It is with utmost pl ea~ ure that the staff, ed itor, and advisor of the 1953 PERUVIAN dedicate this book to the NEW LOOK at P eru . In the p:~st few yea rs ou r benefactors, t he taxpa:'ers of Nebraska, have invested over half a million dollars to 'lift the face' of the Pe ru campus. With this improvement of phvsical fac ilities here am ong t he T hou sa nd O:~.ks m:~.nv others tend to foll ow. A few new bees on the bcu ltv, man v new students, and a b rand new J.ttitude among the students. perfect. our dedication. It is our bel icf that the era of the 'suitc:~se' stude nt has passed the campus and a new set of full time learners has entered the educational process. With this prevailing NEW LOOK in mind we p resen t to you the 1953 PERUVIAN.
SpCc LD I.JS(J p43 ~ s-
Py I 1S3
- 2-
EDITORS PAGE STAFF Staff Advisor- J. D. Levitt lvlanaging Editor - Fr:mcis Rose Maurice Dailey Business Manager B usiness lldanager Jo:.m Reim ers . Lay-Out Editor - Frances Heim Photography Editor Monica Zeiner Sports Editor - H oward U lin Copy Editor Lois Genoa Staff Artist - Glendora Clausen P hotographer D orotlw Erhart
ASSISTANTS Joyce Funke Laura Lee Bosworth W ill is Moerer El la Meister Barbara Dav is Ginger Philpot Jack ie Reed Dale Moore Ruth Bell Ru t h Johnson
- 3-
Jm.u.lltj ti1ltlJdirA 9JW.up!J.
tldivil:iJM ~cu!*J (c~* t~e l*tllt/iltf -
A 7,-i6ute lVoRLD WAR I
PERU bculty T O RO L. CLEMEN TSd. Sportsman. o SANF . . Bobcat 3 11 member for 25 vea ts,
DARLENE GENRICH Beatrice, Nebr. Elementary Education Y.W.C.A., Home Ec. Club, Int. Rei. Club, Kappa Delta Pi.
MARVIN GERDES J ohnson, Nebr. Biology-Physical Ed ucation Blue Devils, Student Council, Beta Beta Beta.
HAROLD GP.AFE Nebraska City, Nebr. Hi ston· Blue Dev ils , Kappa· Delta Pi, In t. Rei. Club.
~ J AnC: A n P. T
HALE Bea tri ce, Nebr. Mus ic Kappa Delta P i, l\I. E .N.C., Newman Club, C ho1·us.
FRA NCES TIEIM Dawson, Nebr. Home Econom ics Student Council. White Angels, Home Ec. Club. PEP.UVIAN.
TOM H OPKINS Weeping Water, Nebr. Physical Education Student Council, Dorm Cou ncil, Kappa Delta Pi, Blue De\'ils , PClub.
BOB KECKLEY Falls City, Neb1·. Physical Edu ca t ion Ind. Arts Club, Blue Dev ils .
LOnA I N KnUEGER E ll< Cr eeli, Nebr. Ph \'s ica ! Ect ucati on Blue D ev il s , Ind. A1·ts Club, Lut her a n Club.
BILL i\lclNN JC' II Bt'O\\'ll villc>, NclH·. l\lu!>ic B a n d. Orchcslt·a, Dt·amalics Club, l\I.E.N.C.
PHY LLIS PAI1ni OTT Dal\'l>On, Nebr. Home Economics Wh ile Ang-els, l! ome Ec. Club.
BETTY i\IUNOZ Fairbury. Nebr. En!!lish-Speech Lutheran Club. Kappa Delta Pi, Dramatic Club. l\I. E.N.C. , Sig-ma Tau Della.
HAilOLD IlASPLICA Friend, Nebr. Mathematics Kappa Delta Pi. Alpha i\ lu Omeg-a, Incl. Art!> Club.
110\VAilD NICKELSON Valpariso. Nebt·. Ph1·s ical Education Indus trial Arts Blue Del'ils. Alpha l\lu Omeg-a, Ind. Arts Club, Epsilon Pi Tau.
I !Ail L EY RE CTOil Weeping Water, Nebr. Phys ical Erlu cation Blue Del'ils , P -Club. Student Council, Int. Ilel. Clu b.
S HARON OCKER Cook. Nebr . Phys ical Education - Biolog-1· Sturlent Council. Kappa Delta Pi Tl'i Beta. Blue De1·ils. Chorus: Alpha 1\lu Omega. Dorm Counci l.
FRANCIS ROSE North Platte, Nebr. Englis h Blue Devils , PEilUVIAN, S igma Ta u Delta, In t. Ilel. Club.
·GERALDINE SCI!LIEFERT Wabash, Nebr. Music-Elementary Erlucation White Angels , Kappa Delta Pi, M.E.N.C.. Lutheran Club, (:horus, Peruvian S!Jlgers.
KENNETH URIVIN Louisville, Nebr. Physical Edu ca tion Int. Rei. Club, P-Club.
TIOBP.RT SCIInADP.TI Lincoln, Neb1·. Physical Education P-Ciub.
RON WAGNER Lincoln, Nebr. Physical Education P-Ciub, Blue Devils.
ALAN SC HUSTE I1 Virginia, Neb1·. Commc1·cc Tri Beta, Blue Devils. Co mme rcial Club, Foreign Language Club.
BOB WIIITED Norfolk, NebL His tory
.J ;\ i\1 1-:S STOLTZ
Peru. NchL Post c:ntd ua tc Fre n c h Forc iun l .an g uagc Club, Sigm<t Tau De lla. Ad Club.
MONI CA ZEINETI Ne hn1s l\a City , N chr . Ele m c nta1·.v Edu cati on PEI1 U VIA N . H om e Ec. Club, White Ang-els , N e wma n Club.
CEC IL ANDEnSON Lorton, NcbL Mu sic i\II. E.N.C., Peruvian Singers
LOREN ARGABRIGHT Nemaha, Nebr. ;\lathemat ics M.E.N.C., P eruvian S ingers.
ALICE BERNARD Juli an, Nebr. Elementan路 Education Orchestra, Ne\\:man Club.
TOl\I BOS\\' ORTH Nebraska City, Nebr. Bus iness Educati'on In t. Rei. Club, Commercial Club.
FRED CLEMENTS P eru , Nebr. Mus ic M.E.N.C., Chorus , Band, Orchestra, Tri Beta, Kappa Delta Pi.
JI M COTTON P eru, Nebr. Chemistry - Biology Tri Beta , Band, Dance Band.
- 13-
FERN DOUGHERTY Br ock, Nebr. Elementary Education White Angels .
J E A N Bl RDS LEY Auburn, Nebr. Elementary Education Dramatics Club, Band. Whi te Angels, Dorm Council, Y.W. C.A., Kappa Delta Pi, Sigma Tau Delta.
BENNIE DUERFELDT Barnard , Missouri Mu sic Kappa Delta P i, M.E.N.C., Blue Devi ls, Chorus, Band. Perm路ian S ingers, Dorm Counci l.
\VF::\DF. LL IIOL.:\IF:S NORMA IIEYWOOD KE N 1-JOAG PHYLLIS HEINKE Full erton. Ne br. Peru, Nebr. Chicago , Ill. Omaha, Nebr. Bu s in ess Ed u cation Art Bus in ess Edu cation Phys. Ed., Biology Band, Y.W.C.A., Tri Beta, Sig- Foreign Lang. Club, Dramat ics, Blu e Devils, Commercial Clu b, Blu e Devil s , P. Club. Chorus. Int. Ilel. Club. ma Ta u Delta, Archery Club
LEE HOPP Johnson, Nebr. Mu sic M. E. N.C., Blue Devils, L.S.A., Tri Beta, Band, Orch estra.
J HARVEY !DEUS Beatrice, Nebr. Phys. Eel. - Hi story P. Cl ub, Blue Devils, Lutheran Club.
BOB LADE Tecumseh, Nebr. Physical Edu cation P . Club, Lutheran Club, Ind. A rts Club, Blue Devils.
- 14-
EUGENE L ARSON H am pton. N ebr. Physical Ed., Ind. A r ts P . Club, Blu e Devi ls .
CU ilTI S LINDELL E ssex, I o wa Ph.\路 s ica l Ed., I nd. A1路ls Ind . Arts C lub, Blue D evils. C h orus . P e J路u,路ian S ing-ers.
STANLEY LONGFELLOW Peru, Nebras ka Biology T1路i Beta, For eign Language Club, Band.
WILLIA:r.I MANESS Watson, Missouri Elementary Education
WI LLARD MASON Loui sv ille, Nebraska Physical Educa tion Blue Devils, P-Club.
JAMES MILLER Julian, Nebraska English Sigma Tau Delta, Foreign Language Cluo, Debate.
CHARLOTTE MERITT Council Bluffs, Iowa Elementary Education Home Ec. Club, Art Club, Whi te Angels, Dorm Council.
1 DALE MOORE Nemaha, Nebras ka Commerce Band, Blue Devils, Tri Beta, Commercial Club.
BUEFORD RICKMA N RALPH MOSHER Nemaha, Nebr. Auburn, Neb1路. Industrial Arts P re-Dental Tri Beta, Band, Chorus, Peru- Blue Devils, Eps ilon Pi Tau. vian Singer s.
- 1 ~-
RICHARD ROSENDAHL Nor th ~ l atte , Nebr. Art Blue Devils, Ar t Clu b, Int. R ei. Club.
';' '
!.1ft KENNETH SASEK Swanton, Nebr. English Y.M.C.A., Int. Rei. Club.
RICH STEINER REGINA STANDER CURTIS SEDERBURG Peru, Nebr. Weeping Water, Nebr. Essex, Iowa Biology - Gen et路al Science Commerce Physical Ed. Blue Devils, Epsilon Pi Tau, Ind. White Angels, Newman Clu b. Band, Chorus, Tri Beta. Arts Club, L.S.A., Student Sigma Tau Delta, Commercial Club, Dorm Council. Council, P. Club.
HOWARD ULIN Falls City, Nebr. English Y.M.C.A., PERUVIAN, Gavel and Rostrum.
- 16 -
GRACE CLARK Falls City, Nebr. Elementary Education Y.W.C.A.
