''Our Best Salesmen''
By the time Peruvians receive this issue of the Peru Stater, the 1954-55 academic year will be nearly half over. It will soon be time for the summer session, the post se3sion, then the two-weeK. "vacation" and then another academic year will be upon us.
Peru will then become "home" for many students fresh out of high school students who will have selected Peru as their school for one of any number of reasons. During enrollment week the new students are asked on an enrollment form for the reason they decided to come to the Campus of a Thousand Oaks. They run something like this: "It's not too far from home;" "It's a small, friendly school;" "My parents wanted me to come to Peru because it wa> their school;" "The cost is reasonable-I can afford Peru, put I couldn't go to a private school or live in a big city where the larger schools are;" and the reason most frequently given: "Friends and relatives who have gone here, recommended it to me."
The sons and daughters of Peru, it seems, are the best salesmen for the school. It seems to be the case of the auto manufacturer whose advertising says "Ask the Man Who Owns One"-in this case it's a Peru education. These best salesmen for Peru are familiar with the many facilities of the College. Students here a·re not swallowed up in the bigness of a large school, but have the chance to express their individual personalities and take part in more activities that are a part of the learning process.
This year Peru's enrollment (including studenfs taking six or more hours) is right at 400. By the same time next year, there should be about 500 students if the rate continues--and the alumni continues fo be "Our Best Salesmen."
Former Peru Student Dies in Accident
A former Peruvian, Edward -S. Lang of Omaha, was killed in a truck accident near Newburg, Mo., early in November when the vehicle he was driving skidded and overfurned.
An Air Force sergeant Ed had been stationed at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., since he returned from Korean duty in July.
Ed enrolled at Peru State in Sepfember of 1952 and was considered to be one of the best freshman football prospects the Bobcats had that year. He completed one semester before being drafted, entering the army in .January, 1953.
Volume 3 Number 1
Services of Peru State College are extended to many individuals and groups other than those enrolled on the Campus of a Thousand Oaks. One such group is pictured on the cover, showing a small section of the nearly 600 high school vocalists that participated in the College's third annual Ci"loral Clinic. The day-long r.ehear.sal and instructional sessions on December 3 was climaxed by a free public concert that evening under the direction of Paul Christiansen, director of vocal music at Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn.
Enrollment Jump, H!gher Costs Necessitate Budget Increase
Peru State president, Dr. Neal S. Gomon, appeared before a governor?s budget committee hearing late in November and said that Peru needs a 20 per cent budget increa because enrollment is up, costs are up and the school needs to pay better salaries to attract and to hold competent personnel.
President Gomon pointed ouf to the committee that enrollment at Peru State had jumped, the past two years, from 267 fo over 400 students. "We wonder whether we are going to have room enough in four or five years," he said.
In common with the other teachers colleges in Nebraska, Peru is asking a 20% increase from the state general fund for the 1955-57 biennium. Present allocation from this fund for the biennium beginning July 1, 1953. and ending .June 30, 1955 is $664,642.58. The requested amount would raise this figure to $797,571.10, or $398,785.55 a year for the next two years.
Anticipated revenue from cash sources such as tuition, study center and extension fee:;, campus school contracts, etc. is $250,000 and estimated receipts from athletics, cafeteria, snack bar, dormitory rentals. publicafions, programs and entertainments is $289,265 with library fees and matriculation adding $9,340. Thi 3 makes the total requested budget for 1955-57 of $1,346,176.
Schoolmen Invited to Peru Meet
January, 1955
Official publication of the Alumni Association Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska. Published quarterly, funds permitting. Subscription by contribution to the Alumni Fund. Extra copies of the PERU STATER, when available, may be secured for twenty-five cents each. Office-Administration Building, Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska.
Kenneth Heywood ------------------------------Editor
President ----------------Bob Blankenship, '38, Auburn
First Vice-President ------------Don Yocum, '50, Avoca
Second Vice-President __ :,._Bob Duncan, '50, Bedford, Ia.
Sec;retary __________ Barbara Bragg Clayburn, '51, Dawson
Treasurer ----------------Patricia Benford, '51, Oakland Executive Sec. __ Kenneth M. Heywood, Peru State College
On the afternoon of J'anuar:y I5 school men from Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas will gather on the Peru State College campus where they will be guests of the College for the third annual Schoolmen's Dinner . A mid-afternoon registration will be followed by tours of the campus with special emphasis being placed on showing the visitors the facilities and work done in the various academic departments after which they will be guest-;; of the College at a dinner in tbe college cafe and, following that.. at the Peru State-Nebraska Wesleyan basketball game.
The evenf was inaugurated two years ago by Presidenf Neal S. Gomon in an effort to make schoolmen in the area normally served by Peru State better acquainted with the College, its staff and facilities. All schoolmen, whether teachers or admini3trators, working in the Peru State area are invited. Peru's faculty men also attend and the popular event has gone far to facilitate friendly relationships befween the two groups.
An item in the centennial anniversarv edition of the state's oldest newspaper, the Nebraska- City NewsPress, illustrafes how much times have changed at the Campus of a Thousand Oaks. A few former Peruvians may remember the events that prompted this item in the newspaper this fall: "Citizen> of early Peru objected to the village officials because the community per.sisted in letfing their cows and horses graze on the campus regardless o:t. eftOrts to drive them awa:y ."
Alumni Publication
Reunites 1903 Grads
Photo of Mrs. Rishling Attracts Classmate's Attention·
A photograph in the PERU STATER was the basis of a reunion for two members of the class of 1903. The fall visit of l\/Irs. Nan Bartos Fitz-Patrick of Minneapolis, M:nn to the home of Mrs. Emma White Ri3hling in Nehgh came about after Mrs. Fitz-Patrick saw Mrs. Rish!ing's picture in the January, 1954, issue of the PERU STATER.
The classmates were at Peru from 1901 to 1903, but after they left school to take teaching jobs, they :oocn lo.cot track of each other.
Mrs. Ri.chling taught near Omaha after completing her course at Peru. After her marriage fo Oliver Rishling, they moved to Neligh. She has been district deputy of the Royal Neighbors of America for the past 25 years.
l:virs. Fitz-Patrick, who now resides at 4553 York A.venue, South. Minneapolis, Minn., al:o taught after leaving Peru, but later abandoned pedagogy to enter work. Affer several seasons in many roles, she took up stenograpry, and now devotes much of her iirr:e to writing 2nd painting.
From Neligh Mrs. Rishling writes that the reunion "was spent reminiscing over the many happy hours they had spent together as college chums." It's a safe guess that they also spent a good deal of their time telling cne another about their children. Mrs. Fitz-Patrick has three and Mrs. Rishling four. Mrs. Rishling and her husband celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on June 8, 1954. Mrs. Fitz-Patrick's husband Alfred who is an for the Red Owl Stores, Inc.: her to Neligh for the reunion. They visited the Peru campus enroute to Neligh.
Lifelong Peruvian, Stacy Vance, Turns Down
A Peru State staff member who is probably known to more pre:·ent and former student's than any other one person has worked for the College lcng enough to be eligible for his re·:irement in January, but he doesn't giv-e the idea a thought.
He is Stacy Vance, superintendent of buildings and grounds, a man who lherally grew up with his job. Wif1. tl:e excf'!'Jticn of a fe'N months, the 2ble maintenance headman has spent his fifty-four years on the Campus of a Thousand Oaks.
Stacy was born and raised in Peru, where his father was a member of the college maintenance staff for over thirty years. As a child the campus was his playground and he climbed trees and romped with the Brownell beys, Herbe1·t and Sam, when their father V<.'as a Peru faculty member.
All his education was received in Pe:u, where as a collegian he majored in ic0 dustrial arts and played on the football feam.
In January of 1920 he started work for the College and the following rr1cnth married Buelah Anderson of Blencoe, Iowa, a college student. d2ughter Betty, Mn. Cal Frerichs, lives in Bel Air, Md., and on 12st July 30 made Sta('y the proud grandpa of twins, a boy and a girl. They also have a three-year-old boy.
His first job with the College was as a laborer where, says Stacy,
"specialized in hauling coal" but also "did everything else there was fo do." As the years went by he became, successively, a plumber, construction worker, steam fitter and
reached the three-quarter of a million mark.
A careful purchaser, he enjoys the confidence of President Neal S. Gomon who says, "If Stacy buys it, you can be sure we need it and that he got a good deal."
Over the many years he has worked for Peru State he has had many experiences, but the one he remembers most vividly was something that occurred one winter morning when he was a fireman in the heating plant. He had built the fires in the two l:•oilers into roaring infernos only to discover that a water pump had failed. Hastily covering the fires and recruiting a helper he went into the funnel to repair the pump.
"I was sure scared," he says "because we knew that it could blow at any minute and if it did we were '''crking where we would not have a chance." He believes the pair that morning set some kind of an unofficial spe:ed record for pump repair.
fireman before being appointed chief engineer in 1944.
In 1950 he was named as superintendent of buildings and grounds and continuously since that time has been a prime mover in the extensive campus renovation program begun in l 949, a program which has almost
Around the campus of a growing college there are many jobs to be done. There are many activities connected with the growth of the physical plant' to be planned and carried out, even more attention needed to keep things running smoothly in facilities throughout the campus. In these, not in retirement, lies Stacy Vance's big interest.
Bobcat Record 'Tops' Despite Two Losses
Bobcats' Winning Streak Stops With loss to Kearney
Like they say about California weather, the 1951 football season at Peru State was "unu:;uaP'-the Bobcats were defeated. In fact, the Peruvians tasted defeat twice after going through the 1952 and 1953 campaigns unscathed and running up a 2S game winning streak that dated back to mid-season of 1951.
Pre-season fears of the coaching staff that the Bobcat forward wall would be too "green" to stand the heavy going finally came to life at Kearney on October 15 as the fired-up Antelopes came from behind a 20-7 deficit fo break the Peru string with a 27-20 win. A 15-13 loss to the champion Hastings College Broncos the following week accounted for the sea:;on's list of defeats.
At that the 1954 Bobcats, with a wealth of speedy backfield talent, rolled up 289 points to their opponent's 83 with victories over Panhandle (Okla.) A. and M. (14-7), Concordia Teachers College (20-0), \Vayne Sta':e (20-14), Chadron State (61-0), Midland College (48-0), College (53-20) and Nebraska Wesleyan (40-0).
When all the chips were in, four of the Bobcats were named to the Lincoln Journal-Star all-conference team. They included quarterback Ned Eckman, center Fred Applegate, guard John McMullen and fullback Ken Clark.
Of the twenty-eight lettermen named by Coach Al Wheeler at the end of the season, twenty-one are eligible for further competition. The 1955 club will have experienced hand:; at all positions. According to Coach Wheeler, "We'll be back."
The 1955 schedule: September 15, Concordia College at Peru; September 24, Way-::ie State at Peru; October
TH IS AGING PHOTO, which hangs in the Peru State trophy room, has scribbled on the back the CC\.ption "Peru's First Football Team, 1893." No names for these early gridiron heroes are given but the Peru Stater would like to know more about them. Can anyone help'.."
l, Chadron State; October 8, l\tEdland College; October 15, Kearney State at Peru, (Homecoming); October 22, Hastings College at Peru; October 28, Doane College; November 4, Nebraska Wesleyan.
Placement Bureau Services Available
Former sfudents and graduates of Peru State who wish to find a teaching pm ition for next year or want to change locations or look for a better job are reminded that the Peru State Placement office exists to serve them and is anxious to be given an opportunity to do so.
Placement Director Kenneth M. Heywood says the office last year received literally hundreds of good job li:;tings that could not be filled. He also states that job listings for next fall are already beginning to come into the Placement office so all Peruvians contemplating a change for next year should write the Placement folks in the very near future.
Lost Alumni
tim:e to time Peruvians get Not lost in the sense of the e Woods"-but lost from of the Alumni Association.
!ieUie M. Carey, head librarian, many hours to keeping the fi:es up-to-date, but despite her effort.,, a few get "lost." fime to look through the list tho;;e for whom you can supply Carey, the Alumni and the· "lost" alumni appreciate any addresses you provide.
?;.frs. Anita Marie Humphrey Able, f.s '44
Donald D. Adams. fs '48
Leona Hudson (Mrs. Fred R.) Adams, '33
H. Gene Adams, '42
l\iir;;. Ruth Q. Adamson, '43
J.'Irs. Mildred Spencer Alcorn, '10
Mrs. Martha Campbell Aldrich, '78
Mr. and Mrs. Everett M. Allsman, '39
Matilda Anderbery, '09
Carl Arthur Anderson, '12
Faye Maxine Andrews, '35
Laning Walter Andrews, '34
Dorothy M. Anfisdel,. fs '41
1\>fae Moore (Mrs. John) Argabright, '22
Velma Novotny (Mrs. Oren C.) Armstrong, fs '34
Leslie .t>earl Armstrong, f3 '40
Edward Arnold, fs '41
Lucille Alice Arnold, fs '34
Vivian Edward Arnold, fs '40
Thelma Faye Arthur, fs '37
Ivierlin Alvin Askren, fs '36
Mrs. Gail McCormick Atkinson, fs '34
Theron W. Atkinson, '37
Mr;;. Hazel D. Joy Avery, '03
1'orma Jean Ayers, fs '41 Nolan Backemeyer, '36
Robert G. Badham, '37
JVIrs. lVIary Lee Erwin Bailey, fs '35
Donna Lee Baker, fs '48
Marjorie Winifred Baker, fs '42
Imogene Niemeyer (Mrs. Richard) Bake1· '41
Margare't Jean Balfour, fs '43
Mrs. R. A. Barber, '29
Betty Barnes. fs '37
Madeline Wright (Mrs. Ralph) Barry fs '46
1\1.,c-s. Cora Mae Kennedy Bartel, '36
Mrs. Jessie Whitaker Bates. fs '29
Mrs. Hazel Miller Baur, '14
Larry Beam, fs '50
Ray Marvin Beamer, '38
David A. Beatty, fs '42
Bonnie Aldora Bee7.ley, fs '43
Dr. Millard Bell, '26
Mrs. Vera Maxine Topf Bell, fs '34
Barbara Ann Bentzinger, fs '47
Marguerite Elizabeth Bergmann, '35
Richard L. Bintner, '48
Phyllis Urbauer (Mrs. Dale) Bloss, 50
Janet L. Ebers (Mrs. Wayne L.) Blue, '40
Edna Mae Petersen (Mrs. Warren S.) Bollmeier, '41
Ruth Bond, '32
JVlaurice E. Boren, '25
Sterling Bottcher, fs '39
Frank E. Bowers, '14
Lillian Irma Boz, '39
Robert L. Brammer, '48
Edwin John Brechf, '40
Mrs. Margaret Stappenbeck Brehme, fs '33
J\!Irs. Carole D. Brehm Bremer, fs '53
Be3.'-ie M. Brenizer, '05
Elaine Briley, '41
Darrell Brown, fs '48
Margaret Winter (Mrs. H. E.) Brown, '35
Elizabeth Varner Brunsdon, '13
Donald J. Bruns. '47
Thora Burgess, fs
J. H. Burkey, fs
Caroline Calder, fs
George Campbell, '34
Dorothy Carlson, fs '49
Laura A. Porter (Mrs. George L.) '08
Joan 1\ti:arie Cameron, fs '47
Zelda Carmine. '38
Mrs. Mildred ·E. '\Villiams Cashman, '39
1Vlrs. Elizabeth Easley Cass, fs '26
Mrs. L. J. Castonguay '31
Mrs. Patrida E. vVaggoner Cast'ro, '42
Cecil G. Caulk, '32
William F. Chapin, '39
I aron K. Chase. '52
Mr;;. Margaret Mahaffey Chase, '27
R0bert Cbristian, '37
Willodene Dauphin (Mrs. H. B.) Christianson, '20
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Leroy Clark. f:; '40
Mrs. Fankhauser Clark, fs '39
Duane Coad, '46
Mrs. Gay Harman Cochran, '14 Cole, '34
Dr. Jack L. Colglazier, fs '40
Edith M. Wright Collins, '41
Blanche K. Colten, fs
Mr. and JVI:rs. Jerry Comc:to0k '52
Clara Lawrence (Mrs. A. F.) Cone Raymond Conn, fs '50
Gerald D. Cope, '50
Wesley Charles Cornwell, '49
David F'. Costello. '25
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cowell, '35 Roland Cowell. fs '40
Glen Cramer, '36,. .Tames F. '41
Paul Crawford, '48
WHEN FAMED PERU ATHLETE Bert Swenson vis't•d the campus at Hcmecoming time one of his objectives was to take step-; to assure the perpetuation of the Swenson Memorial Award which he and his wife, the late Stella Spillner Swenson, have given each year since 1925 in memorv cf son. Bert E".!ward, Jr. Here, Mr. Swensen confers with coll c"'e officials concerning investment of a substantial grant he has made to the College, not only to perpetuate the award, but to afford scholarships to deserving students. From left to right Dr. Neal S. Gomon, president; Mr. Swenson; Kenneth M. Heywood, director of special services, and Al G. Wheeler, director of athletics.
Eva Crocker, '13
Mrs. Mae Rucksdashel Croghan, fs '30
Marian C. Crook, fs '47
Rosemary A. Sfudenholtz (Mrs. W. H.) Crumbakes, fs '42
R. L. Daiby, fs '06
Eunice Damkroger, '51
Robert J. Dana, fs '48
lVl'rs. White Daugherty, '20
:Mrs. Frieda Peterson Davis, '13
Geil Davis, fs '38
Mrs. Katherine Hanks Davis, '09
Lulu B. Day, '13
Hazel Detloff, fs
Gabriella Divis, fs '46
Marvel Lucas (Mrs. G. H.) Dodson, '40
Bernice E. Doty, '40 ·
A. R. Dougherty, '41
Wilma Drake, fs
Barbara Jane Dressler, '45
Margaret Dressler, '44
Alice DuBois, '32
Frances Hart (Mrs. Walter) Duckworth, '41
Wilbur Henry Eaton, fs '49
Mrs. Wilma Novak Eden, '45
:noland L. Edie, '33
Kathryn Williams (Mrs. Harold) Eggen, '31
Bill Egger, fs '50
Laura Hendricks Eichler, '13
Margie Neddenriep (Mrs. C. C.) Eloe, fs
Mrs. Mildred Bohlken Eltiste, fs '47
Mildred E. Gouff (Mrs. Jess) England, fs '37
Evelyn Renz (M·rs. James D.) Engler, fs '45
Mary Harajian (Mrs. R. R.) Estelle, '29
Herbert L. Evans, fs '35
Dorothy Ewin, '40
Herbert R. Fairchild, '08
Mrs. Adda A. Phelan Fisher, '02
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Fisher, '39
Ruth Sutorius (Mrs. Gale) Fitzwater, '39
Ruth A. Fjellin, fs
Eunice Bergman (Mrs. Paul) Forbes, Dr. Norman C. Flau, fs '40 fs '37
William D. Ford, '47
Dorothy Fike (Mrs. Howard) Foster, fs '44
Minnie May Foster, '12
Maude Daft (Mrs. Harold) Fowble, '40
Millard Fowler, '30
Lawrence W. Freude, fs '39
Nella A. Fry, '29
Don Fuhrman, '45
Mrs. Howard Furlong, '32
Madonna Brady (Mrs. Victor J.) Galinis, '30 ·
Mrs. Kathryn Einung Gamlin. '30
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Garber, '47
Patricia Ann Garrett, fs '45
Jack Gavus, '41
"7iolet Gebhard, fs '41
QUEEN PEGGY EICKHOFF is escorted to her seat of honor during the half-time ceremony at the Homecoming game Her escorts are Ken Clark (on crutches) and Lee Norris, senior members of the football team. Other senior athletes escorted the queen's attendants.
A bright, sunshiny fall day which featured mid-September temperatures plus the late fall beauty of Peru's Thousand Oaks combined wit:-i the holiday mood of hundreds of son> and daughters of Peru for a perfect Homecoming on November 6.
Apparently sensing that this Homecoming was going to be something special the future Peru State gr2.d; who now make up the student body combined efforts to make it an eve::-i t characterized by superlatives. Whe:-i it was all over and nothing remaine:i but pleJ.sant memories and a cam·,u > littered with crepe paper, everyone agreed that Homecoming of 1954 had been an occasion seldon-i equalled i:-i 1he long history of such events at Peru State.
