Regular Ses ion-June 2-An~ Short Se~ ' ion-Jun 2-luh
CALENDAR: Regular Session-June 1.-A路.:.J路... Short Session-June '2-ju.y Post-Session-Augus'. 2-'."' *
Registration-June 2, t c '
PERU BULLETIK PERU ST ATE TEACHERS COLLEGE VOLUME XXXllI Enter d a., Hecond under .\ et of Augu~t .\utro sl and Oetober.
March, 1947
ot 1
cla~t; matter Auguq :?7. I9:rn. at the Po:-0t l "' ~ ~4. lJl~. ]!"!-'Ued ~i' t imes yearly in JanmHY路 路
P ent State T eachers Colley e
STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Ralp h M. Carhart, Pres id ent ... Te rm expi re s 1951 A. D. Majors, Vice Presi de nt ... Te rm expires 1949 Ed win D. Crites . .. Term e xpires 1949 Edga r Fe rn ea u Ber tha I. Hill . Everett L. Randa ll . .
Te rm expi res 1953 Te rm ex pi res 1951 Term e xpire s 1953
Wayn e 0 . Reed, State Superintendent . .. Ex-officio E. Albin Larson, Secretary . .
. . .....
. .. ... . . ... .
OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION William L. Nicho las, A.B.. A.M . I .Ed .. W. R. Pa te, A.B .. A.M.. A. G . Wh ee ler, A.B.. A.M. Ann ie L. Boye tt , A.B., A.M... E. H. Hayward, A.B. . . . Assis ta nt
Mary 0. Delze ll , A.B. . . . Ne lli e M. Carey , A.B., Library Cert ifi ca te ...... . Th ero P. Cave n der , B.S ., A.M.. M.L. S ... Elma I. Gockley . .. Marga ret He nnin gsen , A.B., R.N ... . Dorothy Coulter Nadine Powers . .
.... . . . . . .
. . . . ...
Snrnmer School . 1947
OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION . . Pro fessor o f Educa tion Bak e r, B.S ., A.M., Ph.D. . eY K· . Ass is tant Professor of His tory and Other n Blak e. A.B., A.M. . es Social Sciences . D Bond. B S., A.M., Ph .D. .. .. Professor of Biology, Head of Department ;Un · of Science E Brod. A. B., A.M.. .. .. Assistant Profe ssor of Education , Supervisor of est · Junior High School Teachin g . Brown, Ph .B., A.M., ).D .. . Professor of His tory a nd Other Social Sciences, M Head of Departmen t .. Ass ista n t Professor of Biology ' n c. Christ, A.B.. A.M... Professor o f Geography a nd Ge"ology B Clayburn , A.B., A.M.. . . Professor of Edu ca tion , L Clements. A.B , A.M. S uperi nt e nde nt o f Train ing Schoo l . Assis tant Profe ssor of Mathematics yrtle E Cook, A.B., A.M. . . . Associate Professor of Physical Education , ylhs Davidson , B.S ., A.M. Director of Phys ical Education fo r Women .. Associate Profess or o f Art 'onna L. Diddel , A.B., A.M . . . iances F. Fi elds , B.M., M.S . . . . ... Assistpnt Professor of Music, Ins tructor of Pia no and Organ es R. Floyd , A. B., A.M., Ph.D. . .... Professor of Englis h , Head of Department anche A. Gard, A.B., A.M... . . As s istant Professo r of Education, Supervis or of Firs t and Second Grade Teaching .. Assista nt Professor of Englis h ,yde C. Hill, B.S., M.S ... . . .. Assistant Profess or of Englis h !ton M. House, B.S ., A.M . .. . ... . Assoc iate Profe ssor of Math e matics A. Huck, A.B .. A.M .. . H. Jindra, A.B. . . . Dire ctor of Band and Orches tra a nd Ins truc tor in Violin V. Larson, B.S., A.M .. . . Professor of Ind us trial Arts Ouinn Lotspeich , B.F.A., A.M ... . Professor o f Mu s ic 1zabeth McColl um , B.E., A.M . . .. Ass istant Professor o f Education, Directo r of Kin dergarten Henry J. McFarl a nrl, B.S., M.S.. . .. Ass istant Profe ssor of Phys ica l Science iaiibel Mason, A.B. , A.M. . . . . Ass is tant Professor of Education, Superv is or ol Filth a nd Sixth Grad e Teach ing l B Math ews, A.B., A.M.. . .. Associate Professo r of Education , Princi pal ol High School uth V. Math ew s, A.B... . Ass is tant Professor of Education, Supervisor o f Paul High School Te aching Rob A. Maxwell , B.S., A.M., Ph .D. . . Profess or of Education, Head of Department ert D. Moore , A.B., M.Ph . .. ..•. . Associate Professor of English a nd Ins tructor ~ in Speech Educa tion 'ti~ge Rath, B.D., A.B., A.M . Assis tant Professo r of Modern Languag e ne L. Rigg s, A.B., A.M... . ..... . As sis tant Professor of Phys ical Ed ucation, Jlar,,e. R· Ass istant Director of Phys ical Educat ion for Men Pau1 ~ Sitter, B.S.. . . . . . .. . . . . ........ . ... Ins tructor in Indus trial Arts GrQce ·T Weetland , B.S., A.B., M.S .. . . . Assis tant Professo r of Phys ical Science I W Ty~ar, A.B., A.M....... Profes s or of Principles a nd Methods in Educa tion r_ er. A.B., A.M.. . . Associate Profess or of Education , Dire ctor of "Ol!Q W Rural Ed ucat ion ~el Weare, B.S., A. M.. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ass is tant Profes sor of Horne Economics 4. G Weare, B.S. MS ....... Ass is tant Profes sor of Commerce heeler, A.B · ., A . .·M · ... . . .. Associate profe ssor of Phys ical Education , Director of Athletics and Phys ical Ed ucation fo r Men
P eni S t at e T each ers Go lleye
STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Ralp h M. Carhart, Pres ident .. Term expires 195 1 A. D. Majors, Vice Preside nt .. . Term expires 1949
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Edwi n D. C rit e s . . Ter m expire s 1949 Edgar Fe rn eau Te rm expires 1953 Ber tha I. Hill . Te rm expires 1951. Everett L. Rand all . . Te rm ex pires 1953 Wayn e 0 . Reed, State Superintendent . . Ex-officio E. Albin Lars on, Secretary . .
OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION William L. Nich o la s , A.B., A.M , D. -d .. W. R. Pate, A.B.. A.M.. . A. G . Wh eeler, A.B., A.M Anni e L. Boye tt, A.B., A.M .. . E. H. Hayward, A.B. . Mary 0 . De lze ll , A.B... Ne lli e M. Carey, A.B., Library Ce rtifi cate ... Thera P. Cavender, B.S ., A.M.. M.L. S ... Elma I. Gockley . Margare t Henning se n , A.B., R.N . .. Dorothy Coulter Nadine Powers ..
. . ... ' .....
Snmme r School. 1941
~OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION K Bak er. B.S .. A.M., Ph .D. . .. Prof e ssor of Education .,,rneY ·k A B A.M.. . . Ass istant Professor of Hi s tory and Other "'" Social Sciences jaJlles Bia e, · " Bond, B.S .. A.M .. Ph.D . . . ... Professo r of Biology, Head of Department ,1.ustin D. of Scie nce Brod, A.B., A.M.. . . Assistant Professor of Education, Supervisor o f Ernest E. Junior High School Teaching wn Ph .B., A.M.. J.D. ... Professor of History a nd Othe r Social Sciences, c M Bro ' Head of Departmen t C Christ. A.B., A.M. . . . Ass is ta n t Professor of Biology Joh~ Clayburn, A.B .. A M.. Professor of Geography a nd Geology ~ L Clernent s. A.B , A.M. Professor o l Educati n. •' S upe rin te nd e nt of Training Sc hool ook A.B , A.M. . . . Assis tant Professor of Mathematics I E· C Myrle • Davidson , B.S., A.M... . . Associate Professor of Phys ical Education , 15 PhY11 Director of Phys ical Education for W omen orma L. Diddel, A.B., A.M. . . . . . . Associate Professor of Art Frances f . Fi elds, B.M., M.S .. . . ... Assis tpnt Professor of Music, Instructor of Piano and Organ Giles R Floyd, A.B., A. M., Ph.D .. . . Professor of English , Head of Department . Ass istant Professor of Education, Supervisor Blanche A. Gard , A.B.. A.M. of First and Second Grade Teachi ng . . Assistant Professor of English Clyde C. Hill, B.S., M.S ... . . . .. Assistant Professo r of English Bolton M. Ho use , B.S ., A.M . . . . Associ ate Professor of Mathematics C A. Huck, A.B .. A.M... V H. [indra, A.B.. . . Di rector of Band a nd O rches tra and Instructor in Violin A V Larson, B.S., A.M... .. Professor of Industrial Arts I Quinn Lotspeich, B. F.A., A.M .. . ... . ... Professor o f Mu sic Elizabeth McColl um , B.E., A.M .. . .. Assistant Professor o f Education, Director of Kindergarten Henry J. McFarl an rl, B.S .. M.S .. . .. Assis tant Professor of Phys ical Science Isabel Mason, A.B.. A. M.. . . Assis tant Professor of Education , Supervisor ol Fifth and Six th Grad e Teaching LB Mathews, A.B , A.M ..... . Associate Professor of Education , Pri n cipal ol High Schoo l Ruth V. Math ews, A.B.. . . Assistant Professor of Education, Supervisor of Hig h School Teaching ::I A. Max well , B.S., A.M., Ph .D . Professor of Educa tion , Head of Department ert D. Moore, A.B., M.Ph .. . .. .. Associate Professor of Englis h a nd Ins tructor Geo in Speech Education Yi rge Rath , B.D., A.B., A.M. . Assis tant Professo r of Modern La n guag e ayne L. Riggs, A.B., A.M. .. ....... Assistan t Professor of Physical Education, Harv Assis tant Director of Physi cal Educat ion for Men ~I~ ~itter, B.S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Instructor in Indus trial Arts Grace ·T Weetland, B.S., A.B., M.S. . . . . As s istant Professor of Physical Science l W T ear, A.B., A.M. . . Professor of Principles and Methods in Educati on Yler, A.B., A.M. . . . Associate Professor of Education , Director of ~w Rural Education It.._ eare B S ""'lei w ' · ., A.M.. . . . .. .. Assis tant Professor of Home Econ omics 4. G 'W~are, B.S ., M.S. . . Ass istant Professor of Commerce eeler, A.B., A.M · ·. . . . . . . . . . . . As sociate pro fessor o f Ph ys ica I Ed ucahon . , Director of Athletics a nd Physical Education for Men
P eru Stat e T eacher
Colley e
GENERAL INFORMATION LOCATION AND CAMPUS On paved highway 67, Peru may be reached by bus . lines from Beatrice and Lincoln . Other bus an d train co~~ ~ may be made a t Auburn, Nebraska Ci ty and Tecu mseh . ecti0111 The college is located .at the south edge of_ the village . beautifu l, thickly-wood ed hills a long the M1ssoun river. The lll 1111 of sixty acres wi th i ts native woods and fo rmal garde ns is live and d is tinctive. The many varieties of oak and other"'~lllD~• g rowing near the buildings and walks provide an abundance deep, cool shade, making the campus a most pleasant place in g the summer months .
