1932-1933 Peru Pedagogian Issues 1-27

Page 1


w.as g iven over to the educational 0U'1se u.-..oa, arJorle oung,

of t ests, while the following Thlursday <;:lair.e co

t heir social engagements bu.t con- ; m ornin g was r.e5erved. f.or the Phy- .rW1Jma Jacka, Joseppme der of t

ditions have lat.eJ,y so tihat \ cth<5logkal examination. ! Bl'1ssey Ralph Mlason, Carn;:fHa s9 l? At the'. Brookside by Edward .nearly .a.ll/ of the me.n ca n l ocate th eir , · I'Bro g.n.a,' PauJ Landdlt, Ma.r1e lady friends without a n;y great effort\ FRESHMAN MEETINGS ler, Edg.a.r Ga hlow a y, Margaret Troy -th · rt. Th fr hm · t 1' Th fi t ·- f tr.: F - '- I er, Dade E. Booth,. Olyde Knapp Lare on e.t.r pa e

meeo vug ·o ,..,. re:suman I · · not do it in o ne dav-leave class was hcld Toorsday, September 1 it unti l t he Jast week an-d "w-e'J l ,·1s of the meetjng oonsis- 1 · J' .. , . · "·'. cram 1 ted .l:ll eie.ctin g the Freshman repre-

. I · / sen t.a ti on f.or t he' newlly formed Stu: j · · · t, Dq you inhale? Do .y-0 u bre athe.? dent .Advisor.y Nominf1l.tions 1 There is a dllference <Yf' course. ·We. made were Robert Fitch, Rohrs, H:ighl a JJd Park Junior High School of a:ll breat.he and se ven <>u.t of ten of G eorge G.ates. ;a,nd PauJ Lewis for the D t '"t' M .. "'' . . d . · d t k b M ""- 1 e.roi ,· 1c11 1gan, otng ca e wor ""' inhale hut if :yoo ar,e one of tlh & oy s, w .11!1e art Pisar, Betty Hin- Sh t E' lish,. .,,.. , . e 1s ea..,,. ng ng sev en you Petter make ar rangements che v, Ml:d E v:&lyin Davis w ere the girls'

wi.th Dean Delzell fo r t r.anspo rtad;i,o.n · scho.{)l

M xweU, p rosoe ctiv·e mem

f riendship, is a t.est ()f sincerit y. l meeting, 22-, her or the of 1932, bias Serv ices Octo ber 2, 9.:45 · nUJles. 1-ega.rd tng :eserve

a. m. Chiuirch school. Cdllege

t81U ght by Professor. N abors ·· I In addition, fm:a..l plans concerning

11; 00 a. m. morn ing worship. Ser- · the class picnic were

s first g roup· · activity· 1\ Thursday, Octo ber -6, 7:0.0 P• m. i an · Chu.rc'h .a v e_ry " 'inte.resting lnost 'interestin g ev e.ning w

in theri r fon qui te ing. i J!a y eve.rung. fI'e IUSOO· :as hls" theme. .forg.ot the h.u g-e hen .fi re w r.ich us u;all v An.y college p er;on wo rk.i:i:i

F1·ienddy share his or her tii.lent fo r the g-0 od of as t he church.es a nti J, other 1 smiles fla sh€d .back and f-0rth Miss t he cause.; . ' j reliig'EOIUS

vices.' En t er to w.orship,,


- - ·- ::.::::: :._. _:. :: ·-· -

FOO'ffiALL :OtrfLOOK , _' EvaMt<>n, , Evo .-Y ghf on the "l'mpw; i$ we\- twenty !l<"P. w.h en was a • \Da ll R oh.-s; H,.el NU., and : BEs·r IN IJllinoi• Tbs , c\;>,.;fioation;"" flowor- oome to join ti.rn Eooh, \>oY- T hen "" , the •budenl• arrived Hu l>ert Filley; juniors ; Ruth ll""xby , With the '"'""t '"'""' in the "", ;n g pJ,ants ;, Jl<r., Wjnte.-', "'"'" ·Y- wJPl find ac tiwtles whi eh ,,he will en- on the t'3in• apd long .,,oc.S<ri?" aOO 'c:!o'weJI; seni°'5; Belva t<><y of the sch '· \h• Pe Bob ea" I He ;, the author of,. "An Andy•'' o; j oy -"' .,,•.fin< ' 0 "'" ""'"'" w dked "" the "''' to the college, The c.ro., and H•mor Hatebe!·"" predict<n g '"n th" '""'"'iul , the Flowe dn g Plant• of IDt p in b• ll , wted S<>p- •inall )>oy• of the town e.,-ned thefr ! _,..,on, Seventeen leU.cme'I_ """ an I "The co= t<y "ound P"u ;, a teml>e< 2' ,;n_ P p)'ee ' 'l'end in< mo n ey by ha"""g the,he avy abw>dance of MW. mat .,;.l >'• on [ bot '" i' '" P"'di"/ ,. a, ' r ema'k coull<I not be hel d •oon" beea""e the baggage ID thefr little wag<•" That I h iand w.itl"!I whi ch to bui ld a, tea.pi•. I m,aide by. Mr. Winter. Southeaster.n -moor was bei:ng t.!m.e tpe: s chooL ye ar J:>e gan with a, KINGS BARBER 'SHOP

Your Co ac hes, Gilk eso,n a p.d L<?rbee r: i _is parti<;ularly inte r estin g ed. tru.y now it is 1 an ice have J thefr e:a.1l .11 I(lo a J:> ota ni st as it has .both the v eg-

The freshman in th ose days_were not season wor,kou ts toward fund am,e ntaJ s. et ati ora · o.f the ryii ssi ssip pi Valley ' · - • t. ·g iven such i ndi v1diuaJ attention . as I UULLDOGS WORRY K,IT'iiENS Several chan ges in ) t :l:!e, <fo.otba)\ _of, ;t,h1;·

h?ys cul" hove_. been P'"'"'lnte<l 1Th• M "- Wfote' haa a i.o ,.00;ved he< (C'" tinued "from fi"' t pagi.) · " ·: \ .' • • vars ity sqiu a.<li has cu.t to !n and is in:er· h:1f., buti t,.w"ice t.erri1 ' t... ; ·

·· •· .tlhree tea'!'•· Jud ., ng tr•m .,t.,1"n the pla"t :Jde of '"'-Yin.•t>•. pe ri od• '-'>11- ng ., STUDENT ADVIS ORY COU NCIL m-Inimag., hdd '" '" thru-e w"1 be f 1'h. Jam" o Law, enie, i n•tm>eto' vetenn P..-u tackle, deli ml'<! qne of t . :( ci?.n iif/'4 l;om ,fi rot: page. ) p.1enty of 9 0, JT.lpeti o.n fo r team 1 in phy•ieo and ch=-Y .,h"!' •'"''' m"'! of t)>o -evmti"<! wh"' or f aculty <"' ' "l b"": A ot\on · ,_.,,._ H,. \ •'''' 4 Uu ee Y"'' '' Wo•:!f at tho in ih• thfrd peclqd, he __ -toOk tlll"""" taKOn, by , 00 mntit.tle .,;U fa v_or- J <Ye:fl<l'S lettermen b of sho,rt and scampered to the a bJy rece ived b.y the uidm1 ms tra ftlo.n : Capta:i,n " H om.er. :rv,i:i'lle,r, ceiv,ed 'his M· s. and Ph. D .. Bulldog Bl .yaaj line btil9re, Ile the c c;>Hege. I (. Harr.is, backfield; 1He did his undergraduate ,· at (! hecked 1 r ' '" · · · r , and Lut man iD h· D·'-1 n c l C 'I • el pe!l"so n:n el of the _,,..u de nt Ad., • • "" .-; • g ce , ; '. '' •tun • m ege of, Norl'!fieW, 11(linn- •Auhur.n led 1n all d'"!"'tm•°" ' ':." , T-0!lq, H-0w.,d_ Ha.,,,..-,, fothec ;, an ;n,t<uetor ;. that of /J>e z• m"' ,,.ve pa,,.ing, '"'

'' Committee c Ja;:' Oairrm!lJ}l.ieal! Bruce, We bb ipstitut.i_o.n: Organic a_rsenjc coµi· Peruvians held .a c!ear · w.rs ek ct.ed at fpeci.al 1;)eeti ng·s find PErdersen, I_rn eme.n,,, H:a.t l!h f:!ir po u.n:ds is a fi e1d of h is wo rk in The Edie ooached

anid( ¥x-C.ap t. To1Iey_ a

Tennis and golf . are sports in The em.t'ire Au:purn play· ·· r- · RICE & B. which Mr. finds active en· ed well, B.11adner, Bohl. and ·Abington i'ohoel, Fdl ey; Chmt<ao , P"'"' Coe, joyrr.-"''- !le '' al•o i ntec.,ted iio be io g ""M an<ling In,, tJie tinO wmg; N.e:br .aska GitN;, Cook, musi'c. El 'unt. a"n·d Har,pham looked· the hest. J3.rock; / For Peru., ,. and , C,apt!jin J?.a, bie r, Peru, Denn.y, ·. Nli'. W / Kelso 'impressed in backfield, \ ,. Eth.mgt q_n, t F.aubel7 • • 1 1while seemed the formidF·, bier Pe ru ; f1tch, iBl'at ts - I ·. from fir st pag e.) I ( :' ' mouth; Ga.ines, Pe ru.; Gilbert, etic_writfo gs and chatter .a deilicious '.ple hne.sma.n. - The lme1--up. ' Goit, J·01hin rn n; Green wa ld, F_a.11 Ci ty; wurse s u'pper-·was serv ed to the · Pe;.11 (O) r_(5'.) I The deP,rensioJJ iJi sh.op a re lower th'an ha ve· ob een for ·over tw en ty l - • years. · H ii..r cuts are 25; Hair oil la rge .35 ; small .20 · · · T ) < Same Careful Courteo us nlent • · • ·.·TreatHarris, Wymore; Homer Hatcher, M0: sioc t.y - ·., , I LE · :C!"Vm I Valley.; Hat.ch r ,, Mo \li all ey ; ' As the .n beh11\<l tf,. ; hprizon I Tynon _ LT :·' Clark! Haruptman, Neb ra ska City ;- Hertz, th E•.g,u <}sts -dep arted with a. warm 1 S tr omqlllst LG · C01UJ.tei: '

M:alvem; Ho1ema n, Pe ru ; fee1";,1g of Jn_ the region Pugh ·• C· McC!!!nnel '"---,-_-

Brnn ough; Knapp, N<'W'l>a ; La nd- , of the hmt , Rnuc--o RG , , Ha.-pham '

dolt, p.,,.. · L,w;,, Sbpheo t; L. Lok<n; 1 I LM hy · RT 1)1.,,_,,t - ' Ali...1 on · L t · F · b it : • Adams RE · He'n"derso 1 -· • JJ u man, 1 a ir u r,y.; ln as_o n 1 !<.ITTEN GRIDS-MEN · I · n Ptlatsmouth; Ma xw ell, Mc- ·· • I Hazelton QB Sailors GAR \ GE Alee.r P "'I' '..l" ·Miller P er u· M'lle r SMA\L AND LIGH-i;- Kelso, · cap t. LR Brad ner '! > > > \'T" h r Ewi,ng ; .Mowe, Stell a; -N \:lwton P·e1•J· •t ';) l Iv sev en l_e !·}r men avail- I .Pa lmer R:f : Ostendorf, l Odell; :ab le, true P.enu, under the FB Bohl Pate, .Pe ru; Parsons, Verdon jpecler- new tute4age of :ai form er I en 1 Coll I Re. eree- Pl ac!l. Umpi re-W arren f?en , Opi ah a.; )':enney, Pike, R©land E<liie, fa<;e a trYin g J{ead Linesman-Gowe. Alb-iqn; P.ee)<, Tecumseh; Pri ef ert, scheduJe for the _current fo ot ball Re.y.n olds; Pu g.h, Pe ru ; . Al t hou gh a squad of DR. CHATELAIN RETURNS f IOME :W.ym ore; Rei sin g·e.i·. York ,· Sh <>fer two 1 s i·epo rting, th."Y are, for the · (C · t" · 1 1 e v 1 T 01? mued from page.) Lil:>er ty; Story , Te ci Jms eh1·


l "t q ua rte'. :

, , . , • , , , Sept. 30 Siiube« __ _: __ now the •tandacd

'. Se,ver.al , _likely ea""1d •)e• for .•. Oct, 1 llilm)>oldt -'''

oemtio we" out t"""' Oct 14- Ellmw-0od y . not have P'"" doeo not know -..

:_::: ..• P_,ERU BAKEJ.:STERINYER \ ' -. I . ' -----there 0 ' l I 1.nto g aine. · • 1N o.v.


were 'Obtai.n.a)Jle. DeJ.1c101US portions\ elected president of the state norm'll I hrons bro ke, venders cne.od t•h.eir I at Humboldt. of these succulent fruits brought bo.ard to succeed the late Cot T. J. I Kappa Si"g m ·,1 1 wares-c ?.ndy, pop c or n, p ea.nm.ts, gr.ati.fying ahs! of satisfacti on from ll Mo n. Oct. 10; <I . , h J M•aJors olf Peru at a spe<:Jal meetm g I/ Alpha 7 to 8; Ki.nderg-arten 11cracket!:' c i- nd 1ed ap;;ks- -.at the ,aJ J, And then, JU,St to iplay · a.voe · I

w1th r educing programs Olf. the ll

he1d at Lincoln M.Q.1"lld:ay. Hon. Edg aT· Pr1mar.y C:lub, 7 to 8; Sigma /. Img sc oo fan· Wednesday, ep:temfemaJes !tasty shel'berts of multi· hues Fe·r.neau of Auburn was eJecte-d Vice- V aiu e ta · I U 'l eff t f 1..ro d h 1 '· . n.1 e'U or s o u1 !The: .a,n sc oo a nd colors. we.re pres1de:nt to succeed Mr. Knapp. / rnaide the fair a.n u.n-O!i puted succei: By the ti me1 the_ ,process I The following resolution eulog:iz - PEOP' 'E FLEE ' ICo nversatio.n,


was the wev1taple Iin g Col. Majors, deceased president LI

was th reat e:ni1.n,g and t he entire ba.nd of h Bo .:i 1 FALLEN BJ\:STILE ·

1. ,,,_.:i t e ar., was unan-imti us y a.d"Opt - I ' ' ' ' and s_atis..wt:<.11. ed:

Too p1cmc w.a.s prono.un.ced a rOlllS- ' 1

· H H t h mg s uccess u >y .au.u. "The Black Flami.ngo" Chosen (as of re; J

1r · ,_ all _,:i '- "The deutlh of Colonel MaJOrs \ c

· t• d ed·t d M. T brought to a close the hfe of one o1' ·

A. PLAYS HIT PIN BALL g reat .a:biJ1ty a.TJd Tihe Hi>.st.ile had fa11e.n and the no- g.rade.; Le:nore Larson, four th gr a.c:Je.; thru th eJ

ness to the upbwlcling of thns state bj.Lit.y were fteei.ng from P a.ris, taking Di

w.as a;n .avowed s uccess. The :n.oor v.aca.ncy on the board hy the The Bla ck Flarn,mg a, whnch the ON TO VICTORY! Io count, the Peruvi.ans dfa played was in espec;iailily g ood cond!ition death <Jf Colonel MajO'rS has rot bei:J1 Pe ru Dr.am at'.c Club wiJJI pr.esent as I Marj orie You ng, Gertrudie Flinn, goo d f.o o.tball. Their victo1 s sh <>wed thou.g.h many p e.opile wient home dis- \filled. Governor Bryan Monday sMd theJ Homecomm g pl " y, Sat.urd ?.y afte r: Mark Muali;ns and 'C.ub' Collins are re

y ea r. voke much mirth and gymnastics an CIRLS CLUB tJie Triig a ud, thl.l Im?de th .e au<l:itorium ring with the j Forrest Musse;n, Shiu.bert's I ri1pl e the part of the d.a.nc e rs. 1 INITIAL CHAPEL j C ag l:i os;t.ro: a.nd the songs, and cheers for Peru. The. new j 1.-h.rei<J t .ba ck, the of the, The new or.cihestra w hic h lS j a nd Jetsam of the kingdom of tlnev- / song A So ng of .Lo.ya1lty' was mt r o· · ofie.ns e for tlhe w1.n.ners. stocky to be a p ermanent org.a nfaatio.n was Thie G iJ1}.s' 01ub held its first meet- iery and murtder who by .a straJJge duced and qui.Clkl,ly pickie.d up by the I quJ.l rt e rb !l.c.k, als·o play e<C! wEllJ.. excep ti"ona.ily g-0od. Eu ni ce Bur- ' ing of the .year o;n Wednesday Sept fre.ak olf .hiistory are thrown t'o g eth'er students. : For the Kitten s, Leahy o.n, offense, brirlge at the piano; Da na S nli.der, cor-1 28. At t his meeti:n g Dorothy Rark- in this weird seitting. Eve.Lyn Brecht c.al!led on C1Mch I am d Kelso o.n d ed'e.nse pe rformed. 11 et; Husto.n .KingsOllver, clari net; son resi g:ned as president of the c1lu bi. - Gi'lkes·o,n, Coach Lorb ee r, and Capt- / Peru (0) Shube rt (6 4) Charles Trenholm, trombon;e;


PERU L- arnd ,art is beau.ty, so simp The three...f'oid er1. EXTENSJV'E PLANS thlngs are the more artistic and pleas- physic:ail, menta,l a.n.d

ing to the eye. ts bu.t was expressed by u rien ! MA "E JN A Gompa.rativeJ.y fe;w in by, Genetv:ieve- Beatty and :Ma'The tuJ' w.iU pecome consumers J . . Ca-iso.n Florence Martm read,, . t ·nciples enteT. Tra1rung '" k which •ar prL d' Dreamer.' Design Classes Expect to <Jo Wor ie,eded t&· become wise >8.nd lS- Devotio nals were given QY Leona IS. n. Ml people d t .:i •ir•a.a For Peruvian .cr1rn,rnatmg p . h __ ..:u i;ncr.ease Givem;, y. W. presi· en a.iuu · · g whic w""' 1 / A N \ DiddeJ an:d Miss Papez triaiimn f the b;ea.u- Hi ema.n. h "' p E D A G Q G I . Both Miss ma.de t,hieir ccmcious o i iLife in M the light from the can.d!le whic ,,,_..,. of the art depa rtment hav.e bh m.m-0n things 0 · ea-ch arirl he\d., c:.nread, so the de,epe_r their ties .in ei asterpii•eces -df art. ,,,... ......., care:tiul ptlans for ibhie work m

life in;dliviiduaJ meanJJers i.n the classes g.rades c·omprise t e u nti. These aJizatW.n .of a Ul an ere.a i.ve 11 h .damentalls .and .aims of a through a growing kn'.Owlledge of Gad• •here t.he en rol;Lment is srrwlu. e™?ug f the stu- h · ki "' are brought oll!b by meians -0 the part indivdiu.alls

Peruvi:an staff many doIlais ormer Y fi.rst class meeting he.ld on ThuTsd a y, T·helma .A;nn Broly.eir -.o an · ie gfve.n to commercial artists and September 15, the following

Lndustri.al Arts is · also I Cecil Rawson, viic:e:.:P re8ide.\i..i '. SIDi!'.111 this year dri.e to the fact that Ric.hard BIYthe, secre.tar.y Is t.his .yea1· just another school year to you- grad.es to make, classes a S °'nhomore subje,Ct came .at the I b Jyae -: h · •- ...: same -hour. Miss Didd.eJ w:ill a;llow a ·M· t'tdred F·iJmer, class r.ep.orter to gq to--same old grind or is it someitJiing new, somet mg m.vcres"1:ng, wider dhoice i.n th:e prO'bilems to be everyday, ever.y migute? For .you is it opportunHy tiime? D'O you know worked o1ut. She pLans to have the ' HIGH SCHOOL p CLUB MEETS your next door neigJiibor? No? Them get acquainted. You are pro)JabLy cl?.ss work on some large ;projects I A meeting of thle Peru high school miss.ing s omth!i.ng. How d:o yo.u know but ihie or she may b;e a ta/lented pi.ano one of which will be drops for the , athletic cLU!b, composed of letter men p)bayer, an a1:t }Vorker wh.o mak.es clever things, a person who is outst.and- dr.amatic c.lu.b. · · I o.nly was h&ld FridJa y, Sept., 16. At ing i.ri. athJ.eit;ics, or may.be a.noth€ir pe rson just lik.e .you.rseilJf who likes the One of ltilie t?at eve{' j the the club elected the ihJas beein enroUed i.n d.es.1gn is enro - Gl Cl es same things over which you enthuse. .B01ople are so interesting. Get ac- , s· the class is lfollowing offioe.rs: en ary, pr·" led th1s y.ear. 1nce •. t"dent·, 'Edmund v- lvick, vice-presi- qU'!1.inted. Don't miss any opp'Orfunity for friends )J,a rge the re be: l•ess md1v1dual \ . Leah = secretary-treas And an ther tJti;ng. How abou.t this town we a·ive in? Do you eiver l cho.ice tJh!e .eint.ire cll'.ISS wdlil work dent, Percy · y, ·· · ' · \ urer · gr oa.n tl<t the amo1mt of 1hills yt>u have to cJimb and wish there ele- o.n thei same pr-0 bUem at the san:e · vat.ors to take .you up .a.nd down them? I do Bu.t aren't h.ills time. The- first pa.rit of the y.ear ':Ill I Enrollment in Elemen.tary Dep't i.ng, too? What's on the o.tihe.raide-ju.st over .the top, just beyond the be d e1voted to the of. The enrollment for t·lw elementary iand the seco nd Jilail:f will e g1v.ein o :<-Le tr.·o•n,;ng sch001 is horizon? Go· hdking. Take aaong some fri6llds, some eats, a camera. Ba 'k k d t ;,-= vL i.n applied dei:frg.n. t1 wor an ye as fo.Uows: K.inde.rg arte.n 15 boys, 15

The )JlufJfs and the l.a.nd a.long the river present some of the mo,st bea..uti- and dye :a.re two of the interesting girls, totad 30.; First grade 5 boys , I ful spots in. Nebrask.a. Get .ac.qu.ainted with Peru so thaJt in after _ years \ su)>j ects to be studied. 5 g;irfs, total lO.; Second g rade 7 bo.ys here w.iU )Je one place tlh.a.t. is allmost home to you. The Arts Methods cl ass lS one of 6 girls, totail 13; Third grade 7 boys, I, . Ithe largest th.at hias •biee:n. enrolled in And the classes; don't forg.et the;m. Do yo.u know tlhiait probably never · 6 girls, tota!I. 13; Fourth grade 5 )Joys I , · ·11 b bl · ·• t' d · h the course. 8 · I t +-- 1 13 Fifth _,_ 8 h aga.m w1 you


THE PARABLE OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN IN COLLEGE. ''Dlid y-0.u ev.er hear the pa1ia1ble the good samarita.n in an American College?

A certain Freshman came down from home u:n.to cojllege, and she• fell .amo;ng critics wh'O said t hat heir c.1otihoes didn't fit, and she hadn't got sty{le· and heir was unfortunate, aind they ro)Jhed her oi her self-confi.deince and ihe.r enthusiasm, and d.eparted ileaving her sick and so re at and d•ead. A.nd ,b.Y cha noe .a certain Jun.for passed that way, and when soo Sl!JW he.r, shle said, ' "WJ:i.at a gdod -jo.b thi0se Sophomore Critics clid," and she p;aissetd by on the othe.r s:iide: And a c etrtai.n Senior came tJ.hiat w.ay, and she said, ''Yea, v.eri!y, for she hadn't the making of .a good sorority g.ii-0.", and she pas::.ed by on the othe.r side. But <a t.ain speciial stu.dent as sihe journietved that way, came woo1-e she. was, and she had co.mpaiSsion ·on he1· and took her to he.r room .and· .bound u.p her wounds, pouring in u.nderstanding and s.ym.p.athy .and frienidlin;e&s. And she put hw on her :feet ag,ain and :introduced her to her own .£riends and w;as .a friend t'.O her. these thnee thi'nkest thou pr-01V1ed neighbor to the FreSlb'man t,hat feU, amo.ng t1he cr.itics?

G·o Thou and do Thou likewisei" Charles Gilkey

changed in yea;rs and has Edie, firs,t griade; F.lorene<e Wlilkbroaoon.ed ;t,a a large degree. Form- mson, .third g,r.ade; Zelma Va1ke.r, I erJy courses consisted chiefly -0f '1 Wade Pu.gh, fourth gr.ade; Marie resentatio.n which haid as i;ts aim to 1 sixth grade.. teach pupijs ho.w to draw objE.\cts and Blend.a Anderson, t:Jilincll g.r.ade; to show form ".and c·oi-or. Now draw-, Hope Carter, Marjorie Voil;lentine, ing ,..hias b,1•oadened and .not fifth grade, are .former students who ornl.y represetntation but a.llso illustra- .havie returned. .tio.n. whiC:hi makes possible thei ex., p.Iiession af creative thinking.

Y. W. CANDLE LfGHT SERVICE T.hlis is appl:ied to tthe v.ario.us VERY IMPRESSIVE phaaes oif the .art of the home, as fur.nitu.re arr.angeme;n.t, p:ic- WJ:i.en. trees wer.e sii!l'h-ou ettes in tur.e Jiianging., w.a11 d.ec-0ra.tions, drap- black .against th.e sky, and iPeople e1rles, -floor coverings.; of b:eiaut;ifying darker shadows that quickly pass.ed\ thie ho.me garden which in turn baa.u.- and the;n were go.ne, Y· W. hel:d its 1Jid'ies th:e ,community whether it b.e a cain.cUeaight service,


How do you like the new 'Name Ptl.at;es' over the camp.us buHdin g s. i 11J in bea.uti:fyi ng One's pe1 so n.a,l ap- roo.m b.eciko:nfimg, members old and 1 H-0urs: 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 .i. We thli.nk i.t an exce.luuemt idea especi>ally fo.r the FresJim:ein who insiSt up on ! pea.1,a nce. .new. The fai.nll:j IlllUsic of violin going to bhe wr ong )Ju'i\lddng at the wron.g time for the w:ro.ng .class. : MaT.y Wad-Worth in her book pia.-no bro.ug ht another note of beauty ; .:::

Phones, Res:ide.nce 28, Office 7 Icity or farm. G'ood ta'ste ;in the sel- Candles in. thle windows se.nt .a I · ection -0f wearing apperel fa ie.Ssent- sOO'te.n,ing gfow of light across the

(Sorr.y, Freshies, .b.uo cheeT up ther:e(Jl be anoCher punch> of greenies alo.ng ! o.n ...,,ea,ll:i ng Art to it,he Oommu.n,ity' next -,yeia.r for yo.u to klid.) i•hms a chapter on 'Perso.nraJ.ity'. She stated, 'Your person.al appearance is the of yo.ur contents , 'A Respons1b1iht.y for many of activities to be carried on year rest tractive well- · ti..L sh Id f •L b \ ' groom;e.d salesman upo.n


E. McAleer M. D

Kampus Kapers

You a.n fool s<>me of the people all o;f tl!B dmo and all of the people somei' of the time but th rest of the ti me they will mB.IJ:e fools of t hemselves.

ADY thiing ,can happen on ai 1·ainy night, in. aj college t:own, whe.n a man is lonesome and all that sort th\i.ng. So don't tell anyo.ne but we just hapipened to see Pro:£essor Kahn dashing gallantlLy down the hHl, after Pi Gamma Mu, wli.tli four young ladies from our campus It is aJso rumored but :n:ot kn'Own as a certai nty tha.t he .and these sa.me ladies were seen to disaippesa.r into Barnes' dru g sto1-e.

That's a.ll rig.ht Proft!l>sor Kahn some o.ne has· to look after the. " f.ai:ir ones ." Keep up t;her good work.

You know it wowd seem f.u.n.ny ,if ws heard anythling .against our fa.culty, bu.t t he other d:ay Dr. Brown act ually confessed thia.t during his high school days W.813 II aazy boy. Oh, what.s this world coming to.

at the so uth e nd of the r(}om. In To make this shoJ-t, just have a care, :front of th<:! te!Pee the ceremonial Gii'ls, watch where you are dances are taiught. Two large drums are o.n •e ither side of the• room. These drums were made of a barrel cut in hal,f and leather stretched tig,htJy n:i.ng.! Note ec.eu·.y step and stone. Be --! And heed our .Mrs.

Allter having become thoroughly acq.u.aiil1ted thl"ough meetin gs a.nd picnics .and oth er var.io.us frigenious d1evioes kno·wn only to Freshmen th at cl a.ss elected their of;fiice.rs for the across the open end. These dn.ims PERU DRAMATIC CLUB a re use d in c.alli.n g the ti'ibe tog eth- TRY-OUTS HELD

comi.ng .year, er a1n:d to ma rk the rythm for the danA;lvi n, Sitory - · Presiden,t ces. It is the belief of Miss McCo!lium Chester Bowen Vice-president tihat the American child sh-0uld be Dorothry Parker S t · t h h I · e.cre a1y aug t t e ,nd1an legends and so:ngs Jo.h:n Foster T r eesurer before the foreign ones There is

Igr eat h en uty and love oif nature in

During the :hleld the last week th ei Peru E>r a)ljatic Olub h as d1scovered more talle.n.trd youn g ar.tists to plac·e OJ1 .its ;probationary members hi,p list.

The folfowing .are tihose who have bee.n sele.eited: MaJ'.i.a:n Ca dson, Elea;n or May, L e.la McCan n, Edn:!li Maystrick, MiQdred R achell Viers Gwen Yeakl e Lu ciille Williams, Margaret Shumaker'. Frazier, Jeanette Ruyle; Kathleen Colbert, Dorothy Jennings, MHdred) Smith, Eliza bat,h Barllin g, Hele.n Eads, George Guy Gates, Dwight Waldo, Leone Ohler, Dan.a Snieder Mark M.uUins. '


D. C. This book deals w·ith the. Indians

Enthusiasm ran hi gih1 on Thurs day all! I d" f lk 1 when the Freshmen were given the n Ia.n o ore,. and it is the opportuni ty to choose their clu.bs. In ba ckg·roo11nd for much.I that is fou nd the class meeting u,pperclass r.ep- in the ev.eryday life. Th.is work will reseint atives from ea,c:h club explained give the ch.iild an appreciiation of life the v t>llue of a frosh club. Durin O' and .naiture. It w.ill develop visual tfoat peri ods the m.e\l'l'lberS!hnp imageries wh.ich will .be carded over weire rapidly lengthened. into hlis literary imagery. It brings The Old North Gate Ex- Peru Players with sixty members oti.t the beauty i\n the common things and Personality Qlub wii'bh thirty-one to be found aJl .abouit him. rank the two highest in popularity .Miss McCollliam:i h:as adapted the tends a M9st Cordial Wel- so far. words for the songs from the origin! Radio, the new club on the oampus, als found in the 27 Year Book 'Of the boasfs a grou,p of interested boys and Bureau Ethonolog y -0if .WPshri.ngto,n come to All Home Comers. ·o.ne g irl.

! On first and third TlhJUI"Sdays from that in this section. Miss Sara \seven t.o eight p. m. the following Graham of the i;nusic department a.dclubs will meet: Peru Players, Scrib- 1.apt.ed the music so as to keEip the BAPTIST CHURCH bleu·s, Tr.iw ea, Minerva. songs within the range of the child-


me t an one gtrl has walked ail1d promotwn :exerc1sei; w1U take! the I ---

home from _a ride b.ut who wou ldi eNer place of the class s.essJ.ons. 'The dance or the Harv.est M.oon' and hasketry.


N supp ose BhartJing ll:O?Ohlr.a m,.ti moEdr.n.rmg. wo;sh!ip Se'l"- st;r!l:ngfily suggestive of d.u'll o'ran ge ow, now o.n t e wrong 1m- mon.: is an _ ucatio:n. Music by 1 c amip fires dusku skinned ed tn h . ' ., r -men pressJ'O.n Betty was carr.yj:ng her e c Oir. si:lh o uetted agarlnst shadowy tepees laundry bag up the h!ill (they a.re so 6:30 P· m. Junior group mooting. ail1·d t a:ll swiwing trees .and 'Over .all he.av.y) and two OT three of 'heir gfrl Yo.1mg ;peopfo's discussion meeting. the mO'o.n. But isn:t .an Indian A New Tale of old Peru friends were with her. Gf course as 7:30 P· mi. evening union oorvice dance ithiat .is so named but the an:nu.a.l (Fil:l blanks with mimes of faculty .is O'ft.en the case a kind young man in the Christian chiurch. 'fall ;party to be g.iven bY' the girls meim.beirs,) <1f:fered the la.dies a ride and the.y October 13-, .at 7: 00 P.. m., 1in Eliza M:org,a:n. aind Mount v(iT.non Jill was a lit tile Freshman g.a.y, acc epted. As iG would be difjjicult choi-: pr.atice, a.nd 8:.00 P· m., prayer ; H al ls, Saturday, October 8. Invite.- And Jack, .a Sophie sprinter, fo,r any one to tur.r4 ,a, car .aT<JtUlld on a m;eetmg. / tions ihiave be'3 n issued and .the gentle- An<l tih5s is what occurred;' one cLa.y,hill, let !4one a model T ford, they -D. & Coad, Ministeir· ! nierf are begin.ruing ;;0 wilt ch with One cliay in eanly ·

drove around down town again to get I e-age r gaze m.a.i1l delivery.

And eV'€in\ by the iiacu lty We.re held in higih r.: .) S·o up .t.h.e to1school they That fateful morning. Jm trJpp.e:d. and to the wailk was sent Witih10ut a bit of war.ni ng.

Qui et shei fay where she feJl down Altho 'twias grow:ing !late; And Jack, with troubled e.yes of Saw she had st.ruck her He, mu ch eixcited, r a.n .for a.id

(For he cou'd not awake her)

Any.Q.ne w.ishing :to ha\\ e his Ped.agogia.n !:iemt to a - diflferent .address, .notify the Administration Oiffli ce or tme Bus.i'ness Manager.

monial begi:nni.ng of the day, when Miss Helen Brooker, Omahia, was the Indian brave awiaikes the viUage i calile,d home ?n, Monday b.ecause of at sun-rise, was taillight .Ailso the I the, death of ner mother who had ceremoniails of food and shelter were :aug•m.. portron o _ oo as it is be.en ill for some t.ime. t 'LL A · f f d I pre.pared,, ha.d to be b.urned. in the

Because of Hl.ness Miss Marie Ifire whJch cooked it. During the Schind.ler reibur ned to ,her home, l<as t ceremonial of the sheater, the tepee week-e111d. was erected. .Allong the le dg.e in the kinderg.ar- ;

But Jack, .a brave of old Peru, Shed not o.ne single And so on Ji1U wias

Th ey start.e<l up th.at long, steep , I turned around Just as they turned. CHRISTIAN CHURCH \ -· - Soo.n puffing from .their labors t he corn.er by the post O'ffice a tire .Services for SUJ1d.a.y,• October 9 IINDIAN LEGENDS IN IAn•d o.ften stopped, th€iir t°' fi ll, 1 be came fiat __ g.ot ont lO:OO .a. m. Sunday sc.hooil. Song THE KINDERGARTEN. and walked up the1 hill a seco.n.d time. service, hed by the Re'l'oo had, Betty! member thiis is RaUy Day,, and help 1 This yea: the kind.ergarten room 1 Wihiile chatting wi;th thefr -. I(Qmte p-0 pular and b:elloived theiy j By every' college "pard", us .atvaii.n our goal of 1t he Tram mg School will:I have I H-0rse back riding is becoming 11:00 a. m,. cihiurch s'eirvice,. I mu.ch to interest t•hie gro:w.n-up ias well qu,ite popular here of late T.he greiat- 6:3.0 p. m. Christi.an l as the littlle ;fellow just starting the / esti di>fficiUJty in riding horserback is 7:30 p. m. u.nion service in this Ilo ng process of ediuc.ation. for th e rider to connect with the church. i Miss McOollum expects to work 0<J:t sad<lle in the shortest length CYf time 1 a p.roject of Indian 11.egends and I.nwiijh the least possible force and at \ d.ian. songs tha.t h a:d their ori g in tM> exact time thati the hors.e had the : among thie ln.di•ans that were found, same idea, Not at all did'fi.cult it · . in the Mididie West dur.ing the early just tak es lots 'O'i' ipTacticle _ that is I days. ii you are able to "carry on." - l The first of school the cereWaitch out men, the invitations for the Fall do-rm party a.r.e here so get on y-0 ur smiles for the1 gi r ls will be doing u.p right this week. You freshmen boys be loyaJ t.o your class and give thos.e little class mates of y-0urs a break! becalUSe these upper class girls "has ways."


school meets at 9:4.5 press.Ion of the runsettled condition a. m. Pre.aching ho.ur at 11,:00. Pla ns for an. Alumni, dinner i:n Om- of the country at that

Thie Sunday evening service alter- aha and Lincoln a·re; being made by d,ian figures· were dtrawn and painted nates between the churches and will Dean Delzell and Mr. Hayward. by Ann Bro.yler of t he Art depart -1 be .at ifihe Christian church next Sun- me.nt. / : day .night iat 7:30 p. m. The two dinners will take place in Across the room from the ledge

.Mr Dunton wtilld bring the message. the ne ar fu'.t.urei. stands a real loom, which was made : I am sure you w;i.l;l allJ1 w.ant to give by the stu<leJlt teachers of the kinder- ! good audience. 1· The pictu re of ai .wood-.cut by J. M. g.art.en d epartment. Eloise Noa

Keep 1i.n touch with Pr<YiessorBei,n- Gahlag'her st<>r.y of cona.ted thie sides of the loom with / tord 'for the choir pratice hour and 'Mark Twam tn too Omaha th.e Indian sig ns which tell

JJight. · ' World-Heraid last S11nda.y, September of weaving of 11L11gs. A


Come let us labor tog ether in ' the 25. been started with bfoe and orange

Kingdom. Mr. GaJlag.her is .a brother-in.law y.a,rn.

J. W. Hendefso.n, P.astor of Miss Elizabeth M'CCollum. The tepee has been erected

An.d quickly g·ot whom he cou,ld get, The and .tihe · I Thr.>iy worked .awhiJ_le to bri.ng her to, I With many a, dou.bt and fear.


f irst

Han.is made _a ya.rd off rig,h.t end

Hielp Solve This Mystery Prese nted "b t " 1 a,nd C ap taiin Hlaitcher went us er Jn Homecoming Pay

.ove1r on tlhe nextl play for .a touch-

The .disap.p ea ranc.e• of thei Qu€oen'S down.. Thie attempt all) place kicking I neckhc.c has been t hie subject of for the extr.a fai1led. man.y no veils and, p1lays tfrom the ·.Leaidii:ng si•x to nothti.ng theJ Bobcats of roma ntists. But no.ne of them he.Id the Warriors j,n cih.eck for the hflS wr app.eid t.hris his1lo rk robb ery i.n rarnaii:nder of the qua1ter. s uch myste ry as Sam J anney in "The k ' The sound,ing of the time eepe,r s Black Fl am ingo". 1

Wie suspe.ct .one .a:nd tihie.n the other wihli!;tle at the ope.n i:ng of the ·fina - there se1ems to be o·verwhelming p.erfod fonind t he '' Gillkeso1;1 coac hed" proof a.g ainst each s uspeCJt,, but w h.e.n ke.y edi to their highest pitch. thre r eveolabion c·omes we a1>e thrilled lnsptlred bIV their firsit ton.ch of the beyond measu.re and also reo!Le ved that ou,r first su pici:ons we re wrong. go al line., the Bo'btcats launched .an.Man,y blame Marli e Antoine t(e .for oth e1· dri vei, wit1hi Harris and Hatcher possessi.ng so magn'iffoent .an or.na- againi totin g the imflat ed pig.skLn. The memt whitle the ;people were st 3rV- li.n e open•ed fo r th eir b 2,ll-carrii.ng. Many admir;e her sense Oif beau- d the bfocking backs, Mtiller . I . 't f h d ment e.rs .an ty tn se! ectin g 1 · or er a or:n.,. · . f the But .ad l wfll agree that this Ia nd Goit, were care 0 . / t;r,i.nk.e.t h ad m uch to dn wi.1'.h· chang- MidJa.nds e;n,ds in grand style. / ing the h.i stor.y of ; "<lJminiutive bacildiel.d acei'' for the Prese•nt a.nd past Peru.vians are in- Bobcats, on a fake r everse,, wrigg led vited to joiin i.n 'bhe sea rch for the ' thrn leit side of Mi.dla,nds line hi storic neckJ ace w.hen the Dnn- !for fifteen yards, to place the ball matic Club preseirtts. "·Th.e Bl ack on the six yia·r.d lin e. Hatcher c.ar- \ Fha.miin g o" Homecomin g, Sa;turd•a,y ried the b.aU across on the fo llowin g j · aft er noon, 0.citober 15. We defy .ainy - f p!1'1Y for the second to u.chdown. Haro.n.e to name the .lihief u.n .tiil the ;pL3y ris ·di·op-kicke.d the· t1hll'u the is nearly over. c.rosshars for ther •e.xtra 13th point. !

FRIGHTEN•ED FRESHMEN? Midfan d's t.ouchdoV:,n c ame in the l a,st thlr.ee mt ruu,tes of pl.ay. After Irec eii.vi.ng. the Peru kick off, an '.! wi th

B.ei.ng ia bo.y also has jts disadvant- I the br.(ll agai:n, in the.ir posrnss.i.on, age::., and fo r once th.e femjnine memr ! thos.e warriors oipe.ned .up withi pa.ssbers of the campus can stan d bac.k ing •a.ttaok that swept !tihe1:'1 d·ow.n; the 1· and ex h ale :a. sigh of relief oa· 1f fileJ.d and .over the gp al 11.n·e for the t hey .are capab>Je, to ch u ckJ.e a la extra poii.nt., to ma k:e the scor.e sit.and, Snpran·o. 13 to 7. (A dupli cat:e of ilast .year's

Yes, sir! being of the masc1t1Jline sex g.ame o.n the M'idla:n.d fie ld.).

isn't a[l it's cracked u,p to be, especi- Coach pi.lkeson inserted ly if yo.u h a.ppan to be a s wbstitutes in.to. !the 11i.neup in the 1ast Tb.e upp er c'l ass men a1'e certainly a Ih !l.lf, with eiac:h one .makin g a cred ith,omo ge.neous g roup a nd ran c e1 tah ly aHe s h.owing. Thoe en tire P enll line I make the most lonesome for get tile deserves c.onsideraibJe me.ntio:n, in the p a.ngs of home s1chness. T.h:eir way they 'func ti oned th ruo.ut tihe


Long years ago , before the state d €dded to have Norm.a/I Schools, o.n oct is nmique to say the 1eias t. The.v game Th:e ba.c,kfield, lied b.y Oa;ptain t he site of Mo unt Vern on H.all sto o<l t'he flirst callege, a church sc.hool, c·ertaioly hand ou.t .a i·.o.yal welcome to Homer H atcher, aiffo rded se ver.a;l fi n.e those who h av.e n ever .been further · for the bleacher ·fa:ns thruv h'O me than around th o ut the game co 1.';e r. ''How nic e !" you say. Well, The mu.sic orf the spirited college i vivin g L11e blaze. this is a free wu.ntry. b i>.n<l., with the st11aiins of "The Old I

An.y w.ay, as I was saying, the Gn•y Mare," (pra.nCiing down the j 1897. The runing room ain.d ot.hel· aidditio ns came a1J a, !later id.ate. Mt. second d ay after registration the , fie)d) seemed to i.nstHI thait old Peru me.n p l.an.ne.d nn info1·nH1.l campus ! 1 1 Ve rnon entrance for th.ii t.y -three years was the ·only dormitoi'.y !PO.rttia·l round up, similar to those of tile I

Club Holds Initial Chapel Girls (c tinue<l from first p. ageJ.) d on Leona HuKingsolver, V1ce-P resb th Sprague, s ()n, Se cretar.y; EIDza e 'I'reasurer. elected as The following gil'1l.s were girls, I council members: For west east side Esthe r Ostra;nder, si'Cl-e: Qp ai Gaines., Hellen Gilbert;; v e, F d•orm;Jtory nue, Mildred J o:d1?' or Alf.irst flo or, Eva .Kimsey, .LovJSa b€• .t; sec >n·d Marian Cat.lso.n, Rose Cri tbfi.eld; third .illobr Marian Dil[er, Edna J.arman. / Mrs Dunttin g g.ave .a viery i.aspira/ tion al taJk on t he qualifications tha.t every g irl .must hav·e 1iO. 'b,e a "one · h dl edi-peroonter.' She brought out U,llo • too neoess.ity for phys.ical perfectl'O n, men tal fitness and to the ' high sta:nsdardsl set for us iby Olll.I" parents an d s.cho o1. A cl ever clo.sed ;tche mee.tmg. It pr·esen ted to tb:e freshmen the lyem·'s c-0ming events.


(C onti.o wed fr om first p age.) s eilb as wehl $ O'bjects maale b,y the c.hri 1d.ren.

Ribbo.ns weT'E!l g.iven :for the best ar ticles o,f sie:warng, objec.ts made in \ mainual ar ts, arrangerniellt of flowers, \ dressed d'olls, candy, cake. vege• a.hles, fru.ll, and pets.

S ome d.i.s-pb:ys l-n.clu.ded a tatble .o.n which true hla<l arrange d the parts of an au t.omob ile e.ngjne S'ome t nys of twe.nty-fivei years ago, exhib ited hy the ki.n·derg:arten, and a displ ay of geo.Log:ica!l .sp ecim ens loaned PY Eula Johnso n.

The pet s, aJt.lwugh somewhs.t subdued by the hand and the throng, attr.acted mu,oh attenitli'on The dogs :-\' c ats, chickens, :du.ck:s, .an-0 r abbits

which was d.istroyed by fire with oinly the ap artments oif Mr. GiLhert surThis e'ntr:am ce and s.ur rou,nding • ro'Oms w .eire bu;Ht in a co nt inual crowd. Espe.dally the very yout.hifwl were there, pausing /tong it'll1.0u gb at ce-rt ain cages to give spectalflor.s clue as to the owners. Even the Bobcat made his aippearan ce, but -a sig.n 'Beware' amply protecte;d the pul:>lic. T he f.air showed tha't\ among the fluture of, Peru wi)l undoub t.. !.edly be tale.nted and we\1.1 prepared members .o·f man.y professions .as we•ll aa ibiaippy, depe.ndablle, and resourc eJfuJ men a.nd women. w

thou g ht himse lf sopl.is-

ticated. But he soon1 fQund himself

s uffering from the familiar pangs when Hatchei· and the boys reminded

d Jll.1n of h.om e and papa, via the .c· I · · +he dl'essed llhe.m in correct In.dian Ltl g 1tmg· spirit thiait carri€!d " p.add le method, an d .of mamma with Bo·b,cats thru ma ny a victory, aind clothes. the water tank (Horse tank to be 1°Hst hut n ot le1a1:11, a bJg ha,nd; t·o those 'T;he cl ass is he•lping carry out the exp li cit .) peppy chee r l emde rs for t.he.ir art. lnd.i.a.n project in the Koi.n<lerg.arte n Bill Thomas ti nd PaiuJ Armstron g in. mak.i.n g this Ol\lr first game a this y·ea r. w el'e certainly stro.ng advocn.tes of success Th e line up. the theory 'Of aJte rn.atio.n and .of cap- Peru (13) MJd.land (7) itu la tio.n to-0! Th ey played o.n the Cowdl L. E. M ars h phase .of "From Hot. to Cokl!" Bein g Pate L. T. .E41li.ott dragg·ed across til·e athiletic field on P eek L. G. Jo nes

the seait Of y.ours tro1Jsers after n (l'..J.d) Hatcher C. Da vis ducking dn the h<>rse tank, see ms the Pu,nches R.G. Holmberg ;Tdvisable meth od of increasin g cir- Doasher R. T. Oberg

Tires A safe place to 11!-.tve your car H. Hallenbeck, Prop ou.t of tow:n trips to other tow.ns


--Publis hed Weekly at Peru State Teachers College-

Fntcred at th e Postoft'ice of Peru, Nebraska, as second cl.ass matter. Sl.00 the Year-5c single copy.


P'aeultoy Advisor - - - J. W. Tyler


to make some.

•· F-00.ds We Eat" .has been recent 1Un:it :of work this clas,s. The butter making e1xperimi€1lltl arose out

o,f the. study .of .dairies. Mem\bers of the class brought milk to It w.as churned illlto b.utt.eir and then molded. The children carried sandwiches spread wi:t.h the butter to •the gr ounids hack of the tra inci- b u.ildJing. Henei t hey had a picnic and proved the sudcess of their experimeait.

How to make its play house larger is. a pr<>blem Which the first Albin Larson is attemptlin&" to

Bob P.unches hurt h is hand in fo·ot.b a,Ll prax:tlice last D.a.na Snider is taking his plac e mi the d-0rmitory kli.tchen,

.Aftler spending the ,wee k end .at thiefr homes, Doriis Wfeih b, Paw nee City and Emma were inju.red when their ,car I ___.._..

be.tween HUllllboldt and Pe ru Jd-0ndaiy · morni.ng. The car w'hkh t hey w ere : passi:n,g suddenily swer.,ved ou t i nto the road. To avoid strikin g it Miss Hunzeker 'to tiu.rn i nto a ten fo ot 1blesi de the

s ,a re a:l.s o to .be co.nst11u.cted.

It tak-ef! a spark to start a fla me. S'chool spirit, the, kind .y-0u want in your s chool is w:hite1hot,, roar ing, co.nt.?.g;ious. It em)Jr.ac;e;s every student it ma kes ever,y fe1low t hink that sc.ho.o,l .acti vities a r>e wo r.th supporting, and stu,die..s worth keeip/i:ng u.p, and te 1ms w-0rth pla ying on o.r chie,ering for.

Bu b if we haven't th at kii.nd of roarin.g -.filame spjrit, ..remember this, th.at an auto cylinder won't explode w ithout a sp;airk plug a nd that thei biig est ch arg,e of dy.namjte in thet world< w on't, go off wijthout a cap <>r fuse

If your sc'h-00J h.as .a load .of dynamite but no detonator,, how ahou.t b.e.in1r

Miss Hunzeker is rep'orte;d to have had _a bone in one. hand beside.s sJight internal i njuries. M'iss Peterson ente:rta.ine.d

t he

Eleictio.n of officers for t'he eighth members of the libriary f orce o'l g,r.ade b1•ought followmg Thursde.y eveni.ng at c'Wcken di nJ oh.n Rhodus, pres1dent.; Harold Fish- . . th M th di t Church .d t M'o t Gene I ner ,m e e o s · er., pres1 en ; n e . Dr .B K Baker of the educat ion Games, Secreteir y.; Lloyd Jo nes, treas- d . .......,_ t add d th p Kli urer; Lo nein Dunto:ni, rep orter. With t. ;ess1e t e tier u • the g.llliidla nce theae leaders the wams uu a 1 s .Das elme;e ngts ,. He class is looking forward to a year of spoke o,n ' Recent ev o.pmein in

Elephant Lunch 5c Hamburgers (Buyem by the sack ) Cold Drinks Ice cream t he sp a rk y ourself? Be.tt er r...t, how aibout rounding up a whole groµp of sparks .and .th ein atU explodiing togiether'! You'J; be su·rprfaoo at the worthw,hilie .ac.tivities. Psy chology.' The

IOT!ies w hich giVIEI t he n ames, classiway t he- fl ame wm sp r l:' ad! Ii , fication, home and Peru ?1eSidences Al . Notes I w ere ;is.sued l ast Wednesday. The umnt lJ II ! ree distributi:on Qf these idii rectories to all students a:nd residents of Peru Dry Cleaning-, Pressing, RepaiJ'b;).g, Hats Block Peru CJea.pers A Tailors 1. A. CE.JX:A, Prop

Pet'U h as that d.,vn am ite so a ro use those. littile spa,rks of lo.y ad.ty that lu rk in your h eia r.t an.tl start the explosion t.hat WliU causi a r ag ing, vast fl ame:_ A_flame that wi ll proclaim to al l Homec oming Alumni vi sitors tl..ll.t ' :Peru 1s t he sa me yesterday, tod ay a nd t omorrow so far as pieip. and ent husi asm e re conc:erned as well as

other interes ted

Bernard Galloway is coach at I.re pres.nts a h ea vy e xp.einse whic h. i.s . Dorchester, Nebraska. ·\made possible t hrough th.e adve rti sin g. ;,..

Eugene Rarick is coaching at

Method1st Church 9:45 a. m.- Church School. . \ strong is superintendent there P.

Weeping Water William Arm-

. 11 : 00 a. m.-Mornmg Worship. · I Sermon : " Seas ons of the Soul " ,. Priefert, Peru Prep

(J. W. Henderson, Pastor) Music b the choir · coach, is now coaching at Table ,

, Services Sunday, October 16. 6 3(} PY m --J · ti



Th · l f

i g umon ser- 1 ere is a Pace or you m e vice in th Ch.· t' h h T'able Rock, Nebraska. TION

school. It is to be hoped that every , . e ns ian c urc : : , . " ___ member of our church will take on Thursday, October 20, chou prac- Bessie Gillen is at Lina new interest in the life of the It1ce at 7:

year. depart to serve. ulty we re mto students are cordially invited· to · Zoe Nicholas secured a teaching at the Peru _Dramatic have part in all our church life - position near Nebraska City. ThW:sday d . while t hey sojourn amongst us i T • N 0 / Ca therine Rarick coaches dra- Orn Feiguson vice-presi dent, m

Preaching service will be at 11:00 ' f3lflef . Otes ! matic art activities and music at mask and robe , administered the o'clock. Brownville , Nebra-0ka. oaths S· The evening service will be in the Ruth Shelley is a member of the t the new member Christian Church, the schedule of Auburn school s stem 0 e c u a group of ol der memRev Dunton making it imposs1ble JUNIOW HIGH FOOTBALL · Y · presented " The Pot boilers," a to carry on with a regular alternat- Willi11:m Knapp teaches and one-act comedy. The ,J ng of the dates Three football teams have been Art at Du BOIS, while I mirth produced by the actors. char-

These are the days in which ev- formed by the boys of the Junior Lomse Sonderegger takes care of \ acter portrayal, as well as t he lines, ery v.qter should be studying his cit- hi'gh school. Thirty-three boys are study 1proved truly a good mixer. The izenshiP' to see if it is "worthy of in the class, so everyone has a per- Nickel has a position at I w as : the Gospel of Christ /' manent position on a team Endicott Nebraska Director _ .Joyce Grubb Homer Hatcher and Ralph Mason When Loretta Harpster went to I Mr Thomas Sud are directing the fall practices. All Alaska to teach this fall she left I

Willard Shum ard Christian Church activities of plays and games· are to a vacancy in- Johnson high school,/' Mr.

- Bill Hauser lead up to the major sport of foot- which was filled by Dorothy Deer- Mrs. Pencil - .. Joy ce G rhbb <Loren Dunton, Minister) ball. This makes the game itself ing. Inkwell -.. Paul Landolt

The church school is equipped to the chief motivating factor of the Iris Hamel is teaching in Tecum- · · · Dor othy B renner meet the person 's need who is seek-1 boy's physical education seh Nebraska er Geo. Haskins in g_ to find reality in his spiritual Football helmets previouply used · Mr. Ivory ·

·. Truxton Ro uth life. Professor Norwood teaches by the high school teams have been Ma rjorie Arn secured a position Gus Jo hn wheatley the young people's class. This is a·t t provided for two teams in Plattsmouth, Nebraska Prof. D. J. Nabors s ponsor of th 9:45 a. m. i Jane Casey is teaching Jn .John- club ?u tl ined the ye ar's work

Mr Dunton is preaching a series I The J.un;ior and senfor .h " h h I son, Nebraska. e xplamed things to the new o_f sermons from the Beatitudes at I ig . sc 00 Skelton secured ; a posi- members B ills adve rtisin the the 11:00' o'clock service which .a.re. takin g u.p tion m Hays Springs, Nebraska. Hom e c?, mmg pl ay, "The Flashould be very helpful to students. I emq uette ·and hospita lity. T.he l ast Catherine Wolters teaches In m inga, were distributed Christian Ende a vor offers ex- proJe.ct was the s;eir ving of .a tea. Th e Western, Nebraska, and Gertr ude B Atd the of the Ada

Hours: 9 to n and 1 to 5 opportunitieS-be


before rehearsals Joyce Grubb, Lorene .Mpothart, Wilmake fools of t hemselves officers were chosen for the year: c ' I Pr esident, Virgil Bugbee; Vice- Luh plans for the following meetings THE CAST Uam Ho user, Max ine Tr,llJU.ernicht,

Ora: "Pardon me, Mr. but last n.i ght your daught er accepted my proposal of marriage, I bilv-e c alled thls morning to ask if there. is an.y insanity in you r f.am;ily."

p res ident, Nadine Andrews; Secre- :-Vere made. Thei group was divided IFelipe Bodier - - John Wheatley W.illard Shumard, Truxton Routh., tary -Treasurer, Ora Ferguson. ;i.n:to parts: each to h av e charge of I Nic ole - - F-rances Copes Fl orence Marti n.. H oward Phjlldps, The aim O·f Alpha Mu Omega ls some rnte11-estLl!g meieting. The first Clothilde

to develop an d promote interest in grou,p willl plan for one the first

the study of m at hematics


uet giiven ,by

T.au Delta mernbeirs given to

The most .dOI:?C$tic scene that hias itlmdr initiates, Tuesd.ay, October 10. been mt nessed lately was At ta.bles li g,htd wiith red tapers and In "The. Black Saale dusting the tabl£1> \in the li- doe co r ated with crimson roses, thirtybrary the ot her da.y. All .he lacked two old an.cl ne,w Sigma Tau De lta was an a,Pron and .a "to wel aroo.nd his !11embers gathel!'ed togtther in fel-

F1Qmingo" head lowsh.ip.

KuhJ plays ag,adn. a wicked villain List.€/n to hlm

Gids, it pnys to w.atc.hl m·en with J D_r. G. W. Smith: gr ad ii.ate rnernsu ch te nd.e:nc.ies. They are certaiinly ber, .Mrs. G. W.. Sm:ith and Mrs. D. J. r.umble·l scarc e in t his day and ag e, j extra-mural members; Vir\ g1m a Mathews,, Ruth H awxb.y, and 1lrene And ne,ws, s\ u t:'e':l t m e:mber.s were

Dr. Maxwell: "Wbat \s the norma1 ta1<e n i.nto the fr.atell'n,ity,. curve'!" I Epoe lyn Brecht, proesid>C nt, greeted

Ger tie: "The normal curve is w hen 1 t he new members. A 1V?p;;p once from t he ave;rag e are, fo the mi ddde and the initates w.as_ g,iven b;y hiene Ant h.e ext remes are botJi; ends." dreows. Dr. Smith sketche.d t.he stu, I dent d?.ys of Edgar Allen Poe His ]rnrtn1yal oi th.e early lii.fe o:J: thfa

Ho n:ie1::orofi11,!l·. ;is not far off so here I a uth or was and 1s a l:i1t of advice to the Freshman · I 1eona Hudso.n,_ accompanied b.y girls who are wo.ndering what lit is 1 rnf/tte Barrett, sang in acc ord wtlth' he all about. Now when you meet that \ spjrit of t.he meeting, "A Thoiig ht tall Senior ho_y fr1iend of years just Like .Music.' pass him up- as tJibugh you never Iruit,i atio n serv'ic.elS were beLd after saw htim W.by? Because 1his old. girl \ the program, Mrs. In ice Du nnin g is on t he so.me .ph1ce (Oh, I .a br,ief Histo ry of the. organizathieiy never fail to C'Ome) and hke as tno n. H:e;r accou.nt of accomplishno t doesn ' t;;; Im.ow .about yo u. Yes, { ments of grad.u ate members was iJ1-

Franc·es C op e> made ai name for herself in Rc1bfn" c:omi.ng "CockHorr:i!l!1931. of c ours-e he J11.1s you. that · spira tio nal an.d chal1?111g1ing. All new yo u are the. o.n,ly girl li.n the world members felt pledgied to the .h\igh just r.em 12i;;iher that ,the boys on Iid•eals and of Sigma Tau

t his ca rnp1u.s has pasts _ what are Delta. Old me(l'11.bers renewed their pasts.' · vows of fid elity · ' ·

Yo.1:1 g irls who know much ab«llt V (/ th ose football technicalities and can't J , Frosh Notes ' namembe,r· w.hat Gilkeson told you in (f r, " ! rohn Whi".atle.y i "Cock Ro.bin" I "The Iv o1•,y D o.o r" "Rip 1 Van Wink1e' "T.h>C Royal Famiily"

'I;om · Ccllinhumorous cler,gyman from ''The Importance of beiing ' Emes .'' Chapel .might take a. co.py of t'Qe <:::> - ! agogian along to tbe :homecoming Th 8 'bbl - Cl ,_ t Th I

game and try· to forgeit the o.rw. elev- d

Jn or1g1na cold ·and g rims bre.oak.mg the opponent .t. )lected for the homecoming play. Wlll 1ng. line fo r that one-ele venth. Try con- At ...,_. th f' t t' . h The Bi a.ck Flam in go has all the. e 1rs me.ei mg, eac one cen t rati ng on the rest of the teiam told abo.ut the type of writing in stirring elements of ..a Dumas novel see how Rt works

Wheatley vice-president; Paul Lan- Favorite books wer.e d.iscussed, and r.astle

dolt, secretary-treasurer. plP,ns madei :for a party to be given I mates. How the mob 1s :hwar ted .in

Afte r a short business meeting, soon. ' an unusual mann.e.r furmshes a flt1

John Wheatley introduced the new __ " ·I ting conclusion.

sp onsor D r. Winter Dr. Winter Snappy names, leaders, com- / Costumes,. properties, and a set de-

ga \e a sh oTt but very interesting talk on t he large field of interest petent off)cer.s! In .a word Peru , s.ig ned a.p pr.opriately for the Fnench - I in biology He pointed out the fact Players h ad a meeting, wh.e1·ein a I Revolution period are being construe th at no matter where- one is or gr.eat deal w.as accomplished. ted by t.!ie dr.amatic clu.b committees wh ere he goes, he will find someone Evelyn Brecht talked .and r.ead the under the supervision of managers who likes to st udy nature clu.b's co.nstitutfon for the enlig'hte.n- that were active in the productio n At t he cl ose of this talk the meet- ment of its en t ire membership. l ast year of the period play, The Ivolng was t urned over to the social Having been divided r.y Door n e -committee the r emai n der of the ev- into four <:T r o.up s, Lhe membe rs then The stage setting has •bee edning us ed as a get-acquai nt- asse"1 1bled with le ide r .s tP cho ose dev.ised to give the p1a'r afl possibl e per10 Ref res hments consist- L n· k , - ing of · afers and hot names. aur.a Jc erson s group .elements oi l'ea lity, and the e.ntire en ice c re a m, w h "F F 1 1


The College Y. M. C. A. met at the .,.

T raini ng School gymnasium, last W ednesd ay evening. After the i devotional service under the direction of the president, Virgil Bugbee, and Orville the •twenty some present themselves i in to' two groups for Volley Ball. I

Y. M. planned to meet at the Trai ning Scho ol gy m th e remainder · of the year because of the fact other groups will be using the Little Theatre part of the time, on the nights usually set aside for "Y" mcatings.

Ma ny good things are being plan- , ned for t he " Y" year, so we are hoping that every man in college will avail himself of these treats and in addition, enjoy the l fine fellowship that can be found I only within these meetings and which are so necessary in normal c_ol1ege life.


(Conti.nu-ed from first was a football strategy map. The football field was divided into five zones. It is necessary to have a dry field, normal teams light wind and on both teams for the zoning to hold true. The spectators often wonder why the team kicks on a first or second down when they are back of their own forty yard line. This is the danger zone and a fumble here would be costly.

Between the twenty and. forty yard lines is the running zone Even here the team often kicks on a third down '\\1ith only .a y.aT.d tO go, and it is between the forty yard lines, in the center of the field, that we fi nd the pass zone. Here more end

..,s ::i nd nasses are used. More chances can be taken.

The think zone is betwwen the forty a.nd twenty yard lines in what is cared the offensive territory. The scoring zone comes between the twe nty yard line and the goal.



· It is in t he scoring zone that the crowds yell for a touchdown and c:'lticize when · the team doesn't m ak e one This Coach Gilkeson explained was caused by the concent rating of the defenses of the op- \

p :·sing team. Where there are ' twenty feet bet'ween players in the

ot her zones, the players are pushed j closer together in the scoring zone. N•ET Af;EN MEET T ARK.IQ accompa.nied at the by Miss fhis forms a firmer line which oft- j I G.era Gr.a.'ham. ;I\1ac.hek is al en holds the offensive team. (Conti nuied from first page•) senrior in the colllge. Sh-e aittended

The two common matches, but two of these tilts were are for holdmg and for sides. 1extended - to · three sets before they Ca,lifornia last yeiar. She !is study,ing halves <;>f the game were settled. A return match is Heriheirt E. G.ray f.ormerl,y of players rest and form constructive pending for the near future prob- the UniV'ersity School af Music, Linplans for the second half ably Wednesday, October coln, Neibiraska. Between halves players rest Coach anticipates a better This y.e;Sr Miss_. Machek is teaching a nd form plans for showing again,•t the Missourians the second. half. when they invade the Bobcat lair. th':'< c'dJ.o -studelllts in the college as Coach Gilkes?n believes there are IThe set scores of the matches fol- well as those i.n the Tnaoining School. t.en benefits which come from play- low. · Miss Gra.ham is assisting witrl t'he ing football. They are: I SINGLES

1. Maintains high standard of P. West 6 6 tj:9 lin a11. d vio!la Jesso;ns this ,year. fitness. 11 t· ·t T. Laing : : 2 3 She ;is ·also assisting .Miss

presented a game, but larger quantities will be - Socialists are always emaciated. ver.y fine oeillo p.rogr.am for convo- provideq next Money earned One member .f1<om ie\l!Ch f-.amj)y was cation Wlednesday, Oct. 5. She w as will be applied on the trophy fund. required to make a poli'tlical speech 1 tt f nth th f '"'' I"'-"-"_..__....__..__....,._....,._....__..__..,_"'"_'"_"' I se mg o e neiason or v1ey.rs j Man.y .clever speec,hes wer.e made, all , THE PERU DRAMATIC CLUB · of which onJy mak es ha.Pder



P t o Th t Bobcat eleven, before a large which were before coming festivities was a splendid o . e ussle was devoid of sen- crowd of loyal Peru alumni stuplay c ould be given. example of a successful stage pro- ·. sational plays, but some hard, dents and fans to win the annual Th e se t f-Or the play was an ex- The

rending hours of bard work and planning D. J. Nabors , as a part of the Home-


straight, football was produced. Home Coming tilt on the local act duplicate of the ori ginal set in n8:ibo.nng a few. maccur- Coach Edie's Kittens started the gridiron here Saturday night, Ocevery way p ossible. The only a cies m of its lmes, was a wel- fireworks of the evening h tober 15 change was in plac ing t he balcony from the hoard of prob- Jindra's Band Pep Leaders and Rally the inaugural play they With an invincible Bobcat line behind, rat her th an in fr on t of t he

h d th l d a een rans orme in o an inn, ' · · · ors w o e e. pay, an was so convincingly real that for Coach Gilkeson and Coach Lor- assumed a different aspect as the eleven of which were incomplete, to vano us comnuttees a nd two hours the audience almost be- beer with the entire football squad eleven started a twelve were complete and two incorruruttee -ma nagers. lieved that the world was actually on the stage. The students dnve stra1g1?-t down the field that tercepted by Hatcher, Peru Capm embers of the club put m many turned back to the exciting days / cheered t hem as the curtains were culminated m a touchdown Hol- ta in By returning the first of hours on cost umes and scenery . . d. t 1 f ll th t . drawn back "Tom" Co11ins cheer lenbeck, star half.back for the Elm- t hese intercepted passes, 50 yards , The outside exp enses of the club \ e s ormmg Ileader, lead the cheering and sing :.. I wood crashed over from the Captain Hatcher, in the second for costumes were· l ess than ten During the opening scenes the ing of good old Peruvian songs. · 4 yard quarter, made Peru's only touchd ollars_. The rental of some swords sound technicians became so ambi- Coach Gilkeson told of the team's m the second quarter, the down and the first score of the wigs was extra The set was tious to create a thunder storm that Icondi tion. He expected to put be- Cats made another serious game , I;>ut failed in his attempt to bu11t from sets use d m se veral for- their noise drowned the voices of 1 tween twenty-five and thirty men scoring t hreat when Rossen , Peru place krck for the extra point. Less me r plays. Some of the has t he innkeeper and his wife , John out on the field to play real foot- guard, blocked an Elmwood punt, two minutes later , intercep tthe dates of and 1916 wri t ten 1 Whe a tley and Frances Copes, and/ ball. He gave two reasons why ev- I and Peru on Elm wood's : mg a .second pass on his own 15 on the back of it ;, There are pa rts Bourien, the blustering swordsman , eryone sho uld be at the game: firs t 15 I:ne. On the first play I yard line the P.eru Captain , thril,!Jle from Ro:yal Fa m- George Kuhl. However, after the to see a battle of a life time , sec1 Velv1ck through tackle to led the crowd an 82 yard dash cy an d Coc k Rohm ;bemg used st oi·m, things began to be · really ond, to give the team the support the 9 yard lme The following up the field , which was · st opped Dramatic Club memb ers who are interesting And when the nobil- of a good strong cheering section I play, h?wever resolved the Peru ' three yards short of a second Peru m t he Art dep artment ?-ecorated ity, fleeing from the mobs in Paris, "We do not want the team to I mto a mere gesture as Vel- i touchdown, by a thoroughly-fright-

t he G eor ge came to the inn and asked for lodg- die for their school" said coach v1ck fumbled, Elmwood recovering. · Bulldog eleven Unable to large sign of the Bla ck Flam.mg? in g, they did not suspect that they Lorbeer," what we want are good The Ein:wood team failed to chck on the next four do wns th e Ot hers t he castle wa lls with were the intended victims of the men to fight for the school." He · make a smgle .first down in the Bobcat machine surrendered t he (Contlinued o.n last p ag e.) pl otting innkeeper, and his ugiy ; the hope that the spec- \ second third quarter , while to the Bulldogs, thus losing wife and the bragging Bourien. An tators would not start calling "But- I the Peruvians made two. The their second opportunity to score , en tire family came at one time- tons" to some Freshman on the I got off to. aus- the half ended, Peru 6, Mary- HO.MEDA_Y·CROWD


Eugene De Lussa c, a distinguished field. "Every man is going out to piciou s start on t he m1t1 al kickoff ville 0. gent leman , played by Ora Fergu- the game with a determinat ion to of the second canto , when on a Early m the third qua rter, with son , his son, Francis De Yussac, win ," he said \ i:eahy returned the ba ll to : a series of well- execu te d tripl e Geor ge Haskins, and his two daugh- Captain Hatcher said he expect- Km woods 35. yard marker Here , la teral fo r ward pass es, Ma ryters, Diana and Charlotte, Virginia ed a good fight with Mary- Iagam, were pen a li zed Iville placed t he ba ll de ep into Fi.fteen Hundred Joyful Fans Wilt- Milstead and Genevieve Drake The ville Peru had won one , lost one , and failed muster the scoring (Con tlin ued o.n last page.) nes s Hotly Contest ed Game ma nner , the costumes and the and tied one game in the past punch for victory. j speech of these four people were three years He hoped to see a real Peru were again Gr oups of exc ited, hilartous peo- highly complimentary to the char- crowd out to the game hehartened m the four th qua r.ter, HOUSES DECORATE FO R HO·ME COMING ple swarmed· over th e campus to I act ers they were portraying. "Tom" Collins then called on w en three con:iplete passes inter-

th e a thletic fi eld Cars dashed / During the first part of the first Professor Steck of the Music de- by a line play, advanced madly to ch oice si tuations, only to act most of the people in the audi- partment to give some things he e ball some 35 yards. An inh ave to seek fu rther for parking ence suspected that the play was considered important for the spec- \ pass checked this final space far down a line of vehicles. going to be a bit too serious and in- tators to watch for Professor , e ort of the Campus and Down-Town Decorati cns

The triumpha nt b eat of the band volved for a hot afternoon. But Steck remarked he did not know · Elmwood tallied erght first downs Were Appropriate u rged everyone to hasten to the a long about that time Popo, Thom- why a music teacher should be as to. Peru's six, but six ___ scene of a coming victory as Collin, and Gertrude Flinn as called on to talk about football, s eight were made in Some very interestin g dec ora-

The first view of the gridiron \ Clotholde, a 1789 flapper servant, but as the game had always been e rs quarter. tions have been made by roomin g gave to return ed alumni the feel- broke up the dignity of the occa- 1one of his favorites he would tell Pe!u, Kels_o and Lea hy shone hous es for s tudents in honor of ing of complete f ulfillment of joy- sion with a high geared scene , what he always looked for in the m . e while Hazelton and the Peru Home-coming. · ous a nticipation. With martial which in substance demonstrated a game From his boyhood days he impressed m some rather The winner of first place in th e step t he band was tr eading the womans influence on an eighteenth had gotten the idea that all men work. Hollen- 1 decora t ing contest, the Collin pa th soon to be taken by the play-1century man when she appealed to on the offensive t eam should be ec ' spmdle-legged Elmwood ' Hou se on the Avenue spoke a ers. Ch eers and laugh ter greeted his stomach with a roasted pig with down when the whistle is blown the brunt of the attack I " Welcome Alumni" the porch the ears. Movem en ts of groups on / an apple in its mouth. Without getting into Coach Gilke- e wmners. ! which was artistically arrayed the bleachers ca used rapid blend- The. hypnotism scene , with Dana son's territory by telling football ni hte was played Fri day Iblue, white and green de corations , ings of colors and design s. The I Schneider, who had rule s he would give this one thing / wd 0 er 14• and a fair sized touched up with white flower-lik e 'fl.ame and glitter of the oaks were ading as. a priest, and Mil:- to watch for in any game , to vi ewed the pro- pompoms. Occupyin g a prominent blurred into a sof t bur nished go ld stead domg most of the actmg, pro- watch and see how many men are gs: The weathe1 was ideal. position upon the center porch post by th e glow of th e moon and the / duced some very tense 1 left on the offensive team The Lme-up: was a life-like "Bob cat," the fl oodlights. · I Probablv the most interestmg 1 eacfl the whistle blows Many (0) Elmwood clever work of a young student Arms wer e waved to coming ac- 1and finely_ executed came ) will be gotten by watching elso Cc) L. E.. Haith there The blue-trimmed trees qu aintan ces. Frien ds were called when the mob, led by Virgil t he tncks. the offensive team use

L. T Fellows ' next to the walk bore t he comby nam e. The ga ity of t he scene bee , the fiery Gavroche , broke mto , to keep gomg.

. qu1st

L. G. Wilson mand to " Beat Maryville ." The increased I the inn They were almost j

uehn boys of the Cole House aided in With t he rush of th e t eams onto '\ to. do violence• when they v:ere I KEARNEY FACULTY MEMBERS G d n

.R. G

achieving the pleasing appearance th e fi elds all spectators ceased be- fri ghtened away by the mysterious I PRAISE PERU HILLS IKo?

R. T. Fleishman of this place ing an dividuals and b ecame two. fiddler, Trigaud, by Glen I

R. E Lordnz The boys the Green House distinct loyal compact b odies 1Shafer. Another exc1tmg moment Aweek ago four of the Kearney v 1

Hall took second place. Here blue The per soni fy i ng \ came at the close of the play when ' faculty visited Peru They were Levick ·

L. H

Reeder (c) streamers formed a lovely backth e spirit of Peru b'y th e bl ue secret passage, disclosing the hid- ' enthusjastic over the of

.R. H

Hollenbeck for the white letter "P." white of t heir costumes , by the mg place of the dried up Bossange, I campus and the surroundmg hills Offi

West Out m the yard was "P. S. T. C." in eagerness of th eir voices, and by Robert Sayer, was

This is a appreciated Ref crals. blue and white On each side of t he zest of their movements, swe pt t J:yt ;1Jstery compliment coming from these fac- Place. the porch steps stood a re a listic the crowd with t hem into action. f 1 c ic f ulty members of Kearney for they C "Bob Cat" and above the walk songs and yells r esounded boldly _ erronze 1 ed n ° e have one of Nebraska's best land - Assistant Li ames onway. hun g an effigy and confidently t 1:e trees. mn, Flamingo will be re- scape campuses in state , Gaines. n sman-Stephen O. !he of the contes t were Eager for expression of its emo- t d xt Friday evening Octo- of course they lark m natures en- Miss D1ddel, Mr Kahn , and Mr. t ions the crowd h url ed it self to i ts pea e ne were man' who 1 dowments of Elms, Oaks and Hick- I Hayward feet as Peru ma de the first touch-ber 21. There e ory trees.