Bigger and b2tter campu-, displays decorated the campus, alumni registrations exceeded tho::-e of past
Homecoming Hailed ( 1 0ne of Best
Indian Summer Weather Adds to Enjoyment of Day
years, the Bobcats lambasted Nebraska Wesleyan 40-0 to the delight of the old grads in the afternoon football garr,e. When this and a big post-game coffee gabfest concluded tbe afternoon activities a large crowd gathered in the College auditorium to witness one of the most polished Dramatic Club performances in a long time in the Homecoming play. "Outward Bound." An especialy fine dance band, imported by the Student C0uncil, mad2 the Homecoming dance in the gym a fitting conclusion to a :f.ne day.
First alum to arrive on the campus v;as Bert E. Swenson of Stockto'-i. Calif., u.nd member of the class of '09. He, witb Elsie Bacon Provine of the Class of '07, shared honors for being .cegistrants coming from th2 greatest distance. Mrs. Provine lives in San Diego.
Prominent Peru Staters At L. B. Matthews for Buffet
A gathering at tbe home of Prof. and Mrs. L. B. Mathe·ws for a buffet supper homecoming evening was a reunion of earlier-day Peru Staters. ·
Co-hosts for the gathering were Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Clements, Elmwood, Mr. and Mr3. Cassius Ken.nedy, Brownville, and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Gates, Peru. All but the latter couple were Peruvians.
Guests included Bert Swenson, '09, who with his wife, the late Stella Spillner Swenson, taught both L. B. and Ruth Mathews when they were high school students and she v.ras a first year teacher at Blue Springs in 1910; Bob Ray, Lincoln, a member of the class of '06, and a Kiwanis friend of Kiwanis Lt. Gov. L.B. Mathews; Webster Ray of Shelby, where Mrs. Mathews taught her first two years. Webster's son is an artist who annually spends some time painting scenes in picturesque Peru.
Also present were Elsie Bacon Provine. '07, of San Diego, Calif., who came with the Bob Rays; Spencer Leger, '14. a former clas3mate of Clements, Kennedys and the Mathevvs, and Mrs. Leger; Phoebe Sheppard Ray, '06, Lincoln; Elda Bacon Wallace. '07, of Lincoln, who taught at Alliance when l\/Irs. Clements was a high school student.
The earliest graduate registering for tbe occasion was Mrs'. Ida Wade Bloomingdale of the Class of '98.
In addition to the football and play cast, honor3 of the day went to the Peru Dramatic Club, whose display was adjudged the first place winner, and Miss Peggy Eickhoff of Verdon, vvho was crowned queen of Homecoming between halves of the football game. Her two attendants were Estlene Slater and Gloria O'Harra, both of Auburn.
Your new alumni officers, elected bv thoc-e registering, include Bob Blankenship, '38, Auburn, president; Don Yocum, '50, Avoca, 1st vicepresident; Bob Duncan, '50, Bedford, Iowa, 2nd vice-president; Barbarct Bragg Clayburn, '51, Dawson, secretary, and Patricia Benford, '51, Oakland, treasurer.
WINNING DISPLAY ir. the Homecoming decoration oompetiticn was that of the Dramatic Club, which shows Bob Catt as victorious suitor for the hand of Victory Belle over his opponent, the Plainsmen from Nebraska Wesleyan. Placing the finishing touches on the display is Ronald Ahl, a business education junior from Louisville.
Many of the Peruvians registering at homecoming included a note about either themselves or another Peru Stater. These briefs come from their reporting:
DOROTHY MEISTER, '52, notes th2t :::he is teaching fourth grade and rnudc at Belle Ryan school in Om3.ha. Her addre.s is 3124 Poppleton.
Teaching fourth and fifth grade in A venue B school in Council Bluffs and "enjoying it very much" is CHARLOTTE MERRITT, '54. She lives at 2522 Avenue A.
The seventh grade teacher in the Valley school system is E. MARGARET GILLILAND (Mrs. Harvey) MOELLER, who last attended Peru in 1933. She tells us that she and her husband, who is a firefighter af the Ordnance plant, "just bought our new home there a year ago."
ETTA F. NEUNABER, '39, has taught commerce and English in the Treynor (Iowa) high school for th.:! past five years.
MRS. ELLEN J. HARPER, '54, nofed that she is teaching the fifth and !cixth grades in the Chester public schools. Her husband, WARD HARPER, a Coe College graduate who at1ended the '54 summer session at reru, also registered for homecoming.
Living at Clayton, Kans., and teac':1ing at Jennings, Kans., is REBECCA GRAHAM NORRIS, '26. At the homeco1ning game, Mr.:>. Norris saw her son, Lee, play his final football game for Peru. Lee, student council president, will be graduated next spring.
CURTIS OLSON, '50, is principal and basketball coach at St. Paul high school.
CHARLES H. PARADISE, who last att<=nded Peru in 1939, is a major with the Air Force stationed at Offutt Air Force Base, Omaha. He reoorts that WILLIAM DUSTIN, formerly of Auburn, who attended Peru the same two years that he did, is on the music faculty at Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio. Mrs. Dustin is the former JAN HARRIS, who last attended in '41. The Paradises have three children and the Dustins have two daughters, he reports.
Teaching second grade in the Co•1ncil Bluffs school system is ESTHER MERRITT (Mrs. Bob) RENNER, '49. She and her husband are the parents of one child.
MRS. LUELLA DYE STAFFORD, who last attended Peru in 1913, is back at College this year completing work on her degree. Brule i-> her home town.
WILMA E. PARNELL STEVENS, '41, of Pawnee City, noted on her
BUS STEWARD, a quarterback of the Peru State Bobcats is shown (center with No. 4 visible on jersey) as he picks up a first down in the Peruvians' 40-0 homeccming victory over Nebraska Wesleyan. Steward used the same driving tactics to pick up two of the Bobcats' six touchdown3 scored in the game.
FINISHING TOUCHES are being added to a campus display by M. E. N. C. (music organization) members. The theatre marquee shows action shots of the Bobcats' earlier games and carries a prediction of their victory over the Plainsmen.
registration card that DR. CHARLES E. PARNELL, '38, is in the language department 2t Notre Dame University, South Bend, Ind.
JACKIE COLE, '51, is teaching the ihird grade in the Denver :::chool system. Her address is 801 Grant. Enrolled in the Graduate E:chool
at the University of Nebraska is MORT DOWNEY, '52.
HARRY LINN, '49, reports receiving his M. Ed. degree from the University of Colorado in 1954. He is principal of the Ness Cify (Kans.) high school. Mrs. Linn is the former EDITH DAVENPORT, '32.
FIVE FUTURE TEACHERS who attended the "celebrities dinner" held in connection with the Governor's ,.Second Lay Conference on Educat.io.n in Kearney were (standing teft to right) Lee Norris, Clayton, Kans.; Merle Lange, Auburn; Bob Adams, Adams; and (seated) Marilyn Hawxby, Nemaha; and Mrs. Phy I I is Rosenquist, Peru.
COACH AL WHEELER and Byron Finnefrock, freshman from Plattsmouth study a citizer.sh ip award recently given Wheeler by the Plattsmouth V .. F. W. post. Finnefrock is attending Peru State on a scholarship provided by the Plattsmouth Lepert Wolever Veterans of Foreign Wars Post.
Kovember 1-Peru State's selections fo membership in Who's Who Among in American Universitie.> and Colleges '\Vere announced today. Tt_e six SLUdents--all seniors-were :r.amed by a _,tudent-faculty committee_
T:t:e rep:·esentatives are Robert N _ Acams, Adam3; Ila Alden, Jot.n C. Christ, Peru; Marilyn EawYby, Nemaha; Lee Norris, Clayfcn, Kan .; and Darrell Ro:enquist, Es::ex Iowa.
Who's W'ho annually names outstanding students from colleges and universities who meet the qualifications of excellence in sincerity in scholarship, leadership and participation in academic and extracurricular activities, citizenship and service to the school, and promise ,of future usefulne2s to business and society.
Noven1ber 4-A recent issue of World Affairs Magazine, published quarterly in \Vashington, D. C., carries an article by Dr. Marshall K.. Po'\vers, associate professor of hi:;tory at Peru State College. The article, enritled "Communism in Latin America," reviews the historical development of communism in Latin America,. pointin<S out the significant differences in communism in those countries and in other areas of the world.
Another of Dr. Powers' writings: is scheduled for publication in the December issue of the Journal of Higher Education, which is published by Ohio State University_ This article. "Area Sfudie3 in Higher Educaticn," discusses the study of a given people 2nd their culture from an integrated overall approach.
November 4 - The Plattsmouth Leperf Wolever Veterans of Foreign \Vars Post pre"ented Al G. Wheeler, veteran physical education departrne:-1 t head at Peru State, the organization's medctl for outstanding Arn2ricani. m.
The citation accompanying th2: av;-ard stated that ""has distinguished himself and the State of Nebraska through his out;tanding devotion to the duties of Director cf Phyncal Education at Peru State
CHRISTMAS ACTIVITIES of the 66 voice college choir, under the direction of Darryl T. Manring presented the fir t part of Handel's "Messiah,"' the selections telling of the prophecy of the Messiah's co m i n g, the Christma> story, and one selection from story of the resurrection - the Hallelujah chorus. At a Christmas convccation, the choir also pr-sents a program of trad:tional music. c
NAM ED TO WHO'S vVHO in American Univeraities and Correges were (standing left to right) Lee Norris, Clayton, Kans.; Darrell Essex, Iowa; John Christ, Jr., Peru; Robert Adams, Adams; and (seated} Mrs. Ila Alden, Union; and Marilyn Hawxby, Nemaha.CLOCK
during the past seventeen years."
November 4 - Harold Johnson, 2.:osistant professor of education, pledged to Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary educational fraternity at Peru State. Nine college students also were received into the Peru chapter.
Other pledges are Margaret Ulbrick, Julian; Lois Genoa and Ella Meister, Humboldt; Shirley Hartnian, Falls City; Janet Christensen, Weeping Water; Donald Wendt, Tecumseh; Robert Jones and Gwendolyn Hays, Peru; Wanda Conklin, Sidney, Iowa.
November 9-More than 300 parents and friends of the 124 men students at' the men's residence hall on the Peru State College campus visited Delzell Hall during open house. The students planned and managed the affair which included conducted tours of the hall, a receiving line, and refreshment's.
November J 1-Under the flag of the United Nations, the Home Economics club served foods representing nine different countries at the club's United Nation's dinner. The n•enu included meat dishes from China and Sweden, Bohemian and Mexican vegetables, American and Bohemian salads, breads from Poland and France, and Egyptian and Philippine desserts.
November 15-Five future teachers from Peru State College attended a "celebrities dinner" in Kearney, v,rhich was planned in connection "\vith ihe Governor's Second Lay Conference on Education. The Peru representatives were Robert N. Adams, Adams; Marilyn Hawxby, Nemaha; Merle Lange. Auburn; Lee Norri>, Clayton, Kans., and Mrs. Phyllis Davenport Rosenquist, Peru.
The future teachers included five students from each of the 14 Nebraska colleges which offer fouryear teaching curriculums. All of the prospective teachers received notebooks containing letters addressed to "Future Teachers of Nebraska," which were written by President Eisenhower, Vice-President Nixon, f'ecretary of State Dulles, Governor Crosby, other state officials and educaticnal leaders.
November 18-St'udents in the busiress education department at Peru State this week addressed, stuffed and mailed more than 3,000 envelopes C"f Christmas seals for the Nemaha County Tuberculosis Association. The task was performed as an office practire assignment under the direction of Hazel Weare. associate professor of business education.
November 23-The Harmonaires, a 1 fl-niece ba:nd organized by the Music Club, provided music for the Harvest Hop, first formal dance of the year. The 200 couple.<:; entered the attractively decorated gymnasium through a huge cardboard pumpkin. Stream-
UNDER THE FLAG OF THE U. N., the Home Economics club served food representing nine different nations at the club's United Nations Dinner. Here, Miss Lela Lone;; watches as Sally Poage, sophomore from Falls City, fills the water glasses.
DURING OPEN HOUSE at the men's residence hall, planned and managed by the 124 residents, Mom had a chance to inspect son's housekeeping or help with an algebra problem. Here Mrs. Eugene Tucker of Nemaha is checking a problem with her son, Gary Pickett, a freshman from Nemaha.
ers of fall colors and silhouettes of Puritans and grain shocks added to the festive atmosphere.
November 24-Thanksgiving vacation for Peru Staters started at 5 p. m. today. Classes resumed at 7:50 a. m., Monday, November 29th.
November 30-Piano students of Robert T. Benford, associate professor of music, pre.:;ented a recital of E:nsemble music. The 28 grade and high school students were assisted by five college students.
December 3-Nearly 600 vocal students from high schools in southeast: Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri participated in the third annual choral clinic on the Peru State College campus, according to Darryl T. Manring, clinic chairman and associate professor of music.
After instructional and rehearsal sessions during the day, the massed choir presented a free concert in the evening under the direction of guest conductor Paul Christiansen. vocal music director at' Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn. He is the son of F. Melius Christiansen, dean of American choral composors who
founded and formerly directed the world fa.mous St. Olaf Choir. He is a composor, director and head of the Paul Christiansen Choral Schools. Schools participating ·in the clinic were Tarkio, Mo., Hamburg, Iowa, Auburn, Tecumseh, Dawson, Nebraska City, Falls City, Ceresco, Salem, Stella, Johnson, Shubert, Burchard and Peru.
Deceniber 9-Peru· State College's concert band made its first appearance of the season under the direction of Robert' V. Grindle, associate' professor of rnusic. ·
December 12-"The Mes.:;iah" wai rresented today by the 66-voice College Choir under the direction of Darryl T. Manring, associate professor of music. Soloists for the group's rendition of Handel's famous oratorio were Gloria O'Harra, Auburn, soprano; Bett'y Hogue, Dawson, alto; Ella Meister, Humboldt, contra:to; Cecil Anderson, Lorton, tenor; and Marvin Wuster, Dawson. bass. Victor Jincra, fine arts diviEion head, directed the orchestral accompanime:-it.
From ROBERT H. KNAPP, '27, came this October 28 note: "I have read with interest the many items included in the October issue of the I--ERU STATER. This is a good job " Knapp is dean of student personnel services at the University of South Dalz:ota, Vermillion.
WANDA WILLMORE, (Mrs. Neil) GRAY, who received her 2-year diploma from Peru State in 1925, is now head of the home economics department at Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kans. Mrs. Gray holds a B. S. degree from the University of Kansas, Lawrence, where she also has completed graduate work.
KEITH MELVIN, '32, started his ninth y<2ar as Dean of McCook Junior College in September, according fo The Thunderbird, student publication. Mrs. Mdvin, the former MARTHA McDOUGAL, who received her twoyear diploma from Peru in 1932, attended the 1954 summer session at Peru Stafe.
Peru Staters at the November 6 homecoming received greeting3 via telegram from a 1912 class member: "Greetings to all alumni from SARA C. JEWELL MORRIS, graduate of Kinderga·rten Depart' men t 1912. Would be happy to hear from any cJassmates or to see them if they visit Oregon, my home since 1913." Her address is Route 2, Box 171, Lebanon, Ore.
During a recent visit to the "Camuus of a Thou'.'and Oaks," LOUISE W. MEARS, '90, informed the PERU ST ATER that LETHA WALTERS (Mrs. William) FRAHM, who last attended Peru in 1898, is living at Blue Hill. She is still very acfive in club \vork, Miss Mears reports.
AVERYL GAINES (Mrs. Morrel J.) CLUTE, '29. i3 teaching in the English department of Rochester (Mich.) high school, where her youngest son is a freshman. "My older son is a senior at the University of Nebraska, where he is majoring in speech. He is attending on an N. R. 0. T. C. scholarship, so he'll be going info the Marines in June," she writes. Mr. Clute is on the staff of the education
department of Wayne University, Detroit. "This is Peru homecoming ciay, and I do wish I could be there," her November 6 note ends.
LENORE HARRIS (Mrs. D. L.) HUGHES, '35, is the author of "A Great American-Teddy Roosevelt," which appears in the October issue of Instructor magazine, published in Dansville, N. Y. The article follows the 26th president's life from boyhood to the White House. Mrs. Hughes i:; art instructor in the Lamesa (Tex.) junior high school.
From J. HAROLD WILLIAMS, '08, r:ow provost at the University of ca:ifornia, came a fine letter of good at homecon-iing time. Mr. Willi.ams has been with the University for more than 3 0 years and his lefter paid tribute to Peru State with the s1ateme11t that' "it i 3 significant that my activities from 1908 to the present have been consistently in the field of education, based on the ins::;iiration of my Peru background."
From TRACY F. TYLER, who last attended Peru State in 1911, comes a fine letter telling us he has been o;a the sfalY of the Universitv of Min1:.esota smce ! 938. Prof. Tyler is now heading a project under a contract the Foreign Operations Adminstraiicn. providing for assistance fo the Seovl National University in Korea.
N. S. E. A. Alumni Reception at Lincoln
LESLIE ARMSTRONG (Mrs. Bill) JAMES. 2-year diploma '54, reports that she is teaching first grade in the Grand Island school system. Her family, according to a note on her registration card at the Lincoln reception, includes three children of school age Mrs. James also tells us that her sister, UNADEAN (Mrs. Lloyd) DeFREECE, 2-year diploma '40, live3 in Cairo, and is doing substitute teaching in the Grand Island city schools. Mrs. DeFreece has three children.
MRS. MABEL STONEMAN PARK, '52, reports that her sister, RUTH STONEMAN, '41, returned to the United States in August after a year' 3 absence from Teachers College, Al-
REMINISCING over their years at Peru during homecoming last month w e re P h o e b e Sheppard Rily, '06, Lincoln; Elsie Bacon Provine, '07, San Diego, Calif.; Bert E. Swenson, '09, Stockton, Calif.; and Edna Bacon Wallace, '07, L"ncoln. Mr. Swenwno is consid ered Peru's firot qreat athlete, recalls Mrs. Provine, was a man to stoo on the football field. It was not uncommon to sae an opposing player ride on Bert's back for the length cf the field.
goma, Wis., to teach at Ede, The Netherlands. Mrs. Park is teaching in the Fairbury school system.
LOUISE FRITZ, I-year diploma '54, report's that she's being kept busy with her second year of teaching in a Nemaha county rural school and attending night classes at Peru State.
GERDA FOGED, 2-year diploma '54, is teaching the fourth grade in the Hastings school sy.:;tem. Her address is 802 North St. Joseph.
LOiS J. HARMS, I-year '54, is another Nemaha county rural teacher tbaf is attending night classes at Peru.
KENNETH R. HUTTON, '50, is teaching math in the Auburn high school.
Another Peruvian teaching in the Hastings city schools is HELEN M. KUCERA, '30. She is teaching home economics.
According to VEDA ANDERSON, '54, her sister, LUCY ANDERSON (Mrs. Jim) HARRISON, '36, lives at Morrill, where she is teaching commerce. Mrs. Anderson and her husband, a Morrill business man, have two daughters, Patricia, I3, and Penelope, 7. Veda is first grade teacher at Tecumseh.
This is the third year for FRANCES
C. NEWTON who la:;t attended Peru in the '54 summer session, as kindergarten teacher at Superior.
ISABEL TYNON MARTELL, '54, is teaching English and dramatics in the Hyannis high school.
CAROL SPIER, 2-year diploma '54, is teaching kindergarten in Dawson.
DORIS WAGNER, '47, reports she has been teaching at Table Rock for the past several years.
BERTHA WENZ, '53, says she is teaching the first and second grades in Silver Creek.
PAT PATTON ROCKEMAN, '51, and CLADYS PIEPER, '50, are teaching in 'the Lincoln school system. Pat i:: a physical education instructor at Irving junior high and Gladys teaches second grade at University Place.
· For the past I 1 years VIRGIL BUGBEE, '33, has been superintendent of schools at Arcadia. He and Mrs. Bugbee, the former FRANCES AXTELL, who last attended Peru in '37, have three children-Bill, 13, and twins, Bruce and Brenda, 6.
RONALD KUCERA, who last aftended Peru in '5L will be gc·aduate:l from the U.S. Naval Aca:'!.e:ny at Annapolis, Md., in June, 1955. repcrts his mother, IRENE VE_l\.L KUCERA, '26, of who attended the Lincoln reception. He: husband i> OTTO KUCERA, '27. Ronald, who •vas active in dramatics at Peru, directed the Masquerade:s' production at the Naval Academy this year. Mrs. Kucera report's
Another member of the Fairburv public school is MILDRED KUENJ'.JING, '54, lives at I2aQ
H Street. Mildred teaches the second grade.