THE SUMMER SCHOOL Courses-In the main, summer school courses are the same those g iven in the regula r year. Many courses are repeated summer, while others for which the demand is small are alte and made available only every second or third summer. Stu may use the college facilities for the firs t year or two of work leading to other professions, which they plan to com elsewhere. Advantages-Students may continue their college work ing the summer and thus shorten the time n cessary to com the requirements for a diploma or deg ree . High school g raduates, who wish to teach next fall, may the required 12 semester hours for the Third G ra de Elemen School Certificate. Others, who do not plan to teach ne~ may start th eir college work in th e summer just a s well as m foll. Teachers may earn sufficient credit to renew or raise them to a higher level. Returning veterans may continue or start their colle9'9 during the. summer. Facilities-All of the facilities of the colle ge, both ed~ and recreational , are available to the stu dents .in su~IIlfue The library of 52,000 volumes is one of the fin est in SS to Through their vari ous courses students w ill have acce fully equipped labora tories, shops, and s tudios . Studen ts are urged to make fu ll use of th~ s t~denl -~d nis courts, swimming pool, p laying field , aud1 ton urns. g rounds .
Smnmer Sc hool, 1947
·ons-The summer school w ill consist of three sessions as
1oilo"'s: . The Regular Session (9 weeks) opens on Jun e 2; closes Au gust The Short Session (6 weeks) opens on Ju ne 2; closes July 11 . The Post-Sessi on (3 w eeks) opens on August I; closes August
16· Studen ts may a ttend any session, or they may _a ttend the regu ion and the post-session , or the short session and the pas tor sess session. Credit-Students may ta ke 9 hours in the reg ular session, 6 hours in the short session, 3 _h ours in the post-session , or 12 hours in the regular a nd post-session . Students regi ste red in the regular session may elect to take one or two courses in the short session, subject to the follow ing regulations: ( l) Those carrying a total of 9 hours may take only one two-hou r course in the short session, and (2) those carryin g only 8 hours may take two two-hour courses or one four-hour course in the sh ort session . Registration-Registration will be held on Monday, June 2. Secure materials a nd start registering in the reading room of the LIBRARY at scheduled hours as follows: Last names beginning with letters A to E, incl.Last names beginning wi th letters F to K, incl.Last names beginnin g with le tters L to R, incl.Last names beginni ng wi th le tters S to Z, incl.Students unable to conform to above schedule-
8:00-8:30 8:30-9:00 . 9:00-9 :30. 9:30-10 :00 . 10:00- 11 :30.
th Graduate s tudents w ill register with one of the members of the ghaduate Council and have their reg is tratio ns approved by 'nee h airma n of the Counci l. A late reg istration fee of $2.00 will c arged those regis terin g after June 2.
~rall1Change in Program-A student is allowed to change his pro!essio of stud ies a t any time during the first wee k of the su mmer n.
ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Ad111is · F g sch sion orms-Students should have a transcript of their orni an~ol credits prepared on the Nebraska College Admission g of th ~ent to the reg istrar a t least two weeks before the openhn th erm._ Copies of the a d mission form may be secu red b y reg is trar . Transcri p ts of credits a nd o ther cred en tia ls
P ern Stal e T ea c h ers Coll eg e
which are accepted toward a dmission become coll ege and are kept perm anently in the fi les. To Freshman Standing-Gradua tes of accredited h. may have full a d mission to freshman s ta nding on 15 u~\?~ ~ 1 tional 14 uni ts) properly selected and comple ted in a (COndi. high school or on 12 units (conditional 11 units) proper! our-yec. and comple ted in a senior high school (g rades 10, 11 , and j2)1~
Students w h o are not high school g rad uates may rece¡ ditional a d mission upon presentation of 14 uni ts from an ac~ fou r-year high school , or 11 units from a senior high school {~ 10. 11, and 12. An official transcript of cred its and a request•.._. the superintendent that the stude n t be admi tted be fore graduc!;: must be filed wi th the registrar. Advanced Standing-App li can ts for a dmission from other leges or universi ties must file wi th the registrar (1) a statement honorable dismissal; (2) a n officiall y certified s ta tement of work a lready accomplished; (3) an officially certified record the secondary school work sati s fying the a d mission require Adult Special-Mature individuals who do not have lull lege entrance c redits may be matriculated as a dult specials, before a ny certificate or diploma may be g ranted to such s all en trance requirements mus t be made up and all college quiremen ts for th e certifi cate or diploma sough t must be met. CERTIFICATES All certifica tes, and renewals of certifica tes, a re issued b Sta te Superintend e nt of Public Instruction . When students completed the requirements for a degree or diploma, they recommend e d for the type of certificate to which they are en All regular certificates may be renewed by earning 9 ~d hours including 2 or 3 hours in education. Stud~nts 5f 0 lfice suit a copy of the Certification Dig est at the registrar\¡~ at their county superintenden t's office for de ta iled certi 1 quiremen ts and renewal requirements. Third Grade Elementary School Certificate-The Th~1 Elementary School Certificate is va lid in rural schools. ~~e g raduates may secure this certifi ca te by passing the I 7 ~ ers examinations w ith an average of 80 % a nd by. edu semester hours of college credit , including 6 ho~rs 2 and 2 hours in physiology and hygiene. The require essi 5 hours may be earned b y taking 9 hours in the regular 3 hours in the post-session .
Smn m er School, 1941
those who desire to secure this certificate, the following fo r are required : bjects stJ Regular Session-June 2 to August 1 Rural School Me thods l SO ................... 3 Rural School Management, Obs. & Part. 153 ... 3 Playground Supervision 204 ...... .... .. . . ... 1 ... ... .. ... .... . .. . 2 Elective
hours hours hour hours
Post-Session-August 2 to August 16 Workshop-Health & Special Education 208g . . 3 hours One-Room Rural School-A one-room rural school will be oranized in the training school under the supervision of an experenced rural teacher. Those registered for the course in Rural chool Managemen t, Obs. and Part. l 53 will have opportunjty to bserve rural school organization and teaching procedure.
DEGREES AND DIPLOMAS Peru State Teachers College issues by authority of the law pnd the rules of the Board of Education the following deg rees and liiplomas (see General Catalog 1946-47, pp. 29 -43) . Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education leading to the initial Senior Grade School Ce rtificate (valid g rades K-10, inclusive), Initial Secondary School Certificate (valid grades 7- 12, inclusive), and the Initial Ad ministrative and Supervisory Certificate (valid grades K-12, in clusive) . TChre.e. Year Diploma leading to the Initial Senior Grade School erhhcate (valid g rades K-10, inclusive) .
~wo. Year Diploma leading to Initial Junior Elem e ntary School erhhcate (valid g rades K-8, inclusive). gne. Year Diplo.m a leading to Initial General Elementary School erti 1icate (valid grades K-8, inclusive, in Art III , rural schools) .
th~ ~eachers'
placement service is conducted through the office dentsUPenntendent of th e Training School fo r the benefit of those Hege ,.,.,an~ alumni w ho have completed at least two years of e 1nvite~r and who desire positions or advancement. Alumni ived fo 1h_. kee p credentials up-to-date , as many calls are ree regis~r "". ich the b ureau does not have qualified candidates. ati on fee is one dollar.
P crn Sl<tl c T cac lw r~ Cu ll ey e
A maximum of two semester hours of Practice Teachi (Education 210 or 41 l) may be earned in the prirnaryng crec1 t mentary grades by a limited number of summer school stor ele Those registered for Practice Teachin_g . w ill tea ch u nder supe~dent for two hours each mormng the Trammg School is in sessi Vtsio 0 be sure of a teaching assignment, s tud ents shou ld write the To intendent of the Training School before registratio n . uper
Tii e T . J . Majors T r ni nin_q Schoo l
S1i 111 uwr S l'i100! , 1 9111
ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION 's splendid location in the rolling, wooded country along
~er~ouri river furnishes a natural invitation to students to be the ~~~ors and offers many opportunities for hikes and. out-of recreational opportu mhes are afforded through parhc1pahon Other ts music, dramahcs and social dancmg. Concerts, lectures, in spor ~eci tals, a nd convocation programs provide enjoyable ocmovie55' for summer s tuden ts . ras1on . Sports- Sof tball, swimming, tennis . Classes are conduc ted in . . ming a nd tennis for those who desire instruction in these sports. rim r:ement and three clay courts are maintaine d for instructional ;ecreational use . Each summer a softba ll league is formed, ~~rnposed of teams representing classes, departments; an d organ ~za ions. Games are played rn the city recreation park.
Band and Chorus-Students who sin g or play an instrument, reaardless of whe ther or not they are majoring or minoring in mi~sic, are invit d to become a member of on e o r both of these aroups .
Concerts-The summer concert series will include music, drama, and lectures by outstanding artists and personalities. Student Union-Summer students will find the new student umon quarters in Delzell Hall a cool, pleasant place for recreation and relaxation. The faci lities of this modern union include a game :oom with b owling , billiards, snooker, and ping pong equipment, a snack bar, dance floor, lounges, and faculty room.
