea ch er tou che s. It is sign ifies an in creased amo u nt of o erg ood to think upon . -

Well, folks , it's all ove r fo r anothsecut ion bein g g iv en to th at partic ular speci es.. T he most hi g hl y -spec ializ ed are s oon no mo re to be fo und


L et us take th at l aw out of its setr er ye ar, but wasn' t it a glor io us tim e t rn g· and app ly it elsew h ere. Consid-

Mr s. R. R. Wonde r Ad a W ag ner . Mis s McColluµi /.

L ast wee k, if · yo u w ill rec all thi s' P eru s ig ned t he re g ister at the Adp aper pub li shed th e fact th a; Mr .' mi n istrat ion bu i ld in g. This is the Pate in te nded to leav e t hi s i nsti tut ion !la rges t rep res en tative the alumn i in order that he mi ght b egin wo r ki ng ever sent to ho m ecoming. Neb rasinto a pos ition which wo uld en abl e. ka an d Io wa were of co u rse repr ehi m to sign Mr. Gl en Jod er's d io lo-1sente·d by t he maj ority, but th ere wer e ma on ce m or e. , Mr. Jod er, ;e ll : many from oth er states. Mrs Isabe l kn ow in g h ow m uch th e sc h oo l would Hartl ey- Peden came from Sherid an , miss Mr. P ate, h as hi mself fo u nd t he 1Wyomin g·, to c la im the h on or of beso lu tion to t he pr obl em in g the most remote re g ist rant. H ere is a late t el egram r ec e ived l If ap pearan ces me an an yth in g, from Mr j th en the t eachin g professi on r eplenPeru Pedagog ian ! ishes the -exch eq uer , broade ns the 'J - • Gentl emen: • " min d imoroves the morale, and ra ises Re st easy fo und a doubl e fo r Io nes le vel ge nera ll y. The 1 Mr. Pate an d m tend to train hi m to I ni were cer tain ly ex amples of a ll 1 write sim il ar sig n at u re Joder. 1these thi ngs . Shi ning new aut om o1 i biles, with ,at l east

Saturd ay, October 20,,the P&i Al -. REPORT QN 1ment p aid on th em, were hy p,ha ch apte r of Si g ma Tau Del ta ini- ! I nearly a ll t hese folk s.. H igh -p.ri<:e d in to ac tive membe rs hip . the; EXTRA-CURRJ


'j ew elry and Kolle ge Ku t K lass y· fo ll o,win g J?e r so ns: ·Beul ah Gayl ond, Klothes w ere ev i dences of ,thei r ftna nMcWilr I . --- !cia l well -being Iiams , Mary Con wa y, Lo vitt , F re s hmen Respond to Qu es- =· Th e ch an ge in perso n alities were nd fr. an ces Mor iarty. tionaire ; not alto geth er du e to e xter na l, ar ti-

Tho.se taken a ss ociate mem be r-' ___ fici al it ems, ho wever. This point w.as s b,ip w ere: Ralph Ch atel a in, Wayne ' A que stion aire \vas h an d ed out to ;m ustrated by o ne a lu m nu s w ho s aio Catl ett, Ha uptma n, Madonn a t he fr e sh m en ab.oµt three weeks ag o. an· :x-c l as smate, "Bill, l've .Brajfy, Lu,c1lle ,IIµ g pes, Mrs. :i;>. H. One hundred eighty-s ev en of t hese , more m my two mo nths of teachm gNorwoo d, Ch a rl es Linds ay, and Mrs. we re filled ou t and re turne d. jth an I did in any year .I spe11t in E. F. Monroe. Nine t een of this n um b er have bad co ll ege! And if' I di dn't cond uct mvTh e ch apter . had as its _g u est at teach ing experience, an d :. many of' 1self a lot bett er tha n I us ed to in c;la nd t he ceremony, in ext r.a-cu:r r icu lar 1 ! leg e, :I couldn 't two in the Dr. J. Q. Owen of W ay ne State ac tivi ties w hile ,m hi gh sc h oo l: tea chrn g p ro fessi on. B eheve, me it T ea ch ers College. Mr. Owe n is the 34 in debate, 20 in declam a tion , 74 1su re ly do es show a .man fl aws in found er of Si gma Tau Delta and is at. in d ramati cs, 17 in lite r.ary soci eties, h is own make-up." T he atti t ud e of pr es en t execu t iv e s ecretary of the 61 in cho ru s, 90 in g lee c lub, 18 in !m ost alum ni seems to follow thi s lin e or ga ni zatio n. He presented in an in- orchestr a, 26 in Y. W. C. A., 19 in of t houg ht g ene ra ll y. It ta k es a good te r estin g ma nner the hi story of th e st ude nt coun cil , 24 in G. A. A. , 79 in man to be a ve ry g ood te a che r°. .. or ga niz at ion and ·' a statement of its b asket ball, 20 If! footb a ll, 35 in tr ack, Some of t he bo ys who we nt out thi s aims. 32 in te nni s, 20 in Gi rls' Reserv e. 31 /all seem to have thought t ha t the Thi s is t he first t ime the Peru ch ap -s tud en ts play pi a no , -a nd many Jfirst mon:h's should be spenJ te r h as ever b ee n p ri vil e ged to h ea r can play other 111 str u ments !for marri ag e li c ense, fur ni t ure and an a dd r ess by t he fo und er of the na-A la.rge nu mb er of stud en ts are 1 •·groceries fo t two. As a resul t, t hese tiona l En glish fr atern ity, a nd b oth particip atin g in extra-c ur ri cul ar ac - fellows c am e to h om ec om in g, but not the old a nd new me mb ers were hi g h- t ivi ties of the co ll ege. Here ar e lalone ! Aft er all profess ors a re jus t ly by the hon or w hi ch Drl some fig·ure s: ! human bei ngs, ev en if t hey do asOwen's visit b estowesl . 25 in l\ter ap 13 ,in dr ama,'\su:ne :he propor ti ons of an old-ti 1 ne tic club, 70 m Y. W. C. A., 21 in execut1b'tl;er at e1i'. am- tim es: •• 'L

er that which the n ations today are h · t" s '"h nC11 w 11 e 1t as e · ou may wo r spe ci a lizin g to their hi g he st · I . 1 . 1 t d? y nde a

M. C. A. , 35 in glee club , 27 in an excellent time , and many exlpre;_sd-

chorus, 40 in ot er or g an1za ion · ed tliei·r of _ L e sr, e the


Many others would like to be a mem- . . "t of wel ,.ome manifested by bit why we're calling this issue the -systems of armaments. How lon g' CL ' · t" Th sp1r1 - 1 ..:i tha t I ber of some or gamz a ion. ose stu dent body. Seve ra! dee l:' :e u Hom ecom in g iss ue, but, after all. can this continue before extinction is 1 1 d g e ve • '-------·--------- iste a re: t his was the finest homecomin Homecoml·ng 1"s 1·etrospective ra ther1 accomplished? For tunately, it will Th d · I L"t ... · i"eties 62· dramatic d sed hope!>

The Junior class met urs ay m, 1 era, y soc , , . stagert in Peru, an exp res . - than Prospect·1"ve. We like to look probably never come, for man, u nlik e

Th f' 1 b 60 y M and Y W 61 ath - b t es 1n the A202 at chapel tim , e. e purpose o_ ' c u_ ' ; . ·. . . , for big ger and e 1Jer on back to J ·t th1"nk ove1· all tl1e the lower forms, is endowed with l d l 61 44 I J about lhe meetin cr was to elect a c ass e i· f et1'cs, ; music, · f t e Few f ailed to re1n ar { friend3 we m et a nd the go ,,cl time we power- to think. · However, is he ex- tor for t he., Peruvian. Madonna Bra- 1 Several clubs were which ur · er al i muroveme n ts which havl· ha d. If thi s issne of rhe Peda g·og·ia,11 erc1sm g this divine -given powe r day was elected for the positio i:. might _be organized for ·be::e:nd nre being made 'o:1 T he c'&m: help s you }ust a bit t '. "iu tl.d, we when he deliber ately throws n ature' s pla ns a re -being made· for the Juniors Followm g are some. Social club , Thev all h ave :he interest 01 are glad.

Ilaws back into her face? . Compete- to have their pictures ta ken fo'r Freshmen Dramatic Club, Litera r_y much at heart, if And there re a lly were lots of t he .tive ar_mai:ient is only_ Pe ru via n before long. After some di s- Club. 11 alty of a lumni means any1.-lnng at "old t im ers" we spoke of a week or specialization of protective devices- cussion about class dues , the Why should we no t make to a t ea c he r's colle ge, he n P eru So ago weren't there? It m ea ns it "cannot nor it will not come to . d" d for freshmen organizations in which .. h f t . de · ed d ,, mg a JOUrne ·


much to these fo lks to ab e -c b'lt:k once goo · • ·.,_ Id I t each one ma_v show his ab ili ty? It

The soohomores ne a c ass mee · in a yea r, or, perh a ps, five years or Such omment as this, perhaps, is in g Tuesda y, October 22. The meet- seems· as though the freshmen receive ten years. We can hardly deny the a t rifle far-dist a nt; but should it be - d b D 1 ·D k little if any encourag ement. This is in g was called ,l;o or er y a e e fact ' that we had most g lorious fun. beyond the reach of a college and the minutes of the last meeting one reason why many drop out of

To' you, who have come an d t hen dent in "this so-called "age of enli g ht· read and approved. college life b efore finishing the fir st g one back again, we wish luck and enment?" We think not. . year of college work. Rememb er,

The questipn of sophomore pms each of _vou was once a f re s hm an. hope to see you a gain ne xt year.

d d th motion wts

THINGS ABOUT READING was di scusse an e How did you act and fe e l? Wouldn' t Isn't it a great feeling to be comin g made that a committee of three be h ? Th th" b t you h ave been very gl ad to hav e an ome. er Is one mg a ou a news appointed to decide on standardiiing

And then, more seriously, all of us · 1 hi h · 1 · 1 upperclassman as an ho nest- to-good -

Purpos es of Both Organizations Discussed

paper art1c e w c is very og1ca • 't he sophomore pins. ness friend? What do you think will be coming home in some future d t at times seems to be a most • d h y. W. and Y. M. C. A. held a join t an ye

Ted Roehrkasse aske eac mem- about tre ating our freshmen as real time. Let's hope that it will be iri f t nate circumstance That h" th meeting Wednesday, O C<tober 23. un_ or · ber of the class to sign is name ,e friends? L et's help an d encourag e that same spirit of happiness and th the fact that 1f you wish to · th The ouening son gs were mg is way he wished it to appear m e them all we can, a nd take an inter-friendship with we came on get all the thmgs an article s avs, you p . in t he Light" and "Open My Eyes that t he twent_v-seventh 'of October, nine- 11 - d ll eruvian est in them. ,, are well ni gh comoe ed to rea a the question I May See h d d t . h . . - h Class dues we1,e ano r d, d El teen un i:e twen Y etg t. of 1t. It is, we say, unfor t un ate t at . Th" t d upon an

The Devotionals were i;ea an. l . I discussed. is was vo e "S E this 1s so, but ag am , most og 1ca . b f th 1 1-s to pay do n H ayward talked on eve!! s- each mem er o e c ass

APROPOS THE "OLD TIMER" It is not well to take a jump at a $5 00 class dues.

The pages of this paper contaih conclusion about anything you re a c.•

PUBLIC OPINION sentials of a Chris tia n."

0 t A cello solo was played by Im o

The freshmen met Tuesday , .c O· this week an interview with one of in a newspaper, m agazine, or b ook f 1 Brooke r after which Bernard Gal!ober 22, for the purposes o e ectmg _a the few u_ icturesque characters still if suc h mater ial has been only ha lf- d d" How many of the re a ders of th e way san g a solo entitled "Dream class editor for the Peruvian an lS· left in that portion oil Peru left un- di geste d, or, worse yet, only half· Pedagogian }Jave used the Pub lic Flowers." b h C M f h ·ead Th e prevalent tendency to cussing class dues.

touched y t e ollege. ost O t e

O · · B · th l

residents of t e village ave seen m1ms

h h glance at the he adl).n es a nd then pub - Donna Jane Delzell was elected edi-

h h )l.sl1 ::-l ad- t1"d1"ngs a' bro ad 1 ·s n ot a .,,,·_ • t o1· a nd it was voted that the class h

t e "Old Tim ers" yet few · a ve con- ::: no


Peru 6

sidered it worth their time to more one . It would be better not to r ea d dues would be $3.00 for the first se- t he Peda gog ian Staff desire di rect p arts . The first part was discussed than nod at the old chap. He as- at all. ' mester. 1 criticism instead of ha ving it come by Corrine Frye and t he sec on d and serts that he has resided in these re- There is too, too much on th is half-· A committee of five wa s appo m_ted 1 in a round about way. If you have third pa rts by Sue Wesner. gions since "long ago-long before Ibak ed philos ophy which ta kes its sh a l- to consider the question of class pms. 1 any criticism or comment to mak e, The purpose of the Y. M. was disyon college was builded".....:. an d we low roots in h ard g round where o nl y \ use th e P ub1ic Opinion Box. If th e cussed' -in much the same manner exdQJ not suspect any inaccur acy in his 1 the surface h as been scratched. Peda gogian pleases you, te ll others, cept that it was divided into fou1· statement. .. Commen t on things read is a fi ne NOTICE if not, tell u s. Thi s is yo ur paper . parts, the first and second being disThe "Old Timer" will never read thing after re a din g; comment on By aU me a ns do not te ll one or two' cu ssed by Arthur Lindahl, an d the Owi ng to the fact that ne xt t.hese P"'ges nor the pages of h1"s in- them before they are re ad is no t so · · members of the staff about the p ape r. t hi rd and fourth by Fred Duey ,... week will follow the vacation terview He is happy without it- good. . Te ll the entire st aff. M a-y we hear 1 rec ess for Teachers Associ a tion , from yo u soon? far happier, with hi s Ozark hound, there will be no iss ue of th e h_is fra g rant corn-cobs and his little A WELCOME ARRIVAL Pedago g ia n on November 7 Harold McC reigh t. wife who bakes, we swear, the finest We are t6 see the n ew fla g, The Ped agog ian hop es th at g inger-bread ever put between the ipole erected on our campus. A conte , eth of mortal man. · f • fl you enjoy your vac atio n as , stant viev,: o our country s ag in much as we think we are goin g ;From ti-me to time this or gan will times of peace as well as in times h h"I h h h ,to enjoy ours. pi-int some of t e p 1 osop Y w ic of war- why not?

Look for our next issue, then , him occassionally-bits of Tuesd ay, November 14.. Thank Jong-forgotten lore, yet of some interest to the inhabitants of Old Peru · you. on the Hill.-" Crock." against the initiation ceremonies?

St. Louis 6

St. Louis 16

Cr eighton 6 ?

Saturd ay ·:night, - october 20, and Mond&y night, O.::t,lber 22, Miss Clark Miss Irwin, :i\liss Tilti• n, and Miss Fau lhaber gave Hallo-wete11 oart.ies for the faculty ladies and dames

There at the Higgins home Hallowe'en and games and all t hat goes with the season of the year were enjoyed After t he entertainments g ood refreshments were e rv1 ed.





You are a partn er in t he big est A NE'UT



Dear est Folks:

b us iness of the world In £1 fY Ju st had Jim cl ass a nd I am so stiff t roublous t imes whe n disse n sion th at I ha rdly bend Mr Graf• shakes the world we enjoy a g reater Id ea Ta kes Well With All our tra iner or what ever he mi g ht meas ure of sec urity and pro s peri ty Students be called sur e put us thr ough our

than is enjoyed by any other peop le passes th is morn If he had to do

on t he face of the eart h. Yo u hold · a ll he ma p.e us do I bet he would be stock in this greatest governme nt of We ha ve he a rd much lately in our mo re easy up on us. How do you like t he world. educ a tion cl a sses of the use of the my grammer? Boy we su re are g o-

Everyo ne knows how t he old na -m ovie for educ a tional purpo ses. Th e in g to pa rade all over t own with the t ions looked with curiosity u po n the fi rst actual presenta tion of such films band playing and ma ke as much str ipling which, -1n 1776, s et up its on our camp us by a colleg e depa rt- no is e JlS we can . I bet we sure wake own g overnment a nd n amed its elf the ment occurred not long since, some good sleepers llP· Say you "United State is_ of Am eri ca." Eur op e w hen t he biolo gy depa rtment pr esent- should have been her last Friday called it t he "American E xper i me nt." ed four reels of plant a nd anim al pie- ni g ht to hear t he Rushin g Cosacks. 'that experiment is th e wor ld 's g re at- tures. Some four hundr ed st uden ts There were 12 of them and when est s uccess The fe d eral gove rn men t, gathe red at th e auditorium " to par- they g ot golng g ood th ey made more th e product of se ven g ener at io ns of ta ke of the visual educ ation." Their noise then a ll of us when we are Ameri c ans, is .the ric h est i nheri tan ce v er dict was that the pictures were giving college yells. The re was a b as e ever handed dow n to the citi ze ns of e quall y instructi o nal and entertain- that could sing so low that it soundany nati on , and it is you rs. irn g. Hence the biolo gy departmen t ed like ' he was down s eller There

Yet, you a buse t hat inheritan ce In pl ans to its educ ation al films was another guy, I guess he must 192-i. after a vigoro us att empt to get fr equently durin g the year have sang souprana, that could sing t he voters ou t to the po ll s, o nl y fi fty - Th e pictu res recentl y run were so high that -When he got to the top one per ce nt of the po ss ibl e vo t ers . ob tained from t he education al se rv ice he sounded like our old windmill cast -ballot. This means th at fo r ty - of the United States Deprat ment of does when it needs greesing. There nine per cent of the sto ck h old ers in A griculture, and were taken especi a l- was four parts to the singing and afth is great American bus in ess f'a il ed to ly for use in educational institutions ter the third part nearly all the peotake a pa rt in the active adm inistra - The ti tles shown w ere "Forests Green ple got up to go. They thot it was tio n of its po lic y. or Forests Gray," "National Bird Re- the end . After they found out there Idealists gav·e than ks when the fu ges ," and " When Elk Come Do w n." was more to come they all set down franchi se was extended to A meri ca's again. I would a been clean outside women. Su r ely t he e nnobling e nflu - I by the time they found it out if I ence of woman wou ld make th e st ruc-1 j hadn't a got stuck on some fresh t ure of the state secur e. Ye t, h av e EXCHANGE


I paint that was on the new raleing they u sed it? Barely t hir ty-fi ve p er , they put around the balcogna. I gue ss cent of th em c ast votes in t he last you'll have a hard time washing my campaig n. Wome n, info_r m your- On the campus at the University of handkercheif because I wiped the selves and go to the polls next we ek ! Arkansas freshmen must not only paint off on it. I wasn't the only one The America n rep ublic ca nno t su e-wear t he re g ulati on g reen cap and th at got stuck tho because I saw some ceed, cannot co n tinue to exis t, un less a rm band, but also a black tie and of the rest of them wiping paint off the citize ns who con tro l i ts de sti nie s cot ton socks.-Midland. I suppose the Rushings thot that we corre spondin g ly k eep th emselves in- didn't like their music because we got est me na ce to demo cr acy. Shouldn't Pl ans a re well under way for the up to go. They couldn't talk has said th at ign oran ce is the g reat- fir st Homec oming Day ever observed' lish, you know. Well J must go the est men a ce to democr a cy Shouldn't in t he hi story of Cotner College to be h hr iiry and study so; we s ay, "Indolence is t he gr eatest h eld on Frid ay, November 2.-The Youre affrictionate son me nace to dem oc ra cy !" C otner.

Why a ll this raving-y ou as k?


New Science Hall

I I I ATTORNEY AT LAW t (Continued f.rom Page 1.)

have the first floor. The southe ast room on this floor w ill be for the Ph ysics labora t ory work. The south wall will have the ' blackboard., and ve i: y excellent equipment will be furnished the department. On the north of the Physics laboratory room is the office and the store room. North of these two rooms is the lecture room Just north of the entr a nce to the building will be lavatories and janitors' store room.

West of the ha ll, in the north part, will be a room to be used at present for a g eneral store room . South ofthis will be a bal a nce room for scales. There will a lso be a dark room which will be used for certain which require oeing worked in the dark.

This new building will be one of the finest Science buildin gs in the . Gentr al West.

(The Pedagogian will print va rious articles about this building as the work progresses, aiming to keep you informed as to how the plans are being realized.)

"The Poor Nut"

(Continued from page 1)

Jackson, Cedric Crink as "Mag pie" Welch, Mallace Hervey as "Doc" Spurney, and Dale Dyke as the starter. I· PHONE 56 PERU

Minor roles, of which the importance must not be underestimated, were carried by John Bath, Charlotte Carlson, Lois Metcalf, Lucille Newcomer, Russell Shaefer, Edward Shaefer, Frank Cope, Harold Reid, a nd Fred Cole.

The stadium scene in the second part of Act II will long be remembered as one unique in th e annals of I Peru dr a matics, and the new scenery i used in' Act III aided the o roduction

I (Continued from Page 1.)

COACH LOVELESS DIES J materi a lly.0 Well, next Tuesday is ele ct ion d ay. It is an opport une subj ect- don 't yo u t hink? "The Mollusc," by Hubert Henry D avies, presen t ed by the Theatre Ar ts Le ag ue was a huge success. The larg e a udience was v ery appreciative.


Associations Held in Six Dist ricts of State

The Nebraska State Te ac hers Ass od ation will be better a nd larger th is year than. e.v.et: b.e.fru:e The t.h eme thi s year is "Teaching as a F ine Ar t."

Onl y t he most favorable of comments a bout the pl ay have been heard.-

Ke a rney Ant elope.

The annual fa ll Homecomin g is pla nned .for Satur,day; November 3. All alumni, old students, and parents of the studen ts are cordiall y invited to co.me and make merr y.

The main feature of the day is the bi g g ame of football between the undefeated Peru Bobcats · and the Nebraska is divided into si x conventi on districts, with he a dqu arters

September 5, and was highlv regard- 1 G - ' Pl ed by the faculty body I eor ge s ace }\ He was instructor in phys ical / V tion and coach of ba sketball m the I Lunches of all kinds college, as well as director of the physical education pro.g ram in the Tr aining School.

"To loue or to hate, to like or contemne; to plie' this waie or that waie to g ood or to bad, ye shall haue as ye vse a child in his youth."- Roger Asch am Homemade Pies Ice Cream, Candy Cold

There is no Substitute FOR HONESTY

at Lin coln , Om ah a, Norfolk, Nort h Wayne Wildcats on P latte, McCook, a nd Chadron. .Spe- If the local team has ever fought · c ial railroad rates will be g iven to they will be called upon to pu t un a I./

te achers attending the convention. real defense at this time. - 0

Such noted persons as Harold' Peru ha·s one of the best teams in

Rugg, Dr. Henry Suzz a lo , and Dr. H. her his tory and flaunts a list of vie-


L. Martin will talk at the me etings. tories to prove her nrowess that Besides these many Nebraskan s w ill might stanch the of any but Shoe repairing at 'Comfortable'

ta ke part. a Wildcat. The Wildcats, the alumni prices! Ladies Shoes a Special-

Miss Nona Palmer, Pe ru's com- with them in the -grandsand, are go- ty. I I merce departm en t, is vice-president in g to strive had to put a blot on I of District II. Peru's record. Everybody come to (The Shoe Shop on the East


Mr. L. :B. Mat he ws, Principal o:f' see how it is done. · Side of the Street) I s enior higb school, is pre <; ident ot 1 After the game there will be the t he high schoo l 'S ec tion , Dis;;rict II. renewing of friendships and the

Mr. A. L. Hill, h.ead 0f meeting of new friends at the supper depar!;ment, will give a paper on the hour. ?

"Hiah .School Phvsics Course" before In the evening is the annual home· Q

t he "science me<!ting of t he coming frolic in the gymnasium. ? BOB KNAPP



COAT a!·' i<'ciation meetin g in Om aha. There will be music and fun and J (N

HAW KEYE MEETI N I v 1s1 1ng.- ayne o enro

dancmg and opportumty for more !\ p t ) he G · •t· W G Id d f avemen Your Fall Dress, Your Hat,

Cla y Coy was elected president of

t he Hawkeye club, at a meeting

Thursday morning at cha pel time in WHEN IN AUBURN VISIT THE A303. The following other officers LAWRENCE


There you will find the Best for Less were elected.

Ma rion Hall · __ Vice-president lo HIGH GRADE CANDIES SANDWICHES

Daisy Peirc e - Secretary () FOUNHIN SERVICE G ladys Kinsey Treasurer

There was some discussion a bout dues and pictures for the Peruvian and the meetin,g adjourned.


Roland Rasp, Grant, Nebraska Grant 24, Lodgepole 0

Wilbert Zorn, Burwell, Nebraska

Burwell 0, L oup City 12

Geo r ge McElr oy, Bridgep ort, Nebr. Bridgeport 7, Alliance 19

Arthur Gariss, Harti ngton, Nebr. Hartington 6, So. Sioux City 12


J was a real man. I don't like it tells you bu t t he fin a! kerso n fo r Br uns don , Schaffner for ( DO YOU PLAY FAl R?


and-" MI·ND I "Abel, Abe r, come into this hou se land be a eatin' your supper, 'stead o'talkin like any old women," th e

Views of College Life by old Resident

"By Gar, I don't think so very much of this school up on the hillto o m any wommin g it there a nd g it wron g ide as into t heir heads." Th e "Old Timer" was seriolAS as he t ipp ed hi s chair against the wall , scratched his bus hy head and expect or at ed an expe rt qu i1d of Pigtale Twist o nto the slumbering ba ck of' h is Ozark hound, spr awled in the dust befor e his feet

'Ye know young feller, I came to th es e here re g ions before yon school. house was built and we g ot alon g g ood until that time No youn.g bucks and t heir gals ra1sm g Ned a round the str eets after dark, when a feller liked to sit down in his yard a nd smoke a1 peaceful pipe after a day in the field or up the river It ain't so bad .today with the la ds gett in' full of eddicuta ion-I spect they are better off th an I was. Th ey can lay o'bed of a mornin' and take a bat ht wice a week , if they want to, and then, they go to Omah ay and Ch ic ag o w here they .g it g ood money a nd don 't do nothin'- 'cept talk Meb be I should hev bin a minis t er or a g rocer OP even one of these her e sma rt professers w ith the white collars who git money for talkin'-jest t hink of it-money fer ta lkin.'" Th e The "Old Timer" was a little wistful as he considered the 'mig ht-havebeen.

''It's these g als that g it m e," The '.'Old Timer" became ni gh apoplectic -da nger ous for one of his yearsand spi t ting out his Twist rammed hu ge quantities of strin gy tob acco into a brown corn-cob pipe. "It's the se .gals that g it me," he repeated with a picturesque use of Biblical p hr ases and spat thrice.

"They don't larn nothin'-you know one of' the school-marms told me she was a-takin' lessons in cookin' at · the school-lessons in cookin'!" He slowly repeated with di sg ust personified appe a ring on his hard old face. '.Ye know, youn g fell er, I on ct kn ew a lad workin g on t he ri ve r w ho w as

w hi st le left Peru as vic to r, 13-0. S au tte r. Cha dro n; Alm lfren for Th e da Y. c lo sed with the pr odu cti ,)11 Sa mp ont, S tang le fo r of " The P oor Nu t''-coll eg iate to th e E vans fo r Che ne y, J? u cld ngham ..fQr do t. A dr amatic club r'ecep t ioh fol · Stangle, Beg uin for Bush, B ush fo r ,

v oice of the "Old Timer's" spouse was definite and authoritative Got to be gettin' in-the old woman don't like me to talk like t his" muttered the "Old Timer" as he knoc ked .the ashes out of his pipe and ki te enward. And as :flo r the "young feller ," he plodded toward '.' yon college" medit a ting upon many medi t ations

10\ved t he pl ay

Peter so n, B rash ear fo r B i,i c king ham, No one can question the real, t rue S ampont fo r Brash ea r, Ch eney foi' -:P er u. sp irit!- th at w as so pr edo m in -E va ns.

a nt. It's all over no w, tha t's tr ue ; Sum mary: bu t won' t we ha ve an other fi ne one Ya rds from scri mm ag e: Peru 213, ne xt y ear ? Ay.e, every inch a Hom e- Chadr on 31. c omin g! Ya rds lost from scrimm ag e: Peru 49, Ch a dron 17 Chadron Game Ne t y ards gained fro;n sc .rim mage: Pe ru 164, Ch adr on 14.

(Con t inued from Pa ge 1.) Passes : Peru comple t ed 4 ou t of 15

sc ored 32 poin ts to 23 for Ch adron fo r 35 ya rds- Chadro n c omp le ted 1 1.

PE RU (1 3) (O) CHADRON ou t of 28 for 123 yards.

Pike - ----e - Crump 4ver ag e of p un t s: Peru 33 yard s,

Hertz -- - It - Al tig Chad ro n 31 yards.

Delzell lg ____ Weller (c) Pe nalties: Peru 65 ya rds. Ch fl dr on

Bunch - -c _____ Pet erson .35 yards.

O ur ad v ert jsets do. It is on ly throu gh long merited se rvi ce th at our ad v;er ti sers rec ei ve t he recog nit ion of being as ked. to in t his, y ou r

own pap er Be fair w ith yourself. A 'vail y ou rself of the opport unity of .dea ling with re gular, bona fi de MER CHANTS


R. Will iams _ _ rg __ Clay Ro ok Touchd own s: Zook 2. B ro ckm an __ rt Bush Poin ts afte r tou chd own : Kr ejc i 1. I i

Hofma n.------ re ·- - Gtaud Ro'ok Score by quar ters : 0 Crys tal Theatre .,.

Kre j ci - qb - Che ne y Peru 0 0 6 7-13 I youn g - Jh - Perrey Chadron 0 0 0 Or- 0 I f Zoo k :rh · . IN · · C as e be er --- fb - - Stang le SERVICE STATI ON i I Substitutions: Peru- Toft for ij er tz, • I Ch inato wn Charlie I lClauss en for Casebeer, Ha rt for Repair Wor k I Also C omedy "SUGAR DA- I :Young, Sautter for Hart, K ern ei: fo: Courtesy f DIES" ·• Williams for Kerner, Delzell J M ROWEN jfo r .Wiliiams, Hurst 'for Cl auss en, • • I WED ., OCT. 24, 1 DAY ONLY - 'I , Ma thews for Pike, Miller for Bunch, 1 1 "The Poor Nut" I. l ' ftothert for Mathews, Rail sb ac k for I I Rothert, Simpkins for Rig g ins, Ri g- WITH • • 0 nson, · · · ' CHA RLIE MU'nR AY ·· ·1 lg j,ns for '!loft, Fowler for Delzell, A E J h D D S t Iii JACK MULHALL AND Brunsdon for Brockm an, Parrio tt fo .' I <J.• ...._ LHofman, Ubben for Par r io tt, Gr ass 1 He wai:.

sp e ed dem on on the I !for Fowler, Liver.more for Zook, Ac- Phone

NEW " '

Homecoming Activities


a thinkin' of -bein' a la wyer. He g ot some bi g from Om ahay and we nt into them when he should hev been a-sleepin' olni g hts. Aft er 'bout a month we fished him out O' the water pl um a nd cra zy- the corner came r ound a nd sed he fail ed in examinations for the b ar-po or eddi cated fool. he was." The "Old Time r" into the valley, set tled down in his ch a ir a nd ran his thumb caresingly over the pun g ent surface of his cob smoke

'But that's all rig ht, I 'spect." He was not throu gh and was waitin g f or the "young feller" evince s urprise at his re aso ning against the effic acy of edu c ation gained in "yon school." "I ag in the gals the way the g overnmint is puttin' q ueer idees in their small heads. They don't larn .and they o nly go to teach to fuih some fell er into marriage ' cause they're eddicat ed. My wife, now, she knows mor'n a ll Peru College put together .• She's never bin to school and she kin cook and wash and keep her mouth shut when the men folks are a talkin'. '.But the

ALL The I\:Iardis Store is now in to 1 !


ish •your every food need. Fresh Meats, Lund). Meats, Milk, 'Bread, . . Cakes and Groceries. of all kinds. You will find our prices reasona-

Home of Hart, Sc haffner & Marx . ble, our merchandise the best, and ,our service unexcelled. 914 Cen tral Ave., Auburn, Nebr. , ? Phone 25 THE MARDIS STORE Phone 25



Cookies, Cakes, Bread, and Lunch Meats




ed.icated g als, they are a ,goin' 'gainst wishes of their lawful husbands I

a nd drive cars and go g addjn' and, and by G.ar, talk politics jest like the men folks. They don't obey a nd they don't work any more-only go • a workin' their mout hs jest as if they

M. E. Shuck, Ph. D.

Has more vacancies than satisfacto.ry applicants to fill them.

Opposite Training School

This is Picnic Time

Wh at is a p icnic lunch wit hout pas try and bakery delicacie s? We have at all times p l'e nty of f resh buns, rolls. and pies for yoµr o utings.

And the prices? Th ey are right.

Peru Ne bras ka:



Po pular Opera to Be Giv en Here D ecember 15


Meetings in Six Nebraska Districts

en tati vel y been set at Dee nes ay even in g. lu ncheo n in Omah a was at the Rom e ·PERU PEOPLE HONORED The t' cember· 3, the game to ne pla y- mee mg was op ene d by sin g- Hotel, F ri day Prof ess or Doyle gave

As th e a11nu I th' th lng se I H ed at Wa yn e as p er schedul e. a op era, is ye ar e · - vera son gs , arla nd Hieli g then

a solo .and led t he s inging. Dr. C. M. It has been estim a ted th at at l east music dep ai·tment will present "The had ch arg e of the d evotio nals. · Brown playe d a violin s olo. R. D. P A · I


HOverh olt, fo rmer r egistrar, was the opera in two acts w1·itten by Gilbert ed a c lar in et so lo, "Ev eni ng Stars" guest of honor, a nd R. Maghee, su per- sess ions of the Sta te Teachers Assoand SuUivan fr om the opera "Tannh auser" by

3,000 te achers attended th e openin g irates of Penzan ce ." This is a comic s a specia un mber J oe Jones pl ay - ·


.i ntendent at Columbus, presid ed. ciation at Lincoln, a nd more tJha n th at Waa-n er He w · d !Ct

A th t M' T 1 number in Omaha. " Artistrv in The Pirates, .as it is famili arly call - 0 as a ccomp ame at mong ose pr esen were iss o m ., the piano by Ra! h Ch t l · f 11 d M' z k Teaching" was t he motto of Dis trict ed, is one of t he very f ew op eras of P a e ain ormer co ege nurse, an 1ss ac , Mr Ty le th k h R d f "J. · " L f · · h I at Linco ln. Due to the bad snow- note to have pr odu cti on in Am erica. · · r, e spea er of t e e ve - ecor 0 1mm1e ove• orme r pri mary sup ervisor m t e n in g use d as h · b · t " Th f t · · s h I p w R p t storm, the conventions in the six di s- Thjs unusual step wa s ta k en to pro- lS su Jee e a rm ,... less a Fine One ra1mn g c oo . re s. . . a e gave P rob l em" h' · f 1 d' d t lk d Ch I s tricts we re not as w ell a ttended as tect the rights of the co mposers a nd mg it rom th e a sp en 1 a , an ar es pa cht, publisners in American represe nta- econo111i c st !{n dp oint "A m ode l at hl ete ." That is how his principa l at Bellvue, led the college they ot herwi se would have been. tio ns of the work Re poi nt ed ou t, ,that to hi s know!- ye ll. A discussion of met hods of ecluca. · . ed ge, co ope rative methods of fo r m- fo rm er coac h Victor Trusl er, describ es At Lincoln th.ere were 107 Peruvi- tio n w ith part icular referenc e as to . The firs t act an d the en-' ing we re qu ite su cces.s,ful, a nd t hat James Linwood Lo v eless, late basket- a ns at th e Saturda y lun cheon. Rex whether a child should be given opt.ire opera s cored m country, and! many p re di ct th at t he tren d of a(l-r i- ball coach of Peru State Teachers col - D. Ba ile y, cl ass of '14, presided. Mr. portunity to develop according to hi s work ';?-s npt p ubhsh :d u nti l af ter Icultu re in t he fu t ure will· b.e fow7ir d lege

Doyle also led thesingin g here and own inner life inst ead of following J\.1es srs. Gilb e rt an r;l Sulliv an h ad re- J' incorpo ration. He also .stated that talks were given by a number of' per- the theories of par ents and teachers tu d t E 1 d "Jimmie," as his friends affectionrne 0 ng an · t the farm er w ho ma kes his bu siness a sons. Bo):> Ha rrison a former Peru fo rmed the theme of the two ad dre ssG .lb t' d 1· htf 11 · d ate ly ca lled him, spent all but the last 1 er s very e 1g u y whµnsi - j stu y, m ak es it a success.

che er leader, led the yells es of Distri ct I Thurs dily morning at cal story te lls of Fre deric , appren tic ed, In closi ng Mr. Tyler g ave three of two y ears of his life in Emporia, "Kan- A movement was started for an the general ses sion in the University when a ch.ild to 'the Pirat es of Pen- i the most li k el y solutions to th e far m sas. He was the son of Mr and Mrs alumni building fund. -A large sum Coliseum. Dr Frank N. Freeman of zance who we re very gentle with or- 1 problem : (1) De velopmen t of inte r-George Loveless of that city, and re- was pledged to go tow ard making a t he Univers ity of Chicago presented pha ns for the re a son that they th em -; n al waterways (2) A .b a lanc ed tariff ceive d h is elem en ta ry educafam in t'he building ju st north and ea st of the new Ithe mor e cons ervative view , stati ng selves weiie orphans. I (3) Re o rgan ize d marketin g. t raini ng school .of the Kansa·s St te s ci ence building in the n ext block. that a child mu st le a rn col)iorm ity to The opera has th re e im portant T he Y · M. C. A. announces for this a 1 Th ese lunc heons are an a nnual af- the w orld a bout him but at the same k , " 1 ,, h Tea-chers College. f · · d 1 ' fi · t choruse s, on e a group of be a utiful wee s pro g ram a p ay our, every -

• ai r and are lo oked forw ard to as one ti me m ay eve op a ne rn terpi:e arnai dens, an other a squad of pol.icemen: one to meet at t he usual pl ace a nd A Great Career. of t he mo st pleasant t imes at the con- tion and ha rmonio us pers on'a lity if he and. t he third the pirat es themselves. there re ceive fu rthe.r in str uc ti ons. L oYe less fi rst gained recognition as ve nti on. kn ows the meaning of the co urses he Foll owing is a c ast of the characters a basketba ll star in Empori a high ·pursues. who v..i ll ha ve t he leads: PROGRAM AT sc hool, playi ng r eg ularly at forward


Dr. H. 0. Ru gg of Columbia TeachRic a rd, P irate Chief, bass f U d t• h ers co ll ege emphasized the value of El vi n Dave n port




the mod ern m ethod of brin g in g many

S l i.. • L' t t t sub jct m atters under one ge neral am ue ,1,its,. 1€U enan , en or . . . . 1 ·1 · K s T c h h · d Louis Bickford w 11 e m · · · · t at e ga me na- ,groupin g, instead of p arce lling ou t th e Fre<leric, a Pirate Apprentice, teno-r Local Talent En tertain s tional attenti on as a basketba ll play- Im portant Ma t ters Discuss· sch oo l perio d in to fift een min utes for Raymond Trenh ol m Fellow Mem bers er During the fo ur ye ars th at he l ed at Recen t Meeting th is a nd fiftee n minutes for that Maj or- General Sta nl ey of t he Brit- played forwar d w ith the Yell owjack- 1 Dr Freeman's subject wa s "Shou ld i sh Army baritone ' Pa ul Collins P hi lo h eld i-ts reg ular meetin g l ast ets he l ed his t ea m in conferenc e scor- The E veretts he ld their r egul ar the Curric ulum Be B uil t on Children's ;E>oiice Sergeant, Bass Th u rsday even in g the hi gh school ing honors, and fo r t wo years he was meetin g Th ursday, N ov.e mb er 8, in the •Intere st ;' or So ci al N eed s;" Dr. Rug gs' Not yet Chosen auditorium. Th e program was und er Little The r oll was taken "The New Curricu lum a nd The T eachsel


Icomposed of Messrs. A nderson , Ga llo- the conference. T his was the first they were try ing to about the Last Tu es day evening the t raining way, and Lew is As their first n um- yeair he was selected for the a ll-con-

pl e.y At the last it was d eheld a at which they sang "Dr ifti n,g an d D ream- · . cided to gi ve t hree one-act plays inth ey dec1ded to hold a s e11es of pro - mg" accompa nied on t he b anjo by ference p os ition. In 1923 he capt am-- stead of one play. It was not d eci ded fes sional meet ings_ in the future. Sol L ewis, next was an old timer given in ed t he team , and piloted it to the semi- h owever that plays should fa r they a 1928 book Ithe ,, old time fashio n, " Tipp er- finals in the National A. A. U. tourna- given by t he Ever etts al one becau se by .Arment1out entitled Conduct of , ary with French harp , bones, a nd 1ment. He led the indi vidual scoi:ers of there has been s ome talk of co mbinStudent Teach.i ng." These meetings 1 ba njo ; their l·ast number was a vo cal ing the P hilos ' and the E veretts' plays the tourney by a veraging n early twen- wi ll - be of great ..value a nd all sup er- b io, "My W il d Irish Rose." for t his year. Nothing was decide d devisors are urged to be present at each 1 Th e se'Co nd p art of the pr ogram ty p oi nts per gam e. Again in this fi ni tely so the meeting adjou rned , 0 o ne. was a d ance by Florence Ro nne au a c- year he was m ade a ll-conferen ce for- as·to have tim e to r econsider the mat! compani ed at t he pi a no by Ida Schre- ward. ter. Another m eeting was called Fri-

PERUVJAN WORK l pel. . All- American H onors day in the Little Theatre for the p ur-

d E h D . k L ·"'I e o owmg year, e JOme Co ' JN , 'c <;>mp ose of st er ic er son, ou1se

l The thi rd part, was a voc al trio Th f II 1927 h . . d pose of d eciding a bout t he plays. M G NICELY

• I It was then d eci ded by the society Bo wer a nd Ma:icine Boyer Th ey I the St. Joseph Hilly:ards and p layed 1 E t 1 d

Sales Campaign Well Under Way ' · • , ' to have on y an • vere t p ay al} a sang t hree s elections, " Old Man Sun - on the woryd s ch amp ionsh ip t eam ! vote w as ma de to send an ap ology to s hi ne," "Girl of My D reams," an d which won the tournament His scor-the P hilo society for asking the m to "H. h H W " ig ways are appy . ays. ing ability that year won him a p lace give the play jointly and th en not fill -

After the. r egular an ex- on the A.11-American team. The next ing th eir reque st. The meeting a dte nded busmess session was held year he again played forward on the J'ourned .The work on t he 1929 Peru vian is V . f · a nous m atters o imp ortan ce were Hillyard team but was ha ndicapped

hers of their profe s sion from the two s peaker s, Dr William S. Sadler, Chicago physician, in "Trials of the Sumcouscious Mi nd," and Angelo P atri , New Yo1·k, in "The Sch ool and Its Children." Very fe w con ventions are a ble to pr ocure suc!h. talent for meet ings.

A number of Peru's facu lty and (Conti nu ed on P ag e 4)


Friday G a m e Promises Plenty of Action.

The Antelop es are comi ng!

The crucial contest of t he 1928 seaprogressing very well . Pictur es of the settled at th is by illness during most of the camstudents a re being taken as rapi'.11 y as paign.




son is at hand. • 1ff

li ne up against Kearney AnteFriday the Bobc ats ' possible and the of the fac ul- "TEMPERANCE" JS A Clea n. Player ty have a11 been taken. Following is "J immie" was a clean player. The HYMN


lopes to the quest ion of a N. I. 1 I. A. champion. the for taking of pictu res :,


year he was hi gh score man in the Juniors, October 24 to 31; Sophomores, l __ Iconference no t a si n gle f'oul Talk and Pantomime the 5 to 12 in clusive; Fresh men: I T eac hing. of Sobriety Point called on shimd. A . . . Even ing's F ea t ure s · 1" 25 · 1 · s · I ' tu e nt ct1v1ties

No-vem'ber o to me us1ve; eroors, l of Stress

N o26 to December 2. Let's 1

While _in scho ol at E mpor ia, Mr. Y. W. was held Wednesday, follow thls schedule. I Miss Lo t tie Ab b ott W oodford, field Loveless was a m ember of Phi Sigma ,vember 7. After .the openin g of the h b f · t tak f · Epsilon athletic board, and 1m eetin g a nd the devotional song was T e nm:n er o pic ures en so ar .'s ecretary of the W.,C. T. U. gave the K club. He was one of the best su ng, Louise read th e 98th is 100 ahead of last year's !st udents some valuabl e po ints t hat liked men of the sch ool as well as one Jp salm as the evening scripture The PeruviaJI Staff is rushing this s hould be s tressed in t he teaching of of the most pop ular athletes. He led j Mrs. Dun ning talked on .the s ubj ec t work so th at the annual will receive T his topic was especial-a fin e cl ean life a nd d eath h ol ds r\J "Music-A Un iversal .L angu age." She a disco unt. 'Jy iP,!'er esting since my gie ne is a re- fear him. _ lgave a historic al s ket ch of some of The contract fo r t he pri nting of the quired sub j ec t for a nd t ern- Work At P eru •the hym ns and the inspir ati ons of Peruvian has been l et to the Hugh perance has t hus f ar. b een ·:a g Feat na- · " . . ,, .

jthem. The Y. W. g roup th en sang Stephen Press of Je ffe r son City, Mo. , tion wide s ocial p rob lem. Jim'.1110• havmg spe nt t he summer ·several of the beau tiful old hymns SALES GAMPAIGN ! Miss Woodfor d poi nted '.out that :nth his parents, came to early I: such as " Abide Wi th Me," " Le ad f h p . the p ositive side of the sub1ect should Sep ten1ber to on his coach- Kind ly Li gh t," a nd "Ji\t As I Am." . The ibe broug ht out in the te aching of mg career .. He did very commendable In Mrs. Dunn in g's talk she brought is now m swmg. . itemperance r ather than always to w ork coachmg the freshman foot ball 'o t the fa t t hat the de eon ess of li fe t he freshm'e n have subs cribed The fshow the d estructi ve si de. The te am It :vas whil e on a football t rip !isu t hr u the of p ros pects s'eem very good and as s?on iyoung fol ks sh O'llld get this inform a- to Des Momes, Iowa, that he was t ak- lmusic. Music, she stated, is a thing as time many more are g omg I tion in a way which it will most ap- en ill. returned t? Peru the next /that makes life wo r th whil e. It beta s ubscri be. /peal to th em, so in t his way pJ.ay be day, and it was ,recogruzed that he was lon gs in t he class with n ature h arThe sophomores and seniors ha".'e !correlated with othe r su bjects, or it in a very sei:ious condition. He was mony. paid through class d ues. for their lmay be combined to a dv antage with r us hed immediately to the Met hodist Mrs. D unnin g also sp oke of the Per u'vi.an deposits. I athletics. In t hi s way -the young hospital at Omah a, wh ere he died on h ymn "Nearer My God to T hee" as Let's I):l.ake this year a 100 Ifolks can be directed into pu rp ose-Tu esday, October. 22 The fu neral pl ayed when the T itani c sank. T he per cent ·Peruvian year. We can do lful action on behalf of s o'Ciety. w as held at Empor fa, Friday afternoon cu rtain w as t hen drawn a nd a tab l eau thi s onl y with your c ooperation._ The l The pr ima ry object is not to make at, 3 :30.

1was presente d. Margaret E ngelkestaff is willing to do i ts s hare of work. 1you th afra id of alcoho l, but to fur- Representatives from Peru a ttend- mie r, Margar et Cain, and B arbara Now it is wor king ov er tim e in order 1nish him with truth that w ill en able ed the were Dea n D elz ell, P eetz each sang a ve rse of the son g to obtain the discount which is offer ed ' him to choose intelli gently to put in- Charles Linds ay, Russell Wasley, bas -accompanied by Ellen Wilson. Th e by th.e company.

1 1.to life wh at yvill ma ke i t. str on g, ketba ll captain , W ayne Catlet t, repre-girls were costu me d in a man o1 Pl tch for fur ther announce- w hol es ome and u seful, lea vmg. out senting the s enior class•. and William !w hich a dded much to the presen taease twap v an desposits w hat wi ll ha nd icap or destr oy it. Okren t, ;representi ng the ju nior class. tion of the tableau. me nts as o e ru _

E ach team has played one c onfe rence gam e a nd each st ands with a 1000 per cent ratin g in the stan din gs. · K earney won fr om W ayne to the tun e of 21 to O; P er u toqk t he me asure of the Ch adron Eagles 13 to 0. In the opi ni on of the wri ter, Peru goes into t he fray t he fa vori te. Ke a rney d ro pp ed a nick and t uc k affair to the Mar yv ille Te achers Fr id ay 19 to 12 but th at d on' t spell anyt hi ng when we reca ll t he game wi th Mary ville here.

Then, too, the Grafmen will en ter t he con t est fresh fr om a two weeks rest while. t he K earn ey eleven will still c arry ma rks of the Ma,ryvill e fracas. Coach G raf dropp ed o ff pr actice sessio ns Frid ay and Satu1·d ay to let his charges rest up fo r the finishi ng touch es t hi s week; o vertime a nd Jots of ha rd work is t he a ssi gnment un til Frid ay.

At any r ate, t he game t akes on the color and feat ures of a ch amp io nship tilt and, desp ite t he fac t th at your wri ter favors P eru to wi n, the contest h eads the list in the N. I. I. A. t his week end Should Pe ru emerge the vic tor she can l ay cl aim to the covet;ed t rophy only af ter h aving di sposed. of Omaha u niversity a nd W ayne In t he ca se of a Kearney victo ry, the Antelopes must meet Chad ron.



Entered at the Postoffice of Peru, Nebraska, as second class mail.




In the next issue of the PedaTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1928

gogian t here -will appear a list

TRI BETA of all the officers of various

Tri Beta held its first semester ini- campus organizati ons. If there tiation of new members on N ovem- is sufficient demand for the her 5, at its regular meeting fo r the rooming plac es and telephone month of November. Those initi ated numbers of t hese persons, such into full membership were P aul i nfo r mation will be published;

Combs, Charles Dallam, Russel Hen- h owever, if th ere is no demand





The senior class of the training school gave a very interest ing program Wednesday at convocation time The following numb e rs were given: Piano s olo .. .... El oise }'airhead CwTent Event Allison Clineburg

Published weekly _at Peru !eachers CoUeg.e-the oldest training school dersqn, Frank Ivers, Robert MaJors, we shall not devote time and m the Missouri Valley, established 1867. · 1 Wilbur Schindler, and Sam Trau<lt. space to this matter. If you S b 1 · .... Lela Horton axop one so os Vocal s olo Na:iama Wilcox Violin solo Winifred Pettit

$1.00 the year. Single copy 5 cents.


The following were initiated as as- wish these published, co nsult sociate members: Edwin Booth, staff members or indicate such The kindergarten at the training Thomas Bourke, Wm. Dun n, Dale by a note in t he P edagogian s chool have started work on their

Dyke, Elmer Hertel, Wallace Hervey, box. Do this at once. Christmas Project with the assistance


lgirl<S have been doing .some, v_ery nice

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF JOE JONES Maricm Overturf, Raymond Rei d, Ed- of the manual class. The win Rector, Ernest R othert, Maxine


story to be dramatized th is year i s.

ASSOCIATE EDITOR RUDOLF ANDERSON Sears, Wilbur Shafer, Fred Shestak, work a nd are progressmg rapidly The John Stahm, Felix - Summers, Emil

SPORTS "TIP" ROBERTS Wicina, and Keith Wolfe. About half _ "The White Rose" and t he teachers of the members initiated were elect- are working V eTY hard to make t his

NEWS ROLAND KREPS AND DON KEISTER ed to membership at the dose :>f tl1e Opening of Former Mail I the best C hristmas pageant ever givschool last May, the rest in Septem- Box Discloses Surprise j en.

SOCIETY ____________________ :. ___ HAZEL HUTCHINSON her. I

After t he induction of members, re- The letter box just up t he st airs in 1 Peru defeate? Ci ty 6 to (). CAMPUS LUCILLE DOWELL freshmen ts were served. Since the th d . . . b 'Id on the Peru gridiro n, Wednesday, Oc. . . the hall of e a m1mstrat10n u1ice eream roses failed to a rrive, 1 . t d tober 31.

FEATURE - GEORGE COOK Ibrick. ice cream was sc.·v- The B ob kittens ou.tplayed Nebraska ed with c akes decorated m a rose de- d h t f 1 tt f ll t City most of the time. Several passes ACTIVITIES - - RAYMOND TRENHOLM sign. Fruit punch completed the re - was ophene fl a osTho e ers el ttou were completed by Peru. During the res ments. '·dating from Sept. 8 to October l. last quar ter with about five minutes - If h upon t e oor. ere were e ers



HAROLD McCREIGHT The decoration of the faculty ·coom J h . d d . to play, AppJegate crossed the last f h . . A . Mm: wo rrymg an won erm g h 't 1 f th · · t hd . I or t e occasion was m men can I" I d , ,, h b w 1 e 1ne or e w1nn1ng ouc own

ERNEST HASSELBLAD beauty roses (the flower of th e fra- w_hy on; g et an :s / Th e kick for the extra point failed Iternity), and white c andles ti ed with ,. gomg on, ue t? t eh abet tf at e Once before the touchdown was, INSTRUCTOR letters were put mto t e ox ormer-

THOMAS E. ENNIS red and green (the fr aterm ty co lors). . . . made the b obkittens were on the five 1 Th ..t. t th T . B t ly used to empty pen cil shavings into. d 1 b ; e m1 1a es wore e r1 e a rc ses yar ine, ut were penalized and pu t I :on t he day following their in duction Among the letters found in this out of scoring distance. READING. into the fraternity. b?x were writt en by' Mr. En-

No one is sure when men beg an to A large amount of steam has been Tri Beta officers fo r> the current our Mr. The junior high schoo l b!lS been

By Herman .M;el ville A dashing sea tale with a distinc t salt a ir t wang that book by Herman Melville which is comm encing·

THE POWER OF PRINT talk. Neither can it be stated with' expended during the past few years year are Ada Eyre, presi den t, Mar- ms is becommg gray h aired worryi ng r eading upon the election, a nd on last h over the business letters be wrote be-T d h Id I · · accuracy w en men beg an to write. in attempts to discredit the fact tha t garet Clmeburg, v1ce-pres1dent, Rob-b . d t h 1 ues ay e an e e ct1on of their own . cause e receive no answer o t em. · th · · . The one step, though, which carried the classics in themsel h ert MaJors, secretary, and Barton W t 1 t M E . · m e Jtl.Ill or high s chool assembly_ , ves, ave anv e want to con gra u a e r. nms I · k" d ·t· f f · Redfern, treasurer. t w:as carried on the same as a rea l spea mg an wri mg ar, ar up- educational value. Some say th at the , m t he great stock of confiden ce he elect ion Ballots were made an (] ward, was the devising of machinery th h ·1 1 h' At the busmess meetmg latei rn the Ihad in some of the people to wh om he wor -w 1 e essons w 1ch a re 1 tt f th t' 1 f screens were put up and used as places to print. Today all langu. ages of the · evenmg e ers rom e na ioua 0 - wrote. There were found four letup w1thm them may be secured by fi d d p· J t . f to v ote. Each child was all owed to world are printed for all peoples. A cers were rea ' an 1 c tap ei or- ters all a ddressed to the s ame per- t h other and easier means than person al mally approved the peti tion for a! son.' Can you wonder t hat Mr. Ennis' go 0 t e polls and cast his vote. rhttle thought will tell to one JUSt translation or analysis These means chapter to be established at Yenching · h . t . A 'th ter this wa.s compl eted t he votes wer what tb1's art bas accom 11's hed for · u · · p k' Ch1' I air was armng gr ay man_ Wl. counted Th' · t t' p are ca lled "synopses," "translated mversity, at e mg, .n a. ·1ess stam in a than he would be. white · IS was very m eres 1 g ::.s the world. And yet, when Johann ti ,, " well as instructive work. G t b t h · d por ons, selected epigrams," "se- barred by now u en erg se up is cru e press ALPHA MU OMEGA away back in the fifteenth century, lections from _____ :,," and w hat -not. We h ave a lso seen several of the he was accus ed of heresy. It i.s · said that thus, the "salient Monday evening, Octobe'.r 29• the Al freshmen wanderin g d own town to , .r p. ha Mu Omega held a business meet- 1 the post office several times a d ay, Perhaps nothing thus far, includ- points" and "vital interests" and "car- t t b f th I mg o vo e on new mem ers or e looking f or the mail that do es not ing the discoveries in the sciences din al principles" and object lessons" fraternity. The active members of come. and in medicine, have had such a far- are to be had without the trouble the organization a re : Lillian Brady, 1 Als th several ireaching effect. .from Sav. (and difficulty) of delvin g into the President; Les lie Carey, vice-presi- . l ttre :_ered . th b sopbhotage: "The art of prmtmg is the most dent; Lorine Erickson, secretary,treas- I m ores e ers .1.vun .m e ox, . u important invention that was ever whole. Hence, f11om this school of urer ; Barton Redfern; Ben Grothnis; they, after several to receive introduced to the world- in its ef- doctrine, comes a veritable deluge of F k C A . G E tt an answer, posted their letters elsefects O r• the h · d d f " th I · " "l' 1 ' an ope; mzie r ass; vere where and got results uman mm ; an _ , o an o og1 es, 1tera transl ations,' Vanderford. I · .'THIS BOOK -" I ..______ __ . " MOBY DICK"

s.: zuu\. e1vpt::, .n.1u:t.i1t: uras::s; ,e,ve.n!-..,-.., where and got results. fects oo the human mind; an!I, of "anthologies," "literal translations," Vanderford. I consequence, on all civilized society. and "collections," highly praised (by At th" t• th f . h One freshman even wen t so far in is mee mg e ratern1ty c ose · It preserves and disseminates all dis· the p bl" h b k ts d th . h . 1 b finding the reason for no rep ly to re- . d . t . h u 1s ers, oo agen , an e1r t e1r co ors to e scarlet and cream. I t d 1 tt t t n· k W' ll covenes an 1mprovemen s m t e pea e e ers as o accos 1c 1allies) and, lamentable as it is, wide- The next meeting was decided upon as · t d t t d arts and sciences; it commemorates iams, our es eeme pos mas er, an all other inventions; it hands down ly sold-even sold. a socbial me.eltlmbg ti'me new lj ask him , what he was doing with his . . t t N h h mem ers WI e m1tiated. .L A D" k . to posterity every 1mportan even ; ow,w en a man ears a tune he

ma1 s 1c was m no w ay responit immortalizes the actions of the likes and his musical sense is aroused, The members outlined a definite pro- lsible, he t<;>ld the fellow to see Mr. great and good; and, above all, it ex- 1 he whistles. To be sure, be may not I gram for the first semester, and a !'ro- IDelzell. This was one of t he many tends and diffuses the Word of God ,. have the pitch and key and exact 1.,gam. leade:was for each time. problems t hat Mr. Delzell has to all mankind." time at his command; nevertheless, 1 1Special topics to be discussed were als0 that he could not solve. T he boy Such an effect must be an effect he whistles. When he hears a medley i selected. was disappointed ag ain. upon the mind. Most inventions tend of airs, he listens to the whole;

After this article has been read by toward more physical comfort and nothing. Just so with writ- TECUMSEH LEADS H. S. those who in the habit of postconveniences. An idea which affects mgs. One reads, reads, reads; emer-


ing their letters in this bo x t hey may and changes human thought should ges with nothing his own. be able to find some ot her place to be recognized to be just as truly an No, we must read in the original Here They Are mail them. We know of a good invention as one which we can see and in entirity to get all there is f'.or waste paper basket in the library t hat and feel. Both are flowers from the us. There never was a short cut to Peru Prep moved into a tie with would hold· a lot of letters. Try it, same stalk-the human mind. good literature, and there never will Pawnee City for fourth place in the you may get an answer.


The 1928 political campaign is over-praise fortune!-and we will now have four years to reflect about it. There is only a meagre amount of a,nything that is uplifting about a political campaign, although it may "come from the ends of the earth."

Political campains are just like wars. No one except the leaders knows what it is all about, and they are too busy maligning each other to say anything constructive. The people are aroused by a false psychology to fever beat, and they-act, not knowing what they do or why they do it. Reason plays a negligible part; votes are all that count. After it is all over comes the time to begin thinking Then we wonder why we acted that way. E. A. Robinson has summed it up well in his statement: "Wisdom before experience is only words; wisdom after experience is of no avail."

The only plausible remedy for such a situation is that people must think. Only a small per cent of the mass thinks at all, and the greatest number of these will not say what they think. be.

m an Me lv ille which is commencing to take excitation amo ng late lit erary circles- Moby Dic k. S ea adven ture,, sea h umor, and sea phil osophy a re all s tow ed away beneath t he hatches of the " Peq uod," and he who e mbarks is g uarante ed a good vo yage, with plenty of .ginger to se aso n seafar ing mo no t on y.

Southeast Nebraska high school con-

Finally, we must look to the origin- ference standing last week when the I HAVE YOtl READ? al for that quality called "the univer- beat Nebraska City 6to 0. From several lists of i mportant saL" Quoting Dr. John Dewey: and Auburn a 1·b?oks published during the first quar-

"In one form and .another the scoreless tie on a muddy gridiron. ter of the 20th century, the following depths of culture are contained in The leading team of the conference, have been chosen as t hose in g re atest the resources of the mother tongue." Tecumseh, will play at Humboldt this favor. Copies of all the t itles are to be

If something you read doesn't be- week. Falls City is schedule to ap- .foJlnd in the college library. Wouldlong to you after you read it, why pear at Pawnee City and Auburn will n't it be a pleasure to know yourself read it at all? entertain Nebraska City. why others have considered t hem faTeam G W L Pc't. Pt 0. v orites.

A PLACE IN THE SUN . Tecumseh - 4 4 0 1000 74 0 The Old Wives' Tale

The recently held Nebraska State Falls City 4 3 1 750 47 O The Forsyte Saga Teachers' Association had as its point Auburn - 4 2 1 667 30 19 P C Kim of stress "Teaching as a fine art." awnee ity

2 1 1 500 15 19

Many fine and sincere teachers have · Peru Prep 4 2 2 500 18 39 Poems of Masefield been advocating this for a long time, Plattsmo.uth 2 ·o 1 000 0 14 Penrod and it is pleasing to see such a Nebr. City 3 0 3 000 7 49 Ethan Frome thought come before large groups. Humboldt - - 3 0 3 000 19 44 Joseph Va nce Af A Son of t he Middle Border . ter all, the bringing up of youth 1s older than any of th ·t . M I R. R. Wonder, coach of the Bob- Ju stice e a1 s. any k' h h . G M teachers are true artists. On ·.the oth-1 1ttens as taken .c arge temporarily reen ansions er hand, many who work at the 80 _ j of Coach Loveless classes in the col- P oems of Robinson called "fine arts" are not a t• ts lege. Mr. Loveless died Mond a y, Oc- Strife r is · b 2? Th H M" h Teaching deserves a place in the to er •. e ou se of 1rt sun, and the outlook for it lo oks fa- J ·----'-------------: J ean-Christ ophe vorable WHAT'S THIS? J ava H ead


In this week's paper you will find an article supplied to us by the National HeadquaJ ters of th Am ·

l h a great work It would b II

What is all this talk about November 16? Just ask the girls, they all know! Ev ery

Our country is the product of R d C e encan great human thought, and only great t r?ss. We are pleased to print human thought will carry it on If article as. a small contribution to there is to be government 01f the ·peo- ai an orgamzation which is doing girl in the college is going to find a costume, if it is only a pair of overalls or an apron, and son to tbe "Barnyard Brawl.'! Tickets are now on sale for 35c. Tickets will also be on sale att he door.

P e, t ere must be constructive think- read h .· e we to ing by the people. . t e article carefully and think 1t through.

Spo on River Anthology

The Call of the Wild

The Outline of Hist ory

The Virg ini an Growth of the Soil

My Antonia

The Octopus

Riders to the Sea

j . FOR SALE-Oak desk, good condi-

1tion. I. R. Rog ers, Pho ne 158.

C ap t ain Ahab , that to ugh old s al t of a whali ng mast er, swea rs e ternal v·enge ance u pon a snow-w hite w hale, and vows to purs ue him ov er the· sev en seas. It was t hat sa me M oby Dick, w ith all those harpo on iron g, twist ed o ff within his s nowy hul k, who h ad t aken a limb: from Ahab in a former s ea fight; ' .Alla)> mau ls a Spanish gol d piece to t he main m ast for t he first man who s ights Moby Dick, and ad opts the mo t to; "A de ad whale or a stove boat! " In a stirri ng speech to his cre w, he sa ys:

''Aye, my h earties all round, it was Moby D ick th at dismasted me--it was th at accu rsed w hite whale that r azed me; made a poor pegging lubber of me ever and a day-Aye, a ye ! And Ill c hase him round Good Hope an d round t he Horn, and round t he Maelstrom, a nd ro u nd nerd1t1on s fl am.es befo re I .give hi m - up. And 1th is is what ye have shipped fo r, me n. to ch ase t hat w hite wh ale on both s ides of land and over all sides of eart h. till he spo uts black blood and rolls fi n out !" excep t f'or t he c apture of an occasio nal whale, t hings arow d ull a bro ad till one d ay co me"' s t he "Th cr y. ere she blows'" T he b. h . · · 1g c ase on!-b ut let Mel vi ll e t ell yo u about It as only he c an . It is a t hrill er. Herman Melville w as a neigbh or and close friend of Nathaniel Hathorne "Mo by Dick" h. w . • is masterp1ece is to Hawtho rne. The m ot10n o icture v ersion of " Mobv ;Dick" is -John -1 Bar rymore's " The Sea Beast .'...._

Mary : "I was in a di l emma last night ."

Mar ia n: "That's not hi ng I rode around in a Stu tz all

C le rk: "For what date?"

S tudent (ab · S sent-mm dedly). "Kate ,, tud en t ( t . · · a ticket window)- "l want two t ic ke ts." ·

Vol. .XX fV. No 1. by some out sta nding cal am ity So The college orc h estra will offer The American Red Cross g ives the the an nual me mbershi p camp aign for a teacher of mu sic an d commerce to begh · work in Sep tember, hl29, at sala ry of $1200. We often have c alls for this combi nati on of sd bj ects, but we are no t alw ays a ble w !'ill them. becau se o nly a few per- I ' 'Light Cavalry· Ove rtu re" at co nv o s tuden ts of colle g es a nd uni ve_rsitiesl may .be co nsid ered .as _ t he pu b lic's 'T',,'the Peda gog-i a n: somethin g to do and something to pa rt rn the small er ie ie tas cs. " ,, a atio n makin g the n ecess a ry pre' J f J cat ion, Wednesday, No vember 15. sons _are tl · , 1 b t I d' t r f and Water safe ty is a Red C ross serv ice The over ture Li ght Cavalry, by P r. ·

Dear Editor: 1 lll;-c a ou . n is as_ er re _ ie . wh ich has be en so widely adopted in Franz v on Suppe, is a t yp e c alled the "HoY1' to P revent C. heatin e: ." fi t 'd la d d w ater 1t of h 1 h t Bus D rive r: "You'll h ave to trans' . . . j rs a1 on n an m ' . . - colleg es-men's, women's and co -ed- co n cert overt ure. This is t e 11g fer at B elvi dere."

To prevent cheatmg, s tudents· d 1fe rs a dv en tur e to th e enterpnsmg, uc ational-that a li t would r ead lik e d evelopmen t of t he over t ure, a nd its Co-Ed : " How so on will we re.a ch 1. m a.:ch to class 1 along wi th se rv ice to one's fellows . J a colle ge d ir ectory . As typ ical ex- hi story is in t erestin g. Belvi?"-Printcrafters. of Peru s police fo rce eq uipped w ith. Th en, too, the Red C ross edu ca-! ampl es, West Point, Ann apolis a nd a very brief in troduction f or th e

P. ".":ed-off shot guns. ' tional inte r est s. Th e Ju nior Red l· Yale may be mentioned in the E ast, era. Whenever it was separately us2, WiU ,be stopped at do0rway .a nd Cross is an- un official but well recog- : No rth western Univ ersi ty, the main work to follow, er a ll y an op- 0 searched for notes etc. ni zed p ;:irt of ou-r common·. sch ool! A gricultural an d Michigan St ate Col- In the begin nin g, t he oven ure w as PO YOUR 3. Bef ore entel'mg classl'om each system . The Red Cross is dom g act-! leO'es in the J\/Iiddlew est, and Uni ver- ed t his was do ne in conjun ction with tuc!ent w ill. be submitt ed to ps ycho -ive e duc a ti onal work in its pub li c! siUes of Califo rni a, Sout hern Ca lifor- 1 dr ama or the danc e. From th e logiual ' examination to he a lth nursing, h ome h ygiene, nutri J ni a, Arizona, Ore g on a nd Washington come the germs fbr th e son ata and

wheth er or no t he h as any id ea. of tion , first a id a nd life-s av in g .deparbt- 1 in the Pacific a re a. This take1l no ac- , symphony. After th e time of Weber

c heating. ments. Its a ccomp li shments m pu ·.·count of the many loc al corps in co l- (1786-1826) the overture be came 4. Classro om will be decora ted W1th lie welfar e are we ll known to s tu-· lege ommunities, ma de up chiefly more and more ind ependent, an d now



su ch uotes as "Honesty Has It's Re-d ents of sociolog y, :t'or the Red Cross : of of which so many flo ur- there is the p ure concert type, w hich .J ward " and "Think Befcr You Cheat." h as rai sed the stand a rds in a ll these ish in the middle west an d south. In bas a dramat ic th eme or ide a com-

5. E(ach stude nt must wear blind- departments and has made a. recog- ' some institutio ns, colle ge credit is plete within it It associ ates itself e!'.3 and p lace a ha ndk el'chief in his n1z ed contribut io n to social sci e_n ce !g iven for · Red Cross first aid an d wi th the symphoni c poe m, and, li ke FINE PORTRAITS mouth. in some phases of c ase work, part1 c u- t life-s avin g. the latte r, has no fixed pl an Qf treat-

6. S tuden ts a nd must en -Ia rl y in the rehabilitation of viclirns I As Pre; ident Co olid ge ment. The fo llowin g has_been statea · FRAMES t.er together and the ,ioors w1ll be lo ck- 1 of di saster. · the Red Cross "has rn ti-, concerning t he concert overt u1:e: I PHOTO FINISHING ed a nd seal ed Th e Red Cr oss, on th e other h :-: r.d, ; mate part of our dail y life. Th e "Its elasticity a nd the value of 1t_s

7. Profes sors wil l be a rmed with Ilooks to t he co lleg es for its com in g s ame may be said of o ur men.t al basis in a or pro g:am of I CAMERAS blackjacks to inspire re spe ct. lea ders It wishes to i nterest stu- • whose graduates are a great uplift- feeling have macie 1t a fov o nte for ALBUMS

8. A dditi onal profes sors oti the o ut- dents n ow, so as to enjoy the ir fres h 1 in g force in national a dv a ncemen t. orchestral creation." _· side v::i ll watch them through peep-, ?P thusi asm, ene rgy and i Thus the Red Cross Roll held Fra nz vo n (1819-1895) was hr-Jes in t he wans. . . id eas wh en they take their pl aces rn in o ur co lleges rn the born in Vienn a, he sp ent m_o st Pet efSOfi Studt"O

9. Highly tu ne d di :-taphcnes be the world. words of the .Presi dent: we ha ve of his life conduc ti ng and c omp osi ng c·c.n cea1ed behind the pictu res to catch 1 In its progress upwa rd, m eeti ng th e t ested t he Red Cross in war and He h'as many li ght er 'the s1ig htest whis per. incr easing .responsibili ties put llpOn pea ce. It h as n ever failed us. It "Fatinitza" a nd "Boccacci o. -His PHONE 56 PERU 10 Wh en t he st udent has fi nished it the Red Cr oss mu st no t on ly i·e- never will so long as it ho lds you r best -l oved overtures are "Post and his examin atio n a lie det ecto r w ill be lenish i tself bu.t a dd to itself as it s uppo r t." P easa nt," "Light C ava lr y" an d " Morused to find out wh ether or not he has pgoes. Th at is one reaso n why. it is The tw elfth annual Red Cross Roll nin g, Noon , and Ni ght ." 1 C 11 · now bein g he ld, N ovember -<::>= cheated. l making a sp e cial effort to enhst co - a is I/ 11. In ma rking the pap erfs, leg e men and wome n. 11-29· Q n . 0 S OTS w ill 'discount ten p oints rom eac ' ' Disaster relief is a ph a se of. Red /) George's Place 0 There is no Sub s titu te paper on the possibility th at the s tu- : Cross service t hat is att ractin g th e MISS CLARK SUFFERS '../

d. 11t has cheate d. i attention of the na ti on and of the FRACTURE OF LEG

FOR HONESTY Th is will male ever1 stu dent m P. , w orld at t his t ime The fees pa frl I

Prepsters Dealt a 28 to Blow O!

gale, a nd to

send another party in to Florida in while goi ng: to th'e bus to leave fo r the anticipation of the storm, which the convention. Miss Clark is improving

I W eather Bu reau said was h ead in g rapidly. She h olds a few of her class-

Peru was defeated 28 to 0 on Ham- , for the garden spot, so as to be :µre- es at her boarding place. An assistant V

burg's muddy football fie ld. F riday. : pa red whe n the disaster struck. With is carrying on some of her ·work in 0

J:''oYcmber 9. I the first word fl ashed out of Porto the co ll ege u t i! she is able to be back H:amburg kicked to P eru fil:S t. j Rico that loc al stocks cou ld_1:ot . again. teams fought hard. Most of t11e g ams c are f<?r the f eedin g of the h,omele2s,j by the victorions team were ma de ! the Red Cross on th at d ay spen t

through the hne e ru e em ur- 1$160,000 m nee , eans: om, .•&a An y student of Zoology who is · 1'r'I

· p h ld th d 1 • • b fl · ·It/ WHEN

ing fi r st pai:-t the half, but when an d. such staples m to rk makin g a bug collection h as here at 1

th kittens pu"'fted it- .was· blocked by a C lcy, which were .rushed rnto the fhis disposal a go lden opp ortunity for ·

Hamburg warrior. He ran for a, hold of a Nevy store ship an d obtaining specimens: the office of the 0 HIGH CANDIES . touchdo'l'n\ . Soon after the half endetl. : ed with a ll speed for the suffe rer-s. l 1Peru P edagogia n. There is a g ood- . FOUNTAIN

· h · h t' th t' l f d f ·e · · · Durrng the thlrd quarter a touc .. At t at ime, e na iona un . or 1 - ily n umber of w asp ? a bo11t the casin gs dovm was made by Hamburg. In the li ef asked by Cooh d o·e, ns Jand t he win d ows, ·and at night my - O last the whi te line v.:as cross- , Presiden.t of the Red Cr oss, , ria ds of Hemiptra, Dipt era, Coleoped twice. Both the ·extra pomts were had b are ly been sta1 te d. :ti-a, and w)1at-not preY. the 0· ma de. This illustr ates t he point t hat gifts PJem is es. Most. of. them; are a ttracted Ji r:·.. ..,. .,


Yo ur Fall Dress, Your Hat, Gl oves, Ho.siery, Visit the to s.i;eci al r elief funds are not by t he light shinin g th.rou gh the .open l./O · DUCK HUNT. to the Red Cross but to a spe cified window ' Jo hn Harmo n too k a dv an tage of I' g roup of s ufferers. The R ed Cross And, g entle if Y-O U ma:v.

y the recent vacation for teache rs co n- is \5Upported by its m em b ersh ip fees. h appen to fin d in a word some m ys-

vention to particip ate in what he de - Members are enlisted for the 1msu- t ic chara cter, it is probably the recl a res to have been an hon e st-to-good- ; ing year durin g eac h Roll suit of the prin ter's rackin g his bra in · There you will find the Best for Less 0 ness duck hunt with real d ucks, gu n s, IC all , which opens on Armi stice D ay, tryi ng to fi g ur e out a lett er whi ch, water, . and everything. Th e storm No vemb er 11, and ends on Th an ks- after all, was onl y a squashed gn at!

ruined the pl ans for man y studen ts g 1 vm g D ay. .

but it served to brin15 duc ks in The Porto ,,Rico a nd Florida h urri- "'""==

Zane Greys b est efforts. . ic es of the Red Cross. At times, th ere

The hunt proved successful. Th e ai·e as many as ten relief operations Peru Neb raska a tota l b ag, ac c ord ing to Mr. Ha rmon going on at once fo d ifferent p arts m

1 was seventy-five du cks a nd e'ight of th e country. W orkers had just 11

geese. Jo hn asserts t hat bis own b een sent into tornado of

was responsible for the fall of for - the northern mi d- west, while _oth ers of the ducks were windi ng up reli_ef sea- Q

R K ' S 0 Q I son's floods in the M1ss1ssipp1 Valley Ji

FRESHMEN I when .the news came of the huric ane I./ l./Q I./ A:t· a Freshmen class meeting held Iin the West In dies In minor dis as- 1 Q

Tuesday, Wallace Hervey, Margaret ,/

lk I

Shoe repairing at 'Comforta ble' Bump, and P au l Combs gave ta s on • 0 the Peruvian. When in Auburn C/ prices! Ladies Shoes a SpecialWallace Hervey Q EAT AT T HE 0 0 ty. 0 the Peruvian really is, definmg it as . ' Ji t a ear book of activities. a B B c f ? I./ (The Shoe Shop on the East ' ifargaret Bu mp ex:plained wh at lJSY ee 3 e 0 Q Side of !he Street) , Peruvian meant to her · d J1( t the 0 P aul Combs explame a tw-0 dollar dep08'it to _be ma de in or- c' TARY'S CAFE 0 You' ll not be dissappoin ted der to sec.ure a Peruvian: . D. . .ILi · Q with our ha ir cuts. Donna Jane fl MEALS, LUNCHES; Q . Nebraska City / freshman to make a hst' of then v ac - ll ORT ORDERS 0 BOB KNAPP n Get your discount in S&H ant periods on a !llip p ap er so 0 SH . . ( Next to Gaines Hall on the U 0 they could be assigne d a tune to 2 doors south of Post Office Pavement.) h t es taken for the P eruvian t e1r p1c ur We are carrying the largest and best selected stock , of L adjes Coats and Dresses in South Eastern Nebraska attractively priced.- Take the Elevator. ' · Visit Our New ShQe featuring I.adies' and Growin g Girls' Shoes e xcl usively at $5.00, $6.00, I I $7.00, and $8.00 2nd Floor. . ·'




-' Boy this is the worst weak of school yet. We are having quarterly exam.s this and school on Saturday again.

you ought to see the gi rls of the G. A. A. They got th,.eir hair all 'braided up so they look like Topsy in Unkle Toms Cabin. Some of them wear a white soc and a black one and they have all got on white paper callers and G. A. A. on the.m with red paint. Some of them are wearing one overshoe to. I asked one of them wh at she was wearing one overshoe for and she said to keep he1 corn dry. I don't know what she would be -carryin g corn in her shoe for, but that's what she said.

I guess ·I wont g et home to help you eat turkey thanksgiving. Maybe you could send me some of it. I dont suppose we'll have any at the dormitory. They will probably catch a pi g ien; roast him and call it a turkey. That, reminds me I must go to Lunch. Will write more after I get



November 21 is the date set r OME TOGETHER

aside here at Peru for the Father and Son Banquet. The banquet is sponsored by the Y. M. C. A. for the men and boys of the city and men of the college.

We a·re not asking the men of the college to bring an adopted son unless they to, but that they come enjoy another Father and Son ,banquet.

The aetails of the banquet Will be given in the next issue of th e Pedagogian. Announce- { ments will be made as to the ticket sale.

ty, Evanston, Illinois. Mr. Meserve

(Continued f1rom Page J..) graduates were on the program. Follo w ing are s ome of those who took part at the Omaha convention: L. B. Mathews, Principal of the senior hig.;h sc ho ol at Peru Training School; T. L. Richardson of Brock Public Schools; A. E. Holch, Professor of Biology at Peru; Arthur L. Hill, Professor of Mathematics at Peru; Nona M. Palmer, Profes s or of Commerce, Peru .

ported that a large number of teachers were present in spite of the severe weather. The teachers were somewhat disappointed at North Platte due to the fact that the University Players could not get to North Platte to give

I Cut Flowers I I L. HORTON & CO. I I Phone 128 Peru, Nebr. ! their fine afternoon and evening en - ·-------tertainments. . -----

1 Professor Arthur L. Hill was elect- Q DR. N. S. HARAJIAN ed to succeed Dea n H. C. Gossard of ST Wesleyan as President of the Mathe- 0 DENTI matics Section of the iassociation in X-RAY SERVICE Lincoln for next ye a_r. a Over Barnes' Pharmacy_


Mr. Holch talked on "What Should Be Taught in the High School to Meet The weather has moderated lately, _.I ...,-------------,. the Needs of College Biology?" and but as quarterly ex ams come aru und, I Crystal Theatre I Mr. Hill on "Wlhat and How Much several students have made p1 edic- .n Physics Should the High School tions that we will he again s nowed I MONDAY AND TUESDAY I Teach?,, under. I November 12 and 13 I

In District IV at North I While the City Sleeps . I John R. Muhm, Associate Professor of N 0 .1S . I With Lon Cheney. Cheney I afternoon on "The More Effective Use wor ld of gals, gangs and gun warm spot in his heart for all Peru, of the Geography and to Full lme of. t ires, tubes, and I play, his finest underworld pie- I and sends best wishes to all his old the Geography section a talk'.on "Geo- automobile accessories. 0 I t ure. Don't miss this latest re - f received an A. B. degree from Peru in 1917. In a letter he says there's a friends. 0 GAS AND 0 ;., I I graphy in the Grades." Mr Muhm re- IL V le ase of Chaney's. It's a thrill- I We have a modern air hoist 1 , er. Also comedy. .f., back . Forest Bell has been promoted to to help us give the best service well I got back all right and Im the position of head of the biological I I possible in lubricating WED'DAY AND THURSDAY

not foundered ei t her. Don't be mad department in the senior high school I

Geo g raphy at Peru. gave a talk Friday ew I ta hon 0 I opens the door upon a thrilling I

car. your November 14 15 when I tell you that I have to have at Grand Island. Mr Bell has been at I G A S 1 F I Girls, boys, men and women! I more money but it aint my fault. Gra:nd Island three years. He started I u orsyth Oil Co. 0 I Imagine "Clara" as the girl We've g ot to g et a Peruvian There in the junior high, and worked with

frien(! of the Navy! Doing hh :: j

,r want one or no? They've got ev e ry summer.

"It" to sink an armored battlebodys · picture in including mine.

I ship! If yo u have admired her ·I We had g lee club today. We may Mr: Delzell received a letter last I

D. D. s. .I work before, wait until you see ,. g et to go on a .trip some time. Th at Wednesday from Dexter D. Ashley M. I Get them of the I I - "'Fhe Fleet's In" I is if we sin g good enou g h. I try to ' D. a former Peru Bobcat Captain. 'He OLD RELIABLE

36 I I' is now a surgeon in New Yor·k C1'ty. I

one ts real. Remember Thursday • sin g as go od as I can. I sing louder f n· ht · l Ch than any of the rest of t hem but Mr. He had just finished reading the Peda- I Plenty of Service I 'I ig JS a ways ina night. Benford don't seem to like it very gogian when he wrote the letter He I

F.RIDAY AND SATURDAY well. Well I've got to finish another made Special mention of Mr. Overholt I I ·- I Joan Crawfo d · notebook to hand in S'O goodbye for are::!nei.ng as registrar after so long I Thurman's Garage I o. 0 I this time. MEEK I Mr. Ashley congratulated the Bob- I I . LUMBER CO. 0 Dancing Daughters'' See you in the funny paper. I I I ' JOHN. ' cats on th eir fine work He says he I The p icture · that has started is coming out for Homecoming in 1930. _________ _.._,__ 0 MANUAL TRAINING all America talking with its By the way Ashley was here for LUMBER f; daring revelations ef A merica's Homecoming last fall. His picture is I Service With a Smile


I set. Three jazz-age gi rls , n the 1928 Peruvia!1. Mr Ashley was R JG HT AWAY LACQUER; ENAMEL I msmuating saxophony blues g raduated from Peru in 1890. f' cheap kisses, Our SHOE SHOP PAINTS I Daughters-do you know them? Mr. and Mrs. Forest Shrader are at BOBCAT COACHl.1..i' SCORES ll 1· Come and see. Are these our f



dau ghters?

mu s ic a nd Latin. I I Wilbert Zorn, Burwell, won from O · FRESH 12 to 0, and tied Comstock 6 Some r!!:!g houses, f Pastry and Ba kery Delicacies. An d I

Dean W. N. Delzell recently receivannouncement from Mr. and M;rs. Arthur M. G ar iss of .the arrival of a baby boy, Arthur Frank.

Ms. Mary Mes erve is taking graduate work .in botany at the University of Colorado. She was graduated from Peru inth e s ummer of 1927, with the A. B. degree.

Richard Hartley is the head of the bilological department of South Park College at Beaumont, Texas. Another Peruvi an in t he process of building a s uccessful career. ·

0 · located, and at the ri g ht I the prices? They are right. I Roland Rasp, Grant, lo st to Holyoke price. Inquire of ,, • ROB-BINS' BAKERY I 0 to 12 and WO:ti from Culbertson 12 \ G E L L E E " I I Peru, . Neb raska . I to 0. · f V -----------•

ALL TOGETHER- The Mardis Store is now in position to furnish your every food need. Fresh Meats, Lunch Meats, Milk, Bread, Cakes and Groceries. of all kinds. You will find our prices reasonaour merchandise the best, and our service unexcelled.

Phone 25 THE MARDIS STORE ·Phone 25

B A R N E S, p H A R M A C Y , !

Joe Robertson writes from St An- SCHOOL SUPPLIES, STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES thony, Idaho, and sends greetings to ICE CREAM old Peru. Mr. Robertson received his THE REXALL STORE degree from Peru last year, and is n teaching biological and physical sciences.

Anderson received her A. B. last year at Peru and is now assistjng in the botany department at the University of Oklahoma.

Clarine Anderson received her A. B. degree.

Arnold Selk, teaching at ATlington, Nebraska, sends regards to his Alma Mater: He says he has plenty to do,

but likes to do it. His chief WOlTY at

not arrive, a difficulty which is being


F. G. Meserve is now an instructor





, You will want good sto ckin gs here , something that will wear. We have them.

Also, goo d, clean, wholesome groceries. Give us a t ri al.



91 4

Home ·of Hart, Sc haffner & !"larx Central Ave., , Auburo, Nebr.


Join the Pressing Club-Big Saving. Come in and see us abo,ut it.

Fisk Teachers Agency WHEN IN DOUBT-TRUMP OR COME TO (Incorporated) KOEPPLE' s CAFE

M. E. Shuck, Ph. D. Manager FOR YOUR MEALS, LUNCHES, ETC. Suite 4'10-11 Symes, Denver 0 Phone 195 Peru, Nebr.

Has more vacancies than satisfactory applicants to fill them.

Typical Palmer Service

Washing and Polarine and Mobil oil

Free crank case service

Why hunt further when you know the best. FLOYD PALMER

VOLUME xxrv.




PERU GIRLS IN :VI EWS ON THE POINT THE POINT SYSTEM KEARNEY DOWNED 21-0 IN MUD; PERU NOW IN TIE WITH OMAHA' · u. COSTUME pARTY : SYSTEM ARE AIRED Since t here has been much F lk E v . 0 1 discussion of the proposed o x press arymg pm- 1 • • ions on Subject Pomt System durmg the I past few days, this issue of .--------Clever .Ca mpu s Program; and More I Fun!

A great d ea l of d isc usiso n has be en Pedagog·ian is making an at -1

PERUVIAN BULLETIN j St ude nts must have their pic-

Bobcats Score Well in Spite of Weather

The little gym wa s the scene of a floating aro und t he campus lately in tempt to set the idea be- 1 t ures ta ken accordin g to s ched- Rumors have it to the ef-

Barny a rd Friday evening , at 8 to hof a poin t fore the student body . In ul e.· This is necessary, as the feet that the Bobcat left , . m con n ec 10n w it e xtra cu rnc u ar the editorial column there i panels will be madeup and s en t hi·s lai·r· Fr·iday in pursuit of o clock The Brawl was g iven by the t. T Th. tt . f l I off durin g t he first week in De-

G A A ' I h ac iv i ies. is ma er is en ire y up is an explanation of the sys- : the Antelope. And no less

· · ·· for every g ir on t e cam- · E I cem ber. Th e staff will se nd t hi s pus. to t he stud ent body to d ec id e. x- tern, and on the front page 1 material off and will not wait. the truth is that rumor. 1pr ess yo ur opin io n it is as goo d as th · t• 1 · h" h Ea ch gil'l was costumed to fit the : ere lS an ar lC e in w lC The reaso n for rushin g the Your writer investigates yo ur n eig hb or s. Foll own g is the b f 1 wo rk is made clear when you affair A prize was offere d for the ,opin io n of a fe w st uden ts and fa cul - a nun1 er 0 peop e s ee th at a la rge saving is made , the case and finds that the b est cos t umed couple, an d for the ' ty mem b ers on t hi s ques t ion set forth their ommons. It ' which enables the Peruvi an Bobcat eally did stray. The funniest couple Ardith Ha ll and EJ- : Mrs. Dunnin g, D ea n of Women , IIt would be well read staff to produce a "larger and northwest winds brought sie Nuss were g·iven the prize for the 1says, "I :tnost a articles· carefully and better annual" for the same the sweet aroma of venison funniest couple. Mon.a Ly ons a .nd /system of s om e kmd , which Wiil ml thmk the matter through. a moun t of mone y. A discount to the nostrils of the feline Beulah Gaylor d receive d the prize I s? me way c on t rol t he hon ors and du1 of 50 c ents per pa ge will be • f th for t he best boy and girl costum e. 1t1es of the st uden ts, and ma ke for , y w c A

I given by the company for all critter and he strode or Pl d d . o ld divi sion of re snon s ibilities and onpor- j

a y1 n rr o-ain es an ancin.J$, ' -

fashio n ed dances as we ll as mo dern tuni ti es for By this. Ii


IN H s A'tT\

money in the hand s of the Bus- in search. He found the

iness manage1 on or before Ne..- Antelope and left him a ones was the so u rce of en jo ym en t for fe el th at the discovered will • • u'.u. vember 25, 1928. much humbled animal after l not be ov erwork ed, and the undiscovthe eve n ing. er ed talents r emained unused." using- the pigskin as a me-

·Dari s Bunch, football captain says, ! New Constitution Soon to GOLDEN EAGLE SHOT dium . The final reckoningyar dasbion. h ey af ath gu es ts "So fa r as 1 ha ve been able to inves- Be Presented NEAR PERU RECENTLY was 21 to O. place a out t e r oom or · e h 11 tigate , t he would be a rat er Heav y g ray ski es g reeted the sma to sit on The dance p rograms were · Rare Bird Now Being Mounted by mixed up a ffair , unless some method The regular meeting of the Y. W. crowd of enthusi astic followe rs of cleverly worked o ut to r eprese nt a , C Colleae Student of p roper admini stration can -be l . A. was held Wednesd ay evenin g, "' Peru's foo t ball des tinies, a nd interred barn. w orked out." November 14 The topie of the eve- L H d d E 1 mittent downpours ma de t he pl ay in g In one corner of the g; m th ey. "I thl nk th at the major and minor nin g was "Character." Evelyn Wenzl'· a o pen ea de A bag e field a sea of mud a nd water; but a barn door with a h ors es head m i t. h d h f h . w as i e etween eru an u urn · fi k d t syste m is on excellent nlan to help a c arge o t e devotion als, read- T the Graf co ached out t to o a va nIn other corners they scare - · · 1 1 d Ch ,, by some Auburn people. hey g av e k th di v ide the leadership of organizations mg a poetica egen on a racte r. . . . ag e of the brea s to secure ree crows which are very in a F 11 th th · · "T 11 it to Har vey Nickel for mountin g.I d f t • on th e ca mpus between more stu- o owing is, e group san g e . . •.d touchdo w ns an a sa e Y· f d M h Old Old S " Mr. Nickel is an am a teur taxi ermist , f h . arm yar · den ts "- Mona Lyons e ti e tory. : . . 1 Peru scored soon a ter t e op en in g Refreshments were served d uri ng "I .b r t. t Grace Peterson sang a solo "Hold and is su cceedin g ver y mc ely w1th kick off when Toft broke t hrou gh the ev ening, c on sisti ng of ani mal . te ieve a. polm g.ofvern- Thou My Hand" accomp a ni,ed bv t he work. The win g spread of th.e a nd blocked a pun t on the Kearn ey mg ex ra c urn cu ar ac ivi 1es i nro- ' · bird was over s even feet and Jt 11 d c rackers a nd cider. lpe rl y wor ked ou t a nd Grosse, and Genevie ve Ha ll told . h d 1 t t d It t we nty ya rd line The ball ro e The mus ic for the even in g was fur- wo uld res ult in more efficiently man- the st ory "The Prince of the Statue:" ; we ig de ne11ar Y wend Y fp oun s: t ba ck over the go al line where . D. k w·Ir ch es - 'seem e we p rep ar e or wm er, f lI •t f t hdo wn K reJci's mshed by t he 1c 1 iams or age d orga ni za tion s on the c ampus Ruth Darwin ga:ve a sho rt ta lk , h av in g a large a mount of fat Pe r- on i or a ?uc bl. k d d t · k d d " th b. t "H D.d 't B 1· · 1 kick for ex tr a point was oc e an 1 a. and f ew er over-wor e stu en t s. -e su Jec e i n e ieve m haps t hi s w as one of the st ray Ch a- . 6 0 1 d Near t he en d of the fa vors ' Lilli an Br ad y. Pray er." The talk brou ght out th e: dr on E ag les tJh at d ecided to win t er in Peru stepp ed out .mto a to e.a . were balloons di ffer en t i " '.J;'h e po in t system , if properl y or- th at prayer, for the unbelie v in g, Peru The Gr afmen lin ed up animals su ct h as alligators, camels, ga niz ed will be an asset to the is onl y a w aste of effo rt, a nd that I The Gold en Ea gle is also ca lled th e to the Ante lopes, a nd agam th e F snakes, and mo n keys. j sc h ool. 'It w ill mea n be t ter or ga niz a- many times people cannot und ersta nd IRin g -T a il ed E ag le, Mountain E ag l e, mer-co a ch ed eleven was un abl e to To make a big .s ucc ess of the prom . ' tions b etter sc hol arshin and bette r t how gre at the Infinite re ally is. Wh en Ia nd War E age Thi s bird is on e of II dent the Pe ru for war d w all or run h ' - 1 th' k f G d ff · th P u en ds They kicked to Zook Mr Pe terso n came up to t e gym sportsmanshi p."-Hazel Willi a ms we mere Y m 0 0 ' 'we 0 er t he largest a nd most m ag nifi ce nt

Worthwhile Meeting College Dramatists f The program was closed b si 1 · 1· r-IVUr<Tr -r••iln errca- ni

Tw o one-a ct pla ys were presented

in g "Peace Be Still" and south t? Mexico It scarce within score .sto od 12 to 0. GI ,, the United States, be111 g more abun- The t hird Bobcat touchdown came ., earn. · dant in Can ad a. early in t he second period after an


.The n:w Y. W. C. A. Nestin g sites are ch osen in trees exchan ge of punts and fi ve li ne plays library sty le at t he No v ember meet- / I will be ie ad at the next meeting, and or rocky cliffs, selected r ather indis- h ad a dvanced t he ball to the Kearney in g of t he Dram atic club, held last Ide R --- I a ll members are requested to atten d. crimin ately in considerat ion of the twenty-one yard line. A Peru back Thursd ay ev enin g in the L ittle rhea- a . ece1ved · With Enthu- , abund an ce of food. As a bill of fare fumbled a nd Kearney reco v ered on tr e. Not many of t he members we re Stasm by Students :EVERETTS


they e at mostly small rodents, but their own twenty-eight ya rd strin ga bsen t, and the program seerr.ed to I ,occaso n all y capture sm all antelope er. They attempted Peru's left end p lease. A ten tati ve schedule for the The first of. w hat promises :


.and sheep. and the Ke arney back carrying the c lub's act ivities for the year to be a future hi storical fra t ernity / ' ball fumbled. Pi ke 'again proved the h as b een worked out, a nd is p ost ed was held .la.st .afterno on in !


man of 'the day; he scooped up the in t1, e Li ttle Theatre the Adrm111strat1?n bmldmg. I Program of 3 One-Acts on . ball and ran thirty-three yards for a "Mi nu et," by Lo uis Parker, a play Those pTesent were Mr. Lindsay, December 1


! touchdown Krejci faked a kick and of the Fr ench Revo lu tion, was given who had p reviousl v called the meet___ /' (Continued on P age 4) u nder th e chaiirmai:iship of Elizabeth ing, Dr. Brow n, Mr. Burkey, Ralph The Everett society had tryouts Graves, a nd the cast of Black Masque Ch a.tela in , L eo Ha uptma n, a nd Earl last Wednesday evening for their Plans Ma.de for Trip to Au- ' 1 FATHER AND SON Players is as follows: I Abround this nucleu s, very three one-act pla vs which are to be burn ID Near Future Marc hioness --- Virginia Milstea-:l. I I y, e formed an organization . .. . . .

BANQUET WE'·D Marq ui s----- - Eldon Jfa.vward : which will hold · as its purpose t he given December 1 m the aud1tormm The Men's Glee Club mt l t , • Gao ler Leo '·Iaupt·,na" ' furtherance of the historical know- " The Up}.ler Crust," by A llena Ka n- T d . ht t h h e as - r ,,, ues ay mg ·a t e ome of M

This play dealt wi th the feelin gs ; ledge of this part of the country. ka Harris, Is a comedy in one act. B enford, the instructor, for the l L. exp_ressed by t':'o :u'stocr:its b ef.ore : Mr. Linds ay called the gro up to ·a good-looking, up-to-t he-minute wo- 1 pose of practicin g some of t he t heir_. tumbrel-nde to t.h<> g u11l otine, I and very the pur- ' The cai>t: Mrs. Edward P age Mill er, Ito be given on t he an nu al tour of t he C. Oberlies, of Lincoln, The Speaker is but a 1';1:e ray. of hope J meetmg. Such an or- Iman whose . g re atest ambition is for organization. The Y. M. C. A. l ast Wednesday rerh i.·h s hines !1S cy mcism. tg·an1zat10n, he said, "should be I • Th .· d b ". ., · B f th t t• f th h ·c le f · d. ·d 1 h d the social advancement of her family e men an 1ve a out seven, and suited m a very wet meetmg. Th e e ore e presen a 10n o e 1 1 or m IVI ua researc • an ' · ' for awhile were entertained b radio I · · ond play Cedric Crink g. ave a talk not rn a ny way an a dded burden on•but at the same time very sweet and Y members met m the Li ttl e Theatre 1. · music a nd Mr. Benford at t he piano on the "Production of the No Plays ;its members." motherly ; played by Hel en Mae Alex- p . · and held devotionals. From t here f J " • · bl kb d ·11 · I ract1ce began at 7:30. Two songs h o apa.n, us1rt.; ac oa.r I ustra- Dr. Brown next stated wh at, in hisJ antler. Mr. Edward P age Miller her 1 d "R b d" d "B t ey went to the swmm in g pool and

. < ,, f h I . . . . ' we1 e earn e , ose u an rown t10ns ?f st agin g._ Jn_ o t ese / opm10n, should be the obJect1ves of husband, a blunt whole he_art ed man !Bird Sing in ." Louis Bickford b ._ -took a dip in the "br iny deep ." Afpiays is be1 nn- pl a nneo for :i nd such an oro-anizatio n on the campus I . g ' an ,. 1 · "' · 1of a plam hon est type, who believes tone from Weeping Water has been ter the swim, hamburgers were servw1l1 be or esfl.11 .-er so 1m. 1.According to Dr. Brown it sh ould not . " ' · " h Th . lb "· t th . t' ,, b t in the stationarv social status of the se lected as soloist fqr Rosebud." . ed to the members. The s ec o nd one-act T e nee- J e JUS a no er orgamza 10n, u - R f h . Prom is ed Br ide,, Cheng Chin sh<9 u1d be an org anization made up jf'amily uni t, played by J oe Krejci. e .res ments were serv,ed after Tom orrow evenin g is t he "Fathers Hsuin o- is a No 'Pl av. The Footlight of active members who would be !Ted Miller, th eir so n, a breezy lik e- pradctJice bMy. Mrs. Benford, Mrs. Bunch and Sons" banquet to be held in th e "' - ·11· d t th · t• t th I an oy ickel. Parad ers, under t he chairman.ship of w1 m.g to evo e e1r 1m _ e. o e able ch ap of about· 26 pl ayed by Met hodist c hurch, a nd sponso red by Th k t f h t I Plans for Future F ran ces Mo riari ty, pr oduced it. e wor mg ou 0 some is onca re- •Clay Coy.· Madame " E'', an unaffect-

Y. M. C. A. The ba nquet is becast· search connected with l ocal history. . The Glee Club g oes to Aubu rn, · · He also mentioned that it wo uld sti.m- ed g irl of the same age, played by November 30, where t he men will Wea lth y Merch a nL_E1vin Davenport Ed.th p k s · ulate interest in the departmen t of 1 a es. ervant, n ot chosen. sing Friday night and Sunday mornKnight - R udolf Anderson science. Each ;;.-f the ot)1.ers express - Madonna Brady will be director of in g. Magi strate - - Wayne Catlett , Br ide Ellen Wilson ed his opin ionof :i, plan. It this play.

The schedu le for the year has not - - - 1 h Ch t 1 ed to be an idea which v' ::l!' received The second play is to be " The Man. be en completed as yet, bu t the prosSchola r -,--- - Ra P a e am w ith a u-reat deal of enthusiao:m, . t f h Bride's Mother __ Claire Codington in the Bo wler Hat" Th e Cast: pee s or t e tour aTe bein g investiold Man - James Delzel1 Plans for the future were di11c u:;s- J h gate d by applic ations of t he c lub. d · · l d it· t l' t 0 n Dean Grass Th f •t · b · f d th t Matchma ker --- Corrine Fry ed, an it is p a nne u 1ma e .Y o us ar, 1 1s emg oun a many· ff ·1· te w1.th the nat1·onal org aniza Ma ry ___ :. ______ Faye Masti n schedules are filled. This li ttle sketch portray- a ia ·ing served by the cemete ry associ ation . All the men and boys in t he college and community are invi t ed to spend the evenin g together

Chapel Appearance Soon will ha ve charge of the group sin g-

A splendid pro gram is be in g worked by those in charg e. L. C. Ob e rli es, of Lincoln, is to be t he speaker of the evenin g. Mr. Norwood assisted by Mr. Benford at the piano ed the su it of thr ee lovers for the tion. Monthly at . which Hero Ru ssell Shaef er han d of one ladv, the case being set- members to rev1tew own Heroine Margaret Cain t ied bv a most magistrate after work seeme to mee "'.1 avor. . Bad l\tan Ben Groothuis

A large per centage of b oys turnd t f GI Cl b h . d ing. R ad io music, th e c omplimen ts - Mr Lindsay w ho presided, was em- . . the m anner of King Solomon. · ' . t •tt f V1llam Walter Wiese

• A · week powered to appo m a comm1 ee o Lette rs from nmversary h. t d up a tentative consti- 1 The l ast play is to be "Wisd om · ·t d rresp-0ndents were t ree o raw . . , ,, . v1s1 ors an co ht t utio n, a nd the meeting was adJo urn -T.eeth. The cast is no t ready for read, and t he m eeting was broug bl . t• d pu• 1ca 10n this week. to a close. e :

e ou or ee u t is y ea r an f M

M B f d h t k th b t o r. Barnes, and mstrumen tal solos r. en or opes o ma e e es org anizati on P eru has eyer h ad plus a big fee d and lo ts of pep will The club will si ng in ch a pel some d ay make it an eve nin g of rea l pleas ure. soon See if y.ou do not think the Tickets are 50 cents and w ill be outlook is fa vorabl e. sol d on the ·campus.






Entered at the Postoffice of Peru, Nebraska, as second class mail. s hould be dr awn up, its provisio ns to: we re presen ted last Thursday " Any

Sig ma Tau Delta h eld its r egular mon th ly meeting Mo nd ay , November

Ed u ca tional Movies at · l ege Auditorium 12. It was decided th at a loCal co n-fo r the Phi A lpha chap ter The sec on d of a series of Biology

-Pedagogian, Vol. X XIV. No 1.

be in har mo ny wi th th ose of th e n a- ev ening at -6: 45, in the c ollege audi - p d . Staff d t t · · h I · e agogian

Publiihed weekly 'at Peru State Teachers College--the ol es rammg sc 00 ti onal constitut ion. torium. i p N b b h d 1867 ' eru, e r. in the Missouri Valley, esta hs e . i Mr s. Dunnin g· expl ained the ·nat\i re These pic tures are chiefly tor an t Dear Sirs:

$1.00 the year. Single copy 5 cents


Jof t he next meeting.' It h as be·en, for educ ational pu rp ose and are -ob tain ed ; Wh y no t a sn appy quartet selec ted several years, the custom -0f t his f rom the U nited S tate D epartm en t of ·fr om our co llege boys to :sm e: college thap ter to ask ea ch member to w rite Agriculture, E xtensio n Serv ice. T he songs between the h al ves of our an origi n al ' Christmas poein · The films ·sh own were: " Ro a ds in Our Na- games? It ad ds t he ol d pep. s hows

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - - - - - JOE JONES po ems are then ex changed and read tion al P arks,'' "T he Forest an d Wa- ioya lty to t he old coll ege. and enterat the Decem ber meet in g. Miss Clark t er," and " Hoppers ." : tains t he sp ectatori-...

ASSOCIATE EDITOR - ·--- RUDOLF AND ERSON h as been asked. to cho ose the five best The first oic ture showed t he b uild- / Y ou i·s s incere ly, to be submitt ed th is yean In ing of in t he Moun tai n Nation1 Ke ith Wolfe

BUSINESS MANAGER __:_ ____ - - RALPH CHATELAIN ord_!!r th at t he new m embers m ight al P arks, the s econd stressed the pre-

H. B roc kman b etter und ersta nd t he t ype of er vati on of forests, the sources of 1 E. Ra ri ck

BUSINESS MANAGER __ l ______ EDWIN BOOTH exp ec ted, Mrs Duhnin g read the five water an d i ts· u ses to mankind. The I T. St ewar t p oems selected as l ast yea r's finest: l ast pictu re "Hoppers," was co mp osed J F. Fei stner SPORTS . - - - - - "TIP" ROBERTS As s pe aker of the ev enin g, the fra of two reels, which howed the d es-J terni ty was for t unate in h av ing Mr tru ction c au ed by gr ass hoppeFs, and j "By t he ir at hletics ye shall kn ow NEWS' ROLAND KREPS AND DON K EISTER Lindsay, who is a new member of t he also me ans by wh ic h they m ay be them." It is true in this prese nt age. organi zation His s ubj ect , was "H is- e radicated I Yet h ow nar row to judge by ! Do you SOCIETY __ l_ __ _: _ HAZEL HUT CHINSON toric al Material as _S ubject Matter The films ob tained for t he n ext fol ks know h vw No t re Da me ra nk s for movie are un usually g ood, as sh own scholas tically? Do you k.;now h ow CAMPUS LUCILLE DOWELL none of the cluo had realized the by t heir pop ul arity where t hey have Center College in Ken tucky ranks p ossi b ilities for stories to fo und recel1tlY been s hown. T he nam es are; s cholas tic ally? Do t he f ol ks ou t in FEATURE - -·--- !. - - GEORGE Cc!iO K in old newspapers anq, di ari es. Mr, "Be es-H ow They Live and Work," t he w este rn part of the st ate know t Lindsa;y arouse-er everyon e's i nterest "Wild F lower s," and "She's Wild ." how Peru ranks sc ho1asti callv? Y ACTIVITIES ___. ___ _: ___.,: .: _ RAYMOND TRENHOLM in this wo rk of investig"ation by t ell- These p ictures h ave been reserved y ou do know N otre D ame's Cen, . . , , ing of as un told a nd w ill be shown in ab out four tre's fo o tba ll ra nk in g. A nd the folks FACULTY HAROLD 1 wra pp ed up m the h ves of old p10- weeks out in B rady or Benkelm an or K im - ' '. . , • ' · · neer s. ! The efforts of the motion pictu re ball do know Per u's ra nki ng, athletDEBATE :_ _______ L _ ..: ERNEST HAS SELBLAD toward d evelop ment in the educa- ic a ll y. This is a peculiar age. Folks 1 MEN'S CLUB _ 1 tional field have continually gr own are afte r the spe ctac u lar. They jucfae INSTRUCTOR - - i - THOMAS E. ENNIS m ore cle arly d efi ned and mo re power- by the · spectac u lar, even though it Th e· Mens Club met Mdnd ay in the fu l. In this w ay unfamiliar facts of may be but of the i nsi g nifi can t.

EVTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVI1:rns · upon a t ime basis, and t he semester is Littl e Theatre. Ann oun cements w ere n atu re p rove to be accepta ble to the Athle tic s do ad verti se a s chool- AN EDUCATIONAL THEORY.: the unit to be used. read bv Dick Willi ams. The possibil- pu bli c in a pip ul ar form but only at hl etically. Do peo i1l e ity of ·gettihg reduc ed· rat es to Oma- -· judge t he edu cati onal fa c ili ties by the unto many other p roblems in I The limi t fixed upon p art icipation ha for the Peru-Omaha game 1


ath let ics? Most em phat ic ally · 'th ey e duc ation, that of extra-cu rric ula r, in extra-curr icular act ivities h as Det! n disc u ssed and it was an noun ced th at I · - do n ot. P eru h as a large en rollment or " ".outside'.!- h as been r e,- suggested : ra tes of $1.25 a round t_rip were I '""·ONFERENCE


of men b ec a use of athletics. g-ra oted . c eivin g so much attention th at a re- Two 'maj ors a nd two m inors,, ava il able. It would certamly be a Bu t have t hese men ch ose n t he edt.tIt ·s 0 fine th ing if as many of the student: cation al fac iliti es offered here be- actio'n is b eg<innin g to set in ne Major a nd four minors,, body as possi ble would go to the Novemb er 24 t he Day of cause of the athletic ad ve rti sing? N o. lamentabl e t hat thi s should be the , or f 11 th h h h game in a group. Mr. Delze g ave , Reckoning ey ave c osen to c ome ere b ewa ;y .of t hings, but it is far from un- Six minors a short talk on "pep" in which he I cause of athl etics. w hich have been usual. This r. eaction may be -see9 on It is proposed th

our own campus,

of a ood thing; therefo r e, th ey must into both semesters. !ORCHESTRA PRESENTS : \ w ere eit her t ime or has sent from her Qe checked : thus the pendulum be- There are disadvantages to the sys- NOVEMBER PROGRAM p • st ,.

Peru took the measure of Kearney since bec ome famous . eru s pa, g · ·

meetmg ' out side competition. cla ss rooms some peop le who ha ve gins>itis swing back agam m the other tern, the mam one bemg the d1ff1cul-

an d Midland ran away from W ayne. advertising, scholas ti c all y, has been direction. ty and complexity of administr ation. 1 Overture and - a Symphony Move- Chadron met Wyomin g univer si ty well do ne Are we continui ng to put · It is too bad that a good idea like It is also said that should ment at Chapel Performance

aha played the Trin ity colle ge ou tfit emphasis chan g in g to that more spec -

Satur da y an d didn't fare so well. Om- for th e b est, scholastically. or is the this should be made the brunt of-the their own choices in t he matter

The college orchestra made its sec- Armistic e day and scored another tacul ar something we ffad in athlefadists. There is, per- Iof extra-curriculars and not have any ond appearance of the season on victorv l:iut remained idle over the tics? haps much more intemoerance in the Ilimit placed upon them. Wedn esd av November 14 at convo- k

wee -en . ow ere 1s e

pursuance • of an educational theory The advantages of the system seem cation The numbers used by the The championship of he confer- 1At hleti cs a re all in thei i; plac e ,, in thiese United States today than to hinge about the more equal distri- I orchestra were Andante from Ha y- ·11


l , "S S :}J ,, d "L. ht ence w1 e ec1 e arrmg upse ,

there is toward alcoholic liquors. The bution of activities aong the student 1 dos urpnse ymp ony an ig this week when Peru in vades the ated with this

Caval ry Overture" by Franz vo n

wh.ole situation is not unlike a child body. Some few persons, it is main- camp of Coach Hubka's Omaha Cards. attn

witi a new toy who first is wild with t;ained, have. too · heavy an extra-cur- I Suppe. . Alth ough t he Bobc ats are doped to men who

. . • . . I. A new mstrument, t he oboe, was win by a substantial ma rgin, a ne can Peru, a nd accordi ng to t he powers excitement over the new thmg, then ncula1· load for their own good, as in tro duced to the audience at t hi s t 11 b

soon casts it aside Why' must the wel_l for the fact some of time: The music h as h ad I .. 'G' w LT P ct of Peru 's past, p resen t, and futur e bulk of literature. be such should be given to other m- i the mstrument but ii. s hort.' an_d Oma ha Uni

a fleeting and ephemeral thing? We dividuals.

ILowell_ Sproule, -a. is j PERU __ :

answer that question satis- I The administration of the system, mastermg the of it quick- , Ke arney

factonly for ourself•. and therefore as l!tated before, is- to be in student ly · Chadron -

.500 trary, are the fav

red o nes on

1 o .500 cam.-us, not so cially, perhaps, bu t will not attempt the absurdity of tr.y- hands. The two numbers used were varied 1 W 3 0 3 0 000 offici a ll y. There h. asn't b eE'n a Men's ing to answer It here. We feel that thi"s system 1.s a wi·se enou gH to m_ ake a c_ontrast, and : 1 D aanyane__ 1 0 1 0 ·.OOO the descriptive stories given the au- , Club meeting t his ye ar th at hasn't Perhaps Judgment is not given en- move s·n d·dt· · th ti Id been devot ed at least in par t to bo1, 1 ce con 1 ions m e e die nce added materially in the e njoy- Iou g}.l time to ripen; perhaps inferior do seem to be a bit off balance; and ment of-t he music.

"DERE FOWKS" st erin g up t he morale of the fo otball material is given exploitation by com- w'e beli"eve th t · th t t team. How much time was !':Uen t last a , m e compe en At th · t t" th h t · · ·mercial agencies; perhaps this and· h d · t h" h · · · e presen ime e ore es ra is : · year in t alking debate, or an _s .m o w ic_ it 1s placed, a fau- working on "Finlandia,' an overture " D_ ear Fol ks: that;-tliese can be only conjectures. d t t 11 b k d I

Ior essay cont s t? Th t a m1ms ra on w1 e wor e out. : ahd "P o-Ling and Ming-T-oy," a Haven't got, much to do this morn e . a y ear so me do not need a dozen different Meanwhile, it is well that there be Chinese 'Sui t e. Plans are bei ng maGie so I guess I will write you one How's thir ty-fi ve or for ty footb a ll letters theories every year to teach schoo'I. · t 11 t d. · th . . I h k. ? h D d . 11 and sw eaters were 1ssu ed to t.h m e g en 1scuss1on on . e quesc1on. for a December convocation appear- corn s uc mg. as a got 1t1 a . wor · J' What we do need is a method which To thi.!. end, the Public Opinion col- ance. i out? I hope so bec ause I want to asp1rants of Peru laurels T.he trowill give·us a scientific body .of fun- umn of the Pedagogian is open to !go squirrel hun ting next sat. There phy fu nd w as d epleted. The band damentals. As yet we have no !iv- both sides of the arg umen t. I Visual education has come to ; is going to be a footb a ll game here boys bou ght th eir own caps, and t he ing fire-only smoke. • , 0 f ·d f 1 d , k debate t eam were ho nor d "th 1 : stay. A new combination B alopt ic an : n ri ay or onc,e. on t n ow e w1 sev-

And- so another of the ·. brightest , GRADING SCHOOLS ' and sli de projection h as b een pur- 1how it happens but its so cen t T hus it goes. lights of educational theory-extra- ,There is something of significance ch ased for t he trainin g school. By .Sure had a lot of fun at y mca the thBy at hle:ics :ye shall know curricular activities-is beg inn ing to 1 h em Peru will 0 t h iri the recent visit ' of the teachers' means of this machine photographs, : ot er nite. We first me t in t he little · c no.nue ·o ave slowly dim. inspector. It is t he fact thflt postcards, or pages of a t ext-book !theatre a bout seven oclock t hen Will the other ac-

We cannot expect to build on the there is to be reckoning among the can be projected on the screen a nd iwe went to the swim m in g p ool and :iv1ties at Pe ru con tinue to be equ a lsandbars-we must go down , to bed schools of t his •type, and it will ">h ow seen from all parts of the room. This swum awhile. We n ad to rubber Y s trong'? rock. ·, institutions where they stand in re- machine works by the aid of a 500'- balls to play with and we su re did ! Ralph Ch atel ain r to their neighbo rs. We hope watt bulb, reflecting mirrors, and fun. We played keep away 1 -----·-THE POINT SYSTEM Ithat Ollr sc hool may measui:e up in lenses. with them and slung t hem at each L ast Tuesd ay t he Budg et Com mit, - · te rn t · 1 · One of the most-discussed problems full, a nd we trust it will. other One guy hi t me ri ght on the . . e rn re gu fir s ession. The secreon the campus for some time has been There are many things · th h., Mrs. Muhm is teachin g t wo cl ass- head with one of t hem .a nd it sure Y read a .Jetter from Robert J. Elthe Point System, desi g ned to bring which an inspector canno; ' 1 es in Spa nish due to Miss Clar k's in- did hu rt but bo y: you s hould of hott, Pres id en t of' Chadron g tate a bout distribution of extra-curricular cannot see in to the real d ee h el ability to co nduct a ll of her cla sses. seen me so ak hi •,1 with it whe n I t Teache1·s College, which exp ressed 8 , p sc oo 'A ·11 b ,.,,. I . go f eelin f . . actv1tes more equally among stu- life, nor can he perceiv.e that inta n rr- ! s you wt remem e1·, i•I SS Clark it. hit !1im on his bare back and g o 1'1pprec1at10n of the fine dents ible quality which -must be felt:_ 1 her an kle recently wh en sta rt- made a bi g spot on him. I bet tre atme nt _th at P eru gave Ch a dron's The main ideas in the Point System school spirit. mg to leave for the State feachers he can1 feel it yet I s tave d d . E agles w hil e at P eru Mr. Ellio tt are these: First, there is to be a lim-1 Just as he as an inspect t' Association. She is gett ing along the water most of t he time- congratul at ed t he Bobcats and stuit placed upon participation in ex- see a ll those\hings which Ive ry well, h as h er Latin cl asses· s? he c ouldn't hi t me agai n. It ai n't ' dent body: tra-curricular a ctivties. Second, the up a school neither can we as , ·t _· at her r oo mmg pl ace. like our o ld swimmin ho le th o. Th The rest . of the ti me was devoted s a e 1vi ed into ma- ers, see all t hose t hin gs· which to is so cl e ar t at you ca n't h ide ' . o communica t ions re. . . h 11 b d. d ' ' ,eac I I '

H200 h' e to the reading f jors, minors, a nd sub-mino rs. The make up .a .. Therefore is . Sever al m_embers of t he f ac ulty en -m it. Afte r we g·ot t hru sw im min ce1ved, and to a discussion of futur e fumg these divisions and the ad for along '' ith all of our IJoyed the football w_e e ach got a ham b erg er s anwi ch ! p lans for the year ministration of _the is le,ft , to matter training, to learn to catch I game at Lmco ln las.t S aturda y. piece. i ----. a. student committee composed of the sight of all t hose finer a nd nobler , them who went from .Pe ru We ll , I mu st close fo r t hi s time.! .Wednesday in t he high school heads of extra-curricular things which, a fter all , are the on es e1 e Mr. an d Mrs. S. L. Cle ments, .See you saterday. aud1to:1um, the high sc hool Ol'chestr?? tions. Third, all work is to be judged that count. Mr. and W. N. Delzell, an d Mr. Azzever, made its first appearan ce of t he ve al' Charles Lmdsay. The progral1 . . . · · JOHNIE th 1 was enJo yed by all ose Present. ·c..


President - Dale Dyke Hannaford

Vice-President Ernest Rothert


Secretary Mary Gray - Dormitory

Treasurer Margaret Bump Monteith

are a hole batch of students ain't a gittin' points.'. I woufil like sonie more points in myself."

The' new 411.!-octave spoons have been received at the dormitory ai;id are now ready for service. It is expected that this late improvement wiil add much beauty and deHc a'cy of tone to the renditions. Arrangements with nearby radio station to cast some of the programs made.

Sessions of the Lion Tamers Club have been temporarily while the volley ball is being sent to the factory to be inspecte <j a1justed. It is rumored that t he Lion Tamers' wives may hold a rollin!f-Pin throwing contest in the near futu ie.

Representatives of the Eastman Kodak Comp!inY were on the c amp us a short ago, with the objec t of selling moving l! PParatus including a moving picture earner!! and machine with tHe new color picture attachment. Thjs color <ittachmeni w lts ont in Aqgust.

This instrument reproduces both camera and moving pictures as) well as exact ·colots. ' In fact, it reproduce& al\ the colors Of the SpectrUljl. The rne11 took everal pic ture qn 1 •• the campus special attention to our li:ving mascot, the Moving pictures of tbe Bobcats in action were taken, also s ome of students tke library.


Secretary Wayne Ca t lett;

T reasurer ____ ..!?'1,ill jan Br ad

Si gma Tau Del ta



President __ Er nest Hasselbl ad Honie

Presiden t Mo na Ly on· Blankenship

Vi ce -Pres. __ : Eld on Hayw ard

S ecre t ar y Evelyn Mu cke

H istorian Marg aret


' KEARNEY G.AME POINT SYSTEM for evtra curricular activities. It dis- clubs, dramatics, band, and orches t ra !••....,-am

__ tributes. the work among more stu- - all .of which not only c a.II for

(Continued from Page 1.) from Page 1.) dents; it prevents overwork on the cialized trainin g on the part of ihe ·I AMBULANCE AND h h · t h d b h d · · f students, but all of wh1"ch a re direc t ed FUNERAL DIRECTORY I ran t e end for t e extra pom · s oul e t e etermmmg actor, pa:i:t of a. few; and it encourages I ORTON & CO I

Score: Peru 19, Kearney 0. and not a set rule."- Mr Burkey and instructed by 'facul ty members L. H • 21 h more students to take part in this im- d f h" f Phone 128 Pe ru, N ebr. I The score was swelled to w en employe or t 1s purpose. , "The point system is very contra- t t ha a t bu"ld1·n,,. work"

Pollard, Kearney safety was por an c r c er 1 "" · If we are to have a pomt system, ·--------dropped behind his g oall ine attempt- dictory to the idea of indivi dual dif- - let us exd ude as extra currtcular all / ing to kick. Six Peru linesmen fer e nces."- C'edric Crink. "LET US DISCRIMINATE" organiz ations for which st ate warswarmed through and on to the un- "I believe if the point system is to " Let us, fir st of a ll, define our term, rants are issu ed each. month in rec-

fortunate back. Peru made a bid to be most benifici al it should be c ar-e xtr a curricular, upon which the .ognition of .:SONA FIDE TEA CH-

score again in the third quarter after to the · offi"ces point system depends. In orde, to ING." -Vi cto r H. Jindra.

Brockman had blocked a nd recover-

ried out in regard do th1·s, we must d1"sting uish between

ed a Kearney punt on the invaders held."- Mary Gray. the terms "activities" and "organiz a-

Thirty-two yard marker. A pen a lty "If a person is cap a ble of ca rrying. tions." The former , w hi ch include When in Aubutn Q C: carried the ball from the two to the on ,his schoo l work satisfactr;>rily and meetin gs and g atherin gs .of various C seven ya rd line a nd a fumbl ed p ass belon gs to a number of organizati ons sorts, are only SPONSORED by EAT AT THE ..,.,,

from center gave the visitors the faculty members; the l atter group, B I " ball on downs on their own sixteen he .should be allowed to belong to as known as organizations, are

. ee


yard lin e. mt1·anyt he can do jus- , and. f'boyr ! .MONDAy AND T UESDA y Ke arney made her only threat in ce o. - ei · l ors sp cia Y Y , 111 November 12 and' 13 the fourth quarter after Zoo k's punt "I believe in the ooint svstem if it 1 this purpose. It would, t herefore,

While the City Sl eeps had roleld off the s ide of his toe. The ill enable those who are -not an v; be to class this l atter ty.pe of 0 New 0 1·1


I Antelop es advanced the oval to the · work as extra-cuPriculaf Q I With Lon C heney Chen ey a ctiv1 t1es to become associated with j Th . t t th "f •t · t b 0 }) I h h ·11 six yard lin e where the P er u line e porn sys em, en , 1 1 is 0 e Full line of tir es, tu.bes, and .If opens t e d oor upon a t ri in g held and a g-rounded pass to the few, and make ot hers who are in too Iappli ed to extra curri cular actiyities, a utomobile accessories j world of gals, gan gs and g un end zone gave the Grafmen the ball many drop some so as to g ive others 1 cannot i.nclude such organizations as I p lay, his fines t un derworld picon the ir ow n twenty yard line. a chance."- Wm. Okren t. 1football basketball debating glee GAS AND OIL I t ure Dp n' t miss t hi s latest reZook's spectacular run th rou gh "I do not believe the system will """ , -, We h av e a modern air hoist lease of Cha ne y's. It's a thrillth e entire seco nd ary d efen se for a work satisfactorily in a school as 0 to help us give the best serv ice I e ;r Also comedy I touchdown was the thriller of the small as t his."-Bernard Galloway. i/ CLARY'S CAFE possible m lubr icati ng your Q I WED' DAY AND THURSDAY f co ntest. Toll eson's performance at "A point system limitin g the num - 0 MEALS, LUNCHES, 0 ca

Co. n Nov ember 14 and 15 A halfb a ck for K earney is to be corn- her af activities a s tudent can enter

I G irls, b oys, men and women ! •' me nded; he was the .bi g co g in the is not a matter for others to decide IQ· SHORT ORDERS

I magi ne " Cl ar a" as the g irl drive that ended on the Bobcat's six for him but is rather a matter which J ,2 doors south of Post Office

yard mar ker. Wi th such as he, a dry each individual should settle for

field may h ave told a differen t s tory. hims elf. A point system limit in g

The line -up : office ho ldin g howeve r would seem

P.e:- u ( 21) Pos. (O) Kearney a dvi sab le."- Raymond T renholm. Service With a

Pike - h Snyder "I am in ac<;ord with the point sys. ,

Toft - lt - Tr a il tern to g overn extr a -curricular acti-

Riggins lg Tashburn vities. Such a s_vstem woul d not only

Bunch (c) - c - Wm,gart prevent certain students from "over-


Willi ams lg Pratt loading," but also g ive opportunity 'I eru

Brockman - rt - Williams for more stude nts to part icipate in

Hofman - re T. Smith extra-curricular activities t hus

Zk C?o ---------- lh - Waldman er the · d evelopm ent of leadership. Q FOR S ,

tau ssen rh - Haynes' Wi th a limitation we can develop the ALE

Krejci - qb - H. Smith ha bit to say "no" when we have al- Some good rooming houses, an cing Dau,ghters" Hertz fb Mason ready enoug h."- Leo H auptman. well located and at the ri g ht O MANUAL TRAIN ING u t I The pict ure that has s tarted I T hd P"k (2) z k I I price lnouire f

I a ll Ameri ca. t alking with its ouc owns: 1 e ' 00 • W. N. Delzell, Dean of Men, says

LUMBER d f Po " t ft t hd K ' G

!I arin g re vel atio ns of Amer1·c a's m s a er ouc own: reJCI. "I am . f f th . t t j

Safety, Poll ard. m avor

Substitutions: Peru: Maj ors for

Claussen, · Railsback fo r Pi ke, Case-

beer for Hertz, Miller for BUJ1ch, A

Riggins, F owler for Willi ams, Groo- ish

thuis for Toft, Mathews for Hofman, Cakes an


Grass for Fowler, Simpkins for Her- 1ij u.1.c, VU.I. .n. .& '"' ..:> "'"' u

... tie, Shestak for Groothius, Young Phone 25 THE MARDIS STORE · Phone 25 Ii

1 FRESH I for Krejci, Rothert for I I Sautter for Casebeer, Hurst for Saut- - I P astry a nd Bakery Delic acies And ,. ter, Bunch for Miller, Ubben for Mc- the prices? They are right. • '! I Conn aha, Riggins for Grass, Hof-

ROBBINS' BAKERY ,. I man for Ubben, Shaffner for Young , .H.:J · f Peru, Nebrask a , Q Hertz for Brockman, Williams for 0 SCHOOL SUPPLIES, STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES ...... Fowler. CREAM K,.e arney: .Lovell for Mason, Little • THE REXALL STORE

for Win gart, Boggs for Williams,

Tolleson for Pollard, Smith for SnyPratt, Tschabrum for . Boggs. .

der, Lovell for Worlcott, Mason for


! Ke nne th Stie rs Tells of Southe rn Sur- HAVE OUR sple

C. Oberlies

i An int eresti ng de scription of a his! toric o ld Mex i can to wn co mes from W over -a hundred men and boys ; Ke nneth Stiers, who is teaching at met m the Methodist base- 1T res Pied ras, N. M. ment last Wednesday evemng for the; " Amid the snow-capped Rockies of fath er and so n ba nquet. we stern N ew Mex ico, th e re is a little

The b anquet was sponsored by the ci ty th at bo as ts of more histori ca l -c ollege Y. M. C. A. and from sta rt , and int erestin g connec t ions th an a ny to finish was a grand succ ess. other to wn in the so ut hwest. It Group singing was led by "P at" is for ty miles from a railroad, an d Norwood and R. T. Be nford at the co nse q uently hundreds of auto tourpiano. All during the ban quet fro m ists v isit the ci ty ev·ery wee k. Ent er'<me end of th e room to the oth er ing t he city fr om the no rth , one some one would be made to sta nd up 1drives d ire ctly by the grave ·of Ki t and do everything from giving a 1Cars on , one of Ame r ic a's gr eates t speech to danc ing a j ig I p ionee rs. An o ld a nd t ime-w a rn After the banquet came t he real ston e ma rks his burial pl ac·e. For t reat of the evening, when J am es half a ce ntu ry it h as wit hsto od the Delzell, toastmaste r, int ro d uc ed as Iravages of th e w eat her a nd th e pluc kthe speaker of the eve ning L. C. Ob- : in g fi n gers of curi o-seek ing tourists. erlies of Lincoln, Ne brask a. I Fa rther down the street is an old


YOU may wonder WHAT will happen TO THE old Science HALL. · WELL,IT WILL be made INTO A meeting PLACE FOR various CAMPUS Organizations THE NEXT quest ion is: WHAT ARE we to CALL IT? The PEDAGOGIAN will h ave SOME in t erestin g n ews FOR YOU some OF THESE DAYS, so get ON YOUR

Mr. Obe r lies saiq "in t hi s· day an d ; Spanis h mi ss ion, fiv e t hou sa n<;} f eet age in which we h a:v e Boy Sc o uts, I a bo ve a nd overlook in g the Rio Hi-Y, and various other organ i zat ion s; G ran de river The mi ssio n is· ei g ht a g1:eat deal of credit shoul d be giv en Ihund re d years o ld and is yet serving to the men who lead these ac tivi:'ies , l as a pl ace of worship fo r Sp a ni sh j b ut after all tl,ey c an "'! Ot. ta ke the 1peoples. The bu ildin g is of ru n hu ed! 'place of a real father to the so n. The ( si c) fir a nd ado be Only where a fe w; re ason the boy scouts hav e ac com- 1 p ieces of. the "do be" h ave fall en ou t, I p lished what they hav e is beca use does the struc ture sh ow t he effe cts t hey deal with the bo_y where he is : of the co ld a nd in te n se he at of eight THINKING CAPS most at hom e---in the woo d s, swim in g hund r ed w in te rs a nd s um mers The I



It is the since re intenti on of .every memb er of th,e college annual's staff By "Tip" Roberts. that the book should be truly a na- A powerful Bobcat grid eleven tive of Peru. This particul ar annual Ima de more history for and . addhas been a native for ma ny years ed another footb all championship to and there is perhaps no . institution its record by downin g Co a ch Hubka's about the campus which lends as Omaha Cardinal outfit 37 to 0 in a mu ch venerable pres tige and dignity one-sided affair played at Omaha S atto the school as does the Peruvian 1urday. itself.

The Gr afmen were masters of th e

The printed and pictorial page, situation from the openin g whistle when taken from its na tive abode, but the Cardin al lads didn't la ck any will reflect not in part but ex actly for fi gh t, holding the invaders to two Ithe customs a nd traditions of that touchdowns the first ha lf. However place from which it comes Whether t he Peru a gg re ga tion wasn't to be I it shall be truly loy al or not depends denied that for which they ha ve been entirely upon its producers. pointin g all season. The g reat H er tz. This brin gs one, then, to the point clever Joe Krejci, shifty Wilbur to what "Peruvian" means to its pro- Youn g, speed y How ard Zook a nd tearducers. Let it here be s·aid that it in g Cas ebe er k ept th e Om aha lads so k · h l d 1 occupied that t hey couldn' t think of 1 ta es an en ti re sc oo , an not on y ! a staff to pr oduce a Peruvi an. sc or in g.

I - The Bobc ats scored their fi rs t coun -

1 The financi al inves tm ent incurr ed ter aft er. O'H a nlon , Cardin al half! in production is c.onsiderable. The ba ck, had boo t ed the ova l to midfield

Iproduce rs, then , will do we ll to be d H t y d z k oceed an er z, oun g an oo prcerta in of th eir fini shed product be - ; d t d •t b k t here it If . h "e o a va nce 1 ac o w oi e t ey commence to invest. · f A 1 the Ki·eJ"ci ca me r om on g pass-

A liberal amo unt of work mu st be Iva riety-w as pull ed out of the at: inv es ed too , if the book is to be com- mo sphere by Youn g who ga ll oped •mend a bl-e Rel a tively " few" th e re unhampered a cro ss the l ast w hi te j are who ev er. s top to the m ass str in g er. Th e try fo r the extra poi nt an d so on . A b oy's love is pad re who li ves withi ri n eve r sees _t he KITTENS l>y some ou twar d emoti on as with 1light of d ay. It is. said th at Maximil·boxing gloves, wrestling, baseb a ll , i li an vi s ited the pl a ce a nd gav e it the and so on." !bl ess i ng of God. ·

of w ork behmd the fini shed product (Con ti nued on P ag e 4.) T aas is

tion of "Tur tle Dove''

ery ye a r. rne I husky who went , tige. Second, it must be an enjo y able t was here, among the scenic won- • The reg ul ar m eeting of t he Y. W.

d clo wn to a de feat of l) to 0 on their Ipi ece of artistry. Third it mu st em-

" Th e Tu rtle Dove," a Chin ese pl ay ers of t he Soguina de Christa moun- o wn i>•;1ne he'.d. body t he customs and tra ditions C. A. was held W ednesd ay ev e ni n g, in one·· act, 'f as presen ted by Peru tains that Zane Grey found ma terial lthro-u gh which it receives its e xi st- Novemb er 21. Dramatic C lub at convoca tion, Fri- for some of his best books." Plat tsmouth chose to receive and · Marie L ash had ch arge of th e meetlence. •day, No vem ber 23. The Perruq ue et ret urned the kick for a g ood gain. ing. T he openin g son gs, "No Ni ght ·Gueule Players fo rmed the c ast, and


Plattsmout h's husky fullb a ck made 1 There,'' and "H a ve T hine Own Way" t he play w as un d er the direc t ion of - • g ood gains through the line a nd triple I

Mr. Joder and Cedr ic Crink. Joy



we re sung.

p ass es _also good yard a ge. The I Alice Miller led the devotion al s. Mi ckel wa - stage man ager I P eru tine stiffened and Plattsmouth


She re ad a chapter from the b oo k.

The cast: --_ lost t he ha ll on do wns. Peru's fl ashy I "As a Man Thin ket h,'' by James AlThe- Gon g-bearer John Bath Organization Will Give qu arterb ack let loo se a c ombin a tion B . n· len. The ch apter was en titled Th Ch w 1 Pl · S . of line plun g es, cut ba cks a nd end USiness ISCuss.ed .at Re- "T ho ught and Ch ar acter," an d it e or us - i Ham Okrent ay m pnng M Ch t F d D runs This caused t he P lattsmo uth cent eeting brou ght out some ve ry go od poin t s. ang -su -yen re uey -T· h M d · H N k 1 knees to k nock to.get her. F ollowing her rea din g t he d evoe a:m - a r:vey ic e ;The Ph1los held t heir regul ar! · .Kwen-l m, his daug hter __ Marie Lash me t" 1 t W d d 1 For the entire half both teams The Everetts held t heir reg ular tional hy mn , "Jesus S avior Pilo t Me," The Property Ma n - Fred Cole t hee as e nes .ay .ev enin g in I plung ed t he line and then kick e d. meetin g at 8 o' clock in t he Litt le was sun g. The Go.d of F ate __ Ha rvey Co le Hi ,,, h School aud1 t onum. The 1 At the start of the secon d ha lf b oth Th eat re The f or the" eve-The prog ram consisted of: The play b <>ing· presen t ed in Chi- / pro gram w as under-t he of J, teams came ba ck with the do or die nin g was und er t he direct ion of Dor- Saxoph one Solo _ _ Lq}s Metcalf " H othy W orJ.ey. The fi rst numb er on "Song of In di a" nese fash ion no sc e nery or f nrni t ur e arve y Cole a nd in t he manner of spirit, but it w as t he bobki tte ns who th ' , di , e prog ram was a prnno solo bv " Cou rt Bells" were used. T he i:operty Man furn- 1presentat1on w as s ome wh at di ffer ent. d It. . iJ essie Fisher,• The was a St un ts - - .Hild a Bell (he with necessary pr op -, Th e scene represented a home the Th e bobk1tt ens man ag ed to put ov- pl ay, "Evening D ress Pers oni-l"Good Night Ladies" ___ lda Schrlipel er ties, w hJCh he collected after th ey even ing after the Th a nksgi vi ng din- 1er the_touchdown.. Th e game ended j tied." T he par ts w ere taken by June Th e last num be r by Schrepel were used. • 6 toO rn fav or of the Prep sters. B .· k 1 El 'd B di El ' 1 d · I · • 1 ne r. The program opened w ith a I 11c ·e , 1 a ag ey, ton D av- 1was p aye on a new mus1c a mstr u"The Tur tl e is a l.i.ttle ro - saxophone solo by Lo is Metc a lf, ac- , l·enpo rt and Fra nk Cop e.. Th e pl ay 1ment of h er ow n in ven t ion. Her in· m ance, with t he tn als Icom pa n ied by Lucille Hu gh es. She l

!was ve ry much enjo yed by t he soci e-,st rument was ma de up of "human obstacles wh ich often are present m 1 pl a yed as her fir st numbe r "Sere- I . , ' ty an d each pl a yed h is part we ll. Ik eys," consisting of five wh ite ones romantic situ ations. n 1 na de," by Dri go, and second, t he well


l After t he pro g rm two of t he pl ay land th ree bl a ck ones. the IS fin ally all owed his bride, known "S axophone Wa ltz." Elsie I casts were excused fo r play practice Marie L ash t hen re ad t he new conKwen-lm , by : be God of Fate. Ev- Wa llin t hen gave t wo r eadi ngs, the • . After th e pro gram a busi ness meet- and by-l aws and t he m emery i? the pl ay h as a first "A G oo d Indian's Pray er," pre- Will Show Here O°i Decem• in g ws h el d for the di scu ssion -0f do- Ih ers _wi ll v ote as to whet her symbohc meamng, especi a lly to the sentin g t he inner Jife of the In d ian ,, ber 7 i ng away with li fe membership and cept 1t or not at the firs t meetmg m ·Chi n ese w hi ch many of us overlook. The sec- Ith at e ach memb er py by semester, Decem ber ond was ·en t itled "Free dom." Rav- It is s eldom that a ca rniv al com- which is fi fty cents. The meet in g closed wi th the son g- , MUSICIANS CELEBRATE SCHUBERT

"S d S d"

mo nd Trenh olm, accompani ed by Lu- pany visits Pet·u. Somet im es towns After some discussion it was de- ave • ave · cille Hu gh es at t he p jan o, sang two are a b it lo athe to J.et such aggrega- cided to appoint a committee to look -selections, the first "C ar men a," by tions within the city limits. A carni- fur ther into this question an d it is to FACU LTY GARDENERS Monday Conv ocation De dicated to Wilson, a nd the second, ".Son ny .Boy_" val co mpany recen t ly app lie d for en- be decided at th e next E verett Socie- STILL HARV ESTING Shubert Compositjons


As a fittin g clim ax Ralph Ch ate lain tra nce into Peru, a nd, after du e deli- ty meeting. played as a pia no solo excer pts from ber ations, a permit was gi ven t hem. I ntensive work in now bein g don e Onions a nd P ars nips Speci alt y of Ch apel t ime on Monday, Novem ber sever al well kn own mel odies It is only such a hig h-class comp a ny on the Everett p rogram of three one- Professor Holch 19 was devo ted to F ran z Sc hubert's A business meetin g followed at as this one which would ever be al- act pl ays which t he soc ie ty w ill prein commemor atio n of 'which ' it was decided th at Philo lowed to do so. sent to t he public, on S atu rd ay of his death which was on Nove mber 19, wonld give a p lay nex t spring. An This co mpany is ra ther l arge. Its t hi s w eek. ju st o ne hund red years , ago. a mendment to the constitu tion was equipm en t consis ts of fo rty-two box

Mr Benford pl ayed two p ian o se- a lso cad e. ca rs of fu n and twen ty -ei g·ht doubl elections w hic h were composed by ,, len g th fiat ca rs lo aded with g ood t im es, besides many other attractions Schubert:

" Hark, Hark the La rk."

"March Militai re. "

S chu bert w as a famo us Austri an co mp oser of so ng and instrume nt al music; his masterpieces ha ve not as yet been surp ass ed.

We dn esday t he stu dents w ere entertained at chapel time by reprellentat.iv-es of t he Jun i or and Freshman

cla ss es. Jun e Br ic kel sang two nu m- to o numerous to mention. b ers, ac co m pa nied by Ruth Shelly. Only a one-nig ht stand is sch eduled "Ah Sad Inde ed My H eart for Peru, a nd the man agement g ua rTch ai ko vsky antees th at every thin g will be in "Horning" - Del Rei go readiness when the t ime comes.

Lo ri ne with Mr. Benford Ther efore, vJ.e a nno unc e to P eru pl aying the acc ompan iment on th e Stude nts the coming of the Kampus p iano sang: Kut-up Ka rnival Komp an y, an d hope " Carmena" - Wilson ' you will all attend. The date is De" Mey Morning" -De nza c e.m b er 7; t he sky is the limi t.

We again hav·e a repor t from one of ou r gardeners. Mr Holch says th at he has pulled p ars nips thi s fa ll

HAWKEYE CLUB fro m his gard en a nd states th at they

The H aw keye Club met for a s hort r an ge fro m two feet to : hree feet busin ess meetin g Thu rsd ay at ch apel in leng th a nd from t wo to fo ur i nch es time. The questi on of dues was di s- in di amete r. As y.et he h asn't cussed. It was decided that dues weig hed any, bu t instead - ate t hem. would be sev enty-five cen ts; twen t y- They are bett er to eat th an to weig h. fiv e cents for this qu arter, a nd fifty Mr. Holch admits th at he is a cents for next semester Th e di scus- er of fame for he r aises t wo c rops sion fo llow ed as to how to raise from one pla ntin g. L ast sprin g he money for the Peruvian page. A planted o nion seed' and it gr ew i nto committee of fiv e was ap pointed to small onions. With the heavy fall decide up on this, and Paul Combs was rains these small onion plants • e vived el ected cha irman of t he committee a nd grew to a nice size.

Entered at the Postoffice of Peru, Nebraska, as second class mail.



To a ll faculty, st udent s, a nd t own friends, and to all Alumni friends everywhere, most cordial greeting s:

Since it is impossible to rea


Published weekly at Peru State Teachers College--the oldest training school Cl arinet Solo Jo e Jones I ward yo u a ll. So man y thou g htful J am

in the Missouri Valley, esta.blished 1867. B oth numlJ.ers .were accomp anied kindnesses: watchful care, lovely. some fo lks ta ke to w ard t he poin t ------------·--------------------- i by Ruth Shell ey . J. W. Tyler gave a' flowers, letters, messages CYf cheer, · t I b 1. t hat I wou ld hesi- ' k " · . sys em. e ieve

$1.00 the year.

Single copy 5 cents. I tal on Reqmremen ts to enter t he books, friendly calls, tem otin g t hin gs h W. I K D Pi" · - ta te to brand mys elf as a JO n rnappa elta 1 to eat, all make me feel very happy


Short talks were given on value of and very laumble t oo. Surely it is thrope" in this day and age_

State Teachers conventions. These worth a broken bone or t wo to t hus It seems to me that t he main ide

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF JOE JONES were given by Wilber Schindler, realize the wonderful bea uty of is to give m ore st ude nts an oppor-

Mary Conway, Mrs. P rice, and S. L. friendship and human k ind ness. I tunit to demonstr ate t heir talents, ASSOCIATE EDITOR - RUDOLF ANDERSON Clements.



h ave so many' things to be than kful y " b for th at I t hink this exp erience w ill . a nd not to s ome over- urd-

RALPH CHATELAIN A short business meeting was held dened in te llig e nsia ' A move to war to plan fou fu t ure prog ra.m and to make me no t only a happier but also · h I h ... tt '; demo crac y ough t to be w -grt Y of make a d c· · th lJ. f ope, a ·ue er woman.

EDWIN BOOTH ' e iswn on e n urn er 0 o ur -considerat ion. Peruvia n pages to h ave this ye ar. H ere's love and than-ks and best Har o ld P. c 0 ok

SPORTS "TIP" .ROBERTS I A social ha lf -hour was spent by wishes to you every one. ljsten in g to the high school radio. Yours In true Peru sp irit, f T he last editio n of the P edagogjan

NEWS ROLAND KREPS AND DON KEISTER The meeting adjourned. j Estfier A. Cl a rk. conta ined an arti cle by Ralph C hate1

SOCIETY - -...: - HAZEL HUTCH INSON At the regular meeting of the Delta ' BASKETBALL j lain la ment ing the mi nor p ositi on ocAlpha Pi a motion was passed to in - The gym h b th f cu pied by extra-c urric u lar ac tivities as een e scene o sevCAMPUS - - - LUCILLE DOWELL itiate a i11 the direction of eral basketball g ames betwe en the of a sc hol asti nature, in fact schoi nationalization . of . the organization men of the diffe rent bo a rdin g houses last ics as a who le, in th ei r rel atiOJlFEATURE

__________________ __________ .:_ _______________ GEORGE COOK l through a charter from the K appa J.etely. _ sh ip to athletics on t he Peru campus. · · , Delta Pi fraternity. Members of thi s ' Further Mr. Chatelain d·eplores the ACTIVITIES · RAYMOND TRENHOL"' organiz a tion .on the campus fro m la ck of s cho las ti·c a dver•1·s1·11g c1·1·cu

, There is quite a large amount of ·- -. '" friendl y riv a lry going on among the v, chapters at Colorado Univer si ty, Gree- contesta nts and there has been at l ated by the schoo l; a nd con cludes

FACULTY · HAROLD McCREIG HT j ley State Teachers Colleg·e, Greeley, least one free basketb all g ame a his l alJlen tat ion with the c ustom of · : Colora do, Oklah oma University, Pea- week in the g ym for the pas t th r ee Fegar di ng t he m embers of P eru's atl1-

DEBATE ..:. ERNEST HASSELBLAD I Tennessee, State Teachers College, weeks. le tic te ams as the pri mary s tandard body Teachers College, Nashville, bearers of P eru's colo rs _,,...

INSTRUCTOR - THOMAS E. ENNIS Tenn essee, and State Col- Last wee)c there were tbree gam es An imp artial ana lysis of th·e situ a1 Y 1 · M h h h pl ayed on Tuesd ay ni ght. sta rtin g at


L ast Saturday's game proved the undi sp ut.a ble light of Peru football to lay claim upon conference cha mpionship. That g ame was a rather

ege, psi anti, ic igan, t roug 7 , 1 tion divulges the ac c uracy of Mr th eir ch apters and through their ac- 0 c ock. Th e firs t :?,"a .,.te w as !:-e- · Chat el a in 's as sertio ns. The ba sic oui·age of constructive physical ed uc a-1qu a in ta nce with chapter membe rs in the bpys of the Dahlstrom pose of t his a rticle is to d epic t b0use an d the "D ark H · ti t10n. fifteen or t wen ty colleg es have gen -. . le at ely why a thlet ics an d part icipa nt We must m ake a distinct ion b e-1 erously pled ged t hei r support. mffe;;i h01 hthe Dahlstrom ho use cnny in g of athlet ics in P e1·u, occ upy a posi. o t e onors The s e<' o nd g 11 mP. · f tween athletics and physical educa- N. o .de r; asons are seen why was between th e 8:5!. 'ln d 9 :50 g." rn tion 0 promi nen ce above ou1 f ate t t 0 t d ·' and othe r school's and· tion. While the process of choosinv 1 1 1h111 Y ma-: no e g ran e a. the 8.50 -: l t- win ning. The nahona c. arter. Any help t hat c an I ·t oo am 1 b t - Id wh y •t he pr es·ent c ircu msta nce is b asspectacular a ffair, also,-a good cli- the few best physical specimens from b . b f 1 ,,. , e was e We"! n 0 ed up on .t he opera t10 n of r7>.'. e given y acu ty members through riv als the Tren holm b oys a d th max to a fine let the ranks of one scho ol and pi tting with K appa Pi from the Gain es Hall. Th e Mr. Ch ate lain in dulges himse lf in us not think that b6 \'1'nly t hat one them against th e few bes t fr om an· members m. other coll eg·es , will be I house aga in won as it had the pre-the use of Bi blic al paraphras-e in .game we have the chompion- 1_ may at pr known un- du ly appreciated. ; vious week. wh ic h he asserts "by thei r athletics

J._____ ........ th em." The writer of

d that paraphr as - th is arti cle con t en s tendencv to·1 B' ble has a · der the g uise of " physic al educatio ri, " ALPHA MU OMEGA I TO SPONSOR 19 28 O RPHEUM . i ng from i Ex act quotation of s hip. . •IJe ide a is at once erroneous a nd "The Alph a Mu Omega Fraternity Th e fo llow in g p ersons h av e been a.n d the A championship, to ny , is th e held i"ts reg ular meeting Monday, No- appoin ted to ac t as a fac ulty com - s_crip r of scr1"p ture is a ppropn/ r"' fa llacious Why should those indiv1- 0 h ass ag e me re g lamor of..,a'h cm&asion, a nd not b 19 in t he m ath ematics r oom. i:nittee to sponsor the 1928 rp e um mg P , oo c: e "by thefr .:."'-r };!' dua ls who are p ossessed of vem er ' f, b h t l t a te to t he write rs pur_ ,, t he complot• @io l...,f ' " "'on' ot, E vmtt V =derlo<d h•d chaoge o ' to he put on y t e ' ute n " fr uits ye sh• ll kn <>w them h ps !Ii' of wotk behind one phY>iqu eo be t.k •n a od •P•· th• pt-0g,.am. It con•i•ted of •biogta- Mu hm, Chaitm• n; Ennfa Montoe, The inclinatio n of hu m= - kmd ' .o p er a , 1 oc ca ci alized to ev en a hi gher d egree of ph1"cal sketches of famous math em a- c arter, N orwoo d, Miss Ro ot, :Miss l bu t on a, ar1season It not ;ne on Y a 11 d- d c ater to the spec tacu a r;. .t the other, an perfectio n? To be su re, it f ul.fils t he ti ci ans Lorine E rickson rep orte 'P almer t wi th t his is another h abit of ap>J>iP hove woo "'· thi• Da.·wi ni•n • umval of on t he lifo and wotko of A<Chimed.,, I The 'o tpheum t hfa ym is to be p ut y . . the wo rth and value of any ,.n, a ll of tha t. t he fitt.,t---but men, we hope, "' A=ie GtaM on B >tton .on Ftiday, D ecemb et 7. W •tch fo t or project in terms. nf men a gree more than mere a nimal s. Redfern on Pasca l.' more inform ation in the futu re. achieve ment. An unbiased invest1g:.!, it is a nd not a te am, which No w, in the idea of int ra-mu ral At this time business concerning I tion d ivulges th at since the year ampionship. The sports, .the ide a of w in, win, win, is th e P.eruvian was considered, also i WI LL STUDY ART 1923 un til the present y ear, Peru's just re ason, pr oud of j;he1 r p arti a ll y done aw ay, The high spe- c on cern ing the flow er fo r t he fr ater -F ifty -eight m asterpi eces of art athl etic te a ms h ave ob ta ined s even achiev ement The ' "t of "' "n .be ci• li,.tion which now tak " •uch nity. wete bought for "" in th e. ttain ing s tate champi on•hips, four fo hasket· .also proud of the held we have g1v- scientific pr ec1s10 n of execution The next meeting will he given ov- sc hool. With these large bal1, two in fo otb a ll, an d one m tr a ck would be superse ded, to be s ure, but er to an i nihation of new memb ers. t nres a /l arge n umbe r •>f sm :itll mdi- No oth er organization on the P er11 leave schools; champion-I is that to render a game so un en.!o y- v idu al pict ures of the same ones were c ampus ca n b oast of such a record: able as not to be worth the pri ce? ALPHA ERUDITO also procured. T hese will be u sed by it ove rshad ows and ecl ips es t he ens hiP> •tay. i Tho" w ho play fot the love of th e The member.< of t he ochola "hiP the 'tuden ts when the piccum "° de avo" ofall c ontempora ry m-ganfa•-_ VISUAL EDUCATION ! ga me should have no fr aterriit y, Alpha Erudi tp, as it sh l? ll studied. . ti ons in Peru.

1 b th intra-mural sport s, for, 1 an y mg, hencefo rth be known, me t I During t he c our se 0 f his article Mr Di mt '"P' >te hemg " y e it •hou ld enh rnce t helt PO•filhi!iti" n igh t, Novembet 19, fo t t he putp o" NEW BOOKS IN Chat elain de p]oteo t he l ack of s cho· college to g et the idea of "' 0 1 ed- of enjoy ment of n=ing the club, d tawing up t he COLLEGE LIB RARY lastic advertisi ng circul ated by Petu. u"tion b efote th e stu.i.nt" The bio- Intra-mun! athleti" gi ve oppot- co.,titution, a nd fot t he election of He e viden tly negle cto .to co nside,. t hat logy film• which •te bein g •hown =d tunity fo t a fat gte•tet oumbet to officer.< as ptovided fot in the con- The following titlea have bee n ,. Peto h as al u.rnni scatteted frop> coaol the n ew appmtu. m entl y """" p ottici p•te, lo t •uch • high degree stit ution. lected !tom the l atg e numb oc of to co as4 from the Ca nad ian bm·de•· by the T ,.ai nin g School ate evidence• of p erlection i• not tequired. The The officia1' of th• club ate as fa!· b ooko w hich ha ve been added to the to t he Gulf of Me xico, who offer •i· of thi• fa ct. Thi' i• a fine t hm g fot heavy ex pen" iocomd by in te,.-col· low• college Jibmy du dng the p ast two Je nt hut ad equate testi mony to the ""·eople who le arn with t heir eyes, hl t· Id ls be elimi n 1 d d · th · h l ti v legiate at e 1cs wou a 0 - Pi·esi"dent _ - Marg aret Cain months They are i nc u e m e great ness of P era in sc o as c ena nd a lso of interest to many who are f · 1 not so dependent upon visual instruc- V ice P resident - - en ated, a nd the sti g ma o commerci a - • Ell Zink li"st b ecause of th eir" br oa d gener al deavo rs Ad dit ionally he fails t() ism wo uld be t aken Secreta ry

Meier appeal to the in terested in c onsider t he increase of enrollment in tion. Athl eti cs a re a. fine thing-.there is Memb ership Helen Kaltenborn Imany th in g. s-subJ.ec ts ot_her..than t he each y ear 's fr e sh m an cl ass who, while

·1"dea Louis Agassiz who liv.ed in the find some way to serve "the greatest

Vlsu al e duc ation is not a youn g B t I C k h h l U no doubt about 1t. ut un 1 we can Treasurer George T. oo one in w h1c e 1s spec1a 1zrn g. coming tor v anous re asons, enro

Biography because of. Per,u's scho lastic standing. nineteenth century before the time d " · B df d · h d t · number with the greatest goo ' we In the November issue of t he "Rec- Life a nd I :r.a or Last ye ar a s tudent in t e eµarof movies and picture projection, h . B d 1 d t . When should n ot be too la udato ry in t e1r t 1 ,, t he m agazi·ne of the N ati onal S kywa rd - yr m en t of Chemistry WO T' a national t aug ht by visua e uca ion. ang e asked Wllat he th ou ght to be the prais e. s· 'Tau Delta Eng lish frater nity, Mi c robe Hunt ers De Kru if for wr iting a chemi cal essay. igma ' " ' L" db h Th " · ·a t l t"fi t trl greatest work of his life, he replied, there appeared two art icles by our ,I 'V:e in is inc1 en 1 es o .1e "I have taug ht men to observe.'' If TAKE THE ADVANTAGE own college p eople, one by Joe Jones, D1sr aeh - - - Mau 101s fit ness of Pe ru s C hem istry depa1tnew appli a nc es, then, are to teach us Some few y ears m ore than thr ee a nd the other by Miss Esthe r Clark. Vol. I, ll, In tim ate P apers of Colo nel me nt. to better u se our powers of observ a- centuries ago, a small ba nd of per- .. House - - S eymour· The he ad of .Peru's l:,iistory departtion, they are a g ood thin g. sons la nded t heir bo a ts on the eastern Education ' men t has -b e en a year in one of the One g re at advantage of v isu al ed- sh ore of t his con t inent, at Plymouth

The Scho ol-Bo a rd Mem ber Alma ck g re atest unive rsities of the middle uc a tion is t hat it br in gs t hin gs out Rock. The old r ock still is the re MT VERNON HALL Ho w to Do Research in Educati on west att ain i ng recognition , and SG of the the oretic al and abstract down worn by th e w aves and scarred b' Good gre at was the quality of his work to where we can see them with our h ammer -marks Th ere are many

Adve n ture wi th C ruldren Le wis th at he wa s retai ned as an instructor ow n ey es It inc reases our a bili ty to grav es a lso atPlymouth, but th e D orothy Marti nd ale h as r etu rn ed Problems in School A dministr ation for t he present ._vear in that uni versi· observ e, a nd, as h as many times b een ideals which t his p eop le broug ht to take uo he r scho ol dutie s af te r oe- - - Lind say 1t y's historv d enart ment whHe a re!!-shown, is valuable in character forma- have g one "fr.om Atl ant ic to Pa cific, ing to home in Om aha. Ac tivities_ McKown ular -went aQ;oad for study tion. There is doubtless a gr eat de al from the pa lm tree to th e Pfne." __ Public Sc h ool F inance W Mo e hlm an ; and res e arch, fu lfilling the dut ies 01 ahead in ·this advance, an d we will Later, when th ese ori ginal Sylvi,a D av is, Flo ren ce Davi s, Mi l- Ci vic E du ca tio n - S nedd en this professo r during his absence. be • hle to study it !tom "' begin- h•d fo=ded them,.Jv.,, they m•t>- 'd ted We n, !. a nd Loi• Metcalf wete The Pa '5ing of the I .Mt. Cha telrun infets t hat Pern ath· ning• on upwatd. ln th i• we •te tu ted a g mt on the •ick "" th l• week ---.-- - - - Thayer , le te• ate k nown "officia lly" if not fottun ate They had but a '"nt stote of bleso- T l>e Me., u nn ent of Inte lli g ence 1oocJ>illy. The infete nc e in ihL "ate· in gs to be tha nkf ul f or, but the d ay Breakfast c onsis ti ng of h ot 11olls Thorndike ; m en t is that the admin i stration of INTRA-MURAL SPORTS ! r must .have been tru e one, be ca use and coffee Is to be served in bed to Games an d Parties i t he school c aters towa:i;ds athletics No s m•ll numbet of the colleg., , we stoll celeb ,.ate >L the dotmito ry gir1' Th on kogiv in g Su ppo" We Do Somet hfo g Else and negl ecto oth e,- activ iti e" Stat!s• nd uni v eraitieo in the e "'tetn p •tt Thete ate ju" as m•ny ohances to morning. Ci"k ' tics m the s ame edition of thi• papmof the United Stat" ate beg innin g to Jond on a Rock of Plymouth tod ay " Th e Wo ".d'• B.,t B ook of Garn., •nd s how football to be f"< bene· teali,e that the intet-collegi• te a th- th ete evet have been Lots of u• •te Matga"t Cain spent th e week eqd ,Paomeo L eat & M>shlet lki •l fi n ancally than oth« actiritie le tic s itu ation ·h as become a cute a nd tak in g the a dv an ta ge to do t hi s. at Waco, Neb rask a, wi tJh h er fri e nd AG Hand bodokRof - -M-- Rod gers for example debating. Con ·aering are swin g in g ov er to int1·a-mural a th - An d, car ry in g the th ou ght through a Helen Kaltenborn. ames an ecreat 1onal et.hod t wo activi ties f th] t• I . . , o ne o an a e ic .na· letic" Theterm "io t>·a-mu" I" mean• bit futthet, it's a flne thing to t•ke j S nu tb to te m compadsun to one with , " within the wa ll•," ot confined to •d V>n t•ge of the opp ottunity th o" J.,,. Thotpe, at · " Y' G<ogtapby T'aveJ : objective, let us consi<le< the limi" of one " bo o!. In doin g eatly fo lk g ave "' to be a little he '' ptog teMing nicely. Bob Ha ,,.;. I On the T"d of Ancoen t Man (A•i>l briefly d ebating and football. t ht. , th ey ,,. •l•o s hifting !tom th e tha nkful fo , 'oTI>ethin g when we An, son, anothet Peto vi •n, is •up.,>nte n· , - And,.ews Do ting th 1 t h 1 . p . , "Big Injun cha mpions hip" age to an a lly get it. d ent at Brad shaw. (Continu ed on Page 3, Col. 4) (C t• e.d as c 00 Y·ea 1 · 6111 on rnue 011 Page 8, Col. 1)

PUBLIC OPINION ers hei·e wns low in one of his/ HOMECOMING PROGRAM MRS DUNNING REA DS I Pl ans are bein g made for a Home( Conti nued fr om Page 2) 1 jects.. f!e was obliged to drop out ! Pl!;\ns are well under way for the Mrs. Dunning, Dean of Women of foot.b all t eam won all g am es played1and not play in that game He d\d ' gjvin g of a Homecomin g .:irog-ram on Peru State T eachers College, was and annexed a sta te ch a mpionshjp; I not compl ai n, and eve n ask ed to drop , Thanksgiving ni ght. All fo r mer stu- president of Deans of Women Tn the c ou:se of the .yea r the football until he h ad cau gh_t up in dents of the tr ainin g school, pr.rents, and a&yisers of girls at a meeting of Peru d ebating teams part1c1pated in his work. Such instances .show t'.he 'and children ,are cordially inv ited to th at onganizat ion durin g the State t wel ve ar:d won four scholasti<: a ttitud e of athl etes attend this program. As many classes Teachet-s Con,vention. The meeting coming' program ' to be g iven in the n ear future This will be the best ever given by the high school, a nd a ll fo1·mer st udents, friends, faculty , and present students are invited to come out a nd enjoy a good time. Help t he training school celebrate its homecoming !

At t his Jun::t ure it is well Both and 'Romans h ad p hy - as possible w ill be represented_. The was held in Ellen Smith Hall at Llnfreshe.n th_e of. a ll who c nhc ize Is1cal. trammg. The education pr9 grarp: , w\11 be excellen t and also T.h.is ro eetin g ,:4; an ann ual afthe ath letic domination of Peru consisted of music and athletics. va ri ed . Some of the t hin g·s to be fai; -:fo; the Deans ana" Advisers of text of this I Greece was le ad in g th.e world in given are mu sic, a play, women an d g irls t hrough out t he state. arti cle by the1r fnilts ye shall Isculpture, art, a nd mytholo gy. Whe re tion. fo, fact a general ,good time kn-0w t hem." The achievement of h ave been better artists than Phidi- will be ha d. · · ' NEW BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY

a.thl_etic teams, the reput a tion, ,! as or Praxiteles, or a better b ard than

Continued from P age 2) ·:' ' / is no

,.. c oo urm one o c e os mterest rn physical training t ey c 1 b' · f for 't te h • P" i ·R Af ' . · · brou •Tht t he s h I f f l t · · h : ISafan (Afnca) Jo nson FOR HONESTY the pr.estfge and honor they h.1ve Homer? As soo n as Gr eece or Rome

brightest pa ges in her history. Ev- 1decli n ed in power. The ollu m ia tts amo us i s ac ers t he Utmost urp e im ( 1-1 "' 11 · · co ege, -e c. nca) Po we as a business policy e, y xa prom1smg m,itenal fo r Peru's Greek Oly m pics is still observed by . ,

ath!enc teams acc<•rnpany st u- • ci vilized n atio ns in a modernized · Im not a dvoc atmg th.at athletics South Amenca,. - Shanahan dents w ;w ..::-iroll fo: tra in- I form. be done away with- no one Science J. C. CHATELAIN ing and benefit, whicn aci.:ompanies Whe n the World War broke out, likes to see a g·ame of footba ll bet- Chemistry of Common Thin gs Watc.hmaker and .Jeweler our at hle tic. expansio n andde7elop- I the United States was ast ounded to ter th an. myself. We that :ap Bro wnless & others ment. Coach Graf and athletes. learn how ma ny of her supp osedl y pea l, which only athl etics ca n g!vc. The Hum an Body ·- - Clende nin g S r sho,uld no t be criticized bec ause of ! able-bo d ied men w-ere n ot physically · However, 1 feel that we sho uld give'. T he Story of Dru gs Fuller School Upp · their brill iant achievement which 1 fit. Why? Because so many men an measure of support to other ! Chemical Wa rfare __ Fries & West m&nifests their real merit. j have been forc ed to i occ upations activi ties. T here must be t hat Master Min ds in Medicine_Hemmeter The Wl"iter u rges Mr to I wh i ch do not require muscular ener- peal, equally stron g, for those m- Chemistry in t he World's Work al tb· a · t f Th · · · .t bl 1 f th terested in other things · H ev ua...,. every in6 1n erms o gy. is is an me v1 a e resu t o e owe ach ieveme nt, merit, and emi nence be- ! age in which we Jive Phy- W ith this in mind try to see the Ch ats on Scie nce Slosson fo re assaul ti ng it, an d to direct his -Sica! trainin g, of w hich athletics is a true meaning of my article in l ast Medic al Asp ects of Chemical Warfare effor ts tow ard pla cing activities, that result, is t he on ly possibl e r einedy. . week's issue. ! -- --------------------- Veddar occupy his time a nd interest on such _ German y, by military discir line, ' Ralph Ch atelain History a .pl a11e th at tp.ey will attain the pre- ha d. deve l9ped her m en_ physi·cally 1 -

On the T rail of the Russian F amine I ce!].ent set by Coach Graf a nd his u ntil some of them were a lmost per- i "We'. the Exec.utive of ., - G older & Hutchinson pro teges; doing this he may expect · feet When t he war ended, was she th e Peru Dram atic Club wish to make Tl R . R 1 M f d · h · · th f II o- t t t 1e u ssian evo u tion ____ avor t he cooper ati on of t he "powers that or ce to g ive up er military tram· e o owwg s a emen : Ch ' N t' . E 1 ti · i I ma, a a ion in vo u on be" in hi s efforts a nd commensurate mg for Y?u t h? No; on the co.nt rary, 1 There are and always will be dif- Monroe 1 r ewa1·ds from the student body an d she has mcreased i t. Athletics are f erences and variations in opinions. A H' t f th F E t · M d : b · . is ory o e ar as m o ern facul ty for such efforts.· 1· ecormng more and . more ,prominent . The Dramatic Club c an not an d does I Times - Vinacke Leslie Leonard m Germ any all the time. ] not attempt to dictate to its own : I ""' 1· · · tt · · b h t · · th h 11 ' Fiction uusso 1111 rs a emptmg to agam mem ers w a opin10ns ey s a

In following up Mr Leon a rd's ar-1make Rome t he ruler of the world. ; hav·e. There is no re ason why A La ntern m Her Hand - Aldrich ti.cle, we h ave made a ge neral survey One of the first thin gs he is d oing is ' their individual opinions should be Yell ow Gen tians a nd Blue Gale -0f the college ra nk in athletics and'i to build up the bodies of Italian 1cl a imed as of the club. Swan Song enrollmetJ. t of Pe ru and have found ; you,ng men by athletics. Unless actng in official c apacity un- The Age of Reason - - Glbbs these s tatistics to be f 8'cts. l Athl etics teaches lead ersh ip, for 8 der direction from the club they Misce llan eous As fo r deb ating the college spent l p erson who has served as a lea der citizens of t he school at l arge. Your Money's Worth __ Chase-S chlink

PHOTO FINISHING CAMERAS ALBUMS $250 on these teams , and Mr. L eo n- 1 always makes a b etter one if he has Because are individual diff- Fabrics a nd How to Know Them arcl s hows their record for the season. served under anoth er leader. As a ferences, there to be a multiplic- __ .:. __ Denny PetefSOfl Studio i Of the four d eb ates stag ed at Peru: res ult, there are many former Peru ity of or ganization s of differen t b pes T ab le Service a nd D ec ora tion - Gunn they a s um of seventy cents ; athletes who are s up erintendents of to s atisfy the iri'ter ests of the people; IThe Hows a nd Why of ? ooking 56 PERU pe 1· mght Wesley an p layed fo o tball schoo ls rn Nebraska, Colorado, Wyo - therefore, athl etics, u ramatic cl ubs, 1 Halhda y & Nobl e PHONE with P eru : 5560. we re tak en in as g ate 1min g, Io wa, Kansas, Missouri., and literary societies, fratern it i es, e ts., a ll, Possible Wo rlds - Hald ane t i·ccei pts of the bud g ets Com-J oth-er states where P eru's sch olastic h ave their p laces on the ca mpus. ; P or gy Heyw a rd & Heyward i p are this $560 with 70 ce nts. The trip j record is know n. There shoul d not be wran g lin g b e- [ The Intelli ge nt Woman's Guide t\• to St. Louis netted he te am In conclusion, let me ask a qu es- · tween them but coop eration an d that . ciali sm and Capitalism Sh aw mo ney to stage the h omecomin g in \ tion. · Why are we thrilled to see a· fo r the best of the schoo l. Old Faith a nrl New 1 CLARY'S CAFE Per u, a nd to see the Cha dron game, good game? Why do we cheer our As an ex·ecutive body of the club, + -. nowden ES a nd then son:e was Acco:- a;thletes? Why d oes the college this council th.ere n ever Nutr.itional P hysiology Stiles ! M EALS, ' di ng- to recerpts, which is the pu,bhc them Just because of their been any a ction or discussio n made I Art m Home and I SHORT ORDE RS demandin g? ! goo d a.thlet1c reco rd? No, fellow stu- as to t he a ffairs of any of the organ- _:. __ Trillin g & W ill iams 2 doors south of Post Office O there .was an o(. den ts, b ut because we want .to/ iz ations or department;; of the s chb? L/ L au g·hter a nd rH ea lth --Walsh

no at let1cs The following year t he mg ex a mple of the best mor ally b · h d d h · · I · 1 1g ne 1s twen :y- 1r ay o olm · • • vem er, nine t een un re twenty -

• enrol ent re11 off twe nt y-five per not l east, phys ic ally, of the graduates eig ht " n_..

H. A ." 1u· A C y cent. In 1919 -1920 a small ma- that Peru is c apab le of producin g· j L. H p . B A R J\J F S ' . l'Y! · . . , · eo resident, J01• ty of the g ames were won an d m Herber t E I ve ns . . . . ILET ARTICLES 1921 the e"'ro llmellt . lumped to 188. ' . L1lhan Brady, V1ce -pr es1dent, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, STATIONERY, TO Th f II · p f i· Mar y Gray, Secr etary, \ ICE CRE AM .e o owin<r years eru won our-t was not my p urpo se last week to

, THE REXALL "TORE t t f fift d f . • Wallace Hervey, Tre as urer. ,., een ou o een games, an rom get perso nal m my attack upon the - n thnt t' th t f th · · Ce dric Cr mk , '"'" 1me on ey pu or a w mnm g! present d1spar1ty between at hlatics · t ..J th · JJ t · d / '. Fra nces Monarty, "'"' eatz:il, at nu e t erubo me11 mcr:asfie , Ia,nd ·other act ivities on this campus. Hazel Williams I = -">=.<::::::. un n a presen t. ere are near ve rn sorry that some chose to the • : i ALL TOGETHER- The Mardis Store is now in position to furnhu ndred students arid still a winning { a rl.iple as menacing in Madonna Brady. 1 ish your ever y food need. Fresh Meats, Lunch Meats, Milk, Bread, t eam Iv I d h E. Haywar d, Cakes and Groceries. of all k inds. You will find our prices reasona- · f enom n or er, t e n, tha t my ideas Ma-r gar et A. Clineburg, These same figures prove ou t with \ may be pr oper lv interoreted I am ap- , ble, our merchandise the best, and our serv ice unexcelled. thp.se of the St ate Normal at K earn ey. e d" thi Players Group Lead ers THE MARDIS STORE Ph 25 . t Ip n mg s. n Phone 25 one

We c ompa re with schoo s af o·ur t r do n't want to' be a la Mencken, same ca liber, and not with Notre , ' N Q"} St t• 1 = Dame. all de structi ve, and non-co nstructive, ' ew I a Ion so I hav·e here a few ideas which will

Keith Wolf, and Edwin B oot h

Full line of tires, tubes, and , · VIS T THE · cl ari fy th in g s, a nd gi ve future stu- automobile accessories. WHEN IN AUBURN I Peru Pedagogian de nts s ome t hin g_ to think aJ;>out. Q

Dear Sirs : The a nci ent Greeks were a race of 11

One of the worst ways to IDJUre an ! i n. diy i du a ls who had well rounded V We have a modern air hoist

GRADE CANDIES SANDWICHES I l Th h to help us the best servi ce Ji FOUNTAIN SERVICE · orga nization to which a person be- i ves e1r sc e dule includ-ed not v longs is to use destructive criticism, I only at hletics which built phys ic a lly possible m lubric ating your O t hat 1 is, cr it icism at the organ iz ation : they included the cultural w hic h Q c ar. • O io which t he m em ber belongs.' built mentally and_ spirituall y. Neith-

Od Co. 0 Schools a re . in cluded among th ese or- : er wer e end m themselves, but 0 1 ga niz atio ns. Y. et people who ar e bene- 1 both contributed the <!_evelopment j fit d b · th d'· t" l f ·1·t· of we ll ro u ndE:d li ves I

Your FaJI Dress, Your Hat, Gloves, Hosiery, Visit the e y ese e uca 10na ac1 11es · c continue to deplore the state of! A th le tics, as they a re in most ·· : t hin gs, but suggest no remedy. ! schools to day, ma ke for an over em- n When in Auburq ! W




y A stateme nt has been -ma d·e that no phasis on the part of those individ- EAT AT THE I 0 . person knows N otre Dame s cholasti- : uals who do participate. Ath letics '( , 1 cally, but on ly athletically. This is ; su ch co nditions become an end · BUSY Bee Cafe , 0 There you will find the Best for Less part true, no t becau se athletics shade m themselves. For those less fortu-1 ; ll a nd ov-er -sh adow all scholasti c w ork,' n ate i ndividuals -who do not partici-

but b ec ause No tr e Dame is a Catho- i pate in interscholastic gam es t her e ,._....,._.,_......,._,<r.m>o:= . =..,...,= . lie college It is the a mbition of _ is not ,enou gh of th e physi ca l Th e j I I thousands of C at holics in t hi s co un- , European system of physi cal ed uca-j 1 J •

try to go to Notre Da me, as they re -' tion h as great ly improve d upon th e I

g;i!'d it as the highest college. of u ndemocratic plan• America is usi ng .,

learning in t he country-scholast1cal- Ea ch person, the re, takes part in m Peru .

ly . Naturally, th:ey then have a lar ge some game, In th e U. S. le adi ng·1U V choice of good papers, and building al schoo ls are takin g up w ith t his ........... <D!O,_,.,,,.,.."'""'..,.,. fi ne· team, and when a go od team is In t ra -mu ral sp orts a nd corrective ex-

b uilt up, whether at Notr e ame or e rcises are rapid ly b eing recog n ized/ q at Peru, th e approbation, and inci- as the on ly saviors of the race, phys-

dentally the cheering and "rooting," ic ally The Unive rsities of Southern IO of at two -thirds of the student ' Californi a, Oklahoma, and Harvard body follows ' .mi g ht be cited as ex a mp les I


, We are Ga(rying the largest and best selected stock of Ladi es Coats and Dresses in South Eastern NebrasJrn attractive ly priced.-Take the Elevator.

Our New Department featuring J!.adies' and Growing Girlsl Shoes exclusively at $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, and $8.00 2nd Floor Nebraska City Get your discount in S&H Stam11'9 men to get good a nd] they get t nel Harvard has a reputation gai ned (Next to Gaines Hall on the ..i.. t During one of t 1e re ce n · / Pavement.) em oo. }: U 1 from th ings ot her t han a thletics; · · · games, on e of the ):>est foot ia P ay - 1 /

Shoe repairing at 'Comfortable' prices! Ladies Shoes a Special-

Homecomi ng Day was o b- j Thfs id,ea wou ld not jeopardize the / s erved here this year, ,there v:ere ! physical ed ucat io n depa r tmen t, if that three separat e w h!ch unJted l is wh.at you fear ; rather it wou ld j to make Ho:m ecomm g Day a g reat m ake it a field of notentia li ties. Th at, ty. s u-cces:;, These three elements wer eli friends, is 'my cm athletic s. ' (The Shoe Shop on the Eas t athletics, music, and dramatit:!->. Each Now the cultural phas e: It is pos- Q Side of the Street) p-erformed its duty nobly and as sible for a schoo l to becom e noted all visitors here that c an for th i ngs- o t):i. er than athletics. St. In addition, each coo]!!erated with the/ Olaf's has b eco me famous for i ts choother and thev were so in ter woven, M th h . h You'll not be .1ssappotn e ' •, - Id ral sm gmg. en go e1e w o w1s that withottt the aid of one, all wou to express themse l ves musically . if you get your hair cut at fa.iled. . . / h Pa rke Coll ege in Missouri h as become BOB KNAPP Athtetics are an m centi vc for t e famou s for just its te a chin g person-

-------KAMPUS KUT- ·u P KA RN IV AL, DEC. 7


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27 • 1923 ............


(Continued from Page 1.)

I fo r.. fo r "DERE FOWKS" father and son banquet t he other ba ck for Casebee r; Sau tter fo r Hurst; TRAINING SCHOOL -- 1' nite. I couldnt begin to t ell you an Matth ews for Hoffm an; Simpkins for I , 'DIDOES" j D EAREST FOLKES: we had to eat, bu t we sure had a lot.

De lzell ; Gr ass fo r Ri ggins ; Zook fo r l I d th fe llow t ried to see who Railsback; Sh affner fo r Krejci ; Ma- S ay Im in a heck of a fix. You an ano er with the "human 'tank," "Swede" · f H w 11 · Th B bk " I h t I eat t he most ]Ors or e rt.z; i iams fo r Simp-e o 1ttens p a_y Auburn h igh know some ?ody wrote in could eat t ;e mos ·

Hertz, g oin g over from the 8-ya rd kins; He r tz for Gr ass ; McC onnaugl1ey s chool here Thanksg1vmg day. L et !' the Ped agogian about athe lectics and but I wished afterwards that 1 had nt lin e where Krejci's beautiful broken for Matthews; Brunsdon fo r Toft; us help out on th is final gRme it sure did stirr the fellows up. E_s;. )of. went wide. Score: Peru 6, Omaha 0. ,The sc oring for the first half end ed fi e ld r un had a dvanced the ba ll. Ro the rt for Pike. Omaha: Hewlett of the season. ery body asks me if im for it or 1 • down f B .,_ G f B' h . - , . / Well my room.mates going k or aroer; eo rge or oe J.er; F ra- , , a.g·amst it an<l I don t know what to Ill 1 t hi·m t ake

Krejc i ran bac m antici_ption of

ley for Thread g ill. , The high school fo otball banqu et s ay. I want to do like you said and j own gue 1 c ompleting another of his thrilling wi ll be g iven Friday evenin g in the I try to m ake fr iends with everyon e and mail it so so ofngLo passes, but finding no one open to re- ASK ME ANOTHER' d"

c eive he tucked the apple under One of our professors h as evident- department. I

If I te ll the ones that are against hi s arm. s tarted a round his own ri ght Ily been quite troubled in mind over j it th at I am to why .other fellows ·e nd, reversed his field stiff-armed just how to c ert ain ph e nome na. j Satu rd ay e venin g, N ov ember 17 I wo nt like me and if i tell the fello ws

t hree men and ran to eleven ya rd le ast, here lS what Mr. Ge or ge w. 'the s op hom ore cl ass of th e re fo r it to why the fellows : Crystal

linebefore being hauled do w n. It just 1 gave us t he other d ay as a school held a par ty in the hi gh I th at are agai nst it wont like me, so !! r; took Hehtz two · tries at the ! line to of a p uz:i;Ie. He schoo l assembly. Th anks g iving da y! I don t kno w wh ether Im for it or I W ED., THURS., DEC 28- 29 t net the touchdowrr. c it. anot er pap er, and Igames were pla yed. Of course the I agai nst it. I gues III just tell th em I MARION DAVIES IN t, The second . ha lf is 1 th at w{II go passing it odn to you . refreshments were also of t he thanks- : th at I hav ent h eard any t hin g about I "Patsy" ri d h e cross-wor puzzle 1s an m- · t I ·t th I t h b f · h ; own m t e annals of football histo -t . I I b gi ving ype ' l en w on ave to e or e1t er I 11 ens1ve y rectan gu ar ut essen tia lly I "d G I 1 H ' leap ye ar ry Th e Bobca ts, with Her tz heading h t SJ e. I ir s. ere s your · · e erog eneous conc a ten ation of dis- · s h tt M athe atta ck, ran, plun ged, p assed a nd simil ar verbal sy nonimic · similitudes The st udents of t he Training School' S ay do Y?U know about it I picture. ee ow pre . y intercep t ed p asses to score four r eplete "th . t 1 . h"b" t• • are a nd have been enjoying the New got an A m Eng lish the oth er d ay. I a rion roun ds '-em up; p len ty of ·I· t hd · wi ·m ·ern a m 1 i ions yet j t h" k •t A I I h h R mbe Thurs .t: ouc owns When end run s failed promul gatin g ex tensive York Sy mphony Orchestra under the m w as co·uJdn t ha rdly laug s ere. e me r - II for a time, "Swede" hit the line for and meticulously desig ned to promote direction of Walter D amrosch. This t ell w hether it was an A or A C. I d ay night is t first downs. Then, to give the fans fulminative vituperation, dispel hebe- orchestra broadcasts over the chain I y know. they look an. awful lot I CHINA NIGHT , a thriJI a nd va ry their a tta ck a little, and develop speculativ·e st ations especially for schools. The ! a hke that 1s when . the A is n.ot qniet I See a good show an d get a ' K rejci wo uld step ba ck a nd toss a contemplative, introspect iv e, ;programs serve to instil t he appreci- j close d. I afraid to the p iece of chin a for that hope f; p ass . Two of his flip s nett ed touch- ative and cog ita tiv e fa cult ies. Iation of good music in to the students. j er for s he might. chartge 1t 01· ca ll it 1 21 chest. t d·owns. j Both the junior and senior hi gh i a C or so methin g. Im pu rty su re t

The third qu a rter s aw the invad- scho ols have been he aring t hese p ro - 1t was an A t ho. I FRI., SAT., NOV. 30, DEC. 1 f. in g ki tties march down the field to '/ grams, which nave been made poss- Oh Boy I s ure had a g ood f eed at I COLLEEN MOORE IN t the 17-yard ma rke r, receive two 15- ALUMNI NOTES ; ible by t he installation of a new Kol-

yard penalties, a nd st ill sc ore t heir ' lster 7, all-electric

count er. The he ad linesm an said it -

was th1 rd a nd 26 B" J d I

. , so 1!5 procee - Glen Joder is att endin g t he State

ed to make 1t ba ck; hi s flip to Case- College of Medicine at Omah a. DR . N. S. HARAJI AN .

bee r w as g ood fo r 22 yards and then 1 • '! DENTIST Phone 36

thoug ht g et into the scenes ! Robert Knapp , wi th his w ife, we re X-RAY SERVICE

a httle so he laid out on t he ne xt in Peru last Saturday. They are

play and received Krejci's pass for teachin g at Honey Creek. O' •· r tt;r mes · Pharmacy. Te l. Z7 ' the coun ter. l i1

Then t he powerful "Swe de" started : . . .

on his bi H i Walter Naim an 1s teach mg com-

Oma ha :tz;, a at El g in , _Neb raska. He Jacks I

in himself, " carr ied the ball seven mne ho urs of his d egree, a nd pl a ns I AMBULANCE AND I

t im es straig ht to a dv a nce it 60 yards to take work this

fo r the fou th t hd H . wm t er, fim s hmg up next summer. I

r ouc ow n. e never L. HORTON & CO.

failed to gain ; he was always g ood 1' L ·11 I . . . I Phone 128 Peru, Nebr.

fo r t he nec essa ry ya rds a nd a nd four h uci e rwi!1 is teachmg in ..

of the six touchdown s scored must be tow n, Bronaugh, Missou ri. Miss

accredi ted to th at ge ntl eman. ,Irwm has a two -y ea r, a nd is doin

Th e C ardin als were in there fi g ht-: g ood work in the g rades.

mg all the t im e, but they were in

pursuit of a lost c a.use. Graf's /I

O.nah a. The Bobcats made more tlian :uv••• -g n, 'c'

fo ur bmes as many yards rushmg ana I Following is the program r iven: J .

one an enJOY'e very 1 u . 1 i

- Peru, Nebraska ll completeji four out of ten passes for 'T b 1 Charles Trenholm • FOR SALE ! 124 yards as comp ared to two out of Cr! 0 1:1 one slo 0 H t K. • 1 Q ;, Some good rooming houses, 1

armet so 0 ____ us on mgso ver

nine for 22 yards for Omaha. d B Cl well located, and at the right

Sportsman co e yron 1 erry

In fact, the boys : Jokes Clineburg, an d Marsh p price. Inqm.re of (/

ay made only one bid. for sco11ng h?n - Cornet solo - Mac Dimning a G E

. . ors, and that was m Dthe hpenodd ' Piano solo Roland Stephenson & Ye

Them? when Camnbell ran ..,..eru's ri g t en for 22 yards and O'Hanlon followed it up with another one the same place !

BY OUR GROCERIES AND SERVICE YE for 24. But the Graf-coached outfit I SHALL KNOW US. We .always try to 0 tightened up when they saw the ball THANKSGIVING is one time of the & give the best. See us for your Thanksgiv- on their own 21-yard line and took 1 f d 0 • di the pi g skin on downs year when you all expect ot o. goo mg nner.

And now, all Omaha and Nebraska things to eat. We can satisfy this need

are singing the praises of a p ow erful, without a doubt. CALL AT

crruhin g g rid aggregation

from Peru. They termed Pa ul Hertz "the human 'tank,". they compared

mented on the great line play

M Toft, Brockman and Captain Bunch.

Lineups and summary:

Peru College (37) Omaha U. (0)


T 1 Th ' oft t readgill SUPPLIES

Riggins - lg Quisenberry LS UNCONDI

Bunch (c) c ______ Barber (c) CONKLIN ENDURA PENS AND PENCI ,


Brockman rt Helmstadter Authorized Dealer for Nemaha County for Remington

Hoffman re Roberts Portable Typewriters

Young rh O'Hanlon

Hertz fb Bolen Opposite Training School

Substitutes-Peru. Del:rell for Wil-

Iiams; C asebeer for Zook ;. Claussen

0 Fisk Teachers Agency WHEN IN DOUBT-

0 M E Sh



Has more vacancies than sati's-

factory applicants to fill



Benford Takes Gl ee Club to Auburn for Old er Boys Confer ence

Liter a ry Society pre- ex pe ri e nc e as a t eacher and pr actice pion Bobc ats had litti-e trouble in di s1 as a train ed nur se She comes to· the posing of Ta rkio and droppin g th e annua l "Peru singers" Tour l ast Fr i- had s er io us r es ul ts sented three one-act plays in the coll S d D b sch oo l hi g hly re com mended. curtain on the 1928 season wi th a win day evenin g when th ey mo tore d to It s eems th at in t he fin is hing room , ie ge auditorium, atur ay, ecem er h h d h on Turkey day when the y down ed th e Au bu rn and gave a pro gram at the 1. A lar ge crowd attended Mi ss Ahlber g as a t ree yea rs h , h ,, wh ere th e pamtmg and 01im g are I . . of co ll ege work at Va lp araiso Uni - Mi ssouri ans 18 to 0 on t e '5 ow me Boy's Conference. Abo ut two b un- - The pro gram was given m order h 1 d' 'd don e, a nd w here the na in ts a nd chem-1 h h . t f d t versity She -is als o a gra du ate of t e squ a s own gn dred fifty b oys from a ll o ver th e state - t at t e soc1e y may secure un s o Illin ois Tr a inin g School for Nurses ; Ta rkio w in.nin g the to ss cho se to were in atte nd an ce. icals f or wo od fini s hin g are sto r ed, Ipay for o_ ag es in the Pe r uvian , and B h k' k d t hi s tra inin g school is rank ed as on e defend the north goa l. unc 1c e Mr Be n for d was fi rs t ca ll ed upon a qu antity of benzene used for this other expenses of the soci e ty. of the gr eatest nur se's t rain ing insti- off to t he Ta rkio 30-yard line wh ere to demo nst ra te h is a bilit y on the 12 i- w ork had been sp ill ed on Tu es d ay. The p la ys were: "The Man in the tution.s in the Uni te d S tat es. Bes ides Tar ki o fumbl es a nd P er u' s " Hu ma n nno, the re quest was for T ur key in On this fl oor th en, a match had in Bo wler Hat," "Th e Up per Crust" t hi s Mi ss Ahlb erg h as been prac t icin g T ra ck t or" recov ers. Pe ru's ba ll. t he Straw"; as an en core he played some u na cco un ta ble manne r bee n al -a nd "Wisdom Te e th." E ac h pl ay was in Omah a, and h as ta ug ht at va riou s P er u sta r te d ou t with th e, ba ll on a hi s own number, "March of the 1 to fa ll . While i_n ro om at we ll ac te d a nd dir ected. schools. p ow erfu ll line sm as hin g dr iv e, wit h Wo od en Dolls ." Ihis wo rk We dn es day morning about I Ben Groot hius w as bus iness mana-New Coach is All-Kansas Star "S we de," Zo ok, a nd K rejci. ma kin g T he Glee Cl ub , un der t he dir ec tio n el even o 'cl ock, Lela nd Pa rr iott, son Ig er of t he pr og ram, and Elm er Her-E rnest Lo rb ee r co mes to t ak e t he lon g ga ins Th ey ca rr ied it to the of Pr of. Benfo r d, t hen pr es ent ed the ir of Sheri ff Lee P ar riott of Auburn , t el wa s Adv ert isin g manager. , plac e of "J immy " L ove l·ess who re- Tarkio 5-y ar d lin e, wh ere th ey w ere pr og ram as follows : acci de nta ll y steppe d on th e m atc h, Th e Fi r st pl ay was dir ected by L es - cen tl y p ass ed a way Mr. L or b ee r is he ld for downs. Ve neti an Love Song - - Ne v in . i gniti ng it, a nd t he t_rou.b ie ':as on . lie Ca rri e; the second by Ma donn a a gr a duate of the Kans as St ate Teach -A pu ntin g du el foll owe d b et w een C bs ' So much of the m ateri al m t his room · · K Wh z k d G ·een a nd occ up1' ed the i·e Her Ro se oom 1 , h h 1Bra d y; and th ir d byF ranc 1s Mori a rty. ers Coll ege at Hayes an sas. en oo an ILittle Pee-weet - ---P et rie- P ar ks; is of an m fl a.r:imabi e na tur e, t at t e I T he casts we re as fo ll ows: at Ha yes he play·ed e nd on the co l- ' mai nder of the fi rst qua rter. an cl a C01or Song - - - I room was qm ckly a sh ee t of fl a_:ne / leg e foo tb a ll te am forw a rd in b as -big share of the second, until Zook . . ' I b d th e a bili ty of the co l- The Man m th e Bowler Hat 1 • I ff b ·'f I 65 ·d t Th e sec o nd numb er is a bant on s olo : t was ey on ' · I .· ;ketb all , a nd also partici pat ed m b ase - o a eaut1 u pun wi th chorus. Th e solo par t was tak -\ lege employees to cope with, a nd t he : John - - De an Gi ball and trac k. He was selected as J wh ich w as d owned on Ta rk io s 4- yar d en by Louis Bick ford . ; fir e depart me nt

Wei se.

Se con d T enors : John B ath, E dgar Col e. Cedri c C rin k, Bern ard Ga ll oway. As a Re ctor, Earl Whipp le, and Chester Ko rb er.

Bari t ones : Le wis Bi ckfo rd,

- Pn port, Ha ro ld Fi sher, Th eo

ore Ro ehrk ns. e, Lo we ll Spro

, Verno n Pegg·ee.

Bas : Earl An drews, James De lz el l, D el bert McC onnaha, Harvey Ni cke l, Elto n Reinm ill er, Du a ne S ams , R usell Schaefer, Geor ge Coo k, a nd Otto Boellstorf. doll ar s.


bet we en the two s chools, ju st t he sam e as if the te ams had pl ayed at Wayn e ibis year . Pe ru a nd Wayne co ac h es also se ein g· th at the ga me would have no dir ect bearin g on the resul ts in th e N. I. A. A. conference re g arded the ga me as being unece ssary

the face of any State Norm al Cash F und s Are to 'Be of gen era l in te rest, a nd a study of it IY. W. and Y. M. Hold Joint Meeting 1 woma n, ex cept Ruth, who was his Had no Effect on N. I. A. A.-So :' Secured by Bo nds for $ 15,000 r eve a ls i nform atio n of infini te pr acti- I -C. C. A. Guests nurse wh en a baby Findin g hiM self Coaches Agree to Call off cal va lu e. - I almost bethrothed to Ruth on t'he day The s tate normal b oa rd at a m eet-The que st lon fo r thi s s easo n is: Re - Y.. W. a nd. Y. M. held a j.oint 'w hen his indentures are over, he is The information is given out at the ing held at Wa yn e decid ed to r equ ire so l ve d, th at pr acti ce of trial by jury meetmg 1.n the hi gh school audi t or- confr onted by th e dau ght ers of Gen- colle ge that the foo tba ll ga me with I 1 11 b b 1· h d ,, It · c b · t ium Wedne sday evenin g The y in - · 1 St I h th G l' pres idents of the fo ur st a te no rm al, s 1 ou c e a o is e · is a ., u Jee , · . . . era an ey, w o, as e enera I Wa yn e T ea chers Colleg e, which w as .· \of con tent ion among le a din g jurists ! vited th e C. C: A. to p ar tici pate rn 'says, "All of whom are be a utie s." I . . sc ho ols to g ive bon d m tne su m of . f h t' Th the m eetin g Dona Jone Delzell had d . h to have been pl a yed a bou t th1 ee 01 . m eve ry p ar t o t e na 10n e · I The plo t, t hen, ha s larg ely to o wi t $15, 000 e ach. for t.h e pro tect 10n of ju ry has bee n the str ong hold of civil j ch arge of 't he wo rkin g out of th e lo ve aff a ir s of week s ag o, h as. now been enstate funds m then· han ds . S ta te a nd i ndi v idu al libe r ty for th e cit ize n-, A sp l en did Thanksg ivm g prog ram Ithe se tw o youn g peopl e, a nd he re tirely cancelled This w as to have Superin tendent Ty l er at a prev ious ry of every ci v iliz ed n at ion ev er sin ce had been arr an ge d and w as prese nted j aga in we find th at "The cours e of been Wa yn e's homecomin g game, b ut . t he te nth - ce ntui·y Th e pi·er og·ati' ve bv t he three or ga niz a tion s. It I th! " . -. meet in g propose d the bo nd mg of · J · 1 ue ov e n ev er 1uns smoo y. the bi g storm which swept ac ross the of be in g tried by a gro up of hi s 1e l- The fir st number was a qu a rt et se- 1 T he music and di a'og are brioht pres iden ts of the n ormals. Th e m at - · 1 t' Th t t d ' state at t hat time left the Wa yn e . low countryme n; a nd prese nt rn g hi s ec ion. e quar e w as compose a nd snapp y. Gilb er t, a lawyer 111 ho te r wa s r eferred to a co mmi ttee of Ic ase to th em fo r c on s id erat ion and de-of Ja m es Delzell, Be rnard Galoway, nev er earn ed ov er $ 300 per ye ar at field with about four inch es of mud , which Th om as Ha mer of K earn ey ci sio n h as be en r egar ded as one of Dona ld Dur yea, a i;id Tr en -1t he bar, ma de a mi stake ·in put tin g on top of which . the re was a no t he r wa s ma.d e chairm a n. He was un a bl e the most signa l chi<! \ e n1 ents of th e holm. Th ey were accomp amed by ou t a g·oo d show. And. Sir Ar thur fo ur inches of snow. W ay ne at th at to attend t he meet in g a.t W ay ne but En glish. peop le in the l as t t en cen- Ralph Ch a tel a in. June Br ic kle fa v- who by the way, w as time as ked to ha ve the game p os tthe tur ies. ored with a vocal solo Sh e w as ac -k ni gh ted by the Kin g of En g land, beubmi tl.ed a wri tte n repo rt of . d b R h Sh 11 pon ed till t he first week in D ec emb e11 Es sentia lly the jury sy stem is a r e- comp ame Y ut e Y· cause he was a ble to make the En gcomm itt ee sig ned by h imself, also s uit of th e de mand of the "Co m mon Ta lks we re then g iv-en by Mi ss li sh people laugh at th em se lves, is This w as pre tt y late in the seaso n foi Presid ent W. R. Pa te of Pe ru., a nd l Cl asses" fo r equa li ty be for e th e Jaw, Church and Mr. N or w oo d. Mi ss we ll kn ow n to ever v <· ne. We g u.a r-a foo tba ll ga me in t hi s latitud e, so Presid ent u. s. Conn of Way n e. an d s ymb o li zes the at tem pt of gov- Ch ur ch spoke on the Th a nk sg·ivin g a ntee t hat if yo u h ear t hi s show you fe a rin g an ot her storm a nd a bi g exTile repor t ady is ed the bondi ng of, er n me nt to ful fi ll th at re q uest. tod ay. Sh e c?r r:c te d the w ill "Gco g niz e so : ue of the t un es. pen se, Wayne rec e ntly as ked th at the pr es ide n ts in the s um of $10,000, b ut Nevertheless r ecent years h ave id ea th at ou r Pil g rim were Th e cho ru ses a re. as follows: . ga me for thi s y ear be ca nc ell ed. Th e doub ted the pr ac tic a bili ty of the b rourrht fort h wi de -spr ea d cri ticism t he found ers of Th anksg 1v111 g. She Dau g hters of MaJOr-Gen eral St an- Peru aut horiti es believ ed th at t hi s wh ole propos i.f;;ic5n in a ietter accom- i 11 Unite d States aga in.st the un- poi n te d out th.at a day had b een s et Jey: Dori.s E ri ck son, Marg ar et M'.l j0rs, panin g - the rep ort After certainty and fa ll acy of justi ce d is - for in Vir g iui a Mil ste ad, Lori ne Nort"n, cou rse wo uld be for th e b est, so ac;i ble d is cu ssion the boar d d ec id ed to pe ns ed by juries. The purp ose of t he t im es b1 ou ght the id ea Dorothy Wu ster, Ma rga re t· ceded to the request, a nd the game bo nd presid ents in the sum of $ 15, 000, debate sq ua ds in Neb ras ka colleges to Amenca and 1t 1s from th em tha_t Ett;n. Wi lso n, was ca ll ed off entirely. Wa yne will the bo ard to pay t he p rem iu m on I is to br in g to ca ndid ates for th ese we get our conception of the d ay. Luc1 Le Hu gh es, Fl ? rm e El hott ,_ : d<J. come to Peru n ext year for the g am e s uch bo nds from boa rd f und s. Th e s qu ads, a nd the pub lic a go odl y Mr Norw oo d spoke on the spirit of Sh repe l, Es th er D1 c ker:0 n, L,u:1lle matt er of bonding pres id en ts of n or- amo unt of fact s an d m ate ri al Lo fa- mod e rn Th a nk sg ivin g, and co mp ared Newcomer, Averyl "b dnh a ma! s cho o ls was called to the b oard's ci li tate fam il iar ity with the qu es ti on i•t with the Tha n ks g ivin g of yester- Pr ok es, MHy Gray, .Jc.s e phi.'.1: Mc Coatten tion when n.orm al funds we re a nd ena bl e a ll who ca re to stu dy the day. He ma de us fe el th at we all m as t' d . b the f ailina of a nat ion al fa c ts . to d eterm ine their posi tion con -have many t hin gs to be th anksful foT, The P ir ates of Penzance: Walt er te up y :.io • • J 1 h h . d l 1· .t W R I h Ch t I . ' sa Re ctor, bank Kearn e y. cernin g the nuli fication of Jury t nal. t ou g we not a ways r ea 1ze 1 ·. eese, a p a e am, h d . t d t·wo Pe r u' s squad w ill fun ction along\ Th e concludm g number on th e pro- Ced r ic Crink, Lowell Sproul, Vernon 'Fhe bo ard furt er es1gna e · · 1 · p Th d R h k Ea I t K YI th Se l ines an d the va l ue of part1c1- gram w as a p ia no solo by rofe sso r P eggie, ea ore oe r ·asse, 'r banks at Cha dron , two a ea rn e e ' , . (C · d p 4) . d p 4 ) (Co nt inued on P ag e 4) Be nfo1 d. ontmue on age · ( Con t mue on age . . I state Teachers College, PERU, NEBR .

E nte red at the Postoffice of Pe ru, Ntbra ska, as s econd class ma il.

Publis lied w eekl y at Peru State Teachers College- the oldest tra inin g school in th e Mi ssouri Valley, esta blished 1867.

Sl.00 the year. Single cop y 5 cents.


E di t or-in-c hi ef ___ Milla rd F owler J :Business Mgr - E. R. Burkey









Th e resul t of the first r·ea lly thoro ca nvass ever taken of Am erican co ll eges a nd universities on the pr eside ntial v ote, gath ere d t hi s year by College Humor, sh owed th at Herbe rt H oover h ad the maj ori ty of stu dent votes in t hi rty -eight states and the Dis tri ct of Colu m bi a. Alfr ed E.

Smith ca rri ed te n so uthern stat es Vi rginia cast the gr eates t number of indiv idu al votes fo r Smi.th and P en nsy l va n ia the most votes for H oove r. I The largest pe r centage in any co ll ege was twenty to one fo r Smith in Mo un t I St. Mary's Co ll eg e, E mm its bu rg , Maryla nd Th e largest perc en t age for Hoover in any co ll ege w as eigh- 204 pounds of · d h' runm g, as m g, tee n to on e. at _ Wheato n Coll ege, bl ock i ng, an d pass in g football mateWh eato n, Illm o1s. Iri al a ll in one bi g piece That's 'Big' I the r egistr at ion t h_i s J oe Krejci. J oe h as. played a great Won der wh at stops em? Just loo k yea1 th ere we1 e 892,808 students m game of foot ba ll t his ye ar at the ge n- over on the right si de of the line a nd the 1,104 Ame ri ca n of w hi ch I era l's pos i tio n His accurate passes ! th t II t II I · I - · ' see · a sma s one wa . t 1s no544,685 were men an d 3 and abi li ty to carry the ball h as · . . Th e c.oope r atio n of the e news- ma de him a man feare d by all op- I R alp h W1lhams, 180 p ap ers was se c ured §· u_ ng bal- pon ents. The da ili es comp are hi m 1poun ds of solid r ock defe nse. Ralph lots. aced at wi th b ecaus e. of passin g, ! h as su r ely a consisten t if not stragte,,1c spots Re-a nd P ei u compares hi m with Sloa n· an cu tstand mg gam e this year. F or turns .c ago at the f bis a ll past year Ralph h as been teac hla test possible um I T h1s IS J oe s last yea r m P eru. He IS m g, bu t c ame back to get his degr ee. W

-state tea m at gua rd, a nd it vote. T t>w in g was rece ived - i do es n't look as if he lost much th is


The budget commi t tee has arrang- Q Shoe repaidng· at 'Comfortable' ed to prese nt a picture show next prices! Ladies Shoes a SpecialS atu rday, D ecember _ 8, immedia t ely ty. Q Ifollowing the football ban quet. - The )\ pictu re ord er is Buste r Ke a ton in (The Shoe Sbop on the East V "Colleg"e" a Un'ited Art ists Pi cture, in/ Side of the Stree t) 0 \vh ich Mr. K eaton comes to .colleg e as a freshma n. I

"College" i tself is the cleverest con- / =================== g lomeraticm of gags, giggles, and I guffaws wh ich the frozen -face d fun -1 :( When in Auburn maker has tu rned out in his sensa-tional comedy c areer. 1 EAT AT THE

Many athletic stars of vario us u ni - 0 versities a ppear in this pic t ure, su ch · Busy Bee Cafe as Charles Borah, r.hampion collegiate · fl spri nter; Lee Barnes world's champion poJ.e - va ul ter; Henry Co zzeshall, champion high jumper, and several others


There was a short mee ting of the sophom o re cl ass Tuesday. The meeting was called to order by the presi-

1 New OH Station 0 Full line of.


d; "Hoover 148, Smith I 120 uin an 2, stud en ts d ry, ·all wet." !

Cj.. IT'S JUST A \.

