1929-1930 Catalog of the State Normal School of Nebraska - Peru

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Peru State Teachers College, P eru, Nebraska, is a m ember of th e American As · t• socia ion of Teachers Colleges and of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary S~hools. It is also on t he approved list of the Teachers College of Columbia Univer sity, New York City. VOLlJME XV Entered

JULY, 1929


as second class m atter July, 1915, a t the pos t office of Peru, Nebraska, under th e Act of Augus t 24, 1912.




Peru State Teachers College, Per u, Nebraska, is a member of the American Association of Teachers Colleges and of the North Central Associat· ' ion of Colleges and Secondary Schools. It is also on the approved list of the Teachers College of Columbia University, New York City. VOLUME XV Entered

JULY, 1929


as second class matter July, 1915, at the post office of Peru, Ne:braska, under the Act of August 24, 1912.






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ester registration ________________________________ l\fonday, Septe. :iter !l, Ul2!) Fir"t Rell1 ester classes begm . ...... -------·--- ________ Tuesday, SeptemlMi' 1O Jr·: J first se!l1 ·ng Dav _ ----·---------·-- -- --·----·-------------Saturday, October :·-~.' ]!):!!) J-l Oll\e- Conll • . . ·ehraslrn state Teachers Association recess, October 30 to November • 'i l!i29, inclusive. (School on Saturday October UI and Saturday ': ,-ember !I, 1929.) !":ec;nd0 quarter begins.----------·-------·----·-- ____________ l\Ionday, November 11, 192!) ~brisunas vacation .... ----------------·- _____ December 20, 1929 to January 5, 1930 inclusive. Second semester registration ... ___________________________ :\londay, January 27, 1930 second semester cl::tsses begin __________________________ Tuesday, January 28, 1930 Spring (Easter) vacation. ___________________________ :\1arch 28 to 30, 1930 inclusive (School on Saturday, :\larch 22, 1930.) rourth quarter begins.-------------------------·------------·------- :\1onday, :\larch 31, l!l30 Second semester closes ________________________ -------------·---·---------Friday, ~Ia:, 30, 1!)30

Sl!MMF. lt SCHOOL 1930 Two Six Weeks Terms Fi rst term June 9 to July 16. Second term July 17 to August 22. Write Registrar for Summer School Bulletin, 1930.

TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Administration, pages 5-20

State Board of Education Officers and Faculty II. General Information, pages 21-40 III. Curricula, pages 41-72 Entrance Requirements Degree General Requirements Early Elementary Elementary Manual Arts Normal Training Diploma General Information Commercial Early Elementary Elementary Home Economics Manual Arts Public School Art Public School Music Advanced Rural Education



Professional Life Certifica te Elementary State Ce rtificate IV. Courses of In struction, pages 73-120 Art Biology Commerce Education English Foreign Languages Geography History a nd Other Social Sciences Home Economics Hygiene Manual Arts Mathematics Music Physical Education for Men Physical Education for Women Physical Sciences Training School V. Extension Department, ¡ pages 121-128 Correspondence Courses Study Center Courses Service Bureau VI. Daily Programs for 1st a nd 2nd Semesters, pages 129-142 VII. Ros ter of Students, pages 143-162 VIII. Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates, pages 162-168 IX. Summary of Attenda nce, pa ges 169-172 X . Index, pages 173-179








:uajors, President, Peru ___ ________ ___________ __ T erm exp ires 1933

T J J-1 0° 0 rable H· E.· Reisch e, Secretary, Ch a d r on _______ _______ T e rm exp ires 1931 }!onorabl e }!ooorab 1e J-{onorablIe J-{onora b e J-{ouora bl e . bl e JioDOI Puabli c


· ·es 1 93 1 Berry, \Vayne_ ___ ____ ___ ________________ ____________ ___ T e1· m expu . 1935 Nebras k a c·1 t Y----- ---·----------------- T erm expires . J ohn W. Gam ble, Omaha ________ ______ __________________ T e r m exp ires 1935 . Fred H . Ander s e n , Cozad ___ ___ ________________________ T e rm expires 1933 . Charles W. Taylor, State Supe rm tendent of . . . . In structwn, L1ncoln _________________________________________ _________________ Ex-off1c10

w.· H. · Pitzer,


w. R.

P ate, A. B., Presi dent. w. N. Delzell, Executive Dean a n d Di rector o f Ex ten s ion . Mrs. I nice Dunning, A. B., Dean of W omen. c astle M. Brown , A. B., A. M., J . D., R egis t rar . Clara M. Dunigan, Assistant Registr ar. Elma I. Gockl ey, Bookkeeper, a n d Secretar y to the Presi dent. Arthu r C. Lindahl, Office As s istan t.

OFFICERS OF I NSTRUCTION (Final date indicates year service at P eru began .) W. R. PATE-Presid ent.

Edu cation-A. B . Univers ity of Nebraska; graduate s tuden t at Col umbia University. Exp erience-Rural Schools, Furnas County, ebraska; Supe rintendent Danbury , Nebr., Trenton, Ne br., Grafton, Nebr., Sidney, Nebr., Allia nce, 1ebr.; Ins tructor Nor th Platte, Nebraska, J unio r Normal and Alliance, Nebraska, Junior Normal ; Principal All iance Junior Normal; Professor State Normal College, Chadron, ebr., Pres ident Peru State T each e r s Coll ege. Phi Delta Kappa. 1923. RUTH AHLBERG-College Nurse. Edu cation-R. N., Illinois T raining School for Nurses; Post gradu ate work, l\I cCormick I nstitu te for In fec tiou s Diseases, Chicago; Student, Valparai s o Unive r s ity, Va lp a r a iso, Indiana ; Univer sity of Minnes ota, University of Col orado, State T each er s College, Peru, Nebr. · . Experience-Supervisor, Cook County Contagious Hospital, Ins tructor in Communicable Disease Nursing, Illinois ra!D· ing School; College Nurse , Peru State T eachers Coll ege. 19 28. .



BARNEY K. BAKER-Associate Professor of Education. Edu cation- B. S. in Education State Teachers College, Pittsburg r . • '-ansas; A. M. University of Kansas; two years graduate Work, Uni versity of Chicago a nd Univers ity of Kansas.


GENERAL CATALOG Experience-High School Principal, Southwest ; - Picher , Okla.; Holyrood, Kan.; Superintend ent of Sci ity, Mo.; . 10 0 1s Pi h Okla.; Assistant Professor, State Teacher s Colleg '. c er, Kansas; Associate Professor of Ed ucation Peru Staet, Pittsburg, ' ' e Tea h College. Author of "Correlation of the Professional F c ers City School Superin tend en ts with Training, Experienc:eedom or and Size of City." Red Red Rose. 1926. ' Tenu re

ROBERT T. BENFORD-Instructor in Piano and Organ. Education-Graduate Artists Music Course State Nor ' ma 1 and Teachers College, Ypsilanti, :\fich.; A. B. Peru State Teacher College. s Experience-Instructor, Piano a nd Organ, State Teachers College, Ypsilanti, Mich.; Head of Piano Department, Central State Normal, Mt. Pleasant, Mich.; Director of Chorus, Male Glee Club and B and , Central Normal, Mt. Pleasa nt, Mich.; Instructor in Piano a nd Organ, Peru State Teachers College. Composer of piano compositions among which are " Swinging" and "Valse." Composer a nd a rr anger of music for " Dances of Our Pioneers" by Grace R yan. Kappa Delta Pi. 1926. MYRTLE 0. BOATMAN-Assistant Professor of Commerce. Educa tion-A. B., A. M., Colorado State Teachers College; Bachelor of Accounts, Gem City Business College ; Student, International Accountants' Society, Chica go. Experience-Teacher and Principal, public schools, Grundy County, Mo.; Instructor Commercial Department, U. S. Veterans Dis trict, Dallas, Texas; Head of Commer cial Department, Garfield County High School, New Castle, Colorado ; Accountant, U. S. Treasury Department, Washington, D. C.; Instructor of Shorth a nd a nd Typewriting, Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, Maryville; Assistant Professor of Commerce, Peru State Teachers College. 1929. RUTH G. BRANDT-Principal Junior High School. Education-Graduate two year cou rse, P eru State Teachers Coll ege; Student, University of Nebraska . Experience-Grades at Randolph, Nebrask a; High School at Carroll Nebraska· Superintendent of Schools a t Unadilla, Nebrash' ' . . · Hlg ka; Junior High School a t Lincoln, Nebr.; Prmc1pal Jumor 1 School, Peru Sta te Teachers College. Sigma Tau Delta. 19 2 · LIBBIE A. BRANSON-Assistant Librarian. d t In Education-A. B., Peru State Teachers College ; Stu en University of Nebraska. t In . h ls . ass is tan Experience-Lexington and Cozad city sc oo ' Branch; Lin coln City Library and Librarian of Lincoln, Northeas t Assistant Librarian P eru State Teachers College. 1911.




BROWN-Associate Professor of History and Other social Sciences. Education-Student Union Christian Coll ege, Merom, Indiana. Experience-Tea cher in country school s; Principal Inclose, be! Brocton, Illinois, Public Schools; Superintendent Edgar ~:unt~, IJlinois, Publi.c Sc~ools, an d Pana, I.llinois, Public School~. special Lecturer-Umve rs1ty of . Mon~ana, M1ss.oula; Montana Agricultura l College, Bozeman; Um:ers1ty of Oh10, .Columbus; South Dakota Teachers College, Madison; State Agncultural College, Brookings, South Dakota; Illinois State Farmers Institute; Extension Service, University of Illinois; Co unty 'I'eachers Institutes Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota, Nebraska; Associate Professor of History and Other Social Sciences, Peru State Teachers College. Pi Gamma Mu. 1916. ASTLE iVI. BROWN-Registrar and Associate Professo r of History and Other Social Sciences. Education-Ph. B., Denison Univers ity, Granville, Ohio; A : M., Colu mbia Univers ity ; J. D., University of Chicago; Graduate student, University of Minnesota. Experience-Acting Associate Professor, Colgate Univers ity; Profes sor of Political and Social Science, State Teachers College, Moorhead, Minnesota; Associate Professo r of Political Science, J ames Millikin Univ e rsity; Lecturer in International Law, University of :Minnesota; Registrar a nd Associate Professor of History and Other Social Sciences, Peru State Teachers College. 1928. RUTH SYMES BROW N- Supervisor of First and Second Grade Teaching. Education-Gradu ... te, State Teachers College, River Falls, Wis.; Student, University of Minnesota. Experience-Teacher in public schools, Big Falls, Minn.; Primary Supervisor, State Teachers College, River Falls, Wis.; Primary Supervisor, State Teachers College, Moorhead, Minn.; Supervisor of Firs t and Second Grade Teaching, P eru State Teachers College. 1928. •EMILY BURTON-Supervisor Fifth and Sixth Grade Teaching. Education-Graduate two year cour se, Peru State Teachers College ; A. B., Univers ity of Nebraska. Experience-Grade teacher at Fairbury, Nebraska; Supervisor Fifth an d Sixth Grade Teaching, Peru State Teachers College. 1921



M. R. CARTER-Associate Professor of Biology.

Education-A. B., Peru State Teachers College; Student, Iowa State University; Graduate Student University of Chicago. Experience-Rural Schools Elementary Schools, Principal of High School a nd Superintend~nt of Schools in Nebraska; Associate Professor of Biology, Peru State Teachers College. Tri B eta. 1922 •on 1eave of absence, · 1929-30.



VERNE E. CHATELAIN-Professor of History and ~ Sciences, Head of Department. ' Soc!at Education-B. E., A. B., Peru State T eachers c 11 o ege · A in History, University of Chicago; Graduate Student Un · ' . · 1il ' Iinnesota. IVCrs;ty Of Experience-Superintendent of Schools, Dawson N and Lander, Wyoming; Coach of Debate a nd Instruct' ehraska, Sciences , Omaha Ce ntr al High School'. Om aha Nebor lllk Social ' ras a· In structor in Public Speaking and Debate, American In r1 ' Banking Omaha, Nebraska; Practicing Attorney 1·n ~ btutc or ' ~ rask: · Professor of History and Other Social Sciences Pe ru Sta' T a, . ' .e ~achers College. 350tb Regiment of the 88th Division A E p A ' · · · uthor of " H enry Clay and th e Public Land Sys tem," " .John C'. Calhoun a nd the Pu blic Lands." Sigma Tau Delta. 1925. ESTHER A. CLARK-Professor of Foreig n L anguages. Education-A. B. , A. M., a tiona l Normal University, Lebanon, Ohio; A. B., Un iversity of Nebrask a; G:-aduate wo rk , Yale University. Experience-Instructor in English and Latin, Lebanon, Ohio; In stru ctor in L a tin, Chautauqua Summer School, Boulde;·, Colo.; Pro fess or of Latin, P eru State Teachers Colbgc; Prof;i,;so r ot Foreign L anguages, Peru Sta te Teachers College. Author of " Gra mmar References for Caesar," "Students' Aid to C:aesar," "Loa Verbos Irregulares" (Spanish verb games.) Sigma Tau Delta. 1898. ANSEL BENNETT CLAYBUR - Professor of Geography and Geology. Education- Gra duate of Kearney State Normal School; A. B., A. M., University of Nebraska ; Gradu ate Student University of Chicago. Experience-Principa l High School, Bridgeport, Nebraska: Supervis or Secondary S ciences, Teachers College High School, University of Nebraska; Professor of Geography and Geology, ·P eru State Teachers College. American Expeditionary Forces. Phi Delta Kapp a; Sigma Gamma Epsilon. 1922. SANFORD L . CLEMENTS- Superintendent of Training School. Education-Graduate two year cour se Peru State Teachers . . iV" T chers Colle;e, College; B. Sc., Umvers1ty of Nebraska; A. h., ea . Columbia University; Gr aduate Student, Columbia University. d Experie nce-Teacher Grades se ven a nd eight, Elmwoot. ' _ . . . . N br · Instru: Nebr.; Coach and teacher, High School, Al!Iance, e ·• •or I ~ . InstrUC• or Science Department, Peru State Teachers Co I e,,e, al T State Nor!ll Department o[ Education a nd Hig·h School Cn ic, . . 1, 1100 8 Colle1rn Chadron, l\ebr.; Assistant Principal, Senior High cs·ate ' . . 1 Peru · Lincoln Nebr · Superintendent of Trammg S choo, '""'It& ' ·' Forces. Phi ~ Teachers College. American Expeditionary Kappa; Alpha Zeta; Alpha Delta Pi. 1935.




Professor of Home Eco nomics. St~te T~ache_rs College, :VIaryville; Teachers Coll ege, Columbi a Umvers1ty. ~r. ~~perience-Teacher of Home Econ omics, Mar yv ille, Missouri, f{ 1.g 11 School . Kappa Omicron Ph i ; As s is tan t P rofes s o r. o f Home ics Per u State Teachers College. 1929. Econo1ll ' ' >eD CTIAGO-Professor of Education, H ead of Department. A f.I ' Jh , Edu cation-A. B., A . M U m. ve r s 1 ·t y OL• N e b raska; Gradua te l ., St ll den t, University of Nebraska; Grad u a te Stu de nt, Uni vers ity of MABEL Edu cation-B. S., :vlissouri

('hicago. Experience-Sup erin te n den t of S chool s, T obias, Rand olph, and Ce ntral City, Nebraska; Profes sor of E du cation, Pe ru State TeachN S c oll ege. Joint Au thor of Uni te d States B u reau of Educati<m n11 tt etin 19J9, No. 20. Phi Delta Kappa. 1917. 1•11 y 1,1.rs DAVIDSON-Director of Physical Ed ucatio n for Women. Edu cation-B. S., Kan sas State Teach ers College, Emporia; ~ I. /\ ., Teachers College , Col umb ia Unive r sity. E xperience-S upervis or of Phys ica l Education, Abilene, K a nsa8 City Schools; Directo r of Physica l Education for Wom en, 1,ouis iana Polytech nic Institute, Ru shton, Lo ui siana; D irec tor of l' IJ;·s ir::tl Education fo r \'Vomen , State Normal School, Dickin son, North Dak ota; Directo r of Physical Education fo r Women, Peru Stale Teachers College. 1929. 11• N. DELZELL- Execu tiv e Dean a nd Directo r of Extension. · Edu cation-Graduate two year co urse P e ru State T eacher s !'oll ege; Student Un iver sity of '.\ Ii ch igan, Unive r sity of Colo rado, nil·ersity of Travel, Cour se of Stu dy ·a nd trave l in Eng la nd, F rance, Belgium, German y, Italy, Sw itz erland a nd Greece. Experience-S uperintendent, Unad ill a, D u nbar, Syracu se ;. h as hel d successively, the following positions in P e ru State T eachers Coll ege: Assistant in :.\1atheri1atics, Head of De pa rtment of Commerce, Director of F ield a nd Extension Depa r tment, Executive Dean and Director of Extension. ·1905. NOR:\TA S. DIDDLE-Assist ant Pro fess or of Art. Edu cation-A. B., University of Denver; Student, Unive rsi ty of Cali fornia; Graduate stud ent, Universi ty of Denve r; Colorado State Teachers College, Greel ey. Experience-Instructor in Art, c ity schools of Colorado; Instructor in Art, Adams State Normal S chool, Alamos a, Colorado; Assistant Professor of Art Peru State Teachers College . 1929. PRICE DOYLE-Director of c'onservatory of :.\fusic and Professor of Public School :.\Iusic. Education-B. S., State Teachers College, :.\Iaryville, !>fo.; tuctent, Iowa State Teachers Coll ege, Cedar Falls; Gradua'e Student lTniversity of North Carol ina; Student of Voice, :.\Irs. ''. K. Gregg, Grad nate of Leipsic ronservatory; Studen of Voice, Low ell E. 'I. \\"ells. Gradua e o Pari.o: c'onservarory: StudelJt of


GENE RAL CATALOG Voice in Fran ce. Grad uate studen t, University of C incin~ at Cinci nnati Conservatory. • and E xperien ce-Teacher Ru ral School s Iowa · Head V ' ' c oice D p a rtment, In ter-S tate Conser vatory Dodge City l'an e' ' . ~ sas · c Teacher in Music, State T eachers College, Maryville 1\, rlttc 10 s tuden t assistant in Music Depar tm ent; Director of Tu[ . ·, and . • U SJC, C°ity Schools, Concord , N. C.; D irector of Conservatory of i'\1 .· . . I U SJC and P rofesso r of P ubh c School Mus ic, P eru State Teachei·s C allege Concert, Chau tauqua and Lyceum entertainer. 1926. ·

MRS. INICE DUNNIN G---Dean of Women. E du cation- A. B. , P eru S tate Tea chers College; Student St Ju nior Norm a l, Allia nce, Nebraska ; State Teachers College G ate , reeley, Colora do; Has tings Conservatory of Music, Santa Cruz, Californi a. Gr a du a te work in s pecial field at Columbia University. Experi ence-Rural s chools in Nebraska and Iowa ; City Schools , Allian ce, Nebraska; Director of Public School Music Alliance, Nebraska; Dean of Women , Peru State Teachers College'. Sigma Tau Delta; Delta Alphi Pi. 1924. ' MARIE HELEN F AULHABER-Associate Professor of English. Ed ucation-A. B., Nebraska Wesleyan , English and Education; A. M. , University of Nebraska, Education and Philosophy; Graduate student, Colu mbia University. Experience-Supervisor of Teacher Training, Nebraska Wesleyan University, Prin cipal State Norma l Model School, Madison, S. Dakota; Department Editor of S. Dakota Educator; Supervisor E nglish Teaching, Peru State Teach ers College Demonstration High School. 1920. LON RUSSELL GRAF-Director of Athletics and Physical Education for Men. Education-Student Westminister Coll ege, Fulton, Mo., University of Nebraska, Notre Dame Coaching School. Experience-Officers Tra ining Camp, 1st Co., 3rd Bn., I. C. O. T . C. ; Coach of football , basketba ll and track a nd Director of Physica l Educa tion fo r Men, Peru Sta te Teachers College. Sigma Tau Delta. 1923. MARIAN HENDRICK- Assistan t Profe ss or of English an d Instructor in Speech E du cation . E du cation- Gradu ate Oregon orm al School, :\Ionmou tb; ' . h m. student, Stud en t, Was hin g ton S tate Norma l School, Be 11 mg a ' Uni versity of Washing to n, Seattle ; B. S., T eachers College, Columbia University; A. M. Teach er s College, Columbia University. th ' N0 r Experien ce- Teacher in city school s, Newberg a nd , B end , Oregon . Ass istant Professor of E n gli sh, Per u State T eac..:ers Coll ege. 1929.




HILL-Professor of Mathematics .

ARTJIU~ducation-A. B., Doane College, Crete, Nebraska; Gra duate University of Nebraska. studen t ' . Ex )erience-Teacher, Aurora, Nebraska High School; Super Int Shelby Beaver Crossing a nd Utica, Nebr aska; American inten de • ' . . Expeditionary Forces; R eserve Officer, 538th Coas t Artillery; Pro. . of :\lathematics, P eru State Teachers College. Mathematfesso1 · . . . . . Association of Amenca; National Council of Ma thematics 1 ica hei·s· American Associatio n for the Adv ancemen t of Science; Teac • . . central Association of Science an d Mathematics Teach ers; Nebraska Academy of Science; Alpha Mu Omega ; Ph i Del ta Kappa. 1923.

•ARTH UR E. HOLC H - Professor of Biology, Head of Dep artme n t. Education-A. B., A. M., Un iver sity of Colora do; B. Mu s., Un iversity of Illinois; Gra du a te Stud ent, Un iversity of Minn eso ta, and University of Nebraska. E xperience-Teacher, Pri n cip al and Super intend ent in school s of Colorado and Ne brask a. P rofessor of Biology, H ead of Depar tm ent, Peru State T eacher s College; Mem ber of American Association for the Adva n cemen t of S cien ce; Botani cal Socie ty of America; American Eugenics Society ; Presiden t of Nebraska Academy of Science (1929-1930) ; E u genics R esearch Associa tion ; American Genetic Association ; Briti sh E cological Society ; Ecological Society of Ameri ca ; S igma X i ; Phi Sigm a ; Tri Beta; Mu Kappa Alpha; Pi Gamm a Mu; Pi Kappa Lambda; Delta Sigma Rho ; Kappa Delta Pi. 1919. WILBUR FRANKLIN HOYT- Professor of Physical Scien ce, H ead of Departmen t. E ducation-A. B., A. M., Ohio Wes leyan Univer sity, S tud en t Nation al Normal, Le banon, Ohio, an d St a te Normal, Glasgow, K y.; Gra du ate student Harva rd Un iversity; Grad uate stud en t Chau tauqua Summer School. Experience-Public School s, Oh io, P enns ylvani a, Mon t an a ; Head Science Department, Chamberl ain Ins titu te, N. Y.; He a d Biology Department, Kan sas W esl eyan Uni. ; H ead P hysical Science Department Kansas W esleyan Unive rs ity; Vice-Presiden t and Acting President, Kansas Wesleyan Un iver s ity ; Pro fess o r of Ph ysical Science, Head of Department, P eru Sta te Teach er s College, Author "Chemistry Manu a l a n d Man ual Qu a lita ti ve," "Chemistry by Experimentation," "Scien ce a n d Li fe-A P h il osophy of Life," "Principles, Problems, and Meth ods of Ch emist r y." Member Nebraska Academy of Science; Kansas Academy of Science 19 01-1910; Amer ican Men of Science 1925. Fellow Nation al As • sociation for the Advancement of Scieace. 1910. On leave of absence, 1929-30.


GE ERAL CATALOG A. HUC:K-Associ'lte Professor of Mathemati~ F'rtucation-A. B., Central Wesleyan College Wa o - u .J . ' rrenton, Mta. Exper ience-Assistant Instructor in Mathemau Wesleyan Ar.a de my, Warrenton, Missouri; Professorcs, t Central matic<::, ·· __. _.,ee Wes leyan Seminary, Lima, ' ew York·o Math~ 8 tendent of School, Wellsville, Misso11.ri; Associate Pr'0 f upertn. Mathematics, Peru State T eachers College. 1923. essor or

ANNA e:WIN-Associate Professor of Commerce and Instructor in P a lmer P en manship. ~ducatio n-B .. s ., s.tate T eachers College, Warrensburg, Missouri; Student, Umvers1ty of Colorado, Business College, Sapul Okla., Palmer Penman ship School, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Univers~:· 1 of Chicago. Gradi;.i 'e work , Unive r sity of Chicago. ·

Experience-Grade •.~acher in I ndian a, Missouri, Oklahoma; Comme rce instructor in High S.::hools of Kan sas and Colorado; Associate Professor of Commerce and Instructor in Palmer Penmanship, Peru State Tea('hers College. 1925. VICT OR HUGO JINDRA-Director Band a nd Orchestr a and Instructor of Violin. Education-A. B., University of Nebraska ; Violin student, Carl Frederic Steckelberg, Max Fischel, Victor Kuzdo; Music Certillcate, Chicago Musical College. Experience-Superintendent Schools , Braina rd and Firth, Nebraska; Instructor of Violin, Chicago Musical College; Director Band and Orchestra and Instructor of Violin, Peru State Teachers College. Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta K appa. 1923. PEARL A. KEN'l'ON-Associate Professor of lrnrcign Languages. Education-A. B., Peru State Teacher s College; Student, Boulder University; Graduate Student, University of Michigan. Experience-Teacher High School, Odell, Crofton, Johnson, Kimball; Peru State Teac he rs College, Associate Professor or Foreign Languages. 1924. A. V. LARSO N- Supervisor of Manual Arts. Ed ucation-B. Sc. in Mech. E ngineering, University of N~t un1braska · A. M. University of Minnesota; Graduate Stu d en • ' ' . · f \linneversi ty of Nebraska, University of Chicago, Umvers1ty o · so ta. ~ebraska; E xperience-Teacher rural s chools, Furnas Co un t y, · .. . h ;-.;ebraska , Teac he r :\lanual Arts and Physical Sciences, W a oo, ' . or Teacher of i\Ianual Arts , Columbus , r\ebraska; Superns_or .i: fanual A rts, P e ru S tate T eache rs College. Phi Delta happa. 1026



~ES LINDSAY-Ao ~ist a n l P r ofes s or in H istory and Oth er Social Sciences :rn<l Instr ucto r in Eng lish . Education-A. Il. , A. \!.. Un ive r s ity of Nebrask a ; Gradu ate s tud ent, Univers ity of l\Iin nes ota . Gr adu ate s tud en t, Un iversity


of Nebraska. E xperience-Su perin '. enden t of S ch ool s , Cl a rki a, I daho ; Ga r y, s outh Dakota; teach ing fe llo w Un iver s ity of Neb raska; teaching assistant Univers ity of l\Iinnesota; Ass istan t Profess or in History and Other Social Scien ces a nd I n s tru cto r in English , Pe ru S tate Teachers College. Phi Beta K appa ; Ph i l ')]ta K ap pa. 1928. ER 'EST LORBEER-Assis tant Directo r of t'hy:;ical Edu cation fo r :\1en. E ducation-B. S., State Teachers Coll ege, H ays , K a n sas. Ex perience-P r ofess ional baseba ll with Pi ttsburg P ira tes, Kansas City Blues, Sp ri ng fi eld, Illinois; Lin coln, Ne b ras k a; P eoria, Il li nois; and Blooming ton, Illinois ; Ass is ta nt F ootba ll a n d Basketba ll Coach , S tate T eacher s College, H a ys, E:a n sas; As si ~ t­ an t Director of Physica l Education fo r Men , l<' ru S tate T inch crs Coll ege. 1928. EL1ZABETH i\IcCOLLUM- Director of Kinde rga rten. Education-B . E., National Kindergarten CollegP, ('hicag o; Student Bloomsbu rg State Normal School, Blooms bL.rg , Penn., Valparaiso University, Penn. University, Columbia University. E xperience-Tea cher Darley, Penn.; Demarest, New Jersey; Prim ary Supervisor Brook Private School, Chicago; Instructor Kansas Wesleya n University; Director of Kindergarten, Peru State Teachers Coll ege. 1924.

l DA MACKIE-Su pervis or of Fifth and Sixth Grade Teaching. E duca tion-Gradu a te, two-year course, Peru State Teachers Coll ege; A. B., a nd A. M. , Univers ity of Nebraska. Experience-Tea ch er and hig h school principal, Nebraska pu blic schools ; Ins tru c tor in Rur al Educa tion, State T each er s r·ollege, Kea rney , Ne b r a s ka, summer 1928; As sis tant in Geog raphy De;1artnwnt, Cnive r sity of Nebras ka ; Ins tru ctor in Geogra phy, State TeaC'he r s College, Maryville, Missouri; Supervis or o f F if th and Sixth Grade Teachin g, P eru State T each er s College . 1929. U .VJ!JR N B. MATHEWS- P r incip a l, High S chool. Euucation-Gradu a te , two year cours e, P er u S tate T eachers Coll ege; A. B., Univers ity of Ne brask a ; A. M., T eachers Collt"ge, Colu mbia Un ive r si ty. Experience-Science teacher, Da vid City, Ne b r,wl>a H :gh School; High S chool P rinci pa l, D avid City, Nebraska , Colu mbhl s , Nebraska; Prin cipal of Demonstra tion H igh School" Peru Sta le Teachers College. Mem b er of Amer ica n Exped i tion ;; r y Fo .·c~s . •o Phi Beta Kappa. 1927. . n leave of absence, 1929- :0 .



MARY BELLE NORWOOD-Assista nt Professor of Latin a nd~ or in English . Instruct. Education-A. B., E ast Texas State Teachers College C merce; A. M., George Peabody College for Teache rs N ' om. Te nnessee; graduate student, Vanderbilt University a~d ~shviIIe, College. eabody Experience-Teacher of Latin and Spanish, Cooper T high school; Teacher of Latin and English, I gnac io Col exas, . h sc h oo 1; s umme r ms 路 t rue t or m 路 L atm 路 a nd Spanish 'Eas t orado h 1g T ' . ' exas State Teachers College; Assistant Profess or of La tin and instructor in English, Peru State Teachers Coll ege. The Schol _ s~ip ~ocieties of the South; Alpha Pi chapter of Kappa De~;a P1; Sigma 'l'au Delta . 1928. PATRICK H . NORWOOD-Supervisor of Junior High School Teaching. Education-A. B., East Texas State Teache r s College, Commerce; A. M., George Peabody College for Teachers, Nas hville, Tennessee; Graduate student Peabody College. Expe rience- Principal high school, Lyford, T exas; Superintenden t of Schools, Lyford, Texas; Superintenden t of Schools Ignacio, Colorado ; Teaching fellow a t East Texas State Tea che r~ College; Supervisor of Junior High School Teaching, P eru State Teachers College. Member Scholarship Societies of the South; Kappa Delta Pi, Alpha Pi chapter; P hi Delta Kappa, Psi chapter; Sigma Tau Delta; Pi Gamma Mu. 1928. * ONA M. PALMER-Professor of Commerce. Eduction-A. B., Peru State Teachers College; Gradua te Gregg School of Shorthand, Chicago; Graduate Studen t, Sta te Teache rs College, Greeley, Colora do; Denver Un iver s ity. Experience-Teacher public schools, Lincoln, Nebraska; Professor of Commerce, Peru State Tea chers College. Pi Gamma Mu; Pi Omega Pi; Alph a Mu Omega. 1915. EMILIE B. PAPEZ-Assistant Professor of Art. Education-State Teachers College, Wayne, Nebraska; A. B., University of Nebrask a; A. M., University of I owa. Experience-Teacher in public schools of Cla rkson a nd Albion, Nebraska ; Penmanship Supervisor in p ublic schools of Wahoo Schuyler and Blair Nebraska路 Penmanship Ins tructor, Nor' ' ' . t ma! College of the State University of Montana; Ins tructor Ill Ar a nd Penmanship, Ya nkton College, Yankton, Sou th Dakota ; Al!sistant Professor of Art, State Teachers College, P e ru, Nebraska. 1928. GRACE MARY PETERSEN- Librarian. Education-A. B., Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio ; Lib~i., Training Class, New York Public Library; Graduate Student'. n .b y s cience, ve rsity of Michigan. B .. S., in L. S., School of L 1 r a r Western R ese rve University. *On leave of absence, 1929-30.




assistant, Librarian in charge of open If and academy refe rence wo rk; R ese rve assistant at Obe rlin sbele e Library; As s istant, Catalog Depa r tme n t, New York PubCol Li~brarv¡ City Librarian a n d teac her of Bibliography, E l yr ia , )IC - ' . High School; Libra rian, Pe ru State T eachers Coll ege. I nOh10, . . r and rev iser, S chool of Lib rary Science, ¡western Reserve stru Cto University. Sigma Ta u Delta. 1925. RGE HOLT STECK-Instructor i n Vo ice. GEO Edu cation-Graduate, Ch icago Mus ical College; B. Mus., Gunn School of :\Iusic a nd Dra matic Art. Experience-Taught m us ic t hr ee yea r s in Ch icago, one in Oskaloosa, Iowa, and one at Ch ar les ton, West Virg inia. Instructor in Voice, Peru State T each ers College. 1928. GRACE TEAR-Professor of Principl es an d l\Iethods in Teaching. Education-Diploma, State T eachers College, Empo ri a , K ansas; A. B., Fairmont College; Dipl oma, Teac he rs College, Col umbia University; :\I. A., Columbia Un ive rs ity; Gr a du ate Studen t, Columbi a Univers ity; Graduate Stud en t, L e la n d S ta n ford Uni versi ty. Experience-Teache r, rural sc hools, Illinois and Kansas ; teach er, city schools, W ichita, Kan sas; Principal, H igh School, Ga rden Plain, Kan sas; Sup er viso r , T raining S ch ool an d I n structor in English a nd Educatio n , State T eac hers College, Emporia, Kansas; Department H ead in Eng lish in T ra ining S cho ol, Teac hers College, Cedar Falls, Io wa; Professo r of E du ca tion , T eac he r s College, Cedar Falls, Iowa; Pro fesso r of Princip les a nd Meth ods in Teaching, Peru State Teach er s College. A u th or- Mon ograph Grad e School Read ing. Sig m a T a u Delta . 1921. *FLORENCE TILTON- Professo r of Ar t. Education-A. B., B. A. E., Sta te Unive r sity of S outh Dak ota; Bachelor of Art Education , Chicago A r t Ins ti tu te, Chi cago; Studen t, Ohio Wesleyan , App lied Arts School, Ch icago ; Gra duate Student, University South Dakota. Experience-Teacher, Sa l em, S. D., Art teache r , Phoebe S udlow Intermediate School, D avenport, Iowa; Junior and Senior High School, Salina, Kan sas; Norma l School and Pu blic Schools of Sioux City, Iowa; Instru ctor of A r t, Huron College, Hu ro n, S. D.; Nor thern Norma l and Indu s tria l School, A be rd een , S. D. ; Professor of Art, Peru State T eache rs College. 1927. J . W. TYLER-Associate Professor of E du cation Di recto r of Rura l Education . ' Education-Graduate two year co ur se, Kirk sville S tate T eachers College; A. B., and A. M., Phillips Uni ve r s ity; A. M., Okla homa University; Graduate s tudent Colora do State Teach e rs College. ,,


Experience-Rural Schools of Missouri a nd Oklahoma; City wa rd and high school p rincipal in Oklahoma ; vill age, consolidated n leave of abse nce . 1929-30.


GENERAL CATALOG and city supr . 1i1tendent in schools of Colorado, Oki h Missouri; five years Co unty Superintendent of Garfie~dorna and Oklahoma; three s0::irs Presid ent Okl ah oma County S County, uperln te d ent's Association; th · .~e years President Northw es tern Ok n 1 State As sociation ; five year s instru ctor in Seconda ry 1 ahorna ·ura 1 teach ers-tra ining courses and five years instructor in colle .m educat10n . and psycho lo ~ y; Associate . n~~ Professo r of Ed . . . ucat1on Director of Rural Educat10n , Peru State Tea chers Coll ege. I\a -- ' Delta Pi; Phi D elta K appa. 1928. · ··· 1

JA;VIES RICHARD VAN DYKE- As s istant P rofessor of Mathe t· ma I CS and Manual Training. Education-B. S ., M. E., The P enn sylvania State Colle e· Gradu ate stud ent, Un iversity of Col o rado; Graduate student, !\~~ Mex ico No r mal U ni versity. Expe rience-Four year s as m ech a ni cal enginee r in employ of su ch concern s as th e W a rd Motor Vehicle Co., Studebaker Corpo ration, Fairba nks Morse a nd Co., and S. K. F. Industries, I nc. ; Instru c tor, En gineerin g Ma them a tics Department, Univerzit y o f Colora do ; H ead of Industria l Arts, New Mexico Normal University ; As sis tant Professor of Mathematics and Manual Arts, Peru Sta te Teachers College. 1929. WILLIAM EUGENE VAUGHAN- Professor of English, Head of Department. Educa tion- A. B., P eabody College for Teachers, Nashville, T ennessee ; A. B., A. M., and .Ph. D., Columbia University; summe r qu ar ter, University of Chicago. Exper ien ce-Associa te Profess or of English, Missouri State T eacher s College, Spring fi eld; Hea d of Department of English, W est T ennessee S tate Teachers College, Normal; Professor of E n glish , su mme r schools, Okla h oma T eachers College, Ada (1927); No r th Ca rolin a Teach er s Coll ege, Greenville, (1928, i929). Author of "Literatu re Helps," (p rivately publis h ed), "Survey of Freshm a n Coll ege Compos it ion ," (Peabody Journa l of Education), "Pass ion P lay of Oberammer gau ," (for the forthcom ing edition of Encyclopedia Britannia), "The Ar ticul a tion of English be tween the Senior J:ligh School a nd Freshman College," (d issertation). ED: JA WEARE-Assistant Pro :esso r of Home E conomics.

Educatio n-B . S., Kansas S tate Teachers Coll ege, Pittsbu rg; A. :\I., Columbia University. · ri· Experie!l.ce-Teacher rural schoo ls of Kansas a nd :\fissou Teacher of H ome Economics in Latham, Morehead, Arlington ~ens · ~ · LI Econorn1 • Ai1thony. Kansa s, high . schools; Professor of i . om e i ~s · · · I" e Econorn v • Phillips University. Assistant Pro fe~s or of ~ om P e ru State Teache rs College. 192().




----: WILLS- Supervisor of Third and Fourth Grade Teaching. cl,.;\R Education- B. S., Southwest Teachers College, Springfield , Mo .. A. M., Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City; ~tu~ent, Columbia University, Missouri. Experie n ce-Teacher elementary grades, Lamar, Missouri: Teacher H igh School Normal Training, Marshfield , Mo., Principe• 1 High Schoo l, Gallatin, Missouri; State Supervisor, Missouri; Supervisor Th ir d a nd Fourth Grade Teaching, Peru State Teache rs College.

1927 .



FACULTY COMMITTEES Cale nd ar-Ma th ew s , Gock ley, Graf, David s on, Benford , Boatman dri ck . • llenConvocati on- Do yle, Va u ghan, Ch a te lain, B enford, :\frs. Norwood drick , Jindra. ' lien. Cu rric ulum and Da ily Program-C . :\1. Brown Tear Hoyt CI b ' ' ' ay urn Vau ghan , Crag o, Dunigan , Tyler, Faulhaber. ' Budget a nd Athl etics- Delzell , C. l\f. Brown, G. W . Brown, Claybu rn Hu ck , Graf, Doyl e, Hill, Norwood, Mathews, Hendrick. ' Library- Pete rsen , C r a go, Vaughan , Chatelain, Carte r , Cle ments, Hoyt Doyl e, Tyler. ' Pers onnel-C rago , Dunning, Delzell, B aker, Mese rve, Harvey, Boa:man , Ch a te la in, Van Dyke. Peruvian- Sen ior , J unior , Sophomore a nd Freshmen adv isers. Socia l- Weare, Cook, Gock ley, Kenton, McCollum, Irwin, Papez, Steck, Mathews, Lorbeer, lVIrs. Brown , Ma cki e, Wills. Teach ers Bureau-Clements, De lze ll , Dunigan , Dunning. Welfare a nd Hea lth- Ahlberg , Dav ids on , Dunning, Delzell, Graf. Faculty Meetings-Ty ler, G. W. Brown , C. M. B rown, Branson, Diddle, Clark, B randt Rul es-Del zell , Dunning, Clements, C. M. Brown.

ADVISERS Pbilomath ean Litera ry Society-A. L. Hill Evere tt Literary Society-Patrick H. Norwood Sigma Tau Delta-W . E. Vaughan K a ppa De lta Pi- A. Crago Tri Beta -W . R. Carter Pi Om ega Pi-Myrtle 0 . Boatma n Alpha Mu Omega-A . L. Hill Pi Gamma Mu- V. E. Ch ate la in Dramatic Club-Marian H e ndri ck Y. M. C. A.-A. B. Cla yburn , L. B. Math e ws Y. W . C. A.-Elma L Gock ley, Mabel G. Cook Coll ege Catholi c Association-W. N. Delzell Christia n Science Club- Grace Tear, Clara M. Dunigan Episcopal Club-Ruth S. Brown Rural Leadership Club- J. W. Tyler College Men's Club- W. N. Delzell College Gir ls ' Club- I nice Dunning G. A. A.- Phy llis Da v id son P . Clu b-Lon R. Graf S eniors-W. R. Carter Juni ors-A. B. Cl a yburn S ophomores-A. V. Lars on F reshmen-Grac e T e ar








The general catalog is intended to give such iufo rm atio:1 coa·ning the Peru State Teachers College as m ay be desir ed b y cei dents planning to continue th eir ed ucation in a ,·1el l- cc1uipr.e :l stu . . gs r:~· - Y b :i school . Because o f r1m1•t a t•ion m space, some th m sta tetted from the cata l og, m . f orma t 10n · . omi concernmg whi. ch can rc .,c,.1 .. :; be ob tained by writing to the Pres ident or to the Regi strar at Pc. u , Nebraska. The purpose of the institu ti0!1 is ed ucating and training te:ichers for the public schoo ls. You ng people who have no t full y decided on a life vocation may com plete the academ ic work generally acce:ited for the freshman an d sophomore yea r s of any libera l arts colleg3. The Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree can only be conferred on those who have completed the fo u r year course, which in clu des the req uire d p rofess ion al preparation for teaching.

The institution is organized to in clud e every phase of public school work whether rural or grades, the un graded one-room school, the kin dergarte n, the elementar y graded school , the ju nior h igh , the se:1ior demonstration high school , and the teache rs college. Ea ~h uni t represents a real school situ a tion wi th th e edu cation of t he child and the train ing of th e teache r as prim a ry a nd coordina te objects.

HISTORY In 1867, the same year th a t Nebrask a b ecame a s tate, th e legislature pro vided for the es tablishme nt of a training school for teachers at P eru. It was the third s ta te norma l school west of the Mississippi River, only one Sta te Norma l School in California, and one in Kansas, having bee n established before P eru. F or ove r fif ty years it has made an enviable recor d of achievement in educationa l affai rs. Its faculty has eve r been noted fo r pro fess iona l a nd p rogressive ideal s and its s tudents a nd graduates h ave done mu ch to s ha pe the educational deve lopme nt not a lon e of Nebrask a, bu t of the entire nation. Fo r thirty-eight years, Peru was the onl y school of its kind in Neb raska. As the resources of the state were developed and al.J its territory became settled the legislatu re foun d i t wise to carry the work of teacher training to other parts o f the state. It authorized the Board of Education hav ing charge of the Peru Normal School to esta blish a no ther in 1805 , and th e Board located it at Kearr:ey. With in a fe \t' years , the legislature provided ·fo r· two add ... \ 1•10 nal schools an d the Board of Educa t ion establi shed on e at Vayne and the oi her at Chadron. Each of the fou r sohaol s is de'"010Ping along the same li nes and each is worl•i::g cut ~he sa :::e



i deals tha t h ave g uid ed the work a t Peru for th e pas t sixty-one

Years. The degrees, Ba ch elor o f Arts in Education a nd B h Ed uc a tion, ha d been granted by the ins titution previous toacl elor or 9 at th is time th e Sta te L egisla ture changed th e State Normal ~:h but 0018 to T each er s Coll eges , a nd a uthoriz ed them to offer a four yea . r College c ou rs e, confe rrmg the Deg ree B a chelor of Arts. The Legislat 路 1927 a uthori zed th e gra nting of a B. S. degr ee in add ition ~re of 0 A. B. der ee previou s ly gra n ted. the

LOCATION Railroads- P e ru is on the Burlington, on the Lincoln-Falls City a nd on th e Nebras ka City-Beatri ce lines . The Missouri Pacific makes connections a t Nebras ka City and Auburn. A Rock Island con nection m a y be ha d at Beatrice a nd Rockford. The Burlington train leaves Omah a a t 5: 00 p. m. direct for Peru. One Burling ton tra in leaves Lincoln for Peru via Tecumseh at 1:45 p . m.; anoth e r direc t to P eru lea ves Lincoln at 3:10 p. m. From I\ebras ka City tr ains leave for P e ru a t 9: 05 a . m. an d 6:55 p. m.; from Falls City a t 3 :05 a . m.; fro m Bea tri ce at 1:30 p. m. Highways- The highw ay connec ting Omaha an d Kansas City ma rked H-H a nd K-T will ta ke th e tra vele r to the Peru Trail. The P e ru Tra il connec ts with th e fed e ral highway s ix miles north of Auburn and fourteen miles south of Ne braska City. The Peru Trail is graveled, giving Peru any-wea ther roads to Omaha, Lincoln and Ka nsas City. The mos t s cenic trail into Peru leaves the federal hig hway just south of Juli a n and runs alonig the Missouri river r idge, but the road is not gra veled and should be avoided in wet weathe r .

BUILDINGS The executive offices a re located in a three-story structure, known as the Administration Building. The President, the Dean of ~en, a nd th e Dean of Women, and the Registrar have offices on the m ain floor, a nd the other floors a re given over to class and lecture r ooms. This building is ce ntra lly located and readily accessible from .all p a rts of the campus. Th e J,ibrary Building is mod e rn and complete in every way. It 路conta ins 39,500 books and a very Comple te fi'le of the best magazines . mong the a nd periodicals publis hed. Its r e ference department is a d . . . . . 路1 d tment is foun bes t m qua ntity a nd quality. In its JUVem e epar tion .almos t every worthwhile book for children a n d 1. t s l 1' bra ry collec the . very extens ive . . 路 we 11 a dapted dto for 1s and compl e te. 'I, he hbrary is 1 needs of the school and at th e same time it serves as a roo e .a well sel ected city library.



Oltl Science Hn ll has two sto ri es the fi r st of w hich is devoted biological sciences and the second to physical sciences. Each to ¡t ent is we ll equipped with lecture rooms and laboratories dep a1 111 . er with all n ecessary equipment. toge [h This build ing will be remodeled and made s ui table to house the )Jusic department a nd the various organ izations of the campu s as ~he Y. :u. c. A., Y. W. C. A., Everett and Philomathean Literary s ocieties, etc. . \ new Sciencl' llall was provided for in an appropriation by the 19 27 Legislatu re.

This buil d ing is now completed . It occupies the space formerly occupied by the Old Normal building wh ich was wr ecked to make way for the n ew building. The tra ining school is the center of a ll specia l preparation for teaching and it is certainly fitting that i t should occu py th e 'J '. J. )[ajors Trai ning B uilding, the fin est on the campus, and among the best of its kind in the entire country. It is well equipp ed in every way to serve as a mode l s tru ct ure for a n y well g r a ded school system. Tlte Gymnas hun, know n to former students as the chapel, is a fine brick building a nd contai ns eve rything n ecessary for physical trainin g, namely: s wimming pool, showe r s, lock er rooms, and a very fine basketball floor . The new Auditori um occupies the site of the ann ex to th e original college building. It is fireproof and dur a ble in every way. It Provides for all public gatherings connected with the institution, having a seating capacity of twelve hundred. Its acoustic properti es and stage facilities a re satisfactory in every pa rticula r. )fount Vernon Hall has rooming faci li ties for ninety young women. Eliza Morgan Hall, to be opened September 1, 1929, will accom modate about one hund r ed and twenty-five young women. The rooms are very attractive and comfortable each containing twin b eds, dressers an d s tudy tables of steel, and 'a lavatory. Ample provision is made for the s ocial life of the girls, with th e la rge parlors, lobby and recreation halls. Excellent meals in connection with these resident halls are provided virtually at cost by the State. The pur~Qse is to set standards of living comfo r t for a ll who wish to make omes for students. (See page 34 "Living Expenses.") Th e Infirmary located on th e college campus, is a thoroughly Odern hOspital and well equipped hospital. Students needing the use of a a r e ca re d fo r at cost; the services of th e nurse are fre e. rn

A. fine power plant conveniently located, supplies heat, light and



power for al l buildings on the campus. A new boiler with aut stoker has recently been install ed. Two systems of elect ric omauc ators and two sets of boilers guarantee continuous and satisf!ener. service at all times. A transmission line from Nebrask a Cit ctory . . Y also furnishes a contmuous twenty-four hour elect ri c cu r ren t for light and power.



The Peru camp us overlooking the Missouri River is a ver bea utiful a nd distinctive campus. Compris ing over sixty acres oak-covered hills and valleys, it is the natural h ome of song birds a nd wild flow er s. In Autumn it is a glor y of colors ; in spring It ls a dream of song a nd verdur e.

The athletic field was carved out of the hills. With its natural amphitheat re it is one of the most pictures qu e bowls among all the colleges. Few colleges can boast as noble a setting as "Old Peru." On the athletic fie ld are found the blue-grass gridiron, the cinder t rack, the base b a ll diamond, and the cement tennis courts.

ORGANIZ ATIONS REUGIO US. The Y. M. C. A., t he Y . W. C. A., the College Catholic Association, the Christian Science Club, and the Episcopal Club encourage student fellowship and participation in the r eligious life of the school. Membership in these organizations is open to any s tudent interested. EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL. The Girl's Club is an organization open to every woman enrolled in college. The purpose of the club is to make one great family out of the girls at Peru. During the year the club gives a number of parties and receptions. It is sponsored by the Dean of Women. The¡ :\Ien's Club is an organization open to every man enrolled in college. It brings the men together to talk over school and professional problems. It is sponsored by the Dean of Me n. The Dramatic Club is one of the strongest dramatic organizations in the west, and is one of the oldest. Its mem ber s try out a nd are selected on merit. It maintains the Little Theatre a nd gives the school the best in drama. The literary societies, Philomathean and Everett, are old ionf 1 life service and traditions. They add to the literary and socia the students. 'l'he Rural Lemlerslli)l Club purposes to develop communitY leaders and to interes t trained teachers in the rural schools.



1ffSl C. · Tbere a re s everal musical organizations maintained at P eru. , 'Jen's Cho ru s and Girl s' Chorus a r e r egul arly scheduled classes, 1whiCb he ·' mar be talrnn e1 "th e:· \.VI"th or w1"th out cred it, . as the stud ent . ·es F rom thes e orgamzat10ns a re chosen small er select groups, deSJI•·peru . singe rs" b emg . th e men ' s orgamza . t•10n, w1. th t we 1ve v01. ces, th~ the Or phe us Club being the girls' group, with twelve voices. ~~ese organizations work towa rd a trip in the spring, while the larger groups appear on the camp u s. The College Chorus may also be taken with or w ithout credit. It pl ans tb ree major productions each year, viz: a light ope ra such as Th e Chi mes of Normandy, in the fall semester; an Easter Cantata,

such as The Seven Last Words of Chris t; and an oratorio, such " "' Tbe Creation and Elija h, at Commencemen t time. The College Orchestra is rapidly approaching symphonic instrumentation. It is one of the stron ger orga nizations on the cam pus. It is open to all s tudents who play musical instruments. The Band is pa rticular ly ac tive during the football and basketball seasons.

HONOR SOCIETIES. Kap pa Delta Pi is a national ed ucational fraternity. It is open to both men and women of full junior standing w'hose scholarship is above the average. Candidates must a lso show evidence of a continued in terest in the field of e du cation. The purpose of the organization is to promote the highest educational ideals a nd p r ofes sional spirit among its mem bers. Sigma Tau Delta is the national professional English fraternity, tbe purpose of which is to promote the mastery of written expression, encourage worth-while reading, and foster a spirit of fellowship among th ose specializing in the English language and literature. A major in English and high schola rship are the requisites, and the membe rs assume the obligation to be productive in order that their scholarship may be effective. It Tri Beta is a national professional. honorary biological fraternity. s. membership inclu des those of junior and senior rank who a re ma1oring in b"101og1cal . i ~ sciences. Candidates must be above average scholarship and m ust intend to make biology their permanent in1:rest. The frater nity aims to promote the s tud y of biological probms and to interest students in the fi eld of biology as a profession.