EULA ANDERSON Hamburg, Iowa Elementary Eclucntion Home Ec. Club.
EVERETT BASSINGE R Auburn, Nebrnska Business Education
ROSALIE BOELLSTORFF Johnson, Nebraska Elementary Education Home Ec. Club, Y.W.C.A.
LA URA LEE BOSWORTH Nebraska City, Nebr. Kindergar ten-Primary White Angels, Newman Club, Home Ec. Club, PERUVIAN.
ELDON CARMINE El k Creek, Nebras ka Phys ical Education
t .,.
MARY LEE CAMPBELL Nebms ka Cit~路 . Nebr . Elementary Education Y.W.C.A., White Angels, Dorm Council, Ilome Ec. Clu b, Archery Club.
LARRY CHAMBERS Thurman, Iowa E lementary Education
PAUL CAROTHERS Broken Bow, Nebras ka P hysical Education
- 17--
J OHN CHRIST, Jr. P er u, Nebras ka Phys ical Science Dramatic Club, Band.
JAMES CLARK Vesta, Iowa Pre-Engineering Blue Devils.
JENIS CRAIG GLENDORA CLAUSEN P e ru, Ne b1路as ka P er u, Nebraska Dmmatics Art Chorus, White Angels, PERU- Dramatics Club. H ome E c. Club. Commercial Club. VIAN.
KENNETH CLARK Howe, Nebras ka Physical Education Blue Devils.
NANCY DARRAH Malvern, Iowa Elementary Educa tion Y.W.C.A., llome Ec. Club, Band.
MAURICE DAILEY Odell , Nebraska BARBARA DAVIS Pre-Bus iness - Pre-Law PHYLLIS DAVENPORT Gavel and Rostrum , New man Julian, Nebras ka Peru , Nebraska Club, PERUVIAN, Int. Rei. Elementary Ed ucation Music-Elem entar y Ed ucation Club, Foreig n Lan guage Club, M.E.N.C., Band, Orchestra, Blue Devils, Dramatics Club, White Angels, Home Ec. Clu b, PERUVIAN. Chorus. Debate.
- l H-
NORMAN D C>IlAN Peru, Nebra s ka Ind. Arts - Math ematics
-I -
MARY ANN FLETCHER VIRGINIA FERGUSON NED ECKMAN Hamburg, Iowa Falls City, Nebraska Pawnee City, Nebraska Elementary Education English Physical Edur.ation Blue Devils, T r i Beta, P-Club. Whi te Angels. Dramatics Club, White Angels, Y.W.C.A. Sigma Tau Delta, Student Cou ncil, Int. Rei. Club.
LA VERNE FOSS Filley, Nebraska P r e-Agricultural T ri Beta , Commercial Club.
RICHARD GAMLIN Nebraska City, Nebraska Pr e-Engineering Alpha Mu Omega
.•.• J EAN ANN GRAHAM Percival, Iowa E lementar y Education Y.W.C.A.
RICHARD GREGG Murray, Nebraska Education
CAROLYN HARDY LAWRENCE HARPENAU Falls City, Nebraska Endicott, Nebraska Elementary Education Socia l Science Cheerleader, White An g e Is, Newman Club. Y.W.C.A.
- 19-
MARILYN HAWXBY Nemaha, Nebraska E lementary Education Y.W.C.A., Dorm Council, Band, Orchestra.
DALE HADLEY Wymore, Nebraska Business
WALT HEIN Bayard, Nebras ka Ind. Arts Eps ilon Pi Tau, Ind. Arts Club, L .S.A.
DONNA HILL P erci n 1l, Iowa E lementa r v Education White Angels, Y.W.C.A.
DON HOLSCHER Sy racuse, Nebraska Physical Education Blue Devils.
RAMON KOUBEK RUDY JUNIOR KARAS ST EPHEN HOWERY RUTH JOHNSON Pla ttsmou t h, N ebras ka Mead , Nebraska Bar tlett, Iowa Auburn, Nebraska Ind us trial Arts Mus ic Elementan路 E ducation Pre-Medical Or- Newman Club, Ind. A1路ts Club. Foreign Language Club, Tri White Angels, Y.W.C.A. , Cheer- M.E.N.C. , Band, Choru s, chestra, Y.M.C.A. leader, PERUVIAN. Beta, Y.M.C.A.
- 20-
.,_-.Lf". ROBERT K NOPLE Peru, Nebras ka Industrial Arts
PAT LA RUE Weeping Water, Nebraska E lem entarv Education White Angels, 路Y.W.C.A., Dorm Council, Band.
MARCELLA LOLLMAN Nebraska City, Nebraska Home Economics Dramatics Club, Home Ec. Club, Y.W.C.A., Chorus.
ALVIN LOWE Emerson, Iowa Physical Education Blue Devils.
CAROL McKEE Pawnee City, Nebraska Elementary Education White Angels, Peruvian S ingers, Chorus, Dorm Council, Y.W. C.A., Cheerleader, Home Ec. Club.
DEAN MEISINGER Plattsmouth, Nebraska Industrial Arts Y.M.C.A., Ind. Arts Club.
ELLA MEISTER Humboldt, Nebraska English White Angels, Sigma Tau. Peruvian Singers, Band, Chorus, PERUVIAN.
- 2 1-
ERNEST MEYER Fairbury, Nebraska Physical Education Newman Club.
WILLIS MOERER Johnson , Nebraska English Sigma Tau Delta, Blue Devils, P-Club, L. S. A., Foreign Language Club, Dramatics Club.
MABEL NEDVED Virginia, Nebr aska Elementary Education White Angels, Y.W.C.A.
RICHARD NEEDHAM Glenwood, Iowa Pre-Business Blue Devils, Foreign Language Club, Commer cial Club.
LEE OGLE Humboldt, Nebraska Physical Education Blue Devils.
RONALD PAAP Otoe, Nebr aska Phys ical Education Blue Devils, Tri Beta.
CHARLES PICKERING Nebraska City, Nebraska Biology Newman Club.
JACQUELINE REED Pawnee City, Nebraska Elementary Education Band, Chorus, White Angels, Peruvian Singe r s, Dramatic Club.
DARRELL ROSENQUIST JOAN REIMERS Julian, Nebraska Essex, Iowa Physical E ducation History Industt路ial Arts White Angels, Int. Rei. Club, Gavel and Ros tr um, Y.W.C.A., Blue Devils, P-Club, Ind. Ar ts Club. Sigma Tau.
- 22-
FRANKLI N ROYA L Avoca, Nebraska
MARV I N SACKETT Ash land, Nebras ka P hysical Education Al pha Mu Omega.
KENNETH S.-\NFORD Beatri ce, Nebraska Indu stria l Ar ts P-Ciub, Blue De,路i ls, Ind. Arts Club.
BILL SAY ER Peru, Nebraska I ndus trial Arts
DEAN SCOGGIN Beatrice, Nebraska Pre-Engineering Blue Devils, Ind. Arts Club Peruvian Singers, Alpha M~ Omega.
GRACE SE EBA Cook, Nebraska Elementary Education Home Ec. Club, L.S.A., Band, Archery Club.
PHILLI P SPECT Sy racuse, Nebr aska Phys ical Education
LEE STODDARD Brocl{, Nebraska English Home Ec. Club, Y.W.C.A.
SHIRLEY STUTHEIT Cook, Nebraska E lementary Education L.S.A., Home Ec. Clu b, Archery Club.
l - 23-
DON THOMAS Glenwood, Iowa Physical Education P-Club, Blue Devils.
DEAN TWIDWELL GERALD TRULLINGER MARGARET ULBR ICK Julian, Nebras ka Farragut, Iowa Robins on, Kansas Mu sic Physical Education Pre-Law Student Council, P-Club, Alpha Gavel and Rostrum, Y.M.C.A., Band, Orchestra, Chorus, M.E. Foreign Language Club, Int. N.C. Mu Omega, Blue Devils. Rei. Club, Debate.
RONALD WENNINGHOFF Syracuse, Nebraska Pre-Engineering
- 24-
rriCHARD WICKISER Falls City, Nebraska Physical Education
.MEP.LYN VICE Brownville, Nebras ka Biology Blue Devils.
RICHARD ADAMS Falls City, Neb1·aska Phy s ical Education
BERT ADAMS l<'au·mont, Nebraska Phys ical Education
RONNIE AHL Louisville, Nebraska Commerce Commercial Club.
-..,., r
ED ALLEN Auburn, Nebraska Business
l ••• 1\· •
Football ROLLO BEBOUT P e1·cival, Iowa Pre-Engineering
LARRY BELL Alvo, Nebraska Pre-E ngineering
I TERRY BICKFORD Weeping Water, Nebraska Physical Education
BILL ALLEN Ch icago, Illinois Pre-Engineering
DUAN E BRIGGS Palmyra, Nebraska Industrial Arts
RUTH BELL Underwood, Iowa Elementa ry Education Band, Chorus, White Angels, L.S.A., Home Ec. Club, Dorm Council.
- 25 -
J IM 13F.NNETT Pawn ee Cily, Nebraska Mathematics
RON BONDI Chicago, Illinois Physical Education Newman Clu b, Bas ketball, Track.
) .&
NORMA BOYER Stanton, Iowa Elementary Educa tion White Angels, L.S.A., Dramatics Club, Chorus, Peruvian Singers.
DALF. BRADLEY Aubu1路n. Nebras ka Indu s trial A1路ts
RICHARD R. BRAMBLE JOA N BRIGGS Essex, Iowa Rupert, Idaho Physical Education Commerce Basketball. White Angels. Y.W.C.A., Band. Gavel a nd Rostrum, Commercial C:lub. llOSS BROWN DI C K CAN NON Pawnee City, Nebra s ka W.vmon~ . Nebr as ka Pre-Agriculture Math ematics Y ..M.C.A., Chon1s. C horus , Football.
DARRELL CHRISTENSEN JANET CHRISTENSEN Blue Springs, Nebraska Weeping Water, Nebraska Mathematics Commerce Y.M.C.A., Archery Club. White Angels, Commercia l Club.
