Orientation For 1956-57 A Big Success Peru's freshman orientation program was an unqualified success this year. The comprehensive program was noted for its emphasis on a warm welcome to the new students and a well rounded academic program plus many social events and entertainments. General chairmen of the orientation program were Mr. Hanford Miller, Associate Professor of Political Science, and Mr. Robert Norton, President of ~he Student Council.
Peru Pedagogian FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1956
Over 200 Classes Are Taught Here This Semester
Sunday, Sep:tember 2nd On Sunday, September 2nd, students registered in the dormitories. Mrs. M. A. Balkema and Mrs. Evanelle Paradise, dormitory counselors for men, registered 路the men in Delzell Hall, and Mrs. Gertrude Fulton, dormitory counselor, registered the women in Eliza Morgan Hall. That evening from 6:30 to 8:00 the college played host to the new students at a dinner in the College Cafe. Mr. Robert Moore, Head of the Language Arts Division, did his usual expert job as master of ceremonies, and a fine musical program was arranged by Mr. Victor Jindra, Head of the Fine Arts Division. Monday, September 3rd Freshmen went to the Auditorium at eight a.m., and Mr. Hanford Miller presided at this meeting. Mr. Darryl Manring, Associate Professor of Voice, led the group singing. Greetings were extended to the freshmen by Dr. Neal S. Gomon, President, and then the freshmen were welcomed by Mr. Robert Norton, President of the Student Council. Mr. F. H. Larson, Registrar, explained the workings of the admission and registration procedure to the freshmen. The meeting closed at 8:40 with announcements concerning activities for the rest of the day. At 8:45 a.m., the Purdue English test was given to the freshmen under the supervision of Mr. Robert Moore, Head of the Language Arts Division. From 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon students were taking tours of the campus and taking physical exams. This part of the program was under the supervision of Miss Phyllis Davidson, Director of Physical Education for Women, and Mr. Jerome D. Stemper, Director of Intramural Sports. Aptitude tests were given at 1:00 p.m., under the direction of Dr. Weresh, Dean of the College. At 2:30 p.m., Dr. Harold Boraas, Dean of Student Affairs, spoke to a convocation of male students. At this time, the girls were (Continued on page 4)
The Pride of Peru 1956 Football Schedule Peru State College Bobcats Date Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov.
14 20 29 6 13 20 27 2 10
Opponent and Game Site .Colorado State at Peru Central Missouri at Peru Kearney State at Kearney Chadron State at Peru Wayne State at Wayne Wesleyan HOMECOMING Hastings College at Hastings Midland CDllege at Peru Doane College at Crete
Bobcats vs. Bears Is Season Opener
Time 8:00 8:00 7:30 8:00 2:00 2:00 8:00 8:00 2:00
;was one win, seven losses and pne tie. In Rock Mountain Conkrence play the record stood: one win, six losses and one tie. The 1956 football season opens Mentor Lindahl is hoping his today for the Bobcats of Peru club will be able to rack up a State at their Oak Bowl when .500 mark this year. they will meet the Bears of ColoRated as the most promising of rado State College of Education the Bears' returning halfbacks is of Greeley. Howard Bell. Others that will reA 33-man squad from the quire watching by the Bobcats Colorado school will make the trip, according to Greeley mentor The Pedagogian staff is Joe Lindahl, who will be starting being organized for th e his third year as the Bears' head football coach. A Wayne State coming year. We have some graduate, Lindahl coached at openings, and we wish to Geneva, Columbus and Cozad beinvite everyone who is infore going to Colorado State. terested to help us with this year's paper. Since Colorado State's fall term does not begin until SepWorking on this year's tember 24, at the present time Pedagogian will be a profitthe squad is small. The 46-man able and enjoyable expersquad who reported for early ience. We shall attend press football camp includes only eight association meetings. We freshmen. Besides their encountshall visit a number of er with the Peru State Bobcats, newspapers an d w at ch the Bears will meet Colorado them in actual operation in College of Colorado Springs betheir fascinating job of getfore classes begin at Greeley. ting the day's news to the The Colorado State roster inworld. We shall have a cludes 22 of the 27 who lettered journalism club with an aclast year when the Bear's record tive social program. Whether you have had newspaper experience or not, we shall welcome you to the staff of The Pedagogian. We believe you can get valuable experience in all phases of newspaper work and have a very good time. We extend an especially cordial invitation to those who have worked on high school papers, but do not let a lack of experience deter you from affiliating with The Pedagogian. You do not have to be enrolled i n journalism to work on the paper. If you are interested, please see Stewart Linscheid at once in rooms 304 or 306 in the Administration building. Peru coaches, left to right: Jack Mcintire, Al Wheeler and Jer路 ome D. Stemper.
Peru Opp.
p.m . p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. will be Bill Frick, who is rated as best defensive halfbn~k. and Charles Eubanks, best offensive man. Probable starting quarterback will be Merle Roberts, with Terry Williams, who doubles at center, as another quarterback candidate.
Over two hundred classes and labs, not counting extension, are listed in the current schedule of classes. These are not different courses because there is some duplication in basic courses in English, math, and other basic subjects but there is still plenty of variety. The divisions of Practical Arts and Science and Mathematics lead in number of classes and labs offered with 43 each. Second in number of classes offered is the division of Language Arts with 30 classes. In third place are the divisions of Education and Fine Arts with 24 each. The division of Social Sciences lists 23 classes and the division of Physical Educatiah"an\l Health lists 22. Course titles r~nge from the very simple such as shorthand and English composition to titles such as kinesiology and anatomy, and grap~:.-and cartography, . which rri@lt sound somewhat exotic to those who are somewhat less than erudite. A perusal of the current schedule shows that our college is offering a well rounded schedule of great variety and scope.
Extra-Curricular Activities Is Graduate Course
"Novel" Drama To Be Performed On Homecoming Night
Dr. Holy, Acting Head of the Division of Education, is teaching a graduate course entitled Extra-Curricular Activities. This three hour graduate course is a study of the organization, nature, value and the direction of the school sponsored activities other than those of the regular classroom.
Try-outs for the Homecoming play, "The Night of January 16," were held in the Little Theater on Thursday and Friday, September 6 and 7, under the auspices of Professor R. D. Moore. On the following Monday, September I 0, the play was cast from the people who had tried out and had been selected for parts. The play is set in a court room where Karen Andre is on trial for the murder of her former employer, Bjord Faulkner, who was killed on "the night of January 16- about midnight." The action is different from that of most plays in that it uses
the theater audience as the court room spectators with the jury being chosen from the audience, and has the possibility of two endings, depending on the verdict of the jury. The play will be produced on Homecoming night, October 20, at 8 p.m. by the Peru Dramatic Club, and will be directed by Robert D. Moore. The Dramatic Club, one of the oldest dramatic organizations in Nebraska, has gained in past years a reputation for fine productions, and with Mr. Moore at the helm the play should be a great success.
Typical registration scene, with Mr. Johnson and Miss Ashley at the desk with Wesley Eheler and Maxine Zimmerman of Auburn.
PERU PEDAGOGIAN September 14. 1956 FACULTY SPONSORStewart Linscheid Staff To Be Elected
Editorial This is Peru's biggest year in many respects, enrollment included, and we all hope that the conclusion of this school year next spring will leave everyone with the firm conviction that it was Peru's best year. The Pedagogian can not make this Peru's best year fOr that must be done by everyone-student body, faculty, and administration-but we hope that The Pedagogian can help make this the best year ever for our school. We hope The Pedagogian can become a force for good, giving loyal support to all the worthy activities of the college. At the very least, we hope The Pedagogian can succeed in mirroring accurately the events of the coming year. We hope The Pedagogian may prove itself worthy of the fine institution it represents. We know that we can accomplish none of the above objectives without great support from a great many people-from each and all of you. We solicit your support and pledge you our entire cooperation. We want your suggestions and shall appreciate your criticisms. We fervently desire that everyone will come to regard The Pedagogian as a friend working faithfully to represent the best interests of his chosen college, Nebraska State Teachers College in Peru. · In closing, we wish to express our sincere thanks for a cordial welcome to Peru and for the friendly, cooperative help which we have received from many, many fine people. At any time when there is anything The Pedagogian can do to help any of you in any way, we shall consider it a privilege to be of assistance in any way we can. We feel this sentiment is shared by every member of our staff. -Stewart Linscheid, Faculty Sponsor.
Campus Sc.hool Adds to Faculty (Peru Pointer, Sept. 6) Mrs. Evelyn Shrader of Lincoln, a former Peru State College student, has been appointed supervisor of English in the T. J. Majors Campus, according to an announcement made today by President Neal S. Gomon. The appointment was approved by the Board of Education of State Normal Schools at its regular meeting of August 25. Mrs. Shrader replaces Robert Grayson who has been transferred to the college English di" vision. The appointment of Mrs. Shrader and transfer of Mr. Grayson is for one year only until definite assignments can be ascertained for the English division. The new campus school English supervisor attended Peru in 1925-1927 and received her B. S. in Education degree from the University of Nebraska in 1951 and Master of Education degree from the same institution in 1955. During recent years she has been an English teacher in the high schools at McCook and Lexington and in the late 20's and early 30's taught at De Witt, Stockville, Stratton and Herman. Mrs; Shrader is the wife of Forest Shrader, a Peru alumnus and presently a representative of a book company in Nebraska
Students Meet College Staff In Convocation
Student Families Move Into New Oak Hil I Homes
Peru Prep Football · Clip this and put it in your billfold for future reference. It's the 1956 schedule for the Bobkittens. HOME GAMES Score Kittens Opponents
(Peru Pointer, Sept. 6) The opening convocation of the I I I year was held in the Auditorium at 10:50 on September 6th. ::::: Reverend Lawrence Williams of the First Christian Church of Oct. 19 Tecumseh ___________________________ /_________ /_______ __! Peru gave the opening prayer. President Gomon welcomed the housing at the Campus of.11 Thou- Oct. 24 Tarkio, Mo. ________________________ )_ ________ /_______ 1 students and then made an- sand Oaks. I I I I nouncements. Following the an"Oak Hill," as many of the GAMES AWAY , I I noucements, Dr. Gomon intro- residents refer to their new I I I duced the entire administrative neighborhood which was com- Sept. 14 Humboldt ------------- --------- ---- _; ___ ----- -1---------1 staff and faculty to the student pleted mid-summer, is high on i I I body. All members of the admin- the east rim of Peru Sfate'.s Oak Oct. 5 Auburn ------------- _______ -- -- ---- _1 ______ ---1--- ------1 1 • I I istrative staff and faculty were Bowl. The 14th unit on "Oak Oct. 12 Hamburg, Iowa seated on the stage. Hill" is occupied by the manager Reverend Williams announced of college apartments. Nov. 2 Rockport, Mo. -----------------------i---------i---------1 . I I the schedule of religious services Typical of the married students of all local churches and invited who have a near-bird's-eye view Nov. 7 Essex, Iowa _________________________ 1_________ 1---------'i the students to attend the church- of the campus from the oak parkHome Games 8:00 p.m. BOOST THE BOBKITTENS! es of their choice. like setting are Mr. and Mrs. LeThe brief convocation closed Roy Hughes of Fairbury. Mr. ic ovation as was Grace Hannawith a prayer by Reverend Wil- Hughes will enroll at the college ford's rendition of "Sincerely." liams. next week as a science major The inimitable Phil Neuhaufen "In every show there is someafter having attended Fairbury appeared in an act of his own, a J urtior College for three semes- one who steps out with nothing rendition of "Saddle Sore Sue," to say, and I'm the first this ters. They will have been resiwhich may very well become a dents of "Oak Hill" for two year." ·With this sublime com- hit as great as Elvis's, "You Ain't weeks by the time school gets mentary on human nature by J. Nothin' But a Hotipd Dawg." D. Levitt, the fall 1956 talent Sane optimism prevailed in the underway. A wildly chJrin~ c r ow d show began. remarks of Dr. Neal S. Gomon, For Mrs. Hughes it will seem brought Jim "Elvis" "'Kinghorn The show, one of the best yet, President, at the general faculty strange £,or school to begin and back for an encore after his inmeeting held in the Musi~ Hall not have a part in it. After at- was brilliantly emceed by the terpretations of "Rock Island the thirtieth of August. tending Fairbury Junior College one and only Phil Neuhaufen Line" and "Don't e Cruel." After stating the objective of for three semesters, she had ably assisted by Duaine McTap dancer, · e W i 