1955 Summer Catalog of Peru State Teachers College (Nebraska)

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Nebraska State Teachers College

Peru, rJetra6ka :J!,,e 1955 Summer Schoof

Regular Session June 6 to July 29

Post Session July 30 to August 13

Workshops July 5 to July 23

I '
• I ' .... . , .

NEAL S. GOMON, Preside nt

Summer Sessions 1955

June 6 ,to July 29

July 30 to August 13

Vol.XL II January, 1955
No. 1


A. D. Majors

Term expires 1961

Bruce H agemeister .... .................................................................................. Hemingford

Term expires 1961

Bernard M. Spencer ..... ... ... ........................................... ......... ............. Ne br as ka Cit y

Term expires 1959 ·

Everett L Randall Kearney

Term expir es 1959

Ralph M Carhart Wayn e Term expir es 1957

Mrs . Haven Smith ...... .......................................................................... ............ Ch a pp ell

Term expire s 1957

Freeman Decker, Commissioner Ex•Officio


Neal S. Gomon

Andrew A. We resh

Floyd L. Mullinix

H arold Boraa s

Margu e rite Haugen ....... ................

Art Lindahl ................. ...................

Director, Ca mpu s Sc h ool Dean of Studen t Affai r s Associate Dean of Stud e nts

F H Larson ,,._ , Reg is trar

Kenneth Heywood Dir ector of Special Se r vic es

Nellie M. Carey...... ................................................................ .........................Librarian

Stacy Vance ....................................... Superint e ndent of Buildings and Grounds

r . 2
Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru
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E. Albin Larson , Secretary
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Summer School , 1955
3 ., '
NEW ARRIVALS move into Eliza Morgan residence hall which will be home during their days in Peru

Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru



The city of Peru (population 1260) is located at the east side of Nemaha County in the hills along the Missouri River, 75 miles southeast of Lincoln and 65 miles south of Omaha. It is situated on State Highway 67 which intersects .Federal Highways 73 and 75 six miles west of Peru, five miles north of Auburn and fifteen miles south of Nebraska City.

The Peru campus of sixty acres of rolling oak-covered hills overlooks the Missouri River. In this setting, thirteen buildings are conveniently and attractively arranged, interspersed with well-kept lawns, trees, shrubs and gardens


Courses-In the main, summer school courses are the same as those given in the regular year. Many courses are repeated each summer , while others for which the demand is small are alternated and made available every second or third summer. Students planning to enter other professions or interested in terminal education will find the offerings of this college suited to their needs. •

Workshops-Provision has been made for teachers in service, who are unable to attend a full summer session, to earn three hours of education credit by participating in one of two workshops. One will be concerned with the problems of the elementary teacher , the other designed for secondary teachers. Both workshops carry three hours credit. .First, meeting will be Tuesday, July 5. Workshops close Saturday, July 23. Persons interested in the workshops should write the Director of the Campus School. Enrollment in each workshop is limited.

Advantages-Students may continue their college work during the summer and thus shorten the time necessary to complete the requirements for a diploma or degree.

High school graduates, who wish to teach next fall, may earn the required 12 semester hours for the Third Grade Elementary School Certificate. Others, who do not plan to teach next fall ~ may start their college work in the summer just as well as in the fall.

Teachers may earn sufficent credit to renew their certificates or raise them to a higher level.

Returning veterans may continue or start their coll~ge study during the summer.


Holders of bachelors degrees may obtain the first nine hours of graduate work leading to a Master's Degree at the University of Nebraska under the Graduate Cooperative , Plan.

Facilities--All of the facilities of College, both educational and recreational, are available to the students in summer scnool. The library of 56,000 volumes is one of the finest in the state. Through their various courses students will have access to the fully equipped laboratories, shops and studios.

Students are urged to make full use of the student union, tennis courts, swimming pool, playing field, auditoriums, «nd picnic grounds.

Sessions--The summer school will consist of two sessions as follows: The Regular Session (8 weeks) opens on June 6, closes July 29 . The Post Session (2 weeks) opens July 30, closes August 13 . Students may attend either or both sessions.

Credit-Students may take 9 hours in the regular 5ession, 3 hours in the post session, or a total of 12 hours by attending both sessions .

Registration-Registration will be h e ld on Monday, June 6, from 8 a.m. until noon and from 1 p.m . to 4 p.m. Secure materials and start registering in the reading room of the Library. Registration for Post Session will be Saturday morning, July 30.