JOHN CLARK Brownv ille, Neb1路aska Bus iness Education Foreig-11 La nguage Cl ub, Commercial Club. - 26-
KARL C LARK A lvo , Neb ras ka Phys ica l Education
< 路 L~ '路 .禄~.,
!\TARILY N COATNEY Peru, Nebraska Commerce Commercial Club, White Angels.
ROS P. MARIE COOK Brot:l; , Nebras ka P.lementary Education Y.W.C.A., Home Ec. Cl ub.
DONNA DE ROIN Falls City, Nebms l>a Elementary Education White Angels, Int. Rei. Club, Archery Club, Y.W.C.A.
) \ /
110BERT DONNELSON Dramatics Dramat ics Club.
BLOSSO M DUNCAN LOREN DYKE E lk Creek, Nebraska Malvern, Iowa Tiural Education Y. W . C. A., Home Ec. Club, Conservation Chorus . Chorus, Peruvian Singer s.
GERDA FOGED Gretna, Nebraska El emen tary Education L.S.A., I lome Ec. Club, Archery Club.
NOI1MA FORD Nehawl;a, Nebraska Rural Education Chorus, Y.W.C.A.
PEGGY P.ICKHOFF Verdon , Nebraska Bus iness Home Ec:. Club, Lutheran Club, Int. Rei. Club, Y.W.C.A., Commercial Club, White Angels.
- 27-
GEUALD DOWNEY Falls City, Nebraska Industrial Arts
J OHN EVERETT Weepi ng Wa t er , Nebraska Pre- f路:ngin eering
GERTRUDE LOUISE FRITZ Auburn, Nebraska Rural Education Y.W.C.A., Home Ec. Club, Band.
PHYLLIS GESS Syracuse, Nebraska Mathematics L.S.A.
RALPH GOOD Tecumseh, Nebraska Social Studies Int. Rei. Clu b, Baskethall.
SHIRLEY GESS Syracuse, Nebraska L.S.A., Commercial Club, Home Ec. Club.
JERRY GROVES Peru, Nebraska Dramatics Gavel and Rostrum, Dramatics Club, PERUVIAN.
- 28-
JOYCE FUNKE Nebraska City, Nebraska Englis h Home Ec. Club, PERUVIA N, Pedagogian, Newman C I u b, Archery Club.
JA CK GARR ISON Co urtland, Nebraska IJi s tor v Int. Rei. Club, Y .l\f.C.A.
ELDONNA GOBBER Elk Creek, Nebras ka Elementary Education Y.W.C.A., L.S.A., Chorus. Pet路uvian Singers, Home Ec. Club.
BOYD GOOD Tecumseh, Nebntska Business Education
DALE HADLEY Wymore, Nebraska Busi ness
NORMA HALBERT Salem, Nebraska Eng-li s h Newman Cluh. Dramatics Clu b, Wh ite Angt>l s, Int. R ei. C lub, PERUVIAN.
JOHN HAMMER Ashland, Nebraska P r e-Engineer ing l\IATl.LENE HAPPEL S terling, Nebraska Elementcu路y Educatio1 L.S.A.
LOIS IIARMS Auburn, Nebraska Rura l Educa tion L.S.A., Home Ec Club.
G\\'ENDO LY N !lAYS Peru, Nebraska l 路ommerce White Angels, Y.W.C. A. Commercial Club, Choru s .
DANIEL E. JONES Doug-las. Nebras ka Liberal Arts
CHARLES H ERO LD Salem, Nebraska
SHIRLEY HARTl\ IA N MAR LENE HART ZELL Fa lls City, Nebraska Cou rtland, Nebraska E lement ary Ed ucation Commerce Lutheran Clu b, Commercial Chor us, Cheerleader, Peru vian Club, Home Ec Clu b, Whi te S inger s. Angels.
DICK H EYWOOD P er u, Nebras ka Industrial Arts
BARBARA KLIN E l\Ialvern, Iowa Commercial Y.W. C.A.
- 29-
ELEANOR J OHNSON Peru , Neb1路aska General Science Com mer cial Club.
DON KUHLMAN Nebraska City, Nebraska Pre-Medicine Chorus, Band.
GENE LEBER Cour t land, Nebraska Mathematics
EDWARD LANG Omaha, Nebras ka Physical Edu cation Newman Club.
DICK LASSECK Omaha, Nebras ka Business Newman C I u b, Commercial Clu b.
VICKIE LE CURE Nebraska City, Nebraska Elementary Education Band, Chorus, White Angels, Y.W.C.A. PAT LINCOLN Pacific Junction, Iowa Elementary Education Band. Y.W.C. A.
JEAN MALEK Hampton, Nebraska Elementary Education White Angels, Archery Club, Home Ec. Club, Y.W.C.A.
BILL McADAMS Peru, Nebraska ELDON McCALL Pawnee City, Nebraska Phys ical Ed ucation
RODGER MAJORS P eru, Nebraska Physical Educa tion
JOliN McMULLEN Chicago, Illinois Phys ical Education Football.
MARILYN MEYERS Omaha, Nebr aska Primary E ducation Lutheran Club. WILLIAM MEYERS Alvo, Nebras ka Pre-Agricu lture, Pre-Engineering
FRANCIS MICKELLS Omaha, Nebraska Chemistry Newman Clu b.
MARI LYN MILLER MARY MOORE Table Rock, Nebr aska Nemaha, Nebraska Elementary Education Elemental'\' E ducation Newman Club, Home E c. Club, Band, Chorus. 路 Arch er y Club.
/ /
MAX MOORE E ssex, Iowa Physical Education Indus trial Ar ts Club.
RICHARD MOORE Nemaha, Nebraska Pre-Agriculture Football.
BOB MOSS DON MULLINS Portageville, Missouri Salem, Nebraska Socia l Science Busin ess Gavel and Ros trum, Int. Rei. Commer cial Club, Forei,l.\'!1 La nClu b, Student Council. guage Club. CHARLENE NELSON MIRIAM NEWTON Auburn, Nebr aska Peru, Nebras ka P re-Bus in ess Pre-Nurs ing Archery Club, Commercial Club, Newman Club, White Angels, White Angels. Chorus. - 31 -
HOWARD OSBORNE Auburn, Nebraska Pre-Business Archery Club, Commercial Club, White Angels. CHARLES PAINTER Plattsmouth, Nebr aska Prc-Engi nee1路ing
J EDWARD PHAROAH Peru, Nebraska Pre-Agriculture
AL PIRSCH Omaha, Nebraska Physical Education Weepi ng Water, Nebras ka Eng li s h White Angels, Gavel a nd Rostrum.
VEN ITA RADER Peru, Nebraska Commerce Band, Chorus.
BOB PERRY C hicago, Illin ois P r e-La w Fool ba ll.
RONALD RA C I NE R iverto n, Iowa Ind u s t ri a l Arts Y .:\1.C .A ., Ind. Arts C lu b.
BEVERLY REDFIELD Omaha, Nebraska Social Stud ies Y.W.C.A., Int. Rei. Club, Band, Orchestra .
- 32-
RAY RE ICHART Valley Falls , Kansas Voca t iona l Agriculture
J OYC E n.IDD E R Nor wa lk, Califo rnia Pre- Medic in e Band, O r c h e s tra.
WANDA RICKMAN Nemaha, .NebrasKa Elementary Education Band, Chorus, Y.W.C.A. JETIRY RUDLOFF Omaha, Nebraska Liberal Arts Newman Clu b.
PATRICIA SAILING Wy more, Nebraska Business White Angels, Commercial Club.
LOWEL SAMUELSON Beattie, Kan sa s Physical Education JOHN SCHONEWISE Beatrice, Nebraska Pre-Pharmacy
ANNA MAE SCHREINER Nebraska City, Nebraska Rural Education Newman Club.
MATIY S HERROD Goodland, Kansas English Y.W.C.A., Band. LAWRENCE STIERS E lkhorn, Nebrasl<a Chemistry Band.
JEANINE SCHLIEFERT Murdock, Nebraska White Angels, Lutheran Club, P eruvian Singers, Chorus.
JOHN STILWELL, Jr. Palmyra, Nebras ka Industrial Arts Archery Club. -33- 路
ALLEN STIERS Nemaha, Nebras ka Ph ysical Education
MARILYN STOEHR Plattsmouth, Nebraska Elementary Education Chorus, Y.W.C.A., Home Ec. Club.
RICHAP..D STOG DILL Malvern, Iowa Physical Education
L F:T A RAf路: S TUCKER Effing-h am , I< a nsas El ementa 1路y E duca tion Whi te Ang-els, Y.W. C.A .. Commercial Club, Cho1路us, Orchestra , Band. ----------------~
SHIRLEY STUTHEIT MARILYN SWINDLE Auburn, Nebraska Cook, Nebraska Elementary Education Elementary Education L.S.A., Home Ec. Club, ArcheryWhite Angels, Dramatic Club, Club. Chorus. Lincoln, Nebraska Elementary Educat ion
MARY VANDER HOLM Hepburn, Iowa ElementmT Education Wh ite Angels, 路c horus, Student Council, L.S.A.
RONALD GENE WAGNER Dawson, Nebraska Physical Education Ind. Arts Club.
,.,...., BILL WEATHERHOGG Palmyra, Nebraska Industrial Arts
RAY TRE J"o:SE Shenandoah, Iowa Chemi s try Y.M.C.A.
RICHAP..D WILLIAMS Falls City, Nebras ka Indu stria l Arts Blue Devils.
ROSA RATH Special Student
DONNER ZANDERS Malvern, Iowa Physical Education
Freshmen have their Day in Court.
- 35-
MR. NEAL S. GOMON President Mr. Neal S. Gomon, Installed as president of Nebraska State College at Peru in 1951, has, through his Interest and enthusiasm, won the admiration and respect of the entire student body and faculty. We remember his contributions to convocations and the friendly hello h e gives to students on the campus.
