Long Session - June 9 - August 8
Short Session - June 9 - July 18
SUMMER SESSION-1941 Lo ng Session- June 9-August 8 Short Session-June 9-Ji:.'l'y 18
Fall Term Opens September 8 l\J P_eru State Tea chers College, Peru, Nebraska, is a m ember of the Associat ion of Teachers Coll eges, and is accredited by the de';th Centr'!-1 Associa ti o.n of Colleges and Secondary Schools as a ers r~e grantmg institution. lt is also on the approved list of Teacho1 lege, Columbia U niversity, New York City.
NO. 1
..,, MAR CH , 1941 .c.ntered Peru Nets second class m atter Au gust 27, 1936, at the Post Office of ' raska, under th e act of August 24, 1912. I ssued Quarterl y.
STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Mr. Edwin D. Crites, President, Chadron ________ Term Dr. Walter Benthack, Vice-President, Wayne ____ Term Mr. Everett L. Randall, Secretary, Kearney ____ Term Mr. Joh.:1 W. Delehant, Beatrice ________________ Term Mr. E dgar Fern eau, Auburn __________________ Term Mrs. Evelyn A. Ryan, Grand Island ____________ Term Mr. Charles W. Taylor, State Si::perintendent of Publi c lnstru ction, Linco ln ----------------
expires expiires expires expires expires expires
19 43 19 45 1 947 19 43 194 7 194S
W. R. Pate, A . B., A. M., President. J . A. Jimersc.:1, A. B., A. M., Ph . D., Executive Dean an d Director of Extens ion. Mrs. Inice Dunning, A. B., Dean of Women. E. H. Hayward, A. B., Registn,i r. Norma C. A lbrecht, B. S., M. S., Assistant Registrar. E lma 1. Gockley, Bursar and Secretary to th e President. Marjorie Parriott, Bookkeeper. Mrs. Genevie H. Marsh, Dormitor y Assistant. Mrs. Ruth Russe ll , Matron , Men's Dormitory,
OFFI CE ltS OF l N:-iTIH iCT IO N Barney K. Baker, B. S., A. M., Ph. D., Professor of Education. Robert T. Benford, A. B., fostructor in Piano and Organ a nd Director of Publi c School Music in the Training School. Arthur L. Bradford, A. B., M. S., Ph. D., Professor of Engl ish, Head of Department. Ruth G. Brandt, A. B., A. M., Assi stant Professor of Education, Principal Junior High School. C. M. Brown, Ph. B., A. M., J . D., Professor of History and Other Social Sciences, H ead of Department. Esther A. Clark, A. B.,. A. M., Professo·r of Foreign Languages, Emeritus. A. B. Clayburn, A. B., A. M., Profetsor 01'. Geography a.nd Geology. S. L. Clements, A. B., A. M., Professor of Edu'Cation, Superintendent of Training School. Phyllis Davidson, B. S., M. A., Associate Professor of Physical Edu· cation, Director of Physical Education for Women. Norma L. Diddel, A. B., A. M., Associate Professor of Art. Marie H. Faulhaber, A. B., A. M., Associate Professor of Englis~. *Harold E . Fisher, A. B., B. S. in L. S., Assistant Professor, Assistant Librarian. Blanche A. Gard, A. B., A. M., Assistaillt Professor of Education, sup· ervisor of First and Second Grade Teaching. Margaret Henningsen, A. B., R. N., College urse. *On leave SS 1941.
Hi leman . A .. B., A. M., Assis tant Profes~o r of E ducation, j\far) L. . ·isor of Third an d Fourth Grade Teachm g. supeJ\ '
. L Hill, A. B., Professor of Mathematics. A. M., Assoc iate Prof esso r of Mathe matics . C. A. J ' dra A B. Director of Band a nd Orchestra and J.nstructor v. J-T. J ~ •. ' . ' in V1ohn. r J o.nes, IL Sr., A . M., Assis tant Professor of Physical E du ca,\rtlit~on, Assistant Director of Physical Ed ucation for Men . . . Papez Kirk A. B., A . M., A ssis tant P rofessor of A.rt. 1~ 1111 11e , ' . • A. H., A. M.. Ph. D ., Professor of Modern Language. eIma S· Konior-' ' v Larson, B. S., A M, Professo r of Industr ial Arts Li.'1dstro111, !l. S., M. S., Assistant P r ofesso r of Indus_tria l Arts. ,'.J 11.'za beth McCollum B. E., A. M., A ssis tant Professor of E du cation, 1 Director of K111dergarte n. M. Florence Martin, A. B., A . M., Assistant P rofessor of E ngli sh . lsab 1 Mason, A. H,. A. M., Ass istant Professor of E di.;o;::ation , Supervisor of Fifth an d Sixt h Gra de Tea chi ng, L. R. Mathews, A. 13., A. M., Associate Pro fessor of E du cation, Prin cipal High Scho<il. Paul A. Maxwell, B. S ., A. M. , l.'h. D., Professor of E du cation, Head of Department. W. T. Mill er , B. S., A. M., l'h. D., Assoc iate Professor of History a nd Oth er Social Scie :1ces. lfo bert D. Moore, A. 13., M. !'h ., Associate Professor of E ng lish a nd In structor in Speech E du cation . T. 0. Odl aug, A. B., M. S., Ph. D., A ssociate Professor of B.iology. Nona l\IL Palmer, A. B., A. M., Professo r of Commerce. Grace M. P etersen, A. B., B. S. in L. S., Associate Professor, Libra rian. Ernest J . Ra\\'son, A . 13. , Assistant I nstru ctor of Indu str ia l Arts. Cl inton H. Sharp, A. B., A. M., M. S., Assi stant Professor of P h ysical Scie.nce. Holt Steck, B. Mus., In structor in Voice a nd P ublic School Mus ic. race Tt_ear, A. IL, A. M. , Professor of Principles a11 d Methods in E du ca ion. Win tton. B· Th 01son, · · · B. A., M. A., Ph. D., A ssociate P r of essor of H1sJ ory and Other Social Sciences . . W~f1i{ler, A. B., A . M., Associate Prof esso r of E ducation, Direct or Ed ural Education. , na WE>are R 8 Mar · . ' · ' ., A. M., A ssistant Professor of Home Economics. ' JOl'l e W A. G v' 'h st, A. R., A. M., Assistant Professor of Com merce. · ' eeler • · T> f h ys1cal · tio.:-i n· ' A · 13 .. M. A .. """ssociate J. ro essor of P E d ucaJoh ' 1rector of Athl etics and P hysical E du cation for Me n. n 1\1:. Winter B s M Department S~i.~n c~. A., Ph. D., Professor of Biology, Head of
A rthu~u~k, A. fl.,
.\. R.
~ eave SS 1011
Highwa ys- Peru is located on paved highway No. G7 which 1 ts paved hi ghways Nos. 73 and 75 six miles west of Per u six ~~e north of Ai:.·burn a nd sixteen miles so uth of Nebraska City. · lies Bus and Railroads-Peru is se rv ed by the Burlington Trans tati on Compa ny, on a direct route from Peru to Li;ncoln. Both pb~ an d train conm:ctions may be made at Auburn an d Nebraska City. 8 FACULTY AN D COU RSES
The regul ar fac ult y will be in charge of the summer session and t hey wi ll offer co urses for the benefit of the following : ' l. Regular coll ege stud ents who want to conti•nue t heir work toward a diploma or a degree during the s umm er. 2. New stud ents who want to start t heir coll eg work at the opening of t he summer session. 3. Teachers wh o want to renew Lhcir cert ificates or work toward a dipl oma or a degree. 4. Sup erin tendents and principals who desire fi..Tther study in admini s trati c.:1 and s up ervis ion . Stud ents a re invited to examin e carefu lly the departmental offeri ngs described und er the sect ion "Courses of In struction" pp. 14. TWO TERMS
A short ter m (six weeks) and a long term (nine weeks) will be hel d. Both will start June 9 and run concurre.:1tly. The short tenn will close Jul y 18 and the long ter111 August 8. Classes will not meet on Friday, July 4. REG ISTRATIO
Registration for both terms \\·ill be held June 9, beginnin~ in t~e col Jege auditorium at 7 :30 a. 111. Graduate students will reg1st~r be!D A ~03 from 3 :00 to 4 :00 p . m. A late registration f ee of $2.00 w11I char ged those r egistering after Ju.i1 e 9. STUDENT LOAD 'Lie normal student load for Lhe short term is s ix semester hoursj which is also t he maximum .amount of credit al lowed. Th e n o~~ stud ent loar! for the long term is eight or nine semester hours WI nine hours being the maximum allowed. Students registered in th e long term may elect to tak~ °f~~ two courses in ~he short term, subject to t he following regu a ~bout (1) Those carrymg a total of nin e hours may take only one two ight course in the short term, and (2) those carrying only only eurse hours may take one or b10 two-hour courses or one four-hour co in the short term.
CH ANGE JN PROGRAM A student is allowed to change his program of. studies at aflf time during the first week of the su mmer sei::sion.