W ari ng's Penns ylv a nians sprun g from a little drum co r ps of fo ur to one of to dav's l ea din g or chestr as. " Th ey had that the ordinary band lacke d," says El ea no r Cl ar-


dent. Th e pin committee repo r e on t he selec t io n of pins . P lans :J;or a sophom ore p arty were discuss ed. A

ag e, writi ng the ba nd's hi story fr om I its forma tion in Ty ron e, Pen nsylv a ni a "A hu ma n ta nk" who can b ow l. t hrough Pe nn Sta te Coll ege a nd its over a ll oppositio n. Th a t's "Swede" I ·many vacissitu des, in the D ecemb er I Pa ul Hert z, 226 pound s of halfb a ck. : College Humo r .. " They . inte rpol ate d IVery·seld om was the ba!l ever / tri c ky rh yth ms m to their numbers. ed to "S wede" that he di dn't ca rr y 1t I Th ey we re n ot a imin g to take th e for at le ast five yards. Many ti mes pl ace held by a nyone else. 'There is he ca rri ed the ba ll t hru the comp lete Cap ta in Da ri s Bunc h, All-state ce npl•en ty of room for us all,' sa ys Fred lin e, o nly to be stopped af ter he had , ter for two seasons and possible a ·waring ' We don't want to us urp carried t he ba ll twen t y-fiv e or t hir ty., t hi rd. Bunch down the c en te r a.n other's place in the public's a ffec- yards. Ma ny of p osition with s killed and de termi ned t wn. We war.J.t to be oursel ves, to be were ma de when Swede plowed, fo r ce. He only weighs 206 po unds an d to somethin g through. lin e eig ht, te n, or 1 ! so you can jud ge h ow easy it is to um que in da nce ba nds. fi fteen y a1fts. L ets a ll hope th at move him from his tr ac ks. Bunch "Wa rin g"s became heroes to the " Swede" is as coachi ng Iis a g re at defensive an d offen s ive p ublic. They were all so yo un g, so· as he has bee n dun ng his co ll ege j player. H is accur ate p assin g has g ood look ing And th ey we re so fo otb a ll ca reer , been a g re ad a id to the ba ckfi eld. cle an in the way th ey liv ed Fred j On t he d efense it h as r arely been War in g ne ver allowed d issip atio n in J AMES D ELZE LL i kn ow for an opponent's pla ys to p ass hi s per so nne l; no 'colleg e drunks' are / th ro ugh t his te rritory. Many tim es to lerated. H is boys are reg ular in Bunch' cra wls th ro ugh the lin e to their h ab i ts, a nd interested in their s mear a play b efore it reac hes the


Icommittee w as ap pointed to ma ke defi ni te ar r ang emen ts fo r the p arty


I The fr esh man cl ass met in the co llege g ym, T uesd ay at co nvocation t ime. ·Gam es were pl ayed and apples a served There w as a short business •j meeti ng


The news com es to us t hat Seno rita Esth er A Cl ark will so on be back with us as a m emb er of the fa c ulty Miss Cla rk's limb, though impr oving ra ther sl owly, has g ain ed m uc h s tren gth. -, work, but the re is no t hing of the I li ne of scrimmage. j g·ood y-go ody in them.

It has be en many y ears s inc e Mi ss Rumors of their g re a tn ess drifted LOGAN SIMPKINS Clark has been fo rced to take ti me

ab ro ad. Paris a cc ep te d Fred as h er

Simpki ns, guard, 161 pounds. from school bec au se of illness a nd d arling an d regr etted wh en he to ok "Simp" wa s a little sm all to be play- eve ry hop e is th at she will be back hi s ba nd fo r a t our of exc lus ive Euro- - Iin g guard, bu t a ccompanied the t eam wi th her cl asses after C hrist mas. Peterso n Studno 0 p ea n resor ts, which ne tted th em over < as a su bstitu te; when h is chance Ma ny of her p reci o us h ours are beone hun dred thousa nd doll ars. Th ey would com e he was a b ra ve little ing spent re adin g l etters sen t to h er 0 can now g rin at th e memo ry of their '.'Jim mie" lost o ut 011 Jot of fun I and had tr ue Bobcat by st uden ts, n ew and o ld , frie nds and .PHONE 56 PERU pr ofesso rs' predic - yea r, t hi s fig ht in g Bob cat injur ed I T hi s 1.s S1 mpkrns last year relatives. The P ed ago gian sta ff sint1ons an d say to them, Well, we made h1s a nk le in the p ar t of t he sea-· with Per u, h av in g pl ayed four years h op e that San ta C laus will be g oo d, di dn't we?' " Is on and h as be en la id -up most of the Gr af' champi ons. Simpkins goo d to h er a nd bring h er plen.ty of sea son. " Jimmi e" has pl ayed four he h as ha_d v_ e ry much st rength fo r Christmas. EARNING AND LEA RNI NG Iyea rs with the co llege team , a nd du r- ac ti ve fo otba ll m co llege ? . You'll no t be dissappo in ted As its sixth term b egi ns Common- in g th at ti me has made an exceot ion-k nows the g ame, and will make s ome-OMAHA F OOTBALL MAN KILLED ) if y ou g·et yo ur hair c ut at w ealth College ha.s modi fie d its con- j a lly fi ne reco rd for h imself .as a high school a real footba ll coach ne xt Fo ur of the Om aha Un i ve rsiti es I) BOB KNAPP stitut ion to p ermit s tud en t pa rticip a- 1tac kle. Wh ile " Ji mmie" o nly weighs ye a r. fo oball men were injured, o ne fat o ll y, ( tion in schoo l go ve rn men t. A ll t hird a 176 po unds, he has t ho se stee l Sat urd ay nig ht, N ovem ber 24, wh en a (Next to Ga ines Hall 00 the year aren ow ta ken i nto the I that has en abl ed him to G AME WAS C ANCELLED. car dri ve n by Alden Johnso n, fresh- f Pa vemen t. ) assoc1 a t10n which owns and co n tro ls bi eak up many o f the opp on'e n ts At the last mi nute Thursday aft er- man was stru ck by a g ro cery t ru ck this un ique inst itution in the A rk a n- pla ys ba ck of the l in e of scrimmag e. n oo n the P eru -Au b urn foot ba ll game Gilbert Ed ward s, st ar fu llb ac k of __ _ s as h ills. At the prese nt t im e there "J immi e" can play either tac kle or for Th a nksgi vin g w as call ed of. Au- the O maha t eam, rec eived a fr a cured Q are as ma ny studen ts as fac ulty g uard wit h un e qu al ab ility. burn bo ys we i:e here, a nd both the s ku ll an d oth er injuri es, from wh ich & Th members in this gove rnin g bo dy. .Auburn and P eru boys were in their he di ed. Fra nk Thr ea d gill r ecei ved io ere is no Subs titute Th d AMZIE G.R ASS s ui ts, a nd on the fiel d, when the su- cuts abou t th e h ead and face, and FOR HO · ere are no e ans or r egents to Amzie NESTY e,ct upo n the recommen d ation of the Grass, while no t alw ays a peri nten de nts of the tw o s choo ls an -Rob ert St rei tweiser's h ead w as c ut st uden ts and teac h ers Th eJ r say is regular, Amzie has a co nsistent no unc ed that the not Ralph Ka hn recei ved arm i njuri es J as a b usiness polic fin a l. A Ph. D ., when he has comp let- ai d to the team by b ein g on e of the I pl ay. The r eas on for t hi s a ctio n w as Fu ne ral se rvi ce for Gilbert Ed- 11 Y Q ed a ye ar in r esid ence at the co lle ge, fi rst s ub -g·uard s. An1Z ie weighs 1841th e sta te of the w eath er, an d the co n-w ards were he ld Tuesday a ftern oo n. \ J • C. CHA TELAIN po u nds nnd has ple nty of fi g ht. He 1 dition of the fi eld. It had rained a ll Specia1 t1·1·bute w as pa1'd by the s tti - I is gi ven the s ame auth ori ty as a co un -h b I W try b oy, no m atter what hi s previous as een w1th the t eam fo r fo ur con - I mornm g, n early, a nd w as at th at tim e dents of O maha U. atc h maker and JeweleT sch oo lin g, wh o h as done t wo years se.cut1ve ye a rs, and ca n always he de-' sn owin g. Th e two sup e rin t end en ts Edw a rds pl ayed h is l ast foo t.ba ll j of sati sfacto ry w ork in the co ll ege on when the r:all comes for , de emed t he con dit ions t oo bad to go ag·ainst the P eru Bobc ats on th d Sc hool S i· hnn to ent er the g ame on of th f t 1 .d t ' e ay 0 Upp 1es · e a ·a acc1 en .




. TUES DAY', DECEMBE R 4, 1928

he r, you educated yourse lf. No p rofes sor, no m at ter how sk il f ul a nd wise he may be, can give yo u an education. Educ a ti on c onsists of ch an ges For mer Fr ie nd of Dean 's °"'orkin g wro ught in you , not so methin g· th e On E du ca tion Plan fac ulty can cram in to yo u. The fa cul ty w ill do its pa rt to help you, but Qui te a nu mber of years ag o, our e ven if you l ea rn ev ery t hin g th e f acown Dean Delze ll was teac hing sc hool ulty as ks you to lea rn you ma y still at Syr ac u se . Hi s princip al at that be quite uneduc a ted ." ) place w as a Mr. Ke ll y, who h as re- Con t inui ng wit h the article: Icen tly b ee n elected to the presiden cy "Beca use Id a ho's entire educ at ionof the Un iversity of I dah o, a nd who al sys te m, from grade sc h oo l th rou gh , is a l ea d er in Am er ic an educ at io n. co ll eg e, ex cep t the speci al cours es in An article of so me l en gth concern - te ach er tr a inin g, is under on e board mg Dr. Kell·y a pp ea red lately in The of contr ol, Dr. Kell y feels the situaChri s ti an Scie nc e Mon i tor, and we tion is exceptiona lly fa vo ra bl e to j a_re please d to par ts of that a r- demons tr ate the feasibi li tv of corr e1 tic le ab o ut him. Qu otin g the Mon i- lating high sch oo l a nd co ur-

1 offers un u su al oppor t un ities se;;Dr Ke ll y fee ls that ':"ith the rapid J 111 w hi ch to work out answers to the g-rowth of s tudent bod l'es a nd the I ch allen ges be in g dir ected aga in st the Igr eat incre a se in expe ndi t ures hi gher i i:iod e rn co ll ege a nd un iversi ty, b e- , has the .po in t I h ev es Dr. Fre der ick J. Kell v. new I where 1t mu st ma ke its e xp e nd it ur es I pres ident of the Universitv oi Ida ho.. more efficie ntly rath er th an in cr eas e / "As Dr. Ke ll y views it,- inte lli g ent l 1 th e ir n umber. T he w ay to do this, I of co ll e.ge educaton is t en d-he beli-eves, is _conc e ntr a te up on , mg to express i ts elf in t hree chal- fund a menta ls. eltmrnate a go od d ea l ! len ges First, he say s, it is charg ed of the overspec i aliz ation a nd ov erth at the co ll ege neglects the u nity depa rtmentali zation . With on ly half a of purpo se and conti nu ity of ma ter i-mi llion people the s tate ca nn ot pr oals th at s ho uld exi st be twe en it and vide money to bu il d a big u niv·ersity , the lower sc h oo ls. Seco nd l y, it is but the new pres ident has indi ca te d ch ar g ed th at co ll ege facu lt ies t hi nk h is aim to t1-y" to bu il d the r ig ht k in d too much fn te rms of su bjects ra ther of a u ni ve rsity, rath er than on e of tha n in terms of students. Thi rd ly, i mpressive propo rtio ns ." and D r. Ke!l y re ga rd t his perh aps the most serious of the th ree, is h ea rd j the charge that the co ll eges are usJ ing too a rtifici al i ncenti ves to ac tn , ate s tudent work and th er efo re ma ke


I FUNERAL DIRECT ORY . it impossib le to devel op gc> nuine inte llectual i nterests amon g th <:! siu- n L. HORTON & CO. i Phon e 128 Peru, Nebr d ents.

I "D r. Ke ll y 's ph"ilo s op hy of hig her Ied uca tion· contain s two ca rdin al ide as. He be li ev es that th e t i,ief eM!J h as is in ed uc atio n shuulri not be or. t e:i.ching, wher e i n1> w is, bu t un lea rn i ug Also, th e res ult whi:·h c 11 lleg es s eek in the ir efforts to de ve lop J.eadersh ip sh oul d be acc ompl ished ,, __

not by te ac hin g a greater qu antity

of s ub jects but by off ering br oa d, 1

DR . N. S. HARAJI AN 0 DE N TI ST ll X-R AY SERVICE I.{ Over Ba rn

fund amental co urs es w hi ch w ill fac il- A. E. Johns on,

S. itate specia li zation la te r on a nd wi ll ' Q

in spire- th e stud e nt to ret ain s ch olarly 1

Said D1. Kell y. In Id ah o, 1eme m-

T own Ligh t Plant Struc ture

and bask et ba ll sta r, has th is yea r G IL KESO N COMES THRU '

Re ad y fo r Machln ery

.Someti mes s tttdents on the campus with on ly th re e Jet te r men, a nd de- 0 GE 0. L LEE wo nd e1·

rk h as been progre ss ln g ra pid

ed except for the i nsi de fi-;;-ishing wo rk ig sc 00 1 team.

a nd the concrete floo r. T he pit h as j

been du g for the con crete fo und ation I.( II 0 "'6 y f ;, 0 Your Fa ll Dr.ess, Your Hat, Gloves, Hosi ery, Vi sit th e fo r the engi ne and generato r. It is :1 0 if l r I c 1"'

v expecte d th at t he new mac hinery w ill r) q_ ,_,,__ •


0 0 be or de r ed s hi ppe d nex t we e k, Th is Q CJTWnrr1N (I STA1'E BANK G 0 W 0 MAN'S T 0 G GERY 0 wi ll, it is sup posed , arr i ve within a '. Il...t l!..,. "H::Y . ' . r 0 week fr on1 the time ordere d. There y ou will find th e Best for Less Q T he work yet to be do ne be fo re the I 11 ne w m achinery ca n be pl ace d is the

co. nst r uction of the b as e for the .en - Q A V

0 g me a nd g enera t or, a nd the tu rn mg I}:)

-<::::> and res etting of the old bo il er Th e I.( Q r = = = = = work of t urning the boiler b as p ro -10 FANCY BOX STATIONERY, NOTIONS AND SCHOOL (; 1 0 YO'UR .CHRJSTMAS SHOPPING. . gressed so fa r that the brick work I SU PPLI ES i ,) ar oun d the bo Her h as b een torn o ut, . Q CONKL IN EN DURA PENS AND PENCILS, -BNCON DI- 0 will be a pleasure, if you'll only make and it is r eady to be sh ove d ou t th ru l1 TIONALLY AND PERPETUALLY GUARANTEED [ ll Cleveland's your Headquarters this year. th e wa ll , t urn ed a nd replac e d. It w ill Q

Authorized Dealer for Nemaha County for · Remington

h d d 11 b k G"f

p. rob a bly take frem t hre e' to si:c d ays Toys, W eel goo s, o s, oo s, 1 t urto perfo rm th at work , ac c or dmg to Por table Type writers niture and rugs. Third floor. t he we athe r an d t he ot her v ar iab le

Shoes, Linge r ie, Furs, R d t , conctitions , a nd anoth er wee k, po 13_si b-

ea Y· O· ly, to reset it an d .t he 0

OIO wear, and S&H Premiums. 2nd floor. work abou t i t, a ft er 1t 1s m posi tio n.

This latter, ho wev e r, can be done a f- 0

V • G d 1 t fl d

v O Hosiery, T01let . oo s, etc. s oor. .ne.w ma:hinery is set an gomg, if it 1s desired

Slippers, Christmas Cartds, Candles, Nu ts, When the new mach in ery is a. ' 0 House Furnishings, groceries,


fi cien t ly l arge to meet. a ll dem an ds Q ANSWER NEXT WEEK fo r t en to twenty ye a rs. It w ill carry Xmas for Dad, we have it for him any lo ad that there is p rospect of at 0 S ee w hat we have to you in this pr esen t, a nd with less lab or _ an d ex -1 /l • d 1 . k I.( 11·ne. L im1te s. upp y now m stoc 0 pense t ha n it is now operatmg. Q

Mrs In ic e and Mrs . THE PALMS CANDY KITCHEN Get Wills .w ere ho s tes ses at two br id ge l 0 (GOOD THINGS TO EAT) 0 0 parties giv en S at urd ay aft ernoo n a nd 1' V Ha ll evening at Mo u nt erno n ·



11-.-. ----

(Con t inued from P age 1) ALUMNI

came ho me from her first



,.----SE_C_O_N_D-.G-R_O_W_T_H-- -i l visit to su'nday school ca rryi ng a

!small bag of chocolat es patin g in a season and stud y of de - "N ow a ll the great Victorians "Why, Molly, where did you ge t batin g t his qu estion ca nn o.t be ev·er- • are d ea d, the chocolates?" asked her mo t her. Claudia Sha dduck vi si ted in Pe ru ·t estimated. · Alumni Pro minent in Building State J A nd b etter so," a youthful en · Molly looked up in surprise "I d aso n a i·e ex Thursday and Friday. Schools · ai'd Pr osp ects fo r a g-00 se . - 1c s · t yo u tremely fav orable. P rofessor Lind-

bought them wi th t he t en cen s Fern Dunn , of Falls City, was in " Al th th est eemed in ·d "T he minist er Say h as had exte nsive- exp erienc e as . h d o ey were gave me,'" she sa1 . Pe ru Ji'r iday vi5it in g fri ends She Peru is a pow er - in t e e -h . d fo a deb ate coac h, w hich s upplemen ts ucat1"on al field, no t al one in N ebraska, t en own ay, met me at t he door and go t me m I f l · atte nd ed sc hool here l ast y·ear. T hey din n ot write or paint the with a kee n fac ul ty or an a ys is. but in the U nite d S tates. Successful not hing." M B t mo de rn way. P rofesso r C astle, . · rown e_xpec_ ·s Mi ss Freda Ke nn e dy '26 spent Peru are sc attered from to•idevote as mu ch as poss1b-le in Th an ksgivi ng in Pe ru. Mi ss Kenn ed y co ast to co ast, from C anada to the assi'sttn g. Coach Lindsay As_ Dr. Iteach es in the seco nd grade at th e Gulf Many of the men an d women Brow n is a t rain ed l awye r with a C ap ita l Sc h oo l, Lin co ln . . who made thei r mark as educ a-/ pr ofo und kn ow led ge of poli t ic al ti onal le aders have b een g radu ated sc ien ce, a nd h as taught if fo 1· a num - Cl aren ce Jon es, Supe ri ntendent of from Peru. It is t he purp ose of this ber of .years hi s a id w ill stre n gthen Te nn an t, Iow a, vi sited in Pe ru last column to keep t he college in t ouch th e s qu a d. w eek. Mr Jon es r eceived hi s de- wi th t he activ ities of t hese people, The veoe ra ns from last squ ad gree fro m Pe ru in 1928. and to show what can be done with and th e m ateria l from new st udents __ a cert ifi cate, d ipl oma, or deg ree from ens ures the poss1 bi lity of a w innin g F rank Jon e5, princip al of the junior Per u. team. hi gh sch oo l at Cambrid ge, Nebr aska, Th e superintenden t of sc hools at '


(Continu ed fr om P ag e 1) and one at Peru as dep ositorie.s for the state cas h fund in th ose places, and dir ected . th at· th ese d epositori es give bond to pro t ec.t th e fund s. Th ere we re prese nt at t hi s meetin g: W. R. P ate, Pe ru ; I. Elli ott, Ch adron; G..E. Mart in , K ea rn ey; U. S. Co nn , W ay n e; H. E. Reisch e, Ch adron, Col. T. J. Major s, Peru; Fred Berry, Wa yn e; a nd State Superinte n dent Ch a rl es W. T ay lor, Lincoln.


was b ac k in P eru visit in g durin g P as aden a, Califlorni a, is an old PeruTh an ksgi vi ng vac ation. vian. He is J oh n A Sexso n, who was a st uden t at P eru when J. W. Crab"Bill" Ar mstron g, coach at Shubert, Itree was president of t he co llege. f re ports that his fo otball team have Art hur J. Wickha m, also a Peru just fo und their s trid e as the se ason gr a du ate, ts a principal in t he ward e nds. L ast we ek th ey won a g ame schools of Pasa den a. Th ere is an arlifro m Talm a ge 56 t o; 6. . !cle in t he issue of Edu cat ion. , . . i al D igest, wr itten ab out the sch ools ' Miss D orothy D ear mg 27 v1Si te d 1 f p d / F . 1o asa ena. old on t? e campus last '_n- i J. A. Jimerson has a diploma and , d ay. Miss _D ea_nn g teaches d egJ'>ee from Per u, and is now supera nd d ram atics. m the Cr of to n High in t enden t of the Auburn schoolS7' 1 Sc ho ol. She likes her work very With him at Au burn are Frank L. much II Seiv ers, principal, and R alp:h B. Hi ggins coach b oth g raduat es of Peru (C ontinued from P ag·e 1) Miss Mildred P ate spe nt her 1 Deizell, son of Dean Delzell,

"T he y oversh adowed u s-we co uld n ot gr ow;

But now they a re all go ne, and better so!"

T hat d ay I passed a _place I on ce had known ,. /

A woo d w he re giant forest tr ees had grown.

Brave tr ees th at re are d the ir feathe rer helmets high,

Th at the sec r ets of the earth an d sky;

Trees too discreet to te ll the my steri·es

T he ro ots and summits k new to every breeze ;

Tr ees I had often sou ght in revere nc·e

F or th eir gray wi sdom, th eil g ree n r eticense.

Youn g sap lings sm artly , strive to be a wood!

The giants now a re fe lled: where they once s too d the line twice for no gain, a nd then Th an ksgi vine: v acation with home

Cl C t N is sup ermten dent at ay en er, e- Zoo k slipp ed arou nd end a nd squeez- folks and old friend s in· P eru. Miss b k- ·

Mr. Enn is: "Why are yo u l ate to fi C t • d d t' r as a. ed over at the rst ope mn g. ap . 1 P ate teac h es En g lish an r ama 1cs 1 The followi ng names are t hose of c lass?"

Bu nch failed at try for poin t. .Score: Iin th e D av id Ci ty hi g·h sch oo l. : a :flew · Peru gradu ates who have B rig h am : "Becaus.e it w as la te P eru 12, T ark io 0. Th e ha lf J r ecei ved h er deg ree from · m 1helped in a lar ge w ay to ma ke the when I left home."

The se cond half started wi th Kmg· 11926. !schools of our sta te bi gger an d bet-. " d'd , "OU sta rt ear- D · k' k" ff Th b II I / · E nms Wh y 1 n t _, ans 1c mg o . e a was . . -.-.- ter. These men a re all sup erinten- · ,, c au ght by a t ac kle w ho ran I Pa ul Ti gard v'. s1ted J_n Peru 'd ents, and judging from t he len g ths /ly? . . t hrough the ent1re Peru team ex cept- 1 Au b urn va- !of the terms they h ave each served Bng.: " Because 1t was too late to do ing Hertz who_ downed on the 1· cation. P a_ul is m ath ema.tics t ea cher 1in their respecti ve positio ns, they are that." P eru 45-yard !me A pun t in g due l a nd coac h m the Prag ue h igh sc h ool. / ,. d · 6 00 ones.

tre I DEC 4-5, TUES., WED., I I . ,, 9 I "Excess, Baggage ' I I I This picture takes y ou ,back- Q e stage i nto the li ves and t11e "' heart of the "small t ime vau de- 1 v ille" per fo : mers. The tremen1 stage hjt is now a pe rf e ct I I I screen vehicle fo r breezy BiU I 1 I Haines: I ; ALSO COMEDY I I Chinaware will be gi v en i I away on Wednesd ay instead of I I Th urs da y this wee k. I I DEC 6-7-8, THUR., FRI., SAT I I ";w1 N G s " I I WITH I I CLARA BOW I 8 CHARLES ROGERS I I R ICHARD ARLEW • I G ARY COOPER i ' ft Aviation and Romance The f I Mighty d.rama of war among I a the clo uds mad e in to a picture I I by men who were th: mselves I war- birds. A Jo•ve st ory which 1 1 might bave happened in your 8 own nei ghborhood f

8 The th.rilling hazards o-f av!a- I I li on combined in a daring spec- I I tacle. Broadway th rille d to it I i fo r mo re than a y ear. J cont

t hird qu art er wh en Her tz, P eru fu ll -: his d eg ree. I at Lincoln ei ght ye ars. school_s w hose superin te n den ts are

The rest of the ga me w as a pun t- And rews, -1

bat tl es of th e seaso n fo r the Pe ru

....in g du el betwee n Zo ok an d Gr ee n It see ms th at Si r Ar th ur Su lliv an, is still there. I FRESH i -.,.. wi Lh Per u h olding the ed ge over Ta r- in c-:·cie z to ma!{e the L-pcra a pr ize ! R R. Mc Ge e has b ee n at Colu m bus i P astry a nd Bakery D el i cacies A nd I ki o. Many s ubsti tutions were m ade wi nr •er, had to ha ve some of hi s own , fou r yea rs. . a the prices? T hey are right. 8 by P er u rn the l ast qu arte r. owe v- na tl'Jll <J l1 ty pl av a par,. t so, • he i RO BB IN-S' B · H I .. r th en , It is true that Peruvians wh o are I AKERY fi er t hi s did . n ot weaken the Peru team. he have som e policeme n. T he enJ oymg positions of 111 t ' 8 Peru Nebraska Th is ga me w as on T ar kio 's h ome - are: Fl oy d L ewi !!., D ·1n:1ld educational fie.Id use their i l} fluence I bl t a plac e -..m:.am.Glli» _ com in g, a nd th ey were all set fo r t he Du ryea, E U. ga r Cole, Bt·rnard Ga ll o- whe never possi e secure. · "big boys" fr om the "Neb raska way H aro ld Fish er, O tto Boell storff, / for Peru JU St comm g ou t. Oz a rk s ." It was on e of the to ugh es1 Schaefer, 'a nd Sarge an t, Duane IThis column will, in the near future , 0 Sa.ms. ca rry the names of some of the 0

Hn• "'.''.__ b, •>btnine a. M. E. M,. ••., I DRY

HEAR NE BRASKA DEBATE Has more v acancies th an sa tis- factory applicants to fill them. ll O

Pr ofesso r Lindsey, Doc to r Brown, !/ Fred D ile_v, Ra lph Chatel a in , a nd MP OR COME TO

Le.slie L ea na rd went to Lincoln,


Tu es d ay, November 28, a nd he a rd 0 KOEPPLE'S CAFE AUBURN NEBRASKA Ne br as ka a nd Au strali a deb at e. FOR YOUR MEALS, LUNCHES, ETC.

The qu estion was: Re so lv·ed that ll Peru, Nebr.

!/ Phone 195 the p arli amentary form of gove rn

·o ment is b etter than the p res id ent ial :>-<::::>=

fo rm. No d ec ision was give n.



There is a world of enjoyment in every cup of our Hot Chocolate. And every y ear hundreds discover it. Excellent Oyster Stews, and real Mexican Chilli. Few Cafe's offer such attractive Sandwiches as GESSAMAN'S

Have Your Ove r coa t Cle aned Now Herm an's Clean ers and Tailors T HE S EASON'S LA TEST IN


Rein m ill er too k ch ar ge ___ _ ence D av is p res iden t ofthe orga n- of the dev otiona ls FIRST TEAM On Tues d ay mg ht. a fo otba ll b an - j. . Acc oI"dm g to the la tes t report from Th e pro o-r am con siste d of se veral S P'k ' l> d Rober ts quet was held in t he hi gh scho ol g ym i iz at1on, ca ll ed the meeting to order Ch ief of Poli ce Duane Sam e th e poli ce mu s1·ca l nu"'mb ers by Arthur Lind ahl END - e, e ru , an d Omaha Un ivers ity. in honor of the Bo bkitt en pig ski n Ju g- an d led the devotionals. are having no li t tl e diffic ul ty in han -a nd ta lks bv J ames Delze ll a nd L ow ell gers, About . one 'hu ndre d .s·tud(in ts D ur ing the b usin ess m eetin g, act ion lin g the late.ly agitate d Th e Decke r. A rt proved th at he is al- TACKLES-Tra il , Kea rn ey , and d d P f P D le I Broc km an, Peru . were in atten a nce. Iwas. ta ke n in r egar d to ad opti ng a great etective ro nc.e oy mo st a ba nd in him se lf by pl ay in g an d Toasts an d m usk al ' numbers f ea tur, t 't t· f th lub It -was has be en call ed to a id th e p01 Jc emen, , both the h arp a nd ukul ele at the GUARDS-Well et, Ch ad ro n, . . , 1.ew c ons 1 u ion or . e c . . . · h p· . t ·11 1 • Cl d ed Ill the eve n mg s pro gra m. T hese . -. . . Ch . tn . and 1t 1s hop ed that t e ua es w1 sa me time. He cont ribu ted se ve ral Rin g, rn ron. _ 'at o de cid ed to d1Li no u.te r1 s >as ddl f h th · h P were gJven mostly by hi gh s ch oo l and ! be caught by the m1 e o e mon · pepy number s on the t wo rn s trum ents. CENTER- Bunc , er u. col lege st u dents . 1baskets to the ne ed y. Th ese "Pi.rate s of were IJames Delze ll an d L ow ell D ec ker di s- QUARTERBACK- Kr ejci, P eru. Miss Ma rgie L aw rence , hi gh sc h oo l I Th e pr og ram consisted of a vocal telli ng the w orld of th eir intenions ov-cusse d the labor p robl em s, stress ing HALFBACKS - Alm gr en, Ch adr on, junior, was to astm is tr ess. She firs t Isolo by L oren e No rton , a nd talks by er r adio broadca sti ng station WGN especia ll y th e. soc ial a nd e conomi_c And rews, W ay ne. c a.ll ed. for a ta lk fr om (Doc.) Won- I Ba rb ara Peetz a nd B eatrice Sp ohn l ast Thur sda y evening. During their pr obl ems of the lab ore r. Both men FULLBACK-Her tz , Peru der coach of the Bo bkitt en.s_. Mr , l'vl.· p k "H ess is on th e radio they made plans to h ave had pers onal con ta ct with the SECOND TEAM ta lk was i ntere s ting a nd to tss ee tz spo e on ,, appm . kill our most honorable friend General labori ng classes of la1,ge ci ti es a nd ENDS- Hofm ann , Peru ; Fa rrow , the p oint. an d d rew a l arg e a pp laud 'I wh at w-e 're h ere for , and Miss Stanley. Every precaution is being many illustrations were given of ac" Wa yne, Snyd er, Kearne y. when he set d ow n. Mr. Wonde r h as Spo h 's topic was "G o od Will. ta ken to prevent a fatal blow to t he t ua l condi t ion s as fo und by them TACKLES-T oft, Peru ; All tig, Ch a· been a very compete nt c oach for the _ e:eneral. D - dr on, And erso n, an a. pos t two yea rs


Just a to the. and


Gu a rd s-Ke rn er, P er u; Tsch ab run Harold Russe ll , hi gh s choo l studen t, I - fri ends of this paper : 1f your ship doef". Kea rn ey; Qui senbe rry, Om aha. was then caHe<l U.!J On to g ive the stu- !


not come in, it must be dues to thes e


CENT ER- Bu sh, Chad r on. den t's ver sion of a foo t ball season. I ship seizing; blood thirsty, "Piraates

HALFB ACKS- Wa ldma n, K ea rn ey ; Ear l A_EJplegate, and Irwin W illi ams , of Pe nzance." They will stop at noth- , Zoo k, P er u; Ray, W ay ne; O'Ha nl on promi ne nt high s chool foot b all men , Su nd ay Ma il Serv ic e to Start Decem- in g. , IAJI Veterans are Ex pect ed to Help Oma h a; C as eb ee r, Peru . · t lk Th h · b 9th I In Year's De bate Work gave interest1ng a s. eac. i er Pre sid ent ?as been requested_oo I ron ; Mason , Kearn ey. thanked t he stud e nt bo dy fo 1 t heir ; see th at the jamtors are armed with FULLBAC KS-Buc kin gh am, Ch ad · su pport for the past seaso n. I Be gi nn in g next Sund ay, Decembe1 I hot guns and other other de sire a bl e Th e foll ow in g p ersons Peru N orma l a nd Ch ad ro n Norm al, b · - Is ' ' fi d th · · t t" n of partic1patm 0' / Captajn Daris Eu n ch of the Bo - , 9;- t he Pe ru post office will be open w eap ons of war in ord er th at th e stu- 1 e e1r m en . io h' h " the big g un s in t he Nebra ska In te rh - t t 'k · hi ch he • 1 m th e deb ate tr v-o u ts, w 1c are to j' A hl t' · ti on durin D' cats gave a s oi· ai , 111 w · to the pu bl ic · r t he rece ip t a nd dis- , dents in this colle ge mi g ht r est m . .. -D b 14 co ll egia te t e 1c ass oc ia ,., t h m b asis oa tr <t in in g a nd i · j ' ! be held Fnday, ecem er ar e: the p ast seaso n, do mina te the all -conpu muc e p - l f tb 11 : pa tc h of ma il. Offi c1al ann ounce -peace. . '1 Elsie Willi a ms ' . G M'B 'd benefits der i ved from t ie ·oo a , th . h bv P ostmaste r I BULLETIN - j M' ld d K . ht Ifer enc e se lectio n, says re gg n e field . Bu nch's ta lk was we ll recei ved i me nt of is c an ge • Ju st as we a re going to press wo rd 1 re in Sund ay 's W or ld H era ld. hy the students - H. W. Bede ll was made l ast we ek Ico mes to us that the famou s "Pirates ;RE. lGh WCI iptpl e. Conference c oac h es ass isted in f h · · p··o.-..1·an: r • • t d I a P 18 e am I l · th I ct'ons a nd th e hono r "T he rest o t e e ve n mir s 1 "' · 1 I Early in' the sc ho ol yea r pet1t 10ns j of P enzance" have been cap ure . , A h' M ·t- ma o ng e se e 1 - · · · • 1 by Po la nd - · · · I re ie ai in i·oster sh ows

Big Tent Show Was

Fin an cial Success

effect at once · group so far as hi s intelligence w as I -nea J..Juc y. Th is chan ge wil l ma ke it p ossi bl e co n ce rn ed. The budget committee of F rom th is list it sho uld no t be a E ag les is show n in th eir r

e fo r the papers to r eac h P eru P ern has taken speci al st eps to h ave I diff icu lt, or at least imp ossible, task a nd ou tsi de the confere nc e. a nd be de hv e:·ed t hr u the pos t office- th e f am ous detective Profe ssor Price i to se lect a sq u ad with win n in g po - Pe ru The Big Tent S how is ov er. All S undz:r· mormng. H er etofo re it h as Doyle, w ho ;vas rE::s pons ible for th"' I ten ti a li tie . A 1mmb er 0f lh P,se ha vt" Coac h Lon Graf's P er u team sweJ?l t he Peruvians who at te nded the Kam- been nece ssa ry to h ave th ese p apers ca pture of the pi rates, to app ear. at h ad exper ien ce in deba ti ng or ha ve Ith ro ugh to a clea r claim to the co n-pus Kut - up Kar ni va l must ag ree th at c ome to th e d ealer, or wait t ill ;the co llege a udito r iu m, D ecember l :=i, ab.iU ty in so me ph ase of' fe rence titl e, winni ng a ll games by it wa.s cleverly pr oduced . 1:i o r111n_g th em . All other and pr esent his me thod of proc eedure e nd eavo r y, in vo lvi ng a bili ty re qui si te a mar gin of two to u ch d owns or more. The Trophy F und Committee pre- othe r mad commg m Saturday ni ght in cap t uring the m, al so he will tell of to good deb ating, w hil e on t he ca m- , In eac h of the con feren ce ga me s sente d th K K K - a nd Su nd av mo1-n·ng 11 f C h G f 1 d . e a mp us ut-up ar nival 1 w1 , o co urse, th e m any bl ood thirs ty pl ots th at ex- pus. oa c ra n eve r p aye less th an as a mea.ns of rn isi ng fund s to buy ,.J so be de li vere d th at d ay fr.t ed between them. Be s ure and be As the arg um ent pr ese n te d in the twenty -two me n. Outside the con fe rsw eate rs and go ld foo tballs for t he The o ff ic e w ill be op en for the de- ther e. try-ou ts _i s a pp raise d-on th e b as is of 1 1 the Bobca ts i:ose t? gre at members of the fo otba ll team. 1i ve ry of ma il from 9 to 10 o'cloc k the ca ndid ates, f ac ul ty for anal ys in g, he igh ts m the 6 to 6 tie w1.th St T he b and was in the cent er of th e in the m.ornin g, b ut the lob by w ill


ev alu at in g, a nd prese ntation of m at e- I Loui s uni versity, bea ti ng S t. B enetent maki ng mu sic aJl t he whil e. The r ema in ope n till 6 o'c lock in the ev - !Li ria l, as we ll as the powe r to prese nt I diet' s, Ma ry vi ll e N orma l and T arki o s id e sh ow att r actions w ere numerous,/ .for the prese nt at l east. This NOW ENCLOSET\ the argu me nt by of fo ;·ceful and ! co lle ge a nd losing

a nd some were w ell worth the admi s- will g1ve a ll day acco m mo d ation to I 1V eloquent eve ry bne




ion price pat rons who have ma il b oxes. Mr __ that he h as a ch an ce of winnin g a i Th e all- co n fere n ce ba ckfi eld co n"Ti p" Ro berts, the Jo y Announcer, says th at the cont inuance of Weather Cannot Now Delay Com- Ireg ul ar -po.sition. Isists of

, each sh ow in its t urn a nd to ld this a ll _d ay arran g eme nt w ill d epen d I pletion of

his listeners of the man y t hin gs to / l:lpo n circumsta nces.. If the lo bb:l:' of _ · :

be fou nd on the Ka rn iva l g ro u nd , t

Klevere tt Kari c atures was present- ' ?lace _ or ot herw ise used impro p erl y, , reac hed us t he n ew science ha ll had t1ve deb aters on t he P er u ca mpus d is -' . P au l He rtz of Malve r n; Iowa,_w as e<l by the E verett Li.teTa ry - ocie ty. A it wi ll be close d p ro m ptly at ten , been en cl o.se d, so th at wea th er co


<lan ce interpr etat ion of three of the I o'cl c 2k , wh en t he win d ow is clos ed . , dJ tions will now hav e li tt le effect on!ty. Thi s w ould c om pe l the v ete r ans After _two ye ars' expe ri e nce at ta ck le. Ev erett act iviti es. Tho se hav- / Not w ill ma il be di stribu te d co mpl etion of the buildin g. It from la.st year 's squad to _st r ive a ll l !he bi_g 226-p ou nder was to mg part we re: Ju ne Brickell Ed i tha I and de live red on Sun dav b ut letters . 1s exue cte d th at t.he room s w ill be t he ha1der to r epeat then· ac c om -he ba ckfie ld a nd was the Big Be1 tha, -' I - I th p b Prokes, No ra Gi bs on , Mar gare t a Cin, i ma i1 ed before the h our of six in the 1 re ady fo r o cc up an cy at the op e nin g p li sh ments of l ast se as on 111 e Ru th E wer es, El oy de B ag le y, Gr eta j eve n w ill _ be s ent out on the l ate ! of the se cond se mest er, at la test. 1. Mr to de b at-J oe versat il e Pl attsmou th Ewere, Doro th y Ma rt ind a le, Ruth ! tra m. T he re are but two ] Durin g t he p as t we ek, the plas ter- mg if t hi s year , (C nt mu ed on p age 3) Shelley, an d A da E yr e. jt ra ms a day in P er_u, and ,. in g of the int er i or wa ll s a nd p ar ti - 1 and ad vert ise

A Trip Ar ound the World wit h Ith e one commg 111 at five m the tio ns h as been beg un , as we ll as ot her athl etics done. W ith t hi s 111 Buster Kea ton Stars

Cha lk was pres e nte d by Fe li x Sum - mornii: g w ill !> rin g in r:iail , w hile :he : fin ishi ng wo r k. Th e pl um bin g and ' view, Mr. so ught the con- I In Movie "Colleg e"

F li k . th p one go mg thru at 7 :40 m the ev e mn g 1 e le ctri cal work is f ar ad va n ce d and sent of P res id ent P ate to sc hed ul e , mer. e x as you now 1s e er u . · ' 1 d b · A-ti t ·-r a·- 1 d a t t w ill ca r ry the ou tgo mg ma il. s te am ra di ato rs a re now b ein g ula ced 1 e ates with some larger sc h oo ls ou t- "Coll ege,'' sta r ri ng Buster Keato n, 1 s . t e i,,p aye a .,, r ea amo un . h b . . . . - ·sid e the state Mr Pa te ave hi s 'Of a bili ty in rap id ch a lk wo rk at the I Hereto f ore the post office h as been 1 m t e mldm g t o_ wa rm it 111 order I · · .g. was the n ame of the sh ow given S atK · l open on Sat ur d av e ve n ino-s un t il the to h asten t he drvmg of the plas ter- h earty co n se n t, and n egotiations a1e arn iva · ......, /l ate ma il was distri bu te d. "' As the of- in g, to it comfo rt ab le for n ow un der way for debates wi th, the u rday ni gh t, D ecem b er S, n,t the au di"The Cri mson Co coanu t, " fa n Ha y's fice w ill now be ope n on the fo ll ow -the fi nish i!,lg work du r in g the w intry j of South Dak ota, Kan sas toriu m und er the nu pices of the buddever fa rce was pres ended by t he 't . th t f th weat he r I Ag nc ul tural Coll ege and B rook in gs g et co m mittee. 1ng mor n ing, as 1 i.s e r es · o e · · Dramatlc club The cast: week, the re w ill be no ne ed of keep in g I N ot o nl y h as the r oof been com-1Coll ege of South D akot a. B uste r was , of course, the h ero Th e Robert - Rud olph An d erso n op en late for the Saturday eveni ng pJeted and the window s out in bu t A deb ate with a ny of the sch oo ls plot hi ng ed aro und his adv entu re s in Ja ck P inch er - Ralph Chatelain m ail so this Practice w ill be di scon- the room on the r oof for the big 1 fan will au gme nt P eru 's pres ti ge , and in - 11 b · · · 1 h' W C I · · t 'f th ff t f h d co .ege rm gmg m a so is clos ing Mr. Ja bstick - ay ne at ett ti nue d.

Nan cy

m unt1'J he Alan Hauck, "T ip " Rob erts, an c om es to us ig Y reco m an N y l C h fi ew or < ity fo r fi nals of the S ec- chan .,.ed hi s att itu de toward athl et 1'cs. D S Th CT pop- w 1' th a w ide exu _ eriencee in t e eld A Chri s tm as Co n tra lto un•1'ttend by "' uane ams. ey san.,,, · '" ond N ationa l Rad io A udi t ion, Sunday, ular pieces. It was no t n ecessa ry of voice . R. T. Be nford, and under hi s direction Decemb er 16_ Bu s te r en tered coll ege d eterm in ed t hat the _ tbe caged b efore t hi s act, He took voice le ss ons for fiv e ye a rs w ill be given Decemb er 16 Th e co n" Th ey wi ll be welco med to the s tudio s to b eco me an athl ete, bu t he pr ov ed although t hey weree twiter in g as in the Ch ic ag o Music Cons erv atory. t .ral to, "And Thou Be t hl ehem" wi l be wh ere Schum a nn-H ei nk, Gigli, We r- a h ope less fa ilu re at eve r yth in g he hl1.as t}-,ey were n ot wi' Jd birds. Du ri' ng hi s" fi ve ve ars at Chi cago he gi ven vdth the eve ning service . th d h t · d H' re nra an ot er m as ters have scor- rie . 1s gir l ha ppen ed to be al La Joie De Vie, in Ol d Pe ru wa s also s pent muc h of hi s t im e g ivin g Th ose who h ave h eard any of Mr. ed their r ad io tri um ph s. As they com- t hi s co ll eg e, and she a dm ired h.i.s d epresented by the P hi los was cl e ver- pri vate less o nd s. In the fa ll of B enford's compo s ition mu st know that pe te for the Atwaer Kent Foundation t ermi na tion l"o becom e an . athl ete. ly done It was supported by an all- he star ted his ca reer as a te ach er m thi :; hold s in s tore an eve nin gs e nter- a wards Qtallin g $17,500 and s ch olar- Bu ster fi na ll y s how ed his "s tuff" ar cast the oubl ic sch oo ls of Os cu lu sa, Iowa. t ah me nt bQth musically a nd e du ca- sh i ps, th eir voi ce will be c arri ed to wh en hi s g ir l wa s in troub le, doin rc The Midway at g ymna sium "The The -followin g ye ar he trave ll ed with tion ally. The words were written by mill ions fro m coast to coast by the Na- a ll kin ds of athl etics s tunts in order fi · lly in opera c ompan y His nex_ t teac h- A. J. Du nlap of Omaha. tiona l Br oa dcastiong Com pa ny and to save h er. Th e res ul t w as of Big Tent" was a success, nan ci a · 1927 Ch 1 · l·ng experience w as m 111 ar - lteco mm e ndation also reach es th e I · t d t t' Th ' t t 11 d h Each organi zatio n .on the camp us w as 4) / ac; socia e s a 10n s. is con es ,w1 co u rse, marria ge , an t ;ey li ved ha p(C o ntinued on P age · (Co n tin u ed on P age 4) (Co n ti nu ed on P acre 4) , p il y ever after. represented in some man ner n I

lished 186 7 . of the members of the 1928 ch am - ers wh o, in a l arge me asu re , make me n ts weTe served, and the m em - 0

h d f th Why bunt ful·ther wh en you pion ship footba ll team, we h ave com- th e bo ok po ss ib le. explained t e a vanta g es o e us e $ 1.00 the ye ar. Sin gle copy 5 ce nts. ·1 d " All O n en t1 team p1"cked I · of th e t1·ans1't Everett Vanderford ll know the bes t. , p1 e an ppo . . , Eac h year the busines me n of Peru V - ------S-T_A_F_F______ i from a ll pl ayin g on ·Per u s 1 and neig hb oring ,,towns are so li cited demon s trate d the value of t he qu ad- I Q F LOYD p ALMER j s che dul e t hi s year for their ads· an d each year t,hey a re rant.

- Millard Fowler I St. Lou is Uni vers i ty leads the li st I wili lng to our co ll ege a nnu al. Miss P almer was taken into the fraBu sin ess Mgr E. R. Bu rke_Y with fo ur me n on the fir st team and I The is asked, ".Sho ul d not t er n ity as an honorary member. As F ac ulty Memb er __ Thom as E. Enms h d M 11 1 d I · · B d · · h two on t e s econ , a ry sv1 e Pa ce · th es e pe ople receive the maJor por- Mi ss Li llian ra y is rece i vin g er

ASSOCIATE EDITORS two on th e fir st an d three on the sec- tio n of the stud en t's bu si n ess? " We deg ree at th e ter mi_n ation of :he C LARY'S CAFE 0

DA RIS BUNCH Iond, Ke a rney h as two on the fi r st I fe I th at th ev sho uld an d we are fi rst semester, she IQ

WAY NE CATLE TT te am and Ch a dr on, T ark io, and St ill ! m·gi ng that t.h e- st ud e nts a)1 d fac ul ty as pres id en t, a nd Les li e Ca rey, vice - .MEALS, LUNCHES, 0

PAUL COLLINS one eac h. Icon sider the loy al ad ve r tisers of our aut omat ica ll y becom : pre - SHORT ORD E RS &

FRED D UE Y I First T eam 1 1 book befo re th ey bu y. >10rn g o ffic er. I

h 2 doors south of Pos t O ff ice fl

WILLARD FOWLER Pl aye 1· Sc h oo l Position Th e Pe ru vian staff, t hi s yea r, is Af ter th e bu sin c£s me e tin g, refres - !

J. LE SLI E LEONARD Daubner, St Loui S" Un i versity __ R. E. I a dopt in g a sl oga n, a nd we are pass- ments weree se rved, a nd the mem- ========·==========HA RO LD MARREN Josep h, St..Lo ui s Uni ve r sity __ R. T. 1 1in g it on to _vou-"Patro niz e P er uvian bers enj oy ed a soc ial hour.

WILLIAM OK RENT Ke arney R. G. j A dvertisers." In or d er to .brin g th ese I J ll R. G. WHITTE MOR E l W1ll ets, St. LoUJ S, Um. C., facts before the an d facu lty , SIGMA T AU DELTA 1 Q CL A D


I We ll er, Ch adro n - L. G.. we are co nstr u ctin g a large bull etin At a special meeting of Sigm a T au , !"\. G OSSIP IM 1 lV"a ·1·1e L T b d t t · th d I D elta , Tu es d a_v even i ng, D ecemb er 4, /) ee c, 1 ry sv1 oa r o co n am e n ames an oca- , Mumfor d Ta rki o -L. E .. ti o ns of a ll of P er u 's loya l a local co n stitution, frame d by P ro - Q EL ECTRIC SHOP "Buzz- Buzz-Wh isper. Did yo u: Peale, Still - Q. B. , T he b oar d w ill be fin i's hed 111 a week i'essnr Mon roe, Jo e Jone s, an d Madn n11 1 D lVIa 11 e H B d h" h t. 't ·11 na Brad .v, was r ea d ari d ad opted. Sh · · t 'C f bl , k no w-buzz-bu zz-th ey were a use , ry sv1 · · or ten ays at w ..ic 1me 1 ·w1 oc- oe rep runng a om orta e alone-wh isper-wh isper-Now don 't : To ll efso n, Ke arn ey - H. B. ' cupy some promin ent lo cation about C ertificates were iss ued to the pric

Ladies Shoes a SpeciaJtell anybo dy be cause I w ouldn't want! L in tzenic h, St. Loui s Uni. ___ F. B. ; the campus. Whe n yo u are rea dy to member.s for the differe nt de g ree s 0 it to get ba ck . I fee l so s olTy for their) Second Team bu y, t hink fir st of t he busin ess men w hi ch th ey hold ty I I b k t• ·t· I A petition askin g for frat e rnitie s /l )) p oo r m oth ers !" . Hed ges , Maryv ill e ---- - R. E. · w 10 are ac mg yo ur ac 1v1 1es 1e re v (The Shoe S hop on the E as t V 1 • ti a.t .·Wayn e find Ke a rney , was prese nt- Q S"d f th S ) Here yo u h ave the to wn tal kers in Corne ll , St. L ou is U ni versity __ R. T. on ie camp us. d l . d Th t f at e rni 1 e 0 · e treet a ll their gl ory with the ir gos s ip s. I Wals h, SJ. Be nedicts - R. G. Mere ly m en tio ni ng to a bu si n ess , a nc_t hsigGne ·d dr p i·u- C . ' · · h d w1 1au an n e , May be the story is tr ue an d J".l avbe Ginn , T arkio - C. ma n, a fter y.ou ave ma e yo m pur-) l < c: · T D It f . · ' • • • • t ,e .&. o ur ._ 1grna au e a l'c::l rn1it is n't but still we h ave tho se ba b bl-Cox, Marysv ill e L. G. chase, t ha t yo u are glad he 1s t' . N b k ' I • 1 ·1es 1n e r as a. ing gro up s in th eir cozy corn ers-talk- Altig, K earney L. T. m of one of your A social event is olanned for the i "'l g-resu ming-en lar gi ng on goss ip, 1 Mary sv '.ll e - L. E. w ill fa r In ext 1·eg ular At thi s me et - I S p E C J A L T y 9 g-oss ip goss ip I Na 1dor f, St. Loms U. _ Q. B. mak in g 1t p ossi ble fo1 the busrness . h . 1 d f I I - ' . . 1Greene T ark io · H. B ' manage r a nd hi s sta ff to get n ew ads. 1 mg t e or lg ma poems an 0 AMBULANCE AND g I should define gossips as the bon e I 0 , ' h _U ___ H · 1 /t he mem b ers of the fra t ernity w ill be! I FUNERAL DIRECTOR Y g of a own's ex ise n ce b eca u se of their I Ha '.ilon, Om a a · - - [._..B ! • 1·ea d. · B L O ii ; • r • fi d" t th 1' Buck rn g·ham, Ch a dr on

nos .ng, p z:ymg 111 n m g_ 0 - 1 DE LB ERT McCONNA

er pe op le _s bus iness. The dictionary 1 J

s ays goss ips are t hos e w ho carry on t 1 Tri Be ta held an en thus iastic me e tfa milia r or idl e ta lk. j N' L --- ---- -d I ! ing on the eveni ng of D ecem b er 3. People go ssip for s om ethin g to do, me etter Men Rea Y l Only one ' out of every three admit- 1 Co :-sidera bl e di scuss ion wa s aro u sed and because they are jealous of what I To Start 1929 Season , t ed to colle g iate st a nding ever gra du- ; by th e p ap ers r ead. One of th ese wa s New Oil Station the other pe rs on or pers ons dare d to i ates wi th a de gree. Many of tho se by Amzie Grass on "The Relation BeI w ould say that as a group , l W it h ni ne back nu -; who -d rop by_ t he w_ays id e a re the vie- Scien ce and Hi s_ c?n- Full lin e o f. tire s, t ube s, an d !; sips cau se mor e troubl e for ma nkm d m ero us s ub stitu teS"' fi om l ast as t tims of out sid e c irc umst anc es, but cl us1on was that scien ce a nd r ehg1on aGuAtomSoANbile

1 th an any other fact ion in s oc iety the we ll as a fi ne g ro up of


hl;-· fo;;th ___ I .YAmong the reasons given by : Early Hi sto ry of Bac".Swede" H ertz, last year's captain Ith e many people in eminent positions t eriology." His characterizati on of and gua rd, playing his .third ye a r. a nd well fitted to rend er deci sion s as the work of Anton Leeu wenh oek, th e


The staff of the Pedagogian is not playing hide a nd seek with the va ri- i:-Iurst, Pike, Br ockman, Delzell, l to the reaso ns for this appalling list fir st student of bacte riology with th e ous school or ga nizations and socie- Young, an d Rothert are all se cond Iof failures are the following movin g microscope, was somewhat humorou s, t" W are here to put out a pa per year varsity men a nd will prov e a, pictures, automobiles, too great an but at the same time. he e mphasiz ed youe will like. We can if nece s-p ower of stre ngh with which to build I in extra-curricular impo-rtance of this early and effisary pr int a ll na tional news that will a fast five for a s uccessfu l seaso n. ties, la,ck of proper m eans of cullmg cient work. b b th ·nteresti na and educational Our new ba sketball coach, "Ernie" Ithose that are mentally unfit for col- i Both active and associate members ;e that this would not be ILorbeer, who succeeds "Jimmie" le g iate work, too much leisure, con- were present at this meeting in good t irely fair to our school. Lo veless, has be en obtained from Iside rin g a college degree a social re- numbers. Since Tri Beta meets regu. . ld Hays College, Hays, Kan sas, where quiste and not a means of obtaining· larly the first Monday in each calenHowever we will not prmt o , : Th . d' h 1 he has b ee n a ss istant coach. He knowledge dar month, no further announce ment n ews. at 1s events precee mg t e I I

. h b comes hi g hly recommended as an a ll- On e of ihe mo st important and con- of the meetm gs is needed for both issue of 1 Y two or threde a round athlete an d successful coach I crete reasons and the or:ie which leads classes of members. weeks. 1s 1s no onger news , an - I , · • · · h b full d On thi.s yea r's team from the pres- · to more fa1Jures than any other smgle ! 1f 1t as een so care y conceale I ; h f h P d . ff ent outlook there will be three men · cause 1s the lack of Knowledge con- t at not one o t e e agogian st a / h h d b · h d who in t he p ast have been olaced on , cermng the proper methods of study as ear a out it, t en we o not - 1 • the Nebrask a State Teams. They are: I and .conce.ntrat10n.


want it.

. . . Krejci , who has made the all-state , With m1dsemester over 1t has oeet! If a society or an does team for the p ast two years; Wasley fa irly accurately determined whether 1·-·· not ca re enough to h ave t hen· name ' who has ma de the a ll -state team for . we a re wasting our time and money , J ames '26, was back in in the Peda gogian t?at they not the past two years; and "Swede" and it behooves many of us to dig Peru visiting during Thank sg iv in g. te ll us the y are _a or one of the finest g uards ever d ev el- 1deep into our textb?ks in. order . to : James is princip al in Plattsm outh let us know about then meetmg af- d . . t 11 t . 1 H p ass the final tests with flvmg colors Nebraska ope m m er co egia e c1rc es. e J · 1 • ter it is over, should we h as also been a member of the all- We who have attended Wesleyan j . .-. make any spe cial effo1t to that state team for two years. Iin previous years to keep up I .Bill at t he of they get a lot of ballyhoo f1 ee our standard or better it, while , those hi s parents durm g Thanksg1v mg vaF I . . . L as t ¥ear Kearney won the state , . H · h' E l' l , rom t ns iss ue on we will donate I h . 7 1 ' th p. th of us who are going through the first I cat10n. e 1s teac mg • ag 1s 1 J\G . . c amp1ons np , w1 eru as e run- . . to any fraterni ty or society on the K · p 't 1 term at Wesleyan want to make sure ' Latm at Panama . campus five column inches of our j dnefr utp '. etarneyll Ii 01n yt 'that we are fitted to face that bar· e ea 1n 1n erco egia e cuc e as Pedago gia n to do with as 1,lease. d th t b 1 . rage of questions which is the nig ht- Sam R aw le y, who is p1 in cipa l at . . year an a v a verv c ose margm . . . . . providm g they do the work to fill th K • fl · mare of the college st udents the De vV1tt, w as v1 s1tm g m Pe ru. h on e earney oor. t at spac e. world over.-0. U. Gatew ay I ---

Furth ermo re we will publish any The schedule for the coming· year

Ma rgaret Rhode s visited rel ativ es thing they wish published in this is one of the hard est in the hi story of ATTEND TEACHERS' MEETING. and friends in P eru duri ng T hank sspace if' it will tend to build up or Peru basketb a ll, but from the p!'esent Presid e nt W. R. Pate of the Te ac h- g ivm g-. Mar ga ret is teaching in th e b •t ti t· outlook Peru may be able to liv e up C 11 1 f t d . !!J ades at Valp ai·ai'so. . ev er 1e1r org a mza 1011 as well as to h er fine traditions. ers o ege e t ye s er ay mormn g _ t he sc hool. for Gr a nd Is land to attend the dele-



___ At a meetin g of the se nior class on

gate d sess ion of the State Te ac hers' Helen Clineburg vi site d hom e fo l ks Assoc iati on Thi s is the annual b )ls i- in Pe ru during Th a nk sg ivin g. Sh e ness me eting of the asso cia t ion wher e is teachin g En g lish and La tin in Va lofficers are e lected and the entire paraiso. financial a nd other business is looked a fter. The meeting will .have about 1'10 del egates present, who are electat the six associations held in Myrtle Sorenson, who is subs titutin the Om aha sch ools, visited in Peru last wee°k end. She came do wn to

Our Public Opinion column is still ITu esda y, it was decid ed to hold a open to the students an d faculty of in honor of those s eniors wh o the sc h oo l. We will be only to glad wi ll g- radu ate at the end of the first to publi sh your view on any ques- semester. Com.mi.ttees wer e appointt ion you care to brin g up so far as ed by the president to ma ke definite it is cons istent with o-.ir for the affa ir The policies. banquet will be held sometime before November, there bein g one delegate take part in " The Crim so n Cocoanu t,, · for each hundred members. Mr. P ate a one-act play g iven at the auditori-

PHONE 56 PERU / You'll not be dissa ppo inted ) 1 f y ou get your hair cu t at Q ) BOB KNAPP & J (Next to Gaines Hall on tbe 0 ) Pavement.)

Anyone wishin g to contribute to Chhdri stmtas, a lbthough a definite d ate I a no vet een set. will drive thru with S uper in te nden t um Friday night. Gelwkk of Fa lls City , an d Superin - 0 - t 11 s column will find a box in the ad- •


tendent Jimerson of Auburn . Mi ss POEMS ACCEPTED ,p There is no Substitute 111inistra.tion building for this purpose Please sign yo ur to th e •articles you write. No article will published unless your na me is signed to it:. Please typewrite your articles whenever po ss ible.

Making chewing gum crack seems to hav e become a lost art. Perhaps the libr arians were am ong the cause s of its di sa ppearance.

Jack Fi sher a nd Gene Kinni so n of W:1;1more_ have -en ter ed sc ho ol the past week. boys are e nr oll ed in the freshman class.

He , " My dear, our engagem e' nt Assoc i atio n. I Mrs. A. E. John so n returned from must be off. A fortun e teller hiqs Bes ides being ab le to write poetr v (l 0 h to Id me I sha ll marry a bl o nd wi t hi ;n Mr s. Gr af h as also h ad q ui te a la rg·e {(J ma a Wednesday evening where h" · ' she had been with Miss McCollum of a mont ;, , . amount of s ucc ess as a writer of one the college faculty who · She, Oh, thats all right; I can act play s. On e of her one-a.cts wa s . w as operated• be a bl d th· h,, on for a ppendicitis. I on wi 111 a mont · presented h ere last year. It was a n Show (London). Ifantasy U

Non a Palmer of the facul ty is also Mrs. Lon R. Gr af is becomin g quite [) dele gate, a nd left Thurs dav eveni1 g prominent as a wr i te r of poem s. She b FOR HONESTY by t rain for Grand Isl and. ) re recently had accepted two moi·e poems by th e Un ited Pr esbyte ri an

as a business policy J. C. CHATELAI N Watchmaker and Jeweler School Supplies

temerature decreased. Sittin g in a BOOK

when the Gl J

en oder, editor of the 1928

small darkened concrete room in th e

observatory Dr. Pettit took the Lun·

ries of

which pl ay-

tag with slender moonbeams.-

Exchange. \.Ja n, was p resent at convo

Keister- "Why

n te st of college yea rbo ok I z m ajo r __ Brahns -Hochstein 1c


·t . b '·h s con- ISon of th B up the offense

e .1 Y .t e .Co ll ege of Journ a lism I e uzta - Keler-Bela · l

three times a minute · an any ime. or the Uruversity of Minn es o ta A - Bro c km an of' Elmwood a nd Tr a il. of dui i·ng th 1 t k" h" t · n Th . I' h e ec ipse, a 1ng 1s emper- .,..., ...,.,. _,,, ..,._,,,....,.._

exammation of the sc ore sheet s how ed e students of Professor a re t e best tackle s m the , at ure .more th an 180 t imes. I I th at the 1928 Per u vian s cored 866 s ga ve a recit al du r in g con vo- showed unusual I Befor M . . . fl L A D I E S-

points out of a possible 1000 wh · h . cation hour Monday, December 3. skill in g ettm g throu gh the line on ' h . 1 eb other Ea rth mte1pos ed !:I 0 IC is, Th . th ff d d f H e1se f etween the sun's ra vs and I Address enveloped at home. U so as we are ab le to ascertain a e fir st w ho appeared on the pro - 0 en se_ an e ense. e w as a: the moon the Lunar bodv ha d- a tern- ll higher score than s tands i!fram :was Ida Schrepel, who played ;;i acc;rate ta ckler He Ipera ture ' of about 228 degrees Fah- ! Spare time. $15 to $25 Weekly ; to tne credit of any prev ious Pe ruvian Chopm Waltz." "The Hunting song," lw ei g s poun s. : I renheit hotter than boilin g water 8 in thes e national contests. When it 1.s by Men de l sso hn, was played by Flor- Ch a dron filled both the gua rd posi- P ettit a nd du th t t 1 ;i easy. Experience unnecessary. B · · Ell' t" · h W II 1 , nn g e o a ec- ii cc1ve d, the honor certific aite wi ll be me Iot t. · ion wit e er a nd Rm g-. fiip se t hi s t emoera ture dronoed about 0 Dignified _ work. Send 2c stamp 8 filed in the adm inistration buildin g I :he la st number, "Juba Dance," by : ,...._ Capta in Bunch, former Fa ll s. Ci ty !414 de g rees 186 -below ze- B I along with the oth er two Cl ass A c er - j prese nted by Ellen Wilson, was a thl ete and a 204 pound g nd ste r, , ro-clo se to the temperature of liquid Q for particulars. Mazelle, Dept. § tificates now on exhi b it there. I fro _:n the s ui te "In the Bottoms." ! round ed out for years of co :np etition; air. I CS303, Car Indiana. U G tt · t p · · . I 1 on th e Bobc at squ ad. He 1s an ex- I 1 d . . ' · Y,

Te 1ng ou a eruVIan IS a ge nmne- , 1 I ns te a of g rowmg whiter t he Lun- I 11 I d .ff. It t k d l L as t Wed d D b 5 h ce len t man on the offense as well as , j 11 Ii y I icu as , an Mr. Joder and his I ne s a y, ecem er , t e h d 1 ar mans fa ce g rew redder as his -.------------. staff are to be congra tula te for the I stu c! e nt bod y had the privilege of hear- on t e and had a bi g sea son. I 1 dl.d h . d Th b k I ing the ne w inst1·uctor i·n v . d . The standing:

....., """" _......,....,,.,...."""'"<Cl!il>..... c:a..., sp en s owmg ma e. e 00 was O!Ce urmg G w L e . I tnily an a cc urate acco unt an d an ar- j the co !ivocation propam. This new P

ARE YOU getting some of that good Gold- · I t t' d me mber is G H s k d t f eru

is ic recor of the eve nts of th e year ·

ec ' a gra ua e o - 0 h U I 0 k S In addition to the sp lend id : the Gu 7! n Scho ol of Music Chicago. ! ; i 667 ; en a yrup on your hot cakes, made I work of Mr . Jode r, the b ook was a· 1The gtlro up 0 ! dso_n gs Mr. Steck sang IKearney======· 2 1 1 21 21

from ROBB ROSS PANCAKE FLOUR? I financial su ccess. This was ma de pos- P eas en Y v arie m type The three 1Dana

AlsQ don't forget to have the cook get m I sible largely th ru th e exce ptional busi- n were: Wayne

.,. s o¥gs he sa g

nes s a bi lity of Otto Oake si the he ad My Open Fire - Sposs 9 her order for Xmas dinner. I busi n ess manager, and in spite of the Pale Moon Logan "Chums" I fact that w ho h_e aded saff Th ree Lu c ky Lovers------- - Sudds Dallam-"Eloyde and Greta seem to g T.

I · were not appomted u ntil we ll mto Oc- I I be very close 1friends." I tober. Fre.d Allen, w ho OH, PERSEVERANCE Prof Carter-"Yes, there is a com- Peru, Nebraska Phone 115 I the sopohomores on the business staff, As she entered the room she felt p·ac t between them'.' _

and Cecil S tark , w ho fi nis hed up th e th ait there w as some one else there '

business for the sen iors in the sec ond and it w as the inquis itive nature of "Coincidence"

se mes ter , also deserve real c redit for the woman t ha t caused her to investi- Geo r ge Dirks-"I'm going to the

the financial success of t he yearbook. gate and see if .he could be found. show.''

The sp onso rs were A. E. Holc h fo r the As she m ove d from one part of the Vilda Owen-"So am I."


I an d Nona Palmer for the George-"Let's go together." I

I sop omores. f h"

It is entire ly fitt ing in th es e stat e- away r om im. I men ts coneerning the P eruvian, to Soo n she had no doubt as to the ! 5000 Christmas Cards for your choice II expla in to the stu d ent body som e- fa ct that he was under the bed, and DR. N. S. HARAJIAN J See our display fiirst II t hin g of t he necessary policy of t he dec id ing to remo ve him at all odds, Q

yearbook fl'Dm tl} e s ta nd- she took her umbre lla and made

po int. The 1928 P eruv ian man




to t urn out a superior book at a minimum cost. The stu dent b ody pro fits by such effici e nt work on the pa rt oi' t he staff.

t o. l ife, l iberty a nd the purs uit of pm ess. 1

! Ph 1 1 a . -. /)

1 lip Ho yt was d ow n fr om Li n- A. E. Johnson, D. D. S. v :r

A surplus of fu n ds left in the co in to s pen d his va cat ion wit h hi s O· Q SU PPLIES, STATIONERY,

h d I f at! ICE CRE AM s op omore an sen ior c ass treasur- 1er __ I Phone 36 i 11p THE

ies after t he distrib u tio n of the ye arbook does n o.t mea n th at the pric e of de n ts t hru co ll ege at Pe ru. An addi - 0

the book to the st u dents,


ye ar the Peruvian was so ld to the

st;n ;ie,,., , "t a pri·ce as low as i·s c on- , for the Peru ca mpus. It i's f Some good roomin g

"-'-"" a I th l 1 well· located, and

sistent wit h the m arg in of risk, ac1 t i is part of the me morial of the / price. Inquire of ? Phone 25 THE MARDIS STORE Phone 25 cordi ng to the best advi ce of the bus- se mors of 1927 and 1928 is to be in- f L iness hou ses who d-0 t he engra vin g stalled at no clistant date , us ing t he Q GEO. L LEE ( and printi ng for the b oo k. It w as reg ul ar campu s e mplo ye es for the sold at $3 .50 a c opy, w hich is as l ow ',',.;rk of ins tall ation. WHEN IN VISIT THE ' ! a pr ice as it is p oss ible to place on A ll of w hi ch go es to sho w t hat it is =<:::::.=<:::::.=<:::>=<:::>=

the book with an ass uranc e of com- not the amo un t of f und s tak en in 'service With a Smile 0

1 ing out eve n, and as low as any Pe- n early so much as it is the c arefuT Q R

CANDIES SA NDWICHES r uvian has bee n soid in rece nt ye ars. m anagement fund s, w hi ch - makes ·_ ( 1 FOUNTAIN SERVICE Both the sa le of b ooks a nd t he fo r. the su ccess of an org ani-1 n SHOE SHOP I [ amount of ad vertis in g which it is 1 zatrn n. • j J.1 Peru Ne braska ) possible to get fr om year to ye ar ar e I I v ; u ncertain qu ant i ti es. Du e a llow a nce

...,..< - LJ fo r su ch un certainties mu st be con- \{ Q

·,.,.idered by the busi n ess staff of th e Q 36 y. f H J £ l S ' book. Th e fi na nci al s urp l us ma de by V • -

the 1928 Peru via n did n ot c ome out Q of the pock e ts of t b. e st ud en t body /) CrTrZE

Rath er it was due to t he sp len did a nd V

efficient busi ness an d ed itodal man-

agem e nt of th e book. The sam e bus iness e ffic ie ncy cha r- - Av EN u E· s T

E ac ter ize d t he fin ancial, man ag ement 1 V _"-"' of t he senior organizatio n of 1928. Al -1 .

t houg h the senior y ear wa_:; star te d FANCY BOX STATIONERY, NOTIONS AND SCHOOL


wi th an empty tr easury , und er the e f- SU PPLIES ficient presi d en cy of eC cil S tar k and I Q CON KLIN E NDURA PENS AND PENCILS, UNCONDIc J th · • 0 will be a pleasure, if you'll only make treasur e rship of .l are nc e on es, . .e ; TIONALLY AND PERPETUALLY GUARANTEED ,

class held its du es do wn to the mm;1 Q Aut horized D ea ler for Nem aha Count y for Remington ()_ Cleveland's your Headquarters this year.mu.m, whic h was an averag e of a do - ll Portab le Typ ew r ite rs Toys, Wheel goods, dolls, books, Gift Furelaxrpeansseesrn este r, exc lu sive of Peruv ian/ niture and rugs. Third floor. Class ac tivit ies, how ev er, w ere co n-

H. U· L

A N D 0 L T

Ladies Shoes, Lingerie, Furs, Ready-toduc t ed in e nthus i astic w ay Su e- 0 Op p osite Training School I wear, and S&H Premiums. 2nd floor. cessful parties we re h el d in ea ch Men's Wear and Furnishings, Dry Goods, mes t er one of t hese in t he nature o Q ·a rno v/e with a afte rwa.r d. T he / Hosiery, Toilet Goods, etc. 1st floor. .... s'= w· -<-'-E=E""-= T

Slippers, Christmas Cartds, Candles, Nuts, r House Furnishings, groceries, etc, Basec essful class pl ay. Its com mencement d t is de ri ved from our se nse of t as t e. Th e sensa- ment. activi ti es were a ll w ell car rie ou · 0 ti on of taste is e lusi ve a nd intan gi

e; it

0 In appre c iation, t he cl ass pres ente.d su r ed an d ex press ed in exact

nnot be

rms. _ t he s poD5"0r , A. E. Holc h and his 0 DO NOT KILL Y OUR TA STE, Man y subs titutes will sa t- 0 wife w ith a beautiful ste rli ng s ilv er isfy, and how, only by killin g y our good taste for swee ts set eight tea s poons, eig ht bu tt er or sugar, w hich is not ha rmful to you. When you wa nt 'o gTooHdsEweeptsAcomLeMtoS CAND Y KIT CH EN City left a memori,al to old P eru. $ 160 wa s I .:..., G Ge t your discount in S&H S tampJ! le.ft to the stu d ent loan fu nd and isj ( GOOD THINGS TO EAT) , 0 J. 1 0 now being used to assist wo rth y stu -




E ac h wee k th ere are a lar ge numbe r of Ad vertisers fr om Peru an d vicinity wh o get r es ul ts from P.edagog ian adv ert isin g.

Stud en ts ca n also help th e Ped agog- ian by men ti oni ng to th e merc h an ls when bu y in g th at yo u r ea d their ad in lhe Ped.agog ia n.

Th e fo ll ow in g ad vert ise rs made it poss ible fo r yo u to receive thi.s iss ue of" the paper. R ememb er your frie n ds.


Av enu e Store

Barn es' Pharmacy

Cleaners a nd Ta ilers

J. C. Chatelain

J. P. c1 ar-k

Clary R es taurant

Hugh Ca rm en · Co llin s Mea t Ma rk et Crys tal Th ea ter

For sy th Oil Co mp any Citizens St ate Ba nk

J. D. Grave s Horton & Company

Dr. Har a iian

Dr. John son

Ko epple's Ca fe

Bob Kn a pp

Lo y al Pharma cy

Mardi s Store

Mee k Lumb er Comp a ny Peterson Studio Flo-yd Pa lmer

Ri g ht Awa y Sho e Shop

Robbin 's Ba kery AUBURN (Con t nued from fir st p age. ) in g "flat wa ter" (originally "Nibthas-

Dave 's Clothing Store

Lawr e nce Ca nd y Kitchen

C. A. Souders

Woman' s To gg ery

Sk aggs-S a fewa y NEBRASKA CITY

Cl eveland & Son s G ess eman s Ca fe '1Vessels & Sons


Colle gi a te Adverti sin g Se rvice Fi sk Teachers A ge nc y It Must Be

T eac her- Whi ch is f arther En gla nd or t he mo on?

Jo hnnie- En gla nd.

. T ea ch er-E ng- la nd ? you t hink th at ? Wh at away, ma ke s

d egree fr om the j .8J II Gu nn Sc h ool of Mus ic in Chic ago. The st ate fl ower is th e Gold en R od Look in at the op en door, J We have aa idea that this f Duri ng Mr. S tec k 's tr avels he sa ng Th ey l ove to see him stic k the city sap I will be on e of Johnnie's most ll" in fo ur hund re d di ffere nt tow ns dis- 1 Neb r aska is di vi ded

Y seme. good "!

B es id es b eing a comp etent teac h er, I squa re mile s. The sta te is 280 m il es I with Johru1ie. c. mnP.dv f Mr. Stec k h as a very pleasi ng v oi c e. ! wid e and the ex treme length is 465 Kerner-"Do yo u thi nk yo ur father I "US" § .H e ap pe ared b efo re th e stu dent body !mil es ;; il l ob j ect to my su ite ?" 8 f at chapel du ri!ilg the wee k. ! Ruth-"! don't s ee w hy he sh ould; I WED., THURS., DEC 12-13 Mr. Steck su cceeds Harold E. Wag- '. The m ean temp erat ure of the State his is pre tty ne arly as bad." I " Reno Divorce" ner, who is now teachin g mu sic in I 1s 48. 7 degr ees. I Ithe R oc h ester, N ew Yor k, publi c J "IF" He re is .1 pict-ure that m::i.y f schools. Th e po pulation of the s tate, estimat- -So me pe ople w ould stop knocking a ap peal to :. om t' of y ou dissatis- t : ed Jul y 1, 1928, is 1,408,000. and s tart b oos ting, we'd have a bett er i c.ied mar r·cj rcriple--Com c a!JJ J sc hool pap er. 8 s<.-:e , you mig-bi a f PW 11c •i11t - f

CONTRALT O, DECEM BER 6 In 1927 Nebraska rank ed second in -More peop le look ed at t heir fello w I ers that wm !w 1 p y ou out A.ls " 11 the produ ctio n of corn, t hird in the with th e same expressi on News Thursda y is Cbrina nite. II (C ont inu ed fro m P age 1) I pro du ction of wheat It rank s fourth thep use t ow ard th e ir mirrors, there 'd ll Friday: Saturday, Dec:- 14-15 8 Iap ex w hen we h eard it will be s un g by I ;n dair yi ng and li ves tock be a greater suppl y of bro t herl y love j le f I the fo llowing: in evi de nce." I Burster K·eaton

I TENORS In 19 25 th e produ ction of sugar IN I

Ra lph Chatelain be e ts on 52, 000 ac r es, averag ed 16.47 ! Eng li sh Department Please Note A "The Cameraman;, I

Ra ymond Trenholm tons per ac r e-a w orld's record. : Th e new Galloway Unabridge d Di<;- I I SOPRANOS !t iona ry g ives the plural of "freshman " a with MaroUne Day. What's all I

Marg a ret Engelkemier .There are 7,242 mile s of railw ay in Ias "fres hm e ns." the sbotin' about? Buster's

Mary Gray INebrask a. i I b ac k again - the la ugh panic is i

Gladys Gro ss oehm e ' THE PA RTS OF SPEEC H 0 on ! He turns cameraman now I · · -. I 11 - 1t ALTOS Nebraska has 80,000 nule s of grav el- ; No un- What you call y our g irl.

Lillian Brady cd or p aved highways. There are proper nouns and commo n 0 Coming, Dec 17-18 I

Ruby Brown inoun s a proper noun is 'Y hat y ou in- 8 "BEG GARS . OF I BASS ! trodu ce her to other folks by. The 8 I

Joe Jones comm on noun is "dear." · Duane Sams I P

·brists try to wnte sen ten ces w ithou t. ' ORIGINAL CHRISTMAS

d t' • 1 yeser ay. , ·

John ni e- 'C ause yo u ca n see the moo n a nd we can't se e En glandPathfind er. s an ar ime. 1 I ·p · ·

. , j repos 1ti on-Fav orite w ord for end- r

Approxim ate ly 60,000_amatem: s olo- ' Elva Leach-"! like the dress, but in g a se nte l}ce wi tb. Poor gram ma r. I LUMBER ists comp eted for th e righ t to smg in it's too s mall for me. Could it be U se a period instead Q f1' th e fi nal s. Three contesta nts who w on a ltered?,, Ad verb- What y ou us t rt LACQUER, E NAMEL U but were defeat - Sal eslady-"I'm afraid not, lady, infini tive. e 0 sp i an I PAINTS ed 111 se i_n r-fina ls last yea r reached th e bu t if y ou will take a course in our Artic le-Word of inde fi nit 1 ! Q D fin als th is yea r. e va u e, /l Ji 0 d f ph ys ical cultural department, you can depend mg on wh ether yo u are.writing C OAL COAL i/ r o aw ard s will be ann oun ce d be al te red to fit the dress. a telegram or a thou sand wo rd th IJ 0 1r:ime d1 ately after th e contes t. The ___ eme girl a nd y outh adju dged be th eac h will Jam es Mum p er- Gee Hel en I like / 1.-,;,....,.....,. aa.._""""...,......,..,.....,__...__,. . · ,., ..._.,. _ r eceive $5,000 cas h, §. g old decora t ion , to d ance with y ou." · ' FR ES H a schola rship a.t a lea d- , Helen enj oy dancin g I I . P ast ry. a nd Bakery De li cacies And g conseivatoiy. Th ose pl ace d sec - with y ou mu ch better if you'd we ar 1 I the p ri c es? T hey are right eac h w ill .$2, 000 a nd a on e- sma ll er s hoes, too." ; I ROBBINS' BAKE-. year sc hol ars lup; third, $1,000 and a 11 P er u RY e " D.d yea r's sc hol · h. h f "'" h $ I Nebrask a · 1 yo u te ll h ere when ais 1P eac ; OUh 500 Joe-" Brig. I owe ev erything to my

·-· · _ . -

year's schola rship each; fourth $50 0 J oe-" Brig. I owe everyt hmg to my "Did you tell here wh en you pro- leach; fi ft h, $250 each. father. " . /l ,

pos ed that you were unworthy of Brig.-" How about that fi ve I/

h er? !aways makes a good im- ' Nebra ska ra is ed the world r ecord I you owe me from the Omaha trip. Q

pression I con secutive layi_ng hen, a white leg- _

"I was goin g to- but s he told me l horn, Lady Am co, of N orfolk, having Pr of E nni s-"Before. the. weddmg Q '

Arst."- Ti t -Bits. laid an egg a day fo r 177 consecutive you told me that married hfe would

days. be one grand swe et song.". " . 0 Ladies' Men's a nd Children's Shoes I; "But are n't yo u the li ttle boy who w as in with the fir st lot of children a nd ate so h eart ily t hen ? Sure ly P rof. L inds ey Y es,

world h as be en moun ted on the Ger- sweet Refram. , " Th e la rgest t her omo met er in the ' and since found it one grand, Phone 377 Auburn, Nebraska t t "ll h g y?" · "Rf . ?" you re no s 1 un 1 · man muse um. On its scale, 22 meters Pr of Enrus- e ram · , , "I a in'.t 'un g ry, bu t I'm will - in l.en gth, not only t he t empe rature P rof my msists 0 ''JUST ONE PRICE, ONE JUST PRICE Q in'."-Sy dney Bulletm of the mol'ne nt is reco r ded , b ut al so th at I r efram from cards nefram from O _ · · 1 · f · f the club and L"'- t he m axim um and mrnimum tempe r- smokmg, re ram rom • Gee-De Courcy Foulke atures of the prec edi ng day. r efrain fro m going to ball games." · Smythe b oasts that he can tra ce his

a ncestry ba ck to the Normans.

Whiz- We'll, the Normans are \f

dead , and they don't mind.-Path- o.

find er.

A crisis had occurred at t he Or- 1

chard. The maid, who had only been -

empl oyed for a month , suddenly an-

noun ced th at she intended leavin g.

" But, Ja ne.'' said her IS

" what do you want to le a ve for ?

Haven't I s uited you in every way?" AUBURN Phone 314 NEB

''Y es, ma'am; I suppose you've been = kind er th an many others," agreed th e mai.a slowly. FISK TEACHERS AGENCY (Incorporated)

"Of I Ja ne. Now you Suite 410-11 Symes, De nver- M. E. Shuck, Ph. D., Ma nager .


be a sensl1'bdle1·1 g ll"tl aknd sthop wh ere M·or"" vacancies than satisfact or y applicants to fill them. 0 . y ou a re. 1 rn o now ow ma ny other mi stresses would· go to the ex -

pe nse of ha vin g a wirel ess set fi tte d =

up in the Kitchen." WHEN IN DOUBT- TRUMP OR COME TO

"Yes, ma' am, " said Jones, " Bu t i t's KOEPPLE'S CAFE

set. tha t's I 0 FOR YOUR MEALS, LU NCHES, ETC.

a. 111 t satis fied with th e p1 og1 ams. I Phone 195 Peru, Neb r.

An swer s. 0

Fi rst drunk- Shay, w ash at shin e _ ..____ "'"° ___ s:ss


Second di tto- It shays billiards.


r§ "tm as an y New PEDAGOGIA Ha




Jones, H ayward, and Joder : depar t ment agam presen ted its the Sig ma Tau Del ta w as he ld Mo nw rit Pl p rog r am of ed u catio nal Only Five Pr ospects for •29· day even i ng, D ecember 10, in the Musical Numbers a n d Stunts on Program e ays movi es. Two ree ls of w il d fl owers Season fac ul ty r oom At th'is meetin g the pho togra phed in their natur al envir- 1 origina l essa ys an d p oems about EX P ECT MANY GU ESTS onm e nt in a ll s ections of the country ONL y TWO VETS BAC K Ch ristmas were placed in seal ed en - '-'KID" DAYS RECALLED we re pa rt icul arly b eau tifu l. T he i ve lop s, a nd each memb er gi ven one

Tbe Dra m ati-c Club plays 'w hich weTe to hav e b een g iven Decemb er 20 h ave been postpo ned until Ja nu?n r ee ls also Th e deb ate were he ld un -to r ea d. No names were sig ned, con- The fre shm an par ty held in the on 1e ree pi ctu rm g t he li fe an d d th r t" f p f , L. d se que ntly there was consid er ab le work of th e bee, was unu suall y spl e n- er ed cCir ectl10 nM o B ro U1 1-. g·uessm iJ· as to who were the hi gh school a udi t orium , Fr id ay, D ed d.. A say an as e . ro wn m · e co - b 14 hu ge success It ary 17 1 fo u rth re el depicted a w est- 1 , .t F "d ft , Th er e were some ver y clever p oems, cem er , was a · · ege auc,1 on um on n av a e rn oo n,. L ast Jl ear th e c lu b had a play writ- I ern rodeo a nd w a.s espe cially enJ oyed D b 14 0 h If·th an d essays. Some were humor ou s.. has been vo t ed at p rev 10us m eet mg Thi s vear a 1·e n1orej b eca u se of its acti v ity. - e hcem er · v er ab others bea ut ifull y d esc ri ptive, a nd in kid t d,_ w os e nam es were su m 1 e m e t hat the pa rt y be a par y, an pl ays to be co ns i de r ed bu.tt he clnh • 1 Owmg to th e of S am T rau d t, 1 t d .t. f tl . all the sp irit of Chri stmas w as p re -a ll st tiden ts cain e dre ssed as prim ary. · as e 1 10n o ns pap er as pro sintends to use all th at are written for ! wh o has been runnin g t he motio n p1c-1 t· d 'd t f th d b t sen t ed. d . pee 1ve c an 1 a es or e e a e . . stu en ts. that pur pos e by studen ts This year l tu re ma chme fo r th es e p rog r am s, the d f d th . d t• t d 1 · Mrs. Du nnmg made the st ::Lt emen t · '. h . . . . s qu a oun - .e ir u 1es oo ar uous,. _ The audi t or ium w as arr an ge d to mtead .of Jud g in g -0n pr od uct rn n s ow was a ht tl e slow m g ettm g un- d th . t. t h . d b ; th at the qua lity ofth ese w as the b est · · I d b h. t'.'.' : an e1r ·1me o muc occup1e y: h h b ff d . h . bl h 1 A la ·ge u.s c" ips ar e to be s ent away for rank er way, ut everyt mg went sm ') o r:- th t'

cu stoma ry at dra matic

m eetin rrs "'eo ple ot her than the a>eJil The next b10l0 gv educ a


of Jan- i are :Yet in the class of the unkn own will to so m_eo ne co mpetent To a dd a Christmas air , the room in g a gue st t icke t plus fif t een ce nts.1u ary - No one doubts but th at th e r eason s fo r cn t1c1sm, a nd will ten be placed ' Th f t 11 ol ti d f th f'r t ty w as decor ated with red and gre en Jn orcler t.<r accommo date the !<1 rge' ese mo vi es are ree o a. c -1 these people refrained from tryin g- on ie r ec o1: s o e ..a _erm num.ber of intere sted pers ons ontside' lege stu dents, an.d a ttendance is en- ! oat are le g itimate ·and reasonable b ut , Aft er th e mfo rmal cn ti c1sm, offer- crepe paper. A ta ll Christmas t ree · h d · k i co u -a ged.. Sp ec ial pa ins h ave been 'h ed by the me mbers they w ere tre at- d · d 11 · h ihe dJ amatic c lub, fi ve un re d he - 1 L the la ck of opn ort urutv to. h ear t ose · .. , sto o m one c or ner un er w 1c evets ,a Te be ing is su ed. Thos e de s h'in g; t aker: :o s ee th at the ? 1<:tu re s are e!1• I whose ta le nts -were an d. ed to popcorn a nd di vini ty. eryo ne piled his g ifts as he a.rr i ved " Uest tickets mav se c ure the m fr om tertaimng an d e du cational. , t he loss of the pers on s, who have in - I Ma nv of the li ttle k id di es " of the ! I t he past seaso ns. de r"on strnted u nus-



brou g ht toys to s chool an d, Cl ay Coy , Tbe pla ys to be p resented this yea r, GLEE

GJ'V'E 'u a. l deba tin g a bility will be k een ly i the sch oolmaster, g ot some ex cell ent On J anua ry 17, a re : ' fe lt. ;


train in g if he ev er in te nd s to be an "To.d's Slav e, " a ..ci rc us tr age dy, COMIC Q!PERA 1 Five pe rs ons actua ll y pa.rtici pa te d: actual tea cher. Eld on .H ayw ard; Th e Zer o Ho ur in the try out 1 They were: Ra lph • Wh en school sta rt ed t he te ac her a c omed y by Joe Jo nes; "T he D ec i- , • • , Ch atelain, Miss Knigh t, W illi am Fres h men-J un1or G a m e ca ll ed upon seve ral m embers of the mal Poin t, " a fa rce , by An na _ Gilb er t an d s Mas- ' Nic kel, Archi e Ma rtin , a nd L es li e! Best of Tourney •cl ass to rec ite. D onn a Ja ne Delzell Jode r; "F a.s h-B a ck," a d ram at1z atwn I te rp iece Presented 1.Leon ard. The qu a lity of' the pe rfor -1 gave a ve ry cle ver imitation of a by Anna 'Bes t -Jod er of a sh ort story · ima nce re nd ered, a nd th ose who man-; TA KE FINALS 30 to 6 spoiled gra mmer sch oo l child si ng- by Alma Bo ice Ho ll an cl . I LEADS WELL CARRIED Iifested t he most ; ersa tile .s tyle_ de- l _ .in g a Christmas song; Jo hn Ba th rea d "T od's Sl ave " sh ows :he roman ce · __ 1 b ate ca nn ?t div ul ged m th is issue i Basketb a ll pros pects in Peru took a stor y of a str

c hara c ter It dea l w1th college/ R uth , a con ciencious nu rse ry ma id Mr. Lmd s ay with th e s uppor t of 21 t 18 . f f 1 F. h' Th to e recess an 1 gam es were h . d d p 'd p . . . . . o m a vor o t 1e I es ies. e

v. out and the

who is i nte-re te d in fossils. ! Frederick under a pir a te inde nt ur e. C runp aign in beha lf of deb at e. As 0 t ,ll; pl aye d u ntil San ta Cl ause a rri v ed. " Th e D ecimal Poin t" is a farce 11F rederic had reac hed hi s j soon tbe t he team is chose n, . t hei r fiigehst me nd s owbe t ey a ?t en ty to '1 San ta sa id th at he could a lwa ys . b" · ' · . an m ay e some va r st :y ma c- . . wluch cente rs 11 r oun d the arn 1t1 ous ye ar b efore he sam a ny oth er lady's pictures a re to be ta ken a nd sen t to . · 1 . th . So he had eve ryone Jme un a nd - · II d I ,. . . na 111 e ope mn g ga me . . . .work of a you_tnf u] mv en tor ca e face th an that of' hi s nur se ry maid, t he _ le adm g st at e pa pers. . I .Ma rch ar o und m a ci r cle then he Or land o Ru.do lph B yr on Bu mp. IRut h. He t hi nks he r' s is a sw.eet fac e N ego ti atiol'l.s with schools ou tsid e . Th e se con d g_ame b etwe en the se n- di s tributed the g ifts. He sa id that in the Pl ay ers M agazin e, pu b li !' h-1u nti.I he s ees Gene ra l SLan lec v's yo un g- the state fo r

are bein g

n- ,· IOrs a nd "'.as the wh en he had fini shed a ll t he goo d

shm a n-Juni or t

t bu t 1 ed at Rac me. W JS consm, Y e a- est d aucr hter "Mabe.I." Th

tw nal Collegia te Play ers, gives m i ts 1 of the Pir ates afraid of

"d bl t • '


dred persons were th er e. t t · l f · te e st ab o ut · : uJes for th e comino- sea.so and a ·eland fr es hmen was not so · much of a pages o ma errn o m r · t he con fiusion h as been boiled down 1 n, 1 • ! After San ta Cl aus left refr eshmen ts e olleir e and un iversity d ramat ics a ll it n ec essar y fo r Gen erRl : willin g to de b ate Pe rn. A compl-e tio.n !tussle, you t hs ea il y ov e rca '.1w iwere served. Ho t punch, brick ic e over na tion. In the same Stan l ey to di e. This pl ace s Fred er·

ment t he foll o•v in g co lJe g es an d

-i ck

a de li cate p os ition, as a pirate c as es is d epe nden t up on .a con veme nL a 30 to 6 vic to ry. ba lls w er e pl ent iful. v ersiti-es received some space: Grin -he mu


atte nd ance to the party was nell Co lle ge, W i' consin Un ive ;·Rity gi rl' s fa ther alt hough she th ose pl ac es where a debate c ou ld be led a ll the ga mes pi ck in g out p oss ibl e no t so larg e du e to th e fa ct th at Mi ni_I.e sota Un iv ersit y, Uni - loves dea rl y, ca nno_t h_eld or .a financi al gu aran t.e: . su ff i- pr os p ects fo r t he vars ii-y te.a m. · Ea ch st ud en ts ou t o:fl scho ol ver sity, Nebra s ka the to s ee her fathe r kill ed a nd 15 q t.a te c1en t to. defray : xp.:ns e_s, m case 1 cl ass sho"'.'ed so me of with th_e flu. Thi s par ty conclu de d U niv ersi ty of Sou th Ca hfo r ma , Ca ro- cle v er in her way of ha ndlin g t he Peru 01t he se ms t1tutions sh o uld a po ss ible varsity pl aye1 w1th111 th e the socia l pr og r am of the fr es hm an lina Pl a ymakers , Lo ui siana Uni ve rs i- pi rat es wh en th ey vi s it her hom e. j to the the wh ole near future jcl ass fo r t he firs t sem este r. t and E ar lha m Colle o·e . Th d h" 1· h dista nce which seper a te s us fr om All me mb ers of the va rsi ty t eam ' ·--y, ., · e se rgeant an 1s po i ce a ve · j i a gr eat b loo dy ba ttle with t hese them.- we re ruled as in eli g ibl e for c!<lss co m- J DANCING AND MUSIC JAZZ-NADER 'S GIVE ro ugh s ea-go i ng· pira te s an d if it h ad HAYES ' CO L LEGE TO BE 'petit ion. g·ave th e fre s hmhan I ON WEEK'S PROGRAM P HI LO PRO GRAM not be en fo r a witty sergea nt the T te am a d ec id ed a dv an tage ove r t e - d" ff d' · Pl1'RU'S OPPONENTS other cl ass te a ms. I ___ ope ra wo uld h av e a i ere nt en mg. JU j Th e ch apel pro gram was fu rnis hed

1 M b el d F d · k t · I

The members of the Ph il omath ean a an r e_ e nc _aga m, 1well satisfie d wi th th e r es ul ts of th e Iby th e gir ls' p hy sica l e du ca tion

L or b ee r a nd Gr af were "' ·iv en by a nd he pro ves hi s lov e for her. Coac h es Lorb ee r a nd Gr af left this I 1 h cl asses conducted by Mi ss R oot Wedo cie ty en Joy ed a pro .,. ram g i JYir. Ben for d pl aye d, a ll th e p arts mornin g for H ay es, Kans as , with nine ' cl ass teams. These ga m es brou g_ i 1 nesd ay December 12 Di ck Williams and hi s Ja zz-Nad ers ' on t he piano. - bask e tball men w here they will ope n before them much new matena I Th e 'fi rst section of the pr ocr ram h · h t · ' · not before s hown on the co.liege o-y m. b T he oth e: me m bers of e_01c es :a•I _ . the 1929 b as ke tba ll se a so n wi th the I "' · was g iven by physica l educ a tio n cl ass b ein g Jun e piams:t, Ke ith MISS TILTON HAS H ayes T eac hers Colle ge of that pl ace , 201 b. Th e na me of t he dan ce was Wo lf ba njo arti st, and Dans Bunch, i . PICTURE ACCEPTED Co ac h Lorbeer feels confid e nt th at WILL CELEBRATE "S a il ors Horn p ip e ." The second part

The pro g ra m co nsisted of: he h as a workin g ma chi ne that will ! ST. JOHN'S DAY "Minuet, " was by Sect ion 1, lOl a. Popu l aT ou mhe rs which w el'e well I Mi T"lt be a bl e to tro unce the best of his l --- Th e third da nc e " Iri sh Til t" wa . I The friends of ss 1 on we re ' . . J appr ec iat ed by the a udi enc e. I 1 th t h . t • \ alma ma.ter. 1 The Pe ru Mas omc Lod ge will c.ele- by Section 111, lOl a. "Gottl a nd' s h ver y g lad to . a er p ie m e, Of th . t k th ' h D d d A "'t t.he musical pr o gram t e " . F J H'll,, acc ept ed 1 · e mne me n o ma e m1 - brate St. Jo n's ay, We ne>: ay e v- Quadrille,'' a da nc e in seve n p art s, 1U er • View rom oy 1 was t' 1 t · 1 tt · f{ t 1 • D b I · h 11 · · b dr ew sl ip s of pape r on , b k A tists A . t' Ia np se ve n are e er men, er z, enm g, ec em er 27, at t rn1r a . wa s by Sect10n 11 , lOl a. Thi s danc e t ··tten names of animals.11by the Ne ras a r ssoc1..a W as le y and Krejci all bein g a ll- s tate , Th e re will be an out-of- town sp ea ker, was divided as foll ows: (a) Me etin g· w 1c w ere 1 1 Th ' · tu ·e has been pu t on di s- · h ' B fi d. a- a corres ponding n am e a is pie 1 · h men. . . mu sic by loc al pe ople, a nd refres - (b) Gree t in g; (e) Ic y b ow ; .d) Go sy .n m.,, ht . ed fo r t he re - 1pl ay from D ece mb er 5 to in_ t e Th ose ma kin g t he trip ar e: Captain ments. All Maso ns a nd th eir famili es sip; (e) Th e dance; (f) P rom enade; partn er w as 0 of Esk im o jAquilla Cour t in Omaha. Tilton W as le y, gua rd; 'H e rtz, gu ar d; Krej ci, a nd all members of the Easte rn S tar (g) Go climb a tre e. "Lin dy L ee" fres h me n ts , co n sis mg I is to be con gra tul ate d for this mar k- cen te r; Brockma n, forw a rd; Rail s- are invited to be presen t a nd e nj oy w as p re sen te d by cl ass 20lb. · p ies. ed s ucce ss. ba ck, for wa rd; Yo un g, fo rwa rd ; Ro !·h- t he evening with the lodg e. Joy Mic kel, acco mpa ni ed by Ell en Oys The nict ur e was made east of Pe ru , ert, fo rw a rd; Hurs t, gua rd ; and Groo- 1 Wil son on the pi an o, gave a vio lin reOME ECONOMI CS FOR B - I H . b . Ji.om e on J oy H ill, the st u.dy bein g one of t hius, gua rd . ' The startin g lineup MANY OUT "VITH FLU cital before the conv ocation Fr id ay, In struction for oys m t of th e na ture in her mos t glo ri ous dr ess. w ill prob ab ly be the fir st fi ve men- , Durin g the p as t we ek many st u- December 14. · b . ·ven in two boned. !dents ha ve been ab sent from cl ass es Mi ss Mi cke l, who h as been tr a inin g · says the D epartmen I . In t erior, is now erng gi than SCHOOL MEN INCREASING ! While at Hay es Peru will play two with th e flu. Appr oxim ately t hirt y- for a co nsid era bl e tim e on the vi olin , states. There are now mo re t ak i ng Ne br ask a sc h oo ls a re emploin g games one on We dn.e sday ni ght and five pe rc ent of the s tuden ts in Pe ru presen te d a very ag r eea bl e gro up of 7.000 bo_Ys i:1 h igh Tulsa, ;more men te a ch-:rs than they one on Thursd ay mg ht. The Peru 1have, during the p as t we ek, been ab- 1se lec t ion s. cours es m h ig h sc hoo · mie s four years ag o. The number has rn - men are goin g down to Hay es wi th jse nt one day a nd ma ny h ave mi sse d !Fa ust - Al ard Ok lahoma, a year of home may creased from 1532 in 1924 to 1863 l the hopes of sta rtin g the seas on off se v er al da ys. Every e ffort is bein g The La st R os e of Supp er Au er is re quired of boys befor e t ey . in 1928. · with two victori e s. · made to stop i ts rapid circul ation. 1Al!e gro Brill a nte -Ten Have graduate. ,








The editor has looked into th e mat ter of

Sy stem, Which has been the subj ect Of much un

Abo ve

the picture- of lsst

th or- g et the b es t re su lts frot'1 the eq uip- to yo u. Jo hn s ay s he won't write Zo rn , You ng , 2nd row : C oa ch [{ nt.ized discussion for some tim e and h as fo und the fo1J OW'- me nt w hi ch he h as a nymo re fo r awh il e. I don 't kn ow , nink, Se lk, W as ley, Hertz, K rc j (;i ing facts conc e rnin g it to be tr ue: I h av e read of a on e-arme d g iil why. I gu ess he tho ug ht you might Malm, and Coach Gil'" af. mak in g a fair r ecot d on a .typ ewri ter, get tir ed of -;ea din g hi s lett ers al l the _Ma lm, N iema n( and Z orn wi!I (1) That the seni or cl ass of 1927, und er th e spon- a nd" have seen a o ne-l egg ed man r ide ti me-anyw ay I gu·ess I' ll wr ite n ow, will be nussed from t his year',.. lin esorship of Arthur L.- Hill, vo ted to donate $210 for - the a bi cyc le, bu t nei t her of t hem d ie! as, You kno w I' ve been going out for up. II "f th h d · f 11 1 II b ll · w !1 "f I T his vear's v :?. rs ily will u1 dol1btedpurpose of creating· a fund for th e construc tion of a be 1J we as I ey a possession 0 a I VO ey a pr a ctice . e I get their p hysical facultie s. A

system m Peru . b

(2) That the senio r cl a ss of 1928 unde r th e sn on- in g hi s


kin g a sem in ary cou rse. kn

.the oth

ni g ht I n oc ked a ba ll team, H ert z, c apt ain of th

1928 t'2n1n sorshi of A E H 1 h t d t d t $'9.10 dd . -h Not only is he wastin g hi s ow n over the ne t a nd everyb ody w as 80 a nd W as l ey c ap ta in of the 19 2:1 p . · · 0 C ' VO e 0 on.a e ,_, to a, to t: e ti me, but usually that of r-rnn y other i su rp ri sed th at they cou ldn 't nock it team. fund prev10usly started by the se mo r c las s of 192 7. T11e pe opl e who r eceiv.e li t tl e benefit fr om 1 b ac k and I score d a point, b ut I Bro ck man w iJJ prob a bly, t hi s Y "'.l f". total being $420. his services in the mir:i1: tr y. One w as n't surprise d a bit. Gee th ough see plen ty of a ction in tl e ce nlc·1 . should not attemp t voc a tion or idea l I s ure was tickled_ I went i-i u·ht p osi t ion , w hi le Rothert, Hu rs t will (3) That estim a tes were obtained from v ar iou s fo r which nature has not fitted him a nd to ld the fo lks a ll abou t" i t. m ake up t he forW ::t il'" d wa ll s. Pi : t' f t d •t f d h h Th" · u t t d ·a h th B I will also be eligib le th1·s f manU aC UreS an • 1 WaS OUn t at t e ch eap es t be ll IS IS p 0 you 0 eC.l e W e ut t 1ey ju st s im pJ y can' t seem to ye ar 01· syst em possible for Peru was $590 f b f t . Y?U are cap Rbl:e of domg ?er tam I appr ec ia te g en iu s. Th ey j us t laugh- Vail'"s ity c ornp et itio n. Pike mi s -ed 0 Jt · 0. · ac OI Y· k md s of work 111 some othe r fi eld of ed a nd wouldn't pay any attention. 00 mo st of the se 2.son I r. st y ear, b:i • That the m1tlal cost of $590 only p ai d fo r D; occup a tion. . . 'I do nt' s ee why, but I'll b-et their sh ow ed th at he was ma de of va r .s it1· master clock, switches and gon g·s. It d1·d 11ot i·11clt1de w.e, ca nn ot all be stars m thi s .pl ay su re j ea lous beca use I' m g·e ttin g- alon g m aterial when his ch a nc e c am€ t,; _ Of Jlfe but We Can be th b t f w ar d the l ast of the seaso r1. -h . , . . i • e es 0 so g oo d. Th ey 'll be s orry when.es or gongs for the ne w Science Ha ll, or th e cost : wh at we a re. There are work- , they fi nd o

of w1nng the ca mpus and each of the buildin gs on

- -···...,.. -· '"' 1- ,,.

(5) Th at the pre sident offe re d to ai d in th e in sta ll- to -morr ow a nd day after ; (). cl as ses around here Ev er yb ody goes this ye ar. morro w t hey_ may be 111aster work- aro und b arking wo rs e th l:l n o ur ol d a t10n of a bell system by havmg the colle ge workm en Jn··: men.

Idog .tag b efore he died. A wh o le iot sta ll the sy s tem w hen ev er th ey could be sp ared fr om I l.VIen are no t eq ual in me n ta l or: of pe ople have th e flu to o. Y <ru: d I P hysical po wers no r do , th ey seem 1 k h t th t · b t I see ' other necessary ca mp us wo r k. He also ag re e to recom- . ' I .n ow w a ·a is, u c ,. · .,, · j ab le t<? o bta:m the s am e amoun t of. why th ey call it fl u" , Th e p e0 ple , mend to the State Bo ar d of Ed uc at ion: that th e co1 1e P; e; wealth or pr ope rt y, bu t eac h d ay don 't seem to fiy aro u nd any , m ost ly pay the cost of the bell system in exces s of th e $420 do- 1 1 the _numb er of go ld en they all wa nt to go to bed. We il John h l . · m mu tes, a nd 1t IS how there are u se d I a nd I ar e a ll rio-ht so far We don 't na ted by t e t¥:'o c asse s. . . I th at some names in th e hall ofi wa ntt to get ;he flu bec au se the y: (6) Th ai t It w as a gr eed oi;i by th e co mm1t te ., m1f'a me w hil e oth ers p ass on scarcel y' take ev erybody th at g ets it to th e; ch ar ge a nd the pr esident that he sho u ld p urch as e t he : h eard . '1 infirmary a nd goodne ss kno ws wh at : d h · · 11 d h h ·k ·. I h appens to them there I w as o ver ; bell .syst.em an ave It msta e W en t e .WO I. 0f ID -: - -1there the ot h er day vi :o it in g, a nd it i t 11 t

S a mg 1 cou

workmen smce no money


(7) That So far - th'


impossible to release. the CO_llege

cessary college work I'll order that they might

bell system. Campus repairs and necessary chan ges d :rn

to the buil mg o the new Science Ha ll ha ve

lTICreased bu r den Of WOrk to the College workm en.

ug·gy even If it is as ev er ma e m e 1s·orv o e· · h I Th 1 t b · I mudd y, he ca n pu t th ose iro n thm gs sc oo ey os ut one game to , l\ir· t th fi t f th around the wh ee ls and come with 1 ; cnina ar e, e rs ga me o e sea. ; b 12 t 0 · Th 1 t th e car. Oh , s ay h ow IS go ofy that' h · h f 1 · so n, y a o margm. ey a ,er i


T e editor as ound the fo lowm g to be true f act s gai ned revenge by defeating the w e_ f'ound h su mmer_? Isl concerning the gateway at the east entrance· same school 7 to 0. Lewi e's t ea m eh stil?I ali ve or as ·e dug him se lf · ' a ole

(1) Th t th h 1 f 1928 1 ft scored 112 poin ts to the ir opp onen ts · I . a e sop om ore C ass 0 e as a me- 21, w inning 7 'o ut .of ei ght game s. Well its time .to r in g the bell J mo rial for Peru the sum of $150 fo r the pu rp ose of; for supp e r, w ri te so on.. I

• • 1 M" Es h C l f 1 f p ' Your lov i ng d aug hter, j erectmg a gateway at the east entance to the cam pus , iss t eT 0 e, 0 rm er. 11 0 eru I 1 · an d gra duate of Peru Coll ege writ es 1 L .:.. Slmilar to the north gateway. she w ill ha ve as he r iruest a f '1 rm er l P. S. Pl ease se nd some mo te cash.,

(2) That bids _ were obtained for the . purchase P eru Miss Jo hn and I are fiat and II Hertz pl a ys ?n e of the fastes t- 'ga mes B df d . . . . . . I mann, durm g th e holid ays Miss h av e to buy so me Chri stmas prese nts at gua rd p oss i ble. Be si d es makin a e or stone tnmm1ngs, the lowest bid bein g Li enema nn is a de legate to the Amer- I W e' ll yo u ?ur Chrlli tm ao: ]i st..'11 n ame for himself in 1927 by $248 f. o. b. factory. It was therefore, Impossible to ica n Asso ci ation fo r th e Adv an ce- ' as soo n as we fi msl: th em. J ohn has i the sev<rn-fo Qt Ke rsenbroc k to t wo build the gateway as originally planned me nt of Sci e nc e, a nd w ill give a le e-two pages an d .r JUSt have pa g·e I he ha s al so m ade a ri"ame for

(3) T h t th 'd t ff d th . f h 1 t

a e presI en 0 ere e use 0 t e co

lege workmen to construct the g ateway ·without ·ex-

t th I New

pense 0 e c ass.

(4) That the president offe red the committe e

without expense the stones alre ady on the cam pus

ground to use in the place of Bedford Stone trimmin g s. He also offered without expense the common brick necessary to be used in the-construction , if they de C°ided to build a brick gateway.

(5) That the . committee th an decided on a cbnstruction of a cement and brick instead of Bedford Ston e and brick. · However they failed to notify the p re side nt


Ru th Hutchi so n ha s been elected to t he p rimary dep artmen t at Ralston, Neb ras k a.

B ern ice Va nd erve n te r w i!J in the P rima ry dep artment of' the Bri d gep ort, Ne br aska, pub li c sc h oo ls.

· Fin ainc ial N ote: Don't ev er borr ow tro uble. J ust b orrow mon ey nnd troubl e w ill co me of its own acco rd

Tim es Have Cha n ged. of their intentions.

Lilli an Bra dy h as b ee n elec te d to the co m me rcial d epa rtment at To bi as,

(6). That. the construction of such a ga tew ay will but was u na bl e to ta ke the p osit ion, The ki nd of mother who u se d to say h er twe l ve year old dau g·ht eT was six, so she could tr ave l withou t p ay -; in g fare now s ays she is six t een so she ca n dri ve the car.- Ex. · 1 W as l ey th is , 110W be ImpOSSibJe before Spring, because of th e f act t hat d ue to the fact th at she wish es to Do ubt fu l Instructi on. the college workmen cannot be released from wo rk now com pl ete her wor k on h er deg ree th is Daug·hte r: "Moth er, do you want on hand until that time. Furthe r more, beca use the con- yea r. the parrot on the ba ck dition Of the ground Will not permit the work du r ing . Brad y b ee n s ub st itu t- Moth er : "Posi ti vely, no! Your fa the winter season. i mg Ill the commerc ial d epartme nt at ther is repairing the car in the back 1 1 Auburn I d " E h ya r . - xc ange.

b ·' • yea rs ca tain ha een a th reat t '1 , , ley h 0 a, opponent's. W 8 • k . . as ace u rate ey-e for t he ba.•e t. He is rat d I·n N eb k e as the fa ted g-uard r as a · • He has be en . inte r collegiate frcle. t ea m f ha men1ber of the all-state or t re e r !. prove a Sears, and shoulci wo nd erfu l c<> t h ior year ,,p a1n 111 is sen1 •



.We specialize in ladies' and children's hair cutting t s.h amp ooi n g, scalp treatment, facials, manicuring- al; , hn es of beau ty culture y · . · our patronage ap . preqated. For Ap p orn t mens Ph o ne 187, Monteith's Residence. TAYLOR'S BEAUTE SHOPPE I

Clary Restauran t

Hugh Carmen

0 ollins Meat Market

Crystal Theater

Fo rsyth Oil Company

Citizens State Ba nk

George's Place

J. D. Graves Horton & Company

Dr. Haraiian

Dr. Koepple's CafeBob Knapp

Loyal -Pharmacy

. Lynn's Cash Market Mardis Store ...... Meek Lumber Company I


! Needle Art Shop f Peterson Studio : ; Many pretty and useful gifts. Don't I Floyd Palmer f ; L.

orget to for the little girls a pret-

I ty Nellie Don apron, 2 to 12· vrs. 59 cents

Bakery · j 95 cen t s.

Taylor's Beaute Shoppe ,. Al tt f I d" AUBURN ·I so a pre y assortment or a 1es at ,,. Dave's Clothing Store $1.00 each. I Hemming.e" ! fi/IRS H E p ATTERSON ' Lawrence Ca ndy Kitch en

Pagl-Ra ve you ever kissed

.. Ladies Shoes, Lingerie, Furs, Ready-to- '

bef'ore? D wear, and S&H Premiums. 2nd floor. I Op posi te Training School gI Ev elyn (faltenn

Men's Wear and Furnishings, Dry Goods, I

Hosiery, Toilet Goods, etc. 1st fl0or. j

3' Slippers, Christmas Cartds, Candles, Nuts,



f On e of Paramounts best 1

I pictu"' with th"• of iW be.t ' Swede-Do n't

above lin eup is th e Ped ag o- I I STORE. : B er been pa cked in a film be for e. I know th e bes t. I gian 's ch oic e fo1r an a ll -to urn ame nt: f . A See H oll yw ood from th e in sid e I JI te a m.

H SEN -w it.b ; tud io •cene• actuaUy FLOYD PALMER < B.o?th a nd Wiei n• get the forw 'C d : • 'I ll in th is ,I l po si t10 ns because of s up eri or 'f DRY GOODS READ Y TO WE AR .f bi g s how- Ma non D avies, W m. \ = Ifl oo rw ork, b ut th ere u; lit t le ch oice I Hain es, John Gilber t; Douglas I p""E c.......QB I A ...... "b etw ee n an y of the four men tioned. .... ' Fa ib a nk s, Ch a rlie Ch a plin, Nor- , \ L T Y ! was und oubted ly the outma Ta lm age, Ge or ge Arthur , I AMBULANCE AND m the to urn ament an d to ! G -in v K ar t D•oe, Wm Hart, a •! FUNERAL DIRECTORY I h un •. wh? bl .,tedt he "pirn tion• of · ]!; 0 R G E S P L A C E f of oth e rs . S eve nt ee n stars m ; L. HORTON & co. b?th and s eni ors for a cham - M. h Ill aJ1 Al so New s. ;. Phon e 128 Pe ru N b I p 10 n sh1p, go es th e fi r

.Do Your Cnr is tm as Shopping

,g th at you will have it fini s hed by ; ; "JUST ONE PR ICE, ONE JUST PRICE" I f Ch ristmas time , I am .sure th at she lI ... 8 :vo uld be more .than deli gh te d to h <'V



w f Home of H;a rt, Sc haffner . & Marx I'

Sally-There is a youn g man 914 Central Av e., Auburn, Nebr.

, I on t he campus, Oh! he is a d arlin

. f 11 h I t h ·1 ii thoug ht that he was the nice st ' is a w en c am e o sc oo., . Distribution Witho ut w as te look i ng chap th at I had ever seen I CLEANING AND PRESSING

I fin ally g ot a couple of dates wi th ·· I AUBURN Phone 314 NEBRAS KA ! hi m, bu r a ll t he time that we w ere I Have Your Ove rcoat Cleaned Now f f out to g ether, he just sat th ere a nd- ; f

J w? uldn'. t say a w or d. I Herman 's Cleane rs and T ailo rs

wi th him a nym ore bec ause he 1s so , FISK TEAC HERS AGENCY• (Incorporated) bash fu l. H ow co uld .I make h im less I ,_ e&;E>...._S •t 410 11 s D

w e -y mes , enver- M. E. Shuck, Ph D

More vacancies than satis f actory app licants to fill th em . An s wer: Dear Gre ta :- Yo u are to I

be c enso red for not keep in g on c or-

1 di al terms with the yo ung ge n tleman f · WHEN IN DOUBT- TRUMP OR COME TO f i V ery f'ew gi rls to -d ay ev er h ave a I 0 , I 1 cha nce to make the comp lai nt •that ' f K EPPLE S CAF E , I th ei r co mpa ny fo r t he even in g was R FOR YOUR MEALS, LUNCHES, ETC. I too b as hful. ' He was sh owin o· yo u .A Phone 195 "' f Pe ru, Ne br I the greatest resp ect and 1f you li ke l

11 h im at a ll, y ou should h ave certa.inly - d at ed him w he never po.ssible. Yes , ,.._.._ .... I "".ou ld advise yo u to re new ac q ua in; ta n ces.





PERU, NEBRASKA, TUES DAY, J ANUARY 15, 1929. '0 HAVE PERU TALENT P edagogian to Pu t out WRITE PLAYS E ight-Page Edit ion D0 RM I T 0 · Rv

The Pe ru Pedago gian is contemII Dramatic Club to Pres ent pl atin g an eig ht-page sp ecial e diFou r Original On e- Act tion to be issue d, Sat u rday, Feb ., •d I Pl ruary 23, t.he la st ni g ht of the Prest ent Pate and T. J Maj"ors B • N • ays Sou theastern Nebraska b asketball • rmg ews fr om L m- j NUMBER 13.

j Pe ru De ba ter s ·· No w Rea dy

Topic of National i mpor· taace to be discussed P ro and Con

co in Concerning Peru' s New Building TO BE A GOOD PROGRAM wm bar ry alt the I basket ball news of t he tourney up NEGATIVES ST ART SOON $100,000 H AS BEEN RAISED; PLANS BEI NG 1· The D ramatic Club "'.ill pre.se nt at to the fi n al ga me It w ill also ca rDRAWN its ne xt regular m eetmg, · ry the ..:amp us 1:ews and many fc a- 1 "T his is a scienti fic age. E ve ryF . 17, t he four orig in al o ne-ac t pl a ys turc art icles. Editions will th ing is being subjected to sci-en t ific . 01'.,' s eve ral years it haE. !Jee n, the fo nd hopes of P e· I th at were to ha ve be en given in De- fo r five Ct·nts each the n ight of t est. Traditions, preconcei ved noruv1ans th at Pe ru should s ome day h ave . ·l ' d I c embe r. Due to the unu sual amoun t t bt game An yon« desiri ng ex tra tions and an cient formul ae are all a ne w gn S Or- 1 f "11 · th t ..J b d h to S C'tld to thei r par ents <1 1

ml ' tory No th 0 i n ess m e s uue nt o Y t ese bein g scientifica ll y· exami ned a nd . w e news comes that Peru sha ll h 1 t d friends should d rop a notice in ave a' p a ys were pos pone . tested, and if th ey fail to m eet the new $100 000 dorm' t Th 1 . I the Ped agogian Public Op iuion ' 1 Ory . e ocat10n for the new str uc- The four pla ys, as t he re ad er w ill sc ien t ific t est f or efficiency, economy box stating the number of copies ture h as not as yet be en de fini·tely S ttl d h 't , remember, are: " Tod's Slave," a tr a- and g ener al ut ility, they are ei t her e e nor as I yo u wish. The special editiorl w ill b . ' ' t ge dy, b.y Eldo n Hay war d; "The Ze ro di scarded, or so modified as to ade- een defin_1tely Stated When Work s hall -b egin. 1 1 Hou r," a comedy, by J oe Jon es; " Th e be on sale only the n ight of the quately meet cu rrent needs," stated Th f 11 I game, so pl ay sa fe and ord er your e o ow i ng articl e c oncernin g a 1 • Decimal P oint," a fa r ce, by Ann a Robert W. Pevoe, P resid ent of the I copies now. new building fo r Pe ru is from the : FOOTBALL


I ._"Fl:ish-Back ," a fantasy , Nebr ask a State Bar Association in his State Jou rnal of Wednesd ay mo rning : 1 1is a d ram atization by An na Best-J o- NOTED SPEAKER I add ress before that body in its twen.. . . . ARE Ider of a short s to ry by Alma Boi ce ty-ninth an nual meet in g in Omaha in Pre si dent T. J. ,,MaJ o rs of Peru and HONORED ,Holl a nd. December Th e sc i entific tests of oth er m embers of the St ate Normal ___ I Pl aywriting amon g the stu<le nts of ON PROGRAM which he spoke, he declared, w ere beBoard held a s pecial meetin g at the IT t c· b -v ..;t hi s co11ege is becoming more a nd . . ing applied to th e

ca pitol Tuesday to consider the con -

._ t' f $100 0 00 d 't t ous Me mbers of College Itime the idea was p ut i nto oper ation


the P.eru T eac hers College un -

d er the p ro visions of t he law of 1927, I"BROCK" NEXT CAPTAIN Th is ye ar there are to be some more , interest ed, and to society at large? which provides fo r p ayment of such iorigi nals, a nd as_a resul t the pl ays JS A GREAT SPEA KER 'T he w ide -s pread in t erest ex hib it ed in of the ':"itho ut Th e twen ty-six th an nu al footba ll : w ill be _sent aw ay to be in · __ j t? is f or enappropnations or ot he r obliga ti o ns by ba nque t in ho nor of th e P eru State I form Howe,v er, 1t 1s, the P rob a bly t he m ost educa ti on al bud - sic f1: atermty m selec t rn g_1t th e the state. The board a.con- Te ach ers' Co l1 ege championship f r_•ot- j of the club to u.£.e a ll of get even t of the year will be Satur-1 to be de? ated th is yeaI. It tract by the Fi rst Trust ba ll team, was he ld at the Mt. V:ernon 1 ong rn al plays pr esen ted by dr amati c day, January 19, when C hester Mil -• will be people pany of Lmcol.n to fin anc e the bu ild - din in g ha ll, Satu ro ay evenin g, Jan u- ! cl ub mem bers. ton S anfo rd, noted voc ational coun-J a ?d wide to hear this ing by supply mg f unds as are ary 11. The ban qu et was an a ll- I N ext Thurs-day ni ght; J anuary 17, sellor, ,will add ress the college stu-; discussed pro and con 10 a way it has needed. A lo cal b oard a t_ Peru is to be sc hoo l a ffair, and a l arge number a dmission to t he pl a ys m ay be oLtain-, dents at t he co ll ege au dito rium at · nev er b efore been formed to which the No rmal B oa rd of stu dents took advan tage of the op-I ed by presenting a gu est ticket plus 8:00 p. m. Iof th e. Um t ed will lease the gro und which the portunity to show their loy_al ty ta ·the : a guest ticket j Ex -preside nt E liot, of Harv ard Uni- 1 S tates w ill thi s questi on. building to be tr ust t ea m. T he letter men, thirt y-one in 1 1s cents, so ob-I ve rsity s ays, "The b iggest e duca tion -! In the Fo r:ns1c L eag ue for t hi s company is to rece1v·e a reimburs e- nu m ber, and Coac hes Gr af, Lorbeer, Itarn a guest tic k et from a mem ber of 1 al problem of tod ay is to un ite th e 1 ye ar, P ert• w ill be r epresented on the ment fro m the rentals ... o lien w ill an d Wo nder we re the honor guest3 of 1 th_e clu b and atte nd _th ese pl ays, w hi ch best ab ili ties of the b oy w ith th e J sidP of by L esbe placed upo n the bu1l drn g. Whe n\ the eveni mg. w11! be presen ted m the colle ge au- wo rk th at most n ee ds to be do ne." 1 he L eona rd..Ar ch10 Ma rtm , R ll lph it is paid fo r the build ing w ill be the 1 · The state ch amp ion ship team con - ditori um at eig ht o'c lc ck. Th e q ra - Chester M. Sta ni;o rd will bring this ! and Mildr ed K night All prop erty of the state. sists of the following: Pi k e, Hoff ·,j club is cert.a in th at it wi ll be out in hi

"Fa il ure of the Mis-1t hese peo]Jle h ave had pre v ious ex pe"The Normal Board w ill me et at a! ma n, Rot hert, Mathe ws,. we ll wo r th your tune to be there. 1 fi ts,'' what many prospecti ve ri ence in one J!orm or another the fu t ure da te to oµen bids for t he con- J T oft, Broc kman, Br un sdon, Groot_hiu,r,, t ea chers will wa nt to kn ow. 1 Mr L eon ar d an d Mr. st.;:u . ction of t he owlcling. 'I . R. J. R. v NO:Vv l 'I'11e difficu1t p1·obl(;m, "What sh nll . ?nate!a1n h ::n:e both rep res er te d Feru "Toe Normal Board accepts , the IH. Shestak, Simp kms, Rig- ON. P ERU F ACU LTY I do in the world?" is m ade much \ m _nth rr and have contract with the trust company sub- 1 H :_:teJ, Delzell, Grass, z .'J o k, I _ e asier of solution by the lec t ures of I show n admll" abl e c apaci ty to f' nal yze

night, January 11. The fir.st half was in teresting, neither team showing much pep or or ability at hitting the basket. Toward · t he end of the second qu arter Per u managed to sink on-e for two

Pedagogian Will Make Changes For You

Occosion ally a complaint is heard th at some student is not r eceiving his or her copy of the Pedagogian .l;f y ou are not receiving your co py it is becau se we do not have y our corr ect box number. If y <>u do not rece ive your paper drop a no te info the pu blic opinion box in the Admi nistration building, giving you name and .box number. You will then receive· your copy. · s.


are Halted by Snow Drifts on Roads

I A num be r of students were a bsent on Mo1 day of last "'Yeek b ecause of b locked roads. The favori te stopping place of the w in dswept snow seemed to be on th e roads and hi gh ways an d those in a nd aroun d Peru were no exc eption. Howeve r by Monday evemost of the roads bee11 opened a nd pra ctically all studen ts were ba ck in P eru.

ty; Leslie
Pawnee City; Chatel ain, eru,
uestio n, R esolv ed: left to right th ey < are : M!ldred Knigh t, Peru. ,


Milton Sanfo1·d


MEMBER Peru team aft er the




Merrifield officiated. T he only gues ts rowmg se ve n as et or t e t ot a

f t · t f p to atten d the w eddmg were MiIJa1·d o our ee n p om s or eru. Fo wler of Peru, an d Miss Albert a

Schin dler of Neb rask a C ity.

Co ac h "Be rt" Wi!J.iams'· team has plenty of speed but lac ked t he end ur- i New Hall Now Plast ered and an ce to sta nd up unde ri the .rapid fire Ventdatmg System Installed Mr Dyke is president of s op h omore

R. G. - WHITTEMORE of the larger Pe ru team. Pdhlm an, I . assis tant bus in e ss m an a ge r of .. WHY DEBATE?

J oh nson for wa rd was hi gh poin t Work has been pushed so vi gor -the Colle ge An n_ual , tr easur e.r of - · for the John son te am, and the on ly ousl y tha t the ne w scien ce ha ll is / t he Ph1lomath ean L itera ry _S ociety

The committee in providing a sum of money John so n man to ma ke a fi.eld goa l. no w t oward comp le t ion. mei:nb er of Tn :Beta t he natio nal biot0 be Used for debate, has made p.rovision for an activity ,Pohl i:nan ma de t wo fie ld goa ls and is all don e, a nd the in ter-1lo glical f! ate rm ty, a nd ?n e th h · h d free th ro w tot a lin g five of Johnson 's · · co lege yell l·ead ers. B esides holdm g on e campus w .ic eserves some attent10n from peo- seve n poi nts . : 10r IS ready for t he the fim shm g i ma ny ca mpus o ffice s, Mr. Dy ke was ple who are truly interested in original work and mental j The sum mary: All _ the balance of th e w or,k : l as t y ea r named as on e of the hon or invention. JOHNSON (7) FG F FT P ts.: to he done is interior work, except i at Pe ru, one of the h jghest S f 11 JPohl ma n, f - -2 O 1 5 I that on the observat ory · ' tri butes that can be pa id to a Pe >:u

0 a.r . as ege pe0ple areJ th ere are two IGe r de s, f --

0 0 0

The new ob se rvatory is be in g co n-I studen t. prime ObJects m debate: one purpose IS to afford oppor- , Boe llstor ff , c - l

2 str uc te d upon the h'g he st t f th I Mrs. Dyk·e IS a ve ry capable young t ·t f · R h O O I 1 par 0 e · lady Sh

um Y or study and investi gation to peo -! ; == ==

0 a uditorium, that part over th e stag·e.Jan p}e who desire to have freedom of movement in inte lJ ec- ! Wohlers, g - o o o o The stairways in t he new s cience h aH i e:ii:ce ll ent sc hol ar She is' a member tual inquisition; the othe r a im is to permit the r es u lts of ! --·- I le ad out on to the r oof of that bu i ld- ! of c lu b, and the Philothis investig ation to be presented to th b r . th TOTALS -3 1 1 7 Iin g, and from the re a st ai rway w ill i m athe an S oc ie ty f f th • e pu JC IJ.1. e I le ad to t he r oo f of the a udi tor i um I T he you ng c ou ple will continue orm 0 a moulded a nd shaped a cco r ding to the 1PERU.PR EP <24 ) FG F FT P ts th e tw o build in gs b ei ng joined. 'I their c olle ge work unt il su mmer wh en ide as of one in v esti ga tor him se lf. This pr esent at ion a nd f 1 ° 0 13 4 The ob se rvatory is con st ru cte d of i Mr Dy ke p lan s to comm en ce his cath . t k th f I I' i ams ' - - 0 1 I eer as a tea ch er syn esis a e e orm of an a rgum e nt Its exce llenc e P ate, c - ---1 () 1 3 and IS about eight or ten I Th p d . . . . . is d t • ·' d b th i p h · fe et hi gh to t he d ome. It is large I e e a gogia n JOms rn with the e er mine Y e Wo rkm an WbO co nst ru cts it. IT ug g --- O O O .o eno ugh to provide ample room for i frie nd s of th e y oun g couple One ' "O U ]d } . }l h yno n, "' - - 0 1 0 (j) th 1 In WlShmg them l d ·v og 1ca y suppo se t at ev ery co lJc g-e T. Wo nder,f 1 0 O 2 e te es cope a.nd oth er ma t eria l ne e-! ous wedd . a ong an prosperbe with people a re vitall y Fu rn a ce, g - 0 0 0 0 I . ed h fe. ;nte llectual action. Opport u nit y to pen- that top is mov able, a nd can be l The c c A ch c. bA. e ra e a e 0 study a nd to colle ct fr om it data th at R. Wonder, f - - - 0 0 0 0 with e as e, giving t he tele- , er y .k . afs een meeting ev - b ,.. . . · · · G · scop e a full swee r, of the ho rizon in ' ee ·s so ar t his year. When on some pres sm g problem of society, one w ould am es, g - 0 0 0 0 a ll directio n s. It also so hi gh ab ove o:ganized last fall the fo1lowthl nk ld b b d . . Ap pl egate - -

0 0 1 in o- o ff ice • .• ' wou e em race with enthusiasm by

nu m bers. The task too of

For here is where two important types of ahillties are

r-e;t in; on-·the developed and tested. The ability of the indivi dual un-

1 ,wau or conc rete pillars of t he !als, a s hort fo llow ed •ing inst ead of on the flat roof. This by a sh o rt business At a clertaking the study to gather relevant dat a and to ex-


I I-places the weight on the w all , where rec e nt meet in g it was decided th at ploit his field is plainly so, too, is his ability to ! iit belongs, a nd does n ot endanger the the c. c. A. should h ave o ne pa ge in · lroof in the least. The fine weather the P eruv ia n. analyze the material unearthed and to invent his argu- was elected to a com- idurin g December enabled the con-ment. merc1 al p os1t10n at Wa hoo, Nebraska. It. t to con struct the c on c rete walls I / Lillian receives her degree at the, It has not yet 1

In argumentation, then, one has an opportunity to end of the second semester. been learneci when the telescope will 1 p I C K U p S exercise. talent in mental acquisition, organization, ori- , Ibe mounted in the new st ruc t ure. • 1 -

IAmzie Grass was elected to a job 1L------------------! g-ination, and invention; here is a field for activity where at Wisner, Nebraska, teaching Math- It is hoped t hat the Mild red (i cily)-And shall I return. one can develop and test his power of p.rying into male- em atics a nd coaching. He rec eives will be finis hed and put into use y th e engagement ,..; ng? h. d t th d f th d the op elij ng of the sec on d s em este r, I' ll rial that yields facts and theories, ideas, and inte r preta- is etgree a . e en o e secon Ilate in January. Frank-Oh no, do n't semes er. just ha ve the n otice of t he next inti<'ms. Here, in short, is a field for and intlependent . sta llme nt sen t to y ou.-Li fe . activity in creative intellectual workmanship. It is not Millions of dollars of t he taxpayers' \ HOLCH


. . . . . . . • money a,re spent yearly for carrying ABOUT EVOLUTION I Sergea nt-Hey! You can't go in astomsl:mg that It IS by college people ;on routine. Economies t here-th a t's t he colonel's t ent! who dehght and find sa.tisfact10n m such work.--C. L. I an d hav e been effect.ed The Y. M. c.. A. held th_eir , r_egul ar I R ookie-Then what hav·e t hey go t 1from _time to time th.rough the._. m- j meeting W,ednesd ay m th e " Pri vat e" over the entra nce f or'?nov at10n of bookkeeping and tabu- , Little Theater. Th e meetin g w as OD- IBosto n &anpo t. Within the last two years, and abandonment of the system 1s not 1 t" h. 1 d """ · t 1 d b J. D 1 11 d fte th-e \ · a 1ng mac 1nes an more e1l'lc1 en ) ene y 1mmy e ze an a r more, colleges or umversities that it broke down, but the students ,filin g systems and calculators. singing of t wo son gs Harvey Cole \ SUCH IS MAN have g iven up the honor system of d · d N. I i · vote it; own. me out of every The most rec e nt improvement over , took cha rge of the dev o ti ona ls. Man's a p oo r de1u-ded b ubbl e conduct in g ex a mmations a nd cl ass . I .. · I , . . . . ' work The University of Texas is eleven students were opposed to 1t. old me thods ls the new syst em of The prog ram consisted of a 1 Wa ?d rm g 10 a mist of hes; the latest. The honor system has A disinclination to assume responsi- 1copying and recording docume nts b.y Inumb-er by a nd Lewis. and 1Seemg false or s eeing been used at this inst itut ion since its bility for their owii conduct and for photogr ap hy. This ls n ow d one in a· they ga ve several goo d se lec t1o ns. l Who wo u1d trust to such we ak e yes? establishment in 1833 The reaso n th .J t f. th 1 h 1 number of stat es an d saves tremen- j Aft er this nu mber Mr. H olc h g ave an I · e con1:1uc o e c ass as a w o e . · k "Th E l · f . g iven for a bandonme nt of the plan ' dous amount of t ime, meney apd la- , mt erestm g ta) on e vo ution o Yet, pr esuming on bis se nses, is th at, as -enforced the last few years, a number _to vote. as. bor, as well as a deg ree l the• Human i:ace." He ta1ke d On he go es m ost w ondrous wise; it h as proved ineffective ' they did There 1s something daring of accu racy imp ossib le with a ny sys- I the bemg ma de of the d iff er-_ Doubts of tru tl:i, b elie v es prete nses, U h h . · . 1and reckless about cheatin g under tern of copy ing by hum an means. en t fam1hes and t he prog ress th at has Lost in erro r- liv es and dies -E :ic nd er t e onor system, : , j been made. The fac t was stressed · · tions are conducted w ithout superv1 - the teachers eye that appeals to The c op ymg of d ocuments m ay . h U . S . h h. b t · · · th at crime has cost t e. n1ted tat es " Ch L ,, b k sion. The student si g ns a statement' yout , and t he we a ker s tudents who seem a small t mg, u 1t 1s an 1m- 1 b b.11. ll ara c te r o an an s, );hat lend 'h ! • d go v ernment a out t en 1 10 n do ars t k . h that he has neither given nor receiv- ave no desire to cheat, find ' it much portant duty m governm ent an one b mon ey o wor e rs wi t out collate ral. · · . d 1 f I and that there are etween t en and t


' ed aid. Severe penalties usu ally ex- :easier to refram when t he examma- lthat costs a great ea o mo ney

' l · · ·. h · h" twenty m1l 1on e ect1v es 1n t e c ou n-. b pulsion, are provided in c as es. where ; t10 n 1s supervise d than when 1t 1s not. 1s through s ue economies

a student 1s ca ught cheating or giv- I am 1sgus w1t some of t e prac- t at muc. can ·e

, · ' PI · d. t · h h h h b d t · try to-d ay. Mr. o en wa ::.. well re-

ing help to others. The purpose of tices encouraged by the system a c- ernmental effici ency an owe


d" d anks with sto ck excha nge collateral

ta t e meet mg a JO Urne . the system 1s to develop a sense of counted for some of. the votes against tax r ate. can make. responsbility a nd ethics in the stu- it. dent. Its chief w eaknesses a re that _ If the authorities, after 'carefu l con-

ENTERTAINS YOUNG LADIES the st 11dent who will cheat in an ex- sideration, had a bolis hed the system Misses Nelle Cowell and amin a tion does not hesitate to make as ha vin g broken d ow n, the honesty Parriott entertained at seven o'clock


B ill: "Why aren't

D aris: "I dunno."

B m: "W oodp e ckers when they wor k." men more like use the ir heads a false statement about it, and of students in g eneral would be chal- dinner Thursd ay evening in ho n or' of The Y. W. C. A. did n ot hold s ec o ndly, the student who has an , lenged by t he abandonment of the Doris R ice of Lib erty, Ele a nor Hara- 1their reg ular meeting t he pa st we ek. enemy in t he class, is enc ourag·ed to j honor syste m at the Uni v ersity of ji an, of Weston, anjl Marg aret Rhod- . A joint me eting of the Y. W. C. A. "squeal" on him, a 1tendency that is 1Texas. Bu t under the chicumstances, us of VBlparaiso. Eight youn g l adies and Y. M. C. A. h as been pla nn ed for "What's a ll t he crowd so excited not a pproved by the modern code_oflthe discardi n¥ of the system must be enjoyed a very excellen t dinner. The next Wed n esday, Jan uary 16, to be about?" the -ethics of· the system. imay not be considered as was ca rri-ed out in table decorati ons A goo d pr ogram i.s ass r ed fo r 'a ll '.anot her horse wa:a sa: honor although in accordance with la id to other causes which mav or c?lor sc heme of a nd green held at the h'igh school audito rium . \ ,..·. no rse dr opp d d d H . The significant £act about the IState Journ al. , and the menu. th ose who attend. death."-Life.


IN TE N L ESSONS ON BUDGET p I S 1 'Twas dain ty, ne at a nd a iry: - ROG RAM LOSE COUPLE PLANNED BY GIRL It didn't show the. dirt ·a bit, TENOR-BANJO OR - I I· But gosh! how it showed Mary. MANDOLI N IN FIV E I th from Page 1) __ It has been dec id ed th at the Girl s/ __ LE SSONS .e miners at their work in t he B b k' club a nnu al c ost ume part·y will be p (6 m )-What do vou 'mean ' H h I o cats on a Southern Trip- Bob 1t- , . b h apn a. . • ., m in e s. e as s pent days in hu ge 1--eld this ye ar on Fe ruary 16, at t e b b . . my daughter in at · this tens Wm Their First b. · ; y rm g mg w· h mill s gl ass factor i es, texti le I ig gy m. . . . . . hou r? it .out ner ve-1 a ckrn g, heart-brek- I mill s, bo th in the N orth and South. 1 Ev e ry g irl m cullege is mv1ted to Boy Friend- Well, I've g ot to be mg s cales and exercis es. , You are I He has had hundi ed f f s The Peru Bo bcats st ar te d the bas- th is par ty and in past ye ars usua:Jly k p thfinder h s o con ·erenc e at wor at seve n.- a . t aug t to play by no te in reg ular pro- with ra il road offi·c·a1 · t ketball .s eas on for Peru 3 we eks ago most of the girls accep te d Thi s pa r- 1 f · l I 1 s,. superm en- h . essi.ona ch ord In y our ve ry , dents of mills an d mines, dep artment w en th ey made a thr ee -day .tnp into ty is one of the re a lly oig social first les.son yo u wi ll be ab le to play a j n:ana g ers, a nd h ea ds of oth er Kansas. They with two events of the year on the ! , popul a1 nu mber by no te. Imdustn al concerns. He approaches losses and one wm ch a lked up • for the college g irl, and every g irl m f J. D. GRAVES I SEND F OR IT ON OPPROVAL his subject from every possible ang le. 1them. . . college should p.lan to attend . J ATTORNEY AT LAW ' The "Hallmark Self -In str uct or" is More than 200 00 d f M. I Commencing December 19 and 20 At the last meeting of the club NOTARY PUBLIC . ' . , wor s rom . i. C , • the t itle this met hod. Ei g ht years : Sa nford's pen h ave ap p.eared in the I oach Lorbeer s Bobcats pl !l yed the ! Mrs. Dunnin g gave a very inter est- Peru Nebraska were req Ul re d to p erf ect this gre at' J.eading educ at ion al ma o- azines of fast Hays, Kansas, team. They lo st: ing extempora neous talk. ' I ' I work The en t i.r-e co urse with the America His text book.s ;re use d in t he fir st gam e 24 to 20, and the sec- 1.!iec e ssary e xa min ation s he ets, is ma ny le adi ng cities of the countr y,, ond game 22 to 16. Both games were sealed which the st udent mRy e xam - trailing along with a score of 20 to j ee e r op I ew I a lOll m one vol?-m e. The firs.t les so n is nu- including Chic ag o. fast. In the second ga me Peru was I N

IS SERIOUSLY ILL. J 4 up a ga inst t hem and only Ii FROCKS FOR HOME HOURS ' •. I Full line of tires, tubes, and ma rk S e.If-Instructor," is s ea l ed Prof. a nd Mrs. No rwood sp en t the I t_wo minutes play, when they ra l-1 Again Feature Exclusive Prints i automobile accessories. Upon the st ude nt an y h l"d Ihed and ran the sc ore up to 22 to ·16 J f c opy of th "Ha llm ark Self-Ins t ruc t-, 0 1 ay vacati?n wit h rel atives m On Frid ay ni g ht Co a ch Lorbeer , • $1 95 $2 95 $3 95 ; GAS AND OIL or" with the seal un bro ken , we w ill re xas, a nd while there Mrs. Norwood Ischedul ed a game with the Korbu s ; • • ' • • ,. We have a modern air hoist refund in full a ll m on ev paid. had the flu. Th ey drove back to Peru D f B " •t K ' Th I Home Frocks in Parisian Prints i to help us gi·ve the best service Th · S lf I · t · 11 ynam oes o e101 , ansa s. e " is anrnz1 ng e - nstruc ·or w1 t hru t he storm which be ga n before I . . ·h I ·d · l t th t b · · be sent anywhere You do not need h 1 f T . p b t Peru te am had begun to hit their I wit t 1 e 1 entica s Y e a . I poss ible m lu ncatmg your to s end any When you re- t e .t exas,. reachm'g . eru a ou • mid-season form, and had little '• Paris Claims for its foremost I car. c eive t hi s new me th od o:( t ea cr in g Il0.30 Sund ay mght. w_hile enroute I trouble disposing of the Beloit team I creations. ' F- orsyth 01·1 Cto. mus ic, D eposit wi th th e Pos tm an t he Mrs. Norwood became ill and when by a score of 43 to 31.

sun: of ee n. dollar s. If you a :e n?t Ith ey re a ched home it was found Coach Lorbeer took the following j 0 Mrs. H. E. Patterson I; . en tir ely sa ti s fi ed. the money ra id wi ll she had a . bad case of pneumoni a. th t . . C t . W 1 1

be returned in fu ll, up on re- I O!J e np ap as ey, 1 q_uest The Pub li s hers ar e an xio us to 1· " guard; Hertz, guard; KreJCI, , pLace this "Self-I nstr uctor" in t he Aunt: You mu st ha ve liked th e Brockman, forward; Railsb ack, for- 1 hands of lo vers 3'.11 over th e b_ook ga ve you, to read it seven ward; Young, forward; Rothert, for- IJ C U S T Q M· E R S ! ! country. , and is 1n a o os1t10n to make times. d H t d d G th · · -.t. t t · war · urs g·uar · an roo ms , I an :;i, ttr ac t1v e p rop os1 1011 o agen s. • 1 Nephew: "It isn't that. You see,. · · · · '· ' I Sen d for your c op y tod ay. Add ress gua rd. _ ' The "Hallmark Sta- 'd.ad me read a eve? Seven of the above men h av e a l- ; tion G, P ost Box 111, N ew I time I m late at meals. -Pearson s Iready made basketball letters at Pe- j I Yor k, N. Y.-A d.v e1t1sement IWee k ly , London. ru. The only two first -year men to , I

Here's a Wow. We will duplicate· any out of town cash prices succeeding' this date. the trip were Groothuis and I; I . . f' !I You'll' not be dissappointed Railsback. I # Th.ere ll.S no Substitute ! 11 if you get y our hair cut at I -.-. j T ·C COLLINS MEAT MARKET I STY f' / 1 j The Peru Bobkittens won their first f • • t F OR HONE I A BOB KNAPP '1 game of the season when they defeat-I a PHONE 115 PHU.NE 114 Keep Your Money in Peru. busl·ness poli"cy 1f' (Next to Gaines Hall on the ed the Shubert high school team at ; / ' as a '1 ! I Pavement.) ,, Shubert by a score of 12 to 8 last """ Friday night. I J. C. CHATELAIN f p.,u w" ••me handi<>pp•d by th•

j Shoe Shop on th e East

; d own t he gu ard\p ositions, while """'_...._-.,._...._

_ " Side of the St r eet) ; u CAMERAS f Pu g h, W. Willi ams, D asher, as for - ; ALL TOGETHER- The Mardis Store is now in to furn,. I ' ALBUMS wa rds, and Pate at cent er, were the I ish your every food need. Fresh Meats, Lunch Meats, Milk, Bread, a

-1 f scorin g machine for the Bobk ittens Cakes and Groceries. of all kinds. You w ill find our prices re asona; I 'Yfa rsh and H. Fu rnas also made t he I ble, our merchandise the best, and our service unexce ll ed. I

do ors s outh of Post Office 0i I r I ...... Former s tudents of Peru w ho were '• Hot Lunches and Chili. Good Coffee '

Tf their f oo ds. Fr esh me ats, L unch and canned meat, I Fra nkli n Jones, H arlan Whi t well

I milk, fre sh and fruit e a nd v egetables. Every thing ·f Phillip Hoyt, Mildred P ate, L eo nard

• We specialize in ladies' and children's hair cutting, · I Art hur F ly nn has be en visitin g in ', Your Fall Dress, Your Hat, ! -h - al ; P!'!ru f or the p ast week. "A rty" at- i Gloves, Hosiery, Visit the s amp oo1n g, sc p tre atme nt, facials, manicuring- all t d d h 1 p 1 lines of beauty c ultm•e. Tuur pa trona ge appreciated. For I en e sc oo at e ru last year and A . t Ph 87 M , ... in tend s to e nter s ch oo l t he sec.o nd se- ... w0 M A N 's r 0 G G E R y ppOJ n mens one 1 , onteith's Resid ence. f f TAYLOR!S BEAUTE SHOPPE I mester /. I Mi.ss Alb erta Schindl;r was visitin g ; There you will find the Best for Less _ Iin Peru durjng the holid avs and in ak- I · ... __.,._.,.._.._._-.,., in g a rrangements to att;nd s ummer '

Glen Joder a.nd Johnie O'Neil.

.' . Av E Nu E s T 0 RE 'I school


I Jennin gs Pa rri ott, who was in : , school the first was visitin g -9 -.,._...__...__-.,._ FANCY BOX STA TIONER¥, NOTIONS AND SCHOOL I Ion the c amp us la st week an d makin g SUPPLIES f arr an gem ents to en t er sc lwol the sec- I Toys, Wheel goods, dolls, books, Gift Fur- f ! CONKLIN ENDURA PENS A ND PENCILS, UNCONDI- '• I' ond semeste r.

niture and rugs. Third floor. ! f TIONALLY AND PERPETU ALLY GUA RANTEED f f ., A uthorized Dealer for Nema ha County for Remin g ton f l FOOTBALL

I I P ortable Typewriters

. ARE HONORED Ladies Shoes, Lingerie, Furs, Ready-to· f I ; I wear, and S&H Premiums.. 2nd floor.

f-J. U. L A N D·0 L T

(Continued from Page 1) '?

I h o-nor th ey-had con veyed on hi m. ; Opposit e Training School 11Cap tain Bun-ch e xpressed re g re t th at Men's Wear and Furnishings, Dry Goods, Hosiery, Toilet Goods, etc.. 1st floor.

etc, Base- f:

Let us mak:e you a champ10n hkeA hts I under "blue a nd whi te.'




The Girls Athletic Association were ENNIS TALK ON· CHINA NORTHBORO A. C RE I Hoagl and Team successful this year at s elling

KIWANIS -CLUB HEAR - P-E-·R- U T .. R. OUN-CES lG. A. A. TEAMS ARE IHarajian, Owens, Z immers, Wesner - ADY FOR TOURNEY ' and Kal t enborn

• A A / W illiams, E inuog, Rosekrans, WagChristmas cards. A total sum of about I Thos. E. Ennis of 1,he faculty of Volley ball prac tice for G. · · A H 11 D e s on Rawlison, Vanner, . a , e r , $50 was cleared by the organi zatwn. the State Teachers College at Peru members and new girls who want to d f d Bobcats Show Pl e nty of Speed and . n er or · was the spea ker at the regular meet- Take Close Game 37 to 33 Ibecome members h as been gomg o ing of the Club l ast Fri- , __ regul a rly. About for ty gi rls have 'TRI BETA HO LD day evening. Mr. Ennis spent sev- In a gan:e replete thrills from ' been going out for practices. JANUARY MEETING eral years in educatjonal work in to finish won its first hom e I Wednesday, Janu ary 9, four China and made a special study of th e court basketball game of t he season I tains were elected. These captams (Continued from Page 1.) from the Northboro .Athletic club by, . . R . radical and revolutionary ten dencies 1 the cl ose sc ore of 37 to 33 Iare: L omse Ekh art, Maxine general biology, the that characterize education in Chin a Peru jumped in to a 2 to 0 le ad in ' a nd G ladys Ho_agland. The captams Ic ourses being ,reserv ed fo r the JUm or . . . h 1 each chose t heir te ams. 1 1 d · By convincing s taa nd which is likely to ave a marked Ithe first few mrnutes of pl ay by a an sen 10r years.

TRAINING f effect upon the future to the Chinese ne a:t basket from n ear mid -court by A game of ball consists of tistics, Professor demons t rated Ca ptain Waslev· Northboro came two, fift een mmute halves. E ach th at t his recommen datio n was alre a dy people as well as those of other coun- · ' , h b Th b . f th U s..

' . . ' I right bacl;t however to for ge into the I team as seven ers. e 0 • 1bei ng fo llowed in most o e ·

LACQUER, ENAMEL students of China are influenced to a throw. This was the only time dur- io.ver the net an d keep it on t he other te e was published. I f large extent he said, by the writin gs i ng the g:a me that Northboro was in Iside. · "' ' PAINTS ! of Karl Marx, and others of t he the lead, althou gh they knotted the The tournament is tak ip g p lace this ,_,._...,_,...._...,_

LUMBER t nes m that part of the world. The le ad with (! field goal and a free ject of the game is to knock the b all ev en befol'e the rep ort of the comm1t-

i I h h" · was ove:'.' Peru, seemin g to re ai ize ' six games pl i:i yed. The schedule of I ' MEEK LUMBER co. ; He bad with im writ- that th ey would h ave to play stellar the games follows:

COAL COAL ' same school of revoluti onary writers. score several times before t he game ! week in th e big gym The re will be

Service W. J. RABEL, Mgr. 11 I then k Y a kyoungd dw 0 ! b asketbalJ to win the game, settled Martin vs. Ekhart I I Phone 48 Peru, Ne br. I an wor er, an w 0 a Tghra ua e I do.wn to spme real t eam work that _. Washing and Greasing " from a primary school. e manu- : Reagen vs. H oagl and ____ _ . 11 • E 1 h: showed real promise for the future. Martin vs. Re agen I Polari·ne and Mobil oil I ._.._ scnpt was we written in ng 1s , I , . · I h h" b . f 1 1 After the first few minutes Peru Ekh art vs. Ho agland _. Free crank case service


1t e 1P h efm g pfar icu ar Y commenced to hit the hoop with a Martin vs. Ho ag land "•

g_0 1 ° · ''tThis inpt e tormR 0 lan. essay reg ul a ri ty that mounted sco re to hunt for th.er when you tit e e resen evo ut1onary neagen v8 Ekh a rt I Why

AMBULANCE AND I Movement in China" and the first 18 t.o 16 at half time an d only by The teams consist of the followin g f know the best. FUNERAL DIRECTORY 1 1 h h h I makmg seven fr ee throws was the " · I ..·A of which t e writer as given t e. Northboro team able to hold the pJayers· _. FLOYD PALMER " L. HORTON & CO. paragraph that follows: i score so close in the first half. Martin Team " ·• Phone 128 Peru, Nebr. I "The international capitalistic im- ; Th d h If t t d 'th . Stukenholtz, Holc om b, Skel to n, 1 e secon a s ar e w1 a now to a·rush, Wasley, Krejci, and Railsback .Mathews, C?wan, Gl othar, Hayek, 01P?rnt. and 1 hitti ng the hoop to bring t he score sen, and Bright. # Service With a Smile i 1 I ·rob the of to1hn g masses, ; up to 31 to 21 in the first few m inutes Ekhart Team I R J G H T A WA Y ; Crysta} Theatre f [ not o_nly t heir native also the ; of the second half. At this time I Dammast, Steele, Eri ckson, · Da vi s, f · I I I 1 co lomal a nd. half-c olomal people. !Brockma n an d K!'ejci were taken out IGraves, A. Reagen, Sears, and G anz. I SHOE SHOP _. ' A I use va:1ous i:ieans to 1 of the game on personal fou ls a nd Reagen Team I Peru Nebraska f ' TUESDAY. JAN. 15 f 1their oppressive actions. Tyrannical- ID. Knuckle of Northboro proceeded N 1 L' d R H ·· M f I I h h k" I I e so n, m sey, . ari>Jia n. 1 Iy t ey are s_tnppmg t e wor mg Ito find th e basket and the score was '· There is only one Lew Cody Aand Aileen Prin gle, and here' is f class, preventing every free move- •soon tied at 31 apiece: Wasley 'who j B I ! ment of every oppressed ra ce, d es- !h ad b ee n taken out early sec- / FRESH

their raciest come dy drama, b j I "tt · t f th < h i; troyin g all the org aniz ed com in a- ond ha lf was rushed ba ck in to stem P astry a nd Bakery Deli cacies. A nd wn en JU S or em a na ow. , I . h fi d f th · 1 j ft I t10ns t at are unp ro. te ?r em. : the tide, whic h he did in fine shape, I f the prices? Th ey a re right. 4 ."Beau Broadway" A So the countless ey.ils which th ey Northboro ge tting on ly two m orel I ROBBINS' BAKERY

§ !have performed are un· points and both of .them from free ; Peru , Nebraska ' cornede, "Your Darn Tuttin." A Ib ea rnble. If the exp loited cl ass, the throws • .-. _ _ fl • . - Cl ll oppressed m ass es, a!'e with a will to Hurst, who had been sent in for l 1

A w d ""'1 h 1T 16 17

v e .• ur.• Dan. - A e ree ey mus go 0 g WI w a.':lley enr he1 m the !!ame pro ceed- , Jl

B I b f th t t fi ht "th . . ....

1 f 1 those enemies and overthrow them." !ed to !ll Rce one in difficult f · ' ; "The First Kiss" Q! The ma nu scr ipt discusses the 11 ngle and pulled the game out of l I 1 causes_ i>md. remeo.1es of the _u nfor:u-j the fi re Booth a nd Wasley soon fo ), j f LYNN'S CASH . MARKET t! Stanin g Fay Wr ay and G ary t t h h ti t I nate s1 ua 10n. w 1c. ie wn er y1c- lowed with two more baskets an d the

Co oper, in a story where a b oy t f h t 1 ·" t I

A ures rom 1s par 1cu ar v iewp om · gam e ended a lmost immediately with I' ..

turns bandi t, a ll for the love of 'fl Mr. Ennis Declared th at the stu-1Peru holdin g the l ong end of a 37 o a g irl. A t hrill for your life! dents oft en !'esort to strikes in order Ito 33 score. rl Fresh Stock of Meats,

and Rememb er each lady presen t t to enforce thei r demands and th at Ca ptain Wasley was


rec eives a piece of "Gclden

,. L ars · Hanso n. T he old d evU quell s uch The talk

I wind is one of the i mpo r tant U was of much pra ctical

Gish produc tions.


Suite 410-11 Symes, Denver- M. E. Shuc k, Ph 1 D ., Man ager

was a \fliembe: of t eam at

Cleaners and T ai ors T arkio Qolleg e. Miss K night h as _ ' b ad extensive e xperienc e in hi gh ..... schoo l debatin g, a nd l ater on in pub-

li e. sp€aking of ot her types. - 1

The affirm ative t eam has n ot yet

More vacancies than satisfactory applicants to fill t hem. been selected, but there are a number of c and id ates en tered

f In the discu ssion of t he questi on of • WHEN IN DOUBT- TRUMP OR COME TO I th · t d ·t fu n t"on· g e Jury sys em an i s c i m ' KOEPPLE' s CAFE ; I the Un ited States, it is the so le obF OR YOUR MEALS, LUNCHES, ETC. I Ject of the deba te to pl ac·e b efore

Ph 195 P N b the people the excellence and the de -1 one e ru, e r.fec ts of the system. It is the in ten_ ...,_ 1 tion to wh ole prop osition or· 1 en so that the jury system can be

1ff I said to be failin g and should be a bol-

There is w orld of enjoyme nt in ev ery cup of ou r H ot Chocolate. And every year hundre ds discover it.

Excellent Oyster Stews, and t eal Mex ican Chilli. I Few Ca fe's offer such attractive Sandw iches as . is hed ; and to offer the argumen ts and I reasons why the j ury as an elem ent f Iin the mac hi enry of just ice is fu nc- I Iti o nin g pr operl y an d shou ld be re- f tained. The who le question is not

1on ly o ne t)1 at is en ga gi ng the at tention of the bar a nd gen eral pll blic of , country, but it is one also th at h as the req uisi te elemel'lts that go to · ma ke up in an u nusual w ay an exc ell- I

ent proposition fo r debat e.








Presen t: Scienc e Hall to Be Remodeled



Original Plays a re H uge Success-Draw LLr ge Crowd d Jack Holt's "Court-Martial" Will an Ma•de Semi-Fireproof I Shown January 28 JKear.ney Will Be Hardest A tt I Wolverines Lose One-Sided 1 Game of Enti"re Season . s ma ers s ta nd now it does not ! G

ap pear th at ithe new science hall will j ame to Fast Peru On Monday night, January 28, the For Peru l be complete tl in time to start work Prep Team budget committee has arranged for I PLAYS WELL RE<EI VED there at th e openin g of the sec ond' a mov ie at the college auditorium. WAYNE HERE FEBR. 7 1 1 semester, th e lat ter pa rt of PREPSTERS SHOW SKILL I The. to be is .J a ck l . __ The Peru D ramatic Cl ul: prese nte d month. the is bem.g ___ I m · This is .an Three bt ?: gi..me s st un'l unt prominfo ur well -pl ann ed orig in l one-act as rapidly as possible, and 1t, mtense Ar:ierican with ; ently in the Peru basketball schedule pla ys at t he co lle ge udi tor iu m, , not '." ee ks till i: is ·fin- , In a ra ther basketball 1 superl at ive supportm g. cast for the rem aining schedule. Thtlr sday, J an u ary 17. rbe pla ys Fo l,l owmg its completion th e game Tuesday mght m the co11ege I mg Be t ty Fiank Amit m, I The game Peru wants mo st to w in were : "Flash-Ba ck," by ('>.nna Bes t will be _moved , gym, the Peru Bobkittens overwhelm- , Georg e. Cowl, Dons Hill, Pat Ha rmon, is with Ke arney State Teach . e rs Joder ; "Tod 's Sl av e," by ;1.don Bay- mto 1.t as new eqmpment l ed the Wolverines from Nebr as ka and l iege, the 1928 baske t ball champion s warel ; "The Zevo Ho ur," bJ J oe Jone s, Ifor tne . b n_ldm g and can be City by a score of 28 t.o and proved " It is Elmer. Harns of sacri- !of the present state conference. Aland "T he Deci ma l Po in t,' by A ri na pla ce.d 1 it. This date ca nnot be conclus ively to those th at a fie devotion told a dy- , though Kearney has lost her elon g atBest Jo d er defimt ely1 told at this time. Bob kitt en is far superior to the best n.amic ?ackground of whirl w ind ac;· 1 ed cen t er, Boswell, she still has a Th is year t he Peru Pl ayn;a kers have The · buildin g now occupied by ' Wolverine that ever tossed a basket. tion, wi th. Jack Holt unsurp a ssed as fine baU -club, and will be hard to had an a bu nd an ce of go ai material t he scie'. ;:·e dep art men ts is to be re-1 With Applegate and W. Williams the hero m conf!ct between lo y alt_Y , beat. for play writi ng. Ann a Best Jod er a nd ma de as nearly fi; eproof hitting the basket from all an g les and br hi s coun t ry and love for his I '.i a1·kio, a nd Way!·ie all the sh or t: " Fl as h- j as It will then be used as a lmo st every part of the court, the sweet.he a rt sh0iuld yield easily to the fierce Bobba ck ," by Alma Boic e Hol an d and 1 a mus ic hall, and for the accommoda- Peru kittens were never headed or Jack Holt pl ays his way through cat offense: But Kearney ca rried the made it intQ. a be autiful' ti o n. o! the societies and the cv-en tied. The game was even a this tremendous, production as. jinx last year, a nd Peril nut iouk we e la d t" II ll j Chris t· n org a mzat1ons. The s truc - more decisive victory than the sco re before--one can t aff ord to mi ss this forward to too much this ye a r. "";> r p ye exc ep 1011ia y we . - · j · by J M k 1 L V d f d ture v·i ll then be known as music hall indicates the Bob kittens missing great production. St Ben edict had last year a won- oy 1c e , eone an er or , j • an d F ed D Th f th or m1'/si c and organizations hall. Be- many easy chances that should have I The producti on is director by Ge o., der team bre a king even with the r uev. e scene o e . , • K c· h · · Pl 1 · t ff th b II Isides a ppropriate rooms -for the or- almost doubled the score • B. Seitz director of "The Blood Ship" ans as ity At let1c club te am , which ay w as an a c ov e JU S o e a · • f th Ab b tt h f Iga ni.,/a ti ons, and for piano practice, Ne br :is ka Ci tv .. 0t t he tiu otr but " The Warning," and many other 1s always among the foremost teams r oo m o e o ome, a ew , · " th ft th 1 'f th 1 th er 1! w lll a:lso be a band and orches-J Peru s0on


tbe war. T he talk a bou t old and Cardinals 30 to 26 Isecond qua rter by makin g g ood on a Completed 1of the season. This will without a times ._ He co n fess es lo ve some On Two-day Trip free throw. Applegate then decided : J doubt draw a record-breakin g crowd, bea ut1f:1l gir ls. She b e- 1 ..,.. __ I that the ga me neeq ed a thrill an d WORK TO BEGIN SOON for Peru has al rea dy found th at c omes Jealo u s. The s ir Y e nds when Iproceeded to put in a lon g one·' Cl a rk I I Northboro puts out a r ea l te am. Ja mes Weathe rbee rre ci t es to he r a JJ TEA.MS PUT UP BATTLE :mi ssed a try fore point and St ew a rt Wh'J th 1 I The ye ar' s schedule will be as folletter that she has j ust r ea d whi ch I I . 1 e e arc 1 ec s P an s are not·1 I sc ope d ano t her pomt for Nebr as ka yet c om plet ed for t he new g irl s'' ows. . • he sent her unde r th e name of the (From St. Joseph Ga zette) I City on a free throw A double foul d 't ,_ b .1 h" . I Ja n. 22, Ta rki o Co ll eg e, ther e. h I d The la w as di-j , . · 1 or m1 ory to ve u1 t t 1s com rn g ;J 26 N f lk J t.h pe rs on s e ove · P Y La ck of condition p rov ed t he j was ca lled and both- sides raised th ei r · d th · f · I a n. or 01 r. e re. r ec t ed by Edith Dav enpo rt. Muriel C f S t) : an sum me r, e m orm at1on Ja n. 27 W ay ne the re . r/ ma in factor m the defeat od' the · score a notch. ( onley or t ew ar · 1 1s given ou t that the new structure . MaJ ors act ed as rope r ty manager. 'N · · d t f t · 1 Jan 29 Tarkio here. d H d, C ard in als one of St. Joseph's stron g- I eumeister misse wo

" Tod's S lave" by El on a yw ar 1 A 1 t d d th · f . th , Jan.

Piffo's daug h ter ·, Pi ffo re fu s es, and ' N I ever ahea d, althou gh play ing g ood , · Ilieen determined. As the plans are ···-··

Tod beats him, inj u ring h is w rist, b t b 11 b

t h

h · h

t th K u • ut. missing many shots the Car- ! ' . · ' J not yet compl-e ted and a ccepted , it is m_en w IC . IS e a e ans as (Contin ued on Page 4 ) dmals ca me from behind each of I · , also at this writin g impossible to st ate Ci ty :"-thletic club building in Kanthose five times the w_as _ tied j


PERU GLEE to kn ot the affa11:. Twice m the I ground <$> Ian is conecrned.

j the size of the buildin g so far as the , sas City.

RE A DYF OR TOUR first the _ loc a ls came up and , I It is poss ible to sta te definitel y t ha t SIGMA TAU DELTANS t1me s m th e las t canto th ey 1 Increased Number of Stu- the new structure is to be four stor ie s II TALK PLAYWRITING Largest Pro gram Ev er Offe r ed to be did the same thing but could not 1· dents Attend Biological - that is, three s torie s a nd a . ba seG ivea This Spring ah ea d a tr.io of shots in Shows ment. The base ment story will be Mrs. Joder, Hayward DisL e last C"Oiuple of minutes of play , well above ground, and will conta in ' b j J cuss Plays

Last ye ar t"he Men's Glee Club, on Y the inv ade rs to one for the Car-


1 1the living rooms for the help needed 1 tour as "Thf, P eru Sin g ers," san g in d·na ls, put the game for the IAUDITORIUM PACK at the dormitory The other three j The 14 meeting of t he five different tow n.s in Neb r aska. The Nebraskans. • - floors will be devoted to rooms for s· Tau Delta was in of The game gave the fans assembled The educational filIJ\S given month- • 1 g irls. The plans are to provide hous- MigmaJ d appreciativ-e aud iences they san g to

1 h b d b - rs . o er. She dii;:cussed .rlaywritmade them fe el q ui te professional numerous t hrills. The C2rdinals ' ly by t e iology epa rtment are e- ' in g for 120 g irls in addi t ion to the ing and its poss ibilities for the amalike, so fo.r th ei r t rip ab road they c ou ld not stop Krejci , center for the j ing seen by an number of 190 that can _ taken care o_f now in teur. The point was emphasized th at chose a sma ll town in Mi sso uri. One vi s itors , who was high scorer of the Istudents at -each showmg. Last week the old bu1ldrn g. There will be no playwriting could not be tati g ht, th.at. does n' t h 'I!: e to say they we re se nt ba -:: k g ame with seven field goals and a : Jabnuary_ efnterthainmendt was '1 dining room bui.lt i? _the new struc- ' is, no.t just anyone with such aspirahome bvJt the de mand for their return free throw , while Craig proved th -e Joyed y over our undre m-em er s the _dmmg room serv- tions can be . given a few hours int N d k th most dan g erous basket shooter He I of the student body and facul ty. Th e 1 mg for both bu1Jdmgs. Ist ct·o . a 1

th o e,, / s a was great, so ey san g · h "L D f h . . . . ru 1 n m c ass room a11 e en +-h f II . . h . N b i l"l ng· the bell a half-dozen times dur 1 films s own were: ast ays o t e The money for the bmldmg 1s to tu ed loose 'th d . k •th e r owi ng mg t in e ra sk a. -1 ,, h' h h d h h b . h rn w1 pen an m w1 Th. 1 h 1 ing the me lee Pra1ne Dog, w 1c s owe ow t ·e I e furms ed by the First Trust Com- the expectation f od . t . 1 5 ear, a m uc ar ge r and mo re · h prairie dog was destro ying pany of Lincoln, and th-e building I al fit f.o p bl' 0 t. pr Iutcmg ma e;irpe 1ri ' ce gl ee c lub , under the dir e c- Hertz's free throw opened t e valuable fields of grain and ve g et- 1will be erected by a company which ' r u ica wn. was porntion r· Mr Be nfo d m 's s scoring in the melee after a few ed out that t he techmque of pl ::i vo · r pro e a pr o- ables. It also sho,w how biolo i< ists will be formed of Peru and Linc oln · · - · grad m to an d s urp ass in g th e o ne mmutes had elapsed. KreJCl t1pned , h d t d. d t f k'IJ' 1 Th 11 b . d . t wntm g could be t atig ht. Mrs. Joder " · . . . - I a s u 1e ou a means o 1 1n g I peop e. ey w1 e organize m o . d t f h fi 1 3 gi vl en last y-ear in a shot when Hertz mis sed his sec- 1ea a par o er rst p ay, a -ac t · , d f th tt h , these vermmts. The second film , a non-profit corporat10n, and the enti ' tled "The Ink G. 1 ,, It "t'b' · foll ws· 'on ree ro.w a empt t e score · I , 1r . was preJS program is as · · . "Yos emite's New Roads" showed the ground 1s to be leased to this com- 1 . . v . . L 8 N · bemg 3 to O ' I sented as the senior class play whil e .emtian ove ong - - evm · be a,utiful oi' one of America's pa ny and the mone y loaned to it I h d' h 1 F fer Rose --Combs I Miller g ot a side court shot after most beau-tiful parks and how new / the ;rust company its 1s ; att en lmgh sc 0 : • I Li tt le P eet-W e et P re tii e Pa r ks 'six minute s of play a nd the Ca rdi- hard-service road.1 soon make I for the money loaned. All mo·ney will ' 1 oe to d ow he wrote the Hu nting S ong --GEibel 'na ls were in the running. However, it possible to visit the most rem cte Ibe handled throu gh this "holdin g Iraty Twh IC dwas t Hose predsentthed S · S k the teache s s t d d b f th as urs ay mg ·· e ma e e ylvia -·-- s · • r pur e an e ore e_ places any time of the year. The company," as it mi g ht be called, but 1statement thati there were two ways Wayfaring Men - .Jin gs t Cardmals scored they led, 7 to 2.. third scene "A Forest Fire" showed I no money will be paid out no bills / f T 1 Th 1 Id After the gr oup w ill be a se lection , Matthews . entered the ga me. He had the work that was being allowed and no liabilities 'incurred ' ho bwr iltmg a dp ay .

ay cou • , e u1 aroun one c arac er or one of solos by me mbers of the glee club. not started on acc"Olunt of a bad leg, ed the United States Rangers in the I except on orders of the State Normal h · th ·d Id b · i 1 d f · h · f 1 j appenmg, or e 1 ea cou e visuThe l ast num ber on the pro gram an a ter e1g teen mmutes o Pay preser:vation of the great American 1 Board The plans must be

is the produ c tio n of t he ope r a, "Cleo- Im t rst a • wit t e ar ma s forests. It also showed how forest · by the board, and when the contract ma d-e to fit into the story. A knowp at ro" by Briaha m.. 1crashmg the hoop often, the score fires were being fought in modern is let that also must have the ap-

se mgs are If one kn ows t he sto ry he will find : w:as tied at 12-all Y Miller. days, bringing out the fact that m proval of the board, The bo a rd 1 nece ssary before attempting to wri te t hat Cl opatro saves her c ountry th ru hit for the Peru crowd, but Miller , a dr.y season as many as half a doz - pl-edges the rental from the rooms of 1 Th fi

tt t h Id b · · d · 4 11 h I ·

p ay. e rs a emp s ou e the lov-e Mar c An to ny Iias for her. In tie it up at 1 -a as t e 1en fires were started and put out in this building for the payment of the a one-act play, · and preferably a the da) s of Cle opatro the co untries whistle ended the half. I one day. The fin·al scene, "New bonds, and the tru st company figures fa rce or comedy because they are less that w .re most hear d of we re the J The second quarter started slowly Roads in Mt. Ranier," showed some Ithat _ ill will ta ke between thirteen and difficult than the tradgedy countries in wa r. They w ere ta lked for tpe Cardinals and the vi sito.rs of the beautiful scenes of Mt. Ran- fourteen years to get their money ) Eldon Hayward, auti}or of another about rr o re th an t he mo re quiet coun- 1 piled up _a . lead. . How ever, , ier National. Park, . and how a new Iback, with sev-en interest. , one of the plays pres e nted Thurs day tri es 50 the peop le kn ew m ore about Craig started h1ttmg agam and he I road was berng built thru the park After the bonds, to the amount of I ni g ht, gave a review of the play. He them. put one through the rafters, it drop- to enable more rapid tramport at ion $100,000, have been paid, the ho1ding had thought o.f his play some time In b ri nging this illust rat ion to mo- ped through the hoop, and the ta lly of touri sts, and o make the many company is to automatically go out , last fall, but had not expressed hi s d ern t imes is it not tr ue w ith colle g es was knotted 20-all. Hurst connec.t- beautiful seen-es of Mt. Ranier more of existence, and the building will Iideas on paper until during Chri stand other institu tions? Are not the ed and the mvaders were out m accessible. become the property of the state ab- mas -vacation. He spent parts of two coil.lege with the best athletes and front. Craig scratched the advantage At the February sho1y on the eve- solutely free from any j days writing his play. It had to be scholast ·c reco rds t he more ta lke of? with a pr etty long shot a nd the co.unt ning o"f Febr,uary 14, the followin g In fact no obligation of any kmd is rewritten and some part s of it Now Mar c Anto ny in this "Opera was again tied. It was to be tied films will be shown: "Foresting the a ssumed by the state, the state nor- 1changed, but the idea was not any Burles e" is the he ro of t he "grid." again for Hurst, who was a newcom- Sand Hills," "Crossing the Great Sa lt mal board, or by and else. The different. Probably the best way to When the glee cl ub comes back er in the game, entering later, again Desert," "The Corn Borer and What trust company takes the entire risk. write a play is to get the idea in from t .e tour don't f:ail to bear their registered. Mueller s hot a pair of to do About it," "Winged Warfare," The contract is to be let as soon 1mind, the characters visuali:red, the p ro.gram Our guara.nt ee to Per11 is free throws to knot the counts, one and "The Barbarous Barberry ." All as the preliminaries can be arranged, scenes imagined and then begin writ··a ni g. t of real en.tertainm ent or lod' them being awarded on a techni- students and faculty members who and work is to be begun as soon as ing the play with little interuptio.n :srou money bac k." (Continued oin Page 3) are interested are cordially invited. (Continued on Page 3) j until the first writing is completed.




. , .. GlVES


Pedagogian Pays Says _ Peru · f d T lk · Entered at the Postoffice of Peru, s. L. Clements Calls First - Chester M. San or a s / ,Nebmka, " •econd cla" matt« Placement Bilreau Meet• L"' week while '"ting adver· Before Large Crawd ,,,.--.-. Published at Peru State ing, Tuesday tisement fqr . the of of Students , our adver tisers sa id t\t he wished ' - · ' College I PLACED 95-% LAST YEAR I increase the s ize is . advertis- QUESTIONS ANSWERED - single copy I . . . mg and ga ve us as tH:reaS'rul that . . . n."\."- he feels s ure P edagog i !f\ advertising d t I The first meeting of t hose who h' . t 1 f li;\ t Che ster !M:ilton Sanfor , v?ca iona ; 1 • • • pays 1m, no qn y or •time rn ge -1 f . s ized au- · sw expect to JOm the , Pl a cement Bureau : ting up the advert ise me t\ but i nter - lecturer, addressed a air

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MILLARD FOWLER 1of the Peru State Teachers College f est of about 100 to 500 of th e- di ence Satitr d ay night, at the colBUSINESS MANAGER -#Cj - ' , · was held Tuesday mo.rnm g at 7:50 ! amouht he spends on t' advertis- lege audito: ium. Mr. SanfoTd is an E. R. BURKEY A l arge number of students were ! 1"ng. 1 .;(" I t · h line of vos a tiona

FACULTY MEMBER ... THOMAS E. ENNIS prese nt indicating that there will be I 1 h b t' t d h exper 1 n G e I • t as een es 1ma e t I.the Peru , guidance, an.d his talk was of a great c....\,'U CIATE EDITORS '1 no s_hortage of Peru teachers for the Pedago.gian is read by aut five- "" t t

coming year I deal of interest to p.ersons a ou 0

DARIS BUNC ..-v · ' · · · thousands persons in soheastern' FRED DUEY HAROLD MARREN I s . t d t s L Cl . . h l' f t' ·- · , uperm en en ements 1s , Nebraska. The following i!rchants c oose a 1 E vo ca ion.

WA'\'."NE CATLETT WILLARD FOWLER JAMES MUMPER Chairma_n of t?e Bureau. The past are receiving benfits from \ida gogi - Th e speaker stated vo cat ional guid- ·

PAUL COLLINS J. LESLIE LEONARD HELEN WAGNER I success m placing teachers has prov- an advertising. ance is rel atively new, it bei·ng only STEVE TURRILLE R. G. WHITTEMORE 1· en Mr. Clements to be a capable man PERU for th e pos ition. He spqres no effor t • in pl ac ing Peru students in desirable A venue Store SUCCESS FOR ALL , school to which they are endo'wed. 1 po smo ns, when it is humanly possi- Cleaners and Tailers

Dr. Harajiao

Dr. Johnson

KoeppJe's Cafe

Bob Knapp

Lynn's .Cash Market

Mardis Store

Meek Lumber Compan y Peterson

Floyd Palmer

Away ' Shoe S hop •

Robbin's Balcery

Taylor's Beaute Sh,oppe


Dave's Clothing Store

JJ C. Penny

Woman's Toggery



Cleveland & Sons

Gesseman 's Cafe

Wessels & Sons

Many Peru faculty members are on From time to time it will be the pur- 1bl_El. to qo so. · Practically all teache1:s I J. C. Chatelain the road to fame and fortune. pose of the j:>edag ogian to go into de- 1who h av e g one out irom Peru heart1- .I J. P. Clark have already gained national Ncog- : tail on one or more in s tructors as to ' ly testify to this fa_ct;"'. Hugh Carmen nition in their respective fields Itheir success in their chsen work / AnY, student or of Peru may Crystal Theater w F Hoyt f f h . t !' • 1 become a member o:I the Pl ac ement . . , pro o c em1.:; ry, B b. . · Forsyth Oil Company and W. R. P at e, president of the col1 1 OUR SPECIAL EDITION I Y paying .a fee of $1.00. 1 h b h b 1 " This fee on1y partially defrays the Citizens State Bank ege, ave ot een p aced in Who s The Peru Pedago g ian will 11 ut out f bl' · l Who in AmericiJ" Th h t 1 expense o assem mg credentia s George's Place . ey ave no an extra large special edition on the and niailying them to -Superintendents ; 1y ma de a name for themselves but final night of of the southeastern Ne h t . J. D. Graves th ey b een . examples for the braska basketball tourn a ment J w o repor. . Horton & Compan y students of tlie school in which they will be held in Peru, Februar 22 a nd ; In describing the workmg of the work. j 23• Y ! Bureau, Mr. Clements states : that a Other faculty - memb · h _ 1 I Thi's d' t" 11 11 h Istud·ent who is not recommended can ers ave a so , e 1 ion w1 carry a t e news . . bec am e prominent in their work by of the campus and the special news ha1 di! to be easily placed. All I their success. W. 0. Wilhoft, mem- !of the· tournament, up, to the final that _is w1thm the power the Bur·ber of last year's facult b ! game Th . 11 b eau 1s to send the credentials to the y, ecame . e paper w1 e put out so · pr om inent as a debater and later i,i.s that every body attendlng the fin als s_upermtendent, and those creden- 1 writer short story. Miss Tilton, may have a copy. tials miu:t speak . for ms tructor in art, h as more than once i Special effort· will be made to have When notice of a is _ received bee n recognize d for her work in art. room for each sodety and fraternity the perso? qu ahfied to fi11 the I C L Clements has been pro ·ne t on the camp Th' b .vacancy 1s notified. The only way j · · mi n us. 1s sp-ace 1s ""' e . . . . as an educator, a nd is now head of written by the fraternity itself an d . which ab1hty to qualify is r.ated the Pl acement: Bure au at Peru I to the editor of the Peda- is work taken and reeommendat10ns.1 A L H · - · f · 1 better students will get the - more ·deolch has f<>'r the past sever- gogian or approval before February 1 h b al years b · t . N. 11 1929 ,t t en ecomes evident that the een in ebraska I ' : . Isirable positions. .'·. · d1 sc?ve ne s he has been mak- 1 e will also be space for each . , .. .. . . mg in the field. He h as on i These department write- j In the f1;lture , a w111 1_ several oc ass ions been called to the , ups must be confined to about 250 r be held, g1vmg all who des!re to1 Univ e1·-ity of Ne brska to give special : ":'ords. If yo_u think your dep a rt me nt ; ne x.t year an _: to lectu1 es o·n his findings. Durin o· his , is worth while to the school Je t's tell Join the Placement Bureau. Mee t in gs stay here at Peru he has turned his the prospective teachers about it in : of members wHl be held from time own ga rden in to an experimenting ) S,Pecial edition time, informati?n will be station, besides havin g woods of ! The editor will reserve the right to g iven which will be benficial to those

G. E. Berthold


du ring recent 1years t hat any t hin g at a ll has be en do,ne along t his line. Edinburg was t he fir.st city to take steps in the di·ec tion of guiding its youth into vocations for which fl re best fitted This was not until l 904. In 1909 the pu bli c schools of os ton unde rtoo l gu idance

Mr. San ford <liscussed several of more comm.en vocations, poin ti:g out their adva n tages and disad , vint ages, and t l:\e- openings in each at preseut time. .He st ressed t he po\nt that no persoill shou ld ch oo se ·I a 1ife work until he ows some t hi ng Iof he field. he is al:iout to en te r. I vocat.ion ha s cert a in qu a li fi ca· ti.o n,s th at · uust be met l:/Y every i n,d i- doted wfth small signs marking accept or reject all or pa rts of any l seeking positions. '· •-' .•---i] 1J-_

t b eve ry i ndistat10n, bes ides having the woods of . t 11 t f seeking pos1t10ns. · , .G. E. Berthold , vi·du al who enters tbat 1i.ne w_ or .• accept or reJeC a or par s o a ny 1 , , • \ t to enPeru doted with small signs marking f h .t · d" t ti Last year over' ninty-five percent DeMaro Shoe Store and no p erson should a ttemp . o t ese wr1 e ups accor rn g o 1e · . now be can the location of various field stal JO,nS. space left. of the Degree' people .were .•:. · FOR.EI'GN t er any line unt a1 k : Tne eel1tor will reserve the right to 0 ' "" .-n ·- ···--·1: tion,s that must be me Y k

The latest remarkaple success on , Please bear in mind that t his spe- \ This year, with an earlier start, 1t 1s Boomer Teachers Agency meet th ose qualificati ons the campus is that made by R. T. ' cial edition will be read by many stu- expected that even that excellent rec- Fisk Teachers Agency .· The speaker po in t ed out t\la t ·ev_ery Benford piano instructor. Mr. Ben- dents It will be carried · back home ord will be surpassed, j Davis Agency person to succ eed in any fovd for some time h.as been reco,g- , as a sou'venir of the greatest basket- . I Hallmark Self-Instructor must have ten acity of p urp ose, a_,1,nized as a musician by Peru _students, ba ll tournament ever· held in south- Y. M. C. A.. TAKE NOTICE ·< . . must nev er let the· sma ll ;. but now he has been recogmzed as a eastern Nebraska. Your coopera- Mr. Enn is is going to talk at the ! Word Pamters. ·; w ith his progress. e n' composer by our great American mu- : tion will ,be appreciated. hext meeting of the Y. M. C. A. on Visitor: " How does t he land lie out who wi ll is the on e w ? sician, Paul Whitman. Mr. Benford's I . h L" tl , this way?" holds his he ad hi)?; h, . and fac es 1 latest piece is a song-waltz "Moon" I Lately reports have been going Wednesday, Januar! 23,_ m t e it .e I Native: "It ain't the land t hat lies: straig ht fo r'w ard whe th er he wi ns or which pas sought by publishers J around that a few of our students Theater. Every man m c ollege · 15 it's the l'eal est te agents."-Good l loses: l for exclusive rights. Besides this have become Benedicts. Since we are cordially . invited to attend. Mr En · Hardware. , After the 1ec tu re , the s peak er t d . 'M B f d h h'

or as not a position to know, we hesitate will talk on 1s experiences m

or some im een nown as one o to either deny or a,ffirm these l'eports Orient. One afford to miss this - e rs on. st-ra y- questions 51 nyone w1s

Nbraska's foremost composers oil: mu- However, we suggest to the accused, lk It · 11


·. sic. On several occasions he has fhat if the reports are true .you Iweek end Last seen headed for Au1 · ,, , written songs which have met with should let it be know to one of the It commences at 7 .OO \ burn. Finder please keep i1im. "Veil, Ikey, my poy, S&\d Sol to unusual success. Besides making reporters, and it shall be published in o'clock.

--- his son "I've made my vill \ and le -ft such an enviable record for himself 1 full at an early date. "I always encourage my hu sband to it all you." in the field• of music Mr. Benford has Henry Peck-Do think y_ou ca!l J recline in · an his "That's ve,ry good of y ou, 1 also, in the last year, made a name With the new science hall and the make a good portrait of my wife? feet on top of the radiator remarked Ike, ey ei ng , h im i:. u spic;for the Peru Men's Glee Club, of old science hall being made over into Artist Scram-My friend, I can "Why s9?" o usly. _ , .., cif which he is director. Mr. Benford a music hall we will have a building make it so lifelike you' ll jump every "When be goes to bed there is us- · "But bless you, it did cost a. ot has made it a rule to take the glee for each of our major departments. time yo.u see it.-Art and Artists. ually a dollar or so in small change money for the lawy er, and fe es and club on a tour of southeastern. Ne- What more can we ask f:or? Well, left in the chair."-Whichita Star. '[ t hings." · 1'. braska and has made music atf Peru it might be well if we all get busy Mrs. McPherson......:I caught the " Ye-es," said, Ike, still more :::.'usadmired by hundred of persons in and boost Peru in an effort to raise maid making love to the iceman Philadelphia Bullet in: Mrs. Gett- piciously. ' this part o.f the country. · the college attendance so mut!h that again. You had J:>etter speak to· her. I always do my Ch ristmas s hoppin g "Vell, it ain't fair I should pay ;1ll We must admire ' our ins t ructors, Iit will be necessary to build several Mr. McPherson-;--What? The ice- early, don't you? d ot, is it? so I'll shust take it o. who have so unselfishly worked forlmore new buildings, such as a social man- when we still owe for last Mrs. Gott- Sure. Early as possible , your next month's salary . "-PatJ • the benefit of their students and the science and history buildin g, etc. month's Hce?- Good Housekeeping. the day before. I finder.


There is no Substitute ADDITION TO OLD I ONES i NEBR. CITY FIVE I J."Say it with Flowers" i FOR HONESTY h l! CUT FLOWERS It at is don e. The trust comp any is cal when Peru took its fourth time (Continued from Page 1) FUNERAL DESIGNS ·.' as a bus iness po licy ' j)UShJ..ng m atters, as they desire to ou t. with the o nly field go al in t he Ne- • I I WEDDING BOUQUETS I g·et money invested as soon as Bµt the Ca rdirtals were wind e d, and braska City score. This time Nebra;;- ' J • C. CHATELAIN i possible. It is expected to have the j m the last few mmutes the college ka City showed up to a dv ant age and ' FERNS, PALMS, AND • new d team took t he advantag e, -mainly due · I . BEDDING PLANTS Wa tchmaker and Jeweler I scho orm1tory ready for use when t o. the pla ying Krejci, who hi t the basket I WIRE PHONE WRITE .,

I ol o.pehs next September. twice after the count was tied for but failed to tally any of their shuts. ,' G E BERTHLQD Sch ool Supplies ' tthe last time. Hurst g<>.t the other Pate made one from under the bas- • • • , NEW PAPER MONEY "1score for the visitors and Allen clos- ket. I. Williams miss ed two free j Nebraska City, Nebraska I Ever since· the first bills were print- 1 ed ta llying of the game with a throws and Stewart made good on

ed during the Civil War our paper lon g sh ot fr om near the cen t er of the a frete throw. Dasher sc ored a neat 1

:: mone h b . h 1 g court and a good co.urt game had I basket a nd Stewart scored anothe1· _.... y as een seven me es on I · · · ' - d . . been dropped bythe loc al team by a I free thr ow to clo.se the 3rd pen od.

; an three inches wide. The new , marg in of 4 points. Score, Peru 13, Nebraska Ci t.y 7. ,

L ARK ' s . I money wiU be long and I All of the Cardinals b attled hard I w. W ill ia ms made two pretty sh ots n YOUR

;I two and one-half inches wide They wer·e count at the beginning of the fourth f . , .,

ELECTRIC SHOP are the dimensions of our Ph1hpp1ne 1 1fighting against a .team of quart er. St ewart made goodi on a "

' _. money. players, one <>i' whom, Hert z, weighs free throw out of two chances. (Ma c\ A Shoe r epairing at 'Comfortable' A , . d 228 pounds but · who is fas t on his guire went in for Stewart) W Will- f' I t present we have eleven enom1 feet · 1 d th 1: d · . d 11 ' '

I .pr ices! Ladi es Shoes a SpeciaJ- inat ions made in thirt -nine different · iams ma e ano er go.a an misoe 1 I NEEDS ·t' Y Allen pl ayed a good defensive 1 on a free t hrow, Dasher added an- I :. ty. '; designs. There are five kinds of Igame as did Miller. Giltner', to o, did i other two points, and Appelg ate du- I I·· ( The Shoe Shop on the East I $10 hills now. The new currency we! Ion the Wasley, gu a rd plicated. (Conley went in for Ke!" , ; Side of the Street) ; win have only one. That will make and center, were Ily). Neumeister made a free throw 8 FINE PORTRAITS J I it harder to counterfeit. The new the du t standmg Peru p-l aye r s. , as the game ended. Peru 23, Nebr i:s- j . ,

bills will be printed ·in dul1 green and of game foll ow: i ka Ci ty 9. j 1 FRAMES ;_ , brown, colors that are the despair of CARDINALS (26) G FT Pts. 11P.EWRU1111.(a2m3s), f ----a---- F0G 1FT2F 1Pts l A PHOTO F_SlNISHING the counterfeiters. The yellow-back' -'--""' ed bilLs especially were easily imitat- Cra-ig, f 6 O O I Dasher, f

CL ARY'S CA Tren!;iolm, f ----.,----------

I MEALS, LUNCHES, The reason given. for the issuance Matthews, .c

. FE ed. Miller, (C) f-c

SHORT ORDERS I of this new money Is, that the pres- Mueller, c-g ----'--:--'------

HOME MADE PIES ent paper money is bulky, Allen, g ----------.,-------

2 do°"' <outb of Po<t Office Q out too " too "•d•ly Giltn c, ii

I EVERYONE will find this store a satisfactory place to '· ;

I I B.rockman, f

I · secure their foods. Fresh meats, Lunch and canned , Pike, f

# fo.r t he t able. Service good and prices reasonable. · Hurst, f

milk, fresh and canned frui1e and vegetables. Everything I Railsback, f

# THE MARDIS STORE i Kr-ejci, c;

Wasley , (C) g -

I Hert;1, g

Jim-How do you know there has , ; (Next to Gaines Hall on · the I I - We specialize in ladies' and c1:"1dren's h.a.ir .c;utting, ! TO TALS 14

been a pic n ic here. · I 'I Pa vement.) _ _ f # shampooing, scalp treatment, facials, f Referee: Joh_n Wulf, Jam I see by the pap ers. Life I lines of beauty culture. Your patronage appreciated. For I The St. Benedict's 9-ol1ege ba sket- FISK TEACHERS AGENCY (Incorporated) AppointmTeAnsYPLhoOneR1'8S7, f' ..£i ball te am lost a batt le to .the Suite 410-11 Symes, Denver-M. E. Shuck, Ph. D., Man age r Peru State Te;ichers CQlleg.e her 23 More vacancies than satisfactory applicaQ.ts to fill them • ._ to 27. Both aggregations played et·_ ..... _,..__ .... basketb;:ill, with the 'el WHEN IN DOUBT-TRUMP OR COME TO I ru te am, the heaviest to appear on a I EANING AND PRESSING

f' -I 1Qcal court. this, season, holdin g a •.th- I CL ! KOEPPLE'S CAFE I in this type o:e play. ,. Have Your Overcoat Cleaned Now ' F OR YOUR MEALS, LUNCHES, ETC. I St. Benedict's trailed at the holf \ P hone 195 Peru, Nebr. ; 7 to 17, but in the second period, led l Herman's Cleaners and Tailors li by the flashy Besnah, the loc :ds 4 h p 1 d - __"'-_....,

_ ___ ---.. threa teneq to overcom·e t e eru __


- --The teacher was tellin g a sto ry to MRS W. N. j DRAMATIC CLUB 1 I Pl OMEGA Pl MEET ! the kindergarten and interest was in- TALKS T_O__ STU DENTS GIVES PLAYS A Pi Ome ga Pi busin ess me etin g I' MAN UAL TRAINING tense. / was held Mond ?.y, Ja nu ary 14, at 7: 00 , 11

"So that night the wicked red fox I I LU MBER came and st ole a chicke n. Th e next Tells of Her Experiences While in / (Continued fr om Pa ge 1) in room A301. It w as decided fr om 1 f night he came and stole an othe r tq,e Orie nt P iffo goes to his ac t, and <l ies. now on to h ave progr ams at the I LACQUE R. E NAMEL .i cl: icken. Ancd- dram a tic pause- ___ Those h aving pa rt in the play were meetings. It was also d eci ded th at : f "what dQ you suppose happened the The Y. M. and Y. w. c. A. held a C edric Cr ink, Lois Metcalf, Ea rl ' a convoc ation pr ogram be gi ven . A # P AINTS I next ni gh t? " joint m eetin g in the hi gh school a u- Whipp l e, Theodo re Doh rkasse, W lt -:!r was al)po i nted to m ak e ar- 8

"Oh, te a cher!" pa nted Peter. "Did ditorium last Wedn·esday night Ja n- Weise, and Harvey Cole. Eloise Fair- \ ran gements for it. A r eport was giv- ;

he git anoth er chick en?"- Life. n ar? l6. · ' man ager, an'd L or- en. by the c ommitte e on membership / I

'!he m eeti nf! was/ op ened l;y th e me En ckson wa, c ostu me manogEr. l ca1 ds. , w. J.

AlspJce-Did I ever tell you about I ; ·egular s iw; in g and se.·-i "T he Zero Hour," a possibility in J

the awful fri g ht I g ot on my wed- vice. Th en Mrs. W. 'J. gR c i o,ne a ct, by Joe Jon es, was well re - 1 Hos t- Well, little lady, did you 1 Cl din g da y? · J a very in ter esting and instruc tive ceived. The sc ene of the p lay is in· h av e a goo d night? 1 f II N lk b d Ch I 1· f p f p I .

Sage-Careful, old e ow. o man ta a out life in mo ern ma. J' Irs .. a i vmg r.o om o ro esso r enn·el's Sma ll V isi tor-I don't k no w. I was I should sp eak that way a bout hi s wif'e. Delzell has s pent fiv e years in So uth I h ome, just before an ex ami nation in asleep all th e time.-L on do n H um or.

- State Jo urn a l. Chin a as a p rivate sec retary i 11 i:·n) on e of his cl nsses. Prof. P ennel h as 1 - A. E.

Americ an Ba ptist Mission ary so sh e\ 1ost his ex amin a ti on pape r and fee ls I Sheila (to mo.t her)-I'v e lo oked all D

Leo-Yo u'll ke ep our engag ement has a rat her broad b ac kg round 0f J th at it is too l ate to make up anoth er thru this "Mother Goosie," b ut I

a rl q rk s ecret, wo n't you , Marie? experienc es to dr aw up on. I pa per suffident ly diffic u lt fo r hi s. ca n't find that poem a bou t "Little m I Marie-I'll tell the world! One of the most in t eresti ng t hin gs I class. T lw ee studen ts Ca l, Herb, a nd I Bo-Peep has lost her She ik."-Lonwhich she told was t he eagern ess IBu tch have b een. t? _ sen d. a! d on P unc h.

; I of the Chinese to le a rn to speak no te to t he professor m form mg him I - • • ·1 a E USTU:n,T.'NTS I' English. S he sa id th at they seemed of a g re at discover y, and in this man - Par en ts h ave been recommen ded I ' Service Wi th a Smt e p R A I to t hink th at i1' t hey c oul d le arn to In er ca usin g him to forg·et the c! ass. n ot to m ako too much fu ss wh en a

J' A vA y '1 I f ! speak a few words o'f English the ir Luc y, P rofe ssor F ennel's daugh te r, c hild is fo und o.u t in its fiFst lie. Al- f f enroll for te aching I 1 future was settled and t heir fortunes , ov erh ears t he plot. also hearn J Jowa n ces sho uld be ma de fo r want

pos1t1ons w ith , l ma de. I Cal say that does not h ke Lu cy. She , of practi ce.-Lond on P unch f Peru Nebraska .I 11 It is necessary for all te achers who th ereby Bu t ch and st ea ls the I ·

e TheDavis School Service go to Chin a to learn the Chinese Ian- no te _to ?e sent th: p rofe so.or. , The i

j w. T. DAVIS, •06, Ma nager gu ag e. lb us ually t akes a for eigner ?ap:r is fo und and the! .i DR. N. S. HARAJI AN # · T . 1 I f i a bout two years to. a cquire any pro- ex a mm ation _ is giv·en: f DENTI ST f

C3 - I Q Phone 38 I ficiency in t heir 1angu ag e. To o em-1 Th os e tak in g pa_rt m the play we re I X-RAY SER VICE j • f 138 No. 12th St. Lincoln, Nebr. 'lons tr ate some of the difficul t ies in ; as foll ows : Rudolp . h. AndJ:)rscin, Edi- , ' Palmer SerV! Ce . ' th Ch ·1 Mr D 1 II tha Prokes Harold Re e'd Clay Coy Over Ba rnes Pharmac y. Tel. 27 I I e mese anguage s. e ze •. :· ,. 1,-

sa:ng a Ch in ese son g. If t he rest of ,Ra lph Sellhori;i, Cole. .....__.._._ _1!>--_............ f Washing and Gr easin g # .q;i,.J_..._.J . ..... the ir langu ag e is like th eir mu&ic it play was dM1rected by fl azel ! ....... I Polarine and Mobil oil I ' , see ms that it would ta ke th an ! 1 i ams Sta g: ·. anag er, Harvey !' S p E C J

; F ree cran k c ase serv ice "* 1 t wo yea rs to learn to sp-eak 1t. ICole , I · I " I ATTORNEY AT LAW The fin al play of the evening was I AMBULANCE AND Why hun t furthe r when you ' I A Mrs. Delzell cl osed her talk by I f b A B · · · I. FUNERAL DIREC TORY I .A know the best. NOTARY. PUBLIC f h . h h 'd a arc·e y nn a est Jod er, "The II " I s owin g _plctures, _wi t t e ai Decimal P oi nt." The n · L HORTON & CO

I Peru Nebraska of the pr oJ ec tm g ma chine, of the . _s ee e of the • • ' FLOYD PA I •th t f th t h' h h play w as m Solomon Smn's l aw off ic e I Phon e 128 P eru, Ne br I .A LM ER I • e par o e coun ry m w 1c s e ., · ".,... - ·k d The play w as direct ed by Mar ga ret "'-' - wo1 e . IC . I ::

I 11 PLENTY OF POWER I Ma rie Lash. 11

; Crystal Theatre I am mo re powe rful than the com-' Byron Bump, an in ven to r, ca lls on / f D SC _. I bined a rm ies of the w orld. I have Solomon Sinn, _a l awyer, to get fun ds : I A J OVERY WORTH 'WHJLE

I d estroy !'!d mo re men than all t he wars might_ finan_ce his ipven- j

J TUESDAY, JAN. 22 I of the world. I am more de a dly than , t10n. -?emse Darling, his sweethe art, There is a world of e nj oymen t in ev ery c up of our Iren e R ich in a sn appy li t tle bullets, a nd I have wrec ked more : com es m_ an d. a nd _ ann oun ces that her 1 I A th b h h Hot Chocolate. And eve ry vear h d d d" · comedy drama, f hom es th an the mi g htiest siege g uns. ,mo er is rmg 1ng er ere to sue J' un re s it. ' I " I I sp are no one, and I fi nd my victims a nobleman for heart balm. Sylv es-1 f Excellent Oyster S tews, and re al M exic an Chilli # Powder My Back" among t he r ich a nd poor alike, th e the w ealthy suitor, d oes I ! Al t· . h yo un g a nd old. the s'trong and the not ObJeCt to her get ting $50,000

Johnson, D.

I Masks 0 t e ev1 I ta ke all. I_am you.r worst en emy . I' gives By ron Bump hi s ch eck for five \ f FRESH. . nd I A bi g se n sational pic t ure of a A am CARELESSNESS. thousand to pay for th e l i P astry. a nd B akery A I fnan wi thout a con sc ienc e, a de- - J U po n examm ation of the checks 1t LS ; the prices? Th ey are 11 g ht , spoil er of w om en. You'll say II LEARN THE PIANO I fo und that the stin gy old mother's : I ROBB I NS' BAKERY f I it's moire th r illin g th an any of IN TEN LESSONS !check w as for only $50 because Syl-1 Peru , Ne b rask a I ; @ilberts yet. S __ ]ve ster had placed the decimal -in th e ;....,. ___ ._._...... f TENOR BANJO• OR wron g pl a ce, ';hile t

e. Al so co m- _. p opu lar n um b er by n ote. dr a and t he colle ge orchestra. 1 Groceries. .A 8 e cl y. "Do Gen1lemen Sn ore." f SEND FOR IT ON OPPROVAL '• J. I The "Hallm a rk Self-Instr uct or," is G A A TOURNEY

f .A the title of thi,s method. Ei ght yea rs

I COMING f were requir ed to peri ec t thi s g reat

28 2 30 H work. The en tire course wi th the I January , · 9, ' necessa ry e xa mina tion she et s, is bound Gam es so far Have Been Close and 1 lJ On e of t h-e outsta ndin g pic,t u res I in on e vo lume. Th e fi rst lesso n is nu- f the year, seal-ed which the stu-dent m?y ex am - Interesting I

"LJLAC- TfME" ine and be his own "JUDGE a nd JU- -'---r "

I RY.' The l at er part of th e "Hall- Th e gir l's volley ball tou rnament 'f


mar k Self-Inst ruc to r," i.s rn al ed. which is bein g played off in the col- I ..


• Upon the student returnin g an y , ii ,. copy of th "H a llm a rk Self-Instruc t- lege g ymnasium will be complet ed !; f or" wit.h the s eal unbroken , we w ill this week If

New 01.J StatJ.Oil i This ama zin g Self- Imtruc t or will Ma rtin's t eam ou t classed a nd out- I be sent a nywhere. You do not need m., I' ,

__ refund in full a ll money paid. On Monday, Janu ary 14, at 6:45 P· I Teachers Needed for Second Semester

to sendh a ny money.h When you! .re-scored ftheh Ek a rt. te am.42 tTh3eO fin al Boome r 's Te ache rs Agency . Full line of tires, and ceive t is new met od of teac :mg score o t e game was o . · automobile accessories. .A mu sic, De pos it with the Po st ma n the On Wedne sday, Janu a ry 16, at 8:00 I 124 N. 12th, Linc oln, Nebr•

f of te n. doll ar s. If yo u a:e n?t p. m. the Rea gan te am car rie d away I

GAS AND OIL ' en t irel y th e mon ey !?aid w1II th h r ;f th ening by defeat- 1; . .

W · be returned m full, upon written re- , . e ono s 0 e ev , e have a modern air hoist ques t. The Publi shers are anxious to I mg the Ho agland team 38 to 46 rn a 11_..,,._'°'_..,._....._ _ _....,._......, , to help us g ive the best service p lac e this " S.elf-Ins tructor" in the I cl os e a nd exciting gam e. . Ag ain on I

possible lubricating your hands of lovers ov er th e\ Thu rs day ni g ht t.he · Rea ga n team ap- 1-, ca r. country ., a:id 1s m a to make ; pe ar ed the best when tne y trounced

F h 0 ·1 C an a ttr a ctive propos1t1 on to a ge n ts. . orsyt I o. Se nd for yo ur c opy t od ay. Add ress the on ce vi ctori ous .Mart in te am to IJ THE NEW EST IN

1 1:he " Hallmark St a- the tune of 52 to 36 m a r ather on e11 tlon G, Post Office Box 111, New s id ed game At no ti me durin g th e ' 1 PRJ '; ' · .- n · game was the Martin team dan ge r- s NG WEARING A 1 1 ous in th eir th reat to ti e t he sc or e. · ppAREL .A ' Accor d in g to the score th e Re agan I ! ' S K A G G S 1 team h as a sli g ht ed ge ove r the oth er 1 .A


··'Tough Game," Says Lorb eer Concerning Coming Game




FEBRUARYS-9 Radio Installed to K eep up In te r es t " Moon" is Latest of Pi ano Instruc- I In M usic tors Succe sses

Dr. H211-Qu est Addresses Four Pays in ass an Wal te r Damrosc h, a fa mous orc hes- I Fraternity as Honor L

week, as we stated, we a re to Eight in Class B tra dire c to r und

R. T. Benford, pi ano instructor. h M I N K D ramati c an d "choo l d 11 · 1 The Delta A lph a Pi , educatio n fr a- 1 p d . th e · · · · · an co eg-e mu sic c asses are

In last weeks e agog1, n ere w2s . t t "ll be held February listen ing to a ll of these concerts. The ternity·, g av e a infor mal at t he dor- a note of Benf ord 's last comp osi- 1Music con es WI , • · · 8 d 9 Frid ay and Saturday u nder o rigi nal ar ran ge me nt of t he s eries is: mi to ry dinin g hall, Tuesd ay ev enin g, tion. It is, as wa s,,sa1d, a song-wa ltz 1 an • ' seri es A', grades three a nd fou r; se- January 22. called "Moon". This is an en tranci ng I t he sp onsorship of Peru State Te ac h-

t he au spi ces of Guest have, from t ime to time, ne ws con- Groups the ra d io corpo ration of Americ a, cernin.g the success· of various m emKEARNEY 1928 CHAMPS gi ves a un ique course of e ducat ion in hers of ou r fa culty. T he firs t of MUSIC ENTRIES GROW m u.s ic consist ing of fo ur series of SEVENTY H E A R HIM these WI'ite -ups is on th e success of I "It will be a 1;ough game and we will hav e to fig ht to win i t," were the words of Co ach " Dutch" Lorbeer when app ro a ched by a Pedagogian reporter on the su b ject Qf the Bo bcatAntelop e game to be sta ged in P eru Thurs day ni g ht conc e rts , ove r the radi o. Many high

The luncheon was g iven in honor ries 'B', grad es fi ve a nd six; seri es comp osition, a nd no li ttle credit is Iers College. 'C ', Ju nior High School ; and series 'D' due him for his acc omp lishments. It A like co ntest was >S taged last ye ar, H h s h 1 d II Th of Dr. Hall-Quest, who has b een here d b h" , , 1g c oo an co eg e. ese con- has not on ly been recognize y ts "th 0 li'ttle amo u nt of success It Peru journey ed to the An tel op e s ts · f 1 ·1 the past week for the pur™'se of fi nd- f k · t w1 n cer are give n r om 0 a. m. unt1 r·- frien ds as a fi ne pi e ce o wor m ma- d . d 1 t t hat t his grazmg g1•ound l as t y -ear an d the ll a. m. on Frid ay mo r nin g every in g out w hether the Pe ru chapter of sic, but it has also b ee n recog nized was et ermme as year end of t he a llo tted fQrty mm utes two wee k s. The la st concert was Fri- Del ta Alpha Pi met the qualification s by lead ing musicians a nd criti cs. sh oulg be an annual affair were on the short end of a 31 to 26 1 day, Ja nuary 22 when the 'A' a nd ·,:C' for nationalization. H owever, " Moon" is not the only In the Dram atic demartm e nt of the sco:re a nd Ke a rney won state tit le. series. concerts giv en The alter- All me mbers of Delta Alpha Pi, all suc cess c redite d to Mr. B enford, for co ntest there were th ree plays ente rT h1s y ear must aven ge this d efe ait. nate gra des c oncerts are g iven on the sophomores, junior s, a nd senio rs, who he has seve ral other c omposit ions i ed in b oth c lass A and class B l ast Also, this will be the seco nd an d n ex t d ate. A five minute march is met the scholastic requirements for w hich h ave been .we ll rec ei ved by mu- J year. This ye ar t he re are four. p lays m ost im po rta nt co nfe r ence gamz an-cl pla yed be tween concerts for t he pass- the frateni ty; all members of the fa c- sic lovers, nea r a nd far Ie ntere d in t he classA group, an_d . t f p 11 'rtua ll y . g f l ass s ul ty who b el ong to n ati on al fraterni- h f t d a v1c ory or eru w1 v1 · 1n o c e .