J DR. HAROLD BORAAS Dean of Students
DR. LESTER N . DOWNING Dea n of College
- 38-
KENNETH M. HEYWOOD Director of Special Services
DAflnELL \VINN INGER Dormitory Coun selor Assis tant Professor of Psycholog.'路
DR. LEO EASTMAN Director, Training School
CORABELLE TAGGART Assis tant Registrar
S. L. CLEMENTS Associate Professor of Secondar y Education
LAWRENCE D. GORRE LL Assistant Professor of Education
RUTH BROWN HAROLD JOHNSON ALMA ASHLEY Assistant Professor of Education Assistant Profess or of Education Assis tant Professor of Education
B. A. EDDY Assistant Professor of Education
CLARA McCLATCHEY Ins tructor of Education
BLANCHE CARD Assis tant Professor of Education
Ins tructor of Education
ZF.LMA WONDF.RLY In s truc tor of
HANFORD MILLER Associate Professor of Ch emistry
L. B. MATHEWS Associate Professo t路 of Ph ysics
Assistant Librarian
JOHN C. CHRIST Acting Head, Division of Science
' Of:i\IA L. DIDDEL Assoc iate P rofessor of Art
MYRTLE COOK Associate Professor of Mathematics
MAXINE DAVIS, Il.N. College Nurse
G. E. W IGG INS, i\I .D. College Doctor
DARRYL T. MANRING Assis tant Professor of Music
VI CT OR H. JINDRA Acting Head, Di vis ion of Mu s ic
ROBERT T. BENFORD Associate Professor of Music
FRIEDA ROWA LDT Assistant Professor of Commerce
I HAZEL WEAR E Associate Professor, Bus iness Education
I CASTLE 1\I. BROWN 1 lead, Divis ion of Social Sciences
WI LLIAM JOHNSON Assis tant Profes!iot路 of Ph.1路s ieal F.cl ucation
RIC II ARD VAN PELT Assistant Professot路 of Education
P. M. MAYFIELD Assis tant Profes sor, Social Sciences
ANSEL B. CLAYBURN P rofessor of Geography
Hearl , Di vis ion of Il ealth and Phys ical Edu ca t ion
Assistant Professor of Physical Education
Associate P rofessor of Health Education
J E110 ME D. S TE MP EH S uper visor路 of Phys ica l Education and Mathema tics
Associate Professor of P hysical Education
Assistan t Professor of Engli s h
ROBERT D. MOORE Acting Head, Di\路ision of Language Arts
J AMES B. STEP.LE Assistant Pr路ofessor of Engl is h
., CLARENCE E. WILKINSON Assistant Professot路 of English
ALLEN SCHMULLER Associate Professor of Secondm路y Ed ucation
A. V. LARSON Head, Division of Prac tical Arts
GEORGE 11ATII Associate Professor of Modern Languages
T ILMAN JUETT Assistant Professor of Education
DEE V. JARVIS Assistant Pr ofessor of 1ndustr ial Ar ts
STACEY VANCE S uperin tendent of Rui lr! ings and Grounds
MARIE FELDHUSEN Assistant Professor of Home Economics
EDNA WEARE Associate P rofessor of Homemaking
FRANCES W HEELEr. Instructo1路 of Girls Ph ys. P.d . in Train inl{ School
DOROTIIY STEPAN Secretary to President
J A:--:ET
~A:'\r:I NG
Secre tary to Director of Train iu l{ St hotJI
GLADYS II EYWOOD Secretary lo Director of Special Ser vices
LILLIAN EDDY Secretary to Dean of College
DOROTHY COULTER Assistant Bursar
MARDELLA CHILDERS Bookkeeper, Bursar's Off ice
HATTI E CLEMENTS Secretary to Mr. Heywood
MATTIE GATES Secretary to Dean of Students
• l.
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Eight Bailers-Intramural Champs
After eleven weeks of running, jumping, and smashing the Int ramural basketball season at PERU came to a screeching h alt when the "Stock-Yard Steadies" defeated the "Offensive Five" 65- 28 in the finals of the single ellmlnatlon tournament. The Steadies climbed over (or ran through, whichever would leave the most marks) the "Gold Diggers" and "Hepkatz" to tangle with the "Offensive Five." The "Eight Ba ilers" h ad copped the regular season championship by squeaking through a seven game schedule with no losses. The black shirts of Coach Sharon Ocker had to come from behind In many of these games. It was hoped that a double round robin schedule could be completed, but lack of available game n igh ts prohibited th is. Ninety three men par ticipated In 1M
basketball this year under the direction of Assistant IM Directors Don Thomas, Jerry Trullinger, a nd J ack Gilmore. The season was marred by t h e cutting of the sonedule, three or four "boxing shows," h a phazard officiating, and an overtime "rhubarb" In t he tourna ment that broug ht on a valuable rule change for s ucceeding years. Only one record was broken this yea r . A n e\v single game, team scor ing record was set when the "StockYard Steadies" funneled 85 points against the "Hepkatz." I would like to thank the Assistan t Directors, Intra mura l managers, and a ll of the men that helped In making the Int ra mura l league a good on e. -PAUL GILBERT.
Ready fo r t he fir s t fa ll, 40 minute t im e lim it.
SEASON RECORD Team Eigh t Ballers Stock Yard Steadies Wampus Cats The Jokers Offensive Five Hepkatz Slewfoot Five Go!diggers
Won 7 6 4
4 3
Lost 0 3 3
2 2
4 5 5
COMMENTS BY A L It has been a pleasure to coach this year's football team . I am proud of them and wish to congratulate them not on ly for their fine play during the season, but for their conduct and sportsmanship on the field and in the dressing room . T o Paul Gilbert, line coach, and Bill Johnson " B" team coach and scout, I wish to express my thanks for a splendid job well done. I want to thank the managers, La Von Covault, and Harve:v Ideus fo r their coopera-
__ J
tion and the work they did during the season. Coach AI Wheeler
Coaches Bill Johnson, AI Wheeler, Paul Gilbert - 51-
N. C.
First Row: Dick Stockman, Jack Gilmore, Fred Applegate, Earl Webb, Co-captain Harley Rector, Coach Johnson, Coach Wheeler, Coach Gilbert, Co-captain Bob Lade, Sharon Ocker, Gene Larson, Curtis Lindell, Bob Simpson. Second Row : Jerry Trullinger, Lee Norris, Kenneth Clark, Curtis Sederburg, Willard Mason, Darrel Rosenquist, Tom Hopkins , Don Thomas, Marvin Sackett, Loren Argabright, Alan Stiers, Burtis Adams, Je rry Rudloff, Eldon McCall.
59~e 6J~ \
.. ,
I? .# .
Third Row: Phil Specht, Dick Wickiser, Larry Bell, Wend ell Holmes, Ned Eckman, Max Moore, Lowell Samuels on, Dick Moore, John Ever ett, Richard Ad :1 ms. Rodg er Majors, Robert Moss, E d Lan g . Fourth Row: St. Mg r. LaVon Covault , Gene Richart, John Hammer, Ron Wa gner , Dick Cannon, Bill McAdams, Robert Thomas, Le land Covault, Bill Allen, Bob Per ry , Dick Stodgill, Duane G rady, Ron Vrba, Asst. St. Mg r. Harvey !deus.
- 53-
What do I do Now ?
.... . ....
_ _..
~ -·
Full s team ahead!
.\ n ew Esquire Calendar?
T he Peru Bobcats of 1952 gave t he "Campus of a T housand Oaks" their first undefeated, un tied season. Under the able leadersh ip of Coaches AI W heeler, Paul G ilbert, and Bill Johnson , t he "Cats" kept their record un blemished t hroug hout a to ugh ten game schedule. Peru opened their season September 12, against a i1ighl:v favored Wash burn eleven . T he lchabod s boasted an all-veteran sq uad , and were t hree touchdown favorites. The Bobcats, however, led bv t heir Little A ll American, Bob Lade, outfought and outsped their opponent s, w inning b~· a score of 43-20. Lade blocked a punt , blocked an extra point, and was a fifth member of Washburn's backfield all even ing . D ick Stockman was the offensive star, w ith t hree touchdowns. On September 19, the "Wheelermen " tra veled to Pell a, Iowa , to pi a~ · an untried Iowa C entral T eam . The Bobcats, after a shak " start, settled dow n the last th ree q uarters . and downed the "Dutchmen " 27-0. This victo r:• was a costly one,
Oh you'll never get. away-
Pardon my past!
however, as Tom H opkins, star halfbac k suffered a leCT injun' w hic h hobbled him the rest of the 0 . season . Bill M cAdams , a freshman fi lling in for injured Fred A pplegate, came throug h with a g reat g ame, while Lee Norris was a demon on defense w ith a score of low driving tackles. Peru opened conference pia: ' aga inst a rugged Hastin gs team . The gam e was r:t ted a toss-up. w ith the w inner being cast as fa vorite to grab t he N. C. C. crown. Peru struck sw ifdv in the first g uarte r to g rab a 14-0 lead. A t chis point the Broncos stiffened , and Peru was stopped cold d uring the next two g uarters, w h ile Hastings p icked up six points in the third quarter on some fine runnin g b: ' the ir g reat h alfback , Bill Beck . A lthoug h Peru had a touchdown nul lified the last perioJ , t hey held their le:td and won , 14-6. Peru was sp arked b)' the ir two fine wing men , Jerry Trullinger and Jack Gillmore, and tackle H arley Rector. O n October 10, t he Cats tra vel ed to Lincoln
"That man's gotta. go."
Look mom, no teeth!
continued football commentary.