N. S. E. A. Alumni Reception at Omaha
.JOHN McQUINN, '49, noted on his registration card at the Omaha Peru Alum reception during the N. S. E. A. convention that he is principal of the Highland elementary and junior high in Omaha. He and Mrs. McQuinn, the former IRENE FINKLE, '50, are the parents of a son, John Clifford, III, born September 16.
RICHARD WOHLFARTH, '52, recently w·as released from the service. He is teaching at Weeping Water this year.
MERVIL MILLER, who is coaching at Plattsmouth this year, reports that he and Mrs. Miller are the parent3 of a son, .John Alexander, born September 26.
MARILYN MEYER, who received her 2-year diploma at the end of the '54 summer session, is teaching kindergarten, first and second at Nehawka.
R. J. FRITSCHLE, '51, reports he js teaching jn Nebraska City this year. His family includes his wife, two sons and a daughter.
On hE.r registration card at the Omaha Alumni reception EUNICE BURBRIDGE NAVIAUX, '36, noted that she teaches instrumental music in eight Omaha schools fo 665 students each week. Recently she had published violin finger pattern cards. ''er family includes two daughters, 8 and 9.
JEAN BIRDSLEY, '54, is teaching in the Tecumseh school system.
Diredor of music at Bellevue is 1\!IAURICE M. MORAN, '52, who says the enrollment in that rapidly-growing "chool system numbers 1.900, with 300 in kindergarten alone. The music staff also includes an elementary music supervisor, junior and senior high vocal and instrumental assistant. He and Mrs. Moran, the former ERNA LEE DICK, who last enrolled at Peru in '52, are the parents of two sons, Johnny, 27 months, and Robert Lee, eight months.
MRS. ALICE JOHNSON, wife of H. W. Johnson, eighth grade supervisor at the Campus School last attended Peru during the '54 sumrner session. She i > teaching art and science in the Auburn junior high school.
WILLIAM ELLIS METZGER, '50, and Mt's. Metzger, the former BARBARA JOHNSON, '50, are living in Union where Mr. Metzger is superintendent of schools. Their family includes a boy and a girl.
MILTON A LORENZ. '48, presently is teaching math at· Benson high in Omaha. His address is 3028 North Sixtieth.
LLOYD L. DARROW, '49, who is in the :::cience department at Ben -on high in Omaha, notes that last summer he received a $300 stipend for five weeks of study at the Univer-
sity of Minnesota Biological Field Station from the Ford Foundation.
JANE RIEGER (Mrs. Bernie) TAYLOR, 2-year diploma '52, is teaching in the Omaha elementary schools. Her address is 1723 South TwentyEighth Street.
DONALD GRAHAM, '51, reports that his teaching assignment in the Nebraska City junior high includes shop and one adult leather class. He and Mrs. Graham live at 415 South Thirteenth with their 19month-old son, David Lee.
For JACK HALLSTROM, '50, who is living at 2305 J. Creighton Blvd., Omaha. with Mrs. Hallstrom, the former NANCY HARDY, 2-ye:ir djploma '51, and their two daughter>, the end of the second semester of '55 will see the end of graduate work at Omaha University. He is teach.,. ing physical education at Monroe junior high.
MRS. GERALDINE STRAW, '54, reuorts "enjoying my city experience in a wonderful system-Westside Community Schools, Omaha." She is teaching third grade. Although she still considers Peru her home town, her Omaha address is 3907 North Sixty-Seventh Avenue.
ALMA HENDERSON, who last attended Peru in 1942, plans to return to Peru for the '55 summer session and complete her degree requirements. She is teaching at Sarpy county district No. 43, and is living ;o;t the same address as Mrs. Straw. Her daughter, Shirlee, is a Peru State freshman.
ANSEL and BARBARA (Bragg) CLAYBURN, '53, '51, are at in Dawson with their two-year-old sen, Neal. Ansel is principal, industrial arts instructor and coach, v.rbile Iv.rrs. Clayburn handles English, instrumental music and library.
WILMA KENNEDY STUTHEIT reports that after attending the '54 summer session at Peru she is now teaching kindergarten and grade school vocal music in Auburn.
Another Peruvian who came from a distance for homecoming was VIRGINIA McNEAL, Austin, Tex., with her husband and two high school age children Last summer, she was in Banff, Canada, with her husband who teaches playwriting at the Banff School of Fine Arts. Her hobbies include television work and writing.
MARJORIE M. HEIM FITHIAN. 2year '51. is living in Dawson. Her rusban·l, FLOYD FITHIAN, '51. a lieutenant j. g., is serving in the Pacific area with the Navy. His address is U.S. S. Tolonana, AO (64), % Fleet Post Office, San Francisco.
JACK HEADLEY, who last atte.nded in '53, is assistant draftsman at the Auburn Machine Works.
MARVIN L. HOLSCHER, '48, is a junior in the University of Nebraska School of Law. His address is 4501 St. Paul Avenue, Lincoln.
MR. AND MRS. TRUMAN W. LYTLE are on the faculty at Weeping Water. Truman, '51, is teaching English and dramatics, and Mrs. Lytle, the former VIOLET FITHIAN,
2-year '52, is teaching the fifth grade. They are the parents of a year-andone-half-old daughter.
ELINOR MAJORS (Mrs. Richard) McGEE, '39, her husband, and twoyear-old son are now at home in Peru. They returned from California after the death of Mrs. McGee's I"Ylother, Mrs. Jim Majors and are staying with Mr. Majors.
V I R G I N T A JOHNSON (Mrs. Charles) MARBURGER, '37, reports that she and her husband, who attended Peru in '34, are living in Humboldt where they own a shoe store. Their family includes three sons.
MRS. IDA WADE BLOOMINGDALE, '98, of Nebraska City, was the earliest {iraduate registering for Homecoming, Here, rJ) rs. Bloomingdale enjoys a cup of coffee during the morning registration period.
A SECOND generation Peruvian ha.s been selected to head Peru State College Alumni Association. Shown is Bob Blankenship, '38, Auburn abstractor, who was voted into office by returning alumni at Homecoming. Blankenship's father and mother, the lc:te R. R. and Ethel (Kennedy) Blankenship were Peru grads with the class of 1904.
Peru Cagers Lack Hei_ghti
Aid of Transfers, Frosh
With the 1954-55 basketball season a1ready underway it has become cipparent that the current season will probably be a repetition of what has gone before over the past three or four seasons. The Bobcats will field a well-coached, hustling crew but ;,rill not win too many games because of lack of height.
Coach Bill Johnson has started the season with a nucleus of six returning lettermen who include seniors Ned Eckman, Pawnee City, Al Lowe, F.n1erson, Iowa, and Harry Meeker, Mitchell; juniors Lowell Samuelson, Fr-ankfort, Kans., and Rodger Major:;;, Feru; and sophomore Bob Norfon of Falls City.
Augmenting these and lending more than a full measure of support are some fine transfers. Included are Bob Kramer, former Syracuse High ace who transferred from Nebraska U .; the Overgaard brothers, Duane and Nels, who were on the Iowa State squad last season; and Bob Bacon, a GI returnee from Pawnee City, whose service hitch included a lot of basketball competition.
To date the Bobcats have played four games winning only from the Alumni who capitulafed 64-62 in the December 4 meeting. Tarkio College pulled 2way in the closing minute3 of the season opener to take an 81-73 thriller and on a road trio the Bobcats came un on the shorf end in games with Lincoln University (84€2) and Central Missouri State (6452).
Alumni can take some measure of hope in the fact that the present Bobcat freshmen have presented the coaching staff with the be"t looking
crop of yearlings to reporf for the roundball sport in quite a while. The group includes such performers as Ray Ehlers, who played with the Syracuse High state champs last year; Riley Ruby who was a standout with the Class B runnerup Tecumseh crew; Ron Witt who scored a thousand points in his senior year at Otoe. The freshmen also have some height with 6-5 Jack Breevaart of Ashton, Iowa, fi-5 Harold Zabel of Johnson, and 6-4 Denny Folkerts of Nebra:ska City plus several growing boys who hover around the 6-1 mark.
1954-55 schedule, home games, December 4, Alumni; December 16, '::'arkio; January 8, Hasting3; January 15, Wesleyan; February 3, Doane; February 5, Midland; February 18, 'Wayne; Febrl.lary 19, Kearney; February 26, Concordia.
Games away, December 2, Tarkio; December 10, Lincoln University. at Jefferson City, Mo.; December 11, Warrensburg at Warrensburg Mo.; December 27-29, tournament at Ottawa Univ-er.sity, Otfawa, Kans.; December 30-31, tournament, Tarkio College, Tarkio, Mo.; January 21, Kearney; January 22, Hastings; Jan'u.ary 27, Wayne; January 28, Midland; ·February 7, Omaha; February 11, Chadron; February 12, Chadron; February 22, W,.esleyan; February 25, Doane.
Peruvian M. A. Sams Lauded in Article
The November, 1954, issue of the New Mexico School Review contained an article of interest to Peru Staters who were on the Campus of a Thousand Oaks just before the turn of the century. It concerns the professional competence of Milton Arthur Sams, '97, visiting teacher and attendance officer for the Artesia, N. M., school system, who hopes to retire .::.ext spring after 58 years of public school work.
AFTER 58 YEARS • young school man, M. A. Sams, right; Retiring M. A. Sams, left.
Born in .Jones county, Iowa, Sams received his early educafion at tha old Pawnee City Academy and spe·J.t three years as a country school teacher before coming to Peru. After graduation he became superintendent of schools at Kennard.
According to the Review, Mr. Sams has brought dignity and respect to the position of visiting teacher. " each individual teacher and administrator had opportunity to recogniz the tact and diplomacy of this visiting teacher Students respecfed his sincerity and enthusiasm
One of the chief characteristics of M. A. Sams is his individual intere3t in each student and his great ability to se-zure the cooperafion of parents."
Peruvian Joy Elmer Morgan
Retires From N.E.A. Post
The December, 1954, issue of National Education Association Journal devoted three pages to tributes to Peruvian Joy Elmer Morgan on the occasion of his retirement.
One of Peru State's most distinguished alumni, Dr. Morgan relinquished the editorship of America's leading educational journal after 34 years of leadership in the professional organization of nation's teachers.
J. W. Crabtree, former Peru State president, WqS executive secretary of the NEA when he called Joy Elmer Morgan to Washington in 1920 to found the division of publications and to start The Journal. Since that time he has been identified with many of the major efforts to advance the cause of free pubiic schools. Some of these include:
Founding of A m e r i c a n Education week.
Helping organize the World JOY ELM ER MORGAN Federation of Education Associations.
Reorganizing the Educational Press Association of America.
Active service in the NEA Press and Radio Service.
Secretary to the Horace Mann Centennial Commission.
Chairman of the National Committee on Education by Radio.
Dr. Morgan was honored by the Future Teachers of America at a Notables Dinner in New York last June, starting a round of testimonial events leading to his December retirement.
After leaving The Journal· the 1913 Peru State grad, with Willard Givens, former NEA executive secretary, immediately launched a new organization, Senior Citizens of America. In his new position Dr. Morgan will serve the organization, dedicated to a more fruitful existence for people "in the second half of life," without pay.
L. Augusta Shepherd (Mrs. J. M.) Hefner, '21, die:i November 11, 1954. She had been living in Holdrege.
Eleven Have Served College 319 Years
Eleven Peru State College staff members with a total of 319 years of service to the school were honored at a Recognition Dinner at the college dining room May 9. More than 200 former and present students and other friends of the honored guests were pre.oent.
The honorees were presented inscribed plaques expressing appreciation for their years of service by Dr. Neal S. Gomon, president.
The veteran staff members (pictured on cover) and their years of service include: (front row) Miss Edna Weare, associate professor of home economics, 26 years; Miss Norma Diddel, associate professor of art, 26 years; Mi.os Blanche Gard, associate professor of education and elementary education supervisor 25 years; (second row) Albin V. Larson, head, divi'3ion of practical arts and professor of industrial arts. 29 years; Miss Phyllis Davidson associate professor of physical education arid director of women's physical education, 26 years; Ansel B. Clayburn, professor of geography, 33 years; (third row) Stacy Vance, superintendent of buildings and grounds, 35 years; Lavern B. Mathews, associate professor of 28 years; (top row) Robert T. Benford, associate professor of piano and organ, 25 years; Victor H. Jindra, head, division of fine arts and professc-r of violin, 32 years; George Devore, head custodian. 34 years.
Tributes were given by Dr. Andrew A. W eresh, dean of the college, on behalf of the faculty and staff; Dee V. Jarvis, of industrial arts and mayor of Peru, representing the community; J. Hvde Sweet. publisher of Nebraska City News- Press, on behalf of the area served by the College, and A. D. Majors, Omaha, member of the Board of Education of State Normal Schools, representing the board.
Bernard M. Spencer, Nebraska City attornev and n1ember of the Board of Education of State Normal Schools, was the speaker of the evening.
Mu.'"ical selections were pre5ented by the college v<·omen's trio and by the college brass sextet. Prof. George Rath, associate profe..;sor of languages, gave the invocation.
Edna Brown, Near Half-Century Falls City Faculty Member,
Miss Edna Brown. a Falls City faculty member for more than 48 years, died in a Falls City ho pital February 15 following surgery. She had taught since 1904, having joined the Falls City system in 1907.
Volume 3
Number 2
Spring, 1955
Official publication of the Alumni Association of Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska. Published quarterly, funds permitting. Subscription by contribution to the Alumni Fund. Extra copies of the PERU STATER, when available, may be secured for twenty-five cents each. Office-Administration Building, Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska.
Kenneth Heywood, Don Carlile ----·------------Editors
President ________________ Bob Blankenship, '38, Auburn
First Vice-President _____ Don Yocum, '50, Avoca
Second Vice-President ____ Bob Duncan, '50, Bedford, Ia.
Secretary __________ Barbara Bragg Clayburn, '51, Dawso.a
Treasurer ________________ Patricia Benford, '51, Oakland Executive'Sec. __ Kenneth M. Heywood, Peru State College
She was born December 10, 1883, east of Falls City. Mi-os Brown attended Peru State for a number of summers, receiving her two-year diploma in 1935. During t:er years in the Falls City schools, Miss Brown had the disfinction of having taught three generations of ;.ome families. Since 1921 she had taught kindergarten.
In January, 1952, she was honored by the Falls City Rotary Club which gave her its first Community Service A ward.
Bill Schock, Falls City Journal city editor, had this to say about Mi.-s Brown in an editorial on the day of her death: "Falls City lost an iinstitution today when Miss Edna Brown passed away at the hospital. Edna Brown was a part of Falls City - a diamond-set' cog in the wheel that turns our nublic school system
We thought she was 'the greafest' 30 years ago when we played drop the handkerchief . . . Our children idolized her the same way . . . She was the only teacl>er we can recall to whom. at one time or another, we did not refer to as 'Old Lady' Falls City is going to miss her."
Everywhere She Goes Excitement Follows 1 42
of Beatrice Grad
Adventures Include Evacuations From Seoul and Shanghai
A 1942 graduate of Peru State College with a yen for adventure has found it in king size quantities through her work with the State Department Foreign Service in the Far East. In spite of all the excitement surrounding her exploits, Ruth Crone is inclined to view the entire business calmly except for the fact that she resents the "jinx" tag hung on her by a staff writer for one of the state papers in a feature story published last February.
Ruth has the "distinction" of being the only American woman evacuated from Shanghai in 1949 and from Seoul in 1950 and has had other adventures around the world before and since.
Following her graduation from Peru, Ruth went to Washington to work for the Department of Commerce, then on to New York for five years with the Port of New ¥ork Authority as reports editor.
One of her duties was the inspection of ships converted since the war to learn how they were able to cope with the trade and commerce into and out of the port. Each time she did this, she says, she left the gangplank with reluctance.
Adding to the temptation for travel was the fact that she was at the same time engaged in working toward her doctorate at New York University, .specializing in propaganda. In one class of 30 students at least a dozen nationalities were represented. Association with these persons inspired her to see first hand the unfamiliar parts of the world about which she had read and heard so she applied to the State Department Foreign Service.
Shanghai was the first assignment. She was flown there in February of 1949 and assigned to public relations work. A few months later she was given orders to pack 60 pounds and was evacuated by a destroyer with 40 other American Government employees.
"We sailed under secret orders to Hong Kong and then to Canton where we set up office and did business until things became difficult," she says. "I traveled alone from Hong Kong to Bangkok to Rangoon to Calcutta to Cairo to London and New York."
Going to Korea on a similar mission in 1950, Ruth arrived in Seoul on June 17. Only eight days later the Reds crossed the thirty-eighth parallel. The next' night she worked as volunteer operator at the Embassy switchboard, nerve center of telephonic communication in South Korea. Ruth was evacuated by plane the next mcrrning before Seoul fell to the Reds.
Mattie Cook Ellis 1 Instructor and Dean At Turn of Century1 Claimed by Death
Miss Mattie Cook Ellis, an early-day Peru faculty member died in an Austin, Minn., nursing home December 10, 1954, after an illness of three years following"' a stroke.
She was on the Peru faculty as a critic teacher for four years during the eary 1890's and taught history from 1897 until 1921. During her last several years at Peru, Miss Ellis served as Dean of Women.
Miss Ellis was born in Austin on May 26, 1864. She taught .iJn Omaha for several years before coming to Peru. From Peru she went to the Mankato (Minn.) Normal School as Dean of Women, and later to Columbia University, New York, in the same capacity. Her last five years of teach:iillg were at Kirksville (Mo.) high school.
After a total of 48 years of teaching, Miss Ellis retired in 1939. She lived in Kirksville with her sister,
Between the China and Korean adventures she was a secretary on the staff of John Foster Dulles and after returning from Korea she was a writer for two years on the Korean desk of the Voice of America.
Ruth was working on the staff of the New York Times last' winter when an accident sent her home to Beatrice to recuperate. A Peru Stater staff member found her this spring working on the staff of the Beatrice Daily Sun extremely interested and happy that her alma mater is currently enjoying a period of growth.
Future plans of this globe-trotting Peruvian are indefinite but when you visit for a while with Ruth Crone you get the idea that sooner or later she will be off again, probably to some spot crn the globe where history is being made.
oF Women Minnesota . In
During her lifetime Miss Ellis made three European cruises. In 1909 she conducted a Mediterranean cruise with a group of older Peru students; in 1930-31 she took a trip around the world, and in 1933 was a delegate from the St. Louis chapter of the American Association of University Women to the world convention of University Women in Warsaw.
While in California five years ago, Miss Ellis had one of the most delightful experiences of her life. When word got' about that she was coming to California, 40 of her former students and teachers with whom she was associated in Peru, and their families, gathered for a special tribute to her. A year lat'er, in Omaha, a similar group arranged for a reunion.
RUTH cR'oNE -Photo by Mike Lazare Mrs. W. W. Keyser, until her death, when she moved to Austin to be near her other sister, Mrs. J. H. Skinner.Wider Participation Needed • In Fund Drive
With this issue of your Peru Stater is a return envelope for your convenience in making your contribution to the Peru Alumni Association.
During the past few years the Association has made only ONE yearly appeal for funds for operating expenses. There is no other source of revenue to carry on the activi tie3 of the organization. The things that can be accomplished depend upon your support.
Fund drive envelopes are being enclosed in your magazine this spring for two reasons. First, this method will enable the association to save several hundreds of dollars by avoiding the expense of a separate mailing. Second, it is hoped that this method will prompt Peruvians to demonstrate their appreciation for the
A number of Peru alumni give financial support regularly - but the number is too small. If all of the former Peruvians would make a small contribution the associat;ion would have no financial difficulties.
A rapidly growing enrollment at Peru is creating more demands for alumni association services yearly and is also creating a heavier drain on available college funds, so the matter of continued support of your alumni magazine by the College is highly
Morton House Gives Five Ho"ne Ee Grants
Morton House division of the Otoe Foods Co., Nebraska Cify, will underwrite five four-year scholarships in home economics at Peru State College annually, company officials announced May 1.
The grants represent a recognition by the company of the shortage of trained personnel in home economics, the educafional leadership of Peru State in southeast Nebraska, and an interest in furthering the cause of higher education, a company spokesman said.