Mr Benford's first success a J eight pl a ys are t us ar en e re m clinch the N. 1. A. A. title for the Mr Da mrosc h wish es to emph asize a nd t he S{>.o nsprs a nd c.ffi c ers of pi 'l no so lo called "Da nc e of the. class B. This in creased int erest takB b t · th h 1 d d d a ll the fr ate rnities in the s chool, we re h b 1 • h 1 · · o ca s since ey ave a rea Y e- th at three concerts are intend e to Woo den D olls." This piece as een en bv t he s urroun di ng sc oo s is mf.eate d Wa yne, vic t ors over Oma ha- sup pl·ement s uch instruc t ion as the special guests at t he lun cheon. wi d ely r ecogni zed as a pi ec e of art, Idi catlve of t he influence of the wo rk Universi ty , and Ch a dro n, a nd th ese pupils may re c ei ve in their scho ols, to Jone :r;-ecently el ect- an<;l t he composer is often re quested d one by th is co n test last ye ar, an d two te am s are the only on e's re mai n- s ti m ul ate th eir love for music, and to ed presiden t of Del ta Alpha l'.1• pre- to play this n umb er while on co nc erti' it sho ws that th is colleg es fo; li k ely ing on P er u',s conference sched u J.e. Ien co u rage them in self expression sided over t he luncheon. T he pro- tour to d raw a lar ge nu mber of those The Kearney Antel opes, 1928 bas- throu gh s ch oo l courses a nd o rches- , g ram was as .. His secon d a ttempt was. equa lly I youn g people are interested in ketball c hampio ns, w hen th ey inv ad-e 1 tra.s. Instru me n tal Tr10 - - V. H. J in d ra, I received, It is recog mzed as a I music a nd dr amatics. a loc al court Thurs day will ha ve a Mr. Damrosch t·ells many wo nd e r- R uth Shelley, J oe Jo n es work of, art as a Chri stm as Ca ntata, I The r eadi ng con test, i naug ur ata smooth wor ki ng ag gre g at ion, and f ul stories to k eep th e c hild r en in t er- Voc a l: Solo __ _: __ Ruth Shel!ey I a nd is called, "A nd !hou Bethler_em ." ed 't his ye ar, : en will be pr ep ared for a b attle ro yal, ested in the music a nd instrumen ts Acc omp anied by A. E. H olc h The words to t!;11s piece w ere _ ":' ritten It is h op ed mt eres t m deand a rmed with a de termination to Th e tra in i ng scho-01 is equ ipp ed to Violin Solo - V. H. Jind ra by A. J. D unlap of Oma h a. This ca_n- 1part of th e t ourn an men tn wi ll he ga in two ch a mpi ons h ips, a nd recei v-e these con certs w hen give n, Acco mpa nied by Ruth Shelley tata was given by. the I bu i lt up sufficient ly t his yea: to m. t · s over the Bo bcats , a fe at a nd th ro ugh the cou rte sy of' Mr. I t d t" J oe Jon es ch urc h ch oir at Christmas, and it was l sure a la rge nu mber of entnes vi e o ne n ro uc ion - . d "th h ·1 a e an d en Th t t ·11 t k olace m that is a ccomplis hed rarel y, ei th er by Clements, Superin ten de nt, any co l- L. Hall -Quest receive w1 muc Pe sur - year. e con es w1 e _ · amat e ur or co lleg e team s. lege st ud ent w ho does not h ave a Address - Dr. A. thu siasm the little the ater, b egm m ng F rid ay h · · An e xcelle nt dinn er was served c on- W a on ly wish Mr Benford ft t l ·30 h"l th An telop es miss their cl ass at this time in t e mornmg is e c n . : a e rnoon a . . W le e B II they have. in vite d to h ear these concerts. - sisting of': mu ch s uccess in the fu ture wi th The followi ng scho ols ' h ave a lrea -:l y elong at_ed c·ente r, of fr esh- Cockta il comp ositions, a nd then h Ls si g ned U!) to riresen tJ pl ays in class A: had, t hi s year, an a bun k d t DEBATERS OPEN M.ash ed PPootraktoReso

man n1

Sch oo l

a-;; , and have wol'ked them I into a smooth working a nd fast team.

I t i9n more t han we needed class ednTh e rem ov al of the Oma ha Uni v er- The debate of the season takes cation. He also emphasized that the si ty from t he race le a ves Ke arnev and I' with Dana College at: Bla ir educator pf today should reco i niz <:l Peru we ll out in front of the In this contest Peru will up- individu al difference-; Fur tr. ermore ence race. The tilt wi th the Antelop es fold' the and Dana will d_e- Dr Hall-Quest stated that t he peopl·e will, with out a doubt, ha ve an im-) end the . ._ The debate l of today lacked t raining . in the use p ortan t be a ring on the co nfe rence J be a non affair due to a prior , of the hand. The address was well agr eement of the coaches. e i ed b b t t champ 10nsh1p.. A victory over Kear- j T . r ce v Y a ou seven y persons ·11 b bl h . he loc al negat ive team, picked as attended the luncheon n ey w1 p ro a y mean a c amp1on- a res It f th t t h Id D · · · ship for Peru . I u o e ry-ou s e Coach Lo rbeer h as been pu tt in g his , :eearm141.n' maet affiJ ,r mative l 1

prac ice e a e on anuary A proto ges t hroug a ha rd· _workout 24 in t he college a ud1torium. The W YNE



last few d i>ys and a fi g hting, well-011- affi·i·mat· e · d f A 1 . 1v comprise o very ed mac hine IS e x:pect ed to present it- G ai nes and Wayhe Catlett, ma de a Young and Hurst Scor.e Heavily for self Thursday mgb.t. magnificentJ showing, despite the short time they had spent in collectPeru BOBCATS EASI°L Y ing material and preparing a case. Peru started out with a bang in 1.h e


! Contrasted w ith this the negative sta te conference by d efe ating the __ ' team made up oJ Leslie L eonard, fast W ayne tean:i by the dec isive Junior College No Ma tell for Si x- I Ralph Chatelain, and Archie Martin, Iscore of 40 to 27. . foot Peruvians Ma de a good s howing, having posses- Although the score was not so cl S !:) ed an immense advantage in C@oaCh- neve t heless the game was an exThe and in g, collection 6f material, an d the ceedingly one. At the e nd defensive pl ay of Wasley preparation of a of the first .half Wayne was go in g Hertz an d t he o ffen sive woTk of h

Mr. Lindsey a nd the debaters have strong t e score was 17 alike at Krej ci pr oved to o much for the less- been busy for the p as t month work- the e nd of the ha lf. exp er ience Norfolk team, .and the w t th · in g on the question, and believe that ayne s oo n gave way o e s1x- Bobcats carried away th e game by a f t d y d H they now h ave .a case th at will be 00 ers an oun g an urst got decis ive sco re of 47 to 20.. "hot" and boosted the score out of ' t h equal to that of any te am th ey will Norfo lk was the victim of a ouhg I meet this year reason. break e arly in the first h a.If w en This game puts Peru out in lead in their sc oring a ce Ned Lulow, had to MOVING PICTURE CAMERA. the S tate Conferenc e. Thursday's tilt retire to t he s ide lines af t.er suffer in g wi ll cinc h the championship· for the The college footb all men were ena seve re to hi s l eft shoulder tertained at t he hi gh .school. assem- Bobcats. in a fall on the ha rdwood. floors.

• bly Wednes d ay afternoon by the stu. The fi r st half provided much excit- clents of t he high s chool. ment fo r t he fan s, t he junior college The period was turned over to the hoopstt;_,rs ba ttling t he Peru team on showin g of movin g pictures. These



. , . . j Silence Please Verdon

The Glrl s Athletk Ass ociation ; Not Qui te Such A Goose __ Shubert

brou ght thei r annu al volley ball to u r- : The Florist Shop Stella nament to a close last Wednesd!:'y Humbold t a nd Un a dilla are to en ter night, ,when t he fast Reag an team phiys, but the n ames have not been defeated the Ek art te >im by t he ,de- sent in yet.

cisive score of 53 to 36. I H erbert Yenne, of the University Getting o ff to an early le ad the of Nebraska, has been chosen as the Reag an te am was forever judge for the dram a tic depar t-n ent of "n rl gr ad :i:> lly drew aw11y from the the contest. Mr. Yenn e is well kn (' wn l ess -accuarte-hittin g Ekh art t eam. in dram a, circles and a more compeAlthou gh t he sc ore is decidv e the tent person could sca rcely be found Ekhart team disp layed a rem a rkable in this section of the coun t ry, amo un t of sportsmanship which made the ga me intere.st in g through ou t.

Mond a y's game brou,ght a d efeaa for t he Ek Ht team a nd a wi rn for the


'Ho ai;l a nd team. T he game was a Talks on " The Flaming You th of gocd on-e, the score bein g t ied at 1 , various t imes, and neither te am beChina" i ng very in the lead. T.l'ie Y.M. Held their regu lar mee tiro.me with the score standm g ·in g Wednesday even ing in th e Li ttle 49 to 40 m favor of the Hoag la nd 1 The at re M;r. Ennis gave an interes t'- inp: talk on " Th e Flaming Youth of On T ue1day mght t he Ma rtm ·Chin a." te 2m pl ayed the Hoagland, ?u t they J Much of Mr. Enni s' t alk was based were n ot eoual to t he furi ous on- on his actu al exnerie nce in the or ien t. sl aug ht of th e te am an d The talk created much int er rst ?mong were sn ow und er by the sco re of the men of the colleae. Manv of the 42 to 26. !men rem a ined after"' th e' in These ga mes are for the pu rp ose ! an effort to g et Mr Ennis to rev eal of creating an in oorest in g irls ath-' more of his i ntereEting ad ventures let ics in the college. Volley ba ll is while in t he orient. a nation al sport and is becomin g I Mr Ennis' talk was based on the more interest in g year by ye a r. The : ex p erience he h ad gained wh il e he G. A. A ha ve sh o wn remark able Iwas workin g in Ch ina as a newspas kill in maste rin g the g ame. 1 per corespondent. w eek the meetin g w ill be in fairly even b asi s. At the half ti me·/ pi ctures •have been taken about the High

th e P eru vi ans led by the score of 20 campus at various tim es recently by Farewell Pa rty to 14. a of the Eastman Ko-

The j uniors., h -0 wev er, were not ab le dak Comp a ny, who was here dem on- A party was given in hon or of to with stand t he fi erce on sla ug ht of strating the u se of the ca mera. The Mrs. Price a he soci al hour by th e the six -fo oters, aRd the Bobcats had machine is a Eastmen 16 m.m pro- Junior hi gh sc hool g irls ·club on Friit muc h their own w ay durin g the jecting m achine The representative d ay, J anuary 25. last half. T he g ame ending 47 to 20 showed two re a l.s; one of the coHege Lunch was serv·ed. by seventh an d in Pe ru's fa vor football team in action, and the oth- eighth g rade Home Ecrnomics gi rls


Hi-Y , the form of a play; hour, wh ic h will

The Hi- Y movement is st arte d v ery well and i9 attended by abo ut fourteen boys.


Jess Th orp was rece ntly el e cted to principalship at Bradshaw, N eb rask a, wi th an increase of salary. He has Mr. Fling has returned to his hom.e 1 been teaching at Bradshaw for the in Texas, after bein g assured that past two years. J ess is one of the his daughter Mrs Norwood was on ! ma ny Peruvians who is ma king good her way to recovery. in his chosen work.

The Hi-Y club of the hi gh scho ol be i nterest ing to a ll t he men of th e met1 at the trainers buildin g at six.' c ollege-be, iS Ure and come o ut. thirty, January 24. Lun ch was serv-1 W iltch for further announcements ed by Mac Dunl'ling, which consist- concerning t he meetin g on Febr.uary ed of crackers a nd four-inch cubes of 6. er of the fishing industr y. Th e color scheme carried out thruInvi tati ons to participate in the I The au-ditorium h as had blinds in- out the party was pink a nd white. . . . stalled whereby the room may be Ga mes were played and g irls showthird an n ual h 1gh school debate 1darkened for Iant-er s1i des and motion ered her with wishes for her .success nament w hich is to be held at I pictures. The Eastman representa- in her new work. Mrs Price i& leavLand college, February 21-23, were I tive was in Peru in the hopes of se ll- 1 ing for Columbia Univer.Eity where sent to 50 high S'Chools in Nebraska Iin.g the high schoo l a movin g picture s he will ,continue her work for the and Iowa machine. n ext sem ester.

School Students Give Mrs. Price








Entered at the Postoffice of Peru, , . y Nebraska, as second class matter ;--(_ Weekly at Peru State Teachers C_ollege the Year-Sc single copy STAFF








STEVE TURRILt.E R. G WHITTEMORE . !H<',me-mad e P ies-.Geo. flace. - A.dv learnmg _ : - ·' Th e s econd lec tu re wa s at conv oca-. ' ' I d" app ointed tion time. He t he top ic was "Appre- 1 I . you'll not be • rss ...

e c'ia tion." Dr.• Hall -Q uest \'s ai d th at h I if you get y ou r hair c qt at

Guest of Delta _ Alpha Pi belie v ed apprec iation to be secon I BOB KNAPP d ' - only to understandin g in t he e',d qc a I ('Next to Gaines Hall on the dE ucation Fraternity I tive proces s. I T d A ll the le<;:tures deli vered we r Pavement.) ... _ - · . ' hi g hly profitable a nd thorou gh ly en SPEAKS TO STUDENTS j oye d by b ot h stu d ents facu_lty. e -

Dr Alfred L. Hall-Qu est noted edu -' c ator, s pent 'last Tuesdey and Wednesday on the Peru c,lim.pus. Dr. HallQuest was here at the request of the D el ta Alpha Pi fraterni ty , to insp ect the 'school, in reg-ard to nation alizing

t hat fraternity. : · 1 "


Tuesday morning · Dr, Hall-{iuest I ! spoke to the student teachers and wtien an excelJent -menu of

# ·w. T. DA VIS, '06, Manager .; members bf fh e' ' pla'ceme'nt bureau ·iii weU ' balanced food, q 1,.1 i.ck and I · Eh 38 the, high school auditorium. He talk- service awaits you - one f ed on the needs of the teac.hing pro- things taste better. · ' I No . 12th St. .{..i ncoln, Neb r. ' fe sis ion, and the equipment needed by , I ' I t he just 'going into the · That's the reason· your favor- , 1 Tuesday evening Dr Hall-Quesh vas ite and meet ing'r place _...,_._._...,_

dMr, dI.indsay hantdhed bust whh a tt he th at ha ve ri sin have worked re sponsi- :the guest of the Delta Alpha Pi , to , ,l>,e, t_he .b e,.st _·· :6 _ I JU ge among e es s or es- hie work, which is educat ion and t ernity at a seven o'clock dinn er · at · ,, · , f -

says . handec,t in, in his En g lish class character. Mt. Vernen dining .hall.- He sp-oke

Jn.s t semeste'r.:·. We a re now publish- ' on suJ;>j,ects of intl!rest to the frater • ' and dance par-1

ing two of them as h iind in. We will It is not an,d was not a mere edu- nity. · ues.

be g·lad to accol)lqdate other dep art- cational task. Anybody could teach T d · D H 11 Q t

· · I <IY · r. a - ues was

ments iri :the future ,. providin g t he es - boys trades and give them an elemen- tu r es on Wednesday. He Epoke ju the

says are ot reason,able length ai:d 1 tary education.. · Such tasks have been college auditoriqm at 9:50 and prac- ·

ha ve been typewrittei;i. and correc ted. done since the begirtning of · ci v iliz a-· tically-_ al caSSE_lS Were dismissed in or-

tion. But thi.s task haa to be done ' der th;it- evt;ryone might hear him

SUCCESS with the rawest of raw, _!llatel'i al, done ' topc of his $peech was

Success is not what a man does for with the civiliz'ation of the standing.'.' He stiiessed the poin-t th

himself, is not "·eve what he does · "U d t d.

" race, anc;l so done as n.ot to run acro ss n ers an 1ng

for h.fa !ellowmen : There is altogeth-

race lines and social lines, that are

er too much talk about socil!l service, the strongest forces in the communi-

and the community .:spirit, and the ty. It had :to be done for t he be nemoney maker, and what a man owes fit of the whole community. It had G.Q.Q D .. , G R (} CE.R··f.E S I in the way of big thin.g s. to be done, moreover, .without loc al

''l'HURSDAY ON.LY mans rst duty is to his family help; in the face of the direst pover- I T IM McCOY iq If' he marries, brings ch i ldren .the ty , 1 done by ·heg-g-ing, land done in - Light house keepers and fa'cµlty when ' ,, .r.he Bushanger " world, and· then is pre1;>ared to work spite of the ignorance of one race ' • ' . ' I I him self to death to' take . o'f and the prejudice of the other. . .. · want fresh Jruit and vegetables give f Do n't forg et fr ee Crtina on wife and children a nd give his young _. t · l W d I' · ' t this ni g ht. sters a.proper start he has done his No man living had a harder task, US a rta

bit ·And one ' slfould- have a lot · and a task that called for more' wis- '·

more d t d 't . h Th

r espect for these 'iJ co'inplairiin g' mar-' 0 Wo , e true :neashure , ,

.D. a ·. E' D F E R N ' ,.

FER 1-2 ·· tyrs than for most of the "'orl.cl work- o r. as mg ton s-.s, uccess 1s, t en, _., " n · 1.:

STARRIN G RICHARD DIX in ers. The world ·@1'ds them' not is teac1iings :- at · Tuske g ee, nor "

more.. S even gaining tlie support of benevo-

in S ... d d 1 lent p ers ons at a distance, but this-

Qua r'terbac k. d uc cess IS JU ge 0 : Of us in that ev ery Southern White m a,.n of

c·har a cter· ana of Wisdom has bee n

place in which he-riv and even of the

often, by ;0h e

in which· he r· t Oh! what · To say that . ,.Mr.., Wasb_in g ton ha

mock ery to vyithout , won the

· Sou t hern White men;. is to sa tha

a ny lov ed rn f riends. How Oln'P"er-rr= vv·mi:c:;-m-errms-;:i;?-s· umn - " 0 " I dark the how gray the hall s; he worked the hi'g hest pr.actical


n.;. · " Wisaom at a lar'ge constructive t as k. ;

h · · · has so well succeeded' that the South I

they are but evils sary part of his task: and in this he f , ;

w ic to quote our littleness. · h . d h' h d f ,. 914 Central Ave., Nebr

as a sincere an 1g regar or ;

- .{vj we w1h·n take a g1himpse _at the J:iim.. IUs well for our common coun- '

poor man w o comes ome 111 the t th t th


ev enmg, after a hard days work; to h' ,_ d d h' hi

h ;

1s WI .e wa1tmg ID t e doorway with i, S

. : h is wor111 - are re.gar e as 1g y m

· ' e ou as m any o er part o e

a on her rosy lips, and the chi!- U

dren playing in the ' Iivmg room with mon. o man o our 1011 th · t Th "· h


a more noteworthy achievemen t e1r oys. e 0115 may e small t hi d' t" h' d

d d' d d'l 'd d h o s ere 1t nan t 1s; an 1t is an m-gy, abn f1 aphi ate d, t e fur- achievement of moral earnestness fo r m ure may e o t e cru est kind th 1 th f h h 'ld ' the strong char a cter or a man who e c o es o t e c 1 ren may be 1 t -" S £ on e a gTea n ational service.- ragged and ·tor)1. The place may not Ch K 'b b 'd f . . esier or er. even e pa1 or; m fact 1t may not even be owned. But the man knows that he is welcome, that heve ,is someupon whom he can depend; they will stick with him thru sickness· they wiJ.l smile with him thru fortunate times, and t hey are depen-


dant upon him. It is not a burden New Machinery Being"Placed in Posi- to his s houlders; it is a care to which tion This Week



such a 'little thing, few Good progress is being made on TUES., JAN. '29;TARKIO, AT PERU Benedict's fres hm en 0 us ·0 tain it in the larger sense, the .w.ork at the new 11'ght plant. It (P 1· ' 'T' I F h ) freshme n.) r. t tt · re 1m1nary....::.::... Ji a mage vs., · res . or 0 a am or even approach · com- is not rapid because it i.s the lie clings. It is home. . vs. Peru plete success In life is .- to near- the Thur., 3i--, -Kearney at Peru W d F b W t h (M kind of work that wm permit speedy · .e ., · e z , . en wort o.) Mil· of our ideals and when Qne eaches the top he can no longe performance. Handling pieces of ma- Thur., Fehr.. 7, Wayne at Peru. itary Aca demy at P er u. - chinery ranging from two to six tons in is not calcul atecr to boost Fri., Febr. 15, St. Benedict's' '.(k'aa.) '. Frr., Ma r. 1, Oma.ha, Universit y at Peru We musb fall again. . one"s record for swiftness. However at Peru. - (Preliminary ... Tues., Mar 5, No rt hboro, (Ia.) at Pe ru1 there has been steady and effective •. Success is a sh a dowy thing, always

ADM. BUDGET TICKET OR 50 Cen t.s. eemingly .within our grasp, but. just progress tow a rd the completion of the

· t f h big task the boys had ahead of them. qu o reac ; for some it is money; ===• am:uu: a && as EW!9¥i ssawwww:at.M&&aas 1? r others it is love; some · live for During the past two weeks ,the The 1929 basketball schedule of the gym on 'l:hurs day, February i i;i vade Pe ru on We dnesda , Februarv -'!tuos .'a:m.t aq1 JO :iuawaouuApu aq:i foundation for the big en g ine and Peru State Teachers College offers 7 The Bobcats .and the Wildc a ts 27 . The s oldi e f L . J the fruits of victory. But what- g ene ra tor has 'been built Thi s had an unusual opportunity to the south-- h.ave not been to g ether on the maple ,·hav l crs rom ex 1ngton, Mo ., er our i'deaLs succe"s 1• · th rt that the wo1·k of · N b • · e a ways ranke d hi"gh i·n t he Mi·s· • " · · s e .· erm- e·ast e raska ' t · '·92.; Th ' ·11 h

tt• h ..1

urn! pomt of a well ruh race -Will- se mg t e machinery was be g un at


C<>Ur s1nce " .:>. 1s w1 .,, e a con-

· noon Monda - -At th' · 't' Th On Tuesday, January 29th, Tarkio tilt and may have a decided

y. is wn mg, urs- p . h h.

,, . . .. "" , . me is i p ace, as 1s .

..iay noon the eng· " ·n 1 • · colle ge will journey to. e.ru wit

h '-;. EDUCATION · also the g en e rator. The force is now !!f_ riday, l'.ebrua ry 15, St. edic t 's I .. am t an usu al. _ _ is not :a t hing apa rt from busy sliding the h"ah·es of the four - the i:i u:pie and white - College will pla_y a return game at Omah a U niv ers ity will v isit t he hfe, not a not a philosop hy: tori ,fly wheel into their • pl aces, and school f?r many 'J'.h,e :ralmage Peru The fig hting_ lads from At cJ: i- I Peru c amp us on F ri da . itl is a direct tea chin"g of how to li ve placing the main shaft' between the A. C. will clash ,with the Peru fresh- sdn have served notice • upon ithe Bob- ! a.n e nd · , . . y, March 1, ip ,J ,. • r · k' · h ' · e avor to ra is th" ' · and how to wo 'k. · · engine and generator" in positiOn. It men m a. pre \mmary s irmis · ·ic ats that they mtend to aven ge their th e e mse lves in I• Booker '!;. W itshington £he world's ' is expected that this - part of th e On Thursday, January 31,' the defeat of 27 to 23 last week Periivi- -! .' e. column Hubk a 's t eam . ' K I 1 t N b 1 Tl · · I is nn provmg a tl · greatest coJ01·ed industrial teacher work -will an be accomplished by the ' earney Ante opes, as years e- ans, eware . us ts one of t he t n Wt ll gi ve the Bob a'nd perhaps the most per- end of the we ek, Thi s, however , will -braska State Champions, will ag ain stron gest colle giate tea ms .in Ka nsas ., s a merry batt le in t he ir l ast confJ ct ·?f this defin ition : To still leave ?1uch !o The !;team do their to r:tain the .we ek_ wa lloped the famou s I t:: ;:ce contes t of t he seaso n. This 1 E? g- and fit'tin g ' are all to be I buntmg. : Th1.s wrll Umvers1ty te am 30 to 19. In I land c:on from the strong G rand Isor". Hebvew, Is · ver}" small: To mstalled the e,Iectrical appa,ra t us a nd the cl:iamp10nsh1p and W11l of- the past they have batt led on e ven I 0 He ge cages t ers , w?_I' k;' fs 'Yhat ' pl_? ced1 ?t her jobs fer a of thrills to be remem- ms w i.th. the te ams ! bor: Tu esday, ;M a rch 5, Northh1s mastet> did m one way attd• hunger ' finished. F. M. Pettit, superm te nd- bered. Don Elhott, 6f t he Nebraska m the Ka nsas City regi on. As a cu r -1 A. C. of N orth bo ro 1 .11 done in an6theri yet 'both• these' en f of the plant, estim ates that it !' University, and John Wulf, of Kan - 1 ta ·' -rais e r, t he St. Bene dic t's F re sh- return to Peru. M ost of ;h o;a, left Southern" life where· they found new "Unit in running order, and ready Isas University and Hilly ard fame·, will will oppose ,Pe ru Co lleg.e l that hard -fouo-ht b ;·n_ it:', But to teach 1the'J be gro t'<Y . do will still take thirty d·ays to get the officiate in thi_s battle Fres hies. ' '· - i 8 Whe n .the Bdb"'c t el O'. ed and skillful work,, ·as men of all the race s to the into the system. I Wayne State C<tllege will be at the \v en tw or tb Aca.demy will· -0 ut t he st bge. '

.score ·Of 37 to 33 s o w1n y a



could not he but following

l is •1loo ueup for the Peru high: , , , "Say it with Flowers" •W. Williams; ·forwa'ra. , Umon College '.have recently install. e an 10norary pams frat ernity, I. Wiiliams, forward.. 0- 1- - - :--h · ! CUT FLOWERS Pate, cel'lter. ', · ·.




' Watchriiaker and J eweier '


11l'UNE·D,&'f\. nESIGNS' , Lo Camaradas .tispanoles.. I l 'J ,

ses to Sterling After___Five Succes" Newt.on , g_ua,rµ.: , -·" ,

WEDDING BOUQUETS · v;ctoric;s : , Tr :


. . ,_.;.' ' .'.:'- .•--T-::7 i ;

! I ' \\8 result ?,astiitg.s• now making . ' . . The Peru ,. Bobki tte ns their of two field g.9als by Pate, and ?,ne by plans for a declamatory contest to be '

, lJViA,iN;fS I l' , r helcl sofiietlfue fo! Ma'rcM· " · ' ' WIRE PHQNE WRITE • defeat of .:.ti{e se.as&n li.t;"trui h..in ds d.f Tyno?· ,, i

· s'choo11ast _.F1'.day .. KS" '

nr gh: t. The Peru bO'ys had hung tip 'a opportunity to Ec1!iy, ,. , Cify; 1 I vd1e.cfteoartietsassto- DEAR ,:,. '. a W!il\ ;of find a? ?f ......

" ; sev eral yolumes on practical social,

. ed partfou larfy bi tlte r. Th'e score was It ., has been :. a long time since I

6 to :17.

t/A }t ·K

t, wrote • to you, hut you


The gatne is aint been worryi.ng none cause you Debate activities :,

1· a. slow ,. and w:iinteresting• o11e, re- know I• / foo;i) '. ,14, when ,the affitm a:etve YO'.{)]{ ' w ith IJ..O,or. :plays ·00 the part of F!>ad I'm all of. cas4 and I need t.eai;i '_.pf t'h,,e- ' . ' · ''EL'ECTRIC SHOP · · the .Kitte,ns. And . it is . rarely 11eme • pr.atty pad «:a use - you kn.ow the . Greight<>11 . neg ii_tive team fo ,a, no- ·f . •" , - · ·-· ito in·: 111il:fis,., it is ho'Y ,4oep d? i?ate the ; •!

" only ·f·air to "the Peru team to say L.theff 1is 1 bord , an<jl every- sc oo f ·' Shoe«repainng a•• 'GoJDfortable! • .• h b r' ' •, "[ ., •' ., t l!,t it ,was, seriouslY .,1:1andicaP,P,,ec;l ., Y - • -. · NEEDS _s a cial- i the _ Sllfallness of ,to ,th11 dem"inshions of a pan- d'i:J!fJ Y" 8fp_ e were defe:_at- -. . . r -.. ing floor, and the fowness of cafJe:, ;<, . 1 " e ast ' \ ,) .J .• \, , · to c:or :v eih i;d al t and score 2& .to 1 Midlai:id 'fOn < • o,n ..East game on J3, l!lBY, - ai;id bf bet my 1y e;y I lfo-ame; ', ):? i;hfnd ·

4.. ( . Side of the Street) f be the.re'll be a different story, · them p e::p.fessei:s just stayed .t!free-quarfers of tlie game. I " ·1, ,. , ·· " . > < · • 1 ,.· I "T;he 'r;dr t he,. team 1,1,p 't_ll quef>- FRAMES · · Wf'l cpuldp',t., ans't'er. Any- "" ' ' .

ii , t • J ' • .• way I though they were av.t.ful'; I :New·Oil I,

'FINISHING I t' Malted , Milks-'-George's Say , yott folks should :be up here ...,_.... • ,_..__ to- see ailt he tu·hny' ,._ y6h 'Full line · of "a,na · CAMERAS CLARY;S ''CAFE · .... b'- I

". · see th1s way;' First it snows all ,, '.

MEALS, 'LUNCHES, "6 I J. D. GRAVES \ ov,er' then 'it :r!ai ns "and freez €s ev- GAS AND OIL .

SHORT ORDERS g 1 I .ATTORNEY A'F LAW [ · •anq ·'then it repeats the We' haYe" a:

2 doors sou th of Post Office

,•. find this store a ·satisf!'{ctory p'lace Bl'e in

their Fresh ?1eats, Lunch. and, canned

. tys, they get :-a place an ' slick and

I . milk, fre sh and frmte and Everythmg ·. f then stand it's 'wai·ili ,1

4 , Io.r the table. Serv.1ce good and prices - " ( ;lnd ..\fatch' the girls lall down. 1 • Suite 410-11 Symes, J)enver....l...M; ,E., Shuck, Ph. p.; Manage' , · , . .-...... -'fHE -MAR-DIS ST-ORE.. .. :: ·.r got ..a; ·]oke 'tell SQU.. At appirc;rits to ' fi,l'i ey erybody fauglied when · Mr. Brown

..... told !t se We .. We specialize in' l'adies' and children's hair cutting, .1 had ·.a history te st- .and one of. the. ,. ,, . . 1. . ·_ ··. ·AN .

·{;' -:·.: , , shampooing, scalp treatment, facials, manicuring----'Sil ·. i was what .'s ;8lack lines of beauty c:uJture. Your patronage appreda'tecl: For I Some guy said it was ' Have 'Your Overcoat' :C_ ·N9.w !

A poiotmens Phone 187, Monteith's Resi dence. t Cruso s man he found ., 0 n 1 the · p ' . 1s'larrd.' Now wasn't that' clever. It . Cleaners and 'Tailo'ts t. TAYLOR S BEAUTE SHOPPE ··look'§ like ·anyone would- know t!lat it · ....... _ ..... a'.daY. when sun didn't come ..........




f BOBCATS LOSE TO 1 1--::-NUAL TRAINING f ' DR. N. s. HARA.HAN i beth-"Now what are the witches? FAST ST · Joe Krejci- That's the hour when HARD

, Mrs. Norwood, while teaching Ma c- I




DENTI the. wife greets you with, "W ell, Tar kio Comes Ou t On Top tWith -a. ' X-RAY SERVICE 'wi t ch' ;itory is it this time," 31 · to 23 Score LACQUER, ENAME L Over Barnes' Pharmacy. Tel. 27

Aubunl, Falls City, and I. d I; PAfND H t Ch"li toe-George's Place-Adv. Plattsmouth Oustand- The P eru Bobc ats w ent owp to a

0 I , I AL ing Rivals 31 to 23 defeat before T arki o, last I COAL CO Thursday, at Ta rk io , in a game that ' MBER CO '

STERLING PLAYS HERE was fille d with pep and accur ate bas- 1 I MEEK LU M • W. J. RABEL, gr I ket s ho ot in g. I' 48 Peru, Nebr. H E R E ' T I S ', Wi th a d efea t fr eshly in mind, the I Peru assumed a good bra nd of bas- I Phone f I iPeru Bobkittens we nt to Humb o1dt, 1 ketball fo r the fi r st few mi nutes of ; ._.._..__

# j to da y, to pl ay th e 'Humboldt five. , play, but s o.on gav e way to the ;......,_....,_..,._

I IHumboldt h as been playing good curate shoo t ing of speedy I

am bµr ge r nn I ball so far this ye ar, a nd the game! 4f ter leadin g fo r the fost • A. E 0

j I po rm ises to be a to ugh o ne fo 11 the I few m inu tes Peru g:av e way when X I ki ttens. 1 t he s co re was tied by a Tarkio man 1J 11 8 f th' .t 1 k "f j I mmedi a tely afterwards an otheF field • Phone 36 . o ar 1s season 1 oo s as 1 ' goal fo r Ta rkto p utA..}iem m the lead, I ' l Coach Wonder w as gomg to de velop I d p bl t t h . _ . An eru was neve r a e o ca c l!lp. ...._. I an other ch amp1ons ntp t eam :lior th e T . ht T I · 11 I h -· "'h K. h . omg ar oo w1 pay ere, Pt epste rs. l e 1ttens ave wo n 'P . tt II t d f th t 'I





. . . eru IS pre y we une up or e s . W'th a Sm1 e fiv·e out of SIX st arts Their Six th ft f 1 . . erv1ce 1

I . . . game a er a success u in vaSton on W A Y i • with the Sterling qumtet '"'.as the Wa yn e a nd Norfolk teams • R JG HT A . 'f th eir first d efeat of the seaso n. While " i I t he P er u boys did not offer any ex- U . C 11 t C 11 v· I SHOE SHOP • HA URGER HOT DOG . . . mon o ege a o e ge 1ew ; MB , •; 1Jl anat1on for their defeat, 1tl can well I f t t t h C t T 1 t • Peru Nebraska I f i h . h · F b 'were or una e o e ar oun o s oy " LOIN I·be what wSill .app en e tell of the life of his f ather, t he great : ary ,3 w en t e, terhng team Wi ll R . l' t d I ·t - HAM EGGS ; pl ay OJl t he loc al court. C an p aywn er, ·,

11 2 the Bobki tteQ.s meet the ,. oun eo 0 soy. Typical i" I ; fast Falls City t eam on t he lo cal Ivens- Wh at did yo u get in the # I :c ou rt: Brown will be hear. with whii.t exa m? Palmer s. ervice J HOT So.U'P·S '·vr om1s es to be a fast q uin tet. The I Ha llenb eck-Zero but th at's nothOrange team so far this year h ave ing fo r m.e. ' ' Washing and Greasing I

l1·eg 1<> vt:red s ome rem arkable victories, , · I • 1 Polarine and Mobil oil MALTED MILK i J

I Free crank case se rvice i

MILK SHAKES ; 1 , The n·ext game fo .r t he Kittens. will : ; AMBULANCE AND #1 I Why hunt further when you I be Feb. 5, when the Auburn quintet '! FU NERAL DIRECTO RY I ; lmow the hest. , wHl invad e the Peru co urt. Last ye a r, j L HORTON & CO I I i in probably the fas t est games ot the I 128 Peru, N; br. i 1 ; FLbYD PALMER I ye ar, the Aubu1.on team l os.t t he I CIGARETTES • TOBACCOS • CANDIES iIby only o ne poinll after le adi ng up ,to I ; · last mi nu te of play. A ub urn an ct ,

' BUTTERKIST POPCORN •Peru, fo r some -time, h ave been the 1 bit terest of Doth in b asketball ! F y M d G • 4 Doors South of Crystal Theatre !jauct l-eru may rest assured Of OUf eats an · rocer1es I · ;that Coach Higgins will come here ; prepared. Auburn has a point to gain this year by a vic t ory over the Come in and look 0ur s tock over ============================= j n.1ttens. a nd the b attl e promises to _

' be a trea.t for basketb all fans WE HAVE QUALITY AND PRICES - / Frid ay, Febru ary 8, Coach Roth ert's ' ' S K A G G S 1Class A P lattsmou th team will be here f \ . to clash w ith the "Wonder" t eam.



•both at Per.u and at . Plattsmouth. . FRESH j wednesday, February 13, Peru will Pastry Bak e ry Delicac ies. And


Without Waste ;1have a chance to gain revenge for the prices. They are right. f j her only defeat so far this year, when B ROBBINS' BAKERY Ii the fast Sterling invades P.eru Peru, Nebraska

l:'eru made only two field

f . f week at Sterling. ' .

against the 5terling team _"'_""_..__,_...,.

. , February 19, Peru will joumey to I

Nebraska City where they will at- f

I tempt to g.ive Wolverines anoth- I

B u c LI' ' s I victors of the tilt here, giving the

f er good nrnmmg. Peru was easily

Otoean agg,regation only one field I Fresh Stock of Meats, vegetab l es,

22 and 23 the .District ! : Groceries.

.. will be held !' WE BUY CREAM

· ' Following is' the schedule as it shall I be pl ayed:

I 124 N. 12th, Lincoln, Nebr.

I WANTED-A date with one of the I . ,

'f $3 85 $4 85 d $5 85 f girls in my Shakespeare class.-Fred # . or . ' . ' an . I Duey, Phone 188.

" ·hurt.-Leslie Lenard. f I .WANTED-A bed furnished in 7:50 I THE NEWEST IN ' · hi story classes so that D©ris Erick- # to sit up while sleep-


fl J WANTED - Shorter days and lon.g- APPAREL I 1er nights.-Girl's Dormitory. - AT

f I WANTED-A g irl for Goac.h. Lor- r 1beer-Apply to Helmit Brockman, I ;W E S S E L, S _ Outstanding Values in Sp - ri"ng D Good Coffee- George's Place.-Adv. resses, Classy Jean, Korrect Co-ed Fam F h I I . , ous as. .. 'I Tvoe vout notes •on a I ion at $14.95, $16.75 to $38.75; All we I I I ask is the opportunit y to sh


ward 01

·ca.ts n ex t Thu1·sday 111g ht. · Mi ss Ah l ber g, the sc ool nurs·e s.o rke m, a P 1 .ba te lain, LeonIn th e-i f' t b t tl 't h W h a rd , captain of th e ne gat iv e te am in the Coll ege Audi t ori am the Gl ee Cap tain Lo ve ! pla.v ed a great de- i.· ir.s a e w1 a yn e


.topic of wri ting


Club s will co m_oete they ar e cl assed th W s.'- d h presid e nt of the Deba tin g Cl ub. fens ive gaJne for Ke a rne y and was 1 on e i!dc at fl oor, Peru was vict- •.ie pornte out 17 at a.ft er one's as foll ows: :iU:_o _hi _g·h. scorer for hi s. with /1 orio us to te t une of 40-27 but sinc e was a'c . c ep t ed and pu bli shed Freq ue nt fl r she s of wit lhr oPg h ou t Five cl as s A Boys Gl ee Clubs. 1t was no lon ge a h bb t he argu me nt

e_n t the au dience se" e i, po mts. Wolco tt, at cent er t hen the P ed acr og es from up<.tate 1- av e •

Glee Clubs. sh o\"·.;:d fine fo rm in foll ow ing in H: / b tl . . "' - ; Miss F au l haber talk

a.st pr ac tice se ssion saw fods


of serv i

' confe r ence,. I Fred Du ey is Electe d Pre sident of Broc k ma n a nd Yo un g at forw ards, I th


eir iwepar ation. Co ach Lind

y compli

the ARE INITIATED Ph ilos for 1929 at the pi v ot po siio n, and Hertz 1 A meeting of the cab inet officers boys in the foll owing ma nn er : "N ::i tha nd Cap ta in Wasley at the gu ar d· was h el d afterwa rds . Ne;xt w eek is. ing bu t pr aise is du e the opea kers of Fi ve New .Memb e rs ar e Elected

After ,the i·egular Ph ilo pro.gra m ass ig nmen t s, Hurst was s eei ng se rvice 1 He a rt Si ster we ek at Y. W. a nd ev e ry t he ne ga tive team for t he so un d cas e Into Associa t ion Th ur sd.ay evening, el ection of offi ce rs at Br ock' fo rward post part of t he girl on th-e ca mpu s is urg ed to co mf presen te d and t.he pl a tfo rm of tJ•e s·econd sem e ster was .held. l tim e, as was Railsb ack a nd Gall oway. a nd par ti cipat e. On February 13 presen ce wh ich th ey exh i bited in t he Wh en yo u meet a g irl on t he camThe following officer.s w ere elec te d. 1 R othe rt re lie ved Kre jci and De lz ell each g irl wiU d1isco ver the ide nt ity of fir st debate· of the year. " pus w ith some thi na on too of h er Fred Daey - - -Presid ent a nd Groot hi us we nt in at the· gua rd her Bi g Sister at a Va len ti ne prog ram P eru engag es in a Ih ea d th at looks l;ke an l ee -c ream D.ona Jane Delzell ___ V ic·e-P resid ent pos i ti o rns ne ar the en d of the work - d eb a te with Cotn er Co ll ege. the aff 1r- h . 't , . G F 1. S r C - out.

OFFICERS RETAINE mat ive te am trave lin g to Linc oln co ne - s e 1sn cr azy, .. es m . e 1x unun ers - -or. Sec ret ax y D · A. A. Thursd ay ev enin g the foll owBath - Rec. Sec ret ary BY SENIOR CLASS in g g irl s were ini ti ated i nto the cl ub; Wi lham Okrent T reasu r er FRANCIS HAR VEY CATHOLIC CLUB Ly di a Hayeck, Ju an i ta H olc omb, GolRalph Sellhorn S eargeant- at- arms I ON COLLEGE FACULTY Old Office rs are Re- elected for 1929 HOLD ME ETING die E ve lyn Ske lton, an d Term Hele n W ag ne r. Friday th ey had to HAWKEYE CL UB , I Repla c es Mrs. Price as Juni or Plan s are D iFc usse d For Bi g we ar p ap·er h ats w ith G. A. A. prin tH OLD ELECTION High School Sup erv irn it -The se ni or class held a sh or t meet- Vale ntin e Pa rty ed on t he fro nt in g las t Tu es d ay at con vo cat ion time. Aft er ro mp in g arro und t he gym Hawkeyes Elect Be ul ah Presiden t fo .r 1929 Gay lo rd F ra nc es Ha rvey, of Ar li ngt o n, Tex- An el ection of off ic e rs w as held ll!1d The Coll ege Catholi c Aosociation playing bask etb fl ll with some tw e nty h l b tl . t d t Ia ll fir st se meste r offic ers were re · had their r eg ul ar me et ing )ac t W ed other g irl s, the poo r un fo r tu n atJl ins a w o 1as en recen v appo 1n e o . ed f " · · · h pos ition of sup ervisor of th e ne s ay rn ·e · · ro om m the tam or t he sec o nd sem este r. d . th C C A . 1 1t ia tes had to cr awl throu g t he "padThe Hawkeye club met in th e co l- Le · The fo ll owin g were re-el ect ed: a u"'i'tor i' um A sho t b . t die lin e." If a ny of them come to J · H' h s h 1 t p D · u •· r ns1n ess m ee -. " le ge gy mn asi um Tues day, Janua ry 2.9. uru or 1g c oo a. er u Harold Ma.rre_n - :-- Pres'. d ent Iing wa s held dur ing which it was de - you s ay rn g may I and he ld t heir :u-eg ulaT month ly bus i- 1t he ab se nce of Mrs. P rice , comes .h igh Aver yl Ga rn es ____ V1c e-P res i den : ci d ed t ha t Mis's Conw ay sh ruld write stand up to r ec.1 te be kmd to them ness me et ing dur i ng w hi ch ti me o ffi- !ly recomme n de d fr om he r former po- Mar ga r et Clm:b urg ·- Secr e ta r_YJ up the pu rp ose a nd a ct ivi1ies of the wor th ynecs was h t . · • 't' as su pe rvisor of the· Ju nio rj Ha rol d,McCreight Trea•u·er or ga ni zation for the P er uvian l:o a frn el test whe n a lu nch con sistcers for t e comm,g semes er were Is1 ion I d 'd d h h . , · · · · 1 d h f S 1 t 'Nae ec1 e i at t e ;i re:1ce nr Pl ans were also ma de fo r a socia l mg of sa n dw ic h es, pick les, fru it, elec t ed They are as f ollo ws : I Sc h oo an t eac er 0 ocrn Eh rrnld ap point a committ e to mee ti ng the ne xt t im e in the form of c ook ies an d coffee was pu t b efo re Pr esid e nt Beu la.b Gay lord j Sciences at Sw eetw a.t er, Te xas . pa re a <' !1a pe l ;H vg-r am to be gi ve n a Va lent in e p ar i·y. Nelson, th em a nd they wer e ordered to "G o Vice-President - -Ma rjorie S imons j Mi ss H arv ey r ece i ve d he r B .. A in fr -=! .:1ear fut ure Mary Engles, a nd Harold M1r- to it. " Sec r eta ry?Treasurer _ Doris Tur nb a ll I de gr ee fr om P ark Co ll eg e, P arkv ill e, ren are rn ch Hrge of the ent er t ll i nAf.t • h t · th m eet i'n g I Mis so u re an d h as gr ad uated w ith an ARC HITECT WAS HERE. men t a nd r efr es hment s. By fre que nt er a s or session e , Th h h · h · EN ROLLME NT GOOD. T he seco nd s emes te r at t he Tea chadj our ned a nd gr oup pictures we1·e tafoe n of t he cl ub for the P er uv ian M. A. d eg ree from the Uni versity of e arc. ite ct w o IS p 1an nin g t e g et-t? -g eth er m ee trn gs the cl ub .h r pe . h 1 t d new d orm ito ry at Peru w as he re th e to st imu l at e more pep a nd interest in ers Colle ge ope ned t hi s wee k, en ro llT exas at A us tin. She· as a so at en · l atte r pa rt of the wee k, w ork in g on I its activities so eve ry C. C. A. mem- ment occurr ing Mo nd1y. De fi nite fi gures co ul q not be obtained t hi s we ek, 1oth er than th at at leas t fifty new studen ts had registe red for the l ast ha lf ed th e Uni v ersty of Color ad o at , the pla n.s. Th e Nor ma l Boa rd meets I ber is u rge d to atte nd . HI. Y. FEAST Bo ul de r. Her p re v io us ex perie nce in on Fe bru ary 4, and P res id ent Pate I Mrs Duning and Mrs. P ate pTepar- elu d es teachi ng at both the city j ho.pes that the pl a ns w ill he in suc.h BOB KITTE N'S SCHEDULE ed t he refreshments fo r Mack a 111d Arl in ton a nd of Da ll as, T exa s. · sha pe th at th ey can be ac c epted by 2 Falls City at Peru. of g l th e b oar d, a nd that t hey can be put Robert to take to the ir reg ular me et- Mrs Price who has he ld th is p os1-1. th h d f th t . d" F:" ,. 5 Auburn at Peru ing of High y on Th ursd ay ev en ing. · 1 m e . an s o con ac ors 1mme 1h t ti on for s ome time h as bee n ately aft er tha t. In th at case a soecial Fe b. 8 Pl a ttsmo u th at Peru it is t he custom fo r th e mot. e rs o , • t k d . f h ts to a lea ve of abs en ce during which t im e' m eet in g of the board will prcba bl y Fe b. 13 Ste rlin g at Pe ru a e t urns sen· mg re res men · these meetings The y served hot c hili I she w ill at ten d Um vers1ty / be ca lled as soon as _bid s are rea dy, / Feb. 19 Neb r. Ci ty at Ne br. C ity with buttered crac kers, sandwiches, wh ere she w ill recei ve he r M. A. 1 a nd the ma t ter of let lrng the contract I Fe b. 22-23 Dist ri ct Tourn ament, here. pickels, bananas, and ·:,ui, cake I degr ee · tak en up Mar 1 Auburn at Auburn. y ear. A fe w ar e leav i ng, but th ere w ill be a g oo d n et i nc rea se in t he toLal registr ation over last s emeste r. Big siste rs and little sisters com e to Y. W. Wednesday night.




Entered at Postoffice of Pe ru,

Ne braska, as second cl ass matte r.



T he title of th is articl e is a popul ar It his incre ase has been in last sev-

Published Weekly at Peru State question, a nd o ne that is un iversally ·! en years, ancl st.ea d1 ly year b:

Teach ers College asked Oft times it is use d at fo ot-, year._ We are su b)'eC'trng our youn ,,,

' ball banq u ets, Ro tary, and Ki wa nis p eople to a period of fo ur years of $1.00 the Year-Sc· single copy \ cl ub lunc h eo ns, by aft,e r din ner comp a rative idleness, in which they to d ep ic t th e fu ture of the' l ose th eir sense of <l iI:ec ti o n. S end I :indi viduals in the cl.uh or organi za- 1us far -sigh ted, STAFF · ti on to w hich they a re speakin g, and young men who dislike co ll ege We

EDITOR - - - - - MILLARD FO WLER in answerin g it th ey describe the ne ed mo re of th em for t hey are the

ASSOCIATE EDITOR - - - - FRED DUEY \en vir onm ent of the memb ers in t he le a ders of th e fu ture

BUSINESS MANAGER - --.!- E. R. BURK EY fu t ure, never the p resent, in g low-/ These com men ts are s1 gmfiicant,

ASSOCIATES HAJlOLD MARREN, WA YNE CATLETT i ng te rms. ,coming fro m a pr ominent e du cator

FACULTY MEMBER THOMAS E. ENNIS The t ermin a tion of t he present se-, The y .o ffer a r ay of hope to the stu-





SPORT - - - - - - "S QUEA K" MU MPER




Don't You Want a Little S ister? I Yo u 'll no t .be dissappointed ' ;I if you g et your hair cut at I BOB KNAPP ! I ( Next to Gaines Hall on tbe I Pavement.)

In".'ited enroll for t eac hing

m ester is approaching, and it is ap- dent w ho has e arnestly attempted prop r iate for every stude nt on .this fo r a year or more to adapt h imself c ampus, and every other college to the regor.s of college life, and c ampus, to propoun d this qu ery to finds th e rou ti ne irksome a nd futile , h imse lf, "Wh€re do I go fr om here?" a nd feels called by h is reason, log ic, Generally sp ea king every student is a nd i nstinc t to rub elbows with t he tr eading the hi gh r oad of edu ca tion wo rld. College c an do a great d eal to obtain a degree. Theoretically for the i ndividual, bu t u nless it 'awak - •

thi s d egree is represe ntativ e of th e ens in a stud€nt a longing to become ' u f attainm ent of a man or woman's ac qu ai n ted wi th the ru<l i mentary I

, 1h ighest goal in th is life, edu cat io n ..things of t his world, and at least a TUESDAY _ FEBRUARY 5th ; reve als much of the a rt as it w as ·Stude nts below the begfoning of thei r curiosi ty if not a convic ti on perta in- j dai·ma f Lon Chaney's griµl

Whether the pe ople in the middl e m asterpi ece, " Macbeth." The argu- .their sop homore year should give t he t!o lle ge's policies are wrong or I' ''iWest of Zanzibarn pract1cecL duri ng those d ays in h is .seni or yea r, and p ast t he forep art of i ng to t he t hings of the next, eitl:er ..\

believe in witchcraft or not, it me nt held by literary authori ties. is theJr personalities a thorou gh inv en- the ·student is in th e wrong niche. I

is still practiced in many countries th at never saw a. wi.tch, bu t I tory, just as a business'·, firm deter- / No person should arbitra1d ly leave ; Chaney p lays "Dead Le gs that they were only mental imp ress- Imines t he exact value of its assets, 'college, because of mi nor di fficu lties I Flint" a sinis t er white voodoo and in centers of civilizati en. I ions made_ upon the mind of Ma cbeth · and the amount of its li a bilities at encountered t here ·, but it is well to 'n an African jungle Plenty of The recent witc.h doctor murder "' Many pictures ha ve b een dr aw n of l the cl ose of the fi scal year. Wh at ' remember in t his d ay it ta kes m o!'e " thrills from start to the dram- 9 trial held in Pennsylv ainia rev eals th e sce ne of Ma cbe th a nd the wit ches 1 business fi rm wolfld go for fo ur years in iti ative to leave co ll ege an d attem pt atic climax of the story. I t he wide-s pread be li efs of t he da rk wh ic h revea ls the crue l, w icked fe at- !wi t hou t determin ing its financia'I sta- 1to attain su ccess than it d·oes to stay I Also corned "OUR GANG" ! ages as persisting to -day even in the d tion has I tus? The answev is obvio us, no ne. j because co Hege attend ance is now a ·; in " Edison M arcon i." world's centers of civiliza tion. e uc a. I Yet many s tuden ts will go four w hereas a dec ade a.go it wa. a ' taken i ts t oll amon gt he b ehevers of !wi t hou t ev a lu atin g themselves as to priv ileg e. According to the report made by this a bsur di ty. And to d ay less and h . : 1 . R w B b h I d' " ,. a correspondent of the Otn aha Wo1 ld 1 . b . h d f 't h . d : t e1r sp1r1 tual men ta or p hysical re- oger . a son, t. e ea m ,, ·1 WED -T HUR -FE:SR - 6th-7"'· f ess 1s em g ear o w1 c es an 1 t' h' · h h · f 11 Am · St ti t' · h 1 d · • 04 I tc h f Al h h h . f a ions 1p wit t e tr e ow men. encan .a s 1c1an, as comp ete He r ald Witchcr aft is y et b ei ng prac- w\ h e ra _ t. t ou g d' t e_sto i;i esfo 1 1 Yet, these studen ts ·are not to be sh owing that in com-

ticed in t he United Sta tes a nd various whi ' lcd _ es is .ytet mg m ta es 0111 ' . censured, no r blame d. T hey are vie- p arison" w ith an average yearly in- I l.I1 th 1. d . c 1 re·n, 1 s p ractlc1es ar·e m ost a . . · · · I s d Ch I 0 er C1V11ze count ries sim il ar to f tt A d 't 1 f . 1 1 1tin11zed by a system ,w h1cb di ctates come earned by the four prmc1p al y apman plays t he stellar h orgo · en. n W1 c 1cra t 1s s ow v · · ..t. t e way it was carried on during the d t k' 'th .t th.. th at t he common m an can be ele vated , learned profess1o n- do.ctors, l awyers, I role 1n this picture and he will '!' d f Sh k passmg awav an a mg w1 1 e 1 i ays 0 a espeare. many su - t't ' b 1. f th e duc a tion and t hat matricu- 1min i:;>ters, a nd orofessors-ski11 ed ·1a- I give you as m any laughs as he S d f h pers 1 ion e 1eves o e 11 b , b h : d"d · "Ch 1 , tu ents o istory and r eaders of day. I a t10 n 111 a college w ill e an 'open . orers, mec am cs, and eari;i I 1 1n ar ey s Aunt" historical novels have often t hrill ed The onl y ri v al of witchc raft w hi ch s e,same" to a di mly seen u topia wh ere a yearly inc ome aggregati ng fifte en over the old a ccoun ts of witches tor- is bein g prac ticed tod av bv e duc ated ) the grief, the sorrow, toil, an d trouble to twenty percent hig her ; A tured and executed-harmles3, 1.hough people is that niece f oo1is.hness :of their paren ts w ill be absen t. · I Socieyt sti ll compensates; t he ma.n I FR I. _ SAT. _ FEBR. Stli _ 9 th ' per.haps eccentric, old men a nd wo- pi·acticed by th e' m ed iu ms. I 'Phe commen ts of the writer are of :or woman who earns a livi ng by ma n- # Bebe Danials -i n I me·n hunted to th: ir de ath by judges Ipeop le of t oday still beli eve th at it i.s 1no _value the of labor,- an_d honest toil. .Eve? stu- I ; and leaders of society. p ossi? le to talk to t he sou l of their a nd .1mpo'rta?t persons IS not :dent a_h be rty to st ay 111 this col- " "What a Night" a Educ a ted pers ons have be en sh ock- I d ear fri e nd's de ad bo.dy. Tho ugh it i l ack.mg a nd 1s now cited_. Dr.. Fa_un ce, lege Wlth _ i ts defe_ct_s., benefits, and "• t d B U h h h b Also Comedy "The Boos ter.." ed at the co nduct of th e Re v. Cotto n has never been don e, a nd done on p res1 ent of ro wn m ver s1ty, 111 an fa ults w 1c are s1m11ar to ot ers; ut Ma ther, the most cul tivated, eloquen t· the leve l, it is still pr acticed a nd !in te rvi ew with a newsp aper man sai d, to . s tu d ents who feel t he u rge and disti ng uish ed N ew E ngl and divin e th ere are still peop le ,w.ho are fo o lish " We of Am eric a never do an ythi ng to emulate some of our greb.t le ad e1:s,

............. than any one medium knows . It i8 I , a no t her "witch doc t or" na med like witchcr aft a dyin g a nd imp os -

\ mi g ht derive s ome be nefit ha vBlym e r, who was sa id to have put a d . b h I · th ·d a su gg este.:i to him sible believe participa te rn y t e mg e 1 ·e u · curse or " hex ," as it is called in Penn - narrow-mind ed pe rsons of tod ay, as I THE . SHORT STORY Since recent adv e.nt of th e "s pe edsylvania, on Hess T.he well as the uneduc at ed -perso ns. in g -up process," brought on by de t ail s of the t rial aooe a nn g m the I •i

Industrial Re vo lution, 'th e read er is World Herald recently

WHAT IS CU , fURE? \ For him who has a pride in Ameri- 1 prone to be imp ati·ent with Sh ak es pe ar e repr es en ts Ma cbe th lt i.> to t ak e off our r- h oeo and tr rn cl can traditions and ideals, it mby be the readm g of the loi: g i: ovel, allearning his futu re fa te from the ";. !1 revc re ne,· uhe hoh 'Tf< •\. nd h f ll f thou gh m any a re of m fimt e wor th.

1 S 1 th ' • m te re sting to no te t at o a orms . h' b · f t d h wi tch es, as sure y as au , m . e sacr ed by th e la bor anJ s uffer _ . . · . .Seekin g some t mg ne o rea , e Bible had learnt his from the "Witch . f th · lt ·s t 1110 le 1 i11 that whole which we call htera1 imm edi ately a lights uu on t he sh ort- o e pir•ne e1'. 1 o m ,, _ of Endor." s we a.t witr• th e sweat l'f th e Iture, America has a clear title to one s tory.. It has so f_ar tod ay

The story of still ano t her of th e ldJ.t'OO sl aves v<·'lJ td led th iit.y ye .ir:s -t he short-st ory. AB numero us tex's th at some ma gazine is fe at u qng 'l\·,hnt re_c e nt at tack s carri ed on on ::he Gre n·. p,n ·amid in I have stated, t he s hort-story" is "Ame ri- it term s a "short on witches h as been recently appe a rm g work , or ca 's contribution to literature." one page .. If s ome t hi ng sh or te i is y et in the dailies, the· most recenti of , v: hich s.hall b·i oi pe rm anent value " h to be de s1 red, w ho kn ows but th at h I Some claim th at by wntmg s. or t- 1 f t b ck to which the Abbe Des noye rs, t e ve ner- md help to 11 r es e·:ve the se n ti me nts ,, · popu ar a nc y m ay c om e . a a ble a nd hi g hly resp ec ted parish anfl lhou g hts of :.tie pre!:'ent fo r Lhe I st ory wi th a hyphen, we give it a de - the poet, who spea ks _rn sta nz a rn ste ad priest of .Bombon, a vill ag e 40 mi!e s future , It is to memorize a lullaby j finite position as. an .art form. Con- of volume s! Confinin g o ur sel ve s :o from Pans, was fou·nd bo und with wi th which a hundr ed milii on mo t hers sequently, there is dis a greement, and . the prese nt, how ev er, the sho.rt-sto1y ropes and bea ten unconscious in the have cr ooned their ba bi es to sl eep. all do not use the hyphen. However, Iapp e al s to th e Americ an as a "homes acris try of his church. After a pro- It is to appreci ate a pic tu re w hich la te discussion tends · to prove th at w hi ch. hel?ngs lon g ed inves t ig a tion it wa s detaches and. lifts out of the confu s- t he re is a distinct t ec.hnique involv ed I to .. Consid er .maga zin e th at t he outr ag e had been committe d in g, di stra-ctin g details of ever yd ay in handlin g the short-story, and ther e l at10n for proof of this F or a m illi on by a s ect of m ystics known as flag- life some g re at ideal. It is to le t. t he is a ma rked trend tow a rd - the full I to be r eadin g a s tory is no ell a nts They were led, by a woman dock laborer or the lumberjack intro- recog ntion of its place amon g prose I sma ll consider a tton. na med Ma rie Mesmin , wh o had di s- duce us to that multitude of ho me - form s.

I Numero us s hor t arti cles to foll ow co v ered mir a culously a pl aster statue l·ess, wifele ss, childless men wh o are Wit hout becomin g too technic al, it this will tell of some of the more of th e Vir g in that wept when she re a dy to curse God a nd di e. It is might be sa id th at t.'1 e re are a num- ar tful · Am eric an w ri t ers a nd their pr a yed • to it. to w alk t he street with th e th r on g, her of rul·es to w hich t he sho rt- story s tor ies: For c.onv eni en c e,


When an ex celle nt me nu of I ; we ll balanced food, quick and f· I c areful s ervice await s y ou I i 'things t aste be tter.

f That's the reason yo ur fav c;i r-

1 ite eat ing and mee tin g. p lace ; is known to he · th e bes t.

! After th eate rs a nd dance par- i ties.


• Nebras ka C ity, N eb r aska

Many of t he Haitians belon g to a a nd to fin d t he me a nin g of life, vi e-must con form. To the dis'cer n in g \ WIS h to inv estig a te. th es e sect of pra cti tio ners of witch craft ariously iit least, thru s h:!rin g th eir re ad er, the se le nd them selv es as un - hbr ary ca ll nu mbers w ill be affi x ed. called t he "cult of t he de ad." W. B. th eir purp:os efuln ess, ev en their de s-' consciou s)y a ppar e nt We re ad a --J. 0. F. Se a brooke in "The Magic Island," ,pera ti o n. It is to have a re ii g·iou s s tor y, a nd it is e ither a go od stor y, a I , rema rk a ble recent book on Ha iti, !experience so so und th at the gates po o'f stor y, or an indiff e ren t o ne , I Ha rvey - Wh ats th e matter with I CLARY'S CA FE says: of hell and the minis t eri al asso c ia- w.h ich is worst of all. you ? # M "It is no t my in te nt ion to g lo ss ov - tion combined cannot p l'e vail ag ai mt The re are in t he field of fh e short-L eo-I wr ot an art icl e on fr esh 11 · E ALS, LUNCHES, er the fact th at ac tual hum an sacri- it It is to re ad histo ry a nd literature story, as in all other fi eld s, masters m ilk and t he edi t or co nd ensed it. SH ORT O RD E RS fl ee is aLso an occasional in te gral part a nd study sci e nce a nd art. in s uch a of th e a rt who t owe r fa r above th e HOME MAD E PIES of the Voodoo ri tual in Haiti. Such as to find one's way int c. t ha t: ran ks of t he hu ndr eds of med io cr e. Come to Y. W. Wed ne sd ay nigh t . 2 doors south of Post Office 0 sacr ific es, howev e r, are r ar e and p er-g re at comp a ny, ap osto li c sue- \ The se a re th ey who 'write th os e st or- and get a li t tl e siste r. [ formed only under s tre ss of see m in g cession of sa ints a nd nw rt ars, pr o- ies we unc onsci ously judg·e as "go od", dire nec essity phets a nd seers, tellers of tales a nd I for their work -h as co nfo rmed to the The pr act ice of witc hcr aft s eems to s in g·ers of son gs, ye s, and hewers Irul es of the game. c ollege people as a thin g almos t im- of wood; dr awe rs of wa ter, a nd I Th e w ri te r f rank. ly adm its th at most p oss ible a nd out-of-t he-que st ip n, but dig g ers of ditches. of the fo reg oin g m aterial w as gai ned aft er a little re sea rch it is am azin g · fr om s itt in g in a cl assro om on the how much can he found co ncernin g Come to Y. W. Wednesday night campus of t hi s co ll eg e. Beli e vin g in mod·ern witchcraft. The only ar g u- and get a little sister. "Wort hy Use of Leisur e" (S ee th e ment g iven by a uthoriti es in favor Se ve n Cardinal Prin cip les) as he -d o es, of wi t chcr aft is th at it is heredjtary. Miss Te ar- "Why Mr. Roberts, w.hy he wi s hes to s ubmit an e xp lana ti on In ma ny of our mo st s t;a tely and c'i vil- a re y ou regis terin g for child Psy- tellin g wh y t he Ame ri ca n peop le are a- most unbelieve a bl e sta ge. chology - fond of t he sh ort -sto r y, a nd he hop es Shakespeare, prob abl e t he o nl y Tip- Well, y ou see I ne ed some more I tha t ce rta in su g,gest ed sto ries m ay writer who h as ,ev·er used the art of educ a tion, and then ,too I mi ght raise become acquaint ances a nd fr ie nd s of witchcraft successfully in his writing, a family of my own som e d ay. i t he rea din g public. At l eas t, on e


Cla ry, Who 11as recentl y t ake n o ve r Geor g e'c; place is sp en di ng every p ossi bl e e ffo rt to ma ke the pla ce one of the neatest and cl e anest h amb urg er shops in Southe as t ern Nebr aska.

Mr Cl ary is carry in g a lar ge assortment of cand y b ars, a nd pi es_ an<} Oh! Bo y! what pi es -th ey are mo th er Cl a ry 's fam ous h ome-maqe p is. - Ad v.


Sh oe repairing at Comfortable' prices! Ladies Shoes a Specialty.

(The Shoe Shop 0.11 the East Side of the Stt"ec t)


High School Getting Ready

M or

us1c Contest

F'i·nal h_Arnold Selk, co a ch at Arlin gton

try-outs for the 1gh sch J h con tes tants '

tournament we re held

For Past

_.to one of the most successful seasons moving picture "Court Ma rtial" wa s d t Ch e n es- m d · h · Nebr aska, and the foo tball team of -ay a · apel. Misses Howe y at . an is co ac in g hi s first yea r enjo yed by the local inst itution. g iven sponsored by t he bu d get assoand Wilcox, sopranos oung Arlin gton. At Peru "Shorty" w as York co ll ege and Yo rk high sch oo l ci ation in the college audi tod u m. The Little Damozel" b each sang "The well known as a footba ll, b asketba ll. Th e boys w.ho tc 'l to uphold the were guests of honor at a Commerci al le·ads were pl ay ed by Jack Holt and j ud ge's decisi·on Y No vell o. T he and t rack star tandards oi Pe·ru ha ve alread y an- C 'Betty Compson. fi gave Miss Wi lc ox l Foll 1 lub dinner at ·the McCloud hotel on rst Miss Ada B. d owm g i.s ns basketb all record l'l.exed the co.nfer.,nce football charn- t he ev iming of Ja nuary l5. The din- The story centered about the civil to, s ang, "Homing,, b; a \ so far this season: pionship for 1928 by beat ing K earn ey , ner was attended by neighboring war. Captain Camden a young offiRola nd S tephenso n' .iago; ·Ar lington 13, Vall ey 18 late d uring the football season. towris. cer in the Uni t ed States Army was trying ou.t, sang "I 19, North Bend 12 They are now all primed and re ady commissioned to brin g in Belle St one at Eve" by Cadman rush 27, Dan a. Reserves 15 ' to grab the coveted bunt in g which Better libr ary facili ties are now as- w.ho led the m ost d·es t ructive band AJl .of these yo un g people hav e :. 28, Scribner 27 repprese nts t.1 e N. I. A. A. confer- sured for York colle ge as a result of C amden gained entalen t and have b l -. r mg ton 21, Schuyler 6 . ence basketball ch ampionshin for f t11e a ction of the Alumni Assoc i a· trance to Belle's camp under the on t heir pieces. Arlin g ton 21, Fremont 26 1928-29. The Bobc ats o;-er t ion of York College, as t he o.ssocia- name of Devil D awson, one of his go od sh o wing in the tourname nt. Th e I Fred Alie . by a d.ecis ive 50-1 5 i n- tio n has defini tely dec id ed· to remc del captives. Belle welcomed him i nto co llege wi hes th em. succe"s ; . n an<l Ha rold Busch, Um- d1cates the sconng oower of the loc al and fully equip the old gym nasium her ba nd of men an d too k him in to - · i vers1ty of Nebras ka t d t h · • · he confidenc H I d h _ , been vis' .· . s u s, ave Iaggre gation when go ing full b lr st. mto an attract ive libr ary'. r e. e earn e s e was



: itm g m P eru dunng the A victory over W ayn e will clinch the a woman of refin ement and c 'lt ure 1 Both b oys a ttended title for the Bobc 1.>.t s, bring in.g h ome Tl.e seventh operetta gi ven by the as well as an ou t law. He fell in love

ENTER CONTEST Isc oo : ere l a.-;t year the "b a con" in two ma j or spo1ts, Y.0rk .Coliege Glee Cl ub , un der the with her and allowed her to esc ap e I1 football and d1rec t1o:i of Dean Ch arles Am ad on, when the time came for him to turn

(Conti n u'ed from Page 1) DRAM.A.TIC CLUB Since the Graf re gime Peru has was very enthudastic.ally rec eived by he r ov er to the authorities. Cap tdn Collee:e Aud't · PRESENTS 1 I J d. Camd en w as court m artialed for this . - i .onam seven class B a ways . rresented well -0 Jed, smooth- a ar ge au 1ence at t he York TJi e nre • 01 cl1estras w1ll compete. working combinations in faatb a ll a n<l recen t ly. The operetta wa'l en titled offense a nd was given her sent ence.

S t d "T When Belle le arned that. he to be a Ur ay seven o' clock P. M. in EntertilinWoman's Club with One-Ad the te ams molded •by Lotn Gr af h ave he Quaker Girl." · the College Auditoriam eight class B Play, "Red Carnations" g iven a very account of shot for her crime s.he to o ne act p la ys w ill be presented and I themselves. This inst itu tion prides PERl.i VS FALLS CITY save him. J\s 11 was le d before the f l A O h I J · A b I d fir ing squad, she rode on to the our c ass . re e stras will compete. A gro up from the Dramatic Club i tself in havin g such a personage as e ate second half rally, and Ra ym o nd C. R ogers h ead of the I coached by, Ada Eyre, presented ·a Lon Graf 1at the head of its athletic a free throw by Da sher in an over- · scene. She had been shot by som e music depa t t t K l ' d t t time perio ·l !!ave Coach Wonde1·'s of .her men who pursued her', an d : . r men a earney will Ione-act P ay, 'Red C arnatio:is., at th e epfl r men · '"" died a fter she had spoken with her JU<lge music events W0man's Clab which met in the Lit- This fall a new man , one with un- a 14 - 16' decisi on o ver t he M F lover Captain Camden. Camden was , r. Hube:rt Yenne of the ltle The a ter, evening, usual basketbal !ab ility was e le cted a lls City .:agers l as!; Saturday ni.gh.t. rele ased 'from sentence w ith w Qrds of of Nebraska wil l jud ge d rama ti cs J an ua ry 30 at 8 o'clock. · t© gy.ide the destines of t he b as ke t-Fa lls City le ad at t he half 8 -7 b praise from . hi.s superioi·s. foi· brin g! ev;ents I The c ast was as follows: b all team. · Th at man w ais Jim 11y ut Lli.e prepsters came ha.ck after the ing : his c ai.-tive. , A Co mmittee from Girl's Club will Mr. Smith --------D a ris Bunc.h , Love•less former star player of the intermisskrn and drew uo to a 13-1 3 sponsor '!' he r egistr ation and recep- Miss Smith, da-qgh er __ Lois Metc a lf Kans as City HiUy a rds, a t eam of na- tie just before t he time I · . t ion at Mt. Hal l. A committee Mr. S mith, a young· man - tienal ranking. But Jimmy was no t was up. In t.he extra five minu t es, I fr om the Men's Club w ill a ct as door Don al d Duryea destined to coach b asketball here. D asher scored from t he charity line n YOUR keepersat t he i?.udito ri um durin g Following the one-act Mrs. J·oder After a successful year with t.he to give the Bobkitt ens t he victory. the co nt estand mana ge rooming faci l- read to the club a negro di a lect which ' freshman football team Jimmy was Fa.Jls City's in a bil ity to score their f ities The D ramatic Club members was well rec·eived suddenly taken ill on the return trio shos cost them the victo ry, as the y

' will take c ne of the stage ,for pl ays. This same play wa_s prese:ited at home from DesMoines, Iowa, wher-e. outp layed the Prepsters for the great- I , l\lfernbers of the a dvanced li te rary Chapel, Friday, Februnry lts the were given their only j er share of the j I interpretati on class will sponsor the 1 d efeat of tbe year, and after a fe w For tne Bobk1ttens, D asher kep.t ; NEEDS reading contest. . A fishy oud fisher named Fisher days of. Hngering s uffering passed f·hem always up in the running, and I n Season t ick-e ts for all events will be Fisher from the edge of a fissure; on to his reward. Pa te and Capt. Willi ams played a l fifty cen ts Single admissi9n twen- A fish with a grin

With but a few weeks left before nice floor game. 't ty -fi.ve cents. A large crowd is ex- Pulled t.he fis herman in ; the opening of t he basketball season I FINE PORTRAITS pected from out of town Now they1 are fis hing the fissure for arrangemnts were made to secure th e: A m ember o:fi a p airent-t eacher asrn - FRA1\1:ES Fisher. services of "Dutch" Ea rnest L orbeer ciation c.harged her sma ll · son nev er D

He :Jf yo u'll g ive me your tele- a graduate · qf Hays State Teachers to go in to the homes of hi s li ttle .\ hone number, 1'11 call you up some Well, my father h as another College, Hays, Kansas,a as b asketb a l. friend s if a card is d isplaye d, as he .tiime wife to support. mentor. might be exposed to a conta g ious dis- i

She- It's in tbe book. Fred-Gosh! ls he a With eight · v·eterans as a nucleu,s ease. f

He Fine! W .hat's yo uF name? Dale- No, b ut I got ma rried. which to build, a team Lor beer Sending him to a n eig hb or's h ome I

She- That's in t he book, has effected an aggreg ation that ,h as on erra nd, .she was su rpr ised when he I ereign Visito r. Do n 't iou Want a Litt le Sister? scori.ng po.wer and an air ti g.ht de- returr.ed, runnin g almost ou t of I fen$e. •·w • sayi ng:· "Mother, I didn't go 1 .1 .. -



We specialize in ladies' and children's hair cutting, i the Bobca ts dropp ed a pair of g :: m es, "hemstitc.h in g.."- P. P.

shampooing, scalp trea t ment, facials, manicuring- a11 .t he t eam has shown s te ad imp ro ve - j

lines of b eauty culture Your patronage appreciated. For men t ancl the l{ea:rney-Peru g;•me wt's Don't You Want a Little Siste r? ll Q · Appoi ntm ens Phone 187, Monteit h's Residence. to have been a very cl'ose a ff air.

TAYLOR'S BEAUTE SHOPPE I This game having the asp ects of a ch ampi o nship aff air clearly showed I EVERYONE will find this store a satisfactory place to ; the .of basketball pl ayed by secure their foods. Fresh meats, Lunch and canned meat, I f W HEN IN DOUBT- TRUMP OR COME TO f the Peru Babcats by their o ver- milk, fresh and canned fruite and vege tables. Every thing f' 'I I I whelming victory ov er K ea rney . for the table.THSeErviMceAgoRodDiaSndSpTri0ceRsEreasonable. I'·

KOEPPLE'S CAFE f This may mean ano t her cha :iip io nsh .p ;· I F O.l,l YOUR MEALS, LUNCHES, ETC. I for Peru.

Ji. Phone , · Peru, Nebr. Ji But championships are not new in , f" , i Peru. Duri:i:i g the last six y ears P.eru FISK TEACHERS AGENCY (Incorporated.)

has enj oyed three foo tba ll cha mp ion- Suite 410-11 Symes, De nver- M. E. Shuck, Ph.D., Manager _ · ships, ·two basketball ch ampi ons.hi p, 1 M • th · f I' · fill h d t · t k h . h' If ' ore vacancies an satis actory app 1cants to t em. an wo rac c amp1 ons ips . A V E N 1fT [;' S·1' 0 R E

Peru .wins Wayne and. Omaha\ u . then Peru shall. have three basket- I CLEANING AND PRESSING

', ball champ1or;shlp.s. j i . FA NCY BOX STATIONERY, NOTIONS AND . SCHOOL The underly.ing reason fo r this ' J Have Your Overcoat. Cleaned Now . :

ousta nding success is .th at the we ll- , . SUPPLIES I ve.rsed have alw ays had the : Hermans Clea11ers and Ta1·1ors j ' CONKLIN ENDURA PENS AND PENCILS, UNCONDI- co-opera tion of a group of ath letes , .\ . . f TIONALLY AND PERPETUALLY GUARANTEED that had the "fight for t he glory of .....

Nemaha County fo< Mngton ' old •pi,;<

Opposite School I At least, it--::::, no one was I

I very superstitious ab out bl ack cats. 1·

Pe ru won the Kearn ey g ame, and I

that is that. But maybe a little A


superstition played its .p;rt in g "where •avings are

.1 helping the B9bcats to v1c ory. A CLOTHING

CLEVELAND'S On W ednesday the day be for e f VISIT ; the big game a black cat appe ared

NEBRASKA I on the campus. No one seems to

READY-TO..:WEAR A know exactly why it came. Some

f ' may have thought thaf it came f I for knowledge; o thers t hc u gh t SPRING

For Al . l That's New. For the Newest AB that it came because it was hu?- !, AN·D H.A'1P,S

f f gry; but it seems that it may have .n. come to bring Peru good luck for

N York Creations are shown here as f Thursday's - game. Th L · W ' A 1

.. ew t I It is an old supe rsWion that a e atest l fl omens ppare black c at is bad luck, a nd is prac-

SOOll as ID the larger city stores. ticed quite fre ely by man (Y people I: 'WO M A N , S" 1' 0

y ' I ' today, as fooli sh at it may seem. .A PRICES LOWER But the little bla ck cat wihch -yis- 1 There you w ill find the Best for Less t ited Pe ru undoubtedly came for I IJ A b N b k I f anoth er reason-and since a black ; u urn e ras a cat comes unsolicited a nd un a fr fl id

I :, :,: I i Peru p(enty of luck for Thu i;s day I I and; if we are su p.e.rs titi o us, hr ot ; Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx I f_ N CityS ; the 1929 bas5 etba ll cbampionship, I , 914 Ave

f , give s & H Green tamps Q Come to Y. w., Wednesd ay nig ht

and get a little sister. "" - x ...c:.


1 N:ebr.


U We have a modern air hoist f ,.the Bobca ts were low

to help us g ive the best service I ed 'but once "Bri g" You ng a >Hl by 20 a nd t he se cond we won Delzell, g

TRAINING r I possible m lubricating your Ii "Big J oe" b ega n wa rmin g the m es h- by 35. Was n't t hat ju st wond e rful? Hertz, g - 1 0 0 2 ; I t car g:es, Ta rkio ne ver h?d a look -h It is nt' eve ry t eam th at k in do th at Groothius, g - 0 0 0 0 ,• LUMBER :

Forsyth 0 1·1 Co A I "Bri g" wa s hot. Nu ff sr.id. He w as On e of the g irls down at the hou se ITOTALS - 22 6 8 rn • f: everywhere a nd doin g ever ytl:ing her e s aid that Pe ru ot. to be put in a LACQUER, E NAMEL ' a;de sir a bl e. Be fore bein g repl ace d by cl ass wi th bi gg er sc ho ol so that th e K EARNEY (15) FG FT F Pts I in the seco nd h ::i lf he h 1d g ame s would be more equ al, but all Du s ek, f o o 1 o 1; P AINTS _ ' contributed eight fi e ld go als and one th e bi gg"er sch oo ls are a fr a id to pl ay Willi a ms , f - 0 0 2 0 I B

, I .. , ' ch a rity to ss t10 the bi g p us h ':hi ch us so we just t ake the ch amp io m hi ps Ki s lin g, M., f 2 0 2 4

Th . Substitute UIsta rted Ta rko s sled down the .hill o,f a nd th en wh i- 11 we wa nt good ga mes Mey ers, f - o o 1 o I MEEK LUM

f ere IS no A defeat. we hire profe bio n al s. I think th es e Wo lcott, c ____ .,. ______

FOR HONESTY fl J "Gi g Joe" was mo re po i <: on to the gam es are pl en ty excit in g and it ain 't,, Ki s ling, C.,

Peru, Ne br. 1 bo ys fr om the rive r. He hoped no bucidy' s business if Peru can wi n Lowe!, g

as a business policy in s ix n ea t o ne s fr om the fi e.Id be-a ll J er ga me by gPeat bi g scores. Meyer, g __ o o o

i f I fore Brockman cnme in t ') ta ke o ve r Say tho th er e hrs s ur e bin a funn y 1 Pollard, g

1 J. c. CHATELAIN duties of center near the end •Week here. It g ets a fellow all mix- TOTALS

f Watchmaker and Jeweler- II h I · f of th e final period. ed up wh en he .h as to go to differen t Refer e e, Wolf, Hillards; Umpi re, A. E. Johnson, D. D. s. j I Tarki o's efforts :i t s corin g we re cla ss es a t e t ime. was JUSt com- Elliott, Nebr aska. ' I m os tly confin ed to Jon g as Imencin g to g·et used to last semestersaJi

f School Supplies f j "Swed e" :rnd "Ru ss" were "on' Tues- i sc hedul e a nd now they go and chan ge Mary: "Dad, th at y oun g man with 'If I , day ni g ht and set ups were almost I me to a ll different cl as ses. One day the knickers ki ss ed me when we ]impossible. J I forgot to go to a class and th e .- .- -. i In th e fir st h?!f a ournl e number teacher ·aske d me the ne xt day wh v went through L'ie tunnel."

fJ "6" fl as hed a cro ss the horizon and II .h adn't been there. I told her I got Father: "Heavens! why didn t you ff A J. D. GRAVES I Wehrli, Ta rkio g uar d, had hi s bi g all mixed up and forgot what days tell me at once?" I Service With a Smile J V ATTORNEY AT LAW mom e nt scorin g ei g.ht po ints in 1 th at class was suppos ed to me e t. S J. e 'Mary: "Oh, but Dad, I th oug ht

NOTARY PUBLIC many mnu tes. After that the bri ght just drew a long breath and sor ta f

.··j I lli g ht of Tarkio s·etlled in to oblivi on sied and sed "Have you been thoroly there might be tu nne ls." , I SHOE SHOP I Peru .;.\ Nebraska ' b h ?" N f @' and Peru ca rr ied on to ano t her vict- exa mined y t e nurse yet. ow Gladys K-FooLs ask q ue stions wise f Peru Nebraska I -' orv. wh at do you suppose she meant by men can't answer. · · PERU (41) · FG FT F Pts J th a t? Everybody looked at me and , h I fl d - · -

__ ..__.....___..,_......_"'-_"" 1 . John Stahn-Thats w ,y un ke # I : Young f 8 1 O 17 , laffed, but I couldn't see anythmg so t he history test. # T 0 j j ·• T t _. · Rail s back f o o .;, p Ivery funny to Iaff at. · 1I yp11ca ype your no es Oll a f Brockman f__ 0 0 1! ', O Say have you got my gr ades yet ? I .ll · j I D. Grass- I'm in debt to you for au If p n • • Hurst f 2 0 1 4 Well if you have I just want to tell I know

:Booth f 1 O 0 4 Iyou that. these here · teachers, dont Pi:of. Hill- Oh, do n't me nti on such j f C Q R O N A




I READY TO SERVE YOU WITH I Bobkittens Dro--;--Game In Last -!- WE BUY CREAM : Minute ()f P_lay 19 - 17 Ii . f f The of "The Ci ty on the 15Jlllt....__...._..... ,i THE VERY BEST SANDWJCH·ES I Squ are" by Coach Wonder s Bobkitt- : f ens last Tuesday was very much re-•

1 s ented by Rumbolt Hi gh School. They HAMBURGER HOT ,DOG I proceeded to send Cap- I TEACHERS NEEDE·D ;1 tain Dorland and six of his followers ; LOIN ag ainst the young cats, and aft er a # I

1 HAM EGGS ; fast a nd furious battle, the invaders ' Make Applications Now I · I were defeated 19-17. i .J _. It was merely a st-Oty of too much

' Dorl a nd. He w _as here , th.ere, •, oom er s eac ers A «e ncy . I where , accoun t ing for nme of his •

HOT so·ups ; tea ms points and aided in J 124 N. 12th, Lincoln, Nebr. 'I · • 1the scorin g of most of the others. M Peru had no sta rs. They piay ed I ' · ALTED MJL.K t g oo d basketb all, especially Pate,

Continue S tead y Climb Toward 1929 Ba sk e tball Championsh ip

Audien ce is to Decide

Enn is Pen up a Bo bcat and a Wildc at in t eam presen te d the most convincing The- :· budg'eti' "committee arrang ed b Committees are Formed 4 S D ENTS REGIST ER the same place, even if t he place is '.rg ume nt. A ball ot was taken e- for an unusual go od for 71 TU fore the debate· and one at the con- 1 • · th ' " · h h a.s big as Per u 's gym., a nd the re is of t he argu ment The •si de the students is mornmg w en t ey Majors and mi nors in _ home ecobound to be s ome exc i teme nt. Such . whi ch g·ained the ' m{) st votes wa s br ought Everett Kemp to Peru. n omics met at the home of Mrs. Ennis Everett Kemp is an enterta in er was the c ase Thursday ni ght, bu t :onsi<lered v ictor ious. - ll.,_ .,. • 'Ii . · . I' t Tuesday, Febru ary 5, for t he purpoes the Bobcat rode roug h shod over th e At Per u t he Co tner affirm ative 1of formin g a Home Econ omics Oppo ·t1"on and as a res u lt Pe ru a dd' earn m et t he Pe ru Ne ga tive te am oi:i mak er, n<i.t 1Stud1ed humor, for Ev- Helen Mae Alexa n der was appornt- th e question: ";Resol ve d, th at the h I h ed another run1g to their c.ham pio n- U · d S er ett Kemp is t e aug, te r. ed temporary chairm an a nd Virpr esent jury system in mte tates · h f 1 ship ladder, this time 36 to 23. s hould be a b{)liis'hed." The P eru His de li g t u y.ro rk as an e nter-g inia Milstead r ecordin g secretary. tain er is r e-enforced by his. ster li ng T he fir st few min u tes were ex- te am was r epresen te d by Leslie Leon--. ;th - d. ·. '" th h" h h" A c onstitut ion comm ittee was ap- -sympa y a:n s reng , w 1c s we citing with t he s co re tied se v era l "I.rd, Ra lph Ch a te lain, and Arc,!1ie <:ut in his work. The co nsisting. of Webbut after Young b ro ke a f? - 5 ;Y.Iartin. A lar.g-e· crowd atten ded t he tions used are umque and appe al to er, Mildr ed Bu nch, Len a Mc Crory t im es, d eb ate. vote was close t he au<l ian i:e: T.he ir resi t ibl e humor a nd Currier. deadlock with an under-the-b askhet I t he a ffirm ative ga med the most votes. of some of his .readin gs is bala nce dsho t, Wasley bad scored t. e Th e Peru affirmati ve team, Miss b the pat hos of the more se- A commi tte e was app oi nted to side a nd Krejci a t ip ·m, Avery l G aines Ha rvey Nickel s, a nd · .Y bp · " ma ke arrang emen ts for a page' in d I th ea.te n · . d b . M ri ous num e rs W ay ne ne v er ang erous Y r . -W ayne Catlett, a ccomp ame Y r. His hu morous i nte rpreta.ti°'ns the Pe ru vian consistin g of Marie er:i the Bobc a ts lead T.he scoie at ! Lindsay met the t eam at h ave w on fo r :Mr. ·Kemp the so ubi- /L ash, Vern a Gl and t, and Lu cy Majhalf time was 21 to ll, Pe ru Bethan y. The a udie nc e, although quet of "The Man with th e Mill ion ors. T.h is committe e w as also apThe S•eco nd half w as a rep et not •n early as large as t he at !Dollar L au.irh" ahd he is seldom per-. th e of the first half with W asl ey, KreJCl j Peru ga ve C otne r t he decision. . l. .t.t d t 1 • . . 'th t t 11' of . pom t ed .to dec ide a name

The s eco nd annu al . , M. I. N. K. Music and Dramatic Contest held Friday a nd 'S a tu rda y, February 8 and 9, in the college audit orium, showed· a large impr ovement over l ast year's con test

Although on Thursd ay evening th e roads betwee n Pe ru a nd th e hig hw ay were bloc ked by snow, contestants bega n to piJ.e in Fr id ay mo r ni n g, and by Frid ay t!venin g l ast year's attenda nc e was reache d. Over fiv e .hundred stud ents att ended the tourn ame nt. 471 students actu ally registered, and possib ly a hun dred more never r eg ister ed The sec ond a nnu al tournamen t also br ou ght to Pe ru a large group of con

evening with· three field goa ls 1 · -· ., _ t · « • .,. _ _,. five free throws out of five t temr. ts Four er a newly prepared miscell ane ous I wa s a dd ed in · r ea di ng d iv U on Krejci was next w ith nine po ints, Men and Four Women Make pro g ram full of wh ol eso me merri- AUBURN GJRLS Th e au di arr ce was ta k e9 cure of in I d b Up List o.f M ost Popular d d 1 I fr !owe y Yo u ng, who tallied for .an goo . c ean fun t ogether TAKE GLEE CLUB tr.e .Little T.1-e,. tre. eighll' points "S we de" adde d fo ur Th with Just the ng ht pro p ort ion of ___ Final honors for the tournament · R .1 b e repres en t ative men and worn- b · pomtls', ai s ack two and Broe k- en of th II num ers of deeper appea1 an'd hea rt- Tecumseh · Takes Second Place With , went to Auburn in Ct ass A, and to man two to make the' t otal f 36 e co eg e we re nomin a ted at interest, oo- to give a reading of an Slightly· Inferior Club 1 Peru Prep in Cl as s B. The Auburn0 • · I' co n vo.c at ion ti me, Monday, February · PE_Il.U· (36) FG F'I F. Pts 14. T he m ep 8 re Ra lph Chatela in entire p'lay, one of the standard entries were coached by Mr s. Wiley R!lllsback, f - 1 o 1 2 W ilbu r c:: h' dl H 1 B pieces ·of literature. · T\e g roup of Auburn g irl s tw e n- , Lang ford. a nd the Peru entries were B k f ..., c in e r, e mit ro ck- Much of Mr.. Kemp's re putation ty s . b d 1 d b' "..._ coa ch ed by pr a ct ice t-e acne.s under 0 2 1 2 . ma n, a nd Joe Krejci. The followin g h - · even rn num er, an e . v cu.rs. . . . · 1 o o o o w omen were nomin ated: Dorothy as been built on his mas terly ren-1 Hel L f d ' th fi · 1t he sup er1v1 s1on of the trammg sc hool H st f dition of plays !lnd boo ks in cludin c. en ang or w ere e rst to instruc tor s. · KreJct, C 4 1 0 9 1

(Continued OJ1 Page 3) r·ompete in the Class A Girls Glee Ca rl s. ke en of P iP rce d1_·ov.e 250 i.11·. - - 0 0 0 0 Marti nda le, Ada Eyre, Hazel Wil - ' b I ia ms, a nd Mary Gr ey. Rpthert, c o o o o Mo n day, Fb r uary ll , the final '

Clu bs. ii nd we re chosen as winners · with a hand full of entries a nd Wasley, g 3 5 4 11 1·eleci. ion w ill be ]1e ld w hen the two


of. this divi sion. E.ach girl wore a took ba ck a nother h nd frll of gold I and silver medals. Next ye ar Skeen



Delzell, g - - 0 0 0 0 m os t re presentat ive men and the two · brig ht red and w]:.1te uniform. G th I

The sec ond gr·oup of compe t1"toi·s to come to Peru and take back roo · ms, g 0 0 0 0 , most r epres ent at i ve women will be y f cj]ver cup. oung, - --4 0 1 8 Ivote d up on. Their pictures will ap- . in Cl ass A Girls Glee Clubs was T.h e s ec ond annu al tournament wPB Her-tz, g - 2 0 "'"4 4 pea r in the Peruvi a n, and until LS Over Half of ' the Cop Is I co m po sed of t hir t y- two girls from a much g re ater success th an .an yone

TUTA 14 9 10 36 I t he n t he ir ide n tity will rem a in ':'. se- N I .. h Ha d Yf Tecumse h. Th es e. gir ls we re att rac- j ha d dared to ho pe, a nd has msured Wayne's box score was not ob ta in- , cret. OW n t e n s o p h J'k R f Ell N k · .. tively dre ssed in black sleevel ess uni-

n test will prob ably -ed. e eree, iott, ebras a. I Th e se people are chosen bec ause the Engraver f Th !he he ld ne xt win t er. of t heir le ad ers hip ability, a nd be- · orms. ey were given second

TRI BETA HOLD caus e a mon g t hem are re presen t ed MANY NEW FEATU RES piece. INTERESTING MEET m os t of the orga niz a tions of the cam-

The song sang by bo th groups wa s MANY NEW STU DENTS ENTER AT MID-YEAR

Work on the college annual, · the ______ -, Ipus. we ll m ast ered.

Russell .Hende rson and Charle s Cla rk !'STE RLI NG NAMED

Peruvian, is pro g res sin g at oa v ery · G HOLT STECK

Prep are Pape rs satisfa c tory. r,ate bf mee d. Ove r half ' •

Freshmen Have Ninteen A dded to Their Regular Enrollment j B EST GLEE CLUB . of the copy for the- book' has g on e f" K.r£P A P ROGRAM

Ait the meeting of Tri Beta on I --- to the en g ravers, and work h as now

Al though, a few s tudents 'dl £conFebruary 5, papers were read by \Vin Co nt es t Ea sily Over Peru, Elm- commenced on the editorirl p·il ase of Is Unusually Well Pre pared to Give +i nne d the ir work at the teachers Russell Hen derso n and Ch arles I w ood, a nd Rockport Ithe · book. · 'W'it.h' the· work adva nc- Such a Musical Program col le ge the fir st se me ster. A larger Clark. ing in such a manner it is prac ti c- n 11 m ber re gistered for the second Mr. Henders on discussed the r e- S te rlin g hi gh school won the a lly insm,ed wi th· co ntinu ed co-oper- G. Holt Ste ck, in structor of voice term. lation of the incre ase of pop ula lio n cl ass B B oys Glee Club eve nt with atio.n that the staff will be a bl e to will app·ear in r ec it al th e evenin g of Tlii3 mid-y e ar g rowth is the in the world to tJ1e food supp ly. He th irteen m embers, by di sp os in g of ag ain have· the'· .annu al on the camp- 19 in colle ge au di t or- I.largest in the his to ry of the coll ege. poin t ed out that increase in acre a ge some excell ent gl ee club s. The S te r- us before t he cl os e of school. mm. Mr. Steck 1s n ot only a singe r Many na mes have b ee n a dded to and im,provement in agTic u lt \!lra l lin g club was coached by Sup er in- 1 The ad vertising man ag ers have r e- but a musici a n. He is a graduate of 1each class. Am ong tJ1 e se niors aptechnique have vastly increas ed the te ndent Sa ms. I ce iv ed very g ood . respon se from the t he Chicago Mu s ical Coll eg e and has pe ars the fo ll owin g: Kenneth Gain es, capacity of the ear.th to support pop- P er u Prep, Elmwo o d, and Ro ck- I business men in thi s s ec t ion of Ne- , studied with such m as ter s as Saa r, Evel yn No erlin ge r, Helen S ta ll] t' p ort a ll had we ll- trained clubs en- 1 br aska, who ,by tr eir co-o:p era t ion BoJ owsk i, Th a tch er. Maryot, a nd ot h- 5m ith, and Gw enda lyn Ma' Io r y. u k ]rn on th e "Rel at i on tere d in th e co ntes t I a re makin g the publ ica tion poss ibl e. ers. He will sin g four g roups of 1 Th e mid-year 'en ro ll men ts in t he f · B: 1 a: t spoPublic Health" T .his Second pl ace was awa r cle d to the ,, T he P eru vian this y ea r will be a son gs, the las t g roup bein g mcdern. ! juni or cl ass ar e: Willi am W arma n, 10 ho T . B ta "UbJ'ects for 1El mw ood club with nine '. ee n mem-very interes lin g 1-i story of the ye ar 's This in an all-En g li sh pro g.ra m. L o1.1 ise Far ley, John Di lli on Ke n1s one o! t e n e "'' h · 1 conte st He bers, wh ile thir d place an d on or- e ven ts. Th e Aa ff .h as Ju st recen t ly Who is Sylvia? - - Shubert ne th Cro ok, Ed a Sa lfran k, and V erits annual na ti-ona essay f · d ab le ment i' on was wo n by t he R ock - t.a ken the nom in at io n of the co lle o-e My Love ly Celia Hi'gg·i'ns n fl Gl a ndt. ' emphasized the importance o moern met hods of st u dy of bacteria to port b oys. with seve n mem bers. fop t he rep r es ent ati ve stud ents. Th e P assin g By - - Purcell The s ophomore cl ass is incr ease d d Elmwood w as coac he d bv C ora Wi l-t wo -new c lubs, Hom e Ec onomics The Bailiff's Daug hter of I.s'lin gto n by the followin g persons: Earl Warn· the problem of prevention an cu re -d 's·- li a ms a nd T ark io by Mtl dre 1ze- a nd Hi stori cal R e!:: earch, w ill ha ve Old En g lish Air 1' e. Eileen Mea ns, L awre n ce Ro gers of the bacterial dis e ase s. more. 1 sp ace in t he Peruvi an. Durin g the Th e Monotone - - Cornelius Ar t hur Flynn, Gen e vi eve Si r e, F ra nAt t his meeting of Tri MINK to urnament , t he Peruvi an Request - F1:a nz ci s P atte n, Ch ar les Fowl er, Sam juniors and seniors we re ree ec e STER LI NG GIRLS WIN staff .had pictures ta ken of the win n- The Wande r er's Ni g ht Song ___ Li. zt Lewi s, Ma rjo r ie L ea hy, a nd D arw in full membership, and nine Of t he s even entries! for Girls Gl ee 1 i ng group s in the play and or ches- None but the Lonely Heart Damon. omores were elected to as soltciab Cl u bs six r ep orte d. Elm wood, Hum- tra contests. These pict ures will al- - - Tc.haikovski T 1e new me mb ers of the fr es hb h - Their names wi e ' · mem ers 1p . . . bo ld t, Per u, Shube rt, ,S ter lin g, and so appear in the a nnu a l. Love Son g - - - Brahms man cl ass ar e: F re deric Oerter, announced at the time li>f initiation. Verd-On we re re prese nt e d. Rock- There are still a large number of Aria from Faust 'Laura Davenport, Esther Hoffm an, p ort wa s th e onl y on e th at was un- stu·dents on t he campu s who hav e " Even Br a vest Heart' ' :._ __ Gounod Fern Sc hmidt, Mary ' Pipal, Danial L. J. G ILKESO N p AS S ES A WAY Word i·eaches Peru of the deat.b of L. J. Gilkeson of Rochester , Mi n nesota. Mr. Gilkeson was formerly superintenden t of the training here. Death eame following a maJo r operation. ab le to b ri ng their s in ge rs. not as yet fo r a cop y of The Sea - MacDowell McSwan, Joy Butle r, Lela Horton, T he c onte st was clo s e, Peru and . t he book. Wi th s uch a promm n g;- Charity - H ag em an Marion Reisin ge r, Avi s Ro g ers, Flo rs I . h av i ng t ied for fir st pl ac e Ia nnual in view, we urg e .these fo lk s My Menagerie - Fae Foster ence Pate, Helen Ai t ken, Da vis ter rngk ed t o appear ag am w ith the to en gage th eir book at once to pre- Sea Fever - Coates Cook, Neil Trabert, Lloyd Lilly, Ellwere as I . . h · M resu lt th at S ter li ng w13 s the wrnner. vent ·th em expenencmg regret a.t t e Mr. Benford will accompany r. en Hill, De an Slemons, Ma ry Mc· Peru too k seco nd an d Humbol dt third., close of the year. Steck in his recital. Nair, and Edua Patterson.

TUESDA Y, 12, 1929







The b ig e vent of the scho -1 yea r All women f?culty members and for Peru with two field goals and a will be the Southe·ste rn Nebras1'a facu lty members wives are especi al- free Dasher and Apple ga te Bask etba ll Tourn ament which wi ll ly in vited. pl a yed well bo.t.h on the offense and be he ld in Peru , F ebrua ry 22 a nd 23 It has b ee n the cu sto m for nine the defense. It has no t as yet b ee n fully set- years for the Girl s Club to g ive a C aptai n Reed of Auburn was hi gh tied as to 1?'any schools will be \ cos tume in the month of Feb- score r of the evening with six points, entered, but it is an fact 1 ruairy. La st year the holiday idea followed by 'Risse with fou,r Meyers thot the 1929 to urney Wlll be l arger was c ar ried out. wa1s outstanding on the Bullqog dethan preceding tournaments held at I · fen se. Peru. I READING ATTRACTS SCHOOLS PERU (14) FG

- I Au burn, U nad ill a, a nd St eriln g re- I. Williams, f

N ow that another big load is off ceived fi r st, second, and third pl ac·es D as her, f

the minds of Peru St udents since t he Irespectfully in the readin g cont Es t. Pate, c ,

defe ?t of Wayne TJ·ursc:lay night, This contest was held in the Little Pugh, c

it will be easy to concen trate our Theatre, Frid ay afternoon at one- 1 Newton, g

thoughts to t he f <' St Om aha Univer- thirty o'clock. Only, five towns par- Apple gate, g

sity five, the only rem rin ing Con- ticipated. W. Willi ams, g

ference ga me, and to the St. Ben- · "The King o.f Boyville" was read TOTALS

edict the latter will probably by Auburn, "The Gerby Weddin g" AUBURN (12) fG

be the best g am e of the yea r. ' by Un a dilla, and "The Unfi n ished 1N. Andrews, f

. Story" by Sterlin g. I E. Andrews f


TRENH()LM The g ills drew for numbers and I Ris se, c ·-

WINS FOR PERU they re ad according to the numbe r IReed, g

that they drew. They ea ch also dr ew Meye rs, g

Cornet, Clarnet, and Trombone Solos ;the names of two a nd chose Gordon , g -' '- 0 {) 6 Are Featured · lone fro m the two to read. Each girl '.J20TALS

___ had one hour in which to p ra c ti ce

The name of the selection for the Iwithout a director , co ach, or help of cl an!let solos was "Beautiful Month any kind. Each girl announced her own number.



Captain Larr;r Lispi, member of t,he fast St. Benedict's basketb a ll team hails from Kansas Ci ty, Mis sou r i. He stflrred with DeLaSalle of Kansas City, a,nd was la f er a member

Miss Le• .r·a Setzer :if ·Pt:'rn· has crb- of the fa st Kni ::i: hts of Columbu& team tained a pos;don as P; hcip ll of the I of St Jo sep h, before entering: S_t. Hi gh Sc11 :I • t Mill.,r, Ne _br :>s-'i-; a. , Benedict's in of M:> y." · There were cont·estants from six towns: H ickman, feru, Sterling, 1J.nd Tecumseh

W.hen the final aw a rds were read Saturday evening by Mr. Doyle , the foll owin.g. we ·e n$lmE>d: third place and honor a ble mention, Floyd Wil· son, Sterlin g; second p lac e,an d silve r m"eda l, Frederick Pa rker , Tecumseh; First pl ace a nd the g old medal to John Stover of Hickman.

F if teen in Co rn et Sec ti on In the cornet section fifteen towns were en tered , not a ll of the co n testants,. ho we v,er, were able to a ppear on ncc ount of the 8e ve1'0 weat11er.

Fr ank Goodman of Tecu mse h, th ird place and hono ra ble men t ion; Keith I Korn of Verd on, s econd and 8il v er men al: an d John Ma ?chmz of Pierce wo n first pl ace a nd 1<"1d med QI. Charles Trenholm Wins for Peru

In the trombone sec t io n there we re only tliree c ontef t Ants although seven towns had entered. In this secti on Orvene J an n Fe n of Sterlin g placed third, Lyde Brinksm an of Una d illa second; and Ch arles of Feru won first pl a ce and the go ld medal.

DALE REED JS BE ST CELLJST. Dale Reid of Humbol dt was winner of the cello section t he contest, and Mary Polhurst of Elmw ood took s·econd, pl ace. They were the only two enteren in the contest.

Iil the saxophone contest, Esther Severe of Palmyra placed. third, Elmer • Parli of Rumbold second; and Gilbert Sloerke of Sterling first.

Ab ove a1'e the "Iri sh D emons" c: f St. Benedict College of Atchi so n Kansas Th' t · • · is earn is made uo of II stars, a nd 1s team that gave P e1 u .her toughest battle this ye a r. They are, reading from left -. ab ac k r ow: We ipert, c·enter; Lorenz center; Lewis, center; Murray center· or gua d S h f to right, • r ; c ae er gua d · H h forward. Center row: Lannon , guard; wa lsh, gua rd· Gorges gu ar d· Ha i'g h fo d B ' r a n, · · • , rwar · esnah fo d C tain Larry Lispi, guard., B ttQm row: Miller, forward; Johnson , fotward ; Degginger 'forwa '. rwar ; apIVBl'd i Pl ayers whose n ame s are unde r lined will probably be in the stai ting lineup.' rd, Packy,

a Hur. I "TRAIL OF.'9 8" ' Just finished a big run in Om a- t 8 ba Theaters. Don't fail to see I ; this show.

t ' When an excellent menu of well balanced food, quick and icareful service awaits you things taste better. That's the reason your favor- 1 ite eating and meeting place , 1is known to he the best. After tl:teaters and dance parties. solicited . ' GES SAMAN'S 1 :l: :ebr••ka I ....... _,_,_, 8 MEA,LS, LUNCHES , SHORT ORDERS HOM. t M ADE PIES 2 doors south of Post Office _,_,"""_ ' c·LARK 'S ELECTRIC SHOP Shoe repairing at ' Comfortable Prices! Ladies Shoes a Special· .ty. <The Shoe Shop on the East Side of


Boy's Glee n )ass A

one of th Ra lph Hi"

"t re o · e Annual M

mbers : Mabel H' · matic toult) usic and Dra- basketball t ea m Tl R th H ig.gms, to Midl a nd Colle ge at Fremont, Feb-

afern'oon a nd

second for the · an1ent was t}i · 1s is " Hi g s" Eec- u araj ian, D oro th y W or ley, • between the Aub · e ond year at i·uary 12, fo r an exch ang e .concert of Cl ass B entr a nts held 'Sa turd ay af ter; urn hi o·h h Au burn Jo hn Stahn, El sie Nu s.s, M"r et h and Tecumse h high h "' sc o ol - < gar t e A-Ca pella choir which presen te d no on. At the reception t he Pern Clubs The A sc oo l Boys Glee M iiss Cec1·1 Cai n, G.ia·d ys Kimsey, D ean Gr ass, a p·ro gram i·n the · uburn Glee Cl b L. Ch ambe rs is now M , t M . D Wesely an a uditor - Dra ma t ic Club extended welcome to judged winners of th u was kinder ga rd 't' ai ga re eier, orothy Nelson, Neil ium Ja nu a ry 19 the contesta nts and en t ertain ed them, The Aubu 1 b e event. I . en en IC m the N ew Mex- T l' aber, V iv ian S tooker Elmer R · rn c u co · t d J 1co St t N B · by producin g one of th eir ori g in al ty -nine students u · .nsis ·e o.f twen- a e orm al Uni versi ty at I ur ke, Ma rgar et Major s, Florence El- ! , f -.ir H I ' nd er the d1rec ti on i Ve g as. Miss Ch a mber ho t, Ell en Nil es, Ma rg ar et Ced er.holm t Bo th of W es elyan s deba te tea ms one- act pla ys, "The Fl as h-Back" o 1'.u s. e en Lan gfo rd 8 was m G ' •will b · t' · d b t" h d dr am atiz ed by Ann a B es t Jcder. Both school : · sch o ol her e in 1926 eor ge Cook, and M? ry Alic e Engles. I eg m "1e1r e a mg sc e ul e 1 s displayed exc e lle nt 1 I ;n ext wee k, with the neg ative te am Each contestant. was presented w ith ta ent and showed that a l arge Fl oyd Ch ase, w ho PIANO, VIOLIN CORNET SOLO I meetin g t he We stern Uni on Te am on a copy of the anni ver sary pa mphl et. amo un t of preparati on had b w as a. stu d en t . ' ' , th e home flo or next Tuesd ay eve- Durin g t he M. I. N. K. tourn ament, made by both particip a nt;_ een Per u last year, a nd is no w teac h- 1 The , Pi a no solo .c ontest of the M. I. i nin g, a nd t he affirmative team me et- the Dram atic club was h9.st to Mi ss _ I 111.g ma nu al tr ain in g at NP.br as ka. N. K. held in the col- in g St. Olif at No rt hfi eld, Minne- Pa uline Gle ttly re pr es en tative from EVERETT GIVES PROGRAM I Ci ty, ha.s r ece ntly com me nc ed a n ew , l eg e· a ud 1torrn m at t en o'ck ck Isota. t.he Dram at ics Art ·Department of from Page 1.) i c? u rse 111 t he hi gh school at th at a. m. T he foll owm g p ar tic i- th e Univer sity of .w ho · -..yas ' such fa vont es as "T hat p .· t f: city p a'.ted: Auburn, Humb old t, Nebrask a I These tough ex a min a tions th at jud ge of the re adin g· and pl ay' con -' l .d IP ,, b . nn er o c·t . p· S l' I d . h t 1 6. •· s y H, a rold Be ll W . ,,, . 1 1 Y·r 1erce; · t er m g, an d Uri a<' illa. 1 test o ur m et al and spi r it are like the tests urm g t e ournament. " 0 l " ,.., ri g.!.1 t, Th f .. Th · I ' ·· ·\ d d ' · · a rn ,,b y J G. Ho ll a nd ; "The e. a cui ty a nd students who ..e P aw ar. e _ as fol- grams of sa nds that qy s ters l\{us1c Master by Charles Kl ein- or 1were 111 sc hoo l th ree y ears ago w ill lo ws . thu d, Ma xm e .Sm ith, AP b urn; stom ach aches. After a tim e they FRANK JENKINS · BEST TENOR: "If I Were King" by Aus tin 'Mc- I Mr. a nd Mrs R. D. Har-. Grace Mc Cr ory, Elmwo od ; become pe a rls. ' Fr ank Jel\.kins 9f , Humboldt Ca rthy. nso n, who wer e popul ar ly kno wn as First, Velma Ba rs ler e, St er lin g. / 1 I ed first in the tenor solos. No rman Mr. Kemp is not a f t . t H - Ma ry an d Bo b. The y received the A s cJ10 larship was also given to . Midl an ds se cond a nnu al All -Col- Mclrvoi of Tecumseh won sec "l nd neither bizarre in his u u ns . t is hi g hest vo.te on the popula rity co-n- first place by Rob er t T. Benfo rd in-leg e ni g ht , s ponsored by the Midland pl ac e and t he sil v er med al; a nd Kennor intricate in his a,.-;; d t heir will be found of at Pe ru Th e .och o- will be he ld March 8, ac- ne th Bo yd of Elmwood placed third ,. choice of sei ection h 1n th e f eature s ec t 10n of the 1926 . a rs ip prov1 e _two less ons a week cordm g to an an no uncem e nt ma de in t his division of the con t est thoc:e t hat mak s . e presen ts :Peru vfan. Th e ir man y friend s. will if when contesta nt after g radu at in g by Winifred Lorimer co ach of dr a-Don Bentl·ey of Te cumseh plac·ed· · - • e an inte nse a 1weal b · f h" h · h' l II · ' t he ones of which , e mter eiSted in the following "baby- rom 1.g sc oo enro s at Peru col- mattes at Midland. third in the ei g ht contestants who and presents them w;h ne ve..!:. ).gram"' rec eiv ed by Dean Delzel re- lege the school year. T.his I sa'ng t he baritone solo • "lnvictur"; f h . _,. "':'1 t he ge m us I ce ntl y. The "bab yg ram" annnounc- was the first tnhe such a sch olarship I By ado p ting a const itutio n and l How a rd Miller of St r won the o a man w o is ulst111 c tly an arti st, t ed th e birth of a daughter Nancy has been given. ! electin.g offic ers for th e soci e ty the er mg of a sympath t' d • 1 Th r · · · silver medal, and Herbert Spiecker-' st an din g· of li fe e lC un er- IBe lle, to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison on, I 't le vio l'nl perf?rmed stud en ts orga ni zed man of Rock Port, ,Missouri; won · · Ja nu ary 14th. 1a e even o c oc !!- · m., Fnd ay m t he t he Midl a nd college ch a pter of the fi h 1 l Mr. Kemp been a P <' p-n l a,r Ly- I --- _·jcollege auditoriu m'. T.he towns who Oxford Fellowship Mond ay evenin g rst place and t e go meda · ceum for nearly twenty Re cently a l ett er w as received en t ered EJ :nwocd, Hic li m,n, after a dinner in the pri va te di n in g --...'. C< rs .- -1) rr,,:) f co ncl •.''ive t.h ;s, th at from Dr. Hu go Broeker, Profe Es or 1-J'ebraska Ci ty, Palm y ra, Pierce, Re ck- l room of the Gy mna siu m -Co mmons § .he to audience s a t horoug h- of Ge rm an, at Rice University, Texas 15ort, and Unadi'll a. Ibuildin g. ly sat1sfacto.ry program re qu estin g t hat a cop y of the Pe r 1:1 I i:Iace was rlivirlerl I

I P edagog ian be sent to him · Dr. , Anna -0f and M·ss A du al deb ate b etw een the R ap id IOLA WILTZE BEST S OPRAN O jBr oeke r gradu ated from Peru in Rich'.11an "of oeco rd, Aud rey. City School of Mines a nd t li e Ch ad- 1

There showed a deci ded incre a£ e 1913. · i Perkms, fir st, Wi n ifr ed R as- Ir on Sta te .T ea ch ers' Coll eg e will be A -· in the number of co.ntestants in th e Ear ly in 191 4 Mr. Broeker decid- I ted y he ld on Fnd ay, of t his w eek. 1 'l soprano sec t ion, th ere being ten' en-ed to vis it hi s n ative home in Ger- 1 A simtlar schqlarship w as g iv en to I Q NT.'EDS tered for this event The seJe.c tion . m any He had the prelimin a ry pa-: fi;st plac_e· the -y iolin by Vic tor H. "Stude nts of a s chool can be, to a sung by the c ontestants w as "T he I pers ma de o ut for citizen s hip in the : the firs t pl a ce in m uc h larg er extent than th ey re a li ze bittle Damozel" by Novello , D oris !Un ited States, but thi s was no.t en -1the piano div 1iS1on. re sponS' ib le for the of e nr <II - I Umland of A uburn wo n third place I<;>ugh to qu a lify him as a bona •fid e, The con test nu111 ber wa s Mi nu et in me nt of t heir pa rti cu lar colle g e." II FINE PORTRAITS and hono.rable me ntion; t he sil ver I ci t iz en, a nd w hen the war broke o ut G bf .Beetho ".en. . . medal was won bv I-Je len He n ke of he was d raf ted into the Germ an I At two <>'clock t.h e cornet solo c on- T hey find fa ult wit h edi tor<; 0 FRAMES Sterling and the g; ld medal and fir io.t army. At one time a rep -0 rt reached _. test was Elm wo od, I The t hin gs we print are r ot, 8 pl ace by Iola Wiltze of Honey C reek h er e th at he had l ost his in: s er- ' Nebr_aska Ci ty, Pal.myr a, .Per:'• P1 e rc 0 1 The p aper's about as pe pp y Ada Brady of Peru pla ced th ird in I vice. D r. r.e ceived St erhn g, Tecu i;iseh, Un adill a, a nd ,, As a cem etery lo t. A the contralto so.los Maxine Sams of D. fr om the Um ve rs1ty of Berhn m wer11 e !1 tered. , >.. Sterling placed seco nd , and MaPy Fra- J. 927 , and retu rne d to. t his country Third place, Frank fr om Th e :ads sh ow po or ar ra nge me nt, \!' zier of Auburn won first and t he go ld l ast N ovemb er at w hic.h ti'.11e took I s eco nd, Keith V er- 1 1

m ed a l. The song u se d was "Homin g .'' /up hi s work at Rice, Umvrs1ty don,

P' - l' ' I -

We El But when the paper's pr in te d. I ' sp eci ali ze in la d ies' and c hildren 's hair cutting ,, ' PERU HAS WINNING ORC HES TRA An d the iss ue's on fil e, 1; PHONE 56 PERU t" sham poo i ng scalp t t . . . ' ·

rea ment, facia ls, man1cunng-all /

Jf so meone misse d hi s copy , h oes bea uty cultu re. Yo ur pat ro na ge appreciated. For I In the results of Cl ass B or ch es ras You can hear him yell a mile.- Ex. I ., . I· - .I App o1 ntme ns Ph o ne 187, Monteith 's Resid ence that played · Sa turd ay eveni ng, P er u ·1


SH OPPE received first pface, Elm w-0 od re <>-..eiv- ..... ed ol'econd, and Palmyra tHrd. Ster- I · '._ ·._. ._. ._ ling and Unadilla were the oth er c· n- j A EVERYONE will find this store a sa tisfactory place to D k H v secure th eir foods. Fresh meats, Lunch and canned meat, • testants. ay in an& u mb oldt 1

. WH EN IN DOUBT-T RUMP OR COME TO entered in the eontest but failed to 1 I milk, fresh and canned fruite and vegetables. Everything get here. , I for the table. Service good and prices re asonable. KOEPPL E'S CAFE ' Peru high school orchestra which THE MARDIS STORE , I F OR YOUR MEALS, L UNC HES, ETC. '. received first plac·e wa s under t he; I :S-....,_""_...._.....

; Ph one 1 95 Peru; Nebr. : direction of Miss Imo B ro o ke r. T.his I ·-

' Iorchestra had the lar gest number of FISK TEACHERS AGENCY (Incorporated)

; pieces, twenty-two in all, Pe ru WPS J Smte 410-11 Symes, Denver-M. E. Shuck. P.h. D., anager

:the only orchestra wi thout a saxo -. More vacancies than satisfactory applicants to fill t 1hem.


I ' phone · They pla y ed tw o pi·eces, "!'fa- !-============================::;::==

· l tional Hon.or" and the conte st I"Ma r ch · Militare" by Shubert, All of 11 CLEANING AND PRESSING , , ;IQ the girls were dressed in butterfly ' ' FANCY BO X STATIONE RY, NOTI ONS AND SCHQOI:. 'skirts and sweaters. I Have Your Overcoat Cleaned Now SUPPLIES Second place was received by Elm- ; , • I CON KLIN ENDURA PE NS AND PENCI LS, UNCONDI- I wood. - WPS comp osed

Herm an s Cleaners and Tarlors . , ' T IONA LLY AND PERPET U.ALL y GU ARANTEED · of :wenty and had the grea'he st, ___ 1 variety of instrumen ts No ot. er 1 ' Au th o ri zed Deal er for Nemaha C ou nty for Remington ! school had. two pi a ni sts a nd a xyl0- .....

' Po rtable I 1 girl · pl ay in g the• xylo- /

I p-hone pres ented a sol o, too ,, I H U L A N D Q L T ·I Palmyr a..'received t hird pl ace. T

Opposit e T ra ini ng Sch ool :

; who attended colle ge at Peru l ast i

ft , I year. T.hese gir ls we re dre ss·ed in ' , ....,_ middies and skirts. 11 .

<ii I The orches tr a from Un ad ill a wgs 1 ;

• . 11·small. They played a s election : i "w here savi nga are g rea t est,, I . I out a director. were rn i CLOTHING • DRY GOODS

\'\Ti§IT CLEVEi A•un 1s . the form of a The directo r ,

"Marche J

I j The orches t ras in wder of their V l ,, A For All That' s New. For th e Newest I' appe a n111c1e were: P-er u. St erli ng, Un - AN·D HATS ' , a dil h, Palmyra, and El m wo od. The

contest piPce was "Mar che . Mili ta re" I N ew York Creations ar e sh owo here as . i by Shubert.

n as in the larg er ,ci ty st ores.

Th e Lat est in Women's Apparel


Miss Papez, supervisor of penman· ship and art, has returned from Iowa City where she turned in t.he "Thesis" for her masters degree. During her stay there last week Miss Papez also took her final examinations ,for the same degree.


The County Superin t enaent's Asso - I ciation was held in Lincoln on, Wed I nesday, Thursday and Friday of last week. Professor Tyler, head of the rural department, and Dean Delzel

, attended. It is interesting to know S P E C J A L T Y iitha t ex-Peruvians are well repre· AMBULANCE AND sented among the superintendents.

FUNERAL DIRECTORY Nebraska County S ti pe rintendents.

L. HORTON & CO. I who were former Peru via ns include Phone 128 Peru, Nebr. Ii the followin g: Mrs. Id a McCJintock,


Dear Folks: Gives Victory to Plattsmouth ' WEDDING BOUQUETS

It sure is cold here and the wind Fri tz Rothert's boys from up the I FERNS, PALMS, AND is blowing and its sn5> wing and every- river sailed down on the Bob kittens I BEDDING PLANTS thmg else. This we ather sure is IFrid ay ni g ht and, after a hard fo ug.bt I WIRE PHONE WRITE

a wful-a hole month of snow But over time game, returned to/' G. E. BERTHOLD say there is one nice thing abou.t it, Pl at tsmouth wi th a 14 to 13 decision I it sure makes keen co asting. under their belts. # Nebraska City, Neb.raska

j Antelope county; Kat hryn K. Le e, The other nite a bunch of we kids In the first half the play w as _....,_...,_...,_.._.

Banner Coun ty; Alpha C. P ete rs on. County; Mrs. Edn a H. Jack rnn , N O"f St t" ., I Cherry County; Wilfred E. Voss, were down on the hill coasting. Well somewhat even with Plattsmouth my sled load had just slid down the holding what edge there was. The'.....,_...,_...,_._._...,_...__... hill and started to drag the sled Ihalf ended 9 to 4 in Platts mou t

ew 1 a IOD 'Da kot a County; Elizebeth E. Sc hel-

Full line of tires, tubes, and Fillmore County; Joseph W. automobile accessories. Miller, Gage County; The odore A. G Frye, Gr a nt County; Eva B. Shu-

AS AND OIL man , Jeffers on County; Elva L. Mc-

We have a modern air hoist Coy, Johnson County; Ra chel McElto help us give the best service roy, Kimbal County ; Cat terette

possible m lubricating your IBishop, Sa rpy Cou·fity; E. H. Koch, car. Sew ard Coun ty; R. D. Hendrickson, Forsyth Oil Co. Sherman County; and Cla ra M. McGlatc:hey, Vall ey County.

back up' to the top when another or. # bob came down and bang! They The Bobcats came back after the I t urned over and spilled them kids intermission and ou t played Pl atts- # every which way. And beleive me mouth and with one minute to pla y I I sure did laff, caus one of them were leading 12 to 10. #


LACQUER, ENAMEL PAINTS girls on sled had • With only a minute left to play I COAL COAL me sumthmg turrible because she # was riden on a new sled and mine Peru fouled. Plattsmouth took time ' ' MEEK LUMBER co. was a little mellow· Gee! I out, talked things over, and then I w. J. RABEL, Mgr sure was. glad she upsot -it just serv- lined up for the free throw. T.he , 1 Phone 48 Peru, Nebr.

AUBURN HAS BEST CHORUS ed her nt e. She sure gave me a ·ball arched thr11 the air barely gra z- 1

. dirt! look, but I never cared any ed the bank-board a, Plattsmouth ' Auburn, Falls City, and Tecumseh for that because IOoks won't kill ' 1· were the only three schools to brin g But I have sorta k;p t out · of player then leaped into the air, _...,_...,_..__....,_......,_,....._

There is no Substitute , a mixed chorus in class A. road since as she is 8 pretty big the ball and the score was II FOR HONESTY #, was some very good harmony m a ll girl and mite take a notion into h tied. # A. E. Johnson, Do Do S. I ' o! the groups, but Auburn was con- head that 1 had sumthihg to do During extra three minutes I as a business policy ; I sider_ed to have the best c.horus by that ole upset. .• Hadrapa .talhed from the field for "' I j the Judges and was awarded _ first I Say Bub I've iot sumthing tO tell Plattsmouth and Applegate coun ted I' J. C. CHATELAIN / Pl l! ce and the pe nn an t. City ! you when I get thru don't ever let fhromf the1 free throw line to m ake

was second and Tecumseh third. , me .here you say th t p . 't t e ma score 14 to 13 in Platts' a eru. am s um mouth's fa vor town. There was· a new girl here to PERU TAKES CLASS B CHORUS !school and her mother - had just help - McConnaha and Ha drapa starred _..,_.....,_...,_...,..,_....,_ d h . k h b . for Platt smouth while D ao:he r Ap- ;

I Peru and Sterlin g aga in were close , e er ptc out er oardmg place pelgate d c t · w·11: ' I

, a d .t t" f h , an ap ain i 1a.ms car-

m the Cl ass B Mixed Chorus but the I n 1 was ime or er to g<> back Scho ol sin g ers ca;ried off down to the depot with he; mother. the brunt of the Bobki ttens at- f, pennant Mi ss Ruby Brown has ,· This was all at ni'te now you un d er- ac · 1 1 SHOE SHOP I · 1done some excellent work with the stand. Well after her mCJther had CATHOLIC CLUB MEETS-PARTY # Peru Nebraska I ' J. D. GRAVES Girl s Gl ee Club a nd the Mixed Ch or- Ileft the girl started back to her T

ATTORNEY AT LAW us, and deserves much of the credit I room and she couldn't remember he College Catho.Jic Club m et on NOTARY PUBLIC for Peru's success. Sterling was &e c- / where the house wais so she sta r ted Wednesd ay evenin g in the C. C. A. _,._..,._.._,_.._,_.._,_...,._ Peru Neb lond and Elmw oo d th ird in this group. walking around and she walked and room for a part'y The evening was

raska 'I I wa lked for a long, long time, and spent in playing bridge and hearts af. I

I JUNIORS RETAIN OFFICERS finally a boy from the house had to ter which sandwiches, sa lad, a nd cof-1 p J

. go out look for her. He found fee was


_ DJrm ,., convoc at10 n hour her around-.up on the camp - A short business mee tmg was held , 1 J

I11.-.y, the Jumor Class held a meetm g. 1 us trymg to get .her directi oris from afterwards at which various an- J" Washing and Greasing VALE NT JNE·S ,The following officers . were elec te d: ) the stars. So there! Any

I· - - yea.r·. \' :i r- 1 what , aawful big wo.rd-bu_t

" will be he ld la te r in the • FRESH A · d by I a in't g- ot time to tell you about 1t " W H Them f i ou 3 commit tees ap p 1i1111,e · I D l" ·es And e ave I now. 't'he housemother !ms turned Pastry a nd Bake ry e i_cacI the the lites off .ind my candle b purty t he pr ices? T hey are right LOYAL PHARMACY I short so gc,od nite n11<l ples ent ROBB I NS ' BAKERY I TAXI SERVICE. II · 1 dreams nnd do:i't let the bed -ou i;s 1 p - Nebraska Taxi to a nd from early mornmg · - " eru , a nd ni g ht tra in s, Ca ll Hallenbeck's bite. y d t '-. Ch w·n Ad our 0 er, · Ga ra ge, ph o ne 67.-as. 1 3 .- - Mnrv _ ...._..._....,_"_"''--'.._._..._ _...._._

DR. N. S. HARAJIAN verti semen t. P. S. The orirls at the - all .send

DENTIST I th eir 10 ve."' :.nd a thon s r.11d _thanks X-RAY SERVICE 'iI I have Well for t he bc.,x. J1 was sure swe.l.

Barnes' Pharmacy. Tel. 27 lighted and heated. Board. QUESTIONS PREPARED


... ...,._ ......_ Pho ne 87. 'l'he Y. M. held a meeting 1!1 \Ved- 1 F.resh Stoc k of Meats, vegetables, and I are reasonable.-Call Mrs Games, !


i;, the Little Theater. J. h.J se 1 NE E.OLE ART SHOP presen.t were divided into three l Groceries. . Ig roups, headed by Eldon H !l yward, ·1 - VALENTINE SUGGESTIONS ! E. R. Burkey and Wilbur Schindler. I . WE. BU Y CREAM

A lovely assortment of handmade imported handkerchiefs The followin g are some of the ques- ; . r 25 CENTS to 50 CENTS ti ons that were ask ed an? · discussed. ! I Pt etty Tub Frocks at - - $1.95 I , Is the Bible inspired by God - or --....-....,_....__._.__._._.___..___...._-..--

Just arrived, New;Flowers for the dress or coat New Millinery "• How much of the Bible can we I New Silk Hosiery, all shades $1.00 to $1.95 ! b r ? ;


I When did man create a so.ul and ' 36 Years of Helpful Service proof a flood really J NK 1occured? Ma ke Applie a tiorls Now Boomer 's Teachers Agency · 124 N. 12th, Lincoln, Nebr. CITIZENS STATE

I These and other questions 'will be ,, - ·Ianswered at the next regular meet· I on February 13. . .


I The High School Orchestra under the direc t ion of Imo the

IHigh School Girl's Glee Club, and the Chorus under the direction of IRn by Brown, and the Boy's Glee 1Club under Raymond Trenholm en/tertained at Chapel, Wednesday, Feb -1 ·ruary 6. They presented the nu m1hers w.hich they used in the M 11. N. K. tournament.

I Huston Kings olver also played 2 · I ,cl a rinet solo which he presented at the tournament.


The Faculty Dames will entertain the men of the teaching staff and relatives on Thursd ay evening, February 14 in the trainin g sc.hool. This is be· ing planned as a Valentine party under the direction of Mrs. Joder , who has been placed in charge of t he entertainmen t. Mrs Benfo rd is ch ai rman of the refreshments commi tte e; the hostesses are Mesdames L ars on , Pate, Hill, Ennis, Dunn in,g, Delzell , [Sewell, and VanDyke.



Out s tanding Values in Spring Classy Je an, Korrect C:O-ed, Famous Fash "' ion Craft at $14.95, $16.75 to $38.75. All we ask is the opportunity to show yau our ch.oice collection.

g, Peru w ill f orfe it the cup to ; cost um e par ty in the of the hands of Peru. Peru man a nd me mb er of fa cult y, i.be held at Peru, Fr id ay and Satur -Ster lin g. ._ th e t ra i ning school Saturday, Febru- Murr ay the clown of the St. died l ast Sa turday , a nd the foll owing Ipromi ses to be one of t he lar g est Ac cording to the rules, the time 1ar y 15, at 8 o' c lock. The girls came diets team drew iiirst bl o od w hen he obituary is ha nd us : and best ever held at t hi s in stitu t ion . for ea ch play wa,,s have b ee n C)stumed as characters in story-books. 1sank a short one for two points. "Loy J. Gilkeson passe d a way at I The teams are divided in , thre e th1fty m mu tes, b ut His Ja panese D . h . f . f h ILewis followed with a free t hr ow five o'clock, Sat urd ay mo rnin g, Feb -, cl asses, A, B, and C. There are eigh t , ,, b p . h 1 a nc1ng w as t e main eature o t e ruary 9, at the Rochester, Minnesota, 1p oms entered in A, ei l! ht in Wife, presen t ed y h1g sc 1001 : • and from then on the "Cats" n ever too k forty - five m inl'.l te s. C ed r ic Cr i nk ev.e n mg, t he music bemg furmshed I . h os pitaJ, aft er un de rgoin g a major Cl as s B, and thirteen teams entered in who co11 ched the plav, sa id that at by Dick W iliams , and his orchestra. , saw _ of the sconn g colum n, oper ation earlier in the wee k." Thus Cl ass C. All Class A and B ga mes - • 1 th ha lf nd1"ng 16 to 9 a nd t he game the m essag e read w hic h told more wi"ll be played in the ·college gym - re.hears 8h ft never too k over the I Th · d d · d e e · ]' , .t I e JU g es requeste a gran 25 to l8 tha n the p ass i ng aw ay of a Neb ras -j ;• '1 •i•,,.,, , Of 1·.!·e C' :- cs r, 1!!1 "' 1 es th" time JIDI · •marc h. The g irls marched around I · · , ka schoo l man w ho had ser ved N e- · first two rounds will be played in the " Th ere c ou ld ha ve been no protest 1 • • • h . d I Durin g the first ha lf S t. Be ned1 cts 1 . "" , th e room in couples passmg t e JU •, 1 braska s chools for over a qu ar t er of s mall g ymn as ium and the semi -fma s fr om an y on e." de clared the JUdge, if I • "ff t ! presenoted an air-tight defens e, hold -a ce nt ury. It me an• the losing a and fin als will be pl ayed in the lar ge · h d b 11 d t t ge s s tand several times m di eren " the a , een e a ex ac - j : in g t .h e Peru scorin g comb in ation to pe rsonal, trn e frie nd fo r t hou sa nd s of gymnasium.

ly t he t )11rty m 1n ute s. 1 1a brace of 'field go a ls. wh ile t he ir ow n st ud ents a nd hi s prese nt and forme1· The fir st ga me of the tourn ey is Ster li ng cla imed that th is extra I Mis s H azel Wilhams the presented offense- worked to the tun e of seven c o-workers in the te ach in g profes -to be pl 0 y ed F ri day mornin g at 8:00 time fav or·ed Peru a nd help ed them i h er story boo k, on the first page was field goals and a trio of coun te rs sion. th e co nte stan ts 'bein g Brock an d Verto win. ' )1 "M istress Mary" pl a yed by Lucille from the free t hrow line

Born in Pe nn sy lvan ia, Oct o ber 24, don, b oth Cl 2ss C te am s. Cl 0 ss B T.\ ere was no off icial t ime keeper, Hug hes a nd her flowe rs. On the s ec- ' At th e st a rt of the s ec ond ha lf t he ! 1880, he came with hi s pare nts to g- am es w ill get under way Friday afbut Elm wood and S terling bo th I on d page wa s "Mi ss Muffet and Spid- Bo bc a ts" se em ed to h av·e cc me in to Saund ers Cou nt y, Neb ras ka, where .h e ter noon at 1: 00, th e fi rst game in this cla ime d to have t imed the play at ; er" played by Fl?ssie Ronne au and their own; but as the tim

now that fi n;t nla ce i. t k f - " a en ro m :eru tVh ey p1ace as fo l lo ws : Elmw c- o r'I The p lizes as follows: fo urth defe at of the s easo n. 11909 when he entered Peru rad- t·e-a _m_s -a-·11·d 111' t; erdo •1 «ec ond· St 1 -· fo r couples, Elsi·e Wa lhn and Mar- g altro 11 vh N ebr ask a City · er rng, th ird· gare t Gr av h t d " T.!-e was rough from the uat ed fr om the norm '! l c ou rse in 1911. has sh ow n clecided im.nr ov ement sin ce R!ld Pe ru fo ur th. T Hs rr iv es tha es w. o cos ume as QLeen - II 1 • na nt for th e plays to pend- Elizabeth" and "Si·r Walter Ra li-egh" I st art to t he fmish, tw e nty fo ur per- i e was e ec t eQ Sl' l) en nt.e ncknt of the i ts last appearance here, Peru is a St r h , an tied "Ha ns d G t 1,, h j son al fouls in total bein g ca lled by IArlin gto n sc hools, and in 1913 cf the favorite to con the tilt. erdtngh .as mor e p oints than Alice 11/1'1 11e an d Erle! e MW 0 wfere / refe r ee McGah am s·even on Per;, Ha r vard sc hools, to succ e ed fo r me r I The fi n als .of all will be mw oo , t ey win t he c un :u r an een eans or - S s · · " H" J . - , firs t place a nd seven t een on St. Ben edic t s. Both tate uperint end ent J. L. Mc B1ien. pl aye d S aturd ay ni gh t, Class ·C finis apanese Wife," was presen t- j Blewett a nd Ca!)tain were eie ct- In 1913 he was ch ose n supe1int n dent als comin g off at 7 o'c lock, Class B ed in fine and Mr. Crink as d_i- singles'. Evelyn Sk:lton as ed from 't he game with fou r of the Cl Ry County schools which po- fin als at 8:00 and Class A finals at 9 rector de ser v es much cr edit for suc h PY ti ed for first place with Ada fouls called ag a inst th em H . si tion he he ld unt il 1922, when he be- o'clock " · · Eyre as "P · B ,, owev e1 • a sp len ch d rr esentation / " uss in oots · Ias this was in the final of p came fiel d and ex t ension <i irec t or fo r! Season t icl<'ets w ill be sold at .$1.00

Sterlin g present ed the pr otest in School Days" by Edith Prokes and t he last pe ri od it did no t Rny State Tea ch ers College. In 1923 A sin g le t icket to a l"y v ame played 8 manner which showed sportsm an -· Ma donn a Br ady were given first p1ize bearinR' on the outcome of the g am e. he took of the tra inin "' s chool. during the day will be 25c w.Mle at ship, belie v in g t ru ly th at Peru had ; for the best s tunt. Murray, center, who held Kre ici to as supermt endent In 1925 he e :: ter- ni g ht t he price of admission will be a sup e rior p lay, they prese nted the ir I Twenty fi ve others were chosen as eig ht !lOints and made ei g ht l:a t he St.ate ?niversity as i?structor 50c. Officials will be sel ect ed from · protest a ccording to t he la ws la id honorable mention. These with the Besnah, forward, who sank th ree Im cducatwn, 111 the te ac.he rs colle g e, the Me n's Club and the P Club. down by t he co mmittee in c.h arge of winners will present a convo- from the field and who is an other j whe; e 1ie d id work in I Foll owi ng is a cl assificat ion of the the co ntest Bo th' Pe ru and Ste rli ng , ca ti on prog ram unde r the direction of Weller in t;'e art of dr ib bli !lg, an <l the um v ersi ty s deg 1 er ,teams. offici a ls are well pleased w ith the I Ad a Eyr·e, February 25. gu a rd, were th e main which he r ec e tv ed 111 1928· In the ] CLASS A- Peru, Nebraska Ci t y, fina l results han ded t hem by the I The judges were, Mrs. Ca stle ons the Bobc at forwa r ds were unahle of th a\ y ear .b e _elec t ed s u- Falls C ity, Sterling, Au burn, Dawson, j 1,1dge.s.

B row n, Miss P :l pez, and Mi ss Church. to core, and were the outst andin g cf the t i_ sc '.- 001 Humb oldt, and Salem. T.he gymnasium was deco rat ed with aids :to Peru's downfall .C andi! tr ec tolr ofD athlebt-Jcs ihn' H ahstml ghs I CLASS B-Dunb ar Bri>d sh aw UnMR KN d d h "S d ,, H o eg e. n ec em er 1s eat • ',

IGHT S PEAKS A'.T Y. M. re an w ite streamers and hearts. we e ertz and "Missou ri" H 11 rft be ga to f .1 d d . •h h 1 i"n. V ii ln ,. r iso, Shubert. Ta ble Rock , · M .• n Ft , an unn g , ·e ,.. i- ·

At the reg ul ar mee ting of the y. rs. P ate, Mrs. Dunm_ng, pl a yed the best basket ba ll for Pe ru. j dnys he went to R.ocJ1es te; for treRt- 1Bratton Union, and Stella M, -C. A., Mr. Kni g ht g ave some in -, and gu e sts followed l?y g 11 ls mal'ched T he g·ame wns by far the best that me nt. Hi s s!reng th w as not suffi-

CLASS C-Pa nama, B ro ck, Verdon, te restfo.g an swe rs to qu estions pr e- /aro und the r oom which at the , has been ·stage d on the coH<ge g ym 1 1cient a!ld he p assed b eyo nd last Sat- Ta lm age, Dubois, Un a dill a, Palm yr a, viously su bmi tted to him. M .. K ni g ht , booth _w.he_re ice cream this ye ar a nd it 'was 1a: gan:i e b etw een urday mornin g, a ged 48 years, t hree Sac1:ed He a rt, Honey Creek, John son, stat ed t..h. at when people read the b i- Idamtly wi th trny red candy 1 two well matched teams wi th St. Ben- , m o'nt hs and fift een d ays. Endicott, Lorton, and Bennet t. ble they shoul d out asid e their own Ihearts a.nd co okies we re served. 1 (Con t inued on P a.ge 2 Col. 5) : Th 1 - 1 · 1 · us ·ende d t 1e ca reer of onE' of • petty c onceptions and notio ns and Mo re than t wo hundred girls were I INebra ka·s mo st b elov ed sch oo l men . ! R EA D N EW CONSTITUTION ma ke an eff o rt to interpre t the pas- Ipresen t. / BUDGET SHOW· NEXT T UESDAY IWh en e ver he left a positi on Jie left · T he Ever ett Li ter ary Socie ty m et sa ges as God re a lly inte n ded . He This cos t ume party is considePed j Rich man poor man ·beg rrer man a commu n ity of frie nd- on ly to make Thursday eveni ng in th e L it tle Thea1 1 6 'I .,, M added t hat God _ha d J>Jss ib le I by the gir ls of the co llege as an event Ithief, doctor, lawyer merchant, y et more fr ie nd s wh erev er he wen t. t er. 'd otna the hn ewly ?IE:cted e of t ne peop le fr om th e 1 to look foreward to each year as an Th . B d · h S The fu ne 1 a d b · 1 presi en · pres1 e at t e meetm g. at is roa way-"T e treet of 1a n Ul ta services state of barbarism to the prernn t j outstandrn g social gatherin g. Tlns 1 ,, were held at Ashla nd. Th e great , At a previo us me et in g n commi ttee state of c iviliz a ti on. T.hat advan ce - year's costume party was a complete 1 lusions. bank of fl owers ma de fr om wre at hs had been appoin t ed to revise the c onment had res ul t ed be cause men success, and probably the .best attend- Nex t nig ht, 26, and sp rays sent by fri e nds th rou g.h- sti tution of th e soci-ety. The r ev is ed been br oa d mi nded an d had recei ved I ed costum·e pa rty ever given by the there will be given.. ano t he r movie as ou t the state' was a tribu te of love c onsti tu tio p was r ead and was 'th en th e conc·eptions as int en d ed g irls club event. ca lled (Con ti nued on P age 2, Col. 3) .adopted by a vote The meeti ng fo r the fo ll ow ing week , The S treet of Illuswns is a c' o_r, ted I T he nrorr ram was in charge of Marwill be an Est es Pa:rk meeting. P!nn: '1VESLEYAN DEBATE POS TPONED fr om a sto ry by Ch an nin g Polloc k. STUDE NT JOI NS OPE RA igar et Mc Willi ams, and of wi ll be m ;i de to send <le1eg ates to the Bec au se of t he s prea d of s pinal Mr. Pollock .has num erous Miss Brickell left last week to. foll ow; ng: natio n al meeting of th e Y. ·M. C. A. me nin.g itis in the v icini ty of Lin ccb sto ri es and play s th at h ov e be·en join t he Tool·ey Op era Comp any S he - Id a to be held this summer at Estes Iespecia ll y at Cotner, i,t was thoug ht h ig hl y successful bo th on the st ag e .11 . h . 1 f S 1 . h IRe a dm g --H azel Hutc hin son P and on t he g re at silver scre en. wt smg t e ro e o erp o el te m .t e . ark be st to pos tp o ne the dual debate w ith the pr ogram the meeti ng 1 1 Wesl ey;n, w .hich w as to h ave been " Th e St1 e et of Illusio ns" is a dr ama ope ra, "C hi mes of No rmandy," op en- w as adj ourne d. STATE BOA RD .MIEETS he ld last Thu rsd ay This :irran ge - of New Yo rk li fe on B roadw ay, its in g in Oca la, Florid a, Ma:rch 11, and.P resi dent T. J. Maj ors of Pe ru a nd ment was effect ed by a late te leph one hopes, loves, s orr ows, joys, and dis- fi lli ng so lid boo ki ngs over a perio d of DRAMATIC CLUB other m-emb ers of the state normal / con fer e nc e bet ween Pr esid e nt Pate appo i ntm ents. But why te ll anymore twenty -two weeks, covering app r oxbo'ard held a spe cial meeting at th e! a nd Ch ance ll or Schrecken gast, Wed- ab out the p icture? mate ly el e ven sta·tes east and. central

A busin ess m eetin g of the Dr amatic Club was held in th e Little The acapit ol Tu esday to consid er the co n- nes da y evening. · D on 't forget a nd ·see " Th e Stree t w est. • tre Frid ay, February 15, at 11 :50. struc tion of a $100,000 do r mito ry at T he a ffirmaf-i ve te am met q 1c neg-of Illusions" at the coll ege auditorium Miss Br ic kel has a lov ely soprano tb') F cr u sta te norm al schc ol un de ;· a tive team of Dana Colleg e, Wednes- ne xt Tu esday ni g ht. This w ill be a vo ice in th e words of Mr. St eck. After a s hor t busi ness meet in g the pro visio ns of the law of 19 27, day af tern oo n in the c ollege au dit0:c- budg et event. her present teac he r, she has a sen se L eo ne Vander ford read a pape r on wh ich pro vides for pay ment of su ch ]um at Peru. Th e a udi e nc e tJ: o ug h j This play has had bi g runs in and "at homen ess" fo r the stage "Greek T heatre." b uildin gs out of ren ta ls, without ap- f ew in nu m be r showed unus ual inter- 1 many of the large the aters of Ameri- which should take her far in t.be 1 Poin ts were co un ted fo r the init ipropriations or o th er ob li gations by est. ·There was no deCisi o'n g iven, I ca, and the btidget committee feel theatrical world. at io n to be he ld Thu rsd ay. A lso a r ethe sta te The board accept ed a con- b ut Mr. Li nd say was we ll pleased ; that it is one of the most ente r tain- She was accept ed by H. W. D.. ception will be g iven fo r new protract offered by t he First Tru st with the s howi ng made by the Peru 1 1ing pictures t.hat could be obtained Tooley, impressario for the company bationary m embe rs Thursday evenCompany of Lincoln. team for Peru students. on r ec omren dation of Mr. Steck. ' ing in t he Little Theatre.




Entered at the oT Peru, State Teachers College $1.00 the Year-Sc single copy STAFF












GILK ERSON PASSES AWAY (Contiu ed from P age On e .) long to be rem embered by those ne ar a nd de ar to him. ' 'mile; Emil Wicin&,_ Wilber, relay and broad · jun;ip; , ·Sterling, Short St orv·Co rn er . , '--------------.----· Nebr broad jump · WASHINGTON IRV ING I "Bes ides th'ese men there are a large (Edgar Allen Po·e.) . )group of new- marnnal amongrwhora Schalfner, Nor th L<»cp, hurtlles -and pay tribute to the man Ano t her writer of tales, suc h as I 1 It · B · FaHs Ci tv middl• I W h" I . d in po e vau , ):1 ggs ,


, t , as mgton rv1ng was, ap pea re d' t· Cope p ru dis t ance· Gal h d . h C' 'l W b IS :111ce,

e. a ys. prior .to e . iv1 ar, i:u • Iowa , Plattsmouh, di stance; Toft:,

The Peru Sta te Te achers College, t he teachers co ll ege of the Universi ty, an d the Has t in gs Coll ege each sen t a dele gation to hsh111 g his m div ers maga7mcs I shot: C':>m b s, Emerson, Iowa, ' and ne wsp apers aJI t heVw ay lhigh jump ancl po le vault; S umll!ers, to n dto New h e ry e 11s S trahan, Iowa, h ig.h jump; Raibback, pre e cessorh w fo _wd.as e1su rpe y Ptru s prints artd bro ad jum11: Tra11dt "' 'm o::: 'i to t e no1nt o i I!!ence. oe 1 1 It d ' ddl d' t - ·p po e vau an m1 e is ance· is perhaps the most eratic and co lo r- eru, d R k S · · 1 •Uben istance; oer asse, eward, ful fi gure m Ameri can iterat ure, un-' . " less it be the m odern Pi·· re". broad -· --· __

PERU VS ST. BENEDJCTS (Co ntinued from Page 1.)

He was, for the grea ter pa rt of his life, a ha ck-wri ter: notwith stan di ng, he w as a g oo d h ack- wri ter. P oe is th e first champion ot s ci en ti fic te chnique in the m atter of story-wr iting. edicts having t he edge on the night His " Philosophy of C omposi to n", in in question. · I whch .h e ex!·.Jains the wo rki ngs of his The Peru te am as a w hole did not p oem "The R ave n ", has bec ome a play up to t heir u su al s tandard of cl assic am on g w ri t ers. H is Ita li an basketball alm o st eve ry man being story, "The Cask of Amontilado,'' is g·uilty of m ist ak es at c riti a cl times 'ta ke n as a crite rio n for sto ry: ma ke- duri ng the garrie, bu t too much credup. Ho weve r, beca use t his is so well - t can not be gi ven St. Bene dicts as , I kno w n, we ha ve chosen an other of t he y play ed an ex ce llen t. b ran d of CO-OPERATION Ithe state as exemplifi ed in a 1 • hi tales for di scussion. This i;; his b asketb al l wJ1ic h w ould ha ve bee n

(Marguel"i te Gr aves) fun,d must be made In ! PROF. LOY J. GILKESON. !"Ma sk of the Red De ath," brief but hard to .beat at any t im e or place. I I I f I . . . . <l Co -·operation. Do you know· what it short, we work for an ex i:: a :- sion 1 • who ser ved wi th honor in each ' of ? 0 '."er u. :na gnpp mg rn i ts ramat- BOX S CORES means? Yes, I suppose we know the Ia long t.he -e ntire fron t of ed - t' 1 1 these insti t ution s. The Marnnic ic mt ensity. P ERU (18) FG FT PF P

d f . . . b d uc a 10na IL A . - th I f - e 1mt10n ut o we know the real d S - od ge of Clay Center In

me a nin g. We do not know what

means.to the g eneral pub- bri ng e ve n _Iargei"_ 1'et urns ti1 an an y jof t he buri 1 services. assisted by the 'l. r'.d , Lc_i e>: ::nd hi:n o:e

he. St op and thmk what cooperation we have en3oyed m the O ur ! As hl a nd Lodge. ·h_,, ,e, _ hi s periple to ito a;, Hurst, f

do es. Farmers n eed _it, men· e duc ational syste.m m ust keep pace 1 1 P rof essor Gilkeson leaves a wife tl:ey w ill. ba l!

as a sc ool ca nnot ge t alon g, eith er, ! th d f h i he ad of physical training and co ach no unm::._;: ·

can nothget along wi t hout it and we/ with t he times::·if it is to ade qua<:ely ,a nd an only son, GI-e n. - who is now 1 ,pctars au w.b" vnll Wasley, .g (c) ___

Ith h h' I serve e nee s o t e people -E I h

a oug we may t mk we ca n. · · · of physical training and head coach e ef1« ln f4

When co-opera tion is absent we :· Hosm an ,_ in Nebraska Educational 1' at Missouri Valley, Iowa f.lis fath er, IMas q ue of the Re? D eath" is

have no "class spirit" or even "school who lives in Su t herla nd, Nebraska,

spirit" and ,.after a ll that is what we - an d. two brothers, also' survive him. sitt mg. It is a pic ture, beaut

really want a nd are wo rkin g fo r. We FRESHMAN'S DECLARATION lterrible. To gether with a great

h.ave probably often wondeved at When in the course oi human ot her Americ an short-s to

times .vhat we could do in or der to events it be com es nec essary to h ave find The Mask of the Red Dea

obtain the "real school spirit'. We your pic t ure t :=i ken fo r tJ1e Blue a nd EXCHANGE -NEWS Jessu J? , Al ex a nde

need co-opera t ion. Gold a rid to se e yourse lf as the American S hort-Stories." --J. O. F, · Lis_p

· h

We read and think about co-op era- P otog:rapher sees you, a de cent r es-

tion, but that is ·as far as it g oes. pect to t he modesty of the stu- There was a serious accident in OMARr KHAYYAM a·

L ' b • d b Gl asgow the other da.v when two taxi- p


et s g et usy and have it. It's up to e nt ody requires th at we not de- · r ua Y .e c ev e res piece o po-us as stude nts of P. S. T. C. to ta ke clare the oa ths which spr ing fro m cabs collideq. Thirty were etry ev er written by man is that TOTAL

in3'ured. f · f p · 1· Refe1-ee M G h 1t upon ourselves individu a lly, to do j ou r in dig na tion. · amo us piece o ersian 1t erat ure, : le r: m, E mp oria, K:


The needs of educ ation are of a different ch aracter than thos·e of business. Higher salaries for teachers, to meet the increased costs a nd increased stand a rds for livin g, will not only be advisable but necessar y. Chan g es in the present policies of employin g teachers should be e ffe cted by the applic a tion of the principles of tenure. An over ever-extensive curriculum in keeping with the needs of the times must be recogn ized. Adequate provision for retiring teachers after they have g iven a life of service to

D ecorat or: Your wife, sir. Head of the House: P retty isn't it?

Dealer: Did I underst and you to say that the parrot I sold you u ses improp er lan g uage.

Cultured Customer: P erfectly awful. Why yesterd ay I he ard him spfit an i'nfinit ive. /

Feed Dealer: You owe me t hree dollars for oats, 1Mose, and if you don't pay it I will take your horse.

Mose: All right, Mr. Gu ggenmeier, and I'll pay you the bit.J anee of the three dollars just as soon as I can.

An unscrupulous footb all player was teaching some cowboys how to play. He explained t he rules an d e nde d as follows: "Remember fe llows, if you can't kick the ball kick a man on the ot her side. N ow let•s get bu sy. Where's the ball ?" One of the cowb oys sho u ted: "Never mind the ba ll! Let 's the game !"

Lad y: Did you notice that pile of wood in the yard?

Hobo : Yes'm, I seen it.

Lady: You should mind yo ur gramm ar You mean you saw it, HobG: No'm you saw me see it, but you a in't seen me saw it

Tourist: Shall I t ake this Farmer: 'Taint necessary. ready g ot one road th ere.

ro ad

Seeing that the Lorbeer coached Bobcats have virtually clinched the basketball tit1e in the N. I. A. A. confere nce, Co ach Lon R. Graf has now turned .his attention to track in an effort to bring to Peru the · third ch amp io nship within the year.

Y Also a comedy "Should a I Married Man go Home?" ; ' I J WEDNESDAY, Febru ry 20 f 1 "Beware of t

s .... f i China will be gi

-----a--- - f JI · le R. a --n d better still, there can, a nd should •1 re c c es,_ pimpThs,t h ] l de able ei·'s Club "anquet at Linc oln , Tu e sday . . h h 1 complexions. a to bett er t.hese A $100 scholarship to be given t e. th at of tw o ot ler very con r be co-operation rn t e S(! 00 as a d · · th eir J·usti fi pu pi'l showing the greatest individu-1 / figu res in the.fr time an d co u ntry : 'Febru ary 12. . . , . th at we do, among men, envrn g11 •. whole. T.his isn t sayrng 11 f "f it ' ca tion from the artisticn ess of the excellence in acting has been ad ded I one of wh o:11 tells the. story of a not have co-operation a_t a or 1 1 u cer th at whenever any fo.rm of to the prizes offered by t he M1dl_and I t hree. Thi s was M r. has been iiosent fro m was n't for th_e of the , ' becomes dest rn ctive to Pl ayers in the third annual Little Vi zyr to Alp Arslan the so n., and cl a sses since the latte r part of last ulty what kmd of sc hool would re al beauty, it iis the ri g ht of the Theat re tournament, April 12. I/ Malik Sh ah the grandso n, of T og--1we ek with t he F lu He re co v erbe? But . we can not have too muc people to alter or to abolish them, hrul Beg the Tartar, wh o had wres - ed from the and lS able to co-operation. and to institute a new ma keup, The Wesleyan players are on the I ted Pe rsi a fr om the f eeb le .sta-cces sor 1 me e 't h is classes t h1s week. Let's g et busy and everybody booEt lay ing its found ati on upon such Isawdust trail onc-e more with the j rif Mammud the G reat, · co-operation. Do your part and make i cold cre ::o ms, a nd arra nging the pl a y, "Erstwhile Susan,'' a that Seljukian D ynasty "'.h1c.b .:Mrs,_. f at N orwo :>d, wh o has be en l' T. G. better 1,han it has b e-en. 11.ines in such forms, as to them I comedy by Ma rion De Fo rest which j 1y r oused E uroope into ' th: Crusa des. , c onfi ne d to bet· bed. the past sha ll s eem m os t lik ely to ef fec t will be presented in the Wesleyan His T ak h allus or poetical name month wi t pn·eumo ma, 1s now ab le SCHOOLS AND PROSPERITY • j their pulchrit ude and attractive.- auditori um Friday evening, March 1. 1(Khayyam) sign ifies a tent-ma_k,er , ·b.£ !J a ck wi L-h her classes aga in All signs seem to indic ate a t1:e- ness. P rndence. in de ed, wi ll dic ta te , _ i and he is said to h av e at one time mendous increase in the not be changed for light and tr a ns- T he dual debate on the subject, Re- exerc ised that trade, life of the nation. Continued prosper- sient ca uses· and a ccordingly all solved That a substitute for trial by Nizam-ul-mulk's ge nerosity raised ity seems to be ours in increa&i ng experience has shown t.hat Fresh- i 11 ry ;hould .be a dop ted, be tween h im to. independence. Mainy F en i an measure. Wall Street reports record m r>,, are more disnosed · to suffer Chadron State Teachers' College and p oets similarly deri ve t heir nam es saies. Mercantile lines re- while evils are sufferable, than to the Rapid City School of Mines, re- from t heir occup a tions. Omar himport substantial gains in lign t thems eh es by abolis hin g th e suited in an even break in that the alludes to his name in the folThe automotive industry is pay mg w wh ich they are accus- decision was in favor of Chadron in : lowing whimsic al lines: large and frequent dividends to stock- tamed. But when a long train of Rapid City and ' against the home Khayyam, who the t ents of holders and planning for new record pimples and freckles, pursuin g in- 1te am in Chadron. , science, breaking production. variably the same object, evinces a - Has fallen"in grief's furnace· and heen for carrying forw ard public work design to reduce them to absolute Prizes totallin g j.n cash will suddenly burned : projects is bright. For a ll these home liness, it is their right, it is henceforth be available to S4eers of fate ha ve cut t he tent promising signs of prosperity, Amer- their duty, to throw off suc.h em - students of journalism at Midland rorics of his life, icans may b: duly thankful. j bellishments, and to provide new college as the result of an announce- And the l·roker of Hope has sold hi m own state will measurably share m guides for their future be a uty. Such ment made Thursday by Ray W. for nothing. present and future prosperity of the has been the p itient sufference of IHammond, general manager of t he Amo Qg Omar Kh ayyam's m any vernation. these Freshmen; and such is now IHammond Printing Company, that ses the most popular to the wri ters While we are setting our stakes the necessity which constrains them IT.he, Fremont Evening Tribune, pub- opinion are his lines referin g to ahead in business and industry, J.et us to alter their former faces and com- 1lished by the Hammond GomJ;>any, · not forget to set our standards of plexions.- Wit.h apologies to Thomas will each year award three $10 prizes The moving finger writes and h aving education hi g her than ever before. Jefferson. j to Midlan d· students who done writ,. We will do well to see to it that the oustanding work in jour11alism. Moves on, no r your piety or wit sc.hools likewise shall share in this Lady: Here my poor fellow is a Shall lure it bac k to cancel half ·a era of good times. This p l'esent era quarter for you. It must be d read -Strang er: Rastus do the people who line: of prosp'erity to some was ful to be lame, but I think it m1,1st li ve across the road from ,you keep Nor all y-0ur tears wash out a word made possible by the tr ainin g of lead- , be worse to be blind chickens? of it. ers and diffusion among the masses Tramp: It is mum. When I was Rastus: Dey keeps some of them sir.· lhrough our educational system. blind they was handin g me countercommercial supremacy, our domi- 1feit quarters. nance in industry could not have ' been po0ssible wi:hout a free Head of the House, (In angry tones) of public education. If we wisely Who told you to put that paper on and adeq u ately provide for further the wall? a dv ances out of the plenty we now enjoy we sha ll reap an even gre ater h arvest of prosp erity in the f utu re.

Alt hough the basketball season is 11ot ye t to a close, tr a ck eql1 inment I was is!med last week to the followin g letter men Captain Dick Williams, • I Ne li g h, .h alf an d qu arter m ile; Howard Zook, Tecumseh, Nebr. f sprints; James Mumper, Tabo11 Iow a· 1 sprints; Frank Kerner , Tec'um seh' Nebr. Javelin; William Warman, Glad: stone, Nebr. two-mile; Lettermen who I will report at the end of the basket- J to ball season include, Paul Hertz, M alvern, Iowa, shot and discus; Joe Krejci, Plattsmouth, Nebr shot; "Brig" I T.hey al-


oung, Adams, Nebr., nule and

THUR., FRI., SAT,. Fe b. 21·2-3 t

"Trail of ·98"

(Look at the big adve rtisement for particulars about this ex· cellent show.

MATINEE Sat u rday, 1:30 to 5:30




a ga in showed their .g inia Milste ad san g two v oc al solos eac er: Ro bert he · I I · ' I I b . ' re 15 an e xamp e true st rid e when they ga ine d r evenge she was ac comp anied by Lucille m su trac t 10 n. Se ven boys went to the c ree k to b th b t h on the sca rl et boys fro m Ste r ling in Hu ghs. a e, u two of t em 1 h ad been to ld not to go in the wat- the college Wednesday After t he program there was a long

Sh oe r epairing at ' Comf ortable' prices! La dies Sh oes a Specialer Now can you inform me how evening. , business session, in w.h ich twenty many bo ys went in?

The g ame was a f ast one Pate 1 : new mem b ers were adm itted to Lews C arter, 1928, who is coach and Ro be rt: Yes 'm seven. comme nced t he scorin g spree for the . t · inst ructor at Hemmin gsf orJ, writes B bk soc1e y. ___ o 1tt ens when he topped in a free he has a very successful ty i!'Mr. C art er : Of course al) of yo \l throw and a couple of baskets in the Tl:·e comm ittee decid ed th at seven season in both fo otba ll and b asket, I wh at the inside of a corpuscle first few seconds of pl ay. Ster lin g or e1.g ht men w ou ld be dropp ed fro m ball. Cart er's t eam h ad an unusu( The Shoe Shop 00 the E ast is hke? ca lled time ou.t. Then Beetam, f! !l shy the fra t er n ity. Aft er a check had a ll h ard ' basketb all sched ul e, and re· Side of t he Street) ' ' Russel Sch a effer, interruptin g: Most ISterlin g forward. scored a ne at und er· I been taken it was found that thope cen tly lost a Jiard fou ght g ame to I of us do, but you'd better explain ba• ket sh ot. Thr ee perso Pa! fouls persons were not active in Ph"l Alli ance High School......_ · for the benefit of them th at have called in rapid succession on Beetam I k d h 1 0 _..,._...,._

_...,._ n ever b ee n inside of one. · f<,r holdin g slowed him up co nsider- wor • an ad not been a ttendin g ! You'll not be di ssappointed f able the rem ainder of the meetin gs. f if y ou g et yoµr ha ir cut at I The follo win g we re e lect game d . t h BOB KNAPP

. The first half was mostly P ate and e m 0 t e soci ety.

We sp ec1ab ze 1n ladies' and children's hair cutting

Lucile Newcomer,, Cla ra Stites, (Next to Gaines Hall on Sb , Ard yth Ha ll, Dan1"al McS wa n' H 1 I '-' t ) . a mpooing, scal p t reatment, facial s, ina rcelling-a ll D.a:sl}er ni e.'ki'lg " the ma jority of the ' e en .- Hvemen · ·· beauty c ulture. Y ou r patronage appreciated. For point s, while Thompson a nd Beet am Appomt mens Phone 187, Monteit h's R es idence. were fhe;.fot war.d .twaH fo r St erlin g. K th W 11 · ' TAY a r yn 1 1Pms, Ru th He auc ha r11!1, 1 Ill , LOR'S BEAUTE SHOPPE I The second half w as .a Jack Fisher, John Stahn, Lu cv Ande r· I' ,...

__ dahlf. lf _u act_k thte Mar ga ra te Majors, Har vev Nic !rel, , i econ a w1 a e ermma ion o D th W · j .A WHEN IN QOUBT-TRUMP OR COME TO

1of the battle royal comm en ced m th e so n Au dre W If M bl ·H. · >. I ti h . , y o e, a e 1g 11 m s, V YOUR

ro u gh th atJthe referees w ere fore - committ ee which w as to select new Ph 1 95 ed to call a halt to t he g am e and memb e rs a nd eliminate m '- · h g NEE S A one Peru Nebr .A • • • h em e1s w o D

t 1 give mstrUct 1ons to t e _player:, · h 1J d not b-e en ac tive in the •odety ill

° Peru sl ack ed up rlun ng the fin al Tryouts for the Philo p lay to be g ha lf and ea ch team scored ten poin ts, l" iVe'1 March 8. we re l<i 1.;.is wee k.1 1

1 giving Peru the advantag: at t he end At the regul ar meeting Thursday eve· I

of the game of 30 to 20. 1 ning, February 14, the cast for the FINE PORTRAI TS · A v E N U E S T 0 R '.E ' Peru much_ skill fr om the pl ay was a nnounced by Hazel Will - I FRAMES free t hrow hne scormg 8 ou t of a Iiams, di rector Those who will ha ve I

F ANCY BOX STATIONERY, NOTI ONS AND SCHOOL possible ni ne throws. Dasher pa r ts in t J-. e play are : James D-Jzell. ; PHOTO FINISHI NG : was the outstandm g sc orer for Peru Dick· Will i ams, Eld on Hayw ard I CAM ERAS SUPP,LIES


Authori zed D e:;tler for Ne maha County for Remington Por table Ty pewriters f ·and pl ayed a Ra lph Sellhorn, Donn a Jane De lzell .A ALBUMS ly heady floor game; while Beetam Ruth Sch aeffer, Ruth Ganz, Lucille f a nd Boden were the ma in ::itays for Hughes, a nd John Ba th. I 't he Sterling te ani. # I Th b f, 11 L aw yer: Madam, you Jost


I 1'_ Tm NTS '1 ( Pres.J. M. Thomas of R utgers Uni.) : FOR D ay I f PERU STu uE 1 s halt the service of God "DERE FOWKS" l Eac h- week Peru's new Girl's



Invited to e nro ll for t eac h in g ' a nd man before th ine heart as the I. . ea rer to realism. The FUNERAL D ' l • end of a ll th y work. : D ear Folk s: l 1t or Y_ comes _n .·. tne WEDDING BOUQUETS ' p osit ions with j I Th ou shalt inqui re. ot each stud y! . l ar cJutects aie n ow :"'Q110 n: ont il e"e I FERNS, PALMS, AND f wh at it h as for thee as a worker for I I got lots to tell you about tbs p! a ns for the new nd . - BEDDING PI ANTS . IheDavis School Service !, a bett er wo rld, not r eli nqu ish in g thy ' bu t my station ary · is nearly a ll gone i will be completed m a t :me_. I ONE .& , , M i pursu it of it un t il thou hast gain ed : and I sure do n eed sum more. , Th e plahs were drawn Y I WIRE PH r W. r. DAVIS, 06, a nager jits pa ofit u nto th is e nd. I Well to begin with. I promis ed to ! is and Schaumberg Lmcoln .

Phone 38 • 1 Th ou shalt love the tr u th an d on ly tell you ab out th at Mink t hing, but I II is ithe _same fi rm whi ch t.:'l£ r • ; #, the tr!1th, and w elcome all truth_I? l:i. d- g·uess it a in't m uch nessary the hole pJ;; ns for the.' s c'.e n ce Nebraska City, Nebraska f 138 No . 12th St. Lin c oln, Ne br. Ii l y, wliether it brin g t hee or the wo, Id· p?per last w ee4 was fu ll of it. I thot I T.h e new will be 1:1 I V

• 1 joy or sufferin g, pleasu re or h ar d- 't he plays we re the most exciting est j to the o ld and will be 1 un

_ 'shiJ), e as e or to il. ' . cau se after t hey we re ' all d one some.- in conn ect10i;i with it. The presen.t - J Thou shalt m eet ea ch task at the body made the ch aract ers co me b ack J dinin g hall will be used The new 1

S P E C I A L T Y.

ass igned for it with a w illin g on the stage an d tfie-n a man up in : struc t ure will be. th e 11 MANUAL TRAINING I

hea rt. , th e balcoPy tuck n fl ash light pic(ure: of the present bmldmg. T here will

, . I Thou sh a lt wo rk each day to t.he of th em. 'Some of we kids set on the , be. a la rge porch and entrance n ear, I ,. '"" . ,. AND limit of t hy streng th , consiste n'ly fron t row in trie blacony nea r w he re ' the nnrth -east corner. I , LUMBER FUNERAL DIRECTORY wi th y-et ha rder work which shall be the m mi stood to take p ictures and i As soon _the a.'.·e I,' :. LACQUER, ENAMEL _ I L. HORTON & CO. thy d uty on th e morrow. he m i> de us get nn and m<we. 1for the b ml dmg, bids wi ll be 1 1 ; f Phone 128 Pe ru, Nebr.· I T pou shalt res pect' the righ ts an d he didn' t want us see wh at .he do ne. ; e red. It 1is to comme ;- ce I I P AINTS .I ....._.... pleasures of o th ers, cl aimi ng n9 priv- .All t hi s week the g irls a ro und hear ! work as soodn. the 1s1pn n.g _ats Tthhe / 8 COAL • COAL

iJege of serv ic e, an d all ow in g thy- : r "ve b.een chin the fun n iest things. 1 weat he r con . 1t10ns w1 permI . e _. . 1 se lf no joy which d ?,es n ot in c rease T he YWs went to m eeting la st time stru cture will buil t of r e? b ri c_k, .'" MEE . K LUMBER CO. f I.. · • I th e, JOY of t hy fellowmen: · a P. d d rew n ames to find who their an d a r oof w.111 be used wh i ch I, W. J. RA.BEL, Mgr. A, ' T.·!Oll rsba lt love thy frien ds more li ttle sist ers was. Well"" now they a re cor.1·esp ond wi th the pr esent d orm1 - I 48 p N b ! f ·L ' C ,b Mk't Ith an t? yse lf, thy more th an. sending them · presents·-· day. l -It is _ to be a three story bu ild -: I P hone · eru, e r. . s as thy frie nds , thy co un try m'l re than They sure do tWl_l1t8 too. I1i:i g-, :.md, will _ h<'Uf: fro m. }. und red I • . · ·. '. · f Ithy coll ege, a nd God more t han all One girl got some' i ui;t' 1 to on_e h/und red fift een .g irls. _ . . 11 • !.•' f 'else. . on e got some animal 'cookys anCl an- , 1 , It IS planned to h ave •the buJldm g ' '·· or I Thou sha lt rejoi ce in the exc ellenc es other g ot s um gum and a. p oder puf, re ad.y. for occ upancy at th e openin g , • , of others, nlJ r P'"'"" rl r, r I J-. ai;l a t 9 /of n ext September This will i A. E. Johnson, D. D. S.

' G. ; • M sa ving the g ratitude of t hy fellows I mig ht have a big reli e ve the ho us ing p ro blem , i .. r ocer1es - eats .a nd the approv_al of God. yVf) l' ]O ra ve sen.t me o,;· w hic h of has not a small

Ph 36

Phone 132 We deliver I_ Thou shit hv e by thy best, .l>:- M- thin g li ke th at. I never you i one. will be. pc ss_ib_le for. ma ny rr .!" one J ·. ·· ing thys elf relentlessly to those Ideals su re c an bet I'll know : enough•· n ext .,,Tre g ir ls enJoy hvmg wi th a 11 .. " . . I:thou d ost most admire m othe r 1nen. time somethng like ,t li,at :, c omes.·a,lon,g·. lar ger g roup. ! T ho u shalt m ake for t hyse lf c om- Saturday nig ht was a story-! ·;.11 is h1r- 1:1 vement fo l lowing im1 mandents hnrder th an an ot her c. nn body wen t dressed. as s omebody else : mediatly the new science build i ng, · ·. · m ake f or t hee, a nd each new d ay bo dy we nt d resf;ed as a sum bo dy ·else Ispea ks we ll for the growth of P eru # ., f FOfS'y'th Oil CO · f comma•1dme n ts more ri g orous th an and danc e d. Th at is t hey t_;ied to · ' I · 0 f '·· J thy own laws of the d ay befo re. d an ce, but every l:iody iJ: dance with I SIG MA T·AU DELTA \' Tires, Tubes, Accessories, Gas, f There IS no Substitute I 'was not n eap]y so go od a d ancer as I l At th t' f th s· T I• and Oil. We have air hO"is to I FOR HON E STY f i PI OMEGA PI HOLD MEE TING ; was. Why they ":oipdn'.t ,even J Delt .;: mg Q'n A help us in lubricating. I I , · At tl!e meeti ng of the commercial th eir feet out of t he of mine. IM' a ay evem e 1 I" · as a . bus • 1·ness policy ': fr a te rni ty' last wee k gi ven I w as just n'a tur ally force d to wal K .biss Ahll erg an mt1e resting ta lk 1 b Eld H d 11ir B d . . . T fl out er wo rk m the 1tera r,- fi e ld -y on aywar , :ua donna ra y, on their toes once In a whlle hey "h ., · - -B d E ,.,r • • · ., e IS wnt1n.g a novel at the present 1 _. ._ , A , Mnr p:a ret ump, an ve lyn m ucke all seemed o th in g it was my fault I . ' f 0 J • C. CHATEL IN .on cur re nt eve nt articles relati ng to , someway or other, bu t I still d on't I whic h promises to be very inter- , I TypJC".ll} 1 • I b' t h h h C estmg. f.IL Watchmaker and Jeweler : co1Y1m erc ia su Jec s. s ee w i ey g ot t at wny aust Eld H _. '1 Only one n ew £tud ent was found: h ow could I help.it if they got th ere N on aywaMrd, Miss A )lbe rg, M i·. "1 Palmer S.orv1"ce ·h Id f Ifi ll 1 l' fi · f 1 • • ,, orwood a nd a1rga ret Bumn we re "" ' ,School S 1· t at co u ·u 1",,1e qua 1 ca t10 ns o : feet m my w ay? Nqw realy do you d . ' .

' I As a fitti ng close to H eart pister B Herbert T ar eyton's 15c ___ After theaters and dance pas:- ' week February 7 - 14 t he Y. W:' girls

R.""N--.S _H....AR_AJ...I_A_,.N_ ' GE s s AM AN' s



I ties. solkited. I /held an inform al get-td-gether nieetGo od T hings to Eat jl

a week ago Thursday .. even- II

· At Y. W. the week before the girls , ! DENTIST r; C A F. E drew n11mes for little sisters, · · each I

X:-RA Y SERVICE ii I ' girl on the campus had a little sister.

Over Barnes' Pharmacy. Tel.27 ', Ne braska City, Nebr11ska Maybe she knew h'er and maybe she _....__..,._.....__..,.._...... . I " didn' t'b ut if she didn't sdo·n got I . I


I I acqu aint ed with her.. One of the # .,.__"'_ m an y things done for the " little sis" II




Make Application s Now f _ i Iwas to call her over phone, write I i

36. y f }J } f } S -• her a let ter, send her some candy or I ears 0 :J.e p u erv1ce gum. Some even receh ed ni cer g ilts. I The li ttle ones certainly appreciated I . CITIZENS STATE BANK the things our unknown "big , sisters' '

I :he :_ ' Boomer's Agency , , wondermg all wi:_ek Just wno t his un-, 124 N. 12th, Lincoln, Nebr• ._ kn own person was · On.e of t he best I · · , I ,known campus expressions f.or the l# _ , d . I , week was, "Do you know _ who my --..

For your Meats an Groceries ,little siste r is?" The answer would l

"bl b " "

m va n y e no


Sasseen and G illen P lay Brilliant Games For Their Teams S teck an d Admitted as Hon· orary Members Bain, Shepherd and Boyles Feature

1 h t h h d f 12 l 17 t 14 t B tt , students t he opportunity of express- as Satur day evening; the , na score t em to accep t e s ort en o a a a o V1 C o ry over enne , b · 17 lL I d all h · Greene and KesS'ler Divide Honors in 1 Main E vent

T he hi gh spot of the Sout he astern Neb rask a tou rn a me nt c ame in the fi nal game of the Class A competion between Falls City and Dawson The and the Class C cha mpion s hip Satur- Ing th ei r suppressed des ires. em to · to 4 g ame. nci ent y, t e wmne rs day night. The s core at t he half was Elvi n Davenport reverted to t ype The game was a thriller from the assur ed th emselves of a trip to Li n- game was a th riller from start to 8 to 7, Un adilla. and ind ul g ed in the p astime of his gun with neither team assured of coin and t he State Tourn a ment. fini sh. childhood by lovin gly tossing wal-supremacy until the final minutes. A ir-tight was t he defe nse t hat held Both teams pl ayed an air-tight de- T.he Moose p assed t oo a cc urately, B . f d, th scoring Sassein and Severin s h9t t oo deadly, nuts to the natives below. am, orwar was e Verdon to one field bas ket. They fe nse wh ich held thr oughont the enand aCptain Bri nkman was to o smart Th en Clay Coy blusthi ngly disp layed t hreat wi th to .h is were nev er a menacing thre at to t he tire ga me The first qu arter resulttb b f his m uch admi red ha ts-b oth of Ta blerock, for ti fied by t he defensive led in o nly one counter b eing made for e oys rom upst ate. d d c · B l h" h h f th U dill · t them in -f act as he s killf ully shovel- work of Shepher an aptam oy es, ig opes 0 e na a qum · and th at on a free th row by Fisher UI1 adilla grabbed an early lead and ' · e t danger B t 1 t k 1· htl f th ed snow banks from around the bur- were nev er m gr a · u e no one spea s ig. Y 0 e of Falls Ci ty. succeeded in holding it for m ost of k f · d ied fl ag p ole. Dunbar's at tac unc t1one per- g ame loser s. Burns and H arden, The second quarter b rought fo r th the game, altho ugh Be nne tt was in -1 •t d th b k t

The ne'w science hall was fitti ngly fectly unti 1 ne a_re e as e gua rds, kept t he score down to a a great deal more offensive , both front once at 7 to 6. h 1 k 11 t dedi cated by Harv ey Cole when with w hen Harpster, t ei r an y, a · our- m eager twelve. It w as mere ly a case te ams missed a m aj ority of their sh ots SaS'seen, a red-hea d ed bo y from f lashin g eyes a nd frosted n ose he de- n ame nt and sha rpshooter, was of bein g ·unab le to loc ate the hoop. because of the diffi c ult an g les fr om Unadilla, sc ored six of his teams 11"ver ed an o rat1"on on "L ove and cove red as with a tent. which th ey were comp eled to make h d f Brinkman a nd Saverin were the big points and starr ed on t e e e nse Life." Co ach Johnnie Jone's team show ed . the a ttemp ts. Fall er's 61ink-shot from Captain Brinkma n. fo rwa rd, proved s uperio rity t.hr ougho ut the g ame, rac kets m the U nad illa atta ck. T heir !center, Corn's ti p-off under t he bask1 d d Gh osts of lo ng de ad war ri o rs were fl a real field g enera an a "°"' sc ore Bain's :est fl oor wol'.k er u sed r ecep tion an li. clev er oor wo rk p ut :et foll owed by Fis.her's freak sh ot five poi nts, whil-e· S eve ri n counted pleasently startled by the r eap pear- h" t' f th t h ' d "ff I I k th f ance of Po co hon tas in her ol d h au nts commen'. m t is sec 1r> n o . i! our- It em in scoring pos1t10n. 1from a 1 icu t an g e, ept e ans twice from the s id e as his c ont ribu- U namen t, while the c1efen5: 1•: wn rk I Unadi' ll a fi ghts it out wi th Bennett ,on. their toes t ill t he h alf ended 6 to •. amon g o ur p ri ev al trees. pon ex.ton. . , a min a ti on by the p syc ho-ana lyz.e r, of Shepherd and Boyles k ep t the at seven o'clock tonig ht. 15 m favor of the lose r s. As in pr evious g ames s at- I Vir in ia Milste ad had haltingly con- five out of t he I . . I T he second period opened a tack was centered around G ille n, wh o I g h h f 1 1 . t b a zone. rablerock has made an env1-Bennett Defeats Johnson Five ·neat b ask et from a d rivin g tip-off . f ess ed er s ame u o ngmg o e ' h d. scored two field goals a nd IPocohon tas and rescue m en a nd Ia.hie record this year. under t e irec- 1 A center six-foot-two inches in al- ,Play by Green e, fo llow ed by a free three times fr om the free t hrow hne other weaknesses f rom d eath. In t10 n of Coach Johnn1e Jon es, a_nd. the Itit ude wasn't en ou gh to stop Ben nett' th r

BRADSHAW FRIDAy w ho faithfu lly exercised th e wind-


Coa ch William's totem-pol e ce nter, ows) In fa ct E arl Whip p le was so / IN FIRST OF CLASS C Bo ellstorff, was unable to find th e exClose Hard Games Mark Initial C on- 1 to pe ac-eful Jlumb er durin g the I ___

act loca t ion of the basket despi te the

t t I Cl entire d th fact that he was almos t fo r ced to

es s n as s B a a y, he at tended classes , Bennett Takes Two Extra Periods To nd m ea ls 10 hi s loung in g robe. In : Defeat Endicott duck to keep from runnin g into it. Class B competition p roved plenty the f orenoon the fact that bis beard I ___

Cole and Ves ley, gu a rds on th e t ee n Frida y afterno on w ith relati vely w as two inch e lon g penetrated hi s One-sided final counts and rugged winnin g quint, sn atched th e ball out low scores bei ng in vo g ue. befo g ge d mi nd a nd he shaved pl ay featured Friday's Class C com- of the ozone and, by the way, out of b l be tw een the ad · · t t• b "Id" I

Boellstorff's waiting grasp, a nd con- Dun ar ay ed a stead y, hea ds-up mims ra ion ui mg petition with Johnson, Verdon, Un agame to down Co ach Har :riso n's Br ad- ana t he also from ear to ear. jdilla and Bennett winnin g places in tinued with the offense. shaw quin t 12 to 5, whil e the Un io n- At l as t 1t has been di s covered how lthe semi-finals.

And then when a break in the · ff · H arvey Ni ckel d B"ll Ok t k , Johnson defense app eared, Gillen

a a ir was for ced into . an i ren eep "John s on forced Honey Creek out of two eirtra cantos befo re an o ppone nt t helr :nymp.h-li ke form s. In spite of the running to· the tume of 16 to 13 took a nice dribble down the flo or. b the t rem e ndo t l t · h

Pohlman was the main st ay and .hi gh for Dun ar in the s emi-fin al s could · us men a s ram t ey and advanced to the semi-finals with bi! decid ed in Union's favo r 15 to 13. ca rr y, and Ha rvey have care- a victory over the strong Sacred point man for Johnson . Shubert found g oin g to ug h agai nst (Con t mued on Pa ge• 6, Col. 2) Heart Academy five 15 to 11.

a more exp e ri en ce d Ta ble Ro ck ag-

IIt took Bennett two extra sessions gregaiwn, losin g 18 to 7. Co a ch Ar m- NEBRASKA CITY FIVE to prove their superiority over Endi-


The remainder of the q uarter w as made up of th r illin g ce nter- co ur t s ho ts by Gre en of Dawson, and Hahn of Falls City, in te rspe rs ed wi th exceptio na l tl o0r w ork on b oth side s. Hahn and Kessl er joine d in to score 5 p oi nts and the m at'.e in of victory. The quarter ended 12 to 11 in favo r of Dawson.

Thr oug out the fou r th stanza th e score re mained the sa 'l'le. Bo th tea ms played a r em ark ab le defensive g ame. Th e ga me ended wi th the s co re .still 12 to 11 in favor of the or an ge and bl ack t eJ m. To deci de the winn ers Le fo re the ge me W d'l n tos s up , both pl ayed baske t ball, wi th F'n lls City ha vin J a sli ght adv an f ag e in guard in i;.

stro ng's five co ul dn't s ta nd the snap- TAMES BOB KITTENS cott, the final 'reck o ning being 16 to py tempo. 14. Endicott's defense cracked after Semi-Finals Give Basketball Fans a Dawson and Falls Ci ty Players were

B First Game of Class A Was Hotly a last quarter rally had tied the co un'. I Couple Treats in Class B

Ste lla gave 11at ton Union a nice ro.n but was un a ble to o vert ake the 4 Contested Frid.ay morning games in class C po int lead th e Uni o ners enjoyed at gave basketball fans exceptionally Tablerock won the right to meet Ui e en d of the first quarter. The i nitial Class A ba ttle be t ween fine games and two of the opposite Dunb ar in the Class "B" fin als SaturPeru Prep and Nebraska City ended color. night by virtue of their 15 t0 9 v1ctory over the scrappy Bratton Un-

PHILO 'S P LAY CAST m the bi gg est upset of the tourna- Unadilla took Ot oe mto camp by . t . th fi 1 f th t · 1on earn m e sem1- na s o a

ment fo r t he first day of compe tit on the decisive score of 38 to 6. Coa ch d"

NOW WORKI NG HAR Nebras ka. Ci ty won by the sc ore ifAvery_ teatmh bshlolwed good more experie n ce Table-

Both Green and Kessler, brillian t

bo th given be rths on t he tournam ent te am, while Sh aw, r unnin g m at e to Gree n wa s g iven a berth on the s econd te am. All th r ee of these men showed rem a rk able s kill in handlin g the ball, and we re unanimous choices for t heir re spec t ive positions.

-- I orm m an mg e a . k h" . f DAWSON GOES TO . B B" 20 to 16 roe mac me was superior most. o FINALS IN CLASS A

All Amateur P lay Promt ses to e 1g • I In another close game Verdon fin - th · · 1 d t I Th B bk 1 d e way, gammg an ear y a van age Success e o ittens P aye an over- ally nosed out a victory over the d · t · · · h h t Th . . . an mam ammg it t rou g ou . e . . - confident ga me of bas ketball which lcage artists of Brock, the final score ha lf ended 9 to 4 in favor of Table- ,Humboldt Trails With Only One Tal-

The Philomath e an '.Literary Societ y caus ed t he ir downfa ll. D asher played was: Ve rdon 17; Brock 14. rock. ' ly Till Near End of Grune s to give a play on Friday, Ma rch a he a dy g ame of basketb a ll, a nd Inability to count from the free L. Jasa , flashy forward, and Shep8. The play is no t on ly a \l ome ta lent . Id do throw line put Dubois out of the race herd center were the mPin st av s on Dawson won the ri ght to meet Falls 1 • b did all th at one man cou . , , production , bu t is also w ritten YI by the narrow mar gm of one pomt . the Oran ge drive to victory. Each ,Ci ty m the final s of Class A toni ght. h 1 Th l · ti"tl ed to st ave off defeat. Ne wton pl a yed a Th fi 1 T 1 7· D . . I ome ta ent. e p ay is en , 1 • •· 1 • _e na score was a mage , u- scored s ix pomts and were outstand- JT,hey defeated the f as t Humboldt "The Ink Girl ," and was writte n by stellar de fe nsive ga me for the Kit- bolS 6. in Tablerock's air: tight defense. ' te am by the deci.·sive sco . re of 15 to 9 Anna Best Joder of the Peru tens Barn was also outstandmg on the de- jin a fast ·and interestin g contest. taculty. Ster ner, and Mcinty re s tarr- ART CRAFT CLUB fense. . . . · .The g uardin g .of t he Daw"The InK: Girl" is full of a ction ed for Ne braska Ci t y. ELECTS 1929 OFFICERS C. Glo th ar, dimmu ti ve g uard. and . so.n te am kept th e Humbold t boys far from beginning to end. The sc enes BOX SCORE cen t er, st ood out f or the bnys from the winnin g stage. ""nt er a:round the newspap er o ff ic e Name and Constitution for Club Was 111 blue. L. Glothar, gua rd, was the : G fl h" D · · f. · d "" p (16) FG FT PF Pts . . re en, as y awson orwar · to- 1 The Peru rep . M le a dtn g s core r for Br a tton Union . · . . ' rJf a promin e nt daily journa . ! Dash er, f 4 4 2 12 Adopted at Recent eeting wi t.h one fi eld g oal a nd two free Dw1th Shawt,t w1e re Gthe big gu ns d dimaxes of the pl ay have th at "p ro - I. Wi lli ams, f - - 0 2 0 2 thr ows. e a wson a. acc. ree n sco.re fe.;:sion al" touch th at is so essen tial 0 0 1 0 The Art Craft Club me t last Mon- 1111ne of the po ssib le fif t een points iO a successful play. There are sce neS Pate, <·c .-___ f_ ..., ,,,_ ______ 0 1 0 1 day ev ening and elected o;ffice rs , Qunbar Wins In Semi-Finals while Shaw scored t wo and Corn 3. r,f th e rush hou r in p ub lis h ing a Ap pleg ate , , 0 0 2 0 adopted a const ituti pn and sele cted H arp ster, W estbr ook, and Com n any The gu a rdin g of R il ey and Hic k ey ex tra in which l ove, ho n dr Ne wton , g -,-- -:-'.-, -,-- 0 0 0 o a na me. The name selected is "Fab- as sured Dunbar a trip to the State was worthy of no t e, ha ving held and happi n ess are involved IPu g h, g_ ;--- 0 0 0 0 rication." The office rs a re, tourn il ment by conquerin g Union 28 Humboldt to a one point tally for ,,, 1 y W. W1lh ams, g ----- 4 7 5 16 pres ident, Barbara Peetz; "9'1ce-pres- to 19 in t he first g ame of the Class ne a rly three qu arters of t he gam e.

lb e pl ay is truly a newsp ai::er .P at' TOTAL · ident, Marion McGrew; sec.-tre as., IB ste mi-fin als. IMos t of Hu mbold t's scores were made 't+h b 'th a m t1ma e I · I vm ..., n Y one WI n 1 th N b k C"ty ( 2 0) FG FT PF Pts Bernice Miller.

Urion ne ve r had a ch a nce aft er Iafte r Dawso n had s ubstituted her '1mwled ge of newspap er peop e, . e e ra_s a 1 o o o o The members be ga n their work at Westb ro ok br oke a 2 to 2 ti e in the se cond te am. ' th h If b · g a pr ac ti cal Neum1ster, fll. or erse em n tire f o 1 O 1 the last meetin g. So me are workin g fi r.st few minu tes of pl ay w ith a ne at Do r land ca rried the brunt of the mnter and newspa per wom an. A Mel 'f 4 1 3 9 on le a ther coin pu rses. Many ot her s ide sh ot. Fr om then on , ex ce:ri t for offense for the Humboldt five, scor· tiiread of delicio us humor t hru- St ern er, --· 4 2 2 10 thin gs are planned for the fu tur e. a l ast mi nute rally in w.hich Uni on in g four of their nine points, pai ring 1ut the play. It d epicts the a nd lOwens, - 0 0 3 o T.he ne xt meet in g will be held Mon- a nk a br ac e of field goals, Du nb ar w ith his runnin g part ner, Schuler, not unm;ual scenes as fo und m a Cl a rk - 8 4 8 20 day, March 4. was compl ete master of t he si tuation who a!sQ scored four points office 1 TOTAL state Te achers

SPORT FE ATURES "TIP" ROBERT S ob jective ''.!n· ' divid ua liz ation" rnd a REPORTERS te ac hers c oll ege fin ds t he Psyc holo gy

CAMPUS FRA NClS MORI AR TY - · Ed · I D rt- - - - · IDn1s1on of its uc at 10n a ep a

MUSIC - - - - ,- IDA ECHR EP EL I I ment t he center or core of its ent ire

SPORT - - - - - "SQ UE AK" MU MP ER and he knows how to make ·1 pro gr am of stud ies. EST HER A. CLARK "STEVE" TU R ILLE . · . . · . 1

FEATURES - - - - - more. His basketball season th13 ye ar T he scie nce of Wh at va lue is for eig n anguag& DRAMATICS - - ELL EEN lVrEANS has been quite successful. "Dutch" i ers and p resents the " why" inqu iry st ud y? It is a bi g qu es t ion and of FACULTY - - - - - - FR ED COLE 1 h 11 . t t t of educa tion the bas ic pr ofess ional 1 wide appli cation. If we consider ""'c::nu HELEN WAGNER WILLARD FOWLER made t e fo owing s a emen to a. , . . U h" h b d h

SQTJ J'flF: WA'· "' : eb je cti ves and prmc1ples. pon t 1s m erely some of t e y-pro uc ts, sue 'Ped ag og1an reporter tod ay. 11 a 3 ·s c om es fis t He "wt at an d 'as the clarifying and emiching- oi


I "Basketball has c om e rap idly to th e. the el ec ti ve cm r ic da r ma- ou r English through better k nowledge /front in recent years due to Ut e de- ' terirl proprely g- ra cl ed rs ycho'o' ica!l y of the me anings and u sage of words, by Lon R. Graf 1mand for a midwinter or betw ee n a.nd sociologically. In the next tier •or the po wer of co ncen tration, in· · - Q k ' t d also · because of its is the "how" question, the m ethod s s ig ht, j ud gement, t as te, and · -clear Where are the Porters, SeJzers, Smiths, uac en- ,season SJ:>Or an - . . 1 and device s, for mo st eff e ct ua lly th inking resu lt in g from the effort to bushes . Rea vises Hahns Rices Purdues Gab bys Lieb- I hi g hly inte resting, competitive sty e in g the cuttin g ed ge contact between m ast er o th e_r modes of sp eec h, t hese ' ' ' ' , oi play. Basketba l1 , of the the indiv idual pupil and the cur ri c- 1alo ne make such st udy well worth e ndorfers, Stewarts, Townsends, Graf s, and Shaws of ; uniformity of . its rules and . Ute . . !wh ile. t ? Th t d t 'n b Id relief in of understandmg has attamed th e The last la yer IS th at p ert nm mg to I Then there a!'e th e val ues fo und yes eryear. ose s an OU. 1 0 rank of a SJ?Ort in both hi gh the forces and circumsta nces of th e in a bro ad er ou t lo ok on life. t he southeast Nebraska high school hlstory of the track schools and colleges. "c ontro l" the an d la ngu ag es are d oorways openin g to

· l f h b d t t d' · \ The place atta i ned by basketba ll m ana ge rial condition s, ways and t he wo rld. Throu gh t he classics we a nd field. Al 0 t e a ove ment10ne were OU s an Ing .h'as undoub tab ly been larg ely due to mean s, plan ts, and. of .the !t urn to the past, an d gain a truer athletes before the World War with the exception of the in t erest taken by the sctools school as an. inst itution ·sense of persepec tive tor our own . . , and colleg es of Am erica. Thes? t ie.rs ex t end up or , t imes. Through mod er n lan guages t he phenommel Lloyd Hahn, whose mte r-s c:holast1c car- : " During the past five years b asiket- out m conc entric circles or spheres l we r ea ch out to our worl d neighbors. ee r chanced to fall during that period of khaki and Sam \ball has taken rapid. st; ides fo rw ard. fr om the cent er · m os t one of P sy- fin d them, afte r a ll, ve ry mr ch in both offensive and defensive t ac - ch olog y. hke ourselves, when we become ac-

B.rown belts. ;ti cs Especially is t hi s true in the 1 Our deparm ent .furm s hes all the lqu a int ed w ith them in their own : hi h schools, due pe rh aps to t he f act \ fund am ental. requ1re m: nts langua ges. That memorable period of strife seems to have done experienced coaches are bein g' fo ur su ccess ive car dm al mq umes I Th ere is stilI th l 1

The work is profes si on a li zed alo ng 1 ano er va ue, ra t her for us wh at the Civil War did for the South, at least lused. Gre ater str.ess is bein g pl aced h l" f h t "f• d d" (sub tle pe rhaps, but k eenly fel t by , · · t. e mes o t e n-ewes - va n 1e is- 11 1_- 1 on the fundamen t al s sucJ1 as -. f _ bl h 1 I an gu ag e st ud ents th at is h eai·in g t ninking in terms of track and field performers and Ipi vot in g, dr ibb :in g, sh oot in g, e tc ., an d 0 our Trehp utba. e psydc to obg, the 0 mak ers of lit:r a ture 1jke H oni r 1 h b 1ca sc1ent1sts . e 1g ne e o e IE , e Performances. RS a result bette r basketb a l as een b . d . th t f th t It ,- I ng hsh maste rs, speak in t hei r native 1developed. , emp as1ze 1s a o e ac ua r. n "- land Vii·Eril ; t · · I fer or applic ation of t he se tru trs and l .us as we .he ar ou r One might ask why the youth of the past turn ed

pe r cen age rat er t an putting a ,entitled from its teachers colleg e. Last Tu esday Mr. F,r,liis older than those -who compete in high schools m the the stress on winning. gave an address t0 the facu lty_ on "In the foundation of this, a league BOBKI TTENS LOSE "Sc hools a nd S tudent Life In Ch ma" prese nt era. or leagues establishing a more com pe- The Nebr aska Ci ty Wolvelines, pre- !The most impo rtant factor in c· der tracks were unknown in this sector. Equip- titive spirit between towns is nec·es- isenting a revamp ed Ji.icup , is h- ta lk was the org an iz at io n a nd tn sary; this will bring about keener ed the Bobkittens of Peru on streng th of the stu dents in China. ment was scarce and no one ever heard of a sweat SUit competition and a better brand of \Wolverine floor T night by 1:1

. h 1 I 'ntendents or principles sometimes 'basketball will develop . \margin of one point, to 18. Two farme wJ m et on a cu ntry rn ad H1g SC }OO supen . i "A meeting should be held once each Coach Wonde rs Kittens sho w ed and pu lled up the ir horses. acted in the capacity of c aches. They very httle year to discuss the rules and their some difficulty in g'.?.tti ng sta rted bnt " Si,, s aid Josh , " I' ve got a mu le d t f 1 changes both for the benefit of the they led at the half 8 a nd 6. Neb· with' distemper. W hat did you g iv e ahOllt sports but we of those pre-war ays are f:!ra e u 1referee and the coaches. Thi s will :ra.ska City pepped the last 1-i ulf th at one of you rs when he had for the meag-er knowledQ'a whkh t.hev offered. The lure 1also bring about a better unde rs tand -land outscored Peru 1.:> to 10. "Turpenti ne Gidd a n! "

. · • t t • ing between officials and coachs ." Stearner, Owen s, and Mcl nty1 e h · t . of trophies meda]s or ribhons (hd not eXIS excep In carried the brunt of the Wolv eritie A week. lat er t ey me a1gam ' · · f N b k · "Say Si.

state meets soonsored by the Umvers1tv o e ras a. "ESTES PARK" MEETING HELD attack, while Dashe r, Apple gate. :o>

' · k C't p Pugh stood out f.Jr the goldel'.L av

Auburn. Falls City, Humho1dt, Ne bras . a I y, awnPe A large number of men and women anche

City and Tecumseh were the only schools that sponsor- the hcld in the . ' . . . . . t t t Now we high school auditorium on We dne s- ,_ ed ath JetICS m th IS d1str1c wen Y y ears ago. day night. This an "Estes Park" have more than t hirty high schools and most of them !meeting. Picture slides were shown t • " ' th experienced coaches to direct the by Arthur Lindahl and James Del- : la ve pl Og'ram.., WI zell both of whom have attended athletic reins. national meetings of the Y. M. C. A.


c ceive of an reason why our cinder artists at Estes Park. The pictures portray- i•--------------------------------' an we con y th d f th e ed various scenes of the great out-of- Is the "flaming youth" of this pres- se nd many a bo.y or g i:rtl on t he road of the present should not surpass e recor S 0 OS doors in and about Rocky Mountain t' d' 't way a lon g to ruin. k f k · 't · th . h · ent genera ion wen i ng 1 s of 1909 or 1910 or 1911? The lac 0 trac spin IS e Park, together wit Vl·ews ath that leads to de struc- In this Chris tian na ti on of ·ours we . t b . t • th s 1 es of bmldmgs and retreats tht were oc- the broad p ' become al arme d at the almost in cred· real answer. Athletes mus egi:i 0 p1.epare em e v cupied by those who : had the hono r 1tion? Will our nation fall, as did ! 1:.1 y sm all number of you ng peop le in February or ear:y March. Cahsthemcs, of representing the .Y. w. c. A. jGreece and o: the \ w ho regul a rl y attend Su nday Schoo! ercises rope cJimb1ng etc. are all necessary In round1ng and Y. M. C. A. organizatio ns. . jimmoral prochvities, prohfic with the and Ch ur ch. P erhaps the Ch urch . ' . . ' ' ] d d t b · t rest- Another national meetin g will be uncouth and the vul g ar, of our fu- Ihas not kept u p, w ith the mto good cond1t10n. Many a s 0 no ecome m e . held from June 7 to 17 of t..his year. ture citizens of Americ a? If so , upon needs of ci v iliza tio n. It is very self· ed in the cinder sport until a week Or two before their Representatives will be chosen fro1?°1 whom ca n we pl ac·e the bl ame for ! evident that ame liorati on in moral f t t Th f'nd their times or marks are poor in the membership of the two orga m- t his deterioration of standards and and social c onduc t cann ot be obtain· IrS mee · ey l . • zations at some future time. idea ls? Shall we call the church, the ed by preachi ng th at one should comparison to others. This causes them to entertam th <=> schoo l, the home to task, or is this \ good, neither can we exp ect much idea that they are not of the right typ e for track work. EDUCATION FRATERNITY ADD d ecline of morals a na.tural in chara cter from list· 11 • N 1 d really know ho w 1 FOURTEEN NEW MEMBERS evolution of any prosperous nation? emn g to one s ermon a week. T rJ s is They are usua y WI ong. .o a can c:; • • Many are condemning mode rn too much like adm in iste ring medicine skillful he may become, until he has faithfully tramed I. Fourt een .c andidates, youth for their .freedom, tJ:ieir h old- as a q uack doc tor doe s in presc r ib ing f · · ht weeks. · I have observed that most boys the quahf1caho.ns for me:nbersh p ness, and a spo onfu l as a remedy for ev ery ail · or or ' Th m Delta Alpha Pi Fraterni ty , were Th ey are cntc1zmg them for their ment. Reli gion is no t--and, if to of this reg10n train only f OJ: a week Or two. ey are 1 in itiated Monday eveni ··g, Febr uar y looseness of morals, an d their fr a nk- suc cessful in i ts p urpo se must no ' only kidding themselves. Ten hours of re g ular sleep, a: 18 Th rse g aining membership we re: n ess in di scussing Yet, wi:io pr o- b e- a abs tr act theo1'y, bui h d t 1. th · d ell adopted schedule of , Ruby Bro wn, E. E. Burke, Ralnh mul g ates the se obs cene pictures, mus t be b ved to realize the v:i lue C Osen le , Ca IS enICS an a W • Flo r ence Davis, Lorine Er- t hese nov els, w hich so vividly des- which is p ortended preliminary runnmg are the only that Wlll Iickson, .Anna Gay- cribe ev ery sex thrill? It is c'ertain- Nevert heless, these American bring a youth into the pink of cond1tJon. jlor d, Mildred Km ght , .ba rne ;;t Has - ly no.t the you th of ?ur natio n. Ol d y oun gsters , tho ug h tltey may be wil d. . . . . t h • t . d h • Id I se lblad, Mona Lyon , Barti..n Redfern, ag e is alw ays delu s1oned as to the fo olish. a nd incor ri ·ible are sound One high school of this d1stnc as J: e ame el 0 ' Raymond Reed, Edwin Re ctor, and morals of youth. Their memory at he art and l't.tl diff . nt . . . h I I ' w· l' ' e ve1y I e e1e pre-war track sp1r1t. This SC 00 a so possesses an ' Hazel 11 g row s. very if asked to t hi nk in m any respec ts f ro m t he 'r ance:J11 nt track coach. The combination of the two have After the im t ia:1on, mto their own a dole scen t pe1iod tor s. The re ar,e many a mo ng thi> exce e . . k bl were served. Plam brick ic e-cream of hfe Into our theaters, owned grou p of "Jaz zin a d, you t hs" who Jrnve been the direct cause of that schools remar a e success with a small red h at che t imprinted a nd oper u• cd hy the e lder g"ener a tion, a sin cere pu rpose in life who beneath in the last few years. on. it, cake d ecorated. with a ch erry we ti e limits of vul g ari ty a nd this ou t co at of veneei'. are genu ine •. b d d b 1l h ] j tw1 g, and coffee revived the som e- pro:fan1 t;: str et ch ed on every side. an d h ave the ma t eri al the em bryontc Should that old spn 1t . e opte . y a . our SC 00 s, what exhausted victims of the i niti-\ The sug g·estiven ess of t he pic tu res sta te, th at will the futu re southeastern Nebraska will rise agam. I ation. . s hown on the screen is sufficien t to Pa <l l" r,c:; of our civilization.



Freshm en Organfae Into S ix t een G roups for Goo d Ti mes

Alpha Literary Society

Presi dent- Anna Pettinger

V-Presiden t-Elsie Willi ams

Secretary-Ma rie Nol ting

I Treasurer- Ruth 8t uc ke nho ltz

Mi ss Grace Te ar , spo n sor of the· I Se arg ean t- at-Arms-Paula Marie fre hman class, has introd uce d into Schindler.