" Twinkle Toes"
where they met an up and down Nebraska W esleyan squad. Led b)' W es. Hulq uisc, a fin e halfback, che Plainsm e n stunned Peru the first half and led at incerm ission 7-0. The aroused Bobcats roared bac k t he second half to score fo ur touchdowns, whi le holding Wesley an scoreless. Mid land furnished opposit ion at Peru 's Homecom in g fes tivit ies . T he game , bm un der-manned Warriors fel l b efore th e Bobcat o nsla ught, 40-7. Peru was led b_v so p hom ores K en Clark, and Fred Applegate . Peru met its arch ri val, Doane, O ctober 24, in a game pla~' ed at Nebras ka Cit_v. The first qu arter w as featured by a pow e r fa ilure w h ich hal ted p lay for some twentv odd minutes. Stat istica ll _v the Bobcats h ad all the better of it, but wo.n bv a mara::J in of on! •v 13-7. The Bobcats celebrated Halloween b v devastatm g a will ing but inex perienced Wayne eleven , 56-6. The ~u tstanding pla_v of the evening was execm ed bv Ken Sanford as he aot off a qu ick kick which traveled 77 vards and ~oiled dead on the Wwne four v ard line. Per~1 _end ed its hom e stand against a powerlul Kearney team. lc was a bnHslllg battle all che wa,·, wi t h che Bobca ts winning 13-7, and thereby winni ng ah und isputed N.C.C. crown . In a pose season ,, game .rt North Platte , the Cats m et an u nderdoo0 A ug ustana e leven fro·m S ioux Falls. Led b,· Eric, thei r grc:1c back, A ug ust:ma led at the hal ft ime, 21-14. T he e.'obcats , pb_v ing wi t h onl v three da_vs rest from the Kearnev aa me fou g ht bac k to cake a thrillin ;~ 27-2 1 victorv. · n n
A great deal of the creel it for a great season shou ld be given to t h e coaching abi litv of A I W heeler, Pau l G ilbert , an d Ri ll Joh nson, che support of the .stud ent bocl_v and fac u lc_v. _,;.;_""""'....;,..-....;;....;.:_L____ _ _ 56Bob Lade and H arl cv Rector
" Hey f e llows, what you doing d o wn the re !"
There must be a dog on the fie ld.
SEASON'S RECORD Ten wins and no losses Score
Team Played
Washburn of Topeka, Kansas ___ ________ _13-20 Central of Pella, Iowa ___ ____ ____ ______ _27- 0 Hastings --- --------- ----- ------ ----- -- 14- 6 Chadron --------------- - ----- ---- --- ---47- 7 Nebraska Wesleyan __ __ ____________ _____ 27- 7 Midland __ __ ____ __ _____________ _______ _40- 7 Doane ----- ------------- ------------ ---13- 7 Wayne ____ ______ _____ _____ __ ______ ____ 56- 6 Kearney ------- ---------- -- ------------13- 7 Augustana of South Dakota __ ______ ______ 27-21
All-Conference Teams Picked by Conference Coaches : First Team ____ __ __ __ ________ __ _______ Lade, Rector, a nd E ckman Second Team _____ ___ Rosenquist, Sederburg, Applegate, and Cla rk All-Conference Teams Picked by Lincoln Star: First Team __ ___________ ____ ______ Lade, Eckman, and Rosenquist Second Team ____ __ ________________ Applegat e, Rector, and Allen Stars of the Week Picked by World Herald: Allen, Argabright, Clark, Eckman, Gilmore, Lade, Lindell, R ector, Sackett, Stockman, and Thomas Little All-American Tackle-Offensive Fir st Associated Pr ess:
Team- Picked by
t he
Bob Lade Little All-American Coach of the Year Picked by the Rockne Foundation : Al Wheeler
Co::tch Bill Johnson, his initial vear at PER U, w:~.s h eed w it h the difficult t::tsk of te::tching th~ basketball .sq uad hi s method of pby . Not entirely :~cquainted w ith thi.s new style the.v dropped their first one to O nd1:~ U. but hit the ir .stri clc in the next two g:~mes, conquering both M issouri V:dl e.v and T arkio College. This marked the pla.v t h ro ug ho ut the remainder of the se:tson , plac in g P E RU fourth in th e Nebraska College Conference. Bob D::tvis ended his college ca reer in a wave of h onors. H e was chosen on all of the highly regarded A ll-NCC te::tms. Bob led his te:tmmates this ve:t r with a total of 406 points and an avcr::tgc of 21. 36 po i n~s per gam e.
A New Coa.ch Plots a. New Strategy.
I -;,
40 73 75 70 73 66
70 65 48 66 75 45
85 GJ G4
70 62 GS
72 Won 10
Omaha University Missouri Valley Tarkio College Tarkio College Wayne State Teachers Omaha University Chadron State Teachers Chadron State Teachers Nebraska Wesleyan U. Doane College Ha stin gs College Midland College Kearney Sure T cachcrs Hastings College Doane College Midland College Nebraska Wesleya n U. Kearney State T etchers Way ne State Teachers
66 53
74 64 64 48
79 73
59 65
47 88
78 54 61 61
79 73 Lost 9
Davis Ups His Season Record To New Heights.
Wow! What a Game!
Can You Get That Ball For Me, Please'.'
Front row: Coach Gilbert, Meeker, Thomas, Coach Johnson. Second row : Shrader, Larsen, Davis, Hoag. Third row . Eckman, Wagner, Lowe, Trullinger.
'' .
The Mite busts. Ocker and Davis work the weave.
Front row: Lou Wickiser, Lowell Samuelson, Don Thomas, Ron Bondi, Lavon Covault, Willis Moerer. Second row: Rog Ma jors, Bill Allen, Ned Eckman, Eldon McCall, R ay Reichart, Bob Lade, Sharon Ocker, Gene Larsen. Standing: Coach P a ul Gilbert
Hurdlers-Eldon McCall and Ray Reichart
Broadjumper-Lou Wickiser
Willis 1\loerer, Sharon Ocker,
Polo vault--Lavon Covault
Sprinters-Don Thomas, Lou Wickiser, Marvin Gerdes, Bill Allen, Gene Larsen .
A new head track coach-Paul Gilbert.
Front Row: Mrs. Borass, Miss Rowoldt, Mike Hartzell, Carol McKee, Ruth Johns on, Carolyn Hardy, Jerry Schliefert, Dorothy Erhart, Jackie Reed, GeorKfe Fitz. Second Row: Ella Meister, Donna Hill, Pat LaRue, Virginia Ferguson, Frances Helm, Monica Zeiner, Ruth Bell, Laura. Bosworth, Joan Briggs, Marilyn Coatney, Mabel Nedved. Third Row: Mary Campbell, Jean M::Uek, Vickie LeCure, Phyllis Parriott, Norma. Halbert, Janet Christensen, Mary Vanderholm, Glendora Clausen, Letara.e Stucker, Jean Birdsley, Charlotte Merritt. Fourth Row: Jeani.n e Schliefert, Mariam Newton, Pat Sailing, Norma Boyer, Shirley Hartman, Donna DeRoin, Peggy Eickhoff, Joan Reimers, Lois Genoa, Gwen Hays, Regina. Stander, Mary Ann Fletcher.
Primarily an organ ization which creates enthusiasm at games throughout the year. The White Angels are known for the annual basketPhilpott and Nelson boost funds for
ball banquet, selling at games, a nd their always attractive booth at the school carn ival. Mrs. Borass and Miss Frieda Rowoldt are the sponsors.
Zeiner, Fletcher and Heirn-Just a. few of the White Angels at North Platte.
the White Angels.
- 68-
Front Row: H rtrry Grafe , Loren Argabright, LaVon Cova ult, Wendell Holmes , Ken Sanford, Lee Hopp, Marvin Gerdes, Ned E ckma.n . S ec ond Row : Bill "S chulte, D ean S coggin, Ron P a pp, Al Cla.rk, Bob La d e, Lorain Krueger, Curtis Lindell. Third Row : Bob Keche ly, Ric hard N eedha m , AI Schuster, Eugene Larsen, F r a ncis Rose, Curtis Sederburg. Fourth Row : J e rry Trullinger, Tom Hopkins, Lee Ogle, Jim \Vilson, Harry Meeker , Don Thom as, Ken Hoag, Lee Norris.
Ben Duerfe ldt a t a very pleasant make the t reasure r h a ppy. B ob Kechely
job-selling to
h e lping to make the
The Blue D evils, the men 's pep organization, hel ps to increase the fig hting spirit of the stude nt body in backi ng the Bobcats.
Front Row : Laura Bosworth, Marilyn Miller, Mariam Newton, Joyce F unke, Esth er Kreifels, Lois Genoa., Agnes Hackel, Regina Stander, Monica Zeiner. Second Row : Frank R oyal, Lawrence Harpenau, Bert Adams, Maurice Dailey, Ramon Koubek, Richard La.ssek, Jerry R udloff, E dward Lang, Frank Mickells.
__...... --7r1 nm 11 rru ~. . ... !!1!!1!1.11 11111 11 1111111 1 lllllfri 1111 11111111111
The Newman Club's purpose ts to further insure the principles of Catholic Doctrine among the
illllll llllllllllllllll ~
Catholic students on the campus. The group is under the direction of Father Flecek.
- 70-
Front row: Marvin Gerdes, Sharon Ocker, Mrs. Christ, Phyllis Heinke, Willia m Bednar (president) , and Ron Paap. Second row: Fred Clements, Lee Hopp, Alan Schuster, Tom Wilkie, Richard Steiner, Stan Longfellow, Ralph Mosher, Mr. Christ (snonsor), Dale Moore.
The purpose of the orgamzation is to form an honorary society for students of the biolog ical sciences and thereby to stimulate sound scholarship , to promote the dissemination of sc ientific truth , and to encourage biological investigation.
Members a t the autoclave dinner.
Front Row : Marilyn Baucke, Jerry Trullinger, Sharon Ocker, Virg inia Fer guson, Tom Hopkins. Second Row : Mary Vanderholm, Marvin Gerdes, Loren Argabright, Bob Moss, H a rley R ector, F rances Heim.
Sederburg ,
Ruth, Joan and Kay.
The Student Council is t he b ody w hich represen ts the swdent body on the cam pus. May Fete, H omecom in g, school dances, t he all-sch ool p icnic , freshman in itiatio n and d ecoration of the cam pus at C hristm as, are th e many activities sponsored by this o rganization.
Pres. Ocker presides while Virginia. Ferguson scribbles.
1952 May Fete, Queen Dorothy Hawxby and King Bob Rya n .
Frosh sextet and their special rendition of the school song.
-7 3-
Front row: Sylvia. Stutheit, Lois H arms, Gerda Foged, Agnes Bakel, Ros.'\lie Boellstorff, Nancy Darrah, Miss Feldhuser, Miss Weare, Charlotte Merritt, Frances Helm, and Dorthy Erhart. Second row: Blossom Duncan, Norma Ford, Marilyn Miller, Grace Clark, Mary Lee Campbell, Marcella LoHman, Jackie Reed, Shirley Gess, Grace Seba, Jeanne Malek, Darlene Genrich, Esther Kreifels, Pat Lincoln, Shirley Stutheit, Louise Fritz, Joyce Funke, Eula Anderson, Laura Lee Bosworth, Ruth Bell, Marilynn Stoehr, and Rose Marie Cook.