1es, the college: to send the schools served as secretary to the Dean Knight. tapped to "Birt of the Blues." degree teachers, "representative. at that school. Like the other 14 First among the talent was an That act really brought the house of a teacher training institution wives at "Oak Hill" Mrs. Hughes act portraying a day in the lives down. of the highest order," and to pre- will be busy with her house work of . Dave Miller, .Rudy Gfeller, The show held at 8:00 P. M. on pare students to teach on the and looking after the family, and Phil Farlander. Believe it or Wednesday, September 5th, in various levels of certification be- which includes six weeks old · not, they are that way all the the college auditorium was one of low the degree, President Gomon Carleen. time. the best yet. R. D. Moore was made some comments on the The most valuable equipment Jerry and Chuck Owens fol- heard saying, "There wasn't a present. in the new Hughes home, so far lowed with a well done duet, dead act in it." This is certainly At the present time, the dorms as Hughes, the former Jen- "Down By the Riverside." true. are full. The enrollment is push- nie Decker of Washington, Kans., Freda Roault's, "Big Brown J. D. Levitt and the entire cast ing 500 and we may expect a tre- is cortcerned, is the automatic Bear," was greeted with a terrif- are to be congratulated. mendously increased enrollment . washer and dryer that is standby 1960. The prob 1 em has ard equipment in each apartchanged from how to entice stu- ment. The Hughes' one-bedroom From the Presideni • • dents to the college to how to apartment includes a built-in provide for those who are here. kitchen unit complete with reIn providing for the students, frigerator and stove that can be the faculty must be realistic and screened from the living area Professional Leaders think in terms of facilities avail- with a sliding floor-to-ceiling Nebraska Schools able at the present. bamboo partition. There are five My dear Co-worker: Dr. Gomon announced that the other one-bedroom units and board had authorized him to hire eight two-bedroom apartments. August! Again we turn our attention to our task, our responsian architect to draw plans for a The biggest problem for the bility, our privilege-to educate our youth in good schools, staffed new building. He said, "It is pos.- residents of the new college with personable, fully-qualified teachers. To have good schools, thus sible that this building may be housing has been curtains fOr the staffed, we must do two things: available by '58-certainly no large' picture windows in the 1. We must make the profession good enough to attract capasooner." living rooms and. bedrooms. Many ble people and hold them. The day of the slogan, "Those Before making his talk, Presi- of the improvising b u d g e t who can't, teach," is being replaced by, "An invitation to dent Gomon introduced the fol- minded wives have c re a t e d teach-if you have what it takes." lowing new staff members: Miss beautiful draperies from inexJuanita Eardley, Associate Dean pensive pastel sheeting and che2. We must provide the best possible working conditions for of Students; Mr. Lee Lowenberg, nille bedspreads. these teachers so they can provide optimum service to our Director of Professional Services; youth. Dr. Russell Holy, Acting Head of the Division of Education; and KIWANIS HEARS OF Any administrator or teacher alone is unable to do much about Stewart Linscheid, Associate Pro- VACATION TRAVELS these things. So, I urge you to point out to your teachers the need fessor of English and Journalism. for organization on three levels: (Peru Pointer, Sept. 6) The meeting ended with rouFollowing its . dinner meet LOCAL-to enable you to know your fellow teachers, to help tine announcements by Dean Tuesday evening the Kiwanis sblve local problems, to give information, to make your voice Weresh and Mr. Larson. Club members heard two inter-· heard through your representatives to state and national deleNEW OFFICES esting vacation accounts by Dr. gate assemblies. In the search for administrative Darrell Wininger and Dr. Robert STATE-to do what cannot be done on the local level, under office space, Room Ad 202 in the DeLaney. Dr. Wininger had spent policies determined by officers and committees representing Administration Building is being the summer vacation as a sightlocal associations, in areas of legislation, public relations. reconverted from a classroom to seeing bus driver in Yellowstone search, and teacher welfare. It is a two-way communic~tion three partitioned offices. Park and told of the park, its vissystem:---it does what your representatives have suggested, and The partitions are plywood to itors and denizens and plans for then provides field service to help local associations with local a height of six feet with an addi- its future. Dr. DeLaney's narrawork and interpret the total state program to them. tional two feet of translucent cor- tive concerned his three weeks rugated glass, making the parti- in Mexico where he engaged in NATIONAL-to stand ready to help any state or local association tions eight feet high. The doors historical research of the tourist (by invitation) to defend education against vicious attack, to use are attractive birch slabs. Light- trail. The two talks added up to national media (magazines, radio, TV, etc.) to improve public ing the offices are six flu~rescent most interesting program. relations, to provide information for Congress through research lights. Preface to the speaking was and to publish literature on current educational problems. Still under construction, the group singing led by Del EveWill you help your teachers figure what it will cost each one to offices will not be ready for use · land. Aftermath was a short busfor some time. When they are iness affair directed by club become a part of the vital program of these associations? completed, however, Dr. Harold president Darryl Manring, at STATE and NATIODJAL-$15.00 plus $5.00 is $20.00 divided by Boraas, Dean of Student Affairs, which was announced appoint52 amounts to about' 38c per week. Juanita Bradley, Dean of Wom- ment of John Lewis to head the LOCAL-most will be much less than 12c per week, so the total en, and Dr. Andrew Weresh, annual Scout fund drive. would amount to about 50c per week. Dean of the College will have Guests were new Peru State WHERE CAN THEY BUY SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE? comfortable new offices in which faculty members Lee Lowenberg to conduct their business. Please encourage them to accept their opportunity and their and Stewart Linscheid. With them was Philip Hoyt, former obligation to further education and their profession by joining LOand Kansas. The Shrader's have Peruvian, now of Chicago, whose CAL, STATE and NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS. five grown children, two of father, the late W. F. Hoyt was Sincerely, whom are graduates of Peru. Mrs. the long-time faculty member MILDRED LANG, President, NSEA. Shrader will occupy one of the for whom the college science hall (Nebraska State Education Assn.) and Hoyt Street are named. new faculty housing units.
~=!~s ~o;~:~~::~~~1~La~::~~ ~he~~= b~:: bu::a:r~~t~ng s~~~~~~
~: :::~gio::te:--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~t~~~~~~j
Talent Show
First General Faculty Meeting
Much For So Little'
Meetings In ~[ober To Stress ~~bject Matter g'.EA
$; (NSEA Newspaper) ": bject matter sessions for ele~ ef;;iary and secondary teachers l''·administrators will highlight ~'ict teachers conventions Oct.
'" e NSEA has scheduled more 30 speakers-all top in their ''s-to discuss m a t e r i a 1 in ':;~ct matter areas. ':ajor emphasis has 'been '""· d on gel:iing well-informed ns fo lead the instructional ns, according io Richard n. director of the convenprograms. 'f!s a result, no teacher can af· · to miss the district conventhis year," Donald F. Kline, · A executive secretary, says. structional sessions will be ided into three meetings: sroom teachers, elementary ,. · rural, and school administra' . Specific topics for each ;'up were selected by district ':. mittees and speakers con;,. d at their suggestion. 'mong subjects to be dealt at instructional meetings secondary reading; language · ; public relations; child de' opment; the high school li· ·•· y; gifted children (both sec'. ary and elementary level); dance (at both levels); high 'ool math; school finance; ele·: tary science; penmanship; 'ool activities; menial health; problems of children. . n addition to the instructional ion speakers, n a t i o n a 11 y wn figures will address the ~eral sessions. Headlining gensessions will be: J{. v. Kaltenborn, news com-
; ~ntator.
~illiam G. AvireU, special asftant to, the president of the {l:negie Endowment for Inter~ional Peace, and former eduhonal editor of the New York ~ald -Tribune. br. Cylvia Sorkin. bu s in es s bsultant, economist, author, ~mber of the national board of fectors of the National Federa~1 of Business and Professional mens Clubs. r. Robert F. Williams, execusecretary of the Virginia Ed.. tion Association. · r. Frank O. Mcintyre, assist.secretary and director of ~ic relations for the California chers Association. ', . A. J. Stoddard, former sutendent of schools at Los ' eles, Calif. r. Allen R. Stockdale. special 'resentative of the National ; ciation of Manufacturers. . :om Collins. humorist. ' ' ff Williams. philosopher and orist. : hn W. Vandercook, news mentator. '' • Carleton Rogers, pastor of 't Methodist Church at Elgin, ois. · :• tructional speakers will ine: Dr. Oscar M. Hough, Uniity of Kansas; Dr. Walter K. ' s, University of Nebraska; k 0. Mc1ntyre, California ers Association; Dr. CharG. Wells, University of Mis; Kathryn · Buck, Chadron Teachers College. speaking will be May M. Wisconsin State College; cCullough, Dana College; A. Hamrin, Northwestern 'ty; and Frank B. Allen, College at LaGrange, Ill. 't
ier, University of WisZelma Wonderly, Peru hers College; :'>r. Theo. University of Nebraska; rst, Columbus, Ohio; and A. Burke, Omaha su-
A Preview of the Season By Donald K. Carlile Director of Special Services While the squad of the 1956 Bobcats of Peru looks promising as a whole, the schedule is pro~ ably the toughest to be played in a number of years. The coaching staff, at this writing, feels that four or five games should fall on the win side of the column. Teams that they rate ahead of the Bobcats include Colorado State, Central Missouri, Kearney State, Doane, Hastings and Wayne State. The Peru outfit is green compared with veteran Nebraska College Conference teams of Kearney State, Doane, Chadron State, Hastings and Wayne State. The end·of the 1955 seasdn saw five backs and eight linemen leave. They were backs Dick Adams, Roger Majors, Bill (Chicago) Allen, Duane Rains, and Lowell Samuelson; ends Gerald Tru11inger, Dick Bowden, tackles Bill (Kansas) Allen, and guards Johnny McMullen, Bert Adams, Willie Mason, and Jack Nance. Three seasoned hopefuls absent from the squad because of low grades will be Dean Sorenson, Jerry Partridge and Duane Noel. Coaches Wheeler, Stemper and Mcintire are expecting a large squad to report for the opening · practice August 29. Seventy-five, including 17 lettermen from 1955 and three lettermen of previous years have received invitations. Among the squad members will be a number of outstanding freshmen from Nebraska and surrounding states. At end position six lettermen will report for duty. Wayne Minchow, Table ,Rock; Jack Gilmore, David City; Bob Humphrey, Auburn, and Jerry Grancer, Beatrice, will be fighting for right end. At left end, Jack Ludwig, Bellevue; Riley Ruby, Tecumseh; and Rex Hill of Omaha, who was on the 1953 team, plus a half dozen promising freshmen. Candidates for tackle spots include three-year letterman Chuck Krumme of Red Oak, Iowa, who stands 6' 4" and weighs 225. This season should be his best. Ray Ehlers of Syracuse is another 6'4" 200 pounder with two letters to his credit. Bill McAdams, a 1952 letterman is back for his second year in varsity football. He stands 6'2" and tops the scales at 215. At the left tackle post is Larry Hopkins, Guthrie Center, Iowa, sophomore letterman, who has trimmed down from his 245 in 1955. Weighing in at 215, Larry has increased his speed and should have a great year. Behind Larry are a cquple of big sophomores who were B team members last year and have demonstrated that they are ready for consideration. They are Johnny Lincoln of Bradshaw and Keith Lamb of Wymore, who both weigh better
than 220. Bruce Smith, a 6'5" 220 pounder, looks like he will give all the boys a run for their money at a starting berth. Other tackles with promise who will report are Earl McCain, Ray Huggett, Bertrand; and Dick Kapperman, DeWitt. Battling for the guard posts will be the Rosenquist brothers, Jim and Darwin of Essext Iowa, letterman Glen Heywood of Peru and a host of other candidates. Tom Moen of 'Bellevue, Tom Eastman of Chicago and Jerry Ludwig of Bellevue will be bucking for the center spot. Tom Moen last season's regular center, wiil have the in~ide track. A trio of speedy fullbacks, all lettermen, with offensive and defensive ability should give the backfield the strength that it needs. Tom Percell, Omaha, a· three-year letterman, Dale Johnson of Table Rock, who has shown great promise and sophomore letterman Pat Novacek of Tekamah, who is 6'7" and tops the scales at 210, should all make the Bobcat foes aware of their presence. At left half or at the quarterback spot will be 1956 all-conference Del Stoltenberg of Nebraska City. Other halfbacks will be Gary Adams of Falls City; Henry Hart of Red Oak, Iowa; Don Roddy of Union; Bob Ely, Fairmont; and Kelly Liewer of Unaleet, Alaska. Candidates for quarterback are Sid Brown, Peru; Doug "Hoot" Gibson, Falls City; Jerry Mullins of Salem; and a host of freshmen. The backfield appears to have speed, passing and kicking ability, but' lacks the depth. About 40 freshmen candidates have be~n invited for early practice sessions. Included in the aggregation are some outstanding men who could make the difference in a winning or losing season.