Al l Gi rls In Sc hool H ave An Oppo r-


{ J. W. Tyl er, directo r)



Alpha Mu Omega is an honorary mathemati cs fra t erni ty. Its a im is

tunit y at Sports For th e first time, r ur al e ducat ion to develop and promote interest in in Peru Sta te Te ache rs College has · the study of ma them a tics and to

The Gi rl's Athl etic Assoc ia ti on at been pl aced on full co ll ege r an k, investigate the subjects of mathemat- the colle ge t his year sixteen new Couns elor- Miss Do nner freE-hm en clubs. Th e fo llo wi ng account of t he c lub s an d the o ffi cers

R ea din g

Pres iden t- Hel en W agner

V -P re s ident- Emily Woo ds

S ec.-Tre s. Wilma Oze nb augh

Couns elor- Mi ss Te ar

Swimming (Me n)

Pr -esid ent-Be rn ard Gallo way

V-P re s ident D ea n Grass

Sec .-T res .- Geor ge Cook


Pl·esident- Gl a dys Kimsey

V-Pre s iden t__ Cl ay Coy

Sec.-T re s.-Marie No l'i ng

Counse lor-Miss Burton

Trav ko (l\.o da k)

Pres id e nt-L orene N orto n

V-Pre s ide n t-.John B ath

Se c.-T res .- Lucy Anderson

Co unselo r- Mr Van Dyke

the present ti me is one of t he out-suc.h li ne Jf w ork havin g been di i> c011 - ic al in t erest th at are not presented in standing org an izations on the c am -t inued in the de mons tra tion hi gh the regular cl ass re citation s. Studen ts p us. sd .o ol. th!s arl- who a re majorin g in mathem atics for

Any girl may belon g wh o ge ts in vance in the stand ard of re q 111re- ei ther t he two ye ar diplo ma or th e the rig ht nu m ber of pr act ices re qu ir- ment, the department is qui te large. A. B. de g ree an d wh ose schola r ship is ed by the c lu b. After th e srecifi ed th is ye a r, ther e being al.out eig hty 1' h ig h are eligable to members hip n umber of p ractice s ar e fi nished, t.he e nro ll ed f .:l r sn ch wor k. Meeti ngs are he ld e very two w eeks q u al1 ' fy 1'ng g1·r1s are d1'v1' de d 1' nto nt wh 1' ch t1' me a program is p resnte d T hi s depa r tment ,has also und er- I h d h' f th t d ts Iteams, eac h team elects its own cap- un der t e Jea ers 10 o e s u en tain. The t ou rn ament sta rts an d as g one qu ite 8 comple te r eorgan iz ati on, j The fraternity has be en of!icia ll y re ca t eam is d efe a te d it mu st d rop from as will be note d in the co mi ng sum-, ognized as a b ra nch of th e N ation al t he ra c e. Th e te am winni ng a ll of me r a nd regu la r catalog u es. T he I Counc il of Math ematics Teac.hers. I 't the games is ch ampion. T he point t \·:o c·•·urses prev ious ly 1,ifered in j Th ro ug·h the e ffoi·ts of the fra term y, system wh ich is in fo rce !!ra nts P eru Tea chers Colleg e is main tained Ime thods h ::. \' e been mer •rc·d 1.1t0 a 1 • f ti po ints for mak in g a t.ea m, for .hiking ' as an instit u tio nal me m ber o 1e 1 a nd other a ctiv ities. The pre rnl'Jt sin gle course of four hou rs, and to : Ma th emati cal AEsociation of Ame·ic a. I is Mi ss Fran cis R oot, with t hi s h as been add ed a fou r h our IAt prese nt t he ot he r t wo ins titut ion al I Dorothy Martind ale as pres ident. ,. co urse in r ura l pro b lems, embr acjng in this sta te a re u_ni1 The_ girls' athl etic cl ub w as Ithe two outstan di ng prob lems of man- ve1:s1 ty ?f Nebraska a nd Creigh ton I org a111 zed ·m under t he nam e of agement an d h ealt h. Th ese co urses IUntversit y. · ; "Olympi a Club." \ h,e we re c onstitu te the d epartm en tal re q uire- The following pr ogram wa s given ! played between cls ss te ams. Be- 1 f h 1 t'fi F ebr ua ry 18: 1,.. h 1 b J ments or t e e eme nt ary ce r 11cate ; s ides bas ket ball and games t e c u . 'I

MISS G RACE TEA R fo r us ' thro ugh t he courtesy of Mi ss . V-Pres id en t-Be rnice Wa r nk e . a nd from the beginning was d estin- 1' To the ab ove fr.es hm an cou rses The Defi n iti ons of Geometry

Ch ai rma n, Mar ga ret Chneberg

Writing sponsored hikes on Sa tu rday af ter - I valid fo r three ye ars m the elemen - . f A 'th t• ' I The Def1111t1ons o n me 1c -'.>! ea ch of the9e cl ubs was prepared President- Mil d re!} Lefl er ; noons The club was very popu la r' tary s cho ols of Neb ras k a. M;. Barton Redfern

Tea r: ! Treasurer-Edi th Groesoehme stit ution . The first advi s er was Miss h h Se cretar y-Dona Ja ne Delzell ,. ed to remain a long .time in the in- · have been a ddd two .re qu ired ..sopho- Miss Gladys Wiles

The i arges t freshman class in the I R h 'Sh ' 1 · d th f' t . •more cou rses and t wo ou rs e ac. . Biogr apihy of Carl F. Ga uss I Counselor-Joe Jones , ut 1ve ey an e 1rs p res1an n als of Peru, nu mbe r ing o ver two : dent was Myrel Argabri g ht. The y Thes e co urses are ru ra l educ ati on I Mi ss Lorene hunch ed an d s ev e nty , has been mak - Th e fo llowin g clubs ar e no t fully · did a great deal makin g the and comm unity lead ers hip. T he form - Critical Review of the Ja nu a ry 1sing hi story· on the camp us. o r.g anized as y et. ; girls happy and .providinp: h ealth- er s eeks to b roade n the persepc t ive. sue of the Mathemat ics Teacher. The re pli es to ·a que stiona fre sub- , ful re creation. ·cl arify t he insigh ts and un derst and- P ro f. J. R. Van Dyke mit t ed ea rly in the yea r sho wed that Needlework : In 19 24 the "Olympia Club" w as in gs, a nd d eepen th e apprecia tio ns in many of the cl ass ha d be en ac ti ve C ou n selor- Mrs. Joder : c han g ed to the "Girls Athle tic As- th is very si gn ifica nt te ac hi ng fiel d. wo rk ers in so ci al o rg aniz a tions of Se rving sociation" under the direction of The lat ter cou1·se se e ks to build on I CLARY'S CAFE t hei r hig h sch ools and that they wa nt - Ruby Damme. The pu rp ose of this . t he pr ec ed in g course in the d ev el op- # .MEALS, LUNCHES, ti · t" ·n the so Co u nselor- Hele n Ma e Alex ande 1· ed a f ull er pa r cip a 10 0 1 - j o rg anization was to enlist the int er-m ent of leadersh ip in the vari ous ru- g SHORT ORDERS ci al li fe of th e college. Costume : est of as many college g irls 8l5i pos -ral an d v ill age co mm unity activ i ties # HOME MADE PIES Unde r the gu id a nce of Mi ss Tea r, Coun se lo r- Mrs. Enn is, N ell a Bai rd ; sible in athle t ics, b oth ind oor a nd ' The comple ti on of t he two year (: 2 doors south of Post Office . class a dviso r, sixt een new clubs have I i outdoor sp o.r ts; to gi ve them ex ec- 1cou rs e entitles the stud en t to an ele -



been form ed The f res..'h me n a re ur g-J Swi.mmiog ( Girls) : utive experie nc e in handlin g th es e !me n tary rura l certificate, vali d in ed to lo ok upon t hese j Counselor-Maxi ne S ea rs , s ports and in conduc ting m ee t ings, Ian y sc hoo l in Neb ra s ka for a term of as app o rtun it ies, not :'0 d i and to fo ster sc hool conscio us ne ss 1thre e years an d ex t en d able into a r LA R K , S are invite d to sign up fo r UNUS UALLY B US Y YEAR FOR I a nd iSchool spi rit. Du r in g this ye ar 1p ermanent life ce rt ific a te af te r th ree v ti on in the gr oups arpealin g to t heir j 1928 PERU D RAMA T IC CLUB I keen interest was shown in s occer, ye ars of s ucce ssfu l tea chi ng. in t er ests a nd n ee ds. The res;o nse has I I volley ball, track, ·baske t ba ll, base- Owin g to th e overcrowded condibeen e nthu siastic. The Freshm an I The P er u Dr am atic Club ho lds th is ! ba ll s wi mmin g and tennis, wh ere be- tio n this yea r it w as found neces s?ry Pl« yerf' ad a ll (•l hc i·s in ! y·ear of g re at importan ce in its ,hi st-/ onl y bas ke t ball .h ad b een play- to d eny enr oilment to sev er al wh o with the Jo ll y a nd the Em i y' or for it is its tweni eth an niversary Ied. d esi red to e nr oll in the departm ent. Post clubs as ne ar rivals . . : y, . . h Id f m In basketb all all the team s were t be pl an for nex t Onl y fres hme n

co ur age th em a ll th rn the ye ar. It eon was se r ved. Th e P eru Dr am atic· t er, and each additional fi ve- bu n· . is l· o1J ed ll· t club ma•.• he C lub is the oldest co lle ge dramatic dred points entitled the earner to r ....... .... -

rec ru ite d fr om t he a ssocia'e r oll. ·F or Oi'ga n iz ati on in t11 e .state. i bar. The gir! rec eivi ng th e .bighes1 • We specialize in ladies' and children's cutting, the pr es e nt y ea r, th e coun se lors are The ebb ;s v er y act i ve and so far : nu mb er of pomts was awarded a t ro · f shampooing, scalp treatment, facials, marc e llin g- all

members of t he fa culty , faculty wives thi s yeur ov ei· te n pl ::i ys ha ve b ee n phy One · P? ints entitled I lines of beauty culture. Your pntronag·e appreciated For a nd unpe _ who a re g ivi ng pro d uce d, fo ur of wh ich were 01 igin-: a g irl to m. t he clu b Appointme ns Ph one 187, Monteith' s Res id e nce. t hem sel ves g ene rn usl y to help fo r- al o ne -ac ts w ri tt en by memb ers of th e 0 1df thedG1r ls Ah th l et- 1 TAYLOR'S BEAUTE SHOPPE w at·d the new venture. The ma jor prod uc tions in clude ssociat1on so can y at t e va·

A II cl t> bs on scr ed uled dates Su n-Up ," an d" T he Poo r Nu t." Other nous games. '

. ' d . · I h · ·

twic e each month, weekly or oftener mclude " Th e Min uet ", n 1926 e came u n- WHEN

as th e gr oup desires. While each or- T he T.h ric e Pr om is ed Bride", "The der the direction of Miss Fran c es , IN DOUBT- TRUMP OR COME TO I· ga nizat ion has disti nct ed uc ational Tu rne D ove ," " Her Coun t ry ," a nd Root. This year the G. A. A. spon- KOEPP possibilities , th ere is oppo r tunity for "Tha nk You Doc tor." The two sored a Co-ed Prom f or the pu rp ose I LE 'S CAFE I relaxat ion and for jollv fun. Pl a 11 s we re pr oduced t hi s week. Th e four of getting money for their Peruv fan Ph YOUR MEALS, LUNCHES, ETC. I are be in g f"r a· gra nd s1un t ori gi nal pl a ys are: "Tod 's Sl a, ve" , by • p ages. Only gi r ls were allow ed to ; one Peru, Nebr. ' n it e at the end of tbe year in which El d on Haywa rd ; "T he Ze ro Hour" , byi come and all were in costum e. A Co-

all clu bs w 1· 11 .. t 1·c1'prt e. Joe Jon es; a nd "Fla$h- Ba ck", and 1h el ed P ro m hm; been spon sored. each .._....,._.._,..___ ,., I I .....

The roll of clubs with offi ce rs and "Decimal Point'', by Anna Best Joder i year since 1926 by G. A. A. Ev ery

c ounselors fo ll nws: 1 The Per u Dr am at ic Club s ponsored • one has been a success, an d th e

Artc raft t he one- f. ct pl-y contest of t.he M. 1. J g irls enjoyed themselv es, witho ut P re side'1 t-Lorene Fedde ( N. K. Hi gh Sch ool Music and Dram- 1the boys. It is alway s a c ostume af · Sec.-Tres .- Bernice Mi lle r : ati c t ou rna me nt held Fe bru ary 8 a nd fair Stunts and dancing pTO vi de HOT COFFEE, COCOA, . SAND W ICHES Counselor- Miss T il ton : 9. Du ri ng the time t he club was ho st 1 the entertainment for t he evenin g. · !to six play c ast s at inform al r ec en· P ri zes are g iven for t.he b es t c oup les I FRESH FRUITS Emily Post (Good F orm) : tions held in their honor - i and for the best costumes CONFECTIONERY

Pre E'i den t--Ph y llis Dam a t Pr obati onary mem bers.1-i ip in the ! The id e als for the G. A. A. are: ' ICE CREAM

V ice-Pre sident--Vivian S to o ker l b · bt · d bl ' h 'H Ith Lo It T thf l S t 1 ·c u is o on a i 1ty s o wn in ea : ya y, ru ness , por - ! The Handy place to get your supplies

Hig g ins th e try outs which are held twice each mansh1p, and Clean EnJ o ym ent 1

Coun selors-Mrs. Holch, B eu lah yea r an d to ga in full me mbersh ip ! - --·-·- - - l Gaylord , each pe rs on must ea rn a re q ui red l 3858 a Magic Numter ' H.

Jolly Dodgers (Fo lk D ancing) of poi n ts pr oducti on and j To the ye ar of your b irth a dd your I

resi en t-- ve yn ownsen

P d E l T d ac tmg as set forth m the pomt s ys-. a ge, to this sum add the y·ear of Opposite Trammg School S ec re ta r y-Mar ga ret C ain ' tern T .b e cl ub is di vided in to six · your marriage then add the nu mber I'

1 p l:'y ers groups whic h make it pos- of years of wedded life and the total

Hiking !' ih le fn1· more p-eop!e to h av e the op- will be 3858.

Pr esident--Ruth Harajian po rtun ity to act. The pla ye rs g1ou 1_s ================ .j Higgi ns pr odu ce several one-act pl a ys du ri ng Doll's House", will be under her diSec. -Tr es.--Jack Miller . tne year w hi ch g iv es each group rection. Co unselor-M iss Al be rg ; m ore fr eedom to net. T he present offkers are: Leo . ; (D ram atic CI b) 1 M, '"'· An :t B es t Joder has been Haup t man, pres ident; Lowell D ec ke r, Players R . k u sponsor of t he club since 19 26. Tpe vice -president; Fred t rea su rer; 1 I PrC' 1den t-Et' P' ene aTnc d second semester ma jor p ro d uc 1io 1 i. " P. and Mary Gr ay, s ecret <i r v. I, V-Pr-esident--Evelyn ow nse n 1 • , !I Secret ary- Marj ode Maj ors : 1 iJ

Tr e as ur er- Geor ge Cook 11 EV ERYO NE w ill find this store a satisfactory pl ace to #

Cou ns elors- J\'.Ir. and Mrs. 1;yl er, i secure their foods. Fresh meats, Lunch and canned me at, I I 'Margue ri te Gr a ves, Harvey N ic kel, I1 milk, fre sh and ca nned fruite and vegetables. Eve ry t i. ing # , and Fr ed Duey I for the tabl e. Serv ice good and prices reasonable. 8 I Do-Re- Me ; THE MARDIS STORE ; , P l'e si de nt--Florine Elliott

TEACHERS AGENCY (Incorporated) ,

· Mi P l d ... _ Smte 410-11 Symes, Den ve r-M. E. Shuck, Ph. D., Manager I Cou nselors-- ss a mer an L•.u<> · La"°•· than satisfactory applicants to fill them .

if you get your hair c ut at ,•

BOB KNAPP I , H ave Overcoat Cleaned Now i I

For All That's New. For the Newest New York Creations art: shown here as soon as in the larger city stores. . PRICES LOWER

Nebraska City '1!

to Gaines Hall on the j. He rmans Clea ners and Tailors t We gives & H Green Stamps P avement.) f


The Freshmen Travel Club had its \ BIOLOGICAL FRATERNITY third ' meeting on last Tuesday night


Peru, Nebraska

A February 19. Mrs. Mtfhm gave the I Pi Chapter of Tri Beta, the nationprogram of the evening. She talked j al honora ry and profession al biologof her visit and trip through Texas. Iical fraternity, was established at Mr. Muhm assisted her by showing Peru Teachers College on February pictures and snaps.hots of the indus- I13, 1928, by Dr. Wm. Goldsmith of trial life and different historical ISouthwes tern· College, Win fi eld, Kan.


All games in the large gymnasium. P laces and buildings of Texas. Be- Kansas. Peru Prep ----------------1 l } Nebraska City 20-16) side giving a very interesting talk, The fr a ternity includes in i'ts mem- N b · k C J she showed some of her souvenirs bership t hose of superior scholarship e ras a· ity -·- :

from Texas. who a i·e majorin g in the biologic 1l Falls City -}

The Travel Club has a member- sciences. Its pro g ram is three-fcld, "' t 1 Falls City (13-11)ship of fourteen now, and the inter- namely: sound s chol arship , diss emin- '> er mg esting programs promise that more ation of scientific knowledge, and !Auburn fre shm en will wi sh to join. : A .vis- promptness of biolo g ical research. itors ni g ht is planned fo r some fu- Meetin g are held regular each Daws on ture Mr will en- month, at which times subjects of bitertain at the first mee tin g held in olo gical interest are discussed by the March. members.

The pres ent campus membership of Pi Ch apter is nea r ly fifty, including r l both a ctiv·e and associate meml:ers. I Coun t in g alumni, Pi Chapter has ov-

CLASS B (15-9) 1 er a hu nd re d memb ers. All games in the large gymnasium.

Dunbar - - - -----}Dunbar Bradshaw(12-5) -----------1

The roster of the Tri Beta Chap ters follows :- Alpha, Okl a homa City University, Okl a.homa Ci t y, Okla homa; Beta, Simps on College, Indianol a, Iow a; Gamma, Western State CoUege of Colorado, Gunnison, Colorado ; Delta, Southwestern Colle ge, Winfi eld, KanUnion --------------------1 Union · (15-13) __J Valpar ai so -sas ; f: eta, Missouri Wesleyan Cllege, IShub ert - - -1 (28-19) Came ron, Missouri; Eta, Iowa Wes- j Rock (18-7) _) e, eas n , owa, Tablerock leyan Coll eg Mt PI a t I . Table Rock -------J ' J 15-9) Theta, McPherson College, McPh erson, Bratton Union ------------} Kans as; Iota, Marietta College, Mari- Bratton Union (18-14) ·etta, Ohio; Kappa, Thiel College, St ella -Greenville, Pensylvani a; Lamb a, CLASS C

Willi am Jewell College, Liberty, Miss ouri; Mu, Carrol Coll ege, Waukesha, Wiscons in; Nu, Bir min g ham Southe rn Colleg e, Bi rmin gham, Atl a nta; Xi, W ittenberg Colleg e, Sprin g field, O.h io; Pi, Peru Coll ege, Peru, Nebr aska; Rh o, Gettysburg College, Gettysbu rg, Pe nns yl v an ia; Sigma, University of Chattan ooga, Chattanoo ga, Te nnessee; and Tau, Morningside Col-

First two rounds were played in the gymnasium.

Panama - - ---1

Bye· -

JPanama --1

Verdon _JVerdon (17-14) __ _ lege, Sioux Ci ty, Iowa.

Br ock 1 J

Ta lm age __ ...: __)



(Continued from P age 1) fu lly preserved t he p erfect propo rj tions by their physiques by m ighty 12th and 0, Lincoln, Ne br ; gambols on the la wn, n ot c arpet. They regard the fla g pole revi ew, (We are Glad to Take Care nf Mail wh ' ch t d l Th d I was pres en ·e ai"" urs ay, Orderf:) as the m ost exqusite number in the ir



Semi finals aud finals were played in big

}Verdon (26-8)

Unadilla ----- -- -----1

Otoe - - JUnadilla (7-6) -- ----1

Unadill a (38-6)

Palmyra ----------l sacred Heart ( 25-5) _!

Sacred Heart _______j · Johnson

Honey Creek -----1

Johnson _____ _J Johnson (16-13) - l

Frye, E ndicott -- ------ ----i En dicott ba nd, Lorton ------ -------J (16-6) -----1 before , Bennett IN Ben nett ----- --- --- -1 j SYD CHAPLIN

r ep ertoire. Mu riel Ma jors and Corine ski lled members of a g ypsy disp layed their native da nce an appreciative crowd

Unadilla ( 12-4) ---- -1 (19-8)l unadilla (17-14) (1 5-11) -- ---1 IBennett l (18-12) (16-14) - -J

FaJJs City
F alls City (l2oll)
Table rock (17-11)

... .......... ithan Dona ld Du ryea, had a rus hin g I . b H " b · 11 d H k , appr opri ate to their nam es: points. This was followed y two o ne

Unte f usmess a. a y. e ran com- I " • • • act la s re se nted in th e c ollege ; petitio n with Ma ry Gr ay , .his p ho t o- j Ell en Wilson as Little Red R1 dmg . P _Y P " y · · "Th Old 1 auditorium. They wer e Th ank ou also c omedy- Ou r Gan g in graphs b ein g much more ar ti!Slt1c. Ho od," Lucile Hughes as e D t ,, h d b M H ·· " oc or co ac e y a ry ar iJ Jien , "The Spanking Age I' Th ey did not look hke the ongmal. ILady" John Bath as "Georl!'e W as h- d "H C t ,, h d b F. d

' · · h 1· h h "' , an er oun ry coac e y re ..I Gen evieve Fis er 1g t nete d t e in g to n" Leo ne V an de r fo rd as 'T h:e D WED ., TH UR ., FE BR. 27-28 I bu r den s of Mary wh en she off.ered on Old D utc h Cl e an ser," a nd i uey • "Lady of Chance" to ca rr y bo oks ov er the campus. in Lois Metcalf as "Li ttle Bo-Pe ep.;' L'Al

Norma Sh earer , a ll y adver ti sing th e M. I. N ..K. to ur- at 7:00 P. M. Besides th o<>e who pa r-

From the Story I 1 nadm S he blue to ok in the informal initia t ion on t he "Littl e Ang-el" ; i an w

ama- h 0 .1C ' I t izati on on the library steps of "R om- " . Forsyt 1 0 with much emotion. Tires, Tubes, Accessories, Gas, Taxi to and · from ear ly m orning a nd ni g ht train s. Ca ll Hallenbeck's Garage, phone 67.- Ch as. Will s.-Adverti semen t.


' Boy's you can . l always fight to the closing gu n a nd lose i like real sports when you do lose. Come in and see ·us when yo u are down town. of the modes and col ors of the season eo and · Juliet." It was dr am ati zed i

I Ma ny turned out "to help Ralp.h and OiL We have air bois to ; Sellhorn "Fly His Kite." help us in lubricating. I The fo llowing

Yo? c.an hear every word spoken and a d.escr1J?bon of every ev ent of the day, right 10 your own home, if y ou have a good radio. The t ru e t one q uality of the

tion at once

j Students Vo ted Me mb ership Win ·N. I'. A. A. Going ! NORTHBORO A'. C. . T hrough the e ff orW-1 of Profe ss or Thru Season Without .H / cha r1 es Lindsay, P eru Sta te T eachers A Def eat . / ERE T ONIGH T·col! ege is to h ave a of the


.DAKOTA 1Famous St Joe Team Will Att e mp t Revenge' On Bobcat Cou rt national Social Sci·ence fr atern ity, Excelle nt Forensic A bili ty Displayed SHOUL D BE REAL GAME KEARNEY IS SECOND Fast ', Iowa Team W ill Come Here Pi G amma Mu. F orm al inst a:llation In No Decis ion Con test -- -- · I For Second Appearance of the loc al chapter will take pl ace , The Bob cats clos ed an a ll- v ictoriolls - in April. E xcellent for ens ic a bili ty was ex· ball fans will h ave an opp ortu nity to se as on in the Neb r ask a Inte rc o l.l egia te; T oJlight in the co ll ege gym A le tter dated February 25, fr om I h ib ited in a no decision deba te be· On T hu rsday Marc h 7, P eru basketbasketb all c om pe ' it io n la:;t vv e k ·,vh en IBobcats meet the Northb oro A. C. rn ID en n Le roy Allen, n atio nal presid ent 1 tween Lli e two-m an team, from So uth a seco nd en gageme nt for the season the Bo b cats tuirn ed in a 37 to :2·3 vk - N thb A C K "Th of Pi Gam ma Mu, to .Mr. Lindsa y Da kota State Colleg e, uphold in g the . ., I or oro . . no wn as e I . tory over the Omaha Un iversi ty, l ast Wond er t eam -of south western Iowa" I r ea ds, "I wis!-i to say th at yo ur appli -, n egative, and the t eam defen dFri d ay night. The vi ctory g ave Pe ru we re d efeated o nc e this year 37 to 33 cation for a Pi Gamm a Mu ch ap ter is ing the affirmative, on t he ,Jury quesa clear cladm to th e title II by the Bo bc a ts on the Pe ru maples. in good form and h as be en accep te d ." 1· tion. In the four co n fere lilce ga mes, Th is d efeat was the•t hi rd defe at in This lett er is the termin ation of ne- Cl asses w ere sh ort ened an d becimse

see a te am in action th at has had a national rank ing fo.r t he past f ew ye a rn:i an d t hat alm ost alw ays sp-e ll d efeat to their opp o ne n ts Th at team is t he St J oe Hill yards. National c.hampions in 27 and a lw ay s going to .the top ro u nds in the nat io nal tourna ments, they a re a dan"Dutch" Lo rbee r 's Bobcats had Is ome six ty :tarts for the b oys fro m gotia ti ons b egan l.ast b e- of t he fa ct that the South Dakota detrouJ.ile in wi nnin g over K ea rn ey, 1 across the river. ' twe en the n atwnal Soci al Scie nc e Ih aters were un ab le to get here to d e· an d, Omaha the W ayn e fiv e T he latest achievemen t of the club IH onor Society and Pe ru State Teac h- . . h 3 30 d g erous thre at to any "' ' C JI ba te at conv-0 c at1on time, t e : an h being the re cipitents of two tri mm - was the wmnm g of six g ames w1 t.h- ers o eg e. , . p ens to meet t em. te am that h ap· in a week o ne b,y fo rfeit and five Pi Gamma Mu a rel ativ ely new I 4:30 cl asses were held in t.he mo rnin g Compose d of such st ars as Jer ry t.bgs pl ay ed . h ome. Among organ ization wh ich h as fo r our·. an d the d eb ate started at 3: 30 in the S h All Am . f ·d d Alt hough los ing at Pe ru,, O maha . . . . · . . . - . , afte rn oon po n, - enc an orwa1 an . . . - ·h osilion wh en 'the t heir v1c t1ms m th e week pose the cult 1vat1on of high och ola 0 t1c j •. • Matthews Al)en Mille r, and Craig, slrpped mto fourt P ad- were 1S1Uch teams as T arkio College, at tai nments a nd the d ev elopm ent of j The team fr om Brookin gs are out ' .' , Antelo p-es o ver ih ·le l Ra ndo lph, Ia. Company E of Shen -a hi gh s ens·e of r esp o nsibili ty for the on a 4000 m il e tour. H av in g c om-a ll men of national r ecogni tio n, the ran m a two g ame series on the I ando ah, tJ1e Rockport Ind epen d-a pp li ca ti on of scien tific m eth ods to I pl eted the East they a re going No rth r game promises t<» be a fa st hardeourt, wh ile t he W ay ne team remain- I ents. The l argest s co re w as pil ed up the st ud y of s oc ial problems in the 1into Wiscons in from Peru . Th ere 1fou ght battle fr om sta rt to fini sh ed in third pl ace Ia gai n st Randolph 87 to 13 and the en tire fie ld of the So cial Sciences., w ere two men on the South Dak ota I Ju st recent ly r e- o rga ni ze d fr om Fo llowin g is the of the w as 40 to 15 against T arkio• Col- The aim of Pi Gamm a Mu is coop era- te am. Usua lly a debate te am co nsists the S t. J oe Cardinal s i nto th e Nebral?ka Interc ollegi ate Co-nferen ce !l·ege on the Mi sso u ri a ns h ome fl oo r. '. tion th e stu?y of human prob lems Iof t hr ee but to save ex- •Hill yards 'of .the,se men have teams: I Th e South west Iowa ch amps w ill : and its mo tto 1s, "Ye Eha ll kn ow the penses on t heu tour o nly t wo were ·1ong expenence in the ar t of playrn g W L Pc t. Pt OP present the same li ne up as in the ir 'truth an d the t ru th sha ll make yo u Iused Si nce there :vere onl y two o.n b as k etbal l. Peru 4 0 10 00 162 pre viom: aippe

FRES B:MEN WIN 22 TO 13 G A.ME to ry over the Omaha Card in als will :Pe nn syl va nia St ate Coll eg e, Wii};-1senting a pleasing a.ppeara n ce on the /w ill undo1ubte dly en co un ter -so me Playing heads-up b asketba ll a nd us- star t either Roit.h ert, Brock m an or /m ette Univ emli ty of Ca li fo rni a, the pl atfo r m. Mi ss Ga in es a nd Mr. L eo n- st ron g opp ositi on on the eve nin g of ing a shoTt, fai£1t pass ing attack the Youn g at forward s, "Big J oe " at cent - ,Uni v ersity of Sou th Dak ota, an d the a rd th e_Pe ru t ea:ri. So me 1 ! March 7. Peru State Teachers Co lle ge fre s h- er Ca ptain Was ley and the "Big IMontana St ate College. v ery log1.c al r easom ng, sh owrn g th at Led b.y Kr e jci , W as ley a nd Her tz, man team won a de ci sive victory iS.wed-e ; 1; E ar ly in the fi,rs t sem este r a group (C ont inu ed on P age 4 , Col 2) lth es e t hree p) aye1'.s win di ng up their over the Panama town team by the ·· jof not mo r.e th an t en stud ents and 1basketb al l car eers this ye ar a nd score of 22 to 13. MATHEMATI C F RAT HO LDS ' met tog·eth er at the call of "THE INK GIRL" WILL I ab ly ass isted by B ro c kma n, Youn g, Ther mig ht have b een •a r eas on for INTERESTING MEE TING t? co ns.i der the BE GIVEN FRID AY IRot::h_ert, Ra il sback a nd Booth, th es e the determined figh t t ha t w as be in g -,-- '· b1h ty of a Social Sci e nc e fr atermty boys w ho fi ght for the glo-ry of Ol d waged by t he Junior B obc ats. Pa ul A M n , for t hi s campu s. · As' a r .es ul t d.f th at Th e Phil o's are workin g


Steves, elo1C12"ated c enter for Panama ! Th e stud ts h h b 1 t d meeting a historical r es e ar ch clu b their play "Th

was a member of the Wes l ey an Co l- to rnem b h" ··

lege basketb a ll team

fifty -four consecu tive v ic tor ies a nd since- the b egi n ning of the seco nd

ne w sp aper of- them in the p as t. probably with t.his in mi nd th ey were 1mester ar e H aroild R ee d, Mary En gles c·h.ar.t er of P er u :h ap - flee. it was w ri tt en hy Mrs. Ann a This ga me w ill be an importa nt facdetermined. to show Mr . St eves a Do ris Bright, Jo·y· Mi ck el,· D av id Stites . ter of P1 Gamma Mu ar e; C. Lin say, (Con t inued on. P ag e2, Col. 7) · IBest Jud e;:. (Continued on P ag e 4, Col. 1) Ma i; vin Overtu rf, Cedr ic Grin k, Gl en (Con t inued on P ag e 4, Col. 3) Slagle an d Max in e. Reaga n.

IAn all star c ast h as been chos en PHILOMATHEA NS ADD PAUL CO LLINS JOINS On Ma rc h 4, the fo ll owing p ro" g rarp BOBCATS EASILY WIN jfrom the tale nt of 1h f_ Phil o's .. Miss TOOLEY Ol?ERA COMPAN Y was give n at th e reg ul ar bi we ekl y. FROM OMAH A FIVE 'Hazel Willi ams, whr. h as had much

. [meeti ng. .;- Iexp er ien ce in t he dr amatic line , is Th e Philo progra m of Thursday P aul Co llins, tenw and semor at Chaii:ma n, Mr. Fr ank Cope : The Bobc a ts cinched the cage coa chin g the play. eve nin g, Febru ary 28, w hi ch in clud ed Peru, left Saturd ay n ig ht for Sullivan, Cal c ulations -N ap ier's Rods , of the In ter -' Dona Jane Delzell, who pl aye d the· t he ini tiation of twen ty n ew memt1ndia.na , whete he wil) jo in tn e Tooley Mr. L es li e Carey 'co ll eg1_ate Confe rence. fo1 . by lead last .ye ar in "Dad.dy Lon g L egs," h ers, was very well rece ive d. t • Th N t f N b . M · idef eatmg Om aha umv ers1tv Fri d ay As the memb ers hip in the soc iety Light Opera C ompany w hich 1s n ow e a u re 0 um ei - ag J.C 1 · . a nd w ho h as ta ke n part m sev era l Squares a nd Cubes mgh t, 37 to 23 Th e Omaha u mver- . t t h" s .11 1 th 1 d r equir es th at eac.h one h ave some h · th "Mika do " pr eparatoTy - · I h one -ac s 1 year, w1 p ay e ea , re ears 1ng e • I Miss Mary Pribb eno sity q ui nte t ga ve the loc a ls a muc ·.. M 11 . th . k . 1,, form of li t er ary ta len t, t ho se who o 1e, e m g ir ,to a fifteen wee k t ou r openrn g in B" h" 1 Sk t h L d hard er b attle t ha n had been exp ected I were initia ted were g iven a chan ce · 1o g rap 1ca e c - eo nar 'b b f . . Eldo n H aywar d, who h as .bad ex : Florida on Marc.h 6. He wi ll return E 1 Mr C d .· C · k 1 ut succum ed e ore a scor mg s pu1 h a to demonstr ate their a bili ties. Doro- 1 u er. · e nc rm lin the mi ddle o.f t he ga me. penen ce m one ac ts, pl ays t e l ea thy Wu ste r gave an exce ll ent imi tain time to compl ete his course th e Moti<>n Picture. Films to . P·er u ra n up a 16 to 7 coun t n.dva n- Joppos it Mi ss Delzell Jack tion of a violin pl ayer Th e ba lco ny second summer te rm. Mathematics Mr. H, Mc Cre1ght ltage at th e fi i; st ha lf a nd continued . Mr. H.ayw ar d h as an on gmal scene fro m Romeo and Juli et wa s Although prese nting a vas tly dif- Critical Revi ew, February I ssue, Ion its ramp.age to make the scor e 21 at the pu bli she rs at the pr ese nt time. we ll d ramatize d by Ja ck F ish er a nd ferent type of program, he will trav- Math emati cs T eache r. P ro f. Norwoo d to 7 ear ly in t he seco nd ha lf. Omaha Ja mes Delze ll sta rre d in "I ce Mab le Hi gg in s. but th ere was a little . l th t er ritory Mr. Amzie Gra ss a for m er acti ve stemmed the attack an d the play w as Bound " a nd se v era l one-acts last unfa m ili ar ity of the Eng li sh l an gua ge el approx i mate y e same h . h d Th" h h b . k men 1ber of t e frater ni ty w o gra -about even fnr the r est of the game year. 1\SI year e as een prom in· ev idenc·ed w.hich made it a li ttle d iffias June Brickell, who left a wee I uated at the end of the first se- llh ou gh P eru reg ul ars e ar ly .gave way j ate in footba ll . !!nd basketball. He cult to obtain the exact mean ing. previous. lme ster was a camp us visit or S at urd ay Ito s ub stit ute s. !wi ll pl ay the role of Ed Conway, the Helen W agner di spl ayed h er talen as It is a distinct comp lim ent to Pe ru's Mar ch 2. is te ac hi ng in the hi gh K re jci with six fi eld goals wa s fEd it or. - a wh istler by givi ng "T urk ey in the vocal department to turn ou t s uch an school at Wis n er, Neb raska He has hi gh for th e w inn ers wh il e Gambl e John Bath, who starred in "Dad dy Straw." After Harvey Nick els ex h iartist who has reG eived p ra ctic a lly a ll ch arge oif a ll the ma thematics classes a nd R ose nbl att sh ar ed scor in g honor s L on g Le gs" is the juv e nil e actor , the bi tion _last week aroun d the fl ag po le .his mblsical t rai n ing he re in Peru. two s ections of be g inni ng alge br a, for Oma ha. p rinter's dev il. (Con't on P age 3, Col. 2)


A repertoire and in terp ret at ion class composed of the vo c al s tud e nt s has been -organized by Mr St eck The class will dis cuss vo cal mu s ic of different composers a nd stud y the interpretation of their wo r k. The second meeting of th is class w as h el d Tuesday evening at w hich Ruth Shelley and Be rni ce Mil ler illustra ted the fitness of wo rds a nd m usic in songs.

two sectio ns of pla ne geometry . an d Ralph Se llh orn has playe d in one. a cl ass in high sc h oo l tri gn ometry . DORIS ERICKSON IN CHARGE ne ts and also in "Th e P oor Nut" and C HARL ES LIN DSAY W RI TES He is ve ry ent hua st ic about hi s work OF EV ERETT PROG RAM (C on tinued on Page 3, Col. 2) ART IC LE F OR RE CTANG LE VAN DYKE EXPLAI NS K'.'OD AK Th e Ev·ere tt L itera ry Soc iety met ELLA KI NG COND U CTS STUNT Charl es L in ds ay wr ote an a l·ticle, TO TRAVKO C LUB MEMBERS Thu rsd ay evenin g in t he little th ea- AND SONG PROGRAM AT CLUB "Hi st or ical Ma teria l as Su bj ect Matter. Th e nresid ent be in g ab sent, vice- ter for Lit erary Express io n," for the Th e T_ravko Club met Tu es da_Y eve -lpresi_d en.t -El vin D avehpo rt call ed the The Alpha Li terary Society held a F ebr u ary iss ue of the Rect angle, t.he ning with a sp e cial of ,meetin g to order. meetin g Th ursday eve ni ng in th e lSig ma Tau Delta fr a tern ity mag azin e. Kodaks by Mr. Van D yke, co u nse lor I T he program w as in c.h arg e of Trainin g Sch oo l. After a sh ort busi- Mr. Li ndsa y was the on ly Pe ru perof t he club. The me mbers brou g ht D or is E rickso n. So n gs were sun g, ne ss meetin g, a program co n siisting of s on to have an a rticle in this i ss u e. their kod a ks for explan a tio n of their an d stunts wer e put on by d iff erent songs and stunts, was cond u cte d by A few mont hs ago an art icle appe are d construc tion. The cl ub plans to s ta rt ·gro u ps. Dari s Bu nc h ga ve a demon- :Ell a Ki ng. At the ne xt mee ting of by J oe Jone s. Both Mr. Jones' an d hi k es soon a nd ta ke snap shots of stration of t he trials and tribu lations ithe club on Ma rch 'lA, Mi ss D on ner Mr. L in dsa y's .articl es were feat ures scenery ar o und Per u. of Ford drivers. . 1w ill giv·e a talk on East ern Coun tr ies. of the magaz in e.

TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1929' ..



in mind th at many people are enjoyin g the music at the se int erv als and do not care to be disturbed by suc.h noises.

Entered at the Postoffice ' of Peru, BIGGER AND BETTER MOVIE

Nebraska, as second c;lass matter. I It is seldom that an audience i:;; g iv,. State 1en the chance fo wjtne ss a pi ct ur e

Published Weekly at Peru \ havin g the variety of appeals which Teachers College last Tuesday's .budget movie di spl ay$1.00 the Year-Sc single copy ed ES TES PARK to desc vibe _the Y. W. C, A, FA!tea


EDITOR - - -:.----------------------------






The-follo wing poem ha s been

P ar k me eti ng. d ntain pe aks of blue, Im ag in e s ome sta tl ey pi ne tre es an mou h t 0 d · agine your t ere o •

And ca bms on the h1Jl s1 de, an im d what it iB like And now we' ll li ve th ro ugh a day at .co nference seehave to hike

And ·after

The sun rose up so br1 ght ly over e 1 ound. But a ll that could be se en th er e we re 8 And


First, from a pure literary point of inspection, it' poss essed a pl ot-r ather They washed the ir faces and their hand s in water j 1:1stdli ke

· h h D k A 1 b d th · hair and f1xe up a so l'llce p.henomenal m t ese, t e ar g es 1 They brushed the ir te e th and com e eir

SPORT FEATURES - "TIP" ROBERTS of lightweight scenarios. It }V as not Their knickers and their boots they pu lle d on so !ast ad assed the same hashed-over sto ry of so That they were all prepared to eat before much t une h P many movies, but a well-built story I . with a nice turn. Their breakfast quickl y ov er, to wor shi p they did go Second, it was well done , I Where the music w as so lovel y and wors hipf ul a nd low. as concerns the actors. This was ve ry I evidently, however, a show where And after that the lec t ures, inspiring on es y ou know. REPORTERS "the play's the· thing" rather th an the 1Not like some in as s embly to which y ou hav e to go.


CAMPUS - FRANCIS MORIARTY individual actor. Only just as soon i Then up t the hill th ey made thei r way, e ac l;i. to a quest g roup sm all MUSIC - IDA SCHREPEL Jas the theatre- g oers betake th emselves rWhere they could t hink and ta1k about th e probl e ms o-f them a ll SPORT "SQUEAK" MUMPER from their actor-madness and -" FEATURES , "STEVE" TURILLE begin to judge plays by their me ri t Then the spe a kers whom all admired le d d is cus sions under the trees DRAMATICS - - ELLEEN MEANS alone will the art of foe Am eric an Where the sudents brought their questio n s- wh atever o nes t hey ple ased. FACULTY FRED COLE stage make much real advancement. Then at the cafa t eri a w as a line as long as a bl ock SQUIRE WATSON HELEN WAGNER WILLARD FOWI;.ER Trag edy is the best loom fo r the For everyone was hungry and knew it was twelv.e by the clo ck 1weaving of hi gh thought. With, a TO PERU'S LAWBR;EAKERS Italkers of Peru should be consid.erin g itr agic back g round , the teachin gs · of With all the be a uty and splendor now is what they are going to do ,this drama were well apparent. Mr. of winter there comes to Peru t he wi th the ice o.n th eir sid ewalks. If has dared to write into some dan g er of the student being placed they don't consider this, then i.t is ·of the bigger and deeper- thin gs of on the hospital waiting list It is no probably that there will be fllowers , life with good success, using here as longer for the Peru student or resi- a plenty for some poor soul anytime · his theme the thought that the tre as-

In the after-noon the fun gam es and hik es Horseback riding and · tennis games or co nfe r enc es if you l iked. And then once more they ate t heir fi ll of dainty fare And then in followship the y dro ve away all ca re.

Arid often by the fireplace with its che erful r osy gl ow They the <>ld familiar songs th at a ll th e campers know. Then to the eveni hg l ec ture in the a ssembly ba ll so brigh t '.fhey went, and upon world pr oblems, all we re given light l. dent to walk down the streets of Peru during the winter ure chest of real true love contai ns in safety. It is becoming a fear for as much of the gold of give as th e the student to step ou ts ide the door MONOPOLIZING STUDENT'S TIME gold of .g et. Mr. Pollock ' will be reexc·ept when absolutely neces s ary. membered as being the author of Some teachers ha ve wonderful ideas Winter in Peru is a knock-out and as to the amount of work a s tudent "The Fool" and "The Enemy." dr a g-out. Each win t er the toll of do in their claS8es This is Many go6d things are to be sa id injuries in Peru is increasing, a.nd it not only evident in Peru, but in all concerning this marked improv ement 'is becomin g less s afe for the students other schools . In a wa y it. may be in the quality of movies bein g shown . to trust them selves in the open. ri g ht- but in other ways it look s as We hope that those to follow pro ve

And then the day was ended and t he ca mp ers so ught thei r res t, Tired, but l,oving E s.tes, the wonde r ful c amp in the Wes t.

He ra rely acc epts a stateme nt without questionin g the pr ob a bility and pos-' I sibility of its truth. He is always

All this is due to the lack of en- though the teacJ1er may be inclined as good.-Contributed forcem ent of laws in Peru A num- to be selfish looking for t.he most re as0nable view, her of "fool's laws" in Peru, and t he For each hour's credit it is under- NORTH DAKOTA'S EXPERIMENT consistent with the fa cts of life, conla ck of enforcement of the laws stood that the te a cher is entitled to (Industrial News Bureau) sist ent with good lo g ic, consist en t in g make it impossible for safety. on b t d h lf h · f h · · b'l't St t' 't 1·•tl

There w as a time beore science when ice could not be removed from the surface of the ea rth , but now the only reason it is not rem ov ed is lazine ss on the pa rt of the prop er ty owner and tho se who a1'e supposed to enforce the laws in Peru.

e our o one an one- a o ur o The fa mous experiment of North wit conce1 va 1 1 y. a mg 1 a iu e the student's time, and not to five or Dakota in state ownership of indust- differently , the in t elli ge nt p erw n folsix of his time as the case of- ries , was undoubtably the most com- lows the path of the le a st lo g ic al reten is. Iplete test of such economic theory sistance ·

Many students have re gisteI'ed ever tried in the United States The i It is the purpose of the colle ge to two-hour courses and a ttend class Non-Partisa n Lea.g ue, now ex t inct as give ' this inherent a bllity, this rare four times . a week for the entire a s·eperate politic al party , launched attitude, or this reasonin g abili ty a semester. When t he ca&e is like th is this venture in 1915 wi th a t remen- chanc·e to develop to its ut mos t possi-

S hort Storv Corner


Nathaniel Haw th or ne was an old man at the begin ning of th e Civil War, and he dii ed near the clo se of th at war. America r em emb ers hi m b et ter, pe rhap s, as a nov e list on ac · co u nt of his spl e ndid "S carl et Letter" and "Ho u se of t he· Se ven Gables." Hi s wo rk deserves a place az'.nong the

The stee}J hills of Peru become ver y Ithe teacher is not entitled to out- bilities. A I I d • slippery in the winter time when t 1e side work from the students. But as ised that state socialism was going to ,outline of a college e ucation w as a snow has not been removed from the Ithe case is the teacher often had prove itself. simple matter, but in this criti_cal, walks, and it is almost impossible for large reading list, requires a note Now fourteen years after, this scientific age, in which man, ex ci t ed the to walk along walks 1 book, then assig.ns about twice as g reat experiment has all but run its 1by the urge for more ha s of these hills w.hen they are icy. Imuc.h as the ordinary student can do course according to Herbert Lefko- disclosed new facts and prmcip Jes. at A Jaw has been made whereby peo- i in class time, and then, after all the I vitz, iJitorial Gorres'pondent of the Isuch a disconcerting rate that pie are not allowed to walk in the 1 assignments are made preceeds to lee- New York Times. Icannot all be digested and fitted mt o street in safety. A motorist can ture to the class the rest of the period All that remain are the State bank, Iany educational scheme. obfifty miles an hour down the hill s and tell them how the 1M5on should .now duing a small· rural · credit bus- \taining of a colleg·e education JS a of Peru, endangering the lives of be prepared, or dicuss with _ the class ! iness, the state mill and elevator, much more complica.ted process. n:any students, and th; protects what has been done in. the class the 1. which hav·e been the subject of rigor- \ Many .,.re unab_Ie to attain a colleg e him as long as he doesn t drive on the preceeding year or period. ous debate and have consistently Jost degree at all: m fact there was a sidewalk, which is, in every case, Monopoly of time can in no large sums of money ,and a few min- 1great deal of anxiety at the about fifty feet above the pav·ement. good to the students. Students be- : or insurance projects, such as• hail in- Ialmost incredible amount of ilhter acy

There is another law in Peru con- come overworked in one class and \surance, an<i' state fire insurance of as sho.wn by the tests given the solcerning the side walks. It says some- ,.get behind in another. There is of- public buildings. T.he new Gover- /diers of the late World Were t hing about the residents of Peru hav- ten one or two students in a class 1 nor just inaugurated, announces· his these men themselves so diF..ihearten ed ing their walks cleaned of all snow that .have plenty of time ang can put 1 to state ownership of bus-· I at the evidences of lack of knowledge, and ice witMn twenty-four hours af- up with the selfishn ess of the teach- . Jor because they could not be rated 1 h f h mess. ? I h" ter a snow. ik: t e o t e er.

I Thus has the most violent radical as one o.f the_ intellig·entsia .' t 1s laws of Peru it receives but little at- The time must come before many flourish ever attempted in this nation, :ephemeral existence of .ours ls it no t by many people and !ess at- 1more years when the teachers of a Iended. The financial p1ight of North la platitude that oftentimes th'ose ,wh o t ent10n by are put mto there work; keep- !Dakota is well known; tremend-0us !have not the advant a ge of a co lfice to enf01ce it Img it w1thm the time alotted for the l losess and debts incurred by the var- llege education are as a clasi; of peoThe town has long smce gone to average student As long as teachers ious State industries. Almost all lhat the most happy? Those people the trouble to see that walking con- must continue to grade on the norm al . left is :a sad lesson learned. North Jwho are satisfied with their co ndi-

best of the ear1y American sho rt. story artists, however, a.nd ht amount of re ally go od production exc e eds th at of several others .All the stor ies of Hawthorne, very unlike t hose of Irving a nd Poe, a moral si g nificance a ttache d to then; whic.h is ea sily !"€ ad . Everyone whij has re ad s ome fro m the works of Haw thorne k nows that he describeo well, an d tha t his s ubje cts are choser. from the commonplaGe.

Particularly !Sltri k ing as an emotional char act er po rtrayal is "T .he Birth· mark," a t ale whi ch, fortunately does .not h an dl e too m uc h material to weave in to a com pact littl'e story. This bit of se m i-all egorical :fiction concerns itse lf with te lling us of the result whic h follows a very heruMelt but ill y - direc t ed sear ch for perfec. tion, w hic h, concludes Hawthor ne, is not to be fou nd in earthly form.

'Such a title as "The Birthmark" is l eading to -t he re ad e r, a nd should his cuii.osity pr ompt him to 'lo ok i t' up. it may foun d in Je ssup & Ganby. "Book of the Sho rt -S tory "-J. 0. F. ,) ditions would not be made good for curve, then in all fairness, · they I state ownership· program ·tion are sure of that satisfaction , the citizens of P_eru. When the pave- should outline their work to fit the :was a theory that in practice result- 1while who have the facult y of was put m from the school needs of _ th: student, and l ed in chaos, bankruptcy and disil- not always sure of bmldmgs down town, the town enter- low for md1v1dual differences. 11 . t 1reasomng right. The more we know, HI LLYARDS WI LL PJ.;AY HERE d . . h h . us10nmen . , h h h (C . d , . e mto an agreement wit t e res1- ' Fifty percent of the students are it e more we see t at we ou g t to l ont1nue From P ag·e !.) along tdhethpav:fmthent. In av·erage while only a rn1all percent INTELLIGENCE

Probabhly it would bhe it<»" in the n atio n al t ourn am ent· wh ich 1s e own agree at 1 e peo- belong to the superior class. If ? for us not to ave so muc o <t is , pie would allow the hills to be cut t h t. t h What is mtelhgence. To the 1 reasoning power if it makes us un- takes place next we ek at Ka nsas Cit,1 . down that the town people would not ersl conth1nue o ctahter to tl e it is that whic.h the men- I happy Still do' vou ever find a sup- The Hillyards are ind eed a very good . • - penor c ass ey are en neg ectmg 1 It . th t f h" h · · ' - tea to · d p • p ·b·1· · ' enforce property owners to build the <1 verage class of students. In tal test is a o w Jc posedly intelligent person willing to • m JU ge eru s 9ss1 I 111 sidewalks along the navement where Imost cases th 1 f t the I. Q, is md1cat1ve. To the teacher c.hange places with one who has not as they alw ay s ma ke a strong buL - e superior c ass o s u- '. . . . . . h, I they belong What else the agree - dents will take cake of themsielves 11t is an mtang1ble wh1c had the privilege of attainin g so A touch_ of c olor will be add ed bi RJ.ent might have contained un- 1while the average class of !most lack.._ at m large much knowledge? We might dr aw the select10n of John Wu lfe referee. known to the· writer. Such an agree- ! must be guided in their w-0rk until proportions: bu_t which, if it the conclusion that, although happi- IWulfe was a memb er of the Hill yard.' ment merely goes to show what kind I their regular habits are·formed 1 1 one of. their mnate ness has a hig,h rank in man's list of ,of 192'. they won the nation el of people make up the world. , T h . woultl immeasurably fac1lht ate ped'l- de sires, reason is still higher c hamp1onsh1p , a nd is an all-Americ , Now the only thing for the law- :.'n manr teac grad- gogical methods. Theoretic ally , ink'- - Wayne. Catlett center. abiding person of Peru to do is to 11 fg th ves. /Y p an t e work jligence is the main distinctfon ' b e- \ Admissi on ·to t hi s '\\rill b< consider the laws of Peru as "fools de aclcor mTgh to :"hat they !tween man and animal, but some evi - FORMER PERU GRADUATE seventy-five cents budget ticke· -0 emse ves. 1s is wron g. d t ds to disprove this theory ' l f ' of the laws is It does not give the average student 1 ence en , . < t t · HAS EXCITING ADVENTURE P us o rty cents. Th is will probsbl) opt10nal. Many of the people of Peru 1a chance. It does not care for in di- Dr. - B. Fre_e m an add 0 - .be the bes t ga me played on th• have never heard of the salt or as.h- lvidual differences. And it ause IA_merican Sor1ety of ,, .1- Atlanta Cole, a g raduate of Peru fl oor Jt will be a battle tor sn cu ' f . r "d lk . c s <Ttneers declared that, Intel!1 g er.c e

. . . b h' 1e 0 •1 s ippery SI ewa s. failures in class work. The best of •:" . . h i. 1 eru and now teachmg m Mex i co Pl emacy etwe en two c.hamp1ons 1p Th is the ab1ht.; to reac a reas ona• , y . • t e recent accident on the pave- co-operation can never be reached - 1 . 'f t f 1 City, and Mrs. Tra v 1s, wife of Colonel earns-.,..Q ne a sta te championship h" ' correct cone us10n rom a se o c 1s- T . t ment m w 1ch two students were run uhtil t.he teacher will take time to I bl .,, ,, Th "·· ·tl rav1s , attended funeral of Tor al earn and th e oth er n ational chain b b . b f h \ 1 h" covera e 1cts. ,., !)at y e x- t M . c· i over Y a car rmgs e <>re t e peo- out me 1s work, so as not to monop o- 1 . . l 1 . h . t Ir " t• ,, a . ex1co 1ty recently. pons. pie of Peru the q est·o "Wh t r 11 th t' f h p ams tie ll![ m e igence ra 11 .;< T , u i n, . a ize a e _ nne o t e student a nd Igiven en g in e ers. for it is necr. .!:;;s a1".' oral: was the man who assi ssin a ted . to be done about the walkmg cond1- thus cause him to los e interest in hi s 1 .f th t bt · f t b f k th e pres ident-el ect of M ex ico Th WILL HAVE NIGHT DEL IVERY tions of Peru?" 1 k or em o o am ac s e ore ma. " • e1e . c ass wor in g any conclusi ons. was much e xc1te1nent wh en th e co rt- H l C At t t f 1 b I ug :i armen a nn ounces in this 1:· a mee mg v a cu m From another an g le int elli ge nc e i ege was tak en to ·the g round s fo r sue that he will have a delivery nigl:: Peru a business man got u_p and told A TIMELY REMARK l might be termed an atti t ude. It i$ the funer a l. A mob a tta ck ed the t 1 • Vhat he Would lil{e to P all Tl k I I a 0:00 o'c l ock fo1· the convenien« ' . see m eru- 1-e remar made by Dean Delz e ll the attitude oi se ttin g forth rea son Isoldiers and the fire dep artm ent the beautiful flowers along the walks· relati"ve to the · d · h ll d to · h of the Mr. Carmen ab7 : • noises ma e m c ape! as our supreme guide. It is that sta te I :ve ie ca e quiet t e mob. Fo ll ow- f I h I lawns well kept, the o.f early durmg the last bud g et event wer e of mind in which one c.he cks hi s ide as mg thi s was a g un ba ttl e in wh ich ee s t at such a del ivery will .enaJ.i i summer were predominate in his certai I· t• n l Wh h d' . \ . fif h . tho se who wish to have narties 'to pu h B t l ·1 It n Y u e y. en sue rntur- by actual experience. It is the intel- I ov e1 1 ty s o ts we re fi re d. Th ree in late orders. It has be-en h1·s pol1"'.1 speec . u sue 1 ev1 was mere- bances occur at th b d t · · · t k"ll d - • .· ·e u ge mov .1e hg ent attitude alw ays to rec og ni ze \ pei s ons we e i e a nd tw e nty were si · ly a speech coveung up the faults while the s.how is not in pro g re ss f t t l t th "bl d wounded nee m b usmess rn Peru to bs h . h .1 p d . th · • 1 ac s, o re a e em sen s1 y, an \ Peruv· d w ic preva1 m eru urmg e wm- spoils the good time oth ers a re ha·v- . h h f 11 Th Mr T . . I ians, an he is a loyal ad1•et ter Spring is all right but sprin S d we1g t em ca1e u y. e mtelh- s. raV1s and Miss Cole escaped er with the p d . and oth ; wili take cnre of itself, What th! mg. who these funny I g ent person is quick to perceiv e the l fr om t he cro wd a nd were able to get :college publ' e 't negle!' · or so-ca e unny noises, should b ea r discrep a ncies in fallaciou s reasonin g. a car ba ck to Hotel Gen ev·e in safety : t , d h' . n • 0 iea JS ad in this 1s ue




birthday and h . y. Its ber te n th on bhe cam u h · - MEAJ.,S, LUNCHES, l .t.h' h' ei pretty dolls won't calls fo P s, t ei e h ave b ee n many Last 'Fhursday night the secon d Julj a Grosse prese nted a violin re- SHORT "RDERS pay w1 er Wh t r anot he h'bT d · h · · · · · "' 1 h : . a. can be done to Margar€t lVI _r ex 1 1 10n an w1tJ 1event 0f a series of fac ul ty c1tal 'Wednesday, February 27, dur - : , J. OME MADE PIElS e. t e pi etty miss? S'he mustn't' vey ao·ai . aJors as May Queen, H ar - took pla ce in. the Trainin g Sc h oo l. in g convocation. She was acco mpan- H , Cly, foi tears on her birthday mean for th t he May da nce The h ome ec onomic g irls of t.he ied by Mai;ga!'et Cain. Thre e sp lendid 2 doors s9uth of Post O.ffica luck. · expJa · e dPh!lo g:·o up. Ellen' W its.on sop homo ,re colle ge class, und er the nµmbers were p1:esented a nd were Oh, here comes the "Litt! Old W girl ine simp ly that h er sc hol trai nin g of Miss Town e ser ved a nd we ll · '· · 1--.....- -.-

" · e 0 - cornplextion w d I ' · man carry1n,g a cak;e with t of PaJ . as ue to t le use 'were also for beau ti- I>U1·ing th e ap nounc ements Mr. Del-

c.andfos OI;l it! l\'JJ.stress Ma en_ pretty John St'a hn and ful d€cor ations. The 'color sc h eme zell suggested t_h,at he re-a:fter durin g

"T ry is very o e disc s l b d happy· he Two in the topic " Th • u s ec a very roa was very ple as ing, bein g a c-0mbina- a mo; ic the a uct1 r11l' e s hould be more Woods" appear and hurry Mary off Ruth B ·- e .lm!'lortance o.f Eleph an ts." t.ion of g reen with yelJ-o,w ro ses. Th e quiet, leaving o ut 1suc.h: di sturb ances to see the gyps· M . disse t ga ve a convincin g roses we1-e g·iven to the women at th e as cat-caJls and loud noises, thu s be a r- 1es. ary bnno·s r at1on on "Wh t · t" 1 • • h • · -· ome of them back to try and fix u"'p Kath Y wa er is we · c ose of the entertainm e nt. mg t e marks of a cultured a udience Shoe repairing at 'Comfortable' c1 ryn Williams to ld h ow he nter her -Olis. But alas, she also wants tained her ho .· s e_ -, Th e new fac ulty members gav e a prices! Ladies Shoes q Specialsome ne.w ones! The gypsies leave she let th dy, fll e nds Utt.le hu morous skit just at the close WORKING ON PROGRAM ty. promising to try and help her Three T,he imi·t €m 0 most ithe talk mg. of the p ar ty . Fa culty memb ers a nd ;I'he Philo's are wa rk in g hard on l S . · a t!ons bv Lucille Newc ome r · h · fi d · t love Y pamsh d-olls prominade be- a nd Ar d 'th H 11 - wives mad.e up t e sixty- ve present an rehearsing a humorous convoc a' (The Shoe Shop on the Eas M I a were very clev er Th " h fi l · ) t"

fore ar.y. How lively they are 1 Daniel M 8 · , is was t e r.slt rea get-to get ie r 10n pro gram to be g iv en F1•rd ay ; f Side of the Street) Mary ' decides to ent t . "T h. lo n o-er a- cd wan .chou ld keep quiet no for the faculty this semester. March 8 under the of Mr. II . · er am e Lit - "' n so· wit Neal Tr a ber t as a. c the Old Women" by reciti ng poetrv to : a voca l accompanist he went in I . arter.

h Sh ff t · · · • ·1se h . . ' 1 STUDENTS JUDGE DEBATE ._ er. e rs ie c1tes S imon" I arc of his .li ttle do g. Marv Alice I and he appears. As she ' k "L 't 1 Englis read a n h" h • d Mr Burkey, Mr.• H asse lblad, an d I . s pe a s i - 1 oem w 1c seeme to M" W'll ' · h B tle Mlss Muffet lo' h h 1 Pe a little twi's t d D h Th 1 1ss Hazel 1 iams Jud ged t e ratere s e com.es e . orot y ur ow · b f

hut alas' the, spider - s h h Iand Lucy And d . d ton Umon-Brock de ate at Bratto·n I 1 '1 • oon c l!,ses eT erso n ep1cte most U . h . d f . b . . , Mnay "Little Boy Bl " ll v1v1dly Ch f ti L' ht · n10n, T ms ay a te1noon, Fe 1ua1) on ue c.a s unsuc- · v arge o le 1g· B cessfully for his sh e d I Bri g ade " 28. The trip was made rn Mr. ure p an go es away I · , k • broken - hearted, After the initiation four groups ey s car. ' "The Old Woman" now has he r! were forme d a nd a track m eet


Applications turn _telling stories. Her first is . held, in charge of Lowell Decker. I . · .

" Sir and Queen Eliza- The group, of which ?edric. Crink # There IS no Substitute

beth.' From the c aSltle gate the queen was coa,ch, won first prize which was I FOR HONESTY # 124 N. 12th, Lincoln, Nebr. I ventures for her afternoon st.roll. But . a box of candy. · ·I

the streets are muddy and t he iroor After the prize was g iv en refresh- I as a business policy '

. . lad y is distressed bec a use she cannot ments of li me i ce a nd wafer s were 1

cross without soiling her be au tiful served.

gown To her _ rescue comes Sir Wal-

ter Raleig.h! He places his clo'ak A NEW PROBLEM Watchmaker and · Pastry and Bakery Delicacies. And on the ground so the q ueen may, pass. H . k" . h ti the prices? They are right. H · · hl <l d b h ere is a new md of ant me c Ii e: l'l C y awar e y a pat on t e . exampl€. We are accustomed to the I .

ea · q,1;1es tio n- "If John has an apple and ;.

'.I'opsy enters hidden behind a new wisbes to divide it equally among·1-

iµammy doll. She fln<ls a mouse and two sis ters and -one brother and

t empts "Puss in the Boots" so he himself, how much -of the app le will r.t f Comes out after poor mousie. each have?" We have le arned how

Clatter, clatte r! Bang, Bang! Here many s.hingles Mr. Jones must bu y for §

are t he Dutch representatives, "H'a n-s hi s barn and how many yar ds of ·carand Gret el." They dance before th.e pet Mrs. Jones will need for her p ar- ;

company and ' furnish gr eat amuse -l or.

rnent because Gretel is so ba shful But here is something qui te differ- 1 ; H k l h · b t d 11 ·t t 1' ·t j I

wh en a ns ma es ove to er in pu "' en.' an trea yT,h1 seeinS . o _le qdu1

!ic. as imp or ant. e new examp e ea s V

Mistress Ma ry wishes she had a with a state of mind, instead of with a

birthdaY., eve ry day, but school days fruit, lumber sal es or house fur nis h-

r emind her t hat all is not j oy for in g s. It states itself. thus: '?


g-rown ups



even the old ones who w ul-d · fi o not pl ay at rst Jom u1 the danc e h" h . - W IC lS the end of M1Stress Mary's b i"rt l... d.r » J. .ay par- -s.

So go es M istress M ary's Bir th d ay , as was p1·eserited last week b th Girls Cl ub in the c ollege at chapel time. seen volumes th at didnt '. say as m uch in terms 0£ rat io nal

Dick vVilliams will make his. first

apJ?e ara!1ce on t11e stage jn Peru. by earring a du al r ole.. He is Fi ggs the janitor, an d S mith th e Butler. I I APPLICATION

Ruth Sch aef fe r as He len C on way

the' sister of Ed Con way, a.nd Rub.h STATIONARY WEDDING BOUQUETS I Ganz as M rs . Ba lden, m oth er of J·ack

0 j.:I b h h

Our spring numbers of sta- . ' .FERNS, PALMS, AND f 1-'en-, ot ave difficult c haract er ·; ti onary have arrived, drop in 1· . BEDDING PLANTS I parns ' a nd see them.

Lucille Hug hs p lays the juven il e #

."I part of Peggy, sm a,ll si ster of Ja cl< , LOYAL ,PHARMACY

E BERTHOLD I I Balden . Miss Hu g·hs played a ju ve nil

role in "The Family Up S tair 9:• w i-th #

much su cce ss last y ear.

. Fr eq Due?" is _assi.sti ng Miss• W il- ,

The Handy place to get your school supplies t h ams Cedci·1c Crmk rn sta ge manager

and William O krent is M a.n


SOPHOMORES ;ELECT O FFICER.S' ' FOR SEC<'>ND SEMESTER I Come 1n and look our stock over

T he so pho more c lass fie ld a me et- ;

iilg in t he h igb sch oo l a ssem bly, Tu es- I · WE HAVE QUALITY AND PRJCES g1

da.y at chap-el t ime. _.

Theo dore Roe.hr k as.sie __ Vice -P res .

Frances Moriarty __ Se cretary For All T hat 's New. For the Newest Lo-well Decker Tr e asurer I EVE RYONE w ill find this store a satisfactory pla ce to . ; I

The matter of ma ki ng the May Fes- I secure the ir foods. Fresh meats, Lunch a nd canned me at, I I .New Yor k Creations an: show11 here as tiva:l an entire s chool a ff a ir wus djs- I mi lk, fresh and ca nn ed fruite and v egeta bles. Every thing ;

l',ussed,, but the ma_jo 11i ty fa vor-ed f for the -. table Serv ice good and prices reasonable. I ; keeping it a class a ff air: T his, neces- · THE MARDIS STORE ' I I sitates havi ng a sophomo re play, _.....____

which w ill be sta•rted immedia tely.

FISK TEACHERS AGENCY (Incorporated) ' The new summer bu ll e tin "is now Suite 410-11 Symes, Denv er-M. E. Shuck, Ph. D., Manager ' soon as m the larger city st ores. PlUCES LOWER I I I being arran g ed fo'r t he p rinter It More vacancies than sat.isfadory applicants to fill them.

will be ready for distribu tfo.n soon.

' Y ou'll not be dissappointed ' ! ·- CLEANING AND PRESSING '

if you get your hair cut at 1 ,..

On th• f II


The ' avi a tors, Capta ins St. Clair Street and A. W. Steevens reached the "ceiling" of the sky and enjoyed the pl easure of ha ving th eir en g ine

Lawson, sales man for McCord

Comp a ny, ran ove r Mild re d L efler , last week of sc ho ol. we ll as , by the se ri ously intentioned I • a nd Co lletta Crink, stud ent s. peop le of n at ion al an d inte rn ation al I Tires, Tubes, Acces sories, Gas, After i; triki ng Miss Lefter th e c ar H ISTORY FRAT IS ORGANIZED /promi nance wh o .ha ve ide nt ifi ed.1hEm-

and Oil. We have air hois to t c ont inu ed on i ts road, glancin g a si de- (C ont inued F ro m p 1) I selves with it," a dd s Prof. Lmdsay help us in lubricating age · !w ho or ganized t he local chap te r. · w ar d bl ow an d hi ttin g Mi ss' Cr in k. orga ni zer ; T, E. Ennis; G. w, Brown; i · Thi s fr a te rni ty pu bli.c1hes a st an dard _._. _..__..__..,_,._,_

Miss Le fl er w as dra gge d about th ir -C ast le M. Bro w n; Verne E. Ch ate- journal on hi story a nd so ci al science ty fee t b efore the car w as stop pe d, la in ; Nona M. Pa lm er; Flore nce from contribu t ors of n ation al ac co r din g to ey. e wi tnesses ; Miss t ernat ion al con seq uence SocHI I

Cr ink w as kn ocked down, and barely vey; A. E. Holch ; John R. Muhm; Scienc e" is the offic ia l of the I TUESDAY, MARCH 5 , · escapped more se rious injury,. Er ne st Ha ss·elbl ad; Elm er Bu rk ey; fr a te r nity.

J ":Dream of Love"

ARTHUR L. HILL f d h t th . . . -. I ' R I h Ch t I . L li I J d f 1 ti . w as oun t a eir rnJunes wer·e no t ews; a p a e am; es e Le onard ·,

Bot h girls wer e hur r ied to th eir Leo Ha uptm a n; Fred Duey; Earl : ================== " home s and a doctor was called and it 1 Whipple; Ad a Wa g ner ; Claude Mat h- I "-..__,.._,.._...,_._._,. I S tarri ng :J o an Crawford. You

N S f will s ee Eo me won er u ac ng fail t-0 funetion undec a tompmtU<' ' •ed ou•, although Mi" Leflec ••f· Anna Donne •·; Claim Stit"; Do m th; i PERU STlJDE T ' ,I in this po werful drama of love of sixty degrees below zero They Ifered s ev er e brui ses abo ut the hips Ma t' d 1 . R G Wh tt I .f and ad venture. \ Al so a co medy cl a im the official two man altitude and bod y. It w ill be some time he- r m a .e, · 1 emore , and 1 •t d to 11 f t a·chi'n g ' 1 J d f 3 0 f h Avyrl Games nv1 e enro or e r "Is Ever.b o dy Ha ppy" recor o. 7,20 eet, .or n:ore t. an fore Mi ss Lefler is abl e to return to " · I ' mile s. This reco rd 1s j school , while Mi ss Crin k's injuri es j I believe t hat P1 Ga1!1m n Mu w11l po sitions with to fin al. check based on mathematical 1 were sli g ht and she was able to return 11:: n1:our ag e pr ep :itat io n of arti C:e:-; to r WEDNES DAY MARCH 6 I ca lculat1on s. to th e foll ow in g day ,, ,J,, f\.ali o1 hy rn r ,; tuc!•'ll b iil !.r s- TheDavis School Service

'Pay As y OU Enter

' Wh en J\n t on of the Un.iver- 1 Wa r mn g . wa s p ass ed about at the 1tory and p·1ht tcal s cie11 ce," 1 • • s 1ty wished to a 1 college recen t ly to prevent students iDr. Cas t.le l\'I. Bro wn "The W. T. DAVIS, ' 06, M anager , A c omedy drama with Lou ise · n ew Jump re cord of si x and one ' from us in g the pavement to walk to ,which t he oi pub lisnes is 138 No. 12th St. Lincoln, Nebr. t I Fa zend a and Clyde Cook Here's ' ha lf 'fee t he computed mass and and from sch ool, but so many people J available f. ,, that pu1·pos c and !> '11.1Ldd f I a re al lau gh getter. Also News m ome ntum ta bles, t he distance he re fu se to cle an th eir wa lks that th e encourage seminar and re;;ear ch j J a nd ,Co medy travelled and the anglee of app h.

roac students been forced this winter work in t hese fields With the possi·

as th e bar was raised, t he center of to use the beaten pa th for th eir bili ty o-F public ation him t he

T HURS. a nd FRI. MARCH 7-8 g ravi ty as he cleared the bar and

route to and from school. student w ill be stimulated to put I S p E C J

t he ma nn er of ma int ainin g the cent- i forth hts besit efforts. 1 G eorge Bancroft In er o.f. gra vtty as he hurteled throu gh DEBATE WITH SOUTH DAKOTA AMBULANCE AND '';WOLF OF WALL air. In order to do a ll this he said I A. E. Holch, w ho is alre a dy a in em - FUNERAL DIRECTORY j ' 1t was necessa;y for him to meditate 1 (Continued From Page 1.) ber says, "I am glad to know t hat L. HORTON & CO. t " ,, over ma them a1cs a nd the ca lculus. ; the question was well understood, w as Pi Gamma Mu is to, have a ch apter Phone 128 Peru, Neb r. I STREET E t f h" t hl · b t d b b h Th p at Peru. It is an organization of t he I xc ep or co ne mg a e ti cs pro -pr esen e y ot teams. e eru _._,_.......,_._._..__.._,_.._

a bly one co uld not make much 0 { a deba t ers were especi a ll y convincin g type Peru needs, emphasizing sch ollivi JJ.g main ta inin g a hi gh jump rec- in rebuttal ars hip, charac t er, and oo ci al servic e. d · - It should be a ble to do as much for _,_._,_,_._._..,_,_ O ur yo ungest we s tern star "Buz or . Ye t th is is o nl y an oth er ex ample Th e c oach of the visit ing t ea m, Mr. /Peru Colle.ge as the ,ho n or ary I

Barton"- In of tho se ev·er-incre asin g fields of the M I

I. . h cC_a rty, '}' ho is the pre. se nt secreta ry and p' rwess1 ' onal fra t erru't1'es are now I 'Y app 1cat10 n of t at ev er-inc re as in g f p K

0 l

d' appli c ation of th at anci ent a nd noble o .1 appa Delta, Nat ro na! Deb atin g 1' d-0ing," commented Mr. Holch. I Palmer S • f g JC Will body of tru t hs kno wn as ma t hema•·1'cs. Socie ty, made the st atem ent th at "A . t' h' h b ' I erv1ce I Al c d " was on e oif t he best debat es in w.h ich uy w .1c nngs i so o me Y _. Wh en we re a li ze th at . to m eas ure th h d t" t d . h h d ' about a serious consid e ration of orob- 1 • Was hing and Gr easing ___ k ey a p ar 1c1p a ·e smce t ey a 11to now, we find t hat nearly a ll b ra n- be 0 th t I ems confrontmg the wol!' ld today or 1 P olarine and Mob a "l 01·1 h f h en n e1r our. , · j c. es o um an end eavor must son- an mvest1 ga t1on of the world back of

anical, electrical),. actua;y. ings. Thev will debate three or four

dr a ughtsn;-a!'1 , archd1tect, other sch;ols but as yet these have

mathematJc1an, an exper accoun - b <1efi 'tel h d led ant. not een ni y sc e u .

The salari·es in the various occupa-

tions may be said to range from $100 !

per month for the rod man or chain !

man in a surveying party to $50,000 I ALUMNI

h It f per year or more for t e consu mg I When an excellent menu o and · -tment of the aviation service of- · J J

pai vian now coaching at De Witt rep orts careful service awa1 s Y

fered as a yearly salary for a a very favorable basketba1i record I . things taste better. we· are announcing mathematician. t· l d Ithis season. Morrelinger's team has , this week we will have a special delivery at Whatever your par 1cu ar nee s · I rl f' may be or the type of occupation you n:et of the compet1- That's the reason your favo - 10 P. M. to accomodate students an acha ve chosen for your hfe work you I t b t th t t ite eating an mee mg P U ty. r er any amOUD you WI u. tion m Southeat Nebraska and has

Plan . . h b h f os u one game a o- Friend, k t

best. All d

will fmd a course m t e ranc o N b k' is nown o e e to order for your party. - or ers mus mathematics in which y.ou are most e ras a. be in by 9_. P. M. CALL is taug.ht dunng the yea r UNUSUALLY GOOD SHOW j' dance par-




(Continued From Page 1.) "T he Str·eet of Illusion" was GESS AM A t ..... thl'ng or two along the baske t ball shown before a large crowd Tuesday C A F E . , , -.

Good Things to

_____ ..... evening, February 26. The leadin g I line. 1 I Led by Mathews Priefert and , roles were played by Virginia Valli , S K A G. G S ' b b d d· and Ian Keith. .A Nebraska City, Nebraska Galloway the fr eshmen om ar e I" i Panamis goal from a ll angles and It was a story of an actor's life I . in ability to count on set-up s prevent- who wanted success more than an yed a larger score being made. thing else. He grew selfish and jeal-

t he Pa nama boys came back the sec- posi:e another man w.hen he only had ''

..... After trailing 14 to 3 at half time ous as he saw his sweatheart play op- I MANUAL TRAINING ; ci.n d half and made it look interes t ing a mmor part.

for a few minutes. But they could He mo re avaricious as he saw LUMBER not stand the hot nace being set and success come to his sweatheart and LACQUER. ENAMEL I Distribution Without Waste soo n fell by the leaving Peru to. the man s he was engaged to marry.

well out in front. :At len gth h,e .grew so je alous that he

These fast moving Junior Bobcats loaded the gun with real shot dis- COAL COAL ·

have vet to meet defe at, having won posing of the bl a nkisi This g un was ; fo ur lost none.. If these boys to be used in the play to shoot the


carry on as-well in the next few y ears hero. But as fate would h ave it. the ' w. J. RABEL, Mgr.

Peru ISlhould be assured of some very ; hero falls down a flight of stairs t.hus Phone 48 Peru, Nebr.

s uccessful baske t ball seasons. Ispraining his ankle so that it was im-

Chet Korber looks like a real g uard : p o;ssible for him to act, so hi s part

in t he makin g. / fell to the understudy who was the

"Bullet" Simpkins 11efereed the ' jealo.us lover. He im,mediately chang- fl DR. N. S. HARAJIAN i

game. ed guns again, but by mi stake the DENTIST

g un containing the real shot was '

Mis's Mona Lyons is substitutin.g in picked up. Therfore he was killed X-RAY SERVICE

t.he commerci al department in Au- by the shell he had meant to have Over Barnes' Pharmacy.

burn, for Miss Bernice Pumphrey \ tak·e another life. Success came to

h h 1

w ose s ister was killed in an accident im to a te.

g oingto Alk•'< bfrth

Tom ; What birthday is it?

Tim; Her 20th.

Tom; No , I we nt last year.

"Aren't you the boy who was here

a week ago looking for a position,"

<O. And didn't I ''"

yqu th•n that I wanted •n oldec

that'< why I'm hm now


in a j · t . 1 trouncmg from the St. Jo e Hill yar ds 1 om recital at the A udi tori u m. Tr a di ti.o ns in mu sica re a lm ost f!S ; tist ch urch led the mee tin g. He by t he de cisiv-e score of 40 t 20 G P ROGRAM - stated th at the diff ere nt kinds of k o a nd 1 avo t te G numer-0 us as supe rstitio n Stu dents , wo h' 1 d bl ' -

Bobcats Los e In Hard Fou g ht Ba ttl e ·with St Joseph Quintet In one of t he best gam es of b asketball ever pl ayed on t he Peru floor, t he .St. Jo seph Hilly ards, for mer

t.OO l evenge on the Nor thb A IM . - - ossec an d t ow ns p eop le ca nn ot fa il to hear ' rs ip we re p erso na an pu IC, basketball team at t q.r fo 2 · C. Welodie G luck-Sg am b ati-W il hemj and b ro ught out h ow th ese helpe d th e .,_ une o 4 to I altz No 2 W b B H ar ma n' s f amo us st r.m O' qu a rtet to , 21 in the college o·vmna s· T . · e er-u rmester "' 1 pe rso n aa d his assoiates He fu r- n aitional ch ampi ons, down ed the Pe ru >=- 1um ue sd a be at the coll ege au di tor ium Wed-: h ni gh t. - • - Y JC Mr Jindr a d M h 20 ' , t er state d that the chu rc h of to d ay Bobc ats, Nebr as ka N. I. A. A. Ch am pThe Hillyard affair once rt Arabesques ___ Sc hul.z-Evler a y, a rc · lis not wh at it s.hoii ld b e, w hich m ig hi h d . . f 9 tie alth o ugh th bat- .J (On Strauss' Beaut iful B lu e Danu be) Th e p ubli c, in general, ac cepts th em ' be p artl y a ttr ibu ted to l ac k of co- pi ons, by t e ec1s1ve s co re o 37-1 h' S J e sc ore md1c at es th at I Mr. Ben fo rd as it d o-es a g re at nu mber of ot h er !op er ation of the youn g peopl e The ' score of. the encou nt er h owe . oe had qu ite an edg e. Co ncerto No . 7-lst Mov em e nt-D eBerio t "f acts" whi ch scien ce h as many times that no t enough pe r sonal ever does no t do jus tic e to th e vali ent re]C I sc ore of t he 20 po i nts for \ M r. Jindra a bsolu tely di spr ov e n. • .I w as applied and t his tended to ret ar d fi ght put up by the Nebr as ka ch a mpa nd 1Wasl ey an d .Her tz pl ayed 1 Golliwo g's Cake Walk _____ Debussy I Th er e is no poss ible " tradi tio n" the prog re ss of soc ie t y. JI ions w ho du ring t he firs t ha lf hel d eu usua good de fen .snve g ame. Val se Triste - Sib e li us 1 with regard to the accur ate i nterpre- Next Wedn es day_, Lyman H oo ver, ti H' ll d t 15 t 10 c at In t.he ga T d . Ro - j . h . ie 1 y ar s o a o s ore " me u es ay ni g ht with the ! . ma nc e - -R ac hm a ni no ff tat1 on of t e mu s ic of the past. Man-: Of!e of th e sec retar i es of th e Ro cky, . Wonder Team of Iow a" t he B obc ats I Ri de of the C owb o.y Ross ki nd was a ve ry differe nt a ni mal, in IMo un tain d istric t of •th e Y. M. C. A. Ihalf ti me. Th e Hilly ards weie with came with a victory afte r Ir . Mr. Be nford Ithe days of t he ca ndl e li ght a nd stage' w ill be on t he campus. He w ill s pe ak , out a doubt t he s up e rior team and forty mmutes of the fastest play ye t M eoc1 cana - - ---Mus in , co aches, to the twentieth- ce ntu ry man ! d ur in g ch ape l and a lso at a join t I w ell deserved t heir v ic to r y, a f.iner witn esse d on the B obc ats' court. i Farewell to Cucull ain __ Krei sler i of s peed, machinery and the strain s Imeeti ng of the Y W. and Y. M. or-I bun ch of pl a yers never ha ve appe arThe N orth bo ro team centered l (Lo n do n be rr y j nerves attendent to artif ic ia l li v- Iga n iiations. . is. i ed on the Peru court ar ound D. Kn uk les at c en t er, a nd c. I Cr eoe ---.R ay El e anor Ba ll j mg. jsp eaker Th is 1s hi s first t np to I To " Bi g Joe" K rejci how eve r mu st Knu ckles at gua rd Pro b ably the . Dan se Rust1que --:- - Ku zd o: . We do an who !Peru J go the honor of bein g the b est pla t <:I-ev erest fo rwar d t hat ha s been on Mr . J mdra 1 g ives the trad1t1 onall y corr ect m ter - I er on .the floor , bar none. The bi g th e Pe ru floor this year is C. Knuck- !p retation" of Beethov·en's wor ks, tho 1PERij


I Pe ru cen t er w as everywh ere at on ce !es, the forward coac he s dre am am o ut



!both offe nse and defen se. At censtarted and at the end of the J FO RWARD HERE sibl y g-0th, the . from one of 1 t er he nev er to the qu arter the Iowa tea.m led by the I Be ethoven s fnends , if s uch could y-e t 1 · off once durin g the en ti re ev e mn g sco re of 9 to 2. Ra ils ba ck se emed to. ""' : be found a mong the livin g? Nol On e ' Battle Sev eral Mil es of Bad Roads for 1 1 a nd t hi s ag ainst on P. e of the b es t, be the on lv Bobc at a bl e to -find the Te nnis Be com ing M ore and More a g oes to hear so- and-s o pl ay the work, Annual Debate With York !centers that th e Miss ou ri Va lley probaske t an d. before the ha lf ended !"l e Natio n al Sport Says Critics ! the mu si c of Bee th ove n. . 1 du ce d l ast ye ar . had counted ni ne po i nts an d Gal lo- ; Simil a rl y, in qu artet - it is : Despi te a handicap of fallin g snow The "Big Swe de" also pl aye d n t a , ·. th B b t · .Soon tennis will occ upy an im po'- und eni·abl y t he firs t violin who a nd sev era l mil es of dis he ar te n ing I fin e game a nd d ese r ve_s much credi t way co un e .,wo. giv ing e o ca s the at. 11 to !J. ' tant pl ace in t he s po r·ts of sp ring mo ul?s the or gani zatio n. It is he roads the Peru aff1rm at1ve team mo- \fo r the low sco re to wh ic h t he H1llT'- e 11 n If a t li i· i·nn.- 1 Ma ny ra cq u et wield ers w ill h ave an w ho influences t he quartet m ev ery tohre d toh York Mo nda y, Mar ch 4, 1yar ds d C . . h • < "' « · ·' I . . . . . . d etail, in ever.y re spec t, be it to th-e w. ere t ey enJoye d a con.troversy F or t e 11ly ar s, raig, wit sevco up le m ce lon g shots Wa. ! opp-0 1t umty to di sp l ay their .abi li t y, merit or w ea kn ess of th e organiz a tion . w1t.h the York Colle ge ne gative tea m en fie ld goa ls an d a fre e thr ow, was and Bngnam, bo th s co r mg , .r. ve i as we ll as obta in an a bund anc of As proof of th is statem en t, let it on th e jury question. Mr. Leo nar d \easl y star of t he qui nte t. He see mt he Bobc ats a_mc·e J ea d, hi ex er cise on t he Pe ru Co u rts. Te n- be suppos ed th at t he se co nd vio lin, Mr Nic ke l displ aye d m arke d i ed to be ab le to t he basket Lorbee r su bst1tu te d the f1 es h men Ini s is a s pl en did -rec_re ation that makl s the violist and the 'c elli st a re s up -an ti pa th y towar d t he nec essi ty of as - from any and a ll pos1t1ons. team It s e:i:ne d th at Kn uc kl es fo r hvsi cal fitn ess fo r b oth men an d . pe ri or to the fir st vi oli ni-st, sup er ior sist in g a p owere d c ar ov -A play by piay _acco u nt of the conhad bee n waiting for thi s cha tJ ce to P · · in musiciansh ip in te c hn ical e uio- er severa l hills of n e11-r imp,assab le te st as follows sno ws a very g oo d get hot. With on ly 2 minu tes to pl ay l w0 me n. Th o:e. who n o_ desu e men t, in

there be some who woul lay claim to· · ; a nd pl ayed a wond erful g ame at The B ob cats were slow in gettin a \ ·this , a.uthorJt y. Could he h ave pos- 1•

I Th; York .team was repre sented by Peru a 2 to 0 lead. Juen g lin g knots Ithe Apnl College Humor says, II · HERE SATU ' RDAY ' Frederic Smith Frank Holste ad and score at 2 to 2. Personal is ca lled on

be li e ve that in _the pl·actic all y j Miss Fenning . was Railsback and Pinkerton mi sses shot . Ia ll. of _ t he ra nking tenm.s player,s 0 .n 1 1represented by Harvey Nickel, Leslie Cr ai g· make s an und er bask et sho t to SUNDAY MOVIES I thi s of the wil_l be IWill Prerent a Vividly Dramatic Lec- 1Leonard, and Miss Averyl Gaine s. put the Hillyards

two--t hird s of the studen ts p ay ten- I

I nis. Th e b of courts could be _ --.-

If Possi ble, Ques ti on Is to Be Sub- n:im er · ld 11 b "From Peac·e Pipe to War Trail ," 1 the lar g·er colle ges and other and Juenglin g foll ows w it11 two . d 1do ubl ed aga m and there wou

· t t ti I d · · d d d h k nu tte at Comi ng El e ction 1 h 1s f a gn ppmg, ascma mg m er pre a on 1 no ec!s10n was ren ere an t e more to ma-ke score (8 to 4), Pin er- ! few. The :cb 0 of t;he life and soul of a great but ique stion was put to open forum dis- ton fouls Railsback who makes good On Mo nd ay ni g ht at t he r egu l ar ! t e c-o untr y are filled wit 11 '!: anquishing race, will be g iven at Icussfon a ftl'! r the re g ul ar spe akers on two fr ee th ra,ws a nd cou p led with mee t ing the villa g-e co un c il took ac- pl.ayers. It no st; the college audit orium, Saturday- Ihad explained .the merits of their re- Young's basket imm e dia t ly afte rti on look ing towar d the ub mis sio n; to t en; {.an ungf a ni g ht, March 16, at 8 p. m. 1 spective cases ward the score is again tied at 8 to 8. of the q aes t ion of a llowing Su nday· t e ·ead of the ist wit m a ew

Chief Strongheart is a des- .Frequent flashes of humor and ICrai g makes another basket1 Rail sshows in Pe ru. T he cl erk w as i n- , years. cendent of the old fightin g blood of mild sarcasm were inferp.osed into t he back fouls Pinkerton who mi sses on structed to find out fr om t he ci ty at-. "Spe akin g' of. tennis in _ a g enera l I Governor Steven's time. His gra nd- : di•scussion. A member of the York fr ee ch a nt'e, Conner make s g·ood on to r ne y if a mere vote on t he qu·es- w a.y, I would like .to pomt. out father Yo-Mo-Wit Ow-Hi led one of team upheld the integrity of t he jury !a difficult s.hot from the corner, (12 tion is all that is n ec essary or w heth- ' fa ct th at the dope IS upset lil tenms ' the tribes which aided chi ef Ka -Mi- on the g rounds that it is compo se d to 8) Allen g-oes in·for Pinkerton , wh o er an ordinance must be ' pass ed, or 1 proba bly less than in a ny. &por t. Akin against Governor Stev ens in the 1 larg·ely of traveling salesmen. Mr. (Continued on Page Four) some other act io,n ta ken in or der to ; both players are m trim and Yakima Rebellion the year 1856. He Nic k le, on the other hand_ ,seriously submi t the q ues t ion. : f1 g hrng for all tl;i ey you was born on the Yakima Reserv ation questioned the ability of a jury com- A BRIDGE BREAKFAST . . . will have a ha rd time fmdmg a spo l:'t 140 years ago and was raised in Res- posed .of salesmen to examine a nd SERVED BY MISS DONNER T he ac t ion is also co ntin g ent uoon

t t

t ec

., t at nngs sue cons1s an vie on ervation fashion by .his fellow tribes- wel gh evidence simply on tJ1 e a- rounds the. pre senting of a petition for such the admittedly better play er It men. He &'erved ten months as United ,that they could sell pickles b or life Mi ss Anna Donner brou g ht forth a actwn. . ; is a spo rt where on: can work w ith States Scout at the Mexican bord er ;insurance. In a burst of mild sar,- I new idea for entertainin g guests in We are told tha t Mars hal Sleezei on e's ga n:J..e at practice and feel con- and w1!.s one of tlie first to off er his c as m he invited the- audience to con- 1Peru when s.he had a bridge breakh as re c en tly been circul a tin g a peti- fident th at the breaks of the g am e services to Colonel Roos ev"e!t for en- sider s uch re a.Slonin g. If the effect !fast in her room at the dormitor y tion askin g th at t he q uestion be sub- !will ha ve little or no effect on the Hstment in the division of ove rs eas upon his listeners is a criterian, Mr. !Tuesday morning, March 5. mi tte d to a vote , but t he pe.titfo n was .outcome of the contest. \ "Rough Riders." He is advi£or and I Nickle was easily the winner of his Breakfast was served . to twelve n ot prese n te d to the coun cil Mo_nday I councillor of his own people ai:id has I point. iguests: Hilda Bell, Miss Church, Ada e ve nin g. - IBSEN'S FAMOUS PLAY : appeared before the "grl!at white I Sometime within the nex.t few Eyre, Mary Grey, Eileen Means, DorCASTED BY DRAMATIC CLUB : father" in Washington on several oc- 1w ee ks the Peru team is ta kin g a othy Mart indale, Alice Miller, Fran?es 'CLEM ENTS T AILKS TO FROSH 1 c asions in the interest of hi s people weeks tour meeting the South Da kota Moriarty, Louise Sheldon , Hazel W1llAT TRAVEL CLUB MEETING The Dramatic Club held the try- ( and as their emissary. team at Brookings and South Da kota iams and Dorothy Worley. outs for "A Doll's House" by Ibsen , I In his platform appearances Chief Wesleyan University. Other debates The table decorations were for St. The Fres hman T ravel Club met in W d day March 6 in the Little IStron g heart will appear in the pie- of the tour have not been definitely Patric k!S day and for Easter. t he Ba loptician ro om of the Train- / The The were casted: turesque costume of the Yakim a In- schedul e d. After eating, brid ge was played and in g school last Tuesday evening. Mr. , ea re. __________ "' __ Joy Mickel di.an and in his "F:on: Pea ce a first prize, and booby prize wer e Clem ents g ave th e pro gram of the JNora ones II Pipe to War Tratl he will mterpret ANNA BEST JODER'S PLAY given at eac.h table. · H'e talked on his trip to Torvald Helmer Joe J the poetry, the rom a nce and soul of wELL PRESENTED DY PHILOS evening. d D · Fr du ri ng th e Wo rld w ar and Doctor Rank Fre uey the Red Man of early da ys. LION TAMERS HAVE FUN many pi ct ures of camps and Kro gs tad Niel Trebart Chief is experi e nc ed "The Ink Girl, a three-act comedy, WHEN TYLERS ENTERTAIN of t he bat tlefield . S ome of hls pie- The Nurse -_ ___ Gwendolyn Mallory speaker and t,h1s. experience come s written by Mrs. An.pa Best J-0der, t ures ortrayed vi vidly t he ter r ible-. n Evel n Noerlinger not only from his _ ye_ars of platform was presented in the College aud- The Lion Tamers and their wiv es pd h rs of war and were Mrs. Linde - y Mr work but also from his many appe a r- itorium Friday evening by members and a few friends were roy ally en. . t in to the e ryou s, w r . . · ance s bef I ·e committees on n ian of the Philo Literary Society. tertame a e ome o ro essor ness an orro I Th t t e e J·udged by s, I d" . d t th h f p f p arttcularl.y rnte.re s v ery littl e Joder. Mary Ali.ce Enghs will aff a irs at Washington and other ·or- · The story of ·the play is c·entered and Mr s. J. W. ·Tyler last Saturd ay man who can 1 emefl t Istudy Miss Mickel Three small chi!- ganizations functioning for the we! - around the attempt of newspaper evening Clever little cards decor a tabout that gre at con ic · . . , dren wil lalso take part. fare of the Indian race'. He j,s a fa s- crooks to a young candid at.e'i; ed with a very fier<:e lion we re given Last Tues d ay even ing w as vis it ors d well edt1cated. · d" b b h t Th h d d"ff t cin ati ng t alker an vm 1cation from eing pu lis.hed and eac gues ey a 1 ·eren n ight About th irty i >eopJ.e were ?res- PHILOS HAVE CHARGE OF His costumes- and stage sett in gs are Molly the ink gi r l's valiant P.tf o rts son s fill in the pro gra m, a nd th ey en t including members and PROGRAM richly colorful. and suc<:ess in clea ring his na ..,·e of were given a limited time to di s cuss Mr. Cl ements did n 'Jt quite The budg et c-0mmittee is to be scamla l. different subjects such as operations, his a ddr ess becal.ise of tim e. Re w\ The Philomathean Society hi g hly ' l!Onlplimented ±"<:>r obtainin g Each actor a rol"'."plete un- ·nei g.hborh ood nui sa nces, and food. fini sh at t he next :neeting which Wl 1 had charge of the program m chapel .Str-0n g heart, and it will be some t ime der:orta nding of his part :u 1d O() Lh the '!'.he lunch was s erve·d on dainty de cbe Mar ch 19. Ea ch meeting .see.ms Wednesday, March 6. Miss Imo before students will have such an op- cas t and the are to be com- orated tables with the St. Patrick to fulfill the promise of a pr-0 gi:essi ve Brooker presented two cello solo s portuni,ty to hear such a noted speak- plimented on such an excellent per- scheme, and consisted of salmon sal ad a nd wo rth - while club. comp a nied by Mr. Benford Miss er. formance. hot rolls, pickles, walnut ice cream, R by Brown and Mr. Donald Duryea cake, coffee, and mints. The men reWtI Y "RUSS"! two duet accompanied by Mi ss j Pl GAMMA MU TO ELECT F. C. Jean, formerly head of the Iceived miniature celluloid and "Rus" Wasl ey started a new sty le D thy Wuster. · Pi· Gamma Mu national historical biolog.y department, now head of the ladies receiv ed butterflies as fah h . h · hat oro I ' I on t he campus w en - I f; w oopie · w·mam Okrent made an an- fraternity will hold a meeting in 1the same department Greely State vors. Mrs. Larson and Mrs; Muhm w as bl own thr ough a mud hole. o ne I Mr. 1 t .the play Iroom A303 Wednesday at one o'clock ITeachers College, is again back at Isang and Mrs. Clements pl ayed pian o windy aft er noon. Th e new style ! nouncem;n b the Philos Friday, 1 for the purpose of electin¥ officers his postal duties after a . .semester's selections. Every' one thoroughly endi dn't b ru sh i toff bec ause, he said. J presen te y for the 1929 term. ;rest in California. 1 joyed the eve ning of fun. - · " March 8. "It'll on ly happen agaw I



TUESDA Y, MARCH l2, 1929 ...... -

Short Storv Corn er f! DR.

G 0 GI A N 1 cleaning snow from the walks , the X- RAY SERVICEp ED A •chool people and the c9Ilei<e itoolf FITZ-JAMES O 'BRIEN Ove< Ba,ne•' Ph.,macy. Tel. 17 l ' h as been as as the ot her Th is writer of the m iddle nine- ; '-_..__..,....,.. ..,.._

Entered at the Postoffice of Peru, people of the town. This has been !teenth century is in te restin g for two ,.._..,.._ Nebraska' as second class matter. h d · t "nd 1·n none of 1 h an ear- .- -. a long ar w.m er, "' r easons: firs t, bec au se e was ,.,Published Weekly at Peru State the surrounding towns has the law ly writer of m yste ry stories; second, I MANUAL .TRAINING 1, Teachers College for removing the snow been I bec ause he w as a frie nd of Thomas ; obs erved than here, even if that is Baily Aldrich LUMBER I $1.00 the Year- Sc single copy 1 f not good enough. O'Brien did not write a lar ge voIn the matter of reckless dnvm g, f to because h is pro mi sing I LAC QUER, ENAMEL = ume o s nes STAFF s tuden ts thems elves are no better !career was shortened by a Ci v il War ,PAINTS

EDITOR - - - - MILLARD FOWLER than oth er s, are to blame for bullet. During the conscr iptio ns, COAL COAL

ASSOCIATE EDITOR ,. - - FRED DUEY their share of this .tro uble. ,, IAldrich was drafted to go fit z-J ames , MEEK LUMBER CO. f BUSINESS -MANAGER - - - - - E. R. BURKEY \ In th e matt er of "Jay-walkmg, the O'Brien, belie vin g his fr iend to be

. ASSOCIATES - - - HAROLD MARREN, "fool's law" referred to, we kno w that [ f more worth th an he in the liter- W. J. RABEL, Mgr.N b FACULTY MEMBER - I It t lo Phone 48 Peru, e r. - - --:'SQUEAK" MUMPER the students are the most '.gu1 y, no ar field, took his pl ac e, as was the I SPORT - - - l only when there is sn ow ,hut also yt f the He was killed cus om .o REPORTERS Iwhen the weather is good. The law in battle If one wis'hes to rea d d eepCAMPUS - - was made to warn that it is d an - Jer into some of Aldr i ch's works, he MUSIC - "TIP" ROBE RT S g erous to make a side walk of the may find intimations of t hi s tr agedy TU R ILLE : pa vin g, and to relieve. the town of in hi s qu a int Hittle story, " Qu ite S o;',DRAMATICS - - - - E LL EEN MEANS 1 in c as e of accident one that differs, by t he way, from FACULTY - - - - - - - - FRED COLE l Re gretting that our article was not •most of his others.

H EL EN WAGN ER • WILLARD FOWLER , t aken in the way it was intend ed, we r T here are tw o we ll k nown sto r ies

·ass ure our re aders that we ha ve no.th- · f Fi t z-James O'. Brien th ait rank as

# Invited to em:oll for t eaching a posi t io ns with A MIGHTY PERUVIAN a nd bu tte r tru s ted howe ve r by a · . f p . d o ,, : 11 ' f th more r ational ing but the b es t mtere s ts 0 ei u an p rogen itors of the mo de rn " th rill er · Ge orge Elliott Howard 1849-1928 j wi th w hom the school at heart, and any cri t icism Bo.th of them reach o ver into the W. T. DAVIS, '06, Manager By Thomas Edson Ennis Ihe had fou g.ht a glori ous ba ttle , a nd ma de was in ten de d on ly to. be cond re a lm of the super natur al, bu t for all 138 N 12th St Lincoln Nebr.

Out on t his ca mpus sta nds a s ton e I with the support of his lo yal wi fe, !structive, a nd n ot an f th t th are quite en tertainin g. I o. . u po n which is mark ed in Bronze the he prepared t he monume nt al wo rk ro r ,"tr ust we may be thou g ht of as a\ 0 · a ' ey ,, . t' f ic I na me of one of Nebrask a's - and I which .his nam e is know n in all th e booste r. 1 The Di amo nd Lens, a 1 _.._._,_ N or t:.h Ame ric a's - fin est teac hers -- 1uni v ers ities and colleges of the w orld I - - - - - • ' j fan tas y, rivals our "Four th D1men - ================= George Elliott Ho w ard who died la st 1-"A Hi s tory of Matri mon ial Insti t u- j · NOTI€E sio n" st or ies of the pre sent day, ....._ y eair. ti on s. " I All unsi g ned articles in the editor- "'What was it ?" could we ll ap pea r m

The story of hi s life is eas il y to ld. The soci a ls sciences as a whole were ial coluz'nn are written by t he e ditor . almost any Sunday e dition ! I J • It r un s as simple a nd .str ai? htfor wa1.'d ma de better bec au se of t his brilli a nt They are only one version ! The se stori es m ay be fo und in the # Tires, _Tubes, Gas, as his own ma nl y, spl e ndid work effort an.d before ma ny y ears ha? I wh at he. thinks a mult itude of followin g b oo ks: " Th e Diamond I I and 01L We ha,ve hois to i class ro om and lab rato ry. B-Orn m g one by he was call ed up on to test1-1mi g,h t think. Ma ny of t hem are piet1 L ,, · J ess up "R epresenta ti ve I; help us in lubricating. I Sara to g a, New York in 1849, he em fy before a Britis.h p ar liamen t ary ty punk If you like them we are Aens in Short "Wh at Was I h · - h h' · , . dit . me nc an . __.""°' igrate d w ith his brot her s a loo g t e. c om mi ss ion as an ex:pe rt on t e is- happy. If you don t hire our e or- It ?" . A h m " Mo dern S.hort-So rie .,", · · N b k · 1868 1 • l t' d' d · hi m j · in s u ' · pr airie rou t to e a m · . , i tor y of dome s tic re a 10ns. lia ls write to the e 1tor an --J _ O. F. w as a member of the flrst gra d uatm g· ., From 1901 to 1904 he sp ent hi s tim_e your version of it-we a lways hk e to I You'll not be dissappointed , cl as s of Peru 'State Te ach ers 'Colle ge, wri t in g a nd te a chin g at Co rn ell ·um- hear both sides. p ttin O' One Ove r ' .A "f t h . I enterin g the University of Nebr as ka 1 1 versity of Chic ago. In 1906 he was u 0 t t 1 1 as l r 1 you ge your air cut at . · · a H Th e g irl a bou t o rave a one w · I B # in 1872 on e year aft er th ait 111s t1 t u- •elected .head of th e ne wl y or g amze TEACHERS TALK TOO l\'IUC lk ; · OB KNAPP · ' I · · · · l wa rn ed n ot to ta to strange me n. 1 ), tio n's openin g. He re he worked as dep art ment of p ohti ca l scien ce a nc w·ii am Allen Miller pri n cip al, . h d t k d· i v ("'"e·xt to r31 ·nes Hall the I I · · N h 1 1 ' I At the sta tion t e c on uc or as e · i" on pri v at e s ecre ta ry to the state super- sociol og y at the U111v ers 1t.y of e ri; s- M th ny School Spring field Illi nois, ?" I Pavement.) .6 · d · d · · d · a e ' ' I"Wher e are you g om g. f in t endent of edu cation ap r eceiv e 1 ka wher e hi s per sona li ty an pres- ta "nly ma de a name for h ims elf in · · •-..-.-..._i. --,-.-..,.,--=....,..__..,....__....,_ hi s d eg ree in 1876. This w as t he e ra , tige attra cted s udents from all over

Europ ea n surro undin g.s to m ake hi s Ite a chers an d studeni's. This - summer. It w ill be in -0 ne of tfie s tude nts see the g lory of sc ie ntifi c tlie of Lincoln ltihe P edagogian is submi ttin g part of : most beaut iful sec tions of C olorado, I I cu riosity and, even b efore t his, the Arthur James Todd of Northw est- lit to you, if anyo ne should care to the R ocky Mountains. ! ) , 1 sati sfactio n of hone sty. ei;n univers ity writes in the "Ameri- 1comment upon this and express hi s. l - --


.Jn 1879 Howard was made th e fir st can Journal of Sociniogy" for Ja nu- ide as through the P edagogi an we .will . Midland varsity debater_,, : ) '. profess or of .h ist9 ry in the Univ ersi- ary 1928 t hat one of his fo rmer stud- be glad to Look · t hem over, just m ail maugurated their 1929 s tate con fe 1-; .1 f ty of Nebraska an d was the pioneer ents thus w rote him when he was pPe- them to the e dit or, care Peru Ped a- ence season ·wednesday night by !

ab1ed -to pr<lduce a piece of soun d profited by his ea rn estn es and fine less we guar ag amst i . e re is f h ' t · f Mid

worker in the Nebrask a State Bii£t- p aring his a rticle for that magazine; Following is the artic le : breaking even in a du al· ce n test with I ) oric al Society. Western un iversities "P rnfessor How a rd's scholarship c.om- ! With school teachers, talki ng too Cotner college. I q in the · hard SO's were not noted mands respec't in all centeri; of learn- much seems to be mo re pre valent I 1 NEEDS f fot· their Ubraries nor , their labrato r- in g, bu•t tho.&'e who kn ew him in life than in many other forn:s -0f a ctivity 1 N. J. Qnuld Wikey, Ph. D., presiies, yet Howard, with the inadequate will remember him chiefly as a gre at The very nature of the sc hooh·oom · , · 1 mate ri als found in Lin co ln, was en -t eac her." Tousan ds of pu_nils h ave devel ops talk at ive ness un - dent of C arthage c-ollegle, Carkthaget , (, .a · d . 1 Th Ill. will be the principa spea er a f 1 I h "Th I t d t' t th - t, e commencemen _ exercises o - .\

sc 10 ars 1p, . e n ro uc ion o e in tegrity. He never spared himse lf enou gh ego m us to make us proud 1 d 11 M 29 · ,j tbhy e in efforts to assist and _inspil-e h is pu- of our opinions and exdperieknnces. an co FRAMES 1 , pils. When .he found someone w illi ng Then, t oo, we are suppose te ow Ji PHOTO FINISHING J o.hn Hopkins University .. w.ork l to do genuin ely scholarly work, he so much more t,han those we teac h.

sti ll ranks as a standard m i ts field I gave generousl y, if n ot extra vagant- It might alS-O be worth mentionin g

and _ no one has found it necessa ry j 1y, of his te a ching services.. .. Men : that talki ng often takes thf place of 1

re vise it. 1 and women · who were permi t ted to t hinkin g and it is very effectively - · I

Afte r the publication of his "De- ! c atc1:1 glimpses of hi s - v!sion of a so- ·used as a time killer. At any rat e ' vel-0pement of the Kin g 's Pe a.ce" in I c:ial order permeated wi.th justice!; in' we h ave t he children in a place where Younge Couple Pull Big Surprise by . s.tarr te lli g ence, an d .human sympathy wi11 1t he y ca nnot or will not answer back , Marriage on c. B. & Q

di scov ei ed .him a nd rnv1t.ed him to continu e in many co mm un ities the 1 and we take advantag e of t he situa-

come to Sta nford whe re r fine influenc-e of a lo ng life of this tion to talk too much. Altho ug,h t hey kep t it a un-

for ten years he did unusual work, 1 grea t teacher." j Th . f th d " d t ,, ti! the very l ast moment or -either PHONE 56 PERU building up a stron g hi story depart- 1 Peru is proud of y ou wm fam I. e meanfmgho be te uBca e made up their minds in a hurry, the I d h . . , _. , is to s tep ort , to r11;ig ou . y no . M' R h B h t ment an emp as1sing creat ive re- 1Elli ott Howard. P eru has a great 1 • h f h . . t" 't b J marriage of iss ut eauc amo o . search. Here, as ·elsewhere, his stu d- id e::i1 to strive to attain in Y-'U a lstietc 0 t e d1cr. e 1 Mr. E arl Whipple was never-the-less 1 1 t 'f t h. b' l' ..d , made to mean pour m_ e JU ,,mg I . . . d b d ents esti Y · 0 is a 1 ity to gu i e te acher sc.bolar rebel and liberal 1 1 d a nce-t,hrowm g su cc ess, an eyon t "'---...-"'" h . h h. h . . h . . ' · 1from actua c assroom pro ce ure l . fi ' . rs.... t em wit is en us1asm m pat . s of Above all else you were a libera l on e b 1 b . d a doub t caused quite a urry among ' . 1 . . d h. b 'f 1 . . · • · , tea chers seem to e a ormg un er f h h d . . Th . S . genuine eai mn g an IS eaut1 u' of tihe fin est traits your brave I h . . th t th d t' the passengers o t,, e on ore tram . ... ere 1$

UbStltUte b rave philos-0phy for the h etterment ; couid poss ess for you h >' d the 1t e 1 ' a fe e It -is also a matter to be taken or ,, • f l"f _ 1 , • p ro cess 1s l ar.ge Y, one o pourmg m. FOR

' 0 1 e. · . . _. of a world 111 constant change and a / When we teach a child to walk we left, that Wilham O krent and K ath - · Stanford UI},J..Vers1ty will always be ·ld l I· • I . w ·11· t h d_ ·a wo1. .vh e1 e custon.s_ nn: :'IS put our hands under his arms and c ar. - erme i tams were o ave ma e I the b ettei because of GeOJ ,,e Elliott l v ll r. n mu:o:t be reformed to . ei ht or take him the affai r a d ouble- wedding, b ut as as a business policy j Howa rd. Th e gra du ate sc hool grew, . . . 1 ry pat t of the w g . . . _ .4 f -meet the new d ays to come. by the hand to steady and guide him. Wilham did not h ave enough mone y J keen · studen ts came from all parts of I · · h · · te th all d · ff J J C : We never think of orefacing a walk- to pay t e mi ms r, ey c e it

CHATELAIN t,he universe, and the prest1ge of the 1 1 - h d 'd h 1· 1 h

I AN EXPLANATION ing lesso n with a Ion!! disco ursie or However, e 1 ave a itt e c ange mst1tutl-0n mcreased. Then came an · i . 'ii h roceeded to buy some rice at VVatchmake 1• and Jeweler educational revolution - the "Ross i Our edito ri al in l ast week's Peda-1a page referenc,e assignment so e P I . a near-by store -and t:Jhen t he fun be- · Gase" in which Howard was seen in gogian was possibly not as cl ea r as • - • I #

School Supplies the feerless role of a rebel an d non- 'was intended and has been misco n- I IN MID-WEEK PICTURES. gan. j I conformist - fi ghting for truth as he 1strued and misunderstood, and d oubt- i L 11st week's issue of " 1VIid- Week The Rev erend Mr. Crink 1 _ s_;i.w it men a ced by the conservative \iess needs some explan atio n. ; Pictures" contain ed an illustration may now well be mto ! _ powers of Stanford w.ho kn ew not j · First, t hru misinformat ion, some showing Dr. Edison P ettit, form er Iter as t he an offic e -,

th at the b est w-0rk cannot be acoom- statements were made that we're not , P eru boy, a nd a fellow. wo·rke r at the that we h ere to foi did n ot know

plished under suppression of academ- ' strictly in accord with the facts The I Mt. Wilso n observ ato ry, at some of that he was capa.ble of fulfiilling. L , , fr e_edom. • N.othin g in hi s 1agreement betw;een owners of p.ro- was intere, tin g How.ever Mr'. .performed the YDD S Cash Mk t twe hfe so ev mces hi s co ura ge , his lperty 1\-nd the tQwn, when the pavin g. to his fri end s m P eru: ceremony ve.1 Y effectively a nd tied

s ense of the responsibility of inte lli- lwas constPucted had, we learn, rio J the knot quite as successful as any gent. teach e.i's, 11is fi11 e concf'pl inp "f to idewalks but I She lifted her pale facE! appea li ng ly well-ordai ned minister co ul d have for a . ch 1>1a:·'s task to face r eality r egard· refe rred o nly to the grading, p1;..o- I to the ' he avy-limbed man done.

• 'less of t he that pe1-tyl o.wn ers no t to fi g ht standing before her with a l ong U pon anivin g in Omaha, Mr. and G · . i speech . He m1m ed 1::tely. gave ll!') lw the p av mg pr oj ect, 1f the town w,ould gl eaming knife in h and Mrs Whipple wer;e heartly congratu-

rocer1es - Meats I posili on a nd led the fir st "facu lt y l not gTnde th e st reet back farth er "Have you ' no heart?" she asked, lated by a fellow pas senger who had . , . . wal kout" in th e .h isto1y of American than was n ecessary to construct the weakly taken the affair quite serfously and I 132 , We deliver education. Ipaving "No,'' was the g ru ff answe r. had really believe d the cerem o ny to I · Without a place to oa rn his brea d j' Second the matter of law e nforce- I "T,hen Jet me h ave some li ver." be a bin ding one. : ·




STRING QUARTET WILL BE HERE " , 1• (Co ntinaed from P age One) 1 ooRMJTORY



interprettat ion There w ill resul GO . ·. I A' FEW YEARS



!g rid , and see ms weH On .l1 er w·ay to- 1ho ur is suppp osed to el apse bet ween

ward the b asketball titl e with a clean second acts,' an d it acqu a rtet w.h ich · d" t a 1 Ql)

___ . !s late to da te a nd Om aha Uni versity i tua lly did. is 1rec t ed from the 1to meet j !'ear, so to so e ak If th . 1 1Peru is Now Outstandi ng in Three J · · · e firs t-violin- New Major Sports As for t ra ck-s uffice It to say, / "Have you a Charles D ickens in ist, or leader, lacks t he g eneralsp ip S tudents AJ re ad y H ave As.ked ___ Coach G raf is opt im i6tic and he's your .home?" asked the polite b'ool{ by· whi ch he 1_ -> · · for Rooms in New Bn" ld " · ' ' · · gives atta c ks ,.i mg Since g rowing from the kit ten known for gettiri g that way when agent.. · changes temp o, control of It , st age into a f\111-fledged Bobcat, Peru t hin gs inter esting. 1 "No!" s he· s napped, "Or a Robert th wo n t be long un t il Peru ca n S T C [l • Qf e dynamics, h rui not th fi boast of a real d orm it.or u. At pres - t a'te eacl\ers · ol ege has; more or . [.Louis Stev enson?" " No" " Or a Euthat autho>•i y n nd . d .. d e re t h "' less domin ated Nebraska State Col- Million air e (Speak in g to body of I g ene Field?" "No· we aint a nd wh ats "' ..,. 1n 1v1 ua lity · en t e o ld dormitory can ac como date 1 · ' i.. • tl • glv e s, b eg.e athletics. studen ts ): All ll,lY success, all my fi-'more we don't run a- board ing house ween 1s ie quar tet weak th h ut ni n ety girls. Many are t urned · 1 . I I ' h h ' €Ven oug away eac h year, but n ow at last th e .Aftel' t he fall of the curt ain on the mi,ncrn prestige, owe to one t}J,mg 1 here either. If you a re look ing for e ot _ -er p erformers l.>e su perlative pl ans all c;ompleted for the new World War stf. rted, t() qp alone; pluck, pluck ·'them fe llers you house tn eve ry r egard The composers, t he dor mi to ry in the Ozai;k. re gion and 1 But how are we to find across the street ." · creato rs of q uart et-writing hav e plac Th is ne t t . b . finally reached a temporary apex t he nght people to pluck? . ---. - w s r u-c· u re 1s to e a wm g . ;,, •. . · . , .

ed this le ad ers..l-i ip in the first viol· _ qn the n orth side of th • b ·d- m the foot1:>all champ1onsh1p of 1924. 1 Foreman; I II gi ve you a job -··. in . e u11 Th t . th . d . bl R b . k . ' h I , Part and is not to h 1ng ru nn i ng east a d t It 1 a year saw e m o mma e o -s weepm an eepm t e p uce

• o muc to state . • n wes . a one C . . A . . , th t ·th k Iw ill acc omo date h tl d t 1 ert at aggregatlon down the C.had- pphc an t, But Im a c ollege g rada wi an ac nowle dge,d mas ter- gi rls. It is to h one u1n re we! ve r e;>-!). Ea gles in a blindin g western - uat e. vio li n.ist as Ar th ur Har tma n in : and s now 'swrm.. " Foreman; Well, m aybe ye I

the first c hai r, a superlative pe rfor-1flo or .. A su ite of th ree rooms will be two years w ere for - bett er start on something s impler. ma.nee is guarantee d. . oc cup ied by our resent Dean of ced mto runners-up position at the 1 G" 1 M . p . t ape and the Eagle for g ed to the " . . ·. · I

The wor ld has not y et seen a stri ng Ir s, rs. Du n nm g. Her assistan t f t f • 1 f . 't b t" 1



Shoe repairing at 'Comfortable' ' p rices! t y. Ladies Shoes a S pecial-

Did you enJoy t he ama.t eu r dramqua,rtet of fam ous and equally gr-eat wi ll occ upy her p resent ap artme nt in roLn t o r. a 0f. ctr cu111 :t uten mg s. at ic show la st ·ni gh t? " the o ld do i year WI 1.ve a ....s a m en " player s. These things happen , s ome- ' rm t ory :rer uvians 1· I t hought it wass too rea l- (The Shoe Shop oil the Ea st I 0 A fe w e.f th_e _outstandmg fe ntures ', thei r second pigskin tit. le scori.ng 1s tic. f h • . Side of the . t e new will be, twm i351 points to appo nents · 7. Ke arney "Realy. " , in ea ch r.oom, twin dressers, dos ets, ' shattered a perfect seaimn's rec ord' I "Yes it sa id on the pr ogram One ' an d a 1 t All th f ·t ' _.,_,_.,

ava ory. e urm ure by d·ri v in g over the last w hi te st rin g- ·

w ill be s tee l. A tele phone s ystem f t hd · th · • • • 1 ei; o,r a. _ouc own m e wamng I

I w ill be on each f loor with 'm in 1,1tes of ,t he bi g g allle in t he An- ;

buzzers m each r oom. ltelope coun t ry ; but the ever alert f e- 1


The b as ement will pe equip ped with : line from the Nebraska bluffs copped 1I · a kitchen with elec t ric g rills, a Ithe -"tilt and the title 19 to 7·

t run k st orage room, a nd a be auty In the m eantime, if we may say &0 parlor. An elevator sys tem is be-;Peru had proven herself Goliath of Ma ke Applications Now ing plan ned a lso. . !the bir d's eye. C age aff nirs were

Th is hew wi ng will open into the ; prone to rest in the hands of the

old dorm itory lrn ildin g. The old. din-1Bobc ats from 1923, when they starting ha ll w ill be e nl ar.ge d a nd raised. ed their dri ve for a 'world'!! record in

Many r ooms have alr ead..Y been 1consecutive conference vic tories, unspoken f or. T he girls w ill be pro ud ,til 1927 when the Doane Ti ger 1 to li ve in a d ormi tory that ra nks forth from his lair to sn atch a pau:

among the b est in the st ate. of t ussles a nd the

Boomer's Teachers Agency 124 N. 12th, Lincoln, Nebr.

tu .music-making. it T --, - -,re -1te rated : it is t he firs t v io lini st h en A ssociate Members are Voted lol!s of the •football title.

is .the autho rit a tiv e leader of Biolog ical Fraternity ) Track, as an intercolle giate sp o rt ,


Our New Chevrolet Six Over

t he very soul of it. . --- i WBS first recognized at Peru in 1!124. I It IS h is sp irit which perv a des it Ame n.can be a U:tY roses , and white That spring "Little Knute" Graf calthe esse n ce oJ h is personalit y ta p ers tied wi th the Tri Beta red and Iled for th his cinder-pounding le gions in vades h is aiss ociates. JC gr een were the deco.r ations seen in and cohorts to the blue nnd white lt is su ffi ci ent guarantee to t t t he facul ty room on the evening of standard. The new individuals who t h A h s a e M arch 4 wh th h b" 1 . I

w.1.a t e rt,, ur Hartman String· Q _ ' en e .onorary 10 og1-·1enlisted in the nnks gave go od at:Look

Q r man s members a nd · t 1

h uar cal fr a ternit · · 't" t d b f • • """ as alway s been Arthu r Ha t , Y mi ia e a num er o count of themselve.s in t.he state meet ua rtet, e v-en t hough, at t imes mem- ass oc1 a es. \but the infancy Ji lld inltability of theiu;rs have c hanged. Invar ibl; th eir recently voted into full mem- new attempt failed to bring out a 1 h as l ed t hem to suc cess an d bersh1p Edwin Boo th and Ray- well , squad. Five year's ! A

or brazing. Fill your car with OIL. Give Us a Trial.


many r e-engagem e nts. Re1d , who we re al re ady ass o- growth was enough to produce chamThus, an-0the-r "traditi on'' has b een c1 aite members •. and Helmu t pionship and the Peruvians i Successor to G. C. Thurman thr ou gh th e ac id test a nd pro ve n that Paul Colhns, Marg a ret Mc Will- broke the ice last year to carry off, I t he stron g can adj ust t hemsel ves to 11ams, and Robert Whi t temore. 11the 1928, track championship. i

tJi e weak er, but t he we ake r can n eve r i Th e new g roup of ass ociate mem- 1 This year admirers have hailed the

eq ual t he strong. • 1bers in cln de Ly da H ay ek, Henry Bobcat athletes with enthusiasm due WHEN


xfa ssmt et ao eta e ta eao etaoin eta I Ho ffman, Samuei Lewis, Elbert Miller, Ichamps Peru clinched the football I _ : Harve y Nickel, Eugene Shurtleff, I title by handing Omaha University a KOEPPLE'S CAFE

The p icnickers we re ob !idged to I Ty ler, Wal t er Weise, Gl a dys 37 to 0 drubbing on the Cardinal FOR YOUR MEALS, LUNCHES, ETC. <:rO-S a railroad track to reac h t he W1le-s, a nd Howard Zook. .- · _

p la ce where they were to hav e fter t he mduct1on of members re-

Phone 19!! Peru, Nebr. A .-

und little Bobby go ing ah ead saw a w er e s·erved , con sisting of train appro chi ng Eager ly he s;hou t- I·ce American Beauty Roses, !

ed to his fa ther who was s till on the j Rose Le af Cakes, and cho colate. t rack. "H urry, daddy or els e g ive The atten t ion of members was call- ,



me t he lu n ch." ed to t he Annual Tri Beta &say Competition. This is an essay contest op- Our sprlng numbers of ' Sta-

R es t uran t Manager (to orchestra cond u cto r), "I w ish . y ou 'd d isp lay a li ttle m ore .tact in choo s ing the music. We 've got t he N ational As s oc iation of Umb rell a Manufacturers here th is e v-en to members and as s ociates of the tlonary have arrived, drop in T ri Beta cl;i. ap t.ers t hrou g hout the and see them. country Awar ds of $25.00, $15 00, and $10.00 are made early in June LOYAL PHARMACY for . t he three best essays submitted ' The fr.;e SUbJ'ects su g ge sted for the <ening and yo u've just playe d, "It Ain t Gon na Rain No More !" current year are: 1, Pasteur and Hi s tri butions to Science. 2. Biology and l

"I h d Wl·fe h ad Its Rel at ion to Public Heal th. 3. Th e ear you an yo ur I . · · · d l t ht" "W di d b t' Develo pment of B1 olo g1c al ScJence rn "Say 1"t w1"th Flowers" some wo r s as mg · e u Americ a. 4. Th e Influe:::tce d Clim ate 1 I neve r got aroun d to use CUT FLOWERS J on the D is tri but ion of Or gar; 1sm 5. •· Par asitif' m. ,• FUNERAL DESIGNS WEDDING BOUQUETS

"I tell you." said Pate "The o ld fri ends a re the best ones a fter a ll and I can prove i t." M iss Re na Cas ke y of the- Peru 11 of Tri Beta took prize in t he es-;ay of last year FERNS, PALMS, AND ' "How?"

right . I told him not to eat tha t Nebraska City, Nebraska Her husband-"If y-0 u had n't take n gras w1 dow."

so lo ng to get ready we might n ot have m ies ed t hat t ra i:q. .''

" Where can y ou find a new fri end that h as s tood by yo u as long as the •. BEDDING PLANTS ! ;First Cannibal- "The chief J;ias ha y WIRE PHONE WRITE f ·old ·one?" I Cannibal- "Serves him G.

His Wife-"Y es, and if you hadn 't I . EVERYONE will find this store a sat\ sfactory place · to I hurr.ied me we shouldn't have had so. I secure their fQOds. Fresh meats, Lunch and canned m,eat, IQllg to wait f or the next on e. I milk, fresh and canned fruite and vegetables. Everything · f or the table. Service good and prices reasonable. An en t erp ri sing ; oungster ace or d- ; THE MARDIS

ing to the s ur v e.·y opened a n ew

busi ness fie ld and issu ed t his adver

card whkh is u·p-to-date in sp irit if not accurate i..1 ,grammar a nd spelling-: ·




imme di atly goes ba ck in bu t is 1·uled I 6

sh ip teams. He pl ays foo tba ll an d oth er agencies, is striving to fi nd I J. D.

· (Con t inued from P age ·on e) ' qu arter a nd destroy every common barbe rry f


AT LAW f out because hi s s ub stitu te has not· De lz ell is a no t he r of P.eru s best

I last fa ll "".1th the ch ampion G,r af me n ., bush grow in g in this sectio n of t he

All "J' " h b k t . 1 ' h Ico un try. in a pl ay so en imm1e as een ep m v1e s a- · N b ska stays in for a pl ay a nd th en Pin ke rton Taking a Glimpse at the Dop e Sheet son. d ows, c as t by H ertz on th e b as - "One of the most diffi c ult pro ble ms I Pe ru

g oes back in. Ra il sb ack s cores a ni ce With "Tip" Robe rt s k etba ll co urt mere ly bec ause of the of b ar b er ry eradication is that of und er- b asket sh ot, Mill er for J uen g- g reatn ess of th at per so n. Bu t on the findin g bush es in· or der that th ey may

li ng, Ha ri s, fo r Mu ell er Krejci fo uls And now .th at the curta in h,as be en gridiro n he knows no p·eer at guard be ki ll ed," said Mr. Thie l. S cho.o l I .

Ha ni s who 'ma k es free throw. Cr ai g dr opp ed on an,oth er s ucc essful cage a nd h as held a r egu l ar birth on th e m A

h h }f d l h h child re n in Ne b ra ska are a lt f sco r es an other b asket as t e a en s seaso n at, P er u tand he orc hes tra is Bob cat in eup for t e pa.st t r ee se a15 to 10 in fa v or of the Hill.yar ds. hitt in g it up on a liv ely t rack p re- sons., In th at tim e he h as played on a bou t stem ru st a nd the barb

2nd Hal f lud e, it seem s al to g eth er fi tting a nd two tro phy-winn ing a gg re gat ions bush bush at sc h oo l and are g_ivin g 1 .,,

Seco nd half sta rts with no c han ges pr op er th at we stop fo r a br ief "Jim mie" also ru ns th e two -mil e in valu a ble assista nce in r eporting the fi

.,,.. · in the lin e up. Harri s ope ns the re- b reathin g spell and take a &ight back tr a ck . location of the har mful bush es wor ks with a ne at b as ket fo llowed over the dop e. And n ow, let's clo se he b ooks on _

by an oth er by Con n er and st ill a n- Th e Bobc ats pl ay ed 17 gam es, the b ir d's e ye p astime a nd get to I Boxes co nt a mm g stem rust and bar- I l oth er by C raig He re peats b ri·nging amas s in g a total of 534 po in ts to op -t hi nkin g about toss i ng the shot be r ry spe cimens t ogeth er with liter- ! MAR. f 23 ) p f TUES. an d WED. u sc-0re up to ( to , er u takes 1 pone nts 447 an d w in nin g 11 out of Ic le ar ing the ·hurdle, vau lt in g up thr\l I atu re were sent to th e -co u nty superin - I · time ou t. Hu rst m fo r.- y a un g, 1'! con tests . In the fou r confere nce spac e, .hur lin g the jave) in a nd th e ·: te n den ts of t hi rty-fi ve of the eastern "K1°ng of Ki· Conner scores ag arn to make th e score. t il ts P er u almo st d.o ubl ed the total \.like Sprin g is h ere •a nd in spr in g a . • al II 0 25 to lo P t b · bl t t coun t ies for use m a ll of t he rur er u no ern g a e o ye on op ponen ts, scormg 163 pom ts to yo un .g ma n's fanc y -b g htly turn s to s core a po in t s in ce half time. Har ris 88 for the Univ.ersity of Om aha, Kel r- . --tra ck! '

Ia nd grade s ch oo l. The rema m mg ' No te Lar ge Ad . ! foul s R ai lsback who makes g-0 od on ney, a nd Wayne com bined, ' co un ties w ill r ece ive similar material both c.ha n ces, Mull er ma ke s a cl ever · Kre jci High Scorer MEDAL FOR FINDING BARB E RRY. so me ti me -durin g the n ext two yea r s. ' · tap in from off Con ner s lon g shot, H ig h s co ·ng h onors t b ·· · · ' . . · · I . . n mus e give n E very s ch oo l boy or gi rl m Nebr as -. Hig h schoo l teac hers may receive this M1ll e1 ne ts anot h er basket. Brocl{- to Ki,e1c1 p eer of N I A A. cente rs k h h l · f J ·. 1 • • • • a w o repo.r ts t e oc a t10n o a com t · J b "t' f •t man goes in for Hu rst, Craig fou ls I" Bi g· J o"e" d 11 · ts I . - ma en a Y wn mg or I · r I a ve r age porn per 1 mon b ar b erry b ush and sen ds m a ' · Q I .--m·ockman and Brock proc ee ds to add 1 g ame and rang up a tota l of 75 fie ld 1 • f · .d . . . . . I For mo re mform a ti on concer nin g 11 THURSDAY, MAR.CH 14 #· · I f 1 1· I3 l I twig or 1 entific ation w111 rec·e1ve a , a pornt fro m t 1e ou me, roe { b as kets a nd 37 free th rows Seco nd . . 'the ba rb er ry or the Rust B ruster s . . h b h h 1 • 1 b ea ut iful s il k bad ge a nd me dal fr om 1

"H b d f i fou ls Mi ll et _w 0 n ets ot c an ces. pla ce g oes to C apta in R us sell Was l ev, 1, • • • • : club, c hi'ldren should write di rectly US 3fl S Or · Young go es m fo r B rockman Youn g d . . ' the Rust P reve nti on Associa tion of I . sinks an under -bask et s.ho t . Con n er : :u ar t rem 1e{. " Ru s" tal li ed 40 : Minn ea po li s, Mi nn esota, says Mr. A. , to Mr. A. F. Thiel, State L ead er of A Rent" ·1 fou ls W as ley who mis ses sh ots 1n:i es brom t e co uthrt a nd 19 ; F. T hie l, S ta te L'e ader of barb erry jBarb e rry Er adic ation, Agr ic ultura l fl ' points y way of e ch a ri ty ro u te I . . . "T .

McCr a dy in for Con ne r, Craig foul s for .goo d meas ur e. er ad ic at10 n .Neb ras k a. !Co lle ge; at Lmc oln. Ne b raska. j Starri ng Tom Moo re and Youn g scor es a point, Ra il sback "Brig" You ng. fini shed' third with to Mr. Theil, boy I . · . ' Hel en Cos tello also .Pews and fou ls who 1pr oc ee ds to I a to tal of 70 poi nts, 28 of w hich we re a nd g1r1 who a of • 1 You can all the kisses I gave I Fables _ on e, Miller foul s You ng who agam 1 ga rnere d fr omt he fie ld an d 14 }. com mon ba rb erry wi ll be give n hon-y ou , ; I ma ke s goo d on . hi s ch ar ity sh ot.: t oe ing the li ne of don atio n. orary in the N ational j You can k eep ev ery go ld en c_aress: I .ii. f or Rail s back. fo ul s i b ack a nd Br ockman tied for four.th ; Rust Busters Club, sp onsore d by the 1 You can ke ep ,a ll th e sweet tncks I j '• Mi ller who breaks even on .hi s fr ee· pl ace wi'th A 9 poi"n ts g "T ,, Rust P reve ntion Associati on and will tau g ht you, FRI. - SAT MARCH 15- 16 . . . - I . _ om . • . - £ tn es, Crai g ta ps rn . anoth er u nde r- -. ma de 18 two-point tosse s an d 13 g ift be g rante d the pri ve l eg e of An d t he Jokes yo u made me co nfess f keep wh atso.ever yo u c are : "The .Duke fo r Youn g _and. Meuler - free th rows, jclub .is stated as "To look My loving, th e p arties you threw ; ; Steps uf' ,; for Pm ke i_to n K1 e1c1 dnbbl-es I "Misso uri" Hurst comes next with ifo r common bar berries, r eport th em, 1But please send me back wh at I am I I t,,r u p.·h th e entire Hill ya rd t eam to; 37 points and t he " hum an locomo - Iand tell e ver y one .ho w th ey sprea d 1 mis s in g- 11 He re we have WiUi.am Haines· ;· score a n ea t basket as the .game e nd1 .ti.ve,' ' "Swe d e" Her tz fo llows in close bl ac k ste m rust." Th e cold c ash I waste d on yo u. in a show that is r eal entertaiued. Th e fin al score was Pe ru 19 o rd er with 28. Booth wit h 9 ta lli es The common b arberrv bu sh · is a l>l ment from s tart to fi nish. rbis Hillyards 37. A B'OOKL OVE R'S MENU l SC an d Ga llow ay an d Pi ke with a fie ld shr ub wh i c...li ha rb ors an d sp reads the T . 1 f . ' sto ry ran in the Sa turday EvBOX O RE g oa l apiece clos es uo th e ac cou nt destructive bl a ck ste m ru st, the wgrst P ng 0 .goo d eat.mg to b ac co 'Pe (1 9) FG FT PF

, or kin g on bis Ph D. at Io wa Ct ty , int he sh ot put at

the N. E ..A. at Cl eve la nd , 1 door T rack a nd Field Meet

Ohi o. . j Kr ejc i is also to be r ate d amo ng the

. . ! fir st te n so ns of Old Peru. J oe ha.s l I

Mrs. D evo na Pr ice, who is·atte ndmg Iye t to se e hi s mon ice r left off the a ll ' Ne braska City, Nebraska I I Co lu m bi a this r epo r ts co n fe r ence cour t se J.ections a nd , like a , I her sc b.oo l wo rk is on W as ley, has play ed on tw

The seni or cl as s h eld a s hort m ee


ed t he y would know t hat "m

,, c ·ue use e sp ite the a mout of snow and g;t even t. te rtainme nt. This is on e of th e the ge nerous


of t he bud get corne!:a m eans strictly "music in the rain whi'Ch we h ave enjoyed for It . l . f t

H 'k co m1n1't te e. Th

deb ate1·s who w1·11 acroom . It is the oldest form of mu- the past three months is a P ay in ou r ac s Y enri g reatest qu a rte ts in America today ic, bo t;J-t vo cal and instrumental, for The Te nni s . Club should have Ib sen. and they play a classi of music that company Mr Lindsay north are: J. t he de ve lop ment of m,,.,,;c w.hi"ch ex-h Hene ri k Ib sen was born Ma rc.h 20, 't f t L es lie Leonard, pres ident of the F or....,., t e larges t enrollme nt this year you can orge · · S · d C t · f th ploited the individua l, came much if 1828 in Ski en, Norway. He spen t a ens1c ocie ty an ap· am o e negH 0 any since its ."i na ugur a tion. number of ye a rs at Grim s.ta d as ap- Then the budget <? omnutteeJ fe el- ative t eam; Ave·ryl Gain es, c ap tain of later. enee, many of the del1"ghtful G ing more or less sorry for the stu d d et out y our racket, sign up prentice to an Apo the car y, a nd in -the affirm ative te am, and .i\rchib a ld ol ances, rigandons, po ss!;!p1"e d s, f th de11ts wl10 have to go to school -or e court a nd mak e use of 1850 e ntered the Univ ersi ty of Chris- ·Martin All of these people hav e apro unds, minuP.ts, allmands (or G er- next Sat urd ay ha ve arranged for you r Slurplus en e rgy by att empting t iania. Soon aft er, he' vi sited Cope n- ' peared at one tim e or ano t her on th e ma n dances) ,were orginally wri';•.t-m to r et urn so.me of those li g htening h age n and _ Dresden for the pu rpos e a movi e to be gi v en at the college j home pl atform They are pre.r; ared to fo r small C'<'mbinations, or fo r string se r vi ces of M r. Jindra, faculty of ma kin g a study of the stage , in Auditodum. This will be a budget debate either side of the jury que squ arte ttes t · h . · h event. enru s c amp1on. prep ara ti on to is assumin g t he man- tion _ Meetin gs have no w been sched.Some of thes e lovel.y tu n es a re ag e rship of the theatre in Berg en. uled with several colleg es. kno wn to the aver age concer t- g oer


He remained in Begen for fi ve yea1·3


O M h 26 P ' ll t th e the wo rld over. They know them, , I n , eru w1 mee and at the end of that period Wl' nt - Da ko ta We sesly an Uni v ersity ;;e arn they lo ve them, con hum and whistle


to Christiania, to manage anoth er


!at Mitchell, Sou th Dakota. Dako1.a htem, y et they ha ve never st opped to theatre. In 1862, he was fo rced to · IWes e ly an deb aters have made a narn c think t hat they were listeni ng to a I reliquish this theatre and become "es- - for themselv es in th eir own confer·· minuet by S chub ert, Hayde n, Moz art Several Me mbers Give Interesting thetic tt dviser" to stiU anoth er t}1ea- Work of Beautify ing College Campus e nc e a nd have for several ye a1s apor Bee t ho v en, that was orginally a I Re ports On Literature ter. Two yi:ars later he left Nor w.:iy , - Will Be Cf>ntinued IJ:' P.fll ed ou ts ide of it In the comp osi t ion for a string quar t ette. and li v ed in Italy a<nd German un t il : witn "\\' esely an , Pe ru will advoc ate a wo:d "classical" T ]le Phi Alpha Ch a pter, of Sigma 1874, when he returned t-0 hi s n at ive Plan s are now be in g ma de to j o, ,,1·r.t1tu te for the jury mus1c frightens them thm.kin.g Ta u D el ta i niti a ted four new mem- Jland; after sojourn there, he returned ?n th e ':0 1:k comm enc ed last sprm.g, tern in th e Un,ted Stat es, Miss Gaines m ust now ?e laced m h ers in to t heir fraterni ty Monday to Germany lived in Dresden r- nd !m beautifymg the college campus, i .,i 1d '\1r. Martin a nal y zin g the failu re Jac kets and try, m a con geal ed c ond1 -: eve n ing, Ma rch 11. The ini t ia t ion was -Munich until 1891, at which t iinP. he and more tre es and shrubbery a re jof .), ,-jury, a nd Mr. Leon ard pres eu ·tion, to under stand C ypher of . he ld in th e fa culty ro om w.hich was .finally made his hom e- in Christiani ·l, \ b: pl aced about the campus thi s; in g- & µI an which the affi rm at i 'le beRo g er Bacon . The pub li c s hou ld try ! d ecor ated with th e colors of the fra- !re.;idin g there until his death in 1806. 1spnn g. . !Ji eve w ill correc t the e vil s. to remember that t...lie g1 ea t comp os- : tern ity, card in al and bl ack. Miss ! Ib se r. ca nno t be said to be a grea t 1 years ag o a lan? scape artist O ll March 27, P eru w ill m eet tb e ers t he m selves were no "c lossics" to IRuth A llb er g, Mi ss Margaret Bump, lo ri.fdna to r, ei t her technically or phil- 1was hired fr om the Ha rrison Nursery E ast ern State Coll ege team at Mad is rn t hems elv es, but v ery human men . Mr.. Eld on H ayward, a nd Mr. P. H. I os ophically. As a dramatist he ow es I to dra w a dr aft of t he ca m- !Th is team 'h as just retu rne d fr o1•1 n To hear the Arth ur Hartm an Strj ng Norwoo d we re the initia tes. After !much to Au g ie and Dumasfils; as a p us with pl ans fo r shr ubs a nd tr ees. :t oui· in to Mi nn esota, whe re it met Quart e tt e pl a,y one of these "class ic s" the initi ation. ceremony and t he pr o- Iphilosopher to Schop enh auser and I E ac h .Ye ar two tho us a nd doll ar: is j tea ms at "Minn ea polis, St. Paul and mea ns to hear the world's most bea u- gr am, refres hme nts i&ymbolical of St. , Ni e tz che. He did_ ho wever, event ual - to a fund for b ea ut ify- !other Minn esota c ities. tiful mus ic in.terpreted by one of the Patric ks d ay wer e s erv ed Green and ly develop a technique all his own mg \ he co lle ge campus. _Th e fi rst ! Th e cl os in g deb ate w ill be at Br ookgr eate st Strl ng· quart e ttes of the pres- 1 •t b · k · k t · d and a philosophy apart from that of ye ar it was start ed by pl a ntm.g shrub s ings Here P er u w ill defend the , w 11• e nc ice -cream, ca e r 1mme . h · · / ent da y. wit h gr een ici ng , gre en -a nd white any. of hi s intellectual forbe ars. Hi s around t he all and do r mi- jury system of th e United States, Mr. De bu ss y considered Art hu r Hart- a nd a sma ll Sh amr ock pinned g re at importance lies in the fac t that tor y. L a.st spnn g the campus L eo n ard opening up the negative c ase h f · 1 · t• h t k th " II d " 1 h . lev eled off a nd a te rr a ce mad e m b . t" t th f t f th e man t e ve ry e ss en ce o v1 0 1n1s IC 011 the 0 ap k in were a ll ty pi ca l of the e oo . e we -ma e p ay w e1e . . j y po rn mg ou e ea ures o art. So great w as hi s admiration f or I ris h Sai nt. Ithe French left it and brought it to fr ont of th e hbr ai Y· Tr ees and j ur y which ar e ess en tia lly dem oc r ath l t f f · h" h shr ub s wer e pila n.ted at the north en- 1• • • ·a Hartmann th at he presented t e a -T he proo- r am consisted of a c om par-\a st ate o per ec t1 on w IC no on e . 1c an d c1 tmg d ocume nt ary ev 1 en ce "" h . d tra n ce, on the ter race m. fr ont of the h' M" G · ter w1tht he m anuscnp t of a compo -i son of the anc ie nt a nd modern short as ye t im pr ov e upon. to supp or

ally a rtis ts with careers of pers on a achiev ement in h'1th the crea ti ve as 1: co r. t juued On Page Th ree)

This d ated somewhere between (Continued On Page Three) I s.nr uos ana tree I 0 , 3,000 B. C. an d 4,000 B. C. Mr. Jones . I s evera l var ieti es of PHI LO S VOTE FUND t hen compa r ed the early stories. of the !MUSIC


honey suc k le, nine bark, roses, an- 6 FOR B ELL SYSTEM EVERETTS HOLD Ba bylo nians, Aaayrians, Gree ks, Ro-1 ton:iy wat er er, lil ac,s:, p eo nies, a nd I INTERESTING Ima ns, and Orie nta ls. It w as , GfVEN FRIDAY burch Over O ne H undred Dollars May Be MEETING l to no te that we have a number of the

This s pring c oral is to b.e I Contributed To Fund I old clay ta b lets d atin g o ver 2,000 B. C. ___ Iplanted from the w est side of t he h___ Well ChPlanned Program G iven-In I in the Briti sh Museum at the pres ent Benford and Jindra Give Well Bal- brary .t? th e p avemen t and east· to I The P hilomathean Lite rary Society some o t 1s early ht- la nced Eve ning of M usic Th !'h eld t heir r egul ar m eeting in the

arge of B eulah Gaylord 1 that f h" Ithe en gme ro om. eratu re ese added improvements have A lar ge CTowd was present at th R · - • creat.ed in ter est am ong the t 'd t high school auditorium, T hur sday, . e j es u mes of t he ancient stori es were F ri d ay eve nin g's recital b ro ug.ht j d f . s u en s IM . h 14 meeting of t he Everett Ltter ary So- ' gi ven by A rthur Lind a hl, wh o told jbefore t he students of P eru two an acuity Mrs _Du nnmg has h elp- ai c ·· ciety, T hursday e ven in g in the Little the story of " Tpe Shipwr ecked Sail- i splendid art ists, perhaps no two fin er Ied wi th kmds of flo :vers in I A short p ro gram in charge of Sy lTheatre. or" a nd Beulah Gaylord, w ho retated Iones are at t he time livin g i; Nebras-1t he dornuto ry yard. T he gi rls are jvia D avis, consisting of a one act f h .· - 1 urg ed to p lant a nd ten d flowe r beds 1 • one o t e ancie nt my ths. ka. Both Mr. Jindra and Mr. Benford f th . d . . pl ay read li brary st yle had a cast of

The b io gr aphy of one of -our ty p- were in fin e fe ttle for the t ask th ey 0 • k feir owthn anb dar ef to cha rac ters as fo llows

· 1 d sih . , pie i:om ese e s or t e1r ro oms


1ca mo ern ort-story writ ers, 0 had set out for themselves to p·er- and fo r t he dini n hall Th d 1 !St ric klan d - -·Dale D yke <iecid ed th at the so ciety would give He n ry, was presented by F i:ed Duey. form. g · ey 0 ots i . _

T he M ee t in g was ca lled to order by presi dent, Mon a Ly on. It was t . b A mo dern sho t- t d b . to cheer up1 a nd help to make t he en- 1A Gu·! - E llen Wilson a convoca 10n pro g ram S1:>met1me e- r s ory was rea Y · First of all they were on the sta ge vironment more The n it Th B ti E l Wh" I fore t he close of s chool. A committee Mrs: No rwo od and one of t he longei: I at exact ly t he time appointed . T.he alwa s insu res r ett ho e u er ar ipp e . stories by A ve ryl Gains. d" 1 Y P Y quets for I D ue to t he absence of t he T reaswas ap poi nted to take c harge .of the · au ience w as not ong . m warmin g lu ncheo ns, t eas, and clubs. This I 1 d "d d h Th e compa rison brou ght out .that up to t hem for with fin e playing a nd saves expe n se a nd t\·o bl of Iurer th e society voted t hat t he reprogram. t was a so eci e t at ' th ld t · h r· d . 1 I u e p1ocur, . . e o er s .on:s a ve ive ,mam Y cong eni al personalities, the au dience ing cu t flow ers and foil ages fr om out c_ordin g secr etary ac•t as temporary a committee should be appornteil to b ecau se of their plot, bu t th at the , conId not resist sm kng b ack of town . tresurer un til the treasurer ret urn s check e xc us es from people who de - mode.rn story li ves becau es of its The p ro g,ram was cleverly and a r- • · h · t 1 1 sc. 001. clined to take p art in regu l ar pro-iemo iona app ea · l tisticly ch osen, for it kept im pr ovi r.?; CO L LEGE CHORUS TO l A su ggesti on was made to the efgr ams. Program c hairman was ap. Ian d every n umber seemed to stri ke GIVE CONCE RT SOON pointed fo r the re mai nder of the ye ar. L H OOVER jst.ill d.ee per in the :>f fee t t hat t he money from the Li)Jerty . h f i r A LK S TO STUDENTS I m the aud ience, u ntil Mr. Ben- . F" t Con cert Will be Held At Aub -Bond , whic h was bou ght by Philo in The pro g ram was ip c arge 0 ___ ford's p1 esent ation of Va lse Triste bv us 1918, be put in the fund to help pur: Beulah Gay l ord. The fi rs.t nu mber tyoremost Y. M. c. A. Worker Guest lsibe lius rea ch ed the of the I urn Next Sunday ch ase a be ll system fo : P er.u State was a reading by Ellen Niles, Ruth Speaker Th is Week /n umbers, an d l ater on Mr. Jn:dra Th C 11 Cl 1 Teachers Coll ege A d1 scuss1on fo l- 'f. I td "d h" If. th . . e o ege 1oru s is sc1eduled I d d . d "d d th t th. Sh 11 anrr a solo a s ho rt sto ry was ___ I air 'Y ou 1 1mse m e ren mtwn . h d 1 d t . A b S ; owe an 1t was ec1 e a 1s e y s ,,, , , , f M . , b . "M ., · ., . ·I

H B 11 d th o ncl ud- I Th e y M an d y W C. A. had a 10 usm s n um ei, exi .a a , wl Li 1 t l\'[ h 24 h . . 1 money would e ad e to t e ell r ead by iJda e an e c · · · · · 1 d . h . mg 1 arc , w e re 1t w1I smg f d .d. h . d d · n b ;u / . t k the c ampus last Iw as presen te m an aut orativ e man- "Th S L t W d f Ch ,, un provi mg t e soc ie ty g et ue ing numb er was a a nce give " gu es spea er on n er, p erfect intona tion, and tec h nic -e ev.en as s 0 • ri.st recog ni tion for such. Edith a Prokes. Wednesd ay and Thursd ay, Lyman 1 d t .t h" h t t· by D uB ois at the Fi rst Ch r1st1an T he meeting was one of the best h 1" y M C A a. ex· en y, w ic imes w as not C.hu rc h. The sa me work w ill be su ng The P hilo mathe a ns under stand th at Hoover, t e t rav e mg · · · · f ar sh ort of p.henommal. t hi s contrib ut ion to th e fund is suft te d d f t he yea r and it is hop ed C 1 at h ome We d nesd ay, March 27, at a n e 0 · crowds will c ontin ue to sta te secretary fro?'1 0 0 - The a ud ience was large, in fa..:t 110 :50 A .M.' fi ci en t to ma ke the bell syst em pos.sit hat larg er rado. Mr: Hoove r 1s Y co n- unusua ll y so for a Fr iday ni g ht us- This is a comp ositi on. whi ch deals hie. attend. c eined with the assoc1at1on s m Colo- s:>mb ly which in its elf is a com11li - ·n a m · I "th th I t h b d . · 1 us1ca way w1 e se ven as rado , W yoming, a ncl Uta , ut ue to me nt to the· esteem an d adm iration sayin g"' of Chri st and wh i"ch do- DRAMATIC CLUB D ECIDE ON "THE YOUNGER GE N ERATION' f th N b ka fie ld "' ' " WILL BE S HOWN SATURDAY the absence . rom e e. ras . the stu d ents a nd town pe ople h ol d fo r ve lops th ese sayin gs in to aw.ho le by A " PLAY-MAKERS" CLUB of a secre tary he t ravels m t his s tate , th ese tw o ar tists f h 1 d d I --- · · means o c oru ses, so os, an u ets.

T b Mr. H oo ver Olp Oke a.t c onvo c ation . It is g en erally con ceded to be the out- , T_he P eru D.ram.at ic Clu.b held th eir "Tbe Young er Generatio n'.' WI 1 e d d b b th L I Th S t Wedne sday. He was mtro uce y W ORK ON COIN PUR SES standing P assion W eek musieal work i usm ess mee tin g m e 1t1t e eater shown in t he coUege au dit orium, - h" E 'M h · 1 k Leo Hauptman who m et. 1.m at stes T he Fabricat ori C lu b met Monchy,' Th e so loists at Aubu rn w ill be,. arc 14 at t ime. u.rday March 23 at .seven caodcop . ted Park l ast su mmer. A gain m the , eve- JVI 1 ch 11. Some of the memb ers are G. Holt Steck, i nstru ctor of voice, It was d ec id ed to h ave a "PlayTh ·o of this pl ay is ·· · t m ee ting of the 1 M B k " I b f th I "t f e s cen an ' :J . to nin g at a JO!Il · · v;c.r !i.ing on too led leather coin p urS <):!. a ri to ne, Ra ymond Tre nholm, Te nor, ma ers c u or e P ay wn ers o from H:ireit's play tl: s of and Y. W. C. A. in the sch ool " "d some aTe ma kin g reed bas1rn ts. and Lorene Norto n, Soprano. At IP eru. !h i.st will . be u nde r t he Per u Lau gh, " w hi ch is a: po pu la r P. y It a uditorium Mr. Hoove r the Ti1 ey will continue th ir work ;i t t he 1 h ome the ' soprano part will be taken Dramatic Club The char ter memthe life of the youn ge i;t s tudent body relat in g his next me etin g. / by Mar garet ln gel kemi er, the oth er hers will be .J.oe Jo nes, W!lliam is s ai d to h ave more heart app . in the re li gio us work and p omtmg , · par ts w ill be sung by the same p eople. Kn app, Eldo n dayward, Mrs Mil dred drama th an an y ot her story writ ten t the fo ur big valu es of the or-· gradu ate wo rk at Yale University ! ' Gr af, and Mrs Ann a B est Joder. The h I t"" h b een ou , J by this g ifted aut o r. as a ni zatio n. from which pl ace he h as a Ba chelor Th e last f ew months the girls in deta ils h ave not be en worke d out as shown on B roa dway and has had rec -. g Ev entua lly Mr Hoo ver plans to en -of de gr ee G. A. A. h ave b ee n practi cing b as- yet •)r d- brea king attendances I th e fo reig n field but has been I B esides t he two pubhc addr esses he k etball The res ults of their e ff orts Friday eveni ng, March f2, t)uee M , h 23 is the S aturday sc hool W1ll te.r 1 to delay his de parture to serve de liv ered, he he ld p rivate con fer- will so on be sh own in the b asketball one-act plays will be g iv en Guest be a nd alb s tudents sho uld I wi h ng . the Asso ciation work. He I en c es wi.th t he studen ts on any qu es - to un ament wh ich begins nex t Wed- tickets will be a vailable for those w ho be nere to see t his wonderful screen I fo ur a nd on e h alf ye ars of Ition th ey p resen ted to, h im. ne !"day. March 20. Iare n ot · members of the club. pr-0duction .,


j STAFF h<· W"& youn g er, in h1S advanc e:l deed. to iS'Uch an extent that few have P AINTS f EDITOR - - - - -' MILLARD FOWLER y e;i.rs t.h an his youn gest A. M. ::an d1- excelled him since. t I

ASSOCIATE EDITOR - - FRED DUEY Ar.d li es no f "Ma rj,orie Daw" is not the only - COAL COAL ' BUSINESS MANAGER - E. R. BURKEY Ic;l <_,. erJJ go.: Elhott Howa1? ' , , ue story of this type "Mile. Olympe Za- j

ASSOCIATES - - HAROLD MARREN, WAYNE CATLE'.l'T g1e11nes:.. He.1 w as a briski" and "Our New Nei g hbors. at.' ME EK LUMBE R CO . FACULTY MEMBER - - THOMAS E. ENNIS IL\H•nty-f:ve a no "' t Ponkapo g" are con structed in a s1m- • W. J. RABEL, M gr SPORT - - - - - '"SQUEAK" MUMPER Ee r et ained ,. until the ilar · manner, al t hou gh t.l}e element of i - Phone 48 Peru, Nebr.

REPORTERS 1 g,'r 1<P1_ 0 f t:eas complete surprise is not so ev ide nt

RTY j ig it rn g o1 1 h. h . 1 s chiefly cor-

CAMPUS - - 11 FRANCIS MORia rea per claimed hi s toll, and his he !iv- A sto ry w ic 10 :'° 0 ve "Mar-

MUSIC - - ---; -.- - IDA SCHREPEL ! ed .he di ed, an adv a nced t hinker. respond e nce material, s_uc_h as SPORT FEATURES - - - - - - - "TIP" ROBERTS I Yet her e a ga in we see st ill an other jorie Da w" , must be ha nds "STEVE" TURILLE 1 d t h Id the reader s inte res t. By FEATURE - - I para ll el between Geor.";i e 0 0 h 0 E LL EEN MEANS . . ' th t u' to the te st th1 s tru t

DRAMATICS - - - - - Ell i ntt Ho war d a.pd Cari Schurz. Jn putting es orJ

FACULTY - - --· - FRED COLE t,he po litical ba ttles th at marked t he ' is ev ident. fo_r a ..read_er . HELEN WAGNER WILLARD FOWLER I .· d at the clos e of his life Shurz tired before f1m s hmg·, MarJone_ _ pe 11 0 , . . . " '' "M D aw " 1s w as still a fresh a nd inspirin g influ- 1t JUSt 1sn t done. a rJone ,.._____:__:_____________________________ · b f d · Aldr ' ch "MarJon e

In vi te d to en r oll fo r teac hing pos it ions with e nce. If his ph ys ical frame sagged to e oun rn ;, • under the. strain . o th.e weight of the iDaw and Other ,---, J. 0. F. . Sc hool Ser v ice

y'ears durm g which ti me he st ood up for honesty an<l in politics MIDNJGHT FIRE . w. T. DAVIS, '06, M anager , a nd go vernment, )11s spu·1tual forces ., _ · ·1 . ; we re ca pable of weathering the i .DISTURBS REST 1 138 N o. 12th St. Lmcol n,. Nebr ·A MIGHTY EDUCATIONAL LEADER


.s tru gg le to the las,t; and to the last j I . jhe was a devotee of progress1vemea- _...,._..__

Had Peru done nothin g more than of the m a.ster of the quiz and t urned 1s ures a nd liberal principles. As ear- Red Hot Mi.ss Caus.es Flurry Among fu r ni sh th e found a tion s in id e als, re:; ol ul. e1y to fields where an applic a- ly as 1852 Schurz pointed out the ,. Dormitory Girls

ma nh oo d ,a nd ge nuin e s eriousness of ti 0n c ould be made of univers al priu- dan g ers of sacrificin g principle for 1

in tent ion s to an in t ernati onal schol ar . ciple:; co nt rollin g social action ant! polic y when the new p arty he was I Th e li g hts had fo r the .- orsyt 1 o. a nd wo rld fi g ur e it w ould ha ve lon g s 0c i al res pon s ibilit y. Sq as a te ac hel' i he lping to formul at e was first em- 1night.. Girls had said th eir .l ast goo d . . I ago jus tified its· ex is te nce in Nebras- : lfo wa1d s tands out fo · the fearl ess I barking upon a stormy sea. "I as- a nd behind doo rs r"?m - I Tires, Tubes, A cce sso_nes, _G as , I ka. Th at Pe ru h as done mo re than t ru t hs Ile propounded and the : sure you," he wrote to E. L. Pierce, Imates were one. ano th er mt o I a nd Oil We air ho1 s to # furni sh on e tr ul y great man wi th hi s lee: ml r :i <i ds he poin t ed out to his " th at the drifting and scheming poli- bed The halls WE/ re quiet exc e pt for # help us m l ubrica ti ng I ini tial s ta rt a nd ins pirat ion t her e can 1st-..cl Pn ts Hut as an intern a tio na l Icy w hich w as on e of t he old c!iara c- the t1ckn g of th e cl ock. , _ ...,_.....,_,._ __,_"°_ be li tt le qu estion. Th at Ge or ge El- 11i 11rf· li e lecame known for the bo o\s t er istfos of the old p arties , will nev er I All of a sudden pa ndemonium bro kc 1 li ott Howard, as Profe so r Enni s l: oint- ii1e w:·.iti' as well as for da rin g fn :ths do for u s-- Exp edi e nc y will always loose Fire! Fire! Help! And gir ls ed ou t la st wee k, is Peru' s ino st out- j !1c ,,, \'' ·ched. J:i e<.:aus e of this he '•· :! .; be for us a dan ge rous st 0.lmLh11 g came running into the hall s scre o.m- ,, You' ll no t be dissapp oi.nted f s tn ndin g gra du ate a nd m ost disti n- re p eate dl y call ed to Eur op,e to bl ock." as hS 19 04 ing. P?or -terrifi ed ma idens! ; if you get your h air c ut at I gL'.1shed sch olar, would agre e. Jer ''""'e. no tnl.,l.e a ddre ss: thus he '"Iwas wntm g 1.he, into their r oo !n'3 an d BOB KNAPP He has go ne to his ete rn al reward t•rsl " <1 i1c1l t 'J for th e add ,•,;s sen t i·nen ts. He ne \- •r shra i.I; Ir1J n. hats, sh oes, cc::.111 et1cs, Jewe lr y, ana :.11 I I bu t h i.s_ pl ac e, e ven so a,ter his Ioe f"l t_he i 1.i '" 1.:·!I.o?al the task of bein g .h on - of a g irl's clo.; est frien diS1 w er e ht o"."'!' ! I (Nex t to Ga i nes HaU on t·he I r c.! e<:t h, is a ss ur ed. It did no t ta ke a As sociat10n ; ne xt he is c a.leld befoTe esL. Here l/1e n, !11 Shu·, a nd in to a nd ru gs , out of th i:! V' l:l· , Pave ment.) ; cei ttury nor yet a quart er of a c en -.an in t ern ational commi ssi on of dcmes- "'''· \\ ,<! have Ki o·d !'ed <> ,," ;; in tJ;e dow s! P ir. tu res of Loui s, .Ji m nie, Lu ry for an be ma de of Itic rel ati on.s hip.s in Ag ain 1J f Am e 111 bet tern •e1:: a!· .l Les lie, a nd (' h oers were sou ght f,,, in i Howa rd' s so hd contnbut10ns to.soc ia l he go.es to Pan s. In th e. fi eld of In- 1 int C'llt rt ual hon cs '. y. Sh11"L:. ext·1·t•,1 the g reat hub dub a nd th e _tot a.l of

h :1 pp 1ness But he re m hes only a Howfi rd 1s

, ,, u ui uc: uci •ua.u J"l.u•- 1tJ "" v.1. t..1 u"u c:a..::;; t! x.1u u1c-ea o-y I Ka ne nas tew equ als. Ks 1nt"e - d h' . l'k . · d p she • • 1 d . . an w inmg 1 e an mJure pu ,

encan w!10 came to Ameri ca to s eek- ,s oun ev id ence br and ed hi m at onc e ·n ational forc e he sta.n ds with Shurt z, . . f h d fi eman ·· fi 1 ,was wa1tmg or a an somy r I a ha ven of lib erty onl y to fi nd thnt as a ttmg m strum ent to write th e 1 Su mner C. F Ad ams and J ohn Hay 1 h d h f 1 d t .· e · ' · ' 1to sa:ve er-an e a1 e o an 1v . hi·; adopted was ma kin g 1eady !•: I eig hth vo lu me of the monum ental Iin the world of in ternational ed u- 1Oh · 1 • fi d ( t f ...b C. ·1 "Am · N · s · ,, 1 for a vo un tee1 re ep ar me n o f em l. a; k 11 por : a temp estuous . n" j eric an ot10n e ri es. In com- c ation.al and political rela tions. lh d 11 h 'k I .YOUR W 0 1 · 1 h tl t' t h' t 'b · an some co ege s e1 s.

a,. t rn r Journ a s ave rece 11 y ,men mg on 1s con n ut ion to Amerh ee11 .f. ndin rr inte res tin g m ate ri al fr .ican schol arship Professo r Hart de-

Volumes of smoK:e po ured from the f ecl it•Jr 1i> l page co mm ent in th e g lori - !clares th at "t hi s fre sh stud y of evi-


ous !i fo of Ca rl Schurz. in a view of t he I ·


mo.ms and dan gerous flames leaped .... 1 1 PHOT·OGRAPH'JC

about the haHs, wh ere a few hou rs f In ma ny r espec ts there is a strik- d1ff1cult ies of the imperi al problem ; i

befor e the dainty ,gi rls h ad t ripped in g s imil a rity bet ween Cad Sch,H'z and brings out in . sharp:er paradox !

merrily at t heir


a nd Geo rg.e Ellio tt How a rd . Both the fr eest pe ople then on earth Phillips College Take£i Initial Contest The of old P.eru was sh own 'f fo und rec og nit ion for their m erits ms1sted a nd deserved a larger I By Score of 35 to 15 as· one gir l came dash i ng up th e bu rnw hile yet Jivin g; and from a g roup freedom. Dr. Howard declared that I ing steps to her room on (? ) floor af. both were happy to esteem. What 1the revolu t ion not be I Th e Nation !!>! Basketball .'J;'s>urna- ter the picture of her "hero" in h is FINE PORTRAITS

Sc hu rz was to political life of the for by the amb1t10n nor st up1d1.ty of ·ment held at Kansas City last w ee k fo otba ll suit whic h was hangin g up ' Un ite d States, H oward was to the ed- a few leade·r.s on either sid e, as had !did no t mean so much for the P er u- somep lace in her s anc tum sa n c;to rium.


ucational fo rc es that were try in g to ea rli er sup?,osed. "The of the ' via ns, .as t hey lost their first ga me W i.th it c lasped ?v er .her heart she .... PHOTO FINISHING sh ape i t. Schurz could tolerate noth- re.volu t 10n, 1s to the Phillips Uni versity by a d ecis-1b raved the staITs. as she h op e- f I ing th.at smac ked of the "p.oli t ical with the of a sent1- iv e score of 35 to 15 But the less ly p rayed fo r r mn som eo ne pour·

jo b." He s tood for L'ie best ideals in ment of Amencan Umon- 1t w as pro- was far .different from the score Th e ed a buc ket of water upon he r h ead.

' go vernm ent a nd politi cs that could foundl y soci o logical in charact er. A fo.Jiowing a ccoun t fr om th e Kansas I T he poor d istrac t ed house m other ,, " be ga th ered from a tr . oubled Europe ca nnot _be explained o the : city Ti n{es t ells the story :, ran fr antica lly to an d. fro £o see that

a nd an e xub era nt America flushed basis of pe rs onal influences a lon." As Th Ph ' ll ' p T h h er lambs were a ll rn safe ty. One p j d . . . e1 i ips umvers1t y- eru en c . . . et

" with the fre sh v ictory of havin g put a s.tu y Jn revolutionary histo ry Dr. ' ·1 f . . h m ercen ary creature wa s foun d tak mg erson . u · 10 I H d ' . . ers ti t w as ar more mterestmg t an . ,. dow n on ug ly 1.·ebellion. His vision owar s in terpre tal10n set a rel ative- h Id . d' I an inve n tory of a ll her valuables to " ' a nd ideals ca rri ed him · aw ay from y new ma rk in th at field of sch ol a r- 1 h 'ddl f h f' 1 h If give to an msur ance age nt shou ld op· PHONE 56 l . t e sco re wou in 1cate. t was . . , ' h . . n ot un ti t e m1 e o t e ma a · .

purely pa rty standards a nd marked s 1p, and a fter a l'apse of over twen- h h Oki h , . •t port umty j U . t h t at t e a oma teams superior1 y ' him as an " independent" and a "hb- l y-t ree years h !5 b asic in terpreta- . d 1 - I . . . . co uld not be quest1one . I e ra!." His conception of pa rty duty Itat10ns rem a in unchallanged.

MISS TE AR ILLUS TRATES -"'drew th e fire of the politic al jobster Yet Dr. Howard remains in a uni- Aga inst , t he hard. _fi ghting I WAYS OF TAKING PICTURES

a nd spoilsman in a per iod when pa rty que pl a ce no t only as a te acher N ebras kans .the Ph1hps offense did I .._· h . I I k l "k ' - loyalty was most este emed a nd inde- through the medium of publis hed Inot its usua. c oc 1 e, Th e Travko Club met Tuesday pendent was frowned upon; but it has works, bu t likewise .as a sem inar di- in the open mg · c hapt.er. ; ni ght. Miss Te ar illust rated var ious There is no Substitute ·I put him d-0 wn in hi sto1·y a trul y g reat rector for g raduate students a nd as a Nei_t her team a ble to !ways of taking pic tures by tiltin g tl1e '

world fi g ure He led the Republican class. room teacher. He re he added 1a sizeable lead. until the wamng mm- 1ca mera different ways. The nex t FOR HONESTY . revolt in 1872 to be branded as a Ito Jm: tremendous intellec tual po wer jut es of ·first w hen R alph .meetmg of the cl ub will be in tw o t raitor a nd disloyal politician ; .yet and t he _s weep in g passion.he had for ia nd t he b as•k· at w hi c.h time Mr. Van D yke I as a business policy ' fou r ye ars later he w as r eco g mzed 1 L·uth, his p e.rsonal ch arm and com- I et wi th. 1 egu lanty to a!f1x the ha]J w1.Jl speak to the club. # by a s tatesman to be fit for the most mantlin g m ag neti5m. In the capa city score at 1 6 to 9 , fa vormg the Ha y- Sp rin.g i.s. a lmost h ere now, a nd the I J. C. CHATELAIN sig nifica nt post in .the feder al gov- 1of t eac h er he taugt as op- .ma kers. club is tak in g ad ded interest, for it

e rnrrien t. y out hful car eer_ Eu- p.osed ,t-0 ·po li cies; soci a l_ justice a nd Th e pl ay of the wi nners will on ly be a s hort ti mes un.til Tr 'iV· Watchmaker and Jeweler rope r eads hke a rom a nce of mter- ri ght as opposed to arb itr ary r ulin g took a d ec1de.d ch ange for the be tter ko members w ill be out taking some na tion al proportions. \a nd a utocratic injunction . He pass - in the second ha lf, allo win g onl y of the b eautiful sigh ts which are so . School Whil e Schurz was try in g, to ex- 1i9nntely lov ed intellectual freedom , two fi e ld goa ls, one of wh ich was nlentifu l in P er u d uring the· spri ng pound his sound '?f go vern- J a nr'i fo und :irgi n fi elds.fo r l of the d elirio us and su mmer month s. me nt a nd decency m politics to the th e explo1t at1on of w h1c l1 the cul t iva· / ;Ralp.h and Mullins we re the offenAm e rica n pe ople from the platform, t or co uld r eap wo rlds of j oy; the n he sive sta rs for the Phill ips, whil e K re· WRITING CLUB DIS CUSS I · cabin et post and How a rd tu rned the fi elds ove r to a studen t ljci an d Wasle y shared the h onors for " THE D OLL'S HOUSE" # I w as t ryin g to te a ch Americ a the road wi th the direction, "r ea p .a nd rejoice." Ithe Huskers. I Lynn's Cash Mk't to inte ll ectual and Tu gr ad u ate coming un- R alp·h w ai:i carried fr om the game T.he writ ing Club, s ponsored by Joe schol a rship. As a vehicle for this ex- der his p o"".erful influ en ce Dr. How-l ate in the seco Hd ha lf with an ankle J ones, met Mon day afternoon. At t h· Pression his most effective work was a rd was a d vna mi c force m ov in g lik e . . meeti ng t he sh ort story was d' is ' • . InJU ry . · I SC USS · done when he made use. of th e class a fr esh b reeze t h.at stimul ates a nd 1

Ied, also the technique of writing a room the graduate seminar and ar- ]JUs hes on But this po we rful inspir·) 1short story. " Th e D oll's Ho ,, " Th I I ff ' · · u se a t icles a nd books that he published ation did not cease with the on w Frl e ect urer on sa es e 1c1ency is Iplay by Ibse n was al d' . ' G ' . . d I d h so 1scussed. Th e rocer1·es M Here we see Howard in the role of the 111 u1ch of hi s years. As I knew Di coming to ay. on t see w. ere we club made some pla f ._ h eats J h' f th ·ht" I ns 01 t. ewnt1n0' J scholar who da red tread unbeaten H owa rd, th en b ent und er the years ca n put im OT e mg · of a Biblica l d rama sometime in th"' I Phone 132 paths; .here is the ide alist in the cloak of _ battle f or the fin est t hin gs in An t- " Oh! th at's a lright he always brin gs fu ture. The n ext meeting of t he 1 1 We deliv er of an educator who despised the role enl'ar. and intern a tion al ed uca·.io11 hi s owp bun k ." will be Mon d ay, Marc h 18, at . I · . . for



19 tq 11. The gam e a fa st one, opt11m sm-c a rac: er t. ic o. s coun- AT ALPHA LITERARY SOCIETY · · h · t" f thi ] MISS DONNER GIVES TALK but the seniors, with an almost all- try . The popularity of this work has 1 __ _ ve;teran lineup had litt le trouble in been a s teady one since it was first The Alp ha Literary Society held a 1winning out in th e intra-mural r:on - played. meeting Thursday evening at which ! · This fam ous qu a rtet will be heard Miss Anna Donner gave a on the i test. - in the colle ge auditorium, Wednesday East a nd her trave.Js there. The talk --------..; i The sophomores after ta kin g a tnmH is intere sting to note . in tpe h is tory of t he Peru College Or- rat the hands of the Juniors too.k a r Mar c.ll 20. proved very interesting to all memthe r apid adv an ceent of music du r in g, tha t it h as presented a sym- :fast ame from th e fr eshmen in a I bers of the club. The next meeting


the p ast y ears in Peru. Year.s be for e I p•ho mc work. Th e name of this I g . , MEN'S SWIMMING CLUB of the club will be held March 28. An it was o nl y a special ta l ent which one , w or k is "The Surprise Symphony," .consolation game by the score of_ 19 TAKE UP NE"\y DIVES is beor few peop le p ossessed and used to rby Hay dn. It is intere sting to know to 11 as preliminary or t e em or- f h S especially interesting program entertain, or fo r their own ple a su r e. ; th at onl y two mor e ' Junior championship tilt. Th e Me n' s Swimmin g Club held a ing prepared for t his meeting. Now, J'!'l.USic is not regarded as a s ide- 1Bass on a nd En g lish Horn- are need- J The freshment team cons i.slted of : meetin g Wednesday at which the line, to be in dulged in merely fo r the Ied to ma ke the colle ge orchestra a Rohrs, forward; Fisher, forward ; members of the club lea rned various f • b d

pleasu re o lt, ut as a life wor k to be :sy mphony. Pugh, center; Sultzbaugh, guar ; I new dives. The purpose of this club engag ed in seriously A new view- Pe ru 's colle ge chorus is the only Stoltz, guard. The Seniors: Dasher, point is rap idly replacing the ol d: J chor us. in the sta te composed entirely forward; Williams, forward; Parri ott, is the improvement of swimming, al so that mu sic is v aluab le fo r in telle c tu a l, : of st ud ents w ith no import ed solo ists. 1center; Landolt, guard; Applegate, to learn be g inning Bert as well as for cultur al nee ds. It .has IEach sp r ing the org anization pre- ' guard; Wonger, forward. The Jun- Cas eb e er sponsors this club The been p roven t hat in mus ical t ra in in g 1 s en t an oratorio at commencement iors: Monteith, forward; Gaines, for- next meeting· will be March 19. there is to be fo u nd "men ta l di s ci - we ek. This ' spring it is to be "Eli- ward; Pate, center; Newton, guard; pline" as it is pysc holo.gica lly termed , l za h ." This year at Easter time the Dunnin g, Wey, Tynon, Guard TRAVEL CLUB TO MEET MAR. 19 equal to that f ound in any of t he chorus will present the or atorio "The !Sophomores:· Young, forw a rd ; Kais- The Travel Club will meet on Mar. drill subje cts, as. Arithm eti c, for an l ·Se v en Last Wo rds of Christ." It is Ier, forward; Nincehelser, center; 19 at which time Mr. Clements will example. T<> explain thi s, th i nk of t he desire of t he music department W. Williams, guard; . Milstead, guard; gi,ve a talk on va rious scenes he h as what t he musician has to no te in in- to make this a tradition here. Wonder, guard; Monroe, guard witness ed in h is travels. The talk terp reti ng a: page of mu si c: ti me, ke y T fi e Gle e Clubs have alw a ys been will be an illustrated 011, and probsignatu re, and rythm p attern; and nc tive organizations, but the Men's FAMOUS QUARTET OOMING ..i bl y qui te inter esting.



Shoe repairing at 'Comfortable' prices! Ladies Shoes a Specialty.

(The Shoe Shop on the East Side of the Street) interp re t ati on of the mu sical idea. G le e Club have in the . past three (C ontinued From P ag·e One) To do all t hese thing s, c once ntra tion ye ars been on tour. For _...._ is abso lutely necessary . I Last year,. in February, was held well as the re-creative fields. I It is not how e ver t he di sc i plin a;y the first M. I. N. K. Music and l'>ra- this reason, the ! I • I value of musi c alone that h as bu ilt rna tic Contest in Peru. The Quartette is Jtu stly accl a,1n:ied

up our departmen t so much as the of contestants en t ered this year was!r as bein g am ong the h gr eatesth s ;m e:

. at desire fo r it a nd to be a v ery decided increase over last qu a rtettes wor.ld 2s ever a · f 1 gie The foll ow rn g 1s the program o ab le to produce it In fact fe w ch i l- y ea r. St · Q Make Applications Now dren could be to st ud y m u- Pe r u's vocal de?artment has been ·the Arthur Hart mann rrng uai ·· sic merely for its d isci p.lin ary value a m eans of attr a ctmg students here I

d'l see .stu C! y music. Two students from this Quavtet F Mejor, Opera 96 _ Dvorak ' as we can rea y . . . d li ht a • Finale Another rea son why the fie ld of' d<! p,a rtment have Jome a g oper jAllegro Lento

Teachers Agency

124 N. 12th, Lincoln, Nebr. mu.sic is g rowin er l ar g er in Pe ru, as c« mp a ny just this season, and are 1 . -II ; in otJier tea che r;' c olleges, is the a d- I now to ur in g the southern stattesp. Andante Cantabile Ts chaikowsky I · · d h · · l music students a eru vent of public sc hoo l m usic an t e j . h . sjSerenade ___ Rachmamoff-Hartmann f

It · · a h 8 ve been spendmg t e1r summer

need .to tJ ain .; it. Is tu tl vir O' at Chicago Music College. . III

pra ctica lly new fleld w\ . a g h'ld - ;;msic department side of our Quartet, C Minor, Opera 18, No. 4 FRESH i ture-a fut u re o! teac c I rnedn co JJe ue has become a me a ns of adver- - - Beethoven ' Pastry and Bakery Delicacies. And . -h . the appre cia ion a · " , d . . . e\,er yw e1e . ec iall in th e sm a ll ti::>i .•g, so g rea t ly it has progresse 111 Allegro ma non tanto the prices? They are nght. va lue of advant- the pa st few ye a rs .- It _is distinctl y 'I Sc.herzo Menue t to Allegro

towns w her

Schoo l wi ll be ou t May 31. _ the cl ass ch a mpion s hip and •a 19 to 1 11 vi ctory ove•r t he r unne r -u p s.

Don't fail to h eai- Arth ur Harma n's / T he s co ri n g· was fe a tured for the I'

world s tri n_g qu n:tet. Only Is enio1·s by A ppl ega te , Pa rri o tt, and


;I ' A V E.N U E S T 0 R E appea1 an ce w ill be made. It i Dash er , w hil e Gaines, Monteith, a nd I I! will be event at the Co l- Pate st arr ed for the Juni or&. • Our spring numbers of sta· HOT COFFEE, COCOA, SANDWICHES lege .Aud it oriu m, Marc h 20 In t he first of the series of roy al ,. tionary haye arrived, drop in

- b attle s th e s eniors e asily showed t heir and see them.

FRESH FRUITS supr ema cy over t e less-expe r ienced ' • AJ I st ud ents wishin g to use the h tennis co ur ts mw:.lt s ee Miss Go ck l ey fre s.hmen five , by ta ki-ng t he long end LOYAL

and pay t enms club du es of a 17 to 6 count. Dasher, Ap ple -

only 75 cents. Also students w1s.hm g f gate and I. Willi ams lead the seni ors

The Handy place to get your school s upplies to us e t he cour ts, who have pa ye d ! in t he ir scorin g spree which co n tin-

their dues m ust sign up for / u·ed th rou g hout the game, while

10 the lob by_ of t he posto ffice m the ! R hodu s, Pu gh, a nd Fis.her starred for " • • ,,

Coll ege Auditorium. 1 t he Fr eshmen five Say It with Flowers

- The F re shment team sho w ed wh a.t CUT FLOWE RS 1

1 Don't fo rg et to he lp adv e rtise f or mu st be ex pected of the Prep st ers L DESIGNS I the M. I. N. K. T rarc k and Fie ld Me et FUNERA in aino the r y ear. They .he ld th e fa st EDDING BOUQUETS I w be held in Per u, May 4. Senior team, composed of mostl y let- i W PALMS, AND

t er men to the best s core of the e n- FERNS, P LAy TO BE GIVEN tire tourn a ment, allowing them only BEDDING PLANTS (Con tinued F ro m Pa ge On e) a 11 p oint margin when the final WIRE PHONE

bts t that. is in him must ha ve co ur- w histl e b le w. age, the w ill to be hims e lf. On the sa me day , Thursday, afterIbsen w as determi ned to bring to noon th e seniors also tro unced the Judgem ent m ost · of t he· social pre judice of h is t ime. The r esult is t hat

Opposite Training School

!or thirty ye ars a ll the scorn a nd h a- ! tred of an out r ag ed soc ial sy stem ar e I EV ERY ONE w ill find this store a satisfactory place to t" r..ea!J€d upon his hea d. Th e I secure their foods. Fresh meats, Lunch and canned mea t, New York Creations

.nd acri mon io us atta cks made ag ainst I milk, fresh and canned fruite and vegetables. Everything

l:im irn t he a ppe a rance of "A Do ll's for t he table.THSeErviMceARgooDd JaSndSpTriOceRsEreasonable.

House,, and "G h osts" we re merely



(Fr om the W orld Her ld)

Lin co ln , Ne br. , Ma rch 13,- Th e p rogram of district . a nd state to urn amen ts this year w as a success, but l ea ve s room for improvem ent, ac cor ding to Se creta l'y Wa lter L. Blac k of the High School Athletic Asso ci ati on. Th e b oa rd of contro l of the hi gh sch oo l asso ci at io n, at a meetin g held du ring the sta te to urn ame nt, auth orized S ecre t ar y Black to st ud y to u rnamen ts co nd u cted by oth er a nd fr om t hi s s ur ve y to recommend a plan b es t s uited to the inte res ts of Ne br as ka for 1th e 19'30 se aso n. Th e to urney pla ns now u nder co nsi<lel'ation are the v ari ed schem es for ch amp ions hi p play used in M.ch ., Kansas, Io wa, I ndi ana, Misso u ri an d Wi scons in . Tou rn am ents in th os e s tates aver ag ed 8 to 34 te ams in di sttl' ict cente rs and. 8 to 16 tea ms in regio nn al mee ts. T he fin als p rov i de eithe r a 16-.team bracket in each class a nd no t more tha n thr ee or fou r cla Si€'' l\II:-. st of the sta tes h ow ev er pe rJti it c ha mp ions hips on ly in th e A 1 of te ams comp e t- 1 mg_run m fig ur es of 8, 16, 32 or 48. \ Pl ans in som e -other sta te s p rovide for classifi cat ion of te am s accordi ng to en 1o llm ent, t hu s doin g away with t.he unfair ne s.J of a sm.a.11 sc hool comp€.ting wi.t h a la rge r school in the initial conte st.

Tour name nt fi na n ces were look in g up duri ng t he p as t seaso n. In 1928, with 26 2 te ams ng, t he i:, at e ,ece ip ts we re approx i mate ly $5, 900 T hi s yea r wi th onl y 124 teams comp etin g, th e g ate r an $5,700, 15 pe r ce nt of which was t ur ne d ov er .to tJ1e high s ch ool ass oc i ation. ·

The p ro ra ta retu rn to co mi,; etiti ve te ams in the sta te a mo un ted t ·, 85 per cent,· a cc o rdi ng to S ec retary Bl ac k.

Followin g a re the d ebat ers who w il l :fo ll owing was t he c as t of the pfay : l?

nc es Ge or ge, t hr ee br ides -m a ids. fo s!. a nd ex.pl amed h ow to ser ve the

CLUB - EN JOY 1ext mee t in g will be held on f Crystal Th eatre

M USICAL PR OGRAM, Mund a y, Ma rch 25. G ener al di scus- -_ i; ion w ill be he ld at th is ti me on tb P, I

Do·R e- 1\ll:e Mon d ay, March 11 I 11o pi<· "Co nv er sation." I / m T101. A bus in ess mee ti ng was I ' TUES DAY, 18. held fir &t a nd th en the gro up DISC U SS STA N DAR D P INS , t t11 1ied to Pa te, pro· I T he p in c oi:imittee of th e sopho - ! 66 J]1e Patriot' 7 _ ! t, 1a1_11 ch an ma n. A ·piano so lo w as : mu !'e and sem or classes met Th ur s- 1 I f , pi;:i ye•.l by Margaret Ca in and G rac e Iday'. 1.'rfa rch 14 a r;d disc u ssed s tand - f ! lf'c i. ers? 1: a s ol o. The n th e dub 1a;d1z in g the p ins fo r fu tu re year s. I J annings and Lubitsch together divided mto grou ps of fou .r a nd IT he matter w 1U be refevre d to th e I ag aii n, the fi rst join p roduction I e :ic !< g ro up had to s in g s orn i:: th in g' br class es U,em se l ve s. since, This play is f :1.he t.i u b. Befo re a dj o ur nm et t he I a mate rpiec e cha r ac t eris tic of , .. gathered ar ou nd t he p; a r.o ...... I J enni ngs and he mas te r fully n·d sa ng pop ul ar mu s ic . I j mco o mnaerdcyh), ·.! lw Mx.t meet in g w ill be he ld on I I V 11 JOYOUS 'I J ; H U N G E R '- /I WED., and THUR- MAR. 20- 21 I


1 When an excelle nt me nu of i I

Th S · C b we..ll ha lanced food , qu1" ck and f j· "T M t • " I 1 e er vmg . 1u , spons ored by I · r eno r oun a1n H elen Mae Elex a nder, met last w eek ser vi ce a waits yo u ft f Ian d the constitu tio n of t he club W !IJS! f things taste better. '# : 'b ro ught up a nd ad opte d. It was also 1, I Also· New s a nd C-Om e dy. / planned that a di nun er is to be serve d f That's the r eas on your fav or- I I = :=--=---=-I the n ex t meeti ng·, Mat ch 20, in t.he I i te eatin g a nd meetin g pl ace J ======== I H om e Econo mi cs room. · The mem- f is kno wn to he th e b es tr. FRI. and SAT. , MARCH 22- 23 !hers of the club will p rep are a nd "GQ ng rwar' 9 :se rve the dinner i <.Ii i A fter: fhe ater s and dance pa r- f S tarring Olive Borden ) and Jnck I ti es. solicite d. " 1INSTALLATION HELD FOR Pic kfo r d. Plenty of thriJls from 1 Y. W. C. A. CABINET OFFICE:RS star t to fi n ish in this one. (Al so , G E S S A M A N ' S I j Comedy)


. Bl a ckA l. Le i· exp1·ess in g pl eiw ure wi th the " ga te" of the state to ur ney, SecreLry· Black po i nts out that tb e di -t ric t to ur name nts w ere es peci all y gr atifyin g. Seve ral ie ams o ni y ma de expen ses at the.> e to urne) s, but actua ll y mad e mon ey. App r ox imately Slu,000 w as ta ken in at th e 24 dist. ict to urn am en ls and 10 per ce nt w as turn ed back to 1he st ate associat ion, the l'ema i nder be in g p ro r at.ed to comp eting The gross rece ipts at the

Kearn ey 677 00 C1 t.b 111 Miss Tear 's r oo m an d rl ::.- 1 In the evening Mr sp oke

Mond ay 11.fa rch Iin g done by the Y. W. a nd Y: M.

G s I Noi·th Platte 587 00 : 18 rn.d h1 ke t<? the river. Many i:! - throughout th e . J oy Mick el

Spa ldin g _ Itht: fu tu re. I special n umber on the e venm g Ji>l'O-

Wes leyan _______ } _______ 426.05 _......,_...__...__...

eveni ng a lar o-

0 stu de n ts a.nd attend-

ed biol



011 Marc.h 22 the Peru tenrr. e ngag ed m a debate with the

We sle y an debaters in the co llege audito r ium· and l ost by t he score of 2 to 1.

The Peru case was upheld by M:iss Gaines, Mr Nkk cl and Mr. Leonar:l The wesl eyan ca;;e was by Glen Wiltsey,Ga ius Wa tt, and Harold Bosley. U nusual debating was d.iiipl a yed by both teams. The ju dges were asked to sit ap art an d render their decision witho ut conferen c e. T.he dec ision rendered at th e close of the debate was two to one in fav or of Wesley an. The judg es were J. A. Jimerson, Mr. Armstrong, and Mr Fr ank, a ll of Auburn . bro k en on es The n ew addit ion Begin ni ng last Fr iday, Mar ch 22, , The State N ormal Board w ill meet gives the i nterior of the library a new one of the m ost prominent a ctiviti es ed by the presi dent, Mar garet Graves. at the office of the b oard of edu caappea1 ance.· of th e Girls Athletic Ass ociation, Gwe ndolyn Mallory was in ch arge of tion at Linc aln, on Tu esd ay, April 2, Sin ce t he te aring do1wn of t he old na mely, t he basket ball tourn ament t he dev otion als a nd p i·-0gr aJl\. "More a nd at the same time the b uildin g N ormal Ha ll to the north of the Ad- w as star ted. L Th " tJh d ove to ee was s un g as e evo- h" h · t t" the mi n istratio n bu ildin g, there was no Af I · asio f h d Icompany w 1c 1s cons r ue mg ter a p re imm a ry se n o ar t ion al so ng. Lucille Newcomer s an g d "t t p w"ll meet dress in g ro on1s or p To perty rooms off a nd tedi ous prac tices·, fo,ur teams - new orm1 ory a eru, 1 the st age for the actors. Pro visio n J have be en organized and captains 'C'M.y Faith in .T hee" whith _Marga redt l wlth them, and with the approval of f th b · ad b · d h Tl am ac companmg on t e piano; an or · ese are emg m e y excava- h ave b een electe fer eac team. 1e Florence Ronne au read two dia lect .the Norm ail Board, will let the cont ing und er L.1-ie pl atfo rm of t he audi- gir.ls voted for fom· girls to be cap- l readi ngs, one an Irish di ale ct, the tract for Peru.'s n e.w dormitoy.• pro- toriu m. By ut ili z in g t his space a tains. These f.our t hen drew nam es other !J.n Itali an dialect. vided accep table bids are receive d. pro perty ro o m, Gre en room and two of the g irls to be 'on their te ams.

<.! ro oms may be had. These T.he teams are known by their cap-

The Y. W. cabinet ext ends an in- I The plans for the n ew dormitory wil l g rea tly f ac illit ate t he production tain's na me: Conkling, Reagan, Cow- vi tation to all g irls on the c amp us to Iai·e re ady for t he contra ctors who of pl a ys and operas. a n, Hayek to come to the "Y" me eti·ngs Some wish to make bids, and a not ice to There w ill also be a pl a ce pro viaed On the fl oor Conklin g 's team c an i nteresting en t ertain ing pro- I bidders will be found in another c o:lj·.ist in fron t of th e floor li g hts for be d istin gu ished b.y their r ed blous es grams a re be ing umn in th is issue of The P ointer. the prom pter. This will make it T he m embe rs of this te am are: Fr an- 3 there will be a joint meet- fi h h l t 11 · f th y M · d y W Th The building site h as b een de m te- m uch easier fo r -t e w. o e s age w1 1:cs Cowan, Frences Patt on, Inez 01-. mg o e . . an . . e pro-

The Pe ru debati ng team s tarted on be readil y w ith in his view. se r1, Er i'!kson, Daisy gr am w ill consist of tal ks on Es t es ly chosen, and the ground sta ked off a week's to ur of colle,ges and .univ-er- Th e se n ew adv antages just help to crans, :.ind l '.' uise Eckact. Pa rk an d pi ctures of the conventi on whch will be leased to t he c onstru csities last Thursday. The first deb ate make the Peru st age one of the bes:. Re agan'stea.m will gree n, activities will be shown. tion compan y: Th is company is comof t he tour will be a return deba te in 1 t he s tate

Iand the me mbers of the team are: Iposed of th e presid ent and dean of with Neb raska Wesleyan in the au di- Marjorie Le ahy, Maxine Reag an, S ue

It he P eru _ College, toPium of the Un iv ersity. Other de-




FRJOAY ·coin a re a tto rney _for college at Brookin g s, De kota Wesl ey-

Wesner, Marg aret Graves, and Mabl e .:.J of the First Trust Comp a ny of Lmbates on the s che dule a re S. D. State 'D F j GI-0ther.

Yellow will Co.w an's ! c ompany, its presid ent, and its vice an Di'liversity and Eastei·n S tu.te 'I · te am from the others. Members of J Ip resi d ent, the latter b eing Sam u e!l Teachers College, Madiso n, South Da- Ithis team are: Dorothy Zim mers, Dramatic Club Enter tains Students ! Wau gh, t he son of Mrs. Waugh kato / 1\-Iemb ers Read Some Interesting Marjo r ie Deerson, Catherine Ei nu ng, At R egular Mee ti ng I w ho w as d ean of women here a few Miss Gaines, Mr Nick el, Mr. Leon - Papers at Fr ate rnity Meetings Do rothy Martindale, Glad ys Hoag- 1 Iyea rs ago. This company has organard, and Mr. M arti n are makin g la nd, a nd E rma Gl·uenw ald t. . T he P eru Dram atic Club held their ized as in t ermedi ar y, comtrip. The,y are acc ompani ed by their The Marc h meeti ng of Delta Alp.h a The co lor for Hayek's t eam 1s pu r- 1 •. _ I pa ny, t he p lans for which h av e all cGa ch Mr. L indsay. held on Mo nday eve ning, Mar. Ipi e. The team is compo sed of Ruth r egular meetm g on b ee n worked out by the at torn ey genPi was Ganz, Waunetta Holcomb, Ruth Ha ra- Marc h 22 rn the co lleg e. au ditormm era! of t he st ate This comp any will Y. l\f c. A. MEMBE RS GIVE · 18, in th e k indergar .ten -room. . . (Continued on P ag e 4, Col. 2) when th ey .he ld 0 -tien mg ht for all ac t merely as a clea ri ng house beBIBLICAL D RAMA "COU RAGE" The entertainme nt fo r the ev emng co llege st udentf.J. t ween th e s tate b oard and the trust was in ch arge of/ Miss Ruth Shelley COLLEGE AJ.DS

Three one-act plays were prese n t- compan y. I ts memb ers are p roh ibln additi on to th e dev o.tionalsi an d I d was cent er ed aro und great ed u- ed. The fi rst one, "The Gdll" by ite d

J-0e J on es d irec to r- EI H · k p ' mer "Jl' teJ, LeQ/ 11IC estalozzi by Miss Ruth s h"el- / -Ha upt man, Fred Duey, Wa lter Wei s-e, i !ey, and then Joe J.ones gave a good .--· . • Alic.e his wife ·,· but on ly after approval by the Grass and L owell The I inf.o.rmati onal paper on Louis Agassiz. ] . Ano'.the r serv ice of music under the I . ------- --- Marg a ret Cederholm J Norm al Board. It , will is ue bonds sto1y the play de alt with the life 1A prnno_so lo was then given by Ralph direct ion of Pr ofess ors H ol ch and Ji n- I Com. of P olice __ _,, John St ahn l (Continued on Pag·e 4, Col. 1) of Dav id. It broug ht out David's Ch a te la rn, and the pro gram closed dra and Mr. Knig.ht was the order for I The scen.e was I 'd · · life in ge neral, depic t in o· trials and w ith an en tertain ing and educational h f"ti T 81 m the lib r ary I"WHERE BUT IN AMERICA" t t' b' "' b . " .Sunday evening's pro gram at t e o 1e r ent apa.rtmen t. It was dit emp a 1011s, w ich w ere overco me by um e1 on D evelop ment of the Kin- Methodist church. i·e cted b 'R 1 1 Ch GIVEN AT FRES HMEN CLUR his extl'emely is}tro na- faith in God derga rten mo veme nt and its Great l y a p 1 atelam; E. R. BurThts gl·eat f aith was "'of much help by Miss McCoJlurn. Imme- A Sunday a nd E aster service ttey, .tng·e man ager; Francis The regul ar meeting of the Fr eshhim in e ve ry thing that he did E d1ate•ly following the pro <rram d ainty were m order for both the morni ng Fy, prope.rty man ager; and Corme men P la yers was held Thursdav · 1 ' · s- ref· h "' 'a nd eve · B th · rye assistant property man ag er · · • pec1al y was this f aith ma de mani- 1 es men ts consistmg of .;peanut program. 0 servtces Th'e p . 1 • • March 21, in the high school assemfest when ;D av id met Gol"ath . t bar s, ho.t spic·ed grap e juice and werP enjoyed by a large audienc e. uip e D1 ago.n Pla ye1s, anoth- bly. 1 , a g1 an , . t • F 1 h er group of d-ramai 1c club members in battJ e. Fai·th ga ve him the needed mm ;s were served by t he refresh- o lowm g is ,t e program for the th . . d "T • A modern one-act play "Where But I ments · · en p1es en te he Robbery" by . A . ,, courage and enabled bim fo pu.t Go - · c ommittee Miss Florence ev emn g service: Cl rr .. m menc a was presen t ed under di- D av is d L · E · k o ·a1e >.eemmer The cast· J hath to death wi th a sling an or me nc son se rv ed r gan - A. E. Holch Ed. U · rec t1on of Mrs. Tyler The c:st in. on th ·s •t. H ie p to



b usiness o ers as we num er of o·am es 1 ·v· 1· Fl t · p· T . 1 Dorothy Worley t• h 1 h 1 .d b "' l' On a iz es I t. and makes it a chapter! io m, u e and iano · no __ 'R b H .1 . mee Ing was ed. Helen Kalten born are a y een pl aye d. The finals of Kappa Delta Pi. Miss Emily Burton I o ert a.mi t on, a nei.ghb or . was . elected treasurer, and Edna will occur on Wedne sday evenin g, I A. E. Holch I Dean Grass Steele, secret ary. 27,. 7:30. Becausre of the JUNIOR CHAN GE DATE ON V. H. Jindra I --.----d _ PEdwardCSchaefer Mr. Nickel and Miss Graves met nv ry among the va.rio us ANNUAL SENIOR BANQUET Address Rev. E. A. Knight I ont1nue on age 4, ol. 4) their groups, the l atter planning a (Continued on Page 4, Col. 5) Flute Solo Mi B t play to b · · th f :- ss ur on MRS. CLEMENTS ENTERTAI NS e g iven m e near ut ure. LEO HAUPTMAN TALKS I T he Junior class held a meet in g on Hymn. l FACULTY DAMES THURSDAY The next me eti ng will be held on T W th th d f h I Thursday, April 4. AT MEN'S CLUB MEETING! u,esday, March 19. Fo_r obvious c 1 1 e a1 o t e. ta lent i.n the ___ __ ! reasons they decided to change the 01 ege faculty along with that 111 the The F acu lty Dames w ere enter tain., ' · I stu.dent body the pastors of the vari- 1 d t th h f Mr S L. C MARGAREET BUMP PRESENTS Monctay, March 1:8, there was a Junior-senior ba nquet da te to May h h f p le a · e ome 0 s. · leme n ts GIRLS' CLUB PROGRAM , ous c urc es o eru have found a, l ast Th -d ft M R large representation the of \ 3. time was spent in · wealth of mat erial to enable them to j urs ay ernoon · rs. · the college collected m the L1ttle l makmg .g ener al arrangements for the put across many excell nt . w .. P ate and Mis. J. W. _Tyler were 1I The Girls Club met March 18 in the Theater f.or t he usual meeting The banq uet. The following were ap- which would otherwisee nofr;: g1 assistant hos: esses. Th e o fficers elec te d, College Auditorium at Convocation was opened by presid,ent po inte.d to on the siented.•The Reverend Mr for the are: W. N. 1 time Monday. ' Williams who read annoiuncemen.tsl committee: Millard Fowler, Edwm should be complimented on the pro- ·Del zell, pi eS! dent, Mrs. P nce D oy le, ! Mrs D . 1 d . . and aided in taking ro ll. Booth, Ruth Ganz, and Verna Glandt..gram of last Sunday evening secretary-t reasurer. I , . e m devo t101ns. The .Following roll Mr. Hoffman read The cl ass held some discussion on the · Th e luncheon wa·s served on small p;·ogram was 111 ch arge of Margaret the minutes of the last meeting. a doption of a standard pin. When PLAYS AND GAMES CLASS tables with green candles in Irish po- Bump who presen ted a playlet te writCoach Graf made two announce- put. to a voite t he class

PRESENT CIRCUS FRIDAY tatoe holders for S.h am- te,1 :J)' herself. It carried the Sain t ments, one preta inin.g t,o spring fo ot- decided to adopt one pm to be rock salad, potato chips, shamrock Pat rick t heme th roughout t he act. ball and t he other was someth/.n.g u&'ed througout their college career. The plays and games class under rolls, pTeserves: sh amrock brick ice The scene was laid in Ireland on track possibilities I the supervision of Missi McCollum cream, cake and coffee was the menu. 1 f · NIOR CLASS VOTES w 1ere our Irish wash women were

The majority of the t ime was given SE · gav e their annual circus in the kinover to Leo Hauptman w.ho deli•ie red ON STANDARD CLASS PIN dergarten room Friday, March 15 at HIGH SCHOOL DEBATORS doing the family wash, altho an inte r esting talk on the Y. J.W con- It hr ee thirty. DEFF. 1\ f BRATTON UNION not too busy to goss ip and exc.hangc ier ence held at Es tes Park last f.pring. The senior class met Tuesd ay at T.he class was divided off into two views. These were pl a yed by FranHe sum med up the values aerived convoc atio n ti me pin committee groups, t he leaders, Minnie Mead Th e Hi gh Sc hool deb ate team, con- (;es M(i•:·if•rty, Gwendolyn Ma ll My. from c amping there, laying stre s: on reported th at a pin had been selected and Jessie Fisher acting as rin g lead.- sisting of Robert P ate, Byron Cherry, M:·,jo) s, and Eileen Me a ni;; the re cr eati on al and. educatio n al side. which they believed was representa- ers. The entire circus first p araded •Jlh. •>11 Cline!:»i rg, wo1 ; I wo de- The conve;-s,1tion of t he w a.<Jh wo· m en c 01 1tinued smoot hly u nt il they l)ega ·1 t J d bc- !o.S!> and com Hf :l d:il· •lren t heir talents. Fin ;y t:.h t:c:ren are in to perfo , {,,. A widow who has no children is to judge. The children were Dona Jane Delzell who gave an Irish dance in costume; Dorothy Wooster a nd Juli a Gross, who played "Kila rney," a violin duet; and Esther Dickerson and Louise Bowers sang "My Wild his.h ,Rose." Ml•. Haupt man qt,:ite fully t iv e of the school. A vote was then aro und the room twice with the band I 1 k """ .1Jtcs :1st wee , thP. H1atthe dally schedule followed 'during a taken and the senior class went on play ing. The whole troupe were in , record as favoring the adop tion of a cos tume. The main features were t0 11 IJHivn affirm ative te;i ,n uuct L1:e !en day's meeting at the cc.nfer_en_ce. 1 Peru pin to repla ce the sophomore 1 acts by t he' animals, dan cers, tight H1· <:k team. At 10:30 ev ery ctay was o.s sociat wn b t d 1 a nd senior pins which have een p ur- rope walkers, tall lady and fat lady. T.hc hi gh school deb ate qe ; '"1 is. chased in previous years. owever The circus is given e very ye ar for "Resolved th at t he English Form of hour w he; eby Mr. Hau ptman me e - H egates fro m many colleges and no action can be ta ken until the other the entertainment of the kindergar- Government is Superior to Th at of teen re pres enta ti ves frorr.. ten differ- classes approve of the plan. A com- ten, first, secon d, and third grades. U. S." The team sh owed that t hey ent for eign countries. 7 mittee- from eac.h cl asSI has bee ap- It is for the purpose of givin g these were we! !acquainted with t he subIt w as noted that the varys pojnted to take action in the ne ar c hi-ldren an idea of what a cir cus j·ect an d were very ve rsatile in changwith the mode of life one prefers futu re. is like. Many have never had the ing from the ne gativ e side of the h .l · mp One ctn make the w 1 e m ca · d M asu rements for caps a nd gowns opiportunity t-0 see one. question to t he affirmative in one round . t rip by ex?urSllc.? rates an ·e :ow being t,aiken The ord er for Ev eryo ne was welcome to see t his week. economi ze great ly if den redh Id , ai mencement in vitations has been a nd m an too-k a dv'a ntage of the op- F alls City a nd Auburn remain on Mr 'H a uptm an s tated that wou I comt i·n pe rsons orde red in vi- po r tun ity. A number of mot hers of the debate schedule and judging from any questions or sen · qe glad to answer h d .. d t t. ns this year than m prev ious the l hildren, other towns p eop les a nd prevfous promise to t alk about Estes to th ose. w 0 esn e ! a 10 instructors were present. 1 provide go.od competition. · ; years. It After the c hildren h ad performed the widow chose not to tell which was t he best as it "t would only cause hard feelin's."

I 'f.UESDAY. MARCH 26,1929 PAGE '.fWO PERU PEDAGc l o1A-N THE _..,_,.

'· r'n E· '- P·E R ·u excellency and accuracy i.n all i

. . - ...Ji po!Lt eness I Short Storv, Corner. . I I '

t .p,£ l};A>G.f} '(jJ ll. N' ff I ' \' X-RAY SERVICE f

·!. · • · g tune and place for BRET HARTE f . O ve r Bal"nes Pharmacy. Tel. 21 • · 1 'J' anff many · -Otlter" :•.,wollthwhile In asmuch as t he Weste;rn s tory 1sl . · _ I Entered•·atJ'the BOstoifk:e · · " · h th .._,.. __ thi nli's -dl.ay be practi6 ed by the stu- n ot very well in h arm-0ny wit e' ,.__..__...,_,.'"""/. 1 ·N _. e:·br .• a_ss,_·•.m.·.atter. · · d f t:he pre"ent. /. , _ · _ _ de nt in school. It is in this hi gh literary mm s o · "' · .: ,,,.--.-.·, : :geru ; · J:>ecome c.h'aracter, day, -there- is a _p lace Jri the ann als 9f · .._..._• . ' ' trairP,ng ·. J • s.to ry,-w11it

. 4

,.. Teachers C!>llege .: ,


,r- i Ha rte, who wrote whf.m the , It $Loo 'the ·Year-Sc . Gl_loWii-ib... BY. West ,,..,


' .-; E'i.LEEN MEANS , ' -rHflr-tqi W-as !} who hvea .

1 · Edwi.n :i<'orest :MitrdbcU," ,:rf!e ,,WeSt · a J;Ad .g rew. ; up , jt. ,

'STAFF of the ·)Ai;rl"erican J.fo Mt

EDITOR MILLARD rec e?:!t\1, a to hut a lso ,set do:w.n. his. ·; ..

EDITOR FRED·' based; : o.rl anthropo1logy ver se, some of which is aboun dmg n " ooAL ; ., , '>

BU INESS MANAGER - "'- -' . --, - - R. BUllKEY a nd ,depictin g the story of man's de· go c«l hum or. ,, .

ASSOCIATES · HAROLD MARREN, WAYNE G.A,'Kl;,ETT velopmei;it' through the a ?'es will be " J;,uc.j<: of Ro!l,¥in,g Camp is M EEK

FACULTY MEMBER - THOMAS E, ENNIS given in' a New .York playhouse soon .p.ut dow.n for ff JI-rte. as ,a hurp:a i1-1rr-. ' J.

SPORT '"SQtJEAK" l\inT.....J....R by Theatr"'. Dr. Fay te-1·est stor,:v,, and so r it i§..

lVI.t'jl!.i ,..