THE TRAINI G SCHOOL The Trainin g School will be in session for four weeks. Opportunity for practice teaching ~Education 210-411) wi.11 b~ afforded in the elementary an d junior high schoo l only. Apphcatwn for practice teachin g should be made t0 the Superintendent. of the Tra.ink1g Schcol as early as possible . Two semester h ours 1s the maximum amount of credit wh ich may be earned.
wo1m:SHOP FOR TEACHER S A workshop se rvice will oe offered during the 1941 Summer Session to teachers whc, desire guidance in the study of their own problems. Th e workshop grou p as a whol e will include all students who wish to avail themse lves of thi s type of service regardless of the particular interest of each. lt will include, a lso, faculty mem bers representing the several importa.':"lt special fields of ed ucationa l service.-elementary education, s econdary education, rural education, educational measure ments, educati onal psychology_ educationa l so.ciolog¥, educational philosophy, educational me thod, curri cu lum constrt.'Ction, and educati onal admin istratio;;i, E:;i~h. member of the workshop group will have the benefit of l~e cntic1 sms and co unsel of- all other members and whatever special types of assista nce he hapP'ens to need. He will have the use ~~ ~he educational laboratory an d any other faci lities of the co llege ii a hhe may require. By completing workshop projects satisfactorsfi;ct e may earn from one to three hours of college credit. Any in e..its \~ho desire assistance in planning programs for the comselcc~?ar; 111 constructing units or co urses of study: in preparing or visual 1~~ tests, report cards. 0r record forms; in selecting books or in sol '.1 1ds; 111 deve loping; instructional O·r guidance techniques; or roll invitnhg a.:-iy other practicai teaching problems are advised to ene Workshop . 13 c . Grad uate or Und~rgradua~e Credi.t earn oniplet1ng workshop proJects satisfactori ly, students may Cl'edit Gm one to three hours of graduate or L:ndergraduate co llege gractu~t raduate stude nts should register for Education 508; underllected ~o stu~ents for. Education 408. qraduate stude".t~ .will. be exnection w·t1ccupy POS1ttco:is of leader ship and res pons1b1hty m con1 1 the workshop projects.
CIVILIAN PILOT TRAINING The Civilian Pilot Training Course, given under the direct' the Civil A~ ronautic s Administration an d sponso~ed by this. c~~l of has been given each semc;ster and summer sess1o;n beginnin e!l"e, the s ummer session of 1940. Peru will sponsor the course a ga ·\VJ~h t he summer of 1941 if the Civ il Aeronautics Administration g~nkin it available. a e~ . Requirements. for appl!ca!1ts for t he summer course were avaJlab le at t~e t ime of prmtmg t~ e Summ er Bulletin. However n?t the past appli cants have been requll'ed, among other things to h in r eached their 19th but not their 26th birthday, and if they werea~e college they must have completed one full year of college work· 1.~ they were not in college they must have complet ed two fu ll yea~ of college work. "Requirements for applicants" as set up by the Civil Aeronautics Adminis tration for th e summer course probably will be available aroi:..'t1d the first of
CAMPUS The Peru Campus overlooking the Missouri River is beautiful and distinctive. It contains about sixty rolling, oak-covered acres. A natural amphitheatre furnishes a splendid athletic bowl, at the bottom of which lie the lighted gridiron , the cinder track and the cement tennis courts.
RECREATlON A ND SOCIAL LIFE The s plendid location of Peru i.n the beautiful, wooded hills along the Missouri River furnish es a natural invitation to live in the open and offers many opportunities for hikes an d outings. The Physical E ducation department provides a we ll balanced recreation pro.gram for both m en a.nd women . Other forms of recreation and entertainment make student life in the summer very pleasant. Soft ball- lntram-u•ral with teams competin.e: on a percentage basis for th e champion ship of the league.
La ura Bradfor d Neal Park. (Scene of the Summer Steak fry.)
7 T nnis-Two cement and three clay cou rts are maintained by t he e Tournaments are conducted includin g me n's s ingles and col 1~fee~ and women's singles and doubfes. dou Swi mming-R egular classes (see Physical Education) and ref 1onal classes. Instruction is offer ed in beginning swimming, adcrea d swimmfo1 g an d lif'e saving. The Juni or an d Senior Red Cross vantceand the Examiners Test are given. tes s . . Oth er Games-Volley ba ll : hand ball, qu01ts and ot her games are layed in the co llege gymnasrnm . p En tertainment-Vocal and instrumental music g r oups, plays, ro professional talent, the sum mer mixer, a.nd social dancing constift.·te a part of the entertainment program. TEACHERS' PLACEMENT B UREA U The Superin tend ent of t)rn Training School is chairman of the Teachers' Placement Bureau.•. The graduates are not guaranteed positions, bu t eve ry effort is made to locate them in desi rabl e positio.-is . ENT RA NCE REQUIREMENTS Transcripts of credit an d other crede ntials whi ch are accented toward admissi on become the property of the coll ege a nd are k ept nerm an entlv in the f iles. Students sh ould file their credits with the Registra r at least six weeks befor e the beginning- of t he semester or session . To Fresh ma n Sta nding- G raduates of accredited high schools mav have full admissi o.n to freshman standin g on 15 units properly selected and completed in a four-year hi gh school or on 12 units (conditional 11 units ) properlv se lected and completed in a senior high school (grades 10, 11, and 12). Th e requ ired cr edits shall include not fewer than eight units earned in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 i.n the fields of English . forei irn language, mathe matics, natu r al science, and the social studies. Of these eight units seve n shall be grouped in the fo ll owing manner: A major of three units ' in E ngli sh and two minors of two u.nits each. The min ors shall have been com pleted in g rades l'O, 11 an d 12, except that one L'.1it of a fore ign language. or one uni t of mathematics or both, earn ed in g raue 9 may be used i.n com oleting the minor req uire· men ts. If t~e st uden t does not subm it these subjects for college entrance 111 li eu of th em s ubmits other cr edits acceptable to the in s titution, 1 e. must take these subjects in college courses for which he may receive elective colle£"e credit. · b Ap ?lican~s for admissi on who are not high sch ool graduates may adm 1tte.d if t he y meet the e ntrance requireme.::its as set f'orth in ~ foregomg paragraphs. In add iti on, each app licant must present a i equest fro m his su perintendent that h e be admitted. le Ad van c.ed Standing-Applicants for admiss ion from other colh ges or universiti es mu st fi le with the registrar (1) a statement of \i~n.orab le dismissa l; (2) a.:1 officially certifi ed statemen t of coll ege sec1 kdalr~udy accorn pli ~ hed; (8 ) an offici a !J y certified r eco rd of the on ary school w o·rk sa ti sfying the admi ss ion r eq ui rements. entr Ad.ult Sp~ ci ul-MatL.'r E> individuals who do not h~JXe full college an y ~ice. ~_red1ts lllay be matriculated as adult specials, but before tranc ertif 1 c~te or diploma may be granted to such st~dent a ll .enl11ent e frequ1re ments mu st be made up and a ll collegiate require s oi· the certificate or diploma sought mi:.'ilt be met.
8 SUMMARY OF E XP ENSE S L o;ng T erm F ees and t uition ---------------------------$16.00* In addition, a matr iculation fee of $G. OO is ch arged all new s tuclen ts.
Board an d room ------------------------- --- 48.00 Laundr y, stationery, oth er incidentals _______ _ 4.00 $68.00 '''In clu des a textbook depos it of $2.50, wllith is r efu nded wlrnn books arn return ed in satis fa cLOl'Y ronclition . L ,thorator y fc<:s and appli ed •n u• ic are additional.
Short Term $13.00* 32.00 3.00
The ab ove t otals r epresent averag-es. They wi!l var y slight ly with the number of lab oratory courses taken. the pnce of t h e room select ed, and with individual spen ding habits. Furth er disc11ss;0l" of livinrr e:xnFlSPf< anrJ. f:>ci lit iP,:; an d an itemize(\ st:oitern ent 0f all fef'<; will bP fotm<'l i11 thP follnwing- n:oi ragraphs und er the h eadi ngs of " Livin'! Accomodations" an d "Fees." LIVING ACCOMMOD ATIONS . ;\~ l r equ ests fo r information concernin": boal'din g and roomiill~ fa c1h ti "'i ::tml all rPou f'sts f'or room r esf'rvat.1011s in 011e of the 'R.esidenre Halls sh ould be direct ed to either the Dean of Men or t he Dean of W om en . R esidence H all s-The Coll ege "Residence Ha lls offP.r attr art.ive liviil'lg a ccomm odati nn <; nea1· the classrooms and t h e library. Two hall s are main tain ed f or women and one for men. A dep osit of $2 .00 is req uired of each student anpl ving for a r eser v:oi.ti on in anv of t h e lrn lls. After a room is occupied. this amount ;,, r etained a s a rl epnsit again st mi su se of eouinment . A r efu nrl of the fu ll am ou;:it of the df'nosit . or the unused nortion, will be m::tde when the stud ent leaves t h e coll ege. A refund nf t h e deposit less fifty cen ts will he madf' in casP. cancelJ'ation of a reservati on is made four week s before th!'! op ening of the session. R ental is charged onl y foi:- the time scl1ool is in session . and a. sti:.-dent wh o st avs at on e ·of t h e halls during a vacatio;n period will pay the est ablish ed rate for his room. Students ar e a llowed to h ave radios in their rooms, but a char~e of fifty cents p er month is made for each radio. Since t~1e elect~~ current on t h e campus is 220 volt a. c., radios must be equipped Wl a tran sfor mer. H alls for W om en-Eliza Morgan and Mount Vernon Halls ~or w omen ar e u!l1 der the sup•ervision of the Dean of W omen. The nr1ce of r oom s r an ges from $1.00 to $1.75 a week per student, two stud;F\j occunying a mom, wit h t h e ma jority of rooms in Mt . Vernon a r enting for $1.25 and t h e majorty of rooms in E liza Morgan H:~~1 r enti ng for $1..50. All room are arranged as combin a ti~n an d stud y rooms. In E liza Morgan Hall rooms are eqwpp~d Wied twin beds and lavator ies. Resi dents of both hall's must furmsh ~x linen, blanket s, towels, dresser scarfs , and curtains. They are p ect ed t o tak e t h eir meals at t h e college cafeteria. h 8 Men 's Hall- Opeil1ed in the fall of 1939, the new Men's Hall e~ f acilities fo r one hundred twenty-four men and is under the su~tu· vision of the Dean of Men. Rooms rent for $1.5'0 per week per o:rns dent (corner rooms $1.75), two students occupying a room . All ro
. arranged as com bination slee and study rooms and are equipwith twin beds and lavatories. Residents of the hall f urnish bed lin en, blankets, and towe ls. Curtain s and rods are furnished by t~ college at a r ental charge of 50c per p erson p er semester (sumsession 25c). . Other Ho us ing Accommodat ion s- The Dean s maintain lists of sleeping and light h.ousekeeping rooms available o!f the campus. All rivate homes offermg roo ms to sti:.tlents are sub1ect to the approv~l and supervision of the college, an d no stud ent may live at any home other than one of those on the "Approved" list. ( Students work ing for their !Joard or residing with refatives oth er t h a.n parent or guardian are included.) Dini ng Service-The college caf eteria, newly equipped and d ecorated is located in Mt. Vernon dining room and is open to all students. 'Food is served at cost, and s tudents pay on ly for the food they select. The average cost fo r meal s per week is approximately $3 .75. Meals may be secured in "Approved" private h omes.