Early Season Football Dope
PERU-At the close of the first full week of drills last Saturday, Al Wheeler reports that his Bobcat gridsters· have shown a great deal of improvement in over-all play, but still have room for plenty of improvement. In preparation for the Colorado State Bears game in the Oak Bowl Friday night, much of the work has been concentrated on blocking and tackling. The coaching staff expressed pleasure over the improvement in the passing attack. Percentagewise, completions have climbed to about 75%. "Our over-all offensive attack is improving, too," Wheeler said. · After progressing the first four Also scheduled are: Joseph opening days of drill with no inZafforoni, University of Nebras- juries, last week saw four squad ka; Hollie Bethel, University of members benched. Omaha; Dr. Earle Wiltse, Grand Ray Ehlers, 6'8" 200-lb. tackle Island; R. A. Watson, Hastings; from Syracuse, is sidelined temOtto Noakes, North Platte; and porarily with an injured foot. At Dr. Freeman Decker, state com- first it was believed that a toe missioner. was broken, but now it appears Other speakers are: Dr. Thad- he may be able to start in Frideus Krush, clfnical director, day's game. Should he be unable community services, Nebraska to be a starter, the nod undoubtPsychiatric Institute; Dr. William edly will go to Jim Rosenquist, E. Martin of Indiana; Dr. Rosalie 186-lb. Essex, Iowa, sophomore. Sent to the doctor for stitches Farley, University of Nebraska Extension Division; and Dr. Cal- and unable to report for Saturvin Grieder, University of Colo- day's afternoon· scrimmage were rado. ends Marv Knipplemeyer, 6'1" NSEA members are admitted 220-lb. freshman, and Wayne free to all convention sessions in Minchow, 6' 185-lb. senior, both the six districts. Convention cen- of Table Rock. In Saturday's ters are Lincoln, District I; Oma- scrimmage Ralph Aranza, Omaha ha, District ll; Norfolk, District sophomore, received an eye inIII; Hastings, District IV; Mc· jury. Competition for starting be;rths Cook, District V; and Chadron. against the Colorado Bears FriDistrict VI.
Social Security Changes Interest State Teachers (NSEA Newspaper) Several phases of the old-age and survivors' insurance program of the Social Security Act have been liberalized. The following changes may affect Nebraska teachers. PrG>visions by which newly covered persons may qualify will be liberalized to read: Persons covered in 1956 will be deemed fully insured if all but four (but not less than six) of the quarters after 1954 and prior to th.e later of (1) July 1, 1957, or (2) the quarter of death or attainment of retirement age (whichever occurs first) are quarters of coverage. Five years may be dropped out in computing average monthly wages in all cases regardless of the number of quarters of coverage. Disability benefit provisions now provide: Disability benefit p a y me n ts will begin in July 1957 and will be payable to totally disabled workers aged 50; dependent dis~ abled children will be entitled to benefits if they have been permanently and totally disabled since before they reached age 18. A separate trust fund and a separate tax is provided for these payments. The retirement age for women has been lowered, effective in November 1956. as follows: Widows and surviving dependent mothers will be given full benefits at age 62. Working women and wives will be given reduced benefits if they begin to draw them between age 62 and 65. Working women will receive 80 per cent of their full benefits should they retire at age 62. If they delay retirement they will be given 5-9ths of 1 per cent for each month's delay up to age 65. Wives will be given 75 per; cent of their full benefits should they retire .at 62. For each month's delay of retirement up to age 65 they will receive 25-36th of 1 per cent. Should a woman receive a reduced benefit, this benefit will continue to be payable and i.t will not be increased upon her reaching age 65. Taxes will be increased as fol· lows: A separate trust fund will be established for the disability program. Social Security taxes day is becoming more keen with each practice, Wheeler said. Mentioned by the coaching staff as having made great strides during the past week were quarterback Douglas "Hoot" Gibson, 6'2" 178-lb. Falls City junior; Bob Bryant, 6T' 225-lb. freshman halfback from Peru, and Buddy Bookwalter, 5'10" 169-lb. freshman halfback from Lawrence, Kansas. A 1956 Central High of Lincoln grad, John Sacks, who reported late for practice, is pressing some of the veteran guards for a starting berth. Don Hamel, Fullerton freshman center who stands 6'3" and weighs 215-lbs., is giving them all a battle for a pivot spot, Wheeler said. What Al Wheeler told the squad at the season's opening practice on August 29 con~rning the outcome of the season can be very well applied to Friday night's game with C o 1o r ado State. After he threw football in\to the air and after it bounced he r e mark e d-"Like that ball bounces, is the way our season can go."
will be increased effective J anuary 1, 1957, by 1/4 of 1 per cent for each the employee and employer, making the rate two and 1/4 per cent on each. The self-employment tax will be increased from 3 per cent to 3 and 3/s per cent, effective J anuary 1, 1957. These increases will also be made in each of the scheduled increases now contained in the law.
Eight Evening Classes Offered This Semester No, Junior, school isn't over for the day just because night falls. Eight classes are being offered on the campus at night this semester. The courses offered are: Fundamentals of Speech, H um an Growth and Development, Art Appreciation, Science for Elementary Grades, English Composition, Social Studies Survey, Educational Measurements, an d Elementary Music Methods. There must be a minimum of ten students before a night class can be organized. There is a matriculation fee of five dollars for matriculation, and a five dollar fee for each semester hour of credit. ;..,;. The classes meet' in t\o. periods, the first being from 5:00. to 7:40 p.m. with a 25 minute supper break, and the second being from 7:45 to 10:05 R,!11. with a ten minute brea~e middle of the period. ·
Campus Facilities Undergo Change In anticipation of the increased male enrollment at Peru State the Bob Inn, campus snack bar has been moved from the basement of Delzell Hall to the ground floor of Mt. Vernon Hall. The change was made following the summer session and was completed in time for the opening of school. Since the s n a c k bar's opening lt has been' well patronized by thirsty students and coffee-seeking professors. With Mrs. Bernice Halsted in charge, the new Bob Inn is open at times that dove-tail with the schedule of the cafeteria so that coffee brea'ks can be taken with good chance of finding some place open. Present schedules find the Bob Inn open from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the week days. It opens again at 7:00 p.m. and runs until 10:30 p.m. in the evenings. For the convenience' of the night students the Bob Inn is open on Wednesdays from 1:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. with no break for supper. Those students staying over the week-end will find the Bob Inn open from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday and from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturday mornings. The Bob Inn consists of three rooms: the snack bar containing booths for the customers, the T.V. lounge and the dance floor. To partially compensate for the small number of booths in the snack bar room, a row of booths, taken from the old Bob Inn, has been placed along the north wall of the dance floor. Also on the ground floor of Mt. Vernon is the new office for student publications. The Peruvian, the campus yearbook, formerly in the basement of Delzell Hall, will take its new residence along with the Pedagogian, the campus newspaper, upon completion of the new office. One advantage of the change is the proximity to the Bob Inn, where most of the news is bornand where the reporters get their coffee.
Many New Teachers On The Campus As School Begins Returning old students will notice a number of changes on the college staff as well as changes in facilities. The following material, we believe, covers most of the staff changes which are not mentioned elsewhere in this issue. Members of The Pedagogian staff have interviewed the following new members of the staff and old members who are changing duties.
• ** ASSOCIATE DEAN Peru State Teachers College is happy to welcome Miss Juanita Bradley as Associate Dean of Students. Miss Bradley took her B.S. at Central State Teachers College, Warrensburg, Missouri, and her M.A. at George Peabody College, Nashville, Tennessee. She has done an additional year of graduate work in the University of Indiana and a half year at the University of Chicago. Miss Bradley has taught in elementary and secondary public schools. She also served for a year as a counselor in a public school in Del Ray Beach, Florida. Last year she was a counselor in a nationally known private school for girls, Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri. Miss Bradley's major outside interest is in art work-handicrafts and painting, but she has spent most of her spare time singing with group singing groups. In addition to her duties as Associate Dean~· of Students, Miss Bradley will teach in the Division of Education. EDUCATION New to the College of a Thousand Oaks is Dr. Russell Holy, new· Professor of Education and the Acting Head of the Division of Education. Dr. Holy received his B.A. degree from Iowa State Teachers College at Cedar Falls, Iowa; he received his M.A. degree from the State University of Iowa at Iowa City. He received his Ph.D. from the Teachers College of Columbia University in New York City. After he received his doctorate, he spent six months as a guest at the University of Chicago, where he audited six courses. He has served as superintendent of schools in Springdale, Iowa, Springville, Iowa, and West Union, Iowa. He served six years as superintendent of the union elementary and high school of Casa Grande, Arizona. He spent seven years as the Head of the Department of Educatoin in the University of Kansas City, Missouri before coming to Peru. Besides his full time teaching jobs, Dr. Holy has also taught during summer sessions at _Arizona State Teachers College at Flagstaff; St. Mary's College of Xavier, Kansas; the University of North Dakota; and the University of Nebraska. His hobbies include golf, visiting schools, and travel. The last is attested by the fact that he has visited Japan, France, England, Ireland, Cuba, Mexico, the Hawaiian Islands, Canada, and has traveled in all of the forty-eight states. Dr. Holy is married and has one daughter, Mrs. Mary Alice. Colby, who lives in Columbus, Ohio. His comment on Peru? A nice place to live-and teach. COACH The new man in the Division of Physical Education this year is Jack Mcintire. Mr. Mcintire will
be ah assistant football coach and head basketball coach. Also he will teach courses in physical education, theory of basketball, and tumbling. A well known Peru athlete, Mcintire played center on the football teams of '38, '39, and '40. He lettered in basketball in '38, '39, '40, and '41. He lettered in track for three years. The Mcintires have two children, Karen Ann and Johnny. Outside interests include golf and a catholic appetite for sports. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Mr. Lee Lowenberg is the new Director of Professional services. His duties are to supervise the program of night classes and off campus classes and to assist students and alumni in matters pertaining to the teaching profession. Mr. Lowenberg took his B.S. at Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and he received his M.A. from the University of Iowa. He has done additional graduate work in the University of Southern California, Iowa State, and the University of Iowa. Coming here from Jolley, Iowa, where he was superintendent of schools, Mr. Lowenberg has had wide experience in public school teaching and administration, also in industry and sales work. The Lowenbergs have two children, Bob, an eleven-year-old sixth grade student, and Linda, an eight-year-old third grade student. Mr. Lowenberg's hobbies are hunting and fishing. ENGLISH_..;.JOURNALISM Stewart Linscheid is the new Associate Professor of English and Journalism. Mr. Linscheid teaches three freshmen courses in composition, a survey of English literature, and one course in journalism. A major duty ·is sponsoring The Pedagogian. Mr. Linscheid received his B.A. from East Central State Teachers College, Ada, Oklahoma, and his M.A. from Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virgi11ia. He has done two years of additional graduate work in English literature at the University of Wisconsin and the University of Oklahoma. He has been teaching English since 1931, most of this time being spent at Oklahoma A. & M. College, Stillwater, Oklahoma, and East Central State Teachers College, Ada, Oklahoma. He comes to us from Wentworth Military Academy and Junior C o 11 e g e, Lexington, Missouri, where he headed the English department for the last two years.
they will assume all of the duties as co-principals. Dr. Russell Holy will replace Dr. Mullinix as head of tbe Division of Education. SIXTH GRADE No stranger to the campus is Mrs. Lillian Christ, who is now supervising sixth grade work in the Campus School. A graduate of Peru, Mrs. Christ is the wife of John Christ, Head of the Division of Science. When questioned about outside interests, Mrs. Christ's talk is of her boys, John Jr. and James. John Jr. is now teaching science in Atchison, Kansas, and James · is a freshman in the high school division of the Campus School. Mrs. Christ has done substitute teaching for five years, but this is her first year .as a full time teacher. PRACTICAL ARTS The new Associate Professor of Practical Arts is Lester Russell, who teaches two college courses and supervises classes in the Campus School from grades seven through twelve. An alumnus of Peru, receiving his A.B. here in '51, Mr. Russell received his M.A. from the University of Minnesota in the summer of '56. He has had five years of teach· ing experience. His major hobbies are teaching and fishing, and he enjoys listening to music. Mrs. Russell is also a teacher, now teaching in the third grade in Auburn. The Russells have a seven-month-old daughter, Martha Lou. HOUSEMOTHER Mrs. Gertrude Fulton is the ne'w housemother at MorgaI) Hall. She has had much experience wifh young people, having taught for several years. For the last eight years she has been doing Y.M.C.A. work in Sheridan, Wyoming. Her hobbies are craft work, textile painting, and knitting.