It P_i Omega Pi is a nationa l fr ate rnity for commercial te achers. s aim · t merce· is 0 Promote or create interest a nd schol arship in comSionaJ' _to encourage high ethical standards in busi.n ess a nd profeshfe; and to foster a spirit of fellow s hip among s tudents study-



ing commercia l work. Students majoring in commer ce high scholastic standin g are eligible to memb er ship whena~~ having completed fiftee n ho urs in th is major . ey have Alpha Mu Omega is a n honorary mathema ti cs fra te r .t . . t d 路 aim is o eve 1op and p r omote mteres t in th e s tu dy of mani th Y. Its . and to inves tigate s ubj ects of mathema ti cal interest that ema ti cs . a re not presen ted m the class r oom. Students who are majoring in . "th f . ma t 1cs e1 er or the two yea r diploma or for the A B deg ma the路 路 ree are eligible to mem be r s hip. Mee tings a r e held every two weeks wh . Ha progr am is co ndu cted under the leade r ship of s tudents. The fraternity has bee n offi ciall y r ecognized as a br anch of the National Cou ncil of Math ema tics T eacher s. Pi Ga mm a Mu is an honorary s ocia l scien ce fr a ternity. The p u rp-0se of th e socie ty is to incul cate the ideals of scholarship, scientific a ttitude, me thod, and socia l service in r ela tion to all social problems. Member s a re elec ted from s eniors and juniors having a gene r a l aver age of "A" or "B" who are majoring or minoring in History or other Socia l Scien ces. F r eshm a n Clubs, four teen in numbe r , wer e organi zed during the s pring of 1929. They were design ed to en te r ta in, to broaden the interes ts and t-0 g ive s ocia l tr a ining to young people coming to Peru for the fir s t time. While onl y fr eshmen m ay be ac tive members, upper classmen who h ave once joine d ma y con tinue with the groups as associa te members.

ATHLETICS. The " P " Clu b is a n organ ization of the Peru lette r me n. Its purpose is to f-0ster the spirit of good sportsm an ship. It is sponsored by the college coach. The G. A. A. is an athletic or ganization for girls under the leadership of the director of physical edu cation for women. It offers letters for satisfactoTy work in a p r ogram outlined by the club. The Tenn is Cl ub is open to all college s tud ents. Medal tournaments are held in the fall and spring. T he club fo s te rs inter-collegiate tennis.


Old Peru on the Missouri River offers unu sual oppor tunities ford outdoor sports hikes and picnics. The hills, the t rees, the flow~re r ' . . t the nve valleys, the autumn colors, the picturesque nver vis as, itself, all these are a constant invitation to an outd oor li fe. 路ng to late Tennis is played on the college courts from early spn . ming fall, the cement courts permitting it to be played. The s wi1'.1 t he pool is one of the best in the state. The basketball floor is




. um regulation size 50x90 with a ceiling 50 feet high. The maxim ¡Id's record made by Peru in bask et ball is partially due to the wo1 . id pl aying floor. Volleyball, mdoor baseball a nd gymnastics 1 d ~p ' are well provided for.

Tbe a rtistic Dutch oven on the a thl etic s lope is the pride of picni ckers. It is for the use of stu dents and vis itors alike. Social activities are centered in the ¡o rganiz a tions-Literary, social, religious a nd class .

LECTURES AND RECITALS Lectures are given during the year by various faculty members under the auspices of the Christian associations. Outs ide talent is also procured, g iving tbe student opportunities to hear men and women of national reputation. Concerts an d rec itals are given by stude nts of the various departments of music. Outside talent is brought to the ins titution every year, for the pu rpose of permitting the s tudents to hear the best music.

TEACHERS' PLACEMENT BUREAU The Teachers' Placement Bureau is conducted for the purpose of helping stude nts sec ure desirable positions. Gr a duates a re not guaranteed position s, but every effo rt is m a de to locate worthy teachers in satisfactory places. A fee of one dollar is paid by each student joining the Place ment Bureau. The Superintendent of the Training School is chairman of the Burea u.

HEALTH P eru maintains a trained health director who gives prac tical instruction in school sanitation, in care of school children, a nd in guarding against con tagious and infec tious dis eases. The school nurse has charge of the school infirmary where s tudents when ill receive the best of attention. A fee of one doll ar per se mes te r and ummer term is charged each st udent for this service, and a n a dditional fee of one dollar . a nd fifty ce nts per day for per sona l care in the infi rmary. However, this pa ys only the infirmary fe e a nd sh ould ~ do ctor be called, or me dical s upplies fu r nished, this ex pense is 0 be Paid by the studen t. Patients will be cared for in the infir mary no lon ger than required to communicate with their p arents or friends and tnak e a rra ngements for the ir safe r emoval.



MEMORIALS On graduation, a number o f classes have l eft memo r ial s is ting of pictures, tablets, and various mementos. The Art C!~b c~n­ contributed a frieze, statuary and other words o f a rt. T he as 1 in the libr ary was the gift of the class of 1903; the drinkin g ~ ock t a in of t he class of 1911; the campus electroliers of the cl ass of ~~:~ the portals at the n orth entrance of the class of 1915; the su ndia l ~ 0 the class of 1920. The class of 1924 built a cemen t walk fro m th p aveme nt to the ath letic field. The cl ass of 1927 con tr ib u te d $ e 210 the dass of 1928 an add i tional $210, the Philomathean Literary Societ; contributed $100 and the class of 1930, $150, to be expended for a n electric bell system, which is n ow installed. In fact, a lmost every b :1ilding has historical featu re s of interes t to all al umni a nd fo rmer students.


STUDENT LOAN FUND T te class o f 191 3 founded what is known as the Stude n t Loan Fund. Other cl asses have assisted as the follo wing list show s: Class Sponsor 1913 Professor B. C. Hendricks ___________ _______________ ________ ____________________ $ 50.00 1915 Professor F. C. Smith______ ______ ________________________ __ _______ ___________________ 50.00 1016 Professor C. F . Beck________________________________________________________________ 55.00 1918 Professo r I. G. Wilson ........ ------------------------ ------------------------------ 300.00 ~ '.l19 Professor I va 1\1. Dunn ............. ----------·-------------------------·----·----· 311.00 :i923 P1 ofessor Grace T ear ---------------- ------------·------------------·-------------- -- 294.84 1924 P rofessor A. E. Holch .... ---------------------------------------------------·----·--· 175.00 1925 P rcfessn·. A. L. HilL................................................................ 95.36 1926 P •'JfP-' :· (J.' l~. c. Beck ......................................... --- -----------------··· 156.50 1927 P !· :n .:..;-or A. L. H il L. .................................... ------ --------------------- 183.61' 1928 .P co~esso r A . E. Holch ...................... -- --------- --------------- -------------- 160.09 1929 Pru ~Psso r A. V. L a r son ............ --------------------------------- -- --------------- 193.12 Ne bras k a State P . E. 0., 1929............................................................ 50.00 The fund is in the custody of the Regi s trar. A faculty committee decid es upon th e merits of each loa n, cons idering th e following: The appli cant must be a studen t in the col lege, who is preparing to teach a nd n eeds the money to compl ete h is cou rse. Preference is given those n earing grad uation. dition to the A note signed by s ome responsible pe r son in ad applicant, is required. A reasonable interest is ch a rged . , te d upon Applications for loans made to the Registrar w ill be ac d Short time Joa ns an in turn a nd a pprove d as money i s available.



ayments are necessary to ass ist the largest poss ible numf stndents. The g r eatest memorial that can be left by any be t 0nt organization 1s · · t o those who prepare for a a con t n ·b u t 10n stu de ervice to the s t ate · in · e d uca t m · g 1· t s chil dren. Jife of s 'f he college Girls' Club a lso ma intains a loan fund s ubject to m r egu lati<i n~ which app ly to the Stu den t L oan Fund. App lithe sa n . s for Joa: .; from this fund sh oul d be made to the Dean of cat10n women. romPt P

P .

SCHOLASTIC HONORS Scholastic Honor s are a nnoun ced eae:1 yea1 a t fo e Ma y Commencement and at the close of each te r:~ of th e s\ll :,mer scho ol. These honors a re based upon s chola r ship , diaract ; , leaders hip and service. To be carried at sixty-eigh t Honors he

eligible for Class Scholastic Honors, a s tudent must least fiftee n hours per semes ter, and h ave earned to seventy-nine points during the ye a r . For Class must have earned eighty or more points during the

have from High year.

Peru Honors must, in a ddition, be based upon the one hundred twenty-five hours requir ed for a deg r ee. To be eligible fo r this Honor a student must have earn ed the en ti r e one hundr ed twentyfive hours at Per u, carried a t leas t fiftee n hours per semester , and averaged from six ty-eight t o seventy-nine points pe r year. For P e ru High Honors the ave r age must be eigh ty or mor e points per year. Honors announced May 1928.


Peru Honors-Jessie Givens, :vrarjorie West. Senior High Honors-J essie Givens R u th Hatten F lorence Jones, Ardis ;\-fonroe, Marjo rie West. ' ' Senior Honors-Louise Casebee r , L awren ce Malm, Helen Stukenholtz. J unior High Honors-Sam uel E. Traudt, Mary Wonder. Junior Honors- Ralph Chatelain, L illian Br a dy, Cleon Rhoades, Em ma J. Wood. Sophomore High Honors-Fr ed Allen, Irene Andrews, Musetta Campbell, Fred Duey, Averyl Ga ines, J oe J ones, Myrlin McGuire, Wanna Metcalf, Verna Penkava, Wi lbur Schindler, Ruth Shelley, Elsie Wallin, Leone Vanderford. Sopho more Honors-Florence Davis, Don Keister, Irene McKean, F Chloe Pate, George R einmiller, J ohanna Zabel. ;reshman High Honors-Mary Gray, Leo Hauptman. reshmen Honors-Ruby Brown, Margaret Bump, H elen Browning, Dale Dyke, Maxine R eagan, Da n Pe ttinger, Neil P ettinger, Edwin Rector Raymond R eid Clayton Swartz ' Lenore IVeber. ' ' '



Honors a nnounced July, 1928. Senior High Honors-Rena Caskey. Sophomore High Honors-Edith Argabright. Honors announced August, 1928. Senior High Honors- Laurine Anderson Rena Cask ' ' ' ey Cliff Clark, Gertrude Collicott, Joseph Robertson. ' Ord Senior Honors-Clarine Anderson, Evelyn Noxo w , n, . Otto Oakes, Arnol d l\L Selk, Cretoria Wiles. Junior High Honors-Genevieve 1icholas. Junior Honors-Barton Redfern. Sophomore High Honors-Constance Randall, Gl adys Ruddy. Sophomore Honors- Harold :\I cCreight, Cathe rine Marie Parker, Hazel Williams. Honors annou n ced :'.\lay, 1929. Senior High Honors-E. R. Bu rkey, Ada Eyr e, Wilbur Schindler, Robert Whittemore. Senior Honors-James Delzell , Anna Donner, Lorine Erickson, L ucy Mitchell, Marion Warner, Hazel Williams. Junior High Honors-(J an., 1929) Averyl Gaines, Harold Mccreight. (May, 1929) Fred Duey, Joe Jones, Leslie Leonard, Ruth Shelley. Junior Honors-(J an. , 1929) F lorence Davis, Cl aude Matthews. (Ma y, 1929) H arla nd H eilig, Mi ldred K night, Margaret McWilli ams. Sophomore High H onors-Ruby Brown, Thelma Crook, Mary Gray, Erna Gruenw a ldt, Gen evieve H a ll, Harvey Nickel, Edwin R ector, L enore W eber, Walter W iese. Sophomore Honors-H elen Mae Alex ander, Doris Bright, Margaret Bump, Mildred Bunch, H el en Clark , Da le Dyke, Mabel Gl a thar, Leo H auptm an Elmer Hertel, Ella King, Bernice Lovitt, Marvin Overturf, Allene Reagan, Maxine Reagan, Theodore Roehrkasse, Ellen Wil son. F reshma n High Honors-Margaret Cain, Helen Kaltenborn, Opal Li zenby. Freshman Honors-John Bath, Edith Boa tman, Clay Coy, J'hyllis Dammast , Sylvia Davis, Donna J a ne Delzell, Edith Grossoehme, Mary H ervey, Avis Kaufman, L ela McCrory, Alta McDani el Miria m McGrew Margare t Meier, Bernice Miller, Inez ' Olson, ' H azel Rich a rdson, P a ul a M. Schindler, J. LouI se Sheldon , Evelyn Townsend , Marian Watson , Sue Wesner.

B. E. SWENSON, JR., SCHOLARSHIP AND MEDAL Bert E. Swenson, '09, and Stella Spillner Swenson, '09 • have given th Ir to Peru an a nnua l ath letic schol arsh ip and medal in memory of e son , Bert Edward, J r. . 5 and o stude n t shall receive the award m ore than once. Junwr Seniors are eligible.



Basis for judging-100 poi n ts. (a) General 1. Character and pe rsonality ............................ 15 points 2. Scholarshi P -·······-·····------------······--······ ··············15 po in ts 3. Loyalty to school traditions ........................ 20 poin ts (b) Athletics 1. :\'!ust receive school l etter in at least two different sports. They need not be m a de in any one year -----·-·····--·----· ····--·-············------- --· ···· ···---50 points :\ote-A student who receives a third letter will receive add itional consideration in connec ti on with point "a-3." In 1940 and thereafte r th e a war d will carry a schol arsh ip valued at $150.00 in addition to the annu al medal. 1925 :\1edal awar de d to Mark W . Delzell. 1926 :\Iedal awarded to Earl L. Craig. 1927 Meda l awar ded to G. H. Frary. 1928 Medal awarded to Arthur D. Bell. 1929 Medal awarded to J a mes W. Delzell.

SIGMA TAU DELTA FRESHMAN ENGLISH MEDAL Tbe n ationa l honorary English frater ni ty, Sigm a T a u Delta, through the Phi Alph a chapter of Peru State Teachers Coll ege a wa rd s annuall y the Sigma T a u Delta Freshm an Engli sh meda l to the student r egistered in English 101 who writes the best compos ition during the regul ar school year. 1928 Me dal a warded to Beatrice Muss elman . 1929 Medal awar ded to Norm a Kunz.

FREE SCHOLARSHIPS Honor Graduates from Accre<lited High School s. The following rul es a nd regul ations h ave been a dopted by th e Board of Educa tion of t he State Normal Schools in Nebrask a, to take effect J anuary 1, 1928 : To one student of good moral character ran king in t h e upp er fiv e Percent of the class grad uating from any ' accredited four -yea r h igh school in Nebraska, s hall be awarded a fre e schola rsh ip in a ny one ~i~l th e State Teachers Colleges in the state. Each scholarship en. e&. the hold er to free tuition a nd fees , etc. amounting to $37.50 per lear for ' the . each of four years, for an y course or co ur ses in any one of b se institu tions (except the matriculation fee , dormito ry ren t, reakage ch . . tu . arges, an d such depos its as may be re qm red for the re1 n of the equipment lent to the student.) h. The scholarsh ip will lapse if n ot u sed w ithin two years following Igh school graduat1·on unless a n extension of t ime for good and



s uffi cient reasons be granted in advance by the Board of E du cation of the State Teachers Colleges. This scholarsh ip certificate will not be hono r ed unl ess l). . ,, . . . ' ese nted t.o one of the lour State Ieachers Colleges w1th m two years r0 11 . l:igh sc hool .i.;r:irluation. owing

LIVING EXPENSES In Peru, 1!11c cost or livi ng is at a minim um. R oo ms in privat homes, at prese:· t. rent a t $l.2G to $1.50 per week pe r s tudent, tw~ students in a room. Meals are from $5.00 to $6.00 pe r week in private boarding hou ses. The state ma i nta;ns Mount Vernon and Eliza :\forgan Halls as hom es for th e girls with the Dean of W omen in cha rge, Modem room s can be had for $1.00 to $1.50 per week , per student, two girl s in a room. I n E liza Morgan H a ll , room s a re equipped with twin beds, dresse rs, closets an d lavatory. Students are expected to furnish their own bed linen, blankets, towe ls, d resser scarf, curtains a nd table napk ins. A deposit of $2.00 per s tudent is required fo r a r ese rvation a t either H all. After the room is occupied this is reta ined as a depos it against misuse of equipment. Refund of all or th e unu sed portion will be made when the st ud ent leaves college. Refund of this fee less fifty cents will be mac!c in case cancellation of the rese rvation is made fou r weeks before the opening of the school term. Excellent meals a r e se rv ed in the dining room at $4.50 per week for those who room the r e. Rooming and boarding facilities in Peru are a mp le fo r a ll students desiring to attend school. Unless a rrangeme n ts a re made before coming to Peru, men students should see the Dean of :\Ien at the Administration building, and women students see the Dean of Women at her office in Eliza Morgan H a ll , for com plete informa tion and lists of approved rooming and boarding houses . All private homes offering room a nd board to s t ud ents a re subject to the approval and supe rvi sion of the college, a nd no student may Jive at any place other than those on the "Approve d" list except · by special previous arrangement with his Dean. (T his includes students working for their board or residing with relatives other . t~an parent or guardian.) All high school girls attending the T rammg School must live at one of these res idence halls, un less they are residing with relatives.

SCHOOL FEES . . . " d residents At Peru State Teachers College, no tu1t1on is char,,e ·k in . t t 'ith ""OOd WOI of Nebraska, and only the lowest fees cons1s en \I " h seany special department. All fees are payable in adva nce. eac mester and summer term.




. r eqmred . ~ non-res ident stud ent is to pay th e same tuition a s a - ska stud ent would be r equ ire d to pay if atten ding a state teach'\ebra . · o!lege in the s tate of which s uch non-resident is a n inha bitant. ers c \falriculation fee ·····················-·· ---·-· ·-----·--········:···----····--···----························$5 .00 · p aid but once by each student en termg college or the 11th or 12th grade of the high s chool. Textbook rental, each se meste r a nd s ummer ter m ............................ 2.00 s tud ent deposits $4.50 ea ch se mes ter a nd su mmer te r m . con tingen t fee, each sem este r a nd s umme r t erm .... .............................. 3.00 Infirmary, each se mes ter a nd s u mm er term ........................................ 1.00 Library fee, each semes te1' and summ er school.................................... .75 Home Econom ics (College) ........................................................................ 4.50 Home Economics (High School ) ............................................... ..... ............ J .50 Late Registr ation .............. .................................................... ............ ............ 2.00 :1ranu al Arts (College) .... ................................................... ......................... 3.50 :1ranu al Arts :.\Ia teria l Deposit (College) ................................................ 5.00 :IIanu al Arts (High School ) ...................................................................... 1.00 :\Ianu al Arts :.\Iateria l Depos it (High Scho ol ) ...................................... 2.00 :\Iecha nical Drawing -·-·-·································-·····-······························· ········ 1.00 ~ l echa ni cal Drawing deposit for in s tr uments ...................................... 8.00 Psychol ogy, P hys iolog y, Geology, Botany, Indu strial Ar ts , General Science, Geog r a phy, Surveying, each...................................... .7 5 Zoology, Agriculture, Nature St udy, Phys ics, ea ch ............................ 1.00 Chemi stry and Clay Mo deling, each ........................................................ 1.50 Locker Key, Gymnas ium or Chemistry L aboratory........ .................... .50 Typewri ter r enta l, or each hour credit.. .............. ............................ ...... 1.7 5 Piano rental, one period da il y per semester.. ........................... ........... 3.50 Piano rental, one period da il y summer term ...................................... 2.00 Piano rental, two period s da ily per semester.. .............................. .... 6.00 Piano rental, two period s daily summer term ...................................... 3.50 Certificates 1.00 Two-year coii~~~---d~·;i~-;;;~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3.00 College degree ··············-······································-··········· ········· ······ ················ 5.00 Degree or diploma in a bsenti a .................................................................... 5. 00 Duplicate degree, ce rtificate or diploma, except the Elementary State Ce rtificate ....................................................................... ............... 1.25 ~U~licate Elementary State Certificate...................... .............................. .50 Pw 11uming ·································-········--············································ ················ 1.00

L;~n~P1~o~~cse~i:::1 v~~:'.~fi~~it:~t~--'.~.~~~-~~-·- ··e-~~-~:::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::: :::: ~:~~ REFUNDS To


tudents 1 · eavm g coll eo-e within two w eek s a fter regi s tra tion for the fir s t . ., 01 seco nd r egul a r semesters, 1 or i · In strume nt antl ker depo s its will be refund ed wh en th e k eys nstru me n ts a re return~d in good co ndition.



2. )Iaterial depo s it s, in so far as they represent the unu sed materials, will be refund ed. value of 3. T he textbook deposit, exclu sive of the rental fee , Will be funded when the student has returned , in go od cond ition, all b re. 00 whi ch he has withdrawn from the library. ks 4. N inety 1rnrce 11 t of the following fees will be r efun ded. T book rental, Libr ary, Home Economics, Man ual Ar ts, Mec~a ~xt. Dra win g, P hys iology, Botany, I ndustrial Arts, Ge ne ral Science nGcal . Z · 1 tur e, Nature · .eo-• grap h y, S urveymg, ool ogy, Agncn Study, Physics, Che istry, Clay Mode ling, Swimmin g, I nfi rmary (in case no infirmary s:.. v ice has been rece ived), Typewriter an d Pia no r entals, in so far as t h ey r ep resen t service not a lready rece ived, a nd the remainder of th e co ntingen t fee afte r de du c ting the full a dm ission price of each b ud ge t eve nt up to the ti me of th e st uden t's w ithdrawal from college,

II. To s tud ents leaving college within m ore than two weeks after regis· t ration for t h e fir s t or second r eg ul a r se mes ter s. 1. In s tnune nt and key deposits will be refunded when the keys or instruments a r e ret urn ed in good condi ti on. 2. JUaterial de1wsits, in so fa r as t hey r epresent the value of unu sed m ater ia ls, will be refun de d. 3. Ninety percent of pia no and ty1>e writer r e ntal s, in so far as they represe nt service not a l ready rece ived, a nd the remainder of the contingen t fee a fter deducting the full adm iss ion price of each budget event up to th e time of the stude nt's withd raw al from college, will be r efund ed. III. To students changing programs after registration. 1. Studen.ts changing their programs after regis tr a tion shall, on presentation of the ir rece ipts, receive a refund of t he amount of the diffe rence in fees between the ir altered program a nd th e preceding one.

GENE RAL INFORlVIATIO ABOUT WORK OF COLLEGE Ai: D TRAINING SCHOOL The wo rk of this institution includes eve r y de p a rtment of the public schools as well as four year s of college wo r k. It has a co~­ plete system of graded schools, beginning wi t h a pre pa r a to ry gra e · ior and a or kinderga rten, an elementary sch ool of six years, a JUn The senior high school of s ix years and a four year teach e r s college. the institu tion i s a unit as to facult y and manage men t. It has the twofold purpose of developing the best possibl e cond i t io n~ fo r in· child in the p u blic scho.o ls and of supplying the most effectn ·e tra ing for bis teacher. each The degrees, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science a reoJleg8 conferred upon the completion of 125 semes ter hours of c



must be profess ional.



Upon completion of 66 col-

wor '• i·s not less than 20 nor more th a n 24 of which must be pro] "e bOU • e,,, . the gra duate receives the Two-year College (Normal fess1on a 1, . I) Diploma. This is a F irst Grade State Ce rtificate and m ay

cb~~ade a Professional Li fe Sta te Ce rtificate on completion of two be . successful teach ing. The Elementa ry State Ce rtificate is issued year s JO!l the completion of 32 college ho ur s, 8 of which must be proUl . nal All college work is based upon the entrance requirement fess10 , · f 30 credits or 15 units completed in a stand ard four year high school ~r the equivalent in coll.ege preparato r y work. The Demonstration High School, which is maintained as part of the institution for the purpose of illustrating the bes t methods of teaching and permitting prospective high school teachers to earn credit in practice teaching, is accre dited to the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and graduates can enter any College or Un iversity belonging to this Association without examination. The constant aim is to demons trate the best in administration and practice teaching in order that the teachers taking this work may give the bes t possible service to the high schools of the state. The elementary sc hool includes a kind ergarten and the first six years of school. Adm iss ion to a ny grade is based on evidence of ability to do the work in a satisfactory manner. By means of plays, games and social s ituations, the kind ergarten deve lopes selfrelia nce and prepares the child for the more exactin g work of the chool. Throughout the grades the purpose is to s upply a real situation and conduc t the work along the most app r oved lines. Both demonstration a nd practice teaching privileges are provided, but the highest welfare of the child is the first consideration.

CLASSIFICATION OF COLLEGE STUDENTS Fresltmeu and So1Jlnnores All students, who, in September are (1) within 36 hours or less of graduation fr om the two year course in May, or (2) within 48 hours or less of graduation from the two year course in August, IJrovided they contempla te summer attendance; or who, entering at the beginning of t h e second semester, are (3) within 18 hours of graduation from the two year course in :\1ay or ( 4) within 30 hours mA ' Tb ugu st, if they contemplate s ummer atten da n ce, a r e Sophomores. P ose Who have less hours than specified above s hould be classed as rteshmen. Clas sification may not be changed in the m iddle of the 5 c iool Year.

A Dlau

Juniors aud Seniors

two Year diploma or 60 college hours for those who do not to secure the two y ear diploma, shall constitute the require-



ment for entrance mto the J u nior class. in Sep tember ; at the ginning of the second semester, the reqmremen t shall be 75 cone hours. All students who are (1) within 36 hours o.f a degree in ~la or (2) who are within 48 hours of a degree m August P . Y, they plan to attend summer school; or who, (3 ) a t the be r?vi~ed of the second semes ter are within 18 hours of a deg ree .ginning or ( 4) within 30 hours of a degree in August provided they ml ~lay, attend summer s chool, are Seniors. Those havin 0o- a less P an to . • number of hours than spec1f1ed above should be classed as Juniors.

CREDITS A unit applies to high school or secondar y s ub jects used for entrance to the College. A "point" is the cr edit r eceived for a subject carried five hours per week, with the r eq uired preparation for a period of th irty-six weeks. A credit ho ur applies to college work. An "hou r" is the credit received for a subject reci ting one hour pe r week, with the required preparation, for a pe riod of eighteen week s. F ull credit is given for work completed at institu tions which main tain standards of a dm ission and g r a duation equal to th ose of P er u. College credi t may be given for work done in a secondary school for not to exceed eigh t hou rs and th en only on condition t h a t it all be include d in entr a nce credits which the applicant presen ts in excess of 16 units of secondary work. The work which m ay thu s be accep te d for college cr edit mu s t be in chemistry, Greek , mecha nical drawing, s olid geometry, third semester a lgebra, tr igonometry, Germ a n, Fren ch, third and fourth year L a tin, and fourth year E nglis h. To rece ive college credit for such w ork, a pplication mus t be made to the R egistrar within a year from the time of fir st r egis tra tion and examina tion taken under direction of th e h ead of the depa r tment concerned. These trans· ferred second ary cr edits may b e used for electives but may not be u sed to meet the requi rem ents fo r ma jors a nd minor or group requ iremen ts for an A. B. degree.

GRADING SYSTEM The fo llowing grading system is u sed: "A" to be · interpreted as EXCELLE NT work .

(This g ra de will be exc ep tionally high a n given only for ability and performance of ~~)


"B" to be interpreted as AB OVE AVERAGE work. (This grade . . the average. be g iven for ability and performance d1stmctly above . D . . d 6 will be give "C" to be interpreted as AVERAGE work. (This g1a




where ability and performance a r e of med ium for goo . or average quallty.)

interpreted as BELOW AVE RAGE work. (This g r ade will .. 0 ·· to be. en for abi li ty and performance of only fa ir to poor quality, be g1v . . . ctly below average, but still passmg.) diS t I ll be in terpreted as FAILING work. (This grade will be given "£"to . . . wbere the qual ity of the work does not Justify cr e di t. ) A fa il ure can be removed only by re peatin g th e co u rse. " \V. D." Withd rawal.

. . "Inc." I ncomp lete. An m compl ete becomes a fa ilure if not removed durin g the quarte r after the incomple te occurs .

Withdrnwal from Courses. A student desiring to withdraw from a course shall secure, upon a blank to be furnished by the r egistrar's office, the w ritten permission of his adviser and the dean to do so, and the sig nature of the instructor in charge. The blank, when properly signed, shall be filed at tbe registr ar's office. Students dropped from classes for non-attendance and unexcused absences shall be reported failed (E ) . Students failing, during a particular se mester, to pass one half of th eir work, may in the dis cretion of th e P res ident, a ided by the student's adviser and the Personnel Committee, be exclud ed the following semester. Students excluded for poor scholars hip may register thereafter only by special permission of the Presiden t.


Among a rep resentative gro up of college stud ents , work of qu ali ty A will be found, generally in from 3 to 10 cases in 100 quali ty B 15 to 20 Quality c 40 to 50 Quali ty D 15 to 20 Quality E 3 to 10 Each letter g1·ade \v1·11 give

POINTS urn fo llowing

points to the students:

A will g ive 3 poin ts per hour B





0 0

t t A candidate for a elementa ry s tate certificate must earn a o al of at I two . east 32 po ints; a cand idate fo r grad u a tion from the ) ear cou a deg . rse must earn at leas t 66 points; and a candidate for iee must earn at least 125 points.



STUDENT LOAD Sixteen hours is the maximum credit which many be by a freshman during his first semester in colleae S earn 0 • event hours is the regular load after the first semester. 'r he m . e ·t h' h · ere d 1 w ic may be earned m a semester is eighteen aximuia b Permission to carry the maximum load of eighteen hours be secu red by action of the faculty personnel committee. Ust


RESIDENCE ATTENDANCE A minimum attendance of thirty-six week s is required f the issuance of any certificate, Two-year College diploma or degror from this institution. Of the last thirty weeks attendance for~ degree, twenty-fo ur weeks shall be in this institution.

PERSONNEL WORK When a student first enters coll ege from high school he 11 confronted with many perplexing problems. The greatest of these is that of learning to adjust himself to n ew situations in college life. In his high school career he was living at home, and his work was under direct supervis ion . In college h e is a way from home and has very little if any direct supervision. His problem of re-adjustment is a real one, for he is cha nging from home guidance to self gu idance and from school su pe rvision to self supervision. Problems of th e proper ba la n ce between s tudy and recreation; when a nd how to study; coll ege fr iendships; selection of studies and the formation of a desi rable schedu le ; th e selec tion of the most desirable field of education in whi ch to specialize; s ocial life; participation in the t ra ditions and cu stoms th a t make up school spirit, a ll confron t th e student during his fi r s t y~ar in college. The manner in which adjustmen ts are ma de to th ese problems determine the s u ccess and h appiness of the student in college life, and to & large extent at least, in la ter life. The work of the per sonnel committee is to help s tudents make such adjustmen ts. The committee fi rst collects da ta concernlnl the abili ty, interests, a n d previous experien ces of the student. With such data as a guide members of th e committee help students to adjust themselves to' college life . This is done throug: class work, group and individual conferences, a nd throug special convocations. New students should feel free to consult with members of the personnel committee. Their problems will be sy mp atheticaJIY cons idered. d c ommittee. Apart from specia l permission from the Student Loa hour• . . m of twelve students shall be requ ired to carrry a mm1mu work a semester.








Graduates of accre dited high schools may have full adm is. to freshman standing on 12 u nits (24 poi nts), co nditiona l sion. sion on 11 units, completedd in the sen ior high school adiTI I S . urades 10, 11 an d 12); provid ed that a year of algebra and a ( . of foreign l an g uage may be counted from work car ried in yea1 grade 9, in such instances the total credits earned in grades 9 to not being fewer than 15 units (30 points.) 12 J\ine academic u nits a re required, 7 of which shall consist of a major (3 units) a nd 2 minor s (2 un its . each) , wh ich shall include English, :vrathematics , an d Foreign Lang uage. Academic subjects are defined as English, Foreign Languages, Mathematics, 'awral Sciences, a nd Socia l Sciences. If the student does not s ubmit subje cts to meet the major and minor requirements stated a bove and in lie u thereof s ubrnits other credi ts accepta ble to the institution, he may take these required sub jects in college co ur ses for which h e shall receive college credit.

CERTIFICATE GRADES ACCEPTED FOR COLLEGE ENTRANCE CREDIT A student who prese nts a Cou nty or Professional Life Ce rti ficate issued under the certi fication law in force prior to July 1, 1925; or a State E leme ntary or State High School Ce rtifi cate i sued by the State Superinte nd ent after J ul y 1, 1925 , in acco rdance with the new ce rtific a tion law for Nebr aska, will rece ive entrance credit as ind icated below for subjects in wh ich h e ha s certificate grades if the certifi cate is filed with the Registrar when student matriculates. Secondary credit w ill be a llowed only when certificate is presented, not for s ing le examinations. No certificate grade below 80 % \~ ill be accepted. Agricul ture ----------¡ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Algebr a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------1 Bookkeeping ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------% Botany -¡-------------------- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ------ % Chemistry --------------------- _________________________ ______________________________________________ 1h

unit unit unit unit unit

Civi cs -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------% English-Gramma r ----------------------------------------------------------------------------% Composition an d Rhetoric --------------------------------------------------------1 American Literature ------------------------- ---------------------------------------% English Literatu re -------------------------------------------------------% general Hi sto ry _______________ ----------------------------------------- _______________ ]_ eneral Science ---------------------------------------------112

unit unit unit unit unit unit unit



Ei~~!!;·zh~:.:~~,k·.LL: .. ·;: .···· · ·• ··~ := Nebraska Course of Stud y


-----------··-··----------------- 1h unit

; t;;:: ;:: t~

syc o ogy, Educa tion a l -----------------------------------------------'h u 1 Sociology ·- ··-------------------- --------------------------·--------------------··- ____ :::::::::::::::: 1h u!i! Th_eory an d Art (pedagogy) ·-----·--------·-·----··---···-······-···-··--·-·-·· ······ 'h Unit

~~~~~;~~-e-~~~-- ·-·_·_·_·_·_·_·_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_-_-_-_-_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_-_-_-_-_·_·_·_-_·_·_-_·_·_-_·_:-.·_·_·_:-.·_-_·_·_:·.::::::·.:·_·_ ·_ ·_·_::··_·_ ~ ~:: DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES This educational ins tit ution issues by a u thority of law and the rules of the Boa r d of Educati on the fo llowin g degrees, dlplomaa a n d ce rtifi cates : 1. Bach elor of Ar ts a n d Bach elor of Science degrees in Education which a re fir s t grad e ce rtifica tes, va li d for a ny school in the state. See pa ge 45. Converted into a P rofession al Life State Certificate after three yea r s of su ccessful tea ching experience.

2. Two-year College (Normal School ) diploma which Is a three yea r fir s t grade s ta te ce rtificate va lid in a n y school In the state. See pa ge 55. Converte d in to a Profess iona l Life State Certificate after three years of su ccessful teachin g expe rience.

3. Specia l diplomas fo r proficien cy in Manu a l Tra ining, Commerce, P ublic School Mus ic, P u blic School Ar t, E lemen tar y Education, EarlJ E lementary E du cation , (Kindergarten and Primary) on completion of two year college program. See p ages 59-70. Th ese ins truments are statements of proficiency in the specia li zed fi eld, not the legal cer· tifica te to teach wh ich they a lw ays accompan y. 4. P rofe ssiona l Life S tate Certifi cate, see page 70. 5. E leme n tar y State Certificate, see page 71.

Work is a lso given for the ce rti ficates issued by Superintenden t of P ublic I ns tru ction.



th · inst!· Each candidate for a certificate or di ploma from is e. . . . . of commenc t u t10n 1s reqmred to take part m formal exe rcises t 0 rY m ent unless excu sed for illness or other valid r eason sa tis fa c to the P residen t.





secure the Bachelor of Arts degree r equ ires th e compl e0 . Tof 125 college hours, 3? of which m ust be in pro fess iona l uo 0 _ Included in these credi ts ma y be those ea rned in any of the work. s leading to the Two year College (Norma l School) diploma . course 33 hours required by the State Board of Education (see page Tbe ~ust be included in the 125 hours. See page 40 for r esidence 55) requirement. No student will be granted a degree unless he has earned at least 40 hours of work in courses of junior o r senior rank. See U'

page 75.)


Profession al subjects, (other than teach ing) ................ ............ 24 hours (See page 47 for list of subjects wh ich may be counted towa rd profession a l requirements.) Teaching .................................................................................................... 6 hours (Two hou rs mu s t be don e in the senior year. H the candida te for degree is preparing for high school teaching, tw o of the six hours should be teaching credit in the ma jor sub ject and two in the minor. If such cr edit bas not been earned, bis a dviser may require an additional 2 hours to insure strong recommendation for the student in at least two lines of work. If preparing for grade work, 4 hours of teaching must be done in the grades for which special preparation is being made. This teaching should follow the required courrns in the special method of teaching of these subjects. Credit in these method courses to the extent of four hours m ay be applied to meet the professional requirements.) Academic subjects beyond entra nce requirements : Group I-Language or English ........................................ 8 hours Grou p II- Ma thematics or Science ................................ 8 hours Group III- His tory a nd Other Social Sciences ........ 8 hours Four hours are required in Physical Education; 2 hours must be th ose listed with the general requirements by the State Board of Education fo r th e two year course, see page 55 . Majors and Minors : Major subje ct, minimum of ........ ................................20 h ou rs First minor subje ct, minimum of ................................12 ho urs Second minor subje ct, minimum of ................................ 12 hours Departments from w hich Ma jors and Minors May Be Chose n: E Art ; Biological Science; Commerce; English; Geography ; Home ~conomics; Language; Manu a l Arts ; Mathema ti cs ; Mus ic; Phys ical ' du cation; Physical Scien ce; H istory a nd other Social Scien ces. Requirements for majors a nd minors in th e variou s depa r tmen ts ana divisions thereof are to be foun d und er "Cou r s es of S tu dy." (See Pages 73-120.)



A major or a minor may be earned by any combination perm itted by the hea d of that department. Education may not be used for a minor. It may count as a . under ce rtain conditions. (See below). < maJor The subj ects of th e minors mu s t be in departments other th the ma jor; however, a major and a minor or two minors an may be earnP-d in the same dep a rtment provided that each is entirely Wi th' a different di vi s ion of that department. in Cre dits tran s ferr ed from anoth e r college may be used to . . . . meet maJor and rnmor requirements und er the fo llowmg conditions: (a) Each department head under whom the majors and minors a re to be earned must a pprove the c red its t ran sfen ed to his department. (b) Under the guidaace o f the depar tment heads a t least one cour se in each major o r minor must be ea rne d in thi s insti tu'.ion. Cr edits transfer red from seconda ry work may not be used to me et the major and minor requirem ents. See page 38. Ed ucation shall not be selected as a major unless student expects to teach Normal Training in th e high schoo l or to teach or s upervise teaching in the grades below the J unior High School, in which cases Education is the required major . . Ten hours of Education in addition to th e general professiona l requirement of 30 hours are necessa ry for a major in Education. If preparing for grade work all the requirements of the two year cu rriculum in Early Elementary Education or Elementary Education must be met. Curricula for Normal Training, page 54, Early Elementary Education, page 50, a nd E lementary Education, page 51 provide fo r the necessary major in Education. If p repa ring for secondar y work all the educational req uir ements for the Junior or Senior High School curricula must be met, see page 58. SJ~ LE C TION


Students who are taking the continuous four ye a r course leading to a degree should make selection of the majors and minors at the beginning of the Sophomore year, with the a dvice of the Registrar and the head of the department of the major s ubject. Those who re-enter college afte r the com pletion of a t wo year course should make selec tion at the beginning of the Junior year. Decision ma~; 0 not be del aye d late r than the beginning of the seco nd semester • t he Junior year. A r eco rd of s ubjects chosen must be filed in the . office of the Registrar upon a card provided for t h a t p ui ·pose '. The .• . . . tie ca ndi date ~ professor in charge of th e maJor s ubJ ect becomes 1 adv iser from this time until graduation. the major and The names of the department heads under whom . a· . " ·d •o Jll IC·1 minor work is being done should appear upon these cai ' ,1[)[)1'0VaJ.



ELECTIVES Enough electives may be a dd ed to the general and gro up requ ireto make the req ui red total of 125 hou rs. men t s . Not more than 40 hours of work m any one department may be lied to an A. B. degree. aPP Not more than two hours in a ddition to the fo u r hours req ui red be elected in phys ical exercise unless Ph ysical E du ca ti on be rnaY · or su b Jee · t . 0 ne h our is · th e m ax imum · · ade a major or m m credit

~bicb rnaY be ea rned in s wimming.

A maximum credi t of five h ours may be earn ed in piano or violin if ma de accord ing to th e rules s tated by the mus ic depa rtment on page 109. · If P ublic School Mus ic be made a major or minor eight hours may be coun ted. c redi t to the extent of three hours may be made in the combined activities of g lee club, orchestr a a nd band. See rules for credit, page 109.

PROFESSIONAL SUBJECTS The courses listed below are those in which professional credit may be made to meet requirements of the two year and the degree courses. In E ducationa l Depa rtment: R equir ed- Introductory Psychology ................................... .4 Classroom Management ......................................2 Cur riculum ............................................................2 Principles of Teaching ........................................3 Obs ervation and Participation.......................... 2 Teaching ........................................................ 6 to 8 Hygiene (School Hygiene and Health Education) ................................................................ 2 Elective-Child Psychology ..................................................2 Educational Measurements................................ 2 Mental Testing ......................................................2 Psychology of Adolescence................................ 2 Educationa l Surveys ............................................ 2 History of Education........................................... .4 School Administration ........................................ 2 The Psychology of Learning .............................. 2 The Psychology of School Subjects ................ 2 Extra-Cur ricular Activities ................................ 2 Educational Sociology..........................................3 Scoutmastership Training .................................. 2 Camp Fire Training............................................! Plays and Games (Early E lementary Education) ...................................................... .......... ! Manua l Activities (Early El ementary Education) ............................. ................................... 2

hours hours hours hours hours hours hours houns hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours; hours hour hour hours


GENERAL CATALOG Story Te lli:lg (Earl y E lementar y E du ca: io n) -·-------··-----···---···-·· ········· ·-----·--·-- -----· --·--·- -·---2 hours Ch ildren's Literature (Early E le menta ry Education) ------------·-··----·------·-------------··-----........ 2 houra Rural Pnmary Methods ......................................2 houra Rural School In te r me diate and Gra mma r School Methods -----------·-----·-·--'·--·-- ----··· ···· ··------2 Ru r a 1 School Manage men L .......................... ....2 P art>::i t-T e::tcher Association and Com munity Leade rs h ip Co ur se .......................................... 2 Cha ractP.r Deve lopment ............ ....................... .4 Such other e lectives :: s may be offered in th e department from time to time.

The fo llo wing e lec::·:cs in depar t ments o: he r than edu cation are a lso e lective pro fes s ion::tl cre.: its :i.nd m ay be co un ted to t he a:n ounta o f four hours provid ed th ey a re in the depart ment of t he major or minor, altho ugh no ere di t can be u sed to sa'. isfy both acade mi c and professiona l r equirements : Comme rce- Methods of T eaching Sho rth a nd a nd T ypewri t in g ...............................................................2 Englis h- Teaching o f High School E nglish ....................3 T eaching of Jr. High School Englis h ............ 2 Fi ne Arts -Me thod s in Ar t... ................................................... 2 Tech niqu e of •reaching Elemen ta r y Geography ......................................................... 2


Hi sto ry- Teache rs Course in His tory a nd Other S oc ia l Sc iences ........................................... ..... 4 Borne Economics- Home Economics Me hod s ................................ 2 Latin- Teache rs Latin ·············---------·---·········· ··----············2 Manu a l Train ing- 1\fanual 'l'raining Me hods and Organization -····· ·········----·------ -- ·····--------·-······---······------······ 4 Mathematics-:\1e t hod s of Secondary Mathema ics ................ 2 Pro[essio n a li zed Mathematics ............................ 2 Statistical Analysis-----···-·--·---------·--··--·················'.? 110urs ~

:\fusic- :\le h ods of Teaching :\lusic ................................ -

Science- B iology l\Ie thods .............. ----------········--------·--·-···--··! Chemist1·y .\Jethods --- - ·--· · ····· · ·· · ····- -·- --- -···· · · ········ ··~ Phys i c.s .\I e th ods .... --- - ------·-- - --- ·--- -- -- - - - ·------- · --······ ··· ~


~~~~~: hou r~





is strongly recom mend ed th at all s tud ents wh o enter college It . years of continuous work follow thi s program instead of

for fo ul building the work of th e junior and senior yea rs u pon a two ye ar diplom a program .

It maY be note d th a t in thi s progra m the r e is no pro fess ional k in th e fres hman y ea r . In thi s year th e st udent sh ould de cide wor tbe lin e of h is m ajor a ctivity. upon Freshm an Yea r

~:,g 1.\~1:1 1~a.:;;;;.:i:i0;~-- ... ........ ::·::::::::: ~

Fi'%: Academic El ec tiv es ............... 1 0

S eco nd Semester Hours B io logy ............................................... 4 P h ys ic a l Education ........................ 1 F r ee Acad e mi c E lectives ................ 10



F irst S emester

H o ur s

Sophomor e Year H o urs

Phys ical Educat1on


Seco n d Se m eRtPr H o urs P ri n. of T eac hin g ............................ 3 Ob se rvat io n a nd Parti c ipa tion .... 2 Art ....................... _.. ~

Y!u s ic ......... . Gro u p Electi ,-e s ...


P h y s ica l Ed ucat ion

................ 6

F irst S e mester

4 2

Psy ch ology ........ . Hy g ie n e .............. , .... .


E l ec ti\· e~



Junior Ye ar Fir st Semester Ho u rs Curri cu l um or C lassroom Mgt.. ... 2 Teachin g ................................... ........ 2 Majo r a n d Minor Electives ........... 1 2

S eco n d S e m ester H ours C lass r oom Mgt. or Curr ic ulum .... 2 T each i n g ............................................ 2 Majo r and Min or Electiv es .......... 12



Senio r Year F ir s t Semester

H o u 1·s

~-~i~~~f{,n;.:i--·Eii·.:,·.;·{i".;;f.·~·-·:::::::::::::: ::: ~

;.i.aJor a n d Minor Elec t ives ....... .... 12

Seco nd Semester Hours P r o f ess ional El ectives .................. 4 ::\l[a j o r a nd Min o r Electives ............ 12


l<'or suggestion s as to correlati on of this program with specia l certificate s ubjects see t h e follo win g pages : Art, page 65. Commerce, page 59. Early Elementary Edu cation. pages 50, 60. Elementary Education, pages 51 , 62. Home Economics, page 53. ::\lanual Arts, pages 52, 64 . Music, page 67. Normal Training. page 54.




EA ULY ELEMENTAUY EDUCATION - :FOTIU YEAU LEADING TO A DEGREE - SUGGE ST ED ORDE R OF Freshman Year First S emes t er Houri; Early El. Prin. of T eaching ........ 3 Phys ical Edu cation ........................ 1 Pub li c School Music ........................ 2 Nature Study ·····---····---···--·--········-···· 4 Manual A c tiviti es ··············-······-···-·· 2 Electives --···----------·-·-···-··· ·--···-····-··-··· 4

Secon d S e m es t e r English 101 .............. H ou r Psychology 101 a n d .. i o2"--···-····-··-··· 4 Ast 108 ..................... ······-··········· 4 Phys ical Educa tion"·························· 2 Plays a nd Gam es ·-······················ 1 Literary Inte rpre t a ti ii;;················--· 1

~f~~'I\~~s~'.~ ... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::




Sophomore Year F i rst S e m est e r Ho u r s E arly Ele m e nta ry C urri c u l um .... 2 Cl ass room Ma n age m e nt ................ 2 Soc io l ogy ---·-··-········--··············--·········· 4 School H yg iene ·····--············-··-········· 2 Edu ca tion a l M easure m e nts .......... 2 Elec tives ····-· ----·-··-··-- ···--··--·----·········· 4


~ eco nd Se m es t e r H ou Music A p p r ec ia t io n ......... r;; C h ild Psyc h o l ogy ............. ::::··········· . O b serva ti o n a n d Parti c ipa ti-.;·;;···· ~ ~~~~fY T~;~~raph y ....................:::: i S t ory Te ll in g~ ..:::::::::::::::::::::··········· ~ G e n e t ics a nd E v o luti o n ....... ::::::::::: 4


J un ior Year Fi r s t Se m est e r H o u rs Hi s t o r y o f Edu cati o n ____________ ________ _ Edu catio n a l Soc io l ogy ---------·-······· 3 T eachin g --------·-··-·-- ------------·----------- 2 A r t Apprec iatio n ----------------·-···-·-·-·· 2 Childr e n' s L it e r a ture ---------------- -·-· 2 E l ec t i v e -----------------------------------·-·-·-- 2

S eco n d S e m est e r Hours P l ay P rodu c t io n ---··--·······--·-----····---- 3 Engl is h 2\ '...! ·-· -·· -- --- -- -- --- ------------ ----.. 4 Phy s ical E du ca tio n ----------··--··------ 1 T eac h ing --··· --····----····-··---·- ··----- --- 2 E lective -·--·-·--------···-- -··------········-------- S




Senior Yea r First Se m ester Ho u rs Psych o logy of Sch ool Sub j ect s .... 2 P h ys ical E ducat ion -----· ·--·--·-·------- 1 Engli s h --------------------·-··-·-----------·------- 2 Hist ory -----------------·--·-·-···-···-············· 4 Elect iv e .............................................. 6

S eco nd Se m es t e r Hours Ch aract e r D e v e lop m e nt --············ «

~f~n~neg ..:=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~



For two year program in Earl y E lementa ry E du cation leading to a special diploma, see page 60. It may be noted that the last two years work of the degree p r ogram is a continu a tion of the special diploma program. Stud en ts return ing to wor k for a degree ma y enter the junior year with no loss of time or cr edits. The major in this department is E ducati on. (See special . reed quirements page 45.) The minor s and the academic g roups requir (see page 45) m a y be chosen under the direction of th e a dvise r .




EDUCATION - FOUR YEAR PIW GRA~C J.,J~ _-\JHNG i;J, E- .TO _\ DEG REE - SUGGES'r ED ORDER OF sun .rn C'r S Fres hma n Yea r

. -<t Sem e ster H o u rs F_Jih or Bio logy .... ..... . :--·--- --------- 4 .i:; ng Ji s 1 ~y o r E l e m . P r 111 .... .4 o r 3 p sych o tos~of Geog r ap h y 1 01. ......... 4 E le me n11 0 .1 & b o r Ge n e r a l Art ]l{U SglC < ·--·- · ··-··-···-···---··· ·- ·-·-··· · ---· 2 P l~~s i c;;.·i-·Ed-~ c a ti o n ------· --·----- --------· 1 15

0 1'

S eco n d S e m e e t er

H o u r •;

B io l o gy o r E n g l i s h .. .......... ............. .

E l e m . P rin., o r Ps yc h o logy .. .. 3 or S ur v e y o f A m e r. H is t. ·----··--·-- ·-·-·- ·G e n e r a l A r t 108 o r M u si c 11 0 a a nd b ---·-----· ·---- ·-· -···--·------------· ·---·-·· P h y s i ca l Ed u ca t ion ·--· ·-··-·--·--· ·-··---Pe n m a n s h i p --- ·----- --··· -·---- ····---·---··----





So phom o r e Yea r H o ur s Fi rst Se m c Rt c r 2 Classroom ~'[ a nag c m e n t Pl ay Prod u c t1on ·--·--·-·-·-·-·-----·--·--·-·- 3 T eac h in g -·· ·:····---·· ···--·-·· ··:···· --·---------- 2 l'rofess iona I 1z e d ;\l:l th .. 2 16 .. :----·---· 4 Ob se rvation and Part1c 1 pa t~ on ... . E urop ean Bkg. o f ~ \ m e r . H1 f;t. ... .