The first five scholarships will be awarded to 1955 high school graduates who will begin training in September. Applicants for the grants must rank in the upper one-half of their graduating class, display evidence of good school citizenship, leadership qualities and professional promise, and major in home economics for four years.
The scholarships will include tuition, fees and books for four full years of college work.
Gets Promoted
Ross D. Russell, '41, has been transferred from the duPont's polychemicals department to the textile fibers deoartment. Since 1952 Ross bas been -working at the Sabine River works at Orange, Tex., but now lives in Camden, S. C., with the wife, the former Grace Menchau, '42, and children, Linda, 8, Rogene, 6, and Mark, 2.
Ross has his Ph. D. in chemical engineering from Iowa State. He joined duPont in 1950, working first as a chemical engineer in duPont's experimental station at Wilmingfon, Del., before going to Texas.
The Russells' Camden address is 1507 Highland avenue.
Our goal this year is a inuch higher percentage of alumni giving something. Your contribution is needed now! No one asks that you give more than you can afford -give what you can. It's no so important WHAT you give - BUT THAT YOU DO GIVE.
.Just fill out the blanks on the hondy postage-free envelope, enclose check, seal, and n1ail today.
Your officers in recent years have avoided the practice of adopting a set amount for annual dues and dropping from the mailing list all those who are in arrears. They prefer to have all Peru alumni. receive publications and services equally. They hope that you appreciate this stand by giving your support. Stater. The general operating expenses of your association are relatively small. Peru State College provides the office space and equipment, and defrays much of the cost of clerical help. Consequently, a very high percentage of members' contributions goes toward the publishing of this magazine. Even so, funds available would not: have permitted printing and mailing even half the issues you have received if the College had not "picked up the tab" for the deficit.
May F ete Features Show Boat; Hawxby and Norris Crowned
Marilyn Hawxby of Nemaha and Lee Norris of Clayton, Kans were crowned queen and king of the May Fete at Peru State College May 6. Both students are seniors. The coronation took place in a showboat setting on the main campus quadrangle.
Master of ceremonies was Language Arts Department Head Robert D. Moore. The brief program included selections by the Peruvian Singers with Dennis Folkerts of Nebraska City as soloist; a vocal duet by Shirlee George, Auburn, and l\/.[arvin Wusfer, Dawson; a pantomime by Ronald Ahl, Louisville, and Phil Neuhalfen. Dunbar; a vocal duet by Gloria O'Harra, Auburn, and Dick Fankhauser, H11mboldt; a garden dance and the Maypole dance.
Elementary students from the T . .J. Majors Campus School wound the Maypole under the direction of Mrs. Frances Wheeler. The garden dancers were Duane McKni_ght. Peru; .JoAnn Moore, Nemaha: Nels Overgaard, Red Oak Iowa: Gail Martin, Plattsmouth; Elaine Spier. Omaha; Richard Fankhauser, Humbo1dt; Betty Hogue, Dawson, and Gary Wiar, Falls City.
The court included:
Attendants: seniors - Bob Simoson. Fails City;, Phyllis Gess. Svracuse; iuniors - Pe.gi;y Eickhoff, Verdon; Dick Adams, Falls City: sophomore' - Marvin Wuster, Dawson; Bonnie Morris. Brownville; freshmen - .Joe Peck, Nebraska City; Marveen Mnrphy, Bellevue.
Ladies-in-waitinw Ann Foster. Lincoln; Shirley Williss, Beatrice; .Janice .Johnson. Peru: Carolee Kerl. Pawnee Cifv; Fran Larson, Peru; Carolyn Luttman, Cook; Betsy Hartm;:in, Falls City; Bonna Tebo, Roca.
Crown bearers: Linda Blankenship and Dannie Collins of the CamPU' School kindergarten.
A dance in the college gymnasium the May Fete.
Peruvian Authors Book
Peru grad Marion Marsh Brown, A. B. '27, has authored another book of historical fiction for children. "Broad Stripes and Bright Stars," a tale of the early years of the republic, was released by the Westminister Press in March.
At present Mrs. Brown is president of Nebraska Writer.s Guild. feaches night classes at Omaha U., has a Sunday school class, and does public Jecturing and book revievvs. She has V\Titten more than hvo hundred stories f0:r and adults. induding "Yonng 'N'athan" and "The Swamu Fox." (See Peru Stater foe May, 1953.)
Phvllis J=-Ieinke. '!')4. teacheco uhv,o:jr:oi 1 edurati'"''' in the nublic schools at Newport. Ore. Phyliis writes fhat the school vear i;:: na"sing so ranic:'llv that it seems to have taken on jet !"ropulsion.
Mrs. Reginald (.Jean Stander) Colbe<t. '54, besides carrving on her c:'luties as a farm homemaker. has been d0ing some substitute teaching in the Weeping Water school system.
Degree Graduates
To Teaching Jobs, Continue Study
The mid-year graduates--: four with Bacheloi; of Ar_ts in Education degrees, five with Bachelor of Science in Education degrees, and one with Bachelor of Arts de-: gree - have been added to the rolls of the Peru Association. Four of the ten were graduated with honors.
Six of the graduates have accepted teaching posts for the second semester. They are: H. Gayle Pawnee City, Hiawatha (Kans.) High School; Curtis L. Nebraska City, Marcus (Iowa) High School; DonWendt, Tecumseh Tecumseh High School; Robert N. Adams, Adams, West' Side Community Sc!-1-ools. Om.John C. Christ, Jr., Peru, Bloomfield High School; E. Gregg, Murray, Tarkio (Mo.) High School; Maryon L. Adams, Peru, T. J. Majors Campus School, Pern.
1906 Grad George N. Foster, Los Angeles Attorney, Dies
Geoqe N. Fos!er, '06, died in November, 1952, acrecent information received by "the Peru had taught several years in Nebraska - two schools, and from 1914 to 1924 at the Nebraska School of Law. information listed in the "Naughty Sixes" pub1946, when the class observed its 40th annigraduation, shows that Mr. Foster had atniversity of Nebr"!;ska from 1908 until 1911 of Chicago from 1911 to 1914. He armed the of Ph. B., L. L. B., and J. D. time his death Mr. Fosfer was living in vvhere he had practiced law. He was 1914 to Esther Burritt.
i·YIJeatL oE Leona Hudson Adams Reported by Chicago Alum
.January note from Margaret Iverson Steiner, 839 Dive:rsey Parkway, Chicago 14, informs us of the of Leona Hudson Adams, '33. According to Mrs. Mrs. Adams died about four years ago, leaving .&:umt)al'.ld and two children.
the time of her death she was living at KenWis. During her time in college she was very popuWith so many friends, I am sure many have 8!ilmtte>d word of her. She was the loveliest girl I ever known," Mrs. Steiner writes.
Mi's .. Louise Spencer, '99, Dies; Mother oF Normal Board Member
Louise D. Marquardt Spencer, '99, died .January m St. Louis where she was visiting at the home of a Ralph. After completing her work at Peru, she U£1t1gn"1; for several years in her home town of Avoca. was married in 1906 to E. G. Spencer, who was a banker at the time of his death in 1947. Survivors include two sons, Ralph of St. Louis and Bernard M., a Nebraska City attorney, who was reelected to the State Board of Normal Schools
Iowa E. -F. Administrator, Coach, '27, Succumbs
A period of outstanding school and community service came to a close with the death of Everett F. Fuller, AB-'27, at his Iowa home on the morning of February 8th. One of the best known school administrafors and coaches in the state's high school circles, Mr. Fuller made a name for himself as superintendent and coach at Wales-Lincoln High School where his boys' and girls' teams, from the 43-44 season through the 52-53 season, had a combined record of 389 basketball victories again ,t t:2 defeats. The girls won eight county titles and the boys seven during that period and each team made one state finals appearance-the girls in '48 and the boys in '52. Ill health forced Mr. Fuller to give up coaching after the '52-'53 season.
Funeral services for Mr. Fuller were held in the Wales - Lincoln gymnasium. He played a leading role in community planning for the E. F. FULLER structure, now being used for the fifth year.
Affer graduating from Peru State Mr. Fuller held teaching positions at Arcadia and Otoe in Nebraska and at Thurman, Bartlett and Oakland in Iowa before taking the Wales-Lincoln position. He had been superintendent at Otoe and Thurman and most of his faculty positions involved coaching duties.
Survivors include his wife, four sons and three daughters.
Donor of Trophy Room Bobcat, G. S. Hansen, Dies in Arizona
George S. Hansen, '12, of Phoenix, Ariz., died December 10, 1954, following a heart attack. At the time of his death he was director of the State Farm Mufual Insurance Co. for Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada.
Mr. Hansen had lived in Arizona since 1923 when he became superiintendent of schools at Safford. He held that post until 1944, when he became associated with the State Farm Mutual Insurance Co.
Mrs. Hansen is the former Iva Olive Glasgow, '08, of Weeping Water. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen gave the bobcat which is mournfed and housed in the trophy room of the gymnasium. Mrs. Hansen's address is 2039 East Cypress, Phoenix.
Elizabeth Bratt Baldwin, *95, Omaha Civic Leader, Dies
Mrs. Elizabeth Bratt Baldwin, 95, died in Omaha December 7, 1954, following a short illness. She had been active in Omaha civic groups for more than 50 years.
A native of North Platte, Mrs. Baldwin served as stenographer, teacher and librarian at Peru from 1896 until 1898, when she becan'.le official reporter for the district court judge at North Platte.
She was married to the late William Arthur Baldwin, who managed the Glens Falls Insurance Co., Omaha, from 1899 urntil his retirement in 1937.
Mrs. Baldwin's survivors include three daughters: Mrs. .Jessie L. Matson, St. Paul, Minn.; Mrs. Grace E. Pedley, Minden, and Mrs. Helen H. Stork, Perrysburg, Ohio.
Bureau Announces Placement
Early Teaching
Activity in the Peru State College placement office has been lively this spring with a number of graduates having signed contracts fo·r the 195556 school term, according to Kenneth M. Heywood, placement director. Salaries are showing an increase over last year, particularly in the secondary field.
Placements thus far by the Peru office include: Pete Karabatso·s, Fairbury, to be high school principal and coach at Dunbar; Ella Meisfer, Humboldt, Omaha elementary schools; Ernest Meyer, Davkin, coach at Cook; Mrs. Wilma Klein, Humboldt, Verdon elementary schools; John Alden. Union, social science at Omaha Westside High; Laura Lee Bosworth, Nebraska City, Atchison, Kans., elementary schools; Norma Moore, Stromsburg, Bradshaw elernentary.
Carol Stienke, Verdon, Norfolk elementary; Mary Louise Trussell, Stella, Ralston elementary; Eunice Epley, Elk Creek, Elk Creek elementary; Kenneth and Dorothy McMaster, Bellevue. secondary and elementary at Creighton; Marilyn Hawxby, Nemaha, Lincoln elementary;
Daisymae Eckman, City, home economics at Pawnee City; Dean ]Weisinger, Plattsmouth, industrial arts at Dunbar; Ansel Clayburn, Dawson, industrial arts at Horton, Kans.; Robert Paap, Wymore, industrial arts at Fairbury; Donald Balderson, Seward, industrial arts at Plymouth; Evelyn Reiman, Virginia, Wahoo. elementary; Esther Dorn, Rockford, Holdrege elementary; Darlene Hahn, Johnson, Shickley elementary; Leo Lindahl, Seward, industrial arts at Sterling; William Sayer, Peru, industrial arts at Thayer.
Lois Genoa, Humboldt, Omaha elementary; Lee Norris. Clayton. Kans., indusfrial arts and head coach, Sabetha, Kans.; Cara Lee Morse, Douglas, Shickley elementary; Twila Holmes, Nemaha, Nebraska City ele1nentary; Dolores Smith, Nebraska City, Omaha elementary; Kenneth Sipes, Fairmont, industrial arts and asst. coach at Osceola; Charles Brewer, Shenandoah, Denver Public Schools; Al Lowe, Emerson, Iowa, basketball coach at Shickley; Sally Poage, Falls Cify, Sabetha, Kans., elementary; June Slater, Auburn, Lincoln elementary.
Heat Tunnel State Normal Extension Gets Board's Okay
Contracts have been let by the Board of Education of State Normal Schools for construction of a 480 foot heat tunnel to be built this summer on the Peru State campus.
Dobson Bros. Construction Co. of Lincoln was low construction bidder with $33,250. while Schollman Bros. of Omaha, with a bid of $8,317, won the contract for the installation of the necessary steam lines.
The Dobson firm started excavat:ini:; in 11/[ay with completion scheduled within 45 working days. The project calls for an exfension of the present tunnel froth a point mid-way between the Administration building and the Gvmnasium, north aoproximately 100 feet then west to Mt. Vernon Hall. The tunnel will be 61/z ft. wide by 7 ff. high, inside demensions, with 10 inch walls. In addition to steam lines it will carry future sewer, water and electric lines.
John Stevenson. Peru, will act as supervisory engineer for the project.
Gladys V. Andersen, '36, a teacher in the Lincoln Public Schools, has been reelected president of the Nebraska Department of Classroom Teachers.
Virginia Trively (:Mrs. R. G.) Plumber, '40, writes that her husband works for United Air Lines in Omaha while she is teaching her third year in Bellevue "in a lovely, brand-new school where we feel right at home-so many of the teachers having attended Peru." 1\!Irs. Plummer also tells us that Ruth Sutorius (Mrs. Gale) Fitzwater, '39, is living at 3703 East Fortieth, Tulsa, where her husband is with Braniff Airlines and where she is employed in a travel agency.
Study Grant Received By Prof. John Christ
Prof. John Christ, head of the Peru State College science division has been named recipient of one of ten grants made by the National Science Foundation for graduate sfudy this summer in biology at the University of Minnesota.
Mr. Christ will spend six weeks at the Lake Itasca Forestry and Biological Station where he will engage in a specialized study of taxonomy under the direction of Dr. Murray F. Buell, professor of botany, Rutgers University.
L. B. Mathews, Peru science staff member, will be in charge of Mr. Christ's classes during his summer 'absence.
In making her contribution fo the Alumni Fund, Lenore Ohler (Mrs. J. F.) Mikulas, 2 year '33, write-:; "We have been in Hastings for the past 12 years. I am employed as a secretary at the Foote Clinic and my husband holds a civil service position at the Navy Ammunition Depot." The Mikulas have a new home at 831 N. Briggs Ave.
Miss Kathryn Towne, a Peru faculty member from 1925 to 1929, is now an associate professor of home economics at George Washington University, Washington, D. C.
Everu Place We Go
Mrs. Inice Dunning of Alliance, former Eliza Morgan Hall housemother, writes of an interesting personal experience. Says Mrs. Dunning: "I have just refurned home. after vacationing most of the win.fer in California. Imagine my surprise and delight when I was a dinner guest in an Oakland home and the first thing I saw was a copy of the Peru Stater on the coffee table. I fuen learned that my hostess, Miss Mary Anderson, was a P0ru in the early "teens" of this century. (Ed. note: Miss Anderson was a Peruvian from 1906 to 1910). " . . . We find our fine Peruvians every place we go and are proud of them. After spending almost 20 years on the campus I find manv names in the Peru Stater which are of interest to me.;'
The alumni office received a <'all for helo from Walfer Buett<?"Pnbauf'h. '26. now the sun<"rinte..,dent nf schools at LaPine Ore but who will lon_g- be :remembered on the Campu." of a Thousand Oaks a<: Peru Sf"lte's P-reatest all-time athJe+e. Bltzie wri+,,s: "Un<>n grqduation Mrs. B. (nee Elizabeth Savidge, '28) and I had most of the Peruvian<: for the years we were in school. In 1942 we lost our home by fire and of course our Peruvians "rent t0o. We would like fo replace them. esnecially the J P26 edition but, also any of the others b8ck through '22." SomewhPre there mav be Rlumni tbRt bave extra copies for the Buettgenbaugbs. We would be happy to have you write Walter or contact this office.
A letter to the Peru Sfater from Mjss Genevieve Mulick, an art teacher at Omaha Tech High. tells of the death of her mother, Katherine Meyer Mulick, vvho attended Peru State from 1888 tbrough 1890. Mrs. Mulick passed away on August 17. 1954. She had been a teacher in the Omaha Public Schools :for "l and was the author of two sets of coD}"ridl:tm aids "Mulick's Live Combinations" and Survivors include the daughter and
Special Legislation Assures Married Student and Faculty Housing for Peru
Twenty-two Slated for June Construction Start
A $250,000 project to provide hovsing for faculty members and married students is the latest development in Peru State's campus growth.
A special act of the legislature cleared the last obstacle and bids for the project are fo be let in May with construction starting not later than June according to college officials. It is hoped that the new units will be completed in time for occupancy at
the start of the second semester of the 1955-56 school year.
Plans for the faculty facilities call for the construction of two brickfaced apartment buildings, each fo house four families. One of the units, to be located on the corner north of the Music Hall and just west of the president's home, will be a splitlevel type structure containing two two-bedroom apartments and two one-bedroom apartments. College officials took the first step in the erection of this building about a year ago when they acquired and razed the old Campus Shop located on the property.
The other unit, to be located on state property one block north gate
(just beyond the o1d tennis courts), will be the larger of the two and will contain two two-bedroom and two three-bedroom apartments. ·
Located amid the park-like setting of some of Peru's Thousand Oaks, the new housing project for married students will be placed on the rise jusf east of the Oak owl and will consist of fourteen units, approximately half of which will be twobedroom, the balance one- bedroom.
CONSTRUCTION of these two faculty apartment houses is expected to begin in June. At the top is the unit that will be located north of the old tennis courts. The unit at the bottom will be just west of the president's home.
Through the courtesy of Judge FRANK J. MUNDAY, Red Cloud, the College Liorary has received a collection of the 1954 letter of the 1902 class. Twelve members of this class had a happy reunion on the campus in 1952. Since that time through the efforts of MRS. FLORENCE DYE PENNELL letters from the 12 and other members of the class have brought their biographies up-to-date. Twenty-five who are known to be living are accounted for but more definite addresses are needed for the following: M AR T HA GOODELL WALTON and MYRTLE DEWEY. Can anyone send this information to the Peru Alumni Office? Information 1s also wanted about LOIS BUTT, MARY ENGLISH, URSULA SCHMIDT, and CHARLES McVAY.
R. R. McGEE, '07, and Mrs. McGee, the former Clara Heacock, are living at 1754 Twenty-Seventh Ave., Columbus. McGee is now retired from teaching.
JESS A. HARRIS, '09, Humboldt, who has been employed as secretary of the 0. A. Cooper Co. retired January 1 after 43 years and five months service.
From EULA WESTER (Mrs. G. M.) ROSS, '10, of 1012 Bay street, Santa Cruz, Calif., comes this note: "It was fun reading Peruviana. Sat down and wrote F. M. Gregg and hope he's still hale and hearty. We've settled in Santa Cruz by the sea Are there any Peruvians out this way? Hope I may meet some one of these days. Church work, clubs
and hoboies keep us busy ... wonder how I ever found time to teach."
C. W. BUCKLEY, '02, 2232 McMillan street, Eugene, Ore., reports that ADDA W. PHELAN (Mrs. Roy C.) FISHER, '02, is living at Brownville, Ore.
The 19101 s
MRS. VIVA W. KINNEY HARMS, '10, writes from Oakridge, Ore., that teaching continues to be enjoyable and challenging.
Subject of a recent feature story in the York. Daily News-Times was LURLIE LEE, '15, "Who has coached many a youngster in speech and directed countless plays since joining the faculty at York high school." The artfele tells us that she recently occupied a new home at 923 Iowa avenue.
Another faculty member in the York school system is EVA GUDGEL (Mrs. Ray) CONRAD, fs '19. She resumed her teaching career after rearing her three children. Previously she had taught in rural schools in York and Polk county and in the McCool Junction system. She and Mr. Conrad reside at 928 Iowa avenue.
Writing from Redcliff, Colo., EDITH OLANDER, '14, informs us that she is on the faculty of Redcliff Union High School.
Wife of former Dean Delzell of Peru State College, MRS. MARY OGG DELZELL, '17, resides at Timberlake Rd., Route 3, Knoxville, Tenn. Grandchildren are her top interests.
wih their son, CLAY KENNEDY, '45, operate a large stock farm and hybrid seed corn business near Peru. A new grading house for their hybrid corn was opened in January.
S. L. CLEMENTS, '15, after retiring fro1n teaching at Peru in 1953 is now vice-president of the bank at Elmwood.
JOSEPH J. KLIMA. '15, is a banker at Milligan. He and Mrs. Klima have one daughter, high school senior.