P ent State T eachers Colleg e
A special feature of the 194 7 Summer Session Prog be a series of short workshops and institutes d esigned to ~azn teachers, future teachers. a d ministrators, and lay men wi t~u importan t recen t educa tional trend s in Nebraska and to he! ~ solve individual problems of a practical nature . The wofh~, re one a nd two weeks in len~ th and . ar~ primarily for st~ who wish to earn college c redit. The msh tu tes, lastin g from en to three days, will be held in conjunction with the workshope °'II are designed for the college stud e nts , other e d ucators, and · ested laymen . The workshops a nd. institu tes will be conducted a s taff of local faculty members assisted by state and national ca tional leaders. WORKSHOP AND INSTITUTE SCHEDULE Workshop Dates Jun e 2-13
Institut e Local Dates Chairman June 10-11 L. B. Math ews
b. Pro fessi onal & June 16-27 Public Re lati on s
June 18-19 S . L. Clem e nts
Problem Ar e a a . Guidance
c. Parent-Teacher As sociation
June 30)uly 11
June 30Ju ly I, 2
J. W. Tyler
d. Audio- Vi s ual Education
July 16
E. E. Brod
e. Junior Red Cross
July 21-25
July 23
P. A. Maxwell
I. School Lunch Program
July 28Augus t 1
July 30
Grace Tear, Margaret Saunders
·1y Each workshop will cons ist of lectures a n d discuss io ns he ldh da~ a . m. and various amounts of laboratory and institute wo rk , t e
Smnmer School, 1941
n the credi t s oug ht. Students may regis ter for any on e or a n y endi ng .u po of the workshops. Thos e regi s tering for th e full s hort s ession 0 ~0 rnbi nCXll :Cation 408 a .. b , .c. or 508 a . b . c , may ea rn from. 2 hours to 4 series, Edd 1.t Those regis te ring fo r th e full reg ular sess10n se ries, Educah on hours ere 503 a-L may earn from 3 to 6 hours credit. In the s eparate work 408 cx-L or J/ 3 cred it to I credit may b e earned per we ek . Th e laboratory shops frorn be spread o ve r a lon ger pe ri od to a dj us I load . work rncxY .
Post-Session Health Education and Special Education Workshop A combined Health Education and Special Educati on Work will be held fro m Saturday morning, August 2, throug h Sat~rd~y, August 16, wi th classes on Saturday, Aug ust. 9. Those reg t ring for this cou rse, Education 208g or 408g, w ill devote thelf is ~ire tim e to the workshop and w ill rece ive three hours c redit. fin will fu lfill the certi fi cation requirement of a course in Physiology and Hygiene. h
The Special Education units will include helps for the teach e r recognizing children who need special services and will demon strate faciliti es proc urable for these children from the Teachers Col lege, Coun ty Health and Child Welfare offices, State Departments of Public Instruction, Health , Assistance and Child Welfare , and voluntary organizations .
The Health Education units w ill enable teachers to become better prepared to teach h ealthful living to their students, to g ain a general under. la ndin g of how to e va lua te th e health si tuation and needs in their commu nities, and to learn of existing services and facilit ies which may be used to im p rove Communi ty and personal health . Membe rs o f th e State Department of Health w ill be vis1hng instructors.
C .Scholarships of $50 w ill be offered in many coun ti es from the t hnstmas Seal Tubercu losis Fund to selected persons w ho will at-
~h~lthe health educa tion To be eligible for one of these arsh1 ps the following requirements must be met:
l. The teacher m ust have taug ht during the 1946-4 7 school year.
2· The teacher must have definite p lans to return for the next school year to the county w hich provides the scholarship. 3 · T~e .teacher mus t complete a full summer school course inudmg the health education workshop and receive colege credi t be fore th e $50 scholarship is paid.
· f !rem More th in ormatio n about these scholarships may be ob tained e county superintendent of each county.
P rn State Teachers College
All requests for information concerning boarding and facilities and all requests for room reservations in one of th00 rn1r. dence Halls should be directed either to the Dean of Men e Res Dean of Women. or th Reside n ce Halls-The College Residence Halls offer att livin g accommodations near the classrooms and the library ra~iv halls are maintained for women and one for men . w
A deposit of $2.00 is required of each student applying f reservation in any of the halls. After a room is occupied orh amount is retained as a deposit against the misuse of equip~ 1 A refund o f the full amount of the deposit, or the unused portfon w ill be made when the student leaves the college. A refund ~ the deposit less fifty cents will be made in case cancellation of reservation is made four weeks before the opening of the session , Rental is charg ed only for the time school is in session, and 0 s tudent who stays at one of the halls during a vacation period -8 I pa y the established rate for his room. Students are allowed to have radios in their rooms, bu charge of fifty cents per month is made for each radio. Since the electric current on the campus is 220 volt a. c., radios must be equipped with a transformer. Men's Hall-Opened in the fall of 1939, Delzell Hall has lac ties for one hundred eighty-six men and is under the superv1s10 o f the Dean of Men. Rooms rent for $1.50 per week per studen' three s tude;its occupy a room. All rooms are a rranged as co D chcll Ha.ll- D ormiJory for M en. Stndent Union
Smnm r School, 1941
. n sleepi ng and study rooms and are equipped with single b1nattond lavatories. Residents of the hall furnish bed linen, blankbed5 d towels. Curtains and rods are furnished by the college at ets. antal charq e of 50c per person per semester (summer session " ren
Halls for Women-Eliza Morgan and Mount Vernon Halls for en are under the supervision of the Dean of Women. The 'rn of rooms ranges from $1.00 to $1.75 a week per student, two pnd~nts occu pying a room, with the majority of rooms in Mt. 0 0 ! non Hall renting for $1.25 and the majority of rooms in Eliza Hall renting for $1.50 . All rooms are arranged as com1',0ation sleeping and study rooms. In Eliza Morgan Hall rooms equipped with twin beds and lavatories. Residents of both J~lls must fu rnish bed linen, blankets, towels , dresser scarfs, and ~urtains. They are expected to take their meals at the college ;afeteria. Other Housing Accommodations- The Deans maintain lists of leeping a nd light housekeeping rooms available off the campus. 411 private homes offering rooms to students are subject to the ap)roval and supervision of the college, and no student may live at 'ny home other than one of those on the "Approved" list. (Stuaents working for their board or residing with relatives other than x:irent or gua rdian are included). Dining Service-The air-conditioned college cafeteria is located ¡ Mt. Vern on dining room and is open to all students. Meals are ~¡ved at reasonable prices, and students pay only for the food 'Jey select.
:rrgan w:
Mt. Vernon Hall , Eliza Morgan Hall- D ormitories for Wom en
P en i Stut e 'l'ca c h cn
Cotl c9 u
9 Weeks . ... $ 16.00
F es and tui tion . In addi lion, ne w
~ t ud e n l s
pay t hf'
m a tri cu latio n f ee o f $:i .ll O.
Board and room . . . ... . .. . . La und ry, statione ry , incid en ta ls . . ..... . .
80.00 4.00
Totals for nine w e e ks and six wee ks ... . . $100.00 Thre e -week term (all expe nses) . 25.00 Total fo r 12 w eeks ...
. ....... . .. $1 25.00
The above to ta ls represe nt a verag es They will vary sli w ith the num ber of la b ora tory courses taken selected , an d w ith individ ual spend ing Fu rther d iscussion of living expense s and facilities and an t ize d statement of a ll fees w ill be fo und in the paragraphs under head ings of " Livin g Accommod a ti ons" and " Fees a nd Tuition SCHOLARSHIPS
Honor Graduates From Accredited High Schools Studen ts holding Honor Sch olarships issued by· the Normal Board w hich are va lid ma y a pply them on fees for mer school a s follows: Short sess ion , $6.25 lon g session, $9.2 FEES AND TUITION
All fees a n d tui tio n are payab le in ad va nce te rm . Tuition Tuition p e r semes ter hour . General Fees
Ma tricu la ti on Pa id but o n ce by ea ch s tude nt e nte ri ng co ll ege o r th<' e leventh or t we lf t h g rades of t he TrRinin g Hhth School.
Textbook re ntal, e ach seme s ter a n d s umm er school. .. Stude nt de pos its $4. 50 each sem e:s t.e 1: o r s umme r :iChool.
Con ti n ge n t: sh o rt te rm $3.00; lon g term (tax n ot in cl ude d ) .· Stude n t Associa tion ... Library:
short te rm $.50; long term. .
. ....... ........ . · · · ·
[nfi rma ry : s hort term $1.00; long term . . . S tuden t Un io n ... ... .. Phys ica l e xami na tion (re qu ired ann u ally o f all s tude n ts) . · · (Fo r fa ilu re to keep ap J) o in t me n i 50c addi tio na l chai·ged)
Late Reg is trat ion af te r time :;p eci fi e d on p a g e 5 . . . . .... · · · · Locker ke y , g ymnas ium . . ......... . . .. . . .. . . Locker ke y , ch em is try a n d phy s ics la b orat ory . ... ...... · · · · · S p e cia l e xami n ation .. .. .. . ... . . .. . .... . . . . . .. . . . Tra:is cript of record (in add iti o n to th e fi rs t) ... C h a n ge of s ched u le . . A th letic equ ip m e nt depos it
J)iplornas :
re e
Summer Sc hoo l , 194 1
5.00 I .DO 5.00 I.DO
i\.B. D~~o- a nd three-year diplomas .
one-b gre ~ or two- or th ree-year diplomas in ab s entia, additional. . A.B. !ar di plo ma in abs entia, a dditional. . . . . . . o ne ·.Y- te deg re e o r d iplcma, one-h a lf the original price . Dup 1ica Departmental Fees : re n ta l, for each hour of credit . . Cornmerce Typewrit er
I. 75
Education : 231 Course
English: 254 Speech ff me Econom ics: Courses 102, 216, 302 . Industria l Arts : Course f e es: Courses 110, 11 2, 117-317 , 200, 209, 218-418, 219, 250,
306, 310, 312 . .. . . . . . .... . . . . . . .. . . . .... .. .. . .. . . . . Courses IOI, 102, 106, 21 3, 214, 216, 302, 303, 309, 416 . . Course 415 Course 305 Material De pos its : Courses 112. 106, 200, 219, 309 . Courses 101 , 102, 218-4 18, 302, 303, 306 . . Course 415 Courses 209, 312, 416 . . . . .. . .. . . . Cours e 305 Physical Educati on : Swimming Science: Biological Science, all cours e s except Cours e 205 . Physiology and Hygien e 205 . . Physical Scie nce, all cours e s except Cours e s 315, 409 . Geography: All Cou rse s, e xce pt 202 ..