SECRETARIES Miss Louise Fraser from Humboldt is now secretary to Dr. Weresh, Dean of the College. Miss Fraser came here in August to replace Miss Beverly Rist, who is now working in Texas. A recent high school graduate, Miss Fraser served as secretary to the principal during her senior year. Miss Mary Lou Anderson is filling the position formerly held by Mrs. Kenneth Heywood. Miss Anderson has been secretary to the superintendent of schools of Humboldt, Nebraska, and she has also been a dental assistant. She The Linscheids h av e two has been here since the twentydaughters, Ann, who is married . eighth of May. and living in Borger, Texas, and Ruth, who is a freshman college s t u de n t here. Mrs. Linscheid teaches in the third grade in Nebraska City. Hobbies, aside from reading, According to Mr. Lee Lowenare hunting and fishing. berg, Director of Professional Asked for comment on Peru, Services, the college will offer a Linscheid said, "We are tremend- dozen off campus courses this ously enthusiastic about this fine semester. college, and we hope that we may These courses are: State and be able to help promote the pro- Local Government of the U.S., gram of the college." American National Government, Western Civilization (101 or 102), NEW CO-PRINCIPALS History of the Far East, ElemenOF CAMPUS SCHOOL tary School Curriculum, IntroIn a shuffle of assignments duction to Education 108, Latin made necessary by the resigna- American History, History of the tion of Dr. Floyd Mullinix, Mr. U.S. to 1865, History of the U. S. B. A. Eddy and Mr. R. D. Van Since 1865, Elementary Science Pelt have been named co-princi- Methods, Human Growth and pals of the Campus School, with Development 102, and Principles Mr. Eddy in charge of the ele- and Practices of Guidance. mentary grades and the school The matriculation fee for an lunch program, and Mr. Van Pelt off campus course is $5.00, and in charge of the high school. tuition per credit hour is $6.50 or Both Mr. Van Pelt and Mr. $19.50 for a three hour course. Eddy have served in the Campus Texts and other materials are School for six years, and during provided by the student. Twenty students are required this time have assumed some of the duties of supervision. With before an off campus course can the resignation of Mr. Mullinix be offered. Seventeen class meet-
Peru Offers Twelve Off Campus Courses
ings of two and a half hours each are held, one meeting of the class being held each week. The courses being offered this semester ane all undergraduate courses and carry only undergraduate credit.
Moore Announces Cast For Play Mr. Robert Moore has announced the members of the cast for the play to be presented during Homecoming. The cast includes: ·Ramona Ogle, Humboldt, prison matron; David Longfellow, Peru, bailiff; Bill Larson, Peru, Judge Heath; Roger Haigh, Peru, District Attorney Flint; Lorraine Johnson, Stanton, Iowa, secretary to Flint; Dick Corwine, Blair, Defense Attorney Stevens; Ruth Linscheid, Peru, secretary to Stevens; Ross Munn, Ohiowa, clerk of court; Yvonne Funkhouser, Shenandoah, Iowa. Karen Andre; Al Winseman, Stella, Dr. Kirkland; Franci Stillwell, Palmyra, Mrs. John Hutchins; Marvin Wuster, Dawson, Homer Van Fleet; Franklin Pederson, Riverton, Iowa, E 1m e r Sweeney; Kay Phillips, Nebraska City, Nancy Lee Faulkner; Donna Gaer, Kirkman, Iowa, Magda Svenson; Marshall Norris, Denver, Colo., John Graham Witfield; Lois Bush, Gothenburg, Jane Chandler; Phil L. Neuhalfen, Dunbar, Sigurd Jungquist; Rex Filmer, Peru, Larry Regan; Christine Kolbo, Omaha, Roberta Van Rensselaer; and Gerald Olberding, Steinauer, policeman.
Cheer Leaders Before Students For Tryouts Bob Norton, president of the Student Council, presided at a brief convocation Tuesday, September 12th, in the College Auditorium. The purpose was to elect cheer leaders before today's game with Colorado. Y v o n n e Funkhouser, Betsy· Hartman, Beverly Gerdes, Rosie Edelman, Betty Sedlank, Louise Byppes, Peggy Robman, Bev McGeorge, Janice Wiles, Dee Hutton, Sara Starns, Colleen McGuire, Joan Bohl, Chris Kolbo and Donna Lee appeared before the student body in the order named. Each led the crowd in a short cheer. After each candidate had led a cheer, all the girls appeared on the stage and received a big hand from the audience. Ballots distributed before the meeting began, were left with the doormen as the crowd filed out. Those elected were: Dee Hutton, Plattsmouth; J,anice Wiles, Plattsmouth; Yvonne Funkhouser, Shenandoah; Peggy Robinson, Tecumseh; and Beverly Gerdes, Auburn.
ORIENTATION FOR 1956-'5 A BIG SUCCESS (Continued from page 1) finishing with their physical ams and touring the campus. The freshman girls attende "get acquainted meeting'' in lounge of Morgan Hall at 3 Miss Elaine Spier, President ::wv-·---the Women's Student Ass tion, presided and Miss Jua Bradley, Associate Dean of dents, made an informal During this time, the men finishing their physical ex and taking tours of the cam At 4:00 p.m., the freshman went to the Oak Bowl to obs football. practice. In the evening at 7:00 a m was shown for all students in Auditorium. Tuesday, September 4th At 3:00 the freshmen be registering in the Gymnasi and the registration process t up most of the day. A party for the freshman g was held in room 312 of Campus School at 4:25. This ty was arranged by Miss E Weare, Associate Professor Home Economics. In the evening at 7 :00 the College Mixer was held in Gymnasium. Q;).mes, danc' music, and r~fres~ents w enjoyed by all. Mr. Robert Mo Head of the Division of Lan Arts, and his committee responsible for this entert ment. Wednesday, September 5th Most of Wednesday was ta up by getting books, finis registration, getting settled the dormitories, and the my activities of a new school yea At 7:00 p.m., the Student Co cil played host to the stud body at a watermelon feast. Wednesday was also the the old students returned to campus for registration. Thursday, September 6th Adams. E Classes began at 7:50 a.m. Adams, L 10:30 a brief convocation for **Adarm. R students was held in the Au Allen, Ro torium. President Gomon w Anderson corned the students and m Annan, G routine announcements; then i\~L Lai introduced the entire faculty Arends, I the students. A.st. Joar At 8:00 p.m., the final event Axt Rol; the orientation program t Aringtor;, place in the Auditorium. A v &.!oun, ! iety show was presented b;y ~km an, students and the show was a &dnar,' All numbers received great Heit Rot plause and encores were quent. This show was directed Mr. J. D. Levitt, Associate P fessor of English. A detailed count of this show appears al Bohlken. where in this issue of The Pe Bookwalt gogian. Kansas "A life spent worthily sho be measured by deeds, not yea -Sheri
DAWSON · COLE Firearms for Sale or Trade Hand Loads
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'IERDALL ;contil
Our Biggest Year
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand
Barbara, Peru Lucille, Peru Randall, Tabor, Iowa Allen, Robert, Tecumseh Anderson, Gary, Hamburg, Ia. Annan, Gary, Coin, Iowa Apel, Larry, Falls City Arends, Duane, Manley Ast, Joanne, Humboldt Axt, Rolan, Scottsbluff Richard, Stella Baloun, Betty, Hebron Beckman, Jerry, Diller Bednar, Val Jean, Wymore Bell, Robert, Nebraska City Bentzinger, Eleanor, Cook Bergsten, Marvin, Red Oak, Ia. Bertram, Janet, Falls City Bohl, Joan, Howe Bohlken, Robert, Talmage Bookwalter, John, Lawrence, Kansas Bosworth, Robert, Nebraska City Bryant, Robert, Oberlin, Ohio Buterbaugh, Gerald, Nebraska City Campbell, Gene, Tecumseh Carmen, Joyce, Cook Carre, Larry, Rockford Chambers, Barbara, Seward Clark, William, Howe Cole, Judith, Nebraska City Colson, Jeanette, Dawson ordell; Mark, Nebraska City ox, Viola, Peru arter, F. Ann, Falls City *Dahmke, Merrily, Syracuse DeVries, Paul, Douglas Dickerson, Douglas, Sumner uglas, Dareld, Peru Duder, Ruth, Table Rock Dyke, Warren, Thurman, Iowa Eheler, Wesley, Auburn lers, Arnold, Nebraska City Eveland, E. Carrol, Peru J('aller, Karl, Falls City Fisher, Karen, Pacific Junction, · Iowa fisher, Robert, Falls City French, Joan, Douglas Forney, Terry, Tabor, Iowa (Continued in next issue)
· ...
Peru Pedagogian PERU, NEBRASKA
eru State Proudly Presents er Biggest Freshman Class ts are in this year's recordking freshman class. ost of the freshmen are from braska, but Iowa sends us 24 Kansas sends two. Robert bey of Arkport, New York the distinction of coming m the greatest distance. Grant wrence of Winona, Minnesota mes from farthest north. The freshmen who have been earing in kangaroo courts undergoing the traditional eption of freshmen by uppersmen may be beginning to 1 that they are insignificant. ally they are very welcome w members of the college famand we all want to meet them. o here they are with their. e towns listed. Those with asterisks before their namt.,;,, e been enrolled here or elseere but are still freshmen th less than 26 college credits. . e with one asterisk before :their names first enrolled in the summer of '56.The list furnished by Mr. F. H. Larson, registrar, completed September 10 and ludes 114 men and 32 womA few students whose names ~;po not appear on this list have ~'tmrolled since this appeared. ~' The Pedagogian, o~ behalf of j.the entire college, wishes to exd a cordial welcome to the
Oaks,-·~ ·~-·'.
SEPTEMBER 28, 1956
Our Best Year
Peru Enrollment Tops Five Hundred Establishing New Post-War Record Five hundred and three students are regularly attending classes here. This is the largest enrollment in the post-war history of Nebraska State College, of Peru. Mr. F. H. Larson, registrar, reported the following figures which are free from duplication. There are 503 regular students, 311 men and 192 women. Freshmen Two hundred and seven freshmen are enrolled, 115 men and 92 women. Sophomores One hundred and twenty-four sophomores are here, 68 men and 56 women. Ju~s
Eighty-seven · juniol• are enrolled, 61 men and 26. women: Seniors Eighty-four seniors are here, 66 men and 1s··~n.
Five lovely young ladies lead the cheering here. Elected by the student body, :the girls are fr()ln left to right: Deanna Hutton, Janice Wiles, Yvonne Funkhouser, Peggy Robinson and Beverly Gerdes.
Pre-Colorado Pep Meeting A live pep assembly was held the morning of Sept. 13 in ·the College Auditorium. After a couple of numbers by the band, Yvonne Funkhouser and her four cheer leaders led the audience in "Fite, Fite, Fite." Yvonne then introduced Coach Wheeler, who received an ovation from .the crowd. Coach Wheeler said, "I don't know what the team will do, but we'll find out. I hope we will be good. The boys have worked hard. Colorado State is a big school with an enrollment of three thousand, but with the support of this enthusiastic crowd, I think we can give a good account of ourselves." Then Coach Wheeler introduced the entire squad, each man getting a big hand from the crowd. Coach Wheeler then introduced his staff: Bill Albright and Verian Rumbaugh, fr es h m en coaches; and Assistant Coaches Mcintire and Stemper. The band played the Color Song so the freshmen could hear the tune, and then the band repeated the song with the audience singing. The cheer leaders led the crowd in "Yea Bobcats" with the band playing. Coach Wheeler introduced Professor R. D. Moore, a cheer leader of no mean ability, who started the freshmen cheering "Bobcats." Moore pretended to be somewhat unsatisfied with the performance of the freshmen, so he called on the old students to give the same cheer. He thought the old students did somewhat better than the frosh but was still not satisfied, so he called on the entire audience for the same ·cheer. This he considered somewhat better than the earlier performances, but he was still not satisfied. Finally he called on the whole audience, including the faculty, and the band on the stage for a rousing rendition of "Bobcats." The resultant din seemed to please him.
Homecoming Is The Date Of Uniqoe Play "The Night of January 16th" is the homecoming play selection of the Peru State College Dramatics Club, according to R. D. Moore, language arts division head. Written by Ayn Rand and first produced on Broadway in 1935, the play will be presented by the Peru group at 7 p.m., Saturday, October 20 in the College Auditorium. Strictly speaking, this is a play without a heroine, but Yvonne Funkhouser, a sophomore from Shenandoah, has been chosen for the leading feminine role, that of Karen Andre, defendant in the murder trial. The principal male role, that of the prosecuting attorney, will be taken by Roger Haigh, a senior from Peru. Other members of the cast include: Romona Ogle, Humboldt; Dave Longfellow, Peru; Bill Lars o n, Peru; Lorraine Johnson, Stanton, Iowa; Richard Corwine, Blair; Ruth Linscheid, Peru; Ross Munn, Ohiowa; Al Winseman, Stella; Franci Stilwell, Palmyra. Marvin Wuster, D a w,s on; Franklin Pederson, Riverton, Iowa; Kay Phillips, Nebraska City; Donna Gaer, Kirkman, Iowa; Marshall Norris, Aurora, Colo.; Lois Bush, Gothenburg; Phil Neuhalfen, Dunbar; Rex Filmer, Peru; Christine Kolbo, Omaha; Gerald Olberding, Steinauer. Twelve other important cast mem hers will be selected by lots from the audience the night of the performance. They are the jury, who will listen to the evidence and render the verdict on which will depend which of the two endings written for the play will be used.