Graduate students will register with one of the members of the Graduate Council with the approval of the Dean of the College .

Change of Program-A student is allowed to change his program of studies only during the first week 9f the regular session,


Students seeking admission to the College should write to the Registrar for official forms. The forms include the Application for Admission to be prepared by the student and the standard Principal's Report and Transcript of High School Record form to be completed in duplicate by the high school principal. These completed forms should be returned well in advance to the time of registration to facilitate arrangements before the student arrives

Full Admission. High school graduates receive full admission to freshman standing with a minimum of 160 high school semester hours (16 units) from a four-year high school and th e recommendation of the high school principal or superintendent. Although no specific distribution of entrance 4nits is necessary it is recommended that at least half of the units earned reI\resent work in English , foreign language, mathematics, natural science, and s,ocial studies.

Summer School, 1955 5

Nebraska State Teache rs College, Peru

Conditional Admission: Students who have completed 150 high school semester hours (15 units) or the equivalent for high school graduation, are admitted to freshman standing on condition that their work proves satisfactory during the first year in college. Appropriate college courses may be recommended in fields where the student is deficient upon admission. Mature individuals who are not high school graduates but who are otherwise prepared and recommended for college work, may be admitted as special students. A college aptitude te st and the GED (General Education Dev elopment) test s are administered in judging the individual's qualifications for admissio n.

Advanced Standing. Applicants for admission from other colleges, while submitting the formal application for admission, should request their la st college to send an official transcript of college work completed, including high school entrance units and evidence of dismissal in good standing. Full credit is given for work done in schools which maintain comparable standards of admission and accomplishment. In case of transfer from a junior college a maximum of 66 hours is applicable towards a degree ba sed on 125 hours .

IMPORTANT! Students, who have started their college course ,;evera l years ago under requirem ents different from the current ones in this college, are urged to contact the Registrar during the spring if it appears advisable that an evaluation be made of the student's record before registration for the summer term. It is frequently difficult as well as time -consuming to expect such evaluation quickly at the tim e of th e student's registration . This applies largely to students in education who must meet specific requirements for a diplom a, a de gree, and/or to be recommended for a legal certificate . An early communication to the Registrar in any irregular case wh ere the student does not have definite assurance of the requiremnts remaining will facilitate checking and a report back to guide the student's course selection and re gistration later.


All certificates , and renewals of certificates, are issued by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. When students have completed the requirements for a degree or diploma , they may be recommended for the type of certificate to which they are entitled All regular certificates may be renewed by earning 9 semester h.ours including 2 or 3 hours in education . Students should consult a cop y of the Certification Di ges t at the registrar' s office or at their county superintendent's office for detailed certificate requirements and renewal requirements.

Third Grade Elementary School Certificate- For students wishing to obtain a Nebraska Third-Grade Elementary School Certificate which is valid in the rural schools and other Class One Schools for period of one year, the College offers a ,;pecia l 12-hour progra m as follows;


Application for admission to the 12-hour program must be made in advance to the Director of the Campus School. Students planning to enroll in this program must also submit eva lu at ion she ets filled out by their p rincipal or superintendent and two other persons, and must appear at t h e co lle ge for tests and interviews at 9 :00 A.M. on April 30.


N ebras ka State Teachers College at Peru is a uthorized by law and th e rul es of th e Board of Education of State Normal Schools is a uth ori zed to issue followi n g degrees and diplomas:

1. Degrees

A. Bache lor of Arts in Educatio n

B. Bach elor of Scienc e in Education

C. Bac h elor of Fine Arts in Education

D Bac h elor of Arts

2. Diplomas

A. Two-Year Diploma

B On e-Year Diploma

Summer School, 1955 Ed 151 Rural School Methods __ -------·-·-------- 3 Ed . 152 Rural School Methods ---------------·-·---------------------- 3 Art 103 Public School Art ) or ) - - - 3 Music 110 Fundamentals of Music ) Ed. 153 Rural School Management __ ': _________ 3 ,12 7
LECTURERS EMPLOY many visual aids in conducting their classes. Besides maps and charts, instructors use slides and movies.

Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru

The degree is determined by the curriculum completed by the student, the type of major and the courses in education included. Diplomas are granted only for the completion of curriculums in elementary education or rural education


The Placement Bureau is conducted for the purpose of h elping students secure desirable· positions . Graduates are not guaranteed ·position , but every effort is made to locate worthy teachers in satisfactory places. The charge for joining the Placement Bureau or for having cr ede ntials brought up to date is two dollars

Peru also offers complete training designed to fit students for business careers. The Placement Bureau maintain s close contact with business firms in cities throughout the area and makes every effort to find openings and place students in positions for which they a re qualified.


A maximum of four semester hours of student teaching credit may be earned in the kindergarten and elementary grades by a limited number of students during the regular summer session. Student teaching assignments are available only to those persons who will make ap plic~tion for a degree or a diploma from Peru Per:,ons desirin g stud ent teaching assignments during the summer session should write to the Director of the Campus School several weeks before registration. •

Persons who can submit evidence of hav ~n g at least three years of successful teaching experience may earn up to three hours of student teaching credit in Student Teaching Seminar Applications for admission to Student Teaching Seminar must be made in advance to the Director of the Campus School.


Peru's location in the rolling, woode d country along t)le Missouri river offers many opportunities for hikes and outings. Other recreational opportunities include the intramural prgrams, music, dramatics, and social dancing. Concerts, lectures, movies, recitals , and convocation programs provide enjoyable occasions for summer students.

Sports-'-C lasses are conducted in swimming and tennis for those who desire instruction in these sports. The college pool is open regularly for recreational swim periods. Tv,:o surfaced courts are m ai ntained for instructional and recreational use Each summer 1 a softball leag ue is formed composed of teams representing classes, de partments, and organizations.

Band and Chorus~S tud ents who sing or play an instrument , regardless of whether or not they are majorin g or minoring in music, are invited to become a member of one or both of these groups.

Concerh-The summer concert series will feature outstanding talent in a variety of musical offerings.


Student Union-Summer students will find the student union qi.1arters in Delzell Hall a pleasant place for recreation and relaxation. The facilities include a game room with billiards, snooker, and ping pong equipment , Bob Inn Snack Bar, dance floor, lounge s, TV room , and faculty room.


All requests for information concerning living accomodations and requests for room reservations in one of the residence halls should be directed to either the Dean of Students (men) or the Associate Dean of Students (women). Students having radios in their rooms must u se tr a nsformers since the electric current on the campus is 220 volt, ·a.c.

Residence Halls. The college residence halls offer attr ac tiv e living accomodations near th e classrooms a nd library. Halls are maintained for both men and women students.

Women- Eliza Morgan and Mount Vernon Halls for wom en is under the supervision of the Associate Dean of Students Two student s occupy a room. All rooms are arran ged as combination sleeping and study rooms. Residents of bcith halls must furnish bed linen , blanket s, towels, dres se r scarfs and curtains

Summer School, 1955 9
SWIMMING FOR CREDIT or just for fun is a part of student life du•ring summer school. Besides using the College's tile pool, summer students swim in outdoor pools in ne1arby Auburn and Nebraska City.

Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru

Men _.:_Delzell Hall provides superior facilities for men of the college. It is under the supervision of the Dean of Students. All rooms are arranged as combination sleeping and study rooms . Two st ud ents occupy a room. Residents of the hall furnish bed linen, blankets, and towels.

Married Students- One, two, and three-bedroom apartments are available at low cost to married students in Vetville Housing Project. Complete information may be obtained by writing to the Bursar.

Dining Services. The air-conditioned college dining room is located in Mount Vernon Hall and is open to a ll students. Students living in any of the residence halls receive their meals in accordance with the option chosen as listed below. Drive-in students and others may purchase meal tickets at a low rate. The Bob Inn Snack Bar, located in Delzell Hall, will be open for lunches and snacks at stated hours.

A NEW USE for potatoe1 s i,s found by students in design classes. Here, studenl's use a potato for the "blo,ck" from which designs are printed.

Summer School, 1955 11


Eight-Week Session : '

Option one- Board and Room (5 day week) --- - $ 96 00 (All meals Monday through Friday · except ' Friday supper)

Option Two- Board and Room (7 day week) - -$120.00 (All meals except Friday supper and Sunday breakfast)


Board and Room (7 day week) - --- - -$ 35.00 (All meals except Sunday breakfast)

All rates apply when two students occupy a room For single occupancy, when available add $15.00 for eight week session and $5.00 for post session.