SCHOLARSHIPS Honor G raduates From Accredited Hi gh School Students holdi ng Hon or Sch olarships issued by the State Normal Board which are valid may a ppl y them on fees for summer school as follows: Short session, $6.25; long session, $9.25. FEES A ND TUITION All fees and tuitio n are payabl e in adva nce eat:h semester and ummer term. Tuition Tu.itio.n per semester hour ----------------------- -----..·-----$ .50 General Fees Matriculation 5. 0{) Pai<! hut on-r~-by-c°? -,;-t~1dc;;t -c-;-;;:;,:r;;g -c~l~g~ -o;: th;---------ele1-cnth or twelfth gra des of t he Training High School
Textbook rental , each semester and summer school ____________ 2.00 Stud l'nt deposits $4.50 each
scm c~ te r
or s ummer
~ch ool.
C?ntingent: short session $3.75; long session --- ------------L1b.rary: short session $.50; long session -------------------Infirmary · short ses · $1 00 · 1 g · · s1on . , on session -----------------1 ate Registration after time specifi ed on page 4 -------------~ocker key, g-ymn asit:.'111 key, chemistry an d physics la borator y -------------TPecial ex a mi nation ---------------------------------------~an script of record (in a dditi on to the first) ---------------At~~~~ of s:hedu le ---------------------------------------Di le ic eqmpment deposit --------------------------------P ornas·
s~-eB: tDegree -----------------------------------------fi Do-, and three-year diplomas --------------------
4.75 .75 1 .50 2.00 1.25 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 1.00
· ·dd" e!6ree or two- or- three-year diplomas in absentia, One a itio~al ------------------------------------------ 5.00 Dup?eatr diploma in absentia, additiooal --------------- 1.00 ica e degree or diploma, one-half the original price.
LO De part me ntal Fees Commer ce Typewriter r ental, for each hour of credit ____ _____ _ English: Speech 152, 254, 255 ------------------------- -- --- ----Home Economics: Co urses 102, 302 --------------···---------------- - - - --Industrial Arts: Cou r se F ees : Co urses llO, 112, 1 ~7-::!17, 200, 209 , 219, 250, 306, 310 ___ Courses 101, 102, 106, 213, 214, 3'02, 303, 309, 416 _____
g~~~:~: i6~
========================= ================= Material Deposits : Courses l12, 106, 200, 219, 309 -----------------------Courses 101. 102, 302, 303, 306 ------- ------ - ---------Course 415 --------------------- --- ---- -------------Courses 209, 310, 416 ----- ------------ ---- ----------Course 305 - --- ----------- ---- - - ------ - -------------P h ~ du cati on : Sv.rimmmg ------------------------···-----------------Science: Biological Science, all courses exceµt Co urse 205 ______ Physiology and Hygiene 205 ------------ -------------Physical Science, all co urses except Co urse 409 ________ Geograph y, all coi..·rses except Course 202 -- - ----------P ri va te l nst" ru c~ i o n Mu sic : Piano rental, one period daily: 9 weeks -----------------Piano rental, two (Jeriods dail y : 9 weeks - - ------ -------Private lessons in Piano, Violi.:i, Clarinet, Cornet, Voice, each Speech Education: Private lessons. each ------------------ --- ------ -------
1.75 l.Oo 1.()()
LOO 1.5()
1.0() 2.00 2.50 3:00 3.50 1.00 1.00 .25 1.50 .75
2.00 3.53 1.25 .75
REF UND S I To students leaving co ll ege within one week after registration: 1. I nst rum ent and key de1>os it s will be refun ded wh oo the keys or instruments are retu rn ed in good condi t ion. 2. Mate ri al depos its, in so far as t h ey re present the value of unused materi als, will be refunded. 3. T he textbook de pos it, exclusive of the rental fee, will. be r~; funded when the stude.nt has returned. in good con dition. all boo whi ch h e has wit hd raw.n from t he library. rt 4. N inety pe r ~en t of a l! tuition, librar,y, infirmary and depion; mental fees, typewriter an d piano rentals (with reasonable ~educt fee for any ser~·ice received), a~1d. t h e r.emainder of t he cont1ngen\jrne after dedu ctm g the full adm1ss1c.n price of each even t i;,•p to the of the student's withdrawal from college. t r· 5. Do rm itory roo m r efund s. If t he room is released by ~~l Ube 1 day night of the first week of school, a 50 per cent refund : n jll· given. If released aft"!r the first week for any cau se other t a and ness, students s hall pa y a transient rate of fifty cents per daY
i1 nee will be r efunded, provided that in no case shall more than the ba1a . cent of the rental be refunded . No refund whatever is made 50 per d · · · t dents who transfer from orm1tones to local ro ommg houses, to
u room made vacant, is fi lled b y a n e w studen t entering- school, case refun d i.n full may be made. If s tudent is compel led to in school because of continued illness, i.;•pon proner endorsement leave • of the collec-e nurse and doctor, a refund of 50 '.)er cent of unused renta l may be made.
n To studen ts leaving- colle!];e within mor e than one week after reg-is trati on: 1. Instrume nt and key de1w s its w ill be r efund ed when the k eys or instruments are returned in g-ood conditi on. 2. Mat•erial deposits, in so far as t h ey r epresent the valu e of u.irnsed materials, wi ll be refrm ded. 3. The textbook depos it, exclusive of th e r ental fee, will be refund ed when the student h as return ed , in good con diti o;n, a ll books which he has w ithdrawn from the library. 4. Ninety per cent of typewriter and p iano renta l in so far as they represent se rvice not already received, and the remaind er of' the contingent fee after dedu the fu ll adm ission price of each budget event up to the time of the student's ·withdrawa l from college will be re fonded.
III To students chang ing prog rams after reg is tration : 1. Students changing- th eir programs after r egistration shall, on presentation of their r eceipts, receive a r efund of the amou;nt of l!ifference in fees betwee n th eir altered prog-ram and the preceding one. FEES FOR
No.n -resident stud ents w ill be charged fees in accordance with th foll owing- enactment of the Nebr aska legislature, passed i.n 1923, and put · mto effect at Peru in September of that year: f "Ail state educatio na l institutions sh a ll charge a non-resident eke. to each no.n-resident of Nebraska, who shaH matriculate after t a 111 f cha. g e feet of this act. This fee shall n ot be less than the fees ror: ged to. resi de.nts of Nebraska for a similar co urse of study i n a has eh~Pondmg- institution by the state in which s uch non-resident 1s home."
DEGREES AND DIPLOMAS GRANTED BY PERU STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE This educational institut~on issues by _authority of law and th rul es of ihe Board of Edu'Cabon th e fo ll owmg- deg-rees and <liplom e ( See gen eral catalog- 1940-41, pp. 29-41) : as. 1.
3. 4.
Bach elor of Arts Degr ee in Education leading to the Nebrask Initial Seni or Grad!'. ~chool Certif icate, the Nebraska Initial Sec~ ondary Sch ool Certifi cat e , a nd the Nebraska Tnitial Administrative an d Superv isor y c~r tifi cate . Three_ Year Dipl oma leadi ng- to the Nebraska Initial Senior Grade School Certifi cate. Two Year Diploma leading- to t h e Neb raska Initial Junior Elementary Sch ool Certifi cate. One Year Diploma leadin g to the Nebrask a Initial General E lementary Sch oo l Cer t ifi cate. CERTIFICATES
Iss ued b y the State Supe ri nt endent of Public ln;.truction All Nebraska certifi cates are issued by the State Superintendf>nt of Publi c Instruction . On com pl etion of the requirements for a degree or on e of the diplomas mentioned above. a stude.nt may make anpâ&#x20AC;˘lication and be r ecomm end ed to the State Superintendent bv the Faculty and the State Board of E du cation for the t ype of certificate to whi ch his preparation entitl es him. T each ers who h old a valid Nebraska certifi cat e and desire to r enew it, or wh o wish to secu r e the provisional or professional level of t h e same certifi cate, may do so bv to th e State Superinten den t a transcript of the required cr edits , an a pplication form, and the health blank. Information concerning- Nebraska certificat es may be secu'red from the Certification Digest, a copy of which is availabi e at the registra r' s office. Beginning September 1, 1938 All certificates which h eld over i.rito the period of the new law (includin g the Third Grade Elementary School Certificate) may be renewed once up on the bas is of nine (9) additional semester ho.urs of colleg-e credit including- three (3 ) hours in education earned within the five (5) year p eriod preceding the date of application. All certificates issu ed under the provisio.:i.s of the new cebtifi~f ti on law may be renewed once (professional level any nun:i er See times) on the basis of nine ( 9 ) semester hours of college credit. ( certification Digest fo r specific requirements.) A life certificate which has lapsed before September 1, 1938, an~ whi ch h~s. not been renewed before tJ:iat date is n~t. renewab le a/eslife certificate. It may be ccK1vert ed mto t h e prov1s10nal o_r prohi!l'I siona l certifi cate to whi ch the preparation of t he holder entitlesf col~ upon the presentation of nine (9 ) additional semest er hours 0 lege credit including- three (3) hours in education.