Man and Wife? ? ?
At the Martha. Washington Tea
Front row : Geraldine Schliefert, Betty Munoz, William Bednar, Harry Grafe, Miss Wonderly, and Dorthy Erhart. Second row : Darlene Genrich, Mr. Gorrell, Ben Duerfeldt, Francis Rose, llarold Rasplica., Miss Ashley, Miss McClatchey, Miss Clark, Dr. Eastman.
_ - .0.
: is.>
President Bednar explains the meaning of the symbols.
- n-
The purpose of the National Education F raternity is to encourage high professional, intellectual, and personal standards and to recognize outstanding contributions to education.
The m athematics fraternity's p urpose is to develop a broader vision, to encoura ge m o re prac ticable application, to Increase t he recreational phase, to stimulate a general a pprec iatio n and to open the way to a w ider service in th e field of mathematics.
Officers: Harold R asplica, President ; William Schulte, Vice-president; E s ther Kre ifels, Sec r etary-treas ure r .
Upper Right Front row: Lavon Cova ult, Miss Myrtle Cook, William Bednar, Loren Argabright, and Esther K reifels. Second row : Sharon Ocker, Harold Rasplica, Bill Schulte, Howard Nichelson, Dick Gam lin.
Right Members have lunch afte r the business meeting.
Joan Reimers, Lois Genoa, Ginger Philpot, J . D. Levitt, Dean Twldwell. Joan Briggs, Willis Moerer.
The Gavel and Rostrum has as its purpose to further forensic activities on the campus and in intercollegiate competition. During the year they sponsor a high school forensic meet ; an intercollegiJte forensic meet, convoCJtions, and soci:~l events. Officers for the ye:~r were Maurice Dailey, president; Jo:~n Reimers, vice-president ; Carol McKee, secretary; and Lois Genoa, treasurer.
Debate team members entertained themselves in some new ways on the Kearney trip.
Front row : Dale Moore, Joyce Ridder, Bob Jones, Nancy uarrah, Ron AhJ , Don Kuhlman, Cecil Anderson. Second row: Margaret Ulbrick, Darrell Christensen, Bill Bednar, Ve nita. Rader, Lee Hopp, Lawrence Stiers, BUI Mclninch, Benny Duerfeldt, J:u:kie Reed. Third row: Jean Birdsley, Phyllis Davenport, Rosalie Boellstorff, Ella Meis ter, Joa n Briggs, Sta.n Longfellow, Beverly Redfield, Pat Lincoln, Phyllis Heinke, Mary Moore, Marilyn Hawxby. F ourth row: Pat LaRue, Mary Sherrod, Jean Mallek, Ruth Bell , Louise Fritz, Ralph Mosher, Jim Cotton, David Mille r, Fred Clements, Junior Karas, Richard Steiner, Chuck Herold, Vicklo LeCure, Leta.r a.e Stucker, Glenda Kline.
Front row : Vickie LeCure, Margaret Hale, Norma Boyer, Marlene Hartzell, Ja.ckie R eed, Betty Munoz, B a rbara Kline, M•·. Manring, Geraldin e Schliefert, Shirley Gess, Joan Briggs, Jeanine Schliefert, Norma Heywood, L e t a r ae Stucke r , Eldonna Gobber , P hyllis Davenport. Second row: Mary Moore, Marilyn Stoehr, Georgie Fitz, Margaret Ulbrick, Gwen H ays, Venita. Rade r, Marce lla LoHman, Ella Meister, Carol McKee, Marllyn Hawxby, Mary Vanderholm, Lee Stoddard, Mariam N e wton, Ruth Bell, Marilyn Swindle. Third row : Loren Dyke, Willis Moerer, Richard Cannon, Ross Brown, Ralph Mosher, Don Kuhlman, Junior Karas, Benny Duerfeldt, Cecil Anderson, William Bednar, Bueford Rickman. F ourth row : Charles Pickering, Jerry Downey, Loren Argabright, Merlin Vice, Curtis Linde ll, Donald Thomas, John Schonewise, J:u:k Headley, Dean Scoggins, Sharon Ocker, Richard Steine r. Fred Clements, Larry B e ll, Bill Mclnlnc h .
Front row : 1\fa.ry 1\foore, Georgie Fitz, Margaret Ulbrick, 1\farlcne H artzell, J:u:kie R eed, Geraldine SchJiefert, Carol M c Kee, Ella. !\Ieis t er , Jeanine SchJiefert, E ldon a Gober, 1\fr. Manring. Second row: Loren Argabright, L oren Dyke, Curtis Linde ll, Dean Scoggin, Richard Canno n, Ralph Mosher, Sharon Ocker, Jack Hea.dley, Junior Karas, Ben Duerfeldt, Bucford Rickman, Cecil Anderson.
Fro nt row: Margaret Ulbrick, Phyllis Davenport, Bob Jones. Second row· 1\lr. Benford, Glenda Klien, Letarae Stucker, Ben Due rfeldt, Bill Mclninch, David 1\fiUer, Marilyn Hawxby. Back row :. Mr. Jindra , Joyce Ridder, Beverly Redfield, Junior Karas, Lee Hopp, Ken Stroupe , Cecil Anderson .
Front row: Norma. Boyer, Betty Munoz, Norma Heywood, Jean Birdsley, Marcella Lollman, Marilyn Baucke, Norma. Halbert, Virginia Ferguson. Back row: Bill Mclninch, Bill Bednar, John Christ, Willis Moerer, Mr. Moore.
Mr. Steele supervises initiation
The drama club is oper:~.ted to further the dr:~.m:~.tic :~.rts . During the year the members present sever:~.! pbys for the student body :~.nd public. The club is open to all members of the student body.
- 80-
Now p ay your dues girls.
Some of the new equipment a dded to the dra ma department include a play libra ry, a por table dimmer, a nd r ecorde rs.
Don't be afraid B e rtie, we 'll catch you.
Siqma ]au
The purpose of the honorary English fratern ity is to promote the m aste ry of written expressio n . Officers for the year were Francis Rose, presid en t; James Miller, vice-pres ident; and Phy llis Heinke, secretary-treasurer.
First row: James Miller, Phyllis Heinke, Ella Meister, Joan Reimers, and Francis Rose. Second row : R. D. Moore, Willis Moerer, Regina Stander, Betty Munoz, Jean Birdsley, Virginia Ferguson, J . D. Levitt.
Front row: Marlene Hoppel, Grace Seeba, Eldona Gobber, Norma Boyer, Ruth Bell, Mary Vander holm. Second row: Shirley Stutheit, Sylvia Stutheit, Lois Harms, Gerda Foged, Phyllis Gess. Back row: Walter Hein, Lee Bopp, W!Uis Moerer.
~s.a. Officers of the Lutheran Student Association for the vear were Willis Moerer, president; c:ace Seeba. vice-president; and Marlene Hoppel. secretary-treasurer.
This o rgan i z:~tion is a fellowship of stude nts and facul ty m embers, who by study and w orship , are seek ing to u nderstand C hrist and , in His spirit to serve t heir fellowmen on t he campus, :~ nd throug hout the world.
First row: 1\liss Frieda Rowoldt, Shirley Hartma n, Ger a ldine Schliefert, Peggy Eickhoff, and R ev. M. G. Dreier.Second row: Jeanine Schliefert, Dick Adam s, 1\larilyn 1\leyers, Bob Lade, M arilyn Baucke.
F irst row: Shirley Gess, P eggy Eickhoff, Janet Chris tens en , Shirley Hartma n , a nd Pat Sailing. Second row: Margar e t U lbric k, Regina Stander, Dale Moore, Alan Schus ter, Richard Needha m, Marilyn Coatney, M iss Hazel 'We are.
T he Commercial C lub is organized both as a social and informative organization . Talks by secretaries and bu siness people have oriented the m embers into some phases of the business world.
Front row: Harold Rasplica, Curt Lindell, Ron Racine, Bob Kechely, Walt Hein, and Howard Nichelson. Second row: Ramon Koubek, Darrell Rosenquist, Mr. Larson, Dean Meisinger, Curt Sederburg, Mr. Jarvis.
rn.[ rn.e. First row: Geraldine Schliefert, Margaret Ulbrick, Phyllis Davenport, and Georgie Fitz. Second row: Jeanine Schliefert, Cedi Anderson, Junior Karas. Lee Hopp, Ben Duerfeldt, Fred Clements.
Front row: Loren Argabright, Norma H eywood, ~larilyn Baucke, ~Irs. Rath, ! lr. R ath . Second row: Alan Schuster, Richard Needham, Steve Howery, Charles Herold, Stanley Longfellow. Standing: \Villis Moerer.
The Foreig n Lmguage C lub is organized to further and create interest in the various forei t> an languages on the campus and through it broaden the scope of the individ ual to the d ifferent countries of the world. Officers for the year were Will is Moerer, president; James M iller, vice-president; and Marily n Baucke, secretary-treasurer.
Members pose beside the Chris tmas tree in the Rath home.
Walter Hein, Bu eford Rickman, A. V. Lai"SSn, C urtis Lindell, Howard Niche lson, Curtis Sederburg, D a rrel Rosenquist, D . V. Jarvis.
A new lavatory was added to the Industrial Arts building.
Epsilon Pi T au is a national honorary fraternity operating in the fields of Industrial Arts and Vocationa l Education. The purpose and ideals of the organization are to recognize the place of skill , to promote social efficienc;' , and to foster , counsel, and rew ard research in the fields of activity . Officers for the year were Howard Nichelson , president; Curtis Sederburg, vicepresident; W :dter Hein, treasurer ; and Dean Scoggin, secretary.