Room and board are due and payable at time of registration. By special arrangement with Bursar s tudents may pay one-half of charge for eight-week session on registration day and remainder on July 1. The full amount for post session is due on the first day of the session.

Required Deposit. A deposit of $20 00 is required of each student applying for a reservation in any of th e halls ~ After a room is occupied, $10 .00 will be applied on board and room charges, the remainder ($10.00) is retained as a deposit against mis-use of equipment. No request for reservation will be honored unless deposit accompanies request.

STUDENTS RELAX during the noon hour in one of the lounges at Eliza Morgan Hall , Both men's and women's residence halls have TV lounges.

Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru


time student re gisters. Th s io f carrying a student on a

Tuition charges and do¥irDfnDe payable in cash at the cre dit or accounts receivabl asi e s d should arrange to hav e sufficient funds with him at t e tim e · ,with which to pay his fees and room rent in full.

Session-Single fee, 6 or more hours - -

00 - -Sin gle fee, 5 or fewer hours

Post Session-Sin gle fee, 3 hours

fee , 3 hours

20.00 (The sin gle fee includes registration, student union , health, college paper, laboratory, library , cours e and contingent fees and locker rental.)

Matriculation-Paid but once by each student entering college --·--------- 5 00 Applied Music-No charge for private instruction for students majoring or minoring in music; for others the charge for each lesson is ____________ 1.50

Non-Resident-Non -Resident students will pay a non-resident fee, minimum $5.00 and maximum $10 .00 per semester, in addition to the fees paid by residents of Nebraska. Fee is based on non-resident charges made in teachertraining institutions in the student's home state.

Scholarships-Nebraska Normal School scholarships will be honored during the summer session in the a mount indicated in the scholarship . .