Gradualc work will. ~e offered during the 1941 sum1:ner s~ssi~n th e purpose of prov1dmg the necessary graduate credit, which is foruired under t he ~rnw law, to renew, or raise to a h igher level, iliq certificates issued on the basis of a bachelor's degree. A Gradose Council appointed by the President, a dministers t h e g ra duate ~~~~ram, and the fo llowing regulations govern students in t his division. Admission. Students holding a bachelor's degree from Peru State Teachers. C?llege, or other institu~i?~S of approved rank, are eligible for admissio n to the Graduate D1v1s1o.n. Seniors in this coll ege who require for graduation less t h an t he work of a semester may be permitted to register in graduate courses for graduate credit provided they secure the approval of the Graduate Coi..'llcil at the time of registration. Graduates of other institutions should fi le a compilete transcript of all undergraduate and graduate credit with the Registrar at least two weeks before the opening of th e summer sessio.n . Graduate Courses. Courses numbered 500 or above are p rimarily for graduate students, and are offered by members of the g r aduat e faculty only. (See "Co urses of Instruction," pip . 14, for course descriptions.) Registration. Reg-istration will be under the direction of the Graduoate Council and will be held in A303 from three to four o'clock Monday afternoo.!1, June 9. Fees. Graduate students will pay all of the regular fees plus a course fee of $1.50 per credit hour, and a library fee of $2.00.
The Librar y: 50,000 Volumes
COURSES OF INSTRUCTION NUMBERING OF COURSES 1- 99- Unclassified; open to all students 100-199- Freshman Courses 200-299-Sophomore Courses
300-399-Junior Courses 400-499- Senior Courses 500-599- Graduate Courses
. Each. ~tu ~ent should register for courses primarily planned for his classi:f'icat10n (Freshman, Sophomore, etc.) unless it is impossible to work oi.:.t his program otherwise. 011ly graduate students a.nd seniors who are within less than the work of a semester for grad~a tion may register for 500 courses. *For elementary teachers. Credit cannot be counted toward a degree if student is preparing- for secondary work.
*103. 204.
ART ( See General Catalog, pages 42-44) SHORT TERM General Public School Art ________________ Cr. Five hours attendance. Mrs. Kirk. Crafts -------- ---------------- .. ------- Cr. Five hours attendance LONG TERM Lettering ------------------- ----------- Cr. Four h ours attendance. Design and Color Theory ____ _____________ Cr. Five hours attendaJJce. Pottery _______ ______________ ___ ________ _ Cr.
2 Sec. I 8:30 Sec. II 1:30 2 9:30 Mrs. Kirk.
10 :30 Miss Diddel. 203. 3 7:30 Miss Diddel. 301. 2 2:30 Miss Diddel. Four h ours attendance. 11 :30 306. Art Appreciation ________________________ Cr. 2 Miss Diddel. Four hours attendance.
COMMERCE (See General Catalog, pages 44-45 ) SHORT TERM 5. Typewriting ________________________ _____ Cr. Eight hours attendance. (Lab. 1 :30 MWTh) Miss Palmer and Miss West. 204. Advanced Accounting _________ ___ ____ ____ Cr. C0ontinuation of Com. 203. Ten hours atten:hnce. . 308a-b. Methods of Teaching Typewriting and Shorthand _______ ______________ ___ Cr. Prereqi.:.•isites: T ypewriting, Shorthand 106 · Four hours attenda.nce. LONG TERM 5. Typewriting_____________________________ Cr. Five hours · attendance. Miss Palmer and Miss West. 101. Shorthand I, Gregg System ______________ Cr. Eight hours attendance.
1 Sec. I 7:30 Sec. II 9:30 Sec. III 11 :30 4 9 :30 & 10 :30
Miss west. 1 or 2
Miss Palmer· 1 Sec. I s c II
:o 9 ·3
s:c:·30III&111:~~:"" 7
4 Mi~s Pallner·
15 EDUCATION ( See Gen eral Catalog, pages 45-50) SHORT TERM lOl. Educationa l Psychology __________________ Cr. 4
Ten hours atten dance. lOS. Introduction to Education ________________ Cr. F ive hours attenda nce. *202a. E ar ly E lemen tary Methods and Observatio n _______ ---- ---------------- Cr. (Observation required at 8 :30 or 9:30) Five hours attendan ce. *202b. Elementary Methods and Observation ____ Cr. (Observ_ation r equired at 8 :30 or 9:30) Five hours attendance. 306. Ext ra Curricu lar Activities ______________ . Cr. Five hours attendance. *32:!. Child Psychology____ ___ ______ --------- Cr. F ive hours attendance. 331. Educational Meas ureme nts _______________ Cr. Five hours attendance. 423. Adolescent Psycholo gy ___________________ Cr. F ive hours attendance.
7 :30 & 1:30 Mr. Baker. 9:30 Mi ss Tear.
2: 30
Mi ss Gard. 11:30
Miss Mason. 2: 30 Mi ss Tear. 2 2: 30 Mr. Mathews. 2 1 :30 Mr. Maxwell. 2 11:30 Mr. Jimer son. 2
LONG TERM 101. Ed ucational Psychology ________ _____ _____ Cr. Eight hou r s attend a nce. 108. In troduction to E ducation _______________ Cr. F ive hours attendance. 203. The J unior H igh School Curriculum _______ Cr. F our hours attendance. 204.. Classroom Management_ ___________ ______ Cr. F our hours a ttendance. 304. Classrootn Manage ment in High School_ __ Cr. F oi:.•r hours a ttendance. 306. Extra Curricular Activit ies _______ _______ . Cr. Five hours atten d&'1ce. 405-5os. F unda mentals of School
8: 30 & 2:30 Mr. Baker. 3 9:30 Miss Tear. 2 1:30 Mr. Mathews. 2 8:30 Mr. Cleme nts. 2 8:30 Mr. Mathews. 3 2: 30 Mi ss Tear.
~~~il~~~t;~'lt~~~~"1-d;;;~;.----------------- Cr. 3 Mr. Jimer~~~? 408 · WFo~k shop _____________________________ __ Cr. 1 to 3 7 :30 ive hours attendar..ce. Mr. Jim erson, Mr. Maxwell, Mr. Mathews, Mi ss Tear, Mr. Tyler. 424. Philosoph . _____________ ____ Cr. 4 9 :30 & 10 :30 E" h Y of . Ed uca t10n ig t hours of attenda nce Mr Maxwell. 5o~ w · F~kshop _________________ __ ____________ _ Cr. 1 to 3 7 :30 ive hours atte nd a nce. Mr. Ji merson, Mr. Maxwell , Mr. Tyler.
16 Rural Education SHORT TERM *150a. Rura l School Met hod s __________________ Cr. 2 Five h ours attendan ce.
9:30 Mr. Tyler.
LONG TERM *150. Rural School Met hods---- --------------- · Cr. 3 Five hours attenda.nce. *l 53b. Obser vation and Participation ___________ Cr. 2 Four hours attendance. 251. Comrmmit y Leadership a nd P.T.A. ________ Cr . 2 Five hours attenda.nce.
9:30 Mr. Tyler. 1:30 Mr. Tyler. 8:3G Mr. Tyler.
ENGLISH LANGUAGE A 11D LITERATU RE ( See Ge·'.'leral Catalog, pages 50-54 ) SHORT TERM 102. Introduction to Literature ________________ Cr. Ten hours attendance. *103. Ch ildren's Literature ____________________ Cr. Five h ours attend an ce. 152. F und a mentals of S peech _________________ Cr. F ive hours att endan ce. 205. Tcachi•n g of E nglis h in Junior Hi gh School_ _______________________________ Cr. Five hours atten dan ce. 215. English Grammar_ _____ __________________ Cr. Fi ve hours atten dance. 324-524. S urvey of Am eri ca n Literature _______ Cr. Five h ours attendance. 441-541. Li te rary Criticis m ___________________ Cr. Five hours attendance. LONG TERM 101. English Composition __ __ ___ ______________ Cr. E ight hou rs attendance. 21 5. En gli sh Grammar _______________________ Cr. Four h ours atten dance. 240. Ame r ica n S hort Story ___________________ Cr. Four h ours attendance. 254. Public Speaking ___ ______________________ Cr. Eight h ours attendance. 303. S urvey of English Literature _________ ____ Cr. Five hours attendance. 324-524. S urvey of American Literature ___ ____ Cr. Five h ours attendance. 355. Play Production __ __________ _____________ Cr. F iv_e ~o~rs at~e.n?ance. 441-541. L1tera1 y Cntic1sm ___________________ Cr. Five hoc.•rs attenda.nce.
4 7:30 & 1:30 Miss Faulhaber. 2 11:30 Miss McCollum. 2 9:30 Mr. Moore. 2
11 :30 Miss Br andt. 2 9:30 Miss Faulhaber. 2 1:30 Mr. Bradford. 2 7:30 Mr. Bradford.