Fron Row: Nancy Darrah, Rose 1\la.rie Cook, Letarae Stucker, 1\-lary Sherrod, Dorothy Erhart, Jean Birdsley, 1\Iarilyn Hawxby, Ros alie Boellstorff, Barbara Kline. Second Row: Miss McClatchey, Beverly Redfield, Jean Mallek, Mary Lee Campbell, Phyllis Heinke, Darlene Genrich, Marcella LoHman, Lee Stoddard, Marilyn Stoehr, Miss Clarke. Third Row : Eldonna Gobber, Mary Moore, Vickie LeCure, 1\lary Fletcher, !\fable Nedved, Blossom Duncan, Norma Ford, Louis e Fritz.
Picnic during Regional Conference of Y.W.C.A.
Installation of Officer s. Dorothy Erhart, Marilyn Hawxby, Jean Birdsley, Miss Clarke, Miss McClatchey, Rose Marie Cook, Letarae Stucker, Mary Sherrod.
-- l
Seated: Jack Garrison, Dean Meisinge r , and Darrell Chris tensen, StandJn.t:": Sponsor, L a wre nce Gorrell ; President, Howard U lln.
I â&#x20AC;˘ F irs t row : M arvin Sacke tt, Darrell Rosenquis t, Don Thomas, Curtis Lindell, Lor en Argabrig ht, S h a ron O c ker, a nd Bill Alle n . Second row: Roger Majors, Gene La,r scn , Fre d Applegate, H a rley R ector , Cu r t Scd c r b u rg, L ee Nor ris, and Jerry Rudloff, T hlrd row: K en Sa nfor d, K en Urwin, E arl W ebb, R on W agn e r , Bob La d e , Junior K a r as, and Jack G ilm ore. Fourth row : Lavon Covault, Ned E ckman, Bob S hra de r , Bob Davis, Wendell Holmes, a nd Paul G ilber t .
t lâ&#x20AC;˘
EDITORS: Seated: Monica Ziener, Jo Rieme rs, Lois Genoa. Sta ndin g : Frances H e im, Howard Ulin, J. D. L e vitt, Francis Rose.
The job of the Peruvian staff was especia lly difficult th is year. The s taff was inexperienced a nd h a d to undergo a period of confusion befor e they found the pr oper methods. An editoria l sh a ke-up was made to increase efficiency. Budget limita tions forced a cu t In the size of the book a nd eliminated some of the extra features.
Staff members e xamine pictures for publication.
- 89-
Each year several students are chosen to represent PERU as members of Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. The selection ts considered to be one of the highest honors a student may recetve.
This year six seniors were chosen by a faculty and student committee. Some of the things members were elected on are scholarship, personality, contributions to school life , and promise for future success.
- 93-
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/Jt111J ?ete King
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- 101 -
W. f<. P4te 1877 - 1952 PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE
1923 - 1946 A man who read Tarzan and Joe Jinks, liked horses and democrats, and considered marrying Mrs. Pate his success. -102-
Congratulations . . . The task is over, and may we congratulate you on a job well done. Yours is a yearbook published with the skill and know-how backed by years of experience in the pub Iication of better school annuals.
SEMCO COLOR PRESS Lithographers â&#x20AC;˘.. Printers 129 N . W. 3RD STREET
B. L. SEMTNER, President
PAUL BENNETT, Yearbook Department
- 103-
Children Glamour
YOUR PERUVIAN Photographer
The Cornhusker Teachers Bureau
ENROLL NOW fo r Prompt, Efficient and Personal Service. FREE Enrollment We Place Good Teachers in Good Positions. We Place Peru Graduates Each Year
"Say It with Flowers" Flowers for All Occasions
Let Us Make Your Next Corsage
520 Trust Bldg., 10th and 0 Streets lincoln B, Nebraska
Phone 324 and 700 NEBRASKA CITY
Invisible Half Soling
Paint, Wallpaper Floor Covering and Furniture
Nebraska City, Nebras ka
Phone 55
BLACKBIRD FINE FOODS For Unexcelled Quality
"It's Wonderful" COFFEE
PROPER JEWELRY Auburn, Nebraska
E-Z Drive In
Fine Jewelry is Our Business Jewelry
Morrissy's Variety PERU'S DIME STORE
Stephenson Motel
Candy - Notions - Toys
May We Be of Service to You?
Yard Goods
Nebraska City
Work Clothing - Shoes
Bud and Mary Lou Morrissy
- 106-
"Mark Wants to See You"
Ev erything for Your Table
Grocer ies
Auburn, Nebraska
Diamonds - Watches - Cl ocks
Jewelry - Gift Item s Ra y and Margaret Hartcord
China - Crystal -Sil ver ware Guaranteed Watch Re p airing
Peru , Nebr.
Phone 2 141
America's Finest
Farm Buildings In Use Throughout the
Shoes for Entire Family
Middle West
Star Brand Shoes Are Better
A uburn
N ebraska
- 107-
Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Peru, Nebraska
Curlee Suits and Topcoats
Clinton Teachers Agency
Shoes for th~ Family
Member N. A. T. A. 34 years
If It Is a Position in the Midwest .
West, or Alaska, We Can Find It for You ENROll NOW
706 So. 4th St. Clinton
Newspaper and Printing Service Class of '54-Let us s how you Samples of Commencement Invitations and Announcements
Sales and Service PERU
Peru , Nebraska
- 10 8-
Dea l er in High Grade Violins Cellos, Bow~, Strings, and Accessories
Reliable Repairing Auburn
1504 Dodge St., Room 407
E. L. DECK & CO.
Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Shoes for Men and Young M en
Clemmy Holmes Motor Co. Phone 212 Nebraska City
Nebraska Phone 183
- 109-
L. H. CRAIG, Prop.
Groceries - Meat Fruits - Vegetables Confections School Supplies
on Highway 75 LEW MILAN, Prop.
Phone 708
Phone 2701 Peru
Nebras ka
Nebras ka
Class in every Class . . .
ROBERTS GRADE A MILK 220 South 20th St reet
Lincoln, Nebraska
- l l o-
-AAdams, Bertis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 70 Ada m s, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 83 Ahl, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 25, 78 Alle n, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Allen , William . . . . 25, 64, 65, 88, 100 Anderson, Cecil . . . . 13, 74, 78, 79, 84 Ander son, Eula. ... ........ . .. 17, 74 Applegate, Fred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Argabright, Loren . . . . 13, 69, 72, 76, 78, 79, 85, 88 Ashley, Alma .. .. ...... ...... 40, 75 -B-
B a uc ke , Marilyn . ............. 9, 72, 80, 83,85 B assinger . E ver ett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Bebout, Rollo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 B edn a r, Willia m .......... 9, 71, 75, 76, 78, 80 B ell , Larry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 78 Bell , Ruth . . ..... 25, 68, 74, 78, 82 Benford , R. T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 79 Bennett, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Berna rd, Allee . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Bic kford, T erry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Biggs, Dunne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Birds ley , J ean . . . . . . . . 13, 68, 78, 80, 82, 87, 100 Boellstorff Rosalie . . ...... .. 17, 74, ' 78, 87 Bondi, Rona ld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 64 Boraas H a rold . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Boswo~th, Laura . . . . . . 17, 68, 70, 74 Boswor t h, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Boyer, Norma . . . . . . . . . . 26, 68, 78, 80 , 81 , 82 Bradley, D a le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Bra mble, Richa rd ... ... .. .... 26, 65 Briggs, Joan ...... 26, 68, 77, 78, 81
~~~~~~: ito~·
:: :::: :::::: ::::·76: ~~
Cook, M yrtle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 76 Cook, Rose Mar ie .... . ... 27, 74, 87 Cotton. Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 78 Coul ter , Dort hy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Covaul~ Lavon ...... 9, 64, 69, 76,88 Cox, C arleen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Cra ig, J enis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
-DD a iley, Maurice . . . . . . . . . . 18, 70 77 Darrah, Nancy . . . . . . . . 18, 74, 78, 87 D avenport, Phyllis ...... 18, 78, 79, 84 D avidson, Phyllis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Davis, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 89 D a vis, M a xine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Davis, Robert . . . . . . . . 9, 60, 62, 88 DeRoin, Donna .............. 27, 68 Diddel, Norma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Donnelson, Robe r t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Doran, Marian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 D or an, Norman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Dough erty, F ern ............... . 13 Downey, Gerald .. ............ 27, 78 Downing, L ester N . . . . .... .... . .. 38 Duerfeldt, Bennie . . . . . . . . . . 69, 75, 78, 79, 84 Duncan, Blossom .. .. .... 27, 74, 87 Dyke, Loren . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 78, 79
-EE astman, Leo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39, 75 Eckma n , Ned . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 61, 62, 64, 69, 88 Eddy, J ames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Eddy, Lillian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Etter, R a lph Eickhoff, Peggy . . . . . . . . . . 27, 68, 83 Erhart, D orthy ...... 9, 68, 74, 75, 89 Everett, J ohn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 87
Brown, Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
-CC a mpbe ll
Mary Lee ........ 17, 68, 74, 87 ' C a nnon , Richard . . . . . . . . 26, 78, 79 Carey, Nellie ........ ............ 41 Ca rmine, Eldon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Carot h e r s , Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Cha mbers, L a rry .. .... .... ...... 17 Childers , Mardelln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Christ, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41, 71 Christ, J o h n Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 80 Christ, Lillia n ........ ...... .. 9, 71 Christensen , Darryll . . . . . . 26, 78, 88 Christensen J a n et ...... 6, 26, 68, 83 Clark, Grac'e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 74 Clark, K a rl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Clark, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 69 Clarke Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 75, 87 Clause;,, Glendora . . . . . . . . 18, 68,89 Clayburn, A. B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Clements, F r ed ... ... .. 13, 71, 78, 84 Clemen ts, Hattie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Cle ments, S. L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 39 Coatn ey, Marilyn . . . . . . . . 27, 68,83
F eldhuser, Marie . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, Ferguson, Virginia . . . . . . 19, 68, 73 , 80, Fitz, Georg ie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 9, 78, 79, Fletcher, Mary Ann . . . . . . 19, 68, Foged, Gerda ... ......... 27, 74, Ford, Norma ............ 27, 74, Foss, LaVerne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fritz, Gertrude Louise . . . . . . . . . . . 74, 78, Funke, Joyce . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 70,
74 72, 82 68, 84 87 82 87 19 28, 87 74
-GG amlln, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, Gard, Blanche ....... .. . ....... . G arrison, J ack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, G ates, M attie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genoa, Lois . . . . . . . . . . 68, 70, 77, Genrich, D a rle n e . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 75, G erdes, Marvin . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 69, 71, G ess, Phyllis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, G ess, Shirley . . . . . . . . 28, 74, 78, Gilbert, P aul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 64, 65,
I l l-
76 40 88 47 89 74, 87 65, 72 82 83 62, 88
Gilmore , J ack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gobber, Eldonn a . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 79, 82, Gomon, Neal S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Good , Boyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Good, R alph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G orrell, L awr e nce . . ...... 39, 75, Gra fe, H a rold . . . . . . . . . . 10, 69, Graham, J ean An n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gregg, R ich ard Groves, J e rry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
88 78, 87 38 28 28 88 75 19 28
-HH akal, Ag n es ................... 70, 74 H albert, Norma . . . . . . . . . . . . 68, 80 H ale, Margaret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 78 Hammer, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 H a ppel, Marlene . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 82 H a rdy, C arolyn ........ 19, 68, 72, 96 H arms, L ois .............. 29, 74, 82 H a rtze ll, Marlene ...... 29, 68, 78, 79 H artman, Shirley . . . . . . . . . . 29, 68, 83 H a rpena u , L awrence ........ .. 19, 70 H awxby, Marilyn . . .. .. 19, 78, 79, 87 H ays, G wendolyn . . . . . . . . 29, 68, 78 H eadley, J ack . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 78, 79 Helm, Fra n ces . . . . . . . . . . 10, 68, 72, 74, 82, 89, 93 Hein, W alter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 84 H einke, P hyllis . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 71, 78, 82, 8 7 H erold , Charles . . . . . . . . . . 29, 78, 85 H eywood , Dick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Heywood, Gladys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 H eywood, K enneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Heywood, Norma .. . ... 14, 78, 80, 85 Hill, Donna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 68 Hoag, K enneth .......... 14, 60, 69 H olmes, W endell . . . . . . . . 14, 69, 88 Holscher, D o n ald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 H opKins, T h omas ...... 10, 69, 72, 92 H opp , L ee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 69, 71, 78, 79, 82, 84 Hower y, Steve .............. 20, 85 -1Ideus, H a r vey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
-JJarvis, D ee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45, Jindra, V. H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, Johnson, Eleanor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J ohnson, H arold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Johnson, Ruth . . . . . . . . 20, 68, 72, Johnson, William . . . . . . . . . . . 43, J ohn ston, Leslie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jones, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78, J o n es, D a n iel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
84 79 29 40 96 62 46 79 29
-KK aras, Junior . . . . . . . • . . 6, 7, 20, 78, K kl '79, 84, 88 ec ey, Robert . . . . . . . . . . 10, 69, 84 Kline, B arbara . . . . . . . . . . 78, 79, 87 K nople, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Koubek, Ramon . . . . . . . . . . 20, 70, 84 Kreifels, Esther . . . . . . . . . . 8, 70, 74, 76, 101
Krueger, Lorain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 69 Kuhlman, Donald . . . . . . . . . . 30, 78 - L-
Lade, Bob ........ 14, 64, 69, 83 , 88 Lang, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 70 Larsen, A. V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45, 84 Larsen, Eugene . . . . . . . . 14, 61, 62, 64, 65, 69, 88 LaRue, Patricia .......... 21, 68, 78 Lassek, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 70 Leber, Gene .. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 LeCure, Victoria .......... 30, 78, 87 Levitt, James D ....... 44, 77, 82, 89 Lincoln, Patricia . . . . . . . . 30, 74, 78 Lindell, Curtis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 69, 78, 79, 88 Lollman, M arcella . . . . . . . . . . 21, 74, 78, 80, 87 Longfellow, Stanley . . . . . . . . 15, 71 , 78, 85 Lowe, Alvin . . . . . . . . . . 21, 60, 62, 90 -Me-
Needham, Richard .... 22, 69, 83, Nelsen, Charlene ............... . Newton, Mariam ...... 31, 68, 70, Nichelson, H oward . . . . . . . . . . 11, Norris, Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69,
85 31 78 76 88
- 0-
0cker, Sharon ....... 11, 64, 65, 71, 72, 73, 76, 78, 79, 88, 93, 99 Ogle, Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 69 Osborne, Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
- PP aap, R onald ............ 22, 69, 71 Painter, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Parriott, Phyll1s . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 68 Pate, W. R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Perry, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 7, 32 Pharaoh, Edwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Philpot, Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 77 Pickering, Charles ............ 22, 78 Plrsch, Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 - R-
McAdams, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 McCall, Eldon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 64 McClatchey, Clara ........ 40, 75, 87 Mcininch, William . . . . 11, 78, 79, 80 McK ee, Carol . . . . . . . . . . 21, 68, 78, 79, 97, 104 McMullin, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
-MManess, WilHam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ~anr~ng, Darryl . . . . . . . . . 42, 78, 79 anrmg, Janet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Mason, Willard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Mathews, L. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Mathews, Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Mayfield, P. M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Meeker, Harry .......... 61, 62, 69 Meisinger, Dean .......... 21, 84, 88 Meiser, Ella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 68, 78, 79, 82 Merritt, Charlotte . . . . . . . . 15, 68, 74 ~eyer, Ernest ... , .............. 21 eyer, Marilyn ... .. ......... 31 83 M~yer, William ... . . . .......... • 31 ~kells, Francis . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 70 Mill~~: :g~~~rd. ·.·.·.· ......... 78, 79 MUl .......... . .. 41 Miller, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 82 er, Marilyn . ......... 31, 70 74 Moerer, Wlllis . . . . . . . . . . 21 , 64,' 65, 77, 78, 80, 82, 85 M oore, Dale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 71 78 MMoore, Mary ..... .. ... 21, 78' 79' 87 oore, Max ' • Moore, Robert · : : : : : : : : : : : · 44 · ~~ Moore, Richard . . . • ' 31 Mosher, Ralph ... . :::: · i5 · 7·1· '78 79 Moss Robert • • ' Munoz B tt · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 72 • e Y . . . . 11, 75, 78, Mullins, John 80, 82, 92 . ............. .... 31
- NNedved, Mable . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 68, 87
R aclne, R onald . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 84 Rader, Venita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 78 Raspl1ca, H arold .. .... 11, 75, 76, 84 Rath, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45, 85 Rath, Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 85 Rector, Harley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 72, 88, 92, 101 Redfield, Beverly . . . . . . 32, 78, 79, 87 Reed, J acqueline .... 22, 68, 74, 78, 79 Reichart, Raymond . . . . . . . . . . 32, 64 Reimers Joan . ....... .... 22, 68, 72, • 77, 82, 89, 94 Rickman, Bueford .... 15, 78, 79, 100 Rickman, Wanda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Ridder , Joyce . . . . . . . . . . 32, 78, 79 Rose, Francis . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 69, 75, 82, 89, 104 Rosendahl, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Rosenquist, Darrell . . . . . . 22, 84, 88 Rowaldt, Frieda . . . . . . . . . . 42, 68, 83 Royal, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 70 Rudloff, Jerry . . . . . . . . . . 33, 70, 88
- ssackett, Marvin . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 88 Sailing, P atricia . . . . 33, 68, 83, 100 Samuelson, Lowell . . . . . . . 33, 64, 65 Sanford, K enneth . . . . . . . . 23, 69, 88 Sasek, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Sayer, Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Schliefert, Geraldine . . . . 12, 68, 75, 78, 79, 83, 84, 93 Schllefert, J eanine . . . . . . 33, 68, 78, 79, 83, 84, 97 Schonewlse, J ohn . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 78 Schreiner, Anna Mae ............ 3 3 Schulte, Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 69, 76 Schuster, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 69, 71, 83, 85 Scoggins, Dean . . . . . . 23, 69, 78, 79 Sederburg, Curtis . . . . . . . . . . 16, 69, 72, 84, 88 Seeba, Grace . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 74, 82 Sherrod, Mary . . . . . . . . . . 33, 78, 87
- 11 2-
Shrader, Robe rt . . . . . . 12, 6 1, 62, Specht, Phllllp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sta nder, Regin a .... 16, 68, 70, 82, Steele, J ames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steiner, R icha rd . ...... ... 16, 7 1, Stemper, Jerome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stepan, Dorothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stiers, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUers, L awrence . . . . . . . . . . 33, Stilwell, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stoddard, Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, Stoehr, Marilyn . . . . . . 34, 7 4 , 78, StogdUl, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stoltz, Flora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stoltz, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stroupe, K enneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stucker, Letarae . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 78, 79, Stutheit, Shirley . . . . . . . . 23, 74, Stu theit, Sylvia . . . . . . . . . . 34, 74, Swindle, Marilyn . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,
88 23 83 44 78 44 46 33 78 33 78 87 34 41
79 68, 87 82 82 78
-TTagga rt, Corabelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Treese, R ay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Thomas, Donald ........ 23, 6 1, 62, 64, 65, 69, 78, 88 Thomas, R obert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Trullinger, Gerald . . . . . . . . . . 24, 60, 62, 69, 72 Twidwell, Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 7 7
- uUlbrick, Margaret . . . . . . . . . . 16, 78, 79, 83, 84 Ulln, Howard . . . . . . . . 16, 75, 88 , 89 Urwin, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 88
-vvance, S tacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vanderholm, Mary . . . . . . . 34, 68, 78, 82, Van Pel t, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice, Merlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,
45 72, 95 43 78
-wWagner, Ronald . . . . . . 12, 60, 62, Wagner, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weare, Edna ...... .. ......... 46, Weare, Hazel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43, Weatherhogg, Blll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W e bb, Earl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wenninghoff , Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . Wheeler, A . G ................... Wheeler, Frances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Whited, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wickiser, Richard . . . . . . . . 24, 64, Wiggins, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilkie, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, Wilkinson, C. E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Williams, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilson, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, Wininger, Darrell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Won derly, Zelma ... . ....... 41,
- z-
88 34 74 83 34 88 24 43 46
12 65 42 71
45 34 69 39 75
Zanders, Donner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Zeiner, Monica .... 12, fiB, 70, 89, 98