I.OD I. SO 2. 50 3.00 I.OD 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 I. DO I. OD .25 1.50 I.OD
Private Instruction
~ano renta l, on e period daily; 9 we e ks .. Priano renta l, two periods daily : 9 weeks . . S Vale lessons in Piano, Violi n , Clari n e t, Cornet, Voice , each .. ~h Education : Va te lesso ns, e ach . .
2.00 3.50 1.50 .75
REFUNDS To students I . ea vmg college within one week after regis tration :
and key deposits will b e refunded w h en the keys or inore retun re d in good con dition. 2 "'- '. Materi I d . . -ienals . a epos1ts, tn so far as they re present the va lue of unus ed ' will b e re fu n ded .
3. 'fb
~ the ~~ t~~xlb ook deposit, exclusive of the ren tal fee , will be ref unded rawn fr
en t h as retu rn ed, in good condition , a ll books which h e has om th e li brary .
P cm S ta l e T ca c /M,rs Co l l c y c
4. Nin e ty p e r ce nt of a ll tuit io n . librruy , in firmar y a nd de p type writ e r a nd pi a no re nt a ls (with reaso na b le de du c tions for aartrnentat c e ived), a n d the remai n der of the con ti n gent fee af ter d educti nny he mi ss io n price of each eve nt up to the lime of the s tu de nt 's w ithdt e h1 co ll ege. rawat 5. Dormitory room refund s . If the room ¡ re leas e d by S t of the fi rst week of s choo l, a 50 per ce n t refu nd w d l b e aivena ul~ay ;:i fte r . th e firs t w ee k lor a ny ca u se oth er than illn ess, s tude nts. sh llel tran s ie n t rat e of fif ty cen ts per day and the bala n ce w ill be ref ad vi d e d th a t in no ca se s ha ll m ore than 50 p e r ce nt o f th e re n tal bun No ref und whateve r is made to .; tude n ts w ho tra ns fer from dare ~e loca l roo:n in g hou s e s, u n less room made vaca nt, is fill ed by a n~llllori e n te rin g s ch ool. in which cas e refu nd in ful l may be ma de . If ~ 8 compell ed to leave s choo l, b ecaus e of co n tinued ill n ess , u pon p~~ d o rse ment of th e coll ege nurs e a nd doc tor, a refu nd of 50 per centii: u s u ed re n ta l may b e made. 0
To s tu de n ts leavi ng col lege with in m ore than on e w eek af te r reg istra r l. Ins trument and irny d e posits wi ll b s trume nts are retu rn ed in good cond ition.
refu n ded w hen the keys
2. Mat e rial d e pos its, in so far a s they re p re s e n t the ma te rial s, will b e rel unded . 3. Th e te xtbook depo sit, exclusive of the re n ta l fee, wi ll be re wh en th e s tude nt h a s re turn ed, in good co ndi tion , a ll books which w i th draw n from the library . 4. Nin e ty p e r ce nt of typ e writ e r a n d pi a no re ntal in so fa r a s they s e nt ser vi ce no t a lre d y rec e i ved, a nd th e rema in de r o f th e ca nting af te r deduc ting the !u ll admission pric -:if ea ch budget e ve nt up to I of th e s tud e nt 's w ithdra w a l from co ll eg e will b refu nde.:l. III
To stude nts changing p rogra m s aft er re gi stra tion: I. St ude n ts changi n g their prog rams after regist ra tio n sha ll , on ta lion o f th e ir rece ipts, rece iv e a ref un d of th e a mou n t of difference be twee n th e ir a lt ered program a n d th e precedi ng o n e. FEES FOR NON -RESIDENT STUDENTS Non -res ide nt st u dent s w ill be charged fees in acco rda nce wHh th in g e na ct me nt of th e Neb raska Jegislctu re, pa,sed in I 923, put into Pe ru in September of tha t year: " All s tale ed uca tio na l institutions s hall charge a no n-res ident /e~ n o n -reside n t o i Nebras ka , w ho s hall matriculate aft er taking ~ts a ct. Thi s fee s h a ll not be less tha n th e fee s ch arged to re si !'. n b raska for a ~ i m il ar cou rs e of s tudy in a correspo nd in g instt lutro s ta te in w h ich s uch n on -res ident has hi s home ."
GRADUATE DIVISION Gradu a te course s w ill b e of fered d u ring the 1947 sumin sion for the pur pose of p rovid ing grad uate c red it to ren~~is to a hi g h e r le vel, those cer tifi ca tes issued on the b the b ar he lo r's d e g ree . A G ra d uate Cou nc il, a ppoin ted Y
Snmmer Scl1ool, 1947
drninisters the g raduate program, and the followin g reguladenL aovern stu dents in this division. tlons g
Adrnission. Students holding a bachelor's degree from Peru Teachers College, or o ther institutions of approved rank, are 51ateble for admission to the Graduate Division. ehOl Seniors in this college who require for g raduation less than the k of a semester may be permitted to register in graduate woi 585 for gradua te credit provided they secure the approval of ~~:Graduate Council at the time of registration .
Graduates of other institutions should file a complete trannpt of all undergraduate and gradua te credit with the Registrar ~~ ]east two weeks before the opening of the summer session. Graduate Courses. Courses numbered 500 or above are primaril y for graduate students, and are offered by members of the graduate facu lty only. (See "Courses of Instruction, " page 18, !or titles of graduate courses.) fees. Graduate students will pay all of the regular fees. plus a course fee of $1.50 per credit hour, and a library fee of $2.00.
P ern Stat e T eac hers Co lley e
COURSES OF INSTRUCTION NUMBERING OF COURSES Each s tude nt shou ld reg is te r for courses co rrespondin classification (freshmen, sophomore, e tc .) unless it is imp0;.~ole work out a satisfactory program of s tudies . In such cases 81 lions may be mad e. Courses numbered 1-99 a re unclassifi~ open to all s tu d en ts . Those numbered 100-199 are for fre 200-299 for sophomores; 300-399 for juniors; 400-499 for seniors¡ 500-599 fo r gradu a te s tud ents. Only g raduate students and who are w ithin less than th e work of a semes te r for gradu may register for 500 cou rses . Forty hou rs of wcrk in the 300 and 400 g roups are r for the A.B. Deg ree . Courses marked wi th an as terisk ( * ) e rs and cred it is no t allowed to s tudents w ork. Descriptions of a ll co urses are g iven a copy of which wi ll be sen t on request ART (See Gene ral Catalog , pages 44-46 ) SHORT SESS ION *103.
General Public School Art . . ..... . Cr. 2 Five hours atte n dance. 203a. Design Cr. 2 Five hours atte n dan ce. 204. Crafts . .. ......... .. . . ... Cr. 2 Five hours atte ndan ce . REGULAR SESS ION I 02. 101. 202. 306. 311.
Lettering .. Cr. 2 Four hours atte n dance. Mi ss Diddel. freehand Drawing ........... . Cr. Eight hours a tt e n da nce. Mi ss Diddel. Water Color Painting .. .Cr. Eight hours attenda nc e. Mi ss Did del. . . Cr. 2 Art Appreciation Four hou rs a tt e ndanc e . Miss Did del. Advanced Drawing and Painting . . . . Cr. Eight hours a ttend a nce . Miss Diddel. COMMERCE (See General Catalog, pag es 46-47) SHO RT SESS ION
Typewriting .... Eight hours attendance. Mi ss Weare . (Lab . 11 :30 or 1:30 MTW )
.Cr. 1 Sec. A Sec. B
Snmrner Sc hool, 1941
REGULAR SESSION writing ··········· 5. TY'f.7ve hours a tt e n da.n ce Mi ss Wea re. Elementary Accounting 2(130· f ou r hours a tte n dance. Mi s s W eare . mercial Law . . . . · . · · 302. CoDght hours a tte nd a nc e. Miss W ea re.
Se c. A S e c . fl
. Cr.
9:30 11 :30 7 :30
... Cr. 2 8:30 &
.. Cr.
2 :30
EDUCATION (See Ge n e ra l Catalog, pages 47 -51) S HORT SESSfON
108. 21 0' 304 ·
Introduction to Education . fiv e ho urs a tt e ndance . Mi ss Te ar. Practic e Te aching ...... . Ten hours a tt e ndance . Supe rvi sors. Classroom Manag em e nt in High School .. fiv e hours a tt e ndance. Mr. Mathew s.
. . Cr. 2
9:30 8:30 &
.. Cr. 2
9 :30
. Cr. 2
9 :30
7 30
9 :30
. Cr. lvli· ss Tear. Fiv e ours a e n a nc e . . Cr. '323. Child Psych ology Five hours a tten d a n ce . Mr. Mathews . 405-505. fund ament als of School Administration .. 8 r. Fiv e hou rs at te n da nce . Mr. Maxwell. .. Cr. 408-506, Workshop Fiv e to ten hou rs a ttendance . Staff. 411. Practice Teach ing .. Cr. Ten hours a tt e ndan ce. Supe rvi s ors.
30&. Extracurhric ular tAt ctidviti es
2 to 4
11 :30
8 30 &
9 30
REGU LAR SESS ION IOI. Educational Psy chology . . . . .. Cr. Eigh t hours att e ndance. Mr. Baker. 1118. Introduction to Education . . Cr. Fi ve hour5 at te nd ance. Mi s s Te a r. '132. Social Activities . . . . . . . . . . . Cr. Four hours a tt e ndance. Mi s s McCollum. '202a. Early El emen tary Methods 6. Observation .. Cr. Four hours attendance. Mi ss G ard. '202b. Elem entary M e thods & Observation . . . . Cr. 202c. F~ur hou rs a tte ndance . Mi ss Mas on . Junior H. S. Me thods & Observation .. .. Cr. 184. Four hours at te ndance. Mr. Brod. Classroom Ma n age ment . . . . Cr. •231 Four hours a tt e ndance . Mr. C lements. · The Te a ching of Re ading . . Cr. 306. Four hours a tte ndance. Mi ss Gard . Eic~acurricular Activiti es . Cr. 331 E ive hours atte nd ance. Mi ss Tear · ducat ' I Me a s ure ment F iona .. Cr. tos.505 our hours a tt e n d a n c e. Mr. Maxwell. · / und amen ta ls of School Administration .. Cr. IOe.508 iv e hours a tte nd ance. Mr. Maxwell. . r~orkshop .... . . . . . ... .. . . . . . Cr. '24. Ph"J Ve to te n hours a tt e ndance. Staff. Eosophy of Edu cation . . C r. ight ho rs a tte n d anc~ .