"Public instruction should be the first object of government." -Napoleon
Bob Norton Heads '56 Student Body Bob Norton, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Norton of Falls City, Nebraska, is the President of Student Council this year. Bob has been a very hard worker in the school activities and clubs. Bob was a member of the Student Council last year. He was president of the Junior class and president of th e Commercial Club. Bob has been a member of the Blue Devils, the "P" Club, and was a dorm council representative. Bob's major is in Business Education and his minor is Social Science and Geography. Bob likes all sports. He has been a two year letterman in basketball, and enjoys football, tennis and golf. Council Plans As president of the Student Council, Bob wants to do everything in his power to make this year the best Peru has ever had. The Student Council consists of representatives from each class and is supervised by two faculty sponsors. These representatives serve on various faculty committees. They work with ideas to improve the college. One of the projects for this year is to get the cheer leaders new uniforms. They have already made plans to take the victory bell off the gym and place it in the center of the campus. The Student Council sponsored the talent show, the watermelon feed, convocations, and worked hard on the Freshman handbook. They will sponsor the Homecoming festivities, the May Fete program, ·and many other college functiong. . Council Members The members of the Student Council are as follows: Bob Norton, President; Bill Albright, Vice President; Tom Moen, Senior Representative; Fran Larson and Ray Ehlers, Members at Large; and Jim Jones, Sophomore Representative. The Stu-
Ninety people are enrolled in correspondence course, and forty people are taking evening courses on the campus. Veterans Ninety veterans are currently enrolled, 89 of them being men and one a woman. Post-gradua:te There is one post-graduate student enrolled. 633 Students Served Not counting off campus courses, and not counting the students in the Campus School, the college is serving 663 students. Night Classes Eighty-three people, seven men and 76 women, are taking night courses. Seven of these students are doing · graduate work. Nine night classes are currently in session. Total of 1.000 Conservatively speaking, the college is serving a thousand people if we include the Campus School and all branches of the college.
Post Game Dance A dance was held after the football game in the recreation room of Eliza Morgan Hall, September the 14th. The dance was sponsored by the dorm council. The chaperones were Miss Bradley, Miss Fulton, and Dr. and Mrs. Boraas. The admission was a dime. The students danced to records. There was a very good turn out and every one had a good time. The dorm council is hoping to sponsor more dances after the ball games in the future.
dent Council is short six members and will meet Thursday, September 20, to make nominations. Candidates will be voted on by the student body the following Thursday. The students will elect one senior representative, two junior representatives, one sophomore representative, and two freshman representatives. The Student Council has been working very hard to make this a good year for the students. The Council will need the support of the students, so let's everybody help to make this the best year we've ever had.
to work on The Pedagogian will get in touch with us soon. We'll find you a job."
The Voice of ihe Campus of a Thousand Oaks September 28, 1956 THE STAFF David Longfellow ___________________________________ Editor ·Ed Williamson _____________ .______________ Business Manager Ruth Linscheid ____________________________ Activities Editor Ralph Hill ___________________________________ Sports Editor Ron McKinney ______________________ Campus School Editor Dwight Safar ____________________________ "Exchange Editor Sharon Reagan ____________________ Language Arts Reporter Lois Bush _______________________________________ Columnist Jean Thimgen __________________________ Fine Arts Reporter Harold Norris _____________________________________ Reporter Donna Gaer _______________________ Alumni and Mailing List Donald Cole-------~------------------C--------Contributor. Bob Moore-----------------------------~-------Contributor Stewart Linscheid __________________________________ Sponsor
Chamber of Commerce Values Education "Is college worth the time, the effort, and the expense?" That is the question that occurs to everyOJle who attends college. College is very worthwhile if we may believe the United States Chamber of Commerce leaflet entitled How's Business? The educated farmer produces $10,000 a year and up, but the farmer with less than an eighth . grade education produces less than $1,200 a year. And we quote: "High school and college graduates operate 57 3 of all the farms producing $10,000 and more per year. Those with an eighth grade graduation or less operate 843 of the farms producing less than $1,200." The Chamber of Commerce leaflet states that good schools mean higher production and higher personal incomes, and quotes figures: "Among all those with incomes of $10,000 a year or more, the median years schooling is 13.5. Among those earning $1,000 or less, the average schooling is 7.5. years." Apparently good schools, high income, and a desire to buy mean higher retail sales. "Average retail sales were $1,100 per capita in 19 cities with average educational level of 11-12 years. Average retail sales were $917 per capita in eleven comparable cities with an average educational level of 8-9 years."
NOTICE TO STUDENT CAR OWNERS Off-campus parking areas for student cars are adequate and well-marked. Restricted areas such as stalls behind the Administration Buildings, east of the Industrial Arts Building, and the Visitors and Faculty parking area north of the campus are well-known and well-marked. Students may use all of the new parking north of the Music Hall except the few stalls east of the North Gate. A dear passage must be kept at all times south of the Infirmary. The nurse's car must not be blocked in at any time. This is an emergency vehicle and must be available, either materials or dormitory. In order to stimulate observance of regulations, all student cars found in restricted areas at any time will be tagged and reported to the Bursar's office. For each such report the Bursar will deduct one dollar ($1.00) from whatever materials or dormitory. These restricted areas are needed for a purpose or they would not be set aside. Please cooperate · by staying out of these areas. Neal S. Gomon, President
Educated people are well informed. "States where the average schooling is 11-12 years have three times the number of magazine subscriptions per 1,000 population as the' states where the level is 7-8 years." Educated people take responsible dtizenship action. "Fifty-two percent of the college educated take an active part in political affairs: 16 3 of the grade school educated. Only 183 of the college educated are completely inactive; but 51 3 of the grade school educated." In 195'3 a study found that ten nations ranked exactly the same on percent of literacy and per capita income. The U. S. Chamber of Commerce leaflet concludes that education is a tremendous asset and that the United States is not spending enough on schools. Although we spend 283 of our national income on taxes, only 2.5 3 on education. The leaflet concludes by asking a pertinent question: "Can an economy giving 28 3 of income to taxes provide more than 2.53 for public education?"
Pedagogian Staff Now Organized Staff members for the year were elected in a meeting held September 19 in The Pedagogian office. The staff will be headed by David Longfellow, this year's editor. David has had considerable experience working on The Pedagogian in the past and he has a sincere interest in promoting the program of this college. Staff members are: David Longfellow, Editor. Ed Williamson, Business Manager. Ruth Linscheid, Activites Editor. Ralph Hill, Sports Editor. Ron McKinney, Campus School Editor. Dwight Safar, Exchange Editor Sharon Reagan, Language Arts Reporter. Lois Bush, Columnist. Jean Thimgen, Fine Arts Reporter. Harold Norris, Reporter. Donna Gae\, Alumni and Mailing List. Donald Cole, Contributor. Bob Moore, Contributor. Stewart Linscheid, Sponsor. A journalism club will be formed by the above students and officers will be elected. The purposes of this club will be social as well as journalistic. The first project of the staff, aside from the regular one of getting out The Pedagogian, will probably be a visit on the campus of the University of Nebraska, where the staff will meet members of the staff of the university student paper and will visit the Uniyersity of Nebraska Press. Editor Longfellow says, "We hope that any of you who wish
Pedagogian Publication Dates The following is a !is t of publication dates for '56-'57. Pedagogian deadlines for copy must always be at least four days before the date of publication because of the time loss in mailing copy to Sterling. September 14, 28 October 12, 20 November 2, 16, 30 December 14 January 18 February 1, 15 March 1, 15, 29 April 12, 26 May 10, 24
Monkeyshines In Kangaroo Court Here Kangaroo court was h e 1d Thursday, September the 13th, in the Auditorium, at 7:30 p.m. It was a very clever initiation for the freshman students. Jerry Ludwik was the judge; Tom Percell the defense attorney; Tom Moen the prosecuting attorney. The bailiffs were Cliff Boline and Hoot Gibson. The members of the jury were Gail Peterson, Betsy Hartman, Pat Kelly, Yvonne Funkhouser, Bill Almond, Ray Ehlers, Tom Eastman and Jim Bennett. The freshmen were accused of crazy things · like not brushing their teeth, sleeping on the football field, not wearing their beanies, etc. A few examples .of their penalties were: two girls had to polish a pair of shoes with their noses; Ol'\l: person had to model a pair of ,shorts and sell several pairs· on~ boy had to attend classe~ dressed in woman's clothes all day Friday. Everyone enjoyed Kangaroo Court. The freshmen had as much fun as the upper classmen. Kangaroo court was scheduled again for Tuesday, September the 18th, at 7:30 p.m. in the Auditorium.
X-Ray Tests September the 18th and 19th the T.B. X-ray Mobile was here'. Each year the school department of health will give all cooperative schools the service of their T.B. unit. College students are in the age group where they are more acceptable to T.B. than at any other age. · A test showing that a person is free from T.B. is necessary before one can teach in the Nebraska school system. The Department of Certification will let anyone use the result of the T.B. service for this purpose. All students who plan at the end of tli.is year to teach should save the card which they will receive in three weeks. This card will give the result of this x-ray for a credential to present to the doctor who gives them the required physical examination when they apply for their teaching certificates. This will save them at least ten dollars. There were 615 persons who went through the unit. This includes a little over 90% of the student body ..There was a 1003 attendance by those who handle food at the college cafeteria, the snack bar, and the school lunch
room. MEET YOUR '56 LIBRARY STAFF The regular librarians are assisted this year by the following students Mary Ann Fuerst, Doris Winter, Richard Funkhouser Robert Chard, David Longfellow: Dick Corwine and Bill Larson. All of the stud en ts are quali-
Of course. Most everyone does-often. Because a few moments over ice-cold Coca-Cola refresh you so. It's sparkling with natural goodness, pure and wholesome-and naturally friendly to your figure. Feel like having a Coke? BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY Of THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY
NEBRASKA CITY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. "Coke" is a registered trade·mark.
fled to help in the library because they have had a special training course designed for library assistants.
Fine Arts Plans For Active Year By Jean Thimgan Victor H. Jindra, Head of the Fine Arts Division, has great hopes for the choral and instrumental programs, which boast a total of thirty-four music majors this year. Following are some of the current activities and prospects in view for the Music Department this year. Chorus Dr. Darryl T. Manring, Associate Professor of Voice, is pleased with the prospects for the year of his eighty voice college chorus. This year he plans to do a contemporary work, "Missa Brevis" by Zoltan Kodaly, using a for;y voice concert choir. A concert tour next spring is also proposed. The first appearance of this group will be on October 7, climaxing a united church canvass drive in Peru. Band The Peru State College Band, under the direction of Dr. Grindle, was featured in the halftime performance at the Peru versus Central Missouri football game on September 21. The theme "Miss Liberty," was portrayed by' Miss Yvonne Funkhouser, who was es~orted onto the field by the band twirlers. The freshmen students of the college, together with the White Angels, marched onto the field wearing red, white and blue beanies. With precision marching, they formed a shield. The band will perform this year, as in previous years, at the ·Talmage, Nebraska "Purple· and White Day," which marks their
homecoming festivities on tember 28. Orchestra The orchestra is slated to form at the Homecoming p entitled "The Night of Janu tb£ final gui 16," which is to be presented a Cole October 20 at 8:00 p.m. Sev ln all 35 1 of the orchestra members present recitals in the month come. Ron Noltensmeyer present a trombone recital, Da Miller, cornet, Mrs. Easter organ, and a senior in school, Miss Judy Miller, present a violin recital. The d of these and any other reci not mentioned are tentative. raise1 orga1 ~ble, we lE FILMS SHOWN The star Mr. Glen Sheely, audio-vis '!!Plendor ar director, reports that the film ~xp!osive c brary has been moved to mis.bing t! main floor of the campus sch !me- It wa Films from outside sour ~the er shown in September were: Miracle of Reproduction, How We won Catch a Cold, Concert for Clou ~yers fe' Mightier Than the Sword ftem their Island: Newfoundland, Ho~ ;W!:ty man Raise a Boy, Human Beginnin white. Aw Human Development, Using Classroom Film. Human Grow At Vere and Learning to Understa • Jie!d Mar Children, parts one and two
ORIENTATION IN LIBRAR Miss Carey gave instruction how to use the library to pr tically all freshmen on Septe ber 17, 18 and 19. The Engli composition students of Grayson received orientation the seventeenth and eighteen those of Mr Levitt and Mr. L' scheid on the nineteenth. ·Instructions were given on use of the card catalog and use of various departments of library. FreshmeIJ now know at le something of how to use Per fin< collection of 65,000 volum
German < c,p;s." Th ~a sin : ••~rts
·. C-01.orado ~Bear~
•for a the game Our ve ~much
i!:rowd t mrougho hand me 00:r best p Pepp what v:e her"· Die
Bobcats Claw Bears For 13-0 Opening Victory Off to a roaring start in their 1956 season with a 13-0 win from the Colorado State Bears of Greeley last Friday night, the Peru State Bobcats are working out for their second home game Thursday night (Oct. 20). Next opponent will be another out-of-state team-Central Missouri State of Warrensburg. For Coach Lew Comer's "Mules" it will be the season opener, making their team more or less an unknown quantity. Last year the Warrensburg aggregation recorded a five-win, three-loss season. In last Friday's opener the Bobcats scored in the first four minutes of play after marching for four first downs to the Colorado 11. It was a pitchout from quarterback Sid Brown of Peru to halfback Del Stoltenberg of Nebraska City that was the scoring play. The extra point kick by David City's Jack Gilmore failed. The second Bobcat TD was scored in the waning minutes of second quarter after a brilliant passing attack sparked by receiver Bob Bryant, freshman halfback of Peru. The TD. came on a hand-off by Brown to fullback Pat Novacek of Tekamah. The extra point kicked by Gary Adams, Falls City sophomore halfback, was good, and the score stood 13-0. Only scoring threat by the Bears came in the fourth quarter. During the first eight minutes of the period Joe Lindahl's Coloradoans had marched through three first downs from their 13yd. line to the Peru 13, only to have a fumble recovered by Peru center Tom Moen of Bellevue. In the final play of the game with the Bears in possession of the pigskin deep in Peru territory a 15-yard penalty was assessed the Bobcats and the officials placed the ball on the Peru one yard line. The play, run after the final gun had fired, failed to make a Colorado tally. In all 35 Peruvians saw action.