MRS. KATHRYN MATHEWS CASEBEER, '17, lives at Imperial where her husband is the city's elec, trical engineer. She reports that her grandchildren are now her main interest.
MRS. MABEL RANDEL VERNON, fs '18, is working in the Lincoln office of the Veterans' Administration.
GOLDIE GLEA SOPER, '13, included a note with her alumni contribution saying that she hasn't been back to the Campus of a Thousand Oaks since her graduation. After teaching in Alliance for nearly 37 years, she is now living at 735 South Twelfth, Broken Bow.
The 1920 1 s
HENRY C. MEENTS, '23, is living at 155 Avenue Cadiz, San Clemente, Calif., where he still does substitute teaching after retiring from full-time work because of ill health. He writes "I still brag abouf the good school at Peru, its many fine in-
Wedding Bells Announce Recent Marriages of . • •
Norma Heywood, senior, to William K. Allen, junior, August 28, 1954, First Methodist church, Peru. Af home: Peru.
Carolyn Huston to Leon Joy, '51, September 12, 1954, Congregational Church, Lincoln. At home: 1602 Crooks St., Falls City.
Marlene Happel, 2-year '54, to Donald Doran, August 24, 1954, Hickam Air Force Base Chapel, Honolulu, T. H. At home: 1775 -5 Kaioo Drive, Honolulu, T. H.
Lorraine A. Rehse, fs '52, fo Paul ""Vil. Benson, September 12, 1954, St. John's American Lutheran Church, Sterling. At home: 3320 M St., Lincoln.
Mary Moore, 2-year '54, to Donald H. Gress, '52, September 11, 1954, Christian Church, Nemaha.
Letarae Stucker, 2-year '54, to Thomas C. Bosworth, '54, September 6, 1954, Effingharn, Kans., Community Church. At home: 6807 Westmoreland Ave., Takoma Park, Md.
Marlene Goering, fs '53, to Boyd D. Wakelin, September 26, 1954, Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church, Talmage. At home: Brock.
Joyce Te ten, sophmore, to Wayne
O. Stukenholtz, September 24, 1954, First Evangelical Lutheran Church, Nebraska City.
Mary Pattison to William M. Sherman, '49, October 17, 1954, First Christian Church, Lincoln. At home: Plattsmouth.
Darleen Boeck, 2-year '54, to Richard Teten, October 24, 1954, St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Hickory Grove, near Auburn. At home: Auburn.
Harlene Harms, fs '52, to Ervin L. Hansen, October 17. 1954, St. John's Lutheran Church,'Sterling. Af home: Adams.
Joan Mcininch, fs '52, to Robert H. White, October 30, 1954, Congregational Church, East Machial, Maine.
Joyce Crabtree, fs '54, to Frank Langer, Jr., November 6, 1954, Baptist, Church, Peru ...
· Eleanor Nufzma:n;·:; fs '51, to Merle A. Rodgers, fs '51, November 2, 1954, First Lutheran Chi,rrch, Avoca.
Bfossom Duncan, 2-year '54, to Eldon Epley, sophomore, November 25, 1954, First Baptist Church, Tecumseh.
Darlene Goracke to Lawrence Webb, '51, November 20, 1954, Holy Rosary
Church, St. Mary. At home: Red Cloud.
Sharyl Terry, sophomore, to Howard Osborne, fs '54, D.ecember 29, 1954, First Christian Church, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Margart Ulbrick, fs '54, to .Tames L. Cotton, fs '54, December 28, 1954, Methodist Church, Peru..
Roleen Ehlers, fs '54, to Joy A. Watermeier, December 27, 1954, Luther Memorial Church, Syracuse. At home: Burr.
Margaret Stoewe to Alan E. Schuster, '53, January 2, 1.955, Bethel Evangelical and Reformed Church, Nebraska: City.
Bergmm:m to Bueford H. Rickman, '54,. Deeeulber 30, 1954, St. Paul's · era& Auburn.
Carol :fs '53, fo Robert. 5, 1955, Bethel Reformed Ch
At home: City_ to Robert M.ethodisf BtockM.oo.re, Meth-
structors, and the splendid times we had." Mrs. Meents is the former GEORGIA UNTHANK, '16. They have one daughter, Jean, "who now has made us grandparents twice."
Writing from River Falls, Wis., DR. CATHARINE LIENEMAN, '20, reports that she is living in a new house with her mother. She is teaching in the biology division of the River Falls Teachers College: Her address is 567 South Fourth street.
HETTIE WHEELDON (Mrs. Raymond J.) LARSON, '23, formerly of Syracuse, is now living · at Plattsmouth.
Among the "Lost Alumni" recovered after the January list in the PERU STATER was CLARA LAWRENCE (Mrs. A. F.) CONE, fs '27, who is living at 2321 Inez Drive, N. E., Albuquerque, N. M., according to information supplied by her sister, MRS. MAUDE LAWRENCE HESKETT, '14. Mrs. Cone's husband is doing research at Sandia Base. Their family includes Nancy, a student at Universify of New Mexico, and Art, a high school student. Mrs. Heskett lives at 1411 J street, Auburn.
When WILLIAM DAVENPORT, '27, left the Benedict' school system last' spring to accept the superintendency at Chappel he was succeeded by another Peru StaterMARVIN SVOBODA, '49. Svoboda ·was no stranger to Benedict, having served as coach and principal under Davenport after his graduation. He had been working in Omaha for a fire concern since 1953.
ERNEST F. LORBEER L; general manager of the Austin (Tex.) Baseball Club. On the Peru athletic department faculty from 1928-i936, Lorbeer mentions seeing Pat Nor·wood occasionally. Norwood. who was on the Peru faculty from 19281935, is now on the faculty at Southwest Texas Teachers College at San Marcos.
Thanks to MILDRED F I S H ER NOYES, '21, the Alumni Association novv- has addresses of three formerly "lost"' Peru Staters: LURA HENDRICKS (Mrs. Frank) EICHLER, '13, at 6135 Buena Vista, Oakland, Calif., and MR. AND MRS. HAROLD (NORMA ALBRECHT) FISHER, fs '33, faculty '37-'43, are living at 901 street, San Leandro, Calif. Mildred notes that she is now in her 32nd year of teaching junior high in the San Diego system. Biggest news with her is the arrival of a second grandchild on January 10. She lives at 4651 Monroe, San Diego.
Defense attorney in the first murder trial involving an Indian since passage of the Indian Emancipation Acf of August, 1954, was Peruvian GEORGE C. REINMILLER of Portland, Ore. The defendant was accused of premeditated murder, but Reinmiller was successful in getting a "not guilty" verdict. During the years 1926 fo 1929 Reinmiller was ac-
tive in debate and music groups at Peru. After leaving Peru he was superintendent of schools at Bee, earned his law degree from the University of Nebraska, and served as Webster counfy attorney before moving to Portland. He is with the law firm of Reinmiller, Murray, Josslin and Stearns, 525 Failing building, Portland 4.
WILHELMINA C. IHRIG, fs '26, is a regi>tered nurse at Lincoln General hospital. When the Well Child Conference was established on the Peru campus in 1951, Miss Ihrig was the first nurse.
The 1930 1 s
The Alumni Association has learned from W. E. SUGDEN. '32, that DR. MILLARD BELL, '26, is now superintendent of schools in Wilmefte, Ill. Mrs. Bell is the former ELIZA MICHEL, '25. Sugden added that "there are several alumni in the metropolitan area (Chicago), and it is a source of much satisfaction to us to gef together and reminisce. We appreciate the information that is brought our way by the.PERU STATER." He and his wife, the, former ELLEN WILSON, fs '33, live at 7212 Oak avenue, River Forest, Ill. He is superintendent of the public schools in that city.
HAROLD W. REED, '30, has resigned as superintendent of the Hebron Public School to become Thayer county superintendent.
Living at 305 Hudson, Phillipsburg, N. J., is KATHRYN EINUNG (Mrs. Paul J.) GAMLIN, '30. She and her husband, a mechanical engineer with Remington-Rand, have two sons, John and Jerry.
A brief Christma:; greeting from DOROTHY NAVIAUX (Mrs. John J.) DEMPSEY, '33, set' forth an investigation to determine her present address (the postmark was blurred). From the registrar's office, it was found that her father, Dr. J. H. Naviaux, a retired dentist, is living in Nebraska City. He supplied this informafion: Dorothy has been discharged as a lieutenant in the navy and is now residing at Mankato, Minn., with her husband and John, Jr., a prospective member of the class of '77.
JIM McALLISTER. '38, is teaching math at Carthage (Ill.) College, where STU BALLER, former Peru State coach, is dean. Jim, his wife and daughters visited with her parents in Germany last summer
DR. LEO H. PETRI, '37, writes that he is now as::;ociate 'professor of biology at Wartburg College, Waverly, Ia. He formerly was on the Kansas State College faculty.
MR. AND MRS. MERLE (GRACE E. BOVEY) SMITH, fs '30, have retired from teaching in the state of New Mexico, and are no'\v teaching at Springfield, Colo.
MR. AND MRS. GEORGE (VIVIAN HAWKINS) KUHL, '36, '35, are teaching in the Waco (Tex.)
(Continued on next page)
SCHOOLM EN'S DAV at Peru State College on January 15th wa-, homecoming for some of the 210 in attendance. Here five former Peru Staters visit with L. B. Mathews (second frc.m left), a 1916 Per_u grad and veteran faculty member. Mr. Mathews' former students shown here are now on the faculties of schools in the four states represented at the meeting. They _;ire (left to righ) Rollin Hall, '49, coach at Wetmore, Kans.; Raymond Munoz, '51, "ocial science instructor at Barr-eston, Nebraska; Charles E. Smith, '51, coach at Corning, Iowa; Robert Lade, '54, co:Etch at Tarkio, Mo.; and Hal 3rown, '49, social science instructor at Wetmore, Kans. The wives of four of the five Peruvians also call Peru State thei1· alma mater: Mrs. Hall ii, the former Joyce Kennedy, 2-year diploma '45; Mn. Munoz nee Betty McKay, '52; Mrs. Smith nee Lois Cole, 1-year diploma '48; Mrs. Lade nee Virginia Ferguson, fs '54.
school system. They are living at 3207 Proctor avenue with their son, 14, and daughter, 9.
FRED ROHRS, '36, is living at 143 East Annapolis drive, Claremont, Calif., where he is delinquency officer for the Ontario school district.
KATHERINE BERGMAN (Mrs. Kenneth L.) PACE, '35, writes from 402 Hawkins, J\1urfreesboro, Tenn., where Mr. Pace, '35, is with the music deparfanent at Middle Tennessee State College. She notes that her sister, EUNICE BERGMAN (Mrs. Paul W.) FORBES, 2-year '37, is living at Dixon, Mo. She and her husband, who is stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, have two children, Barbara, 7, and Terry, 4.
FRIEL KERNS, JR., '37, has been elected president of the Nebraska Retail Hardware Association. Mr. Kerns operates a hardware business in Humboldt. Mrs. Kerns is the former RACHEL MAY ADAMSON, '36.
FLORENCE MARTIN DIESMAN, '34, faculty '37-'43, is an English professor at Washington State, Pullman, Wash. Her duties include work on the composition committee which plans course of study for 1,300 freshman composition students.
MARGARET WINTER (Mr. H. E.) BROWN, '35, is living at 1555 Richard street, Schenectady, N. Y., where her husband is consulting engineer for General Electric. The Browns have a daughter, Barbara, and a son, .Jere.
CAROLINE CALDER, '33, lives at - 3706 .Jones street, Omaha, and- is working as a psychiatric social worker in an Omaha clinic.
In response to the "Lost Alumni" section in the .January PERU STAT-
ER, MRS. ERMA (COLGLAZIER) BALDWIN, fs '14, of Salem, writes thaf her nephew, DR . .J. L. COLGLAZIER, fs '40, is living at 578 Rye Court, Elmont, N. Y. He is now in the service, married, and the father of three children.
MRS. DONNA (MARSHALL) EGGLESTON, '42 .. who lives at 3942 Monroe street, Omaha, tells us that MR. AND MRS. GERALD R. (LAVERNE COWELL) '47, fs '46, are living at 303 North Cushing, Olympia, Wash. Mrs. Eggleston reports that she is busy keeping house for her two daughter, Kathy, 6, Terri Lynn, 2 1/2, and her husband, 'vho is with Mutual of Omaha.
RICHARD CLEMENTS, fs '42, lives at 274 Kreag Rd., Pittsford, N. Y., with his wife, daughter and son. He is employed by Eastman Kodak Co. Christmas greetings from LEORA LIBHART (Mrs. Floyd E.) MUCK, '40, included this me.ssage: " my husband and I with our family have returned to the States after a number of years doing medical missionary work in Africa; we are locating for the present at Halstead, Kans., where my husband is on the staff of the Hertzler Clinic." The Mucks have three children-Ruth Lynn, 9; Donald Ray, 5; and Elizabeth May, 2.
Writing from Howe. Tex., MAXINE SHOWEN MARSHALL, '43, notes, "we just received the PERU STATER and enjoyed it so much Walter is attending Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University will receive his A. B. in theology in May, '56, ... we plan to return to a church in Nebraska. Walt attended Peru from '41-'44 when he entered the navy. We mi3s the beauty of Peru's oak trees." The Marshalls have two daughters, Priscilla and Rebecca.
MAX MATHEWS, fs '43, son of MR. AND MRS. LAVERN B. (RUTH VERNON) MATHEWS, '16, '18, has received his doctorate in science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is now on the Institute's research staff. He and Mrs. Mathews
and their two sons live af 106 Forest street, Arlington 74, Mass. His parent, Peru faculty members, were present for the conferring of his degree in June.
THELMA ROBERTS, '43, who teaches first grade in Ralph Wal do Emerson school, South San Gabriel, Calif., was one of 50 contestant.:; winning cash prizes in the 1954 Travel contest of Instructor Magazine. Her article, "On Mexico's West Coast Highway," describes a trip she made last v.rinter. Her home is at 612 North McPherrin avenue, Monterey Park, Calif.
MR. AND MRS. WENDELL (VERNA ROGERS) HANDLEY, '44, fs '45, are living in Lead, S. D., where Wendell, is on the high school faculty.
WILMA NOVAK (Mrs. Marvin) EDEN, '45, is living at 2001 Third . avenue, Nebraska City. Mr. Eden, a representative for a wholesale house. and Mrs. Eden have two sons.
IR ENE ARGABRIGHT (Mrs. .James A.) TRENERRY, '46, in writing to former alum.rti secretary CAROL HAWXBY, '51, reports that she is living with her husband and four son> at 5918 Sahler, Omaha. Following her graduation, she taught in Brainard and Walnut, Ia. Mr. Trenerry, a graduate of South Dakota State, Brookings, is associated with an architectural firm in Omaha as an electrical and mechanical engineer.
KEITH ROBERTS, fs '48, is now coaching at Hot Spring, S. D.
A change of address has been received from CAPT. AND MRS. 0. V. (MARJORIE WEILER) BYERS, '47, fs '43. They are now residing at 3465 Greenwich boulevard, Lake Charles, La.
MR. AND MRS. ERNIE (MARION DECK) STRAUSS, '47, '46, live at 105 East Division, Audubon, Iowa, where he is with the industrial arts division of the public chooL Their family includes three sons.
Peruvians having occasion to find a druggist in Central America will find PEDRO MERIDA, JR., fs '48,
Three Peru Staters Collaborate to Identify Earlv Team
WITH THE ASSISTANCE of three Peruvians, the PERU STATER is able to identify the players i<11 "Peru's First Football Team, 1893" (January PERU STATER). The members, according to Edith Hutchinson (Mrs. G. A.) Joy, '97, 5245 Putney avenue, San Gabriel, Calif., Barbara Majors (Mrs. Will Davenport, '92, Peru, and James Majors, '97, Peru, are: back row (left to right) Frank Beedle, William Davenport, Dick Mortz, Will Smedley, Frank Majors, Dick Neal; second row (seated) Charles Tucker, Jim Meek, Loren Evans; Charles Tucker, John Neal; front row (reclining) Bart Shellhorn and Gil Graves. Mrs. Davenport noted that she was sure of the identification of all but the last one. After publication of the picture, College Bursar Arthur Lindahl, '29, informed us that an "earlier" football team is pictured on page 113 of the 1927 PERUVIAN year book. Since the original photograph has not been located, it is impossible to reproduce the picture. The identified players in this 1887 football squad were Stewart Jarrett, Henry Menke, Charles Pierson, Claflin, Holl Jarrett, Charles Thom, Alex Stucky, George Davidson, Will Crownover, Herbert Lane, Will Claypool, Dexter D. Ashley, Frank Childs, George Gilmore, Robert Ord,
operating the Farmacia Pasfeur at Avenue Central 31-46, Panama, R. de P. Pedro has been in Panama since receiving hi3 degree in pharn1acy from the University of Nebraska.
MARGARET LEWIS (Mrs. Merle) BAUER, '48, teaches English in Tecumseh high school where her husband, MERLE BAUER, '50, is coaching ba oketball.
.JUNE KUHLMANN, '48, write3 that she is enjoying teaching art and other subjects at Alamogordo, N. M. June's brother, Roger, attended summer school in '54 and is teaching in a Thayer county rural school.
ANNA PFISTER, '48, and her sisfer EMMA PFISTER, '53, are both tea'ching in Lincoln. A cou oin, GRACE PFISTER, '51, is also a member of the Lincoln school faculty.
FRANCES A. EATON, '48, Brownville, tells us that HAZEL DETLIFF, fs, has been principal at Bradshaw High School for the past four years, after teaching previously at' Fairmont and Gresham.
PERCY SCHMELZER, '48, is living at 2225 We3t Mulberry, Fort Collins, Colo., with his wife and two daughters. He teaches math and does some coaching, although his graduafe degree is in counseling and guidance. He still follows Peru's victorie3 and defeats.
Writing from Dar es Salaam, Tanganyika, East Africa, WILLIAM B. EDMONDSON, '48, who is with the American Consulate, reports that he not only enjoys his work in the diplomatic service but also his new daughter and safaris.
MR. AND MRS .JIM (RUTH ANN CROOK) STEELE, '48, are living in Harvey, Ill., where .Jim is teaching English and Ruth Ann is a lab assistant to a biology professor. ··.Jim was on the faculty at Peru, leaving in 1953.
BEN GILLARD. '49, is the new math and :..cience instructor at Leigh high school. SUPT. AND MRS. WILLIAM (CLARA OLDEROG) DUNN. both '39. are in their twelfth year of teaching at Leigh.
ELMER BACHENBERG, '49, is attending the University of Illinois Library School. He and KENNETH WOLFORD, '50, were clasomates there last summer. Kenneth is school librarian at Cuba. N. Y.
DON AUFENKAMP, fs '46, is teaching math at Reed College, Portland, Ore. Don received his Ph. D. at the University of Paris, France. During the summer of 1954 he did research work at' the Bell Teleohone Co. laboratory in New York City.
CHARLES W. PASCAL, '47, a captain with the Air Force, i > statione::i a.tOffutt Air Force Ba::-e Omaha. H':! 2sks that his address be kept at hi; home tov,rn, Weston, sinre he ma:iages to get home on week ends.
Another "lost" alum who has bee-i transferred to the active fi'.e i; ROSE-
MARY A STUKENHOLTZ (Mrs. W. H.) CRUMBAKER, fs '42, addres3 is 11437 Seventieth place, Seattle, Wash. Besides her duties as wife and mother, she is working as a secretary at Boeing Air-
craft. An unsigned card carrying a New Haven, Conn., postmark brought the information. The alumni office suspects that it came from HELEN STUKENHOLTZ, '28, whose address is 308 Main street, West Haven, Conn.
ED MINCER, .JR., '49, R.F.D. 1, Hamburg, Iowa, inform3 us that his sister, LOIS MINCER, (Mrs. Walter) URSDEVENICZ, fs '45, is living at 3405 U Street, Omaha. She and her husband are the parents of two daughter3, Laura and Elaine.
ELMER REMMENGA, fs '43, will receive his Ph. D. from Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., in .June.