The new dormitory for women The campus showed the careful down Voices hoars e with strain , ntot datten1t who will I Among those who ca me were was recently ded,icated at Wayne work of willing hands which had r ose in exultation. Arms were .:: a!n a 0 ;;ortunlty to see Miss M. Robinson , of Normal school, Wayne, Nebraska wound the light-postd with the ft ung around the shoulders of I t his sple ndid production the La tin department ; Miss E. college colors The archway Ieadstrangers. Friends po und ed each · La rson of the Art departmen t; Miss I A new dormitory for women was ing to the girls' dormitory charmothe r. The band sounded n ew I Williams, to the J also recently opened at the Uni- ed the with its cha llenges Even t he f res hman Campus News pr esident, and Mrs. Elsre Elea ke , ve rsity of Nebraska. streamers and its lettered Welboys ceased for a moment t he ir ac- secre ta ry of tfa e extension Many I come." ti vlties of gum chewi ng The fa il- earl Hertz was called home due living in Peru and the a lumni will Down town, Peru banners floated ure of the kick to make its point to death of his gra ndfather. Mr. r emember Mrs Robinson , who was Elmer Hertel, superintendent and in the street, and various estabdid not dim the brightn ess of the He rtz lives at Mal vern , I owa. Dean of Women at Peru f rom 1921 , football coach at Hebron college, , lishments expressed their cordial occasion. Leo Petri was called home last to 1924,





ed in th were green ribbons and ,sbo es which

I Every type of coin mint e were not ma t es nor would never be, ; 1867 was shown in the collec- for the girls to ho bble around · ti001 e.xh,ibited by .Mr Mason, Last Friday night, j ust to begin Rogie.r Mason's gra.ndfather, to the Homecoming in the b est style, the •eig,hth graid.e genera:! science d'.1'5s. freshme n gi rls put on a pf Mr. M•ason s,howed many rarei coms. tertainmen t for t het third

Among them we re some gold twenty- 10·00 P. M. a ll wen ° 1.five cent pie.ces Hei had the ten in Eliza

kinds of ,c;oins minted during 1867 per-classmen . . the escolator y>ear of his birth. Sever:aJ Amenca.n downstairs agam , vh1 ad rk ha lls in/ --Published Weekly at Peru State Teachers College-method and throug a ' h ailf pennie.s, some of nickel and some h U o.f copper we""' included in tit*1 col- to the recreation a· · t ins truc,., When ,Margaret W in e rs lee.t i-on. ted the girls new to do rm1to:fi A chin$e dollar .bdll printed in the to give the •grand openmg' they N-erw York banking h()!USe yawned as big as possible muc·h interest American printing Tommy Dickerson sang "When 1o;n1ered at the Postoffice of Peru, Nebrask"' as second class matter. Sl.00 d oath rm e Col• was on one si® and Chin.69e on the Day is Done " an e othe:t1 bert gaye the mQdern of the Year-5c single copy. ,, , th the reading, "Peter Rabbit.

Arr.ow heads, bea,ds, and e.1JU1 .,.,e 'The Kangaroo Cou rt' in -====================.========== \were atpong the lndia.n articlE$ dis- of Marjor ie Mendenhall, passed - M. FLORENCE MARTIN I • f '-:" judgment that all freshmen sho uld · ' The demonstr.ation o a be paddled for insults to t heir elAdvisor - J. W. Tyler 'supposed to locate metals aroused the ders.

' children's attenltion. At the. ie:I)d of felt peppy after the I STAFF ASSOCIATES the instrument various r-Od.s were us-1 paddling and dancing was in order.,-Wilma James - Albin Larso.n fur tocating the diffe.rettt kinds IMusic was Beryl na:- I PHILO-EVERETTS of or&. 7 ling, saxophone; Virginia Hall, p1-

Carolyn Calder - - - - Irene Andr.ews

Anne Jensen - - Haney Milstead 1 ano; Betty Hinchey, violin ; Jerry Graham, drums. Dixie cups were · Alumni· Notes sent to bed at 11:00 o'clock.

Marg aret Wintoo- - - - Dorothy Eckaxid 1 1 served and carefree comrades we re A of the Personality

Thelma Ann Bro4.y.eir - - - Roland Edie wabs hdield in room 211 of t he

Former Bobcat Athletes on cam- trainer uil ·ng.

Wilma Jacka ___ .Aileen Cox ._ __ Fred Rohrs Ipus for -Home coming: The meeting opened with an inFrank Kerner, Coach Grayson, troductory talk by Miss Brackney , 1 Missouri; Kenneth Gaines, Supt. lhe faculty sponsor She told the I- -----------1 Crab Orchard; Earl Hurst, Asst. aims and the meaning .i T • N. Q· coach, Wymore; Wallace Sugden, of the club.

Baptist Church

(D. S. Coad Minister) ra1ner . otes ' ! Coach Ruskin, Rollie Riggins, The club chose for their officers coach Shubert, Claude Math- t he following: Ethel Etmund, pr es-

The consciousness of work well I ews, coach, waodbine , Iowa ; ident; Martha Pisar, vice-presidone is labor's richest reward. High School Operetta Mathews, C'oach, Woodbine, dent Hollis Dodd, secretary a nd t GI A kerson Adams· Jack FlSh treasurer; Celeste Sabota, social

Services Sunday, 0c ober 23, are work will soon be started on the en c • '. ·as follows· er, Asst coach , Missouri Valley, Ia .; chairman; Dorothy Park er, proHigh School operetta, to be given Emil Wicina, Wilbur; Elmer Hertle, gram chairman. 9:45 a. m.-Church school. early next semester Although Hebron College; Bernard Galloway, 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. early in the season, the work must coach, Dorchester. Art Garris, Te- Girls' Club Meets Sermon: "The Completion of Per- be :.mder way, as it is to be given cumseh; Harold Peterson, coach , The girls living outside t he DorI sonality." Music by the choir. f Bellevue, Kans. ; Duaine Sams, mitory met in Eliza Morgan h all rom manuscript, and few copies coach, Wisner; James Conway, Au- Wednesday, Oct. 12. Mrs Dunning 6:30 p. m.-Junior group study, a.i:e available. burn, Fred Rickers, Supt. Blue explained the rules governing t he also young people's discussion. This operetta, "The Fete of the Springs; Harry Niebel, Supt., En- girls of the dormitory and appoint'7 :30 p. m.-Evening union ser- Fireflies," was written by Robert T. dicott. ed a committee to draw up similar vice, place announced at morning Benford, and will be given under' for all girls outside t he dorservice.


Thursda y, October 27 , 7:00 p. m. his direction , assisted by student Jennie Mardis, Cook, 90, who met Miss Ohlberg , the school nurse -Choir practice, and a church fel- te<4.chers. with a serious accident in late t ,,. th d f summer and has been in the hos- gave a a on e nee 0 o userv' lowship. The cast will include the Juni or ing the general rules of health pital at Nebraska City, was able to and Senior High School Girls' Glee return to her home last week. She asked ev ery girl to report any Clubs and the Senior High School Miss Leona Boellstorff, Peru illness immediately , not only fo Boys' Glee Club. The leading graduate, passed away at the sana- protection, but for t he protec h torium in Albuquerque, New Mex- tioMin 0 f other:S on the .campus (J W. Henderson, Pastor) c aracters are not as yet chosen, ico. Two and a half years ago she / :.s. Dunrung explamed t he Art Even the world rejoices to see a but advance announcement will be l ft f · Craft club to the grrls. young person "making good" in made to give all who are i te t d or the Her con-

professional avenues But Heaven th ' t ·t t n res e dition became critical Sept.

First Methodist Church ·1

Sunday are: · Max Rogers and Dick Clements, , He is to teach Practical and tively: the word 'compulsory'

fifth tirade, October 12, in the ' the illness that resulted in her campus. A observer <or any Se rvice w.ith a S mile into the stage of making good; "Life of Columbus" was the dra- ' is upper-classmen rethe living God, to help young life high school auditorium. .' death. freshman) will mform y ou tha t it\ RIGHT-A-WAY that is why we maintain our matization written, directed , and) Paul Armstrong '3·2 is teaching I their righ t ful respects an d Shoe Shop church school and services We acted by members of the fifth in the San Francisco college of em- from the lowly fr osh. M. C. MEDLEY will be delighted to have every one grade history class. The six th I balming, San Francisco, Calif It Vivid green are t he only take advantage of this offer. grade students were honor guests I is a twelve-month course and be- gompulsory articles of apparel, but The hours of worship for next at the presentation of this play. gins November first ? the freshme11, singly or collecschool at 9:45 a. m. open- ' announcers, demonstrated bud- Theoretical Embalming; Gase An- doesn t half express it Of course, ed with special music by the or-1 as masters of ceremon- alysis Funeral Management. - penalty lS severe for not wea rchestra. ies Dick was a1so the boy Colum- 1 mg the CaP-or for havi ng the bill

The preaching service at 11:00 bus in play David Wornock I'. Miss Ruth Shelly, music super- turned UP-Or for having th e bill

a. m ., opened with spirited singing accompllshed the characterization visor in the Auburn public schools turned down-or for not p aying by the choir of young people under of the adult Columbus. Hope Car- recently wrote words and music for homage to the awesome upper- · the faithful direction of Professor ter, ::is Isabella, and Ralph Hays, a new school song Mr. Jimerson 1 for aI?-y reason , how-

Benford. Ferdinand, held important roles. superintendent of the Aubur •, ever slight, depending u pon th e

The union service will be held in Robert Lehigh gave an excellent in- schools, says that the music is mopd of ti:e lordly indi vidual in h is the Baptist church, with Rev. D. of old sailor. ceedingly peppy and the son will third or fo ur th ye ar. S. Coad preaching the sermon In keepmg with the subject of undoubtedly be popular withg the

first year me n will testify

We hope that all the readers of program, Wilda Hazelton re- student body. (as they take their meals f or the this paper are · already assured cited the poem "SaU On.'' Miss Shelly secured her 'degree n.ext few weeks otr the mantlethat there is a welcome for you at Costumes and stage settings were from Peru in 1932. She majored in piece ) punishm e nt is · sure thls churoh, and a standing invi- designed -by the class. They also music She gives credit fOr her cally with l!IUtt erings of "Wait ' til tation to our services perform_ed the necessary mechani- 'success to the Peru Music depart- is generally accepted philosophical duties Hazel Niles was the ment. capy with mu tte ring s of " Wait 'till INSTALLATION OF student teacher in charge next year." _ DORM COUNCIL J TAX ___ "You didn't make that!" will F h N t ! 1 AND

ros 0 es Service in p probably be the exclamation made eru To and from The girls of the dormitory gath- by parents when the second grade · · Nebraska City and other in the Recreation Hall for the boys take 'home the objects they owns

mstallation of the dormitory coun- have just constructed FR•ESHME N GI RLS CALL

ell, It was a very pretty and effec- These articles made in the free

tive candle-light ceremony activity class are carefully

the mf eteht- The

Kampus Kapers


Ga ly bound new books Wftlose j Following the Homecoming game

A gate-crasher sees m ore and title/ fascinate, musty, drab old Saturday evening the swarm -

gets more kick out of a football

books whose names hold a secret ed ii:to the. gyn:nasmm first game than does a person wh o pays Prof A. L. Hill , head of the charm, books of adventures, ro- showmg their little brown footb a lls a dollar at the home coming game ma thema t ics dep a rtment, is chair- mance and travel- these Y. w. at the gate for the annual between Peru an d Maryville . Ta ke man of the· ma them a tics section b ht to ts meeting by means comin g- dance. The first of for instance Kitty Feline, adopt·ed meeting of the s ta te t eachers asso - k 1i the orchestra under the direction ' progeny of the G. Holt St eck fam- ciation district meeting ; which will 0 A rev one of the of Mr. Shubert, chimed out, al\ld

We don't believe the upper class ily. Ask her wha t sh e t hou ght of be held in Omaha, Frida y, Oct 28. o of a on an the crowd o! .students ana girls will have any perm anent scar& tf:1e tell you "it: Prof. C. A. Huck, supervisor of island, and a third of the conse- the music to was e in th e demonstration quences of the marria ge of Chinese begm forth. mto the dance from t he fray this last week end "I'll tell you how it was," Kitty high school, will give a paper on and English were three types of floodr tohen1fJOYf ad very 1 pleasant hour but there cer tainly are some ten- Mrs Steck got all ready Ge t · th s an a a o anc ng. der spots Who would ev.or believe fo r the game a nd at the la st min·- ome ry m •te econdary school. Ibooks by Pisar for The music was very good in tha t " . u te t old me th at because of de - her readmg llst. A distinctly mod- h ll f hos and re echos Every th at our dignified co1lege girls pressi·on , wha tever that is, she Supt. Sp enMr Ledger of Elmwood ern short story "The Departure" a o ec , - th . lwill be to a stmast er and Miss Nona

woman's independence _ and theIr astehcepwndsscoallfetcetredMtihsse of Nebraska this fall , will be and a vocal solo "My Task" by Lora th,;re were old friends 1 song leader at the Peru dinnei;, Dickerson The song service was shouting, Well, buddy, it seems tenden cy to take men's Pace m G ockl ey sold them · and he · which is always held in conni ctibtl led by Drake. great to see you agatn!" followed t

very well p . p rt ' at the Y. W. C. A. meeting, Wed- week a nd gave them a 26 to 7 from sitting in a m ouse tr ap , when sit on ari.y one's laps tfu.ere. Th,e aJama a Y nesday, October scalping in a vain eff ort she u ndertook to Things were pretty dull what Th p . t h" h ·b I Adoption of a llttle SJSter was With their first taste of a con, e aJama par y w

rmgs d · i f th · t· see the freshman boys get paddled with both teams focussing their at..: to uppercl ass g·irls memoirs of oth- one .ecis on o e ference victory the Eagles will be t he other night. tention on the center of the ath- ! ers attended in the pist and the The will choose a wor t hy ht- shar.pening their claws for the let ic field so I amused myself by i pleasure of again renewing friend- tle girl and work together for her Bobcat game. watching the cheerleaders. Seems / ships and meeting old acquaintan- benefit.

The dorm girls fi nd it ,a great to me that the old grads could do ces, and to freshman girls marking each might have help m Girls Dyeing In Class shock to have a wh ole bed to t hem- ·a yelling when ther came t he end O·f green ribbon days , was her personal P.rob.lems ev- · some the girls in the Clothing selves Really wh en you put three 'b.'ak:k mstead of leavmg it all to given Friday night in the recrea- e ry gnl was to indicate her class decided that they would like or totrr people in a h alf bed some.- Marg and Gertie, and the boys. ! tion room of Eliza Morgan Hall of a topic to be m a to change colors so they dyed one is just bound to not enough Along in tfa e second quarter I 1 The cour£room scene with the de- group The subJects se- their favorite dresses and really if sleep Yo.u any- heard a commotion and bless if fendants ,_ girls who had lected. will be anqounced_ later. you didn't know what had happent hing until it 2s f rom y ou one of Peru 's men wasn't runnmg Ivi ola ted rules which the council Chairmen of the var10us coi:ri- ed you would tfn mk they were new pell-mell for a touchdown! And had .given them appealed before mittees told of the duties dress. See if you can recogni ze did he make it! Well I'm telling the sclemn and exacting judge, they Each any of them on the ca mpus

The dramatic depart men t just you! The kick wasn't so · hot Marjorie Mendenhall. After taking ask:ed to JOm the committee m can't unders tand why Mr Jindra , though Guess the old the oath , "I promise to tell the which shew.as most of all people, di dn 't donate a couple " kinda " got too· excited. Anyway truth , the whole truth and nothing Pisar, by descnpt10ns of of violins-one to be broken :UP there we were with a touchdown but the truth, so help me upper- new had read made them a nd the oth er to be parnted white and nowhere to go but ba ck to the class men,'' the trial proceeded in mvitmg to her audience - for the homecoming p lay center of the field. l egal fashion The ignorance of tl;le Marian Carlson read a..short

Cott age a.nd ;1ig,ht ho u.sie.keepin g rooms for rent. So11;thi of Bap ti5t chu r ch week Some peop le are cer ta m ly Guess r wasn 't the only ga t e- freshmen on such matters as dat- Lora Dickerson sang My Task que-er I got to looking around I ing, remembering names, placing \ The sc r ip t ure was read by Mary Mrs Ad<l ie SeweO.l

Faculty Da mes Enjoy Party again and over on the other side of \ various things in bed, forgetting

the field was Pete the llorse, hid- pa rt of their costumes was apalling . ' dep behind a tree. Wonder how he 1 j At times the jury questioned their , could walk past Mr Mathews! And responses which were very vague I there was a photographer planting and unrepresentative of their know-

The husba nds and a number ·of ·a camera, all ready to shoot. Guess ledge. Placing of cockel burrs in other f1i en ds of Faculty if they got by no one should tell on beds, (for further information on I enjoyed a Hunters Moon party m them. the -best place to find them may be t he Home E con omics r oom of the Pete just doubled up and gave tfue secured from a nature study stu- 1 t raining build ing on Oc t ober 13. girls the horse-laugh when they dent , Helen Claire Mullen) was conMrs Marsh a ssist ed by Mesdames r come out to play football between sidered inexcusable. When asked Benford, Clem ents, Hill, Lorbeer halves! "Honestly," he said, "They if she had had a date with a cerand Steck, ma de :UP t he commit- didn 't know one goal post from an- football player "S?ottie': nontee for the occa s10n. They pre-, @ther. " Really though, I'd like to chalantly asked, "which night?" sented a great varie ty of fash- know who it was that was running Another freshman girl couldn't ioned games for th e ent ertainment around with the suitcase! Mrs. \ remember the names of fellows she of the guests, a nd enthusiasm \ Dunning said it was a sketch of had talked to The girl friend of waxed high _in contests and .table \ Coacf\:l. Lorbeer , but does he love the of Kappa Delta Pi , croquet, pmg-pong, dommoes, red hair? wanted a date defined-Well Forhearts, checkers and rook. \ Mr. Jindra sure has a snappy rest. After much discussion it was A table beautifully decorat ed band Boy! Oh! Boy! I felt like decided that each freshman girl with an eerie jack-o.- lantern sur- Margie but of course I didn't dare should receive some punishment ad- J rounded by ta.11 black a nd gold turn hand springs! This is I. T. but ministered by me a ns of a wooden t apers, held trays of delightful ?c- ·l\4'1' Jindra was the only one able instrument called a paddle. Court / tober dainties, glasses of spa rklmg to get a rise out of the crowd Say, was dismissed. 1 cider and cu ps of fra grant coffee when he plays the college song, The remainder of the program I Mrs. Hill of Crete, mother of they all stand up! of a by the new Prof. A. L. Hill, was an out-of- town we sure had a 'fine bunch ·of fel- girls m the dormitories. A vocal guest. lows backing up the line. I ain't Isolo by Lora Dickerson and a piano The year books fo r the calendar much of a pro in football , but let solo by Jeannette Barrett year of 193 2-33 were dis tributed me tell you Homer Hatcher can I With tne notes of the orlast week to th e m embers of the smell pig ski{i a mile. He was un- chstra all the enmity of the past Faculty Dames Club: These ar- der it everytime. Guess that's why 1 week was and freshmen t ist ic creati ons bearing a mon- he is captain. And can Peek kick? and upper class returned to grammed corner in black and Boy! and he has three more years their former. Durmg white are neatly type d. " to go Better than Tolly!-We'll f the dance Dixie c_ups were served. The frontpie ce reads: Grateful miss Tolly. He sure can buck a As the clock and acknowledgem en

sighs and mto their for their help in the preparation shame to lose 7-6, but take it from of memories was locked the PaJama of t his yearbook. " me the game was sure some game I /

The Dames Club has· been in ex- · F

tst en ce since 1925. The mem be rd Y. M. c. A, NOTiES his hi gh .of:fli oo. He next presente_d

ship i ncludes wives, mothers an g-0ve rnor Roosev elt and comp a rerl his

PLACE ORDERS si.sters of faculty men and th e __ 1 • te t' poHtical ing Mth !tf" ait of pres- ANC married women of the fa cult y. Another e xt reu i<:,>y nn r cE t.nig me.... "

Meeti n gs are held each month of dng w.as 'held last Wed.nesd.ay evening. idenill.

the school year In September a .Aihout

recep tion is

compar ed the p.oitic1es

and to the u nm arried women on prec€jd>eid: a ve ry iinte rel)ti ng talk by 14o e xtent the lissu€Jl as p.ut the fa culty An annual party 1s Prof.. Kahn co nc.e.rrui ng the merits and forth

given for t he husbands and a fam - de.-mer5115i of the tw o .major candj cratic pa rti es which

ily picnic is held in May: At dates for president of lfohe Uniited clu.ded some discu.ssio

Christmas tim e some

ere made from funnels and buckts. John Wheatly mad e a very eful dimmer from a fruit jar. The all lights, while appearing to be igh ted on the stage, were switched n behind th e set. Card-board rames and colore d transparent aper made the colored lights. In producing a play the Dramatic lub is r esponsible for an expenses nd for the sale of tickets The oney is used for stag-e properties or plays. "The Black lammgo win be the only financial uccess of the year due to the arger crowd at Homecomin¥ time everal pl ays will be given this ear but the exp-enses will probably run higher than the sale of tickets e mon ey taken in from


Peru (13 )

<O) a small breath esc a"Ped, the Inlians , S. L. Cleme nts and W. N. DelzeH. 1:he sc·ho0J. At an assemb ly at the 1\n deOpi a ns showed thei r ab ility to Pi ke L. E. B eechdal did n ot bury him .Alt t he e nd of the president an d secreta ry \end af the year th e pries,i.dent re ads do ma ny thin.gs. The me al coo ked Pate L. T. Ma dison tw.eive da.ys he h ecmae alive again ·of t:he Pe ru Al umrui Associatfon have tp tilie school a li:st of those stn;,d·e1nts a nd served by the m embers und er t he To lly L. G. Carrol a n! w as per:fuctl y sel,1 AH the In- b een b usy for thle past several weeks.\ wiho have 1be en d:ish on or ab ly <l is- leaders'h ip of Eth <ll Koser and M.iss Pu nch es C. La ing cl.fans told of it to convince Mr. Nei-,

PERU PEDAGOGIAN bu.rch and the W · wi'1l pe. in thiiS c of 1Jle· • ehei Imeeting of Kappa omicron Phi, h cbMg,e c. T. U. wpl ave -'1.11

Bows and arrows g!ive action \in Monday evening, from a ".The I 'hJuntling song, IOrigin of Common Things, gi ven t A friend comes to visit the t;n.be by Elizabeth Sprague. w!b,olei pr-0gram. .- Ir.I as the folks .a.s wqr. PERU and !is i.n tr.ue In<lian fashdon. Peace PJpe dB smoked as 1 All girls in the Home Economics M:elih-01Chst .young t..- presen t • .,_; OJlS to 'JX1 other .deno.rtnn.a the song IS sung. • Department were of the local for that service· Vlillagie the Ichapter of Kappa ormcron Pbi at a I weav:ing and cby mo1ding, are breakfast served in the Eco- Meats ·' p E DAG 0 GI AN i The day's work t:he tribe nomics rooms s.aturday morning. A For Quality ente1itains the guest wiith songs. .and delicious 1:5ue simple_ breakfast was danoes. Thie cold-maker's song served by Naoma Pierce and and Groceries, Fruit :fofilowed •b-y the dance af the }eaves. trude Flinn. Mrs. Lorbeer an th 'Ilh!e children are called to eac:h orary member was also presen · cer€1monial b. y the $,low ol HOME ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT the tom-tom, by the 0 GIRLS Miss/ McCQ!lun\ hopes to complete GIVES ADVICE T at the Postoffice of Peru, Nebraska, as second class matter. $1.00 the teaching .cxf the entire Pageant by• ,....---Published Weekly at Peru State Teachers College-the Year-Sc single copy. the £ nd of two weekJS .cxf work. I Do you have trouble in gettmg T L tire Pa,,..e.-aint will be gdven along witp. other people? Is knyour '""" en &. • • Ihome life happy? Do you ow .in costume. These Indian swts were how to choose becoming clothing made b.Y the Arts clalss. and how to care for them properl!?


etc.? You will always live in a Wilma Jacka ______________


I house or a room. Do you know what I

watchman, Grosshoell}e, to do to make it as comfortable and

the obvious places are beautiful as possible? Suppose the r :co.vte111ed wifu a beaded .design,' WU- new .and different to these green person Sitting next to you in class I T • N t (J 1 ma F1aiu desic11ibed •a war bonnet with j fresh1es should faint. What would you do? ra1ner . 0 es ! fe?.thers th.at wouJd t.ea.Clhl :to the I was sleep!-1'1g peacefully m my These and similar problems are g110UJrud. cage one when I awak- studied and solved in Home Eco. A t . f the ds Il.d r I ened by voICe;> The followmg con- nomics classes throughout the Ch.e:f t . " Am · oui 0 giioun a ove versation came to me from the It · I 'd r d L even s m e111P1y emcan the rema.inde.r of the hous was made t 1 d. d from the "Ad" count1y. IS no onger consi e. e histor.y w.ill be sblown in a movie b f the class returrued. s ea mg own necessary to spend most of the time e ore bmldmg to the Manual Arts shops. cooking and sewing for these thin.gs that 6.s heing made and wi'lil. be pro- _ " What are you doing here?" re ::i.lly occupy only 'a small place in d:u.'Ced by the .iliifth gl'ade histt<>ry Kindergarten Notes e? Mr. Grosshoeme of .a sit- the lives of most students. Practicc.18$9. cbiiild of the lis mak- Th€1 .b'eginnfog V:io!i.n of tihe tmg. on the steps. Little did Y?U ally all the objectives of secondary in.g a n-icture for tlhJe show. .As e-ac h ' r.eallz.e then, freshmen, d1S- ed ucation al'<e carried out, in the up- kindergarten li.s prog ressing rapi:dly · t h d tl an on this cam illustr ation is s hown th!e stor.y of i't mguIS e gen en_i - to-date Home Economics course in The litthes students ar-e able to play pus you were meetmg w;illl !>et told The siiotih gra.de will · which the aim is to help the stul 'pl'obably be g.uests •at this entertaJn- t he noteis which are wrtitte.n on the The got up and the fellow dent to live healthily; happily boa11d for th:eim. 'I1hey can 1U1Se tam-ee stammered, Well, er-you see, we more efficiently an<l more beautiment to .be g;iven October 26. fingers on t..he D stnirug; and two freshmen aren't suuposed to fully every day. , 'fingiers on st11ing. Miss Gra- date and we ditched down here to get away from some upperclassmen I

A real diate, p 111lm tree as in the ham, who has charge o.f tilie violin who are following us. There they BAPTIST CHURCH pr.oud possessio n of ,a deilig'hted third work, :has been able to presen.t the are now!" And as luck seemed to be grade. Mr. gave to the work in su.-c.'h an tinte.1'1€s:ting. manner with this couple, some folks did go 1 class w.hen it v.ilsited t!he green house, that ther.e is no sho.w of dec.reaS!i.n.g by, but it happened to be another \ D. S. Coad. .Minis'tle!r O:ctober 19 i.nte:oost The group is div'idieidl jnto freshmen couple who were at the '\ The muElt, ever remadn - a I

The study of bana na .gr.owing smaller· dri vfai.ons, usua1ly n.ot more same meeting with them earlier in liv.ing embodiment of Godiliness 1 caused the :thdrd grade to make a trip .than two fo each, aind th::!< work gtlven the evening. ! Seirv ices Sunday, Octo\ber •30; 9:45 I td the conservatOJ:y. The class was to the two p:upi!ls at a t ime. So.me They succeeded m 1.a .m. church schoo l· 11.:0Q a m. mornGrosshoeme's sympathies, for it '. '. , , · g iieiaitly surprised at thte Slize of the are .be.g;inni.n.g to pJ1ay f:dmploe, Little was, indeed, that worthy gehtleman mg w.orsihlip : Sermon: Gods 1 leaves. The children were made .ac- tunes. you were talking to, freshmen He to the Churc.'h. .MJu.si,c b.y the ch.ou-. quainted w.ith the fig, date palm, proceeded to give them the correct 6:30 p. m. junior meeting; young or.ange, ·and treas. I _,, L! h 11 b 't rules and customs to the effect that peopiles discusGJio.n grouq. I h nwi,an ponies w.ll.IC' w;1· e qll!l e h 1 th t d b nter.est m t e &ppearance of the l':fe1i. L -· d b 1.1 h I sue paces as ose s eps an e- 7:30 p. m evening .uni.o.n

b.ananas on the tree, .arud perhaps


school meets at 1 0:00 / Halloween party to be gav.en Octc ber classmen the fellow has the same a rn. sh. .,..\.. th ch X-RAY SERVICE 25 Clay modieling ts unde1' diirec- ft I

W.llL,i.o. en ms1.aswc tea ers · t.ion of M\iss Brooke.r The rst name. as I and the girl- fo.r eive.ry cl.ass. 'ljhJe

A wheel o.f fo.rtmnei is being ma.de • Well, she is

th at wm givie re,Li1ab,le informat,ion .modelling h.as the from Omaha. Who'd h th k I had forty present last week. -----------------! about each person. An olld w<itch 'H a.I st.age and the c'luldren are> begm- it of 'em? ave un Worship .at 11:00 a. m,; Christian aippem· with he.r magiic tricks. , .n.ing .o.rjgina.l fo rms. · 1 . Endeavor, 6:30 p. m.; Un.ion service, b k . . k 1 0 t -- 7:30 p. m. oys are ma mg • Jac -o- anterns. I · n accoun of the p Club in.laSandwiche,s. do.ug:hnulls, and punch Mliss Audr ey Boyd lis directing 1jhe tion of the freshman boys on Thurs" wliill p.ro.br,ibly bei c·on!s.ide11ed not t he p.a.i.nuing work. In tlhlis work t'he da,y night, no freshman clubs met./ METHODIST CHURCH : leiaist important part of t,he p.arty b.v are :flirst tau giht !how to hold They are postponed until Novem-1 thtis group of juniior hig'h .boys and a paint br:ush and the of ber. · J .. W. Henderson. Pastor g.i.rls,. US,ing it. T.his €\Xer,cises thia upper

IOur citrlzensh!ip cBllls for t,h.e best ,a,rm and strengQhlen\s thie muscles so KAPPA: OMICRON PHI that is in us and. there is no b.etter "I never knew Indian saddles to.ok- by the end of the year they HOLDS INTERESTING MEETING q.laice for the to developie1that ed like small p,i<llo:ws/' commented m a.y be dlirected to w:ritd.n.g. best, fua.n an ow· chu.rch sehoo\l. Be

Visiting members of Kappa Omi- su.rej to ,be present at eve.ry servke. Loren Dunton discussing a trip The lndiian Pageia.nt whic'h which Miss Harvey's g.rade p1iepared ,b,y Mliss McCbllum is nearcil as.s made to Arbor ing thle final tr aindng p.erloti. Lodge, October 17, to see the Indi an Ln thds Pa gea nt t.he vaiious ce.re-

gr oup adJo urned to attend Sunday

s.hJi elds kn ow thei motiions for eac'h one

The :ho.ys of the class seemed es- F1irst comes t he "Wake-Up" s oitg, or peCJiallly enthusi asmc ahout thle tom- the oeremonial of Sun -Rfis e. As the ahawks, arrow tools cJiiklren si ng they face the east to bows, and a.i-r.ows. greet t11.el sun.. Then .they marc.h 'Dl1'e girls admitted inte.re;t in t h.fee .arow1d the mo unta:in and each child thing,s Jb.ut took .a more f$inine yreqares 1Ms with much ham-

cron Phi were enJte1·tained at a OclttoJ>er 30, is a notable Sabbath, picnic breakfast at the Dutch oven and th Sunday morning, October 16. After · e programs of the d1nrch that spending an hour visiting and lis- day will b.e well worth yo111J· effort. E. C. McAleer Af. Do

Phc.mes, Residence 28, Office 1

Hours: 9 tp 12 and 1 to 5 rel1ics there. mon.i ails of the Indlians .a re given. ''I w.anted to see the scalps', said Th e,re is a song .a,nd actlions which go J o.'hn Rhod.u.s. He wias sw·prised at WTith oe11emon.ial. The oh!Dldren h.ave thickness of the buffalo hide learned of 'tlhle oo ngs and to the alumni compare to be present. · te a'chmg . e x p e r i e n c es , the The union services fo,r that mgiht l


_snjffle. thin cr bs Y. w. had two speakers, who certam hes hea ded for the Orphan- Margaret· ' But Rex, yo u · , t ook t he stump for the presiden- age. t hmk o:f me ail.l o·f th.e tlime. . , tial ca ndidates in the coming elec- I

Rex: 'O\li, Margaret! If 1 dti.dn ,t ti on. Mr. George W. Brown took t h.ink o:f yo.u ill of the I t th e side of the Democra ts ar:d Dean i Lo 1 have another 1ibJoug'.ht m my head. Delzell defend ed the Repubhcans. C3 S ·· V Mr. Brown traced the develop- I

Why lhf.l ve a college rriiX!er? Ju st go to the Ub..Ilary any night seven a..nd nine

Gierti ei: 'What can ·1 do to avoid sorei feet after ai football game?'

Mar ge: 'Do as 1 do stand on yo.ur 'ha nds p.art of tlw ti.me.'

Don't be ginl:s, if "I always vote for a ca ndidate not jured when t he front wheels of the

ment of the Democratic party, expl aining t he cha nges and the policy up on which it was founded. He Miss Florence Martin, Falls City, emp has i ze d the pla ce which the has be en ill for the past tw?' weeks I thir d p ar ty has. One of the other wi th a severe cold . Ma rJone Mentwo will a ccept issues which were denh a ll is ta king charge of the ediput forth by the third some tor ship of the Pedagogian until Miss time. The plat form which the M ar ti n 's return to school. have acclaimed was dis- . Ma rjorie and Ruth Kimberlin, .,.11,ssed by Mr Brown as was the Phelps City were called home on P1:e$,ent a dministration and the re- a ccount of the illness and death of N adin e publican president th eir mother. She was fatally in- )

.An dr ews rusll.e$ unto your .room at aga inst," was Dean Delzell's open- car locked as the fa mily was ct.riv- / 1 2: 20 asks if th.at was tih,le 3:30 I ing statement enough ing to Per'u last week Mrs. Kim-

She bias just ,been a:AeESp Only \ he V:' as not bo!n and raised a re- berlin was an a unt of Wilma \ show what .a constant time pressu re p ublic an, for his fat1!-er mother Silenc e of Rock port t he mode rn girl lli.ves u.nder vote d the democratic regu- Emma Hunzeker and Doris Wel:)b , • l arly Mr Delzell believes wh o w ere in an auto accident on is R ocsevelt will be the next presi- th e ro ad to Peru several weeks ago, de nt even though he will cast his have both returned to classes Dr Sm.ith (2:3.0 class) ' WMre

.Mliss GHbe.rt 1fufis afternoon'?

An rre Jens en : 'Pro.biably Mleep h er 1:30 cfai;s.' vo te for Hoover. . . 1 Miss Hollis Dodd , from Randolph , m I De votional service was m charge Ic wa, fell from the steps of the of Ada Bra dy Ruth Hawxby led dorm last wee k and injured her

The stud£lnts age o)id JCry :

'No :fame I crave; before my A simpiler goal I keep: , the song ser vice 1· back.' Ho wever, she is taking daily 1 trea tments fo:r it and is able to ateye New Hats for Old , tend classes.

The girls in the Advanced Cloth- i Margaret and Lois Troyer have I hope ju it once, b€1[ore I die, To get suffiic.ient sleiep.'

ing cla ss must have felt the de- had guests stay over from Hozn.epression Maybe they were Jus t coming weekend They were Miss being economical. Anyway they Betty Pancake, who attended school brought in some of their old bats here last year , a nd who is now tut-

G lRL ATHLETES PLAN and made tll:iem into new bats. I oring at her home in Shenandoah, w. A. A. SPORT \ 1Iow a, and Miss Alice Smith from How's Your Diet? Essex Iowa was the other visitor

N vld. b.e aclinitte.d who d.s n ot That is the question the girls in Fer' two Miss McCollum's

0 one l:thes at thew. A. A. pro.rn " Nutrition class asked So sist er Miss Martha McCollum

m c N .h 4 Every girl th ey observed the trme necessary Bloc msbu.rg, Penn ., has been visitto be g iven · , ·n for ea ch activity and calculated ing in Peru. on ffue camp.us is anvated to share J I their energy requirement. Then I ----t he fon of thie eveni ng. they checked th eir daily diets to •E XCHANGE NEWS Ev en if you are not ancli n ed t o- see if t heir requirements were be- , ward physical .activdtite;s this ing s upplied. they could will · "'iIJpo1 to wear ra elp y ou with your diet; whether The rocc hange.;; from vamolis colh ges IDVe you an ...., vu.i"' · t • our mO$t rakish. sport costume, or y ou w ant to galll or lose we1gh · 1 and hi g1h schooils .are r eo<l!ved by the mast tomboyish outfit. Yo.u journalism weeik. In may, ,if pm;s:i.ble ii.mitat.e Helen Wi11s PE R U'S GI A NT DONS NEW T' t>u.rn ,_ the Peda gog 1an 1s ISe!Il't tcr each MlOody or Babe Didiuckson... Original TOGA AND STEPS OU I oi thiese sch00;1J.s. The Peru exchange and humorous costumes will 'have - all .are: t hlxir share of o°x: Soutlh Hligh Tooter, Soutb High Athletic sports WiiJlll_ furnlSh the l egs arrogantly disregarding all Sc'hool, Oma ha, Neb r.; The Antelo pe , Weme for the decorations. Y.ou. can a ctiv it ies of campus life , milling Nebr. ; The G.o'ldenrod, probaql y oomewha.t g.uess at the ::tbout his fe et. · Wayne, The •. Chadron, appear ance of the giJmnasium, bu t Not lon g ago he was a shabby Nebr.; The Creiigibltonian, Omah a _... committee p lans to exceed yaur drab gia nt l?oking sulkily down on Ne br. ; The N o0 rth western Misso.uni.an , t t· :i worl d w hich to all appear a nces M -.ue. Misso.uni· The expec a ions t had completely forgotten him. He aryVJ ' d E 1 · Dan<.5ing occupy t he ma3or j rew into obsc urity and , I fe a r, he Nebr. ,and N orbhl Ben a ge, of the ev enmg. An appropna e an in feri ority complex. INor th Bend, NeibJ". pr.ogram ,is being plainned, althouglh , But this fa ll he re ceived a beau- ; the de tails a re not p.ublic at this time. tiful new coat of s hining silYer, I The '·Oo yo'he ' staff at tfue There w;i;ll be s omethl n.g good to icross whic h he proudly bears the I Ye ar Bonk has b een .anno.unced by eat, of co.urse. W hat else co.uld be na me "P eru'_' in black letters of Heilen K•endaj.l,. editor a l1!1 Claude ex,pected at an athletic party'? hu ge prc por t10ns Buxton, busi ness man ager. 1932 'ttees are w orking under the Now he is no longer shy and ret1- 'Co yiot es ihla ve bee n reducied from mmi J d uhlic- -: ent, but a chan ged , grand old mon- · • · ·

le.aderSb.ip of .Mlild.red .o ry, p arch. Wi tl'i every change in weath-

ity and atlve.rtisin



Undefeated in Southeastern conference play, the Nebraska City Bulldogs will come to Peru this week (Tuesday) for a non-conference tilt with the Bobkittens. By I virtue of their 14 to 7 victory over Tecumseh and the fact that they nosed the Pawnee IndianS out of their title hopes 7 to O; last makes the Purple and Gold Bull- I dogs strong favorites to win over the Kittens.

The Peru eleven will be outweighed by the Bulldogs some fifteen or twenty pounds to the ma n.

With only a mere handful of Kittens out for football, Coach Edie is making a f-ew changes in the lineup this week in an at tempt to st rengthen th e line a nd to find a backfield combination that will ! function. Velvick and Palmer I backfield men , have been shifted to the line on the offense and their I plac es filled by Captain Kelso and i Kaizer. Ra wson , who has been 1 playing g uard , will be shifted to \ t ackle t his w eek. · i

The Kit tens play at Ta ble Rock n ext week (November 4) : A few facts about the Prepsters : fo otba ll squad: 1 Player Pos. E x.

' 1 , 1

! pn ze. She was dressed: m the lady- 1ltrn nal fe st1v aJ 1s to pro"•tde an oppor- · b D J . "T

I .irnd Ann a Donner the comrnittee in / li k · · f 1 · .fo 1 . y r. essup m, eac ers, eep up . e sw1mmmg

c.red with a short pro g ram I Ju<l ge W. C. Parriott. A highway man has t ried to kill · und er the auspices of the Masonic lin the see tlt tmice." I at co.nvQcation period. The person - i At the su ggestion · .of Supt. M. C. Charlie He escia.ped b ut a cut on J orga nfaa ti-ons The entertainment . Thus speaks the New York "Even- nel of ltJhis g roup is·: Clyde Bole and Le He r, !h eJ meet an g was closed by t he his hand where fellow has c ut I con sisted of a most spectacumar pag- Telegram" concern'ing the pla,,y W.i.n'iifred Pettit, vfolin s; Gera. Grab- entire standin g w.iUi bowed him wtitb a sha.rp k n'ife. The m an ea nt with ithe ,bicent.en n;ial theme, and w.biich has been chosen a.s the fir.st am, viola ; Syth l!i.a l\fuchek, cello. I he ad s in 'ho.n or to the memory of' the wears a h\andkerchi.ei ac ross his fa ce was enact ed ,by .abo ut two hundred lsemetea- .alll-co:llege stage production. 1 The seJections, which were b.eauti· 1·a,a t.e Ccl<!n eJ Thomas Jefferson Miajor i; so t hat Char1ie d oes n ot reco g nize c itizens. They were assisted by the The large cast of fifteen members f.ully re ndered ·and enthusiastically The me_et in g was .a tr.ue Peru get-to"him. mu nic ip al band in sever.al ;,elections, has beg un W<>rk on "BerMe.y Square" j re ceived by the listeners, were as f geit her meet:in g. T.hle following alu mSyrian C'o.rnes. in after Char li.e b,y the fife and drum corps, ,by by John L. Balders:on will .:be I n"i and. friends were pre£ent, has gone tn feed his h<>rs e. In hiis firing sq.ua<1s from the American produced as ia budg et, play m a few jSpmt of the 18't'h Century I Pre"Siclent and Mrs W. R. Pate, PeJ>ack the visit or :has many fine t hin gs. Legion. • weeks. Leslie Howard. mil.de it a - - Affred Pocbon 1ru., Among them .aret S<>me ver.y sha rp The audien ce was tbh11e.O with su.ccess on Broadway. The following f Old Engli s-h

cau.s-ed Charlie such


PreSlident especiany since t he Syrian .wears Ii el!ltire as rnmjl.tlag e, sounded, and ILora Dickerson --'- -"'-:- - HALLOWEoEN PARTY AT o.f the1. N:a.tional Ed.u.catfon Associnlarge handkerchief arou.nd hts throat thu s dosed the sess10n of a most Lady Anne Pe t111g rew MEYER HOUSE t 10n, Lind ell Hote1, Lmcoln. To ge t him to leave Mrs Buster wor th y as so ciatio.n in distric t number Truxton Routh!

Throstle Profe ss or Herb ert Br.ownell, He.ad swea rs th/at on the morrow RhQldie s ix. IV.i rgil Bugbee - Toin Pettig rew CJ.f ihe

not :rorget the ., , I ' ' -

Thelma Ann Broly.eir - - Roland Edie I to miss alnother of these ifiterest- j fine o!chestra. hand con., ·mg trav,e-1 ta ks. · du.ding t:he church ss hool our. ,Willl')a Jacka Aile.en Fred Rohrs I ! Rev. w. Henderson SCRIBBLERS CLUS

The mos.t thiroat-catching words in the worJ.d, "once upon a time"! , ,


It's o.nly i.n an old red book with i:>:old letters on the c·over-"F.afry Stor'ies". 1 Meetling at the home of Mrs. No.wadays, "once upon a time" has .a (.•jfferent mearJing. It may be a their sponsor, ihe Club he ard the Con; Emotionalized thoughts crystallize t:ickE!b to a footb a ll game .or a P club dance, even a picture, O!' e fotled siitu tio n, comp osed by t'he .mempers into d!eieds, thus the sacredness :of penn1ant. It isn't sad. If life turned out iike the copy books, N. even like 1 of last year. thinking is appar ent the story books, there would be nQ -use in g rowing up at ail!. Y-o.u need i Since l(l ot enou gh of .the members Services Sunday,. November 13: t]ie sense of adventure, the little feeling whkh says, "If I tur'.1 this door : were present to hold a _proper elect- 9.45 a. m. church school, 11:-00 .a. m knob I'll see a princess." _ W_hen the alarm gt>es off, you sh ould tumble i ion of offic t:irs that part of Ui!e pro- morning Ser.mo.n:"Chr:istout thinking, "Todi:.y, almost arl.yt hrng might happen." It's tt ue, yu.u Ig ram was p.ostponed. girl iani!<y Demonstrated." Music by the know. You might faJll down the library steps! 1read t>J the .others her ong:mal scrib-1choir. Or, on the other hand, you may take the first step on your way to the I blin g. They consisted of a short, short 6:30 p. m·. junlior meeting, a)lso stars. :ou. all have friends. who seem to lead the m0st lives st or_Y , Ma.donna's'"'Hand; lihd the fol- yodng people;s d_iscussion ·. Somethmg is aAways happ enmg to them. You envy them. Noth11.ng ever lowm g X ou, Thoughts on 7:3.0 p. m. evening unfon serv i ce rn happens to you. And yet how can it, when you yourself' close the door to Your Goal, Autumn Colors, a nd God's the Christian Church.e adventure by your negiative attitude toward You must listen before ! Gifts, and Pra irie -Snow Further a.nno.uncements as to pra_y you can hear and you must -open your eyes before-you can .see, Y o.u I Pu.n ch was then Mrs. eir meeting and

make an adventure out of a fialling leaf if yQU are built that way. And 1 Baker spoke of htir first pu.blished be mooe

killed I ment at the party held .J>y the. i'ifthil Some o;f the work, r.1'ythm /.Nor.man Thomas is t.lre great Est single a sc ore of youths last year. Few o.f and grades. As thej children Iand games, and readmg was presented asset which the ''Socialist party has. I the f.atalities were .c> n college teams, t old their stories light refreshments first so. the mothers could see what Apportionment -ef in.comes, not·· the _ hut a:t the end of the se:aso.n p,U;blic were thleir were doing. Many hi- eqiul!-liza tion as is commonly thought .opinion 01idained thie jntereolleg'iat:e " · lario.us Hallowe'en games W1€re played . is• the Jo.p_g time 'pfan of the ruiles C'ommittee get together and take Fortune races for peanuts, weri; given. pl atfo tm The iin.'medriate pLari '.ls' to the ooit o:f foot/ball. ·and othe r Hallowe'en fup made the _Cat_s and witches·.lnaae by th e child- Irelieve the unemplo yinent situation coache.s meeting in New third and fo urth grade Hallowe'ein ren deco.r.ated the room. Napkins\ thtough .a ,g_over nment loan and un- York for a study and interpretation a g reat event in the minds ef and d? ilies of the ch31dren's own' con- employment· _i nsur ance _· Heretofore· oif t'he rules found tha.t itwo of .:the chlil<lren. .. _ -. , , _., struction used with the ref:ro· h- \ this llitua!iou t or foca l most haid loop. - At the close of the the icl/-ikl1 of orangeade,, and graham Iorg an.i?la.f o.J1S- ·ifrid _.: · h. injure· ren were served peanuts and suckers. crackers with Halloween faces Mr aditl'.l itte;d that 'h.lthloU"gh game_that \yas n-0 longer tp injure :: ?aJloons were giV'ell .for favors. The studoe!nt teachers sponsoring these factors weri:Hile&itable if wOIUld , - I party were Orme andlI cal am·it y: to hJive b riew Prin c eton foot-I ei:itertainekl the winners Lorene Gall oway. sident a_t this time.. the c·oaches that there1. of the bette.r dail-y w.ork contest con- - wePe in .of Vir- kkck 1 longer he any legal fa ke I ducted by -the ninth graide al g ebra g1l Bugbee. Song .serv1ce1 was led by f P ays w.hk!re - the s'b:_ategy ca11s

class. The students went to. the

Hou rs: 9

and 1

5 ,

and Pike) goal !me. Then on the ensuing get past ;d s b avd: c.n, iain S Wayne 1 (by Sniit'h). for ex- I kick9ft7 tJhe Kittens started a g.oal- and Qualify of

lineup, while l'istlin g me.n ed the second tally on an end

esons Bcbcats t-o tam eJ the wildcats at who, for th:e most part, are- potential In the quarter, Kastner, star w.aiyn'e< last week before .a large '33 va r s:ity candidaites, co.nsist en-. Nebraska City 1back, completed the , crowd of Rome Ooml€.lrs. An clLd \ tirely of second strin g ers \scodng. v,,•ith two more touchd()wns. j

wind storm swept across the prairies The Bobcat's seconds outplayed \ . The lineups:

and down ovsr Ta rkb for 59 minutes of the game, Peru .(6) Nebraska City (25) forcing the •aliumm vJSJtors to remam but not until the last minute of play Velv.ick _, .le D. Sharp in their cars, encirclling t he pllaying .cl id Pe-r.u ta.lly the! six points necess- Grover - It McMu,llen \ fi-€fld, ar.v to avenge last years defeat. - -lg

The first half en<led 0-0 with Per-u playea the major part iin

y.ar ds .short of a touchdown for a l5 yard giain and a touchdown. Rawson

"It wias an ill wind that ;lllew no- The re;Serves performed credibtbly Adams

bod,y go.od", as the old sa ying goes, ,1 and .cUsplayed some ji;ood football. Hazqlton

· b.ut thus ti.me it -was the wildcats that 1 • IDi.ser ··

it Mew "No Late in the , TASTE OF BLOOD Kelso (c) ·· rh Kfog thn r.d q.uarter, with the b.a.11 on thA:fr DENIED KIT'flENS Le!llhiy fb Maynard (c)

25 yard line, Wayne attempt.eel to Displaying .a less spirited game Peru Substitfons:

punt against that driving wind and thari in last weeks tussle, the Peru Parrio.tt for Leahy; Leahy for th e bat! was blown Ol\1t of bounds on Bobidttens went to their sixth Parriot; Anderson for Dunn. th eir 8 yar.d li.ne. It wa s another case str.a ight defeat/ a.t the hands of Table Officials: Ref1!ree, Kennedy. Humof "Hold 'Em J.ai3', f'or the Peru elev- Rock, Friday, November 4.. The scor-e boldt; umpire, Mitohell, Humboldt;

en, wit!h Hatcher and Priefert carry- !was 27 :a o. At no tiime .during thel linesman, Conway, Au.burn ing tJ:e b:a.Jl s o.o.n convertfld thbse 8 I game did the Prepsters display the ;:;core by quarters:· yards into points., for the 1 zip anrd hustle s:o necessary t? win- Nebr.aska City

score of t he The try for pcrnt , nin g foot.ball eleJvens.

tail ed, when Gaines place-kick went T.able Rock was the aggressor

w:ild. from the initial pJ.ay, ·scoring

P er;i's second

few minutes later when Capt. Hatclh- Edie's Kittens

er ilipprai a long angling pass tn

g oal line for a secon.d touchdown. In the

· J :;i mes Larson, Per.u.

Prof. A. V. Larson, Peru. L. B. Mathews, 15, P.eru.

Mr. Bernard Gallowiay, '32, Dorchester, Nebr.

Miss l.ouise Sonderegger, '32, DuBdis, Nebr.

Mr. Ora Ferguson, '33, Peru. 1

Miss Meryl Vickers., '35, AJlvo, I N e.hr.

Miss Marie Vickers, Eagle, N eibr

Supt. Dean Pameroy, Ul.y>se -, Ne br.

Dr. Elllis K. Fry.e, '14, 6122 Ballard Ave., Linc oln

Mr. Fran.k R. Beers, 2252 Smith St., Lincoln.

Miss Elma Peru.

Miss '29, Peiiu..

Milss Eliza be:Ji Graves, '27, CJ.arks, 1 1 Nebr.

Mr Fra nk W. Ledger, '18, 921 So. 1 St., Lincoln.

Pr.of. and Mrs. George W. Brown, l

Mr. F. D. Parish, '28, Mt?rdock, 1 Neibr. ·

Pr of. Vict or H. Jindra, Peru. , Otto W. BoeaJstorff, '31, I

Supt. Luther Patterson, '31, Brad- 1 shaw, Ncl:>r. , Mfas An.d.rewina Stew:: rt, '32, Bea- 1 t 1ice, Nebr.

Miss Hannah Gilmr.re, '32, Strang, Nebr. !

Miss Margaret D. Giberson, '27, I 215 W 12th! St., Grand Nebr. I

Miss Ber111ice M. H.unte!I:, Beatrice, \ Ne.hr.

Miss Frances Gust.a.fson, Axtell, J

Nepr. I

Mii<s Bernice Esping, Flunk, Nebr.

· Miss Sue R. Wesner; 1335 G. ' Lin- The Dean refused to tell the

coin, Nehr. i number. .Mrs.

A. R. Mia,jo rs, '26, Odell, Ne br. I The .meeting c1ose.d with the color

M1iss Mabel Sm•ith, Odeill, Nebr. I song led by G. Holt Steck with R. T. ALUMNI

Miss Helen F.ac kler, '32, OdeH, B.enfo1\d at the pia no and the c-ollege Lu.cy Anderspn


Gladys Colwdl

Florence Jones '19 .N<lbr. yell led !b,y M. S.. (Dick) Willia.ms, A Daris Bunch!

Gus Ba.de '26 Earl Hurst, '31, Wymore, Nebr. list of those who attended follows Clar.a Breetzke : Miss Fern Schmidt, '31, Wymore, FACULTY Helen Brooker Nebr. -. I Pres. W. R. Pate Ruth Botto.rff

C. R. Lindstrom, Peru, N.ebr. l Mrs. W. R. P.ate Phyllis Dammast

I.E. Lindstrom, Millig.an, Neer. Dean W. N. Delzell '94 Doris Bright '30 C. W. Granc:ly. Edgar,, Nebr. Miss Estht!lr Clark

Florine Elliott '31

A. C. D11vis, LJinco\1.n. Supt S. L, Clements '12 Coleta Ciiink '30

Saidie Crlnk '31

Registrar E. H. Hayward '29


One of the largest groups of Peruvians that has ever assembled .at a Peru Luncheon in Omaha met at the FonteneHe Friday, Octo.ber 18, d.urin g the meetings of the N. S. T. A., Distl1ict Two Harold O. Peterson, Superintendent of .Sc.lllOols at Bellevue, .acted as chai rman. President Bate, R. R. McGee, President of the N. S. T. A. of 1907 and C. A. of th e N. S. T. A. spoke briefl.y Dean Del· zel'I introduced a gro.up o;f approximately fou r teen of his ·•oad Girls" R. T. Benford '28


•tentrlon but we can do a gre.at many .A:h, a'h, ah, ah! There is rivalry .g estion of M-iss W ea re. The ath let:ic · · '- · h \ went for three successive first d own.s, w.as foi· t e ext.ra th'.ings to make eV'elry week a school in the mus ie. dep.art ment. (Mr. Steck tvp f' 1is known by her stride. She t 1 t.h t P but

1t acr?ss. Kels 1> It i.s only right that some special Vo.caa Chamber .Music (fa there such Ievery s itu ii tio.n. She we ,, rs hea vy, fumi.bling diue to s lick ba ll and cold pLu.n g ed for the try for pomt. Late attention be g iven t6 such a wee1k. by music ), anywa.y that 'is w.hlat Mr. ! rich materia ls and striking colors. h d h d V l . _, I .•an s. m t e sec on quarter, e v1ck maue :Qhe students of Pe:nu. for the m'ljor Steck says he is preparing for a The ingenue is usu.ally a blond and I a .bea utiful running catch of Leahy's part of them wiU- so.on be teaching. small group O'f tjhe b.est s'ingers on shoul<l WE!ar fluffy, flims y moter- second canto found Hatcher

25 y ard p.ass, carrying it to the 5 Much beniErllit has come of focus -ing the campus. However, there is .one ; ials with. many r.uffle8.· The delicate going through ri g ht tackle for a 30 yard liine• In tlwo tries Leahy crash- , the public's .attention on the sohiords restriction. These fingers .arei chrsen 1 1 tints ore becoming to her. Mary i yard g ain, bu,t .again Priefut lost the erl cent er f0r a touchtlown ! o:J! the na:'t.i on. Not only have the fr 0m only the Freshman and S-op ho- Stonffer rep resented t he f;r st type, 1 hall and Wesleyan rec d Tl' T I II d th • h l l . overe e a mage ta te e'1r ,wo p0mt;; •n s cho ols developed but the has more cfasses, t ose se ected p anmng Virg inia Milstoaid, Naomi Pierce and M th d" t

h _ b d I · · e

IS s IC ed after thre 0 a' trmpts

t is same qu,art.er wu::o::n a a become vitally interested in the edu- to remam at Peru for enitire four Phillis Papez the oE 'C ond a'1.d Vera : - ' from Per .u's center went over Pug h's cationi?ll pro g ram of its schools year co,u rse. "By then," to quote Mr 1 S.huei enh e.rg the third. Gii h modeled i at the Peru lme, and thei Bobcats he a d, · who. was downed behind hds ! T.h r ough that intler<1>t, the.r.e has been j Ste ck, :•we s"ha.U have an appropriate dr esses for vari01US occa ! t on.k the 1ball on the'.r own 30 yard o wn go cl lme : a steady growth in ediucational sys- i that will not m a.ke pe ople merely sions. i marker. Hatcher, Miller .and PrieIn the second half, Peru recovered terns. j up and take notice, but one that wall I In the personality gr oup Miss l fr r- !fert, lugged the ba ll 65 .yar.ds to the a Talm age fumble o.n the opening ( 1 cause them to sc ale thle roofs of • vey .spok e of how the perrnndity of 1 Wesleyan 5y.?r::I stl'ipe a nd Hatcher \ti.ck of f. With the ball restinti on BA.RSLTERS TEAM \ their hous es and shout 'it to the 1 m od ern woman I-as ch.<:1 n g- e.d from thd goal Hn e un to,uched for Talmage' s 25 y.a rd line, l.eahy again HIT PIN CHAMPS \ wor1d." \

passed to Velvick, who stand- I Mr. Steck will speak before the

ing .up Later Razelto.n added an- \ Darting Follows a Close Second I"Women's Me ntal Culture Club" of

oiher s ix points, wJien he plung ed 5 Aub.urn Thursday. )

y.ards for another t.ouchdown. By their second consecutive victory, i Mr. Mr J.rndra


1 partment of hie jubi'or Mith schooi

: hold.ing .an elleclt.ion of its own: the Booths were constructed 1ll hail. Ruth MecUeiy, ,LeRoy Redfe.rn, and Wilbur Stromquist reprasenlt;g the seventh • eighth and ninth gra. es

W:hat makes an

- Is worrying about it. Froin- the 1932-1933 Nebraska Ed- The tim e goes mighty slowly ucational Dire ctory. You sit and sigh and SJgh again, · \ were as j.udgiE'f3. M.ary Allee 1 Vanderford and Lucile Pa.tterso.n PE ·DAG 0 GI AN proved them se lves ahle

AJlia•nc'e High School r ecords show And think of w.o:rk and th'en ' · '05 ts the b t it

P u6lished Wet-kly al Peru Stale Teachers College-Eri tered at the Postoft'lce of Peru, Nebraska, secohd <.lass matter. $1.00 the Vear-5c single copy.

Sample ballots were copa.ed and .u sed. Ro.oseveit rece'ived votes; Hoover, 27 votes; and Thomas, 6' vo.tes. Most of the candidates e·lected were democr ats.


The ftiridefgBJ·teii a t ery realis ic laoking Indian viliage on EDITOR-iN-dliEF - M. FLORENCE MARTIN Thursday Nov. 9 when th>eJ Illdia'Tl Pa• was given -for aria Faculty Advisor ..: _:__..:..: _; ..: _; .:: J. W. Tyle,r fathers Qi the cliJiidfeii, numSTAFF ASSot:IATES ber 00 whom were present.

lli'hat Miss B. Bremzer, . , Keep worrying a ou h ·a 'h!ig'h .School instructor Just b""'kle up and , buckle m- h1g est p.au , · L •t· """ .i f and h 'll s had c·harge of the 8 Quit worrying about it. uu:e e; 1 ears She 11 ff"iridepartment for e ev en Y • By work, not worry, y-0.u1 W1 w.as

In Alinia. Hlgh sdioo.l, :deni R.. H. Rendec.fcer ai t he class of '11 · .htas hela thart; for fourte:n ye'lirs. R-eports whi ch come back! spea:k most favor.ably

That Dr. G. w. Smith must leave his work in Peru to take a much I : needed rest is regret t:e d by all htis sllt.lidents and those, wh.o in any way 1 I/ come rin contact w.itJi him. r V F ·-h N t · I '} never h!lld a te:acher I so attached to in so short .a i I ros 0 es (; time was tihe remark of one girl wliich undoubtedly expresses the sent1- ,

ment of man,y. · ·

Dr Sinit h's magnetic his tho.ught:liulness of others, his in- ' KODAK CLUB

C. C. Thompson, '31, is serving seventh ,y'81ar of superinteru:l.enc.y Nebraska.• his in I

In tjhe Scien ce Department .at! Ashaland, Walter Keltenborn, '28, is now in his second year of service. iteresti?g of class to desire of I

Peruvians that he will soon regam his health .and , resume his place among , us. Every member of the club is C. C. Melton of tJb.e cilass of '27 is t aki ng a keen interest in it th.is teaching manu aa train1ing Ashland

It has been said, "If yo.u would grow, each diay converse with so.me year At the Noveniber 3 me eting one gre8'tier than yourself." elec.tio.n of o.fficers was held at Sup-etrin.te-n.d ent J. A. Jimerson, '14, LOOK!! Christmas Gifts are begfonting to arrive. Do your shopping early Let us hold thJe gift of your choosi ng for you. It .is -as importa nt to know where to ,buy as what to b.ur-.

(Where your money buys more) •

"But you can't here People in Peru are 'j.ust folks' Yes, bultj don't Iwhich Merle w.as ha.s occupied h\is present posit.ii.on in\-for g,et that t.he "Just folks" of the work! are filled with tal ented So mc\usly elected president; Cather-me Auburn for seven years. He had a

in Peru you may be l iv ing next d.oor to an artist on the violin or Lima, vice-president; and D.orothy ver.y succes sful c.areer, anrl r.anks as ;· Dr y Cleaning, Press ing, Re- t. (There are such) or perhap:o the her o of ;a hi gh sch.o.ol play; ma.yhap Jenni ng:, secreta1y treasu.rer. Harold one of thie ve:,y st.rongest superinten- pafri ng, Hats Cleaned, Bfock. have .a w11iter of stories or a p·oet, who h as found favor with the pubtish- \ Fi£her as chairman of the pro- denb:i of Nebraska. Peru Ckan!!!rs 4, Tai}:;;.,-,. er, ri g ht under the same ro:of with you. The associations yo.u each .g ram commit,tee and Lo'is and Ralph Higgins, '27, ha'> served \ i A. CEJKA. Prop I d a,y with your in"Etru cltlo rs op en untold opportunities for you to reach your Meieir, Martin Ba.usch, and Raymond si.x .y ea rs as athletic colich and ma.mi- ·\ Phone 62 superiars. Bu.t if yo u feel ,you do not reach the l:.ei g hh; you d.esire in Coe .as co-workers. A list 'Of top- al-trainli.ng instr.u ctor. :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; your surrouruding fcal o.wmen fo r get not, the wI".:ters o'f books throu gh which · ics for disousdon \in the following Roxy McGreiw, •o3, is :W"ile head of :: you c.a n converse with the great of all past ages. There are untold opp- meetings is being prepared After the mathema.' ics a·epartment. This is · ortirnitties for grow.th arou nd you each day if yoo will only receive the..rri the bousiness meeting ea ch member her twe.nty-ttihird year there. when offered. e,Xpiained his o.wn particular kodak, Ruth Shelleiy '32, is serving her · and Mr. Ha.ywa1,d, the club's f.acult.y first year as music supervisor.

For the t1m_.e1. Peru is. having a Day". Among all larger · advisor, snowed two reels of f.ilm. · an:d we find a da! g iven over to our Dads so why not I on 1.0, after a_.short I At .A,yr, Nebr., Neal S. Trabert, m Peru. The Dads of Pe;ruvfans are Just; as impA:> r'ta nt to .us as Dads of b.usmess i;ieetmg, club c.oscus- ; is Superilllt.edent. ,any other studemt ' body and are malting just as much sacrifice holdina , sed the subject of how to take good, I just as high hopes and exhibiting just as much prid'e in fl.l.s as othe; · cle.ar pictu.ree. Cathuine Lima 1 CHRISTIAN CHURCH fathers who have set as.ide for them a <la,y. Therefore, it S€1ems a mark sp oke on ''.La!1dscapes." Plans were I in Peru's that her sons have wished 1x> thus show filial gratrituid.e to ma de to investigate the matter cf Sunday servioes, Novemb!'r 20: their Dads. We welcome them to our campus I developing films, and to pre>p.are the \ 10:00 a. m. church schio.d, followed =;==;=========== ; apparatus. by the regular mo ming worship at like tbis improvement and take ad- / - 111:0.0 a. m. · v.arilt.aga of it. I PERSONALITY CLUB 6:30 p, m. I On Thursday evening the Person-/ 7:30 p. ·m. umon serVJce m the MeH' t · · thiodist church. is or1ca.l events between 1789 and ahty Club met m the Tr.a mer.s Build- ''Th ,, 1812 was the theme o;f the picture .for .a .bus iness and s.oaial meetir.g. e , F·oot.baJI careers hE!gin ea"'ly i"n the h - Miss Fhn.n told of- the .history of the o1en Dunt on, M1ruster.

ar e ·: " .a ar.e e·arrung t e ox for the show. The ginls made Elizabeth Bartling }111d ch· rge of th e as f,dllows: of footb.a1l. Th f th ta· h h ree or

a. m. morning worship. SerThe have had to be plain !fh.e -different ill ustrations. Every .u se lets.ure it1me. Helen Claire i mon.; "Th.e church on trial." changed tp fit the children's abil- ?upil had ,.a share in the) program as Mullen Dorothy Pa rker gave a 1·Music b.y the choir. it ies. However, the b.o ys are learn- 1t was worked on thr c.ug hout the Rach el .a nd 6:30 p. m. junlior study, also .you.ag ihg to suffer skinned nosEs and bruds- quart er. At the conclUEion all sang .Vay and Lucille Ipeople's discussion group. the Star Spangled Banner. This srn g- an aton of•.ered . a piano solo. 7: 30 p. m. everting •llili on .,.,...v1"c.e 1··1 eld knees. Also, each team is learning hwas c osen it origlinated 'in the the Meth'.odist church. to tackle its o.pponents instead of the · 1hembers of its own t,eam.. permd represented by the i: how. BIETA BETA BETA Wednesday, Novembe r 23 7 00 Flora D.a.s.her has been the st ·;dent prayer meeting. 8 00 ' · p. t h f th' l d . t• p. m. ch01r eac E•r o is c as s urmg the qu ar- Tri Belt.a, Honorar,y Biological prac ice. '.N.d!iice tlr's · h . . Letters wr itten by children in the t f · 1 c a nge m timP., er. Fr.a.terni ty met in the Faoudty Room rwn T.hursday to W d d second English dlaos will be A tea was given by the soci al at e-ight o'cl oc k, Monday night Nov- ing. e nes ay evense nt to .the'1r former classmat1:1, Di ck j science' department Thur.sda.y aft.er - ember 7. '· I Ch t l D' k D. S. Coad, Minisrer. a e am. ic is now lin Washing- , n oo n. It was g.iv en in hon r..r of .Mi:;:s At metjting Drt J. M. Winter her quarter's work with the were takem in as. act.ive members: Un:t.idy students have <lisappeared IThis hour, thou gh set, aside for the Henry G.abernowitz, and Doris Vance AVENUE STORE f rom the fourth grade. This has p.urp ose of .a n enjoyable time togeth- I were admitted as associate · been accomplished b,y the 2ddition , er, helps to develop ease in polite

P?-ofessor Ka hn ha s been known to ma ke t he sta tement th at t he weekends in Peru were enou gh d .r;i ve a man to m.0 .rr iag e; €V'<l11 hims e.;lf. Well, well, we W10 nde:red if we were the on ly on es th at got the hl.ues aro.und here.

m.ed11ums, appreci ation of Min nesota dis cussed tea chdng in color an.d -good f.o rm, neatness a nd relation to the prese nt econo mic an d obs er v ati on. Each cMld is taug.h!t in Isr ci al mt ration.such a. _way to g ive more c onf i1 About q1re12• hundred ):ersons a·.te nddence1 m hJs ow.n .ability to create, ed the meeting J t did n n"' d · · • • • "'" a JO Ur I I) 'I and to m ake him famiha'r fm.e !lime ? nd man.y of us bl · Th . were unn e pictures. . e .Indian. as a d es igner to g·!Et into the al ea.d.y crowded g;illand cr aftsman is studied. ery at MoJ·ilJ H :?.31 .vhe re t he A rt The fifth .a nd s.ixth gr ade pup ils, SeC!t ion me eting w.as bei n, I t .J b t.. g !Eld.

Foo\b•:l!U w ill cease to be k in\ on are etter a-le to .form Rath.er th an rema in one of tfrei thirt.y more bec ause their powe.r0 or forty pe rsons crowd ed rroun cl the I P er u's Campus after t he last Home of ·obse rv at10n is keener. Thiey h ave do.o rs atte m9ting to he 21-,, I took t he G • an incr ea <ed j oy in cr eative wcrk, a nd t jme looking at t he art work of t.he ! ame wJ fh H astnngs F)'1d ay, N ovem- ii' · t' f b · · t d t.s J i.ssue .b ut foe. nam es w ere ! · a mer app rec1a 10n c '. eau

and s:ixth grades c_o mpl eted .mak- ul a rly interested, I went to Oma. ha to j

Milla rd Beul, '26 Supt Ord · ads 0 in g co vered w ag ons w hich were

Anna M. Brecht '27 Comme rcial

Helen M. Km.cera, '3.0, Ho.rn:ei Eco-

Former De an P•ERU

o.f worn.en at Peru Latin, S. T. C.,

Ke arney_

Veda Anderson '26 K:i ndergarten, A

Loup Cit¥ radio met

Anna Donner '29 Libr

VeryJ (Weaver) Ca.mdr on '29 Eng Th ursday

and Latfo, Overton ·

Helen Williams, '26 S: S. Jr. Hig h,


Berniece Mmer '30 2nd Bf!d 3r.d


Ellen Ubb.en 28


ong ma p oem.· Harold R McCrignt, '30,Chem. and w,hich w ill be c ap.able of b ri ng ing in A .un ique fe at u.re of the lu ncheon I Math. Bligh School, Broken Bow va rious p rograms a ll of /we re the t.able d ecor.ationS' which OUo '28 Science, Asst. Prin., tihle world. Lo ng dist ance com-/ came from Per u. These consisted of .mu.ntlc.ation is p ossible thr.u !sp rays of b itteTsweet a nd nut cu ps M , S t S ti use o.f t hle1 s hort wave r aduo., and thi s represen":ng wag ons.


h , . Y-0.u know I have plenty of ,bi.me ' ble .uaility which is finer

PERU · · still must l abor for one, The many h res 1 "We believe that one w 0 aspi BULLETIN TOFACULTYMEMBE Ito be a leade.r of you bt!l d I RS , BOB KATZ MEOW 1 th should have 1 . I .first of all character, that su. e

·Exe ange I l\1otion m :?.de, sec-0nded. a.nd carried to think about people and life, and I mdefmba deteds. greater than that a-II re.q uests for dates for t 't varied o.utlook on the tha.n t e f t:.s wh'ich includea, · t' for the first ge .qm e a the greatest ac • dormitory was for- a 'l,y Gockley, life c;f the 'college srudents and but transcends hono.r a maJ1,y opejned at Chadron recently. i semester e i e w1. 'tt ulty here in Peru. I've co.me t e f h t is right just an rue, - secretr ry to the C-Onclusion that there is scarcely any o of lif.e thereon or before October t . . V limit to which absentmindedness may a c The Jitne·y Players presented "The Murder in the Red Barn," by John Laif.imer, at Hvs 'rin gs, October18. kn ow ·of c1atlS for th e second semester ool' not b 121 carried. National Teachers' League t.he co mmit:tee will be g- i:td to rec eiv·e As I was sitting on m.y modernistic these requests aLo. filing your re- tree i.n my yarid one day, (.I sit out o tits list: I quests please give first and second very seldom any mo r e, because I'm I The Pedagogian t f Gree- / eihioice of .dates. Reque!'t.s must be .1 ti elfconscious and I despise Tbe Teachers College M<Jrror o b th 'd t of' the I ga ng s ' ' signed .y e pre31 .en " -, bein g gawked .at by

ization, a lso by the sponsor. I

Nebraskia. has contributed t ree club.1 • The Calendar Committe,e is very

for re- ·.fessors in :the rear seat leaned over that the stu.ae nt assocrnt10.n 1s serious- g u.l r·r events: ·.anid touched the d:r·iver on the arm. 1y considering t·he ommission o·f tlfoir , First Mcmday ni g ht iin month-Ar: "P?.rdon," h.e says, "i:>iut your wife I annu.a.l, "The Greyhound" this year, Club 7 8.; Alpha Miu Omega Trt I is nO't, with us." of existing economic condi- : 8. --1"Good heavens!" saiid the driver. tl'Ons. I Seco.n.d night m month "Why, she must 'have gonei out when Kinderga rten-Primary Club 7-8; Kap- h .J,, . - we ump · Martha. Jaicl<s on, Fremont. pa Si gma Alpha 7-8; Sig ma Tau De.I1 He backed the car up for nearly was unammously dlected pre.sic ent of ta 8. ·1 but there was no sign of a Theba Gamma EpS'ilo.n, Midland's hon- ' T.hiir.d Monday nig ht in month- Al- e,, 1 · . f j D It p· 8 lv11ng sou • orar.y jour nahs!;ic ra1t. pha Mu Omega 7-8; Kappa e a 1 · "Co.me to tl-Jink of it," asked -0ne - Fo.urth Moooay night fo month- of th.e others '' are you sUtre .your Wayne, it seems, is not the only Kapp a Omicron Phi 7-8; Schdlarsihlip 'f · 't;_ 7 JI h h L · t t' Pi w1 ·e was Wb .u us. co ege t at a.s a arg er regJS ra ton Ql.•J.b 7-8; J>i Gamma Mu 8; Omega I !"fo tell the .truth, I don't believe th an ever before..

Wednesday .night 7-8 YM, · f 11 "H t 'd f ? rollment of 678 st;udt€ints, the larg YW and CCA 1 .u Y· ow s upi 0 me f · · h 1 b I " · 1 "But tell



675 st uden s. "The E

states that its percentage of


a·rger than any o.ther

en'r c,tlm Emt oil 500 stud ents .is

cre1' e of 20 per cent that of

said. the driver ac urs .ay mg.1••

' •1r, t a n; · 1r ues ays- , year. In .ad di t ion of having an in- lVlj., W. A. A., P. Club. \ to thmk that, we here .are crease in thl' f· ll enrollm nt the

Te3chers c·olJeg·e

body ever enro.Ued there.

D.ates Per.uv.ians when they can post a stf n:

1 'll b H h t f ii' t and f0.r m eiu.mg' w1 e '2•m urg ers, w.o ive CElll s. schedule.a at a·n of the .dates m e.nPro.ba': ly will S:)Cn l:e b.a.ck Y • J tlioned .0 bove if the meeting in volves b The women stu de nts of the Cretigh- stu'Clents who are m em ers of an orton Univ-e rsity :are now subj c:ct to a regirJ a rly s choouLd b m eet I comple';e examin abion upo n at th at time. · e ntran ce to the er.liege. Tho' exam- i These a pply to a.I I spe-1 inations are made directly under the eta! meetin gs of wl-ate ve r n.at.ure. sunervisio.n of Dr. N a.ncy Cata nia, I W. R. PATE, assistant in 1a.natom y .a nd g,y necol op.:y \ \ · at the sc hool of Medicine. Assisting 1 BOBKITTENS VICTORIOUS her a-e Chab.an off and Su- ] san Carroll Jones, medical seniors. I (Continu.ed fro m pag.e one.) Un!Jil tihris Y'eiar, on ly men stude 1.t 3 r e- / Offici?ls: ceived the ex.aminations. Conway, Auburn In i·ecog.nition of his work in the \ Umpire- Sloan, Verdon MlHquette-Creig-ht.on football ga.me, H. Lin e1: man- W. Peru Cornie Colijin, Blue Ja•1 hft hr lf b· ck, Score by qua rters: h as been "All America" rat- ! Peru - 14 6 14 13 I in g by the All-American board of ITalmage 0 2- 0 0 footb all. · Scoring tou.cl'\down s: Creig hton its 54th Home- P.eru: L eahy (3 ), Velvick (2) , Kelcomin g, Satu1id.a,y, 21. They are so a nd Hazelto n. also celebrat ing their first "Embar- The P eru team was m6re impressive rassing Moment Week ." than at an,y time this year. Their I • The W eslya n exchange send s this one: ''.S1;ep back in · the car p1ease, both e nds of th e car go to the same place." Re all y thou gih s ome p c1ople just can't beli eve it.

The Pi K· ppa Del 'n inte r- colleght.e deb:ate t eam has for thet coming seaso n: Resolved: That the United St at-es s hould .agr oo to tib e Cancellation d thle Inter-allied War Debts. passin g, runrl'in g, an d blockh1g was g·ood. Their tacklin g, while somewhat improved, w.as still a bit rugged. F or Peru, the e nti re backfield functioned nicely. The lineme•n also deserve credit for a good game Arren<,ls, T.2.lma ge captain, bor.e the brunt ·of bat tle for ithe los ers.


The se nior sneaked The photogr.apli.y work fer the 1933 1 on Thursday las'IJ: What with trams Peruvi an, tre ccalege· a:nnu al is in I and 1husses, seem's that th ey co uld progrern :md the plans are to complete save themsel ves a pain in the neck p art of the work du r in g the \ the day a.ft'ell'. j month of November. · Contracts for th e



co.mposed ago. • and d1d eat and drink."

b Pedagog1ianbStaU assisteil the Something New '. No, Thanksgivin g did not sprino-

asket unc se'rved. at noon m the I /

Home Econ-om.lcs ro.oms. mme rv.!l.-hke·fr.om the brain of Gp 1er- orites

l>reskle nt W R exten<l e<l ''Berkley Squ;are", What is it? nor Br.adford in 1621 for the above I with the confe1·ence cham1,ionship

g,reemngs of t he afte)'no o.n assu rmg I Kno w mg that lit 1s wonder:tiuUy comes from the lrook Olf Judg ee Emd it at tLey can n c.. t .aHord to undt.l Itheir first threat to score.. Hatchers his J•isteners not for com meric"l stran ge a n<l perh aps fa.nciful a re sn- , is rmt concernin g the- Pilg rims w h'ich ustun ate the Kearney eleven. lo ng p.unt was taken by the Br" ric hos l'easons they welc omtl f or t hese me of the plot :m io ht a;d tre .au·n'ence ' landed at Plymouth R k • 1 29 Record of the Bobcats so fat·; · 1 afot.v and return e-.cl to the Hastings were of the dori es o:f the pac:t but lin U·r- <lerstan "' inrr the rla y D<c. 2. 1b t • · th oc tn 6 Peru 13 I.lid rnd 'I 19 lin e Then rn the first pla y · -l I p t St .a· h , u e Can aa nites F <> p a · · , · . , .ou-ecause ho fe t th at all Neb r.ask ans, / e <> r ..., <i n 1s , a youn g .American h · 1 m eiu Mar.vviUe '1 Ch ase of Hastin o-s fum bfod .and Ca rsJwd.-1 beco1!1e acqun ir ted v : th " Ol d 1 arcHt ert, inhf rlt?<l, s.o. it seems, ; t ese peo.p}e, th: choEen people, the P,e1:u 1;$ Chadron O* .mic.hed, who sC:ms to have tl:ie first m Ne?r- an old bt>n'se m one of Jews copled ttbe1r act of to J l, eru fum ble3 hl s r eMklli, 1ts U' aidittons, sqme which ?'ad pl<1,W Jehova, called the fea st of the Ta;t> r: r -1 1 .eru 13 W'lyne Peru on the Has1Jh1gs 21 he r.elat.00 role. Ta)!tng his :restrleinee ·thPre, ; nacles I..f ern 6 Wesleyo.n 'l va ,.a. With ·a firFt down Hatcher A. E. {])yenden, p"resi.clent of .t he I he .cllsco'1el'S tb.at 1--e dm 'W"lk back , Th , h • l: 'i Hastings 0 Story W€1re able t(.) up b ut , 'a.Ssociatii.on, int'l'oduc!l,d P.a:rlre Keays, a.nd forth through twe, that he can I e: m ,p oma wast .e G: eek d ay of' Peru '? Ke arney 6 :v1m'ls 1n t }.ree tri es a <Ta inst th e secretary of the Preos ns-// Et<e.;i into thle shoes of his ance<>tor j Th:anks.g1vrng arnd the Romans wor- "' Confereac.-e Jg"amse Bro c fcr ward ;.all sociatioi;, .spok.e on •'.New.sj)ap&i- , Jive ::lie ltfe which that man ·lhed i shiped the harv est <fiety Cere3 on Oe-

With hut o ne ph y left, Steve f:co,,. 1.1-mes: .F_;.gw:es o.n tbe WPge .' an the fllghteenth century. He ae- 1·tober .f.a1u,rth at the, feztivaJ, Ce n If. a. p 1) C E • Gaines en deavor,;cl to manipulate his 'Situ ati. on ana other Mattel'S of 'Int.el'- \c·epts bhe In En gb nd we have the Hr t -. • • toe in to a place-kick but e5t To P-uhlisb.ei-s '' He '.b-rought out re fhd s elf entering the old so b a tifull 02 _ha

d Pl the nr.tenrpt was wkl e fr om the 26 tw.o reasons why .lt was fitting t h.rt dr.aw in g-room dreS<;ed in the G ' . u y SCl'l

meetfog of new spaper

turning dul'ing Aug nst or Heptemb er I with a f ew epi ,,.rams cr'l-

free pu.b\lcity was condemen.ed I in g in b'im as he ffoos son> ethi rig I phil osopru cal pla.y the au<liEIIlce wa s was c.on c€rn e.d a.nd interesting saving devices

wl:iich that car ried on by: • J<'r ed w·ith n.othmf!' exceTJt the memory I

ery of a Hastin gs f umHild of Ha.mburg, Iowa wn o has mtrq of a 1!1rl be bad loved. , M()dem Collegian Finds School Not Wheatley th e memb ers horzlfie d, ble on the Bronchos 41 yal'ld lin e. tluced a socialistic syst em in his plan t Toi.cl in this bare OflLtliine the I A Bed of Roses for they real- With Pri ed'ert .a11d B atcher tu.gg in g :Where after the a re ded1u.ct- I .s-eems ani! it Is t.he .o.f this almo s:. the oval, Peru ndvanc ed to the 14 ed th e sri1arles of .rll incliuling the ! h araiv more than a ch aUenge to the we have beans 11g:.'lin toda,y ical product10n and the abnhty a nd yard st ripe,· where a nothe·r s coring wfitor p'ro-int ed e 11.ch week. So ing enuity of tlh e author, • but that

f.ar th.e plan has pl'ove'll suc cessful. Ich aUe•nge he meets Yeah! also tb.e ratron :om<J. ke the play the lmpress1on that er's pass was in complete, The meeting next will be The thing is do ne so easily, conv1nc- of brell.<d and butter. L1l<ew1se, lest lt T.he ch aract ers In the !latter part of the l ast. at Brock wh ere the " Brock Iin g 11-=: fit needs to be One ls yo.u forget, we'JI probably fill up \ - Helen Gla1re Mtulle.n quarter, c.ame t.he Priru sweep dawn Bulletin" js celebr.ati ng its f'tfti eth n.x.pon eggs, but th.el eggs any space with w.ater-g<>otl j --:-------- - Gwen Ye akle the fi eld that netted th e1 7 points necanniversary. \n ever 1brea.k and the s u.r;pense, the old aqual • IBat11l, his son Edna essar.y to defe at the cream o.f the Delln D·elzen the visitors sens e1 of m yst el'y not to. be take.n is 11.n con- Al', .of pl ays not what church co nfer ence footb all leagu1!!. -t i the .btrildin..,..., c ampus quite 'Serio usly, never fails. It .ts versatwn but js not without\ the Ithey seemed ' each contained a. 'Takin g the .ball on the Hastings 44 'On a oo 0 h d f ibir • f e · Th I "T · t erminating in the observatory of the li ght, airy, r- iquant. "BerkPley oun s ..o. po.s.s , icy-nor even o r mea m ng ast, he Doll a-r, '' yard mark er, Hatcher sm11cked the S • H ll IS quai-e" was written by an American probab ility. was one of mnmcal satlires on man- 1ine to the 34· t hen Priefert to the c1encet a . h. ' b • . k h kind oo h. h f ' , Although "Bix'' declined to i-ead -John B al dwsto n- who has been A survey · aw ng een t.a _en on e • a is rus or bis t lie 22 .a nd ag.ain to th.eJ 12 yard line. From f h' tr:Y wm Moop1.n on the q.ang 1'E!Sident abroia d., and if it were Ol!.IJlP.US some lOterastmg I al m.i.g h.fly doll ar. Even In the names there Caiptain Hatcher picked lllp 0 f tJhs __:.. 'nt cratched off the rro t for his attitu.cle toward his Ameri- have approximatel l' <le- : of the chai;acter;s the a.uidi-e'nce foun ri.., thl'ee' yards then Prief€tt six s pur o "' mo e s h ,_, _;, t f. d . at ti f th I - ' on four .) c.an ero t> ne wouLU s:vem- th.':!< t ermmed Your corr es pouuen · m s /' mes a mirr or o €1m.se ves anct Imore in two t l'ies, a n<l on t.he last play was En ghsh: It 1s a d:ltghtfnl that fullly !ifWper e; rnt of the men / those them: ilown Hatch» cirashed thron.gh t o, KITTENS "BASK•ETBALL SCBEDULlt evening'_s .• lt noy el on campus mther whoHy ?r I

nat ions r.efused .ab i de \ p erc h to offer? Or .a f riendl y smile ? Hav.e yo u :a g rac1e.us word for the : t he QivHized wor ld h1as de ve l·

r• by arbijtral <lec.1s1ons. The \ abse nt ..o n e? Ca n .you offer .a bi t of qe a ut y, whe th ejr of se nse or \ t he purp.ose of preventin g a nd mit i- has been th.at nations have been u n"S ea rch w:ell li n your pouch, for you m ust b uy wh at y ou wa nt m the j gatin g th em. w illi ng to sul: mit their di sp utes to j<u.worl<l 's mar ket -pla ce coin min t ed of y.o ur ow n self Men will have P.mple n ow observe, as against t he diicid · pro c.ess. ' no other But h ow quick the y are to grasp at the r aaJ thmg. How ea g:e r 1 se ers of war d ays , that inte rn ati onal A rbitr atio.n, th o.u gh practic.ed a: no ng .--------------.------.: the.y .are to gather dri the least, J.ast c crin of ii t. I 'Law iis st ill w:ith us ; that if it we re the an c ienti Gree ks, fe11 !into disuse, , T HIS WEEK "Th.at wh ic h is y ou rs by di nt of money has littile val ue th e i n ot, n atio.ns wou J.cl not main tlaiin at arid d uring t he 16th and 17th cen- j Su its Pr ess ed For 85 C ents ma rk et of men Only th at pro•d.uct w l11 ch bea rs your t ool m <1rks fii n ds .a


s1zed was er vem_ but was as arp ea lln g. He I Dr. c. M. Brown gave the a<ldress t he ·c>.utsta ndm g


r gettm g that .all his presthat fo rmerly it w.3s th ought that c omparfl'd the rehtion of the ne g ro of welc'ome- to the neiW members and ri al Edu c.? tion al. work in the United e nt ,a sso cia tes had been de.adi more poople who mar11ied, each and w hites to of in 1 the response for them w as made by j They inc.lude Dr. Homer J. than a hundred years. other because they w ere so <l.tffer ent pi ano. To hav_e true harm ony m mu- 1E. Albin Larson. Joyce Grubp Sec- • Smith, R. W. Sd v1dg e, O. H. Day, Dr. Will ard Shumard interpreted the in thei r df1Sires, hopes .an d ;de as Now j sic yo.u must play on b-Oth black and ret ary, e'Xplaine.d the or,gani zati.on l Wm . Wa rn er, Dr. G. C. Cox, and le'.'.il i.n g ro'la. in a m 9 g nii'ic e nt m anner the ideal is that they don't stru gg-le wh.ite keys so in 0rder - to have ha r- 1 and p.m pose of the Fraternity. Music 'i rea chin g his g reat es t pe a ks in those against each other, strug gle t o- . mo.ny in · th e wotll-d all races are was furnfoh.ed by a trio comp osed of T?e represented in ravin g mad moments when he realgiitber for so.me desired \ ne eded IPr of A. B. CLayir urn clarinet, Dr. C. 1 Eps1l om Pi Tau at the present time ized th at he who had in love Tfi..e audit rium acturuly ".ibrit ed He sp oke of visiting a family which violin, and Wilma Silence I are : with th e p as t wh en really tra nsp ortwith !Vl'Ji&s Scurlock's personality, lived in two sha c ks which were 1· piano. pr. c. M. Brown played tw.o I Ball State Teac hers Colleig-ei, In- ed there was imprisoned in what th e audience felt that thE>y :would h.ke I crowded and cru.il e. Yet the mother v.iolin sofos accompanied by Wilma I d1an a; St ate , Cornvallis, Ore- (Continued on page four.) to become v er.y well acq u amted with i as she served the son's meal was at.- 1Silence. g on; Ohio State, CcOumhus, Ohio; and her. I entive to bis needs and wants prov- i The new members to Pi Gam rr a Mu Mi ami St at.o Coll eg e; Mfom, Indiana. "_.....__....._...._...,._,.....,.. These desires were granted in. th e I ing t hat "Economic fr om r are: D'orothy Myers, Raymond Raw: T? e me1?bers of Etta ; CALENDAR I afternoon discussion at the a.u.d1tor- /g roup t .o g r?up (but affection 1s the ile y, Ailee.n Cox, Harriet Ann Kfing- I Eps1lom P1 T a.u, wnsh to smcerety iTu es. D es 6-- ; iu?1 and one at the dormatory rec re- j s am e with rich or poor. S.o with the soliver, Lo r. a Majoro, E. Albi 1 L ?rs n, thank bo th A. V Larson 9: 50 a. m. "P" Club and ,. hall Sunday. aftern'Oon, both of I th:re a re the same ties which llEthel K-0ser, Carolfo.e Ca lder, Ch ar- and C. R. Lm<ls t r.om for th eir ex- 1 W. A. A. wfoch wer e for mixed gro ups of boys j 'm t urn bmd .us. lotte Anders on and Doroth,y Key es.



I scRIBBL'ERS' CLl!JB NED FOR $Q "J hn Bull", ,by Don Mar·1larly so. 0 1 • "Pilgri· h which '''r.ueeur ' quis, September Amer I I this club it is a r.ule that to eac The debate squ:ld •he mag e" by I. A. R. Wy ie, j n are to bring


· RU "Reunfon", by George meeting the some. origin al wee is p Mn viUe, Sur.dez, August Deli?eator. nd t heir contribamon s of . Thuts- invitation met'lL at fu enter {ou'lTwelve crime stomes were fou h·', .,.,... 'Story, essay; or pla.y ll early in J anuary ,nnd w f tbe • d ystery of t e J P'oe ., h ened th at a :l 'rlembers o . I no mur er m Ex- 'n i:ght it just app , e l:eams ,t .1 genre so popular two years ago. I da y e sc ribblin gs we re-poem• are Lorene M'><>t11:art, _, • "•ht . E D A


N Iamples: " Poolroow'\ by Morley I

p , , - l aghan, October Scribner's, and Mr

Nathan" b.y Joseph"ine W. Johnson,,

August Atlantic 11,fonthl y. • for poets. ·on

-five 'e _, Baseball, footb.all, tennis, The one r

I prize-fight ing, an·d the g 'il_mra

,.. Peru State Teachers GoUege-- furnished material for e.1ght sports I'Rev.erl

--Published Wef'k!y a• • stocles, which are fait-Oy

m ann er _, "Don'ts'' There will be no :i-udges for the- Entered at the Postoft'lce of Peru, Nebras a. as , "A Sweat_e:r; f-0r I h' ts the 'Dos anu , am

lig htf.ul, is ., h imself .a some it;>. the

ave free in t erc-01Iegfate deb<ates 'fear-5c copy. Two'', bY, Justm ._ - -. : ·ted 1 £?.f poet ry. en. · d ritli.cisms ·Yaile The stoty was prln expression to opmfo ns :_ and AND TRANSFER '"} in the Pictorial Review for October.. o.f

else can whale He

s nces the · e Haviland-T Q., Jor · ern.l: er us in aU th.e crow,ded c1reumsta wh en graduates ,from high schooJ and enters college the w.orld• A · "A Fanril:, · Alliance" by of our i ndividual life<. h t mer1can; • h . . h ble though expe_c. ts, him t'Q leave behind childish tastes and likes and t_o turn is a -D . th Canfield -.:·October:- D f-litiea- The cnu rc service, um . · · · t t t 01 0 Y ' · • be · f t' the p.urpose of heJp- tenti-on rp ore tQ and ap preciation than pure en er ammen · tor; "Sanctu11ry", by Margaret · E. may , IS .o , ., reception of 'Berkeley Squ are' " says D. J. l: e a.d _of_ th e 'Sangst er, November Delineat.or; "The" mg. ever,ycne mt.o b etter e cq uam tanc _ speech department, ''will determine the type of pr oduction to be given ° 1 Film Face" by Vic\ci Baum, Novem- with Hi m.

this ca r:npus" hereiafter. If b.y the attitude the students towa_rd ber Ladies' HQm.e The school at 9:45 .a m. art:istic prodqctiQ.'1S warrants future ones they will pe but if thelr Morning", Brush, Sep- preachtng at 11 .00 a: m. tastes have not advanced bey ond the comedy farce then tt seems meless tJ mber GoOd Honsekeeping; "The 7:30 p. m. are1

ni w hich t e to put fo to' six·weeJ.-s work on a play the type1of which can be seen IW.omen in His by MaJ:gar et E •. church; hop es to be aid to an_d in theatre three or ·four times. a week." Sangsi,er, Nov <;m 'Jer Gpo :l ff-?USe " eep all in· makin_g t he intr oduction of

One mi ght ask why people lea ve .a pl_ay befo re the curta.m has fahl en ing; ''Short · by. Marg aret Car- Jesus <:lear. · on 1:-st scene Evi.J ently it is re-·ause the!Y ha ve not adv.an_ced beyond p.enter, Nqvember "The R_emember your rebe.arsal at =:::::::::;,_;,___ th at period in their dramatic appl"eciat iveness the plot all Thei F ifth .Musk eteer", a shcrt, shpJ'.t stor.y P rof. R. T: s home every 70 CENTS J 'i idea fhe< a uthor wished to impress upon h.is the te.c-hm q ue of the b.y Ferr.in Fraz.er, Aug.,nst Lad ifs also meiet- will Cle an a nd Press your actors, the app r.ec.iati m of the ltlgl;ti ig, costu rmng and settm g should ap- Home Jour nal· "Garden Flower", by in g every We dn esd·ay mg ht m the s uit · peil to the college mind Wh one gr ow n up or is st ill- in t he stage Sara Haardt · 'Oct ob er Wome.tJ 's· Home ju.n.ior room· in the church basement . Pe ru Cleaners & 'Pail.<ks '(,\. when th e comedy acter stumblin g fr om th e fry in g pan in o the fire Companion;' ''Exper ience;', an .am4s- A goad· cr owd c am·e last - meeting J. A.

Prop. · h.is 'in.t_erest will be shown in th e taken by each mem ber < .the in g c·owbo.y }'·arn, b.y W•wne E. r a -m, ni.g bt .a nd

col'iege co nceTnin g those productions whi ch although not September Atl antic Monthl y; "A Lit- next

n.g m":e

en acted 0n this cam pus have and : n to t he great ec t of ti e Cap for Angel", by Anna Brand, tiiire for t his present time of study and tr..ose commonly cu lt ured to the enJ.o yment of th e best October Delineeator J. W. H end E. r son, pastor. " ps.op h,y, .t he _brnut,y of lines cii nn t. ·e lost how ever when the acting 1s so T wenty-.fo ui: of a. hqndred' for: good as that in the so far this year. · ty-eig ht-. Where ·.i:ls.e ncriyaq.a,ys BAPT ST C HURCH you? r.ate of interest? ' c. J. E. FORSYTH. Har dware, Plumbing, Heat ing D.o you want true art or does tl;i e hoUow; empty· pretense appeal to wor'l1d an iinvestmenf yield so high __ · _ .-

Th the s bstance of the e- W heat· ant1C1pP.t1 nn c-harrg-ec; tO re a! - ld d h h . h ts was u r . . ._. "'I · . h ,_

Kat herine Wialiarns an d Arn o Walk er. stimul at.e t oug t m t e p ort given to thEi· N·afional'' Engllsl) :ization, e ons.iuer·a,., e g rowt · --------- ----

minds. of all who· he 11 rd nig ht Tr.tie the prob1lem of Fraternity, Sigma Tau -Delta, adts' re- ,Place. • prej ud ice is not vital to f.eru rs a c' I g-ro up. fr r h ere we 1J re alJ g ular meeting MQnday, 14 .! Servi ces Sunday, Decem ber 11 : E lectrical Supplies (or ti ink we ar.e) r ut the teachers go·,ng outi w1 ll have Neg ro, : : -_ ·I ,, 9:45 a. church s chocl. II: OO a. m, '. their chi s s. The insig ht into. the and Jc·ves of I \ mo rnting w orsh·p. S ermon : "Lo·oking' another iiace that theiie two peak«:rs g·rant.ed their aud.1ence shc.utd make '! .· ' toward Bethlehem" M.usfc by the them ,broade.r, g.ive th em more·und erst?n.din g of others and above al'1 . a -I F h N tes· choir. fuller i i:isig ht into the lf.ves of thdr ie Uowm en. This. subject. of r ace : ros

6:30 p. m. jun'ior study, ats.o young fri endship however is one whic h .all must at some time meet and pass I people's judgment on fo r it is one of wr rld ·mp·ortance,. Tod ay the-wcrl:l b l:eco "U-' I 7:&> P'·m' eve ni'n g seFvice. ing more .and more. one unit'. wll races ne )Jec'On}ing one J;i rother- 1 1'RAVEL CLU.B I Gosp el te.am No. 2· Wit1, on this da'·e hood. It a1:omed the -How shall I treat my nei ghbor? \ · __ - -. go to U nion, unless otherwisei a nnprejudfoes do e·xi'st or .a re. th ey only sH_g hts? Dr.d._,y ru This wee k•s meeting w.as a• most in-· ounced. ever think th.at t. ':' fa ct that yo.u ig nored t ha_t qmet, p .n hai; s pood,y d nss. teresting one. foE Mr Nr r.W'ood.r·p -,ke W ednesday; Decemll er 12, the eel pe rson and the? c-ommented he.r or ac tfo ns as she- p·asses on his tPaveJs Engla'ld,. church w ill cooperate ·in the Fat herwould make her he ·awa ke all mght sob bin g h eart out? Remember the Sea,. and Son panqu et sponsored b.y the Y. M. that the rarest p·earls are often the plam est shells. So alth ou-ith Mrs•.. the· col- C.· .A: ·we have no. black o: •to we ch an ge c ur a fltu .:ie ored and aetual ph'otograpli i;lides• on; PPayer-meetfo g' .a nd c hoir practice I , I ,, we can eraser th at i;p ot, of app e.".ran ce ice from ou r hearts. the scr.ee.n n':t tt e se will be·. made Sund ay most thlr · , · · · D. S. Coad, 'PANNING FOR GOLD beP, and 'Novemb.er issues of the>e: N.orwood's own sn,aps hots taken iii' - · : - Sc1tj bner ;s Harper's, N ortl't Amer ican ·Italy. Mary Belle Review; La.dies Home Jou rnal,, Wo" ' Ther:e. is a gr eat wealth· of p ay dirt l'nen's Home C r. mp· n'0n, Good Ho· PERU PLA'VERS: · Sunday., December ll: ·in the stream o;f c urrent f iction, keep1·ng McC- ·'l's D 1· t c Ch r h h l t 10 o • • e mea or; os- After a ' s hort · business • ineeting, ' · · u c sc 00 .a : 0 a. m. · pe.cia!ly aimong the· sh orli istories ap- Pfotoda'l Revfow, and the Caroline· gi:-9.up,, the "Stage M:orning worship, con.du ted b.y th pe aring in the monthly mag.azines America n. No attempt wait made to Steppers'', pr esented a unique; one- Chnstfan Ende avo r- Society, at Il :O ; The is consta!'ltly enc·our- inctude the wee kly magazi nes; such 1 a ct play, "Help Yo urself". The fol-


·aged IJy. th e·g tint of .pr'ecious ore, an:l '.as, C:: oUier's, Liberty, and the Satur- lowing cast p·ortrayed it well : ! . Junior ·and sen ior Christ ain E tla,y Evenin g Post. Betty Cu rtis M.ary ru-ssdl at ·6:30 p. m.

$ the d'iligent min er is occasion ally r e- · Qf the on'E) hund red forty -eigh t, Andy Stoker Max Denney Um on ev.ening service. 7:30. warded by·· the dasc? VePy reaa sixty:six aire love stori es, most of Eaith Curtis - Marthn Pisar Loren Dur.ton, Minister Of much ilirt and ,whl ch nre· R eg0eB rrus trash h av.e to be floated to th e s ur- th oug h, should not be overlooked: I Mr. Curtis


searcher will collect a co n- Wil bur Daniel St!!-e.le, !in October Another i nterestin g meetfog of the si.dei,able treas ure in a com L d" R • a ies ome Jou rn al;

through · otheT play and is doing as well as can be e.xJ;>ected.

Just to keep brushed up cm the doings of r Jumni, w.e hear that Vi ginfa McNeal is working in her local post office, but she complains that it also so long to read all of the post cards.

p'ractic.\ng \ite sa\ bg the da.y , Gilbert C.ook dropped a ring into the swimming pool. It took a great deal of diving before it was tinaAly "resc.u.ed". Of course, Gdlbert probaply' wouldn't have been so c·n-er:·e I l>ut you seei it wasn't his ring. Mr. Cook mig ht have had s.ome rather expl: infog to do if he hadn't been successful.

d f h . t d th t The fourth gra4e PI'. , .o.ud of the

o· o t tr y yeaTs

tical. Approximately 15,00 records structed "in oonnectfon


cor.ds of students who entered be-

and went

tween the Year . s 1903-10·, records of clay Jlouses t.he Y, ..have mode-led. •ization were: Hdem , Davey,

students who entered afteer 1910, b.ut ican Liu •rature cilass." RemarJ,&J , Wagg·oner, Mary , Lo.uise did nc,t receive a .dipl 0 ma or degree; After a study of c.olors mc.<it suited' first spa rrow. Sc tt, Leo na Eb l: e· s, Et her (r. .b·rle, records of_ students wh . o rec!tived a to their d.dls' complexions the girls I ''N-0w did you ever!" exclaimed t1'.e' Cr?wf.ord, Norma Craw:or.d, of t3 of the fifth l!rad·e·sewhg cJ.-ss be· a 1 second spai r-0w. "I wonder what has Lilla Eldora Mcimnch, who raaeived a degree; and one vol- making outfits for their doll.:;. They come c.ver the poor follow!" •Catherme Lima, Irene Vanderfr rrl, ume w'b.ich c.ontained the records of Ihave been d-0ing much practice in ! "Oh, nothing to be worried much Louise Virginia Vance, the students fo school for the cur- gathering for th":s work. f ome of th 1 about, I guess, responded the first Velma Barstler, Brogn.a, rent year or summer. virls ,'have. begun doing their first sparrow. The poor fdlow · tas you Ruth Hanlon, Doris Wanda

Recently the records were taken / machine work. They -.are trying to say) is only in l.ove!" I Leahy, LaVerne Setzer. · out of the po.st binders and placed in get the d·olls ready to ·gj.ve for Chris- "Yea Bo-" piped up a:nother spar-· four-Crawer, leg al-cap size file holds ___ - Dear m,e I am afraid there is too FARMERS ELEVATOR COMPANY one of the new filing cases. 0.ne tmas gifts. · r.ow as the other two flew away. 'I all the students' permanent records A t,,;,i · h i b th much of this going on around this b R s ,..e s .ow was g ve.n y .e sevfrom 1903 to Sept.em er, 1932. e'- "'th d. . hth ·d · · 1 campu.s and not enough ten.din"' s·r.·c- Coal, Feed, and Grain ' . . n e"' an e.1g gra .e sewmg

an pm • • hold the J:>elC'ords made un after S'ept.- :· t.: f th "ft b . nessoo the school pageant "A Day • . d h ' cusmons are some o e g1 s :e1ng • THE MARDIS STORE Quality Goods, Prompt · Servic;e. Low Prices Thank You On the 0 with the year 0 BROWNS EAT SHOP the o1d f.orm and fits a letter-su.e , . ' . EXCELLENT PROGRAM I

emoor, 1932. It was estimate t at · d. of Thanksgiving," presented in the this file will hold the permanent, ac- prepare achool .g ymn asfom there Tuesday ev- Peru, Nebraska a·demic records of the students who ! ening, November 22, uncler the dir.ec- I =---------- ---· wil l., entE<r for the twenty ; The g eneral shop class has been tion of Miss Ru bv L. Brown. J years. , · I:busy. many projelcts. The fifth The prol10g ue, ''The Gift of Maize," i --K-IN_G_S_B_AR__B_E_R_S_H._O_P__ ; and sixth boys I-ave be :rnn rra1 suggested the eheought that, had ing toys for Christm3s. Ame>ng t hem America per.;;evered in main t;.i.ining Your Patronage Appreciated · ' . LOCALS are g•a mes, puzzles, toy cannons, and the friendly relations. estabiished be- I \ (/ , ft .door stops. tw.een the Puritans and In.dians mu h 1 • '. \ In the- seventh. and eighth g rade of our so-oaU·d Indtan troubies 1 mi ht ! . 7 • • 0 0 f'ive boys are makmg drawin g have been averted.

Au.stin _Hanika, went to four ar.e ma.king b?ok racks, n°nd six In Division I, Scene One, "The First hospital m Fall C1ty on November _g or seven are working on taberets. Tha nksg•iving," .must r emain lon g an Hair Cuts Are Now 25 cents Under Barnes Pharmacy

Teaches marvdled at the for an appendicitis operation. / Alb.in who has c.harge of inspiration to thank Godi on the na>of thief quarter when. they u.s go 1 w.ood workmg makes JOb tional holiday and not me.rely enjoy ing around like this but smce our Evelyn Hopley, Tecamah, has re- sheets for each project. The boys creature comforts. Ssene Two, "The• enthusiasm has returned normal tu.rned to classes after having ill in wo rking "".ith. Festivity," revealed the de.epl,y root .d j t heir minds h"avid .been reheved. for two weeks. · · I d1mens10ns, cuttmg octov:o.'11', drill n .'.{ religious att'itude of the - coloniists as h ave their gradebooks of the un- --.-. : - holes, and putting in scre!Ws. well as thle1 Ind.tans' wors hip of · a usu.al A's I Because of exc9llency of the S'om.e of _the grade JI.igher Power aro.und the campfire. / motfon Ben Hu r, a Story of rece'1vm g instruction .from Orville Rhythm and color comb.ined to proF ACULTY WOMEN thie IJife of Christ", presented last· B.11ehller in mechanical drawing. · The duce a delig htfui effect. / MODEL POTI1ERY week. the .young people's groups of boys wJro too.k wood work last qu ar- In Division II, ''Faith of Our Fath· \ the Baptist and Christian Churches te.r are proud to use drawing ers," Abraham Lincoln is rect living I

T welve f aculty fad1es h.av.e en- sold tick:et.s for It. they made t.hem.s.elves.. :he at thil\ White Mrs. Sara Hale, J g.aged in a course for modehng pot- work 1s much of a ?egmnmg as a res ult of whose pleading he has tEiry. Sev.enty pieces were succesdully An a ttempt to start I\ new fa,d c.o urse of a mechamcal en g•m eer. The d ecided to proclaim Tha.n k.sgi v.ing a ! finis hed. At t he cilnse of the ::ourse, has been attempted b.y two C1f Peru s stud.e nts are learnin g the symbols and nati onal ho liday. z I D.ecem ber l, the group were enter- fac ult,y men- Dr M xwdl a nd C '.>.l.l Ch conve ntions; to read· tloor plans, to The soft and reverent rendition of · t;ained at h.ome Gard, LoTbeer The main cf /make sketches'. and many of t he fund - vocal and the splendid supMiss Brackney, and Miss Mason. To the fad IS attem?t'1ng to walk o.n amentals · port given by the six-p'ie(!e -Orchestra express the a ppreciation of gr<up th_ree or four l egs instead of two. I So.me of the· mntb g.:ade boys are took over Miss Brown's conception of to Miss Diddel f.or her assistance, she Lorbee: an operation .a co?tmuing the co urse auto-merh- the pageant. The costuming, staging I w.as presented with a piece of mun- short tl1me .ago while J?r Maxwell m Others are to. work and other .deta:iis showed go.od jud g-\ c.y p ottery Mrs Dunni ng made the some way wrenched his knee. \with metals w·1th the aim m view of ment a nd much careful ta bor on the. pre sentation m aki ng objects -Of them. part of those\ who prepared them T he

Glad.ys Ruddy and Virg inia McNeal nature of the pageant and ,its recep'32 retu.rned for "Berkeley Square'', Tl:.e b.uri al of Mrs. FoeHstoreff tion were trii>iutes to the directo r, Friday evening. mother of Mrs. J. W. Gilbert was .Miss Br.own, a g rad.uatet of Peru State Mr. Niles and Mr. and Mrs. Shumard held Last wee1k. Mr. Gilb ert is Din- T.eachers College 61S-O attended the play. 1<in r· Room Manager at the DormatCON VOCATION PROGRAM ory.

Funeral Services were held Wed-

The Dra mat ic depa rtment sponsored the con v acatfon prog ram Wednesday. Evelyn Brecht a nnounced the play, ''Berkeley Martin told James W hitcomb Riley s " Bear StQr,y". A group of musical re adings entitled ''The Janitor's Chjld" and " Foolish QueStions" was gi ven by Dorothy Br enner a ccompanied by Marg aret Winter n esday afterncmn at the Baptist "Time long and measureless : c hurch for Mrs Lidia M. Hays super- , draws all things fr.o.m darkness and ; visor of sewiing -at the state hospjta.1 hides them .again in itself, and there ' you are

we are satisfied at Bea trice. Mrs. Hays is mother of is noth'ing for which we may not All work

W:arren A. Hays, Chief College En- ,look.• h Phone

gineer I · Sop o..,.es When

Shubert was prob:ail;lly the BER KE LEY SQUAR•E PRESENTED

THR EE LET'PE RMEN RE20RT bRll th.e Peru Prep ste rc; find tI-.e Prepsters this year. He was an seemn:.'I a " filt h.y little pig s ty" of a # I th emsPl ves .a t ou gh s chedule, excellent pa ss s natche r, as well as world I

Bnter.in ir i tit" the b asket- out£tan din g wing man encorn tered 'c:'f (Continued f, om pag_ e o ne.)

and with m ost of th l'l v e.tera,.,'f' gn.ne bein g a h ar.d, sure, blocker. Sharp Hazel N iles as t he sweet chHd li ke N I I via the g- rad.uati 'l n ro ute. For the r..f Nebraska City the end, w as Helen pla:yed most i mpressi ve f o . most t he Bobk:itt ens are meet- fast and a s ure pass receiver. s cenes with Standis h. H er under- I e in g qu'in t ets from scho rJs -0f a Blou nt of Auburn us ed his 220 s'tan<li.ng of Hs 5t r.a ng ene.:>s and their f h 1 11 t H pou nds h eft to good advant age hv.e wh ich. ;m ust l: e. d.n1ied not only I aga inst the Bo bkittens ii ncl) h be cause the diary s- il his if s·,r t U · similnr srhed"l"s with pr· tF• in <: ,,11 one of the tack le berths. McMu lle n, he but be c.<i use of the1 d iffer.ent cess, and t hi s years ag gregation IN.el-r.s ka Cit·', v.-.as a c entu ries t-0 wh'ch they l:; e lo g- j sho.ul-d pr ovq:1 no exception. It is ru nnin g mate hy virtue of h is ha.re..: ed off ered mommts which W( re do ubtfn i th at. the in ex n eirienc ed, ca- t?.clding· a nd i:r00.c1 of fe nsive work. i carried only by strong acti ng Thefr I p-ers w ill a'.t ain honors l At the guard po11itions a re p laced lov e wr r.a un.u•ually we ll <' on e. I tr.i s, yen r. but sw·eay pro ve a Bedea o.f Tatle Rock a nd Harph am cf Th,c1 stran O'E!y strong, intfllire :-it to an OPDOSltion. Au bu rn. Bedea although li g ht,. i" 'and h augI-.ty K .-. te frun<l ( x.

Coach E·di e, through- smart a nd sh ow_ing- up : cellent p <;> rt;I:,;;Y<' l at th_e .1:.an ds of out the year by l ack <?,f well! a ga inst the Fr:1psters. i Dorothy Her contrast to nr.t··ri ?! for -2 th letic te ams is is &ti.Jr d.ily b.uilt and ,a powerf i:l g ard. \ H.el en was E:mpb.asi ze.d nnt only in m <ikin g no c.ver ze;<>Jous prediction Bis speed ,<>.nd drive S" mbine to mak e. ; a<'tio n but lD the ar..pea rance 0f. the <; to prrspects of his the scarlet jer seyed g ridler a .very: Kate bl onde t eam. Neither is he c on ce0in g any- fin e g ua rd lid .en .wist fu lly c1 ark aP.d the fl sth.ing to the wc rthy· oppone nts of the A dearth of o utstan d in g cente rs tumes whic h eJilp h asized these colorJ1inio1· Cats _ were preo,en t ed ·aga inst tbe1F o')ld in gs. One can say th at there were Ra ilsback, Pug h., a nd C Rptain-elect but Kuehn , smd l Elmw o.od p·ivot no weak pd nts in th ei nt of MiSs V.el vick, rJl l let.tll'lrm en, w ill form th e man, was out standing in a rat r.er Brenner who as K·ate- to nucleus 2ib." ut w hi ch .Edie will med ioc re !line. His play a gai11st P eru sav.e Helen fr om ;i l ife with £tan dish t"'m"t to m l'\ld a w in r.iing was .good. to whnm Fhe1.. h a.d been engeged She Vdvick .a nd Rail sh2ck shouH han r-11e In th e a vast array of real·i:i;.ed .the s tran geness of this

tl-e forw rad p :-.sit ir ns yer v nic 1 · an -1 materi al confro nted

shoPJ.d <l(\v.elo!J 1lnt'1 a r a".' al:le P rep sters, a nd it was orly after c·on- .did n ot untl-. rst·!md as dad Helen j g.uad OthEir fir ·t team r.o•sibiliti·s: th at the posts I The flu t tery, p roud m- ther of the ' Le:i h v, c- P.n tP.1·; Kel"o, Adams, were f illed d,?,ug hte rs mi g ht h ave stenre·l fr ·m g'ua.rd ; Bl th e, c eri ter. The remain- The goel! one .of Jane Aus tin's ;ig' t nt1 \ tlie\r of th e re porting sq n•<id incl u de : to Wais, stocky Sh 1bert p la er V'ais I the ch aracte riz ation g ive n to this H fl zelton, P i:-r riott, Majors, Cowell, W f!S a fin e r lu n ge r, an exc <'llent n art by L ora Dickerson. Her e n.nnPalmer, Rnwa n, C1ary, Aodn1r s, SEtze, bl ocker, and rem ai ned corl a,.. d stoe•r-!fl.y ciati-n, ex- re si ·.n a ·d u"" er-t C i:.rter. und er fire. His pre,ence in the b· ck- of· this eh h teenth cent ury l ad.y of Wi nning cage tf'ams at Pe ru Prep . fie ld was a big reason for Sh 1.1<bert's nob il:i ty m?de t he part h av·e becorr:e more or l ess a h- 1bit I fi ne eleven. one of exce lle '1 cf'. Tr.e c-:st me-:;, ,, t 1 ,\vith the B".bkitte-s, e peci 11 y d urh g- For t he half back p ositions, Ahing-- nd m al< e up of th e La ·'y i' nn Prttithe l ast two yP," rs have C'.\P·e t eams ton of Auburn and Musse.n, another 1 gr w a-0 fl en to her O."'staP.din ,,. ac' lng. of not at:ie worth pro-i ,,ced. :wo pe r fo rm er, were cho-en, Ab- ,Vi rgil Bnv t-e ., :is the gr :> !'p"n o-, : r -.. years .ag o Peru mer:ted the ch·m :- 1 n- rn gton proved very troublesome t• fh g-a te Tom Pettwrew ·nf'rformed his of Southen stei-ii. Nebrask a, In the Bobldttens, his retu rns of punts be!'t work with s:iste-r Kate. c·ompetition w:th such Au- bein g a !eature of the .g ame Mussen, The most striki ng char act.er who burn Nen rask:1 Oity, Falls Citv anfl pl ayed at half instead of fullback "'"'Ssed throng h. the scen ts of "Berkothers. ye ru:, the Prepste rs was a in this section as Dale Bro'h 8 s m-j r fo ug ht th eir way mto the fi.rals of an offensive b ack. He w as a p.unt er Clinton m his white w b', c ream t l>Je, r eginnal tou rn ament at Nobr aska of extraordin ary ability, as well as a colored breecheco a nd red c oat. City, a ft er e njo,y:in g a hi g '. ly success g ood passe r. Mus sen was the spe ar- 'l'h


and .Miss Ruby L. Brown, tw.tsP.c su perviso r, Dawson music: l ove rs were c I- armingly en terta•ined .Fr id a,y ni g ht, Nov ember 18, at th e sch.ooI au.d.itori um b.y a trio of mu sicians fro m Peru T eachers Coll ege. .Professors V. H, Jindr a, violinist, R. T. Benford, pia nist, •a nd G. Holt St eck, 'b aritone, ga ve a va ried p ro gram in the ir speci,.,J li nes. M:ac:Dowe1l's "Thy Be·am.in g Eyes" opened Mr. Stec k's .g roup T h.is w as Per.u, b ut s ttll ma nag.ed to .tu

fi ne pe rformance. knees utt.er in g

Th r DFtle w :. s a sl ow-witt

h e'lven. follow.ed b.y. a lo.vel y, coax in g· F1e· ch song an.d done wuth nr ti ceaU 0 1fiddit-r to pitch. In ''The Sailor Man " W olfe, a.nd Euge ne F.i lds's, 'Bo wleg ged Boy," the sin ge r accompanfod his son g with interestin g sta ge a rt. Mr Benford's piano number "Rollin.g S tones," by McFayden, w as " bnllia nt d.i splay of 'F.aum,' by Ch a mi.n ade, ope ns with the fteft ha nd c.n r ryi ng the melody wh ich lat.er is ta ken up by the right ha nd. Thera is j.ust th e elus iveness ab olUt this nu m:be.r to just.if.y its t itle, a nd it



ViC e-

President; M'. S. Pate, K earney, Sec.- whille which should go iIIito the make- 8: S.yracus.e H.

Trea and Dean Rous.e, Chadr on and up of youths of toooyi. Ball '(here)

, " 1 .ai d'efinite 'purpowi in l'ife. Tho.u ght- Cl'ose College for Chri stmas :as fo r

Rowlinsop, Marjorie Dea n Th ompson, Omaha., tha other The stiu.dents of Ohio. 'N. U. obt ained


0.nly c·ontrove.rs.y over lthe aw ard- fulneliis and were aut- :I vaca1rion. & · .Y w'ttilc e musicia ns pLayed. Such Coo k .and R o-l:>ert In .a.d'dit!on ing ·o·f champi.onships. was that of l standing traits of charactleir in a 1 MERRY CHRISTMAS I a se ng w.as very appropriate for ' h b there w.ere thr eie who had ia.lready the f ootb all rules require .a ny normal school in Oklahoma. Co:ndiiaI- • c am er mus ic Mr. Wolfe g-avc a c olleg,e cll>imIng .a ch·o·mpi'onshi'p 'I ity was prac.ticedl at Ada, Ohio. The b · "' · · , p assed t he tes1J b\ut were re viewed "' riei•, 1m te1restmg talk o.n lthe selecm ust win the largest perce1I1t of / ha,d lear.ned to wo rk I These wer& Steiphen Gai nes, Phyllis g.ames ;in ad d,itJion to h aving p layed Ihar.cll. was .a twns to be p layed and their compo- 1 Dav ids on and .Lu;lille Afal! te ams in the conferetn ce. By a chara c'terIStic of the PeruVliam; wh..o

serTsh. "ter h avin g at!tained in the un a nimo.us vot e, it was decid--'· to had le arned to 'live toget her as one e play ers we re, C. · Burdette' · """ I .first t est, .an md1 V1d ual must be rewaive the ru les, or r.ather declare big broth:i:hoo.d. Religfou.s ideals

Wolfia, f!il'st vwlm, G.erhart Wieibe • -' th that Oma.ha Uni v:ersity forfeit t. 0 j-went into th_e, _ lives of Wesley.an stu- · · · wew€iu ev ery 0 er year Peru. D ean Thom pson of Omaha dents.

s:cond v10 hn, J eia.n. Hollst ien, I The honor gained· b.y t he ab ove "Th v10l a, and Garolme Wolf e, v iolin- .., d . m ade •a motio.n th at the fo otb aH . e product in all G.od's · perso ns, 1s not only a fi ne championshiip for ·1932 be .awarded cre ation is thi! ideal college girl," is

eello. T he program co nsisted of: individu.a-1 recog.n it'i-O n, bu.t is a deto P.eru and Rouse• of Chadron the conclusion dr.aw_n ,b.y Prof essor

Q.ua rtet in D minor, Op


s econ:ded the motion, wh'ich was Gregg, " And: the next most wo.nder- -B ache rini C t · 1 , t' ilt h . . '(ias.sed by a un an ii:Irnus vote. ful thing is the ideal_c-0llege, boy."

Gr aV>e--Alleg ro I er am y, any ac l V' •Y t at IS pn-

Another •imp ortant resolution was / Gregg gave his in- Largh etto marily concerned with the sal Y.aging passed up an by t he committee which terpretat 1on of an i.deal' college g irl.

All;egretto con moto 'of h uman liv e.s is ,a g.ood activi ty , with Jt;he e lig ibility of •athletes. is a w.oman of g ood phy- Qua tet R 1 a nd an y increased man'ifestati on of lt states 11hat, "for a pe i<i:od -nf one s1que a nd poise. She has na tural Hebron JS Ft.rSt I ave int erest wouM sur.ely be an interest whats oever, in any o1 any stu- ?lothes t extiles. She Basketball Rt.Va·l B ;fl at, Op. 67 Brahms It wo.uld be :ai worthy enterpr ise ye ar, t here sha,U be no w aivering \healt h. She dreJSSes in ·becomin g

Aisez vif- tres rhmie well ch ose n. d ent who is t echnically in eligible, is oenthus1astic.,. self that tMs college ad'd imp et us to the ,t9 _rules o.f the confer- dent, and a':'arIc1ous for lea rning. Andante life sav,in g phase o;f s wimming ·· She knows of 11ife and literatru:e. Her A · (A - Th H b " .. ., g1tato n..egr etoo non troppo.)

Following the mee""ng. coaches ) lan g.UJage is we.11 chose.n She ien geg- e e ron College f.i ve will en- p All tt V . .• IH "' " oco eg,re o con ar.iazIOU'i · Jth f D from e a-c h s chool ID€1t an<l m ade their es m prodlu.ct1ve activities and is te rt!'Jn the

football .and b asketb.all schedules for S'he is clean and pure in basketba ll

another year Contr acts were

,. An e'lt ample o'f their fu n-loving . In .an before itlhe jun- l\at Cag.e,r.s, in t heir opening game .,, th ere are others who find insp'ira-, d ai ly ca re. of a c.ompetent p hyfri.. s pipt ,w.as fo und in the dance which 10r and high school studentS, - In ea rly- s eason scrimmages the tion in the colors; the obj act or. the cuan. A complete "rest cure" has t he S ophomores held in the high Pr ofessor Gregg talked abo ut the c ost "Lorb eer" team has been movin g I ide al. "Choose .your pictures as you -been p rescribed as the m eans of t!ch ool aud itorium, Friday night. of t<jl:icco. He sa&d' that a ll the corn l a l"on g -at a ,fa st clip. The-ir p assing, choose .yo.ur frie nds." Ib uil ding up, unW he sha1ll at length One of the -biggest re!l!Sons for the cr op '1ll the U uniteid Stat es wouJd /f loor., w ork .a oo to "hit the M'1ss d·e5eribed several l)f t he acq ui r.e health the success of tihe party was thei "swell'' fo r one half of the tobacco 1 h oop has been q.uate noticeable fo m asterpieces by Hoffm a n,, :j:,e P age, Ir esumptio n of \taaichmg a ctivities. orche.st:na, as everybody te>rmed it and its as smoki ng ga mes ag ainst the freshMe1i Mlillet and

d iffer ent tered co.nditwn as m arufested m the Charles Trenholm, Clarence Cran- :take .a good a rmload of corn to Coach Gilkest>n, w ho h as !:ieen p ictures of th etlr.s rep ort that a one- h.alf p·o.und gain bu y on · tte k' _,._,__ h d h b h' ' dell, Burbridge, Lloyd Perry Bill e c1? are wor mg www• t e r eserv es a

UB cooling ».elfl'Ellhmentl!! ait the 'We coi:ad end the depr ession !:Jy in g pl aye rs .on V·arious High School BOBCAT BASKETBALL for a c-ompl (:)ta, h ealth y, rec ov,ery intermisswn. sto,pping the use of tob acco,'' de ctared teams last a nd with .a little1more No d efinite pl an s are p rese ntable The only objection offe"red by the Mr G:reggj He

and reg retted that Eveni.Pl;r Bap

·:that was a dat e. "Only Tuesdlay mg· , '" m e n "'""" • capie aroung so so,on. Each gt.r! r e- t'tst Church. - M ' So dopp iqg c.or.ds, an:dl sweater he h atl!'lssly .apd tiel.e-s.sly the ce.ive'd a gift a nd ·a f illed Loren Dunton, Mintster. JEW Y. dorIT}"ito ry - : : . : . with huts ana cand,y. : . D oes the De an and t he offlice g irl Cal!t e,t.a.ncE:l ._!lt him as creaµi c-.o-okies were . . . . ; OWN ,j he goes Ito the .tEilephone booth? If sq he t Sa lly hap py, l augh-mg groups TRIBUTE TO UNKN !; J;pe be rets chic scarf .b o\\'.s !l?d dip nty gl?v '73, furtiv.e ward. · · · · 1 TEACHER ·glance :at the itieless t hroat <an d! h e11d anq Sally qr aws .a c onclus- ;> ·• ion, 'No more dlat es With Jack.' , . . LORBEER SPEAKS AT

Had he only known; At last he asked Harry, Har ry wJ:ro MENS CLUB CHAPEL And what of teachlµg'r Ah,· there :ls.eemed to be· a·ble' to take .any girl, anywhere, anytime. And Harry gen- r yo.u the worst .and tly but firmly imp:ar ted the truth. N ow j qst to J ack !l-Ppearing At a speci aj of .t}).e Me.ns :best rewarded of all tlhe vo!!atio.ns. (Where ypucr mo.r.e) will 70 CENTS Cl ean and suit Press yeur for •a date rin anyother bub h'is coat maybe but we\l_. pre.1Sse d) the _··c·o··11!o1gA h' w_ 1 1

and. fl' .tie..; · day, November 30, d urin g Convoc.a-

n ew changel:i m the teaicher who d eli)'.ers •and !;he " ., for th"is year was r.e!!Il'a m mg young. He lives in obscurlt_y and · · · h 1 od ,, Th . · ·h -. . p f source of Coach .Lorpeer.s talk. . h ,.._ d h. F 'hJi "Peirq · t!l .b1gi prqt er to '• '"l{\t r0: . / · ,

wit u.i. r s ips. or m "' Gregg · commented on our family spirit:. Mi!lS Scm:lock }ike,.lJ qqr.Jriend-

sey:er!!L-:membez:s of ..the

I Love the poplia11:s , marchi ng down oo s; vu e ove \Al. now edge is" Lite1rary Society for their club at the cast consisted o!f .a prog ram PY Ev- , the , ' transmitted ci.nly b.y contact meeiti'11g l5n December eig:th ·eretlt memb ers who lll'ad in ·:The slender, tim'id quackin g· No one lIBs 4eserved better o·f Edrna Maystrick represE)nted ' tihe the "'.or1d and made good.. leaves.., repq.blic than the unknow:p teacher. Sfhool teacher. Her p.upils r espond- Will"iam H.oUiSe! "'.as the natio naUy The g rac e and <lalinty stature of No one is 1111we worthly to /b.e enrolled

Phlilnes, 28, Office 7 Hours: 9 to e)'J accord:in gly. · ·' · ' , known announcer. He said that Bing white b.irc h, . . in .ai demo cra\tli,c ;aristocr.acy, "king of 1 · Robert Saye,r r ead Oliver We ndelp. C1'osby .t'O take .a ·back seat since But n ot to one of .these his p:lace he'll himself and ser,vap.t o.f mankinid". • fJo lmes' ·"De11'cfon'•s Masterpiece.'' Be- Hap F.illey was providing better·s ing- ' · Van Dyke l

fo re· l\<1'iss M.aystrick cauld c.ontinue1 iing. Mi>. F iljleiy sang - three popular In my esteem; •a f rie nd lo whom one wtit}l, h er,-pregraD; she had to r equest j ruu.mb er&. The lii.'>teners we1re not cleaves. 12 and 1 to s M;r. Sayer to get rid of his g um s urprised· when theiy h eard the famil- ('>.. ,sturdy. a ll his was called on to sin g .iar voic e of J.oyce Grub-b who ann -. chµrch! W. James two sel•ections. Ro.y J1ingles pr<>vid- ounced her daUy balk on s;t.yles It's · ed, hi s a1udieince with· }Vith his ' 'Shoppin g. Witl;i Joyce" now instead/ i·eatlin g of GoLdsmi.th's "To a M'adl of "Shopping W-itfu J:uli a.'' 1 JAPANESE BAZAAR ·. Dog." After Velma Bars tler p1ayeid I Ada Bi-aey h as comei to the lime- 1 Ja selection on the piaJ10, Doris Wie:t· l•ight with h er sensational singing. Braught f rom :fia_r .away Jap.an from I told a stor.y. The prog rarp

While perspirata'on roUs down their The .future of the AmericlMl schools

students in these inst;itutions totlnv.


profoun.d( sense o<f the significance! of At lthis

b . d . · I oom, e procee s with the sermon, d·ay, Deicember 15, at the college une 111 an entangle- now thunderin g in a !terrific on- edUJoation .for the 'individual and for 1 onu m. , ' ra1 ng ivy s.a1ught--now in a low, w.arning hiss. course., all of our tho ughts are turn- au.d"t

ment of .bu shes a·id t ·u , · continued progreft> of t he ing to Chr istmas We do not usually Four pl ays ha ve l:>een planned by vm es. It was a tilly ;:onstruction of J The g irls look fr,ightened. A feJw of SGhools :is assured. High scho:ol gradm ake a h abit of advertising through group lead.ers. " Si x Who Pas.s While we :1 th e1beaten bri c.Jc over " h" h ti 1 the women genera:Uy the ones with

:a: exception in this case JOrie Young .,,Annthe_r fan/basy 'Mak- pines surrounding it


old Iadries nod their heaids and sch?ol will guide. :t;he.m m er of Dreams fea/llu:rmg the immortal . ful tiu J'N' to the few unk t crease the i'irm kines a,bout thed I their dec1s10ns on school issues. Is Padld;y w agg o ner 1is now ready to Pieirrot and is in charge of I H.idde.n fr om t he mouths .into firmer

Th .r there .any reason why we sho.ulCI take orders for Christmas trees. He Mary Her vey. ";Bishop's Candle- I this old unus ed pia th it 't es ; zened man shrivels ldoe w1- Ihelp children to understand t he has a go od supply this year a nd can s ticks," a c.utting." from Victor Hu go's Ipatqetiic aoped l.

"Margaret, I hear you are flirting with other m en." tickets

Mar garet: "Charles, you k p. ow I wouldn't do t h!at-."

Charlle.s: '' Isn't it mean of me l;o think of such things?"

I did not try to r.epress the sigh 'magnetic force, and -eveir.y person i T .• N t . I that esoaped them. Mthough the becomes attentive. The white, up- ra1ner . o es were crude and un:iqiue, Iturned faces bhtr arud the powerful ..._._.__ _...__ _'-_'- IIand the whc le room looked bare; j voice di•es a w>8>y.' Awakling with a yet, there w as a in it all. stao, I find my eyes resting on the

Two interesting dramaitizations I I sat .in a seat near the b.ack of 1long shadows that stretch .and· waver were given b.y the .ninth g,rade. R<>- the room. A mo.ul?e chewed indus- on the floor of the lonely, little land Cowell, Eddie Johnson, Vester tri c1usly in one corner. A pige.on church. Helman, W:ilb.ur Strcmq1Uist, Max Ro- Icooed on an eave outside a g.apping Lenore Harris I'

land, Benny Hanlon, and G.ale Carter wind.ow. The shadows of trees to worked out and gave their interpre- stretched and' wa vered on the floor. BOB KATZ MEOW

Dale m ust be a BOy Scout, he do es a go.od' deed every day. The last t hree or fou r gO'od deeds have .b een general utility man to the dir _:ector of the ' "The Bishop's Candlestic ks." .tation of Es.op's f.able ''Seven or One". I was a.lone. " The Penduluµi" by Jane Taylor was ' What was this? quaint -.-.dramatfaed b.y Mame Holsclan, Wilma people ·began to file slowly , silent 1 you know, the m.y htitle' Adams, Ida Walker, Wilma l\'Ic.Maho:J, 1a nd a wed. I felt ashamed .of my Ihouse may look terribly dirty and T i..-1 B r.ude •impulse to laugh. Queer they smugg.y, b.ut I have c._eyes and can ,.., ma .ro.wn. 1 ,.. • t oif ·rum · 1 Iwere, but how did I appear to them? see. ou my WI ws very nice Y· I tried to pull my dusty hik- And' you shouI.d see .some crf the things 'Th e. ninth English class is , fog skirt to my ankles, th:y did I :do! You. wouldn't stop Iiaughing reportmg the proJect of ••Rea.d Al- 1 not seem to notice. Ifor a week 1f I co.uW: relate evem half


On the 0 with the year o BROWNS EAT SH OP Pe ru, Nebraska "Moon" M.ullins has d'iscovere.d a new u nit of measure. two l:>arrels iin a hedge..h.og. Res Qy we never c ut o n\'. o-pen to see.

The . r.eason for study- ; The .women a:n d g irls filed to. one Iof them. . . ' mg the life. of Lomsa M. Alco.tt .and I side; the men and bo.ys, to t he other. One t hm g I saw I JUst ;c ant I her books, 1s tha.t of celebrating her How siient they seemed'! I began to myself much l.o.ngelr. I II have to oentennial. Q.uestions pass- Isurveyin g, first of all, the men. Yes, Ish.are iit w'ith all. Now, wh at, .-------------ed o.ut to tihe seventh, eighth, and / there wer e the old men with .their professor on this campus should be j KINGS BARBER SHOP ninth g r.ades. "Little Me n'' was found 1 snow -white hair a nd J:>u;hing brows, 1 able to stand up in the snow on Your P atrona ge Appreciated ''P" Club men (suppose to be the bravest on the campus) are hiding u nder the (bed u 1'1fil a fter the "P'" Cl,1-b dance Let up girls, we had our, fling. give the men .a c hance.

to be the m ost popular of h er b-Ooks 1ft om ,ben eath. which shone pierdr.g E!ippery s.id:ewalks. Not n ec€Ssarily I with eyes of bea :iy black. Slow a nd awk- one who k?ows his law of gra.v· 1

The i:nakmg of diarie s, h10graph1e s, w .;,i·d were the'ir movements, general- 1ty ,alone, but 'IS also an ac\tor and bfoliio g rnphies, posters, poeIJ.IS, and lv aided by the use cµ .a cane, or the ' can keep his b alance But stories is in the project. ' a.rm of a thoug htful y-Outh. Then 1even in the bes.t .of fam1hes or scho.cl

As the final outc ome a Louisa M. Al- th.e rniddltt-aged men with their faculties (!I should- say) people1 slip c ott Scra pbook is to be ma de and firm mouths, t.he .b usin ess men nf the and! "After CoJJege--What? " d.edic at ed to the iUSe of the junior 1 com munity They held their hea ds I And' the other morning a:tter

ers (Ubrani.an and h'eQlth workers

among others), the largesb class in the .Frida y, December 9, music by the

ow. (Ask him the subject of oJther eccupation followin g te aching; c ollege orchestr.a wias received P.Y a the · sermon· after church.) alt houg-h women in execsutive p o.sitions ver.y apprec.ia.tive a udience, at the / But wh a1l aib o.ut the g irl? Does her in <business make salaI'ie.s of convocation p.er iod. visfon wande r to th e opposite side of t he genera.I salacy for all women in The first seleclt.ion by the orc·hes- lthe churc h? Does she turn quic kly, commerce .is only $1,533; women in tra was thei "Ma.rch :from Scenes Pitt-11bl ush and pl ay with h er gloves ·or fields of home economics earn salaries orespu.eis," b .y J. Th.e lov e· finger the leaves of a hymn book? centering about $1,992; w.omen en- ly "Angelus. from Scen es Pittores· :She. s mHes No, she must not look gaged in the lite11ary and drawing q.ues-," ·b.y M ass-enet, foll,?w.ed. / th at way ag atin. Prim .aun_tie .is seatarts make a median salary of $1,746. The third n umbes,_ \the cheery ied beside h er Heir head is tilt ed to DORM GIRLS ARE gro Guiholoso," by Zamecnik, w as 1a dan gerous altjtu.de as she! w atch es rendered in a manner -b.y h er niece with .an eagle's eyie. the clarinet quar t.et. comp osed of I There ifs al ways the ti r ed moth er

HOSTESSES C)arence Crandell, Jane Snid-er, Hu s· \with her h oard of babies She .tu ston Kiingsolver, anrl Marley S-h urUeff. sles with them thr oughout the serOther folkes besides 'the Sophomore" The J.ast nu mber Dance mon, p ac ifying one with graham enjoyed themsehes Friday evening No. 22," w.a.s a splend id e nd'i ng fo r cr acker.s w hile she blocks the ti rriest from S:30 until 10:30 dancing' .in the the' morning's program. tots yells with a bottle af milk. Be· Recreation Ha ll of Eliza Mor gan • hind h er sits a qu eenly matr on in Hall. T he freshm e n, junior, and TAlLORJ.NG Iclin g;ing velvets. She eyes the group senior eirls per.mil.terl to bring in evident disgust th rough her l orgthe'ir gentleman ;friendS for · an Begfonmg t8ll ormg is the new pro- netti,

.of evening of dancing provided they jelt of the advwnced clotllmg class: a



Forced to terminate itheir tussle be,fore the offic.iiJa,I ending, this .yer.i.rs

Per.u Preps high school tea.m heLd a slight a.dvantag.e Wednesday nite 1 over Bobkitten performers of former years .after three quarters o.f pl ay had clos.ed. The score atJ the end of the third quarter stood, H'ig.h School 38, Alumni 29. Pre-arranged possession of the floor by another group, necessitated cessation of the game.

The game was a hectic affair, PERU MUSICIANS HEAR

featuring weak offenc.e but both LINCOLN QUARTET

played a smooth working offense that .:iiunctioned with creditable Professo.r Jindra anid thei college ;Precis'i-on. However, their defensive

Last year the bo.ys in school numtactics showed consideral:lle hesita- string qiu.artet a,ttend'ed the concert bered 140. This year lbhere arei 183. t.io.n as to the assumption of indiivid- b.y tr..e string Quartet ;at Lin- Of the class of 140; tw.enJt.y-five ual players d.utlies, but this flaw coin Monday e1Vening, D.ecember 5. gr?.idualled eight will in summer should! be rmeedied with experience. The Gordon String Quarltlet whoi!e · .school put .are teac'hing now, sevie(nty be remedied with experience. ' return.ed this year and .:forty-seven

The Alumni .quintet. lacked org.an- is Q.or.don,, first '9fid not. Many of the lat.U!lr plan to 'izatio.n and coopera1rion, 10.oth vita.I vrnlm, Ralph Silverman, 2nd vfolin, return are working for funidsi. Ntintyelernents to • -basketbe.11 rPaul Roib,y.n, Viola :an.d Naoum Ben- five cut of ;the 140 compose those. playing. ditzk,i, ce.Uo, bro.adcasts from NBC at w.ho returned this yiear and those RF1ilsback and Velvick wilth 17 amd 8:.00 a. m. ever.y Sunday. who graduated that are not expecteld lO po.ints to their respective cre(dits, I to retiw-n. Their concert progl'!lm was as fol-

wer.e the -big g,uns for the hi: h rnhocl

PERU'S CHRISTMAS GIFT STORE is again ready to serve you with a f ine stock of it.ems to select frOlll.

There are Pictures. Candy, Perfumes, To ile trie s. •A.J.,uoJJB.JS 'Slf.O<>.g: TaoJc Scarfs, T oys, Dolls-, Leather Goods, Pottery, Ciga'rs, Cigaretts, Ra dios, Type• writeors, Fount ain Pen and Pencil Sets, Tinsel, and Wrappings of all kind.5:

Christmas Cards le to Sc each, also c ards in boxes tOO', 50c Ito $1 :00: Be sure to come in this week: Rigbt here in the ol:d home town:

Young with 9, and Rohrs, with 8 lows: H-eir.e is to ou·r former Bobcat THE REXALL STORE points, were h'igh scorers for the Qu,?.rtelt:, in A m_ajor, Opus 18, No. 5 • honors-

Alumni. Be thoven

--e SHUBERT- Your showing against : ' · ·

a Points Points bile. I markable one. You· havief rdone more

Railsback f 17 Riggs f 4 Qma rtet in D flat m1ajor, Opus 15 ; than well. Your losing that game

Velv<ick f 10 Rohs f 8 __.: Dohnanyi was no d!isg race. But your l'ong term

Leahy c 0 Young g 9 (Thir.d mo:vemeint) l of victories l\l.Ilder tlhe guiid-ance of

Kelso g 7 Milstead g 2 I "Some Sha kespearei Fairy Char.actc.rs" 1 Bobcat trained coaoe hes tis not only Pugh g 2 Total 29 h t t , - -;- .,.- Speaight i onor .o you, o your coaches, and Majors g .0 Cobweb, Mot.h and Mustard.s <ie<.l; J the loyal support given you hy the Cowell f 2 The Lonely Sheperd; P:uck; Queen ! Shubert citizens, but also to the Alma Parriott f O M t h ' M'ab SJeeps; 'Ilitania. I _a er w prodlu.ced a Toft and


We ita•ke this time to wish you a mer ry why not get a in Peru for they will it more: ch.r istmas the folks; g o /·Riggins. To l'Ose b.y a score· ·o':f 19 to 38 AUTUMN LEAVES 127 tD .a It.earn who has won a JI the Alli together for a prosperous 1933, --. Il!Lrgest caty games of t.he sou-th-east-1 • , r There's. a bi't1 of frost in the autumn e:n secti.o_n is certainly no T w ta1hr \ We also sent .you Delbert

!And a feeling Oif freshness everywhere cat team.

T.he J . I That sl:Lmmer

In thei . t e, .ec1s1ve sc oi: of 35-14. I The ir wintell' food in a .hldden spot

with Sewreserves for th e a-hove n;a,me\d a r e- ac ard for t he Nebraska Junior College Y a so per ormed as I h. · g.atfon. gg Is watching them dance in flocks. Conf erence champ'i'on.shlip. In S.epThe complet ei r esults o.f the tour- , . . t e,.mbeir Co,ach He rtel beg an to mold ney fo llow. , Ther.e s a '.hint Oil smoke in the even- his squad from seven l et1lell1rnen of Ju nio rs 21 ..:._ Sophomores 2 I i n:g air t.he p revious year a nd a rathie!B me aSeniors 11 - Fr.eshman 8 That "tells of the hu ge 1bonfires supply o:f ne.w a sp'i.rants. Juniors 35 - Se1n;ior.s 14 I Of the drab leaves that, dying everyJuniors (champio.ns) I . where,

Soph omores 10 - Freshmen 6 , J There s .a tt·ace of s adness in autumn - d that thel rarest pearls are often bene ays · H. & ALUMNI BEATS PREPSTERS

Consolation:· Discarded their g ay attires

Play•li:ig their sec·ond g ame a g,ainst an Alumni team within ,three nights, the P.eru Prepeters were detfe.ated Fnida.y nig ht, Dec mber 9 a srore af 32 to 16'. ' Th at the brisk W'ind scarce reliev es (Continued from page one.) 1 But we .mu.st declare, as the However, the hi gh school boys also of the ha rmful effect on the blaz.e·, proved moSt bothersome to their elldSlides were used for illus- Fareiwell 00. the autumn leaves. e.rs, especiially in the .initial quanter. trat10n. , Dorothly Eckaro L a,st yeair's q.u:intJe.t held a m-3 adMr. G·regg, present! professor of va ntage as . the quiarter endlde,, a nd ps ycholo g ..y .at Wesley an University ·a r.ested comfortaJ:>ly at h aLf-time with pre.s1 .ent of th e state t eachers' asw as an .1mstructor in the Peru Nor- a 14-4 lead. I d socia tton. Active wo rk 'in tempel'!l ma ur:mg the yea rs 19.05 to 1918. d th b , ne e, In It.he third q1U,ar:ter the Al umni D th l an e pu li cation of s omo books urmg e atter y eal's he had charge adlded rapidly to tfue'l

Captain "&::id" Priefert
Ed. Bop Pediersen ·Carmichael
Homer Haitc'her



Minstrel Sieven Given To Buy

.Mledb. g11aphy l constructing are neaiin g completron to a student of

·itatfon/' ian essay; "Thru' a Window,'' --Published Wef'kly at Peru State Teachers C::ollege-I and will be pl'ese'hted at this

Pop cor.n balLs will pr-0ba-bly be

ran m t orig;inal in- and t he Come back.:' aU poe:ros. e d. The first part of the progarm College who es an Th Club me mbers s.enll:. their spon1'.:otered at the Postoftice of Peru, Nebraska, as second c.lass matter. $1.00 will be ·by cand.Ie light. The child- vestigation of some phase -0f the geo· e Chris tmas remembrance to ren w:ill sing Christmas songs graphy of Nemaha: c·ounty The s:r a th ·r gratitude to her. consist of two dramatizations, Star MaartS Medal for Geographic Re3'€archand The Tar Ba-J:>.y The Nemaha County, Nebraska." . TRAVELERS CLUB the Year-Sc single copy. tell stories.

Wilma Jacka --'---------------Aileen

'Gerald Tyler ------------· Sq1U.ire Watson Carnrllla Brogna mired t he spelling and wr1tmg of prop'lOte technique in teachmg IT'S CATCHING

Christmas'. Of course it's almost Christmas The snC)W tells .you so, the wreaths in the wi ndows of Miss T ieiar's ro om, the sil ver bells the g orge ously li g hted tree !in the dorm-all de.cl al'e 'it. You d'on't feel it?° YC!.ll don't have any money and you can't b.uy p l'1€sen'ts so you w;ish there wasn't such .a day? Oh, come out from behind your · turn .your tho-u g'hts to something ·biggier Throw a p arty with original, impossible, mirth provo.kring presents. It's the spirit you cl'r1ate that makes it Christmas an d not the dollars yo u spend. It's the peopl<e you make happ.y not the :hours you compl a'in Su;ppose you being a-bout 1a rebirth Wiithin yourself- one of comple te, joyonrs ccntagiclllS optimism and de clare a moratorium on blues. That's a Chrlistma.s gift .fo.r .your friends, for Dad and Mother. Stretch upward;, on tip -toes Lo.ok over your hinderin g self (yo.u'r e not so see the other fellow and think what you c.an g ive to m ake him fee l that it jg Christmas-Christmas everywhere-. First !thin g y c.u kn ow yo.u 'll have caught the spirit contagi·ous Try it


their and they very geogr.aphy, and has written m_any armuch enJo.yed his letter. I ticles which havie appeared m geoIgraphiic magazines.

Miss T,ear was a welcome guest of : The purpose of the the third a nd :fourth grades Good as set forth by the founder is, firs t to Citizens Club Thursday morning. A investigation of local nafascinalbed w.atched her tie .up t·ural reso.urces and related human Christmas packages. As she tied activities, second, to foTm a nucleus them she explained how they could for a reference U.brar.y on local geobe made attract'ive -by pleasing, colo:r graphy, consisting of t hesises prei: .arartistic bala nce, and Pd by winners o.f the se t1r1rd, v.aried arra.ng·ements The c hildren to train stu dlents in habits of a ccurw.ere enco.ur aged to offer sugges- ate study .and appreciatio.n of ii.. g-eo tions throughout the demonstr.ation. gr.<> phic area or · J The med.al award ca rries with nt •a -

What c•an I d10 with this half y.ard stip.ulated .amo.unt to be used. in of .cloth ? As a resultl of this ques- rying forwa rd the re:-search and tion several girls in the seventh prepara tion the fi n al re port for .clothing cl ass have made CJUnn- permanent f.il1m g. bl d the ing Japanese l antern laundry b•ags The selection of thefor h:ose or handkerchifes Perhaps wo·Tk done on same wi e un<le'r

.Merry and a Healthy New Year. Chr istmas va cation brings you will one for ·Christ mas. 1gu•idance of the departm en i; of rl:out an exo-dus of the entire studer.t body It is a time · o.f home-groups gra phy. The winning thems e and <;>f h appy l'euni.ons ''somewhere". 1 se lect€id by an appointed c·omm1ttee.) "Somewheire" means almost every-where" or ''anywh ere" .for Peru The high school home economics The medal .is now on dispby in the dents. With this disseminat1on of stu denJts aJl over t he state ce!rtam g irls met .Monday evening to organiz.e t , h case in the cc llege a dministra-

heaUh problems become evident Contag ious diseas es are prevaolent a ll a club The f-OUow.in g officers were p over the state at this s ooson llt is n nt at •all unlikely that these d iisea8es e lect ed: preside nt,

may appe1ar in the ho mes of some of our student'S is the stu dents J vice president, Dorotlhy · Oa.wth:orn; jobligation to himself and In the case o.f! .doipth eria, fev er or I secretary .and · treasurer, Evelyn D. 'L

th pox, a-bsolute immunity ma.y be setcure.d. Carriers c;an be detected I Williams. Too name chosen was I Frosh otes "Ifor scarlet fever and· dipthe-riia by the ;means of nose .and thro.at cultures. IT: H: E: · · I U • In other diseases as cihicken -pox measles, and rnumps; !the exposure The meetin gs are to be held the time should 1be ascertained and· if the incubation period is of. first ,and t hird Mondays of each PERU PLAY·E RS \ w eeks, the stude nts may safedy retiu.rn t o. sc ho.ol i:f -a re por.t is made , month The clu·b has -ai very inter" · l to c,ollege health department. They can then be observ,ed andi at !the I estin g prog ram pla nned for the yea:r \ expiration of the period, can -be hospitaaized or releas.ed as , The m:in.utes were read and: a;pthe case may be.. WHEN CEDAR TRBES BLOSSOM prove d. The rOll.l-ca.111 '

Some unthinkin,g student may say, "Why bothe r? I'll take a chance-I Iit was moved and carried t hat a ·bill u v;e six miles from here at. Potluck Oentre. If I feel anything be passed. :M:iss Dicke rso n's .group coming on 'Ii'll get in my car. and beat it." When blossom -..i n winter was to have presented a p lay but it Such a consdence wo.uld k eep him awake n'ig hts if he time , Iw.as postponed on account <Yf t he ill-

t.he <enormity of his ·offe nse He as •an adult may survive His infection And all ltlhe

L why not the future te achers oil Ne braskia- OIU.r Peru Stude nts. · With spa rkl<M Lstars, a nd in R. E. Ah1ber g. -between 1 • • " 'With wfnkJy candles that make the I KAPPA DELTA PJ HOLDS J the sing fn g Olf carols. .AJ>propriate room CHRISTMAS MEETING 1 and deli cious were se.r- A fa ir.yla nd,, brig ht WJith the cedar 1 ved -b.y a c omm11tted with Heien G:U- blo-om · I - bert as cha irman. Kiappai Delta Pi e njoyed a deli gh.t- j And, hang in g from -branches or h eapch :strnas rneeting hel·a at Miss : MATH MAJORS RETURN ed in dr.ifts \


Gifts for Him: Wat ches, Kni fe ct\ain sets, Conklin pen sets, Leather go ods, Bill ·folds, Military sets, Belt b.uckle se.ts, Ri ngs Stu dy l amps, School pins. Gi fts for Her:- · Rings ,Wa'tches, Silverwa·re, Neckless, Leather purses, Dresser sets Lamps, Co nklin p ens, Compacts, Electric appliances.

G ifts for t he Family:- Radio, E lectric applian ces, Clocks


(Where your mon ey buys mo re) Hileman s home, Dec€lmb.er 19. The TO CIPHERlN'G Ab oult the ir trunks, there are p'1l es \ of wu f . d t . f Because, yo u know, it's the ced ar's "." ective a ap at10n o


tlo the ai d of th'€/ cl ass and Swell(ing in glorious symphon tives

Fourt!h :distr;ict. · 1 a.nd phced on a tray, When it was 1 house Christmas pa:riti1es! Ever.y;one y · -. ,. time fru· dtlstribution of the "gift s" · =============== .is scur ryin g ar ound in th63e re e t.imes ,A nd in my long.in g so:ud t!Mn-.e seems Super inten dent J. A. Jimm.i thes'el slips we r.e shuffled an d to ·h·o.und '14 froin A b • - rson, giu,est drew o.r.ie. of d :epre.ss1-0 n hu ntm g f QJ" Ch nstmas A . h h . . . . ' U· urn was from the fir st G - A.,. · m1g ty, t robbmg JO.y.,. ,l:forne fr om district. " · • ran pa a cted as Santa Cla us. He j trees and dec oratio ns for their af.ar j h ad man.1ged to scrape t ogeth er a ies. Upo n .the ,swcllln g, pulsing, swe·eping \ Arthu.r Gilbert '10 principal o;f th , of b.at tiic I Y-0u knowL I heard· one of the h1·s w in gs s h Id h" h e we"f!e cia zy a ou,t bu n I ·, - · .. c Y r lg s chool was another r e-. He drew each e t ory professors a ntd a student t alk: Of song-for m the sky there presentative from it.he F'irst d. t . t bask:eJt; and -h g o ut of I • sw ings · is nc · ' ca ""' " ·e numb er writ.mg th ie ot her day abo.ut the mod ern / A glorious Star, I t en on ,it The person h okl i nl' that -;t-re nd uf demolishin g trad!itiona l \The S tar. S uperm.ten1d en/tl C. E. AndI'.'eJWS 14 , 1 number re cei ved the gift, In this perfection of the -past Professor-: lo:ated _,at Benkleman was from the wa.y_the person al el•emen t w as e li m.in, Fifth \ ate d', and n c.body's fe1 il:i ng . h t sarq, P1€.opl•e are so pro.ne to ideal- 1The s on g is g one. SwiR ly rou nd me No one 11 · d • s ur · . . . \ cre eps \ - I was a owe t O' open his pack121e and-w crsh 1p a man 111 bIStory as p f age until a ll h ad been

<l I Agam the tr agic da rkness of the ro esso r E. Lfi Rou se ' 08 of h Th n u e · a god ov€r some jnsi g ni.:fficant incid- Ii ht I

ember to go Chr'i.stmas

w·eid nesd ay, w re aths. There have .peen. I disp1aiyed ,several al·bruims with pie- W. A. A. BASKET'BALL CAPTAJNS December 14. · req u estts fo r mistl etoe but it Is I tur;ejS he had taken- mostly of Rome Hope -Ca rter of the t rainin g scarce I and the Va tiic an One <•f Mic h ae l G:n&ce Rowlison, Ber.yl Darting, Wis.h es You A HAPPY CHRISTMAS the of the au di- Tltings W'l ll to .a happy .cliimax An gelo.'s most beaiu.tif ul p ictures Mdba Cope and N a:cl:ine Andrews ence by a so ng of g reetin g. Ger- on 'l1ue sdiaiy wa:h the a nnual wh ich is now inSt. Pet ffi'S C athedral,\ were c hosen c aptains of the teams "'1de Flinn pl ayed t he <Ole of bho dom, itory Ch nstma' •hn-•'. .>"d "";'.Yfa r ep <0duoed on ttfue ocilin g of '°'. the g frl" ·bask"' ball to>mnment. I destibu.tet h usewife. Members of The af!f.!er din ner prog ram i s. m cha. ge of Mr. D elzell's r.ooms. L1g htmg ThiI'ty-et1ght p1rls have been .out fo r· !'--• M" e E 0 • s dep::1.rtm.en: en- o.f Stella Mae ·Clary. A tl1lo consist- effects h ave b ee n a rr.- ng e.d to hedght- enough practicis so tkat .th ey may 115 n ome conom1c - ntr h k ce llo Je ra pl a · the ti t. Thi · d Miss Flinn su.gges- ing o:JJ


of Eta.cha.pter of EPSILON 1 dle West.

:ec ogmze m proper manner j "The pubJic may have tihe i.mpres- misses if he

the u.ntirmg e(fforts and personnl ! sion that the matter uppermost in ___ I

sacrifice5 of P.ro:eessors .A!: V: Larson ·

Class teams (f) 50 a;dJcJ.itiona'l p oints for the 1nand C, R: Llndsitrom o-.fi the Peru their minds (th'e! is c·om- · gifts h.ave .,been the L Po.ints shall be forfeited by

faculty. ·: Ipensation. This is an unwarranted IproJect of the art department .Of the any team men)ber who .:£ails I inference. T.he teachers are as a .training school. are the I to appear for the; contest. me(egt) 35 .addit:io:al poi nts • for the FRESHMEN PARTY I .· · ;O'bjects being constr _:cted and deco.rat- 1 -2. Fiilty per cent of points for.- et rul01 the least self-seeking group of Ide: raffia napkin rings, first grade; I feited for unexcused tard.i- wi.nl!er of pl ace in track .roe . (Continued frorn first , citizens. The financial motive fa sel- , raffia table mats, second grade cal- 1 • ness at contest Swimming · t·o. f-0 rm palata-ble and appe 1zm"' · · · I

f "' " d d · t · th l M f nd bl tt t · d d d B. T"'nni·s ' .· (h) 25 p_o_ints .£o.r menwers 'O Bw• • lu;ich. I ornman _ e se ec.1on o e · ·. :o ers, :.rs 1a.n secon .., The rh. vhmical strains of "Tha.t 1as a pro.ffflsion. And , ho.t dish mats of b_eaver 1 I. Nat more than three tou.rntai- ming team , G.entlem.an from Geor1 1when it comes to the actual work crayolas used a.sds the· I mepts (single o.r double) (i) 5 p.oints fo r ,b reas t stroke, back ,, ed th d · t" T grade; •book en , fCJIU.rt gra ; oi shalf be carried- on during stroke, side s tr oke, dou J:?1 e o ver ::;m g.La , .open e ancmg ac ivi ies the ver.y presence of pupils with h 11 · · h ' d th11t iculmin1ated to the tune of clot wa uangmg crayo.as use I the s_eason. stroke "H S H ,, 1 h I th-e11r var ymg md1v1duahties makes on reverse Siitle of oil cloth fifth 1 2 The t_ype and number of (J') 5 poi nts for d'ive (6 ff oinei weet ome, sev.era ou:rs ' · b k later. And whethieir you marvel a.'t all other thrngs secondary. g;adie; letter holders and tie racks ; tournaments shall pe at t.he water for objeict) Yaci. ng dive, ac the lilting tm.ne of Crandall's "sax," "P:uJ)lfo education ts the largest sixth g_rade._ \ discretion of tennis sport dive r.un.P\ing front j ack knife, bac'k er th.e·sp;a rk)Jing rhythm of the piano, single 'industry' in th-eJ United States. leader subjcet to the a.pp- jacll: kn'i.fe in gO'od f orm you were swie to enjoy the music of One person in eiver.y four g<ives full Pe.a.nut brittle, car.amels, furlge, roval of the W. A. A: (k) 5 points for 3 typic al bre aks Lio.yd Perry's "Aggravators". If you (or part) time to .the scho ols either Persian sweets, candlied cranberries! 3. At least 12 must compete in a ( l) 5 ppints fo r 3 carri e·s,, carrying think" the lads .and lassies weren't as pupil or teacher. The school Boxes o;il these deJ.icious candies .are sing.le varsity tourn-ament person l,5 feet touched wh!an Trenholm poured a get is ;the largest single 'in prac- b.eing prepared b.y the sixth gr1ade and in a d()uble tourn1aanent-. (m) 5 po:ints for torrid trombone ho kum into the der- tically 1aU :foods for g'ii'ta. They 4. All points a.pov.e 150 ma.d.Q in (n) lOO points-R ed Cross Life hy;'°then .you don't kn.ow lads and "The one essential 'quality' in are ibrymg to. c-O'ok candies that have tennis during one school Savin g Exami .qaltion lassi-as: · the teaching-qual'ity fa tile o:f much fruit as they are nutritious.


The party was a liighly enjo.ya.ble excellence. That inv.olves of course Neatness, arrangement m color arad the .individual making



treasurer and .spo rt leade !li s hall re affair and much appreciative credit the kno.wledge of and texture of artistic:aUy points. cei ve 75 p:oi ntS for su cc.e ssfu ll.v carryi.s due Miss T.ecar .a'.nd the directing .a-bility to communicate( to immature h?xes w:ill also he

committees. minds the best that the race has c.onsideratio.n of m the prepal'atio.n of

leiar.ned. In so far •as


The nex.t .game on th:eJ Peru sched- au. commensur.ate with :the 'reilative iter aturs, oand y differ.-erit activitfrs.

PERU 66 HEBRON 17 ers. At such a· time as


diaiy wiH consist of carols, talks,_

Po.ints Points Pe possible to a higher aver- re.adfogs, and' the exchange of simple H-0. H-atch.er F 17 Beieir F s l age quality and! to make great.er quan- 1 6 R€€Cln·6S Carmichael F 18 Paysen F ! 1tibive demands up-O.JJ. thalt superior Ped1eirsen , C 2 Deines c (YI te'a.ching. In this directiqn lies the EXCHANGE

Punches G 4 Williams G 11road to the gre.abest economy. "Journey's End.," the drama, Prie<fe1·t (Capt) G 13 D.irks G o "The teachers have had to fight was given as an amateur production I Crawford. F 6 G .o pretty muc·h alone the battles for/ the for the first t.ime by the Creighton I BEST WISHES TO THE FACULTY Webb F 2 · .Mlaher C 6 P'attles for the childrejll and, for players, Dec. 6. j AND STUDENTS OF THE . Fislher C 2· Buhr F .0 themselves. It may now be necessar.y Creighton 's debate tea.i.n COLLEG

Hdi: H.atcheT G O · that they should share! in tJhe genenl has met thr.ee deb at.et teams, l\Iar- E folly G 2 reducti.on of salarie_<;, 1but it should I quette university, Nocthwestern uni- PERU LUMBER CQMP1

. F O -be only f.or the time; and not iat the 1 viersity and Loyoyla university on the

0.:£fltjals- D!lllaip. anfl. }Villi.11,m,s peril oif th,e pea manent I tax q1\l.efitfon of reducti.on-. ;c1. :;



when 1 will be but a short wh!le before sev:- : Oma:ha. I sinkhig them from every

via char.ity lane gave the lead they take a. trip in my hom,e lfind1ng, in an er.al. of the members will becom.e f:or- 1 It's too bad lon g vacations don't W:a.yne lt:ld\ .at the half 25 to enjo yed for most of the cont@st Pe- Oriental Nook carved candlestscks, a m1d1ble op.ponents to anyol'!e w1shm g . occ.u r more often Sl\ Miss Brackney wa.s ejected from the game m the ru's s coring for the h<tLf was vase from Japan,, a piece of tapestry to offer. • could enjoy more pleasant_ visits in second half on An'l rew5 terminated by Velvicks shot, th.at portrays the patience and love o.f The high h.ght of s pro- i her Ohio home. Miss Brandt went freshman flash. was .sent

giving Peru an 11-8 .advantage. 1b.eauty that the Chinese have. The ?'ram was the except10n.0ll :1 !nte

Lincoln was the vacat1onmg pomt I moments. of t e: g ame. see-saw i.•as ion, w... ren. 1 ew1se as ns i

1 d 4 \ Matters oi persona appc:ar ance, of Miss Esther Ann Cla·rk,. Gru bib, wN.dc·at sc ormg ac e was mtheir of t e .e gera Irespeclt p.a1d toward?a !ather who persondity, ahili:ty and v.illingne<s to Mr Cla._Vtburn, .an advo cate of I cl ivid.Pal high scorer for the tallies and w ere :ahead untfil - Pu.,,h, was pa rtial to one We are. all t?.ke pa rt in community affa,irs are "House Bea utif ul," spent his time in I with eight £ield goals Carn.1chael, Peru guard, foun-d the net:tmg to( brothers, treated m i imporbant thin gs every teacher I betterment of his home. I Peru for ward le.d the for the Lo knot the count at 17 a.J!l and harvest. sunshme and 1'· m, JOY shoul.d stu.dy befor.e iattemptin g to go T d t EI d e th ex- ri'i ve with eleven poi nts,, fo ur ()If · 'th nds to o d ,, wo ays a mwoo wer e I Th en was, wi sc.rrow• in to a COl'Jlmunity /to teach. sh odJ 1tent of Pr •& Clements' visit ations whi ch were the result o:f 1:'ee1.throV1s 'I/ 2*;. 'J lat tfl,y 1a high a. ch _ By a.U y-e will or whisper, I go. ther-e with the idea .of givm g some- \ abroa.d. I Coaches Lorbeer and ?1lkeson f!'om nutd-court t_hat conruected .a.ud , B,y rtn. ye leave or do : thing worthwh\ile the c1ass- Miss Dav1dsrn was at Colwnbus, \ ten B.obc ats ma.d

0 an · 1 p ress a wiUingness at all times to The new libra.ry of t.he University ! lb tE •d i.n tl .e !foe up, W b an 1 awi:>all foft hls outstretched hands, until I This is €Spec1a11ly true on c:i-m- coopeirate in worth.y enterp:qises. A o'f Denver proved most int eoi'esting J10 r.d mace t he trj'p t;he whistle l w hen there are teacher is judged to .a con.sk'·eraib!e to Miss Norma D.irdde1 who d uring .Ml eyes will ?e upon t he Ve vick w.as easdy the star af the The short pla;y The Coloi extent by the way he taike.s p-arlt m her st'ay in Colorado, called on Dr. Omaha U nivers1ty-Per.u game here t ussle, while Petersen, Mute furw:ard, i Line" w:as used by Mrs. .as nn / community affairs. Holch, fo rmer head the Biol ogy Wedn e5 diay ni ght If the bore the brunt off tha attack for th·e I af It deaJt w ith i N ext Wed nesday eventing, Jan uary Depart ment, who was not at home. ·B b eats can _break the losern. J the 1att1tude of a chmese .stu.dent w ho I 111¥ th.e Y. M. C. A. and' the lo cal Dean Delzell, vssiting with his dau -

The llina-upi- ?·as sp<c:t se:rel'al m Amer- 1 K. iwanis cl ub are sp·onso1

Long Shot By Velvick Downed Deaf School

, l PERU

--Published ' Wef"kly at Peru State Teachers Gollegethe Year-'-5c single copy.



Old J.anus af thefaces t wain So ou'r vi$on backWiard turned," : Whcl .gu1ard1r tile year's wideopenin g dO'or With cleare'i" minds · shall no te and wrog)l, · · ·.

R eviews the p ast, it5 lo.ss and Yet scans the months that lie bsfore Then leave th"' ·past; its •essO"!JS learn-· eidl. •. And-,biavely face the day ·--.

co-operation is d1esired in on une. · my own shouliders!" different walks of H:ee. The best of tt·youts. a1·e attending e.nds arou_n.d twelv e George Kuhl says: I'm going to be it :ad.I is that each one is happy and Make a New Ye a r's resolut ion to o'clock, and it is surel,y mce to sleep serious just once. contented in her • dndividual lii&'s come to tryouts when , requested to, untiJ or o'clock on the What fun it was Last Wllldne.sda.y when' tbe a.nno\i.ncements didn't concern you1r to sit and pick out the ''Santa Chaus" mets the :fac-

Paul Landolt says: I'm going· to work. Time has dealt harshly with ti p.!(y your d.ues, to atlieh:d •t he re- morniing aifte r. , "store" my know1edge for .future use. s·ome in .a finian:cial way, but not one gular meetings, and most o;f aill, to If a •person should stop to see ho;v Loweill Lewis says: I'm going to be ha1! lost the spirjt .t hat made her be a l'oyal Peru Pliaye<r! I ma ny resolutions he had not broken a pal to them .all. success here in Peru. 1 by the end of the year, he would be ulty me.n were wea..l\ing. That's what t hey get for sitting on the :front row

Lenn Loken says: I'm going to The fullowing gives t he names a.nd KODAK CLUB lu cky to fi nd any. It is a waste od "Russell" up,, I mean hustle up my ac1dresses of those who started the !paper, time, .and thinking to make plans. \ 1etter in 1920. reiolutions. So, why make them ?

Delbert Miller says: I'm going to Miss C.a:rrl.e Bloss (Degree 1927) now This Thursday was not


P@or "Win" a "Pet" next year- the Bobcat living in Lincoln, Nebraska, Miss time for this clu_b to meet, but the I Anyone with -lung trouble should arr ange to e.nter Pro.fossor Benford's special T. B. cl!JSs which is held at one-thirty in the old Science Hall. We will guarantee th.at y ou will get fresh -air plus and in s?-dden, large d oses as it come;:; in the open di>or For· pi:cfoll cast your e.ye o ver the strapping l.acis 18n.d h1S3.ES who blive bad its benefL't thus lfar.

The astronomy clais is taking the temper.a.ture every th'Nle hours. It wdn't last ver.y !long at' that rate. Just until it is all· gone· then Professor Hill will be he was

Haney Milste.ad siaJYs: Im goi ng to Emma Meyer (Diplcma 1920) te :ic hin:r of there are Acting upen the suggestion of Miss learn the song "When You and I at Broa dwater, Neibraska, Miss Amy took time, mg hll to giather mto j S;c.urlock, wh9 visited the1 d o.rmit!ory W el'e Young, .Mlaggie." Aid.ams (Diploma 1921) doing educa- ( a? enthus1ast1_c group an;d idevelop I not long

Homer M.yers says: - I'll\ going to · ti c.na_IJ-work fpr. Army

Ile "Mid- land" and C this year in C,hicago, Illin.?is._ Mrs. (A$la Mile.s, co1ne thiat..t

Bob Pate says3 I'm not going to 192'1) 'A.: C. 'Ekstrum,''livfog next meeting

.grad e this year. on oa f'2rm at Stratton, Nebraska, Mrs. formal

LLo,yd Perry says: I'm to In<lia Hulhurt,.· (Diploma 1920 Otto some more P1ctures.

take some "Organ" lessons. Meeuwsj!ln,. liviing on a ?ianch at·Ath- The

Bob Punches saiys: I'm going to I bov, S. D .,Mrs. (Leila Wilson attend- th ere-

"Oc-l es.te" I flunk this ye-ar. ' Ied 1920) Arthur Tyrl.. living in Wy-

Bus Webb says: I'm going to take ' more, Miss Elma I. Gock-

some singjng lessons and "Leona" my Iley, Bursar at Perµ State Teatchers I

k1sso!1s well. ' College. · TRAV•EL CLUB

·also. John Wheatley says: I'm going to I, I so rash ,., ·· to, is JlOt to try litting a,s · a profession She can't cop.yiy one ·. m41dium sized drinking ;from dlining r ooqi without : cal!ing everyone's att entiQn tp the fact . be a he "mail-m2,n". , ,'The o.flfice has announc- The t.his week too k five Chees1t, he,tre comes someone! I'll , €\:i f.olLowing fur de- \ tri s ewer the Unitdd States. The tell you the c.o-ed's next ' grees at the cl<>se of :flrst semester 1 m!ti.n g t oo k the form of a discuss" · week. So- long. !Ja nuary 27th.; Catherine Lott£1r, Min- / ion rrn{l e ach . member t old qr o ne· '. 1 \ den; Howard Auburn; Ea rl ; trip she bad taken. F.aJls _.., Peru; Alvin Holman, Ansley; were a wesomely admiredr-Ma mmoth f A . I . i Robert L. Claremont CaJ.: Cave was exp1ored to its umn1 A ; I Ch.att nooga, T. nne£see, was covered I - f' GIRLS lµ:ADY FOR :,_ Mi ami Flc:dida thoroughly enjoy- •, I BASKET-BALL TOURNEY ed, beach a.nd all- Denver's ,be'l!.uty

and L ookout Mountain's

SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN 'Phones, Residence 28, Office 7 They say history repeats tts<nJ. an '. d ,29 Interest grows m t e g11r s

! week. Spu 1t, ent us11asm, team oy- 1 One of the members rel ated the 1 .__ treasurer and act1v1tIE$ c airman re- · hf 1 · t• savage s•tatei. At ·Least :ll'rom WIUl.<\o we . . h Jelf"' t i ahty, fa1t u practise, coopera 1ve t.ale of hE1r brother's tl'lip th r:u' the . f ._ sp-ectivet.y of t e ierson coun Y k d . d 1 h' s see in th·e c.ars parked m .front o tue cl b teamwor , -a n tire muse es are per- Southern Sta1tes to W.as mgt<>n 00.te '," · schorl .admu:listration "' · \ haps show n more in basket ball than and up i nto Canada. T h.is intere!.ting

Looking hours are any time -he- in any o.f the other major sports. ! journey was the r eJWard to the wintw;ee:n seven-fllfty and six o'clock. Oh, Mr Lehr, who ts an alumnus of proJIJises an. exciting contest. II ning team. in on the campus M'Odesty- where is't the the class o:fl 18911, and is now 5pef.ulat1on has been ma.de at th.e Umvers1ty of OkLahom a. 2926 N. 51.st StJreet, sends g.raetings concerning the probaible victor. The j ___ to his Alma Mater. .Mr. Lehr spent four teams four d.iflerent 1 MINERVA CLUB several years :after his g-rad- as to who the winner wPll be. This ; uation. Amon g his superint : n ' enc ie.> clash will piee.t in a. setries t "My F.avorite Type of Liter.ature" H N · vea:r It's --.3• A B t h th h ap:p:y J.. - "' "' a•re towns" of Oceola.. Sutton, a.u.u' r- of g ames. u w e er. conquer.o; or 1was t.h.e topic under discussi on at t e 1933 now, isn't it'? 1\>ly. my how lin gte n. For several years be was conquered each team is determined \ meqting on Ja nuary 5. Lau ra Baum time does fly! he.re, I'm g et- conne.ct'!lld v.;ith the daily newspaper to show the s pirit of tr ue P e-ru s- , gave a review of liter.ary wo rks by ting poetic.al- and spring isn't hei:e work in Sioux City. man an<l ma ke the g.ame, in · eV'e ry English w.hile Lorene Galloeith.er But I r eaMy can't help it His son, Virgil IAhr, is a promin- way, worthwhile. w.ay ain d Tillie Krenk stories whe:e. J"hear so much of it gqing on ent merchant and business man m Iby some .America 1authors. around me: Why sometimes when AJlfarrc.e. He was a fo rmer prin1iipal

it's a warm day-the feating just of the A!Q,burn High Schooli, an.d a J F . sh N by Em1l,y · Dickerson a nd some seems to 'l:ie in t he ia.ir- and the pretty gradua te of Peru. I ro

i·ead. s ome. p oems written

:; otes by Samuel w alter Foss. I phrases: and : terms 'Cxf I ·

come t.o me :from the /

walk and bench nea r my r-0me. Donn a Jean_ :eru, '32 who SCRIBBLERS

t is n_ow t_eachmg m Hig_hlan.d P:· ar_k 11,

Y-0u mu.stn't forget I_ have f;' Perf-tly good iears, an.d wnen people Jumor High as 81 cadet 111 Detroi 18 '

talk :round me--I can't help but spe_n<llin_g her vacation in Peru.

t.-r what is·

ei"ng sai·d. Ever yone

t...ave come back resolved

been rose n:ia :(irie.nds in the dr amatIC bi t·ans or th ree da ys 1a fe.11ow comes along Charles Penney and to tJake 'Y'ho we_re c -h· th"'i.r and sor- fr'ashm en ar.e }llakmgd th e with his favorite bra nd. Another reto th • - We're g oing wuo "'' t .., · h the :flirst term an • ge er sa'Y· week- r who decided wh en they o :"mis bi han g! resolut10ns broken. our girls to the sh-OW once a ro:ws togethe k · · with second off with g:reat, ged· ·and F:airmers make to get and only on'ce. to le:fit school to ee1:i ri:und let- Thie poiillt system is com- the earn from the f.i£1lds ,by Th anksBob says: I'm g oJng eacti other .throug · there 1is a great deal of fnen !y th- '.giving Around the last 0£ October 't" .b t e.en gro.t: ps Among o ld stop my 1lfurting. - I'm g oing to ters. d rOJbins wo uld


h av e eith er a major or .a mi no r in this d eo.a rtmen t a nd e xpect to go out as instructors in Physical e duc ation iin.d co ac hes. Jn prepar.at ion fo r t hi s wo.rk , pn•.ctic al courses are gi v en in Coach in g, Ps yc}i.0logy of Athl etes, Or.gani zation and Mtninistration o:f Phvs ical Edu catio n, an d Ph ysiol ogy CYf Exercis'e 1 Coache s Gil l\:eson a nd L ()'!;beer w ill be busy thro ug-h t the da.v the second 1 semester in .co nductin g the variou s ! c o.urses J

Org.anizi ation fl.n.d A:dminstration in Phys ical Educ atio n, N at ural P r.og ram, Tu mb li ng and Ki n e.siolog,y and Applied An ?.t om y, Psyc hr logy of Athletes, Coachi ng Athl etes, Sw immi ns , and At hl etics (B as ketlba ll and track ). J

mas day. w l1tch ,he s pent in Li n coln ot her

Professoi·s Lar son,


d th

S.co re 8 of · en 12 pomts via char- wright were interf!sting as well as drews' team with the score


tt,y ane In contra st, the 'B01bk1ttens v.astl,y inflormative. She presented E ac h o.fJ thQ four teams captamed by Ossi an rfiPLacin g Captain Sales, and co nv erted on (but 3 of their gi:.ft at- It.he af requiremen•;s which vari- Gra ce _Rowlison, Melba Copes,, Beryl ANTELOPES ARE He ga rt.y were at forward foy WilkinKelso, veteran Peru g.uara,. / ous play ho uses listed .as ested in Darting, and Na.dine An dre\YS met in CA'FS NEXT FOE son. The sa me five that started the w as eject ed in t.h,1 fi1 sC half, on per- pla,ys that sell. Plays which the contest every one Of the other I h g.ame for Peru, re)nain ed in the lineso nals, and Leahy and Captain Vel- seUI best a:re those ei her all teams. The two- court rules were us- IT T :fr?m Kearney Strute up and maintained their le&d fol' vi ck pu.1;:med a s imUair before or •a majority- of women acters, ed which gives each tl:!'am three I eac 0 te Wlll b.e th-e next op- most of the half the t hird canto had tw-minated. wh :i lesome no one g.u ii. r.d1s and three florwards. ponenij; .for 1t he Bobc ats, when. the Coac h H artman sent Wilkinson Th Pr ,..,.. ff 1 • • two teams c as here Saturday mght · 'Chi·· e eipsters O' to .an 1ausp1c- sat, not extxemely hterary an lenty · Although each ,team wished. vie- ' lanky forward, and Captam io us start when Railsl;>aek bagged a af clever lines \ tory fo.r itself\ all were satisfied that JaCnuaryh 2Tl.

4 1 I ,.l Bef h h If d...A, I d'd d' b ·11· t 1 . enC'ej champwnship. th " ded 40 t 31 to ea-u. · ore t e a en pantom•ne; it should happen on the I· no spasmo .ic r1 1an p aymg J e ga m.,. en o · Velvick r.ammed home anot her pair stage not be--taliked about; it sho.uld ' but exhii.pitedl a ste.acly, well org.anized baii play the of I 'Red' Prie.f:rt and Bob ofi field goals, sntd the Pu rp le and n ot d€f]Jend upon seliting fbr it/> ef· I teamwork with aoc urate well placed 1 • .t e.y ag amst Om a ha Univer- Carm1ch nel the hi gh scorea·s fo r -6: 0\.\\ an 8 to a1 1etl-<l ·fee iveness; speeches s·nould be brieiti, J sh ots. Th e l ine-Np was Ro.wlj.so n, sity m loast ga me, the An- 1the Bobcats with Punches turning in at the. tnt&val. natur.al and in everyday lang.uage\. A· C;awilord, Scott, Mendenhall, Davey, will not lfmd the Peru t eam a 1.a fine. defensrve ga me. .rep lacDu rmg t..he seccnd h.alf, the Bull- one-act comedy "What Wo.ukl Yo.u \ Mathews,, Jodry, Seltzer. p. eel Pnefert for a short while rn t he <l og quintet held on with typical Bull- Do?" which she had · soldl to the C.ope's team met Andrews' for the l ast ha lf a nd Webb we;nt in at f or- PERU'S TEAM PLAYS dog tenacity and at one French comp.any was read by Mrs. .first game. It appe<.are.d at first as AT war.d for Andrews. Lloy<l P att erson, a 11 to 10 lead ovey their tr aditional Smith.. If Andrews mi g ht diight thro.u gh to · CHADRON Omaha g uard w.as far the ouitstandin g €0.ach Lorbeer and nine meim,bers rjv.a ls This a dvantage, however was M.iss Tear read exceirpts from victo ry .as the sco.re 6-4 in their player of the even.ing, gathew in g nin e- of his squad left, Sunday 'tflor

in the basement for 'eatl>'. He.re Darting's team ieiasi'ly gained the viewpoint o;f number, the color-ful


fashion, justice was victory over Andrew's team. Both assemblage was marked for

Esca1Iop-· put u.p strong def'ensiv.e play.fog <it spirit of congeniality and convivial- pire Pressle.y of Omaha.. Prev ious to t he g ame the reserve eld Chicken, masheq potatoes and .f.lirst .so that the q.uarter enc1C!jd with ity. Ten-thir ty came all too soon a.nd represen tatio n of both schools en- gr.a vy,, ba ked. beans, hot rolls, each side having 111ade jus: one bas- the wor.ds Qf disappointment voiced AUBURN BOY KILIJED gaged in a t ussle that fou.nd th e Au- arnd carrot sa1ad, pickles and jelly fr om then on Dartmg's team by those pres ent at 't,he condusion of IN AIRPLANE DISASTER b11rn iboys on t hei lon g en.a of th e constituted .the .part of the mE1'3 1. with the game end- the last by the orchestha testi-1 Hundreds oiJ Peru stwden ts r.ushe,d horn to t he t.une of 27 to 14· Accompanymg this wias hot coffee and mg m their favor 33-19. , flied to the success of the ,aff,air. , to the scene of T11esday's airplan e gen e1rous slabs of .apple pie. A large, The game between Rowlison and 1 Crandall's Artists furnished the i crash to view t 'lle charred ruins o·f ELEMoENTAlRY CLUB portion O'f thei .flooid was :donated by Andrews' team pr.oV'ad an exciting syncopation, and even lthey failed !the pla ne, mut<i testimony to the acR ETURNS TO CHILDHOOD wom en members of the coll).munity. as well .as the -crucial game as it gave to dampen th e ardor and enthusiesm cident that cla,imed the 1ife ai So w el l has t h-a earlv elementary The serving oJJ the meal was the champions'hip to the At o1J the da ncers. M;ay events and painftilly injured two othelrs cluib dev elop ed the spirit a.fl child- edi by the W. C. T U the end o:fl the first quarter Andrews come aftener. Joseph Boyles, Jr., was b.urned to hood that its mem bers 'forsook their I Virgil Bu g bee, repreif;enting t,he team was .Iaad!ng., During the second / death and B arton Fu.rlon.g s u.stained stately ways ,and donned· rompers or College Y. M). C. A. gave bhe wel- q.u.arter Rowhson s team ibiegan.- to BIOLOGY MQVI•E GIVEN som e 1bro.ken

--Published WeE>Jdy at Peru State Teachers College-k as second class matter. Sl.00

1o:ntered at the Postoffice of Peru, Nebras a, the Year-5c single copy.

Amos 'n Andy {Rubert whift.-e an '. ed. by K nneuh Lyon) who e'lltertam

er meeting, Wednesd.ay evenmg somewhat hand1capp u ils and stu- 7: 15 to 8.;0<J. illness ofJ so,ne <Yi the p p "Come ye .apart and dent teac:her,s J. W·. Bendeirson, ,M:m1s ter : "U der- their jokes and singmg o,. n neath the H-arlem Moon."

He111ry Field in his big easy chair awoke exclaiming "What a Dream." Helen Eads directed the progr-am.


The first and t hers be/fore ' dren 'th ings f,or o making i Ch · t Now they ,are A ?t.. aracter s treng:t,b:enEl(l b,y t he ns mas.

Social Committ3 e, Miss Girls Club Ma.dame Eliza Morgan Hall, I He next,icalled a

and ask- project they will begm

Miss Y. w. and Sir Y. M. have become so conce'fned at the sympt!oms ''What have .you done for the practice. that Dr. Perso nal App ea ra nce. h as }:een called• F·eeling th at he alone _was , W.hen coming .t? chu rch, remember unable to comb.at this dreadflul <lisease and that there were t""._o. aspaci ;:illy The minister .answereidi: "I have "1 didn't suppose .central was a -Ent er to worship, dep art -trained.nm·ses who could aj:>ly assist him heJ has consulted .M)sses a great ch1l.rch to the glory real person," was a coin.inent made D. S. Co ad, M1 mste.r .M:annei·s and Elsa Etiquie1Ut1e. After diag nosing the case they h ave issued .oil God, and I ha ve preached the g os- by a thlrd g rade gTrl when 'heir class ;:-::;;;;-=..=:::;:;:::;=::=:;:::;:=:=::=:;::=::;:;: the fo llowing report pel to ithe poor." visited the telephone office. The

The •ejpidemic is somewhat general .and of a. ser10us ljype. It is us- Again the king said: ".Well ido,ne.''. t hird g rade social scienc'e' ctass h ad u 2 lly caused by carelessness. thoughtle.ssness o.r 1gnor,ance or ·a co1?- Next he called a teacheir a nd asked been stud11ing .communfoation and binatio.n of .all three l ack interest.. It mamfests it- hi m: "W·hatl have you done for the took · a journey oil di!Scove.r..y to flind sel-f in various ways- crudeness m dress, m speiech, m to o.o.d Qil the king.dom?" fur themselves · h-0w messag es are in social asso.ciations. In cases years it w1li m- g Arid teacher answered: "I have sent. T'he1 operato rs were!i e.vit?.ibly lower the pe.rsonal r e1putat1on o.f its and. mayhap result no renort to make. I ha vie idone vel'.y very co unt.eo.us to th.e1 class. They. in the 1oss ofl position. 'I'het best 1s to give t he p atient s mall doses - showed ho'W ceJ;lt.ral he-lps litt le." of th e right thing to do at all t imes. it The king sai.d: "Surely you 'have d eJTionstrated the use1 o·f the switch- I

Tha strange part abou.t th.is p erscription is the with which d.orie somethi ng ." board. may h.e taken fur it is especiald.y sweet to the even to thEI point th at And t he teacher a.nswe<r ed: " Very "How can you under.stand what it is desir.ed and wedcomed by t!he receiver. And the r esults are extreme- little, 0 King. I h ave simply tau ght d.ots arucl dash es rr ea::1? asked one Jy gratify ing to the p.atient. lf1 you are ,a sufferer of t his <lread conta- the physici an who discovered the se- boy of Mr. Lewis, telegraiph o.pg'ion h e\!-ei is the first sugg estion to.ward rec over y. Always d 6. the kind Ith I el'at.or at the depot. He ei.xplained rum that kltjpt the .city he a y. thing even though it may involve violating oa ri gid r.ule laid down by h fl t the metho ds cxf sen ding IllleS§a ges a.nd t?.u.ght the business man w ese ee

Phone s, Resi de.nee 28 Office' 7 jiqQ_rs: 9 to and to 5 Emily Post h erse1'£ (This sel com p pens). Kindness then is the fli rst dose sailed lthe seven SeJais. I taug ht the asked the children to "listen in."

Watch next week for the sacond. " h h 'opal G.aines and Phy llis Pa pez had T ..,.I AND TRANSFER minister who erected the c urc to -'1A. the g lory .o·f G.od." " ch arge o.:f! the excursion I Ser vic es in Peru. To and from

Peru h as alw:ays seemed to sit m its own corner of the wor1d, ! greatest servic e of.

troubles of !their own, s uch as Flu and coIds, biutl as long as you .o r Ii in g work af the. Y'ear." · RESOLVED: That the frie ndship .: we re not a.ilfectedi, it seemed trivial in irnport!' n ce For t his r eason stu- , · · Chirs E. Myers .d,f women is o,f grea.'t be nefit to col.dents o'f P e.m h ave grown 1caraless. .-Pe?.b cdy Reflector and Alumni \ege men,. Yes? o.r No? All the p:ien There are side walks on most of P er u's streets howe:v·er th ere are News. on Peru's have their opinions; ;.ce1itain pla ces on the pavement and avan u,e which are oJ1 this pe- 1 every g ir]J in old S. T. C. knows ' .· d.estrian safety In s ch blocks, studentll shouM either t.ake I TUM.-:SLERS SHO\V what she. thi-nks Whethe.r the femiJ chanc·e of walking on the property-owners grass or observe the traflf1c I _. ._ . nine popula ce o.f. Peru w.ill he rele.::;rules whkh app ly to all hi:ken, noamely walking on the; side of the road to ·, · AGiiITY ated tQ the scrap heap will be decided : meet t he car h ead .o n-i11. othe.r wor.ds, going in the opp osi'lie id!i.recti cn t han : Fridar th,e at th'E;. debate between Y. W. and [the car coming .towards you. This g iv€tS th·e dll" iver the opportunity of I prog r?m .by the W·o,men's Phys-. Y. .M. Wednesday eveni ng .Merle : seeing y.ou as well as your seeing him. This saves w.o rry and grief .over ical department in Chapel IPee k, Dwight W •a1do ·.a nd Dana Snir egrettable .and av oid able ac.ciidents. Friday!, a su.c:c1.ss t he negative qf the a.hove

There is an old adage sa yin g that, "Lig-htning neve.r strikes in the da nc ef! ; "'Sambo" and "O_Id statement whil Ca roline Oalder s0 mei place twice." It is advis ai:>le 1to n ote that t his adage has been dis-m, an" wera g iven liy ten me mbers of e ' Dorothy Brenner and Florence Mar- prov e.d time and again, for misfortune o nc e ilalls, ·a.cciClents, .eccur in alarm. the clog class. Those who- :Uan ced wil.l .conf irm its t.rut.h. ing <-eqqen c·o. were Georgi.a Carder, .flin<l •t h,is enterta inin g as we l:l as lf this is be1ievcl'jd to be mo.ralizfog·, it is well tn heed its warnin g, T\orothy Pa rker " ""l dred Jodl'.U w· 1"1 in ¥, ,! · · '' - · erhiaps inf ormative. · ·,a nd be ca1'€Uul, .:f!or ac.cid!ents a nd dea ths may occ ur even in the isol.ated llll;l Silence Virg irifa Vanct'l. ·Milodred ;' corner whi ch Peru occupies.-A J. I Owe1n, "Virg iri_ia.' n't-:;othy' '"·; P !',ckarcL, Ca roline Calder, Phyllis HENRY \Pape;<1, Sto1.1ff.;er, ·_:·..a.nd Jle:lel.l-, VJS1TS PHILO

such. He w.as wh en she dived over th e pros trate j 1 :drea min g! A p rogTam CYf ,gre at beau- bodies of eig ht g irls. ty and was passing the .Marjorie Yo ung,. V'era

past, along with t heir co.al-oil perha ps sli g hly anxious pui>lic that Wmifred Pettit, Helen Gilbert, 1 Lamps, theiir spl ing buckba.ards and .all the rnember.s af the swimming club I Ruth Naviaux. and Wilma their homespun clothes. Thelir dauh,a ve not dr.ownefd! In fact; they're ! went to Burr Friday evening to play ghters anid sons are ashame.di CYf them. muich alive: kickin g (when /for the school play that was given l'vei known and loved· these people m the wate r)_ Smee there is pr act- / the re. Gerald Naviaux, graduate! .ti .and have tho.ug ht them worth reic

e ach Monday ni g ht .re\g.u'lar meetings I

has beM in that time. I


Certainty thi.s clu jb is one of the most Mr. Edward O'Del4 gr.aduiate o.f valuable 0J1 camp.us, developing Peru in 1915 who is no.w living at his sportsm a nship and providing complete home! .at 1023 Soutfu 23 Street, O.maha, recreation. Those who wish to join was a campus visitor 13.S'tt week. fl<\ next semester and have a splendid wa.s .accomp anied .b.y his son·, Wai rem, time, will find tha.t .the Freshman wh.o pLans to -entief the College next 1 Club i.s ju.st tim· pface f-0r semester. M.r. O'Dell, junior, is w_ell him. rememibered heire at Peru 0as one ofl

Iil at .any t ime, particularly on the players in the :Music we ek-ends, you fe el!. cons.cio.i.: s-st rick .; n KODAK CLUB conteslt; last year. Re! will be .a most about sitting in Eliza Morgan pa rlor addition to the ban? and I and being compelled. ts l ook .at the Meeti ng in thei chemistry labora- orchestra the coming s-emester. sights ther ein, yo u might d rop a tory on , Thursday evening, the mem-nickle in ctavempor,t un der the hers oiJ the Kodak Clt;jb spent a most "THE MA YOR OF SHERM: cm- ) clock Of course ff .you ieeli a.s inter.el3ting and prafitable hou.r de- TER,'' .a comedy of Nebr.aska "crick J tiho.ugh it wasn 't worth ft yo UI are v eloping a ililm. Theiy seqm to find bo t tom" ch ara cters by Ellsworth P. -privileged to \Q.Ok without pa,yi ng. some liing very Cc nkle, ofl. Peru, Nebriaska, was giv- \ we will •appreciate ,your patr onag e. .a nd have spent tw.o meetmgs Of en- en ilt.s preie,re by .d.r.amati.cs students 1 \ thusi a stnc wol'k on the sutbject. at the University o·f low.a Conkle - Th ->..J en lo ud .disturba nced Next time they plan to hold the at1 present is a gra:duate student at ose SU UlU • • h th · h he ard wer-\ not!hing but meetmg at H1iJ.eman s w ere e1r dram 11.tic art at Iowa. He graduated you r,n.av ave "' .,., "'h 'll .h · t' · ' .., 0 o:f a .dispute between £aculty sponsor resiu.es. .1. · ey w1 from th e Peru Training School · and t e con in uaw· · . . -. Bill c;;;:h rd a nd his ro.om mate Boo·s experiment with .taking mdoor pie- Cclleg e, and took his under.grad11ate '-' uma 1 • 1 Wa Ldo. Not tbat we desire ;to ad-0 tures. work .and part of his graduate! coto th e fir e but t his help legiate studies at the UniversitY' of J.'IJ."" - b PERSONALITY CLUB N b k H I t +..•• poor Bill who s eiems so .far to e e ras a. e a so spen "'vvo years a etti ' ng th e worsrlj af the ar guement. alt, Ya!., .and w.as aiblroad for a year

"' "IT GOES TO SH OW-" The Personality Club, with an en- on a Gu&" genheim f\;llowship.

I outlint.1d ever y c hapt er weU, But Ernie only rea.d'. I s tu.diecl bour.s e.very n ig ht, And Erina. w ent :to oe<l.

roHment a.f !forty, he}'d. a weill attend- He has written a number o·f short er :meeting in the Home Economics plays, some of! which have. been prooom at the Tr ajne rs' School o.n Thura.- duced. by little theaters in V•ario.us day evening. MrS,, Ames g.ave an ex- parts of the country. Most o:fl them tremely inter esting and valuable talk de.a.I w.it,h rur.al life Among l . d ed. hi gh

My them es w ere a w ays g ria on the proper care of the skin, and hit long plays., one entt;itleP, OXGENthe beauty <Yf ,the hair. She• demon- EJRATOR was produced by Gilmore st.rated (b.Y gi ving Miss Etmund a Brown at the. Pasadena community,

Ne ver less t han "B"

Whil e Er:nie's " shieet" so short brief! "D" Would hardly a -

I ans wered eve ry que.stion .ask ed

Bu t. Erine only

1 "hit .a homer" in t oo t ests

•Whlle Ernie only ' bunt ed-' an<! -faciial. Many questio.ns from the play-house. Another f1u.Jlr length comeager group, knowledge, edy, "DOBBE¥ AND 'SON" w.as proturned the latter half , ctr the meeting duce.d at thn Duluth playhouse. Other into a discussion. long manuscripts include "DEATH At t·he .short busilllE$s meeting the IN HER FACE," "FORTY-NINE Club diicussed buying pins with the emblem on them. Miss Elinor Wialkin appointeld chairman of a com- Service with a Smile m it.tee: to investig.ate the matter RIGHT-A-WAY

On we ek -ends I stay ed in _my r!)om, And worked ' till I was dizzy

While Ernie sho wi!d the girls report at t he next schedule m$ltmg. Shoe Shop "PETE_R_P_AN--" -TO BE I M. c. MEDLEY around " tizzy:"

In bis o.IJd strippea-down

I caut.ioned Ernie eve ry c},ay, Abnuti his gra.d-es an d Bu,t .Ernie only smil!ed.o and. PRESENTED SOON 1:------------------Pan" and his little assocFARMERS ELEVATOR COMPANY Coal, Feed, and Grain "I don't care vet' y much.

This story h.a.s no mo.I'3l iates were introduceld to the dr amatclu.l:> members Tuesday morning by Dorothy Brenner. ThiS .unusuaJ, fun- 1 tasti c play will 1be the next unde<r- , taking by the club-. Interest and· en- w. H. Hutchinson, Manager j 'thusi asm were ma nifested .through 1,_______________

T here 's little. l etft to sa! "D" Exc:eipt rny -final And Ernie got .an A Janeso n "The K S T C. Culture F riends Visit Y. W.al t heme Following the ge ner · 1 "F riends", one of the m ost e njo.yab ei phases was presented at Y. W. Mrs. P. A. ;Maxwe ll,, who spoRe on "'Cu.lturei<i F.riends". One o fl t he <Yf a ,cu lt u red - "'1 tiJneS Person is sinceritY'. .Many t th group by oh's and •ah's .:ma I 1 o.u e · , · • t for 'I 't

Lain, w.a s re·inst ate.d. D'a rting aitho.u gh th ey made a


s t? nd right up :for my rig hts, by Anothe.r labor- oav in g .devic e d;o in- gafn durin g th e last qu.ar te!. The. st.Ril ed i'n 1921 is t\11.e syst em of ash ga me ended 26-18.

Edna Mae Jon es says : I'm g.o in

Eva Lea l Qmse y sa,ys: I'm goi ng to g.ine ro om wher e they· are used in point , M,ich. f ormer member of t he , Ho

s!lys : I' m g.oing to an ov erhe.ad tr a ck le adin g out ov er 1 impr 0ve JTLY tec hni qm11. th e p Hvement just·south of the en,:-\ Supt. S.. ivi, Brow ne11. · Cl.f Grosse-

"PE1ppe.r" .Mulle

.cre di t is given the! cr ew

Dor othy P ar ker s ays : I t,oo am go - ()lf t he en g;i ne -room flor th ei r effor ts I

ing to clo.g m,y w.ay to diame_ tio continually give ,the stude nts Dori s Per ry s ay s: I'm g oing to stick w armth a nd comfort Th-e system of'/

up .fbr th e "Glens" af Pe ru. Ih eating a ll tt he buildings o.n t he N:mWinifrea Batt it says: I'm go in g to uus 'fro m the one h elatin g pla nt is 1 b "M .h'l '" . 1 le .a 1 er s g1r ·· J comp lica tecl and involved. T.oo, the Naom i Pi erce sa ys: I'm 'Chubby wate r a nd li g ht technici ans (n ot P.nd I'm g.oing to :reduce. techn o.cra ts) ar ei conc·erned with

Gene Rich a rds on i;a ys: , I'm go in g th e.fr v.a rio us problems_. Mr, Hayes ;;r ow !t]alle r. anid hi s or ga.nizat io n d €1Se.rv special

Gr ace say s: I'm go in to me nti on <flor the cap.able w.ay in w hi ch lea rn t10 pl ay .be.sk etball. t he wa nts Off the s.chool ar e suppli ed, M?.r y R U1Ss ell say8: l'1n going to be insofa r as it is in their p.ower to do .a pal to a ll o.f i!Jhem. so.

Celeste Sa.b ota s a.ys: I'm g oin g, to I "Pun ch" rn,y "Bow-en"


fuaI en a s •ck converted on P O>-ts that ever.ythin g ;, sati,f aoto' y png ,am by 'ing in g "Li,.'', "How'm I comp•mad by ""'" W = 'enco tu,,le

p.oints to p ut t he Otoe cou nty 1eagers new members as soon as possible if 1

in f'>mt at

With but two


ed. this

a ntag e to twelve ag ainst • • ea ure ing l 'f s urpr!SLng. Mr. Smdier P.0 i.nt- I £dion of P rc.fes sor Steck., will make r!!lli.eld an.a

Peru's meager 2 p-Oli.nts g arnered in '.

the first m inUJts of ];)lay Then it was a 10 fl a 1 Y example of deg rad111g power of g iven Tuesday,


tJJm e was lw that the Ju.nior lBokats rallied to woman and h 1g hly conde mned the o'cloc k in 1.lhe c dl lege aud1tormm- to boost it.bleli.r total 6 points in ju st one "Nation a lity Night" at Per u Dram'l- flUittery creature mat- One of th ei f eatures. of t.he ev ening I For a ;flew br ief m omen:S at mi nute 0if play Velvick rammed u r 19 rcv ed ted down h er ha;1r and st uck IJ.t full of w ill be t he m :tJhe pro- 1sta rt of the second c·anto, 1t h . o.f two-pointers in tic C lu.b Tbur sd y, Ja n a .Y p /pins. Mr Peek proc:e,eded to releg at e r r m by Mr . C. V. K ett o·itng, cha ir- i as if Ted James' crew was gomg orne 8: b Kels os s ho rt to be gu est to ;alH wom an k ind to the scrap he6p b_e- ;nan d the music d ep-artment as t hey fo r ged ahead to- a 16 .to succesSJo,Th .h U here wibb Th e ac t ors carried lthear au dience cau se /fJJe.y a- g en t lem an wa it- D.oane college. I 12 lea d. H.owever,, at this junctu re, ,,.cher. k .,;; 8 ;;:' 1 "' a to vi"t four great peopoo, I ing '°""the m-ong kind of Ut.,atu,e Th• fi "t gro up o£ , 0 1e cfilon'

he special' benefit o'f one fte s h- ro a, r-- Tschaikowsky l{d'Lo, folkes! Ho.w are ,you today? Dr. Ware says: I'm going man, and any others that !J.re espec- Va lse Friml I'm

<;: aroh.ne , Calder play e.d a pa rty , but a· businesslike discussi on. " .g-0.ing to learn to cook.

I'm '

g ai;ne o.f basket-ball th e. ot her ev.emng All possible Shyness w.as completeiy ·\ Mi:ss Libbie says: I'm not I when t:fe upper class girts pl ayed the for g otten as e ach mem".Jer a.fl the i.n- \ g oing to tease PlY Jibi:gy_ h el p .anyfr esbman. She fo und o.ut' tihe n ext terest ed g roup took a ctive pa rt in the more. ., ·• " 1 Miss M:«Lb a Cope has r.e.coveretl day, when itla1king to one o:il her fol- not in .a formal way, but, Dr Cas tle M. s ays: I'm I her receiived in an auto lo w plaJYers hacf w on t he .as each o.ne e,!} t husi?. stic ally s-0u.g ht 1 ga.i ng to speak every timei my . acc1d'ent some time ago, .and she has g ame.: J ru:; t 1mt1l she gets k no w led ge and ot}ler viewpoints. m o.uth. · ,, nit urn ed to her classes.

ta J.: .aLxi Y_Ou w ill h ea r so.me p owei f. 11 What if; betwe;e n t .ree Mr; G. W Brown sa ys: I'm g oin g I ':{ elhn g··g omg on. v erse and l:Aa.nk i.f any'? Wh at to learn to d:rive a Ford now that I .M!iss Ruth who has been

On the 0 with you ar e tri olets and rond.eaux'? That's know how to. drive a Chevrolet. te.achin g school for her brother in • :o nl y a sample of the _ .asked by 1 • .Mr. w R. Carter says: I'm , goin g expects to return to school the year 0one a n- to eontcibute reguilarly to the Ped- next \yeek. I BROWNS EAT SHOP .....__...,_...,_I. - • . I 1 Alumni 1 .-.,.,.._...__..,._,_...,_..,_ oth er! , .(\.rr,on 9, th,e !ead: by ag ogian. =----------------FOG-Helen . :Miss Esther A. Qlark says: I'm Miss Ev elyn Brecht went to Om- :: Brooker; MEMORY, PMN, and never gofo g to• qu o.te "Hamliet" to my/ ah a on a shopping t rip last Saturday

Miss Leon a Hudson suffered .an in-

E. E. Sams, a gr.a1du ate of :tJie cl a ss by Lenore Harris.; and L atfo class anymore when they read w fth Miss A.hlberg .Mrs, Dunning. Ojf\ '95, died on Su nady, J an u ary 15, oat SMALL TOWN by WHma J.ames. "W.ords! worids! words!" KINGS BARBER SHOP N owata, Oklahome. F or severaJ, years Vivien- Schlaes wrote an exquisitiely / ,Mr; A. R Clayburn says: I'm goin ga.flter his graidi.tation he taught school'. a musin g short, short story calle.d to fbe on time to my 7:50 class. '. th en he :began to study law He be- THANKS AWFULLY Each contr1- Mr s. L. Clements says: I'm gom g came one rf the most bu t iori was thoroughly enjo.yed and to teach ,Mr. Kahn to play Volleyyers of Ok lahoma. The late .Mr: Sams c rificii z.00. : b !!lll w as an unc le of Du ane S ams . a nd Eager to have· their poems and M i.ss Phylis Davi.dson : says: I'm Steven Gaines, Pe ru Mrs. G am es, .stDries p.ublished·; ' the entire g roup g oing t-0 tumble yet. his sister, and Superint e ndent Sams collected' address.es of publishing Dean De.lzel!l says: I'm going to o>f S al em, his brot her atten ded the houses to which they mi g ht send their reform and give all the bo ys e xcuses. fu ner.aL · · Miss Norma Di<ldeJ s_ays: I'm goi ng 1 The meetin g. ended with a short tcr show yo.u, by · · While vacat ioning in P eru, Miss · of the matter of de lving :Mrs. !nice Dµnn!ng says: I'm goDonna J ane Dal ze ll '31 spe nt one o:I into olid books shops and buying t he (ing" to g iv.e over my duties to 1ny her pfeas am t da ys in .a re u nion w:dlth -i nteresting o nes found there. ginls. ,

Lion Tamers .Defeat


Business Men (Cont'inued .t1rom page one.) l Defeat

__ I (predommantly "Ballyhoo") and were I

A group orfl "tired" Nebraska City fin thedr conversation. But J The pr.oud freshman

business men braved the treacherous Jt was Mr. Dwight Waldo who. poured hum}jly in delfeat /ljo the

lleir;rain of Tuesday evening to. our down wrathful accusations on woman 1 1 close gama of

campus, .and the trade heads km? m g,eneral. To him they were Gr a ce Rowlinson

returned to Otoe County, a virile wasllers o;fJ money'. However,

sq.uad of Golle.ge pedagog ica1 leaders Waldo seemel slightly prejudiced , men.

had Eoundiy tr ounced their rivals in haVling spent ten ddlars ($10,) on Lineup

a S})irited volaey •h·all b,y the h" l ...l t

w "'

ApproximateJy 250 persons, lured t-0 I

the tussl·e· by prevaiUng "one cent tha a:ffirmative d!eifh"ned friendship. N. f Scott


,, a· 1 d . . h w.aru.::; o co an ar er. Ber,10n l amen; 1.sp ·aye meritonou s J pat y that only a woJTian can give, ' nard changed to forwar.d for Rowlit enm wo rk. However, had the thait she g.ives him .a broader out- ' " Profs" been , for e(•(• to di;s pense with lc ok on liifo, assists him in clas sroom son and Jodr.y subs'llituted as guaird. the servi ces of " Cl em", the g: fant prepa ration and prep.ares him to as- By th e- end of the third quarter the k!iller'"t. any lon g er th an they .did, the 0 oc iate wtith wom'e!Il in his business score stood 25- 6 sti11 in favor of the 1·esult mig ht have been ,znt eredl. Then, and home were .a.II points proved b.y seniors. The fres hmen PJ.ayed }:Jetter too, the brilliant work of the unmar - 'vhe g,irls. 1the second halrf, but.: try .as tihey might l'ied Reg istJ·.ar must come in for mrn- The reb u tt ?. ls of' both sid es w.ere they had to. be content with a final

tion. The speedy ;flJ:o.or pla y: O'f the lailthoug.h personal, the most score of 29-21. able youn g recorder Played no small features o.fl the eveqin g. Nadftne Andrews and Grace Rowli- ... part in the t eacher's victory. .!V!r W.alido objected to. Mijss Martin's son did s-0me neat beamwcrk. Dar- VI

One mi g ht aidd that the i·de a.that a girl could best take .a fel- in g Davey, g uar.d fJor the freshies,

student p.ortion of our coHegiel men low's mother's place in soothing and wo.tildn't let Rowlison get near t;he mi g ht -dev el'O pe .a team cap·ab.Je of -kissing his scratches. He declared 1ball 1if .she could help it. I

th ese apparently invincible th at w.as a farm in iodine. Miss P. Davidson refereetd!. i · " Lion Tamers"? Think it over, Miss Brenner out to the gen-

. t J.eme.n that it was for them that g,irls CHADRON EAGLES " P. D: C: " NATIONALITY NIGHT" matted their hair w:ith j,ocur. - And a

summary a;t' bo.ys co.nversations prov- PROVE VICTORIOUS (C.ontlnued fr om p ag e on e) ed scarcdy o.n the two ye.ar level of were: the girls for theirs mostly

J os e V aJ de z ____ P--Qert Gree nw a ld in such as "Bo.y: honey, Ma nuel, hi s Un cle Geor ge Gates I <Ure g et a 1bang out of youJ Don't His Father -----· _ Clyde Lare you get a \l>'ang out of me? Honey, - irmella Bro g na l kiss me good night. Jfid g et a Ric a rdo - Georg.e Kuhl i bang .o.ut o;f'l that. Wou1dn t. you get "l "rl shoot m:·self! •I'll Kill my s :;J;,1Ia ba n.g out o.tl th at, Thus raved on Steph-an Stepanov:itch I The vote ;flor the aff1rmatlive was Tschubukov; (John Wheatley) as he unanamous Why? _because the bo.ys Co a ch Lorbeer and his Bo bc ats re- i VALENTINES DAY IS FEBRU ARY 14'th. t.urned to -Wednesday eve.ni,ng, And your big moment w:ith y ou r ''Que en e>f He arts" un a.p&e to· take the measure o;tl the w,W be wn en you pr esent her 'With a Ch a.dron Ea g les,_ in the.i.r two-game I shaped b\ox of Artstyle Chocolates series pl a yed there Monday and Tues- Ge d!ay nights. • t YO\lll'S the supply we ha ve t

· The Eag1es won the finst game 37 to Then t

2 and came thru with the second G to 29 penny

a"gued with Ivan Vasiiyd tch una.W_e to fmd In the fi r st game C_armich<ael,. lanky , (D a le Booth) over his meadows over standmg and found ,1t qwte r1d1tc u- Pr·ru forw?.r·d, sc o1'.e;s ten po.ints to their do gs. \l'o, Mr. did- lo.us 'tp. drop to the ili>or when Miss vie for honors with Bechtdl, Chad- : iwt rtPrt th e Rr.g umen t, he on )or '.ll n- Sprague chairman af the- progr.am ron Alce. Punches took the count ished those be g un beitween his dau- asked .all those who believed the af- and re.tire.ii on personals, early dn the g·rter, NateJ.i a. Stepan ova Elcdse Noa) firmative haid won to arisei. second ha!A whose hand Mr. Lomov was seekin g, It was all in fun and proved .a glori- Andrews, 'freshman flash, led the 01:1 course with such names ,it could ous enlightening entertainmenrt; for scoring ;flor Peru with rou'r fiielid g.oals be naught else but .an hiiari.ous Rus- the a u<lienc-e as well as for the de- whi)le of Chadron held high sian Come dy by Anton CheJcoff c r<ll.ed bators. \ ho?ors with a total ;af fuurteen "A .Marria ge Proposal." pomts : I A stu d,y ' of this ki.nd gives to the 1JUNIOR BOBCATS VS NEB. ClTY M'cKelvfo, former Chadron Athlete mambers an insight into the temper- ·1 ddd the offici.ating. I ments d.1 varfo us The (C.ontinued .i.1rom page one..)

c ostumes and make-up offer another Hazelton f

field ,fur research and study even Totai\

practfoe i,n making eyes s lant just Nebraska City (20)

so and clothes look un-American. (C) Kastner


s ity, .a n 6 t.o 3, and ended the sqnarte1· trail- a .raturn g.ame at eamey.

G1"rls R·eta1·n ing only 9 to 15. The tussle from then I llflght: but thc..se tmy ens1tjive 111 ycu.r e I r Shena nd c-.ah, Iowa, are the A eel -'"ff t t Rum I With their semester exams .ove_i il: et which h ave bec.ome irrit ated hy Ch • h" T"t} Bands The tentative entollon assum ,. -a"'l aspec as ' ci n.d a week's rest the Lorbeer wrong of shoes ur stock in gs, amp1ons Ip I e shc ws twenty -two cl ass B sch oo ls mel and ltts mates helid. P eru sc.ore 1w'ill be hea ddng up the l a-Oiler to flnd \ o· it m.a,y ·b e- you h ave ne glected to and etlght class A scho ols. less , as they themselves sco.r ed 9 moTe \ their way out o.t'.I t he cellar. Ho.w- \ w.i>..s h your feet correcfily a nd th eir- I The so phomore g irls, unw1llin g for Alil Solo events will be h<ild on Frip.oints bert!ore g ame's endling. \ ever, the BG1bc ?ltis played! Ic- u,g hly ,. th at has b.een the o.f the basket hall seas on to en.d, chal- day. Sm all! Group events will a pp ear Rummel, 5 fielld go.als. l eil the '1 Conference .games, wh1le od! your g.I'Jef. len O'ed the se,niors to a The Friday ni g ht .arud all Glee Club s, C oth er scho oJ.s hav e meit but 1 Som e w hcfre we h ave acqu ,i red t·he · "' · Cr c uses Orch estras a nd Ba nds are Pl.attsmc.uth Pe ru , ·i Peru has met e.v er.y /te am ;in the Con-. I id.ea that our f eet need no special nt -/ heJ.d the lea.d through.out 21- for Saturd'.ay tarn Velvnck with 7 p.ornts, wa s h. g ·; f e-rence and wi ll sta1rt on t he secon:i tention, but ta ke c-are O!f themsel.ve·;. th oug h tho sop hc.mores pu.t up


r Plattsmouth <24 > 0 0 2 son. j why i!oes she not her f.eet what The l ast g ame w.as bet we en the so - Rul o, Brock, Tecums eh, Cheney c) Arn f - - -

in January; never ;the less thatt; was pr esenting Valentine's Day. Cran:d.alls 8% from -bumons. Althou gh shght ba C.ope, Ber.yll D_arting, N aidli.ne An- dramait.ic declamation .an:d interp.retiv e the theme around w hich the S ·d furnished the music. as these ma,y lbe th ey ishouJ.d .not be I drews, Mil1dred Jo·dry, Lorene Gallo- reP.•cling. Th e student presents a "P.oets A1il"· given ._. p h and wafers were serv..... .ur- ne.gllected r. c o..., s. · "I • way. Helen Davey, Ethelyn Craw- rea:d,.n g m w ic · eren a; """ ,, d D s h u tates "C,.rn s I " · h' h he h as b ee·n tN nnFriday, - centered. Supposedly Everyone se emed Ic?.llouses and bunions often sur- fcr di, Marj orJe Mendenhall, Ire,n An- ed in th.e first three od1 t hese b.ut thos e P!! t Rawley showed a very Engl:'h to have a l oveliy time arud were sorry , face ,sig

elemen'b when he failed to real1zet the :dance was .over at

rul es and 1rules! Some of us forget all .01fJ them just as we do each J .an- 1 h ome o'lean, to h ang

sh a ua ry ibut t he college year is ki nder than the calendar. It .g ives us .a sec- ly· and to .arra rige rugs. They w'ill be cor-dial w.elc-ome to all res men w 0 · 1 · ' I · h t · · x;t emester ond) oppo rtu nity to start o,ver a new semester. Don't make reso UllJOns able to make their< rooms mo re ii.t- w1.s o JOin ne · s · · to be bi·oken; just' f'ormula.te w.hlch V;1ill g.uid·e you to ..a .;tluHer, tractijiv.e. · _. _, richer learning time. If :you've b.een too :devoted to stuidy · KODAK CLUB · camp.us activities. Use the - Ubrary, magazines and n ewsp.ap"e;rs. Abo_ve · A dress p·ara.de w.as g'iv(!n ··last "" all don't wo.l·k too hard. It r eally /isn't worth tra weaxy bodies Tuesd?y This was for the 'purpose e>f The Club tried a new and. inter estand nerves. If you use all your energy now how can you go. out and exhibitin g :the .doll costumes· made by ing feature o,f taking pictures on n.'Clfote lli;fle 'in teac:Hin g? Use just a litJtle system and .yo.u can · do a11 the gtirls of the fi:fjth gra<le c·1othiing · Th:;1rsday nigh t. The members went those thiings wh!ich you desire most. If .you've falilen :d:o.wn this semester class te ithcir S}'l onsor's 'home where they :t.ear -0ut· the· pages .:th-om your Y-0u c·an have -!\ whole r-eam 0f to ek Seiveral 1n-d-0or photos. A new,

Phones, Resi dence 28, Office 7 clean ones Look forwar.d. The old pag-es are in wasteb as ket. Hera's W·Jien g.oo:d· -housekeepers r move, 1 spec;ia:l typ·e o·P bwl/b ' Was used to too you fin th.ei new semester May .your life's notebook r.ate an A in Ju.ne·. they leav.e beh i nd :t;hem a·e-Iean b.ouse. \ mll ke suut:cessful ·exposares -Y.ve:-si- · .n an.\\ \ · \o S.i.nce the sixth gr.ade .tloo:d's cl ass i,s c-..ne took b.is own kod:ak and ibund Miss .E1Jiquette and Miss Ma1:tha Manners were not shocked at re:ady; .to leave the work of I that even wiit.h a smaU lin-do?r a nack af gentlemanliness on r.egis tration -d.ay. Th ey w er.e simply sorr.y t}ns semester, the melT!jbers are ·see- pftctures can be- taken at mg ht. M·1ss that there were boys on P e.ru's Campus who coul<l gr ab the only ch2iir in ing that all -the equipment is 1eft in · Tear halS expressed her wish to have TAXI AND TRANSFER a· cro.wded rO'om and 'keep·:it while g irls leanin_g walls, ratl- g.ood condition The l avatories are it.he club· come sometime: to- 'taR'.e pie: S er vices in Peru. To and from Au· iators er win;low sills to rest .and ach 1_.ng b.eiing ,_rearr.a ng<eid, tur.es of itih.e inte,rior o:B · [·bJ.lin•. Nebr ka Ci!;:y Pel,haps 1boys don't r.aa.bze that a g-en'tfteman is a_ :c u·oboards ....:e.. ht.- ''"''th_" ·fF"es''- · w-ant 1-a· ,;;.,I'"'·

and ,r(;'lom qu ite wilh_ng to •:iJfpeil::fJti_- filie' 1'i

i h i!f he r. · '· - · ·. '. ;cleaned. · 1

This is only _anotheJ· the Perscript10.n notebook of Dr. r

-be assurejd; Sir &esbman.

Pe rson;il.. Appearance and h!S assist11nt Nu rses An contest is to -be B.eld that here's .the Cl ub for you! • March 18. The 1bo.ys in the· traini ng ' CLEMENTS PRESENTS JP. GAMMA MU arts cl asses who h'ave I Just as a matt.er of useful informa·FRIENDS''''' GUESTS OF DR. BROWN practica ll y .iTmished the ·work o.f the Iti0n- there are nine · freshma 'n clubs first semester have have beg.u.tl

e me.mueu.s. e1es your · · / 1 b · · ther sets are n:ity to sew. p·afot or model· those 1 It is the !t,eadrnr's place to take the a so eang made. Reception en the"e

Evel yn Kiilpat- sP satisfied at the Hill Store. FORTY Y•EARS AGO Januar.y 31. 1923 est possession was a light-red Paul iUck hadn't t aken tumb ling she co.uld Wh.e.n .Mr. LandiOit, the 'Owneir was THIS MONTH 1893 von Hindenb.urg moustache which he never have done t Jl a,t lit tle ,flail, fn the aske;J how long the store has been VIGNETTES FROM wor.e with fine dignity D. yv. clin.ing room, so p rettiily .h411re he .replied., "Well, I don't know. Dr. A. w. Norton, who has been Th ere is e ven an art iJ1 falling and I've had it eilose to twent.y years my- .Superintendent of the Tra.ining School STUDENT ESSAYS {Rl!ing grac.lifuilly. self and don't know how 'long it P,it Oswego, New York, has assumed SNOWFALL- JANUARY 20 was· he1re ·before that." the duties r.if) Prestdent of Peru to We mentioned t he fa ct, iat one ti me, The· buJildling itself is much the succeed Pr-0.fesso.r George L. Farn- St. Peter forgot to close the glitter0;!1 c ont!1ib.uiting .a n ic keU to the d.av- shape of an , old-fashioned countr.y ham.. ing gate last eve enp.or:t ·n t he parlol". Now we want sch.ool house. It holds above lits win- A. dinner \l\'as served tin h.onor of And the mighty ech.oing blast ;fltom

to ma ke ourselves cle·ar as t.o what d c..ws the La rg.& squal·e sign o,f Pro.fusso.r an:d Mrs. Farnham. Gab riel's horn, 1 use th.is money willi ,be put to, so you prop1fotorsh.ip A wsll-swept. wood- Professor G. W. EUis acted as toast- Blown at the ;hed-time c:f the angels, ! w-0n't fe el it,hat :it tls bei ng spent f.ool- en porch holds a few packing boxer. ma<>.t.er. (It is i.niterestling to note that I the ishly a nd g asoline c.ans. These llh"e two ad- Professor Ellis is stiiU o.n the .flacultyl' Leaves from the sHver mapte tree It has bee•i fo und t hat muisd c calms ditions since g.rand1father's time. Gas- at Emp·o.r.ia· Kansas.) do;wn thei the 1has er p·assions. If this is the pumps have been put up as a A. K. Go.udy is holding the State Golden' st.reet and pa st the web-,spun case, small sf!lts may be install- sign that the "reckless age" has come S.upe rinten:denc.y -O$f Nebraska. (He is 1 pearly gate ed on .dave nport Yes, and ii! to coll.ege and a movie signh 0 ard, con- the g".reat uncle of Marjorie and Ken- They floated uncertain1y '8mong the mo ney pe rmits th.e_y may even jbe in- fident that here is a conspkous- pcsi- neth Y.oung who are now attending midnight clouds stalled b.e'hind the tr aining tion, f'.anks one co1rner of the buiLd- schc.o1.) And hearing tlhe .t'o.otsteps of lt is hoped that the re m 'llly ,be a l arge' ing · From the No rmai1 Courier Time ·behind them, set :fur t he bleachers at athlet:ic · depa rtment sto.res have sc-:ir- January 1893 'They flu.rr.ied· hurriedly :downward

fi eLd by spring .at the late st. c el;y a llar.ger V!!lriety of .articles than THIRTY YEARS AGO 1903 the whistling wind Sli nce every.one knows, n o.w, Oifl the are to :be found iin tbiis building. All Two 1Jjil'ls, o;}e for the new library Dusting the silver 'flecks .flrom the good ca.use, let's g ive, .tlreely anld tile ec centi-ic needs of c:J!l'eg-e b <'ys and on.e for the audito.rium, went gau21e cd' there wings. wilJsi n·gly. and g.irls -r1re met here. Every thru' · the legislation. The1 bill 1 Earth awooke at sunrise. She shiver- A. E. JOHNSON, D. D. S. of space is utiLized. Mottoes and fbr t he library was lost, but ap- e:d so;flly, · X-RAY SERVICE

Now t hat a. new has st;irt- advertisements soften the glaring propniations were obtained for the T·hen drew ck.se to her bosom, the PHONE 36ed every one solemnly swears to keep space which might be caused !;Jy a new chap.et-the present gymn asium g old-fle c ked those n.ott;e b o.oks up. , " · \ wall. One lis thoroughly con- an:d swh nmiing poc.I- in 1903. Ermine <YI. the once " We'll never go th.i;-0.ugh tbat vinced, howeve r. that e mi<:\i.ency p,a-e- A. Clarke, brother nf leaves. -. v·ails beca use o;f the con:Lident quick Miss Esther Clarke, worked very silvex maple!-=========== ====== - A. J. 1----------- BOB KATZ MEOW m ?. nner in which 'tthe derks are able ha rd for double appropi1iations. How- to locate any manner qf article. One e•ver he is 1to li e c.ong ratulateld on A Shop in the Old Rome Town 'lb.e 1:1.tb.e;r da)I j USt "tMnking is g_ratflfi, too, ;tl'or th.e unsu.rprised (rn a kJng pos.sible the bufikling - ex! the

ab.<mt h.ow nice woul d\ be if _I could he maintmns at the most new chap;el.

On my way home I p a.ssed cild g et o ut Oif t bns c·age o;r rmne a nd unus.ual request. I 1913

He.inje's 1butcher-shop and it was a prowl arou nd all th ese big What W,ind elf do you think j g ave an butcher-s hop, ;!!or Heinie ha:d not on the campus. While I w as m usm g are most demanded by students? An Iopening entertamme nt on yie·lded· to the mo.dern methods of on w hait a gr an d t ime I w.ould hwe inq.u.ir,y showed that the most .flrequent 7. merchan:qising and changed his placll o.ut of it all tha_t I heard the l<>udest petition :is flor paper b.oxes. One Miss Kraemer JS chairman o,1' the to a "Grocete ria" a ''Delicatessen" crack;. I prick ed up m.y ea,r.s and gQt ;cler.k said that next cam,e peanutsI , 0 f C ?· i br il •'•.Meat H8i,ne, ana · up an.d looked aro.und to see what w.a11 a.nd bro.oms. Other calUi are A. an.a ' tliE J.ooltmg /q't 'e..i'eryt'hjng about his shop, w1as still happeni ng. . for thread.. cough .drops, lig ht bu-Lbs, s oce mteres11in g extrll.'l m t he ne.ar exactdy as one woU1ld expect 0i!I the The noise came ;lir.om. the _:rymnas.i- -fr11;i t, ;1?o unt ain pe ns, and mou se- traps. · t.raditional Ge rman butcher um, so I •tried to peer arou nd the Ad' The most aiilu.ring pa rt o:f! th e store,/ 'The Y. W. C. A. devot7ional

building ta see what 1 could see Th.e ho;wever found at tback where ing on December w.as led M1Ss enormo us

mystery w as solve


That voice sounded IriigWty faµiil iar race to the hill store. The counter At the y,_ M. C. A-_ m etltmg DJstrict laid ou t pink-white pigs' ;feet r.eady to me· 1but ;flor the lj'fe of me I couldn't is to o sh ort; the ta.Pff.es too :flew, and Stude nt Secret.a ry NI_PP.S for Ne·b-·as- 'for the pic klin g, whole hams a nd Your Patronage Appreciated recognlize whose it was. A gain T the stodls too scarce to acc om odate ka, Ifarg,e cut s. entanglements a.fl red Hair Cuts Are Now 25 cents heard thait qu estion. " Wh at did y.oul more than twic.e the number for New v1S1t6:'1 a nd .mspi ed t e Frankfurters and g.reat round cheeses. •th? which th e.y are intende d. The quick-m embers with the idea of ' one o;f1 which was (la belE!:d "Limbur- Under Barnes Pharmacy curi'OuS:·b,y th is time, est ones sit or sta nd conditli?ns per.- Oif. to g er von Duetsc hl.a.nd:!' ThJis was for so I asked s c:meont!I going by what I m jt a nd laugh a nd Joke with t_he of the 1 Chus_tmas V ac a sp ecial customers. The layo.ut was · · "Why don't yo u/ cle•rks a nd each other and supe rvise t 10n Lively, B. C. He nd.rick.s, T.yso n, He.inie's o.fl adv,t!!l tis ing-his buswas happemng · · d Wh A d e nd Bakeli were chosen · · k th t Ith ccach wias knocked the prep arat!iion o:f1 their 'or e.rs1 en n. r WS· a · ' · : iness ethics-to show as now a kede thleir appetites are appeased .others The program .rill D ecem ber 1 it is. At one e.nd of the counter w.as out?" he: \ to te1t me that t ruk.e their places. The t ables iare c.on- l3 w.as most unus ua.I.

e to en- 1 i:rom p ag e one I . , . t• (l' , :h · It d a o-am addre•ss the ccngr ega w n. jo.y the fot r amurn l prriv il e:dge s unLess I tv pe o'f sh-0 e wcrn, w: y no • spen "' 7 .t he med ical· .exa min at ion o;f! an indivi - ! FU RTHER VIGNETT\ES


change of ideas in rnateri•al

r angemel_lt. After the rdeib.ates im

The group arrived homei S.und,a.y



r...._ w1 o an. re: ner E arnn g on 1

on or

h Saturday ito St. B€1IlEdict for a tourn- 1 detle nse. I of tl":.e men.' 1s.h.1 g h.ly pla,ce.d the Bo.beats the top of! rr.othe;r,. was ratne·r ca .e Y ament. i I Smee the11hegmmn g of r :<g1str· tJ on the LacLder, t hus le.avmg the Ar.'bE l pe::; melc'Cly rn which the Scan.dan.avians J start.e:cL ,- c,o? after. th e/ in Se:it.eml.:e r, tioEre ilws he.en a total. to rcc upy t:-e ce llar position in t he g<>ve homa!$e to t.heir country. The T ' "-LENT'VD Mr TS/CAL , w hist le tipped a I of 212 men e·nroll ed in t.he• 1 conilein;nce race.. ! up of srn gs ''.1'11 .n: £J v. j .un.dei t hie ba.sk, lt :flor pom:s, I Te'.!che rs, College .up t? :ind. mcluclrng- / The u nC:cfe.atE•d Om a ha Unnve,s1ty Sm g Tho'.'< Sonvs o.il Ar.ab1e", Drink STlJ.DENTS lf:NROLL Ra.ilsbA.-ck a.o'ded a with a gut 1 the second .d·ay of -regis:ra •i on f' r foam, v. itn ess:d tihe Peru-Ke arney , to ·M'e Onl.y Wi.t,h Thine Ey es", and t oss, and Blvthe an.c1 Rail: back s.:rnk :1 the second sem.ester fa.ct is g,? me. Th"'.Y ·v.. ere on h an 'I for tJ- eir 1"T n vict ·s ." Mu.sic D e-partment o'f P eru is a couple oil: l·ong ones bed'lore Auburn j o: t,'Ot".ndi ng tr at there are twe nt y- , o- 8me with S 'tur day nigh t, 1 '.I'he conclu diin g b.y the €specia,lly fortu nate .in .aquiring some c2.lle:d t ime th e i:ien Etu.dents n ow 0 ·.1 the cnm- 'i

which Omaha 35 to 21, Chorus and Mr. Log an "B,: al new talente\d students this se me.:;ter. sta nds to th€1!r f ee);, with itwo c.ot nt - µt:s wh'O we:re not here last sr me ter, 1 The .line up. · Mu ·ic" from t he Or.a,tono Eh!ah. Mr. Kenneth P ace Co.uncil Bluffs N'S .1'1-om bef-0.r>e

Iowa, and iorme.rly .a sturleai.t a.t Om-

w:iil phy in the band c.rches- The second

tra and as.sistl in the t(llac hrn g oJ! dar- Blythe a:dding a p.om t on .a gi.f\·,,

inet an:d bass vfol. Iy f.o.Ilowed by Bohi's three points P er.u stu:dents, ,basketb all fans and I

tic frEshMr Warren Odell .oJ' Omah a a n.d c.n g ilUis off of Velvick and Blythe. M. I: N: K, M.usic contestantis will add g Dud. Gr.a ham

Mr. Dale Nichol:s o;f1 Ectgar are pr:>m- A• '.bt'rn's rally q uickly got un:der way to th ei

is ing tr omho.ne playFrs. Mr Nichols w itn Bohl and E ly contri.bu.lting equ.al- 't'

trom·bOnist.. vick rudd

t heir ap ility rn bo 1 in , 31; 18. Coac h Lo rbeer, as . - Jn ,t ru mental solos: Alto hori.,, M:ax · will 'fail io hAl•d t ru e as new o icers ing the Elmwood Firemen, 3 ! At the beg innin g-of the ihe rt .h prov eid

a series ga:U the ame iod both j ockeyed .1";.r .a two g.ames, :an


imlt, Ruth Gilbilan d;

An outstand.rng fleature of I minutes till Pugh s-ank a. long one. fl ying wh en the Bobcaq; meet t ! ho n Hazelton baritone h or n t Houst in Km g· dvcr Pres11d enu; John of the v1SI ors, flt I k I e, J p . d t Ec1n M , the perso_n"l' I. Clem- I VeJvick ma de one o.ut thr ee g1. s I h ere ith1 s wee

Verena Gr.a ves bass horn, Elizabeth Vi ce te fi' en> ,. , a ay· , which hiad as its captam, ! of S.upt. '·?.ttem!1¢s b e.flore. the en tire Per .u te ?m IS.aultzbaugh. piccolo, Mo.nte Gene I stri ck Se'Cretary; Jes• Je Joy, Treas ents, 68 yea rs old., and i)a,th was taken ou t by su bst:it.u tions. The NDAR ?I Gaines· flute Eulah Bell Joh ns on; S. L. Clements -0.f the i Auburn aggre<gation, after fr e quent I CALE : 11 1 Dorothy BurbridgJ:! BASKETBALL LAST WEEK Thre,e ot}l.er members oil the t ' suJJstit,·Jtions t' r.ugho ut the ga me 0 Group numb er s: cornet q:Jat .t HIGH SCHOOL team were brothers -O:f Supt I evidently f,oun.c1 a com- Thu1rs<lay, Fe.b. 9-Ml Classes I ' F.orest C or n, director; d aIJinet quar- Peru Pre1p 34 Aubu rn 26 In the final game Guy Clem-


memory Joyed .by tM3e c hitdren. They are he h as ·been r ec etvmg. • e,ac h makin g mo dels af <l ifferent day: men rushin g in a nd c.a:lli ng ACCESSOR

vehicl es a nd bo ats T hey are l earn- ;him, ".My P al," and trhe &_!rls Oh! La! I .

0 .1! .a fove ly t hin g. ing tio dance the outstan.din g dances La! as a ll ithe·y c.an &?.y, G et your ea.c!1 oeriod (,yf which the mode of what w.1t h v1s itun g h ,o urs ifr om 2-4

-.Sar a T.eascLale -

With the ·deaths of Sara Te asd.ale and J.ohn Ga lsworthy the ws rld l ost t\VO great fi gures b.fl the li tera ry world Bwt th ey ha ve 1eft to us tre as !.l res o.fl lovely llJlings w hich enrich t he life 'Of all m an ki n.d. tr,ansport ation .is st udfod. Some of p. m. a nd 7-8 p. m ., a nd a w h.cle · · ll Best qu ality violin st r·ng s--·75c the -da nces are the s a.ilors hornpi pe. v..:i:nt rn g to s.eq Bi , a nd no 1eei-wa y, the mi nuet, and. the negro dog. All not e ve n one m inute ! own experience. Mi ss Go ckley being the 9 n1y mem·ber

The Sophia.more class has ;ma1de. at least one st-ep :fJarth.er along th9 r oa.:i 1 of ,the office .i1:Jrce w ho ca n l egi td m'.Prombone oil, Re.sin Re t.ds . CHATE LAIN'S . J EWEL'ERY (\.-Vl1 ere y ou.r m on ey buys n:or e) t he work co m es within the chlild's Thlere is one mo re Puzzlin g t hi ng)


oJl pr·ogress They have :decl are;q the a.nnual "Sop'homore Play" .a t hi ng HIGH SCHOOL ENTR IES a.t dy take m oney, aad no o ne o.!I !;re p.ast. On e c-annot say' that the play in itse ;f was a ·had. .t hin g. lt ·)

did provide .a whole month o.f1 fun for the c.ast and e;xcellemt t.rain\n g: did Bill pay his Teg is1Jratio n fees? But it :d,i.d not serve i ts purpose that oft raisin g fun ds 11or ithe cliass treas- The c ollege was g ivep an id ea



Prof. No r wood

ury... In.1931 it netted l ess 'th an a dolbr profit a nd ag ain in 1932 the gain the n.?.ture th eJ vocal (A la Bill.!) I w.as somewhere in th e n·e.ig hb o1·l:ood of 49c. The cb.ss h as be.en w.isely "" J N 1r test b h • :..: muS:Ic co n y t ei st u.abl;e to see thati the hiou.rs of wo rk lrn.d Ja.!:J cr pu,t fo rth on any worthy clen ts oil the hi gh s ch"O ol in convocadramati-c pr o<luetiun are ,i/orth more than 49c an.d t;ha•t ther·e are pro du ced '•'.' n, F ioii;i y, A bo.y's q.u-art-et co nsis- ,1 rr Frosh Notes "I by t>)rn dr.?.mat.ic :cJ eparlment pla ys to fu l fi ll the oth er purp oses a nd values .t.ing of W airiw 1 Ad ams, fi rst tencr · · atl.r ibu.ted to such actiivi'ti ES. Dick B lv th e. t E·nor, - /) Pr.lmer, ba ritlo'·ne, and Ja ck Ha zeJt -ne, 1 the Savior w ho is a f riend to man. In /bass, s ang "I ·can't Do ltb·e Sum'1 and PLAIYE RS It .im.e o;f n €4e1d t.o a ll r aces at any h oi: r I "D own Mobi1e>". .! A is alw.'3,ys a ofrieind Thei g iTl's sextet, which is co. - ch:. d Peru P layers st i:- rt ed off the n ew •I. A p.oem " Fellowship" by Grace Iby Miss Gwe n P !\yn e, sang "Ge ntl y rnmest er by .electing a new preside nt 1Noel Cr owell w.as r o,ad b.y Edna FP.11 the Shadow'S" ancL My Curly a nd a new secretar_y Lo u.is Th ompA Bible fr iend :ik>T each letlter in Maystrick wihlo had char ge_of

t he woni "Jlrie n<ls" was Mr. Norw.oods tio ns Ruth GriUi!an and .M a.rg.uer1te Co.at- mel egible b ecause is n ow a sop ho-

Ta lks To Y. ·1W. C. rne ans ·o•f presentdn g "Bitle FrJen ds" n· y, s.op1 an os ; J E.1anne SJi nkeir .and Jmore, atut J ean Ri chards on, the a.t. Y. w. W ed.nesd ay evening, y M c· A Hears 'r·r1U'ly C,.wfr.or n.e, s eco r:1d sop rano s. former secretary, ha.s leflb i:: ch o.ol. F- F e,lix, the kin g o.fl thP J ews was • • • I a nd Ruth Chate ll.:ii n a11:d Marjo'r ie Pente rm an. is the new s£crea 1hut., a luk ewarm one. when ' Dean Delzell C oatney, altos. taiy and the p resident will ·be ann outhe Jews·were1 unable to prove treiir ,· The Gi rl's glee c.lu,lb, :d.ire clted b,y n cedi .at .a lat& d ate. c l:.?.r ge ag ainst; Saul, Felix r eilu.sed to Mdss B2.rrett, o:ang, " Where re st o;fl the b usiness me.e,t!jn g p P. n ton h;im e ve,n .thou giht he w as a The wo1'k ojJ the Y. M. C. A. and thje La zy Missi'ssippi Fbowsr" and "The af cc.ll ecting du es whi ch fr iernd in whom be ·beJei.ved bec ause simi1a. r orga nizati ons in dev.eloping Itali an Stre c)t Srm.g" ;tkom "Naug hty must Pe paid th:e ne xt meeting of) the a ntag.onism 1t; mi g ht aro.use persona.I qua Nties wh ich .are af v.alue Ma riett a,." The hi gh s chool chorus as .there .!!.re ib1lls to be Announ.a mo ng· I.is pe.opl e. was .the •\ltteme of a ·disc ussio n by th e directqd. ·by F\rofe sso:r

her h.us- be o;f r eal enter.tair mcnt

barud, Haman who was aittEmpt in g to

/ MISS PAPEZ PARENTS :w S Kampus Kapers PASS 63rd · WEDDING "The First Dress Suit"



Falls City Peru


'"" ca n f..,ol snme of the people all o.f A<Fr esses f · h · • ·-·. o comp.ames .aving plays: J

tqe t ime. and nil of t he people some o,f the W l cim.i b ut the rest of t•he t ime they will h Emjly Papez accompani <.: d by Ii tE?r H. Baker Co., 41 Winter comedy i rua ke fools of t hemselves er niece Pihlyllis, spent the la st 'IVeek Street, Boston ?nd in Jan.uar.Y at ht::r home in Atbion D o;d d, .Mead & Co., 449 Fourtlh Av-

Wilma James just couldn'.t waJt to ln. 0 f her pa rents' sixty- enue, .New - York Oit,y t ake Advanced Swimming so she third wed:dmg an nive'rsary Samuel French, 25 W est 45Uh s<tr c ould pr actice diving; she just use.do Mir'. and Mrs. Joseph Papez, both New Yc.rk City t he hbrary steps. We U,\ink m Cze: 'ho-Slavakia were married. I. B. Hardin Co:. 3806 COlttage Gr.o-

James has great possibilities W!ith 8 in Omaha in 1870. Th E•y t.o r.k a ve Avenue, New York Oity tittle bilt more Isn't it odd I homestead, near SchuyL r, In FSJ they Longmans, & Co., 55 Fifth how we "'s.tum.ble" onto our re.al li;ile's /moved by st.age to AJibion Avenu ei, New York work? When Mr. and Mrs. came. to Rowe, Peterson, & Co.,

Pl attsm o.u.th




Humboldt Pa lm yra


Sacre.tli He'art, F a.Us Cbty Elmwood Shenan:d.oah, Iowa Falls City

Pawnee\ City

Farragut, Iowa

Hamb1rrg, Iowa

Council Bluffs, Iowa

Small Brass


posi.t.ion Ladies p1esen t.? Well, )Ou tJhat 1 · jJ In er wa> so co ir s ow Voca'l will have t.o ask Bill abo.ut 1 1 a . CY.?, of bread wr.apped and 8:30-10:00 · P· aceid m t he pliddle, 11f' a trunk flroze Shenandoah, Iowa so that ri'ce glistened in it. TaJfow PLattsmo:u.th

The Genetics class wishs Professor c an:11es, o·il lamps, ,!J.nd electricit; Johnson Winter to know t hat they resent very all b.een burned f.or ljight by Humbo.ldlt mu.ch the slighting r€(mark he maP:e these ea rly Nebraskans. They have Poru concernti.ng the menta;lity o.'ft our al- worn c1at;hes of home spu,n, and Elmwood ligator. Mta.r he has been in Peru clo.thw made by se1wing machines in Hambtirg, Iowa as long as <that aliligator-well? our the cru.de stages o;fl de.veJo.pment Nebraska City advi ce is nclt to he too hasty in his N-0w tihley have facltory made g.ar- Falls City j udgement. ments. Auburn _ Development .along many lines has Salem ,. Iocc ured during the lifettdme O'f Mr V <l Accor cang t.o last weeks Perl:agogia'l and M p Th h b . · er ,on " h "' · · .J h h rs. a pcz: ey; ave een in- Co.uncil Bluffs, Iowa s e. spen & six l• nu. one · alf1 ours-on t t ,, · th · ,, eres eui m f:l progress made durh1s feet every day ?:1J course ing t his period an<l v..<ish to Ionrefers to the girl but we W'.lsh er to h · · gd · s .are .1n neiw 1nven ••vns an to correct the error o:f i'tl was m etdern lii!e. r intended for "Lap".


The Stu.dy rJf Instruments class will soon ·he able to say, "They laugih:ed FOR DRAMATIC M, I, N, K, w hen I picked up th ei cornet, b.u:tr--" · give them at least another ;M. I. N. K. Dr:amaitli.c k .._ I will Jbe g.uesils :01 t the Peiru Dramatic wee ye,· ; · · \ Gluh prc duction olf "P<!t:(.".r Pan" Fri- ) .day njght, .March 17. The cont.est itIf any one i ndJivid.P.al ·b,':lsn'.! ma de selii will tlake the major portfon of his apper.a nce wt class the piat1ter/ the :/hllowi g >day Sat rday, March should he invest;iga.ted. He is still, 18. 9r=.. b.abl){,'4-ry1',ng pas.t M'iJL Tear. t In reply to the demand of many I \ for 'tine n.'l mes oi suitable contest I

BOB KATZ MEOW I on.a act plays the j!JI\,owing list h as\ I b e.en cont.rib.ute:c1 b.y the head Oifl I Yo.u know, folks id,i:c1n't know I was Speech D&pHrtrner t, Prof. D. J. Na- : o ut prowling ar o.untd the week-end ·be- 1 · hors.

tween semestiers b.ut I w.as. It was L)st of Plays: my v,acation .And what I di1dn't ' "Gloria M.•Jndi,'' drama (French.)/ see would be worth knowin g, a nd 2M' 41<' h, It I d' d · · t b t 1d J "Thursday Ev.:mrng,'' f!ome-d y (P ak · w a • s,eie is gmng o 1 e o . L • f · ' (h er) IM 3F I was Hunting or mic e · uman " • A h k ') "' th H 'll The Florist c:ome dv (Ba k- IDJce, "lone ;ar now. arou.nui . e I E'r) 3M 2F store and he.ar.c1 some-On& con:;lng, s.o / "Tbe Feast r>f' t'he Holy Innocents,'' / I scr.am:bled. up a tree and, wa.tchl'fd t;0 (F h-) SF · c ome/'-"Y ren c see wdn'at I c.o.u1d Gee, it was. "Th'.t J:t' t_ rtv." drama j go?:d· too! ! ff'rencl1) 4.M ·i Here c.ame two brunette g11rlsi I "Cr Rh!:>ed Yimth an<l Ag e," conwdy down the sroewalk towards the H11l iF I'lench ) 3M .f fi' Store, -0n e :a sophomore and 1the other , · "Dust · of the Road" drama l a senior A n<l, then, the s how beg.an! (Baker) 3M(Baker) 3M· IF - / The senior g,irl slipperl or turned her "OveTtones,'' one-act version c1ram a 1 ankle and .fe llr. Of c.ourse, it must (French) 4F have• hurt; her terribly, 1b.ut you know "The Ron:;':' nce oil the WillPw Pait. how Vt. Jooks. Ito people seeing the tern," comic-.traged.y, (.French) 3M IF spill? WeJl, natur.Pll,y, I couiidn't "Wjrll o' the Wfap," dr.a matiic fanta- .I help J:>u.t. Jau g hi and l'a.ug·h, (to my- s,y (Bake ) 4F sell\ you unrlerstand·, so tihiey w o.uld - "The. Rig hi Heart,'' (Rowe, n!t '}:J.ear :me,.) Bu.t .the best part 0£ s.on). 7.M 2.F t he show is yet to comei. I "Stick.in Mon.eiy/' Longman, Upon seein g t,he mishap the blond Green & C c•. ) 2M 2F / senio r fe\llow whi::ise d>ad owns the i "Copy,'' _(,Lon g man, Greien & Co.) / Hill Store! .c ame dashin g out t o. be I "Thie Boor," (Freinch). 3F , the Knig ht g all a nt. He hE!lped her '"W'here But In Am e ri c a, '(Baker)/ .up and/ .then oore i n.to :the st.ore tfo ILM! ,, I t he others he was go in g to take h is "Gr n:c\ma Pulls til:/e Strmg- (Ba- ; la<l friend hom e, beca.u;e she h ad·1ker) IM 5F I Y_ b ki e He soon had "Cathl• n Ni Hr .o]lih.an,'' (.M;ac MU Ian / snr .aa.neu· er an · "-·- M · d D mb - d h 1 ed her in a n:<L "Thet Man Wu'N arne a .u I the car ouit; an e P IWifte,, '(Do:dd. Mead C Q. ) 5lVI 5F took her hom e.. ' · · ·,, ' (R P ""'er e.n & h 'k and s aid " Con.£ett1, owe, """ s He was b ack aw a 2M 2F I hi 1 d f · d h ad r ecei ved a Co.) s a .y nen ted to '"The R ootor," come::1.y (French) IM I badly sprained ankle. I wan k h ho hIS. "patioot" was but, 6 F d (Frenc'l-) 4M as im w "R kl " comE1 ·Y t her ihurnan .bei.ngs e,c e"'_.,, somehow or o • 1, IF d • d t d. me w hen m ""' . k , d on t un ers ;.an "The Bishop's Ca ndles tic s, r.am a ing witili tJhem. H d' ) __,, M 2F b e tte·r n ow, fur ( a.r. in "' II& ankle mu st be the "Knives From S yria dra m.a I I' h

(French) 2.M 2F 1

"A Marriage Proposal," comedy /

Girl's Medium Vocal 10:00-11:00

Gretna Fa,lls City

Weeping .w.a,ter Humbo},d!t, HambuTg, Iowa

P bttsmou.th .Auburn

SJ'ienan:cl<Jah, Iowa City

J.ohnson Elmwoo;d Chenay


Sacrec1 ' Heart, .Falls City

Salem Cc.uncil Bluffs, Iow a

Girl's High Vocal 11:00-12:00

Nebraska City Pawnee. City Falls City

Farragut, Iowa


Sacred 'Heart, Falls City

Bla ir Plattsmo uth Ha.mbuTg, Iowa

Auburn Peru

Verdon Joh,i;s.on H.umbo.ldt Elmwood

She:nando;ih, Iowa

Council Bfoffs, Iow a ,. Violin


El,mwood Falls City

Plattsmouth Nebras ka City


Siidney Iow a Palmyra F arr agut, Iowa



Coun c il Bluffs, Iowa

Boys High Vocal

2:15-2: 45

V erdo n Humbo.lc1t Falls City

P eiru


Nebraska c;ty

Plattsmouth Elmwood

Small String

Iowa Peru

Small Mixed Group 8:00-9:00 P. M.


Clarinet 10:45-12:00 T1abor, Iowa Falls City Shenan:d.oah, Iowa Humboldt Joh111son P&u N ebraska City Du·hois Palmyra (Continued on P age Four) J ' I



Hebron Juniors · I Second Victim

Returning· home fir.o m Kearney, the Bobc.at,s stopped o.tf at Heibron Saturday night a nd a.uplicaited fea.Q j o.fl the nig ht before fby tb.e l Hebron J.unior. Co.Ilege .Knights 45 to j 27. Peru h ad previously defe a!too th.e Knights 66-17 in their game of) tfJ!e season at Peru. '

Pedersen, Paru f-0rward and Will- I 1 fa.ms, center ,fJo•r Hebron,· high score hono11s for thje even,fog w.ith five goals and a gii!t toss e;ach. l· Andrews was a close second, with five field goals. i

The B9bcft,s ha:I lt.hings .th:eiir own

way thr.u o.ult the g,ame, an:c1 were · 32 t-0 11 at ,the haM'. Capt,gjn Pr'ic-!fer.tl and Bob Punc'h€S,, Peru gu.ar:ds, in a 1'ine ·d1e!1'ensive j g ame, all.owing .thwr oppO'sing I wards b.ufl a single ;flielc1 goal • each, j a nd tJhey in return accrmnted for fifl ; t een of, the points securedi h.y Bobeats. P•u (%)

p age one.) The box s core w.ai; as flollows, fg fl:; p p ts i Ve lvick (C) .fl. - 5 2 12: Rails-back, f. - 3 2 2 8: Blythe;, c. 3



Weepi ng W.a.ter Plattsmouth Dawso.n

Boys Sma!l VocaJ 4: 00-5-00

Salem Plattsmo u,th )

Sacred Heart, Falls Coty , Gretna Humbo1dt P eru Auburn Tecumseh Neb ras ka C.ity Elmwood Daws.on Cauncil Blu.tfs, Iowa


High School A uditorium JOto Horn S:30-9:00 Elmwood Humboldt

Peru Dubois

Council Bluffs, Iowa

Cornet 9:0 0-10 :45 Ne braska City

Weeping WatP.1 H.umboldit

Rufo .A,ubu rn T.abor, Iowa


Fa.Us Cjty Ve1xkm P awnee City

Farrag ut, Iowa


Shenan:c1o-ah, Iowa Shubert

Unllldilla Hamburg, fowa

T.aJma ge El.mwood

Trombone 10:45-11.:15

D.u·bofs Fa.Us City

T.almage She nandoah, Iowa Blair

T.abor, Iowa

Humboldt Peru Bass Horn

1:00- 1:30

T.abor, Io.wa

Shena n:d<Yah, Iowa

P eru Council Bluffs, Iowa

Ba'ritone Horn

R ulo

1 :30-2:15

Peiru Ru mb oldlt.



t he Bobcats at the intermission, · tion. · an.d fo:· rth pl aces respectively

The Lorheer five came ha.ck strong ! Mis::. Williams said that the kn ow- S. L. Cilements, V. H. Jmdra, R. T. · th" t t t k _, Iti me of1 h is death. He was one ofl - · · · 1as JS cornpe en iutrec c.r wo r e,·_, to op en t.he sca rU1g .a n the second 1 ledge of the facts wo uLd by suff1c-1ent tl er.:1: 1·.d, anid G. R. Steck served as "tL h t" t k }- elg·ht chliEren Mrs McMahon of - \': 1 1: eac sec ion o ira e a armo. 1 ' · · ha1it_ with Pniefert and Pu nches detE rrent: S ome , · In.if'. Hen.d.ing of so instrumrn ts Peru , -b

ivor of

three from gu.ard po- O"f teaching temp erance also DEBAJ'£ SQUAD Sat.urday evening a mass ba nd un der f. rni ly at the present He leaves als o s1t1ons. At one time Pe ru le1d 38-18 poii:ited out. Some materi al for re- ' . . MAKES TWO TRIPS t.he di rection oil Mr Seidel "tune ri up" ' d h · '"\-< h b" t \r I · · ·· · lrn. wife and tiwo ch1l:.en Hope an a nd C oac Lorbee-r s.ubstli.tu\.ed :l\reely .• up ?n t e sn Jec was a play ""Stars :.ind Stripes Forev r". 1 · ' In t h,e 1.a.s_t five min utes Cbadron went 11clistribute:d·. 1 Two debates were he1:l Mr cf Humb oldt P.lGo

on a s.cormg spree but were unabt e to \ ,

t .u.ree aceis,,. w1t I Pre.u 1'rep aadea Bro-ck to its string rleo :-.te t.e-ams u.rn.ey cu

an d, Priefert :each 9. th em .by a score o.f 52 to 19 in a game r epresentati v es of




Y· February 11, he to

e.] led the Eagles with 7 points, p1 -. ye.d in the Br9ck g_ymm1.'i1111. Umvers1ty. , -The Sh er a··id oah b· rd fr.i te c:hange for the worse the result -0f two fielid g r. a\<> and f'our i Netting l 't--fiel.d goals .in · the fint fo t'"'.e fii:st P( ru .una.Jl-le t? :i.ttend the S? 1Li on then set in, culminati!"l q in hi gift tlosses. Bartlett, Ch rnfron Center 'barn, the Bobkittens a-dv a nc ed to .a 30 t· arn, Blanche Haf<t 11)!!S and· L or: irn t. ·e "Secc:n:d Te am Band" ; tr ag ic d €ath Mond ay ni g l".t. a nd Ra ilsback,, veteran Peru ilorw.a:&.l i'6· 3 le.ad' a.t lialf tim e.' - Moothart., the c ancd l.ati 9 n blew th11ee rvthmef;(ic al rendiiti-0ns for I _.. b'- d b th o _ . · Tbt· l oss, both of htS ""'. roes::: i'..' n al l eft the g;ame i.n the. final period, Ve1v'ick and. Pu gh - rlur.ing o.11 '° as propose Y e ma : he a 'J id1enre S t>:tn:'-a.y mg ht. , tt" th :11our · h "· · o ha wo.n1en. / D" Ie °"' ;cho·'•, st· -'ent of P ei-.u c·c' se vic es and socxal val ues, 13 o.n<;

t er comm1 mg e nec ess ary ·1this first canto, eac vag g rn.,,; a g uar-

personals. 1tet of fiefd. goals. Hege-back, B rock In the second c\isc t's:ion

(C o ntin u€:d on Page Four) forward, contril::.ute'.i his team's only affirm ?. tive, Willard Shumard and _ selection with

l goad .d.urin g the initial p e.ri-o.d•. Dv.ii g ht Waldo, .defe 111ded cancell: tion !'lace in the st ate trombone con test. 1 me nts is yet uni:nailable DR J. STAN LEY BROWN / Cc.ac h Eciie's re.se rves pl 0 yed a full "pur,e:. ly r.con omic" rea:o:.s. · ou tstan<l,in g soloi;ts repe-atcid \ ADDRESSES MEN half of the after the rc guLr Aft er the disc.msions, which were t l- eir se Jecti o ns at the evening per- / • -. five had hiked· Peru's adva nt ag e out- somew1" .?.t N:d:ors T.o re st the au.d·i:nce, J PreSid£nt Pate's · r • si.de the id.anger point. Leahy, was ii:vited to g ive cnticrnm on th= k ·st t hey shC\u,J.d become tirt1d o;fl just I "S ome Observations in the Making d f th ame on mat.er1al presented. The new aspec t_:; listening, Wm. H. Hohmann, one o>f O'f Me1it',."w.1;1.s·it,he Slllbject o.il an ad.- guard, was ' e g , f I J h f-0uls in the third pemoid. that are involv ed by a process 0 · e. 1· ' the j1-dg €1', .l ed tre entire g roup iri d res; b'Y-".Dr. J. Stanle.y B1own to t e' Velvkk, with 16, and Pugh w.ith 14 minating a nd· by recen t' s in g in g t.he chorus oil "Olid Black j Mens Club last Wednesday . . t I ae.d the Prepster scorers. Crof- events was discussed. · I Joe" .a nd "J.ust a Song at Twilig ):it. I




· f present oppor un- _, ,a II

A cn.rnpar1son o i! th ford Brock florward, scored 8 points The Om 11 ba squ r w1

titi es with those of some o. e to his team's attack.

Father Dies

As a


d.o we stand? We h ad. a g ood d ance to show our a biliity in that l:ne wh en the enter tained so mrny of the M. I. N. K. co ntest nnts. Did we trealt o ur r oom guests as polit- ly a.s we alw.ays "tre.at our home g.u ests? Were they m ade to :flee! th at\ the r ooms .in whdch th ey were to stay w ei-e at tiheir disposa1-that they were to feel ilree to come a rud go. as they lik e.d.? And in the .dinfog hal1l idli.d we tre at tlhem as our own dinner gu ests with .q.uiet C:dg rnity th.o.ugh tlflul attention to their In fact, ,d,o ,you ,supp osei that the co ntesta nts we re able to return tp their hom es feeiling that th.e.y wo.u.1d Lik e to coJ,Tie b ax: k anoth er t i.me-th at they co.u.ld honestly us on our gr ac io.u,s m id-west ern ho s_:- i t.!'1li t y? It's sc=etr.ing to thi r. k abo ut -1his establishing a .di $1;ri ct-wjtd e r ep.ut ati on.

the America n. The chil1dr en are The par ty sta rted with a p r.onoun 1drawing and the various fo r.fleit g ;; me .ais .a,n ice.br.eake·r., The costumes. p ri ze, a box of ca.r1idy 'hea:rts, was won

Log cabirts of cut p,ap er are -.a l,so by Lor ruie M<0 oth art N ext a verse be in g made by th e third a nd fifth contest ""'.as he1d w hich en r iched Len,. \ gr.ad es ore Ha rris .by a cand ,y ibar, an;d; g.ave , Do i-is W ci r a chocolate dr:u m st:Iic k

How Jong it tak e, yo.u to cook as a b ooby priz e. An e>nidless story s upper? D oes your save yo ur 1was !Jhen started 0which w.as. i n:deecl heeJ!i? The fo ods c lass of th e s even th/ e n.rll ess, as no one fin i$h ed it. Clayan.d eig th gr aides · ;is 1b eginn ing born Mort wc.n .a candy 1bar ;fJor the to prepare l unches. The g irls plan- r "'airangi ng of fiction · c·hara cte;rs CHATELAIN' S 'n ud and p rep.ae.d a supp er of cr e,'3m .Mlt.er the celeb r ato rs h aid made v.::1- J EWELERY

From the not.es taken by Dr. Penom l App e ar ?.nce. we f.fr:1d that a.t a 1 tom a to with cr.ac kers ar.id a ba- _·by p::i p€.r te aring, rei!resh- yo ur money buys he discov&eid. the sponsor seem ed. at a loss •as to e x.ac tly n?.na s.da:i. They the ments were se.rved, .a nd a g;ala p arty wh at was his c1u ty A:fte:r noticing th a.t .he was st r.1ct)jy ig nored by v irt- pense .mvol ved. The class B .learn ing came to an e nd. --·ua!Ay the gu ests 'he .d eciidro hie muJSt be sort of puolicema n. His P ro- Ito. prep.?:cre s uppers first th_ey I In the business me eiti ng e.ach one per sta'tioR r.eall/y oif oa gu est. of to wh om all t he g uests I w ill progress _ to 1TIOre com pli cate(!. w:as askec1 to .brin g for I have greetin gs up on their ar: 1v.?.JI. al1Jd express.fons oif .appre -1 onas pr ogr am,s and. id eas for earnfog ciat1on up on t:hear id eparbu_re The da ff, M1ss Ma nn e rs .an.d Miss l!ltiq.uette, money f1o r pins feel t hat the next pers cr.1ption th ey w odc1 w,ish to make wou)ld be for Gi-rtems fo r the d oth in g Uab o rat}: e stUJd e nts to reaJU ze j ust ex acfJy t"Jiis p osition otf t he sponsor Oif col- to ry, r ecita.tion r oo m, and d in ing lege .danc es ·arud oth er ·affa,irs and -by th eir com tesy ;1iake it a posjition af r e>.">m of the home econon".jics .depairt- KODAK dign ity. ment are being ma.de by the gnide g ir!S The curtai ns a.re otf He who. laug hs l aughs best" The ,Joss of Profess <>r Car.t.u will- be kee,nJy folt both h ere and 1:1ls e- 1 or .mesbury cloth and w.iH be. d eco·r a. '.'_as ahly proved at• the spectia,1 meetwhere H is was not the kind. of 'fr.i e ruds.hip e!!Siily :forgotte n,, fu r te d. later. \mg the Ko.d,ak cliub \ ast Thu rsday pleasin g per srna.Jity •a rtc1 s in ce.re :fir.a n kn ess issu eid fr-0 m the h;ea rti I \ The men of the clu.p , h,av -

As .a teacher, 'he exceM!ed. a.I way s to er e.ate an atm.osph e'l•e

ribbon. 'This ribbon w.as then cut into sm RUer pieces -.a few 00' which we.re pLa ced on 'Qhe s lide. The s.l]de was· th en p assed t hrough several solutions which ramov e:d aU o;fl th e parafine a nd d ye This process requin1s 2,bo.ut tw elve hours to be c;ompleted. fi e_Ld, . a g:am e o.f football bein g the m

of the first eleven and W J 1 3. Falls Cit y-Billy. l\'Iorsm an ,

S medley capt ain

g ame was closely contested and to an

i After all the p.a,r.afinei w as r 1: mo ve1d and t .he spec:im ens were i>Ufficie ntlq dyed; they were 'examined and all poor speci mens were 1discar-Oe,d. The cover gla ss was then placed ov eor the sp e cimen .a nd it was se aled arud labi:>bsC'r ve r it would seem as tho the • _.,... .i <·- wei· l t h d b ITrombone

And little Audrey just lau gh ed and laughed becau se she kn ew there w ere a bt o.1! f unny th ings she c ou:Mn't put in t he pa per '"'""·"' e even y ma c e , . ut CaptP.in Moritz, by a skilf.ulL . m ane.uv- 1. Tabor, Ia.-Ly :l.mll' Sh;:irp ers, won the game, the score being 2. She nandoah, la .-Sam Brciwn 12-2. 3. J;>er.u-J ack H nelto n · eled. H. M. Humb otdt-Frederi (:!; E is

Dr. Winter .demon str ate.cl the free E llic.t Ma r tin _ .8.nd Ad elbe rt Town- d · "t d h Ba ritone Horn hand methoi! o;ll m ii.king sltdes; using sen visi e: t e Normal Frida y., B OB KATZ MEOW a smaLl twig for the specimen, In 21, a nd renew ed acqu a intancEs reKi cls.surely get crazy notions into •this m uch simplier method, the s peci- m?.ining ov t-r Surufoy. When they their heads these d.a,ys of mens w ere cut by hf nid, irito very thin were. ab out re ady to return, S unda.y sections. The se secti ons w·ere tr e"t- eve nm g, t hey found that their team we'.' th er. Some o;fl them re.al\y think - h d d e:di in several sohtions to remov e the a. eser ted the'Jn, and t hey we re 1

1. Blair-Bett.y Mo;1t.s 2.. S ben.anicl;oah, la Merle St rom .3. HumBo,ldt-Wildon Ste.i:ner H. M. Du Boi s-Avis Far well it is spr ing, I g uess Why oth er pr ti _... ls d th obligr1d to r emain till Monday. i Vbla daru before this l ast co.Ld. spell Dean ·ese_rv a ve allJU a o to ye · e I "' A-"" 1. Farr agut,. Ia Lois T:urnh uU th · ONTEST A STT'"O""SS 2. W illiams the c <>mpus ha v in o- a gr eat t.ime.. e specim en was p.lac€1d on a s l.i:de (C '- '<-- .c.

Feed, and G


W. H.


PHONE 36 Deolze11 a nd I were t r.a mpi ng aro und specimen. ru."er being thus treated/ MINK C -·-tc folk;, I h ea1:d :! nd t he c over gl ass was sealed a nod onbnu ed flrom p age one) J

sa:y scmetb.'mg rubout De


other day that l though just 1\it h im The i:neet,i.n g pirov ed to 1be v er.y m- th t .F

r ig ht Th is person said "Why you I

: l know Dea n Delzell is ou1· own .ose pi esen1l. Sev eral of the mem-

and S.atu r day is ICello I . , , · Ith ,

ty Marc el.le Deaton \ b ·f T . B , F RIE>AY'S RESULTS I wm Rogers!" And he is to o, fo l.ks! I ers


u-Dcrothy Bu r :.n·idge ' \Ve w ere j ust hav ing the b e.st ti me Refreshments :vere serv ed at U.c Violin 3. Council Bluffs-Marian S)'llith talkin g when s ome m en cam:e .fo r :od' it;he meetmg /by Dr. a[l(I Mr.s- 1. ·Gret na-L eis Con ner H. JYI Au b urn-.M'ari an J ohnson• Dea n Delzell to show them th e c am- Wm•t:;r 2. Co un cil Bluffs-E st her Stein- (Continued on p·age fo.u r.) p us So le.i't me to tr amp by .my- PH ILOS ENJOY b.urg / sel-f 3. Farr ag ut, I.a.-J\1 &rg aret Ste- BAPTIST CHURCH. HEART PARTY wart I sauntered down to th e .ath l etic fie Ld a n-d was just in time to see Dean DebzeU w.aving to som eone .o ff in the The PhiJomat'hean lliter.ary soc'icty Bo ,5 h ills o ver the word ALupmi on the h eLd its r egular m eeting in th e hdgh I J banks. I stopped and watch ed f or school a ssembly room T hu rsday a while. De an soon went up nig ht. t he hW with these men to whom he Heart.$ w e.re the theme for enterw as show ing the c ampus. t :.i nme.,n t. Flc rorence Martin giave

Th at w.as when you missed s ome- .an ,i nter esti ng report on th e orig.i n af t hing, De an. Why not very long af- V.?.le ntin es, an d. comp arEK1 !!;his with ter yo u. le ft this fell.ow hik ing to.da y's way o.f prese nting it. :):,eJOna ed down the hiH, and, oh, .11ol ks, I Hu1dson sang an appropriate numper, j ust though I'.d di e laug hing! It did- .an d, the rest Olf /:fleetin g was giv-. n 't take hi m long to ge·t to the bottom en over to gam e: "Hea rts," Miss

M. FaLls City

Voice .1. Pl atts)'llout h- Ge.or ge .Ad am.3 /

Nebr aska City -J ohn H ci nke

Peru warren A1d ams H. .M. Sy racuse-Charley Pet. t.in g er Small String Gmnp

F.aJl.s City

of the hiil, because he got ha lf way' Kento n rec·€Jlv_rn g high s c?re Pia no d · d th. 1· d _,, _, th e FLorence M iartI.n the consolation pr ize 1. She nand oah. la o.wn an · en sa1pnei auou <>lllu r est o.f t he way. You shouEd have j seen h im k neelin g there in the mud! / HOLD (Oh, I forgot to mention tb.at it was i REGULAR MEETING t erribl y mwdJd,y under t hose leaves \ and once you start slippi ng d -own a The Everett literary .society he1d its hill it is rather :h.ar.d to stop.) f re g ul ar m eeti ng in the little theat.re And, fol ks, yo u just oug ht ·to know \ T hur siday nig ht _ wh'o it wa.s He's a sop homore. a Off.icers for the next s emaste.r were blond .d own here ftrom S tate Don't el ected.; J oyce Grub.b presi.de nt, .A<la you know, M--, th at slips td on't Brady vice, Hu ber:;. Filley count. And it's terribly har .d on lig ht secretary aru1 Merl.ie Borch ert treascord s too ! Better luck nex t time u l'e r. The pr, g ram chairm,a n .is Alice Well, here's Dean DelzeII to take Auxi er. me home now. So long- I .Mr. Jin.d r.a then e nte1'tained the I Ev erettE wit h t he fo llowin g viol.in

2. Brrc'hard- WiUm eta Sl oa n .3. Elmwoo.d-Mary H. M. Palmyr a-.Ailice, Coda H. M. Syr ac use-Ruth De Lang Bass Horn

1. Du Boils- Ire ne .Seilbl'ing 2. Shena nid-0oah-Rob ert To.u gh,rey 3. T.aibor- Elvin Zi mmey H. M. Peru Elizabeth Sul tzbau,gh

Syra cu es


Humb oLdt ALPHA MU oMEG'A Isel ection s, "Mex.Lan a.", 'RoSl3r,y' a n<l HE LD M'F)ETI NG " The Ber gamaiSter." Alpha Mu 01:neg.a hel!d .its regular Re fre shm ents we re served at the F lute meeting

raye r changes •thing s,,

S und ay F ebru ary 19 : 9 :45 a. m. chu·rch sch ool. 11.00 A. M. morn in g worship. Sermo n Wh en Men Pray Music by iqr .a nd Senicil" 6 ;30 p. m. j uni or study, a nd Young P e,oples Discussion

p. m. union serv ice in

PERU AND CHADRON SPLIT EVEN limin a,ry to the P er u BQbcat N ebraska j. i "B"

, flrom .page one.} J ' Humbo1dt is r ep.ute1dly a team of Af4er droppJn g their first game to I re ? I class this se,ason, numbering the Bo.bc a't'S 4.0-.31, Ch aidron came ·brck · ,,.- •t nromrn ent oppc nen'..-:; amon.g i s stron g Satunday afternoo.n to take, the )Tieaure o.fl tJhe Lorbeer five in a victi.rr+S Humb:o1drt; is one otf the :fkw game O'f 5.1-34:. j te,v.ms that have plaste.re1d a defeat

'The bi g gymn asium was packed, on the Bqbkittens, w.inning an with a record br,e.aking crowd. estir ' season a:q Humbo1dt by a cl-0se ma ted at 150.0 fans and M. I. Ni K. Musjc Conte.stants. The marg.in: d I Velv1ck an company are set upon game thr.u out the first was play- th ·th th l t ed on e,ven terms wuth n ed t}ler tle.a.m evenrng ·e score WI · scar ·e h Ld. tr. f . t 1 d ck1d sharp:hooters f!r01:n Ridwr.dso n 0 mg mo re · .}'. n a our .porn " Count and t he .atne shoua,d prove McGreg or opene:d the s corrn g for the b y h 1 g - to e .a t ir1 ter. Eagles, 1but A111drews and P.unchEs come back with a pair o.i1 lon g shots 11hiat g·ave tl)e. Bo bca':s a lead. How- 1 ever McGrego r sank .anoth.c.r a nd Bartl: ts free throw g.a ve the Eag.Jes a slight Pederse n scornd from mid fi e.or and Cap nain Priefie'I't ,c1,r,bb1l e1d in :!)or a set up t !)'ive the Bobcats their secor.d Le.aid. The lw.lil co ntinu ed in a turn abo ut aff.air w ith Chadro n ouQ in front 19-17 at :the close of the ha li.1. The Bobcats flarr rid up at the start o.i.l the seco11Jd hr Rf, w;iA;h Andrews a nd each scoring a. field· to P eru. in a 23-19


FEBRUARY 2J· 1843 milk a nd tlv who .d·o not.

We .a.re m et to celeb rate t:/tis !day. W:!!sh.in gto n is the mi gh tiest na me on sfo ce mig hti est in the ca\l.'le o.fl civil lib er ty; still n1iFhtiest in mo ral i·eiJo

ke i mposs ibl ei Let nonle att em pt it. In sol e,rnn aw e pr ono nnce i,he name and. in itls n aked, deathless s plendor )eav e it shini ng en. Lin coln

!The class has Leen wurking on a breakfast .uni1/. Last we.elk they pre- 11

cocoa an.a served rolded oats

Tbe seventh anc1 eighth g ra ::le fOt'd !-. I -:hss has been ma kin:[ a study 0f I are learning Lhe

different kinds, values, method" nf j The Kc1r.1,"'.k dub i.s cert ainl y an upand W '!? S fo prepare in ' an:dt- c.omJng- origa nization.


s op er stitio.us girila o,f) Hearts ; He n ry Sherman, Kn ave olf P eru PI-ay.e;rs were h .1 • ecce ntr.idties and hobbies Cl'f S.in - co L11d e,at pe.a i:e.i' ull y as t.hev we re not 1 1 GernJid. Cl a,y.bu.rn, l(.i ng of ta in eid l'OSt Th da · 1lppi Y enter- PE RU CLEANERS & TAILORS cla ir Lew is. She wise.ly ch ose· to. let a,U eating a tl one tabl e.. Th e c.l ass 1 and Al/fr e1d Stra w. Page. The play g iv·en burs y lllv

annexed, .anothe,r wrn to th eir v1cLo ry Hopley as M.aurya d.i.d the cutst..and-1 Chaidron

st rin g last Satunday nig·ht, Fe.>Jruary 1in.g work. The Irish accent o.f her I PErru


18, wh ein they bested Conch Hc ff' s I broken tragic voic.e hush e?· tl: e ::i.t:d-. Humboldt five by a 23 to. 11 C·Ount. · ie nce to .a dee.p SJlence,. Her quiet Io·:ried' over ti.he 113.st. of her five sons, The g ame was s l'ow and •d ull, ,both B "' l (G H ,., · ) h h aid .a rt. ey eo rge aS1(]ns w o ' , • I tea ms passmg r.agge clly rr.1ssrng beern daimed by the s ea mrde the : ii ma ny shots.. part er pecfa llly tdi ffic.ult. El-0ise N oa B _/\ s L(' r= -r BA l L '· "Johnny" Rai lsback, so uthp aw fia -,h ais N ora 'AJ?a B.ra;d,y as Kat hleen anid I - I\ r \. L .. ' of t.he PTep q.uinte.t st arted the scor- , a g roup .o:fl men anid wo1)1en : Edna I !9 . . . lJarma n. Helen M.uU1en, Truxton ; 1ng when hIB shor. fr om h _, H d Ph"IJ " the si.de fu umd t.he m esh es. This ga ve ::. ow ar. ' i ips com p ""'- 11 s t d N •g h t F b 2 8 tJie Prepst8!rS :: leia.d thev never l'e- 1 Bang! N ot on ce 1b.ut seve n-eig ht I a u r a y I - e. • linquished. Then Velvick aicMe.d. a pair times. F ire-smo ke "Aicltio n!" Th.at I :;f Ji e.Ld g·oa ls, folfow e.d. 'JY L eahy an·J was the l as.t pl•ay The a udiience (pe st I Pn u·h· who each garn eTed a two- I edi) viritually -booed I .- • 1 th e a nnoun cer, off stagei an · These combrned efforts fhot laug·hed to i ts he.?.rt's content as rob"- f the Purpl e and GoJld crew out a 10 to -ber.s, pem·t t hi eves, sihk JUche1;s, boot- j 4 lea;c1 ·a·t the i.ntlerrn!ission, . loggers .antd , detectives feJ I :defad at The seco nd h allf was all Railsback, the feet o.fl Cl!yrd.e Knapp Lare w ho who co 11verttid a ll oveir the court to :(l.ecl aretd to his J e.wish P aipa · (Johni bag a q.u,?.rtet o;'fl g o.als amd Wltea tle;y) that the of sibk was I free throws Ve Lv1ck ·al so cciun tied too tamei.. What he 1c1es1re di w.as act- I one b.ut it was an off nig ht, for the ion. He got it! I stocky liti"'.Ie Peru ca p tain 1 Th.e mak e -up o;fl all the char-

The ganie was .a affair, Re-' act ers was especia-ll,y .d-0ne I fer.ee Got ab c·aI_!; ng slix :flo uls against' I P e.ru, as c'b_mparEid tlo H.umboLtlt.'s · Elevein t eams are e.nteTed in the I so litm·x one Inter-mural basketb all to urne;y ga m es I Ra I! sback .an.d Pugh per;forn: ed are pla,ye1d each eveinin.g from 5 to 7. I crerdita-bl•y .for .the. Prepst ers, while i First intlar1:nurail game played

the Huff crew / Da h.er ho.use the Gaines Pe ru .(23 ) fg ft fl p'lll 1.(R A R's) 37-21. Rho1dus was high (c) VelNick .fl - 3 0 0 6 I point man for the D ash ers. · Rari ls back f - 5 1 2 111 Le :i h,y c - 1 0 1 2 THREE GO TO MEiET

Fergus, H.umbolld.t f'o rward. sh one f or 1JVIon;d,ay at 5 P M. g - - 2 0 0 41 I MaJc.rs g· - - 0 .o 1 0 I page one.) j Cowel[ 'f - - - -:- 0 0 0 0

Williiam C. Bagl ey Columbia Univer - I T.otal 11 1 5 23 ' sdty1 I Hurnib obdt fg ft fl pts i Delegates from Peru are looking Uhri f - - - O O O 0 fo rwai-di to see.fog MT. J. A. Sto d- '• !?erg.us 'f 3 0 O 6 '1da r.d andi Joy J\II.org.a n, f.ormer

in the kinder- o:JJ su.perintendents meeting Minrf. ,· "ReiJ.igfon is essentially f.l): e'

gmTOR-IN-CHIEF M. FLORENCE MARTIN garten.. One little b:oy when asked,

· J "Where's your little sister? an3wer- Assistant Editor :. Wilma ames h'

ad, "'She home bootlegging,' The

· 8 S i W t h . d id ild,,

usiness Manager qu re n son was muc 'L surprJSe .an • sa .,,' J

now working on cover€1d wagon. I w.h11.U they could ido in stanEINSTEI1' ANALYSES US

We g et l")O over words and orators and Thec chJiFren have the s2iJ. dar.d p·oetry An ' e:1ter ta:ining essay or 5' hbrnpire dance ar.id · - n">w "College Me111 wearing Hats" was not enough excited pra1cticing the intricacies o,f thei min- given by Clay.b.orn ana Vivian

over ideas and intellige nce.

That is a brief .summary of wha.t Pro:fussor Albert Einstein tcld world abo ut AmeTicans through th 3 ra -\io waves two weeks ago, in a broadcast s ent out -fr.om Califlornta where he is now engaged in re_vealin :; some o:f hi;s kn'o.wledge to specialized s"midents. It is evid nt that the noted Relativity the-orLti has stepped oub o-f his - spec ial field to ueti : Shlaes read her idescription <Yf the I Church Scho ol: 9:45 a. m. Preach·

• • • 1 Gr and Canyon. , ing service, 11:.QO a. m. Vi.olin instr uction the j H these members keep up their Every Third Sunday night at

ten 1s already pre.due.mg ple asmg i·e- 1 w.ork, may have so_me·mora p. m., un io.n service, s.ults. chlldr ,n can !'.-lay noteworthy aattors ·am "ng her fµture Choir Club everv night by n ote on this instrument. Gera alumn i. at Be nfo::>d' :o exp ose a :flew revelations of the curreint American •a t1<itudeL G'ua ham is Uhe stu:dent teacher Einstein is .far flrom bein g done in his beli e.! that Americans are "word conscious", that they lay..-t o powerful stress on the importance d! The flrst grade play house is fi ·KODAK Prayer meeting, We r nesc'.ay evening "l: 15 to 8;00. wo.r .:ls and slo.g am. "A gl,g nce at .th.:· names and slog.·.ns of th z ad\erti>· ished wit.h the e xception of the p?in t-1 i r. g w.orld th!'.:fr i.mp-ortance in t)':e n at ional viewpoin._ Cert ain w: rd ing to 1be done ,and tJte curllains to be Pictures of p&Jple'li! were r pie wi thou,t any consideration of icle :i.s b .ing the classroo m. It is ab.out six by meeting o.f? the 15• "Please "Come ye apart and . J. W. Hende.r.£ on, .l\.:_inist r and names "hav·e faculty of ccnn Jtati ng certain d efi nite in ' ns to pe .- an.fl hun g. The house is ·! uilt ve r.lc:-1 _T-hursd.ay eve\U<mg at \ 'Take Technocr.•.cy, for insta 'l ce T0 some peopl e me re m )nti on th ; nme -feet, The rooms consis.t/ 0:f a 1 1 the n:w _m e mbe 8 were miti bed., and A·dvertir;:;ers word symbolizes salvation; tlo it recalls a pic'Lure of c\a.:is :a.nd in°' ta- kibc_h.en and a bedroom. E01ting is the pictu re s of the pas1' bility. We indee4 t?ke the trouLl ! IX> prQbe the ideas, new or ol i, which x:lone on the outside. The child- The vi_ctims were seat.ed I ar e to be e.xpounded under th.e ,ab: ve h e.!\ Q.ing by v.? ried writffs an.d ora- ren are espe.cially proud cf the h Jt s) on .a high stool, and bon .b rd ed VI' Ith tors whieh they have of or an ge all of q-t:•e:.tions concerning I_ As soon as the wo rd Sc1cialism is mentio ne:l rr. any people rra prone cr11.tes and. painted black.. their mtJmate hves, then arud n ow./ to shout "red!" and "communist!" without ,stopping to rea.lize th.!lt gf o l I WheQ_ ti- at, tortur e ce:ased., they were clothes are notJ the only criterio ns oifl goo d tLinking. The tit! · is sn atched The study of! tlravel has h ;ien place:q.. in embarrassing si.tuatbns, J up on the attitle.de <>'f,the indivi dt' al and no re.search or stud.y , O;fl the sc h- interestfug to the\ second gr de. The and pictures supposed.ly ta}en ell ject matter is ma.de. c: hil ":.·en have _.df.ne speci,al re-a "ing them. -

A more pleio.san.tJ aspect of the situatio n is t he rr v?ilin g te d rcy ?. bo.ut tr.!\ ve.1 on trains, boats, .and Finally they were duly instahletcl of college students to stop an.d probe the ideas .and subjects ratha · tha'l · buses. They have w1·itlten both in- and 'llhe reg.Illar business meeting probrand t.he oratirn or writirg without consideration. Many college s'u 1divtdm•l and group co)Tl p°ositio -s con- ceeded. Plans were ma;de to ho}Jd Uho dents get an immen£e pleasure :from t !king about th 21 va ri )I s prop os·ls :cerning travel. -. ns have next at Miss Te E> r's h ouse s eeing j ust what ma,kes them operate, on what basis they are .deveJoperl, been hought and I-1 ac.ed c n tP-.e bul- take irudoor pictures O'f h.er .flurn and· the reswlts of' the;r trial lEtin boar.cl. - Iitur .•.

If a nd when n ew devel -pments '.a re made to meet it is this colleig-e .attitu.de which Ls g oing to put them over. A simple

That is why much o.f Uhe

ea n in g on the s witch-bo.a r.di.

C C';fJ Mr Barrie's sus?ained powe 11• es ks should be c·rderly and we raig L yl e tells us t hat he- wei g- hs

Wend:y" are Good pictun1S, like g oojd music ·and ·Of'26-'27 will r em em be!'. l\'.I rE Cr Lr .a s -' l't t · • - a memo ry of s ome imaginative story gorn 1

ur(\ mspire the child t ).'vlarj orie Lynn of Shenandoah, w l. o

L -:: ok," "A Kiss for Cinder< lla," "Qua. .a_rt cl ?.B!;i • We :must search f.or ·beau

A !urge numbe1r of P,ru al mni lity Str(oet' ', "" 'en im ntal Tomm.y'',.an ·. ty in our homes anid in the arpear w ere in a.ttend.ance .at the National otlhers as well known But it i3 his nn.ces and m 0 nners oil ourseh-e3 a rnd-

d 0 · M 11 r g11 ret Og ilvie tol.d· her boy when 1c es 1re to · ·O betUer t hing&. at te rnded school here. Mr Craig· wibl M he was very young. I onte Gene Gain, s, a stu.ce 1t in ha remember ed -a le ·der on the cam- h l it has happened · Th e Sc ctch a uth or ;flr:im Kirrie,muir ·t: e art c ass wrote tile ilollowing par pus wh.o received h fo in 1927. has g iv en the -dram.awe wort& "Ali ce agr aph. "If yo.u cannot creat He h-al.3 b€e -.1 in the Cody Sit by the "The Ad r ir b €• auty, le:.rn to enjoy anid appreciat public scho ols. Cricl\t on", "The Twelve Pcund it, is the mot1to of our eighth g rad e e e We wish to C har les P enn y i.lo r fire c hiei.ff -of the P er u ·Ren-free D epal'ti:nent. He p romi ses t he bH;t of seirvicQI

N. E. A. meetin g at , M!i.nne-a polis" ,flanciful "Peter P.a n" thrBle•d to bv othfrs." W.as Coach Lo.rbeer c lever w h=-n Supt Ml. C. Le:f!ler, Lincoln rea:d. a c hilc1 r e1n, lov ed by their .dr l'.'s an i i he ca 1 ri ed, aU h is, b oys o ff to Au-burn p·p er and ga ve addr e.sscs bd r. re m 'J th -·rs, th at has been chosen by tf·e FOODS to s€e a show w.he n t hetre was a p er- A. J, StodCJ.ard, Supt. of sch;-ob Per u Clu1b as its sprin g i f ec tlyg o. ?d colleoe da nce on the cam- at Pr o vi denc e, Rh ctde Island wh o r2- !'1 ?.J , March 17, to all M. I, N. 1 CLASS E•ERVE SPECIAL DINNER \\ US1 Tb e. girls thin k so bu t .of ce.,ive -:/ his .deg re f3 Jn - 191r0 w:is ·also K. contest?. 11ts wiJJ be sp ::-cial g"ests. -e th · · l k J w ! Dr K r. emg ·e nterllain e:d Miss Peterco urse unde rstand that it w .a s .one e spe erSJ. all for t ::ie h.o.:-i.-0r d t he s :ho ol! On:.- '88 is Secr etary and Gener- STUDENTS HEAR 1son , 'Dr and Mrs. Winters, Dr .a nd l M f\ th N E. A Mrs. Smith at a t hree co ·rse m .;. st to be an a · an ager 0· ,_e

in '07 has been Interesting matJeri al on Gror.ge 1d inner in uhe home ec onollJks dinin g re ql e ct Eh:l ' supe.r in teU.d eint of. the Washington as the leader as· the Mrs. a rnd Mrs. Smith at a three course Say, is old c us to m o.f scho ols at Gra nd Isl a nd .and ha.s beeri man was presented by pr-0 fless or K "' hn room. 'The -decoraticns

intere :stin g items: W.h_y 1<3 0 we call washin g ton a head lettuce Y,ou know, this yo un g, bn ne..t;te The Phil ci m-.thean Socie'ly will ob- "p ·ea:t" m an ? And th at rai:'es tho rolls jelly Miss .f'rom Beatrice was getti ng her se rv e Cha rt€1r Day on March 25. An fr rtha ques.ti0 P, "What is gre,at- Washington pie his uc: ry rn ixed up w.it.h h er c am pus- excell e nt oro g ram i.s ,bein g prepared. ness ?" Mr. Ka hn pointed out tha"t m ints nut:B t ry. S·be kn ew tfi.e rd:ay before h2-d - whHe W·ashington is i-dolizeid -.for hobe.en G oorge. W.asbington 's birt hd ay The mili t ary departJDent has resum- nesty, for tiruthflul ness patriJ t;s :.n ThEre are twe n.ty \ and in her abs en tm inded n=ss s he e:d ac tive wor k. The oltd guns in use were .not that ma.-le per centl more in the pl a ce-1 must have t ho ug ht tl'i e re we re fo ur· la st ye ar .h ave nee.nilly -been replaiced hi '11 tr r a.. N: 1 ther is greatness , ment bureau this year than lrs'fl Quite Geo rge Washingro n's in Peru ins tea i wit h n ew ones A part of these are. in a par ticular line o:fl · Ia number a

M'. C. A. re cently elected. g reat leaders. e is ,., s a co urse t ere is no nee · · · •. .:J • t" But in c,ase 1o ffic er s. J. W. JVhH er was re. elet:_ted )l'l

" u do n't know, he's ·th.at presiden t/ H. L. Ba rnck, is vi ce tdoes gwe a c an oe, or ea- e · som e <Xf:l yo. t . . ":i ' t· T S. Rub



La.so home g.ame of the season, Coa.ch Edie's Bobkittens derl'e ated Coach Priefert'.s Table Reck quint.et Saturday ni g ht, •F,ebr. ary by a 51 to 15 With Capbin

Velv ic k looping ele ven field go I-, bolste1•e;ct by Rails-b a ck's eig ht the P €1ruvi.an attack pr oved to .much for their orange clad opp onents The way the Hob ldttfns co nducted t hemselves durin g th e must have ' brought recolle.cti ons of past Peru quinte-ts to Cc acn Pri efert, wh o hims elf c.o ach cd tw.o hi g hly efficient Prep t e.ams, in 30·.31, and 31-32

Tabl e R oc k sta.rted off with a bang, h oldin g a 4 to 0 l ead befo re the g am e. w 2s two JTi inutes H owever, Pu gh .a nd Velvick soon e vened the count,, a nd fro m then on it was Rll Fe


Cal der, Alfr-ed Knapp 1m I' .?!, OstE!'ii':lo r f, R l mgo· Schn i :1er, Sextet--Voc.al

Mae Jones,Arn-Old Prok op "PET ER PA N" · r.Stroh and web b: I ove n's

STOP IN f W.ar man House ·.Moonli ght

Hd. Hatche-,r (mgr ), Heitz, 'Fnher, Rain

1 An Indian p rin cess, Ti ger Lil." lives _We*!re. and Landholu. I - KAPPA D ELTA Pl I Wo.rk ing .?.nd

(Continu ed from p age n ei. ) Eth in g ton, Ri ggs, P, nn,Ey, N,ewto 1 1 1 _ ·-· t he diid cease, ,,,,.,

with her b rav es i:n thre for e:t n -:l Christi an House

these en gage in .a mighty b.attle "i'h I er. risti n rng:r). r- I (C.ontinued from page one.)

.ma:de t his lanid

the p irat es Tige.1- Lily is captured. sons, S a.ale, Genzhng er, Goerke, r ace. The schoo.1 h as ·aJI .ages, e ven Safe flo;r m ei .an:d you I f bu ll by P eter's cl eve r strategy, is sav- IK1"rns, E pleiy, Souell, N Eman, a nd in clu:d.in g the "g rand mother cl ass." I I e d. i Den.ny. iThe aim o.fl the sc hiool is to bu i1d de- The Ju nior met Th ursd" y. I Ha rd wo od • We n.d y, Jo hn arud M1C' hae l., mt.:ch .as j Av (lneue Bach do rs· · mocracy.

Febru.ary 24 Th e .me mbers I they en joy t he wood1l?.nd lif e, g ro w . Whitt ( mgr) D. Kn app , A. Knapp '. The gn<atest prob km in the scho.ol Ied to accept the that tf:i.ey I lon esom t• fr.r 1heir 11 oth er an d talk- Poatm an, W-t lhm ic k, 1·a ·d ·, Cole was to offset t)le Negr o'·s hatr ds of Ipresent -a chapel program Wc\dn fsda y, in g the :Ir.st 1ho,ys, .all but P eter who D. Blo unt, H. Bl o.unt a n.d Bu r r. ey. work.

April 19 iv.arc ,U.s Shurtbff, L eroy f' .does n't wa n+J to g row up, to fl y Gr ee ne House M r. Tyl er fims h,eid h1 s_rev1e.w by ICole an d Florence, Martin were ap- \ b !> ck 'horn €• But 'the.y· are c: .ptured ! P:.ek <rhg r), Bowell B anks, Gillila n, qu oting an ol1d neg ro's opini'o n <xl1 the lpoi nte:d on .the prog r :?m co mmittee. by the ter i·hle pir.ates. On the p·i- Ku hl, Haski ns, Ging I-rs, Dr ake, Story te ach'1_'8 ; re he re to I Junio.r Se n.ior banqu et committee\ ra.te s hip they a e aboutl to be· .rn 111de Fergu so n .a nd Shubert. hft our ch tk ren u pstai1s. r epo.rts ,c·orum me i• the r 2ma.ining to wa·lk the i:Ja nk wh en Pete.r Fgain Wild Cats The re'l1re-.shm e nts at tihe ckse o.f : !J;inet . h . h J . H . ( ) 11 " '11 L . Rh h · . h ii Ed w1t h.LS cle ver n ess save3 t .em, PS p.r n )rgr , ml r, eY\is, '.c- 1t e :rnee.:tmg were 1n c ar ge • 11"1. :: Hook me ets his en1d .a stn g!? Je d·us, Rohrs, Fr Shu mard, Cook Mr.,yst.r ick, I-l':> rri e.t Ann King·sol:over,

wit;h. th ei cro.co dile a ppetJt e frr "Sno ok", ana .Mlill e.:r anrd He.l en Gil be1t. · I · h im is at la.st satisJli e ci Walk er House • -------'--- I f - · Back h \>m et .Mr Dai1lin g is punish -: .McVickers (mg·r), F.au l: el, NEW MEMBrE RS AR E


ing hi)11se111 !by liv in g in tthe c1o,g ken- 1H. L o.ke n, L. Loken, Erwin, Fe .ry, EL ECTED BY PHILO nel be.cause he fe eLs r,-sponcibb f r, and · Lubric ation the J:o ss odl the chHd1ien


an outstandmg pfay- · F n Cit Sacred Hear.t ·.;it Falls I str an ge noises and

sigh.ts gcmg ities of "God's love tbro.ugh natur<:'s I up a con!:itit.ution have it approv- er both in bastketball and footbaij Humboldt, Palmyr 11 , Jul-1 on about the c·ampus, l ast week. 'The be.au ty." Lucille read the j ed by :he Industnal Arts while at Wy,more, !:aptain in j ia.n, Shubert, Stella, S.alem, Johnson, I entire g roup of new_ members poems w\hkh wecre used m t he Peru- The mted'est of .the frate rm y in- b as ketball during his semor ye-.r. P :: wnee City, Ohiow.a. Cortland, I req.u.e-1ted to appear m full dress suit, vian of 1932. • creased to such an extent , thlat. !ast Last year, as a freshman he held ley, DuBc.is, Tecumseh and· Td ut dge 1 wearing an overco.at and ;hJ air "ell Her f av orite passage in the 1hble, ye i: r an attem.pt was made to a ffilrnte down the center p.osition for .the Bob- V.ariety was emphasfacd in arrang- gro.omed, at the flage pole on the c amThe Love Cha.pter" in- Firs.t Corinth- with The 1?car cats, b'ut was shifted to guard , this ing the pregram. Plays been I pus each noon, to sing tbe color song. as read for Miss Clark by Gen- orgamzat Ion mves .1g.ated the Nation- year scheduled for morning, afterncon IA check-up on late entra nces to classw ·n al Industrial Arts Frater nities and : and night there being twel ve pl ays 00 shows that .a few of tJ-1.ese new e v1eve r. "-"· Th N t" - I 1 · I · · · M . quiet ly and di g m- fo.und there, we r.e three. . .e a l, n-




I and none -Of them a·repetiti-0n. Enter· ' members tarri ed on their way, m ush· f' ed t:! was found in al Fr aternities ex em111ed awl WAR , I ltainment as well as the v.alues to erin g their la dy. friend s to and from :E . " a v:ocal solo by l'vlrs. Del- the r eports were broug1ht b the at- S LE An, I p articipants themselves w. s taken 111· : ' venu;;' ,;C Jation" a piano solo te.fon of the kcA fnt., nit". The , WJLDCAT 1U.J' to con<idmtinn. I Semd ot;, club mcmbe<s had tM zell an AonsoK Th'e trin.,. loc a,\t men decided upon EpsHon Ii I ' pleasu .r.e of hfwing their ro om ckan- by H arriet nn mg · " " 1 b Ohi d 1 • I · d Ch in's "Fifth S.ym- Tau located at Co um us, · o, an THE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS ed up frr the first ti me this year q uar tet playe ap sent , their petition in tc be approved I The be ys mtr a-mu nl ba!;ke t b _II I SATURDAY MARCH l8 J (1933) Then just to le.t you in on a p )1ony" r e was presented t:e by tl:e N a.tio.nal Board. of that tes ms p.rovided p Lnty of tln iJl ; th•: College Ilittle ,;inside" dope. Tt.e new One lo v ely o.;i tributei by Dor- fraternity. The petition Eent m was week with .a few up sets. As a resul ,. 8,30 - Cla.ss B Fhys bers are. getting

used to bt:rlap Mis.<' Clark with t s ac.cepted by hlt!e National ard of the first weeks 10:30 - Or tory in place of the he av y flanne -3 otb;y y· W C. A. give we we.re notified of the American Vo- two t ea ru :i undefe,'.tt

" The gnls. of the iss .'Esther Ann cational Association meetin g to be

' I L't a f She had been · held · the g ym t' Frid'ay by lhe lg quality appeals to that so.me mg, 1 But it rem ained l'or 'l ·;es i rna n--- 1 · h istory pro lodge "and socihd w.orkouts t , ' .Marjori e Co ::i.tney and -I.a u makes them. beyeve lllt least' cle Bobbie GreeH wa ld (hi1t',s elf) . to a ctive in .a of

C )l of Peru Chapter of the with nrn.e.lett; eshmen stars , 1Jlie Bob- ;! n Slinker. These overtones cle ver- STOUFFER WINS IN , Lenn Loken, Dale Pike, H 1rv ey Lopast matr on mb.,,.. of the P. E. of pr.omismg r d Co • ch Gilk- a d to ' the audience the GIRLS TOURNAMENT ken and Robert McVicker, as the fa. Star a me .,.. n<l

We.-kly at Peru State Teachers College--

I in the gym Ma.r.ch 18. '.Phey are cedar chests ai:id radio inets. The seventh grade are doing !)orne-mech'anies jobs. '.The - fifth and sixth g-raders· are making pigeon house$•., i


and Angie- ·-

· The pupils anc;I the student teachers of that department visited tne greenhouse on Thursday, March 9, to watch Mr. Gr ossheme plant · They a ra preparing to plake a garden for tlieir nex.t tfnit of work . t fi ve could be a Jrnro and hero- been planned alre ady.- Tbe J\f. I, N, Y: ? Then that Sp.anisli K. is in their hamds again tbis i.ne did you. H Their Way"-d.if- 1 Speaki


T.o be a stude11t publtcation has been the aim of the Pedagogia n this year. The activities of e i; ch department and organization have found their y.1ay into its columns. N0 g roup ·hills rec eived speci:al JI0w, ever, the .Manual Arts and Dra matic departments have · contdbu ted tht major portion of -.vrite-ups editorials, train er notes, K<i!)ers and other articles fo r this "Tl-.e Dram atic-Manuar Art§ Issue." 1\. is they who are sponsoring bhe coming Dramatic .and Manual Arts M. I. N, K, Saturday, M:ireh 18: So it seems most fitting that this issue should be devoted mainly ·' to them .and their work. • '


Indians, then · in occupation. The· That w.;s

Twin Oaks, under wbic this· to old Peru

· Knapp'.s -big

ceremony was performed, still Oh, th.at balcony! and ol!, what a thriving. · · play! Zip .and spiritl, ycuth an d old Up on the :District School-ho use hilf age livin g, living, li vi ng N one the students to see U.ru' other than the "Roy.al Famil3" Maythe olf tl:e Indians \be it wasn't the Barrymores but bluff which th t'Y call :d hke:; Peak. might have been. At the foot of this bluff the river A shriek, k11ives, and a then ran. great da rk bird come.s winging a.ts

Later, when the town sprang up, w.ay out of the chaos of .the French one importar;t W'IJIS R ev.obiion-"T:l: e El Fl m·n50.'' uated where the ra11roa.d station T.h!at was bomec-0ming m

now is, while the otl:er was where is o nly an idea in "hie m 'm.d

At a t e.ach'er's institute in an Eastern city a teacher said .that, in his the Post Office sta-m:l5 'T he v ery first' of Go<l",- fu nn y philosoph,y of Peter c.pinion, "the trouble with the public school sys.tern o.f today is that the house was pointed o.ut to tLe gfrls, ISt.andish. :but when you.'d spent an are afr.aid the the principals are afraid of the. a nd w ere that evening on "Berk:ley S quare" superintendent, 1s afr.a1d of _ue school committee; are afr.aid of· the co!mng- of the r: il.road to Pc.ru, , .P_egan to if mayb e h: was.n .L th!e parents, .the parents are of tHe children, and chiLdren l re the town w.as .a thri vmg, we lthy. rig.ht 0 1', and tble great white w1gr:! afraid of nob ody!" · river-town. With t-l:e ad vent cf the 1came in .ag ai n. Looked p retty with .; .railr.oad, h owever, Nebr aska City r ::.- .those dresses to J. B,y the wa.y did pidl_y Peru size. you know that .all those • c ostumes I THE TEACHING JOB

Take· a big view of yo ur job. lnfluence character, influence the lives of your students. The obj ect of is, two• fold: (1) To impart knowledge; and (2) to influence In tr.e ma.in, it doesn't make s:o much differen<;e whet is taµg ht, as it does how it is taught. Teach the job for the boy's sake.- Lewis Gusta.fs.on, formerly princip al ·Kansas Ci'. y Trzde school.

Filled w1th r-0mantic H; 10ns of were bougiht and made for less th at those old da,ys, tihe g irls walked <' ow n ten d ollar.>. Someibody b.a,s an eye for tne east .i nd west Main cf PEI'Ll bargains and a ha nd for .sewing. in the '!JO's, then a o.w n to bi: ild- I E very pne of those pLays just sor.t in g which onc.ei served as "tfr.:e re::eiv- ' of fitted the time of year they were in g station of the N egro slave3 who gi ven and the for whicihl tbey were tr an.sported across· the ri i n· 'were one was just a 1 fr<¥n Missouri thru' the f,amoi:s little more .ambiti'ous than the lastDR. MAXWELL DIRECTS De_lzell, the club sponsoJ·, e ntertai ne.d ·"Underground Rail way.'i It was a little more finished in li ght ing, setLOCAL MALE CHORUS the members present with .an inter- ·h'ere that_ John Brown was men ting and action. An:d n ow tlhey're g.o1 • • tr.ansportrn g slaves by tt 13 route. in g te gi ve "Peter Pan". Spring-of ---. estrng account of His trip to Italy, es-1 Some months l ater he P.xecute:l course t1h!e boy from the Neve.r Land Under the leadersh1fl of Dr. Max- pecially to Rome He ls · d · v· · ·._ , - · - a o 1e v1eiwe m should come to Per.u when flower:>' ._well, a Community .}Viale Ch cr us com- th · ' ' e main events in history of Va- begin t.o "stir a nd gre en leaves burst / posed of faculty members an d the b as- ttcan City. · ACTORS VISIT WATSON fo rth. It's a n'oth.er step up .t he Ladder iness men of Peru, niee.ts everu Tues- Pl f f t i of prog ress Say those .P. D C ., -ans or u ure m eeti.ngs were dis- · · • " , ,ers day at o'clock .at Prof- cussed. W: atson e njoyed them. Watson :ha".e surely worked on that stage. essor Benford's studio. In this man- whio? Enjoyed wh

ner a feelin g '.lf favor a

relati on- This g roup_ i:net ag ain for a s hort Watson, .Missouri, proveJ unu su l' ll y You know wh'at rtl-ait Peru dr.arnatic sh!ip is bein g established between the session last evening, responsive to '"Six Who Pass W"hile club is work ing

Pi·oposal." The ;c tic'm of a ll this ambiti on on their '.

upon by their g.a}- ALPHA MU OMEGA lant providers, girls have found man- Alpha Mti Omega initiated new Homer Hatcher, constructed a cedar u.al activities very fascinating, enjoy- · at thJe regul ar meeting. hned walnut chest la.st semester that · able, and prac.tic.able. 1 Th1s was held in the mathematics m erits recognition fer wor: m "1nsbip A girl's interest in. shol;l work, we ro<pn. Mondaiy night. .&.

asked Helen to ma:rr,y him JUSt to see i'f Sitte wa,S engaged She wa.;n't. · and design. Last summer he con- may say, is two-fold. She has .a prac-1 The meeting was in cha1·ge of Virstr ucte.d an occasional t.able of equd tical interest and .an enjoyable one. gil_ Bugbee. The evening was spent igerit. A girl h.as .a feeling of ind: pendence in ,)M:r. Huck condu.eted

· In fr ont of the Christian c:hul'ch w.as this ann0uncement: "Christian E_ndeavc:r meets Su:nda,y evening at 6:3().: Subject, 'The way of gr ess.or' ! Gilbe.rt Cook' w<ill be the leader." when s he know.s tihli.t she .can h.ang a i the c.ontest and Rutheda Dysart w.as Ralph l\ias0n is ' also making a ce- picture witho ut waiting ·f, r a man the judge, Each memb.or cf th.e

dat lined w.alnut chest. I to place t he nail; when she can make nin g side received two ice c·ream cmOth e: r projects under co 8 ·ructfon th:<1t trellis or ft'ow er-b.ox that sih'e has lets, while those of the received at 'the present time are, an occasi:mal been wantin.g for c;eve:r; l ye 2 r 5 -but' only one omlet .eiach. by Bu rdette Cowell a nd a wal- John couldn't find time to make, I - ·nut buffet by Orville Buehler, whic h .and when she can varnish. th0t chair I PHILO will match the set of cha irs he made wirnich would have to be discarded be- I The PhJlom.atnaans initiated new I

Strange.r: "Do you have to hpus la:;t s c-ause of its shabby co:at. • members Thursday nig ht in the High t h.at b.aby bugg,y all the time'? A working man, of c.ourse, is too Sch.o.ol Auditoriu)'ll. Initiation was in

Lewis: "No, this is a free-wheel1°ng L R w ti' d t " tt " h f th P'' "l e o,y ebb h as been doin g some re .o pu. 1:x around .at little odd c ar ge o e •11.t ·o Cabinet. job." · work on th.ei Baptist Church· BullE.ltii.n j'cbs t hat need to be done. ! After the new· members w.e-re tlliken

BGa rd. The pleasure a g irl ·g{its from mctk- in the sociej;y, the rest of the evenin g woman- the fJiirest. work of the i g so!Tlething really u£eful is almost w.as spent socially led by Edna M-re I f. Great Author. Thi$ edition is lar5e, Last semeste.r Dayt.on Whit e r ore · immeasurable. To ' complete a fine JJnes. a,.pd· t1 o man sh.onld be withou t a turned se veral Lble 1.ami::s of pi.e::: e of work gives· .a girl a mu.ch / Refreshmerlts wer.e serve:i' at the in Pe;ru walnut; pine, and cedar. Nift.y f')b, greater .thrill th,an it does a· boy. ·w·hit.! He a lsct made several t.oy course a g irl enjoys. too, the idea Of close of tihe meef:ing. t.hlat I

The poQr fle;a, he knows for th'at all .his children will go to rlogs sure h.ors-es for Christmas presents. can do as well as .a b oy in w the is common\y thl:l.ught of as a m • h at TRI BETA a n's / ' Tri Beta held its re-gul ar meeting in Biology lecj;ure room Monday nig ht.

•."IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL'' The bankis are close b d ut t hey will open. -We will lo<>'k for yo.u th en RICE & THOMAS (Under KINGS BARBER SHOP Your Patronage Appreci ated Ha ir Cuts Now 25 cents Un der Barnes Pharmacy

Cor.al Hacker kept t h.e ht hes busy work. turmn.g walnut, nu,t and frui1J bov. l, - • ·n After an important business meet- Betty GHviwhich have netted him n nice sum of ing R.alph Ca rson gave an instructive talk on t he life -of Rasmus Darwin GROCERioES AND HARD· AL g.randfather of Charles Darwin Dr W ARE SUPPLIES. MISS MASHEK GIVES CELLO RECIT money.

'The coeds of tni:s fine campus laud the g ym as a g.ood place to retaiin th -4 school girl fig ure, b ut not the g it-ls alone use the gym for keeping doV1--n the c urvf!s Ask a few of t he fac ulty Helen Wrig ht is taking woodturnin g and there are se v era l g irl.o ta king .au to-mec hanics, bc:,ide ,: the reO'ular ;·hls ary WO'Oci.turning

J Winter continued ,llfis talk by g iving at .the life an d works of Ch.arles Dar-

ive members if this isn't tru e. ri: as

Imagi ne yo.ur ohlagrin at b.eiing E:ent to the b o.ard to write a you h ad misspelled, not only c.nce m ust it be w.r\tten but five times

The metal working class is g etting some fine practical w.ork in cdd met 3l, sheet metal (involving soF erin g ), forg in g, plumbing an d welding with the tc rch.

On Tuesday evening, March 2li, 8 p. m., Miss Sylvia .Mashek will g a cello recital· in the college audit.o .ui:n. Miss l\fa-shelc is .a senior and h been very active in · the music.al tivities of the campus thle past ye Bef.ore /she came to. Peru she was stude nt at the University of Nebr ka ,and Pomone College in CaliJorn Miss Mashek studied cello unde.r Pr

Did D .on Duryel!I fee.I small? ' Don't feel bad Don, is morp than one great· man that misspE lls ofessor Gray at both schools. words.



VARNISHES Miss Gera Gr.allam will acc omp a ny her at t he

BOB KATZ MEOW Sonat.a in D .Minor Marcel fo

In tracing tl!le development of Lar.go Say, -Dean Delzel!. wb.at is tl:e paints, a pason is s.tru.c.k with the Allegro m eaning of all this n:oise :and racket facts t·h at certain matertals h ave ha.d Largo ·h ar.o und here'? W·hy, it's dis turbin g a do,ninating position thru-out Presto me so I can't even sleep peac ef ully in t }"-e prep aration .of these / pigment..'i. Celet ra ted Air

Bae -I just barely get £e.t tled Among threse may be mentioned iron And a nte from D .Major Con ce r to fo r a nice' snooze w h.en I hear .a clat- oxide, - :umoeir, .o_chrei, white lead, .and I --:- g ie t e.r a,.nd a -bang down in the direcJi ori lins eed o·il

Faur it's a "Hi-Ki Yr.' or an "Ahoy, there between st.ones. We g rind ours be- rVito

I Serenade Badme Gabriel -Mar e -r d d • • t I Df the Mann al Arts bu.ii ing- or e""e The ancient ground his p1g men s , Lam e.nt'O

Poppe ye lubbers! Fire· and Brimstone!" in tween p.ower :driven s.tone.'1. H_e lf! ix- / the direction of t.he, Auditorium. ed his in wooden b-Owls.. '"'."e. mlJC ours / DEBATORS CLOSE SEASON 'What with th.at and the ydp of .a in hu ge· wooden vats with power s s. few d'ogs and ·the strumming of a drive.n pa;ddles. .He had only a / Puu men .debat{lrs fini sh.e g1uitar or the beat -0f ,a drum and the few pig ments which 1'4e generally mix- the.ir seaLSon wee.k a serie clatter-clatter of buggies and wagons, ed with water; our meehods involve l·of d e.bates· w ith Mi.sso.un school tln t k h.as been .a frig'ht. And the use of a v.aried Hst of pr-0d.ucts Ru cksd ashel, Shumard, a nd I abl.J!, to get a wink of 1 whose so u r,ces .of s upply are as wid e- under the of Professor Na 'h · 111 l se aralted aLS Canad and the Arg- bol1S, ,m.ade thkl trip. sleep thraug ;1't a . kn that the y t'i P· I dia China, Russia, an:d the I On W ednesd ay afternoon the Perlt "W hy don t you ow en ne, n · h T - • · ' d D U •t d Sta;te"' affirmativ.e met .t e, ark10 mens neM I N Ki .Manual Arts .an rama- m e "'-I • ·

· ' · · t S t :d ?" Th year 1914 marks an epoc·h rn gative and women s neg.a ive m con

hes Contest lS to -be nex a ur. ay · ; 1 t f the Americarl sec


(Continued from Pag.e one) beginning of .a birtliday party cele, I brated 'in J:bnor of Virginia Vance, and Virginia, graciously enough, in- I " t• k <>round" f r vited everyone t-0 s IC '· t he fun. r 11 Virginia happy, c.arc.fr.<e, it e playmates arrivea in a group fr.r tJie I big occasion. And what .a i't was' Even W1lma Jacka occas.1on · · there but, ,ace.or ding 1.o her owr1 WM • » ;statement.· "jus.t came to eat. The party began with game :---"1 re '! y;;u," a nd "Playmat-l?i, play with me" I - for all to jcin. Af.ter the gam:s, came calls for individual entertain' ment. O'S "Re g'lar Feller" Dor.thy took advantage of the opportunh! I te,11 · of some .2dventures- 3' p c1 11 · A t M1'randy £.a;l f II co nce,rmn g un · ·. little Je annette Barrett ventured .to "speak a piece" but became qmtej frightened by such .a large crowd Th.en, aft.ea: some coaxin g, Ann Kingsolver and Eveyn Brec ht played a violin duet. A fi g ht w.as \ brou g ht on wh;en

Yonng .a nd Vera Shulenberg di.d some• tilrnl::-/ ling to the gre)at deli ght o:f the

The festivities were spoiled by b ·t one thing; that was the dampening of -spirits by the of o.ehme,

33-29. 'fhe last game wrs ment of .music of Peru. easily won by S.toul!er, 44-25. Few b£ritones have been endowed

The v-arsity team was chosen at the /\ · w1th !Sue.hi a rich voice and, such re- v ..

The team consists of Davey, Deaver, stage, .but rn conc,ert and -recital he I • ' . Ebbers, Galloway, Goddin g-, Jodry, has that ra re. ability. to· cre · te an atRowlison, Stouffer, and Wil es. mosphere wh11ch Yent.abl.Y tr>rsports I 1 the audience to the ise(t'ting a.nd scene ,.

· of the oelection bein,g given; r/ ATTENTION His cai:eer has teen nothing s'h rrt ·i .Mild weather experienced durin g of phienom.enal; fro.m an Itali an youth th.a past few weeks caUlSed nany·, in a st:ange, land'. whose one prized te nnis d e:votees to ta ke the racq ue ts posse ss1on was his gorgeous vou'.:e · fr om the press a nd vis.it the courts. a nd .a de sire to sing opera, h·e ·hM I The nets have been put UP. on · the risen to be one of the best known concrete courts,, and are ready for Iope1:aitic i_n Americ.a to di?.y.· I usage. The use of the courts are 1So impressive, is 'his work that o.ne

r.estricted, to those who pay the re1 reports· of a new. - re.le ___ .; quired nominal We do kn.ow. tr a:dt1ti on of the I With t:l:.e comin g :-f th£- r C\le but .be willmg to accept Rosseason will swin g into ·fdl stride. interpretation .as authentic and a I · · Many men enthusiasts a.re a w'il it- comp ara tive model if we pre ever j i.n g .a cb.ance to try fN the - vnrsit.y called upon to appraise· at.hers in .the · team. Tennis h.as rightfully been nc- same part." corded the r -! !1 ks of a mnj nr sp o1-t The visit of this spletndid F.rtist in and regl:hti 0 1 letters are awm·ded PE' ru, therefore, should attract many I to tho.s e who win the required 1 music lo vers to, this concert. !/) matches. The inte r-collegiate sch.ed- I ule has not. as yet been ccmpleted. IF YOU DON'T _ GET A SCHOOL : Coacihl M.axwell anticip,ates a lar ge I · d f. hi.ch to make his fins! It is an assured fact that all of us squa iom w . l 1 t : \'/ ho want to teach next year will not se ec 1ons,. I T · · l · luded in the intra- be a ble to find .a school No longer enn1s 1s .a so 1nc · 1 1 I t t ent now in op is 1t on Y me.ff1c1ent wh°' are mura spar s ou.rn.am - 1 t lelft over. If you are o.ne of the un- I er.a 1on. ·

Announces TWo F·eatu


Ldom finds a sc'hqol pla.y D irect or of Athl_eti cs in the

Sec ond-Rorn Gerker, Nebr. City rect ed this neg ro tragedy which took whi ch d oes n o.t •btav e at le ast one 19.30, w here he has h.ad charge of WOODTURNING pl ace in the New York Tenements. weak c·b\ar.acter but thiis c.ant was e x- fo othall an d tr ack. He is as:: ii>.ted by I Failur(\ to cash in on free throw.s First-Lawrence Ande rson, Peru The intense fee1ing of the cb.aracter3 cep t io na lly we ll ba l anced and di rec t- "Dutc h" Lo.r-beer, he.ad 'c·ost t he Wildc i;.t's an undisi: .utdi titl e S ec ond--oFred Ro.thman, Nebr. City and th ei r interpretation of the negro ' Coach. In the Bobcats fm1shed Iin their close tussle with the War- METAL WORJ{ING life -dff d much to bring first place to " Sh h 1 ed Peter :Ran had a und efe ated m .the Conferen ce but a . . f M First--oLawrence An:d e rs on, Peru them. d .e fwl? · t th

· · did with t e • • ' . ' · ' ' If • 9 The entire a.udi ence · g.o · Punches Wymore· M erle Peek, Te- · and Roh.rs com pleted the firs

joyo us Captain of the Lost B'!S Stev en G ai nes, Pu ..i; Kn- scori nli',

f the Darling s o , / "E ,, I t hle t in y nu r.s ery 0 1 d neth Priefert, Reynolds; D_le ! Le,. In the second half,.. M.a nag er vy tne fo ll'o w.i ng poin); s ystem I. the N ev er Land wher e. Weindy Al bio n· Ro J:.e rt Carmich ael, Fill ey ;, Hat-cb.e r 's pr.oteges got 'hot', and 1 (1)

as moth :..:_in t he .mystic caive Bur dett e ·Cowel, Au l:. urn; N. er.b.m Ipiled up points hef?re the. ure - - 10 medals. tl e r ed n.ouse and Peter was Bruc e, Arthur Harris, Wy- I w il J£ red wildc ats .g ot theJr .bear l..l gs. I (2)

A bal anced, talented., well diret e' mor (!; Lowell Le wis, Shubert; J; l ; in / Then the

ca st in perfec.t cos tume o.n Stor y, Tecumseh; :tl a ro1d L !i tman,

g "

facti on to the st-.idents, a has been shown by free hand paper J "The M.ay or and the Ma 'li · hm hed pause i11 th e g re at ru sh t0 g·J do s .:: methin g all of t.he cuttin g s. , was tHe pl ay p.resen t ed· to th e P eru time. Pb_yers Th.\..'1,: day evenin g unde r ti- e G 'lb t C k "- ed tl: , h•' d ;:i 1· dire c.ti r-.n l'f Ma xine Tr al·ernicht

When o ne has rea ched th at st (p in the la ddu o.i'. the ·edu cati rm <I l s :;s Lem when he is ca Hed a c. Ile gian he should be mo1e tb.an a g re en d'i.5c 11 u rteous giggler Th at sounds stroP g', bu t an au'Clien('e that b eh wed : s th:).t at ch apel Fri.cl: y med-'3 s far fro m mild Dr. Pel'3(•nal Appe n·ance didn 't even pe-rmit !:is two ass ista nts, Mfos :Vfa nn ers an d Mi:s -Etiq.uet te, to t ake notes on the c ondu ct ther.e. He does not e ve n offer a re,med y' bec.ause he reali zed to do so would be an i ris ult to the mentality of s upp osed collt1g e st udent s. He can only h!ope that· the students wiiH look with xegr et upon that bre ach and do .all within their po wer by tl:eir f i.:ture recep tion of progn ms to < bliter.a '. e that g larin g blot on tlie cond.uct of each person present. i er oo Su'OW e "

a'"-• f th d h t

b' rd - ITbe diffe •·ent but succe: sful r:: I ·n of our gra ES ow o i by their" s o.Pgs He g.ave a sE rie1 cf g i:in g play in lib ra ry t-tyle wzs ·bird calls ·which the child r en I tried. The .w.as f l) ows: ;rhe ve i·y muc h. The class ha.d .Otis Milford, .May or . of d · b · t b·rd.s

Spn nr f1eld - Dar ell Genzhn g er W l· Su!J y ing ·8 OU. 1 • · lie Milford; bi•s son- Ch.J b · rn 11 '.ort, , Gene v ieve Le Cla ir a m.aui.ex -re.Mrs, Ncrwo d- m· de ..._Switzer1.a-:id \ Ru by .Keithley, Ruth Fost r, engage d. v0ry re al to the fou r th gr, de chidrel\. to w t. llie-Mai garet Cla rk. She sh owe.d t l-. em species of wo c.d: car vin g and pretSsed edElwiss w hich 1 f she had broug ht bac k w ith her. TRAVEL CLUB children were also very interested in I v el Club s · t Once agaiin Per.u h as those whom she con,s ide 1s hc·r repr :- · · ,_. · er s pen a very_ ; FAVORI TE ' Sp eci al p ri. es I on Watc hes, Silverware, Dia- I ' moo ds, and Radios di.:ring # I f CHATELAJN 9S I ... JE WELRY \ \Wh ere your mon bu:ys more) 1 1' t ' her collect1on of cf Switzer

g iven by For the next meeting t h(ey are comBut- th ere .is a rub. will not accept t1tese eigiht st•:de.nts the fifth e-ra de histcry cl am Re alistic ing ne.ar J;:olne and w ill -h i>ke .up the as p r.r't.raxin g the scho·oJ. Tl ey look at each one ·of us as .a repr EJ- as thunder and a st_eamb cat,_ study of the. differ e nt ph.a.Ees .cf .tJ: e sentat ive st udent. Wherever we g.o a nd wib!ate.ver we do, peoi::Ie ..are w hJ stle w e:e s ucce ssfully us ed. Tr.e' Capi tal buildin g at Linc.o l'n. MINERVA CLUB watchin g .us. - They are sayin g, "There g oes a Peruvian. "What kind of f .Q,r stud e:i:t teachsc h<>ol d oes he come fro )11?" Are we-each one of us-living up to1Feru'1:; Misis. st an dHd s? Are we shlo win g the world what Stat.e, Teachers 1 · Fri.d ay six th gr.; de g-r es ·s · really is ?' Let's ex:amine om:::elves and our conaucJtJ. Are we living .up I at the pei for rn ance. . ' Members of the Minerv a cluh to our trwst a n:d. true repr e< en t,atives? H. N. very m,ysteriot:s .co nc-E rnin g tihei r last Y. W. DISCOVERS meetin g. T l:eir o nly comm ent i. MORE FRIENDS "W·f tch. t.he b ')n. .f , .af.ter !Sp rin g vac.atIQn." A sp eci I m eeting has been called for n ext .Interior a nd e-xt erior d Monda y to discuss t l:e istu nt fc r t i. e the home was pres e nt <: d in two -t 2l lrs fresbtman p ax ty. by Mrs. Dunnin g and Mrs. Winter .at Fer e ntert.ain ment, poems fi .m

are wonder in g if the Senio

mple ' You will remember that

w.as an w 1U be e.ci:u.al t o. a p.arty" in- I I afkr example proved that genius is icy day and there was a hig·h wind 15tead of the traditio.nal' banquet. I Alumni ·- I not always just brrn. One mc1st 1 blowing. Well, the wind blew and 9f coqrse proh ibi tion h•as· _..__ work and la bor long to devel op the 1J!t!W, the y.oung {0,•ple wdked blitbly our resistance! I t.iny percent he may fortunately ,, on. But such tih\ings i;,an't go on forRAMBLINGS IN THE PAST p.osses. ever The Mrth wind blew a little

There are d.isadvantag es to ro oin- The for mal initiatory !: ervi -e was harder, .an.d Rex's prize Stetson J:lew · ihg with. a tall r.oom mat e. Vi.rg ini.a 1 Ch 1 F - -:-B- k f p administered to nine. new meml:ero: off. Caroline Calder and Me i le P ee k, 1 ================ R 11 h - ar es r e.mon,, ec ' ormer ro-H l D 'tl ff L 11 H t W'l . . ' a _-put t e key IQVer tme door o.f aze 1 o. • uc1 e er,


h·a.ck to the year 1911 \ After a hard hour of concedr.atf d cause he couldn't etar.d

Rex made suc•h a tu.s s th

t th.e A d · l t ll l . ·d f" d th N.ov. 3 C ot ner at Per.u n co up es s ra a ong, an; · rn e / lv to t.h.oug bt_s of town. No d

had to stop at-

FERU .darkest nook, y ou know, I N ov. 17 T.arkio at Tarkilo p 1· of is hclding CLEANERS AN.D TAILORS T · . • . t.. Nov 30 Kearney Norma at E·ru · The k1Il,d of 11 iendly one, 1.1c.ue one · or wh,at time of the day or Rex took the once-new hat, and h d that seems to fit just two, ! · night it is, there is always a ste ady ·it cleaned a nd -blocked fur only 75 j Why th.en yo.u'.d. be tter be so su re and Dramatic Club stre am .up the fong hills and down Icents, and it looked new once more., watch all ro und about -On Tuesday Nov. 28 the co mm <. di- t.hle s"ame lon g hills. 1Margaret thought that they wouldn't For G roeshme'll get y.o.u 1 et t.a, "When Greek Meets Greek'' w.as J Truxton Routh and Wilma Alex- have time to fo!·C '.o the lJarLet shop If yo u · ple a:;ingiy presen t.e.d· with the follow- P.nder :> re the night owls who n7.ak for the hair-cut; so to rea:>sure her, Don't ing cast: l\'Ir. Schofield, Mr. Ray lun- •·it during study hours and hiked wn Rex looked at ,hJis watch. Lo and w.atch Id y· Tom Akland., Mr. Hal GI ·s bw; to Warman's Steak Slioppe for a behold- the cr.l' StP.l waLS broken. So Out! Mi:s. Schofield, Miss Minnie sn.ac·k .or piece of cherry pie. .At to make a long story still long er, they 1 Etta Winningham, Miss Alta Wil- W.annan's they serve ever ythmg took the watch down to CHATE-

It doesn't matter wh!ether you're be- Iiams I f.r om onions and s teak to tooth-picks LAIN'S JEW ELRY, where M.ar v ret hind t he libr.ary, ! "The Klept-Oma '.'i iac" make; J- er first and wate r. Perhaps it w.as l\fr. R :i uth thought the ;money could be stretched Or whether you are parked upon a appearance next m<mth. / .interested .a little further, and soon Ralph had bench be neaith a tree, I _ 1 names m t e1r. ohe 1 1_- the clock ticking as lo.ud .as ever, and htn't • S · .acrog.ian sp ace and havm g t e uc 'Y peer1"ng out bri g ht and· happy Uu·oi:gh If _you're rlancmg wblere you oug At a special meeting_of t":e emors, "' . . 1 ·t " · · d / f ll ' e bers ones rec eive •a tast,y prize. s 1 po its new window. t o, or j.ust standing roun ' held Nov. 23, the · 0 0 ':"w g. m rn sible t hat Mr. Routh wishes to 5e3 1 In .th e mean Qime, Charlie had taken

If you accidently start to cut .across, were elected to the Pe ruvian staff. h' t? 1 Ii ditor- Alt ::i. is name m prm t he suffering lad to see E. C. pi!cwith.out a sound, ' Mable Sw ansun, re g IO 'l S e One nig ht most likely a Saturd y ALEER l\1. D. tne 'Surg eon and PhyIf y ou chance to istay· inside a build- · WeH<>, 15 enior editor; Lydia night, 'all stores open later sician of Peru. Seeing the ankle, coning J·ust a little tate\ I art e ditor; R. R. Rais.ton, cart cdo?tis '. than usu al, Carmela Brogna ;i nd Syl· I th t h · t · L-t y e 1 air • lvinced Dr. McA eer a .an x-r.ay If yo u're stan ding .clo:e to ge.t er JUS Martha G: eenlee, 1 era r. via Mashek were walking down the "''.1o.uld be taken so .that the extent of t · t d1 tor · Hen- · in side the c.ampus ga e, Bertha Lambert, socie Y -e ' t· j long-l ong hill and bdng as s pirits the injury could be determined acy cJ.U' d -Oest be mighty carefol, aml "" Maye ll" edit-Or of funny .dep a:tmen,' 1 w.ere hi gh .and the heels .hi gh and one cirately. He loot no time in calling · b t . ' · - tI·:m e - • keep g1ancing round. a ou Catherine Greenlee, z · I brick hi crher than was customa rj, u.. E. JOHNSON, D. D. S, and asked I · - d' t:o r- Ray ! "' · For Groesbme'll get you ito r- Haze l Tayl c. r, ,g}umm e 1 ' tt, 'Ca rmela tripped on the up turnen sm- ibim to get the ;mashine re.ady for the If you 1 LW:dy athletic editor; -Henry S c?o ·/ ner and fell. Of course, her silk h()se ix-ray. Peek was taken over t.o the Don't Ward 'Nippert an d Anna l\{. Jaimiso:: 1were ruined, and she just.' couldn't other office. After the x-ray was Watch! additional ed·itors; Anna Burch, ste f.lifok of going to the sh:ow that-- taken, showing, a fr.actured ankle, Dr Out! 1· grapber. · Ia:nd Sy lvia couldn't bear to m!ss see- McAleer put on a cru.st and Ch arlie L. (.S.) M. · Cl ark Gabl'e--so they de cided to, to ok the lad 1h:ome. All' is well th at 1 EPSILON -PI TAU on to town and see if he f'OCks ends well.BOB KATZ MEOW HOLDS BANQUET 'I be .replaced. They got a; Speaking of discomfort while walk- ll for as the L. D. Redfer;1 store an 11 b.ut it's fun t.of ru n Epsilon Pi T.au, Industr.ial





of th eir ambi tio ns,. a nd fo r the creati ng of a b atter w orld.



in defea iin g Ster lin g a nd Humb oldt entered+ the fi n.als as favo rit.es to win o ver t he R other t coached te am. " Ju g" Br:iw n'.> h.ighl y-too.ted •ora ngem,e.n led at the half ti.me 10 to 3 but Platt smo.u.th , led b.y Captain Arn, rallied in tll.e :final p er.iod to gather eight J}Oint.6 again st the si x. H owever t he fir st half le.a d pro ved too much of a ha ndic ap fo :i; t he R.ot her t cre:w. from Pag.e One) ing wrong during rain.y seasons when / 1 Dre amer, W ho



second recei v ed .a p bq u.e,the z; la ue Mr. P E.ter Hcldo rf, ;m g·r., to s end up ] fl a.x: eed,

'for fir st piace b ei ng the la 1ger. q :> ,load of wcQ.d ancl ,




Fourtlh Place-Shickley

Pl a,ce-Sa cr.ed Heart ., sa+tlisfied-


Ia nd has a ca st of twelve with which Wern.a.off was

will pro- when .y-0 u see "Spooks'', t he big mys- I .Miss Virginia Milstead ,is fa charge op era 6 Y 'assene w.as l ost her amb ition and. wo.uld have p re· ba.bly be .c ont inued into t his week i ter,y pl ay of t he season th at w ill


f ered R?,y Hall) un - Ei g ht st w:l ents have been workin g 1 \ t he play as a bud- to w.or k. pany the Sig n or, but d ue to illness symp.ath et,ica1ly mchned toward the on these tests .and others will. pro.ha- g et eve nt F.ri day, April 14. 'The Cast WQS una ble t o. do so. Mr. Fr.ank tea ro;odm pay.'ng bly soo n be succes:Sful in p assing Th e story :is tha-q cf _an eccen tri_c Mrs. Sam uel Warren, E velyn Williams Str.awn, pia nist who has played in Pecer .an pawmng e .nng e a · o1d man who died, a wi ll st1- Mfrs Gloria ·warren r.u pefo re was the .accompan ist. b oug ht for Maye ju.sf to pay the g .as th em p.ul ating th at h1i's fou r- h ei.rs- tw.o nep - D orot!1y Cawthorne I Dill w.on "Maye. And D aisy The examination inclu.des fl c.atin g, hews and two niec es- must rem a in Blossom __ .Leota Patter son w eary of nothing to <ro telegraph ed• tr ea din g, water," surface div ing, ,ap- fo r th ree nigh ts in t h.e h ouse occ upied To ny Warren J eanne Slinker itarry that the tea sh oppe w.as a pi·oa cbes, b reaks, disrobing follow in i .by him fo1· .m'a ny years and which / Brant Allen R i:h;:i rd B!ytbe lit" the past by a hu ndred y.a rd swim, carries, a nd had t he .r eputation of bei ng ha.u nted. Lily -- Mlldre:i Film er Dixie cups a nd wa!e;rs were £er ved Fai"lure 1 .n one If any of t he he,irs r efuse to re- Ma,gg te - --R uth Chat elain artifi.c.ial r.espi.rati on. 1 to a ll ma in f01· the t hree nigh ts, his or her C.uppers __ .:. ____ Alva Su ltzbaug 1

Plai.!;,i.r d'Amour M:utini Seren ade - Mozar t D.anza, D.an z-a, Famci ull a Du rante II Se Den za g ula-r memb ers : Leone Ohler, K.atb., u nit means fa.il u re in thle w hole ex- If all of •tih.em .are fri g hten ed .away, Sadie Tweed - Luena C ook leen Colbert, C ll rme lla Br ogn a, Miil- aminatio n. then

The fo llowin g were re c ei v ed 2s re- arti ficial respiration.. .Fa ilure in one sh are is ta go to tho.se who stayed. Emmer son H aw ley - Warren Ad·!l ms


.div ided Mrs. Me rry Ruth Gilliland Aria-Visio n F.u,giUve-"Heriodiade" Speedie, Mark Ebise T he

No a, Edg ar Gallow;ay,

T helma Ann B1·oyler, Edna M.aystrick,

J0sephi ne Brissey, J eannette Ruyle.

Tru xton R ou th. Evelyn Hopley, Mar-

Ral.PJ:ii .Mason, Rachiel Viers, Ne llie

Beth Shc:a f, P.aul Land olt, Ph yllis

-pez, Mildred S.mith, Edna Jarman,

Wilma Jack.a, Lela 1\ilcCann, Lena Fra -T eam te nms

zer, Eleanor Dorotby l e.ge

George l!'aslnns, Geor ge G.ates, Cl ff .and, bznin

W·a1d-0, .M ario n Eliza?eth

Bar tlin g, He len - Cll:ure Mullen, 1V1-e rl e.

B orch ert, Lo.uv isa Albert : strok

Probat ionary members added to t-119 ' d ays We.d nesd ays, .and F ri:d,ays, from

ro1e we re; B elva Carder, l\'largal':: I 3:ao 'to ,are

W inter, R :ober.t Gre-en

s ell, Avery Hall, Rex Rucksd a.s

a nd Cfy.de

--Published Wet>.kly at Pem State Teachers College--

Entered at· the pQstofrice of Peru, Nebraska. as second class matter. Sl.00 the single copy,


Assistant Editor Wilma James

Business Manager

F'aoolty Advisor --------------------------------------Squire Wntaon _ J. W. TylerSTAFF ASSOCIATES

Trainer .Notes

The first and second ,gra es ·a been study,ing .Pirds. They ha.ve been learning their nam es and ing :f.or their return. and ha.ve dtscussed some of their habits

A Pied pjper program was given by the fourth The class been studying the st.ory in Bnghsh and dramatized it for .the third gr z de Gr.ant De1Vore was th.e piper and J. W. ,J\'1c.Ma•hbn was the ma,yor. The other c'flild.ren were members of the counclil) tPwnspe.ople, and rats.

Girls ·a.re not the only .ones who wish to know how t,o cook'. Tlhe seventeen -bo;ys cf the -fifth and sixth ,grades have put on .aprons an.di are greatly enjoying a cooking class The boys wanted to begin cooking first day without waiting f.or the discussion wFi,ich precedes the work.

The -girls have entered the manu al

Anne Jensen Irene Andrews arts shops. Th'ey are learning to ,sharpen knives -and r.az.ors, replace

Garo!l.yn C.alder Dorothy Eckar.d :f.uses, .arid 00 many of t.he necessary Roland Edie home mechlanics. The seventh grade

Marg.aret Winter are making a study of .ro.pe

Dwight - - - :- Hazel Niles work. They are learning the d 1f!e rent kinds of rope and the various

Helen Eaids - - _: Esther I ways of tying knc ts. Soon they will Carmilla Brogm1 begin concrete work. Raddo

John Wheatley - - - .are being finished .Py the eighlth grade Wilma Jacka -----------------Aileen Cox Fred Rohrs boys. They are getting ready to build t11be receivers.

The seven.th .a nd eighth.. grade girls are "plannin,g to serve. a lunch/eon this A NEW CAMPUS MOTTO Iweek. They will :do the purchasing,

A picture of .a crut-ye.t you couldn!t help but notice it. N:ot a friend- planning, prep.ar.ation, and Eerving ly loo king creature but still was .attractive. A line of pl!inting caught 1at the table. one's eye-"D.on't Be Like T'his", That's .a mo.tto hanging in .a certain \dormi'tory roo)TI. Do you s uppose. by ,a.ny chance be .a one Co:llege .art have b.een obto han g up over the camp.us where we co.uld .a1.li see it? Just th.e picture serving demonstrations cf art work of .a cat with the four words? '"!Don't be Like This 1 in the trainin,g school. T·h'ey observ-


But wh at's the matt;er with the Juniors? They should be down hearted. Why sh:ould they be down-he'arted? They lost aU their money in the hank! You're telling me? ·w·ha.t's tw.o .hundred doJ.lars when you have your spirit left! Those have so)Tiething .up their sleeves. It can't be .a banquet but< .they won't fol'.get to honor the outgoing Seniors. Old Man Happenstance .h.as just given them an opportunity to try the knowledge they've g.ainedr and get a bigger education than the clla,ss who didn't have to plan something and that a success for nothing The Juniors ·aren'.t alvne in their t.ri.ak-t.he rest of the classes, the Peruvian th.e fr.a-

ed .a lesson in which perspective w.as taiugh t. to th.e sixth grade ,Mrs Broyler and the third gr a:d.e g ave ·.a demonstra"tlon lesson in which the objective was following directions The c.hiJ.dren cut ,and dre£sed. r r.ab.Pits and made stencils 9f Imes. Miss M.ary Dodson is !'nu.si c. :supe r- I zles and w in .a. Valu.aJ:>le Gift I visor a·t Rockville Nebraska. Miss free. Ask us ab p.ut i t. 1 t Do dson's violin have been do- ( rwrt Jt rpELAIN'S, ing splendid work. At th: l..Jfl.11.. .I. .J time. Miss Dodson is a voice p.up1l_ f JE'UE"IRY

The .grade scho.ol c·hil ::! ren are ing on an operetta, '''Snow White and the Seven Dw.a.rfs." It will be given during Music Week. ternit fes, the :d-0rm g irls- a.I.I had the props knocked o.ut from under them STRING


:when Mr. Ba nk decided to pull down the curtains. But they're a.II prov- • PLANS RECITAL ing theiir worth. 'I'he crowning of the Sophomore queen will st.ill be held, the dor)TI Spring Party wi'll be here and glory be!-th.e Per uvians!


Respect for • the rights and co.nsider ation for the feelings of otiherJ are the .P.ases of approved c.onductl. Where tw:o people are concerned, things enter in as thei foundati'on of p.roper beliavior. Putting one of the individuals oi:i a stage a.nd the ot'Jter in an .audience doesnrt alter the principles concerned; it intensifies them

When one becomes a member of an audience, he tends to feel that responsibility for his personal beliavfor has ceased,. that the identity of his behavior is lost in gr.o.up Of course, nothing oouJ.d he mo re removed from the tr uth; individual behavior is accented. in a gi;oup. It is unfortunately true, however, tJl_at the whole gr.o.up must, in a sensei, .answer fo.r the crudities of in.dividu als committed .in f-0rgetfulness or in tI1e spirit of bevity. · Whether p·hys.ic'al conditions are ha:dl, as thejy often are, or whether one doE1s not like the or the individu als in it, he o.wes to the other rne mbers of the audience, to those who provi:de the entertainment, and to himself to conduct himself pr:operly -B.




A feature to be presented. under the auspices of the Per.u InstruIT.ental Music Department will he iJ concert by the college string quart et. Thfo presentation .is the first of its ki'nd to appear in recital: in the history of thjg college. The unique and c.istin ctiv.e of the tet is that it is comp ose;di entiirely of ci u students. Its members are M iss Ge.ra Gr.a:hiam, first vio1a; Miss Gr.ah.am also is directo1• of ' the g.r.o.up, Miss Wiinifred Pettit, secon:di vi:olin, Mr Cly de Bole, first vfolin, and Miss S,ylvi.a: Mashek. cell0:.

o.f .Mrs1. Gutzne.r in Linc..oin. 1 ll


Easter should b.e a great da;y in Peru. The young pe:ople are. .sponsoring .a Sunrise Prayer meeting .and breiak:fa'st aoq 7:30 A. l\1, This service will be fofi.owed by our Easter ch.urch servic e, with special mu,..<ic, sermon, c0immuni.on and baptism.

'An appropriaite p.a g,eant will be given at the reg-!11ar church school hiour-10 :00 A ..M. 7:00 P, M, C: E. for both seniors and ju,niors, 8:.00P M, union service .at the B.aptjist Church. "The Fr,iendily Church." Loren Dunton, Minister.


To be c-0ntent with the good when, the b.e$t is within reach is to· limit aspiration and stunt the grea t est j°1"5 in life.


As a farwell to the cabin et cffiice rs upon the mat1hem ati.cians of the com'.fo r the past year in the Y. WJ. M.iss ing s·aid, Mr Norwood ill Weare entertained Tuesd a.y e·ven- hlis talk to the members of Alpha Mu i'n g. W·ith four rotating tables of Omega Mo nday n.ighlt Mr. Ncrwo od Hri.dge lli'n:dl one of Hearts. 1ihe enjo.y- was privH;edged to hear j_\'1r. Howard ab1e evening p assed all to.o Scoti;, fath er of 'Technocr a cy speak It certaii nly did not take long f.or the when he at tended th.e 'Nati onal Edu-

"Technocracy depends a great deal to find con,geniul fun togethel-:_ ca'ij.onal Association in Minneap olis

After the lusicous chick- thfiis fall.

The members ?f Alpha M.u Omeg.a

The pr-0gra m will be in two parts. The fir st group of selections w9.ll consfat of four short num,beirs featuring ol!d classic c.ompositions by weJI known composers This includes the first movement of Mcz rt's well kno wn qu.artet in sonata form, in a manner as found in s;ymphony. The second part is distinctively American in th.at the work of Dvora.k, c omposer of the f.amous "Hum oresq.ue", wi!J he< depicteidi. I Menuet.t.o - Ba ch Q.u artet in G M.:(jor

Services Easter Sunday, April 1 6: 7.:30 A. M. Sunrise pral)"er i; the Christion Churc.h 9:45 A. M., Church schools, 11,:00

Ed na J.arman directed the pro- · "th car ing Ni c kolai that Lolita has g one to a gro up of six h app_y - go- lu c ky g ram. the viUa.ge to find a place to stay beg 1rls who wer e to p·an;;· · . The first scene w.as an interpreta t fo n cause she is t ired of cunstant _ m th!• d evemng s m eeti ng N of the Peru " ladies" quartet in pub-wan ering that is so char.acteristic w:orr ied a.bo.ut bofone was very lie appearance. audience w as of the gypsy. Nickolai quite perg · e .ore stran g ers turbecL so he starts out after her, but fo r .each fe lt .as if s he ha d . · ' f a;irly captiv.ated by the soft voices Maria stays him " .an m :ter- CO.L[eg i ate fr iend in ,.... t of Filley, Ashton,

Sc<i.tt, f . J Ohler .and Alexander did. the substi- S l · '-'-k <l. " am es, w.as the "R'c j.uvena.tion of the tice their "D.ance of the Fireflies" .ir.u1ss y via .m a:s1.., · 1sp ua y.ed to Gi r.l!'s Sprin g Outfit." We.are tu ti<:>n very effectively, we tho.ug:ht. At first they are stlairtled by the sight those present at her Cello redtal her k How natur al the boys lo oked! of John, but tliltlir fears are soon van- to play t he cello not only beauspo e· on tii.e subject of rem a kin<T i'$he_d ,"'nd they c.ontinue WI.th thei·r tifully but expressively. Att ired in F or some r eason iihe, peo ple w ho k\ugh t he loudei3t a't som e of ou't pro1 rams which are not funny, are n e\ er- .on ·uhle st age

» The third scene was .a pre-view -(all' '" our last yea r's dresses to fgok exactly ·- pr.actice. T·hle p.arty of which J.ohn is pink taffeta Miss Mashek made .a pxet- ri,ght post-view then) of "'Pe.teir Panf' like the new OJles in a store win:dow. a member come to get him, and b€f vre ty pjicture. 'The audience was an apM • D.oro.thy Brenner bec ame feroci- John lieaves with \../is narty he invites p.reciative one. Miss Gera Gr.aham a rJorie with the aid of her ,... ous Capt.a.in Hook and "out-Hen-oded the gypsies to c.ome ;to 1Jiis "h;ouse th.at 0.rei:;sed in a flowered blue chiffon acgreat, greatJ, big Hobbie Book. Q-.ave · .> M" h - Herod ". But as usual the braggadc cio evening to sing and tell fortunes fo.r compamew 1ss Mas ek. ;i n hrilari ous, spicy ta lk on t he f H the gueists at hl:5· · ho,.,.,e

Com e. Olll, g ive the re st ;of t he crc.wd :1 b rea k! Someone has to be the troa.t .o ook av.ailed not against the .• of ho-bb ' es one mi ght ch•)O£e youthful splirit of Peter (hers df) The youn g people are having a Please patronize Pe:dagogian Le on.a Gi vens had a qui·et ely · · · Pan, Ch arles Penne . y. J·olly time at the Winter's home when

Mi ss Daddel- "E!an any of yo u name · msp irmg messa g·e c1n t 1 e G' 1 d H S The finale was t"'- Spri'ng festi ' v.a1 .the gypsy giirls .arrive. While the fesa staltue which you have s een thiat is · 1 ir ar. e.r 01;!· '"" "' W ·1 J the cr o.wning :of the qu.een of the· tivies a re in the full sw,a,y, Lolita hM • f gig antic size?" a ma a mes had the devo ti ons, and·

1 r ene An<lrew;s-f' '.I'he Sp hi nx .';

Miss D.-" Have you b een to Eg ypt; J\. !ii_s Andrews?"

M;aiy. When "Cub" Gollin skipped in been single.d out by Mrs. St. Joibtts. Florence Martin rea:d th at har mo nious sc.a.tte ring "posies" 'bo .the tune of John introduces Lolita to Mrs. St. poem, The Drea mer. 'Winifrecl J h d th f t lls M St ""' " Tur key In The Straw," thie audien :e o ns an . e c.rmer e r .:; offered a v.iolin s.olo, -ac ::ompan.ied by w as hilaI;ious. But when the gor- Johns her for t une. During the cou i:sa BLUSHES .M.a.r ro n Diller Peru !lirls returned of the f:ortu e te11: M St J h · geo.us q ueen of the May, G.eorgie n rs. · ·O ns home 'flhe feel ing that th ey want Gate.s, entered with hi s, pardon us,, notices .a beautiful lo cket around In s eminar Mr. Ka h 'n ass i gne d t he to t h\e1interoolbeig,i a te frfon :!- "-hiei'' attendants, the twins .and Shu: Lolita's neck a nd inquires .atbout it, f 11Q.1>dng research! topjc to Dor othy ship esta blis hed between Co t mr and m.a nd, and w as er.owned by "The Lolita exp.liains that ·her mother g.ave 'fc. "'t'b.e in - w :Om en's l'er u. D ean," it ne.arl,y precipitat ed a riot. it to her Mrs. St. John continues her J.>r ess .and Archi.te:ctu:re." The first is 'Then t he dance, with. Car- investigati'o n .ab-0ut Lolita .and the (.- sy but-yes those d iets hav e chang- FRATERNITY GIVES micli.ael as the pol.le. Those e.ssenti- 1ocketi :Mari a tells Mrs. St1. John of e._:. l atter some. "WELCOME'" PROGRAM ally feminine and g rac eful girls, Lolita's chilitlhood. At the concl.us-

BOB KATZ MEOW New members tio be elected to Kapp.a De ita Pi were ,invited g uests ati the Say, fo4{s, I actu aUy got to sl €eP, me etin g JV1onday ni ght. t he other m-0rning during ll 50 pe rio d, Greetings to the g uests were given an d then I was v ery rude ly a wa ke ned b.y Messers '.f'.yler iand Corn. b." the "Spirit of S pring or Y outh.," T.he' prog ram was in cha rge of Miss w.iio :mas be en running a roun d the Irene Andreiw.s, p.I'.o g ra.m ch,arirm.an. ca mp.us w earing gree n tig hts ,a.ndi " W.ha.t Kappa Del ta Pi Me ans c2,p ,and an or ange -blouse and tialk- fo i ts members" w.as g iven by Ethel ing ,fo a high falsetto voice W e11, Koser. This ta lk in cluded q.uot afions l ieve it or not, but I' ve unear thed fr.om f.o rm eir members am-0ng which fhe· m ystery about hi_m.-a nd there \w ere: an membe r, :a g.radua.te isn 't .any. Why, 'h€i' s only one of the meimb er, .a faculty ;member, :md a st ude n ts .and the ch em istry a ssist ant, I student who w as looking to l::lu.t hle is only hu man. becomin g a member. Altho.ugh the I w:as so - bec,ause I aut hors of t;hleis e qu ,o t.a.tions were no.t

tl:o ugh.t we had a re al f.air.y .on the n am ed t heir identity w,'a!.s g uessed in' ca m pus. And si nce "Pet er P an" w;as some c.ases by thei.r style of writing. giv en I've r.eally b egun to pe lieve in Herve;y spoke on "Chapter fa ir ies. Say, b,y t he w.ay, thlat is w ho Ac ti v ities". She t o.J.d th.is g roup how t hat guy was imp e rsonating,- w asn't th:e different chapters acc omplish. i t? Ho.w m,a,ny of y.ou .are g oi ng to the ir ai ms in order to mainta.in the J:e lp ;me p unish him '! -W·hw, t he ide·a hia hest ed uc·a.ti on.al .d e.rivatives. Scme of his t hinking hie this o/.t hese actd v itie.s are.: the givin g of m') de rn ;debunking ag e -n.ot·_t he ag e, a rds· and s cholars;hffp in sc hol a.sfo Tif,s---.bu 'tl .the people lliving in this· the in v estig ati ng of ,a.g e. education.a.Ii problems; t.h.e c.oHectin g A nd? say, t -hle i:e have b ee n some, of old te xtbo oks suit.a ble t;o present to oGL'e.r q uite dr as tic th.i ngs or d1anges a Ubr.a.ry of ,Educ ation; a.11d the goi ng :on aroun d h ere That morn- p.artici p ati ng 'of the re g ular business

Eorohert, .Aishtc.n, Haskins Phillips, ion of .Maria's tale it is dis.covered Sa yer, a nd Spiegel outdid thEm elv <s that Lolita is n:ot .a gypsy but the dauf.or the approval of the audien.c.e. g>h'ter of Mif. and Mrs. St Johns, John who has fallen in lo.ve with """ Lolita is very ha ppy .a nd the two

-'main so ever after.

• Locals

here ,are a ctu all y copying each mem be r a very uni q ue a nd c!ev•tyl es and strutting t.hieP.r stuff m e.r "InteUigence Tes t ." Dire ctions '. <)

lJus'Q an Old Fashioned gar.den w,il be the settin g for the Annu al Sp rin g Dorm p·a.:rty this year to be hield Sat ur.d:ay, April> 22.

Aileen Cox completed the work for her deg rne at the end of the third and 'has returned to fa:lr home at Fairbury.•Miss Cox was a :i;eg ular member of tbe Pedag-og ian staff.

How.ard Ferneau has al.so finished his fo.ur ye ar co.urse and has g one to his 1hlome ·at Au.burn.

Med.a - - Dorot h(y Cawthorne

Nickoloai _____ :_ ______ Jack Hazelton

"Lolita" or "Fe,te of the Fireflies is an opperetta composed and writ"Re.d" Priefer t, this years basket- ten by Pr:ofessor Benford Thli.s op-ball captain, left/ schoc.l .at the end of p.eretta is .to be presented by the higli the third quarte-r turning Ms work in school on April 28, aJt 8 00 P. Mi., irt the Dormdtor.y Kitchen·over to Robert Ithe college auditorium, Puncl{e.s who in turn pl'esented the Cast of Cha racters sink w ithf it's pots and ' pans t:o .a new I Marguerite Coat ney m embers of the kitchen force, Meriban Br.uce.

Mari a - Ruth Chatielain

Elaine Ru.th Gillilanrl.

Ro g.eir - Ha rley P.almer

Mrs. St. Johns Helen Railsback

Mr. St, Jolfns John Dunne

Mrs. winters Ruth) Applegaltei

MT. Winter.:; ______ Alv.ae Sultzb.augh

John - - Richard myth.e

1Chorus of Gypsi es: Seni:or Hi gh

School Girls Glee Club: Helen M. Lars on, Evelyn Wil/li ams, Mildred' Williams, ,Eunice Adams, Op al C.owell, Ro.berta Cowell, Jeanne Slinker, Ruth Appleg,ate, Helei:i Railsback, Co atne,y, Glaicl.ys Medley, Mary Math-





The bablifts and appearances of some OLD EVERETTS ARE : . t e'll which are more or freI Calendar - SIX etly founa near Peru discusq.uen I sed. The place ;of wintering and th.ei

Tlhe Everett .Literacy Society met Tuesday, April 11-

Th.ursd'!l>Y in .the theatre. Recital-E. Brecht 8. h'abits were given. Cook further il15 'l'he maetfog was in c harge of the I Wednesday, April 12- I lustr.ated his talk by his peculiar .al:>il· a few weeks away, Coach Gil<keson inew members of the society. & Y. M. C. A. 8 'it to ,iJUita:te the song or characteris hoping for .a little· wanner weather It seemed that a certain , I Y. W. C. A 8 I caM of each bird ·

With the fLrs1l schletluled meet onl.v to enable him to ge'.t a clos er check broadcas'\,fog station was C. 0. A. 8 it company which made it their bus!- I Men's Convocation 9.50 .up on his 193'3 track and field pros- to deodorize the /l Thursday, April 13pacts. cheese. Jnde.ed as port:ayed by the If 1 Fre.shman Clubs 7-9


The Literary Society

'.rry.o.uts were held Friday evening; station i'.· was quite busincss.-;Mar- I p,hfito-Everetts 8 I presented the entert;ainment at the in a fow of t'he events. In the, 100 garet Wmter J oyce Grubb .'All ,classes meet 9,50 Marchi c.onvoca:Uion. Dan& Schne·der, y,ard dash, Cowell, Bruce, Edie and gave to the audience a pleasing se- I Friday, Afril 14- I ,pre&ident, directed the program Carmichael tui·ned in the best time, lection w1 the piccolo. Kenneth. Pace V Budget Pl ay 8 t In the beginning, Dan a: rea:d the while in the 220 yard trials, Bruce, demonstrated Herbert Wall's inter- I Sat urday, April 15- I hi$tory of Philomatbea n, c_ompiled in Witt, Edie, and Carmic'hael finished pretatio_n of a c;dection. Merle All Col1lege D.a.nce 8 /) 1931 by Leo Hauptman. -Some ti.nt erin the ab.ove crder. "Bo' Cowell, Peek· showeld the .o.rg anization how Monday, April 17- (( estin.g f,acts concerning the .organizastar hurdler, topped the "highs" wit})1 he was running a . very dose secor.id I Aij:,'1ia Mu O:mega 7-8 I' tion an d the col!lege were re<viewed in


I & ease :to wun that event, Lutman and .to Forrest Corn on the trumpet" Kappa


Per.u <:in.de rs wihl be with th.e Uni' Doris another daughter, gave K app.a Phi

ity 0 f Omaha Cardinals on May llt the Ph1lom atheans a treat by sh.ow- Scholarship 7-8 /l Thie Omahans .are expected to f ·rr'-" in g s ome of her acr r batic ability as - ·I Pi Gamma .Mu

is h· a little more competit:irn than sisted by .s'."1 who Pi Omega PM 8

they provide:d last year at Omaha. to be m1sch1ev10us es- I Tuesday, April 25-

It is hoped th.at. du al meet pec1a_lly to ?ons. /l Petit Vi o.Lin Recital 8 I

with! Creigh to n University m ?y be rr- 'l'hJS was .also fortun ate m ·1 If ·

. -. .

ran ged, nothing uefotely, havin g some children music ally mhas be.en seti.led. clined. Rachel Adamson played se- COOK BRINGS NATIVE I


The Juniors walked off w.itih eigih!t of t he ten. firsts in the interclass trach meet, which. C c.acihi Edie :held fer the Tr.aining High Schoel athletes last \ve i;,k. The remainin g ever.ts w ill be run off this week.

Several :fanrly goo d rec ord3 were a nd a ltlmug h. the Kittens Lack experience, a number of them make, showin g bef.ore the s eas on is over. The first sch ed ul ed mee.t "-ill- be with. Co ac hJ Priefert's T.able Ro ck t ra cksters h ere F 1'!ilay, April 14, at 2:30 p. rn.. Qther meets expe,cted to be ; rran g eµ are with HuJnbolclt a nd

a is c.i: s ;: e:l by I

lections. t Cook at the March. :09 convo- SATUR.DAY, AP'RIL 22 CALIF. ALUMNI NOTES In spite ,of the fact tihat tihie b."rds are he1•e fo.r a ll to see aQd enjoy, but PERU'S BIGGEST PAINT

As teachns Peruvi.ans .ai·e natur _ l- f f l h b h I C t ew o us mow enoug a out t e

ly. intere.st_e: in the , familiar birds to .appreciate them, article decor'aited

a1e affectm,, educa:trtonal institutions The ini,gr.atory and domestic biaibitis of I


ever ywhe re. Loyd Prante .of Los· b /J irds should be known fc.r ·a re al un- , ;)

An gles, California sends .th.e follow- If

ing interesting information concern- of th.em. Cook, who 1 I h h P f m ak es a 'li.obby of birds, !W1p1rasized '

in g t e recent eart qu.ake b r. ec:s- these thio.ug hts. or Ge'Orge W. Brown.

h"T ·e qua•ke, which a:t1 5:54

P. M. on Mar ch 10, was quite severe one a nd Lasted .in our section for approxim!ltely thi rty secon:ds.. I had exp erienced s everd q11a1' es bdore (a nd seveq1l hundred since) but I h\'.>..d never felt cne 1ih.at picked up the earth and shook so much as d jd ' this one. It was a vivid an:d inter- j est.in g experience but of co.urae. qu ite ,. t!r agic in several respects. Had it p

occurred .tl-.iree hours s.ooner. it wculd I have killed thousan:ds cf sc hool children. Our own home is 1

fmm i.o to 20 m.iles fr om thie area ' which was h ardest hi'b. At ou.r house it th'rew dish es off th.e shel ves and pictures from th.e w.alls.

"Our own school b ui!.ding w.ais not seriously :c.amaged. We h ave several s urfac e cr.acks in th.e auditoritlm :hut :otherwise ttte plant is in good sh.ape. Three of the Les An gl es City sch.o-0ls we.re very hla rd hit--Huntington Park School to th e extent of $375,000, Edison· Jr. High (a.t which school I used to be) $250,000 and Georg·e W1ashin gton High $200,0.00. T·he Board d ecl ared .a week's v acation followin g the quake and the fo ll owing week more than 300 s chools. includ,ing Elementary schools, opene d. There we.re a:bo.utt forty scho ols that did nc.t op en. The Long Beach s ituatfo n from an educational p oint of view is a mosQ djifficult one Just h!ow they are solving it, I have not yet l earned " F.u.rth er ;o n ,in htis l etter he tells of the drastic c uts scho ol budgets so N ebraska is not. alon e: "There have been very dra.stic cuts in s chool .budgets in o.ur section . L os Ang les City l ISchool·.Pudget for 1929-30 w as a I little over 45,000,oao dollars with: an aver a.ge attendance of 222,000The 'revenue requirement for 1932-33 is over 27,000,QOO doll ars with an A. D. A. -0f 248,000-so sa1a1·ies hav.e been re duc ed ab out seven percent." A Mystery Farce in Three

Dr. Coa.tney's h .ome was formerly of the W·. A. A gi rls, Miss 2. Ov'elrture, "Mc.rning Noon a nd nighrJng,ale.s. g,ames of ,all

Wilma Coatney Amsler of Lincoln who were represented as -buds of thla : 3. Cornet. Trfo, "Three· Kings"

111r·" Eth l tree, Shie spoke of t he w:ork f th I

e Coatne", bo 1.. of whlom

a re P.e ru g raduates. I . ers an presented the re- Forrest Corn, Me rle P eek, Dana Old F.as'hioned

spons1b1hties and poss.ibilit!ie.o of the Schneider

and new. "T b . I

LARGE AUDIENCE / rees, sun g y Lora Dicker- 4. Brooke's _ Chicag -0 M'a.rine the cek!o. Th;en t he sl:ow Etatei eJhe Beth. Shoaf .as Marlen e Deit1son, and the poem "Birches" re c.d by Band March Seiit · Y' rich! croo nerl "Was That the Ruman ENJOYS OPERETTA C - z. music of the mmuet was heard, and Th"' t D ,, d " S arolsine Calder brou.ght to all th e Intermissio n I eight l ovely old f h"·

u Louis -.-- j girls the spirit of the forest. 5. Creole rueien - Rill Iped from tHe / Blues": hand rn the fores t siniing At the close of the. pro;gr m th:ie 6. Miss Trombone Fillmore bowGd and t wirled .in the di cr nifie:l I !"- t iny_ hp as to what tom:orr .:iw t heu' wmmng son.gs, a lovely chairman expressed the girls' feelin g l D.ale Nicholls, W .arren Odell I d·ance "' 1 mtght brmg fo1·th for the seniom was Queen loved Ly their leader, her love of appreciation for the hd :;fulmss • Ch a rkts Trenhrolm. J Soon afte th• b' d" I presented by .a group of Juniors for the handsome American c. nd the and friendship which Miss D-av1"d<on 17 Bole . ro · Rav


r is :.ed ivers

Lloyd Perry .as Ora Ferg.u·on was a · - · - oup es eg.an wan er111 g own to. t e fm.al d-1scovery th.at !She .is truly not haa them. club presented The last n.umb.eir is very cutstand- lower garden in t he Recreat ion hanker fi ft een years he nce To his a gyp s!-_all,, made the_ "The F ete of w.ith ·a bimnze statuette! of t!:e Jing, being used -in ,nany profes:ionaJ Here in .a scene of cher ry blossoms bank came Miss Evel.yn Bre.c·hr, t he (,Fi1 efbes a charm1_ng c;,p e ret.ta. Disca.?olus. and vfotets were set dafoty ta bles Charles Penny told the cashi:ir .of the T__ of Ha rpster w.as pr ogram On Wednesday e vening, .May 3, in whae foe cream decorated with. J:lu e- members of W·arm an H ou.se in '33 b:igh school, r'rula:y .Pqrnl chairman f.or th.e banquet T"he dee- (Continued on Page Four) birds wa.s ser ve:! by coquettish c0lo - Tolly, Galloway, Forrest Cor n, Na-0 mi 28, in the c.ollege auwtcrium. or.ations we.re a rranged the ial m e.i. dens.. n Pierce, and Ev.a Lea Kimr.: ey put The g yp.5y s cenes in the f 'J res t direction of Virginia Matl ev.s


in t heir ap pear.an.ca of "future yeai-s". Ch.arming as this p.Lace was, h oww he.re the love1 wanderers danced / And .all h ad s pecial littlei rem em- ever, fe;w t arried there long, fo r teasw.ith tambo.u.rine.; in the di.:sky liaht P.r:of G. Helt Steck, whlo has been




1 br.ances of th e othler m embers of the " ing music was sounding-, and li g ht w ere esn<Af'iaUy outstandi n g. One seriou<Sly ill, is r<>m orted improving at f Class of '33. v"' eet were imp.atiently er ger to e lide f elt t hat entire east ha d been well the Nebr a.ska City hosp$td. to the rhythm age..in. Also a rnr- To iOb tain t he whnte c.up c ake3 with chosen arn1 was quite ta lented. Miss Brenner's adm iniste r- pi-ise fe atur,e wrn be'ng r:erfcrir ed. Jr.- Sr wr itten in blue e ach penson It is ,i nte resting to note that rr of. RAQ UET•EERS PREPARE ed in convocati.on to those wh o. pl r. nn- Lenn and Harvey Loken, Dale Pike-, had to present to the c.ashiers a c·h-e.ck Ro bert T. Bento.rd who su1rnrvi e :; FOR FIRST M:EET ed t.o .attend "Spooks," t o, "sit and Rob ert .McVikers s.ang "Just an si g ned by th e Jun ior p resident, G.

llows: Cotner's racqueteers

D irector - - R. T. Be:nfc rd I to Peru to engage the B.°'bcati> th

li ghts became Assist.ant Directer _ Gwendolyn Pa yne [in their -0pe111ing Tennis contest of An unofficial repcrt at th e i ime of the time to d epart. 'l'he .J:Jfr,ds s to

Gen ar a.1 Comroitte"e_Student Teachers tb:e 1933_ season. Cotner <: efeate-1 writin g of th is .artiicle states that the singing, iihe

folded in memory of a most ni0 vel J unicrAc comp.anists __ Marion Diller, Loi> 1 PE1ru twic e l ast year, a nd ai{ h c.ugh a.rms were broken off of 273 of the bright petals a nd

Tro er / there is not a single member of last auditorium chairs ( wit h

Gast :f charac te:ns: 1 ye.:u-'s t,eam b: ck, the Per.uvians pL t the Bar.on). hislr-> ry. But the g.ay l au ghter of: the P. D. C. STUNT NITENicko lai - Jack H. zelton Serfously tho.ugh "Sp.oaks" wa3 ;n visitors said


DRAWS LAUGHS Me da Do.rothy Cawthorr.e Fc. ur men vya

Lolita --- - Marg uerite Coat ney q.uartet will probably consJ.St of D. was


b.a.ck, Jeanne Slin ker, L ilhan :c. n- 0 ;:r;s chan ces of vie- .as to requ ire his h eirs to rema in in spohlight durin g thei fir5f:l part of the fil min g a gigantic pi ctur·e the

Inci... Helen .lVl"airg aret Lar soaln, C umc11e to.issourta rns.th 1.m 1·n t·his tussle

and Wh

var1ou s s ports ·

k f dI Op o we ry are ra. er s. i · 1 • , . do es n.o.t stJcik to t oo was ully Ad.ams, Gladys M-e e:, Warren Ad- Tarkio has two Mo CoUege ch.ampii.ons

Men of t he Chorus. R d thefr roaste;r bo;th being· in their The cast worked smoothly ancf

ams, G.arland - y ear of 'college tenni3 appare nt e a,se. Some 00 rankin g. -a

fern, H'.arold Sherman, J oh ' C h ).Waxwe ll t)J;ink.'l this y ear .;; tr.le Pe ru stage .g.ava splendid The Wildc.ats and the W ia rman to pl un g:e into its icy dep llhs. W1hy do John Dunn.e,, Alv.ae S utzb au gh. o.acf 11· '"' s trong an:cL probably ma nces. M erle BordliErt rs EJhot House, Co-holde rs of the b Mke.tba ll people w ant to CiOmmi t suic.'ide? T.htab w·1 FJau t eam u 'Y ""' • f h h · d" d Chorus of J ma . ' er of t he l932 performs, he n ce Butter ficl d. one o t e eir:, .J a bid fair to re.tain th eir quest io n was answered in the skit.• Volker Zelda. V;o lker, Al ice the pe od 15ple ndid p iece of work. H IS inter- o_1-ace at t he t op of the list, The "Su.ic ide4." l1"" M th r osp ects are go · · eid · t Ma.ck, Anna Leone Lehrm an, _., arY e P · · Jeted schedule to date fol- pretatli;on of the part was sh.ad . }:16 Warrnan Ho.us e, with Fishew, Pug h, A g irllS tr io came next on the proVanderford, Betty Ann Dasher, The comp righ t) to throw ·a shad ow of ws picwn arud Newton, s hould score

Dorot;h.Y Ann Coatney., Alice Dev ore, lows:

v 1 C ooper Char lene Reev es, Dean May 3 (,Weds .)


€ntered at the Postotfice of Peru, Nebraska, as second class ma1-ter. Sl.00 the Year-Sc single copy. ,.._


--Published WeP.kly at Peru State Teachers College-


M ay baskets .are being m ade Y · c·Hilliroo of true primary and ta ry departments ' of the :I.Ta.min g sc'ho:ol. Many artistic styles and lor schemes have been de.:.ig ned

The third grade have been studying tlt>e\ Japanes e. 'l'he unit of. work cLosed with a tea p.arty served m J·apanese 1Sty1e. The cla£sroom c? nta,ned many objects which the, chlldren had mad.e durin g thlci.r study. A large Japanese ho.u se of pa.per, fans, la nterns, an.d fruit bl ossoms all helped to gjve 1Jhe .atmo.sphere of the W · the ::tudent orient. Mrs. agner JS


·T = da.Yii. April 25, L lJjS t U= • ician.s l\ftss one of our Winif.re.d talen•ted mus ' G a Graham ettit, ac,comP'anied by erp recital to an .ap a fine v10.lj• gave · Be.r pr-ogram t" e audience. p.rec1•a 1v · as the followiill.!F w I Bach SicilionaAndantie CantabiJ s Aria (Una.c cmnpanie.d) Randel-Ysa.ye

II · M deLEs.o hn Concerto in E Mmor --. .en Allegro Molto App asdona to FU

Church sc hooJ-10:00 a. m. .Mornin g w.orship-11:00 a,. m.


________ : __________

Rohrs ricular activities w.as given by the fire and .ate fivti loaves o;f b.reau, we1- }·uni.or hig hl school. The gir.1s smg 1 d fi ners, bananas, apples, pick tis, an g some sc.ngs and g.ave some Gtunt h h b.ars. Lau g hter dominated t r .:: ug

STORE BEAUTY FOR LIF . E plays. "Sofap.ilhows" was e3i:ecially l out the picnic., eispeciaNy when one

In c;ollege one is sUoriing b e.auty for future life. Whien we have g.one popular with the audience. A. c own t'ti.e t dance was ailso given b.y some of the of the gallant gentlemen. m ·a · mpout fr.om Peru .into the mad whirl of the world's en:dJess r.ushli.ng on th ose girls. Some excellent tunl.bling w.a.s ing to rescue a imbed q.uiet remembr.ances will return to refresh US;. Is anything mere sati1Sf) ing done by the boy>S. Th,e boys sang a: ded in th.e. mu.d-, and s at d own than music? Th'0 senior recitals which have been and be given, 'fl.h'e group of three numb.e'rs ];t ,included with! her m the middle. of _fhe creek "Ha Ha," "Yankee-Do0dle-de-c o,'' a11d P.r.obably members _:will bei ver.y "l Took M,y Darling Walking." For · mu.ch surprized when p1ctur E:1s fr cm a.n encore number the.y s.ang, three r.o.lls of f,ilms are de velc p :tl house Blues." None of them knew when t he p1c-

pr og rams .of music week ,ar.e one college gift of beauty that will remain with us ,and give us a. gr.eat.er appreciation of life when we htave long s ince left the .J-:li11Js and halls of NO MORE "TRAINER"

Lon g ago, wl-ien student teachers first came into bein g and did i.;ra ctice teaching they we.r e "Trainel'S". Why, we don '\\ kn<>w But with t.he coming of the Tr ain.ing School the term tra iner should have be.c:ome passei. T.h.e Pedagogian has b e:en publishing " Trainer Notes" but no mo re o' vl11at It stamps its fo ot an:d l'efuses to be .a .back number. There• fc1·e from this day henceforth) and more tllat word Tr ainer is banned. It is the Tr.aining Sc hool Notes or grade sc.hbol notes orWh.a.t do y.o.u suggest? You kn ow that yo.u don't w.ant to bei way back in t he eig hties to o.


Much ti me has been wasted, in emp.llasil'Jing the mor.a l side c.f dis-


New officers are to he ad Kappa Delta Pi. They are: Florence J\fartin,

t.u.res werEl being t.aken- On the homewa.r.d •t;rip eac hi mronber agreed that ·a most enjoy able evenin g had be.en spent.


presidemt; Lucille Harpst er, vice-pres- Famous per,s.onalitii :s .of famous ,ide,nt, Harriet Ann Kingsdvu, se cre- 1 d" people were very dntercs tin g '.y 1s custary, a nd Edna Ma)1Strick treasurer. s ed by Mr. Nc rw.oo.d in talk "PerThe p.rogr.am was in charg,e af Irene lt Pl ,, t th ,._, f the s on.a y us a · e mee "1n g -0 Andrews. T!Ji1s program mcluded a . ' 0 lk "Th R "b"l"t f Th cl.uh Tl:.ursday eve:nm b. ta on, e esponsi 1 y -0 ' d C:::h W"ll R T h I T · · ,, i.. Ed M · Nap;oleon., •aw, 11• og- eac er n rammg nia ay-


to instruct new officers ·and t.h e whole group.



Mr. C. De Hayes, acting Y, M. C. A. , Sig ma Tau Delta. met in the Facfiel.d secre,tary, visiJted tlm! cam1: us ulty room, Mon.day, April 10, .1933, for April 12-14. Mr. Hay.es' purpose w.a.s thair regular meetin g. While the members awai ed. refreshments serv ed by Lorene Moothart a nd Nadine Andr ews, an otdi time spelldown w.as held u.s.ing words ta ken fr cm the ritual. am.u1S ement was a fforded by this speli-down, with bot.h the fa c ulty and students.

"F.aith" was the theme cf th,e April 12 me e.(ling, under the direc1Jion ' of Mr. Hayes. "Faith", 1Said M.r. Hay es

"is the qunJ.ity whi ch su bsta.nce to t hings hoped f or- which brin gs the unseen into the seen. Re aching .a g.o.al by faith is lik e following a path! ,in a fo g."'

Irene Andrews as tempoi·ary prog ram chairman introduced. th.e fol:towing pr cg ram which consi5ted of "Shakespe.arean PLays," read i:n Library style.

The foUowing p.eople participated in th.Ls: Dr. Smith, l'dr N a.hors, .Mr PHI-LO STUDIES LAIW' Hayw.ard and Florence Mart.in. Their .,,......__ talks were · taken from the pl ay, Parliament ary was studied at "Much Ado About Nothin g." Philo Thursd·a.y night. AJ1 the memDo.n Du,ryea a nd J:o•hh1 Whe,a.tley .b ers 'C'O ntr ibuted to th\is meeting in .a g.ave pcrtiions from t.he "Jul- bi g way. A is hoirt Mstory of the l aw ius C.aesar." w.as g iven by Eads, " The P.ur-

At the bufilne.ss meetin g Thur sday evenin g, members of S.crilhle rs l b pla nned thetir next pro gi- am. Ma.y 4 is to be• an open ho use 1neet.ing, and aij thbse who ar.e int.eifested j.n writ ing· or literature are invi'tJed. On May 18 a1steak fry -is to be h.eild with eac h member b.ringing .a guest. Besides an interesting .d isc.u rision of recent short stories, original sho rt st.c ries wer.e read by Len o re Harr is a.nd Sh1aes, and a poem by Grant


Hair cut 25c; 25c Nice line of Hair Oil Chea

For the fir.st .time :Beru State Tea chers Colleg,e can hoas t a. strin g quartet. Boa•s.t is a most •apt word. 'for the c.ollege. is p ro ud of .t he ac comp!Jishme nt of the fo ur wh,o gave t heir first co n ce•rt,. F ri day, Aprii 21. Gera fi115t violin; Wi n ifre d" P ettit, .secon d vi olin; Cl y.de Bole, viola; an d S.ylvia Mashek, cell o w ere t he q.u.ar tet pe rs onell. T nis co ncert was the Per.u swan so ng fe r M.issse, P ett pt a.n.<.1 Mashe·k who gra du ate thi s y ear .a nd hlav e al rea dy gi ven their sen ior re cit als. In .addition to th e, pr og ram publish. ed i.n the 1'a1?t issu·e as an en co re t he quar tet play ed a most amu'3i ng "Cats'

YI M,. AND Y. W.

The en ter ta in m ent consist e:d of a v a ri e1jy of music.al numb ers. P rof. P ayson made use of thle to m ak e so.m e exp eriments in arr ang ement. Some :of the nu m bers w ere reli g io.us in n atu.re in cludJi ng H-0r.;podo

D ay, spo ns c.red by t he Neb raska Uni vensity Physic al .E:lu,cation De..Miss Gr a.c e Tear, of t he E du catio n D.ep.ar tment in Peru Stiat e Teachers Coll ege, bias p ubl is hed .an enli g hten.ing article in the "Educati onal Acl



W.Jlien "Boots" Wa ldo was a little. 'J.oy hi.s m cther m ust have· n.a:l " I..iitit;le O rphan Ann i.a" to hii:n and he ho.u gh1f she sa,id, "An th ei g irls v.:!i.l l y.o u, IF YOU DON'T WATCH navy, was ma r.l1ied recent ly ,in SHa nghai, Ch6na He is a ,g·rndu ate of Annapolis a nd has h E: en se rvin g in th\e/ navy si11ce liis g radu atio n. In th,eiir j oi nt me etin g W edn : sd.a ni g ht t he y: W. a.nd Y. M exp.eri enc ed an 1me '. in g. On co uld actua lly foe! th.e imp etus t push on a step fa r tf!-.ler ·a.nd lean to wa.rd the Estes C.onferenc.e-'. o " fi r .o fr t:ie fl y ing, .aquapl aning w.ere t ech.,_ :d OUT," Boots it's "goblins"!

BOB KA TZ MEOW s- Mary Cockrell, cl as3 of 1906 .C ied ;a way 01· make iitl.'' After t he imp ns .re centJy at t he h ome of sL ter i ve d ev<atio n.als led by D wig ht Wald Mr.». F. M.

what w oulid I do my d.aily

that Billie b rings

n't kno.w tPJ.e first thin g a.bout gettin g Miss Lorene Ku-enning da ught er of

u Cam my own me1ali and p.r.epar.in g it. Mr. and Mrs L. H. K uennin g of Syr.a p UJS, M iss Sc url o.c k a nd Mr. P aig e ' But as I wa sa yin g before I so c usei, an d Ha rl a nd A. Sims of Wy- gii ve fJ.romi se of a w.orthw hil e pro r.ude1y int.errup ted m yself (that .is mo re wa.s ma.de the l ast of th.e we ek. , g ra ):l1 , " Purp oseful Li vin g in an Age be fog ii.o n e, don tchta. know ,) I w.as The cere mo

ou t !See king a r estin g plaice·.

an- sple ndid t.o be f.o und the wa s :O ver by the Music Hall the othu no u ncem e nt c am e as a SJrp r,Il e to i nspiratio n der.i v ed fr cm associc. tin g aft ernoon, an d Hea v en keep me fr om their frie nds in O toe co un ty. Chri.s'!lia n y.o un g people fr om .ElI g.Ofi ng back tin th.at direction to b.u nti Both Mr an d. M ns. Sims ar e gra d- ove·r t hi s co u ntry an:d. fr om for ei gn peace .and q uiet! uatEs of Per u State T E:•ac hers C? Il ege. c.ou ntnirn. Th ere w as a fr es himan m i;sic c la· s The brid.e has been a te acher in t hie ·W·hle n the b oys showed slides of in session .un der th e dir e.dn"on of fourt h .an d fi ft h grad es of the S.yr a- p o.5 t\ca.rds a nd snapshots of Estes t hat se nior w.a rbl er of 1;/h e tSpider- cuse schools fo r tw.o years. l\1r. Sims P.a.rk a nd t he su rr.o.undin g zr ea, t heii W ebbs It wias the day for to / is pdncipal a nd instr u ctor of histo ry am1ie'.1ce ?ega.n to the me a nin g g o .to t hle piano an:d s how thG'Lr a b.il- in tbie Wymo.re schloolls.· a nd s1g mfi c ance of t en d ays of heavh h t Wy - icy .i n pl ay ing the sca1es. wen, on e 'Phey will ma ke t 01r a en" spe nt at -Co nfe re·nce in th at greiat b righ ti, red-:h;eaded g entilema n arose ntor e ne xt y e.rir Mr Sims hav.mg for m_ed in t

mi d st of f r.om his

Per.u vians. T.rop'h.y c.ups of th ei best Best Quality Merchandi se qu al ity o.f t in were given .the m. L ow Prkes T·H.e ra in :dJ.d n;o t prev ent t he m eet fr om bei ng .a su.c cess The gfrl's le a rn ed many new g.ame.3. TMy also enj oy ed meeti ng a nd pl ayi ng withthe g ir.bs fr

side3 .o ur reg ul ar servi : e. Em ily P.a pe z, Miss P.hiy llis D av ids on, Po.pu lar P rices Mildr ed Jod ry, Leena Ebbers, Louire RIC E & T HOMAS }cott, Heile n. Da ve y, D ods D eavel", (U nder Milste.ad's) :-oren e: Ga llow.ay, Mary Stouffer , El:lo rn .Mclnich, M arj orie Mendenhall, fi r gini a M.athe WIS, Lucille Harpster, KINGS BARBER SHOP N.adii ne Andre ws, Andrews PEP BA ND APPEARS Your P atron ag e Appreci ated IN NEW COSTUMES

.iuY " • repli ed, "Whiy , -· nea rl,y w ith the preisent if viewed. by Mr Norwoo d a.t the EvThat w as too much f .or mei, s.o I y belie ve wh at we se er.f or t he erett literary si ociety April 1 3, Pro.we nt ,b.ome. I th ink I' ll st 'ly ve ;ma P aite made a. very fes.s or and Mrs. Nor w<ao.d

aftler tihfts to

· hts when the m .oon isn't


May 13 - a ire may b.ent t he hm rt of a. plumber W iles, Uj ci k, S.to:;ffeir, R owliscn, w ill be held in the College Aubu rn; R.ailshac k, Pe ru_; 3. L ettelliEr, JI All College D anc e 8 1-T hat was .the th eme of "De moc ra :: y" Mcln in c h, L. Le alhy, Harpster, G all· ium Monday nig M, May 1, at w h.ich Aub urn. I/ Mond aJY, May 15- T® "T ip Top T a.ppers" t.ar.: ped .out ow ay, Ebbers, Deaver, Davey.. B. ti me b ot h Tra ining Sch ool orc hestras b 2 p Alpha Mu Omeg.a 7-8 a tune for their .audie nc3 an d on e man C.rabtr e;e, and N! An drews were cho.sand .Pa ndts may be he ard. Th is is 440 rel ay (5l) : 1;. Au u rn · Kappa Del'!(a Pi 8 with th ree compantons sho wed what en memb e-2-.s of thie baEebcll varsity the

Coach Lor beer'.s g.av e .a very e nj oyable e nterta in me nt at l ast Friday's convocation The pr og ram c:ons.istE•d entire.Jy c[ g ymnastics, a ddin g more v.ar iety to a seJ·ies of vae id pr.ogr a.m b acJ{ and Lea h1Y, P er.u., t ied; & R. Mc- P eru farvs w ill have ·an opp o,r.tun.ity evenin g. ConneJI a nd G. McC onnell, Auburn, to see tU> Bobc ats perform.,. on Fr i- The en ti re progr.am kep t th e a>Jd.tied. . ience in g2,Jes of lau gh ter frc m D iscus tlu-ow ( 97 f t. 9 in .): 1. Elou nt, A ub.urn; 2. Leah¥, P.e.r u; 3. Okm.o n, Aub urn

Bn\ad j.ump (18 ft. in.) : 1. Haz elton, Peru, a nd B o:hl, Aubu rn, tie:d·; 3, Shlaeffe r, Aub urn.

Althcm g h. loosing the ir -fi rs.t two m eia.U; to 'Wayne .and T.arki o, the Cardinals have sh own consid r.a ble st rength! in cer tla in ev en ts,




c1ay, JW;ay 12, wh en th ey with .t he · A ·1 to finish. It was tru ly an t: rC.ardinal.s of O maha U niversity in .a Stunt nig ht perf.orman.c.e• dual me et at P er.u Ear ly s eason wo1·ko uts have D.ahl g ren, Hauptnrnn, N ewton, Fisher, Cole, F elistner, Gai.ne.3, Har ris, a nd E di e fo r med the m at .sq.uad·.. Each w as pr oficient in som e lin e. of end eavo r. .For .sJ-Jeer agility G.aine.> an d H.ar.ris .were a matc h,

The "most d ifficult" feat of the pro.gr.am was p erfo rmed by Feistn er and. Edie whett1 they su cceedEd in c arryin g a ch aiir and table righit off

J.avclin· throw (153 ft. 10 in..) : 1. Leahy, P er.u; 2. R ailsback, P eru; 3. Blo.unt, Au bu r ri..

Total: Auburn - 75, P er.u - 47.


(Cont inued from Page the· stage!

In CG.11clud in g .a di ff ic ult f eat in the Co llege Au.ditori um the College pyramicli ng was d on,e by whole Symphony Orc h eska offers a vrry Idiffer.en't; progr.am. of a he avier.t ype. This is the fi rst time in t he history of th el schi:ioli thall the college orMABE L JON ES WECOMED j ch estr.a h as a.'13umed the proportions 'BY PI GAMMA MU ,.af symph!ony i nstru me ntat.i:: n. There J.are fi f ty peop1ei. No p.iano is used. Fa Ga)nm.a Mu h eld its r ig ul. r There wri.11 .b.e th11ee o.ut+side p l9 y ers: spring in itatio n p.rngr[m Monda.y [J oseph Logmam from Omaha play-· evenin g in th e faculty After in g· the Oboe; Guy F uller fr om Auwelcoming Miss Mabel Jo n es to mem-1b urn pla,ying th,e c1a11in,et; C. C. bers hip the meell:i ng was t.urn e:d over Bu.r b.r i:dige fr om Pe r.u, pE·rcuss1on. The to the cha.irman who, call-E d p rogr.am is a.'S foll:ows.: upon d iffe1;ent members of the soc- 1i. Egmont ____ B eethoven iety to .g.ive a short histori es of their 2. S.ymp1'ony in B Mi nor h ome tow ns Thls t o. be very (Unfin ished) Schub ert ente'rbairi in g and quite as much in- AUegro Moder ,ato terest w as s hown in little towns '8S Andante Con Moto big, A g ame to t est history dates followed this and stra n gie as it may i:: ee1n 3. Binzumsmarsch d er BojcTen the fac ul ty mom l: ers prvved t () be the most va lu a ble indiv iduhm .to t he 4. Rienz.i - -----W.agner side .on which they we·re chose n. 5. String Quartet, "Kat zenstandRefr eshme.nts bl"Ou ght the evening's chpn," entertainm snt to a close. (The Cats' Ser enade) Razek Ge.ra Gr ah·e.m, W dnifr edi P etti t, N ORW OOD SPEAK,S TO Syl vi.a .Mash ek, Clyde Bole. 6 Persi an Dance Herb ert SCHOLAR SHIP CLU B On THursd,ay eve nin g, May 4, the Mr. Norw o.o d eJlterta ined: the members of .Scholarship Club with a ve ry i nter e.stin g talk on, "Myths a nd Lege nds :of .The .Mediterr anean". Mr. N.arwood havin g v.isited this pie ce w hile in ELu·ope proved a very comp etent sp ea ker fo r the evening. The tn clents departed fr.om tlw meiet:ing feeli ng as tho.u gh .a tr ip to the Mediterrane an wo uid prove a profit a.ble

Tra.in.ing School children of gr.ad es 4, 5, 6 off er an operettia "Snow White an d the Seven Dwarfs" arr.ang ed, b.y s tu de nt T hJs w ill .be un der the direction of P .r-0fe.ss or B emf.ord aissisted by MiS.S Mar.i o.n Dmer.

The 1933 conferen ce, tr ac k .and field meet will be h eldi at th e Uni versity ;cyf Nebraska stad iumM on May 19. I(earney, the d efend in g c.hampf:in, will make a strong bdd to .ret ain th is Uit le


( Continued fr om P age One) ma de a most e nj oy a ble ch aractcr by Robert Greenwald. Mr. Gree nwald di vided hcnors \\odth Rex R ucksd !:'sh et, who pla.yed t he p.art -0f S.am, Mr Bl ackwellfs color ed servant, in pro viding tJ:e e ven ing'G hrmor. Avtir:y Han as fosper-tcir Ry an w as quite convincing. Gecrg e G.at es a r. d Clyd Lare, ths rcles of a police c ff icer an:d ·a messen ger b oy res rectively, h armo nized pa rts w.ell with th.e mo.od an.d te.mp-0 :of the pl ay Of Mr Nahc.l·s m ore expe ri en ced F liorence Marili n did an excellemt job of prete ndin g to be the d eaf a nd du mb serv.ant. Wi Llard Shumard as Simon Bl ackwell' s s ec-

bro.ugh.t se v eral new-Ci'.:lme-rs to t he fron t, hut the st ren gth of C o,ach Gilke.son's sq.uad w.ill cent er aro u nd lett ermen .of lll.s't; year

Each .team m.a.y en t er two in ea ch{ event an d no man ;rnay compete in more tl:lan two e ven·tis an d the rela y. Eleven te ams ar.e ente·re d" The even tG: PJease Adver tisers. patr onize Pe d-ago gian lOOyd. dash, 440 ycL dash 880 y d. ru.n, 60 yd Mg.hi hurdles, r(igh jump bro.ad jump, :disc us t l:4·ow, and the shot put. I Stop in and let us · I ·I 0

At the fii-st. mee tin g of th.e Y · W • C. () h ow you tHe latest; t hing in I Ai under the new of officer.> I for the c.oming ye a plians were l eg.un I spark plug s. Champion Nafox the pro.grams tD come. E ac h g irl tion al Change Week May 7 to 14 was asked to .des1gna te t he ty pe <:f ·I & entei-t;.?Jnmen t she li ke> a nd do esn't PRY GARAGE ! and to m ake su ggestions for n ew I 0 R 11 an d unusual programs p o,ssible

POETRY WAS Y. M. THEME Po.fjt.ry was the theme of the April & 1 MOTHER' S DAy IS 19 Y. M. C' A. meetin g. The p e>riod I was d evoted to read in g .and SU N DAY, MAY 14th- /\ in g poems

Evre lyn Brecht as Laurette P ay ne, one of t.he fo.ur heirs "was a. scream"_,t hle first tim e she entered DeM,"ght her on that day with I votiJ0 1rnls w ere in the form of p oe'l,r,y ii Nearl y eve ry person presen,t hld I/ a l;>.ox of Mother's Day Chpc.osometlii ng to contri.Pute, rn.any had I lat"'"' F d M J\ _,,. a ra:me otto, -0.r .a fav.o.rnte poems S ome wer e poems v of d eep thou ght ·and some were I Mothers Day Card. I p;oems of Sheer



I TEACHING FIELD FOUND I Spe : ial Acti\'ity Sc1u: duled For Ea ch Day of CJlo sing Week so I

ris.t in the· Girls-suppose·y.ou wanted to rrove ·e fi.rs.t atten ded Pe1·.u in the '<'1arl y ·1 inn e and the 880-. y·o.ur a.bi.hity to acll, and were urg ed '80's when Dr. Rob e rt Currey wa s A · r.am-s :i aked track prevente:l any by· .y.o ur friend1S into h!Ul·tin.g a wonpre.sident and w.as g r.aduatEd in 1837 t t ..J anw'i.ng the j:mpe.rs 1·derful man with wh.om you suddenly when Dr G€10rge L. F.arnham was t'ather s lippery in t.h\e fteld events. found yourseH in love? Suppose president He worked hls w.r y o · ;u1te .a 1oyal g ro1up of .students .2ni Ith.is man believed the very wcrst. th.rough sch;c«>l and cooked hiis .own "Bobcat-follow ers fere on the bleach- .ab.o u,t y.ou, w.o.uld listen to no explamea.ls, (b ate.bing .as fi;: 11.ows call it)· ers throughout. the meet. 1 nations or a11di .in revenge After gr.adua1mo.n he w.as h·r3d to R l I elS ttS of events: kidnapped ,you to his cabin in th)e te acb. a c.o.un.t;ry sch.ool, aiho.u!t tw enty Track events- Winneors and rank 1 'Ind kept y0n pris :J ner miles from Union. in the order given. Ithere while the tongues of rnciety He taught here for ;on€ year and 100 dash- Cowell,, (P) .; Bruce wagg ed furicusly at the w.as t hen nomin ated to be Cc unt.y (P) ;, Djcke;rson (0) and Edie P). j Well hlie Sen:iors should be c.ap abl'e Supt. wi:ich_ µoffition he held for. on.e Itie for third. Time 10.1 1.of handling all such pro.bl'ems and. year res1gna ng to accept the prme:i- 120 y.ard high hurdl es-Cowell (F) am g.oing to show you what .a i::erp.alshjip of the Ashland High! Schod /P e.rry (0); Nieman (0). Time 16.'3 Gta in yery handso me man .a.nd a ce-rwhere he w.as later elected Sup erin- 440 yar d, run- Gehrig '(O); C.d,l nd t.a.in be.a.utiful gi rl d.id d :) under tl: ose tendent.. Aft.er remaining here se- : (P) ;. T,ime 53.5 seconds circumstance.', f.or the.y 1.ave chosen veral .yeans hie left, enterin g the Uni- / 88.0 y.ard run- Per ry (P); Newtcn for their c1ass play, "The Mhle a d-ing versit y to wo.rk for his masters de- ( P) ; Andrews (P) 2:7.4 se :: La dy",. f. JU cf scan.cl.al, gr ee. · I

M\Lle r.un- Per ry (F); Caok (I); comedy, seriousness, ar.d ronance

After O"btai nin g th.is he was elect- Huff (0.) Ti me 4:49 sec ondi:. mixed ;in a plot. Car oli 1e ed principal of the Beatrdce Higll Two Mile run- Denn.y (P); Co ok (P Calder is Helm Stede, 'misleadSchool. From thas he bec ame State Ti me 10:45 seconds ing .!lady', who, fc r the s ake cf a Inspecto.r :of Schools s:Je c.ted .220 ya rd low hu: ·ze_-Pe·:.ry (0) ; career makes the wager that by the reg en ts of the Umvers1ty. In Nieman (0); H es kws P) 28.2 / sh.e 1s g.o.od enough/ actress to make 1_.qC\4. h8 1f41JS presid$nt cf Pe- 880 ya.rd rela -Wron by .Edie, scme men pr opose to her in the five r.u., and se rved bere un.t.\\ .191.0. Dur- Bruce, Witt and .Ca rmichaeli fer Per.u days of a house-party. That man ing this peri.od P.eru made phe.nomi - Time 1:33.9 seconds ha ppens to be Jack Cr.ai gen with nal g.ains. The scho.ol g row.ing f.r-0m Mile relay-Won by Reisinger, whom He!en su1d d£111 ly fi_r.d i r e:si:,Jf 812 when be came to 1453 in enroll- Lake, Pee1k and .Scha fer f.or :Peru in lc ve. .Paul LandoLt Is t.he m1sm,em.t when be l eft. These fig.ure> in- (Continued; on pa ge 4.) lea din g-I n lea d;in g- man, M:r el ude .the entfre year and the 111h Craigen, one of thes.e clash.fog her es and 12oh g.ra des of h!igh s ehocl. Iri WN who the go10d .old c.ave-mi.n 1910 he w.as elected State Superin- PERU HOLDS Q, . . st·1ff. and err .h:t'e:·ed t•endent ;of Sch-0ols, b.u.t re!!:R gne:t this by Helen's treatment of his love, he

.a year later to· become President cf JN· TENNJS kidnaps 1\er to hri;s

addre...93 .at ten o'clock, Sunday, Miay 28. TJ1is begins the a c.tiviities of co mmencem ent week. Monday evenjng at sund:ow n .the college May Fete will be held., at which the Q.UJe'en chosen by .the Sophomore.s will be crowned. Followi:ng thlis at ei g.h.t o'clock .the Ee.1icr dass w.m p.resent thieir ann ua l cl ass play, thjs year "The .fyLl.sle.ad. ing Lady."

High Sch.oc.l c:ommencement · has be.en for WiSclnesc',ay. l[)r G. W.. Ros enlof, director of se conda ry educ ation for th)e state of Ne : bras ka, will deliver the address.

In of th.e fact th.at the tea ch- ; Dr. Luthjer Wesl ey Smith of tl e ing· field· is overcr cwd€d, .a fairl 1 I lar ge numb €n· of Per.u students ha ve ! F1.rst Bap1ti st M1sobtaine.d teaching p;osi lions for the so:mi, will dEJ.iver th.e Baccalaure ate · coming year. Some of t}}\e stu de nt s whQ ha ve been se-l ected for to wn or ci ty schools Ev.elyn and E.1 g:Dubois; Belv.a Ctrder-7th .a nd, 8th grad-es, music, Huntley Marian Diller-gr.ades 3, 4, 5 and grade €chool mu Eic, Ruskin; Hel en Ead s-6th, 7th., 8th Nem aha; Ev a Lna Kimsci nee, En gl:s'i Burchard; E.d Peder.oeon- Eng lish, science, co.ac hrln g, Pan.am.a; Verna Rankin-Latin, hiJS.to ry, Cr.a b Orchard; Arlene Ve al- 6th, 7the, 8th gr.ades, Verdon; D.oris Wi,eir-5th and 6th· gr.t d es Watson, Mlissouri; Ruth Whymanlatin and Unadilla.

Foltowin g are the n£roes cf those At six o'.clock on ThuNday the teaching in rur al sch ool•s and U.e Alumnli dinn er will be serv ed .i;t towns ne ar whe1re they are 1Mo.unt V-e/rnon dining h.all. ImmediLa.ur a Baum. Tecumseh.; Martlin a;toJy after t his the 1933 gn d ut es Bausch, Burchard; Mari an Ca;rlson, I "''ill hold their Day progr.am at Valley; Marg a ret yest.a; Stdl a Ifour-thirty in the colle ge a'l; dit orLum. Mae Cla.r.y, I.owa; Mmme Miae Col- I All these activities of the final gl azier, Shubert; Ditloff, Bra.d- 1week le ad .up to .t.heformal gradu.atsh11.w; Mar garet Farwe1l, Du B.c.i ; 1in g of .and presentati on ;of dipl omas L orene Galloway, Burr; Giles, and :de g r.ees to the .two .y·e!'.r and Carson county; Mary Ginn ar.t, F,alls fo.ur yelar istudents on Frid ay, Ju ne City; Leno.re Harris, Helen, 2, with1 D:r J, W•. Crabtree delivedn g Olmstead., Vest a; Dorothy Org.an, ;Ed- ! t.he Commenc ement lecture. gar;. Mild:ed Owen, Ro:kp;o rt Mis- j 11\TER-FRATERNITY B.Al\QUET souri; Dons Hoag, Mar.y Rus· 1 One of th.ei most attractive and sell, Brownville; Laura Santa, Falls / worthwhile banquets held each ye:ar Oity; Mildred Smj.th, E l- on Per.u's camp us 'ds th.at known zs mer Stroh, Plymouth,; Vai:c :!. the Jn '. er-Frate·rni ty ·Banqu et. Th5s Reynolds; Iren Vanderford, Peru; ye.ar at ev en o'tlJck, y Elsie Webbe-r, Syra cuse; Helen May 31, mE'1llbers .of P.er.u's Honor.ary Y;oung, Stel1a; Vera Shulenl: erg, FtU.s Fr aternities will me1et to hold this City. trm:'. it.ional di·nner. The pre.sent f.raMUSIC WEE1K.IS VERY


;ternJ.ty members wish. to extend an invitation especia.Uy to thcr.:e wro have graduated fr om Per.u b.ut will b.e r eturning for the Com mence me nt Week activities, Wednes :ky, M:- y 21, the Inter- Fratermity

.aLo ne in a cahin hour iri. len gth , yet it contained aLI , urer ; .and Nellie BeU; h Shoaf and Op al St enson of T.ark10 o rs, p , ' eid t k G . . . 250. eN • • thien bested Mc.Mui- ' in the )D.ount:adns - with. an es cap • t!w elements necessary o .ma e .a runes, program directors. This He le<ft t.hl!S position to become the .two p.ooiti c.n, t( d t one all. lunatic jn the neighborhio cd, and th'e bandconcer,t enjoy.a ble. Variety was I election was held We.d1nesday at the Secretary of the N. E. A. and w.as , len and the 1score w.as t ilE k :he courts girl's former fiance hot -0n the trail by the thir d and sixth num- 1re.guliar girls club l oc.a.ted in Washington D. C. Rohrs and West next bl s tan g-- don't miss the Semi or cla sR- :r;la,y bars. Th e.se, were in the form of the ; he became Secretary th e membersh1_p to play number S.t:venson Mond ay n5,g hi0, May 29. The pfa.y i> Co rn.et Trio, "Three Kin gs" by Smith , SENIORS REVIVE THE PAST to.tal ed aro und 864.2 but in 1932 ,lt le. The Jr opp.o n:ents h ast two under the direct.ion of Prof. and "Mi.Es by F. h.ad g rown to 207,418 or 24 times t he an.cl McMullen, who for t ieil p d b a nd Evelyn Brecht. The eve.ning'G w.as cbc b I th ntrCJI. Col e rr e ou -' "B I ,, A . f . t t• d b of me.smbers when Mr. ra · i years have won e "' maxed by llhe final s eile ct10:1 c r :) iSerp.es o . scenes rn eres mg an num er The PeTuvians · . h h 1· ted b th fi -t t ook charge. l es Champ 10 ns h1p, by Ravel in which

t ree r.-, won the first is.et easily at 6 t? 1· TARKIO NETMEN cont.ari

cr rew

N eb raskia City sc;ored 64 to take first place jn a tr1a.ng tracd ,and field me et wiith Pe ru Prep, whicq had 53, and Dunbar, 35

Summary: r ' s Sh.otput-W on by Kast.n er ka City· se.conc1 Railsb.ack, Pe ' f th" Stross- third, Velvick, Peru; our b D b n.,. Distance-39 feet 1 ur g, un o.>• · F · It Won by Le.ah.y, eru, Pole va.u -: Nebraska Cit-y an d second, Fle1111ng, f th Skelton -t · d· our • .Martin. Dunbtar ie • c·t D d w·tte Nebraisk.a y, un bar, .an I . bes tied H · '-"'9 f eet 2* inc · · · elg n..,..- R b er ts H igh jump-Kastner and: 0 .ls: Nebrask.a Oity, tied for fir.st; hac k and Leahy, Peru, ti ed for third. Height-5 feet l> inches


Digcus-Won by M'2.r in. Dunb a r, (Continued on p.age fo.ur.) I I "' · t r10 us morrow, Wedne>:a.ay o "' io du o fin.ally emerging v1c c the B.obcats in the closing h-0µi e meet the orchestra displayed its on members. This shot t he MiJS.sourians a S f the f.ollowing Wedn e:: day evenb g. \ The Lirst sc ene showed "the head h t of tl:.e 1933 tenniis o ar, d never relinquished., aLthoug 1 h Thie general appearance g iven by the 1 of the e.ducatlicn ep.artmem.tt at hµr3 "" the Peru r.ac quet sw.ingers ave en- f' 1 " d .th a serious ly. . . d one of the most successful elevated platforms, the vivid back- I irs.t c ass, an w.as, w1 a ' a go.o'and Maso n won thet.r doub- JO.Ye · gr ou.nd the colored dres ses cf the carlicat1.u-e (by Larson). Two of of Bo boat t ennis his.tory. ff' th M' Didd 1 d M" P l f l adoies in orchetstra's pers onell, set o e pup1 ...,,. tss an iss a_les.. d · t ·o s T'-' years sq uad has won f;our out 0 cl' d 'd bl P er u's netme·n em er ge 'IC ofri hu 1rus d f t b ,. a by effective ,Jiigh.ting had desire mer cons1 era ·e .at.tention · t o t e five starts, their Io ne e ea eong T'"- b · · I t · cr tenms mee b e pleasing effect crn the audience. 1L<> y a n1vm g a e. in the U" openm.,, · Gotner's r.ac- close 5 to 4 .detcision



--Published Wet>kly at Peru State Teachers College-

Eotered at the Postoffice of Peru, Nebraska, as second class ma1ter. Sl.00 the Year-5c single copy.


Assistant Editor Wilma James

Business Man ager - ---------------------------------Squire Wnt son

F'ac1ulty Advisor - J. W. Tyler STAFF ASSOCIATES

Anne Jensen

Irene Andrews

Carolyn Calder Dorothy Eckard

Mar g.aret Winter

Roland Edie

Dwi g ht W aido Hazel Niles

Helen E aids - - - Esth er Mats.chu ck

John Wheatley - C,a rmilla Brogn'.:l

Wilma Ja cka -----------------Aileen Cox. Fred Rohrs


Three more weeks. Le t's pack them f.ull of mem ories, the kind ycu like to keep to turn ha ck to where you're weary of the w.orld and needrn g a ch ang e-- Here's power to fQU. Ev erybody have a g lorious · tw•.e a nd " most especially." the seni or lac'll a nd l as sies.


It is n't from books that you get it all- that power of discrimdnation be tween the .g reat and the small, the worthwhile and the usel e:::s, the ab surd .and learnin g with others sho.uld at least giive some strong pointers in ma k in g s uch One m us t deve.l op a bilities .of this type to deal s ucces sfull y with and enj oy his fellowman now and when he has gone out into hi s afterchool life. A little b1'.c,ad minded. thinkin g on the pm·t of ea ch one of us and a desire to be as squ are with the other fell ow ns we ·can clues much in devel oµ:n;:;- i!1at nece3sary power :of discriminai io n.


In these days of ec cno.mic a lot of us are s ayin g, "Life is r eal! Life is earnest." 'We- prove ou'r statements b.y o.ur g1:ave f.ace3 and our seri ous manner. But ar e we so very sw·e t hat we sho uld consider life so earnestl y?

The bes t w.ork is alw.ays d :> ne for fun. Millet, the French ar tist, painted sig ns fo.r a living but tin his sp are moments he paintEd his m.aste.rp,ieces "The An g elus" and the "Gleaners'' fer the sheer love of painting them. An .a uth;or may write rela;ms of stories for his bread and hutt er. His best w ork is never accomplished ex cept in leisure time, when he is writi ng bec ause he w.a nts to e.xp ress s.ometr.ii-ng. :D.id y:ou s top to .think tha t: nothing bea.u1lif.ul came into be 'ng until folik bega n• to p1ay? Pottery in primitive times was strictly 11itilitarian. When centuries had and life was eased a little, men beg an to dec crnte, mold and pottery to make it a thing of art. Primitive men, .t.o o, used only for strictly .useful purposes. When thEy dis c overed a bit of lEtisure time\ they b.e,g an to p.la,y with the vo'c e. They sa ng love songs, fobk songs, humorous song s. 0.ur music c.a;me fr cm play. Life is real and e ai·nest, but besides ta king it we should .also take p.layf.ultly. There is a g reat satisfaction in life for thorn who take it always in .a sporting spirit- for those who a re fer .tbe fun of it.- The S.andbur.


Sever al Peruvians were intEirested enou gh in Walter Hampden's product.i on of "Hamle,t" to journey to Om-, .aha Tu·esday, April 18 D. J. Nabors, Mr and Mn,_ P. H. Norw o:od, Dr. an d .Smith,. Miss Ruth Brandt, El<don Hayw a rd, John Ku dern a, Dwight Wlaldo, Mary Hervey, Don Dur yea,, Phyllis Papez, Lore ne M.ooth.at'.I; Nell!ie Beth Sho af, Fk rence Marti n a nd Mrs. D.unnin,g attend Ed .the

I Harold· Colvin, Student Secre•, r ry of the R o:- ky 1Vt:o,1 r1t a in disvLion of Y. M. C :\, visile<l th e l ast WednesdEy. Mr. Colvin succEejed in c.ommunc,atiing to the "Y" 1:>ome of his ea rnest senthusiasm. Early W e;dnesday evenin g a re'treat was he.Jd whichi was well att ett1ded despite the drizzJe After the i·etreat, .a round tabl e meetin g of the g roup was heldt dn the Tr ainin g School. At this me etin g objectives :Shakespearean pr.odiuctiion. o;f "Y" work were discus sed.

Dr. and Mirs. Smith, D. J. Nabors The objectives, a1S out]/ined by Mr R ex Rucksdashel, .Mar g.a ret Trcyer and J:oy.ce Grubb saw the Hampderi ;!product j.on of "Capfoa c cd" b as ed on Tennyson's "Rin g andi th e Bo ok".

This produ c.tion was given .at Cen tral Hi gh on Monda y evenin g.

Co1vin .ar.ei: to. help :o ne d·is c.over himself, to help ilind a purpose in life, to help huil'd a phil oso phy of life, to assi;s,t o.th.ers .in findfo,g tJ:e "g ood Eifel" a nd to keep a liv e a re·aJ interest in pr ogress.

/ Beth Shoaf v isited an orphanage in her r eadin g- D.ale N ic hols play ed 011 t he tromb one ac- Le1berstr.awn anie.d b.y Gera G raha11, Wmton comp b

Mother's Day w.as rememb ered by the kinder g arten children. They w;ove some b.askets and tilled them w1ith f!.o,,;,,er.s for their mothe r.3

The kindergarten children .are working on .a p•agean.t which will be a iven before the close of s chool. The are Im.Han songs and legends.

Bird s.tu.dy has been an inter esti1'._g unit ;o( wotk of the fir se and sEco nd g11a des. The children ha ve lea rned the names of a.bo ut twenty of the bfr.ds ,and the net!: ls of -some of them. 'They have learned methods of pr otecting the birds. Bird booklets have been made containing c;cliored pictures and ori g.on.al vers es

The se:: onCL grade have decidEd to make .a lon,g frieze for a room decora·Ui on. The illr..1s tt.ati o.n will be d .a gar.den. · The children have di v1ideel the work S.omear.e cutting pictures .and, others are p.asting.

Some ;of the art c;:lass es made gjfts I for Mot her's D.ay. Sil!h ouette pictures ma de by the fourthi and sixth g rades. The thir.d and, fif,h g rades made c.arnati.on bo;o'klets. Inside we.re printed appr opria te

scape g·ardenin g. AlGo, the students ha ve been investig,ating the· handicraft of primitive days.

"The Tar Baby," •a puppet have been appointed to entert::.in tt:e I ad an d 10% fu ll"t her reduct.itn was given b,y 'the gr.ade at the Goe (} winnera .at a lneeting ri.n the near f.1.1- O in prices a bove. I C1ub. The childre-n rr:.ade ture. \ & the puppets and dE'Sig ned the st ag e. The pro g ram consisted of .a snort Q The student teacher in ch arge w,as skiit betiwe en a pair of newly weds, I & Leona Giiles. portrayed by V eilma Ba nstler and /l JEWELRY I Ma1'.g aret Stepp enbeck. L :i ra Di c k- V erson directed the play. I 0

A trip to the bakery w.as made by the is evan th and gra.d e, g irls. They re.ceive'd a dem<mstrati on son in bread, and ccokie b.aking. An enjoy.able feature of tilie trip was the serving of cakes and c.ookies to th.e ,girls.

MINERVA CLUB ( Where yo ur mo ney buys FUortp I • The Minerv.a Club picnk at Miss Peterso n's home last Thurstlay was a huge success. There was a scrumptious repast set in real Seven g irls of the hom,e ec onomics picnic style. After each merr:b :r had department of the high school ,attend- eaten ali that he possiMy could-rn d ed. the Conference of Home E conom- more-, interesting stories were rea d ics C1uhs, which was heild at the Ne- '.aloud. "Birthday" w.as r.ead by Vi. brask.a Agricultur a.I Colltege The vian Shla e.s a B oos Streeter Aldrich cl'ub pr.og r.am was given in the morn- s tory by H.:rr.iet .Leach and an 0'in,g. in the afternoon the gjrls en- Henry story, b,y Laura Baum. E. C. McAl eer

SUR GEON AND PH YSICIAN joy ed the page ant tracin.g the devel- In the b.usiness m eet in g Vivian opmen'lj -0f education in Nebr aska. Shlaes was elected student advisor to Pho n es, Reside.n ee 28-, Office 7 carry on th1ei work next yerar and The home eico.nomi.cs department Harriet Le a ch w.as chosen to be t he has been doin g much prac tic ab w.ork. club's rept esent ative

The empty houses iin the nE<i g hb or- Freshman Council

hoo·d were by the house planning cl ass. Thay were scored fr om the p.odnt of view of the pr.os pe ctive buyer. Each\ .g irl :ehosei the hou ·e .th at s he wo.uld prder to buy. The house furnishing cl ass i.s learning to sele ct furnitp re and arran g.e jt attracti v ely. Tl:e freshm an clothing cl ass is to use all the att ac hments the sewfog machine. Many trimmings and fi nishin gs have been ma.de. Budg·ets are being ma de by the hp me man.a gement cLass.



Have yo.u heard th at :oit one time th e Philos and E veret:ts we re great riv als? Thi s was portr.a,ye.d by a joint m ootin g of the se societi es Thursd ay ni ght The foll owin g· p eo pl(l partlicip ated in thi s: C.a rolin

Maxine Robins cn is cert at"nl • - .3 Y g1a d it has clear.,.. up .and i 6 ge +·;t · " J. ng su n- shiny agai n- who likes to 1 .• around .a may pole in th e m ud. p ay

Dr Wfote r: ( Spe.ahlng f 1 o some cf ...,,e ower forms of p lants d .als.) an anim-

':hese little c haps were very int er. estmg to w,a:lich. I reinembe.r when I was_ wa tchi ng a p.a rti culer th t - group l ah.J. c-o.uld l ook at .th.em before unc and ag.ain ni,ght .after lu nch and y.o u co.u1d notice a decided chan ge .even in 'that length of .time

Anderso n: Wh<>s.e lunch tim e t hears or ,yo.urs?

Miss T ear, we think yo.u. owe. Su- 1 s ie an a-p.ol og-y ·)

Ec}ie Brecht is giving i· ssm1·. 'Nh a.t i n? Oh, le!s call. it Betnchol· og y. Apply ir. perscn for f111rt.her infu rmat i.on

Edna Wallace Hopper could have to ld yo u,. Mr. Kahn, th.at powder wit!\ a co ld cream sticks PE rmane.1 tly- to the s houlder cf .a di .'rk sulit.



I matter yo.u anyway? Don't ,REV. COAD LEADS

y.o.u kn-ow that Spning is here, t ime for brig ht 1Surushine and warm, sunn,y days? What have wei d one to des.e.rve the treatment of the l ast

In whli.te satin p.ale bl ue organ.die Mdss L eona H.u dson presen te d her senior r ecital, Tuesday, May 9. The r.ich voice Kif Mi.ss Hudson , a was well .suite d to tqe numbers chosen to represent t he wo.rk that sh e. h ad ac complish.ed during her four year., of m ulf/i c.al study undeir Pref. G. Holt St eck, vo ::al instruct10.r Miss Hudiso n s.ang an ease an d fr eedmn that provoked highest admiration The range o{ her voice and the splemdid tone qulaity of each note made herr present ation a w.ork of musical beauty.

Mil.ss Jeanette Barret's

1 department o;f P.eru feels it has an asset in this quar.tet. ·

· On Frid.ay of May 1'2.th, the q.uar- j I t.et and D.ale Nichcls, :trombo nist, STUDENTS and FACULTY .are we re ent husiastically recei ved in Au- always welcome at

burn. _'On May. 18th, the• .quar.tet an d I BROWN'S EAT SHOP

Mr Nnch.ols w ill pl ay for the com- I lmencement exercises .at Brownville l (Ph Blo.cks S.outh of Library) I


On th,e fcJloWiing Friday, Falls C.ity will h ave t he pri vilege Kif hearing t hem. !I'h.e progr.am to be use d will be one hour in len gth.


"What is re1igion" was the s. b;ect of a.n interesting d iiscU£sio.n at the .May 3, Y, .M. C. A. meeting. Rev Goad led the discmsicn.

Coal Feed, and Grain W. H. Hutchinson, Manager W e.IL, well, here we a.re together ag ain! And for awhile I kept thlnk.Y'91:! fo_r the la.st .time, bli\. 'Q:ye bu:.G,-g.et h.as

th.ree weeks? Yo.u're the .only l(}ne aro un.d heire that .d oer.m"t realize wha t Spring is for Why, Dean 'Deizell, l even you say the other day :that these -certainly weren't nights for lo.ve, wiith the moon bei..

The g.uartet i» composed o;f G.eraGr.a.ham, first violin, ·Wiinifred P etit I second. vir.lin, Clyde Bole, viola, an d Sylvia Mashek, cello · ; Miss Avis L. Cn'.hc.>rtson h.as ac-

T'he discussi.on was start ed. by ·cepted ·i position r1s teacher in the I c.uring the opinion- of everyone on 1elemen: n;:y dep artmtont of t he scli r: ol =============== good to us--.and th.ere are to be 'two more ed it.do ns c.o.u ntin g this one, .of c.ou.rse. So d espite all the waills and

the g eneral top!ic. Tbien t hese o pin- at Hlhm, Nebraska. ions \Vere dizcu£sed condensed or el-GIRLS PRESENT hnin a ted.. A surprising v.ariet.y cf hind some cloud. Old man weather, be-wails I' ve been haviing, or mak- opinions were fo und. "ARE :\\f•EN SUPERIOR."

· I h ld b Id 't I? l' jUJS.t give us .a little chance, .an:d we'll 1n,g >S ou say, s .ou n .- m

The most interesfling opinion ex- "Are Men was the ti 'le going to g et to .t alk to. ,y.o,u ag*n be• show yo.u what Sprin g f.or d b bl h .of a one-act play g 1" ven by Dran1atic press2 pro a y w2s t at "H.elif i n fore we aN say g ood by€\. Sa,y, you te10n.is is certainly Club .at F.riday's c.onvoc.aAnd t' t f ff "th is the intera ction, upw erd of JJeopie tJ11a s no very ar 0 ei er, g.oin,g to the dogs latcll,y Why, I ti.on The play was d irected by Le : ne J·,ust t.wo a nd on e half weeks. Old upon one another" Essentially the O·h1er. even found Nana .on tihe: courts the man .time is certiai nlJY g ettin g in :a same fo thoug ht is the stateme:lt of In th10t play .Kathleen Colbert as Wh h h dl other day tr_ying to play tennis. And r· hu.rry the E: e days. · .y e ar · Y Fos di c k, .a discussi.on of wh ich· closed "Brave Susa n" sets c.ut to pr.one, us t ime to wake up in the the fellows came by my he use just th / f 11 th :... f W e meetin o- that relio-ion is the re - once or .a , e o · :om- f h :=.1 t::> mor ning (f.or some .o us w o c-0;mpla.ining abo ut their fe et .all the 1ease of life t hr.oug h, its committe.s 10 en. She promises to marry "The haven 't y et le a:rn ed that song, a.b out, timei. Yo.u !Should be ashiamed of Colonel" if she fai1s 1 t · ") the hi ghest we know. "Ear1!y to b ed and ear Y 0 r 15e, =C.. yourselves, y.oµng men. You aren't Ni ght finas Susa.n with her fr.iends, until it's ti me to g et to behd agIBddn. o]Jd and feeble yet. DUTCH OVEN IS Ma.t hews, J acka, Ca rl; on, a nd Say and by the wa y, w en o ie in a mo.untain lo:dge 17, no m en f.or get , t; bed, [. don 't iike to be aw ak- / But such is .liife! Al ways complain-

PICNIC SITE miles. Tw:O' oi the friends, Jacka and ened by .these J:a mp.ag es of the 1ing, I gu ess And I'm not e x.cused Carlson, conc.ockt .a s cheme t.o ru.in night. I w.ish y.ou wo uld• use 1 fr.om that either, cause I've j.ust Th.e Sigma T.au Delta helld a ba- Suso.n's pl.ans .and to bring her t.o a Jittlre disc r etion an d t hl.nk abo.uc my I compla6.nin g &.b.out the w.eather an d con an d egg fry at t he "Dutch Oven" with> the Colonel. fee:Iings for .onc e. It 's I'm only / ha ving my :slumbers so rudely inter- Monday ni g h.t. They play t he part of tr amps, a n:d a c.at, b.ut I li ke my 15Jumber·S fo r / · the h o.usehold, in cluding the fo rce, h t ' .s.ake th ese a dv an cing years./ r.upted. _The cool evening,,. crisp ba con, /Ru,yle; Bartling and is thrown eau Y s b ·t May I go for a s troll now Dean fried eggs, shc eid tomatoes, coffee and into an up roa r. That 1s all except If the shoe fits we.ar- it, eca.use 1. • I ·. '. _ h if th h is ID 1 lJ ? Oh it's 1unch

ma.de in. one cf at th.e .lVIay .3 ,convoc.ation. , th eir sides t.o try for victory in a t he p.revkus Pe:d.ag.ogians th is A girl's s ext et, Claudia Luse, Lora very -exciti ng t l'a ck m eet

Our Hill Store boss's son lS a Di k - n Leona Huds on Mildred So,me of th.e even ts -Of t his cr.ack / Pho.ne 1.09

d b net instead of a bl ond. I JL·st c e:nso A . d' R th nna me et were: Diistan ce r.ace, e ac h s.ide e · r.u- · 0 A llee uxier, .an u a • c.an't understand hew I co.u ld· so un- we n ,. . the program by •i nig- lined up and, Wh at do yo u thm

wittingly make scich a mistake, but ?aibra1th, "Pussy's the !Those with the 1a:gest feet

•t t hav.e been the influence of rn g .two num,..,., 'd;,, ing the l ong est line. A vmy funny

1 ;m.us · t..:1 he W JI " and · i J.re • h th · " ·ack h nJ;io-ht .on his br.ur w rnue e. ! f Omaha en-e vent was t e rowmg, soup c1t e moo ""g the p DiO.r lady in d is-.Mr Jos eph o He pr;fac- ers" at your pa rtner with .a was rescwn ji.er fall, or was J.t the taineld next on the 0 disc.usEion and: it was qu i.te s urprisin g to ,see how tress


al tJa.lie nt for cl' o.in s be-:rnt,i f.ul g ow ns. F1inst her bu tle r irnd then her hush.a nd, th e En glish Cr p· j5ehs, wrus p]iayed by Al vae bau gh His p a.us e a nd d ig nity with stoud. all m ir thfu l merit fr om the .audie nc.e, J u.llie in contra.st to her daGhing sister w.as the sweet but competent

An t.o ine te (Tony.) (Je anne Slinker)

W arr ern, ruot. at a11 desirous -0f the ev er ch1an g ing fortrune but in love wri thi .a po or ,y-0 un g lawyer Brant AUen w l-.ose fine ch ar.acter was well

Tepr rnen t·d by Ri char.d Bl ythe. It i.s ,to the1se that the fortune finall y f e]JI f.or .g oodi.

W.arren Ad a ms a society dandy,' Em mers on Hawley, w as sa dly un.s u.c cessfu.1 in r.unnJn g tl:e fire.y Gloria but was not muis.t dist.r.u.b ed .at hav -' ing to "leit hd.mself o.ut ." 1\lonacle a nd ca ne wer.e very w2U ma naged a nd -Warren so un accustomed to


First Vi oli r: s .W in.ifre<l, Peru Gr ah am , Gera, Liner.In Burb rid ge, Eunice, Pera Silen ce, Wilma, Rock P01t, Mo. Snider, J: ne, Benk elman Gilbert, Helen, Peru Pace, Harold, Om aha Ba ldwin, William, Riv ert cn, fa. Viclas Bole, Cly.de, Reynolds Vance, Vir g inia, Reynold3 Horl113 Pe rry, Lloy d, Ellis Hunzeker. Lc ren, Humboldt

Naviaux, Ruth Nebr ask.a City Hin c hey, B·e.ttie, Omaha Ma j.ors, Lora, Pe ru Youn g, Marj o.rie, Pe ru Eri ckso n, D·.ris, T c, u:·nse':i. . Farwell, DuBois

Vien, Rachel, Dill r Sutt e n, Maurine Br ock

Trumpets Corn, Forrest, Verdon Peek, Merl e, Tecumseh Wint.on, Brock Trombone3 Nicholls, Dale, Edg.ar Od ell, W r rren, Om ah a


Mashek, Sylvia, Chapman Kingsolver, Harriet Anne, Peru John son, Marian, Auburn Burb1-:dg e, Dor.: thy, Peru Graves, Verena, Peru Pe rry, Doris, Ellis

Dasher, Fl ora, Peru · Bas .es

Cl2rin ets

Cr.an dell, Clarence, Nebr a ska Ci:y Fu ll er, Gi':iy, Auburn Kin gsolv er, Huston, Pe ru r leff, Marce'!.l us S tr.ang Flutes

Whyma n, Ruth, J o1mso n Gr u bb, J .o yce, Council Bluffs la. Ob oe

Pace, Ke-nneth, Council Bluffs, Ia. Jc-Seph, O maha

Pa dgitt, Vivian. Bartl€tt, Ia. Baswo n Stephenson, Rola nd, Cassville. N. Y. Ha llenbe ck, Ellen, Peru Na via u x, D.or c thy. Nebraska City Percus si cn Foster, John. Ben kelman Burb ridge, C. C., Peru ' Tuba Bree-ht, Evelyn, Gr a nd Island Foster, John, Benkelm an C P. wth. or ne, Dor othy, P er u suc h, to Ol Take from Missouri Coi- co nd, Kink, Nebr.ask a Cit,y; Disc.'.1SS thr ow- Wilkes (0),·

Ev el>yn Williams as .Mrs Warren /. I .a nd Leota P.atterbnn as Glorianna le ge by Good Score

Bl oss om played very Wf.H t.he parts }) I of eJ.d.erly iadies a .thing which,

ll Railsba ck, Peru; four <h., Dun- ia n (0);

Vau.l t-An d rewis ( P) and WilM ld re d Filmer, Ruth Chatelain weye bet tered. Follo wing is a list f -We dne.:day, M .y 1·7 foi:rth, VeJ witck, p, Time- :10 9. hieLm. (0 ) tie fo r f irs t;

usch (P) and Cecil Rawson a ddied amusement of t he pl ar..e3 ta ken by Peru.: /l y M c A.

t.o t he by pcrtraying 0 -y.ar as - Won by Cowell, I C C. A. 7-8 /) go s3ip in g serv.ants in the of Bru ce second. Time-10.1 Thursda.y, May 1s V City; tl:ir.d., Kiin g, Nebra ska Ci'\;y: the weait h.y Wa rrens. 220-y.ard .d aGh.--W cn by Bruce, & Freshmen Clubs 7-9 I fc ur th., Kelso, Peru. Time- : 24 9. Undefeated jn their three du al Tweed (Luen a C.Mk) .a po-0r Witt ser: ond-. Time- 23 .2 I Dramatii c CL b 5;30-8 & 440-y•: Td by Cc.w1es, m eets, C frac h Gil ke.s cns' will bu t klind· friend of the family had· 440- ya rd dash- Shaffer s econd. F.ric\ay, May 19 I Nebrask.a Cit.y; se cond, Ca rey; Ne- e nter the conferen ce tra ck and field her rew.ard bein g kind. T:i m&-54.2 I. FreisJ-1mern P.arty 8 b Mr.aska City; third, Pugh, Peru; m eet tr.is week at Linciln with high The prod11ction was made a sue- 880-.yard run - \ovti n by Newton Mon day, May 22 _ I cAllis t er, Dunb f.'. r- hop oo of giv in g the Kear ney Antee-ass by not only .talents and ef- I Andrews se c.end Time-2:09.4 I Kapp.a 7-8 ll Half mile,- W.on by Martin, Dun- lopes a ch aisei for chr.mpi ons hip honfo rts of th e direct or but by .th!e c-1op -1 Mile run- Cook ,second1 Perry third Sch.olarshpp 7-8 V f.' ec ond, Cowl es, Nebr. aska City· ors. · erati.o n of the class in Pi G.amma Mu g i th.ii'. :\ Palmer, Peru; fourth, Mat.i·n:

5 Sfi.ot putr-P.ate th.frd. Dist:mce 44f 4 I Philo- Everett 8 ll

7 Discus-St.ory thlrd Distrnce 129 ft & F.rida,y, May 2f3

Pole .second, AndreWrJ I ci.io1·.us Pr.og ram 8 I City. sec ond, Blythe Peru,

tied for third. Heig ht 11 frnt.. I .Saturdiay" .May 27 & Pottig rew, Dunb ar; fourth, Ma rtin, 1

Broad jump- Won by Gowell, Gar; FacuJty ReceptJi .n to the I Dunb ar.

micl:ael Distan ce 22 ft 10 % in : I Gr.aduates 8 & 440-y ard rel a y-W

Hi gh JUmp- Won by Carmi,hael Sund ay, May 28, I City; 1second, Peru; third, Dunbar,

Jav, lin-

feet 8% inches. I Baccalaure ate 10.:30 /l Time-48.9.

!Ti atches

Durye a, t;ime Dr. C.r.abtree has alwa;ys been tw:o the r oyal pro.cession gJ:i:ded in to d 11 in g winningness: escn <::.u as exce ent in both th ought Schmidt and Becholdt also san i;;- two ntctive in the hi g her circles of e d- view. the dainty fl ow er !: hh an d presentait.i-011J. Dr.Smith's theme The young la,dy of spint, Helen selections. The final selection by th ':!' "'

e fi-0wered cro wia. After sermon, "Abiide· W·ith Mt.'' I were done im thte huntm g lod0 e the Chorus blende.d so bea utifully as College Ch or us Fin.ally, th e. Queen ,of the Mry, was sung by the au.dien<*; a nd this Jaok, .i to gjv e the effect of a p.ipe organ. !c ommnencement Ad dress J. w Cr a b· Pearl Jean Do.1g, w11.Jked for.th. S he 1 . w-:s followed by t!':.e btn cd iet io n gi ve :i From the iJi me he his h.ea,:l , During iih.e past week Ch;orus 1 tree • 87 Secretary of the Nawore .a s:tateJy flow;ing dress of rov - by Reverend, Co ad. th.r ough the w.all pa ne_I until he fired 1 1sang the saime progr am at Johnson j Edu.catio n Association, al hw ender, and her lo ng be aut ful /' The servkei w.as hroug ht to a cl ose the gun as the curfams cJ;ose:dl,. Nr- and Auburn. The program was as : W

parts which we.re ORATING!' '33 PERUVIAN ctns.. the right of th.et throne Rohm Hood SECOND N. I. A. A. MEET done v e1·y we ll Albin La1s"n mid Awr..rd in.g of the B. E. Swenson , Jr., an<J hi.<> Men st.epped fcli:h, Leona Giv€!lls, as M.r. and Mrs. Jobin The Pe,ruvians a.re out! Ea$ ye.ar Medat bow en, and. tbek s\l.l.\\ \'n ar - Cc.ach GiHresorus' Peru Bobc ats fin- w. C anne ll, wer e gr,acio us, but wor" th/e !Student bo:diy e 2.gerly a,w;aits the Awardin g of the NE1br.as ka Stale Bar l• i)W a close second to the w in ni ng ried h o.sts a, he.use pa.r:y. The comin g .of j,t15 a nnu al memory b;o ok. El SP!) Con.tes t; Med.ah

Then t hei Queen reviewed her rr- Kearney Antelope.is in the N. I. A. A- g uests consisted .of three Lovely youn g D oro.thy Harks on was the seni cr to Benediction _Re verend L. W. Dun ton my, and bh.e ti•n sol d<iers cocky in t rack meet ·a.t Linc:oln la st week, Om- la dies play ed with polish and g ra.ce w.hom w.as accorded the task of edi- REcessional: "Grand Mar.ch" by ltse nthcir blue strutted and pa- aha UniverlS'i.ty w.as dn third place by Leona Hu dson, Vir g infa tor this ye?,1:. E. Albin L us,o n w ms man College Orc hestl'n ra dEfd in fr ant of her. with( Wayne lastJ. and A:da B.rady. her aEsis.tant,. Foll owing is a liSt of the c111Jege F.aiir.ies ar e aJwr ys p resent at Pe,ru gathered ei!g ht first p'laces ii1 Howard Hatcher, Oro Ferg us on Ta kin g up the 1933 Peruvian b: und grnd.uate·, who will re :.ieve t he A. Queen's cJO urt, but th is th ey the meet but eno.a.g h real a nd LeRoy Webb were,.. tb.e men of in an.d gold an:d, emb cissed with B. d egre e, and ako tho Ee finis h ing sent th eri.I" c·ousins, the elves. TLese te.a.m stre.ngt · on !S econds a.nd thirds F ) ·a, pi c.t ure of Jup,itor one finds its two ye ar co.urse, a nd t.he hi g·h 'I:" (Con'Cinued

0:o r. beard:- ch?.m pions. Bobcats failed to of

ed , laxnei_. ol d .:: obt ler. Iplace in the 440· low hurdles, discus CARMICHAEL ELECTED the dedic.a.tion of the b;o.o.k and a January 27, 1933 Nfxt Goldilocks c;-.r:1e 111 - jave.J,in .and fell sho rt in the r elays


to view, and a ft er goJng to sleep on I Co w eJ of Per.u wa .s individu al hi gh liam R. G2..rter, former head of the Howard C. F er neau the littlest bear"s bed was rl:ldel v isc•orer of the meet with .a total of 16 Robert Carmichael w.as electedl ! b.iol ogy department. eacih of Alvin C. Holem a.n l'.W21kened. and frighten ed away .l:y la nd 1h points- His winning tble high of t he 1934 B obcaits at .a l .tl::o.se

home. I to t he 1:jw:o· he now ho1ds1and of all track men fo1lowmg 1 CllroJ.ine Calder, Dorothy Harl s , n, I June 2, 193.3 Pirates wer e next in J.in e-b.old p1- /tlo be t he on ly recor d; broken during

H2.ttlcher and Ro sco e Tolly Irene Andrews rates g arbed in swanky outfits" a.nd the me.et.

scienes of the caim pus are INTER-FRATERNITY · · ithin one tenth of a second fil'St found by one openin g .the AWARDS MADE AT BANQUET WEDNESDAY the preisent co nf erenc e

dr2JTTlatics and :debate. candles in silver canclJes.ticks. After pl the en1.h e a!rai• ·. Gehring Om ah a; fourth. Terry, Wa- Bob is a sophomore thjs year and Hercules, jn whom streng.th w,as ·of a, pOOiasant buffet luncheon, 0.ra. Ferl··:;h: people participating .ill this yne. Ti.me =5 2 3· b Cook· f>e• u: is an outsta ndin g hi gh jumper a.s a. quality uo conquer de athj, rul es the g uson the prrn ident, pr es ented th.e b et will slso be. entertain e <l by Mile ru n.: Won · Y h' d Wh'pd" 21s t he cog in Coach Gilkes on s sectic.n g ivin g spacie to .b.oth .offic ers for the next year. All an,hanciu 's q uartette, Lenn and Hzr vey second P er u; t 10 r ' h rellay team:. He is 'One oif two me:i men and women'IS ll(ctrlv ities. x.io.usly .awaited .the p.resentaii'.io n .cf t e men R b Mc- f th Huff ma a · 1

ANNUAL TR. SC. UL ly to h eir exiceJlenit col- TO FIND POSITIONS PICNIC SUCCESSF 'ty Tuesd ay evemn g m ""' vac i , --Published Wct>.kly at Peru State Teachers College--

More tli,an five hundred parents· lege a symphony in supervh3or.o, college instructors, st u- Her IS ag d en snap-dra- d i..o1- ellow an gre ,. .dent teachers; aniL chHdren ·atten - Y • beiin g used t.o cared the annual training school picnic gons and in fl.ow ers. Entertainment c;o nsisted chiefly of ry out the sc b i ht yellow h 1 band W!hyman herself wo re . r g music oy the training SC 00 and the hi gh schpol girlJS' sexllettc, net with gresn .adcesor1ess. her a.udim oti"on pictures .of l ast; ye:ar's picnic· Miss ·W'1"Yman sang to · Enter;ed at the Postoffice of Peru, as second class matter. Sl.OO r She to1d them stor.ies and !llid a gkl's swi n1r:: demonst ra1i : n, vv• w1 Miss Palmer had· cha.rge of .a track ciful tal es carrying them ever · d" the Year-Sc single copy. rrieet for women. One ;of main her after even ts w.ais a baby bu ggy p.usl]ling or f.olliowmg "The Er mg ·

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF M. FLORENCE MARTIN contest. Games and con.tests were .llo.ve lyrics a];;'O found their 10 charge of Mc. Norwood and C:..ach her pr-0gra:m and the ever fami r:: r

'Students contin ue .to receive teaching p-0sitfons. The folJowing have recently been .aided by t he f>eru Placement Bureau. Geneviev e Dra ke· Musi c; Latin, a,nd English at 'fal;madge; Es.the·r Ostrander e ementary grades ait Unadi.Jla; Bernice Wilson, rural scho:ol in Dundee C9unt\y1. lVLir• ian .Mc Grew, gr.ad uate of 1932, wm teaieh fif.th


Wilma Jacka _________________ Aileen Cox. __________________ Fred Rohrs

GIRLS ACCOMPLJiSH Buckle Sets "Another year has slippedi down fr.om the and run aw,ay DISTANCE SWIM · to be a meimory." Experience has g iven us muchj in 1932-33 and we have' AND WAS THiEIR PARTY FUM I /J Fountain. P e!fl and Pencils I.( been offered an o.pportunity to lj ve-to live as gr eatly as possible wi th A "le swim is not an e;asy w1der ti I sm.aJler meteriails means '!ihian perhaps but broa der spiritual ou.t- hut fo.ur Peru gi rls have ac- The last socio!iJ gat hering .cf the (/ Scbiaol Pins and cham:es to :de.velop our trne sel ves .'We had to clap the fellow ' complished this feat Doris D eaver, !freshman a, pa rty held at f · beside us on the back and p.uJl oogethe1,, T.ra,11 alw.ays Vie.aches t hat,.. And Claudia - Lu.set. Naomi Pierce and the Hi. S audrttorrnm May A 1arge Buy here and I to the who .helped, when we loot our w.ay or were weai·y with so Helen Davey sw:am the length of the 1numb:'1' c.ame m_ingled together. I 1 mucl11 sti'lvmg owe ;much __ i.o all those whom we c a.II ;o ur faculty and Per.u P.ool, eigh.ty-elight times in sue- '. the girls \ookm.g 11-ke large and &, most especially .<>ur W.. R. Pate and our tw.o :dea.ns._ N. Del- cession. This makes a distan ce Of beautiful in their c o1or -

ze ll and Mrs. Imce Dunmn g. T.o yc·u w.ords .allow us to _say simply thank one mile. Moreover, Lucille Harp- lf.ul g.owns, while the yo ung men you but w.e. s hall not forgetl. And each ;of tl1l0m has given to the stu:den.t ster made a con.tinu o.us swim of three I ca,rried t hem.selves wi l(hJ g ood & JEWELRy

body a, part.111,g message for t he year 19.32-33. miles b.y t.raiveling the of the An excellent program was g iven I

To The Students:

Anothe.r coll ege year at Peru h as come t.o a clcis e. In m a,ny respects i.t h as been one of the mostunusual ,yeans in the sixty-seven cf Peru's exi stence. de pressio n h as made it diffic ult for many to r ema in in colleg e; yet '!;hey have remitined in lar g er numbe;rs than in better times. and w;i.thout doubt ha ve act u,ally profited from the sacir:fices ma de. More time for more t ime for participation in campus activit ies, and a k eener a,pp reci atio ;-i c.f frien dships fo rm ed here, · constitut.e a real profit that has come in a l irger moa.sure because of the sar.rific€5 tlrn,t. ha ve .been made. After all, the most worth while whi.:h a coll ege h as to 0ffer a re not b,ou g-ht with silver and gold, and these '.; l:un gs Pe ru has offered thi<s year more aburiciantly th;ail! ev e;r before..

That e ac.,h student may have fo u nd t his yea r's wo.l'.k hfahly profit to himself an d .th 2,t it will p rove .i n the years to come is the earnest wish of · W. R. Pate, Pre.siden t.

pc;ol, 264 Qimes in suiccession. by members .of the varioU,S freshi. I men clubs un:de1· the le'?.,d ership cf I (Where your money buys more) "TEA POT ON THE ROCK" Mildr e:dl Smith, Program :chairma n. DRAWS LAUGHS SH.des were shown by Grace Reiff and Mable Gess representing the Ko"T etapot on · t.he Rocks," a hi ghls \ d 21k club. aft er whik:h a flashli g ht one-act p}/3y. was g'.ven ·ture , of .assembla ge was tatken. L1vby Dramatic Club me,mbers at · i ng reproductions cf the folk in E C McAJ M

Frida,y's convoc atiion. whom we a1'6 int.erelsted were shown · • • eer

In play Daisy (Op al Gaj nes) on t he stag e. John F<>ster hobbled .a n:c:J, Mae (Mary Russell) setl -0.ut t.o from an upri ght fr.ame on crutches bec;ome the succ essful hostesses of a as Hildeb1·and. Throwing tea r oom. c aterj ng only t,o the 'elite th.em, he gav e .us a lively tap Afte,r three months of w.aiting, dance. Dorothy Jennfo gs portrayed rec ei ve t heir fir s't customer, Mffi'. Cal the 'a(ctions of g irl,s durin g tfhe cestairs (Helen Eads), only that th.ere• cent do.rm· rai:d while Lojs Meir iJS nothing to servei. Mae's hoy- gave us a portr.ait of the hr.ave.st fr,iend Roy (Ave ry Hall) ,arrives in g irl in college.

To the men .of the oollege: ·!·time to ciompl'icate tl:e Situation-but Le nore Harris gavei .a ;re·a1ding. "She A!:l Dean of men. I want ,t;o ta.k e thiis oppor,tu nity to expr ess my deep- b.e doesn't! He p.ays the errapd b oy was Mad withi Caus e," as a representes t apprecjaitio n for 1lh,e hearty g.oQd w:ill and co-o peration of the QOllege (Say er) f.oi· the gr o'C eries and g ives at,ive of Miner v.a and Scribble rs men, durin g t;he year just closin g. his would-be engagement mng, tio. the clubs. Th i)s ,year wi'U g.o do.wn in the h i<:to ry of th ei coJlege as a year of " gas company" (Dur,yea) in p ay ment Raic he! Vie rs and Alice Auxier 0 ·ood fellowship, goo:d 1ccmra,ds hip, and good S<iMlarshlp among the men of gais bdl.1. ' • 1 pl a,y ed a pian:o :due\t aiS ai se.'le.ct:ion for of the c.o lle ge.. Thro ugh the p a11tial gr,attiication cf Pors e>;naWty cliUb. '.In my contact men I have found that the lar ge madority Mae's ambition, and thr.o ugh his Per.u Playt:.>:rs gav e an interesting are no.t .unmindful of trle oppo.11tlu ni t;i es wb.iieh Peru has offered goo:q, sp ortsm a nship we are led tlo be- li tt le skit co ncernin g the mystery enMy w:ork this year w:ill be with the kindesti remembrance. Ji.eve w.ill need another ring, for .all acted Jn the se venth story of a HghitVery truiy, ends' weill. house. "S e.ven Stories Up." :wi. N:. DELZELL Thiis was the sec o.n d presenta,tion The cha r:l!c.ters were1:

Ano ther yaa.r has pas sed .a nd and 21ll i"is joys and isono1ws. its smiles ,and tears, its ho1Je 3 and 1 eg r ts h a.v e been reco,r.de<d in y,ou'l' mem01'.y bo:oks, and ind elibly chronicled in the deep rec oosoo of ,yo.ur hear ts. of ilhlis play. It is one of the best Alber.t Epley ___ keeper pr.oductions .of th.es yea•r. Vi olia Fentimem - his wife Margaret Stappenbeck _ his dlU,ghter • Oma.r Kbiayyam admonishes t:s: INTELLIGENCE OF SCHOLARSH IP M;o rt .:_ _________ murderer "The M·oving Finger writEs; and, havin g w.rit. ' STUDENTS TESTED Wyeth Porr doctor Hubert,t White - unC' erEale·r Moves cm: n.ca· all your Piety nor Wit Kappa D.elta Pi has nothin g over Shall 1w·e itt haq'.k t;o can:cel ha1f Line the Scholarship. Club members. Nor all your Teia.rs out & Word of iii." They aJso ha:d 'bh eh intelllgence testHa:cL ,y ou tJle p.ower to move b ack that "1noving fin,g-u", whe.t ed at the Jiast meetin g M.ay 15. w.o uld yo.u i·e-wri te to tell a different istc r,y of this year o!f college life, A Sp e'ci.a\ menti.on s hould be giiven tro smi le to have repl aced .a frown; a pN11ise t,o h'a,ve ech\:: eid a.hove .a- com- Ma rt ha Pizar's gt·.oup of S.ch.olarship plaint; a sympathy instead of a cri.tlcism Wer e y:ours the power to sp ee:l men1 b ers for having the .l onges t Hne, up th;Pit "moving fin g er" to· give a fuller aicdoun.t, what more would be oonseq uently th e la,r gesti ,feet.

yo ur :desire to hiave the pa gets tell, Perhaps a gTe'aiber tolera nc e toward Houston Kin g s.olve·r will l ong I

1 The FINIS h as · been reach ed, and wh at h as been "writ" ·is ready I foi· our perusaJ. 'Wh at the p.ages tell m B1tt·&rs n ot so mU:ch as blow we >Shall .Miss

Thelma. Barnes exp1ained slides which had be en shiown previou.sly in iJLustra-qedi talklS at Travel club; ta.king .the a ud ience tio vario us pa,r'.ts of the Refreshments of cup c.akes and c a!ndy we.re served. The

to gc ? Cc me, ba ck an:dJ w e'll give eve ning .at Mi.E s P etensen 's home g r.ades. you anoth er chan.cie next ye a.r yo.u c an Thurs day in of t he gl!oomy

If everyon e go es to t he W1odd F ,a ir t ha·q is p.la nni n.g on .it triffi'e should be o.n e se t asLde f .o r "'Peru D.ay.'' We su gges.t t he sc.u.th .entra nce. everyone wear ·a red .Sp ring •on Peru c.amp.us me ns thi s: S--"Streppy" P-Park R-Rove be yo u.rs elf then a nd flir t all y<J.U weath er A piicnic lu nc h, w as s er ved want to. Oh, .y•ou do n!t. f lirt! Come at 6:15 co nsisti ng .of lemo nade, pickMr. W e.,td o, y:o.u do you r se/lf an in- le'>, bu ns , doug hnuts ar. d ju stice! ice creram, Bu t, say, did I g et c.ff on that :the lun ch ho ur electio n subj ect'? I wa s ta l kiing about "itn. of fo r ne xt y ea.r wa s held. Se. y, an.d the stm:d·en.ts a;r en 't t he o nly Th ese peop le were elected· Lewis on e.s :vono ha ve ",it"'. Why. even .our I Th.o;npso n, pres.id ent.; D oris Dea,ver, bl ushing, bla ck -e y ed profes sor <J fl vice- president, D ana Schneider, s eed u:cat i•on .aw.aits h:is in li ne Vlii th cre,ta ry a nd Ma rj orie tre asthe re.s't -0f .t he c onc en. tect ones. ur e r.

Wn y, do.n'tt I get t:hiis too? If it { At .a late hour t hey dep a.rte d 110.okis .so c.ont2gfous :I sho uld h ave it to.o i ng· fo r war:ct to a.nother g oo d time in wiith. so ma ny caUe.rs lately. But my th e. f uture

Ano'tl.her ye ar has ro ll ed .a round a nd :the time b.a.s go.ne all to fas t to. sorne of us w'h\o w il1 n.ever g et ·a111other ch.an'c·e. to cllimb real r.ills, at least no1l Jiike Pe ru hill,s; go -0 n real picnics, at leiast n ot like Peru picnics, and m:a,ny o:the.r enj:oy able "jaun ts," bu.t th e edit,or of thii s col,\lJl1'lin a.Ii of the vicJti ms,,. who bec ause they hla ve c limb ed sitid hills and! go:ne on said p ic ni cs h:a,ve made possible .t h is bitJ of co mment.

May Pe r.u campus .al.,w.ays be as " kapery" as it haJS b een this ye in·!


t'h.roait is n 't even sore. Gee, w ill I be sociall y iOstr aci.zed n c.w? I can't h el p it., folks, ,yo u'll co.me bac k r. n ci see me a gia.in w-0 n "t you? I g uess.

CRO WN ING OF QU EE N (Contin ued fr om page One)

I'm out 1of style with th e rest· of yo u I folks who. do n't have! "it." b ecause 450 I tre asure wo11lh a Ki n.g 's Ta,npe op le can't be j som. After they h ad bra nd ;s he d

Gele, D ean, did y ou know I wa.s I Lheir knives in a sh 2l'p lo.ok ou t, th_e g oing away? I'm .going to t;ake a ti r eat ch est was opened, and a m,y nv.aic.ation, a nd, w hen I do oome In.ck, I ad -0f col'0 r ed,

I won't; have .any repiO

sai::.re t.ary -a,ny ;nore. Yo

af:te!r ,me th;o.u gh wo

in sw.irlin g satirn and l,ace ki nda' lonesom,e my pal but d ?,ncedi i nto the b alirc.;o m a nd re oq ue:tl'U ISjttll h av e yo.u1• cu1g ht t he he uc ?f t he

Say tif is-n 't one t hin g .it's anothe r! Why, oh; why w.o n 't peo?Ie l eave me aJon e an d s top botherin g me, De an Del.zell, y ou t old me t he W•ell, go oltby e, fo lks! I'v e en joy ed in,g ardent youn g prmce Gr a.e.e this i mm ens ely thijs ye a r. Statio n full y they sw.ayed to t he music until C -C-C is sig,niing :a ff, So long t he clo(\k tolled twel ve. Cinderell a fl ed, leaving o nly he r t my gl

SAX SEPTET DECLARED " PLENTY C O:>D" st ude nts woulldi be so b.usy w ith each One of the b est re c ei ved c onv oc.ao.th)eT this la& week that I'd tic.n prog rams of the year was given plent.y .of time t,o sle ep ,and r. s • .May l9 by the And th e w eek is h ere, t he last t et, or rr a.niz ed un'der st udent imtmaw eek I me an aind I'v e nev er seen tive "' so ina.ny peiopJ..e aJl at ·a.nd for - The g roup , of GeT.a Gr a.a lli t he t ime in rny life Wh.y , there ham, Cl a rence Cran dell· Tr.uxt.cm ,,..., row upon row a nd b unch R th· Albin Larson, Ke :1 ne th. Face, IS JU.,o; CU • K" er upon and t hey is.tre am Shubert. and Hus·bon in .,. I shouLd say aro u nd . I t ho ught· !Solver t ook the stage t.o the tune of in, or · D I n ' · h " I knew my numbers (Dea n e ze Holme's '"The Co ne curse Marc • t ht t,hem to me, don'.t yo u see ) This wa s foHowed by "Bear after the first ten tho us and I' ve Track s," ain d "La.f'n Sax," b-! Barto ed counting. Of course, ro U. Then came "B e nnet's s PP , me people twi ce al." b Ribble and an encore. :i:, af n of t,h.ose are sa h 1 y an d eve n ten times but nev e rt e ess 8.ax ." it counts up to tien tho.us and hu rnons The Gt u<l ep ts a,wai.t the bf!,lieve it or n.ot. "Saxoph-0 ne re c1 a . Th k ids on th'is c ampus have cere ,, hy you · l" · t en . l o ne w , M" Ru th Navia ux, vio mistam y g h 't got .J iss t• , . st yle if y<>u av en . d t the M.ay 17 convoca ion. aren t in many co n ceit- te rtiame a d th ee select"' I ne ver saw so M'iss N aviaux pla,y e r . • l ife· as I've s ee n , . 'tfrst was "Roman ce in A" ed people m my k d if th ey have tionsi. T he d "Nobo dy

slippe r in t he Prin ce's disa,ppoo nt ed h ands. 'The m u.sic fad edi Th.el Queen tir e.d 'l'f her r ev elry She r·orn 1 an d e ac h· blade of gr ass and eac h >eafy twig b owed to her w ill. ishe withd,r ew from he r .adorn'in g 1 s '.Lb jec.ts, an d her

Ift> uise Scotti LaVerne Setzer Mary Ru.:seJI Ma,rj.orie Yo ung Carmella. Brogna

4. Go ldilocks and th e. Three Bears, Gold iloc-li s _ __ Helen D avey Th ree Bea rs Or vHle Gai nes Arthur Harris Lawrence Wa nds !J. Pir ates, Ma.urine Sutton Ar.dis Edie No a Irene Anclirews Blanche Hastin gs Helen Gilbe rt Doris Van ce Lora, MajoYs 6. Cinderella, a nd the Pri nc e. Cinderell a Do roth y Il renne r P ri nc e __ :. Brog na College Orchestr.a

P. D. C. LUNCHEON (C ont inued fro m page One) vdc e. Eli zabeth Bart lin g, .typin g. Lela .McCa nn direc tin g of "Te·apot on the ·Rocks ." Ed·na J.arma,n, prope rties. Ralph .Mason, silage Dwi g ht 'Wle.J do, · p art


Flo1·en ce


Shoaf, p;art jn


"Pet.e r Pan" 150 point s-pins aw a.rdecL VergH Bu gbee, Bel va Ga,rder, D on Du ry e a, 0 l'a Ferg us on. Edgar Ga llowa,y, Ge ol'.ge Haskins, W·ilma J.acka, Doro.thy Jennin g s. Tru xton Routh, Helen Clalire Mulle ru;, Mark Mulli ns, Edna Maystri ck, Virginia, Mathews, Elo ise No a. Leone Ohler, Glen Shafer, Eva Kimsey, Pa ul La nd ol t, Mary Her· vey, Georg e Gates, 200 poi nts-dagg ers awa rde <L (G ivi ng pi ns or jewels to t ho se who h av e d a,ggers.

Dorot,hy Burbr id ge Veren a Gr a.v es Kenneth Pac.e Vivi an P.adig et.t Dale Ni chols Clarence Cran dell Merle Peek Winifred Pettit Gera Gr a ham Wilma Silence Ruth Navia ux Forrest Go rn Virgin ia Vance I Ad ve rtis ers.

Pianist - Eu njce

Gener.al Co mmitt ee Burbrid ge

Cl ass Sp enser A. Lora Dic kerson

Edn a J.ar m:a,n V. Lar so n l I Dorothy Brenner

Harry Schmidt

Hubert Filley

Stag e - Will



a nnet te Ru yle J ane Sn ider

Herth.a Oestma,n

Lor.a D ickerson

H ele n Eads

Mari.o n Dilleir Celeste Sabat.a


PERU Hos p-0c1i P<imiluj vii. _ Lv ovsky

Back in September it -aJ,l began, this year of 1932-33. 'And n-0w it hais almost become a mem,ory. The P<d· ·a,gogian has attempted t;o c.hroriicle .as .they• p aissed and f rom the

The Chorus Seraphic &mg Rubenstein NETSTERS CLOSE :WITH WiIN OVER OMAHA-U v.arious copies one finds that much Tarkio's Racqueeters inv a:c1ed the has happened in Pe.r.u during the Bobcat W·e'dnesday, 1fd.ay 17, .and last ni.ne before tlh.e Mi.ssouxi ans returned A new enrollmen.t peak ma<le a hJom.e they had suffered .their firs t g·ood; hegimi.i ng. The mixer star.ted tennis def.e at cf the se.ason, .and the t he ye ars festivjt,ie s. Soon the ieam- lseoond loss in four years of compepus was into t he fo otiha.11 Itli.tion. · seaJSo n to have t1*i tteam come out The v.ic'Qor.y embodied .double sigqh:aimpi'Ons and the p os.sesors of geld nificance for Pe.r1U jn tha1 t t hey ,c,omfoo:thalils. · lpleitelly aveng ed thleir .5 oo 4 loss at October brou ght wat<h it Dorm ITarki•on earlier in th.e se1as )n. formaJ, a,n d annual ":'ith The Bobcats won by a 6 to 3 s core. the foo.tball g ame w1t;h Miaryisv'ille, wrinning 4, of 6 !Singles, .and 2 of the tlie ple 1y. "The Blac k Flamin g.o" and 3 doUible.s matc:hes.. general get-tog ethers D.raiwi ng th e on .th.Jir 1£33 Friday, Dec,e.mber 2, t;h.e metaphys seas:o n by tiro uncin g Om aha U., 5 tin i c.al play. "Berkieleiy SquPiI'e" was 2 Co.a.ch Maxwell's Bobc ait netsters sented.. In the issue tellin g of this Thursday cl-0sed the most 1Successful we h1ave the announcement of the year ,in P eru tennis M?,nu al Arts Fra.ternity becoming _a Thei.r victory over the Gar.diinaJs member of th,e natioma gr.a up, E pEl· : stret,ched the Peru wins to 4 conlom Pi 1 mee.ts 2.:nd a gr and tota} cf So soon th.ei baGkethall was 6 me ets wo n o.u.t of 7 for the seaso n. here ai!1c1 immediately little New The Bob c.>at's lone reversal esarr.e Year put in his appeara.nce-. _J an - when ,th ey were eked out 5 to. 4 at u a.ry 31 b.rought thp armu:aJ T ?.rkio. This loss w.as later l qonce.rt of t he . College JUlSt ed. befo re the opemng of a new Every member of this year's squad t e.r when old notebooks could be d,J.S· , re burns, with one exception Ralph carded and a new s ta.rt made. .Mason, Platbsmouthi senicr. is the An exten.siv·e program w.as c.arried Ione loss on by thte d eha.ters who visited mmy .Mam.be.rs of this year's fine team, sch ools. Just before Saint VPlen- and their rc•specl i ve rankings fo How: .tine d a.y the Mi. I N K music contest- No. 1- Lawrenc.e west, Filley Nebr. a nts ,1111ade tqa ca:mp.rus ijn g wr'Jh H1Jeir N b No. 2- Fred Rohirs, Peru a 1'. med.od•;es, and a month l'a1ter the Dra- No 3--Delbert Miller. Peru, Nebr matic studenbs of th:e same n:hool N o. 4-R ?,lph M aso n, Plattsmout h,, N. .the Dram.a.tic Arts c·ontests No. 5-B.i.U Shumard, DeW itt., Nebr. spornsor.ed by the Peru INo' 6--D.ayto n Whitte:nc.re, Adame• N Club. and t he Manual Ar.ts :meet 0 h p A M· ell oac - axw Thoe brilliant ItaLran B.antone Rcss1, brought excelloot entertainment in) llis progr.am of March 22. The weE·k I before .th.e noted sin gers ap pei:ra.n ce 1 the Dr.amatic Club pl ay "Pete:r P.ar." t hrill ed ·a large .a udie nce.

Just what has beein a.ccomplbhed in the mus ic) dep artment -0f Peru was sh own :during Mm,1ic Week beginnin g May L .Miay means .tr.at the end C·?min g so th.e l ast few d ays were crowd ed wit h adiviti eF The Ee c:on d dorm p.a11ty of the Yea r;, this frne th e "Old Fashfone:l, Garden Party" was a gr eat :rucc.ess; the WI. A. h eld iits ba nqu et.!, the mystery c10medy 'Spooks' drew and laug hter.

On.e member h as been lo>t fr cm Pe1,u's fac ulty r.anks this y.er r, Dr. W;i!Liam R Carter· fo rm er b:ioJ.o g·y professor And .a shcrt time later the death .of Mrs G, ·w·, Brown <: c curre>d

This l ast issue brings yc.u .thle Graduation news 2itld a wish frcm the Peda gog ian that 1932-33 m <i.y l ong live packed away with your and may .you have mGs.t -enjoyabe v.ac,atiio n.


(Continued from page Onei) II.


(Contin ued from page One)

Genevieve Beatty

Lenora 1\'I. Bernards

Ada Opal Brady

E vely n Pauline Brecht

Ruth• Symes Br.own

Merib.an Edwin Br.ice

Vir g il Vaug hn Bug-IJee

Caroline Calder

Ann.a T. ChrJsten

Forrest Loren Corn

Aileen B. Cox

Okl·a Cl ayent hu s Da hlgren

Florence Esther D ominey

Genevieve Drake

Rol'a.nd 4 Edi.e Or a F. Fer'guson

Edga,r G.lenn G.alloway

N ora Eva Gilbert

Leona A. Givens

.Marie· HBJ'kson

Wm" Howards Hatcher

Mary .Marga r et He.rve.y

Leona Miae Hudson

Frn.n.ce.s Clarice Hughes Hollis Hutchins.on

Mildred Elizab eth Jodry

J €1Ssie .Ml. Joy

Blanche Alberta Hastings

Home.r John Hatcher

Hau·old George Heilig

Helen Jones

Dorotny Louise Keys

Ethe.I Corrine l{oser

Ifatliryn Olive Lash

Thelitfa 'Lucille Ludlow

Aii >ert J. l\fason

Ifnrr.er O verhol tz Myers

D crothy Adele N:l\'iaux

Cl:: rle,s P. N kke!:lun

He wa.r.d. Ph.illips

Arr .old Ferdin<ind Prokop


Hazel Niles

Eloise No.a

Hertha S. Oestmann

Leone Ohler

l'vlillicent Cathryn Orme

Esther Louise Ostr ander

P hyllis Elizab eth P apez

Frances Marie P.atterson

Jeannette J. Ruyle

Beul ah Lee Smith Zel!l

Lu cille Culbertson

Lorene E. Galloway

Alice L Kaminsk·a Cleva .Max:ine Kera.n

Helen Chadotte Linville·

Re.wen.a Lor ene Lorimer

Kenneth Gerald Lyon

FLorence A Maiek

D. Gwendolyn Pay ne

Mar.tha Nellie P.isar

Lois Velma Troyer

Dorris Vivien Webb

Marg:arat Eleanor Winter

Edna Mae Jones High school gr.aduates: Boy's Q.u.artet

Heben - - Burleigh Cornfield Me'1o di e3 - Burleigh III. M•iss Hudson acc:ompaniedi by Ml:s

B r.,rre_t;t.

In a Luxenb ourg g ayden M:ioning

You and I - - Mitchell Summer Noon - Hawle,y IV, Chorus Farewell Brahms

They S.o .Mild - Bra.hms

Galm Be Thy Sleep Nobel Cain v. Girl's Sextet

The 'Two ClocksThe Swan - Saint Sans Ole King Cole - Forsythe

Eva Le.a Kdmsey

P.aul A. Landolt

E. Albin L a.rson

Sylvia Rose Mashek

Ra lph Al bert Mason

Marion Virg-.inia M•athews

Virg in fa, Beatrice Milstead

Phyllis Lor ene ..Mooth art

Dorothy E ..My>e.rs E dward J ames

Winifred Beatr,i.ce P ettit

Naoma D. Rieirce

Verna Sparks Ra.nki n Grac.e E. Rowf'in.son

Eli zabeth Sprag ue

Roscoe R 'fo.l)y Mar garet Gr ace Troyer

LeRoy G. Webb

May 31, 1933

W.arren Sa:muel Ad•ams

Lucille Mytrle Bacon

Ri chard Willis Blythe

Ruth E. Chatel-alin

Dorothy Beatrice Cawthorn e Gra ce Marg.ueirite Coatney

Luena Co:ok

Roberta Je·a,n Cowell

Mildred .Marie Filmer

Ruth Estella Gilliland

Verena Nida Gr.aves

Alan J. Grover

Leota Jane Pa,tterson

Cecil Bal·tl€tt Rawson

Jeanne LaVonne Slinker

Alvae Earl Sul tzbaugh

Evelyn Doris Wi!Hail11s

John Oornell Tynm1



FOOTBALL: H tc.her* Howard I The Per.u .Alumni Capt. Homer* ca;wel Carmichael, I.members are fjo have their annuai h * T-0lly 0 , "' I .

Hate er • P'ke Dasher*· Bruce meeting m the form Of L tman P.ate1 1 M'ller g . u p' hes· Le wis, Gafooo', I ' a luncheon The renunfon will be Peek, .un c H ris and Mas- f th Story, Prie<fert, ar held in th-e .dining ha:U 0 e dDr:rn on* itory a ti 7:00 Thursday ev en,ing. pro. p nches Ca rmich- fess.or Cle.ment.5 whp is president Of C t Pr1efer · u • ap · * Andrews, T.olly* the association will prestde cal:bng bPekdenswo:bb'r: Crawford a.nd pon a n umber of the vjsi,ting a;l.\UD, Rails ac · • u . . How.ard Ha:t.ch.e r'''· ni to g;ive talks. A o'f. foe nd. Trac k: C.,,....rnichael, hl will u ndoubt.edJy prevaile .aa B * Cowel """ 15 P Capt.. ruce ' N wton Witt, h l.d or ads. harmo ni.ze and sing the oo urse: Andrews Cook. P aite, e ' t t ei 0 "' th h • G . Shafer Davenpor , ld co llege songs. At . e cloise of P.unc es atne s, • 1 .o · Denn.y and Edie*. : thi.5 ,in£ormal reuna.on b.oth t1* alum. (Those marked ::: wm I ni an:d t he class w ill martjh t-0 the Ierust side of t.hle new science hall BOBCA TS CLOSE IN MEET wh ere the ivy W'il,l be planted by the dass president Steve G-aiine.s From (Continued from page One•) hetre the group w.ill proceed to t}W aha, 41 feet 5% inches; second Pul e, aud.it.odqm f.or the re gular class dey Peru; third· Eisenhart, Kearney, four- exerieiseis. th Hung erfo rd, Way ne. P cile va ult: Co wel, Pe,r u. No yes STUDENTS RECEI VE PERUVIANS am:L B urger, Kearney tied for first 11 f eet; tied f-0.r fourth. Baker, \.Va· ( Continued fr om page One) yne, and Wills Kearney. t hy of lf\hei co.lleg and its accomplish.220- yard dash: Won by .ikure, ments The fear .t hatJ t.he •ainnua] P eru· second Dick erso n. Omah'l k ' third Worley, Kearney, fourth Hcj- might; not materialize thiis year ma es the 1933 Peruvia.n ev en deairer to all kal Kearney. Time :22. tl:: ooe who take •it with them. 220-y.ard iow hurdles: Won by Lambert, Kearney; se cond, Theobalrl. The S'baff jncJuded: Wayne. D orothy M. Harks<>n_ Editor-.in-chief Wayne; third Kr ampein. fourth, Baxter Kearney. T ime :25.7 E. Ajl bin Larson BIUlinass Manager Discus won by Sorens en, Omaha. Ra1lph Carso.n - Feature Edit:a.r J.33 feet.; sec:ond Wil kes Om ?.ha Belva Car der Org,anization'third Ossian ,Om.ah a; four.th Fuller .M?.rjorie Mendenh aJ1 _ Humor K Y George Kuhl - Ar.t earne , Edit T wo-mile run: ·w·on by Gook Peru; Edw.ard Pedersen or second. Do,rity Kearney; t hir:d, Hall Edna, J arman Typ13t Wayne fo urth Denny Per.u Time Harrie,tt Anne Kin gpolver 10:59 3' 1 - Assistan,t Edito1· Broad jump Won· by C.owe\ Per.u, JohR Wheaitley --::---------23 feet 2 inches; second. And erson, Ass'ist ant Busmess Mana,ge1 1 Omahi>,.. third Steber Wayne; f-0urth For ef;peciaUy excellent w.o-rk fo ur Fink, .Kearney. keys were ,aw2.,rdetl membe.ns of 880-y a.rd rel ay Won by Omaha; sec- 'Those accru·ded ond, .Kear ney; t.bir.d Peru, fourth were Doi·oth,y E;. Albin LarWayne. Tirne 1..:32.3 '8on., Edxi.a Jar man. "Bcl."1'6 C'61.:·der. Mile rel:ay won by Kearney, ond W thlr.d. O maha, fourth & I Peru. Time 3.:33.5. (/ Ke ai·ney, 167 feet ll1h inch.es; rn:: - · Javelin t hr o.w: Won by Gilmore, ·GRADUATES ond Lamson. w·ayne, third Eis enhart I fo.uxth: Paul Wa.yne. OF

I High Jump.: W:on by Carmichae_l· I Peru, 5 fee.t 8 ¥.? inches; sec;ond Fink. I Kearney, tied for. t hir.d and fourth. I_ A Punches Peru, Tho.mpson Oma ha, /l I a nd Gilm ore Ke•arney. v May your horizon wi:• MJISLEA,DIKG LA.lDY i

• I (Continued fr.om page den as you climb, and I 'the party. Howard Hatcher a13 the I/ I rejecjted Henry Tr.acy showed g reat indig1raitjo.n at the l mss of his fiance.e the future dawn rose- I an:di behaved as a:n.y c-ast: off suitor I .sh ould beha.ve and dtd it well. Ora I Ferguson as Sidney Parker. the play I ant with promise. wri ght;, was! il;ihe gentL:m an who start- I J\ I ed the b\ig ru mpus about the bet, and V LeRoy Webb, as St.e.phen Wea,t h erl:ee I Peru Pedag-ogian. :Jr:lded h;i,3 bit to - make t he gene.rd () I fr ac·ar.; worse. Virg il Bugbee w ais Keen Fitzpatrick, Wie en.terpn:isiJng young news- I PP.per rep;o rt,eir who tracked Cra1ige n O WHY NOT I to his lak Howard Footer and Ra.I.- I ' i ph Mason as the. keepem of Bone-y • di spl ayed tiheiir musica l abilities by (/ Prices a.re going up on batsinging "Le M:ars.eli.llets" to entice the te.rioo and E:mpea·.or home. Then th&-ei were t.be two over-indulgent nepheiws cf Boney who gave a re alistic J:erformance of ha,v'ing, b ee n t:o .Missouri. TheGe part:> were E!illaested by E:diga.r G11.Uoway a.nd Edw ard Pedersen. It's time ,to

Bes ides tlbie good w oi·k·.of th01 ac.t.. 1ors be m ::.de of the I settrn gs 'T!rn,

icim D ;: ily ch apel b.q illdiug in l880, we have, pri- store1. At· one time, d::e to an "<'-vert:: ·,riH'·\! ,· so li citi ng a m c. ney c•: rn ri- or .to con vocation period, two rows ,f fl ow" .in at tend nnc e1 w«re h 11 buti.o 1 to b uiM a new a nd mu ch And such lovely ch,la'ins, re- in the b r.a eme nt of the T. H. Howell ch:·rch. Mr D.ailJ r ep l'e 1 sp!endent with their chc-rry-c.ol-0red \.vh.ic h is loc a led It orth of with a ve r r ernphat jc, "No"' c,on- I pa int c overing t he m aple-w.ood a ll the Peter '.o n Photo Stu dio. In the tinuin g to say,, "W e nee d .a sch ool c ar ved a nd bed ec ked the ir sol emn wi :.ter of 1866, in th e bi tter c:i.ld , L) U•SC1 I wi1t be gl?.d to p .ut up an.d majes.tic way The curv ed ba,ck th e p.u plls moved to the Distr ict a sch 0ol h o·:·ise an.cl. m·1l<e it l ar ge co vered with. hi ckory-b ark weavin g-, School fo r th efr and eno•;.; gh [i!t may l:::e us€1d as .a matches th e se at T'h.e t wo aims of wreks l


.an edu c.at10 n. an d of t e o.

finish,ed by him, :rnd,

by the

ing to do w,ith t he b£en drc:ulated T;,is ar- amo unt wh ich pl erased Bu rch. I Mn. Gowdy t.o the l'eft .of hi m and 1 1 F· Ne <il establishme nt .of t.h e Aca d em y i'1 licle will: try t.o lli.g ht c.n Gome I r.i;.-weU .as arStonishi ng him in face of j Mi.1s E li za J\'Iorga n t o. the ri ght of Dan.ie!J C Co.le 1862-1867, w hil e he was ·i n the army. mw an:l hith ert.o ·unknown a sp Ect3 of J th'! well known fac t th at M r. i hi m. 'T he n in the b ac k row were I G'.les Re ntl i He g·ave pr ai.se to Major the founding of Peru N orm ali iJ.<1.d no five-h.nn d re d do!lla rs at ha nd Prof essors 'Howie, GPan!t, Lippett .and 1' B ir.am Bu r ch I '.fir"m Burch, Dr, Jo rn 1\€1 .I T 1 L . l t re J th D I J .r.seph Fc.ote· h fi t t" 'e.-l the In 1860, the erntona · egis 'l. u Hr ther B c'.rc h went to o. ers. r. McKenzieL ·

1 d" f·Te to IN NEBRA KA Burch In Js so_1c. - G.n it, an d. Mr '. C· en z1e wa.s ve -the sc h oc.J und e-. its r.

h "'

· '- h · 1 t t· k r Aft er Lhe w2r en cr_c c, ie 'P r; h" 1· 't M K . ry v·:\·.;ld 1..okl .t e• nrop os.a o a e av e

r€- nn.u.d. of h11s And t

, JO nth of June, J. M. McKE!'l1Zie, w o fusa l by .a few citizens w o n JVIiss Morga n cou. no en

d bee'l1 connected with u pper low.a thi11k it c<mtd be donec In tn e becaUEe of poor

'Ja - •t Jocarted a:t Fauette Iowa, /' of 1865-66 Dr Ne ·! 1J:>,oe.d hi :Tiself one co ,ild tell y:u th at g1asses were

na vens1 y, , <1 d f 188?-

nd who had bee11 a teac her in thnt /a nd provisions on a hor se and r _o e unk n own to t he fac ult.y c • -h In the me a ntime, th

:cho.o l for five y ears, came t.o Ne- /to Mary ville, to ne gc t11te

·aska He lariate d .at Pawnee City, \for uurc h ase of I.and whic

c .,Jl' hamlet c.ontai.n i. ng at t .at ed by a Mr ._ Frame•


. D


!:: t.ate

+,ba n one hiu ncre:l people. In the m.e.a ntime, other r ea :· ·,1,dn g st ra) in: , Daily in Zhe cf Re- -.f 1,he<e tw.ol mernp Ill" 1tention was to b.uil'd up an I were bein cr tak en to hold o:cih oo e ,e i ea,dy for t

_1'. , of learnino·

1 . t tnrt the Acasked si m;,Jfy for a place to de-! :::prea :l throvgh out sou1 e<s- ,, t.o :h e1 aGng 1de. had wish ed to '1in g

•nonstrate his

.•f a sufficient rf ,I Mgj cr D.2.i l y, in his J>'lt: rn eys fr v.m / h erEelrf by poking Pac1f1c in the sc h ocL, an d in

C it y ard had .1100 um f her befe bo !'.I· Lan cncter County, if successful, It . he ,n colli<J,<r e oon " 1 . h( th s tonoe J h I- his v e.r pe n r.Jm / Id - t the !- cati on d ere• I ;, "' • lllun itv beg an to fa 1 in wit e th'3 :merits of the 6C oo ' . . t nd using it as a bay.onne!.'I' h ese I c r.;e. w.o_u wnrra,n h St t U ._ Col0nel M·aj(.rs .C: edic.a.ted his Jue Fi nally, terms were \.VcS that ]\!Tr. proba-1 to the se rvice of this up .O a nd :9'.' as '\ w?.S no doubt the / bilit,:es, for the· fac ul\ y of dray I ' D Etc, i.ask wr(l t oD fo r a, wo •"tory b u11::.:1n g r , to hea.d the n ew Pe•ru sc , .a ' - j e very proper in behavwr and ? r.o a y a . . b , " man of Per.u to un dr; 1ta.ke, .1 e e • - the w1nter, h M K n ..o·ie w2s 3 b1·oth Er-1 I wer !111 th.-,t cou nty. A mem er 1. rornL1En '- 't ould be c,l: s erv i ce to the lJ: se Dunn g - fa ct t at e '-' · · d d M . Ab l B r II ti: at .I w · '·- " ez;zie ta ug ht s choo.11trn rn w to Brother Bu rch also rnc11ne J wa s the prev.a.iling sity l2, for w as l. e ·. er in<Htutir-n he love:l• A year h rn bnil'dincr an.d had an at- to adcE pt the ur gE>nt re qo e.t /I T:l ac k men with t heir tigh t-waiste d, ! of Ae hJ.a nd'. Ne br., a gcod na-ssed since he ·answere d the lr,st s or f,ort p<Upils. By ' 1 .. to PeT>u in c har ge of thi1s , . e d Ion ., -


--Published WePkly at Peru State Teachen Colleize--

ate d en the spl e.nci-i d entertainments it has brnug ht .to P eru's ca mpus t his fir st summ er Cert.aiinl!Y there has never been ·a, more br.iHiant of progr ams planned fer a gru up of st ud ents Newly everyone ha s HIGH" when he came to bre•akfast li gh tfal th at daughters shall surely

We believe th.at the Budge..t Commitit ee should be he a.tily congratul -t he kitchen...:.....why n ot ask T.oHy if it a complete bathrc;om on flo or. ing, an cha,ng e in the form to. douse br,rnnettes und-er the They also h ave a parlo r, music room, \ .of tag dances fo r S e111ior, Jun ior, faucet? Perhaps he'll· even show and ,Miiss Stoner's 1 1 S.'.l ph.omo re, a n.d: F-resbpi an boys and yo u that wh'ich sent him "FLYING Morgan left. Oh it is so de- was directed b-y

w.as -provided the opportunit y to att ein.cL an occasi.o na l, fine pl.ay, lecture, or concert, but Sunday Morning ,T o.lily my boy, RE- go there. I'm a busy h o;.m ew ife. now, bv Cra.nd_:i H's

seldom is it for h,i mt.o experienrte a ll three. s uch g em s.. The VENGE TS- SW:EET! so, since it is ne a,rly tw elve I must Cu

ca mpus ,is honored to h av e had such -a,nd well-recommend- I wonder how many peop1e suffered g et dinner.

Q fnm heat prostration last SJ nd :.,y·. Affecti om t.l .,

ed persons as Lew S.arr ette, The Co m'is h a,nd The Petr ie urn - · 'I kn.ow .one who had all s,ymptons- Susrn '.'lit tette., the tall JJacL who handles the broom I

This issue of .the Pedagog ian has been made p cEsib le thr.o·ugh solencLid qooperation of the F .aculty .the histc.rical res eaa:ch w.ork I( e nn elth Youn g, ,a nd the fine· work of a willing staff.

so. My grucfous, he tost his II

the head c.omp}etely that no on-his mind' September 8, 5 () I of seem to h av e go ne to his child-' Dearest M.other: I y our fo od

The purp ose of the pssue is .to c.ommemo!'ate t he s,ixty-sixty anniversary .of Peru State Te a,chers' C c.Hege. On J:rne 21, 1867, in the first session of the N eb r aska legisl ature, an !',ct was passe•d "to lo c·a,t e, establish, and en d ow a State nc.rmal school •at Peru," being the f·;r.;t St!'.jte educati.onal in st itution au'1i'.i.or ized within t he j•ur.isdiction of the new State Abc,ut seve11ty st uden ts were enrolled durin g the first term w}lich openedi jn October of 1867. There we re three d epartments; N.ormal, semin ary , and prim 2,ry There were bJt two teachers a nd an ass;is.ta n t. Can y.ou imagine thait school in contrast with the co lleg e whicjh we att end to day?


Summer 1933 First Six Weeks Maxwell Team, N.o·. 1 Baker

Conw ay Mgr






Kn ap p


Co well

Ca tlatt

E. Snider

Nm 2

T eam

T eam

Lewis Mgr0

Lyons Ba usch


Willia ms





Mc Cre.ight


No 3

Tolly Mgr.


Clem ents


Pu gh Va nce St a ndley S.te,c k

Te am No. 4 Ubben M g-r Reinmmer

Gates Sharrar Deubler Bell naskins

Seihorn D. Sn y der

T ea m No. 5 V11rnce Mgr Sommers

hood days He must have been re- : I so happy to be

when his Jtittle

dr o.;,iped a gl.ass an ct he was told to I so queer to walk ;over the &ame spots I I/ c.lern ,it up. La menting in loud : th at you did. Oh ,yes, Mr. a nd Mrs. he r.an to Mamma to h av e her / Van Middlesworth are still tak ing ffx .rt for Mm-b:;t afas, .a ll in chHge of the dinin g ro om, but M'iL5 s - he h ad, to broken bits/ Stoner is no fo.nger here ; .Miss Clel and I aw ay. Yes, thJs la ddi e r eacted th at is taking her pl·ace, th ou gh befol'e t h& vr:.,ry sc ene fr om his f crm er dr1ys fer \ cam e, a Miss D aniels W•l$ in charge..,

S I the benefit d the Kit chen tiaff- t Abo mother, the teachers d on't stay .is d epressin g to think j.u.st here movei o•nt in the he at clo es' to such manly 1903 becawse .they had to have r oom fell ows-it g ets t h.em down complete- 1 fo r the new girls who were il u<'.1, in g- in. lry. · I'm sorry Mother, but I mus.t d r.Gc B e!ieve it or not it rea,Uy it r.a in- ole as e wrUe soon a nd .d-0 send a p .arkin g-f.O I' m quitti'ng: ri g ht n ew so I of g.oo die 3 • can enjoy it. Here's hop.in g the new 1in the kitc;hen remedy any f•nture possibli.ity .of f.urtheT he at pros - / Lov e., Your daught er, Sus an trr.tion. Well , ns the S"y, , Episode III ( "Hasta Iviana n r!i." / . September ] 2, 39 32

Moms de,ar mt:


F!'es-h fruits, cc okies, c ak es, p ickles, san d witch sp read marshma'!lo ws a nd

Dear Kat e:

THREE •EPISODES IN 1THE Blew in yesterday wh'i le it; was\. LIFE OF THE DORMITORY pouring down- went -right up to my r.oom which. is a peac h! Large - -airy .....:..well li g hted-·a,nd best of all-it Episode I p ossess es .a J;avatory! JuL5t one step Septe1nber 6, 1891 l b eyo nd al[ dreams of convenience. Went •up to see yo ur old J:oom in Arrived fo yesterday af- ' Mount Ve rnon - it g.ave a great·

<!ALL CHAS WIL LS P hone · 67 .tern.oon. R egLSt rat10n was dur- nud g e-j.ust think I'm here at the ing the :d.a,y, a nd now I am JUSt .a bo·Jt same school you and. Grandma rsed to put .up my c(urta·;ns-y.o u to attend. lVI'Ummy, E. M. Ha ll i; a to see thi:s l'!l. try dre am-large, beau tffull y f. c· misbed·/ , to y.ou as v1v1d a p1cture of rs Ip£rloi-, even a p arl or (lh at's Hair cut 25c; Shampoo 25c

I possibly ca n on . pa per where Bob and· I spe11-i some time ), Nic e lin e of

It is a tw:o story brick h o.u iie ,set a rec re at ioJJ h aJl, well eq11ipped laun- BOB KNAPP on .a lovely sloping l aiwn which ter- dry and room. In fact every minates at the Hall. Th e thing for a girl's c.omfort. On -the pa vement .next to l · d d b " l Swanson Hall fr,ont '. wn m surro un e Y a, wooc'- The p.opul ation ;of these :lor 1rs ha13 --------------=-en fe.nce. Insiide the1 ro oms are very g-r:ci wn s o. la rge th at the:y not only simp le bu t oh so cozy; each one pos- ha ve one;. but .two in ch ar ge, Mrs. sess.ing a box st ave, a nd , as you kn ow, Dunning, Dean of g irlo, a nd Mrs a: bedstead, bureau and but Mnsh, precep tre ss. Mr. Gilbert has the te ac.hers, w ho iJso li ve here, fur- char ge ol' t.he dinin g r.oom now !lh nish. their own ro oms comp l etely. yes, the plac•e hais chang ed ra,di e;::11.l y M.is.s El.iza Mor q an, o':r prec:petres 3,

s in ce Y"'.l U were her e-all., th at is ex- is ver.y kind, an d nc.t as strict as o ne Pho ne 62 might exp€1Ct. A grand imp r ovemen t is h er e-th ough :the tow n hns no ele ctr ic li g ht s, a nd .the· school rnai ntai M its own plant, Ug h.ts g oing out at ten-thirty. If we need li ght l ater t han tha t we have to burn kerosene Oh, I must answer my d oor - ·it's one uf the boys t.o fill my woodl;ox. I must close,

Dear Kate: Affectionately Susa nn a January 26, 1895

Have you heard the dreadful news?


serri&, I ce Cr.e am and Cold Dr inks, Soda Ft,un taw • n.nd Lu nch Fresh Fruits and Con fecti.one,ry , Sandwich es F n toiJt Goods, Hot Coffee an d Chocolate, ou ' sup plies tion ery and SciJoo H. U. LANDO Li P hone . Pens, Sta78


melodr a m:'3.", and 1 · " e.r 0 e.y m2de several t rans C(' nti nent.a l

It v - pleyed in the mwn., th at it 0.ne-Pu och Dug.a n_ M,_ Gate. TO.e P<t<L'' """ tlUr i a'r,_ We

iro1i!d have been i>Layed by a Ch u c. Ir Co.o ner .,, a Bowery Gt..Ude -

company of the 1890's.

Even t.he a dvertisin g a.n.d the house Regin.al_'L Van.dETlrip, an upto wn swell of the day The prc grom

Young, Pr.seJdent .cf

Lr ,Especfally

w.as h'is

ur.'.lgrJJms were printed in the style Mr. W. A. Hu ff move.d writh. snap and mHibry pre- t he coming year, I mr.(liz aitio n .of a w.in dl scl::ne in .of tbe ninetieg. Mr Va nd e rl.o p ________ ·__ __ c.isiion There was not a duH mo- And, o.h! di:d, those h orr.e made 1 which a Frenc h-Can adian protested p lot W'S b uilt Ilirnm '"" T hehr.a Arn Jfr olyn menL Ennugh nnvclty >nd <omody "'"" •rnte Tirey ".:'"' ·••.';"'t .the t <e.tment hi> people ,._ • 1 aind his daughters, .Barbara E.uith V ander lcp - w21S lintrod11iced t,o lend contrast and the thlng wit h th at good ice c,re.m ce1ved fr om t he govc-rnmen1. end Ne I. In th e fi r st act the happy Miss Ka(.heirine Bergman many siu rprirns. Fo.r im; tance, the for SIUJCh a '"'arm Mr. Sarett is t he auth or of fovr family w.as distu rbed, beca.use N€ll's J .:- mes Hi Glue, a s.igh.ts eer - cornet duet playe:d, with each one "The entrancing pi a,'lo m

oweetherrt, John D.a!.to n, was a-:cu e-l Mr. HaroO..d Stoltz .c.pera;t.1ng his partners. by Ad a Bracly Sttemed

of mur.der and l!l"reste c\ but he es-W.ai'. er :: Herbert Petrie, and direc - laug hter ar;o und

fro111 th e law. Nell, trickei Happy Mr. Mark Mullen tor of .the Quintette was solo ciornet- gave an r.tmosph ere

by th.e clever v.ilh in in Izzy Mr. John F oste r ist in the famous N.avali Ha.t.talio n partiY.·

'.!' thinking that her Jc.hn commit' e:l Rom Robins.)n. a fav orite songstress Band, which was dire-cted by John

he murder, consented to go to the .Miss· Ad.a Brc. dy Ph';lNp S.ous.a d'llring the Worl:L W.ar.

cit.y \\.'ith h\m" and in order to be Other Sightseers: Helot · Herbert Petrie, who began his


lik e wome n" she smoked a ci- Marcella Og.ourek, ard •st udy of mus.ic at em_rly age, Wa.<1:

garette H er father, thinking that Belv.a Ca.rder. P.1 student at t he An:encan Comer•/

tli is di s pl ' y of clev ilishness indicated THE STAFF vat,ory cf .Miu:sk, and also sttJ:di£d p ri- '. I··nterest 111 g flrogra111 was Eni·oyed t-y that she w a.s .a bad w.oman, drove her p · - iv•o· vrtely under Edward 1ewe yn,L- 11 Cdle

i ,, r. I "' Large F' c ulty-Studen .1 Grou p b oo ks


: I Sat·.ird a_y, J_uly 8- · All College Dance 8 (} Mon d Ry, J.u l;y 10 ..:..... I Sigma Tau Delta 8 I & Monc1.ay, Ju ly 17

from h.i s h0rne Ac:-t two carried the Miss Helen Claire· lV.Ju llins l first trumpeter of the Chicago Sym""m inclu c' e: 'i r.terpre tation, ag u- story to Mi k E:i Slat tery's beer g.arden Ho·:ise Mgr. __ .Miss Lu riv Anderso n phony Orch estra. l{appa De' ta p 1 · hc,·ld 1ts first inEet- bl" k · I - ' menta1twn, p·J 1c si:eu rn g, ::: pee: 1 rmd da nc e ha ll on t he Bowery Here Stag e: __ Cl'Yde La re; Thein Ann Miss Constance Aus- ing of t he sum.mer sernion Mon:J.ay cc rrecti on and. ph.onetk:s. Hiram Stanley se c ure.cl a job as a Er Iyer, BErgm 11, De l- tra li an si ng. r manifeste d un1usual rau - eve r. ing, ,june, 19, in t he F.aQulty ing er and h :o re Nell came see kin g va Ca,r.der, Le lia Frazer, Marjo1b Is:ic?J talient. r.oom. The fo llowin g a nd him. B..i t befc re she foun d him she : Mendenhall, Eve.l j n Bre, ht,_D oris Up.on g radu ation sch-0-01 me:nber.s were in a,tte nda nc e: d!scovered her d.ead >ister's little \ Deaver, M.ary Sv,,ratek.,. Or vill-e. \ she was :gr ?.nted a four y ear f d! L •J. rill e Harp ster, Vic :-Presi do1t, Lu c-.y boy. She man.aged to g et t he hoy \ Buehler at t he Univ er,ity cf Mel- Mu"etta Campbell, L e.c<t.a out of the bem· g·2,rden before_ \ Li g hUng _ J.ohn ·wh eatley b01:.11rne. . Da vis, D ag m?.r Frederickson, Hel en was f oroed to fl ee fr om t he v '1 ll am I - Miss clear lyric color- Gilbe,rt, Id a P. Ethel Murg.:o. troyed, i.; nder t he 1------------.-- - at ura, has an exceptio n.a lly B.rnic·e Mill er, V.irgi n.a Sp ei ch, ar m. of John D ::i 1ton The scene for i TR SC NO·TES i wi.::le range t nd a youthful freshness Bernice Ge org e, .]Vfrs Dunni ng, Miss act thre e was back in the Stanley _: _ _ • .• • whkh with-her c.h,arming personal.ity Mona Ly.on, Grace Tear, .Messrs. nome on Chr istmas Eve. The f ?,m.ily, • and command .of five diff erent S. L. Clemen t-s P. A. Max weil l! nd J. g1oomy because the mort gage on The kinder ga.rten h as entered i; p:n hn g ua g es ma kes r.et" a distinct ai::- W•. T, !er. fa rm could n.ort; he renewed, vrns r.,u1 te th e stuay .of the In ona n pr.oj ect. In- set to any progra;m. t.o the cf the seqres urp ri sed when_ e nte red .d i.an so n gs t re be'i ng learned 2i11 d the 'The consisted of the f.cl- tary, Miss Andero.on w.as R\J!)Oi nte d iO the hou se and· .mf .orme.d Hiram St an - st udy of Indian art is onc o.urag e:di. .! wing:

ac.t in secret ar ia l cap ac,ity fo r t he ley t hat he, now tlh.:1e IO ff-settin!! the N av,ajo i'Jg frame_ :j,3 Gypsy Love SiO ng Herbert -sum mer. Foll owin g a g eneral d is-

cuss10.n, I w.as vo £; ..,._ and· his fr mily 1n.:1st move at im d- / c;e nt e,rs R oun d the b c. rder of the and Mr Petne e ?,c h two weeks durin g s ummer n.ig h t. Later John Da,lto n came h •me re.om i-s a g roup .of c.alorfu.L' Indian MEDLEY-

d th t ·..:r m Stan !Y Mr. Mr. · •t t d to J1nld <:ec<>i ·n mortgage an a nira . a large tcpe, round wh1ch nil - .;u

The co n:m·:ttc-e w hi ch been and provided the four thousand· Joi- oictures dep,i ctin g hi s home life. Moc kin g B'ird

Herbert vi.ously to can vass t he s •alars fr om .o il th at hiad been discove r- - F ·:irnis h.in o- .a backg roun d to a ll is Italian Street Song

dent rec ords rep.orted fa vc r bly en on his farm t.o pay th e mor t;gage. an Indian ;;1amp scene st:>..nd•;n g cut The Qdntette

t he f dl owi ng st u.::l ents to wh om rn emd t i .al the MEDLEY be1·•h1. t1 i nvi tatio ns were exten de d:

Murg 2.t roy.d ma na ge 1 o s e on a shelf .again st a dim b ;;.c kgrr. und "mo nE<y from t he ta ble and. attempted of la ke and sky. Before a tepe Raym c nd Overture Thomas .Marjo;·ie Ar n, K atherine Bergman, ,o pla ce on J.ohn, but Nell mal·,'e of hr.own cLoth ·r nd sticks is a. Poet and Peas ant Von Supple C.lvde Bcle, Me}b.a Cope, Da l) d de My Her.o, fo rm the Chocolate ::lo · R'.l thE•da D ysa rt, Op a.l Gr.:)Ver, (she ha d b.ome t'.l o prove -cl ay pot on a standard of stil:lks.. A d1·e1· - St ra ;:iss , M t d the en t - - Ge Jr ::re H as kins, Blanche hastings, A.initel y th at roy was . - creation of cl.ay and oak form""' rn o Th Q' t t• e ,, ·1 · th when the mon- ,, f 1 e um e • S oo hi e '. I cidelk, Wil ma J3mea, M1ly pers on in e ro om · trees repres ent a unique 0 ru n,{ 1 D Rit zenthaler .c'r;d Jcd ry , Thelm a Lu clow, Russell' ey was t.aken. A n.d £.O the melodr.a-a nd fo!ia ge, while c.ommon clink ers G ..Iden awn 1 0 m a, l ike alil. g ood m elodr_am as of the crl ored Q:re en tra nform them in to Mr McCr t:igh:t, Ha zel l\•,le', M.arce 1 t g· h N 11 d - MEDLEY k c · h · e P ottei er Evea R use 1890's c a.me t.o a close wit er an small hushes .Several- p.asteb.oard f:, - . -- r o'.ld Jo hn in ea ch other's arrr.s, the r&tt er o- ures lend actlion an.di life to t he Pe r fe ct Day __I ___ - Eon:d · a d the diete ctive damp- "' - I Love You Tr.u .Y forg.1 v1 n ., , an 11 • , s cie ne. M 1 crht a-d L amare -Moret d ff on the v1 .a 1n s oon 1"' ,. · ing the han c•J s The Qu int ette wri.ts Ccnce'rt of Trai•ning Schoiol Bar.d The Detut.ant (C ap ric e· Bril'.rant ) The ex cellent a cting, the novel T lie Tr -,ining Sc ho.ol Ba nd 1org _r,n- - Cla rk Sl·c-' e ff ec ts, tb.e bar r.:iom e nterta1n-. , Ap ri·I· 1932 g ave, the fo l owing <ll rn , 1 Mr. Petrie ment. th e 1890 gestu res, a.µ.d the pro- numb ers in a conc:ert in t.own, Ju y Frien dly Riv fls G: dfrey f d e"pect andi loy.alty on the G outn fr t,.he actors £o r th.e h omely 21 , IJ EnnE:tt Mr. Petrie an d Mr. par o ._ Milit a;-v E<cort - - - · th Deep Petri.a ·rtues all· co;mb1"ned to make th13 pro- d " li m T Aslc1ep rn e• Ma}.·c·1. "Hosts uf Free cm ---- "' " 1 r a nd h,i g hly en- · B <-n nett G: Idenductiion an unusua · Zenith Ov erture Mr Ritz enthale r terta in in g show, Michr.onh one Maroh EisE nb.er g- The W.or!Jd ·is WaitJ ng :for This paper d,oies n ot pr .: vi de "Little Mon ster" - Sell z h to P rin.t al'.l of the comp 1- N eno ns :!enoug · d The Rosa ry ev Mr Morrissey m ent.s ry remarks which were m.a e Brass Q"Jartette t r _ Dix h bers ·1he T ru mp e e ----

,.nncerni"ng the work of t e mem March "M·en of Ohio" Fillmore Ro•nber•>· ""' d ·• Sto··· Heartel Men - · '" of t he· cast. The list .of actors an Wa ltz "Let Me C:;.11 You Sweethe·r)' , ''" Mr. Gre : nup

·.: r .:: , a. erm "' ' M? rceU Js Shu rtl £·ff, D.oris Vanc e, Mildred Wheeler Ruth Why man, and Lillian W i!d. Folio.wing t he bu.sin ess meeting excellent pro.g 1:am wa s prese•nte d 111 the .of reviews of a :.o rreTit m ag azine Hticl es of interest by M1set ta Cai 11pbell, Leota D av is, H, l en G' Ler. and mthel K ose r. Each of .these views dealt wm1 .a distinct ph ase. of the problem co nfr ontin g y:ouith, and w as grea tly enj.o,ye::l·. 'The meeti ng closed wi '..h .a plz:as ant, enj c yaple pe riod of s.ocial ch at in connect.ion with tr,sty refreshme nt s. Pl ease patronize Ped agogian Adv ertisers

ter - - in g of dan0,ing 'in the E liza ' E.ere!lade

Hlram Sta nley an R ecre atilon Ha ll Satiurday eve nm g Mr Ritzenthal

r. eo . fr.om 8 :30 to 10: 45 Soft Jiig ht& and

NeU Stanley, his da .ugh terl ---B-;ec ht lar ge b as kets of holly an

a N c-.r,rna l Sd10Jl, Bi1H?" D ai ly r.·e- Secretary·; Dr. J. F. Ne al, A. B. Yul· Th H th At H I d I S t in town plot of l\TO'unt Vernon als o. .e

with pu zzlin g "D --·· JI \ler, William Daily, J am es wee'

iots in th . e town c.f P.eru very amus Jn g an .aug


1 -cno w ." Con .>f-<i." ently, they h '.> th \Ve. e E:t at'e Trec.s:i rer, a nd S. B. I _, 1 d l\ I r.,n d, any ot h er property d_ooded l: y pl ay_ t co nc erne w t le a. ve11tu1.·es \{ obl;ige d to ask ;\h'. what a Super;nt.end nt of P. ublic. In- f 1 bl d f l h h a h F t'o me and n ot describEd in .o a ov.a ei -0 r mar,y am1 y w -.c No rm a.I Scho.ol ·was. st ru ction. The fir .:.t meetmg cf i e r.ame. ' · instrument in it;r ust for th e 1rns cc"nstantly under the r.u}e of t he .M ?.jor D :; ily

Cc.h. Maj.ors ten- b oard was held in Ai.;g ust , 1.867.. Burch. ·a,nd Mc-Kenzie father. What happened w hen the tre sc h oo] pr operty -at a v. 2lu- In the win ter of 1871, H on. VV 1L1 m .above /\ 1 lord and m aster w ent away en a {/ SPECIAL VALUES at;on of ten doll [ ns ;; nd f 'J , t rip made the comjcel situ;a,tio1F. IN LINCOLN r st art ed the b\;H· t hr.ou !£h l he Legi s- The act in.g was su p erb Each () I l at ure .on M a.y 30, 1867 The bill w s ch na ot er w as dr aw n w i.th1 an ex- I QUA.Ll'I'Y PAINTS )) g ive n to M8 jors, Sem,to r fr om Nenv.- h I/ qlLisite and finished ca.re. T e your.g- 0 h 2. Cvun tv, fo.r .its in trod u cliu 1t t-'> PERU 1 · est daug hter, BeEsie, wh:o- d efied her I I t hat bc.d,y. .After spending n /) father , an d the mother was ou' st a.nd- V da1ys in the Sen <:i te., it was p 2ssed UJ> /) LUMBER CO 0 J in g in the• women of th e C.:". E.t, w hile V • on and se nt to t he HO'use. n une a ncl I t b '" h

21, 1867' the act to 1ocat•e, e; r l'cS

a nd ei1dow .a

1,: 1:s fini_h the b.uil c\in

r.,n c. enz1e.. e·r d f etiment I · Seattle, ·w -ashin gt-O n, sen:ds on t.011.u PRYOR'S GARAGE i e.a o · s · miH t<>.

I - to be .done a nd .ilt: is undt:1r .stJood th at ty oes -Of pby,s is cOiu o- ht a nd rr iven I news paperlS , 1 man was respcno:i.0 le fer the c re ation - 15 "' The Nebr ask-a News, July 6, 18 37 , of !ni5 !2reat in: titution. ·Howe ver, I i:i a,y sell .any proportion of the by th:_ Pcetors,. 0 Phillips 66 Gasoline comme nts r ather sar 2stidally on the :-he J. ;\'L Mc Kenzie, first a b.':lve :CJwcritb etl pr ol_le rt.y in was ais follow s: . I act : · J.'r e:, ident .of •: he cc..Jl eg·e, this to cmse I am to make c.onveyanc.e to the I Beit'.e. Htbl Ramev () ( Wit h T.etraetbyl lead) ' " The l ogiJshture a.c.journed of i\I 11 jor Vlil!i:im the d •1 11- parties .and_ p·r.,y r..ver the B El,ssi.e He aither Mor g,i.a I appropri:a.te d twenty sections of the er of the fimt fiv e-hundred forty-fi ve money r eceived to D,ail'y, Bu.rch a nd .M P.ck H eathe r Ch Prl:?S Tr arnor I} At tl1e

s'ta"i:e 0 f lands a nd ithree th o<usand c il : 1.·s to the sc hovl: McKen.ziei re spec W.ve!y to the

mo :i.th. Nebr\ c;t y, Br ow nville r.: ntl of. Mr. W. E. Maj c rs. A.lre 21dy we Re ceiv ed of D ei

e·ct WoHr Rulo could not,. of c.o urse, ccmpete ha.ve spoken .cf the ea rn est, e trie/ient, hu r\ rl ered· a nd forty-five dollars bewit h .a n: e• rop.oLis rn ch ris Per.u ;n a, s·u.ccessful efl'ortis th at .M11

Grad·:i atf/S from Nebr as ka City scho.ol put forth in t he e arly h'.iGto ry cf the ti.:i n t ci t.he P cr'J SEmina r.y r. nd CoJ.- ll s uch .as 'T alb ot Hall a nd fr om oth er an d we gjjiJU th.ink th a.t the . lege Mr. Benford at t he first convo c a- VI cl.a ss of Neb ras ka City existence of t·,e sciho.ol .o wes I ' Hfr nm Bu rch Agent. t.i on .of the· s.um me r school entertai nwho may ded re inst ru oti.on in the to the pe rs iste;nt efforts cf : Introduced No:nnal BiU great ·m·t of t eac hing, are hen ceforth .M1f.. Dr1'ily thP.in to a ny .othl•r o.ne n:.a n. Peru Pc.inter se ntence:l to a te rm [n tl:e Feru It was ;in the a:w of sma ll thin g·s, Abe l B. Fuller di ed at h is home in I \ scho ol ne.nr the fr.o g p.\J d-dl·es c.f the wh en p.ov er ty d we lt in ne arly ev ery A:3 hl a n:i Jar.rt, Saturday morni ng. The & STAN1DAR!D OIL SERVICE es tates of Sir WliUi am ;of t he tr;b ei of b.o.use.l10ld ; \v h en the country was Ll• da·i.Ly p.a per.s state that he th e I D 2. il\i es ." 111 os t an 'J ninh al:lited wilderness, th r.t member of the fir st. l eig isJoatiure who /) ST

" The NEibr.aska Advertiser- Erown· th.at. he saw th ei 11.oss'ibility cf secur- i n.t r odu ce:d the hill which became the ;V

vill e, Nebr. Thurs. J·:ine 27, 1867 , v.ol- ing fa.cililt.ies fo r the better ·2ind bro.ad- f.bund ati;on oft.he State Norma l Sch:ol

ti t


class 'l'he ot her \iv\n g

-\ flckl'e yc,un g

are iin


<:!lont.ainin g

elemoot .cf

have thl;lt bfe a nd v1b f Mr J; , i a. h- h e i - not only i!Il P aris, but :on ever.y col- J.tat:i.o.n and reveren cer. · g.or which nature g,ives to th ose who · • - 1 le.ge campus-and haw de.vi lish. a A DOMESTIC TRAGEDY Winifred P ettit foliowed with that surviv e hard storugg les er.s o s :o y s amu'Y w o •av _ '! a.titeml ed Peru aa:_e: R·ichar d Moor - I g ro;:ip of Americiain g irls can be -when he: rt- appe d in g ref.rain by Kreisler, Keep _y our fa'i"ih in yourseJv.es a nd head, ( broth e r) Sabe th a Ka n .; Hugh I it c.omeG to playfo g a hu g,e> joke on An episode /"The Old Refrain." · I ' I Th G )n your feH'owmem. Devo te yor rsel ve s _,lQy (_ qn) N ew JVIe.?: ic o: G·ay .o ne 1one yo,un g ma n. The Husb a.11d Do n ·e son .e rah m, Mas h ek nnd D ill er 1 Joy (s on) Lomb ar d, Illi n o.is ;' Mrs. the three y.o un g· men rn the skit! The Wife - Ada Ji;:.ady trio a- g.roap of .t hree m: m- .to t:: e princi ples of d emocr acy Sat e• , · · hL ) C wh.i-ch f c\110wed, it is practically im- Th WilH am Kna"-P hers, the firis.t



mere, "\V ns hi ngtio n; Miss Jenr:ie J oy v1ce" when ca llin g t.h.e• dormitory ex- The Prisoner - Donald· Duryea to de.a d Chieftains. The t h,ird wa.s menl". Hil l.CL fast .to your idea.ts. Pre( daug·h ter ) inst.r u e.to r in t he Omah,A CPint by Clalling· thru lio ng .a lig h'l,

Schools, Oma:t:a; D orothy J.o y _(g ran d-- ,_Into the0 miidst of the progran1 there touch. You c c..uld a im.est hear th;0se d1:oppe:d a Httle bit of Broadway, A MINUET soL .:iers mar chin g with t in-like

daugh ter ) Lom ba rd, I;ltl:. •

w hen two g ir s m re an Louis Ni. Park er dsi.ou. 0Mrs. Marga.r.et J.o.y (dau ght er -in-law) h' I d

w gave a song anc · ance num-

Sabet ha, Kan .; .)\ilrs Gu.y J:oy (.da l:lglc- heir:. what happens

t er-in -law•) Lombard, Illinois; Paul b ;:in gry,

rocke:d the a:iUl'ence I ierr;; ::-

n 1 Y " Paul Co lli ns g av.e t wo vocal numtra l Ass-oci a 1;ion of Colleg es a nd Se- wi th hi,ug hter. In sh.a.-p c.ontrast , Columbine --:..----

co ndary Schools h cld a<t Chica go. in was the markedly differe:1t tragl'dY.', IPoe t - - Blan che Hast ings melody, "S c.mew here a 'voice is nei g hb or ho od lio y aJti es. The new April 1933 the Peru S tate Teachers' "The M inu et", a French pl ay reia d· by St agehand - - Don Dury ea Cc lll'ing/' the s ec o nd, "L:s;de o' Mfoe" f.r ont;ier which you fac:/e1 i1s

f th Evel,Y n Brecht. The progra:m was Otto B ellst:rff succe£sfully re ;: d- simple. The path a he ad is not1 so CoHe g·e wz!S t.ransfe rrec1 rom · e. / c.o nclude · a Iisrht Fan tasy, 'T_he Pl:.w e: This Th e.atre er(d t hat piece so e. xpre:sive r.f love 1 th t d"

ui •·

T eache r Tr aining fist to the reg u) ai, Tr oll and Thie Troll Br:idge", in wh 1C1h Ti me : Ejight-fifoteen P. 1\'l. and ado ration, "Mi g hty Lak' ai Rom." • ' . College ti.st This is proba b ly t he / a gr e.en , JitiJ; trol)i found


--Published Wet>kJy at Peru State Teachers College

€ntered at the Postoffice o( Peru, Nebraska, as second c.lass matter. $1.00 the Year-Sc single copy P.l!:RU

The Tr.aini ng School ba nd went .to Auburn, for an .outing, Thurs day July 13. The band memberi; wern given the prJvHe ge of a1 free swim .the p.o ol at Aubiurn; this was foUowed by a ve ry deLicfous picn'ic supper. Afte rwards the pand enterta.ine:d· '!lhe townspeople wti'th a :deli g htful concert.

July 23 the band wm g.o to Linc 1J ln, to play :£or the veteran soldiers at the Memo rial Hospital.


Pwu.'s faculty will be well represented at the W .orlid's Fafr this summer. In facfl, 'tlwo memb.ers have a.1ready attended. M1iss Gockley spene t he Fourth of July .rec ess there, and S;.ipt. CleimentB attended when he went to Chicago for a meeting of the Nat ione.l Ed1ncat,ionaJ He

Mr. Al bert G,iLbart, and family wer& ca mp us v.isit.o rs Wedn esday of l!as-t w eek. Mr. Gilbert. graduated in t he class of 1907. He l!ater to.ok biis Ai- B. at t h.e Univ:eirsity of Nebraska a nd received bis Masters at .the Perdue University Degree c.ommentedi that ,many teacp e rs were whe re P:e s er v ed as a me.m.ber of the tak1ng advan.tag.e of the two meetings being held in Chic.ago, And for fa c,u J,t.y for a number of years. He those of us who think we cannot has :111 iff: por t

- Do.ris Wier----


H av e you heard the ;,umor gci ng the rqund tiljat the

of s ummer :;;c h.o.ol is ne ar ly ov er? Ye.s, it M mo re than a ri:unor. Th:e end of a term allways brin gs a momen t of to ,ta ke• an ' invento ry of what has been accomplished. 'T.ime to review the happy- g oLucky <lays fo which we didn't do as much St udying .as we should h av e, bu.t oh, wbia.t :fu.n! The new friendships made .an.d .th.e old .ones re new e:c.! If students h ave l}een a bit .thoughtless .and indiffaren t about lessons, and· teach".:lrs a little c.ross- well,- the weather wa.s pretty h ot, yo.u k no.w But wh at does it. mat.ter, it isn't the t.h,in gs whiich we rememb er, but the happy experie'nces of our su mmer scnoo1.


The personnel of the student bo d.y be chan g in g at tb\is poin t-so me le.av.ing school, so me new or.es qoming in, a nd some staying on.. We bid farewelh :to th:ise who .are leaving, and welcome. those who are entering. Let us all! ta ke with us th,i s thc.ughu:

"Genius is onty tbe p.ower of nia king co ntinuous eff'.o.rts Th e llne be fa ilure an d su cce=s is so fine th ?,t we. scia rcel y kn o.w when we p ass fine that we often on the line .and .cto not know it. H ow many a man h as thro.wn up his h ands a.t a t ime wh€!n a little more effort, a little mere p !llt.ience, would have achieved success. As the ti.de g.c.es clear QIU,t so \it comes clear in. In business, s.omeii.imes, p1·os pe,qts mgy s eem est when really th;e<y are on . the turn. A little more persiste nc e, a li.ttle more eiff.ort, .a nd what s eem ed hop eless faibre may tl'J rn to glorio.us success. There is no f aii lure except in no long er try.in g. There is n.o deex(lept from w;ithin, no really in surmo.u rut · ble barri er sa ve cr.:r own mhe.rent weakness oif purp ose.,''-Mardin,



so tha.t· .the b.i'rds may be- provided While there he wil! be .the Fred, Gu5i, Helen, Julia "M a.r_v , Mi llie , with cool fresh, w at er, during the Mr:. and Mrs. F. G. ;r.reserve, alumn'i Vina an.di Wint.on GiLbert;. warm and dry days •)f the 'summer of the class :of '17. Mr. Meser ve is a. They did thcir planning and work of ' at under the direction of Th om .:s Col- U1Hve1'.s1ty · M'ls.s Ahllins. be•rg, and Mr. Baker !intend to spend a few days at; the Fair as the y 1

The .th,ird g rade, :.m der the (.ired- take the,ir va.rious vacations. '

DINING HALL IMPROVEMENTS F;or the past eight y.ears improveion of Christi ne Rasrnussen Many are remaining in Peru to a.nd Miss Clara Dayton •are giiv ing a rest,. Mr. Huck is r,mdecided wheth- men.ts in .the -dormitory dining room circus, entertaining th.e kindergarten, · er to go .to 'tlh/e ·w·erl!d's F.air c..r to and kitchen have been steiadily infirst. •second and fo.u rth gra des. They stay at home and pull we:e.C5 in his creasing. The lates t a.re .t h.e f.ive oEare ha vin g all that goes w.ith a go od garden. Dean Dunning will remain circus, even !tie pink lemo n.ade in Peru except for a1 tJ ip to fa ns in the dining r o:om, th e four in the kitchen, Their line up is as follows: the west,ern part of the state!. lVriss AnnouI)cer Willard Redfern Branson, Mis::; Ga.rd, Mr. Larson., Mr. stove which is ready for installation, 1. Band C.onc-e.r.t - M::>,thews, M"r.. Steck, G. W · Br.own, the 'ic ebo:x with tb.e Dellco sys.tern. a.nd·

2. Rope walkers Mar ga ret Apple- Benford, and Mr. !Lill in- the Bat.tleship lin;oleum which will gate, J·osephine Eads tend to re.i;natin in Peru.

3. Fat Lady .A!udrey Adams Pr. Ware plans to vdsit re1'ativ eis be lai:CL when the last ten nis fin•ished Powe.rfu1 KatJ}ina, __ Beulah Sp r. or in Va lley, Iowa; Dr. Winter Altbo ugh are! provdtled fo r 4. Big J.umbo Jo hn Cej ka , m ay g-0 to &te.s Pa,rk the !l.>atber part the cor.n;foI·t of th1Qse re.;id.ing in the 5. Little Jumbo Arthur Clements of his vacatio.n; De.an Delze,IJ.• ma y .tw.o Hal.Ls, th.e lahor-saviing devices

6. Eleph ant 'Trainer __ Bobb ie Br,1wn pos sibly go to no rthern Michig an to

7. Monkey - Mork Collins spend a w·eek w:ith. his daughter and have m:>t been forgotten, for the 8. O.rg an Grinder, Arthn; the ''.tw.o brightest. grandchilldren on kitchen boasts an eleotdc 9 J L -..· · D k th" .M.·., M C 11 · c/ to mixer, p otato p::> rer, '!p aster, bread ugg er m.arion ec e?.,r iss c o um LS g. ·

10. P.ony Rider __ Billy Burbri :'.g e, hle.r sister's hon:ie the East, stop- c•u.tter, meat grin.Cler, coffee dripoln t• R ob ert Burtwell pirig .one day at .th.e w'Orld's Fafr. Dr. er, and a Gener.d Elect1 ic .refrigera t11. Clowns Guy Gr af t:·m, Billy Smith will. be in f,or tor B.u rbridg e, Kenne .h a bout fifteen Professor Stone- I Sinoo t;ble new d.ormito.ry has been Gia.nt D.on Adam 3 man js also goill'lg .to the W.orldf.s Fairl built, the d inting· room has been exMidg elt ____ Ken n eth McMahon ! between F.aH and terms. lV.r. teh:ded t h.iir.ty five fee ll w.trile the The room decorations of cir- Hec;k will vis it his par.ents in Wiss:on- kitc hen cat;pact:y has been dou1bled cus animals, dr awn on large she.ets of 1Sin. Ht1 w,ill take in th e Wc.rl d's Fair • : -0 two liundred o.r t w.o drawing pap er. The zoo, the pets of and . t her poin't.s of ;n.t.e,rest,, Mias and sixty ct>uLd be ac.c.omil'llO.dated if a dog, cat and duck. .at West· Hartford, Connecticµt. Mr the d:,ildren brought to school,

held The !Vlathen:atics Mu The fourth gr.a:ders had to do their and sister o.n a farm near Columbus, JIN:E>RA PRIESENTS CONCER1' Monday night, Juty 10, -in the f.ac- Ome gR has hf'ld thl·ee meefr1zs dur- bit in be a.u.tiify'ing the i;nimal· life Nebr.ais ka; while Dr. Brown will take ult;y room,. Crimson and bllack, the in g the first term. Th.e s ubjects pre- about Pe.:nll too: so they brou g ht pen- a .trip to n'.orthern .Miss fr at ernity colors, and i·os""", s ented at tthe fimt were: The

t he ;o ffic.ial flowers, were used i·n dee- Four Year High School Ourriculum

oration for the fri,itation ceremony. Nine o&n.di.dates for associate JT em@er.ship we re ini'tiated into the fnte rnity. Those officfating in the' rit.ual wer ei: D.on Dua·.yea, Belva Carder, Evetyn Dr. Smith, M:r-s Dunning, a nd Eldon

Fc.llo\\-'ing the initiLaUo n, Miss Ru th ,A.hlber g gave a talk concca·ning- Navajo poet ry, foliklore rt nd othe1· simil ar things of interest which she gat h.erec1 durtn g he1· rec ent st.a.y in New Mexic.o. Followin g thb, were made f.or .a fr aternity pic ni c M.ond!l\Y, J"uly 1'7, at the Dutch Oven. ltefr es h.rrne n ts served d•u1ring the :.oc ial per,i od, • 'The officers for t he summer ru·e the same as du r.itng the past year: Evelyn Brecht, Belva. Carder SecMrs. Dunn'in g, hist r.rian, a nd Don Dury ea, marshal!. Me.ry Her vey, 't he is not at tendin g summer sclw.oJ, Th ose initia'tted linto the fr ate-rn i ty were: Jeann e.tt.e Barrett, J oy K1,ueger Max Kerns, Virginia Speich, Georgi'a Jo.rn, Aliqe Oully, Kathyrn Gree .1weldt, Ma,rguerite Hii1tdman, anct Marjor,ie C.ox.

in Mathematics, Prof. C. A. Huck ; The .Equa.tion (}f a Conic Through The fourth grade has been Mathem.at'ics- The Queen of the Sd- • the Chinese f.or the past fjve weeks. ences Exhibit at the W;o rld's Fafr, And in .their unit th.e,y have written Prof. A:. L. Hill. The July 6th pro- a little Chinese play. This is ;l sti:rpriz.e for Mis:;; Hileman, so she c'll n gr am C·Onsisted of a report on As· soo how the children can carry o ut tron:omy by Riu1theda Dysart; a d,is- .their own ideas. cuss3i,on of the slide r.ule by Prof 'The 'theme of their play is a :dreai11. Hill and reports of interest in g- ex- A 'is reading· to her two chilper.ience:; wl iile m athe ma ih·s dren aho1u;t China, 'tlhey go l;IQ sl'eep h1• the :member:;; of the club. Thi, ;'flme t o.p ie was continnecl thr :)ugh the rn,eetfo g of Julv 12th and in a d.. di· ioP there w as presented n " :· e·-.·1.ntions in mid and ch·eam abo.ut the hio.u.seb.o.ats, sch.ocl3, dress, religion, r.ice raIB.mg, flag a,nd about the hdstcry whkh i1:1 mustrateld by a map. And the pupils act out .this ·dre am, ea.c h te llfo g what he dre am ed of. Thi•s h as all cc me fr om this r,mi.t by .the fourth also a di sc•ussi.on of '.)vercom 111 g- Dif- gra ders. ffoultie s fo Teachin g Algebra. hy


si'ti at thel h.o;me cf f..iis pa.rents of Te- All cumseh, Mr. Hayward .will .spend h is/ egro Mozart t trrng Ensemble vaca 10n rn nor thern Nebraska. Th Old R f ,. Mar1.y of it.he f·acult.v members e · e r 1 K reJSler not yeit made plans for their vaca- W mfi ed Pettit .tilons. Onentale - Cesar Cui ,- An Indian Tale __ - Rishe l' to ma ke bet ter qit.izen-:hip through- March of the Tin Soldiers Piern e QluJt u ·:eir associations. Each chose Gera Gi·aham, Sylvia Mashek, what he would l ike to do· when - Ma1·ian D ill er g1'.ow n, fo r example, d octcr. nu rse, I N c..ho.dy Kn ows th.e Trouble I've grocymnan, 'Then they dreEtSed ac- Seen __ White cordingl!,Y, They told what they Clyde Bo l-e woulq sti·bve for, a,s t 1he nu rse said, I Eleg ie - C zer wonk.Y sh ei w.ould be kind, prutlien.t an:d true Vito · - Popper t.o S ylv ia Ma1> he k Junior High assembled for the oth er· students. Some wh ere a V ajce is Calling Tate a progr .am Lassie .o Min e - Walt P aul Collins The1r p.r-0gram c-0ns isted cf the· f· 1- Mi g·ht y Lak' a Rose Nevi n Supt. Fred Ri c kers, Blue Sp.rings. Fourth c.f July Ciiizensl•ip Piogram l owin g,: The officers Of t he cliub are1 pres- First and secon d grade entertain ed I

Sing:ing of Patriotic Songs

ident Supt. Cleon Rh!odes, Staple- the thi'rd an:ct fourth g rade with 2. F1ag Salute h;,i.r .st.; Rutheda Dysart thelir program of I 3. Kindergar.t.en an g, "Indian Lulu Ji· / He pers la.by mon; secreta ry-tre a::: ur er, Alfred H ew to be d •: ? '. . a goo r1wzen., wa>S a 4, A by a meJ.nbe.r Knapp, Nemaha,. N ew members in q uest;ion di,sc ussed.


Old Bell Still Ringing

As eU n·ue Ame.vicM • are proud ; of ihe JJiberty Bell, i;O an lay al Pe.ru- \\ vians a re proud t>f the Old PeT.u Bell. cf tudents wh.o have :itt ende :l P ru in s core and si;x .\ yea.1·s of its history as a state instit u- I tion remember t he \)ld be.ll \V \ · " e fire I indebted b> the late De M '! Keuzie for the hist o ry of this beU that , as hought wb11e the school was still an acade1n y. An ah1mnus who has a, m:inia for figures has "fig u red" that he bell ha s-0unded ove,r 2.,000,00 0 since it w as h.:ing. 'The bell' was first hung in tb.e sc•h ool buildin g on the present site of M.t,. Vernon and was 1ater h un g j.n t he to wer of !.he old N.orm:o. l Hall! w hich s tood wher e the .A!ud'it.or ium a.rrd t he Science Hall now s tan d. W b.e n the tower had to be ,(()rn do wn a faw years ago, the beH wa s tran sf..err ed to its prJ.>en.t lc.catton ab ov e t he fron"; part of the Gymn asiurn. It st ill th r: ee tfunes ei/lcb scJhooli d.a-y cal\.iing tbe ·tudents to t heir mo rn ing a nd a:fitJernoon cla.ss.,es and to convocation. The following is taken fr.om. the History .of .the P eru S'tiate Ncrm al by Dr.

J. lW, McKen zie: M:ARRfAGE OF When the s chool· firs t started the

principal b.ad poJ.rcha se,d· a. smal pot,


mo:tab bell, costing tt re e dcJL x.s ; but /

when the· c.old we ather ca me the bell .Homer Leslie Craig







B.ra ndies Th eiat re, which paid f.or .a fi ne b ell fr.om .Me-The. oYgr.nizat.ion .of_t

(P) 6-1, 6-4 short-comin gs with .the perfectji on of frail; e rn i.ty crg anized on 't,his l.'>M'll,P US. •t;he Life of the J)-0 rm H-0ry ." Thj.e ori-Wolfe .and Freed man (0) defeat ed h e.r phr i.1.sin g, the r; dh n e.: s c.f h er fo To :date it boa£.ts a.n educ a,t.iio n ali fr a- O'O nal dxlrmi t.o.ry burned J anu a.ry l, Trenholm ana H;o-0ver (P) 6·4, 6-4 te rpr et.attions, and the ve ry h um an tern Py, Kappa Delt a P i; Si g- My re·ci oHe ction is .that wa! (GonHn ue d on Page Fou r) ma T ai'J1 D elta; bi ol:o g,ic a l, Tn Bet•a; the J.a•st Satur.d.ay of 'the ChrLStma- Doubl es-M 'ix.ed C ommerc e, P1i Ome ga Pi; v.ac a•(lioJJJ I wMl a s.tud ent ·a1 t Pe ru at Ta.t om an:d. D.onoh oe (0) tics, Alp'ha Mu Omeg a; Home th e tjme. I reached P era. .on the ev - .M axwell1 a nd D av idson (P) 6-1, . K O microon Phi· Industn at h fi 6-3 iICS, appa . ' . e ni ng train .a:nd fo und tJ ei re Ar'.s and Voc ati ons, Epsilon Pi Tau, was s til'l t hei most i)'llp Ol"tant :top,c of P er u at Ta rk i.o JU l•y 13, 1933 and rww, Ph ys ic al Science, Lambda dis'C us.s'i on among stu dent13 who had Stevenson (T) def eate d R. Eate (P) Del ta Lambda. • been theire when it oc cu rred. The 6-2, 6L0 ne w dor mitory was au thorized by the Mc MiUe n (T) d efeaitel P ate (P) COLLEGE DANOE .l'\ n a ll coll eg:ei <l a.n ee wa.s he ld Satur ci

Negro E n! ei·Laiuers To Be Here Aug ust 16

Am erica n a udi ences ne.ver t ire of j u.bilee sin g in g. The p ecu.lJi'ar ch arm of neg ro meto dies h as g ripp ed a music -lovin g pu bli c that keeps ca11ing for more.

The rhy.!hm and charac ter of s.on gs of t he colored race are a relic ar.«l inherit an ce, com bining joy, su per.st.it'io.n, a nd Theiir ju b ilee chants, pLan tat io n mebdie,, campmeetin g 1Sho.uts and a re a u.then'Lic in every d etail., w hen o ff ered i by the S:omthla nd Jubi lee Sing ers

Doll y Brown is man aiger \md d ir ec·tor of .th is talent ed group: She stu- , died mu sic .at Obert.in Collei; e. Hu I I experienc e includes fo ur se aso ns with ' the Ja ckso n Jub.'lee Sin g erJ, an d three I tou.rs ,in Cv.nada In 19!!2 .she was g ra nd first prize w inner in the Mid we.st Music in Chicagc. Her riich c;o ntra1t-O voice h as won her fame on the co nqerl i;tuge as well as a l eade_r of sing in g g ro ups.

Doll y Bro.wn h as a m oot .un usu al co ntJ·alto voice, fu ll, ri c h, r es:o nan t, w:ith fi ne to ne qu a,Li.ty w J-foh canie,s it's deep war mth to e very corner of .the au.dito.riu rni. By f.a r t h.e gr eat es.t co ntral to I have ha.d to he ar in a lon g, l'ong· ti m e'.-Karle '.O n Hac kett, Ch,icago. Evenin g Pest.

The r.ace h as g'ive n but few voice3 whic h excel in quaHty th e bea,:.i.!iful l'Y ric c9ntrn lt.o of Dolly Brown, th e j so ng-queen of the· prairies l\/Ufo Brown is a .tr ue dau ghter ;of th e west. Her sing in g ha s in it. somethi ng of the sweep arrd bread th of the plai ns and the joy of t.he pr airie lark. The j Chicago Defender I

The of Dolly Brow n, a s tudent fr.o m Oberl,in Col15ervatory : of M1us ic, l eft n o.th·in g to be J First singi ng beau.tifolly·"the biig so ng from the op era. Samson and· D e-1i lah. She th en sa ng .t.o.uch,i ngly the cro.on, "A Lit tle Drop O' Ho n ey." To l edo Blade.

L ill ard is pia ni st fer the grou p, and s r..pr a11':> She received her Bachel or of Mus ic Degr ee from the Uni versity ;of K allis as fo 1930; al5o a P ublic School Music D.iploma !':he s tu died for a year an.a a half at fisk N ashv ill e.,, TenneEsee Miss L i! hJrcl was fo r two yea1is Dean of Music a.t Shor;ter Colleg e, Vitt.le Roc k, Arkrnsas. She was winner ;of the fir.5t prize (a Baby Gr and Piano) alt the Mi."w sl Musical Fe.stival held in Chjc.9g o in Aug ust, J 932

This yo1ung pia nist is not only .• creC: it to her ra cie, but a credit to the worJ.d or Art. Ma ri.ei Lillard ca11 pliay the p.i an o; sl:e has a splend id te nch and ii kee n se nse of \yhat the we nl interpretatio n r eaHy m ea ns. Eugene Stimso n, Chicag.o Dail y News Other memb ers cf th is intLwest.,i ng sex.tettti are Col an S l! les, bass Hask<>l Hammons, baritone, Earl We -:' d,irgto::i iorst te •1or, and Book er Cha ndler, second te n·n· a nd da n ce r- comp ri: ing a male q.uart eit--all of w hom are thor.0 ug hly 5ch ooled and t1,aint>-d y e.L binging a nd ent erta in i n.g \Vh h. Lhat 1 aband'J n and s ponta neity wh l' ]l so richly ch arac.te.rizes the rare arti stry of thf!' neg ro race


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