Sec. A Sec. B
7:30 & 1:30 9 :30 & 10 :30 9 :30
11 :30
I :30
2 :30
10 :30
3 to 6
11 :30 9 30 & 10:30
P e nt State T ea c h r i·s Colleg e
POS T- SE S SION 208g -408g. Workshop-Health and Special Educ . . . Cr. 3 four hour> a tte nda nce dai ly. Mrs. Mathews. (f ulfi lls Phys io log y & Hygie n e requireme n t.) 424. Philosophy of Education . . . . Cr. 3 f our hours a tte ndanc e dai ly. Mr. Math e w s . RURAL EDUCATION
(S e
Ge n e ra l Ca ta log, page s 52-53 ) S HO RT SESS ION
Community Le adership and P.T.A . .. five hou rs a tt e n da nce. Mr. Tyler.
.. Cr. 2
Rural School Methods .. .. Cr. fi ve ho urs atte n da n ce. Mr. Tyler. *153. Rural School Mgt. Obs. & Part. .. . . . .. Cr. fiv e hou rs lecture, tw o h ours observa ti o n . Mr. 250. Rural Education .. Cr. fo ur h o urs at te ndan ce. Mr. Tyl er. 251. Community Leadership and P.T.A . .. .Cr. Five hours a tt e n da n ce. Mr. Ty ler.
3 Brod . 2 3
(See G neral Catalog, pag e s 53- 57) S HORT SESS ION 101.
English Composition Ten hours at te nda n c e. Mr. House 303a. Survey of English Lit e rature . .. Fi ve h o urs a tt e n dan c e. Miss Boyett. 324a. Survey of American Literature . . Fiv e hours atte n dan ce . Mr. Floyd.
Cr. .Cr. 2 .. Cr. 2
REGULAR SESSIO N English Composition .. Cr. 4 Eight hours attendance. Mr. Hi!!. 102. Introduction to Lit e rature . . . Cr. 4 Ei ght hours attenda n ce . Mr. Hill. *103. Childre n 's Literature Cr. 2 f ou r h ou rs a tt enda n ce . Miss McCo llum . 153. Speech Developm ent and Corre ction .. Cr 3 Five hours a tt endan ce. Mr. Moore. (Subs titute s tor f u nd . of Speech 152 in Early Elementary and Elem e ntary Curricula.) 215. Th e English Languag e . .Cr. 2 Four hours attendance. Mr. Hou se. .Cr. 2 234. Journalism f our h ours attenda nce. Mr. Hou se. .Cr. 3 254. Public Spe aking Five hou rs attendance. Mr. Moore. Cr. 3 303. Survey of English Literatur e . . fi ve h ou rs at te ndance. Miss Boyett. Cr. 3 324. Surv ey of American Lit er ature . . fiv e hours atte ndan ce . Mr. Flo yd. 101.
Sec. A Sec . B
8n11 i 111 er Sc h oo l , 1 94"1
............. Cr. 2 eri can Short Story }'.mfo ur hours a tt e nd anc e. Mi ss Boyett. ..... Cr. 3 Produ ction . · · · · · · · · 355. Pla~ v e hours a ttenda n ce . Mr. Moore. . . Cr. 3 Shakespe ar e . · · · · · · · · 417-51 7· fi ve hours a tt e nda nc e. Mr. Floyd.
11 :30 7:30
FOREIGN LANGUAGE (S ee G e n e ral Catalog , pag es 58-60 ) Foreign Language Requirement For Graduate Students Th atten tion of s tudent s is cal led to the fac t that a reading knowledg e i:ast one la nguage .is required for the master' s degree at many graduof at hools while a reading knowl edge of two languages is a s tandard reate sc nt f'or th e Ph .D. deg ree . Students who are looking forward to graduqutremrek are urged to take the ir fo re ign language ea rly in th e ir u nde rg raduate wo e course. 0 LONG SESS ION All cours s wi ll be availabl e in ei ther th e s ho rt o r the long ';e';';10 n , de pending on th de ma nd . Stude nt s shou ld see Mr. Rath before reg is teri ng . French .. . .. Cr. 4 8:30 & 9:30 IOI. Elementary French Eight hours a tt e ndance. Mr. Roth . .. Cr. 4 I 0:30 & I I :30 201. French Read ing and Composition . . Eight hours a tt e ndance. Mr. Rath. German .. Cr. 4 7:30 & I :30 101. Element a ry G e rman Eight hours a tt e nda nce . Mr. Rath . 201. German Re a d ing and Composition . .. Cr. 4 10:30 & 11 :30 Ei ght hours a tt e ndance . Mr. Rath. 30la. Third Year G erman . . . .. .. Cr. 2 I :30 Fou r hou rs a tt e ndance . Mr. Roth . Spanish IOI. Elementary Spanis h .. Cr. 4 8 30 & 9 30 Eigh t hours attend~ ~~~ . . Mr Rath . 201. Spanish Re a ding and Composition .. . . Cr. 2:30 & 3 30 Ei ht hour' a tt e nda nc e. Mr. Rath . GEOGRAPHY (Se
300a. Geography 312a.
Ge n era l Ca talog, pag es 60 -62) SHOR T SESSION
of As ia . . ...
. . Cr. 2 Fi ve hours a ttendance. Mr. Clayburn. Economic Ge ography of North America ..... Cr. 2 Fiv e hours a ttendance. Mr. Clayburn.
11 :30 8: 30
REGULAR SESSION Prine·1 I F· P es of G e ography . . . . Cr. 4 '202. Th ~v e hours le ct., s even hours lab . Mr. Clayburn . F Tea ching of Elementary Geography ... Cr. 2 30o. G ou r hours a tt e nda n c e. Mi ss Mas on . eFgraphy of As ia .. Cr. 3 312. E iv hours a ttend~n~·~ Mr. C la yburn . conom · G F· •c e o graphy of North America ... . . . Cr. 3 iv e hours a ttenda nce. Mr. Clayburn .
7:30 & 130
ID 30 11 :3Q 8:30
P ern St at e T each er
Co lleg e
HISTORY AND OTHER SOCIAL SCIENCES (See G en e ral Cata log, pages 63-66 ) REGULAR S ESSION 118. 213. 304. 316.
American Governm e nt Ei g ht ho urs a tt Enda n ce. Mr. Brow n. United Stale s History. 1783-1865 . . Eig ht ho urs a lt e nda nc".l . Mr . Bla ke. Mod ern Europ e an History. Sinc e 1815 . Eig ht ho u rs a tte n dan ce. Mr. Bla ke. Governm e nts of Europe . Eig h t hours at te nda nce. Mr. Brow n .
.. Cr. C r. Cr. C r.
United States History. Since 1865 .. Four hou rs a tt e n d a n ce d ai ly.
. .. Cr. 3
HOME ECONOMICS (See G e n e ral Ca ta log, pages 66-68) SHO RT SESS ION 102a-302a. Clothing Selection & Cons truction ..... C r. 2 Ten h ours a tte ndan c e. Mi ss Wea re . 320. Home Planning and Furnishing . . ... . C r. 2 Fiv e hours a ttendan c e. Miss W eare. 33la. Home Economics Methods .. .Cr. 2 Fiv e ho urs a tt e ndan c e. Miss W ea re . REGULAR SESS ION 102-302.
306. 331. I
Clothing Selection & Cons truction .. . ... Cr. Te n h o urs a tte nda nce . Mi ss W eare. Hom e Problems Cr. Four h o u rs a tt e n da nce. Miss Weare. .Cr. Clothing and Textiles . .. Fou r or eig ht hou rs a tt e nda nce. Miss Weare. Home Economics Methods .. . .Cr. Mi £s Wear F i ve hou rs a tte ndan c
(See Ge n e ra l Cata log, pages 68-72) O th er co urses a nd h ou rs a rran ged' by s pecial pe rm ission. S HORT SESS ION *112.
Industrial Arts for Elem. Teachers .. Te n h o urs a tt e n da nce. Mr. Ritt er.
.. Cr. 2
REGULAR SE SS ION Bench Woodworking Ei g ht hours a tte nda n ce . Mr. Larson. 106-309. Wood turning Ei g ht hours a tt e n da nce . Mr. Lars on . 110-310. Shop Maint e nanc e Ei g h t h o urn a tt e n da nce. Mr. i..ar3on . * 112. Industrial Arts for Elem. Tea chers . t:' i ,..... h t hn11 rs a tte n dan ce. Mr. Ritter. 101.
.. Cr. 2 . C r. 2 .. Cr. 2 .. Cr. 2
Smnmer Sc hoo l , 1947
.. Cr. Engin e Lath e Practice .. . ht hours atte n danc e. Mr. La rson . E1 g . . ........ Cr. ha nical Drawing . .... 209a. r-1;.c ht hours atten da n c e. Mr. La rso n. ~Jg .... Cr. neral Meta ls n da nc e. Mr. Ritter. 213. GeEi g ht hours atte .. Cr. Practical EJe ctnc1ty ...... t2J4. Eight hou rs a tte nda ncP. . Mr. Ritte r. CL: Farm a nd Hom e Mechanics . t219· Eight hou rs a tt e nda nce. Mr. Ri tter . C r. Machin e W oodworking . .. 302. Eight hours a tt e ndan ce . Mr. Larso n. .. Cr. Machine Woodworking ... 303, Eight hou rs a ttenda n c e. Mr. Lars on . . .Cr. Industrial Arts Methods .. 304a. Four hours atte ndance . Mr. Lars on . .Cr. 30Sa. Bench Wood working ..... Mr. Larso n. Ei ght ho urs a ttenda nce.