8 :30 & 2:30 Miss Martill. 2 10:30 Miss Martin. 2 9:30 Miss Martin. 4 8 :30 & 2:30 Mr. Moore. 3 f8 :~0 Mr. Brad or · 3 d/;~O 0 Mr. Bra 3 J01 :~ Mr. ; : 30 3 dfordMr. Bra
17 FOREIGN LANGUAGES (See General Catalog, pages 54-56 ) Foreign La ng uage Requirement For Graduate Stu dents Th
attentio n of stu dents is cal led to the fac t that a reading least one language is required f o.r the master's deknow et ~11 anv graduate sch ools, whil e a r eading kn owledge of two gree :ges is ·a standa rd r equire me.:1t for the Ph. D. de g r ee. Students l a~guare looking for ward to graduate work are urged to take th eir 0 'fvore1 . language ea rly in t heir und er g ra duate course. gn LONG T ERM
de of at 1
All courses wi ll be availa bl e in e ither th e short or the long term, d ending on the de mand. Stude nts should see Dr. Konig befo.r e .eiistering for any wo rk in Fre•!'! Ch or German. Arrangements will ~: made to give other co L.'rses than the fo ll ow ing if there is s uffic ient demand. MODERN LA NGUAGE French 101 a. Elementary F rench _____________________ C r. 2 2: 30 Four hours attendance. Miss Konig. 20la. F rench Reading· a nd Co mposit ion _________ Cr. 2 11:30 Four hours atte ndan ce. Miss Konig. 401-501. Survey of Fre nch Literature _________ Cr. 2 7: 30 Four hours atte ndance. Mi ss Konig. German 101. Elem entary Ge rma n _____________________ Cr. Eight hours attendan ce. 20la. German Read ing and Co m position _______ Cr. F our hours attenda nce. 401-501. Survey of Ge rman Literature __ __ _____ Cr. Four hours atten dance. 521. Historical Gra mmar of t he, German Lan guage ______________________ _______ Cr. Fou r hours atten dan ce.
4 2 2 2
8 :30 & 9: 30 Miss Konig. 10: 30 Miss Konig. 7:30 Miss Konig. 7 :30 Mi ss Koni g.
GEOGRAPHY (See Ge.!'leral Catalog, pages 56-58 ) SH ORT TERM The_ Teaching of Elementary Geography ___ Cr. 2 11:30 F ive hours attendance. Miss Hileman. 206. G eFo~raphy of Nebraska _________________ . Cr. 2 10:30 Ive hours attendance. Mr. Clayburn.
. . LO N G TERM · PrF~cipl~s of Geog rap hy _________________ Cr . 4 7 :30 & 1:30 Ive ours lecture ; seven hours laboratory. Mr. Clayburn . 2(J 6 · Gep;ra1~1y of N ebrns ka ________ __ __ __ ____ Cr. 2 10:30 309 C ur ours atte ndance Mr. Clayburn. . e:Ff:aphhy of E urop e _________________ ___ Cr. 3 8:30 e ours a ttendance. Mr. Clayburn. lOJ
18 HISTORY AND OTHER SO CIA L SCIENCE S ( See Gen eral Catalog , pages 59-62) SHORT TERM 11 2a. S urvey of A me ri can H is tory ____________ . Cr. Five hours att endance. LONG TERM 101. Wes te rn Civili zatio n ____________ _____ ____ Cr. E ig h t h ours a tten da;nce. 112b. S urv e y of Amer ica n Histo ry _____________ Cr. F our h ours a ttendan ce. 118. A me ri can Gove rnm en t_ __________________ Cr . E igh t hoi:.: rs attendan ce. 214. History of t he U. S., Since 1865_______ __ _. Cr. Eight h our s atten dan ce. 304. Mode rn E urop ean His tor y, S ince 1815_____ Cr. E ig h t h ou rs a ttenda;nce. 417. A mer ican Co,ns t it ution a l L aw ____________ Cr .. E ig ht h ot.Ts att endan ce.
9:3o Mr. Miller.
4 7: 30 & 11 :30 Mr . Thorson. 2 10 :30 Mr. Miller. 4 9 :30 & 10:30 Mr . Brown. 4 7 :30 & 1:30 Mr. Miller. 4 8 :30 & 2:3il Mr. Thorson. 4 7:30 & 1:30 Mr. Brown.
HO ME ECONOMICS (See Gener al' Ca t alog, pages 62-64) SHORT TERM 331a. H om e Econom ics Me t hods--------------路 Cr . 2 F ive h ours att e ndan ce. LON G TERM 102-302. C lo t hin g _____________________ ________ Cr. 3 F our hours lecture ; fo ur h ours laborator y. 31 l. Costum e Des ig n _________________________ Cr . 2 Four h ours atte ndan ce. 331. H ome E con om ics Methods ________________ Cr. 3 F ive h ours attendance. 432 . Seminar in Ho me Econo mi cs __________ Cr. 1, 2 or
11:30 Miss Weare. 3 :30 & 4:30 Mi ss Weare. 10:30 Miss Weare. 11:30 Miss Weare. 3 Arranged Miss Weare.
I ND U STRIAL ARTS ( See Gener al Cata log, p ages 67-71) A statemen t of dep osits and fees fo r a ll in du strial arts courses will be foti.nd on page 10. SHORT TERM 106. Woodt urn in g __________ 路----------------- Cr. Ten ho urs attendan ce. * 112. l ndu strial Ar ts For E le ment:J ry Teache rs _ Cr . Ten hours a t tend a nce. (For bo-th elementa ry and rura l t each ers.) 117. E ngin e Lath e Practi ce ___ 路--------------- Cr . Ten h ours attenda nce. 250. A ma te ur Rad io_______ -----------------Cr . Fi ve hvvrs att enda;nce.
2 2
1:30 & 2:30 Mr. LarsOl'l路 7 :30 & 8:30 Mr . Larson.
. Fib re Fur niture "\Ve~v in g_ ----------------- Cr. 1 7:30 306 · Five ho urs a l t e11na:1ce. Mr. Rawson. Woodturni ng _________ ------ ------------- Cr. 2 1 :30 & 2 :30 309. Ten hours atten da~1ce . Mr. L arson. En gine La the Practice ___________________ Cr. 2 1 :30 & 2 :30 317 · TPn hou r s attendance. Mr. Larson. NOTE: If necessary, students may ?ecur e certain other courses . the short (six weeks) t erm by making arran gements with Mr. ~arson , head of t he departm ent. LO·NG TERM 101. Woodw orki n g ______ __________ ______ -- ---- Cr. 2 10 :30 & 11 :30 Eight hou rs att.e ndance. Mr. Larson. 106. Wood tu rning·____ ------------------·------ Cr. 2 1 :30 & 2 :30 Eight hours atten danc e. Mr. Larson . 110. Shop Mainte nance ___________________ __ __ Cr. 2 7:30 & 8:30 Eigh t hours att endance. Mr. L arson. • 112. Indust rial A rts Fu r E le ment a r y Teachers _. Cr. 3 7: 30 & 8:30 Ten hours a t tendance. Mr. Larson. 117. En gine Lat h e Practi<:e ____ .. ______ ____ ----- Cr. 2 1 :30 & 2 :30 Eight hours a ttendance . Mr. Larson. 119. Farm and H ome Mech a ni cs -·-- -----------· Cr. 2 9 :30; L ab. Arr. Eight hours att;) ndance. Mr. Rawson. 200. Shop Proble ms For t h e Rura l School_ ____ Cr. 2 7 :30 & 8 :30 Eight hours a ttenda nce. Mr. Larson 201. Woodworking _____ ___ ___ __ _____ ----------- Cr. 2 10 :30 & 11 :30 Eight hours atten dance. Mr. Rawson. 209. General Mechanical Drawin g _______ .__ Cr. 2 or 4 1: 30 & 2:30 Eil!ht or s ixteen hours atte ndance. Mr. Larson. 213. General Metals __________________________ Cr. 2 7 :30 & 8 :30 Eight ho urs a t te ndance. Mr. Rawso·n. 214. Practical E lectr icity __ _______ ---------- __ Cr. 2 7 :30 & 8:30 Eight hours atte ndan ce. Mr. Ra wson. 21.i. Safety Ed u1;a tion _________ ___ _ -- ---- ----·-· Cr. 1 10 :30 Two hou rs lect t..·re · two h ours laboratory. Mr. Rawson. 216. Sheet Meta'-- -----~-------- --------- --~- Cr. 2 7 :30 & 8 :30 Eight hours a t t e11dance. Mr. Rawson. 250. Ama teur Ra dio __________________________Cr. 1 3 :30 F our hours atte nd a nce. Mr. Rawson. 304a. Ind ustrial A rts Met hods a nd Obse rvation __ Cr. 2 9 :30 F our hours atten da n ce. Mr. Larson. 3olb. Indus trial A rts Met hod s a nd Obse rvation __ Cr. 2 On demand. F our hours atten da nce. Mr. L arson. 3 5 o . W~odworking ________ ____ ------------ Cr. 2 or 4 10 :30 & 11 :30 Mr. Larson. 306 _ p·1 igh~ or . ~ixtee n hours attendance. ~re F urn 1t ure Weav in g ___________ _____ Cr. 1 3 :30 our hours attendance. Mr. Rawson. 30 9 :.. W~od~urning ____________________________ Cr. 2 1 :30 & 2 :30 317 E 1 ~ t hours atte nd a n ce Mr. Larson. E i he Lathe , _____________ C r. 2 1:30 &' 2 :3 0 · ngrn P iac ·· t'ice · ______ · 319. Par g .t nours attendan ce. . Mr. Larson. Ef·hand Ho rn e Mech;m ics _______________ Cr. 2 9 :30; Lab. Arr. 4l '-a g t hours attendance. Mr Rawson. v or b A · Ei;ht ~o Mechanics ___________________ Cr. 2 1:30 & 2:30 ours a ttendan ce. Mr. Rawson ,
MAT HEM ATI CS ( See General Catalog, p•a ges 68-70) SHORT TERM 216a. Profes8ionalized Mat hema tics ___________ Cr. 2 F ive h ours a ttendance.