- 1 REPORTERS i Co oper Cole,· anthroi:.ol.<>gist, and Dr,. or e -. oj; 'LS I . _e : • ; I H arvey Ledio rt_; bp tP,. a Um

· JOKES :....,! :. _________ BILL WARM1AN of the Univerhty prf Chtca'go, h aw.e; g elll t t4e 'J:he, Qi,t- · . -= i'... FRANCIS MORIAR1TY 'b een en gag ed to p'r'ep aJi'e tHe preJim- c ii.; i.:; of Poker Flat." , One char <!t:ter

MUSIC ___ _: ______________:._ _ IDA SCHREI;'EL i nar y synopsis if! thih tale; the gambler, John O akSPORT FEATURES - "TIP" .ROBERTS Af ter t his play, doubtless other i 1 i;rst, has been ma de a cha!: ar:., PERU FEATUR,ES -------'-----'-·------'-------------------- "$TEVE" TURIIp;,E p hases of scienc·e will he made in play-. ter in American lite rature: . uur.,, DRAMATICS __:-_________ ,:. ,,, ______ -'_Li.. ____ _: ,_ ____ ELLEEN MEANS fo rm. The Science Theatre will pre- Tn read Bret Hart e, some may say, J · FACULTY

FRED sen t plays ' de a lin g, wi th scientifi c sub- j 3 net so uplifti ng as is, fo r Invited to enroll for t eaching HELEN WAGNER WILLARP FOWLER 1 jects in a dra matic and .g raphic: man- F .1.wthorne. Ind eed that may be. il itP., pos iti_ons ,with · n·er, iis ?- part -Of the _w ork of the Am- !Jut considering the present-day V•)l-

NOTICE TO READERS learn to speak less loudly in a er ic an Institute. nme of J>ulp-w-0 od magazine .stories

The re will be no Ped;ig-0gian on pitch but more distinctly. T4 e syn<?Psis of th e·drama on ma n'i; ·(fo1 which more is p ai d than one .TheD avis School Service

Tuesday, April 2, because of short- I "The c.hild is called upon to recite. dev e lopmei;it " frorri · ooz e" pie- r1 •if:ht. think), -it mig ht be enligh .;end Th, Itur es the lifeless a ges before man be- in!; jf_ not u pl'if t-1 W. T. DAVIS, '06, >Manager e ne week. e next o! 1He feels compelled to try to make an g·ins his ascent, by the ages ing) :·to .- cas.t back a glance and s ee th P d · ·u b bl' h d If h d to h d 138 No. 12th S t. Lin<:oln, Neb r. e. e agog1an Wl e pu lS e ..on lanswer. e ares say e oes of t he rep tiles an d· th en the coming " whence comes the delug e." April 9, and a special effort will ' ;,know, back com es a tongue at of t he giaci ers A, ·combinat ion '.' Th f' Outc asts of Pok er Flat"· n;iay 1· ma de to carry nil , this week's news in him to tell him he's a liar. "Think, li ghting· film a nd sta ge effect wiU he fqund in, Jes,s up, "Re preseBtaLive ·--

th at iss ue. Thomas. think," he is commanded.' If be us ed to add to t he plot '.. A me rican Short -stori es." --J. O. F.

IMan's retre at .fo the caves to elude A DANGEROUS WEAPO . N he answers wrong he may .be r.idicult he ' glaciers, his strug gle with t.p.e There are still some good articles ,ed. His teacher may uttei a remark giant cave a11im a ls that sUJ;rounded

wort hy of republic ation which con- 1designed to crush the child, or she him and· hi s cultu ral demn the modern system of educa- 1may drop a woird announcing to the from his cave r U,Ihin ations up unt il tion a nd offer up m ea ns of co1,rection. 1classmates to mak e fun of him: In now will be s.h own

' a nd Oil. We have air hl>is to Selk, coac.h at Ar- , help us in lubricating. I

L ast month's Nebraska Educational !any such instanc es th e child cann ot Jou rnal published an edito1fal by ' be nearly •comforta ble when called Garry Cleve.la nd Meyers, head of the 1upon to He cannot concenDi vision Parent Ed.ucatio111 o'f Cleve- ' trate cannot think clearly nor ex- ' ' ' land College, Reserve Uni- press himsielf effectively. ver-&ity, in w.hich the writer describ es I "Teachers of ad ol escent childre'Il how so man y t ea chers are using a /seem most inclined to r esort to sar· d :rng-erou s weapon to co.rrect the ev ils lc asm and r idicule. P er.h aps th ey do of the y oun ger g en era tion. so be cause c hildr en of this age a re No •matter h ow m uch •the writer h as :very e asil y wo unded, th eir f eelin gs L <'en conde mned or .how much he has ' are e asily hurt. Wh en a teacher beer; pr ai sed for the article, the "D a n- takes a "di g" at a pupil, that t eac her gern us We ap o n" still preva ils, and 'is get a "kick" out of' it:' S.he feels th at fa$t becomin g the "rod" in the hands she 4as caused somethi ng . Her sense of th e mod e!,'n te'acher.· , lof selfimportan ce is en larged. She Fo ll owin.g is the art icl e as publis.h- h as d one som etn in g. She h as .h nrt ed in the Neb ra.sika Educ ational Jo ur-the c hild "in'ternall y", perh ap$ et e11nal: · · lna ll y· f or he may never rec over " From eve ry school the i:od lwho liy from inju r y. W.hen a t each er lin gton, was a campus visitory Sat ur- •..,_ d ay "Shor ty ' r eceived h is d egre e 1 fr om Pe ru l ast year

I _ You'll not be dissappoinred t G eor ge "Abe" McEl roy '28, whc• ha9 if you get your hair cut at G reate st Play. W ri tten' In R ecent had a year · aL Event Brid "'•',:J

w.nl:!re ne rra;s-ueen 1e- e1 evue:u·

" From n ea rly eve ry .aic hool the rod , wholly from injury. W.hen a sat ion b etw een Nora and at an inc re ase in isalary. l

h as go ne an d its g oing marks a mile- wi th a child's she I Si Ibs en oiice said that the play "'was st one in hum an progress But a takrng a tremendous risk. She may wr itten for t he sake of tp is scene. Mark D elzell, supcr !nte n clent at I f more powe rful me·an s otf torture still prove a menace to the children of her T he firs t t hree actSI and the fi rst Cl ay Cen ter, has bee n re-el ec t ed on ::: OUR

is .here. It is t he te acher's ton gue, cl ass . T oo bad it is t hat w ays c an - pai·t of the fou rth a re two year contra ct. Mark w as fo1'rn- 19 Y f: whi ch, shar per than a two-edged ' not be found to r etire on p ension The ·exposi tion 'in t he fi rst act, ·the ly principai o:f the h igh scho ol at f . . .

sw ord some ti m es s ta bs children le av -'th ose te ach ers w ho seem unlikel y to un foldin g of Nor a's histo ry, Clay Center, and later atten ded. Co -

in g ...:ounds th at nev er he a l. Some learn to guard their tongues a nd' to serve as additiqn al preparatl.on, t here-lumbi a Uni ve r sity w here he re ceiv ed

te ache rs frequently employ this use t0l erable voices, and those teach- for e, when the mo ne ntous con:ver. l his M. A .. L ast year he was elected 'i1"

weapon. It is always handy , it calls ers who seem unable to work :in t he satiori takes place, the audie ? ce ·h as lsUp !"rinte nd ent at Clay sue-

for littl e or no eff ort, it se ems to classroom without wounding c hil- fi r mly in mind the important eve.nts.. c eedin g· P rofessor Mu<hm, who IS now · b1,i ng res ults, an'd its use affords the dren's Edµcation-in the lives of t he · a·memb er of th e Pe ru facu lty. I . · subtle satisfa ct ion. al Journal." Te chnically, th is p.lay IS one of --"'--- )..

"The tongue is so convenient and I bsen\; be§t; .it is' cle'al, interesting, Warren Ste vens on. coach ·at Y an·Kits use in "discipine" is so nearly au- . WHAT IS C flARACTER? un ifie d. No time is lost in' 'letting to n Sou th· D ak o ta, w on his second Ill

I to m atic, th at a t eacher must employ By "BILL" WARMAN it the audi ence knows. has g one state baske tball · cham- ; FRAMES I e ffort .tb keep from qsing it wheq , What is charact er? Perhaps is kn_o;v qio re, when Yankton defe.ated M a- J punishment by t he t on g ue i's desirable m ay be defined in a mea sure by say- to le a rn h_o,w ch son 18.§t week L ast_y.e.i.i.1 PHOTO FINISHING t· A noteb.ook containing all the disap- in g that it is that quality wit hin y ou self from her . _sp n'.s tearp went to t,h.e I provals of individuals of individual, w hich causes y ou _ to pay Througout the play there isscar- nament, wh ere th ey made a I CAMERAS children, ail the scoldings· of the class bills; to make good your promises; cel y a superf luous word; all tend) to- sho:v1;mg. Th ey pla!;l " on attending

by every teacher of a given building to keep an appointment th a,t y ou w ard the · final sce ne, all · is again thi,si .ye ar. Ste venson fo rmerly ' over a period of a week, would ma ke ; whi<;h y ou to preparatory explan at ion. _ coacl!e<l at Malvern, Iow a, w.here he 1 I to be pretty bi g. 'The size Of some temptation; · to k-eep your ha?ds off This play. be a budg et even.t -a;. Her :z and I

individu al contribut ions would be property, that is not yours ;, to ?1eet or f_ifty cents. Ri ggms. He is a for mer 1 eruv1an.

e normous. a ny of a hundred s1 tua-

" Teachers, li ke parents, often find tions inv olvin g ri·ght and wrong. The


t hemse.lves e-iv'in g 'admo nition and small still voice of consci ence will GOOD PAPERS ARE READ G IVES PRO MISE FOR '29 · PHONE §6 PERU - AT 1\JATH

advice in a whinin g, scolding voice te ll you the rig ht thing to do ; but if I S uch efforts at refo rm don't do wh at yo u have not char act er you will not . A footbal l fo r. t!i e; ·. .

At the r eg u'lar· meeting Ma l'c h 18 l'k l ·- .tli ey a re suppos ed to do. Sermons carry out its ma nd ates. Charact er . ' Bobc ats in 1929 seem& very 1 e Y I

Whl.ch are scolded a1·e not heard. th-erefore is related to will pow er., the follo wi·ng·pro.g:ram was g iven. w ith some twen ty men r ep orting to Ch · H Id McC e'g ht 1 Children, li ke adults, learn to close C.h a1·acter is will power iq , action. a.1 r.m an, .aro .. r 1 . · C oach 'Lon Graf and C aptai n B1·o ck1 • their ears to things they do not like Most people g et along very w ell, be- ! T he Soluti on of the. Cubic man' for spri ng practiee '.I'he mo ul- There. is BO Substitute jj' I . . I Mil55 Doris• ng t . d · . · ·•. 1· · . I to .hear. They le a rn a lso to lose · re- ha ve very w ell under ordm ary cir- --:-- ------:- · . - der's of P eru's athletic estm1es ll an , s pect for those who oft en say things. cumstances ; but when the Sket ch-:-M. Ag nesia to hol'd si xte en pr a:cti ce sessions ·t his FOR HONESTY I "Let .her go" is the child's atllitude I t emptation comes, the g reat s'tress, or Alic e En gl es sprin g starti ng Mon day , March J ,8, I to wa rd the whinin g, scoldin g te acher. strai.n, the .supreme t ri al, then their Geometnc topic-'I'he Geom et ry of an d· continu in g on threu g'h the I as a policy I "The g ood resul ts fr om ton g ue tor- ch a racters come out. They shOIW Paper Fo lding. __ Miss Rea gan week in· A pril. Dr:iJl on n ext yearls • t ures a re, no doubt, greatly over esti- th en the stuff of which j;hey are R. L. Klau rei:/-s, of fo r matio ns and so me light scrimmage I. 1 1 ma ted. : Sometimes th ey substitu te fo r' made . F ll't h, who. lS acharte,r member of wi ll make up t he pro gram of the · ° C. CHATELAIN · · · h di b · Th I the fr a ternity h as b ee n elected as W ph ysical pam. s ometimes t ey stract Character can be mlt up . e . . B d t p racti ce sessi ons. atchmaker and .Jeweler the child. T.he te acher who · often , su ccessful perfo rm ance of the daily Isupe rmten a:e nt at No rth en n ex At the same time some thirty men scolds is lik ely to sp e ak most of the I t ask, do in g the li ttle ·thing da ily that year. . are r ep ort in g regularly at the track School S }i /. time wi th a loud, s hrill voice. God ou g ht to be done, r.egardless as to I . ' p reparin g to defend the state cham- " Upp es 1· pi ty the child who for· a whole day, whe th er it is agree able or not-will GALLOWAY RECTOR , pio11shi p won last y.e ar by the Bobc".l.ts _ - •' fi ve da¥s a wee k, must be exposed to Ibu il d :1p a charac ter which w ill _ SING D UE1 AT CLUB ·MEE1ING at Meets sq far ,;"'°._, :----' s uch annoy a nce. carr y its p oss essor s uccoosfully thru . . ----,--...,. th is year mcll}.de t he Has tmgs relays f

1 " The kinderg arten teacher, as a the g re at tr ial when it comes One Do-re -me .c lu b m et Monday at Hastin g s; t he Kan sas re.lays at ' bas al part of her training, learns to likes th e thought of that author w ho eve mn g, M.arch 18 111 Ti.02. The pro- Lawrence, K ansas; the Dr ake relays

s pe ak softly but distinctly. One can- said : '•G.od is watchin g your e very gi.:a m consisted of srng mg led by at Des Mo.ines, Iowa; a duel meet with -.1Yfifi S

not imagil;le a kinderg arten teacher act, a nd c omsta nt ly t aking your me a- Bl'O".'n, the n ew sp_onsor, foL t he Mi<Ssouri S t11-te Teaeh!;lr.s of Marys - j s houting and .yelling at children. s ure for a lar ger job." Let us ther e- '.ow 111g which a short busm ess meet-v ille, Mo. at Pe ru ; a nd the I. A. A. / · But one does not have to stretch' one's · for e heed the i·njunc tion; "Be ye 111g was h eld. s tate conference meet to be h eld ::i.t f()c I J fa ncy to imag ine a te achel' of th_e. fai t hful in li ttle t hi ngs and I will · Spec ial . nu mber co n sist in g of a Wayne Nebraska. t hird, or sixth, or tenth grade speak- make you ruler over many t hil)gs." d ue t "Sa ili ng " by Berna rd Gall oway / in g to a pupil in unpleasant tones. School e xist n ot only to t each t he and a, sop r.ano solo " Di d you ever catch yo ur husband

"If, as te achers, we are ' e ager to 'thr!;!e "ft.'s1' bu t to build ch arac te r. Ma h Lmdy Lou by Lorene Norton. fli r ti n g?" develop lik eable personalities in our Conformin g to the d aily pro g ram, be-1 Plans we 1-e a :'Yes, once."· j Pti,Qne 132 we deli'feJ 1 pupils we may• help them if we culti- ing reg<11lar in a.ttendance, prompt p rog ram to be gi ven so mftt 11ne rn the "W hat did you do to him'?" !' I v ate in ourselves better voices; if we and on time, s triving for the great- I near fu t ure. " Married him."






SI NGING FEATURES ' . ' " You Wj\Ste too much paper ,'' said W EDNESDAY'S CHAPEL Ithe ed;ito r. '' But •how c an I econ imize?"

The Girls Glee Club sang in chapel " By writ ing on both sides!" Wednesday, March 20 The entire " But you don't accept st ories

$5,000 W ill Be Given to Best Boy and g lee club, und er the direc tion of Mr written on b oth of the shee t." v l h Girl Singers in America Doyle, sang " The Moths." " No , but yo u'd save paper just the • ou. p eop e w .o have never l1' ved n ow th at s 11 Aft er t he g lee club sang the " Or- same." tn !I girls' dormitory ha ve ".? >' d l "Wh a .Y h as a n ew d ress? h , C f · 1 whow lot of fun - unl""'s pe h. l SSe 1. , bl y Sally, yo ur dre ss w ill go su- All stud ents t hroug hou t th e c oun- p ens lub," a g roup o twelve gir s, = r aps 11ou Iper y try., pa rt1 ' cul a:rly those who intend to who were chosen because o!f t heir ate of the opposite sex- h.., 't ": my n ew hat! May I wear . . , au,. a ve 1 sometime?" adopt music as a c aree r, w UI be i·C' · v,oice ability to sight r ead songs, and uved m a s dormito ry. S ome one I That's pr ·b bl h' te rested in the ann ouncement of the w illin g ness to work, sang " Lift Thine whcse ex_p ene nce h as b een the oppo-,don't have 0 toa y one \mg the boys Atwa t er Kent Found ation pl ans fo r a Eyes." As an enco re they s ang " List! ite of mrn e will hav e to tell y u t Iing 1 th worry a out, b orrow- 1929 nat ion wide audition to select The Cherubic Host," with Mr. Ster. i\ '<ide of the sto ry. ou Sa.ll c 0 e s. It's a real tra gedy when · h b d " "h I Y ca tch es h er new and best c.hif- the te n best youn g singers in the sm g mg t e ass solo an duet part. ere a:e to be su re friends w ho fon ho se on a chair and a horrid count,.y for vocal tr ain ing at a reco![- The members of the " Orph en's

" Rast us,'' snort ed t he old Colo nel Tantum angrily, " I told you to get me a t ame turky. Now you 've brought me a wild one. I just fo und some shot in it."

" Nossuh, Nossuh," remonstra ted the f aithful servito r, "D ats a tame me at fo r me suh."


I Shoe rep airing at 'Comfortable' prices! L adies Shoes a Specialty.

pal togeth er; th ou ghtless peo- j r un ner s pri ngs a nkle to knee. nized of music. Significa nt in club" are: Louise Bower, Imo Brookple ca ll them c liques Tl'a,re dy is not the real name That's t he 1929 plans, as compar ed with the e r, Ruby .B ro wn, Ruth Shelly, _,_....,_ •-•-•-" w':lr:u t ne mo ther sends a box t •) s -.: '- Ia fun e ral. But what is w orse is to 1927 and 1928 programs of the s ame .ga ret Maj ors, Louise Roihrs, Vir ginia Iv. the1 e. us ually food e nouvh .that part icular pair of stock- kind carried on by the Atwater Kent Milstead, Florine E lliot, Marg aret fl)! the or a hu ndred So the only ones that go with the Foundation, is the faet th at all of Ep g lekemier, Lilla McDonald, Lucille S<1 'ly calls in h er b est fri ends r.. nd d rei::s she's w ear ing: What a grand the t en finalists will receiv·e at least Newcomer, arid Ruth Schaffer. Ellen 1 sbi.ra<: her treasures with them. and glo rious feeling when dear room-a ye ar's training under :recognized W ilson plays the piano w hen they T m· t masters or in well known schools, in sling "' ' I ime p asses so qui ckly when we .a e say s, "He re, wear mine, but for · are doing thi ngs we l ike Soon t.hes oil pity sake's don't r uin them." That's a ddit ion to being given larger mone- I f u b s ox a 1, tary benefits. " Do yo u realy enj oy country life pals orget au a out them; forget the - · . . I old m an ?" neighbors on ea ch side a d h S ally s place at the breakfast table Ou tstandmg also is t he fact that · Pity upon those sl """'pi·n' bn bn p is vacant. At noon her rocm-mate the finalists are selected partly "You bet I do." v "' g eau Jes e- d' l' " !ow or above the m. After so long a a tray up to her, but it by popul ar o11 ra i_o ist eners- : Wh at d-0 you do with you rself fune. t here comes a patie nt k nock at li ac k u ntouched. A si gn on the door' the vote 60 pe1 eent of ev enings?"

(The Shoe Shop eii the East Side of the Street) th door and a 11 k h r c<i ds, " Please be Quiet" Th"'.! final resul.t 111 the l ocal, state and <1lS· 1 " Oh I come to town." e • we • no wn p rase leo , · _, . · d'" b f h' f II "G' I · • · a 11:i,• F. new beau is forgott en 1'er · tnct au 1t1ons y means o w IC ,' own now. unny ow- the noise ' · h Th h b fits t h' do ows, ,!r s,F it s timhe to ••'W d ress is unasked for and these finali sts for nati onal hono rs are subsides a nd a little l ater t he .girls tbi; ,g the others have that m;i, ht c -Osen. .e cas ene lS year ' W I N $500 (t b t ) b k h : make her fe el better are at her H.r- have been mcreased from an aggre-,

wo y wo step ac to it e 1r · th d' · "j r- e. Like sisters they are all thrill- gate of $17,500. given e prece mg i J • • • rooms .c<l at her joys, p ut grieved at her years, to $25,000.

1 The Borden Fabrics are g1vmg Boys don't k no w w hat they m iss so now

The awa rds this year will be as $3 500 • C-·h Pr" by not bei ng g os.9ips. (Do I he ar a W he n Sally has ,a long dista11ce follows: first place for one boy and ' ID as tzes con tridiction? ) But, no, b ec ause b oys telephone c all, it isn't more than five one gfrl, $5,000 each and two y ears' don't T hai:'s a fact. Su ch a mi nutes later when every one in the tuition in an American conser vatory. commotion that arises w hen S ally has dorm k nows w hether it was mother Second place, $3,1100 ea ch and one

a differen t d ate It's funny what the sis t er, brother or somebody year's tuition. Third place $2,000 P.ach .,\l other girls say. So me can't p ossibly 1 broth€ r. too, how everyone and one year's tuition. Fourth p la ee see what sh e. sees in the new one, k nows w ho sends letters by air-mail, $1,500 each and one year' tuit io n. An,d while others think t he old o ne is good k no ws wh at days "his" lett ers are fifth pl ac e, $1,000 eac.h and one years _..__..__,_..,_..,_..,_,_.., ,_, _,_ ._ _...,.. riddance Down a floor, up a flo or, d ue, a nd knows w hen they are late. tuition. or perhaps acro.ss the hall, there's How necks are craned out of front Du r ing the summer a nd e arly fall

someone t hat can't see why the boys windows to see " him" when he comes local c on test will be held in the cities i but it's p retty Sally. It's ut as any o t em · o . 1vmg casted from a centra pomt m eac divine. Have you tri ed it on? Wi ll Jplac es Once a dorm girl always a state Two winners, one boy and one ..,_,


Pastry an d Bakery D elicacies And like he r. She's not pretty, she's bow- from ou t-o f- town to see Sally. and .towns of e very state, open to am- t he prices? They are rig ht legged, d oesn't dan ce, and she Of course there is always some ateur sing ers from 18 to 25. State au- · doesn't talk much Whatever is "It." co mpl a ining, and some disapproving, ditions will folloiw a nd will be broad- ROBBINS' BAKERY b k f h t c.h l · l · · h Peru, N ebraska

it fit me?" Haven 't you g uess ed by do rm gir l. That's our m otto! gir ls, will be selected to represent _..,_..,_,_..,_

e ach st ate in district con tes cs, of 1

Offici al Bulletin

Se€ 'The Doll's Ho use," B udget Event, Apri l 5, at the colle_ge auditorium.

which there will be fiv e, held at ce n· tral paints in the East, Middle West, 11 I Southeast, Southwes t, and Far W est. 1 · · b th d · · of I The ten fi nalists

All stud en ts exp ecti rlg; to re ce iv e a degree, cer tificate 01· diploma from this colle ge in May, July, or Aug us t, mwit appea r at once at the reg i.strar's off ice for the purp ose of making formal appli cati on.

Pfo1re n sfo , f ratern ity, Pr ovince of the ; "To what do you c ontribute your\ _,_,_ .-·-•atte w h· h · · · W l ey an II long Mose?" asked a newse nd. pape_r rnterv1ewer of a colo r ed cent- WHEN IN DOUBT-TRUMP OR . COME TO '\ en an an. 1

- "Because I was born a long time I


d At a ll -un.i v e1'8i ty mixer held Fri- back," the old gentleman replied. FOR YOUR MEALS, LUNCHES, ETC. ay ni g ht, Ma rch 8, it is est imated .. Phone 19!! Peru, Nebr. th at six ty per cent of all the students

-. of Ne braska attended. This

Summer scho ol bulle t ins are rea dy m ixer w as the fi st of t 't· 1 f d. t "b t" t . ff " r a po en ia or is ri u JOn a re g istrars 0 ice. se rie s of such soc i al gather ings for --- 1s tuden ts a nd faculty. · I St ude n ts wis hing to drop classes

mus t get perrpis sion fr om th e re g- . "A Do ll's House" by Henrik Ibsen istrnr be for e they quit attending has been selected for the Chadron cl ass If one fails to do thi s, "E" sop homo re pla y a nd will be given wiU be r ecorded against him. T.h ree April 25 The p.]Jly is t horoughly unexcused absenc es do es not au to -/ modern, a nd ma rks the period when

matically drop a person fro m class wo man ass e rts hers elf ·as the equal of bu t i nstead gives an "E" for -the fin ai 1ma n. Ibsen is a Sca ndinavian and one

.i 1of t he fathers of contemporary drama. gra-"'e. ., · -Chadron Eag.le

Y. M. and Y. W. student co nferenc e 1


Oar •PriDK IUllllbera of 1tatlonlU')' have arrived, drop in and see them. ·


Iwill be h eld at Estes P a.rk, J une 7-17. In convocation Wednesday the "Say it with Flowers" _ b ills befo re t he- legislature concern- CUT FLOWERS F ou rth Quarter Cl asses begin A pr. 1 ing e ducat ion w ere discussed by col- FUNERAL DESIGNS le ge students, Sidney Mosser, president \VEDDING BOUQUETS Scho ol will be out May 3 L of th e St u<lent Gov·ernment Associa- FERNS, PALMS, AND BEDDING PLANTS

Su m me r·schoo l, first te rm begins June 10 and closes July 17.

All st udents wishing to u se the tennis cou r ts must see Miss G oc k ley an d pay t ennis club only 75 cents. Also students w ishing to use t he courts, wh o ha ve pay ed their dues must si gn up for th e cou r ts in the lobb y of th e posto ffi ce in. the ad building .

Don t' forget to help adverti se , for th e M. I. N. K. Tra<:k and Field Me et t:o be held, in Pe ru, 4.

"Say o ld ch ap c an you lo.an me fifty? " ,, ti on, a cted as chai rman.-Kearney A.

Th e e nrollment this year has already exceeded the enro llment for las t year by 17. · To date the tofa l e nro ll ment for the year is 794. Last I y ea r's .total enrollment was 777., Nebraska City, Nebraska · / Kearney Ant elope '




The Handy place to get your school supplies

For All That's New. For the New est New York Creations are shown here ai

SOf>D in the larger city stores.

PRICES LOWER and can owe me ten!" ' CL EANING AND PRESSING .


S uite 410- 11 Symes, Denver-M. E. Shuck, Ph• .0., Manager

More v acancies than satisfactory applicants to fill "No s or ry I have only fo rty l et me have the for ty

Zo ok, (with a t o: ar d I H ave You r Overcoat aeaned Now . Nebrattka City ' goi ng into the dairy b_ussiness) , • We give S & H Green Stamps me a w_ay to ' Herman s Cleaners and Tailors I ...--.----- -

Leave it in t he cow

Je n nmg s ;, I



Prospects Look Great for Breaking at Kansas

(Special to Pedagogian)

Record Lawrence, Kans ., Ma rch 18, - An e ven bi gge r a nd better Kan sas Relays is predicted by the University of Kansas man age ment of thi s annual t rac k a nd field class ic, to be held thi s y ear, on Ap-r il 20, because the Kan sa s gam es wi ll not t hi s year conflict with any oth er major set of :{a rn es. In pre vio us ye ars the Ohio State gam es have been held on the :iame date as the Kans as Ca rniv al, hu t the eastern ga mes have now been set for a later date.


Here is a chance for some of the de g ree students to get a nice little


Mer cury offers tW() prrizes, each of Before Peru Stude nt Body

TU.ESDA Y, M:ARCH 26, 1929.

I T HR EE O NE -ACTS GIVEN FRIDAY ! Y." M: C. A. PRES ENTS "COURAGE" (c t . d. f p o ) I (Continued from Page One) on mu e ro m age ne . . · . . . l teams, followers an inter T he sc ene w as ]a id m the settmg esti ng game. There is no admission room of the Up.ton's home. c,har,ge.

start in the world. The American World ·Famous Indian Chier Lectures· The play w as dkected by Earl The regular meeting of the Y. M. Whipple; stage man ager, L es li e C. A. will convene at 7:00 o'clock in C ar ey ; property man ag er, E sth er the Little T reatre for a short meeting

$500, for articles by college gradu at es of thi s year, di s cussin g th eir experien ces in college. One will go to the best ar ticl e receiv ed fr.om a male stud en t, a nd the other to the best from a woman s tudent. The conditions:

1. No article should be less than 3tJ00 words lon g, or more than 8000

2. Each must be the ori gin al work of a s tudent gr aduating from an Am· eric an colle g.e with t he cla!>Sl of 1929, r. n<l takin g the A. B. or its 'equiv alent.

A re al treat was afforded those w.ho Dicke r son ; and a ssista nt proper ty before the vo ll ey ball game. 1t will were in at tendance at t he colle o- e man ag er, Leone Vanderford. be in the nature of business. The a uditorium last Saturday I third play of the eve i;iirrg w as ann ual electio n :Vill be at this M h { h . , prese nt ed by the Pe r ruque Guele time. Me mbers interested m the fuarc 6, w en Mr. N1po Str ongheart, ture we lfare of t,he l-0ca.l organization f Ji bl d d I d' h' f f h They gave " Th e Mas t er a oo. e . n ian c Ie o t. e Sale sman" by -William Ha zl e tt Up s on are urging that a l arg e number of Ya kima Indi a ns m the state- of Wash- It was directed by ,A v·eryl Ga ines ; , mn e turn out for thi s mee t ing in gto n, delivered a le cture as a num- pr operty man ag er, M arg aret Majo rs; / b er on the co llege lec t ure course The a nd assi1Sltant property man a ger . was c.hi ef appeared in full dress of his Mable Higgins. The cast: t' chi ef ta ins hip, which in its elf was The Salesman Ced.ric Crink

Crystal Theatre

' 3. Ea ch must bear t he full name s h M 1 M very interesting. It seems that every 1 The teno g rap er une aJors a nd a ddr ess of t he author, the name z h T 1 All H C 1 · I " d h I . . · ac ary ay or en __ arve y o e of t he colle.ge ttended, and a state- artic e o.. ress of t e ndian , with TUES ,.,. "I> 26 ' Th e scene was laid in the sa les- ., iurs. n...

The Kan s as Relays drew more than men t of t he cou r se and the its vari ed color scheme, is symbolical Last time tonight to s.ee r.oom of the Earthw o rm Tractor Coma t hous and entries from some hun- d egree taken. of ,.hi s faith in some natural phe-

Mr. Jmdra and his orchestra pla ye d If ; Th f f h f - ' ts t . 't no t re v ealed as such a savege as we between plays.

CLARA BOW the " It" girl in dred and fifteen universities, high 4. Ea ch must be accompani ed by nome n on. In his dress the Ipdian is pany 1 "3 Weeks End" I school and colleges last year. Ia stamped and addressed envelope

e p;rog r am o events or t e Sev- or 1 re urn m case 1- 1s not accept- h av e be en wont to believe.• Rather

The srtory is told by ELINOR enth Annual holding of the Kan sas ed

The director for the last lay given • GLYNN and ho w. Also Comedy. JJ he mak es his dreali reveal afresh to Relays shows fourteen relay ra ces 5. The Editor of The American him the v ar io us beneficent influences was Anna Best Joder, .g·ener al stage I and ten special events for individ- Merc ury, will be the sole judge of the h' h h d · d f h' manager, John Dillon; a nd advertisupo n w 1c e epen s or , 1s susual competition. co m pe t ition t b tl f b d d . 't mg man ag-er, Don Duryea. · · ena nce, o 1 or o y an spin

It also is certam· th at one or two , All ma nu scr ipts should be mailed I Th h' f t Id h' d" th th 1· Guest ticke ts wer.e a vail a ble a nd J · j I e c 1e ·o 1s au 1ence a e sp ec ial fe ature races be t ween int e r- to t he Ame r ic an Mercury not lat er t t" t t . bl t t . f ma ny students and faculty w ho a re


Drama ti c Club membe rs.

WED., OCT. 27 On this night we will sbow

' n atio n al ly kn ow sta rs will be added 1 tha n Jul y 1, next The two priz e- cam_e

Mating Calf

a m1,:.ia1on a m 1ss10 n, ,, e sa1 , was to the reg ul ar co mp-etJti ve pro gra m. , w1:-i. ne rs w ill be printed in the issue -t 1 th 1 d' . h -t a 'Sto ry by Rex Beach and with ·o re vea e n 1an c .arac er m a The dec athlon ev e nt is als'O beiri g for .S eptem ber. In c ase others ar e tr uer an d more worthy li ght th an There is a r ule i gra mm ar which . Thomas Meighan, Evelyn Brent re ta ined o.n t he Kansas pro g ram this I th at to be worth pr int- th at in which he is usu ally .held He fo r bids us in g a preposition to end a I and Ren ee Adoree in the cast, ye ar. Thi s te n eve nt t es t was won mg , off ers w ill be them. procee ded to tell, ver y entert ainin g- I s entence. This rule wa s sm as hed I this is a powerf ul productidn by Tom Church.hill of the no w ill be obhd g ed to ly, of th e. part the Indian had p1ayed j ed to smithe . reenes by a sick bo y : f and if y-0u like a .good picture Umve rs1ty· of Oklahoma, who later ,.__cept _.an off e r. There a re no and is pl a yi ng in our nati onal life. · who had express ed a de si re to have I s ee thi s one, also· to the ladies. made t he Ol ym pic team in t he same ot h er cond1t1on s. For further infor- jp h f f h' d' 'Robins on Cruso e re ad to him H is I This night will be CHINA er ap s v ery ew o 1s au 1ence l · 1 f :v ent and pl a ced rn the fm a ls. He In <1 t1 on c? ncernng the cont:st wnte , knew t ha t so 'iu an y Indi ans had ri sen got the Swi w Fa mil y Cru so e NIGHT instead of the regular IS expe:te d co m pete in the d ecath- to th e of t he or to Ito pr ominence in p11blic life. He rnstea d, wher eup on he exc laim ed pet- I Thurs day. Comedy and News. Ion aga m t hi s year at K an s as t he Ame11can Mercury Ma g azme. h imself is a hi g hly educ ated man, lul a ntly: "W,hat did you g ive me th at 1 I

The rel.ay fo .r univ ersit.y teams a. re speak in g mo st ex ce llent En glish, fre- book to re ad ou t of fr om for?" ' t GIRLS CLUB TOURNEY STARTED a a quar te r mile, half mile, one mi1e, qu ent ly usiqg te rms of speech that THUR t 'I f .1 (Continued from Page On ef-

S FRI SAT MARCH wo m1 es, our m1 es, a nd dist a nce showed that he had delved deeply in , ., ., ., ' medley (440, 880, 1320, and mile). ji arl , Wi sc.hmeier, Haz.el Math - li te r at ure, both of history and sc i-

Co lle ge cl ac'S re lays are at a half ews, 'Ber mce Nel so n, a nd Eve.yn Sl1el- ence

.1 . . to n.

m1 e, one mil e, two miles , and ·medle y, I .

When he came to the habits of life · f' j · (4 40, 880, 1320, and1 mile). h On th e at v ario us among his people he was most enter.- 1

Hi gh sch o ol relays are a ha lf b e: n. ci itics wh (). have g iv en ta inin g and in s tru ctive. The way of

mil e, one mile, two mil es, and medley then o pimons a nd nam ed the pl a y- an Indi an mot her wi th her babe was L U N C H ' I A . thrill that will sttay with (44 0, 220, 220, 880). ·ers seemed to th em th e mos t ou t- revealed to .ha ve a meaning th at was I yhou in your memor y- alone 0..11 _,. stan dm g. The most no t ed and pr ob- - t e plague ship manned b a Speci al even ts open to university a.bly the bes.t include the follo

I Hoagl a nd, Erna Gruenw a ld t, and Ada with nature y ,11 besurprised at the dif- 1 SHADOWS

CON TRACT FOR DORM TO BE LET I Conkling Most of t hese The sam e reason accounts for hang-

(Continued from P age On e) Ihad considerable experience 'in high ing it on the limb of a tree for so

and borr ow the sum of $100,000 from sc hool basketball. many hours every d ay. It thus gets

t he trust comp a ny, but will not pay All team played Friday ninght, with a famili ar acquaintance wi th all the

Comedy out a cent except upon orders of the the Greens vs. Yell ows, and tfie Reds wild f6lk of the fores t, and becomes

Nermal board. This company is or- , vs. Purples During the tournament friends w ith them.

law and it will c ease to exist w.hen When three games hav.e be en played gi'.l is educated in all of those I I

the• buildin g is comple.ted and .the Iby each te a m. the will play things s.he ought to k ;iow, .her .6 Nebraska City, Nebr.

nr ust comp a ny 1s repaid from the fo1 the champ1onsh1p.. . ' own mother, a nd under condit10 ns "

rentals from the building. This, it is I After the games Frid ay mg ht, the that safegaurd the little girl fr om

h · h b om

years. mi ee consis m · '. , ' that overtake Her sjsters of t he au-,

estimated, will ta ke about t irteen var,s1ty team was c. osen Y a c · ma ny of the surprisres and hearta ches "tt · t· g of· Maxine Reagan c

The new .s.tructure will be located the sport Dorothy ¥ artrn da e, cas ian r ac e, who are taught to think


I to the north of and attac.hed to the p.resid ent; Mis 3 Roo t, sp · nor; and .1f themselves as so muc.h more fapresent dormitory. Its north side will Conklin g, .Ha yek, Cowan, a nd Re a-vored. The Indian boy is taken into

Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx ' b·e 78 feet north of the end of the .g-a n •. capta rns of the four t eams. the forest by the medicine man at old The building itself, Mi ss Root the games, as- the age of puberty,: and there is. 914 Central Ave., • Auburn, Neb£. exclusive of the passage way con- sisted by ot her ofl'!cials chosen from schooled" in the mysteries of sex, andnectl..... g the two building s, will be m emhb ers of G. A. A.·.11 ti t.h e ir mastery, tHl he has earned· theII _,_,_ 42x136 feet on the ground, and will I T e tournament Wl con nue next dght to we ar the two eagle feathers hei g ht. The bidder getting the con- M:i-rch 25 and 26· H e said that the Indian home ,was be three sto ries and basement in week, probably Monday and Tuesday, indicati ve of the fact. I S K •A G G S

tract must be prepared to begin work Many of the members are workrng I a home, aq d not a parking place and at once, and to complete the struc- for letters · or sweaters are a cafeteri a. C.hildren are not named ture by the time school opens this awarded by G. A: A. p ornts till they nave ·done something worth Coml·ng fall. ed by ways specified m the const1tu- h"l th ame is given them . f G" At.hi . A . . A w I e, en a n t1on o iris etic ssociation that goes with them through life in BIRTHDAY SURPRISE PARTY good number of points are awarded a w ay that advertises their achieve-

FOR GENEVIEVE FISHER for making a, team, hence the notable men.t, and ·gives them some thing to which liv.e up to Thei.r na mes soi:ie- \

Miss Genevieve Fisher had a very t.hmg d efi mte m connection w1.th ; I

birthday surprise when FABRICATOR! CLUB PLAN FOR their own .lives.


was mv1ted to sp.end with EXHIBIT IN NEAR FUTURE It was -m rel atmg the wiongs of

: tu\ e. club is also consider::1.J 1:1 I

her brother Alva Fisher and wife and I I his p eopile that he was . most eloquent found nine of her girl friends there Th F b . -:--Cl b M d j a11 d convincing. Sp ace does not per' e a ncaton u met on ay, . . . th d to help celebrate. A very sump- h 18 Th b t" 1 mit gomg mto that phase of e ab h h 1iarc . e mem ers con muet I d . h th tious dm i:e-r was served y t e os- 1 k d b k 1 , dress. It was receive wit en uTh I f d k d t d Lie wor on purses an as e s. , · d ·· d tess. e ange oo ca e ecora e f h 1 siastic app lause, an m any remame . . Iborn e o t e purses a re a mo st com- . h 111 g reen .frostrng and candles was 'let-e<l. 1to con g ratulate a nd c on v_erse with t e se rv ed with shamrock ice cream. p \ ·h 1 d f th f I chief, at the close of his address. , n 101.t 1s p anne or . e u- ...,_..,_,_ !"- addi:_essrng his dogi vi:-it<>rs m eeting.

You vas on1y a dog,. but I The liext meeting o( the club '\'J?!! ATTORNEY AT

v1sh I vas you. Ven you go mit your M"r.d iJ.y, P. pi-il 1, in room 103 of tlie

bed in you chust turn a round dree

times and la do..wn; :ven I go mit the · I Peru

bed in I have to lock up de place and "Mummy, I'm goi n g- to g iv e antie

wind up de clock and out the cat out 1 my .s:pade and p. ail."

d d f I

and -0n ress myself, an my rau "What for Willie?" wakes up and scolds. Den de baby I "So she can kick it."

va kes up a nd cries and I have to I "Kick it?" · walk mit the hou.se around, m.ay- "Yes Da ddy said we would have a

be ven I g·et myself to bed it IS lot of money if Auntie would kick

to ge t up again. Ven you get up -buc,ke-t

you chust stretch yourself, dig your neck a little and ou vas up. I have

to Jig ht de fire, put on de kettle, I

scrap some mit my wife already an'

I get myself some breakfast. You

blenty of fun. I have to work all day

a nd have plenty -Of troubles."


Leo nard, Ma rtin, N

Lindsay Make Long

a.t Da nneb ro g, Nebraska. as yea r1 ·

bate Squad comp,osed .o f Harv ey h is t eam playe d twenty -two b as ke t- ! T each ers, Co ll ege presented Th eoro- th ree y ears a nd th at ti m e, Ipro du cti.o n of" Henri k' Ib se n 's Nic ke.l, Av·ery l Gai nes, Leslie Le o n- ball g ames and won twenty of them I dore Dub ois's sac red ca n ta ta " Th e his teams h av e lost bu t six games ou.t , m aste rpiec e, A Do ll s Hou se wa s a rd, Archie M art in a nd Coach Lind - This year the pla yed t wen t y-t h ree' Se ven L as t Wo rds of Ch rist." at the of t hi rty-se ve n. D ale Snoo k, Captai n,, pr esent ed by the Pe ru Dr amatic C lu b say sta1:ted on a deb a te t our of c e> l- games winin g ninet ee n of th em Fi rs• ·Ch ri stian Church in Aubw·n, on was h ig h p-0 i nt man fo r th e season , Fr ida y eve ning, Apr il 5, in the colleges an d un iv-ers ities of Nebr a sk::i. B Heitie's team h as w-0n the . Su nday e ve ning, MarC' h 24, an d. at t he ' wit h a total of 125 poin ts. I J.egTehaudi todriu mt.· f or t his thr ee a ct cu p at the Gra nd Isl and distri ct e pro uc 1.on and. Sou th Dak ota. A debate was I to u rn a men t for the p ast -yea r s, co ll ege a ud1 to rrnm in er u, on W ed- _ Se ve n let terme n wi ll. be back n ext / pl ay w as the se con d maj or di·am at c he ld wi th N ebra ska We sleyan the- and w on Cl as s D at the sta.te to u rna- nes d ay, Mnrch ! season an d Coac h Naiman hopes to l preform an ce l?Y the P er u Dr amatic, . f th t t d . h me t th" , A la.rge audience. was present at i sched uJ.e games "th W ese !ya n h1 ghl Cl ub this veai the fi rst pr odu ction even mg 0 e W·en y-s econ in t e 1 , Tnh DlS yeabr . t k t the! th e prese nta tion in both an cJ. an d Ha ve lock of the Greater Linc oln bei i rr on home' comi ng Octobe r 27. d ·t · of th · •t p _ :e anne ro g r ac earn won · 1 h b" "' • au 1 on um e un 1vers1 y. er u . Peru 1 Leag ue. Sm ith a nd Pu gh ave eenl " A D ll' H " as directed b I Ho war d Co un tv trac an d f1 eld mee t! · o s ouse w was rep r ese nt ed by Mr Leo n <lrd, , 1 t d t k ts e Th e can tata conta ins se ver al so lo· selected co-cap t ains fo r n ext seaso n. A nn a Best Jod er a nd assisted by Ge<lMiss Gain es an d Mr. M artin, in co n- as llyeatr,f an th. pr ospe c ar I p arts. Marga ret ·

1 r·i·c C ,..; nk Th e scene was laid in exc·e en or 1s Vt:ar.

tr u ctive argu: nent, Mr L e.o nard clo s-1 1 Lorene Nort on sang the sopTan o pa r ts · APPOINTED BY Tor vald He!m er 's hou s e. The sce ne ing t he re bu ttal f or th e n eg ative

Ray,rno nd Trenh olm, tenor ; a nd Mr.! · of the fi rst act was t he day befo re The deb ate was close ancl ho tley C(>Jl - FACULTY T ! G. Holt Steck, baritof\e. Mr: Rob-!

IChri s tm as, and th e second net teste d. T he decisi·on was ren d ered 2 · NEY ert T. Benford was 1 U too k pl ace the d ay aft er Christmas t-0 1 in fav or ,o f We sle y an by Prof.es- 1 WINS TO UR 1 1 The program. opened scn ptur e: and th at of t he thi rd and closing act sors Pol k, Ar ndt, and Buling a irne. : _ . re adin g. The mtroduction was a so- : Samuel Traudt to Be Junior Chemist too k place the d ay after Chris tm as Mr. Arndt of Nebr aska Law ! . S _ pr ano solo san g at Auburn by 1 In Field of Plant Ch e mistr y f Th e out-sta n d:i-n g lea d of the pn ofavored Peru. w ith his d ed si .:. r.. l ,I First Voiley Ba ll Tourn ament pon Norto n. a nd at Pe ru by Margaret En-1 1, du ctio n was N ora Rel.me r, pl ay ed by so re d by Y. M. C. A. j 1 k h d M S h l Th P eru sq uad then -i o ur ne ye d: · g e erruer. . Last we ek word re a.c e r. a m- Jo y Miche l, who du rmg t e seco nc e d a ed in ' a debate · · The "First Word" was 8 ban tone uel T raud t fr om W as hin g t.on , D. C. act gave a very ·effect i ve d an ce of anSt at Madison Th e :he and tenor soli s ang by R ay m ond that he had passe d v ery cre di ta bl y the Tar ante ll a. Miss Mick el is a studWI as ern · a e . ulity mem ers won e M ·: 'r?-eho lm and Mr. Ste<;:k. The secon d th e g overnme nt exami n ation he re- e nt of dan cin.g h avin g s tu die cL in Ch iThe P eru te am w hich adv oc,: ated · ba ll to urne y . spon s or ed by t e - · · 1 p ar t was a, ba rit one and tenol' du et se n tl y wrote on bio chem istry, a nd is ca go. It w ill be remembe red Miss in th is case a subs titute fo r t he t rial C. A. by sc o rrng a 15 to ll j w ith chorus. liste d on th eir ro ll for app.ointm en t' Mi cke·l pl ayed the lad in "Sm ilin ' by ju ry me th od, was compos ed of , 4 v ict ory ove r_ J oe Kr e.iW ci sd. ride - Th e " Thi rd Wo rd" was so lo a.nd , as J un ior Ch em ist in t he of blant Th ro" in the summ er of twenty se ven L d, d M"ss' 1 yers in the fma ls l ast e nEs av 1 Th I by1 d Mr. Nkke l. Mr. eo nar an1 · I a_ · · - I c horus. e so os w ere sang • chemis try as s oon as hi s work for Ma ry Ali ce Engles w ho p ay e unGanes. It is ge-nerly beli"ev-ed th at mg .ht. ! Marga ret E ng lekemier, sopr ano; Ray-! the A. B. degree is fi nished. I der st udy fo r th e ro le of Nor a did a th e team as a who le p re sen t ed a mo st 1 1 The 0 '.1 march! mo nd t en or and Mr .I Th e entr ance sala ry for j un ior sci -I fine pi ece of ,commend a bl e work tl'ec ti.ve debate. Ea ch me mber of to a champ 1ons h1p }>Y the I Steck, ba r1 to n e. The fo u rth p art was e ntific positions with the govern -I pal't of the u nd erstudy though enl1 rt.he sq u ad took ro unded ra?s at the E as t .Sde Ba.ke·rs m the f irst Ia barit.o.ne so l.o sang by Mr. Steck . I me nt range fr om . to 2,5?0 , ! ely u nsung is n ear ly as importa:i t as Easter n .S t at e ca se , an d fm aily Mr. I Th e Barbe r s, co nquer ors of t he Bank I Th e fif th, stxth, a nd sev en th ma kin g thes e. p os1t 1ons very d es1r- · the main actor and m ay as Leon ard in his rebuttal poi nted a ers in t he seco nd en: ount- we re also solo and c ho ru s parts nble. P romotion is oft en r ap id an d! impor tant if the ma in ac tor is mcaf ll · th e ne g·ati ve cas e w h1ch I er with the A ll -S ta r s. This Vlc t-0ry lowi ng the seve nth -wor d was an m- divisio ns of the fiel ds of bio logv and pacita te d · -effe cti ve,ly -corre ct ed du r- gav.e t he AI L-S tars. the rig ht :o 111-eet j strumen tal in teTme zzo , by M r. B en - ch emls tr y carr y sa iari es ranging. fr om Joe. in the part ·d of the deb at e. the Boil ermak ers m the semi-fm als. , for d a nd the ,program then cl ose d, $i; OOO to "' 10 00 0 or more He l me r p.l a yed oppo si te Miss Mick el mg the re mam <er . R h R"d - had a.1-· ' . u, <> - • • h . d th etr t our The 0 1lers and oug 1 eis · j with a pr a ye r m so ng by t he ch oru s. Th e federal g ov ern me nt and th e in a perfect char a cte nzat1o n of t e

The squad Mitchell, re-atly f-0und the Boil erm a kers \ Th eoro d.ore Dub-0is, t he state g ov e rnments in all of the states role. t.o Dako ta Wes yd . mu ch for th em a nd h ad fa ll en by t \of the cantata, w as a F re nch musi cal and te rrito rie s maintain a host of J oe Jon es is one of the mo st a cwhe1,e t hey en g;.age m ab n ght to a ways ide in the firs t an d &e cond rou nd composer b orn at Rosn ey in 1837 en tific w or ke rs on theii: staffs, the/ complis hed d rama tic stu d ents on the Th asoi:i was ro u , . . h b I . . . h t debat e. e s e, S outh D akota in e nc o unte r s. jHe studied m Rome, where e __ ecan:i e nu mb er fo r the en tire cou n try tota l-

Th" d b . I to f \::; ....... J. .1'1....n J.--"D 0

IS e ate to ur cov e red o v-e r I . on an eas y fi rst ro un d victory . Sept P aro J.es du Christ" (The Seven I governme nt and the stale expenrn ent These t wo lea ds we re suppo rted by seventeen m iles, an d over .the Tun e rv ill e.Six and a seco nd Last Words of Ch rist). In 1896 Du- and sci ent i.fi c station a.t· t horo ugly the ei ght .oth er memb ers of the n week of ti me. It f.o1lowed on-e of/ 1' to1 y ov.er t he Pa inters'. the st umb- b ois became director of the conser-1 s ala nes, ma k es a consi cl e rn 'l1e Thr ee of which were children, R alph mos.t su.cces sful se a so?s in foren- 1 Lflg b k•:k of th e No1th Side T urn ers. r vatorie in Pa ris. He is an ex t remely/ r: ut in the of te ach ers avail -, H ays, Wi lard Redfe rn , a nd K athlyn sics Pei u h as e ver enJo ye d. The The go od size d cro wd which itro lifi c comp oser, and has written in for sc1en t1f 1c of a ll Ben eford the squad, was an outs t and ing event i sh owed in terest in t he· fin al enc ount er I a vari ety of forms. His sa cred works kinds. / A chara cter pa rt of the p.lay, th at in the experie nc e of co ll ege life.' :"ere rewa rd.ed for their time wh en I in c lude fo ur masses, " The Seven Last/ Mi· r of wo r•( · of Doc to r Ra nd was pl ayed by Fred The debator.s wer.e hospitabl y r eceived the Y. M. served light refreshments I Wor ds of Chris t" a nd a large num- j "".'ll piub nb ly '>e at F•·1m- 1Du ey who has m ad e many previous and ente rtai ned. by the out-of-state aft er th e g ame. Ih er .of motets and pieces for or gan .. cisco " I' l:' e,,d Harb or, l[awa u. d.r am atic ap pea rances. The part inst itution s. T hey we re acc orded ev- 1 He also comp osed many pi'eces for j _ • Iof the villa in w.1 e pl ayed by Neils Tracou rtesy and pri vHege at ea ch

Many New Players j/ t he t heater, pi ano, a nd votce. ; Estes Park Meeting · bert in a ve ry satisfac tory mann er It city wh ere they deb ated They were I Re ortin For T . _ 1 At trac ts Many St udents was his first appe arance on the P eru met by oth er deba tors w ho, like them-' p g enn1s ,


stage. ,se.lves, were e xperie ncing pleasure 1 Wh , · · 1 An other in te r es"' n-g J·oi ' nt "Es tes J The part of Mrs. Lind en was pl ayed d . t . b 1 oo p·ee . T enn is is now in full '" b E I N l' ethnJoyhmen m a of co llege I swin o-. You sho uld see the n ew


meet in .of the Y. M. a nd y y ve yn or ing er. Ann e t he nu rse lu" at as mar ked m :flu,ence in a/ >=> Bob- · g ·I by Gw endolyn Mallo r y, and that of particul ar type of trai ng fo r publi c cat vacket T. E. Ennis, ___ w.• w as h el d on. Wed.n.esd ay, Ap r il 3, J (Continued on Page Four ) life whe11 is in a c: 1·;011 with la st ye ar's Barton Giv es an Interes ting in the hi g·h sc hool auditorium. A fter f ac ulty tennis ch amp ion, V icto r H. Discussion on Carl Aikley sin g in g an d the scripture re a din g, a Conklin Cagesters Win Annual Tourn amen t Track Pros p.ect Are L ooking Go od :for 1929 Ji n dra. Now Mr. Ji nd ra is s atis fi.e d. j mix ed quartette sang two sp eci al He has b l f' d p II L ast v even ing rne1;1:.ier'i 'lf Inumber s, "I Cannot Sing th e Ol d ee-n oa 1n g a ro un e ru a I · · ,, " s • • 1 T ri l:l cta weH· Mu ch e•' e<l in

Son gs and Flow Gen tly w eet Af- After a week of exci ti ng games w1nte r p la y in g sw eet melodi es an d1 , " ' ,, M b f h t tt d1scnss10

Coaches Gr af an d Lorb e er ha ve hop1n g th at

wo uld fin d someone• "Ta xi dermy of C arl A ikley" Th e Harv,ey Nkkel, Louise Ro hrs, Alice . h C . , . . . '-- - k' th B b t · d h . . . · . . . C 1 wit onk hng s t eam w inn ing. Fm e .,.,.,n w01· Ing e o ca· cm er w o wou ld ma ke thm gs hv;ely for new f!t,,Jd :•t 0 11 En gleke1 me1 a nd Ed o e. pounders hard fo r t he past t wo weeks hi m th is spring. , gro und >l· Je n irom Lake iVJi1. 'ii ga n, j Col ored views a nd sn apsho ts wer_e 1 sp ortsmans hip an d good p laying was in prep.ara.tion for the annual Hast- To get a: ch a nc_e _a_t th:e courts is al-has be.::rHne fa ,11o us as 1 pl ace wh e r-e sho_wn .o n the sc r.een They e.x-sh own ,through out t he tourname nt. ings Rel ays h'eld this ye ar on April 13. m ost a:n 1•mp oss1b1h ty Wh at Peru I on e m rv ·e·· the ar.tv; :.k gi'O ups .:J plarn ed by Leo Haup tman, w ho v1s1t-R eagans team was ru nn er-up to

These r elays dr aw some of t he best wi ll do in t enn is t his year is yet to r an nim al k illed by C arl Aikley a nd ed Estes P ark last summer. Th ese I Conk li ng. At the end -Of the sec ond men fr om N ebraska S tate Co lle g.,es be seen . What h er prospects are is I mo u nted bv hi m in th eir natura l sur- vi ews gave a vi vid. pictu re of t he con -h If f th h . h' h and real c ompetition is bein g looked another s tory. JI round ings. · • ti·nenta l divi de and the scao re 0 was

fo rward to, e specially in the mile Wi th C oach Ennis working a co up -A study of such groups th e faro -G ree n Mou n tai ns, Estes P ark 1 !ag e, governi g gir l's b asketba ll do a llow relay with Hastings present in g a le cf &eason ed pl aye rs and a hu 1.1 cit-ed ous, "Two E J.ephan ts" and the "D ear Th ompson Rive r, Bear Lake, and as- pl ayi ng off a tie. So Conkli n on team of vet erns th at pla ced t hi rd in amateurs in to fi ghti ng co ndiotion the i rt the Four Sea so ns ", rev·eals an art pen forests and ot he·r sce n es near ha vin g thr ee victories to a l'ecord bre aki ng performance at P er u tenni s prosp ects a.re begin nin g of taxidermy th at h as n ever been Estes P ark one and on e-h alf. d h l d b h · · th ' M'ss F lo rence Da vis an other of the Texas Re.lay s and secon in an- to s i ne equa e y a.ny ot er artist m 1s 1 For every sp o rt a varsity team other fast he at t he fo ll owi ng d ay at/ Ba ck with Old P er u this sp ring are fi eld P er u's re'piresentatives at a: r ecent is chosen T he ni g ht of the first C W I b h l M A 'kl · d th E stes P ark co nfere·rice told why she Southern Me thodi s t. a:tl ett a nd as ey, ot vetern p ay- rs. 1 ·ey a ccomp ame e g re at ga me the best players were noted Graf expec.ts to take a ha lf-mile / ers th at h ave plenoty of push w hen ta xide rmi st on his African hunting p arti,c u lln·ly liked Estes; s he a lso a nd pla ced on the v arsity team. The · d f · k d f 't t g tt' g the ba ll over th e trips and assisted h irri materi ally in gav,e the expressio n of a number of f I! · · 1 k h team c ompose o me n p J.c e . 1 comes o . e m , who have had t he pleas ure o ow1.ng g 1r s ma e up t e varsity Capt ain Williams, Briggs, W1cma, n et Th en thm gs l ook pre tty good for the la bo rous a.n d expensive work of fo r this ye ar: Ma rjorie L eahy, side Sams, Risse ng·e:u, M ump er and Z ook./ .co ach .E nm.·s w hen_ s uch men as Booth, moun t in g. An Afrk an r oon:i, housing of atten di ng such a coference. cent er; Ada Conk ling, .g. u ard; Alene R k N k 1 d D t t.. f ti t d The fo llowing Y. M. C. A. office rs R f A two mi le team pi!Cked from Cap- 1 Du e y, a.nc , 1c e, an a venpor a nu mve r o r ecen y mo un e groups e age n, orward ; Maxine Reagan, lain Williams, Briggs, G a.llo w ay, re ::; uhH" ly on t:he coLll'L:' - from that co ntin ent, is to be an ad- we re recentl y elected: jump ing cen ter; G!lad ys Hoagla nd, l b h d d ·t t th F' Id M m · th P resdent-- Raym ond T ren h olm d D h C You n!!', D elze ll, Ub ben, Cole,, As yet no games rnve. _ee.n sc e -1 on · o e 1e useu m e guar ; oro t y owan, side c·enter; / b h d f t F I · th V-President--Elmer Her.tel s W f and Cope is also en tered. An entry uJ.ed for tihe Bobc a ts, u. t 1.t 1.s ope n ear u ure. ew p aces m e ue ·esner, or eward; Lyda Hayek , h f "W' d c·t " -. s an v1·s·t Recording Sec.- John Bath d d I OJ f in the miJ.e <relay will po ssibly be sent/ that be for e t e se·ason is -Over a ·ew . l•n y I y ' r eceive a m Y I - G' rass gu ar ; an nez esen, orwa rd . a.I , te ams can be s c.h e dule d. Nothing h as ors as does tthis world famous mu s- This team w as ch osen by the sp'ort 10 g so. · l t men will also been said of the a nnual tennis· to ur- ·eum.

Prog ram Ch aifm an- Edwin Boo th leader, Ma x in e Reagan ; t he four ome sp-ec1 a even . . be taken, prob a bl y He rtz, st ate rec ord n ament w hi ch has become a c usto:in 1 te am ca ptam.s, Ad a Conk lin g, Alen e m e s :i, ble vict or; .Arrang ements w ill p ro b ab ly be made co mposin g t he Ne pras ka Asso ciation A. B. degree at P eru in 1927, was H ayek; the p Teside nit of the Girl's h Id . th h t t, and Zook/ at Per u for t he past se ve r al ye a.rs. In stru ctors a nd off icers of sc hbols Mrs, Mary Meser ve, who took h er R eagan, Doi othy Cow an, and Lyd a w o. ast year s corh a ;u meet for this l ater on in the year of Chu rc h co ll eg es, at the ass ocia.-r ecently h on ored by elec tion to mem-At hletic Association, Dorthy Martinin the das'hes at t e con eren ce . · · ti ons' a nnu al m eetin g at H astin gs,] b ers hip in the, h onor ary Scie ntific dale, and t he sponsor of the or gan i.. . I . k' Th e honora ble Frederic S. B erry Marc h 22-23, went on r ecord as a Soci ety of Sig.J'.!la Xi. Mrs. Meser ve zat ion, Miss Fra nc es R oot. "Self Expression-s lt a wor i ng ' · f f H R J I 1 Id f 11 h··p · the biology de Th · I d d · f " h ic of of Wa ne h as b ee n en gag·ed to de li ver con fere n ce in avor o ou se u e 10 s a e ows I m - e g1r s a re awar ·e points ?r Philosophy of life, was t e top Y t dd at 417, a b ill now b efore the .Jegis latu re par tmen t of t he Univ ersity of Color- various activities of G. A. A. suc h as: r.i dd t c t r the a nnu ail c omme n ce men a ress , x.; Stanley Jones a ress 0 0 ne St t Te ac hers Co llege d ur-to un ify certificato n and ail ow th·e ad o, a nd exp ec ts to take her Masters hikin g, te nni s, swimmin g, t rack, pracUnion CoJJ.ege, an d Wesley an stu-W ay ne a e t w·ee k May 26 s ta te d eparme nt of ed uc ation to is-d eg ree nex.t su mm·er, wi th h er major ticing l)'laking te ams, an d holdi ng· -·t · · th co mm en cemen , dents in the Wes l eyan a um onum mg e sue a ll certiflicates. w or k in the 1 Plant Taxon omy. (Conti nued on P age Four ) Wednesday morning to 29.





Entered at the Postoffice of Peru, New Nebraska, as second class matter.

Published Weekly at Peru State Teachers College


ge og r


v1ew o . any :aven - if you get your hair cut at prep ara tion fo r te ac hin g? Comp a re pe el .the 't ri al a nd erro r' meth.o d ge n- I a nd _relate d s ci enc es, a nd furn is hin g ody,. a um que hig hl y I y our sala ry with the capi- er a lly s poken of as the 'apore ntic e ph ys ics an d ch em ist ry with th eir f eat u1 e. _ Dr . P.ett1t also bmlt _a ; BOB KNAPP tal in vestme nt of y ea rs a nd mone)' system' as to wasteful in thi s gr ea test tr iumphs, as well as m ath e- : m ove ment so __ as to _ k eep; I (Next to Gaines Hall on th e in y.o ur e duc ation. m atic s. The s udd en • rise of the I th e i_nstrmnent on th e obj e ct w1thout I Pavement.)

Doee it m ea n an.thin g to y 0;u that " DRIFTWOOD" A SPLENDID · Iyo unger -sc ie nces with th e ir world -_rea dJus ti:ne nt. In 19 10 v; hit e st ill a

cu mbers of yo ur co ll eag u·es, ma ny of PICTURE WILL BE HERE sha kin g di sco v er ies a nd hypoth eses i stu dent m Pe ru , D r. Pettit h LI ' ed av · '--1 F 1

yo urs.e lf a re out of employm e nt? Have " Drif tw ood," a mo vie, has be en seco nda ry position. co mp a ra- tlulu m, a nd hun g it rn t he dome of A E J { t em as we , or better equipped than ' [ p'lace-d astronomy te mpo rarily in _ a er y serv ic·ea_ o uc au t pen- ['

you any ur ge to save them fr om want ! ad apt ed from a story by R' h d ti ve ly recen t in v. ention a.nd develop· the old ch ape l, at pres ent o ur gym- • • ohnson, D. D. S, f a nd di sc-0 ur ag em e nt a nd s ee them Ha rding Davis. This is a b t 'I m ent of the sp ectroscope, interfero- wisium, a nd at tached an e ff ici e nt 1 f f h d 11 d I · ri ian l'h ro n-00- raph to t'm th · · f I _j p 1 a ppy an w_e pai in thei r- life and i nte ns e port rayal of human loves me t er ain,d the wond er -workin g h eat "' i e swrngmg <• I' hone 36 wo rk ? Does 1t a rou se you t.o know i a nd hates, again st a trooic al back- me as urin g· in s trum e nts, and the ma r- t he pendulum. Fro m h lS recor ds he I f · th at_ the _ econ omic status of your pro- 1 g-ro und of mystery a nd col- t i:iproved gi ga nti c tel esc ope . s able to demo ns tr a te the fes s1 on 1.s unsta ble ? or. • with their a sto unding revelations _Jf the -ea ith, a nd to calc'Ulate t he la tis · · h · · t.u de of Peru a nd t t h

Do es it me an a nythin g to you th at' ens 1t1ve, emotion al, temp est.ous, he av e ag ain placed astr onomy as the ,. . '. 0 comp u e t. e I yo ur dist ric t is un a ble to ra ise your made up hi s mind to le av e her and m os t pro g ressive a nd g rowin g \ a lu e of gi avity :i.t- P er u. A crude.r I .- J sal ary because it is a lready ta xed· to I become a wa nd ere·r, a nd a science: . forn_1. of th e Fo ,1c;a ult pendulu m h'.'1!: I

the lega l limi t whil e the nei o- hbor- 1 s olita ry so ul amon g ot her s olitary The cultur ed man or woman today 1 em au.ed 3 t ea tu :c.e of t he stu dy oi · ing distr ict by your coll:agues l souls ad'ri ft on t he "Sea of Life ". whether he realizes it or no t, lives in a :;tr_onom y. 1 J; pays him a· h ig her iSlalary, builds ai Here t od ay , to mo rrow t here, he sank Ia fourfold univers e, and is forced to Tne _rea d..:r wi ll be interested to I

_ modern, w ell-eq uipp ed sch.ool with al lower and lower in the socal sc ale. fow· planes of though t '. the k. no w Just_wha t. telescope w·ll ·

reas on a ble levy ? Do you care at w ere o ut of the shadows where- J fi mte world revea\.ed by our unaided sh ow. Bnetly 1t w ill sh ow su1"la ce

a ll a bout in eq ua li ty even t ho it i he s.o ug ht for ge tfulnes s a nd obli1 sens es. We. are more or 1-eawres of the a nd mo.on, t he 1 NEEDS , e ff ects you direc tly 1'.. If you do not v 1on, the p as t came up to ha unt him less !-a cqu a mted with thi s fimte clo ud bel ts of J upiter, a nd fou.r -0f i ts have no r easo n for 1 wi th i ts i:iemo rie s. The stran ge ma r. -· i w orld. It ta'ke s a biol-0g ist to com- sa:ellites, the r in gs of Sa tu n, the j m th e pr<>fession I ner of hi s r eturn to ci vi.liz at ion a nd prehend the be a utiful forms and l m1 race l world with t en satel lites, tho '

If yo u _y.ea rn to see a _brig ht er d ay s elf-respe:t strikes a n ote in the a dapJtio ns of fiowe r, be a: t a nd bird. ?ut rew of th ese be seen by our; I FINE PORT» & ll'TS _m edu cat wn _Wl-th few er Jobless tea ch- of_ p ass ion ate dramas It t ake s a. geo lo gi st to a ppre ci ate\ H1:8tr um en t. It :w ill show the ph ases !'

· mg g irls, with I.a ng er t enur e a nd Richard Hardrn.g Davi s is an Ameri- this chan gmg world with i ts s urfa ce of Ve nu s, a nd rn the r ig ht o.osition I FRAMES salari es provided by di stricts , can journ a li st a nd popul ar no velis t. : '.ts mi n er a ls a nd fossi-1 re- I 'a nd goo d s ee i ng con di tions, pol ar :

w hi ch are ta xed, shake He w as war corr espo nd e nt du r in g the mams of its varied a nd bi za rre pre-I caps of Mars, Jupi te r, S at u rn, a nd ' PHOTO FINISHING off t hi s le thar gy a nd as- yea rs of the War a nd pou lat ion s. It ta.ke s a poh ys!- 1 are magn iti ed to lo-0k a bo ut CAMER.AS sume the educ a ti onal lea de r ship of nai 1ow ly escaped bemg sh ot as a spy c1st to und er stand i ts for ces of li ght, I the size of the m oo n with a pow er c-ornm unity. Pr eac.h the edu- by th e Ge rm a ns Mr. Davis in fact 1 be a t. electr ic ity, ste am, w ater-power 1 of one-h und r·ed, tho the amate ur wi ll I ALBUMS c at10n al gospel in. hom e _a nd be- I was to a ll lar ge new s-a nd gravi tation. It ta ke s an a rti st l scarc·ely beli·eve it un t il he is shown I fo 1:e eve ry or g amz at1on of _Your co m- pa pers. Hi s books on travels, pl ay s, or a. p oet to see t he hidd en as w ell as ! by the op eT a.to r. Wi th higher P·owers # n u1 ty . F or g et for the ti me be in g a nd . n ov els a re ex c·epti.o nly goo d. obvious b eau t ies, to s·en se that the th ese plan ets w ill l oo k co r res o; d · I th at yo u h av e a. job a nd devote your Whil e not deeply analytica l, the v are tree "L oo ks at God a ll da y a nd li'f ts l 'Jv lar g er O nu mtist b t: ndin g- .A

ff f 11 f -· • -, v e cau rnn e no t f e 01ts to y-0 u1 miss10 n. your -u o actio n a nd the charac toers im - it leafy ha nd s t.o pr ay ." On ly a ve ry· to expe ct the · , I If · · t f · d pres b · d I e. No t el e p se m se rvice o your pr o ession an s one Y m epe nd e nce and e xhi -rare Burroughs <> r Roosevelt ca n a p- scop e eve • -· d -

'.' ",. is gross in eq ua li ty .of e auc ational oppo rt uni ty in Ne br as k a. I The.ac hin g is the o ne profession where ro n omy anCI astro norru ca,1 equipmen i; D . · t 1's me th od recei ves any enco urage- its prop er pl ac e in edu cati.on Th e on the same equ atori al m.ou nt - :================== oes it a ny t hmg to you th at me n t. Industry an d the craf ts Gr.ee ks justly regar de d astr onomy t he m g, so both te lescop es c ould be us ed j _..__..__._,_...,_"'"_..__ yo u are r ecelV mg a ve ry mod est re- tu rn in g to th -h 1 f h . mother sci e nc·e as it is vet to d ay at un ce gi v ing a. h ig h er power and You'll not be dissappoin.ted t f h 1 d e sc oo or t eir s uppl y • -' a lo , · f h urn on your years o sc oo mg an of help, h avi ng lar gely s cr ap- g ivi ng bi r th

HONE 56 PERL the inter ests it s erv es. Wo rk with be ron t vi ta lity. p rec i ate th ese di ffe re nt v1·ew po 1' nts - t rt c_on s ,, iir- te ' ev en t he re -. · h Th B I• e1 1 g 1an 1n•;· , .- >rts _ ng teo us fe r vo r fo r a be tter d ay in . e ud get Co m mi ttee is to be The ,in fi ni te uni ve rse r evealed by <h t . - '. '-' ' ca:1 Neb k d t' M k h1 0- hb1 d d , uw a s a1 u; <i ny lmn g bu r a ras a e u ca io n. a e a ca u se "' J comme n e f or se curin O' t-e les c ope spe ct ro scope and interf . _ f 1· ht h , - po .i ,t out f th h 1 · · d "D rift d" h' h "' ' ' er I 0 ig • t 0 1nu c •1 - n <> ht P- r t '--o . e w o e pr o:p os1 t1on an w oo w 1c th ey will present omete r is awe-inspirin g a nd God l'k e th ·d d · " · •Lan with yo u will soon .ha.ve a follo wi•ng wh o in the co ll e ge auditor ium SaturdBy in i ts scope a nd o oss ibT f \ I e :_ e:;-e. I-'in ary sta rs L rl'ivw ill demand that the old o rder p ass. Apr il 13, at 8 o'clock ' ' h d f- 1 i i es . _m 1 . e ey er WI 'e se pa r ated so as to :;; h ow , Ad . . . · P e nome na an or ces, com e w 1thrn ; f,Ay are d"u l 1 1(Nebr aska Edu Jo urn al) 1 m1ss1on will be bud get ticket or th e gr as o of ma n' s co . h . . -. "'h ):e , 1' · e or t•1u I 50c - mp 1e ens1o n, :•a1s. , ·e of Orio n but the tarry he av ens are admi tted- 1.11-1 :"n ifica nt si 1, h . <- a Mag 1st1at e-And what w as t he prt s· a " b • h- · ht ,, H g .t h· .t e •:I UH:e1 ni11 g - d . ? Th A"" y a oo n is m1g . ere we d ea l mi nd Th e Neb l f oner omg. e u·wa n B aptist Chu rc h wa 'th · fi •t d f . ·. u a o Androm e da Consta bl e-'e we re 'a vin g a ve ry ma kin g a dri·ve or fund s and t s wt 1 tdn in u es o and nn g nebu la () f Lyra, .,i ncl tJle d _ wo s upen ous m ass·es, mc-0 ncei vabl e Wh ir lp o0 l neb 1 f C'e ate wi th a cab dri ve r R co l ore d sisters were callin g· on Un cle fo re-es an d v elo cities th.at tax our ca n be see n a ·oth an es Ven atic i, yo ur w ors 1p ast us. _ h . y wi- out much d etail M . B h comp re ensi on. et with the mat he S ev eral b t'ful · ag1strate- ut t at does n' t prove R ast us-I ca n' t gi ve n othin " t' h 1 - ea u 1 st ar c lu ste rs -is

There is no Svbsti tu te FOR HONESTY as a business policy J ° C. CHATELAIN Watchmaker and th at he w as d runk . '"I ow es n ea rly eve rb

fo r the wi llin g' help ' Nebraska Cit y, Ne br as ka I

.... I ul ar class held th ei : re g· not jud ge an. aut hor by one story, th ey hav e g iv en.

j H. g, Tu esday , Apnl 2, 111 t he how-ev er, alt ho ugh it may be h i's 1nost M" T f igh sc h l I iss -e ar w ill tell of so me of h ei· I j 00 asse mbly Th e president famo us. Ha le one· of the early pion-

A F I N E R S 0 D A th at pl ans for the picn ic ee rs in respect to "putting a li t tle travels at the next two mee tin gs. -..--..r ai e be in CT wo k d A 'tt . New mem be rs and visit.ors are we l- ' · ' I r e .on. co m1m g rn ge r" into the st a id . and st ern old come.

0 R ;as a,p poi.nted work up a pro gram New Engla nd maga zine s, was a pro- I tf ts for L U N C H ' the en t erta inme n t. t oty pe of .the Aldri ch-O'H enry way MISS CLARK GIVES A-

I I _ .... _.__.., "..__..... , of a story. On e ramb lin g LECTURE ON STATUES •• MMoakTeH EyoR11sr Dch.Aoiyce ' ! J. D. GRAVES good bit of hu mor is hfa pr eac he r • was ever set before yo u I A TTORNEY AT L AW f tory " My Doub le and How H-e Un .I !"-t convocation Fr id ay, Ap ril 5 I a wa i ts you at our founta in. ! NO TARY . I did Me". The titl e, is leadin g, nol Cl ark person ally con d ucted # PUBLIC # cl ou bt ; •nd one will fin d in the ,to,y • ud,.noe on ' to uc of the au d itocium. # early. We have the gift Com e in and tr e at y our- I Pe ru Nebraska I .the pec uli ar ·th a.t th_e t itl-e I She the pictur es a nd sta -1 that will please. selt' a nd fnends to the fi ne st __ b id s for . After a r ea ding of t hi s ta le, tu ary _m an attempt to make us, as · lunch and a nd livest dri nks y ou I -°"" it wi ll be see n at any r ate one author Peruvrnns, appreci ate th em mo re L } Ph I _ .,.._" ,.._._......... f . . Th t" -f · · · oya armacy eve r tasted . ' I . f o a serio us story is not e s a.ue <' Mine r va w as put in ; . f I Typical ' Ifrozen t hat way. by the Athen ians, a debatin g so ciety I Yo u'l1 besurprised at the dif- 1 i . (. "My Double and How He Undid Me"J of or ga nized ve ry early in fenence. 'i Palmer Se rvice ' may be fo und in H ey dric k, "T ypes of j the history of P er u. I, the Sho rt St.or y" -J. 0. F. I Th e statu e, Th e Ci ceronea ns, stand s

CLUB HAVE . , T he in th e • ud it-Ori um,. " I t POPULAR SONG PROGRAM well as th ose in th e vario us buildings

' Free c rank ca se se rvice


Suite 410- 11 Symes, D enve r-M. E. Shuck, P.h. D ., Manager lar ge atte ndan


Track and Field Meet I reooivo a I i degree, certificate or diploma from

j \this college in May, July, or Au gust, , S A F E W A Y. f must a,ppe ar at once at the re gistrar's I I \office for the purpose of m ak in g # S T Q R E S I 1for mal app li cation. I ' All students wishing to use the ,

o .b . w· h w I t.e nnis cou tts must see Miss G ockley I

!Sift UtlOfl tt OUt aste and p ay tennis club dues. Dues are ? RASKA t o nly 75 cen ts. Also students wishing ft AUBURN Phone 314 NEB ).to u se the courts, who h ave payed<.



L awre n ce, Ka ns., Ap r i18-Re co rds tory

rst par t, M' I mg. co in , their bi d bein g $73,695 for the • . . iss l A short b us i ne ss meeting was he ld . r HD k f

an nu al Kansa s Relays h ere April 20, Emi ly B t h ti d l d I

d h f h h co nstruc tion of the b ui l din a. Elinei· ei: on "';' is ·e a so 0 an It was dec i d.e d to a ssess the life rnem - i •·

the Kans as me et already are ex cep- Dove l of A ub urn was the su cc·essfu l pl ayed a flu te sol.o ac comp ani ed on hers if n ec·ess ar y, in order to p ay / ,

espite t e ·acts t at t e m ar ks for "'

ti·on ly hi g h. bidd er for the h ea tin g and pl umb in g, the pia no by l'o/S. Cleroe n t.s. fo r P er uvian pag e s. -

No u nivers ity, co ll ege or high hi s.pTice bei·ng $9, 192. Th e sec ond par t, Mrs ..-.La rson s a.ng Th e p ro gr am co n sisted of th ree , Starring, George Bancroft • sch oo l holds more th an one rel ay The A ss enm ac h er Compan,v wa s t wo numbers. numbers, they w ere: : and Betty Compson, also I re cord for the Ka nsas meet, but Ok- the lowest b idd er wi llin g to furni sh. T he t hird p art was an no u·nced to Rea di ng __D .. Wo rle y i_ I. edy, " Chasing Hus-ba n ds" comlah om a, Iow a, Nebr as ka , a nd Kans as bond to complete .,., th e bu ild in g by be th e b es t talen on the camp us. So lo - --D oris E r-k kson ,; ' T ea cher s, of Empo ri a, ap pea r in the Septemb er 1. Accord ing to the con- Lo re ne Nor to n pl aye d a p art of a - Eile en Me ans I li st> of specia l ev en t re cord hold ers tr act bu ild ing mu st be ready fo r numb er a nd Eve ly n Skelto n/ I . ' as well as fo r relay races. occu pa n cy by the girls on Septemb er ran -0u t dre ssed in a cl ow ns ou tfit I G '. A. A. TOURNEY I'

WEDNESDAY, April 10, Only I

Ni ntee n sc h oo ls, represe n ti ng fir s t, or the co ntracting compa ny will and shou te d "April F oo l!" . (Co ntmued from P ag e O ne) I Tom Tylo r and the kid's fav-1

T we lve states, ho ld the Kan sas Rel ay $5,000. Th e A ssenm acher Co.I The. n·ext fu ee t ing on Apr il 15, offic - i On.e a I o ri te acto1-, Fr ankie Darro in meet and a ll is o ne of the bi gg est con tr actors j,n ers w il·l be el ec ted fo r t he comin g '. "' ul to lt1 tne cl ub; fi ve /I 66 , • sch oo l holdm g recor ds W1 ll h ave at h- t he state, and ju st fi nished a i yem:- hun dre d pomts ar e aw arded by a G. Trail of the letes in the Ka n sas ca rni v-el this yea r. hi gh sc h oo l buildin g,_ c osti n.g a bou t f i A. l etter; and o ne-thou sa nd p oi nts f( 0

The Rel ay Meet R ec or ds :' t hr ee tim:s the pric e of the P er u I PL AY GI VEN ·1is good for ! I

Horseth ieVeS " f Um vers 1ty Gl ass Rel ays J m fo ur mon ths,. As it w ill I (Contmued from Pa.ge On e) 1 :he are e lli g abl e ; I 440 yards -41. 6 s eco nds, Not re , ha.ve fwe months for an $80,000 co n- H_elen, a hou se ma id by G.en·evieve l f o-i l ett: 1s t hi s sprmg: Ada Conklin g,! I _new s __ and c_omedy. j Dame, 1927. · trac t, th ere will be no doub t as to its Fi s her f :1Ylargan te D ears on, Lo ren e E ric ks on,.; C h1na 1'11gh t w:ill bt on Wed· f 880 ya rds-1:26_6, Un_i versity of N e- I ab il ty to ma ke goo d. This sam e com- For .fihi s pro du ction the Dramatic' >il'Je !• Math ews, Ly di a H aye k, Glad ys 1 ne sc.lay ni ght instead of Thur- I b1:aska, 1926 pany has ha ndl ed one contr act at Cl nb pu rcha se d some n·ew equ ipment . o ag land, H: J.en '.K a lte nb.orp, I ne z I sd ay ni g·ht f U ni versi ty of Io wa,1926. 1P er u, the Majors trai ni ng buil di ng, if includi ng •two occasion.al . chairs, a Oleso n, Sue a nd Lou is e Eck - ;

ITwo mi les-7 :53 .9, Iowa State. 1927. we remember correctly. Mr. Dovel walnut parlor tab le., st ag e draperi ssl a,_r t. four gi rls are lucky en ough I m il es- 18:07.8, 01,ego n Agg ies , IalsQ had the contra ct fo r th e pl umb- a nd li g-b tin g · • to r cc·eive sweaters, th ey are : Fl or-; Ji _''-I UR FR l925 in g a nd h eati ng on th is sa me bui ld- This p re se n tati on of one of the ence Da vi s, Max i ne Re aga n, .u " ' I., AND SAT Di sta nce Med ley-10:37.2, Unive r sity ing. world ma ster pieces was a r ea l ac com - Ga nz, and Alene R eaga n. j jl Ap nl 1112 - 13 ; of Okla homa, 1928. / T he hi ghest bi d on the e rection of plishm e nt fo r Dra;m a tic Clu b. be:·t is q ui te i nteres tin g· to the mem- ; "U11c}e Tom's I CoLlege Class th e bu ldin g w as $89 ,471 , and t he hi ah- The p rod uct10 n st af f ma de for ,the , s ?· A. A. to lil o te th at I 0 t 880 yards- 1.28.1, Occi d ent al Col- es t on the h eating a nd p lu mbing ;as c9mpl ele su ccess of th e prese n tation the 01 "'_ 'm iz a.tion h as app li ed for Cab1n" lei;;e, 1926. $12,772 Th er.e were bi d on the of the pl ay Th e strg·e 'man age ment m the A. C. A. C. W. Mil e- 3:23.2, ·Butler Un versi ty, 1925. build i'n a a nd t 1 ti " 1 b was under the dir ec ti on of L eo Haun- w hi ch st and s fo r the A th le tis Cr, 11 MATINE E.; SAT URDAY, April ; T .1 8 _ ,,, we ve on rn p um _ , - f f' . , 1 • • f wo mr es-.03.3, H ask el In sti tu te , ing tman. Th e sce nery was d·esi g necl by ere n ce -0 Am en ca n Co ll ege \V omen at 2.3ll lOc and 30c I 1927. Elsie W'allin a nd the pro perty ma n- . - I Nigh t sh ows lSc al)d 35c # D . t T he bi ds c all l for th · d' t A ls ance med ely- 10: 50, Wi c hi ta Un i- e nnme 18 e ag eme nt was . taken care of by Mar- v ia tor (to co l ore d steward ) •, .':>ee lar.g 1· ad J versit y, 1928. of the. wor k, an d ga re t Clin e bu rg and Ma ry Herv ey. Ho'w· w ould _you li ke to ha ve a hop? I H' h s h I "'! As se n mach er expects to ha ve h is men Ste d N 1g c -00 ..:. ass Re l ay s th The stage c a.rpe n ter wa s D aris Bu nc h. war o, Sa h; I stays on ter rn __ _..;;;.,,. -. _ -· 880 yards- 1 ·. 32, C.e n'"'·al Hi'g·h on e g round w ith out loss of time. M L h - w a ne as was p ro mpt er. ""--......_Kah sa s City, Mo., 1928 ' s · 1 # A pec 1al mu sic w as ar ra n ge d a nd I Mi le 3·29 9 M · A Hr'gh, San woma n in the s ub ur bs was chat- 1

. - · · , am ve., directed by Mr. V. H. J indr a. 1 1 I • j Anton io, T.exas,1928 i ng over lhe ba ck fen ce wi th a n·ext

Two Galesbu rg, Ill., n e'. g hbor "We're goin g to be a re yo u alwavs

1927. \n a b etter ,neig hb orh oo d to cl ass?

Sprin t medely- 3:42.1, San A I soo n, she e xcl aime d. p ·1 B ; nge o, "S ,, u p1 - eca use of a sirrn I hr.\'e' to1 , T exas, 1928 bor o are w e, vo lu nt eere d. he !' ne ig h- ! pass on the way.

Sp.e cia l Even ts "W. h T ea che r- And what does th e sig

100 ya rd dash- 9.6 se cond s, L ocke, Y are you goi ng to move to o?" ' h ave to do 'th ' t? f N b k "No " sa ·d th · J b ' wr 1 • I e r as a, 1926. h I. " e n t;! Jg 1 or; w.e . ar e Papi l- Why, it sa ys, "School Ah ea d -' e1 e. \ n.. " "

.!.'IV, ;:n:uu.

Nebraska, 1926. staying here." . i Go Slow." f 120 Yard hj gh hurdles- 15 seconds, n w.eir, Ne braska, l9251>.---F-R,-E....E _ -- ', 3,000 me ters- 8:48.3, Phelps Iowa, ,


Shotp ut- 49 ft. 10 1.Ai in., Schwartz, A 50 ce nt black .and whi te to oth brush wi t !> every ord er 1 Wisconsin 1925. for a Mother's Day box

Jav elin- 206 ft. 6.25 in., Kuck, Kansas Don't Forget MOTHER'S DAY, 'May 12

Teach ers, Emporia•. 1926. : I ,,

Discus- 141 , t. 111., nowe , a,!

f 9 u II Ok i We h av e a la rge s hi p ment o: most at tractive patterns

homa, l928 j f in .Mohe r's Day box es. A vari ety to <;hoose from

High jump-6 ft. 5% 111., Po o r, Kan- , I

sas, 1925. 1 f

ft. 7 in ., De- I .




De ar Friends: Again this year I am taking ord ers1 fo r cor- I

sages for the annual Junior-Sen ior Banquet ., J Counc il Passes Ordin ance Creati ng I and May Festivities. I appreciated the pat r onage of 'the I Pavi ng Dist rict No. 2 students fo 1928, and h1ope tha t this yea r I w ill r eceive I the same share of business. , , ,

At a special meetin g of the P eru I

town board, Wedn esday evenin g, an r L

ordi n ance was passed creating Paving I . (Agent for Berthold Floris t) District No. 2, wh ich includes' the ; ' parking spaces in the center of the I Deliveries to the D oor Phone 188 street for two bloc ks in front of I business houses of t he town

This action was taken and the or-

di n ance on the petition of i'

ixty percent of the prope rty .ow n ers 11 Have you tr ied our - Hostess

whose prop e rty is affected. The or-

dinance will be inoper ative if a ma-1

jn rity of :: 1--esident property owner& i Cakes, and our Wonder Bread?

should file , a petition it, but !

as a majority ask for it, there

The-lWost S ENSATIONAL, Al"VIAZING and THRIL LING Ent e rtainment Eve r Ofa fer ed. The Worl d's Greatest Story Pro:duced On th e Most Lavish Attempt ed A Universal Maser piece.

2,400 minor playe rs w ere used durin g the >pro ducti on 9'7 7,000 f ee1J of fil m were exposed

11 '.J chance that a remonstrance Will i'

be fi led. I

The cost of t11is paving w ill be I

bo rne jointly by · the property own-

ers and the town. The prop e rty own

e rs a1--e •to pay the fixed sum of $1.25 /

per front foot, and the town t he bal-1

a nc e. Th at amount is :.of course not d efi ni tely known, and will not be

till bcls · are opened, and the contract

for th e pavin g award ed This pav-

in g is to be re inforced concrete, six 11

in ches thi c k, a nd will cost materially

less than th e brick pa vin g: j given for differe nt cond itions of

Else wh ere in thi s issue will be found

the pre limin a ry notice to th e prop

erty o wners, and we unde rsta nd th at 1 PRIC E

There are 3,000 sce ne s-t wi ·e as man y as in nr:y •: · :lforme1· Univ e rs al s up e.r pro ducti on.

On e of the fa moLts old sid·e-w beel slenmbo 11 t s, the "Ka te Ada ms/' was chate-red fo r ni ne weel(s a nd reb ui lt to con form to the peri od of the 50's

Pri or to the ph oto g raphi ng of a sin.gle foot of film eight mon t hs were spent in res earc h work thouo hvut t h' South fo r h' t · l . . . "' e 18 Ol'lca, ge ognrph1cal and archi t ectural data.

? ver 1,000 ful-grown trees were ha uled from the m. . tams of So uth e rn Cali fo :rni a fo 0 u nCity. i· u e rn at Un iver::;al

carloads of'·cor n felti,': a South err1 foo d blown b · •b re akfast ' y six ai rpl ane pr ope ll ors an d JOO ton of gypsum for sn ow 0 11 the "ice" scenes. gr ound we1--e u. ed in t he famou:s it is

"Ev er be en 011 a



Fo1ir Public Performances We re Giv -l ast Satur day mo r ni ng where they Schools from Ne brask

en This Season visi>ted the Un i ver sity Co ll ege of Med- Mis s ouri and Kansas to be Here graph of the total Sol ar eclipse of icme Here a d efi ni te program had - 1918. The tra nsp are ncy is 16 by 14 Th

The Men's Glee Club of the colle ge been out lined for the visitors a nd M. I. N. K. r eco rds seem destin ed bl oi·der at Peru is quite evident. Th e in ch es, an d is l'e ma rk a e repr ese n- has made four public perform an ces they were con du cted th roug hout th e to fa ll on May 4 wh en at hl et es fr om - Pel·u hi gh s ch oo l is now comin g in - b tat ion of a n ota ble t otal ec li ps e. 1 h. eason The first was ma de at I ui!dings by D r. Gu nth er a nd Dr. Q;li n Neb r aska., Iow a ,Mi ssou ri, and K an - for its sh are of impr ov eme nt. T 1 t! t. 1 • M h . W . . Elliott, who is a g raduate of Pe ru Th e cu r re nt ,of the Popular dii·t be in g excavate d fr om th e. n ew

Juhan, I arc 26, W ate r, M t f h . SqS vie for honors. With some 175 f d 31 . L' 1 b _, os o t e in terest was ce n tered in Science Mont hly sh ows a pictur e o do rmi to ry, whi ch is well un. er w ay, Mar ch , inco n, r oa uc astin.g over th t b . . invi tat j.ons se nt to c oac h es m these Id h h h 1

K 'Ii' A B April "' · a nd P er u l ast e ana o my u1ld mg.

· " ·. h., Tl 1 Because of the fr a ili ty of the we ak- fo ur states, the 1929 held rn . the tempe r ature of the oon wi th a a thletic fi e ld. . Friday m g· t. 1ere a arge at. . . , 1 I . . hi ti fi Id l ·. th 1 d't . t er sex, only a few <Jf the s turdi est the Pe ru ova l pr om ises to su rp as s a 1 ther mo oil e a. wo nderwo rkm g m st ru- The old hi gh scho ol at e c e tr.nc ance :<c e C'O 1e g-e au 1 on u rn o - . d nl y ·· h . h 1 men go t to Vl•ew a post mor tem w hi ch pr ev ious m eets me rit much impr ov ed by Dr Pe tti t w as not of r eg ul a ti on size an ° · hesr t en 11<1 apµea , ance . t , 1 d . h . . . 1 , · t bb . 1 I . t b h ld th ere 1 d d . t 00 L< p a ce unn g t eir VIS1t at t ri e Many of ast ye ars porn gra ers himself Dr E os tein of the n stitu e practic e gam es could e e . · The prog_nli Tib'N.as c ivid e intof Wv sc h oo l. A few of the br ave g ents also w ill this y ea r return to defend t heir , of th at Dr. Pe ttit by Af ter th e ex cav atin g of th e dormito ry r·n" ts· the tirst e1n!.r inu e up o -;ep. . ·h f ·t I · h ul a · ' . d h· - go t to see th e last stages of a go it er laure ls again st a fi e ld of t e a:s - thi s obse rva.tio n settle s th e moo te d Pe ru hi.g h school will ave a r eg . -

. . Dr. Pettit a nd Dr Ni chols on ta km g is bein g pl ace on the o ig £c co

a.:, t e second pai·t a 11 o peration est m·en in th-is section of the ., que stion "f th e cel'e b rate d "c rate r·s" tion siz ed field just wes t of t he tr arnvP" .' S nrne st nd en ts fo und muoh in tee· tcy. In the oentu cy a n•w oh amp rn n nf t>.e m nn n ., ceal voka nk "'"'" in g "hon!. · rriday mol mng at convocation est in watching the s tuden t docto rs w ill be. cr ow ned as both Mo ore of' m stea d of pi ts fo rn".ed by the imp ad All pr act kes will be held here; thi s •me th e dub """ two wo<king with 1he oadavou<". p,,. P,,,p and "' " '"" of Om ah a, of n•< !em·' ., '"'"' h avo be limd will <ave th• _., nn the oo!lege a .:P

Ac c ordi ng to Mr. C art er it w as a wh o las t y ea r ran a dead he at, h ave un ti·l n ow. Thi s is an ep oc h-m ak in g sod field All sc heduled games will he :est was, un very in teresti ng tr ip with a gr e at d ea l .gra du at ed. Br ooks, of Tarkio, win ne r in as tro no my. be p.layed as usual on the college Song" by Geibel an d the s ec<J nd, "T r ip of e du ca tion.a l valu e. of the furlon g, has also finished hi s · a

Trip Utt le Ghostie '' taken from the , hi gh s chool career as has


Surprisin g pro g ress is bei ng mad_e opera.


Tecums eh lrnlf and quarter m ll e on t he cons truc tion of the new

The pro.gram as a who le w as a . ' champion , and Galloway of Pl atts -


mitor y. Th e b asem en t will co!1 s1st sp lendi d succ ess. T he nu mbers of 1


mo uth, victor in· the mile run. In· the 1 I of a ge neral stor ag e room, trunk eac h gro up were arr.anged so as to J hurdles Sh a.ffne r .of North Loup and 1 __._ 1 sto rage ro-0m, study ha ll, laund_r y, IY. M. a nd Y. w. to be Hosts of Four I

En· th ey understood the type of mas 1 c; Un ive rsi ty Stude nts gra duated. 1 th e fo ur bedrooms will be fu _ Y t hey wer·e presen ting. I I In the tie id even ts Fuller, th$: oth er Wi th two meets carded fo r the Bob- I equ ipped fo r a beau ty p arlor, whi ch The sec.o nd n umb er of the fi n' t j The Y. W. a nd Y. M. C. A will be , ha lf of th e Nor th Loup tea m of lahst cat tracks ter s, the Kan sas Rel ays a nd ! will possibly be occ upied somte gr oup was a b aritone solo with gle e i f . t 'ye ar, w ill n ot r·et urn to defend t .e d 1 t with T ar ki o Coll ege on enel'.aetic· y oun g woma n des1rm g o . f d I hosts Wed nesda.v to fo ur ore1gn s u- I d h" h h t . th e a ua mee . .,, cl ub accomp a nin1ent. Louis Bick <.r d nts f rom the· U nive rsity of Ne bras-: n ew meet reco r w ic e se m the Mi ss ou rians' oval, durin g this fa tte nd s ch ool. . was the soloist, and he carr ied his I ·e h 11 dd s t he stud ent ish ot with a h eave of ne a rl y fifty f e:t. week end Coa ch es G raf a nd L orb eer Th e study hall in the base n:ent w ill p•rt in ve<y fine sha p•. I w <oev::.r the d ay. I Rail,b aok•. Pe en P cop, J ayelm "'.'". h avo b.,; wn< kin g the fr oha<g" nv·,be fu mi•hed with .li ght a ll mght a:d Otto Bo ells torf;.is to be c 01p mend ed j It the custom of the two s oci eties ne r, has fim shed as h as B1; ll - ertim e. A re lay team w ill . be t ake n \by spec ial per m1ss1on, s tud e nts : in his rendition of t:he vi olin sol os.I to br ng fore ign studen ts heart of Te cu mse n, who cap tu ed to the Kansas games a nd the rest l stu dy th e re af ter 10:30. Th e lg The use of the mute in the Gy psy di sc u ss for eign re- in th e b roa d JUmp ai:id hi gh of the team w ill be sent to recreation ,room. w ill be u se d

Love Song produced a very interest- / la ti o 11<- and prob lem s. L ast year a J ump, mee; with the exception of H er tz, who is rious .girls parties, an d fo 1 will tn and le as i ng effoct. ;·. · · bro ht to Peru fr om j reco rd rn t e _P 0 e vau · u. er expecte d to b reak the ex is t ing m ar.k ter ta inin g their p are nts. ' in the part of the p rogram, h as so g reat L ou p Wlll not de f.end hi s du; - in the sh ot at th e Kan sas Relays t h1s of co u rse, h ave to t he kl tc hen t d · to I 1 • 1 co 11 • cu tit le won last year. I d d 'ng these acti v1ties. the soloists and chorus en ere in·. a nu1nber bee n o ur gues ts. wee k ·en ur1. atro n 's ua rt ers. it in such a spiri ted manne·r t hat it Tl ir·eneral sec r etary of the Y.. M. - T he Bobc a ts s hou ld r etu rn As id e from the

a as out -;f b T

aa rl the way in which th b L" I o t' e sp1tng va cation at ava1Ja le. ar K.w s houlct afford some floors there wi ll be twent y- two bedd d b e oys con - inc o n makes it co nv

t f l\"


h' h · ucte t white 0 t th t e men or .uch Comp e tition is Show n in

'lg Jump rooms


-·' . h n our He em o come "th J 1 1 · ti b · s WJ.S es to thank th em f-0r · h . No tw · . trict Meet at Omaha WI


rnson c ear in g le ar at 5 total of fifty -six bedrooms besi d es plendid c ooperation h. h t eir f tho membe1s of the party are --·- feet 8 !Tfches, but ·Casebeer h as beaten those in the w 1c r.hey rom .e san1e co un t Th I · th

-· I. s ho'11 ed and honies to have th 1 I of th ) ry.

eader With three first


Th ere will a lso be two stairways ,... "

P ea-e g roup

mes C · l - I ti t ·1 H h (Continued on Pao-e 4, C 1 3 ) uat · t - ' uneo •. JS a graE - 1s ec o nd nl ace, Pe ru Prep led all Class n le qu m· er mi e oover as and an a utomatic elev a tor. The ar"' o . A e r uctor of A grentrna, South IG ent ri es in the large gro un b een burning up the Miss ouri ci n de rs chitecture wi ll r esemble th at of the men ca · Na g·al B - t d · · · · th f · f J



from th' - o.JZ o, a . s .u e ?t t1twn he ld at Technic al hi gh ::;cl!ool 111. , e .o 52 seconds a nd, present dorm itory an d the bri c ks will. • A ·ricnl e :s a JUmo:r: m, last S ;iturday. · I wi th Captam W 1lhams abse nt )J ecause be nearly t he s ame c olor / g B tur al Engmeen n g; the third 1 Th e mi X'ed chorus and girls f!" lee Iof t he K ansas rela.ys, t his sh ould as-


f mem er. of th•e _rJ.ar.ty,. Claude Gordon, club under the directi-on of R uby sure him of a fir st pl ac·e. Th e o nl y


i a J ?. mmca n lflegro, 1s preparin g to Browr: won first a nd s econd plac Iother fi r st pl a ce 'th at the Missourians · <I - I enter _ t.he of Ch risti an s ervice; rer,,pectively - in comp e tition with seem li keiy to .c apture is the low

Donald Duryea and Joy Mickel Will : an d. 9-i:her member is a Hind u, en other g roups.

Appear in Joint Recital i aJ Rih1llon, a s tud e nt in orc h es tra in compP-ti t ion It hi s event l ast year, is again !

hurdles in which Ennbod y, winner of I


• • j Agnc:i lt ure fr o.m Intlia. with two other orch!lstras w on '1 st Bobc at p erformers seem sup eri or in ! u a .musical pr.ogram Friday, I sp:akm.g at chapel :V ednes- I plac:e th-e direc tion of !J >!:) the dashes, the field!Fo r One Act Plays will Make up Ap11l 19, Miss Joy Mickel and Mr. - da.y, at whic h t Jme they will ma ke · I events K1'eJCI should wm the sh ot · Program for Thursd ay Nigh t Do n a.l d Dury ea wm appear befor·e I first appearance, they wi!Jl hold I Ot her entries from P eru i ncl uded with Toft an d Brockman a close sec-\ Peru students. __ Th e will be I- during· the 1:30, 2:30, and boys p;lee club, directed by k r:IJJh I ond third, Sh affner seems a cinch I It has. been custom for t he Peru held m the coueg-e auditorium atJ/ 4. 30 pie nods. At 3:30 they w1 ll ap- Cha t ela in ; an d pi ano, v iolin, an d , bet m the r.ole vault, Sams a sure IDramati c Club to issue gu-est tickets 8 o'_clo ck, t here will be FlO admissi. n _ in J?r. Brown's and Mr. tJ.·ombone solos T re nh olm j poi nt in the sprints broad throu gh its memb e rs S uch a ti ck et c ha rg ed I Sc 1enc·e classes.. At a JOrnt was r.wa rd ed first pl ace in tromb o ne 1JU mp, Ga llow a y, Youn a, D1 llon, Ub- plus fifteen ce n t.5 admits one to a proDona ld Duryea, baritone, w ill be m eetrn g of the Y. M. C.: A. :ind Y. W. fi c1lo wi t hou t any competition, a nd ! ben, Cole, Cope, an d D el zell can be gram of one-act pl ays which is a ac:compani-ed by Ralph Chate 'la in, 1 (Cont.mued on Page 4, Col. 3) IWfonifred Pett it took fourth in the 1 1 cou nte d on to p ull ou t some poin ts in and Miss Mick el will" be - violin section. the l?n g er rac.es, a nd Kerner and monthly feat ure of the club. Th e by Ellen Wilson at the piano.




This contest marked the occasion , app ear to be the· p ick ha.ve not been

Mr Duryea will sing two g; roups . of the first annual Music tourney in Iof the 1av elm .men. torily reached m the past, so a d1fof songs as fo l lows : NEW REC() RD·th.e of tlt: f erent plan has b ee n m ade use _of for 1 I S chool Music A ssoc1at J.On. All


1 the April 18 meeting· The fam ily For Music - - - - F1·anz wrn ners of first and second places Jg uest ticket is rinted on t his a e 0 Phess Th y Cheek _£_ Jensen ,Re lay Teams Take Third Place and •We entitled to compete wi•th winners I


. _ p .p g I' ll Not Gomplain __ Schuman n Schaffner Gets Two Thirds · from the other fiv.e districts at the ' of The Pomt er, for the conveme nc e II ' - $.tate meet which will be held in Li n- of its read-ers. Calm as t he Ni g ht _____;__ ___ Bohm I Four college relay marks an d three I co in durin g the first week in IMi ss Hoyt, Teac h er in Jacksonville, Fo ur one-act pl ays will be P.rese ntA Vag-abond am I --,- Klemm ind.ivigu al records f ell at the / At a conference of Forida Presents -Musical ed, Thursday evenin g, April 18. "Her Mi s Mickel has p laye d befor·e Peru li ngs re·la.ys S atu'r ?ay. H asti ngs! he·ld Mr. Doyle was e!ect- ICountry,'' "Widows." "The Sa me Old audiences on for :mer occassi,ons a nd co llege thre·e relay rec- j'ed ?f t he contest committee The f ollo w ing is from School Mu- i Thin g," a nd " Tha nk You, D octo r," need . t d tt. Sh ai c ords and coll ege, Yankton, for this d1stn ct meet next year. s ic for Ja nu ar y: "O n Frid ay ·evening m ake up a varied a nd interestin g b ill· s no 1n ro u c;: ion e is 1 a - · Th complished musician and is al ways South D akota , cracking the ot her. Miss Es t per Lo ui se Hoyt, who is e prog ram starts at ei ght o'cloc k. weli rec ei v ed. S\he a student of Pa ul "Swede" Hertz and Jack Men- FRESHME;N PROVE teac hin g in .the mus ic ·department of Mr J" d.· ' l ciel Yankton !;;tar were the ou.tstand- TO .BE ORIGINAL THINKERS 1n 1 a s. ,.- / h t b th _ ___ th e public schools ?f J ackso nville, Fla. Mr. Dury ea is !well - known on t he rng men at t .e o .scoring t fi ts The bi g "Swede' set a The g roup of Fres hmen P,Jayers gave a !'ecital of Indi an m usi c in campus, being oct'ive in many of the wo rs · - r ( I . f marks bv tossrn cr the und er the direction of Margu eri te cost um e, for the ben efit of the Ce"nmusic a and other or.g anization s. He pair o n ew • "' is a member of t he · "P erus inger s" ,sho t 45 feet, inches a new Grav-es, h as proved itself a gro up of tral G ramm ar school of Jackson vi11e an d of the doub-Le quartet within r ecord and sendmg the discus soar- original thinkers.

Miss H oyt sa ng some of the primi. . 't ·ng l 28 feet 1 inc h to sur pass the They pl a nn ed a picnic for Tu esday tive Indi an son gs includin g some that group. He f, 1ad a p romment pa.r 1 ma rk Mep del stepped th e morning, but "Mr Rain" came along so n gs by Thu r low Li eu rance, base d on thei r co nce rt fl;our, and Wl-ll ex istrn.!!. . lO.l acrainst a brisk wind a nd upset their pl ans. on th-e old Indian melodies·" remember his ar dent death JD the c,e ntur y md 23 f :e t to a n ew meet Then came the perplexing question Miss Esther Hoyt took her degree op era b urlesque ' "Cl eopatra.," given an d leape · of what to do with the hambu rg er, an d also a diploma in music from t he b ' · h · home mar k in the b road Jump



Four ONE-ACT Plays . -College Auditorium

Thursday,_ April 18, 1929

This ticket and 15 cents wiIJ any ·person or family in Peru.

Y the Perusing ;ers at t eir S h ff , freshman pole vau lt a nd pickles, and buns which had b ee n Per u Te ach ers College a few years co nce rt. He is a lso a member of the c .a n er, _ t 11" d a couple of purchased. So o ne brilliant player ago. Since then she took gradu ate Y. -M. C. A. HOLD INDOOR co llege cho r us. }He has appeared in hu rdd1'es the po le v;ult and sug,gested that t hey go in the restau r- work in the Uni versi ty School of Mu- PICNIC IN HIGH SCHOOL t ln - 1 ro thir s, one a 1,,, 1 many of the ent1 a ma- P - the 120 yard high hurdles ,' a nt business an d sell hamburgers to sic, an d a. y eaT at Columbia grams, which haS"e been g wen by the also hin d" qua lifi ed for knockin g the dorm girls. Business prosper-ed Sc'fiool of Music of Chicago. She has / but e was 1s · b voice dep artm ent. hurdles and the girls who tacklled the JO are taught in the p ubli c schoo ls of Iowa, over too many · --- f, j' Kre "ci's heave of 37 feet 2 inches ass ured of futur e prospenty. Kansas an d Missouri, before securing

The Bo y 's Glee <Club sang devotio n al I J . t h" ·d place in .the shot t he posi tion at Jac ksonville, Florida· l I ·1 12 Aft Ig ave him a n h' d . afi chapel F rid a;y, A pn · er d p .5 half mile relay team of b reakin g b eat to place t ir Whil e in Chicago she was an acti-ve this. t hey p res ent ed t wo numbers an Wicina, Mumper, and The Bobc ats invade Tarkio for a •member of the well known Apollo under the direction of Mr Benford. I Ca pt 1 I d 'H st ino-s a nd McPhe r- dual meet and attenCI th e K ansas Choral Club, on·e of the oldest music. d b Ralp'h Zook followe a "' L th. k 1 J · ti f th "t Tbey were acco m pa me Y l th fi n is h li ne of a IRel ays at awrence 1s wee en c. a organiza ons o e c1 y. Ch t I 1s on across e ae am

Last Wednesday evenin g t he College Y. M. held an picnic due to bad weather The members were to ha ve, gone on an outdoor picnic, lea vin g Peru at 5:30 p. m. t hi s was imp ossible due to rain. Instead the picnic was to be held jn the Train ing School Buildin g.



FACULTY MEMB BR - THOMAS E. ENNIS roun d to hi s ladd e-r of success ·en rich iy ornate stori es "J ean -Ah I · d h' "0 d C l

REPORTERS Mr. Steph enson co mme n ce 1s se r- P oq uelin," one of the 1 Peo eSPORT - "SQUEAK" MU MPER i·es of su ccesses at Ma lve rn, Iowa. D.ays" s eries, h as a goo d p lot besid es

CA MPUS - -F RANCES _MORIARTY Befo re leaving Ma l vern he sent back t he desc riptio n, m ysterious, and .._._..,._.....__...,.._..__,_,

MUSIC - - - IDA SCHREP EL to P er u t1 1ree me n, a ll of whom a re d ramatic enough. "fean -A.h P oquel- I PERU


JOKES - - - BILL WA RMAN neari nir grad u aition. Rolli e Rigg ins, in" a ppe ared in Sc r ib ner's, May , 1875, ' · F EA TURES - - - WILLARD E. FOWLER Pa ul Hertz, a nd Cedric Cri nk we re and may al so be found in " Old. Cr.e- I . I DRAMATICS - - ELLEEN ME AN S studen ts of one of P er u gre at est ole D avs "-J. 0. F. # Invite d to enroll fo r t eachi ng I


! positions with P er u. while Crink h as b een equ all y, • \"

COLLEGIATE' STUDENTS !ex iste nce wo uld imp ly a chil di.s h at- succ essful in d ram atics. J ALASKA


TheDavis School Service Hen ry G ratto n Do yle, De an of titud e


I w. T. DAVIS, ' 06, Manager men at G eorge as n gto n m ve 1'- - · . ' h b ht J M II D f M f the see kin g a car ee r as an at hl etic coach Lor e tta Ha

sity, of Was hi ngto n, as

out some in teresting facts ab out the l:Tmvers1ty of

moder n stud ent or 'collegiate' stu- .


the I B ·nnin g three s traig ht fr om An -

dTehnt w hi cht h afunMts s oDm an1y: of co ndu ct of t he gr eat majo ri ty of., past t en ye a rs, a nd he kn ows the! ch o;a;; the S ewar d team, un de r the e repor o r. oy ·es con am b h h f , · d . t I hi s , • h f t . . t t our stud en ts are etter t an t ose o I game from ev e ry sta n p.o m- · n I coa"c hin rr of Ed Bath annexed t e

a nswers rom a qu es 1ona1pe se n o Th 1 y kt h" f tball "' · ' Al lead in g e du cato rs of the East a nd pr ece din g ge n erat ion s. Ith r ee years at an on oo i b asketha ll ch ampi ons hip of the as- F

,. M"dd l w t was a time wh en u ncLer g ra d uates did teams hav e playe d twe nt y-six games ,, kan Coast. I orsyt i o. esW Guth P res ide nt of as mu ch wo rk as th ey do at present ." I win nin g seve n tee n, tiein g t hree, an d Th e ab ove an nou nceme nt was ma de 1· T.. Tub Ac ,..__ i i, . , . . . . I th f II f 1927 a year I ires, es, cessones, u= I Gouc h er Coll erre of Baltimore a I P resi dent W. E. Nelso n, of P ac1fic los mg six. n el a o h, . 'in the March iss ue of "Seward 's Fo l- I and OiL We have air hois to wo m en 's sch oo l "' say 's "I do n ot f ind U nion Coll ege, says: "I beleive th at ago, hi s team wo n th e st ate c ·amp t0n· 11y ." the p iaper edite d by the high • j r easons to cri ticise the youn g man the soc ial a nd mora l con ditions a.re ship in foot ba ll. Fro m that t_eam , the sc h oo l of Sewa rd, Al aska, wh ose su- # help us .tn lubricating. I · 11fi t 1 · men we re p Gcke d on j \ · · or woma n stud ent. today a ccordi ng to better to d ay than th ey we re seve ra 1 irs e eve n, six. pe rin te nd ent is Ed ward Bath of the ___.,...., __ ....,_ __ __,__ _ the practic e se ems to be proper ago, as,. far as my stu d en t body the a ll -sta te team. , ni Icl ass of 28 ================== with some educat ors and most plat- is co nc er ned. In b asketba ll a nd t rac k oui alu m Th e copy of the p.aper which has --....-...__.....__...,_..,_,_ formers. Ou r stud en ts ' id eals a nd J. J orge n Thom pson , Dea n of Men J fr ien d has bee n eq ua ll y su ccessful. b een se n t. to P er u m akes the follow - I You'll not be dissappointed f sta n dar ds v.i' conduct comp a re fav- -of St. Ol af Co ll ege, N or th fi·eld, Mi n-' In th ese two sp orts th e sty le 0; ing clai m: "T his is unique, in I if you get your hair cut at ora bl y with thos e of gen- nesota, says: "I h ave yet to . find the I pl ay is t ha t of an th at it is p 1ubl ish ed enti re ly by the I eratio ns ." co ll eg i ate' t ype wh o h as elj:c elled in then the st ate In the 1 stu d ents. incl u di ng l ino.typi n$ and BOB KNAPP

James W. Armst ron g, D ean of Me n, an ythin g e x-cept 111ak in g a fo ol of p ast th re e y ea:·s, rn typesetti ng, m ake u p, press work, ed -.' (:Next to Gaines HaU on t he North western Un ivers ity , say s, "Fr Esh- hi mse lf. He forms a neg li gable h a:s wo n tn: ee di strict s iti n g, a nd proo fr ead in g." 1 I Pavement.) men who h ave . plan n ed their con c·ep - pe r ce nt of our stud ent body. T hank sh ips, two l'E)gI On al . c han:1 p1ons hip • 1 tion of co ll ege li fe fr om the mov i es the Lord our me n are do i ng th eir md two state _ champ·'rns hip s. Th ey F ron1 far off Al aska comes the rrlad "and certa in ty p es of co ll ege stor i·es b est to be well groomed, " J1ave in the .Nati?nal tid in gs of an o ld P er uvian. Lo1'."etta _'-_"-_:""_-...._.....__ ....... may come into the Uni vers ity with R. L . .H ul ett, :bean of St. L awre n ce ment at Chi cago Umve rsity the p as i Hnrpster , w ho fo r- the p ast ye ar ha s 1I .

an impressio n th at favo rs 'co ll egi ate" Uni ve rsity, Can ton, N ew York,

that boys tend mo re to neatness in cu cuG;,y-a·rc "--.-"- .,,.---- • SrrreTOTe-wrrrrrrg-rrer :e"Ut"e 0 n ....__.._.....,.......

I h · 11 1 C M McConn D ean oP Lehi gh Connecticut, and lost the\r second Ca rte rs she has been cleaning h er appearance, c ean s avmg, we 1 U ·. · ' " gam s t J Col d h" h t shined shoes, starch ed lin en, well niversity, says, TJ:ie 'colleg iate' e .0 oes, w ic earn twenty-tw o rifle, and mentio ns goingpressed clothing, et cetera." is, in my opinion, muc;h more took .third place. This is an enviable up t he ri ver in search of eagles.

Vir g inia C. Gi lders leeve, Dean of than others to drinking, recoi .that but few coach)'$ Al askan officials uav one doll ar bounBarnard College of Col umbia Univer- n ec km g ,. n eglect of ·ct?ss work and are a e 0 a am. ty fo; eagles, -Lo retta s ays she Y0 UR sity says· "The represe nta tion of e ven d.1s hones ty in examinations. · In track Yankton won two district wouldn't mind having a d oHar for ' ' Th ' Tl . ' h . h" co !J.ege students in the p ress and . e co e.g iate. type ra.re ly excells in c amprnns ips, two reg ional cham- ev er y one she ha s se'en fo1lowin cr t he pe riodicals does not give a fair ide a either scholastic standing or sports .'' pionsbips, a nd finished .sec.ond in the l sahilo n do wn the r iver . tl''

of the young people of today. Most sta te me et last year with over 'seventy We think we : 1av E: tieautifwl scenes of them do their work fairly well, We ' ve all h ad our jokes about .the teams competing. Last yea.r Stephen-i in Peru, but L oretta p ie ures be au -


qress s·ensibly and ag ree ably and absent minded <.p rofessor, but Jjttle s on '.'mtered two boys in the Nation- tiful sn ow capped mo u ntains and ·

hav e pleasant manners." did we t hink we would find him u pon al high school rel ays at Mason City, marvelous sun rises and sun sets. At 0. E. Rand a ll, D ea n of Men, Brown our own campus. Ho we ver, the Iowa, a nd one of t hem won the jave- tliei time of her Jett er, t here had been University says, "The 'coJJ.egiate' of startlin g revela tion, c ame to us Am·il throw at the same time ·establish- a snow fall of eight inch es. Lorett a the hum o rous press do es not comti- 11, when Mr. Ennis c am e stroJiing 1 mg a ne w record with a throw describes this period of snow fallin g

t ute five percent of our personnel. along wea rin g one h.at and carryin g I of 178 2

The other boy dve:y d ay as: "_This fiick le Alaska has FRAMES Clean shavin g, well s hin ed sh oes, a nother. Of course this might have·, ran thu d m the .:final heat of the 220 dec1de1d to smile after almost ei ght starched linen a nd well pressed cloth- been explained by the fact that one 1 yard. Low hurdles. The track season inches of snow.'' PHOTO FINISHING CAMERAS in g are typical of our student body." needed cleaning and thatl he was suo- 1has JUSt started at Yankton and this "More than once," Loretta writes, If Geo r ge Edwin Howes, Dean of posed to stop off at the cleaners with yea r there are about n:en "I have read by the li g ht of a cle ar 1..6 Williams College, says, " Th e psycho- it. Strange thou gh th at, when Mr. I out to .help .Stephenson build another full moon." I" ALBUMS lo gical attitude of our student body Ennis g ot inside of the Ad Buildin g champJonship team. • I Even the language us ed in Alask a ! I favors neat habits and courteous Ihe took off his second hat a nd was as To say that Warren possesses that is di iferent to L oretta. She refer:; to

mann er in gener al. There is an aµ- much surprised as the rest of us to " it" wh ich makes a real coach is it as "gas-boa t langua ge.''

prec:iable attitude of disfavor tow a rd find he had o ne in eac h hand. not enough. Mr. Stephenson, when At close of her Jetter, L ore t;ta

erson tu 10 ca rlessness in dress an d manners, I a ttendi ng Peru was a leader among thanks h er stars that her especially in the fraternity house." 1 y w A


11medn, he hhas continued to be such a sportsman dad and brothers trained I PHONE 56 PERU Clarence W: Mende ll, Dean of Yale, • • \..!. • i ea er w en he went out among other her to enjoy life out-of-do.ors. says, "There. has been a .great de al MUSJC PR·QGRAM .young men. He has teams I of exaggeration m many because the men admire the RECENT TRI BETA CHAPTER ·----..--.-. ..... r egarding the und ergraduate of t o- : manner in which he coaches his INSTALLED IN T HE ORIENT d ay I should say th at amo ng. the Talent Provided by Members of the j teams. Peru 110s rpuch. right to be · ""• und e rgraduates at Yale t here ls 11. Organi zation 1pr·oud of s uch a Per uvian, and the Alpha Ch ap ter of Tri Beta in China Tb "' certain amount of extreme behavior, - Pedagogian Staff joins in with bis recently installed at Y.enchin g Uni- ere no Subs tit ute but in ge neral it does not show itself The Y. w. c. A. met Wedn esrl ay ! many friends · in wishing him many ! versity in Peking, Chiina. Dr. Chenfu I FO ' in dress. On the whole, the und e r- eve nin g, April 10, in t he high n:ore championships, .and thanking . F. Wu is sponsor of t he new chapt er. ' R HO gTaduate hod.y is a well dresse d and auctitorium. Marg uerite Graves th e 1 him fo r the manner 111 which he has I A graduate chapter of T ri Beta b • not an over dressed g roup. I think µresid.,:d over t he Ihe ld up the traditions of his alma 1 w.as estab lis hed April 1 at Okl ahoma ' as a polfoy th ey h ave pretty sa ne ideas a lthou gh bus in esl? meeting. mater. I City, Oklahoma. Alumni members J e' th ey natur a lly do a good ma ny cra iy !Ylarian McGrew had charge of th e ; living in. Okl a homa C.lty m ake up the • C. CH.A 1TELAJN tl>ings, but their extravagances are 'Ell en Wilson led th e son:.r CAREY_ HAS CHARGE OF mebersh1p of the new ch apter. At I offset by a.g reater in tellectu al in terest se r v;v , "e, an d Ruby Bi·own read EVE RETT MUSICAL PROGRAM the. mo nthly mee.t1n gs . a speak.er a nd I a!'ld a much greater inteHectuaJ abil- Ln rd s Pr a yer as de votionals '\ 10und _discuss10n of current ' · ity th an that possessed by the gradu- Th . t f th The Everet t Li t erary Soc iety m et items of sc 1en t1fic nterest compose the School Su;upplies ates of a ge nerati 0n ago.'' . e ies 0 'e pro gr am l'hursday evening in t' 'e Little The a- prog·ram. I G. Willi am McClelland, Vic e P ro- of fiv e numbers. Ma rie La sh 1 ead ter. Vice -presiden t, Elvin Dav en po rt .....""" vost of th,e Uni"vers1"1ty of P·ennsylva- a story ·entitl ed "Little Wh,ite Rose," ' d h 'd b . b t -""'_"""_"""__

J r G p reS l(Ae ' t e pres1 ent. ·emg a se n .

ni a. says, "There is verv li ttle cha t·ac- r:; 18 rosse a vio lin aolo, A sho rt bus in ess meeting· w as h eld fl

SPRING JS tel'istic coll el!i11te among our ar ga r.et Majors sang a littJ.e nurse ry The treas urer gave a report of the

St d t b bl · rh yme son g, Loi Metcalf pla y·ed a j

situation in a l ar.ge Th e snxap h on.e solo, an·d Mar garet Ca in I FOR MOTHERS DAY i 'col- an d ask ed all who had not pa id dues FOR FOR THE HOME legiate' type is d1'm1"n1"sh1"n sr In cren- a piano selection. "bl COMMENCEMENT FOR D _ _ ..., to do so as soon as p oss1 e. ECORA.TlONS era l our stu clent bodies ar e compose d . o. ne of OUT sponsC'1·s, Miss Gockley,

u en s, pro a v because of our financia l co ndi t io n of the society, f

Price.s reasonable Del· f bl 11 t h h . h Th e program was ma de up of a · 1vers made to th d p o reaso na y serious youn?' ,•J eOJJl" is 1 a er ome wit the meas es · y our order now for corsa e oor. lace ., - ' musical number, an d was in charge j ges and b whose and sta ndards ot con- so eac h "Y" g.irl wrote her a l·etter. f prices for potted flowers d la oquets. Also special Th 1 of Leslie Carey It co ns isted of I an p nts J duct compare favor 2.hly with t ho se of ·e ette rs wer e s ent all to geth er._ ! · d . t· ,, Piano Solo Marga r et Gain M Tr L L A R D prece mg ge ner a H•n'.l. · I M F · Edward M W eyer D ea n of W ash I M" Id S h I h Co rn et Solos Dar is Bun ch ·• Q W LE R · ', 1ss a c repa, w o has b ee n Flute Solos - Miss Burton ( mgton a nd Je fferson Collgeg states: , ill s in ce before svring v ac ation with Mrs. Cleme nts acc.o mpanied Miss I Agent for Berthold Flori.st) 188 · l "In this college of 50 stu de nts the : the m easJ.es h as retu d t h th Sh 11 to th , 11 . , · • rne o er Burton, and Ru e ey accompam- " e Door co eg1ate has about vanishe d. His classes. • ed Mr. B un c h. l'hoo.e

Watchmaker fi'and Jeweler


Shoe repairing at 'Comfortable' Shoes

(Th e Shoe Shop on the East Side of the Street)



Than w_as ever set befo re you awaits y ou at our fo untain.

Come in today and treat yourself and fri ends to the f inest lunch and and livest drinks you e\'ei; tasted

You'll besurprised at the diffenen ce.


Neb raska City , Ne br

SJOn charge is an in teres t in the

The fo llowi ng titles occ ur on t hi s WAYNE CATL ETT APP OINTE D li f e; saw h is lu x uriou s apa rtm e nt.

pro g ram: "Roads From Surf to TO T EACH IN PHILIPPI NES Swnmit", "Citr us Fr uit in Fl orid a", "Ho l ding the J apanese Beetle ', "A Ro ad Out of R ocks".

The te lep hone rin gs Mr s. Du n ni ngto be i;:ure it is our own D ea n of been r ec eiv ed than !Lt this time last yea r. Th e n·ew cert ific ation l aw m ay be the underl y in g cau se Furth e r, more !'tud en ts are bein g ca lled to

Wa yne Catl et t rece iv ed an app oin·t- Wome 11. Pr ofess o1· Steck i' s blushi·ng l' h ma ke pers on al app 1cat ions t an ev er ment to teac h in th e Philipp in e Is - Sh aw, ,s he o nly as ks bi'U to ta ke before . la nd s on Marc h 26. There we re fifty ch arge of a progr am for convocation . So far the a verage sa l aries rec eived se lec te d fr om 400 a ppHca n ts . Mr. Wh at c-0 uld s he ha ve said to him? by t ho se loc a ted this y ear are: Cat le tt be in g th e only one fr om Ne-No sca ndl e he re. · Tw o- ye ar dip lomas, men - $1077 br a.s k a. He will teach Eng lish in dne 1 1 But wa it, he c aill s the girls dormi - Tw 0 -ye ar diplomas , women __ 871 of the hi gh schools there. Mr. C atlett. to ry. Mrs. Steck is not at home so A. R. DegreP. men - - 1538 wi.JJ sa il from San F ranc isco on May of co ur se he w as saf e. Mar garet A. R. I' eg re e, wome n 1299 10 Englek eme!r is the youn g woman he Home S(hool m,rn say they h ?.v,. a seek$ ! "Ri g ht a way" in his office. Al -ha rd time findin g posi t ions for th eir J ame·s V. Simon, prin ci pal ·of the ready he ma kes en gage men ts. gra du.ates. From the above fi g ur es .Pla tts mouth hi gh school, has rece nt- Wi thout re fere nce to his telephone it. se ems that Peru is doin g b etter each ly signe d a co ntract with Dr Cle m- dir ec to ry, he ca lls "5" to the opera- y ea r. This may be· due to> the f ac t en ts of the Univeroity of Minn es ota tor. Our lo vel y pr im a donn a, Ruth that. s choo l officials of the sta te a re to do wo rk at the P ikes Pe ak Bota ni- Sh e lle y, is ca ll ed away from the piano b eg- innin g to reco g niz e t he sup eriorcal Fi ed d St ation for the Ca rne gie In- 1whe re she h as been pl 1ty in g the ac- i ty of Pe ru trained te a chers stitu.tion during the coming .su m mer. co mpani m ent for s om eo ne pl ay in g a Followin g is a li st of students who I vi olin We can't ca tcli +he name asi ha ve acc ept ed positions for next .- ----------------: 1 .so m eo ne cou ghed as Mr. Steck re- j ye a r: Ipe ats wh o s he says it is. I' Two-Year Diploma

Official Bulletin


Afte rmaking a date with Ruth , Whippl e, Ea rl, Jr H. s. ---- Daws on .1 I (fri vo lo us an 1 d "b rave" ma n) he ca lls Ri c hards o n, Ruth '. J. H. __ - - -D ea n De lzeJI s hom e. · Poor Mr Del- Smedley, Ruth Pn Riverton ze ll! He has an awful time conv ers- Ek a rt, Louise, 4th G. ____ Randolph No excuses will be issued for ob - in g· wi th Mr. Steck the latter Fowler, Ev a, 5-6 G. Elmwvod made by applying for a posi -is so anxious to ta lk to an oth er maid- Cox, Ma rjorie, 5-6 G. __ Plymouth en ___

for e hand the gar den with s om e-0ne by the name .Spo hn , Be atrice, 3-4 G. _H Coo k EVERYONE will fi:nd thi s sto ,re a sati sfactory p lace to / I 1 1f R ay mo nd Sh e ref·1ses to be sen- Nelso n, D01 oth y, l' G. ___ Dawso n secure their food s. Fre sh me a ts, Lu n ch and canned meat , I Y. 11. and Y. W. student conferenc e j ented from him , so Mr. Steck fin a lly G ray, Mary, Pr i. Columbu s bl E thi g f will be held at Estes Park, June 7-17 conc.ed es th at s he may brin g him Bun ch, Mrs. D., H. S. - Rulo milk, fresh and canned fruit e and es. very n for the table. Ser vice g oo d and p nces reasonable. I along. (Steck s eems to g et braver Ha ll, Genevi·eve; J. H. S. __ Reyn olds ; S umm er sch ool, first term be g ins ea ch · t ime he call s). Gaylord, Beulah, 5-6 G. ____ B ar tl ett

THE MARDIS ST ORE June 10 and cl oses Ju ly 17. · Th e sce ne before us now ch ang es Re ed, Ha rold, J. H. S. ____ Harri son ro Steck's r oom in t he a udi to rium . A Wu ster, D or oth y, Pri. HH A lv o d) Su mme r s ch oo l bullet ins are r ea dy q uartet..compose d of M. E n.ge lkeme ir, Di ck ers on , E sther, El e. __ Ne m'aha FISK TEACHERS A GENCY (Incorporate fo r distr ibuti on at regi s tr a rs offic e. R. SheHey, R. Tr e nh o lm, a nd Mr . Dy ke, Da le, Prin. H. s., _ Bar.t lett Suite 410 - 11 Symes, De nv er- M. E. Sh uck, Ph. D., Manager Stec k sin g t hr ee s elec ti on s. Lo ren e G re n wa ldt, Ern a, J. H.S __ Brid gep't More Vacancies than sa tis fa ct ory applicants to fill them. Do n't forget to help adverti se fo r N orto n sa ng a sop rano so lo , "It w as Ce da rh olm, Margaret, 2-3 G. __ Sc otia the M. I. N. K. Track and Field Me et a L ove ly Vi olet. " Th en Lou is e Bow- Be ll , Hi ld a, J. H. S. - Filley to be held in Peru, May 4. ers pres ents two .lov·ely s olos. Sta hn. John, J. H. S. ____ Red Cl o ud ...... ' CLEANI NG AND PR ESSING f

_ form al ap plication.

Delze ll, J ames, CDac h __ Sidney , 13. Ch ate lain , Ralph, Mu sic _ __ S• e1lin g CC1mbs, Pa ul, bc1ence ___, ___ W :1sley. Rn s:;el, Coach __ Benkl en 11 .1 L yon, Mona, C om . - Crawforcl H .mch, Daris, Supt. - -· _____ Rulo Clinebur g, M., Math. __ Schindler, Wilbur, Prin. _ .Simpkins, L og a n, M. T r. __ Atkinson Parriott, Jennin gs, Coac h __ Cen. City Vance, Margaret, H. Ee. __ Mosquert. Donner, Anna, J. H.. S. Lib. Gr. Isl and Snyder, Evelyn, H. Ee., __ Bertran d Vand·erford, Leone, H. Ee. Benklem'n Eyre, Ada, E ng . Art. Edg ar About fifteen students were elected to positions before March 1 th at are not included in t_Qe above li st. f ' · I on:e week a.fte r the abs ence, it will , Hasselblad of the Pe ru Baptist Church


Y f ff J f I All stu dents wishing to use the 0 e p ul Service ; tennis courts must see Miss Gockley



and p ay tennis club dues. Dues are o nly 75 cents. Also students wishing to u se the co ur ts, who hav e payed !Passed Away at _ their dues mu st sign up for t he courts This Afterno on

in the lobby of the post0ffke in the I .

ad building . Miss Op al Smith of Peru , who w as


; - -- 1rec ently taken sick with appendicitis '

· I The rate of 2 p.er cent will be de- ; an d taken to Omaha for an op er at ion

Home of Hart, Scha:ffner & Marx ; ducted for each un·ex cused absence pass.ed aw ay at th at place Tu es day I from class. Third unexcused absence evening, and the body was brou g ht

Cent ral Ave.-, A uburn, Nebr. diops the stu.dent from cl as s. jh o!pe Wednesday. From here iihe

".. - was take n to her former home at Unless a written excuse from a Salem, where the funeral ser vic es

dean is .prese nt ed to .h1str.uc.t or within will be held thi s afternoon. Rev. E.

S K A G. G s . 1 !stand an un x cus ed ab sence. will h ave charge of the services · Miss Smith, who is the daughter of TALKS TO TRAVEL CLUB Instructors will · lrave char ge of Mr· a nd Mrs Wm Smith of this place, ABOUT 'EUROPEAN TRAVELS

s A F E w A y gra nting excuses for: Students leav - is a ,gradu at e of Peru Colle ge,

I in g class and tardiness to clRss . and had b ee n teaching. Followin g the The Trave.i Club will meet AprH

' oper ation for ap pend icitis at Omaha, 16 in T 226· Mi ss T ea r will te ll of ; S T 0 R E S


The rate of 1 pe·r cent will be de- s he w as brou g ht home, bu.t on Thurs- her tr ave ls in Europe ducted for each tardiness unexcused d ay of last week was compelled to Most of the meetin gs of the tr avel ; and 2 per cent for unexcu se d lea vin g return. She then contracted double club have been very interestin g this

I Of· class pneumonia which was the cause of year a nd this meeting should not

her death. prove an exception . It is hoped th at

H aro ld McCreight vi si ted his pa r- a large crowd will be ben·efited by · b 1 k · d Miss Te a r's ta lk, which is sur·e to be

ents m a ir ury a.st wee en · IS CHAMPION SPELLER. an in tere sti ng one

f Last Saturday, at the court house -.

UNDER LOYAL PHARMACY I la Parker were the contestants from Y M h '

.A Peru. Loui s won the pl a ce as grand ! our ot er I

; f champion boy spe lJe r, and Viola f' There's no better way of

I Moore was the g irl champion speller· ' reminding your mother of your J of Nemaha county These two go to affection than by giving her a

T he Barbers of Peru wish !Omaha this month to participate in Ii box of ART-STYLE CHOCO-

to announce a "Special Sale" the World-Herald contest. LATES .MGther likes ca ndy as Nola Parker will go to Lincoln (Jluch today as she did years ago I

in September to take part in a spell- when Dad brought along a box

to help him in his courting.

Artstyle Chocolates are great

MEET favorites the country ov e r. If

HOME yau are away from home yve

can mail them for you.





WILL ATTEND KANSAS MEET , (Continued from P ag·e On e) (Sp e ci al to Peru Ped ag ogian)



;: wh.o are I



Lawrence, Kans as , April 16- Five r Seve ral Memb ers Re ad Fine Pap e rs .Fo ll owi ng is the prog ram as It was Began Moving Dir t Tuesday-M uc h members of the United State Olympic on World Literature pr es en ted at P.eru · Material Is Arriving pie te am of last summer will be in p Af; I I a ction in t'h E' seventh annual Kaus as Th e s ubject for the Sigma Tau \'eneti an Love So ng - Nevin Work w as sta rted in earnest on the ! Re lays at Memori al Sta dium of th e Delta held in the faculty new do r mitory Tuesd ay fo r enoon -T he f' Her Ro se - Coo 1r:: b:;; I Uni ve r.:! v of Ka1\sils ht.'• c the nf- r oo m Mond ay eve nin g April 8, was p machin e ry and tools fo r' the work b ePee-Weet - - etrie-Pa r ks I terno on o( Ap ril on Modern Poetry Sylv ia _:_ Spe a ks g e.n arriving Monday. a nd dur in g t he I

Four of men are still under- sug gestions f.or wri t in g poetry. Life IHunti ng Son g - --Geib el fore !)-oon Tuesda y, a dred ge r, or 1 gra du ates a nd will be represe ntin g is all a bou t you a nd if yo u, are ob- Dreami.ng Alone in t he Twili ght __ power shovel, began the w ork of ex - I th e ir uni v.ers iti es, whHe the oth er is ser va nt vou ca n find many them es Moore cava tin g for the base ment of the 1 f 11 ·. I Violin Solos I n ow out o co ege. up on w hich you ca n el abor ate. As · buildin g. In this w ork th r ee ar.ge t ,

Th e four universi ty und erg radu- Mrs. B aker _h. as 'had a number of her B Gryp·i.nsdyis iL __ 'S __H_ eAiblaerrdt dump trucks are us ed, whi ch a re ove on g d hkh ates are Dave Abbott of the Univer- own p oe ms ac cep.ted, she was well Otto Boellstorf loaded by the dr ed ge r, an w sity of I11in oi s, B ig Ten two -mile qualifi ed to sp eak on this PART II convey the dirt to the hi gh sch oo l champion an d an ch or man on t he We were aaso priveleg ed to h ear CJ.e op atra __ Ope ra Bur lesque k f 'l t f th e Ill;"o1·· Wo1·ds a11d Mu s1"c by J. W. Br1" gham to ma ke a better field. - a thletic field , where it wi ll be use d

cr ac our-mi e earn ° LI• so me .of her ·poems at this me etin g. • Geo r ge Baird of the Univ ersi ty of

CAST The As senmacher comp any is lo s- · h f I n' pres entin g the topic , Mo dern ing no time in g ettin g th e work start- .,. Io wa, holder of .t e con ere nce qu a r- Cleopatra. _____ ..: _· Edga r Cole f' t ermil e recor d at v ar ious t iJ:nes, who Po etry for Child ren, Bernic e Lovi tt Willi am - Duane Sams ed. On Wednesd ay bi g trucks, conrun s a nc hor on tile Ha wkeye mile re- J the v a_ried i mage ry, s1.m- Antony L?uis Bickford cr ete mixe rs and oth er ma chin ery ar - j ! l ay te.am a nd w ho w as l ea d off m::i.n I pl e and P ompey - - Don ald Du i;y e a. rived, and Thursd ay morni ng the b ig f for Uncle Sam on the 1,,600 mete r I ph ras in g which help ed the child r en Caesar - - - Elvin Davenport t rucks, a ided by lo cal trueks, b egan 11 relay tea m th at set a n·ew Ol ymp ic / to an awa ren ess of th e be auty a ll St ud e nts __ Colleg e Glee Club movin g brick, tile, c.eme nt. a nd oth er I re cord l ast s ummer ; Edw a rd Gordon ,! aro und. t hem 1 Foll ow mg ar e the member s of the matedals to t he site of the buildin g. I Univ ersity of Iow a br oad jump er, Th e 1pte r estm_g th mg bro ug ht o ut P.e ru , Men's Glee Club: ' So far , three cement mi xers have ar- .,. wh o when in fo rm does m ore th an by F ra n ces Moriart y abou t W ar Poe- FIRST TENORS 1 ri v ed, o ne very large one, a nd two f' 24 f eet; a nd Tom Churchill of t he 1 try was that the p;etry ev id en ce d a Floy d L ewjs Isma ll er ones. The m aterial fo r the, I ed fif th in th e Ol y mpic deca th lon a nd A number of p oe ms showin g th e Asa Rector 'tHe and cement, will be furnish ed by I · fl f · d t · 1 R ay mo nd· Tren ho lm TUESDAY, AP R IL 16

N ancy C ar r ol

RRIN G Jo hn G il b er t and Gr eta Ga r bo. Al so "Old

n th at yo u mu st p reac h either. Ce dr ic Crink most of t!,1 e day, stoppin g only when =============== h M Cl k . d" . N R l' Be rn ard Ga ll ow ay C OM ING APRIL 24 25 star w o w ill comp ete at the Ka ns as 1ss ar 111 · ew e 1- Ne il Trab e rt the sho wers were h eaviest. It is ap- 1 •ga mes. He w il l run in a sp ecial half- gious and Id ea lis tic Poetry l am en ated Ea rl Whi p pl e p arent _th at th e \\'.O rk is to be push ed I

mil e or mile run, h1"s oppiO nent "et to the fact that so me of ' our mo de rn D on ,al d Duryea t l ., tnOS· v1 go rou s Y·

l>e named . Con ge r while an under- poe ts were condemnin g Lon

gra du ate at Io wa Stat e Coll eg e ran ec au se is p oe

HAVE SHORT PROGRAM a nch or on rel ay t ea ms i·n the Kans as w hi ch she thou gh was an unm e ri t ed D aris Bun ch AT LAST REGULAR MEETING I relays and help ed to set the Kan sas cr t ici s m. El v in Daven por t _...__......_ _.........,.. Rel ay's two-mile re lay record of Theodore Roe hrk a "se L S IS l The Phil omathean i te rary oci et y _...,.._...__...__.._

7 mi nu tes 53 .9 se conds wh1 ch ha s Lo wcl prou

BASSES he ld a short meeting Thu rs d ay eve- ' t d · 1927 cr a ckin g g um althou gh ver y nec es- · s 00 s mce . Earl An dre\VS n in g, the m ai n pu rp.ose of the meet-

Ted Can ty of Chic ago, offi cial a n- s ary to the steno.grapher's car eer, Ott o Boe ll stor ff / nou ncer for the W este rn Confere nc e, mu st be a ccomp a ni ed by w is e cra ck- G eo r ge Cook was to co ll ec t dues. A fin anci al re-

in g and sho1·t d1,ess a nd ha1·r. Per- J ames Delze ll port of th e co ndi ti on of t he Ph il o : MOTHE s DAY will serv e as he ad a nnouncer at t he I .d b ur·11 Ok haps if you take off your gogg les Ha rv ey N ic k et tr easu ry w as r ea y vv 1' iam -re nt , sev enth a nnu al Kan sas Relays here E lton Re inmill er ft h · - b ·11 w 1 e 0 e ent d nd April 20 Ca nty h as announced at a nd a cquire these o th er ch a ra cter- Duane Sams a er w icn I s e. - r s e a J is ti cs you w1·u be h1·r·ed, (p1·obab1 y allowed. Make yo1,, r cho1·ce so me of t he Kan sas meets of t he pas t Acconipa

___ \ pa ys too much atten-tion to hi m. Sh a ll th;y

This department is bein g· ', I win his love and in their car. I by a number of dormitory girl s. Th ey: Ple ase answe1, I am truly his . I T hese students will be honored as


New Chev·ro let Six Over

w ill an swe r any question you want I Step and Fe tch It gu es ts at a 5:30 o' clock luncheon to know. if it is s cienc·e, history , or I --- which will be served in the dinin g ROYAL DU NLOP an d I lov e, they will sttive equally hard to . So yo_u have" havin;; r oom of Mount Hall "'.i th the A new stock of tires, U. s. . ' '1d: • g ive you a g ood answer. The g irls tiouble with y-0ur dai k ,gentlemei1 ri embers of the Y. W. cabinet and I KELLEY. We are now able to do a ny kind of we mg are experienced in almost every line friends. Tell me, don't you think sponsors and the members of b(l)lt.hr '1 RFillsoyoNu r ccar HwiEthVMROBOILLE EOITL.

a nd want your cooperation to help the dusky maids will object? I'm t J-.e old new Y. :vr. ca binets and &p :' nmake this column a live and interest- sure John Gilbert wouldn't be very sors in ing one. Just address Miss Eulali a in g reatly complimented about the gkl 'l hese stude;1is coming here fo r ca re of .the Peda g ogian and sign your fri e nd. They are a small matter now- Our benefit <i. nd will welcome name. a-days. Girl s are like street cars, on fr reign relations , t.neir I Successor to G. C. T hu r man • there'll be another along in a minute hom e country, or other subJ"ects ,we I

Dear Miss Eulalia: ehoose. The loc al organJzanons nr ge

ing heart when I look into his won- "I never went there," retorted the s ome time duri ng the conference pe-

derful eyes. Surely this is love! witness, indignantly; "I stayed in the r iods, a schedule of which will be How can I win him? drawing r0-0m all evening." p.laced on the buUetin board.


School and College Su ppli



Graciou s, Desperate, don "t tell me Miss Towne g ave a verv inter estin o- The Hiking Club is going out for ! See us for your lunch and Picnic ea ts that simply because a man is mar- talk to the Emi,Jy Post ciu.b , Monda;, b1,e akfast Tuesd·ay morning, April 16. ! r 1 Fresh Fruits and Candies I ce Cre am an d Cold Drinks ried and in love with his wife (what A?ril 8. She ga ve some very helpful They Dian to I-eave at five-thirty and I \ thing) that you will let to 1the correct dress for va.- return in time for the nine-fifty \ 1 1

t 1s come between !ou? I have a pie- , cas ons. classes. Joy Hi.JI is their destination,

f lur e ?f your ?·ero m mind, ii.nd know meetm g mfo rmal they plan to watch the sun !, Opposite Tra1n1ng Sch ool f that if you Wlll buy yours eilf a green 111 i_t.. tions _and replies to m- nse 1f they g-et there on time

checked suit and a large red hat he V1t a t10ns WJ!) be dISCUSS-ed. I

11 . . ' '

..tly-if not I s p R

I am so thin that I don't know , Just received a beautiful assortment of Party and

wh at to do. My health is perfect but ' Graduation silk dresses

I am worried because I am so much I

und erweig ht. Tell me how to ga in.

Ima Tubb I

He re on our ca mpus we have a I

youn g man who has made a name for

himself thr owin g weights Why not '•

go down to t he athletic field some

ni ght a nd ta ke the wei g ht that he

throw s awa y?

De ar Eunice Eul a lia: I am in a te rrible jam. I want to · 'S

learn to become a st el)ographer but I FOR

do not want to study. A friend told


bu t no one wi ll hire me yet.

is wron g?


• What kind of Jam i"s "t "bl h err1 e t

ja m?" Is it any relation to straw- J

berry jam? If so, you shoUJ.d lik-e it.

However, I must relate here that


r-S e mor Banquet to be held on Peru State Teache rs Co ll e 0 I joye q_u1te a tr eat las t w e dn€sday V d · ge e n- ing sc hool t hey hik ed d ow n to Dr Th e a nnu al M. I. N. i K. w ill soo n I May 3. A committee was appoint ed A large numb er of students, fa c ulh anc es hou se , and th en we st fo r sev- be und er wa y. On May 3 Pe ru will I wh ose du ty it is to acc ur a tely as cer- ty members , a nd towns people en- by avmg fou r foreign st ud ents of enil mi les. b f 1 Th d the Lincol n Univers i ty as !2'U·ests on aga in be gu·est to a lar ge num er o t ain how ma ny s eniors will a tt e nd th e joyed four one-act P ays ay - Ganl'e i, wer e pl aye d and seve ral studen ts fr o"m t hi s pa rt of the co nn- . . ev e nin g in the college a uditoriu m. our campus. B b R h - ba nqu et. All co m !n1· t ees ar e ur g eu t d b the a e ut s we re di scovered amo ng tr y. Th ere will be k ee n comp e titi on i Th ese plays we re presen e Y 'L' hey s poke on a con vo ca ti on pro- the soph omore base ba ll sta rs , so me in a ll events. to ext end ev-e ry e ffor t to mak e th e I Peru Dram a.tic Club and directed by gram sponsored by the Y. M. a nd Y. girls. The qu est ion is "How many reco rd s co min g a ff a ir a m os t o ne. ,. th e me mbers. , W. The 3:3 0 cl as es enj oy€d a vac a-The food was del aye d becau se on e will hold ?" L ast year the only r-ec - Th e Junior-Senior Ba nque t w ;.;::; fof- The first pl ay was a tra g edy, "Her tion from i·eci tati on and heard s om e of M r. Ford 's produ ct 's acte d up when ord not to be bro ken was held by me rly t he Sophomore -S e nior ba nquet. I Country," by Euphonia Van iuter esting t al ks Mr. Gordon t h€ on a jo urn ey up th e se veral hill s on Ho ward Zook, the 100 ya rd d as h . . . . _ I laer Wyatt. The scene was la id m , · N d ' th TT Thi s y ea r Jt will be h-e lcl m 1. he d·Yr m-, . . f h T .. t a si'de uama1 c an e gro, isc uss ea the racial · e way noweve r, Lizzi e soo n ca me w hich rec ord he set in 1926 when he . . the ll vmg ho om o t e 1en se problem of the U ni te d S tate s a nd Mr. chu gg in g up the r oa d brin g in weini es /c lipped the century off in 10.6. Last it o ry. Mi ss Towne will have direct l cottage durin g th€ World Wa r. Th e Bonzo, .the Fi li pi no, ans we re d the stu- b uns , pic kl es, a pp.lel:I, a nd ic e cr eam i ye ar Moore of Peru a nd McN am ar :r, char ge of the menu. cast was as follows: den t.s que s tio ns on t he g overnment of S'..l.Cko rs for t he co mpan y. of Om aha Ce ntral tied the ex ic t in g Geoffrey Trent Eldon Ha yw a rd the Phi lipp ines in Dr. Br own's cl ass record bu.t could not get in th e ext a



Ursul a Trent, his wife. _,: __ _ of "American Gover n me nt a nd P oli -

step required to break it. Donna Ja'i1e Delzell t ics. " All of the following records were ;WELL



Captain Ma ldane Elvin Davenpor t In Mr. Ge o rge B ro wn 's cl as s of

ma de in last year's meat except the The play was dire cted by Fred "A • c· h r·ecord ma de in the 100 yard dash by John D1"llon acted as stage 1t1 zens ip a nd Po li t ics," / Duey. Zook of Tecumseh in 1926. J M" k I A · t d b D Id D Mr. Cu ne o,, the Arg enti nian, to ld of Year's 100- yd. dash, Vook, Tecumseh 10 :6 oy tc e' 5515 e y ona ur- manager. South A,meri c a's at tit ude to the Mo n- Edw in (Tied bv Moore and McNamara) yea Give Musical The second play was a comedy , roe Doctr in e, a nd Mr. Hi ll, t he Ame r- , · k T k' 941 . -- I"The Same Old Thing," by Roi Ca p. . 220 yd. cl as h, Broo s, ar 10 A student recital , presented by Joy M no The scene was laid in rcan N egro, sp oke on the Am enca n Abou t fifty men g athered a the 440 yd . dash, Blue, Tecumseh :54.3 . . . . . . per eg . Negro's attit ude soci ally towar d the · · I d C f d T h 2 07.9 Mickel, v10hmst, assi s ted by Donald the li v in g room of Miss Ha le' s ap a rt. IK oep eJ. Cafe Thursd ay ni g ht for t he ·880-y · as or ecumse · ! b M whi te people . p J Mile, Gallow a y, Plattsmouth __ 4:55.6 Dur ye a, te nor, was well attended by ment. The pl ay was directed Y arA di nner was he ld at 5: 30 by the I annual Baske tball Ba nquet. 1120 high hurdles; Schaffner, North Ia n appre ciative audience la st Frid ay g·aret Clineburg. The property manY. M. and Y. W. cabi nets in h ono11: j Th e ta bl e was ne a tly decorated i' Loup - .16 .4 (ev en in g in the c ollege a ududi t orium . ager wa s Doro t hy Nelson. The c ast of t hese four yo ung m en. w ith b oq u ets of fr es h apple blos- 220 y d. low hurdl es : Full e r, T e- I Mi ss Mi c kel's ent ire program was . was : Th e visitors spo ke a.gain at a j oi nt soms.' The l oya l men of t he colleg e J cumse h :27.8 a di spl ay of tec hnic, e as e, a nd musi- 1 She (Peggy Ha le) , an ac t res s ; meetin g of the Y. W. an d Y. M. · d h tha nk th e j' Pol e vau lt, Schaffner, N<?rth Loup ca l interpret ation Her second num - Glad ys Kimsey James Cuneo of P erganin o, Ar g en t ina, had g at h ere t er e to · . h' h, ----------11 feet, 6 in. her , "And a nte" by ?luck'. pl a_ye d He (Billy), an a dmir er Da le Dyk e h fi k H t ba sketball me n for t he w ay in w ic IHi gh ju mp Br illheart Tecums eh with mu te was especially ple asm g. The oth er man (her hu sba nd) wa s t e Jrst s pe a er d·e c_am eS 0 Ithey had fou ght the pa st se·as on a nd 1 20 feet 11 3-4 in The se cond g rouu co 111 pose a of "Male- Ha rold Re . e el the bUni te d to m for the they broug ht IShot -p.. North Loup q1i en a" by and "Romanc e'' Juli a Mary Herv ey tem er, 1921 ·Han_ e. s. sebc o nk Iba ck to Peru aga in t his yea r. · - 49 feet, in . by Rub en st,e in, wa s an o ut-nourin g of l A pJ ay wri g ht L'e o Hau ptman trip in 1927 e is ma1o nn g m an · · · . J J c d · · · · t t · I P ate in hi s a ddr·ess me n- Dis cus: Fuller, North Loup • su sta in ed tone a nd a d·eoth of st€rn ' S tag e ass1sta.nts __ oe on es e nc · d · · t t ins ru e or in "' · I · mg, .an is assJs H" ub ti oned the f act that Pe'i;u does not ____ 121 feet , 6 in. me lody a nd rh y thm. Th es e extre me- Crink, F re d. Cole Spanish at the 15 s - appi ec 1·ate chamoions hip s so much J av elin Railsb ack, Peru_l50

ho. ' l!fl d girl s' club ·o. f the U,.11.ver- H \ o-- - -, w1 . on, who a·ccompaniea Mrs. Yobb Fl orine Elliott

• · e. also brou g· ht out the f t th t

l 1 d i· t1 · ac a· ss ,.,1c {e eserves no 1t e pxa1s11 The "?as lajd in Mrs. Smith' s . it.Br. Hil l A school with good at hle t ics is out-


for the success of the r ecital. N.Iiss 11vin g r oom. It was directed by Floren , an rneri can -bo 1·n N t 1· egro, 5 anc tng in. its other fields also. "If I Wilson plays accompa niments with a ence Ronn au. Walter Weise wa s who 1s maJor111.g in la w, s o_ ol<e on the w

h ·e are go in g to h ave an at hl etic

It might be said that Peru is better I


warmth of feeling and superior brill - stage manager a nd the property ma nhands b efore it is to o late. we must ave winning teams iance. a ge r was Vir gini a Milstead. rheme t at t he rac es should join team h I I . r·aja.l Bonzo of the Philippines k now n for h er goo d teams t han a ny "The Goose Hangs High" to be Pre• of c lassica l songs. His secon d g roup I fa r ce· also it c uld be classed as a

Mr. Dury ea first presented a g roup Th e four.th and last play was a came to th e U. S. in 1920. H · oth 11 · ' e is a co ege in t hi s part of the coun- · sented, Friday, April 26 of mode rn son gs wel'e well interpret- mystery. Th e scene was l ai d in the enjor at the Uni ve rsi ty, §>pec i alizing try. ed a nd displ a yed rich to nal produc- reception room of Dr. Guern·ey's ofin farm machi nery He told us of "Dick" Williams, actin g as toast- 1 1 As May approaches sc h oo l activi- 1tion as well as. dram atic ability. He fic es. It was dir ected by Mary Haof the cus to ms of the Philip - master then intro du ce d as th e n ext ti es b ecr in to grow mor e

numerous. was ac comp a med by Ra lph Chate- rajian. Frank Cop e w as the property pine!! , Ispeaker Coac h "Dutch" Ernest IOn Frid ay eve nin g, April 26 , the I who with pre ci sion ma1;ager, and Ruth Ha rajian was The Y. W. an d Y. M. a re to be co m- / Lo rheer. "Dutch" go.t off to a flying f h p D t· m te rp retatw n. Ia ssista nt. The cast was: men e or securm g such intere stin g i start when he a nnouced that he h ad e program was arrange as 0 - Da nny Ca rt Jere Mickel

d d f Semor class o t e ·eru emons 1a- , Th d f 1 as well , as worth whil e s peake rs for 'o nl y one regret of the season an d tion hi gh scho ol will present their an- lows: 1 Mrs. Lester Mildred Lefler our campus j th at was that he had n ot been able 1nu al class pla.y, "The Goose Han gs 1 Minu etto Mozart Dr Guerney . - Fred Duey l to beat H ayes, his a lm a mater. This 'iHi.e:h" by Lewis Be a ch. Andan te - - - Gluck! Nurse Genevieve Fishe't-


i however, he accepted with a grin This year's se nior class play prom- Pati e nt Joe Jone s ' ' l and started making a championship is es to be a great su_cc ess. is be- F or Music - Franz 1 Mr. Mickel g o.t his de g ree from


·team. "D u tch" promised Peruvians In g directed by Cedr1c L. Crmk, col- P ress My Cheek Jensen IPe ru about three y·ears ago. Last I th at whe n he come b ack n ext year le ge dr ama .student. The cast h as I'll Not Comp lai n Schumann Iyem· he attended school in Chic ag i. he was again go in g to take the Bob- been exceedm gly well chose n a nd the E Icats to Hayes a nd this time exnected me mbers already show how complete- , Mal aq uen a fr om Soanish Danc es I'"BILL" OKRENT :IJU.:1c eAnftt A rrTangeks Mfor t n- t-0 brin g b ac k a couple of v ic-to ries. ly they ha ve mastered the play. I __ Sar asate .:er a1nmen er 1'.ac ee , · H H" h' •· t a

1 . , I " Du tc h" also brou g ht hi s talk to an "The Go ose Jg is no It Romanc e Rubms te m-W1em awsk J NEW PRESJD1ENT · int eresting close w hen he a nnounced new pl ay, nor JS it. an old play I Satu1day, May 4 means than J next year's Bobcat J.eader , C aptain was written by L ew is Beach, and has Calm as the Ni ght Boh m! t he M. N. K. .mee t. wo onde , Edwin Booth.. a clever plot . that can be exceedin g ly ! A Va gabond Am I - Kl emm Special Meetin.g is Held A fter Chap el net musical c-0m e d1es , to he pr·esente 1 well handled by high school groups. T D ·d N p. "d · t · . p M 1' In a short ex tempor a neous speech , o ec1 e ew re s1 en on that da te at eight · ., are now 1 d h t The scene of the pl ay is m the Liv- Mazurka Brilli a nt __ Pri sc ill a Rish er l)i r ehe ars al, under di.recti-0n -Of G. Captain Booth revi-ewe eh Phasd J ·ng 1 om of the In ga l's home. Here Andanti·no Martini -Kreisler as n and t hanked the men w o a The Peru Dramatic Club held a Holt Steck. se l 0 d f "th h' f t year's the peop-1 Wlll see three acts of t he j Swin g Song __ Ethel Barnes ,, b D d d p a ce al in 1!11 or nex d t ry re , Ml 1 short business meetin g after convo"Cynthia's Strategy, y o ge, an (C t· d p ge 4 ) cleverest come y, mys ery eve P · 1 Mazurka yn ars <J "Beans a nd Buttons" by Robyn are on inu-e on a se n te d on the Peru stage. There will I , ..:ation, April 15, for the ,Purp;0se o\. the two scores to he presented. Both be acts of hilari?us. good tim e.


e lec t in g officers for the coming year. hav e ba<l a wide popul a rity in hig h


You can"t a fford to rruss it. Follow- , Willi am Okrent was elected presscho ols and colleges .throughout ALK


M /ing is t he c ast: rold Russe ll


y ident. Mr. Okrent has pl aye d a bi g coun tr:v. . The y cont ain , g.ood m usic, T • • Bern a rd In ga ls Ha . . part in the bu siness a ff ai rs of the , · E · I · l El ois Fairhe ad each has a deve r pl ot and give un- umce nga s campus durin g th e two years which ' N 1 D b Pa ul Landolt b p t d limited oppnrtunity for young artists of Students oe er Y0 Wonder "Take · My Advice" to e resen e he has h as been at Peru He h as La ge Re presenta tive L Day R Y p M 11 I · o divul ge their talents r Hear University Men Wilcox In eru, ay · held imporan.t offices in s eve ral clubs If you have friends coming from J 1 M--_-d-o_c_k Edith Grafton and societie!:i and especially ha s he ·t nd tell u 18 ur · "Take My Advice" has been chosen bee n pr om in e t in the P eru Dr amatic home fo r t he meet, wri e a - I C idera ble color was added to Mrs. Bradl ey Winifr.ed Pett it I them to plan to st ay for the .o ns . f the y W C A. and H g·h In gals Charl es D asher by the Sophomore class as its annua Club. · h' h · b · er pr ov ided the meetin g 0 · · · u h' pl ay to presented at the college audi- Th th I • d ff ' e · tammen t w 1c e_m,,, y M C A. societies on Wednesd a y, Lois In ga ls ______ Hollis Hutc mson e o er e ecve o 1c rs a re: v.1ce especi all y for th en" enJoyment. · 1· 17· Th e four forei gn men, at radley In g als ____ Allison Clin ebu rg torium. president, Madonna Bra dy ; secretary, Watch ne xt· weeks paper for more Apr1 · t:t .J'ng University of Ne- Dag mar Ca rr-O il __ Marg ie Lawrenc·e The play will be supported by an Ellen Wil so n; a nd treasurer, Muri el pr esent a enuu f th f l all-st ar cast. Ea ch member of the Ma·o s 1lelails. James C un eo, g raduate ins tructor of Th e s,taff is composed o e o - J r . cast h as sho wn excellent ability on These officers have been prominent bras ka who gav e addresses were: lowin g: te t · SEN I OR CLA.SS ti '. S-0 uth Americ a; N aga l Assi stant Diretcor ____ Averyl Gam es the durin g previous en r am- in the club both in ac tin g a nd oth er Th Cl h ld a Short meet- Ar g en na, · M Ad a Brady ments 0f the year. activities. e Senio r ass e Bonzo, a native from the PhilhpmEes, P ro,perty aMnager ----L-a-mbert Collin Th la ·s a unu sua lly go od o ne They will be ins tall ed at the Dra111g Tu es day , April 16 at convoca-d . nior in t he Arrricultural n- Ass t. Prop .. g r. w·ir e p y I n ion time. Vic·e-president, Averyl a _Ju department·"" Claude Go r d- St age Manager ___ Irwin 1 1ams It is written by Elliot Lester. It is matic Club banquet. Gaines presided at th e meeti ng owing g 1neerrn g · · t comedy that will start you from the 1 d t on a Jamacian negro , prep air rn g. ° CLUB r..1 rs t 1·nto a laug hin g ro ar in g specta- !'TRAVEL CLUB HOLDS MEETING lo the absence of t he presi en · ' f Ch · tian Service WRITING · 11 enter t he field 0 ris h . Wri"ti"ng Club met at 4:30 Mon- tor, and there a.re parts that will Miss Tea re talked on her trip to Class pi ns were d iscussed but no J -ra Dhillo n, a Hindu, w o is The ·1 ·t E T C 1 T d definite ac ti on was taken It was a nd ug J dent in Agriculture. day a fternoon. They discussed story you di g your na1 s m 1exc1 e- urope at ravel lub ast ues ay oted that the presid-ent appoint a a graduate stu . n Da ris ch a racters and their naming. At the , ment. ' evening. She made her talk particucommittee to work on the plans for Before the a dd ress g ive 'th . t vari o us members of the club I An unusu a lly good cast h as been la rly interesti ng by gi vin g so me of I . An un cements Bunch favored .the audi ence WI da Ipi es en kJ. ng short stories. Mon- seletced for the plays. • The ma jori - the ncesary dtail s of such a trip. Miss n' ght exercises. no . tette compose are wor "" . I I . .;ere concerning t he Senior cornet solo and a qu ar Louis Bick- d ay after noon is th-e regular meetm g ty of the cast have already starred Te ar will. conclude her talks at the com- 1of Asa Reeter, Ed Cole, . ) j time of the club. in lo c al pe-rformances. next meetmg, May 7. Class :Play to he gi v en during (Conti nued on Pa ge 3 J · nc emen t w eek.


THE PERU TUESDAY, APR IL 23, 1929. l THE · p E :R ·u ! at the more advanc·ed ages. F ar f.ew-1 con ventions of two's and three's and · _..,._...,_..,._...__

. : " .•thi.t" hve on to old , a ge than dedded that "BHi" aho"Jd not be It DR. N. S. HARAJIAN i

PE D A G 0 G J A N j their! college ma tes , 1 deprived of an office to which he\ # D ENTJST I . I· Wh.en were div- rig htfully belonged. Also several de- I X-RAY SERV:ICE ·#

Entered at the Posto11ice of Peru, ided mto four divisions it was found cided to set aside a sinking fund j .1 Over Barnes' Pharmacy. Tel. 27 f , / Nebraska, as second matter. t hat the of the honor men whereby a record of b at band sizes ,. f' f ,, were superior to all of them but that co uld be investigated by experts and ...,_ ... _..,_...,.._..._ ... _"-I

Published Weekly at Peru State the rank arid file show a lower mor- a permanent file or graduated Teachers College tality than athle1fs in bu.t three of hats be kept for future di gnitaries MANUAL TRAINING # the groups, the athletes in th e 1900 t he office. H owever for i:he • present I ·•

$1.00 the Year-Sc single copy to 1905 g roup pr.ovin g superior thus it was determin.ed that "Bill" should I / ' far. It is possi q le that the twenty to be ne xt presid ent. ; LUMBER STAFF twe nty-five years that h ave el ap sed So at the meeting a fter convocation I


EDITOR h."' not b.. n ' •uffki,ntly lon g pe- tb' pop"'" vot' wao again taken. j I ASSOCIATE


HAROLD B. Me CREIGHTI clusions. 1 M" G d l I COAL

MILLARD FOWLER nnd to P"emit t h' dcawing of oon- Thi • time Mi " D' lzoll'• namin•tion , PAINTS f was s upp anted by iss wen o yn COAL j

ASSOCIATES E- R. BURKEY The cepo.-t w" not P>'ep"ed to Malloey. Dµe ocedit ahould b' giv - f 't FACULTY'

MARREN, WAYNE CATLETT athl etic s in co ll eges. Nor en to Miss Ma lory. At aoy othe r time ' MEEK LUMBER CO.

THOMAS E. ENNIS wi ll it di sco ur age an appire ci able she would h ave gone fa r In election. 1 W. J. RABEL , Mgr. # SPORT ___ REPORTERS numboc of atudent• from t""ning out. She would have made a capabl, pee•- i I Phone 48 Pecu Nebe f

CAMPUS -: "SQUEAK" MUMPER .dth at re s ults from prowess ' ident -too But the club, ' · I MUSIC - - FRANCES MORIARTY on 6 "'" icon, diamond , oe cindoc to h ave th' pqj> ul " con did •t', ev'n ! JOKES------- - - - IDA SCHREPEL tm.k i• too gceat fo the athlehcally th oug h he mi ght not being the FEA " BILL w ARMAN mclmed youth to ceai•t. It ob>ri- P'" •mo =t of di g nity to th •t h igh "."" ________ _, - WILLARD E. FOWLER oua, howove>', that, if thi• atudy ia o ffi ce, Willi am Okce nt -peoai- I p 1 t

FACULTY - ELLEEN MEANS cepceaentativo, that the atrnin of col- dent. '• USTUDENTS MUSIC FRED COLE l.ege athletics• has apprEl_cfabJ.e ef-.1. N.ow t.hat's that. The masses h ave - RUBY feet on the longevity of men who agam p·roved themselves ca.o .ab le of f a e par in .t em.- Journal. governing.-Contributed. - BROWN t k t . h S I I Invited to en roll for teacl11·ng ,,

W.HITHER EDUCATION? I are plenty of seco d . t b , · positions with By THOMAS EDSON ENNIS [ wh r n i a e men, ut HOW BEAUTIFUI,. TO BE ALIVE ·; ,--,,---------------. Stocktakin g, usu a lly has been asso- j e e are the men of outstanding By "BILL" WARMAN : I

Ici•ted with the "'''"" of bu• ineaa to become '"de,. .. the io- Spring •peak• OOmfoet•bly to our I Slwrt Storv corner # TheDavis School Ser.vice and t he ?ar k ways of those who make Itelle.ctual and .scho 0 iaa·ly life of the souls, for wh en we feel abused and W T d · · DAVIS, ' 06, Manager· an unmake money m the economic commg ge neratwn?' 1 are di sg runtled at thin gs, we must' patha of thC wodd, yet with the : Pcofe,.0 r beou g ht ch •"•" i think of th' of apring. It REBECCA HARDING D AVIS 138 No 12th St_ Lincoln N b. t l' r owth of m. our lives, we are i•gam" ••me of;oue grndu ate achoola I m• keo g eoat dema nd• on potienco ' •nd Wom'n beg an to be pmlific I I ' ' ' tod.•y faced with an >nt ellectoal •toc k- and de cl "'".'d that . m•nY •tudon ta Ihope. Thece . ''° ••tbacko •nd pcot- • toey wci tef, •hoetly befo,.. the Civil 't al<> ng w h>e h h ao beon keoping •wak• I woce ente ..mg theao p lac " foe moc- : pon'm'nt•, •nd whot hao , IeoadY W "· Jomeo -Ru,,ell Lowe11 w" edio'n.igh ts t.he h. e.ads of many of our cenary motives a nd wel'e r ece ivin g de- ,1 been g iven is often · withd rawn again. tor of The Atlantic Monthly in its 1 h Th ea rly da . d -t ff t ,....._.._,_...., __ a1ge r umvers 1t1 es a nd colleges. I grees t at never should be given, ere are late f z; osts, incursions of ' ys, an man y s ory e or s # -The t hese worthi-es bring I standards had t hu s sagged as ! :'inter that lay low life fo rm_s. Sp rin g from the pens of w.omen wr iters ' Forsyth Oi c :· ,,. into m agazine a nd daily paper ha ve a esult of s·econd and t hird -rate rs j 1s not one unbroken , advance and found a place in tho se ea.Fly volum es. 0. a motif of warn! ng __, ccy that , 11 ia !and that the ochool, th,maol vo,' tel "mph. and Ilk' the - path of th' Ri g ht along with Rebecca Tim, _Tub oa, c;.,, n t tu d · '" · · 1 t h - Davi s must als be I d R J and OiL We h • : 0 s r Y in our educational life . i were not g iving adequate tr ai nin g JP s, t e path of sp1ring is not con- ,o c as se ose • ave air hois to D.e'.nands are mad-e by them for a r·e-ifor _ sta nt. Most years h·ave such days. a nd Elizabeth Stuart Ph elps, help us tn lubricating. v1S1.on of our -e n ti re system of ed.u- Wilh am L yons . Ph e lp s L amso n, Isome . of us may experie nce altogeth- wnters of .well stones. The /_ .._._...,_..__..,_.,._ I cation, from .the element a ry school to ' Professor of English at Ya J.e Univ e r- er too ma ny of such d ays We are [advent of the women mto the story ...._ the uni ve rsi ty. This attack-for a t- ! sity, wrote; ·:The world's intellect- led agai n and 11gain to the borders of may ·' s eem little s trange, bu t it t 1 .t 1 1 1s eac- t 1 th fi h · _....._..,.._... ac' I c-e rt a inly is-goes much farth- ua- )1eed is more sound c ultur e· tha.t a and of pr-0mise, onlv to be thrust · '· Y ·o ex:ri am e ne tee mque

Y • ._ " than mece cl • mocin g foe the moon_ ia, both aci,nce and the hum itioa, hoc" ag•in in ' wild wild"n"'· y 't of th, fr woe k by .reaoo n of th' t -, ou II not be diaaappointe<l

It h" ' t• ng ible b"i foe ' ''""' b"'d on knowled g, , I t hink th• Iou, •pdng =d' up of ce'1ain chac- th at they obhged to produ e< rn - • you gBeOtYB'-Ot1KrNhaiA·rpcupt at Lack of leaders in the United va ri o us 'outlines' .P'llblished tod.ay acte ris t ics brin gs a message to us .· markable material to sec ure any r ecStat-es.· is,. d ep lored; ' '.easy rout es to I while they may accompli sh We would, not care to exchange 1·t ognition .at a.II. H.ence, we find the ("'' I , I ...,,ext to Gaines Hall on m nm g " 'e condemned, and g >·ad- good, do a g rn•t d eal of h"·m in foe• •p ein g withou t and di•- wo=n of th" P'nod ex<o,ll ed many th' ; U:1te sc hools in ma ny par ts of the persuading some people th a.t there Iappointme nts., for we would lose of the mal e writers. A story of Mrs . , co unfry am aooailed fo,· 1,tting theie ia •n "'Y wa,yt ot knowl edg•." •omethin g of in<omp.,,ble worth: Davia which, aa a loca l c<> lo r atory ' <tand•rd• down while yi,ldin g to I Thi • "•p•>'t" of the •oc iety will n oc Que ovecwoek'd ,pe ing ia h" tcomen dou • in ten•ity, i• "Life inmm,na>·y motirn. 1 be di,,-ega>·d,d , many a noble ba ttle a m ding of lifo Jn iW •fruggle and the I.con Milla." The>-e ia mu<h of th' , I ----A ll t hi s h as b ee n summed up re- j will be fought for t h,e defence of tempora ry defeats, we see a para.Ile! Ru ssia n gl oo m a nd sordi dne ss in t he

A. E. Johnso D D

by Dr. Sa mu el A. Mitchell I numb-er 000'', a nd "co u usej version of life as we · know it. Ofte'n but it .is no t overdTawn. As a /I ill, • • S. direc t or of the L eander McCormick requll' ed foT fre s hmen numb er 123," are we disappointed when s ome go od picture of mrnety it wm strike deeu. Observato ry at the Univers ity of Vir- is n.ot a teacher in t he co un - g re at thin g, seemingly so near, in Iron' M'ills" appears in \I' Phone 36 i. ,n_ 1, no n .n 1oves further off than wll t hou ht the Atl antic Mo nthly" for Auril 1 ..., " / ' - ' _....,_......,_ ..._..._,_

• - Ia na g re at thin g see min glv so near, "At la nt1'c Monthly" for April , t _ u1n:: c·LUr oJ. Lrre .uea nm::r ivH.: vur1mc irlyet there is not a teacher m the coun- ' - ·h· the , O bse rv a tory at the Univers ity of Vir- try takin g hi s work as a constantly p·roves further than wt! thoug t. 1861.-J. 0 ..F. ......_

. . Ievolving process, w 0 WI no dreamed. Y.et the goal is won in the MEN'S CLUB A " ' g· ·a in a letter to the American . h ll t lo.ok !!'he r.oad prov es lon g er than we ft

Phdosoph1c al Society. into h is o wn mind and ma ke a com- ' d d f . y-ouR · · · h I . b . end. Postponement an .e eat are b f A s1m1lar view as a so een ex- plete inve nt orv thu s sh ow in g the fi 1 Th h t 1 d A surpri si n !! large num er o men pr esse d by Dr. E. K. Ra nd., professor te ndencie s a b etter year or tc1ootnfl1'cnta1·s·· 11'fe crorouw g ned s c:nn- were nresent in the 1ittle ). .l of Latin at Harvard University, who a case of in te llectual ba nkrupt cy. 1 · 1 h Id b k. · '' I Amil 15. Presi'de nt 1, ' . d . · · , not a ways o ac our sprmg. · · ' - ·. b d' I J

1 f d ., Sooner or later ·eve ryw er.e 1 e is - ll d write s that "m our e uca t 1on we are , . h l'f . iams opened the meetrn g y rea mg · ' still expenmentrng_ wt1h u se ess a s. "THE LONE TROUBADOR" . : d . h . h d th B 't a nnounc eme nts :md then ca e on T he letters of some of America's A lette r addressed to the music edi- 1 prove d mii tier t. an ·k y 1 s secretary Hoffm an for the minutes of S educ atio nal lea ders have been made 1 tor was found in the Ped agog i an b ox ·vfery d ratu ness, 1 dts't sfiet alct anhd the previous meeting. ;Mr. Steck @ NEED

. h . h h t orc-e re re a ts an 1 s na nump , t f the r.l pubhc, to get er w1t t e commen s I in which a pers on wish es to wnte- i . 1 t. A d h b d m::Jde a spec ial a nnouncemen o · of other m embers of the . society. an endless of articles on "Mu- sprdmbgl conso ebs us . fn 'tw edn ud s recital ;hich was give n Fr id ay l\ "d .., . : an osso ms ecome rm an see s, w Th ese ought to be senously cons1 - Lsic Philosophy, and Wit. The edi- 1 . t · f t · d d h ·1 night I

· I ' v1c onous over ros s, win an a1 ; · .. , ered by a ll pro g ressive te a chers m tor will be g lad to r ece1v-e and m- , 1 b' d t 1 t th .



all in s titutions, high and as t e Ispect these articles f ?r build and hatch the voung , voicin g . view of the Hastin g e ay s given FRAME cri t icism comes from withrn the fold The name of " The Lone Troubador I - 1 t" ·. th -h 1 Co a ch Graf It was humoru s and ' .

and is ma de public by such an or1 will be signed to the article or any th 'Id

"th th peppy sketch of t he trm m gener · 1 • J e W1 re.ioicmg sea en s w1 e . . .--:


gan iz ation as the American Philo- other non-de-plum the author so de- 1 1 th . t . a nd also the poss1b1httes .of t is sea I CAMERAS A ove y ear m a vas music, our :M G f · "ted sop hic al ,Society. sires. It w ill. b: n.ec essa? heart strings are our soul son's tr ack team. !" ra _.

" In recent years the professional for anyone w1shmg to write for the vibrates in an of a-ladness any man who was interested m_ ti ack 1 t' · educator h as had a wonderful time Ped agogian no ma tter how the article and delight, for all these thi;gs hold to come out a nd part . m of it putting into practice his new ma.y be sig·ned in the pa per to con- the secret' of universe and make event or events, he hk:s to # theories of mass production", Dr. fide with the editor, in so doin g he us feel how beautiful it is to be compete in. 'for a !I Mitchell asserted. "Judg ing by the insures himself of p;roper co-op er.a- alive. letter seems easy for those , f

t' esults, the educ a tor slo g an seems to t ion betwee n the editor and the wnt- with the weights. Anyone puttmg I I h ave been; 'Education without effort, I er. All articles to be published must the 16 pound shot ar ound 38 feet are, _.

information painlessly imparted, be . sig ned by the n ame of. the Democracy again has proved itseif 1 welcomed "• to know the birds from the flower s. w nt er when handed to the ·edi tor. capable of governing itself At a I"Unfortunately, the system. IThis rule has long b-ee n us ed in n-ews- spec ial meetin g held Monday after I J:..INONIAN SOCIETY :IRST to ha.ve put the s tamp of med1ocnty p aper wo rk, to break. it would convocation all traditions and nreci- MATH FRATERNil:Y FOUNDED upon us. If one is gifted a nd bnng about senous con;- de nts were -violated when William · , 11 . .. f above the common level, it is not be- phcat10ns. Okrent, one of t he les ser particip ants One of the first lS no Substitute I ca u se of the educational s ystem bu t in d ramatic productions, was elected tics clubs to be established rn th1s ' r athe r in spite of it.''

COLLEGE ATHLETICS. to lea d t he club for n ext year. ·In co untr y was the Ln ion ian Soci ety FOR HONESTY f Cri tic isin g t he co mmon experi- In an address t_he Americ an this election the "populac e' de_cl a r- •found ed at Yale University in 17 53. I I ment ation wit h fa ds, Pr ofesso r Ra nd Stud ent Health associa.t1on and a Ied its e lf in favor of hone st effort From the records of this society in I ! as a business policy f sa id, "We ought to return to t he Igro up of other assoc i·ations of co l- rat h er than art istic tem oe·rment. t he Yale University lib rary it appears I fr ivium a nd quadrivium with G reek le ge and a_uthoritie s, I At a previo us meeting Ma.d.o nna that on Dec. 5. 177 0 the su bject for J. C. CHATELAIN a nd L atin litera t ur e at the founs} a- Dr. Loms I. Dubhn, stat1st1c1an f a Brady was electe d v ic e-presi de nt , El- I discussion at the meeting was the li tion a nd philosophy or 9C ience at the Ilar ge life insurance company, Jen Wilson was el ected secreta r y, an d so luti on simultaneous of t' Watchmaker and Jewe ler top ". • , ed th at after t hr ee years . r esea rch it : Muriel Majors was elected t rearnre r. -hi gi.her degrees. This kind of work is ' ! Dr. Frn!1k Aydelotte , president of ! had been determined that th: hon or ' At thi s same meetin g Donna J an·e now c-ommo nly f.ound in many high School Supplies Swart hm ore CoHe ge, indic ate d th at . st udent h as a g re at er · lon gev ity than Delzell a nd Mr. Okrent n osed :Cmt school algebra texts. he believed the society's ch ances for Ihi s college mates a nd the gra duate Dona ld Durye a and Clay Coy in a I I . ..... ..... future work was to "fig ht agai nst the b ody as a whole, a longe r hfe than t wo way tie for pres ident. Miss Del-

tyranny of mediocrity, which 1s "t e e a e es. . . ze ll declared h ersel to e unw1l mg

. •' h th t h! t ' ' . '. f b ·1· '

greatest danger in the democratic . The study which cove1·ed the to accept elect ion if it was give n h er.




TIM·E system." ' ,,. hi story of 40,000 gra du ates of e1gth Her reason w as th at she wa s an u n-

Dr Ch ar les M. Andr ews Farnam, co ll eges of the cl asses from 1870 to d ergra duate while Mr. Okrent would t' FOR MOTHERS DAY F Professor of Am e ri can History at '1905 ; of ne ar ly 5,000 athletes of ten be a ne xt year. 1 FOR COMMENCEMENT F OR THE HOME Yale a nd president of t he American co ll eges and of 6,500 honor st ude nts Some h ow or anot he'r it was impos- I OR DECORATIONS ! Association, declar ed t ha t of six co lle ges durin g the same peri- sib le\ to arr iv e at any de cision. It was I Prices reasonable Deliv e rs made to the door Place ' lead e rship was the ne ed. of today. od frro. m gr ad u a.t ion to the ann _ iv er- ru. mored thait Okr.e.nt would be ine li, -1 order now for corsages and boq uets Also spec ial J k 1925 how ed th t t h! t a bl f h t h Id t prices for potted flowers and plants.

" All the learned profession's ar e see - sary rn , s a a e es g1 e or . t e pos1 _as e co u .n I \ ing me'n of the first rank to fill the ,yu un g_er ages sh ow up somew h at expand his ches t. sufficiently. There- 1 _.

M I' L L A R D M . ! positio ns that call for men of vision, ter than coHeg·e men as a group a - fore he would fail in any attempt to '' , - ·• F Q W L E R b Tt o ri g in a lity, a nd the hi g hest though not as well as h ono r men, brin g di.gnity a nd h onor up on the I I a I I y, h . 'fi l h' h I ' • (Agent fo1_· Berthold Florist) sta ndards in sch ola rship," Dr. Far- but th ey ave a .s1 gm cant y 1g er club's activities. : nam stated death rate afte'r forty-five than 3111 But the club's pa id -up members , Deliveries to the Door _ Dr. Farn am also wrote tihat, "there other colleg·e men a nd particularly g·ot together secretly in politic al !l Phon e 188

· Mack I'm bo t hered with j CLARK' S art t hat I'd lik e to h ave FOREIGNERS GIVE TALKS THIS WEEK'S PLACEMENTS IPERUVIAN JS lContinued from Pa ge 1) j L H



eo a.uptm an obtained a position ,

Dr Will ia Th ford an d Duane Sams sa n tr two pleas- RECQGN ' SHOP · · ms-e divorce 'lawye r - as principal at Burr, Nebr as ka. Mr JZED is at the second door to yo ur left. in g numbers. H a up tman will receive his two-year Sboe repairing at ' Comforta ble' / talked on "Dating in dipl oma t hi s sprin g. Hi s wonderful _ 1 prices ! Ladies Shoes a S i al Ar ge ntin a. He explained at len gth executive a bility, which he h as Alex J. Sf.oddard Heads Schools in tt

the restrictions of the youn g women. years , proves him to be qu alifi ed for

such a pos 1't1·on. Word ha s been received that ..:ntOp on the East

Y ..

xpr esse "'

He d th b r h ' Side of the St reet)

ief t at Argen- / J. Sto dd ar d has been to be the tma was a bout twenty -fi ve years b e- Ed" th D 1 ave npo rt. who will receive head of the public schools of Pro viMake Yo h . hind t he United States with' 1·efer.e11ce her A B De g th " · h _. RI nr c 01ce r ee is sprin g, as se- .,e nce, iotle Island. For the past early• We have the gift to co mp a nion s hip. cur ed a tea ching job at Summer, Ne- three years, Mr. Stodd a rd has b een Cl a ude Gordon gave some of his braska. Mi ss Davenport was elected superintendent of the publ ic schools that will please. · by two other schools, but did not ac- of Sc henect ady, New York. The posiexpenences m .the South that were cept She wi·1'1 t h L t" d h"

Loyal P . . I · eac a m an 1s- tion at Providence came to him un-

I N harmacy very interestin g. He closed his talk 1 tory. I · • E R S 0 D A I . with the hope that the United States so icited, and as such, is a reco g ni: and other nati.ons would promulgate tion of his ability as an educa to r.

inte rn ational affairs. • Barton Redfern has been pl aced at Providence is a city 'of 272,000 popu- L U N C

Benjamin HHI made a plea for a Ord,, Nebr as ka to teach biolo gy and· lation and the school system there beter racial unders tanding- He Mr. Redfern will also offers a lar ge opportunity to a man GRAVES ' stated, "That mu st be saved at rec eive is A B De g ree this year. of Mr. Stoddard's a bility.

. N Y cos · e are a ere 0 serve Helen Stall "th h Peru in 1910, and 1·s ' one of ' awa i ts you at our fountain. !

Than was ever set bef ore you J ATTORNEY AT LAW an t W 11 h t I --- Mr. Stoddard graduated fr om

OTARY PUBLIC each other and to work tog.ether un- 1 · . smi as accepted a I Peru Nebraska f der the One Creator. We as a' race . and history t each- Peru's loyal alumni. He is a former

Come in today and treat y our- I of people. do not ask but mg at Craig, Nebraska. Miss president of the alumni association self and frie nds to t he finest ..__"°......._...,._ equal rights and equal justice ." Sta llsmith is also a senior. Mr. Stoddard began his teaching·

lu11 cb- and and lives t d ri nks you I -, ,_,_,_

jugraj Dhillon expresed the hope D . career in a Nemaha County rur al d ons Erickson, who will g t h school at th 4l 17 H I t ever tas te · f # that all nations were earnestlv in fa- e er e age o"i . e a er en1 Standar<l Oil of fair play. He predicted that 1 this spring has obtained a t,ered Peru and w as one of the real

Yo u 'll besurprised at the dif- the time is fast e-0ming when the / at Nebraska. She leaders on the campus. After gradfen ence. SERVICE STATION n atio n of will have more 1 w11I _teach 8th grade and high sch-00! uation he was elected ,superintendFull line of Polarine and music t t N G bile oils. personal interest in all other na ions. I · - en . a ewman . rove,_ He car wash- He said, "For when the Great Scorer i j resigned from this posrtion to attend ing, and Free Crank Case Ser- 1 • Harold M ·11 b · L C JI L c-0mes and visits you for the last time, · arren WI e supermtend- aw 0 ege · a ter he was elected vice. Car laµndered in good ' ent at Farwell N b k t · · I su · t d f Iit is not how vou have lost the ga me , • e ras a nex year. perm en ent o the Havelock ! J shape for $1.50. ' or how you ·have won it, but how M1... Marren completes his four years Schools. From here he went to the J • J. TACKE'fT / 1 well you have played the game." this summer. superintendency of Bronit school in ; 1 I New York, and from there to Seh- l City, Nebr.


EXCHANGE · enecta dy, New York. Peru Nebraska y k c II ' Tl h - I • f' READ AT FRAT MEETING or 0 ege students are await- 1 e sc ool to which he has now _..__.....,_....,.

ing with great anticipation what will been elected employs 1,400 teachers. I An interesting meeting of Alpha undoubtedly be the greatest Mara- Thus has A. J. Stodd ard jumped Mu Omega was held in tliie , Mathe- thon that Y. C. has ever had The from a oi:e room rural school to the · EVE RY ONE wi ll fi nd t his store a satisfactory place to Imatic's r oom, Monday, April 15. Marathon, -the York College Annual, head of a school system smploying sec ure thei r foods. Fresh meats, Lunch and canned meat, Short interesting talks were g iven wil !arrive the first part of May or 1,400 teachers and his Peru friends I milk, fres h and canned fruite and vegetables. Everything I by Margaret Clineberg, Marvin Over- earlier, unless some unforseen dif- he will jump some more be- # for the table. Service good and prices reasonable. I turf, GJ.en Slagle, and Prof. C. A ficulty arises. fore his career is ended.


"Geometric Forms in was < Nebraska W·esleyan university will ELECTION HELD. d) presented by Mar garet Clineburg in a 1 be host to over a thousand high FISK TEACHERS -AGENCY (Incorporate most in te restin g way. "The Nihe- schols visitors on the annu al high


Suite 4 10- 11 Symes, Denver-M. E. Shuc;k, Ph. D., Manager C I b M . 0 f d h

point ire

Friday, More v acan cies than satisfactory applicants to fill them. " Different Numl>er Systems,' by Glen April 26. Slagle also proved quite

' to ni g ht, Tuesd a y, April 23. , plete account WI appear m ; _____ ·11

issue of the Pedagogi a n.

m fiff;:-· A com- tour in Nebrask a, will appear in ing offic.ers were elected. A nomthe ne xt home concert, Thursd a y, April 18, in ·inatin g committee presented to th e the Wesleyan auditorium. \ club the nominations they had chos' en. They were : Hastings College and High School President- EUen Wilson Madonn a broug ht , home many honors last Brady, Muriel Majors. '

Official Bulletin


Saturday in the Hastings College Vice-President - Hazel Ma thews Relays held on the college track. !Phyllis Dammast, Dorothy Worley.

Sec1-etary- Evelyn Skelton, Lucille

Seven high school dramatic teams Newcomer, Vivian Stooker.

# No will be issued for ab- will be on the ca mpus Friday I Treasurer- Lozene Feddi e, Lucy

s ence, made y applying for a P. osi- part in Midland's third annual Little \ Anderson., Ruth Sh a effer. ti on, without special arrangement be- Home of Hart, Schaffner & Mari fore hand. ' Theatre tournament spons 01,ed by the Pro gram committee - Edytha Midland Players in the colfege audi- Prokes, Lucille Hughes, Ruby Brown . , 914 Central Ave., . Auburn, Nebr. \ t · . Y. M. and Y. W. student conf.erence onum. The following were elected: Pres-

will be at Estes p' ident, Madonna Brady; vice p-resi- ALUMNI dent, Phyllis Dammast; secretary,

. . ummer scuoo, us erm eg1ns · l S K A G.·G S '.

S A F E W A y

Miss Chole C. Baldridge, former Vivian Stooker·, treasurer, Lucy An· I June 10' an·d Closes July 17 .- head of the department of rural ed- del'son ; program chairman, Ruby

ucattion fat Pelru,d and. at fpresNenbt di- Brown. These officers will be inSummer school bi.tlletins :fre ready rec or 0 rura e or e ras- stalled at a formal tea this year. fo r distribution at re gi st'.rars office. Ika, has been aP.pomted to serve on

th e committee of publications ,for CoHege bread is made from the Don''n forget to·'· help for! the N. E. A. She is one of the com,- _flour of youth and the dough of age. the M. I. N. K. Track and Field Meet i mittee of five nationally known ed· I t h f th' k

to be held in Peru; _Ma_Y, 4. uca ors m c arge o . 1s w-0r , ' DO YOU KNOW? t . .b . w· h w

All students expecting ' to receive a Superintendent Joseph Miller, class '

t t . t t t · You can buy 250 White Nap- IS rt u IOl}. I OU . as e degree , certificate OT diploma from of 1902, now county superintendent kins for 25c. j AUBURN Phone 314 NEBRASKA this college in May, July, or August, of the schools of Gage County is do- I · # must appear at once at the registrar's ing very effective work in rural ed- # Palms Candy Kitchen

office for the pu"'rpose of making ucation. He is demanding that his

formal applic a tion. t ea c her s take methods and tra inin g

offici a lly adapted to rural schools

J All t d t · h' t th and ru1: al communit1'es. His ideas FOR YOUR BEST GIRL .

. . . . I· tennis courts must see Miss Gockley a re in with the course of Your Mother

Iand pay tennis club dues. study offered m the summer by Mr. I

edu<ation dep>et- f #I f j their dues must sign up for the courts # affection than by giving her a ,


' Iin the !obby of the postoffice in the j Superintendent E. H. Koch, of j box of ART-STYLE CHOCO . ' f ad building. Seward County, Nebrask,a, who is a Mother likes candy

All Guaranteed Tub Fast I --- graduate of Peru, and who is serv- . much today as she did years ago 1 , The rate of 2 p.er cent' will be de- ing his second term as county su- when Dad brought along a box At $2.95 and $3.95. ' ducted for each unexcused absence perintendent has the honor of to help him in his courting. ::J . I from class. Third unexcused absence more modern one-room schools , omlt iArtstyle Chocolates are great ·

' drops the student from class. in his county than in any other favorites the country over. If ' f county in the sta te. yau are away from home we

Unless ·a written excuse from aj · can mail them for yr{u. f • • t dean is presented to rnstructor ·within Sambo- Did Brudder Brown gib

'll admit the superiority of I on·e week after the absence, it wm , de hride away?



f stand an unxcused absence. Rastus No, sah; he gwine let the

groom find her outdor himself. Instructors will have charge of f · ' f granting excuses for: 'Students leav-

in g class and tardiness to class. I DRAYAGE I

each tardmess unexcused I


Basket-dy in , "Li bert y." them. To wh at ex tent is t

e? We h ea r much about sc h oo l costs. of . South Sch? 01• ba ll Banquet a su cc ess Mi;-. 1 Willi a ms I

Some say they have incr-ease d t oo braska Miss Cook is registered th is had sec ur ed one of the na tions lead· He re is a ma n, tbe h ea d of a fa m- f h I J 19 28 I · rapidly. Others say we should be e.x- year as a r es man. n une, ' in g foot ba ll a nd b asket ba ll coac h es il y, wh om we have in mi nd Du ring she was gra du ate d fro m th e South pendi ng more th an we are fo r the · to gi ve the n ext ad d ress He in tro- • 1928 t hi s ma n h act re nd ered to hi m a ed ucat ion of our c hild ren. Wh o is Oma ha h ig h sch oo l where she had at- d d L R G f ma to whom I b f b ll 0 b' ll f ten ded sch oo l fo ur ea rs. ' uc·e . on . · ra ' a n num er .o 1 s. ne 1 wa s or righ t? Let 4s exami ne so me of the Y Icham p10ns h1p teams co mes n atu ral. the protection of h is fam il y's fut u re fact s. Some thmk th at to be a sch olar Mr G f h t t lk . h. h J ra gav·e a s or a m w 1c t hro ugh li fe in s ur a nc e. It t ota led

one must study most of the ti me and h Id h h . h' t b d · f It is tr ue that sc h oo l costs are , . . . . 1 e to ow c amp1ons ip earns a $270 for the yea r. An oth er was or not p art1c1pate m ext ra-c ur.ncu ar ac· b d . p d .- th t J the fam il y au tomo bile. Its cost in- greate r n ow then before the war. tivit ies. Mi ss Coo k bel ong·ed to s ix feen ma e 1 Hn e1ru u nng d he pdas elu d in g ai li tem s--depreci ation, op - are re a sons for .the increase? sc h oo l c lub s, an d at one t ime or an- years. a expresse "IS e. d . . $l 200 for Fi rst, atten dan ce h as inc r ea sed ap- th h Id ff. . h Th sire to s ee w mnm g t eams. When i er ation an rep aus- was . , o er e an -0 i ce 1n eac . e . . h h h h bl b' ll ame prox im ate ly 70 per cent sm ce 1914. 1 b h b 1 d t . V 11 1t be co m es such a tb rn g t at t ere 1 t e ye a r. Anot er s1zea e 1 c . c u s s e e on ge o w ere . e um . . . h 1 in for lu xuries w hi ch he a nd m em b ers Sme e we have not fou nd a way to e d- 1 Li te rar y S oc ie ty , Gi rls Reserve, is. n0 longer a wm , t en . f th f .1 h ad co nsu me d. Th e ucate c hild re n by mach i ner y, an in -Corn en.ius G ra de Sch oo l Club Mi ner- w ill sta rt b ack to farming. After a ll j cove r ed we re ca nd y, I in in volves a p ro'' va Debating Society, Story Tell ers everytl iin g in li fe is; b ased on that I d 'm' l ar confec ti ons I p ort1on ate in crease m school expen d- I Leag ue, and the Hi storic al S oc iety of o ne word, no matter what we und er- J ice c ream an s1 1 •I k · · · · ,. , theate r s, a nd to b ac co. The bill fo r 1 1tu re Of co urse, we. could h ave p re- / South Hi gh Sch oo l. ta e ou1 mam aim 1s wm, s.a 1;.. h 1 t $700 I ve n te d the growt h m costs due to Wh 'l . h' h h I M' C k Mr. G raf. In Mr. G raf s coach in g i t ese uxur1es cam·e o . 1 1 e m 1g sc oo 1ss oo · ·This man we w ill ag ree w as pi·etty in cr eased by a ll ow in g t o-0k a normal tra inin g course. She career at P er u h e. has _p robab ly won ff H . 1 t t' Ifewer ch i ld ren to .atten d sc h oo l or by to k t . th 1 t . . d' , more state ch am p

W ED., T HUR., APRIL U ni v ersal's sp eci al pro duction , f

"The Man I Who Laughs"


is a p ic tu ri za ti on of one of the I wo rld's roos t c herished novels , ! fr om the in sp ir ed pen of the '!' Im mort al Vict or Hugo- In its f la vish settings-br illian t d i· I r ect ion-ins pired ac tin g-tense I dra m atic . situa ti o n s-0 v er- , whelim.in g beau ty- and its sub· l im e lo ve story- This m agn ifi - I ce nt and spect acu lar p hot o- f dr ama surpas ses in an im- I mea surable degre1::-an y th i g # ever be fo re at t,em pted in Cin- ,. ema Pro d uction. A dmi ssion 10 and 30c -Comedy was a bl e to pu rc hase $200 wort h of ear li er ag e. Most of us, ho wever, of .the I,>ro g ra m committee for t he an- / To a h tti ng: close to th,; ta lks au tomobiJ.e tra nspor tation. He a nd wou ld q ue st ion wh eth er such a pol-school Mother and Daug·hter tea Shel Mr. Willi ams then int ro d uce d D ea dh is wife a nd c hild l'e n wer e able to en -icy wo uld me an a rea l savi ng in the t oo k an active part in the activities Eye Ru sse l Was ley, .C aptai n of. joy the l ux u ries of life to th e tu ne of long run of h er se nio r cl ass. - 19 29 S tate F RI ., SAT., APRIL 26- 27 $700 a year. How much sho uld such Second, sc h oo l costs h ave increased Her schol astic a verage was the p1on s, who gave a sh ort rntere stm g Th e sensation of, t he age! T he · a citize n be ab le to pay fo r the sc h o-0 1- bec ause the do ll ar bu ys less. Th e' hi g hest in the cl ass, a nd instead of ta lk in which he rev i ewed the past worl d has ro c ked since Judge ing of his child ren? If he expe n de d 1928 do ll ar had 58c p ur chasing power the req uired th irty cre dits Mi ss Coo k seaso n a nd than ke d the me n with L in ds ay gave it a new marriage $250 a year for this pu rp ose w ould he when c ompa red with th at of 1914. had fo rty w he n she was gradu ated whom he pl aye d for the c ooper a tion i dea. Now you can see· ,Jl is be g iv en edu cati on too hi gh a pl ace Th e doll ar 's loss in pu rc hasin g powe r As a resul t of the ex ce llen t work they had give n h im in help i ng him I th eo ry liv ed be fore y olli:: ey(ls. in his sca le of valu es? app li es wh eth er one is buying a mea l, done, the World Hera ld gave the w in an other ch am pio ns hi p. ; "C

t · · An s wer this question as yo u will. an over coat or sc h ooli ng fo r a c hlld sc holars hip of $200, w hich is give n " Di ck" then anno u nced th a.t the I omp an1ona e···

The man d ecri bed above is Un cle IIt h as b ee n necessa r y, th erefor e, to in-onl y for the sc holastic r eco rd , parti- banq uet was given to serve a two -

Sam. If yo u will ta ke the p re cedin g cr eas e the nu mb e.r of doll ars spent cip atio n in scho ol ac tivi ti es, charac- fo ld p urpose. The fi rst to honor the I .

fi g ures and a dd sev en to th em for each c hild in sc h oo l. Could t his ter, pers on ality. a nd attitu de t owar d b as k etba ll me n who b ad brou g ht

yo u w ill have wh at Un cJ.e S am paid i ncrease h ave be en preve n te d? Onl y scho ol ,work and life to Miss Coo k. h ome the ch amp ions h ip an d the sec- I MO N.; APRIL 29 in 1928 fo r fo ur imp orta nt items of by l owering the quantity or qua li ty on d to g'ive a fa r ewell to Coac h Lor - I Beb e Dani als in national expe ndi t ur e: jof scho o lin g provi ded. Less we ll- THE A LPHA LITERARY SOCIETY beer who left P eru the mo rni ng afte r ; "T k M H " life I ns u ran ce - - $2,100,000,00 0 teac hers co uld h ave been em - Ithe banquet fo r Bl oo mingto n, Illi nois, I a e e ome P as sen ger au tom obiJ.es 12,000,0 00,00 0 fl lo ye d. We co uld h ave co nst ru cte d The fr es hm an li.terary so cie ty met where he will ba seball for the Certa in lu xuries __ 7,000,000, 000 schoo l b uildin gs w hi ch were more in- on Thu rs d ay , Apn l 11. The fo llo w- Th ree-Eye Leag ue. In closing the f' ; P ub li c .e du cation _ 2,50 0,00 0,00b fl amma bl e an d less h ea lt hful. ·Most of in g prog r am was prese nt ed: gro up

ing of its children. Speaking in av- has approximately 30 per cent more Club met on Tuesday and Thursday . ,

erages, if a family spent less for the I power with to buy They discussed plans for their stunt I

fir st three items it spent prop.o r- education for each child m sch ool night. Chet Corber was chosen J.ead -

tiona..tely less education. It is than it did in 1914. How does this er. The club will meet regularly on

the proportion that counts, not the 30 per cent increase in what might Tuesday and Thursday at 7 p. m.

f "

actual amounts spent. be called the "st a ndard o educating.

Assume any kind of family you compare with the increase in our Brown- Does your daughter read ' Uor 5 baraTzrini"aLg. Fill your

wi sh. Take the figures given above "standard of living?" Since 1914 pur- much

and make your own divisions. Then chasing power of the average income Black-Well, from the kind of maglook at your results, ' and you will of all gainfully occupied persons in azines and books I, see her bring

find that, on the average, every time the United States has increaed ap- home I should say not mµ.ch.

we spend a dollar for schools; we prox!mately per cent.. Therefore,

s pend $1.09 for life insurance, $4.80 the m average_ mcome has "How do you know Jenkin's wife

for passenger automobiles and $2.80 · been slightly more rapid 1-han the is away.''

for articles clearly in the luxury cot of keeping a child in school. "He carries a can opener on his

class. What do you think about it'? What does thls fact mean in relation key ring."

Does the costJ of school indicate we to school costs? Have increased I . d ti t hi'gh i'n the more than they should. Answer the A few nights ago a senior boy was are p acmg e uca on oo scale of values. ouestion for yourself. walking borne the dance. A

What About School Costs? One answer which has been given smile wa's on his lips and he was , The great mass of the nation's cit- is of interest. The Na.tional Indus- softly humming n popular dance



Authorized Deal er foil'

izens want good schools. They want trial Conference Board, a research piece. !# REMINGTON PORTABLE TYPEWRIT ERS every child to have its chance. But Bf.ency supported by 1 number e::fi Suddenly a long, h w, high-v :.> w-

some say we cannot afford good. .')usiness 01,.,: i:liz a tions, ered car pulled up to the curb just

See us for your lunch and Picnic ea ts schools Is it true that public schools investigated the whole question.] a few foet ahend ">f him and , Fresh Fruits and Candies Ice Cream and Cold Drinks are costing more than we can afford? Their investigation may be summed switched pff the lights. From it the ; I ,, Here is the situation of a man, ind tfhe foltlho"':'ing twot quot. Ito"'. ml ulrmerh off land the hApsd '- 111

the head of a family, whom we have rom eir : e · enca aug o a came. n 1

ot her prop.erty worth $40,000. He 1 ela•tion to school needs has not beer: There was no denying her beauty. I in mind. He owns re al estate and exper.ditures measured m then-theii a w<J: ,"e.: '!merged.


Opposite Tra1n1n.g School

h . · f $8 500 Th h excessive . The annual increase was I Sh 1 •. · as a yea1 y mcome o , . roug . e wa., t 1e on ,' 1"\al ,.ired buc;1•oe,,;s investments of various kinds he is less than two per :: cnt;' 1 ma n's dream. With a slow sineous ! ' re gularly inc1-easing his capital. For grace she glided to the romance , example, he added $ __ 22 to his sav- Are we to judge the countrv school filled lad, a nd said in hi:s ;, y

ings a ccount during the past year that! we saw in Friday, voice, "Kiss me, honey." The and now has a total of $2,841 on de- April 19, as a typical country school poor youth swallowed gum and posit in this account. How' much is a house. The members of the Honor 1 h ::man in this situation able to afford Student .Club depic.ted a "usual" day For further details · see Harold for the education 1of his children? for us. The teacher had her troubles Marren. Wo\lld $250 a year for school support as few ):eachers do. Not only the be within his ability to pay? usual pa per wa:d throw and gum Te acher- If there were M.1-. Jones, J An s wer these questions as you will , chewing, but also a hysteTical boy, Mrs. Jones and the baby, how many the fa ct is that the man described who had to drink his vitamines and were there?above is Uncle Sam. The figures giv- c:ilories at various intervaJs during Johnny-There weN! t':Vo and one en will be those for the United States, the day. to carry if you will add seven zeros to each of them. Uncle Sam owns property va lued at al;iout $400,000,000,000. He has an annual income of $85,000,000,000. rle inc1,eased the amount in his savin gs a ccounts $2,220,000,000 in 1928 and now has a total of $28,410,000,000 deposited in these accounts. And he spent fo r public school of all typ es, from the kinder-g a rten through the univers ity, a little less than $2,500 ,000,000 in the same year. Of course all he a ds of families do not own $40,000 worth of property or enjoy an annual incom e of $8,500.


For All That's Newo For the N ewes t New York Creations are· shown here soon as in the larger city stores.





Large Crowd Sees "The Goose Ha11gs High" at Auditorium





On Tu es d ay of l a5t wee k, tihe hi gh


4 On Mond ay ev enin g: of last wee l<, school mus ic. dep artme nt was en te r· _

memb ers and guests of Delta Alpha tai ne d in the Clem ents home wi.th Mr. Musical Comedies to Be Given in Col- Pi were e ntert ain ed at the Clemt>n t ::.'