BETTE ANNE RILEY (Mrs. Harold L.) .JENKINS, 2-year '43, writes from 600 .E. Forty-Fifth street, North. Kansas City 16, Mo., that Harold, fs '44, is with Community Studies, Inc., a non-profit organization, and teaches two evening classes at Rockhurst College. Mr.>. .Jenkins noted ". . . only yesterday I happened to come upon my 1943 Peruvian and sat down and remembered fondly some of the fine people we knew there and some of the wonderful time3 we had. I also saw a film yesterday which expounded upon the advantages of a small college· and I certainly felt it was so true."
.JEANNE POWELL (Mrs. .James M.) STANDERFORD, 2-year '49, and Mr. Standerford are living in Humboldt with their daughter, 3, and son 1. '
A second Peru Stater has been on the biology department staff of Arkansas State College, .Jonesboro, since 1953 when DONALD .J. BRUNS '47 joined the department. The depart..'. ment head is WARREN W. NEDROW '28. Mrs. Nedrow is the former LULA LICHTENBERGER, '31.
The 1950's
LARRY BEAM, fs '50, i3 enrolled at San .Jose (Calif.) State College. After leaving Peru, he entered the armed forces. His address i3 69 South Tenth, San .Jose.
Writing from Hie Naval Academy, RONALD KUCERA, fs '51, r.ote3 that Christmas, 1954, would be his last at Annapolis before graduation. He also told of the Academy's February 4 of "My Three Angels." Kucera was not only directing the play, but also acting a major role.
CHESTER E. HEASTON, fs '52 who went into the service after leav..'. ing Peru, is living at :fy'.[illtown, Ind. He i3 married and the father of twin sons.
Living at 4142 North SixtY-Second street, Omaha. is GERALD D. COUPE, '50, with his wife and two sen'· Gerald works at National Guard headquarters in Omaha.
MR. AND M"RS. BOB (EVELYN ROGERS) BROWN, fs '50; '44, write from 685 Grove, Glencoe, Ill., where Bob is teaching 2nd attending Northwestern University. Evelyn is ing busy with her manuscriot criticizing, and Bob is also working on two book3. The Browns are making plans for a new house. ·· ·
Teaching at Bedford, Ia., .· is
ROBERT DUNCAN, '50. His two daughters are providing his "extracurricular" interests.
Writing from 135 Church street, Newport, R. I., MR. AND MRS. BILL (IMOGENE RADFORD) CUMMINS, '51, '52, report that' "we expect to get out in .June." Bill is with the athletic office of the Destroyer Atlantic fleet, and Imogene is working in the housing office on the base.
DICK STOCKMAN, fs '53, one of Uncle Sam's servicemen, expects to be discharged in time to· return to Peru for the fall term. He's already asked Coach Al to re3erve a football suit for him
.JERRY TRULLINGER, ·fs '53, writes from Germany that he'll be back for the opening of the fall semester by the latest, but adds that' he's hoping for an earlier discharge from the army so as to be ready for the summer session.
GARTH EMIGH, '51, is teaching at Salem.
CORRINE BURGER, fs '52, has completed an occupational therapist course and is now employed at the Cerebral Palsy Center, Dallas.
CAROL HA WXBY, '51, the Alumni Association's 1954-55 secretary, writing from Tucson, Ariz., reports that she is now employed as secretary to a physician. Her address is 738 North Fifth avenue.
FRANK FISCHER, '51, has been teacher-librarian at Glenrock, Wyo., since his graduation from Peru. He and Mrs. Fischer are the parents of one son, Larry.
OTTO RATH, '51, will be graduated from the University of *braska School of Medicine, Omaha, in .June, 1955. He returned to Omaha recently after having completed extern work at' Ainsworth Clinic following previous service at Emmanuel Lutheran and Methodist hospitals, Omaha.
MR. AND MRS .JAMES STOLTZ are living in St. Loui:>, Mich., where .Jim is teacher-librarian of the high school. .Jim received an A. B. degr:ee in '52 and an A. B. in Education, '53. Mrs.· Stoltz will be remembered as the former assistant librarian at Peru. They are the parents of a daughter, Ruth Vashti.
MAR.JORIE SEEBA, '52, is living at Utica, where she is busy teaching commerce, home economics; and sponsoring the: school paper;·· annual, a pep club',.' and the senior clas.s, WILLIAM SANTIAGO, '53, is.living in Bronx, N. Y., and attending New York University of Medicine.
MR. AND MRS. TOM (.JEAN GRAHAM) WILKIE, '53, 2-year '53, are ·teaching in the Sidney, Iowa, school system.
FRED·· CLEMENTS, · fs '53, who is now private first clas.3 ih the army, is looking forward to August when he can resttme his colTege work and civilian life. He is with the 129th Army Band, Camp· Stewart; Ga.
NORMAN DORAN, '54; finds ·teaching at Bennihgton enjoyable. He and Mrs. Doran, the former Marian Blake, former registrar at Peru, have one son, Mike,·
Lost Alumni
Re::;ponse to the "Lost Alumni" column in the winter issue of the PERU ST ATER was so great that it was decided to include more names of Peruvians for whom the Alumni Association has no address. Please take time to look through the list for those for whom you can either supply the address or suggest whom to contact for the information.
Elizabeth Ann Gehringer, fs '44
Mrs. Janis Lea Holscher Genthe, fs '45
Norris rl. Gerber, fs '41
Mrs. Nina Maude Jones Gibbon, f.:; '31
Frances Gingerich, fs '29
Loren N. Gore, Jr., '49
Rachael Gonzales, fs '40
Rus::;ell L. Gorthey, fs '40
Rosa Lee Gouchot, fs '44
Homer A. Gould, fs '44
Gladys Marie Graham, fs '40
Mrs. Fay Brod Green, fs '38
Catherine Greenlee, '12
Mrs. Louise Raabe Grier, fs '17
Alice Griess, '16
Edna Grummert, fs '36
Addie G. Hall. fs '48
Faye Hanks, ;07
Keith Hannah. '42
Mrs. Verda Beach Hansen, '16
Herbert L. Hansen, fs
Robert Harper, '32
Betty IVI. Harpham. fs '41
Eunice Harris, fs '49
Lillian Katherine Havel, '43
Annette Hawley
Melvin Alverne Hayes, '48
Mr.>. Margaret Hayward, fs '10
Amy Snowden Hedlund, '28
Harland Heilig, '30
Marie Eendrix, fs '46
Mrs. Connie Todd Hill, '41
Charles Roy Hinman, fs '42
Harriett Beattie (Mrs. Alex P.) Hondros, '36
Gretchen Kiburz Hoover, fs '42
Ross E. Hoover, fs '39
Robert L. Howe, fs '40
Gladys Stewart Howerton, fs '47
Hilda Martha Huebner, R. N., fs '33
Mrs. Cora Howarth Huey, '12
Lowell E. Huff. fa '43
V17esley A. Huff, '39
Mrs. Virginia D. McLain Hughes, fs '41
Luther Hutton, '43
Ruth Schwartz (Mrs. Max C.) Hain
Harriet A. Be3st (Mrs. Harry) Jacob, '37
Lynn A. James, fs '40
Josephine R. Janecek, fs '43
Nebraska State Teachers College
Peru, Nebraska
Sec. 34.66 P. L. &. R. U.S. POSTAGE PAID
Peru, Nebraska
Erline Jasklek, '06
A vis Beth Harms Jennings, fs '36
Mrs. Helen _Payne Jennings, fs '33
Mrs. Ken Jensen, fs '52
Richard Jesperson, fs
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil G. Johnson, '37
Gerald E. Johnson, fs '38
Lloyd K. Johnson, '40
Marie Johnson, '03
Mrs. Mildred Fehr Johnson, fs '41
Mr.3. Virginia Clarke Johnson fs '39
HJchard Joneson, '50 '
Carroll J. Jones, fs '40
Mrs. Gladys Ord Jones, '34
Mrs. Ruth Agnes Barnes Jones, '15
Mrs. Betty A. Enselman Jorgensen fs'il '
Kathryn E. Kelch, '14
}.\.ileen Kelley, fs '36
Henry J. Kellogg, '37
Earl J. Kerker, fs '42
Mrs. Helen F. Kettering, fs '37
Mrs. Doane Kiechel, fs '17
Lorraine Hobbs (Mrs. Haig L.)
Khtikian, fs '42
Felista Handley (Mrs. Francis)
Killeen, '40
Mrs. Emily W. Peterson Kimble '06
Mrs. Marguerite O'Mara Kimmel' 'lJ
Eva Kim.ey, '33 '
Virginia King, '42
Cheryl Kirby, '38
Bessie Clover (Mrs. H. A.) Kirk '31
Virginia E. Hanson (Mrs. M. 'E.) Kirkpatrick, '09
Mrs. Winnie Bell Klahm '02
Dona Mae Knickman fs' '48
Chester W. Korber, •i2
Alice Peterson (Mrs. Lambert L.)
Kubert, fs '35 ·
Bonnie Kuenning, fs '47
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Kuhlman, '17
Mrs. Jean Rears Kuhlmann fs '43
Evelyn Siemoneit (Mrs. Laroson, fs ;46
Velma T. Lauber '20
Made Osborn (Mrs. W. J.) Lavere:1Z, fs '17
Mrs. Anna Canon: Lawrence, '98
Evel_yn (Mrs. C. W.) Lea, f3
Jessie Hen1ng (Mrs. William) Leaming, 'flO
Naomi Jeffery (Mrs. Robert G.) Leigh fs '46 · · '
l\Irs. Ella Hutchison Leonard, f3 '28
George E. Leslie, fs '38
John S. Lester, fs
Fawn Anne Lowrey (Mrs. Corbett) Lewis, '39 · ·
L. Lydia Vosicky (Mrs. E. A.) Lewis fs '43 '
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne B. Linder, '49
Ralph Locke, '43
Mrs. Ruth Stahl Loth, fs '36
Coleen Lotter. '49
Fay Lovejoy, fs
Mrs. Helen Rhodes Lovell, fs '41
Echo Elaine Lum, fs '42
George A. 1\/IcCoy, fs '34
Dor:na McFadden, fs '52
Mr. and Mrs. James McGuire, '30
Jchn J. Mcl\t!ahon, '51
Mrs. l\t!attie Miles McPher:on, '2J
l\'l:rs. Doris Lucille Braaf McPhetnge,. fs '41
Charles E. McVay, '02
Charles H. Madden. '29
Jerome Mahoney, '49
Glema Miers Mahr, '39
Margaret Mansfield, fs
Evelyn Dell (Mrs. L. Frank) Maranville, '47
Janet Mastin, fs '46
Don Mathews, fs '41
Robert H. Mt':yer, fs '40
Agnes Bugquist (Mrs. Ben) Miller, fs '19
Edna L. Miller, fs '41
John D. Miller, '35
Mary Mannschreck Mills, fs '43
·Richard E. Monroe, '43
Nellie Demaray (Mr.>. Ray C.) Moorehead, fs
Alfred M. Morford, '23
Fandora Morgan, fs '45 ,
Mrs. Faye Zorn Morton, fs '43
Ada Brady (Mrs. Charles E.)
Murphy, '33
Doris McCoy Murphy, fs '39
V\' alter L. Naiman, '29
Don W. Nauman, fs '38
Carrie Neidermeyer, '07
Tbilda Nel::;on, '20
Mrs. Claire Nicholls, '09
:Mrs. Lyle Nichols, '21
Victor L. Nielson, Jr. fs
Mrs. Mable Aikman Nixon '22
Verne Norris. fs '
Mrs. Vesta Cass Nott, f.:;
Opal Nyland, fs
Mrs. Bette Van Dusen Overman fs
Mr. and Mrs. Otto K. (Virginia Men:!fee) Fabian, '27
Blanche Zajicek (Mrs. Robert G.)
Palmer, '37
Lenora M. Bernard (Mrs. Randal) Parker, '33
Mrs. Eileen J ohnscn Parriott '39
W. H. Patchin. '06 ' Alfred C. Paul, '38
Wm. Anville, •27, Dies
William Anville. '27, died in Sf_ Louis December 7, 1954 following a heart attack. A native of .Julia.."'l Anville attended high school durin; his senior year at Peru Prep.
After graduation he taught: for six years. He was operating his own business at the time of hi; death. A veteran of World War IL Anville is survived by his widow_
To Omer Meeker, '5!, and Mrs. 12? EI Camino street, Santa Maria, Calif.. son, Allen Deafl: cemb2r 30, 1954. , 'nc ·
To and Mrs. Francis (Shirley Koch) _Ro:e, '53, 2-yr. Fremont,, son, l\ffachael Thomas,_January 23. ·.
To 1'1Ir. and Mrs. Devan C. (Freda AI?ers) Hershey, '51, fs '47, Hooper, twm sens, Van Lee and Victor Lewh January 31. '
Peru Turns Back Pages of Tim,e
For County
Many Peruvians lining Auburn's streets for Nemaha County's Centennial parades in August joined other Centennial visitors in applauding Peru State's float.
But like other onlookers, many Peruvians did not remember just who "Peru's First Grads" were. Depicted on the float were Anna Moorehead and George Howard, who later added "Joy" and "Dr." respectively, to their names. The third party was Prof. J. F. McKenzie, Peru's first president, who conferred the first two degrees in the spring of 1870.
Representing the graduates on the floats were Fran Larson and John Christ, Jr., of Peru. Richard D. Van Pelt, associate professor of education, depicted Prof. McKenzie. Miss Larson is a sophomore at Peru State and John Christ, Jr., is a mid-year 1955 graduate, who has been teaching at Bloomfield since his graduation.
The building at the right is Normal Hall, an early building which stood on the Peru campus on the present site of the Auditorium and Hoyt hall. The painting was executed by Leland Sherwood, a sophomore art major from Chester. Just behind Miss Larson on the float, but not showing was a replica of the boulder and plaque marking the site o;f the first commencement near the entrance to Hoyt Hall.
The plaque on the boulder reads:
Peru Nebraska State Normal School
In Commemoration of the First Commencement Exercises Held Upon This Spot
* 1870 *
Prof. J. M. McKenzie, President
Dr. George E. Howard Graduates
Mrs. Anna Moorehead Joy
Presented By The Philomathean Society
Organized 1867, Wilson E. Majors, President
Incorporated 1870, George E. Howard, President
* 1911 *
Gladys Grossoehme To Ireland For Year
Gladys Grossoehme, '29, who has been teaching kindergarten in the Oakland, Calif., school system for several years, will teach in North Ireland next year.
She has been appointed by the U.S. State Department to be a Fullbright exchange teacher to Ireland.
Her assignment is at Glengormly School, Antrim county, North Ireland. She will teach kindergarten ai:id her salary will be paid by the Oakland Board of Educat10n.
Volume 3 Number 2
Autumn, 1955
Official publication of the Alumni Association of Peru State College Peru, Nebraska. Published quarterly, funds permittiiig. Subscr:iption by contribution to the Alumni Fund. Extra copies of the PERU STATER, when available may be secured for twenty-five cents each. Office-Administration Building, Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska.
Kenneth Heywood, Don Carli le ____________________________________ Editors
President __________________________________ Bob Blankenship, '38, Auburn
First Vice-President __________________________ Don Yocum, '50, Avoca
Second Vice-President __________ Bob Duncan, '50, Bedford, Ia. Secretary ____________________ Barbara Bragg Clayburn, '51, Dawson
Treasurer ________________________________ Patricia Benford, '51, Oakland
Executive Sec. ____ Kenneth M. Heywood, Peru State College
Edison Pettit Retires
From Mt. Wilson, Palomar
Peruvian Astronomer Will Continue Work as Hobby
After 35 years of service at Mount Wilson and Palomar observatories, Dr. Edison Pettit, '10, retired July 1. After his graduation from Peru State, he took his Ph. D. at the University of Chicago.
A native of Peru, Dr. Pettit has become noted for his work in solar observations, radiation measures on celestial objects and photo-electric photometry. He designed and used a monochromator and was one of the first to use the ultraviolet spectral energy of the sun to the limits of the atmospheric transmission.
The winter issue of the PERU STATER will feature the remark's of Dr. Pettit concerning "Science at Peru· 50 Years Ago," that were contained in his -address at a recognition dinner in his honor at the time of his retirement.
Dr. Pettit is not the only astronomer in his family. Mrs. Pettit holds a Ph.D. in astronomy from the University of Chicago and both daughters have master's degrees in the field. 'One daughter is the wife of Dr. A. B. Meinel, a member of the staff of Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin. Even though he is retired, Dr. Pettit will continue his work as an astronomer-he has an observatory in his backyard at 963 East Villa, Pasadena, Calif., where he will continue his unfinished projects.
Metallurgist C. T. Pays Visit to Peru Patterson Campus
August visitors to the Campus of a Thousand Oaks were Clarence T. Patterson, fs '07-'08, and Mrs. Patterson of 202 Alanson road, Syracuse, N. Y. Mr. Patterson, a metallurgical engineer with the Allied Chemical and Dye Corp. had not been on the campus since attending school here.' It was Mrs. Patternson's first visit to the campus. A f t e r attending school at Peru State, Mr._ Patterson served a four-year hitch in the navy and received his B. S. degree in -metallurgy from Carnegie Instii:ute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1915.
Mrs. Patterson is the former Bessie B. Thompson of Beaver, Pa. Their son and daughter are both engineers,. too. William C. is with Douglas , Aircraft Co., Santa Monica, Calif., and Clarence and Bessie Patterson Beatrice Ellen Zavon is a designer with the Phenning Bakery Equipment Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Mr. Patterson inquired about his favorite teacher, F. M. Gregg, and after learning that he was living at Lynchburg, Va., he told the Peru Stater that he'd call him upon his return to the East.
A summer visitor to the Campl).s of a Thousand Oaks was Miss Elma Gockley, Peru State bursar from 1918 to 1949. She was on vacation from duties as recorder at Boise (Ida.) Junior College. Miss Gockley gave several news items about Peruvians to the Peru Stater.
Homecoming Promises To Be Biggest Ever
Bobcats Will Encounter Kearney in Grid Battle
Full Day of Events Slated for Visitors
They came from California, they came from Pennsylvania, some came just a few miles but they all had the same objective-to see once again the campus and the oaks so dear to
Visitors will consume Gallons of Coffee
their memories and to relive, if just for one brief day, the thrills of their own college days.
That's why the 1954 Homecoming was such a great success-not only the size of the crowd, but also the spirit of those who made it up. It gives 1955 Homecomers a real mark to shoot at.
Here on campus we believe it is possible to have an even better Homecoming in 1955. We intend to do our part. How about you doing yours? Get back to Peru in '55. Honestly, haven't you put it off far too long? Wouldn't you get a huge kick out of being a part of the crowd?
The Homecoming football fray this year is a natural. On October 15, 1954, the Kearney State Antelopes pulled a surprise 27-20 win at Kearney which broke the Bobcats' win streak at 26 games. Kearney plays in Peru on October 15, 1955, in the Homecoming feature. You get the idea?
Events preceding the game include judging of campus displays, a forenoon coffee hour ( 10 a.m.) in front of the "Ad" building, and the traditional pre-game luncheon for form-
er "P" winners. After the game there's another coffee hour, the Homecoming Play at 7 p.m. and, for those still able to move about, the Homecoming Dance in the gym.
So, whether you take in the full day's activities or just attend selected events, you are wanted and welcome back on the campus. Turn out on October 15, make 1955 top the record Homecoming crowd of 1954.
Displays will Predict Victory for Coach Wheeler's Bobcats
Placement Bureau Announces Late Teaching Positions
Teaching positions accepted by Peruvians since publication of the Spring issue announced by Placement Director Kenneth M. Heywood include: ,
H. Gayle Eckman, Pawnee City, to Falls City; Eula
D. Anderson Nook, Hamburg, Iowa, to Roland, Iowa; Marvin Henry Gerdes, Johnson, to Auburn; Chester P. Bachle, Alliance, to Seneca, Kans.; DeVan C. Hershey, Hooper, to Griswold, Iowa; Phyllis Constant, Underwood, Iowa, to Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Luella Dye Stafford, Brule, to Sutherland; Lawrence
H. Stahl, Jr., DeWitt, to Lewellen; Paul Carothers, Broken Bow, to Hooper; Geraldine Corn, Falls City, to Plattsmouth; Norma Gilliland Vice, Auburn, to Louisville; Wilma W. Klein, Hamburg, Iowa, to Glenwood, Iowa; Anita Ahl, Peru, to Auburn.
G. Karlene Doughtery, Brock, to Sabetha, Kans.; Ted McCartney, Dorchester, to Orleans; Robert Stanley, Peru, to South Sioux City; Phyllis Jean Gess Lamb, Syracuse, to Eagle; John S. Crookham, Council Bluffs, to Adair, Iowa; Lillian Eddy, Peru, to Auburn; Lucile Millington, Scotia, to Craig.