Asides on Colorado State-Peru Game
any peppier or prettier tnan our cheer leaders? These girls make it easy for us to get enthusiastic about yelling. But remember, guys, you are supposed to be yelling for the team and wolf whistles are verboten. Few Penalties Peru drew only two penalties during the whole game, one offside and one holding. Evidently our coaches don't believe in giving away y.ardage via the penalty route. Unlucky Number Is 13 an unlucky number? Perhaps for Colorado, yes. But we liked the numbers on the score board: Peru 13-Colorado State O. Things To Come We don't know much about. the record of Central State College of Missouri for this year. Last year the Central Staters won five and dropped three. Prophecy Only fools make prophecies, so here goes a prediction. The game with Colorado State reveals that the Wheeler-men have plenty of power. We think the Bobcats will be very, very good this year against any competition. Like all of you, we hope the Bobcats win every game. Criticism We don't have any. In the season opener our boys looked good, and with more practice, they'll look even better. A Matter of Size Colorado State has three thousand students; we have a few over five hundred. The moral of the football victory is that success is not just a matter of size.
Peru Preps Top Weeping Water By 14-6 Score The Peru Prep Bobkitt~ns played goo~ hard fundamental football and added a few fancy licks as they downed the Weeping Water Indians 14-6 on Friday, September 21 in the Oak Bowl. Coach Virgil Dezwarte's 'Kittens used the first scrimmage play of the second quarter to make a touchdown on a 38-yard pass from Ron Brock to Dave Stevenson. Quarterback Brock added the extra point and Peru led, 7-0. Seven minutes later Weeping Water moved to the one-yard line, where Phil Rhodes sneaked over for six. The Bobkittens stopped a running try for point, and the half ended with Peru in front, 7-6. A college-type reverse play on a punt return worked as Stevenson took the kick and handed off to Rex Rains, who rambled 75 yards for a T.D. Throwing a key block on the play was Jerry Henning. Brock's talented toe added the extra point and the Pi;epsters breezed the rest of the way. Peru Prep's next game is with the Sidney, Iowa Cowboys in the Oak Bowl on September 28.
Ku do s, congratulations, orchids, et certera to whoever thought up the idea of having the rocket display as the color1 guard raised Old Glory. The veterans' organizations were responsible, we learn, for this display. The star shells burst with splendor and the bombs with an explosive clap like a Peru back crashing through the Colorado line. It was a splendid display and the crowd loved it. Psychology We \\'.Onder how the Colorado players felt when disembarking from their bus they saw the big sixty man squad in blue and white. Awed a bit, perhaps? History? At Verdun in World War I, Field Marshal Foch, or Petain or somebody, said of the advancing German army, "They shall not pass." The Bobcats must have had a similar sentiment in their htc>rts when they threw the Colorado Bears for a loss when the Bears needed only inches to The student body elected five go for a TD on the last play of lovely girls as its cheerleaders. the game. We'll be seeing a lot of these Music girls so we should get acquainted Our very good band contribut- with them. . ed much to the pleasuri? of the Head cheerleader is Yvonne crowd by its spirited playing Funkhouser, a sophomore from throughout the game. ThanJt you, Shenandoah. band members, for being a)nong The other yell leaders are: Deour best morale builders. anna Hutton and Janice Wiles, P~PPY Pulchritude both of Plattsmouth and both Peppl pulchritude-.'...that's freshmen; and: sophomores Peggy what we have plenty of! around Robinson of Tecumseh, and BevheP' Did you ever see, five girls erly Gerdes of Auburn.
Cheerleaders Elected
Central's Passes Peru's Fumbles Cost the Bobcats By Don Carlile A brilliant passing a t ta c k sparked by Central Missouri's quarterback J oh n McFarland plus three Peru State fumbles summarize the 28-14 win scored by the Missouri school over the Bobcats Thursday night at the Oak Bowl. Central Missouri's first tally came midway in the-ii.rst quarter on a right end run from the Peru 5 by McFarland. The placement by Bob Cross was good. The Mules scored twice in the second quarter. Halfback Norman Brooks, in an end run from the Peru 15 scored the second TD. Fullback Benny Fennell made the placement good. A McFarland pass to end Robert Irvin accounted for the Mules' second TD in the second quarter. The placement tally was scored by Joe Beckman. In the third quarter the third TD for the Warrensburg crew came when Norman Brooks scooted across the goal line from the Peru 8. With the placement by Robert Cross, the score stood 28-0. With three minutes and 26 seconds remaining in the third quarter, the Bobcats scored on a screen pass from the Missouri 8 by quarterback Del Stoltenberg of Nebraska City to halfback Buddy Bookwalter, a Lawrence, Kans., freshman. Placement by Gary Adams of Falls City was good and the score stood 28-7. The final Bobcat tally, with nine minutes and 19 seconds remaining in the game, was hard to come by. Peru State gained possession on the Mules 18 when gtard Jerry Ludwig of Bellevue re'!;overed the Mules' only lost fumble of the contest. After a passing attack with Stoltenberg quarterbacking, the ball rested on the one yard line with goal to go. It wasn't until the fourth down that Bookwalter managed to climb over the Missouri line for the TD. Before pay dirt was reached, in earlier downs of the series, the ball had rested on the six-inch line and was fumbled once and recovered. The kick by Gary Adams was good. Scoring by Quarters: Central MissourL.7 14 7 0-28 Peru ____________ o O 7 7-14 Cen. Statistics: Peru Mo. First downs --------- 13 19 Yds. rushing -------- 132 214 Yds. passing --------- 54 138 Total yardage ------- 186 352 Penalty yardage ____ 50 110 Passes attempted ____ 9 12 Passes completed ____ 5 9 Intercepted by ______ 0 2 Ball lost on fumbles__ 3
REVISED 1956 PERU FOOTBALL ROSTER Jersey No. Name 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
53 54 54
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 72 73 74 75
77 78 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 90
Home Town
Libbey, Bob Dickerson, Doug Koenig, Jerome Gess, Bob Klaasmeyer, John Rydberg, Wayne Weber, Keith Feistner, James Roddy, Don Palmer, Ron Gutsch, John Mullins, Jerry Niemeier, Don Ruzicka, Raymond Raper, Bob McGinnis, Lee Adams, Gary Beckman, Jerry Anderson, Gary Eastman, Tom Lincoln, John Huggett, Ray Henry, Robert Aranza, Ralph Kapperman, Dick Norris, Harold Noah, Bob Knipplemeyer, Marv Liewer, Kelly Wagner, Ron Ludwig, Jerry Ludwig, John Ely, Robert Humphrey, Bob Novacek, Pat Stoltenberg, Del Brown, Sid Ruby, Riley Rosenquist, Darwin Rosenquist, Jim Johnson, Dale McCain, Earl Ehlers, Ray Bookwalter, Buddy Hart, Henry Moen, Tom Heywood, Glen Lamb, Keith McFarland, Wayne Hamel, Don Hopkins, Larry Smith, Bruce Grancer, Jerry Gibson, Doug Percell, Tom Bryant, Bob Gilmore, John Sacks, John Minchow, Wayne McAdams, Bill Krumme, Charles Madison, Ernie
Wt. Pos. Gr.
Arkport, N. Y. 6 225 Sumner 6 167 Ewing 5-8 187 Louisville 5-8 180 Brock 5-10 165 Essex, ·Iowa 5-5 150 Tecumseh 6 182 Nebraska City 5-10 190 Union 5-9 180 Tekamah 6 170 Chicago 5-10 180 Salem 5-10 180 DeWitt 5-10 160 Verdigre 6 175 Burchard 5-10 190 Coin, Iowa 5-11 180 Falls City 5-9 160 Diller 6-1 · 150 Hamburg, Iowa 5-9 170 Chicago, Ill. 6 180 Bradshaw 6-2 225 Bertrand 6-2 230 Minneapolis, Kans. 6 170 Omaha 6-2 185 Fairbury 6-2 210 Lincoln 6-2 185 Auburn 6 200 Table Rock 6-1 190 Unalakeet, Alaska 5-8 175 Dawson 6 185 Bellevue 6 185' Bellevue 6 175 Fairmont 5-9 170 Auburn 6-3 195 Tekamah p7 210 Nebraska City 5-11 \165 Peru 6-1 185 Tecumseh 6-3 188 Essex, Iowa 5-10 178 Essex, Iowa.~·.··.. ;oh., 186 Table Rock ~ 190 Tecumseh 6 220 Syracuse 6-2 190 Lawrence, Kans. 5-10 169 Red Oak, Iowa 6 175 Bellevue 5-10 175 Peru 6 190 Wymore 6 225 Sumner 5-10 155 Fullerton 6-2 195 Guthrie Center, Ia. 5-11 225 Coin, Iowa 6-5 225 Beatrice 5-10 175 Falls City 6-2 178 Falls City 5-9 180 Peru 6-1 225 David City 6-1 18.0 Lincoln 6-1 190 Table Rock 6 185 Peru 6-1 215 Red Oak, Iowa 6-4 210 Adair, Iowa 6-1 210
Trade at Hill's and Save COMPLETE LINE OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES Papermate
Shaeffer Pens
Scripto Pens and Pencils REVLON COSMETICS And Nationally Advertised Cosmetics See Us for KODAKS and SUPPLIES The new BROWNIE MOVIE CAMERA, now $29.95
Peru Preps Humble Humboldt 13·6 The Bobkittens started their season with a 13-6 win over Humboldt. The Bobkittens made a total of 168 yards from scrimmage. , Humboldt scored first with a 72-yard return of a pass interception early in the first quarter, but failed to make the extra point. Near the end of the second quarter Peru scored and made the extra point, making the score Peru 7, Humboldt 6 at the half. After a slow third quarter, Peru scored again in the fourth quarter when Jerry plunged seven yards for the final T.D. of the game. Peru starters were: Patterson, Crabtree, Reeves, Dallam, Bohlk e n , Railsback, Zimcehelson, Brock, Ranis and Stevenson.
See Our NEW FRESH TOASTED NUT CASE Nuts Always Warm and Fresh
Peru, Nebr.
School Supplies
Priced Right for the Student
Fr. So. Jr. Fr. So. Fr. So. So. Fr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Fr. Fr. Fr. So. Fr.
Fr. Jr. So. Sr. Fr. So. Sr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Sr. Jr. Jr. Sr. So. Sr. So. Sr. So. Jr. Sr. So. Jr. Jr. Jr. Fr. Jr. Sr. Jr. So. Fr. Fr. So. So. Sr. Jr. Sr. Fr:. Sr. Fr. Sr. So. Sr. Fr.
Campus School Has Opening Meeting Of P.T.A; Organization
Big Band Plans Active Program By Dwight Safar
shades of blue. Their huge bi.tlle· with qolorado State saw the dedtin boards carry out the · theme, ication of the new flag pole, and a blue coat rack (used for which W!l.s furnished by the studifferent purposes now) is a nov- dent council. Marking the dedication was a fire-works display. el addition. The color guard from the Vets The iron door joining the second floors of Mt. Vernon and Organization for both the ColoEliza Morgan Halls is closed rado State and the Central Misagain, alas. The girls in Mt. Ver- souri games was Albert Winsenon made the great exodus to man, Stella; Roger Russell, Peru; Eliza Morgan, leaving Mom Para- Kenny Sands, Beatrice; and Gilbert Swanson, Ceresco. dise to "her boys" again. "To the Colors" was played by Gail has learned the words to a new song. Last year, late at the trumpet section of the band, night, it was "My -Uncle Bill." and was immediately followed This year it looks very much as by the "Star Spangled Banner." if it will be "I'm In the J ailhouse Now." Girls went to bed a little dewyHOMECOMING eyed one night after about a dozRemember Homecoming day is en men serenaded on the front lawn. Every window was filled Saturday, October 20. with heads of the very appreciative girls. It was good to see three of last year's dorm residents, Mick, Sands and Shirley, who visited Peru the week-end of the opening game. In the process of organization Kay Phillips is sporting a the yearbook staff has chosen brand-new diamond. Her fiance "Pi;ogress" as the theme for the is Dick Stock of Nebraska City. 1956-57 Peru vi a n. Motivating Donna and Betsy found a raththe choice is the improvement of er unusual "key" in their door the college, both in the physic~l when they came home the other plant and the academic field. night. Also several beds were Subjects which will probably short-sheeted. Dee Thomas and be emphasized are the housing Gail were prowling around with projects, both the faculty housa suspicious gleam in their eyes, which may have indicated guilt. The late hour card parties haven't gained last year's popularity yet, but Ann Carter had beginner's luck at one of the latest and thoroughly beat Pat HYKLAS Kelly. Yes, the dorm is hopping again! Groceries Who knows what may happen at Eliza Morgan before the next Fruits deadline?
Nearly fifty students are play"The real reason for P.T.A. is ing with the band. The band has the advancement of a better ed- played at every football game and shall play at- all games durucational program for children, ing the season. not the· edification and entertainAfter football season is over, ment of adults," said Dr. Neal S. the band will become a concert Gomon, President of Peru State band and will give a concert for Teachers College, i:q. his opening the student body sometime beremarks to the P.T.A. members fore the Christmas holidays. of the Campus School. He voiced Charles Owen is .drum major, the concern felt by P.T.A. officand majorettes are Gaylene Wilers about poor attendance on the son, Marjorie Peckham and Janpart of parents, stating, "Attendance at P.T.A. meetings is an op- ice Gottula: Bandsmen are: portunity as well as an obligaJanet Cotton tion for parents." Alice Phillips President Gomon pointed out Dick Funkhauser that the progress and maintenMaig Thomas ance of the Campus School Grace Hannaford should be seriously considered at Bill Larson this time because the contracts Betty Faenzler between the school districts and Harriet Parkison the college expire this year. Art Lindahl Dr. Gomon also explained the Phil Farlander changes in assignments made ne.Barbara Chambers cessary by the resignations of Phil Neuha!fen Dr. Mullinix and Dr Weresh. He Judy Cole then introduced Mr. Eddy, EleJanice Jahn mentary Principal, who in turn Janet Bertram introduced the elementary suMary Ruzicka pervisors; and Mr. Van Pelt, Fred Regnier Principal of the High School, Joyce Carmen who introduced the high school Marilyn Tucker supervisors. Student teachers Richard Kumpf were introduced by Dr. Russell Jerry Owen Holy, Acting Head of the Divi" Lois Rowe sion of Education. Dick Sietsema Following a brief business Larry Miller meeting and approval of the Jim Ackerman budget, group singing was led by Rose Pfeiter Mr. Manring. Then the meeting Lester Miller was adjourned by Mrs. R. D. Gene Campbell Moore, District President o f Don Gibson P.T.A. Ron Noltensmeir Coffee, soft drinks and cookies Lawrence Eikhoff were served by P.T.A. mothers June Hauptman in the cafeteria. Julius Mueller The October 17 meeting will be Dave Miller concerned with legislative matDuaine McKnight ters in which P.T.A. is inte~ested. Tom Higgins Chuck Berry Duane Arends Larry Carre Gilbert Gray Robert Hoback Marilyn Slagle Pat Sheehan A few professors familiar to students of last year are missing as school gets under way at Peru State. Taking a leave of absence is By Lois Bush Joe Littrell of the industrial arts With the beginning of a new dtlpartment. Mr. Littrell is now at the University of Missouri term, the halls of Eliza Morgan are alive with a renewed activity. working toward his doctorate. Dr. Floyd L. Mullinix, former It seemed that the girls had no head of the division of Education sooner unpacked and said "hi" and director of the Campus to each other than Freshman InSchool, has. resigned to take a po- itiation was on full force. Upper sition as Assistant Dean of the classmen were continually tripCollege of Education at Sacra- ping over lines of duck-walking mento State College, Sacramento, frosh or getting out of the way of some eager freshman with an California. Dr. Kent King, popular profes- armload of clothes to iron "on the sor in the education division, has double." The Color Song is still joined the faculty of Mankato echoing in the halls, and a few of State Teachers College, Mankato, the rooms cleaned by slave labor Minnesota. In his new school he will never have it so good! Maxine's engagement to Bob is a member of the division of Moore was celebrated in the traEducation and Psychology. Dr. Ben Collins, former mem- ditional manner. She was ber of Peru's English department, dragged out of bed and uncereis now instructing the students moniously dumped in a tub of of the University of Omaha in his soapy water, while a crowd gathered to watch and congratulate. chosen field of literature. DeAnna, pretending to be Dr. Andrew Weresh has exchanged his office in the Admin- Christian Dior, designed an inter, istration Building for one at esting fish-tail dress made of her Boys' Town, Omaha, Nebraska. 1blue duster. She paraded down His position at Peru was Dean of the hall in fine style, but for some reason refused to wear the the College. Kenneth Heywood, who re- "dress" downstairs. Chris and Bev have gone Chisigned in March, 1956, is now director of Kansas State College nese in a big way. The walls of Foundation. Mr. Heywood · was their room are decorated with the director of Special Services. Chinese prints, fans and parasols; Miss Marguerite Haugen, form- ming trees and figurines add to er Dean of Women and dorm the general effect. There is even counselor, is now Dean of Wom- a tiny parasol on the outside of en at Ball State at Muncie, Indi- their door. Chris reports that ana. Miss Haugen left during the they plan to put a Chinese lansummer session.· tern over their ceiling light. Another effective room belongs Dr. Louise Garrett is now teaching English in Arkansas to Jan and Peg, who have emA. & M. at Monticello, Arkansas. phasized harlequin pr in t in
Former Teachers In New Positions
Shrub Snoops
POLIO SHOTS Sign for your polio vaccine shots now at the infirmary. The deadline is October the 5th. You get the shots at cost, $1.50. You will be given three shots. The first shot should be given at once; the second shot, two to six weeks after the first; the third, seven months to a year after the second shot. This vaccine causes a person to develop polio fighting particles (called antibodies) in his blood stream. Enough antibodies prevent the polio virus from causing paralysis. If people take advantage of the vaccine's protection, we should see a marked decline in paralytic polio. Cold shots are to be given the second week in October at the infirmary. The shot will cost $.50, and will last six months. If you haven't signed for your cold shot, do it today at the infirmary.
Progress Is Theme Of '56-'57 Peruvian
ing and the student housing; the "new look" on the campus, especially in front of Mt. Vernon and Eliza Morgan; and the student body wh~Il h~s hit the 500 mark for the first thne in many years.
HEUER'~ Meats
for rol to wi·
ere beJ for of leg thE
( (
Phone 2141
By Ron McKinney
PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS Any Garmen! Remodeled, Restyled, Repaired Always First in Quality and Workmanship Fur Coats Repaired We call for and deliver Phone 2671. Peru, Nebr.
I I I I I }
I I I }
FLAG RAISING An innovation at Peru State football games is the pre-game flag ceremony provided by the Peru State Organization and the College Band. The opening game
stu I the we mo
Frozen Foods
"Ron's Brief' s" Fats Domino accompanied by Jim Kinghorn played a little "duet" for some of the boys in the dorm. They played "Heartbreak Hotel," "Rock Island Line" and "Hound Dog." Fats is a maestro with piano, guitar and horn. If you miss the gymnastic equipment of your home town Y.M.C.A., wheel yourself down to the room of Carl Faller, Pat Martin, and Eddie Hartman. It is rumored that Kenneth Sands took his annual bath last week. If you know anything about what goes on in Delzell Hall, please tell me so that I can get the dope in the next issue of The Pedagogian.
M. G. Heuer, Owner
ut} leg cor cla
• Radios
Conn Musical Instruments Nebraska City, Nebraska
.. J
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks . . .
Oct. 20
Peru Pedagogian "octoB£R· 12.
Wesleyan ....
The old students and the facuty of Peru State Teachers College have the pleasure of welcoming the biggest freshman ·class since World War II. There are two hundred and seven new students with us. Last week we ran the names of those through the "F's." This week we wish to present some .more of our new friends and fellow students. Those with two asterisks before their names have been enrolled elsewhere before coming to Peru but are still freshmen with less than 26 hours of college credit. Those with one asterisk before their names enrolled here for the first time in the summer of '56. The rest are new students. On the behalf of the entire college, The Pedagogian welcomes the following new students.
Fox, Virgil, Nebraska City Francis, Charles, C o u n c i 1 Bluffs, Iowa Frey, Raymond, Steinauer Fuller, Larry, Brock ••Furrow, Jim, Tekamah Hamel, Donald, Palmer Hartman, Edward, Falls City Hays, Bill, Tec;umseh Hawxby, Milan, Nemaha Heim, Joel, Louisville Henry, Robert, Minneapolis, Kansas Higgins, Tom, Valley Hoffman, Jann, DuBois Hutton, Deanna, Plattsmouth Hill, Ralph, Auburn
Homecoming Plans Near Completion
Meet the Newcomers To Your Campus
Gaer, Donna, Kirkman, Iowa Golden, Jack, Nebraska City Gottula, Janice, Table Rock Grant, Lawrence, Winona, Min. Grieninger, Sharon, Ashland Graves, Robert, .Haddam, Kan.
With the dawn of October 20 , the alumni of Peru State will again be descending on the Campus of a Thousand Oaks. In preparation for this Homecoming Day, the student body is planning its displays and looking forward to a day of excitement and enjoyment. Coffee Hour The first event of the day will be the registration of the alumni and a coffee hour. Heading the committee on coffee is Glen Sheely, ably aided and abetted by Don Carlile, Art Lindahl, Miss Hazel Weare, Dee Jarvis, Miss Lela Lillian Lones, Harold Boraas, and Bob Norton. Coffee hour will begin at 9:00 a.m. and will l.ast ilntil ~any gallons of coffee have beeif consumed.
A typical scene at the reception of President and Mrs. Gomon shows Miss Juanita Bradley serving punch to new .students Joan Ast, Donna Schuster, and Donna Gaer.
Fourth Annual Reception Given by the Gomon' s For Peru's New"Students
·, A reception for freshmen and used as the spokes in the wheel. other new students was held in While a huge sombrero was the home of Dr. and Mrs. Neal S. Gomon on Tuesday afternoon, September the 25th, from 2:00 until 5:00. A profusion of fall flowers decBy Sharon Reagan orated the rooms at the Gomon The trial of Miss Karen Andre home. will be held the twentieth day of Dr. and Mrs. Harold Boraas, October, nineteen hundred and Jackson, Donald, Nebraska Miss Juanita Bradley, Mrs. Ger- fifty-six. trude Fulton, Mrs. Evanelle ParaCity Miss Andre, alias Y v o n n e dise, Mrs. Grizella Balkema, Mrs. Funkhouser is deeply implicated Jahn, Janice, Omaha Jansen, Darlene, Omaha Russel Holy, and Mrs. Lee Low- in the suspicious death of Bjorn Johnson, Carroll, Stanton, Iowa enberg assisted the Gomon's in Faulkner. Mr. Faulkner was a Johnson, Keith, Table Rock making this a lovely occasion. well known figure in the finanJohnson, Shareen, Spencer Miss Bradley, Mrs. Fulton, and cial world. Some hold that his **Jones, Ronald (Max), Nebraska Mrs. Boraas composed the group "transactions" were not always City who served punch and assorted legal. Miss Andre is doubly incookies and nuts in the dining dicted because of her former re**Klein, Ralph, Nebraska City room. A bowl of asters formed lation to Faulkner as his private Kalina, Jo Ann, Table Rock secretary and the sudden loss of the centerpiece. Kehr, Karen, Nemaha Kienker, Delynn, Johnson More than 160 guests attended that position when Mr. Faulkner married the former Miss Nancy Kirkendahl, Sondra, Falls City this lovely affair. Klaasmeyer, John, Brock This is the fourth annual re- Lee Whitfield. Bullets or Fall Knight, Kathryn, Randolph, Ia. ception Dr. and Mrs. Gomon have What evidence there is belies *Knople, Nadine, Peru had for new students of Peru the assumption that Faulkner's **Kohler, Curtiss, Douglas State Teachers College. death was probably caused by Knosp, Anna, Julian The feeling of warm hospitality one or a combination of two Kolbo, Clara, Omaha at this occasion made everyone things, a bullet wound and/or Kopplin, Gail, Sterling feel closer together and happy the fall from the Faulkner buildKritenbrink, Doris, Papillion that the reception is becoming a ing, his luxurious penthouse. Knippelmeyer, Marvin, Table tradition at Peru. Faulkner's body, examined by the Rock ' county medical examiner Dr. Kunkel, Nancy, Falls City Thomas Kirkland, Al Winseman, Larson, Willis (Bill), Peru was greatly mangled by the fall Libbey, Robert, Arkport, N. Y. from the building. In light of Lee, Donna, Omaha this Dr. Kirkland has been unLewis, Duane, Nebraska City By Jean Thimgan able to confirm the actual cause Liggett, Dick, Council Bluffs, The Peru State College Band of death. Iowa presented a "Do It Yourself MuWife Suspected **Linscheid, Ruth, Peru sical Show" at the Chadron-Peru Mrs. Nancy Lee Faulkner, Kay Lohmeyer, Karen, Falls City State football game Saturday, Ann Phillips, who has retired alLutz, Jenie, Nebraska City October 6, 1956. The band dis- most completely from the public Lutz, Peter, Nebraska City played precision marching in eye since her husband's mysteriforming a music cleff, and an old ous death, will undoubtedly be McAleer, Jay, Papillion fashioned girl, followed by the questioned extensively in relaMcFarland, Robert, Sumner song, "I Want a Girl Just Like tion to her late husband's "acciMcGeorge, Beverly, Omaha the Girl That Married Dear Old dent" although little or no suspiMcGinnes, James, Coin, Iowa Dad." cion has been pointed in her diMcGuire, Colleen, C o u n c i 1 The group then went into the rection to date. Bluffs, Iowa formation of a bow legged cowJudge Larson McKinney, Ron, Beatrice boy. They then played "Home on Judge William Heath, Bill LarMaddison, Earnest, Adair, Iowa the Range." "The Old Mill son, will preside during the trial. Mallam, Brendan, Wymore Stream" was depicted by a turn- District Attorney Flint, Roger (Continued on page two) ing paddle wheel, with streamers Haigh, and Defense Attorney
formed, the band played "Mexican Hat Dance," with the audience clapping in uni'son. The audience also participated in the entire show, singing all of the above mentioned songs in accompaniment with the band. The announcer for the program was Harold Johnson, and special arrangements were by Charles Berry.