_______ 20 .00
- - 20.00 Workshop-Single
- - - - -
Summer School, 1955 COURSE OFFERINGS SUMMER SESSION 1955 13 Complete description of courses may be found in the 1955·57 General Catalog Write to the Registrar ;fot 1 a copy : • -1.,. EDUCATION Hours Rural Education Credit Rural School Methods 151 3 Rural School Methods 152 3 Elementary Education Kindergarten Education 103 2 Elementary School Methods and Management 205 5 Elementary School Methods and Management 206 ............................ ...:.... 5 Workshop in Elementary School Problems 208·408 Arranged Student Teaching 210·410 Arranged Student Teaching Seminar 210·410 , 3 Elementary School Curriculum 303 ............................................................ 3 Audio Visual Aids in Elementary School 306 1 Organization and Administration of the School Library 313 ..... ........... 3 Library Materials and Their Use 315 ............................................... .......... 3 Guidance in the Elementary School 332 3 School and Community Relations 336 ........ ..... ......... .. .. ... ........... ............. 3 Secondary E-ducation Workshop in Secondary School Problems 208-408 Arranged High School Methods and Management 304 ............. ................ .... ... .. .......... 3 Audio.Visual Aids in the Secondary School 307 1 Organization and Administration of the School Library 313 ................ 3 Library Materials and Their Use 315 3 School and Community Relations 336 .................................. ..................... 3 Guidance in the Secondary School 338·538 3 Secondary School Curriculum 352 .~.... ..........."" ............................................. 3 History and Principles of Education Introduction to Education 108 ................... ....... ............. ........... .......... ...... .. 3 Educational Psychology and Measurements Human Growth and Development (Child Psychology) 101 3 Human Growth and Development (Adolescent Psychology) 102 ............ 3 *l Advanced Educational Psychology 201-501 3 Educational Measurements 331·531 .................. .,..................... ....................... 3 *1 Mental Health Hygiene in Education 421-521 ................... ........................ 3 FINE ARTS Art *2 Freehand Drawing 101 .................................................... ................................ 3 Public School Art 103 3 *2 Water Color Painting 202 ... ............................ ............................. .................... 3 Art Appreciation 306 ................................................... ............................. ....... 2 *1 Course with g rea ter demand t o be offer ed *2 C9lll"$!' with g reate r dema nd t o b e offered.
14 Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru ,:,3 Advanced Drawing and Painting 311 3 *3 Oil Painting 312 --- - -- 3 Music Harmony 101-102-203 -204 - - -- -·---_ 3 Ear Training 10 lA-102A-203A-204A -----------------· _ _____ __ 1 Fundamentals of Music 110 - -- 3 Elementary Vocal Music Methods 201 - - 3 Junior High Vocal Music Methods 202 _____ - 3 Instrumental Methods and Conducting 303-304 -_ 3 Music Appreciation 311 - - 2 History and Appreciation of Music 405 - - --- - 3 Mu sic Composition 407 - - 2 Applied Music 120-320 - - - Arranged HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION Health Health Education 205 --- 3 Marriage & Family 405 -- -_ ____ ___ :{ Physical Education Tennis 5 - - -- 1 Round & Square Dancing 6 ---------------------· _ - - -----·-· - 1 Golf 7 _____ 1 Beginnin g & Advanced Swimming 8-9 (Women) ________________________________ 1 Swimming 9 (Men) ____ - -____ 1 Tennis 10 (Women) - - - 1 Playground Supervision 204a - - 1 Theory of Athletics 207 (a) football, (b) basketball ________ ___ _ _ _ 2 Materials and Methods in Physical Education 302 _ ____ _ _____ 3 Orga nization and Administration of Health and Phy sical Education 309 ___ ____ 2 LANGUAGE ARTS English ,:, 4 En glish Composition 101A - -___ 3 *4 En g lish Composition 102 - -- -- - -- - --__ 3 Children's Literature 203 -- - -- - - - - -_ __ 3 Introduction to Literature 204 - --- - -- -- - - -______ 3 Be ginning Journalism 234 __ - --_______ __ 3 Survey of English Literature 303 _ ···-___ 3 Survey of American Literature 324 __ __________ _______ __ __ __ 3 Th e Teaching of Englis h in the High School 405 ____ , ______ 3 Shakespeare 417 - - - -----___ 3 Speech Fundamentals of Speech 152 ___ ,___ 3 Sp eec h Correction & Development 353 -- --__ 3 Foreign Language ,:, 5 Elementary French 101-102 _____________________ --- - 5-5 *5 French Reading & Composition 201-202 __ - 3-3 *6 Elementary German 101-102 _, ___ - - -- 5-5 *6 German Reading & Composition 201-202 -____ 3-3 *7 Elementary Spanish 101'-102 _________ -- - 5-5 *7 Spanish Reading & Composition 201-202 - -- - - 3-3 *3 Course with greate r demand to be offered. *4 Course with greater d e mand to be offered •5 Course with greater d emand to be offered. *6 Course with greater d ema nd to be offered • 7 Course with greater demand to be offere d
PRACTICAL ARTS Business Education Summer School , 1955 15 *8 Shorthand 101 ··---·--·------·-·---·------ ------·-·----~--·-· -- --·-------· -·-------·- - 4 Beginning Typewriting 105 · ·----__ ··--------- ·-·-·---. __________________ --------------·--- 2 Beginning Accounting 203 _______________________ : _______ : __ '. __ : ____ 3 Accounting II 204 - -" - · -' ---··--- ---···---------------- --·--- 3 *8 Office Practice 205 ------·-----_ - --- 3 Typewriting 206 ___ ·---· ___ ·· -- ··---· __ ·- ··---··------ -- 2 Advanced Typewriting 216 - ------·------· ----·---- --·-----_ -·----- 2 *9 Business Law 302 - - - -- 3 ,:,g Business Methods 307 --·------ · - ·---·--··--··-··---·---··--·- -·- 3 Home Economics Clothing Selection 100-300 .. ------·--- --------···-·--- ----------------·-·-·---·· 2 Clothing Construction 102-302 . ·---------·-----·-- ·-----·------__ --------·--------- 3 Home Planning & Furnishing 320 ---·-·- ---·-------·- ·-----· _________ 3 Industrial Arts Bench -woodworking 101 -301 ·--------. __ -·-_______________ ----·---·--·--------· ____ --··--- 3 Bench Woodworking 102-302 ----·--·-··---- ·-· ··-·-······---· --··-_ ···-····................ 3 Woodturning 106-309 ···-·------·_ - ·· '-_______ _ -· · 1-2 Shop Maintenance 110-310 ........ ......... ····-·· · .... .. ........ -···...... ········-····---------·-1-2 Indu strial Arts for Elementary Teachers 112 ·····--------· ·•- ·•--·- ---------·---- - 2 Mechanical Drawin g 208-209 _______ ___ ~·--·-: __ _ ··-- ·___ - ·--·······-········· 2 Practical Electricity 214 ...... ···· -··-------· ·--------------------·--------- --------------·--------- 2 Arts & Crafts 217 - --------·----··- ----····-- ---·--·---···-·-----·---------·------------··-··---·------ 2 Farm & Home Mechanics 219 _ ---···--·- ------·----•· ------·-· : _______ _______ 2 Indu strial Arts Methods 304 _ ----·- ·--- · ··-·-·---·-·-·------· --· ·-------------·------- 3 Woodfinishlng 305 ------------------------------------·---------·· - 1-2 Upholstery 306 -----·----------· --·---------·------:------------·-----' ---·----------------------·- 1-2 General Metals 313 ·-·----------------· ....... . -··-- ---·- ···- - -------------···--· 3 Machine Woodworkin g 321-322 --·---···---··-·· ,-- - ·-····-·-·- 2 Driver Education -·--------···----:--.-------···--··------·-···--·-···-·-----·-··--··--- -·-----·--------------- 3 SCIENCE AND MATH Biology General Biology 101 ____ - -·············-··-·- ... . ····---- · .. ···-- -·_· --- 3 ''' 10 Vertebrate Zoolo gy 204 ---·---- ··• - - --·- -- · -··--·--___________ --·-·-·--------·-----· 3 ''' 10 Bacteriology 301 _____ -····-- ······-··· ······ · ·- -----·---·········· " ··· -- ·- 3 ''' 10 Genetics 304 · -···········-···-················· ·· ----·--·---·--'··- -·--- ·- - ··· ··········------· ···· 3 '''10 Taxonom y 315 ___ -----·----· - -· .- - ---···-·-·- ·······-·--···--··--· -- -·· -·-··---- 3 Marriage and th e Family 405 ·--- -· . -"'____ i -· - - -. _ _ 3 Hi stor y and Literat ure of Biolo gy 410 __ _ .. ·___ ·-······-· -- ·-·-·-------· 1-1 Chemistry General Chemistry 101 ...... --· _: ___ ·--·---- - ---•·---------___ -· ··-·-- -----· -· 5 *11 Hou se hold Chemistry 101B ---·------ ---·------- -----·--------·-- --·-----. ·-·······-·······-··· 3 ''' 11 Organic Chemistry 209 ···········-·--··-------------- ····-·--·-·-·-·----- 3 Histor y and Literature of Chemistry 410 --------·--- ··---- ---··--- 1-4 •s Course with grea ter demand to be offered. *9 Course with g r ea t er demand to be offered. *1 0 Course w ith greater d ema nd to be offered . " 11 Course with g reater demand to be offerecj,
16 Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru Physics General Physic s 201 -.. 3 Science Science for Elementary Teachers 101 -·--------------------- -- --·--·------ 3 Science for Elementary Teachers 102 ___________ 3 Elementary School Science Methods 331 - 3 Hig h School Science MethodF 332 ____ -----·-------- 3 Math College Algebra 103 ____________ -----· ------·------- 3 SOCIAL SCIENCES Geography Regional Geography 102 - 3 Geo gr a phy of N e braska 206 ________________ 2 Regional Geography 302 _______ 3 History *12 Western Civilization 101 __ - - 3 '' 12 Western Civiliz ation 102 ____ - --- 3 *12 U S History Since 1865 , 214 - 3 U S History to 1865, 213 ____ - - 3 History and International Relations of the Far East 460 ____ 3 Topic s in History 470-471-472 __ - 1-3 Government National Gov e rnment 201 - - - 3 State and Local Government 202 ___________ 3 Social Science Social Studie s Survey 104 ____ : _______________ 3 Principles of Sociology 201 - --------------------------------------··-------- 3 H S Methods in Hi story and Social Sciences 402 ----_____ 3 GRADUATE COURSES Elem e ntary School Admini stration 530 (Post Session ) _____________ 3 Mental Health Hygiene in Education 521 -- -___ 3 Educ ational Measurements 531 - - 3 Guidance in the Elementary _ School 532 ---- - - 3 Guidance in the Secondary School 538 ___________ -· ___ 3 POST SESSION Rural School Management 153 ______ 3 Elem e ntary School Admini stration 403-503 _. _____ 3 U S History Since 1865, 214 - - - ---· ----·-----__ 3 Other courses given on demand. · • 12 Cou r se w i th greate r demand t o be offered .. ~ .



Peru, Nebraska

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