Jessie Fern Rhoten, Nebraska City, to Omaha; Joyce Stukenholtz, Julian, to Louisville; Florence M. Kibler, Barneston, to Davenport; Charles Utermohln, Craigmont, Ida., to Kilgore; Dorothy Tucker, Tecumseh, to Shickley; Alice Logue, Ogden, Iowa, to Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Dean Prather, Thurman, Iowa, to Tabor, Iowa;. Richard · Rosendahl, North Platte, to Holdrege; Gerda Foged, Hastings, to Papillion; Dell Miller, Auburn, to Columbus; Ronald Paap, Otoe, to Palmer; Mary Ann Bauman, Verdon, to· North Platte; Doris Wagner, Table Rock, to Humboldt.
Eva Pilch, Auburn, to Auburn; Ardis M. Buroughs, Red Oak, to Omaha; Reginald G. Speak, Nemaha, to Shubert; Donald R. Thomas, Glenwood, Iowa, to Council Bluffs, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Whited, Humboldt, to Talmage; Richard Wickiser, Falls City, to Avoca, Iowa; Glen E. Steward, Missouri Valley, Iowa, to Horton, Kans. ·
Lillian Knople, Peru, to Ralston; Patricia Benford, Oakland,. to Lakewood, Colo.; Luanne Blessie, Omaha, to Ralston; Mr. and Mrs. Nunzio Lazzaro, Malvern, Iowa, to
Carter Lake, Iowa; Robert Davis, Rolla, Mo., to Auburn; Robert Ryan, Phillips, to Bellevue; William Cummins, Dawson, to Fairbury.
Robert Parsons, Peru, to Cuba, Kans.; Dela Polston, Peru, to Ralston; Dorothy Robson, Wymore, to Barneston; Wilbur Ege, Falls City, to Johnson; Raymond Handley, Nemaha, to Nebraska School for the Blind, Nebrask;a City; Mrs. Robert Pursel, Nebraska City, to Johnson; ·Merna Hoffmeister, Omaha, to Omaha.
Wilma Douglas, Tecumseh, to Talmage; LaVon R. Covault, Table Rock, to Dawson; Mary Spaulding, Dawson, to Edgar; Betty A. Aufenkamp, Nebraska City, to Omaha; Lois Jenkins, Peru, to Humboldt; Merlyn Vice, Brownville, to Louisville; Delbert W. Littrell, Nebraska City, to Nehawka.
Mears Authors 'They Come and Go'
Miss Louise Mears, '09, and Peru faculty member from 1906 to 1912, is the author of a new book, "They Come and Go," a collection of short biographies.
In her new book, the Nebraska Citian has included incidents, anecdotes and achievements of the prominent people, old and young, with whom she came in contact during her 50 years as a student and later as a teacher in American colleges.
Included in her book are such personages as Ellen Terry, John D. Rockefeller, Sr., Willa Cather, Bess Streeter Aldrich, Sarah Bernhardt, Madame Schumann Heink, Mari Sandoz, Susan B. Anthony, William Howard Taft, and many others of note.
After being graduated from Peru, Miss Mears received her M.A. from the University of Nebraska and later did graduate work at the University of Chicago. After serving on the Peru State faculty Miss Mears headed the geography department at Wisconsin State college until retirement in 1940. Her other books include "Life and Times of a Midwest Educator," and "The Hills of Peru."
The Christopher Publishing House, 1140 Columbus Avenue, Boston 20, is publisher. The book sells for $2.50.
Helen Whitney, 2466 Tasso, Palo Alto, Calif., informed the Peru Stater recently of the death of her mother, MRS. BELLE WHITNEY, '84, at her home in Palo Alto. At the time of her death, June 14, 1954, she was 94 years of age. She had been ill for a year and a half, but prior to that time had enjoyed good health and had led an active life. Mrs. Whitney was the first resident of
Furnas county to be graduated from Peru.
WALTER P. CAMPBELL, '98, Tecumseh, reported the death of ANNA CANNON LAWRENCE, '98, in his note with his alumni contribution. He says, "We pass through Peru quite often. The Tynon sisters are about the only ones left that I ever knew. But the hills do not change."
MISS DELLA S. WILSON and ANDREW J. WILSON, both '98, are living at 1310 First Corso, Nebraska City.
Peruvians Take Wedding Vows
Theresa Royal, fs '47 to Don Brandt, June 7, St. Paulinus Catholic Church, Syracuse.
Anne Elizabeth Snorek to Floyd Bernard McCarty, fs '52, June 5, Church of Visitation, San Francisco. At home: 550 Cordova street, San Francisco.
Gailya Percival, junior, to Willard Mason, senior, June 2, First Christian church, Falls City. At home: Peru.
Elvera Oestmann, fs '53, to Ray R. Hietbrink, May 5, St. John's Lutheran church, Sacramento. At home: 2533 Midland Way, North Sacramento, Calif.
Patricia Ann LaRue, fs '53, to Donner B. Zanders, fs '54, June 19, First Congregational church, Weeping Water.
Pauline Guenther, fs '55 to John Vonnes, June 12, Trinity Lutheran church, Auburn. At home: Redwood Falls, Minn.
Doris Ann Shearer, junior, to Wallace W. Wuster, junior, July 3, Methodist church, Riverton, Iowa. At home: Peru.
Doris Wagner, '47 to Floyd Vrtiska, June 26, Methodist church, Table Rock.
Grace Seeba, 2-year, '53, to Louis D. Bentzinger, July 24, Grace Lutheran Church, Cook.
Mary Joan Andreasen, to Ralph Irwin Mosher, Jr., fs '53, July 24, Our Saviour's Lutheran church, Audubon, Icwa. At home: Lincoln.
Merna Young, fs '54, to Frank Hoffmeister, Jr., August 18, St. John's Catholic church, Omaha. At home: 16 North Thirty-third street, Omaha.
Barbara Rush, fs '55, to Howard "Buck" Ulin, '54, April 16, St. Peter and Paul's Catholic church, Falls City. At home: Avoca, Iowa.
Charlotte Merritt, '54, to Bob Tarr, May 27, Council Bluffs. At home: 125 Park A venue, Council Bluffs.
Carol Deurfeldt, '53, to Kenneth J. Whitcomb, July 31, Christian church Peru. At home: Denver, Colorado.
Joyce Funke, fs '54, to William Blumel, fs '54, August 8, St. Benedict's Catholic church, Nebraska City. At home: Nebraska City.
Phyllis Jean Gess, '55, to Daryl Lamb, August 19, Christ· Lutheran church, Syracuse. At home: Eagle.
Shirley Hartman, fs '55, to Eldon Carmine, fs '55, March 27, Christ Lutheran church, Falls City. At home: · Falls City.
Marilyn Lois Baucke, '54 to William W. Lippstreu, April 10, St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran church, Elk Creek. At home: Lincoln.
Marcia Lea Peterson to Don J. Pickering, '52, April 10, First Presbyterian church, Nebraska City. At home: Nebraska City.
LeAnna Sodman, 2-year '54, to Loraine Frank, April 10, St. James Lutheran church, Rumbolt.
Vivian Alberts, fs '51, to Gerald Oestmann, April, St. James Lutheran church, Rumbolt. At home: 1015 20th street, Auburn.
Connie Lou Bohl to Sgt. Donald L. Oelke, fs '52, April 27, First Methodist church, Nebraska City.
Eunice Elaine Epley, 2-year '55, to Jimmy N. Parrish, May 10, Methodist church, Elk Creek. At home: Elk Creek.
Vickie LeCure, 2-year '54, to Charles Pickering, senior, May 28, St. Mary's Catholic church, Nebraska City. At home: 1212 Third avenue, Nebraska City.
Joan Kathleen Reimers, fs '54, to Ronald G. Vrba, fs '54, May 29, First Christian church; Auburn.
Anita Vanderford, 2-year '55, to Ronald Ahl, senior, June 1, Bethel church, Peru. At home: Avenue Auburn.
Norma Lucille Gilliland, 2-year '55, to Merlin D. Vice, '55, June 5, First Methodist church, Auburn. At home: Louisville.
Ardyth Moss, fs '50, to Durane Ronnau, June 5, Swacuse. At home: Syracuse.
Shirley Stanley, fs '54, to Theodore I. Hall, Jr., May 29, First Methodist church, Thurman, Iowa.
Janet Kalasek, fs '54, to Robert Moore, June 11, St. John's Catholic church, Plattsmouth. At home: 323 North Fourth street, Plattsmouth.
Velma Jean Scholl, 2-year '55, to Ernest G. Shoemaker, May 29, St. Paul's Evangelical and Reformed church, Maple Grove. At home: Marshall, Minn.
Twila Mae Holmes, fs '54, to Alan L. Stiers, senior, July 24, Christian church, Nemaha. At home: Nebraska City.
The 19001 s
MRS. ETHEL BLANK HAMM, '06, tells us that she has taught a total of 19 years since her graduation. Although she is now retired from teaching, she writes that she still works. Her home is at 437 Tenth street, West Des Moines, Iowa.
MRS. IVA 0. HANSEN, '08, reports that she returned recently from a visit with her daughter, Ardis (Mrs. Clarkson H.) Oglesby and family in Palo Alto, Calif. In commenting upon the item about the death of her husband, GEORGE S. HANSEN, in the Spring Peru Stater, she called to our attention the fact that her home had been in Peru from the time she was a small child until her marriage. The account stated that Weeping Water was her home town.
MARGARET FEDDE, '07, former chairman of home economics at the University of Nebraska, has been named coordinator of a home economics program between the U.S. government and the government of India. Miss Fedde returned to the United States in September after visiting six Indian colleges that will cooperate in the program. She is stationed at the University of Tennessee. Knoxville, where the program is being coordinated.
STELLA M. HARRIS, '08, is living at 1440 Laramie, Manhattan, Kans., where she is assistant professor of chemistry emeritus at Kansas State College.
E. MAY PALMER, '06, is living at Fairmont.
CARRIE NEIDERMEYER, '07, is secretary to th_e Board of Education, Omaha, accordmg to LEON R. HILL, '08, who resides at 4244 Everett street, Lincoln 6. ·
MR. AND MRS. CHAUNCEY (EMMA FALTER) SMITH, '09, '10, left July 1 for Cali, Republic of Colombia, where he is engaged in agricultural engineering development under the Point Four program. He retired July 1 as professor of agricultural engineering at the University of Nebraska, the rank he had held since 1927. He was a member of the Tractor Testing Board since its establishment in 1929. He had headed the board since 1947.
MRS. MYRTLE KREBS HICKS, '07, apartment 102, 122 South Thirty-Ninth street, Omaha, tells us of the deaths of W. H. PATCHIN, '06, in Portland, Ore., and ERLINE JASKELEK, '06, in Omaha. She also reported the whereabouts of CARRIE NIEDER MEYER.
JENNIE JOY, '06, writes from 5243 Walnut Grove, San Gabriel, Calif., "although I've been in other schools besides Peru, (University of Chicago in 1924, and Columbia in 1930) I still have a warmer feeling for Peru College than either of the oth-
ers. I began in the first grade in the practice school, and so spent a good many years there." Miss Joy has been living in California since her retirement from the Omaha public schools in 1947.
Since her graduation in 1907, AGNES R. AKSAMIT has never returned to the campus. In her note with an alumni gift, Miss Aksamit expressed the hope to return again. She taught 44 years, 35 of which were in her home town of Crete. Since her re· tirement she has remained in Crete, where she resides at 314 East Thirteenth s1 reet.
CLEO V. HALE, '12, 6032 Poppleton avenue, Omaha, tells us that she enjoys receiving the Peru Stater. She asked for the address of Dr. Joy Morgan, '13, who retired in December, 1954, as editor of the National Education Association Journal. Dr. Morgan's address is 4109 Seventeenth, N.W., Washington 11, D.C. MISS MINNE ELEANOR STUTT, '16, resides at the Ianha Hotel, Boise, Ida., where she teaches at in the city schools.
HELEN LUND, '18, was the subject of a feature story in the York Daily News-Tfrnes' Know Your Teacher series last spring. Miss Lund not only has served as head of the Willard elementary school and has been sixth grade instructor, but also has taught elementary methods in school art at York college. Previously she had served as high school principal at Chester and assistant principal at Hartington.
In her note with an alumni fund contribution, Hulda Swanson, 1007 Burlington, York, informed us of the death of her sister, MABEL SWANSON, '12, six years ago.
DR. JOHN W. WEAR, '14, 555 Jefferson drive, Palo Alto, Calif., says "after 40 years, memories of Peru are vivid. One of these years, I'm coming back for a visit."
B. CLIFFORD HENDRICKS, '10, and Mrs. Hendricks, the former ELIABETH CURRY, '10, are living at 457 Twenty-fourth avenue, Longview, Wash. Mr. Hendricks is a professor emeritus of the University of Nebraska. " 'Spring, 1955, Peru Stater' came today and I did it from cover to cover before putting it down," Mr. Hendricks wrote.
MR. AND MRS. GLENN (FRANCES LYNCH) COLBORN, '10, are now retired from farming and live at Hardy.
From CORA BRUNSDON ZELENY, '16, 3623 North Thirty-Sixth avenue, Omaha, came this newsy note with her alumni gift: "I called CARRIE NIEDERMEYER ( '07) of your 'lost alumni'. She lives at 418 South Thirty-Eighth avenue Elizabeth Varner Brunsdon, '13, has been living at 840 Warm Springs Avenue, Boise, Ida."
ELBERT LAUGHLIN, fs '25, visited the campus in August. He is electrical maintenance man with the Apex Aluminum Smelting Co., Chicago. A native of Peru, Mr. Laughlin lives at 1624 Maypole, Chicago.
Writing from 2809 Garfield, Lincoln 10, SPENCER M. LEGER, '24, tells us that he's glad to know of the improvements being made on the campus, and "I'm looking forward to a visit to the campus, come Homecoming."
SELMA HEDBLOM, '26, of Hastings writes· that after August l, her address will be 1809 West Fourth street. Hastings.
ZOLA KNAPP, (Mrs. Barney) AUFENKAMP, '24, is living at Nemaha.
Writing from Humboldt, JESSiE COMER (Mrs. Claude) Kistner, '27, notes, ''I'm still teaching. Will return to the Shubert intermediate room for the third year this fall. I have two sons. Dwayne is in the Navy at San Diego and Eldon is a sophomore at Shubert high school."
SAM F. ROWLEY, '22, 14505 Glastonbury, Detroit 23, Mich., included a newsy note with his alumni gift. He has been teaching at Cass Technical high school, Detroit, since 1929. Mrs. Rowley, the former HILDEGARDE YECK, '22, passed away May 14, 1955. Mr. Rowley's college roommate, JIM SIMON, '22, and he are co-chairmen of the biology department at the Cass school. Mrs. Simon, nee CORA CLOVER, '22.• also is with the biology department. Mr. Rowley reports that the former "lost alums", MR. AND MRS. JAMES (WANNA
METCALF) McGUIRE, '30, '31, are living at 3110 East Kessler boulevard, Indianapolis, Ind., where Mr. McGuire is head of the mycology research department at Lilly's Products. Mr. McGuire was one of Mr. Rowley's former high school students at DeWitt, when he was superintendent following his graduation from :Peru State.
The 19301 s
FRANCES KOEBEL, 2t-year '30, writes from 2500 South Flower, Los Angeles, that she is a local visiting nurse at Orthopedic hospital.
RUSSELL SCHAEFER, '31, Mead, Colo., was an August campus visitor. He will be teaching this year for the first time since his graduation at Mead. Mrs. Schaefer is the former MARCELLA McQUINN, fs '31.
HAROLD E. LUTTMAN, '35, received his master of science degree from Kansas State college, Manhattan, at the summer commencement, August 6. Subject of his master's report was "A Proposed Redistricting Plan for the Cook, Nebr., Area." Mr. Luttman is the Cook superintendent.
GEORGE A. BRUCE, '38, writes from 64 Marietta drive, San Francisco, that he is cash custodian at the Federal Reserve Bank, San Francisco. Mrs. Bruce, the former ETHEL FLICK, fs '30, is teaching in the San Francisco public school system. Mr. Bruce holds a pre-standard certificate from the American Institute of Banking and is enrolled in more advanced classes. The Bruces have a family of three: sons George 11, (Continued on Next Page)
SEVENTEEN OF 47 living members of the 1905 gradu·ating class of Peru State College met on the Campus of a Thousand Oak•s on baccalaureate Sunday, May 22, for their golden anniversary reunion. The group was the largest to return for a 50th anniversary reunion. The returning grads were (back row, left to right) J. L. Hicks, Farnam; E. W. Marcellus, Evanston, III.; Thomas P. Beall, Lincoln; Elizabeth L. Mallalieu, Lincoln; Wilbur Sim, Nebraska City; (middle row) Bessie M. Brenizer, Lin1coln; Ada Corbitt Marcellus, Evan•ston, Ill.; Rose Tynon, Peru; Winifred Dustin Barth, Omaha; Susie Belle Strong Deering, Akron, Colo.; Verna Whistler Ray, Hastings; (front row) Vashti Cornell Tynon, Peru; Jessie McAndrew, Ainsworth; Maude Teagarden Gilbert, Arkansas City, Kans.; Emma Marquardt Rowalt, Avoca; Pearl Meyer, Peru; Alta Strong Gash, Rosemount, Minn.
and Charles, 8, and a niece, Diana, 12. George is treasurer and a member of the board of trustees for the San Francisco Baptist college.
WAYNE L. RIGGS, '37, has been promoted from principal to superintendent of the Wahoo high schooL During 1946-47 he was assistant director of physical education at Peru State. Mr. Riggs had been with the \Vahoo school system before World War II, during which time he was a lieutenant commander in the navy. During the Korean war, he also served in the navy.
W. H. SHUMARD, '35, was chairman of Northwest District Conference of the National Recreation Association's Boise, Ida., meeting last spring. Mr. and Mrs. Shumard, the former DOROTHY CAWTHORNE, '35, live at 2864 Thirtieth avenue, Seattle, Wash.
REBA G. YEAKLE, '38, Box 78, Hastings, returned to the Peru State campus this summer for a workshop.
GLADYS M. MAJORS, '39, will teach her second term in the Rawlins (Wyo.) school system. Her address is Apartment A, Uptown Motel, Rawlins.
LOIS E. MAY (Mrs. Ray) HOYT, '34, of Odell was a recent campus visitor. While attending Peru she worked at the desk of Morgan hall under Mrs. Dunning and Mrs. Marsh. She has three stepsons and six grandsons. She. helped a nephew, IRA C. MAY, fs '38, attend school at Peru.
From D. W. McSWAN, '31, who is principal of Coachella (Calif.) Valley Union high school, comes a note as to the whereabouts of CHESTER W. KORBER, '32. Mr. McSwan reports that he is teaching at North Hollywood high school, 5231 Colfax, North Hollywood. Mr. McSwan suggested
Fo·otball Schedule
Sept. 15 Concordia at Peru
Sept. 24 ____ Wayne at Peru
Oct. 1 ______ Chadron at Chadron
Oct. 8 ______ Midland at Fremont
<.)ct. 15 __ Kearney (Homecoming) at Peru
Oct. 22 ____ Hastings at Peru
Oct. 28 ____ Doane at Crete
Nov. 5 ·----Wesleyan at Lincoln
Nov. 12 ____ Fisk Uni. at Nashville, Tenn.
B.asketball Schedule
Nov. 29 Alumni------------------------------ at Peru
Dec. 2 ______ Tarkio at Tarkio, Mo.
Dec. 8 ______ Dakota Wesleyan at Peru
Dec. 10 ____ Omaha U. at Peru
Dec. 13 ____ Tarkio at Peru
Dec. 15 ___ Open
Dec. 27-29 Ottawa Tourney at Ottawa, Kas.
Dec. 30-31 Tarkio Tourney at Tarkio, Mo.
Jan. 7 Hastings at Peru
Jan. 11 ____ Concordia at Seward
Jan. 14 ____ Wesleyan at Peru
Jan. 20 ____ Kearney at Kearney
Jan. 21 ____ Hastings at Hastings
Jan. 27 ____ Wayne at Wayne
Jan. 28 ____ Midland at Fremont
Feb. 3 ______ Doane at Crete
Feb. 4 ______ Midland at Peru
Feb. 10 ____ Chadron at Peru
Feb. 11 ____ Chadron at Peru
Feb. 17 ____ Wayne at Peru
Feb. 18 ____ Kearney at Peru
Feb. 21 Wesleyan at Lincoln
Feb. 24 ____ Doane at Peru
that former Peruvians interested in a California get-to-gether write to him.