7:30 Mr. Hill.
L ONG TERM lOla-b. Algebra _______ __________ ._________ Cr. 2 or 4 8 :30 & 11 ·ao F our or eight h oi:•rs aLtendanec. Mr. Hu~k. 103a-b. College r\lgebra ____________________ Cr. 2 or 4 8 :30 & 11:30 F our or eight h o1irs atte ndance. Mr. Huck. 216a-b. Professionalized Ma th ematics __________ Cr. 3 7:30 Fi ve h ours attendance. l\fr. Hill. 216b. P rofessionalized Mat hematics ____________ Cr. 2 9:30 F our hom·s attendance. Mr. Hill. :304a-b. College Geo met ry ___________ _______ Cr. 2 or 4 7:30 & 2:30 F our or eight h ours attendance. Mr. Huck. 307a. Mat eri al a nd Methods for Secondary Math, __ ______ _________ _________________ Cr. 2 10:30 P our h ours att endan ce. Mr. Hill. 307b. Materi a ls and Methods for Secondary Math, _______ ______ ______ ______________ Cr. 2 1:30 Fou r hours atten dance. Mr. Hill. M USIC (Sec General Catalog, pages 70-73) SHORT TERM 102. Me thod s of Teachin g Mu sic _____ _________ Cr. T en hours attendance. " 110. Public School Music __ ___________________ Cr. Fi ve h ours atten dance. 215a. Rh yt hm Orchest ra Probl e ms ____________ Cr. Fi ve hours attendance. 221a. Rural School and Communi t y Choir _____ Cr. Five h ours atten dance.
LONG TEa.M !02. Method s of Teachin g Mu sic ____________ __ Cr. Eight h ours attendance. * 110. Puhli c School Mus ic_ ____________________ Cr. Fovr hours attendan ce. 204. Harmon~·--------- ---------------------- Cr. Eight hours attendance. 21 !i. Rhythm Orch estra Problems _________ ____ Cr. Five h ou rs attendance. 221. Rural School and Communit y Choi r _______ Cr. Five hours attenda•1ce. 311. Music A ppreciation __ ____ ________________ Cr. Four h ou rs attendance. 315a or b. S tud y of In s trum ents ______ -· _______ Cr. F our h ours attendance.
7 :30 & 1:30 Mr. Benford. 2 8:30 Mr. Steck. 2 2:30 Mr. Jindra. 2:30 2 Mr. Steck.
4 2
4 3 3 2 2
7 :30 & 1:30 Mr. Benford. 9:30 Mr. Steck· 9:30 & 10:30 Mr. Benford2:30 Mr. JindrB2:30 Mr Steck. 10:30 Mr. steck10:80 Mr. Jindrl-
21 ------;;a nd Orches tra Technique ___ ____ ____ Cr. 3 316· BF:ve hours attendance. Form and Ana lysis--- ----- - ----- - - - - --- - Cr. 1 410. Two hours atten dance.
9:30 Mr. Jindra. 8 :30 Mr. Benford.
PHYSI CAL EDUCATION FOR ME (See General Catalog, pages 74-75) L ONG TERM 9. Swimming ___ ____________ ______ _____ ____ Cr. Five hou r s attendan ce. 10. Tennis------------------------- -------· Cr. Five hours attendance. 101. Natural P rog ram __ _____________________ Cr . Five hours attendance. 102. Natural P rogram _____ ________ _____ _____ Cr. Five hour s atten dance. 106. Playground Supervision _________________ . Cr. Five hours a tten dance. 203. Tu mbl ing a nd Stunts------------------ -· Cr . Five h ours attendance. 204. Tu mbling a nd S tunts _____________ _______ Cr. Five hours attendance. 207b. Coaching-Basketball_ ________________ ___ Cr. F our hours atten dance. 214.. Prevention and T reatment of Injuries _____ Cr. F our hours attendance . 302. Ma terial s and Methods in Ph ys. Educ. ___ Cr. Four h ours a ttendance. (1) 309. Organiza tion a nd Admin is tration of P. E. _ Cr. F our hours a ttendan ce.
11:30 Mr. Wheeler. 8:30 Mr. Wheeler. 9:30 Mr. Jones. 11:30 Mr. Jones. 2: 30 Mr. Jones. 9:30 Mr. Jones. 11:30 Mr. Jones. 10:30 Mr. Wh eeler . 1:30 Mr. Wheeler. 2:30 Mr. J ones. 8:30 Mr. J ones.
1 1 1 1
2 l
2 2 2 2
PHYSICA L EDUCATION ]1l 0R WOMEN ( See General Catalog, pages 75-76) SHORT TERM 10. Ten!1is __________________ ___ ____ ________ _ Cr. l Sec I 9 :30 Ei ght h ours atte.ndance. Miss Davidson. Sec. II 10 :30 LONG TERM 3· CloF~ an d Tap Dancin g ___________________ Cr. ive hours a ttendance . 8· B~_innin g Swim ming ___ ____________ __ ___ Cr. ive h ours attendance. 9 · A~an ced Sw imming ___________________ Cr. fi eien t d ve h ours a ttendance. lO einancl · Tennis R Five ~~~~; ~tt-e-nd-;;;;--Mi-s~-D~~id-s-~-;~· Cr. ecr eational S . m111 . g-__________________ No ' w1m (]) 301: p .. - . i ineq , IPs of I ' . ·1:; . wil l he s uL::i lilul ctl fol' Co u 1·se
1 8 :30 Miss Davidson . l 3:30 Miss Dav idson. l 2:30 Mi ss Davidson .
16 ~~g
Cr. 4: 30 Miss Davidson.
if t here i s suf-
22 SCIENCE (See General Catalog, pages 77-82) Biological Science
SHORT TERM 205. Physiology and Hygiene _________________ Cr. Five hours attendancr,. 304. Genetics and Eugenics------------ ----- -- Cr. Eight hours attendance; six hours of assigned readi.ngs. LONG TERM 101. General Biology ___________ __ ____________Cr. Five hours lecture; five hours laboratory; two additional hours field work or assigned readings per week. 102. General Biology _________________________ Cr. Five hours lecture; five hours laboratory; two additional hours field work or assigned readings per week. 205. Physiology and Hygiene _____ ----------- Cr. Four hours attendance. 304. Genetics and Eugenics ___________________ Cr. Eight hours attendance. Physical Science
1:30 Mr. Od!aug. 8:30 & 9:3(1 Mr. Winter.
1:30 & 2:30
Mr. Winter. 8:30 & 9:30
Mr. Odlaug. 7:30 Mr. Odlaug. 8:30 & 9:30 Mr. Winter.
LONG TERM Two of the following four courses will be given: 101. General Chemistry ______________________ Cr. 4 10 :30 & 11:30 Mr. Sharp. Five hours lecture; seven hours lab. 102. General Chemistry ____________ ----- --- Cr. 4 1:30 & 2:30 Mr. Sharp. Five hours lecture; seven hours Jab. 201. General Physics ____________________ -- .. Cr. 4 8:30 & 9:30 Mr. Sharp Five hours lecture ; seven hours lab. 202. General Physics------------------------- Cr. 4 3:30 & 4: l\ir. Sharp. Five hours lecture; seven hours lab.
DAILY SCHEDULE OF CLASSES SHORT TERM 7:30 pepai·unent So. Description ( 'omnw i·re ;) Typewriting (Lab. 1 :30 :.\IWTh) - ----- -----------l-,-,-is""'l·-,- -1;-;1-;:>2'-1';;:!1:-;t-;:r;;: o-.<t;;:o:-r:~iternture (Also1:ao) 1 .ni; .JH-5-ll- -L1t eral'y Cnt1c1sn. - --------- --· rnd . •\rt s 112 Ind . Arts for Elem. Telus. (Als o 8 :30) ________ - _ _ 250-Alllateur Radio (Other hrs. arranged) 30G F ibre Furn. Weav. (OtllCL' hrs. a rr.rni:ed) 21 Ga l'L'o fessionalized l\Iath. )!nth. 102-1\Ie th. of 1reRcll . MuRic )Jusir (Als o 1 :3 0)
Cr. Days
Uoom Instructor
1 Daily ..l.305 West 4 Dail_y_ __ __ _ _ }1,aulhaher T:Jl!! 2 Daily .'.1.303 Bradford
• 2 JJaily
Shop J,nrson
1 Dairy
Shop Rawson
Daily 2 nail.v
Shop ]{awfion A304 Hill
1111 08 nenfnr1l
8:30 ,\rt 103 GenPl'a l .\.r·t _ ---------· " flaily l, !~01 Kirk ( .,'-H'-11-n-1P-rt·1>- 3-;;0-;;;8a-b-l\fethnds of-TchTT y p e - . - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - anrl Shorthanil ----_l or 2 Dnily \301 "Palmer F1l11Ntti on 101-Educ. PrnlC"°<A.1;;()2 ·:30_)__________ -1 n-;;1-,.- -_.\'1-01-Hfi1W<See 7 :30) Jntf . .-\rtN 1\1101 :;;(p('k )f11<::j(' Jl 0-Puhl!c School Mn Ric •? n~ilv ~04-----Geni \ ti<'A nnrl En,.,.enif'q :'r•!f'llWP r AlM !l :30\ (fl Ailrl. hr• nf as-
- - -- - ----- - ------
fi \!!nNl rPR<HneR l)Pl' Wf'e1\ )
\1\\''l'hl• 1
~ :~111
,, ~ infru·
9:30 20~--C'rnf t s _ ., r);l;1-v--T~30l-Kirk-·- !l--'T'.v newriting-(1~1).'""°1--~0-1\f\Yr:l.'ll)---,-n--;-P-"--.,-~~O!l l,·1lmP1· :-:--..,---2'""'0'""'4.,.-_Accoun1 in >! (Also 10 :30) _ ~ Dnih· A301 Fdrn:alion 1A~ Tn fro _ tn ~cl11('f1tion _ I') l~i,..--_ \10-.:t- ,r~
f'nmmPr c·P
_ ___ 1:;0~ nn rnl Rchllol l\fPtlH,rl• V11•rlisl1
1 :"\»
*2 Daily
2 - Dailv .- --T.~O(i 1\fM"''<1 2 Daily T~12 Fn11lh ~1 hrw
v m,,1,., m ?nh1l;-;:;f - f.;;pefl'rh
,.,.-,---21:.~nf!li sh ( ; 1~1~ll' _ _ ~·y 112n -8 m·vP\' n f Am. TTh-:t . 2-naih, --,.r~07-)fil~ 1.. ,,,~ 10-'rMi111;-( ::lfi<l<l~hr1-t_ llflt' ,,.(.e ,, - - -n-;n-,.--n-;m-1)~i~1~ ~riPTI<'! ' 10 1-0PnPtj ('i;; nnrl Ji;~nicR (Spe
R ·.~0)
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)fT' 'rhl •'_~201
ndcl~hn;. per w_P_P_k_)_ _ ,_-_1\_l_'l_ " l_'l_1l_~__C:~y_11_1_l_>_:1_1·_i<_l,_·1_.,_ 1
,7\-1·.,.t----------.,.:!~n-,,-i-1,-.-~1-,3~0~1--Ki rk
'l 'Yi>t•w riting- Lab.