S ec o n d Se m es t er H 11r · T ec h ni q u e o f T eac h .. E l e m. Geog. 2 E l e m e n ta r y C ur r ic u l u1n -----·-· ------ -- 2 'l' eachin g·

·· -·········- ---



M e n t a l T e s tin g ·-·-·····---··-··-····-··-·--··- 2 C hil d P syc h o l ogy ---·----·-·----·-·-····---·- 2 S c h oo l H yg ie n e ···--··-··-··-· Edu ca t io n a l iVI eas ur e 1n e n t~ ......... . E l ec t i v es -·--·-···---· ·· ------- ···-·-·-·-··----·----



J un io r Yea r Fir st S e m e st e r H o ur s Am e r ican L it e rature -------·-------------- 3 Ad va nce d P lay Prod u ct ion ____________ 2 P s ych ol o i;y of Schoo l S ubj ec t s .... 2 Ex te 1nporan e ous S p eaki n g .......... 2 E lecti \°es -------------·-·--------·---·--------------- 7

S eco n d Sem e s t e r H rR Ne"' E u ro p e -·-- ··-·------ ·- -·-·--·--- ------------ 4 C h a ra c t e r D e v e l op m e n t --· ---- ···------ 4 P a nt o m i m e ---· ---------· -- ·-·· -··-·------- -------- 2 Hi s t o ri ca l Ge o g . of U. S ·-·----·--------- 2 E l ec t i v es ---·---·--------·------- ·--- ·-····-·--·- ---- 4



S enior Year . F i r s t Sem e st e r H ours };f1 s t o r y of Edu. in U. S .... ----- ·-----· --- 4 Soc io l ogy ------·-·--------- 3

S eco n d S e m e s t e r H o u rs O r a l Co mp o s iti o n -·--- ·-··-·· -----·-··-- ·---A m e r ica n P o l iti cs a n d S oc ial I d eas -------- -----· ----·-- ··-·-- ------·-·-· -·----·--- 4 Ed u ca ti o n a l S ur vey ·-· ·-·-· ------·· --·--·-- 2 E Iec t i v es ·--·-----···---·-· --··-· ·----·---··· ------ -- 8



Gdu cat 1on a l

Er~et~~~SG~~~-~--~~---·---·-~·-·.---.---.--·-·.·.~·-·-·-·-~~~·-------~~--~ ~

For the tw o yea r program in E lem enta r y E ducat ion lead ing to a special diplo m a see p ag e 62. It may be n oted t hat t h e la s t two Years work of the deg r ee program is a con tin ua tion of t he special diploma prog r an~ . S tud en t return ing to wo r k for a deg ree may €n ter the junior year with no loss of ti me or credits. The major in this depa rt men t is Edu ca t ion, (see page 45 .) The Il1inors 'n a d the academic . group (see p,.g e 45) may be chosen under the dire c t ion · of the ad.-ise r .



MANUAL ARTS F OUR YEAR l'ROGRAJI L EADING TO A DEGREE Students who are planning on four years of con tinuo us work a wish to major in this field sh ould follow the program as outJinnd · d o f b m·1d·m g th e wor k o r t h e JUmor · · ed b e 1ow mstea and s enior Years upon the two year special dipl oma p rogr am. Those who have already earn e d their specia l diplomas and desire to work out the ir major in thi s depa rtm en t should cons ult their adviser, the bead of the Manu a l Arts De partment, befor e enrolling. T hose desir ing a m inor in thi s dep ar tme nt a re r e q uired to take courses 101, 109, 209, 304.

S GGES'.L'ED ORDER OF SUBJ E C'f S F re sh man Yea r First S e m s t e r In te rm e d ia t e W oo dw ork

H o urs 4

P h ys ical Ed u cat ion ···············-······· 1 El ect iv es ······--······························ -··· 4