8: 30 & 9:30
10:30 & 11 :30
8:30 & 9:30
10:30 & 11 :30
10:30 & 11 :30
I :30 &
I :30 &
7: 30
8:30 & 9:30
MATHEMATICS (See General Catalog, pag es 72-74) S HOR T SESS ION 216a. Professionalize d Mathematics Fi ve hours atte ndance. Mr. Huck . ~EGU L AR
.. Cr. 2
.. Cr. 103. College Alg e bra Eight ho urs atte ndanc e. Mrs . Cook. 206. Analytical Ge ometry .. Cr. Ei ght hours atte nda n ce. Mrs. Cook . 2l&a-b. Professional Mathematics .. C r. 3 Five hou rs a tte ndan ce . Mr. Huck . 216b. Profession alize d Mathematics . Cr. 2 fou r hou rs a tte nda n ce. Mr. Huc k. 304. College G eom etry . . . . . . . . . ..... Cr. 30'/ Eight hours atte ndanc e . Mr. Sweetla n d . a-b. Mtrls a nd Methds for Sec. Math. . . . Cr. 2-4 Four or eig ht hour~ a tt e ndance. Mr. Hu ck.
8:30 & 9:30 7:30 &
1: 30 11 :30 7:30
7:30 &
I :30
8:30 &
MUSIC (See Ge neral Catalog, pages 75-78 )
110. p U~lic School Music .
ive hours a ttendance. Piano . Tw; Violin
. . C r. 2
Miss Field s.
l~~~o~·s· · ······
per we ek.
Miss Field s . ...... Cr.
. . .... . .. . ... .
V . wo le ssons per wee k.
Mr. Jindra.
O!Ce . ..
~ le·s~~~s 'i;~; ~~~k .
Mr. Lo tspeich
. . Cr.
·vniy on
e course will be g ive n , dep e n d in g upo n th e de mand.
l:'c rn Slate 'J' ecic h &r1> Gu lley &
Chorus . .Cr. Fiv e hours att e ndan ce . Mr. Lots peich . 21. Band .. Cr. fiv e hours a ttendance. Mr. Jindra. 101. Fundamentals of Musicianship .. .. Cr. Fiv e hours a ttendance . Mr. Lots peich . (R e pla ces Eleme ntary Th e ory 10 1) 110. Public School Music .. .. Cr. Four hours attendance. Mi ss Fie lds. 206. Elementary School Music Methods .. . Cr. Five hou rs attendance Mi s s Fi e ld s. 311 . Music Appreciation .. Cr. Fo u r hours atte nd o n ce . Mr. Jin dra. ·ms. Study of In struments .. Cr. Fiv e hours a tt e ndo nc Mr. Jin dra . -j- 316. Band and Orche stra Technic .. . C r. Fiv e hours att e nda nc e . Mr. Jin dra . 334. Piano Methods .... Cr. Two hours a tt e nda n ce. Mi ss Fie ld s. . Cr. 401. Problems of Choral Conducting .. Eight hours att e ndo n c e. Mr. Lots pei ch .
2 3
2 3
PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN (S e e General Catalog, pages 78-80) REGU LAR S ES S IO N 9. 10. 101. 207a. 207b. 207 c. 309.
.. Cr.
Swimming Five hours att e ndanc e . Mr. Wh ee le r. Tennis Fi ve ho u rs a tt e n da nc e. Mr. Ri g g s. Natural Program Fiv e ho u rs alt e ndo nc e. Mr. Ri g g s. Coaching-Football Four hou rs 01le nda nc e. Mr. Whe e ie r. Coaching-Baske t.ball Fo ur hours a tt e nd a n ce . Mr. Rig g s. Coaching-Track and Minor Sports .. Fo ur ho urs a tten da nc e. Mr. Ri gg s. Organ izat ion and Adminis tration of P.E. . Fou r hours a ttendance. Mr. Ri gg s.
.. Cr.
Sec. B
.. Cr. .. Cr. 2 . . Cr. 2 .. Cr. 2 .. C r. 2
PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR WOMEN (See G e n era l Cata log, pages 80-81) SHORT SESSION l 0.
. . Cr.
Eigh t hours a tt e n d an ce.
Sec. A
Mi ss Da vidso n .
Clog and Tap Dan cing .. Fi ve h o urs a ttendanc e. Be ginning Swimming Five hours a tt e nda nce.
.. Cr. Mi ss Da vid s on . .. . Cr. Mi ss Da vidson .
-(Only o n e course wi ll b e give n , d epe ndin g upon the demand.
ne ed Swimming .Adfva 1ve hou rs attendance .
.. Cr.
Miss Davidson .
Tef~~~ ho~~s ~it~~d~~~e .. Mi~5 ;· Davids~~
S ec. A
... Cr. (ayground Supervision . . . . .... . .... Cr. P f iv e hours a tt e nda nce. Mi ss David so n .
10 :30 11 :30
SCIENCE (See Gen e ral Catalog, pages 81-87)
REGULAR SESS IO N Biological Science . .. .. Cr. five hours lee!. , 5 hrs. lab ., p lus 2 add. hrs. arr. each week. Mr. C h ri s t. J02. General Biolo gy .. .... . . . Cr. Fi ve hou rs lect., 5 hrs. lab., plus 2 add. hrs . arr. eac h wee k. Mr. Christ. General Zool ogy . . . . . . . . . ...... Cr. Fi ve hou rs lect., 5 hrs. lab., p lu s 2 add hrs. arr. each week. Mr. Bond . 205. Physiology an d Hygiene .. .. ... Cr. Four hours a tt e ndance Mr. C hri s t. :1114. Genetics a nd Eugenics .. Cr. Eight hou rs at te ndance. Mr. Bond .
JOI. General Biology . . . . . . .
Physical Science Ill. General Ch e mistry .. Cr. Five hou r:; lect., 8 hrs . lab. Mr. Mcfarland
81. General Physics . . . . Cr. Fi ve hou rs lect., 5 hrs . lab ., plus 3 add . hrs. arr. each week. Mr. Swee tl and. . . Analytical Chemistry-Qualitative . . . .. . Cr. Four hou rs lec t., 12 hrs. lab. Mr. Mcfarland .
10 :30 & 11:30
8:30 & 9:30
8 30 & 9:30
'7 :30 7 30 &
I :30
7:30 (lab
l :30-5 TTh ,
2: 30-5 M) 8: 30 & 9:30 10 :30 (lab. 1: 30-5 TTh
2:30-5 MW)
P eni S t at e T ea c h ers C olleg e
Jun e 2- July I I 7 :30 D epa 1·tm e n t
204- Crnf t s
Ed ucatio n
323- C hild
E ng lis h
10 1- E ng lis h Com pos it io n (a lso 11 :30).
Desc ri pt.ion
Cr . Day !')
Dail y .0:2
P sycho logy
Da i ly Dail y
8:30 J<:Clucation
:! 10-4 11- P rnc li ce T eac h ing- (a lso 9 :30). ~106a - Exl nl c ur1 · i c u l a1 · A c ti v it ie s ~ l 2a- E co no m i c
Da il y Dail y
Geog rap hy o f North
Da il y
A m el'i ca.
M u s ic
LO- P u blic
Schoo l
Mu s ic.
Dai ly
9:30 fi - T ypew r itin g
lt}d ura t io n
:! J0-4 l l -
[n t roclu ctio n
\ la b. 11 ::lo or I :30). to
Uai ly
Edu catio n .
Dai ly Dail y Da il y Dail y
Pract ice T e a c hin g- (:o;ee K :30) ..... .
30 4- Clas:ffoorn Ma n a).{e m e nl in H S. I05-505- School Ad mini strat ion
Engl is h
:W:3a- S urv.
Eng lis h
Lite rat ure.
Dai ly
10 :30 1o:i
C: en . P u b. Sc h. An ( lab. W at ~ ::1 11 o r :i ::lo).
• :!
T e n ni s ( 4 add. h n~ . arr. p e 1· wk.).
MT ThF Da ily
11:30 -
Co mme r·ce
Educati o n
En g li s h
Dai ly
T ype w ri t i ng ( lab. at LI :30 or I :30 )
4 08 - 50~ - W or k s ho p
E n g lis h Co m1los it ion (see
Dai ly Dai ly
Geog rap h y
:lOOa- Geog ra p h y o f A s ia.
Dail y
H o me E con.
~:Ha- H o m e
Da i ly
M alht:matics
A rl
~03a- De s i g n
Economics Met. hod !:i .
l 6a- P1·o f(':-;s iona lized Mat he matics
Da ily
1 :30
Com m er ce
En )..{ li.s h H onw
Et·o n .
Da ily
5- T ype w l'i Li n R'
:l2 4a :{20
S u l' vey H orn t-o
of P la n .
Lab. A m e dt·a n a nd
Literatu r e ..
F'ul' n ishi ng.
Dai ly Da il y
L 301
S1tmmer Schoo l , 19111 De.scl'iption
Cl'. Days
ln st ructo1·
_ ,_o _·- - -- - - ::----:::-----:::::-- - - - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - -
·~ II ~ Jnd·
M l'
I nd. A r t s for Ele m . Tchrs (a lso t :;lO)
Da il y
T l l :l
Rit te r
S ! On
Dai ly
Wea.r e
S ! On
Da il y
T 104
Wea r e
A30 1
Wear e
Dai ly Dai ly
AJO J Ti02
Baker Brod
Da il y
F loyd
2:30 Com. Ldr; hp & PTA (a lso :J:30 M & W) -Cloth . Se l. and Conslr. (a lso 3 ::lO)
Ind. Arts for Ele m. T chrs (see I :30) ............ .
3 :30
t 51 Com . Ld 1·s hp & PTA (see t :3H ) . . EJucation ;;;;: Econ. JOta-:lflta - Cloth. Se l. and Constr. (see t :30)
June 2-August 7 :30 20:1a
Ele me nt;uy
IOI- Educationa l P sycho logy (al:;o I ::lfl) 15:l - Rur . Sch. Mgt. , Obse r v. & Part ...
417-517 Shakes peare YL !Ger.)
Ger m an
I ::W).
E lem enta 1·y
Prin s. o f Geog. \a l>-0 I ::lO) Daily
I 18
A m t:: 1· i ca 11 GO\'t_- 1·nm e nl (a l so I ::-SO).