24 Department No. Description Cr. Days Room Education 331-Educ. Measurements -----------· 2 Daily A104 323-Child Psychology ___ --- - - - __ -- -- •2 Daily T315 English 102 Intro. to Literature (See 7 .30~ _ _ _3_2_4-_524-Survey of Am. Literature ____ __ __ 2 Daily A:l03 Incl .• \rts JOG-309 Wooclturning .(Also 2 :30) ___ 2 Daily Shop ~::::;-:---~l;;c1~7_-3:...l;c7;-;,-E=':::n7gc:,in:C.e=-=L:;:a:.:t::;;h:;:e:..:P:...1;.:·a:::c:::.c:c<;.:A..:.l:;s:.::o:,,:2::_::=3::0~)~:..:.'-=D~a:'.cil'..,!Y_ _..':S'..'.h~op )lusk 102- )Jeth. of TeHch. i\lusic (See 7 ::::OJ _ 20f>-Physiology n.ncl Tiyg-icne .. S~Ol - 2 Dail.v
Instructor :uaxwelt J\fathew" Hrn<lfo1· 11 Larson Larson__ O<llau~
2:30 J<;<h1ca1ion 101- E!luc. P;;ycholo:zy (8C'e 8 :~O) 202:;--Ea. Elem. Meth. antl Obs. -- ___ • 2 Dail.v (Observation required at 8 :30 or 9 :30) 306- Extra Curricular .Activities __ . _ _ 2 Daily Incl. Arts (See 1 :30) 2Uia--Uhythm Orch. Problems_ _ _ _ 2 Daily Music 221a- 'Rural S ch. & C'ommunity Choi" 2 Dail.v
MLO'i .Tin<lra )r-101 Sleek
LONG TERM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~7:30 Departmenl No.
C'r. Days
Room L:lOti A301 ~ :ITWn'hF A 101 ., l>ail~· AlO~
Inslrnelor rncldel l'almN }M11cationl 01 - F.cluc. Psych. (Also 1:30) Baker 408-i308- Workshop ·---- --·- __ l 1o J\faxwell & Starr l~nc:lish '1 fl -'i41 Lit!'l'Hr.v Criticism :l })lJ ily A30:l Tirnclfrml =F~o-r. ..,L_a_n_g_.-4..,0-1--ti~O~l~-S,...t-1-,..-o..,f'-G-o-,-e-r1_n_n_n_,,J,.,,i-l-.----~'..~'..,J,..,l-"-."'1,-h-T•-'-A-2-,.-0'1- Kon it: 401 -fi01 - Sm'. Of French Lit. 2 J\1'V'l'hF NW~ Ko11it~ 521 TTist. Gram. of Gei·man 1~ang-. '.! i\f\\'Thli' A204 J(oniu: 1:eogrnphy 101 l'rin. of Geog. (Also 1 ::lO) .J Daily i-'201 <'h1yh11rn (2 nr.<l. hrs. lab. or field work) .j .\l\\"ThF A202 'rhor~on 101 Western C'ivilization (Also 11 :30) Jlislo1·.v 214 Hist. Of U. S .. Since 18G'i (Also 1 ::lO) __ _ 4 :\T\\"l'hl•' 'r:l07 ;lfil !Pr ~ 1\f\\''11h 11' j\ 102 )frown 417 ..\m. ('onst. Law (Also 1 :30) 2 J\TWThJ<' Shop J,ar:-;on Jnd. Arif 110- Shop J\Taintenance (Also 8 :~0) 112 Tn<l. Arts ft11' Elem. 'rchrs. Shop f,ar~on • :l Oail.v (Also 8 :30) _ 2 J\IWThl•' Shop naw:-;on 213 Cl<>neral Metals (Also 8 :30) Hawson )f\Y'l'hP Shop 2 214- Prnc. Electricity (Also 8 :30) 2 l\I'\".rhl~ Shop RawRon 216--She<>t JlfetHI (Also 8 :30) A~04 Hill ~ Dnil.v J\fath. 2Hla-b- Professionalizecl J\[ath. 'l':lOZ Jftlt'k 30~a-Colle1>:P Ge::.:o::.:n.::1::.e.::tt'-'·yc::_:__ _=:..._ _ _ _2_111\Y'l'hF _ _ _ _..,,..~,,,.-=-c:4 ;\J\\''l'hl•' J\1108 Bt?nfonl Jlf usie 102- Meth. of 'l'eadi. i\Tuxie (Also 1 :!lO) 2 J\TWThF S:l01 O<llam: ~Pifl'n(·(\ 205-Phvxiolo~.v c~ TTy~iene ,c\ __ r_l____2_0~3-~D,.,ei_s_i__g_n_a_n_tl_C_o_l_o_r_T~h_e_o_r.,_v_____:~_J_)=a-'il.:..Y_ {'ommerc!' 101 - SJ10rlharnl (Also 1 :::01 '1 Dail.v
8:30 Commerce 1~~tlt1cal
5- Typewl'iling. __ __ __ _ --
f'ln8xroom J\fanag-N11Pnt 2'i1 - C'om. LeHdership & I'. 'l'. A. 304-C'lH'8room Jlfanagem!'nt - . 40G-i305 J<'un<lnmentals of Sch. Adm. J•;n!(lixh 101 - F.n!!. Comp. (Also 2 ::rn) _ 2!i Public SJ>E'Hking (Also '.l :30) 303- Sun·ey of Lit. l~or. Lang. 101 - J•ilem. Gernrnn (Ali.o 9 ::10) <:eoJ,!raplty 300 neo:.rrnph.v of Europe_ ITistory 304-Jlfod. Europe. Since 1815 (AIRO 2 :~0) __ (See 7 :30) 101a- Algebr:L _ _ ___ _ Muth. 103a-Colle:ze Algebra _ _ _ ion 20
z ;\l\\"ThF 2 111\V'l'hF 2., J\!\\"l'hF Dail)' "
+ 111\V'l'hF
3 Dnil.v '1 J\fW1'hl•' ~ DHily
A30i3 \Yestralnwr T102 ('lemenls SlO'i Tyler r_r~1 !"i l\Tath!'WS ,\ 10'1 .Timer:-:on .\20+ i'fH1·tin J,30G ~1001·e A30:l Hra<lfortl A 102 l(oni.g 8201 f'1nyhurn
:"IT\\"ThF .\202
2 l\IW\'l.'hl<' 'l':lO'.l TlU('k Huck
2 J\I\\"ThF T302
25 p ep,u·tmenl No. DC's cription Cr. )llusic 'l I 0--l<'orm and Analysis _____ - -- 1 • ,.s. Nd. 10- T ennis _______ --- ______ ,,_______ 1 I 11 ' 3 0!.l- Org. & Adm. of Phys . Eel ,_ ___ -- 2 3-Clog and Tap Danc inl!'--------· - 1 J02 General Biology (Lab. 9 :30) ____ 4 t'dcnre (2 add. hrs. field work or ass igned reading per week). ::!01- General Physics (Lab. !) :30) _____ 4 (2 add. hrs, lab. per week arr.) :J 04 Genetics and Euirenics __ __ _______ 4 (Also () :30)
Day,-.:s:......._..::Rc::o::.;o:.::m::..:....=In:::::.str=u'-'c'-'t-'--or ::llW 111108 Benford Daily Gym Wheele1· MWThF G,v m .lones Daily r.vm n~virl•nn Daily S30.l Odlaug Daily
S104 Sharp
MW'.rhl!' S304 Win tel'
9:30 1'ommerce li- Typewriting ____________________ 1 }:ducat ion 108- Intro. to Education_____________ :l 150- Rural School ll1etbocls-- - -------- • ;; 424- l'hil. of Educ. (Also 10 :30) _____ 4 J•:nglish :.!40- Amel'. Short Story _________ __ __ , 2 l•'or. Lang. 101- Elem. German (See 8 :30l-------Jli story 118 -Amer. Government (Also 10 :30) __ , Jnd . Arts 119-319- l<'arm & Home lllech, ________ 2 (4 hrs . lab. arr.) ;10 la- Ind . .Arts l\leth. d: Obs ._ ·------ _ !! ~l ath, 2 16b- Profess ionalizcd l\fath. ---------· ~ 110- Public School Music_ ___________ • 2 il usie 201- llarmony (Also 10 :30l ---- - ---- - ,; 3 1 G-Band & Oreb. Tech,_____________ 3 101- Natural Prol!;ra m ______________ _ 2 0:~-TumblinJ?: & l;tunls._____ , __ 10- Tennis_ --------- __ ~ciencc 102 General BioloJ?:.v (See 8 :30) 2 01- Ge ner a l Pb~·sics (See 8 :30) :l 04--Gen~tics and Eugenics (See 8 ::l()) _
Daily Daily
A30::i AltH Da~ly Sl05 M'l'Thl<' AlOl MTThl!' A303 :IIT.rnJ<' MTThl•' A202 lllWl•' Shop M'.r'. rh I•' lllTThl•' Jll'.r J'lll•' J\ITThl•' D:uly D'1.ily D a ily l':.ily
Palmer ·.rear •.ryler Maxwell Martin Hr0WURawson
Shop Larson A30+ Hill M101 Steck l\111)8 l~enforu MlOiJ Jiwlra Gym .Jonus G y m Jones CTym Dav;n• o11 8304 Winler
10:30 .I rt 102- I,etterinJ?: )•;duration 424- Phil. of Educ. ( ee () :30 ) F.<lucatio n 2 15- English Grammar __ _ For. f,ang. 20 l a - Ge rman Read . & Comp. __ .! r.Pn1?:ra11h y 20 6-Geog. of Nebraska. 2 Hi story ll 2b- Sun·ey of Amer. Ilistor.'' 11 8 - Amer. Gon'rnment (SC'e 9 ::lO) H ome Ee. 3 11- Costume D esiJ?:n Tnn . Arts 10 l 305'1- Bench Woodworking (Also 11 :30l ----------------· 2 201 - B ench Woodwork (Also 11 :30) __ 2 2 15 -Safet.v Education _ _ 1 :Il a th. 307a- 11Iat. & Meth. for Sec. l\Iath _ 2 2 04- Ilarmony (See 9 :30) 3 11- Jltusic Appreciation____ _________ 2 :l J fi a ot· b--Study of Instruments _ . 2 l'h ys, JM 207b--C'oacllinJ?:- Bas ketbalL ________ -· 2 ~ ::;:,·:-n::,,c:-e--...,...:1::0:.- Tennis (One ht'. add. per week) _. 1 ' L General Chemistry Lab. 11 :30) _ 4 (3 acid. hrs. lab. per WeC'k arr.)