S econ d S e m e s t e r H o urs E n g li s h .............................................. 4 Co mm e r c ia l A rt ·····························--· 2 M ech a n ical D r a w in g ...................... 4 P h y s ical Edu c a t io n ........................ 1 E l ec tiv e s ........... ................................. 4



~~~?i~y sct;c;c;i···M:·~·;;i~::::::::::::::::::::::::

Sophomore Yea r Fi rs t S e m e s t e r H o ur s Edu cati o n a l M eas ur e m e nt s .......... 2 W oo d Turnin g .................................. 2 Sr. Hi g h S c h ool P rin . o f T each ... 3 Ob se rva ti o n a nd P a rti c i p a ti o n .... 2 Soc io lo gy ··-································-······· 4 P h y s ical E ducati o n ........................ 1 E l ec tives -·········································· 2

P o li ti c a l E c onom y ················- ···-· 4 P h ysi c a l E du cati o n ·-··············-··· 1 E l ect iv e s ............................................ 2



S e co nd S e m e ste r


i'r~~~ 0i2if~;;;i·c~·~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :

Jun ior Yea r F i r s t S e m es t e r H o urs M a nu a l T r a inin g M e th o d s a nd Organ iza ti o n ............................... . T eachin g M a nu a l A r t s ................... . Use a nd Car e of Shop Eq u ip m e nt ................................................ 2 Cl ass r oo m Ma nage m e nt ................ 2 Me nta l T est i ng ................................ 2 E l ec tiv es ............................................ 2

S econd S e m e s t e ~ Hour; D r a wing ·················· 4

Arc h i t ec t u r a~

l~f11!i~f~::i~~~r2-;; - - : -:·_;: _·:;~ ~-:~:~ i 16


S enior Yea r Fir s t S e m es t er Hour s M e nta l T es ting ............................... . En g li s h .............................................. 4 Ma nu a l Arts E lect iv es .................... 4 ·1ndu s tri a l Educati o n .................... 2 El ec ti ves ............................................ 5

A~~f~~o~-~.::~~?:~~~~'.: :::: : :....: :.: ~:~:~r~

Adva nced Ca binet Ma lun g ........... 8 El ectiv es ······················ ······················ I•






Freshman Year First Se m e ste r


H o ur s




~~;~'. sl~;~:. 101:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~

S ec on d S e m es t e r H ours Foods 102 ········ ······-·--·-······· ·----------·--- 2 Clot hing 106 ······-·--················-····· ···· 2 Ch e m is try 102 .................................. 4 Edu c. Bio logy ll6 .... ....................... . Psyc hology 101 .......... ..... ................. 4 Survey ll3 ....... ............... .................. 1

Art of Ri g ht Li v ing ll2.. .............. 1 16


Sophomore Year Fir st Semes t r H o ur s Design 2u3 ---·--····-·-············· ··········-··· 4 Textil es 210 -----··- ····························· 2 Phys. Educ. 30 2a ....... ... .. .... .... .......... 1 H ome Hy gie n e 20 4 .... ...................... 2 Teachin g or el ectiv e ...................... 2 Prin. of T eaching 208.. ..............•-- 3 Ob s. & P a rtic ipatio n 202 ................ 2

S ec o nd Se m es t e r Hours Child Psycho logy 223 ............. ......... Psychol ogy o f Ado lesce n ce 224 .. 2 Clo thing 209 ·-----·---------- -----······ ········ 2 Foods 20 4 .................... ... ................... 2 Hou se P la nning 221.. ...................... 2 P h ys. Educ. 201.. ....•................ ......... 1 Cla ssroom M anagem en t 204 ........ 2 T eaching or e l ective ...................... 2 H ou seh o ld Physi cs 301.. .................. 2



Junior Yea r First Semester Hour s Child Care & D e velopme nt.. ........ 2 Organic Chemistry 303 .................. 4 Cos tu me a nd D es ign 3 ll ................ 3 Publi c School Musi c 3 ll ................ 2 El ect ive .............................................. 6

Seco nd S e m este r Hour s Foo d s 315 -------············· ········· ··········-- 2 Ch e mi s try 404 ..........••.......... ... ......... 4 Hou se Furni s hin g 322 .................... 2 H o m e M ech anics 209 ... ................... 2 High Schoo l C urric ulu m 303 ........ 2 El ectiv e .............................................. 5



Senior Year Firs t Se m e ste r H o u rs Home E co nomic s M e thods 431. ... 4 ~7achin g o r Hom e M g t. 4 33 ..•..... 4 ec t lve ................................. 9

S econd S e m es t e r Hours T eaching o r Hom e M g t. 433 ..•..... 4 Adva n ced Di e t e tics a nd N u trition 416 ....... ................................... 2 Elective ---·-- ···· ···· ······· ···········-· ····-··----1 1



Every home econom ics s tudents must take Home Economics 432, either in the junior or sen ior year earning from 2 to 4 hours. This ma b . ' · Y e ea r n ed out th rough the en tire year if necessary.



NORJlAL 'rJlA INING FOUR YEAR l'ROGRAJC LEADING ])EGUEE FOll 'l'EA CHERS OF NOR!\CAI, 'fRAINlNG IN HIGH SCHOOI,S Freshm a n Yea r F i rs t S m es t e r H o u rs Ru ral S c h oo l M e th o d s 15 0·---·------· 4 P syc h o l ogy 101 ··---------· ··-·------- -·------En g li s h 101 -------·-------------··--· ·-·--------Ru ra l Art 109a .. ------- ----- ------------ ·------- 2 P h ys ica l Edu cati o n 101-.. ____ ___ __ _. ___ _ Pe nm a n s hip 1 0 .. -· -· ---------·-----· --------·

S eco n d S e m es t e r Ii Rura l S c hoo l Prob le ms 153 ou rs Ed u ca t io n a l B iol o gy 116 ---------·-Mu s ic 11 Oa ---· ·- ------·----- ------::::::::·----·-· 2 R ec r ea t ion a l R eading 3L. ..... :::::::: 1 P h ys ical E du ca ti o n 20 lb ____ ____ ·---·-·· 1 Su gges t e d, Hi s tory 118 ................._ 4 16

Sophomore Yea r Pi r s t Sf'mester H o 11 rs C lass r oo m M a n ag·e m en t 204---··-·--Rura l Edu ca ti on 25 1. __ --·--------------Co m. L ea d ers hi p, J'. T. A. 252 __ __ B i. >l a tur e St u dy 205 ..... ··-··· ·--------T'h~·s i ca l E duc. 10 4 __ __·--··-----------·-·--S u g·gested . Co ll ege G r a mm a r 215 Adv . Co m pos i t i o n ~ 1 6 .. ___ _ Ph ys ica l Ed u c. CW) 206...

S ec o nd S e m es t er H our• O b ser v o_t io n P a rti c ip a tion 202. __ _ 2 T eac h in g 210 --·-·-·--- ----------- ----·-·-------- 2 C hild P sych o l o g y 223------ ----· ---- ------· 2 S c h oo l H yg i e n e 205.·-----------· ··---· ------ 2 Su gges t e d, Engli s h 202 (Backg r o und) -·-- --· ------·-·--···· -------· 4 Geogra ph y 202 ---------·---- ·-···-··----·----·-· 2 G e og ra ph y 202 a ·-------------- --------------- 2 A r t 20 7 ( M o d e li n g )-----------·------------·- 2



Junior Year Fir s t S e m es t e r H o u rs Ed u ca tion a l M ea sur e m e nts 20 3 .. 2 C h ild r n ' s Lite r a tur e 318-.· -···-·----Co ll e g e Ph y si o l o g y 20 7 ____ . __ ____ ___ __ __ Su gges t e d , Hi s tory 201 (Bac kg r o un d) __ _ ---- ---- --- --- ----- ------------------- 4 :B io log y 205b ( Z o - N . St.) ------------·· 18

S econd S e m e s t e r Hours C h a r ac t e r D e v e l op m e nt 342 ____ ______ 4 Mu s ic A p p r e c ia tion 311-----------------· 2 Ar t Apprec ia t io n 306-·-------------------- 2 Su gges t e d , Adv. Ru. Soc iology 322 ----· -·----- --- ----- ----------------------------···· 2 Profess io n a li z e d M ath. 216 .....---- 2 G e n e t ics a nd Evo lu t ion 204.. ........ 4 16

S e nior Yea r Pir st Se m es t e r H ou rs E du c. Soc io l ogy 428 .. ·-----·-------·------- 3 M us ic 305 (Hi s t o r y ) --·--·-·-------------Suggested. Eng·J is h 303 (Eng. L i t . ) -- --··-·----··-·--- ----------------------------E n g· l is h 32 4 (Ame r . Li t.) _________ ____ _ Eu gen i cs 411 -----------·------------------------ 2 .\f o d . Gov't. J'rob~. 314 ...................... 2


Seco nd S e m es t er H our: T eac hin g 410 --·---·------------ ·-------· -----··Su gges t e d , Geog. 309 (:-.:e w Eu4 ro p e ) ·----- ------ --------·----- ----- ----------·--·--- 4 His t o r y 430 ( Am e r. P o l.) ... ----·-----2 G eog rap h y 303 (lnflu e n ce s)---····- ., R ece nt vVo rld P o li tics 41 6-----·· ----- " 16



TWO YEAR PROGRAM LEADING TO DIPLOMA AND FIRST GRADE STATE CERTIFICATE This program may include preparation for rur al, primary, grade, ·unior high school, or senior hig h school teaching a nd electives J bould be so selected. To secur e the two-year college diploma a nd s fir st grade state certifi cate requires the completion of s ixty-six a . college hours, of which not less than twenty nor mo re than twentyfour must be professional work. After two years of s uccessful teaching, the graduate is entitled to a professional li fe certificate. GENE RAJJ REQUIREMENTS 'I'he following credits a r e prescribed by the State Board of Education and by this institution and a re r equired of a ll candidates for the two year diploma:

Freshman Year : Psychology .................................................................. 4 Princioles of Teaching ............................................ 3 Biology ............................ ............................................4 English ............ ............................................ ... .............4 Public School Music ................................................ 2 Public School Art.. .................................................... 2 Physical Education .................................................. 1

hours hours hours hours hours hours hour

20 hours Sophomore Year: Classroom Management .......................................... 2 Curriculum .................................................................. 2 Hygiene ......................... ............................................... 2 Teaching ...................................................................... 4 Physical Education .................................................. 1 Observation a nd Participation .............................. 2

hours hours hours hours hour hours

13 hours Total 33 hours In addition to the above requirements a ll r equirements on pages 57 and 58 must be m et. The courses here listed are tho se in which the required credits may. be earned. P sychology .................................... Introductory Psychology 101 a nd 102. Principles of Teaching ................................................... Senior High School Junior High School E lement ary or Early Elementary



Methods ................................ Rural Pr imary, R u r a l a nd Grammar Grade. Biology ......... Ed u cational Biology 116 and nature Stu dy, see pages 74 _ _ 79 Englis h ....... ................................................................. Engli sh Compos ition 101 Public School Mus ic............................ Public School :\1usic llOa, llOb, 111 Public School Art... ........... General A r t 102, 108, 109, 109a, or Art Histo r y and Appreciation 306. (Open only to tho se planning to teach in H igh School.) Phys ica l Ed u cation fo r Women ................ P h ys ical Ed ucation lOla, 20lb P hys ica l Education fo r Men ........................ .... Physical Education 101, 102 Theory of Ecucation ..... ... Classroom Management and Cur r iculum: Senior High School, Junior High S chool, Elementary, or Ea rl y E lementary. (Two hours in Classroom Management an d one two-hou r course in Curri culum R equired.) Hygiene

....... Hom e Hygiene a nd Care of Sick, Sch oo l Hygiene and Health Education. P er son a l Hygiene for Men . Rur a l H ealth.

Teach ing ............................. Work which is a pproved by the Superintendent of th e Training School in training school classes. Not less than twenty no r more tha n tw enty-four ho u rs of the req uired s ixty- s ix must be profess iona l work. See page 47 for a list of professiona l s ubj ec ts . In addition to the two hou rs required, one hour of P hys ical Education may be elected. Three h ours is the maximum c re di t which may be earned. Fo ur hours cr ed it in violin or piano may b e counted if ma de according to the rules given on page 109. One-half hou r credit each semester is gi ven for work in glee cl ub , or chestra, or band. Not more t h a n one hour may be earned bY a student in these combine d activities in one year and not more than three hours m ay be counted to ward a dip l oma. }~ J,J~C'l' IYUS

In addition to the th ir ty-three hours of req uired work thirty- three hours are to be elected from catalogue cou rses open to Freshmea and Sophomores . It is important that the student, if undecided as to ¡ce so iha a par ti cu lar li ne of preparation. sho uld early see k a d v1 . ~ elective work may prepare defini tely for a certain fi Id of teachJJl,,,. See requirement on next page.



SPECI.lJ, REQUIBEJCENTS Special curricula leading to departmental dip lomas are offered in each of the fo liowing departments: ::\fusic, page 67. Art, page 65. Educa tion Early Elementary, pages 50, 60. E lementary, pages 51, 62. R ural, page 68. Commerce, page 59. :.\Ianual Training, page 52. Departmental diplomas a re gran ted in Music, Art, E arly Elemen tary Education, E lementary Ed ucation and Rural Education, upon the completion of the following : 33 hours required of all candidates for dip lom as (see page 55). 20-24 hours department r eq ui reme n ts except in Rural Educa tion which requires 5-6 hours. 9-13 free electives except in Rur al E du cation in which 23-24 hours ar e elective. Every student who expects to receive a diploma at the completion of two yea rs (66 hou rs) must m eet th e requirem en ts of one of the seven special curricu la given ab ove or th e re quireme n ts fo r Junior High Schcool T eaching as outlin ed on page 58. Shoul d a s tuden t fin d it advisable to t ransfe r fr om one curri culum to a no the r , th e work of the fir st curricu lum not r equired in th e second may be a pplied as electives in the second s o far as is possible. All students who exp ect to teach in city g r a des should elect either the Early Eleme ntary E du cation or the El ementa r y Edu cati on curriculum. Those who w ish to prepa r e to teach superior rura l schools s hould elect the curric ulu m in Rura l Educa tion. The special diploma cu r ri cula in Music a nd Art p rep a re t eacher s for supervisory positions. Departmental diplomas are g ranted in Commer ce, Ma nua l T raining upon completion of the followin g : 33 hours required of a ll candid a tes for two-year college diplomas (see page 55). 20-26 hours departme n t re quirements. 12 hours in a departme n t oth er t ha n the ce r tificate department to Prepare for the teaching of a second high school subject. t The two year program outlining definit ely the courses to be aken should be carefully fo llowed when en rolling as certain of the requ ired courses a re offered bu t once a year. The work h as been arranged to provide a helpful bala nce of courses and a con s istent gradation of work.



For s uggestions as to four year programs in these specia l departments see pages 49-54. When a student elects a special curriculum the head Of that department becomes h is adviser through the two years. Enrollment each semester shou ld be made un der the direction of the a dviser and no changes of program should be made unless advised by him.

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS Students of the two year program preparing to teach in the junior high school, wh ich includes grades seven, eight, a nd nine, should meet the fo llowing re quirements: 33 ho ur s re quired of a ll candidates for diploma, (See page 55.) 12 hours in first major subject 8 hours in second m a jor s ubj ec t. State Board of Education requ irements, page 55 , may not be u sed to a pply as credit in these major r equirements. Of the State Board of Education r equirements, the following s hould be chosen: Prin ciples of T eachin g ...................................... Junior High School Curriculum ............................................ .............. Junior High School Pu blic School Art 102, 109 or 306. Teaching .............................................................. Junior High School Obse rvation a nd P ar ticipation ........................ Juni or High School

Department Rcc1uirements Ed ucational :\1eas ur ements 230a or Mental Testing 231 ............................................................... .................. 2 hours P s ychology of Ado lescence 224 .............. .................... .................. 2 hours

R.ecomrnende!l Electii-es Educational Sociology 428 ............................................................ 3 hours P sychology of Learning 236 .......................................................... 2 hours Greek and Roman Mythology 209 ....................... ........................... 2 hours English 202 .............. ...................................................... ...................... 4 hours Scou tmastership Training 240 .............................................. ........2 hours Campfi re Training 241 ..................................................................... .1 hour The majors and electives should be chosen und er the direction of the principal of the junior high school. The subjects a nd subj ect groups from whi ch majors maY be chosen are the same as those listed under the degree requirements, page 45. The majors and minors for both the Junior a nd Senior High d s ubSchool teachers mus t be selected from those subjects an 45 d a¡¡e subject groups which are listed for the degree, page , . an. ' r the ject to th e same limitations as are majors and mmoi s fo degree. See pages 45-46.




Requi rements courses req uired of a ll ca ndid ates for diplom as, 33 hour s (see page 55. Of tbes e r equ ired courses, stud ents jn thi s department should select th e follow ing sec tion s : Principles of T eacb in g _______ ____ _Senior Higb S chool Curriculum ---------- --- --- _________________ s enior Hi gh School The 4 hours r equire d teachin g m ust be done in commer cia l s ubj ects _


Depar tme nt n er111ireme11ts Shorthand ----------- ---------------------- -------- ------ ----------- -----4 h o urs Shorthand II -------- -- --------------------------- ------ -------·------- __ A h o u rs Shorthand III ____ _________________ _., __________________ _______ _______ __ _-4 hou rs Typewri ting ------------------------------· --.. ------------y------- -------- 6 h o u rs Accounti ng -------------------- -------------------·-------------------------6 hou rs Commercial Metho ds ---------- -------------------- ----------------- -2 h o u rs 26 hour s. III Electives ______ __ ., ___ __________________ ____ ________________ ___ .. _------------------------ __ 7 hou rn 66 hou rs Suggested el ec tives: P en man ship, Orthogra ph y, English , Com me rci a l L aw, E conomic Ge ography, Political Economy. Students who h ave not h a d Hi gh S chool Bookkeeping w ill be r equired to ta k e 8 hour s of Accounti ng.

Two Year Program- Suggested Order of Subjects F r eshm a n Year _First Semester

~J ol ogy or English

H ou rs 101.. ................ 4

SYchology or Princip les of

Sh~~~~~~~g I .. ____ __ _____ ____ _____ ____ ____ 3 or


~hpe~vri ting ::_:::::::::::::::::::::::::::____ __ 3 Ysi cal Education ______________ .. ___ ___ 1 15 or 16

Second Semes ter H ours E n glis h 101 or Biol ogy ________ __ ______ 4 Princip les o f Teaching or P sych ology --···------- --------------3 or 4 Shorth a nd II -------------- -------- --.. ----···· 4 Ty pew riting __ _______________________ _., __ .. ____ 2 Physical Ed ucation ------------------ ---- 1 E lectives ---- ---------- --------------------------- 2

16 or 17



Class roo m :vranagem ent o r F irs t Sem este r Hours Curri culum ---------------------------------- 2 T eaching ---- -- ------------------------------------ 2 Art or Music --------------------- -- ----------- 2 Obse rva tion and Particip a t ion ------------------------------------------ ------ 2 Commercial Methods ----- --------------- 2 Shorthand III -------------------------------- 4 Accounting I ------------------- --------------- 2 Elective -- -- ········· ·······---·-·---·---·-·----·-·· 1

Second Sem este r Ro Curriculum or Cl a ss room

T~~~~~gge1~~~-~--:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::··· Adv'.lnced Account ing ...............::: (



17 For department cour ses see page 80. Students who enter the F r es hm an


with th e not tak e Commerth ird year. It is recommen ded that they the first and second year s a nd accounting t hird years. Practice teaching In the shoul d be done in the thir d and fourth

of completing the four-yea r program, should

cial Methods u ntil th e take shorthand du ring during the second and Commerce Depar tment years.

Students who have completed the two-year p r ogram for this department and r eturn to ta ke work toward the A. B. degree sho uld elect s ubj ec ts from three hundred and fo ur hundred groups whi ch will s tr ength en them a s comme rc ia l teachers. Comme r cia l Law and Political Economy a re req u ir ed for a major f rom this department. l~ ARLY EJ,ElUENTARY EDUCATION (KINDERGARTEN AND

PRDL\RY.) T hi s curriculum is pl a nned


mee t





who a r e planning to teach in th e Kind erga rten or in the fir st or second g r a de. I

llequireme11ts Cou r ses r equired of a ll candida tes for dipl omas (see 33 hours page 55). co urse in this Of these r equired courses stu de nts m u st sel ec t th e fo llo wing sec tions : Princip les of T eaching·-------·-----------··--···---·------···Early E lementary Curriculum ----·-·····----------··--------------·--··---------···-----··-Early E lementa ry Art ··-·-········--·--···------·-···--··----------·-·-----·-···--------···-----··----·Gener a l Art 108 Hygiene ----·-···------------·----·- School Hygien e an d Healt h Educatio n Biology ----·····---·-········-----···-·····----·--··--·--·-------Biological Nature StudY fusic -------·-·····-·---···-------------·--.-······-·····--·-·------·---·-·····---··-·llOa and llO b




Dep:utm ent Ref1uirem e11ts Freshman

Manual Activ ities -- ---·---- ------------ --------------------2 P lays a nd Ga me s ---------- ----------- ---------------------1 Li '. e r ary Inte rpretation ------- ------------ -----------3 Penma n sh ip ·-- ---------------- --------------------------------1

ho u rs hour hours hou r

Sociology --- ---------- ----- ·---··--- -·------··-------------------4 Child P s yc hology --- --- --·--·------------------------------2 Prim a ry Geography ·- ---- --------------------------------2 Men t a ! Testing ------ ---·---·--- -------·---------------------2 Story Te lling _ ------------·-·-····--·----------·--····----··--2

hours hour s hours hours hours


19 hours III 6 hours


66 hours

Two Year Program-Suggested Order



Fresh man Year First Semester Hours Early Elem. P r in. of T eaching ................ .................................. 3 Physical Educa tion ...................... 1 Publi c School Mu s ic ······----····-- ---- 2 Nature Study --·---------·· ··--·- .. ·------····· 4 Man ual Activities ------------·- -· ------···· 2 Elective -·--·------··------- ·-········ ······-4

Second Semester Hours Englis h 101 ·------------------------- ----·----- 4 P s ychol ogy 101 and 102 ________________ 4 Art 108 -··-------------------·-·--------------------- 2 Phys ical Education ---------------------- 1 Pl ays a nd Ga mes ····---------------------- 1 Literary I nterpr etation ----------- --- 3 Penmans hi p -- -- ---····------------------------ - 1 Elec tive -------------------------------------------- 1




S econd Semester Hours Child P sychology -- ------------------------ 2 Teach ing ·······---·-··---------------------------- 4 Prim a ry Geog raph y ----------·----------- 2 Menta l T es ting ---·- -- ----------------------- 2 Story Telling ···--·----------------·-·--------· 2 School Hyg ien e ------------------·-·--·-·---- 2 Elective ---------------------- ------------------·--- 3

First Semester

E~r!y Elemen. Curriculum .......... 2

~iassroom Managemen t -----·--· ··-·· 2 Q~C!O ~OgY_

· ·· ---- ---·······-----·-···--


El se,r_vation & P articip a tion ...... 2 ec,1ve --- ----------· _ ------ ---··--------· 6



F'or department courses see page 86. E

F'or four year program lead ing to an A. B. degree in E a rly lem entary Education, see p age 50.



ELEJIEK'r ARY EDUC.l TIOX Th is prog r a m is pla nned for t u den ts wh o wish to be mende d for ge neral work in g rad es three, four, five a nd six. I

Req 11 irements Cou rses requi re d o f a ll can did ates for dip lomas, (see page 55). 33 hours Of these req ui red cou rses stude n ts in the E lementary Ed ucation cou rse m ust take : P r incipl es of T eaching .................................................... E leme n tary Curriculum .......................... ................................................ E lementary Art ................................................................................ General Art 108 H ygiene ............................ Schoo l H ygiene and H e alth Education Mus ic ........................................ Pu blic S ch ool Music llOa and llOb II

Departm eut Requirenients Survey of Ameri ca n His tory ................................................. .4 Child P sychol ogy ················-···· ·····-··-···········----···--········-···········2 E lem ents o f Geography 101 ·· ····· ·· ·······--·········--·· ·····--· ··-· ·-··· ···.4 Menta l T esting ·········-·········· ·······-·-········-········--··-····-················ ·2 Technique of T eaching E leme nta ry Georgraphy .............. 2 E urop ean Background of America n Hi story .......... ........... .4 Professionalized Mathematics ······························--·····-···· ····4 Pemnanship ...................... .......................................................... 1 Pl a y Produ ction .... ...................... .............................................. 3

hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hour hours 26 hours.

III Electives ... ······· ····· ···················· ························--······-······················--·········7 hours 66 hours. The following co ur ses are s uggested as helpful electives: History of Mus ic or Appreciation .......................... 2 hours Greek and Roma n Mythology................................ 2 hours Industrial Art ............................................................2 hours Sociology ...................................................................... 4 hours His tory of Antiquity .............. ................................. .4 hours L atin America ............ ........... ..................................... 2 hours Mu sic Apprecia tion .................................. ................ 2 hours T yping ..... ............... ............................................ 1 or 2 hours L itera ry In te rp re ta tion ............................................3 hours S tu den ts who wi sh to p repare for grade sixth , see J un ior High Sch ool T eachers, page 58.






Two "fpar Program- Suggested Onler of Snhjects

Fres h ma n Year First s emes ter . Hours lish 101 or B10logy ........ ........ 4 Eng hol o"Y or E le men tary p syc · "les of 'I' eac lung. · Princip ...3 or 4 Music noa and llOb o r General Ar t 108 ..................... ........... 2 Elements of Ge~gra phy 101.. ...... 4 pbysical Educa t10 n ...................... 1 p enman ship .......... ............. ............. 1

S econd Sem es ter H ou r Biology or En g lish 101.. ................ 4 E lem enta r y P r inciples of T ea ching or P sy chology ....3 or 4 Gener a l Art 108 or Mu sic llOa a nd llOb ........................ 2 Survey of Am e ric an Hi s to ry ...... 4 Phys ical Education ....... 1 El ec tives ...................... ............ 2 or 3

15 or 16

16 or 17

Sophomore Year First Semes te r Hours Class room Man age m ent ............... 2 Play Production ............ 3 Teaching .......................................... 2 Profess iona lized Ma thematics .... 4 Observation a nd P a rti c ipation ........................... ................ 2 European Bkg d. of Ame rican History ...... .......... ........................ 4

Second Semester Hours T echnique of Teaching E lementary Geography ............ 2 Elementary Curriculum .............. 2 Tea ching .................... ...................... 2 Menta l Tes ting .............. ................ 2 Child P sychology .......................... 2 S chool Hyg iene ....... ............. .......... 2 Electives ... .................. .................... 5



For four yea r program lead ing to t he A. B. degree i n Eleme ntary Edu ca t ion, see page 51.



:JIAKUAI, ARTS This program is in tended fo r those wh o expec t to spend two years in college an d w is h to teach man u a l a r ts . On comp! 01111' of the requirements of the courses ou tlin ed b elow the student be entitled to the special departm enta l diplom a.


ince in most high schools the man ua l a rts instructor Is required to teach one or more academic subjects besides h is sh op work students tak ing l\lanual Arts must prepare to teach one other ject and should select their electives from the list sugges ted below.


Re11nireme 11ts Courses required of all can didates for diplomas, (see page 55. 33 houra Of these required courses students in the ::\fanual Arts must take: P r inciples of Teaching....... Hi gh School or Junior High Sch ool Curric ul um ............................ High School or Junior H igh Sch ool S tudent Teaching ........................ .Four hours in t hi s depar tment.


Department Req uirements I n ermediate Woodwork ..................................... .................. .4 Mechani ca l Dr aw in g ............ ................................ .................... 4 H ome Mech ani cs .............. ........ ..................... ......................... .4 Ma nu a l T raini n g Me thod s or Organization ....................... .4 Cabin et Making ................................ .... ........... .. ............. 2 or 4 Ma n u a l A rts Electi ves ...................... ..............................4 or 2

hours hours hours hours hours hours 20-U hours.


Electh¡es Candid ates for th e s pecial certificate shoul d s elect 5 hours of the followi ng elec tives ....................................................................5 hours. Vocational Ma thematics .......... .................. ....................... 2 hours Use a nd Care of Shop E quipmen t.. ...................................... 2 hours El emen tary Electricit y .... ........................................................2 hou rs Au tomobile Mech a nics ..................................................2 or 4 hours Upholster y a nd Wo odfini sbing..............................................2 h ou rs Arcb itectual D rawin g .................................................... 2 or 4 h ours Select 6 hours fr om on e of th e fo llowing groups: Ma thematics, Physics, Chemis try, Biology, H istory, English, hours or Language .....................................................................................-6~ hours



Two Year l'rogram- Suggeste<l Orcler oi' Subjects F r es hm an Year first. semester Hours Second Semester Hours Intermediate Woodwork : Home Mech anics ·--------·-··---·--·- ·---- 4 y -·--·--------··--··----Mechanical D rawing -------------------- 4 1 ~'.~nog of -T-~~~~;~-~:: 3 Engli sh ----------------------------··-------- ..... ·i public School Mus ic ...... ·······-·--···· 2 Psychology ...................................... 4 commercial Art 102.......... 2 Physical Education --···-············ ···· l Physical Education ············-····1



16 Sophomore Ye ar First Semester Hours Classroom :\Ianagem ent .............. 2 )Janual Arts !\::ithods and Organi zation -··················--··-······ ······ 4 Hygiene -················-··-·· ····-·········· ···-·· 2 Teaching Manual Arts --··-···-···---· 2 Observation and Participation ____ 2 Electives --·--·--··-·····-···-·········-·-···· .... 5

Hours S econd Semes ter Curr icu lum --·-·-------·-·---·······--···--···--· 2 Teaching Manual Arts __________________ 2 Cabinet Making ---·---·-···-··-·--·--·-·-···· 4 Electives ···-······--······----·-----·· ··---·-··--- 8

16 17 For department co urses see page 104. For four year program leading to a degree with major in Manual Arts, see page 52 .

PUBUC SCHOOL AR'r Students completing courses 101, 202, 203, 104, 205 a nd 306 together with required work in the College are entitled to a special diploma in Public School Art. I.

Requirements Courses requir ed of a ll candidates for diplomas (see page 55.) 33 hours Of these requ ired co ur ses students in the dep ar tment P . must select the follow ing: nnciples of Teach ing and Observation and Participation... ____ _ -------------- ·····------·-·······--- ·····-··-- --- ---- ---Elem entar y or Junior High

Urriculum ····-·····-·-·····--·-··--······---·-···--··Elementary or Junior Four hours teaching m u st be don e in Art subj ects .


Department Requirements Drawing and Painting 101.. ...................................................4 D D~:i:~ng and Painting 202 ... -·--···---··----······---···-····· · -- ······ ······· .4 Ind ····· ····-·-·----······-·-·····------····-····-····--··-·····-·········---·-········-4 Us tri al Art --·-··-·---····- ········---·····--····-·--··-···---·---···········-···-····2

hours hours hour s hours



Commer cia l Art ···· ·······----------------·-·---·----·---·-------------- ---------· .... 2 hou rs Method s in A r t.. ___ _________________ -------------------·-------------- --- ----------- -----2 hours Art His tory a nd Apprec iation _________________________________________ ______ 2 hours Toy Con struction ------·---··------------------- -----------------·- --·-·-------------2 hours 22


E lec tives -----··--·------···--------------- -------------------- ------·-····-· ---------------------- ....... 11 hours 66 hours

Suggested Electives History of AntiquitY-------------··--------------------------- -- . --- ----------- .. ..4 P enman ship ____ _------------------·------------- -------·------------·-----· ... 1 Mythology ---·--------······--- --····-----·- --------- ---------------------------------·- ... 2 Mec han ical D raw ing ------- -- ----------------- ----·----·---·-----· ...... 4 Sociology -- -- -- ---·---- -- ----·----------------·---·--- -------·---·----· ----··------ --- 4 Adv anced Desig n ...... -----·······--·--·----------------------- _____ ..4

Two Yea.r

Program-S ngges t~ ll

hou rs hour hours hours hours hours

Orller or Subjects

F r eshman Year Second Semester Hours First Semeste r Ho ur s Biology or Psychology------· ····------ 4 P s ycho logy or Biol ogy---- ------------- 4 English or P r inciples of 'r eachPrincipl es of Teaching or English ---------------·___ _____ __ 3 or 4 ing --- -· -- -----·------ -------------·--····-3 or 4 Drawing a nd Painting 101.. ........ 4 Indu st ri a l Art -------··-------------·········· 2 Ge neral Art or Public School P ublic School :\Iusic or GenerMus ic ------------ ·--------·------------···--····· 2 a l Art --------····------------···----------------- 2 Physical Edu cation -----·---·-···-------- 1 Phys ical Educa tion -·-------------------- 1 E lec tives ___ _ ----··-·------·-------2 or 1 ·Elec tives --------·--------· ------------ ... 5 or 4


16 Sophomore Year F irs t Semester Hours Obs ervation a nd Participation .. 2 Des ign .. .. -----·------··----··-------- 4 Commercial Art ------------------------- --- 2 Toy Construc tion ---------·---·------------ ~ Art T eaching or D rawing a n d Painting ----···· ·---·------------------4 Art Appreciation ·-·--------------2

Second Se meste r


~:il~:7CnU~l;l~~--::::::: :::::::: : : : :::::::::: : : : : Cla ssroom :\fanage ment ---·--········ Me thod s in A rt.. ........... ---·-··········· 3 · t"111g or Art Dra wing a nd Pam 4 Teach ing ---------------·----- --· ::::::...... 6 Electives ---·---·----------------·--·-

16 Fo r department courses see p age 75. Students p l anning to remain in College fo ur years a nd whoi:we: to make Art a major or minor should d istribute co ur ses as fol



Drawing a nd Painting 101, a nd General Art 108 or 109, first year. Design, Com1n ercial Art, Drawing and Painting 202 , Toy Constru ction, Beginning Design, second year. Indu strial Art, Art Apprec iation 306, Advanced Design a nd :\1ethods, third yea r. Practice T11aching, Advan ced Drawing an d Painting, four th year. studen ts retu rn ing to work for degree who hold the Art diplom a are advised to incl ud e H is tory of Antiq uity, Mythol ogy, Mech anical Drawing, and S ociology if th ey have no t previou sly taken th ese co urses. Courses offered in the Engli sh a nd Histo r y Departments are also suggested . Advan ced work in Draw ing ancl Painting ca n be arranged for.




lle1plirements Courses required of ca ndid a tes fo r diplomas (see page 55 .) 33 hour s

Stud ents in this department should select the fol lo wing courses : Principles of Teaching ............................................. Elementary Curriculu m ................. ...................... Elementary Pract ice Teach in g, 4 hours in Music.


Department Req uirements Metho ds of Teaching (Educ. credit) ................................... 4 hour s

~~;.::~!:ti°.~. . : · · · · · · · ····· · · · ·····. . . . .... . . . .... ..

.:::: ~~~~~:

~n_sembJ e :\liJ.si ~··::::::::

..................... ·········:::::::: .... . ............ 2 hour s .................. ........................ 3 hours Ysical Ed . (Dan cing 3a) ......................................... ... 1 hour

p~I ce or :\Iajor Instr um ents

El ec ti ves

20 hour s .13 hours

66 hour s



'l' wo Year l'rogram- Suggested Ord er of S ubjects Fresh man Year Fi rst Semes ter Hours Second Semester Public School Music llOa a nd Methods of Teaching

;;;~:~1;;~i•T;~,.,~; · · · 3.;; ; ~~:~~:,~~~~ ' ': • · · · · · · · · · 1

Phys ica l Education (Gen. R eq.) 1 General Art .................................... 2 Electi ve ............................................ 4






Voice or Major Ins trument... ..... Physical Ed ucation 3a (Dept. Req.) ............................................ Obser. and Partic . ........................ Ensemble ........................................


1 2 1


Sophomore Year F irs t Semester Hours Second Semester Hours Harmony 204a a nd 204b .............. 4 Harmony 204c and 204d .............. • Prac tice T eaching in Music ........ 2 Curri culum ......... ............................. 2 Music App r eciation ...................... 2 Voice or Major Instrument... ..... 1 Classroom Man agement .............. 2 Hygiene ............................................ 2 Voi ce or Ma jor Instrument.. ...... 1 Phys ical Education (General E n semble ........................................ 1 R eq.) ............................................ 1 E lec tive ............................................ 4 Practice Teaching ........................ 2 Elective ........................................... 5



For department · courses see page 109. In compliance with the new ruling under which only degree teach ers can expect to be elected to High School positions, we advise a ll prospective music teachers that, having completed the above two-year course, they are eligible in this State only for a combination music and g rade school teaching position or by so me remote chance a full-time music position. It is, then, highly des ireable to take some work in the elementary or ea rly elementary departments, and to do an extra a mount of practice teaching. d The music department offers fourteen hours of work of junior an . semor rank, and urges that all s tudents plan to get a degr ee before te teaching. For the degree a minimum of six hours of app lied mus will be required, und e r the di r ection of the head of the department.

UURAL EDUCATION ] . Thi s program of work is intended for those who desire ~~ ntinue se begin teaching in the ru ral school, and who expect t o co . e or . d all v1l 1ag era! years therein or in the grades of consolldate , s m< town schoo ls. t is grant2. Up on completio n of the first year's work, the studen



Elernentary State Certificate valid for a period of three years ed an . . ral or vi llage schoo l m Nebraska. in an Y ru . Upon com pletion of the prescribed two years course, the 3 dent receives the regular two-year diploma. After two years ~~u successful te aching experie°:ce, the holder is entitled to a Pro·onal Life Ce rtificate (see page 70.) f eSSl 4. Studeu ts entering this course must present credentia ls which confor m to the general coll ege entrance requirements as shown on page 43 of this catalogue.


General Requirements All requi re d ce rtificate courses as shown on page 55 of thi s catalogue must be met. Provided: Rural Methods is substituted for Principles of Teach ing; Biological Nature Study meets the Biology require rnent ; .aural Problems, embracing Management and Health, covers the require ment of Hygiene. Observation and Practice Teaching will be done in the Training School.


Departmental Requirements Hours Ru ral Methods .............................. 4 Ru ral Education ............................ 2 Penmanship .................................... 1

Hours Rur al Problems ............................ 4 Community Leadership .............. 2


Electives Electives to the amount of 24 hours may be sel ected from the general courses of the catalogue, a suggested list of which will be foun d on the fo llowing page.

Rt::RAL CER'.rIFICATE REQUIREMENTS Elementary State Certificate Freshman Year First Semester Second Semester Hours Hours Rural Methods or Rural ProbRural Problems or Rural Methods ................................................ 4 E lems ....... ,..................................... . 4 Nnglish or Psychology................ 4 Psychology or English ................ 4 Mat~re Study .................................. 4 Art or Music .................................. 2 p~s1c or Art... ................................ 2 Penmanship .or Physical Ed....... 1 Ysical Ed. or Penmanship .... 1 Electives .......................................... 6 Electi\·e ······················· ············ 1





Two-Year College Diploma Sophomore Year Hours First Semester Ru:al Education or Community

Second Semester Roura Community Leadership or Rural

Leadership ---------------------------------- 2 Observation and Participation ____ 2 Class room :l\Ia n agement or Cur-

Education ----------·-------·---··------------ 2 Practice Teach ing ----·-------·-----·----- 4 Cur r iculum or Classroo m :\1an-

riculum -------------------------------- ----·--- 2 Phys . Educ. lOla or 208 __ ____ ________ 2

agement -------·------·---·--·---------------- 2 Electives ----------·-------------···-·---·-··------ 9

Electives ------------·--·-----·-----·------------·- 8


Suggestecl ElectiTes Hours College Grammar ---------·-· 2 Advanced Com position ---------------- 2

Hours Background of Ame r. Hist__ ______ 4 United States Histor y__________________ 4

Story Telling -----------------·------·------- 2 Public School Re ading ________ __ _____ _ 2

Professionalized Math. ---------------- 4 Toy Cons truction -------·------------------ 2 Intermediate Woodwork ------------ 4 Genetics and Evolution __ ______________ 4

General Geography ---------------------- 4 Prima ry & Elementa ry Geo. ______ 4 Methods in Art. _______ _______ ________________ 2 Vitalized Agriculture ------------------ 4

Plays and Games------------------·--------- 1 Playground Supe rvision 2

Renewal of Two-Year Diploma This college will renew either its two-year diplom a or its Elementary State· Certifica te in favor of any studen t earning 12 hours of college credit, not more than s ix of which sha ll be in absentia, since the issua nce of the dip loma.

PROFESSIONAL LIFE STATE CERTIFICATE For the Professiona l Life State Certificate th e candidate must submit proof of thr ee year s of successful teaching experience before the two-year college dip loma or degree is earned or two years successful experience after it is earn ed. A year as co n templated abO~ must consist of at leas t s ix months. See p age 55 for requiremend for two-year college diploma and page 45 for req Ui· remen ts for e-gree. St t Teachers A Life Profess iona l Certificate issued by the a e S per· College, Peru, Nebras ka, may be renewed through the Stat_e ~bree intendent by earning 12 semester hours college credit, includi ng hours Six hours in edu cation since the issuance of s uch ce rtificate. of this may be t aken in absentia.





For entrance to the course for this ce rtifi cate the stude nt shall l . nt credentia ls conforming to Requirements for College ent r a nce, prese see page 43. 2. To sec ure the Elementary State Certificate he sh a ll submi t indicated credits in the following college subj ects: Biology .................................................................... 4 semester hours psychology ........................ .......................... .......... 4 s em ester hours Engli sh .................................................................... 4 semester hours Principles of T ea ching ........................................ 3 semester hours ¡ ~ru s i c llOa and llOb .......................................... 2 semester hours *Drawing ................................................................ 2 semester hours Electives .................................................... ........ .... 13 semes ter hours To tal ..................................... ........................... 32 semester hours *Th est- credits must cons ist of at least thr ee hundr ed minutes per week given to the subj ects in study a nd practice during one semester. The requirements of the Elementary State Certificate are included in the F r es hma n year of each of the two ye a r sr,ecia l cer tificate courses, see pa ge 55. This enables the s tudent to earn the Elementar y State Ce rtificate while completing one year of work in his selected program . The Advanced Rural E du cation curri culum is recommended for those wh o plan to teach at th e end of the fre shm an year.






COURSES OF INSTRUCTION NUMBERING OF COURSES 'fh e numt>ers preced ing the co urs es of instruction indicate e class for which the work is primarily planne d. The year's th·o"ra m found on page 129, shows definitely the combinations pi "classes desire · d an d th e res t nc . t 10ns ' of . n ecessary. I n d'1v1'd ua 1 exceptions may be made only by special a rr angem ent with the instructo r of the co ur se. 1- 99. Free electi ves, unclass ifie d. 100-1 99 . F r esh man. 200-299. Sophomore. 300-399. Junior. 400- 499 . Sen ior. AR'f *Miss T il ton :vuss Papez :\f'.ss !)ic!'.:'.le

Th e courses in this department are planned fo r teachers who desire to become <': ~-- ci:l.ted nith th e n~ etho d::; c f to :: ch ing and to develop skill necessary to depi ct facts, ideas a nd impre sions in graphic _ language. T hey a lso ai m to c ultivate an appreciation of the a rts. Students who w ish to qualify as special tea chers of art in town an d city sc hool sho ul d co mplete co ur ses 101, 202, 203, 104, 205, ~ 06, and 102 or 303, together with the req uired work of th e college. 101. Hra wing a nd .Painting- Drawing in charcoa l a nd painting in wa ter co lor s and oils from studies of s till li fe and flow e r s. Studio course-students placed a nd ad va nced according to individual abilities. F irst an d second se meste rs; fo ur h ou rs a ttendan ce, four hours cre dit. 102. Uom mercial Art-This course m ay be elected by s tud ents expecting to tea ch in junior or senior high school or to minor in Art. It is required of students majoring in Art. A s tudy of lettering, Posters, window cards, des ign applied to printing a nd m a nual a rts and principles of free ha nd perspective. Th is course satisfies t he State Boa rd r equ irement of two hours public school art. Four hours attenda nce, two hours cr edit. F irst and second semesters. 10!. Industrial Art-A course for teachers of intermediate grades and junior high school in crafts work including the study of the foll owing: book-binding, modeling, bas ketry. Fou r th quarter, four hours atten dance, two hours credit. . 108. Ge nera l Art- Drawing a nd painting fo r primary a nd intermediate teachers - fir s t quarter. Poste r work, lettering, basket 1..J • book-bin ding, etc.-second quarte r. Either thi s cou rse, 102 · l09 or JO~Ja, or 306 require d of a ll gra du ates. F irst a nd second ~e\inesters . four ho u rs attend ance two hours cr edit. b•e·'~ t ' Jea ,.e 1 929-30.

- 01\



109. General Ar t-Drawing and painting for u pper grade Junior high teachers-first quarter. Poster work, letterin g ms anct projects, book-binding, etc-second quarter. Either th is co~ rsea~U&l 102, 109a, or 306 required of all graduates. First and second ' OB, semes-. ters, four hours atte nd ance, two hours credit. 109a. Draw ing for R ural 'feach ers-Mediums adapted to grades. Emphasis is placed upon interests of the country child au material found in his community. First a nd second semesters ¡ fand • our hours attendance.two hours credit. 202a. Drawing ruHl Painting-Prerequisite course 101 or !ta equivalent. A continuation of Course 101. Study of Pictorial and Decorative Composition using still life, flowers, figures and stories. First and second semesters; four hours attendance, fou r hours credit. 203. Design-A stud y of the four orders of design, design principles, making analysis drawings, and the originating of designs suitable for craft work. Study made of s tenciling, block printing, parchment painting, and batik. This cour se meets th e needs of Home Economics students. Open to freshmen by specia l permiss ion. First semester; four hours attendance, fo ur hours cr edit. 205. iUetlw <ls in Ar t-A teacher's course. Prer equisite, General Art 108 or 109. The course includes a discussion of the value of a rt in education; its rel a tion to other subjects a nd to industries; and the methods of teaching drawing in the grades, the planning of lessons and of a course of study. Third q ua rter ; four hours attendance, two hours credit. 210. Teaching-Four hours teaching in the grades is required of all who complete the course. Prerequisite courses 101, 202; of all who complete the course. Prerequisite courses 101, 202, 205. 303. A<lvance<l Design-Development of original designs based on further study of the laws of design and of designs of various countries and periods, of design development. Open to students having completed Design 203. First semester; four hours attendance, four hours credit. 306. Art Appreciation- Planned to give high school teachers s tandards of m easurement for a rtistic appreciation. Includes studY of his torica l periods of desig n, a rchitecture and painting, through the s tudy of principles of light a nd shade, color, design, composition , and perspective as a pplie d in th e wo rks of masters. Open ~~ freshmen by specia l permission. F irst and second semesters; tw h ours attendance, two hours credit. 311. Acl vancc<l Drawing a n<l Painting- Open to s tudents doing advanced work. First and second semester; fo u r hours attendance ; four hours credit. year F or two T oy Con structi on- Cou r s e 11 in '.\1anual Arts. program leading to an art ce rtifi cate s ee p age 65 .






*Mr . Holch Mr. Carter Mrs. Carter Miss Meserve Educational Biology, course 116, is required of a ll fre shmen. 'fhose majoring in the Ear lyy E lementar y or R ural E du cation D epar tments may subs titu te for course 116 a four hour course in Nature study.

'f hose majoring in Biology for the A. B. degree will tak e twen tyfour hours work in th e department. T his m us t includ e course 116, twelve hours of botany a n d eight hours of zoology or else cou rs e 116, and twelve hours of zoology and eight hou rs of botany. It is highly recommended that the m a jor be further s trengthened by the a ddition of other courses than the twenty- fou r hours required. Hygiene, course 208, is not included in a major. The sequence of courses for th e m a jor must be approved by the head of the depa r tm en t no t later th an the sophomore year. It is re.:ommend ed that those who plan to continue la ter with graduate study i n th e field of Biology, should ta ke not less th a n 36 hours work in the department. The appointment to Graduate Fellowships in the leading Univers ities demands as strong a major as possible. EDUCATIONAL BIOLOGY 116. Educational Biology-A study of the fundamental biological principles and generalizations, togeth er with their relations to the life of the h uman being and to the theory and practice of education . Among the things trea ted are included a study of the cell, protoplasm, tissues, organ sys tems nuitrition, excretion, decay, photosynthesis, life histories of pla nts ' and a nimals, evolu tion, a nd heredity. Given each semester; four hours class a nd two hours laboratory, four hou rs credit. 201. Botany : Plant PJ~y s i ol ogy and Ecology- An introductory stud y of the life pro cesses of plants. Abs or ption, transpiration, Photosynthesis, diges tion, and respir(ttion are briefly tr eated. Considerable attention is given to environmental facto r s as r efle cted in the form and function of pla nts. Habi ta t facto rs gove r ning the distribution of plan ts a nd the r eaction of pla nts upon these fac tors. Tbe gross a nd m icroscopic s tru c ture of plant or gan s. A natur e stud y trea tment of the t r ees a nd weeds of the vi cinity. A cou rse Which everyone planning to teach botan y sbould take. F irst semester lwo class¡ periods an d six laboratory hours, fo ur hours cr dit. 2&2. Botany : P lan t JiorplLology-An introductory study of the structure, classification, and evolu tion of algae, fungi, liverwor ts, mosses, fer ns, cycads, conifers, and flower ing plan ts. This course, ;ogeth er with course 201 gives a comprehensive one year 's course Absent on leav e, 1929-30 .




in botany. Second semester; two cla ss periods a nd s ix hours , four hours cred it. 304. Gen etics a 11cl Kvo lu t io11-A st udy of the various theor ie evolu tion and thei r expo nen ts; th e principles of hered ity as workeds or by . Mendel and othe r s. Lectures, ass igned read ings, a nd class r:c~~ tat10ns. Second se mester; fo ur hours per week, four hours credit. 30:1. Ad ra 11ce<I Yiaut Ph ysiology-A s omewhat detailed class . . . room a nd laboratory st udy of photosynthes is, t r ans pi ra tion, respiration, absorption, meta bol ism, irritab ility, growth, reproduction a nd a daptation Prerequisite : twelve hours work in the departmen t. Virst semester : four class hours and four hour s laboratory, four hours credit. ' lH5. Piant TiLxo11 omy-Classification of flow e ring plants, with fie ld study o f local fl ora, an d pre pa r ation of an herba rium. Summer sess ion only ; two class per iods and four hours la boratory, four hours credit. -WG. Jliul ogy Jl etho(ls- A course in the prin ciples and practice 0 ~ biology teaching. This course carries cred it e ithe r in the biology department or in the e ducational department. Pre requi site : a seme 3 ter in either botany or zoology. Either semester, by appo intment only, four hou rs credit.

ZOOLOGY 203. lnxertebrate Zoology-A s tudy of representatives of the invertebrate groups, includ ing the anatomy of the a dult, and the life history, togeth er with discussion of habits and distribution. This co urse is designed to help g ive the students the necessa ry background for Urn teachin g of biology. Second se meste r and s ummer session to alternate with course 318 ; two class hou rs a nd six laboratory hours, four hours credit. 207. College J' hys iology-A study of a natomy, physiology, and hygiene o f the huma n body, w ith s pecia l r efe rence to organ syste ms, a nd m icroscopic work on the human tiss ues. F irs t semester; four class hours and fo ur hours la bora tor y, four hours credit. 208. H ygi e ue- See page 103. 318. Ycr tebra.te Zoology- Study of th e r epresentatives of tl!e ve rte brate groups, incl uding t be anatomy, development, a nd phylogeny of the vertebrates. Tbis cour se, together with inve rteb rate z ool o~Y· co urse 203 completes the survey of the an ima l kingdom. Like mverlebrale 'zoology, it is necessa ry to any student who con te 111rl~te · the teacJ1ing of biology. F ir s t semester, and summe r sess ions .'~ alternate with co ur se 203; two class hours an d six hours l aboratoi~. fo ur hours cred it. . . t ·b 1tion of an t41-1. .\11i rnnl .Ecologl'-A s tu dy of the world d 1s n L ' • . . . . . . ll .. distril.JHtJOll· ma ls ' oo·ether with [actors causmg a n d lrn11tmg 1ell _ · · " ::' . ,., "' · · l terna te ye_t! :;. Prerequ1s1te: courses Jlt>, 203 and ,,1 Given m a c.;; ,·en in l!J2G-~!J . Four hours class work. fou r hours cred it.



N A'.fUR:E ST DY 205, Jlio logical Nature Stn d y-Field and laboratory work on feaof the biological environment. B rief con s ideration s of flow ers. ~~;: s, roots, leaves, bud s, weeds, trees, seedlings, bird s, insects, wil u nim als , domes tic a nim a ls, etc. The course is plann ed to meet th e anee ds of those specia li zing in th e Early Elementar y course and in tbe Rur al course. First semes ter ; fo ur class periods a n d four Jnborator y pe riods p er week, four hours credit. iW5n. Jlotanical Nature Shul y-Work on flow er s, stems, roots, leaves, bu ds, weeds, trees , etc. Summ er session only; four cla s~ periods a nd s ix la boratory hours per week, four hours cr edit. 205b. Zoologica l Nature Sh ul y-A deta il ed s tudy of the birds of tb e middle west, also of th e in sect life a::!d common animal ~ of this vi cin ity. Field a nd labo r atory work. This course is exce[J tio nall y adapted to g rade te ache r s. Summ er session only ; four class a nd s ix laboratory hours per week, four hours credit. Courses Offeretl Wh e n lleqnire d Th e fo llowi ng courses are given from time to tim e a s the dem a nd for them requires. 219. E ntomology-A genera l bas is of morphology a nd classification fo r a consideration of the general biology of insects, without special r eference to th e economic problems. Given in summer session onl y ; two hours class, si x hours laboratory, four hours credit. 221. field Zoology-An introduction to local life based u pon classification, distribution, and n atural history of representatives of tb e different a nimal phyl a living in th is region. Prerequisi te: course 116. Given in summer sessions only; two hours class, six hours labora tory, four hours credit.

317. l'la nt Ecology-A stud y of the climatic and soil factors with reference to their effect on the individual plant and upon th e di stribu tion of plants. A gene ral trea tment of the relations of the plant to its environme nt. Prerequi site: course 20 1. Four hours cl~~s a nd two hou rs laborato ry, four hours credit. 410. History ol Biology-A deta il ed s tudy of the history of biology, an d the biograp hy and work of its principa l figu res. Pre ret1uiSite : twelve hours work in the depa rtment. Two hours credit. 411, fa1ge11 ics-A stud y of the socia l s ignifi cance of the biological cont1=ibution s of Mendel an d bis followe r s. Tbe appl ica ti on of the laws Of he r edity to human beings . Prerequisite: Course 204. T wo hou rs cred it.