Da il y
A2 02
Ind. Arts Meihods
I:! add. hl's. htb . al'I'. pel' wk. ) Hllllory
llld. Arts
206- -A na lytica l Geo metry (a lso I ::lO ).. Dail y A304 Cook 216b- Professiona lized Math. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 MTWF T30t H u ck ~ ~---__s_o_4__c_o_JJ_e~g~e__:G~e~o~m~e~t~r:y__:(=a~ls~·o__:l~:=3-0:)_.__:_ __ 4__D __: a _il: y_ _s:2_0~1__:~S~w~e~e~tl~a=n=d:__ 208- Elem. Sc hool Mus ic Method s. ..... 3 Da il y MI OI Fie lds 315- t St udy o( I n stru me nts . . . .... . ... . 3 Daily M10 5 J indra 3 16- .t Band and Orchestra Techn ic . . . . 3 Daily Ml 05 J indra {tOn iy one of these courses will be g i ve n, depen din g on demand ) .
::-:--.:.:___ s.i~~
309- 0i·gan izatio n & Adm in. of P hys. Ed .
l 01- Ge n . Chem istry ( lab T Th I ::l•J-5, ? M 2 :30-5) . . . . . . . . ... . . -05- Ph ys io logy & Hyg- iene . . .. . 30 4 -Ge n f'l i c~ and Eu.genies (a lso I :;'{O) . .
Dai ly MT WF Dai ly
McFarla nd Ch r ist Bond
r::::--__ r..,,.,.r~
...._ -\teati on
S204 S3 04 S3fJI
---:~-::-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Co mme 1·cia l Law (a l"o 2 ::io).
Da il y
A30 1
W e iU' e
L50- Ru 1·a l School Methods (Sec. A) . . . 306- Ex hac urric u la1· Acti v i ti e~ ...... .
Dai ly Daily
Si05 A l fl4
Ty ler Te in
~ ~!-i;;n i: J i , h Composition (a lso t : :~O). ; - 1 ub li<· S1>eak i ng- ........ , ... .... . · 40-- A me ri ca n Sho 1·1 Sto ry ..... .
4 3
Da il y A 10 1 Dai ly L:~0 6 T WThF A:lOa
Hill Moore Boyett
P ern Stat e T eachers College
Jun e 2-July 11 7:30 No.
Dena r t m e nt
20 4
Cr. Days
~ raft s
Dail y
Edu cation
323- C h ilcl
Englis h
10 1- En g li s h Co mposilion (a lso 11 :30).
P sych ology
Da il y Da il y
8:30 Edli Cati on
Geog rap hy Music
~ I
0-4 11- Prncli ce T eac hin g (a lso 9 ::JO). 306a- Exl n ti.; u1· ric u la r A c ti viti e:;
Dail y Da il y
:H2a - Eco no m ic Geograp hy o f North A me rica . ............ .. . 11 0- l'ublic
S c hool
Mu s ic ...
Da il y •2
Da il y
9 :30 Commerce
ri - Typew 1·i tin R ( lab. 11. ::rn or I :30) ..
Dail y
f nlrodu ction to Educat ion. ~ 1 0 -4 1 1 - Pra c t i c e T eachin)( (see H :30) .... . . 304-Classroom Ma na g-e me nt in H S. il 05- 505- S chool Aclmini ~ tn_t t i o n . En g l is h
:Wl{a- Su1· v.
En ~ l i s h
Da il y Da il y Dail y Da il y Da ily
Lile ral u l' e.
10 :30 A1·t
P hys, Edu c.
I tl:l
GPn. Pub. Sch. An ( lab. W at ~ : :Jo 0 1· ~ ::lU) . . .
l o- Te nnis ( 4 add. hrs . a rr.
p e 1·
MTThF Da ily
w k. ) ..
11 :30 Co mme r ce
EJu ·ntion
Dai ly
5- T ypew ritin R ( lab. at 11 :30 o r I ::lO) 2-4
40 -50 - Wo rk s ho p I OI- En g li s h Coml)os it ion (see i :30) . .
Dail y Dail y
Geol(rnp hy
300a- Geograp hy o f A s ia . .
Da ily
.Home E co n.
3!i Ia- Ho me Econom ics Met hod s .
M alh e m a li ~:;:;
2 I 6a - Pro fes:-i io na lizetl Mat he mati cs
Da ily
I :30 Dail y
Art Comme l'ce
5- T ypew ri iing· Lab. 32 4a - Sul' vey :!211
H ome
of Pi an.
A m e l'i~·an
Lite 1·ature . .
F'u1·ni s hi n g" . . .
Dail y Dai ly
Summer Sc hoo l , 1941
Descri ption
No. 11~
Cr. Days
In structor
Ind. Al' Ll':i for Elem . T chrs
(a l"'
~: :JO)
Dai ly
Ri lle 1·
2:30 MWF
Co m . Ld1·• hp & PTA (a l'o :! :30 M & W ) .....
~ f.du1·auon
S ! Ofi
Tyle r
~ u-302a -Cloth . Se l. a nd Co n stt'. (a lso 3:30) y.... Ecoll· 102
Ind· Art•
Tl 04
W ea r e
S l 05
Da il y
T1 04
W eare
A 30 1
Wea r e
Dail y Dail y
AIO I T1 02
Baker Brod
Dai ly
A 303
F loyd
A 204
Ind . Arts for El e m . T chrs (see I :30)
~ation ;;;.Econ. 102u-:l02a - Cloth . Sel. a nti Const!'. (s~e ! ::JO)
June 2-August 7:30 Commerce lducation
203a - ~ l e m e nt a l' y
Accountin g
101 - Etlucalional P sychol o,:ry (a lso I ::lfl) l li3- R u r. Sch . Mgt., O bse 1·v. & Part..
• :J
417- ii I i ---S hakes peare
FL iGer.)
102 - E le m ent a ry
( also
I :30).
P,. in s. o f Geog. \a lso I :;JO) add. h r :-;. lab . a rr. per wk.)
Dai ly
S20 I
Clay burn
11 8
A me l'i can Governme nt (a lso I ::-rn) ..
Da il y
A20 2
Brow 11
:!04a- lnd. A 1·ts Met hod s ...
S hop
206- A na lyl ica l Geo metry (a lso 1 ::rn ) . 216b---- Proft"' io n a li zed Mat h. 304 - College Geo me try (a lso 1 :30). _
Dai ly MTWF Daily
A 304 T 302 S2 01
Cook Huck Sweetl a nd
Ge rman
208- E lem . School Mu s ic Method s . ... Da il y MIO! Fie ld s 315- +Study of Jns truments .. ... . . . .. Dail y Ml 05 Jind r a. 316- +Ba nd and Orchestra T ec hni c . . 3 Da ily Ml 05 Jind l'a ---UOn ly o ne o f t hese courses w ill be ~i ven, depe ndin g o n demand). ~-;Ed;:;-.- -- 3-09___ 0_1:_:·g_a:_n::_iz:.:.a:_::t_io.:1:::1:::&=A::_<_lm::.:_:il:_i._:o:.:f:_:P:_h:_:y:.:s:.:._E,:d:_:.:__::.::.:::_:.:M:_T:::W::__:T:::h:.::.:G:::y::_n::_1:.:_R_ig_g_s_ __ ......~ ~~:--:----.:.~.....::..:.~...::.....:....::.::.::.:.::_:.:.___:__:::_::_:_=.::____::___::_:___.:....::..:.~.::..:.:_---=-:.:.:.:::___~ 101- Ge n. C he mistr y ( la b T Th l ::lu- f> . Da il y M 2 :30-fi) ..... .. S 20 4 McFarl a nd 0 -05- Ph ysio logy & Hyg ie ne .. ... MTWF S:104 Christ 304-<..; e:net h:i-< a nd Eu g-eni cs (a ll'lo i jO):. Da ily S Hl1 1 Bond
r:::--_ .:'"'Iller~
..._ --
'lfi h
8:30 -~:::----------~--~-------~-~~-----:l02 - Cornme1·cial
L aw
( u l:-;o 2 : ~0) .
~ 50- Rui· a l S<' hoo l Method' (Sec . A). 06 - Extra cur l' icular Act ivit ies
~~!-Eng l ish Compositio n ( al so
. - P u bli <' Speak in ;: ..... . 140 ' - A ni t 1·ica n Sho 1·1 S t.0 1·y
.. . .. 2 :30) ..
A 30 1
W eiu ·e
•:1 Dai ly
S! Of> Al 04
T y ler T ear
Daily A 10 1 Da il y L 30H TWTh F A:l0:1
Hill Moore Bo yeti
P crn S t al
Depar t me n t
T ea c h ers Co lley e
Descri ptio n
N o.
Cr. Days
FL ( Fre nch ) FL ( Span .)
101- El eme n t ar y Fre nc h (a l•o 9: 30 ) .. IOI - E le me ntar y S11a ni s h (a lso 9 :30).
t: eogTap hy
312- E co no mi c Geog ra p h y of N o r t h
Da ily
Am l'i ca . ..... .
Hi s to ry
lnd. A rb
Mat he m at ics
Mu :; ic Phys. Ed .
Scie nce
304- Mod. Eur. Hi st., Si nce I 15 (a lso 2 :30) . . . . . . . 316- Eurnpean Gove rn m e n ts (a lso :; :30)
10 l- 305a- Be n ch Woodworkin g (a lso 9 :30) . 106- 309- t Woodturnin g ( a lso 9 :30 ) . ... . . 11 0- 310- tSh op Ma in t e na n ce (a lso 9 :30) .. . . 11 7- 317- tEng ine Lathe Practice (a lso 9 :30 ) 2 (tT hese cou r ses may be a rranged at othe r 2 13- Ge ne rnl Meta ls ( a lso 9 :30 ) . 2 103- Coll ege A lgebra (also 9 :30) ... 30 7a- Mal. & Meth. for Sec. Math ..
207 c- Coa chin g --Tra c k and Min or Spo rts
102- Gen.
( lab. 9 :30 p lus
hrs. arr.
wk . ) .
Dai ly
- Ge n . Phys ic;; (l a b. 9 :30 11lu s :1 Add. h r s. per wk . )
~0 4 - G e i l.
MTThF MTThF MTThF Shop MTThF Shop hours). MWThF Shop MTThF A304 MWThF T302
101 - Fundame nta ls o f Mus ican s hip
~O J
Daily Dai ly
( lab. 9 ::10 p lus 2 a dd.
Dx il y
hrs. a n ·. per wk .)