11 :30
L 30G Diddel MTTlu~
A303 Martin A i 02 Konig ::;201 Clayburn ·rao1 Miller
'l'lO-l Weare
MTThJ.' ~ITThl<'
l\1TThli' Shop Larson :11T'. rhF siov Lars au '.r'l'!t S op Rawson JIIT'rhF A304 Hill 111'1."rhF J\lTTbF M'l".rhF JIC'I'lhl~ :IITThF
l\1101 111105 Gym Gym S204
Steck Jinura Wheele r Davidson Sharp
~t 30 6-Art Ap--p-re-c~i-a~t1~ · 0-n--------~-~---------2 J\I'l'WF L30li Diddel l:omnierce 5 Typewriting __ ___ __ ______ __ __ ___ _ 1 D::tily A305 'VestPalmer ~ . ~-=---=-:-:------------.,,-;:;-::-:-;-::-:--~~~:;--:;-7::':-:'~':) Daily ..:..J:.1·is I1 355 -Play Production L:10G Moore fi'or Lan g . 20 l a-French Read. & Comp, __ _ _____ _ 2 MTWF A102 Konig ~ry 101- Western Civiliza tion (See 7 :30) _ l\CT"'l~ I on-,e F.c. :lfo tborl s _______________________ _ 3 Daily Tl0·1 Tl'eare 432-Seminar in Home Ee. (Other 3 Arr. _ _....;:;""".:;,_--'--'-~ T104 Weare -----~~~--~~-h::.:;rs::·_...::a~r~r~,)~-~-::::.:::::.:~-~-~-~-~ -~ -==-l::_t~o:.........::...==:..:..:.
26 Room rnstrurtor Department No. Descrip:..;t"'io::.:n::.·_ _ _ _ _ _ _. .::C:.:•..:."·:.:D::.. :.R.::.Y.::8_ _..::.:.::..::.:::.:.:==:..:.:...:::.:..::. (See 10 :30) Ind. Arts JITath. lOlb-Algebra----------------------· 2 l\l'l'WF T302 Huck 103b-College Algebra __________ ----- ., l\I'l'\Vl{' '.r302 Huck 9--Swimming_____________________ 1 IJaliY Gym Wheelel' l'hys. Mel. 102- Natural l'rogram _______________ , 1 D.1ily Gym .Tonex 204---Tumbling & Stun~q ______________ 1 D1ily Gym .Tones Science 101-General Chemis:.:t:::.ry,,__,( S'.::e:':e::--::1.::.0..:.::J::.(:.:l)'--_"---------
7 1 :30
('ommeree J 01-Short!Jand (Sec 7 :30) Education l 01 -Educ. Psych. (See 7 :30) ______ 153b-Observation & Part. ----------- *2 :W3 - Jr. H. S. Curriculum_ .. ______ 2 J<;nl!:lish ='121-52 Survey of Am. Lil. :i C:eography 101 Prin. of Geog. (Sec 7 :30)_ Jlisl ory 214 Hist. U. S., Since 1865 (Seeof7:30) __________________ .
MTWJ•' J\IT\YF Daily J\1'r\YJ1'
8105 Tyler
)lT\Vl•' 417-Am. Const. Law (Sec 7 :30) _____ _ .l\ITWJ<~ Incl. Al'ts 106-309-Woodturninl!: (Also 2 :30>---· 2 i\lTWJ<' Shop J.,ar::;on 117-317-En¢ne Lathe Prac. (Also 2 :30) __________________ _ 2 1'l'r\\"l!' ::>hop J..iarson 200-Shop Prob. fol' Ru . Sch. _______ _ 2 Daily Shop Hawson (Also 2 :30 J\1TTh) 209a or b-Mech. Drawing (Also 2 :30) _ ·• lllT\VJ•' ShoJl Larso11 415a or b-Auto Mechanics (Sec 2::rn) MW'rh 30711- Mai. & J\Ietb. for Sec. M.,..a""tJ,--i.-_-_-'_-_-.2-J\O--f::::T:::"=,c:l!:.:'---,-,.-------Math . A30-1 Rill J\Iusic J 02 l\Ieth. of Teach. l\Iusic (See 7:30) __________ _ Phys. J•Jd. 214
83°'1 WintN
Prev. cf Treat. of Injuries _______ 2 J\I'l'\Vl•' (Not open to women) 1 Ol-General Biology (Lab. 2 :30) ____ J fla i ly (2 add. hrs. field wo1·k OL" a ·sjgned readings) 102 General Chemistry (Lab. 2 :30) ___ 4 J)ail.1· (2 add. hrs. htb. per week arr.)
S:!04 :::lharp
2~:~37 0~~---'~~~~~~~~~
Art 301-Pottery ________ ---------- ---- :l M'J'W'[h L303 Diddcl Education 306-Extra Curricular Activities ___ _ 3 Daily Al04 Tear Eng-lish 101-English Composition (Sec S :30) _ J\ITWTll A204 254--Public Speaking (See 8 :30) ____ . )lTWTh For. J,ang. lOla-Elem French _________________ _ 2 MTWTh Al02 Koni;; llistory 304--J\Iod. Since 1815 (SeeEurope 8:30) _________________ _ )l'J'WTh Shop Rawson Ind . Arts. 415a or b-Auto Mech. (Also 1 :30) __ _ 2 Dai:y II.lath. 304b-Collcgc Geometry _____________ , 2 J\ITWTh '.r302 !luck Music 215-Rhythm Oreb. Problems _______ _ :.. Daily JY110G Jindra 221-Hu. Sch. <G Com. Choir_ _________ _ 3 Daily JI'[] 01 Steck Phys. Ed. 106-Playgrouncl Supervision ________ _ 2 i\lTWTll ~-~YJn Jones 302-J\faterials & Meth. in P. E. _____ _ 2 J\ITWTh Gym Jones Gym Davidson 1 Daily 9-Aclv. Swimming _______-:::___-;;_:::_ __-_-_-_-_-___::_:=-==--==-=;_.;....:_'-7 lOl-General Biology (See 1 :30) ~ciencc 102-General Chemistry (See 1 :30)
3:30 111'1.'\V'l'h 'l'JO-lc Weare Home lCc. 102-30:l::.__Clothing (Also 4 :30) ===:___:·::.•_..::::_:::_.:.:.._:..:.:.___::c:.c:....::..-='.:....:c"---'-Shop Rawson lnd. Arts 250-Amatcur HadiO ----------------· 1 Arr. :-:lhop Hawson :rn6-l•'ibre l•'urn. \Veav. ______________ l Arr. Gym David~o n Phys. l<1d. 8-Beginning Swimming___________ l D:tily Sl04 Sharp 8cicnce 202-General Physics (Lab. 4 :30) ____ 4 Dail~· (2 add . hrs. lab. per week arr.)
4 :30 ]l[TWTh Home Ee. 102-302-Clothing (See 3 :30) O Daily Gym Davidson Phys. Ed. Recreational Swimming Science 202-General Physics (See 3....::.::3~0!-)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __