1952-1953 Catalog of Peru State Teachers College (Nebraska)

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Nebraska State Teachers College


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NO . I Entered as second class matter August 27, 1936 , at the Post Office of Peru, Nebraska , under Act of August 24, 1912. · IRsued six times y, ea rly in January, March, April, May, August and October.
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" iJ _, ,.. ,. TABLE OF CONTENTS College Calendar 4 State Board of Education ·........ . . 5 Personnel 1951 -5 2 6 Instructional Staff 6 Sponsors of Student Groups .. ..... ... . .................... ... 10 Permanent Faculty Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 General Information ' " 11 History 11 Purposes 11 Accreditation 11 Memberships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Lo catio n and Tr a nsportation Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Campus and Buildings 12 Entertainment, Recreation, Social Life 14 Organizations .. . . . ... .. ........ .. . . ...... . ............ • . . 14 Peru Alumni Association , 17 Te ac her Placement Bureau 18 Memorials and Loan Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Awards and S cholarships 19 Expenses for One Year , 22 Living, Ac c ommodations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Tuition and Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Refunds to Students Who Withdraw from School . . . . . . . . . . 26 Academic Regulations 28 Admission • • 28 Cr e dit for Educ a tion a l Experien ce s in the Armed Service . . 29 Cl assification of Stud e nts 29 Numbering of Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2~ Student Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Ch a n g e in Progr a m a nd Withdrawal Procedure 30 Att e ndance • 30 Resident Attendanc e .... .... ... . . .. ...... .. ... . .. .. . .... . 30 Gr a ding- System 31 Sch ol arship Standards 31 Scholasti c Honors 32 Program of In structio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Curriculums 33 Sel ec tion of a Curriculum 33 De g ree M a jors a nd Minors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Pr e -Profession a l Curric ulums • 35 Junior Terminal or Vocational C urri cu lums 35 General Degree Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 ' Degrees , Diplomas, Certifi ca tes 36 Admission to Teacher -Preparation Curriculums 39 Division of, Education .............................. . ·.. .. 40 Division of Fine Arts 50 Division of Health and Physical Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nfi Division of Lan guage Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Division of Pr actical Arts ....... . ......... . ....... . . .... ·69 Division of Scienc e a nd Mathematics 79 Division of Social •Studies 87 Extension Services , •. : 94 Study-Center and Correspondence Course 94 Application for Correspondence Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Degrees ·and Diplomas Granted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Index 99


First Semester

September 1, Monday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Freshman Orientation (B egins at 8 A M. in College Auditorium)

September 2, Tuesday .......... .. . . . . Registration of all students , (Late registration fee charged after this date)

September 3, Wednesday Cl a sses Begin


September 10, W e dnesday Final Day Fur Change of R egistration

October 23, 24, Thursday and Friday N. S E. A. Recess

November 27, 28, Thursday and Frid a y Thanksgiving RJ ecess

December 19, Friday, 5 P.M ...... . .... Christmas V8ication Begins

January 5, Monday, 7:50 A.M .... . . ... ........ . ... Class es Resume

January 16, Friday Close of First Semester

Second Semester

January 19, Monday .. . .......... R e gistration for Sec0nd Semester (Late registration fee charge.ct after this date)

January 20, Tuesday ......... , .. . Second Semester Classes Begin

January 28, Wednesday Final Day for Chang e of Registration

April 3-6, Friday through Monday Easter Rece ss

May · 22 , Friday Close of Second Semester and College Commencement

Summer School

Jun e 1 Nine-Weiek Term Registration and Classes Begin

August 1 Post-Session Registration and Classes Begin (Address the Registrar for a summer schoo l bulletin)


s 4 11 18 25 s 7 14 21 28 s 4 11 18 25 s 3 10 17 24 31
MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST M T W ' T F s s M T w T F s s M T w T F s s M T w T F 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 ?. 3 4 5 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 2113 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 2617 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 30 3129 30 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER M T w T F s s M T w T F s s M T w T F s s M T w T F 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 I 1 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 !O 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 1~ 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 2719 20 21 22 23 24 2516 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 30
JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL M T w T F s s M T w T F s s M T w T F s s M T w T F 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 ' l 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 l/ 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 2] 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 2:· 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 MAY · JUNE JULY - AUGUST M T w T F s s M T W. T F, s s M T VI T F s s M 'l' w T F 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 15 16 114 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 l f 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 22 23 121 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 '2 4 2! 16 17 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 \.. " s 2 9 16 23 30 s 6 13 20 27 s 4 11 18 25 s 1 8 15 22 29



Ralph M. Carhart, Pr es ident Wayne

Term expires 1957

Mrs. Haven Smith, Vice-President ..•.. Chappell

'.Derm expires 1957

Edwin D. Crites .. ....... . ... .. ... ... ... '..... .· .· .. ,. .... .. Chadron

Term ex;pires 1955

A. D. Majors Omaha

Term expires 1955

Everett L. Randall . ..... ... . .... . . ........... . ... .. ... .. Kearney

Term expires 1953

J. Hyde Sweet ................ .. ....... ........... Nebraska City

Te•rm expires 1 1953

Freeman Decker, State Superinbendent Lincoln Ex-Ofd'icio

E. Albin Larson, Secretary Lin-coin

.. ,.


(Date indicates year in which service at l'eru began)


Neal S . Gomon ........ .. .......... .. .................. President

A.B., M.A , University of Nebraska; Graduate study, University of Nebraska , 1950.

Dorothy M. Stepan Secretary to the President

A.B., Nebraska State Te achers College, Peru 1949


Edith S Greer Dean of Instruction ' Head, Division of Education

B.S., M.A ., Ph.D., University of Nebraska. 1950.

Leste r N. Downing Dean of Student Affairs Veterans' Counselor, Director of Guidance

A.B., M S., Utah State Agricultural College, Logan, Ut ah; Ed D , Colorado State College of Educ at ion, Greeley. 1951.

Rosemary Milkovitch Dean of Women Director of Women's Residence Halls

B.S., M A., Univ ersity of Montana; Graduate study, University of Washington, Univers ity of Minnesota. 1949

Kenneth Heywood Director of Special Services and P l acement

A.B ., K ansas S tate Colleg e, Manhattan; M.A ., University of Wyoming, Laramie; Graduate study, Univ ersi ty of Wyoming 1951

Marian Blake Doran Registrar

Nebraska Wesleyan Uni\ ersity, Lincoln 1948

George Wiggins, M.D College Physician

Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. 1949

Virginia Kelgard College Nurse

Mercy Hospital, Council j3luff~, Iowa. 1950


Stacy Vance ..... .... . ... Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds

Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru. 1919

Leslie Johnston .... . . ...... . .. . . . .... .. . .. .. . ..... ...... ... Bursar

B.S. in Busin ess Admini stration, University of Nebraska. 1951


N ellie M. Carey Librarian

A.B., Nebraska W es l eyan Universi ty, Lincoln ; Cer tifi cate, Library Sch c:!01 of New York Public Lib rary 1944 ·

Flora Leonard Stoltz . . .... .. . . ..... . . .. .... . .. Assistant Librarian

A.B., Williamette University, Salem, Oregon; B S., School of L ibrary Service, Columbia Univer sity. 1950


A lma Ashl,ey . ... .. . . ...... Assi~ta:nt Professor of Rural Education

B S., M A , University of Nebraska 1949

Harriet A. Bauerbach ... , ... . ... Assistant Professor of Commerce

B.S., University of Iliinois, Urbana; M.A , University of Iowa, Iowa City; Graduate study, University of Wisconsin, University of Iowa . 1951

Robe1"t T. Benford ................ . .. Associate Professor of Music

A.B., Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru; M.M., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Sherwood Schoo l of Music , Chicago; Graduate Study, University oI Nebraska, University of Iowa 1926.


Harold Borass Prof esso r of Educational Psychology

A B , St. Ol af College, Northfield, Minnesota ; M.A., Teach ers College, Columbia Univ e rsity ; Ph D ., Cornell University, Ithaca, N Y 1951

Castle M. Brown Head, Division of Social Scie nces Professor History and Other Social Sciences

Ph.B., Deni son University, Granville, Ohio; M.A., Co lumbia University ; J.D , University of Chicago; Graduate study, Univ ersity of Minn esota. 1928

Ruth ,S Brown Assistant Pro:Bessor of Education Supervisor of Fourth Grade Teaching

A B , Nebra s k a State Teachers College, Pe r u ; Student, University of Minnesota 1943 '

John ' C . Christ . .. Acting Head, Division of Science and Mathematics Professor of Biology

A.B., North Central College, N aper ville , Ill.; Gr ad uate study, Columbia University; M .A., Northwestern Univ e rsity 1946

Mary Clarke Instructor of Education Sup erv isor of Third Grade Teaching

A.B ; Nebra ska State Teacher s College, Peru; Graduate study, Univers ity of Nebraska. 1951

Ansel B. Clayburn ............ Professor of Geography and Geology

Kearney State Normal School; A.B., M.A., Un'iversity of Neb ras k a ; Graduate study, University of Chic ago, University of Nebraska. 1922

Sanford L. Clements Associate Professor of Secondary Education

Graduate two-year course , Peru State Teachers College; B.S. , Univ ers ity of Nebraska ; M .A., Columbia Univers ity; Graduate study, Columbia University , University of Nebra s k a. 1925

Myrtle Cook ..... .. .......... Associate Prof esso r of Math ema tics

B.S., Kansas St ate Teachers Coll ege , Emporia; M .A., University of Chicago; Graduate study, University of Colorado. 1946

Phyllis Davidson Associate Professor of Physical Edu catio n Director of Physical Education for Women

B.S ., Kansa s State Te a chers Colle ge, Emporia; M .A., Teach ers College, Co,l umbia University . 1929

Norma L. Diddel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... Associate Professor of Art

A.B., University of D f nver ; St udent, Univ ersity of California; M.A., Colorado State College of Education, Greeley; Graduate study, H arvard , University. 1929

Margaret S. Dixon .... ........ . .. Assistant Professor of Education

~upervisor of Hig h School Teaching

A.B., College of St . Scholastica , Duluth, Minn. ; M.A ., University of Colorado, Boulder; Graduate study, Os hkosh , Wisconsin, State T e ac hers College, University of Minne sota. 1951

Leo Eastman .. ..... . ... .. .. Dir ecto r , T. - J. Majors Training Sohool · Professor of Edu ca tion

B.. Ed., Moorh ead, Minnesota, State Teachers College; Ed.D., Universi ty of North Dakota, Grand Fork s. 1951

B. A. Eddy Assistant Professor of Education Supervisor of Sixth Grade Teaching

B.S., M .A. , Univers ity of Nebraska 1951

Blanche A. Gard Associate Professor of Education Supervisor of First Grade Teaching

A.B , University of Kansas, Lawrence; M A , Colorado State College of Education, Greeley; Graduate study, University of Chicago. 1930 1

Paul Gilbe rt. ......... ,.. .. Assi-stant Professor of Physical Education · Dire cto r of Intramurals

B.S., South Dakota Stat_e College; M P E , Pnrdue University 1949

Lawrence D. Gorrell Assistant Professor of Educa tion Supervisor of Seventh Grade Tea c hing

B.S., West Virginia University, Morgantown; M.A., Michigan State College, East Lansing 1951

.. J'

Dee V. J-arvis ................. . ...... Instructor of Industrial Arts

A.B., Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru; Graduate study, Colorado

A. & M., Fort Collins. 1948

Victor H. Jindra Acting Head, Division of Fine Arts

· Assistant Professor of Music

Director of Orchestra and Band

A.B., University of Nebraska; Violin Student of Carl Frederick ' Steckelburg, Max Fischel, Victor Kuzdo; Music Certificate, Chicago Musical College. 1923

Harold Johnson Assistant Professor of Education

A.B. Nebraska State braska 1951

Supervisor of Eighth Grade Teaching and Director, Training School Guidance Teachers College, Peru; M.A :, University of Ne-

Kathryn Alice Kegley Assistant Professor of Home Economics

A B., Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa; M.S ., Iowa St a te College, Ames 1951

Newton P. Kyle ..... .. ... Assistant Professor of Physical Education Assistant Director of Physical Education for Men

B.L., Tarkio C9llege, Missouri; Graduate study, University of Iowa. 1947

A. V. Larson Head, Division of Practical Arts Professor of Industrial Arts

B.Sc. ii'.i M e c hanical Engineering, University of Nebraska; M.A., University of Minn esota; Graduate study, University of Nebraska, University of Chicago. 1926

James D. Levitt ........ ·....... . .... Associate Professor of English and Men's Dormitory Counselor

.A.B., Eastern State College, Charle stow n, Ill.; M A., University of Denver. 1948

Cla·ra McClatchey .. . ....... ... ..... . ..... . Instructor of Education Supervisor of Fifth Grade Teaching

A.B., Nebraska State T eachers College, Peru; Graduate study, Univer s ity of Nebraska. 1950 ·

Elizabeth McColl um : Assistant Proressor of Education Supervisor of Kindergarten Teaching

B E., Nation a l Kindergarten College, Chicago; Student, Bloomsburg, State Normal School. Bloomsburg, Penna.; Graduate study, Valpar aiso University, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University ; M.A., Colorado State College of Education, Greeley. 1930

Darryl T. Manring .................. . . Assistant Professor of Music

A.B , University of Wyoming, Laramie; M.M., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 1949

L. B. Mathews Associate Professor of Physics

.A .B ., University of Nebraska; M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University. 1927 ,

Ruth V. Mathews .. ... .......... . .. . ... . ..... ... . He a lth Educator Assistant Professor of Health Education

A .B., University of Nebraska; Graduate study, University of Nebraska. 1943

P. M. Mayfield Assistant Professor of Social Sciences

B.S., Southeast Missouri State Colle ge; M A ., University of Illinois Graduate study, University of Illinois 1949

David H Mickey • Assistant Professor of Social Sciences (on leave of absence)

A.B., Nebra ska Wesle'.;,an U n iver s ity, Lincoln; M.A ., University of Nebraska; Graduate study, University of Nebraska , Harvard University 1948

Hanford Miller Associate Professor of Qhemi•stry

A.B., -M.A., Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, 1947 8

Robert D. Moore ...... .' .. Acting Head, Division of Language Arts Professor of English and Speech

A.B., East Central State Teachers College, Ada, Oklahoma; M.Ph., University of Wisconsin; Graduate study, University of Iowa, Colorado State College of Education. 1937

Ruth Patterson Instructor of Education ( on leave of absence)

A.B., Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru; Graduate study, University of Nebraska . 1949

George Rath Associate Professor of Modern Languages

Student, University of Dorpat, Russia; B.D. , University of Tuebingen, Germany; j\..B., University of Denver; M.A ., University of Nebrask a 1946

Robert Stanley ................... Part-time Instructor of Printing

B. S , Kent University , Kent, Ohio 1951 ·

James B. Steele .................... Assistant Professor .of English

A B., Nebras ka State Teachers College, Peru ; M.A., University of Nebras ka; Graduate study, University of Nebraska 1950

Jerome D. Stemper ................. . .... . Instructor of Education Supervisor of High School Teaching

A.B., N ebras ka State Teachers College, Kearney; Graduate study, University of Nebraska. 1950

Richard D. Van Pelt. ,,Assistant Professor of Educailion Supervisor of High School Teaching

A B., York College, Nebraska; M.A ., University of Nebraska 1951

Edna w ,ea re Associate Professor of Home Economics

B.S , Kansas State Teachers Coliege, Pittsburg; M .A., Teachers College, Columbia University; Graduate study, University of California, Iowa State College , Ames. 1929

Hazel Weare Associate Professor of Commerce

B.S. , M.S., Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg; Graduate study, University of California 1943

Alfred G. Wheeler H ea d, Division of Health and Physical Education Professor of Health and Physical Education Director of Athletics

A.B., Oberlin College; M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University; Graduate study, Iowa State College, Northwestern Univ ers ity. 1938

Frances Wheeler Instructor of Education

Supervisor Girls Physical Education, Training School

B.S., Women's College, University of North Carolina, Greensboro; M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University. 1951

Clarence E. Wilkinson ............... Associate Professor of English

A.B., Nebraska State Teachers College, Chadron; M.A. , University of Denver. 1948 ·

Zelma Wonderly Instructor of Education

Supervisor of Second Grade Teaching

Nebraska Wesleyan University , Lincoln; A.B., Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru. 1950


W. R. Pate President Emeritus

C. A. Huck , .A:;;,s ociate Professor of Mathematics Emeritus

Nona Palmer ........... Associate Professor ' of Commerce Emeritus

Grace Tear Associate Professor of Education Emeritus

p .. ..


Alpha Mu Omega - Myrtle Cook

Art Club - Norma Diddel

Beta Beta Beta - J. C. Christ

Blue Devils P. M. Mayfield

Dramatic Club - Robert D. Moore

Epsilon Pi Tau - A. V Larson

Foreign Language Club - George Rath

Gavel and Rostrum - J. D. Levitt

Home Economics Club - Edna Weare, Alice K•egley

Industrial Arts Club - D. V. Jarvis

International Relations Club - C. M. Brown

Kappa Delta Pi - Edith S . Greer

Kappa Omicron Phi Edna Weare

Lutheran Club

Lutheran Student Association

Newman Club

P Club - Newton P. Kyle

Sigma Tau Delta - James B. Steele

Student Council _:_ Alma Ashley, Hanford Miller

W. A. A. - Phyllis Davidson

White Angels - Harriet Bauerbach, Mrs. P. M. Mayfield

Y.M.C.A - J. D. Levitt, Lawrence Gorrell

Y.W.C A. - Clara Mcclatchey, Mary Clarke

Senior Class - C. M. Brown

Junior Class - A. B. Clayburn

Sophomore Class - Harold Bora.as

F'reshman Class - P. M. Mayfield



Gomon, Chairman ; Brown, Christ, Doran, Downing, Eastman, Greer, Heywood, Jindra, Jq,hnston, Larson, Moore, Milkovitch, Wheeler, Vance


Downing. Chairman; Boraas, Doran, Gomon (ex-officio), Greer, Milkovitch


Mayfield, Chairman; Miller, Gard, Downing, Greer, Davidson, Johnson


Ruth Mathews, Chairman; Downing, Eastman, Kelgard, Milkovitch , Wheeler, Wiggins·


Downing, Ohairman; Doran, Gomon, Johnston, Eddy, Van I;'elt


L. B. Mathews, Chairman; Clayburn, Eastman, Johnston, Wheeler, McClatchey


Benford, Chairman; Davidson, , Downing, Milkovitch, Stepan, member of ·student Council


Jindra, Chairman; j::layburn, Diddel, Heywood, membe r of Student Council


Cook, Chairman; Doran, Larson




In 1867, the yea"r Nebrask a became a state, the state legislature provided for the establishment of a training school for teacher.s, or "normal school," in Peru. At that time, only two other such institutions existed west of the Missouri River, one in Kansas and one in California.

For thirty-•eight years , Peru was the only state normal school in Nebraska. As the population increased, howev er, the legislature provided for three others-one at K ear ney in 1905, one at Wayne in 1910, and one at Chadron in 1911. In 1921, the legislatur e extended the curriculum offered in :the normal schools from two years to four years and authorized these institutions to grant baccalaureate degrees which might be e ither the Bachelor of Arts· Degre e in Education, the Bachelor of Science Degree in Edu cation, or the Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Education. Finally, rthe 1949 Legislature authorized the addition of a lib eral arts curriculum to ,the program of these tea·cher training institutions and the privilege of granting the Bachelor of Arts Degree. At .the same time the titles of the four institutions were changed from State Normal Schools to State Teachers Colleges.


The primary purposes of the college are to provide:

(1) a general education for all students to insure acquaintance with the fie1ds of knowledge which should be th e common possession of- educated per-sons as citizens in a free democratic society,

(2) the broad professional education necessary in the training of teachers for service in the public elementary and secondary schools of Nebraska,

(3) ,basic preparation required for admission to p rofessional .schools including law, medicine, engineering, dentistry, theology, nursing, pharmacy, journalism, forestry, veterinary science, and social service,


4) .terminal vocational education for those who wish to enter business ur industry in occupations requiring less than a college degree.



Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru ;has been fully accredited by the North Central A:ssociation of Colleges and Secondary Schools since 1915.


Full membership in the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (formerly the American Association of Teachers Colleges) has been maintained for many years. The college has been a membe r of the American Council on Educ at ion since 1947 and is a charter member of the Nebraska Council on Teacher Education.




The city of Peru (population 1260) is located at the east side of Nemaha County in the hills along the Missouri River, 75 miles southeast of Lincoln and 67 miles south of Omaha . It is situated on Highway 67, which intersects Higfiways 73 and 75 six miles west of Peru , five miles north of Auburn, and 15 miles south of Nebraska City.

Peru is served by the Burlington Transportation Company on a direct route from Peru to Lincoln.

Burlington Bus Schedule (Bus Depot - Earl's Caf•e) Daily


Additional Run Friday, Saturday , Sunday

Lv Peru 5:00 p m. Ar Nebraska City 5:30 p.m.

Lv N e braska City 7:45 p .m . Ar Peru 8:15 p.m . .

Connects with buses for Lincoln, Omaha, Sidney, and Falls City.


The Peru campus, consisting of sixty acres of rolling, oakcovered hills ov erlooking the Missouri River, is beautiful and distinctive In this setting, thirteen brick buildings are conveniently and attractively arranged, interspersed with well-kept lawns, trees, shrubs, and gardens.

The Administration Building houses the business, personnel, and alumni offi-ces, as well as classrooms and instructors' offioes. In the entrance lobby is an oil portrait of Colonel T . J. Majors· , an early b enefactor of the college, and another of James W Crabtree, an early president of -the college and an educator of national eminence. To the right of the entrance is a postoffice from which the college mail is distributed and where letters may be ,post•ed.

Th e Auditorium has a seating capacity of twelve hundred. It is used for general convocations, music and dramatic produotions, and other assemblies. The stage is flanked with plaster casts of the Parth enon frieze Some classi•c pictures and statues of Greek and Roman objects of art, which were gifts of a Peru art club, are distributed about this building for the cultural enjoyment of the, students. The auditorium has been completely redecorated and a public address system installed. The offioe of the Pedagogian, the bi~weekly paper, is also in this building.

Delzell Hall was completed in t,he fall of 1939, and is one of the finest of modern halls for colleg-e men. In addition to rooms that accommodate 126 men, the Hall includes lounges, a snack bar, recreation rooms, television, laundry, and the Peruvian office . Located just east of the north campus· entrance amidst stone and :bluegrass terraces and nume•rous giant oak trees , this structure is one of the beauty spots of the campus

Ar Lincoln 9:30
1:45 p.m. Lv 3:05
Peru 7:15 a.m. Ar Nebraska City 7:50 a.m.
a.m. Lv Lincoln 12:15 p .m. Ar Nebraska City
p.m. Ar Peru 3 :35 p.m.


Eliza Morgan Hall, opened September 1, 1929, is a three story fire-resistant structure which accommodates :t28 women. Spacious parlors, recreation room, study hall, laundry, and kitchen are available foT the us,e of those living in the hall.

The Gymnasium, reconstructed on the site of the original Chapel, was dedicated December 1, 1949 It is a commodious structure, having over-all dimensions of 100 feet by 156 feet, with bleachers having a seating capacaity qf 2500. The facilities include two basketball floors, a swimming pool, an indoor track, and shower and locker rooms. In the front part of the building are located the physical education offices and one classroom. Near the Gymnasium are tennis courts, a running track, and the Oak Bowl with .permanent bleachers seating 2000.

Hoyt Hall, completed in 1930, is a three-story building, designed especially for the teaching of sci<ence. The building is divided into five units, eaoh adapted to the teaching of a particular science.

The well-equipped woodworking shops, mechanical drawing laboratory, finishing room, and classroom are located in the IndustTial Arts Building. T .he metal-working, electrical and auto-mechanics shop, found in the Training School, complete the facilities for a well-rounded training of industrial arts teachers.

The Infirmary is equipped to provide first-aid treatment and h ospitalization for students needing emergency medical care. Two hospital rooms, a treatment room, a well-child conference suite, and nurse's quarters are found in this building.

The three-story Library houses the art rooms and the Little Theatre on the upper floor. On the main floor are book stacks and large well-lighted reading and reference rooms which provide a comfortable place to study. The Library , which consists of over 56,000 volumes, has, in addition to current literature, much valuable older material , including long files of bound ,periodicals for reference. A -browsing c9 rner has been set aside for rec reational reading. The children's Library located in th e southwest room on this floor is for the use of the children in the elementary grades of the Training School and for classes in children's literature A textbook room and additional stacks are in the basement.

Mount Vernon Hall is one of the older buildings, but provides accommodations for ninety students. The coHege cafeteria is in this building.

On the first floor of the Music Hall are individual practice rooms, a group rehearsal room , c1assrooms, and studios, all of which are soundproofed. A ,small auditoTium, which is u,sed for recitals, school dances, and organization meetings, and two smaller m :eeting rooms are located on the second floor.

The President's home is located opposite the north entrance to the campus.

The T. J. Majors Training School is the heart of the teacher preparation program. Located at the southwest corner of the c ampus, this laboratory school provides splendid facilities for actual teaching eXiperience under competent an<:i excellertt.ly-trained supervisoTs.



The Training School is unique in that all the children of all the people in Peru and the surrounding -area attend this laboratory school. A complete educational program from the kindergarten through the twelfth grade provides training experience and facilities for •practice teachers comparable to those which will be found in the typically better schools in the state.

Located on the ground floor of the Training School is· a large assembly room and kitchen used primarily for the school hot lunch I)Togram and community meetings, a gymnasium and dressing rooms, industrial and mechanical arts shops and offices, and an elementary classroom. The 'first floor houses the elementary school with large well-equipped classrooms and offices of ,the supervisors. The college Dean of Instruction has an office on this floor. On the third floor are high school classrooms, the secondary school libraTy, an auditorimµ, the science laboratories, and the office of the Training School Director. The entire south wing of this floor is a suite of four well-equipped home economics rooms including four unit kitchens, sewing laboratory with livingroom -area, a class·room, and facilities for the practice of . home nursing.


Concerts, plays, lectures, and recitals are presented •by students, faculty and professional talent . Student-planned and student-directed prioductions, through which students gain valuable experience, are an outstanding feature of the enteTtainment program.

P ,eru's picturesque location in the rolling, wooded country along the Missouri River offers many opportunities for hikes and outings. The recreational facilities ,of the campus, including the basketball court, swimming pool, the two tennis courts, -and three playing fields are available to all students. Intercollegiate -and intramural s,ports programs are conducted for men. The Women's Athletic Association carries on a program ,of sports for woinen.

' Social activities, in the main, are centered in the various student organizations. Dances, teas, parties, receptions, and picnics are a part o.f the direct responstbilities of the social committees and provide opportunity for students to take part in both formal and informal social affairs.

· The Student Union, occupying the lower floor of Delzell Hall, was opened in January, 1946. The facilities include a snack bar and fifteen booths; dance flo or; game room with bowling, billiards·, snooker and ping-pong equipment; lounges; and a faculty room. The Student U:nion is the recreational and social center of the campus.


Educational and Social

The Student Council is the representative body of the Student Association and is composed of twelve students of which .two are 14


elected from each of the four classes and -four are elected at large from the student body. The duUes of the Council are to sponsor such_ all-college activities a:s Homecoming and the May Fete; to provide student representation on certain •committees; and to aid in furthering all worthwhile campus activities. '

The Art Club is for those students who major or minor in art and wish to do some art or craft work not included in the regular courses.

The Dramatic Club, one of the oldest dramatic organizations in Nebraska, has striven throughout its existence to give to the college and the community the best in drama. Members are selected on the basis of interest, a;bility, and quality of work.

The Foreign Language Club was organized in 1945 to create and foster interest in foreign languages. Meetings are held once each month, and membership is open to students of a foreign language.

The Home Economics Club is -active in creating interest in the teaching of homemaking. It is affiliated with state and national home economics associations. All students interested in home economics are eiigible for membership.

The International Relations Club is conducted under the auspices of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, which supplies materials for study. Membershi:p is open to any college student interested.


The Y.M.C.A., the Y.W.C.A., the Lutheran Club, and the Newman Club encourage student fellowship and participation in the religious life of the school. Membership in .t,ltese organizations is open to all students.


The Peru Chorus is an organization devoted to the study and performance of good choral literature. Members of the group may receive credit for their work ,by registering for Music 19, Chorus.

The College Orchestra is open to all students who play instruments. College convocation programs, ,concerts, and out-of-town engagements ne cessitate the mastery, by the members of this organization, of -an extensive repertoire of orchestral literature.

The Band is particularly active a:s a marching organization during football and basket,ball 'seasons. As a conceTt organization, it has gained a prominent place on the entertainment program.

The Peruvian Singers is a group of select voices . It is the purpose of the group to give the students an opportunity to study good choral literature and present it in various places such as the churches and schools in nearby communities. Admission to this group is by audition.

The Music Club is a:n oTganization open to all students interested in musi: c. By virtue of membership in this club, members also belong to the Nebraska Music Educators Association and the Music Educators National Conference. This three-fold membershtp guarantees to the students the advantages of a professional relationship as 15



future music teachers. The club sponsors worthwhile projects ' such as instrumental and vocal clinics, and various musical productions.


The "P" Club is an organization of Peru letter men whose purpose is to foster good sportsmanship.

The W. A. A. is an athletic organization for girls under the leadership of the director of ,physi:cal education for women. It offers letters for satisfactory work in a program outlined by the association.

The Blue Devils, organized in 1946, is a men's organization formed to promote all Peru activities and to create a more enthusiastic student body. The group has given annual banquets for both football and basketball squads, honoring the Bobcats and their coaches. The pledge system is used for a period of one semester. Only second semester freshmen or above can pledge into the organization. In conjunction ,with the corresponding women's organization, the White Angels, the Blue Devils support the purchase of all varsity awards and provide scholarships with the revenue from the concessions at athletic events.

The White Angels, a college women's pep club, was organized · in 1948 for the purpose of promoting good sportsmanship, school spirit, and enthusiasm on the Peru College Campus. All women enrolled in the college are eligible for membership, provided they meet certain pledge requirements.

Honor Societies

Alpha Mu Omega is an honorary mathematics fraternity. Its aim is to develop and promote interest in the study of mathematics and to investigate subjects of mathematical interest that are not presented in the classroom. Students who have taken or are enrolled in analytical geometry with grades above average in mathematics, are eligible to membership. Meetings are held once a month when a program is conduct e d under the leadership of students. The fraternity has been officially recognized as a branch of the National Council of Mathematics Teachers.

Epsilon Pi Tau is a national honorary professional organization operating in the fields of Industrial Arts Education and Vocational Education. The pul'poses and ideals of this fraternity are to recognize the -place of skill, to promote social efficiency, and to foster, counsel , and reward research in the fi e lds of interest Members are s elected from juniors and seniors who have an average of "3" or above, in the department and are doing at least "2" work in other fields.

Kappa Delta Pi is a national educational fraternity. It is open to both men and women of full junior standing who are in the upper quartile in scholarship and who show evidence of a continued interest in the field of education. The purpose of the organization is to promote the highest educational ideals and professional spirit among its members.

Sigma Tau Delta is the national professional English fraternity, the purpose of which is to promote the mastery of written ·expression, 16


encourage worthwhile reading, and foster a spirit of fellowship among those specializing in the English language and- literature. A major or minor in English and high scholarship are the requisites for membership. Members are expected to do some creative writing.

Tri Beta is a national professtonal honorary -biological fraternity. Its membership includes those of junior and senior rank who are majoring in, biological sciences. Candidates must be above ave•rage in scholarship and must intend to make biology their permanent interest. The fraternity aims to promote the study of biological problems and to interest students in the field of biology as a profession.


The Peru Alumni Association is composed of all graduates and' or former resident students of Peru State Teachers College. (All members of the Peru Alumni Corporation, now dissolved, are members.) The Association holds annual luncheons, receptions, and class reunions during each academic year. Homecoming and Commencement are high lighted by these occasions. The annual business meeting and election of the Executive Council is held at Homecoming .

_ The Alumni Executive Council. To provide definite direction and supervision of the Association, an Alumni Council is maintained. Elections are held yearly for President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Council has developed into a working body for the promotion of college and alumni interests. Members of the Council for 1951-1952:

Ralf Graham, '48, President, Auburn, Nebraska

Arthur Majors, Sr., '26, First Vice-President, Peru, Nebraska

Ruth Comstock Briney, ' 46 , Second Vice-President, York, Nebraska

Dave Duey, '51, Secretary, Dawson, Nebraska

Helen Clineburg Jones, '28, Treasurer, Peru, Nebraska

The Advisory CouncH. · Alumni who a ·r -e elected to serve a fouryear period in a non-attendance status to the Alumni Council, comprise the Advisory Council. Their duties are to advise, suggest, and criticize the actions or programs of the association and th e council ·

The Alumni Office. The Alumni Office, located on the campus in the Administration Building serves as a convenient meeting place for visiting alumni and former students. It was estab\ished to maintain an up-to-date file of rec o rds of the training and experiences of all students and graduates, to develop an archive of material on the college, to keep an up-to-date mailing list, all the college's annuals, and a complete .file of alumni publications. The Executive Secretary of the Association heads this office. County and local alumni associations are formed •by this -office The Executive Secretary and- the staff are willing, at all times, to render any service an alumnus may require.

.. •


The Alumni Bulletin. The Alumni Bulletin is a monthly news magazine published each month of the school year by the Alumni Association in the inteTest of the alumni and the college. Its aim is to keep the alumni in touch with one another and with the college. The Executive Secretary acts as editor and publisher of the Bulletin. Bulletins are sent without charge to all alumni, former students, and faculty members.


The Teacher Placement Bureau is conducted for the purpose of helping studen,ts secure desirable positions. Graduates are not guaranteed positions, but every effort is made to locate worthy teachers in satisfactory places. The charge for joining the Placement Bureau or for having credentials brought up to date is one dollar.


• Peru offers complete training designed to fit students for business careers also The Placement Bureau maintains close contact with business firms in ·cities throughout the area and makes every effort to find openings and place students in positions for which they are qualified.


Through the years, various graduating class·es and other organizations have made gifts to the college in the form of memorials. The Fortnightly Art Club, one of the early organizations, contributed a frieze, statuary, and other works of art. The clock in the Library was the gift of the class of 1903, and a drinking fountain was presented by the class of 1911. The class of 1914 gave the campus electroliers; ·the class of , 1915, the portals of the north entrance to the campus; and the class of 1920 , the campus sun dial. A cement walk from the pavement .to the athletic field was contributed by the class of 1924. The classes of 1927, 1928, and 1930 were joined by the Philomathean Literary Society in contributing an electric-bell system. The fountain in the garden east of the Administration Building was the gift of the c l ass of 1929. The electric fans in the Library were presented by the classes of 1931 and 1932, those in the Auditorium by the classes of 1933 , 1934 and 1935, and the water fountain in the Science Hall by the class of 1936.

Student Loan Fund

The cl ass of 1913 founded what ,is known as the Student Loan Fund with an initial gift of $50.00. Other classes, the Nebraska State P. E 0. of 1929, and interest accumulations have increased the fund until it now totals approximately $3500.00.

The fund ts in the custody of the Bursar. Loan applications are received and acted upon ,by a faculty committee whose chairman is the Dean of Student and Business Affairs. Prompt payment is necessary in order that he1p may be given to as large a number of 18


college students as possible. The funds were not given to assist · teachers in service or persons wishing to attend other colleges.

In order to receive the .approval of the committee, the applicant for a loan must show {1) that he is •enrolled in the college, (2) th~t he is planning to teach, (3) that he is in need of the money, and ( 4) that he unable to secure it elsewhere. He must furthermore present a note signed, by himself and by some co-maker who i s financially responsible. A reasonable interest charge is made.

Anna Irwin Loan Fund

The Peru Branch of the American Association of University Women marntains a loan fund of $50.00 as a memorial for Miss Anna Ivwin, who was a former member of the Peru faculty and the first treasurer of the local chapter of the A .A.U.W. Women students within a semester of a two-year diploma or the degree are eligible to apply for a loan. ·

Harriet Louise Lindstrom Loan Fund

Established in 1946 by Mr. and Mrs C. R. Linstrom in memory of their daughter, Harriet Louise; value $300. The fund is administered ,by the sponsor and a committee from the Eta Chapter of Epsilon Pi Tau, honorary Industrial Arts fraternity. The fund is available for loans to worthy students of senior rank, majoring in industrial arts. All loans must be repaid within one year following the borrower's graduation. Interest: four per ,cent.

The Willie Ethel Crone Loan Fund •

Established in 1943 by Ruth Crone in memory of her mother; value $200. The fund is administered by the faculty student loan committee, and applications are filed with the registrar. All loans must ,be repaid with interest within one year after the student leaves school. Three per cent interest is charged from the date of the note; six per cent after maturity.

Applicants must have junior standing or above. 'Ilhey must be deserving, industrious, of good mind and good character, and must be making some helpful contribution toward campus· affairs (having served, or serving in one major or two minor offices).


Dramatic Club Awards

The Dramatic Club awards are made each year to the senior man and the senior woman who have ·contributed most to dramatics during their four years of participation in college dramatic activities.

The Louise Mears Geographical Medal Award

Miss Louise Mears, a former member of the faculty of Peru, has established a medal to be awarded for achievement in geography.



This medal is awarded a nnually to any upperclassman who co ntributes -the most outstanding piece of original investigation of some phase of the geography of Nemaha County. The medal awa·rd carries with it a stipulated amount covering the ex pens e of the manuscript itself. A copy of the manuscript is then filed in the State Historical Library and the Nemaha County Library.

B. E. Swenson, Jr., Athletic Medal

Bert E. Swenson, '09, and Stella Spillner Swenson, '09, have given to Peru an athletics medal, which is awarded annually, in memory of their son, Bert Edward , Jr

Juniors and seniors are eligible, and no student shall receive the aw.arcl more than once,

Basis for judging- 100 points.

(a) General

1. Character and personality 15 points

2. Scholarship .. .... .. ....... .. ....... .. .. . 15 points

3. Loyalty to school traditions .............. 20 points

(b) Athletics

1. Must receive school letter in at least two different sports. They need not be ·made . in any one year ........................ 50 points

Note- A student who rec e ives a third letter will receive additional consideration in connection with point "a3".

Medals have b ee n presented each yea r since 1925.

Alpha Mu Omega Freshman Award

The Alpha Mu Omega (Mathematics Club) award is made annually to a m e mber of the freshman class for excellence in mathematics.

Kappa Delta Pi Educational Award

Beta Mu Chapter of [Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary educational society, annually bestows upon the ·freshman whose scholarship and professional attitude are outstanding, a. suitable award .

20 •


Sigma Tau Delta Freshman Medal

The Sigma Tau Delta Freshman Medal is awarded annually to the author of the best written contribution submitted in a contest open only to students registered as freshmen. The type of writing for the contest is decid e d each year by the fraternity.

Regents' Scholarship

The University of Nebraska awards annually a tuiti'on scholarship in the Graduate College to one member, of the graduating class whose record places him in Ui.e upper ten per cent of his class.

Pearl A. Kenton Foreign Language Scholarship

The Pearl A. Kenton Fo-reign Language Scholarship was established by Miss Alice Kenton in memory of her sister, Pearl A . Kenton, who was a member of the faculty from 1924 to 1944 as associate professor of the foreign languages and supervisor of Latin in the Training School. Th e scholarship provides an annual award of $50.00 to an outstanding student in the Foreign Language Department.

The Ruby Lawrence Everett Music-English Scholarship

Th e Ruby Lawrence Everett Music-English Scholarship was established by Walter and Luella Lawrence as a memorial to their daughter, Ruby Lawrence Everett, because of her interest in music, in literature, and in young ,people , and because of her and her parent's interest in Neb-raska ,State Teachers College at Peru. A cash grant of fifty dollars, this scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student who lives in the Bratton Union School district of Richardson County, Nebraska, and who is interested in studying music or English literatur e, or both . . In the event that there is no candidate from the Bratton Union School district who can qualify, the scholarship will be awarded to .a regularly enrolled music major, who is qualified to receive the grant.

The Nebraska


of Parents and Teachers Scholarshi11

Scholarships (the number depending upon the funds available) are granted by the Nebraska Congress of Parents and Teachers to full-time students of the Nebraska State Teachers Colleges who are residents of Nebraska and are in training to become te achers in elementary schools. In order to be eligible the student must be taking either a one-, two- , or four-year curriculum, have a pleasing personality, have high moral and social standards, and show an aptitude for teaching.

Honor Graduates from Accredited High Schools and Junior Colleges

The Board of Education for State Normal Schools grants scholarships in accordance with the following conditions:


" "


To one student of good moral character, graduating from any fully accredited four -y ear high schoo l or junior college in Nebraska, holding rank in the highest ten per cent (10 % ) of the graduating class, there shall be awarded a free scholarship to any of the State Teachers Co ll eges in the state. The se l ection of the student shall be left entirely to the discretion of the s_uperintendent or principal of the high scJ;:ool and the board of education of such lligh school. Each scholarship entitles the holder to free . tuition, fees, etc., amounting to $37.50 per year for each of four years, for any course 01· courses in any of these institutions (except the matriculation fee, dormitory rent, breakage charg e s, and such deposits as may be required for the return of equipment lent to the student.)

Any student holding this scholarship is entitled to exemption from fees, with the •exception above set forth, ' to the amount not to exceed $9 25 for a nine weeks term of summer school from the amount of this scholarship.

This scho larship certificate will not be honored unless presented to one of the four state teachers co ll eges within two years, exclusive of the time spent in military servic e If the student drops out of school for more than one calendar year, the scholarship expires, unless the interruption of his course of study is due to his own illness or the illn ess of a member of his family. It may •be withdrawn for misconduct or for failure in any subject, and it will be withdrawn if the holder fails during any year to maintain a grade up to or above median grade of his class.


Expenses for the year may b e computed from the fo llowing cost data which are based on the average expenditure of students on the campus during the .past year:

Fees, tuition, and textbook rental, .per semester ..... . . . ...... $56.00 (Inch,ldes all general fees, the student activity ticket, laboratory fees, and the yearbook.)

Meals at the College Cafeteria (approximately) $ 0.50 Room in one of the residence halls, per week ............ $2.25 - $3.00 (Paid at the time of each registration)

The amount spent will vary slightly with the number of laboratory courses taken, the price of the room selected, a nd individual spending l}abits . Expense of incidentals, including recreation, social activities, laundry, stationery, and the lik e, also, will vary with personal tastes. However, influences on the campus operate in such a manner that a college education may be secured at very moderate cost.

The above estimate does not include the cost of private instruction in music whi oh is required of all who major or minor in public school music. Further discussion of living expenses and facilities and an itemized statement of all fees wLll be found in the following paragraphs under the headings of "Living Accommodations" and "Tuition and Fees."

22 •



All requests for information concerning ,boarding and rooming facilities and all requests for room reservations in one of the residence halls should be directed to either the Dean of Students or the Dean of Women.

Residence Halls. 'l;'he college residence halls offer attractive living accommodations near the classrooms and the library. Halls are maintained for both men and women students.

A deposit of $5.00 is required of each student applying for a reservation in any of the halls. After a room is occupied, this amount is retained as a deposit against misuse of equipment, and it must be maintained at this level at all times.

A refund of the full amount of the deposit, or the unused portion, will be made when the student leaves the college. A refund of the deposit less fifty cents .wrn be made in case cancellation of a reservation is made two weeks prior to opening of college term. One dollar will be withheld on cancellations made during this two w e ek p eriod. Refunds will not be made on cancellation received after the opening date.

R ental is charg e d only for the time school is in session, and a student who stays at one of the halls during a vacation period will pay the established rate for his room.

Students .are allowed to have radios in their rooms, ,but if they do so, they must use transformers, since the electric cuvrent on the campus is 220 Volt, a. c.

Halls for Women. Eliza Morgan and Mount Vernon Halls for wom en are under the supervision of the Dean of Women. The price of rooms ranges from $2.25 to $3 .00 a week per student, two students occupying a room. All rooms are arranged as combination sleeping and study rooms. In Eliza Morgan Hall, rooms are equipped with twin b eds and lavatories. Residents of both halls must furnish bed linen, blankets, towels, dresser scarfs, and curtains.

Men's Hall. Opened in the fall of 1939, Del~ell Hall provides superior facilities for the men of the college. It is under the sup e rvision of the Dean of Students and Dormito ry Counselor. '!'here are 62 combination sleeping and study rooms Rooms rent for $3.00 per w e ek each w h e n two students occupy a room. All rooms are e quipp ed with lavatories, clothes closets , single beds, and individual study desks. Resid e nts of the hall furnish hed linen, blankets and towels.

Other Housing Accommodations. The Deans maintain lists of sleeping and light housekeeping rooms available off the campus. All private homes offering rooms to students are subject to the approval a nd supervision of the college, and no student may live at any home other than one of those on the approved list . (Students working for their board, or residing with relatives . other than parents or gua,,rdians are included.)

" " e


Dining Services. The air-conditioned college cafeteria is lo ca ted in Mt. Vernon dining room and is open to all students. Food is served at cost, and students pay only for the food they select.

Meals may be secured in "approved" private homes.


All fees, tuition and room rent are payable at time of registration each semester and summer term.

(Includes membership in Student As so ciation , subscription to s chool newspaper, cqpy of the annual, admission to co llege and high school athletic events, and to lyceum numbers, and tax on a ll admissions.)


(Determined by personnel and facilities available)

(Required only w hen stude nt fails tc, meet appointment for regular examination .)

Tuition Tuition per ,:emester hour .... . .. . ............ . ....... .. .. 1.50 General Fees Matriculation 5.00 (Paid but once by each student entering college ) R eg istration, each semester and summer. 1.00 Textbook rental, each semester and summer..... 7.00 ($2.00 is refundable) Student Activity ................. . .. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00
Library, each semester and summer ... . ..... . ..... . . . . . . . . 1.50 Infirmary and medical care, each semester and summer,
load 1.50 to 5.00
(Less than 12 hours, $1.50. Special physical examination 2.00
.Student Union, each semester and summer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Late Registration after time specified on pag e 4. 2.00 Deposit for dressing room lock 1.00 Towel fee (only one charge per semester)............... 1.00 24
" GENERAL INFORMATION Locker key deposit, biology and chemistry laboratory. . . . . . 1.00 Transcript of ·record (in addition to the first). . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Change of schedule ( See pages 4 and 30) 1.00 Auditor , per semester hour (plus laboratory, if laboratory is taken, and book charge) 1.50 Degrees and Diplomas: Degree 5.00 One-year and two-year diplomas. 1.00 Degree or two-yea:r diploma !n absentia, additional. 5.00 One-year diploma in absentia, additional..... . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Duplicate degrees or diplomas, one-half the original price. Course Fees Commerce: Typewriter rental, for each hour of credit Course 205 .......................................... . Education: 1.75 3.50 Courses 153, 156. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Course 331. . . • .50 English: Speech 152, 254, 255, 357. 1.00 Home Economics: Courses 101, 202, 301, 315 Courses 102, 206, 302, 308, 311 , Industrial Arts: 5.00 1.00 Course 316. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50 All other Industrial Arts courses except 116 and 304 1.50 Material and Instrument Deposits: All Industrial Arts courses except 116, 304 and 316. . . . . 3.00 (Not required for drawing courses 208, 209, 311, and 312, if student furnishes his own instruments) Mathematics: Course 218 - 2.50 Instrument Deposit 5.00 25



Non-resident students will pay a non-resid ent fee of at least $5.00 in addition to the fees paid by residents of Nebraska. Abov e the $5.00 minimum charge, the non-resident fee is reciprocal. The same non-resident fee will be charged at P er u as is charged at similar schools of the home state of the student.


1. Deposits will be refunded when the materials· for which the deposits were held as surety are returned.

2, The matriculation fee will not be refunded unless collected in error.

3. The portion of the Student Activity fee which is allotted to budget events will be refunded minus the full admission charge for all events which have been held previous to the withdrawal.

Music: Piano rental, one period daily , 9 weeks $2 00, 18 weeks . 3 50 Piano rental, two periods daily, 9 we e ks $3.50, 18 weeks. 6 00 Piano rental, three periods daily, 9 weeks $5.00, 18 weeks 8.50 Physical Education: Swimming 1.00 Health Education. 1.00 Science: Elementary Science. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Chemistry- all courses. 3.50 Physics- all courses exce,pt 302, 307, 311 .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Biological Science ~ all courses except 304, 317, 410. . . . . . 2.00 Social Science: Geography- ail courses except 301 , , 1.00 Priyate Instructions Art: Privat e lessons in drawing and painting, each .. .. . , . . . . 1.25 Music: Applied: Piano,
. . ...... 1.50 Speech Education: Private lessons, each , , , .75 Non-Resident Fee
organ, voice,
string, woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments, each.....


4. The fe e for, tuitiO'll, library, infirmary, -textbook rental, laboratory, typewriter and piano rental will be refunded according to the following time schedule:

First week- 90%

Second and third weeks- 75 %

Fourth, fifth and sixth weeks-5 0 %

Seventh, eighth and ninth weeks- 25 % After nine ,weeks - None

5. The Change of schedule fee is $1.00. See page 30. If the new schedule requir es less fees than the original one, the student shall, on presentation of his receipts, receive a r efund of the amount of difference between the revised and original schedules.

6. Dormitory room refunds. During the regular school year all dormitory rooms are rented on a semes ter basis. The rental fees are due -and payable at the time of r egis tration, and no part of these f.ees will be returned to the students unless justifiable cause makes it necess ary for him to withdraw from school, or to room elsewhere in order to earn part of his e~penses. In all oases of withdrawal the student is required to pay the rental fe e to the end of 'the month in whi c h withdrawal is made. During th e summer session rental is collected for the full term of nine weeks.

" " u



Freshman Standing. Graduates of accredited high s-chools may have fun admission to freshman standing on 16 units (conditional15 units) properly selected and completed in a four-year high school or on 12 units ( conditional-11 units) properly selected and completed in senior ,high school (grades 10, 11 and 12). A "unit " is a subject carried five hours a week with required pre,paTation for a period of thirty-six weeks. The high school work may be reported in terms of high school semester hours, 10 high school semester hours being considered equivalent to one Carnegie unit.

The requi<red credits shall include not fewer than eight units earned in grades 9, 10 , 11 and 12 in the fields of English, foreign language, mathematics, natural science, and the social studies. Of these eight units seven shall be grouped in the following manner: A major of three units in English and two minors of two units each. The two minors shall have ·been completed, in grades 10 , 11 and 12, except th-at one unit of a foreign language, or one unit of mathematics, or both, earned in grade 9 may be us ed in completing the minor requirements . If subjects completing the above pattern of m a jors and minors have not been tak en in high school and if other acceptable subjects have been taken, the student will be admitted to college and the deficiency removed by taking college subjects for college elective credit in the proper fields to complete the major and minors

.Students Who are not high school graduates may receive conditional admission upon presentation of 15 units· from an accredited four year high school, or 11 -units from a senior high school .(grades 10, 11 and 12) . An official transcript of credits and a request from the superintendent that the stud e nt b e admitted before graduation must be filed with the registrar.

Admission will be granted to veterans and other delayed students who show themselves competent and ready to do satisfactory work in coHege -and to benefit from the college experience. A college aptitude test, tests of general education development, and records of previous educational or other experience will be used in judging the individual's qualific a tions for admission under this plan .

Advanced Standing. Applicants ,for admission from other colleges or universities must file with the regis trar (1) a statement of honorable dismissal; (2) an- officially certified statement of coHege work already accomplished; (3) an officially certified record of the secondary school work s-atisfying the admission requirements.

Full credit is giv en for work completed at institutions which maintain standards of admission arid graduation equal to those of Peru.

Adult Special. Mature individuals who do not have full college entrance credits m a y be matriculated as adult specials. Before any diploma or degree may be granted to such student all entrance re28


quirements must be made up by taking courses oT examinations and all collegiate requirements for the diploma or degree must be met.

Admission Forms. Students who wish to attend Peru should app ly for admission on the Application for Admission form which may be secured from the registrar. This should be done well in advance of the time .of registration. In addition, each applicant should have his high school or previous college submit to the Peru registrar a transcript of his credit record at least two weeks before re.gistration. In the case of hig-h school transcripts, two copies are required, and they must be on a standard form - Principal's Report and Official Transcript of High School Record- copies of which should be secured by the student from the registrar.

Admission to the college does not necessarily mean admission to all curri:cu lums offered. Procedure for admission to the teacherpreparation curriculums is described on page 39.


A veteran of the Armed Services, who has received an honorable discharge or release from active duty, will be admitted and granted credit for his military experiences in accordance with the recommendations of the accrediting associations.


College credit is expressed in terms of the "semester hour," whir.h represents the satisfactory -completion of three hours of work per week for one semester (18 weeks). Such work may include any type of activity prescribed in any college course - classwork, preparation, laboratory or shop work, fie ld work, et cetera.

Students having earned Jess than 26 semester hours of credit are classified as freshmen; 26 to 55 hours as sophomores; 56 to 87 hours as juniors; and 88 to 125 hours as seniors. Degree students earning additional undergraduate credit are classified as post-grad- · uate students.


Each student should register for courses corresponding to his classification (freshman, sophomore, etc.), unless advised to do otherwise. Courses numbered 1-99 are unclassified and · open to all students. TJ10se numbered 100-199 are for freshmen; 200-299 for sophomores; 300-399 for juniors; 400-499 for seniors.

• " " "



Seventeen semester hours is the maximum credit which may be earned by a freshman during his first semester in college, and 9 hours is the limit in a regular nine-week summer session. After one semester (o r its eq uivalent in s umm er sessions) a student may register for one additional hour in a semester or in a summer session, if h e h as obtained an average of 3. 00 on all previous work done in -this college, or for work done the previous semester and secures the approval of his counselor, th e h ead of his division, and the dean of instruction .


A change in program may be made at any time during the fi.rst ten days of th e semester or the first week of the summer session.

After the first t en days of the semester a student may not add a new course to his program except with the permission of his instructor and counselor.

After the first t e n d ays of the semester or the first week of the summer session, a student may withdraw from a course if he secures the permission of his instructor, counselor, and dean of instruction.

If a student desires to withdraw from the college, he must state hi s reasons on a withdrawal form obtained from the RegistTar and hav e the form signed by his instructors, hi s counselor, and the Dean of· Men or Women. If he leaves the college and for some unexpected reason is unable to return, he should communicate immediately with his dean, setting forth the reasons preventing his return.


The policy of th e college is to expect regula•r attendance at classes, co nvocation s, and other scheduled appointments except for legitimate reasons. Attendance at commencement exercises is requir ed of all candidates for d egrees a nd diplomas who are in residence du ri ng the secon d semester.

Students are expected to notify their instructors and the De a n of .Students of any antici pated a bsence. He will send an official notic e to the instructors stating the date and reason for missing the class. In case of illness a written permit from the Doctor or Nurse should be presented to the instructor upon return to class. The D ea n wrn issu e permits for a bsen ces due to other causes.

Class a ttendan ce recor ds are in c luded in th e regular mid-sem est er and final grade reports submitted by instructors to the registrar and in the s tudent ·report cards prepared for the students and their counselors.


A m1111mum of twenty-four hours of residence credit earned in this college is required for th e issuance of a one-year diploma, and thirty-hours of residence credit earned in this college are required for a two-years diploma or a degree Twenty-four of the last thirty hours of work for a degr ee and twelve of the last sixteen for a two-year diplom a must be earned in residence at this college, 30




The following course marks or grades are employed to indi cate amount and quality of student achievement:

4 Superior

3 Excellent

2 Average

1 Passing

O Below passing

X Incomplete

WP Withdrew Passing

WF Withdrew Failing (See pag e 30 for withdrawal procedure )

A student receiving a mark of 4;, 3, 2, or 1 is granted the number of semester hours of credit for which the course is offered, or a part of that number, if partial credit has been arranged for and earned. No credit is granted i.f a mark of 0, X, or W is received. However, an X may be changed to a mark carrying credit, when full credit or partial credit has been satisfactorily earned, provided such change i-s made by the end of the next succeeding semester l!lfter the X has been re·c;eived.


The business of a student is to learn, and the business of a college is to meet the educational n ee ds of its students by providing an . environment conducive to learning. So long as student and college are able to perform t:trese complementary functions satisfactorily, it is well for the partnership, e ntered into when th e student matriculates, to continue; when either fails it is advisable to ·end the partnership.

One indication that the right relationship does not exist between the student and the ·college is the accumulation on the pa'!'t of the student o.f an excessive number of failing or ne ar failing marks. Therefore, at the close of each semester and summer term, the registrar reports to the Dean of Men and Dean of Women the names of students having grade-averages of 2 .00 or below. A committee, co nsisting of the appropriate dean, the student 's counselo'l', and the student himself, examines the complete record of the student and mak es a decision regarding his further educational plans.

In addition to employing the above counseling procedure to guard against unproductive educational programs, the college maintains fixed minimum standards of scholarship for all ,the teacherprep&ration curriculums and the liberal arts degree curri-culum. A grade average of 2.00 is required for completion of any of the teacher preparation curriculums,---the four-year curriculums that prepare for high school teaching, the two-ye&r and .four-year curriculums that prepare for elementary teaching, and the twelve-week and one-year curriculums that prepare for rural school teaching A grade average of 1.50 is required for completion of any liberal aTts currkulum and the A B. Degree.




Scholastic honors are of two types; honors and high honors.

Semester Honor Roll. An honor roll is compiled at the end of each semester and summer session. To be considered for honors a student must complete all of his work and earn at least twelve hours in a semester, six hours in a nine-week summer session, or four hours in a six-week summer session Students who have a point average of 3 .2 will earn honors; those who have a point average of 3 .7 will earn higll honors.

Graduation·with Honors. ·A candidate for the Bachelor's Degree may be .graduated with honors if he completes all of his work and earns at least twelve hours each semester, six hours each nine-week summer session, or four •hours each six-week summer session. The work of the last session in attendance will not be considered in computing the point average. · No student rwill be considered for honors who has not earned at least sixty hours at Peru. Students who have a total point average of 3.2 may be g •raduated with ho~ors; those who have a total point av1>rage of 3.7 may be graduated with high honors.



The instructional program of the college consists of se ven: interrelated divisional programs- Educational , Fine Arts , Health and Physical Education, Language Arts· , Practical Arts, Science and Mathematics, and .Social Studies- each of which contributes by its own special means to the purposes of the college, central of which is the mission of preparing teachers for the schools of Nebraska . Additional purposes served consist of providing, for those who do not wish to prepare for tea;ching, a g e neral liberal education, preprofessional education, or junior terminal vocational education.

To se•rve the above purposes most economically, th e course s offered in the several coilege divisions are organized into curriculums, the term applied to a group of courses designed for on e individual, or for a group of individuals having a common purpose The curriculums offored by the college include four year professional curriculums in elementary education and secondary education; a four-'year liberal arts _ curriculum flextble enough to satisfy a variety of interests; and a numbe•r of two-year and one-year terminal vocation curriculums and pre-prof essional curriculums, including twoyear curriculums in elementary education and a on e -year curriculum in rural education To meet an emergency situation, the colleg e offers, also, a twelve-week curriculum (summer term only) in rural education.


In general, the various curriculums offered by the college consist partly of general edJ!cation courses and partly of specialized courses. The general· education courses are those thought to be needed by all individuals for effective living, regardless of their occupations. The specialized courses ·are thos·e that pr epare specifically for ,particular teaching positions -0r other occupations, or satisfy special avocational or cultural interests.

At entrance, each student must choose an occupational objective or a field of principal cultural interest This determines the curriculum that he will follow and the counselor who will guide him in his educational experiences. The choice m a y be tentative and may be changed later, though this may result in some loss of credit.


In the degree curriculums, a definite program of general education is required of all students. (See page 37). However, while some variation is permitted in the general courses, the differentiation needed to care for diffF, rences in professional or cultural objectives is provided chiefly by me,ans o; major and minor course sequences.

In the case of the prqf e ssional curriculums leading to degrees m education in secondary school teaching, each student must complete, in addition to the general education requi•rements, one major and at least two teaching minors. The only exception to this regulation is 33


in the case of the curricul um leading to the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Education in which no minor is rP.q uired although strongly recommended. It is hop e d that students will prepare themselves in as many teaching_ minors as they will likely be ca ll ed upon to teach in a typical position in a Nebra:ska high school. In the curriculums that -'prepare for element8<rY teaching the students must earn a major in elementary education and a minimum of 12 hours in each of four aca demi c fields in which they will be teaching.

In curricu lums l eading to the liberal arts degree (A.B.), a major and two minors or two majors are required. A major must inclu de at least i!4 semester hours of work and .a minor, 15 semester hours.

No course may be counted twice in meeting the minimum requirements.

In general, credits transferred from another co llege may be used to meet major and minor requirements, provided: (1) at least one course in each major or minor is earned in this 1 college, and (2) all transferred -credits are approved by head of the sponsoring division.

Specific major and minor requirements are given in the several divisional progr a ms. The number of hours required for the majors and minors in the various programs are list ed below

Education Division Majors Kindergarten-Primary Educ. ____________ B S. in Ed. 36 hrs in Ed. Elementary Educ _ B.S in Ed. 36 hrs in Ed. Secondary Educ ______________ B.S in Ed. 28 hrs in Ed. must supplement all teachi>1g majors and minors. See "Gen\ eral Degree Requirements" Sch. Adm and Guidance ······--· B.S. in Ed. 43 o r 51 hrs in Ed. P s ychology -·-----------·---------·---- --·-- ·--Fine .Arts Division Art ----------··----•· ----------·-·-----·· ------------------··A B. in -Ed. 27, A .B 26 Publi c School Music, Elem. ___ A.B. in Ed. 43 Public School Mu si c, Sec. ______________ A B. in Ed. 43 B.F A in Ed. 61 Applied Music __________ A.B. 30 Music Theory --··-----·---- A.B- 30 , H'ealth and Physical Educa t ion Division Health and P.E for Men ________________ B.S. in Ed. 26 Health and P.E. for Women ._ '. _ B.S. in Ed. 24 Languag e Aris Divi s ion English ------·---------·----------------------·---·-- A B. in Ed. 32-:J3, A B. 32-33 French -----·-··----------------·---------------------------·-· A.B. in Ed. 24, A.B. 24 German -----·---------------·---------------- --------··- A.B. in Ed. 24 , A.B. 24 Spanish _______._ ______________ : _______ A.B in Ed. 24, A.B. 24 Speech - ---··--·-------- A B. in Ed. 26, A.B. 25 Practic a l Arts Division Bu s iness Education ____________ · __ A.B in Ed. 30-38, A.B. 32-34 Home Economics _ A.B in Ed. 39, A.B. 30 Industrial Arts -----·-··------·-··---- A -B. in Ed, 30, A B 30 34 Minors 15 15 25 18 18 Ed. 21 A B 16 15 17 lG 16 16 17 20-27 20 20-22 •


Today, many professional schools require for entrance two or more years of cQIJege credit in gene1ral education or basic liberal arts courses, which vary only slightly from one profession to another. Since such work is required for the professional teacher-preparation c urriculums , Peru offers a variety of courses that serve as pre-prof essional education, not only for prospective teachers, but also for prospective doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, veterinarians, lawyers, engineers, agriculturists, foresters, morticians, business · executives, journalists, and others.

Students who come to Peru for pre-professional education are ass igned to counselors who assist them in selecting the courses they need. Those interested in •~re paring to tea ch vocational agriculture or vocational home-making may take -the first 'two years of training at Peru and finish at the University of Nebraska The vocational agriculture curriculum is outlined in the program of the Scienc e -and Mathematics Division; that in vocational home-making in the program of the Practical Arts Division


Many students are unable to attend college four years or mor e and wish to prepare for an occupation that requires less time in preparation than do the professions. Such students will find a variety of educational opportunities at Peru, opportunities to prepare for attractive occupations in one or two years.

Since there is a demand for teachers in Nebraska with less than a professional education, three junior terminal teacher-preparation curriculums have :been organized to meet this need. The three curriculums are outlined in detail in the program of the Education Division and are as follows: ·

Two TYear Curriculum in Elementary Education

One-Year Curriculum in Rural Education

Twelve-Week Curriculum in Rural Education 3/j

I• "
Science and Mathematic s Divis ion M ajors Biology __________________ B.S. in Ed. 24, A.B. 24 Botany -- ----·-------------------------: B.S. in Ed. 24, A B. 24 Chemistry __________________________ B.S in Ed 24, A.B. 24 General Science _____________________________ B.S. in Ed 27, A.B. 27 Mathematics ------·----·----- -----·-A.B. in Ed. 27, A .B. 24 Physical Science _____________ B.S. in Ed 24 , A.B 24 Physics _ B.S. in Ed 24 , A.B. 24 Zoology _______ B.S. in Ed. 24, A B. 24 Social Studies Division Geography _ B.S. in Ed. 24, A.B. 24 History __ : ____________________ B.S. in Ed. 33, A.B. 33 Political Science - Social Science ____ B.S. in Ed. 33, A.B.- 33 PRE-PROFESSIONAL CURRICULUMS Minors 15 15 15 21 15 15 15 '15 15 18 15 18


Presented in the ,program of the Practical Arts Division are the following curriculums:

Two-Year Curriculum in Home Making

Two-Year Specialized Curriculum in Industrial Arts

One-Year Curriculum in Clerical Training

One-Year Curricu1um in Home Making

One- Year Curriculum in Secretarial Science

With the assistance of counseiors, students may also elect courses that will prepare in one or two years for the .following fields of work:

Applied Biology


Business Administration



Crafts •




Library Work

Metal Work





Woodwork and Upholstery


Degrees and Diplomas

The Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru is authorized by law and rules of the State Boar:d of Education to issue the following degrees and diplomas: ·

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education (A.B. in Ed.)

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Education (B.F.A. in Ed.)

Bachelor of Science Degree in Education in (B.S. in Ed.)

Ba·chelor of Arts (A.B.) •

Two-Year Diploma

One-Year Diploma

The type of degree is determined by the curriculum completed by the student, the type of major and the courses in education included. The diplomas are granted only for the completion of curriculums in elementary education or rural education.

Initial Certificates

Each recipient of a degree in education is recommended to the State Super'intendent of Public Instruction for one of the following certificates, dep e nding upon the type of •curriculum followed:

Initial Senior Elementary School Certificate

Initial Secondary School Certificate

The recipients· o~ Diplomas are recommended for certificates as follows:

Two-Year Diploma- Initial Junior Elem entary-School Certificate

One-Year Diplonia- foitial General Elementary-School Certificate

Those who complete the twelve-semester-hour curriculum in rural education receive the following certificate:

Third Grade Elementary School Ce•rt\ficate



Advanced Certificates and Renewals

Holders of the several initial certificates may earn correspond- , ing provisional and professional certificates by achieving additional college credits and suceessful teaching experien'ce. Detailed informa c tion regarding the various certificates and their renewals may be secured from the Peru State Teachers College Registrar or the State ' Superintendent of PubUc Instruction.


Candidates for a degree must fulfill all admission and ,residence requirements. They must earn 125 semester hours of course credits including 40 semesters hours in courses of junior and senior rank (300 and .400 series). For the education degrees, a minimum grade average of 2 00 must be maintained; fort he A. B. degree, the average must be 1.50 or above.

Those who have not been in resident attendance within the ten years prior to application are required to complete nine (9) hours of resident work in order to qualify for a degree or diploma.

'Required for All Degrees


Fine Arts .. . .. .. ..... . .................................. .

Art 306. Art Appreciation, 2 hours (See pages 50 and 51 for substitutions.)

Music 311. Music Appreciation, 2 hours (A substitution is made for Music, 311, when music is the major or minor )


7 P. E. 205. Health Education , 3 hours

Four physical exercise courses, 4 hours, selected from: Men Women ,

P. E. 5. Tennis

P E. 7. Golf

P E. 9 Swimming

P E 3 Clog and Tap Dancing

P. E 4 Folk Dancing or

P. E. 6 Round and ,Square Danc-

P E 101. Natural Program , ing

P. E. 102. Natural Program

P. E. 203. Tumbling and Stunts

P. E. 8. Beginning Swimming

P. E. 9. Advanced Swimming

P. E. 10. Tennis

P. E. 101. Gene•ral Gymnastics

·P . E. 204. Playground Supervision

Language Art~ ....... . . .. . .. ..... .. .................... .

Eng. 101A or 101B. English Composition, 3 or 4 hours

Eng. 102. English Composition, 3 hours

Eng . ,204 Introduction to Literature, 3 hours

Sp .' 152. Fundame;ntals of, Speech, 3 hours

(Students making a s atisfactory score on the English proficiency examination take 101.A, 3 hours. Others take 101B, 4 hours. Those rat/ ng especially high on · the test may substitute Eng 234, Journalism, or Eng 302, Creative Writing, for Eng. 101A. Majors in primary education substitute Eng. 103, Children's Literature, and Eng. 335, Advan c ed Children ' s LiteraturP., for Eng. 204.)

4 Health and "Physical Education'.....


Science and Mathematics (Complete two groups) . . . . . . . . . . 12-16


A. Biol. 101 and 102. General Biology, 6 hours

B. Chem. 101 and 102 . General Chemistry, 10 hours, or Chem. 103 and 104. General Chemistr:y, 6 hours

C. Sci. 101 and 102.. Science for Elementary Teachers, 6 hours

D. Geog. 101. Principles of Geography, 3 hours, and Geo. 102 or 302. Regional Geography, 3 hours

E. Math. 101 or 103. College Algebra, 5 hours or 3 hours, and Math. 105. Plane Trigonometry, 3 pours

F Phys. 201 and 202 General Physics, 10 hours

Social Studies .,

A S. S. 103 and 104. Social Studies Survey, 6 hours and elective 3 ho!urs

B Hist. 101. European Civilization to 1500, 3 h,ours, and Hist. 102. European Civilization since 1500, 3 hours

S S. 118. American Government, 3 hours


C. ' Hist. 213 ; History of the U. s. to 1865, 3 llours, • Hist. 214. History of the U. S . since 1865, 3 hours, and v S. S. 1:(8. American Government, 3 hours

D. S. S . 222. Economics, 3 hours or Geog. 215 Economic Geography, 3 hours

S. S. 221 Economics, 3 hours, and S. S. 118 American Government, 3 hours

E ,S S. 118 American Government, 3 hours

S S. 119 American State and Local Government, 3 hours· and elective Hi-story or Social Science, 3 hours ·

F. S. S. 118 American Government, 3 hours,

S . S. , 231 Social Problems, 3 hours and ·S. S. 232 Labor ProbleII;s, 3 h~mrs

· Requirements for Education Degrees (In addition to above requirements for all degrees)

Elementary Curriculums ....... '. ......................... 50 or 51.

Ed. 118 & 119 Introduction to Education, 4 hours ·

Ed. 101 & 102 Human Growth and Development, 6 hours

Ed. 303 Elementary School Curriculum, 3 . hours

Ed 331 Educational Measurements, 3 hours

Ed. 405 & 406 Elementary School Methods and Management, 10 hours

Ed. 410 Student Tea c hing , & hours

Ed. 444 Teacllers Relationships (Seminar), 2 hours

Art 103 Public School Art, 3 hours

Art 101 Freeha,nd Drawing, 3 hours or

Art -204 Crafts, 3 hours or

Ind. Arts 112 Industrial Arts for Elementary Teachers, 2 hoµrs

Mus. 110 Fundamentals of Music, 3 hours

Mus. 201 Elementary ),VIusrc Methods, 3 hours

Eng. 353 Speech Correction, 3 hours

tn addition to the elementary education major, 12 hours must be earned in each of four academic fields



Secondary Curriculums.

Ed 118 & 119 Introduction to Education , 4 hours

Ed. 101 & 102 Human Growth & Development, 6 hours

Ed. 304 High School Methods & Management, 3 hours

Ed. 33i Educational Me asureme nts, 3 hours

Ed . 338 Guidance in the Secondary School, 3 hours

Ed 352 Secondary School Curriculum, 3 hours

Ed. 411 Student Teaching, 4 hours

Ed . 444 T eac her Relationships , 2 hours

Special Methods, 3 hours, must be taken in major field .

A major and two tea ~hing minors must ' be earned.

Requirements for Liberal Arts Degree Only (In addition to above requirements for all degrees)

Langu age Arts (Complete one group)............. . . . . . . .

A French 101 and 102 Elementary Fr e n ch, 10 hours

B. German 101 and 102 Elementary German, 10 hours

C. Spanish 101 and ; 02. Elementary Spanish, 10 hours



M athemat ics, 6 or 8 hours, or Psychology, 6 hours 6-8 Complete one group

A . Math. 101 or 103. College Algebra, 5 or 3 hours, and Math. 105 Plane Trigonometry, 3 hours

B. Psych. 121 or 321. General Psychology, 3 hours , and Psychology elective, 3 hours

Major and two minors, or two majors. . . . . . . . . . .



Admission to the coUege (page 28) constitute,s admission to the liberal arts course, pre-professio nal course, and junior terminal course , ( exclusive of those that prepare for teaching) . To be adm itted to any of the courses leading to recommendation for a N e braska teachers cer tificate, a student must be approved by the personnel committee. ·

Students wishing to enter the one summer program in rural educatio n will n eed to:

1. Fill in a sp ec ial application blank and mail it to the registrar,

2. Have eva lu atio n sheets filled out by their prin cipals or superintendents and two other persons,

3. Appear for tests and int erviews on a selected Saturday in the spring. _

All other students who wish to enter te ache r education courses will b e expected to fill out , before school starts, th e r3gular applicatio n blanks indic a ting - the ,course they wish to choos e. It will be necessary for them to see that tr-!!-nscripts of th e ir high school records ( or previous college ' re cords) hav e be e n received by the registrar. Eligibility for th e various courses will be determined throu g h the us e of several .pro ced ures . including tests and interviews, , during the first few days of school.

. . . . .
. . . .
. .


Miss Ashley

Mr. Boraas

Mrs. Brown

Miss Carey

Miss Clarke

Mr. Clements

Miss Dixon

Mr. Downing

Mr. Eddy

Miss Gard

Mr. Gorrell

Mr. Johnson

Miss McOlatchey

Miss McCollum

Mr. Stemper

Mr. Van Pelt

Mrs. Wheeler

Miss Wonderly

The division of ed u catio n has as its major function the preparation of the best possible teachers for Nebraska elementary and secondary schools.

Students completing the suggested curriculums will, with the recom mendation of the school, qualify for certificates to teach in the schools of Nebraska a nd in most other states.

The following teacher education programs are offered:

Four-Year Program in El eme ntary Education

Two-Year Program in Elementary Education

One- Year Program in Rural Education

T we lve-Week Program in Rural Education

Four-Year Program in Secondary Education

Descr iption of all education courses may be found on pages 44 to 49.


Four-Year Plan in Elementary Education

The following program will ne ed to •be taken by students entering the four-year curriculum in S eptember 1952

In addition to the professional and academic requirements list ed in the program, each student must satisfy the general degree requirements presented on pages 37 - 39, must earn tweJve or more hours in each of at least four academic fields which they will teach in the elementary school and must satisfy the proficiency requirement in the use of audio-visual m ac hines.

Upon co mpletion of the four-year c urriculum , the student will earn a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education and upon recommendation of the college, the Nebr as ka I;nitial Senior Elemei;itary School CeTtificate. Students must apply for and be admitted to this curriculum upon their entrance to college

.Student teaching in this program is to be done in a nin e -we e k block during the seventh or eighth semester The first nin e weeks of the semester will b e spent on courses in m et hods and management while the entire time of the following nine weeks will 1be devoted to student teaching

Freshman Year First Semeste r Cr Eng 101 English Compo s i tion 3,4 Eel 118 Intro to Educati on : 2 SS 103 Social Studies Survey 3 Art 204, 101. or I.A 112 '• 2, 3 Physical Education ·--······ 1 Requirements & Elective s 6,4 17 40 Second S emester Cr Eng 102 Englis h Composition 3 Ed 119 Intro to Education ··-· --·-····--······ 2 :,::; 104 Social Studies Survey -· - · 3 Art 103 Pub.lie School Art ____ 3 Physical Education ·----··· ····-· · 1 Requirements & Electives 5 17 I


Recommended, Electives: English 103 , Education 103 (Required of students preparing for kindergarten teaching) , Education 306.

Two-Year Program• in Elementary Education

Students entering the two-year curriculum ·in September 1952 will need to satisfy the program below and the proficiency requirement in the use of audio-visual machines . Upon completion of this curriculum, the student will earn a Peru Two-Year Diploma and, if recommended by the college, the Nebraska Initial Junior Elementary School Certificate. Students will be admitted to this curriculum in their freshman year.

Student teaching in this curriculum is to be done in a nine-<Week block. Student t~achers have the opportunity to devote the nine weeks to teaching one or more grades in the campus school during their third or fourth semester. To make this experience possible second year students are divided into three groups; groups A, B and C. The program for group A is as follows: First nine weeks, methods; se c ond nine weeks, student teaching; third and fourth nine weeks, academic and professional courses. The program for group B is: First nine weeks, academic and professional courses; second nine weeks, methods; third nine weeks, student teaching; and fourth nine weeks, academic and professional courses. The program for C is: First and second nine weeks, academic and professional courses; third ni'ne weeks, methods; and fourth nine weeks, student teaching.

Sophomore Year First Semester Cr Eng 204 Intro to Liter a ture ___________ 3 Sci 101 Science Elem Teachers ____________ 3 Second Semester Cr Eng 152 Fundamentals of Speech ______ 3 Sci 102 Science Elem Teachers ___________ 3 Mus 110 Funds of Music _ __ 3 Ed 101 Human Growth & Develop ___ 3 PE 20a Health Education ____________________ 3 PE 204a Playground Supervision ________ 1 Requirements & Electives _______________________ 1 Mus 201 _ Elem Music Methods 3 Ed 102 Human Growth & Devel Q_P ____ 3 PE 204b Playground Supervision ____ 1 Requirements & Electives ________________ __ 4 · 17 17 Junior Year First Semester Cr Second Semester Cr Ed 303 Elementary Sch Currie ____________ 3 Ed 3311 Educ Measurements ______________ 3 Requirements & Electives _ : ________________ 11 Eng 353 Speech Correction ________ 3 Requirements & Electives _____________________ 14 17 17 Senior Year Fi r st S e mester Cr Ed 405-61 Elem Sch Meths & Management - - 10 ED 410-1 Student Teaching _______ 8 18 Second Semester Ed 444 Teachers Relationships (Semin a r) ___ _ Requirements & El e ctives __ _ 1 Taken during the first or second semester Cr 2 15 17


Sophomore Year

Recommended Electives: At least 8 hours of electives to be chosen from the following: Art 101, Art 204 or Industrial Arts 112, Music 2 01 , English 103, Education 103. (Required of students preparing for kindergarten teaching)

Freshman Year First Semester Cr Ed 118 Intro to Education _______ 2 Eng 101 English Composition ______________ 3,4 SS 103 Social Studies Survey __ 3 Ed 101 Human Growth & Devel op ___ 3 PE 204a Playground Supervision ---·--· 1 Electives ····----·-----·------··--··-·---- --·-------·5,4 17 Second Semester Cr Ed 119 Intro to Education __ : ______ 2 Eng 152 Fund a mentals of Speech _______ 3 SS 104 Social Studies Survey _ 3 Ed 102 Human Growth & Develop ____ 3 PE 204b Playground Supervision __ 1 Electives ··-----· -----------·------------------------ 5 17
First Semester Second Semester 1st 9 weeks 2nd 9 weeks 3rd 9 week s 4th 9 week s Group A Group A Group A Group A Ed 205-6 10 Ed 210 __________________ g Mus 110 _1',':, Continue _7% Elem Sch Meths Stud Tchg Funds of Mus 3rd 9 wks & Mgmt 10 Group B Mus 110 _____ 1',':, Funds of Mus Art 103 _ ! % Pub Sch Art PE 205 _ 1 % Health Ed Sci 101 ________________ 1% Sci El Tchrs Sci 102 _____ 1',':, Sci El Tchrs \ Group C Mus 110 1~':, Funds of Mus Art 103 ____________ l % Pub Sch Art PE 205 ___________ l % Health Ed Sci 101 _ ! % Sci El Tchrs Sci 102 ----·--·-- 1 ':, Sci El Tchrs 8 Art 103 _1',':, work Pub S c h Art PE 205 _ __________ ! ~':, Health Ed Sci 101 ___ l % Sci El Tchrs Sci 102 ·- ----··11,~ Sci El Tchrs Group B Group B Group B Ed 205-6 _________ } 0 Ed 210 ___ - --· _ 8 Continue _71,~ Elem Sch Stud Tchg 1st 9 wks Meths & Mgmt • 10 · Group C Continue n ':i 1st 9 wks work work 8 Group C Group C Ed 205-206 ---··· 10 Ed 210 ---·-·----··-- 8 Elem Sch Stud Tchg Meths & Mgmt 10 8


.in Rural

Upon the completion of the following curriculum and the requirement in the use of audio-visual machines, the student will earn a Peru One-Year Diploma. With the recommendation of the college, the student will also earn a Nebraska General Elementary School Certificate valid for three years in Nebraska rural schools and other Class ONE schools.

Suggested Program

One Summer Program in Rural Education

Upon completion of - the following courses and the recommendation of the college authorities a student may, in one summer, -earn a Ne braska Third Grade Elementary School Certificate which is valid in the rural schools and other Class ONE schools for a period of one year.



To renew this Third ' Grade Elementary S c hool Certificate the following courses are recommended for the second summer.

An Initial General Elementary Certificate, valid for three years, may be obtained upon the completion of the following courses the third summer.

One-Year Program
First Semester Cr Second Semester Cr Ed 118 Intro to Educ a tion ·---·-·-- 2 Eng 101 English Composition _ 4 ,3 Ed 101 Human Growth & Develop _ 3 Ed 155 Rural Meth s & Mgmt ____ 5 PE 205 Health Education -------·-· -----··---· 3 Eng 152 Funds of Speech 3 Ed 102 Human Growth & Develop 3 Ed 156 Rural Meths & Mgmt..__ __ 5 Art 103 Public School Art _____ 3 Mus 110 Funds of Music __ 3 PE 204a Playground Supervision __ 1 PE 204b Playground Supervision ______ 0,1 17 17 ,18
Ed 151, Ed
or Mus
152 Rural School Methods . . .... ., . ... . 6 Rural School Management. ...... 3 Public School Art) • ) 3 Funds of Music ) 12
Ed 101 Eng 101 Mus 110 or Art 103 Human Growth and Development. . 3 English Composition ,, . 3 Funds of Music ) ) •..•........• 3 Public School Art ) 9
Human Growth and Development .. 3 Playground Supervision 1 l;I~alth• Education ......... .. ..... 3 Fundament ~ls of Speech ..... . ... 3 10 43



Four-Year Program in Secondary Educatio.n

The program b elow is to be taken by students entering the four-year curriculum in September 1952.

In addition to the prof ess ional and academic requirem ents list ed in th e program, each student must satisfy the general degree requirements present ed on pages 37 - 39, must earn a major and at least two teaching minors a nd must satisfy the profi ci e ncy requirement in the use of audio-visual machin es. Major and minor requirements are listed under the several divisions.

Upon completion of the four year c urriculum, the student will earn a Bachelor of Arts in Education or Bachelor of Science in Education degree and, upon recommendation of the college, the N e braska Initial Secondary School Certificate. Students must apply · for and be admitted to this curriculum.

1 Broad courses in 'fine and applied arts, social sciences, natural sciences or the hu!l}anities. Part of credit can also , apply on major or m-inors. ·

2 May be taken the first or second semester,

3 Ed 304 prerequisite.

Freshman Year First Sem este r Cr Ed 118 In tro to Educ a tion _... 2 Eng 101 English Composition 3,4 General Education 1 ............ ____ 6 Physical Edu cation _____ 1 Requirem ents & El ectives .................... 5,4 Second Semester · Cr Ed 119 Intro to Education 2 Eng 102 English Composition 3 General Educationl 6 Physical Educ ation 1 Requirements & Elective s ____ , 5 17 Sophomore Year 17 First Semester Cr Second Semester Cr Ed 101 Human Growth and Develop 3 Ed 102 Human Growth & Develop 3 2ti2 Je1:iY8ia~~~~~fiooJ Speech • Eng 204 Intro to Literature .... ............. 3 Physical Education 1 Physical Education 1 General Education l ........ ____ ...... 3 Genera l Educationl 3 Requirements & Electives 7 Requirements & Electives 4 17 17 Junior Year ' First Semester Cr Se con d Semester Cr Ed 3042 High Sch Meths & Mgmt... 3 Ed 3312 Educ at ional Meas ____ 3 Requirem ents & Electiv es 11 Ed 3382 Guid in Sec Sch ....................... 3 Ed 3522 Secondary Sch Currie 3 Special Methods 3 .............. ... ____ • 3 Requirem ents & Electives 8 17 17 Senior Year First Semester Cr Second Semeste r Cr Ed 41.1 2 Student Teaching 4 Requ :iremen t s & Electives ...................... 13 Ed 444 Teach er Relation ships 2 (Seminar) Requirements & Elect ives ____ 15 17 17



T-o provide th e preparation ne eded by <those who wish to serve as superintendents, principals and counselors in small school systems a major in administration and guidance is offered. In addition to completing the work required for the 4 year program in elementary or secondary education the student must follow a definite pattern of work chosen with the help of his co unselor.

Courses of Instruction

101. Human Growth and Development. Three semester ;hours. This course emphasizes principles of human growth and development with consideration given to the basi c philosophy underlying effective teaching in the elementary and secondary school. Three hours attimdance. First and second semester and summer.

102. Human Growth and Development. Three semester hours. This course is a continuation of Ed. 101 with added emphasis given to the education of exceptional children. Thr ee hours attendance Second semester and summer.

103. Kindergarten Education. Two semester hours. This course gives co nsideration to modern methods and -materials in the k ingergarten program Two hours attendance. <Second semester and summer.

118. Introduction to Education. Two s emester hours. This course helps to orient the student to college, provides him with an understanding of American education and its significance to our democracy and helps him determine his ,place in the educational program. Two hours attendance. First and second semester and summer.

119 Introduction to Eduruttion. Two semester ;hours. This course is a continuation of Ed . 118. Two hours attendance. Second semester and summer.

151.1 Rural School Methods. Three semester hours. This course emphasizes the methods of teaching and th e content of our school subjects. State courses of study for elementary schools serve as basic guides for the course Summer session only.

152. 1 Rural School Methods. Three semester hours. This course is a continuation of Ed. 151. Summer session only.

153,1 Rural School Management. Three semester hours. This course is designed to help the student with the problems of managing a rural school. Fee $2 .00. Post summer session only.

155.1 Rural School Methods and Management. Five semester hours . This course emphasizes the methods of teaching, the content of our school subjects, as well as the organization and management of a rural school. .State courses of study for elementary schools serve as basic guides for the course. Five hours attendance. First semester.

156.1 Rural School MethQds and Management. Five semester hours. This course is a co ntinuation of Ed . 155. One week of teaching in rural schools required .' Five hours attendance. Fee $2.00. Second semester..

1 Course 151, 152, and 153 are summer courses paralleling Ed. 155 and 156.



205-206.1 Elementary School Methods and Management. Ten semester hours. This course emphasizes the methods of teaching and the content of elementary school subjects. State courses of study for elementary schools , serve as basic guides for the cour-se . 'I\wenty hours class attendance, and five hours observation each week for nine weeks. Offered first, second and third nine weeks.

210. Student Teaching. Eight semester hours. This course includes a practical application of principles of learning in the classroom. Students will progressively be inducted into full teaching responsibility. All students are required to teach full time for nine weeks. Prerequisites: Ed. 101, 102, 118, 119, 205, 206. Application for student teaching .should be made six weeks prior to the opening of semester in which the student desires to teach. Each semester and summer.

303. Elementary School Curriculum. Three semester hours. This . course gives consideration to the elementary school curriculum and its place in meeting the needs of children. Actual ex1perience is given to students in planning units of instruction and in examining and evaluating various courses of study and textbooks. Three hours attend lj,nce. First semester and summer.

304. High School Methods and Management. Tllree semester. hours. This course is designed to meet the everyday problems confronting the secondary school teacher concerning such matters· as objectives, professional relationships , routine, individual differences, behavior problems, marking , reports, extra-curriculum duties. Three , hours attendance. Each semester and summer.

331. Educational Measurements. Three semester hours. This course includes a study of tests w t th much experience in c onstructing, administering, interpreting and making use of various types. Three hours attendance. First and - second semester and summer.

338. Guidance in the Secondary School. Three semester hours. Outlines a modern guidance program with emphasis upon teacher participation. Prerequisites: Ed. 101, 102, 331. Three hours attendance. Each semester and summer.

352. Secondary School Curriculum. Three semester hours This course gives consideration to the secondary school curriculum -and its place in meeting the needs of pupils Actual experience is given to students in planning units of instruction and in examining and _ evaluating various courses of study and textbooks. -Three hours attendance. Second semester and summer.

405-406. Elementary School Methods and Management. Ten semester hours. This course is required of students majoring in elementary education who have not . had Ed. 205-206. Emphasis is given to the methods of teaching and the content of elementary school subjects a s well as the management of the elementary school. Twenty hours class attendance and five hours obs ervatiorl each week Offered first, se 9ond and third nine weeks.

1 Courses 205 and 260 now take the place of Ed, 202 or 203, 204, 207 and 231.



410. Student Teaching. Eight semester hours. Required of all students majoring in elementary education who have riot had Ed. 210. Students will progress into full teaching responsibility as rapidly as possible Students are required to give full time for nine weeks to this course . Work for less credit is carried in the summer. Each semester and summer.

411. Student Teaching. -Four s emester hours. This course offers oppor:tunities for the student teacher to gain valuable experience in the application of sound educational theory by actually teaching students in the campus high school. Prerequisites: Ed 101, 102, 304, 331 and special methods in subject taught. Application for student teaching should be made to the Head of Education Division six weeks prior to the opening of semester in which student desires to teach . Five hours teaching plus five hours for necessary individual and group conferences. Each semester.

412. Student Teaching. Two or rfour semester hours. Elective for a limited number orf st,udents who will tell,ch in high school. Prerequisites: Ed. 101, 102, 304, 331, l 411. ( Five hours attendance for nine weeks or semester plus five hours for necessary individual and group conferences. Each semester.

444. Teacher Relationships, (Seminar), Two semester hours. This course is designed to give the teacher specific help in determining his relationships to his community, to students, to variqus members of his profession as well as to the prefession itself. Techniques which he may use to promote good relationships are to be studied. Two hours attenaance. Second semester.

Special Methods. In addition to the above courses, three hours of special methods are required for the degree in secondary education. Descriptions of these courses are found in the appropriate divisional programs .


208, 408. Workshop. One to six semester hours. An approach to the solution of educational problems through group discussion and individual study under the direction and supervision of a groui;i of staff members. Various combinations of class and laboratory work. Summer.

222, Improvement of Instruction in the Social Studies. Three semester hours. A study center course designed to help teachers improve their social studies teaching . An attempt is made to relate the course work to the actual teaching of those who take the course.

233. Improvement of Instruction in Reading. Three semester hours A study center course planned for improving the teaching of reading of teachers in the field. Course work is designed to relate to actual teaching of those taking, the course.

306. Audio-Visual Aids in the Elementary School. One semester hour An intensive course in the use, selection, preparation and pres entation of objective means of enriching learning experiences. This course is designed to include the use of such aids as motion 47



pictures and slides. Techniques needed to manipulate projectors are prerequisites of this course. Two hours attendance . First semester and summer.

307. Audio-Visual Aids in the Secondary School. One semester hour. An intensive course in the use, selection, preparation and presentation of objective means of enriching learning experiences. This course is designed to , include the use of such aids as motion pictures and slides. Techniques needed to manipulate projectors· are prerequisites of this course. Two hours attendance. First semester and summer.

312. Scout Mastership. Two semester hours. This course embraces three essential factors: the relation of the objective of the Boy Scout movement to the problem of adolescence, the techniques of Scouting, and educational principles governing the methods employed in developing the Scout program. National Boy Scout Certificate of Training is issued. Three hours lecture and two hikes required.

313. Organization and Administration of School Libraries. Three semester hours . Study of the principles and procedures involved in the organization and administration of elementary and secondary school libraries. Fundamental routines and practical methods will be stressed and practiced under supervision. Three hours attendance . First semester and summer. Ed. 313 and 315 are designed to meet requirements for those students wishing to prepare themselves for school libra'rians or tea:cher librarians with a minimum of six hours credit in library science.

315. Library Materials and their Use. Three semester hours Includes principles and practice in the evaluation ) selection and use of the various types of library materi a ls. Three hours attendance. Second semester and summer. •

328. Educational Sociology. Three semester hours. A study of the principles of sociology which form a baSJ.s for the understanding of education. Emphasis is placed upon the application . of these prin ciples to school problems. Correspondence.

332. Guidance in the Elementary School. Three semester ;hours o ·uqines a modern elementary school guidance program with emphasis upon teacher participation .Prerequisites: Ed 101, 102, 331. Three hours attendance . First semester 1952-53 and summer 1952.

336. School and Community Relations. Three semester hours. A study of the role of the community in promoting pupil growth. The relationship of the teacher, as well as the pupil to the local and the the larger community. Post summer session only.

405. School Administration. Three semester hours . The organization, administration and supervision of small schools. Prerequisites: Ed. 304, 331, 338 Three hours attendance. On demand.

421. Mental Health Hygiene in Education. Three semester hours. Home, school and community factors in the hygienic adjustment of individuals. Prerequisites: Ed. 101, 102, 331. Three hours attendance. On demand.

48 .J •


423. Adolescent Psychology Two semester hours. A study of adolescent nature in its relation to learning and education. Two hours a ttendance . On demand.

425. Principles of Secondary Education. Thr ee semester hours History principles and practices. Prerequisites: Ed. 101, 102, 118, 119, 304, 331, 338. Three hours attendance. On demand, and summer 1952. '

426. Principles of Elementary Education. Thr ee semester h o urs. History , principles and practices. Prerequisites: Ed . 101, 102, 118, 119 , 205, 206 , 331. Three hour s 'attendance. Summer 1952 .

427. History of Education. Thre e semester hours . A study of the origins of present e du cational practices with emphasis upon their relation to teaching problems. Corres pond e nce.

435. Statistics in Education. Three semester hours. Statistical methods in common use in education. Use o!f these methods in test construction and pupil classification. Prerequisites, at least twelve hours in education including Ed. 331. ,Sumn:ier session.

437. Techniques of Counseling. Two semester hours This course consists of an orientation to counseling techniques, and experience •in using these· techniques. Prerequisites: Ed 101, 102, 331, 332 or q38 On demand.

438. School Finance. Two semester hours Problems of school support and. business management . T •wo hours attendance. On demand

439. Administration o-f a Guidance Program. Two semester hours. This co urse includes th e setting up of a guidance program and the selecting and directing of the guidance personnel. Prerequisites: Ed. 331 or 338. Two hours attendance. On demand.

440. Occupational Information and Guidance. Two semester hours . ,Sources of oc c up at ional inform at ion and te c hniques employed in vocational guidance. Prerequisites: Ed. 331 · or 338. Two hours attendance. On demand.


Mr. Benford


Miss Diddel



Mr. Manring

The courses in ar t are pl a nned to give some knowledg e of methods of teaching ar t, to dev~lop some skill in graphic expression, and to cultivate an appreciation of the arts.

For the Major A .B. in El!! . Degree, the four hours of student teaching, Ed : 411, must be in art classes. Prerequisites to this teaching are : Art 101, 103, and 305.

For each course, students are required to secure needed suppli e s at a cost of $1.50 to $5.00. Each student is responsible for the care of his suppli es a nd his art work

Courses of lnstruct.ioil

101. Freehand Drawing. Thr ee semester hours. Landscape, still life, figure composition, freehand perspective using pencil, charcoal, crayon or ink. Three hours attendance Each semester and summ e r.

102. Lettering. Three semester hours . Single stroke, Roman and manus c ript alphabets, poster design and ·co lor study. May be substituted for 103 for on e-year or two-year diploma, or be use d to fill art requirement for degree for seco ndary teachers. Three hours attendance. First se mester and summer.

103. General Public School Art.. Three semester hours. For teachers of the first eight grades. Review of drawing, painting, design, co lor, poster, l e ttering, cut paper and such crafts as can be used in elementary schools. Three · hours attendance. Each semester and summer.

Rcuuiren1ents Major A.B. in Ed. Degree Art 101 F'reehand Drawing _______ _ 102, Lettering ____ ---·· _ ·---------103 Gen Public School .Art ___ _ 202 Water Color Painting _______ _ 203 Design 204 Crafts -305 Methods and Supervision 306 Appreciation ____________________ _ 307 Art History ·--·-----·--- --_ __ 311 Advance Dr aw an d Paint Elective _____ _ __ : _______________ _ I.A 208 Mechanical Dr a wing __ _ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 28 Minor Major A.B. Degree 3 15 hour s planned with head of departm en t 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 28


202. Water Color Painting. Three semester hours A continuation of 101 with compositions in color, using opaque and transparent water co lor . Prerequi'site: Art 101 or its equivalent. Three hours attendance. Second semester.

203. Design. Three semester hours . .Study of the elem ents and principles of design and color. Practice in making original designs suited for various crafts processes which may include textile, leather, clay, wood, and m e tal. M ay •be used to fill the art requirement for d egrees for secondary teachers. Three hours attendance. First semester. Summer on demand.

204. Crafts. Three semester hours. Basketry , bookbinding, clay work, and such crafts as can be easily used in public schools. Three hours attendance . Second semester . Summer on demand.

221. Prints and Etchings. One sem ester hour. History of development of the graphic arts of block print, etching, lithograph with study of the technique of each process. Lectures and reading will be followed by making pictorial linoleum or wood block prints. One hour attendance. On demand.

300. Pottery. Three semester hours. Coil, slab and cast methods of making, incised, slip painted decoration, bisque and glaze firing are studied and each student required to make six pieces of pottery. Three hours attendance. On demand.

305. Methods and Supervision. Three semester hours . Study of relation of art educatio n to other school su bjects , methods· for teaching drawing and •crafts in grades, planning art le;,sons and work for the year. Prerequisite: Art 101 and 103. Three hours attendance. First semester . .Summe1'. on demand.

306. Appreciation. Two semester hours. Planned to give some standards of measurements for art. Study of art principles in connection with crafts, painting, sculpture and architecture. Three hours attendance. Each semester and summer.

307. Art History. Thr ee semester hours. Survey of important periods of art history with relation to art of the . present time. May be substituted for 306 for a degree. Three hours attendance. Second semester

310. C.:ay Modeling. Three se mester hours. Clay models, molds and cas ts such as can be made in public schools are constructed. Three hours attendanc e. Second semester on demand.

311. Advanced Drawing and Painting. Three semester hours. Prerequ i site: Art 101 and 202 . It is desirable to have had Art 203. Three hours attendance. First semester Summer on demand :

312. Oil Pointing. Three semester hours. Prerequisite: Art 202. Still life, figure and l andscape composi tions. Three . hours attendance. On demand.

421. Prints and Etchings. One semester hour Similar to course 221 with the addition of more difficult project:;;. On demand.

'1 ::: C




Note: All music majors and minors are required to be enrolled in one or more of the e nsembl e groups each seme s ter he is registered

The requirements for a minor in Public School Music are 22 hours .

Each candidate for the B. F A. in Education Degree in Public School Music, the A.B. in Education Degree in Elementary Education and Music, and th e A .B. in Edu ca tion Degree in Public School Musi c is required to , perform publicly in. his senior year, either in the capacity of a cond u ctor or in a recital, to the satisfaction of the m u sic facu l ty.

Courses of Instruction Ensemble

18. P iano Ensemble. One semester hour. Three hours attendanc e . Each semester.

19. Chorus. One semester hour. Three hours attendance Each semester.

20 . Orchestra. One semester hour. Three hours attendance. Each semester.

21. Band. · One semester hour . Three hours attendance . Each semester.

Music B.F.A. in Ed. Degree Public Schoo l Music 101 Harmony 3 102 Harmony 3 203 Harmony 3 204 H armo ny 101A Ear Training 1 102A Ear Training 1 203A Ear Training 1 204A Ear T rain ing 1 305 Form and Analy s is ··-········ 3 306 Counterpoint 3 107 Composition 2 108 Orchestration ···--·-·---- 2 405 Hi st a nd Apprec ----·-·----·- 3 406 Hi st. and Apprec- -·---·- 3 201 E l em. Mus. Methods 3 202 Jr_ H_ C Mus Meth ··- 2 403 H. S. Choral Cond. 2 303 In st. Meth. and Cond. ---·-- 3 304 Inst. Meth. and Cond. 3 311 Appreciation -·· --··---·--· Applied Mu~ic _____ -· ----·-·· 16 En s emble: (See no te below) \ Pi ano, Chorus, ' · Or c hestra,1Band To ta l Hours ··--··- ---·----··· 61 A B. in Ed. Degree Elem E d, and Mus ic 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 16 43 A.B. i n Ed. Degree Public School Music 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 8 43
52 .. • • •


110. Fundamentals of Music. Three semester hours. This course includes learning to read music rhythmically, melodi~ally and harmonically. It is intended as a prerequisite to Elementary School Methods It also fulfills the requirement in music for rural and one year certification. E!!ich semester -and summer.

101. Harmony. Three semester hours. This course includes the building of chords and the harmonizing of melodies up to the erection of 6-4 chords. Practical analysis of familiar songs teaches the stud ent the use of the material through the handling of it, ,with a minimum of emphasis on the complicated rules that have grown around the usual conventional harmony Prerequisite: ability to play simple hymns. Thre e hours attendance. First s em e st e r and summer.

101A. Ear Training. One semester hour. It supplements course 101, placing emphasis on the listening side. The student gains recognition of the types of scales, intervals and forms of chord erection. Sight singing and rhythmic dictation are also included. One hour attendance. First semester and summer.

102. Harmony. Three semester hours. A continuation of course 101. It also introduces the use and construction of chords of the seventh, altered and mixed chords. Originality in melody writing is also stressed. Prerequisite, 101. Three hours attendance. Second semester and summer

102A. Ear Training. One semester hour. Continuerl recognition of scales, triads, and sight singing Some keyboard harmony is also introduced. Prerequisite, 101A . One hour attendance. Second semester and summer.

203. Harmony. Three semester hours. Continued use of previous chords. Modulations and irregular progressions are studied. !further writing of melodies to continue the development of originality, analyzing of more complicated songs, develops facility in using the unusual chord progre s sions. Prerequisite, 202 Three hours attendance. First semest e r and summer

203A Ear Training. One semester hour. A continuation of 102A. Dictation of two part harmonies and recognition of chord progressions stressed Prerequisite, 102A. One hour attendance. First semester and summer.

204. Harmony. Three semester hours. A continuation ·of 203. It also includes elementary composition and the arranging of four to eight part harmony for voices. Prerequisite, 203. Three hours attendance Second semester and summer.

204A. Ear Training. One semester hour. A continuation of 203A. Also includes dictation of three and four voiced harmonies and the recognition of more complicated chord progressions. Prerequisite , 203A. One hour attendance. Second semester and summer.

305. Form and Analysis. Three semester hours An analytical study of the different styles of music and the manner of their construction in relation to music composition. Three hours attendance. First semester.

1:1 '.'l a


306. Counterpoint. Three semester hours. A study of the forms of contrapuntal writing in two, three and four voices. Writing of the "invention" in the free style will be included Prerequisite, 101, 102, 203, and 304, Three hours attendance. Second semester

407. Composition. Two semester hours. It is the purpose of this course to create a better understanding of the background of music by writing for the different forms, both vocal and instrumental. It is a lso an opportunity for students to do some original compositions. Prerequisite, two years of harmony. Two hours attendance. First semester

408. Orchestration. Two semester hours. It is the aim of this course to develop the technique of writing for the different families of instruments by making arrangements for band and orchestra . Also the arranging of vocal accompaniments. Two hours attendance. Second semester.


201. Elementary Music Methods. Three semester hours A course of specific procedures involved in the teaching of music in grades 1-6, based upon a five fold program of singing, rhythm, intsrumental, creative activity and listening, with special emphasis upon promotion of music reading readiness and music reading. It is also a survey of the best and most recent materials available 'in the e l ementary music field. Three ,hours attendance. First semester and summer.

202. Jrmior High Music Methods. Two semester hours. A course designed for the particular training of the adolescent child ,and the chang in g voice. Elementary conducting : Prerequisite, Methods 201. Two hours attendance. Second semester and summer.

405. High School Choral Conducting and Methods. Two semester hours. Methods, materials and cond u cting of high school choral .groups. Prerequisite, two years· theory and courses 201 and 202. Attendance two hours plus c ur rent registration in the college chorus. First semester and summer ;

303. Instrumental Methods and Conducting. Three semester ,hours. The study of the stringed instruments, including the violin , viola, cello, and •bass viol. Methods and performance T,hree hours attendance . First semester 1952-53, each alternate year and summer.

304. Instrumental Methods and Conducting. Three semester hours. The study of wood wind, •brass and percussion instruments. Methods and performance, as well as knowledge of the care a nd repair of instruments. Three hours attendance . Second semester 1952-53, each a lt ernate year and summer.


311. Music Appreciation. Two semester hours. Various forms and styles of music, ranging from folk song to symphony, ana lyz ed and discussed through the use of records. Two hours attendance Each semester and summer.

54 .. •


405. History and Appreciation of Music. Three semester hours. The study of the deve l opment of music through the various epochs to the time of Bach and H andel. Th ree hours attendance. First semester, 1953-54 and eac h a l ternate year.

406. History and Appreciation of Music.. Three semester hours

A contin u ation of 405 from Bach and H andel to the present time, with special emphasis to C l assicism, Romanticism, a nd Impressionism. Prerequisite; course 405. Thr ee h ours attendance. Second semester, 1953-54 and · each alternate year.

Applied Music

One h our credit will be given each semester for one one-hal f hour l esson and thre e hours practice per week.

Two hours credit will be given each semester for two one -h alf hour l essons and six hours practice per week.

121-122 Fr es hman year 1 hr. credit 123-124 Freshman year 2 hrs. credit 221-222 Sophomore year 1 hr. credit 22.3 -22 4 Sophomore year ..... ... .. . ...... 2 hrs . · credit 321-322 Junior year 1 hr credit 323 -324 Junior year 2 hrs. credit 421 -422 ·Senior year .... . ...... . _. ........ .1 hr. credit 423-424 Senior year 2 hrs. credit THE COLLEGE CHOIR 55




For major or minor in B.S. in Education Degree, student must have participated in each of the three major sports-football, basketball, and track-for one season.


1. Football and Basketball. One semester hour. This requirement may be satisfied by regular -participation or by observing, charting, and taking notes on daily practices and games. Three hours attendance First semester.

2. Basketball ancl Track. One semester hour. This requirement may be satisfied by regular participation or by observing, char,ting, and by officiating in the high school and college track meets. Three hours attendance. Second semester.

3. Clog ancl Tap Dancing. (See H and P.E. for Women 3).

5. Tennis. One semester hour. Six hours attendance. Second semester and summer.

7. Golf. One semester hour. Fundamentals of grip, stance, and swing. Factors in putting. Each student to furnish own equipment. Open to men and women. Five hours attendance. Summer.

9. Swimming. One semester hour. Aquatic games, life saving, diving, crawl stroke, >back stroke, side stroke, and the methods of teaching swimming. Not more than one hour of swimming will be accepted toward diploma or degree. Three hours attendance. First semester and summer.

G. Wheeler, Head of Division Miss Davidson Mr. Gilbert Mr. Kyle Mrs. Mathews
Requirements B.S. in Ed. Degree Major Minor 5 Tennis -----------··-·········----9 Swimming --- 1 101 Natural Progr a m _______________ 1 102 Natural Program _____________ 1 203 Tumbling ____ - - 1 205 Health Education ________________ 3 207a Coaching Football - 2 207b Coaching Basketball 2 207c Coaching Track -------,-- 2 214 Prevention and Treatment of Injuries ____ 2 207d Coaching Bas eball ---301 Principles of Phy s ical Education __ ___________ 3 302 Materials and Methods of Physical Education_________ 3 309 Organization and Administration of Physi c al Education __________ 2 312 Kinesiology and Anatomy - - 3 Total - - - 26 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 21 A.B. Degree Minor 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 16
56 / \r • .. •


101. Natural Program. One semester hour. Activities course. Volley ball, handball, speed ball, soccer, boxing, wrestling, tumbling, and playground ball Course includes activities which can ,be used in the elementary and secondary schools. Three hours attendance. First semester.

102. Natural Program. One semester hour . Continuation of course 101. Three hours attendance. Second semester.

203. Tumbling and Stunts. One semester hour. Tumbling stunts and some apparatus work in line with al;>ility of the class. Advanced work will be given according to the ability of the class. Three hours attendance. First semester.

205. Health Education. Three ' semester hours. Aims to prepare prospective teachers to contribute to the development of health education and health service programs in schools and communities. Includes a study of the function and care of the human .body in health and disease, and the harmful effects of stimulants and narcotics. Acquaints the student with instructional materials - and equipment and with available local, state, and national resour ces· for health education. Three hours attendance. Each semester and summer.

207 . a-b-c-d. Coaching Athletics. Two semester hours ( each quarter). Theory of (a) football, (b) basketball, (c) track and minor sports, ( d) baseball. Four hours attendance each quarter. First, second, and fourth quarters.

214. Prevention and Tr.eatment of Injuri~s. Tw-o semester hours. (Primarily for men.) Nature and causes of injuries incident to the physical activities of children and athletes. Infections - their care and prevention; first-aid treatment for hemorrhages, bruises, strains , sprains, dislocations , fractures ; use of protective equipment. Four hours attendance Third quarter.

301. Principles of Physical Education. Three semester hpurs. Scope of the fi e ld of physical education and its r elation to modern educational theory; history, principles of physical education furnished by the basic s'Ciences and philosophies of physical education. Study of the principles which should govern the instructional, interscholastic, intramural, playday, and corrective programs. Three hours attendance. First semester.

302. Materia~s and ~thods r..t Physical Education. Thr:ee semester hours. Selection, teaching and supervision of physical and health education activities as they apply to public scho.ol situations. Three hours attendance. Second semester and summer.

309. Organization and Aclministration of Heaith and Physical Education. Two semester hours. Educational and legal aspects; construction and maintenance of the physical plant; purchase and care of equipment; budget and finance; physical education; intra. mural and inter-collegiate programs; health supervision and health instruction. Two hours attendance. First semester.

312. Kinesiology and Anatomy. Three semester hours Study of bones, body mov ements, muscle action and joint mechanics in relation to physical education activities; common postural defects and joint injuries. Three hours attendance Second semester.



315. Community Recreation. Three semester hours. The theory and significance of recreation. Int erpre tation of functions, objectives, program content, methods of operation, and relationship to community recreation. a'hree hours a tt endance. First and second semesters a nd summer.


Ea ch student must furnish her own gymnasium costume consisting of either a one -piece suit or two-piece suit and gymnasium shoes. Regulation swimming suits are required and may be purchased at the office of the director of physical education for women. Th e student furnishe s her own swimming cap.

Courses of Instruction

3. Clog and Tap Dancing. One semester hour. Basic clog and tap steps. Clog dances and tap routines . Open to men and women. Thr ee hours attendance. Each semester.

4. Folk Dancing. One seme s ter hour. Open to men and women. Simple folk dances suitable for children; athletic dances; national dances; square dances. Three hours attendance Not offered in 1952-53 .

6. Round and Square Dancing. One semester Open to men and women. Mixers, circl'e dances, two-steps, polkas, schottisches, waltzes, quadrilles. Three hours attendance. Second semester.

8. Beginning Swimming. One semester hour. Open to women who cannot swim. Overcoming fear of water; standard strokes; plain qiving. Three hours attendance. Each semester.

9. Advanced Swimming. One semester hour. Open to women who know how to swim . Perfe ctio n of strokes; diving; life-saving. Red Cross Senior Life-saving Certificates to those who · successfully pass th e test. Three hours attendanc e. Each semester.

10. Tennis. One semester hour. Open to men and women. Technique and form of strokes; fundamentals of singles and doubles. Each student furnishes racket and balls. Six hours attendance. First quarter , fourth quarter, and summer.

11. Sports. One semester hour . Open to women . Volley ball; basketball; badminton; paddle tennis. Three hours attendance. First semester

Requirements B.S Deg1·ee Major 3 Clog and Tap D anc ing ____________________ ,, __________ ..............____........ 1 4 Folk Dancing or i i~~dS !1~1%!n~~~-c i''.!__~---------:~:-~_-_-_:::~-::_-_ ::-_-_:_:_-_----~_:::_-_-_::--_-~---_-::_-_-_:-_-_:: } 9 Adv anced Swimming ................................ ................................ ____ .... 1 10 Tennis ________ ________ _______ ___ ______ ________ 1 11 Sports ____ ..______ .. ___ ....______ ...... .. -·-----.......................................... 1 12 Sports .... .... _.... _.................................................. ..............._.. _.......... 1 101 General Gymnastics - -_ 1 204 Playground Supervision ............................................ ______ 2 205 Health Educ ation - -...... 3 301 Principle s of Phy s ical Education_ 3 302 Materials and Method s of Physical Education _.. 3 309 Organiz a tion and Administration of Ph ys ic al Educa tion 2 312 Kinesiology and Applied Anatomy _ 3 Total __ ,, _____ ,,_ _ 24 in Ed. Minor 15 hours approved by dir ecto r
58 • , •


12. Sports. One semester hour. Ope;n to women. Volley ball; paddle tennis; ring tennis; aerial dart; shuffleboard; badminton. Three hours attendance . Second semester.

101. General Gymnastics. One s emester hour. Open to women. Calisthenics; posture correction; apparatus; pyramid building; tumbling; games; stunts; relays; rhythm work. Three hours attendance. First semester.

20431. Playgrolllld Supervision. One semester hour. Open to men l!,nd women. Games, stunts, rhythms and folk dances for grades 1 to 4. Methods of presenting material. Notebook req!Uired. Three hours attendance. First semester ·

204b. Playground Supervision. One semester hour. Open to men and women. Games, stunts, rhythms, folk dances for gr,ades 5 to 8. Methods of presenting material. Notebook required. Three hours attendance. Second semester.

205. Health Education. (See H. and P. E . for men 205 . )

301. Principles of Physical Education. (See course description under Physical Education for Men.)

302. Materials and Methods in Physical Education. (See course description under Physical Education for Men.)

309. Organization and Administration of Health and Physical Education. (See course description under Physical Education for Men . )

312. Kinesiology- and Applied Anatomy. (See course description under Physical Education for Men.)


Mr. Levitt

Mr. Rath


Mr. Wilkinson

Th e Division of _ Language Arts includes English Language and , Literature, Journalism, Speech Education, and Modern Lan guages.



Th e program in English Language and Literature has five major objectives, as follows:

(1) To teach students to u se the E:µglish Language as an effective means of oral and written communication; (2) to assist in cultivating the desire to read literature with understanding and appreciation; (3) to familiarize students with many of the great book s that constitute the lit era ry heritage of mankind; ( 4) to discover and foster the development of individual literary skills and tal ents; (5) to provide special direction and instruction for students who are planning to earn a living by .following occupations in which literary knowledge and skill will be especially helpful.


All students are r equired at the time of entrance to take a general proficiency examination in English. Those who pass the test successfully will enroll in English 101A (three hours attendance, three h o urs credit) . Those who are unable to pass the test will enroll in English 101B (five hours attendance, four hours credit). All degree candidates must complete English 101, English 102, Speech 152, and English 204. Students who major in kindergarten·primary education or intermediate education will substitute English 103 for English 204. ·

It is advisable for students who minor or major in English to supplement the required courses with work in dramatics and debate.

Eng. 101 Engli s h Composition 102 Engli s h Composition 152 Fundamentals of Speech 204 Introduction to Literature 215 The English Language 303 Survey of English Lit e rature 3J4 Survey of Engli s h Liter ature .. 324 Survey of American Li terature 405 Teach of Eng in High School 234 Beginning Journalism ) 302 Techniques of Composition ) Major · AB in Ed. 3 or 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 254 Public Speaking ) one 3 357 Interpre tative Reading ) 320 Modern Poetry ) 403 The Modern Novel .................. ) 440 Modern Drama ······----> one 3 417 Shakespeare .... _____ ) 441 Literary Criticism ) 300 or 400 Elective 32 or 33 ) ) Major AB Degree ) ) 3 or 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 ) one 3 ) ) Oile 3 ) ) 3 32 or 33 Minor 3 or 4 3 3 3 one 3 3 18 or 19
60 • •


Courses of Instruction

101A. English Composition. Three semester hours. A study of the principles of clear and effective expression as applied to the sentence, and paragraph, and the whole composition. Constant drills in punctuation, correct usage , and effective expression . Training in the organization, and writing of short and long papers. Required course for all freshmen who make a satisfactory grade when the general proficiency examination is given. (Note: An exception may be made for those students who rank above the 95th percentile in the tests. Such students· may be excused from this course by permission of -the head of the language arts division . ) Three hours attendance. First semester and summer.

101B. English Composition. Four semester hours. The same as 101A, except that the course is designed for freshmen who were unable to make a satisfactory showing in the general proficiency examination . Special instruction is given in the fundamental skills of spoken and written English, including a study of basic grammar, sentence elements, punctuation, and spelling. Required course for all freshmen deficient in the basic skills of English. Five hours attendance. First semester and summer.

102. English Composition. Three semester hours . A continuation of 101A Practice in the use of the forms of discourse, with special emphasis on exposition and n a rration. Specific exercises in vocabulary building, punctuation and mechanics, and in rhetorical principles. Required course for a ll freshmen Three hours attendance. Second semester and summer.

103. Children's Literat1ue. Two semester hours A survey of American Literature for children with its background from other countries. Practice will also be given in both telling and writing children's stories. Planned especially for teachers who will enter the elementary field. Two hours attendance. First semester and summer .

204. Introduction to Literature. Three semest er hours. The appreciative study of literature in its various forms· with reading and class discussion of modern specimens of poetry, drama, ahd prose . This course se eks to induce a pleasure in good literature and to develop discrimin a tion and critical judgment. The relationship of literature to life and to the oth e r a r ts is studied and an interest in ideas encouraged Three hours attendance. Each semester and summer.

206. Great Books. Three semester hours. A study of a selected group of outstanding works from various countries and periods, calculated -to represent the cumulative heritage of man. Three hours attendance. On demand.

215. The English Language. Two semester hours . A study of the tendencies of the English language in the light of historical changes, designed to promote tolerance and understanding in prospective teachers Two hours attendance. First semester and summer.

.. C


234. Beginning Journa,ism. Three semester hours. A practical course in the writing anq editing of news copy, covering minimum essentials. Members of the class do the reporting for the college newspaper, The Pedagogian. A basic course for those interested in Journalism as a vocation. Required for English majors. Open to those of Sophomore standing or above. Three hours attendance . Each semester and summer.

435. Advanced Journalism. Three semester ;hours. Prerequisite: English 234. Continuation of practical experience in writing and editing news copy . Special emphasis on techniques in sponsorship of high school publications and school news· publicity releases. Major positions on staff of college newspaper, The Pedagogian, filled from membership in this class . Two hours attendance, two hours laboratory. Second semester. ·

235. Newspaper Editing. Credit not to exceed two hours in any semester or four hours in the aggregate may be allowed to appointed editor or editors -of the college newspaper, The Pedagogian.

337. Yearbook Editing and Managing. Credit not to exceed two hours in any one semester or four hours in the aggregate may be allo,wed to appointed editors and business managers of the college yearbook, The Peruvian.

(Note: In the event a student receives credit for the editorship of The Pedagogian and for the editorship or business managership of The Pen1vian, only a total of six hours in any combination will be allowed.)

302. T echniques of Composition. Three semester hours A writing course primarily for English majors and minors but open to all students who may wish to improv e their abilties to express• themselves in writing. Provides practice in writing magazine artides, research papers, letters of application, creative writing in the areas of the informal essay, short story, and critical analysis. Special attention to the development of effective means of communication and expression. Three hours attendance. Second semester.

303. Survey of English Literature. 'rhree· semester hours. Selections from significant works of the outstanding English writers from the Old English Period to the Romantic Period with emphasis on the humanistic and social values . Three hours attendance. First semester and summer of 1953.

304. Survey of English Literaturn. Thre e semester hours. A continuation of course 303, from the Romantic Period to the present time. Three hours attendanc e. Second semester and summer 1952.

320. Modern Poetry. Two semester hours. A study of the movements in British and American poetry of this ceptury and their relevance to contemporary life. Two hours attendance. First semester 1952-53 and summer 1952.

324. Survey of American Literature. Three semester hours. A study of the lives and significant works of the outstanding American writers from the Colonial period to the present. Three hours attendance. First semester and summer 1953.

62 ·• •


335. Advanced Children's Literature. Two semester hours . Prerequisite: Children's Liter a ture 103 Presentation of modern scientific studies of stories and books· for ,children. Detailed study of Newberry prize books· and those selected by Juniors Literary Guild. Special attention to the writing of children's stories. Two hours attendance. Second semester and summer of 1953.

403. ·'.['he, Modern Novel. Three semester hours. Readings from the principal British and American novelists of the 19th and 20th centuries with a view toward increasing understanding of human yalues. Three hours attendance. Second semester 1952-53.

405. The Teaching of English in the High School. Three semester hours Prerequisite: English 303 or 304. Philosophy and methods of the secondary school. The problem of literature and language instruction. Review of recent public a tions on the teaiching of English Examination of study courses, textbooks and tests. Observation of teaching in the Training School. Three hours attendance. Second semester and summer.

417. Shakespeare. Three semester hours. An interpretation of the plays by oral and silent reading with respect to the Elizabethan stage and ~language. Three hours attendance. Second semester 1953-54 and summer 1953.

440. The Modern Drama. Three semester hours. Interpretation of plays by continental, British and American dramatists as "something that happens on a stage." -Three hours attendance. First semester 1953-54.

441. Literary Criticism. Three semester hours. Principles and methods used i:n evaluating literary works from the ancient Greeks to the present. Three hour11 attendance. Second semester 1952-53.

152. Fundamentals of Speech. Three semester hours. The principles of speech. Development of bodily freedom, distinct utterance, and improved oral communication. Includes fundamental processes of speech correction and development with emphasis on the development of excellent speech habits and the diagnosis and treatment of 63

SPEECH EDUCATION Requirements AB in Ed. Major Eng 152 Fund amenta ls of Speech - - - - 3 254 Public Speaking ______ ,, ______ _____ ___________________ _ 3 255 Elementary Dramatics _______ __ _ 3 1 258 Debate ____ ____ ____ __ __ _________________________ _ 353 Speech Correction and Development ____________ __ 3 3 355 Pl ay Production ______ ___________________________________ ______ _ 3 i57 Int er preta tive Reading ___________________________ .. __________ _ 2 6 hours elective in Speech 6 26 <;ubstitutions may be made by permission of the division head, Courses of Instruction Minor 3 3 3 3 3 2 17


elementary speech defects Required course for all freshmen. Three hours attendance. Each semester and summer.

254 Public Spealdng. Three semester hours. Trai:ning in effective methods of adapting composition and delivery to various types of audiences. A study is made of the forms of address, impelling motives, speech ends, speech organization, composition and delivery. Practice is giv e n in gathering, choosing, working and mastering spe e ch materials Direct and purposeful conversational delivery for the purpose of communication is stressed. Three hours attendance. Each semester and summer 1952.

255. Elementary Dramatics. Three semester hours. A study and application of the principles of dramatic interpretation with particular emphasis on personality development; the development of creative imagination; analyzing and playing a part ; an intensive training in pantomime, posture, movement , stage business, body control, vocal control, dialogue and characterization. Three hours attendance. First semester .

258. Debate. Three semester hours. Basic theory and practice of argumentation; the conventions of debate, parliamentary procedure, the analysis of questions. Prerequisite for participation in intercoll egiate debate. Three hours attendance. First semester.

353. Speech Correction and Development. Three semester hours . The physiology of the v ocal mechanism; the psychological factors involved i:n oral communication; the genetic basis of speech; the development of excellent speech habits in the individual; diagnosis and treatment of speech defects. Three hours attendance First and second semester 1952-53. Second semester each following year. Summer 1953.

355. Play Production. Three semester hours. A , course for the director of dramatics in schools and communities . It answers the fundamental questions pertaining to play selection, casting, directing·, steps in rehearsal, scenery, lighting, costume , make-up and busin e ss organization. Three hours attendance. Second semester and summer 1952.

357. Interpretative Reading. Two semester hours. A study of the harmony of thought and mood as expressed through the medium of the speaking voi c e. An analysis of the process and technique of expression; emphasis is placed on the finding and projecting of the thought and emotional content on the printed page. Selections from literature are studied and presented in class. Two hours attendance. First semester.

359. Advanced Debate. Three semester hours. 1 Advanced forensic theory and practice; psychology of persuasion, rhetoric of argumentation, the construction of ,briefs, analysis of evidence, judging debate. Prerequisite for participation in intercollegiate debate. Three ,hours attendance . Second semester.

360. Play directing. Three semester hours. A study and application of the theories of play direction. Three hours attendance. Second semester 1953-54.

64 ..


365. Radio Speaking and Acting. Three semester hours. A study of the processes of speaking and acting over the radio. Three -hours attendance. First semester 1952-53.

415. Speech Composition. Three semester hours. The speech purpose-; the divisions of the speech; the vocal use of words; the forms of address. Three hours attendance. Second semester 1954-55.

425. Playwriting. Two semester hours. A study of the play from the viewpoint of the playwright. The writing of short plays for production. Two hours attendance. First semester 1954-55.


Although foreign language is not prescribed as a requirement in the earning .of a degree in education, students who are anticipatingadvanced professional and graduate study should consider their own needs. Law, medicine, engineering, etc., require foreign languages and most graduate schools require one or more languages for graduation. Students are encouraged to take these courses as undergraduates. Students preparing to work in some other country should take the language of that country . Through the reading of choice literary works in their original language a greater interest in the people who use these languages is stimulated and better understanding is created. The existence of the United Nations makes this last point a necessary consideration


Major- A.B. in Ed. or A.B. Degree. Twenty-four hours in one language.

Minor- Sixteen hours in one language .


101. Elementary F'rench. Five semester hours. Beginners' course. It compris es the fundamental phrases in the study of the French language as: grammatical form, pronunciation, vocabulary. Work is done -in reading, translation and conversation. First semester and summer 1953.

102. Elementary French. Five semester hours. This is a continuation of course 101. Here ,also stress is laid on grammar, syntax, oral drill, and conversation. Easy reading in modern French is given. Second semester and summer 1952.

201. French' Reading and Composition. Three semester hours. The purpose of this course is to give the students a fair reading knowledge of Fr,ench. Grammar and syntax are ;,tudied on a wider basis. Stress is put on free composition, oral retelling and reading passages, and ,conversation Material for reading is chosen so as to give the students the best things they can read with enjoyment. First semester 1952-53 and summer 1953.

202. French Reading and C-0mposition. Three semester hours. This course is a continuation. of course 201. It stresses discussion in French of the passages read, conversation and the ability to write

65 ,,


little essays in French freely. Se c ond semester 1952-53 and summer 1953.

301. Third Year French. Three semester hours. The classical period of the French literature . It comprises chiefly the seventeenth century. Readings from Moliere, Corneille, Racine , Descartes , Lafayette, and other represen.tativ e authors of this epoch of French literature are given. Discussion of these authors, class papers. Prerequisite: Two years of college French or equivalent. First semester. On demand

302. Third Year French, second semester. Three semester hours. Continuation of course 301. The French novel of the nineteenth century. Analysis of outstanding authors of French prose of the 19th century. Readings of Vict or Hugo, Balzac, Flaubert, Daudet, Maupassant. Introduction into French Romanticism, Realism, and Naturalism . Outstanding readings, discussions. Given on demand.

401. Fourth Year of French, first semester. T,wo semester hours. Survey of French lyrical poetry . Le c tures with outside readings of outstanding re,presentatives of French lyrics such as: Lemartine, Victor Hugo , Alfred de Mussel, Alfred de Vigny, Leconte de Lisle, Baudelaire and others. Outside readings, discussions, papers Given on demand.

402. Fourth Year French, second semester. Two semester hours. Survey of the French drama -of the 19th and 20th century. Outside reading, class paper. Given on demand.

403. Scientific French. Two semester hours. Readings from selected texts in chemistry, biology, botany and other sciences. Analization of words and comparison with English equivalents. Prerequisite: Two years of college French. Given on demand.


101. Elementary German. F-ive semester hours. Beginners course. Stress is placed on the fundamentals in grammar. Stud en ts are taught a proper pronunciation and must acquire a basic vocabulary. Emphasis is further placed on translation, oral drill and conversation. First semester 1952-53 and summer 1952.

102. Eiementary German. Five semester hours . This course is a continuation of course 101. It broadens the knowledge of grammar and syntax, adds more easy reading and continues with conversation .. Second semester and summer.

201. German Reading and Composition. Three semester hours. Prerequisite of thi~ course is one year of college German or two y ears of high school German . Its purpose is to give to the students a fair reading and writing knowledge It stresses free composition and conversation. Material is chosen fr,om the German literature of the last half of the nineteenth and first quarter of the twentieth century. First semester 1953-54 a nd summer 1952.

202. German Reading and Composition. Three semester hours. This is a continuation of course 201. Reading of German authors is 66


continued. Grammar and syntax are deepen ed an<l concluded : Second semester and summer 1953.

301. Third Year German. T):lree semester hours. ' Classical period. Prerequisite: Two years of college German or the equivalent . The course comprises the essentials of the classical per.iod of German literature and includes the study of Lessing, Schiller and Goethe First semester. Given on demand .

302. Third Year Gel'man. Three semester hours. The German novel of the nineteenth century. This is a continuation of course 301. It introduces the students into the novel of German Romanticism and Realism. Selections from Auerbach ; Freytag, Raabe, Keller, Storm, C . F. Meyer and Scheffel are read and discussed. Second semester. On demand.

401. Fourth Year German. Two semester hours. Survey of German lyrical poetry. Lectures on German lyrics, beginning with folklore till the first part of the twentieth century. Movements in German lyrics are studied and discussed in their different phases. Outside reading . First semester. Given on demand.

402. Fourth Year German. Two semester hours. Survey of German drama. Especially the drama of the nineteenth century is studied in its Romantic, Realistic and Naturalistic aspects Outside readings. Papers, class discussion. Second semester. Given on demand.

403. Scientific German. Two semester hours. Reading of texts in the field of sciences such as: chemistry, physics and biology. Study of origin of words and comparison with corresponding English expressions. Prerequisite: two years of college German or equivalent. Given on demand.


One year of Russian, comprising 8 semester hours, is given . The course is extended over a period of two years. Given on demand.

101a. Elementary Russian. Three or five semester hours Beginners' course : Fundamentals of g.rammar, pronunciation. Reading, translation, conversation.

101b. Elementary Russian. Two semester hours A continuation of the first section of the course

102a. Elementary Russian. Two semester hours. Courses 101a and 101-b continued. Grammar essentials, translations, conversation . Reading of novels of Lermontow and Pushkin.

102b. Elementary-Russian. Two semester hours Seco rt d section of course 102a. Heavy readings, conversations :md pronunciation .




101. Elementary Spanish. Five semester hours. Beginners' course. Fundamentals of grammar and pronunciation are studied. Ground work for th e acquisition of a vocabulary is laid. Reading, translation, oral drill and conversation for beginners. First semester 1952-53 and summer 1953 .

102, Elementary Spanish. Five semester hours This is a continuation of course 101. It widens th e grammar, improves pronunciation , aids readings and conversation. Second semester and summer

201. Spanish Reading ancl Composition. Three semester hours. The purpose of this cours e is to give to the students a fair reading knowledge in modern Spanish, but conversation is also stressed. The reading material is chosen so as to make the stud e nts beciome acquainted with the civilization of Spain, Central and South America. First semester 1953-54 and summer 1953.

202. Spanish Reacling ancl Composition. Three semester hours. Continuation of course 201. The authors to be read are chosen from Spanish, Central and South American literature . Readings are discussed. Stress laid on conversation. Second semester 1953-54 and summer 1953

301. Third Year of Spanish, first semester. Three semester hours. The classical perio.d of Spanish literature. A synopsis of the study of the pi.caresque novel and drama of .the Golden Age. Intensive readings of Don Quixote of Cervantes, Lazarillo de Tor.mes and dramas of Lope de Vega and Calderon. CJ,ass discussion of these works. Conversation based upon Karry's Spl?ken Spanish for travelers and students. Given on demand.

302. Thircl Year of Spanish, seconcl semester. Three semester hours. The Spanish novel of the 19th century. Continuation of course 301. A synoptic study of the outstanding figures in the evolution of the Spanish novel during the 19th cenutry with special attention to Alarcon, Galdos, Valdes, Pereda and Blasco Ibanez . Given on demand.

401. Fourth Year of Spanish. '.Dwo semester hours. Survey of Spanish lyrics. Lectures on Spanish lyrics beginning with folklore, through the Golden Age and Romanticism till the present day. Given on demand.

402. Fourth Year of Spanish. Two semester hours. Second semester. Survey of Spanish drama of the 19th and 20th centuries. Based especially on dramatical productions of Perez Galdos, Los Quinteros, Marquina, Oliver and ,others. · Discussions, outside readings, class papers. Given on demand.

68 II ..


The Division of Practical Arts embraces the fields of Business Education, Home Economics, and Industrial Arts.



To develop the att itudes, skills, and understandings needed for successful citizenship, participation in business, or teaching of business education in a democratic, Private enterprise way of life.

Stenographic and Secretarial Courses

For students who desire to enter some vocation requiring fewer than four years of college preparation, this college offers a one-year ste nogr a phic or two-y ear secretarial course in preparation for work in the various fields of busines s The exact requirements· depend upon the program and th e l ength of time the student wishes to spend in preparation. The counselor will assist in working out a program of studies which will best meet the needs of the student.

Courses of Instruction

,101. Shorthand. Four semester hours Gregg System Mastery of fundamental principles. Introduction to transcription. Students who have had two semesters of high schoo l shorthand may not take this course for credit. Five hours attendance. Each semester and summer .

.., I I
A. V. Larson, Head of Division Miss Bauerbach Mr.' Jarvis Miss Kegley Mr. Stanley Miss Edna Weare Miss Hazel Weare
Requirements Plan I Major !:I.E. 101 Shorthand 1...0/ 4 106 Shorthand 4 105 Typewriting 0 / 2 206 Typewriting 2 216 Typewriting 3 201 Intro. to Bu s in ess 3 202 Distrib. Education ...... 3 203 Begin. Accountin g 3 204 Intermed. Accounting 3 205 Office Practice207 Secretarial Practice 3 302 Business Law 3 307 - 8-9 Methods 3 408 Prin. & Pract 2 305 Adv. Accountings .s; 221 Economics222 E c onomics Minor 0/ 4 4 0/ 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 A.B. in Ed. Degree Plan II Major Minor 0 / 2 0/ 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 A.B. Degree Major •Minor 0 / 2 0/ 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 32-38 21-2.7 30-32 22 - 24 32-34 20-22


105. Typewriting. Two semester hours Mastery: of keyboard, establishment of correct techniques, simple centering, manuscripts and 1etters. Students who have had two semesters of high school typewriting may not take this course for credit. Six hours attendance First and second semester and summer

106. Shorthand. Four semester hours. Prerequisite: Shorthand 101 or its equivalent and ability to typewrite well. Speed drills, emphasis on advanced principles. Transcribing and correspondence. Five hours attendance. Second semester.

201. Introduction to Business. Three semester hours. A study of business principles and terms, simple business transactions and papers, consumer problems, insurance, and invles tments. Three hours attendance . First semester.

202. Distributive Education. Three semester hours This course introduces the student to the science of salesmanship; gives practical insight into selling principles and techniques; points out the relative importance of salesmanship in our economic system. Three hours attendance. Second semester.

203. Beginning Accounting. Three semester hours. ·Provides fundamental working knowledge ,of principles and practices of accounting. Three hours attendance, two hours laboratory. First semester.

204. Intermediate Accounting. Three semester hours Financial and operating statements, special books of entry, the worksheet and other business papers, the partnership. Three hours attendance, two hours laboratory. Second semester

205. Office Practice. Three semester hours. Prerequisite: Ability to typewrite efficiently. Use of adding, calculating, and duplica.ting machines; filing, general office procedures. Three hours attendance, three hours laboratory. Each semester.

206. Typewriting. Two semester hours. Speed development, mastery of letter forms, advanced problems in centering, outlining, manuscript writing, duplicating devices. Six hours attendance. First and second semesters.

207, Secretarial Practice. (Formerly Shorthand III) Three semester hours . Prerequisite: Shorthand 106 or equivalent and a bility to typewrite efficiently. Difficult transcription , filing , duplicating, ,practical stenographic experience. Three hours attendance. Second semester.

216. Typewriting. Three semester hours. Development of high speed and efficiency in all advanced typewriting operations. Eight hours attendance Second semester.

302. Business Law. Three semester hours. Considers in a nontechnical manner the important factors of the common law affecting ordinary business transactions. Three hours att e ndance. Second semester.

70 f • I


305. Advanced Accounting. Three semester hours Corporations, multiple columnar journals. Introduces the fundamentals of cost accounting. Three hours attendance. F.frst semester.

307-8-9. Business Methods. One to three semester hours. Methods of teaching bookkeeping, typewriting and shorthand. Six weeks devoted to each subject. May be taken individually or in combination. Three hours attendance. Second semester and summer.

310. Advanced Dictation. Two semester hours. Primary aim to increase speed in writing shorthand and in transcribing difficult material. Designed for students who wish to become expert stenographers. Two hours attendance. Second semester.

408. Principles and Practices in Commerciai: Education. Two semester hours. Considers the place of business education in the , high school in terms of its objectives. Some consideration of historical background and present trends. Evaluation of courses and planning of curricula. Two hours attendance. First semester.

l<'reshman and Sophomore Years. The first two years of the four year Home Economics curriculum for vocational teaching may be taken at Peru.

Junior and Senior Years The last two years of work leading to the Bachelor's Degree may be taken at the University ,of Nebraska College of Agriculture. Students who complete this curriculum are qualified to teach vocational homemaking in · high schools having vocational departments approved by the State Board of Vocational Education. ·

A.B. in Ed Degree Major Minor 101 Meal Planning and Preparation __ 102 Clothing Sele c tion and Construction __ 202 Foods - -------·----------·---------------------------------206 Advanced Clothing --------·-- -·--- •-216 Home Problems _ 233 Home Hygiene and Nursing308 Textile Study ----·-------------------------- -·-- - ---·--,314 Dietetics ____ ___ -- ·- - - - ---···· 331 'reaching of Homemaking -········. Electives -· ···············-·· - · Art 204 Design ·······-··········· Chem 203 Household Chemistry , Chem 209 Organic Chemistry ·······-······ ··-··············· 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 11 39 20 Curriculum in Vocational Homemaking A.B. Degree Major Minor 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 11 14 ,_ 30 20


Second Year

Courses of Instruction

101. Meal Planning and Food Preparation. Thr ee semester hours. Fundamentals of m ea l planning and food preparation. Two hours l ec ture. Three hours laboratory. First semester •and summer 1952.

102 Clothing Selection and Construction. Thre e semester hours. Selection of clothing of good taste for different individuals ; choice of materials and construction techniques suitable for garments. Two hours lecbure, four hours laboratory. Second semester.

202. Foods. Three semester hours . Buying and scientific preparation of different foods will be carried on in the laboratory . Prerequisite: Home Economics 101. Two hours· lecture, three hours laboratory . Second semester.

206. Advanced Clothing. Three semester hours. This co urse is designed to meet student needs for th e more diffi c ult construction problems, including renovation and tailoring . Two hour s l ec tur e, fou f hours laboratory. First semester.

216. Home Problems. Two semester hours. A study of the relationships betwee n the individu a l and the family, the technique of living harmoniously wi th o.th e rs, and the responsibility of eac h member of the family in the development of satisfaction in marriage and in family living . Two hours lecture. ,Second semester and summer 1952.

233. Home Hygiene and Nursing. · Two semester hours. Practical instru c tion and demonstrations are given in care of the sick, the sick-room, first aid and control of communicable diseases. First semester

301. Meal Planning and Food Preparation. Thre e semester hours. Same as 101. For juniors and seniors who did not take 101. First semester and summer 1952.

for Prevocational
First Year First Semester Cr Second Seme s t e r Cr Art 203 Design - - 3 Eng 101 English Compo sition ______ 3-4 Eng 102 Engli s h Composition or 204 Literatur e -··· ______________ 3 HE 101 Meal Planning, Pr eparation 3 HE 102 Clothing Selection , Const. ____ 3 HE 233 Home Hygiene, Nursing ________ 2 Electives -- 2-3 HE 216 Home Problem s _________ 2 Elect ives ·-------------- - 7 13-15 15
First Seme s ter Cr HE 206 Advanced Clothing ---·· ---·___ 3 ,HE 308 T ex tile Stud y _ ----·------·-_ 3 HE 32 0 Home Pl ann ing , Furnishing 3 HE 433 Home Managem ent ________________ 3 SS 221 Economics or 231 Social Problems ··---------·- 3 15 Second Semester Cr Eng 152 Fundamental s of Speech __ 3 HE 202 Me a l Planning , Pr eparation 3 HE 311 Costume De,;ign ________________ 2-3 HE 330 Child Care , Dev e l opment ___ 2-3 PE 205 Health Educ a tion _ 3 Electives __________ ;__ 3 16-18
72 f


302. Clothing Selection and Constru,ction. Three semester hours. Same as 102. For juniors and seniors who did not take 102. Second semester.

308. T~xtile Study. Three semester hours. Study of modern fabrics and their use in clothing and household textiles ; their selection, use and care First semester.

311. Costume Design. Two or three semester hours. A course designed to enable the student to choose styles and to design styles suitable for her and to be able to adapt lines, textures and colors to her own needs . One dress will -b e draped from an original design. Laboratory work in the planning of costumes for specific plays, pageants and programs will be -arranged for the additional hour if desired. Second semester

314. Dietetics. Three semester hours. Fundamental principles of , human nutrition and its development / through research. The importance of diet in maintaining health during normal childhood, adulthood, pregnancy and old age, and the therapeutic use of diet for various diseases. First semester and summer 1952.

315. Experimental Food Study. Three semester hours. Invet-igations of methods and techniques of cookery, and their effect on food quality and economy. Prerequisite: Foods 101. Second semester.

320. Home Planning and Furnishing. Three semester hours. A study of today's housing problems, and factors to be considered in building, buying or renting a house; also in the select-ion and arrangement of furnishings from the standpoint of comfort, beauty and economy First semester. ·

330. Child Care. Two or three semester hours. Mental and physical development of the child at various stages of his life. Special emphasis on the study of emotional and social development of children in the nursery school or kindergarten. · The extra hour of credit is gained by extra la:boratory work with pre-s-chool children. Second semester.

331. The Teaching of Homemaking. Three semester hours . A study and evaluation of the methods of teaching homemaking in the schools today; developing the curriculum to meet the needs of individual students and communities, and an analysis of modern philosophy and objectives First semester and summer 1952.

402. Home and Family Life Education in Elementary Schools. Two semester hours. For the study of the child's ' needs in relation to so c ially desirable objectives of general education, Procedures for teaching wholesome personal and fa,mily living, will be studied. Second semester,

416. Catering and Table Service. Three semester hours, Experience in • planning, preparing and serving company meals in the home, and foods for parties, receptions , school lunches and other special occasions. Second semester.


432. Special Problems in Home Economics. One, two or three semester hours. Special research or study in projects needed by the individual. Each semester on demand.



433. Home Management. Three semester hours M'anagement problems of the homemaker in relation to the use -and management of the income, buying for the home, family cooperation in the home, and special emphasis on the eff,icient use of time, energy and equipment. First semester.


It is strongly recommended that students minoring in the Industrial Arts supplement their programs by the inclusion of Farm and Home Mechanics 219 or Practical Electricity 214 .

Substitutions for the above course requirements for the A B degree may be made by petitioning the counse lo r.

Specialized Curriculum in the Industrial Arts

The following curriculum is suggested for those wishing to obtain certain basic training or fundamental skills in a number of _occupations in the field of mechanics Modifications of this program or c ourse substitutions may be made by application to the c hairman of the division.

Requirements A B. in Ed Degree A.B. Degree v lOl Bench Woodworking ··---·-----------------·-----------------------( 102 Bench Woodworking --------------·--------------------------------...-110 Shop Maintenance _______________________ 1__ ,_ 116 Blue Print Reading - - - - -1--208 Mechanical Drawing209 Mechanical D rawing - --- - - - - -- ---';:~~i ~f,!~li~~t:l~~~i~i-~~---::::=::-·--------- ___ _ 217 Arts and Crafts ____ - - ------ - -219 Farm and Home Mechanics304 Industri a l Arts Methods ______ : ________________________ _ 31 3 G e neral Metals _____321 Machine Woodworking 322 Machine Woodworking . Electives - - -Major 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 Minor 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 (one)2 3 3 3 3 2 -2 2 Total _______ _- - - -- 30 22 Major 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 5 30 Mi.nor 3 3 2 2 2 2 6 20
Freshman Year First Semester Cr B.E 105 Typing -- --- - 2 Eng 101 English Composition ___________ 3-4 IA 101 Bench Woodworking ______________ 3 IA 110 Shop Maintenance __________________ 2 IA 116 Blue Print Reading _______________ 2 PE 101 Natural Program _______ 1 Electives ___ : _:____ __ 3 16-17 74 Second Semester Cr B.E. 206 Typing --------··--·------------------------- 2 Eng 152 Fundamentals of Speech __ ., _ 3 IA 102 Bench Woodworking ______________ 3 IA 208 Mechanical Drawing ___ __________ 2 PE 102 Natural Program __________________ 1 SS 118 Americ a n Governm e nt __________ 3 Electives - -- -- - - 3 17 \,


Courses of Instruction

101. Be~1ch Working. Three semester hours Basic training in th e use and care of hand woodworking too1s. Construction of appropriate proje cts involving fundamental tool processes and operations, study of woods and other materials , simple woodfinishing. Six hours attendance, two hours preparation. First semester and summer

102. Bench Woodworking. Three semester hours. A continuation of Bench Woodworking 101. Prerequisite : Course 101. Six hours attendance and two hours preparation. Second semes.ter and summer.

106. Woodturning. T ,wo semester hours. Spindle, face plate oval, duplication turning , finishing. Four hours attendance, two hours pr epa ration . Each semester and summer.

110. Shop Maintenance. Two semester hours. Instruction in the use and care of e quipment co mmonly found in the Industrial Arts shop and a study of the various sharpening devi ce s. Pra:ctice will be given in the conditioning of hand and power saws, knife and tool sharpening and setting up of equipment . Four hours attendance, two hours prepi:i-ration. First semester and summer.

112. Industrial Arts for Elementary Teachers. Two semester hours D esig ned especially for elementary and -rural elementary teachers. Emphasis will be upon the development of fund a mental skills in working with woods and other mat er ials , teaching methods and the study of tools. Four hours attendance, - two hours preparation . S eco nd semester and s ummer

116. Blue Print Reading. Two semester hours. A co urse dealing with th e fundamentals of mechanical drawing Practice in the interpretation of drawings as us ed in the engineering fields will b e given. Some sketching in pictorial wi'll also be included. Two hours attendance First semester.

208. Mechanical Drawing. Two semester hours . Use of drawing equipment. Studies in orthographic projection including auxiliaries and sections. Practice in free h a nd l e ttering Adaptations will b e made to meet requirement for Art major . Prerequisite : Course 116 or by special permission. Four hours attendance, two hours preparation. First semester and summer.

209. Mechanical Drawing. Two semester hours A continuation of co urs e 208 . Will in c lude working drawings, pictorial representa75

" V
First Semester Sophomore Year C r Second Semester Cr B.J,: . 203 B eg inning Accounting ______ · ___ 3 IA 209 M e c hanical Drawing ---·-------- - 2 IA 214 Practical Electricity ----------·-----·- 2 IA 217 Arts and Crafts ------·---------··--·· 2 IA 321 M ac hine Woodworking ___ _______ 2 PE 205 H ealth Education _____ 3 Electives -------·-_. _______ _________ 2 16 IA 219 F arm and Hom e Mechanics --· 2 IA 313 General Metals __ ---·•____ ·---- - 3 IA 322 Machine Woodworking --·-·---·- 2 IA 418 Welding _....... ..--· _ _, 2 IA 421 Upholstery, Woodfinishing -·· 2 Electives -·-- ---· ----·----·-' -----·-·---- -,--·· 5 16


tions, tracing, blue printing . Prerequisite: Course 208. Four hours attendance, two hours prep a ration. Second semester and summer.

214. Practical Electricity. Two semester hours. General principles and their applicati.ons to motors, heating and lighting systems. It will provide experience in many of the repair jobs found _ in and about the home. Four hours attendance , two hours preparation. First semester and summer.

216. Sheet Metal. Two semester hours. The funda,mentals of pattern drafting. and layout are developed . Selected projects provide · instru c tion in the use of hand and ma;chine tools, and involve operations in seaming, burring, crimping, W[ring, forming, and beading. Four hours attendance, two hours preparation. First semester and summer.

217. Arts and Crafts. Two semester hours A cours e dealing chiefly with basic training in plastics , leather, art metal, plaster casting and art fiber work. Four hours attendance , two hours preparation. Second semeste-r and summer.

219. Fa1·m and Home Mechanics. Two semester hours. Designed for teachers who are interested in shop work of rural communities and small high schools where ther e is little equipment available. It provides an opportunity to work with suc):l. materials as wood, metal, rope, glass, and concrete. Most ,of the projects will be in the nature of repair work commonly found a:bout the home and farm . Four hours attendance, two hours preparation. Second semester and summer.

250. Machine Shop Practice. Two semester hours A course designed to give instruction in the use, care and operation of the screw cutting engine lathe, milling · machine and other machine shop equipment. Four hours attendance, two hou·rs preparation. Second semester and summer.

260. Pr"inting. Two semester hours . History and d e velopment of printing, the spa cing, proportion, balance, and appropriateness of type faces as they affect newspaper composition. Practical experience will be given in the more elementary forms of job work such as tickets, programs, some ,office forms arid simple rule work, ' together with job press imposition and lock up. Four hours attendance, two hours -preparation. First semester a -nd summer.

261. Printing. '.two semester hours. A continuation of Printing 260. Four hours a;ttendance, two hours preparation. Second semester and summer.

301. Bench Woodworking. Three · semester hours. For juniors an'd seniors. Similar to course 101 'but somewhat more advanced. Students who have had course 101 are not elgibile for credit Six hours attendance, two hours preparation. First semester and summer.

302. Bench Woodworking. Three semester ):lours. A continuation of 301. Students who ):lave had course 102 ar e not eligible for credit for this course. Six hours attendance, two hours preparation. Second semester and summer.



304. Industrial Arts Methods and Observation. Three semester hours. Historical development of the industrial arts, place in the curriculum, principles, methods, materials· and equipment . Three hours attendanc e. First semester and summer.

309. Woodturning. Two semester hours. For juniors and seniors. Similar to course 106 but inv,olving additional and more difficult projects. Students who have had course 106 are not eligible for credit. Two hours attendance, one hour preparation. Each semester and summer.

310. Shop Maintenance. Two semester hours. For juniors and seniors who hav e not had course 110. More difficult projects required Four hours attendance, two hours preparation. First semester and summer.

311. Descriptive Geometry. · Two semester hours. This course gives added training in the use of t he principles of orthographic dra,wing Problems involve the visualization o f points, lines and planes, inters ec tion of surface s and solids, development of surfaces. Prerequisite: course 209. Four hours attendance, two hours preparation. Second semester and summer.

312. Architectural Drawing. Two semester hours. A practical course 1 f.or students, home builders and others desiring a knowledge of cdnstruction of small frame buildings . Floor plans, elevations, details, standard · conventions and specifications. · Four hours att e ndance, two hours preparation. First semester and summer.

·313. General Metals. Three semester hours. Included in this course are four phases of metal work, including bench metal, forging and heat treating and oxy-acetylene and arc welding. Emphasis will be pla ce d on such operations as sawing, filing , drilling and tap and die work. Six hours attendance, two hours preparation. Second semes~er and sum-mer.

316. Driver Education. Three semester hours This course will in c lude the presentation of the ma,terials and methods of traffic safety and driver training as well as behind the wheel driving Emphasis will be given to motor vehicle la,ws, rules of the road , driving regulations and motor car operation. Students completing this course Wtill be eligi-ble for the benefits offered by the American Automobile Association. (Beginning drivers see instructor concerning special program for non - drivers.) Prerequisite: twenty thousand miles or two years driving experience. Two hours class, four hours l a boratory . First semester and summer.

321. Machine Woodworking. Two semester hours Designed to teach the advanced work ,of the senior high s chool. The use of machinery and a wider scope of tool operation is emphasized. Modern production methods and procedure will be studied in working out group projects. Four hours attendance, tw,o hours pr.eparation. First semester and summer.

322. Machine Woodworking. Two semester hours. A continuation of course 321. Four hours attendance, two hours preparation. Second semester and summer. 77

,.. j


416. Machine Woodworking. Two semester hours. A ma:chine woodworking course with special study on the construction of period furniture and its adaptation to present day needs. Four hours attendance, two hot1rs preparation. First semester and summer.

418. Welding. Two semester hours. Practice in the use of the oxy-acetylene torch and the arc welding machines. Study ,of the common fluxes as directly related to welding; practice in brazing and welding of the common metals as cast iron, the steels, and aluminum Four hours attendance and two ,hours preparation First semester and summer.

421. Upholstery and Woodfinishing. Two semester hours. Designed to furnish experience in the principal types of woodfinishing suitable to grade and high school ,work. A study is made of the modern finishes and their uses in the school shop. In upholstery, vari,ous methods of construction are studied both with and without the use of springs. Four hours attendance and two hours preparation. Second semester and summer.

78 '


The program of the Division of S oience and Mathematics embraces the subdivisions of Biology, Chemistry, General Science , Mathematics, Physics a:\').d Physical S:dence.,


Major and minor t equirements are given in each of the subdivisions of Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Genera,! Science, Mathematics, Physics, Physical Science, Zoology. Students are urged to obtain a wide range of training in several of these fields Those who major in a particular field ,of mathematics or science , with the intention of teaching, are advised to major or minor in one or two related fields.

Pre-Professional Courses

Pre-professional courses are offered in Pre-medicine, Predentistry, Pre-veterinary medicine, Pre-mortuary Science, Pre-conservation, Pre-agriculture, Pre-forestry and Pre-pharmacy. Any student expecting to transfer to the College of Agriculture of the University of Nebraska or any other professional school after twQ years .of Pre-agriculture training is advised to maintain a high scholastic average, and foUow a program similar to the one below.

Those wh~ have creditably completed the above two-year curriculum may take ithe last two years of work leading to the Bachelor's Degree at the College of Agriculture of the University of Nebraska. Students will then be qualified to teach Smith-Hughes Vocational Agriculture in the high schools approved by the State Board of V'Ocational Agriculture.

Agriculture Freshman Year Fir s t Semester Cr Second Semester Cr Biol l0i Plant Biology 3 Biol 102 Animal Biology 3 Chem 10.l or Chemistry 103 3-5 Eng 101 English Composition 3-4 Chem 102 or Chemistry 104 3-5 Eng 102 English Composition 3 Educ 118 Intro. to Education 2 P. E. 205 H e alth Education 3 P E. Ph y sical Education 1 S. S American Nat'l Gov't 3 M a th or other elec t ive 4-2 16-17 Sophomore Year 15-17 First Semester Cr Second Semester Cr Eng 152 Fundamentals of Speech 3 Bo tany or Zoology 3 Physics 201 Gener a l Physi c s 3-6 B. E. 203 Accounting 3 S.S. 221 Economics ·---- 3 S. S. 222 Economics 3 Electives Ind. Arts or Ma t h . 7-5 Ind. Arts Elective 3 Math. 105 Trigonometry 3 Physical Education 116-17 16


102. Solid Geometry. Two semester hours· . Prerequisite: One year of high school algebra and one year of plane geometry. Two hours attendance. First semester.

103. College Algebra. Three semester hours. Prerequisite: One year of high school algebra or permission. Three hours attendance. Each semester and summer

104. Slide rule. One semester hour. This course gives the student the skill in the use of the slide rule, and its understanding. Recommended for all mathematics and science majors. One hour attendance On demand.

105. Plane Trigonometry. Three semester hours Prerequisite: Mathematics 103 or permission Three hours attendance. Each s e mester and summer.

206. Analytical Geometry. Three semester hours. Prerequisite: Mathematics 105. Three hours attendance. First semester and summer.

218. Surveying. Two semester hours. Fundamental theory and prac-Uce, use of transit, U S. Public land surveys, computations, field and office work . Prerequisite: Mathematics 105. One hour class· . work, three hours field work On demand.

301. Spherical Trigonometry. Two semester hours. A continuation of Mathematics 105. Prerequisite: Mathematics 105 Two hours attendance. On demand.

303. Solid Analytical Geometry. Two semester hours. A study of three dimensional space including loci, the ,plane, the straight line, suI1faces and curves. Prerequisite: Mathematics 206. Two hours attendance. On demand.

304. College Geometry. Three semester hours. A thorough consideration of the geometry of the triangle and the circle. Recommended for prospective teachers of high school mathematics. Prerequisite: Two semesters of high school geometry. Three hours attendance. First semester and summer.


Mathematics Requirements A,B, in Ed , Degree Major Minor 103 College Algebra - - - - --- 3 3 ~gi 1~~?y~7~rdeometry _____ ::::::::::::::: ::~::::-::::::::::::: 304 College Geometry -______ 3 3 307 Methods of Teaching Secondary Math. __ 3 3 309 Differential Calculus -- ---------·--------------------------- 3 310 Integral Calculus ________________________ ____ 3 411 Calculus _ -·---· - -- 3 Elective ________ --- 3 27 15 Courses of Instruction A. B. Degree Major 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 24


307. Materials and Methods for Teaching Secondary Mathematics. Three semester hours. Prerequisite: Student must be majoring or minoring in Mathematics. Three hours attendance. First semester.

309. Differential Calculus. Three semester hours. Prerequisite: Mathematics 206. Three hours attendance. Second semester.

310. Integral Calculus. Three semester hours. Prerequisite: Mathematics 309. Three hours attendance. First semester.

312. History of Mathematics. Three semester hours. - Prerequisite: Nine hours of college mathematics. Three hours -attendance. First semester .

411. Calculus. Three semester hours. Indefinite series, partial differentiation and multiple integrals, with application. Prerequisite: Mathematics 310. Three hours attendance. Second semester.

415. Theory of Equations. Three semester hours. Algebraic solution of cubic -and quadratic equations, methods of approximating roots, symmetic functions, resultants, determinants, and systems of linear equations Prerequisite : M at hem a tics 310. Three hours attendance. Second semester 1953-54.

416. Differential Equations. Three semester hours. Formation of differential equations, equations of high order, linear equations with constant and variable co-efficients, partial differentiation , apJ5lication to geometry, mechanics, and ,phy sics. Prerequisite: Mathematics 310. Three hours attendance. Second semester 1952-53.


G eneral S c ience Major- B.S. in Ed. Degree. A m1mmum of six semester hours in each of the following fields: Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Also three semester hours each in astronomy or other approved cours·e, an earth science and science methods. Total 27 semester hours.

General Science Minor- B.S. in Ed. Degree. Six semester hours in two of the following three fields: Biology, Chemistry and Physics, and three in the remaining field. Also three semester hours each in astronomy and an earth science. Total 21 se-mester hours.

In a General Science major or minor the student is advised to 111.ajor in one of the regular sciences or mathematics. Small Nebraska high schools n eed people trained in all the sciences and mathematics.

Elementary Science

Science 101. Science for Elementary Teachers. Three semester hours An integrated course covering the various phases of natural science, with special applications for elementary teachers. Laboratory experiences will provide opportunity for students to perform experiments and demonstrations suitable for use in the elementary school. Required of all students in the elementary curriculum. Two hours class work and two or three hours of laboratory per week. Both semesters and summer.



Science 102. Science for Elementary Teachers. Three semester hours . An integrated course similar to 101 , but covering the various phases of physical science. Required of all students in elementary education. Two hours classwork and two to three hours of laboratory per week. Both semesters and summer


Science 331. Elementary School Science Methocls. Thre e semeshours. Objectives, content, and methods of teaching science in the elementary grades. Thre e hours attendance. On demand and summern. ·

Science 332. High School Science Methocls. Three semester hours Objectives, content and methods of teaching science in the high school. Prerequisite: Student must be majoring or minoring in at least one science. Three hours attendance. Second semester 1952-53 and every alternate year. Summers of even years.


Science 306. Astronomy. Three semester hours. An elementary course of value to prospective teachers of general science and mathematics. R€quired of general science majors and minors Three hours attendance. On demand. ·


Majors are given in Botany, Biology or Zoology, but one in Biology ,is recommended for prospective teachers.

Requirements for Degrees

A major in Biology consists of twenty-four semester hours in biology including Biology 101, 102, 201, 202, 203, 204, and two addi- · tional three hour courses. •A maj.or in Botany is concentrated on the study of plants, and a major in Zoology is concentrated on the study of animals. Minors consist of fifteen semester hours in approved courses.

Courses of Instruction

101. General Biology (Plant). Three semester hours. A study of the plant world stressing protoplasm, the cell, reproduction and economic value of the various plant phyla T •wo hours classwork, two or three hours laboratory. First semester and summers of odd years.


102. General Biology (Animal). Three semester hours . A study of the animal kingdom including animal structure, function, classification, inter-rela,tionships and economic importance Two hours classwork, two to three hours laboratory. Second semester and summers of even years .

201. Morphology of the Lower Plants. Three semester hours. Structure, anatomy and form of the lower plants, and their effects on man. Two hours classwork, two to thrf'e hours laboratory. First semester 1953-54.

82 •


202. Morphology of the Seed Plants. Three semester hours. Form and structure of the seed-bearing plants and their economic value . Two hours classwork, two to three hours laboratory . Second semester 1953-54 .

203. Invertebrate Zoology. Three semester hours. Structure, classification and relationships of the invertebrate animals Prerequisite: Biology 102. Two hours classwork and two to three hours of laborato r y per week. First semester 1952 - 53.

204. Vertebrate Zoology. Three semester hours. The anatomy, development and phylogeny of the vertebrates. Prerquisite: Biology 102. Two hours classwork and two to three hours of laboratory per week. Se-cond semester 1952-53.

301. General Bacteriology. Th.ree semester hours. An introduction to the types of bacteria and other micro-organisms and their activities. Prerequisite Biology 101. Two hours classwork and two to three hours of laboratory per week. Second semester 1952-53.

304. Genetics. - Three semester hours. The principles of genetics, heredity and eugenics. Three hours classwork. Second semester 1953-54 . Summers on demand.

305. Histology. Three semester hours. A detailed study of the microscopic anatomy of mammalian organs. Prerequisite: Biology 204. One hour classwork, four hours supervised laboratory . On demand.

306. Embryology. Three semester hours. Embryology as exemplified by the frog, the chick, the pig and the human. Prerequisite: Biology 102. Two hours classwork and three hours of laboratory per week. On demand.

307. Human Physiology. Three semester hours. A detailed study of the functions of human organs. Two hours· classwork, three hours laboratory. On demand.

309. Plant Physiolog·y. Three semester hours. A detailed study of plant functions. Prerequisite: At least two courses in plant biology. First semester 1952-53.

315. Taxonomy. Three semester hours. The classification and i9entification ·of plants. Of great value to teachers of biology. Two hours classwork and three hours o:f laboratory or field study. Summer 1952 . .


317. Ecology. Three semester hours. A study of organisms in relation to their environments. Three hours classwork. First semester 1953-54.

405. Personal Health and Human Relations. Three semester hours. Prerequisite: PE 205. A study of attitudes, habits and ideals which make for wholesome relationships between the sexes and the establishment of a permanent and happy family life. Does· not apply on a biology major. By permission. Summers and second semester 83

,. l ..,,


410. History and Literature of Biology. One to four semester hours. A course in the student's · special field of concentration. Work is done under the guidance of the major ,professor through a series of conferences. By arrangement only. Each semester and summers by special permission. ·

421. Parasitology. Two to four semester hours i A study of the morphology and economic importance of the parasites affecting man and domestic animals. Prerequisite: Biology 204. From three to nine hours of laboratory and discussion per week. On demand.


Requirements I

Physical Science Major~ B.S in Ed. or A.B Degree. Twelve hours of chemistry and twelve hours of physics.

Chemistry Major- Twenty-four hours qf chemistry

Physics Major- Math. 103 and 105 plus eighteen hours of physics.

Physical Science Minor. Fifteen hours of selected chemistry and physics courses

Chemistry Minor . Fifteen hours of chemistry.

Physics Minor. Fifteen hours of physics.


Courses of Instruction

101. Genera;: Chemistry. Five semester hours. The fundamentals of chemistry. Non-metals and their compounds For those who have not had high school chemistry. Three hours classwork and six hours l aboratory. First semester and summer 102. General Chemistry. Five semester hours. Application of the fundamentals of chemistry, metals and their compounds, and an introduction to organic and analytical chemistry Prerequisite: Chemistry 101. For those who have not h1itd high school chemistry. Two hours classwork, six hours laboratory. Second semest~r 103. General Chemistry. Three semester hours. Th'e fundamentals of chemistry. Non-metals and their compounds. Prerequisite: Two semesters of high school chemistpy. Two hours classwork, three hours laboratory. First semester and summer. 104. General Chemistry. Three s emester hours. Application of the fundamenta l s of chemistry, metals and their compounds, and an ,introduction to organic and analyti cal chemistry. Prerequi1?ite: Chemistry 103. Two hours classwork, three hours Ja:boratory. Second semester. ·

84 'J'


203. Household Chemistry. Thr ee semester hours. The study of those principles and pr-ocesses which are parti cularly adapted to the home, including foods and nutrition, cleaning agents, dyes, antis e ptics, disinfectants and fuels · . Two hours classwork, three hours l a,boratory On demand ·

205. Principles of Analytical Chemistry. Four semester hours Laboratory work devot ed to quantit at ive a nalysis. Prerequisite: Chemistry 102 or 104 Two hours classwork, six hours laboratory. On demand. First semester 1953-54.

206. Principles of Analytical Chemistry. Four semester hours. Laboratory work devoted to qualit a tive ana,lysis. Prerequisite : Chemistry 205 . T ,wo hours classwork, six hours l aiboratory. On demand. Second semester 1953-54.

209. Organic Chemistry. Three semester hours. Tlle fundamentals of organic chemistry, including those principles which apply particularly to the study of home economics. Prerequisite: Chemistry 103 Two hours classwork, three hours laboratory. First semester 1952-53 Second summers on demand.

303. Organric Chemistry. T,hree semester hours. Compounds of the aliphatic and aromatic series. Prerequisite: Chemistry 102 or 104. Two hours classwork, three hours laboratory. First semester 1952-53.

304. Organic Chemistry. Three semester hours. A more intensive study of the aromatic series, dyes, hormones, vitamins and drugs. Prerequisite·: Chemistry 303. Students may, by permission of the professor, take extra laboratory work in the synthesis of organic compounds for two hours of additional ·credit. Two hours classwork, three hours labora:tory. Second semester 1952-53.

401. Advanced Org'anic Laboratory. One to four semester hours . A study of the reaction of organic compounds of theoretical and industrial importance. By permission only.

403. Physiological Chemistry. Four semester ):lours A presentation of the mor e important facts of biochemistry as related to th e animal body, with emphasis on the physiological reactions of all food e l eme nts, enzymes; also digestion, metabolism, and special glandular functions Prerequisites: Chemistry 102 or 104, ::..nd 303 and 304. Two hours classwork, six hours laboratory. On aemand.

404. Industrial Chemistry. Three semester hours. A survey of the principles of chemistry as applied to industrial processes and operations. Prerequisites: Chemistry 102, 104, and 206. On demand.

410. History and Literature of Chemistry. One to four semester hours. Work to be done under the guidance of the major professor through a series of conferences. By ~rrangement only. Each semester and summer •by special perm,ission.

I ,, •



Coul'ses of Instl'uction

201. General Physics. Thr ee semester hours . Mechanics. Prerequisite: Mathematics 105. Two hours classwork, three hours laboratory. First semester, summer on demand.

202. General Physics. Three semester hours. Heat, sound and light. Prerequisite: Physics 201 or by permission. Two hours classwork, three hours laboratory. First or second semester, summer on demand.

203. General Physics. Three semester hours. Magnetism and el ectricity. Pr erequisite: Physics 201 or by permission. Second semester, summer on demand.

302. Analytical Mechanics. Three semester hour s. The functional physical principles of th e subject with the aid of formal development and problems. Prerequisites: General Physics 201, 202, and 203. On demand.

307. Atomic and Nuclear Structw·e. Three semester hours. Atomic and nuclear structure, radioactivity, isotopes, X-rays and atomic spectra. Prerequisites: General Physics 201 , 202 and 203 and chemistry 102. Thr ee hours classwork. Second semester

410. History and Literature of Physics. One or two semester hours. Work to be done under the guidance of the instructor through a series of conferences. By arra,ngement only. Each semester and s umm er.



Castle M. Brown, Head of Division

The Division of Social Studies includes the subjects of History, Social .Science, and Geography.


The offerings in this division are designed to furnish students those materials and techniques requisite for teaching in the elementary and secondary schools, to create an understanding of and respect for our democratic way of life, and to develop a capacity for sound scholarship, eommunity leadership, and useful citizenship. Requirements

and Curriculum History B.S. in Ed. A .B. Hist. 101 European Civilization to 1500 __ 102 Europ ea n Civili z ation sinc e 1500 __ _ 213 History of the U.S to 1865 _ _ 214 History of the U.S . s ince 1865 __ _ S.S 118 American National Government __ 119 State and Local Government _____________ _ Hist. 4 70 Topics in American History _) 471 Topics in European Hi s tory _) 305 American Colonial His tory __ ) 458 American Diplomatic Hi s tory ____ ) 303 Mod. Europ. Hist. 1500-1815 __ ) 304 Modern Europ. Hist . sinc e 1815 _) 307 History of England to 1688 ___ ) 308 History of England sin c e 1688 ._______ ) 315 Survey of An c i e nt History ___ ) 325 Europe in the Middle Ages _) 402 High School Meth in History a nd Social Science, ________ Geog 203 Historical Geography Total _ _ Social Science S.S 118 Am e rican National Governm e nt__ ______ _ 119 State and Local Go v ernment ___ _ Hist 213 History of the U S. to 1865 ___ ,. ______ _ 214 Hi s tory of the U.S. s ince 1865 ____________ _ S-S. 221 Economics ----222 Economi c s --231 Social Problems _________ 232 Labor Problems __________ 3-16 Government of Europe ______ 401 International Law ___ ) 417 Americ a n Constitutional Law _____ ) 458 American Diplomatic History _) 402 High School Methods in History and Social Science __ _ Geo. 215 Economic Geography --· ·---------------· -TotaL __ _ 87 Degree Major 3 3 3 3 3 3 one 3 one a two 6 a 33 B.S. in Ed. Degree Major 3 a 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 one 3 3 33 Degree Major 3 3 3 3 3 3 )one 3 ) )one3 ) ) ) )two6 ) ) ) a 33 A.B. Degree Major 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 :l 3 ) )one 3 ) 3 33 Minor 3 3 ;j ;j 3 3 18 Minor a 3 a 3 a 3 18


Geography Major- B.S. in Ed or A.B. Degree. Courses 101, 102, and eighteen additional hours of electives - in the field, twelve of which must be of junior or s e nior rank.

Geography Minor. Courses 101, 102, and nine hours of Geography electives.

All major and minor course sequences in geography must be approved by the Professor of Geography. In all geography courses, the materials and techniques of teaching elementary and secondary school geography are presented.

No course in which the student fails to attain a grade of "2" will be accepted by the division as satisfying the requirements for a major or minor ·

Students who intend to do graduate work in the social studies field should acquire a reading knowledge of French or German.

Students who intend to enter a Graduate School of Social Work or the welfare field as a Case Worker in the State Department of Assistance and Child Welfare, should plan to include at least 40 semest e r hours in social and biological sciences (anthr-opology, economics, history, political science, psychology, sociology, biology, hygiene, zoology, and physiology). Distribution of courses by fields should be as follows: at least 9 semester hours in sociology; at least 5 semester hours in each of three other fields; at least 5 hours , in biological sciences. Of the 40 hours not more than 10 may be in history.

Students preparing for high school teaching in any of the above fields follow the curriculum on page 87.

Courses of Instruction Methods

301. Elementary School: Methods in Social Studies, Three semester hours. A study of the objectiv e s, methods, resources , eqUipment, and the organiz a tion of subject matter. An appraisal of the curriculum content, classroom practices and materials. Three hours attendance. On demand.

402. High School Methods in History and Social Science. Three semester hours. The nature and relationship of the social studies and their places and purposes in secondary education with emphasis on materials and m e thods for t e aching Three hours attendance. First semester, 1952-53 and alternate years.


101. European Civilization to 1500. Three semester · hours. Cultural growth in prehistoric times; centers of early civilization; classical and medieval civilization. T,hree hours attendance First semester, 1952-53.

102. European Civilization Since 1500. Three semester hours. The rise of western civilization; the bourgeois revolution; impact

88 1 ' • -i


of industrialism on modern society; the search for a new synthesis of world society; larger trends in modern society Three hours attendance. Second semester, 1952-53.

213. History of the "C. S. to 1865. Three semester hours. Exploration , and discovery; colonization; the formation of the union; problems of the new government; the War of 1812; the South and slavery; industrial beginnings; westward expansion; the Civil War. Three hours attendance. First semester, 1952-53, summer 1952.

214. History of the U. S. Since 1865. Three semester hours. Post-war reconstruction; the last frontiers; the· rise of big business; labor and capital; imperialism; the progressive movement; the World War; another period of reconstruction and another World War Three hours attendance. Second semester, 1952-53, summer 1952.

303. Moclern European History, 1500-1815. Three semester hours. Expansion -of European life and culture; the Reformation and religious wars; the Age of Louis XIV; rise of Russia and Prussia; eighteenth century philosophy; economic and colonial rivalries; the "Old Regime"; the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era; beginning of the industrial revolution. Three hours attendance. First semester, 1952-53, summer, 1952.

304. Modern European, History, Since 1815. Three semester hours. Reaction, reform, revolution, 1815-1848; growth of liberalism and nationalism; the industrial revolution continued; imperialism and the expansion of Eu ro pe; the World War and reconstruction; another World War. TJ:,ree hours attendance. Second semester, 1952-53.

305. American Coloniai History. Three semester hours . Foundations of the North American colonies; colonial expansion by the Spanish, French and British; colonial life, with emphasis on social and economic forces; international rivalries; the revolution of the British colonies. On demand.

307. History of England to 1688. Three semester hours . Discussion of the social, economic, political and cultural institutions of the English people as developed during the reigns of the Tudors and Stuarts. On demand

308. History of Englancl Since 1688. Three semester homs. · Emphasis upon British political development, the economic effects of the industrial revolution, the growth of the British Empire, and the role of Engla nd in the twentieth century. On demand.

315. Survey of Ancient History. Three semester hours R ise of civilization in the Near East; the ancient Greeks a nd Romans; special emphasis on the contributions of ancient times to modern civilization. On demand.

325. Europe in the Middle Ages. Three semester hours. The decadent Roman Empire; the Germanic invasions; feudal ism; the medieval church; the Crusades; intellectual a nd artistic renaissance; national beginnings; the commercial revolution ; the break-up of the medieval church; the wars on religion. On demand.



404. Twentieth-Century Europe. Three semester hours. The panorama of new nationalism and extended imperialism; social and economic unrest after the turn of the Century; background and conflict of World War I; settlement of the War and the s ·earch for stability during the 1920's; Communist revolution and Fascist dictatorship; the turmoil of the 1930's; World War II and the present. Three hours attendance. On demand.

414. Twentieth-Century United States. Three semester hours. The new world power and Theodore Roosevelt; social and cultural adolescence -of the early Century; Wilsonian reform; World War I; revised is·olationi.sm; the seething 'twenties; triumphant business and the great depression; the New Deal; World War II; the political aftermath; new internationalism. Three hours attendance. On demand .

458. ·American Diplomatic History. Three semester hours. A survey of the whole field of American diplomatic relations from 1776 to date. Three hours attendance . On demand.

470. Topics in American History. Three semester hours. An intensive course consisting largely of readings, reports, and round table discussions of topics chosen each year. Instruction will also be given in historical bibliography and in the criti-cism ,of historical source materials. Prerequisite: Twelve hours credit in history, including at least six hours in American history, or permission of the instructor. All students contemplating graduate work in American history should register for this course. Three hours attendance Second semester, 1952-53.

471. Topics in Modern European History. Three semester hours. An intensive course consisting largely of readings, reports, and round table discussions of topics chosen each year Instruction will be given in historical bibliography and in the criticism of historical source materials. Prerequisite: Twelve hours credit in history, including at least six hours in European history, ,or permission of the instructor. All students contemplating graduate work in European history should register for this course. On demand.

Social Studies

103. Social Studies Survey. Three semester hours. An integrated survey course in the social studies concerning major social problems and including the viewpoints and contributions of history, geography, · economics, political science, sociology, and the social aspects of conservation and agricultural _.problems. Three hours attendance. First semester, 1952-53.

104. Social Studies Survey. Three semester hours. ,Similar to 103 but with other problems. Three hours attendance. Second semester, 1952-53, summer 1952

Social Science

118. American National Government. Thref :;emester hours. Three hours attendance. Each semester, summer 1952.

90 f • 1


119. American State ancl Local Government. Three semester hours. Three hours attendance Second semester, 1952-53.

221. Economics. Three semester hours. ElemE:ntary concepts, production, value and pri<"'.e, distribution. Three hours attendan ce First semester.

222, Economics. Three semester hours. Course 221 continued Money and banking, inter n ational trade, public finance. Three hours atte ndanc e. S eco nd semester, summer 1952.

231. Social Problems. Three semester hours. Population, marriage and the family, divorce and desertion, poverty and dependency, crime and punishment . Three hours attendance. First semester.

232, 332. Labor Problems. Tllree semes ter hours. Labor l egislation, co ll ective bargaining, women and children in industry, the N ati-ona l Labor Relat io ns Board, contemporary unionism. This course is designed to meet the needs of secondary school te achers wishing a general education course. 'Thr ee hours attendance. Second seme ster, 1952- 53.

316. The Governments of Europe. Three semester hours. The governments of the U S., Great Britain, France, Russia, and China compared. Three hours attendance. First semester, 1952-53.

401. International Law. Three semester hours. Sources of international law, recog nition , succession, nationa lity, territorial jurisdiction, status of diplomats and consuls, treaties, Pacific settlement, hostile measures short of war. Three hours attendance. On demand.

417. American Constitutional Law. Three s emester hours. A survey of the field of federaJ constitutiona l dev elopment; case method Three hours attenda n ce On demand.


101. Principles of Geog1·aphy. Three semester hours An introductory study of the mutual relations ,between man and the elements of the na:tural environment . Three hours l ecture, two hours lab oratory . First semester, summer 1952,.

102. Regional Geography. Tllree semester hours. An application of geographic principles in the interpretation of the interests, policies, and activities of the peoples in the significant regions and continents of the world. Three hours l ecture, two hours l aboratory. Second semester, summer 1953. ·

203. Historical Geography. Three semester hours. A cons ideration of the environmental relationships involved in the development of the American nation. The expansion of a rapidly growi ng people into ·a series of different environments. Thr ee hours lecture. First semester. ·

206. Geography of Nebraska. Three semester hours. Deals specifically with the , re lationship between the natural environment of Nebraska and its agriculture, end ust ries, and social conditions . Thr ee hours lecture. Secona semester, summer 1953.



215. Economic Geography. Three semester hours . A study of occurrence, nature, distribution, utilization and conservation of economic minerals and power resources. An evaluation is made of the geographic factors which affect land utilization, agriculture, industry, and world trade. Three hours lecture. Second semester.

226. Conservation of Natural Resources. Three semester hours. A study of the extent of our resources, appraisal of present and future utilization, with discussions on current problems and projects of conservation. Three hours lecture. Second semester 1952-53.

300. Geography of Asia. Three semester hours . A regional study of the major countries of Asia emphasizing relief, climate, resources, government and industrial d eve lopment. Three hours lecture. First semester 1952-53.

302. Regional Geography. Three semester hours. Similar to 102 . Emphasis is placed on principles of selection, organization, and presentation of geographic materials on the various elementary-grade levels; illustrative geographic units, fundamentals of technique in using maps, pictures, graphs, -and statistics. Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory. Second semester, summer 19 53 .

304. Meteorology and Climatology. Three semester hours. The physical factors influencing the climate. ·Practi ce work in interpreting meteorological records and weather forecasting Thr ee hours lecture. On demand.

305. Gene1'al Geology. Three semester hours . Introductory course dealing with a study of the theories of origin, physiography, structure, and history of the earth a nd development of life as reveal ed in the rocks. Required for General Science major. Thre e hours l ect ure, two hours laboratory. •

309. Geography of Europe. Three semester hours A regional study of the European countries. .Special attention is given to the changes and problems made prominent by the World War. Three hours lecture. First semester, 1952-53.

310. Geography of Africa. Three semester hours. A survey of the continent by geographical r eg ions. Special at t ention give n to the problem areas. Second semester, summer 1952.

311. Geography of Australia. Three sem ester hours A detailed study of the geographical regions of Australia and a s urv ey of the adjacent is lands in the Pacific. Three hours l ect ur e. First semester, 1952.-53.

312. Economic Geography of North America. Three semester hours. An interpretive geographic survey of the major natural economic arud' human us e regions of the North Americ a n continent. Three hours lecture. Second semester, summer 1952. ·

313. Geography of ~outh .America. Three semester hours. The geographic r egio ns of South America analyzed in their natural , political, and economic settings. Economic relations between South America and the United States Three hours lecture. Second semester.

92 i I l


405. Physical Geology. Three semester hours. The earth, the materials composing it, the agents and processes which have shaped it. Two hours lecture, three hours laboratory. On demand.

406. Historical Geology. Three semester hours. Continental evolution, emphasizing the origin and character of important geologic formations throughout the world, including the story of the evolution of organisms -ancestral to the earth's P,resent fauna and flora. Two hours lecture, three hours laboratory. On demand.

411. Field Geography. One or two semester hours. An intensive course of training in the geographic field methods and in direct application of geographic principles to important problems in selected districts. Two hours lecture, laboratory by arrangement. On demand.





Each year, many individuals , who are employed at some distance from th e College, h ave the time a nd inclination to do some college work •but cannot attend the regular classes on the campus. To these, the college offers two types of service: study center courses and co urses by correspondence.

Study center and correspo ndence courses have some adva ntag es over residence work and often are found to be satisfactory substitutes for it. Neverthel ess, it i.s considered advisable to take the major portion of any curriculum in residence. Therefore', the amount of , study center and correspondence credit that may be counted in meeting diploma or degree requirements is limited to one-fourth of the total requirement in each case, and not more than one-eighth may be ·correspondence credit.

Study-Center Regulations

Within the study-center program, a broad subject field is open to practicing teachers and others who wish to attend classes in their home co unties . Any non-l aboratory course desired by a group ot 15 students or mor e will be offered subject to the approval of the division giving the co u rse .a nd th e availability of an instructor. Regular !faculty members conduct the courses .

Study-center courses carry the same time and work requirements as classes held -on the ·ca mpus . Residence credit may be earned, if applied for at th e time of registration

A student may carry two study-center courses at one time, provided the total semester-hour lo ad is no more than six hours If the student's grades indic ate a scholarship . of "2" or below, however, he will be restricted to one study-center course and a maximum load of three semester hours

The fees charged for study-center courses are a course fee of $6.50 per credit hour and a book rental fee of $4.50 of which $2.50 is r ef unded upon the completion of the course. New students pay the usual matriculation fee of $5.00.

Arrangements are made for the organization of study-center class·es, and for meetin g places, through county superintendents or the Director of Special Services, Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru.

Correspondence Regulations

1. Admission. orrespondence study is open to those who meet the college entrance requirements. Entrance credits must , be filed with the registrar 'before work is begun .

94 ( \


2. Registration. (a) Anyone may register for subjects numbered below 200. Those having some college work may register for courses below 300. Only college juniors and seniors should register for 300 or 400 courses (b) Register for only one course at a time. All fees must ·be paid before books and lessons will be sent . On . completion of one course, all books and materials must be returned before books and materials for a second course will be sent, or before a grade will be reported to the registrar's office. ,

3. Time. Unless otherwise stated, each course must be completed within one year from the date of registration. A student who does not complete his work in one year is dropped, and he must reregister in order to continue the course.

4. Credit. Eight written lessons are required for one semester hour of credit. A final examination will . be g.iven at the close of the course.

Correspondence Fees

When the work is completed and the books have been returned, the book deposit of $5.00 will be refunded.


1. If no lessons have been submitted by t he student, the extension division will retain fi v e dollars ($5.00) of the fees paid, regardless of the hours credit.

2. If one or more lessons have been submitted by the student, the extension division will retain five dollars ($5.00) plus an additional :amount of seventy-five cents (75c) for each lesson submitted.

3. No refund will be made if one year has elapsed since registration.

Course fee (per semester hour of credit) $5.00 Book rental and postage c·harge, per course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 Book deposit 5.00 Matriculation fee (paid only by new students) 5.00
Subject No. Education 101 Education 103 Education 328 Education 427 English 103 English 335 Geography 206 Geography 215 Ind. Arts 208 Ind. Arts 209 Ind. Arts 211 Math. 316 Phys. Educ. 301 Phys. Educ. 302 Correspondence Courses Course Title Sem. Hrs. Cr. Educational Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Kindergarten Education 2 Educational Sociology 3 History of Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Children's Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Advanced Children's Literature ..... : . . . . . . . . . 2 Geography of Nebr aska 2 Economic Geography ,. 3 Mechanical· Drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Mechlj,nical . Drawing' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Descriptive Geometry 2 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers . . . . . . . . 3 Principles of Physical Education 3 Materials and Methods of Physical Education. 3 95



No correspo nd ence study can be taken by a student in resident attendance.


Name (in fu ll) ,

Address. Oc cupation

Graduate of . . ... ..... . ; ...... .. ... . . . . . ........ .... . High School

Total college semester hours earned ....... . . . . ... .. .... .. .... .. .

Have you previously enrolled at P e ru for either resident or extension work? ......... .. .... . . .. .. .

Date of first registration (month and year) :

Other colleges attended

Course requested .... ........... ; . .. Course No .... ... Hrs. Cr.... .

Enclosed find money order (check) to cover fees given below:

Matriculation fee ($5.00, n ew students only) ... , ...... $ ... ....... .

Course fee ($5.00 '!)er semester hour) .

I make this application with the understanding t;h.at all the work in this course shall 'be done in absentia, a nd that it is to be comp leted and handed in, ready for approval or rejection by the instru ctor before I again enter as .a resident student at Peru State T eac hers College or any other -Co ll ege or University. I will do none of this work during resident attendance.

Signed .. . ......... ..... . ............... .


Approved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Approved . .................. .


(Extension D irector) (Head of Division)


Address a ll correspondence direct to Registrar, Nebraska State T eac hers College, Peru, Nebraska.

Note-A ll written le ssons must be sent first class as a requirement of postal a uthorities

Book rental and postag e charge 2.50
deposit 5.00 Total .............. $ . •... .. ...•
96 1


Granted from January 19, 1951, to August 18, 1951


January 19, 1951

Joe H. Gillispie

John Avo Reger

May 25, 1951

Gordon H L afferty · Burt J Mahoney

August 18, 1951

Glenn LeRoy Emmert

Otto G. Rath


January 19, 1951

B a rbara M. Bragg · Alvin Schwartz

Dorothy M Wilberger

May 25, 1951

James M. Bornemeie r

Reginald Frischle, Jr.

Dona ld L. Granam

Eugenie K. Hart

Carol E Hawxby

D evan C. He rshey

Truman W. Lytle

Rob ert D Moore

Wallace A Richards

L ester F Russell

Do ris E. Sellhorn

Eldon E Teten

Cecil J Tillman

Jo seph W. Workman

1 Norman W Y ard ley

Evelyn J. Bo se ck

Francis F. Fischer

August 18, 1951

Helen S . Reeves

Alfred E. Umstead


May 25, 1951

Garth 0 Emigh

Karl D Ogg


January 19, 1951

De a n D Duncan

Ni cko l as G. Karabatsos

Clar a M McClatchey

May 25, 1951

William E. Abernathy

Virgini a M . Boesen

Manuel R. Briseno

Jacqueline Cole

Dorothy Collins

Willi am R Cummins

Max L. Cupp

David E. Duey

Robert W. Eilers

Annabelle Eis

William M . Ernst

Gale E Eshelm :;i,n

James F. Finkle

Floyd J. Fithi aIJ,. ,

Robert A. Gausman

Esther L. Holmes

Carlos Harrison

Leon Joy

Jame s P. Lane

Fr ank Joseph Masek

Delbert Dean Miller

Lavern L Poppe

Cecil L Larsen

Delbert W Littrell

Katherine I. Dutton

Teddy McCartney

Arhur Majors

Omer Meek er

Edith Miller

Maurice Moran

Darrell Mudra

Darryl Parsons

Grace S. Pfister

Je ss R. Ray

John L. Sweenie

Kenneth R. Taylor

Fred Thomas

William E. Thurman

Richard E. Webb

Robert L. Wilson

Zelma R. Wonderly


August 18,

Lavonda Abernathy

Genevieve Berg

Mae C. Geick

Norris G. Hale

Bessie M Husa

Elma B. Kehres


Pascaline McGuire

Ardith F. Patton

Harold D. Schwab

Charles E. Smith

Dorothy M Tiller

Lawrence J Webb

Mary D. Wirth


January 19, 1951

Ruth I. Adam s

Dorothy June Pharoah

Patri cia Pryor Cox

May 25, 1951

Ruth Albers

Marilyn Baucke

Eileen Beethe

Sherry Clites

Mary Eichenberger

Davida Gilliland

Belva Hahn

Nancy Hardy

Marjorie Heim

Mary Hinrichs

Gertrude Cha se

Clarice Chri stensen

Norma Dobrovoiny

Ruth N. Doeden

Joyce Kennedy Hall

Eileen H ame l

Alice Johnson

Marian C John so n

Mary H. Kister

Alice Klasek

Shirley Koch

Betty Kuenning

Marilyn L affe rty

Ruby Lockwood

Elizabeth Lotspeich

Marcene Mccunn

Shirley Morse

Rachel Paap

Betty Schmohr

Norma Thomp son

Betty Whipple

August 18, 1951

Mary Ann Kreifels

Eri1ily Krofta

Donna Kunc

Dorothy McMeekin

Gwen Marchand

Evelyn Mol es

Helen Neddenriep

Thelma William s

Merna Young

Laura M Argabright :Quncan

Marjorie Cl ark

May 25, 1951

Mary B a uman

Phylli s Grunwald

Earl Hatcher

Virginia Bippes

Dorothy Erhart

Eleanor Lind sey

Carol R. Mon tgome ry

Estlene Slater


Melvin Keithley

Mary Mar garet Long

Rose Marie Weber

• 98 J,
t INDEX Academic regulations - 28 .Accreditation ···-----···· ··· 11 Administration ··············-- 6 Administration officers _____ 6 Admission to college .......................... 28 Admission to teacher-preparation curriculums - 39 Alumni association -··· ··· 17 Art ------· ··- ·-·······50 Attendance ----·· ··················· 30 Awards ······-········· · 19 Biological Sciences -················ ·-· 82 Buildings __ 12 Business education ······-·· 69 Business officers ········------ 6 Calendar _______ 4 Campus ············-- 12 Certificates -· ---······36 Change in program 30 Chemistry -················ ···· 84 Classification of students .................... 29 Clerical training 69 Correspondence cour ses 94 Applications ·~-----···...... 9G Credit for educational experiences in armed services 29 Curriculums ·····-----··················. 33 Curriculum, selection of •....... .... ......... 33 Degrees and diploma s 3G Degrees, general requirements - ···· 37 Education ___ ·- 3 8 Liberal Arts _______ 39 Degrees granted ···········----97 D ining services -------·········· 24 Diplomas ···-·········-·················· ··· 3G Diplomas granted ·········-··98 Dormitories ................................................ 23 . Education, Division of 40 Elerh e nt a ry education 40 English , 60 Entertainment and social life 14 Entrance requirements 28 Expenses ·········----················· ····· 22 Extension services .......... .................. ... 94 Fees •• ·-··· 24 Course _ ----·--···-·······-···------··-- 25 Non-re s ident - ·········-· 2G Priva te in stru c tion 26 Fine .Arts, Divi sion of 50 French ·-·-··---············· ·· 65 Genera l information .................... .......... 11 Geography ·············-································· 91 German ·------ 66 Grading system 31 Hea~tlJ .and Physical Education, D1v1s10n of 56 Health and physical education for men ·----· ·· 56 He a lth and physical education for women 58 m~t~~; of college .- : ············: ff Home economics _________ ............J. ••...• •••• "71 Homemaking curriculums · 71 Industrial arts ····-··· ······················ 74 Industrial arts specialized curriculum ______ 74 99 Instructional staff 6 Junior termina l curriculums 35 Language Arts, Divi sion of 60 Languages, modern 65 t~eral Ai·ts -------····-······· 39 1 rary scien c e ······•·········-----48 Library staff ----·······················: 6 Living accomod a tions ··-·· ···· 23 tii::u:i nd s ::::~:::::::::: ::::: rn Majors ··-······· ·- · 33 Mathematics ____ 80 Memorials ········---------18 Minors ----······ ······33 Music - ··-----·············· ··· 52 Memberships 11 Non-resident fee 26 Numbering of courses 29 Organizations Athletics ·········-·····•··•············· · 14 Educational and social 14 ~11!{u;~~'.;:~'.;:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::: ii Permanent Faculty Committees .... ... 10 Physical education _______ 56 Physical science ·····----- 84 Physi cs ~,--------- 86 Pl a cement bureau, teacher 18 Plac e ment, commercial :::::::::::::::: 18 Practical Arts, Divi sion of ·······-······ · 69 Pre-professional curriculums 35 P res ident 's office - · 6 Program of instruction ---··· 33 Purposes of college _______ 11 Recreation ···-··········--- 14 Refunds -,cc--- 26 Residence halls 23 Resident attendance , : 30 ··············:::::::::: i~ Scholarships 19 Scholarship standards ·-······ ···· 31 Scholasti c honors ······-·························· 32 Science ---=--c---····-································ 81 Science and M a thematics, Divis ion of ··- 79 Secondary education _______ 44 Secretarial trai ning ----···········69 Social Scienc e 90 Social Studies, Divi s ion of ·····'·····-··· 87 Spanish ········----·············· ·· 68 Speech education 63 Sponsors of stu dent groups ................ 10 State Board of Education .......... ........ 5 Student load 30 Study cente r ···-· · 94 Table of contents 3 Terminal curriculums 35 Transportation facilities .. 12 Tuition ····----24 Vocational agriculture _____ 79 35 Vocational curriculum s Vocational homemaking 71 Withdrawal from school ·- ·····-- 30

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