412. The :nutatio n Theory- A critical study of the i\Iuta l:ion Theory of H ugo De Vries. Prerequisite: Course 204 . Two hou rs credit.



in botany. Second se mester; two cl ass pe riods a nd s ix 1 b a orator~ hours, four hours cred it. • 804. Gen etic:· a nd Evo lu t ion-A. study of the vario us theories evolu tion and then· exponen ts; th e pnnc1ples of heredity as worked 0 f . d rea d'mgs, a nd class recj. out b y ..M..en d e l an d o th ers. L ec t u res, ass1gne tat1ons . Second se meste r ; fo ur hours per week, fou r hours credit. 30\l. .\d n 111ce(I Pla.11t P11 ys iology-A somewhat detailed ciaos o room and laborato ry study of photosy nthesis, transp iration , res piration, abso rption, metaboli sm, irr itab ility, g r owth, reproduction and a daptation. Prerequis ite : twe lve hours wo rk in the depar tment. Virst semester· four c lass hours and four ho urs laboratory, fou r ho urs credit. ' 815. .l'ia11t 'l' axou om y-Classification of flowe rin g plants, with field stud y of local flora, and pre pa ration of a n herbarium. Summer session on ly; two class pe riod s and four hours labora tory, four hours credit.

-lOG. Hiolog)· J l etholl s- A course in the prin ciples and p rac tice 0 ~ biology teaching. This course carries cred it eithe r in the biology departm ent or in the e ducationa l department. Prerequis ite : a seme5ter in either botany or zoology. E ith e r semester, by appo in tment only, four hou rs credit.

ZOOLOGY 208. 111 rnrteJJrate Zoology- A s tudy of representatives of the invertebra te grou ps, including the anatomy of the a dult, a nd the life history, together with discussion of habits and distribution. Thig co ur se is de s igned to help g ive the students the necessa ry background for the te aching of biology. Second semester a nd s ummer session to alternate wi th course 318; two class hours a nd six labora tory hours, four hours cred it. 207 . College .Phys iology-A s tudy of a natomy, physiology, and hyg iene of the human body, with special refere nce to organ systems, a nd m icroscopic work on the hum an tissues. F irst semes ter; four class ho u rs and fou r hours la bor atory, fou r hours credit. 208. H ygi e ne- See page 103. 818. Yer tebrate Zoology- Study of the r epresenta tives of tl!e vertebrate groups, including the anatomy, developm ent, a nd phylogeny of the vertebrates. This course, togethe r with invertebrate z oolo~~-. co urse 20 3, completes the survey of the a nimal kingdom. Like invertebrate zoology it is n ecessa r y to any stud ent who contemr l~te the teacJ1 ing of b'iology. F irst se meste r , and s ummer sessions to alternate with course 203; two class hours a nd six hou rs laboratory, lour hours credi t. "' nn i.J.1 -1. .\ 11im11l J·:colog~'-A st udy of the wor ld distr ibution °• . 3 tril.nit1::in_. · d 11·1111' t1'ng their di mals toge ther with factors ca usi ng a n Prerequisite: courses J16 , 203 and 318. Given in alternate ye\!>· Qi .-en in l !l 2 8 -~0 . Four hours class work. fou r hours c red it.




205, Hiological Nature Stu d y-Field and lab oratory work on Ceas of the biological environment. Brief co ns ide rations of flow ers. ~~;:s, roots, lea ves, bud s, weeds, trees, seedlings, birds, insects, wilu nimals. domes tic animals, etc. The course is planned to meet the anee ds of those speciali zing in the Early Elementary course and in tbe Rural co urse. First semeste r ; fo ur class periods and four l a boratory periods per week, four hour s credit. iW5n. Jlotanical Nature Sh uly-Work on flo wers, stems, roots , leaves, buds, weeds, trees, etc. Summer session onl y; fo ur c l as~ periods a nd s ix laboratory hours per week, four hours credit. 206b. Zoologica l Nature Shul y-A detail ed study of the birds of tbe midd le west, also o f the in sect life a::! d common animal ~ of tb is vicinity. Field a nd laboratory work. This co ur se is exce[Jtionall y adapted to g ra de teachers. Summer session only ; fo ur class a nd s ix laboratory ho urs per week, four hours c r edit. Courses Offeretl Wh e n lleqnired The follo wing courses are given from time to tim e as the deman d for them requires. 219. En tomology-A general basis of morphology a nd classification for a consideration of the general biology of insects, without special reference to the economic problems. Given in summer session onl y; two hours class, si x hou rs la boratory, four hours credit. 221. field Zoology-An introduction to local life based upon classification, distr ibution, and n atur al history of representatives of th e different a nimal phyl a living in this region. Prerequisite: course 116. Given in summer sessions only; two hours class, six hou r s laboratory, four hours credit. 317. l'lant Ecology-A study of the clima tic and soil factors with reference to their effect on the individual plant a n d upon the di s tribution of plants. A general treatment of the relations of the plant to its environment. Prerequi site: cou r se 201. Four hours cl~~s a nd two houn, labo ratory, four hours credit.

410. History ol Biology-A detailed study of the history of biology, and the biograp hy and work of its principal figure s. Prerequisite: tw elve hours work in the dep a rtment. Two hours cred it. 411, fa1ge11 ics-A stud y of the socia l s ignifi cance of the biolog ical cont1=ibutions of Mendel and bis followers. The application of the laws of he redity to human beings . Prerequisite: Course 204. T wo hours cr edit.

412. The :nutatio n Theory- A critical study of the i\lutal:ion Theory of Hugo DeVri es. Prerequisite: Course 204 . Two hours credit.



413. T he Natu ra l Selecti on 'flteory-A critical s tu dy of the N u ral Selec ti on Theo r y of Cha rl es Da rw in. Prer equis ite, course 2 ... Two hours cred it. 420. Con11mr ath e Anatomy ancl l'h ysiol ogy ol Yertebrates-Le u res and laboratory. Deals w ith the compar ative ana to my compa ct. , rat1ve phys iology, and evol ution of the various vertebrate org ans and terns of organs . The laboratory work consis ts of the dis-sectio S)s. verte brate types, including fish , amphibians, reptiles, bir ds and n of mammals. Prerequ is ite: courses llG and 318. Four hour s credi t.


COMMERCE *'.\1iss Pal mer '.\1iss Irwin :\liss Boatm a n A student may do the regu lar teachers professional work in addition to the required work in Commerce. (See page 55 .) Upon completion of this program, the student will be gran te d a two-year diploma and an a dditional dip lom a from this depa r tment showing that he is qualified to teach in the commerce depa r tment of any high school in the state. T h ose majoring in Comme r ce for the A. B. degre e mus t take, i:l addition to the required work of the two-yea r cu rri culu m, Commercial Law and Political Eco nomy. Students who wish to p repare for business position s can complete the requ ired work in one year. 5. T y]le writing-Special atten tion is g iven to p unctuation, paragraphing and lette r fo r ms. S tud e n ts may regis ter fo r one, two, three, or fo u r hours w ork. F ir s t and secon d sem es te r s ; three hours attendance, o ne hour cr edit. !). l'e nman sh i]l- Legible, rapid, bus iness writing is the chief a im. P a lmer ce r tifica tes a r e sec ured by those completing the req uired work. F irst a nd second se mes te r s; two hour s attendance, one hour er ect it. 10. Ortllogra1ihy- Drills on lis ts of common words frequently m isspell ed. Ana lysis a nd a p pli ca tion of s imple rnles. Devices and me th ods for teaching or t hog ra phy in the high school. Summer Sch ool only; th r ee hours attenda nce ; one hou r cr edit. 101. Shortha nd I, Gregg System- Ma nu a l is co mpleted. One hundred twenty-five pages of reading r equire d. F irs t se mes ter; four hours attendance, four hou r s cred it. t 103. J~le m entary Accou nting-This course deals w i th funda men als · the balance sheet profit and loss statement, effect of ever y tran' ' d•t on action on bala nce sheet, the account, effect of de bit a nd ere 1 ·u-taccounts, ledger variou s journals, trial ba lance, wo rk sheet, adJ ' . ' ing and closing entries, business papers. First an d second semesters , four hours attendance, four hours credit. * bsent on lea ve. 1929-30.



-----()(i Shorthand 1 .

II- Contin uati on of Co urse 101. Speed drills ; "bing and correspondence; gene r a l rev iew of stenographic transcxi second s emeste r; four hours atte ndance, four hours principl es.

cred~~J. ;\ chanced Accu u ut i11 g-Continuation of cou rse 103. :\Iulti. books analysis of i ncome a nd expe nditures the organiza 1un1 a 1 ' ' capital s tocks, div idends, s urplus, r ese rves, depreciations and tI ' h store ac counts are among the fea tu res cons id ered. Se con d b!'auc er· four hours attendance, four ho ur s credit. t ' semes01. Slwrtlland III-Shortpand penmanship, writing a nd tr an2 scribi ng di'fficult matte r, speed practice. Use of duplicating dev ices; fil ing. s tudents take dictation from different members of the fa culty and do othe r office wo r k connected with the school. F ir st semester; f ur hou rs attenda n ce, four ho ur s cred it. 0 2os. )lethocls of Teaching Sh ortlta ncl and 'rype writing- Includ es observation. Req ui red s ubject for sophomores in thi s department. second quarter ; fou r hours attendance, two hours credit. 302. Comm erci a l Luw- A co u rse designed to show, in a nontechnical manner, tile important factors of the common law affecting ordinary l'usiness tra:1sactions . First semester ; four ho ur s a ttend:rnce. four hours credit. For suggested orde;· of s ubjec ts for two -year or four -year program, see page 53 .


EDUCA'L'ION AKD P SYCHOLOGY P sychology 'L'heory of Education Principles of Teachin g School Administration Rural E ducation Earl y E lementary Ed ucation Ge neral E lectives l\Ir. Crago Mr. Clemen ts l\1iss T ear Miss l\1cColl um Mr. Tyler Mr. Baker

A teachers college is primarily a profess ional school. A considerable body of knowledge based on scientific experiment is n ow available ou t of which a profession of teaching is dernlopin g. T hccou rses in psychology, education and teacher training have the general Pu rpose of making the student fam iliar with th is body of professional knowledge. The department will not recomm end s tude nts for Positions for which they have failed to m ake pro fess ion al preparation.




Ten hours of Education in ad dition to general profes . . s1ona1 qmrements of thirty hours are necessary for a major in Ed re. Students shou ld consult the head of the department in selec:~ cauon. elec tive hours for the major in Education. Education ca •ng the counted as a minor. nnot be 101 a ncl 102. lntroclnctory l'sychology- The course pres · ents th accepted facts of psychology with the special purpose of a e Pil 1Ying them to the problems of learning, teaching and personal deve lo It forms the scientific basis for the courses in Education. Te~~=~ work is supplemented by laboratory exer cises and dem onstrat· . ions. First a nd second semesters; four hours atte ndance four 1 c redit. ' iours

223. Ch flcl Psychology- Thi s course is concerned with the Principles of the nature, growth a nd development of the ch ild, a knowle dge of which is fundamental to the successful management or children. The work is especially for elementary te achers. Psychology 101 and 102 prerequisite. Fourth quarter; four hours attendance, two hours credit. 236. P sychology or !,earning- A study is made of the oiffer<>nt types and laws of lear ning. Textbook work is s uppl emen te d hy individual and group experiments. First quarte r; four hours attendance, two hours credit. 324. Psychology of Adolescence-A stud y of the physical, mental and social characteristics of the individual during the adolescent period. With this as a basis, the course atte::1pts to deve lop an understanding of the psychological principles unde rl ying the Junior High organizations, articulation of the elementary and secondary s chool gr ades, curricu lu m and other typical high school problems. Psychology 101 and 102 are prerequisites. Third qu arte r ; fou r hours attendance, two hours credit. 337. The P sychology oi' Scl1ool Subj ect s-The co ur se deals with the mental processes as they are active in the different school subjects. Second quarter; four hours attendance, two hours credit. Theory or Eclncatiou 204. Classroom )fa.11ageme11 Jr-The purpose of th is cour se is to suggest w ays and means of meeting th e everyday practical problems that eve ry teacher has to meet. The discussions a nd readings cover such topics as ethics for teachers, constructive disclipl ine, physical conditions of the classrooms, health a nd play direction, devices for . . on, at•it ude rating recitations and teachers gradmg, p 1a nnmg 1ess "• ' ' ' t · d' 'd al towards supervision adapting subj ect matter o m 1v1 u n eecls an d ' . at•endmaking a daily program. Offered each qu arte r; four 110u 1s -• ance, two hours cred it. rs The l'nrricnlnm-Required in the Sophomore yea r fo r two boll , of the Th eory of Education requirement. Prerequisites: .P sycbolog)t, r hours a Principles of Teaching, Observation and :\Iethods . F ou tendance, two hours credit.



Each student s hould take th e course wh ich cor r el ates wi t h hi s in principles of T eaching and in :vre th ods a nd Obse rvat ion . cou rse second year is based ve ry defrnitely upon th at of the ft r 3t. es'J'be· ·i!I Y upon the s tudy mad e of t he methods of teach ing the •; ubj .~c ts p eci~e curriculum as observed in the T r ain ing Sch oo l. o[ t In the course listed below is conducted a study o f the large vr i1:. Jes of curric ulum construction and their r elation to e du cational CI . en t a t 1011 · . Th e o b Jee . t 1ves · . . Psearch and expenrn are cons1. d , re d w I11ch ie . . ine the selection, evaluation, orga niz a tion a nd adap tat ion of de ,e 1111 . su bject matter to t he varying age g roup s . e. The Junior · H igh S chool Cu r r icu lu m. Second qu a rte r. 203 ~O ~f. T he Elementary Cu r riculum . Third qu a rter. 20 3g. The Ear ly E l emen ta ry Curr iculum . Firs t qu a rt r. ~O~ . T he Senio r High S ch ool Curri cu lum. Fo urth qu a r te r. Open to sophomore3 \\·ho are can d idates for th e commercia l or m an ua l ans diploma. "l'ri11cipl ~ ul '.i:e<1chi11g Prereq ui s ite to teac hin g . Requir e d in the Freshman yea r uf ti 1ose y;ho wish to ccrnplete the two year course. T hree hour s of P r inciples of Teaching with one h o ur of Obse rvati on a nd Partici pation >'<1 '. is "y the Sta Le requireme:it for fo ur hours :\fet hod s an d Obser vat ion. Studen ts who lnve earned fo u r h ours credit may elect tw o add i' ifi:1 al hours for electiYe credit. In Principles of Teaching, educational p r inciples wh i h arn tlle basis of the general methods of good teac hing are ta u ght. The courses are p la nned to g ive t h e fr eshman s tuden t th e fo llowing values: a. A sympathe tic interes t in ch ildren of the age group whi ch he expects to tea ch . b. A knowle dge o f th e bes t modern edu cational practice in many lines of work. c. An unde r s tanding of la r ge bas ic p rincip les of educat ion b y which he may eval uate school procedure. d. A grad ua l g rowth of the professiona l attitude w hi ch sho ul d be gained before h e begins h is practice teach ing. Each stu den t should e nroll for the course which most nearly Prepares him for the work wh ich he pl an s to teach. 108b. Junior High School, for tho se who expect to teach in j,mior high school or grades seve n or eight. Each semeste r. 108c. E lementary, for those who expec t to teach in grades tl1ree, four , fi ve or six. Each semes te r. 108d. Ea rly Elementary, for th ose wh o expect to teach in the I:indergarten or in grades one or t wo. First semester. 208. ~en ior H igh School, fo r those who expect to teach in high chooJ. Second semeste r. O )e n to freshmen who are candid.He fo~ the commercial or man ual arts diploma.



Each of the above, three hou rs attendance three h . . . . • ours Must be combmed with the reqmred course in Methods . and vatwn . See Training School , page 118. Sch ool Admini stra tfo n School a dmini stration is a specialized field and call s fo 5 trai ning. Students who expect to go out as superintendents r Pec1ai cipal s should consult with the head of the departmen t or theor, Prin. intendeut of the Training School , not later than the beginn~~IPer­ the junior year. Students who plan to go out into a Prine· lg or . !pa Ship or a superintendency should take psychology 236 or 237 ed 231 or 331, and 230a. or 230b, an d 405. ' ucauon. Students will be recommen ded fo r a dministrative positions by the department and by the Placement Bureau, only when a dequate Prep. aration for such positions has been made. 306. Extra-c urr icula.r Ac tiv itie.--This course has to do with the ad minis tration and direction of extra-curricular ac tivities in the junior and senio r high school. Person s who have specialized In the control of certain activities w ill be brought in for lec tures or class discussions. These di scussions will be supplemen te d by readings and qu izzes. The course is especially planned for superintendent& a nd principal , but is open to any high school teacher above the sophom ore year. Third quarter ; four hours atten dan ce; two hours credlL 405. School Admi1listration-This course is organized to meet the special needs of superintendents, principals or s tudents who wish to prepare for administrative positions. Among the problems discussed are: duties of superintendents and principa ls, personal and e ducational qualification s for administrative work, the purchase of equipment, supplies, and textbooks, selecting teachers, teachers meetings, school publicity supervision, care of buildings, records and reports, school surveys, ~nd school laws. Open only to juniors and seniors. Offered third quarter a nd first summer te rm; four hours a ttend a nce, two hours credit. RURAL EDUCATION 150. Rural Metllo<l s-A course which deals with the practical app lication s of approved methods, devices a rid techniques of teaching the common branches in relation to rur a l conditions. Special attention is given to schedule mak ing, lesson planning, ed ucative a~­ signments, study direction, school tests and ma rks, and the basic principles of individualized instruction as specifi cally applied to rural teaching cond itions and needs. The Nebraska Elementary Cours: of Study is emphasized. Cred it in this course meets the state boar requirement in methods. Each semester; four hours attendance, iour hours credit. . . th ,•arious 153. R ural School P1·oble111,.;-Th1s course deals with e b phas es of two outstanding problems which confront the rural teac • · . · firs t day proer: Management, embracing studies of pre-ptannmg, . d' the gramming, the direction of recitation, study and play peno s,



- - ; : ; -attendance a nd punctuality, constructive discipline, cocontr~. n and support o f library and equipment, exhibits and dis1 opei;a. ~ealth, including the cor r ec tion, conserva tion a nd direc tion of pJ a)s~ through basic k nowl edge and ha bituized prac ti ces of ap proved. beaJt nd principles of pe r sonal a nd community health , h ygien e an d Jaws a . al education. Each se mes te r; four hours attendance, four ph YSIC

bou rs credit. 25 0. Rural Eclucation- Thi s course is offe r ed fo r the be ne fi t of rural, consolidated an d villa ge teachers, a nd a ims to develop a roader pe rspective, a clearer insig h t an d understan_di ng, a deeper b d i¡icher appreciation of the existing fac tor s a nd forces in this an field. It is, therefore, a general bac kg roun d cour se wh;ch rleals with the environmental conditions-economic, s ociolog ical, mora l :rnd religiou s- affecti ng the s chool ; with the nat ural fi tn ess, the requi red prep aratio n a nd th e pro fess ional a nd personal growth an d development of the in-se rvice teacher ; a nd also wi th the prevailing edu cational s tatus, the pres ent gener a l tr end , and the re dir ec ti on and probabl e future of ru r a l e duca tion. Firs t se meste r ; tw o ti ou rs attend ance, tv: 0 hours cr edit. 261. ('omm 1111ity Lea<lersltip a nd Pa.rent-Teacher ..\ssc1cintio11-A cou rse which aims to a cqua int the teacher wi th th e ov por t unities and needs for effective sc hool and community se rv ices; wi th published li terature, outs tanding movements and recent trr,ncls and activities in this fie ld ; to equip the teacher for serviceable leader ship and co-operation in a ll general organizations a nd m ovi>rnen ts for communi ty betterment; to give special attention to the bas ic philosoph y, the organization, the purposes and the successful rlirection of the P arent-Teache r Associa tion toward the betterment of the school and the community. Firs t semester; two hours attenda n ce, two hou r s credit. 3SO. Rural School Organization, A<lministration a rul Supenision-This course is offe red for those interes te d in village, c¡onsolidated or co unty adm ini stration and supervis ion. It deals with pro blems rel a ting to various organization types; a nd with such problems of administration and s upervision as teaching pe rsonnel, pupil accounting, co mmun ity co-ope r ation, school officer relationships, cour se of stud y, extra-curricu la r ac tivities, buildings a n d grounds, equipmen t and a pparatus school finance and transportation. Due attention is given to rece~t literature, type case studies, actual field problem s and present day a pproved types of administration and super vision. Offe red on demand or by correspondence; four hours aitendance, fo"tn hou r s credit. Vitalizecl Agricn l t ure 'f h eory- This course in vitalized agriculture nn:<ist~ of shop work . field tr ips, surveys, rea dings and lectures on t he p roj ec~s Which ma y be use d in teachin g in the rural schools. It is planned *1:~~.



to mee t the needs of those progressive teachers who wish to the work of the rura l school s in their va riou s comm uniti e- '.~ 011 Ya school only; ten ho ur s atte ndance ; two hours credit. "· "'Umrner 139. )leth ocl s- This co urse will cons ist of observatirin 0 wo rk in vitalized a gr iculture by a group of children in the .1, ~ the ra1111n. sc hool. Demonst ration lesson s ta ught by th e ins tructo r v-ill . •.., ' 111ake Lill a part of the co urse. T hese wi ll be s up pl eme n ted With , .ectures and readings wh ich will enable the teacher to go out into tli . . e rural schools a nd teach by th e vi tali zed me t hods. Specia l emp h as is ". 111 l)e Dlaced on th e correlation of r egular schoo l s ubjents - . ..,"'u nur.er school only; five hours attendance, two hours credi t. ]~ arl


]~l e m e nta ry

}:cl 11 catio11

These courses are planned especially for s tudents who are s~e­ ciali zing in the Early Elementary Education depar t ment. They are, howeve r , open to a ll st udents for elective cr edit. 132. )[:rnnal .\ct ir iiies- P r inci ples underl ying t h e use of mate:·ial in the early year of the child 's education. Rel ation and place o: l\lanual Activities in th e curriculum. Exper imental work in adju ,.ing mate rials and tools to t h e mental growth of the ind iv idu1t <"1 ild. First semester , fo ur hours attendance, two hours cred it. 1:1-i. I'la ·s a 11 d U:ime.'-Study of the folk games oz !".1.l:lY cou n tries best adap ted to the u se of the kinde r gar~e.1 and the Jcn-; l!r g ra des . Buil ding of orig inal fo lk games. Rhythmkal in terp reta'. ioa o f t11e mos t bel oved stories o f childhood, com bining the ga mi!s, so:1g c an d rythms of th e li ttle chil d into fest iva l p lay, e::,)re3sing ~h o se interests that a r e upp e rm ost in h is life, s uch as : Seasona l Chail:;e :, Christ mas, Circu s Day, ~\Iean s of T rave l, an d Children of Other Lands. Con struction of mar ionette theater and dolls. Study of importance in Geography, H istory a nd English. Second semester ; two hours atte ndance, one hour cr ed it. 233. Story Te l Ii ng- Selecting, adapti ng a nd te lling of stories best s uite d to the kin dergarte n an d lower grades. Analysis of type .stories and writing of original stories. Stud y of the Ame ri can folk sto ries a nd the r elat ion of the story to th e section of the country and the people from which it comes. Second semester; two hours attend.ance, two hours credit. 318. l:hihlren's l~ i teratn re-A cou r se for teachers of elementary grades. Gu idance in chi ldren's read ing. Acquain tance with goorl literature for child ren . Constant use of t he library. F irst seme 3 ter. two hours attendance, two hours cred it. go 20:1g. .Earh• Elemeuta n l'11rric11 l11m-See page 82. . . . . f "' I. See pa O'e ., . _"' 103d. .Early J~ Le m e n tary Prrnc1ples o · .1.eac m1gt ) EdUF'or the two year programs leading to a n Early E lemen ar · ca tion ce rti ficate, see pages 60-61 . For the Fou r year program s s ec pages 49-54 . *S t ud ents ca rrying course 138 sh ould al s o carry course J :::!:!.



.J • Obser rntio11 ancl Particijla.tion- See page 119. 02 gtO·Jl l. Tea.clti 11 g- See p age 119.



230. El1 11cati-0nal )leasnreme nts-The course emp hasizes the s ignificance of the testin g movement, selection of tes ts, the s coring, tabulation, in te rpretation of re sults, the uses th at a re made of stand ard ized tests in the eleme nta ry grades and a study of improvemen t in testi ng. Second quarter; four hours atten dan ce, two hours cred it. 330. E!l ncat.ional lUe11snreme 11ts- This course is s imil a r to course 230, but deals with the problem of m easurement in high school subjects. Third quarter; four hou rs attendance, two hours cred it. 231. )frutal •r estin g- The purpose of the cour se is that of acqu ain ting teachGrs with the nature a nd u ses of mental tests, and meth ods of a dapting the s chool to th e needs of inferior and superior ch ildren. A s tudy is m a de of the Binet tests and various s tandard group tests. The s ocial and racial s ignificance of different degrees of in telligence is a lso ernpha,sized. Psychology 101 and 102 are prerequisites. First quarter; four hours attendance, two hours credit. 240. Scontma.sters hip Training- A numb er of s up e rintenden ts and communities are now re cognizing the value of boys' work in its relation to the work of th e public schools. They are asking that the young men who teach in their schools be prepared to handle boys' groups such as Boy Scout Troops, Hi-Y, and similar organizations. Because of this tendency the course in Scoutmastership is being offered to help the you ng men to prepare themselves for this line of community work. The course involves three essentia l factors: (1) The problems of boyhood and the relation of the objectives of th e Scout movement to those problems; (2) The technique of Scou tcraft; (3) The Educational Principles governing the methods of presenti ng the Scout Program so as to affor d opportunity for the boys to develop themselves most efficiently. Fourth qu a rter; four hou rs attendance, two hours credit. · 241. l:a m]l Fire Tra.i nin g- The cou rse trains young women fo r leaders of camp fire gi rl s. It gives th e scope and a im of the program of Camp fire girls; how the Camp F ire does its wo rk; symbolis m , camp fire programs a nd activities. Special point fo r emp has is; organization a nd ou t-of- door activities. Summer school only ; thr ee hours attendance, one hour credit. 331: :ne ntal Testin g-This cou r se is similar to 231 but deal s with mental testing i:l the high school. Fourth quarter; four hou rs nttend ance, two hours credit. 342. l'hiuacter De r elopment--A stud y is made of the principles and methods that may be app lied in developing cha racter in child ren. '!'ext boo k work is supp lemente d by special r eports and case studies o'.



children. Students prepar ing for ork in the elementary sho uld have taken course 223 before enter ing th is co ur se. St SCh0o1 prepa rin g for high school work shou ld have taken co ur se 324 ;denta semester; four ho u rs a ttend a nce, four hours credit. · econ4 427. Hi story or E du cation i11 the Un ite cl States-A s tudy is of ed ucational leaders, beginning with Rousseau . This serves ~:de background for an understanding of the development of public a cation in the United Sta tes. Current ed uca tional pro blems r e~u. Open t o Jum . .or s a l so. F'1rs t se mester ; four ece1ve spec .ia 1 emp lrns1s. hours atten dance, four ho ur s cr edit. 42 • Ed11catio11al Soc iology- A st ud y of the principles of sociolo whi ch form a basis fo r the understanding of ed ucation. Emphasis~ placed up on the app li cation of these principles to sch ool problems. Ope n to Juniors also. F irst semester; three hours attend ance, three hours credit. };~ ULI SH L.\ XG U.\ Cm AXIi J, ['l'ERAT URE :vl:r. Vaughan *.\1r. Lindsay Miss Faulh aber Miss Petersen l\ !iss Brandt De ~ ore the department can recommend a student for E nglish teach ing in the high school, the student wi ll have taken E nglish 101, 202. 215, 255 and 405 . Those who major in Engli sh for the A. B. degree will take English 101, 202, 215 , 216, 255, 405, an d te n hours elec:ive, a to tal of twe nty-eight hours. 13. Ar g um en tation a ud Debate-The theory and prac ti ce o? argumentation and debate. The course is especia ll y designed for in tercollegiate debators. Prerequisite eight hou r s of E nglish. See ins tr uctor. Second quarter; four hours attend ance, two hours credit. 31. R ecr eati onal R eadiu g- An endeavor to give s tudents an opport uni ty to read for pur e en joyment. Students follow own tastes i n reading, how be it u nd er supervision. I nfor mal talks and personal advice by in s tructor. Second semester; two h our s atte ndance, one hour c redit. 101. E 11glisJ1 Co mposition- This course is r equired of all freshm en . Instru ction and practice in composi tion, s pecia l a ttention being given to mecha ni cs, minimum essen tia ls of gram ma r , and diction. Lectures on the use of the lib ra ry. Each sem es ter a nd s ummer ; four hours attendance, four hours cred it. . 118. .\merican Shod-Sto1·y-A study of t he s hort-sto ry fo rm Ill America from Washington Irving to 0. Henry an d the cur rent write rs. Primaril y a read ing course. Third quarter; fo ur hou rs attenda nce, two hours credit. 119. Short-Story Technic-A study of the teclrnic of the shortstory form. Stories are read to illu strate technical matters. The ':'Absent on leave. 1929-30.



. s read are by E nglish , French , Russian, Ita lia n, German, Scand iston e ¡on and Ama ri can writers. Fourth quarter; four hour atte nda nce, n a.VJtL ' . . bours credit. 111 0 202. I111ckgro u1Hl of L iter ature-This course introduce the studen t to the grea t masters o f the literature of the world. Occidental literatu re stressed; Oriental literature included. Ce rtain Freshmen ay talrn the cour se by p er miss ion. Second semester; four hours at01 tend ance, four hours c redit. 20511. '.l'eadiing or J uni or JHgh :School E nglish- :\Iethods a nd content of junior high school English with some a ttention given to work in the elementary grades. Articul a tion with elementary school and senior high school English. Second semester and summers; two hou rs attendance, two hours credit. 211. '.l'e nnyson-A careful study of certain lyrics a nd "Idylls of the King" or " The Princess." Second se meste r; two hours attend ance, two ho urs credit. 212. The :noderu NoTel-A study o f the nov el since J ane Aus ten. A detail study of three novel s : Au s ten's "Pride and Pre judice," Meredith 's "Ordeal of Richard Feverel," Hardy's " R eturn oC the Native," Hawthorne's " Scarlet Letter. " Summers and by corresponden ce; two or four hours cred it. 214. News Writi ng- Stud y and practice in news writing, with some attention to the p r eparation of news fo r the printer. Students repo rt news on ass ignm en t for the "Peru Pedagogia n ," and hold staff positions. A practical cou rse. It aims to fi t teachers to m anage high school publications. Not open to fre shmen except by permission of instructor. Each se mes ter and sum mer ; t wo h ou rs credi t. 215. College Gr ammar-A cour se in the grammar of the E ng lish language. Professiona lized subj ect m atter. Much of the stress is on meth ods a nd p ublic school con ten t. His tory of th e la ng uage. Bothersome idioms. First semester a nd s u mmer ; two hou rs attendance, two hou r s credit. 216. A<lvance<l Composition-Stud y and prac tice in exposition , description ¡ an d nar ration . Cr iticism offered. F irst semester; two hou rs attendance, two h ours credi t. 225. Ilible-The Bible as li terature. A classroom course in the Book of Books. Second semester; two ho u rs attendance, two hours credit.

229. 'fbe E nglish Drama-This cour se covers English drama from the miracle plays to Sh aw and Gals wo r thy. The Gr eek a nd Latin b~ckgroun u is str essed. Four hours attendance, four hours credit. 230. )fodern P oetry- A cou r se in American and English poets and Poetry since the Victoria ns. Special attention will be given to material that may be u sed by te ache rs. Summer s; two hours credit. 234. Ne ws E d iting- 'I'heory and practice in editing news. Cop y: eading, proof-read ing, he ad line reading, make-up and editoria l writing are included in this cour se. Courses 214 and 234 constitu te a



comp lete s urvey of newspaper produc tion . Newswriting a Prer site. Inst ru cto r will waive prerequi ·ite requiremen t in the ca equ1. se of a few advance d students who a re well versed in Engli sh fundamentals and mechanics. Fourth quarter; two houi,;s credit. 258. )[o!lern Drama-A study of the recent E uropean and A . . mn~ can plays. Attent10n given to the modern theatre an d mode rn ide of stagecr af t. Alternate years with E nglish Drama 229 F aa · our hours at tendan ce; four hours c redit. 303. E nglish J, iterature----This course includes a ca reful stud of characteristic works of success ive period s in English literatur~ from th e E lizabet han s to Burns as an exp re ssion of the thought of the periods. Offe red a lternate years. First semester; four hours attendance, four hours credit. 304. E 11 g lisl1 L iterature-A con tinuation of English 303. It covers the pe ri od from Burns to the World War. Second semester; four hours attendance, four hours credit. 317. ShaJrnspeare-Four of the following dramas will be studied in detail ; Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, King L ear , Anthony and Cleopatra, Corniolanu s, King Ri cha rd II, The Winter's Tale, Twelfth Night, Cymbeline. Oth er plays will be read. Ce rtain sophomores are elig ibl e. F irst semester; four hou r s atte ndance, fou r hours credit. 320. Writin g the Short- St ory-A course for writers. Mak ing plot books. Club room discussion of original ma teria l. Study of magazines and the ir needs. Prerequisite English 101, l18, l19. See instructor before enrolling. Two hours attendance, two hours credit. 324. Am erican Literatu re-This course cove rs Ame rican li terature from the Colonial writers to the twentieth century. Professionalized subject matter. Alternate years with English 303. First semester; three hours attendance, three hours cred it. 322. Writin g the Feature Story-A course for writers. Alternates with English 320. Club room discussion of original material. Study of markets. Prerequisite English 101 and 216. Two hours attendance, two hours credit. 333. The E,·olution ol' the Book (Formerly 33 Bibliograpby)This is a definitely cultu ral course and is recommended to all w~o have a true love for books, and who wish to s timulate a boo k lover 5 complex. The physical makeup of the book is studied in eYolutionarY progress of paper, ink, print and binding. First se mester and sum· mer; two hours attendance, two hours credit. 0 405. TeaclLi11g or High School E uglislt-:\Iethod and content high school English. Curriculum making in English. When a:f how to teach grammar, composition and literature. Examinatwns. h ' · stu d Y o f tlie Nebraska Jiig courses of study, texts, and tests. Careful ' hree )lours t School :\Ianual. Each semester; three hours attendance, c redit.




1, 111 er~o 11 -A thorough stu dy of the great American sage . .~ d st ud v is given to his "American Scholar," " Divinity Scho ol • . ctctress." an d "Ess ays : F irst an d Second Series." Specia l atte n tion A . en to E merson's contem po rar ies in Co ncord. Altern ate ye a rs. is g1v . t given in 19 29 -30. Three hours atte nd ance, thr ee hours credit. i\ O -1 22. Bro wning- The s horter dramatic monologues a nd such longer dramas as "Luria," "R etu rn of the Druses," " Pippa P asses," a nd "Colombe's Birthda y." Or a study of "The Rin g and the Book ." Three hou rs attendan ce, three hours credit. J23. Chaucer- The grammar and li terature of Goeffrey Chau cer . Selections from th e "Can terb u ry Tales." Some juniors a r e admitted by th e instructor. Alternate year s. Three hours a ttendan ce, three hours credit. 435, Oltl English-A cour se in the grammar of Old English, or p,nglo-S axon . Re a ding of prose and poetic specimens. A study of the history an d development of the English language. Second semester ; thre:- hours a tten dance, three hours credit. Child ren's L iterature-See Education 318 . Story Telling- See Educa tion 233 . Greek a nd Roman :.\Iythology-See L angua ge 209.


p etal 1 e

Speech Education LiterarJ Iuterprntation- The purpose of th is co urs e is to enable th e student to attai n some proficiency in the art of ora l interpreta tion. In connection with the practice work upon the platfo rm the student is given such points o f th eory and such routine drill as are ne cessary for the development a nd u se of the voice and for proper platform deportme nt. Each semester ; three hours attendance, three hours credit. 156. P ublic Sch ool R ea cli ng- A course to help teachers with oral reacting in the public schools. Certificate reading. Summers and stud y center; tw o ho u rs attendance, two hours credit. 253. A1hanced L iterary In terpretat ion- A continuation of English 152 involves a more a dvance d study of the principles of oral interpr eta tion and their a pplica tion to platform reading. Als o, includes Preparation a nd delive ry of short recital s. Second semester ; three hours a ttendance, three hours cr edi t. 255. Play Produ ction- This co ur se is intended to a ns wer the man y fundame ntal questions whi ch face eve ry teacher a nd comm uni ty leader when call ed upon to stage community enterta i nments. A historic background and brief stu dy of the L ittl e Theatre movemen t is i~·:sented. Next a r e stud ied : How to choose a play, fund a mentals of IJ ecting, p roblems in high school play p rodu ction plays for children, tn ake-up a nd stage craft. Each semester ; thre~ hours attend ance, three hour s credit. 152.

. ll;)1, Externpora11 eo 11 s S]Jealdng-The work of this course con sists in the preparation and delivery of short a ddr esses based on



prepa red outlines. _careful preparation of material is required. plan of the speech 1s made m advance, but the choice of Ian Tilt l eft for the moment of speaking. Criti cism a nd points of theo~age It by the instructor s u pplement the practice. First semester路 tw Y g!vea 0 attendance, two hours credit. ' houra 357. Adm.need Play Production- This co urse is a combinau P lay Production 255 with more definite problems in dr a matic res on of Actual pr actice in stagecraft is provided. Prerequisite Englis:a~~h. 5 Second semeste r ; two hours attenda n ce, two hours credit. 路 359. Pantomjme- Study of expression through pantomime. Th co urse includes theo ry a nd class practice. Two hours attendan e two hours credit. ce, 460. Oral Compo sition-Specifi c study and practice of representa tive types of public s peaking, s uch as formal lecture, business speech, popular ad dress, sermon. Two hours attendance, two hours credit.

FOREIGN LANGUAGES Latin Miss Clark Miss Kenton Mr s. Norwood 103. Vergil- The Aeneid with practice in scanning and metrical read ing. Interpretation of the religious a nd p a triotic theme of the poem along with the story. Specia l stress upon the literary qualities of the epic. First semes ter ; four hours attenda nce, four hours credit. 104. Yergil-Continuation of cou r se 103. Second semester; four hours attendance; four hours credit. 205. H orace-Odes. Study of lyr ic meters use d by Horace. Special stress upon his writings as picturing the life of the Augustan Age. Open to students who have had fo u r years of Latin. Second quarter; four hours attendance, two hours credit. 200. Hora ce-s路atires and Epistles. Continuation of 305. Second qu ~rter or on demand路 four hours attendan ce two hours credit. 210. Teaclters Latin~A course in method; and gram mar review. Required for Latin major or minor. First quarter a nd summer school; four hours attendance, two hours credit. 307. Ori<l (30711) or Sallu st (307b)-May alternate with 308. Open to students who have had three or more years of Lati n. Fo urth quarter and summer school; four hours attendance, two hours credit. 308. Liry (308a), Cicero's De Amicitia (308b) or De Senectute (308c)-Open to students who have had four years of La tin. i\IaY alternate with 307. Fourth quarter and summer school ; four hours attendance, two hours credit. t 309. Greek and Roman iUythology-Classical myths in re lation ~ nature art literature and astronomy. Recommended as backgroun for En,glish Latin a~d Early Elementary curricula. Open to so1>ho' ' two mores. Third quarter and summer school; four hours attenda nce. hours credit.



310 . J,at.i n Ele me n t iu )locleru Languages-May a lte rnate wi th Free elective, open to sophomo r es. Third qu a r ter a nd s um mer 309 ¡ . four hours atte nd a nce, two hours c re dit. 1 schoo ' Tacitu s or Q.11111 . t"l" Jtl. t ian- Vie w o f the w ri te r s of the Middle . .e Fourth quarter a n d s umm er sc hool ; fo ur hou rs atten da n ce, 1 1 :En1P . . two hours cred it. 412. Romau Li terature-S u rvey of Rom a n w r ite rs in connectio n with the Jif of thei r pe riod s. Alte rn a tes wi th 411. Second qu a rter and summer schoo l ; fo u r hours a ttend a nce, t wo hours c r edi t. Latin Jiajor-20 ho u rs of college work. Latin Jlinor -12 hours of college work. For recommen dation fo r high s chool teac hing a studen t must have had at least t hree yea rs o f L a tin a nd course 210. Spani sh Miss Cla rk The courses in Spa nish a im a t fac ility in t he use of Spanis h, along with some kno wledge a nd a pprecia tion of the best Spanish lite r ature and an acquaintance wit h the life a nd cus toms of Spa nis h spea king peoples. 101. '.\Iastery of fundame n tals; p r onuncia tion, v oca bula r y, accuracy in forms, constr uction and idioms. T ra ns la tion fr om English to Spanish and from Spanis h to E ng lish , eas y co n versat ion. F irst semester; four hours attendance, fo ur hours credit. 102. Spanish games and con ve r sation. Second semester; four hours attendance, four hou r s cr edit. 203. Spanish literatu re, prose a nd verse; games and co n ver sation; simple for ms of correspondence. F irst se mester; four hours attend ance, fo ur hours credit. 204. Continuation of Spanish 203. attendance; four hours credit.

Second semeste r; four hours

305. Spanish L iterature Co nt inued-Review of pronunciation, syntax, everyday idiom s , and methods for teachers. Required for Spanish major. F irst quarter and s umm er school ; four hou rs attendance, two hours credit. BOG. Spanish L iter a ture Co nt i1111 ed-Second quarter; four hours attendan c;e, two hours credit. 30i. S1ianish Liter ature Co utinu ecl-Business and social corre, spondence. Second semester; fo ur hours attendance, four hours hedit. L . Spanislt ]fajor-24 hours (three years of college work above atm en trance requirement.) Spanish Jiinor-16 hour (two years of college work abo\¡e Latin entrance requirement. )



GEOGRAPHY Mr. Clayburn Miss :'.\fackie Students wishing to take a :\Iajor in Geograp hy for the A degree should complete courses 101, 115. 211 and eight hours elect· B. Students taking a Minor in Geography for the A B d Ives. . · · egr should take Geography 101, and eight hours elective St d ee · u ents graduating from the two year course and taking a :\fajor or :\r in Geography should include Geography 101. · inor

101. ]~lements of Gl'ogra 1il1y-An introductory stu dy of the mutual relations between man and the elements of the natural environment. The course aims to develop a clear conception or environmental elements s uch as climate, lan d forms, soils, mineral deposits, and native vegetation, an d to show the various adju s tments of people to them, selected regions being taken as the units of study. Field trips on one or two Saturdays. F irst semester; four hours attendance, four hours credit. 106. Geogra1ihy of Nebra.ska-Treats of Nebraska's conditions; past, present and future based upon a study of the soil regions, climate, reso urces, agricultural and industrial development of the state. Second quarter; four hours attendance, two hours credit. 114. Eco nomi c Geography oi North Am eri ca-A su rvey of the principal eco nomi c activities in each of the major geographic regions of North America from the standpoint of their relation to the natural environmental complex. Emphasis is placed on the regional equipment for industry in the several divisions of the con tinent. F irst term of summer school only; fiv e hours attendance, two ho u rs cr edit. 115. Economic Geography- A world-wid e s urvey of the distribution and characteristics of the major economic pursuits in so far as they are re lated to the natural environment. Second semester ; four hours atten dance, fo ur hours credit. 202. Primary Geogra.phy-Home a nd World Geography. The selection and adap tion of s ubj ects a nd mater ia ls suitable for the first four grades. T hird qu arte r ; fo ur hours a ttendance, two hours credit. 202a. 1.rhe 'l 'eclrnic111e or 'L'eacl1ing Eleme ntary Geography. · Deals with class room procedure m the teac b mg o f elementarY . . . f t .. a geography. Topics: basis for the select10n o ma e1 i l ' elementarY . field work, introducing s imple maps and diagrams, u sin"0 pictures • . phy reg10na 1 in lieu of the field, picture projects, home geogi a • d ill units, expression exercises, informal tests, games, and otber. s:udevices and sources of material. Designed particu larly fo l ' . dents preparing for the Elementary G ra d es. 'rh I·rd qua r ter; four hours attendance, two hours credit. of the nat211. Geogra,pl1y or the L"n itetl States-A study developme nt ural regions of the country. Emphasis is given the



·or reso ur ces and indu stries s uch as agr icul ture, mmmg . of maJ . ifacturing. a nd tra nsportatrnn , and the fund a men ta l geog r aphic 111 3 1) l . an rn . terp retatrnn . ·tions contro 11·m g eac h . A'd 1 s rn Ot' Ame n.can condi . torY First se mes ter ; four haurs a tte ndance, four hours credit. Jl!S • . \ mer 1 .ca- A d etai"] ed s tudy of the geograph ical . 212.. l,a t Iii an d indll ·trial cond ition s of th e Central and Sou th American coun tries. r:;mpll asis is placed on trade rel a tion s. F irs t a nd four th quarters ; f ur hour s atte nd a nce, two ho ur s cred it. 0 22G. Co11serrntiun ui' Natu ra l Resources- T he na tural r esources of the Uni ted States a s factors in n ational deve lopment. The exploi tati on of so ils, for ests, mineral r esources, etc.; th e cu r re nt movemen t to conse rve na tur a l resour ces, the r ecla mation of a rid and s wamp lands; th e red uctio n of erosion ; the deve lopment of scientific fo res try; the elimi na tion of w aste in mining; the effec ti ve use of miner al fuels a nd metals; the impro vemen t and exten s ion of waterways ; the use and control of water power; the preve ntion of flood s; probl ems of water s upply. Second quarte r ; four h our s a ttend a nce, two hou rs credit. 300. Geogra ph y of .\s ia- A somew hat de ta iled study of the geographic regions of India, China, and J apan, a nd a brief surv ey of the other regions of the continent. The m ajor a ims of the cou r se a r e (1) to discover those f eatures, natural a nd cultu ral, which in a s socia tion give character to the r eg ion ; (2) in a comparative s tudy of r egions to expl ain the sim il a riti es a nd diffe r ences in th e uses to which the land and its resources a r e p u t. F irst quarter; four hours a tte ndance, two hou rs credit. 303. Historical Geography of the U ni t ed States- The geography of the United Sta le~ in th e pas t. Th e re lation be twe en earth conditions an d earth r esou rces on the one band a nd the settlement and development of the country on the other ; th~ adju s tmen ts of a r ap idly exp anding people to va ried environm ents and bow th ey h ave h elped to bring about prese nt day conditions. Third q ua rter; four hours a ttendance, two ho ur s cr e dit. '' 309. The New J~ urO]le-A r egion a l s tudy of the E uropean countr ies is made, emp has izing r elief, clima te, r eso urces, gove rnm e nt and industrial develop ment. Specia l attention is g ive n to ch a n ges. in the map of E urope a nd th e geog raph ic probl em s m ade prom inent by the Grea t War. The stu dy is co rr ela te d closely w ith E u ropean History. Second semester; fo ur h ou rs atten dan ce, fo ur h ours credit. 310. · Geograph y of .\frica-A su rvey of the continen t by geograp hic regions. The objective o f the co urse is to establish the ad' ustmet.t between ( 1 ) the complex of econom ic, social, and political life in each region, and (2) the complex of en vi ronmntal elements Which exist there. Fou rth q uarte r ; fou r hou rs atte nd ance, two hou rs credit. -!0.5. General Geologv-A disc ussion of dyn amic and structural geol ogy and the leading f~cts an d mo r e importa n t events of historical



geology. Emphasis placed on the geological history of North A Laboratory work consists of field trips, exam ination a nd det lllertca, tion of m inerals a nd rocks, and id en tifi cation of certain index e;mluaFirst semester ; four hours attend an ce, three hours l aboratoryoss11a. hours credit. ' four

JOG. Climatology-In this course the studen t works With weather data from stations throughout the world, charting and ~h~ terpreting them with a view to arriving at a logical division of earth's surface into climatic realm s and provinces. Some time is de~ voted to the study of climate as a factor in plan t, animal and human ecology. Fourth quarter, four hours attendance, two hours credit.



Ch ate la in Ennis L indsay C. :\I. Brown :\fr. G. vV. Brown ::\Iiss H arvey 112a . 8nn er of America n History-A brief review of the colonial period fo ll owed by a complete s tudy of the Un ited States as a nation with emp h as is on the g row th of the constitution and other American institutions. For freshme n only; F irst semester; four hours attend. ance, four ho ur s credi t. 118. Citizen sltip an(l Politics-Thi s co u rse is designed to meet the n eeds of the teacher as well as those of t he American citizen generally. Speci al em phasis is pl aced on imm igration, naturalization, registr ation of voters, l aw-making, voti n g , elections, political parties, a nd comm uni ty problems. Upon r equest, a dditional work in the Constitution of the United States a nd upon the Constitution of Iowa. will be given to meet the I owa ce rtifi cation requirement. For freshme n on ly. Second semester; four hours attend ance, four hours credit. 201. E uropean Bacligrouncl of th e American History-An effort is made to trace the conditions operating to p roduce the Europe wh ich di scove red a nd colonized the Am erican continent. Attention is also given to th e causes which produ ced separation, a nd later diversified developement. First semester ; four hours attendance, four hours credit. 202. Teach er s Co urse in Hi story autl Other Social Science~ Adapted to meet the needs of h igh school an d elementary schoO teachers of History and Social Sciences. Prerequis ites for this course are eight hours in History. This course may cou nt as his tory or f . hours education credi for history students. Second semester; oui *Absent on leave. 1929-30.



ance four hours credi t. Two hou rs may be t ak en with speciaJ atten d ' ission by those not need ing more credit. perm 202a. Snh,iect )fatter a1Hl i\fetltods in Cn n e nt H istor1·-A co urse in the methods and su b_jec t m atter of current events. ar ranged fo r history teachers, m a field the emphasis u pon which is constantly increasing. Summer school only; five hours atendance, two hours credit. 20ia. E n gli~h Hi sto ·y to 1485- A genera l course fro m ea rli est umes to Tudor times. Atte ntion will be given especially to economic, social and constitutio nal developements. Two hou rs a ttend ance , two hours credit. 207b. E nglish H istory since 14 5-(Continuation of Co ur s e 207a) Two hours attendan ce, two hours credit. 212.a. H istory oi tile C S. to l i G3.-Europea n backgroun d for early settlements; colonial se ttlements and policy; the great coloni al "·ars. au d their conseq uences. First quarter ; fou r hour s attendance, two ho urs credit. 212b. Histor r of the U. S., 1763-89. (Continuation of 212a) The causes of the American r evolution ; the Revolution; th e critical years. Second quarter; four hours atten dance, two hours c r edit. 213a. H istory or th e U. S., 1789-1828.- The New Nation; co nstitucional deve lopements ; economic and socia l problem s ; the W ar of 1812 and its results ; the n ew na tional ism. Two h ours attendance, two hours credit. 213b. H istory or the U. S., 1828-1877, (Co nt inuation or 213a.) Jacksonian democracy; the low er south and s lavery; wes tw a rd expansion; the causes, eve nts a nd results of the Civil War; r econstru ction. Two hours a ttendance, two hours credit. l'\ote: Courses 213a a nd 213b take the place of Course 231, Previously offered. 214. History or tlie U. S. since 1877.-The United States as a worl d power; the rise of industri alism; the last frontiers; labor and capital; impe r ia lism; the causes of the Wor ld War, its events, and consequences; recent in te rn a l problems. Second semester a nd th e summer. Three hours attend ance, three hours cred it. 215. Hi story or Antiq ui ty- Early Egyptian, Phoenician, Assyrian, Persian, Greek a nd Roman civilizations a re tr ace d; attention is given to their contributions to our own civilizati on. F irst semester; three hours attendance, th ree h ours cr edit. 218. HistorJ or Nebraska- An in ten sive co ur se for Nebraska teachers in the history of thei r state. No prerequisite. Usually g iven 10 summers, first term . F ive hours atte ndan ce, two hours cred i t. 220. Sociology- A study of society, its or igin , growth, s tru ctu re and activities. F irst semester a n d summer; fo ur hours attendance, four ho urs credit.



221. Political Econ omy- Preliminary view of Economics industrial organization of s ociety; occupation a nd divis ion of · ~ 1 production, exch a nge an d distribution of weal th, wages int abor; rent and profit ; rise and fa ll of prices; transporta tion: d erest; , omesuc a n d foreign trade; protection; trusts a nd trade unions; socialls Firs t semes ter; three hours attendance, three hours credit. III. 223. Jiural }~ conom i cs-G i ven by corres pondence only. Argu mentation ancl Debate-See Englis h 13.

22,1. New Viewpoint in .American and 'Yo1·Id History-A cour · · se d es1gn ed to ca 11 attent1011 to the most re cently developed facts and interpreta tions of historical nature. Des igned especially for Prospective teache r s of history. Three hours atten da nce. three hours credit. 303a. Eighteenth l.;cutury History (li00-1789)-A study of the conditions under the old regime throughout E urope; rise of modernism; the philosophe r s of 18th century E urope; the cause of t he French Revolution. Two hours attendance, two hours credit. 1l03b. E ighteentl1 Ce ntury Europe (1789-1815) -(Continuation of 303a.) The French Revolu tion and the Napo leonic period. Two hours attend ance, two hours cr edit. 304a. Ninetee nth l.;entury J~ uro p e (1815-1871) -The Congress of Vienna, a nd r eaction; The Revolutions of 1830 and 1848; the growth of li beralis m and n a tionalism; European industrialism and expansion. Two hours attendance, two hours cr edit. 30-lb. Xineteenth Century Euro1rn (1871-1900) -(Continuation of 304a.) T wo ho u r s attendance, two hours credit. 305. Twentieth Ce ntury Europe (sin ce 1900) (Formerly course 225) - An a n alys is of the rise of imp erialism , and its culmination in the World War; the study of other cau ses o f the War; the peace and Its consequ en ces . F our h ours attend an ce, fo ur hours c redit. 314a. R ece nt Move ments in Modern Go,ermn e nt-Lectures and r eadings on govern me n t a nd public opinion; proportional rep resentation; immigratio n ; tendencies an d m a terials in socialism, anarchism· bol shcvism syndi calis m la borism and Ame rican is m; a nd their ' ' ' ' s effects on govern ments. Su mme r school only; two or four hour cr edit. 322. ,\d rnn cccl Rural Sociology-A study of the essentials of · cipalS country and village life. F or teachers of experience and p n n of rural and consolidated sch ools. Su mmer sc hool only; fh·e 110 urs attendance, two h ours cr edit. • . The Dark .\gcs-An a na lys is of ocia · 1, ec onomic ' and 32G . . ti be""i un1ng political moveme nts from the fall of R ome un t11 10 . "'.. the of absol utism and nationalism; fe udalism an d chu rch unit) d nee merging of Latin and T uetonic civilizations. F ive hours atte n a if gi ven in s u mmer. other wise two hou rs; two h our credit.



321. The Renai s san ce a.ncl Reformation (This was formerly uiun bere<I 357) - An . a nalysis of European a nd World History from be de clin e of fe ud a lism and ch urch unity to the com ing of mod ernism. ~ttention will be g iven to the influence of the crusades, the ri se of ~erc a ntili s m, the de velopment of abso lu te mon a r chy,, a nd the beuinnings of liberalism; E urop ean and world ba ckgrounds to ¡Amer ican Histo ry. Five hours attendance if g iven in summer, otherwise two hOurs ; two hours credit.

416. Rece nt Pro bl ems i n Wor)(l Politics-A study o f alliances, complica tions and wars sin ce 1815; the effect of thes e upon Europe; rhe causes an d res ults of the World War ; the Nea r E as t; the Far East; L eague of Nations ; Wash ington conference an d oth er cunent top ics. (Open to Sophomores and Juniors also.) Five hours attendance if given in summer, otherwise two ho urs; two hou rs credit. Hi. .\m erican Constituti onal J,i1,w .-A s u rv ey of the field of feder al constitutional development ; case me thod. Thi s co urse is required of sc; Ji a l science major s and minors . Elective fo r othe r s. Th ree hours a ttenda n ce, thr ee hou rs credit. H S. State Co11 stitntions.-A su r vey of the field of sta te consritution s, the ca se method being used mainly. Special attention will be given to Nebraska's cons titution and emphasis will be given to educationa l p roblems in their relation to state constitu ti ons. Th is course is required of socia l science ma jors and mino rs. Second semester; thr ee hours attendance, th ree hours credit. 430. American P olitics a n(} Socia.I I clea.s-This course i s des igned for ad vanced work in American social a nd political problems. After a brief analysis of the stru ctu re of American gove rnm ent, a careful inq uiry is co nducted into the unfolding of th e social order in this coun try, and the various atte mpts to s ol ve major socia l problems by poli ti cal ac tivity. The progressive movement and the changing n a tur e of Democracy a re g iven specia l attention. L ecture a nd seminar studies. R equired for History a nd Social Science majors. Second semester ; th r ee h our s attendance, three hours cr edit. On request addi ti onal work in Constit ution of U. S., and Constitution of Iowa will be given t o meet the Iowa certific a tion req ui rement. 4iii. Semi nar in Hist ory.- Selec ted studies in the mean ing an d the use of his torical materia ls, and practise in hi s torical composition. Req uired o f a ll histo r y maj ors, fou r hours, and a ll his tory minors, two hours. Class meets two hours each week both semes ters. Two hours credit each semes ter. 458. _\merican Diplomatic History.-A survey of th e whol e field of Americ/ln diploma tic r ela tio ns from 1776 to date. Specia l emphasis Will be given to the period s ince the Spani h-Amer ican W a r. Fou r ho urs atenda nce four hours credit '1 5911. 'l'J1e l\'est in American H istory t o 1815- A su rve y of Western dP,¡eJopemen t an d settlem en t in its re la tions hip s with, a nd



co n trasts to, the older region. Emphasis upon socia l a nd econ 0 matte r s . Two ho urs a ttendance, two hour s credit. 11llc 459b. 'l'he W e~t in American Hi s tor y s ince 1 15 (a ,. 0 t• " H •nnattoa of 459a. )- Two ho ur s attendance, two hours cred it. 460. lntrn rh1ction to Rus sian History- A survey course Rus s ian History from early KieY an times th rough the Ru ssian R in l ution of 1917. Fo ur hours atten dance, four h ours cred it. evo461. Var J:astern "History-A s urvey of or igins and develo ments in Far Easte rn History, w ith special emp has is upon ~:­ periods of the 19th and 20 th centu rie Second semester: four hour: attendance, four hou rs cr edit.

DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS History majors and minors, a nd socia l science ma jors and mino rs may be worked out in the department. 2. A history major will include courses 202 ( 4 hours,) 214, 430 and 457 (4 hours, ) as minimum req uire ments. I n add ition. a major seq uence in American and E uropean history must be ap proved by the head of the dep a r tment, who is known as the de pa r tm ent adviser, a nd s uch prog r am mu st be a pproYed before the end of the third s emes te r of college wor k. 3. A history minor will include courses 202 (2 hours a t least) 214, and 457 (2 hours at leas t.) An approved seq uen ce must be w ork ed ou t as in parag r aph 2, alt hough the requ irements of course are less . 4. A socia l science major will include courses 202 ( -1 hours,) 221, 417 a nd 430. Courses 220 and 418 are thoro ughly recommended. An ap proved sequence of ad ditional cou r ses must be wor ked out as in paragr aph 2 a bove, althoug h the req uirements of co urse \dll differ fro m t hose of the histo ry sequence. 5. A social scien ce minor will incl ud e courses 202 (2 hours at l east,) 220 or 221, and 430. Courses 41 7 a nd 418 are recommended, though ne ither is actually required . An approved sequence of courses mus t be worked out as in paragraph 2 above, mak ing allo wance of course for the variation in requ i rements. 6. Two year students specializ ing in history or tbe socia l sciences othe r than history must obtain app ro val for sequences o f courses taken from the department adv iser before star ting the second semesk fte r exter of coll ege work. Frequently such students co me bac · a . d~ perience in teaching, to finis h their four year cour es, and it JS . . ·1 ti ·st two years s ira bl e th at, so far as possible, they lay a bas is m t rn 1 · which will preclud e the loss of time in l ater work. ta! . y dep artmen 7. No courses in Geog raphy are coun t e d in ai1 re . . ch co urses a sequ ence n oted in paragraphs 2-6 mcl usive, un 1ess su . t ken. . . b f . the wo rk Js a given approval by the departmental advJse1 e 01 e . Y se·11 b . p11roved in an Ord inar il y no more than one such course WJ e " quen ce n oted above. . l . h school bistor y or 8. No student teacher in junior or sen10r 11g 1.




otber social scie nces may do p racti ce teaching withou t havin g had at least two hours of co u rse 202, excep t he is granted specia l pe r m ission l!r tb e depa rtme nt advise r. 9. A stude nt who exp ec ts to teach Histor y or Othe r Socia l S cience 111 J uni or or Senior H ig h Schools should have earned at least t wel ve semester hours in the departmen t. R ecommend ations of st udents fo r such tea chin g po ¡itions w ill u s ua ll y be base d u po n s uch standards. 10. Wh ere Junio r s or Senior s t ake courses which are pre-eminently sophomore or Fresh man courses , additional work may be required at the option of. the Inst ru ctor to ea rn fu ll cr ed it. Stu dents tak ing such worl' always secur e perm ission from the H ead of th e Depar tment before register ing. 11. H istory or oth er socia l science ma jo rs wor king towa r d the degree of Bache lo r of Ar ts ordi narily w ill be r equir ed t o do a minim um of not less than tw enty hour s in th e departme nt, but th e four year program in a ny event m ust be app roved by the departmen t adviser, as sugges ted above. 12. H istory or other socia l science min or s working toward the degree of Bach elor of Ar ts ordin ar il y will be r equi re d to do a m inim um of not less than twe lve hour s in the depa rtm ent, bu t th e four year program in a ny event mu s t be a pproved b y the depar tme n t adviser.

HOME ECONOiUICS Miss Weare Miss Cook I n order to r eceive a n A. B. degree with Home Eco no mics as a major, a student mu st comp lete the cou rses requi red of all candidates. (See pages 45, 46, 55) . Of these r eq ui red cou rses, studen ts sho ul d select¡ the following divisions : P r in ciples of Teaching 208, Curriculu m 303, and four hours of practice teachin g in Home Econ om ics. In addition to the co u rses a l ready specified, a student must take Ho me E conomics 101, 102, 105, 106, 112, 113, 204, 209, 210, 211, 311, 315, 322, 330, 416, 432, 423, Home Mecha nics 209, Household Phys ics 301, and Chemistry 101, 102, 303, 404. 101. Foods-The production, distribution and economic impo r tance of fo od; composition, nutrition va lue a nd place in the diet. First semester ; three hours attendance two hours credit. 102. Foocls- 'l'he cost and pl~nning of meals ; correct table s ervice. Second semester ; four h ours attendance, two hours credit. 105. Ulotlti11g-Instru ction in h and sewing, u se of machine and attachments, adaptations of commercial patterns. First s emes ter; four hours a ttendance, two hours cred it. . 106. Clotlti11g- Designing , cutting and con stru ction of garments involving var ious problems. Second semester; fo u r h ours attenda nce, two hour s credit. 112. Art of Rigllt Lh'iug-Care of person, health, clothing, room, banking, group living, stu dy methods, and rudiments of app lied art



a nd socia l u sage. F i rs t semes ter, one h our's a ttend ance one h cred it. ' our 113. Suney- H istory, purp ose and scope of home econom !;)econd semester ; one hou r's attendance, one ho ur credit. lea. 140. H ea lth Problems-The vari ous fac tors '~h ich contrib · · der ph ys ical · pos1·t·1ve h ea Ith an d those which hm well being F Ute d to . . . . ~s~ re lat10n to health; food s.tm tat10n; mental hygiene ; maln utrition n utritional diseases. F irst semester ; one ho ur laboratory, one h~:~ lectu re, two hours credit.

141. Clothing-Consideration of bases for selection of clothln Clothing as a financial investment; comparison of home a nd facto:· made garments; clothing budgets in relation t o the r est of the 1:. come; clothing star:.dards in their relation to th e economic, social and aesthetic life of the community; principles of hygiene and sanitation as applied to clothing. Each semester ; t h ree hou r s a ttendance, two hours credit. 204. Meal Planning antl Senfog-Dietetic, economic, and aesth etic aspects of meal service; experience in the s election and purchase of food for the meals planned; nutritive standa rd s for various types of meals; dietetic values estimated. Each s tuden t is given practice in every phase of the problem of meal plannii:g, marketing and service. Second semester; two hours a ttendance, two hours credit. 209. Advanced Clothin g and T extiles-This cour se a ims to develop more independence, initiative, originality, and a rt in planning a n d designing gar ments for different types of figu res. Skill in handling difficult materia ls is an object. Demo nstrati ons by staff members on related s ubject-matte r . T extile stu dy includes f ur, lea ther, laces, embroideries, etc. T hird quarter; four hou rs a ttend ance, two hours cr edit. 210. Textiles- The h istory, produ ction , identification and testing of t extiles; pr oblems to devel op judgment in t he s election of fabr ics . Some wor k in the u se of cleaning a gents a nd in the removal of stains. Fir st semester ; three hours attendance, two hours credit. 220. House P la nnin g-An elemen tary course. Fourth quarter; fo ur h ours attendan ce, two ho urs cr edit. t 311. Costume Desig n a nd Clothing Selection- Principles of arf applied in the selection and designing of app ropr iate costumes. B~iet study of historic costume and its relation t o modern dress. Firs semester; fou r hours attendance, three h ours credit. . nd 1 315. Dietetics and Nutrition-A study of h uman metab olls~ :iug nutrition with emphasis upon the estimation of adeq ua te . die. al standards. The planning of typical dietaries to satis fy physwlohgiucrs 0 r equirements. Second semester; two hours atten d an ce ' two credit. . b onsidered in 322. House Fnrnislling-A study of the pomts to e c . f com0 selecting and furnishing a small home from the standpomt



fort, beauty, a ~d eco nomy. Second semester; two hours attenda nce, . bours credit. 0 tll Child Car e and Developmen t-Mental a nd physical development of the ch ild, a nd a study of those influences which promote normal growth an d h ealth . Fourth quarter; four hours attendance, ¡,yo hours credit. t HG. Adrnnced Dieteti cs a nd Nu trition- F ur ther studies in nu trition and diete tics with special emphasis upon metabolism in infancy and in abnormal condition s. Second semester; two hours a ttendance, two hours credit. 431. Ho me Econ omi cs Metliocl- Theory and practice of teach ing hOme economics in public schools. Study is made of cou rses in various types of institutions. Co u r ses of study and home projects are planned for graded school s, h igh schools and colleges . Lesson plans are given specia l attention . F irst semester; fo ur hours attendance, four hours credit. 432. Seminar-Indepen dent studies in h ome economics. Weekly conferences. On demand. Two to four hou rs cr edi t. 433. Home Managem ent- Family life, i ncom es, budgets, househo ld accounts, and other managerial problems. First semester; four hours attendance, fo u r h ou rs cr edit.


HYGIENE Mr. Graf Miss Cook 204. Home Hygieu e a ncl Car e o r tlte S ick-The Ame r ican Re d Cross Course is given accord ing to the syllabus for college class es. Practical instruction an d demonstr a tions a re given in bedside care of the sick, the sick-room, first aid, and control of communicable diseases. It aims to develop an appreciation of health a nd an interest in home, community a nd personal hygiene. Each semester; two hours att ~nd ance, two hours credit. 1 205. School Hygiene and Healtlt Education-A course which will help teachers to train the children in he alth h abits, hea lth attitudes and health knowledge. 1' Each semester; two hours attendance, two hours credit. Personal Hygiene for Men-See Physical Education for Men. MANUAL ARTS Mr. L arson Mr. Van Dyke Students majoring in the Manual Arts for the A. B. degree should ~omplete the following courses: 101, 109, 209, 302, 304, 417, and six . ours manual arts electives. Those minoring shoul d complete follow ing : 101, 109, 209, 304. For the two year diploma the following are required: 101, 109, 209, 302 ' 304, an d two hours manual arts electives. See page 64 for dellartment re quir ements and electives. For the two year program lead-



ing to a diploma in manual arts see page 65. F or the fou program leading to a degree with a major in the ma nual a:t Year s see page 52. Numbering is in accordance with the four year program justments are necessary for the two year program. · Ad. 11. E lementary Woodwork in g-This course is designed f · or thos who have had no elementary experience in woo dwo r king. It e furnish an opportunity to become acquainted with the common t Will . . 1s that can be u sed m · grade school work OOls t ec h mque an d ma t ena D ' s ign and construction of projects in the thin woo ds w ill also 1 eluded. It will be of special interest to elementary and rural h n SC OOJ teachers. Firs t semester, four hours attendance, two hours preparation, two hours credit. Fee $1. 00. Material Deposit $2.00.

be e:

101. Intennediate 1Yood ~ ·ork-A teachers course in woodwork for junior high and senior high school teachers. 'l'he course aims to develop a high grade technique in handling wood working tools and materials while working out a number of suitable projects. First semester and summer school; eight hours attenda nce, two hours prep a ration, four hours credit. Required for special di ploma and major. Fee $3.50 plus material deposit of $3.00. 109. Mechanical Drawing-This is a teach er s' course; students wishing a course in Mechanical Drawing as a prepar a tion for drafting should register for a modification of this course. The course consists of lectures, r ecitations and work in th e draf ting room. The ground cove r e d includes th e m aking of freehan d working sketch, lettering, working dr aw ings, inking, tracing, blu e p r inting, applied geometrical constru cti ons a n d orthogr aphic pro jec tion a pplied to developments and intersections, black boa rd drawing, des igning of problems for turning a nd fur nitu re cons tru ction. Second semes ter and s ummer school; eigh t h ours a ttenda n ce; two hou rs prepa r a tion; four hours cred!L R equire d for specia l diploma. An $8. 00 deposit is required in addition to drawing fee of $1.00 if drawing equ ipment is loaned to the student. 206. Wood Turning-This is an elec tive bu t it is recommended that students who are sp ecia lizing in th e Manu a l Arts field take this cou rse in orde r t o cor relate w ith oth er woodworking courses. A study is made of the development, types, care and u ses of the modern lathe and the sch oolshop tu r ning equipment. The work inclu~es spindle, oval, du plicate, face plate and chu ck turning and finisht n! and polishing on the lathe. Each quar ter ; e ight hours shop work, 'I<~ e hours preparation, two hours credit. P re r equisite course 101. e $3.50 plus material .deposit of $5. . t ach207. Cement Con struction-Although an elective cours~ fo i de thiS . . . 1 ms . t rue t'10n in . cem en t work will fin cber ers, others w1shmg practica course profitable. It is a practical course for t h e M r an ua l Arts teatures 1 in either city or rural community. The course will include ec as ·einforcing, etc., and recitation on the theory of mixtures, fo rms, l



ractical work in fo rm building and the construction of such wel I a S P roblems as fence posts, feed trou ghs, water tank, flower pots, porch P 5 bird baths, garden seats, sun dials, s idewa lks a nd cur bs. boxe ' . h qu arte r; eight hou rs attendance, two hours preparation two Four t . . . . . ' ·s credit. Prereqm s ite high school credit m woodwork, or its hO UI equivalent. Fee $1.75 plus materia l deposit of $3 .00 . 209. Home Jlechani cs--A co u rse designed to deve lop skill in ·forming repair jobs in and abo ut the home and to g ive other inpe1 . . . formation necessary for its effJC1en t upkeep . E lementar y work g iven in metals, wood, concrete and electricity. Also includes instru ction in organi zation and method of presenting cour se to stud en ts. Open also to freshme n who are taking th e two year course. Prerequis ite course 101. Second se mester and su mmer school ; eight ho urs attendance, two hours prepara1ion. fo ur hours credit. Requ ired for majors and minors. Fee $2.50 plus materia l deposit of $2.0 0. 212. '[phols ering and Wood F ini shing- Thi s course is designed to iurnish expe rience in the principa l typ es of wood finish suited to grade and high school work. Diffe r ent methods of uphols tering w ith and wi thout s pri ngs are studied. Special attention is given to th e refinishing and w;'.·c'. stcring of old furni ~u ro . S '. t: L:):J.ts should provid e themselves with on e or more pieces o[ new or old furniture to use as projects in this class . Prerequisite course 101. Thi rd and four th quarters and s ummer school; eight hours attend ance, two hours prepara tion, two ho ur s credit. Fee $1.75. :\faterial depo sit $3 .00

213. Elementa ry Jletal ·wor k- A course in elementary metal operations which will provide the foun dation for the metal \\Ork fou nd in home an d fa r m m echan ics courses. It w ill include work i n forging, sheet-metal and the sawing, chipping, fi ling, dr illing an d band t urnii1g of metal. E lec tive. Four th qu a rter and summer school; eight hou rs atten dance, two hours preparation, two hours cr edit. Fe,e $1.75 . Deposit $3. 00. 21!. Elementa.ry Electricity-This is a laborato ry cou rse in practical electricity for teachers. We believe this to be an impor tant Manual Arts subject for high schools a nd this course will offer s tu· dents an opportunity for th is work. The course will includ e the following: General principles of el ectricity, circuits, cells, generators . motors, applications of electricity to bells hea ting, lighting, ignition, etc. Third quarter and s umm e r school; ~ight hours atte nd ance, tw o hou rs preparation, two hours cred it. Fee $1.75. Deposit $3.00. . '101. '[ se a ntl l'are of Shoj) F.r111iprne11 t--This course includes Instruction in the use and car e of th e eq uipmen t commonly found in manu al arts s hops, and a s tudy of the various sharpening dev ices. Prac tice \\' ill be given in the cond itioning of h a nd and power saws, knife t oo 1 :;'1arpe:' ing and the settmg · · th e mac h m · es. of tho s ame m Second Quarte r, two hours attendance, four hours shop, two hours ere ai'.



302. C.:abiu et )lakin g-This course is des igned to . PI epare th s t u d ent to teach the a dvanced work of the senior high scho 1 e ery is used to speed up the work and give a wider sco · Machin. . ope In t I operat10ns and forms of constr uc lion and to familiarize th 00 with th e care and use of the woodwo~king machines Sec ed student . . on seme ter; eight hours attendance, two hours preparation four hou a. E lective. Fee $3.50 pl us material deposit of $5.00. ' rs credit. 304. :llaunal Training 1Ieth ods au d 01·ga11 ization-This . ~~b required of all students receiving the Manual '!'raining Diploma. It b also a valuable course for those, who as future principals and . t d . . superm en ents, will need to be familiar with the :Manual Arts fro d · · t t ' · t f · a mm1s ra 1ve porn o view. The course includes t extbook wo km an ~igned readings, discussions, outlines, etc., in th e study of the ~i~t:: 1cal development of manual training and its place in the curriculum the general principles of teaching as applied to the ma nual arts, sp~ cia l methods, courses of study, equ ipment a n d m a teria ls. F irst semester; fo ur hours attendan ce, four hours cred it. P re requisite Psychology an d courses 101 and 109. Requ ired for Manual Arts major or m inor. 305. Tcacltin g-Four hours of teaching in the shops and drawing room is required of a ll who complete the Manu al Arts course. Each quarter; ten hours teaching and necessary pre pa ration, fo ur hours credit. 31(). Arcllitectural DrawiI1 g-'f his is a practical course for studen ts. carpenters, home builders and other s desiring a knowledge of building des ign an d the architectural construction of small frame buildings and frame houses. The work deals with the essentials of building planning, buil ding constr uction and me thods of drawing, and is adapted to agricultural students and t hose wishing to take up arehitectural drafting as a vocation. The course covers work in architEctural conventions, basement and foun da tion plans, sketching of small buildings and houses, floor plans, elevations, fr a ming details, con struction details, interior details and specifi cations and estimates. s~cond and fourth quarters and summer sch ool ; eight hours attendance, two hours preparation; two or four hours credi t. Prerequisite course 109. Fee and deposit same as course 109. 315. Automobile Mechanics (Formerly Gas E ng in es )-This course will cover the fundamental principles of the gas engine, its operat~on. and repair. It will include types of engines, carb ure tion, ignition, cooling system lubrication, speed regulation, timing of engines, fit' · g, e t c. Second seting piston rings, grinding valves; trouble huntm . four hours mester; eight hours attendance, two hours prepara t 10n ; credit. . uation of t ID d 416 • Advanced Cabi net Jlald ng-This course· is a con d vorki ng an course 302. More emphasis will be given to machme woo ' . nt f hop equ1pme . a special study will be made on the use and care o s . . ent A study will be made of period furniture with its adapt10n to pl es



designs. P r ereq uis ite co ur ses 101, 109 , 206 an d 302. F irst semesdaY 1. by special a rrangement; eigh t hour s atten dan ce t wo h ours ter 0 ' prepa ration·• two or four hou rs credi t. Fee $3.50 plus mate ria l deosit $5.00. . . . . P J1 7. Industr ial E dn catrn11-Pr ereq m s1te, cou rse 304. T h is co u rse d Is with the study and investigation of specia l problems r elatin g to :: fi eld of manual and ind ustria l arts. It w ill a ls o include a study 1 f surveys tha t have been made of this work in other states as we ll ~s in Nebraska a nd to fam iliarize students with the existing fede r al Jaws regul ati ng tr a de and in dust ria l education. First quar ter; four ]lours attenda nc e, two hou rs cred it. )IATHEJIATI CS :Yir. Hill '.VIr. Huck :\fr. Va n Dyke The courses in Math ematics a r e planned to meet the dem and s of students who are preparin g to teach and also for those who are preparing themselves for scientifi c work. Re cogni tion is given to two types of co urses, one for those intending to become g ra de s chool sup e rvisors, t eachers or princi pals, and those "·ho wish to qua lify for high school teaching positions or to en ter later the tech nical occupations. For the fir s t type of major, twelve hours rn~1y be selected from the cou rses class ed a s f res hm an an d sophomore g:·ade, a!1d the balan ce of eigh t hours from th e courses of junior or senior rank. For the second type of major the follow ing courses are required : 206. 209 and 310, a total of twelve hours; ihe remainder will be e lective. - rnino;- !'or a deg r ee or a major for a diploma in mathemati c<;; will total tv:clve !tou rs distr ibu ted so as t o leave two h ou r s in co urse1; of junior rank and ten hours evenly divided as possible between courses in the freshman and sophomore grade. No student should ask to be recommended by this departmen t who has not completed twelve hours in m athematics. Prospective teachers who are expecting stronger types of recommendations should not be content with the m inimum requirements for a major or minor, but in support of ei ther, should pla n to do practice teaching in mathematics and also elect some other cou r ses in mathematics or courses in other departments which are closely a llied with mathematics. Cr edits transferred from secondary schools for college credit do no t apply on major s and minors in mathematics. 101. 'l'hinl Semester Algebra.-Prerequisite one year of begin ning algebra and one year of plane geometry. Given du r in g th e summ e r School only and by corr es pon den ce ; four hours credit. 102. Solill Geometry-Prerequisite one and one-half year s of a lgebra, and one year of plane geometry. Fi r st semester ; four hours ~ttendance, four hours credit. Give n du r ing th e s umme r school anrl Y corresponrlence.



103. Coll ege Al gebra- Prerequis ite one a nd one b If . - a Years of ge b ra a n d on e year o f pl a ne g eome try. F ir st se meste r · fo u h al· . a tt e n d ance, f our hours cr edit. Given dur m g the s ummer' sch r our8 00 1 by cor r espond en ce. and 105. Pl:m e a nd SJ)h er ical 'l 'rigo nometry- P r er equisite course 1o3. Secon d semester ; fo ur hou rs a ttend a nce, fo ur hou rs credit. Given du r ing the s um me r s chool a nd by corresponde nce. 111. Surveyi ng- P r e requ is ite course 105. F ir s t qu a rter ; four hours attendance, two hours credit.

115. Yocational JllaU1enrntics-Prerequisite same a s fo r course 103. R ecommend ed especially for s tu dents in ter es ted in app lied math-

ematics as well as those specia li zing in manu al training. Second semest er ; four hou r s a tten da n ce, two or fo u r hours cr edit. Students may enter th is course either or both quarte r s. Given a lso b y correspondence . 206. Anal ytic Geometry- Prerequis ite co u r s e 105. First semester ; four hou r s a tten da nce, four hours credit. 216. P rofes s ionalized Ma the matics- Open to all teache rs who desi re a more th orough un dersta nding of th e fu n damen tals of mathem atics . R ecommended for grade teachers, departmen tal ins tructors, an d s chool execu ti ves. Cred it in ed uca tion for elementa r y, grammar, or juniJ r high school teachers . Given dur ing t he summer school and by correspond ence. F ir s t semest er; fou r hou rs attendance, four hours credi:. 302. Adva.nce cl Su rveyin g- P re r equisite course 111. First quart er; fo u r hou rs attend an ce, two hou r s credit. 304. College Geometry- A thor ough in tro du ction to the geometry of the triangle a nd th e circle. The cours e deals with the leading p:·ope rties of the notable lines, points, an d circles associated with a rlan e tria ngle, th e geome try of circles and systems of circles. Pre~equis ite two sem es ters of high school geometr y. R ecommended for teachers and .p rospective teachers of high school mathema tics. Second semester; four hou rs attend a nce; fo ur hou r s cre dit. 307. P eclagogy of Secon dary Math em a t ics- Prerequisite six points high school credit or th eir eq uivalent. Second quarter ; fou r hours attendance; two hours credit. Gi ven du r ing the summer school and by correspondence. :.VIathematics or educati on credit. 30V. Differ e ntial Calculu s-Prerequisite course 206 . Second semester; four hours attendance, fo u r hours credit. 310. Iu tegral Calcul us-Prerequi site course 209 . Fo ur ho urs attendance, four hours credit. 312. H istory ol' )lntll ematics-Prerequisite ten hours of . c~:~~7.: mathematics. Fourth quarter; four hours attend ance, foui credi t. Fou r 11our.; 313. D iffere utial Eq nati o us-Prerequisite course 310. attendance, four hours credit.




Stati stical Anal ys is-Prer equ isite s am e as for course 103.

'be princip les of statis tics a s a ppli ed to data from the social a nd.

'I tu ral sciences in a ddi tion to educational data.

Open only to juniors. nand seniors a nd s c h oo 1 exe cutives. . T hi rd quar te r; four h ours at:endance, tw o ho u rs cr edit. Math ematics or educa ti on credi t. Given duri ng the summer school a nd by corresponden ce. JOJ. Reatli ng Co urse- Selected topics in cur rent mathematica l li terature. Conferences an d reports. Open to stud en ts who h ave me t requ irements for a minor in math emati cs. L imited to one hour cr edi t per semester a nd a to tal of two hours for a n y s tu den t.

MUSIC lr. Doyle Mr. J ind ra Mr. Ben ford Mr. Steck





• ...I,

P rivate less ons in piano, a ll stri ng ins tru men ts, brass ins trum ents, wood win d instru ments , and vo ice- ' l.25 per lesson . Class lessons in certain bran ches-$0.25 per lesson . (See Directo r .)

APn .n m MUSIC Credit fo r p r iva te lesson s in pia no, violin and voice tak en und er the direction of the college fa culty may be earned as follows: F or two periods daily practice an d tw o les sons a week a cr edi t of one coliege hour each semester m ay be earn ed. For on e pe riod of da ily pract!ce and one lesson a w eek on e-half credi t will be given. F ive h ours is the maximum cr edit that can be earn ed for private w or k u nless tak en by students in the t wo year P ublic School Mu sic cour se or by candid ate1: fo r the A. B. degree, who have selected Pu blic Sch ool Mus ic a s a major or minor subj ect. F or such stud en ts, eight hou r s is t h e maximum credit. Stu dents wishing cr edi t in t his cou rs e m us t have the su bject, and the amo un t of credit to be ear n ed lis ted on their enrollmen t cards. Ins t ru ctors will make a repor t of each stude n t on r egular grade sheet a t the regis trar's office at the end of ea ch sem es te r. Credit of one-half h our fo r 36 rehear sals may be g iven for w ork in glee cl u b, orches t r a or ba n d. Not more tha n one hou r may be earned by a stu den t in these combined activities in one ye ar and n ot more than three ma y be coun ted for cr edit tow ard any diploma or degree. PL\.NO, YIOLIN AND VOICE The courses below are su gges tive of the type of work wh ich has Proved most helpful to th e stu den t. They will be var ied to m eet th e needs of the ind ividua l. PIANO COUitSE OF STU])Y First Year Five-finger exercises in s im ple des igns; legato, non-legato and staccato touch es ; s imple ped al exercises ; Joh n Williams, F irst Grade

ll O


Piano Book; othe r st ud ies and pie ces sel ected pupil. Seco 1ul Year S t ud ies fo r imp rove ment of variou s t ou ches a nd developme fin ge r s ; s ca les a nd a rpeggios ; ped a l stu dies; Burgm uller and Hnt of selected w o rks , w ith s ta ndard p ieces . eller

Tllird Year Sc al es and chords in a ll k eys ; s tudi es in rhythm and accent p studi es ; Cze rny Op. 100, Bach two-p a rt Inve ntion s ; Sonatas of ·Ha~~~ a n d Mo zart. Se le c ted pieces.

l'o urth Yea,. A st udy of the works o f outs tandi ng c ompose rs s uch as Bach, Bee th oven , Ch op in, Men de ls s oh n , MacDo we ll a nd others. F u r th er stud ies a rra nge d a t th e r e quest of the stud ent. P ia no cl as s instru ction is use d fo r training ch ildren a nd opport u n ity w ill be g ive n advance d stu d n ts to as s is t in thes e classes.




}' irst Year Corr ec t ma nner o f h oldi n g v iolin an d bow s tr ess e d ; Gr a ded materia l in fi r s t pos ition, Op us ll, Book 1, Fische l; Sevcik Bow Techni ~. Op us 2, Book l; S cale s tu dies, one o ctave, Op u s 9, F is chel; Krogma;u " Z ep hy r s fr om Mel odyla nd ; " Gr a ded P ie ces for Violin an d Piano, Book 1, Ke lley ; e a s y fir st position pieces for v iolin and piano selected by te a cher.

Second Year Graded material in fi r s t position, Opus ll, Book 2, Fischel; cont mu e Sevcik Opus 2, B ook l; S cale stu dies, tw o oc ta ves, F is chel; Trill Studies, Opus 7, Sevcik, B ook 1. B egin F ischel Double Stop Studies, Op u s 10, B ook l ; Gra d e d p ie ces fo r violin a n d pia no, Kelley, Book 2, a nd other s olos sel ected b y tea che r .

[I'hird Yea.r Pos i tion Studies, Opus ll, Book 3, Fis chel. Continue Sevcik Trill studies, Book 1. Sevcik Bowing, Opus 2, Book 2. Shra dieck Violin Technics. Continu e F isch el Double S tops , Book 1, a nd Scale and a r p eggio s tu dies , 2 octaves . Sevcik 'l'rill s tudies, Book 2. Selections fo r vi olin a nd p iano s u ch a s Da n cl a Air Va r ies 1, 2, 5, 6; Seitz Conce rto s 1, 2, 4; Accolay, Huber an d Or tma nn c once rtos .

J<'ourtlt Year

1 Ad vanced pos itio n stu dies, Op us 11, Book 4, Fisch el; Specia Stu dies, Opus 36 , Book 1, Mazas; Dont 24 Caprices (p reparatory to K r eutzer. ) Scales an d a rpe gg ios, 3 octa ves . S evcik, Op us 8. Kreutz. . · nd coner, Eludes 2-13 . Doub le Stops, Book 2, F is chel. Air Vanes a . N d ' . d 'T ·t · . . s ol os s llltable to certos by Deilenot ; s onatas by ar m1 a n ai 1m, advancement of s tud ent.

fifth Year

·1· ces,· '.\Iaza Drillian t Finis h Kreutzer ; F iorillo and Ro d e Cal)l , S1 uuics , Op us 36. nook 2. Scales and arpeggios, 3 o cta\ es : Dc1uc.a



op us 74 ; Sevcik Opus 3, 40 va riations on a theme. Sonatas by Bach d H and el; conce rt pieces and concertos. an VOICE COURSE OF STUDY First Year The firs t year is pla nned to thorough ly acqu aint th e s inge r wi th t.be vocal mechanism . Simpl e vocalizes a r e used from t he wor ks of v accai and Conco ne. B reathing, articulation and enu nciation a re given intens ive stud y. Seco ncl Year More ad va n ced stu dies in Vaccai, Concone an d Ga r cia, a re used, aid in the s treng thening of the voice a nd the ex tens ion of t he 0 range, and to develop a free n atur a l placemen t throughou t its entire range. App lica tion of the principles of enunciation and ar ticulation as well as phrasing a nd in terpre ta tion is m ade to s ongs and rec itati ves within the grasp of th e si nger. Th.ire! Year The a dvance d studi es of Concone a nd Gar cia are ca rried over for th e purpose of properly routin ing the voice, an d to a id in the developing of tas te a n d style in vo cal address. Careful attention is given to th e choos ing of th e r epertoire. The singer, by this time, has come into a quite complete r ea lization of his strong and weak points , and his reper toire is chosen accor dingl y, from the classic literature of the German, French, Ita lian, a nd Modern schools. During the past three yea rs the singer h as taken pa rt, most likely, in several operas and oratorios a s presented by th e department, and if his ta lent runs along these lines, more work is g iven in the t radition of the oratorio interpretation a nd by the time he is gradu ate d he will know several complete oper a tic and oratorio roles. Fourth Year The fourth year is planned fo r those who have m a jored in th e vocal and music departments, and intend to teach music, as a profession. Mu ch time is spent in r epertoire, not only fo r the singer's individu a l voice, but for a ll voices, both solo and concert arrangements, so he may enter upon his chosen work with as broad a knowledge of vocal m usic a s is possible.

PUDLIC SCHOOL MUSIC Mr. Doyle Mr. Jindr a Mr. Benford Mr. Steck The fo llowing are the r equirements for a major in Public Schoor Music. 17. )[e n's Glee Club- Thi rty-s ix hours attend an ce, one-h alf h our credit. 18. Woman's Glee Clu b-Th irty-six hou rs attendan ce, one-ha lf hour credit. 19. College Chor u s- T hirty-s ix hours attendance, one-half hour

11 2


credit. T his organiza tion with orc hestra accompan iment one orator io and one light opera each year. '.::'.), Vol!("'C O::rhestra- Thirty-s ix hou rs a ttendance ho ur credit. ' 21.

one h - alf

('olkge Hand-Thi r ty-six h our s attenda nce, one-half hour

cred it . lO~A . Jletho!ls of 'l'eacl1 i11g Jl.usic- (:\Iethods, Mate r ia l and Observat1011) Freshma!I a nd Sop ho more. Prerequis ite llOA a nd llOB Deals with methods and mate ria l for a ll g r a de music in primar ¡ school and offe r s observation bo th in singing and a ppreciation F' Y or th ird qua rter ; two hours credi t. ¡ irst 10111.-Prereq ui s ite 101A. Sal'ne as abo ve except fo r upper grades an d hi gh school. Second or fourt h quarter, t wo hours credit. lJ OA. Public Sch ool Jl11s ic-Th is cour se is the basis for a ll other courses in the department except :\fusic App r eciation. It s hou ld be taken fi rst. It deals with elemen ts of m us ic a nd prepa res teachers t o teach P ub li c School Music under supe r vision or in th e smaller s ituation by themse lves. The a im is to start s ight s inging an d to give knowl edge of all methods fo r lower grades. F irs t a nd th ird quarcers; one hour credit.

llOB. Public Scltool Mu s ic-This course follows 110A and shoulu be taken immedia tely after it. The r eq uirement to complete this course s hall be cons idered abil ity to s ight read a song of the average difficulty of those en countered in the fifth or six th gr a de. This fo llows -very closely after llOA. Second and fou r th quarter s; one hour credit. 203. Obsenation a 11d l'ractice-Through t he Training School the stud en t gets actual practice in handl ing situations as they ar ise. This teaching is done under direct s up ervision of the head of th e department. Each qua rter. Two hours credit. 204A. Harm ony-Sophomore. Prerequisite llOA. Review of theory, buil ding triads, making me lodies , harm onizing melodies in major minor mode, u se of principal tr iads, a u the nti c, plaga l, and mixed cade nce. F irt qu arte r. Two hours credit. 204B. Harmony-Prerequ is ite 204A. The 6-4 chord , the 7th c hords an d the re s olution i r reg ular progressions. Second quarter. Two hours credit. 204(). J{armo ny-Prer~ qui s ite 204B . Contin uat ion of B using Tappe r, second year harmony as bas is. Third quarte r. Two hours credit. 20-LD. Harmony-Prerequisite 204C . Continuation of co urse ~04C. using T<tpper an d some of the 1fwre modern texts as a basis . Th rough. laid . on peel agogy a we 11 as content. ou t these courses stress 1s F'ourth quarter; two hours credit. ~Or.. History ol' Jlnsic- 'l'he music of ancient n ations and its re: lationship to our modern system; early church music; fo lk mu s ic ~'. . d d di cu;sea . the :\licldlc Ages ; polyphony and mono phony exp 1ame an .. d ou r the story of notation; rise and development of the ope1 a an



dern sym phon y; classical and r oman ti c schoo l s of com positi o n;

mo derll instrumental mu sic. The aim throughout in t hi s course is mo tr ace the gr owth of mus ic not by m er e statemen t of facts, but

~~ rough analys is of caus es wh ich l ed to certain definite r es u lts. F'irst

d second qua rters; four hours attendance, fo ur h o ur s credit. an 311¡ .\1i1uec iat.io11 or J ( us ic- (Public School :.\fusic.) Th is course is de signed for those teachers who do not expect to teach in the o-rad es, and is ma inly in sp irat iona l in ch a r acte r. It will sati sfy th e 7-equirement. Those s tude nts who will teach in the grades mu st take HOA a nd llO B. Each semester; t wo h ours a ttendan ce, two hOU rs cr ed it. 316A. Stu dy or fostrum ei1ts- ( Prer equ isite 204). A s tudy of th e st ri ng ins trume nts of the orchestra. I n th is co urse t he st ud en t is .,.iven ac t ual practice with var ious instrum ents o f this fam il y and is 7-equi red to p erform creditabl y on one. Second quarter. Two hours cred it. 31511.- Sam e as abo1¡e except for brass in str um e n ts. T h ird qu ar ter. T wo ho u rs credit. 315{'.-San'e a s a bove except for wood instru ments. T hese courses cannot be s tr essed too much fo r they are inva l uable to the s u pervisor in hi s work with orchestra or ban d. F'onrth quarter. 'l' wo h ours credi t. !Hi. Comlucti11g a nd _\ 1-rll:igi11g- Prerequ is ite all oth er co urses in the depar tment. Will include cond ucting for both b and and orchestra and arr anging a score fo r each . Open to S en iors only. Two hour s credit.

Diploma Ueq11ire111e11 t-The can di date for a specia l diploma from thi s dep artme nt must satisfy t h e directo r that by person ality as w ell as preparation and background h e is fitted to carry on th e work o f the supervis0 -- F'or t h ose so fitted p ubli c school mu sic s upervi si on offers unprecede nte d opportunity and dema n d. ]'HYSICAJ, EDUCATION FOU JIEK Mr. Graf Mr. Lorbeer Required credit fo r two year curriculum, tw o hours; for fou r Year program, or A. B. degree, four hour s. Maxim um cr edit in physical exercise a llowed for two yea r program, t hree hours; for four Year program or A. B . degr ee, unl ess a major or m inor, s ix hours. 9. 8wi 111111i11g- Swimming and a qu a ti c sports will be offered both semesters. Tw o hours attendance; one hour c r ed it. Not mor e than one hour elective credit in swimming is accep ted towar d diploma o r degree. 101. Physica l 'fntiuing- R equired Freshmen. E lementary gymnastics, mar chjng tact ics, fre e hand calis then ics, ap paratu s exercis es ana g ymn a stic games. Fo r beginne rs . Each semester ; t wo hours attendan ce, one hour credit.



102. J>Jt ys ical Trai ui ng-Required Freshmen . Team tu b ca listhenics, basketball, indoor gymnastic games, tea m lead~r~fn& class and field management. Each semester ; two hours attenda btp, one hour credit. nee, 105. (Formerly 105a) Pl1ys iol ogy of Exercise. (R e1)laces fol'lller course 5, Theory of P. T. for Athletics)-Anatomy an d Physiolo the neuro-muscular system. Physiological study of t r aining an';; of tigue. Tests of respiration and circulation before an d after exerc!~~­ First semester; two hours attendance, two hours credit. • 106. Playgrouncl Supervision-Theory of Physical Education f the grades and high school. First or second semester ; five twent;~ minute periods per week, one hour credit.

203. Physical Training-Apparatus exercises. Calisthenics, Practice field events. First semester ; two hours atte nd ance, one hour credit. 20-~. Physical Train ing-Advanced gymnastics and h ygienic exercises. Work of field events, Course 203 continued . Second semester, two hours attendance, one hour credit.

207. Coaclling Athletics-The theory and art of coaching for those who intend to take charge of high school ath letics. Signal system, fundamentals, stragety, fine points and foot ball foundations of several large institutions. Basketball fundame ntals, short pass system, how to build your system according to material. Track and field, training systems, practical ways of coaching each event. Those wishing a recommendation for athletic coaching must have had this course. Second semester; fo ur hours attendance, fo ur hours credit. 208. Personal Hygiene for Men-The purpose of this course is to give a thorough consideration of the essential details of the health of the human body and to increase practical application of the hygienic measures studied . Detailed consideration w ill be g iven to the hygienic care of the various organs and their functions. Common disorders, their causes, nature, symptoms, prevention and treatment, will be discussed. Latest literature will be studied and discussed. This course is especially for the boys in athletics and those intending to direct athletics. First quarter; four hours attendance, two hours credit. 209. (Formerly 113). Problems in Organization ancl Aclminlstra· tion of Physical Ecl ucation-Second semester; two hour s attendance, t wo hours credit. 210. Psychology of Athletics-A course of paramount importance t o thos e who intend to pursue the coaching game. Second semester; four hours attendance, two hours credit. f the muscles <>1;) Kinesiology ancl ApJ)liecl Anatomy-A study o t r· -· s nd semes e • and the mus cular movements of the human body. eco two hours attendance, two hours credit.



• Anatomy- A s tudy of th e s tru ctur e of th e huma n body. Firs t tei.. two hours a t tend a nce, two hours cr edi t. Prerequi site colsernes • iege p hys iology. 315• (Formerly 114.) Calesthenics, 'l 'actics ::nul Remedial Gym . ti· cs-Prereq uisite, 105 an d 212. F irs t semes ter ; two hou rs at uas . · . tendance, two ho urs cr edit. 311

P HYSICAL EDU CATION FOR WO}[E N :.\1is s D a vid s on Required credit for two-year program, two ho u rs; fo r fo u r -yea r program or A. B. deg r ee, fou r h our s. Ma xim um cr edit in physica l exercise allowed for two-yea r p rog ram, th r ee hou r ; for fou r -yea r program or A. B. deg ree, u nless a major or m inor, s ix hou rs. c ourses lOla and 201 b r equired for bo th two yea r and fo u r yea r cu rricula. The oth er two . hours for a n A. B. deg r ee may be chosen fro m anr co urse in th e dep ar tm en t except swimm ing. T hose wh o major in the department fo r the two yea r diploma will take 3a, 8, 101a, 104. 201b, 206, 207, 302a, College Physiology 207, an d HomEl Hygiene 201. :U . Jlpgi111ii11g lla ncing- Open to a ll college s tudents . Give s ele mentary prin ci ples of clog, character, and in te rpre tative danc ing. Each semester; two hou rs a tten dance, one h our credit. 3ll. _\.<l111ncecl Da11ci11g-Prerequisite 3A. Con tinuatio n of 3A. Second semester; tw o hours attend a n ce, one hour credit. 8. Swimmi11g-Beginning s wimming, aq ua ti c sports. Each semester; two hours attendan ce, one hour credit. 9. Swimming-Advan ced Swimmin g. This course includ es advanced strokes, diving, ' •ater gam es, a nd life saving. Ab ility t o pass a rigid examination in life saving. E ach semester ; two hou rs a ttendan ce, one he r credit. 101. Pl1ysical E d ucation-Req ui red of women . Swed ish an d Danish gymnastics. Cor r ecti on of imp roper standing and walk ing positions. Folk dances, gymnastic games. Each semester; two h ours attend ance, one hour credi t. 104. Playgrouncl Supervision-Philos ophy a nd P s ychology of Play. Aims an d purposes of play g round organiza tions, construction, equip ment, an d management. Gives thorough knowledge of games suitable for eve ry kind of school an d for every grade. First semester; two hours attendance, one hou r credit. 201. Physical faln catio11-Required. P r erequisite 101. Continuation of Swedish and Danish gymnas tics. Stunts and pyramid building. Folk dances and gymnas tic games. Each semester; two hours attendanc:e, one hour credit. 206. )lethocls of Teaching Phy .- ical E<lncation-Prerequisite 101. Two hours lecture, two hours teaching in College or Training Scho.11 uucer ob.,~,r.- ation, four hours per week, two h ours credit.



207. Theory or Athletics-Prerequisite 101. Technique of in and outdoor games, voll eyba ll , bask etball, bas eball and tennis ~OOr semester; two hours attend a nce, one hou r credit. · rat 302. Physica l E ducation-Advan ced spo rts. Prereq ui site • 201 Each semester; tw o ho u rs attendance, one h ou r cre dit. l:am1ifire Training-See Ed ucation 241. Hygie ne-See H ygiene 205 . Plays an d Gam es-See Ed ucati on 134.



Mr. H oyt Mr. Hill A P h ys ical Science m a jor will inclu de twel ve hours of Chemistry or Phys ics an d eight hours of Ph ysics or Chemistry, a lternately, and four hours of electives chose n from the depa rtment. A Physical Science m inor will include eight ho u rs of Chemis try or Physics and four hours of Physics or Chemistry alte rn ately, and four hours of electives chosen either fro m th e depar tmen t, or with the consent of be department h ead , fro m so me other depart men t. In ord er to be r ecommend ed fo r teach ing Chemis try, it is very des ireabl e that Chemistr y 205 be tak en, or for teach ing Physics, Phys ics 203. Twenty hours of Che mis try are require d for a major, and twelve hou r s for a minor. A Physics minor includes 12 h ours of Phys ics. Chemistry 101.- A college course in elementary ch emistry. No prerequisite insisted up on. E mphas is is place d upon fundamental principles and problems with sever a l qu an titative p r oblems. Offered first semester and s ummer sch ool; fo u r hour s attendan ce a nd four hours laboratory, four hou rs credi t. 102-Pr ereq uisite Chemistry 101 or H igh School Chemistry. A study of the metallic substances an d a brief cons ideration of simple organic substances, a nd some advanced chemical principles. Laboratory work during the first quarter con sists of qua li ta tive analysis by th e reagent method, wh ile d uring the s econd qua r ter it in cludes considerable "practical" chemistry and experimentation with simple organic compounds. Two selected themes required of each p upil. Second semester and summer school; three hours atte ndance and four hours labora tory, four hours credit. d 205. (1''ormerly 305.) )[etl10ds-Prerequisite Chemistr y 101 ~n . · try · F irst 102. Chemis t ry methods an d pedagogy of teaclung c h em1s semester ; one hour attendance, four hours labo ratory practice, two hours credit. 303. (Forme1·Jy 203.) -Prerequi site Chemis try 101 and 102. O~­ su bstance;o. ganic Chemistry. A more extended study of orgamc Ch iefly hydrocarbons and their compounds. First semester and s um-



cbool; tbree hour s atte nd a n ce and four hours laboratory, one Jl)er S . . advanced thesis, fo ur hours credit. 304. (Formerly .204a. )- Prerequisites Chem istry 101 a nd 102. First quarter, a11alysis by reagent method; secon d qu ar ter , a nalysis b tbe blowpipe method. Second semester; three hours attend ance, r:u r bours laboratory, one thes is, fo ur hours credi t. 404. (Formerl y 30!b.)-Prerequisites Chemistry 101, 102 a n d 303. A. brief cour se in physiological chemistry. Three hours attend ance, three bours laborato r y, two theses, fo ur hours cred it. PHYSICS students who des ire a major in physics for the two year diploma or a minor in phys ics fo r the A. B. degree should take cou r se 204, girnn in the s ummer school. 201. College Physics I-Prerequisite four hours college mathematics. i\Iechanics, hea t a nd sound. Three hours attendance, th ree hou rs laboratory, four hours credit. 202. College P hys ics II-Prer equisite Physics I. (Student m ay enter the class fr om High School Pbys ics, if a fair mathematician witb a good reco rd in H . S.) A con tinu a tion of Pb ysics I. Ma gn etism, electricity and light. Three hours atte nd ance, three hours la bo ratory, four bours credit. 203. College Physics Ill-A course in methods and pedagogy of teaching physics. Students desiring recommendation for teaching physics should take this course, given by correspondence. One hou r attend ance, three hours laboratory, two hours credit. 204. College Physics IY-A more extended study of magnetism and in addition an advanced s tudy of practical electricity. First an d secon d terms of the su mmer school, two or four hours credit. 301. "'Iouseh olcl P h ys ics-The titl e describes this course which is required of students specializing in home economics. F ourth qu arter;¡ four hours atte ndan ce, two hou rs credit. Ge neral Science 201. Ge neral Scie11ce-This is a general science course designed to prepare teacher s who a re planning to teach general science. Second quarter; five hours attendance ; two hou r s credit. Offered in 1929-30. 30G. Astro11omy-An elementa ry course in descriptive astronomy. 'I'his course is designed to equip a s tud ent more fully for teach ing geography, geology and nature s tudy. It is essential for a clear understanding of latitude longitude, tim e, tides, changes of seasons, and the planetesimal theo1'.y and other top ics of wide interest. Second semester and s umm er school; fo u r hours a ttend ance, two hours stargazing a nd use of te lescope, s tar charts and use of globes , four hou r s cred it. ¡IOi. Ph il osophy o f Science-A general course. A dis cussion of Science an d evol ution and their re!ations to religion, e thics, and cul-


tu re. It is science as atten dance, philosop hy,



des i rab le that t h e student h ave as broa d a backgr 0 possible. F irst semester an d s u mmer school ; t wo ~: Of selec ted readings from standard books on science one theses, t wo hou rs credit. nd


'!'RAINING SCH OOL S. L. Cle ments, Supe rin te nd ent. The train ing School is located in the fin es t building on the ca mpu s-T he T. J. Ma jors Training School. Thi s building wa p lanned and const ru cted especiall y to meet the needs of an up- to-date teacher tra ining school. It conta ins 32 classrooms, 18 offices, 2 assembly rooms , home economics room s , man ua l arts room s, 3 laboratories mus ic room, a gymnasium, a n d s hower room s . ' The purpose of th e T raining Schoo l is to provide, insofa r as possi ble, typical public school s itu a tion s for ex perimenta l an d demonstration p u rpos es as we ll as to provide a good place where college students may h ave th e oppo r tun ity to lea rn how to teach, by te:.i. ching u n de r expert gu id ance. The organization consists of a Kindergarten, the :Clementary Grades , a Junior High Sch ool and a Senior High Schoo l. There were :.:oo p u pils en rolled in 1928-29 .


JC~HOR .\ :NJ)

' '};.\IOR

L. D. :\lathe ws ..................... ________ ..... ....... ___ Principal o f Senio r High School Ru th G. Brandt.. .......... ................................ Principal of Junio r H ig h Sch ool w . F . Hoyt.. ................................................................................ Physical Scie;1 ce \ V. R. Carter ................... ·-··········--························-······ ·········--·----·-··------·· ····Biology Geo. W . Brown ................. .................... ................................... .. ...... Social Science l\Iarie H . Faulh a ber ______···--·--··-·-·········--···--·····------·--········--·----······--------····English c. A. Huck.. ................................................................... ............ ....... Mathematics Pearl Kenton .......... -·---· ······-- ····--··----············-·-·-·----------···--··--······-----····--Languages A. , -. Larson·-··········---······-·······--···-··-········································---·····--Manual Ar ts *l\ona P a lmer ··················· ··---····----········---·--·····-··-····--·---·-··············-------Commerce Patrick H. Norwoo d ............................................................ Jun ior High School

~~n~. ~:1~~e·~-.-.-.-.-.-.-.::::::·_:::::::::::·_:::::::·.·.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~l~~~n~::~~ Directors or Elementary Teaclter Training

Elizabet~ :\IcCo.llu m _____ ..................... --.-------·--·--·······-·-···-···_:·.-.·-·.·_·_·.·G· :~~::e~·g~~~·~e~



~It~~'.~ ~:~~:s ..~_ _ _~v.~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .........Grades

3 an d 4 ''Emily Bu r ton ..... --·················-- ----········· ....................................Grades 5 and 6

Special De1mrtme11tal , ' u11 erv i so r~ Public School :\Ius ic and Orchest ra

~'.·i~; ~i:~~~:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Band

PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE , Florence Ti! ton ----------------¡------------------ --------------------¡-----------------_____ ______ Art Ernest Lorbeer ________ ___________ _____ ___ _____ _____ ________________ ,_________ _________ P hysical T raining

IW tb Ah lberg ____ ------------------------- ------------------ _______ ------ --------

_______ _____ ________ Heal th

202. Obsenation aucl Participation - A sophomore r equired cou rse. It should be taken the qu ar ter just p rece ding a stu dent's fi rst assignment to teaching. A limited numb er of fo u r th quarter fre shmen may register for th e cou rse. The pu rpose of the co urse is to acquaint the s t udent te acher w ith the exact teaching s ituation to which be will be assigne d th e foll owing quarter. The co urse con s ists of observi ng demonstrations in differe n t subj ec ts ; some s tudy of method; an d participation in all the ac tivities, in clu ding conferences. wbi cb are req uired of student teachers _ The most capable may be allowed to do some teaching in the co urse _ This is a n ew required course a nd affects only students who have not taken the former one hour course in observation and methods. Offered each qu a r ter; fi ve liours attendance with t hr ee hours preparation and conferences, two hours crecli t. 210 aml 411. Teaching- P rerequ isites-psychology, principles of teaching, and obse rva tion an d participation. Four hours credit in teaching is req uir ed for th e two year diploma . For the A. B. degree. six hours credit is required, the las t' two ho urs to be clone in the senior year in the student's fir st major subj ec t. The student teach er assumes fu ll responsibility, under the observation and direction of a supervisor, of a class one hour a day, five clays a week for thr ee quarte rs , making a total of 135 hours of classroom teachfng. Gen eral conferences of a ll student teachers, group conferences, individua l conferen ces, and demonstrations are held. Only juniors a nd seniors in the college may be assigned for 11th or 12th grade teaching. Before ecuring a teaching assignmen t in the junior or senior high school the student m u st first be approved by the h ead of the depa r tm ent in which he asks to teach. Student s hould get teaching ass ignmen t from the supe rintendent of the tr aining school before registering for othersubjects. *Absent on leave 1929-30.





EXTENSION COURSES The purpose of Extension courses, whether Correspondence or studY center. is to extend the services of the State Teachers College to every properly qualified person who cannot attend an educational ¡nstitution for the time being, but who wishes to pursue systematic ~tudY under competent direction and for college credit with a view of attending College later. In addition to its courses in residence, one of the most valuable services that the Teachers College can render is an opportunity for teachers in service to continue their education and to receive aid and inspiration in their daily work. Teachers are urged to avail themselves of every such advantage that this state institution, which is their institution, has to offer them. Not more than one-fourth of any curriculum leading to a degree, a diploma, or a certificate shall be taken in extension classes or by correspondence; and not to exceed one-half of this amount shall be taken by correspondence. No courses are offered in extension which are not also offered as a part of the regular residence work. Each course is offered by that member of the faculty who teaches the course in residence.

CORRESPONDENCE COURSES Correspondence courses are offered not only for college credit, but also for mature students who need to earn College entrance credits. These courses have an advantage over study center courses in two respects; first, the individual can take what he needs, and second, be can carry the work forward as rapidly as he is able. Because of these two advantages, correspondence courses have grown in favor during the past few years. Inasmuch as. one-ei:ghth of the amount required for degree, diploma, or certificate may be taken by correspondence, this work is appealing strongly both to graduates of the two year college course who wish to take work toward a degree while teaching, and to those students who were compelled to teach before completing the two year course. No student, however should attempt to take all the work he needs by study center and correspondence, even if that were possible, as by doing so he loses the inspiration that comes from contact with a virile student body and a sympathetic and enthusiastic faculty. This contact brings about a culture, refinement, and poise that resident attendance only can give. Row Enrolled. Each student must fill out an application blank; in order that the instructor may ascertain his fitness to pursue with Profit the course he desires. If the student is accepted, he is notified at once by the Registrar, to whom he pays the necessary fees. The instructor then will communicate directly with the student, giving instructions and directions for the course.



Regulatio11 s .

1. A fee of $3 .00 per credit hou r, $6 .00 for t wo hours, is char rn advance, each person enrolled . No fees a r e refunded f ged or any ause after enrollment h as been accepted and directions fo r Wo • have been sent to the student. Every student tak ing this work · be a matriculant of the College. (Matricul ation fee is $5. 00, Pai:l~st once.) ut 2. A book deposit rental fee of $4.50 is r eq uired when the stude registe rs for work, if he wishes to u se books from the College Librar n~ $2.00 is charged for eac h eighteen weeks the books are used by t~~ student and the remainder of $4.50 (Less 80 cen ts for postage on books and correspondence,) is refund e d, wh en t he course is comp leted and the books are returned. 3. Time of registration for correspondence courses is between September 15 and :i\1arch 1. All work is to be completed by May 15.

4. Credit will be granted on th e basis of NINE WRITTEN LESSONS for one semester hour credi t. 5. Students are limited to one correspondence course at a time. No corr espondence work is offered to students in reside nc e. 6. The Coll ege doe s not guarantee to g ive a ll co urses listed in this bulletin, for the reason that changes in the teaching staff may necessitate withdrawa l of courses from the list. Al so, each teacher is limited in the number of su ch students he may instruct at one time. 7. A maximum credit of s ix semester hour s may be earned by any one student by exten sion courses (Study Center and Correspondence) within the limits of the time set for the com pletion of the work; that is, between September 15 and May 15. All extension courses should be organized as early in the fall as possible.

Corres1rnll(lence Courses Work is offered in the following subjects: (Write for extension bulletin, which gives full information.) Biology, Commerce, Education and Psychology, English, Fine Arts, Geography, History, Economics and Other Social Sciences, Hygiene, Manual Arts, :i\Iathematics and Physical Science.

STUDY CENTER How Organized•.... A study Center may be organized if a sufficient number to pay all expenses of the Center make application for . a . meet at some place agreed upon, and will course. The class will s tudy some one of the subjects offered in this bulletin. An instructor or some other representative of the College meets with the group . . . . · the course dor at thell' first meetmg and ass ists them m se 1ec t mg . . ·t d t courses (if more than one class is desir ed) best sm e o their nee. s, . . f th e meeting and in any other work or orgamzat10n. At the close o a definite appointment is arranged for the first class meeting.



Regulations . Write Extension Director fo r definite plan s of organization. 1 2. A fee of $3.00 per credit hour, $6.00 for two h ours, is cha rged each member e nrolled. F ees a re collecte d at the first meeting b y a representative o f the college. A receipt will be issued by th e College. Fees a r e no t refunded for any ca use. Each student mu s t be a matricu lant of t he College . (:\fa tr icul ation fee is $5.00 , pa id b ut once.) 3. A book deposit rental fee of $4.50 mus t be made wh en ea ch stud ent registe r s fo r co ur se, if he wishes to u se books from the College L ibrary ; $2.00 is cha r ge d fo r each eigh teen weeks the books are used by the student a nd the r emainder is refunded when co urs e is completed an d books returned. 4. Cre di t will be granted on the basis of SIXTEEN LECT URE HO URS fo r one semester hour cr ed it. 5. I nstrnc tors are limited to the giving of not more than one or two Study Cen ter courses at one time ,and for t his reason some courses offered may not long rem ain open for s election. 6. All Study Center courses a r e organized after September 15 and completed by :\fay 15. 7. A maximum credit of six semester hours may be earned by any one stu dent by exten sion cours es (Stud y Center and Corr esponden ce) within the limits of the time set for the completion of th e work ; that is, between September 15 and May 15. All extension cl asses shou ld be organized as early in the fall as possible. St ucly Center Cour ses 1929-1930 Biology, Commerce, Education and P sychology, English, H istory, Economics an d Other Socia l Sciences, Mus ic. FREE SERVICE BUREAU The Peru State T eachers College exists to se rve th e schools of Nebraska. The Study Center a n d Correspond ence courses h ave h ad a large enrollment and have been o f practi cal service to teachers an d s uperintendents. From time t o t ime calls have come for assistan ce in various school an d community enterprises. 'l'he School has responded and in this wa y h as b roadene d its fie ld of usefuln ess. New additions to the fac ulty ma ke it possible this year to increase th is service. Below are li s ted ty pes of ac tivi ties w ith wh ich you may need help. If you do n ot see just th e ass istance desired wr ite to us concerning your pro bl em and we shall t ry to m eet your need . Entertai nme nt

J,ectures. Parent-Teachers' Ass ociation. Teachers' :vreetings. Institutes



School Cl ubs Commencement Exercises Asse mb lies Civic Organizations Woman's Clubs

Jrulges. Debate Declam ation :\Iu sic Contests Mu sic. Orchestra B and Girl's Glee Club :\Ien's Glee Cl ub College Chorus Perus ingers Orpheus Clu b Drama. Dramatic Club Plays School Problems This s ervice m ay be obta ined th r ough cor re spondence, through p ersonal confere nce at the college or throug h work in the field by fac ulty members.

Organization mul Direction of : P a r ent-T eachers ' Associations Hi-Y Clubs Y. W . C. A. a nd Y. M. C. A. Boy S co uts Camp F ire Organiza tions Debating Selecting and Coa ching P lays Beau tifying School Grounds a nd Buildings Playg round Eq uipment and Supervision Selec tion of Libraries School Surveys Curri culu m Construction Problems in Teaching Mental Testing Educational Measur ements School Finance Building Plans If you wish a ddition al information on any one or rnore of the. ac tivi ties m e nti oned, addres~ inquir y to the Di rec tor of Extension .

care o f State T each ers College, P eru, J\ebraska.

APPLICATION FOR CORRE SPONDE NC E STUDY To Di rector of Extens ion, Da te ........................................ s tate Teache rs College, p eru , Nebras ka.

Name ······· ······ ················· ··--···· ···--·---····- ··· ·········· ··--· ·······-··········-···--··-··-······-·-·--· ·····-··.Address present Occupation ·········---·-··········-·-· ·-·-····---·····---·--·-····-· ··------·-·-···········-·---·-·--···· Gradu ate from what high school... .................................................... .... . If a t any time enrolled in this State Teacher s College, please g ive

the year m a triculated ................ and total months a ttended ........................... .Attendance in other institutions, including both hig h sc hools and colleges. Name o f insti tution .................................... Months attend ed .............................. Name of institution ...... ·-·····---·--·--------·---····Months attended .......................... ... . Show your classification a s a student by th e amount of credit you now have. ······--·-·--· ·-······ ... high schoo l points .................................... Col. Sem. hrs. Give in deta il th e r eason for ask ing for this work· ---·---·-·· ·--·--······----···· ········

Subject you now de sire by correspo nd ence .................... ................................

Enclosed find check for $............................ to cover fees , etc., -mentioned on page 3 of th e exten sio n bulletin. I make this ap plication with the un ders tanding that all the work in this cou rse be done in a bsentia, and that it is to be completed and handed in r ea dy fo r approva l or rej ection by the in s tructor before I again enter a s a r esident studen t at Peru State T eachers College or any other College or University. I h ave done none of this work du ri ng res ide nt attendance. Signed ......... -·· ··-· ···--·---·-----·-····--··---· ·-·····-·· ··-·----·-···----····-·----·-········-·---··- Applicant llL. .............. .. ·· ···-·-··········-······-··-········------·----·has my approval to tak e corres-

POndence fo r.. ........... ............. .. hours cr edit in ...................................... with the understandin g that a ll the work is to be done in absenti a and fu lly compl ete d r eady for approval or re jection befor e re-en tering any school. This s tudent has done none of this work while a resid ent student. Signed --····· -··-·-···--··----···-······--····-··-- ·-·-·-·-·-···---·--··-··Dept. of ............... . .Approve d................................................................................ Exten s ion Direc tor.






7:50 A2T-Di ddle . Sl05, Design 203, Cr. 4 hrs., ..\1WThF. -Diddle, Ll05, Advanced Design 303, Cr. 4 hrs., ..\lWThF. BIOLOGY-:\Iesene, Sl03, Botany 201, C'r. 4 hrs .. (also 8:50) ..\IWTbV -Carter, S102, \'ert. Zoology 218, rr. 4 hrs., (also 8:50) ..\IWThF. c o:II.\JER('E-Boatman, A301. Shorthand 101, C'r. 4 hrs .. .\IWThV -Irn•in, A302, 'l'yping 5, Cr. 1 or 2 hrs., .\IWThF.'· EDC< ATIOX-Baker,

A202, History of Education 4~~. Cr. 4 hrs.,

.\HVThF. -C'lements, L103, Classroom ..\Ianagement 204, 1st and 2nd qtrs., Cr. 2 hrs., :\IWThF. -Tear, A104, Early Elementary Curriculum 20:-!g, l st qtr., Cr. 2 hrs., ..\IWThF. -Tear, A104, Jr. H. S. Curriculum 203e, 2nd qtr., Cr. 2 hrn., ..\IWThF. E:'\GLISH-Vaughan, A303, College Grammar 215, Cr. 2 hrs., ..\ITh. -Vaughan, A303, Advanced Composition 216, C'r. 2 hrs., WF. -Hendrick, L306, Literary Interpretation 152, Cr. 3 hrs., ..\IWTh. HISTORY-Chatelain, A102, Nineteenth Century History 304a & 304b, (open to Sophs. & Srs.,) Cr. 2 or 4 hrs., MWThF. HO.\IE ECONOMICS-Weare, Tl04, Clothing 105, Cr. 2 hrs., M (also 8:50 M & F.) -Weare, Tl04, Clothing 141, Cr. 2 hrs., ThF (also 8: 50 Th.) -Cook, TllO, Health Problems 140, Cr. 2 hrs., MW (also 8: 50 ..\1.)

-Cook, Tllo, Foods 101, Cr. 2 hrs., Th (also 8: 50 W & Th.) '.IIA:'liUAL ARTS-Larson, L301, Int. Woodwork 101, Cr. 4 hrs., (also 8:50) ..\IWThF. '.l!ATHE.\IATICS-Van Dyke, A304, College Algebra 103, Cr. 4 hrs., .\IWThF. -Hill. 8202, Reading Course in Mathematics 404, Cr. 1 hr., ThF. :'IIL'SlC-Doyle, '1'102, ..\'lethods of Teaching Music 101, Cr. 4 hrs., (also Observation 10: 50) MWThF. PHy ICAL EDUCATION-Graf, Al03, Personal Hygiene 218, 1st qtr., Cr. 2 hrs., MWThF. -Lorbeer, Gym, Calisthenics and Tactics 114, Cr. 2 hrs., MTh. -DaYidson, Gym, Physical Education 101a, Sec. 1, Cr. 1 hr., WF.



8 :50 ART- Papez, L 302, Public School Art 109, C r. 2 hrs., MWThF - Papez, L301, P u bli c School Art 108, Cr. 2 h r s., )1WThF - Diddl·e, Ll05, Rural Art 109 a, Cr. 2 hr s., MWThF . · BIOLOGY- Mes er ve, Sl03, Botany 201, (see 7: 50), MWTh F . -Carter, Sl02, Vert. Zoology, (see 7 : 50), )1WT hF. COMMERCE-Irwin, A301, E l ementary Accounti ng 103, Cr. 4 h MWThF. rs., EDUCATION-Crago, A202, Educational ;\feasu r ements 230a, (for elementary teachers,) 2nd qtr., C r . 2 h r s ., MWT bF. - Te a r, A104, Jr. H . S. Prin. of Teach . 108 b, Cr. 3 hrs., TWF. -Tyler, T306 , R u ral School Methods 150, Cr. 4 hrs., MWThF. ENGLISH-Vaughan, A303, T eaching of H. S. Englis h 405a, e r. 3 hrs., MWF. GEOGR APHY-Cl ayburn, L104, E leme n ts of. Geogr a phy 101, Cr. 4 h r s ., MWT h F. H ISTORY- L in dsay, A102, H istory of the U. S. t o 1789 , 212a & 212b, (open to J r s. & Srs.,) Cr. 2 or 4 h r s., MWThF. HOME E CONOMICS- Weare, '1'104, Clothing 105, (see 7:50.) - We a re , '1'104, Clothing 141, (see 7: 50 .) -Cook, T110, Health Problems 140, (see 7: 50 .) -Cook, T110, Foods 101, (see 7: 50.) LA GUAGE-Cl ark, A204, Spanish 101, Cr. 4 h r s., MWThF. MA UAL ARTS- Larson, L 301, Int. Woodwork 101, (see 7:50,) MWThF. MATHEMATICS-Hill, A304, Profess. Math. 216, Cr. 4 hrs., MWThF. MUSIC- Doyle, T102, Coll ege Choru s 19, Cr. 1h hr., 'I' ., a l so 2:30 W. - Doyle, '1'102, Public School '.\Iusic 110, Cr. 2 hrs., i\IWThF. - Jindr a, Aud., College Orchestra 20, C r. lh hr., T ., also 10:30 Th. - Jindra, G302, Study o f Ins t ruments 315 a 2nd q tr. , Cr. 2 hrs., ;\fW T hF. PHYSICAL EDUCATION-Lorbee r, Gym, Phys ica l Educatio n 102, Cr. 1 hr., M'l'h. -Davids on Gym Physical Education 302a, Cr. 1 h r ., MF. - David son: L103', Theory of Athletics 207, Cr. 1 hr. , 31Th.

10:30 ART-Diddle L301 Public School Art 206, (Art History a n d Appre' ' b perciation for all H. S. 'I'e ach ers. Open also to J rs . Y mission.) Cr. 2 hrs., TF. (also 11 : 30,) e r. 4 BIOLOGY-Meserve, S103, Plant Phys iology 309 , hrs., MTWF. 4 -Carter, S102, Nature Study 205, (also 11: 30,) Cr. hrs .. MTWF. sec. 1-;\I. -Meserve-Car ter, Educational Biology Laboratory, Soc. 2-T, Sec. 3-W, Sec. 4-F, (also 11: 30.)



COMMERCE-Boa tm a n, A302, T yping 5, Cr. 1 or 2 hrs., M'I'WF*. - Irwin, A30 1, P enm a n s hip 9, Cr. 1 hr., Sec. 1 MW, S ec. 2 TF. ED UCATION- Crago, A202, Psychology of L earnin g 236, a ttendance, 2 hrs . C r. , MTWF. - B a ker , A101, Menta l Testing 231, 1st qtr ., Cr. -Crago, A202, P sych ology of School S ubj ects Cr. 2 hrs., MTWF. - Tyl er and Supervisors, Obs. and Participation Cr. 2 hrs ., D ail y.

1st qtr., 4 hrs. 2 hr s ., MTWF. 337, 2nd qtr., 202, each qtr.,

ENGLISH- Vaughan , A 303, Shakespeare 317, Cr. 4 hr s ., MTWF. - Hendrick, L 306 , Extemporaneous Speak ing 35 4, Cr. 2 hr s., TF. GEOGRAPHY-Claybu rn, L104, Latin Amer ica 212. (Ope n al so to Jrs. an d S r s. ) 1st qtr., Cr. 2 hrs., MTWF. -Clayburn, L10 4, Geog. of Nebrask a 106. (Open a l s o to Sop h s ., J 1's. a nd Srs.) 2nd qtr., Cr. 2 hr s ., MTWF. HISTORY- L indsay, Al02, E uropea n B ackground of Amer. History 201, (open to Jr s . & Srs.,) Cr. 4 hrs., MTWF. HOME E CONOMI CS-Weare, T104, Textiles 210, Cr . 2 h rs. , MW. - Cook, TllO, Child Ca re an d Deve lopment 320, Cr . 2 hr s ., MW. MATHE:\iATICS-Hill, A 304, Solid Geometr y 102, Cr. 4 hrs., MTWF. MUSIC-Doyle, Tl02, H a rmony 20fa a nd 204b, Cr. 4 h rs., MTWF. - Benford, Aud., Men's Glee Club 17, Cr. 1h hr., Th., (al s o 1:30, W.)

-S teck, Aud., Women's Glee Club 18, Cr. 1h hr., Th. , (a lso 1:30, W.) PHYSI CAL EDUCA'I 'ION-Graf, Gym, Physical Training 101, Cr. 1 hr., MW. - Lorbeer, G301, Physiology of Exe rcise 105a, Cr. 2 hrs ., 'l'F. -Davidson, Gym, Physical Education 201b, Cr. 1 hr., TF. - Da vidson, Beginning Swimming 8, Cr. 1 hr., MW. PHYS I CAL SCIENCE-Hoyt, S205, Org. Chem. 203, Lab. arranged, Cr. 4 hr s ., MTWF.

11 :30 BIOLOGY- Mes erve, S103, Adv. Plant Phys. 309, (see 10 : 30), MTWF. -Car ter , SJ 02, Nature Study 205, (see 10: 30,) MTWF. - :\1eserve-Carter, Ed. Biol. Lab., (see 10: 30 .) CO:\L\IERCE-Boa tman, A305, Shorthand 207, Cr. 4 hrs., l\ITWF. EDUCA'l' ION-C rago-Baker, A202, Psychology 101 and 102, Cr. 4 hr s., :\ITWF. - T ear, A104, Early Elem. Prin. of Teach. 108cl, Cr. 3 hrs ., TWF.



ENGLISH- Va ug h an-Lindsay, A303, English 101, Cr. 4 h rs., MTWF -Hendrick, L306, Play Production 255, Cr. 3 hrs., 'l' WF. · -Petersen, L 103, Evolution of the Book 333, Cr. 2 h r s. TF HISTORY- Ch a telain, Al02, Sociology 220, (open to Jrs . & s:s ) · 4 hrs., MTWF. ' Cr. LANGUAGE-Cl a rk, A304, Spanis h 203, Cr. 4 hrs., i\ f'l'WF. }'[ATHEMATICS- Van Dyke, A 304, Anal. Geom. 206, Cr. 4 hrs., }lTWF }'[A 'UAL AR TS-Larson, M30 1, Man. A rts ?-Iethods and Organ. ' 304 Cr. 4 hrs ., MTWF. ' }iUS I C-Steck, T 102, Public School Mu sic 311, Oius ic Appreciation for a ll H . S . T eache rs, ) Cr . 2 h r s., TF. - Jind ra, Au d., College Or ches tra 20, Cr . 1h hr. T h ., (also 8 :50, 'l' .) PHYSICAL EDUCATIO N-Davi dson , Gym, B eginning Dancing 3a, Cr. 1 hr. MW. - Da vi ds on, Gym, Physi cal E du cation 101a, S ec. 2, Cr. 1 hr., TF. PHYSICAL SCIENCE-Hoyt, S205 , Elem. Chem. 101, Lab. arra nged, Cr. 4 hrs., MTWF.

1:30 ART-Diddle, L 301, Public School Art 108, Cr . 2 hrs., MTThF. -Diddle, L301, Commercial Art 102, Cr. 2 hr s., }'lTThF. BIOLOGY-Meserve, Sl03, Educ. Biol. 116, Lab. 1 day (see 9 :50 and 10: 50,) Cr. 4 h rs ., MTThF. -Cart er, Sl02, P hys iology 207, Lab. arranged, Cr. 4 hrs., MTThF. COMMERCE-Boatman A302, Typ in g 5, Cr. 1 or 2 hrs., MTThF* - Irwin, A30 4, 'comme rcia l L aw 202, Cr. 4 h rs., MTThF. E DUCATION- T ea r, A10 4, Educ. Soc. 428, Cr. 3 hrs ., MTTh. ENGLISH- Faulh aber, A202, English 101, Cr. 4 hrs., MTThF. - Ennis , A 304, Newswriting 214, Cr. 2 hrs ., MTThF . GEOGRAPHY-Clayburn, L104 , Geography of Asia 300, 1s t qtr., er. 2 hrs. , MTThF. -Clayb urn, Ll04, Cons. of Nat. R eso urces 226, 2nd qtr., er. 2 hrs ., MTThF . HISTORY-Chatelain, A10 2, New Viewpoints in Amer. & World Histo r y 224, (open to Jr s . & Srs ,) Cr. 3 hr s ., MTF. LANGUAGE-Cl ark, A304, Teachers Latin 210, 1 t qtr., Cr. 2 hrs., MTThF. - Cl ark, A304, Horace (Odes ) 205, 2nd qtr., Cr. 2 h rs. , MTThF. 2 }'[ANUAL ARTS-Larson, T 113, Woodturning 206, (also 2 : 30,) Cr. hr s. MT. wF. -Larson, T113, Woodfinishing 212, (a l so 2 : 30), Cr. 2 hrs., . ) 30 - Va n Dyke , i\1 301, Advan ced Cabinet }faking 416, (also 2 · ' Cr. 4 hrs., }1TThF.



j\{ATHEMATI CS-Hill , A304 , Surveying 111 an d Surveying 302, 1st qtr. , Cr. 2 h r s. each, MTThF. -='!ill, A3 04 , P ed. of Sec. Math. 307, 2nd qtr., Cr. 2 hr s ., i\ITThF. ;vrusr c-Steck, T 102, Pu b li c School :\fu s ic llO a a nd 110b, Sec. 2, Cr. . 2 hrs ., MTThF. -Steck, A ud ., Women's Glee Club 18, Cr. 1h hr. , W., (al so 9 : 50, Th :) - Benfo rd , Aud. , l\Ien's Gl ee Club 17, Cr. 1h hr., W., (also 10 : 50, T h. ) PHYSI CAL E DUCATION- D a vidson, Gym, Meth . of Phys . Educ. 206, Cr. 2 hr s ., MTThF.

2 :30 AR1.' -Didd le, L 301 , Drawing and Painting 101, Cr. 4 hrs., MT Th F . - Diddl e , L 302, Drawing and Painting 202, Cr. 4 hrs., MT'ThF. BIOLOGY- i\I eserve, S103, Educ. Biol. 116, Lab. 1 day, (see 9: 50 and 10: 50), Cr. 4 hrs., MTThF. -Carter, S102, Nature Study 205 , (also 3 : 30,) Cr. 4 hrs., :\1TThF. COMMERCE - Boa tman , A304, Comm. Meth. 208, 2nd qtr. , Cr. 2 hr s ., :\'I TThF. - Boat man, A305, Typing 5 (practice period s ,) MTT hF. EDUCATIO N-C rago -B aker , A101 , Psychology 101-102, Cr. 4 hrs. , :\1TThF. -i\IcCollu m, T 202, Chil d. L i t. 318, Cr. 2 h r s., T 'I'h. - T ear, Al04, Elem . Prin. of Teach. 108c, Cr. 3 hrs., MTTh. - T yle r, T 306, Rur al School Problems 151, Cr . 4 hr s ., MTThF. ENGLISH-Vaugh an-Linds a y, A202, Englis h 101, 2nd q tr., Cr. 2 hr s ., MTThF. - Vaug han , A30 3, Eng. Lit. 303, Cr. 3 hr s ., MTThF. GEO GRAPHY-C la yburn , Ll04 , Geog. of U. S. 211, (open al so to Jrs . a nd Srs .) , Cr. 4 hr s ., MTThF. HISTORY-C. M. B r own, A102, Political E conomy 221, (op en t o J rs . & Srs .,) Cr. 3 h r s ., MTF. -Chatela in -Lindsay, Al 02, S emin ar in H is tory 457a, (al so 3 : 30,) Cr. 2 hr s ., T h ur s . onl y. LANGUAGE-Cla rk, A204 , Virg il 103, Cr. 4 h rs ., MTThF. MANUAL ARTS- L a r son, '1'11 3, Wo od tu rnin g 206 , (s ee 1: 30,) Cr. 2 hrs., :\IT. - La r son, Tll3 , Woodfini shin g 212, (see 1 : 30,) WF. - Van Dyke, :\1301, Adva nced Cabin et '.\ faking 416, (see 1: 30,) l\ITThF. :\1USIC-Doyle, T 102, Colleg e Choru s 19, ,Cr . 1h hr., W ., (a ls o 8: 50, T. ) - Jin d ra, G302, Histo r y of Mus ic 305, Cr. 4 hrs ., MTThF.



PHYSICAL EDUCA'l'ION-Graf, Gym , Swimming 9, Cr. 1 hr., MT -Davidson, Gym, Playground Superv. 104, Cr . 1 hr., l\iTh h. - Davids on, Gym , Adv. Swimming 9, Cr. 1 hr., TF. · PHYSICAL SCIENCE-Hill S202 College Physics 201 L a b ar Cr. 4 hrs., MTThF. ' ' · ranged,

3:30 AR'l'-Papez, L 301, Public School Art 109, Sec. 1 and 2, Cr. 2 hrs., TWThF. BIOLOGY-Carte r , S102, ature Study 205, (see 2 : 30,) Cr. 4 hrs., TWThF. CO 1MERCE-Boatm an , A305, Typing 5, (pra ctice periods, ) 'l'WThF. ENGLISH-Hend r ick, L 306 , Adv. Pla y Prod. 357, Cr. 2 hrs., TTh. HISTORY-Cha tel ain, A102, Ame r. Constitutional Law 417, (open to Soph s . & Jr s.,) Cr. 3 hr s ., TWF. - Chatelain-Lindsay, A l0 2, S em ina r in H is tory 457, (see 2:30.) (open to Sophs . & Jrs. ,) Thurs . only. -G. W. Brow n, T 307, Survey of Amer. History, 112a, (only Freshmen can take t his cou rse without special p ermission of de partment a dvis er,) Cr. 4 hrs ., TWThF. -Lin dsay, Arg. & De bate 13, Cr. (to b e arranged) 1, 2, 3 hrs. HOME E CON0:\1ICS-Wea r e, T104 , Costum e Design 311, Cr. 3 hrs., TWTh (also 4:30 T.) -Cook, A303, School Hygiene 205, Cr. 2 hrs. , TTh . -Cook, A303, Home Hygiene 204, Cr. 2 hrs., WF. MANUAL ARTS-Van Dyke, M301, Elementary Woodworking 11, Cr. 2 hrs., 'l'WThF. MUSIC-Jindra, Aud., College Band 21, Cr. 1h hr., M, (also 4:30.) PHYSICAL EDUCATION-Graf and Lorbeer, Football and Basketball, Cr. 1 hr. Daily. (Also 4: 30.) PHYSICAL SCIENCE-Hoyt, S205, Philos. of Science 407, Cr. 2 hrs., TTh. -Hill, S202, Physics Methods 203, 1st qtr., Cr. 2 h rs., TWTbF. -Hill, S202, General Science 201, 2nd qtr., Cr. 2 h rs., TWTbF.

4:30 EDUCATION-McCollum, T202, Manual Activ. 132, Cr. 2 h rs., TWTbF. HOME E CONOMI CS- Weare T104 Costume Des ign 311, (see 3:30.) MANUAL ARTS-Van Dyke.' M301: El ementary Woodworking 11, (see 3: 30,) Cr. 2 hrs . TvVThF. MUSI C-Jindra, Aud., College Band 21 (see 3: 30,) M. PHYSICAL EDUCATION-Graf and L~rbeer, Foo tb all an d Basketball. (see 3: 30.) Da ily. . ractJce *To earn 2 hours credit in Typing stu dents m u st enroll foi P p eriod weekly at 2: 30 or 3: 30.




7 :50 BJOLOGY- !\Ieserve, S10 3, Pl a nt Morph. 202, (also 8: 50,) Cr. 4 hr ., !\fWThl<-,. COMMERCE-Boatman, A301, Shorthand 106 ( II ) , Cr. 4 hr s ., MWThF. - Irwin, A302, Typing 5, Cr. 1 or 2 h r s., MWThF. EDUC.A TION-C rago, A202, Child Psychology 223, 4th qtr., Cr. 2 hrs., :.\1WThF. -Clements -Baker, AlOl, Class room :vlgt. 204, 3rd a nd 4th qtrs., Cr. 2 hr s ., :.\IWThF. -Tear, Al04, Elem. Currie. 203f, 3r d qtr., Cr. 2 hr s ., MWThF. -Tear, A104, H. S. Currie. 303, Sec. 2, 4th qtr., Cr . 2 hrs ., }.[WThF. I.;:\GLISH-Va ugha n , A303 , Old E n glis h 435, Cr. 3 hrs., MWF. -Hendrick, L306, Lit. Interp. 152, Cr. 3 hrs., MWTh . HISTORY-Chatel ai n , Al02, Twentieth Centu ry History 305, (open to Sophs . & Srs.,) Cr. 4 h r s., '.\1WThF. H O~fE ECONO!\IICS-Weare, Tl04, Cloth ing 141, Cr. 2 hrs., M, (also 8: 50 :\IF .) - Veare, Tl04 , Cloth ing 106, Cr. 2 hrs., WF, (al so 8 : 50 M.) -C ook, T110, F oods 102, Cr. 2 hrs .. :\ [Th, (also 8 : 50 M .) -C'oolc, THO, Foods 140, Cr. 2 h r s., W , (also 8 : 50 WTh.) MA:\UAL ARTS-La r so n . Tll::, Home :.\[echani cs 209, (also 8 : 50,) Cr. 4 hrs ., :\1\VThF. MATHI;'.\[A T IC'S-Van Dyke, A304, Trig. 105, C r. 4 hr s., :'. [\VThF. - H ill , S202, R eading Comse in '.VIath. 404, Cr. 1 hr ., MW. ~JCSI C -Do:»l e, Tl02, .\Ie : h. of Te:ich. :.\lusic lOla and lOlb, (also Obs. 10: 50 ) :.\1WTh F . PHYSI CAL r::DU C' AT IOl\-G raf, Gym , Orga a. and Ac!minis . of Public School Physica l Educ .. Cr . 2 hrs., :.\fTh. - Davidson, Gym, Phys. Edu c. lOla, Sec. 1, Cr. 1 hr., WF.

8:50 ART-Papez, L301, Public School Art 108, Cr. 2 hrs., MWThF. Diddle, Ll03, R ural Ar t 109a, Cr. 2 hrs., MWThF. BIOLOGY-Holch, P l ant !\ior ph. 202, (see 7: 50,) MWThF. -Car ter, S102, Animal Ecology 414, Cr. 4 hrs., MWThF. CO~L\IERCE-Irwin A301, Elem. Ac countin g 103, Cr. 4 hrs., MWThF. EDUCAT ION-Crag~, A202, Adolescence 324, 3rd qtr., Cr. 2 hrs. , MWThF. -Tear, A104, J r. H. S. Prin. of Tea.ch. 108b, Cr . 3 hrs. , MWF. -Tyler, T306, Rural School :.\Iethods 150, Cr. 4 hrs., :.\1IWThF. - Baker, AlO l. Educ. ~l eas urements 330, (for Sr. H. S. tea ch r: _ e r s, ) 3rd qtr .. Cr. 2 hrs., :VIWThF. :\GLIS H-Va ugha a . A:: 03 . A;ner . Short Stor y 1J 8, 3rd qt r ., Cr. 2 l:rs., l l\VTh r'. -V:1ugh0111 A3 03 . Short Sto r y T echnic l19, 4th qtr., r. 2 hrs., MWThF.



GEOGRAPHY-Clayb urn , L10 4, His t. Geog. of U. S. 303, 3r d q t r., C~ 2 hrs ., MWThF. '· -Cl ayburn, L104, Geog. of Afri ca 310 , 4th qtr. , Cr . 2 hrs MWThF. ., HIS'fORY- Lindsay, A102, Hi st. of the U. S. (17 89-1877) 213a & 213b· (open to Jr s. & Srs, ) Cr . 2 or 4 hrs. , MW ThF. ' HOME E CONOMICS- Weare, T104, Clothing 141, (see 7: 50.) - W ea r e, T10 4, Clothing 106, (see 7: 50.) - Cook, TllO, Foods 102 (see 7: 50.) -Cook, TllO, Foods 140, (s ee 7: 50.) LANGUAGE-Cla rk , A204, Spanish 102, Cr. 4 hrs., MW'fh F. MANUAL ARTS- Larso n , T11 3, Home :vrech an ics 209 , (see 7: 50,) ::\lWThF . MATHEMATICS- Hill, A304, Diff. Calculu s 309, Cr. 4 h r s., MWThF. MUSIC-Doyle, Tl02, Public Sch. Music llOa a nd b, Cr . 2 h rs., MWThF. - Doyle, T102 , Col. Choru s 19, Cr. 1h hr., T., a lso 2 : 30 W. - J indra, Au d., Coll ege Orches tra 20, Cr . 1h hr., T., also 10:50 Th. -Jindra, G302, Study of Ins trum ents 315b, 3rd q t r., Cr. 2 hrs., MWThF. - Ji ndra, G302 , Stu dy of Instrume nts 315c, 4th q tr., Cr. 2 hrs., MWThF. PHYSICAL EDUCATION-Lorbeer, Gym , Phys. Train . 102, Cr. 1 hr., MW. -Davidson , Gym, Phys. Educ. 302a, Cr. 1 hr., MTh. -Davids on, Gym, Adv. Da ncing 3b, Cr. 1 hr., WF.

9:50 ART- Diddle, L 301, Pub. Sch. Art 206, (Art History and Appreciation for a ll H . S. T eachers. Open to Fresh. by permission,) Cr. 2 hr s., TF. BIOLOGY- Meserve-Carter, Educ. Biol. L ab. 116, Sec. 1-M, Sec. 2-T, Sec. 3-W, Sec. 4-F, (a l so 10:50.) -Carter, S102, Invert. Zoology 203, (als o 10 : 50,) Cr. 4 h rs., MTWF. COYIME R CE-Boatman, A302 , Typ ing 5, Cr. 1 or 2 hrs., MT WF.* TF. - I rwin A301 Penmanship 9, Cr. 1 hr., Sec. 1 MW., Sec. 2 EDUCATION-~rago, , A202, Character Development 342, Cr. 4 h rs., MTWF. ::\!T:'l!F. -Baker AlOl School Admin. 405, 3rd qtr., Cr. 2 hrs., - ~\'F -Baker ' AlOl , Mental Tes ting 331, 4th qtr. , Cr . 2 hrs., MT c·r· ' ' J tr · - Tyler an d Supervisors, Obs. and Partic. 202, eac 1 q ., 2 hrs. D aily. ENGLISH- Lindsay, A303, Eng. 202 , Cr. 4 hrs., MTWF. 1\iWF -Hendrick, L 306, Adv. iLt. In terp. 253, Cr. 3 hrs., ·



HISTORY-Chatelain, Al02, En glis h History 207a & 207b, (open to Jrs. & Srs. ,) Cr. 2 or 4 hrs., MTWF. }IO::IIE E CONO::III CS- W eare, Tl04, Clothing 209, 3rd qt r ., Cr. 2 hrs ., ::IITWF, (a lso 10: 50 .) - W eare, Tl04, House F urni s hing 322, 4th q tr ., Cr. 3 hrs .. ::IITWF, (al so 10 : 50 .) -C ook, TllO , Foods 315, 3r d q tr ., Cr . 2 hr s ., MTWF, (a lso 10: 50. ) - Coo k TllO Food s 204, 4th qtr ., Cr. 2 h rs., MTWF, (a lso 10:50.) MAN'GAL ARTS-Larson , Tll3, Use and Care of Shop Equipment 303, 4th qt r ., Cr . 2 hrs ., ::l1[TWF . - Larson, Tll3, '.\1ech. Draw. 109, (al so 10: 50,) Cr. 2 or hrs ., ::11TWF. - Larson, Tl13, A r ch . Dra w. 310, (also 10: 50,) Cr. 2 or 4 hrs., ::\-[TWF. - La r son, Tll3, Indu str ia l Education 417, 3rd qtr., r. 2 hr s .. '.\ITWF. - Va n Dyke, ::11301, Cabt. 1\IIak in g 302, (also 10 : 50,) Cr. or 4 hr s ., :vrTWF. - Van Dyk e, ::11301, Adv. Ca bt. :\faking 416, (a ls o 10: 50,) Cn. 2 MATHE::IIAT I CS- Hil l, A::l 04, Col. Geomet r y 304 , Cr. 4 hr s ., MTWF. ~l

SIC-Doyle, Tl02, Harmony 204 c & d, Cr. 4 hr s., MTWF. - S tec k , Aud ., Wom en's Glee Club 18, Cr. 1h hr. , Th., a l so 1 : 30 W. - Benfo rd , T l02, :\!en's Glee Club 17, Cr. 1h hr ., Th., a lso 1: 30

w. PHYSICAL E DUC ATION- Graf, Gym, Phys . Educ. 101, Cr. 1 hr., MW. - Lo rb ee r, G:::Ol , Kin eso log y an d App. An a t. 212, Cr. 2 hrs ., TF. - Davidson, Gym, Phys. Educ. 20lb, Cr. 1 hr., TF. - Davidso n, Gym, Beginning Swimming 8, Cr. 1 hr., MW. PHYSI CAL SCIENCE - Hoyt, S205, Anal. Ch e m. 204a, Cr. 4 hrs., MTWF.

10 :50 ART-Diddle, L 301, Indust. Art 104, 4th qtr., Cr. 2 hrs., MTWF. - Didd le, L301, l\!Iethods of Art T eac hin g 205, 3rd qtr. , Cr. 2 hrs., MTWF. BIOLOGY-:.\Iese rve, Educ. Biol. Lab., (see 9: 50.) - Ca r te r, Sl 02, Inv e rt. Zoology 203, (see 9 : 50,) :.\1TWF . CO::IL\[ERCE- Boatman, A302 , T yp ing 5, Cr. 1 or 2 hrs., MTWF. * - Irw in, A301, E lem . Acco unting 103, Cr . 4 hrs ., MTWF. EDUCATION-Crago-Bak er, AlOl, P sychology 101-102, Cr. 4 hrs., :.\ITWF. - Tear, AJ.04 , Ex t ra Cu r rie . Ac t iv. 306, 3rd qtr ., Cr. 2 lu3.,



ENGLISH- Va ugh a n-Lindsay, A104, English 101, Cr. 4 hr s., MTWF - Va ughan, A303, Tennyson 211, Cr. 2 hrs., MW. · - H en drick, L 306, Play Production 255, Cr. 3 h rs., TWF GE OGRAPHY-C layburn, L1 04, Econ. Geog. 115, Cr. 4 hrs., MTWF HIS'l'ORY- H arvey, A102, T chrs. Course in Hist. & Oth er Soc. Sci 202, (open to J rs. & Srs.), Cr. 4 hrs., MTWF. · HOME E CONOMICS-Weare , '1'104 , Clothing 209, (see 9 : 50.) -Weare, T104, H ouse Furnishing 322, (see 9 : 50.) -Cook, TllO, Foods 315, (see 9: 50.) -Cook, TllO, Foods 204, (see 9 : 50 .) LANGUAGE-Cl ark, A204, Spanish 204, Cr. 4 hrs., MTWF. '.\fANUAL ARTS-Van Dyke, 1\1301, Cabt. :.\laking 302, (see 9 :50,) MTWF. -Van Dyke, M30 1, Adv. Cabt. l\Iaking 416, (see 9 : 50,) '.\ITWF. - Larson, T113, Mech . & Arch. Draw., (see 9 :50 ,) MTWF. MATHEMATICS- Hill , A304, Statis ti cal Analysis 316, 3rd qtr., Cr. 2 hr s., MTWF. -Hill, A304, Hist. of Math. 312, 4th qtr., Cr . 2 hr s., MTWF. MUSIC-Steck, T102, Pub. Sch. Music 311, Cr. 2 h r s., T F. J indra, Aud., Coll. Orch estra 20, Cr. 1h hr., T h ., a lso 8: 50 T. PHYSICAL EDUCATION-Graf, G301, P sychology of Athletics 210, 3rd qtr., Cr . 2 hrs. , MTWF. -Davidson, Gym, Beginning Da ncing 3a, Cr. 1 hr. , MW. -Davidson, Gym, Phys . Edu c. lO l a, Sec. 2, Cr . 1 hr., TF. PHYS ICAL SCI E CE-Hoyt, S205, Anal. an d Org. Ch em. 102, Cr. 4 h r s., MWF.

1:30 ART-Diddle, L301, Public Sch. Art 108, Cr. 2 hrs., MTl' hF. -Diddl e, L 301, Commercial Art 102, Cr. 2 hrs., MTThF. BIOLOGY-Meser ve, Educ. Biol. 116, Lab., (see 9:.50 and 10 : 50,) Cr. 4 hr s ., MTThF. COMMERCE-Boatman, A302, Typin g 5, Cr. 1 or 2 hrs., MTTbF.• -Irwin, A301, Advance d Accounting 204, Cr. 4 h rs., . fTThF. EDUCATION-Tear, A104, H. S. Prin. of Teach. 208, Cr. 3 hrs., '.\ITTh. -'l'yler T 306 Rural Education 250, Cr. 2 hrs., MT . -Tyler ' 1'306' Comm. Lead. & P . 'l'. A. 251, Cr. 2 h r s., ThF. ENGLISH-Vau~han, 'A303, 'r eaching of H. S. English 405a, Cr. 3 hrs., MTTh. -Faulhaber, A202, English 101, Cr. 4 hr s., MTThF. -Ennis, A301, Newswriting 214, Cr. 2 h r s., TF. GEOGRAPHY-Clayburn, L104, Prin. Geog. 202, 3r d qtr., Cr. 2 hrs .• MTThF. . tr .. -:VIackie, L104, Technic of Teach. Elem. Geog. 202«, 4th q Cr. 2 hrs., '.\'lTThF. . ITThF. -Clayburn, L104, Climatology 406 , 4th qtr., Cr. 2 h1 s ., l\



f{I STORY-Ch a telain, AI02, History of U. S. since I877 2I4, (open to Jrs. & Srs,) Cr. 3 .h rs., MTF. LANGUAGE-C lark, A204, Greek & Rom. Myth. 209, 3rd qtr., Cr. 2 hrs., M'.l'ThF. - Cl ark , A204, Latin 307 or 308, 4th qtr., Cr. 2 hr s., MTTh F. MANUAL ART S- Larson, Tll3, Woodturning 206, 3r d and 4th q t rs., (a l rn 2 : 30, ) Cr. 2 hr s., l\1TThF. -Larson, Tll3, Uphol s tering and Wood F inis hing 212, (also 2 : 30,) Cr. 2 hrs., :wrThF. MATHE :\IATICS-Van Dyke , A304, Vocational Math. 115, either 0t both qtrs ... Cr. 2 or -! hrs., ?llTThF. MUSIC-Steck, TI02, Pub. Sch. Mus ic llOa a nd b, Sec. 2, Cr. 2 hr s .. :\ITThF. - Benford, TI0 2, :\Ien's Gl ee Club I7 , Cr. 1h hr. , W. , a lso 4 :30 Th. - Steck, Aud ., Wom en's Gl ee Club I8., Cr. 1h hr., W., a lso 9 :50 Th. PHYSICAL E DUCATION- Gra f, G30I, Coa ching Athletics 207, Cr . 4 hrs., MTThF. - Da vid son, Gym, :'11ethods of Phys. Educ. 206 , Cr. 2 hr s., ::\ITThF.

2 :30 ART-Diddl e, L30I, Drawing and Painting IOI, Cr. 4 hrs., MTThF. -Diddlle, L 30I, Drawing and Painting 202, ,Cr. 4 hrs.,,MTThF. BIOLOGY-Meserve-Carter, Educ. Biol. 116, Lab. 9:50 and I0:50, Cr. 4 hr s., MTThF. COMMERCE-Boatman, A305, Typing 5, (practice periods), MTTbF. EDUCA TION-Crago--Baker, AIOI, A202, Psychology IOI and I02, Cr. 4 hrs., MTThF. -Tear, AI04, Elem. Prin. of T each. 108c,. Cr. 3 hr s .,MTTh. - McColllum T202, Story Telling 233, Cr. 2 hr s., TTh . ..:.....Tyler, T 30S, Rur al School Problems I5I, Cr. 4 hrs.,MTThF. ENGLISH-Vaughan, A303, English IOI , Cr. 4 hrs., MTThF. GEO GRAPHY-Clayburn, LI04, New Europe 309, (op en to Sophs. and Srs.) , Cr . 4 hr s . MTThF. HIS TOR Y-Clrnte la in , AI0 2, State Co n stitutions 4I8 , (open to Sophs. a nd Jrs.,) Cr. 3 hr s.,,, MTF. -Clrnte la in- Lindsay, A102, Seminar in History 457 b, (also 3 : 30), Cr. 2 hr s., Thurs. only. H0::\1E ECONO::\UCS-Weare,, TI04, House Planning 220, Cr. 2 hrs.,. MT ThF. LA NGUAGE-C la rk, A204, Virgil 104, Cr. 4 hrs., M'l"l'hF. MANUAL ARTS-Larson, T ll3, Wood turning 206, (see I: 30), MTThF. Larson, Tll3, Upholster ing and Wood Finishing 2I2,, (s ee I : 30), MTThF. - Van Dyke, M301, Au tomobil e Mechanics 315, (also 3 : 30 ), l 'r. 4 h rs., MTThF.



MUSI C-Doyle, T102, College Chorus 19, Cr. % hr., W., also 8 : 50 T - Jind ra, G302, Arrang ing and Conductin g 416, 4th Qtr · 2 hr s ., MTThF. " Cr. PHYSICAL EDUCATION-Graf, Gym, Swimmin g9 , Cr. 1 hr., :\ITh -Davidson, Gym , P l ayg ro und Superv. 104, Cr. 1 h r.)IT h: -Davidson, Cym,, Adv. Swimming9, Cr . 1 hr., TF. PHYSICAL SCIENCE-Hill , S202, College Physics 202 , bab. arranged ( ·r. 4 hrs., :\fTThF. ' 3 : 30 ART-Papez, L 301, Pub. Sch. Art 109, Sec 1 and 2, Cr. 2 h rs ., TWThF. BIOLOGY- :\fe se rv e, S103 , Genetics and Evolution 304, Cr . 4 hrs TWThF. " -Car t er, S102, Educ. Biol. 116, Lab. 9 : 50 an d 10 : 50 Cr 4 hrs., TWThF. ' . C'0:\1MERCE- Irwin, A301, P enm anship 9, Sec. 2, Cr. 1 h r., TTh. -Boatman, A305, Typing 5, (p r actice periods) , TWTh F . EDUCATIOJ'\-McCollum, T202, Plays and Games 134, Cr. 1 hr., WF. HISTORY-C. M. B rown, A102, Am er Pol. an d Soc. I deas 430, (open to Sophs. aa d J rs.,) Cr. 3 hrs., 'f\VF. -Chatel a in-Lin dsay, A102, Semina r in History 457b, (open to Sophs. and Jr s.,) (see 2: 30), Thurs. only. - G. W. Brown, T307, Ciz. a nd Politics 118, (only F resh. can take this course without sp ecia l permissio n of depa rtment a dvi ser,) Cr. 4 hrs., TWThF. - Lind say , Arg. a nd Debate 13, Cr. (to be arrange d) 1, 2, 3 hrs LANGUAGE-Cl a rk, A204, Greek a nd Rom a n :\Iyth . 209, 3rd qtr., Cr . 2 hrs.,TW'l'hF. -Cl ark, A204, Latin 307 or 308, 4th qtr ., Cr . 2 hrs., TWThF. HO ME ECONO!.\HCS-Cook, A303, S chool Hygiene 205 Cr. 2 hr s., TTh. -Cook, A303, Home Hygiene 204 Cr. 2 h rs., W F . MUSIC-J ind ra, Aud., College Band 21, Cr 1h hr., M., als o 4: 30. MANUAL ARTS- Van Dyke, M301. Automobile Mech ani cs 315, (see 2:30), M'l"l'hF. PHYSICAL E DUCATION- Graf- Lorbeer, Basketball and Track, Cr. 1 hr., dail y. PHYSICAL S CIENCE-Hill, S202, Household Phyys ics 301, Cr. 2 hrs .. 4th qtr., TWThF. Lab. arranged. 4 : 30 E GLISH- P ete r se n , L 10 3, R ec reation al Reading 31, Cr. 1 hr., TTh. '.\lUSI C-J ind ra, Aud., College Band 21 , (see 3 : 30). PHYSICAL EDUC'ATION-Graf-Lorbeer, Basketbal l and Track, (see 3:30). . F T W'l'h PHYSICAL S CIENCE-Hoyt,, S205, Astronomy 306 , Cr. 4 hr s. , . "' To earn 2 hours credit in Typing studen ts must enroll fo r ' prac ti ce period week ly at 2: 30 or 3 : 30.

l'AR'r VII




A'fTENDANCE PE RU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE SUMMER, 1928 Abel. He len .Ardis, St. Pa ul Behrns, Ruth Leon a, Nehawka Abrams, Agnes T ., Reed ley, Cal. Bell, Ru th , Nebraska City Abrams, Henry, Reedley, Cal. Bell as, Bruce Harry, Aubu rn Ahern, l\Irs. Faye, Fall s City Bentz, ::\1ild red Vio la, Nebraska Ahrens, Fern Ellen, Panama City Albeet, ,::\Ia rgaret, Platts mouth . Bernard, Gladys Lou isa, Ho lmesAlber, E llen Lom se, Nebraska City v ille Albrecht. Ag nes , Beatrice Bernard., Lenora, Au bur~ . Alexander, ::\fae, Trumbu ll Betka, L 1bbye Loretta, 'lobias All en, Gladys I ., Do uglas Bentler, F lorence A lm a, Humboldt And erso n, Clar ine, Peru Bentler , R u th L ill ian, Humboldt Anderson, Esther L u la, Palm y ra Bien , Della Faye, Fall s City And erson, Esther, '.\Iound · Bishop, '.\1earle Irene, Gretna CitY . :\ro. Bis hop , Pearl, Fairbury An derso n, Iona Lu lu, Shi ck ley B ittinger, :VIate Zon a, Des hler And erson, I sabelle, B r a ds h aw Black, Loye, Brock Anderson, ,Kathryn ::\!., NebraskaB lount, Gra ce Ir ene, Auburn City Bobbitt, ::\•I rs. Hel en, Peru And erson, L a urine ::\fargaret, PeruBobbitt, William J., Bea ver City Andrews, Ralph J .. Falls City Boellstorff. Leona Alice, John son Anville, Pasca li ne, Peru Boesiger, Evelyn Gladys, Firth Argabright, Edith :\'I., Nemaha Bohl, Wil ma Gen evieve, Howe Armstrong, Charlotte . Weep ingBoo th , Edwin W., Douglas \Yate r Bove y, Doraleah, Crete Armstrong, Paul Vic t or . Auburn Bovey, L ea hdora , C r ete Ar mstrong, W illiam L., .A u b urn Bowers, Frank E a rl, Lincoln Ashe r , Mrs. Edna, Peru Boyd, Charles Orville, Salem Atkins, Lou is .A., Edgar Bradford , ::\frs. Edith Kern, R ulo Axtell, Violet :\fay, Fairbury Brady, ?IIadonna Irene, Peru Babb, Mabel Elizabeth, Fall s City Bran dt, Alice, Otoe Babb, Fe rne Ro se, Falls City Brandt, ::\1erna H., Nehawka Badget, Ed n a, Steinaur Bra ndt, R u th G., Peru Ba ird, Nella Lucill e, Lincoln Brecht, Anna Ma rgaret, Fall s City Bald win, Nellie Mae, Palmyra Bren ner, Della Mae, Falls City Bardwell, Car l. Council Bluffs Briggs, Kathryn Maxine, Brownville Barnes, Pea rl Rozell a, A u bur n Brooker, Imo Bertha, ,Omaha Bartlett, Ruth Ethel, Ellis Brooker, Ruth , Omaha Bar tz, Alice Arvilla, ::\1illiard Brow n , Ruby Lea, Rock Port Baruth, Alta E lma, Fairbury Broz, Arnold J ames Bash , Edna Ethel, Yuma, Colo. Brumfield , Dorothy, Oma h a Bateman, Ruth B., Beatrice Buettzenbach, ::\frs. E l izabeth Bates, Esthe r Sibyl, Tecumseh Savidge, Tabor, Ia. Bates, N. Louis e, Elk Cr eek Burb ank, Hazella, Nebraska City Bates, Odus E leanor, Tecum seh Burke, Benjamin 'Wingard, Bath, Bessie Adaline, Brownville Beatrice Bath, E dward James, Brownville Burke, Floyd W., Beatrice Bath, Howa rd A., Brow nville Burkey, E lmer Roy, Peru Beamer, L loyd Aimes, Armour Burkey, In is Edna, Pe r u ~eckford, :Leo V., Peru Burkey, Lura E li za beth, Peru ednar, Al bina, Wilbur Bu tts, L ouise, Dea rb orn, '.\lo. ~ednar, Bertha, 'W il bur Byrn e, ::\la ry Ellen , Burchard eebe, Elsie :\fay, Peru Byrn e, Ve ronic a Celestin e, Deebe. :\Iarie I. , Peru Burchard Beebe. Russe ll Low ell, Peru Callahan, '.\Iary K , St. Paul



Calvin , Golda May . Cadams Camp, Fran ces ~1ae, Plymouth Ca r l son. Ma r ia n Lor ene, E dgar Carper. Gl a dys Ma y, Un a dilla Carr, Nellie Gl a dy s, Dodge Carroll , Ruth Evelyn, Council Blu ffs Carter, Lewis M., H eb ron Casey, Madge S., John son Cash , Ell is S ., P eru Cask ey, R ena, Bea tr ice Cathcar t, H elen l\L , Cook Cau lk, Cecil G., Dodge Ca ulk ,Mrs . La R hea, Dodge Cave, Helen Ba ldwin, Nebrask a City Ch a m be rs , F lossie Le n ore, Ashl and Chandl er, Addie F., Nebraska City Chan ey, W ayn e, Gl enwood, Ia. Chase, F loyd, Burr Ch ase, Mary Alice, Omah a Ch atel ain, Mr s . Celia, P eru Chate la in, R a lph , P eru Ch izek, E ls ie Tine, Omaha Church. Ben Mitchell , Alexandria Claas en , H elen, Bea tr ice Cl ark, Ch a rl es C., Waco Clark, Clifford E ., Waco Cla rk , Da vid Joh an, Vesta Clark , Gen evieve Cro ss, F a irbury Clark , H el en Iren e, P a wnee Clark, H erm an Allen, Ves ta Cl a r k Mrs. Nellie W all ace, Vesta Clark: Ruth , Ves ta Cl aypool , Dora Marie, Or l ean s Clevel and , J ani s H el en , Nebrask a City Clineberg, Margare t Anne, P eru Cole, E di th L ucind a, F airbury Cole, Fred L el a nd , P eru Col e m an, Marjori e L ois, Beatrice Colgla zie r , Mildred L ., Verdon Colgla zier Mi n nie Ma bel Verdon Collicott, Gertrude, Sup erior Collins, P a u l, P eru Combs, P aul D ean, Emerson Com b s, P earle D., Auburn Comer. Cl ara May, Adell Compton, Chloteal Beatri ce, Omaha Conner, Opal, Mrs., Auburn Conner, Idress L ea, Auburn Conner, Nettie Opal, Aubur n Conway, Rose A., Shelby Cook, Harold Palmer, Peru Cook, Vera B., P eru

Cordes , Lillian Magda le ne, P a pi llion Corneliu s, Irene, P ickr ell Cor ners, Gra ce Geneva, Auburn Coupe, Agn es Ma ri a, Ru lo Cou pe, ~1ar g aret H., Rulo Cowell , Lu cile Ro se, Auburn Cowe ll , Nellie, Pe ru Cra ndell . El eano r , Omaha Crink , Sad ie E., Scr ibner Crook, Kenneth , Union Crook , T h elma J., Elk Creek Crous e, Cora ~fay , Hamburg Ia Cum min s, R uth E s th er, Harr'ibu~g I ow a ' Curr ier , H ope B., Beatrice D ash er, Adelen e ~L . Sta nton D avi s, Vel ma R egine, Nebraska City Da w son, Mildred Evelyn, 'l'ecumseh De Kalb, Mar g uerite H ., Alexandria Decke r , L oui s L ., Belvidere De W eese, Cr eola Virginia, Peru Dewey, fabel Alice, Liberty Dewey, L ola Zilphia, Liberty Dick e r s on, Elmetta, Brock Dickins on, F e rne C., Cozad Dickin s on, Lucille, Alliance Diehm, Juli a Elizabeth, Sterling Ditloff, H azel Eleanor, Bradshaw Dixon, Mari e, H a igler Dod son, H elen Mary, Omaha Dominey, E s ther F lorence, J ohnson Donaho e, Virginia Claire, E lkhorn Dowell, Elmer , Farragut, Ia. Down ey, Eli zabeth May, Nebraska City D uBoi s , Ali ce E lizabeth, Omaha Dunn, Fe rn W. , Holmesville Du ns don, D ola D., Thurman, Ia . Eads, May Estella, Auburn E as twoo d, Mildred F., Summerfield Eheler, Alvina , Syr a cuse E k a r t, Lou ise, Pawne e City E lliott, F l orine E s tella, Peru B ug les , Ma r y Alice, Auburll: E nge lkemier, Margar et Lu cille, l:' lattr-; mo u th Epler , Helen , Julian E p ley, E lva I r ene, E lk Cr eek Erick son Do r is Marie, Tecumseh Er ick s on ' L ar ine, Tecum seh Este p, ~l~r y Estell a, Gui de Ro ck Evans, Dorothy Jean., Tec u mseh



];vans, A;lice, Tec um seh I arr is, K atherin e E ., P lattsmouth fattig, vesta, Heb1011 . :'Iau ptman, Belva, Peru Fedde, Lozene '.\!.,_ Ben~mgton Hayes, Gladys Lorain, Glenrock fellers, Annie Ailee, Liberty LTaywa rd . Fldon . Tecum seh ferneau, Ho ward, Auburn Haze n ,'\IJ:ildred, T ecum se h Filley, Hube rt Edwm, Diller T-le_gen er . E sth e r '.Vrinnie, Ru skin fish. Edna .Alyce, Shubert Heili g , Harla nd, T ecumseh Fisher, Lois E., Peru H einke, Mildred Ru t h. Du nbar Fitts, l\Iary Hoadley, Scotts bluff Hell me r , '.\1arie !VI. , ·wymore Fletcher, Cl ara '.\1., Hamb urg, I a . H em phill, Ruby Irene, Ellis Ford, :\faryland Gr ace, Brownville H epperlen, Katheryn '.\1ary, Fowler, Eva Mae . E l mwood Beatrice fowl er , '.\Iillard .'.\!. , Nebraska City H esk ett, Da isy Jos ephine, S a le m Frederikse n, Inga, Bos twick Heskett, F r ed W., Sal e m FreY, Verna Loi s, DuBois Heve lone , Inez, Blue S prings Frey, Wilma L ., DuBois H eywood , Everett Eldon. Peru Fruhbauer, Alm a, Humbo ld t Hi a tt, Ruby Lu cille , Sidney, Ia. Fry, Nella, DuBois H iatt, :.v rary, Sidney, Ia. F rye, Co rinne Laurel, Omaha Hicks, Clara Belle, Auburn Gagnon, Clara Me lvina, Falls City H ins hilwo od , Mrs . Ann a :.\fason , Gaines, Averyl Orpha, Peru Fall s City Gaines , Luc ill e :.\larga re t, P la tts - H irsch , Ger trude C., Fai rburr y mouth H irsch, E li zDbe rh Lo uise . F <t ir burv Geisfo rd, Faye E .. Ell is H itzeman ., P»zcl cVhri e. Stehaue·r Gall ant, :vrrs. Nellie. :nebron Hoffm a n, H il da :.\fargaret, HendGari ss, Fe rn Gri mes, 1ecu r.1s eh erso n Gerdes, '.\farie, Wy more Hogue, Ruth Evelyn . Murray Gilbert, Grace G .. P e ru Ho 1 nomb . Waunetta, DeWitt Gillan, Bessie Mary, Aub urn ~'o l ema n , .'\lvi·1, Peru Gill iland, Effie Ma r garet, Peru Holliway, E·eie ,, : ·eb;:aska " i 'y Gingerich, Frances Marie, Holcomb, Bernice Frances DeWit t Humboldt Ho lman, :.\fartha le n e, Fai;bury Glather, Dorothy :.\Iae , Humbol dt Hooper, Grace Lillian, Lincoln Glathar, Mabel Leon, Humboldt Hopkins, Mil dred All e n , Bartlett, Go dwin, Frank, Plattsmouth Iowa. Goss, Glenna, Percival, Ia. Hoppock, Roy Dale, P e ru Graham, Grace Elizabeth, Percival, House holder, Eva G., Blad e n Iowa Howard , Emma L. , Shen andoah , Graul, Leonard R. , Al exandri a Iowa. Graul , Ma rvel Elizabeth, Liberty Hoy, Florence A. , West Poin t Graves, Margue ri te , Filley Hoy, Mabe l E ., Farn um Gretzinger, Bernice, Steele City H oy, Leil a V., Cambr id ge Gretzi nger, Esther R. , Diller Hoy, Paul, Farn u m Groothius, B en , C heste r Hughes, Dorothy Vi rginia, Auburn Grosse, Juli a, Tabor, Ia. H ug he s, Frances Cla rice, Grossoe hme, Gla dys, Peru umm e r field , Ka n. Gruenwa ld t, Erna Frances, Spring-Hulfis h , ,He r bert, Elmwood field Bunter . Ber nice :.\farga ret , B eatrice H ack ett, Florence Irene, Sa lem Hurst, Ruth Ma rgel, Fairmont Hadden, Nellie Elizabe th , Adams H us to n , E ll a .Ja ne , Peru Hadden, Will, Bridgeport Hutch ins on , Haze l Lu cill e, Albion Hageman, F r eda, Ithi ca H u tson, Lloyd, Che ste r liaines, Nora '.\'lae, ·wymore Ihrig, Freda E li zabeth, John son i-lall, Ard eth Ge rald ine, Palmyra Irwin Gwen Hubbell Hall, Willard D., Nemah a ' ' Ham el. l3er'1ice J eane,~e. Nora J ack son , Ali ce Carey, Fairmon t " arajian, Ruth. re. u Jam es, :\>Ia ud e Ali ce, Humboldt l b._ s:er . Lorett•~ \1i 2e , 2::-.iaha J enk ins . Ruth, Stella



Jenkins, :\fargaret Vivian, Fair Little, Blanch Elizabeth, \Vee,1• 1 bury \\'ater ing Joder, Glen H., Peru Livengood, Norma Lenore. Falls Jones, Clarence S., Nemaha City Jones, Dorothy, Blue Springs L~v~rmore, Sher.idan. Hartingto:i Jones. Franklin M .. Peru L1vmgston, Lucile Lydia Nebr· sk Jones, .J. W., Stella City ' " a Jones N. :.\Iaude, Nebraska City Long, Drusilla, Falls City Jones, Ruth '.\larie, Nemaha Loucks, Edna '.\I., :\Iound Cit.- :.\Io Johnson, Clara Adelma. Chester Lubben, Albina Ann, Cretr· "' · · Johnson, Emily, Oakland Lucas, Alta Bernetta, Ur,<Ldilla Johnson, Fred, Hamburg, Ia. · Ludington. Carl A., Syracuse Johnson, l\Iarjorie Allison, Luff, Fairy Charlotte, Palmyra Oakland Lutz, Josie, Auburn Jorgensen, Louis. Avoca Lutz, Loretta 1\1., Humboldt Jun, Bessie :\farie, DuBois Lyle, Pauline, Waco Jun, ::\Iildred Vlasta, DuBois Lytle, Mrs. Elsie Frances, :.\IcCook Kahm, Alma Marie, Friend :\lcCauliffe, Gail C., Tecumseh Kaltenborn, Helen Alene, Waco McBeth. Elsie Pearl, Shubert Kaltenborn, Walter Theodore, :.\lcBeth, Ida Bell, Shubert Waco :\IcCann, Lloyde E., Edison Keefer, Pearl, Papillion '.IIcC'onnaha, Delbert, Hartington Kehmeier, Emma Lena, Steinauer ~cCreight, :.\1. Garfield, Fairbury Keithley, Bessie :.\fay, Pawnee City :\IcC'reight, Harold B., Fairbury Kelly, Frances Virginia, Corning ::\lcCreight, Russell Winslow, r:ennedy, Freeda G., Peru Fairbury Kennedy, '.IIinnie G., Nebraska City :\lcCrary, :\Iaurice L., Elmwood Kerner, Frank A .. Tecumseh McDaniel, Alta Alice, Syracuse Kerr, Gertrude Cornelia, Virginia McDonald, Lila E., Steele City Kiger, Ethel :\Iae, Springfield :\lcFerrin, Florence Pearl, Sterling Kistler, :\larjorie G., Omaha ~cFerrin, Luella, Nebraska City Klaurens, Erma! F., Firth McGinnis, Pearle F., Stella E:Iaurens, R. L., Firth McGuire, J. Myrlin, DeWitt Kliewer, Mary Katherine. HamptonMcKean, Irene, Hamburg, Ia. Klinger, Hilda Louise, Julian McQuin, Sarah, Union Klinger, Mary Florence, Julian McWilliams, Margaret, Nebraska Knight, Frances l\1., Falls City City Koeble, Frances Elizabeth, Platts- :.\Iadden, Charles H., Pawnee mouth '.lfadsen, Laura, Omaha Koester, Anna K., Bostwick l\fahan, Bess, Omaha Krause, Hazel Joy Chester :\Iajors Edith :.\Iildred, Endicott Krueger, Joy Wilma, Auburn :\lajors: Gladys :\Iarguerite, Endicot Kucera, Helen l\larie, Tobias '.llallory, Gwendolyn E., :\lerna · Kudrna, :\larie Josephine, Clarkson:\Ialone, Vera Alice, Douglas Kurtz, Ruth V .. Beatrice :\lann, Clare, Ellis Lamb, Anna Ballard, Diller '.\Iann Gladys L., Omaha Lamb, Beatrice Caroline, Palmyra :\larking, Helen, Harrison Langford, Helen Lorance, Auburn :\Iarren, Agnes Cora, Tecumseh Lawrence Clara Nemaha Marren Clara Frances, Tecumseh Leeper, B~ssie L., Auburn :\[artin,'Archie Little. Pawnee CitY Lichtenberger, Allen Ring, l\Iartin, Bessie Annabelle, Liberhty Bradshaw :\Iartindale, Dorothy Irma, Oma a Lilly, Alice. Verdon :C\Iason, Albert .J., Stella Lilly, S. Kenneth, Verdon '.llason, '.\Iildred I., Salem Linford, Ruby G., Sterling Mastin, Fae Geraldine, Auburn Linscott, Hilda M., Filley :.\Iayfield. Lorraine G., Per'.1 Little, Beulah Adelphia, Weeping :\Iead, :.\Iinnie Bertha, Percff'.11. Ia Water :.\leier, '.\Ielva Carolyn, DuBois

PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE :\Jeisenger. ::llarie Leresa, :.\Iynard 'Jelcher, Ida Helen, Oma_ha ~Ienefee, John _Howell, Firth :\Jennings, Lomse ,Arn;iour '...Jeritt. ;-.rrs. Ethel Haig, Pe~¡u ~Ieritt. Ja~es l\farshall, Fa~rbury \!i!l er. Elsie Margaret, DeWitt ~Hiler. Floyd, Elmwood \Iiller, Gertrude Frances. ¡ Sterling ::1rmcr. Ruby_ Beaver Crossing ~Iilligan, John Ogden, Scribner ::1Iitchell, Lucy' Nell ,North Loup ~roger, Lucy Patie_ n ce, Lushton ;1Iohr. Edna, Benmngton ;11ontieth, Joe W., Peru Montieth, Mona, Peru Moorehead, Kathleen, Alexandria :'11oran, :.\Iary C., Hardy ;l!oravec, Christine B., St. Paul \Jorgan. i\larion, Omaha '.\Ioriarty, Frances Madeline, Omaha Mosiman Dorothy G., Falls City Most, Florence Kathleen, Dubois Mucke, Evelyn Lucille, York i\Iudge, Mrs. Viola, Beatrice i\fueller, Clara Juliana, Springfield Mulinix Mildred G. Alexandria Mullis, John Gerald, Dunbar Myers, Mildred l\fae, Eagle Naiman, Joseph G., Alexandria Naiman, Walter L., Alexandria Nasan, Florence Julia, Alexandria Nauman, Evelyn Leta, Mound City. Mo. Nauman, Helen Elizabeth, ::IIound City, Mo. Naviaux, Gerald, Nebraska City Nedrow, Mrs. Lula Lichtenberger, Stella Nedrow, Warren Wesley, Stella Neeman, Esther l\fargaret, Talmage Nelson Arthu r Reynolds Nelson: i\Irs. Hallie S., Reynolds Nelson, :.\Ionell Victor, Ong Neubauer, Laurine '.\Iarie, Nebr. C'itv Neunieister, Harvey, Nebraska l'ity Newburn, Lillian Woods Beemer Newhouse, Laurine, Nelson Nicholas. Genevieve Alice Nebr. Citv ' Nicholas. Hester Annie, DeWitt Nickel. Harvey, Clay Center Nickerson, Charles P, Ellis


Noerrlinger, Ralph J .. Lincoln Noerrlinger. Veron Evelyn, Lincoln Nolting, Elizabeth, Plattsmouth Nolting, l\Iarie Catherine, Platts mouth Noxon, Evelyn Laura, Peru Oakes, l\fabel Jorn, Salem Oakes, William Otto. Kearney O'Brien, '.\Ierle :.\Iarie, Nebraska ('ity Oestman, Augusta Anna, Auburn Olderog, Clara :.\1., Springfield Olderog, :Marie Anna, Springfield Olson, Inez C., Elmwood O'Neil, Valeria Gene Dunbar O'Neil, Yera ::llae, Dunbar Otto, i\largaret Gertrude, Falls City Overturf, Clara Pearl, Edgar Overturf, Marvin J., Edgar Packer, Mrs. Mabel Allen, Ashland Paris, Corine Adele Auburn Park, '.\Ierle Pauline, Rulo Parker, Catherine ::lfarie, Tecumseh Parli, Lydia Amelia. Humboldt Parriott, Lester, Peru Parsons, Faye, Verdon Parsons, Jennie Beulah Verdon Pasco, Ruth E., Auburn' Pass, Miriam J., Broadwater Pate, Chloe 0., Orleans P ate, Mildred Ellen, Peru Patten, Frances, Red Cloud Peckham, Hazel Marie. Eagle Penner, Helen A., Beatrice Pequette, Blanche Elizabeth, Davenport Peterso'1, Emily, Peru Peterson, Harriet l\Iarie, DeWitt Pettinger, Dan Hill, Syracuse P ettinger, Inez. Syracuse Phelps, Hazel, Tecumseh Pool, Opal, Verdon Porter, Helen Janet, Stanton Potard, Alice Jane, Brock Potard, Rose ;\Iae, Brock Pressnall, Fern Ruby, Chester Pribbeno, ::IIary ::IIae, Imperial Priest, Vivian Pearl, ::lfalvern Putman, Bernice M., T ecumseh Rainey, Clara, Plattsmouth R ainey, Florence R., Plittsmouth Ra iney, Isabel. Plattsmouth Rainey, Winnie Bell, Hebron Randa ll, :Mrs, Constance, Peru Randall, Ruth Katherine, Rulo Rarick, Emma Catherine, Auburn



Ra s mussen, Agn es Beatrice, OmahaSchul e nbe r g . Alice Anna Sal 1 Rasmussen. Chri s tine Lillie, Schulenberg, :\Iary i\Iatilda ~ ~ Hooper Scr im she r, E dna . Brock ' a em Rasp, Rolon Orva l , Gresha m S crimsher , Myrtle Mary Brock R eagan , Amy Caroline, Humboldt Sears, Co ra Lou, Peru ' Rector, Edwin Leon, Bartlett, Ia. Sears, Maxine, P eru Redfern, C. Barton. P e ru Se bek , Alice Marie, Crete Redfern, Herbert, Peru Seidle. Ruth Alberta, Bostwick Rehor . Eleanor. Wilbur Selk, Arnold Max, Plymouth Reinm ill er, Geneva Audra, Sellhorn, Ralph Da yton, Staplehurs t :"lo rth Ben d Retzloff. Rose '\finnie, Genoa Semrad, Elvi n V., Abie Rhoden. Thelr.1a Delor ise . .\Iy:1ar d : ·e ~ z e r. Leora H .. P e ru Ri ce. '.\1rs. Bessie Armstron g, 0heehan, Kathryn Emm a Sa lem Odell S:ieehan. L ore tta. S 'll em ' Richard s on . Ruth .'\li (!e , Bro ~k :::; h':!ik. Flo ra . Crab Orchard Ricketts , Grace Lovina. Percival Slw ' don . E velyn Ne lli e, Iowa Percival. Iow a Rinne, :\1inn ie C., S teinaue r She ldo:i., J. Lo ui se, Perciva l, Iowa Ritchi e, A. B. (Jr .). Stella Sherman, Do n ald Le e, Stella Roberts, Ina :\1ae, Stanton Sher ma n , G race Vid a, Tecumseh Robertson , Jo seph H., Oak Shields, L:'l u ra Beatrice. Talmage Robertson. R ay E .. Cody. Wyo. Sh inn . Artbur, H., H ubbell Roddy . Ma ry Cordelia, Union Shiveley, Thel ma, Nemaha Ro e hrk a~se . Th e 0rlore. Seward S hoaf, Evelyn '\fartha , Rogers, Esther 'M ina, Martell .,ig S !)r i ng ~ Rogers , :\fabel Dorothy, Bradshaw Shrader, Evelyn Booth , Stratton Rohrs, Ka thryne R. , P e ru Shrader, Forrest, Strat '. on Rohr s, Lou ise Onida.. Peru Shubert. Iva A.gnes , Paurnee City Ro mine. Geo r ge. 1.\1 a yo Shuemaker, M. Mae . Auburn Ro •1na u F l o:·ence Harriet, Sievers Frank L .. A.e burn Syracuse Simpki "S . L oaa n B lw0o d. Re yn ol ds Roos, Esther Dorothy, Dunba r Sim ~. '\1erle Lu cy . Kalvesta, Kan. Rosekrans, D a isy, Waco Skaden, Shirley, Waco Ross, El s ie Mae, Auburn Skinner, Clyde J ., Otoe Roth , Louise Ida, Shubert Slagle, Hattie Lilly, Falls City Rathert, Clara Charl otte, Harvard S lemons, Ralph, Pawnee City Rothert, Fred A., Harvard Smidt, Ill a Louise, Adams Rozean. D ar lene E ., Auburn Smidt, Louise Dorothy, Adams Ruddy, Gladys La Vergne, Auburn Smith, Reb ecca, Pawnee City Ruse, Eva Gre tch e n, Tabor, Ia. Smith, Merle W., Peru Ru ssell, Lucille Marie, BrownSnell , Verna, Gretna vill e Snowden, Amy Helen. Rutledge, Muriel Frances , Auburn Emmets burg, Iowa Ruyle, Edna, Beatrice Snyd e r , Hazel, Peru Saalik, Mary Ameli e . Peru Soenni ch s en, Christine Marie, Sankey, Guy R. , Elk Creek Plattsrnoutl1 Schaeffer, Edward Low ell, Brock Soennichsen, Dora Anne, Schaeffer, Ru ssell Harold , Brock Platt s mouth Schiermeye r , Adeline Mary, Sogar d, Viol a Be rni ce, Weeping Beatri ce Water Schin dler, W il bur, F a ll s City Sopher, Gl adys, Peru Schnulle, He r tha. Jan sen Sopher. Harry , P e ru Schoonover, Harry, Lin co ln Speich, Virginia '\Iari e, Stockham Schreiner , R aymond, Dunba r Spragu e, Elizabeth , Papillion Shroeder, Agnes Adele. Rul o Stal der , Mrs . Thelma P ow ell, Schueman, Amanda B., DeWitt Humboldt Schukar, Dorthea, Byron Stark, C'ecil , Elm"·ood

P E R U STATE TEACH E RS COLLEGE steinocher, Mau r ice_. Milligan Stettler, Verna L u cia, Humboldt Stevens. Avery Mark, Nebraska City . . Stewart, Andrewma, B ~ atnce Stoddard , Pearl Alverma, Auburn Stoehr, Helen Ma ri~ , Johnson Stoehr, Johan na Elizabeth, Johnson · Stone, Catherine, Omah~ stuckenholtz, Hel en, Juh an sutorius. F l or e n ce, Humboldt Swartz. Clay ton, Peru Swartz, Viola, P eru Swinney, Gre t chen Frances, Duff Taney, Willis ' Calvin, Otoe Taylor, F lorence Alice, Alvo Taylor, H ope W ., Rulo Taylor. Mattie Eva, Summerfie l d, Ka n . Th ieman , Marguerite, Nelson Thimm, Doris Helen, Beatrice Thomas , Nellie Pea rl , Shubert Thorpe, Goldie, Panama Thorpe, Jes se B., Waco Thorpe, Norman. Panama Thrash er , Vade Alice, Alexandria Tigard, P a ul, Dorchester Ti nn emeyer, Hilda Leona, Auburn Tondreau , Laura Mary, Scribner Traud t, Adam, Sioux City Iowa T raudt, Samuel. Stockham Trenholm, Raymond W., P eru Tu cker , Laura Lou, Sterling Tupa, E rma Evelyn, Swanton Tyner, Lydia, Shenandoah, Iowa Tynon, K a therine, Peru Ubben E llen Marie , Auburn Ulbrick , Evelyn R ose mary, Talmage Vance, Mildred Glenna, Peru Vandeventer, Bernice, Dunning Van W inkle, Mabel, Blue Springs Vitek, L illie Ethel, Virgin ia Vodehn a l, Lydia, Ord Vrooman. L averne, Wymore Wachte r , Edna Pear l, Eagle Wagoner, Nell a Marga ret, Firth Wagoner, Esth er Bla nch, Firth \\' a lker, Veda B .: S terling


W and er see, Edna Mae, Blue Springs ·w a n ek , Ida A., DeWitt W anek, Sylvi a H .. DeWitt \~ar d , Emma Lee, Rulo W a rnke, Mrs . Edna Fish er , Sterling W atenpaugh , Ma rth a , Nebr ask a City W atson, Ma rion, Da nn ebrog Weath erfi eld, E l by, Ayr Weath erfield , R. Viol a, Ayr W eb er , Alice Myrtle, Steele City Weber, Lenora Garland , T ecum seh W ebering, Theodora Stella , Nebraska City Weibel, L . Bernice, DeWitt Werver Rex Frede rick Nebraska City ' Wes t, Irene M.. Daw son Wes t, Marjorie, Unad ill a Wb it la, Helen, Butte Whitten, Sara J ane, Nebraska City Wicina, Emil Ch ar les, Wilber Wieland, Cecilia, Sutton Wiens. Mary Gertrude. Stockham Wilcox. Madeline E liza beth, Bu rr Wil es, Cr eto ria, Syracuse Wiles, Gladys E., Syracu se Wiles, Joseph E ., Syracuse Willcock, May Viol a, Stoekham Willia ms, Bert D. Peru Williams , Hazel Louise, Auburn Williams, H elen Bernice, Bla den Williams, R a lph G. , Peru Williams, Thelma Evelyn, Nora Wiltse, Ida Pearl, Dawson Winklehake, Arthur W .. Talmage Wittenberg, Espe, Fairbury W ittm e r, Rosa J«tdine, Sabetha, Ka ns as Wohlfarth, Lillian, Diller Wolfe, Delores L., Auburn Wood, Emma Josephine, Tabl e Rock Wood. Ma ry Frances, Table Rock Zajicek, Blanche, Wilber Za jicek , Mabe l, Wilber Ziettlow, Clarence W a yne, F a ir bury Zimmerman, Ma ry Louise, Auburn

15 2


SEPTEMBER 1, 1928 to J UNE 1, 1929 Acke r son , Glenn S., Ad am s Ad am s, Ruth C., Peru Ahlb er g. Ruth E. , Oma h a Aitken , H elen P a tri cia, T ec umseh Al exand er , H elen Ma e And e rs on, Lu cy C., Au burn Andr ews, E ar l H ., Auburn Atkins , Louis A., E dgar Au fe nka mp , D oro thy P e r l e, Ju lian Ba bb, Mab el E .. Falls City B ack em eye r , J esse N., E l m wood Ba dgett, E dna, Steina u er Bagley, Eileen M., F a irbury Bagley, Floyde, Fairbu r y Baird , Ne ll a Lu cille Li ncoln Bath , Bess Adaline," Brown ville Bath , J ohn Au s t in, Brownville Bausch , L awrence A., Burch ard Bea uch amp, R uth , Aubu rn B eck, Floyd P., P a n a ma Bee ch a m , E ll a Marie Pal my r a Beh r en s , F ern '.\1artha, Yu tan Bell , H il da, Bea trice Be u tl er , R u th L ill ian , H um boldt Bickford, L oui s Wa lte r , Weepi ng W ater Blos s , L oui s e, Cr a b Or ch a r d Boatm an , E dith :.\1ar ie Nemah a Boells torff, Otto, Pe ru' · Bohl, Wilm a G., How e Bohlken, Vivia n A., Auburn B ooth , Edw in W ., St. Fran cis, Kan . Bourke, Willi am T., Stell a Bowe r . A. Loui s e, Malvern , Iow a Bowers, Fern L eo na , Verdon Boyer, Maxine T., Malvern, Iow a Brady, Madon na Iren e, P eru Bra dy, L ill ia n I na, Peru Brand t, Ru th , U n a dill a B re nne r , Dell a Mae. Fall s Ci ty Brickell , Ju n e K ., Fai rbu ry Brigg's, J . Vincent, Fall s City Br igg's, K a th ryn M., B r ownvill e B r ig h t, Do ri s A., Shubert Brin km an, Frank , P awn ee City B r oc k man, H el mut. E lmwood Brooker , Imo B ., Omaha Brown, R ub y L ., Rock P or t, '.\Io. Brownso n , :\Ierna Ruth , Fall s City Broyles , Ellen J ., Tabl e R ock Drug mann, Ver a Mae, D oug l as Brunsd on. Harry, Per u B ucher , i\Iarga r et L., Du Bois Dump , :.\ Iargaret , Va ll ey ('enter , B unch, Daris J., Falls City

B un ch , Mi l dr ed l\II., P eru Burkey, E lme r, P e ru Burkey , Inez P eru Burney, l\!Irs.· P ear l, Peru B u tl e r , J oy. Ela ine, Falls City Ca in, Mar g are t M., Omaha Car ey, A. Les lie , DeW itt Ca rl son, Ch a r l otte A., Omaha Ca r y, Bernice Viola. Ha m bu rg. I owa Case bee r, Al ber t, Nebras ka City Casebee r, Ber t, Ne brask a City· Cash , Elli s, P e ru Catlett, Wayne, Paw nee City Ceda rh olm , Margaret E leanore. L ouisvill e Ch a n.ey, Wayn e . Thu r m a n , Io wa Chate la in, R alp h, P eru Cla rk , Ch a r l es C., McPa ul , Iowa Cla r k, E d n a K., A ub u rn Clark , H elen , P a w nee City Cla u sen, Everette. H as tings Cli ne burg, Ma r ga ret An n e, P eru Cod ington, Cla ire L., Au bu rn Cole, E dga r A., W eep ing W at er Cole, F r ed L ., P eru Cole, H a rvey, Ne brask a City Collin s . P a ul, Peru Com bs , Pa ul Dea <, E;1rn r son, Ia. Con k li ng. Ada, :\1il fo r d Con l, ling , H a rry, r<eb ras ka City Conw ay, Mar y T ., Shelby Cook, Doris E., Oma h a Cook. Geo r ge, Nebrask a City Cook, Haro ld, P er u Cook, Mildred C., Brock Cope, Frank , P eru Cow an , Dor oth y, D eweese Cow an , Frances . Deweese Cowe ll , Ch a l cen a Ru t h. Auburn C' owell , Clin ton A., Peru Cowell , Ge orge, Peru Cox, Marjor ie R., F a ir bury Coy, Cla y, Farragwt , Io wa Coy, Flo ren ce . Fa rragut, Iowa Cr ink, Ced ri c, Malvern , I owa Crink, Col eata, .Ames, Neb r Cr ook, Kenneth , Uni on C ro ok, T he lma, E lk Creek Cur ri er. Hope B., B eat r ice D a llam Ch a r les , P er u Darnnas t, Phyllis , Ne brask a City D a mon D a rwin Doty, Ves ta D a ndlik er , Ione, Sa ba t ha , Kan. Da r win , Ru th , Virgini a D uxenp o rt. E dith Olive . Peru

PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLE GE DaYenport. Elvin. Ch es ter Davenpor t. L u ra Anna, Cheste r DaYis. Flore nce E .. Ne bras k a City DaYis. Sylvia Ch r istine, Auburn Decker. Lowe ll, Bel vid ere Deerson. :\Ia rguerite E., Yutan Delzell, Donna .Jane. P e ru Delzell, J a mes W ., P eru De11·e y. :\label A. , Liber t y Dickerson, Esther, Nemaha Dicl;son. ::\Iild r ed , F ir th Diehm. Julia E., Sterlin g Dill. ::\lary Lo r en e, Du Bois Dillon, John T., Peru Dirke, Geor·ge L ewi s, B runin g Donner, Anna ::\1arie, Grand Island Dowell, Lucill e G., Farragut, Ia. Duey_ Fred F loyd, Brock Dunn. William, Gretna Dunning, ::\lrs. !nice, P eru Dunsdon, Dola, Thurman, Ia. Duryea. Donal d D .. Daw son Dyke, Dale D., Tabor, Iowa Eads Paul, Au burn Ehrett. Gus, Gladston e Eining, Kathryn, Nebraska City Ekart. Lo uise, Pawnee Elliott. Florine E., Peru Engelkemier, Ma r gar et L., Plattsrnou th Engles, }fary Alice, Au bu r n Erickso n . Doris ::\1arie, T ecum seh Erickson , Lo rin e, Tecumseh E11·ers, Greta, Fairbu ry Ewers, Ruth J ., Fairbu ry Eyre, Ada G. , Ne bra ska City Fairhead. E loise, Syracu se Farley, Lou ise ~ argare t , P er u Fedde. Lozene Ma rgare t , Benningto n F eist ner, E ly, A uburn Fink . Eileen , Peru F isher, Genevieve E ., P eru Fisher . Harold , Wee ping ·w a ter Fisher, Jess ie, FaJ! s City Fisher . J oh n Alb er t, Wymore Flinn. Arth ur , Tabor , Iowa Ford . ::\1a1 yl and , Brownville Fowler, Charl es, E l mwood Fowler, Eva Mae, E lmw ood Fowler, '.\1illard, Nebraska City Fowler . W ill ar d Nebraska City Fry, Xe lla A., Du Bois Frye_ Corrine L ., Omah a Gaines, Averyl 0 ., Per u Gaines. Ken n eth P eru Galloway, Berna'ra , P la tts mouth


Ganz. R uth, Du nbar Gardner, Zola Irene, T ecu mseh Gay lo rd. Beul a h , T a bor. Iow a Geer . E dna :\fable, A r m ou r Gentry, L eth a Marie, Hu m bold t George, Fran ces :VIar y, Edgar Gibbl e. E rmina, Ver don Gibble, J oseph , Verdon Gibson Nora, Omah a Gilbert .' Nora, W interset, Iow a Ginger ich, Frances :\r ar ie, Humbol dt Glathar, Mabel, Hu m boldt Gl a ndt, Ve r na, Omah a Glo ver, Grace, Westerville Goering, l\Iina K., Unadill a Graf, Lon Russell, Pe ru Grafft. Marga r et F., Cl arinda, Ia. Graham, Lois, Brock Gr ass, Am zie Vernon , ·waco Gr ass, Dean, Waco Graves. ::\Iarg u erite, F illey Gr ay. i\fary E., S id n ey, Ia. Groethius , Harold Ben, Chester Gro se, J u lia. 'rab or, Ia. Grossoehme, Edith, Pe r u Grossoehrne, Gladys, Peru Gruenwal dt, Ern a Frances, Sprin gfield Gr u sh , Ali ce, Sa lem Gu yo t, E r m a, Sherid a n , W yo. Hageman , Freda, Ith aca H a ll, Ardyth G., P almyra Hall , Cla r ence, R eynold s H a ll , Gen evi eve R eynolds Hall, ::\1aria n E '., T a bor, Ia. Hanna. Allie .R., Yuma, Colo. Hansell , Velma, Gl enwoo d. Ia. H a r ajia n , Mary, P eru H a r ajian , Ru th , P eru Har mon , John R ., Auburn H arr ison , Harl a n , S tella H ar ri s on, Id a , Om ah a H a r t Hadsell L ., E lm wood Hasselbla d, E rnes t, P e ru H a u ck, Al a n F., Fairbury Hau ptman , Leo, Neb rask a City H ayek . L yda . McCook Hay wa rd , E l don , T ecu mseh H e ilig , H a rl an d, T ecumseh He n derson Ru ssell , Verdo n Henningsen, Carolyn, Yutan H ereth, Ali ce, Cl ato ni a Her tel, Elmer, Clay Center Hertz, Paul, '.\fa! vern, Ia. He rvey, ::\1ary '.\!. , Tecumseh H en·ey, \Vall a ce. Tecumseh Hi ggin s, :\label C., Peru



Hill , Elle n E ls ie, Peru Leahy, '.\Iar jori e V., Peru Hoag land, Gladyce L ., Humboldt L ea h y, Ri chard, Peru IIoak, R. L avon ne , Loretta Lefler, '.\Iarie, Springfield Hofmann, Esther, Peru L efle r , Mildre d, SiHingfie ld Hofmann, Henry. P er u Leitschuch, Edward. Burchard Holcomb. W au netta, B eatrice Leonar d .John L., Pawnee Ho leman, Alvin, Pe ru Lew is, F loyd , Virgini a Ho ll enbeck , Richard , Elmwood L ewi s, .John S ., Shubert Holt, Gl a d ys Mae, Va n W ert Lewis , Olive Mae, Union Hoppock , Hazel F ., Farragut, Ia.Lich ty, Gl ad ys Louise, Peru Horton . Lel a, P eru Lilly, L loy d, Sh ubert Huck, C. A., Peru Lindsey, Goldie M., Union H ughes, Frances, Beatr ice L ise nby. Opal I. , .Ja n s en Hughes, Lucille A., Fairbury Liv e rmor e, Sh erid a n , Har t ington H urst, Ear l R obert. W estboro, Mo.Lov itt, Be rnice, Crab Orcha rd Hutchinson , Hazel Lucille, Albion Lyle, Arlocen Doris, Waco Hutch inson, Vera Auburn L yon , :.vrona Lu c ill e, H a rr ison Irvin, Gerald W. , ¡Auburn Lyons, 'I'helma, Peru Irl e, Ro se, Hartington '.\1cCann. Lela E l izabeth , Shube rt Ivens, H erb e rt, E lmwood Mcc omas .Josephine, Auburn Ive r s, Fra nk, P eru McConna h a, Delbert, H artin gton .Jack so n , Ir en e '.\fae, D a w son Mcc reig ht, Harold B., Fairbury .Je ff s, B eryl . Edgar '.\1cCrary, L e l a, Murdock .Jen s by, Lawrence, Ru skin Mc c r a ry, ::vra urice, E lm wood .John son, Marie W. , Hamburg, I a. '.\IcDanie l, Al ta , Syrac use .Johnson, P earl Mari e, .Julian '.\1cDonald , L il a, Steele City .Jones, .Joe, T ecumseh :\1cFarren. Ruby Marie, Virginia .Jones, L ester, Nemah a McG innis , Lois D., Coin, Ia. .Jordan, Ru th .J., Ithaca :'.\IcGinnis, :\Iartha, Blanchar d, Ia. .Jorgensen. Louis, Avoca '.\IcGr ew, '.\1iriam Elizabeth , Au.Joy, .Jessie Maude, Salem burn .Juhl, John C., Peru McKnight, Edna E .. Auburn Kaltenborn, Helen, W aco :.vic'.\1illan, :\frs . Doroth y, Alpena, Kanaly, Mary E., Fall s City S. D . Karnopp, Lucille 0., Panama McNair, :\Iargaret, Omaha Kaufman , Avis '.\T., Mound City, Mo '.\1cQuinn, Ann I\:., Wymore Keister, Don D., Auburn '.\IcSwan, Daniel W ., Syracuse Kerner, Frank, Tecumseh '.\1cWilliams, '.\1argaret, Nebraska Kimsey, Gladys Pauline, Farrag ut, City Ia. Majerus, :\Iary, Falls City Kinderd i ck, Mrs. Grace Little, :'.\fajors. Lucy A., Peru Sheridan, Colo. Majors, Margaret, Peru King. Ella E., Superior i\fajors, '.\Iuriel '.\I::tr ie, Endico tt Kinnison, Eugene, Wymore '.\Iajors, Robert, Peru Kizer, Clarence, Peru '.\Iall ory, Gwendolyn, '.\Ie rn a Knight, :Mary '.\f., Peru '.\[anes Bernice Alta, Blanchard, I a. Knisely, Mildred, Falls City l\1arre{i, Harold. T ec um seh . Korber, Chester, Deshler '.\Iartin, Arch iba ld, Pawnee City Krause, Phineas Fletcher, Chester'.\1artin, Bessie, Liberty Krejci . .Joe, Plattsmouth l\ [artindale, Dorothy. Omaha Kreps, Roland, Dawson '.\[ason, Catherine, Stella Kurz, Norma, Elmwood i\Iastin, Fae, Auburn Kurtz, Ruth, Beatrice :\Iathews, Hazel. Omah a Lamb, Leland, Tecumseh :\fathews, Claude, Falls City Lambert, '.\fargaret, Auburn :\fead, :'.\Iinnie B ., Percival, Ia. Lash, Marie, Auburn Means, Elleen, Beatrice L each. Elva, Peru :\[eier, :\Iargaret. DuBois Leahy, Leora .Jane, Peru '.\[elYin, Lou is. Reynolds



P ettinger, In ez, Syracuse 1\[etcalf. Lo is, Beatrice Phipps, Veld a, Farragu t, la. \ricl,el. .Joy, Lincoln Pierce, Iva. Bartlett, Ia. \ri!ler. Alice, Omaha Pierce . Dai sy Leah Bartlett, Ia. \n11er . Bernice. Omaha Pike , Lo ren, Hubbell ;llill er. Elbert, Elmw ood Pipal. :\fa r y Belle, Omaha \[j]l er. Florence. Pawnee City ) ri! ler, Jack, . ·ebraska City Polsto n , Andrew Joseph, Peru Pospi s il, Vlasta, Prague 1.rilstead. Yirginia B ., Peru ;utchell. Lucy, . 1orth Loup Pribbeno, :\Iary Mae . Imp eri al Pribbeno . Ruth Salem ;lonteith. :\Iona. Peru P r ice, Devona, P eru ;roore . Glenn, R.. Bell evue Prie fert, Emery . Reynolds }roore, Helene :\L. DuBois Proker. Editha Emil y, Schuyler :>.lorford. Alb erta, Hubbell Rail sba ck, Rom, Peru :>.lorford. Thelma . Hubbell Rarick. Eugene, Auburn :>.Iori<irty, Frances, Omaha Rath, Gertrude Sutton :-.rosgrove . Dorothy, Valparais o Rea , W arren ·\Vesley, Farragut, Ia. :-.rucke. Evelyn L ., York Reagan, Allene, Humbol dt :-.rnmper, James. Tabor, Ia. Reagan, :\Iaxine, Humbol dt :\!U l'))hy . Edna L .. Coin. Ia. Rector, Asa Guy, Weeping Water :\eal, Louise, Peru Re ctor, Edw in, Bartlett Ia. :\elson, Bernice, Tecum seh Redfern, Barton. Peru · . ·elson, Dorothy :\Iaude, Omaha Reed, Harold, Douglas :\eman, Gladys :\Iarie, Verdon Reinmiller, Elton, Staplehu rst. :\etrval, Elsie, Burchard Reisinger, :\1arion, York :\ewco mer . Lucile, York :\ickel, Harvey, Clay Center Rh od u s. Kittie, Peru Rho ten, Carlton, Sterl ing :\iles, E ll en Ru t h , Omaha :\oerrlinger, Ver non Eve lyn, De- Rho ten, Paul, Sterling Witt R ichardson, Hazel, Percival, Ia. :\olting. :\Iarie, Plattsmouth Ri ed . Ra ymo nd , A ubu rn . ·ook. Ruby, Hambu r g, Ia. Riggin s, R ol lie , Malvern, Ia. :\orton Lorene Brock Roberts. Cl iffor d, Brownville :\u ss. El sie Cath eri n e, S u tto n Roberts , Gertrude, Doug las Oerte r, Frederick. Reyno lds Ro eh rkas se, Theo., Sewar d Okrent, William, Hamburg, Ia. Roger s, Avis , DeWitt Olderog, Marie, Springfield Rogers, L aw r ence, DeWitt Ol so n , I nez C., Elmwood R ogers, Lu cill e Mar garet, Otoe Ortgies. Gerh ar d, Bruning R oge r s, Mil d r ed , Memph is Otto, :\fargare t Gertrude, Fall s R ohrs . L ou ise, Per u City R onnau , F lorence, Syr ac use Overtur f, Marvin . Edgar R osekra n s, Daisy, W aco Ow en, Ellen , ·wats on R oth e r t, E rnest, H arvard Owen, Velda. L iberty Rowl ison, Gra ce, Beatrice Ozenbaugh, Wilm a Hazel, Coin , Ia.R udge. H oward, P a l myra P arr iott, J enni n gs A .. Aub u r n S alfrank, Ed n a Marie. R ive r ton, Ia. Parriott Marj or ie Peru Sam s, Dwane, Sterling Pasco, Howard L~e Pe ru Santo, He len, Falls City Pasco, Lois, Aubur~ Sautter , Ru ssell , Scotia P ate. F l0re nce Opal , Or lean s Sch aefe r , E d wa r d L ., Brock Patten, Frances Red Clou d Sch aefer, R u ssell , Brock Patters on Edna' Peru Schaffer. Ru th, Auburn Payne, Giadys. ;ralmage Schaffner, Harold, No rth Loup Peetz, Barba r a, E lkhorn Schindler , Paula :\fa rie, Nebraska Peggee, Vernon, Hebron City ~eterson, Alpha, Plattsmouth Schindler, Wilbur, Falls City eterso n. Emily, Peru Schmidt, Fern Elizabeth, Hum. ~eterson, Grace. Nebraska City boldt etnnger, Anna, Steinauer Sch repel, I da, Burchard



Sears. Cora. Peru Ulmer, :\Hldred, Dawson Sears :\Iaxlne, Peru Yance, :Hildred, Peru Sellhorn, Ralph, North Bend Yance, Paul, Reynolds Setzer, H. Leora, Peru Yanderford, Betty, Peru Shafer, 'Wilbur L., Bellevue \-anderford, Clarence. Peru Sheldon, J. Louise, Percival, Ia. Yandeventer. Bernice. Dunning Shelley, Ruth .J., Holmesville Van Fleet. Gusta, Omaha Shestak, Fred. Wilber Vitek, Lillie Ethel, ·nrginia Shoemaker, James, Thurman, Ia. Yitek, Vlasta Elsie, Virginia Shurtleff, Eugene, Humboldt Vrooman, Laverne Dorothy, w Simons, :\Iarjorie Louise, Hamburg, more Ia. Wagner, Ada, Fairbury Simpkins, Logan, Reynolds Wagner, :\Hldred Helen, Fairbu Simpson, :\'lark G., Auburn Walker. Nellie Alberta. Dawson Sims. :\ierle, Peru Walkinshaw, Edgar, Peru Sire, Genevieve, Inman Walkinshaw, Esther, Peru Skeen, Julia, Auburn Wallin, Elsie :\Iarie, Omaha Skelton, Evelyn, Omaha Walton, Agnes, Indianola Sklenar, Ethel, Weston Warman, Gerald, Gladstone Slagle, Glenn, Barada Warner, Marion, Nebraska City Sleman, Dean, Pawnee Warnke, Bernice, Humboldt Smedley. Ruth Alice, Brock Warnke. Earl, Humboldt Smith, :\Ierle, Peru Warnke, Lyndon Henry. Humbol Sopher, Harry, Peru \Vasley, Russell, Plattsmouth Sperry, :\Iarie, Plattsmouth Watson, '.\Iarion, Dannebrog Spohn, Beatrice Evelyn, Weeping.Watson, Squire, Peru ·water Watts, Bryan, Fortescue Sproul, Lowell, Daykin Weber. Lenore, Tecumseh Stahn, John, :'.\filford Weddle, Olive Pearl, Stella Stall mith. Helen, Omaha \Vellman, Ralph Roland. Waco Standerford, Oma, Humboldt \Venzl, Evelyn, Beatrice Steele, Edna Amelia, Crab OrchardWenzl, :\Iildred, Burchard Stephens, Frances, College Springs.Wesner, Sue Rutledge, :S-ebraska



Stewart, :\!orris, Auburn Whipple, Earl, Fortescue Stites, Charles, Julian Whisler. Thelma, Farragut, la. Stites, Clara :\[ay. Brock Whitaker, Florence, Falls City Stooker, Vivian :\Iarie, Nebraska Whittemore. R. G .. Peru City Wicina, Emil, Wilber Stovall, :\Iaxine, Auburn Wiese, Walter, Dennington Straub, :\Iary Belle, Pawnee City Wiles, Gladys, Syracuse Stukenholtz, Ruth Olive, Nebras-Wiles, Joe Errett, Syracuse ka City Williams. G. Elsie, Omaha Summer, Felix, Strahan \Villiams, Hazel Louise. Auburn Swisegood, Ruth. Yerdon Williams, Harry, Peru Thornhill, John Joy, Peru Williams, Kathryn. Stella Thornhill, :\Ierritt, Peru Williams, :\Iarvin, . 'e!Jgh Thurlow, Dorothy, Auburn Williams, Ralph, Peru Tibbets, Ruth :\1., Falls City 'Wilson, Ellen, Johnson Toft, Elnar, Ruskin Wilson. ·wayne K., Glenwood, 1a. Townsend, :\Irs. Evelyn Albion ·winkler, Dorothy, Hamburg, Ia. Trabert, Neil, :\Iilford · Wischmeier, Lois E., Burchard Traudt, Samuel, Stockham \Volfe. Audrey S., Auburn Trenholm, Raymond, Peru \Volfe, Charles R.. :'\emaha Turille, Steven, Xebraska <'ity Wolfe Keith, Auburn Turnbull, Doris. Farragut, Ia. ·wolfe: Leona :\Iar:r.• ·emalrn. Tyler. Donald, Peru Wonder, Mary :\1., Peru Ubben. Walter, Auburn Wonder, Ralph, Peru

PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE woods, Emily :\larian. Yu t~n Worler, Dorothy :Habel. Alhance Wright, Irene Gladys, Nemaha wuster, Dorothy Dee_ Dawson Yates, .Alberta, Peru


Yoesel, Laura Everetta, Rulo Young, Wilbur D., Adams Zimmers. Dorothy A., Nebr., City Zink. Ellen, Murdock Zook, Howard T. Tecumseh

CORRESPONDENCE STUDENTS, 1928-1929 Alber. Frieda, Guide Rock Greene, Grace Duff, Union Albert, :\iargaret, Omaha Gretzinger, Bernice, Steele City Allen, Gladys, Unadilla Gretzinger, Esther. Steele City Anderson, Glenn, Ericson Hageman, Selma, Ithaca Armstrong, William, Auburn Hague, Lois. 路wymore Axtell, Violet, Fairbury Hale, Alta, Omaha Bailey, MaTie, Omaha Hammond Selma Stahen, Bushnell Bassett. Ruth, Bayard Harpster. 路Loretta, Gustavus, Bedner, Albina, Wilber Alaska Bradford, Mrs. Edith, Rulo Hays, Isabelle 2\lajors, Peru Bradley, Everett, Reserve, Kan. Hendrickson, :\farguerite, MinaBrennan, Catherine, Elm Creek tare Brown, Edna, Falls City Hepperlen, Kathryn, Beatrice Browning, Helen. Humboldt Hiatt, Ruby, Bussey, Ia. Burke, Ethel, Beatrice Hicks Clara B., Auburn Burke, Floyd 路w., Pickrell Hoy, Paul, Freedom Carr, Nellie, Newman Grove Heuck, Edna E., Pasadena, Calif. Cathcart, Helen, Cook Hughes, Dorothy, Brownville Chase, Floyd L., Nebraska City Jewell, Edna, Brock Clark, Genevieve. Fairbury . Johnston, Ella G., Billings, '.\font. Clarks, Mary, Pawnee City Jonas Bertha A., Dorchester Claussen, '.Vlagdalene, Omaha Jones, Iris, Anthon, Ia. Claypool, Dora, Orleans Jones, John, Table Rock Compton, Chloteal. Aberdeen, Kiger, Ethel, Bellevue Idaho Kinderdich, Grace. Tipton, Kan. Conway, Eunice, Fairbury Klaurens, R L., Firth Corners, Grace. Auburn Koerner Caroline L., Elkhorn Craney, Anna, Steinauer Kuennilig, Larene, Douglas ('rook, Alice, Nebraska City Kuper, K. Freda, Steele City Darwin, Ruth, Virginia Landrigan, Nina, Falls City Deakins. Alene, Auburn Lee, 2\lrs. Kathryn, Harrisburg Deweese, Creola, Nebraska City Lichtenberger, A. R., Bradshaw Dickinson, Lucille, Dunbar Livengood, Norma, l\Iorrill. Kan. Disbrow, :Maude, Arapohoe Lockhart, Lessie, Wahoo Drda, Bertha, Wilber Lord, Charlotte, Talmage Epler, Helen, Wall Lake, Ia. Lucas, Alta, Talmage Erlash, l\fary_ .Jackson Lutz, Josie, Auburn Evans, Dorothy, Tecumseh Lutz, Loretta, Humboldt Evans, Olive, Tecumseh Lyle Pauline, Waco Farley, Louise, Peru '.\IcCann, Lloyd, Dix Fisher, John A., Wymore 2\IcCreight, Farfield, Fairbury Flowers, l\lrs. Leah, Hastings Y[cCreight. Russell, Fairbury Frey, Verna L. Humboldt McGinnis, F. Pearl, Gretna Garrett, Bessie 路La Rue, Union :\IcKelvie, :\Irs. Alice Peshek, FairGeier, Edna Armour field Geick, :\lrs. 'M:ae Lutz, Auburn Madden, C. H., Sumner Giffen, Rosella, Da;rnon ::\lallory. Gwendolyn, Merna Godsell, '.\fary Yunker, Joseph City,Mead, :vi:rs. Buana Lee, Florida Arizona :\liller, Floyd, Unadilla Green. Fay B., Auburn :\Iiller. Lloyd P .. Imperial



Moulton, Selma, B u rchar d ll.Iudge, :\Irs. Viola, Beatrice Mu s il, Abbie, Wilber :\a iman . J. G., Edgar :\aiman, Walter, A lexa ndr ia :\elson , A . J., Reynol ds :\i chol as, Genevieve, Hyannis :'\oe rrlin ger, R. J. , DeWitt O'Beirn, :\frs. :\1erle, Ottawa, Il l. Ovenden. Sarah Violet. Talm age Overturf, Cla r a, Edgar Parish, :\1rs. Emma Ward , York Paris h, Francis D., York Parker, Cora E ., Eustis Parli. Lydia A ., Ve rdon Parsons, :\Irs. Faye. Verdon Patten, Frances, R ed Cloud Person, Mrs. M. B. , Bayard Pete r s on, Alpha, Plattsmouth Pettigre w, i\Iae, Centra l City Pettit, Estelene, Oxford Painter, j\faudean Minatare Priest, Vivian, Emmerson , Ia. R a iney, Clara, Murray R asp, R olon, Grant Rawalt, i\Irs . Emma M., Avoca Rea , Warren W ., Far ragu t , Ia. Redfern, H e rbert D., Mu n roe Rehor. Eleanor, Swanton Ri ce, Bessie Armstrong, Odell Ri c h a r d s, Pearl, Par ks R ich a rdson, Ruth, B rock Rickabaugh . Ve l ma, Bartl ett. Ia. Rick e tts, Grace, P ercival , Ia. Ross, El s ie, B u r ling ton Junc t ion, '.\fo.

Ro th . Louise, Shu be r t Sch e r degger, Gertr u d e, P a wnee City S efrna . Bessie F .. Dor cheste r Seibol d. Ruth , Scottsbluff Selk, Arnold "NL, Omah a Sernrod . Elvin V. Abie Shafer , Wilbu r L. , B ellevu e Sharrar , Romma, S ioux City, Ia. Sheehan, Loretta, Sale m Sh eik , Le a h , Crab Or char d Shimonek Helen, W ilb er Shrader, F. B ., Stratton Smith, Wilma, .Johnson Specht, Alice, Endicott Stolder, }frs. Th elma, H umbold t Stoft, Beatrice, Papillion Swartz, Clayton, Guide Rock T ay lor. Hope W a rd, R ulo Thompson, Alberta, Hardin, Mont. Thompson, C. C., Arcadia Thorpe, N. F., Panama Thors tenson, Ada, Wahoo Tiga rd, P a ul , Pragu e Uhlig. Philena. Fall s City Vance, Hazel I ren e, Pawnee City Van T ru mp, Blanche, Sioux City W eyniclc, Cl ara. Platts mou t h W h itaker, J essie V. , Grafton "\V hi ta k er, Wilm a, Grafton W il es, Cretor ia. Milligan W il es, Gl a dys E ., Syracu se Willi ams, B e rt, Joh nson Wil s on, Mr . D. R. , J ohnson, Kan. Wink el m a n , Mr s . Agne s , Omaha W r ight, Z e ll a. Ves t a

STUDY CENTER, 1928-1929 B artle tt. Ru th , B eat r ice B eck, Do ra L. , Auburn B ish op, P ear l, F a irb u ry Burk e, B e nja min , Bea tr ice Burke, E th el , B eat r ice Burke, F loyd. B e a trice Car lson, M r s ~ Nellie. Pl a t tsm outh Ca rmichael. H azel, B eatri ce Conner, M rs . Opal B ., Auburn Conwa y, Eunice, Fair bury Cornelius, I r ene, Beatrice Corne rs, Grace Auburn Dayton, Clara,' Fairbury Dick, '.\lilclred. Fairb u ry Epler. }frs. Ada, Platts mouth Garner, }frs. B lanche Roberts on P lattsm o u th ' Green. '.\Irs. Fay Bird. Au burn Gretzinger, B er nice , Fairbury

H a wk s wor th , '.\1ettie, P la tts mouth H ick s , Cl ara. F a irbu ry H ill , Ge org ia, B eat rice Hirsch , Eli zabe th, Fairbury H og ue, Ru th , P l a ttsmo uth Hun te r B e rnice B eatrice Hunte r : Ma rie, P l a ttsmouth Kau fm a n, Mari e E . Plattsmouth K oeble, Frances . Platts mouth Kenni ng, Mild red , Fairbu ry Livings ton, Mrs. ::vra ud Mason, P l attsmouth Lutz, Jos ie, Auburn :\1ann, :Mr s . P ea rl Nichols }far tens . }'frs . Ameli a, P l attsrnou th '.\Ioore. Ethel, Beatr ice '.\Ioore . Viol a , Beatr ice

PERU STAT E TEACH E RS COL LEGE 'l[osely, Sister 'II. Cas tanza, · Auburn Na ima n , Joe , Fa ir bury Naysmith, Rosetta, Auburn ·e1son, .Ar t h ur , Fairb ury 'ickelson, Char ley, Beat r ice Ofe . Gladys, Platts mou th Qes.tm an, .Au gusta. Aubu rn P eterson , Alp h a , Plattsmo u th Rain ey, Clara, P l attsmouth Rainey, I sa bell e, P lattsm outh


R ussel l, L ucil le , Auburn Stewa r t, Andre win a, Bea t rice Stone man . :Ma bel. Fairbury Tignar, 'lfrs . Ea rl , .Auburn T r ive ly , :\Irs . D ora, P lattsmou th Ve atc h , :\Trs. W ilma , Fa irbury Wall ace, S is ter :vr. I me ld a . Au burn vVey rich , Clara C., P lattsmouth Ziettlow, Cl arence, F a i rbury Zi mmerman . Lavina, Auburn

STUDENTS DEMONSTRATION SCHOOL, 1928-1929 SENIORS Abl e, Vi r gil Applega te , Ear l Brady, Ada Clinebu r g, Allis on Collin, Lam bert Das her, Charles Dasher, Geo r ge Fairhead , E loise Fink, Ol ita Fuma s, Lola Furnas, R u by Grafton Ed ith H auptnian, Stella

Hazel ton, Evelyn Hazelto n , Vera Horton, L el a H u tch inson, Hollis L a ndolt, P aul L a \l'!'en ce, Ma r gie Leah y, Marjori e McAdams, '\1yr le Moore, Faye Newton . Belen Osborne L u ella P a rrio t( Leland P etti t, Winifr ed

R u ssell, Ha r old Smith, Mo nta Tack ett, Gl ady s Tobler , L ewis Tyle r , Ger a ld Tynon, Virginia Wey, Lo ui se vVh eeler, 'l•I ildred ·wil cox, Naomi W ill iam s. Irwin ·wonder. Roydon , Jr.

JUNIORS Che rry, Byron Dashe r, Il amae Dun n ing, ) lac Furnas. H arold F urn a s , H oward Gaines . Ste phen Gilbe rt, Helen Grafton, J oh n Graves, J essie Graves, '.\!abel Grove r , Op al Hanlon, Mary Hayes Lola H oyt, Viv ian

Hy! ton , Josephine I{ell ey, Marjo r ie K ings olver, Harriett Landolt, Ka th a rine '\IcGinnis , Eliza beth )fajors , L ora Marsh, Oli ve r :\Ierit, Dela :\Ii tchell, Helen l\[onte ith , Joe Ne wto n, Ivan Pate R obert Rawso n , Ern est Ri ch ard s on, Velma

Ryan, Edith Setzer, Marie Sherman, Carrie Sherman, Eth el Stephens on , Rola nd Str omqu is t , :\Iil ton Sultzbau gh , B er t h a Tynon, Andr ew Va n ce . Doris Va nderfo rd Sterl incr Whitten C ~th eri ne" Yates, H arold Ya tes, Joe Young. :\Iarjorie



SOPHOMORES Able, Lucile Annan, Wilma Armstrong, Harold Bray, Bernice Burbridge, Eunice Burkey, Inis Cowell, Pauline Graves, Eugene Hallenback, Ellen Hayes. Frank Hoppock, Roy Hosterman, George Jr.

Howe, Helen Kingsolver, Huston Kizer, Walter l\Iardin, Letitia :\Iilstead, Haney :\fonroe, Arlo Nincehelser, Floyd Pasco, Thelma Patterson, Thomas Pemberton, Dorothy Railsback Darrell Riggs, Howard

Sayer, Richard Scheetz, Fern Sherman, Earl Stromquist, Leora Trenholm, Charles Wey, ::\Iilford Williams, Woodrow "''onder, Theodore Woodie, Hubert Young, Kenneth

FRESHMEN Allgood. Cleo Bates, Fannie Bray, Juanita Chamberlain, Letha Chamberlain, Mary Dahlstrom, Daisy DeBord, Averil DeBord, Walter Dovel, Cleon Fisher, Wendell Hanlon, Ruth Hoppock, Eugene Kizer, Ralph

Leahy. Wanda :\Icinich. Eldora :\Iajors, Eleanor :\Ieritt, Realtha '.\Iitchell, '.\Iary Parriott, Alice Pierce, Wilda Pribbeno, Grace Pugh, :\Ielvin Railsback, Henry Rhodus, Howard Rohrs, Fred

Armstrong, Irene Barton, Earl Barton. Roy Breazile, :\lurile Carlisle, Richard Cawthrone, Dorothy Chatelain, Ruth Clary, Glen

Coatney. :\larguerite Cook, Luena Cowell, Roberta Gillilanci, Ruth Good, Vena :\1ae Grover, Alan Hollenback, Donald ::\IcGinnis. June

Sanders, Dorothy Setzer La Verne Sleezei-, Dorothy Stoltz, Harold Straw, Fred Sultzbaugh, Alvae Sultzbaugh, Eunice Walkinshaw, Edna Waters, :\Iarie Wheeldon, ::\Iarie \Vheeldon, Pearle Vanderford, Irene

EIGHTH GRADE ::\eal, Billy Parker, Eugene Richardson, Ardith Slinker, Gene Wey, Julius \'l'illiams, Evelyn

SEVENTH GRADE Burbridge, Dorothy Dasher, Lavena Holch, :\Iary Shirley

Leahy, Percy Pugh, Orville Schwedhelm, Eunice

Smith Verna ::\Iarie Velvick, Elmon

SIXTH GRADE Assenmacher. Eleanor Breazile, Curtis Breazile, Stella Brown, Thelma Cowell, Opal Cowell, Roland Coatney, Marjory Grover, Dwight Hazelton, Jack

Jenkins, Robert Kelley, Esther Larson, Helen :\I. :\layer, Clyde '.\ledley, Gladys :\Ic:\Iahon, Wilma ::\incehelser. Garland Palmer, Harley

Parriott, Delbert Redfern, Loren Rowen, Clifford Sherman, Har~ld Stromquist, Wilbur Turner, Shirley Whitwell, Beth Williams. :\Iildred


16 L

FIFTH GRADE Hazelton, Lucille .Adams, Faye Carter, Gale Tackett Eva Grace .Armstrong, Donna belle Cherry, Elizabeth Bates, Fran.k. Coatney, Dorothy Ann Orban, Leonard Breazile, Clifford Donovan, Joan Burney, Ge1·ald De Vore, Alice

FOURTH GRADE Adams, Iva ::\1. Bates, Jack Beason, Mary Brown, Cleon Brown, ::\1arje Dasher, Frank Dale Donovan, Jack Fink, Vivian

Fisher, Harold Flau, Wilma Gaines, Monte Jean Grafton George Larson,· Frank Mason, Roger Moser, Leona Moser, Lloyd

.Adams, Helen Bates Grant Cherry, Dwight Lehrman, Anna Leone :\Ic'.\iahon, Burtus

Medley, Ruth Francis Robbins, Frank G. Sherman, Tommy Thomas, Marion Turner, Lester

Adams Charles Aistrope, Stanley Barton, Darline Brazel, Gene Burbridge, Wendell Burney, E. M. Carlisle, Robert Carter, Hope ('ollins., Lillie ::\Iae

Farson, Delores Flau, Armand Good, Doris Grafton, Roy Hayes . Norma Jean Hollenbeck, Max Howe, Clarice Jones, Nancy Ellen Lehrman, Marjorie J.

Redfern, Leroy Rhodus, John Smith, Clairon Schwedhelm, Lorraine Sibley, Delmar Trenholm, Marjory Whitfield, Helen l\l.

THIRD GRADE Urban, Albert Urban, Alvin Vanderford, l\1ary AlicE Whitfield, Corinne

SECOND GRADE Lyons, Edgar ::\fason, Twila ::\iaxted, Thomas '.\IcKnight, Geraldine Moser, Franklin Turner, Lynn Robbins, Phyllis

FIRST GRADE Assenmacher, JeannettlHays, Ralph Carlisle, Billy Hollenbeck, Cecil i 'oatney, Dean Lehigh, Alton Clements, Dick Palmer, Glenn Daniel Duncan, ::\18.ry .Jane Rabel, ::\1ary Ellen Parson, Donald Slinker, Neil Finch, Gertrude Scnith Norman Hazelton, Wilda Strom.quist, Leland

Stromquist, Lowell Tusner, Emil Van Dyke, Milton Vogel, Claude Warnock, David Yates, Yvonne

KINDERGARTEN Adams, Floyd Astrophe. Dean Bates, ::'lfartha Bates, Raymond Beason, Nina ::\-1'1.rie Burbridge Billie Clements, ·Arthur Coatney, Elizabeth Coatney, Lorene Deck, ::\Iarion Devore, Grant Gockley, Florence

Good, Lawrence Gnfton, Guy Hollenbeck, Violet :'-iill, Lorren Hill, Jack ~~olch, Arthur Kinderdeck, Betty J. Kovanda, Betsy Kovanda, Kieth Larson, Lenore l\Ic::\1ahon, J. W.

::\1c?llabon, Kenneth Palmer, Gorden Patterson, Jean Sherman, l\Iamie Smith, Barbara Strickler, Bobby Teasner, Johnnie Van Dyke, Donald Warnock Helen Wiley, Bonnie Lou Yates, Helen





DEGREES, DIPLOMAS AND CERTIFICATES Granted from June 1, 1928, to Jun e 1, 1929.

DEGREE An ders on, Clar ine, Auburn :\fc:\Iahon, Ch r istine Rasmmasen, And erson, Laurine, Auburn Pl a ttsmouth Bath , Edward J ., Seward, Al aska l\fcCrary , i\Iau rice L., Elmwood Bea me r , Ll oyd A., Armour Mahan, B ess, Omah a Becka rd, Leo v .. P eru Mas on , l\I ildred , Salem Bob bitt, H elen , P eru :.\Ieri tt, J ames l\I., Fairbury Brady, Lillian, Peru :\Iitchell, Lucy ell, North Loup Brecht, Anna fargaret, Falls :\Ionteith, i\Iona L. P e ru City Nedrow, Wa r ren "\V., Stell a Bu ettzenbaugb, E li zabeth, Tabor, Newburn , Lillia n "\V'ood s . Beem er I a. Noxon, Evelyn L., Brons on, Colo. Bunch , Dar is J ._ Falls City Oakes , Ma bel Jorn , Kearney Burkey, Elmer R ., Peru Oakes, William 0 1to, Kearney Carte r , Lewis M., Hebron Pasco _ Ruth E., /. uburn Caskey, R ena, T ecumseh Redfe rn, Ba rton . Peru Chaney, W ayne E., Thurman, Ia. Roberts, J . Cl iffor d, Nemaha Chatelain, R alph J._ Peru R obertson, J oseph H., Oa k Cla rk, Clifford J ., Waco R ob ertson, I\.ay E., Cody, Wyoming Collicott, Gertru de, Superior Ra the r t. F red A., Pl a ttsmouth Davenpor t, Edith Olive, Peru Schir.dler, Wilbur A. F alls City Delzell, James W ilson , P eru Selk, Arnol d l\L, P lymouth Dick e rson , E l metta, B rock Setzer, Leora H ., Peru Donn e, Anna Mari e, Gran d I sl an d Shee han, Loretta, Sa lem Erickson . Larine Em ily, Tecu mseh Sievers, Frank L ., Auburn E yr e, Ada G., Nebrask a City Sim pk in s, L ogan E ., R eyn olds Fisher, L ois E., P eru Sl agle, Gl enn IVI._ Falls City Gari ss, Fern Grimes, H em m ing- Snowden, A my H., E mmetsb urg, ford Ia. Godwin, Frank, Pla ttsmou th Sn yder, H azel T ., Sterling, Colo. Grass, Amz ie V., W aco S tark , Cecil JVI., Elmwood Grosse, Juli a B., Ta bor . Ia. Stites , Clar a M., Brock Grossoeh me, Gladys, Peru Trau dt, Ad am c.. Sioux City, Ia. Hall, W illard D., Nemah a W arner, Marion E., Ne brask a City H arajian, Mary E ., Peru W as ley, Ru ssell, Pla ttsmouth Heske tt, F r e d S a lem W eath erfi el d, E lby, Ayr H eywood, Everett E., P e ru W iles, Cr eto r ia, Syra cuse H ooper, Grace L ._ Lincoln Whittemore, Rob ert G., Ada m s J oder, Glen H., P eru Williams, H azel L oui se. Auburn J ones, Cl aren ce R ., Nemaha Will iams, R a lph G., P eru J ones , F ranklin, P eru Wittenb erg, E spe B ., F ai r bury Klaure ns , Roy L., F irth Wond e r , Mary iVL, P eru Krejci, J oe Alb ert, Pl a ttsmouth W ood, Emma, T a ble R ock



TWO-YEAR COLLEGE DIPLOMA .June 1, 1928 tu June 1, 1929. Alexander, Helen :\I:le. Falls City Lash, Lucille. :\Iarie, Auburn Anderson, Kathryn. Nebraska City Lutz, Josi e. Auburn Argabright, Edith, Nemaha :\IcCreight, Harold :\I., Fairbury Argabright, :\T:-rige, Nemaha :\IcDonald, Lila E., Steele City Armstrong, W 1liam L., Auburn :\IcGuire, :\Iyrlin, DeWitt Babb, :\label E., Falls City J\IcWillliams, :\Iargaret, Nebraska Beebe, Marie, Peru City Bell, Hilda. Beatrice Majors, Lucy A .. Peru Bentz, Gertrude. Nebraska City :\Iartindale, Dorothy, Omaha Bentz, :\Uldred, Nebraska City :\lead, :\Irs. Pine, Harrison Blas, '.\fary, Reynolds :\Ietcalf, Wanna, Beatrice Bourke, Wm. T., Stella Miller, Alice A., Omaha Bovey, Doraleah, Crete Miller, Floyd, Unadilla Bower, Louise A._ '.\Ialvern, Ia. Milstead, Virginia, Peru Boyd, Charles P., Salem Mohr, Edna, Bennington Bradford, Edith K., Rulo Moran, l\Iary, Hardy Brandt, Alice, Otoe '.\lorgan, :\Iarian, Omaha Bright, Doris A., Shubert Moriarty, ,Frances :\'L, Omaha Brooker, Imo B., Omaha Mucke, Evelyn L., York Brooker, Ruth. Omaha Mullis, Gerald, Dunbar Brumfield, Dorothy, Omaha Naviaux, Gerald, Nebraska City Bump, Margaret, Valley Center, O'Beirn, Merle, Nebraska City Kan. Overturf, Marvin, Edgar Carey, A. Leslie, DeWitt Parish, Emma L. Ward, York Cary, Bernice, Hamburg, Ia. Parker, :\Iarie, Tecumseh f'athcart, Helen. Cook Payne, Gladys, Talmage f' ederholm, Margaret, Louisville Pool, Opal, Verdon Chizek, Elsie, Omaha Rainey. Winnie Bell, Hebron l'oatney, Ethel, Falls City Randall, Constance, Peru Codington, Claire, Auburn Redfern, C. Barton, Peru Cowan, Frances '.\I., Deweese Reed, Ethel Lucille, Beatrice Crandell, Elanor. Omaha Reinmiller, Elton, Staplehurst Crook, Jesse Kenneth, Union Ried, Raymond R., Auburn Dallam, Charles, Peru Rathert, Clara C., Harvard Damon, Mildred, Vesta Ruddy, Gladys, Auburn Davis, Florence E., Nebraska Sawyer, Birdie, Chester City Schrepal, Jda, Burchard Erickson, Doris M., Tecumseh Shelley, Ruth J., Holmesville Ewers, Ruth J., Fairbury Skeen, Julia, Auburn Gallant, Nellie, Hebron Spohn, Bea ' rice, Weeping Water Gibson, Jerome, Blanchard, Ia. Stone, Eliz:.lieth, Omaha Gibson, Nora, Omaha Thomas. Nellie, Shubert Glandt, Verna, Omaha Ubben, Ellen :\I., Auburn Ganz, Mary E., Sydney, Iowa Ubben, Walter :\I., Auburn Haines, Nora M., Wymore Vance, :\Iildred T., Peru Hauptman, Leo '.\!., Peru Vanderford, ,Everett, Peru Henderson, Russell G., Verdon Vandeventer, Vernice, Dunning Hertel, Elmer W., Clay Center Weber, Lenora. Tecumseh Holman, Marthalene, Fairbury Weibel, Bernice. DeWitt Hughes, Frances C., Beatrice Wenzl, Evelyn, Beatrice Jenkins, Margaret E. , Fairbury Wiles, Gladys, E .. Syracuse Kahm, Alma, Friend Williams, Bert. Peru Kanaly , :\fary, Falls City Wuster, Dorothy D., Dawson Kehmeicr, Emma, Steinauer


ELEMENTARY CERTIFICATE Ba '~;ct, r:;dna, ,Steinauer Beauchamp, Ruth, Auburn Behrens, Fern, Yutan Beutter, Ruth,_ Humboldt Bickford, Lams W., Weeping w ater Blooroquist, Alice, Farnum Boatman, Edith, Nemaha Bohlken, Vivian, Auburfi: Bucher, Margaret, DuBois Casey, Madge J., Johnson Clark, Edna, Auburn Cowell, Ruth, Auburn Crouse, Cora, Hamburg, Iowa Davenport, Elvin E., Chester Dewey, Lola, Liberty Dewey, Mabel A., Liberty Dickson, Mildred, Firth Dill ,Mary, DuBois Dirks, George, Bruning Fisher, Jessie, Falls City Hall , Ardyth, Palmyra Hayes, Gladys, Glenrock Hegener, Esther, Ruskin Hereth, Alice, Clatonia Hildebrand, Alice, DuBois Hoagland, Gladys, Humboldt Hungate, Ruth, Pawnee Jackson, Irene, Dawson Karnopp, Lucille, Panama Kaufman, Avis, Mound City, Mo. Klin ger, Mary, Julian Kunz. Norma, Elmwood Lewis, Floyd, Virginia Lewis, Samuel, Shubert Lill y, Kenneth, Verdon Lisenby, Opal, Johnson Luff, Fairy, Palmyra Mccann, Lela, Shubert Mccreight, Garfield, Fairbury Malone, :\fabeth, Douglas

Martin, Bessie, Liberty Mason, Albert, Stella Meier, Margaret, DuBois Meisinger, Marion, York Miller, Florence, Pawnee Moorehead. Kathleen, Belvidere Most, Florence, DuBois Netravl, Elsie, Burchard Olson, Inez, Elmwood O'Neil, Valeria, Dunbar Orlgies, Gerhard, Bruning Otto, Margaret, Falls City Ozenbaugh, Wilma, Coin, Iowa Park, Merle, Rulo Peetz, Barbara, Elkhorn Pettinger, Anna, Steinauer Pribbeno, Ruth, Salem Redfern, John H., Peru Rogers, Lucille, Otoe Rosekrans. Daisy, Waco Santo, Helen, Falls City Schaefer, Russell, Brock Sklenar, Ethel, Western Standerford, Oma, Humboldt Steele, Oma, Crab Orchard Stoval, Maxine, Auburn Straub, Mary, Pawnee Swartz, Clayton, Lincoln Swisegood, Ruth, Verdon Vrooman, Laverne, Wymore Wagner, Mildred, Fairburyy Walker, Nellie, ,Dowson Warnke, Bernice Humboldt Wenzl, Mildred, Burchard Williams, Kathryn, Stella Wolfe, Audrey, Auburn Woods, Emily, Yutan Yoesel, Laura. Rulo Zimmers, Dorothy, Nebraska City




LIFE PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE Bath, Howard Blas, Mary Bradford, Edith Brandt, Alice Brinkman, Elma Brown, Winnie Ellen Chase, Floyd P. Hall, Edna L. Harrison, Robert D. Jorn, Alma 1\1. Jones, Helen l\L Kehmeier Emma Lena Kohansky', Alma C. Lichty, Ruby Lutz, Josie Mccreight, Harold B. l\Iajors, Arthur R. l\Ioran, :.\Iary

Mullins, Hazel Burns O'Beirn, Merle Fabian, Otto K. Parker, Catherine Marie Pass, Miriam Rankin, Verna Sparks Rickers. Fred H. Robertson, Ernestine Ruddy, Gladys L. Schindler, Wilbur A. Shrader, Evalyn Booth Stevens, Avery 1\1. Ubben, Ellen :.\I. Whitla, Merna L. Wiles, Cretoria Woitzel, Erna Zook, Owen G.





SUMMARY OF ATTENDANCE June 1, 1928 to June 1, 1929. College Men p os t-Gr a duates ----------------- --- -- ------------------------ ----- -- ------ --- 3 Sen iors ----------------------- --·--·---·--------------------------------------------- 84 J uniors · ------------------------------·------------------- -- ------------··--···------- 69 Sop hom ores ----------------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------- 84 F reshme n ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------109 Specia l --------------------- -- ---- ------ ------------------------- -- ------------------ 15

Women 11 80 122 253 445 50

Total --------· . ----------- -- ---- ------------- --------------- --------2 64 11 th a nd 12th Gradl "···--------------------------------------------------- 31 TR AINING SCHOOL 9th a nd 10t1'. Grades.·----- ---- ------- --------- -------- -------- ------- ---- 34 Kinde rgarten to 8th Grade lnc l~sive ___ ____________________ _ 80

961 47

1325 78

36 72

l <>'- ~'

Total ------------------------ -------------------- ----------------------114 E XTENSION ------- -------------- ---------------------------·----------------- 49

108 192

222 241


--- -

GR AN D 'I'OTALS -- ------------------------------- -- --- ---------- ----------558



Total 14 164 191 337 1554 65


BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREES Yearly Totals 1922_____________ ____________ ______ ________________________________________________ ___ ____________


1923 ...... --------------- -------------------------------------------- ----------- --------------- -- 21 1924 ___________________ _____________________________ ______ __ _______ ___ ______ ________ __ ____ __ __ ____ 18 1925 .............................. .....................-.................... ...................... 1926 .................----------------------------- ------- ------------ ------ ------- ------- -- -----1927 _____________ _____ ______________ _________ ___ __________ ______________ ________ ____ ___________ ___ 1928 ..... ......... ___ _______ _____________________________________ ________ _______ ________ __________

49 61 J 86 81

192 ~----- ---- -· - ····· ·······-- -------- ------- ------------------------------------------ ----· ---- 86

'fOTAL .................... ---------- -- ------------------------ --------------------408


INDEX PAGES 173-17!)



CONTENTS Accounting ............................................ ............................................... .................81} Adm inistration .... ; .......................................... ......................... ............ ..... ........ 5-2(') Adm iss ion ................ ................................ ........................ ................... ................... 43 Advi se rs ........................ .................................. .................. ............................. .......... 20 Argu mentation a nd Debate ... ...................... ....... ...... ... .............................. .. ..... 38 Art ........................ ........................................ .. ........ ................ ......................... ......... '. 5 Astronomy .............................................. .......................... .................................... 11 T Athletic Field ..................................... ....................... ....................................... ... 26. Ath leti cs ........................................................ .............................. .................... ........ 28. Attend a n ce, Summary of .............................. .... ... ... ........................................ 171 Au ditorium .......... :......................................... ............ .. .... ...................................... 20 Ba nd .................................... ................................................ ............................ 26, 112 Boa rd, student ............................. .......... ............... .. ............. .. . ................... ........ 34 Boa rd of Education .................................... .......... .. ..... .................... .......... ......... 7 Botan y ..................................................................... ............................................... 77' Bio~og i cal Science .... .... ..... ................................................................. .................. 'i7 Bookk ee)jling ...... ............................................. .............. ............. ............................30, B uild ings .... ........................... ................... .. ........ .................... ... .... ......... .. .............. 24Ca lend ar .................................................................................. .. _.. ,.......... ............... 2 Ca mpus ............ .................. ...... ...................... .... .......... ... .. ........ ............... .............. 26' Camp Fire Training ............................ ....................... ........... ..... ....... ..... ............. 37 Ca t holic Association ........................................................................................ :... 26· Cer tificates ...................................................................................................... 44, 55 Chem istry .............................................................................................. ...... ........ 116: Cho ru s ............................................................................................................ 27, 111 Class ification of Students ................................................................................... 37 Com merce ............................................................ ....... ....................................59, 8(} Comme rcia l Law ............................... .......... ...... ................................. .................. 81 Committees of F a cul ty ......................................... .. ... ....................... ........ .......... :0Corres poridence Courses ....................... ..... ............... ............................... ...... 123 Courses ef Instruction .............................. ............. ............ ........................ 73-1 20, Cr edits ........ .......................................... ........................................... ............... ......... 36 Curri cu la .................... ................................. .. ................................................... 41-72 Curriculum .................................................................... .... ........ .. ............ ....... ... .... 82-Da ily P r ogr am s .... ... .......................... ..................................................... ...129-142 Deba ting ................. ........................................... ........ .. ................................... ...... 88 D eg r ee .............. .. ....... ........................................... ........... .......... ................ 44 , 45, 49 · Degrees I ss u ed, 1922 to date ........................ .......... ................ .................. 163-16 8 Di ploma ............ ......................................... ................ .... ... .. ..... ...................... 44, 163 Di s t ri bu tio n of Gr ade s .......... ...... ...... ............. ............... .. ........................... ....... 39 Dormitory ............ .. ........................................ ... ............. ............... ......................... 25 D ramati c Club ................................................................... ................. ... .............. 26 D raw ing (S ee Gen eral Art) .......... .............. ...................................................... '75 E a r ly Elemen tary Education ...................................... .. ............. ...... .50 , GO, 86' E d u cation ...... ...... ................................................................................................. 81 Ed uca t ional Ieas urem ents .............................................................................. 87'



Ed u ca ti on al 0 r gan iza tions ______ ____ -------------------- ___ ___ __ __ ----------------------------------------26 Edu cation a l Socio logy --------------------------------------------- --------------- ---------------------------88 E le menta ry Education ---- ------------------------------------ ---- -----------------------------------51, 62 Elementa r y State Cer tifi ca te ---------------- ---------- ------ ----------------------------44, 71 163 Eliza Morgan H a ll ---- --····· ·······-- --------------------- ------------------- -----··----------- -----------'..... 25 English -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45, 88 Entra nce Requir eme nt ------------- ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------43 E pis co pa l Club _.. _______ ... ----- .. --------------· ----- -------------- ------- --- ------------------ ------------------26 Euge nics .... ------------ -------- --------- --------------------------- --------.. --- ... --------·--... ---------·-----·------79 Everett Lite r ary Socie ty ____ ----------------- ... ______ ...... -·--· ------------------ _______ .. _____ ___--------26 Executive 0 ffi ce rs ___ .------------ .. ---------------------- --- ----------------- ........ -------------_____________ ___7 Exp ense ___ .... ---------- ... ---------------------------- ---------------- ---------- -- ---------- ---------.---------. _______34 Expression (See Speech Educa tio n) Extension Cou r ses ---------- ---------- --------------·······--------------------------------------121 Extra Curric ul ar Activiti es --------------------------------------------- --------- --------- ---------------84 F ees ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------34, 103, 109, 121 Fees for non- res ~::l e nt stud ents .... ----------------------------------------· ··-------------------------35 Foreign Language40 ·--------------------------------------------·---·----·----------------------------- ----------92 Freshman Clubs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28

G. A. A. -------------------------------·-------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------28 General InformaUon --------- ·---------------- - -------- ------------------ ------ -·----------------------21-40 Gene ti cs and Evolution __________ .. __ _______ __ ___ _____ .________ ____________ ------------------·-------- _______ 78 Geography a nd Geology ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------------ --------------------------.44, 94 Girl. ' Choru s ----- --------------- -------------------- ---------------·--· -··· ---------------------------- __ ___ ___ 27 Gi r Is' Club ____ ····-- ·---·-------------- ------------·---------- --------------- -- --------------------- ______ _____ _____ 26 Grading Sys te rn -------------- ·----------- ------- ----- ------------ --- ------- ---------- ·------- ---- ...... ______ _____38 Gymnasium --------------------------------------------------------------·········------------------------- _________ __ 25 Hea lth ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29 High School ---- ---- ----- -- --------- -------- ----------- ------ --- ------------ ------------------------- --- -----5 8, 118 Histo ry ---------------- ---------------------------------------- --------·--·-----------------------------------------45, 96 Histo ry of Education ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------88 Home Economics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------45, 53, l&l Honor Societies ----·------------------·------------------------------------------------------·---------------------27 Hygiene ------·-------·-----·--------·---··--------------·---·--- ------·------------·--------------· ·-------- -----------103 Industri a l Art ------------- ----- --·----·-------------------·------·----------- ·--------------------··--·----··-·----75 Infirma ry -- - - -- ------·--·- ----------- -----------------------------·---- - ----- - ------- - -----~-------------- -------- - ··--- 25 Instruction __ ._______ ---.. __ __.------ ______ __ .______ ... ____ _.... ----.__ ...__ . __.... ---. _______-------.. ___---.-- .-------7 Junio r High School ------------------------------ ---- --------------- ----- ---- -------------------------58, 118 Kindergarten ------------ -------------·---- _----------· ----------. _____... ______ ___ __ .... ---------------------------60 Laboratory Fees ---··---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------35 Latin ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------92 Lect ures ------------ -- ------ ------------------------------- ·------------------------------ --------------------------------29 Libra ry ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 Life Certificate .. ---------------------------- ------ ----.... --·---. --- ---------- ------· .------------------------------ 70

~~:i~gF~~~e~~~~--::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;~

Lo ca ti on _... ------------------------·---------------------------------. ---· .---------- --------___________ __________ ______24



Modern Languages ------- ------ ------------------------------ ----------------------- ·--------------- ____ ___ ____ 39

~~::l:·;l ~~~-i-~;t;~~ ··:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . . . . . . .~-~:..5.5.·_ -~-~-~~ ~~ l\I.anual Arts (:.\ Ianual Training) ----------------------------------------------------.45 , 52, G4 l\Ia thematics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------·----------------- -45, 107 l\I atricu la tion Fee ---- ------------------------------------------------·--------------··------------------- --------35 l\Iemo r ia ls ·····-------- ----------------------------·---------------------------------------- ............................ 30 Ille n 's Cho1·us ···--- ------- --- -----------------------------------------------------------···---------------------------27 III en's Club -------------------------------------------------------------------------------···---------------------------2 6 '.\Ienta l Testing ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------87 !\Iinors --- -------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------·-------46, 56, 73-120 '.\It. Vernon H a ll -----------------------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------25 l\[usic -------------------- ----- ---- ---------------------- ---- ---------------- -------------------·------ 27 , 45, 67, 109 Ka t u r e Study --· ---------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------·---------------------------'i9 Korma l Diploma (See Diploma) Konna l Training __ ------------------------------------------------------------------- .---------------------------54 Kt1m berin g of Courses ----------------------------------------------------------.------------ ---------------75 Kurse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·--- ------------------25, 29 Observat ion -------- ----- ------ -------------- ----- -- --- --------- -- ----- -- --- -------------···-------------------------119 Orchestra ------------------------------------------------------- --- -- ------------------------............................ 27 01·ganiz a tion s ---------------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------26 Orphe us Club ---- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------27 Orthog1·aphy --- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ............................ 80 P. Club --------- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -----------------·............................ 28 Parent-Teach er Association --------------- ------------------ ----- -------- -···---------------------- ----- 85 Penmanship --- --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------·.---------------------- -----80 P ersonnel Work ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ---40 P erus in gers ---- ------· --- -------- ------ -------------------------- ------------ ------------.--- ---------------- --- -----27 Philomathean Literary Society -------------------- ------------------------.---------------------------26 Physical Education --- ------------------------------------------------------------- -----------45 , 113, 115 Physical S ciences ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------45, 116 Physics -·--·---------- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------·------------------45, 117 Pi Gamma Mu ------------------ --------------------------------------------------------·.---------------------------28 Pia no ---------- -------- ----------------- -------- -------------------- ------- -------------- ------·------------ ----- --- -----109 Plays and Games ------- -------------------------------------------------------------·---------------------------86 Poli tical E conomy (Econom ics) -------------------------- --------------·---------------------------98 Power Plant ------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -. ____________ __ _____ 25, 26 Primary ----·----------- ------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------GO Principl es of Teaching ---------------------------------- ------- ----- ------------ _______________ _____ _______ 33 Professional Life Certificate -------------- ------------------------------------- -- --------- -- --- --------70 Profession a l Subjects ------------------------------ ---------- --------------------·---------------------------47 Psychology ----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------·--------------------·------81 Pu blic S chool Art -·------------------- ---------- ----------------- -- ------------------ ________ _______ _____ 65 , 75 Publi c School Music ----------------------------------------------------·--------------- --- 67 , 109 Reci ta! s ____ ___ -------------- ______________________ ___ ___ ________ __ _____________________ _-----·. -------------- -- __________ 29 Recreation ------------------·-- ------------------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------28 , 29 Refunds --------- -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- __________________ ___ 35, 36



R egistratio n ··· ············· ··· ············ ···················· ··· ......................................... 3 R e li g iou s Organi zations .......................................... .......... ........................... 26 Renewal of Dip lomas a nd Ce rtifi c ates .............................. .............................. 70 Requir em e nts, Entr a nce ...... ................................... ........................................... 43 R eq uireme n ts, General ................ ................................... ............................ 45, 57 R es id e n t Attendance ...... ........ ........................... ................................................ 40 R oom and Board ... ....... .............................. ................................................. .........34 Ru ra l Educatio n .................................... ... ....................... 68, 69, 4. 85 Scholastic Honors ..................... ......... ................................... ............................ 31 School Adm in is tration ............ ......................................................................... 4 School :.\Ia nagement ....................... ......... .................................... ...................... 81 School Fees .............................. ........................................ ..... ............................... 34 Science Building ........... .............................. ..... ........................ _. ......................... 25 S cou tmaste rship Trai n ing .................................... ............-................................. 87 Shortha n d .................................. ............................................ ........................ 80, 31 Sigma Tau Del ta Medal ............. ................................. ........... ............................. 33 Soc ia l Orga ni zation s .......................... .... ............. ...............................................26 Socia l Science .................... ............................................................................ 45, 96 Sociol ogy ...................... ......... ......................... ..........................................44, 45, 97 Spanis h ............................................... ......... .................................................... ...... 93 Speech Education ........................................... ......................... .......... ........... ...... !ll State Boa rd of Ed u cation ................................................ ............................. ....... 7 S ta te Ce r t ificates ............ ....................................................................... 44, 70 , 71 Sto1· y T e ll ing ........................................................................... ........................ .... .. 86 S tu dent Activities ........................................................................................... 26- 28 Student Lo a d ............................... ........................................... ............. .................. 40 Stude nt Loan Fun d ...................................................... . ....... ......... ................. .30 Students, Roster of ................................................... ............. ..................143-162 tu dy Cente r ............................................................................ ...... ............121-128 Summer School ...................................................................................................... 3 Super in tend ent Training School ........................................................... 29, 118 Swen son Scho larship .............................. ... ...................................... ........... 32, 33 wimming ... ........................... ........... ....................... .......... .... .......2 , 29, 113-115 Swi mm in g Pool .............. ......... ......................................... ............. ....... .......... 25, 28 Table o f Contents .................................................................. .. ................... 173-179 Teachers' P lacement Bure au ........................ ......................................... .... ......29 Teach ing ................... ................................................................................. .... 87, 119 T ennis Club .......................... ................ ..... ........................ ................................. 28 Text books .... ...................................................................... ............................. 34, 35 T heory of Education .. ........ ......... ............................... ....... ............. .................... 82 Train ing School ................................................................... ............... 25, 83, 118 Typewriting ................................................................... ...... ..... .. ............ .............. 80 Vacation ........................................... .............................. ........... .. .............................. 3 Violin ........ ...................................................... ....... ............. .................................. 110 ... 85 Vitalized Agr icultur e ......................................................... . Voice ................ ....... .... ........................................................................................... 111 Y . :\I. C. A ................................................................. ....... ....................................... 26



Y. W. C. A .........,.....................................................................................................26 Withdrawal from Courses ................................................................................ 39 Zoology ·····-······················-·-···-·············-·············-···········-····--·····························"' 78

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