Pitzer, Gamble, and Anderson Appointer by Go v ernor Weaver ain d Mrs . D oy le a nd Mr. a nd Mrs lege Auditorium Saturday Iho me. ' Th "'l M ath ews An interesting was g ive11 e annu.,. senior class play of the ass · t' s I b w h m d a nd is mg. 0 0 num ers The two one-act mu sical comed.ies F r-ic ulty members who had become as -1 Gov eTnor eaver as na e Peru high school was presented F ri - w.ere g iv en by Mi ss Brook er a nd Mr. which al'e to be pres ented on May 4, SG ci atr <l with Kapp a Del ta Pi in the sta te senate has confirmed thr ee day night in the college auditorium. D oy le. As a speci al f eature of the er scho ols g ave .a series of entertfu n- new members of the state board of A large crowd was out for the p ro- e ven ing, a film of sc·enes from the a re pra ctically completed. ing talks. The present membership in - education, which has control of the duction · The first one entitled, "Beans and elud es: Mr. and Mrs Norwood, Mr. state ' teachers colleges. The new · · op era -"S amso n a nd D i·1 h" B tt " · t f · The production of thi s play, " The el a was u ons cons1s s o va rious -a nd Mrs Tyler, Mr. Benford, Mr. members are Wm. H. Pitzer, an atGoose High," was in c harge i sh ow n. the s howin g of tions as to matrimony, duelin g, honor Mathews, a nd Mr. Holch. As slides torney, of Nebra ska City, Fred M. of Cedric Crmk, of the co ll eg e. Mr. • the film Miss Br own sa ng the aria , and senttment. The comedies ha ve were shown of numerou s prominent Ande rson , a merchant of Cozad, and is to be complimented on the "My He a rt at Thy Sweet Voice" fr.om been hewn, hack'"ed, clipped, a nd re: educat ors re ports were g iven by vari- John W. Gamble, a business man of manner in which the pl ay w as p ro- th is oper a. arranged by H. Lepere and after- ous membe rs of the fraternity. Rub y Omaha, and a former teacher. sented and produced. Ea ch a cto.r ward lnstrumen:ed, orchestrated, _a nd Brown sang two solos and Hazel These three new members take t e displayed a large amo u nt of inlter- Delicious refreshmen ts were served, mto one harmomous Willi ams gave a re a din g. places of Dan V. Stephens and Miss 1;1retation of the play. a nd the hi gh school colors were used musical pa_radox Alfred Robyn At the cl ose of the pro gram, the Ruth E. Pyrtle, whose terms expir e, h in c arrying out the color scheme in The scene held lI1 a reception room . 'host and hostess served delicious re- a nd the vacancy caused by the resThe play as wonde rf ul p lot a nd th e· decorations. The cast will be as follows: freshments ign a tion of Dan Morris of Kearney , !a,as been u.s ed for the past co uple of John Bean, Sr. -" Elton D_avenport For the past year or so this vacancy

The charl\icters in the are of a AR.BOR


years as a fine play for hi gh schoo ls. / John Bean, Jr. Don


has been filled by T. E. Hamer of

Mrs. Button __ Evelyn Noerlm g er Ke a rney



typ-e that ca.n be readily interp re ted Miss Button

8 Concerning these the by high scho-01 students j


The second comedy Cynth1as I . , Nebrask a City News-Press says: Each actor on the stage Tues d ay Stra tegy" tells of the cunning of the \ "Mr. Pitzer's appointment by Gov night deserves much cre dit fo"J" the modern girl in over coming parental U . 11 Well S 1 t d c t Has ernor w.ea ver came without his sosuccess of the play Lines w ere well R ev o.f Auburn inte rference m c oosmg o a us- B'een Chosen licitation, it was said Friday, a nd th_e


f h mversa y e ec e as p.resented, and understandi ng of the I Students at Convocation band. Th: cast m order of ap- Nebr aska City man has accepted it play was evident 1 • ! is as follows "Ta ke My Advice" by Elliott Les- reluct antl y. Governor Weaver refu sT i. f th l f II , Although the Arbor Day ex erc1ses l Cy nthia Perry Lorene Norton • t th 1 "' hp m e cl ass pl a" ed to take 'no' however a nd the ap-· 1.e cast o e p ay was as o ows : · R d T h 1 1 er,

R 11 I at Peru we re rather i;hort, the stu- Stanley Young ayrnon .

Bernard Ingals Harold u sse !

Eumce Ingalls, 0 h1s wife - I

Elo i se Fair h ead fi ne ta lk a convocat10n , Mr. nday The I

Pitzer is a N

attorney Noel Derby, Jnt1mate friend --R everen d Mr. Patte rson , imrus t er C·f

h hl t 1 fo r the Ne brask a City Buildin g & Paul L an ° t t he Presby te ria n Church. of Auburn. Lo an Associati on, own er of Otoe d l I ' • act ors a nd a re t orou g y a 10rne on d · the stag e. Leo Day, a c;ouncilman Roy Wo n er vi sited Peru and a ddressed the st u: HAS rNITIATION Dale Dyke, who will have th e :p a rt coun ty r ea l estate a nd for y ea rs inRhoda, a servant Nao mi W ilco x d -e nts on "Ar b or D ay ." I of Clemen ts in this pl ay has also terested in educ a tion al m att ers Julia Murdock, Eunfoe's sister - Wh en we stop a nd t.hink , A:hor ca rried lead s in many one-act plays "Fr ed M. Anderson, C-0 zad, h as Edith Gr af to n D ay is f as t h ec omin g a u atio n al holi- Practical Problems Discussed by Fra- while at Peru. He played in " The be en prominent in bus in ess and pr oMrs. aradley, Eunice's -p tt"t day, It has ori g in ated in Nebr aska ternity Members Poor Nut '' last fall, and his latest fe ssion al a ff airs in centr al Nebr as ka · · Wmifre eh l· a nd ha s grown to co ver th e -11ation. ac compli shment was the le ad in a on e for y ea r s. J.ohn W. Gamble, well Hugl} Ingals -:-- er l Arbor D ay is b as ed on the life of La st Tuesda y evening, April 23, at act pl ay, "The Sa me Old Thin g" ]m own Om aha bu siness ma n, w as an Lois Ingals, twin Holhs Hutc hinso n one ma n, J. Sterling Mo r ton , who, 8 p. m ., Alpha Mu Omega initi ated pres ented by the Dramat ic Club only educ ator of pr ominence for many Bradley lngals, twin for ha lf a. ce11tury, liv-ed in Nebr af: - a ctive and associa te members into the a few weeks ag o. ye ars, on e time superintendent of Alliso n Clm eb urg ka City. Wh en a young man J\fr. Mor- fraternity This took place in the Esther Dickerson, who will ha ve schools at E ag le He is now pres iden t Dagmar Carroll Margie Lawrence ton st artle d planting tr.ees, His Mot- the part of Ann We aver in thi s play of th e Staµ da rq Chemic al Co'mp any, faculty room, Most all of the associto Was' "Pl

B has pl ayed jn "Honor Bri g ht," a nd

New Dormitory Progressing Rapidly in Spite of Rain

this paper makes frequent · reference to the new dorm i tory being er.acted, it will be excused, because the sp,eed wjth which the work is bei ng done is the talk -0f the town -at least that portion of the town which has taken the tro ubl e to find ollt what is being done. Since r eqent reports, the excav.atin g has been completed, and the foundation for the wans finished. With the ex-

ed th at to mak,e life worth li vi ng one L eslie Carey ded with an actress. must be surrounded by the beauties initiation ceremom_es of the active I Marvin "Dick'' Williams have Will B.e La rgest FOlrmal Affair of of nature. On e will easily see bow m embers. Followmg this was the one of the heaviest p arts of this pl ay. the Year beautiful a life Mr: Morton must h ave splendid program. V arious probl ems, Peru peopl-e have not seen "D ick" in when they visit Arbor Lodge ·1 catchy, a nd otherwise were much stag·e action, his only play in The annual Junior-S enior Ban quet m .Nebraska City. .This park con- so lved by var10us members. Peru being· " The Ink Girl." " Dick" will be held Friday, May 3 in the tains most every tree that will grow The students and the sponser, Mr. h as a lot of natural ability on the D ining room of Mount Vernon Ha ll. in this climate. Along w ith his beau- Hill, enjoyed themselves very much. ;tage and will displ ay t his in "Take All plans are n ow comple t e, an d in· tiful park Mr. Morton h a!f cult ivated Why was it necessary to sit t here My Advice." He plays the part of vitations have b een mailec1 to all beautiful orchards a nd gar dens. The wi'th a lon g face and tear-fiHed eyes Ji m Thayer, an oil-stock salesman. seniors, most of whom h ave declared most picturesque ga1·de and orch- a nd be afraid that something would A lar.ge part of the plot will be cen- their intentio ns of being present ards in this part of the state are now really happen. All of us must enjoy j tered. about this character. The 1929 banquet promises to be a part of the Arbor Lodge State Pa rk the various phases of college life. Earl Whip.pie, who h as played in 1a huge success. No effort or wo rk is Mr. P atterson, in his .address, brot This was only one. L et yourself' "The P oor Nut" and several one-act , being· neglec ted by members ')f the out the_ i mportan ce of Arbor Day and loose once in a while, that was exactly plays at Peru includin g Slave" IJuni or class to m ake th is one of the J. Sterling Morton, the man w ho ga ve what .the Alpha Mu people will have a rather fem1mst1c role to best banquets yet held. the wor ld a g reat idea, "Ph nt Trees." did last week.. fill in "Take My Mr. W hip- Since the days of the Sop homorecllption of about half of the north ide, the brick work had been done

to the top of the ground by noon I

Wednesday, and on the entire east I



One su ggested that some wo rth- pi e will play the part of Kerry Van F·res hm an banq uet the Junior-Senior while practical problem be solved. Tyne, an English-born banquet is the on ly formal affair giv -

Immedi atly Mr. Redfern gave one a nd a natural born l eader of society. en on the campus during the entire that concerned a ha re a nd a hound.I Van T yne is one of New York's fam- year.

The had a lead of t;en yards and ous ac tors. The decorations this year are in wall and oart of th e south wall it had 1 • been c,o:u:ipleted to the tops of the ! Peru t t th t f te Yards P er H arvey Nickle will he remembered. . basement windows.

The framework for the hoist to be used in elevating the materials for the upper stories has been constructed, and the machinery is being placed for its use.

IRain has seriously hampered the workmen, and delayed the work, but not to the extent that one would supwen a e rai e o n p t f hi , k . charge of Elsie Wallm, and the menu


Graduate Died of Heart Failure second. When would the hound. catch on the eru s age or s wor 111 • • h Mi T

Recently the h are? Here "limits' enter an d "The Poor Nu t," and "The T urtle is m c arge of ss owne. - this person said the har·e would Dove." Mr. Nickel will have .the part Mr. C. E. Claa r, Superintendent of j lose some h air. But this wasn't the of J"Oseph Weaver, head of the WeavScho ols of Cambridge for the past answer. er family.

five years, died of heart failure on J Many more problem were give n Virginia Mi lstead will be remem-


KAOAS COPE April 24. Mr. Claar was a member and after the brains began to t ire, bered on t11e Peru stage · "H B · ht" Miss s ea of the ·Class of 1907. He was a stro ng d ainty refreshment wel'e serve d. 111 onor ng · Educational Pictures to Be, Given at student in sc hool. Among his class This ini tiation will long be r emem- will h ave th,e part of Marella Scott, R egular Convocation mates are Superintendent C. R ay bered as one of the finest initia.tio n sl Bud Weavers d h h Gates n ow of Grand Island; Honor- e ver to be given by Alpha Mu Omega. Bud Weaver, a young a ; o able Earl Cline, Re ge nt of the 8 tate just quit college marry -e gir U · ·t · D C E Benson Head of his dreams, will be played by

n1versi y, r. · · . '

The Peru Demonstration hi gh school h as added another improvement to their assembly ro om. They MRS. ENNIS GIVES TALK AT EMILY POST MEETING

Mrs. T. E. Ennis gave an ing address at the regular of th:e Emily Post, freshmen fonday, April 22. interestmeetin g club, on

She' gave some enlightening material about how to dress, how to act, and what to talk about at formal aff.airs.

On May 13 Emily Post will the _y;ear when Miss Grace Tear. address the club on "Trave.Jmg.. With such an abundance of exper1euoe in traveling, Miss Tear's talk s-hould attract a large number of the freshmen belonging to this club.

OLD SHORT BUT Ubb b'l of Educational P sy cholo gy, Ne w York PHILOS H Walter Ubben. Mr. . en V: t e n-ew Cit Un iversity; Superinten dent W. INTERESTING MEETING on the Peru stage is a re- h ave purchase d a new Kadascope MaG of Burlington, Iow a; Dr. markably large amount -Of a.bihty for chine, manufactured by Th EastF. D Brooks he ad of the psychology Th e Philo mathean Literary Society the stage. man Kodak Company, whi ch has a 16 . . t J h Hopkins lJniversi- he ld a short m eetin g l ast Thursday Dorothy Nelso, an other new mem- l t R R McGee, Co- evening, April 25; ait 8: p. m. in the her in Peru dramat,ics _will h ave thhe fmo.umr.-hpurnodjei·cetdio,:1,:etanodf aa Jraeregleemquoav1·i;t·go · y; u ' · d s ten part of Mrs We aver, .a mother w o J..,. lumbus, Nebr aska; H high school auditorium can do with numbers tha n a picture machine. dent J. C. Mitchell, o rege, e - Mu rie l Majors was chairman of the mathematician. ka It is also interesting to n ote that program committee and under her Every FridaY, at their convoc ation the late J. W. Searso n, w,ho passed fine direct ion, an interesting gro up MATHEMATICS SOCIETY period they have .one or two reels of away a year ago, a nd was of music numbers were g iven. GIVES CHAPEL PROGRAM ed u cational pictures. At presen t they known as an author.ity in education Margaret Majors sang two vocal are being with a series of and publisher of' text books, was an solos and Lucile Hu gh es played a The Mathematics Society gave a Vocational Gui dance films. These instructor of the C3lass of 1907· pi·ano solo. . j unique p_r-0gram in convocation Frip'ictures illust rate the various occuf th Class 'of A · short business meetmg was d ay, April 26· · pations there are in the world, and Miss Gladys Pier.ce, 0 e he ld at which time the pr·esident of If you do not believe that s•.xty'28, sends wo:r:d of her eiection to .the organization appointed a com- four equals sixty-five see Mr. g ive the studen ts something to t hink biology position in the hi gh school t mittee work on the Philo-Everett Dyke. He will prove it you. r_he about. The films that are bein g Mapleton, Iowa. pro.gram to be g iv en durin g com- pro g ram proved to be quite entertam- shown have in them m uch valuable mencement week. He was also to in g. Mr. Van Dyke spent a la:g·e information and the students acq uire,

Honorable J. W. Gamble, recently Of the Class of a ll men. h ave appointed on the Board of Education time or other engaged m the Ppoint a nominating committee who µart of the ch apel period showmg ' bl knowledge a d uld be d wi th possi y, more prac 1 to nominate persons .to be electe students what co one • 1 • are numbers. than c an be reahzed. for office next year.

· h C lleges of Ne- at some d a e of the State Teac ers o l of pr-0fess ion, an many r braska, is· a graduate of the c as_s till makjng it their life work. 1908 and o ne of our loyal al um1;11 I s



APRIL 30, 1929

. , TH E .PE R 'tJ ,drug s to r es and on vau dev ille pl at- FOR "J OLLY DO DGERS" DR. N.

f ! fo r a l on g while. Th ere is ' __

p E .DAG Q G J AN so mething of romantic exc ess i11 th e Jo lly D odgers are m eeting e vers_ f X- RAY S]i:RVICE t c olleg iate costum·e th at is ,o ut of k ey Mond.ay ev·en in g :.tt G:,l5 in 1 1 Over B arnes' Pharmacy. Tel. 2i w·th these prosaic times Bell-bo t- · E ve··ybody is inv i ted .o f ; Entered at the Postoa1•c'e of Peru, !i;VD1llas1um , ', , ·1 -. _..__..,._...,...._

" tom trousers, un-anch ored suc ks a nd - ·· · - · -...- ._.

be and ha '/e a. ,g:ooi,i.. t]l);:e. Nebraska, as second class matter. a nd s uch-lik·e are as much reli cs of

Published Weekly a-t Peru State in g t he Amerjcan Mercu r y. :.lu. b

Th ere -' the past as is the fas hion of carry-

Teachers College boys r ead The New Yor ker now.) re ov ested to brin

ASSOCIATE EDITOR___ IJAROLD B. Mc CREIG HTI t ive is a. "va lu able -


- - E. R. BURKEY a nd th at an yon e m the SIX INCHES RAIN ," MEEK LUMBER CO.

ASSOCIATES HAROLD MARREN, WAYNE CATLETT world who h op es to _make good is l

FACULT Y MEMBER ---" - THOM.AS E. E NNIS lost withou t, it ." T he ga r ter manu- JN TWELVE DAYS I W. J. RABEL,p::r.Nebr fac tur es dep ic t in full -p a ge ads the

REPORTERS terrible tr a gedies that b efal l .those · SPORT - - - '.'SQU EAK" MU MPER who h ave no "S0x Ap_pe a l'' ancl the Bad Hail Storm Does Mu ehl Damage J

CAMPUS - - - FRANC ES MORIARTY Arrow coll ar people a re out gunning A bou t Pe ru

MUSIC - - -' - IDA SCHREPEL for the i nformal roll -collared shirt of

- BILL WA RMAN t he out-of- sty le " dru g sto re cowboy:" Pr obab ly th e worst ha il storm that

F EATU RES -__ ':'.'. ________ WILLA RD E. FOWLER Ev en the co onskin coat is passing. th is vicini ty has exp eri enc·ed in a ;

DRAMATICS - - ELLE EN ME ANS Oth th The qu ar ter of a cen tury v isited us on I i LE er times, o er manners. r

FACULTY - - .;:.,- FRED co lle gi ate mode is p assi ng out. Th e Wedn esd ay ev enin g. Th e sto rm cam:e ,'a I nvited to enroll for t eachin

MUSIC - --.,.- - - .ttUBY BRO th h about 4 ·30 the wors t of the hail re ason 1t IS g-0rn g is e r.e ason w y · . . . I a ll fashions chang e. Th e p oo r c omi ng· a fe w mmutes b efore five positi ons wi th

THE SCIEN TIFIC ATTITUD E IA th in g w hi ch is in harmony . yrithl ·drug clerks an d farm han ds, h ave Io' cloc k. In town the lay on the By A. E. Holch. hu ma n -e xperi.en ce may be be li eved ht u with it. T he n ext job fo r lgrou nd t ill it was e ntJrely c overed, I TheD avis School Service is bliss, 'tis fo ll y Iprovided it is in agreeme nt wi th all r:en is to c re a te a new fash - as if tl11ere h ad bee n a snow storm ; w. T. DAVIS, ' 06, Man ager to be wise." This 1s the slo gan of the Iof the kn own facts a nd n ot out of ac - io n. Other wise the four years woul d Some of t he ha ilst ones we re as I man who beli eves in the e ffi cacy of I cord with a ny of them b wasted an d t here w ould be no i as o rdin ary crab appl es or apncots. # 138 No. 12 th St Lincoln, Nebr. spontan eo us happiness Such an 1 fi nall y, the sci·entist i:iust be, w: y. to di,stin·gui sh' b etwee n th ose / -Two hou rs aft er the hail c ea.s ed s ome I I " I hedon istic attit ud e wo uld pe rh aps be Iw 1llmg to d ro.p the co_nc lu s10ns he h ha ve had th·e p ri'vi'lege of a col- of the h ai lstones w ere p 1ck.ed up 'I ' . w 0 ' desirable eno ug h, if ignoran ce were has reac h ed ev.en by a fo ll owrn g of leg·e educ atio n and t hose who have w hich we re as la r ge as hull ed wal -1 , alwa ys b liss. But the man of sc ience the scientific me thod, and to chan ge I nuts- an inch in diameter. I labo rs to re du ce in J his po int. of vi·ew the t rue n ot It is r·epa rt ed th at the h :til was 1 '

f belief .that by so dorn g t he g·enum e Iexpl a nat10 n of a give n set of Phe- SOME IDEAL LOGIC ev en worse north of t ow n, Wm Ty - I ' o.f man ki nd. is increase d. , nom1:ma, when ever new facts It is a ffirme d th at you are "".h at n on r eport in g th at on n orth of his ; Ti res, .Tubes, Acc esso_rles, .Gas, I By the anx1et1es, the I br ou g ht. t? b ear on -the ca se yo u t hin k you a re If yo u think you place 'it w as ex tremely s ev ere f!-e I an d Oil We arr h o1s to f ers ti t 1ons, a nd the -0f man Ica nn 9t at 1ona lly be ac.co un te d fo1 by ar e wh at yo u th ink yo u a re, yoq w ill says that little d amag e was done m I h elp. us 10 lubricating. I he be li e ves th at t heir to tal welfare 1s 1 accepted Th e n aturally beli eve a nd think th at you th at section, howe ver, except th at a dvanced. j ID g of fa cts which are n ot m re a ll y think wh at you a re; bu t if you s to ck w hi ch was out in the open sufThe r ed uctio n of igno rance a nd with the a cc epted on ly thi nk ·what you are in truth you Ifer ed from the b eati ng h ail. T here su pe r stition fo ll ows n atura lly as a tion must be by a r ea djust- are more t han li kely to thin k and aJ\e no commerci al orc ha rds in that • ._ resu lt of inc rease of scie ntific kno w l- ment of t? fit a ll of believ e that you on ly th ink th at you vic in i ty to be d amaged. T he hail di d I You'll not be dissappointed f ed ge. A co ll ege co urse in a ny fiel d facts. th.is IS the cr u crn l thin k wh at you ar.e. If yo u t hin k yo u n ot exte nd far so u th of P.er u, an d if y ou get your hair cut at I of scie n ce is justifi ed if it instills test of sc ienti fic mmded ness. you are what you are not, th en the big orchar ds in that vicinity seem I B OB KNAPP into the stud en ts an abili ty to eva l- Can the s cfo ntific a ttitude be cu l wh at vou t hin k is n ot wh at yo u are to h ave escaped dam age. The or-1, . uat-e ev i de n ce a nd a willin gness to tiv ated an in dividu.al and yo u a r·e , is not; wh at you west of town ar.e said to : 0 Gaines Hall on the; b ase jud ge me n ts on va lid d ata possess it? Usually, 1f he is willin g t hink a nd what you t hi nk 1s n ot wh at been b adly d amaged, a nd small fr uit I em nt.) f Sh --...- Th ere is li ttle question th at many to malve the e ffort. uc a one must ' you th ink you are not and wh at y-0u is reported to h av e bee n severely m- ! studen ts g·ra du ate with A. B. deg ree try to get away from h is prejudi ces.\ are no t is not w hat you think you are· j ure d in the path of the ha il st o1:m. :-=:================ wh os e a ctions w ill always be guid ed He must l'eco g nize the mu ltitu de of. but, wh at yo u t hi nk y ou a re. Wh en IThe hail w as mu ch more severe than 1-"'---...--...-.....-""-

large ly by ye t to be

s ou e eve ope " · J f ·

ld b d- --:1 --:d-:- t he obJ'ecti ve Ion ms uff1c ient ·evidence. And. final - you thm k you are. So 1f you truly farm work still mo r e. I )O int of vi ew the willing n ess to tie ly, he must be to discard the Iwant to be wh at you th,111)< yo u are., Since April 14, 5.25 mch es o ram ___ 1 ' • · to old when the new is proved b etter. be sure a nd think only that yo u are had - fa llen her·e, up to 5:30 W ednes- I up cau s-e with effect, the d esire find' out the true cause of a .given There fo llows the epi tome of the just wh atJ you are r a.the r than what . day evening. Light rain fell a go od effect a nd the re al effect of a given s cientific attitu d e: "And ye shall yo u think ; an d .then it must fo ll ow ' sh a re of Wednesd ay night, _ that J YOUR . know the truth and t he truth shall that if you .think yo u are what you the total was not fa r from s1x mches 1 cause. k free." h th' k Th · d ei / f Many a high school gradu ate comes ma e yo are, you are w ait you rn yo u are. Thursday noon . e contmue w fl

to co ll ege with the attitude that all KLASS." Think lt over. fiel ds aind continued rain is b "KOLLEGIATE .,.,_Charles Cambell Jones. work ati d causing damage in knowled ge wo rth ha_vin g is to e (By N ew Studen t Service) l d b t ts th members of other wavs.



h t he or else by a perusal o 1 1 ate, Collegi ate, yes we are colle giate" '

Following is the report of t e re- f , t t 1 b b oo ks In some way cent rai ns as g·iv·en us by Pi:·of. A. L. I ex or 1 rary · have penetrated the awful and silent ' the rehance on auth ority h as all too d t bs of the de a n's -Office. It is not Kearney s.tudents were entertained Hill, who is government observer at # f often become an intimate p art of a e!elcome tune, and somethin g ou ght at a convo cation period r ece ntly by this place. 80 inches I FINE PORTRAITS · ma ke-up of t he student before e to be do1ne abo ut it, say t hey. So, at two Kearney pioneers, Mrs. B asten SunU.ay, April 14 1. # I reac hes the college campus. the nex.t conven t ion of deans in Ap r il and Mrs. Crossley. B oth ladies .have Thursday, April 18 L05 FRAMES

. gaine y con ac WI f The rau co us jazz n otes of 'Coll egi-

The scie nt ific attitude raises a the words be r evised to ,read, been a resident of Kearney for Saturday, A pril 20 - 55

ques tio n concerning the value of " Yes, but ARE we col!.egiate?" , sixty years S und ay, April 21 .93 , aut hori t y. It involves t he collection S omethin g may eventually be -done Tuesd ay, April 23______ .20

a nd evaluation of evidence by t he about it In the mean t ime, a ques- Midland college was willed a fifth We dnesday, April 24 ,, ALBUMS individu al who would know the t ruth. ti onair-e Dean Henry Gr atton Do yle, share in the 110 acre farm owned by T otal I I The n umb er of teeth that a horse of Ge org.e W as hin gton University h as the late Mrs. Mary Mick, Schuyler. These re a din gs are taken at 5:30 i h as is n ot to be found out by an ap- se nt out one to four hundred deans. Mrs Mick was a grad uate of Midl and every evening, an d the above does If f pea l to t he biologic al writings of Ar- I He as ks, a mon g many questio ns: not include what_ rain fe ll after 5:30 \I

istotle,, for he may h ave made a mis- "Is ne atn ess in appearanc·e, as evi- Theta Alpha Phi is to agai n have Wedn esd ay evening. f take in the matter. Nor is this bit of ! denced by clean shaving, well-shined charg-e of the pro gram in the evenin g

information to be gained by wordy ar- sh oes, starched lin en, appropri ate for High School D ay at Wesleyan GOOD PROGRAM GIVEN f g uments a nd anolo.g! es as to the size Ir neckti es of. neat well- Vniversity They are presenting the BY EVERETT SOCIETY ' of the mouth a nd 3aws, an d ph1los- pressed s Uits of cl othmg, ty pical of! Wes leya n Players in a t hree act com- The Eve re tt Literary Society met op hic al estimates of the number of your student body? Or, in the main, [edy, "Bab." Thursd ay evening w ith a nu mteeth that such a jaw could hold. does the psychologyical attitud e of ___ ber present. A sho rt busrness meet- "-TJ1e method of modern sci ence in 1 yo ur stud e nt body approve of slouch y I Nation al Music Week, May 6 to 13, ing was h eld. It was decided to as- ' ' solvin g s uch a prob lem is to open the Ian d care less hab!ts of dress and con- Iwi ll be observed by students of sess al l n:embers _ cen t s, and to I There is no Substitute I mouth of the h orse an d count the duct or ne at h abi ts of dress and cour-W ay ne S tate T eachers College in co - hold. an informal party at the las t I teeth. teous manners ?" ope ration with many of the city peo -1 meetrng of the y.ear. ..l FOR HONESTY

But let us s upp ose. that the spec-1 It does not requ ire a v•ery k een pie who are ta ldng, part I The program was in _ char ge of I f as a business· polky im en of horse u sed did not have all mind to predi ct what the answer to 1 Ve rn a Glandt. It co n sisted of t hr ee I of its teeth . Th: . of Ithat w ill be. Already t he reassuri ng EVE RETT SOCIETY GIVES I as follows: # would n ot be sat1 f1ed with ·ev id e nc e replies are coming back Fro.m Wes- TYPICAL SCENES AT CHAPEL · V10!1n -Cello duet I based on the exam in ation of the teeth l eya n: , ___ J ____ Doris Erickson, Margare t Cain , J. C. CHATELAIN

Watchma ker and 1eweler a nim als. He W:<JUld. exai;nine h ere, as I look up on them, ape well-t uni ty of bein ar oui:;-d the d orm par- Read ing - Ruth Shelley

wo men and children in Sou t heastern Ne· braska.

School Supplies of a sin gle a nim al nor in fact many "The nresent generatio n of students Those who'h av e not had the oppo1·-' by Id a Shrepel I spec.imens to mak: s ure that dressed, we ll-behaved, a very differ-!or ·On an open nigh t, had a t ypical IVocal Solo -:__ :_ ___ Mary Gray l c lu s1ons wer·e va l_1d. And h e1e m h es 1 ent type from wh at we h ad twenty- sce ne before them at chapel Wed nes- A ccompamed by Ida Schre:pel I one of the commonest ·errors in re ach- five yea rs ago Speaki ng in day, April 24. ing conclusions. are genera l of the morals of t he commu- The Ev erett Literary .Socioety h ad ..... not scie ntific an d are not tota lly un- nity, I fee l perfectly sure th at they charo'e of the pro g ram, a nd mem- 1- · justified unl ess .th ey are b ased on are on a hi gh er plane tha n ever th ey hers of the society im itate d coup les ' a su fficient amount of ·ev idence. If ha ve been." - • who a!'e prominent at th e d or.m, but the nu mber of C¥eS consid ered is n ot We h av·e a pretty strong co nvic ti on not a ll membe!'S of Ev eretts. T he most complete line of shoes for men, sufficien t, a co nclusio n just t he oppo- th at Dean Doyle will be ab le to re-Mrs . Dunn ing was ve ry natural in I site of the tru th may easily be r.each- port at the convention that on the he r part. Did you a ll n otice the , Such a misuse of the scientific 1 \':ord of 399 d ea ns t hi s ge neration i;; "poli te" co,ughing and rattling of I meth od often results in untold injury the best yet. (Th e one exception will keys? · io the cause of truth. be Ha rv ard, which has already refus-

"• But w hil e the scientific method is ed tu 'a nswer the qu estions.)

DO-R E-MI CLUB HOLD MEETING th at of observation and experimen- But are n 't the de ans wak ing u1, to The Do-Re-Mi Club met Monday ' tatiop, the true scient ist r ec ognizes the co ll egtate menace two or three eveni ng at seven o'cloc k. The prothe reaso nableness of a belief in ax- year$ late? Collegiatism is ;l.yin g- out Igram w as in ch arg·g·e of Neil Trabert. iomatic truth an d other t ruth which in the colleges, thou gh it lin g-er j Special numb ers were g iven by Mr. I is beyo nd the possibili ty of proof. rm in remote co ll eges, in .cr :rn t of Tr ab ert and Mr G !!ll ow :'y.






The Y. W. C. A. h ad an interestincr 1 IS



"I' t . ,;e one advantage over you y still. said the horse as he l ooke d at I . I • the au to that was sha r in g· lh b I "Wh I' e arn. en . m wo1;n out J can be worked up in to canned b eef a nd gumdrops, ·and you can't ."


· For all kinds of drayage, f 1 see or call PHONE 193 or 86 I I JOHN THORNHILL ; _..__

j The Fabricato r i, or Art c.lub, will mee tino· on th I


"'. e purpose of the or- Ihole'! thei r next meeting May G. Th is WtedEnesday Ru th Swimming C lub Doin g Mucli; for New n>c et inv will be "Open •iig·ht." Ev - Facul ty Members and St udents Join " • f\l 0 are ngleme1re sa ng Men in College · in Helping The Barc arole" from "Tales of Hoff- Ie1 vone is \\'el come as a spec ial music number. T he Fres hmen Swi mmino· Club held [ Thc- members of t his :lnb havP.

M1nam McGrew in trod uc.ed the two th . 1 1 "' T d made some interesti ng thi ngs this speak regu .ar ast ues ay, :l«'nl', a nd th ese are tO be di spl aye d eTs on the pu rpose- Florence Ap 1 23 th - 11 · · A lar ge crow d enjoyed another musical servi ce at the Methodist chu rch last Su nday even in g. The program Dav is · d A n ' m e co ege s wimming i.n orde r th at the visitors may see an nna Donner. Miss Dav is I Ab t t t b and M· poo · oli we n Y mem ers were what t he club h as been doi ng It h as was varied, but interest in g t hruout. iss D onn er left some worthy pr,e en t. and he lpful thoug ht with the g irls. also been a rranged to h ave some i n- Th e organ pre lude a nd offer tory by

____ Tbwo outstandi n !! bits 0 _,, acl.vi'ce were ,· The Freshme n Sw immi ng 'Cl ub h as disc usi ons h eld at th is meet- p f B f d t . c._ f "- been a growi n.g oi·g aniz ation, and incr ro essor en or were mas erp1e es ,. e a ri·end to the lone ly, a nd look on b bl · .,. of inspi ring and revere rit h armon y.. c L f the brightest s ide of li fe. pro a y more interest is . t aken in f A R K ' S I th is cl ub than any other fres hmen LESTER RADER SAVES LIF E. So were the vio li n a nd flute duet by I ' Th:e meeti ng was closed by se n- Jub of Galloway is the preside nt The Chi licoth a, Mo., D aily Trib un e, P ro:f.essor Jin dra a nd Miss Burton, the ELECTRIC SHOP tence prayers from seve ral of the the cl ub and h as a g·1,eat deal to do I g·i 1 one d ay last week, h ad an acco unt of cl a rinet solo by· J oe J ones, a nd the r s. with the success of the club'. Shoe repahing at 'Comfortable' pr ices! Ladies S hoes a Spe cialty. , the rescue of a c ri pp led boy from a flu te solo by Miss B urto n. An d not _ members to sw im. Careful in struc- of that city. Mr. Rader is t he son the le ast of the i nstrumen tal offerings

Effort is made to teach new burn ing· bu ildin g by Les ter Rader tion is give n by the members who of Mrs Marv Rad er of P eru, a nd a was t he vi olin, clarinet, flute a nd ma ny new memb ers w'ho j oined th e former P eru-b oy. The Trib u ne s ays : pi a no quartet, which served as a fit-

(Th S.h S .C l ub to learn to swim. "Steve" Tur- "Two , crippl ed boys, a man a nd j ti ng clim ax to that part of the pro- e oe hop· on the East Side of the Street) ill e, who h as b een w ith .the cl ass two women pla ye d a part in a stir-, gram. In addition to the si ngin g of onl y fo ur times can n ow s wim the ring drama borde r in g on a trag ed y, several of t he gr eat hymns, the muMake yo11 r . choice sical s er v ice w as b ro u ght to a fitti ng l W Iequ a ll y r apid J?ro.g ress of the Boulware h ome at 511 Nin.th close by two solos in the ri ch conea r y. e have the gift · I S ome of the more expert swim- street late Wed nesd ay when tral to of Miss Ruby Brown. Nu mer1 , that w ill plea se. m ers and di vers of the club are n ow ?f the :was earned from a ous were to t he effect th at ,. I L } teac hing many new di ves to the cl ub bm nm g outb;uldmg wh ere he w as Ithe serv ice as a wh ole was a success. oya Pharmacy. I members. Sever al of the memb ers Itr appe d. The fifteen minutes talk by the pas- A F I N E R S 0 D A , # I ha ve a rem ark a ble degr ee of "Lester Rader, 1108 N orth Elm I tor on "Things Wo rth While" comO

I su ccess , in accomplishing new di ves. str eet,. a salesman fo r un- pJ.eted an ho ur of he lpful e njo ymen t 1 Every effort is being made to p ut d ertakmg sup plies, who was attra cted and L U N C H I I 11 · · f t t · th to the scene by Mrs. J. A. Ma rk ey This pape r believes that the pe-0- J D GRAVES sw1 mm mg as a or emos spor rn e ,. ; • • · ' I fre s hm an class. i;ind Mrs. To m Reilly, who hear d the pie of th is communi ty, and th e stut' I ATTORNEY AT LAW j boys' cries fo r help, rescued the boy d ents and fac ul ty of the college, ap-

Than was ever set before you I NOTA RY PUBLIC • BUILDING COMPLETED just in the nick of time preci ate co-operation bet ween awaits you at our fountain. I " I . . Robert 16 a nd Ralph 20 crippled our musician s an d the ch urches of sons o r. an rs. ee ou ware • · Come in today and treat you r- building which H. E. Patte r- were at home a lone, and R obert. w as prove of mutual value to h av e th em J

I I Pe ru , Nebraska I In spi te of the fr equent rams the f 'M ' d M L' 'B 1 the tow n and feels sure that it wi• self and frie nds to the fineslt t' I Ison h as been addin g to his property in an outbuildi ng which t hey were continue lunch and an d livest dr ink s you I on the corner at Fift h and Mai n usin g for a play h ouse, whe n it took I e·"er tasted . , # Standard Oil streets, has b een completed, a nd is fire from a stove used for h eating it ..MARRIED·AT # 11I / now ready fo r th e use of H.F. P atter- Being un able to wa lk, he was trap pe d J You ' ll b esurprised at the dif- ; I SER VICE STATION so n, ho will t hus h a:ve much a dd ed in the buildi n g, and his bro t her, also

t fencnce. I Fu ll line of Pol arine a nd Mo- room for h is wo rk sh op a.n d the· d is- un able to wa lk, co u ld not help h im. Ji bile o ils. Greasin g, car wash- ' play of his Ch evro let cars. T he im- Mr. Rader arri ved just in time to car- , 7 f " ing, and F;ee Crank Case Se r- provement adds n ot o nly to the ca- ry th coy out as the fl a mes we re l ap- Al be rt Casebee r and Eileen Bagley

' GE S S A M A N S 'I I vice Ca r la u ndered in g ood i p aci ty / oif the room, bu t also to it.s pin g th eir way around him." Mar ried Sat urd ay I ' sh ape fo r $1.50. appearance. j • C A F E ; I J • J 0 TACKE'fT

. Mr. Pa tterso n is n ow h avi ng addi- 1 MARYVJLLE On S aturday mo ming Al bert C asef ; t10nal space graded out north of the I · beer and E il een B ag ley were ma rri ed I . b Y' I PROPR ETOR ad dit-ion , an d w ill there con struct a/ CQMJNG

be enc los ed, but the ru friends. walls will be b uilt up on the no r th Peru Bo bcats W ill En tertain Ma r y- Both Mr. a nd Mrs Casebeer are a nd and ca, n be enclosed at any vill e T each ers

....... ding. You kn ow that r have aftern oo n. ,This w ill be the fir st d er path . Be rt is also

AGENCY (Incorpora t ed) one wife. I meet and perh aps the onl y .o ne held_, ly fin e st ud ent a nd a gen tl ema n rn evon the Pe ru 'tra ck t hi s year. ery se nse of the wor d. S mte 41 6 : 11 Symes, E. S huck, Ph. D. , Man ager .

Th e m ee t, w hi ch st.arts at 1:30, I Mr s. Case b eer has b een outsta ndMore vac ancies th an satisfacto ry a pplican ts to fi ll th em. I



I promises to be a fa st one and will un- ing in Peru as a fre shm an She be-

) J doub te dly be. a cl ose one as the I lon gs to a nu mber of fr eshman club s

Kr ejci , Sa utte r, and to g et co lor in my face .

Home of Hart, Schaffner & Ma rx '1 All expectmgd' t o! r ece1fve a Brockman. He r Un cle-Sensi ble gir

j 9 14 Central Ave., Auburn, Nebr. thi s co ll ege in May, Jul y, or Au gust, iscSus : tt er z, to g·et the du m b-be ll s. f t' I th ".st , au er.

_____ - must appe ar at once at e .regi s Ja ve lin: K erner, Walkins h aw, a nd offi ce fo r the purp ose of ma kmg Brock man. _______ forma l ap p licat ion. d

Pole va ul t: .Sc h aff ne r, Ro ger s, an · Sautter. BY ; All students w1s hm g to use t he . . .

FROCKS MA.DE . I tenn is co ur ts mus t see Miss Case be er, Wi cma, ERKY an d p ay t enm s c lub du es. Dues are NEL LIE D:O·NAND p: ' /o ni y 75 cen ts. Al so st uden ts wishin g Hi gh jumSp : Ca sebee id-, R Mogers, Sch aff' h d n er au tter an u mper

OF SUPVRJOR to u se the co ur ts , wh o ave paye ' .'. . . PEGGY .C /th eir dues must sign up fo r the courts lRe lay: Capt. Wi cm;, Mum- CLOTHES ' Iin the_ of llhe pos tof fi.ce in th e per, Zook, Brigg s, an d ams. I

i> ad bmldmg. ! "W hy so depr esse d, Jim m y?" f Al l Guarant ee d Tub Fast I T he r ate of 2 per cen t w ill be ·de- " Th e h or ribl e cost of livi ng old

d uc te d for each u nex;cuse d absen ce chap;

daug hters."

d ea n

to ins t ru ctor within "D ear Doctor: My p et bill y g_oat is t f I · 11 se ri ously ill from eati ng a complete You 'll adm;t thre, sup er1or1 y 0 ,. one week aft er the abs ence, it WI J. f eather bo und sef of Shak espe ar . sta nd an un xc us ed /abs ence. d t J Wh at do y ou p res cribe?"

3fl S Y e. ' f In structors w ill have of An swer: Am sending Lit er ary Di' ' granting ex cuse_s f or: 'Stude nts le av -gest by re t urn mail." '

I in g cl ass a nd tardin ess to cl ass. a1·e maste r q ! "P rofe ss or, I h ea r· you ' Q f The rate of 1 pe·r cent w ill be d e- of a ll fore ign tongues V d "No, there ar.e two I ca nn ot mast-

'' Abies Irish Rose'' ' . A rare treat for 25c, Try one after the show I



Cannibal-The chief has hay,..,_...,_._._.__._,_

- second cannibal--Serves him right. 1·1

GI en :our year student, I told him not to eat that grass wi- f / ___ Aid teach science m the Brock h1gh l dow. ·

A new stock of tires, u. s. ROYAL, D UNLOP,. and I Famous Inq.ian Lecture Gets school next year. / _ I KELLEY. We are now able to do any kind of welding

From President Hoover 1 1 The littJ.e girl who us ed to tug at

Evelyn Townsend has been elected her mother's skirt to attract attention, I or razing. '

Many will recall wiih pleasure one to te a ch the fifth grade at Fullerton. now tugs at her own for th Us a Trial: 0 t e u get even rmg ap- Mrs. ownsen w1 r.ec e1ve er two reason.

f h b d ts du the T d ·11 h

the y ear diploma this spring. _

full blooded chief of the Yakimaa In; Dick Williams says, " Lot's wife, Successor to G. C. Thurman Harvey Nickel accepted a position who looked back and turned into a I

di.ans. While he entertai ned the au- at O afi as Super1'n tend t f

r no en or pillar of salt, has nothing on my dl·ence the obJ'ect of his address was next year '" "'rs N1'ckle h as had s·'· · m · I.11. wife, w ho looked. b ack and t urned into reveal the Indian character in a f t h. g · d 11 years o eac m expen.., ce an w1 .to a te legraph pole." t rner and m ore worthy li g ht With get his two year diploma this sprin g. the eloqu ent and convincin g narra- He will receive a salary of $1700.

t ion of th e wrongs done to the Indian by the white man In mind, the poli- Archie Martin, sophom ore, secured cies for .the so lution of the a positio n as superin t endent at Paulproblei:n by the new Secretary of the Interior a re inte res tin g. The new sec reta ry believes that the solutio n of the Indian pobJ.em is the elimination of the .g uardianship of the government over the Ind.ian and the t f t f th t' A · . --- I See us for your lunch and Picnic eats rans orma ion o e na 1ve men- Ruth Shelly will supervise music : C s l I , cans from wards to self-sufficient citi- at Safford, Ari:i;ona, next year. Miss I#, J:Or cy e I 'I Fresh Fruits and Candies Ice Cream

zens. Shelly is a sopohomore and receives

With the vivid description by h ig h est salary of the two-ye ar I Carried Off by · Our r 1

Strongheart of the varied color women students $1400. IJ Frocks f scheme and the significance to the l '

Training School f Indian of the symbolical feature of Lois Wischmeier, shopomo re, ac- · , I e very a rticle which goes to make up ! cep ted a teaching job in a rural 1' I

his dress in mind there is somethin g 1 sc h ool, Lewiston. ' deg rading about the red man da ub- · in g his faoe with paint, discardin g' Hazrl Willi a ms obtain ed a position of hi s clothin g and mo untin g an at Central Ci ty as teacher of En g lish I India n pony to perform for a white I a nd dramatics. Miss Williams will ma n. Such proceedin gs seem strange- r ece ive her A. B. d eg ree this year ' ly out of place for the ra ce that once I ruled this land and which possesses Little Joe- I'm g lad I' m skinny, I so und qualities of character. mamma. #

Pres id ent Hoover and Secretary Mothe r- Why s o, de ar?

Wilber, of the Jnterior, are going to Little Joe- 'Cause fat boys have help the Indian to a b asis of equality l ots more r oo m to get spanked.

with the white man. C. J. Rhoads, of I Philade lphi a, has been appointed "The wife presented me with twins '

· Commissi oner of Indi an affairs. The last week. We named one 'Halleluiah' J

co nfro1iting the administration and the oth er 'Encore'.'' I IS a stupe nduous one and in t he opi:.i - "I unde rstand your n ami -g· one I soon

city ion of some hold s out small .hones of 'Hallelui a h,' but where di d you get su ccess Every instinct possesJ.ep. by the 'Encore' part? " I D:iinty frocks for the Big

the re d man which was sugg estP.d a nd "Oh, that little scamp wasn 't on I ! I.vent-graduation! And the · I delineated by Nipo Stron g heai.·t, re':. the p1rogram." ; graduate who chooses her bels a gainst the .things which limit and I frock from our extensive ard eny him his freedom to liv e in the Son-Dad g ive me a J;lickel. I; ray will be as proud of her 3 cg ·

If .the Indian js to live he mu l:ll. Dad- .W hy, you're too bt g to j I charming appearance as oi I ' a dJust hims elf to the whi te man's pe b eggm g for nicke ls j

I way of Jiv.in g. There is no other Son-:-1 you are right dad: ; ; her diplomaf White and pas- ;

: road for him 1to travel but the whil:e ma ke it a dime.

man's We can only hope that

the ehmmauo ,1 of the

the government t he l• clian Crystal

hstice a nd hono·

will be with compassicm,


The Big "3"

Superintendent R. E. Bailey of the !

Plattsmouth town schools was TUESDAY, APRIL 30 president of the Nebraska associat10n 1 Bebe Daniels in of principals 1and superintendents at , the annual meeting Friday in Lincoln. I

"Take Me Home"

Bailey was president ; Also Comedy, "Off to Buffalo". of the cl ass of 191'2. Mr. BaiJ.ey h as 1• = been unus ually successful in his

WED.,' THUR., MAY 1-2 school work. He began his career as Ramon Navarro in superintendent at Ruskin, a nd .then was superintendent at Newmans , Gr-0ve and Plattsmouth The follow-

ing were his elassmates: Supt. Clem. ents, Dr. E. C. Beck, Miss Derry, former head ofthe Rural Education department; Charles Mapes, Bethany, Principal of Lincoln schools; Mr. H. Harper Moyer, Principal of High School, Rawlins, Wyomin g.

Pike-A steamboat 340 feet long and 35 feet wide has two smokestacks painted white. Wha.t is the captain's name?

Hauck-I .giv.e up. Pike-Bob Smith. Hauck-How did you find that out? Pike-I asked him.

Let me shake your hand, old fellow. This is the happiest day of your life.

You're too previou!;i; I'm not to be marri ed until tomorrow.

That's v.ihy I say this is the happiest day of your life.

"The Flying Fleet'

Tursda:J- night each lady present will receive a nice piece of Golden Pheasent Chinaware. ,. FRI., SAT., MAY 3-4

"Synthetic' Sin"

Here is Collc!en in a different kind of picture, also Comedy. MAY 6-7-8

The greatest picture of the year You bavn't seen anything until you see.


Pastry and Bakery Delicacies. And


PERU MEN WfN :Y. W. Hold Meeting SOPHOMORES ' j Miss '!ear Talks About IJUNIOR-SENIOR NATIONAL PRJZES i And Learn Camp Songs I Trtps Aboard On May 71 BANQUET GIVEN RRESENT PLAY Tl1.n Travel Club enJ'oyed a travel- - The Y. W. had. a short peppy meetJoe Jones Gets $500, Marion Warner in.g last Wednesday. The entire meet- ague -0n Europe by Miss Tear, Tues- Unique D ecorations Reveal That Jun- Dale Dyke and Esther Dickerson S200 iQ N ational Chemistry Contest in g was devoted to learning -camp Have Leads in Annual Classic day evening, May 7. ior Class Contains Artists __ s ongs to be used on the Y. M. and P revious to this meetin g· Miss Tea.r h P Y W picnic to be held on May 15 _ The ann ual Junior-Senior Banquet W-0 rd reac ed er u .w ednesday that · · · On Wednesday evening, May 8, one ""fl /E- an mte r estrn0 d1scnss1 on on tl.P. wo Peru stud ents had. tak en prizes Id Wilson led the singing and of the ousta nding events of the year prepa ra;ions fol' a t rip to l he (d Frid a y, May 3• in t he hMoun t in the national chemistry contest a chrepel accompanied on the took place in the college auditorium Eu !'ope. . Vern on dinin g hall reve a led t at · Ch piano. d "T k M b d f the American emical Society , E y M d y W b . when a t hree-act come y, a e y .A• the last meeting, May 7, she w oi·k or e ffort had een sp are m d f h . h d F . very an mem er is Ad ,. b Ell' tt L t t he a war s or w 1c were ma e urge d to share the .good time .th at vice, y io es er, was pre- t•.>ok her a udien ::e on a tour over ma king thi s one of the best banqu ets day Per u w as mo re t han s uccessf ul 1 wi"ll be had t W d d sented by members of the 'Sophomore F S "t 1 d Italy German" · p . . , · nex e nes ay. 2 ance, w1 ze1 <m , • .n ever held in eru. t he hons share of On May 22 the Y. W. will cl ose class.

B0lo·ium, Jiolland a.nd by The banquet was all based on the prizes and pnz,e money, by takrn g the year of 1928-1929 with a splendid The play was ·based a1;ound col- 1sho:.ing a g re at many interest ing pk- . ' ' b th fi St and th "rd pl::t es Add to lege life. A oollege professor an d a tu · res an d siiap-shots fr om those ide a of "Modernism, from t he menu o r , c , · progra.m. The prog·ram chaiirman, I / h f h t l t · th student have the heavy parts. A 1 to the de or ations. The fact t hat Joe t his t e act t a as year in e Miriam McGrew, has arranged spe- · P ric es same co ntest Peru took seeond place, cial mus1·c by the H1"gh School Gl-ee heavy love scene, and thick plot de -I M' T . to be complimented o 1 Jon es wrote the poem on Modermsm vela ed in which .the college profes- iss ear is · 11nd vou can begin to have some ide a Club and a read er from Auburn will P h" If th h her a rt of t aking snap shots The helped fur t her to carry out t he td en. · · t b p · sor proved 1mse e ero. h h of what it means o e a eruvian. read Van Dyke's "The Mansion." The D 1 D k M Ci t · 1 club has enjoyed very m ac t, ese The place was decorated to repre- "'h t d t s ssful in winnirw t" f 1 d bl' . i·nvited a e Y e, a r: emen s, a co - b M' T A .L e s u en ucce . I en ire acu ty an pu IC IS lege professor, handled his p art in an talks y 1ss ear. I se nt a modern ho.tel dining room. . first p.la.ce is· Joe Jo nes, one of the I to this meeting. d 1 I exceedingly fine manner; while op- modern orchestra entertai ne . n liest known and most pl'ominent stu-



played the part of the heroine in a I d t hundred dollaTs in cash with the manner whkh is unus ual of college

posite Mr. Dyke, Esther Dickerson fact all thi ngs were done in a new dents on the campus. He five


up-to- a e manner.b t ·d


actors. J Just to s·ee t he a nque w as ma1 place was take n by I , • The character parts of the play velous, let alone being in it. Th e Warner, and he is another ?f our I were played by "Dick" Williams and 1 " Cat and the Canary" Cast Chosen d-ecorations ga ve q uietness, t he tall sb•ong s.tudents Re g-e ts $200 rn cash ; Misses raulhaber and Clark Visit Earl Whipple. These two men -car- For Annuali Class Play taper candles g ave di gni ty, and _th e as third .pr ize. I Writer's Meeting ried their parts fine · The part car- , ___ , music off .the mode:n fee lm g. Last Samuel Traudt, another, ri-ed by Mr Whipple furnished · much ! The senio r cl ass met Tu esd ay at Th e "oak,' a of Student s ti11 in Peru, took secon_d Miss Marie Faulhab-er a nd Miss Es- I-Of the humor of the play and helped convoc ation time. At this meeting it l coun try, stands fo r eru, an . e oa d h I leaves and acorns were used Ill the place in this same contest, an IS ; ther Cl ark spent Monda y, April 29, in immensely in developing the plot. was d ecided that t he stand ard prn ted to th ree bun- · h . t" Th t · d b M w·11·a s · ' d ecoratio ns prize money amo un Linco ln a,ttending t e spring mee mg e par carne y r. I I m i u sed by classes in previous years, . h "B t w· 1 d d 11 I • G "ld w as mainly to develop th e plot and The senior panel wit es is 1e dre o ars. I of the Nebraska Writers UI f . h I h should he used as the class pm this of the Cl ass of '29 ,. portrayed th e Th)·s makes a total of one thousand I which they found very enjoyable both urms aug s. 1 year. Orders are now bein g taken at 1 h" h has come to Peru stu- , Walter Ubben displayed unusua .t' clol a.Ts w lC . . 1 than a in the ex c-e.llent program provided and ability in the role of the young broth- Chate lain's a nd will J:>e sent in in a The colo r scheme used thro ughout dents in t hese prizes m essear was in the prevading spirit of cordiality er He portr ayed humorously the short time All seniors expecting to w as light ye llow, lavender, and g ree n. Year for the award last Y I cl d 11 - d · s hould do so at on ce, in 1 d k It ' Ian °·00 W1 • fact that while he was desper ately in or er pms All the pain tin g was 1an wa r . made in August. "' _. · at the· ,.._rn- d t b fit f om the reduced h h t's Mr Jo nes ' essay was The noon sess10n, held vu love yet he wasn't enough _E ver his or er o ene r w as fo u nd t hat t ere was muc ar 1The, sub1ect of C.h . t ry to th e· hu c:ke r Hotel b-egan at eleven o'clock boyhood days to s.top eati ng in ord er I price. t ic talenit in the Junior class th at "Th Relation of em1S -' :l · d t d d 'd d th t h e b h"dd e . ,, We did not with -three round ta bl es ·. evote 0 to show h ow deeply he was wounde / It wa s a lso ec1 e a eac P r- heretofore had een 1 en. tnrichrpen t Life Warner's es- different ohases of writing. The sec- by his unfaithful love. · son should pay t he rental for his ow n Th e dinn·er was attrac ti vely ser ved learn the sub3ect. of Mi· tio n discussing "The Article" w_as A1> the fat her of Bud, Harv ey Ni-ck- 1cap a nd gown. under the supervision of t he domestic say. ore than I l,e d by Da le R. Van Horn. Mllis , e1 got himself into a- ni c:e pl.ace in Th,. cast for th" sen i r p ny ., sd<:Jnce 1euL. Fa>.uril \ C1E; Iir1e B h U cc-esses mean m "' h ,, d· :tety r h k f. . h" k' bl b ut t ese s .P 'fo win·r aulbabet attended. t •::. ivrys mittin.g that t .e son ta es a ter 1m. b een selected, a nd are now war mg ros·es and at the speakers ta e oumere a..wa1 tis to .eru. shows S tory" section and he ard an interest- :Porothy Nelson, who played t he part on their pa rts. A th 1-.ee-act mystery q uets of roses showed up very nicely last, year1 and agair: th.15 ing ta lk by Mrs. M'igno n Goo d Eber- of the mother, belie ved in t he pow - pl ay, "The Cat and th e Can ary ," by am ong the center pieces The oak that it is not a out t Peru hart author of a. new mystery: novel 1er of numbers. She was wife -like in J. Will ar d will be presented duTin g leaf an d a-co rn w ere so d esigped a nd tudent wh o can win, bat t rn win - J·ust,:fTom the pt'ess. Mi ss Cl ark went exc using h er mistakes and in convin-c ommenceme nt week. patlierned into center pieces so th at h keen on ,. b Mi h t has studen ts w o can :hat.t"be sc hol- to the "Poetry Section, w ere cing adorin g husband to try' er! The cast is as follows: the tape r candles seemed to gro w au ning- in o ther words, t 1.t that uelen-e M argaret, of Omaha, a ch aim way 3ust -0nce more. 1 Pl t

Concerning the succ ess of Mr I twelve - thirty l unch e on wa; serv- ·- ·- · I Jo nes t he W.o r ld - Her ald of We dn es - ed m main, di nin g room of t. he

j Susan_ ---Hazel Willi am s! dl nin g roo m behind a s·creen of con· <lay s a.y s edi to ri a lly : · I C or nh1:1 ske r. Th is was a very pleas -


j Cha rli e Wilbur - - El d.o n Ha yw a i'd . ventio ni ze d oa k lea ves. · The o:rches"'"t d ' a nu . l h

Pa ul Jones Cedr1"c c ··-·-, ...... , ;, _is ou btf ul if J oe J ones, a stu-' ul socia our ending with a stim-1 Hull\ .tra was placed on a pl atfo rm and dent m. the N ebraska State Normal jl •.atmg- talk fr om Nels on A. Gr a w- I PI-JJLQ PR ES

!Annab_elle W est__Mar ga r et Cli nebu rg l played music that gave an air of Co ll eg e at / Per u, has ever distin- f ?rd, Editor of Th e Househo ld M ag a- · He nd ric ks - - Da ri s Bu n ch q ui etness to th e dini ng r oom. g ui shed hi mself in footba ll or base- I ;m e, _of T op eka, Kan sas. Mr. Craw- Three j P atterson : Joe K rejci Th e progra,m based on th e " Spirit ball or as a 1 00 -y ard sprinte r or in: pord is a bro.th e:u of Professor Rob e rt Boys and T hree Girls Get Of- i u_nd e rst ud \es fo r the pl ay a_re : J of Mode rni sm ," wa s intr-0 du ce d by any othe r f -0rm of ath letic co mp eti- 1 1 • of Neb r_aska C niv ersit. , fice s fo .r Com,i ng Year j Conway, E. R. Bur ke y, Ma ri on I the to astmaster, Cl a ud e Ma t hews. Mr. H d presi de nt of th W t • G ·1d Warn er Mary H araJ·ian Edi th D

ti on. a. he done so Nebr as ka ns! · e r1 er s UJ , and ; : ' a v- , Math ews then int rod u ce d the sp eakers. at le as t, wo uld be fam ili ar wi th his J much at home among the Ne- I Th e Phi!o math ea n Literary Society en port, Gl en Sl ag le, Harold Mar re n. Harold Ma rr en sp oke on Sans Mater inanl e. Physi cal ex ce Uence brings

fam e a nd .glor.y to t he s tudents in our ou: o'clock th e me mhevs of

c_o le!!:eS and un1 ver"1_.t_ies Dilligence



e.se a :r:ch, the purs u it of 1earning, 1 p

schola rship, t he se are not1

emb lazon ed in the c ol umns of

ne:wsp apers. Li ke vi rtue , th ey mllst . ORJGJNAL


cqnstitute their own re ward i ro··r.ted by



a nd Coy in ' 'Nev er t hele ss, we do fi nd on page·Jones at he preceed'nr mee t in g, b ut as on ly l . , . ! P ete r's Opi nio n s; J oy Micke l an d R ayfi fteen of l ast Frid ay's New Yor k ' Joder, and J ones and D uey I g-i ,·1::; wer e non, in a ted for th e v ari.1us l Per u Gets $375 ,000 Ma mtene nce, and mond Tren holm in Valse Charmante, i' imes me nti<> n of th e fa ct that Joe Autho rs of New Plays jo ffk es by the committe e, n omi n atio nsl $10,000 ttl E qu ip Sci en ce Building in wh ic h Miss Mic ke l da n ced a nd (Continu ed on P age 4, Col. .5) wer e ma de frorn t be 1l oor fo r vi ce-I T renholm sa n g; Rub y Brow n a nd El- The Peru Dramatic Club an no u nc - pt> ::;i dent an d president. I Th e ap propria.ti-0 n bi ll h as at las t Jen Wilson in Mo d erne Song s; Dona ed the play co ntest in jan- Th ose elect ed to office were: , been signed, an d it is now kn own Ja ne an d D orothy Th urlow in



d t d t .· . 1 1 ,,. s ident - Felix Snrr.mers j de fi ni t el y wh a_t P eru S tate Te a ch ers The Spide r a nd the Fly; a nd El sie uary an presen e ;wo orgma p ays R b · (C t" cl p 3 c . . u y Bro wn an d Gwen do l yn ! Co ll eg"<.> wi ll g et fo r the co min <T t vv o on mue on age ' ol. 5) at that tim e. Th ey were "To d's Mall ory also r·an for Offi l'e. "' Slave" by Eld on Heyward, and "Ze- Vi ce- P res ident _ Marv in Willia ms I ye a rs. The a mo u nt appr opri ate d for NE W


ro H-ou r" by Jo-e J ones. No w on F ri -E ll en W ils on a nd Sylvia D avis g en•er al ma i ntenance is app r ox im ate- .

Peru M an H eads Nebraska Academy d M 24 th · · I I I $375 000 Th' · al r· a_Yll b ree mdore Thor1 gma a so ra n f or vi ce-p reside n t:" Miss y ..... ' . rn lS an in crease of NOW NAM;vn. p ays WI e pr esente . ey w ill Wil so n lost the election by only a bou t $45,000 over th at fo r the past of S cience Coming Y ea r be "Played Before the Emp i re" by a fe w v otes. . bi"enni·um. B ·d h" p f th N es1 es t is eru gets At the annual m eeting o e e- Joe Jones . Th is pl ay is a Chi nese R ec. Sec reta ry __ Miri am McGrew E liz a Morga n is Na me Gi ve n for braska Aca de my- of S ci e nce held at comedy "Q u its" by Fred Duey an d Gen evie ve Fisher furni she d stiff $ l0, 000 for the eq uipment of the new New Girls' Hom e Li nco ln last Fr id ay a nd Saturday, Joe J on es. This is a s erious dr ama op p.osition, an d lost by a ve ry science buildi ng Prof. A, E. H olch of t he Peru faculty and the l ast on e is no t en te red in the f ew votes. The g overn or rec-0mme nded that At a meet ing of th'e Girl 's Club las t was elected presid ent f -0 r t he comin g contest it is "Two Sto nes w ith One Cor. Sec r etary ____ Margaret Majors Peru be gi ve n $45,000 for the a ddi- Mond ay, Mrs. D un ni ng a nd Mi sS" Cl ::i rk year. Mr. Ho lch h as been head of Stone" by Mrs. J.o der. Fl orin e Elli ott was also nom in at- forna l :;vi ng that is to be b uil t <'> n the talked abou t th e new girls dorm it<' 1y. the depar tme nt .o f biolo gy in the Peru The pl ays h ave b ee n sent to Mi ss ed , a nd was a close sec on d. I . b .1di Mr s. Du n nin g d es cribed the State Te ach ers College f -Or Gertru de J oh nso n, who is .an instruc- Tre as ur er :_ _ Ma bl e Higgin s science UJ ng, as at pres ent it isl ment, eq uip ment, a nd furni sh ings for yea rs an d stan ds high in hi s cha.sen t or at the U nivers i ty of Wi sc onsin, Ruth Sc h aefe r w as also nomin at-1 only half as lar ge as h as b een pr o- Lhi s sp·leil did ne w hom e. Then Misi:;. profession among t he e ducat ors of who will judge the pl ays and:" w ill ed. 1 vide d for in the plans , bu t the leg is- Cl ar k discussed the n ame w hi ch bas· the -st ate. / wire her decision w hic h will be read Sea rg ent -0 f Ar ms Ed. Cole la t.u re c ut out of the bill. been chosen. Along witb th e elec ti-On of a Iat the clos: of :qe performa nc e M ay Bern a rd Gall ow ay ran a close Th e $10,000 will eq uip th e present Th e n ew home is to be call ed El iza ma n t<> ll e ad the stat _ e science org am- 2_4 . The prize will be award ed at th at sec ond . portio n of the buildin g, but it w ill be Morgan Hall in m emory of the fi rst zation the fixmg of Peru as the time. Du r ing the b usi n ess mee ti ng a mo- u ec e<Jsary to w a'it at least a no ther p recep tr ess of Mo un.t Ve rn on Ha ll 1 f t he next an nual meet ing of These pl ays w i!l be presen ted in the t i<>n was made by William Okrent tw o years befo re t he other win g is j Miss Cl ar k h ad kno wn.a nd b ee n assop ace o.r . · I · · f tb t The me eti ng will be held -colle ge aud1torrnm an di s tu den ts, ac- th a.t a ne w job be add ed to the work b ui lt. Howev-er, with the n ew iocm 'J iate d wit h Miss Morg an, :rn d the tri1s so ci.e y. . · . t . oba b ly ear ly in M ay ulty members, and frie nds wi ll be a d- .of the corresp<>ndin g secre ta ry a nd ito ry w hic h P eru ge ts .this y ear with- bu tes paid .h er we re a r ea li za tio n of ne:x sp rin g, pr ' . . . . . k h . b d b h t me that it oc cu r re d lmltted with a gu est tic et a cc om - t e co nsti tu tion e amen ed so th at ou t 1he help of the we arc the spl e nd id ch ara cter for wh om th is a out t e s ame I , .lp anied with fifteen ce.n ts (Co n ti nu ed on P age 2, Col. 3) n•Jt faring so badly after a ll. memo ry will stand this y ear.


Entered at the Postoffice of Peru, · I THE BETTER COUNTRY, by D al- Misses Faulhaber and Clark Visit

l as L or e Sharpe (Houghton Mifflin). WriteF's Meeting ,.._..,_..,_....

Nebraska, as second class matter. Nebraska teac hers have he ard D al,, las Lo re Sharpe deliver inimitable (Continue; from Page I) l,

Published Weekly at Peru State ' ' a ddresses before t he Association meet- Guild and their visiting frien.ds we.re I

TRAINING Teachers College · h -d ___ in gs On h is last visit e promise guests at a deli ghtful recep.tion g1v- · $1.00 the Year-Sc single copy to glorify our co untry in his forth- en in the Governor's Mansion, a co:ir- I LUMBER ' '.















coming book. He has done so. tesy for which they feel deeply in - I ·-·-·-

The Boston professor r esjgns his debted to Govern or and Mrs. Weav- I LACQUER, ENAMEL ·. twenty-year office as a teacher of er. PAINTS composition, and with his wife motors The crownin g event of the da.y's cross-cou n try to California. West of program was the seven o 'clock din - COAL OOAL f Chicago is The Better Country. The ner, w here Dr. L. A Sherman, j1:1st ( I pair dig out of mud in Iowa, are closing his forty-seventh of. m- l MEEK LUMBER CO. ' washed out by rain in Kansas, a nd sp iring s-ervice in the English depart - W. J. RABEL, M;gr. are stuck in a the South- 1 ment of the State Uni v.!:rsity, was r Phone 4-S- Peru, Nebr west And yet this brilliant school- made an h onorary member of the I I _..... _..... mast er chants his minstrel of The Guild; and Vache l Lindsay, distmBetter Country. guishe cl poet and entertainer, recit ed Wh at a parab le, what an example some of his own poems

of vacation spirit. He who will The tributes to Dr Sherman bo th I

spen d the summer on vacation should by letters read and from speakers # PERU

read this book before departing to his present, were full of t he love a nd I . own fa vorite hinterla nd. This travel - admiratio n due to the man of high ogue teac hes the old lesson that hope id-eals an d broad symp a thies, who has I Invited to en roll for t eaching nurses desire ; that the dream of Al- for a lmost half a centu ry been a a t n as<:a r is in the state of mind. Aris- source of imspiration to Nebraska f positions with totle taug ht while he walked; t he students. For all Nebraska proudly I American to u rist learns while he owes its debt of gra.tit ud e to this I' TheDavis School Service motors well be loved teacher When Profes-

W. T. DAVIS, '06, Manager Cl-ever -clever is Sharpe 's • terse - sor Crawford,. in a few J 138 No. 12th S t. Lincoln Nebr ness of description. . Behold, t he ! words expressmg the feelmg .of the I ' ] Desert! Guild, made the form al pr-esentation I

Another an d a truly grat1fymg dis-, the service of e du cation, an d has giv- i "\Ve watched the purple floods sw ell of membership to Dr. Sherman, t he

Linc ti on _h as. been ac hie ved en unselfish ly of hi s store of so u nd !' up an d, wash. the clays, guests with one ac-c ord r ose to do

a nd again m the field of sc1ent1f1c j kn.owledge and ral'e talent. He h as tho:: walls c:1 malachite, th e n .ny him honor; and when with a basket I F

0°1 c f research and exposition. The fact I exhibited a loya lty a nd d evotion to I a nd lower of gold, of beaut iful roses trib u te w.as paid I orsyt 1 o. ' t hat first, second, arid t hird national Peru a nd her traditions that I the flowmg was 1.ap- to Mrs Sherman also, everyone fe lt # Tires, Tubes, Accessories, •Gas, honors have come to P eru in the re l- stand as an in spiration for the pmg at the bnm, a nd we. with- that t he ceremony was fittingly com- I and OiL We have air hois to ' atively s hort period of a sing:le y·ear, dec a des to come, bu t the ai·e s uai·- ou _ l .a b ark, already s.tood too deep pleted hel d th h .Y q , w,tlun the o v1•.y, ;.:,.•J nmg sea." Th 1 . '- f h p u,s tn lubricating an at t 1s recogmt1on comes from ly matc hed by his smcenty a nd mod - e c osmg num u-er o t e program d No more. They are off for Santa as M Li d •t l N -...so .1stmguished a nd so co nserv ative esty w hich were ch aracteristly dis- W r. n says rec1 a· o one a body as the Americ an Chemical So- closed when he rem a rke d on bein g Bai a, the wishmg .they had who has not had t he privilege of ciety to the <:o nc lusion th at it congratul ated on the ac h ievement of detoui ed to paint a new pictu re of hearing· this uni que poet chant his is something more th an mere chance. his stu dents, "I can't hel o it if I so me- the Gran d Canyon own verses his inimit able way cah I You'll not -be dissappointed f Jones, Tra ud t, and Wa1.'ner have times have bri ght

Few th ere are who can travel 00 a fully appreci ate how .g re at a tr.eat I if you get your hair cut at d t . t d t th . f . f · mixture of ethyl an d phil osophy. thi"s was He 1·s a m t f th I emo ns i a e 0 e satis action ° P.eru should take occasion to i·eflect · · as er 0 e l t . d h h 1 Sh arpe does it, and what an en t hr al- so und f o ds and th h h d BOB KNAPP compe an t JU ges t at t ey can app y 011 the work of one of her distin- s .o w r , ose w o ear accepte d sc ientific principles. More-, ui h !mg pleaswe-gi vmg experience it.be- him ·On Monday ni ght will not so on: (Next to Gaines Hall on t}Je . g s ed fac ul ty. When P1 ofessor comes Vacationing·? Read Sha rpe f h. "Chi · ove1, they hav e satisfied th ese Judg es Hoyt passes on hi s work an d. th e b f "" W Id W' llh ft orget is nese Nigh ting a le," his , Pavement.) .th eir. und ersta nding_ of these 1 achievme n ts o/ hi s d epartment will e ore you & 0 a 0 1 0 · " Linco ln," his "Bry a n," or the sin g- l -•• pnnc1pl·es is not superfic ial, but we ll stand as a no th er worthy tra diti on on in g so und of "I've Been to Palestine." ! gTo und ed We are thus led to an -t hi s ca mpu s. But whv ma ke this tra-

otl_1er_ con clusion, nam e ly, that these djtion me rely ora l; if -it is worthy a nd

did a chi eveme nt. They a re to be\ and articul a te for m? His d.epa r.tm ent I for Comin g Yea r I th:t ;te/ of "Wesley a n" had co ngra LUl ated not simply w ill, ere long, be h?used rn a :om- 1 j been on a m-0 nths to ur. Do you kn ow they b ro ught a n ation al champion- mo di ous a nd splen did new e di fice ( Omtinued from P age 1) 1 wh at th at means? Prob ably th ey hl

ship to Peru, (for nation al H as it been de di cated to y.et? t hi s o ffic er could take c are of the 1 pla ye d in 20 towns; p robabl y t he y 13 s hip it assu l'e dly is) but for their Yhy not pay a sui tab le a nd. membe rship. Th e motion was carried I we re' w ell rec·eived a nd ma de favor-

ste rn application a nd final ma stery -0f 1 tr jbute to P rof essor Hoyt by n ammg by a majority. ! able impre ssions, not only for them - ti a me thod together the funda- , t his building / j An itimized fin anc ia l rep.art was l"selves but fo r their music dep a.rtmen ta l principles of a s1 e nce. ' HOYT HALL FOR SCIENCE r ea d by the t r.easu rer, W. Okrent, and m ent. Th ere prob a bll w as an aver - '··

Bu t t hey a re also to or I was ac·cep ted by the soc iety. At t his 1 ag e attendanc·e of 300. Th at !f' laLed on havin g had so rl OYT OBS ER:'AT ORY HALL time a letter of appreciation was r ead th at 5,000 peo ple ha ve a better 1ma t eacher as Professor Ho yt. It is o.r sm table co mmem or a- from , Mr. Clements thankin g t he so1 p ression of Wesleyans mu sk depar.t - • .A


. he who ta ught them th e me tho? th ey ti ve t itl e? This woul.d be a much de-ciety for the silv er cup presen t ed to ment use d, a nd wh o drilled them m the served and an enduring hom a ge to a John Albert Clemen ts, w ho perf-Or m- 1 T he questi on comes to my emb ryfund amental principles they applied. cer tain s cholarly g·entleman we see ed so well in t he Philo play earlier j·onic mind. How ma ny towns and He furnished them w ith a large pa rt every da y. All great men a re no t far in th e year J how many people over the sta te of FINE PORTRAITS of th eir inspiration. "I should never remove d from us, n.o r are th ey a ll T he question as to ·whether a life INebraska h ave had t he op portunity

have t hought of enteri ng the com- dead. There is one so member of the P'nilo organization to become imp ress ed with P eru's !I' FRAMES petati ve essay ," de cla red Mr. n ear us th at we do not perce ive hun. cou ld be dropped from t he org aniza- music depar tment? Foo d for thou ght, I PHOTO FINISHING "had not Professo r Hoyt it tio n for lack 'of attenda nce was dis- ' yes?-The L one Troubad or. to me and encourag ed me m;km g · I RECOMMEND cussed by the society and it was de- --.__ .. -

t he attempt." Accordin g to r. ones, A department in the Pedagogian cided that all persons si gned up as Do r othy w orley New I#

Professor Hoyt not only critieized his w hi ch h as doubtless b een missed by life m embers could no t be dropped. I essay from the point of view of a ma ny · t hi s y ear is the dep a rtmen t For an added t ouch of entertain- Eve re tt Presid.ont . c hemist, but he also offe1-ed him s?me "I Recommend" which w as w ritten ment . a fine program )lad been pre- !f

ve ry valuable literary Ifo r t he p ast couple of y ears by Waldo pai'e.d by Margaret Majors. The pro-T he last regu l ar mee ti ng of the Ev - 1I which were accepted a nd A Willhoft, for me r e dit or of the Peda- gram depict ed sout hern life and mu- erett Lit erary S ociety for the year # lesson with Hoy t m Chem-g ogi a n. sic a nd was well in keeping with the was held Thu rsday even ing in the I ist ry is inv ara bly a -lesso n in In a rec ent le tter to the editor Mr music week. 'Those taking Little Theater. T he ne xt meeti ng

. ing, gramm a r, liter a tu.r e, the rl Willhoft enclosed a short revi ew of part w ere: Floyd Lewis, N eal T raber t, will be in the fo rm of a: soci a.l. f' - f a nd c ommo n with i·ef- a book which he had ju st rea d. This. Otto Boelstorff, Lucille Hu g hes, and Offic ers fo r the comi ng year were I

ere nc e to c hemi stry, accordm g to .a rev i ew is written in that easy sty le' Donn a Ja ne Delze ll. A q uarte.tt com- elected as foll ows :

11 .u m.b.er of chemis.try stu.dents .,. It which is so ch ar acterist ic .of M·r. Will- iposed of the fo rgoing boys P resi d ent - - D.or othy W-0rley

s1g·111fic a nt th at P1ofesso 1 s tu h oft. Don't fa il to rea d in this wee k's '1sang seve ral so u thern m elodies; Lu- Vic e -Pl'esi d ent - Cl ay Co y I

de n ts a re taug ht to do thmgs forl' p aper; "I R ecommend. " ' cille Hugh es gave a so u th·ern r eadi ng; :Secretary - Editha P rokes , GRADUATJON themselv es. .one .of them sub- Ia nd Donna Ja ne Delzell gave a c log T reasurer - bean Grass I mi ts an essay'. 1t is his ess ay, not 1 NO PEDAGOGIAN dance. The p rog ram was in ch arge of

Hoyt s. ·I It is necessa ry th at the Ped agogian Bernice L ovi tt. Those taki ng part

This brm gs us du·ectly to a no the1 miss tw.o or th ree issu es in a sc h ool Miss Tilton Discu sses were Sue Wesner, B ern i ce L ovitt, Vi, P oin t The se rvic e th at Pr.of essor I G 11 t• · na de vian Stooker, and Wa lter Weise. · year enera y a no ice is 1 p tt t Club Meeting s Hoyt h as re ndered to P eru a nd Ne- previo us to the iss ue missed, but 'O . e ry a EE US FOR THAT GRADUAbras ka at l arge fo r so many years .the last iss u-e of the Ped agogian was Cl ub m et "I hear yo u ad vertised for a wife, h as b een on the lipshof bNebr as ka ns omi tted,, a nd no n otice was made. The Fra briocatori c,n any repli es?" I for a l ong tim e. He as een a con- , Monday, M'.ly 6. Miss Tilton gave a "Yes, hu ndre ds.' · , t ribu ter .to so me of the b est kn own It was necessary last weeks very inter·estin g talk on pcttery. "Good, wh at did they say?" I I TI ON GIFT. sc ient ific journ als, a nd h as p ublish ed pap er be th e '°.n e omitted as the The presid ent called a speci ai meet- "Oh they a ll said, "You can h ave ! a number of works w hi ch embody his com m ence men t iss u es ar·e always the io E!· of the dub for May 13. T he ob- mine." f' f ·th r · n and phil osophy. These last two. T.here will be o nly two jeel of the m: Ptii:g l ast w as to

ca rded , his name be- mo re ed itions of the Peda gogi an th is g·et t he b ooks a ll straighten ed up bey.ond th e confin es of our campus. semeste r. fore closin g th em for the 1ear. At '

But now com es new reco g nitio n thi s tim e the re w!:l:.; a rehe:u sc l of lhe I which must sta mp Profe ssor Hoyt as ANN OUN CE E NGAGEMENT. pl an ned for Stu nt Ni ght. T his f a teac her of no co mmo n parts. Fi rst, L ast Sa turd ay af ·er noon Miss Ma ry will be g iv en in the near •fu ture. I' second, a nd t hird honors in a nation Pr ibb e ns, assisted by Mrs. Gra nt i. he fi nai meeting of t he c lub will w id e co n test comin g to Peru in a Brady, entertained over sixty gu ests be, held on May 20. Roll w ill be tak- f' si ng le it must be repeated, can at th e Bra dy home in h onor of en an d member is expec ted to I not be accou nted for simp ly in terms Li lli an B ra d y, whose en g agement to atte nd. # of luc k. The w inn ers d ecl are th at Mr Cecil Stark w as an n ou n ced : The I to Pr ofessor Hoyt must go a lar ge short pro gnrn of songs a nd dan'ces \ share of t he c ·edit, a nd t hey, as well pr eceeded the showe.r of g ifts for the an el foo d ca lce with pink fros t in g , as his s tud ents g·ener all y, are un- brid e-to-be broug ht 111 a fa n cy d ecor- g le adel·- ated bas ket. The refr es hments l an d p in k an d white m rn ts. Th e sparing in their praise of hi s sc h eme was pi nk an d wh i·t.e with a I m in ts bore the na1'nes of the bride sh ip P rofesso i· Hoyt h as grow n o ld in pin k h ea rt in wh ite bri ck i ce cream, · a nd g ro om and the d ate June 2.

The most complete lin e of shoes for men, women .and children in Sou theas t ern Ne· braska.


f Wben y ou are busy studying , Elected t T · B t 1 ,

THREE TH E PER U PED AG 0 GI AN TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1929 -I BEN. 1, 1 Opera c1·v - -en - -;J--UNIO_R_ - SENIOR

1160 p. m. d eliv- :" At i·t M0 n e aj TALKS AT Y M On .Program I BANQUET GJV.E'N

Pal p. m. , _. 'ay meeti ng, last Monday, • • ms c d 'Ir· B t "Betty's Birthday P arty" a chil- I an y Kitchen . e a fratern ity elected six new dren's operetta was presented at I -.--....... _ I associate memb ers Those ch<>se n fo r W. E. Bristed, St ate Secretary, Also ·I 1 F .· M 1 b h U nique Decorations Reveal that Junmembe...sh· H c 1ape , nday, ay 0, y t e stu-. Cl C t . A 1. t • ip a re arvey Col·e Edgar Visits Peru wr ass on ams r is s -"--"'- Cole K · h d-ents of the primary grad es, assisted / __ _ ( W T _;;it Melvin, Evelyn Skelton by st uden ts of the four th an d fifth C t· d f p l)

DRAYAGE I T - arman, and Ellen Zinc. The new cabinet members· took oTades of t he P eru Tr aining Sc hool. / ( on rn ue i:om age he regular May prog1'a · t d b Nuss Ed1"th a Pr·okes, and Ma rga ret F all -' m cons is e ch arge of the meeting held on W ed - ' or kinds of drayag·e, f of papers by Gwedol yn Mallory a nd . The operet ta w as directed by D oris Ca in in Moderne D ances. I ,ee or ca ll PHONE l93 or 86 I M:argar·et Clineb urg. Miss Ma l1ory nesd a y, May 1, of t he Y. M. C. A. Ben Erickson, Ida Schrepel, R uth Shelley, An unusually fine menu consisted I JOHN THORNHILL • i/gave aro-uments for an d against Bobbit led the discussion on various Evel yn Mucke, and E velyn No-e rling- of Frui t cocktail, Chicken a la king, ' f efficacy of protecti ve co loration questi o ns pertaining to a questionaire creamed new potatoes, asp a ra gus tips the_ animal r ealm while Miss Cline - re-cently give n out. There seemed to Ch a rac t ers or· t he play were: on toast, rolls, olives, conserve, ic-e, -.....,·--""'-. t he life and biol og ical 1 be considerable· controversy as to Betty - - Marjorie Trenh<>lm spring salad, cheese s traws, straw -

I C L A K ' S Go V whe t her churc h h as been upheld by Helen - HeJ.en Mae Whitfield i wor of Ans t otl-e I · Marjorie - Norma J ean Hayes berry sh ortc ake, nuts, c offee, mints.

I Vernor etoes Course .tradition or a uthori ty and whether or Polly - - Mary Ellen Rabel N ewswriting · Class ELECTRIC SHOP Doesn't Effect Peru n ot it has been the indivi dual who Irene Twil a Mason I G M t G G . · Spend Day in Omaha h as ·caused the conflict b etween so- race - on e ene ames Shoe repairing at 'Comfo-rtable' prices! Ladies Shoes a Specialty. -' Gov. Weaver has vetoed the bill . d h h h I h Margaret .:. ____ Burtus Mc Mann i pass ed by the legislature gr an tin g the ciety an t _e c urc · as Don ald - - Dick Clements to p t . :vn o 1tt co nse n te to again pre- B"ll R

a ri se i right to the fo ur te achers' colleges I thBe bqbu est wns weredn<>t Jack - Cl arion Smith for o·e al t d h . h s1 e at t e meetmg on May 15. B b F k L I "' ner s u ents w o do not w1s o - - - -r an arson (The Shoe Shop en the East I teach. Some h ere h ave this m ixed On May 8, W. E. ' Bristed, state. Dick - John Rhodus # of the Street) 'Iwith the last two years of the p_res- sec re ta ry of t he C. A. , ta lked Guest - - R alph Hayes

Members of the Pe ru P-e dagogia n Staff accompanied by Professo r and Mrs. Ennis spe nt the d ay Tuesday in Omaha The purp ose of th e trip w as to make a study of the Omaha BeeN ews, a· Hea rst ya per. I / co urs e, and h av e feared th at this i to. the local at r egu- Sandn1an - -:- Ga le meant t ha t Per u 's course was to be l lai H: -emphasized woild fe l- Gypsy - Mary Ahce Vanderford¥ _..__..,_"_,.__,.__....._ j short-en·ed tw<> years But that is not I lowsl\1p a nd 111 his talk brought ou t P ostman - - Lester Tu rne_r I S d d 0·1 f . the case Peru's course will stand just ; wh at .the Y. M. Ci A. is doin g as a Cl own - Leroy Redfern ' tan ar I I

C 1 1 I u m a two yea r course .d h . 1

- "as it has been for several years. In ' state and nat io nal institu t ion. He The were composed 0f: . VICE STATION ; I convers. ation with b oth President P ate ! h eartil y end-0rsed sectional me-et in gs D aisies: Hopes C arter, Mary J an e / of and I

A F I N E R I Dean they t 'J ld 11s that' su-c h as the Estes Park Conference Delo res _ D oris bile oils. Greasing, car wash- j S 0 D A this was a bill in which Peru was not I an d. urged that as many attend as j Clan.ce Howe, Ger aldme McKnight, ; ing, and Free Crank Case Se r- f 0 R f very vitally interested, an d that they I p<>ssrb le from P eru.

ID arhne B arto n. I vice. Car laundered in good

I had non been urging t he passage. of I Earlier in t he evening the old an d Girls with Dolls: P hillis R ob bins, ; shape for SI.SO. L U N C H I the bill. It affects primarily those I members of the had a Hazelton. I J J ·rACJ7E'fT students who would like to attend a picnic at the Dutch oven. A short Indians: Helen Adams, Corrine ; • • .\.. Than was ever s et before t' te a chers'_ college near home, but who , b_usin ess meeting was also held at this Whitfi.eld, Anna Leone L-ehrman, J PROPRIETOR ' you I do not wish to take a teacher's course. I time Ruth Medley, Grant Bates, Alvin Ir- Peru Nebraska

await s you at our fountain ' · • I · J win, Tommy Sherman, Fran k Rob- _..:_.._.._....._..__,.__,.__.....

Come in today and treat y our- Professor Steck Sings IAlpha Mu . i bins, George Grafto n, Harold Fish er, self and frien ds to the finesit ; During ·Music Week j Hold Interesting Meetmg J ack Bates. lunch and and livest drinks you I . I Fire Flies: Chari-es Ad a ms, Roy I J. D. GRAVES j Mr. Steck entertarned at , convoca- 1 AMn 'G ft L T 0 Fl j f ever t' · ra on, ynn u rner, rmon au. ATTORNEY AT LAW I t10n, Wedn-esday, May 8. Before ' h . f Al h M 0 Flowers and Fai r ies: Marie Brown 1 I N OTARY PUBLIC I You'll be surprised at the dif- ! si nging, he anno unced the c hildren's Atdt e mMeetm6g oh pf Jal mega I va Adams, W ilm a Flau, j ; fenence. f' 1 ·Op peret ta to be in ch ap-e l Friday, May ion ay, ay , t e o owmg pro- fl Peru Nebraska I 11 H l I d 1 gram was giv-en : Schwedh elm, R uth Medley, Mary Bea- 10 e a so cal e at tention to tie p L 1 C son 'Icor.cert of the Or chestra, Glee Club, History of i es 1e a rey

G E S S A M A N ' s and Orpheus Club which were held Bigrap hical Sketch of the Scandina- Soldiers: Billy Carhsle, Dean Coa t' / N ' Pey D onald Farson, Al ton Leh 1" gh - - J\foy 10. vi an Mathematici an, iels Hen- 1 · • · ._.

I Neil Slinker, Norman Smi th, L eland , I j t' ' In celebrating music week Mr. nk A?el.. H arold Reed 1.Stromquis t, .Lowell Stromq uist, Milton I ; t' C A F E I•Ste ck s an.g songs by American com- Mathematics in Indus.try - Van Dyke, Dav id W arnock, Fra nk ,• I I, posers His t hre e numbers consisted - -r--: :_ J, R. Van Dyke Dale D asher, Roger Mason, Cleon Drink Right # Nebraska C ity, Nebr. I ' On the Road to M an dal ay Spea ks Diges t of the Apri l issue of the Ma th- Brown, Delm an Sibley, Max Hollen - j I .iii i, M.ay, -th.e Maiden -C arpentier ematics Teac h er Pat Norwo<>d. b k S ta 1 A t w d 11 B f In the "Little Blue ' t" ec , . n ey rs rope, en e ur- I Lift Thrne Eyes ___ F. N. Loga'D; Miss Doris Bright was chairman of bridge, Cec il H-0 Jlenb eck. _.,....,. - the program. j Place." if






1C oon, Dawson, se cond. 1Hei ght: 5 ft 5 1-2 inches.

220-Yard Dash-Han sen, Havelock, , , first; Scho 9k, Falls City secon d. Time


1 24 se conds . ,.

Mi ss Harvey a nd Student Teachers I Ju mp- Brier, DeWi tt'. first; Missourians Make 83 Points to



The Peru musicians come in for I

Peru- / their sh are of appearances last week (Continued from Page I) Introduce New .Methods Mathis, T·ecumseh, second. Dista n ce vian's 48 in Dual Meet 20 feet 1 1-2 inch es. when the.r celebrated Natio nal Mus- Jones, of the Peru Te a chers College, I ic we ek in Peru, from May 5 to 11. was one of the few out of fifty t hoJI. -

and competitors who won prizes (}f: fer ed by the American Chemic al Society. These prizes were offered 'for essays on the relation of chemistry to health and disease, to the enrichment of .life, to agriculture 'a nd forestry, to na tional defense, to the h ome, and to the development of au indus try or resour ce of the United St ates are subjects that it is a: good thing for st udents to be wor!<ing o.v.er and thinking abou t. '1'hey h ave to do with human welfai;e and advanc ement and ba ppiness A:n<l concern over them, sustained interest wid·e. It is constructed on a large piece of b eaver board, -a nd is la id out



constr u ction of the map. Th ey h ave l by ind i cate d all the rivers a nd l akes of importance by t he u se of a blue crayon on the b eaver bo a rd. The mountains h av·e been made by ap plyin g extra t hi ck n ess of the mi xture and sma ll rock s, on top of the mounta in s the students ha ve a dded artifida l snow to touch off its attractiveness. Mi g ration of the people is design ate d by the use of small covered wago ns, the indi an tribes are designat ed by miniture inc!lans a nd· tents

Mornin g Speaks

Gypsy Life Schumann

The Moths P alicot

De Copp ah Moon - Sh e lley

Girls Glee Club

Lucille Hughes a, t the piano

"Makin g a new United Stat es," 220- Y ar d L ow Hurdles- Fulier, Te- I ' By "TIP" ROBERTS In observ ance to this, the college seems to be a problem now before cumseh, first; .M athis , Tecumseh, s eethe ' s tuden ts of the social science ond. Time 27 .5. classes of the junior high school. Thi s Discus Throw-H ike, Nebr ask!\ City project is under .the s upervi sio n of fir s t; Norton, De Witt, seco nd. Di sMiss Frances Harvey an d stud e nt tance 101 feet 3 in ch es. teac h ers, Mis ses Ann a Donner and 880 -Y a rd R e.l ay- Cl ass B- Peru, Fred a Haggeman. fi r st; Ta bl e Rock seco nd. 1:41.7 Th e stud ents of the juni or hi gh 880- Yard A- Haves choo l are takin g a fine att itude to- lock, first; Tecumseh, second. Ti me ward the work of making a lar ge · 1:38.2. map in their socia l sc ie nce work 880-Y ard Run - Ireland, Pawne e a nd acorcling to Miss Harvey. they City , first; Spangler, Pl atts mouth, secar e anticip atin g coloring t he map and on d. Time 2:09.7. mak in g it as attractive as any com- J a.veli n Throw- Freeoux, Wilbur, mer ci al ma p. first; Severin, U na dilla, seco nd. DisT he size of the map alo ne attracts tance : 147 f eet 10 in ches the at ten t.io n of the .1bse< ver. It is Mile Rel ay-Ha velock, first; Tea bout ei g ht feet lon g a nd four feet cumseh , second. Time 3:46.

The Goblins Riley-Parks

Capturin g first in nine of the six- music department presented a conteen e vents and amassing a total of eig hty-three points to Peru's 48,. cert Friday ni g ht, M•ay.JO, giv en by Coach "Lefty" Davis' Maryville j the Girl s' Glee Club, the Orpheus Teachers took a dual meet from the and colle ge orchestra. Bobcats here Friday, May 3. Heretofore each organization has It wasn' t a c as e of Peru lacking the i11dividual performers. The summary sh ows Peru to ha ve copped six firsts an d plac.;d one man in a three-wuy tie, but only two of these six firsts were ga rnered by the same Cat entry. "Swede" Hertz far outclassed t he field in both t he shot put and disc us while Cap tain Williams, Galloway, Schaff-ner, a nd Sams combined w ith in a three -way tie for ' g iven separat ely, a complete program. The combined program as pr esented follows:

• The T op o' the Mornin' - Mana-Zu ca in them ., a nd in ot her problems of Nay, let us say Peru's first place Water Lillies__ Linders simil ar nat ur e, has an importanthe'itrwinn ers were the choice of the meet w k Bl

t he rest of the le ader 's places with a mixture of salt, flour, a nd water. More than fifteen pounds of flour a nd salt were u se d in the cons truc.tion yn en 1 ynken, a nd Nod _N evin ing on .the success of the student and

Isince Cap tain "Dick" set a new col- Orpheus Club his usefulness in later life It is ,this , ...t Jege .time for the 880 yard run and I Ellen WHson an d M argaret C ain that rea ll y justifies the I ! Gallo way knocked a second and a at the pi ano d f h" b d t" St ud ents ha ve worked ha rd in the I Win, Dual 30 half off the old mile record. Despi te ' we spen or ig · er e uc a 1011• Event at Tar kio, April "The World-Herald offers c.ompliScore of 103 to 28 '' the fact that the invaders had the Willi am Tell Overtu re Rossini ments a nd; felicit a.tions to Student Joe 1 hi"g h po1"nt man and a lad of some im- F1"11l an d "a S"b 1· 1 - - 1 ems Jones and to th·e Peru Teachers ColIn an extreme ly one-side d du al ! portance, too, none of the boys from Orchestra

track meet P er u State T eac h ers Col- the "Show-me" state were competent i.ege of Nebraska ran rough shod eno ugh to lower existing Bobcat recover the T ark io Teachers Colle ge of ords.


On t he prairies of Nebraska one will fi nd small sod houses. Forests are s hown by th-e use of sm a ll pieces of evergr ee n. And to m ake the Gre at Ame ri ca n Desert the students have used sa nd with the mixtur e. Each student ha s taken an indivi-

Missouri Tu es d ay, April 30. The final " Twister" Smith the B'ig , Show score was Peru 103, T arkio 28. I As a matter of fac.t, had it not been T ar kio was abl e to · t ake bu t one jfor Cecil " Twister '' Smith, veteran f irst pl ace in the days competion , .the Maryville speed merchant; the story 440 yard da sh by McKeever who ran might have been just the reverse. The a brilliant r ace to nose out ·Capta in pride of the Missourian's squad finWi lli arns of P eru. ished first in' the 100 yard dash, the Hi gh poin t man for the meet was 220, 440, 220 low hu r dles ·and nosed Shaffner of P er u with two firsts a nd out Kerner for third in the high a second. Her tz, a nd Zook also cap - hurdl es for a total of 21 points tured two fir sts an d Zook was also a member of the win'ning 880 relay team

Type writing Students

Get Smith Awards

.L et it be quite universally known that the performance of the " Twi ster" was, indeed. sensational and very unusual. He topped off the afte rnoon of goo d wor k by running ancho r on both JC.e lay teams, the 880 and mu e. lege."

A Russian was being le.d' off to ex·

A copy of a l' asad·ena, Cal. 1 paper ecution by a squ ad of Bolshevik be en in P er u. which con -, diers on' a rainy day. "You,, ar tams a picture of P rof. C. A. Huck. br utes to march me t hru a r ai n like Some of hi s fr ien ds h ad .mte1 ·ed his I th is," he said. picture in the Pasadena P ost, in a, "How about rep lied on solcontest W: did not le arn w hethe r j dier "W·e ha ve to m arc h back in he was a w inner or not. , • the rain."

< f L, \J OIIU LU LY!J " WULt: l l.:tll ll jJUHY • .L UI:; ug -;, _

aPe pl a nni ng to displ ay th e map a ward is g iv en, to any student who won by the Bobc at:;; fo u nd Bear- -..

Look Our New Chevrolet Six er ed. The map now, in a st age of pro- , 70 word s per minute for fifteen min- ch at, the ?la?ed OI}e-two m fou r ! Ov h ar::l work and careful study by errors. to ad d to t e1r o a . , . stud ents. Se venty- word a wa rd s are not easily "Swede" Hertz Shines in Weights A new stock of tires, u. s. ROYAL, DUN I:OP, an d won, bu t we nave had the ho nor of Hertz was the outstanding man of I KELLEY. We a re now aible to do any kind of wet ding

where it can be seen by a ll interest- can w ri te on the Smith at the ra te of c ats fi ni shin g ,second. In to ,..,_..,_ - · duction , reveals a l arge amountthoef I u tes wi tho ut ma kin g more than ten eve n ts w h1chh Peru m uch



rece.iv in g t wo this ye ar, Lillian Brady : the aft ernoon. His or Fill your c ar with MOBILE O IL. ·Give having qua lifi ed fo r the same award ; of ,46 fe et 17\i inches the shot is I f

in SDecembedr. Id . h b Ia new ma rkt· in cofn:pl

ixty -wor go pms ave een est compe 1t or a1 e . vv r · f

ea rned this y ear by Raymon d R eed, J 40-foot m ark.

Havelock Wins-Se veral R ecords are Boatma n, Steven T urill e, a nd i He later stepped up a nd t hrew the I' to G. C. Thurman J Broken D(J r ot hy· Worley. Id isc us 126 feet l inch to t ake th at I I

Mi ss Mil dred Ulm er, who began her event on- bis firs t trial. This, h ow- _,_

Th e Annual M-I-N-K Tr a ck a nd work in September, h as z:i ade an e.x- ev er, fall s·sho rt of his mark of 145 _....,._..,_ Fie ld Meet w hich w as held l ast Fri- cep tion al r·ecord by ear mng a f.>0- feet mad e earlier in t he ·season.

da y on t he c oJl ege ovul saw the word silver pin on th t; Smith, and 40- Peru M ay Be Confe rence Champs

sh atte ri ng of fiv-e old re cords and word pins on both the Underwood Peru looks a repeater to take the tieing of another a nd t he Re ming ton. the N. I. A. A. track and fi eld crown :

Thirty s chools competed in the re c- Inez Ol zen a nd Benii ee w ho si nc e t he Maryville exhibitio n. It is ord breakin g p erfo rmanc es. The wer e a ls o beginn ers in Septemb er, sig-nificant' that :1°.ar ks m ade by SODA FOUNTAIN SERVICE

sch oo ls were rep rese n trd of fo ur h ave earn·ed 40-word awards. P eruvians were suff1 c1 ently far and I sta tes: Misw uri , Io wa, Ne br as ka and fast enou gh to win p laces in competi- 'I Confe ctione ry and Lu nc h Meats Ka nsas. Geo. W. Brown Lectures tion with the ' best the conference I . p ..

Hi gh point hon ors we nt to H ave- On Famous Educator to oifer. Sta tion ery and Foun tain e ns loc k by the narrow marg in of 1 poin t, Sams looks g ood on the hroad 1 A Hand y Place to Trade . , Tec u mse h ha vin g 25 points just one Geo W. Bro wn ent ertain ed Ch apel jump, around 22 , I to o few to g ive them a tie fo r first Friday, May 3, by ta lking on Hora ce while "Sw ede" shou ld h ave little ,

hono rs. Ma nn. tr ouh le winning ha th the shot a nd I



T he n ew reco rds set up were, the The on ly books that Ho race Mann disc us . Captain Williams, Gallow ay, 73 Phone 78 Pe ru, Ne br. f 100-yard das h, cl.ash, mile had to r ead had bee n donated by Your,g, a nd Tirii;5s can take c ara • 'l ft ; nrn, 880-ya rd relay . The mark for Benj amin Franklin. Th ey were b ooks the d istances. Ker ner has b ee n hu r-th e 220-yard d ash w as tied. chosen by a matu re mi nd ed man, but lin g the J·avefi n better th an 165 feet Fr eeo ux, Wilbu r, a nd Cowell, Aub- j n evertheless, we re read and di gested .• ·• :l<:! C<•: r.istently 8cha !I n er h as I . · um, wi th 12 points\ by H orace. He college in / <, en (r ·ng the ;11 :d polt -1

1·espective ly w er e the hi gh pomt men , t hree ye ars, teac hmg rn a vaulting n icely. in the me et. j school pa rt of th e time.

Spangl er of Pl attsmo uth ca used the j After he. en te r·ed the State Leg_is- D 't Q } k greatest sensation of the meet when latw·e, he became in terest ed in the ed- The Girl 's Club h eld their an nual ,

he lowered the time for the m ile from ! uc ation Of un fo rtun ate ch ildren. spring party May 6 in the fac ulty ,• 4:55.6 to 4:45.7. He s tarte d the first normal sch ool! ro om it was in form of a reception Fo ll owin g are the eve n ts an d win - in L ex in gton, Mass., a nd fo r t we lv e/ fo r th.e new·off.i ce'J:s who were elected ne rs: years he, was the h ead of the public j sometime ago. The r ecei ving line I 100 -Y a rd D ash-H anse n, Have lo ck, sc h oo l in Mass ac husetts 1 was ma de up of t he old and new of- ·# fi rst;· Sc h ock, Falls Ci ty , second. AB pres ide nt of An tioc h Co llege, he I fi cers and Mrs. Dunning, spo n sor Time 10.4. · pu t fort h sev·eral r eforms, t he most The room was p rettil,y deco rated Pole Vaul t- Cowe ll, A ubum , first, n oted of which wer e: (1) Wome n re -· with hu ge bougu ets of lila cs, tulips, Mc Da ni al, Si d ney, s·econd. He ig ht 11 <: e1vmg education e qu a lly with m en ; and other spr in g flowers. I ce <:ream, feet (2) Co lleges c ould be Christian with- co oki es, a nd mi nts were served.

120-Ya rd High Hur dles-Cowell, I out bein g sectarian. About two hun dred girls' club memAuburn, first ; Morrisey, T ecumseh, Horace Ma nn did a great d eal to bers, a nd many faculty frien ds ats econ d. Time 17.1. improv·e the morals of t he young men tend ed Shot Pu t- Freeo u x, Wilbu r, first; and women of his time by introdu cPres nell, De Wi tt, second, Distance in g co-edu catio n i11to antioch c·ollege. 42 fe et 5 inches

440-Yard Dash- Litre ll, Wi lbur, first, Whyma n, Ad ams, secon d. Ti me 54.1

Mil e Run- Spa ngler, Pl attsmo ut h, fi rst, Cl ark, D un bar, secon d. Time


High J ump-Kreglo, Auburn, firs t;


On Tu esday evening, May 21, Ru th She ll ey of t he vo ice depa rtment will appe ar in r cita l. She will be a ccompani ed by Luc ill e Hughes Ida SchPeper of th e piano depa rtmen t wi ll assist Miss Sh e ll e y.


Clevel and's New Subway Store








Bishops Leete and Shayler, and Dr. Johnson for Commencement

At chapel, We dn ,.day, May 15 tho


Tho meoting nf th• Fa b<i oato <i


J Freshmen Clubs presented a panto-

Club was ,held on Monday, April 20, mun . e · Ll03 A l b was pres SJ1ort Tafks Given by Memb e rs and •

Out-of-town Soloists Will Assist in in · arge num er .Left.er took the part of a Annual Oratorfo Ie nt as there was important busmess Faculty

Her ald, an d announced the comina of to attend to. A roll call was taken peak e rs have been chose n a nd the each club. Very briefly eac.h I On Wednes day ni g ht of commence- a nd a check to determine how many At the Dramatic Club ba nqu;t, held entire program has bee n prepared pantomimed a stunt representin g the 1 h . t of the c'iub would return nex.t year in the dormitory, Thursday· nig ht for commencement w.eek, and the of- a ctivi ty of thei r c lub ment week the col ege c orus ass1s -1 to help reorganize the club. th ere were sixty- nine present. It w as ficial programs have been printed and · ed by out-of-town soloists will pre- -k b t scheduled at eight o'cloc u w as are ready for distribution.


se nt the "Oratori o Elija.h ." It is an 1O/'l9


Bishop Frederick D. Leete, of Om- a nnual custom for the music d·epart- 7'.k delayed about thirty minutes , duraha, a bishop of the M. E. Church, .MYSTE-RY


in g which time entertainment w as ment to- pr esent some work of .this h has been secured for the sermon on furnished by Dorothy Nelson at t e sort. baccalaureate Sunday . Bishop Leete piano.

·s one of the strong men of Meth- "Th C

The oratorio, like all other forms y bo-•· Entered in National Scho- h . 1 e at and the Canary" to be Pre- ear ..,,... After ass emblin g toget er m groups Odi"st Church, and is ou.tstand ing as seated, May 28 of music, has underg one gre at changes lastic Press Association h d 1 .n of eight the members mare e an orator He is t he .o fficial who will These compositions were :f.irst perfor- double fi"le to thei·r respective tables. ·a t tl l f Th 1922 b Th

The se cicet is out, Peru via ns bein g - Pres1 e .a ie ann ua con erence of e roadway success, '" e med i·n the "oratory," or pl a ce of 1· R b B the Nebraska Meth o dists at Lincoln Cat and the Canary,'' is to be presen- pray,er, hence the name oratorio written over. The last sighs were w·i cl e Joy Michel, vio m; u y rown , cell o; a nd Ellen ·1 son, piano ma in Sep tember. te d as the senior pl ay the last week 'The earliest work J of this sort were sighed and an editor's dre am was re- up the musical entertainment while For commen cement .or ator , Bishop of sc,hool. This is a mystery melo- entirely dramatic and often g ro- a lized Monday when our year books dinner was being served. The menu E!'11est· V. Shaylor of Omaha, bishop drama of four acts centering .around tesquely treated. arr ived on that afternoon freight consisted of cocktail, meat I.oaf, po.tao£ t he Protesta nt Episcopal Chu rc h an estate. It promises thrills and Pei·formances took places on the h toe s, har va rd beets, spring salad , l b J h W ·11 train. What a stir on t e campu,§. of the Diocese of Nebraska, .has been surprises. The p ay is y o n i - streets, as noisy crowds thronged st rawb erry short ca ke coffee, nut s selected. Bishop Shayler has for ard but copyrighted by Samuel about the movable stage. Tod ay 'Buzz! Buzz! surprise on every a nd min ts. Im med iatly following the ye)! rS been <>ne of the noted divines French. character pa rts are portrayed by in- " Who are the representative students. first course the club was amused with this state, and is a l5trong and e lo- Out of the entire cast four a re on terpretation pot by dramatization. Who is the May Queen"?" a very clever dance by Joy Mickel qu en t speaker. Ithe Drainatic Club Honor Roll_.:.t.hat No action, scenery, or cos.tuming is The Peruvian is craft built and the and Eldon Heyward. For the high school comi:nencement, is - they are four of _the ten who have involved. The singing alone carries J engrav in g was done by t.he Sou th Th e program of the evening was Dr. Paul C. Johns ton , of Lmcoln, pas- , earned the most pornts for the year Ithe mess a ge. ' Western Engravin g Company at Fort he a ded by Joe Jones as master of ce rtor of t.he Westminster Pre sby terian of 1929. They are Ad a Eyre, H.azel, The oratorio, "Elijah,'' composed by 1 Worth, Te xas. This is the bigge st En- emoni es. Joe donatP. d a few witty Chu rch of" that city, has been chosen. 'Yil li a i:is, Eldon H aywa rd , and Ged- J Mendelsohn is a popular work a nd g raving esta blishment in . the Sout h. jo ke s then ca ll ed on. Dr. Johnston is known as an eloqu ent Iric Crmk. . . . J p er.h aps most admired of all his com- The printing was done by the Hu gh IHa uptma n: Leo speaker and an eminent preacher. Ada Eyre, whose abilities have won , .t. · The plot · was compiled Stevens Printing Press Company lo - speaker with some brilliant hum orou s . . . d posi ions.. .. . Th . , p 3· C 1 2)

The commen cement exercises w ill ner fame both as a artist an I from the First Book of King s and cated at J.efferson Ci ty , M1ssour1. e (Cont. on age , o · begin with th e reception to the gra d- a ctress. She is the ne gro Itypifies t;he old treatment rule of the Hu gh Stevens Pres_s is one of the uating classes by the facu l ty , at the par.t with d1stmct1on. She has prophets. Biographers tell us that best equipped pnntmg houses in home of President Pate, on S aturday directed plays, acted, and done muc.h J Mendelssohn was ·inspired by th\I America.


BISHOP SHAYLER TO BE HERE AGAIN ev ening of next week , May 25. The a rt work for t he c lub verse "Behold the Lord Passe d by." The art work with the exception foll day May 26, w ill be ba.cca- Haze l Williams appeared last ye.ar The bibical scenes ar e the of the co lored pages was done by lau::ate Sunday The ,exercises of in, "Ice Bo und" an d "The drou g ht prophecy, the riva l' sacrifices I the two staff Ada Ey re. and (Co n't. on Page 4; Col. 1) Up -St airs ." This year s.he has di- and the persecution of Elijah Thes e Felix Summers. Miss Eyre d esign ed Will Give Annual Address on Comrected, a cted, a nd done considerable scenes indic a te the dr amatic cha racter the cover of the Peruvian The steps me ncement Program judgi ng of declamatory contests over of the work. rep resent pro gr ess. The tower reprethe county. If Miss Williams does as se nts t he c ap i to l, while the Bobc at 0th-er than the 09 lo ud c.b0rus well as she has don e in former -pro- heads at each sid e stand for our mas- in this composition the Orpheus Clu b ductions , she w ill be among the fin- cot whose sp iri t h as en a bl ed our oys will sing an un ac companied numb er h nm.o m,,,,,, ,, ;,,tnri"" Th"' est in t he cast. ,_u. '"-"- ·

P eru S tate T eac he rs College is to be congratulated on bein g a ble to get suc.h a fine man for the Comme nce_ __


ss Lu

cille H ugh es w 1·n A ccompany at the Pian o

Tonight at eigth o' clo ck t he voc al departme nt, presents the fi rs t voice recital si nce the advent of its n ew director, G. Holt S teck

Miss Ruth Shell y with Lucille Hughes at th e piano w ill pr es en t a

est in the cast. · Iwill sing an unaccompanied number Eldon Ha yw a rd has not only made and also the accompaniement for a a r ecord f.or himself as an actor but qu a rtet for the principal soloists a ls o as a pl a yri g ht. Hi s play, "Tod's Besid·es this, one number will be preSlave," is to he en tered in the original sented by an octette composed of pl a :V co nt es t, May 24. Mr. Hayward's students selec t ed from th e colle ge a ctin g in " He·r Country" is sufficient chorus. for re membe r in g him with out menti on in g any other plays in which he

has a ppeared. progr am of fo lk son gs :. numbers by Ce dric Crink has pe ha the Sch ube rt, P ad erews ki Ponchielli j bi g·ges t t · "T'h Cr ps,


. • , . oar. rn , e at and the - ' . e as p aye 1n e of Science Liszt and th e mo d er n comoosers -Ro n- , Ca n ary ,,-H h J d · "Th aid and C aro Ro ma. M r. Steck hints , M aster Salesman," and "The c'ri·mson p h p eru Well Represented at Academy t. at eru s tudents may e_xp ect _a fine Co co a nut" this ye ar. Bes ides acting, d!Splay of voc al a nd a rti st ic Mr. Cr ink has done much stage car·eldom h eard from stud ent a rtists ""e nt e · k H l d. d J:' i wor •e a so 1recte Pei;u was well represented at the pr ogram : . . .the hi gh s chool senior class play and meet in Lincoln at the University of Drmk to Me Onl y With the winn ers of. tJ1e winners of the M. 1 Nebraska Academy of S<;ience which Old English I. N. K. dramatic contest. met on Friday May 3 a nd 4. Comm T hro th e R ye Old Scotch Beca use it is a mystery play, it is As was stated last week, Professor The Ke r ry Dance .- Molloy imp oss ibl e to tell , who has the le ads A. E. Holch of Peru was el ec ted presMy Peac e Th ou Art Schubert a nd what type of part the Ji, .have ident of the Ac ademy for the coming Ah! The Tor me nt Paderewski 1 without g iving away the plot. year.

The members of the cast are: Peru students and faculty diembers


Lar ge Atten denc e En joy Final Outing of the Groups

Mammy Pleasant - Ada Eyre had a lar ge part in the program. Ro g er C1·osby A. C. Holeman Following are parts taken by them: Harry Blyt he - James Delzell "American Chemical Society E ss ay Cicily Youn g Averyl Gaines Contest- Teachers College Essays."

n os e spn·irhasel'lalmmourooys- such a fine man for the Commenceto b:ing hoi:ie victories. The address as Bishop Ernest V. 1s one with which we are all .faro- Sh a yJ.er of the Protestant Episcopal 1har. The colored pages were pamted Church of Om aha. The Commenceby Bruno Lori a professional ar tist at Iment ex e rci ses are to be given Frid ay t.he Hugh Stephens Press. May 31 , at 10:30 a. m. in the colle ge

The book is built around the season-! a uditorium. · al of all _that are of 1 1 Bishop Ernest v. Shayler will un1prommance begmnmg with autumn. doubtedly give an excellent com' T.his is the first time this me thod mencement address. Most of the .has been used in any school. The college stud·ents will remember the ide a could be copyrighted making it fine talk that Bishop Shay1'er gave impossibl e for any school to use this at convocation time during February with O]J t our permission. of this year He needs no introduction

The book has been sent to Minne- .to those who have heard him speak apoli s. Minn esot a to be entered in the He was born in North Moreton , National Scholastic Press Associa- En g land and later came to Americ a. tion. It will be judged along with all Some of his work follows: Rector at the other year books of all universi- Calv a ry Churc.h Sa ndusky Ohio· ties out in America. They are jud g- Grace Church, Oak Park, 'Ill.; st'. ed by a Fr?d Kildow be- Monk£ Church, Seattle, Washington. mg the It IS hoped that I Ernest v. Sha y ler wrote, "Makin g our Peruvi an will take All-American. of Churc.hmen" and "Making a nd To us we hardly see how it can help I Life of Church." it but the committee will decide and More detail will be given later. we will know early in the Fall.

Our 1928 Peruvian was entered in the same contest a nd was rated Cl ass A. This years book is quite different in construction from the one of


S us an Sillsby - Ha zel Williams Introduced by Professor Hoyt. Ch I W 'ld ..,,Id H d last year a nd is ei g·ht pa g es larger, ar es er - n. on aywar "T he Contribu tion of Che mistry to l J C d ·c lt should ha ve equally as g ood a Pau -Ones e ric rink the Enrichment of Life." Joe Jones Dr Johnson, of Lincoln, Scheduled b 11 W M Cl b chance for Class A honors. The pa ges

Ann a e e est - arg aret me urg "Chemistry of Oil Shales." Robert • on High School Program with Peda g ogian scribs on them Th Y W an d Y M had a Hendricks Da ris Bunch Whittmore e . . · · is a new feature. There is not one

" Whoopi e" tim e on t heir picnic last Wed nesday ev en ing. The " Gang" met at the libra ry at 5:30, then tramp-

Pa tterson - - - Joe , "The Relation of Chemis t ry to W·ednesday, May 29, at 10 a. m. in h ,, p ag e in the book w.hich does not balU nderstudi-es for t e play are Mary n·ea.l th and Disease." Sam Traudt the colle ge audtorium, Dr. Paul C. ance perfectly with the opposite page.

Con wa y, E. R. Burkey, Marion War- "A study of the Prepar ation .for Johnson, minister of Westminister The motive of .t he 1929 Peruvi an is ner , Ma ry Ha rajian, Edi th Daven- the Teach,in g of Geography as Com- Presbyterian Church Lincoln, will de- "Spirit a nd Loyalty to Old Peru." ed to the pa sture west of Dav enports. p ort, Gl en Sl ag le, Harold Marren. pared with t hat made for Teaching liver the hi gh school commen cement

A base ball d iamon d was improvised Mona beep appointed bus- Hi story ." John R. Muhm a ddress.

iness m anager and Charles Clark ad- Those from Peru belongin g to the GIRL RESERVES Dr. Johnson is a graduate of Belland L11en Ge orge Cook a nd Floyd I HOLD PARTY ver t isin g man a ger. Ac a demy of Science are: view Colle g e, and he took his the oLewi s pro cee ded to c ho ose so tn e Reserved sea ts will be on sale in W. R. Carter, A. E. Holch, Wilbur , lo g ical work at the Mc- Cormick Sero· strong baseba ll teams. The strong t he a dministrati.on building on Thurs- Hoyt, A. L. Hill, J. R. Muhm, Glay- A Girl's Reserve party was· held Iinary in Chic ag o durin g three ye ar s, breez e and hilario us pl aye rs ma de day and Friday, May 23 aBd 24, and burn, Edwin Booth, Harvey Cole, last Wedne sday ·evening in the hi g.h. receiving there the degree of Bach· h . " . ,, The out- j on Mond a y, May 27. On Saturday, Frank Ivers, Frank Kerner, Harold school auditorium at 1 7 o'clock. i·elor of Divinity. \ e :ame z ippyCl ay Coy and , May 25, res-erv·ed seats will be on McC.reight, Dale Dyke, William Ok- A pro g ram was given and the re -1 Hastings Colle ge honored him three it was sale at the Loyal Pharmacy. Tickets rent, Ernest Ro t hert, Raymond Reid, mainder of the evening was spent in ye a rs ago with the de g ree of Doctor d b h th th b oys w ill ever 1 a re fifty cents. No extra charge for Edward Schaefer, Robert Whi t temore. dancin g. Miss Burton, accompanied by of Divinity. At present he is in his ou ted w. e er ese reserve se a ts. Out-of-town people Mrs Cle m ents, pl ayed a flute solo, third pastorate. · The first was in be professio nals. r· had been may _p e cure r·eserv a tions by writing STUDY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Vir g ina Milstead sa.ng two so lo s a nd Indi an a, the second at Tekam a h, Then came su pper, a ire p N b k IiN NEBRASKA CITY Eunice Burbrid ge and Pauline Cowell Nebr aska a nd he is in his eighth year bullt and the e ats committe e, heade d Mona Lyon, eru, e ras a. gav·e a dance number. · at W estminis.ter, Lincoln. He is by V eq1a Glandt, broug ht in to sig ht Two autoists met in an alley too Thejunior hig·h school principles A dainty two course luncheop con- chairman of the .Synodical Committe e a ll t}1e necessiti-es s uc h a c ere- narrow to permit them to pass each class, under fbe supervision of Miss sistin g of sandwiches, pickles, potato on Education for their Church in mon y·- H'ere is the nien u :first c ourse , k b h. 1 d · d k N b k - d ot her. One of the autoists rose in his Grace Tear-, recently to6 an o ser- c 1p s, sa a , ice cream an ca e wa s e ras a. we ine r s, bu ns , an d pickles ; secon . nd shouted to the other: va tion trip to Nebraska City to s tudy ' served. Each table was centered with Dr. Johnstons church is the third and an ever back up for any d ____ the new junior hi gh at that pla,ce. a tiny maypole whih had daisy lar g est Presbyterian Church in Nethird co ur se- ice cream sue rs. 0 : They wer·e shown thru the building stre amers fastened to the nut cups. br aska. Two ye ars ago they dediyou can see t hat a11 in all , it was a ·f ooL" 1 • • • ti d · k by Supt. G. G. Warren and principal The Girls Re serve Mother and cated the auditorlum 11ni.t of a plant h The other driver qme y an qmcrather ni c-e littl: lune · 1 ut his car in reverse, backed out R. S. Shrouder, w.ho explained fu- Daughter banquet which was to have which will cost, w.hen a A l arg e bonfire was ma de do:Wn Y P red. " Th a t's all ri g ht, I al- tur.e aims and present methods of been held at this time has been in- half mi!llion / oll ars. Thi s unit cost in t he ho ll ow away from the wmd a nd · conducting -a junior l)igh school. definitely postponed. $225,000{ (Con '.t. on Page 4; Col. 2) w ays do·.


8 P. M. THE PERU PE I> AG & 6 I AM TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1929



B.y JOE JONES • only just now the as tronomers, seekMa n's life today is that of a master in g to build a greater telescope than

Entered at the Postoffice of Peru, Nebraska, as second class matter. ,,. who has many servants. He may call ever before, are centering their atPublished Weekly at Peru State upon them, giving .them tasks to do tention upon Scilicon. On Su nd ay e vening at 8 p. m. the

Teachers College and th(Y will fulfil their duties wen '. This element builds the foundation churches of P eru have joined hands Just so long as are these servants of a structure with its bricgs, is con- in prep aring w.h at will be a farewe ll

$1.00 the Year-Sc single copy k t d



EDITOR______________________________ OWLER

ep manage well in hand will they tained in the concrete poured into uni on service for the students of t bework for good '; but s hould their mas- the forms, a nd, contributing even to colleg e. ter put them to a wrong task, he the steel work, finally finishes up the .; The Rev·erend Mr. E. Knight will mu st suff.er harm- not by any fault job in terr a -cotta. And th ither we giv e th e se rmon, .th e topic of which STAFF of theirs , but throu gh his own voli- go, with a chemical element le a pjp.g w ill be a nn oun ce d later. \.ion . There is one of these us by the nose clear over into the l To · dd d t t >-t. of man which he may either love or ·f. ld f h' d g ive an a e 0 ou\;J.j to this 1e s o arc 1tecture, astronomy , an fi 1 d t' l t' f h. fe al acco d' t h' -11 f h na ev o 1o na mee ing o t e , r rng o 1s w1 , -0r t e simply do not and will not stay at d t b d 't h b <> •u· forc es involving t he enrichment of home-they work for e veryb o dy o y I a.s ee? arranged for a

BUSINESS MANAGER------------------- - - HAROLD B. McCREIGHT AS SO CIA TE - E. R. BURKEY FACULTY - - - HAROLD MARREN MEMBER THOMAS E. ENNIS life or the destruction 'of 11'fe are In th b t "" t l Ch q urn tet to give s pec ial numbers r.I'b,e e more a s ,a.c ream, em- · ·

CAMPUS - - FRANCES MORIARTY bound within the d es tiny of the mas- istry has always been a compa1110n qurn tet w ill be composed of Mr, IDA SCHREPEL te.-, Man, and the wv ant, Chem1'tcy. tQ l'hilo•ophy, " havo, indeed, all Stock, Ru th Sh elley, M. Enge!kemi" FEATURES __ - BILL WARMAN Chemi•tcy h" not alway• been " •denc". Alchemy w a. the "' ult of Lou fa e Bo wee'. and R T renholm. E" DRAMATICS----------------------------------- WILLARD E. FOWLER We l! undmt=d " it i• now. It. be- mi.applied philooophy; the phlo g i•- "yone " co r dially >OV>ted to be P""· FACULTY - - ELLEEN MEANS g innin g a, howem, "e very old The ton theo<y w" another "hard »ut to at this prog ram. REPORTERS MUSIC FRED COLE early Hindus, Greeks and Arabs were crack." Early .thinkers. however,- - - RUBY BROWN chemists of divers sorts, quaintly mix- men such as Leonardo da Vinci (1452-11______________,___ ing together all the thrf!e subjects of 1571), Rol>e rt Boyle (1627 - 1691) and

RATED HIGH BY SCIENTISTS ! c ould one find a better coac.h h philosophy, alchemy, and astrology. La voisier (1743 -1794), "'0 unded the TR OU BADOR

EDISON PETTIT could one s eek and find m;r; }he Chinese, it seems were much true school of scientifi c philo.>oph y, I Peru's Most Famous Living Son 1 cour ag emen t, and where could one more scientific in their met hod. We the ou ·p: ru w th of which i.'l th e sdeu-1 ::D:----M-------...--:--,-----.J f . find record of Ch h · t' fi · o · ) ear r Editor· Dr. Edi s on Pettit is lhe mo st wid- md a bet te r in spiration th an in our me se p armacopoe1a J c n-. e!:rn u.. 11'1 the wocd 3 of B0y .o , ow n prof s M H H' compiled by one Shen-Hun g in the "There is no other w ay to seek k no w !- Wi th sneak d ays, banquets ly kn own citizen of Pe ru and prob- e so r, r. oyt. is ye a rs' 6 1 , tests, of s tud y, re search a nd of learnin r year 00 C. Well, then perh aps ed ge th an by makin g v ari ed r es e arch l ex p anati o ns, and i nitiations,- this a bl y th e mo st di st in g uished g raduate have prep a red for the I is not so after all! upon the thi n;r5 w:i i ch a, , fou nd in po ord p erson is all but exhausted. r of t he Te a ch ers Colle ge of Peru. He insti·uctor that he is · I o- it cannot be, for 1t 1s vital to na ture." This struck th e disap ason er why we e du cated folk tr_v t.o is known the world over among the Gr antin g that th h th i;i exhistence of even a most puny chord of truth, and its tones swell be In every t hing. I see i'n p' ct F e co ac , wheth er d · 't ' . .1. . . f f 1 ures ree Masonry of Astronomy a nd dis- coaching a s i· t'fi an pr1m1 1ve c1v1 1z a t1on It gives louder and resound more clearly as 0 r atern it ies in our Peruvi'an t . . h · c en 1 c pro1e ct a de- 'o ne of th · · · f h h sa f 111 g u1 s ed scienti sts Afte r g raduat ba te dram a tics 'hi 1 e prime reqms1tes to ulness t e w, eels of time move on i:i-e. a ces ov er an tl over. It th t p · - • , music, or at etics Iof life-th t f d · W · op is e mg a. eru he taug ht for some time and th at he can d th . . a· •0 an a equate and a e come, then, to ccntribu tio ns im on of my embr · in the hi gh sc.hool at Minden Nebr a s- out good ma te1" al too no· hwith- comfortable physcal ,environment. of Chemistry to the intellect daiin rr con d ition t ends k H ' I wor wit we The w . h' h Ch . f ,., f a. e later secur ed a teaching will admit that p' h d' 1 ays 111 w 1c em1stry has rom the ·ear ly fieJd s of philoso phy 110 us rat e rnities and oth f eru , as prove she a' d d · 1 t' e1 orgamza e llows hip in physics and as tronomy ha s wor t hy instructo ·s d f' I e our c1v1 izat1 on to become rich a nd companion b n::i.n;; ne ::;. In the iohn s, as we ll as our ind1'v1'duals J.U_.: t ' u h - · 1 an me mat- a nd powe f 1 l b J 1 t h •• a ,, as burn College, Topeka, Kan- e,rial. r u are near Y num er ess; rea m of high thought, Chem istry h as w a t ey do not "' · ' He <non became .,,;,tant in to <et them down completely would done a titanic "" i«. A ""'t er an d even W"hburn Obmv a to<y which po•· COMMENCEMENT WEEK be to make a c•talo g ue. We might, port of thi• '' cvnt 4' >>e <l withi n the and . d' ·d y not b• """ one of the g,.., t tel.,cop" of Next week fO< m•tance, '""' thO oonoeµt• of ma tt"· an d e>>ergy whi ch dent who fa in d A the mid-west, from there he bec ame is the Fifty-Ninth of food begmmng back have come to 1;g- ht th r ou vh the ie- go od to an mg oes httle Annual Commence t W k M befo e th t h h wo rld n dy one orga nization. Tlie ass ista nt at the Yerkes Obervatory men ee , ay 25 _ r e .1me w en t e salt se a rches of pure Ch e:mistry. •rr.ese ee s more m a nd t ook his Doc t ors de g ree at the to 31, 1929, for the Peru S tate Teach- had a street all their own cannot be me asm ·ed by 1 ule c•r calcu -w ho h ave b ee n t en and women Unirn• ity of Chic •go F<om the« "' College. Durin g th1' time many • nd Ne..o' <Im• b,.ou g ht •now from "tio n. They hm reoulted in th e di•- the weal th f aught to choo" "°"' he went to Mt. Wils on Observatory outstandino- events will occu , the Alps cool wme fol' the Emperor covery of. th e ra dio:ictivi t;. few whic h o_ opi:ortuni t ies Those C · ' "' 1· a nd com n d t h h · "' fi gi ve him the most b arn eg 1e Ins titution nea r Pasadena Briefly the ro ram f . 1 g o;-rn o . t e _pr es ent e c os mic ray, a •:.et ter t. nd ersta

Ec li ps e Expedi tion at Matheson , Colorad o, in 1918; Poin t L om a, Ca li forni a in 1923; an d Middle tow n, Co nn ec ti cut in 1925. He is an au thor an d is int ern ation a lly kn ow n on Solar Pro mi ne nces, V io let Rays, the di scoveries of the Law of Motion of Sol ar p r-0 min en ces, a nd Ra di ons fro m V ar ia bl e Sta rs. With hi s assoc iate Dr. Nicho lson of Mt. Wil so n he has can ied for a nu mber of ye ars r es ea rche s on the ra di ati ons a nd te mp er at ures of th e plan ets, mo.on, s un an d sta rs with the th emop il e, an instrume nt per fe c te d by Dr. Pet tit him se lf. Hi s re cent revelat io ns of th e themopile observ at ions on the moon a re decl a red by scientists deci siv e of the mooted qu e stion of the orig in of lun ar "c rate rs" from volcanic er uptions and not fr om the imp act of g re at meteors On e .high in t he es tim a tion of astronomers of Nebr as k a, rec entl y dec la re d that D r. P ettit is forg i ng ahead in the fie ld of a stron omy at a r ate th at wo uld ma ke him an ou ts tanding fig u re amo ng th e astro nomers of the w orld within t en years.


Fo r tw.o successiv e ye ars the blue a nd w hite jerseys of " Old Peru," have gone thr ough two ch a mpion s hip footba ll se as ons. P er u 's n am e .has flourishe d up on the s po rts pag·es of v arious p ag es. We a ll know that the main r easo n b ac k of th ese successes ha s b ee n o ur well-kn ow n co ac h, Lon Graf. We will h ave to gra nt t hou g.h th at without the material on th ose champ io nship tea m s, even G raf co u ldn' t h av e made the victo ri es

L ately we h ave had called to our a tt e ntio n th at her e in Pe ru we ha ve o.t her ch ampi on s. L ast ye ar Sam Tra ud t was aw ar ded seco nd prize on an essay he wrote fo r the A meri ca n Ch em ica l So ciety. Thi s year J oe Jones a nd Mar ion W ar ner ca rri ed P er u on tb victory by ca rr y ing o ff first an d t hird prizes respe cti vely. The fact that th ese men we re successfu l leads us to tlrnt b esid es t he ir unusual a bility, b es ides sid es .their researc h work ne cessa ry for s uch a paper, a nd b es id es their ta ctful app lic ation of their kn ow ledg e, th er e is somethin g else ur ging t.hem on, and in spi rin g th em.

Compa ri ng these me n to our athlet es who h ave al so m ade P er u' s name ou tsta ndi n g, we loo k fo r the po wer b eh ind the ir su cc ess Wh ere

va nces in textile chem istry. P aper T he m in d ·.vhich is tYul y b oad

Sunday, Servfoes.

May 26, B ac calau rea.te wou ld ind ee d upfoJd an must hold in its s cove not on ly the / tale, as w ould the pro duc ts rubbe r, outward m ani.fes tati ons of i n1lnity-

T ue sd ay, May 28, Se nior Class Pl a y. stain less steel and mov ie f ilms. Coal -the eternal suns a nti slam-- but as W ednes d ay, May 29,. Art E xh i bi t, Hi gh Sch oo l Com me n cP.ment, Orato rio "Elij a...'fi ."

Thursda y, Se ni or B rea k fas t, iege May Fete, Plant in g of th e Cl ass Day E xercises

tar co uld te ll us more sto ri es th an bi g a co nc ept of inGn i.ty ttune cl downOld Unc le Remus an'd his;Tar Baby war d in to the itit ri l'. a ;:: i es of the yet

ev·er dream ed ab.o u.t The strict te rm more wonderfu l wo1 ld of the wi cro"enrichme nt of life", howev er em- scopic, foi·ms. T J s.nne, th os e r ev el-

Co l- br aces a lift in g. o ut of t he common- ations unfo lded co11Le a t:rnnderI vy, place into t he rea lm of th e cultu ral. Icl;i.p ; to I).?ne should they_ ln Chemistry, as a ph ys ic al fo r ce, h as Ismall portion deny t he ne v er-end1 g

Official Bu ll et in

Y. M. and Y. W. student c.o nfepence will be held at Estes P ark, Ju ne7-17

Summer schoo l, first term begins June 10 and doses ;July 17.

Fr id ay, Colleg-e Com me nc em e nt, - .P b d no pe er; but th at se r va nt must also teleology of th a'.; o wer eyo n O•lr Su m mer s choo l b'ull etins a;e rea ilv

Lunch eon for Alumni an d vis iti ng

I, fr ie nd s, Cl a ss Reu n ion. be an in te llec tl al fo rce a nd s how men ken . . h j for distri bution at regi s trars office.

T hi s c om menc eme nt pr om ises to be one of th e b est e ver give n. Th e Baccalaure a te Se rv ic e will be held in th e co ll eg·e a udi toriu m, May 26, at 10:30 a. m.

wh at to ma ke of th eir sn rro undin g·s, A gre a.t stirri ng up of mrn ds as : in or d er t hat they may move th at/1 c ome about in recen:, -yea rs thxu the I The ra te of 1 per cen t wi ll be deexiste n ce w.hich is richer a nd more Ch emistry has to ldu-cted for e ach une:xcutred ;·efi ne d. ide as about the cons truc t 10n of m at-a nd 2 per cen t for un e:x:cused lea vin g Scie n ce ha s gi ven to man more ti me ter. ! of class.

Lo be at ea se- more respite in his Th e_ co nc eption of which j neve r endin g ba ttle the forces of Ch emlS.try holds fo rth is one of a b- Two ne gro es d' . · RECORDS · l · ld w ere is.cus srn g each na t ur e. A ga in, it h as pr ol ong ed hi s solu te u mty, no t on y in a w_ or . so o ther's ma nners a fteT th ey ot out Eli no;· Smith, a 17- y ear old g irl, span of life ; not by mere ye a rs, but sma ll as our ow n, bu t r·eac hrn g out into the street fo llo th 'Tgh · bl . h d h · "th th t t t fa · wmg etr anks. esta 1s e t e re co rd of 26 hours, 21 by enti re decades. To casll ma n in.to w1 · e spec roscop e o s a rs I, g iving dinn e r. mi nu tes fo r e ndur a nce so lo airplane a s udd en inherit anc·e of leis ure with- b eyon d t ho se th e eye can see In all " vV h . flight th e ot her d ay Eu ge ne S ta le y out pr ovidi g him me ans for u.,,;tig it of them like elements ar·e fo und. The · e i; yo u pa ssed me thqse two of H as t in gs, Neb raska, h as a Ph. D. wo uld be too h ar d, an d scienc e d oes or d er of the a tom and <>f t he uni v erse pieces of tu rk ey you f .o rc ed me to degree at the age of 23. He was not int end th at it sh a ll be so. It h as is ob edie nce to regul ate d la w; thei r t ake the lit tle pi ece and I left you awa r de d a Social 8 de nce Travelling b h "f f It l law is that of observan ce to ri gid or- the big pi ece!" esto wed ric gi ts o cu · ure a ong "Well?" Fell<> wship of $2,500.00 for the year with the bequ est of ti me. Ma n m ay d er In the evo lu tio n of mat ter t here b · · S b R h I · d d' · t " If you had eg mnm g nex t eptem er. obe rt use th em in th e best w ay he can, for is no deat : n tegratwn an ism. eM. Hut c hens, age 30, formerly de an sc ie nce can do no more. · grat i'l n a re b ewl! ..: arr ied Ol"l co11r m·- the little piec e of o ee n me I'd ta ken and left you the pig piec e." of th e Yale Univ ersity Law School Sin ce Chem istry is defini te ly so re ntly by mysteri ous rays. 'E very- "Y has b ee n elec ted President of the many-s id ed,. it is a trifle um berso me where the spectrosc ops r evea ls -e volu- ou got the l ittle _p i ec·e di dn 't yo u? Uni versity of Chicag o. W. Da le to ' .tr eat as a comp act w hol e. In such t ion at work. Wh at are you kicking a bout?- " Cl a rk at the ag e of 37 is P re sident of a d isc u ssion, th erefore, it will neces-Ta ki ng the m in d still fu rther into t he Omaha N ational Bank, of Om ah a. s ari ly be tr eated in su ch a w ay th at the d epths of trut h-se ek ing, th ere

This in s itution h as resources of over the for m w ill ass ume a philoso ph ical no w, thou gh d ark l y, the belief fo r ty mi lli on doll ars. Ge or ge F. as pect. If we were to sta rt e num er- that th er e is bu t one ·entity in natu re Ba k er, age 89, is pr esi dent of the ating all the ways Ch em ist ry ben efits -that of energy; from t hi s comes larg est ba nk in N ew Yo rk City. He ma nkind , we mig ht as well nigh try to the int erconv ertibility of en ergy and has bee n giving his for t une away at coun t the stars In a ll its myrid ma tte r. Can mind s be passive when t he rate of a m illion doll ars a ye ar br anc hings, h oweve r, there is an in- s ti r red with thou ghts like t hes e? to cha ri ty. P er haps a ll th es e fo l ks te rtw ini ng-o c ul t ure, as it w ere- How oft en it is clai me d th at science wo uld say, "We al'e neith er loo ki ng wh ich makes the part coh e ren t with is the enemy of re lig ion and the harnor waiti ng fo r opp ortuni ti-es, we - the who le.. bi11.ger of do ub t! True scie n ce can be ma ke o ur ow n." 1 Th e group in g of many activities neit h er; n eith er will tr ue reli o- ion

"The di vini ty that shap es our en ds and in du stries abo ut a s in gle element term it such. E ac h wi ll agr ee ;,i th is in ourse lves; it is o ur ve ry se lves. " Ia nd its co mp ounds is a very com mon Fi sk e in th at" Science is the h and' Isit u ation to day. Th e elemen t Silicon, mai d of re li gi oµ." In a ll the froth SI XTY TEST Si (L atin s ilex, the flin ty el emen t) I a nd fome nt of controversy, men s eem Si xty Wis co nsin journa lism se nio rs len ds itse lf admi rably to a type dis- to have g on e no deepe r t han to s kim d id no t know th at a gra nd ju ry is n ot cussion of this t ende ncy, for the c ul - th e dross from the crucible of each a tr ia l ju ry; 11 did n ot k now th at the tura l va lue of SJli co n is·g reat. Man The thinke r is n ot inter es ted in sla g·. state is pl a in tiff in c rimi na l c ases ; has Sili on in hi s bod y, an d h as lon g In the metallu rgy o'f the mind scienc e 42 % had n eve r atte n de d a cr imina l been buildin g hou ses out of br ic ks and re lig ion a re not two sep arate t ria l; 77 % ha d neve r bee n in. justice for h is body to in. Thus, arch -metal s, b ut an a ll oy- stl'on g er, mo re or po li c·e co ur t. I gnora n ce of ma-itect ur e, one of the noblest of the J du rabl e a nd more be aut iful tha n ch ine ry of city, state, and nationa l ar ts, h as very fo un dation u pon th is eith er of the meta ls which comp ose of (In d el:me nt! Gl as sware, a n:ark j it. . . of operations of c1v1 c e nterp n ses was of cu ltur·e, was ear ly tn r odu ce d into I Th e ethical principles of t he scieneq ua ll y sublime Th ese cl ub s are not the Orient a nd Egypt. Ma ny of th e tiflc mari, while they may .s eem eve n prepared for ci tizen sh ip, to s ay Iancient work s in gla ss rival the best time s to be severe, are of the no t hi n g. of public ation ones w ro ught in mod ern tim es. The hi g:he st to whi:ch mankind may atta i n. conce rnin g pubhc a ff a1rs.- Th e Ne-uses of gl ass an d gl assware today a re It is th e re a liz at ion th at he is doi ng bras ka Press. thousan ds, of thousa n ds fo l d, an d his work in the se rvic e of ma nk ind

Jon es: I wish I knew a co upl of go od summer pl a ces."

"Wh at dd ou wa nt of a couple. Isn't one eno ugh fo r yo u?" Jones· Oh y es· · h f · , , one is en oug or me, but I wan t <>n et for my wife.

which brings such a hig h- minded code to the scient· t T 18 • r ue, th e re are many f'. se ud osc i entis ts to wh om eth ics h ttl·e or nothing; - these are knbwn by their fr u its.

It mu_st realize d (and. a .glortous l eah zat10 n it is ) that man's environme nt can be on ly what he , k ·r To 'd . ma. es 1. p ro vi e his ph ysical needs Chem· i stry will work well; but is a far "'o·reater serVlce than this to be Herein should be t.he burden -O f its messa a · ge in ays to To nu rture the b d . · · o Y is a noble sera nd were that the only benefit t be eternally bound in gratiu e. J.n ord h e r, owever that Jll!ln may a tta in mo re to richness and fol · of life, the mind mu t be made s ronger and th fu l. Thus · e ..1oul beautiP . comes yet the greatest eaac 1ty of Chernistrar- the role of teacher


........ -- -






NOTA.'RY PUBLIC ! BANQUET Th e famous ore.h es - I · ,

Peru N ebr ! -- tra, lea d by "Dick" Willi ams, enter- a.,.....a ( Co , ' _ · I nt1nue d f rom P age 1) d Ch M d Omaha, York , Linc oln , a nd Pe ru W os tory re l ating to each of the m. The taine at Men's Club apel - on ay. men in Frie ndly Competition °' fi t t lk The memb-e rs of the Pe ru Girl s' Club rs ·a w as by Mary Ali ce En gles, , I "DON'T FORGET" I "Pi ck up Your Cues. " T he second were g uests T he memb ers of the G. A. A. sp ent

I\(Vben you are busy studying ; Iwa s "Wait for Your - La ughs" by Th e o rc hest ra is comp osed of Mr. S aturd ay, May 10, a.t Li nc oln in recand H ungry the 10 p. m, deliv- I D.on al d D uryea. Th e t hird toa st wa s Will iams, Mr. T renholm, Mr. B unch, og nit ion of Sports Day. Th e re we re ""Y· AJI orders 10 p m _ g iv en by Fred Due "' who spoke on and Miss wem en rep r es enti ng t he W ome n's · · · ,.,. "Pl .r Mr. W arm an , Mr. Wolfe,

Palms C an.d Kitch en f-1 . aces ." Then the l as t· but most

TUESDAY, MA Y 21, 11929

taug·ht folk da ncing- to the e nt ire gro up.

Ab out two o'ctoc k, Pe ru and Oma ha g ir ls h ad to in orde11 to catc h their trai ns. For tho se r eniain in g, th er was arche ry and ho rses hoes.

Ev eTy memb er of the G. A. A. who partici pated in Spor ts D ay ex tends a bi g "Tha nk Yo u," to the me mbers of W. A. A. at Linc oln wh o sh owed them s uch a g ood time. They are look in g· forw a rd with much p leasu re to t he next Sports Day.

Athletic Assqci ati.o n fro m Omaha, # Y I sin c ere n1ess ag·e of the ev e nin g was N orto n. Dua ne Sams was soloi'st. Li nco ln a nd Yo rk. Ou tside of Lin coln, _...,_....._ j that g iv en by A nna B es t. Jod er en tit- Several numbers were pl ay ed by the P eru had t he la r gest nun1ber of r ep - BANQUET ENTERTA IN E RS 1 led ". Cu rta in ." Mrs. Joder r:ve aled 1 gro up a nd a ll we re thoro ug hly enjoy-r ese ntatives. PERFORM AT CH APEL , DRA YA GE the htstory of th re e successful y ears! ed by the students

Th e g·i rls r eg istered at n ine o' clock

I ._ # a of the Pe ru Dramatic Cl u b. Fo llow ing the program a short bu s- and we re then di v id ed in to gro ups At Chapel, Mo nd a y, M ay 13, stud-

# For a lJ kind s of d ra y age, Th is was her fa rewe ll speech, a nd it iness meeti ng he ld. It was de- accordin g to co lors wh ich t hey re-en ts had t he pl easure ,watc hi ng the I 13e or call PHO.NE 193 ox 86 showe d very p lai nly h er ambttion to- cid ed· to adopt the new constituti on ce iv ed wh en registering. WhiJ.e wa it-ent er tai n ers who p er{ormed for th e JOHN T HORNHILL ward th-e future s uc c ess -of the club. .as revised by t he cons ti tution com it- in g fo r the Oma ha .girls who we re Ju nior-Se nior B anqu et.

' I T he fo ll ow i ng new officers were .tee, The m eeting w as th en adjou rn -delaye d, the other gi rls dan ced m od -R aymond Trenholm, accompan ied

-•- sworn in to duty: W illi am O krent, ed. Thi s was t.he l as t meetin g of e rn dances After t hi s t hey were by Ell en W ilso n, san g, " Valse C ha r-.... presi dent; Madonna Brady, v ic e-pres-the y ear fo r the or ganiz at ion U n- sh ow n th r ough the wo m en 's gym nas- maine." As the song was repeate d, I I id e nt '. El le n. W ils on, se cre tary ; an d der .the leader sh ip of Pres ident Ma r- iu m.

J oy Mi c kel in a Javend or r uffeled # C L A K ' S I Mur ri el Ma Jors, tre as urer vin " Dick" Willi ams this Has been Th e fi r st ga me pla yed was "N e- dress-ed, da n ced, a charmi ng solo f ; t oas tmaster had dismiss ed t he one of th e best years in , th e histo ry j brask a Ball." Th e g irls were di vided dan ce

ELECTRIC SHOP ' m eetmg wh en a lar ge fo t he of the men 's c lub ·into two gr oups a nd play ed. The D onn a J ane Delzell as the sp ider f mem be rs upon a s peech fr om

Shoe rep airi ng at 'Comfortab le I ' I a nd maae a sn ort:. ru rc E:i ul





ca l with those of vo lley -b all. in a very clever da nce called t he,

ru les of this g ame are a lm ost i de nt i- temp te d D oro thy Thu rlow, the fl y, J t he n ew pres ident. Mr O krent a c-

On·e of t he un ive rsity g·irls gave a "Spider a nd the Fly." Don na Jane j prices! Ladi es Sh oes a Sp ecial- f ta lk his desi res of success fo r the \i


sh ort talk, w elc omin g the gi r ls. .had a larg e lump of su g ar which the ty. ; c1 ub m the futu re. , 'H ! expla med a bo ut Spor ts Da y, and said tiny fl y wanted, a nd t hus 't he fly fe l l. 11 1 The col or scheme harmoniz ed well th ey were g oi ng to t ry to con tinue Margaret Cain, Editha Pr okes, a nd (The Shoe Shop on the East , with the co lors of the c h1b , si l ve r. a nd . . . , . . this. Elsie N uss , the famous trio, gav e a Side of the Street) f1· bla ck. Th e pla cards and nut , caps' Miss T ilton s Has Published i "Going to Jerus ul em," was the ne xt char ming dan ce. Their costu mes I · bl l . d · 1 d By D ak ota Magazme , h h were ac 1: tn mn1e . in s1 v er an __ , game pla yed. - were desi gned to fi t ih wit t e matched very we ll w 1 th the b? qu e ts 1 1 D , h IJ. :· , -. Abo ut ha lf of the gll'ls then played fu tur istic theme of the decorations

' Th I k u nng t e mon tus of Aon! a nd 1n th e cen ter of each tabl e. e oo 11H th t' 1 "R 1·A Ed base ba ll, w hil e the remamder w ent for the banque t. , • d th ••iay, r ee ar 1c es on ura rt - 1 d f th I of qua h ty whic h appeare m e t' ,, b M' T'I h 1do wn mto th e b aseme nt to the g ym E ll en Wi lson accomp a nie or e I h h h d b uca 10rr wri t ten y iss 1 ton ave · h J ma keu:o s howed t at t ere a ee n 1 d , h D •whete they play ed deck ten nis. T He entire pr og r am f f app ea re rn t e akota Far mer wh ich I . . ff I A F I N E R S 0 D A m uch n rep ar at10n n1ade. At ten or- . b l' h d Ab d S h we re t wo r ooms part1trnn ed o es- • • • IS pu IS e at er ee n out Da- h s h I ty -five the b anqu et w as over. k ' , p ec ia lly for this game. Th e co urts Did y.ou eve r h ea r of t e cote · - A · I · f O R "-- · •for d·eck-te nnis are no t so lar ge as man who go t ma rried in the ba ck I I _"-_ T.h e first articl e en ti tlecj, "A rt f or i th ose for r eal te nni s. yard so his c hi c ken s c ou ld eat th e ' L u·N c H' DR. N. s. HARAJIAN ' Rural Co mmu niti es," bri.ngs out t.!.c I Th ere w as also a sp eci al room fix- rice?" ' DENT I ST I need for m ore system atic a rt tram-ed up for pl ayi ng golf. P at: "Romance says that I'm the X-RA y SERVI CE # in g in rural scho ols; thl second, "Art After these v ariou:; games we re only ma n who kissed her." Than was ever set befo.re yo u I Educa liona l Ai ms" is an out li ne of the g roups pa rtic ip ated, the ·en ti re gro up I Mike : "·Why, yo u big boob, I' ve I t fo un tain o Barnes' Ph ar macy. Te l. •27 aw aits you a ou r · ver I type of wo rk su itab le for rur al was called together and had relay s., kiss ed h er hun dreds of times."

sch oo ls. Th e third "How Art The president of the Wome n'J> Ath- Pat : "Well, the statement st il l

- Com e in to d ay and tr ea t y our- can be br ought to the R ur al Com- leJic Asso c iation at Li nco ln then ad- stands" self and friends to the finest m un it y" -is a dis cussion of d emo n- d resse d the group. She exp laine,d f lunch and and livest drinks y ou -..'1 at fa i rs an d s ui table wor k th e ob jects of Sports D ay whi ch "If a man sm ashed a clock, would I eYer tasted MANUAL TRAINING ' fo r extension clu bs, as· we ll , as some briefly are : to br ing girl s of va r io us he be be convi c te d of killing time?" f at the dif- I p edagogica l 'i nstructions for rural co ll eges of the st ate close r t ogether "N ot if the clock st r uct first ."

J You'll be surprised LUMBER t eachers. Throug.ho ut th ese articles in fri endly ath letic competition; to I Boy : "J;ifth fl.oo r, please.' fenence. Mi ss Til t on ' a dv ocates the entire ne ed prov ide activ i ties, lea rned quickly, El evator ma n: "H ere's your floor,


I Marg aret Bucher W!lma


J r ecently. 1 Ed na Clark Barb ara P eetz ' C hanges in Alumni / FOR


An na NEW


Mar garet Dalstrom, goes to S hubert .., R.uth , to te ac h c ommer ce and music. She Elvm Davenp ort Manon Re1smg er

I Mabel Dewey Lucille R ogers , taught at Pra,gue y ear (Conti nu ed fr om Pa ge One ) , Mildr ed Daisy Rosekrans The P lacement Bu reau, under the C ecil Stark, Supermt en d ent of the th l ·11 J e wi th commenc e- I Mary Dill Santo supe rvi si on .of S. L. Clemen ts, h as junior high sch oo l at C hapel h as be en e we e< wJ cos Geo rge Dir ks · Ethel Sklen ar f. 1 d · · J f th s en ·o hi gh at execrises a nd the a lum ni l uncheo n on Jessie Fish er Oma Standerford had an u nusu al su cc·es u seaso n. Up ma e prmc1pa o e r Frida y, May 3.1. Fo ll owi ng are t he Min a Goe ri ng Edna Steele to t he pres ent time t here have been th at p lace. I even ts of the wee k as s ched ule d: Ar dyth Hall Maxine Stoval nin ty .teach ers placed in th at Lili an Bra dy h as secur ed a (part I

Sat urd ay May 25, 8 p. m., fac ul ty Alice He reth Mary .Straab many diff er en t teaching positions. , t ime) posi tion in t he c om mercial de-1' rec eption. ' Gla dys Hoagland L Ru th SwVisegoo d Much of thi s succ ess is due .to t he ex- par tment at Chap el.

Irene Ja ckson av erne r ooman h ·

Mildred Wagner ce ll ant ma nag ement of t he Bureau., Ceci l has. t two I ca laur eate services, coll e ge a udito- Avi s Ka ufman

Su nd ay , May 26, 10 :30 a. m., b ac- Luc ill e Karn opp

Nel.li e \Y al ker Sup erin t end ent Clements deser ves years. He will be t eahmg m L as Ve- A rium No rm a Ku nz Be.1:mce Vv urrc ke mu ch• credi t fo r hi s steady work gas, N ew Mexico next year.

Tu es d ay , May 28, 8 p. m., se ni or Mari e Le fler

Mildred .W.enzl a nd i nte nt interest upon t he highest Bert W illi ams, s eventh and Mil dred Lefl er Ka thryn W1lhams . ·u t class play. Floyd Lew is Au d rey Wolfe ac.h1 evements of the stud ents of Peru gra de t eacher at J,oh nso n go o Wednesda y, May 29, 10 a. m ., hi gh t' pa l Lise nby. L eo na Wolfe State Tea chers College. Waus a, Ne br as ka next year, as c oach sc hool c omme nc em en t. l Lela Mc Can.1 8 rr·ilv \ \: ,. rHl s Foll owing is a list of positions re- Arthur t-arr is, coa ch and ma nu al Wedn esda y, May 29, 8 p. m. , O ra- Bessie Mart in La nn cently fill ed th ro ugh t he Burea u: tra ini ng te acher at H arti ngton go es

t;.or io "Elijah" M:.rg-a re t Do ;-ot.h y F lo rence Coy, P rimar y, F arr ag ut, I a. to Tild en as princip al an d co a ch. ' · · Ju '' 17, 19W , Thu rsday, May 30, 8 a. m., se ni or Drugnia;;.\ Ell e,1 1 hvc· Fay Mastin, p rimary, Nemah a, N ebr breakfast. D1 ••ia!d Dur ve:i P hipps· Cl a ud e Mathews, c oac h an d manu al T wo highla nd ers visiti ng Lon don T hu rsda y, May 30, coll e ge May f ete. Olive Lewis · H azel Ri ch ardson arts, Woo dbi ne, Ia saw a waterin g cart in the street 7:30, pla nti ng of the ivy a nd class Rub y Nook Ruth Tib b'ets Dor othy Hu ghes, fifth gr ade, Do na ld bec ame e xci t ed a ml shou te d d ay exerc ises Au gust 23, 1929 I Curtis, Nebr. to the d ri v er :

Frid ay, May 31, co ll e ge commen ce-L ois Graham Dor othy Thurl ow Mild red Vanc e, co mme rce a nd music, "Hey, mo n! y·er Josi n' a ll yer wa.tment ; 12:30 a lu m ni lunch eo n. Goldie Neil Trabert I Sc ribner, Neb r. er." f Mary MaJer us 1 A- mo re d etai led pro gram o some Ru sse l He nd erson, junior h igh school, "Hoot mon ! Di nna sh ow yo ur ig - ' I n.o r ance," rep rov ed S an dy. " Th at's of "t he mo re importa nt of t hese days j High Sc hool Di plomas Morr efield, Nebr. will be given next week. Foll owin g Euge ne Abe ll Ma rjorie Leahy Hel en Ma y Al exande r, h ome economis a li st of those who w ill g radu ate Ad a Brady Lu e ll a Osborne ics .Supe ri or Nebr a nd rec eiv e d eg r ees a nd dip lam as A llison Cli ne bu rg Winifred P ettit Ethel Cotney, elementary a nd1 music Lhis com men cement: La mb ert Co llin Harold Russell M d G N b just tae kep the c hil dr en fr ae h ang i n' on behind." · I

D ave : "Every time I go te s ee AJ;!n e/ ; 1

; Ch arles Dasher Mon ta Smith e ow rov e, e r. Degr ee Bach elor of A rt s George Dash er Gladys T ackett Joe Ke rj ci, coac h and manu al ar ts, Ja nu a ry 25, 1929 1 Eloise Fa irh ea d Gera ld Tyler Ord, N ebr L ill ian Bra dy Ralph W illiams E di th Gr afton Virgi ni a Tynon 1 Elsi e Wa llen, ffrst grade_

Anizie V. Grass Mary M. Won d er i Stell a Ha up tman M. ld EdmmWah W1ey 1 Steambo at Spring s, Colo. Maur ke l\1r: Crory E mm a \.\·oo d E ve lyn Ha ze lton 1 re ·ee er B · . d h h h 1

Leora Hazel Setz,er Vera Hazelton Naom i Wilco x·i Lou ise o we rs, music an 1g sc oo May 31, 1929 Ho llis Hu t ch ins on Irwj n Willi ams! . . Ra io, Ne br.

D .· J B h L . Ne ll Mitche ll Pa ul .La ndolt Ra lph Won d er, Jr H ar.Jan Helig, supermt endent ofschools a, is · unc u cy I Ma rg ie La wrence · h Elm er R. Bu r key Mona . j near Oma a Way ne D. Chaney Bar.ton Redfern IClai re Cod in g to n, pri ma ry, Rossie, Ia Ra!ph Chatela in c.li fford y w AND y M Gladys Grossoeh me, sup e rvi sor of kinEd 1th D ave npo rt Wi l bu r Schindler

J ames Del z,e ll L oga n Simpkins .

Ani: a Glenn Sla.g·Ie HQLD

· N 0 I L

r eans, a.

Harold science and m athI get sleepy." ·

N.ick : " Ki nda Ann aesth etic I sup -'


Lo nne En ckson Cla ra Sti tes em a t1cs, B roken Bow, N ebr -. · I

Ad a Ey re Mar ion Warner Charles Clark sup erin te nden t·at Glad ys Groc:soe hme Ru sse ll Wasley (Con ti nu ed fr om ,P age One) ' F we ll Neb r Mary Ha raj ian Rob e rt Wh ittemore . th . d , d I ar ' · J Ir · · H 1 nr·11 · a nd eve1yo ne ga e1e roun · t H aro ld Marren w as r eleas·ed from oe -.. reJCI aze vv 1 iams

July 17, 1929 d ec id ed th at the cr owd sho uld this job to accept a posi tio n in the FOR Ma r ga r et Clin eburg H aro ld Mar re n seren ad·e the stars with the ol d ca mp soci al sciemce departm ent at Bl air, I YOUR MEALS, LUNCHES, ETC I .P ( · G N 1 · ·f th fi d .l P hone 195 Peru, Nebr j a ul -t !tins Teuev ieve 1 icno1:Js sin g songs, 1 ey n prope r mus- N ebraska. ,,. f'

Lea h Flowers Ralph N oe rrli n ger ica l accompanimen t. So Joe J on es Dola Dunsdon Luc ill e Dowell a nd Ken neth Gain e.s Flore nc e Ro 1;n.au offered to play his "mod ernistic-uke". H hu g, es 'h ave accep te d rural Eld H d H l St 11 ti - ;-, .... on aywa r ·e en a smi 1 Ifor th em. Here are some of the so no·s h l l h · h ._, .._ Paul Hertz Samu al Tra ud t . "' sc oo s c ose to t eu John W. J ones Leone Van de rfo rd sta





PE u s UDE NTS I· SEN IOR BREAKFAST I . · I Inv1tat1ons .h ave been receiv·ed by JS MAY QUEEN

. .Many Entertainments Mai:k· CI members of t he s enior cl ass request- I 19 ose oi · o· h · F R I A th f D 28-29 School Year in .,. t e1r atte ndanc e ait a !:>reakfast I ances oot s" u. or o " ance to be g·i ven by Mr. a nd Mrs. Car te r I Fa n tasy, Indian Moon

The program for the re:maining at Mo un t Ver non Ha ll, Thur sd ay, On Part of the week shows that Pe'' U T hu rs day e ve nin g, May 30, the May 30, at 8:00 a. m. students are certain to enjoy the fin - Colt eg·e May Fe te w ill be he ld on - 1 days at Pe1- ., Mr· Carter h ::.:; been spons or of the th ""..._ e ca mpus at s1x-tJ11rty . Ton,ight at 8 o'cloc k the annual class duri ng t he ir ent ire college ca- We a ll kn.o w th at E ve lyn Wenzl, · l reer, a nd a ll of th eir a cMevernents senior c ass play, "The Cat a nd Th h · the prett s ho no er· I · M C " · e ave bee n l arg·ely due to his untir- · Y op 1 re ,, 11" • is ay a three-act mystery pl ay , in.g work. Quee n, but it is a secret who h er six· w1ll be presented at the college audi-T.he se nior bi'eakfast will gather to - atte n-d ants and maid- of-,ho nor will be. to11iun:i geth er for the fin al time all the mem- T he May Fe te is en titled "fod ian Wednesday, Ma y 29, promises to b ers of t he s·eni·or cla ss of 1929' Moo ns," a d'ance fa n tasy by Mi ss be the big day At 9 a. m ., b oth on F ra nces Ro ot.· The t heme of the f.e te Wednesday and Thursday there JO'E JONES. WI NS is about an Eng lish g irl w'ho, in wanbe an art exhibit At 10 a. in., the d eri ng a bo ut a fo r est one d ay, com es high sc hool cemenceruent exerc is e up on an old l'h di an Tote"m Pole. T he will hdd At 2: 00 p. m. there wi ll PLAY


rest w ill be to ld to yo u n ex t Th ursbe a continuaition of the Art exhi bi t. d ay

The leading attractions of the d ay is IE ld on H ay ward Takes Second Place We should be dou bly intereste d in to be the Oratol·io, " Elijah" by Me n- With "T od's Slave" the Y'ear's May F ete because it is Miss dolssohn, which will be prese nted at Root's own comp ositio n. S.he h as the college audiitori um at 8:00 p. m. Th e Dram atic Cl ub he ld thei:r last worked very ha rd on t hi s f ete, and it The oratorio w ill be assist ed by two mee tin g Friday evenin g, May 24 in promises to be a b eau tiful a f! air. out-of- town singers. Dor is Co le Cla pp the co ll ege a uditorium , an d the l ast


A publ ic atio n ca lled "OUR BOYS", , a Joum a l, has b ee n r ecei ved here. Th e m agazine is issued by The Wisconsin Home a nd F ar m Sc h ool, lo c ated at Dou sm an, Wi sco nsin , an d was se nt to P eru by G. A. C/os thwait, su pe rinte nd en t of the sch ool. P rofessor C rnsthwait will be rem em bereel as Assis tant P rofessor of Physical Science at P er u, in ch arge of Ph ysics, some twel v·e yea rs ago . Mr. Crosthwait has b een in char ge of the Wisconsin Ho me a nd · F arm Sc ho ol pr actical ly since he left P eru.




fda Sch re pel Assists wi th Pi ano Nu mbers

An artistic as we ll as r ecital w as gi ven last Tuesd ay night by Ru th Shelle y, Mezzoyo ntralto, ass ist ed by Id a Sc hrepe l, p_ianist.

Mi1;s S,helley sang with ease a nd supe rior comp osure. Ev e ry nu mbe'r j \.vas t rul y a finish ed piece of work. I Miss was ever a symp ath etic a nd capa ble a cc omp a nist

Miss Sch repel displayed tech ni ca l brilli an ce as well as d epth of fe eli n g· especia lly in t he Ma cdow ell to ne

Edith Gd fton was Queen of May, a nd poems.

Hollis H utc hinson, Attend ant The program was made up of t.he

T he hi gh sc.hoo l May f estiv al, held Thursd ay ni ght in the co ll ege a uditorium was a devi ation fro m th e usfo ll owi ng nu mber s: Dr in k to Me Only wi th Thine Eyes Old English ual fo rm of f estivi ti es., an d a decided Comin' Through t he Ry e_ Old Scotc h will sing the contralto, and Herb ert of the ori\?,·in al OJ;!e-·act pl ays were


E. Gray wil l carry the soprano. Mr. p rese n te d. success. Th e Ke TY Da nc e - - Molloy G. Holt S teck of the music d epart- Jn t he e:·,iJy part of January


Edi.th Grafton, Quee n of May was ment will s ing the b ar it one. f.rst <·r if:: :· '.l] pl ays were presertcd. attende d by Hollis Hu t chin son, Ma id My P eace T.ho u Art Sch ub ert Th ree large college ac.tivi ti es will T hey were "'.i'o d 's Sl ave" by Eld').1 of Honor, and Ada Brady, Winifre d Ah th f: T orment - - P aderews ki be 011 Thursday, May 30, The Sen - ' I aywar d :rnc1 "The Zero Hour" by R alph Cha tela in Elected Preside nt P ettit, Mar gie Marjo rie 1 io1' breakfast, given, by M r. a nd Mrs. Jol: J ones Fi·iday even ing " Q•1'.•,," of Org anizations L ea hy, Vi rg in ia Tynon and A lla Tu rca - Mozart W. R. Carter will be held at 8: 00 a. by J.<'rc d D·:ey and Joe Jones ; " 'I'wo j - Os bo rne. T.he flo w.er girls were co r-' T W 1 1 • M D 11 H l A 6 30 I • B h d R h M di d o r- ater 1 y c owe p. m. there will be th'e college Jod er was also g ive n, but not enter- held its last meetin g of the sc hoo l Ralp h HaY'es was cr ownbe ar er Scotc r. To ne Poem McDowf>ll m. at Mount Vernon a l. t : Sto nes \': ith o ne Bir d' 1-iy Ann ?. est.I The l.ocal chap ter of Pi Gamma Mu in e W itfiel d an ut · 'e ey; a.n Fete, and at 7:30 p. ru there will b e[ ed in the co n te st ; and "Play·ed ,Before year at the home of Dr C. M. Bro wn I A' p iano proc ession al w as playe d the Planting· of the I vy a nd Cl ass th e E :mep er 0:r," by J oe ;Jones was ; A complete revi ew of the o rganiza-b'y Rolan d St ep henson. Voee di ·D»11 na fr om La Gh1 co n<h Day Exercises prese n te d. tion was rea d, giving the histo ry of Aft th . f th -· P on cr ·e' ii · . . . , er e crownm g o e queen, Friday will be the sad d ay of the The plays :we11e s en t m manuscri pt the ch apt er from its earh est infan -f 1 .t 1 ·b th L1c li •;!;t1·:i t1me -·· _____ Liszt-Sc hi p ::i · • · d a orma rec1 a w as giv en y e vo- week It wfll he when frie n ds par t, for m to H erbe r.t Yenn e, who IS hea cy to · the time recently when 1t be- 1 t" f th T . . and in to a new :field. At of the speec h deuar tm e nt at the came n ation ali zed. I t.e 11 Commencement State University. - He judg·ed the EJ.ect1·on of off1"cers was the ma.1·n Bc o.o' uTnher .. e ir ec, !On o d u y 10:30 a. m. co ege h h" d . . row n. , e pro<Yram was ma e up will be held, and at 12:30 there w ill pl ays and t el eg rap ed is ecision iss ue of the meetin g. The foll.o w in g . , "' A w<. ) on the Hill - .R.n r.a1d Home My Though ts from the Hill - --·· - - Ro r> ald d V 1 th t •t Id

be a Luncheon for Alumn


Twen ty we re Initiate d In to we ll writt en ; has a g ood plot; Chinese the atre tr a diti o ns we ll und er stoo d· we ll handled; c le V'er ide as . goo d op'. p or t unity for stag ing."

Class Work Will .be Disp layed for ln specion on ;May 29 and 30

The s econd place was awarded to

The " P" Club Per u' s hono 1 tt /Eld on H ay wa rd for hi s "To d's Sla ve."

- I e er Pl:'? y bo oks of t la s men, met Monday eve nin g· at 7·00 n d d . o ne-ac p Y were , w ar e H onor L Peru's et t er Cl u.b M onday -0'c.lock in the big ,gym na sium for t he Th e were: ini tia t ion of new inem b ers. The let- "Q ui ts " termen taken into the organiz a tion 1 _By Joe Jon es and Fred Duey Ed . B Dr. Conway d D were . win oot h, Harry Brunsd on - re uey John Tearle E arle Whi le Albert Bernard Ga ll owa y, Theodo re Ru sse l Ben Grothrn s, Elme r Her te l, Hen 11 y Jack Rolli n swo r.t h __ Low e ll D ec ke;· Hoffm an. Earl Hu rst Ch ester Ko rber, Seth Holcomb H arol d H.ee>d Elbert Ml l'le r, .'Jai;nes Mumper, Loren Di recte d by Vir g inia Milstead Pik.e, Th omas Ra ilsback, E rn est Rother.!. Duane Sams, Ru s sell Sautter, Haro ld S ch affo. e r, Fred Shestak, Logan Simpk i ns, a nd Em il Wicina

The gene1·al initiation s tarted Monday a. m. when all c andidates were reouir ed to ca rr y a pa ddle. The se padd les were g iv en the ac id t es t fo r stt<er> gth when they were used as t ic k !ers 1ate1 in the eve n in g. "Pl a yed Before t he Emperer"

l\ .. on t!:;.e ca nd id <:.tes arriv al t,he, y were ske d to re tire to th e !0d:c :r0om with inst ru cti on.:; to p .r: e pare :n a i,;ene>ra l w ay fo r • he ·evenin g 's e1 :Fr om th ey w ere e<>cortt- d o r:e Ly one r0 the gym nasiu.n where the rec ep ti on committee in charg e of Swede Hertz had entert:iir.men i. of co nsiderable int er est ro the prospecti ve b ret hre n. The y were require d to s ub mi t to paddlin g, swa llo w oyst ers, di-i nk so up, t ake "a irop lane r id es" a nd var ious .ot her stunts to o numero us to mentio n. Some of bunch approac hed th e manly art of faintin g, eithe r from stage fri g ht or ot her rea sons.

Any m ember who was to be initiated and failed to a ppe ar or comply to ·the rul es of t he honor letter men was not tak en into the sadety. T.hen ca me perha ps t he m ost inter-

By Joe Jon es

Chorus - Fred Cole

Di rec tor (a l so Her oine's Father)

Don a ld Du r:v.ea

Hero in·e M arie L as h

Hero - - - George Cook

Property Man __ · ______ J '° hn Dillon

Gon,g Bearer - D ean Gr ass

E rn pe r·er H arvey Co le

Ma nd a rin - John Sta,hn

So ldi ers : John B ath, Cl ay Coy, Frank Cope, Elvin D avenport. Directed by Mary Gr ay·

Production Staff

Bus. M&-r· Leo Hauptman

Sta ge Manager John Stahn

Ass't Stage Mgr. ____ Neil Tr a bert

Property Mgr. Vivian Stook er

Ass't. Property Mgrs: Florine Elliott, Ch aro J.ette Cairlson, Gl ad ys Kimsey.

est ing part of t he evening 's enter- c: C. A. WliLL HOLD ANNUAL tai nment, t he matter of food an d PICNIC AND SOCIAL HOlJR drink. Thi rt y-n i ne m embers of the I "P" c lub were s er v ed a choice of I At a meetin g of the Co lle ge Cathovarious foods a nd drinks at a down- lie Assoc i atio n ,held Wednesd ay eve · to wn eatin g house The last feature ning it w as de ci ded thait a l ast meetof t l):e i ni ti ation was that all new in g nf the gro up should be in the me mbers of th e honor lett er 'Club form of a picnic a nd socia l hour to wear s lick ers a nd sh av e only ·one, beheld tonj g ht at 5:30. Frank Kerhalf of t heir fa ce every day for a ner , Eve l yn Wenzl, an d Mabel Babb period :of one wee k. 2re on the r .efr-eshment

ISo lo -Lam bert Collins

Sea Ma kes a Man a Man Bl ackma.n

Solo- Marjorie Youn g Ga1d en Romam'l' -··· _ Sch affner

Th e art d epartme nt in c,narge of Miss P apez and Mi ss Tilton are havI rng an ar.t exhibit in t,he upst a irs ar t room of the library, on Wedn es day a nd Thu rsday , May 29-30. This year's ex hibit is pr.obably l ar ger than a ny previous years.

The -exhibit in c ludes work from a ll of the diff er ent co urs·es in art of t his

By tak in g an average of the salaries, for tho se who h ave ,secured positions for next year, it is found that t he men with a two ye ar dip lom a average $1205 per scho.ol term The two year wom en a vera ge is $920

The A. .B. de g ree me,n rec eive an average of $1525, and the degr ee women $1298

Those who h ave obtained posit ions rec.ently are as fo llows:

D oro thy Martindale, A. B. , Jr. Hi g h, Staffo rd, Arizona

Gla dys Pane, 2 yr Steele City Allen·e Re aga n, Pri. , Ne ar Om aha Ralp h Selhorn , 8th grade, W.oodriv er

Th e exhibit inc lud es some in teres tin g th in gs such as fig ure dr aw in g, Girls' Glee Club co lor, design in flower study prosD rink to M 0 I Old E r h p_ective, and still li fe. Some cement S. e . n Y - ng is t il e wi th ori gin al desi g ns h ave b ee n ong at Sunn se - Manney They were fir st made ·with Absent Metc a lf plasterparis, then c ast in .the cement.

Violin Sol o- Winifred Pettit T,hi s semester a course in Art was otfere d. It is ca ll ed commerc ial art P ara di se - · KreisJ.er They h av.e made and d es igned p{) SCavatina Raff ters a nd indu str ial p rojects.


Anchored Watson


'.f'he past tennis season has been an unus ually s l1ccessfu l one. .A:t pres-

SOPHOMORE STUDENTS ent the standing is ten games won to


At t he meeting of the Sophomore Class,- Tu es d ay, May 20, the cl ass discussed wh at to leave the sc ho ol for a memorial. Th e d ecision was t,h at sinc e t his is a four-year colleg.e, the leavin g of a memoria l will be left to t he senior class .

It is rer orted that this year's tennis star was Edwin Booth, who play ed si ng les, a nd also .doubles with hi::. team -mate, H a1vey Nickt:!l. Ru ssell W asley a nd F.His Cash made up the other half of the tennis force . The climax of the season was met when Peru SCQred a five to one victory over Om aha University

The soph omores have about onehundred a nd eig hty do ll ars, half of w,hich is to be l eft to the Stud.ent Loan Fund, a nd the ot.he r ha f Jreft Mr. Ennis is responsib le to help. defer the ex,penses of the valu able co a ching received winning te ams for the by the junj ors next year.

Rural art h as b een g iven for t he first time durin g the sc hool year. lt has been a custom to .give th.is as a sum.mer sc ho ol co urse. They .h ave done some goo d work in Port Folios in which they h ave included all their semester's work

Th e indu strial class made differ·ent sh ape d and kinds of b askets out of reed, clay vases, book bindin g5 a nd t il es.

Members of the art cl asses at various time have made poste rs for dif:tler.ent activities which have ap pe ared -0 11 the campus. These posters h av e b ee n on the bulletin bo ar d in fr ont of. the Administration buildin g or {) n t he libr ary bulletin bo ar d.

Ma ny of the attracti ve ones are not aya iJ able to ad d to the exhibition.

E ve ry stud ent in P er u is ur ge d to g iv e t his ex.hibit a lookin g over. It is worth anyon e's time. Even those who are not ar tistically inclined ca n e njoy the cle:ver posters a nd attracti venes s of the ex hibit.

PED AG 0 GI A NI FINE PROGRAM Official Bulletin

There will bo $1.00 extra fee for mantled by Ca pta in Ray hurman, -·- H AROLD MARRE,N) se,' :!•f d th e topic in such a w ay as to a ll l ate re g istration. This especially ti t l h d d 1. t d t 1. · · d ' Fortunately Mr. Traud t made a spe.


THOMAS E. ENNJS ·12 · "H· a. ma e. a carefl, J rlpp 1-es o s tu ens 1vm g rn an near :'cudy of the· topic, and 1t was P er u, a nd students in atte ndance dur- cial study of Chemic al Wa rfare. last R EPORTERS 1; r(:ialiy ;n t erestin g to ma ny of th e i ng the year. Special arrangements spring, and took a p1·ize of $300.00 CAMPUS - FRANCES MORIARTY members who a re plan- ar·e being made to make this a record offered by the American __ :. _____ IDA SCH RE PE L/ ni ng to th!s 1 bre aking S ociety of America His work will .JOhr.; _, -·--- · - - - - --BI LL WA B. MAN l\fr. lites topic equally as in·,, h ave been appomted an d the wqrk is l -----·

---.--- WILLARD E. FOWL ER ! as Mr. Sch i.nd ler : thorou g hly orga nized. 1 _of in;trucion in gas mask ma-

DllA MA ilCS - - - ELLEEN MEA r' Sl .ie g"ve ;; B1 ograp h1cal Na rrativ e ofl -r-- mpul a t10n, offensive and defensive J<'ACULTY - F l' ED COLE i .-1,.,; drie n'.M a.rie L eng en dre, a n oted i Y. M. and Y. W. stude nt conference measures , practiced wi th ga es of !W 1•; RUBY BR OWN Fre nch Ma them at ici a n. 1 will be held !)A: Estes P ark, June7-17 1 h . I · I t ·e persis ten t an d non-pe1·sis · tent , n c lo sing tlie yea!' the fr atermty ! 1 •

·., s d .c s;o n some new lifo to c ar ry on Summer sc h oo l, fir st term be gins type s. l w ork _a l.read y beg un by , Mr. Hill : June 10 a nd c lo s es July 17. D em onstr ations w i11 be mad e in na f1 ate1 mty member s. T llose tak- , th e u ses of ster nu tatory , lacrymaton Iin to r egula r memb ersh ip at this ; Summer schoo l bu ll et rns are r eady ; .., , d , · · f i· ·1 · · f-· an o t. ners 'l n tant ,.(•th11 • me etm g were Mado nna Bredy, Ph y 1- .or c 1s tn JUt1on at regis trars o nee. • . ' , · J 1i·, JJn y. nna;;, Ern a Gru en w al d Ne ll a 1 I in na tur0 Metho ds of !Jrotec!io1, !F: •y, • Rd h Stucken h olz, Dorothy i BJSH•OP. LEETE 1 a ga i nst the hi gh ly v e<:icrn.t Je1•; isitP ;1; Mar10n_ Wa tson, Har la nd Ia nd m us tard gasei:: w ill .1lso be in· LK il 1g, a ri d Edw in R·ector.


el uded. 1.'!iis is prepa rat orv to I i: v.'.:c also dec ided by th P. frater· ' I " • · • L b vea1 s st udy of mai·r·""' "' 1 ,.Jt _- regu1 a1· meeting s s ould be,. '"'c " J Lei d Lw o wee ks d'a·in g Lhe 1 1G;·adu ating Classe s Hear Omah a Arse nal, Maryl an d. sAcho•o>D ALL Speak·er Ma ke Excellent Ta lk d:· vu Dl"\. .Ci Bis hop F. D. L eete, of Om ah a, Bis.]1. partme nt of Per u State Teacher· Co1· ·' .· op of the Methodist E piscop al leg-e L J ll 'Z'°'l1' )URNEV OVER " eo ewe , we ll known was assigned du ring· wartim· J! U . l · IChu rc h, delivered the• an n ual bacca- Pe ru De e rson 's •Tea m Ch amps after Win- iaure a Le i:.e rmo n to the to t he chemica l divisi on of onr exjl"· I ning Three Games !classes :,um1 a y, Ma y 26, at lO::n a. d't· f' I I l ion n-ry orces He wa s sent I' . 1.'. i._:e i··'e ha s be.e n. lot __ of exc item..en.,t• m ., in the , coll eg e audi t or ium . l _. I , Y t() the Ed 0 ·ew'1o d Arsenal and p111 · -'· · A. ior ln e t wo , Ea ch year Peru tr ies to o·et an ou•t. at J · P t h b I ,,, -'.) r' 1n testing' 2"ases and t-> r n. c 1c es av-e ee n in full s win o for t d. k ' b b ll t "' Is an mg spea er to come to P eru for m as ks u sed by America duri·ng th• t.· .e ase a on rnament. W 1 " l<d gc numb er oi: g irls ca me faith· this occass io n. They wer·e very :fo r- ? .. W_ar Clare n ce l\II Hy lop. It t · · r;hiei: tncrent ass.istant 1· n the chen11', .•l ) _· 1gi:t afLer nigh.t. Fi na ll y three una e 111 securm g Bishop Le ete thi s .. h C [' l l!:!borato ry , en l isted abo ut th 1. ,1, ,.,, v1er e c osen from t ho se re- y ear . As a spe aJ, er he has a go od I t d l time . was ass igned lo a train· ' 1",.; ,,1 e of t 1e practice •deliver y and a wond e rful me ss age to a I mg c amp in New Mexico O'n °··· se son. d r a. 'l'h e th re·e ca ptains are Wa unetta ! e , co u nt of hL thu1 ·0 knowledae •1 Ho lcomb, Marjo rie D ec r ::.u n, ·r,11 e Bishop Leete s tressed the point that chemi stry and hi s l abor at ory 1· Sh d 't..,n 'l'he worn en on Hol - a1thou g- h t his age is one th at loo ks d ta ched from the e xpe· , a1t1onary foi·ce anc' · d 1 '.'_ ,no' s tea m Rosekra n s, Nel£o n, wi th scorn on authori t y, di sc ip line is k . a igne 0 l' 1 l' w_or m W ash i ng ton, D. C. Becau·.·t ,. ,_; ,u , '' ,\ c", · ·. .j.\. Reag an , on e of the factors th at must 'be th · , " I Mea d, Ma t,thews, a nd i\'I .H. ar 'i Jia n . d .f c ar - · ls x1 1 u H:m.v he i,yas put ir. ' team con si::. Led f·

, an uruaie, nayeR, Dan- · w;s -that each mu st keep 1a gr ad u ate coui;se in George :Wash. P . l t I de hke r, Hoagla nd , Ro gers, and But- w1 ' th1'n h1·s own fie ld, and keep away i·ng:t on University. Aftler his By vV . R. . --'1·ee1::. en 1 - 5 •u ' ier . fr om field s .he knows · nothin g ab out.. ati.on at' the University he took th-

0 I., gam es have been b e- Tru e progcess comes only each p osition of s cience in th e State A & )_ i"l s 1 -: f. c.i: (,J _PeJ.'l\ s ex1ste.nc 3.S : lW E <.;H De-ers on; De er - man understan ds th orough ly w'hat he I Jv.r. Col el ge at Jonebr>rO, Arkall,'i' f"; [ '. •.1 ·.- T he '.li :1- ru nt h graduati ng class Wil1 I an d Deerson and Ske l- ceived by the graduates and th e vh ich pos itio n ,he holds at.. present. , ', · · tl : 1 It ;8 ., f""' ... - 111 i t..,n · and ::..keltnn and Holcomb. Deer- , b f h t · .'( U1 .c.1p :.o:-n2 s ,..., ,·11 s \? eei c.. o. J. • t ._\ l\: ; 30 :1.'b team wrnning t hree. num er ? ot e rs pr esen. . ',r · ('il. ., 1) "11 .-1 1n ·Y 111 wh1ch nc c np 1ed the Slte WhP,re 1 , t b I l fhe gra duatnn.g cl asses marched rn PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLOSE M 1 't V • ·. ·. ,H.. 11., -· t. 'd .. to -tl._1e t.\.'Telve 0. UT I ir1e1·e Olle rr•.ore gam e ·o e P .the a udi tor iu m at 10:30; the orch es-. er non a: now s an s, " :::; vv c d, b l'.t :,Oll 'S learn is ch amp ion . b Th 11 · 1 . d t 1 · , • : 1s a Ollt. e sern1011 w as we re- Last Fri day was t he closing C)' l 'Ll"l · C>' rnp us· and from tie two g-ra ua es \ ¥DO COD -l as t,,1 e othe rs cannot get three wrn -1 l . th Th . h bl. h l M. T , -,, -•· _ ' . • , tra p ayrng e overuur·e. e pro- £01 · t e pu 1c sc., oo 1ss ynnni · st iL: ·ted LlJ i:Jt gTci.clu·;tm g class to the two hu nd red : nings now. lcession was led by the faculty, fol- f' J Olll ;rave a fine program conSi'ti". c onsti tn ti Eg t he (; f' SS . the pm pose of J1owed by the seniors, sop.hom ores, of mus ic and plays . Miss co, ell'.· · has no chan ge d witl1 in creas in g- nurr1bers a nd mult1 -1! iel:eme nt ary and then the ' 1·oom gav e a May Pole Dance and ha. bn i 1clirnts. T he purp se at t he begin ning was to


'1hi gh sc h oo l seniors. . \ tb e crownin,g· of the .May Que:· -. t. · 1 th· t th i gh t become efficient · ' Th e fr es hm en, who were 111 char ge !Ma ny patrons were there to ellJ'l J. 0' .I an: Y? Un g _.a . ey in. • , 1 of the decoratio_?s, d eserve mu.c h ere - j the proc:rr ams At noon a bountiful 1,,eac h er s, and t y1at 1..,. the pm pose o} :eIU. fLel DEAR MR. EDI TOR : . dit for the fine work they did. din ne r wa served tyle, . meth o ds by wh1 ch this IS done may ch ange fr Om decade The followino· lines were writte n in to decade Or' il'O i i1 ye a 1· to yem ·, vut th id .:;;[1 I a mo me nt of ;.eakness: and has be en the do mi nating fact or in the grovv- th of the In the days of sprin g C<.i !Jeg·e. I love to sing,.::; 1 · t · , J 1 1 If I co uld but learn h-0w . . 18 ';/' ar J 11Su C01111!1g' W a C OSe .las ne en 0118 G} ma - It seems th at eve ry time I try , 1Jl'0:?,'1 'C.S U. ' L'he r.th: nci:;i;1c ·:; 21 .1 r'.U' "'l h:'\ '° .of: I'm interr upte d by a fly. gradua t s are greater than ever before; eur mat eria l (Not so bad, No ?) equ i pment is bet te r; one unit of ·a n ew science h all, 1 Whlch has bee n in CL' Titem ]at.ion fo 1· a clczen ve.a··s, l2 S 1 1 I the urge top.lay an d dance; · · h d I fee l the craze to fht an d prnnce- be ,n completed; a 11€\iV do rm itory to ho use One un dre But very time I venture for,th t T·:-mty gir ls is in pI'O CGS S Of ff 6Cti0 11 ' and W ilJ be l'eady ; A sen ior kic ks me in tbe shii1s. fo r occu p ncy S ep te mb er first; the l egis l ature has in- ! (Ha , Ha, Foule d ya- yes?) 1·ea"Gd ou r. approp1 ·iat i ons by about pe rc e nt wh ich W .11 be Of great be nefit to US 111 tak mo· I I wondei why I tiy to wnte, ·' · d b b Whe n I don't fee l so we llca1·0 of the mc rease null':! .er of students and faculty I But any way I'll do b t 1 h . d c· A . . h my es mem.Jers; we ·a ve r ece i ve a lass . ratmg m t e i A nd wo!·k so h ar d- like you . .American As of Teach e1·s Colleges, the hi gh es t! (Foo led ya aga in - did n't I?) pcs si bL r at in g; the call f.o r Peru teachers has be en! THE LONE TROUBADOR. g rea.te1· th an ever befor e a nd more teache rs h ave been • J d } · · fi · 11 Mike h ad to pass P at 's h ouse 0 p .. <:!,Ce t rn n m · ny pr v10us year : ve nat10n a 10norary · . n f .... . . . . . '· _ . • _ · J hi s way to work. On e mo1·ning· .he _ l cot.el l1Jt i es have Se el fit tO Char for Organ -; w as ear ly an d decided to step in and 1 1za t10 ns n th lS campus , three Of them du ·mg the CUr- . cal lfor Pat. Wh il e he was Waitin g · ·ent ca1·; and om· stud e nt s h ave made go d records in he got a cup and g ot him se lf 11. rlrink d amat i cs, de bate, music , and ath l etics . of water. , . S . 1 1 . . b k h ' . J , J, e wa & dn.nk in g Pat's bulldo g . . 111 .E 00 t e S WOY' ( We Can CTO ; sta rted to bark and at him. so with a iee lm g tnat while not a ll that ou ld h ave bee n ::lhure, i t's a very savage do g you've accomplished has be en accomp li she d, at l east a credit- g ot J there!" · a 1 le shov in g- h<:>::> be 11 rnacle -a sh ow in g that w111 be an "No," sa id Pa t, "clont mind him. in s pirati on o us to do bette r t hings in 1929-1 930 . And . wot'. ldn't bite you !" t .! ' , t. f f lt ., t d t d 1 . . th Well, ' sai d Mik e, "what' he I a o __ y' s ei:i s: an " a_umm .ls at . an yho w'."' bcs i0 IO l th e .ti ldrn t, of be tte1 t b mg S foI 0 ld Pei U. 1 1 You re drink in g out of his cup.' 1

TUES DAY , MA Y 28, 1929 8

p1·eci atio n of art, and fo ster the apl j C L A R K , S

I( p lic aiti on of art in mat te rs of e ver y " I cl ay li fe f The Art Cl ub hopes to b ecome a ' • E LECT R IC SHOP Na ti ona l O rg an iz at ion so metime in f the f ut u re

I Sh oe r.epairing at Comfo rt a ble' I! The fo ll owi ng o ffic ers have b ee n .

pric es ! L adi es S ho es a Speci al - il el ec ted : · I t .P 1·esid e nt _ F el ix Su mm ers y. ! Iv a _ _ WALK OVER THE B LUFFS ' on the Ea" #i ISUMMER SCHO OL I'"""" by-;::;;;;-Sp;;ng, ond HJGH SCH00L I __ ! PROGRAM GOOD I Noa 'n GIVES BANQUET 1 fo r the com in g ye a r. Th e el ec ti on 6 < .,. • • • ! th tr · 11 b h ld ·n

esc!ay M-:v 21. 1929. The ba nA 1 p :1y w1 1 a so e " u o·et evc.'t ii X -RAy SER VICE ' e. ti ng 11s w.e ll as artist ic gro up of I . 1 ' 1 co ,-,i ple te the hs.t of th.ere i quet was we ll . atte nd ed by the two

I , . 7 1 J1r og rnm s wi ll be g·1 v·en. Ou sta

j amon g t he se ev ents are a mu sica l ov 1e w1:J be sh own on Reg1·trat10!1 ed by F. J. Gi lot? t. a waits you at o ur f oun tain. f 'come dy , w hic.h is a setti ng Df B urn s'. night, Jun·e 10. Thi s wi ll be "D awn ", The men u co nsL ted of me at loaf. m ....., _ "A Cot te r's Sa turday Ni gh t," a nd the an d is a of th e story, of potat oe s, ' peas, ro ll s, jell y, 1 1 Come in today and tr eat you rs elf and frien ds to the fi n est ;., Lawr

• EVERYONE will find this store a satisfactory place to f

f their foods Fresh meats, Lunch and canned meat,

, I nulk , fr esb and canned fruits and vegetables Everything

for the table Service good and P


TEACHERS AGENCY (Incorporated)

SlHte 410- 11 Symes, Denver- M. E. Shuck, :a. D., Manager

More vacancies than satisfactory applicants



1 Y. M. AND, Y. rw . 1



Candl e Light Program Arranged by Three Out-o,f-Town M usicians Will Q

TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1929


Mariam M cGrew Be on Program .

Th e Y. W. C. A. he ld a ve ry irn- Thr ee ou t-.of-.t ow n so loists ,will

pr ess ive mee.tin g l as t Wednesd ay ! sing in th e Or atorio m g.ht. I ' I ev en ing . As it }Vas the las t m eeting Ver a Agusta Upt on, instr uc to 11 of I I .I of the ye ar, th e Y, M. w as invi t ed to vo i ce at the Uni ve rs ity s cho ol of m u- I ; FINE PORTRAITS '• the me eting. I sic, will si ng the soprano r ole. Miss A ca ndle li g ht service ,Up ton is so loi st at t he Jewi sh Syna- FRAMES f was arrai; ge d by the pro gr am ch air_/ gog ue a nd S.t. Pa ul's c hu r ch in Lin -

man, Miri am McGr ew. The da rke n- co in.

ed a udi t orium w as li g hted by onl y Mrs Cl app , contralto, comes fr om .6 th ree staff s of candl es on the stage. Elmwoo d. She also do es so lo wor k in 'f' ALBUMS ; I I

Don na Jane Del ze ll read t he scrip- Li nc oln churches.

sc hool of music faculty.

tu res a nd offered t he pr ay er The The tenor soloi st, He r ber t E. Gray, is also a m em ber of the uni.ver sity was not only b e:!ut iful, bu t conta in s a go od lesso n for a ll of us; it cle als wit h the nec ess11y uf build! in g our hous es on a found a tion of I ro ck.

Spe cial mu sic was furni s hed by I twe lve gi rls of .the hi g·h school glee I club, 'J',he ir numbers were:

1 In the Evenin g Wilson i Now the Day is Over ___ Bamb y • These nu mbers add ed gr ea.tly to the ; service.

MISS OURI • The main feat ure .of t he ev·enin g's

p ro g-ram w as a reading, Mrs. Celes te /al li te r ature? he now to h_is les -\ L eech Hu g he s, of Auburn, re ad "Th e , s on s hu mm 111 15 or wh 1st lmg bi ts _of Mans i on" by Hen ry Va nD yke. Ellen

Mr. S te ck w ill sin g t he B ar itone I PHONE 56 PERU t solos. fl • f

Ther·e is a Sco t hm an in Ca lifo rni a

wh o wi s hes hi s la ndkir d to re du ce the of hi s b oard be ca u &e he h as had t wo .teeth e xtract ed.

"I h ear T o,m m y, yo u s ave a li fe in the war."

"Hi did, sir."

"H ow did you do it, T ommy?" "By not enlistin g. "

ARTICLE orato no , a nd so ng Wil so n pl ayed a soft mu sic acc om- wln c,h he h as h eard on the rad 10. . · . , , · . 1 Th e cha in broadcasts of the New pa m me nt to t,1e r ea dm g. This r ea d---- i York a nd Ch icaao symph ony or ch es - in g conc erns a rich ma n, who thinks U pJ10lds Ra dio in Di scussion with j.tl"a, the Nl'I V)'. a nd Ar my and he is be in g a true Chri s ti an by givHis Former Te acher the p res :n tati?n , of the s fa- ing just mo n ey to charita ble ' mou§l. artists, a nd pl ay mg zations. He fell asle ep and dr e amed b est m mus ic 1s do111 g m or e to st1 m- ; , , G, Ho lt S teck has r ece ntl y e xp res- 1 ul ate in terest in mus ic st ud y a nd to, of his mansion rn he av en, and m hi s ed o n_ radfo and "ca nn:d c1 eat-e. a in the h ea r ts of the rh ·earn, it is to .him th at 111us1c" 111 an arh1cl e that appe ar ed m po te ntia l stud en ts to go to th e should not g ive JUSt m on ey, bu t hi s WHEN IN DOUB T-TRTT • , lar ge mu s ic c,ent ers a nd lea rn more Th d' u MP OR COME TO '• the Musical Coun er, published in of the a rt , than a ll the catalog u es an d go od will and krndn ess. e re a rn g New Yo rk City Mr. S tec k w as di s- li te ra tur-e Mr, Gunn or any other was well g iven and the li g hts and KOEPPL E' S CAFE ; t_urb ed an a rticl e by. one of hi s niu sic sc ho ol co uld ma il in a million .music made especially impressive -, I FOR YOUR MEALS, LUNCHES, ETC.

fo rme r m tr uc to rs, a nd m or der to yeRar sd.. d h h " As a fi t tin g close to the evenin g A Phone 195 p . N b h" · 3 10 an p onog rap, s may smell 1 If e 1u, e r. set l 111.c- s n g- ht with the maJo n ty .of of t! can" to a pr ofoss ional, b ut to pr-og1·am , Ruby Brown san g "Prayer peop le he h as defe nd ed the ra di-0 . the i. un g ry sou l of lihe rura li st it is P

"h i nd e rlands" is l ____.www _ C:un n 's schoo l and also I ,ho ld a seaso i;i ed :rn d easily satisfi ed. Tha nk s I p os itio ns with '1 Bache lor of Music deg ree from Mr. to the "can ne d music make rs" whi ch 1 Gu nn' s inst itution. I am ha rdly old JVlr. Gu nn wo ul d ex il e. I

enoug·h to sta nd up in a (Th e rest of Mr. Ste c k' s article j TheDavis School Service

te ll su ch . a reco gnize d a rtist cr1t1c Ideals wi·th methods; of teach- ' ' w. T. DAVIS, 06, .Manager i : 00 ur '

e :y' a nd pedagogue as Mr. G unn to sit . ing .t he classi cs in t he ru raJ I do wn a nd that he is a ll wro n g, b ut Imun1t1es If on ly roo.m it I 138 No.' 12th St. Lincoln , Ne br. J I A new stock of tire s, U. S. RO YAL, D UNLOP, a nd ' I do be liev·e that his mature app re- wou ld be fine to pnblish, but durin g· f ' KELLEY: We now aible to do any kind of welding ciation a nd supe r.ior intellect and com men.c eme nt we ek we are fo rced I I Fill your c ar with MOBI LE OIL. G ive k now ledge of music h av e le d ,his pen to cut it sho r t. Get a copy of the

to wr ite sev,era l t hin gs wh ic h are n ot Ma y 4 issue of the Musica l Courier /!, Us a Trial. f e nt.ir ely co rr e'ct (i f a st u de nt may be and i t. )

perm itted to spe ak t hu sly of his mas-

hi s fir st p.ara gr 2p h Mr. ·Gunn FRATERNITY HAS 1 1 , Forsyth Oil Co. - i Successor to G. C. Thurm an st altes: "T he .New r ork Symp h ony I

Orc hes tr a . . . can satisfy the ap-


f pe tite of tho usa nds for a ll the good ·

music the y c an appreci a te and more " j

(by mea ns ,of the ra di o) . W hat

grea ter go dsend cou ld co me to peo- Ka pp a De lt

pi e on e art h? e moni es

If Mr. G unn were ot h er than a big

city man an d we re fa mili ar with the K app a Del ta Pi , n ational .edu ca-

cond it ions in t,housa nd s u no n thous- j if you get your hail" cut at

a nds of comm u ni ties aw ay from the tional frate rni ty , close d the ye aF l as t ';

mu ,, ic ce n t;ers where m illi·ons are sta r- Sa t urd ay 'when in sta ll at ion ce re mon-

v in g fo r just what he wo uld depi ive ies ·and a lun ch eo n were g iven at to Gaines Hall 00 the j Confectionery and Lun ch Mea ts\ t he m of by do ing away with Mt. Vernon ha ll. (Next f of the b est music:, I An unusua ll y fine me nu .had bee n Pavement.) I Sta t1"·onery an d Fou n ta1·n Pe ns f ee l c er ta 111 th at he wou ld ,he sit at e

before he signe d the d oc u me nt th at lpr ep ar ed co ns1st111 g of :

effe c ted the exil e. Fru it Coc k ta il !

1 A Ha n dy P lace to Tr ade ' It is g·ener a ll y kn ow n by mu sic Beef a la Mo de

Standard Oil

I Leac he rs in and high schoo ls) C reame d New P ota toes I

away .from t,he ce n ters that the Buttere d Beets f SERVICE STATION

prev a 1h ng s entime nt of the ma sses I F 11 1 of Polarine and Mo- I

. co ncern in g the class ic mus ic li ter a- Ro ll s Cons·erve . u . me ,

tu re is, th at it is I Spr in g Salad jI oils. Grea smg, ca r wa s h- -i an d fa r the cap a c1ty of. th eir Ice Crea m with Stra wber ries 1. mg, and Free Crank Ser-

un educa ted m md s. Ju st th at l :S Mints Cake Coffee vice Ca r Iau.nd ei;ed m good

' in co ll eg es away 'from l ar ge music Duri ng the drn ner hour music wa s I' s ta pe

gr eatest ba ttJ.e we, who teac h music , . . . j 1 for $1 50

ce n ters h ave to wage, tryin g to furn ished by a tr!o cons istin g of 1 I


N T H E c T y th o5e wh o fi na ll y ao screw up th en· ce ll o, R ub y Brow n; pi ano , L uc ill e i I j cour ag·e to attempt the stu dy of t his H ·h .J 1 J Mi k 1 F• 1 I PROPRIETOR ' f un a pp roa ch a ble su bj ect of music, ug es, .a nu v1 o 111 oy c e .' - I u Nebr as ka J that wo rth w hil e music is n ot di f-low musica l nu mb ers by the tno Mis., ' P er Dgn 't Over look fic ult to und erstand and app rec i ate, She ll ey sang a so lo. \ _....................

bu t in mo st ca ses is fa r mo re simp le

common ly t erme d low I 36

Mr. G unn must i·emembe r that he I

g·ives much mo n ey each y ea r to the i

g o' ernme nt for the de livery of his

catalog u es to pr os pect ive students. '

Wh ere '? .In th e lar ge c ities? No , out

in t,he sma ll towns in t he by -ways

a nd hed ges, if you please, wh e nce

comes the bul k of his patro n ag·e.

Why, may I as k, is he foce i vi ng much

gr eate r response fr.om th is sort of I Imm

a dv e rtising than in th e pa st (he must A

be or h is co ul d n ot h ave ex-

penenced its r emar k ab le g row th in

th e p as t deca de)? Beca use the radi o I

I and the h ave MEN'S FURNI S

the b est mu sic m to the h omes of

co unt less m illi on s, 'and h as aid ed us Ladie s' Men's , and Children's

mus ic to . talen te d

peO J_) ie rn good music an? dispel t he

fee lm g· that o nly the nc h d eserve

t.he be:; t. a st ud en t. used to

approac h hi s !O USIC

la ck of ac qu a 111tances h1 p with





01', R, P Smith, of Bozeman, Mon - 1929 t ana,, Gi v es Dedica r ory AddJ"css S enior Clas-s Play Re -S tage d tor Alumn i A:, sociation Benefit

Aft er having heen but a dream for w·th fifteen yea_rs the n . 1 an a ll-star cas t, under the ' ew science hall on direct· f M the Peru State Tea h C 11 io n o rs. Anna Best Jode r; , . c ers o ege cam- the Peru Alumni Assodation re· pus is now a reality; and its comple- stag·ed the 1929 · 1 l e a an t ·e Cana ry," by Jo n

tion -was fit t ingly observed by a dedi - "Th C t d h semo r c ass p ahy, -0ato ry service at the co ll ege au ditor - w 1·11 d 1 t T · · h m th . ar , as uesday evenmg m t e

Sorry, folks, we' re a day la te, but our lin otyp e. machlne went broke and del ay in sending new p ar t causes us to be a d ay, late Accidents will happen,- so with us a nd we as sure you it won't happen ag.ain.


H1 0 n, e inornin g of June 13, at co ll ege auditor iu m, before a lar ge ' ·



Wom en Outnumber Men Mure Than .Six to On e


Waldo WVillhoft Writes Debate Text For High Schools and Colleges


firstly, because every man can ask

R eg istration d ay gave us our fir st g limpse of the summer school student body. Approximate estimates disclosed that the males were in the minority by at le ast six to one. This is significa n.t from several points of view: 11.30 o clock. and "] · · h · en., 1usiastic .gat e nng of sum-

The se r vice opened with a very mer schoo l students.for at le ast three d ates and expect to pleasing mu s i<:al number played by T.h e play w as repeated so that the "Mod ern Deb ate Pr actice," Emily Burton, flutist, and Prof. a lumni might raise a fund with C-Ounty Superinte'ndents and P.-T As- be successful, since the third time is the nature of the text.

One of the very recent journalistic achiev ements of the Peru faculty is the publication of a new deba te text for high school and college u se by Prentice-Ha ll, Inc., New York City, written by Waldo Willhoft, former debate coach in the tr aining sC.hool a nd in coIJ.eg e, an d now on le av e of abse nce. The title of the work , indicates V. H. Jindra, violinist, with Prof. R to a Cine motion sociation Convene the charm; secondly, the sociologist Thou g·h the text will not be ready T. Benford as a{!coma nis t. Following picture talting kodak. Special per- will apprehend a subversive trend o.t for distribut ion until fall, since it that the Reverend Mr Hasse lbl ad m ission was g ranted so that the play The a nnu al Co un ty Superinten- eve n ts th at .herald .the comin g of w ill not be set up 1in type till l ate this gave the· invocation co uld be h'el'd on a mid-week ,nig ht dent's an d P11rent-Te ac h- polyandrism. Now polyandrism s umm er, Mr. Willhoft has indic ated Mr. Pate in a few well chose n "The Cat_an d the Ca nary" is a play er In s titute .was held on the campi:.s, means t hat the a ncient system of what new features the book will inw-0rds in.troduced t he speaker, Dr. of hect ic mystery an d a play that .June 11 a nd 12. soc iety in which man was supreme elude. It is not an exhaustive text; R. P: Smi.th, clergyman and scientist req ui res players to d isp lay entirely I For severai year·& :;uch special pro - and la die s were an inarticulate collec- rather it is an outline bein g only 70,of .Bozeman, Montana. The coming thro ugh the ir the tensity of g rarns h av e been for con,- tion of culinary a nd ag ricultural en- 0,00 words long. o{ Dr Smith is of m uch signifi canc e fear _ somet1_mes the al- I v'entio ns of couney t ities is as extinct as the man who In stead of la yin g stress on t he to member s of .the st udent b d d- most g rips one rnto stiffness. Inter- 1of this sectiop of the state.. Presi- can drive a mode.I T Ford and be· theory of deb ate, which present 0 y an · 1 d "th h" · I in as much as :Or. Smith a nd e WI t is tensen:ss, is. an oc- , dent George A. SeIke, of the St. lieve h is mode of travel is enjoyable ' in t he a uthor's opinion, lay too much M · ;H t, h d f th h · l . · cassw nal s treak of comic actton of- I Cloud State Teachers College gave a an d convenient. stress un , c.ne_- ha lf of t.he b oo k is1 · oy ea 0 e P ysi ca SClence fering· ge nuine humor · • h d · · ', · · · I th t 1 departmen t, ha ve been close frie n ds senes of talk s dur,i ng t e two a ys It is a t nfle e arly to submit :! de- g iv e n. over Y !') e ac ua since · their college days They at -. play is "'.oven ab out the pro- of the meeting. Other sp eake rs op tailf:'.d acco unt of the past and pr e:;; - ?f arg ui ng Lr i•Jfed µoints •)11 t ended the same science cl ass es in an \ visw n of the _wil_l of Ambrose We.st the pro g ram were Mrs. W. W. D ay ,, ent effects of this c.han ge upon so ,:ie- Lne pla ;:, ,, "1 · Ar. entir•J ch apter is Oh 11 d 1 t b as read at m1dmght before the President of the Nebrask a P ar ent- y et some fear h as been expre-se d. devof;erl to r e!mttal , a;i d :11nther to 10 co ege, an a er were mem ers . . h . f , • , f h . f 1 . th ' rernai n 1ng eirs, twenty years a· t;;!1· Teac her A ssoc iatio n, and Professo r· in other public ations and by J·ourn!ll- ·1 refut a tion. On e part 0f th e ch a pier o t; e sa ine ac u ty 1n e science 1h. d th Th" ._ th a· t· f ! "d · d ·i 1 d h U K . is ea is, W lwL e 1ssa is a- - Clements a nd Professo r Crago I i.;ts who share eminence w ith the on ev1 ence goes mto e tai on the epartment of t e ru v ers1ty of an -. 1 , f t-h t f th ·u . , .,.. _ . I uu f St t' · " Pl t' 1011 o e ou come O· e w1 :is e._ Th . . l 1 . l ded as speak- wnter A fe w weeks ago t he New se o a 1st1 cs - a 1o1 rn con- &as Dr Smith however crave uo the 1 e or1gma p an me u , · , . . · · . . '."' - 1pressed by some of the heirs, ana the . St te S •e· de nt Chas W ; y ork Times publish ed an a rtic le ·en- Idu ct 1s separately tre a ted, m one field of science in an active way an d . h . - e1s a n ·,_ • 1plan to drive t e he1res,. msane T 1 d M. Chloe Ba ldrid ge - .of I ti tied "The Ri se of Feminine Dom i n- 1 chapter. Perhaps two of t he most the mm1stry some years ago If th t ·k f 1 J ,., 1 t ay or an iss · f 1 d 1 h t . "Of Th · k t k f h. t . th 1 e ne wol i fo . t.le ?t r:i; ::; l P do · t he State Dep artment of Educ ation, ; a tion ." T.he gist . of this article set Ifuse :n c ap. ers Tai e ,,e spea er oo or is op-1c e I 1;.; it a strea { o ms:.m1 y a re a y but the s udden de ath of Assi sta nt Ifr. rt r. the alarm ing situ ation that con- I ens1ve an efens1ve actics. an.d of th e ! in the family, the he i: ess, Annabelle Superintendent Graliam. made it im- fro nts the ma le members of the r ace The book is dedi cate d "To E. c. B.

Rela t ion .of Science and Rehg10n I West, the ro le so a dz:iir a bly possible for ei t her to attend. Statistics asse mbled by the dep art- a nd V. E. C., who tau g ht us to think In this he contrasted the civilza.-1by Miss Margaret C.hnebur g, t he lis t- M D h ti t d men t of Commerce divulged t he ; ,. c;t for ourse lves." Undoubtedly the au. . · n d 1i hi · t · rs. ay, w o recen y re urne t1-0ns of t he east and t he west, point- I en er is e t ru s. . verrng ecs asies. from the Annual C:onfer.enoe of P ar- that th':l r.C a1·e betwi::e n eig ht a nd nin e thor, a former deb ate student of ing ou.t that thou.gh the Mi,;s 111 sor;ie. A e nts and Teachers in W ashin gton, D. million _w ome n in gai"i' ul Professor Ch ate lain , is thus line bet ween east and west is ex- formei plays 'l.gam demrmstiate., -::n i ·C talk before the entire stu- to lie explicit they arc i;espects to those w.ho taug ht him t remely ind e finite, one c-0uld approx - tb is perfor?1ance he r. at a specja.J convocation on eco n om ic all y independent. In t he p io- much of t he material incorpo ra ted in imate it qui te well by saying .that broad interpretation '.lI hei p "Lr: Tues day ; s ubject, of Pa r- nee1 era of 1h e. lJni te d S tates ·1 vir l the n ew text'. Old de baters h ave "he· "E ast ends with the disus.e of is most commendable. Only when ex t T h . A ., t" ·n' Nebi·aska" v rew to maturi ty an d if '> he >; :. d he ard Mr. W11Lhoft deb ate will reco g- ' · h ok Miss Cline- en - eac e1 ssoCJa ion 1 man propelled machinery, and the treme t overto President Selke spoke to the re g ular s hown capab1h ty or beauty, she en - u'. ze some of hi s ta c_t1cs exp lame d in west be-gins with .the use of mechan- ( burg, did _ her s c;_reams t.o a point . eSse tnhly We dne.,o .O:tt " Educati on teJ:e d, a .state p£ m at rimony t:h a-t bis book. icaHy a l'l'D"ara.tasY· · '.I' h m; (Co n ·tin ·on Page 4:, S ol. '.!:) as an Investment." (Contin ued on Pa ge 4; Col. 2) The book is of especial interesb to r- ·- d · Peru stud e nts because it almost e n- showing· t hat throuigh science an m- - 1·

ti h "' sc ie nce and inas an cr rrvesoneTn;;; ven on as man p rogre sser in civi li - LE utiOJl, and that ci Vi liza ti

It h as ·bee n the po h cy Peru studen ts bec a use it a lmo st e npropo r tionately a . on I:> ro gr e sses of the Pe ru State Te a chers Coll ege to


tire ly a Pe ru product. Mr. Willh oft . . . s lnvention s an<il c1entific d1scoverioes in

foste r su c.h educ ati·onal acti vi ties as secured all his underg ra du a te wo rk Again Dr. Smith b ' a re co nsid ered va lu a b.l e in ad va nc ing


at P er u, a nd his deb a te experien ce of all civiliz ation are 'th e as es the edu ca tional in te rests of this sec- on P rofess or · Ch ate lain's deb a te h ese three St d d P f Ch 1 h t ings: th e Go lden R ule h' ·h u e nt s to be G iven Mu sica l Treat ti on of Nebraska. W ith this ide a in squa · ro ess or ate a in ims elf J. • th ' w lC is J' h - · d 't h b th · M'r l! W. ,W. Da y P.-T. A. Pres id e nt is a for mer Peru debater. re 1g10us; e Nat ur al La h' une '.20t mm , 1 as ee n e pract1ee to i scientific; and e vo lution w,h.: br in g to the ca mpus from 't ime to Tell oif Association 's Values The b oo k was w ritten durin g spare so is scien tific . Of th ese th w IC a - Mr. Lester S pr ing, whose u nu suai time for a se ri es of lectur es, men tjme the past y·ear, w hil e Mr. Willthat two beloncr w holly see gi fts as a si nger and ·nusi cian h av e who h av e ma de notable prog r ess in Mrs. W. W. Day, pr eside nt of th e h oft h as b ee n on lea ve at the Uni v eruowev er .. there 0 18 a lose paor a llseielnbcee_. b ht hi d distinc tive lines of school wo rk, hop- N.ebr aska P aren t- Te a chers' Associ a-sity of Michigan. µ • r01.1i:; _ ' m i.s ti nction ii" o·pera, con - d tw in g th at the reb y benefi t mig ht be t10n, spoke to the students of th e A ve rtisin g an no un ce me nt will 1ee;1 science and r eligi on a nd· their cert, and or ator io, also posses ses a ga ined from su·ch con tacts. co lle ge at convoc a tion t ime, Tuesday, proba bl y be made earl y in t he fall, re a 1011 to the gr ow th -O f m ankind." qua li ty so c.h ara c.teristic of many ot J 11 M D when the b ook is r eady for dis t ribu- 'J:Ie further st ate d. "Reli . . The a ttendin g, county sup e rinte n- j un e . · r s. . ay a. visit or in . . bu ilt upon f •th f '. h . g wn Is our yo u ng A me rk an a rtists in th at dents the faculty i;nembers who I Pe ru m connec t ion with the Coun ty Ihon. Peru a nd fr ie nds of t he colS cienc:1 a lsoaitis lbn ' !G t od and j he is a s, in te res :1n g a human as (Con ti nued on P age 4; Col. 1) Sup-e r in.t end en ts' Conf er e nc e he ld , lege co ngrat ul ate Mr. Willhoft on , ' • u1 Upon IJu !l e 11 a nd 12 bein g a ble to sec ure t he publica t ion faith -fa ith in t he ul tim a te conquest he is an artis t. Tha t is pratic a ll v t he Th 1 d of a new ho ok. of t he elem·e nts of scie nce for ma n's '.only r·easo n any a rtist is


Ima n: use Both · d ,

· as cia 1on as b" ·d s: ience an :religion are Mr Spdn g b a hu sb an d a nd a fath-


lwe ll as i ts rapid growth wi th•n th e " EAST IS WEST" TO BE use up on In fe renc e We k , I ' 1 I PRESENTED TH IS SUMMER noth' d fi 't f · now er. he is an ath lete t oo, an d a lover ,a st f ew years. S.he impressed upon t mbg t ·eb 111 e 0 t he or fu-of t.he o ut d oo rs. Summ er fi nds him 'h er li st eners th e benefits t hat are deure, u as e o-ur c onclus 10ns on th I · d h h h resu lts of th e p t · f' . e in th e woods, along the fis hi ng St. Cloud Teachers Col.lcgc Pres id ent rive t ro ug t e ma fr ta in ance of a as ln er ring fro1n Parent T ea chers ' As soci atio n in ev er (Contmu ed .on P ag e 2· Col 5) Istreams and, often as no.t, on th e Talks on ·E du ca tion sc h< 1 Sh d . ·1 1 • J(I e expresse a wis 1 t rnt - golf course w hil e wi nte r fi nds him . h · PE RU Ff.REME ' Pr es iden t George A Selke of t he ev e ry te ac er attendm g sc ho oi h ere ' N P LAN 1 in the gym n asium with the re su lt · ' Jth is Sumllle r g·oes out ne xt fall to BIG ;T IME FOR FOURTH State Te achers Colle ae St. Cl oud J.. · th at many a l ocal bo x er has been sur- " ' ' 1 •• E'lp tne w ork that the P. T. A. is . h h . f t b d IMinne sota, deh v.ered a fo r cefu l a d- 1ti yho to do

D fi •t l p ri sed to find t at t e si x oo roa I · "' ·

e m e ,P ans have b ee n made and . h h d d ress to t he s tudents of the co ll ege ) fr<. Day also t old of the work Per u will cel ebrate the Fourth in due sho uld ered sp arring p artner, w o a 1 ·and a ncient form. led him a merr y cnase tnat d ay ,/ at ch a pel time June at th e na ti"Onal co nv en t ion, reproves. to be no ot he r th an the a rtist 112. 'Mr. Selke spoke m Iv:e \•;e d some .'the ac t.: omplis hm e nt s

The Peru F ire Company has taken be is li ste ning to th at evenin g. d ay th e co unty supermte nd e nts in o_ i. t.w p ast presid en ts, a nd ex pr esse d up t he m atter of celeb r ati o n, and w ill His rec i tal h ere, Jun e 20, w ill a()- me etin g at Peru.

sv.Iro e of the .hop es th at th e p_ T. A. have charge of the arr angement s. w ill •ry t d t k tl · · P eal to eve ry lov er o-f mu si c, fo r Mr. Mr. Selk e commen ted ex ten siv ely • 0 un er. a e .n s co m in g h as been rai sed, th e Talmage ye a Sh f th l d h

_ To Mrs. Ann a Best Jo der goes m uc h of the admir a bl e su cc ess of the :;tagin g of the n ote d he av y pr.odu ction of the "Cat a nd U1e Can ary." Th is play jg ran ke d a mon g h er h eav iest pr od u dioo an d on ly "P. Doll' s Hou se" which she dir ected last ye a r, su rpasses it.

" The Cat and t he Canary" was n ext to t he last of Mrs. .Jo de r's p ro ductions to be stag ed at Pe ru. Th e play 1un der he r di rection will be a Chin ese pl ay, "Bast is W es t," to be pro du ced du ri ng the fi r st six weeks of t he s ummer sc h oo l. At the cl os e Spring's pr .o gr am w ill consist or imm- on th e wo rk .of .the in s titution at Pe- ! · e. ur . er rem a1.· rn on t e band s ecured, and Fred Hawxby, of work that 1s b d N b k b s from t he most ex a ctin g comp os - ru, a lw ays how ev e r, keeping in m ind ein g one in e ras a .of summer school Mr s. Jo der will Auburn, has b een secured as s peaker e;; to th e ba ll ad, w hich is loved so that he w as fr om Mi nneso t a. He by the ass oci ation sin ce th is for the da y. m uch by the gen er al public He b as u se d as the subjec t of his address, en tra nce .to th e co un ci l. The c elebration w ill be held do wn but on e t hou ght in m ind-that is to " The B en efits of Educ ation." He fo cl os mg s he gave hig.h praise to le ave on a tr ip, af.ter w hich time she w ill h ave her in Ml'S. Joder w ill go th ere to ta ke up h er n ew du ties as edi tor of the Pl ay·er's Magaz in e, a n ation al dr am atic p ublic ation town, an d th e two blocks of the main gi ve h is b est a nd p.l e ase all. In this compared in det a il the a dv anta ges a Jo y in business str eet will be clos ed to traf- he c an not help but be an a t- a nd the pro g ress of edq.c a ti on in Uni- co1mecb on Wi th the work he 1s doin g fie, cars bei ng r outed by other streets of gr e at ma gnitude. te d States with t hat of fo rei gn co un- for the association and alleys. t ries. "It was interes t in g to not e," :----------"-----------------------


B" I y 1,\fovie 7 t.o 8 :30

We dn e sday, Jun e 19- 10 og . 0

June 20-Reci tal by Lest er S prrng, Bass . June 29- Movi e, Subma rine .

July l- lO-D rama tic Cl ub Pl ay.

July 12--Mo vi e. " Co tters S aturday Nig ht."'

July 13--Musi cal Com edy, The

July 18--Mevie, Scarlet Lady. Violinist.

July 2 2--Recital by Ha rry Farbman,

July 29 Noah Beilhar z, Re a der.

A t 2 ---La wr en ce Harp Quinte t. ugu s . .

August 3- Movi e, Flymg Ma nne

August 1 7---'Mo-vie, T.he Lo ne Wolf's Daug hter.

August 9- Movie, The Faker. r

he rema rked "that the imteracy in this country is far below th at .of ot her la nds, ·yet arm y st ati sti cs s ho w th at four out of ev·ery ten in the 'a rm y co uld not re ad or w rite." Sinc e that ti m e, t he Spe a ker reJDa r ked , th at r::it io• h as been dec re as ed. ·

In c ontinuin g, Mr. urge d upon h i::; a udien ce that it is the hea uty si de of thi ngs th at peo ple sh ou ld try to se e, a nd th at until we do :i ee that side no indi v idu al can ap p reciate the thin gs a bout him

The s pe aker g av·e a numbe r of inci de nts, many of th em.havin g a ple asant t ou ch of humor, to prove his remar ks .


Wedne sday, Jun e 19-Mr. Ji ndra a nd Mr. Do yle of the Music Depar tm ent, Selec.tion s

Thu rs day, Ju ne 20--Add ress es by Dr. Jess e Ne wlo n. Di re cto r of th e Frid ay Ju ne 21 Lin co ln Sch ool o;f Columbia University, N ew Yo r k.

We dnesda y, Jun e 26- Addr ess by Dr. Ned Dearbo rn of New '!: ork Un i ve rs ity, N ew Yo rk Cit y.

Thu rs da y, Ju ne 28-Miss I va 0. He ndrick of the Jun ior Red Cross. FrJd a y, June 28--Same






l Ml I\. U \ Sing the g ladness of the morn,

P E D . A G 0 G.I A N··Wa king breezes blowing, Widening 1eaf and sproutin g Joy of all things g rowing.

Entered at the Posto1fice of Peru, / Nebraska, as second class matter.] Sin g the g lory son g .of noon, IBlue, blu.e sky uplifted,,. Published Weekly at Peru S ate Sh a dow dappled .light of June corn,


Pedagogian Adds New and Unique

in t he' Lin co ln publ ic schools.

Marjorie Arnold, of Hamourg, la., is the primary teacher at H amburg. Mabe l Hunter, of Sidney, fow a, t eaches in th e grades at Hamburg. Ea rl Whipple, of Fort escue, Mo., w ill teac h in the j unior high school at Daw son.

Ralph Sellho rn, of North Be nd, will The purpose of the "Who's Who teach .the ei ghth grade at Wo odriver. on the Campus" column is just ex- Jo hn S tah n, of Millford, will be the Year-Sc 81·ngle copy h f actly what the name typifies. / It is JJuni or high pr in cipal at Re d Cloud. Sin g t e peace o summer eyes, h to let the other students kn-0w who Jesse Tho rp e, of Wae-0, teac es at

Teachers Coll4e Through green branches sifted Robin in the thicket, You are, what you are, where you are, Bradshaw. Soundless stfr of dreaming leaves, STAFF \ and why you are. PJease bear in Ma rg ar et Rh o dus , of ·Peru, Drowsy chirp of cricket.

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - - WILLIAM OKRENT mind. however, that it is impossible at Valparaiso.

ASSOCIATE EDITOR for the Wh-0's • Who editor to know Flossie R omiau, of S yr.ac use, wi ll - WILLIAM ARMSTRONG Sing, 0 sing the hear.t of June ,

BUSI N ESS MANAGER all of you If he did, writing this teach in the high sc h oo l at Hai gler ' - - FLOYD CHASE Steeped in golden weather, INSTRUCTOR IN JOURNALISM - - THOMAS EDSON ENNIS Nature's myriad chords in tune, column would be easy. But now, Dale !Ty ke, of Tab or, pr es1.dent Of ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR MILLARD FOWLER All grad· things together. folks, you can help a great deal. the sophomo re da ss, will be high REPORTERS Esther Ann Clark. When the "Who's Who' 'editor comes school princip al an d t eac h m anu al to you don't hesit&te to tell him all training, at M alvern, Iow a.

FEATUR ES - - - LESLIE ab0ut yourself. This will greatly Tigar d, of D orch es ter, taught HELkN WAGNER LONE TROUBADOR lighten his burdhen and .contribute .to in the hi gh scho-01 at P rag ue last - HARVEY NEUMEISTER - the success of t e column. year.

ENTERTAINME NTS HELEN HOLLIWAY J. Boswell, of F.alls City, is head A. C. Hol eman , '29, 'forme rly taught WHO'S WHO HAROLD MA.RREN DEAR MR EDITORi of the physical scienee department at science in the hi gh sc hool at Pilger.


Well, well, well, so this is summer that place Mr. Boswell was editor Ern es t Ro t hert, of Howard, is a sc,hool- my, my, how one is aeceived of the Pedagogian in 1915. It was membe r of t he colle ge fooflball and GRE ETINGS!

Welcome to P·eru and vacation.

V ac ation no t in the s ense of physi ca l re st alone , but a ch a nce for a ment a: "c oalin g up.'' An opportunity to reg1.ii n t he old in spir ati on and ide al of sc;·vi ce .t hat .ho lds so many in th•! tcac hin g field . Summer school g- iv es us the ch a nc e to g ain new thund er for .t he comin g year: New viewp oints c ommon di s cu ssion. of pr o hlem s gives us new he lp to cope with th e comin.ir year's probl e ms in a new 'O\·ay. Th en th at long put off r ea din g can be done. Won't it l)e gr eat to br-owse thru the lihra ry a na r ead to one's he a rt's content.

L kew ise comes th e oppori:uni tv of 1·01H!Win.g· o ld acqu aint :,nces, or in g new fri ·end s. It's to see how we ll Ch a rli e or Mar y look, or be told th at Bet ty is ma rri.ed, but not to .her old Peru "be a u." Then ' there is Sunda y, wh en a group with picnic lunch leave in th e mornin g for a hik e thru the hill s of Pe ru What v- ith pickin g fl owers, with cookin g "w eenies," or toastin g ma rshmallows, wi th b athin g in a chance s tr e am or br oo k, a nd th en strollin g leisurely home for supper and an evening o:I' CtJ 1r1 n n. ·u L'L-L ,!_ - ....'1 - -H

und er the blue and white colors of 1 by this summer weather. OR one d-ay during his edit orship that t he paper 1 1 ba sk e tb a ll t ea ms . He will return to Old Peru. i I had prickly heat, and the next day was changed from a monthly to a Peru ne xt ye ar This g1:ea t athlete is none other II had goose my! weekly publication. . Archie Ma rtin, of Paw ne e City is than the smilin g Paul "·Swede" Her.tz , When I ;was registermg, I over- I Harold McCreight, '29, of Fairbury Isuperintendent-elec.t at Pau lina. of Malvern, Io w a. He stand six I someone that they were Iis teacher of science at Broken Bow. Lucille McKeown , of Harlan, la., two and tips the scale beam at 228 g omg to take , voice lessons because Fl-0yd Chase, '29, of Syracuse, te ac hes in the g rade s at Springfield. pounds. He ca n move that wei g.ht they to learn horn to breathe., teaches manual , training in Nebrask a i C arl Cunn ing h am, of Pawnee Ci ty. the distance of one hundred yards in ,Ju st thrnk, all these ye ars and not City senior high school. He is bus- · will be he ad of t he commercial de10.8 seconds. knowing ho.w to breathe-my, my! in ess mana g er of the Pedagog ian. · pa rtmen t in Pla ttsmo uth ,hig h school

H t h . 1 k b Fa ther used to say that people died Forest B. Shrader of Plat tsmouth ne xt y ear. er z as o ee n a rem ar a le guard 1 b h · · ' ' . b k tb 11 H t d 11 from not breathmg- etter urry, 1s elect at Bartley. Carl A. Skeen of E lmwoo;i teaches m as e a . e was vo e an a -. . · · · l

· ' u., f .t. f h . h little g irl, and take your smgmg es- Wilham Okrent, -0f Hamburg Iow a,, music in Pi erce high sc h ool con erence pos1 10n or t ree straig t : ' · · Yea 1·s Mr Hi ll a ·d f St J h sons. is editor of the Ped a go g ian. He is J ames Delzell, of Peru , will ceach . . y 1 , o . osep , , y t 1 ·d l · h as 0 1·ven h' 1 t . . ours · ru y, pres1 ent-e ect of the Peru Drama ti c at hletics at Sid ney Io wa "Jim" is 0 1m se ver a urg en in v i- T E LONE TROUBADOR ' . tations to join his famou s te am. T.he H , - Club. a thr ee-le tter ma n at P er u. Ma lve 1:n y outh is t he g reatest defen- Ha rold Marren, of Tecumseh , a nd Mrs. Pa ul Ho y, of Farnsive pl ay er th at has played on the SUGGESTIONS president of the senior class .of '29, is a m, attend s c.h ool h ere n ext year. Peru court. head of the social science Mr. Ho y was su perinten d en t a nd J\.frs. Fo r two consecutive ye a rs the foot-


in Blair hi gh scho ol. at Free dom last year ba ll s crib es were un a nimous in their Averyl Gaines, '29, of Peru , W'.l.S i !l am of Auburn, as· choic e of the blond Iowan as all-con- ' capta in of the c olle ge de bati ng tea m. s oc i ate editor Of the Ped ag ogian, fer e nce tackle. Last season thev vot- College Librarian Gives Ilelpful Jn- Les lie Leon ar.d, of Pa wnee Ci ty t:ea ches m. the hi gh school at Shu bert. ed him the hon or of formation tor 2itudents was a member of the debatin g te am. ,Lester of Peru, teach es f lib k H Myrlin McGuire , -0f Dewit t, is pri·n- manu a! tram mg at S he l ton u ac . . 1s terrific plun g es wrou g ht · G · h In t he same way th at a teacher and c ipal of the Ax tell hi gh school eorae Cowell of Pe · h · a voc , to a ll opposition last se ason · - · ' ru. reac, es 111 Aftei he had torn his way throu gh a t ext boE>k serves the students in a Leone Vande r ford, '29, oi P er u, t h<) hi gh sc h ool at Wahoo Oma ha Uni v ers ity .to the tune of five college course, so do the colle ge will teach in Benkleman high scho o l. touchdowns, the · metropolit an news libr a ry a nd libr a ri a ns serve all of Ha rvey Neumeister, o:f Nebr aska w ri t ers de s cribed him as " t: h at hu- th e stud e nts m a ll of the courses. A CJ.ity, is superintendent of schools at ma n tank ," and "Graf 's Locom o ti'! e.'' libr a ry is a bo ? ks br ot Talmage

In a ddition to hi s ball lu gg in g- a bi!i- J •. Pa ul Combs, '29; of Em me rson Ia

. . . · -. . . . oge er a 110- arganrzeu-in -uc « y- am--vonm , =, v.L "v n H• I home for and a.n evemng ot I addition to his ball lu gg in g a b1h- as to serve lar ge numbers of will teach in Pilger hig,h school. Dr. R. P. Smith, of Bozeman, M on· s tudy or re a din g, that IS a day well i1es he was a fierce blocker ;rnd prov- and teachers in l ,a wide vanety of Joe Butler, Of Alexandria, teache s 1 'tana, Gives Dedicatory Address s pent. j ed the way for many lon g runo:; made subjects. It is necessary that some in Garland high school. ___ Slowly and pleasantly the da ys and , by team mates. . ) rules and regulation be Dorothy '29, ?f Om ah a, (Continued from Page One) weeks will pass' and before you know ' Major John L. Griffith, •1thletk so that this collection will be of the will teach in :the JUmor h;gh school Ithat w.ha.t the fu.tm'e results will be it, "welcome to Peru and v aca tion" commissioner of the Big Ten confer- greatest service to every one. a t"" Sa fford, Arizona. B th sc'ence and religion are con. will be chang·ed to good bye and e nce h as chose n Hertz as fifth in shot <lerit·s who ha ve µsed the Peru L1- Claude Mathews, '29, of Falls City,, 0 1 1 ·ng changing and modi. . b' I stant y grow1 , fa r ewe ll till n ext year . So let' s en- put in a field containing all of the brary durin g the past week have ob- will coach athletics at Wood rne, a. f . There is a gradu al evolutio n joy to the fullest "Old· Peru." co lle ge a nd universi ties of Ame rica. s erved no doubt, that the libr ary. 1 Hl!rry Williams, '29, is snperin t cn-, mental and physical aspects of [ The ' "Bi g Swede" won second at the the center of the educational i:ct 1v-1- 1dent of scho-o.Is at DeBeque, both science and ConseTHE FENCE STRADDLER K. C. ". C. indoor track and field ty of the campus. Because we wish to ' Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Noerrhngei' tl one c·an possibly prophesy ,._. I b h h 1 f '29 'll t h quen Y no

People have a tendency to bombard meet last February. He est ablished q-; a ke i! serve the demands mac: up- . ot of. t e . c ass 0 • WI eac what the developments of science the "fence straddler," merehr be- two new records at .the Hastin gs re- on it, and to have :ac,h_ studen., he- m DeWitt hig,h school. within the next fifty years; or even ca us e he will not take definite sides lays. He took fourth place in the come acq uainted with its resources Mona Lyon, '29, of Harrison, ·..vill twenty-five y ears, will produce. Itsufof a qu es tion. He is called a coward shot and di s csu at the Kansas Relay s. a nd a ids to we c'.111 )'. our head the commercial aepartment or fic es to say tha t it will be far beyond by one .g roup, a fool by a nother He broke both -0'.f his old records at attc·ntion to the followmg sug g estions C rawford high scho-ol. the wildest dreams and imag'inations g roup , a nd queer by the re st of _ the conference meet this spring. His c•Jl"l r.erning its use: Howard Bath, . -0f Brownville, of our fi t great scientists people Yet is not "fence straddling 9eave of 47 feet, inches will Certain books, because of the great c- oaches athletics and is principal of Most of the students and faculty at. justified? Per haps we have mis_judg- probably stand for a quarter of a demand, have been placed on reserve; the hi gh school at Harrison. tended the exercise, as did Colon el ed s uch people in the past. S1mpl;y century. That is the longest toss ev- these hooks may be used for a period Pa ul Hertz, '29, ?f Malve_rn. Towa 1 ,' T. J. Ma jors, lifetime friend and h d · t't· b th of two hours . If not returned at the f the b c;· co gs m Peru s T h becau se they will not help t row a er ma e m compe i ion y any a - was one o i,,.; champion of Peru S tate eac ers wr e nch into the machine we despise lete of any college or university in e nd of that time, a fine is charged. c h:.an pi onship football team, and for ICollege, a nd .his brother Mr. ,Wil tse the m. Yet they h ave enough fore- the state of Nebraska. (But wait- Pl ease sign your name to the large the past years has been an 111- j Majors. b d f b •· wh1'te card and leave the card on the t d b k tball sig ht to see the goo d a nd a o o...u L ast Tuesday morning Mr. Hertz

sta ,e g uar m as e · The old sci·enc e hall , located -0n the sides, a nd would r ather do construe- hurled that 16 pound bronze pill 50 loan desk. Edwin Booth, of Dou g las, is ca p- 1 north side of the campus was origin· d th · · Books not on reserve must be call- b 11 tive work by themselv·es an e1r feet, 11 inches! Only a few inches taiu-elect of the college bas ket a ally the library. It was a fram e d th t h ed for by "call number." T.his numgroup th an tear down an en ry from the world's record! In t e opin- structure built in 1885 In 1907 its to rebuild. ion of many Peruvians, this big ath- ber is found in .the upper left hand Ch a: les Clark, '20, is ;;uperinten- size was doubled and the en tii;e struc·

Sittm g on e ence · 1 card catalo g is an alphabetical ar- I · · th f g ·ves one a lete with the sunny disposition will corner of the catalo g The I clen t-e lect at Nei:>raska. ture v·eneered 1 ·n bri"ck. ch a nce to balance the extremes ana set a n ew world's record before the . J\":1mm gs P arnort of A? ;burn . F rom 1907 to the present time it also sooner or later brin g .them .to- next olympic games which will be rnn g ement by author,. sub and is Lo be .head coach of athletics in has been used by the biology depar t. t itle of ;every book m the library. g·ether once aga in. "Fence strad: he ld at Los ,Angeles in 1932. , Cer<t 1··jl City hi g-rh schvol. ment, located on the firs t floor an d The books no.t on reserve are issued dll.n g" 1·s nothin_g more than taking Norman F. of Waco, is th h · al · ce and mathern ati c for a period of two weeks. Please l e P ys1c sc1en ' · t he "middle of the road" position on STUDENT PARTICIPATION

h h 1 b superintendent ::tt P:H1ama. departments on the second floor, sign the dated card whic t e i ra ry t hin gs Is that not the heat methoa assi'stants hand to you and leave this Kenneth Gaines, '29, of Peru, will The new cience hall is built ad· II? Wh A school paper is like a chain. The t h · D · ht h · h h I to take after a . en one g oes card on the loan desk.- eac m wig ig sc ao joining the auditorium aud upon the t bT th d 'ver has a ten chain is as stron g or weak according

M a et Cl'n b - f "P h' h nu omo I mg e n . - Sin g le issues of m agazines are is- arg r e u rg, . ' o .. eru, site of th e oJd training sc h ool w ic de l1 cy "to stay in the middle of the to the st1·eng·th of each 11'nk. A school will teacli mathem at ics in Stroms t d · 1870 Th Id i.., 1 1' ld sued to students. Please sign for · · - was erec. e i-n . is o µ, • r oa d. Why? Because .the track there I b . f 1 o I if all these at the loan desk. Bound burg high sc.hool. when it was razed in order to make · b tt · th ·oad is smoother a nd pa per can e success u n y Fl D · '29 f N b k is e ei, e 1. L'k . ' the students feel that it's their paper volumes of ma ga zines are not issued, orence avis, ' 0 e r as a ino- stood until about two years ago, t he h 1 h1 and that they are responsible for the but are ararnged alphabetically City ,:n . w:y f b:r. · a new ino dern building. a bles im tho swi c eas yt w.ten f e publication of every issue. The Peda- a round t;})e readin g room. We as·k Marvin DJck Williams, of Nehgh, This new home of the science demeet:s anot er car or .ge ou 0 a Ig ogian is in the same position as the you to pay particular attention .to see Iis cheer le,ader at Peru, and one of· partment has three stories, a base· rut 111 to the smooth middle. People I' k R di f th f t th t that you remlace them in· the same the colleges star track men. ment, and most interestin!l of all, Jin are like the driver. They realize 111 • • e ga r ess £?. _e . ac a r H d z k f T h . , h d th d j there 1s a s taff which is directly re.- place from which y.ou got them. owar 00 e,cumseh,, i:s aH- o bse rvatory on the .top of the build· t at 1t s uman to err, an ey o . . . . . other of Peru's football a d t k . h h 1 t t 1 spons1ble for 1ts publication 1t cannot W·e have found that desk service is - - · - P in g. _ It is - equipp<ed with -a telesc e>pe WI S. : to Ur S Ones a e. or be an ideal paper unless ea ch 'student more e fficient if the •library assistants With W,hich astronomy Students will until they have had. a fall' view capable of writing sends in printable have certain assigned duties, such as Sa muel Tr a udt, 29, who , has assist- study the movements of the heav enly o: it'.d material. If you wish the Ped ago - waitin g on patrons, releasing b oo ks ed in the chemi stry departmen t .the bod ies the sith·e . t ey ' 0 a e gian to be a re al live newsy paper from previous c.h arges, se.lving books, past year has been a ppointed by tli'e It is plan ned to install new :!QUiJ.1· t at e1r convm ions are unbiased i.... t t d h th is summer let's h ave some co-op- etc. ,. Will you please take this into · 0 0 c emical warfare ment throughout the building, and and fair.

So let's have more "fen·ce straddl ers" who build constructively thah "side takers" who are forever b1:eakin g do wn a nd never building.

One of the outstanding athletes of history has been entered in the N ational A. A. U. track and fi.eld games which wil lbe held at Denver this coming July. He will compet,e erat ion. Ev er yo ne send in an ar.ticle, cons id·eratio n when h an din g in your wo rk at Ed gewate r Arsenal. to h ave all in readiness for t he op' Raymond Schriner, of D b' · or some ne ws items, an e ditori al, or requests at the desk. un ar, 1s ening of the fall term in Septe mber. other worth while mat erial that will Pl ease fe el free to ask either of prmclpal a nd coach of Union high This will be gre a tly apprecia ted by · te est the n1 aJ'o1·1'ty of tl1e st udent ti l'b · the · t ts f sc hool ""' H t · h h l •l 111 r - ie 1 ran ans or assi.s an or · uu. oy , 1n c ar,g-e of the p y body. Dop't he sit ate b eca use of an help in loc at in g information in ref- , Hai old Bosley, of Pawnee City, was 1 ,science q epartment since 1910; by inferiority complex. L et us jud ge erence books. a member of Neb raska Wesleyan's Holch who is head of the whether the material is n ews. Dr-op Beca u se of such crowded conditions team1 and of Wesleyan's de- depart men t. and by Mr. Hill of tbf yo ur contribution into the Peda g o- in the r ea ding room will you please a ing· team ast year. Imathemat' d . _ t J N · , ! CS ep a1 wuen gi an b ox, whic.h is lo cated in the try to u se this room for study pur- oe ai man, 29, of Alexandria, is This fine building :however is rut hallw ay of the adminis tration build- poses o nly principal of t he high school at Ches- the b eginnin g, just uni t vrtrnl in g next to the statue of the great Frances E. Churc h, Librari an. terF i;: hop ed fo r in the of a futur e du cator Horace Man n. • reda Kenn e dy, of Peru, teaches home fo r a st udy of t he scien ces.





: ho <l ge. Better do sixty days; see IN KANSAS, MAY 11 · AT GQRrD.QN

Phone 36 w fa t you can do that. I Lester :Parriott and Miss Ruth G regg

j · I

"And do you mea n to tell me A nnounce Marrria ge Miss Lillian Brady Weds Cecil laug hed in the face of death?." you

"L Sunday : •- augh? I t ho u ght I'd die." Ann ouncements we1·e received in


"The t· l

Peru last week of the marriage of Miss Lillian Bra dy, of Pe1.·u, and

YOUR , na 10na safety-first move - Lester P arriott, of P eru, and Miss Mr. Cecil S tark Qf Gordon w ere is- meeting w ith success, I hear.' Ruth Gregg at Smith Center, Kansas, I · ' ' ' es, all the fellow s are wearing on Saturday, May 11. The marriage lmarned at Gordon, Nebr. , Sunday,

WEDNESDAY, JUN E 19, 1929.


A new time card went into effect on the Burlington l ast Sunday with

_j · ·GRAPHIC I Presbyterian church, at his residence. ithe Methodist p arsonage and the

s usp ende rs again.' was solemnized by the pastor of the Jun e 2. The wedding occurred at

f f Ju li a: Renee su rely is optimistic .' Following this the young couple made ceremony· was solemnized by Rev.


Ja n: "Why?"

Stark .- practically no advance notice. All four passenger trains are chan ged, but only a few minutes each. The big change affecting P eru is the train into Omaha. This reaches Omaha two h ours and 45 minutes lat er than formerly, getting there now at 2:35 in the afternoon. Coming home it now leaves Omaha at 5:25 in the evening.

a sh ort wedding trip, and came to J. w. Embree, at three o'clock p. m.

Julia: "She's chri stened her little P eru last week, being for the summer Th 1 1 ft th t · f

daughter M · ld h · h 11 h . e coupe e a evening or ; arigo , oping s e wi , at t e home of F. M. P arr10tt, south h Bl k H'll f dd" t · I suppose." of Peru. . t e ac i s. or a we mg np. but will return m abo ut ten d ays a!ld

I FINE PORTRAITS Patronize Peru Au vertisers The bride is a girl, and has will be at home to their friends at ! FRAMES _., "'- '! attended the Kearn_:y State Teachers , Gurdon after June 17. f College. She is a successful teacher, I th h 1 11

· . Bo t ese young peop e are we PHOTO FINISHING being e mployed the past year m the . p Th b 'd · h h I t Sh It Th th kn own in eru. , e n e 1s t- e sc oo a e on. e groom 1s e

CAMlERAS f F M P · tt f th' · · 't 1dau.ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant

son o . . arr10 o 1s vicm1 y,

d h

Invited to enroll for teaching an

d h' ' d t' t th Bra dy, .of this pl ace, and a most es-

of the P.eru State

"II t h" A


1s . . 1 • h 1

1Teachers College, class of 1929, . re-

- eterson tud1·0 TheDav1·s Sch.ool Serv1·ce d . A t Th ·n b th , ceivmg her A. B. degree at t e c ose



According to the new schedule the early morning train, formerly coming at 4:50, n ow gets here at 4:43, seven minutes earlier.

The 9 :44 tra in from Nebraska City now comes at 9 :38-six minutes earlier

The train at 5:01 n ow comes at 4 :52 -nine minutes earlier.

The late evening train gets here at 7:55-twenty minutes later.

Going to Omaha n ow it is almost n ecessary to change to the M. P. in order to get any time in Omaha.

t egrheethm u?'us · ey WI 0 I of the first semester in Janu ary For

W. T. DAVIS, '06, Manager eac e coming year. I h the past semester she h as been t eac -

138 No. 12th St. Lincoln, Nebr. Read Pedago.gian Ads- It Pay s! !in g at Wahoo.

The .groom is the son of John f DR. N. S. HARA.TIAN # ot Elmwoo d, and is now a


y SERVICE # in g en gag ed m the mercant ile bus1-

# Over Barqes' Pharmacy. / Tel 27 I !getting his degree last year. He is

a youn g man of most excellent ch ar-

Another change is in the Red Oak train. Instead of coming to Nebraska City that train now runs straight to St. J'oseph, and the Nebraska City stub goes to Hamburg to connect with it.

sprmg Durmg the summer Mr. activities w ill be covere d by Harvey Crook will make his home at Union : N eumeister, who is well ac'quainted

with his parents, Mr. and Jesse Iwith a ll Peruvians and the activities

roo • w. 1 e e n e WI res1 e of the school. Helen Wa g ner will

her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank give us the inside dope on our faculty

Hutehinson of Auburn. members - so they'll have to watch

The young couple a re well known t heir step. Harold Marren will take

he re and took an active part in school care of a new column to be known as

and Mo.- work. · Who's Who; this column \Vill .tell y.ou

bile oils. Greasing, car wash- all abo ut your friends and what they

ing, and Free Crank Case Ser- Pap a: "Abie, v.ere is mine g lasses?" will be doing this com l ng year. Adi vice. Car laundered in good Abie: "On your nose, Pap a." vance dope and write-ups of the

shape for $1.50.

Papa: "Don't be so indefinite." summers entertainments will be J. J. TACKErfT ha ndled by Helen Holliway, who

1 Prof.: " The names of your ::;iarents, writes with the pen of a Heyward

Our Advertisers are Boosters. i Patronize Peru Advertisers. nis, a former newsp aperman both on FRESH VEGETABLES AND GROCERIES 1 the continent and in the United

All \that the housewife needs to prepare that delicious meal.

I States. Mr. Millard Fowler w ill as-

the benefit. of both his several years

sist in the course giving the -students

editorship experience an d his -techni- 1 cal knowledge. All told, · this insures

I the st udents a goo d n ewsy paper for

I the summer

! I


1929 Senior Class Play Re-Staged for Alumni Association Benefit

_..,. Training," "Financing the Rural Pro- Ioften superior to that done by men. 1 ....,_,.__ You'll not be dissappaiiited gram," "Modern Rural School Build- The larger univers ities of ' the nation, ' I

I . . hair t at in gs." which were formerly for t he training # f i if you get your cu

Both mornings there was a gro up of 111en alone, have r aised the bao on I Solid Oak LiJ?rfiry

,- ·BOB KNAPP, breakfast as well as a group I.inch- women students and hav.e permitt ed Table. Good Cond1t1on. to 6aines Hell on the eon at each noon. On Tuesday eve- the matriculation of women. Yale f' R ff Knapp (Next I · . . 1 Pavement-> ning there was a superinten_den t-fac - adm its women to every one of her ----.ulty mixer; direc te d 1by t he D eans gradt:.:ite schools except t he <li>'inity

Our Adver tisers are Boosters, (Continued from P age One) and a parting social and refreshment school an d .the schools of law and Read Pedagogian s- a · = where the tru e tone of her voice p erio d, w.ednesday afternoon at ' tour medicine. Harvard admi·ts womep to /-'°_._._._._..__..__._

weakened. thirty. the _graduate school for .t he summer . THE MARDIS STORE I During .t he coursl! of the plot ter- session and for unrestricted study Pure foods- Everything for your table. Fresh and cold I rible, mystifyin g incidents occur.


an d resea:ch in the graduate school mea t s. Fresh milk from certified cows. Ffuit and v eget-

Evil spirits in the mansion are fore- of ed ucation. Women are bl F esh and canned Pro mpt deli v ery. R easonable casted by the twenty-year trus ted


the right to study in the Michigan - r THANK / YOU · PHONE 25 negro serv.ant of the West's as well as law _ .. .

are fears of an escaped lunatic in- Whatever o ur beliefs may be in

Eyre in the servant's Women Than

part again speaks in that frightening ard of performance m the mamten-1 ' · chord that often times sent strings (-Continued from P age One) ance of society has been materially ·I

of horro r into her listeners. To aid entailed light duties that w ere rather raised, due to the competition that the

in t he mystery that must be cleared confining. Lo g ic ally it consumed women have furnished the men. I BREAKFASTS LUNCHES Dr. Patterso n, played by Joe Krejci, .time to milk cows and prepare the The significance of reg·istration at ' adds to the spirit of horror for until family wardrobe. Now the situation P eru is that this comp.e.titio n bids ·fair SANDWICHES SALADS late in the pl ay, he might -easily be is different; the neck of t he matd- to con ti nue and will serve as an im- COLD DRINKS taken to be the character whose un- monial anatomy-for .t he mistress of petus to scholastic effort. I seen presence is connected with the the house is the neck that wiggles the

hidden and dreaded player, the es- head-instead of choosing her spouse Patronize Peru

aped lunatic. from t he ranks of .the but cher, the J

But as is :Ioretold, one of the eight baker, an d the candle-stick maker,

in the h<mse disappear Roger Cros- patronizes them for the majority by playe d by Mr. Alvin Holman, who of the articles she uses in her ac.tivi-

acts as administrator, is quietly mur- ties, thus contributing to their income ;

dered by a mysterious character. Mr. a nd support. Yes, women .a re cling- ;

Holeman made his first appearance on ing vin\!S, but .they cling now to the

the stage this year in this play, and pocketbook; where their p1 ll ar used

conclusively that he possess- to be the. smite of a husband or a

ed extra strong stage presence and sweetheart. f vo ice Analysis of whole circ umsta nce Up to this time, all the intended is s uffici e nt to cause ao·itation for if

fearful plans of Ch arlie Wilder, alias, several million men ar; to be North of the Theater

E ldon Hayward, cousin of j out of employment then it will be

an_d n:xt benefactor of the will, .hav_e/ n ecessa ry for the government to es-

failed, and fin a lly proves t hat he 1s tabli sh a dole system and sa ve mil-

the one to inherit the streak of in- lions of helpless males from starva- Ice .Cream Pop Com ' ' ·

sanity in the family. In Mr. Hay- tion and want. Glance at the pli g ht

three stron g characters. Mr. Ha.y- 1that two million and a half men were

in hi s love scenes as c-0 mpared Iplaced on the public dole. It may he a

with the nval part of Ha rry Blythe, trifle unjust to asume that t his step

the roll skillfully acte d by James threw men out of work; yet as one

of two year college course. .,) Experi ence p referred .bu.t not # De lzell mo1·e once rra1 ' ned com IE l' h 1 'd ,, necessary. Write immediat ely. I · , " .,, - ng is man so apt y sa1 , our wopJ.ete. from ,his audience. , men may be free, don'.t y-0u know ; I MON., TUES., JUNE 17-18

,. In his of . the insanity Ibut the jolly difficul ty is how are we i scene he displ ay ed act10n that many going to be free together? I Stocks and

• a _professional would do du- 1 The process of thi s line of reason- I With J acqueline Logan, Ger- , I Denver, Colorado ohc_at1::. ine- .has been away from h orne a nd ' ' - trude Astor, and "Skeets" Gal- I __ Fmally all the plans of drivin g at the conclusion to come home and U.o ,_nn-- ·-----'---' __ _, I Jagher.

o li cat1::. in g .has been a way from home and Finally all the plans of drivin g at th e conclusion to come home an d the heiress insane are wrecked and see how the evolution of polyandrism Hendricks, Kenneth Gaines, in the would eff.ect the men students here at rol e of the guard from the asylum, P eru. Manifestly t hey are in the is caught with the double-crossing minority. Sheer weight of numbers c har ader, Charlie Wilder · will n ot suffice to ov er come the disIn the process of the number of parity t hat threatens the male porplayers that proved their stro ng dra- tion of t he Peru stu d,en t body with matic instincts, Mr. Cedric Cririk, one extinc tio n. Exercise of intelligence of the heirs must come in for his is futile, because Dr. Sherman, of share of the comment. Mr. Crink Cornell University has proven con-

trude Astor, and "Skeets" Ga1Jagller.


of a story of New York stock exchange from a different angle. Also comedy. '"Casper's

Week End"

WED., THURS., JUNE 19-20

was the easy-going type. He pre- elusively that as far - as scholastic play and neV'er during the play did if not the superiors of the men. ing hit. he fail to control the situation under- A number of women are exercisin )


sented most of the humor of the tainment goes, the women are equals the "IT" girl in another smash-

"Th w·1d Party"

ha nd He turn ed out to be the ar- protectorates over ma les of t heir pre- e 1 I dent lov er of Ann abe lle. He played ference a nd some h ave ·even made See Clara in this one, a sure I a s trong part a nd was a lways present permannt ;innexati-0ns. It is doubt- cure blues. Also news _. to hold the lead and ac ti ons th at ful if any.thing would be gained by i and _c_o_medy.

a dded so cleverly to the humor of the passage of laws to regulate the t.h-e play. Mr. Crink's freedom of huntin g season, for Americ an people I I SAT JUNE 21 22 FR., .,a dion. clear voice, and affective de-· are not prone to conform to laws I terminedness proved to give the phly th f,t d·eprive them of t he ri g ht of con -'


its versatility o.f action. qn es t. Once every four years under lN the old re.gime an open season was in



OF vogue. Now it always is open ' and the helpless male is , fore-

ed to seek safety in unknown

place The most unfrequ ent-ed place I w011ld be a chu rc h vestibule. A few County Superintendents and P.-T. As- )' stt agglers mi g ht happen in occasionsociation Convene a ll y, bu t t hey are too venerable to run very fiist.

:found it possible to attend these lectures and the students fr om the vadous educational g roups h ave been ge nerous in their favorable comments on the pleasing, practic al talks enjoyed.

(Con t inued from P age One) The: purpose of this article thus fa r ha.s been humorous ; but there is a :;erious aspect to tpe situation that cannot well be overlooked, and th at is the professional and business life -Of the country. The work of womenis

Prof-essor Crago gave a talk on "Moral Education," a nd Professor Clements directed a round-table dis.:ussion on t'he "Raising of Teachin g Standards."

The pr-0gram was arranged by. P:rofessor J .. W. Tyler, Di rector of Rural Education.

Other talks wer.e made on the following topics: "Progress and Ideals," "Educational Philosophy Applied,'' "Selection of Education al Material," "Character Education Studies," "Latent Opportunities in the Un-Graded Sc ho-01."

Round table discussions were held

on these topics: "What P. T.

doing in my Country,'' "Improvement


Ruth Elder the flying girl is playi · g opposite Dix in this picture. Also comedy.

;ro PERU The: Biggest . CELEBRATION



ever staged in southeast braska JULY FOURTH everything it takes to make a

big celebration will be here: I

Nebraska · Bands, ITrum Corps, etc. Don't

miss it.

at the Crystal starting 11:30 a. For all kinds of drayage, m. to 10 o'clock P· m. on July I see or call PHONE 193 or 86 i fourth. Special picture /has JOHN THORNHILL been booked for this date.

irt Leadership," "Personal a nd Pro-

fessional Growth,'' "Gradu ated Sal-

ary Schedule,'' "Lengthened Tenure

of Se rvi c e," "Better Citizens hip


ng over fr om fa ll · h M b h d h on t,he even ing of Jun e 20, w en r. I · um an en eav or bell system by w.hich cla ss e·s will be I 091• one of the long pl ays pr o- Lester Spr in g, b asso , accompan ie d by c. hum an scholars hip a iled. The re will be a bell on I u ced, .i-t was deci ded that th ree one- Miss De lp hi e Li ndstro m, a 1 3 Appreci a tion , -. . . every act pl ay s wo u ld offer experie n ce to program at th e co ll ege a udi tor ium. a. aesthe t ic rlo<>r of evei Y on the cam- mo re. members· of the c lub . W ith nd the ll ov e1 fift Id b b h I Mi·. Spr1"n g's prog ram con sisted of I b. sc ienc e, industry, e t.c. pus, a Y w.1 at the beg in- I . Y o mem eJ·s ack in s.c oo ning and end of each cl ass period 1 t his su mm er, there are plenty of ca- fi ve gro ups of son gs of va riou s ty pes 4. In te re st

The master cloc k is in th pable players from w hi ch to ch oose aFJ d in seve ral langu ages. Hi s d eep I a. curios ity e g ener al characters for the pl ays res on ant voic e. with its wide r an ge, b. in t ere st in everything office of the adm m IBtrati on buildin g "Sha ,, k d b F k was inde ed a joy to h ear. 5. MastJry in one lin e · rn, a cro o come y, y ran

From this clo ck wires r each ou t to G. Thqmpson, is one of the plays to A large a nd appreci a tive audie n ce 6. Cha rac ter all the buildi ngs. On t he floor be low be st age d. In th is pl ay , an exceptional was pr esen t, and the g enerous ap- a. hon esty the· clock is t he large battery which mora l is disco v ered. An other of the pl au se with w hich ea ch g roup of b. in te gr-ity h one -a ct pl ays is George Ke lley's far ce, so n gs w as received w as ev id ence of 7. Tolerance wi t hin re as on able limits generates t e elec.tr'icity by which "Th,e Fl atteri n.g Word ." "Go od Mooi- hi s abili ty tO pl ease.

8. Fineness of tex t ure, or g !lnuine the ctoc k is batter y cine," by Jack Arn o ld a nd Ed w in T:he pr ;gram follow s: so cia l grflc e-co ur tesy

Dr. Newlon say s: " It is not the purpose of teachers ti;> give I. stud ents de finite ideas, but to lead them to think clearly ."

Dr. Je ss e Newlon of Teache rs' Col1-ege, Columbi a Univ ersity , w ho ma de him se lf w ith hi s Denv er ICourse of St udy, ma de a se ri es of talk s on t he Peru campus rega rdin g e.duc ati onal problems, June 20 and 21. Hi s six lec tur es deal t wi th educais gua r anteed to fa st i ndefini t ely and Bui,ke, en ds the trio to be produce d. I. 9. Sense' of hu mor H on our a nd Arms (S amson) Haen del I f · t noth ing n eed be do ne to keep it in I The staging of the t hr ee sho rt 10. Ability to use individu a powers room or twen ty mmu es on any condition excep.t to keep it filled with pl ays, w ill comp lete t he prqduc tion • II. 1 a. completeness average d ay of recit a tion he w ould tional philosoph y a nd t he l a_r.g er aspec ts of teac hin g. He ma de the stateme nt ·that if he could go into a cl ass . of v t .. t 1 . Aufen thalt - - Schube rt . . d the r 1:;quired amount of distilled ? er wen Y on e-act P ays g iv en Der Doppel glfng er ________ Schubert b. pers ever ence

water agement of Mrs. Jode r. Der Wa nd

This cl ock is a ne of the largest of its typ e; bein g so cons tructed that i;; BIOLO


___.,: c u er ESTES PARK ' teacher's. wo rth by t he foll owi ng



BACK· can be us ed for a fou r time s ched u le. i _


G por ts ; orde r liness 9f t he tea ch e's That is, if classes are to be dismissed i ' 1 Run Mary Run - ui on · ! IV. National "Y" • Conference Inspires desk ; a nd -the ease with which t he earli er th an usua l, the clock ls so 1 Ari a. Di sp oso Di Padre (Sal v a- Peru Students i conduc te d the _wo rk , and the et that t he bells will ring at the de- i Measures Tak en by Go v ernme nt for tor Ro sa) G Sl·red' t1" me thr oughout t he d a_y at !, Preservi ng Wild li fe ome s / Th is su mm er the Y. W. and Y. M. : absenc e of wo rr y: b . fi "A tea ch er," he s aid, " mus t rm g ular intervals. Th is constitutes a IThe Ho rn __: _ Fl eg ier 1' c. A. of the colle ge, sent ve r ep- into t.he school s ys t em a g ood edu cascheslule. It •.is to be used for a re g-I. On We dne s day nig ht. Jun e_ 19, a IBo nd age - - - T est t t iv es \o t.he Rock y Mountain tion, with a g ood profession al kno w lular schedule, and for shorten ed movie , spon so red by the bi olo gy de- _G_d ____l)" L: oni held in E stes Pa rk , Colo- edge of ·edu.c ati on." In expl an atio n Class es because of football gam es ' partrn en t was show n at the colle ge I .a nks e. to 0 ., ic_ son 1' we re Margaret he sta ted th at the g ood te ach er sho uld f j Mr Spnn g is und er th e n ational rado Th e dele gates k lon ger con vocation periods, or or I aud itorium concer t dir ectio n of Har ry a nd Ar- G raves, Ellen Wil son, Lowell Dec er, ha ve a go od ba ckg round in pr ofest.h U nusual event f I fil l d T nhol m si" on al li te r ature of teachin g. Sh e any .o er · The pic tu re was a our r -ee m, lthu r Culbertso n of Ne w Yor k, _W.3 os e 1 • Cl ay Co y, a nd Raym on re · · d · · t t" ally · to d mu st know t he princ ipl es of edu ca - This clever ev1ce IS au IC show in g t.he attempt of the govern- reputat ion f or sponsor in g only t he Th.e tr ip was made by au a_n_._ I - · d th a per · · j, t tio n, the hi sto ry of it, .how to m ake oper.ated. t WL. - me nt to pr-0tect a nd prese r ve the b est is we ll known was thoroug hl y e nj oyed. A sho t v1 s1 edu cat io nal me as urem en ts, a nd mu st forated. tap e, wh ich m passmg o ver - · t n ea r -1 t f the mecha:nisrn Iwild lije of o ur la nd-the fl ow ers, at Den v er, and of .mt eres : know edu cation al ps ycholo gy a speC1 a par o '

'· ' d L oko ut Mount am, f d d t.f) e bells to Ting w hen the ex1·bird s, b ees, an d fore sts. . . . th ere .was ma e .. o · " The s ucc ess of ep en s ac.t mome nt a1·rives. In the first re el we -saw the hfe

Pe ar Gr eek

f hey ht}ve turned 0 -fund . all the a co rnmoo I pl_ic ated by t he science of J!).an. I · g ro n us, JUffe ·, -iu .,,..,., - • by givin g plays a:1td t hthey had The second !'eel s howed us the Spending t he s umm er in the q uie t· Ca ny on, wh ic h is. a. b eauti- Im th t he aspechts of t.he wo rld. •erta.1.nme ts o er en · I f n o e1 wo r s, t eac ers must see t he . n · The cost of the · "Road to. Wonderland," and among 0 a rest ful home, or cont inuing: ful dri ve, a nd from t hen on e very correlation' of t heir o wn w ork with ex.elusive of the labor used t . the bea \lt 1ful roads being b uilt by wo1k upon an advan ced degr ee is mi nute w as crowded with some w orth the P.roblems of J1'fe. it is about $650 · 0 m stall 1 the ma nner · h · h b · ' 1 • the governmen.t are; the road to , rn w ic a num er of the while e ven ts "The p rofessio n w'ants te achers not The wo rk f M I members of the facu lty who a re ab . o inst allation is ount Hoo.d, to t he Bridlev·eil Falls sent from t he oa-'· . - 'th' •o· • T.l1e meetin g s, lectu res, a nd , c.onfo r- only skillful in met.hod but . wants complete and th n ow t c t L <. mpus ·Is summer, , th d · electri cian an·iv ede Jcompany's Speci al o .ar er a ke, through Yose m1 t, I are d,evoting 't heir va cation time. en ces, et c., are held m the em to un e rstand t he pri nciples fi 1 . une 18, to do the National Park. \ M1-. Price Doyle h ead of ,•i..e de- • and ,even ing; t he afternoon bem g g1v- behind t he teac hing." . na co nn n ec t1n g· a nd . . . . ' ,.... In h' t lk th Ch · readin ess fo '. all w11I be m Some very Inte resting features were partment of music, is plann ln "' · to en over to hi kes, uicnics, a nd games. is a on e . ara cteristics r use ln a fe d 's d th "' · -\ of Good Teac.hin g, Mr. Newlon said It . . . w ays. Ithose of the forests a 11 d of the wa ys i ·. e summer at tendin g the Cin- Some of t he le adin g of t he "W · • · is ce1 ta1n t hat :th c 111nat u · · · K f e sh ould h av e hi gh er s tand ards · e p resent student d ' 1 mvers1t.y, also the Cinc in conference we re: Dr. T. Z. oo,. o body •. and facu ltv and 11 an means of preventing· fo rest fires Inati · .Gonserv ator.y f M . " • Chi n_a ·, Brice Curry, New York; and scholarship, bu t this .c a nnot be a.ttainlilld fa l ty ·' · a With th · 1, k .h G nr 0 usic i\1r. ed by l'eq u{rin e: memorization of f ach ,..,. cu to come, wi ll give thei·r , e1r oo out posts, t eir scouts ol a •vv. Coffel t, A. B., A. M., B. M., P owei· Hapg.ood, "a · ci t izen of the - ·


t! art,.... t th d h be '' t ural kno wledge." Then .he. put t he f es: groups of people who, an rangers, who are eve.r on tl;1e_ as en selec t:ed. to take the pJa.ce World," the lat ter we to .have have ma de t '- ' - watch f fi d h of Mi· D I d h questio n, " Is ;t more iqi.por t;;rn t to · ius c<>nvenie nce possible. I . or res, an t e1r use oi ·. · oy ·e unn g t e sujnnie:r: on oui· campus next ye a r. t h b l\1 N p I (C ont inued on Pa ge 4; Col. 1} -'-----. renc es,. ack-firi ng, and wa ter iss ona a mer, head of t he The avera ge person ca nnot re-exCASEY - TACKE TT -p0ssibhY, the- government is department, is worlti ng 1pr ess· t he t houg ht ;tnd i<le al.; wh ic h . WED AT SENECA ?01.mg a w onderfu l .work in protect-n Master .s at the Uni- I th ese great lead e rs of .the world put

Costello-Wald kirch. l\;ft David Costello and Miss Ce· mg devastatio n our natural I of .Cahforma. Mi ss P almer before one. It can only be done by Annn unc e ments were received ·1forests.


wi ll aJs-0 be go ne next year Miss hearing them. Pe ru fas t w eek of t he mar riage : The third reel was a bi rd film, de- will h an del Miss Pa l- Several be aut iful hikes were taken: Mr. L. Tacket t, of Table Rock pie.tin g the bird life of the Gulf of mer .s ;work during the summer. ·: up to Loch Vale, nested among cilia Catherine Waldkiroh. were marto Miss frm a Do rothy Casey, at 1 . Mexico reg ions This is the la nd of .Pearl Kenton is pl an nin g the snow cl ad mou ntains; another to ried -on W ednesda:ll· o:!i- last week, eca, K ansas, on Wedn esda y, Jt.J ne 12. t he pelic a n. the heron, the .tern and to -.contmue with work on her Mas- 'Bi erstahlt La ke, a climb through t he June i 2, at th e o f' the b ride's ' The marr iage was solemn i zed b" 1 the mille t, a ll of wh ich are fully pro- s. degr ee . at the Universi ty. of aspines a nd pine for est s; a t hird hik e p ar.en ts in :r,rnw.a ukee, Wis. th ., ·· " It t d b 1 tc hi g an Th '11 b · ft S e p ast or or t he C ongregat ional ec e y aw . ; to Fj:rn Lake; a nd then a nother up ey w1 e at "oipe a er ept emChurch, at t he p.arson age. I In the last reel plant. life was the Miss An na Irwm of ,the dep artment the skii and snowsho.e tr ail to . La ke her 15, in The ' bride is known' as a Peru Isubject. It has become necessary for of commerce, plans to wi t.h Odessa, which was still frozen over. The gr oom ·jp a w.e}) known P eru·' vian, a ti,tended t he colle ge at Peru, taki.n g his d eg ree .ju January, 1925. H is· home was n ear J uU an. After leaving Pe ru he too k his M. A. ci..t, University, -ind also did considerable work toward his clegr.ee. Fo1· the past t wo y, e.ars has been te achin g in Ma rquet fle lJni.,v ersity, in Mil wau kee His, bl'.iP.e not. known he re.

• 1 d · h · I . work at the University of Ch ·· J · • g1r.,. a.n is t. e daugh te l:,' of Mrs. us eo have for the fu - Mr. W R. Carter . ic ago _The t rip home wa.s mad.e v1 a t he D. Casey. M !'s, Ta'c kett was Iture of our native imld flowers so .the 1 d ' 111 charge of the Big Th ompson canyon , which was a formerJy an assistant m the o ffice at g overnmen t' has taken over a r: is) and department, is studying for most beau tiful a nd °\Yonde rful drive th P . "' te T . is · · egree at Peabody Institute T' 1 · d h J 19 e ,-,ta eac hei:s College. Du e- near the co a st of Mame for the pur- N h 11 T • .he de egat es a rq,ve om,e u ne , !ng the pas tJ she has been teach- pose of preserv ing specimens of our b:k f: i7n. · Mr Carter will be 1tired, but s atisfie6 wi!-11 the benefits mg Th e b ·1de groom is also well wild flowers. Mr A E H . ,.,1.co nference, a nd the JO YS -of the trip. known · in !:'e;: 1.1, hav in g been ·m 0 · · · olch. head of the bioleratobr t he Burlingto n for p AUL COMBS IS num er of y ears . . Afte A . he TRI BETA PRESIDENT g mnmg next fall , to cotin ue st udy on GROSSE AN D P ETTIT CHAPEL PROGRAM the' ug ust 1, t Y w ill m ake ___ the Doct orate deg ree at the Univ ersi -· ir ome at Table Roc k, Neb raska. At th e first bus iness ·meeting during ty of Ne braska, af.ter which t ime Ch apel f or· Mond a y, June 24th, CO · t he summer session, Tri Beta, honora-1Mr Holch will ho ld an a ppointment in char ge of t he mucis dep artment. LLEGE LOSES ry . biolo.gical fraternity, se lected its . as instru ctor in the d epartment of At the openin g of the c onvocation.

STAUNCH FRIEND . officers. botany His major work for t he Ph President Pate introduced Mr. GoM Paul Combs wes elected president, D. d egree is in the fie ld of pl a nt W. Coffelt, tlir ector of ,musie, West Edwin Booth; v iic e president, Eleano r ecology. MT. Holc.h has been OIJ. the Division ,hi gh sch oo l, of Milwaukee, Crandell, secr eta ry, and Gwendolyn Peru faculty for the p ast t en years. Wisconsin, who will be in .charge of Ma llory, trea su r er. Du r in.g Mr. Holch's a bse nce, Mrs the d epar tment durin g Mr. P rice

It is wi th deep r egret t hat we announce t he death o.f Mr J. C. Chatelain an June 20, at his home in P eru. To the students at Peru he was as popular as any of Unknown to m ost of the st ude nts is the varied and t hrilling lifie led by ,fr, Ch a telain. In due time we shall liublish a f eature article d ealing w i.tl1 tis adventu rous life We wish to ;ake t h.is time to ex·tend our symp athy on· behalf of t he st udent b ody of the su mmer a nd reg ular· sesiinn to the m embers of -Mr Chate.;in's family

The fraternity plans to hold fi ve Mary Meserve w ill .handle the botany Doyle's abse nce this summer. more meetings · during the summer. cl asses. Mrs. Me erve tak es her Mas- Miss juli a Grosse and ·Miss W iniAt the next meeting, July 1, a number ter's d egr ee fro m the University of fred Pettit then ente1:tained t he stuof new members will be initiated. Colorado, t his August, in the fi P-ld dents with sev eral selectiens, aecomA social m eeti ng in the form of a of Taxonomy The new inst ruct or in panied by Miss ,Evelyn Noerrlin ger di nner is pl'a nned for July 9. The botany received her de gree fro m Pe ru at the pi a no. The pieces played were: oth er th ree meetin gs will be progr am in 1927, a nd is a teacher we ll know n Miss . Grosse: Nerweg ian Dan ce by meeting s. in Neb ra ka fo r her efficiency. Grieg, Mar c.b eta by Se her.tizsi nger..

Du ring the ·last nine f!l<mths, Tri Most of the instructors a way on · Miss Pe ttit Int roduc tion a.n1;1' p -0.loBeta has added six new ehap.ters to leave fo r the s ummer, will agai.n be naise by Bohm, Wa\t z. in A Min or by its roll, includi_ng one in Peking, i·eady to take up their duties next bra hm, Si.rn of th e, Pusz.ta h¥ China. fall. Be.la, · · ·;


of th e colle ge w ill h ave an oppor.tunity to see an u nusual movi·e at the colleg·e a uditorium on Saturday e ven ing,. Jun e 29, when the pi.ct ure " Submarine" is to be shown Th e story of t he pictu re hin ges, about ihe ideas of love an d d evo tion. It is a nar ative wi th t he bre ath of> life ip it, developed agai nst a stirrin g bac;kgr ound of flee t mane uvers, min gled w ith ljfe upon a a JJd! .th riHedr with the dang ers 0£ t,he ]!i.fe o:ll d eep sea divers.

Advan ce gives· the i:nfo11!)1!:\-. tion th at n ever, b efo re .h as a Uke used in


T H E p E R ·u \ we ha dn't yet le arne d what a moron · , \ is. VV.e crosse d several ocea n s, clim bed. . o·G1 . N ma ny m oun t ain s, descended into d eep ,

P E .D A G · A \sha dy · va ll eys, all time seein g - -·· - thous ands of people w ho certainly .

Entered at the Posto ffice of Peru, I mi ght h ave b ee n morons if only we Ii · \ ha <l know n what trai ts to l oo k for. Nebraska, as second class matter! · / \ , We turn:ed to our contempo ranes. "'Published Weekly at Peru S tate Ea ch knew of :from te n to a hundr eO. Teachers College pe·rsons _ m9rons. But when aske d to defin e a $1.00 the Year-Sc single c opy moron he was and so hi s ar gu mept feif fl.at. Thin gs began to l ook prej;ty He re was a STAFF

•' <' : I kettle of fis!1 , a wo r ld

1'. DlTO R -IN -CIIIEF - WILLIAM OKRENT Iof' peop le w110 all ·had the earma1 ks M>SOCIATE EDI TUR"":.--:.-= ::-: _____ =r------- - WILLIAM ARMSTR ONG o,f; moTO ns but whom we B USIN ES S 'VIA.NAGER __, _ FI.;OY'D CH.A'.SE cata logue as su ch simp ly because IN STRU CT OR JN JOURNA LISM ,- - T HOMAS EDS"N ENNIS we didn' t know wh at a m oro n is. 1 ; AS SISTA NT INSTRU CTO R _.:_·____ .!. _ MILLARD FOWLER Our too, so1;ie i RE PORTERS p (liiifuT· led -.us on to some dan g er.ous .g rou nd I' FEA T URES - - - LESLIE LEONARD For _ ·.we iearne d that Nero FAC ULTY: WAGNER played ·· a; fitldle, Napole:on made ; CAMPUS - -.- - -:- - - HARVE.Y NEUMEJS TE R I spe ec hes, Ga lilio was a plain nut, __ .:. _______ -att.u. !illy . th.e 'VH O S WH O .. - - - HAROLD MA R REN boob e ry, Linc.ol n had r·ea d sc a rcely PRO OF Im.An •,'11 - -· · ---· _..:l_ __ MYR LIN Mc GUJ '.R H: i a ny t hin g o'iitside ob solete script ui"es., arid Ehclid, Gr ant 1 to the va cation on Ju ly 4. a nd a;10t her $ 100. It was ar ra nged with : a OUl'ist '·a nd'. went' ' 5. the r eg u Jar 9 iss ue w ill be , Pr es id en Pate tht if the fund w as j a roun\i th_e world, W ashingt6n pub li shed; bu t there w ill be Ol'! e on' bu ilt to a su ffi cient amo un t he wo uld jaa ric ed, a'rici ev en Ki ng 1was I July ··lS as sc hedul e d. arr an ge to ha'>'e t...11.e work of inst a ll- fond of pu t ti ng on a Rot a ri an sort

·-· UR: NE:\>V LON 'S POUCIES "Ou r system,- nf edu cation needs over.ha1J li n cr." 'P 1?se wo rd s were uttered by Dr . "'New lon, of Colu riib ia Univ·ersity. A short ti-me he wa s a visito r up on Pe··u ca mp us. No man in th e Un it ed States has do ne more to make the Ame r ica n publk sc ho ol th e m ost pre ci o us p ossess ior, of ihe peop le th an Dr. Ne wlon To us in P.e ru it is sig ni fi ca nt th at he i :; a fo rn1e r Nebras k an . · ' ·

i ng d one by. the fo r ces of the colleg e of do g ... · 1 in. the ir s p<ire t iine Th e work h as the world :were threat- 1 been fin is hed. Ie nitl g to cr u mb le abou t··ci ur ·ears · We ". ·

Now yo u ha ve re ad th e st or y gre'iv d isc o urag e d. C ertain ly all these w hy .h av e a be ll h ov.: :p eople

we go t it- bu t wi ll it do a ny ·good '; an d y·'e t .here was the e vide nce pl ain Ha ve· the s tud ents of Peru wo r ke d as .. da yli g ht ag ain st, them. Pati:ich' fo r so me th in g th at is to be disregard - He my' · ' sPi:ea d- eag le speeches, eel by peop lP w ith the old tr u sty do!- S&m Ad ams w ent to ca ucuses an a i ar wa t ch? • 1wr ote pa mp hl et s, a nd· li ter ally t110 us -

Sorne times the bell m ay . n ot rin g an ds· of the;n lov e se riously an (1 just on t iir.e, a nd frt -te1) ' n1inu tes it· w ere not a vers e to club li fe . Th en w it'! ri ng· aga in, th e secon d. ri nz call s the an swer ca me to us li ke a flash. - '

As s up e ri ntenc1ent of the' De nv e-• the st ud ents to cl as s. 'l:f the profes-We decidd that a m oron is a ·per- )1 ols Dr Newlnn in augu rat ed a SO I' who h as the old .tr usty watc h in son who g oes a bout l oo king· fo r morpoli cy of pu bli c ·edu cat ion that h ad sists on k eepi ng i 1 is class seve n aftei· on t .; ';!.'hi s,· of ,c0u.r-e; Jets , a, lot 01 1 t' VO m ::i i0r ob·i(' cti ve s; fir st he pro- th e bell rings, th\m h ow is the StU pe pp Je out; but it is prob a bly jusi. p ose d to t ra nsfer th e a dministr a tio r, d ,nt to g et to hi s cl ass on time-: \as, well. It wo uldn't do to .h a ve too , of the pu]:}li c " Chools of De nver fr om . 1 th is is the prob lem· that .h as oc curred mor ons. We ' sh u1a:·\s'a ve, at lh e r ea lm of p olitics to a b as is of ef- on ca mpus. Th ese professors aro Jedst a ha ndfLtl of Ki wa ii ians· for th e fi cie ncy; eco nd he asse r te d that th e' n ot fivin g up to the ag r ee ment set 1 moro ns to thr ow at the Li ons. p "1 ·,.1t of th e ch ild s hrn ld k now liow Idown by the s tude n ts in . pres e ntin g (P. S.- The last senten ce of th.e th eir c hildr en_ w ere bein g taug ht

m :ot e p ractice of _m astering k now- the ti me in the administTation builcl, - .: -.r.r-- r-r - blfl10aTI '. ledge in boo ks, but r athe r the prac- ing--r.ig ht or wrong. Every '1 tic.1 1 art of livin g amo ng their fe l- w ill be ma de to h ave t he be ll on tim 1: \,-,,-- - '------low c itizens In the ace of ov er-. -i:!;. it .i k eep yo ur wa tch in \: HAVE Y OU w helmi ng odds, - a de his· yo u'\- poc ket a nd feel th at yo u are become reality an d the D en ver pu bli c· g ett in g o ut of cl ass e ar ly, a nd star t_c hooi system pec am e k now n as one ing to the n ex t cl ass ea rly- but do n't of th!! b est in Ameri ca. In it ....'....-Cri nt ributed .b e'.a ttai ned a of n ational emth at he stil l ho lds. Our con - FR IEND L! NESS is th at ·whil e w; . do no,t Are we·as fri end ly as· we mi ght b e'! 1(110 W what Dr. Ne wlon s p ers.?nal j we len din g a helpin g hand to mot to, it wo ul d coinc ide witih the tho e about us who are less fa miliar Sci ip tures w hen th ey assert: "He with ou r ·co ll eg·e r eg ime t:han we wbo would be ti e Gre a test of a ll mus t a re? Do we m eet th "th ·1 , . · . em w1 a sm1 -e be the ant of a ll," for , p.nd a ch eery greet in g? It is doubtco n ·ci ntou s and fe a rl ess se rvic e to fu l if ina ny of us d f o, · or we are so n co11} ;n u 11i ty Dr. e\ Jon won nation -b "ti usy wt 1 o ur own work, o self e n:<1 1 eno\ •n :.rn d r .!spect L. L.

DlSR EGA:R D BELL S YSTEM gr osse d, that we let others whom we mi g ht c hee r a bit, go on their lonely way

At Inst a great dream h as b een Ma ny a co ll ege s tu den t, j ust out

;I,oe Butler in a hu rry. njce · wa r1:p vy,El ather.

"'Bozo" Ri ng h ar d at work.

90 ma ny ·girls. at t iJiie1

Jesse Tho rpe act discourt eo us.

, En l1 is \y_itho ut .his

H arold Mc Crei g.ht h ave a date

Flo yd Chase with n othi ng to say.

-. Miss G ockley with n othi ng to do. ,

So many people in t he library.

Leone Va nder ford b ecome serious.

'Clay Go y when he wa sn't love s ick. ; e:: ii zed on our o.w n campus. No I hig h s ch oo l, comes to co il eg·e witfi

I •' l on ge r w ill it be ii b ore to sit in Ihi s mind fu ll of dreams' as. to what \· :: Forrest S hrader walk two bl ocks. ril!ss and if you wi ll college iife ho lds for hi m·, .the socia l · D · ean Delzell witho ut a st ory to te ll. · 1 be ne xt cl ass on tir:w. No lon ge 1 activiti·es, the athletics, the i nter est- : 'I ii ! pr ofe ssors be· b othe red by s tu -ing cl ass w ork a nd t.he gene ral con - 1 Harla nd Hei lig wi thout hi s di gn ity. dci1 lS stragg lin g in to from fiv e g en ia li ty of w hi ch he has read' -in 1 t9 t en mi nu tes ln te No longer will books a bout co ll ege life : P rofess or ' overallS the prof esso r be abe to qu estion th1.; B•J. t v hat does he too often find? Dor othy Martind ale w itho ut h er

!:. l ud ent' ti me, nor w ill the st ud e qt There ma y n ot, he one single soul in g rin


L. B. Mjlth ews ,_ _ -

.. ' .. . E liz ; beth Mc C ullu.m _H ome

E. F. Mon.roe ______ H ome . P. i-1. No r wocd .;. ______ Ho rton

Mrs. P. H. N orwood ___ Hor to n

· E. B. ·p ap.e z


F. G.

K. l\11 T owne ,J .. w.

• F. R. Van Mis s· W est

Famous Lecture rs Co min g CH APEL PRO GRAMS b a bk to ra zz the. profeosor for the co1l e ge with w.bom he is acq ua in t- I l.. ·· ·' WERE INTERESTING him over time The new e d. If so, he pro bably bc.omees d es- Leo H a uptman without his brie{ In the n ea r fut ure there are to be I bell yste m, ins ta lled t.his w ee k, will pe r ai.e ly hom esick those fi rst fe w case.

0 lectur-e rs up on the P.eru campus. \. On Wed nes 8ay, ·J une 19. P rice ,,: 09 a ll of thi s at len _t .it sbou1d 1 d ays Ho w much, th e n, wo uld he ap- · 1 :Sill Okrent when he di c'n' t a · t''D 1 h d · ·' T hese talks are td be de'> ' vered by ·I ·.oy_•e, ea of__the depaTtme nt Of mu· A mas ter cloc k in th e office at the p reci a te it if we gave h im an occa- shave 'u '! - dministration w ill g·overn [ sio1,a l frie nd ly wo rd , _ · Dr.. D earb orn and Mi ss Hendr icks. At '.! si c, a r.i.d. V It-...Atn dra., in hh e time of the classes. Ten mi nutes ". L et's make il oui· busin e s 'to k now · Professor Clemen ts s mo ki ng. a ci g- th" ti · f t. · 1 1 v10hn, re nd ered an Jnterestmg musical , ts me in orma 1o n is ac nng re - · · w ill be given b etwee n each class, aml the .e w stud en ts at our rooming aretteJ g<:trdi ng the n atu r;, _;ang pµ rpo e of l program before· the stud ents at the on ly te n m inu tes Th e bell ,rin g;s at .h ouses. Meet th em with a smil e an d h l d · · Lo ui se Roh rs n ot si tting· on the their subJ. ect. Howe-v>er, t he m em b err. c ap e p erio · exnctly 7:30 a nd then again at 8':20 a ch ee ry w ord or two wh en we see 'so on t.h ru t he d ay W he n the them 01 the or on the ca mpus. c ampus. of 1 the bo dy an d fa culty who s ang'"tne 8:20 bell ri ngs stu den ts sho ul d auto-: L et's maK'e t hem fee l as th ough they Such beaut i;ful e.v e_n-i_:i g·? f 9 r gett in g 1 are interested in i ntelle ctual adv a nce - s. ,, Danny by I> an ioscll: 1 aticall y respond a nd pass from th e w ere a pa rt of .the 1co lleg e .. H. H. ·I men t may fe el assu red t hat it -w il l , Boots by Felxnan, (The Last Leaf 1he ro om to their n ext cl ass. No long- 1 , • Ibe wor.th t l?;eir 'time and ener o- y to at - oy Homer an d "Dan ny B oy" all old wi ll it ev.e1,r' b . necess<11'Y fo r th e I ¥,THAT IS A .MORO N.? ' Earl W hi pple 0 1' Dona J.ane .Delzell "' r' . h - 1 l ' tend bo th of tl-iese eve n ts Anno unce, ri s t un e. pr fe ssor to ,ann ou nce that the pe ·1. After months of p atient 'rese arc h, ac gr ow n- up. \· ti ' f ·th d t f h 1\lfr, Ji' nd -" f I h .., ,., l a:yed t hree bea11ti u l'iod is up-a nu no lon ger w ill Lh e \ 'n t e co urse of w.hich neither labor p .d t p t 1 • • • men o e a es o t ese l ectures "'J)rofesso r have to b o!irow t.he stu, uor expen$e ha b ee n soared, we have' tt·esi en.d· 1 a e make a nn oun ce-\ 11 b d in the n ear · Violi n sol os : "Mexicans by - · ·1.m .,n s rap1 y • wi ' e ma e futu re. ' "C ' , " · dent's ti me to ca ll a nd di smi s class. at l ast d.sco vered wh at a mo ron re- · · 1 · • 1 reo1e e renade" by Ba ll, and "In· Th e p en alty for l a.teness to class ally is. T /1 e ans we r to th is ques tion "J • ·Ralp h Sell h orn when '\J e· . w asn 't Peruvian wan ts p· t L ov'.e ca·n:•» were tJh'e num m" · d b f' th t l ___ IC ures 1:r1ve n. , 1S ur g·e to e stri ct-a ma rk mu se o e cen ury came to us in an , talki ng to a g ir l. be entered now the l at e st u- amazin g sort of way. We had race t· . ., \ The 1930 Per uvi an 't.t . Both a rtist were acc-0mpanied b.' d ent, a nd excu e from th e p ro fessm tl'tro ug.h boo k after b ook, vo lum e af-· :::;uch a co hmrn as 1.his. · · • · '" ni ee H 1 11\'If'. Be nford at 'the nfa)1 o. · , ch ar ge of sum mer s choo l ac t1·v1·t1·es' J:' • mu t be obtru ned. · If the excuse ter vol,un1-e. o,,n e a lmost s a:) I "i not ,T an le d then tf:. s tt1 de t rirn :o t t om e after tom e. No t hi ng th e1'e. 1wish to ask t he b ody .to gi V·e 1 p. r sta nd .1 " nt' on his yearly g1· 1tl e. Then we" star_te d toul'in g, ma king a ll FRATERNiTY ,la1; y suit ab le . . of ev ent, e u y cu ng Mar ned The be ll 0 s)St .'rn b ee ll I th e rn?s.t up- to-the-m inu te July. ! Alp ha Mu ·omega 1hnpp ening or ·act.i v-ity ·to -aiYy of Mi 8 I. M for w ard t:o; a long· ti m e. A. .fu nL. can:ips rn t hi s and many othei: cou n- ' Jul • 8 I appa D elta Pi If 'ii · E rene cKean, 0£ Rambo · wa. Lart <l by class l!.J27; Itries: We saw sorn'e w.h<> July 15 Alpha Mu O,mega !' ·o ow in g per sons : • lsie Wa llin !Io wa, and a fo:rmer stti dent of Per ' ai:rn in in 1928 111 11 mo11ey Wits ad ded J.ook ed a t. j'.;r t' as if th,ey could have J I 29 Al I M" 0 warg·aret Graves a nd Will i am Ok r\)nt. I was ma r ned io Mr. Georcre LeahY {ll = y u y p 1,a " u mega ' Peru 'M· "' · to this :fu nd , then late in .tl1e ye ar b eet > a nd wh o, if t he t ru th August 5 Alpha Mu Ome ga They W ill grea tl y yo ur lSS McKean has been t-each· . mg at Supe .· N 1 . of 1928 th e Philomathean rere ··kn ow n, p ro b ably wer e. 'N e 1 Augu st .19 Alpha Mu Omega !hel , a nd in t his way y ou insui·e a :Th iior, en., this pat yeiu ,th • fond by "1ding Jcou ldn't bo '"''· h owom, boo•"" ["'::::.::d:·:.t" P oiu vian. , a ,:,:u:;:, thei' hon" ou

Summer Budget E vents

J un e 29- Movie, Subm a rine

Ju ly 1-lO._-Drama.tic Club Play.

July 12- Mo v ie.

Ju ly 13- M:usi ca l Co rnedy "Th C • e otters s t

Ju ly 18- Movie, Scarlet Lady, a urd ay Night."

Ju ly 22- Recital by Harry F

Aug us t 2-Law r ence Harp Qu intet.

books to ma ke you the f a nd at coJJe g e. Also a regular arvman, Violinis.t.

Au g ust 3-Movie l<' lyi ' ng ,,,., . t u.t arin e.

July 29- Noah Beilharz R d. , ea er. PERU LUMBER CO. W. J. RABEL, Mgr: Phone 48 Peru, Nebr.

Augus t 17- Movie, T.he L on e W olf's· Dau ghter.

August 9- Movie, The Fake r.



lh Harold Burkey, of Peru, Nebra ska

I n:: 1;;en teaching fo,· th :ree r ennett, ColQrado.

· per ec.t teacher-$2 down and the rest during your life time. feature, I I

Be careful how quick you sign on 1 the dott ed line.


One of the nyiin events of the summer session for the dramatic Club will be the holding of their annual club picnic at the Honey Creek

Mr s. Randall wii l te ach Johnson , of Hamburg, Iowa, · camping grounds on -Friday afterat Unadilla w1 r eturn to Peru next ye M' noon, June 28. Jh Faye Gais ford, of will te ach 0 n son was a freshman of ,28 9 Mrs. Evelyn Noerrlinger has charge near Har b ine. L · the arrangements. aur1ne Neubauer, of Nebraska · of Du nb ar tea ches will her third term in the Patronize Peru Advertisers. and sixth grades at Dunbiir. 1

Ruby He mphill,. o-f E llis, wi!I te :o,ch Garfield McCreight,. of '

near a p ac e. will t each near Reynolds. Mr. Mc- ·'

th t l .P'a'!mury, PERU STUD

Esther Nei man, of Talmage Creight attended Peru during 1927 8 teach at Dunb ar. ,.;, J p t Lol'en Pike, of Hubbel, w1 11 })rob- Invited to enroll for

Thursday, June 27

Fri., Sat., June 28, 29 ! yn e ·ers on,, of Dunb ar. w ill teach 11e ar there a?Iy r eturn to Peru next year Mr. Charley Ni.ck eson, of Ellis, w ill is one of Peru's out.otnnding athteach ne ar Dil1e r.

Russell He nd es on, of Ve rd on, w ill Cl'.ly Coy, of Fa r-::- '1 .,. tt, Iowa \,; , positions with TheDavis School Service W. T. DAVIS, '06, Manager teacJ1 at Moo refield. to Peru next • year. J\11· r.o v Walter Na i man, '29, of A lexand r ia, I ·f the pro ·!i'J ·· freshmer " 138 No. 12th St. Lincoln, Nebr # will coach at Elgin 29· I Esther Roos, of Du nb ar, w ill al so .Charles· l'!ace, of Nebraska City, _ _,_,_..,_,_,_ teac.h ne ar Dunb ar. · w ill a ttend ai Peru nex. yea1·. Marg aret Sm ith, of Dunb ar, te a<: hes Mr Place formeriy co.ached athletic -. I n!'llr her h-0.me ·tow n. ln· L ., · • f li. ' '.Mi!d e rd Heinke, of Dunb ar, w ill _Leo of Nebraska. City ·9 YOUR tea<:h ne ar that to wn. be at Burr. Mr. Haupt-

Lloyd Mc C. an n, of Ern so n, wi ll teac h w as president of the Peru Dra- I

.. at Bushnell ne xt ye ar matic club las.t yeaF. ;

P lo yd MiHer, of Elmw ood, t eache::. Marjorie W·est., of Unadill a will II J at Murdo c k, Nebr as ka. te a ch at Edgar. She is now assistin g NEEDS Ruth Co e will t each th e p tri ma ry in t he o ffice and teaching in the comdepar.tment at Talmage. me r cial department in Peru.

Miss Le ah Flo we rs, ' 29, of Hasti ngs, Henry Abrams, of San Luis, Obis·• will te ac h at that pla.c-e. po, Californi a, will be principal • or Clayton S wartz, of Peru, has bee n t he Fremont school at that place. t eaching at Guide R oc k. Mr Abrams was formerly county su-' Bennie C.hwrc h, of Alex andri a, will' peint endent in Jefferso_n County, Ne-·

teach at McGill, Ne va da. br as ka. He g raduated from Peru in

Lucy And er so n, of T ec u mseh , w ill 191 3. lelurn to :tleru ne xt y ea r. Raymond Trenholm, of .Peru, will.' Russell Mc Crei ght, of Fairbury, be in sche o.l again next year. . Mr.

will teach. ne ar Re ynolc}s. Tr enholm is president of the Y. M. Bessi-e Beachle r, of R eynolds-, w ill c. A., and has jus.t returned from the

also teach near Reynolds. Estes Park Y. M_.

Greasing, car washing, and Free Crank Case Service. Car laundered in

Gleeola Snyder, of Talmage, teache in a school near Talmage. s p I ence. au ! Armstrong, of Auburn, J gradu ate of Kemper Military Juni or 1 PHONE 56 PERU Franc es Patterson, of Reynold s will teach near that town. College, w ill a ttend scho ol at Peru j 1 next year.

Lowell Pittenger, of Crab Orchard, will teaeh near that town .

Arthur Winkelhak e, of Talmage will teach near that place.

Miss Martha Cousl-ey, of Seralia Mo., will teach at Hastings . Luther Patterson, of Reynolds, will attend scheol at Peru next year .

Mary Majerus, of Falls City, wil teach near that town next year.

Edna Jewell, -of Crab Orchard, wil, teach in a school neair l;ier home.

Roy Neumeister, of Nebraska City, will teach in a scho9l near t here.

Rudolph Tesar, of Tobias, will te ach near David City next year.

Beatrice Lrunb, of Palmyra, will tea c.h in the grades of that t.own.

Clara Marren, of Tecumseh, will teach in a schoo l near that place

Agnes Marren, of Tecumseh, will teach near that place next year.

Lowell Decker, of Alexandria, will p!lobably return to Peru next y.ear.

Bert Williams, '29, of Peru, will coach athletics at i{ewanee, IIJinois. Claudia Shadduck, of Omaha, wil; return to Dakin next year to teach musie.

Edwin Rector, of Bartlett, will return to Peru next year for his degree.

Alta Lucas,, of Unadilla, will again be i nstructor of normal training at Tabnage I Charolotte Lord, of Perciv1l, will teach the third and fourth grade

at Talmage. · will Allison Lambeth, of Syracuse,k a;

COL'lplete his high school wor place next year. . h W K Ring of Hebron, will




(Continued from Page 1)

TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1929


completed / your educatfo n until you ) _.__.,_...,_.,

GOSSIP , \' read this startling rev elation in -new s- ;


· paper work It is in the Peru library I Pure foods--Everything for your table. Fresh and cold

and is listed with the rental books.-1 meats. Fresh milk from certified cows. Fruit and vegetM. M. F. · ables. Fresh and cann ed. Prompt delivery. ,.. Reas onable

Ruth Brandt, principJe of the Peru

Prices T HANK /YOU PHOl'l""E 25 to Junior Hi gh School, is completing the

know a t hin g or to know wbere fi d . ?" necess ary work for her A. B. degree m it , t hi s summer at the colleg.e · Spea kin g on the s ubject, "The I Fra nces E. Root, Ka theri ne Towne, Te ac her and American Life," this 1 and Francis Harvey have dev•eloped st atemen t w as made: "W-e must find Ia new indoor sport for s ummer school out what ·each individu al student can students- light housekeepin g. do." Continuin g, .he said, "Your' We heard that -0ne g entleman inwo rk and mine h as t wo sides. We struc tor was nothing if not a g ood are r espo nsible for g ivin g boys a nd cook In fact he stayed a way from g irls instruction (or to ols of learn- two of his cl asses Friday mornin g to in g) which will be u seful to them in e njoy his me a l. go in g on in the world. Our other Peru ·has a powerful lure. Even part, which is of equal imp.orta nce, former faculty members can't stay is to t ry to m·ake this world a better away. Mr. A. Cra go, he ad' of the Edplace in w.hi ch to live." uc ati on Department; a nd A. B. ClayA. part of t he t ime was taken up at burn, of t he Geogr aphy Department, this point in point in g out the fa ct are b oth back t his s ummer. th at education a nd educ ato rs do not G race Te a r, of the Education Dehave t he influence upon the American lp artment .h as g on e to California to pe opl-e which t.hey s hould have and attend Leland Stanford University the

which s ome s ingle individu als have ·summer term had on the people. Henry Ford a nd


Miss Ahlberg, school nurse, who so kindly looks aft er the health welfare of the college students; reminds us that business hours at t he infir mary are from 8:30 to 11 :30 a. m.; 1:00 to 2: 30 p. m.; and 4:30 to 6:00 p. m. Visi t ing hours are fro m 2:00 to 4:00 j p. m., and from 4:30 t-0 6:00 p. m. I

If students could a rran 7e to observe . t he above hours, much confusion might often be avoided.

Duri ng the p11st week, the th ree students have been c-0nfined to beds in the infirm a ry: B essie B eachler, Delia Carlson, and Jessie Ghyba.

ISECOND MAGAZINE SALE hi s c ar were g iven as an example. -·- TODAY ON CAMPUS

"We s hould cul t iv ate attit udes on · 1 .-., . t.h e o utlook on life," was anoth er HAVE YOU READ? The Normal Instruct or-Primary

e ff e ct in .the followin g fi elds: Disarm- HAI.L YHOO by Silas Bent: pub- lti ons wi!l on displ ay on the cam-



Salaries from $100 to p er mo nth. Must be graduates of two y ear college .IExpe rJence preferred but not necessary. W rite i mmediately.

Missourr Valley Teachers' Agency

315 Tabo r Ope ra _House Denve r., Coto,rado


St udents and f aculty if you want the best and prompt gives us your rord er, for all kinds and fancy sta ple groceries al'so fre sh fruits and vegetables we are glad to a ccommodate y ou.

WE WILL DELIVER TWICE A DAY point. Te achers will have a definite 1Pla ns t oegther with i tS s ub-publica-

ament, intolerence, conservation of " lis hed bv Bo ni and Liv.eright, N pus be g mmng today. ·

e nter tai nment. York.

Anoth es quest ion a sked by · Dr. 1 A fi

Newlon was " Does the scho


Owen Company

maga,zines grade a nd • a nd Jives of th e Amer ican people ?" app r ec iate It is a story 0 f the ju nior high teachers

In conn ection .he ma de the statement " press." It h as b een read by "' Pa tronize P eru Adve rtise rs. th at prob a bly peop l-e do not charige d ·

their views a nd opin ions on life af- an no.w in the four th printing-··-

ter leavin g the hi gh school. read it. You will like it. It is wr it-

Several of th e tea cher's larg er re- ten like a novel and conta ins m ore For all kinds of drayage,

spo nsibili t ies w ere mentioned in a n- hon es t -to-goodne ss m ateri al than m; st I see or ca ll PHONE 193 or 86 oth er talk. K eepin g ab reast of the tex,,tNbo oks.

ducation al pr ocession, of thoug ht, and,

tre nd, was on e. An oth er was the 0 t wo newspaper men would

seein ? that educ a tion is a c ooperative agree altogether about any book on

ervice, Confe ctionery and Lunch Meats en te rprise, not fit o nly for the school. the news paper business, but most of I' J D GRAVES I School Supplies and Stationery itself, but fo r the outside e nvir on - them are likely 'to agree that Mr.

me nt also, particul a rl y the home. t hrusts a none too gent le finge r ATTORNEY AT LAW

The last rel ated to th e profession al mto two of .the sor est spo ts in con-

to whioh tho toaoho<> h o· tempomy joumalism M··· Boot's

ong. comments are b etter i nformed

Tl fi l lk d b D N

.1e nah ta e "WY hr. Cew h more temp erate t han

went 't0 UC uo Q 1-'""'"' 1 U-1\; tu.1,u man. intendent of the city schools super- "Ballyho.o" consists of some 350 ,_,_,_..__..__..,_, I vised the revision of the cur- pages of startling informiition and J You'll not be dissappoioted I , dculum. The result .of this work was newspaper propaganda. It is a book If you get your hair cut at I the famous "Denver course of h h

w ic w1.·11 give readers a better un- .BOB KNAPP

About two years ago, he went to d erstandmg of some of the things T eachers' Colleg·:· Columbia Ubnivers- w.hich happen behind the screen at (Next to Gaine1 Hall on the ity New York City, where he ecame th ff. y PaT"ement.) ·· • . e newspaper o ice. ou · have not director of experimental education. ,_..,_,_..,_..,_..,_..__

He mad-e the prediction that. in ten

Now- Openfug

years all teachers, no matter m w.hat 1 ,

I gr ade they teach, will be required to I ·

h.ave a degree. He pointed out that '

in many localities single salary sched- 1

ules had been already adopted to· en-


' courage equal education in all the I

. MRS. C. E. SHAW, Proprietor g rades.

; Nebraska City, Nebraska

Do You Read Editorials? 11

To many people editorials mean I little-just space filler. To people of I'

intellig-ence and reasoning power ........

they have great significance. Some .

writers: It th-eir duty give a I

viewpomt on topics. I I

people gain their da1.ly ) I Make your CHRISTMAS SELECTIONS NOW. Nice

philosophy from some editorial wnt-j line in ORIENTAL Gifts. er. f Don't forget the Tea Room specialties. Noon plate

We do not claim that .the editorials I lLunch, Sunday Chicken Dinner, Picnic Lunches, and spe- I cial afternoon and evening parl ies. in the Pedagogian are written by a I Brisbane or an F. P. /'...,but they are




' written by studentS with whom you p

· HONE 37 2 Blocks South of the Campus come into daily contact. They can-

aot express their views to each individual, so they take the means of the e ditorial to express their viewpoints. Remembmer that only the unsigned editorials are wri.tten by- the editor; all others hav·e the writer's name attached. One does not have to take the writer's viewpoint, but a person s hould :read the editorials so as tv. gai n another student's point of view.

P-eople read three things in a newspaper: First, the comic section so as to put them in a happy frame of mind; second, .the news items, so that they m ay know what is goi ng on in the world. Next they r ead the e di-

torials for the ben efi t derived from

th em then on they read the

J'est of the paper; some read the sports section before any of the

other5-especially during the base- I ball season·.




New York E ducator Cites Essentials J \ .ABOUT RED CROSS of a Good Te acher Training

Miss Hendricks Tells of Wodd Work


Dr. N. A. Dearborn of New y ·k

of Junior Red Cross OI , who 1s a teacher, an and a

On the twenty-seventh and twenty- l came to Peru June 26, and · lectured before education classes · of June, Miss Ivy Hendricks, nnd at convocat10n. At p res ent D who is national Junior Red Cross b . h ' r. Dear Ol:,D IS t e D irector of the Di - N worker, was in Peru. She told most ri&i on of Teach eTs ' Ti: a ining depart - ' Ot merely ·i_!l matters material, but in things Of the sp'irit. interestingly of the work be,ing done me nt of the state of New York. His by Junior Red Cross organizations eXJ)erience in teaching and with teach- all over the world, and how this acers has extended from the one teach- Not m I · .

. . · tivity can be corelated with other er r ural _ sc hool th:rough tn.e college .Y to 1nvent1ons, motors, and skyscrapers, but subjects of the curriculum. and university, and he may surely also ID Ideals, princtples, character. '

There are four objectives in the be considered an authority on teacher code of the organization The first is training problems. to promote voluntary service on the

Among other things , he said that N t } • h · l . part of the children. The second is the f unction of a teacher's prepara- , Q ffiefe YIfl t e Ca m aSSerttOfl Of rights, but in the glad aS· to promote habits of health. The tion is foUl'-fold In the first place, SUfil·ptiOfl Of d'UtI.eS. · . third gives practice in citizenship, it must give him a reasonable mas- and the fourth is to promote worldtery of subject matter and related wide friendship. Ahy one of objectives may be taken up by a room subject matter; that is, it must pro-

Not flauntI.ng her strength -as a gI·ant, bu-t bendI·ng i·n helpful- or a school and oursu ea for Ill certain vide a general background of infor- l·ength of time, -and then, if de sired, mation This is usually obtained in ness over a sick and wounded world like a Good Satnaritan. one of the others may be taken up high school. It must also give him an As an example of what may be acquaintance and an appreciation of done , Mis s Hendricks told of the inother fields of study, and to see them N . } d•d . } . ternational and interstate exchange in relation to his own field. This _ Ot ID Sp en I ISO atton. but in courageous cooperation. of booklets, as an effort to encourage broadening · of one's general educa- world friendliness among children. tion will; in turn, cause specializa- N . . ;.I d d• , . £ h d l Th ese booklets are made by the chiltion in some field in which the indi- ot lil priue, arrogance, an -. ISdatn 0 ot er races an peop es, dren , and contain their own handwork. viclu al is especially interested. I but in SVJmpathy, -love, and understandin1!. Usually they' are built around a cenThe second point to be = 1 -tral idea, such as, the famly our is t he mastery of the technical native tre es , or some raw or manuwh ich are necessary for effel?ti-ve j factured product. When completed, school 1·0-0m proeedure. Under this Not in treading again the old, wo r n, bloody , patfi.way which they are sent to th e central office at head he placed four definite poijits; bl • I' 'd 'd• b • bJ • ' Saint Louis and from there to the (1) One must formulate a philosophy efldS inevita Y(fl C 130S aft ' ! S3Stef, Ut In aztng a fleW co untry for w hich they are intended of life; (2) One must have a phil- Qlong which, 1.)lease Goa, other nations will follo-w All interpretations are made at Pari s 0 opby of educatiun; (3) One must "-' , u or at San Francisc o. be a student of child mdure, or ifl tO the fleW JefUSaleffi whef.e W3fS shall be nO ffiOre. r Such a project as this correlate s ( 4) There must be a • · splendidly with hi story, mastery of methods. Eng)ish al}d penmanship. It , · · - } be an extra curricular activity

In addition to that, he said, ones S -l t• t. t k th t ath Un eSS We are t<J ' Ofile a e a P - Knowing that their book will rea1l y training must nClude a developme'tlt .J · J reach far away children provides a to a point one becomes a m?re lapse once again into utter·barbarism-and . that honor./ powerfu.l means l\'f'rthy of In gomg b } d Am •

There are now Junior R ed Cross nto a strange field , t he t eAc.het must covet for my e ove ' . er1ca·. ' " -- ·... vq;ariizations in forty-eight countries be a ble to entertain the home and the Iforty of which are exchan g ing cor, f th d'strict and to community life o e 1 - r espo nden ce r eg ul arly. r In order to tnter it i'l1 such a way as _ to com- And so, in that spirit and with these ·hopes, I say with an my Ibecome a memb er, the child must do mand the respect of the people of the • some act of service; the classroom eommunity heart and soul, "AMERICA FIRST." mu st can;y on one activity, and it As his fourth point he s.aid that 1 must have the Junior Red Cross everv t eacher should he trained to I magazine. be. fit companion for himself.. He Miss Hendri cks is under the d1rech rt to solitude, occasionaJ- a Sermon by BISHOP G. ASH _ TON OLDHAM in Washintong, D. C., on September 7, 1924. tion of the gov;ernment, and spe nd s s.ow reso . h'm f S t her j;o ly in order that he may give 1 - most of her .time rom ep em . d'tate -and to evaluate I I June in Indiana school s. In the sum - self time to me 1 1 his own importance in life. mer she brin gs her message to cowhat it should be. l ege students. H er exhibits chil't If of teachers , dren's wo1!k which was held m the I W1 no , b t . de I faculty room was indeed an insp ira- f k owledge, n rn · · 1 · o n h can think ' tion. p endent individuals ; 01 applicatio'J a nd then make prabc ing ahe a d. " , , PEDAGOGJAN oi t heir t houghts, Y Ql'g

One of Selected Few P.roives \Vorth of Peru Dramatic Department



No Summer Glee · Club Practices- Cedric Crink, w ho r eceiv-ed his de- , Only Musical organization to FuncOrganize in Fall from Peru th is spring •lfas .been ad- i Both Men's and Women's Sfogles tion this Summer 1 I mitted to tlre Yale Dramatic School. The Men's Glee Club .under the i be Played. !'

Horshoe Tourney Wil1 Be Biggest Out-door Event of t he Summer

Will t hin gs happen this sum mer? Maybe! At least a commit tee of colle ge men w omen h ave succeeded in g ettin g fr om the Dean less t ha n one-hund!'ed hollars to by trophies d 1. d" t• f M B f 'd ·11 . th f .

/ ' The orch estra, which is .the only m uThere were one t housan app icants irec 10n o r. en or •. w1 m e Th . . , . · . . . future follow a new plan of ·or gan i- e 1 eg ul ar summer scho ol te n ms , sic al orga m zat10n dunn g- - summer seeking ad mitta nce. Only one hund- t• tournament will be held at t he college scho ol will play at ch apel, Wedn es- and med als foT t he first an nu al horse:red a nd fifty qf t hem admitted. za ion. . ·courts beg inning Tu·esday afternoon, ' · shoe t ourn amen t o{ Peru. This to u rTh.e school ope ns the t w-enty-t hird of During the last year, to July 2, under the direction of Miss da y, July 3 · · f p great num.ber in the club and with Fi ail ces Root. _ Th ey will pl a y: ney will be spon sor ed by he eru Septembe r. C edric will wttend Pe1·u · 1 k f f ·1·t· s th cl b was able D Pedagogian, and will be .held duri ng a ac o ac1 I ie , e u Al' b f th . ances from Hen1·y VIII G l .. mem ers o e tenms club are erman · t he last te rm of summer schoo to to accept only a few of the out-of- . . . . M h . the week commencin g July 22. " , - . . h t Th ·Urg_ed to participate. Drawrn gs for arc of t he Br ahman Pr1ests __ Cobb make additional· p reparation for his town opportumties t a arose. e · . . f b h . 1 , B week of July 22 ....__ . d" .d th 1 b . t o ot mell":: a11c w omens acc,hanale fr om Faust Gounod _ · 1 new plan is to JVI e e c u. m o · · · ---- D • · t th f E work at Ya e. · .srng les were held early Tuesday so Members of t he h t . . on t m iss ou on e un. ' very. - two groups 1 h · ore es ra a1 e. Every applic ant fo r admittance to/ ' ·' .11 k b . t 1at t e of . the tourney c•1:.i v· 1. body must e nter. Jin f act, in ra ising ·

·• • One group WI ta e any mem er be decided before vacation ' 10 ms I the school must be the holder o'f a who wishes to sing. From thii; g roup , . J oy Mi ckel, Doris Ri ce, W ini fred mon ey for th e tournamen t, it was college degree, and s how evidenc e of 1 twelve singers will be chosen, selec- ', A bronze medal is to be giv en t he p tt •t J 1. B G Cl . , agre ed to that fifty per ce nt of the b il ·t d t horo · e 1 , u ia . rosse, aud1 a S hadunusual dramatic a 1 Y an · ted according to ability. To enter the ,w mn ei ill each cl ass. d k R th G p . El . st ud ent body must r egister. or the training. If the appl icant has p ad no Glee Club it is not necessary to be In the women's division Rasmm;s rm , A 1 r ee H a;n ott, si Ma res, large amoun t of mo ney would not 'be previous dramatic training, able to read music. · Rawlinson, Castens, and Jones a re u ur e;son, e en Bode, Loui se g iven. There w ill be sev eral classes present recommendations proving his For the spring concert, both strongs contenders. In the men N ic k- Butts. accordin g to al5ili t y. scholastic abi lity. • groups will sing. The regular spring els, Cash, and Booth are showin g e-.;:- Cello Now, hPre is how it is go ing to he Cedric 's r ecord in Peru proves he tour wiU be taken only by the smal- ;cellent form. Mar garet Cai n. Class A will be experi en ced pl aye rs, has all these q ualifications. As an ler group. . . , No <!_oubles matches will be held iu Viola ,Class B less ee xperi en ce, and so on actor in the play "Tod's Slave," andl · Superintendents and principals of ,th .. t 0 urn ament. , down the list. T.h ere w ill be a div ib t I Wal ter W iese. assisting in coaching the play t a nearby towns have found the g ee sion fo r both g irls a nd boys. The won the MINK contest, and the "Cat club singers to be a worthy form of 1 Paul 29, who. h as been o ut Clarin e ts boys' games will be fifty poin ts, a nd d Ca n ary" he displayed thorough entertainment for their commmiities. on wi th the Tooley · Opera Com- Al vin Semrad. the g irls' .games will be eJ.even poin ts an . b k. p . tl·aining and know ledge of drama:- . Arrangements for the securing of pany,. is ac m .eru agam. . Tr ombones and 21 point. . ics. Every Peruvian ex tends Cedric the singers can be made through Mr. Paul has been m 23 durrng Ch a rles Trenholm, B·enj amin Bu r ke. Further not ic e will be gi ven co n· . er con gratulations; and reco g- Benford, or the club officers. J the , past five months.. .His pro gram Trumpets c·erning the p ri zes, ho w ,to re gi st er, ;he worth of Mrs. Joder , w ho The gl ee. c lub will again hol<l its was well liked thruou t-be in g billed R ay mond T renholm, Ca rl Skeen. a nd other inform atio n valu able to t he him his tra ining and made hi s reg ular pract ices beginning with the as tthe boy from the wild and w oo ly Pia no conten d er-read the next issue of the present 's ucce ss possible. f a11 term. wes.

I E velyn Noe rrlin g.er. Ped agogia n.




P E D A_G0 GI.A N\

l I Dr. Ned Dearborn, who was a visi-

Edwin Rector angry. s lest week, tor on the Peru campu

Entered at the Postofflce of Peru,1 Carl Bardwell smiling. aave us some in t eresting side li ght / Nebraska, as second class matter. \ Norman Thorpe tongue-tied. former Peruvi ans who are in the A

TUESDAY , 2, 1929.




Well, well, here a week got and.. J didn't get in my 2 cents. r was sorry to hear hew you were bol!J. barded with di sappointed readers , not firrding me in last week's issu . you may be the " cream in my

Con·ine Frye being bashful. hi gh er circles of t he field of educa,,.......,. · Published Weekly at Peru State f ee," but "I'm t he w ater in Teachers College Walter Weise fickle-min?ed.

$1.00 the Year-5c single copy · Mr. Clayburn siX feet, six.

Bessie Bath wearing a frown.







P rof. Jindra in a suit.

Dan McSwan acting ,his age.

Dr. Brown a speech.

John Stahn criticizing himself.

Paul. Combs without his Bert Williams belit tling himself.

Av eryl Gaines with blond curls. Myrlin McGuire skipping Chapel. . tion.

i It is interesting to know that"' Dr. -well."

I personally _ acquainted I sat patiently( ?) thru convocation :· Dearborn is · listening to what our schools woul with fi.ve famous former Peruvians be 100 and y ears from now. doing exceptional work in eastern th.e negro says on the phonograi; universities. record-"Who cares about dat. He speaks of A J. Stoddard, for- What concerns me is what is it, gomerly superintendent of schools at ing to be like in .t he next ·i'ifty yea1: Beatrice, and now of Schenectady, I think the speaker of the morni:. New York, as "one of -the best sup- no doubt is a good man, but why n1n erintendents of schools in the state .g et down and work out to.day's prob. of New York." Iems, and then in a fanciful mome1:t Mr. Stoddard graduated from Per:1 of leisure peep into any scii:ntific or in 1910. mechanic?-! magazine and find out a


Swede Hertz givi?_g· voice lessons Dr Dearborn is also well acqua int-· host o upposm ,, ed with Dr. F. 1). Brooks, head of the ing:s."

James Merrit admitting he's wrong.

Ben Church getting to Chapel on "psychology departm,ent or John Hop- S ay I have a habit of overhearin' kin s University, as well as with Dr. t hings, but comin' out from -the Les\tr time. Clyde B. Moore, department of Edu- 1Sp r in g r-eci tal t'other ni gh.t, I hear GET OUT MARS!i ·1 of P. S. :· C. to put ourselves Charles Place with a th'irty-inch cation, Cornell university. Mr. Brooks one of the lo cal t wi tterers remarkJul y and Freedom they seem to be mto such a posit1-0n that we can not j · t · 1 g" raduated f_rom P_eru in 1907, an,d I' "Aw he wasn't so,, ho t-I can sing . ' only giv t t d h wa1s . .• t wor goo mgs ecause of the ossie 9nn J 1 • • sy nonomous For in July we cele· e 0 our coun ry an t e · ·

M Moore in 1909 h t ! Yes that I d · ld d th" b I Fl · R au sa"'mg anything r. · · t ru my nose oo . , · brate the ii°-idepende11ce of our coun· ' d . sI"ble As one of his st aunch friends, he I myself, but you cant get nny one to benefits derived from an e ucation sen ,

t ry. To us today the stressing of in· but personality will be cap: D" k W"ll" s as a serious-minded·! places Dr. James Hosie, head of pay you for It dependence seems unnecessary. Why? , IC I Iam · · • · tension departmen t of Columbia um - Yours truly,· able of great achievements and gain. h l h Bec ause we have become used to it. h sc 00 teac er. versity, and _ formerly h ead of THE LONE TROUB'"DOUR T en let us finish our education and · It was a new and novel thought 150 k Lester Pariott. unable to .think of m ent of Englsh in Peru: Dr. Hos1ic . . ma e the very best use of our oppor-

years ago For its furtherance men tunity , anything to say. graduated from Peru in 1891. , fo ug ht, Oled, and died that you and 1 In the fall Dr. Dearborn J'oins. the MARGUERITE GRAVES The facult_y members paying c o_se a nd I rhight enjoy the p.eace ..and se- , - -. education department at New Y or.k attention during a chapel lecture. curity that has become so meaning- · univers'ity, and will work in conjuncless since we are prone to take it as ·what Good Is a Fourt-h of July


tion with Dr. c. E. Benson, a grado ur na tural herita ge.· For years we


uate of Peru in 1907. hav e c elebrated the Fourth with fire-

With such men as these ;yorking works, noise, music, g re at and · glut- I j tonous meals and "l-0ng-winded, lon g- A man recently asked me, "What in different educatioi:ilill fields , it can arme d" oratory- all .of it a conglom- g ood is a Fourth of July Celebration easily be said that Peru has done . its

My 'chanical train just goes round 1share in training s ome .of the outeration without any real and spiritual to a town?" And he expressed a and round. standing educators in eastern uni-


G. W. Coffelt, of t he music department gave an interest ing ·song recit?.1 at conv.ocation Monday, July l. Ht the following numbers : Duna - - - McGill

Pipes of Gordon's Men __ Hammond Mah Lindy Lou Sfrickl.ar. Friend O' Mine - S anderson

My Little Banjo '- - Dichmont R. T. Benford- accompanilld him t significance. _ :question that is undoubtedly in the It's dandy, to.o, I tell you! .versities. Today, t.hinking people a re revolt- of many, especia lly those who My Daddy, he wound it and startin g aga inst this desecration of the have p d th f tt" k" k ed it·, andt he piano. asse e age o ge mg a IC Fourt h. They feel it s hould be hon- t f . There's nothing for me to do. ·M- "_/7. 1.J. M ored in a celebration Of dignity and OU O any kmd of celebration. * * * '!}'Cf S

n ot on·e of our presen t day "whoopee." It is true that much of the original _ Too Ieng have we let. Mars, the God intent and purpose of Fourth of July

of War, and scourge of nations ·wield bas been lost or over-

the whip .hand. We celebrate the looked ih modern ways of celebrat-

Our country is prosperous, free, and strong, Firm built on ideals true. Our 1orefathers gave it - their

Fourth because we wori peac.e and ing. Ha ve you ever stopped to con- hest; and now1

freedom Yet our method sider how · many of those that · . wa r. We flaunt to the world the , The re's nothing f or us to do.

"Marsian"' . tendency of o.gP.s past, tho firecrackers n ever stop to .::onsider 1 _'

Mars1an tendency of agAs past, tho h th d · "t? I h f

-· w y ey are 01ng 1 . ave o ten d-eeply within us we crave the pi·es- ' d ' There's noth1"ng to do Jn our world h h ld f th " h"t won ered at the percentage of people · • ence t ruout t e wor o e w 1 e · t d ?

d d I b h" f wqo celebrate the Fourth that really 0 ay

ove an -0 1ve ranc o peace. · N hall

M h . te t' J \ pause m cornrnernoratwn of the deed

ay we not ave an m rna 1ona T rv

ce e ra 1-0n o ree om m a · ltngs- I .

I b t f f d . II ti I representative of the day. Leaving o se e 6

even from the •tyranny of Mars. tffnsaJ1dl honlorb theh day, a ers setrvh1"ner:r. to do o u y ce e ration as a matel'lal A g lorious

Freerlom has been the backbone of : value to every community, whether - Esther Ann Clark. 011r land. In '76 we made t h,• first 1 that community holds a festival or · f.t;rnd for a people free in thoug?t, re- 1the inhabitants go elsewhere to spend


Ji g ion, ideas, and ideals. We did not the day. 0 at fi1·st however, see the ideal of free-


1 · ckn1 at all, regardless of n I

I 'G

t,h:<t ideal was fought arid celeb.rate, pitch in a?d do everything G. Holt Steck, baritone, and head of

If your comrnumty 1s gomg to out for all timi:-. 1"rom it a -go t? th.e Celebration Committee of the Peru vacal denartment, will prest ronger and unified nation and gave and offer to do some- sent a long reci-taf of works by Amerbirth to a humble and mighty leader, thmg. ican composers, !\':edn-esd ay evenin g, Abraham Lincoln, who set the hig.h - Get busy and invite your friends, July 10, 1929. · -est ideals of freedom before the tell your friends to tell their friends, Previous to coming to Peru Mr. world whenhe said, "with malice to- to join you for the day. If you Steck ,had appeared in than 300 w'.11·d-; none, with charity toward'> all." I an!. can cities in 32 different states singing in Yet today, in - thi s age of l to JOm the festiVIties, help concert and opera. This is his sixtb when bigotry, prejudice, and narrow- or appomt yourself a corn- year of teaching, and he says the 1riindedness is at ebb tide, a far great- rnittee of to do your utmost cause of this recital is to ease up that er :m<l mon: lasting ide11l of freedom help the casual stranger m old "hankering" to be doing things. is before us. Today, as never before, your midst.

Mr. Benford, ]1ead of the oiano nre the teachings of Christ's idea of Start now on brightening the cor- pa rtm ent, will be there -too ;ith some br'..>therhood being put into pr:o1cticc. ner where you are. Make y.our yard, American works for t he piano, and : We 110 longer feel the binding of a ho':se, your your store, we who have head him know what m11Tow line that makes a desiu:nateti your entire commumty look clean, he does to that keyb-Oard. spot -0ur land. We are returning to bright and attractive; put on your T.hese two jovial members of th e the lands of our ance stors the debt we best "bib and tucker" and your most faculty- it is rumored-a re in t he owe them. The idea of a Fourth of - winning smile; and when the corn- l'ight mood, that means the s-tu"noise and nothino-" is tu.rning to one pany comes, show them around, in- d t b d ·11 h I ., . en o v w1 ave a p ac-e to go a nd of br0therhood and understandin g. Jn troduce them to the place where. you th"l . d " 11 , ,, · mgs to hear on· .:July 10. the p.;st we have been tendi!'g· tc.- lve, an se em on your com1 wards a sel !i sh patriotic ideal but lhe I munity.

Oh, Marguen te Carn will he new spirit c,f the Fourth is \ If the Fourth of July isn't worth i at the prnno for M'.. Steck-:--anoth er l to r.ne '..>f Internation a lisr11 ar>J the Ianything else to a community, it is , re ason for a good tune. true fullfilment of Christ's ideals. worth the opportunity it gives you 1 - - • Ito sell everybody that comes to _your P. D. C. ·PiCNIC town on what a real place it is, and • that the people in it are real people. WELL ATTENDED

Statistics on the education of the Business goes where it is invited, people of the world have a re- and stays and comes back to the markable advancement durmg the \place · where it is well treated and past century. served best-you cannot sell people

Prior to this time a man who was on your community if you do not learned in science, art or literature, Itell about your community. Therewas not looked_ upon by a very large fore, if you are a guest of those who per cent of the people as really more live elsewhere, tell them about your important. For e::rnmple, take the In- community; "tell 'em" 'till you sell dian who the U. S. before 'em" that your community is a good civilization. He who was the strong- in which to live work est among them, was made chief and play and prosper. ' ' all others b-Owed down to him. What makes a town of great renown?

Later development of civili?,:ation ; calls forth a much different idea. He who is educateQ. is admii;ed; opinions are respected; he understands people and really enjoys life. Your stu-1 And now it is our chance as

'Tis the work of the venders few, If you're not a member, please remember

town is all ri g ht, it's vou. . "LOW I. Q."

On Friday evening, June 28, the Drama tic Club members motored to Brownville. With much hil a rity the group fa1ally arrived -a i: ville Park. After exploring QI' l\1issouri and al: adjoinin p- terri to ry (on t he Nebrask!l side) t.w •1 g·-c•nps we1 e forme d. l? i1 be Rut hs ? - The Dra1natic discovereg 5everal profess io n als amidst th e ir mem bers. After one side was sa tisfactorily conqu ered a line was formed c-0nsisting of peo- · pie and plates For full particu-Iars • concerning food one of the members. The answeT will be: "It cQuldn't ha ve been bett er."

At 8 :30 everyo ne was homeward bound ; happy, satia ted, and· t ired


ummer Budg et E [ · 1 · nuRING FIRST TERM J TRAINING Vents "T he Broadway Melody," whic - may properly be called t he screen 's

July 17- P. D. C. Three One-Ac•-.

1 Since no s ui tab.le d ates on t he cal- LUMBER .,.,, t first mu s ical clr ama, h• an eye - I i11g-,

July 12- Movie endar remain vacant, it has been de- LACQUER ENAMEL heart -tu gg in g- , fascinatirtg entei titi n· '

Jut>· 13- Mus1-cal C "' otnedy, •.;The C' otters Saturday Night."

July 18--Movie, Scarlet Laciy.

July 22- Recital by Harry F b ar man Violinist.

July Beilharz R d • . , · ea er.

August 2--Lawrence Ha1·p · Q . · u1n teL

August 3- Movie Plying M . • anne.

August 17- Movie, The Lone W lf' · 0 s Daughter.

August 9- Movie, The Faker.



cided th at the r eg ul ar summer school 111ent. Sound pi .; ture skeptics m;iy PAINTS hi s picture, -now playin µ; at the orp.heUln p1·ogrnm is not to Boo th Auburn, a nd he se nted. ed. ti is a rev Im ion of whn t •!·:r; be The three-day vacatio"n period duraccomp li s.hed-a portent f or the fu- ing the first of July a lso would in ter;t ure. • fere with t he holding of the program. This a ll-talking film has all the acccut·1e; nents of a Broadway music al sh oVI(. g rouped a bout a grippm5 stor y of back-stage life,. filled with c .m•ecly

A number of other forms of entertainment have b ee n to take the place of the orpheum.

Througout the story are in- Don't forget folks- the Ped agog ian COAL OOAL PERU LUMBER CO. W. J. RABEL, Mgr. l>hon-e · 48 Peru, Ne1>r.

te-rspersed (as a natural part ,,f the Ho rses hoe Tournament will be held in

continuity) some of the most tune- the near future, and expect. ful song numbers ever written either ·ed to enter. \ At



for stage or screen. These are sung

Qne of Peru's most charming young '. deli glitfu lly by Charles King, Broad -

ladies pledged her troth this week _ j way musical comedy stat, Anita Pa ge I I ' Many Att d R . 1 an d Bessi e Love, with a bi g revue I when Miss Edith M Ar b · ht en eception to Col. Ma1ors ..Ii · _, ga rig , t 0 0 _ S I chorus of sixty blondes, brunettes and " C t I Th t · 1 youngest of Mr. .and Mrs. J . a . IS ome unday i re dheads to help out. -Advertisement: J rys a . ea re W. S. Argabright of Nemaha, became o s .d. . t--- Patronize Peru Auvertisers. · I n un ay a recept!Qn was give n t he bride of Robert L. Bath, second at t he Majors home in honor of t he ' .....,_....,_,_....,_,_,_._ I Tuesday, July 2 son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bath, Jr., eig.hty-eighth birthday of Col. T. J. Ma- ' PERU srn:nvN'TS , SIDE at the home of the bride's parents, jors. The affair was planned by hi s j Uil.J'.£/


"The Man l Love" · · seven o' clock Wednesday evening, son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ·1 !

J une 26. The single ring ceremony F. P. Majors More than two .hundred I.nvited to enroll for teachfog .Starring Richard Arleen and · j - • vas performed by Rev. J. W. Sapp in J gu ests were present during the d ay . positions with Mary Brian, supporte_d an all- I ' I In ad.dition to this he received more si ar cast. It is a lovCi play that Patronize Peru Advertisers: the presence of over a hundred than tha_t num her of let_ter.s. ".no cards ' ,. 'h · h 1 S •

you will long remember,. and ,

guests. from friends a nd relatives' who were T eDavis Sc 00 erv1ce I iili.s a tot of laughs and pathos Immediately following the ceremony j unable to come. ' _ W. T. DAVIS, 06• Manager to make you allways remember Standard Oil and eongratu l ations , a reception was j about three o'clock in the after- 138 No. 12th St. Lincoln, Nebr. it as a leading production. Don't SERVICE STATION h ld for the guests and refre shments noon an interestin g program was gi\r - miss it. Last li me tonight. Full line of Polarine and Moofe brick ice cream,' an_gel · food cake, ejn. This consiste<!_of short talks by

bile oils. Greasiqg, car ;wash. ' P. sm1"t.h, 4epartment commander

ing, and Free Crank Case Ser- and punch, were served. The brides of the G. A. R,, Mr. Hoag.land, past

cake was· a large three-tier ::ingel I commander of that order, and I

food, baked oy Mrs. Charles kite, and Mr. a lso a G. A. R. man, a ll

b · th b ·d d it was passed of Lincoln Mrs. Ada Malcolm of .J ' cut Y e ri e, an j Lincoln gave a re11ding , as did also h

by the W;he:ts to the guests. the Colonel's li t tle grand niece, Jean- ' PHOTOG·R· APHIC J ' p one 36 Peru Nebraska ' Afte r t he reception, the hap-py nette Riddle. Mrs. Burton , who lives , I I . " .

couple ·for a .honeymoon in their in Lincoin, and is state president of J the gift of - the the Daughters of Veterans, g_ave an , NEEDS · new automobile, ·..,.oom's parents. Upon_ their return, R. T. Benford r-• .,. house- gave a piano selection; and Henry they will go immediately to Ab r ams of the college voice dep art- f keeping on me farm of Mrs. George ment, Mrs A V. and Miss I FINE PORTRAITS I McGrew, where their home i:s all Margaret MajoPs, sang some excellent I FRAMES ready for them. solos. Following tfiis enjoyable pr€l- ,


Th -ri""ople were both borl). gr'a m · and cake we:i:e served PHOTO FINISHING I . · ese young ,,...... . , ' , d eared in this oounty, and need by Col. M a.jor:S' grantl dau g·hters. CAM - ·· ,.•.ERAS Z "'. -··· an r '. ad t . no introduction. The bnde is a gr - :r.he g ue sts who were presen as ALBUMS - f T C COLLINS . MEAT MARKET uate of the Nemaha s cliools, and ' well as the larger number of the Colo - J . . d d th P eru State Teachers ne l's friends who could not be there, # , . PHONE 115 PERU, NEBR. -114 er atten e ·e

· I b t Ji Sh h s taught tWo years m hope th at he may hve to ce e ra e f College. e a F 11 h . I Peterso"' Stud1"0 !'

d the past year at a s many mo1,e sue occasions , '.II Nemaha, an g wom I. City. She is a charming y oun :

AJf\that the housewife need s to ' pr ep ate that deliciou s meal.

....,.... an, having a pleasing persona lity an d !f

-- ---a very likeable di sp os ition. T.he e di to r wishes to announc e that j PHONE S6 PERU 1 - · i The bridegroom receive d h is · ed u- t }J.e Ju1y 16 issue will ·be edited by I . . f

cation at Peru, being very pop ul ar assoc iate ed-

with inst :uctors and th e stud e nt 1 or 0 e e agogia n. _ _.,.._.:...,_..__

college. Since out of sch ool, he h as - I OUR SERVICE IS THE BEST . been engaged in f arming and stock 1 raising? is industi•ious and h as WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER- REPAIR AND TAILOR f of h onor


Th,e '.most'<-rec ent t.extbo0ks publish- " 'KOEPPEL'S CAFE ' MANICURES ,FJNGEJ,l WAVES ed b1 ' 'tlie . lea.l:lllJ.g C ompanies Evening deliveries Ion lunches BOB-CURL WATER, WAV}':S ' will be ais p lay _!n Ro om 2 28 the Pf!one 1-05

second floor of. the T. J... M ?- jors

Trainin g the -t:_e

8th to July 26th . This is nt>t an ;

ad;ertisi ng fea t!ure of t he Book Cem - I LET us

anies Ilut is as w ell. T hi s .#. GAS o l!L GREESE TIRES

e pxhi'bi·" wi·n ma lce i-t p ossible f or sum-

mer scboel stud ents to an become. acqu ain ted with the m ost ad- i

sE?h oQJ of

day. Wha'if ctmstftt1;tes -a ·

This and many oth er c.erning trortbooks ea.n. be

b • •t to R oom 228 of tne Train

'!/a VlSl - [h 'Ji

ing Building t e :e-UTsh o l I

8·30-12 :00 and ·1:3'0-5:00 each sc oo from July 8 th to July 26th.

ho has been Miss Grace Pete rso n, w . k away on lea ve eh o !l the campus ag a in. It's to see the old familiar fac es aga in.

-Ch h - who bas . :Miss Fra.nces E. - urc , l ft 'f , t he pa;:; t y,ear e CITY :.SERVICE LONG DISTANCEPRICES MADE RIGHT

been librarian or h ·me Te nn ' Sunday, June 30: for

She has accepted a. s1m1

· girls' scho ol.

rn a



II Mary Ellen Naviaux, of Nebraska ! .there the he became iP _.,_.,_.,

City tea c hes near that place. I m1ss10nary work, a[\d decided to of- I


d d I Goss of Percival Iowa will fer himself for African work. 0n the i I ' Pure foo4s-Everything for your table. Fr esh an col

- attend school Peru year.' ' day Grover Cleveland was elected t4e f ., · meats. Fresh milk from certified' cows. Fruit and v ege tTh e o. Roa.hr kas s e, of Seward. will l\firs Lulu Dwver is principal of second time in 1892, Mr ables. Fresh and canned. Prompt deH ve ry. Reason able · · , PHON·E 25 return to Peru next year. He has Ser; o nd Av e nue School at Nebr as l< .; sailed from New York to Freetown, Prices. THANK/YOU been a studen t here for the past two (i: v. o·n the wes tern coast of Africa, and _..__,.;.,_., __ years. . . I r.'i iss Lo ui se the th.ere spent some months

Esther Gre t zin g er, o:( Stee1'e City , se1.:ond gra de )n Second Avenue with the black men m their towns up :1 · I will again teach the third and fourth !school at -ri c:'. •<1=. lrn Ci! y. the rivers, until a fever r.en- ,, . W.

, grades in Ste ele CiJ;y. 1 Miss Elv a Lare Teaches in the Jun- dered him helpless. At length be was _ 1 I h h 1 N b k FOR RURAL SCHOOLS IN Miss Edna Wright teaches the ior hig sc oo at e ras a vi Y· broug,ht home, and gradually recuperFifth grade in Fourteenth Street ated'. I MONTANA · IDAHO COLORADO ARIZONA

sc hool at Nebra ska City. J


He was married to Lottie Frink in I Salaries from $'100 to $150 per month.' Must be graduates Mfa s Minnie Kennedy teaches the • • 1894, and with her lived for a- short of two year college cours.e. /Experience preferred but not • Sixth grade at Fourteenth Street


time at Waco, Nebraska. He became necessary. Write immediately.

sc hool at Nebraska ·a watch maker, going back to his boy-, M1·ss·o-ur1· Valley Teachers' Agenc y Mis s Lulu Boese also teaches at I hood occupation . There eldest __ F ourteenth Strnet school in Nebras- Last Rites Held for Peru Business son, Vern E., was born. Later he mov-

315 Tabor Opera House ka City. . Man and Former Missionary ed to Nebraska, where he !iv- Denver, Colorado .

Mi ss Catherine Heafy , of Nebrask a ed a short time. At this place th-e I , City, teaches near town. The funeral of J. C. Cha.te1ain whose second child, Harolq L., was born. His ___...._-..__•..,.-..

Miss Irene of Nebraska death was announced in th-ese col- removal to Peru nearly thirty-one 1 ... City, teaches near that place. 1 t k was at four years ago was aru epoch in bis life, _ · b umns as wee ,

Miss Evelyn Peterson, of Dun ar, Io'clock last Friday afterno.on , at the for 1t marked stage when -his trav-1 · S·UM MER G Q 0·D S teaches near Dunbar. _ h th vi'ces being conducted els ended, and a real home lifo began. . . f D 1 ome, e ser T h h' Lorrame Keunnmg , o oug as, b R E Hasselblad of the Baptist wo ot er c 1ldren, Ralph and Ru th, h I y ev. . 'h . . teaches t at town. Church. Interment was made in Mt. , smce that time joined the family. ..i Students and faculty if you want the bes t and prompt Hildebrand, of DuBois, tecch- Vernon c·emetery. The followin g I . Of Mr. career in Peru " service gives us your roFder, for a ll kinds and f ancy and es Thn·d and Fourth grades at Du- obituary has been furnish-ed us: - little need be said. His creed was I staple grocei;ies also fresh fruits and vegetabl es we Bois . • Caesai: Chatelain was born) t hat of "live and let live," he ,hated glad to accommodate you.

Marie B?sworth, of Nebras- near a beautiful lake called Neuchatel bigotry and prejudice, and was not , WE WILL DELIVER · T WICE A DAY k2. City, teaches Greggsport school lin the Swiss Alps , on July 31, 1860. content to follow simply a trade. His ; near Nebra ska !His ancestors were Frei:ich Calvinists was _the. spirit pf service, ·as his long

R E D ·F E ·R N Doroth_y ?f teaches 1 who had ori g inally lived in the east- service 1!1 the office of of the

f commercial work. m the High school ' ern part of ·France, but were for ced peace will show. There he did V(hat .. at Lodgepole. Miss Hurt graduat:d J to flee in the midst of religious perse- he thought was right and his deci . from the two-year course at Peru ?n cutions to the great mountains far .! sions; even in the most trivial cases,

1927. ther east in Switzerland. The family IVere matters of principl-es with him. Dorothy of Nebras : played a conspicuous part, la t er when He Iov ed humanity, and many a time ka City, teacnes m the schools of that the la.nd of their adoption was attempt- some young student in Peru for the town . 'ino· to free itself fr.om the yoke of first time ha s sou g ht his advice.. As Sarah Jane Whitten, of th "' nations and organize a single a result his friends are legion, and City, teaches in the Junior High in go:ernment. are scattered widely throughout the I Nehraska City. MT. Chatelain's boy.h.ood was like coun'try. · He has J.eft us, but his vig- · Mr. Charles Madden, of Pawnee thac of many oth-er boys who spent orous personality and high standards ' # City, is Superintendent of the schools their first vears in Europe. He ' had a 1 of justice will remain long amo.ng us. ' I· at Sumner, Nebraska. Mrs. Madden riaorous p; imary and e.l ementary edu- 1 Mr. Chatelain died at 6 a. m. on # a lso taught in the school at Sumner c ation · and at the age of 14 learned T.huri;day, 20, 1929. He is sur.. I last year the of a Swiss watch maker, as 1vived by his wife; all of his children; : }

Olga Schmieding, of Garland, will had his father under a term of ap- two brothers, Edd. H: and T. Albert, Jr tea ch near there. of Kansas, and one sister Esther, of • , prent;ceship. ,

Ruth Mccrary of Shenandoah , ·will With his father aF1d mother he Calgary, Canada, as well as two grand ,

teach near that place. came to America at t,he age of l7, and children and other relatives and ' ·I

Steinmetz, of Slater, it was with some difficulty thatJ t,he friends.

\vill teach near that place. oblio:a.tions a fi: n_1:.:1!a.u.t:i l.! :ur.cui

Ardell Steinmetz, of Slater, :Vf.o ., it was with scime difficulty that t.he

will teach near that place. · obligations as an appre nt ice were

Mabel Stoneman, of Fairbury, will broken so that he co uld a{!company teach near Fairbury. them. It was a mo ther's tears that

B ertha Wenz, of Diller, teaches finally won the battle and the For.""" kinds oi .

near that town. boy was thus enabled to start on the I see 01 ca ll PHONE 193

Mildred Kenning, of. Steele City, gran d a dven t ul'El in America. Mem- 11 JOHN THORNHILL I (f MRS. C. 'E. SHAW, Propdet-<J.t teaches near Steele City.. . . lbers of t he had already. come

Evelyn Elseman, of Louisville, will from time to time , some lan din g at

Nebraska City, Nebraska f .

teach n ear that town. .Hudson's Bay , and m1gratmg by

Freda Alber, of Blue Hill, t eaches that branc h of the whose I

... w u -v friends.

f Arlene Baumn, of Dodge. teaches stages as far so uth as Galena, llli.noi s, I J. D. GRAVES ' Cleaning, or call for Price List at · I at Snyder. General Alexander Chetlain, on'e of


: . Palms. Caady Kitchen primary work at Eckley. name had been corrupted m its spell- ' b ' Wilma Spencer, of Pickerell, teach- in g, was a distinguished sta ff office r Peru Ne

es near Pickerell. for his fellow townsman, Gen eral U

11 f H b. t rJ h c·


Hertha Schne e, o ar m e, ea 1- S. Grant, durin g t e · 1v1 ar.

es there. - > T.he Mr. Chatelain's im- I . . .

Long: of Falls Cit y, tt.ach- m 1877 to f Service with a Smtlel' I .

es at Wilhamsv1lle. ton, Illmois, marks the of I at the . I

Helen Smith, of Genoa, teaches at a varied and colorful series of ' • f Woodville. riences for the young Julius. He I Right Away Shoe Shop I

ONLY TWO WEEKS LEFT IN WHICH TO SEE THE Esther Rogers, of Martell, teach es tried his h an d at farming in Illinoi s, . ORIENTAL GIFT EXHIBIT. OTHER INTERSTlNG.....

' at Mamilla, Iowa. but hi s mother soon died and he mov- ' GIFTS ON DISPLAY.

Corrine Frye, of Omaha, has b ee n ed on to Nebr askil where he h elped,_...,_ _...,_..,__

· t th

one of the outstandmg studen s on e develop t he great western sect10n of

Lozene Fedde, of Bennmgton , will 1 mo ve, he finally decided he wanted I BOB KNAPP

You'll not be d1ssappo1nted '


· Peru campus for the past _two yean:s· 1 the state Always restless and on the if you get :our hair cut at '

teach in a school near there. Imore edu<Cat ion and snent a term at :

· ] t · ' • (.Next to Gaines Hall on the ' . · _ Ellen Niles. of Omaha, comp e es York CoJl.e ge, Nebrask a, where hi s _._,_..__..,_ her two year course t hi s summer. future wife also went to school. It 1

u • 't fj

attended the niversi Y o

Allan Lichte_nb erger, of Bradshaw, 1 C E LE BR ATE ·

has been teachmg n ear place the ·

past two years. He will attend school A T at Peru next year. \

Lushton, will teach ]

E t



Thelma Moore, of Bellevue, teachShe graduated -Grocerie2snd dooFrrnoersth,.ofFthreubiatnsk _ Meats J ea n Wilson. of Om aha , teaches in the Ashland Park school. PHONE 47 PERU, NEBR. · !

Marie B eebe, of Omaha, teaches ' at Grove1\ Colorado.

Mrs. Effie H. Adams, of Lincoln , , is principal of the Junior high school t · ··- ; C 0 LL E GI AT E CAFE i '

Thelma Edwards. of Valparaiso, I Meals Short Orders Salads ' I will teac h near that place.

Ethel Fish, of Shubert, will teach I

ner there. She was in schoo l here ,. Home

during 1926-27.

Mr. and Mrs. Han·y Sopher, -Of

Peru, will be in school here again '

next year.

Clar.ence Zie ttlow, oi P owe ll, tea ch- Phone

es in the Junior hig,h school at that I


- Geneviev·e Nicholas, '.29, of Nebrus- \ _,.._

ka City, teaches home economics

the high school at Hyannis.

Helen Epler, of Julian, teaches Eng-

li sh an d music at Wa ll Lake, Iowa.

Alvina of Syracuse, teaches

near there.


Cold Drinks







Many are Expected to Enter Local Horseshoe Tournament Next 'Veek

The Pedago gia n is stil !planning th e Big Ho!rse shoe Tournament t0 be <lu1'ing tl:e weel<- commenei ng July 22 .2very one is in vi ted to par11. ipate, and to help make this to ui·1 ument the "Ut5t a ndi ng evei,t in the s.im mer sci1Jol a..:tivi ties. The t©u:r-nhment wi ll nel ·i on t lie wes.t of t,h do rn1itory. ':"l-ie re will f, · plen:ty of for spect;.tvrs. w ill be ol en•:1: of sL1kes 11>d hoes ..,or sev'eral to be i: •ayed at t.::icJ-i time No charge i i' l·• b<- made fo r admittanc e.

All fi n als wi1 lbe he ld Fricla y a fternoon, July 26. All preliminaries and. consolati on games m ust be played before Frid ay

The res u lts of all games w ill be recorded im med i ately after t he gam e. Each g ams will by judged by an official.




Pa ul "Swede" Hertz, Malvern , I owa, ,


I Three times eac h week t en men

!faculty members meet at 4:30 p. m. ,, one o.f the oustandin o· athletes in the I H' Iin the tra ini ng schoo l n·yrnnasium for Fourteen Present at First Meeting

h "' F°'rmer Peruvian Graduate and is b l . "' of Frate rnity this Summer istory of · Pe ru , participa t in g und er 1 Wife .Visit Coll ege , volley al pr actice. , the and white colors of "Old I Everyone of th e te ach ers fee l qui te -The Al pha Mu Omega Mathematics Per u" won fourt h in the 16 j P eru was glad. of the opportum ty i "cocky" a bo u_t their Mr. , Fraterni ty, a lo\! al uni t t he Nationpounds shot put in the junior division to welcome the i eturn of two of her Clements has it, a nd they offe1 a C' hal- al Councif of Mathematics T eacher s, _ former gra du ates Mr Mrs. Geo. 1ienge to an y voll ey ball te >1 u1 th at h eld its firs t meeting of t he su mmer, of the N aho nal Am ateur At hletic Hanson of St afford Anzon a. Mr. min ht be picked fr om the me n on \ J 1 1 f t be1·s U · · h · . J 1 . ' "' . Monday, u y , our een m em n10n meet ·eld 1n De nve1 on u Y Hanson is supe rmte ndent of sc.hoo ls the c amp us 3 and 4 t . • • I · . be111g present.

• • 1 · at Stafford Wnen a studen t 111 Peiu, Conoi derino- the spirit of the a ffair, I A int erestin g pro 1Ham had heen a ul he aved the shot a di stance of h · · d b t l"t k . ·" n "' .· I e was active m e a e, 1 ei ary wor ' listen to t he master server Larson, n O' ed by tbe program committee 44 fe et 7 m ches. The event was won d. t. - atbl ti s an d is now . aua " . • 1 ama ics, a na e c • whP is no ted on the tear" to consistin g mainly of special reports with a put Of 46 fe.et by Schleimer of 1· st t' · h' s work as superin- 1 · · : •t • JU .as ac 1ve 111 1 rn1 >.pl ac e. an d then reahm t he sla m- , by various members of the fr aterm Y· Los Angles At hlet ic Club. tendent. His mission in Pe ru was to mers (a term in volley :nil) "Is Mathematics Essen l:ialy a Tool'!"

The Denv·er meet was the greatest students in to Ian d Ty ler, with Mathew:> 1i:. ow n in was given l>y Paul Ti gard-. In this ass emb l adge of amateur track record teachrn g 111 his system, an d mc1dental- fo r meas ure is t he big ar tic le va rio us ph ases of Math emaholde rs that have ever gathered in ly to renew old acqua in tances.' i:1 t he olrt sport En..,is. an d the ·itic<; i·elat ing to other in our America Mr. Han se n was a sked to g ive a sm all of everythin g in Ch vb urn a nd curric.ulum were ta ken up. Some nf

Such men as Con g·er, gr eat Ameri- talk at convocation an d v ery .k indly Crag;,. lthe pro b lems of t he M-l' llematics can mi le r, Charles Paddock, and man- consented, but said that for fear the I such an array 0 f at hletes the ITe a1'.he r were also discussed. T he hn· o.t.heT g·reat America athletes met at students would·.suffer educ @.tlonal dys- ( :t!.•pui:: men will n eed to do s" mP. I al condusion of the article wa s th iit t his meet. pepsi.a, would refrain from even seeking for players who san tw ist the Imathemat ics is. a subjet by it self 1::i th".Swede" h as repeated ly put the mentiomn g educ ation. Instead, he tail of the lions, and make hurt e1 th an a lw !p111 g ha nd to ot her •,u lJ shot 48 an d 49 fe et, and hi s record to ld of the be auties of Ar izona, its Ju st now t here is Her tz, Hoy, N'iC'k- jNG in t:he cu rric ulum. is over 50 feet The world r·ecord is clirn a.te, its flora and fauna, a nd its el, Naim an, Lenard, and B eccard a nd The secon d rep ort, "P rogress i_n 52 f t "Swede" hopes to keep in g eological formations. ·a fray of ot hers who w.ould do we ll. Text Book s," w as given by Mane · d aO'ain ·enter t he meet! He specifically mentioned the large Th e facu lty lions are wai t ing for !P arker. Miss P arke'!: pointed out the · con 1 ion an " I U 'fi d f t th I h b k b · · t ·o The divisions will be made as fo l- ney.t year. . n'.eteor crate r, 1.e petn e. ores' · e the time to meet your c ampus team, ,faC<t.t new oo s_were e.mg m 1 · 1ows; drnosour, t racks 111 the rocks, t he ex- else th ey w ill co,nsider themse lves Iduced m mathematic te ach mg Th e Girl's Singles (Games played to 21)



1 t in ct vo lc a noes, the ice caves, t he d·e- champions w ith a snort and a roa r. books were much be tter

'F ·, . vil's lava fie lds, and the Grand_ Ca.n- symbo.Is more common and fo o hsh ex - Tw.o classes, A and J3. (f>riz,es w ill _ RT yo n with its wonders Of esp_ecia l m- BJQLQG·\; F·RAT press1ons as well as p oor g rammar he give n for l, 2 • and 3 · 'fO· CQNCE terest _was .th.e pumpkin - · 1 l 1 a re being . ,, Gi rl's Doubles (G ames to twen ty - one ) patch m which pumpkms of pure I , G"f..Jj"n DJN'IHER "Chan g es 111 Al gebra T eachmg by Only one class, t,hree priz,es. - • j rock ran ged in size from six to thir- j V l Edwin Recto r brou g.ht out. the Men 's Singles (Games to fifty) p f or Jind ra now takin g Work , ty inches in circumferance, an d on I . chan g·es in texts as well as t he d ifThree cla s ses, three prices in eac h ro Forbman's Old Teacher Iw hi ch even t he vines a nd stems a re D 'd C 11 ·-f-M- tt U. \ fei:- ent mq•;hol•; used n ow in t cac bir.g vv av1 oste o, o a rqu e mve r s1- 1 h d class eas ily discover ed p . math er11 aTir.s ( llr. pa1 cd ! o m et .o s ( G t fift ) ty Gives Address; Former eruvian I . ] 'Men's Doubles ames 0 Y r t , Z ane Grey he says has no t ex ag - used in previous years. He expJa111ec Two class, three pi:izes. Ha rry Farbman, yo uthfu.l v10 imh s ' I ge r ate d In the least the be auties -Of . t that the new methods of t eachin g b d th t y· turn h · t ear in a recLtal at t. e I "

L ast Thursday evemn g seven Y 1 • f th

Now you av-e rea e s or ' w 0 is 0 app _ the Arlzon a deserts a nd mountains, mathemat ics was n ot or e purpose to pag·e four and find .t he e ntry bl ai;- k, : co ll ege auditorium on. an d in order to appreciate one members of Tn B eta h eld a dmner of memo r izat ion but for .the pu rp ose fi ll it out and hand it tG Ar th ur LJTir : nin g, July 22, h as ac.hJeved. mu st really spend time with them. the Methodist Church. The us ua Tn clear and logical th inking. · B th · 't' an American v10- I Th k' dahl, Millard Fowler, Edwm 0 0 · ' ab le re co g rp ion as I Mr. Han so n did give one bit of ed- Beta A merican Beau ty roses "The Rel a tion Between .m 111 g 1' · t d M ·· t' · Mathemat ics" by \ inis · O' n of bu1 u cati onal information, however, wh en 1 the basis of the scheme of decora· 1 an emoi iz_a ion 111 • h ol\10VlE, "THE SCARLET LADY - I M r. r·arbman, a yo un ., t d he said that after Ja nu ary 1, 1930 all tions and. co n stitu te d the favors .: Margai'et Ch n eberg, porn t ed .o ut t e TO BE SHOWN JULY 18 twenty-five years of age as teachers in Arizona must have at Menus and pro gr ams were in the fact that it is n ot necessaryhto h A .- a and was :ons1 e1e - - J 1 •• • rder to learn mat emat1cs. Sout menc . t. !;I least three years of work abov e the 1 form of the fr ate rni ty k ey, as is rus1 · ouze in ° . . Stu d ents of t he college will h ave the country's vi-0 linistic sensa 10.'\ . .hiO'h school, before they will he per- tomary at Tri Beta dinne rs . Miss Clineberg says. that it . is trthue t ·t to see an unus - s idered the g rea test vio 1111s " h l 'that man y do get thell' woi:k 111 maimother oppor uni ·y was con d in Rio de Janeiro uh -<l t,,., <- sc oo I Mr. David Costell o, professor of : t' th. h th e process of memual mo.ve at t he college auditoriumh on that h as app ea re Thi s shows t hat t he west as we ll as I botany at Ma rquette University 11.il- Iema ics 10ug h th h d 'f Wednesday evening, July 18, "wL en , for the l ast fifteen years. the e ast are raising their sta nd ards wauk,ee, Wisconsin , the ad.dress. ' orization, but on t e o: er an the picture, "The Scarlet Lady, .His first Americ an appearance was of teach ers' quali fications i He spoke on "The Ecolo gy of Chi- 1 . L d Putti is to be shown 1924 and immed i ately he was - l'lng ya e • 1n , f t he picture is one of h £.._-

SUMMER RECITAL ' Benfo rd. Miss Gwendolyn Mall ory i t ion. L1bhme heights, and then gave h er / , was cha irm an of the di nn er co 'nmit- l The meetin g .adjourn ed after a body so that she n1io·ht save her sou l. 1-JINDRA L EAVES FOR CHICAGO T.he s ummer schoo l orc he str a, com - tee. \short discussion of business affa i rs Advance notic_e us informa-1 Victor H. direc to r of orch-; pose d of under the As 1s us ual with Tri Beta soc ial af- " • t1on that t ke p1cture . is one -of t he . estra a nd in structor in vio lin left directi.on of Vic.tor H. Jindr a, gave fairs, a ll a lumni members were invit- SCAR E CROW" MADE mo t gr ippin g love stories -ever to ld : Saturd a y, _J uly 14, for Chic ago ,' where 1one of the most pleasin g chapel pro- ed. Ov er a ht! ndre d invitations w ere FOR PED A GOG IAN on th_e scree n. 1 he wi ll enter t he Chicag o Music al col- ·gram s of the s ummer term, on July 3. j sent o ut to a lu mni members, some gol eg e. · 1 ! The pro gram commenced without in g as f;ir as the Phillipine Islands, A s urm·ise was in sto re for a l arrre "HUN SHOT" VISITS CAMPUS ! Mr. Jindra w ill contin ue - with pr i- announcin g nu mbers , with the pl ay -\ an d Al aska . A of '. crowd of P eru students last Wedn-esoCac h Herry Shott, known in the , cate st udy in vio lin with Max, Fisc hel. Iin g of; "Connecticut Marc h" by N as - alumni were pr es·ent, in c ludin g Ba r- , day ni g ht at the Be nford-S tec k reg Iden of 1912 as "H un Sho.t" I vio!in pedagog, a nd Victor Kuzdo, sau as the up . ton Cl eve n ge.r'. Harvey Da vid cital, when Mr. was a v1s1tor on the camp us l as t ass istant to the r·enowned L eopo ld Other se lections were: , Th e Mor ns Ma rk Delzell, Ma rgaret Mc- 1 that the l ast of ,his ongrn a>l compos1Thursday. He is now coach at Glen - l Aver. Da nce" an d "The Sh<>:pher's Da nce" W1lhams, Barton Redfern, Cretori a t ion s was in sp ired by the ora, California hi gh school. His j Mr. Jindr a assisted in - the teachin from " Dan ces of Henry VIII" by Ed Wiles, a nd Gl a dy s Wiles. ' This is h ow it h ape ned :M1·. Be nbrother Karl ,"Gun Sho t" is now I <>f vio li n at the college l as t s um.me; Ge rm a n. Th e clo sin g piece was "B ae- Gu ests of the fr a ternity were Mrs. ford aco mpani ed by a nother memb er he ad of -p h ysica l training pepartment .H e w ill be unable to take up the Icha ul e" fl'om "F au st" by Gounod. Pa te, Mrs. Dunnin o-, D ea n De lz ell , Iof the fac ul ty, were g ivin g a recit al.

o;f Wec;t Virginia university D, · Karl teaching work thi s summer si;ce he I At .the co nclu si-on of the pro g ram, Mr s. D av id Coste ll o, an d Harry Soph -, Durin g the Mr. Be nford pl aygadu ate d from in 10.J9. ic; e nt e rin g his course!' la te. stu de nts .hea;tily the orch- er. I ed a Scherzo. Bu t - Iestra for their " exce ll e nt rnte r preta- At ti .t f h f Ithe un tra rn ed 111 us1ca l ea r of t.he re-

· 1e s umm er rn1 iat 1011 o t e ra- . . tions - t 't h ld . th f It porter of t he Ped agog1al'I fa il ed to · er m y, e m · e ac u y ro<rm on h . . f h . · 1 The orchest ra for the s ummer is the even in g of Jul y 1, a number of j to :t \·e n amte o t. e ;1 tic Composed mostly of students e n- . t b t t' an w en was se up rn ype t assoc 1a e m em ers were nuse u o ..ie I 11 _, "S c w'' i·olle d for the summer. A few win- k f t· b h" Th ' · was ca e.. ' c are ro · ran · o · ac ·1ve mem ers 1p. 1s list A f . d 1 t 1\1( B d b I k th . · , ew· ays a er •ir. en ..ur reer st ud ents e p ma e up e group. includes Eleanor Cr a ndell , Pa ul Col- I k d to 't th t 1 h d b b h Id th . . mar e a wn er a 1e a ee n Reg ul ar · pr actice h as ee n r ee !in s, Ma rvrn Ov ert ur f, Ha rv ey Nick el, . . d d Id k · h fi t t m sp1e an. wou comme n ce wor time eJlch w ee k durm g t rs erm. H er ber t Re dfern, Mar ga rette Rh odu s, ' t' 11 d "S h ·11 t t L · on a new compos1 ion ca e , care

·• T.he o.f th·e p ictu re is one of l1J. .J.. V.C.."2:, anu. - l'fUW c1·9 Oil :n::-.:::-_TIT'...,-------- - -=-hfe aind endur in g love; a dr a- ! cfa1med by the foremo st cr iti cs of-t.he ' ' cag·o Vicinity." Music was student will get r es ults by thinkin g mat1c photoplay of a peasant girl , country to be one of the greatest ORCHES1 RA GIVES ;on the pipe organ by Pr ofessor R. T. Ia.nd reasonin g rather than memorizawho passes_ from lowly obscurity- to I American violi n is ts

The ore eStra wi no pr esen a n- uc11le Ru ss ell, Mrs. Glad ys Sopher, 1 C ,, N h' . . t' h b d · th row ow is msp1r a 10n as een oth·er chapel yrogram urm g e sum- John Sta'h n, Walter Wiese, a nd Helen )' d d th . t" mer. Williams. ie.a 1ze . an m co nn ec 10n with the Ped agog1an were glad to I N ew ly elec ted active men)b ers who h ear th at Mr. Benfor d had been in-

DAUGHTER OF FIIRST PRESI- were initi ate d .includ e J oe Butler, spir ed by its columns.

DENT RECENT VISITOR HERE Vida Clov er, Enid Colglazier, Josi e Seldom does the P edagog i an receive ___ ' Lutz, Char les Pl ace, a nd Ruth Schind- mu ch reco g ni tion by men of ta le nt, Among the vi sitors on the Peru , ler. and nev er to t.he writer's kn owle d ge campus durin g the p ast weeks Those ini tiated as asso ciate mem- h as anythin g been dedi cated to it. one person in particul ar w as more hers include F aye Ha nn a, Helen Ma rk- But th ose in co nnection with the th an us ually gl ad to be received. Th at jin.g, Bessie Mar ie school now f: el d iffere ntly Iperson was Mrs. Agnes Donaldso n, of rand Alberta Schindler. Itowar d then· pubhc at10n; th ey n ow Stockto n, California, daugh ter of Dr I The offic e rs of the fratern ity are : . that al thou.g.h many of t he errors I J. H. McKenzie, first presid·ent of the . v ic e presid e nt; Ele a nor Cr an dell, sec- Im the Ped agogia n are l aug h ed at and old P eru Normal. !nitary ; a nd Gwendo lyn Ma ll ory, trea s· criticise d, a nd the r eporters even Mrs. Don a ld so n and her two so ns ,urer. r azze d, the reader only s ho ws hi s own were r eturnin g fr om a vi sit in New I n ar.row-m ind edne ss. When a reportM · T 111 · · d a nd eas er is razzed for erro rs from now on , ex 1c o exas m.Ql s, an · ' · · he will .have a great come-backtern states the campus th at w as here when she "look at what Benford does with an Dr. J. H. Mc Kenzi e was presi d ent was h ere, is the kitchen of the n orma l error." of Peru in 1867-1870. He was also hall. The oth er pa r.t of the .hall was secon d state superinte ndent of P.ublic I d est roy ed by fire in 1898, o nl y the Miss Emily Burton, s up erviser of instr u ction in Nebr as ka, and Ikitch en bein g save d. Th e McK e nzie' s the fifth an d sixth gra d e, trainers the first copy of sc ho ol laws written lived in the seco nd house so uth of buildin g, entertain ed st ud en ts at c.h ain Nebraska. Later he starte d York t,he tra i ners buildin g. pel time on July 8 with whi st ling and Co ll ege, an d in 1.888 m Qve d to Cali - Mrs Don ald so n wh il e in P eru vi sit- flute sde:.-tions. forn i a. ed with Co l T. J. a nd Wil so n Majors, SelectiO!!S on the flute w ere: "Son g Mrs . Dona ld son was/ glad to see D r. Ne als, an d Davia' J ack. Sh e ca ll- \ of t he Indian," a.nd "The Drook ,' Imany n:ew bu il d in gs on the c am pus. ed on the Be <l ell s, Delze ll s, a nd her \ \.' hL l! i 1 ;,; tun es were: 'So n g· of Sun! She stated ,th at th e only buildin g on many other friends. sh i ne," anc1 Echo."



THE PER U I ' . p E:oA G OGI A N ,, Who s Who at Peru

Entered at the Pos t office of / _,Ne braska, as second class matter

r"- - Publi shed We'ek ly at Pe ru S Mlte T eac hers Colleg e

$1.00 t he Year- Sc sin g le copy

IWalter Wies e, of Bennin gto n, who J is a ma jor in th-e musi c dep artm ent, l w ill return to Peru n ext yea r. t Crys tal Theatre J J osephine McC om as , of Auburn , at- ,,

Fay Hanna te ach es in the gra d es at Fa ll s Ci ty. tended s chool h er e du r in g the p as t

M.URDER CAS·V She will re turn to Pe ru next :Ci Et he l Burke, of Be a trice te ach es year.

n ea r Beatrice. ye ar. Baffles police. Stirs the pubHelen W ag ner w ill attend sc hoo l at Genevieve Fisher, of P.eru , will lie. W ho k illed h er? Fi ve men Pe ru !) ext year teac h in the junior hi g hscho oJ at I are suspec ted --O ne of the five F er n Du n.n , of Fa ll s City, teac h es Burr next ye ar. She g raduate s from '• is gu ilty In to the han ds of n ear th at pl ace. P er u this summer. thr ee we ll known d etectives has Lillian Ha nks, of Nebraska Ci ty; Jo ha nn a Z abel, of Auburn, w ill # been p lace d the investig ation teac h es in Iowa. / te ach at Sterling again next year. ' of this baffling murd e1· case. ;

EDIT OR-IN-CHIEF - - - WILLI AM OKRENT Ma ry Sc hu lenber g, of 'Salem, teach- Mi ss Za bel _ grt aPduate.d lf9ro28m the two-1 Thel dgtttil ty party will be re- ! es th at town ye ar c0 u rse a eru· 1n I v ea e o y ou on

ASS OCIATE EDITOR ____ .._ ______ WILLIAM ARMSTRONG BUSINESS MANAGER - FLOYD CHASE La Verne Fosler, of Se ward, teach- Gla d ys Ru ddy, of Auburn, has been # -MON ., TUES., JULY 15-16 f

INS TRUCTOR IN JOURNALISM - - THOMAS EDSON ENNIS es ·near .that tow n. teac h ing ln the sc hools of Peetz, Col- I ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR - - - MI L LARD FO WLER Pe arl Hanna a lso te aches in th e orado She gra duated from the t wo J AT THE CRYS TAL THEATRE · R EP ORTE RS g rades at Fall s City . course at P er u in 1928. Sol ve

STAFF I y ot1r en te rtainmen t prob-

FEATURES -.- - LESLIE LEONARD P lattrniout h, Georgia Hu tchinson, of Malvern, lem by S eei ng FACULTY HELEN W AGNER Iowa, teaches in the sc h oo ls o:f Mal-

CAMPUS NEUMEIS T ER ' Grace S to f t, Of .l:'ap illi an, w ill at- v-ern Miss Hutchinson graduated ,. "CANARY I ENTERTAINMENTS - - - HELEN HOLLJWA y tend school here next year from t he two-year course in 1926 MURD,VR CAS E" f WHO'S WHO - - - - HAR OLD MARREN I l\II a: ·;Q Nol ting, of I; l attsrnou r. h at- Bes sie Bath, of Brownville attended f PROOF RE ADE R - - - -. MY RLIN Mc GUIRE tend ed sch ooi 1-iern J as t year. s cho ol he e dur· g th fi t t _.. I r m e rs semes er a nd be re warded - with two Chloe Pa te, of Orleans , teaches in last ye ar. She taug ht in a school ,• hours of an d WHAT I'S A TEAC HE R? WAKE UP the fo u rth g rade at Fall s City. near b er h ome the secom_l s·emester. lo v e. thrills , myst ery ! AME RICANS! Odus Bates, of ':'ecu msei.., teac hes E ac h of us, as we lo ok back u pon11 I A certa in we ll -known fore ig ner af- ·n a '- J C b o h l Ge11 · H 11 f R Id ·11 our yea rs of sc...l-i-0 ol life, ca n brin g I near ra re an. ev1 eve a , o eyno s, w1 r to min d s ome te ll cher of w hom we te r vi si tin g in Amer ica recent ly, ma de Pas co li ne Anv il! e, of Nebraska City be an instr u ctor in the junior hi gh I WED., THURS., JU LY 17-18 I can say, "Th ere w as a r ea l t each er ." hi s remark : "T.he .Americans are a te aches in a school ne ar there. schoo l at Reynolds Miss Hall g radu- I I But wh at quali ty w as it t hat ma de mumbli'ng, ju mpin g whang ing, twang - Cla ra Gang ron is principal of Cen - ated from the t wo -year co• r se l ast I G RE TA GARBO IN I t hi s teac her an ou ts ta ndi ng memory tral g rade schoo l at Fa ll s City sprin g. I , in g whinin g, group of pe op le." Most M F

in o ur li ves? W as it the a mount of rs ' aye .A'.kern, -0f Fa ll s City , will ·

i nfo rm ation .t hat .he was able to in - of u he re at coll-e.g·e are Americans . te ach in the g rades at Fa ll s 9-ity Brecht, of Fa lls # ject i nto ou r li ew ild ere d br a ins ? No! Th e rema rk is not very compliment- Bernice Miller, of Om aha wi ll at- 1 y, IM S .assis tm g Mr Crago th i,s sum- ' - t d h p . Imer. iss Bre ch t re ceived her de o- ree · was it b eca us e ofhi s ple asin g appear- ary. The questi on is: Do we deserve I en sc ool at ·eru a ga in next y_ear. •from p . 1928 d "' an ce? A ga i.n, N-0 ! i t?

Helen P enner, of Beatrice, teaches ·t C edru m ' an now teaches _.. Th h th . d · a oza " e teac ers who r ea ll y mean some- - rn ·e prim a ry . ep artment at Holmes - ' t hin g to us are the ones wh o h av e a Th e pers on who mumbles so that vme. · · Rhe a Carste ns, of Be a trice, p ersonality that far surpasses the p eo pl e must cons ta ntly ask h im to Beatrice Stoft, of P ap ill ion, Nebr as - his tory in the jun ior hi gh s c.hool at p ower of kn ow led ge or of app ea r-r ep eat w,hat he say s, who jumb les his ka , w ill attend s'choo l at P eru next Alli a nce She gra du ate d from the I an ce Th ey hav e the k ee n in sight in - id eas so th at 110 on·e knows what he year two-y ear course in 1927 and has be en I to h uma n n at ur e th at ca us es .them to Gl a dys Anville of Nebra s ka _ City in Alli anc.e s in ce that ti me. m ea ns, w ho ta lk s wi th an unnecess a ry t h . h' 1 say a nd do the ri g ht thin g at th e e ac. ·es rn a· sc oo ne ar Nebr aska right mo me n t. The y a re the ones vehe mence or tw an g, er worst of a ll, ICity. _ Dorothy Deerin g,- of Alli ance, w ith L ewis Sto ne and Nel s Asthe r, in a s etti ng of tropical be auty, yOJu see an a mazin g love t riangle. A t aie te nse and throbbing, rismg to a i smashing climax in the unfor- I getabl e ti ger hunt s cen es. G to G arbo, t he scree n's mos t per fe ct wom an in a picture that f is th e yea r 's se ns ation_ Also news and co medy.

FRI., SAT., J ULY 19 -20 who in spires us; who ma ke us li ve up whin es when he wa nts hi s wa y, is Op al P ool; of Verdon, will teach in taug ht at Crawfton last y ea r. Mi ss t 0 the best th at is in u s; wh-0 g iv e resp ons ib le f rnr t hi s di sag ree abl e rep- the primary departme nt at Verdon Deering gra du ated fr om th e two-ye ar/ us a goal to wor k towa rd. ; w.ho ma ke u tation referre d to. A clear ar.tic u- next year course 31 t P eru in 1927 and will reus THINK. For tr ue teac h in g "is not lat ion is within me ans of us all. Edn a Ha n ks, of Nebr aska City, turn ne xt year t© secure .her deg re e. ZANE GREY'S th e ou tpo urin g of fac ts, it is th e H. A. N. t ea ches at the Fourteenth Street 1 Neil Tl ahert. of Milford, has been f "S'UNSET PASS " brin gi ng ou t of: inn ate a bility of scho ol there an a ctive stu d ent on t he c ampus dur- I the individ ual a nd tactfu ll y g uidin g Harland Sims, of £.awn ee City, ing th e past ye ar Mr T rabe t f w ith Jack H 1t U s j th at b ·1·t t d If mo re emph as is was p' a ced · r or m- 0 as a · · Mar- f. a 1 1 Y · owa r soci al ad va nce - · '1 te a ches in the Junior hi gh at Cre ig h- erly att ended -the University of Ne- shall, is as signed to roun d up a I men t. by "the dry adv eca te s on the fact toot ton , Nebr as ka. b ras ka. He plans to teach next y ea r. of clever cattle thieves. I In the ave r a1rn st ud e nt' s sc hoo l 11"fe,

Summ er B udget Event s17- P. D. C. Th l' ee One-A c ts .

J uly 18'- lVIovi e, Sc a rle t Lad y.

July 22 - Re ci ta l by Ha rry F b ar man , Violinist July 29 - No ah Bcilh arz, Reade1·.

2-Lawr enc <> Harp Q uintet

Aug·ust 3-Movi e, Fly in g Ma r'ine

August 17- Mov i e, T.he Lone Wolf's

Au gust 9-M:ov ie, T he Fa ke r. Da ug hter.

h ave b ee n where waters swi n.g I Th e Ma sons held a sp ec ial m ee ting posH:ions with

I nowa y s. So wh at is t he goo d . , , I I of hav in g a holid ay in vacas,h un An d li ft and c re st a nd roll a nd brea k IT.hursday night, a nd conferr ed th e I An fi ne entertain- 1 times . ; Wh e re s ea gulls sa il on sno>y wing Mas t.er's deg ree on Donald Beck a rd . ; Th e Davis Sc hool Serv i ce ment was g iven S atu rda y n ig h t, July I MUND AY : The b oysco u ts give a: And shrill harsh s ea sound s ever ( Th is d eg ree w as conf err ed fo r th e 1 I W. T. DAVI S, 06· -Ma n ager l S, at t he co ll ege au di tor iu m by -t he : law n f ate t on ite to r ase m unney for 1 make

Maso nic lodg-e at Yor'k, at th e requst !. 138 No. 12th St. L inco ln, Nebr f " cottish C ome dy Company in / th ere tresu ry . I see n Bliste rs th er-e II have been whe1'e sa lt mists-blow qf the off icials of th at lodge. MT. , I their cle ver ly acted an p well su no- ra nd he wuz mad as c ud b e. I a st hi m ISo wet and ch ill up on the shore Bec kar:d is a tte nd ing su mmer school I . "' wh at the ma tt er WU$ and ·he sed when I h b b t drama tic produc tion The "Cotte r 's h · ave een w here oc ea ns ea here. i ===============:::: . ,, ' I e was a. ge ttmg r ea d. y to come to Age in -age out-with mig hty ro a r. I atur day Night. the la wn fat e he wars hed his nec k -. T.h i.s s ketc h is J:)a se d on Rober t j f or a co Uar a nd then hi s m ot.he r I h av e been where mountains re ar Mr. a nd Mrs. Ch a.des Holma n, of I MAN UA L TRAINING fl Bu rn 's poem of t he same n ame an d made hm1 wear a high co ll a r. !Th eir jagg-e d ran ge s to t he sky Auburn, we re in P er u S at u rd a y. how the spi rit of t he .Scotis h life j T UESD AY: We ll I am t hrew w ith ! Whe re s n'o ws tha t fe ll ag es go ne _ in : I LUMB ER ,, . . . I that Jane at on e of them r oom en I In so lid lay ers silent li e. . Mr. and Mrs. Va n Dyke we re I so v1v 1dJy des cr1bed by the " Pl ough- h f . . j A b F ·d I LACQUER, E NAM EL . - 1 · ou ses oreve r t.h1s time I wal ked \Vh ere whe n ev en mg sunset flame u 1,1rn, n ay I man" p oet. In quai nt o ld S cotc h apast Jan es when she wa s a se t te n On mor nin g sh ows its firs t faint blush I Mr. a nd Mrs. Ba ker w ere in Oma· ' PAINTS ,• setting of t he e1 g .ht eenth centu ry, ! on the fr ont po rs h an d sh e had her T he mount ains s.tand in be a uty ra re h F -d h h f · I d · h a, n ay. COAL COAL Jo hn An de rson, t e co tte r, is am 1- og m er lap a nd w as kiss en it. I Th e ir white s ides a r osy flush. ]y and s om e -of hi s fr iends are sh ow n Is to ps a nd se ts dow n a nd ·sed to her Florine Ellio tt wa s in Nebra ska I PERU LU MBER CO . I spendi ng a Satu rd ay . e ve ning with Gee I w ish I coul d ha ve a ki ss to. r ha ve been wh ere no rt h ern li gh ts Mo nd ay. I I songs, stories, an d laugh te r. Th e I and she ha nd ed me the do g and se d. Hang fr ;:, m he av en 's fros ty sky J I W. J. RABEL , Mgr I laiTd:'s so n wi th his y ou t hf ul love for A ll rite just he ln yurself. Where lon e ly wolf a nd malam ute ._,_.__.....,_._....,.____ I P ho ne 48 Pe ru , Ne br. j Jeann ie, t he co tt er's daugh te r, intro- WEDN ES D AY: Pa was sha vin g Rent Arc:ic 5!.i l!n

duced a n ote of app ea li ng roma nc-e his se lf to night and he got

Man y o ld S co tch mel o die s, lov ed the when ma as t hi m w.hat wa s wrong he G li tt er on g ri m wastes .of s now

It Pa ys! worl d ove r, were super bly su ng th ru - I sed h is durn ed rais·er wo n't cut a ta ll. Un de.e p bl ;. ck w ate rs c-hocked wi tn ¢ J out- the pro du ct ion. So me of th em Ma se d to him. We ll it mu st be y ure ice


weTe: "L addie," "L.o ch Lomm ond," b ecau: it a LI ri te thi.s morn - W.'.11_,re giant 'H!a whales

"Annie La ur i e," and "A Ma n's a M an 1ng when .t was t rim me n th e lin oleum. f f

THURSD AY: Pa come down stares '.>1y mi nd is fi ll ecl .with a ll th ese g

for a' Th a t. " 1 and l·s t hi s morn en in hi s ba th. ro be a nd Wi th a ll these t hm gs an.d m. any.in ur e A

It wa s a t rue Sc otc.h pl ay I 11 h k t ll J f '

' spe nt abo ut a .ha lf ho ur loo ken fo r II hear the gu s s ne rn g s 1 II

. one of the mos t powerf ul se rnlon s the funny p ape r. We cudde nt u nder1 Upon tlrn t iso lated s.hore I 9 , # ever preached It te a ches rever e nce stand wh at w as the m atter wi th pa l" Com e, c9me with us.," th ey seem lo

fQr i.. e ide als of home , co u ntry, and FI

w.i un t il ant E mmy ha pp ened to rem em-say. Go d. b er that he tuk a extra b ath last ni te "'Tis time , 'this timle ,wefi werebawatyh, t FRAMES I J • p • , C L AR K path os, an P 1 osop · · ·-I ho pe he -cl u sse nt loose .his job becuz Ar iding on t e gJi es erc e . r ea became c onvu l sed wi th laugh ter one of be in a ho ur and a ha lf la te to j Aridin g

moment to be ammedj ately so bered by wor k. J

born in Scotland or born of Scotc h ··· parentage . M a-;.y' Ma ck, who pl ayed and.. I Ru th Ri chardso n ' 29. I Peterson

the p art of J ea nnie, the cotter's dau g·hter ; William Wilson, who play-

ed the jo vi el nei g.hb o r; Tomm as Cuth-

be rts on and W att Di x on, who played f'

Jo hn Anders on, the cott er were nati ve I

born S cotc.h r ,e·>.:,i'e. Ji

T he cast wa s one of remarkable

ab ili ty and a ll th e parts were ca rr ied '

w hi ch sho w ed care ful th ought and #

N ot o nl y wa s .this foat tire very I

e'Ji de ut, but t he va rious vc cal s elec-

li ns di sc losed an a rr ay of artists of

no a bili ty , a.nd it was ple:i.::;ing I

ning deliv eries /on lunches to note t he hearty appreci a tion of the I

•Udience at the conclu •lon of e ve ,y

Nig ht," and expressed thems elves as

great ly pleased The president re -

c eived t he company a-t t he White I LET US SERViCE YOUR CAR f };l ouse t he following_ day. ' GAS OI!L GREESE TIRES AUTO SUPPLIES T. C.

JOHNIES' DIARY J Free air and Crank Case Ser ".:

FRIDAY: Aunt Emma was a show · i THE NORTH GARAGE I

nn me a Iot of old coins whi ch PATTERSON

had been a s aveing up and co llecting up fo r a long no. of years, s en ce she 1 ; mas a yung girl. She says sheh as ' I ,. bl -.-...about every kind of coin image n ea e (UT E S S E L ' S ' but t hey is 1 kind she - hass e n's s aw -

those t here Latin quarters yo u read t so much about in the pap ers. / CITY SERVICE ' SATURDAY : Ma bad v eal cuttl ets Opens Thursday, July 11 I fo r din n er and aft er paw lent

' back in t.he chair and while he was a.

!Ji ccin his teeth he sed to ma. MY

deer them was the best pork ch ops 1

ever et. Ma laffed and sed. . PHONE



Saturday, July


OF bu nny 1 am g lad to hear you s ay a ·

SALE ' becuz t hey w assent pork chops they I I

are veal cuttlets. An d paw got very

m ad and sed. Why didn 't yo u say



T hree Pla ys wi ll .be Given July 16 at Co ll e ge A uditorium

· Bring yo ur bud g et tick et or fi fty

CeJ1tS a nd CO'!Tie pn 0Ve r to t.h e COilege a ud ito ri um to night, Ju ly 16, at 8 l? · m. j wh en the Peru Dr ama.tic Club will I p resent three one -a ct pl a ys.

T he fi r st of . th ese is "Ash es of 1 Roses" by Constn;i ce D'Ar cy Ma cK a y. :

It is a costu me pl y of the 1860 pe riod ! a nd should pr ove qui te in terestin g.

The cha ra cte rs are rep res ent ed by:

Ar di s Mo nroe, Jam es Delze ll, Gen evieve Nichol as, and Pa ulin e Ly le.

Th e s eco nd play, " Go od Me dicin'e," a com e dy, by Jack Arno ld a nd Edw in Bur ke wm be p rese nted by Jo h anna Zabel, the w ife, Paul Comb s, t he doc-

to r wh o t urn s "Dr. Joh11 so n's An a-1 to my in to ha mb urger steak," a nd :..--

, TUES D AY, JULY 16, 1929


Contestan t's N ame

Ad dress at P eru

Rhea Cars tJens. Ice, Cream, Cold D rinks, Soda Fountain I J Service, Con fectione ry and Lunc h Meats ' I School Supplies and S tationery #

Wo ul d yo u be willin g to loa n yo ur horses h oes Ho·111e Add ress


to my in to iam urger s ea , an Rh ea Car ste n s.

T.he th ird pl ay is t he "Flatterin g 1

Word," a comedy-farce by Ge orge ,.

Ke lley Ju st wh a( that flatterin g I

word is r ema in s a d eep secre t.

it is r evealed by t he cast coos1st111 g

of Dale Dyke. Donna Jane Delzell,

Marg u erite Gr a ves, Florence Ro1tna u, 1 I

a ncl R aymo nd Schreiner. j ;

Th e ab ili ty Of the P.e ru Dram atic I

C lub, directed by Mrs. Anna Best Jo- ;

der, is we ll known amo ng P.er uvian s, I

a nd a ll who atte nd are ass ured an ..t

ev·ening's ple asant enter ta in men t. 'I

Jon es : "Thes·e are the quest ions I'm g oin g to as k at th e e lec ti on meetin g toni g ht."

Smith (after r eadi ng ): "H'm , r eg ul ar posers."

Jon es : "Y cs, my li t tle b oy aske d !. SOc per Quart

pa- I CAKE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY tro nage this summer. The Tea Roam is closing Wed nes· ; day for the rest of the Summer except for !Parties and A r·eck less y.o un g ch ap was Tom Hor- I ;

Picnics arranged for o ne day in advance. The Gift Shop n er I ..t Black Walnut Devil's Food, and Black Wal- I w'ill remain open until Augus t first Of ro a d-rul es he s ur e was a S!:or ner. X

But a re ar tire blew I B nut White Cake

As he clocked si xty-two, I

And poo·r Tom h as skid his last cor- i

De nver and Col ora do Springs l'eturn-


x xrv.---==---.c:==---=---::....-:....-_:-::


MANY ENTER ;tou rnament for least pitched .sh oes in SWIMMING. I SIGMA TAU l)ELTA , a gam e. Dy ke failed to fu nction 'in , AT CO NVOCAT.IO N TIME 1 "PED"

· i gamt, a nd so pa s:;ed out ot the tourn- 11.! • Th e fo llow ing hon ors were 1 a inent. noun ce d at commenceme n t, Jul y 17, I

TOURNEY :e ith er his doub le g ame or sing les ·DRA ;ws CROW;.D an -i HO'LDS INITIATION

Pedago gi an Sponsors ·L argest Intra- j In the l ower br ac k et of Gl ass A Parriott Win s in Se nior Division, and 1929 : Ju n io r Hig.h Honors, F re d Ten New Memb e rs Taken Into NaMu ral ActivHy H el d at Pe ru l do ub les Hend·erson and Jo hn son p ull - Rohrs Wins Junior Duey; Fres h ma n Honors, Loui se Shel- I tion al En g lish Fraternity - - 1' ed away from C om bs an d McGuir e don; (th ese two we re awa rd s for the I Ov er seven ty -fiv e of the by a s co re of 5 0- 36. Th is was one Lel a nd Parri ott won fi rst in the ! seco nd sem este r, 1928-1929) · . Seni or Th e Phi Alp.ha ch apter of Sigm a men in college entered the Ped.a go - I of the mo st in t erestin g ga mes of the sw im min g· me et th at was held l ast High Hon ors, Ma rga re t Clmeb er g, Tau Delta ini ti ate d te n n ew members tourname nt last we ek, :""h ole tourname nt .fou r re al art- we ek. Secon d wo n by _Ar- I a nd Gen evieve J at its meetin g held in the hi g h. sc h oo l m which Hen d erson, of v_ er - ist o: the toss mg t he . s.hoes.110 Mori au d t hird by M.1c Dunnin g., ors, L ea h Flo weIS, .Jum or Hi gh H? 0 n 1a ud ito fi r, m, last Mond ay even m gdo n, w as wi nner, and Pa ul Comb s of Girls Will Pl ay all N ex t Wee k Po ints w ere given fo r the 20-y ard ors, Mary B. Perso n, Sophom ore Hi ,,, h ! The n ew me mbers admiite d wer e: Emmerson , ,Io waJ was runner up. Horses hoe is a ga me wh ich can be Ifree sty le s wirn, str aight di ve, j ack H: onors, Id a H ar r iso n; So p ho m ore ! Mabel Hun ter, En id Colglazier, Paul There we re th ree cl ass es for th e pl ay -e d wi th eq ual intlerest by the n ov -k nife dive, sw an dive, and all other !Hon ors, And rem ina Stewart, an d Op al· Comb s, H arvey Neu meister, P aulin e ioo n. The fir s.t class co nsis ted of op- ice as we ll. as by t:he professi ona l, by : even ts. IBall- Conn er. Lyle, Hh ea Car ste ns, Ly di a Ty nor, n shQe pit chers, with "Buzz" Sh rei - ·suo nu .{ p ex! tu U! .rn 'F!·'a A: q .ro .foq Fredd y Ro hrs was th e wi nner of Herron , Ma ri e P ar ke·c, a nd nei', of D unb ar, t he only exc eption ITh us tJ1e Ped agogian w ill n ext week the junio r divi sion , carryi ng off alm ost THREE-ONE ACT PLAYS GI•VEN Ru t..'1 Jon es Eig ht men we re en te re d in C lass· A. h?ld an a ll- gir l to u rn ament. Many eve r ything offer ed in junio r comp eti- AS SUMMER BUDGET E VE NT I After the ce?erno ny, ErnCombs easily w en t to the fin als in th e 1 gu l.s h ave ·already en ter·ed, and per - tio n w ith rem ar kable e ase. Iest H ass elblad, 1ir es1dent of th e ch aplow er brack et by w innin g from Mc- [ hapsh the bhu nMdre dd fi f ty ma.rk will! b.e An ex hibi tion of fan cy di vin g was Th e Su mmer pret- te r, int i·,·-:\ • : .,d Miss Gr ache G · 50 28 d f 0 JoJ1ns on r.; o 17· i r eac ed Y 'on ay evenin g. t is . 1 11 t t -t sented for the stu de n ts en tertam men as one of tbe s ._. e.a kf:. rs nf t e ev en in g. UJ.l'e, -, an r n1 , v - • • .d g iven JY a co n es a ri s. cl h .1 H d th h p·on went pl ann ed by the officials to set as1 e _ . . . h on J uly 16, th ree one-act pl ay. Th is Miss P.?t e ·. •n a an )I 1 e :en erson, e c am • No ch ampi on was d eterm med m t e 1 • I h fi 1 -th · f C sh to ni g ht, Tu esday evenm g, from six - pro gra m was g iv·en as a b ud get eve n t. : colorf 11l lal < rn some or ier e:-.;1• e 11 to t e na s wi wi ns rom a . h 1 i ls' m eet bu t Max in e Sears Grace 1 oh · d · h f N- k 50 4 th ir ty to d ark for a time w en al gr • ' "Ashes of R oses" a costum e pl ay , e1;ce:: :?. m d, 10, unn g t. e 50-14, and - IC l - . d t \g ir ls may me et at the co ur ts and re- j Ra wliso n, "P eg" J en kin s,. a nd Elm etta was staged. Goo d pas t ve .H. et e1,,0 11 rece ive d !!e1· T he finals in Cl ass lSph ayefi ot Iceive ins.t ra ction from p ro fe ss ional IJon es w ere .the out sta ndm g p erf orm- d "The Fl atter ing Wor d" were : B acheltJr of ScienLe 111 !.ibr :ll v S<.:i- students of Pe ru one of t e Q n es · · an ' · · h · T · ·h barn - hor se sh oe pitchers in the art of open- ers. corned fa rces a nd were recejv- i ence d• t is ' U•1e battles ever pl ay ed m : e i·ng t he sh oe an d co -ordinat io n. It D emo nstr a'tions wer e gi ve n of the yh 1 d" ; T he sec on d sp ea ker, Lon Graf, ga ve l t R - aft er rin ge r we re I ' . . ,,. . Ied by t e arge au 1ence ' yan spor ·. in g·er lis pl anned by officials th at the girl s j b ac k tan dem sw im, s1de ta nd em sw im, d. d b R th the members so me ")teres bn g· rethrown b J:' ·the two co nt esta nt s. H:n- tou rn a ment will · be twic·e a$ large as , an d life sav in g. T he plays tr ecte 'iia : marks on wr iting. Mr. Gcaf derson with a perf ect sh oe .t urmn g i that of the men 's. Me dals wil l be giv- I Margaret Jenkins w on the- 20 yard : E arl an d r y Ialso g ave some ideas O il short on ce a nd th re e qu art ers, al ways went en for winners. ' free /s tyle race.. Jud ges for t he meet ! N rckel, resp ective ly. wr it in g. At prese nt Mr. Graf :i down the s ame pa th to find the- Graf Wonder Ro ot Enn is ! • I nu mber of sh ort sto ry manuscr;pts for a ,ri n ge r, time a nd a garn BIQLOGY FRAT a

Ibein g reviewe d by that sm o oth saih ng fl. oat sh oe of

Combs covered two sllo es al re ad y on i


ev er en t e1ed at Peru - ··- ·-· ·-- -· ···

On ly af_t er ,abou.t .twenty five At Frate rni ty Meeting I On Mo_ nday, July 15, at th e. colle ge INoah Beilharz Reads " The Hoosier Ann-0 unc eme nt h as been made of

te f Sch-001 Master" h f · L u. 5 0 rin .,.e1 s was Henderson ab le Th J 1 1 gymn as mm, the 9:30 g·ymn as mm cl ass t e marria ge o Miss eon a Bo ye r to pu ll a way b.is OP J? onent to I e . u Y _.pro g ram m.eeting of Tri team ·won a e v ictory over a. and Mr .How a rd Zook. The bride is decide the winner of t he .g ame Two ) Be.ta b iolo g ical was well pi cke d team captained by Paul I One of the finest and mo st enter- the dau g hter of Mrs. Letta Boyer, of ga mes we re pl aye d, win- r ·evenmgb of Ju Jy 16: uswede" Hertz. Itainin g bud g·et ev·ents we have had Tecumseh Since graduation from ning ·both, in that free t l f J un u sua Y arge num er of almm Althouo·h outclassed much in size · thruout he year w as the pro gram high school s.he has been associated easy s y e 0 members ar O' • t' th ·k I " I h d' d' I F 'd the r em ar ka ble lef t-ha nd·er e a .,arn ac ive rn e woi the gym class •team functioned very given at t e au ito mm ast ri ay with her mother in the latter's beauty · of the fraternity this summer · I · ht b N ah Be1'lh a ·z who ea d ..,

Trenholm wins Class B · -. · well and the -Outcome wa s never m mg Y 0 1 r parlor. The gro om is a son of Mrs After l ay i ng off the ga me for sev- Iin Mc Guire and Joe Naiman Mr Mc- doubt. Mr B . t . . h' Josephine Zook of Tecumseh How-

WI m

reper oue s ue He will receive his A B de g ree next "' rn a men an succeed- o-iv en ar.rain the f ll · F 'd b ' 1 I t' "Th H · S h l

Pape rs were contnbuted by Myr - "The Hoos· School Master" I eral years Raymond T h ,_ f . . · · . The lineup for Hertz's team: Bath · ei arz is a mas er· m is ard is a leader in Peru athletics, and ren Ou.u, o Guire spoke on th "R I to f S - fi Id Id · d'l t " Peru decided to t ·h' l k · . . e e a 1 n -0 ci and Steck, forw a rds; Her tz, center; J e ' as one wou 1ea 1 Y n? e, smce a young man of ple as ing ch a racter. ' ry is uc in the ence to Reh g 1on" The pap er was h · I d 'th' h' ·t · · h Pedago o·ian t ou t d · ' McSwan and H-0ffman guards· Mat- e me

· ed in carry in g off h-0nors in the final fore thei:. cla · 0 owi.Flg ri ay e- thews and Hoy, se ec e . oosier c 00 May. The many friends of nd by a d · · · p ss m Genetics and Evolu- The lineup for the Gym class w as· Master which reqmre s not only a J wish them every happiness in wedded f C bec01sivhe sdcoTreh over et- 1tion. Thorpe a:hd William forw a rds· portr ayal of varied mooils and scenes life llnger, -0 ra re ar . •e accur a te Mr Na· k h' t ·' b h · t· f fif · flo at shoe of T renh l ' . . . ·e on is rece_n t een, ·center; Schreiner and .Rothert, ut t •.e imperson a wn o some- o ms m the Itrip to west coast. He emphas1z- guards; Sellhorn and Rector, substi- J teen different char ac ters. By way of PROFESSOR LINDSAY WRECKS some path, with many rmgers , a nd ed particularly the Gr a nd Ca nyon of tutes. Referee: Wonder. introduction, Mr. Beilharz reviewed CAR ON ROAD TO AUBURN swamped t he less ac u rate th<:i Colorado, the Painted Deser t, Pe- · I briefly the setting of the book. The Pet tmger shoes. Itrif;ed and Big Tr ees uf Cali - INTERESTING PROGRAMS , .• Istory is set ih southern Indiana and : . . The best o-ames in Class B bow :;. v er • for 11·a · ' -t 'fi t' b t 80 Prof. Charles Lmdsay had the mi s.,


1 • • • GIVEN AT CHAPELi yp1 es a 1me a ou ye ars ago I ' were pl a y-ed m the semi-finals, when _ ·. ___ ai'nong the Hoosiers thei,e. Thte book fortune to have his car Butler he ld Trenholm to a 50-49 MOUNT VERNON HALL GIRLS D . th t k ha i..ad thus written by E ggleston has had a ed Sunday evening. He was drivin g · h · · unnir e pas wee we ve :p . score Af t er leading all t e way But- 1 STAGE ANNUAL PJ PARTY , wider sale , than any other work of to Auburn, about six o'i; lock, and 1 I t th l. f hi some very mterestmg chapel pro- ,er e e ga me. s 1p s g,rasp ,

• • its type rn America. Mr. Be1lharz has Mrs. Lndsay and Prof a nd Mrs. when he had his oripo nen t 4.!f IJ f) Th e Mount ,Vernon Hall g·irls enjoy - grams. 0n Friday, July 19, Mr. Ben- pres e nted the story befor e more Tl h h T h l

- C M. Brown were in the car with rroug out t e game r·en o m nev- ed their a nnual PJ · party Tuesday ford played m his usua , artistic an a lhou s:md aud1en,;:es. I .' . . • er s howed any. si g ns of evening, July 16. . . pleasing manner three numbers.. C•n I Peru students were indeed fortu- : him. When about three miles _north and kept pe,ggmg- a l:Vay with n nng- at 10:-30, the dm1? g hall Monday, July 22, Mr. Coffelt conduct- I nate to be ai;i on g the vast of Au'b.urn, a car from Loms goer and a close one, and tool r. a dvant- 1 1 was cleared of tables and chairs, a nd 1 f •t who have enJoyed the superior pre- · in g north crashed into him. and then · h

h ft

· ed a o easant orogram o commum y . , ' , age of Bu t ler when he let up m t e, the fest1v1t1es heR:an. Eac oor put · - sentat1on of the story : went into the ditch. The Mi ss ouri car h · ..J " " I · l t t h' h nroved thait singing. On Wedn esday, Miss Elva ga • str etc an._, won oy a nose. on sp ecia s un w ic •

. ! was tra veling at a high rate of speed, Class C Woi;i By Ring /gir ls a re truly The .rest €lover, of Tex a s, g ave a most rnter-


, Iit is claimed, ·and on the wrong side winning f.orf,;it I the eve1?i :e2: wa;s m est:ing talk in which s.he outlined ex- 1 · J of the ro ad. Mr. Lindsay held .to his th ird round, Wilham Bozo o.ld-f as h1 o ned da_nces claiming , isting conditi·ons anq : happenin gs in


own side of ro ad, supposi.ng that managed to come thru by def ectt 1 share of popul a rity. a. portion of her h o'°me state near the Ithe other car would get to its own Tes ar in t he finals by the score pf At a late . hour. refreshments con- , . . h · side it w as too late to avoid · h' h

f · d wafers were R10 Grande river. Anot er music 25-15 Barnyard p1tc mg was c aI- sIStmg o 1ce cream an · ·

400 for the Last the crash. The Missouri car struck of class c. pitc he rs The served. program was given on Friday by :Mr. Term of Hot Season · ·, jthe ri g ht side of the Lindsay car, and old fashioned cork tip throwers, :how- I ·, I Henry Abrar:is of \ _ • 1then went into the ditch on the west eve r, showed t hat the NI CKEL, RAWLINSONa WIN Abrams sang ra pleasmg and vaned That famous record-preaker of aer- jor wron g side of the road. Both cars p len ty of amusement, and mterest m TENNilS TOURNAMENT group of classic and contemporary eonautic fame the St. Louis Robin were badly damage d, but fortunately this cla ss w as never la cking. songs · Ih th' 'p h · .t t '· no one in either car was injured oth- th fi ls af te r R' 1 ; as no mg on eru w en 1 comes o

• Tesar w ent into e na Harry Nickel and Esther aw msor.i ", . · · 1er than bein shook up. The M1s so ur1 . d

f .

· h beatin g records. The latest fi g ures / · ' . . playmg fou l' g ames an wrnm ng j emerge d winners respectively, rn t e . · _, car had four or five people m 1t No 'R. McCreight, Shrade_r, and Dunnmg, boys' an d. girls' .tennis tournament Miss Gockley is sp.endmg her vaca available regardin g enroll (_Ile nt for Iexcuse w as. offered by the Mi_ssouri (Dunnin g :Forfeit ed .his game)· finals, he ld ' at .the end of the fir 9t tion in the B\lack Hills, South t?e second of the summer man for bemg on the wr<>ng side of in the finals Ring came th ru. with term of th e s ummer school. ta. She left W·ednesday for weeks school, though not yet complete, show the road, and .he and an un cle from \vi ns already chalked up a nd battled Nic kel s ucceeded in copping the outing there. , that all previous attendance records Omaha agreed to make go od the damaw ay with c lose shoe to nose out Te- Ib e medal only after a close and 1h b h tt d Th 425 age to Mr. Lindsay's car we under11 th ·11 ronz 1 d ; ave een s a ere ere are sar. The games were un usu a Y n1 s ortsmans.hiplike com.bat with W a; Prof. V. H. Jindra is con uctm g I . stand. ing for bo th spect a tors and players. Neiman. Nickel broke his racket classes in the Chicago Musical Co I- student_s enrolled this term. - About Not all Doubles Games Played at the end -0f the second game The lege. Prof. Gola Coffelt :has charge Ihalf this number are students new to Miss· Alber is at home in l)J'ebrask a Pairi n gs were made from the stu- / third game Nickel won, 6-4. Neiman of the college orchestra this term dur- the summer school w.ho were not in qity. de nts en t ered for doubles games, but I d ispl aye d some .of his dart-like serves ing Iarof. Jindra's absence attendance during the first six-weeks' at this w riting · only a few of these that baffled the v·eteran , Nickel, many term. Miss Harv ey is visiting at her home have be en played. It is planned to · Dr. Brown, Mrs, Brown and sister, in Texas. , d bl s times. d . d d f F 11 The prese,nt student body is also ti xt week in connection n t' 6 3 6 3 games River Wisconsin where they will qmte nationally representative, Stu-1 Prof W R Carter is attending som e me ne Paul Hoy interes mg -, -' · ' ' · · · ho ld t he finals .of t he boy's ou e I I the semi-fin a ls Nickel playe Miss Symes, left We nes ay or with the girls' tou r namenti w hich will r 1 , medal went to Esther spend a three weeks' v ac ation. While dents are registered from California, IGeorge Peabody College at Nashville, ' The g 1r s , C N M T be h eld at that time. . . · h she defeated Agnes there Dr. Brown expects to vIS1t sev- New York, Texas, olo., ew ex- e.nnessee. C h d R aw hnson w en d . . . K M' . W . In the Class A doubles · as an 1 1 Th match proved to be e ral promment colle g es an umvers1- 11co, ansas, . 1ssoun, yom1ng, Shr iner easily won from .Dyke and only after Mi ss ties. The Pedag ogiaJ;J. him South Dakota; Iowa, and Alaska, as Nickerson by t he score of 50-17. j Miss sen bad ,. pu•t acr-0ss some j to bring back some W1sconsrn fish Iwell as from every corner of the was la rg ely responsible for th e v1c- l Rassrr:us ves. and garo.e specimens. State of Nebraska. d d -O ff hono rs of the I beautiful ser I t or y .an carne

Miss Esther Clark is vi siting with niece in Hartf9 rd, Connecticut. She will return for the fall semester.


TH.E PER u. I. .P E .D ·.A G 0 G..J A ·N

' , l" t" pitfalls to ibe avoided

The "Ped" is offering each week Journa is IC

Th " ·s being d one for the and also some useful ideas on editi n g. is ·.1 •• , . t take the newsw.nting help of those st udents who hav en t time o · school publication. courses, but lielp in editing a

Entered at the Postoftice of Peru, Li__:_ Nebra.9ka, as secoad class matter. A b romide in a ne wspaper offi ce is hi gh r oad to re covery

"Publishe<J Weekly at Peru State, a wor d, p,hratte, .or l host of Teachers College f syle, th at is especi ally lackmg m o ri - human f reigp.t gin a lity-, over-worked, hackneyed, or I hungry flames $1.00 the Year-5c single copy a "ches tnut:" The daily work of the hu rled defiiance. editor a nd the cop y reader is in scout-

d k immaculate lin en















One of th e g re a test c urses of Ame ri ca to d ay is the ever inc reasin g a mo u nt of laws. It is su rely no w onder th at w-e ha e s.o much crime, such i ncre as in g n umb ers of petty law cases a nd the in crease of juven ile de li nquencies when the numb er of l aws are ta k en into cons ideration. It .has been found th at the ordi nary, honest cit izen breaks many l aws witho ut the s li gh test in te nt of doin g s o. Some of the l aws en acted b oth na tion ally a nd s tate are also foolis h in con ten t a nd impossibl e in execut ion. It seems yo u can hardly do someth ing withou t fea r of b rea kin g a l aw, goo d or otherwise. L et us have fewer l aws, bu t bette r en fo rceme nt of a few good on es.

o rd in ary when a s urvey of the same nin ety colleges sho ws that prior to 1927 enrollmen t had in cr-eased a ppro x·imately fi fty t housand p er y ear.

Mr Charles Th wing, commentin g upo n th is st ate of a ffairs i.n th e N ew Yor k Tim es, exp resses the conviction that if a su rvey were made of the en ti re countr y, t he res ult w.o uld ma nifest a slig ht decrease in t he number of st udents enroU.ed. · Mr Thwing enumerat es the foll owi ng reaso ns fo r the vast increase in stud ents m at ri c ulating that preced-e d the last ten years : s oci al pr estige that a college de g ree bestows upon the bearer; the co m ple xity of business an d indus try th at d emand a t rain-ed man; the action of the lea ding professi on al scho.ols th at r eq uire a college d egree j·for T.h ese re as ons a nd factors are yet existent.

Pro hibit ion - well "n u ff sai d"- I am However Mr. T nwln g attribu tes the

ing fo r errors of an s umishing with inacc.uracy a nd awkw ard- in a c leric al capacity ness But it is a of bro- .I indemenc·y of the w eath er m ides, and a war of extermination ; inner circles of s ociety a gainst them I jury of ' his peers

TUESDAY, J ULY 30, 11l29

r Crystal Theatre i


· ling erin g illness

· lion of all s ocial gatheri ngs little blind g od located h is wJiereabouts lodged in j ail lon g sl eep (death) lull before t he storm ma de g ood his ·escape lur id flames man of p arts maze or' mystery mini9ns of the law m our.ned their loss natty s uit neatly in vitations i. neat sum never in t he his t9ry of , news l eaked out ni ce man ners , nick of time · nipped in t he bud , notorious crook police c.h aracter ol d, old story (love) o ldest inhabi tant one fell swoop one fine day own inimitable way pale as death

Following are bromides: kind and i ndulge nt fat her ang ry mob knights of the g rip a gent of dea th large a nd ent hsiastic audienl!e a ncestral do main · last but not l east late l amented - and m any othe ri; into ete.rni ty admiring frien ds leaden missile arch cu lprit lig ht collatio n avenging justice , battle scarred veter an b eaut ifu l a nd accomplished be r eaved / widow, better half beyond p eradven t ure of doubt mog ul (loco motive) ble edin g mangled fo rin b lunt instrume nt b lushin g p rid e b.o dy of the deceased b olt fr om a clear sky - bo nds of matrimony bosom of the briny deep bo urne from wh-ere travelf'_r I returns I brand from the bur nin g br ea kn eck sp eed break t he news g ently breathl ess silence burden of blue burly n egro busy marts of trade car niva l of crime catch of the season caught like a rat in a trap caug ht red-h an ded cer tain par ty (for berso n) c hall en ge contradiction che ckerea car eer

Are Women p lay things? Are they mer ely the companions of i dle moment s? Are they pnly th'e r omantic int erludes in the s erious business of living To Prince Nicki t hey were. Until I he discov ered l ove and sensed '• the f ragrance o-f its c rushed fl o wer. The pictu re with a fra1 grance that lingers. Comedy ' "MOVIE NIG HT" . I WED., T HURS.• JULY 31, RAMON NA v ARRO 'in a flam• ing South Sea Romance Hail a new Nav arro.. Enti.rely dif· 1 f' f erent fram any of his past tri' umphs but a romantic.-role to . match h is greatest. South Sea L ove! Exotic! S tir ring! His I finest r ole si nce "Ben Hu r.''


'1 "THE PAGAN"... ' WITH RE NEE ADOREE DONALD CRISP A LSO NE WS AND COMEDY Each Lady present on Thursday night, Augu sJ 1 will receive a piece of Gol den P hea s ant chinaware.

. J . NIGHTS" F RI., SAT.,, AUG. 2-3 a ga inst PJ'? hi bition in i ts pres ent form static con dition of student growth to BUT I AM F OR ITS UNDERL YI NG one maj or cause, the n ew s tress and PRINCIPLE AND PURPOS E. I w as emph as is which the progressive u niraised in a ci ty w here a ll of. the yre- versiti es of th e co u ntry are l ayin g pr.ohibi tion evils were at the ir heig ht upon the e du cation .of the i ndividu a l.

four corne:rs n or the oth er two in that l ege's wealth and power The lecture . we re in the m iddl e of the block as; 1 system is a medium of mass e duc ation ' city's b astile city's fa ir escu tcheon cl utc h es of th-e law comm e rci al emporium co nspicu ous by. his absen ce co nventional bl ack

pi ercin g shriek of a nguish p illar of the ch urch popuiace was up in arms , 'WITH WALLACE :SEERY F LORENCE VIDOR ' . .po li ce drag net ' po!'tals of his living t omb i A story of Chinese Tong War porte nt of evil / that thrills from. s tart to finish . prepossessin g ap j:lea)an ce \ .4.LSO COMEDY # presided at th e pia no I ----..present saw th em in my you nger· days. Just -i o ,,, on- - -" cool as a cu cumber

were in the middle of the block as I system saw them in my younger days. Just - i.t has its place as a means of orien- cowering paltroon prominent (of persons.) the same I do not like to see the ' tation and inspiration, but is entirely crowded to its utmost capacity public piints the youth and old people of our na- lackin.ir as an effective method of in- r culmination of the nuptials put in an appearance lion turn into brewers of tellectual discipline." Undoubtedly [ cynosure of all eyes qui.et home wedding them are makmg a good JOb of it. there is a decided reaction in the ed- Dan Cupid's dart raging torrent

It is a -known fact that a person can ucational world against mass educa- dastardly assassin -. rash act go into any town anywhere in the tion that functions with machine like day of reckoning- 1 recipient of handsome United S.tates and get drinks of all precision instead of teaching students delicious refreshments ly presents kinds for the price. So I reiterate, how to think. demure miss remains (for body)

I am against prohibition, but I am A few examples of what larger uni- devoted slave rendered a widow for its underlying ideal. 'versities are doing to facilitate indi- devouring element riue old age diabolical outrage young barrister tive rather than an obsequiKnockers on a door are useful; ous attitude among the students . divine (for preacher) rooted to the spot here else they are a nuisance. divi ' ne pass1·on rumors are rife anyw may be properly cited. Harvard

We must remember that it is far easi- has begun the House Plan The dull sickening thud rushed post haste er to destroy than to build. This is students are housed 1n dorm- - dull, sickening trend sacred edifice a world. Therefore it itories with capacity for three vile sad rites is impossible for all of us to see hundred d E h h·ouse is dusky damsel sad tidings

th ·ngs th·e same way or believe the stu ents'. ac _ downy couch scene lH."g·g arecl descriptio:i. 1 headed by an officer of the faculty I Sc hool it takes many ' ebbi'ng life blood serious but not necessarily fatal same. n a · who serves .ds a friend philosopher forms of activities to keep the stu-·!and teacher. adminis: effected an entrance seemed to g from the ah

d t body ·nterested Some of .these 1 • • • eked out a bare existence set the town a.go g en · I trat1ve board set forth their pohcy a ctivities will naturally overshadow Iof teaching with this statement: elegant creature shook like a leaf d have greater prommence than entered a state of coma , silver-tongued orator an · "Scholarly attainment shall be enothers. But each of. the activities are Icouraged among men who are out- evening r.epast sixteen summers ( age) essentif!-1 to the main plan; and as 1standingly competen.t and the acqui- exegencies of the occasion smoking revolver Ghrist said, "render unto Ceasar that sition of learning shall be encouraged extended heartfelt snorting iron horse which is Ceasar's and unto God that 1 through the development of the facile pen snug income which is God's." So we say, "render I vidual in a minor degree by institu- failed to materialize s ole topic of conv ersation unto each activity its just due even ' tional coercion." fair sex spread like wildfire if it ?uts pet acti:vity in lesser No can expect tci succeed; fair women and brav.e men stepped into t he breach prommence. no organizati.on can function; unless fatigue words sterling worth b I ff feast of re'ason stood a ghast h? its asic princip e is ·e cient and its Sophomores or semo1s-wh1c . motives progressive. Expansion does feathered songster still evening air When Peru was only a two year not s"ignify or imply efficiency. Ev- fell design storm king school j.t was the sophomqres who ery leader in the realm of higher edu- 1 feature occasion stung with remo r se held the limelight.. They gave the . cation must remember th at he has a fever heat •i suicide (as a ve r b) May Fete, published the school annual definite obligation · to fulfill. This ob- , few and fa f between ...--surrimoned medic al aid and in general were "the chief co.oks li g ation is to distvibute kno\Vl edge in I· fi.ery steed sustained an injury and bottle washers." Now Peru is a the most efficient manner. Obvious- 1 first fall o:f the beautiful swathed in ba nda ges four year school. T?e two year peo- Jy, then, if the lecture met.liod is in- 1 fleeting breath ' - sweet slumber pie have gone into the background efficient as the best means for im- foeman worthy of his steed 1 thickest of the fray as regards position, but they still porting knowledge definite steps 1 for it was none other than he , · ' this mortal coil have the throttle hold on the main ac- should be tak en to supstitute the sem- formulating a desi gn

Itidy sum · tivities of the school. It seems to us inar· method, l'The· seminar,''· states fragrant Havan a tiny dots that the May Fete should be ai:i all- Thwin g, 'is the mo st b El neficial frenzied finance , I' tireless vig il school event and the May Queen se- influence that the German university furtively secr-eting tonsorial parlor lected by the entire school. The an- has had upon the Ame·rican." gathered to his fathers took into custody nuaJ and its profits should also be The issues stated are: the pu°hlic took the bit in his teeth an all-schol affair otherwise the sen- principl-e of mass education arraigned g enial boniface fatally dest royed iors only should have the "big ag ainst .the policy .of developing re al , g ilded youth to t he bitter end squawk" as regards it. leaders of society. throu gh the culti- g oes without sayin g trted and true o fficial , vation of personality; or per.haps a g rand old par ty ) •"" tripped the li ght fan tastic INCREASE IN COLLEGES. : b:tter term :wquld be in dividual e.ffi- g.ratitude melt ed into love unbiased probe

The large increase in college en- c1ency. gre at beyo nd under c over -0f the d ark ness rollment has reached its A ·1 Peru, as schools go, is a sm all school, g rewsome spectacle unfort un ate v ic tim survey of ninety colleges and univer- but the fact is indisputable that her grim reaper - unique in t he cit y's a nn a ls sities by H. R. Ratcliffe, of the Bos- maintenance is due to public funds. g roaned under weig ht of tooth- united in bond of ma trimony ton Transcript shows that the in- The taxpayers, then, comprise her some vi ands upholders of l aw and order

\ es f t-h

u ches or e I waxed eloquent weaker sex w edded bliss wee small hours .weird scene w ell-known club man whi te as a sheet wi th hecoming grace witho ut fe ar of successful co ntradic tion witn esses duly swo rn D as Ende w riting on t he walls


We ll, We ll! So t his term is all over, a nd no ine knows what it's all about ye t, I be t cha- I over-heard. a ver dant freshman la menting that e ven tho ab s ence made 1;he heart gr.ow fo nder h also made his 1nnrks

ro under.

You k now, I got to t hinking the other day -here we are in a mad rush f or degrees, e tc., and I was th inking I I th ought of an arti cle I oncil read which s eemed to impLy .that the A. B., A. M., etc ., deg11ee were $e rving me al ti cke ts to more incomp etant peo· pie than any other ag e ncy ..There is an o ld s n·ing w .hich :sp'.' aks to the e ffec t tha r t:t:em as c.an do- them as can't te a ch! belie ve m aybe -we ;,·ou.ng blooC.wh -0 are ambitious to get famous could do so by pro v in g th at adarre :false. The pe ople in .the t eachi,ng pro fessio n who are doing thing£ !lild get tin l;'{ places are the ones · who are nat hi ding be hind te xt books on Meth· o ds an d gorgeous sounding degrees. but who a re out int he world of mo· tion continually se ekin g bi gger fields to c ultivate, e v.er proddin g onward, never resti ng on past l aural,s. Those a re t he teachers w ho are and always wi ll be our bosses wheu we get out. to teach.

N.ow that is w.hat I w as thinking -about when I w as w ish\ng it would Ist op rai nin g so 's I could go fishlngl - Yours tr ul y,LONE TROUBADOR

crease in t,.lie ,number of st:udents in constituents. T.o. the.m Peru owes the heartrending screams vale of tears these institutions fbr 1928 was only obligation of distribu t ing knowled ge happy benedict vanished as if the' 'earth had one percent above th at" o"f the pre- in the most efficient and thorough heartrending screems 11 d

"Li.ttle· h oy, dont you know w)lat becomes of boys- who use such bad l an g uage wh en they play marbles." I swa owe him up ceding year. This condition is extr a- manner possibl e.--J L. L. hi gh dud,geo n v engence his porti on

I"Yes'm. t hey grow up and piny g olf."-Te nney Magazine.

THE FA.ILURE OF SUCCESS I - ------==----

Sy .l\lQN.\CA

After aJl, just what does su ' mean, I wonder? Is it a relative term? Do we all have the sa ideas as the meaning? If n ot, h:: a.-e we gorng to )le ab le to determine what cons titutes success in otlh ? ers. Let us e.1.1w;n,ei:ate some of t he th · , 1ngs which m·1ght be co n trib ut ing fact h II ors. S a we say money, fa me health et·vice, happiness, pop ul arity? any on e of these in i tself attain t he ideal state? Are all wealthy men successful? Or, , all ,successful men wealthy?

Suppose we go at it from an other angle. Webster s ays : s uccess is that which comes , after, or the favorable termination. of anything attempted.

lf we a ccept Websters definition a doctor who cures a patient is a sues. ·s; o.r a w.ho so instructs hi. cla s.th at a-11 ot ' ti:J.eru receive pass· ing g rades; or a dentist who extracts 1 n tooth .· It seems we co uld go on indefinitely.

Does success ha ve to do with

rial thi ngs such as gol d, lands, friends and .hea lt h, or does it d eal with a I state of mind or chara c ter and su ch qualitie::; a.s honesty truth, loyalty,

an d sincerity? Or, •to be a success, I

must your attributes combine both the material and t he relative:;;? ' severance, after hopin g, even after I 1blonds.- The Looker-0n.' Suppose we list the· opinions of "def.eat. Success is the thing we aim I



Invited to enroll for t eaching ' ; positions with I

TheDavis School Service i 1 W, T. DAVIS, '06, M:mager i 138 No. 12th St. Lincoln , Ne br '

A · · · t MAN UAL TRAINING o.thers on the sub.}ect and see what at, though perhaps no two of us aim HAVE YOU -E ? Nogales, rizona, nums er I they ! alike What might constitute succ ess preached on "Angels and Suspe nder R. F. Ho!·ton says: "Success lies. 1 1 to.one man mi g ht to ano.tlier re_sem ble Buttons" last Sunday. Oh, don't. , LUMBER ! , f l d th b t ART OF THINKING, hy Ern est , not in achievin g what you aim at, but I ai ure. epenctlng on e 0 Jee ive. laugh; the two are closely relate d. LACQUER. ENAMEL · · · h ht t Thus to t he eyes of the world, a man D1mnet. 111 w 0 who has amasse d g reat wealth, might In th\is little book the amiable Ab -A woman who watches the state of ' PAINTS ' ac an prehssmg. 0 :fwar ' hsure be reckoned successful while all the be Dimhet offers suggestions of ways Isuspender buttons becomes abou t as · of achievement er!:!, or 1 not ,, ere, . . . COAL COAL . h ft ,, Th ld 1 t the 1 time his heart is a bleak waste, peo· by which to estimate the quahty of near being an angel as any women

erea er. IS cou app Y 0 l d b h h f h. h. k" Th · t" b · h l h . h t t th h· p e y p antom s apes o J.'> van- t m mg. e sugges ions pro e lwe know, an ds es a mos t as rare.- PERU LUMBER CO. stu.d ent. to t e mf ere aAnl,l. 0 e ished dreams. And who would deem deep; and unless one is willin g to Buffalo Curier-Express. I maker to all o . us. we nee o d b W. J. RABEL, Mgr. h d d tr d 1 successful the woman who toils over fa ce himself he would o etter to ___ is to see the pat of uty an ea j t lie sewing machine for her bread, confine himself to the seasier task of I "Papp a, vot is scie nc e?" Phone 48 Peru, Nebr ' it trus,tmg that per,sev.er- 1 who owns no foot of ground, no au- checking the ljst of qu a liti es on some 'My, h ow could you be so stupid! a nce w1ll see us tii_r_ough. . t omobile, no radio , no da inty lin en e ffici ency ch art. The substance of ,Science is dose thin gs vat says no Charles Kingsley g ives us this def- l' or china, and yet is rearing four boys the book is not new qr sta rtling; but smoking."-Everybody's Weekly. · J 1<.ead .Pedagogian Ads- lt .Pays! inition: "The men whom 'I have a nd g irls to be u seful citizens an d j the au thor's range pf illustrat ions is I

seen s ucceed best in life have always : w ho always finds time to run in to wide, aRd his presenta-

been ch eer ful a:1d who isee a sick nei g hbor or to listen to the tion is wide and Pt:rsausive. 1

went about t heir . .J:;msmess with a j robin's song? . . smile on their fac es, an.d took the / It seems tben ,that c;> ne's ideal plays ASSEMBLIES FOR JUNIOR AND UR ·

and the of . mortal . atl imp ort ant part in matte_r of HIGH SGH.OOLS , by E. H. 1 •

life hke men, facmg•• ro ugh and s ucc ess If 'l set mys·elf a Galvm and E. Walker '

smoi0th alike as it came." Herer we \ diffi c ul t task a nd achieve the desired I The authors, members of L'i.e facu l-

also hopefulness a nd chee:fulnes s, in that one thi!1 &"· If the yo un g man 1 -sent prog ral]1 matwial

q: ali ties no.t s.o ,,.e.asy" tQ _ when \ il). ol\ege ·d etermines "to ' be yfullback sugg estions fo r assemblies of .the

Lile deals some of her hard knocks . \ on .the team a nd becomes such a good school body. /

. Edward .H. Harriman • says : "The Ipl ayer that he is g iv en the pl ace, he " __ the assembiy

man who reaches the is the ?ne is a If the

b · not c ontent with dom g JUSt ' te rmmes to be chosen M ay Queen an d 1 ih dramatic exce ll ence. It succeeds

wh at is require ·. .

w o d of him. He does I1nakes he rse lf sufficiently popular to


" 111 "S n-o:t- cun1:e"Q-i; wh

. -VV-I'Ul a-.:1u•., I tlermines t b h M Q d a· "v Ii one pl OTessIUJTBI rreatr of him He does Imakes he 0 1; c t:y ueeln ih dramatic excellence It s ucceeds Nere we have diligence en ter- get the y arB if it is kept clos·e to the ne eds a nd dem. -Ott onl y mu st wo rk,, is th at a ll J velopment of children whose best ef8 to he must and May Queens make. up life? 1forts are its stand a rds of i .,, ently. T.h1s app lies aptly j , The book has valuable su ggestions for to t he t eacher who se Superint endent L e.t us c onsid er it from another th 1 t" f h 1 b. t 'th s ay s she may dism iss her Seco nd angle. If the ::yeung man in gaining , et a iotn o sc ?o su Jec s w1 n· d · · en er arnmen . Grade c lass at t hree o 'clock, but she es1r ed ends learns to be alert m us t s tay in t he sch ool r oo m u ntil honest, dependable, amiable to discifo ur Too o ften th e last .ha lf hour or pline, self-reliant, and DEANS AND ADVISERS OF WOlf MENS AND GIRLS by Anna Eloise fifteen minutes is s pen t in wat chin g se -controlled, then he is ecquh-in g p· D t W N y k the clock. . . characteristics will. go with him i-erce, ean ° omen, e""'. or ·:, .,.. · ' I all th ro h lif d h i h · t , . State £qllege for T·eachers. L illian Whitin g says: "No one has \ th utg ef aLn'f , e p Ibml 0 gam This bo ok co vers such a bro adc·field · e mas ery o es pro ems and /


· success un t il he has .the aboundin g h . b 'f h . h of se'rvice that the · teacher w iH fi nd l .f Th " ·· h I e IS & success; ut 1 e wms on t e j , e. 1s is :i10ade up. of t e many f th 11 fi Id 1 th I f To quo t from t he preface: ..V1th t he • • • · • oo. a e on y, en ear we . f old activity of e nergy, ·entn us1asm, / t .t f .1 ft h" It as helpful as the dean of women. . . mus wn .e a1 ure a er . is name. a nd g ladness. It is to sprmg to meet If th . 1 h h M ultimate purpos·e in view of re nder ing

t he day with a th1'ill at be'iri.g; Qu el g ir dwt obwas c .os en h lay substantial assistance to' de ans an d . . ·een earne o e grac10us, e p· ... It is to go forth to meet the morning ful lo 1 · · t thf 1 d . advisers in their work developin g a

. I . 1 , ya, s1ncere, ru u, an 1n·

in an ecs tasy of JOY. t is to rea 1ze dustri"ou 1 t . . ft h h t' , finer, stronger womanhood a nd mo t h-

SERV ICE STATION A.LBUMS Full line of Polarine and Mobile oils Greasing, car washing, and Free Crank Case Se r-

vice. Car l aund ered in 'good shape for $ 1.50


s n s riving a er er ear s t he oneness afr"hu m a.mty 1n t rue sp.i.ri - desire she h 't k · · l't· Ierhood, the book covers g enerally the ' ' J · ,, h t • as .a ep on qua 1 ies "' ._ t uial ·sympathy. It seems :ne t a which will crown her all through life. features of· d eanng . . AND.·VISIT O{,JR NEW :S'J'.'ORE t his summing up .of th e qualities co n- If n-0t, and she has stooped to sh am The abo ve b oo ks have been a dded m ore ne8:rly fits ?ur and hy p-0crisy in attaining her· ends recently and a i;-e on the two w eeks FRESH VEGETABLES AND GROCE RIES m issionaries who l abor m fo reign it is wo rse t han wasted effort and s he shelves at the hbrary , fi elds Su rely they mo re than the too is a failure , -.rest• of 'us energy, I Bu.t in the fin.al summing up I won- Gladys Kims ey, Iowa, .• _ All '\that the housew.ife n eeds to prepare that de lici ous meal. ' ·

and·"gla-Cl ne ss, a nd need to beheve Ill I.Cler if mat erial thin gs will count much jwas a dormitory visitor Thu_rsd ay. / t he one ness -0f hu manit y, to work all? When we stand before· t he As a true Peruviah / sh J b'rou g lit' wi th I t hey do, in places where the prev:iil- 't hrone of judg ment u;· up our !her a Freshman girl and assisti;d h er PHONE 115 PERU, NEBR. PHONE 114 ing fac t ors are ignor ance. fi lt h, vi ce, ".lccounts I w onder if perhaps such in locatin g for t his fall term. / ·


• artd di sease , thin gs as ho ldin g out arms to a tired · But Ji think I like t his o ne th e best child, car ryin g flowers to a crippled Mary Gr ay, '29, visited friends in

of a ll because it more fills my woman, and restoring the fieP,gling to Mount Vernon Hali' last week.

own ide al: "He has a chieved success its nest will not count for more in the are,

spect of inteHige nt m en and t he love

of little childre n; who h as filled his

fo und Jt, whether .b y. an impro ve ' WE

poppy, a' pe rfect poe m, o:i: 3'

soul· wh 0 has neV'er lacked apprecia-

tion: of ea rth's beau ty. or fa iled

expr ess it; who has l oo ked fbor t

best in ot hers an d given t):ie

had; whose li fe w·as an

whose memory is a bene

Row well M rs. A. J. St anley has sum-

Success then is t,he perfect

one attains. after struggle, after



A!m os t 14.UU O or Ame ri ca 's sc hoo ls now have s l'l10o l sav in gs ba nking p'.a ns In op er at ion, and ah out four mill ion pnpi !s are lea rn in g systematic savir.gs t. hr.nugt this ty pe of thrift, wit h rl<> pnsit.s in e xcess of 26.0 00. 0 00 rfH" ent re po rts of the Am e ri can Ra ni{· •' r Ass or.iat ion' s S avings Ba nk Div!· slon s how The sc h oo ls inc lud ed in 1he> rP. ports Hr e> a111rncl e rl by 4.6 09 )125 p11pi ls. of wh om 3.9S 0.237 are pa rt ir. I· pa nt s in the sc hool sa vin gs han ki ng p!:rns as dep os ito rs Dn r ing t.h e y'! ar th es pupils rece ived in te re st in t he 'm ount nf S9 17. 6 10 on the ir deposits The repor ts gat.b ere<l hy the assoc!· at. ion also sh ow t ha t th ere are 3R cit· ies in the Onit erl Stil! es In whi r. h a rn ll IOC' per ce nt of the grammar sr. ho ol en ro p111 ent Is pa rti c ipating in han ki ng Th e fi g11n'B i:ov e rin ?: high s ho w that In ·47 «!tie!' 100 P,Pf c·c-•nt of th r! a tt e nd ancf In th is r. la .• orll .,,1

For two yea rs, si n ce t he hi gh ma rk , Sin g in g their round-o'-lay. - f of ove r a ha lf a billi on doll ars w as 1 _ .....__

r each ed in 1926, l osses h ove d ecli n- Ou t in the de wy mornin g d Sm elling the sweet perfu m" e , an md1c at1on t ha t fi re pr ev entio n IOf th b "f 1 fl - e eaut! u ow ers God g ':l ve us, wo rk JS b ear in g frui t. Y.et we .h ave K eepin g our he a;·ts in tune th e g1' eatest per capi ta loss of any o untry in the world. .Ou t in the d ewy mo rn iag·, ! The pa rt of the waste is th at J In t he g arden dren c hed with d ew, at least eigh ty per ce nt of a ll fi r es 1 W,here we can 1:- e free f tv m trbis, a re _P r eve n ta bl e a nd ine.xcu sa ble. We And d .r:ink in life sacn fi ce th o us a nd s of hv es a nd m illi ons of doll ars in pr ope rt y, merely IOu t in the .d ewey m ornin g, because of care lessness or ignora nce. I Wh en a ll is quiet a nd s till, I F ire preve n tion or ga ni zations, bo th I t he gi fts He gav e us, public a nd priv a te, .h ave lab ore d un - Filhn g· o ur s ouls with thrill s.• 1ti r in gly to in struc t the p eo ple in th e -'-Zizzy. . lce1 Cream, Cold Drinks, Soda Fountain ' ! ; r Service, Confection ery a nd Lunch Meats I School Supplies .and Stationery I ' A HANDY PL ACE TO TRADE ' : H. U.. LA ND·0 LT J ,menace of fire a nd .the mea ns of pre,;ventio n. It is a c ommo n occu r ren ce

1for loss es to g reat ly decrease durin g 1th e a nnu al " Fi re Preve ntion W ee k" :onl y to rise ag ain wh en the pe ri od

s" uncl tb i nltin g 1 wou ld wr ite clow n au ali. ...

•>Pe n mind We hav e rnent low:id li ves des troyed can n ever be com-

111 g o ur minds fr om the in f"l uen ce ot

tradi tio n. Let us th ink also with o ut

pletely repla ced. And the indi rect

prej ud ice or pers·onal fee lin gs. <le· loss, in t ime a nd bus in ess a nd e mpl oy- ' ' 1 ti Ires or con se que n ce Let l\ S S 'l P. lt men t, is in estim a ble. For all kinds of drayage, 1'

I only th e tr ut h. Me re sui'face Ame ricans wh o pride themselv es I se e or call PHONE 193 or 86 ' i ng mu st be 1li sco un te d. Olcl on in 1ie lli g·ence a nd education ni.u st " rlo n ·rs" mmit be th r ow n into rile fu rth er re duce th e fire w as te Th ey ; JOHN THORNHILL I\ Black Walnut /I ce Cr e am S aturday and f <Iir card A ma n who has an OT>en !'would do w ell to glan ce aro und their m in d wi ll do a many t hin gs IJ!l· cau se he kn ow th ey ca n't be \homes, offi ces a nd factorie s a nd e lidone. lminates haza rds .they ar e s ure to fi nd The th in! esse ntial to :io u nd t lli nlc· !Do it no w, not after the fire

racl•'l'S inv rJlv ed in a prn hlem. It lrns Only Two Reported Ill La st Week S unday

ATTORNEY AT LAW 50c per Quart

NOTARY PUBLIC is kn owledge-a thoro ugh. 1 prehen ·ive und er sta nd in g of a ll rhe

heen sa id th at most prohl·ems an RwPr Miss A lb erg reports two cas es ·of

th e mselves wh en the fac ts hal'e IH:! Pn ill ness co nfin e.cl to the in fi rm a ry l ast

I c: at hered A we ll kno wn stu rlf!D t and f wee k. These pa tien ts were Miss I

tt":1cher or bu si n ess descr ib es •he

ri-e thod of attac.\\ing a pr oblem as tear· Bl an che Piquet te

;, Black Walnut Devil' s Food, and Black \Valing it dow n. re ass e mb lin g the pl"ll b· Crei g ht. "f t h .

be dissappointed

al'l<l draw ing the conc lu s ion r 1 you ge your air cu a Th ere c:;,o b'e uo t hi ng but guess wor k Miss _E mily Bu rto n is visiting at h_er , 1


· ; ; or ln tn ltion unless t he unk no wn Qu a n· home in Ara pahoe, Nebr aska. Miss 1 (Next to Gaines Hall on the I I Phone 170 Peru, Nebr. Il les are cl is cnve red. B t h'a b t d I f · As a fo urth essential s ound thtnlt· ur on 5 een gran e a eave 0 I Pavement.)' ; , · tn g requires t ll e capacity to ge ne ra l· abse n ce this fa ll. _ _ tze. H ow of te n we h ave seen men sw eati ng a nd con fu se d before a m as s or details whi ch they were u tterly un· a ble to cl ass ify a nd crystallize We I have the pro bl em of sort ing out the l relevant. a ttai nin g a perspective f>. nd 1 rea ch ing a con clusion that can be oe· fended against any atta ck To cer· ta in mind·s this pro cedure com es na tu·

ra lly: to othe rs tra inin g In the solu·


F!ftb a mon g the essen tials of sound PHONE 47

t hinkin g is th e pow er to apply. A few

In di viduals ha ve mind s th at trave l at ra ndom or In ci rcles. Som e ha ve

mi nds t hat e ve n r efu se to budge. But

there are still oth ers who na tura ll y or ;

t hrou gh tra ining ha ve min ds that can

be directed straight throu gh to t he I

pra ctical a pplication of th e ir thou g hts I

Th ey r efuse to compromise or to he

thw a rte <l 1n purpose b fffore definite

applica tion of th e ir Id eas has been

ac hi eve d. •

It Is possibl e. I be lieve , for young-

peo ple to train the mselv es to an In·

Quisi tl ve attitude, an op en mind and

the abillty to cl ass ify a nd Inte rpret

mat erial s tep by step from the beg in·

nin g of a probl em to !ts fin al s olution and appli cat ion. Her e, t he n.,

thoug ht I would leave-the para mount

Th ey may feel that th ey are

at D ormitory , smg 111 co nvoc ation. He sang an 111- of Experi e nce m Biology Field 1 n h ono r of Mr E J k . teres ti ng gro up of classical an d mo - Frid ay evening broug·ht to close th s. os a c_ s on, who is d p f d · .s e summer w1tJh he p a. F ive ye ars ago the gr ou nds around de rn so ngs On We dn es ay ro essor the Pe agog1an Hors eshoe to urna- en ts, Mr. an d M G W r. r- Mt Vern on Hall were devoi d of flow -George W. Brown delivere d a lecture t h n Alb t S h- D r s. . . B1 own. d me? WA e 11 er a c ind l er a nd P as -., . ULng the aft ernoo n the l adie.:; w ere ers or shrubs but each se a son is now en ti t led ":ijehind the Ran ge." Ins tea nv1 e :net de cide the cham-gi ven sma ll s qua re of cl oth an d em-ma rk ed by fl o werin g pl an.ts Iof reg ular d evoti on als, A brams

ion girl .ho rsesnoe pitch er on the cam- bro i dery t hr<>ad f b 'd . by many vari'eHes Th e difference is Isan g a sacred so lo on Fnd ay. T.hen

·11 - < I - " or em r o1 e1ng

pu ; Anvi e easily won t he game 21 Ian ori g inal desi gn M I . D du e to the "Memory Garden." we were privile ged to hear the most lO . · rs. m ce un - f soci ates.

Tri Beta h eld an other of its ent hu sias tic summer meet in gs on Mond ay, Jul y 29. Talks we re made' by Walt er Wiese an d El zada Clover to a ro om f ull of membe1·s an d: as-

10 • 1 nmg recei ved a bead ne cklace as first Th e idea was-st arted by Mrs. Dun- I unusual a nd artisti_c p rogr am ? m u- l\lh. Wiese spo ke on his b.iolo r;ical

The g irls to u.rn a m:nt br ou ght to prize f or a desi gn in fo r -get-me-nots. ning wh en she fi rst came here as sic we h ave h eard m chapel t his sum- cxpc r ierc es in Chi u1!£v at the F iel d

Pe:u t he proof that 1z-:tr a -mural ath- Mr s. Ja c kson receive d a brid ge call D ea n of Women. An yone interested me r. Bi tter, of the L awrenc e Museu m. L incoln P ark, a nd Gar f eid leUcs co u ld be h el d with suceess fo r be ll as gu es t pr ize. A delicious t hree was asked to g ive bulbs, seeds, pl an ts, Har _p Qu ll1tette, who. app eared here P ark. The Field Museum of Chicago· both bo ys and girls. About se ve n ty co urse luncheon of w at er me llon, or sh rubs to pu t in t;he garden. Ma ny I in con cert that ev emng, a l\lluse u ro is ou of Llie wodd'- gre,1tpel' ce nt of the bo ys in t he co ll eg e clo wn sal ad. sa ndwiches, ch eese responded a nu as a resu lt the yard Igroup of at c.h apel.' This pro- ,.,.: , n x: J-.;1 i: s a nd at pr es ent entered the tourn amen t, and abou t et raws, ch ocolate ca ke, wh ipped prese n ts an at tractive a ppear ance, the Igram was by is being .add ed to rapidly. It is built thirty p.er c en t of the gir ls to ok an cr eam an d iced te a was served. Mrs. g irls h ave fresh fl owers for t heir stu den t s._ Miss Bit ter h as on la nd st olen fro m Lake Michi gan active part in the g-aM e. Flin g of Comes, Texas, who is h ere r ooms, a nd the din ni ng hall t ables in every large ci ty m At the Lin coln Park Zoo n ne has op-

The gir ls to urn amen t was fe a tured v isit ing her daug hter, Mrs. N orw ood, are made more i nvit in g by the a ddi- Arnen ca as we ll as many Eu ropean portun i.ty to see v11 e of t he £n est by seve ral close g ames in LE·- w as an ou t-of-tow n gu est tion of fl owers. co llections o.f living ·a mm a s m ex- cities. · J • nora Bernar d, Doro t hy Wh itmer , It is Interesting to n ote from tories cover acr es of ground and harRuby Hemp hill, Ruth S keen , an<l sev-


when ce t,;rnse p lants came and whp


iiiten ce. Th e Garfi eld Park Observ aeral other s ho wed ski ll at th e barn the d oners are. Some of the Holly- bor full si zed tropic al trees an d ynrd sport. Ruth Sc hin d ler won thi rd l





hock seed came fro m the garden in


shr u bs under glass, prize· with wins over Bern ar d a nd ·

Mt.Verno n, Virginia, the origin al Mi ss Clover disc ussed the fauna \Vhitmore, sh e l ost to An ville. j 'seed h avin g been ol anted by Martha and fl ora of so uthern Texas and T.1... • I t . -· d . - II Was hi ng ton Ot her seed was secured Ev ery Nu mber was Truly a P iece of stressed its tropical n atu re as com- Jte gir s o urn ey <1 s su 1.;.; .:.po nsors Fa culty and Students Comp ose Cast V 11 c d h of th.e e vent of ano ther tourn a rn ent of Pla near an old log fo r tific at1-0n at a ey Art to La r ge row pared with t he liv ing fo r ms of ot er f t Y Forge M1·s Dunnin g procured the - 1 1 arts . of the countr y, eve n of other or nex , 1 1 seed th ere Dean D el- On e of t he most artistic an d en joy-parts of Tex as She told of interest' s ,,.w\ l, 1' Se veral a lumn i, fac ulty members, one of t he fi r st to be inspired ab le conce rts ev er given in P eru, was ing exp erien ces in Mex ico City and he m at c iape time,_ u,.. us - · a nd .three co llege stq_d ents w ill pre-with the id ea started t he P hlox bed. presonted at t he a udi torium, F rid ay, other · par ts of Old Me xi co, h un t in g b h M F 1 d "·I L' d I l se nt "East is West" a play rn p ro - Th e Delpheniums are g ift -of rs 2 b th Lawrence Harp trips in our own sout wes , an exThe Pe dago gian WIShes to 1h<mk I -... . '

M " h t d ot r. ow er an i• r. 1 n a 1 D · . h h · · b ·ought t hem Au gus.t ' Y e las. cent ipedes, et c., too numerous to who gav e two we ek's o.f '.l ntiri np; louge an d th ree acts on Thu rsd ay unmng, s e ·-, 1J · I Quinte t te. · Wl·th rattlesn akes, t ara ntu. , --. Th' · 1 from h er f ather s b1rt -p ace rn owa periences work to mak-e both the boys and I evemng, Au gust 15. is is a co 01 - h h h th i Jove by • Th e p ro g-ram was ma de up of en- rev i· ew O ther w o ave s own e r Igirls' tourna ment a 5U'.ces .>. fu l pl ay of love a nd sorrow and ul- the g ift 0 plants ar e: . . Ise mbl es, duo, and solo nu mb ers. Ev- - tim ate wH-1' a r ich Orier. ta l Mrs. La wrence: P etu ni as, F orsy thi a,, ery number tru ly a fini shed w,o rk lCOLUMBIA TO FORM A DUTY OF PRIN CIPAL IS bac k grounu 1-. i:l on a lov e ':ioat iii Crimson Rambler Rose. . Icom bin ed with a wa rm th of to ne an d LIVI NG ART INSTITUTE TO P RES ERVE SA NITY · Mr S JI T ge C ri in a. Mr McAuley s. ewe : 1 r M' L ch . · ' pu re musi ca l fe elin g. 1ss awren ce - I The play aro u r. d a inese .Lili es. . . A movemen t to fu rther apprecia"A sc,ho ol p rinc ipal is one who is g irl w.ho i-.; • .:> t.>e :;< Id by her fu1h er Harriet Hart ley: Holl yhocks, Mari- , appear ed in two b ril li ant groups ti on of mo d ern art in A merica is to paid extra to refrain fr om wnr kln g Iill. or der th a.: he b uy golds. w hi ch were h igh ly appre ciat ed for be start ed immedi a tely at Colu m bia too hard, so th at wh en ev e :yone else pig. She is so ld and co mes to Am en - Mrs. Licht y: Iris. I their b ea u ty an d di splayal of sup e- IUni v ers ity The fo rmation of a Na'.lbo ut the place has gone fa gg ed or ca thru the influences of an Ain er i- Daisies. . , I rior te ch nic Itional Institute. of Li ving Art is bewild his coo l head will s er ve as a can w ho falls in love wi th h ei:_. Tn e Na om i Wheele r: Perkm s: In the closin g g roup of ensemble .ing fo r med. Every .American who is 'of s anit y," writes Dr. Da ni el parents of the y oung man obJect to Se lma Hedb lo om: L1lh es, Sh asta . h d th ! interested in Mode rn painti ng, sculpf · Ch' D h ' · w h s · L'J y of numbers th e artists fur t ere em- Wolf ord L aRu e, profes sor o psy- his ma rriage to

in the Ju ne J' ; urnal of th pcrn u "'" u'.L i• Ed . e. at1onal ' ptw tJ JI C JMl:s . crt s. I 1-o

.. As s ociatio n. doesn_t, ho w do es the pl ay end? All Helen Blood goo d, Fl or ence T ay lor: Iby p\ ay mg such fam ili ar and well breck, of the Rom an lang ua ge dehe fh st d uty of .the pr inc io ,:i l" qu est i ons to be answered Au gu st 15. I J k . th p 1 ·r· loved tunes as "Be li eve me if a ll Ip artment fa sp onsorin g the or g aniz a- Dr LaR -' Tl d . r ac m e u p1 · ue_ says, "is to give a daily :e pro u ction -O f t he pl ay is ver y Mi ss He nd erso n. Miss Hedblo om : 1those Ende arin g Youn g Ch a rms," a nd t ion . A ca mp aign will be launched le sson in men ta l hy- di ffic ul t an d wo rk on constru cti on of/ Vin es I "The' Vol ga Boa t ma n.'' The a rtists w.hich w ill e xte nd the ins titute to evk en:, o-tJoh carry ou t Kiplin g 's 'If', ,! !1 ea dy ., e ll und e·· W«y. Pi er ce Sjste rs, Ru th H atto n, Fe arn Iresponded g enerously with encores. j er y sect ion of t he coun try. Pr omirieeprn": is he ad when all a bout h im · e play is und er the d irec tion of Grime s Ga ri ss : Gl a diola Bulb s. Th 11 f h . Ient educ ators, a rtists, phil a nth_ropists, a :e losmg theirs a nd bl a mi ng it on A nn a B es t Jo dder , dr am atic instru c- 1 Mrs . Pa te: Porch Vin e a nd Ivy . e persone · -0 , t e qum t ette, a nd bu siness men P.re f orw a rdin g the bun, to rem ain a kindly, bi g-sou led, tor, plays a leadin g pa rt. Sar a Ja ne Whitten : Trump et Creep- Lu cill e L awre n ce, Ma ri etta Bitt er, mo ve me nt · fair - min de d, progres sive . T hi s .p lay wiH br in g to a cl os e the er, Gold en Glow. Thur ema Sokol, Gr ace Weyme r, and J Thi s in st itu te w ill fun c ti on throu g·h pers o.nahty wh at e ve r be t ide, lo be a rmportant d ramatic produc t ions of Mrs. Clark : Ma ri g olds. Ele anor Sh a ff er, a re under dir ection Imany uni v ersities, college s, and c reat1ve ar ti st w ithou t the tempera -the year, and_ students should ma ke N'1.rs Kennedy: Cr ysa nthimum s. of the Culb er tso n Con ce rt Man age- sc hools to stimul ate t ho se who are mental mo od a nd p assion . pl a ns to see it. Lore tta Harp ster: . Delphenium, Or- f N y k d Ch " eage r to re ach a be tter und erst a ndin g "A me nt o ew or an ic ago . h 1 . sympathet ic principal is like a j ie nt al Popp y, Go lardi a, Sh ast a Daisy. · of t e new art. t 1s a vast co -op eraco ach. He ca n g ra de the trai n- MARRIAGE IS KEPT SECRET i Mr s. St evenso n: Lilie.s

TIBBETS-HAUCK MARRIAGE tive effo rt to di re ct public opinion in mg, in trod uce vari ety, prevent s tal e- FOR SEVEN MONTHS I S tate of Neb ras ka: Spirea Hed ge. Americ a tow ard a hi gher appr eciat ion ness an d br e ak do wn. No ma t ter what Mrs. Whitte n a nd Mrs. Sims sta rt ed of abso lu te esthetic va lu es than our I

SURPRISES FRIENDS HERE oth er drive is on th e ' dr i ve' for men - Announ ce me nt wa s ma de tod ay of t he daisy bed. Ot her daisies from the I Word was recei ve d in Fa lls City on movie s, m ag azin es, a nd se nt imen ta l tal h ea lth s hou ld alwa ys be on, l ead -the mar ri ao- e at L aw re nc e Ka ns as on lfi rs t Nebr as. ka Homeste ad, whi c.h is W d d J 1 24 f th .· d ram as pres en t. ing in a ll supe rv iso ry effo r ts for b oth D b "' to be set asid e as a Nation al Pa rk, e ne s a y, u Y · 0 e ma n ia ge :Professor R oos Broe ck says, " Modt ea ch er and child." ec em er 24• 1928, o:f; Mis s Norm a a re to be added to the garden soo n. of Mi ss Ru th Tibbets, daug hter of ern a rt is not a f as hi on for someDr. LaR ue in his a rticle deve lo ps I of Mr. a nd Mrs. Th es e daisies we re sown by a man Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tibb ets, of Falls t hin g new, or a sudd en vo g ue. It fo llo:Vi ng fi ve ruies for prin cipals W. B. L ive n goo d Ji vin g n ea r Mor rill , w ho thought th e se ed W ?S th at of a l- City , a nd Mr. All an Hauc k, so n of c arri es fo r wa rd hi sto ri c tra di tion of

ill fost ermg m ental health in t heir to Mr H er be rt Ebel, of Fa lls Cit y. falf a. Mr. a nd Mrs. Da vid Hauck of Fair- , school adminis t ration: 1' T.he ce re mo ny was performed at th e As a so uve.nir of the Juni or- Se ni or b Th 1. Be f ri endl y a nd a ppr-0ac hab le U .t d B th h h. Banq uet of 26. m osses and fern s ury. e weddin g was a complete ders tood in Am eric a than any pl ace 2. Stu dy, dev elop , and I Lm e ;:eh erRn c uErc EpaMrsoAnaffge at were br ought fr om the ' fount ain, s urprise to all rel atives. e ls e in the world , du e to t he fa ct th at I awrenc e y ev. . . 'c er ty. which w as the ce ntr al attraction, a nd The br ide gra du ated fr om the Fall s Iour a_dverti sin g mediums di ct ate comyour pe r sonne . I . . h h th h h Thr ou gh purpose bu ild m or a le The mar n age had b ee n kep t se::ret was a dded to the ga rden Th e hy a- Ci ty hi gh school w ith th e cl as of mercial t ou g t ra er t an emp af h · th h dd d th · h as a • s tic art is tr y. " · 4. Eco nomi ze t h<;! t eacher's e ne rg y. or seve n ;n o,;t s. cm s ave a e eir c, ee r 19 28 a nd attended school here l ast ______

5. Use m.odern , democratic metho ds Mi ss Cl ar a Hicks a nd How a rd Kite, I g if t of Mi ss Gr ace John sto n. Th e term. as y ou w ant y our t eachers to do. b h f A b h I ha ll g irls had presented her wi th ot o u urn, wer e t e at te nd a nts.· tt d 1 t • · der of th ei·r Mr. Ha uck g radu ate d fr om the ' po · e p an s as a remm

PROGRESSUVE SCHOOL DEFINED BY SE.CRETA RY PERU C LASSMATES KEEP Mrs. Ebel is a gra du a te of the S tate 1lov e an\} s ymp athy durin g her illness. Fairbury hi gh sc hool with th e class WEDDING A SECRET Te ac,h ers co ll eg e at Pe ru. She is a I Spi r it such as thi s, kind and unsel- of 1927 and w as a s tud e nt here for Th e me a nin g of Pro g res si ve Edu cam emb er of the Pi Omega Pi honora ry j 1fi s.h, is wh at ma ke s t he Memory the p ast tw o ter ms. ti-0 n is by J. Mi ln or Dqre y, Miss Clara Codin g ton , da ughter of fr ater ni t y. Durin g .the pa st- y ear she Garden bea utiful.

Miss Tibbets will te ac.h near Falls exe cuti ve secreta ry of the Pro g re ssC - - ·· Ci ty n ex t y ear a nd Mr Ha uck will ive Educ ati on Ass0ci ation, in an arMr. and Mrs Jo.hn Codin gton of A u- h as b een te a chin g at beste r, Nebr as- EDUC'ATION W EEK TO BE co nt inu e hi s pres en t duti es wi th the ticle on "The Ch an g in g Sch oo l," in b d G ld W f Mr / ka. The groom is a farmer , a nd re- N h M C f R W urn, an e ra a rmon son o · si des fou r mil es south of Fa lls Cit y. OBSERVED IN •as 'oto r ompany, o a cin e, is . t he June Journ al of th e N ation al Eduand Mrs. Henry Warm an of Fairb u ry ·- ca tion Associ ation \Vere united in marriage at S idney, The special week in 1929 set aside FACULTY DAMES ARE The modern u se of the t erm ProCHE MISTRY CLASSES PICNIC d N b 11 17 TAINED. T p TE'S Iowa, M ay 15, at the Pre sbyterian for e uc ation is ovem er - · ENTER A A gr ess ive · Educ ation, says Mr. Dorey, NEAR PAUL, NEBRASKA C · b · · t Ch urch by R ev. C. A. Sp eag h. An - omm1ttees are n-0w egmnmg o is "defined in term s of opport unitie s noun cem en t of t he marria ge wa s kept pl an pro grams for its cel ebr a tion. Th e Fa culty Dames were en t er tain- for individu al de ve lopm en t; the elisecret unt il Satu rday, J uly 13 Mr. Hoyt's ?h:m is t ry Classes had The purpose -of t his week is to ac -ed at the hom e of Mrs. Pate Frid ay 1.m in ation of fe ar; th e consci ousn ess of T he b rl"dge g raduated from the Au- the ir a nnu al p1 ctnc Thursday, Au g ust . . h bl " . h h k f I afternoon wi th Mrs. W. N. De lz ell , Ithe t ea che r as a helper, not a tas kp tl t 3·30 th · · k I qu a mt t e pu 1c wit t e wo r o . . burn high s chool w ith the claas of 1. romp Y a · • e picmc ers

Mrs Im ce Dunnm g, Mrs S. L. Cl em- ma ster ; a nd a scho ol atm osph ere of loaded i nto cars and motored to the the schools, wi th th eJr ide als, t heir Ie rits, apd Mrs. G. W. Brown assista nt happy, m otivated w or k, char ac teriz- 1926 a nd a ft er teachin g one yean, e nrolled in t he college here at Per u. St. J osep.h Church ne ar Pa ul , Nebr. a chievements, and t heir needs. Am er- h os te ss es. The party was honorin g ed by wh olesa le re lations hips a nd atM r. Hoyt took the Darty th ru the ica's best g ift to civ iliz a tion, t he pub- r th e ladies who are lea vin g thi s fall. t ractiv e sur ro undin gs." She co m pl et ed the tw -0 :v ear cou r se rn h · a nd rest of .t e time was Ile sc hool , du r in g thi s week is made j Vac a ti on pictures were given ea ch .'Whether w: we lcome it or n-0t,'' May. th spent rn pl aymg g i.mes. th th f th th 1 tf ,la dy and th ey were to tell of rec clle c- Mr Dor ey w rites, "the sc h oo ls a re Mr. Warma n g raduated from e h f h ts j e eme o e press, e pa orm, At 7 o'c lo ck t e re res men con- . , . tion t hey rec all ed. The refr·eshments c,hangmg·. Th ere is m re a li ty no s uch Fairbury hig.h school with the cl a ss d h · kl b 1 the pulpi t and o t.her ag enci es of 1926 and a tte nded sch ool here las t sistin g of san wic es, pie es, eans, ! ' · · co nsiste d of raspbe17 y i ce, 'ang el thin g as a ch ang ed school. N othin g · h bana nas, a nd c ooki es w ere se rved. / · foo d ca ke, a nd ic ed tea. They wer e in sc ien ce is fix ed; no t hin g in educ aterm .. At mr e se nt he is asso c iated wit d h b t 8 "' T.he par ty arrive ome a ou ; Me n ta l careless ne ss mus t take its ser ved on tr ays cov e red with gr een tion can be It is time for all bducahi s broth er W il li am in busi ness. o' clock a nd everyone said Mr. Hoy t I s tr u gg le ag ainst a nd for whic,h they crepe paper and containin g a fa vor t ors to c le ar the ir br a ins of cobwebs, Mr. Wa rma n a nd his bride pl an to co uld c ertainl y ho ld t he best picni cs. I pl a ce among the sins which men bo qu et co nsistin g of pan sies, baby honestly ex amine t heir feti s.h es, rou se co ntinue th e ir sc h ool wor k her,e 'n ext - ·- - - -·- rep ent.- Phillips Bro oks. b rea th, a nd fern s. them selv es from iner tia, term. He gets most fr.om life, a nd g ives a nd wi th open minds a nd a forw ard - most to hu ma ni ty, who li v es the life Beg inning to do wh atwe ha ve to The Master D eg ree of the Maso ni c visi on, w elcom e a ny pr oved exp eriCons cl·enc e i·n t he soul is the r oo t h j k f 1 L d fi d w·11· t t. h" h ·11 d th b t he has as best he can am id t e condi- d o, Ii e it or no t, is more r est u o ge w as con rme upon 1 iani m en a 10n w 1c w1 ren er e es of all true cour ag e. If a man wo ul_d ti o ns h an d. Truth a nd c,h a11ac te r 1than waitin g for an inspir ation.-Cap- Kn app, Jul y 25. " Bill" was a degree edu cational s er v ice to their co m muni'be brave, let him le arn to follow his I p er's Wee kly. .>t ud ent of th e cl ass of '28. ties." co nsci ence.---James F. Cl a rke. know no age


Entered at the Postoffice of Peru,

an:h:1::::::s 1cisp 1 being done for the


he lp of those stude nts who haven 't time to take the n ewswriting I Tues. & Wed., Aug. 6 j

courses, but n eed he lp in editing a school publicat ion.

Nebra»ka, as secoad class ma'tter. The foll owin g are gen·eral instruc- I If p ossiMe, use in pre-

book, ,JPublished Weekly at Peru State ti ons good fo r any 'p aper, in any ter- pari ng stori es to' be maile d. ' M ther Knows j 'I rito ry. I Never s en d letters .o r photographs 0 f' , Teachers College · ·

Don 't s end mo re th an ordered. 1 by expree ss. E xpress companies nev- Best

$1.00 the Year-Sc single copy Keep the local te legraph office in- .\ er, d·eli v er at I formed of yo ur ad dress and tele-; Stud y ty le of paper by compa.:r:- # BY ED NA FERBER pho ne num ber, so th at m ess ages may ling y ou r stori es with oth ers I w ith t STAFF be d eli vered to you at any time. I SpeH out round numbers rn dis - I Madge BeU aroy IN CHIEF WILLIA M OKRENT f' EDI TOR- - ' - - Get a s ubstitu te t0 do yo ur work /patches. Louise Dresse r

ASS OCIATE E DITOR - - HELEN H o'LLIWAY w hen you are temporar ily a bsent Whe n an extract from a speech or Ba rr y N orton ;· BUSINESS MANAGER - - - - - FLO YD CHASE from tow n. H ave him s ign disp atch- a· doc ument is sent by wire, i ndic a te Edna Fe rber's most p opul ar CIC RCU LATION MANAGER - - BESSIE MARTIN es with your n ame to avoid confusio.n begin nin g of qu oted matter by word 1 • story is n ow t he screen's most INSTRU CTOR IN JOU R NALISM THOMAS ENNIS in acco unts. "quote" a nd e nd with wo rds, "end I popul ar picture. It is a picture

ASSISTA NT INSTRU CTO R '- - - MILLARD FOWLER Make it a point to keep on friend - quote." , ' for the wh ole family

REPORTERS . Jy terms with telegraph a nd te le- Inc ur any eg1t1mate expense m ge t-

FEATUR ES - - L ESLIE LEONARD Iph one operat ors They can often be ting important news ain d ph otographs. I .H ENRY ABRAMS of gre at service. If possible, qu ery the o ffi ce and get Thursd.ay, August 8 I W ri te your disp atches pla inly. ins truc t ions b efore so doing TIM McCOY G1VE ME MY, DREAMS ASK BONDS TO # Th'::lle: real We,t em lndi" I

CHAPEL - - - - Give me my d reams, my dear, and BRIDGES J "S • Bl d" : CALENDAR - - RAY yo u may take U I JOUX 00 . PR OO F READER - - MY RLIN McGUI RE Th is rose w.hose beauteous petals fall · __ ·_ ; Also News a nd Comedy. I an d brea k, Commissioners Call Electi on fo r Aug- Chin a.wa l'e w ill be given away PRES E RVATION OF FLOWERS Ir ead in the columns of our paper. A

If, te n yea rs from n ow, we are to Du ring' t he ma ny years of t he P eda- f' ,h ave th e' joy of pi ck in g w ild fl owers goginn

we must i mmed i ately be gin

cam- st ud ent body of

with still. O maha co u nty commissioners issued a Fri· & Sat Aug 9 l pa io·n for their prese r vatio n. tion on campus acti vities, but 1t h as I f' • ., • ' h h · h f' 11 G" d am y dear and call for a special electio n to be held I Th f 1000 f · Every year, _thousan ds of'. our w il d serverl t e teac _ers out _m t .e 1e c 1ve me my re s, m ' e man o aces m a flowers-the vi olets, cowslip s, co l- up-to-elate rnformat10 n on ecu- you shall ti y, Tuesday, Augu st 27, for the purpose ' film of 1 00 1 new thri lls Cha· u mb i ne, bi tt ersweet, a nd a ll the oth- It ser ves as a me dium to I In vain, to che rish by p ict ures iJ? of vo t in g on the propos iti on to issue ; ney does his st uff in a tragic I er co untl ess varieties of om· n ativ e ke 11p the o ld in touch with the nr.w,1 memo ry of d ays gone by county b onds to .the amo u nt of I r omance. F oHow t he cTowds to w ild plants, are th oughtless ly .to rn to su ;,;ges t n ew id eas, an d ope n to Wit.h the ir shadows, c asting· $150,000 to rebuild an d repair the the screen of myste ry and adup by the roots. We a ll know th at our ed itorials, inord er th at ' from th e fair brid g es d amaged or d estroyed by f' ven tur e. .F laming tr opic ro· when a plant is u p- r ooted that th at th e paper might stimu late thou ght For who m may ch ance, by tw ain, to th e fl oo ds of the past. two mon t hs. I man ce ! Lon, as al ways, a sur· I jg the end of th at plant. Ca n we Hof Iamon g its r ea d ers view the m th ere. Some of the larg est bridg es of th e I p:ri se you can neve:r guess. A ' s_ee, th.e n, th at the of su:h ac- I Fol ks, 1f yo u think the newsp aper coun ty are out, and ma ny others are I g1,eat star at his b est I t1 on w ill be the extm ct1on of thi s one r;iine is n ot in teresti n g, u·y 0 nce. Give me my dreams, my d ear, and badly dam a ged, and the cost must be of n atu re's b ea uti es? IIt i» a to ni c for the n erves It g ives you m ay k eep provided fo r in s ome way. f' LON CH.t\.NEY JN It beh oo v es u s, as teacJ1er s, to one a chance to express one's ideas, Your go ld, siiamonds, of a ll yo ur These b on ds are to· be i ssued in

''Wh E J bri ng to the m inds of the ch ild re n Iand t hu s serv e hu man ity in t hi s sim- grJ;!a t m aterial heap denomi nation of $500 eac,h, and a r-e

who come und er our tu telage, but lpl-est for m.-M: F. Of jewels, clothes and all yo ur man to be paid in ten years , the first p ay - East 7 respect a nd c onsid eration of our w ild made thin gs ment to be provided for in the taxes • I flowe rs is necessary if we are to h ave CO-EDUCATION. A SUCC E SS ? That cru mb le. fade, or die as the oak of next year. They will d raw 4 ¥.! % ' with I any from y ea r to year. w.here ivy clin gs. inte_rest. this bond p rop- Lupe Valez We are co nvin ced th at co -e du cation , Pick th em? Yes, but the blossoms os1tion the Au burn Her ald says: in its pr ese nt form is detrime n ta l to G d d th , ' E s.tel1e Tayl or j onl y. L eave the r oots to pr od uce cur i ve me my reams, my ear, ose "The vote rs of Nemaha cou n ty will f t • bl the intrins ic p rogress of the mod ern of you' b 1 J nex yea rs oss oms. · e ca led u pon to vo te at a special E ve n o ur go vernm ent ,h as r ecog- co ll ege a nd uni ve rsity. Om· r eason- The hills ! The valleys! The stately el ection to be he ld Aug ust 27, for or I COMING ni_zed thi s n eed of ing is not b ased upon the prem ise struct1ire, "Old P eru," aga inst a prop osi t ion to issu e b on ds i I w ild flowers by uti li z in g an en.tire

by out a nd in

Give me my dre a ms, my de ar , a nd I d th ou gh i·n c ar ds callin g atte n•"ion to th es e fac ts. a ddi tio n their a tti t ude t owards their

ers ha ve ma e a very or -

So let us do o ur bit by te achin g i wo rk is so di ss imil ar to th at of th e shall ask no more, v es ti ga ti-On of the si tu at ion· and .h ave

'Tis a ll a heart could wi s h, until time 1 · th t t I a st c hildren th e ne cessity for c are in ·mnle und ergra du ate t ak es, th at the r eac hed , the cone us10n a a e th eir fl ower pi c kin g.-H. H. two sexes fi nd th emse lv es imp edin g no m ore th e a bove na med sum w ill be neces-

. h Wh en all s hall come to judg ement sa 1·y to rebu1·1d and rep a 1·r t he br1" dg·es !\ one a no t her if t hey a re in t e s ame _

THE NEWSPAPER MAN. ·class r oo m. from a bove th at have been d•estroyed a n.d da mTo r.est, throu gh Jesus' ev e rl as tin g h "th Wh at tak es place in th e Dr. Cl ar enc e Li t tle , formerly pr es i- love age d. Under the la wk, t hey ar e w1 •' -C ar Pl u nge s Th r ough Detour Barrfo r o ffice ? Many ha ve as ke d t hi s qu es -d ent of Mi c hi ga n Univ ersity decl ar es out aut ho ri ty to ma e t e ne ce ssary · to Bottom o.t Creek tion- it h as b ee n the th eme of .many the superiority of women over men in my de ar, my lev y a nd can only do so with the1 e n.h Give me my dre ams, t novels, mo vi es, a nd pl ays ; a nd 1t as t he und er g-ra duate dep artmen ts of dor se me nt of th e tax payers. is An accident happen ed on the hi trh. ,. ' hopes aspire h · 1 1 l cr eate d ma ny be aut iful is due to the fact that, as a And build in w.hitest air .for hearts' fo r this reason th at t e specia e e c- way, ne ar the Cen t er sc ho ol house, fo r tne cub the g eneral rule , women have no defini te desire tion .has been called The same ac- west of Pe ru, early Mon day morning, man age r, and t he editor. It is a. hfe · p urp ose in g oin g to colle ge, o t;her k so whi·te tion has already b ee n ta ken by the in wh ic h a yo u ng m, an Jost ,his life. h A song, your voice, a s y apart fr om the life of a ll ot her t rn gs. than to attain a cultur al ba ckg ro und, and blue \ county c ommissioile rs of Richard s on Th re·e yo un g me n, Walter Stewart·

The "press" i ts elf is as stron g as while men were in coll eg e to prepa re Dr eams th at forever live like the c ounty, when: the dam ag e w as ev en Ia nd Lester T ay lor Bristol, Va, and the go vernm ent. Me n are as careful- fo r one of th e hi g·her p ro fe ss io ns g reat er th an m Nem aha co un ty. E rnest Sla 1:rel of Kirk wo od, Il l., were memory of you. ly se l ected to write t he e di t orials fo r He nc e t he in te rest of th e women is -Ja mes Merri t t. " Only th ose in to uch w ith t:_he sit: drivi ng north from Hiaw atha, Kat;L, a l ar ge ne wspaper as a re me n fo r ce nte red up on th e task before th em ua ti on ca n re alize just wh at has h ap -and d ro ve th ru a detour b.a r ;rier, arrd pi:es id ent of th e Un ite d St at es, or w hil e men are not so conserned a bout pened to the br id ges of the coun ty car an d occupants plung ed to the. botsen ator, or any ot her publi c office. t he ir co ll ege w or k as they are the Life at Its Best So ma ny str uc tur es spa nni ng both the tom of the cree k, sa id to be a distance The qu est ion has pro ba bl y ar ise n wo rk in the gra du a te a nd p ro fe ss ional He- gets mo sr frorn li fe , and r:i ves Nema.ha a nd th e Muddy w er e d estroy- of a bout t we nty fee t. The b oys were in the reade r' s mi nd as t-o wh at ma k es sch oo ls w hich is t hei r prim ary in t er- mo st to hum a nity, wh o li ve s th e lire ed that it is n ow po ss ible to c ros s picked up and ta ken to · Aubu rn , the wo rk of the n ewspa p er man so es t. To men, colle ge mere ly m eans a he ha s. as hes t ht> <'n n a mi rl th e e nnrll these s tr eams o nly a ft er tiravellin g where St ewa rt ; aged died i nter estin g? Wh y is it a ma n on ce th eoret ica l pr ep ar ation fo r their life's tions at hand Tl ut·h 'I nd ch arac ter long di stance s, a nd . the incon ven ienc·e· witho:ut reg aibin g cons cioushess. Re entere d int o the n ewspaper fi eld find s wo r k, w hil e to wome n it is the final know no age. a nd a ctual lo ss to the f armers is ver y su ffered a cr ushed skull , it a lm ost imposs ibl e to br ea k aw ay to uch to the leis ure th at th ey m ay ap p are nt This is aggre va ted by the is tho ug ht th at t he skull of Taya nd en ter some ot,he r fie ld ? '.!' nese e nj oy befo re th ey be g in thei r ac tu al Sug g estio,n fa ct th at hundreds of sm all br id ge s l or w ho is twent v -one is fractured t• s ·mple a nd ta ke but a The pronunci at i<ID of "m arg arine " • ' . qu es 10ns ar e 1 • · du t ies.

B mu st either be re built or repa ired, if wh il e Sl ag el had his · left knee shat- 1. I · th t f the with a soft "g" is advised by th e itt e re as om i 1ig on e paifi · 1°d Thi s circums ta nce ma ke s oo- e duc a-

crpps, live stock a nd, other fa rm pr od- I t ere d a nd fa ce cut. r ea der. In tie n ewspaper e man I h b B. C. Why not soft in summer a nd t t b t k I , lion 1mp ract1cal and step s s ould e hard in wi nter?- Gla sgow Easte rn uc s are o e a en to ma rke t. In Th e thTee you ths were dri vin g from 1s co n sta ntly se rvmg hum am ty. You .. k d" t 1. f ll ina n ·nst 1 ·1 t H · 1 . . I ta en to a JU S our po· icy o co eg e Sta nd a rd Y l a nces r ur a ma1 r ou. es are iawatha to O ma ha , to see.k emp oy, m·e a ma Jor part of the_. gr eat um- educ ation in order th at m en · and w o- Ia ffec te d. Anot her ph ase of rne ut in .the N ebr a sk a ha rv est fie lds. v erse. Many people l'<) aO what yo u Id 1. th · b·t· Consc1"ence Safe Guide bhe probl em w" ll d 1 h th Th h b · rr rk .t th - Imen cou re a ize eir am i io ns i eve op w en · e . 'ey ad een seek in g w or k rn n unh.a :e t? say-ma ny 1 e i ' 0 er cn1 wit hou t obs tru ctin g one ano ther's•[. Consci en ce in t.b P ::ioul is the root ru ra l sch oo ls op en in .the fall. Th e sas. At the poj nt wh ere t he accident t 1c1z e It Of a ll tru e coura.g_e. 'If a man wo nlrt t . th nro.,. r ess "Owns m e county are na tu rall y a;f- occm-red a br idge is ou•t, and the ro ad Wh at t he n ewsp a pe r h as don e for .. "' · . . . . be br av e, let him lea rn to • follow his f t d d h b the wo rld can har.dl y be estim ated. It a cons cie nc e. -.lame!'l I' Clar ke. ec e an t e est inter ests of th e leading to it had been barr icaded was the gr eates t me dium by whi ch to rout me basis. Cert a rn t echmcah t 1es as a wh o le de marid as S te wa r t, who was dri vi·ng, app aventbrin g a bout d emocr acy in our g·ov - m.u st be or th at in stitu tion

Carelessness Sin spee dy ac ti on as possible to ge.t th e ly fa il ed to seF a d eto ur si gn. From er n me n t. J effers on said th at if the re w ill los e i ts In s ho rt the Me ntal ca relef;s 11 ess tn ke it s ne cessary br idges in co nditi on fo r Aub urn the two less serio usly jnjor· was a c hoice b etw ee n t he newspaper 1 1 po lic y. of any e nt er - pl ace among the s ins whi <' h men st'rn g. u se . It is imposs ib le to build br ido·es ed were Om ah a. Ta-vlor and · (wi th fre e s pe ec h) a nd a g ov ern -, P11;se ca nno t h ave. as .i ts gle aga ins t, a nd for th ey r e.pe nt. without ma kin g so me pr ovision foT Sl a ge l say the y were asleep tl1e ment t ha t he wo uld l'" '- Ceu t t he news - \p r inc ipl e the sa ti sfyin g of public -Phillips Brook s. p ay ing for them, a nd the p ubli c is acci de nt occurred . pa p er And , to ·all whim s. On th e other hand any o r- dema nd1ng bridges. Th e of the gr eat ·sta t esmen of old tim es a nd g·an'iz ation, wh eth er it be commercial Tackle Job bo nds a pp ea rs to he th e onl y way of pT es en t, on e w .ill find that they a re or e du ca tional oth e rV' ise is o bli ga ted Beginning to do wh at we have to so lv in g th e probl e m. "

a re ya u sta ndin g -ove r th ere th;.owm g roc ks at th at li tt le b oy fo r ?"

I d ass n't go no cl ose r, m a'am . H e's g ot the wh oop in g cou g h."-Go bli n.

B!g Dip pe r

Th e nam e,. "1 the se• en sta rs in the bi g di pper are Allrnid, Miz!.l r. Allotb , Meg rez, PbP.g 1fa Me rak a ncl Dubhe

Ir is Jo ne s and Fr ed All en, ' 28, wtre P er u ca ll ers Thu rs d ay evening.

"T is a h ar d wo rld," said Timothy. A ce rta nt s ma ll r esta u rant wa s "I t is that" ·d M. h J "and I k ep t by a ma n h , , . sa1 1c ae, 1 w o prid ed hi mself thmk so t he mor e eve ry time 1 put ns co okin g. He was ama zed to I me pick in i. t! " -U. P. Magazine. e ar a y ou ng salesman criticize a pie I one d ay. · -

Mi ss Lucille Di c kins on Th ursd ay fro m a two w ee k's vacatil'll s pe nt in· Ta com a,· W ashin gton · -l. I t do, lilrn tt or not, is mo re r es nl tf ul b oost in g the new spap er- the me dium to ser ve tJi e pu.b 1c. n a cour eo us, h I h than wait in g for an in sp irati on.-Un p· by w hich o ur democ r ati c form of co rdi al ma nner, t e peo p e w o como·overnmen t was found ed a FJ.d the me- p ri se i ts c li en te le are its co n st itu en ts, per's Wee kly. dium .that se t the example for ma ny . mu st be :served. To make this service oth er g ove rn me n ts of oth er na tion s a rea li ty in st ea d of a myth, oe xe · Th e d is eove ry th at ruhl.J er wo ul d sim il ar to o ur s. c uti ve poli cy of an organiza t ion mu st efl'ect i vP l.V ernst> pendl mar ks was Wh at t akes pl ac e in the Pedag og ian de vi ate from ro u lli ne pr oce dur e a nd mad e u hont til e ti me of the A1.u e ri ca n office is simil ar to that w hi ch tak es re nder servi ce to an indi v idu al who B. evo lutlon pl a ce in any bi g newspaper offic e. h as been th e vict im of. un fort un ate Many p eopl e li ke our pape r, a nd th ey c ir c um sta n ces.- L. L. te ll us so don 't like it a nd the y tell eve ryb o d:1;-th at is good c riti sm, Id a Sc hr epa l r etu rne d to h er h ome an d we e njo y fi n din g th at not e ve ry- I in B u. rcha rd. Thu rs d ay spen din g bod y ag r ees with every thin g t hey the wee k. wi th do rm fn e nds.

"Pie 0 In Del aware, baTe legs, they say, , y,oun .,, fe ll er? Wh y, I made A re ' aainst t he te ac h er' ru le, b efo re yo u we re bo· " "' "O K B rn. It ma kes the c hil dren l aug-h a nd play · · ut w.hy s·ell 'em no w'? " Ta s ee the calf at s chool.





Hear! There is mu sic in the air

DEAR MR. EDITOR: Sp ri ng signs s howing t:very where.

Patter, patter, little feet ;

C hildren pl aying in the street.

1yl My! but isn 't it warm? And wnth t.be new pajama wearing fad croppin g up we boys wm s oon be a,s ·lose to nat ure as our sweet ers- yes- 'Vhen the organ grinder comes I have just eaten dinner (Sunday) and I was the only person of my sex ;it tqe table. And do you know I was the last one thru and all them girls bad .to waite for me, and I munched around

Th ere the children w ill be fo u nd

Danci ng· to his tinkli ng tu n es

Like 'fairies in t.he woods in J une

on remm1c ensing my many hours of Summer, with its sco rc hi ng h eat, patjent waiting while "she" tided up Finds them in so me shady street a bit. If by chance there is a tr ee

Only three more weeks now Elea-1They'll pl ay "Cou n t" and "Find nor Glyn once did a movie by th at name-here's hoping these three The city chi l dre n .have n eve r h eard weeks are cooler than her's- were. the rallytn g call of south-b o und b ird ; Yours truly, Wh en the organ g rind er comes no The Lone Troubador. more,

Edu c ational Adjun ct

Tbe Aweri<:au [ustitute of Hanking i the euucatiurntl ·ection of the AwerBun k ers' a :so1.:ic1tio11 T llis or ganfzati on is urnintain ed ror the pu rpose uf giving in;·tru ctiou to buitl< ewplt1yee . T here are about lGU ch apters io various cities · tbrou g l10111 the country.

Wi sdom and Ign o ran ce T he 1.:llief different:e beLwee11 a wise nurn and an ignorant one is, uot that he tirst is acqua im ed with r egions invi il> le to tbe seconu, a way fr om co111ru on sigbt and iP Ler est, t. ut that he 1rnuerstau<.ls the 1.:ommon things whicb the secon!il

T hey kn ow J ack Frost is at the door.



Is.tin e.

· Wiley, Zelia, Li ncoln, P atterso n. Wills Wm. W., Brownville, Arth u_r

J. Wills, i8!:lv.


Many St u de nt Moth er or F ather At- FOR LOC KSTEP TACTICS te nded Peru Yea rs Ago

A recent chec k taken at P eru to "Regimentatio n an d lockstep are detern1ine the nu mber of students not conductive to p eTSonal g rowth, " whose parents former ly attended t his says S. R. Logan, <•ssistant superin· sc h oo l proved th at many students tendent of sc hoo l, Winnetk a, I llinois, parents also atten d ed. T.herefore t his wri t ing in the Jun e Jour nal c.f co l1amn is ded icated to what sh aJ l N r.ti.ona l Education Association. hereafter be ca ll ed Sons and Da ug h- "1-Jurnan beings," wr ites Mr. Lop.an, ter of P eru. "cannot affo rd to be pawns of c ur-

Permanent Wave

LE MUR N E(STLE 7.50 5.00


Miss Evelyn is here now .and gives a beau t iful wave·

Phone for J\ppoin tm·ents.

No. 2 Peru N eb.

DeLuxe Beauty Shoppe

Following is .t he n ames of the stu- 1 po rate power, nor can society afford de n ts, t heTe per ma nent address, their I t.o have them as such T.he fat.her's name, •their .moth er's of ""cial success is the in di vidua l p:r- 1 ..._ while at P eru,• a nd the d ate w h1 c 1 1 son. Surely ad eq u ate tn nity f the parent atte nded tpis instit utio n: be provi ded ii'1 for

! 1. B ath, _Bessie, Brownville, Jo hn 1 a!-. individual to choose his f

B tl J I to do it in his own way at l: 1s ow'n a · 1 r. F y t L G I rate in vo lunta ry co -operation with f I nvited to enroll for te aching

2 Behrens ern u an ena a-.

If.i·is fe llows In m ak ing men a nd w o1 bne l. '

· d · · t' positions with I Wh en w in ter c omes wi th sto rm and

sa E men of h ardihoo d, v1s10n an in ia IV e, snow 3. Butler, J oy, Fa lls City, A fit for n ew fro ntier s, m ethod as well

Into their homes most peop le go j Butl er, P ear l Mor ga n. as conte nt is impor tant. TheDavis School Service

IBut eity ch ildren still will pl ay Burk e, E lda, Ad ams, B. P. Burke, "Reli gion an d d emocracy call a ' W ..T. DAVIS, '06, Ma n ager

In the park severa1J stretes aw ay 1924 to 1927· I more pers onal ty pe of schoo lin g. 138 No. 12th St. Li ncoln , Nebr. '

I - William Ok ren t. Bu rkey, J. Per u, E. R. Bu r- I People a re at l ast eager to u_se their l . key, L aura R Collicott, 1907-1908 schools :for democr acy, reahzmg th at





Phono 48 P 0<u, Nob<. j


l . , a woman r egrowi ng ber hair

un ess it s a darn that a . . -. man tries to put ID bis sock.- Boston Tran f:: <.Tipt.

Compositi on of White Go ld

Abo ut IU per cent of wh i te <• ol d is rhe .alloy pal ladium, a meta l tile platinum <>roup l . "' · .t was discovered in a nd was named fo r th e newly cliscoverea asteroid 1:-•a Li as

C ommon Fault

Somerimes wben disco ve r a small of the tr uth they make the mis ta ke of assu ming that th ey h,ave a monopoly upon all t he tr uth t:here is -Amer ican Mao·azin e.

" Let Th ere Be Mir t h"

Blessed be mirthfulne;;s. Ii is one of t he renovato rs of the world. Men will let you abuse them if o nl y yo u will make t hem laugh. - Hemy Wa rd Beecner.

Thought for the DaY'

There never was a day thar did not bring its opportuni ty fo r do in g go od, tb at never could have been done before, and never can be aga in .-A non.

W ill Show for Itself

We are told to let o ur li g ht shine, and if it does, . we -wo n 't need to te ll anybody that it does The light will be i ts own witn ess.-M.oo dy.

Passi ng Obs ervation

Man is tbe only creature tha t has to undress to go to bed and be wa if ed up by an alarm cJock .-C in cin nati Enqu irer.

Frisco t he Older City Denver was settl ed by rui ne1·s In 1858. The fir st sett le men t on th!!,Site o:f San Fr anci f;CO he1rnn o·n Oct ober Ii}, 1776

r ee o'clock Thu rsd :lN · 'If inor ni no· th h L as h, Man e, Aubu rn, A. G. Lash, IJ



FRAM ES P atr on ize Peru Adv ertisers

"'. ano er s torm t re ate ned, B eatrice Me tca lf I PHOTO .A bemg muc,h t hund er a nd light-. . . h .. . . , FINISHING f St d d 0·1 mn g· b ut . h T MaJOl S, Ed 1t . E nd ico tt, Thomas A. I ""AMERAS ' an ar 1 , no rain fe ll ere. he a t- M · '-" I mosphe re t th' Th aJors. j 'ERV ICE S TATION ' . a ,· is writin g, ur sd ay, Maj ors, Gl adys, En dicott, Th omas f ALBU .A IS no o n, ls o ppress iv e a nd the tempera-A M . I MS f F ull line of Polarine and tu re v h' h · aJors. b'l ·1 G · l h · ery Ig , so th at it is p ro bable Ma jors Muriel En di cott T ho m as 1 e 01 s. r easrn g, car was 1- I t at n1ore rai n is in store for us ye t. A M . ' ' ·r f ing, and Fr ee Cr ank Case Ser- I Th e f ll bl h . aJOrS. I Peterson St d" v ice. Car la un dere d in good 0 ow rn g ta e s ow n the rec-Ma llory Gw en dolyn Merna Je nnie. · U 10

Ord of t he rai nfa ll for J uly, as kept Mae 1898. ' shaJpe. Jfo.r T·$1A.50.CKErrr by P rof. A. Hill: ' '

Jul y 5 ------4:47 i nch es E Jen nings, Au bu rn , Mame I PHONE 56 PERU

July 6 · picer. - P ROPR IETOR

Ju ly lo - - 4.40 Par so ns, Fa ye, Verd on, Wilkso n. 22 P eru Ne bra ska

July 11 - · IP ete rson, Em ily , P eru, Alb ert P ete r- ....... ---"'-"-

July 12 - 1.3090 son. · Pi tten ger, C rab Ore.h a rd, M.

Ju ly 13 .01 I L. Pi ttenger.

July 23 - 36 Rainey, Cl ar a, P lattsmo uth, Alma C Q M E J N . f

J ul y 3 o - --- - -- --------- 4.40 L. Par riott, 1890.

J ul y 3l - - -_.96 Rai ney, I sabe l, Plattsmo u,th, A lm a AND VIS IT OUR N EW STO RE L. P arriott, 1890.

T otal for mo nth _ 16.21 Ric hardso n, Ru th, Brock, T. L. F RESH VEGETABLES AND GROCERIES

T,he first of th ese rains b egan at R' h d C · L W' lk'

a bout 11 o'c lock the ni ght of Ju ly Sc hin dler, Alb erta, .N ebr ask a City, meal.

1c ar son, arne · 1 ie AJJ \that the h ousewife n eeds to p rep are that de licious 4, l;rn t was rec oi-ded at the taking of A lb ert Schindle r, l !JOO, Ma yb ell Ress i- ' the re cord on the fi ft h. This shows gu e, 1901. j T C COLLINS MEAT MARKET

a to ta l of 16.21 in c.hes of rain for the Schi nd ler, Ru th, Neb rask a Ci t y, Al - I

.month, pr ob ably a rec ord s ince the be rt Sch ind le r, 1900, May bell e Ressi- ,. PHONE 115 PERU, NEBR PHONE 11 4 · me asu remen ts h ave been taken here. g ue, 1901. •

Add "to th is the fact tha.t the gauge of Smi th, Hel en, Gen oa, Mi nn ie Sp eece.

Prof. A. E. Ho lc.h on Joy hill, just! Sn y der, Frances, Brownvil le, Wm ea st of town, sh owe d an extra inch B. S nyd er, L illian A. Borst, 1904-05. I

for J uly 5 an d 6, a nd we will have a I Swanso n, Ruth, Ong, Lot tie Fev ree,

total of more th an 17 in ches f oc t h.e 1899-1900




Librarian Gives List of Rec<>nt Books Add.ed to the Library

In oraer to keep the library up-todate a large list of recently published books have been placed on the s helves of the Peru libra:ry:



Peru is fundamentally a teacher's college. There are many students Basketball 'eaptain's Parent Passes who attend Peru that take as a matter Away at St. Francis•. Kans. of course, that Peru can be used for

no other purpose but to prepare for W?rd .to Peru of the de ath public school work. This is· superfi- Ed wm Booths fa t her, who passed r.ial thinking. Iaway at St. Fra ncisr Kansas, about


Pure foods- Everything .f or your table and cold I meats. Fresh milk from cert ified cow s. Fr wt and veget- # ables. Fresh and canned. Promp t d elivery. Reas onable Prices. THANK ' YOU PH ONE 25

To t he you n g- man who aspires to three week's a gb. Edwin had ... left school the last six weeks no de-

Education procure a c0llege degree at a account of of his fath h '


Baar- Psychology review book. al Peru offers an unusual opp<i r- Id b . er s deat ' fi j S . cou e obtamed. f Baldwin- Psycholo gy of the pre- tunif)- upoose a young mau, JU St

SCHOOLS IN : sc.hool child. gra du a ted fi:om hi gh schoo t, desired I Peruvians extend Mr. FOR RURAL Burnham- the normal mind. to medicine and wanted to se- found sympath y; bo th to him and his 1 ,, MONTANA IDAHO COLORADO

Charters- the commonwealth teach- cu re the best preparation possible. r elat ives. I

Salaries from $100 to $150 per month. Must be graduates f er tr a inin g stuCly. T-he most tho1;ou gh tr ai nin g would be 'I of two year college course. -' Experience preferred .but not Crowford- Technique of study. a four year course in a standard col-

necessary. Write immediately. Ga lvin- Assemblies for junior and lege with majors aud mmors selected de a ling with p airticular phases of T h ' A senior· high sc,hools. fr (j m t h: fields of chemis try bio- Through: the instruction

Missouri Valley eac ers gency


Students and facul ty if you want the best and promp t serv ice gives us your !order, f or a ll kinds and fancy staple groceries also fresh fr uits and veg etables we zre glad to accommodate you.

WE WILL DELIVE R TWICE A DAY in Illinors Hig.h Schools. snmmary hindrnnce the three institu- this the pre-medical student would

Ga vi t-College. lo g y. Tne embryo docto r's college of Mr. Hoyt, three students from the 315 Tabor Opera House Heck- Administration of pupil per· tr a ini ng would have to be supple- chemistry depart ment, Mr. Traudt, Denver, Colorado sonnel. men;.ed by a four yea1 1nedical cou rne I Hollin g worth- Th e psy c holo gy of at '>•le oft te p re ater unive1 s1tie.;, for Mr. Warp.er, and Mr. Jones won th e adolescent. c'( a rnple .John Hopkins or Ya le. pl a ces in a national, chemistry essay Keen e-The physical welfare of the The y.·un g hi gh sch1wl O•>Y, if he contest. Eighteen hours of chemistry c.hild. Ii, eel in when are offered and t hese courses give the Kohler- Ges talt psycholo gy. . t he fa c ilities for secu.rin.; his prcli .n- earnest diligent student a :Vide knowMa rks- Which way Parnass_us jipary t raining, Wl)Ul.l tind them ledge of the of chemistry. Marsh- The teacher outside the ld:mt a nd ample. Thre e schools would In a precedin g para graph of this sc hool. first ca tch his eye, th e state nniv E:r- artic le, we mentio ned t hree years at-' Od e ll- Tr a di t ion al examinations a nd the twG denoii;in a-. t end a nce at Peru and .a tr a nsfer of a nd new type tests. ILionnl college;; •»!' thl• state; however. versit,y to secure a degre. By doing IJ Odell- Conserv ation of intelligence if the boy .had but little -m 0 ney the credits at t he state uniOdell- Glossary of 300 t erms used tiu rn· just mentioned wC> u!CI. thrnw in save money, have the -benefit of close

in e duc. measuremen t a nd res earch. : :i:, p at h, would be tui tion cnarg es and con tac t with his instructors, whi le I Pierce- Dea ns a nd advisers of wo- lab cra tory fe es The "rwo leading de-stud ying in the fie lds of his c,hoice, ,,

men and g irls. r; <J tnfo a tional colleges of the st ate a nd acquire a sufficient number o:li

R ee der- Bus ines adm. of a School c.ba rge in addition to la bora tory 'fees, hours from oth er to

S ystem o ne hundred fifty -a nd one hundred qu ara ntee his g radu.ation from the Roemer-Readings in extra-curric- :;ixty dollars .tuition respectively; the state untversity in one year.

ul ar a ctiviti es. _ jstate university charg es two dollars ''A penny saved is a penny earned

school. 1and a half per semester hour, for ev- To a ny young man who wishes to se-

S mi th-T ests and me asurements. Iery laboratory course ta ken, while c ure t he major part of his college

Va lentin e- Psych. of person a lity. Peru charg es a no min al labor a tory training at a. _nomin al ccst and bene-


Waples- Problem e xerci ses for ,hi gh 'fee and no t uition. T his is si g nific an t. flt by t.he r eru offers hi m a sc hool teachers. In cho osin g Peru to take .his pre-me- ) ch anc e LO <re t a st art. care of the Idicine work, the young student would 1 t he st udent w.ho is desirous of teach1nfant a nd c1111d. s ave at . f th I . - • Service Confect1·onery' and Lu nch M t . _ . . . . , an ave1 age a sum o ree 1 school, it offers an excellent chance f ' · ea S r m educat10n. hund r ed and forty- t hree dollars in I to procure traini ng, and to .the stu- j I School Supplies and Sta tio nery Y and study. la boratory fees and tui t ion alone. dent who desi r es to se cure pre-pro- ' Commercial Education Th ree ye a rs study in Peru, with fes sional training it offe rs the ch a,nce j A HANDY

Res earch s tudies in commerci al ed- full benefit der ived fr om the depart- of an excellen t educ ation and econ o- · uc a tion, Vols. 1-3. j ment of chemistry and biolo g y, a nd my.

Carkin- Ye arbook of E astern Com- a tra nsfer of these credits to the state

me rcial teac,hers. I university for .the fin al year will :>a ve Eldon Hayward spen t Suriday with 73 78 Dillavou- Principles of business i th e pre -medical studen t at least eig·ht f, •en ds in Pnu. ' ).

la w. !hundr ed dollars in the process of

Finney- Prin c iples of ac counti"n g. 1. i:-rnc u r! ng a coUege d eqree. 'iVilb ur

Cold Drinks, 'Soda Fountain



.,,. ,.. \procur: ng a co)l ege der,-ree. " J

Finney-P rinc iples of acco un t in g. . . and 29 P e,-.n·ia11, was :o calle i· 10 "

Hu ffc u t-E leme n ts of bus in ess l aw . \ A S! u dent before att? ndrn g P eru l ast ' W e ven ing. MA

C f 't d · ha nd will he curious c· ncermng the qu "h·· . . ty the work d one rn the dep artmen ts

Freema n-ou rse o s u Y rn - \\'!lbnr wa<: o.: his way !Jome fr m a' wntrn g. h . db" I N th 'rip to So uth D akota

Streig h toff-Elemen tary acco un t in g. of c em1 stry an .1 0 ogy. ow, e

Litera tu re the ab ility, in tellect, an d energy of i I

type of w ork done 1s dep endent u pon ...._.._..D.._R..A..,YA..G.._E....,...._1

Bac helor-Chall eng in g essay_s in . the me n in ch arge an d the number iI f mod er n thought. an d ut ili ty of the co u rses offere d. ,For all kinds dray age, ! ,

Ben et-Jo hn Bro wn's body (?o1etfTy ) In the bi olog ical d eHp.arthme nt, M1r. I see or call PHONE 193 or 86

Bleyer-.How to write spec ia e a- Ho lch is in ch arge. e as ne ar Y

tu re artic les. complete d the w ork for t he doctorate I JOHN THORN I Brown- Essays of our ti mes · degree a nd is a member of fou rtee n ..,

Dostoyevsky-T.he Broth ers K ara- scientific soci eties, whicli have as a

ma zov. requ isite for admi ssion a re co rd of

Firk in s- In d ex to sh ort sto ri es. sc h olastic ac hi evement. Th e d epart-

France-The c rim e of Syl vester jment offers twen ty-one coures. in bio- I ATTORNEY AT LAW

Bo nn a1 d. _ po gy that d ea l with subject m atte r e n-

PUBLIC Gallis h aw- Twe n ty prob lems ot fie- tirely divo rced from the te aching of f , tion write rs. bi ology The opp ortu nity th at t hi s I· Peru Nebraska · ) Osten so-Mad E arews dep artme nt off ers to the pre-m edi cal

Rolvagg-P ete r victorio u s. stude nt need not J:> e comment ed upon.

Hi story, Geigra phy a nd Travel Th e cemi stry d epartment offers a .I . You'll not d.issappointed ., Beard- Ba lkan pivot : Yugosl avia. sim il ar chan ce fo r assim il ating k 1_1ow- I Bolli ng- Chronolog y of W. Wi lson. ledge that will fa cilitate the study of If you get your hwr cut at J: I

L.eys- Afte r yo u, Magell a n! medi cine. This department is under I ,. BQB,KNAPP ' f

MacMunn_:_Europe, a r egio nal geo- "the dire ction of Mr. Hoyt who is a

.(Next to Gaines Hall on the I I , member•of four scientific asso ci ations. I Pavement.) f'

Nev rn s- D1 ary of J ohn Q. Ad ams. Mr. H oyt is the auth or of fo ur bo oks .._

Park er-P ort an d ,happy pl aces

Quin n-B eautif ul Canada. ><==>"'=-

Qui nn-Bea u tiful Mexi co

Home Economics

Beery- Chem istry app li ed to .. andhorn' makin g



Jac kson-Stu dy of in t. d ecoration. .I

Joh nson- Bacteriology of the h ome

La ndo n-D av ies-Lady G odiva.

Lu sk- Elemen ts of th e sc ienc e Of \

nutr itio n. 2nd door north of the bank

Ma cleo d-T ext of for nu rses PHONE 47 a nd stude nts of Home E co. PER U, NEBR.

Robi n so n- Learni ng exerc ises in food a nd nu iTition.

Miscell ane ous of II

B ruce-Speci ficatio n a nnul a '

bu il di ng fo r 1929. f

Di amo nd-A primer of blue-p rint Regular Meals Short Orders Salads

re adi ng.

Gr osse-The beg"inni nir of art. Special Ice Cream Cold Drinks

Isaacso n- Face to face "Vi th gTeat Home B..aked Pies

mu s ic ia ns.

Sanford- Hi s toric significan ce

certain problems in al gebr a.

S teve ns-Arith matic of phar

sh op sk etchin g.

V OLU ME xxrv


oys Mo nday ni gh t, Au gu st 5, the mat he- ter ," ta ken from a storv wr it ten by who a


with Mr. BenOn the eve nin g· of Au gu st 8 in the f d Tl h I d w l matics f rate-r ni ty .held one of t he ou t-Lo uis oJ se p.h Va nc e, is a nother of or . 1o se w o p a ye were : ast an d.in!! meet1·n !ls -0f the summe r. Th e h fac ul ty roo m; Pi Gam ma Mu ini tiate d ter Weise, Clayt on S wa r tz, a nd Ll oy d - - t e num be r of "Lon e Wo lf" s·er ies of Proo·r am was varie d and 1co nst"st d f the fo ll ow ng n_ eo,pl e as n ew m em b ers: McCann. "' · ·e 0 pi ctures that have pr oven so su ccess- Th t' f F · t he follow i ng reports and dis cussions.

Mat hem ati cs has a " Larger Hu man f ul in th eir runs in larg er ci ti es.

A. B. Cl ay burn , .L ottie W ym-0re, Zoa · e co nvoc a wn pro gram or n-

N . day was nove l inde eid. A mov ie of The m-0v ie is a fe a rful tale of many Ann Worden , H ar v·ey eum_eister, p·eo ple an d i ncid e nts of P er u ca mp us W orth" than mo st people t hi nk it.h as Marg aret Mc Willi am s, a nd J essie 1 was sh ow n. T he entke 1929 May

In fact math e•matics to uch es life in haz a11 ds in wh ic h the he•ro tak es a Th orpe.

Th e N ews writi ng Class a nd th eir instr ucto r, T. E. En nis, visited the offi ces a nd sh ops of the Oma ha W or ld Herald, We dn esday, August 7. rem oved, c iv'i liz ation would be set st rikin g r oman ce he tr avels. It is ' plana nti on of t he var iou s sce nes and back m an,y cen t uries Miss Ru th sho wn special ab ilioty at the stu dy satio n. "- hi" n dler d1'scussed t he Larg·er o ne of the "L one \Vo l' s" mos t popu- ident ified those. who t-0 ok pa rt. Mr. Sud de nl y a ca r r ace d b y. Th e ev er"Bri g.ht a nd early" W ed n"esday morn ina the mem bers left by au to for Th e we ather b ei n g· ne arly perfe•ct for the t rip, e ve r yo ne w as enjoyin g the sce ne ry and the con ve r= = sh own esp ecial a bili ty ab the st udy . Ben for d pl aye d du rina· th e mov ie. h lar n_ rodU<cti-0.ns. fa it hf ul editor at the ri sk of .hi s li fe , Wort of M a.thema tics to i ts fu ll est the soci al sciences. By social scie nc es leaned from ,fas t-mov in g car a nd extent. Mr Van D yke g ave a fu ll ac-


h 'l M. R t

Fete pro gram· wa s sh ow n on the n ear ly a ll of i ts phases an d if su ch be num b er of desn _ ·erate cha nces in the

Each of th'ese pers on s were el ecte d screen w 1 e 1ss oo g ave an ex-

th e found ers of Pi Gamm a Mu m ean t


shouted, " Di dj a ge t the mo ne y?" As coun t of the val ue of a r ec i tation in a ny one of the occupa tion th at h as t-0 'f the an swe r "Yes" ec h oe d th rou gh mat hemat i,cs a nd why such sh o uld be•

AVE do with the p romo t ion of t he p ractice



.the air, a broad sm il e played u pon as it is.

the afor e-said editor's face a nd he Mrs. Rra nd a ll re ad a t he a nd i nterpretation at so me one of = was see n to b ac k with an air teaching of Jun ior High School maith - of hum an relatfo nship. Sub sequtent- Eliza Mo rg a .; Ha ll Will Be R ea dy for of s atisfa ctio n. ti d d . d t · Faculty M em bers W ill W ork 00 De-the mem be1·s of th' s fr ate1 n1'ty f ee l em.a cs an lSCusse ma ny oplfS • G irls this Fa ll Th e cl ass ass em bl ed in the He,·ald of w b,icli a few fo ll ow : How to use a g rees at V ario us U ni v er siti es th at th ey .h av e an unusual mission to b uil ding. Mr. Ma yfi eld, a co urteo us Tex t book, as a gu ide, as a too l, as a perf orm in the t<.!acli in c:. of thE:: s oc ir. l Man y P er uvians are h appy to n ote a nd e ffici ent g ui de , ex plained .the var eference , as a key OT wb a.t? S evera l 'S ome of the Pe ru f ac ulty members, that E li za Mor ga n Hall is n ea rin g ri ous depart me n ts to the studen ts h th sc ien ces name h, the find ing of t he h d thin gs were s aid a bout an swer bo ok s wbo have be en teach ing er e 15 comp letio n and is rapidly becomin g The paper fo r p rin ting, whic is ma e h l hi d h tr uth, for t he so ciet; motto s ta tes , h I d d f h f b c d · I as to t e ir va ue, wort essne<Ss an :J.mer w ill le av e ne x.t fa ll for ot., - t e on g re ame o . ome or ma ny 1 in Ma ni to a, ana a, comes m ac,; 1.: · d sun ' t "K th t 'h d 'h t ti I n. 11 h P . ' I :i 1500 l as a check fo r the teac her , pup1l an 1 h th ey wi ll work on n0w e ru , ° e ru 1 s 1· appy er uvia n g1r s. Iro ll s weighing arouno pounc s. 0thers. It is wo rth w hi le to ch ec k i er s ch-0 o s w ere lru a1, 8 you fr e e." At th e prese nt time, the elev a tor is On e• Sund ay 's edition req ui re:> 2% work in mathe ma tics ? Shou ld we j higher d egrees Mr. Li nd sa y d ese r ve s gr eat cre"d it b ei ng i nst a ll ed. Flooring on the rolb 'l !id J 25 a re used in a da il y e <l ihave a m oder aue amo unt of board I Ch ar l es Lindse y, who h a$ b ee n t hi rd floo r w as comple te d last w ee k, tion. The printing of the funn y pa- fo r the effo rt that .he h as mad e• in orwor k? Jus t why do pup ils fa il in teac hin g in th e his to ry dep a rtm e.nt and the pl umb ing work is ve ry n ear per was v ery i nte r es ti ng On e co lor 11 g an izing the local ch ap ter 'Up on thi s 1 tion A ll the n ·11 wo rk h as I · Tl t hei r s.tud ies? Is it a dvisab le to form ,j wi ll l eave for Lincoln whe re he w1 co mp e · JI is put on at a tim e. 1e pape rs we re two habits wh en -0ne willi do for t wo ? work on hi s d octor's deg ree at the ca mpu s. In hi-s ta lk at the initi ation arr ived and a. P?rt io n of the furni- fold ed when th ey c am e fr o l'! the Miss Doris 'Bri g,4t ga ve a paper a nd Uni vers i ty of Ne brask a. meeting Mr. Lin ds ay stressed the nee- t ure a nd furm s.hm gs are here. 1chin e. On e of the press motors IS discussion on the gu id ing princip•l es Ralph Wo nde r, B obk it ten men to r, cess i ty of writi ng local hi sto ry. b efore In our enth us i as m fo r the new ha ll 1200 h ors e-po wer a nd cos ts $13,000 b a· ._t f hysical ed we mu s.t not n eg lect to no te that a St ud ents Giv en So uve ni rs that und e•rl y goo d tes ts of any su - a nd ass ista nt ir ec'r"o r 0 P : - s ta te or national .hi story could be a c- h b · ·n b d ector of p ro gram of imp rovement as eg un In the co m po sin g room on e of the ject A11e t ests necessary? Do th.ey uc ati on at Pe n:, wi . e ir Ci't cu rately writ te n. In a ddi t j.o n to the M V 1 11 A t<>n d t oward che ating on t he p art ph ys ic al educ a t10n at Ca no n y ,. j . . . in 1 t. ernon 1a · t pr ese nt a em plo yee s' d em ons tr ated th e w ay in Js? Are they ob jecti ve in Col ora do pu blic sc hools n ex t year. r eg ul ar teac hmg du ti es, Mr: Lm ds ay laundry room is bein g install ed in :which the ty pe is· set up a nd made of pup · h h d efin- A E Ho lc.h w ill leave for L in co ln urgea e•v ery membe r of P1 G amm a th e pa rt the b aseme nt. i i nto a "fo r m" He pleased the class the ir res ul ts'! t, ey ave a? Ar · · t' th e work on his Mu to co ll ect as mu ch m aterial as p os-All corndors an d stai rw a ys are to be 'by giving eac h one a slu g of Pe ru · · • to be re a che.id e thi s fa ll to c on mue · d fi f d · 1 · ite aun or g oal · t the Un ive rsity of sibl e of the comm uni ty in wh ic h theyJ ma e repro o· an va ri ous o.t 1eir im- •N ormal Sch oo l a nd one of their ·th t he time an d ef- doc tors d eg r ee a · - ·11 b d f t· prac ti ce tests wo1 '·:l ·n al o \.each in lh ha ppen to be teaching an cl m th is p'r ov emen ts w1 e ma -e rom ime 1Th ese cas ts are presse d upon h eavy d th d ve1on w:nt1at1ve on N ebr asRa. Le Wl t t1i • • fo1-.t and 0 ey e - 1? _ . 1 a· 1 d ep artment. way stimul a te an m te res t m local hl s-o me. paper malong an 1mpr mt; th ese p atbe part of bo th t ea cher ancl pup1 b10 o ,,. i caE 11 his work to ry an d if the ma ter ial a nd rec or ds Mrs. Du nn

system of the Un i ted States? It fills all of the princip l es mu st better than some of the subjects ta u ght in t he high school of to.dav . Ju st what are these princin le s o-f educa. ?tio n. M'r. Norwood re ad a project in mathematics and showed how it fuUHled eac h one to the full est exten t.

The engineering supp l eme nt 0£ the London Tim·es sa ys, "The extent to which mat h ematilcs is capable of exact predictio n depends upon expressin a the problem in mathematical la ng uage." The greater a bility of engineers 0£ today is able to tr ans l ate problems ir,i.to th is language . This has led to a va,st number of invenhions.




Attr acts Attention

_ Th oug h the papers are fo lded by K IMr. Lindsay as a sc holar an d hi stor i- TO BE ENLARGED machine, the sectio ns ai·e put togethAPP A DELTA PI 1 an is a comoetent soonsor for .their ___ · er by h and, one man be ing abl e to · MEETING l so.ciety. - - · Plans Being Carried Out For Improv- asse mble abo ut two thousand an men ts of Mt. Vernon I.hour Attention was dr aw n to , an Leo Hau.ptman Gives Talk .l\.t


!emp l oyee by the manner in which he mty's Regular f.foei m ,;r I , Th e plans for the remodelin g of wore his sh irt; t he ty le might be ---


the Mt. Vernon din ing hall and kitc h- jte1·med "out". Th e g uid e stated that

On Tu esday, August 6, at :he J11ni 1n j en .h ave ar irve d a nd work will be a previ ous vi siti ng colle•ge cl ass had High S cho.ol au ditoriu m, the Kapp a star ted at ·an early d ate. !snappe d pictures of chis em plo yee , Delta Pi e ducation -Fr held a Placement Burea u Still W-0rki11g for Both r ooms are to be exte nded to 1and h ad given him quite a "write-up" very interestin g· and well o;rgainzed Students' Benefi t he west in order to accomodate th e in the ir schoo l p ape r. meeting. Miss Gwendo lyn Ma ll ory, occupants of both ha ll s this wi nter. Th;e Her a ld fills their own ma il ; .:resident .,f 1 he . :i: .1,., ·:on h •\ d A large amount of the students A fire-place att the west end of the sacks ·and trucks th em to the d epot. ch arge of t.he meetin g. postions as teache rs for n e•xt dinin g room will be a welcome a ddi- When t he tra in is missed, air service Mr Harold McCrei ght gave a very year h ave been placed in va - tion. is u se d to catc h train at Lincoln. in terestin g and educational talk on rious position s over the Un it ed Sta t es A new ran ge an d a larg·e set of "T he editor ial room is the br a ins "Science a nd Man," the same as did for the com in g school year, a nd as shelv es .have been rec·ently purch ase d the p ape r," Mr. Mayfie ld sa id. Mrs . Ma ry Wonder and Leo Haupt- the sc h oo l year approac h es one still and installed in the kitchen. I the many is man. Mrs. Wonder's subject was the finds Peru teachers signin g co ntr acts . W ork h as ju st rece ntly started on 111 t hi s ro om It is sim il ar to a fi lmg "Pres ent D ay Advanceme•nt of ;Home Muc.h cred it is du e P eru t ha new laundry r oo m for Mt. Ver- case a nd contains, alphabetica ll y arE conomics," an d Mr. Hauptman Pl aceme nt Bure au fo r t e p non Ha ll. E xicavatien h as be en fini sh- .ranged, the obitua ry, pictu res, and cussed the "Place of E xtra Curricu- of so many P er u • ed a11d the floor is bein g /clippin gs of famous an d notorious men Miss Rul:>y Ganzel, d aug hter, of Mr. / lar Activi.t'i·es in high sc h oo l." ar e renorted a nd circul ate d fr om t 1S d Th h 11 . 1 .11 1 Ian d women. Th ese are ofte n n eede d, to teachers at P eru, a nd er e- p oure · e a grr s wi we come d · h b · 1 J Lewis Ganze! of O to·e, and Mr . Ray- Miss Ruby Brown favored the club 'f th b · t this addition as they ha ve lon g felt an ' rn t e morgue, can qu ic c Y dentials are se nt rom e· ureau o th d f h f Tt h ad. The class w as much rntereste cl mond Polster, of Warrenton, Missour i, with two solos, the first "By the Wa-the elect in g parties. e n ee 0 sue a aci 1 y. in t he assoc iate d press roo m. Me swere unite d in marriage at the Meth- ters of Minnetonk a, " and the secon!1 F II · f th t d t I · · f d 'ff p 1 d o ow mg are some o e s u en s STUDENTS OF PERU IN ,90s sa . were comrn_g rn rom 1 ere nt odist Chu rc h of Otoe on July 22. " The Rosary." Mi ss Clo e a te P a ye w ho ·have si g·ned con.tr.acts recently: c1t1es over the wire an d were taken

After the ceI'emony a wedding din- tJi-e accomoa nim e nt · Gertrude Collicott, Burlin gton, VISITS CAMPUS OF PERU !dow n by automatic typene r was served in the c hurc h dining Th e rema ind er of t he evening was Wy oming. ,.. writer sent n ews o ut .to nej g hb or in g· hall to the entire gro up of seventy devoted to social entertainment an d Bernice L ov itt, Latin, En g lish, Mrs. Oliv-e Jon.es McQueen, a mem - papers. Th e system of tak in g· the di h. t ber of the class o.f 189 4, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs Polster le ft imme ·- r efres ' men s. .h istory, Vesta, Nebraska. mark et reports was exp lain ed to the at ely for an extended weddin g trip Marian Warn er, prin cip a l, ma nu al May W atkins, of the class of 1897 vis- studen.ts to North Dakota, Sou th D akota, Mon- a·n- d·- at Ponti ac, train in g, Soldi er, Iowa. ited their alma m ater last week to In th e afte rnoon n ea rly all of the Colorado, Ne w Mexico, Yel1ow- Al b erta Y ates, primary department recall the memorits of their sc h oo l cl ass went lo a sh ow, so th e• trip w as Stone Natl·onal Park, an d Winnepeg, Illinoi s. . p t• f Pe ru district scho ol Pe ru, Nebraska. d ays . recre ation al as well as edu catio nal. The " wi·n be at home m on i ac a - D · th · · 't h th · ·t p 1 J Lil a McDon a ld, e lem entary, Ha rdy, urm g · err visi ere ey vrsr ·- The members wis h to tha nk Mr. a nd Canada When they return, Mr. 0 - ""er S ep tember 2, where Mr: Pols ter d th · h d h U •v Nebraska. e e room rn t e ormitory t at Mrs. Ennis for spo n so ring a nd chaperster will attend •coa ching sc.hool at r- wi'll resume .his duti es for the year. · t.h ey occup1'ed while attend1'ng school Lu cy Mitchell, Gr ade on e, Superior, oning the tn' ip. bana, Illinois. Nebraska · here. t is noJW a par.t of Mr. Gilb ert's

The bride graduated from the Dun- FORMER STUDENT MARRIED. Mildred Coulter, gra d es 7 a nd 8, h ome, a nd is the on Jy part r emai nin g b ar hig.h school in 1918. She t ught · a F d W. Heskett and Miss Jose- Herman, Nebr as ka. to d ay. The rem ainder of th e old short time and then attended the Pe- h' re Weddleow were ma rried Jul y Eleanor Harajian, g irls' s po rts a nd dormitory was des troyed by fire in ru State Normal a nd the University Mr. H eskett is a gra du ate 1En g lish, Safford, Ariz ona. 1898 Mrs. McQu een is in of Nebraska. She received her A. B. ' p u S tate T eac h ers College, Ne•ll a Fr ye, commerce, St. Lawr ence I the schools of T acoma, Washrn gto n, th U · i-n. in 1927 of the er · South Dal<ota. I and Mrs. W atk ins, is princip al of the degree from e mversiv.r· . . h . cr received his A. B. d eg ree m Mrs. P-olJ. s:ter was of Mr. a nd Mrs . H eskett will make Id a Harriso n, grades, IPr e.s cott W ard Sc.hoc! in Linc oln. education in the high school at A h . home in Bartlett, Iow a, w.here Columbus, Nebraska. Mrs. W atk ins h as b ee n connec ted ton, Illino is Jast t e;rm . It eiF Heskett is superin tendent of Virg inia Mi lstead, Home Eco., Or a· 1 with t he Linco.ln Schools for the p ast Mr Pol s ter is a gradu ate of t he IMr I fino, Nebr as ka. twenty-one yea'rs. · to Mo schoo l s. Methodist Co Hege at Warren · n, " '

Florence T ay lor w as for ce d to give up h er schoo l work in orde r to recei ve treatment for her eyes She left for he r h ome at McCook, Thrusd a y.

Mrs. Don T odd, of Hamburg, Iow a, w ho was formerly Miss Rachel Cro acker, and h er h usb an d, passed thr u on their way to California where they will m ake their home.


TUESDA Y, AUGUST 13, !929.



; . I . ::: J Crystal


help of those students who haven't time to take the newswriting I T UE SDAY., AUG. 13 .J 1

Entered at the Postoftice of Peru, courses, but need help in editing a school publication. ; Nebraska, as secoad class matter.

I "I'll be rich yet, and you'll I ,.. The foHowin g are a list of DON'TS der impression you are paying a com- :' be a mov ie star-" Published Weekly at Peru State u·se d by a ll newspapermen on alil pliment. ''Wom a n" is a good word Two kids in Hollywood, livTeachers College new spapers, l arge and small. They at whic h no rea l woman c an take of- ing on d.L'eams and fove.

$1.00 the Year-Sc single copy need not be memorized, but the writ- fense. I A picture, tender and stirring, '#, er of a news story should have them Don'( write anythi ng in vi ol at ir111 ; funny and suddenl y dramatic ' Bill Haines in hi s greatest carefully eno ugh in mind th at he will of confidence. I STAFF rec og nized them im med i ately in a "Don't s ay "old man of 80 years of I

ASSOC IATE ED - - • Don't call a child a "tot." D on't say "5 o'c ock p. m. yester -

WILLIAM OKRENT story, and be ready to cross them out. 1 age!'-but 80 ye ars old." I; role, as the clerk who finally !TOR HELEN HOLLIWAY 1 IJ proves himself "a man's man."

BUSINESS MANAGER - - - FLOYD CHAS E D on't h esitate to repeat a n ame for day Le ave out either p. 1 The stage hit ss now a picture CICRCULATION MANAGER

BESSIE MARTIN clearn ess Too many persona l pro- m. or yesterday afternoon. sensation! INSTRUCTOR IN JOURNALISM - - TH OMAS ENNIS nouns brin g confu sioH. · D on't write "at an earl y hour t his I ASSISTANT I NSTRUCT OR MILLARD FOWLER D ont say we ddin g "occure d." morning"-but "early this morning." William Haines in REPORTERS ! Thin gs occur u nexpected ly; weddin gs Don'.t say "completely destroyed" -· I ,,A MAN'S MAN' , FEATURES - - LESLIE LEONARD ta ke place by design destroyed is enoug h. ' I HENRY ABRAMS Don't u se "loan" as a verb. Use Don' t s ay "he was pres ented with a I _. With # MONTEITH "lend." /gold ca ne"- "a go ld cane was present- ; JOSEPHINE DUNN l CAMPUS - - - HARVEY NEUMEJS TER D on't say "Smith gra du ate d"- but led to, him" is correct. I MAE BUSCH ,' ENTERTAINMEN TS CARL SKEEN I"was g raduated." I Don't say "the money was divided .,. _ f DORM NEWS------ - - FRANCES PATTEN D on't say "p number of"-t.his is !between Sm,ith, Jones and Brown. " " CCHAPEEL too vag u e-"several" better. It was divid e rl among them. Use li>e- ! WED., AUG. 14 1 Night Only I

AL ND AR - D on't advertise any particular arti - tween in refere nce to on ly. " PROOF READER - MYRLlN McGUIRE/ c le in y.our stories. Do n ot give cali- Don't overwork "tha t." r:ew s I Bob Cus ter I · ber of fire-arm. papers favDr its omissio n in indi rect .,. J v all star athlet e in CO-EDU CATION A SUCCESS I th at she can do better work in the D?n',; u se "amateur''.-you mean di sco u;se wh en is pl ain. I The Answ er I cl assroom th an he wit hou t study? no v '.c e ; An amateur .1s n ot a pro- . D on t ca ll every l?'.1r l rf 0 ne ; LIGHTENING SPEED I A lin e of tho ught w as starte d in Ev en I woul·d n ot go as far as that. fe:s iona l, oH en An u i;i- is ·pretty, yo u are JUS tifie d m tellin g I ,also news and comede .a I sln ll ed be g inn er 1s a novice. more about h er · f my mind. by the recent e di t orial in the I ag re e with when you I Don't say "A udie nce of 5,000 see Don't say " less th an 50 pe>rsons ; I Pe da gag 1an. I. pro bably 1say th at pubhc m st1tu tions must aerop lane fli g·h t"-a n a udi ence hea rs were there." U se "fewer." "L ess" I · Chi naware ·.

correct ly, that 1t was writte n by the j se r ve the public; at l east that is but spectators see refers to qu antity "Fewer" to nu m- i will given to each lad y presh.and (b ut sure'Jy n ot by t he br ain) j what I glean from your ra mblin g I Don't spell "forwa rd, b ackwar d, to -b ers ; ent on this night. of a man Let me state at once th at ward, h omeward, etc ." with final Don't make a· co llec tive noun p lur- I I come und er the co-ed sid e of the ip aragra ph., to be your meanl·ng .S u re- (s). unl esss you mean to convey the I argume n:: May I pick yo.u to pi eees, ; _it no t be myt..'1, an d to me D on't use stor ies unfit for any ide a of p lu ra lity. "Audi e nc e" is ;

fr ien d L. L. , p hr ase by p hr ase? lit 1sn t. It 1s a re ali ty pure and s1m- member of t he :liam ify to Pea d. ul ar when yo u mean it as a un lt. I THURS., FRI., AND SAT. Fi1 s.t, why are you convince d that pl e, the r ea li ty of d ays an d ni gh ts D on 't use "burglarize"- no suc h Pl nr ;..l wh en ) « l. ha v13 in mi ne" indi- ; AUG. 15- 16-17 3 DAYS co -ed.ucation is d etrimenta l to the in- !spe nt in indu strio us pJ.oddin g toward word. , vi d uals uf <i uch e nce Ex.-"T.he au!'li - I You will remember it long I trons1c pro gr ess of moder n co ll eg e I d' t t 1 T .t . Don t say "he h adi hi s a rm cut ence waved th '. Jr hats" ; afteti you ha ve forgotten a Hu n- t t'N a 1s an goa . o every woman 1 1s I ff" Th · 1. h t D II l a nd universi tyl You tU to : 0 • · ls imp 1es e. go someone on L ca r ·1 ic eme .1 'men of the dred others! t ha.t t he d.iver i ty of JU St th at, so yo ur last !m e or tw0i, m to p erform an operatio n. Say, " hi s law." I h as ma de it so rsi y means.- to the victim of unfortun- arm w_as cut Do n:t u se "enthuse." No such I "SUN"RISEH ; d iffer en ce ! .Maybe yaare igh t, but ate circumstances, mu st refer to yo ur D on t ay Snnth sustained ai; m- 1 Don t waste yo ur energy 0n tJ1vrnh- J The greatest picture of the 'Year I r · . y J f jury"- but '"suffered an i njury"' I ti E'S yo u not exp 1_c1 · <.J , • .• ou e t fe ll ew -creature, man. Poor, ll,nfor- , . " , .• . · j · , ... ,, ... ,, Wi'th f us with vag ue Don t use ,,ove _1 m s ense of m. ore Don t u se ill y for ·111 No such f I tun a te, d ow n -tro dden victim of hu- I . I true mea nin g. t rnn. say mo 1e t ian 300 pe1sons wor d. Jan et Gaynor Did you me a L. ., th at bec au se manity! On ce , li ke the nob les of h eard the se rmon." I Don't overwork "very." Be sp ari ng '• George O'Brien :' wom en's min is 1, o ,ihuch s up er ior, Rus sia before the r evo l ution, J.o,rd s of D on't u se "pa rty" for 'perso n." iof a ll superl a tives so mu c.h so much the whole vis ibl e wo rld ; now snea k- P arty ou ts id e of leg al d ocuments · Don't use di alect to di spara·zement ; A sensational drama dealinO' means a o-ro up of persons f a t' 0 art I with the Eternal Conflict of f in g in hidden und erg round plaices to . Don't 1:ave out ,essential word s, l D::.t y;:r:story with modify- Pure and Illicit Love. , verse? ,JJ t - yo ur mean in g·, then pick up the mo r se ls dr opped to th em trustin g. copy rea d er

" ... ..... ..... .... overcwne i t, present time '1 1 The buil di ng is the cap itol. h eard. com plain? Ou t of the the net d raws cl?ser a bout .them. any Jong wo rd w hen a short one can Don't say "Mi ss Smith presid ed at Washin g ton is t he "·capita l" of t he ki ndness of her h ea rt, she has bee n W ome n will have their day! Soon be found. the pi ano .' She merely played the U. S. w illi ng to sl ow down her pa ce to there wi ll be no n eed fo r co-e duc a-Don' t u se "fem a le" fo r "woman." piano; Do n't begin you !r s to ry with abgenermatc,h hi s. She kn ows, as do yo u a nd tio n fo r the "c o" wi ll be taken away D on't use "g entleme n" for "men'°, D on't s ay "this town was th rown al statement su c·h as "a ter ri le acI, L. L., th at the day of man's d oom a nd -O nl y. wom en will be e du.cated. and "gen ts" is a hideous mistake. into a 'st ate of gr eat excitem ent," cide nt occu:rred last ni g ht." Tell wh at approac h es. He ca nn ot long sta nd ; A Co-Ed Don't con fuse "besid e" an d "be- "Business was entirely suspe nd e d." re a ll y h appen ed the terri fic pa ce of the marc h of e d- -·-·- "s ides". T hey are usua lly u ntrue a nd never Don't say "he w aUrnd a distance of ucation, woma n h as set the ARE Y OU A LOYAL P ERUVIAN? Don't co nfuse " plura li ty" and "ma- i nteresting. t m,i le ." Omiit "a distall'ce of.'' speed. But wh y ki c•k him off th e Al l loyal Pe ru vians a1'e comi ng to jority.''

D-0n't SJ3eak of ·"tas ty" de c orations. Do n't for get •to use quotati on marks fi eld pr ematur ely? L et him chase t he au dito rium Thu rsd ay ni g ht D on 't use two or more words wh en They are " tasteful .'' at e nd of qu oted ma tlt er wo ng in the du st un t il he falls e x- Why? A s up e rb en tertainment, an one w ill d o, e. g ., "put in an app ea r- Don 't fa ll into groove of sen ten ce D on't w rite v ario usly "Street, " and hausted by the w aysid e. N either I, e xc e ll en t a nd e xperien ce d cast of a nce" for "app ear ." buil d ing·. Seek variety. Se ries be- 1"S.tr." F in<l out style ofi your paper nor any of my sex, wo uld cond em n pl ayers, spec ial music, a nd a big op- D on't overwork word " sec u re"- ginni ng "t he" is montonous a nd st ick to it if you wo uld gain good hi m. bac k to that d ark, gl oomy dun- po rt uni ty to exp ress yo ur patr iotism often l oosely used for get or o bta in . Don 't b egin "there i s." will of yo ur cop y re a der g eo n o,f the past, a ma n's co llege, "East is W es t" wil be the crown ing Don 't say "tried an exp erim e nt." Don't try to show superior know!- Den't try to sav e money for office from whic h n ot so long ago we res- dramatic su ccess of the year. If you E xpe riments are ma de edge by writi ng over heads of your by cro wdin g yo ur c opy on a sh eet cued hi m. &DP. no t acquain te d wi th the meri ts of Don 't s ay "ab ov e s tatem ent." Use rea ders Ne..yswr i.ti ng shoul d e xpress, without margin & Le a ve plen ty of Persona lly, I do not kn ow Dr Cla r- l'he l'flSt COl"!e. a nd f. i:c·I out for y our- "For egoi ng sta tement." n ot conceal though t; l eave c oneea! - white s pace at to p and bo.ttom so ence LLttl e, form erl y of Michi ga n, ·elf. D on't say "at corner of 9 Str. and ments to ora to rs. shee ts can be past ed t ogether wh on'l. yo u h ave qu oted, bu t ma ybe A .hun dre d a nd sixty dollars w ill Bro ad way"- " bu t at 9 and B road· Don't u se tec h nical terms no t gen- Do n't say "he sec ured a position as he is n ot as " li t tl e" as hi s n ame sig- buy t hi s mo vin g pic t ure machi ne way." era lly un derstood ja ni to r ." Most p ersons ::.imp ly ni fies He r ecog ni zes women's superi- w hi ch w ill re co rd so satisfactorily D on't use "s uicid e" as verb. D on't say "he ple ad guilty." P ast j obs. oritv o.ve r men, w.hkh no one now Pe ru camp us life and ac ti vities E>on't u se for eign word or of plead is " pleaded."

Don'.t make mi sta ke of the reporde ni es but I think he is s li ght ly off Ar E' you a loyal You when En g lish will suffi ce. Don't u se " fur th er" for di stance ter who wr o t;e -o f a the wh en he states hi s re ason. p·ov ei that yo u are in the va;L D on't s ay "50 pe ople were pr ese nt" Use "f arther ." F urth er as u se.d as dual." wl;0 :ue coming :;ae " E:,:..t He says th at wome n h ave no purp ose Use perso ns. f urther, he said, ·etc." D on't spe ak of a cl im ate as I is West." , ,, in co ll ege other than to ob tain a cu -

"Don't say "uni te d in marTl age or D on't say "p ar tially" for "p artly." thy." Pearsons are healthy, t u1·al b ac koTound Fie! Mr. L. L,,

" he alp laces even yo u ku ow b etter than th at. Step - ed."

"joined in holy bonds"-say "ma rri- A bu ild ing is p artly of bric k. heal th f ul.

Dan t say "a man by nilime of S mith" Do n't fall d own on an assig.nmen'.tout on the campus a nd ask the first\ I LONE TROUBADOR D on't use "dep ot"-)rnt "station." b ut "a man n ame d Smi th ." if you can .find n othin g on a.n advance ten girls you mE1et, t he p urp ose for A depot is a st-0re.ho'tlse for fr eight. Do n't u se a bb rev i ations th at can be s tory, consult l.i brary or books on a whiich th ey ctme here, a nd yo.u will

Don't use wife of Dr. Jones as "Mrs. m isund Etrst0-0 d. special s.tory. ge t a surprise if you .ha ve a llowed D ear Mr. Editor: IDr Jones" but plain "Mrs. Jon es." · Don't co nfuse "prohibition" with yourself to be li ev e Dr. Li t tle's tw ad- You w ill please no t ic e th at this Do n' t ma ke 'a pract ice of usin g a "temperance." die. Wh ere do you s uppose wo men w eek's co nt ributi on is p res ented in man's occupation as a title. " Barber say " th e then presi de n t.'' goi ng to get the ir prepar ation fo r typ ed form I am slowly assumin g Smi th " certain exceptions in newspa- "then" is an ad verb li fe if n ot in c ollege? Did I h ear yo u the styl e of a bi g time co lumnist, yes? pers Ri- Don't say " his where aibou ts are u nsay, in the hom e? Bosh! Mr I.. L., a My! My ! Is n't .thi s coo l weather ley." known ." Wh ereabouts is sing ul ar woma n wo ul d sta r ve to death in th e just si mp ly gra nd . It sure seems Don' call every bri de "blushing-" or Don't beg in a sentence wibh fig u res. home these days, a nd ha ve fe wer J g·ood to awaken in t he d ea d of ni ght every $5 as e ri sp a nd b rig ht. Sp ell out.clo t hes to w ea r than s he d oes now. ' and r eac h f or more co vers. D on't say "a nd others" after a list Don't say " in our midst.,' No! Much as h 9me li fe may app eal Say h ave yo u b ee n watc hi ng t he un - of gu ests.

Don'.t use "inau gurate" for begin to her, she sees t he n ecessi ty of ,hav- fo ldi ng; events as co n cerned with the Don't say " thi s is a pathetic story." A movement is b eg un and a president ing a profession, a j ob if you please, fo r thco'ming f ii.c ulty Play? I' ll just If it is, the r ead er will fin d it oi:.t for is inaug·urated. to su ppo rt t h'at , home. She is wi se betcha th at some o'f the dign itaries hi mself.

Don't a bbrevia e na mes as "Geo." eno ugh to kno•v th at h er husb an d ca n will forget their lines, and that t.li.ey Don't -0 ve rwork "welI-known" f, nd Don contract all rig ht to "alright ." not long hold up under the str ain th at w ill fee l a ll fu sse d up wh en th ey re• "pr omi nent." Many newspapers have woman's comp e tition will brin g to alize th ey are ac tu a ll y doing some- pro hi bited the ir u se in re lation to per- Don't say "one of the m.o s.t unique." bear up on him. th ing to ente r tain the tuden.ts. Bu t sons. Te ll how a man is pr om in en t. "Unique" e xpresses as a bsolute condiy:0u state that co ll ege to wome n r eally th ough th fo idea of pur asing D on't say "Br own was at the m ee t-tion and has no deg1,ees.

Hot weather app arently does not effec t the studen ts of o ld Peru. L ast w eek Miss Alberg o nly report ed two cases of illness, n eith er being serio us. T he patients were Miss N eva L yo ns an d Miss Emma Nejdl.

Odd Car;;paigning

Dm·ing a l'e Ce J! electi uu campa ign at Ac ton, E;nglaod, t11e t l.Jree r ival ca n, d id a tes joined together an d he ld 'a re ligio us meeting at one of t be c hur ches, oile pres id i rJ g, a uo t ll er rea din g tn e lesson and a third s peaking on the text, "Siher find gold bave I i;ion e, bu t sucl1 as 1 h ave 1 give unto thee." m ea ns the fin al toUJc.h to the leis ur e a mov ie camera for the p urpose of ing and spoke."- of course he was Don't use apostroph e before (s) in No Roy al Road th at th ey may en joy before they ma kin g a pi ctu re h istory f Pe ru-I ther e. Say "he spoke.'' "its." (possessive of "it ") There is no short cut, 00 patent begin their actual d llties. Why leis- be g yo ur pardon-" Ol d eru" is no t Don't ·call a dog a "canine." C an ine Don't use "don't" when you m ea n I Wisdom. Afte r all tqe ure? Would ou have u.s believe that such a dumn id ea is an adj ectiv·e. Do you call a cow "does n't." cen.tunes of mve ntion , t he so ul's p}ltll in spi te oif the fa.ct that you h ave at- We i: I real ly ju st 'ln't. think of any a " bovine.'' Do n't every li ttle flu r ry a p.an- th rou g l.J the thorny wilderne s taiu ed to coHege, yo u can for wise cr ac k to e nd ) i h so g uess I'll D on't call b ody ' found in w:iter a ic. winch wu I be tr od d en in s olitude., h I. t ·t ·11 th k "t h · J "fl " D 't ·t " "t l" h with bl ee din g fe et, with so"s for belp, mome nt en ter tain the i ctea t at wo m,- JUS q u1 ·: yo ur s ', _e 1 -c en sm {$; oater on · wn e cap1 a w en yo u • .., 0 as it was trodden by the m of old ti.rue ans in tell et is so f a.r supe r 10r to mans L N CI T ROUBA DOR Don't use ,. fo r " wo man" u n- mean the seat () f g ov e rn me nt of the -Eli ot

r:::- - TH i: p ER U p ED AGOG I AN TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1929. S1'lJUD"J:>E:]'if'f

GET HISTQ y each _to be three ::e Whil e 49 lads were wr estli ng with 1 Permanent Wave su:rn ster with four doll ars the is some cci tl tt·ovei·sy 11s to wherh er ur the Edis on qu esti onaire, anothe r 50 I LE MUR NESTLE

Demand of Events Caus es B d u get System Organization in 1913


b fee, ea ch stu d ent, facultv an d Uc get committ b - not it should rema in vitnmine I!' or were out at D t:.weese , Neb. Alon g 7.50 5.00 E h ee nlem er to pay. be 1- nuwn as vit a mln e B-1. Tile bl e' afco'· iptsres id1ent was held respons i· - w. ith them were an ec1ual number of MARCELLING , whit h <:ont11i n vit a mine B al so con • to a . co l ection, ':.ind was as ked t&in vit11mi11e F. The prin ci1,a 1 g irls. • h

NEUMEISTER ult PP01nt a committee from the fac, are yeast . whea t. nut s, seeds of leg 11mPs Th ey were atte ndin g a ga ther ing of Miss Evelyn IS ere

"Dema nd and .supply," such 111 ay y m·ernbers to apportion the fund fruit s an cl in the ord e1 h now·and gives a beau ti· be to be u sed . f nam e d. 4-H c lub members. Ma ybe it rn ig t f l l the Jlhra e to express the trend oif tainrnent 111 onn of entertainm e nt be called a conclave, or a sem in ar. u marce wave· that 1-e d to the formation In the summer time, the presidents Agricultural Ma..i ma Wha t ever it was, it had a u seful pur- Ph o ne fo r App o int· of one of the most importa nt com - be€n a ll9w ed to sec ure educ a- Ir is " u1 ax i111 un iY ersally ngrPc>tl p ose in view. None of the boys ·was men ts. P eru N eb tio nal upon in ,1;.: ri<"ultur '! 11n 1t nothin l! mm:i 1 d h h b ld ""it tees in t he hi story of Pei·u Colleo·e spe•akers in addition to the as ce ow to move a u ge ou er No. 2 '" 1 be done ton lat e. und agnia that h th"' budget commi"ttee "" ' reg u ar enterta i nm·ent provided. uphill , or anybhin g as to what t ey v I everythi ng m11>-t be done nr its propp• n the. fa ll f 1922 f 1.. wo uld do 1·f they had a million dol- T.he first years of the school saw no 0 , a report o t".· 1e Sl'asor,; th e re is a third pr e b c.ommiittiee as found in the Septem·· cept 1V hi rh reminds us t hnt oppor 1lars need for a udget Durin g t hes e b I er number of the 1922 P edagog i an, tttnitiP>< lost cna nen'r he regainerl., Th ey were ta ug ht how to splice three decades, 1870 to 19 00, the vari- est i mate d th at $2670 would be col- Pl_i,uy t.tti- ( 23-7!-l A. D.) , " Nat · 1ropes a nd tie knots. Al so to mix ous chool actLvities were 'fin anced l ec te>d from Stu dents a nd faculty <:on- urn l l:lt s tory

concr e te a nd fa shion ho g trou gh s. under separate managements. t· rngent fees. But to meet ex penses

1Other similar information was im,But wi bh th e• introduct i on of the it w as still nec essa ry to d ep1encl upon Philoso phy pa rted to th em, along with a profitfir t game of football, the publica- an extra amo unt from the sale of out- Let not nnotiler'!< rlisul.ledience to OA able exchange of views on the proper f h fi. tu re betn tne an ill to yuu; for you tion o t, e rst school pap_ er, "The , s ide tickets.

·method for de a lin g· with s uckino- pi gs were not tJorn to be rl ep re ssed anrl \ "' Currier" and the fo undin g of bo th l It is in terestin o· to note that P er u un ltapp y witb othe rs. hut to he IHJPP.\ or ca lves, .the ca re of youn g chickens, Lite rary i d id not raise h e"'r fee from wh at it I wit.b them Aad if an.v is unh a pp ,v a nd so on down li st of things that societies, all t raic1,ng ba ck m uch of [ had b ee n exc-ept it n ow colJ.ected it reme mbe r tiiat he is so for him se lf : are in pr a ctk al request eve ry . d ay their fu n ctio ning to tbe 90's, t here Ieach term an d summer school, as it I for God marle a ll mea to enjoy d own on the farm . aro e necessity for so me sort of meth- doles, wh ere before it had be en aad peace -Epictetus CCirca GO A. D.) Those boy s and g irls re all y are od to ha ndl e financi al obligations of pai d but once a year. I ---- --- -- smart, t oo. They are poss essed of Th Im press ive K no wle dge entertai nments. e pI'ese nt contingent f ee• amo un ts Iknow ledge that means a grea t d ea l in The know leclge wllich is 11;os t de· So it was fro1n the 90's on to the to ten dollars for a year-around stu- li g li t ful to others is no t tha t 1Yhid 1 a r eg ion where its app li ca tio n means

In vite d to ehnr oll for te ac hi ng

f p os itioas wit i


time of the organizat ion of the bud - dent. At W ay ne the f ee amounts to : 8 man takes out of his mind, as be the differ enc e b etwee n profit a nd los s, get system, the schoo l a ctivities man- three do llars and fifty cents, pay- 1 would money out of his pocket (both or b etwee n a g·ood li ving a nd actua l _ _.. a ed -th.eir b est to pay thei:J.- d ebts I al;> le ea ch sem€ster and· e ac h s ummer I ha vi ag th e impress of 11nother hea d) hardship Comp et itive te s ts s how J j g · term, or fourteen doll ars for t he ;·,ut what be gives .vou s ta mp eci IVith how well these b oys carry in to prac- MANUAL T RAI NI NG '• "St uden ts we re entreate d to buy 1 y ear, ,§ ccordin g to t he catalo g ue . his owa nature-b is ow n know ledge /tical experience the lessons .t hey 'lea rn tic kets for .the l ecture cou rses, for \ Kearney is a few do ll ars below I - He lps Iat such meetings as th at just over at


the concerts, t he and W ay ne, a nd coUec.ts .twelve do ll a rs ! D eweese. LACQUER, ENAME L the ball ,s ays the N ormali te f or the y ear, wh il e Cha dr on i:i lso col-/ Prot ect in g Patent , En gineers a nd others who a re g rad-" 1914 t 15 '·F ould a fford to The cavea t law for tile protection


o,. o · ew c lec ts twe lve dollars per year. uated fr om universit ies are need ed in supp ort everythin g, an,d s prin g time Jn the hi stor y of Peru many ou t- of a pat e nt in the rJnited St a tes. was th Id d k B t 'g repealed by the act of .Ju ly 1. U:J10 e wor to o nec essary wor . u COAL COAL fo und a defi cit in a lmost every tre a s- standi ng l ectm'ers and varied sorts of a nd such system of temp uniry pro re<' if it were not for the 4-H bo ys a nd j ury. E sp ecially was this true in ath- entertainments h ave b ee n broug ht to 1· ti on is now not ol.ltain::ible m on r girls, those univ ers ity expe rts mi ght 'I PERU LUMBER CO . letics At tendamce at the g ame was Iher camp us , amo ng st them such ex- country. Th er efore it is nclvisah le to find themse lves frequen t ly in danger w. J. RABEL, Mgr J meage r, and enthusiasm suffered in pensive football teams as Ch adron, make pr ompt appii c:i tion for a pit ten I of go in g hun gry . N ot all t he smart! P.hone 48 Pe ru , Nebr. con eque nc e ." this paper conti nues to\! suc h m. usi c event.s as, Harry Farbman, I - --··- boys come from town, nor from t:he h h d then We !is ter 'a Tha nkfuln ess · I · h b" S"Y· \ vi o linii:;t ere t is summer, an country, either. t is t, e corn mah d L . l S '' O I 1 tha11 k l;t•d tha t if t um gifted with Th.a bu.d get system was launc, e the Kan sas Ci ty itt e ympnnny .r- tion, the teamwork, of the two tha t h t l1" tt le of t ile spirir which is able tu R d p d og·an Ads It Pays ' as a re m edy f or a ll th is. ch estra w.hich alo ne cost t e cot•imi -1 - keeps the world moving re g ul a rl y. ea c ag 1 - • 1 f 1 t rai s;e nturt11 ls r.o the sk ies. I have yet I f 1 913 Pres ident tee a $1000. As a re su t v. s ue l nu - a c> rte, I trust. of t.liat other spirit -Omaha Bee-News t.t In t he summer o cod f ll · I f - II ' f H . t d a commi ttee ,consjst-l ay , a nd an unexpect a m sa e o I wlti rh would drag ange ls down .- ·, A At the

ayes appoin e h . M c outside tickets due to d ehy in ex -1 Dan iel Webster (1 782-1 8fl2), Sp ee ch Ill II r ing of W. N. Del z ell, c . of pe cted cr ra veLroads, the budg et ,com- Jan uary 2fl. ISB O. II .

Lefler F. C. mittee funds were actually in t he I .

-schools at inco ' l ' St t "hole" for a time.

Au to s in the Dese rt D Je a n of Gree ey a e Jean, now r. b., Sinc e then the rel ative\y debt The autm1wtlilP 11as even found a I Teachers Colleg e; F. C . has been brushed away, and the bud -I pl ace a

. h f H rvard n1vers1. Y'

Dr. Smit o a Ch et committee functwns

R at present at a-g

and E. L. ouse., 11 to plan al ways seeking to b rmg

d r""" State Teachers Co ege, va1 i·ed of en.tertainrr:ent to the


a budg et. students of "Old P eru," :rnd yet al

· ed all act 1 v- k , "h ds , ne.vs of

This committee 0 11gan 1z wavs g raspin g to eeyi h ell" ea k nown as the · " H

l . d la ced for sa- e _ budg.et system, an p


tweBty -five events and th 11 ab ove water." e co eo·e pap.er for a sing1e t icket selling thr-ee do liars

The "campaign meth od" prevailed as the means of selling ti ckets S •t h' pin ran 1_gh In these "good old day8," for only If 6 75 ttkkets (191 3-1914) were sold, could there be a balan ce in the tl·easury

Competition was staged between classes, "and how th ey did make "whoopeoe," says Mr. D elzell. Oft en the ora,tors to<>k t0 the "stump" to persuade the students, as well ;s the towns folks, to supp ly the th ree do llars to meet t he deman ds for their "fun." Outstanding amo n gst the lij)eech makers, who waved their arms a nd stamped their f eet, was M. G. Lefler, w,ho alone sold more tickets than there were stq.den ts and fac ulty members in the school.

The plan piroved su cecssful, a nd the first permanent commi ttee to mana ge budget consisted of M. C. Lefler, as chairman, Miss Myr tle Fu rgerson, an d W. N. D elzell So u ntil t he enroll -

Div is ion ll:\·e ry w l1e1·e t he li uma u so ul s tand.:! l)el\\'ee11 il li emis ph ere of light and a nother of da rkn ess on the con fi nes of two eve rl ast ing llost il e emp iresnec ess ity and free will.-Thomas Ca r· lyle.

Usually Needs Repait-ing

The so<.:lolog ist who s ays tbe mode l 11u sband shou ld be a bl e to meutl f::tu cets, fences a ad furn ace:s might ha ve added ab ili ty to repa ir hi s ow n t humb afterward .-Pi tts burgh Post-Gtrnette. I

· Not Usually Convi,ncing

"The man wh o ta lks mu ch a nd loud," sa id Hi Bo, the sa ge of Chinaoow n, " is fortun a te it he find s oal.1• bi mseJf as the on e li'stener en tirely eo nvi,n ced." -Was hingt on Sta r,Earl i est Bible

The nrs 1 Hib le fJ ll hli;::;hed in Ame ri ca w as one in the !ndi aa lang uHge, t ranslated by J oh n IJ: liot. who wa s kn own as t he "A post le to the !ndi a ns."

Little Things Lead Up

m ent in college dwindl ed down to 188 Prac ti ce yo urs el f, for heaven's sa ke I in the fall -0 f 1920, as an effect of the in li tt le things ; a nd then ce proceed to W-0rld War, t he budget system pro-' grnatj! r.- Epicte tu s (c irca GO A. D_J "Dis co urses. " v ided s ufficient finance for all ac ti- ,


Word fo r Hero Worship

"Lei u:s gu un worg hipi ng ou r nn C "< •:sl11r "" sa id Hi l-Ju the s age ot 1 'lli11111"ow n. " So me nl' tl1elll rna.v li fJ\' P li t·<·' !! µnworthy. but we clo ou rse l vPl' '1 1111or we r.liem in im a gin ;1 1i 1m."-\Vl:(Sh ington ' ta r.

,Gt-eat German Canal T he Kiel c: aaa l connects the Balti<a11d i'\ \H'th seas. !t was opened in J.':!1.). The tota l le ngth is 61 mil es Tl1e d<>pt li is 36 f ee t; th e wid th, 72 fP •' '- The cost of cons trU<'· ri o11 $-Hl.000.000

Evad ed Responsibility

Roswell traced th e o ri gin of tlH> ro m1d robin to n sa il or's cus to m fo l. lo\\'ed when th ey ente red into a con spiracy, so as not to let it be k now11 wl1 11 put hi s name fir st or la st to the puper.

Suffixes in Russia

T he te r111inutions " off" und "e ff" In nu ssiaa names si;;ni fy a gr:rnrlso n or descendan t. Th e " it ch"' or "v itc h' ' a son. "Ski" is of loca l ori gin ;rn d refers to the city.



All \ th at the housewife

After "these eventfu l y-ea:its," 1919" 1920, the other state co lle ges and Perw. found it diffi cult to raise enough funds to maintain a high l evel 0f a.cttv i&ies by chargin g olilly th ree dollars. 1111 r P11som1 hle.- Fort Way ne News-S en This Old Age ri aeL' It is diHic:ult to get µeopl e on theit Lm ees in an a ge wh en t hey e.ven re- Led a Eiler le ft for her home at se nt be ing 00 their fee t.- -Capper'3 St erling, Tuesd ay, to _, r eceive t rea t- THE OPENING OF A N EW I Weekly . ment for hLoo d-poiso ning. MILLINERY


# ... LJ I of MISS IDA WU RTZL ER in our Read y-t oAs a result, the four state teachers' OUR SERVICE IS THE BEST

· I oollege pc ;dents were "ked by the ! WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER- REPAIR TAILOR # wear section. State B<>ard of for " H ' Cl d T


L. Caviness was p resident of the col-



the first time mdep-endent <>f the stu-

dents and f acu lty. It was placed on

.of a 'b lind alley. The to 1 rang es.'' Will ..YJO U• w ith a , · • t one year 01


flags. are

onger e lem_en

mo n l


This Leda ;Eiler


nst ea d of statutory l aw I 1 d . th ! deration of · the app:h e,d m practlcal JJf.e · ling, "T uesd ay, td receive treatment " There is no use in:'!g oin g furth er- b unfu i;, ·e m e e . ,. '" ·' . f . tifi inve·ntons a nd ev ery -Of cul tiv atio n. Public offic ers sho ul d 'be· a ave su_s- world- Racial Christi an Democ racies. age o sc1en kc .b'mself b ett er fitt ed, fo r _pl9oq-pq1so nu:Jg 1"• the edge Th . u<t be oonfiden co m pe> •on to ma e ' f Mri. En gle mler and M"'· .AI!'"" So th ey '"id aod I. ·. . ".e _m oon· It i• not '° .•u gg;" th"' fo, life I""" ha ve a kn owledge o 'p ent Sunday with "'" · E nglemiees Ji,Ok, my lan d • nd •owed my ornp; •lt•·o"'" exp"t"eleo t ed by • nd . t he great All-F ath" of'the" ' ooopet· goO,f pn•c hloal mathematfos. d aug.h terat Mt. V.,-nnn,

Bu il t .my b_y th<: pe.ople.. N_ot eve ry one Iatin Democraci es. will stud the h eav- We re the Free ·concerts are being given each . In· the li ttle bor der sta tion is elig ible to offitce-d ut1es are now g . . 1 Cl t th ·n this age - r emo;ved, .1b wo uld result m·g· at the dormi tory by the mem- h f ti 11 h · \l bl' · · h. 1 ·- ti st ens with his approva. · ose Q e 1 ' · f our ev•en -

Tu·cked a\':,aY. below- 1: e 00 ·· 11 s It oo c omple x. T e P ic sc _ m . · Iin rthe inevit able coll aip srn g 0 f Mr C offelt's


Ra ng lo t .,·min a ble oh ao g"

On ·everlasting whi sper, !power

Day . a nd ni cr ht. . Know th truth and t he truth w

hidd'en-g-0 ari d fi nd it! Imake y.o u fr ee! Thus the ·chil d can represe nt s ;;-m ted h av·e, f Pure food s- Ev e rything ! our. ta Fruit and ve get- f

Go a nd look 'Be.hind Ranges, fi nd his p l.ace in the hig hl y spe Ci al- see n their loved ones m arch aw ay to meats • milk. from c.erti.fied y -Reasonable

1 . · '

d - · d - Promp t· de veT' ·

Somet hi ng lost be hi nd· the ran ges- 1ized ci v ili zati0n i nto wh1 c.h he is pr.o - a b attle for rig.hteou sr,iess as it was f ables. Fresh an canne · PHONE 25 ·

·". · f' · , G '" · '· t' · · · hi h' t · p

· THANK I YOU ·' - Lost and wa it ing 01 y-0u- o. J'ected w ith co nsu1<ta i on. und ersto od. Ab ove t s, re aic mg_ o I1 nce s. _ · b t'f 11 ·


· · b ,., ......,--...._.. "Thru t he Ran ges to _ he eau 1 u The thiTd and l_ast e- the a of ;vin e set · _ _ va ll ey be yo '1d- fil eld w1:h h appy peo-!hind the Rang es" 1s Rehg10 us T oler- wi th many b nght an d shimng , pie-God · too k .care to hi de .that coun-atio n. , one for ev.ery man or woman who A ' WANTED ti ll he hi s. rea qy, "H ad fi rst m in e eyes beheld the li g ht has1led mankin d in a_q uest of pe aCl e. I:V

When He chose me for h is helper, wh e re Orient stars on Moslem- race In tlw midst of all t.h1s S"lo ry of s.tars . L SCHOOLS IN . - J And I fo un d it and i t's yours sh ine down ' · · ·. one w ill ' shine such effulgent · FOR R URA - : ARIZONA _ Yei, w"·· b ette'. t>·y, r too wou ld m ·a;,. th e mig ht of Allah light that it will lend a bdghtn_"' ''. I M ONTANA IDAHO COLORADO

Yes, your ed ge of c ultiva tion, g reat, a ll the rest-and th at star, bngh te1 ;. :S aJades 'fr om $ 100 to $ 150 per "'mo nth. be gradu ates Ar1d no serise in going' fur ther, Aml tu rn my fa ce to Mecca \vhen I th an the s un at n oo nddy; w ill pro-

qJ tw.o. year c ollege. c ourse. "Ex perience preferred .but not f T ill I cr oss ed the rang.e to see. /p n{y-e d ." c lilim t he Ch rist-the maker·an d ide al n eces sa ry. •

It's o s prese1h o ur 1 aeogr ap hy t an 1 evo e . , __ -R an g es.' . · · · .. , .! CUI

QI did1,na. 'tt-1'on:. I Re li gion ih s jof ,aivilfa ation "-Behind. the M; sso1111 r1· Valley Teachers' liger1cy

An yb.ody mj g ht ha ve found i\, l in g to admit." "NotJ beli ef _ . . _

·3 15· Ta bor Opera .Hou se . . , But God'• whi ' P" came to . ldu ot, not ,.eed• bu t Clim-


Has ma nk in d reac h ed th e foot lnlls tianity h as b ee n mo,ved fro1l). li fe and :AT MATH. F


1 t · o CoJo}ado· ' · ' ' j

w here the tr ails ru n, out a nd morals lowered to the' plane of At th e. regu lar meet in g' of Alpha . Is the.,re a quest abs tr ac t be li ef. Ev·ery Mu Jtilir 29, Superin tendent· the ran ges? Ne ver did t.h e_.old.world Clfristiani ty is no except10n;,·possesses N orman Thor pe, of Pa nama gave an

u eed le ad"·•h_ip •,o \h• pb· two el emen t.: Tbe pd.,tly •.nd the extmive '•po,t. on .<he Life In,.•·

j ec tify in g of a few gr eat dom rn a_tmg prophetic Th e pn estly to t?e Actuary a nd his math em atics.

id ealfo. .The m.'"" <o<lay . P.°'' 7" " "' .,,d ""J>h" '"' ""d' aod he.'. Mc. Th0>-pe o"'lin'etl · ! Ile qu '" '" · I

A.BLE ; grea tie r potential power th an at any li ef wh iJ.e th e 'prop h etk faces ti dns; duties; rewa'.rds and oppo:rltum- ' . ' '. T . ' .- .,. c 1' - f' time jn ,the. history o:f'. t;he wo rl d. tt.l!'e a nd m ag nifi.es. The prop heti c IS ties of an ac tuary.. Very of ten pea- yp e wr1t er Ill 0 ors I . " W.h at "B•h•nd . the Rang "" , 1n u ta t10 n th at u oe.: new· id'• 1." pie . d"i'• .to \mOw. iu•t wh at d,"Y °' I SMALLEST , · LIGHTEST · .. 1, for which ""' gon."·at>nn. be· foe me ad vaooemeo t. 1 be te; t. "' the week a mtain d ate in the j Proved Durabilit y, Lea der in Sales Wtd I come cru sa ders of Th r ee, will .they sa tisfy ? In the w as or .on w.hat d ayt 8: d efi ni te f.ate in / 1 # out•t ., dln g, oh• Ilengm g, un'°lv.ed P''°'"' of m• kin g a h e"'' '.'.'"rm· the fot m·e will 'fall. the "'°"d A Pop ular'ity. I probl ems, _a re the. Flath- less. ' l. .Group 'tho.Se who froi_n ga n exp lai ned h ow th is be I" Ju st wh at you n eed in Y<>Ur· sc hool WQ rk. S ee . us f or j way of this ge ner atio n: yo u in a iclass by 2. Give rt.his Inumber on t:he progr am Maixme .Rea- I 'p rices. A"1thor ized D.e alei;s. f' l. Eq ual Rac ial Opport u 111ty cl ass a name' -0f reproac h. '3. P toce ed d on e and answered se ve ral ' I 2. A F•notioning D_emomoy to · thfa " '" , bY., w,oe.ds of I gjy in g th e """ ,d ay, of di ffO,ent I · · U. L A N D 0 L T I 3. Reli gi ous .Tolecatmn._ youc o wn _aUth odtj m \he d '"''· M>·. H.,011 M.oCn,ig ht / f Eq ual Ra dol mdict th•t youc , oppohen to havo th<'thini 'Ab mb;, on the p'°g".m • ) 73 Phone 78 Peru, Nebr. j The W hi te1r ace w1ll never b e. ov e1- b een va no uis hed by yo ur mte llec tu al i·ep · oi·t 'on wh:y a· . 1. ·. • · · , • '· .. \ '

- come by the Bro \v.n an d Bl.ack a'Cu men. Di-. New l on .s to :graduate from ·h1gh school ·should

if th ese n ations appr pa ch tbe , o'f sev €•ntee n l ea,di'ng boo ks o.n. hav i;: a. c ertain 1arnount of. •""-

cati on of th e Go ld en R ul e. Th e- s.o- tianity a.nd

called "'h ite ")•n> bu,deo

.,..,.... ::siuwta n ;:, u; 1ut: ,vvu. 1 ..,t;; 1 '1\:.t: vviu

fa il if it continu €\'3 to &qbstitute the m aterial goal for g reat sp iritual id eals. (l) '.].'.he Wh ite. Rac e nine-t..e nth s .of th e most producti ve of the wo rld . (2) The White r aie e is inc reas in g more rapid ly than the Brown a nd Blac ks. (3 ) The White Rac e .has a- g reate r ,percentage of co r'lstPuctive pro du cers that live thr u th e age from twenty to sixty. 4) The birth r ate is lower bull the de ath·rate is also lo wer ·Ev ery adu lt white .h as more than tw e nty ye a !'s of pr 01d ucti ve l abo r to hi s credit (5) •Th e Whi te R ace is Jill aste r of more autoa mtic mac hin ery than a ll the rest of th e world combi·ned. T.be m aster of matic machinery than all the res.t of Bl ac ks a nd Browns w ill ce;rse to cept our sp irit ual •h er it ag e if we conti nues to rob them or their mate'rial reso urc es: T.hese p eo ple h ave a phil'Osdphy of life, crude as it is,, which answers for t hem be tte r than our p hi ! losophy does for us. Their contact with our pro fiteers is g ivin g them ' a m ind set with referen ce to the whites,

more fi rm th'an our missionaries cah

make 'th em. What of our robberies,

iy nchin gs. a nd hired g unmen as fruit

a nd · think scientifically, the

valu es of the sp iri t to the new visi?n J For all kinds of drayage, '

of the a nd i ts l aws. 3. A d ee .

en in g. t christiav1ty" carries

a soc ial ohli gati on as well as i np iviqu-

al r·edemption. The group life -Of man .....

must bei- tr ain sformed by spiriitual

id ealism. Onl y a church

an d Christhinfty ni'trst ·mak e

of t his new creature a ']htin g sou l.

Th e soul of every· in div idual .has

to entifr a voyage of tliscove ry

in to the unc'h arted seas of "t he ' spiiit-

ual. 'Tis •life, h ot death, for ' whi'ch I You'll

we pant-more life


-Yourt'g •e ver BOB'

last in g w hisper comes yo.u, and the

the se g oals can be seen behmd the ,Pav:ement.)

of exploi tati'on . . New from his early fall New y Ork

is n eeded for the Bl acks of the Sou th

a nd the Browns of our W ester n coast.

Equ al r ac ial opportun ity must be ihe l./

white man's j oy, n ot liis b urden: Th e Blac ks an d Browns do n ot ask for in-

te rmarria g e, but eac h in his own

has t ne ri g ht to the wo i·ld 's bes!!

jtu al he ritage ,

The second goal' "Be)1ind the I ' Regular Meals Short

Ran ges" is a F un ctio nin g Democracy

-n ot in the na111e of a sovereign _but ;

the peop le of this n ation. T.here must Home

in big c9 ntro lled by the few

fortheq en·efit of.t he few. We, mustl

.lo ca l law inste ad of

p as mg. the buc k. to th e state








Those of us in Peru who .had no t P -J 's STYLE AT PERU, To be sure, the members of the WELL GIVEN EN CE had opport unity to mee.t Dr. Beck, T he most modern of men cer- Dahlstrom house are talented. T his who but recently was he fld <f taiuly have no thing on our col- was proven and made known1 to the Lon Graf B as Pre pared One of the School's Toughest Schedules En g lish department h ere, h,ld t he lege boys Three 00' the afo re- -entire student body l as,t Friday mor - A'll-Star Cast Prove to be O ne of pl eas ure be coming acqu a inted w ith said sex a ppe ared on the cam- ning. The progr am was spiced with Best E ver Selected at Pe ru h pus Wednesday even ing dressed C h Lo R G f im at convocation l ast Wedl!{;Sd'.l" hu mo r, superio r ability and above all oac n . ra has rece ntly J in the most gaudy of pai a mas. W :t h as c i.;pable ,,n nli -star cast variety.. made t he 1929 fo otba ll pub - morn in.g, and we found it very easy T ripping lightly (?) down the lie, and Pe ruvi a ns will no te that to become acquainte d with ·him. Hi s walk, they mi ght have l>een as h as ever pl ayed on t he Peru agai n this y ear the Bo bcats wi ll pl ay ready wit and refres hi ne se nse of taken for clowns, ha d not their th eiT old l'ivals We sleyan Univ ersity hum-or we re thorou g hly appreciated. voices betrayed them as sedate This is firs t time for three 'e:ws D B college men. F ew saw the s pccJ r. eek brought to our attention the d k th at the Bobc a ts and t he Cov. otes f tacle for the ni gh t was ar act that in a ll we do we unconsc;ious- an:d most eve ryone was intent have t an g-l ed The last was in ly four questions: Am I goi ng favor of t he Rt bcats- 22 to O. t d upon their lessons There a re

Mr Okrent l ed the morning hymn, Mr. Coy • cond u cted the dev o.tionals, and Mr. P ittinger very ably substituted for ,bhe Dean in his re a di ng of the announcements. The program consiste d of per formance upon a vast numbe r of m usical instruments: the o o a particula.r thin g or is it those who say the syle is senh .:i h th f h armo nic a, accordi an, banjo-uke, The sc 2•.nlle t is fall will be one wor Y o my doing? Am I going sible and cool'---isn't that right of t he t.ou g·hest ever faced by the to work un a idw? Am I gain g to do· saxaphone, an d piano. Besides t his

C.C,, F. C., and E. R.? there were some u nique vocal n um-

sta ge, "E r.5t is We.-;t, " lllve pla y, un de r the d-irectinn .;f Mrs. Anna Best Jo.der, was presen t ed Th ursday evenin g, Au.gust 15, before a large crowd. The play sponsored by· the P eru Al u mn i Association, was for the p urpose of gettin g more funds with which to purchase a Cine mo-

Bohcat e\!' Vten. Eight'- ;;::tn >.es will ue my work well? How much am I go - The pl ay a prolog ue and t hree a cts, ben p layed, and not a game µroniises to rng to do?


by Samuel Shipman and J ohn B. Hytion picture kodak. b " et U'J" rner, is a. Jwa utrlful drama of lo ve, e.l;so 5 0 th.e scedule will be the



son·ow, a nd ul ti m ate h appi 11ess, with Maryville Qta te Te a chers Coll ege, of



a rich Orie ntal background " East Maryville, Miss o uri. These boys made TALl\.S

is West" is a remarkably clever piece it pretty tou gh fo r t he Peru t eam last Pastor of Christian Church Resigns- of playwri t in g, giv ing novel ty in y.ear, and only in the last few min- Has Other Pulpits in Six new Members Initiated into Eng- th eme, . u nusual rapidness in ac t ion, h E l '-1 t Ruth Al•berg and Louis Decker Taken d · t utes of p la:v w aa t e o ca ts au e o lish Honorary Fraternity an scenes very pie uresq ue make the tally. into Biological Fraternity Rev. B. C. Bobbitt, pastor of the To ch ose th e star of many excellent Wayne State Teachers w ill I . --- Chris1tian Chu rc h announced last S un- Afte; the follow i ng students: . Ru th roles portr ay ed in tihe pl ay is a fairl y be here Oct ober 26 for the an nu al , Th e fina l !n Beta p ro.gram of the day evenin g that he was leaving P eru Rich ardson, M!rs. Goldie Th orpe, He!- easy task. Mrs. J oder, as Mi ng Toy, · · su mmer sess10n was ,he ld on the eve -S b fi t d th t th ·t · B M H J • • • homecomi ng. Last year th e Peru- I . _ . ep.tem er rs · an a e nex en Holliway, Ruby . rown, ay e en ht tle desert ed Chmese girl, a nd- later · mn o- of Au o- ust 12 at wh1ch time tw o S d Id b th J t · I · s n · · I Way ne game was called off I acti':.re rne;bers selec te d. The two. un 1 el as h.m co n- and Verna ne A, weret ta ken to America, a:ted. super? Iy, f ( h an early winter Th18 ye ar I 1 nect10n w1 · e -oca c urc ltiate d, Tuesday evening, u gus , always carefu l, sympathetic, loVln g, o su · n ew members are Mi ss Ruth Alberg, · t" c U ' i:'C.: ats will looik a to ;.i p-h h h 1 We u nderstand th at Mr. Bobb1tt has mto Phi Alpha c,hap.te1 of Sigma Tau and ye t staymg closely to- Onental .. ' . w o has been o ur sc oo nurse s.nce . h' f D E c B k f M t · "'b ttl ,- om the Wildca"'t:s J:'eru will . D k h been c ontemplating t 1s step or some Del ta, r. ec , o oun ton gue and custJom. Her p ortrayal a e -" December a nd .Loms ec er, w o .' h bl " Pl Mi l · JI · I ·

b t to reven ge the defea t they re-h . ' h h' h h 1 B 1 . t ime, bu t t at no pu 1c announce- easant, c 11gan, gave a we 1e- as an actress show whv th e p lays e -011 teac es 1n t e 1g sc -oo at e v1- .1 h . k h I b . f • · . d th h ds f Wayne in the ment .h ad been made u.n t1 t e pres- ce1ved ta! to t e arge num er o j directed at Peru during t he " Yoder ce1ve at e an ° - dere k t t The e nt. Mr. Bobbitt mforms us that he members an d gu ests present. regime" h ave been so successful. It N I A A. trac mee a1 "' • H N' k 1 t 11 d "T "d · · ·. · · . t . over Peru arvey ic e a <e 011 ax i er- 1 h as two or three other pulpits m Dr. Beck was formerly head of the I was on ly a no.ther oroof of her a bility W1ldc a te wer e vie orio us " ·11 t t' h" t lk 'th a num d I:oints my, 1 us ra.'rng is a ":'1 .• view, bu t so far ha d. accepte no n e, IEn g lish Department of Pe ru, wh ich Not far inferior to the star of the by two p -f th ason will ber of specimens of birds, bats, a nd was as yet undecided as to w hat lpl ace he left to rec eive his P h. D. at r.Jay was G. H-0Jt Steck an d Art hu r The fi l'st o-aro e o e se h' h h h te d I ' ,, . ' S B "' ri t Coll ege of Kan - snakes, etc., w ic e as moun .he would dQ. Peabody Insti tu te, Nashville, Tenn L. Hill, and Robert T. Benfo rd. In be wi th t. durin g the llast y·ear. 1 h h 1 i · h d h · P 11 be sure of a b attle

Members of the loc a c urc a so Dr. Beck was t he f oiun der of Si gma fact, "the fa culty s owe t. e1 r pu- sas eru W1 Laure•t ta Harpster to ld of her i.n- h h h t t k " Mr s k · hil th I 'sh have never inform us t at .t ey ave as ye a -Tau Delta org a nized on the c am pus, p ils how to do it. . tee as h ere. W e e rtlb d; on they teresting exper iences in sout;.he rn en no steps to fill the vac ancy caused April 21 i926 It was the first fra- Ch arlie Yong hi gh Ch in es e resturant won from Peru on · e gn .r ' Al ka hun t inCT salmon fishi ng, , · · Th ' · · · .' p th have a as · ; "" by Mr. Bobbitt s r es1gnat10n e va-j ternity fo u nde d at P eru The speak- nwner m aCli fo rm a, and .th e one who c ertainly eru h eyto k the teaching schoo l, a nd talki ng to grizz- can.cy wi ll probab ly be filled early in er r emarked abou t of hi s -ex- I demanded Mi ng Toy as .his loved serwinning sp1rtt when t ey u ·es in ly b ears She illust:rated h er talk the fall. lperiences in b ringi ng the first fr a-1va nt lost no ne olf the ar bisii c eg() fi l a of a t.wo g ame sen with a b ox f ull of bead ed le ath er and '. . . na. ,,, ame . . N t fall one - - ternity here, as well as some

wiU be played aw b Al ask


. tant g a1nes on sc l1edule . Ne br a ska P er u fo r Con venbiori Au g. 29, 30 - D Be' ck had the .axpe1·1'e nc e o-" i·e they will be t l pa · South e ast Ne br as ka Baptist Come to 'v .D'-J - r. · u. - Wit:!\ him was Ralph Ch atelain, atWh at Omaha U ni v ersi ty w1·11 do ne xt Edw ard Bath , an othe1· memb e1· of ce11Uy di'n1' g· w"•h M1· Linds av as T · B The annu al m eetin of th e South- ' n "" · -' te nd ant O.n the love b oa t, where Min g year will ne v er be kn o wn un t il the n eta, is su pe rin te n den t -0 f sc h oo ls well as hea ri ng him r ea d. To y ·snd Sing Son g g_·irls were bou g ht gain e h as b een played. La st yea r at . Seward, Ala ska, -0 ne of t,·he b est e astern Nebr ask a Baptist Asso ci ation Th k l d b d' e sp ea er c ose Y r ea mg· as a nd sold in Chin a. Sin g Song girls one c ould e asily see t ha t ath le 1,·1·cs at paid sc ho ol positions in the te rrito ry. will be held ait Pe ru, on Thu.rsday and only L' ndsay ca n rJJad, to the fri e nd O 1 weFe : El ea nor Har aji an, Mildr ed thi s uni versi ty we re com in a- forw a rd n an oth er page of t his iss ue m ay be Friday, August 29 and 30. The di s- crowded faculty room, one of Lind -p t A 1 G . D th H t "' · f oun d l , : " ,, a e, very a1nes, oro y ur , Coac h Wei r is su re to have a team • a ong lette r in w hi ch Edwar d tr ict of Southeastern Nebras ka in- says m as.ter p1·eces, The Co ngo. d M . L h th t ·11 fi ht te ll s of some of h1' s exo e1·1· e s · ' · an arie as · a Wl g - Alaska. - ne e rn Ieludes severa l c ou nties , and a lar ge . Mrs. Beck, formerl y an m stru cto r To brin g ou.t t.he Am er ic an atmosT he Tu rk ey D ay ba ttle between attendance of the memb ership of the rn th e tr ainin g schoo l also spok e, I h . th I Gl H J d h d T briefly on so me of her expe riences p er e 111 e. P ay en · 0 er, w 0 Peru an arkio should e nd up t.he BRO CKMAN'S F I Baptist Churches is expected. 1• . p h as pla yed m more than one s uc cess Season for p 'th . ..,.., ATHER DIES _ . sm ce eavm g eru . . · e rn Wl a v1c tol'y. ... ar - AT HOME IN I The fol1owrn g pro gr am of -the ' on the Peru sta ge, ca rri ed the part of k.io also pu ts up a fig ht, but the j _ ELMWOOD co•nv ention is furnish ed us by Rev. CALIFORNIA PRI N CIPAL GIVES Ith e y oun g American lover of Ming last few y ears ha ve been o.n the low I More sad ne h d p E. H assel blad -0f th e loca l church: MUSICAL PROGRAM SUNDAY Toy. And with the ai d of th e 1i1ission · en d of the sco r es I ws r ea c e eru ' ___ . headed by his -0ld fri e nd James P otpus l ast we ek when word was re ce1vIn an othe r c ol umn of the paper ed of th e death of Henry Broc kman, Thursday Afternoon Henry Abr ams, pr in cip al· of th e ter by Mr. Benford.) he _finally may be f ound the compl ete sch edule / of El mwoo d, father of Pe ru' s footb a ll 2:30 Devotion al - F remo nt scho ol, of San Luis Obi spo, recelV ed the conc ent fr om his pare nts in cludin g th e d ate s a nd the pl aces / a nd . bask e tb a ll he ro Rev. J. F. Da ly . Falls City California, a nd a stud ent at Peru , ren- ' (H a rv ey Nickel a nd F ra ncis Root) where t he games will be played . Mir Brockm an di ed at t he Lincoln 3: 00 Joint Meeting, Men and Women: dered a mus.ical nro g ram duri n.g the to ma rr y Min g T o;y. J ame s Pottor


Gene ra l Hospital last Friday ev enin g. Reports, Women 's Societies reg ul ar pe a chin g-hour in the Chri s- th en pl aye d well into , the family afESTHER HO YT VI SITING FATHER. D eath c ame followin g a s troke of Rep-0r ts , World-Wide Guilds .tion Chur ch of Fairbury, Nebraska, fa ir a nd ma rried t he daug,h te r of th e Mi ss E sther Hoy t, deg ree grad u ate p aral ys is. Fune ra l s erv ices wer e ,he ld Reports of Committees mornin g, Au gust 11. famil y, pl ay ed by Monroe).' 't of th e c lass of 1925, is visiting with M onday, Au gust 12, at t he Methodist Reports, Associa t ion Laym en Mr. Ab rams is a stud ent at Peru, No {) ne s hould· receiv e more c1 e d1 bet fath e r, P ro f. W. F. Ho yt: She C hur ch· of Elmwood. Charles Hurd, Pawn ee Ci ty doi ng gra du ate work durin g t he sum- fo r their actin g than Willi am Kn app, bas bee n• super vi so r of music at Ja ck- Mr B ro ck ma n was a su ccessful 4:00 Missionary Addr ess -mer and pr esented hi s Fairbury who carr ied the h ea vy p ;a rt of L-0 son v ille, Flo rid a, f or the past yea r, farmer n ea r Elmwood, and he beli e v- Mrs Hilda J. Bain, Returned frie nds with a farew ell T.he Sang K ee, faithful fri e nd of the Benand in September sh e will l eave P er u ed. in hi gher e duc a ti on, h av in g had 6 Mission a ry from Afric a pro gram consist.e d o:fl sacre d as well son' s and k eeper of Min g T oy to t ake up her duti es as su pervisor of I t wo ot h er bo ys b esides He lmut in I :OO SuppeT as secul ar s ongs; t he ou tsta nd'in g ().thers wh o ca rried min or par ts · · bl' h l f N th th 11 H d · d b Thursday Evening b f h' h 1 t' are : H ar old Pe te r son , Aver yl Gaines, music m a pu IC sc. oo o or . o er co eges . -e w as a m.1re y 7:3$ Devoti,on,al - - - fnruon1n 1 Mwess1c 1' ah." were se ec. ions L H t Car oli na. 1 a ll who knew him. Mild re d P ate, and eo a up ma n.


Fir st semeste r re gis tration__ M onday, Se ptember 9, 1!}29

Firs t semest er classes be gin Tuesda y, S eptembe r 10, 1929

Ho me-Com in g Day - - Sat ur d &.y, Octob er 26, 1929

Neb r aska S.tate Te a chers Ass orci atio n rec ess, Oc t ob er 30 to Novemb er 3, 1929, inclusive (Sc h oo l on S aturda y, Oc t ober 19 a nd Saturd ay , November 9, 1929.)

Second q uarter be g ins - - Monday, Novembe r 11, 1929 C.hr istmas v.acation --D ecem ber 20, 19 29 to Janu a ry 5, 1930 inclusive.

Sec ond semester re.gistrati-on - - --Monday, Ja nu a ry 27, 1930

3ec on<l semes ter classes begin __ Tuesday, Ja nuary 28, 1930

S:p rin g ( Easter ) v acatio n - M ar ch 28 to 30, 1930 inclusive

SchooJ on S aturday, March 22, 1930.)

b · · Monday March .31, 1930

F ou rth quar ter eg1nS -

Seco nd s emester cl oses. Frid ay, May 30, 1930

L t t" f . - $2 00 ate reg1s ra 100 ee - - -

Any re g istr ation aft er Mo n day, S eptember 9 w ill be cons idered la te r egistration ..

In ch arg e of Peru Chu rc h __ 8:00 Mission ary Address, F. L. Gilson,

Returned Miss ion a ry from Assa m 8:30 Address, " The Christlike W orld" Rev Will iam Park; Fairbu ry Friday Morning

8 :30 Devoti-On a! -

Rev J. A. Whitm a n, Be atr ic e 9:00 Readin g of C.hurch Lett ers, Appointment of Committees and other business

11:00 Repr esentative of Gr a nd Isl a nd Isl a nd Coll eg e, Dr. J. M. Wells . President

11:30 Annual Sermon, " The Sto ry of My Conversation," Rev. C. J. Buckoutz, Stella October

12:00 Dinner

Frid ay Afternoon

1:30 Devotion al - -

Rev H. F. Da mon , Tecumseh

1:45 Address, "Practic al Va lue of Pensions for Pre ache rs, " Rev. G. on .Page 4; Col. 4)

FOOTBALL SCHEDULE-1929 Benedict at 6 °')\ ' October at Mar yville II

November 11- Chadron .at

November 16-- Kea r ney at Kearney

November 23-. Omaha U:niversity at Peru

2$-· at Tarkio




The following Ietter has been re· ceived from the f,ducation Associatioi;i, concerning a former PeEDtfl'M at tile Po...91ce •f Peru, ruvian and president of the Peru

The "Ped" is ofteri ng each week journalistic 1;>itfa lls to ,f>e avoided and also some useful ideas on ·editing. This is being done for the help of those stu dents who haven't time to take the newswrlting courses, but need help in a school publication.

NebrMka, aa secomd clua matter. State Teachers ·College : , Rules for Preparing Copy inent, in which ca se notice should be sen t by mail. "'Publidae4 Weekly at Peru State Teachers College

$1.H the Tear-Sc aincie copy



















Secretary J. W. Crabtree of the National Edll!c ation Association, W as.hington, D. c., has accepted an invitation to attend a reunion, Au gust 31, at Fairview Distric t School, two miles soutpeast of Elri-iwood, Nebraska, where he .taught neal'ly half

The following ten rules · for preparing c o.py to be publis hed can be .used by any writer. It m ay be applied manuscript for magazines, them e papers, boo.ks, or :any other for m of manuscriipt whi ch may at so me time or the other be p.ublished. Bear in mind that many times your articles wilf be made sho rter if it is

Ordinary damage sui ts.

Storm news, unless there is loss of life, great propeI'ty d amage, or freak s torm pran k;s. Co nditio n of crops, except in case of rain, frost -Oil" dr outh at c ritical times a century ago. Here is what he says aibout it: necess ary f c:i_: them to be rewritten. Or dinary business tra nsactions.

"I had an experience in conneceion with this district school which I shall

1. Manuscript must be .typ ewritten Meetings of secret socie ties, except 2. Number each page. sta te or national meetings.

3. Begi n the story in t he middle of Accounts of eounty fairs or p.icnics, never for get. I had been teaching in 1 d the first page. 'The second p:ag-e un ess or ered. the district for several terms when, com mences at the top. The rea- Abstra-c-ts of ·sermons, unless they in Ma11Ch or April, I was asked son for t his is that it le aves room eonta in some str iki ng news fe ature. to remain the next year at a silght for the · h ead, which most p apers RepCJ1rts of celebrati ons, unless per' · · I I rewrite. rncrease m sa ary. to re· 1 sons of state or national promin ence main. A later when in Elm- 4. Don't crowd the page-always attend, or of general observ ance-wood I was offered th e prioncipalship doub le or triple space. July 4, Christm as, e tc. of th.e Elmwood schools and I agreed· 5· Avoid dividin g 'words-never di- St.ories of fre a kS, or thr ee-le gg:ed to accet but stated that I would need v id e word from one page to •.m· chickens

SUPERIORITY COMPLEX IN !fail to find .any teach of His which to see t he members of the distric t

School co mmencem ents, me etings PERU STATE COLLEGE would e nable me to exclude fr om my / hoard since.I h ad pramised them for 6. Indent 1-3 page f or pa rag raph. of teachers' insti tut es, medical socie-· ___ 1 · i next year. The°';; e members, in- · 7. ln correcting, cross o ut and re- ties, farme rs' alli a nes, in :which in· hfe any oif m yi fellow men." "They · · . . (By HENRY ABRAMS) ' , : 1terested as they wel'e m my wel· wriite. terior is purely loc al

Accordin g to the results of the are all Gods children a nd therefore Ifare,. took the \'iew thn.t in fairn 1 8. Use end mark usu ally (30) I nterviews w ith "a w ell-known citi· qu estion aire which was recently pre- my brothers and sisters." Of all the to the pe<>ple of the district they 1 9. Read your own story befo,re zen," "a prqminen t o fficial," e tc s ente d to the students of Peru Sta.te comments-25 in all- these two would be compelled to hold me td ' 11 Y handing it to .the edito r -if it is Theatrical notices, unless they conTeachers' Co ll ege, r ace prejudice still statements seem to sense the possi- contrllict. · 1 not neat a nd free from errors re- tain some re al news fe!l-ture.. ex ists in the minds of people. Seven bility of a better world, a lthou gh "I _then my about it', wni.e it.' Political speeches or go.ssip, unless hundred fifty copies of this question -h . 1 Ile did not hke the idea of my 10 A . h fi ordered. t ey stil appear as a voice crying . b 1<: • , • ccuracy is t e 1·st e:;sent.ial of F 1 aire were distributed among the stu- I. - ac on my word if I h •Cl ac - newswritin g. \.Y i;tch a ll proper [ ata a-cc1den tst o t rain men or obdents of whi"ch nuinber abo ut 200 m the wilderness. tu ally made a pr-omise. He scure nersons t h h names, and c heck for their cor- • excep w ere t ere are were marked a nd ret urned. The We bo::.st of our form of goven- 1t paid to keep a promi;;e and I ie rt spelling. ' two or more f atalites. que.stions presented in c lud ed: Rus- ment, but appare Ht1y ma.1y of us Lo do right I'egardless of cost l J:nsians Tu k J Cl · N . . . :iJ;y dec ided to go l:. 2ck and work in , r s, ews, 11nese, eg roes, a e unw1'1.n g to exen;•;,c democraur ti Iri s.h, Italians, French, Spanish, Hin.- 1e same spin :; as before. Alw:ays remember in writing that principl es · what yo u wr'te eflects o b th th du, Greek, Scotch, Jap a nese, Sc a ndi"

"I was soon very glad th at I wen.f i r n °' e n av ia ns, Germans, E gyptians, Mex i- Nu 111ue1· TWO-R•: ig:o n: llere we b ack. T-ll.ere was a satisfaction in it a?d t he "Rememc ains, Filipi nos, South Americans, find the H'ndu Jew, !\us- to me dur ing the year. 1 felt hon· Ber that while news 1s always truth, @e ntral Americans, Ba lk a ns, Persians, .. ·. I:·:: L, ei.t pride in .h avin g made goo d my !truth is not always P l B h · l · . · I f lt h · Re cord Herald. o es, o eµuans, A ask ans, Indians Number THREE-Color: Refu se to piomise. e . appy m my w-0rk as I' . . (American), Canadians, Australians, ai1 d h a result Imagine my surprise in the Some pitfalls to be a voided: accept the Negro, Hindu, t e an d Austrians. following Ma11ch to receive a request John Smith leaves town , so do es

Al wa ys ob tain "Do n'-ts" of the you a•re w ri·tin g for. Remem· er nearly every, p ap er has a ,hobby. It m ay be f or a d ,,,oo ro ads, against July 4, tc

The basis for the answers is given he re in five questions, viz: A Which of these are you willing to Chinese. f 1 rom secretary of the board of Mrs. Jones, at t,he same time; to put Number FOUR - Inter-marri age : educi.tion at Ashl a nd, Nebraska, to this in a news story or with personals Practically all foreigners excl ud ed, Ashland i.f interest- ldoies muc h harm. "Would a dmit all arrd anyone under h as been fin an cia lly ha rd ., _ T he nex·t quest ion t he r.e oorter will ask suc h a l ong list of t opics are gi ven him n ot to send is "What a reporter send·?" The followmg topics always .make good news stories, and sho uld be di t l . imme a ey w i.,red to the n ewspape r. A lm-0st al· y ou can expec t pay foir ,t hese art icles

, - ""%, ol-'...., --o r:-::a'C1mit to full American citizenship? a ll circumstances." This idea was schoo,I. I m'ade the visit and was up and .then suddenly clisappeaTs, I What to Send

B Which of these are you willing to expressed by only two persons. Very elected. suffering perhaps from mental Cigarette stories, legal, legislative:, h ave as neighbors? liberal indeed. "I wondered how it had happened. don't send in .a dispatc,h that he is Ideaths, insani t y, etc.

C With w.hich of these a11e you will- 1 There seems to be a tendency to I learned later that Doctor Hobbs of j either an . absconder or an embezzler. Animal stories-by man. ing to associate in business and pn· exclude, under all circumstances, the w.hen attending a. medi.ca1 jHe may be neither. Unique _hunti ng storiei. fess ion al lif.e?

D Which of .these would you h P,ve as Idu , Mexican, Greek. The main rea- they needed high school of t rust, and his employer has his and woman in public eye. members of fa mily. !sons are soicial and economic. Our cipal, had told them. 0 ! my ha.vmg ·i books audi.ted; don 't jump at conclu- Oqd photog r aphs.

I Russian, Turk, Chinese, Negro, Hin- convention m AsJ1J an d and hearmg , If Smith is removed from _position Jnterestrng personahtie.s about man

E Which wouJd you refuse to adn,it, so-called "Melting Po t" of the Unit- been elected at Elmwood and w,hy Iisio.n that Smibh is a .defaulter, and Scientific under all circumstances, to your eco- eel States of America, does not seem had not accepted. Members of the ' don't send in a dispatch t,hat he is Stories of romance. n om ic, social and political life? to melt, -0r perhaps the fire is not told me that that under suspicion . "Facts, not susp;i- All stories by th e paper The tabulation shows these results: hot enough. The substance to be whi ch apP.eaJ.ed .to · tliem and whic,h cions, are news." should be wired in as isoon as possible Und er A the foJlowing were exch1d- melted may be too hard for the fire. gave me an a dv a ntage over more ex- · f l · tiff a f.ter the event{ is over. Fo.r examp le perience men, was my going back to I Never -co nfuse o p am ed : Russian , Turk, Chinese, Negro , The basis upon whicl;i these conclu- the district at a financial sacrifice in with defendent or v•ice versa; a baseball game s.h-0UI<i! l:e.adh. the Hindu, Greek, Japanese, Mexic a n, si<lllls seem to be formed, are convic- · · f t d with one makmg office of the paper a. .ha11"·hullll aftet. order to keep my word. It aided in name o arres e · Balkan, Egyptian. tion and prejudice. Conviction is bas- giving me the confidencrn and affec- arrest, nor names ef lawyers m cases. the game. is over. In case of a tourUnder B o nly eleven out of thirty ed up on facts; prejud.ice upon emo- t· f th 1 f Ashl d d . Never draw conclusions adverse to na.men t d1 sj..1atches shDuld be sent at were excluded: Irish , En g lish, l h ;ion °. e peop e 0 an urrn g · t aJ b t th tion. Education contemp ates t e er- my six years as p irinci;pal super- condu ct or charac.ter; nev er comment 1m erv s e .ween e or al Spa nish , Sco tc,h, Scandinavian, Bobe- a dication of prejudice; hence arises intendent. upon the facts. Let the facts them- all i:1•enmss10ns. In this wa;y you mian , Ala s kan, Indi a n, Australian. the question: What is this education, selves tell the story. are su re .to caitch the last edition or · U nder c fifteen were exc luded: h . "T.here is no telling how much it tl for which we are spending muc time meant to me to keep that promise. Carefully go over and ponder ie ))aper. Russian, Turk , Jew, Chinese, Neg-ro, Hindu, Greek, Japanese, American, B !<.lk an , Persian , Egyp tian, and money. It doubtless helped me to receive pro- any court news affecting busmess Whatever the case m_ay be in this mot.ions. It helped me to live a more standings, etc. ,}'ohsh.

linder D we find a ll excluded except: Irish, English, Spa.nish, Scotch , .:ir.an.: ;navian, Germ a n, Bnhe roia 11 , little interesting and imperso.nal ex- honorable life than I should have liv- 1 "Beware at all times of soories af- LONE TROUBADOR I periment: the subject offers a.n attrac- ed had I started out on the Gther fectin g the professional .repute of tive field for detail study in sociology plan. So, those directors, in !doctors, lawyers, preachers , teachers, DEAR MR. EDITOR:

Canadian in any community. Think it over. in carr ying out their obligations to dependent upon esteem for It surely d·id my heart a go0d turn. (Mr. Abrams was assisted in the the district, actually conferred a their work. when you singled me from the l he rea sons for excludi'.I g und er E ma y ue pla c,ed under t\.ie genera l he ads of: 1. Soci al and Econ»mi::. • ta bulation of .this d ata by Mona Mon- greater favor on me than they would Shun, whenever possible, all 3tories t eith and Helen Holliway.) have done by accepting my resigna- affecting charat:ters of we-men. crowd and asked me to please be sure to get my copy in early for this, ·the tion. I am anxious to visit that last issue 0 f the s ummer term. We school and community." Another thing which ho.thers many 2. Reli g iOJI. 3. Race a nd color. 4. !.ANTI-COFFEE LEAGUE

In1er-marriag·c: j Word has been receiv ed on the It is quite interesting to note here of the fonnatiu_n UlJOn a few of the reasons quoted. Under n.at10nal lmes of the Anti-Coffee number ONE we find this bold state- Lea g ue. The purpose of this g-roup ment: "Let each man stay in his own is to stamp out the evil of colfee 1:ace, a nd let him be clanish 'lbo ut it, drinking. Eminent physicians are t(•O." As to the prov erbial J ew, we decrying the fac.t that we as a pe op le find ,th is r ather tart statement: 1are fast de g radin g irtto the worse haest p eop le on earth and made it 11 Y 1bit since prohibition hit the eountry. sellin g below c ost." The Turks a re 1 Leading life insurance companies "Too barbaric." The Italians serve have statistics to pro ve that cnffee as a "Tool of t he papacy." The is shortening .t he iife of over t hrees.cotch a re "T?o tight,':, and the Rus- :fO!Urths of · our populatjon , It is ./ s1ans are too ig nor a nt One person iknown that many of the students '' is very deci s ive and would exclude drink more than is g ood for t hem l:lnd ' All Peoples: "We h av e too many peo- !what is mo>-c astoundin\! is the fa<:t 1 pie now." Evidently t,his person be -ithat faculty · members kn ow n to lieves in the Malthusian theory. Here !drink even as high as four cups at are two statements that are rather refreshing and savor richly of tole rance and intelli g ence: "I would not wish to a dmit all to family life by marriage, but would not he sitate to one meal.

In order to make the ca!llpaign which they are w agi ng more successful the Anti-Coffee Le ag ue has heu1ingle with any in soci et·y because come a member of the Internatimrn.l we can ga in culture for p ur country Association .of Anti ": ea g ues. Thus by havin g them." "Would not care they become affiliated with such orto live near Indians or Negroes be- ganizations as: The Anti Tob acco 0 [ la ck of sani tation a ria weird ·'Leligue, :Anfr,'Short·- S-kirts ·-·League, arom as connected wi th their habita - Anti-Sunday Baseb all Le a<?: ue , "Slow tion.' "I exclude none; I try to live /Clubs" League, and other we ll konwn as a follower of Jesus Christ a nd I blue law organizations.


Colors gay Flowers brig.ht Ladies fair Men Debonair. When? Where? June on Peru's campus.

Ski es blue Frien$ true. You'll ne'er regret Come what may

of the young reporter is, why e ve r !ContribubQrs often feel tha t even tho thing he :sends is not publishe<l. He we are paid plenty for .our "jottings" will s0 tnetim·es write a storv half a that we ar>e sort of accep ed as a necdozen- ti1nes n: .d still it is refns e Cl by G.esary evil. '$0 L say w,hen you nskthe '1he fa ct is the story is ed me personally io contribute it diq Iusually termed, as "nnt A-:!W::>" and is my hear.t a g ood turn. · Idisposed of. A goo d reporte r knows And now to you, my dear publicwh-.it to send an'd wh at not to send My! My! W-0rds fail me as I attemp t to hi-; paper. to .give to my a suitable What Not to Send vehicle, wh ich will ccmvey to yo u my spent Studying· on Trivial accidents, as leg or arm i.n- sincerest thanks for your support. juries, unless person hurt is promin.- 'Tis true the editor's office has been ent in locality. flooded with your of appr,e·

Insignificent robberie s or burglar- ciati-on and praise. Of <:ourse sin ce Peru's Campus. ies. my identity is kept sec<.ret I have re- '

Bells ring Birds sing "Profs" serene Of stately mien. When? Where? July on Peru's campus.

Hills and three Shady nooks W OrQy themes

Murders in which persons concern- ceived many '"was.h" notes from both ed are obscure -or in which no ele- men and women whic.'h J ha ve re ad ment of mystery is atta ched. With much fervor. Of course it is

Unm,ention a ble oiffenses, breach of unfair to single out any fayored ones, promise , abandonment, etc. If facts but to N. S. T. I would say that are unusu a l, handle t;h em d isc1,eetly. I have known what love is and Whe.n lynchings follow assaults, this advise the writer -not llo answer the · should be irrimediately w ired to your girl as it wou ld only l-ead her on. pape:··

To D. M. I w-0uld s uggest she send me Daily acco unts of trials, murders, a self addressed envelop and I shall etc., unless specificall'y ordered be pleased to · t h ·t1'on , · go m o er ,propoai _ -. _ . . • '. . , an so, ear pu 1c, "Exams" a nd books. TQ.ese you'll miss W,hen g one from ca mpus.

Puffs of individu a ls, hotels· etc. or !more fully d d bl. I'll a ny. foee adveftising. No pre: ag1mt b1d you a dieu until t he fall :Jssue Peru's stones are wanted start.

Obitu aries of a bscure persons. y .i.... t I -Mary Conw ay, '29. M · 1 OUn; ru y, arriages, un ess p eopl e are prom.- LONE HROUBADOR.



lif he should cho t l · 1 . . ance to those t edge alleg 1- TALKs AND MUSIC GIVEN IPROFESSOR CRAGO WILL GO A SUCCESS? superiori:yo 0 ·;1 h:r ON CHAPEL PROGRAM ; TO UNI'VE RSITY OF FLORIDA \ ther .than their equali ty with men On Monday of wee lc Alfred Th [ and their mutual i t t . . . . we wer e, Crago, who h as b een e fair Co-ed is io be congratulat- I }if h . n eres m makmg priv il eged to h ear a v·ery worthy wit h Pe ru State Te ac h ers Colle.,o·c 1 e app1er and more Jive ,, 1-.1 ed on the brilHan satire u sed in an- j ......,. e. convocation program. Dr. Brown, since 1897, h as been offered th e po,si- A. L. MARTIN ,has J·ust returned f1·om · h1's vacat on t'o f P f f M · swer1ng the article e ntitled, "CQ-Ed- I -·- · · · 1 n o ro essor o eas ur ements at entertained with charming violin the University of Flodda, and has acucation a Success?" Although the Th SOME RHYMES so los. Following this H ..H. ,J. Flin g cepted the offer. Pro<fessor Cr ago author is not practi ce d in the art of J ere 1.s a work for every or, c of . t\iie J<:ast Texas State Te ac h ers will receive hi s doctor's d egree thi s · · Accor din g- to Gc d's plan · answermg Minerva's l\ilail an endeav-1 "'o h 1 -

Colleg.e. gave a very fine ta lk Mr. week from Iowa University. At the r n e p iate f;.,. woma:: made, FU · h. d I f or wi ll be made to answe r a. few Bu.t dominion g h ng_ is ea of t he ed u·cation de part- c ose o the s ummer sc hool he and hi s ave e man. ment at th at co ll ege, l'i as 'liad years family wiil move to t heir Florida points of si g nificance to the life of I · · of expei·ien<...,J as a teaci h i>r ";nd lei;- ho me the ti mes. The wri.ter was not lead kif this de ar so ul ·1 '" .; • "• t'' Crago h as been one of to write t his article beca u se of o p- T in , 8 she c an improve hi s sc he me. Th th j heres credit due h er we' ll admit e convocation pro gram ;t o1 01u-tstai; din g men -0f the fac ul ty. pos1t1on to co-e ducation, but because But · 1 't' ll d Imorrow wi ll be another 9.f thf, fin,€ tfo Hfs coming here he made gn 1 s a a ream ' '' ' · ' of certain misrepresentatio ns, or pe'I.·- i · mu sic program vie ha ve h:;id. p.,•p.<)r . marke?:, ,as a superintendent h · d IM h t uni ty to h ear t.his 5nmmer. of sc ho·ols. .t'i·oressor Crago a nd hi s aps, m 1sun erstandings. Co-educa- an as fo u ght the battles • · A I "l'h t • l\1. fam ily w ill be gr eat ly missed in this · t10n is agreeable .to many c olle ge me n :. nd sailed t,he seven seas. e convoca 'l·ll', progc c.m IOI' o n1 d I , 1 l' om muni.ty. both schol a stically nn d s oria!ly. T!;is I Nor all this time h as woman ay 1t1gust, 1...:, w :is :.&rn !! •"•en )y does no t infer, however, th at co -edu- 1Reclined on beds of ease. st udents of the music d ep artm e nt. A' cation is the best for thoe averl.!ae piann solb pl aye d by SURPRISE PARTY FOR ll t d t I f "' H h d 1.t·' was fuil ,.,. (, b.v voL·1 l solos. MISS ELSIE WALLIN co e ge s u en s. n act there are er an it was tlhat g uided him of the contr ary. Mr L. L. I ln pathways of hi s youth. 1 he so loists we 1e Bessi t aml L d · h" H h:.t 'n Youn O' .• P.ucld" a11 ·r Ask El sie Wa llin how it f ee ls .to state i ru is a rticle that women er fervent pa-ayers sought him · · .,. • -' " l' ' E J 1 I aye, the return to her room abo ut ten o'c J.ock are not i nfer ior in m -e:nal calif,rP. When he wand€red from the tr u th. "" · ve yn '." ·, · · ;..... t < n £. •, r-mpan im eut.-; Iafter st udying (??) in a friend's room but rather th ;i.t tlhe n at11re of their a ll even in g a nd find her room filled ll'UES DAY, AUGUST 20, 1929.

Miss Evelyn is here now and g-ives a beautiful marcel wave·

Phone for Appointmen ts. No. 2 Peru Neb.

DeLuxe Beauty Shoppe


Invited to enroll for teaching ' positions with TheDavis School Service W. T. DAVIS, '06, Manager

The fair Co- e<i cont ended th at L. L. O'er gray hills in the We st __ an d. blankets, and a table b ea utiful- 13111 No. 12th St. Lincoln, Nebr. intelle ct is diverse to that of men. lAt eventide wh en sa nk t he sun EXPLORING EASTERN NEBRASKA 1 with girls in P.-J.'s plus b athr obes 1· was r at her- vag ue in explain in g I'Twas she w.ho welcomed hom e ho me E. E. Bl ackman, curator of the ly d eco rated with flowers a nd fav01rs, what he ni.eant by diverse. I see no The man she l oved t he best Nebrask a State Historic al Socie.ty, was , and laden with deli cio us food. _...__...__...__,.__.._._.._._ ne ed of e xp lan ation altho the term !

in Peru Tu es d ay, lookin g up matters 1 At t he end of the party every one seem s to be c omp letel y mis understood. Thus sha ll it be forever and aye s · t 1 E of interest to the Hi storic al oc1ety. 'Wroe a etter to ls ie. lif hese lett ers

What does the aven1g e Co-ed come According to God's plans H d h' r I d · 1 J e was particularly inter es te on t is were se a e m a arge envelove and ' NING ' to co lle!!e for? Yo u say tha t "a To g rac·e the home her task shall be '- f I d" h' f · t h 'th d MANUAL TRAI trip in t e grav e o an n ian c 1e , g iven o w1 or ers not to open I w man w-0u'ld starge to death in the To win. the bre ad the man's. in the buffs below tow n. He was brot t hem un ti l she got to Ste amboat I home t.hese days and have fewer ' to Peru by T. J. Long, of the Nebras- Sprin gs, Colorado- then to on ly LUMBER ' cloth.es" so i.t is assumed that. t he wolf So greetin gs to you sister ka Ci ty Ph arma "'y. Conc erning this. one a day. Marguerite Gr aves, El sie's ' ""' LACQUER, ENAMEL is at t he door. Clothes - Yo u need May yo u gain fame and r enow n, work of Mr. Blackman, The Nebraska ro om-mate dese rves a ll the credit for not have mentioned clot hes. An edu - And you may tramp Ulp oin our necks qty News-Press of We dnesday says : this farewell party. ' PAINTS I cation for clothes to y0tur j But _YO U can't keep a g ood man down. "E. E. B.lackman. curator of the I COAL COAL ' o wn sta tements! 'ifhere1n hes the e x- . - By Heck. Nebr asklll State Historical Society Geor ge Abe '27, is av is- ; plan atio1;1 of the word diverse. What museum, who for the past 30 years itor on the Peru campus. MacElro y I PERU LUMBER CO. does the man come to colle ge for? To "BLOWSERS" AND "WOWSERS" has been connected with th€ org a niza- coac hed at Brid geport, N eb., last year w. J. RABEL, Mgr. J better ,himself' an d .the immediate SO'- Headw ay · is at l ast bein g made by tiori in exiploring former stampin g and will return to Br id g eport t hi s Phone 48 Peru, Nebr. ciety in which he lives. You have the gallant pion eers str u ggling to im- gro unds od' vario us Indi an t rib es, will fall to continue coachin g. Abe was J done many an inju s tive be- Iprove the idiotic dre ss that men p ut do some in v es'tigati.oill work along the a star on the Bobcat

_...,_..,_...,._..__..,_....._ ca use they also h,ave t his en d in view. up with. In Lo s An ge les admirin g!I river south of Ne brask a City, the sq uad, a nd his success at Brid ge - • You i nsist tha t you are a devotee of crowds ar€ followin g a certain Mr. work to be sponsored by t.he loc al por.t to the record .he made Read Pedagogian Ads- It Pa y s! co -education. True it is a factor in Geor.ge Wa shin gto n as he walks hi t h- Li o ns Club . · here. so ciali za tion or ove r-soci alizatio n. er an d t,hither upon his lawful busi- " Mr. Bl ac km an was a gu est of the ..,_......_..,_.__.....,.....

P€rhaps yo u would summarize you-r · ness. Like hi s em in ent n amesa ke , Lions at the Tuesday noon lunch eon / '

i deas in t:,h e fo.Uowing lines from an Geor ge cannot tell .a li e. He hates and told o;f his work in the so utheast-, I

American folk song: the divorcement of waistco at and ern corner , of the state where

"If the boys and g irls had all' been trousers, an d fr ankly lets the world .he found the sit.e of a Chero kee In·

50 afraid, Grandma hers e lf would -or, at least, such of it as cluster dian village that haP, been establis

have died an old mai d.'' around the l ocal town hall- know his more .than 400 years ago, these

Y . fai·r Co -ed

gainf up ed States? Do l. 1 si·ng a nd b tt t1· fl d ·

· you rea ize that the I u er i es Y an wa ist- in reac hin g Ne br as k a, he said. ' u1'.marr i ed women in are "'. 0 _rn: Th ere they me rge I "Mr. Blaick man ex pects to ex plore occupations is starving those i.n into verISumhtude of a wa is tc oat. aJbout 50 miles of the ri-ver fr ont home? The work of women in in sports w_o ws ers , south of Neb rask a City, whi c.h wo ul d FINE PORTRAITS

gamful d ·o&s not affec t ( if yo u w ill, a taistco at .) Itake h im to a spot near Fa lls FRAMES the man_ d1sasthQUsly. In fact it stim- On _t!1 e nearer side of the Same e n- , City. He is anx ious to, h ave Uh e hi s-

ula::e.s hnn to piu.t forth his best en - conti nen t the L eag ue for !torical spots ma rked . Mem bers of th e

ergies. -The controversy in the last Sens ible Clothin g h as dea lt a wicke d 1Lions Club hav·e volunt ee red to 8C · CAMERAS ' an ar I analy sis lies betwee n the w-o.rnen in to the ce ll ar, t ie, and s hir t co n- 1comp a ny him each d&y durin g hi s in · I SERVGICreEasSinTgA,TciaOrNwashthe home and t he rest of her sex. ve n tio n by evo lv ing " bl owsers ." Thi s, / in vestiga ti on trip a nd T J. Long ALBUMS Full line of Polarine and Moy es t here are worn,e n starving in t,he (or t hese) , co nsi st§l of a se rt of 'l low - was tJ:e first to. ac comp a ny him Tues· bile eils. home while those who are in compe- n ecked blouse or s hi rt, whi ch "huck- , day afternoon. He will rt urn to Lin-

ing, and Free Crank Case Sertition with the husbands of th ose at Ies" to the top or the .tro u sers It coln Saturday and w ill c·ome .here Peterson Studio vice. Car laund e red in good Jiome are wearing fine appa rel, . at-sh ou ld now be but a short s-te!'.l to 1ag a in aft er the do se of the s tate fa ir ' .

t.encli.ng night clubs, or, to say the th e g;lor io us clim ax in ma le dress 1·e- Ito take up hi s exp lora.tioins. leas t, getting the most for se lf with- I in :the sh ape of or / "N. C. Abb o tt, su per in tendent of PHONE 56 out contrib uting much t o• societ y. Idi v in g-s uit trou se rs, w h1ch comb in e the Sc!iool .f<:>:r J;he Bli nd, also an ex-· I '

h 11 I Peru Ne braska Do you realize that the average ao, Cti ar, tie, s hir t, waistc oat, coa t, ecutive o_ff icer of t..'1e His tChrical Soc,.

mu.ne ration of wo meni in g·ainful o c- an d tro u sers Ju st pr olong th em in to iety, to ld of the excellen t work whi.ch

cupations is only slightly lower than " so ots," (c o mbioned soc ks a nd b oots ) has been a cco mplished by Mr. Bi ackt,hat of martjed men according to a nd of th e "reac h-m P- · m !l-i;i durin g hi s 30 yea rs se•rvic e:" · '

t he United Stal:es Department of L a- d ow n w1.ll h ave a rrlVed.-Manch es -1 are many m atte rs of in te•rest

E J N .

bor Bulletin? Yes tlris is a wQmen's ter guar d ia n. in this line about Peru, inc ludin g beproblem. Will she solv e it jn fav or sid es .the gra ve mentioned, the Indi an AND VISIT OUR NEW STORE Of hel own se1rfish vanity or accord i ng MI SS TEA R ON VA C ATIO N bu rial gro un d on Indi an Hill in P eru, FRESH VEGETABLES AND GROCERIES to the largeF interests of society? Th e Mi ss Grace T·ear, wh o has ju st fi n- the gr a ve of one of the g irls ca ptured assertion that women would sta rve ish ed her su mmer's wo;rk at Lela nd in Illin ois a nd he ld capti ve by1 t he In· AJl'\that the needs to pre pare that delicious to death in the home is an u nin te n- S ta n for d Univ ersi ty, Ca liforni a, is ldi a ns, a nd fi rually re le ased, the spot meal. ·

· 1 1 d th h s f om spe nd ing a s hort vac ation at her where the .house s tood which• John . I 0 ;,he of :his , hom e in Kans as ·before to 1Brown as a station i_n his under - 11



did t d th j Peru to re su me .her du ties in t he e d- ground railw a y, , etc., which a re we ll ' gene ration . b.not fs arve . ant I u catio n dep a!'t me nt. Ikn ow n to Pe ru ci tiz ens. PHONE US PERU, NEBR. PH0-NE i 114 found time to e o servic e o e : 1 , • lL I

C'Ommu.n'i:ty as we d 'th ti h 1 Maxi ne Sears w ill l ea ve for Chi ca-1 Th e Dorm girls will stage their

So you see fair ave t g o, Septem ber 8, w he re she w ill en ter a nnu al PJ party, Thu rs d ay eve n in g. deluded yourself mto thinking th _a the Illinois T rainin g Sch oo l for I Fin al arrangem en ts na ve not b een

man is fast losin.g out and th at wil l Nu rs e s, conn e cted wit h th e Coo k Icompleted, but it is thoug ht . th at th e not be able to take care of h imself. Cou nty H ospi ta l a nd a ffili ate d with re c reation ro

But some men of advanced years ar e the Univers ity of Chic ago. . ·be us ed for the partr.

not thi nking of themselv:es Is. t:h ere

anything ignoble in their a_esire to I

th . f u· s onrnort u ruty for gwe e1r am ie ,....,.. . f

lei ure, civic. mu sic or art

The surprising thin g IS th at

men in the face of this COi!11p-et1.t!O n

h av e been a ble to supply tbese ve ry

things. Unlike you and L. L. , I do

t know tha1; man's doom ap

;;oaches. In fact I d oubt

know it. He is still going to strive

he cares with the


I W nu"Ies on my h ac k an d other things

Bath Writes About Alaska Bear Hunt


Fred Shes t ak, W ilbur, was in Pern:

early in t,he morning and hunt. e h h"d d Sunday. did not get much sleep. Did not have besides, I sur·e earned t e 1 e an anything to eat on the way back; ran am send'ing it out on t he next boat -0ut of food a d went two days and to have a rug made. Of all the exa half witho ut anything to eat and periences I have .had t his has the hikin g a ll the time. Finally we ar- cheated. When you ·go on a

rived about two and a half miles tiriip ,during the summer cannot

The followiong it a letter in which Iup and go for the other follow. He from the track on Friday night. By tell whether you will get back or not Edward Bath, a former Peruvian 'though he was g ofog to get away the way, while we were up in the because if a g lader melts the whole

Dee Walton and. Bess Martin shopped in Auburn Sat urday.

Mary S traub, Burchard, visited the past week with dormitory frj-ends

Joe Jones spen.t a few hours on the campus Friday. Joe wilL e nter the State Univ ersity fhis fall.

now teac,hing in Alas ka, tells his par- so he gave ,him two shots I think be ar country it was quite· warm and vale•ly may be flooded a nd the only Sue W_esner c ame from Neents of the adventures he is having on e missed. Abou.t that time I gave the water in the streams between the way to get back is to go over the , braska City Monda:Y to m ake

The him an other but then he managed moun tains had raised so it was al - mountains which is im possible in 1 arrangements at Ehza Morgan Hall huntin g b ea r in that country. t . 'bl t t "f 1f-0r the fall term

P d . h . th t Ed d f h . b mos 1mposs1 e o ge· across even 1 so:rne cases. e .ago.g1an upon eanng ' a. ' - to get to the e ge o t e trm er we took off our clot.hes and held thern I ll ward had sent ,home t:he details of his where an.other shot from my gun Edward. I Lucy Mojer was ca ed to her home over our head. Friday night we h t f · kn · bear hunt, secured the letter and the finished ffim. You neve.r saw any- in Lus t_on on accoun o sic ess m camped about two and a half miles A SOCIATION MEETS HERE I permiss ion to publish it. Following is thing like it. ,,..A bear can carry more

IS .r ' /-her fanu y, · fro the track after g oJng wi.thout t;he letter: shot than anything you ever saw "Abe" McEiroy, coach at Bridge. anything to eat since we started back. (C t" d f Page One)


Before he quit he ,had a front le.g, OtD mue rom port the past yea r, was in Peru Wed. The next morning about three thirty

a hind leg broke, a hole in his side

Mic ride

ern n esd ay "Abe" will c-0ach in Kansa we ran acros.s a stream we could not Ed · R E It has b een nke and warm here for and a shot in the head. Shot did not 2:00 Religious ucatfon, ev. zra this fall. the past few days and it appears as injur the except Oi11 one leg and Cr OSS an d spent from four o' cloc k Duncan, State Director Young goo d weather h:.is co1ne for it can easi ly be fixed up. The shells that mo rning until five that ni g ht People's , W ork

the I'emainder of t,1.ie summer. Ev- we were usin g would flare out when trying to get across. Ai stream which 3: 00 Open Forum Disc u ssion, "My ! DRAYAGE J e ry t hing is now nice and green they hit and make a ,holt abo ut as was only knee deep when we went Method od' Reli g ious Education, ' Seward is the most beautiful place big as your fist, Well, the next thing down wu:, 110 w over our beafls The Led by Rev Ezra Duncan For all, kinds of drayage, CUI·1 ent was so swift, a:1d the wa t er 1 · II PHONE 193' 86 · h t' was to sk 1'n the b·ea1· which we did in 3:30 Reports of committees, e eotion I see or ca or , you ever S'lW m t e <:ummer ,J!ne about two hou rs. We were afraid to so cold from snow capped mo:.mtains - of officers and ether business I' JOHN THORNHILL I Just re t urned Wedn esda y night l eave ·t t here and get it w,hen we and ahout a quarter mile wide that 4:15 P resentation of State Work from another bear hunt ar.d w ::is more Cam e back a.nd so took it with us on pass in g was a lmos t imr>"ssib le. F.i_n- Rev. G. L. Sharr.., Convention Paston _.._,_...,._..,_,...._

successful this time than the l ast k' up .to the cabin where we were head- a ll y we became so weak we were just 6:00 Supper

time I w ent I s ucceeded in ge ttin g a fine bl ack bear which fe ll ows here

J D GRAVES Hike all nig ht, ran acr-0ss a stream t hings a.nd swim the <>tream but since sis on Young Peopl e's WiOirk • · • ·ed for with fif tee n miles ahead of us. l1h0 1it to give it up a 11 r'I lt:! ave· our Evening Session with special empha- '

say is one of the nicest hides th ey b f y T h ave seen. T,he inconvenience which about two o'clock in the mornin g and we were bringing ack n quarter o 7:30 Devotionals ' ATTORNE A LAW 1 went •.o in gettin g t he hide would h R d th d ,had to take off our clothes to get ' the bear we finally thought of eating Ruth Roberts. Paw.flee City NOTARY PUBLIC ' across. Stopped on the other side, t at oaste e meat on an 8: 00 Elect:i-On of officers, reports and Peru Nebraska be a lm ost beyond so the h d f ·rh f J - and )mil t a fire to dry out, and had , Cl!.te some cot ee. en we et other business thin.gs I rel ate you may have to use h ot chocolate. We then continued rnr,re like battling t he <>tr.earn.· We 8:30 Inspirational Address your im agina ti-0n. Here go es (!rear and· arrived at our cabin about three tv uk off our clothes a1:dt.rie;i places Final adjou r nment

story?:. thirty the second day after .having to get across and fianlly foun d a pl ace I You'll not be dissappointed

Le a vm g Seward on Sund ay mom- hiked a ll night. The mosquitos in jQst up to our necks but the current Helen Ep,le.r suffered an atuack of 1 , if you get your hair cut at in g, June 2, for Anchora ge where I this pa rt of the country are so bad was so swift you could h ardly stand of ac u te aippend'icitis Thursday. She ' BOB KNAPP met a fellow who was go in g with me. lwe had to wear mosquito nets. Ev- up. The fellow I was wi t.h swam was taken to the Auburn hospital for J The we were rr oin g _was a bout ery time we wo.uld take off our shoes across, bui lt a fire on t he other side immediate treatment. Her friends / (Next to Gaines Hall on the 140 mil es from Seward Just aLou.t or clothes to cross a stream they with one match he had lef;; ar;d c:ime wish ,her a speedy recovery. ; Pavement.) t wenty-fiv·e miles from .Anr.ho•·age. w.ould almost eat us up. Still have back and I had a fire. on n:y side to We too k the tr ain out of An ch')rage wealts on my hands, face a nd b ac k keep wa rm. We11, we put our clothes for this twenty-live mi les an d then from their bites. They would get on on our pack boa.rd up ,hi gh so they ..i


I had a twenty-five mile hi ke from the your hands so thick you could hardly would no ge.t wet and started across Pure foods-Everything for your table Fresh and cold

tra•ck to E:anick Glac ier whm·e we see your I J held on to a rope we had a nd so di:i

e 'I 1 d t' k b d d b ht

meats. Fresh milk from certified cows. Fruit and veget- · were O'Oin g to hunt 1-iear I:; ncause _ We a rnved at the cabm • about Ithe pt.her f.ello;w so if he went down al;;>les. Fresh and canned. Prompt delivery. Reasonable of the di stance t he fellow I went with three t hi rty in the afternoon and sure I could help and if I went down he , Prices. THANK YOU PHONE 25 had mad e arrangements r,o get pac:k cooked us _some m eal. the j could help: After we bucked the c.urhorses so t,he trip mio ht be quite ,we also, st1 apped a quarte1 of beai 1 rent a w,hHe we seemed to g et w·,rrn

asy. .1ese 1orses were sEc ure -On our ;rrnc · . an roug in the water and finally got across ;it ' . about five mHes from where we were 1t us. The ca.bm IS a_bout o'.rn- a bout five o'clock. After drying out I

! to go up t.he river Aft er ardvin g· on nnle from Glacier, w.h1ch I we started for the track h av ing more I f the train we a te supper with an old 1s two or miles lon g and a bout streams to cross and timbe r to go·1• FOR RURAL SCHOOLS IN J sourdough and then took .his horses one mtle wide. We went to bed that through. I J.ost one shoe in crossing MONTANA IDAHO COLORADO ARI ZONA and started out. After .!?·ettino to ni g ht abo ut ten o'clock getting up the swift stream an d made one to .1 Salaries from $100 to $150 per month Mu t b d , · s e g ra uates the river we were to go up , we found the n·ext moa ning abou.t two to hunt co mpl ete the journey out of a fel.t of two year college course. _.. Experience preferred .but t that we coufd not get the b ear. It does n't do a ny g ood to hunt h at wound a round my foot a nd pad- j necessary. Write immediately. no ac ross a raill"'oad bridge which was be ar in the day time. Only.t ime they ded with a pair of gloves a nd a pa ir

Teachers' Agency necess airy for us to cross before we come out is in t,he early morning or of socks. We reached t he track at : could get to tihe bear country. The ev e nin g. We didn't run across any· nine o'clock th at night and

___, -. ..1 an ythin g abo ut it. ·.ve tr ied l ay in g plan k:;, aut be ca use of :he len i!; th of the br idge fi nall y decid ed to retu rn the h orses a rrivin g ba ck at the So urdough Ca bin about twelve o'c lock wh ere we staye d a ll ni gh t. We st arted the nexl 1110 1r,i n1': to wnlk , carryin g out pai:: ir.; on nur b ncks. \\ e r eac hed the pl ace wh ere we left th e track for t !! e lwar ,·rmnt1·y ai.Jo ul eleve n an d o :: our hike to the bea r count ry th ro ugh brus.h, t imb er, across · str eams, over g rave l. Th e vaUey w hi ch we we11t up was fro m 'a mi le wide to t wo or three miles wide in s ome pl aces. tI had b ee n en t ir e ly c ov ere d with water at one ti me It wa s just full of st r eams whi ch we had to cr oss an d r ec r oss w.hen we ventu re d fr om th e timber to t he va ll ey . All the first da y was spent in cross in g stl e ll ms , go in g throu gh ti mber a nd bru sh, hikin g ov er grave l. At the e nd of the fir st d ay 's hike we s topper fo r about t hir ty m inu tes to make som e hot ch oco l ate a nd co ff ee a nd e at a few muffins on our jo urne y (w e were go.i ng to hike a ll ni g ht long b ecaus e it is li ght n ow a ll night - g·e ts du sky f ro m eleven to o ne one o'clock) , we had just taken off

n ear the mo un tain

on one mo,u n tarn w.atc 1i:g ·, e cou n- ! do.u g.h out of bed an som e-

try si de for b ea r a nd he w as on the I t hrn g to eat. Ate two bi g pieces of

oth er. He go t close en ough to shoot ham, fi ve eggs a nd .three dishes of ' bu.t aft er sh oo tin g t hree or four· ti me s large plums. We laiCI d o;w n for a

PQR TABLE the be ar got away. We stay ed at t he few hours re st a nd sinc·e the fellow -

ca bin two or t hr ee d ays , o nly ge ttin g I was with had to be in Anchor age I Typewriter in Colors two or th re e ho urs sle ep ea ch nig ht 1 at si x o'clock we ,had a speeder come I SMAL L EST LIGH TES T . b eca us e of the mo sq ui tos and h av h1 g J o ut a nd .g et us. We arri ved in An- j • I· to get up so ea rl y. We had sleepin g Ic ho rag e at fiv-e o'clock. I spent .three J" Proved Durability, Leade r in Sal es a nd i net to put ove r t he bed but they day in Anchora ge g etting over the Popularity. f wo uld ke ep us awa ke at th at We tr ip befor e retur nin g to. Seward. A Just what you need in y our school wo r k. See us for I s tar te d ba ck Thursday ni g ht in.tend-1· la dy in Anchor ag e ·cooked the bear I prices. Authorized Dealers. ' in g to ma ke the r.ailroad .tra ck by ele. meat for us and. since it was a youn g ve n o'clo ck

be ar h apep1ned to go down ove r a '

little kn ow! whi ch

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