9 :30 Commerce Edul'alion
5-Ty1 >ew 1 · itin ~
101 108l 5040!i- fi054:; 4-
Edu catio na l P syc ho !O).{'y (a lso 10 ::rn ) l nt rn. to Educat io n . ... . . . . . . . Rura l Sc hool Method s ( Sec. B) .. . . Schoo l Admini strat ion . . .. . .. . ... . Phi loso11hy o f Educ. (a lso I 0 :30) . .
MTThF Dai ly Daily Dai ly MTThF
En g li :-i h
15:{- S peech De v. a nd Co rl'ec t io n . :l:l4- Jo urn a li s m ..... 303- Sur ve y of Eng- li s h Li te rature .
Daily L306 MWThF A301 Daily A303
FL ( Fren ch ) FL ( Span .)
111 1 - E le m. Fre n ch (see 8 :3 0) . . l OI- El e m . Span is h (see 8 :30).
Ind. A1·ts Mat he ma ti cs Phys . Ed.
103- Co llege A lge bra ~07 a- Coach in g-
:30 ) (see
Footba ll
8 :30) .
.. . ... . .. . .. . .
Dai ly Dai ly Daily
I 02 - Ge nera l Biology (see 8 :30 ) . 20 1- Ge ne rn l Ph ys ics (Bee 8 :30) ... :! 04- G ne ra l Zoology (see 8 :30 ) ..
10 :30 Edu <'ft t io n
I Ol- Edu ca lio nal P syc holog y 204- Chtss i·oom Ma na g e me n t
9 :HO )
;rn,~ - ~~r1~~~i1~h ;t1 ofM ~~s~d:tTo~~ l( s~~ 9.:30)
E~ n g li : h
102- lnLro. lo Lite ratu r e (a lso 11 :30) ..
(F1·en ch ) F L (Ge r .)
:!0 1- Fre n ch Rea d. & Comp. \a lso LL :30) 20 1- Ge rm an Read . & Comp. (a lso ll :30 )
- Th e Te a c hin g of E le m . Geog raphy ..
Smnmer Sc h ool, 1941
De :o; c d ptio n
~ t 6- Ho m e
I n ~t r u ctor
Bla ke
T l 04
Mecha ni ca l Drawin g (a lso 11 :30) . . MWT h F S ho p :! Practi ca l E lect ri city ( a lso I L:30). . MTThF Sho p :1 F a r m & H o me Mech . (a lso 11 :30) 2 MTThF Sho 1J t hese courses w ill be g i ve n . depe n d in g upo n de m and ) .
La r son Ri tter Ri tte r
P roble m i; . . . . . . ... .. . .. .
LI O- Pub li c
~ien r r
R oom
MTT hF A202
•, 09 n-.,.14:; L9(t Oi;e of
Cr . D ay s
2 13- Hi st. of U.S .. 1783-18 65 ( a lso 11 : 3U)
Sc hool Musi c.
to- Tennis 11 add h t'. pe ! w k. a rr. ). (tt ura l Pl'Ol-!l a m ( L add . h r. pe r 101
MTThF Ml OJ Da ib•
Court s
F ie lds Dav idson
Gy m Gym
S30 l
Ch rist
Mc Farl a nd
L 305
Daily MT W F
Al 03 Tl 02
Staff Gard
l 02- ln t ro . to Lite ra ture (see 10 :30) . 355- -Pl a y Production .... .
MTThF Da il y
A 303 L306
Hill Moore
20 1- ·P re nch Rea d. & Comp. (see 10 :30 ) 201 - Ge l'ma n Read . & Com p . (see 10 :30)
MTWF MTWF Clayb urn
20i b- Coachin g --- Bas ketba ll Bi ol. ( la b . l1 :30 p lus 3 add . h1· s. a ,J'I'. p er wk. ) ... Chem . - Qua l. (la b . T Th I :30-5. M W 2 :30-5 )
(; p Jt,
:!O fi
tu rn I.
Ri g gs W heeler
11:30 Art
306- Arl
Ap p re ciation
5 - Type w ri t in g
........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . .....
3-6 408-50 - Wo r ks ho p 202a- Ea. E lem . Met hs. & Obs .. . . .... .. . •2
300- GeogTap hy of As ia .... .
Da ily
S20 J
213- Hisl. of U.S .. 1783-J 865 (see 10 :30)
A20 2
:l3 J- - Ho me
Da il y
216- Pro(essio n a li zed Ma t he m ati cs
Da ily
9- Swimmin g LO- Te nn is 204- P layg ro u1;d . Super ~ i ~ion
MT T hF Dail y Da ily
Gy m Gy m Gym
Wheeler Riggs Dav id son
101·- Ge ne ral Biology
Da il y
Eco nomi cs
Met hods ..
We a re
(see 10 :30)
Phn . F.d .
(see 10 :30 ) .
I :30 ldii.,•lion
'LI German) ;:----_
~ lll.t,;ry l11c1. Arts
l Ol - Ed ucat iona l P sycholog y (see 7 :30 ) 202b- Elem ent a ry Met hods & Observation 202c- Jr. H .S. Methods & Observation . .
•2 2
32 4- Sur ve y of Ame rican Li terature . . . . 102- E lem en t ary Ger m a n (see 7 :30 ) .. .. 30 l a- T hi rd Ye ar Ger m an .... . . . ..... ..
MW F A l Ol MT WTh T 230 MTW Th Tl02
Ba ker Mason Brod
Dail y
F loyd
101 - Prin ci ples of Geog raphy (see 7 : 30)
Dail y
S20 1
118- America n Go ve rn m ent. (see 7 :30 ) .
A 202
112 - Ind . Atts for E le m . Tch r s. (a lso 2 :30) :iUl -· M ~ch i ne W ood wo;·i"i;,;;. ( ~ i;,; ·2'::loi 303- Mach ine W ood wo rk in g (a lso 2 :30)
~~6- A na lyt ical Geome try (see 7 :30 ) . 4
College Geo m et ry ( see 7 :30 ) . . .
MTWTh 'l' l l :l MTWTh Sho1' MT WTh Shop MWF MWF
Rat h
H ittt 1·
Larso11 Larson
P er n S tat e
V epa r t. 111c 11t Mu ~ i c
au -
Co lley <;
Desc ri JJlion Musi e
334- P ia no
Scie nce
'l'eac h en~
A JJp l' ec ia lion Me t hod s .
Cr . Da ys
.. . . . • ....•. . .
I 111- Ge ne rn l Che m istry La b. (see 7 :30) :!05- A na l. Chem istr y L a b. (see 10 :30) .. :30 4 - G e n e ti c~ a nd E ugeni cs (see 7 :30) ..
2:30 J\ 1·i
lO ~ - Let.t e l' i ng
Com m er ce
:rn2- Com me r cia l
J<~ d1 wut i nn
231- l 'he Teaching of Read ing ... · 50- Ruru l Educatio n (also 3 :30 TTh ) . . 25 1- Com . Ldrs h p & P T A (al"o ~ :3 0 MW) ............ .. .
1':11 g lis h
101- F.:n g li "h Com posi ti on (see 8 :30 ) . 103- Childre n '> Li te rnture ..... .. .... . ~ 15- The En g li :; h La ng uage . . . . ..... . . .
(see 8 :30) .... . . •2 :1
•2 2
Da il y
A30 \
MTWTh T1 02 TTh SI 05 MW~'
S I O&
l"L ( Span. )
20 1- Spa ni s h R ead. & Com p. (also 3 :30)
MTWTh A204
Hi s to r y
304- Mod . Eu1·opean H is to r y (see 8 :30) 316- Eu r opea n Go ve rn m e nt s ( ee :30)
A202 AI 02
H ome E con .
102-302- Clothin g Se l. & Con st r . (a lso 3 :30)
Ind. Arts Ma t hem atics Music
Ph ys. Ed .
(see l :30 ) 307
Ma t. & Meth. for Sec. Math . . ... . .
MTWTh T302
401- Cho ra l Conducti ng ( Lab. 3 :30) ....
a - Clog- a nd T ap Dan ci ng .......... . .
Dail y
3:30 Ad
MT WTh L306 MTWTh Lanr.
IUl -- Freeha nd D raw ing (also 4 :30) . 202 Wale r Color Painting (also 4 :30) Ad va nced Draw in g & Pain t ing (al8o 4 :30)
~1 1 -
f<;tlu 1'-lt ion
P L (Span .) Hom e E con . Mus h·
Phys. Ed.
M'l'WTh L306
250- Ru n tl Ed ucat io n (see 2 :30) . ... 25 1- Com . Ldrs hp & P T A (see 2 :30) . .
MTWTh TI 02 8106 TTh 81 06 MW
20 1- S pa ni • h R ead. & Com p. (see 2 :30)
MTWTh A204
1:1 2 - So<:ia l Act i v i t ie~
I 02-302- Cloth . Sel. & Co nstr. (see 2 :30 ) . .
Daily DKil Y
1 0-C h o nt ~
Dail y
9- Acl v. Swi mmi ng
4:30 Art
101- Fl'eehand Drnw ing (see 3 :30 ) . . ... . 202-Wate r Co lor P a i nting (see 3 :30) . . 311- Ad v. Drnw i ng & P a i nt. (see 3 :30 )
M'l'WTh L305 MTWTh L30& MTWTh L306
Home Econ.
306-Clolhi n>; & Textile .. . . . . .. ........ 1-2
A rr.
Musi c
'Phys. E d.
Dail y
21- Bund
8- Beg i n nin ,; S w immi ng
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Dail y
Summer School , 1941
POST-SESSION August 2-Auqust 16 7:30-11:20 No.
Cr. Day::;
Irn:)tr uc tor
IJllenL ~~~~~~-:--:-~-::::--:-:-----::~:-:--:--:--::-:~~~----:::--:-:-~~~~~~~~~
~OSg-4 08i:r-W~rkshop-Health Jlad't1on
424- P hilosoph y of
& Special Edu c. Ed u cation. . .... . . . .
214- History of U .S ., Sin ce 1865 . .. . ..
3 3
Daily Dai ly
T l 02 A103
A 202
Mathews Mathews
Hour 7:30 8:30 9:30
10:30 11:30 12:30 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30
Hour 7:30 8:30 9:30 10:30
12:30 1:30 2:30 3:30
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4:30:__.'._~~~~~~~~~~~---::=-:-;----'. POST-SESSION Hour 7:30 8:30 9:30 10:30
Post-Session courses meet daily- Monday thro urday- 7:30 to 11 :20.