Writing from 801 Symes building, Denver, JACK R. ASHTON, '35, reports that the Ashton brothers are all living in the Denver area. Bob, '42, is a music teacher in _the Denver school system, living at 3421 South Elm. Graydon, '41, is a salesman. His address is Englewood. Jack is in insurance work.
Thanks to BELLE STRONG DEERING, '05, Box 584, Akron, Colo., the alumni office has located FAYE HANKS, '07. She is retired from teaching and is now living at Gering. ·
FRANCES HARDY GABUS, fs '39, 217 Burlington, Holdrege, informs us that A VIS BETH HARMS JENNINGS, fs '36, is living at Keystone Courts, Kermit, Tex. Mrs. Gabus' husband, Charles, is the Ford dealer in Holdrege. She invites Peruvians "to stop and see us on their way through Holdrege."
RALF 0. GRAHAM, '48, received his master of arts degree at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, August 18. Mrs. Graham, the former AILEEN WHEELDON, '48, received her B.S. in library science from the same institution in August, 1954. Mr. Graham is in his second year as public relations director at Fairbury Junior college.
LYNN A. JAMES, M.D., fs '41, writes from his office in the Medical Arts building, Grand Junction, Colo., "I am engaged in the practice of internal medicine and have my specialty board. I was glad to receive the alumni bulletin and hope the enclosed check will help the Alumni associa· tion."
W. F. McNALLY, '43, is new superintendent of schools at Verdigre this fall. He previously had taught in Iowa schools and for the past two years was superintendent of the consolidated school at Milford. A navy veteran, Mr. McNally holds a master's degree from Colorado State College ?f Education, j}reeley. Mrs. McNally is the former GENEVIEVE McFADDEN, fs '45.
FRANCES M. KNIGHT, '43, writes from 5625 Tracy, Kansas City, Mo., giving the Peru Stater the address of BLANCHE ZAJICEK (Mrs. Robert G.) PALMER, '37., who lives at 1126 North Summit, Springfield, Mo. Miss Knight says, "I'm returning to Center high school for my eighth year teaching home economics and art. So you can see why I especially enjoyed seeing the cover picture including Miss Weare and Miss Diddel."
MRS. DONNA MARSHALL EGGLESTON, fs '42, supplied the Peru Stater with the addresses of three formerly "Lost Alums." They are her cousin, NAOMI JEFFERY (Mrs. Robert G.) LEIGH, fs '46, who lives at 2221 North Sixty-Third, Lincoln; LUTHER HUTTON, '43, whose address is Montana State Industrial school, Box 210, Miles City, Mont., and EARL KERK-
ER, fs '42, who lives in Manquoketa, Iowa. Mrs. Eggleston's address is 3942 Monroe street, Omaha.
BETTY COLLIN (Mrs. S. M.) WHARTON, fs "42, writes from her home at 1314 West Frederick, Spokane, Wash., that with each copy of the Peru Stater, "I renew many old friendships."
"Sure would enjoy the Peru Stater monthly," writes ROBERT A. FRANK, '49, Carleton. "Would contribute more toward a monthly publication." How do other Peru Staters feel about this?
Like so many Peru Staters, AMANDA JORN, '46, took her college work in installments. She notes that most of her work was in summer school at Peru with a semester at the Univeristy of Nebraska and a semester at Wisconsin University . . . "and finally finished at my old alma mater, Peru, in 1946."
NORMA HELMICK (Mrs. Ed) ARNOLD, 2-year '40, writes from 907 East Fourteenth street, Falls City, that this fall will mark her third year as fourth grade teacher in Central School. She and Mr. Arnold, who is a bookkeeper for an automobile firm,. have one daughter, Dianne, 10. ANNA LOUISE SHORT, '41, is working in the internal revenue office in Boise, Ida. Her address is 2009 Leadville.
DOROTHY TEACHMAN BACHENBERG, '42, writes from 6643 Morrill avenue, Lincoln, saying that RACHEL GONZALES, fs '40, is now Mrs. Hugh H. Taggart of Ashton, Md., and that KEITH HANNAH, '42, is farming at Beaver Crossing.
LOIS MOODY (Mrs. Allen) BELLINGER, fs '49, is living at Ord, where her husband is coach. Her sister, DOROTHY MOODY, 2-year '46, is the wife of WALTER WAYNE PARKS, '47, who also is on the Ord high school faculty. He will be principal this fall.
Following his discharge from the Air Force in August, 1954, E. GENE SAILORS, fs '51, has been enrolled at the University of Nebraska and Mrs. Sailors, nee CHARLOTTE PRYOR, '50, has been teaching music in the Lincoln public schools. Their address is 3121 Cedar avenue, Lincoln.
HAROLD RASPLICKA, '53, Friend, was released from duty in the armed forces in June and is teaching at Prairie View, Kans.
Among the Peruvians who commented on the cover photo of the eleven 25-or-more-years staff members on the spring issue of the Peru Stater was EUARDA HUNTSMAN, '50, of Red Oak, Iowa. Her comment: "Really appreciated the cover page of those friendly instructors."
ROBERT ROBERTS, fs '50, Tecumseh, is How a "Mr. Roberts" in the navy, serving aboard the U.S.S. Philippine Sea.
P·eru Achievement Fund Receives
Initial Gra'nts
for Scholarships
Not many days ago you received a copy of the pamphlet entitled "For an Even Greater Peru" which explained the recently organized Peru Achievement Foundation. The organization was formed to accept and administer grants, gifts, and bequests, primarily for the purpose of giving Peru State a workable scholarship plan.
You will be gratified to know that the formation of the new corporation already has prompted the setting up of two memorial scholarship funds.
From Edward J. Hess, 6727 Temple City Blvd., Arcadia, Calif., came the impetus for a Castle M. Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund while the AU (Peru) Chapter of P.E.O. will establish, through the Foundation a similar memorial for Miss Marie Faulhaber. Miss Alma Ashley of the
Peru faculty also has contributed to this memorial scholarship fund. Miss Faulhaber, who died September 4 in Lincoln, retired after 22 years service to Peru State in 1947.
Alumni wishing to contribute to either of these two memorials may send contributions to Arthur Lindahl, Treasurer, Peru Achievement Foundation, Peru.
The Peru Achievement Foundation has unlimited possibilities-with the Alumni's backing it can become one of the greatest forces for progress Peru State has ever known. A Charter Year Campaign, coming up within a few weeks, has been tabbed by alumni officials as the key project of the first year's activities, one which they feel must be successful if the organization is to enjoy the growth its backers envision.
Enrollment Up Over Year Ago
Late registrations may boost the total on-campus enrollment past the 425 mark, according to Dr. Neal S. Gomon, Peru State president. Enrollment the third day of classes was 404, six more·· than the peak enrollment of 398 and 30 more than the same date a year ago.
Freshmen numbered 160, 83 of whom are men and 77 are women. The first year class is the largest in several years. Upper-classmen are as follows: sopohmores--65 men, 42 women; juniors-52 men, 30 women; seniors-38 men, 14 women; postgraduates-two men, one woman.
Present extension department enrollment includes 68 in correspondence study and 68 in campus evening classes. Off-campus classes are scheduled to get under way in several southeast Nebraska
Spring and Summer Grads Added to Alumni Roster
At the close of the spring and summer school terms, Peru State conferred a total of 63 degrees, and granted 64 two-year and 16 one-year diplomas. All of these Peruvians have been added to the roles of the Peru Alumni Association.
Spring candidates included:
Bachelor of Arts in Edu10ation-Ila Mae Alden (High Honors), Union; Donald L. Balderson, Seward; Arnold L. Bradley, Hamburg, Iowa; Daisymae Eckman, Pawnee City; Phyllis J. Gess (High Honors), Syracuse; Mary C. Gilliland (Honors), Humboldt; Pete G. Karabatsos (Honors), Fairbury; Dean E. Meisinger, Plattsmouth; Ella M. Meister, Humboldt; Richard C. Rosendahl, North Platte; Darrell Rosenquist, Essex, Iowa; Phyllis E. Rosenquist (Honors), Peru; William H. Sayer, Peru; Luella D. Stafford (Honors), Brule.
Bachelor of Science in Education - John L. Alden (Honors), Union; Eula D. Anderson, Hamburg, Iowa; Dorothy Antes, Syracuse; Oneita M. Armstrong, Auburn; Laura L. Bosworth, Nebraska City; Paul H. J. Carothers, Broken Bow; Wanda N. Conklin (Honors), Sidney, Iowa; John S. Crookham, Council Bluffs, Iowa; Ned V. Eckman, Pawnee City; Joan L. Fankhauser, Stella; Lucille Geldmeier, Otoe; Mary Ann Gregg, Hamburg, Iowa; Marilyn J. Hawxby (Honors), Nemaha; Alvin C. Lowe, Emerson, Iowa; Harry L. Meeker, Mitchell.
Lee Norris, Clayton, Kans.; Ronald L. Paap, Otoe; Dela V. Polston, Peru; Bob J. Simpson, Peru; Estlene J. Slater, Auburn; Donald R. Thomas, Glenwood,. Iowa; Merlyn D. Vice, Brownville.
Bachelor of Arts-Norma J. Allen, Peru; Richard F. Needham, Sioux City, Iowa.
Two-Year Diploma-Georgina Behrends, Auburn; Lu- " anne Blessie, Omaha; Phyllis J. Constant, Underwood, Iowa; Geraldine Corn, Falls City; La Verta Cox, Peru; Carolee E. Craney, Marne, Iowa; G. Karlene Dougherty, Brock; Lillian J. Eddy, Peru; L. Darlene Hahn, Johnson; Twila M. Holmes, Nemaha.
Donna L. Howard, Pawnee City; Joy P. Jones, Peru; Wilma W. Klein, Hamburg, Iowa; Lillian M. Peru; Alice M. Logue, Ogden, Iowa; Norma A. Moore, Stromsburg; Cara L. Morse, Douglas; Gloria G. O'Harra, Auburn; Sharyl Lou Osborn, Auburn; Sally S. Poage, Falls City; Gera Lou Powers, Palmyra; Evelyn L. Reiman, Virginia; Velma J. Scholl, Tecumseh; Dolores R. Smith, Nebraska City; Carol K. Steinke, Verdon; Joyce E. Stukenholtz, Julian; Donna V. Stranathan, Glenwood, Iowa; Mary L. Trussell, Stella; Dorothy J. Tucker, Tecumseh; Anita L. Vanderford, Peru.
One-Year Diploma-Georgene Everett, Union; Carolee Kerl, Pawnee City; Joann E. Krueger, Dawson; Melvin B. Mcclintock, Pawnee City; Gail A. Martin, Plattsmouth; E. Marveen Murphy, South Omaha; Elizabeth A. Naffzinger, Otoe; Bonnie A. Rider, Nemaha; Shirley R. Williss, Beatrice.
August candidates included:
Bachelor of Art>s-Boyd B. Good, Tecumseh; G. Wayne . Kerr, Villisca, Iowa. ·
Bachelor of Arts in Education-Leo A. Lindahl, Seward; Richard C. Wickiser, Falls City.
Ba1chelor of Science in Education-E. Fred Applegate, Peru; Katherine Birdsley (Honors),. Auburn; Lois L. Genoa, Humboldt; Wilma L. Heiser, Salem; Clyde L. Howell, Humboldt; Mildred C. Hunzeker, Pawnee City; Nunzio Lazzaro, Nebraska City; Virginia M. Lazzaro, Nebraska City; Martha M. Melvin, McCook; Ernest G. Meyer, Fairbury; Willis Johnson, Ong; Helen P. Porr (Honors), Humboldt; Harold R. Prather, Thuman, Iowa.
Dorothy C. Robson (Honors), Wymore; Margaret M. Schrepel (Honors), Pawnee City; Louise D. Smidt, Grand Island; Reginald G. Speak, Brock; Glen E. Stewart, Missouri Valley, Iowa; Rose Marie Story, Falls City; Ruth N. Wicina, Grand Island; Bernard A. Williamson, Lincoln.
Two-Year Diploma-Anna Marie Anderson, Shubert; F. Lucile Bailey, Sabetha, Kans.; Naomi N. Ballard, Burr; Mary Ann Bauman, Verdon; Lorraine A. Benson, Cook; Mildred V. Blecha, Humboldt; Wilma S. Buckminster, Falls City; Wilma R. Douglas, Tecumseh; Fern S. Fisher, Shubert; Carl C. Gawart, Nebraska City; Esther V. Gebers, Auburn; Marie F. Gerdes, Auburn; Florence L. Halfhide, Pawnee City; Shirley M. Hall, Thurman, Iowa; Thelma A. Hoschar, Murray; Luella P. Knapp, Auburn; Ina M. Mehlhop, Syracuse; Maxine E. Moore, Nemaha; Bonnie L. Morris, Brownville; Vivian C. Parker, Syracuse; Eunice E. Parrish, Elk Creek.
Leona M. Pasco, Auburn; Lois J. Prather, Peru; Hilda L. Retchless, Filley; Alta M. Rhoten, Nebraska City, Virginia R. Ruzicka, Burchard; Lucile E. Schemmel, Nebraska City; Ella Schriever, Superior; Ruth Schulenberg, Verdon; Alice M. Smith, Fullerton; Clare M. Stone, Falls City; Bernice A. Vaughan, Fairfield; Hazel Redmond Wert, Elk Creek; Marie S. Wilberger, Julian.
One-Year Diploma-June J. Badberg, Nebraska City; Patricia A. Draeger, Dunbar; Grace J. Harns, Glenvil; Shirley Henderson, Omaha; Ellen K. Stiers,. Nemaha; Virginia R. Thiles, Bellevue; Dorothy M. Wander, Nebraska City.
Lost Alumni
Mr. and Mrs. Otto K. (Virginia Menefee) Pabian, '27.
Mrs. Eileen Johnson Parriott, '39.
Alfred C. Paul, '38.
Mary E. Wilkins Pearson, '03.
Grace Peck, '09.
Merl Peek, '38.
Shirley Penney, fs '46
Margaret Reazer (Mrs. Charles) Perkins, '44
Raymond F. Petersen, fs '40
Charles C. Pettinger, fs '40
Magdaline Pfister, '39
Mrs. Maxine Hoffman Pivonka, fs '40
Dr. and Mrs. William K. (Evalinc West) Plucknett, '37
Virginia Ann Porr, fs '38
Pearl I. Kayton Preston, '31
Vivian Priest, '34
Julia Whittaker (Mrs. Robert) Quebe, fs '35
Selma Reasouer (Mrs. William H.) Quade, '05
Gladys LaFrance (Mrs. Lester) Rader, '20
Gale Randall, fs '41
Weldon C. Reagan, fs '48
Wen dell C. Redding, '37
Eula Redenbaugh, '40
Alfred S. Redfern, '99
Mrs. Charlotte Lehn Reid
Lester B. Reutter, fs '38
Ruth E. Harris Rich, fs '14
Marjorie Fisher (Mrs. Howard) Rickelton, fs '26
Marjorie E. Nelson (Mrs. William) Retchie, '46
Alyce Roberts, fs '46
J. Clifford Roberts, '29
Keith C. Roberts, '48
Joseph H. Robertson, '28
Thelma Isreal Robertson, '41
Ruth R. Robison, fs '42
Iva Hansen Roby, fs '47
Mrs. Ardith Patton Rockeman, '51
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. (Florence Ronnau) Roehrkasse, '30, '29
Clark Rogers, '46
Arthur Ronhavde, '44
Ernest E. Rothert, '30
Eugene Rowen,
Phyllis E. Rudolph, '41
Viva Clara Rudolph, fs '24
Helen A. Rulla, fs '39
Ruth Robison Russ, '42
Edith Samuels, '41
Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Helen Charlotte Linville) Sayer, '35
Wayne L. Sayer, fs '42
Carolyn Erffmeyer (Mrs. P a u 1) Schmidt, fs '39
Ralph E. School, '38
Ellen R. Niles Schooeder, fs '29
Alta M. Schutte, fs '46
Mrs. Ferne Grimes Seifert, '28
Mrs. Josephine Seymour
Alice Glasgow (Mrs. Ronald H.) Sharp, '22
Mrs. Iva L. Armstrong Shaw, '43
Iva A. Shubert, '34
Harland A. Sims, '31
Ruth Dale Hungate Slemons, fs '38
Lucille Bicknell·· (Mrs. Lawrence M.) Smith, '36
Harold E. Snyder, '38
Irene Pivonka (Mrs. Ernest) Sokolik, '42
Betty Lou Garver (Mrs. F. J.) Stippich, fs '39
Geraldine V. Stoner, fs '41
Pansy McKenney (Mrs. T. R. P.) Stocker, '20
Theodore Strasburg, '42
Helen Marie Streeter, fs '51
Allen N. Stroh, '38
Charles Sturm, '48
Mary Lu Harvey Stupar, '43
Felix Summers, '29
Bula Swan, '10
Merle Swan, '12
Veda Swett, fs '41
Esther Tappan, '15
Florence A. Taylor, '37
Earl Tempelmeyer, fs '39
Marian Munn (Mrs. Ralph) Tempelman, '36 %
Mrs. Elizabeth Moody Terry, '09
Faye Thiele, '37
August Thomas, '50
Mary Ellen Thomas, fs '42
Helen Taylor (Mrs. William E.) Thomas, '20
Jean Joan Jelinek Thompson, '40
Bob Titus
J. M. Todd, '32
Elnora Margaret Toft, '19
Mrs. Ruth Whipple Troger, fs '15
Florence Bower True, '11
Mrs. Maude Phelps ·Vacek, '13
Edna Elizabeth Mauel Vance, '30
Paul J. Vance, '34
Louise J. Solko Vermilya, fs '42
Irma L. "Susie" Vosoba, fs '38
Erma A. Vroom, '90
Musa Wagoner, '39
D. J. Walker, '35
Jean Graves (Mrs. Edward J.) Walters, fs '43
Ruth Z. Aylworth (Mrs. Eugene) Ward, '14
Marion Warner, '29
Lillian Carlson (Mrs. Glen) Wash, '10
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. (Mildred W. Knoflicek) Weber, fs '39
Lawrence West, '37
Alvin W. Weyers, '40
Helen G. Wheeler, '42
Albert L. Whitfield, fs '27
Margaret Beezley (Mrs. Leland) Wilhelm, fs '42
Kenneth Allan Williams, fs '45
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Earl (Mildred Williams( Wilson, '22
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. (Rose McGinnis) Wiltse, fs '39, '42
Robert J. Windle, fs '37
Willis W. Wirth, fs '38
Clarel Wishart, fs '48
Vina J. Dalton Witchelmore, '03
Randall Witt, fs '48
Keith D. Wolfe, '31
Mr. and Mrs. Fuller E. Woodie
Paul Yost, '25
Charles Robert Young, '46
To Boyd B. Good, '55 and Ilene (Thiltges) Good, '53, Nebraska City, a son, William Anthony, June 11.
To Dr. Floyd E. Muck and Leora (Libhart) Muck, '40, 420 West Third street, Halstead, Kans., a son, David, Earl, June 28.
Lincoln. Omaha
Receptions Scheduled
Continuing a custom established over the years, receptions for Peru State College alumni and friends have again been scheduled to be held in connection with the annual Nebraska State Education Association conventions in Lincoln and Omaha in October.
We want. you to drop in on these gatherings, if possible, and see your friends and tell us about yourself. Both receptions are scheduled for Thursday, October 27. In Lincoln it's the Mezzanine of the Cornhusker at 3:30. In Omaha we'll be looking for you in the Assembly Room of the Fontenelle, also at 3:30.
Three Sixteen Y e.arers
To Receive Peru Degrees
At the mid-year graduation in January, 1956, three of the degree candidates will have started their schooling at Peru State in the Campus School and will be graduated from the College.
The three are Bill and Ed Pharoah and Floyd Grossoehme. Bill started in kindergarten in 1935, Eddie in 1939 and Floyd in 1936. They finished in the Campus School in 1948, 1952, and 1949, respectively. Bill and Floyd spent some time in the armed services.
Nebraska State Teachers College Peru. Nebraska Form 3547 Requested