Karen Andre Trial To Be Held Here Homecoming Night, October 20
Marching Band Makes Figures at Chadron Game
Stevens, Dick Crowine, have a good deal of legal maneuvering ahead of them and one bet that they will be in their always excellent form for this, one of the greatest trials in state history. The Jury The jury members have been selected, several of whom are: Mrs. Russell Wallace of Auburn, Nebraska, formerly Margaret Ann Kinsey, Mrs. "Hoot" Bower of Tecumseh, Nebraska, formerly Margaret Lewis, Mrs. Fletcher Neal, Mr. Ward Adams, Mr. Stevenson and Mr. James Porter. Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Bower and Mr. Porter are former students and actors at Peru State. Mr. Robert D. Moore, head of the Language Arts Department, is directing "The Night of January 16th." The cast members (other than those mentioned in the above account) are: Prison Matron-Ramona Ogle. Bailiff, Dave 'Longfellow. Secretary to D. A. Flint- Lorraine Johnson. Secretary to Defense Attorney -Ruth Linscheid. Clerk of the Court-not known. Mrs. John Hutchins-Franci Stilwell. Homer Van Fleet-Marv Wuster. Elmer Sweeney-Frank Pedersen. Magda Svenson-Donna Gaer. John Graham Whitfield-Marshall Norris. Jane Chandler+Lois Bush. Sigurd Jungquist-Phil Neuhalfen. Larry Regan-Rex Filmer. Roberta Van Rensselaer-Chris Kolbo. Stenographer-not known. Policeman-not known. 2nd Policeman-not known. Court Attendant-not known.
Football Luncheon The football squad will hold a luncheon· 1:00 a.m. for the letter wi r winners among the alumni. During this time the footballers past and present will exchange anecdotes and advice, and the youngsters will learn what it was like in "the good old days." The Game Two o'clock will see the kickoff of the annual Homecoming game. The foe for this year's game is Nebraska Wesleyan. Peru State defeated the Plainsmen last year and are expected to repeat this time, but the contest should be a hard fought contest and will be highly interesting. Marching Band The forty-piece Peru State marching band will perform between the halves. Having shown well in their previous appearance the band is expected to deliver a half-time program without peer in recent years. A Play At seven o'clock in the College Auditorium the Dramatic Club will present Ayn .Rand's comedydrama, "The Night of January 16." Robert D. Moore is directing this year's Homecoming play which is set in a court room where Karen Andre is on trial for the murder of her former employer, Bjorn Faul.kner. Prosecuting the case will . be Roger Haigh as District Attorney Flint. Defending Yvonne Funkhouser who plays Karen Andre is Dick Corwine as Defense Counsel Stevens. The jury will be chosen from the audience and the verdict will be entirely their own.
The Dance Following the play the annual Homecoming dance will be held in the College Gymnasium. The dance is sponsored by the Student Council and will run from about 9:30 p.m. to about 12 :00 p.m. Decorations Decorating the campus will be the displays of the various organizations. These displays, be they ever so humorous, will predict victory for Peru and all manner of humiliation for the Plainsmen. Such are the plans for Homecoming. Why don't you plan to attend-Now?
Student Fellowship By Georgia Isham
One of :these pre:!:!y girls will be crowned Homecoming Queen be:!ween halves of ihe Peru-Wesleyan game. Tradi:!ionally resul:!s of :the queen elec:!ion are no:! made known un:!il game :time. The candida:!es are: bo:!:!om row, lef:! :to righ:t, Beverly Gerdes, Fran Larson and.Be:!sy Har:!man; :top row, Peg Robinson, Lorraine Jo~n son and Yvonne Funkhouser. -Pho:!o by.Don Carlile.
Post Game Dance After a very victorious game with Chadron, a dance was held at Morgan Hall. The dance was sponsored by the dorm council. The chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Linscheid and Mrs. Fulton. Chris Kolbo was in charge of the music, which was played from upstairs by the dorm's new hi-fi record player. The dance was attended by a large group. The proceeds from the admission fee are used to buy new records for the dorm. As long as the student body shows interest i.n these dances, they will continue. So come on kids, let's go to these dances. It is a lot more fun to go to them than to read about them. The school makes these affairs possible, so it is up to us to make our own fun at them.
Moore Addresses Federated Women Friday afternoon, Sept. 28, Professor Robert D. Moore spoke on the subject "Inspiration in Education" to the .members of the County Federation of Women's Clubs in a meeting at Shubert. Mr. Moore was substituting for Dr. Neal Gomon, who was not able to appear because of prior commitments. Jim Ackerman and Miss Slage went With Professor Moore to Shubert to appear on the proprogram, Ackerman singing and Miss Slage playing the accompaniment.
One Girl Veteran Enrolled at P.S.T.C. Among the ninety veterans that are enrolled at Peru State Teachers College there is one lady veteran. This lady's name is Mrs. Eleanor Payne, wife of J erry Payne, who also is a veteran and a student here at P.S.T.C. Eleanor was born February 6, 1935, in Manhattan, New York. She attended Walton High School, an all girls' school. After graduating, she joined the Waves in February of 1953. Eleanor took her basic training at Bainbridge, Maryland, then was shipped to San Diego, California, for three weeks of yeoman training. From there, she was transferred to Alemeda Naval Air Station in Alemeda, California. While stationed in Alemeda, Eleanor worked in the Navy Dispensary, where she met Jerry Payne, who also worked in the dispensary. Jerry and Eleanor tied the bonds of matrimony on September 18, 1953. Mr. and Mrs. Payne are now both enrolled at P.S.T.C. and are living in Peru with their two children, Denny, who is two years old, and a daughter, Kathy, who is nine months old. Mrs. Payne is majoring in English, and her husband is majoring in general science and biology. During the Christmas of '55 was the first time that Eleanor's parents had. ever seen their daughter's husband and their grandchildren. Mr. Payne's parents are living in Beatrice, Nebraska.
PERU PEDAGOGIAN The Voice of :the Campus of a Thousand Oaks October 12, 1956 THE STAFF David Longfellow ___________________________________ Editor Ed Williamson ___________________________ Business Manager Ruth Linscheid ____________________________ Activities Editor Ralph Hill ___________________________________ Sports Editor Ron McKinney ______________________ Campus School Editor Dwight Safar _____________________________ Exchange Editor Sharon Reagan ____________ .________ Language Arts Reporter Lois Bush _______________________________________ Columnist Jean Thirngen __________________________ Fine Arts Reporter Harold Norris _____________________________________ Reporter Donna Gaer _______________________ Alumni and Mailing List Donald Cole ___________________________________ Contributor Bob Moore _____________________________________ Contributor SteVlart Linscheid __________________________________ Sponsor
SeptemLer 19 The Student Christian Fellowship met for an evening of fellowship and fun on Wednesday, September 19 at 6:30 p.m. This meeting was held at the Methodist church. Miss Louise Marshall, co-president of the organization, presided. Group singing was led by Don Noah and was· accompanied by Nancy Taggart. Loren Dyke, student pastor of the Brownville Methodist church led the group in the evening devotional which was based on the Book of Job. Following the devotional, Jerry Owen, Nancy Taggart, and Loren and Marilyn Dyke furnished several numbers. The guest speaker of the evening was the Reverend Doctor Arthur Clarke, executive secretary of the Nebraska Baptist State Association, who spoke on "Christian Faith." Refreshments were served after the meeting by the W.S.C.S. of the Methodist church. Wednesday, Oc:tober 3 The main topic of the meeting was "If I Could Start Over Again At College." Members of a symposium to discuss this topic were: Alice Phillips, Barbara Boyd, Gayleen Wilson, Joann Kunkel, Buddy Bookwalter, Darlene Jansen, Joan French and Neil Trabert. Music was furnished by Marilyn Dyke who sang "The Twenty-Third Psalm." Others taking part in the program were: Don Noah, Marion Schmidt, Mary Ann Fuerst,. Kay Ward and Mrs. Paradise.
M~rching Band Makes Debut al: Talmage
You feel so new a and good-all over- n you pause for Coca-Cola. It's sparkling with quick refreshment ... and it's so pure and wholesome-naturally friendly to your figure. Let it do things-good things-for you. BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY Of THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY
NEBRASKA CITY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. "Coke" is a registered trade-mark.
AAUW Craft Work The Peru State Teachers College marching band made its first The local AAUW is offering an marching appearance at Talmage, art and craft study group. This Nebraska, Friday night, Sept. 28. ·group meets at 7:00 p.m. on TuesThe 47 piece marching band days in room 312 of the Campus participated in Talmage's Home- School. coming Purple and White FestiAccording to Miss Lela Lillian val. The band marched in the Lones, any faculty member or parade and then played a pre- faculty wife is eligible to join game concert on the football this group regardless of eligibilfield before the Talmage-Johnson ity for the AAUW. game. The band played the following marches: "Basses to the Fore," MEET THE NEWCOMERS "Them Basses," ·"His Honor," TO YOUR CAMPUS "Reeds in Front," "Hands Across (Continued from first page) the Sea," "Burst o.f Trumpets," Martin, Wm. (Pat), Falls City and a few others. The band conMeyer, Deanne, York cluded its performance with Meyer, Joseph, Nebraska City Peru's "Color Song." Meyer, Patricia, Omaha After this well received perMiller, Lester, Beatrice formance, the band made its next **Miller, Richard, Tecumseh appearance October 6th, when it **Miller, Robert, Tecumseh played for Peru-Chadron game. Morrell, Evelyn, Palmyra Morris, Dorothy, Peru Morse, Ruth, Douglas **Mulder, Ray, Firth POLIO SHOTS Munn, Ross, Ohiowa Attention everyone! That Nebelsick, Raymond, Dunbar means students, faculty, wives Nichols, Doris, Bradshaw and children. Don't take a Noah, Donald, Auburn chance on having polio. Take Noah, Robert, Auburn advantage of the opportunity the school is offering you and sign for your polio shot today at the infirmary. The shots are offered to you at cost, just $1.50. All you will need is three shots and you will be safe. Statistics compiled from among millions of vaccinated individuals emphasize the effectiveness of the vaccines in preventing paralytic poliomyelitis. These same data show that the vaccine is safe. The age group of individuals eligible for immunization has been appreciably expanded in most areas of the country. It's better to be stuck with a needle for a short time than to be stuck in an iron lung for good.
Ogle, Ramona, Humboldt Olberding, Gerald, Steinauer Olson, Gary, Rulo Orton, Phyllis, Sidney, Iowa *"Owen, Charles, Hamburg, Iowa Owen, Jerry, Hamburg, Iowa Palmer, Ronnie, Tekamah **Parde, Marian, Pickrell Parker, Betty, Nebraska City Payne, Eleanor, Peru Pebley, Jacqueline, Reru Peckham, Marjorie;" Pawnee City Peterson, Sharon, Talmage Phillips, Kay, Nebraska City **Phillips, Ron, Tecumseh Rademacher, Don, Johnson Raper, Robert, Burchard Rasmussen, Kay, Maxwell Reeves, Betty, Peru Reeves, Ronald, Peru Regnier, Freddie, Diller
Reihart, Mary, Louisville Roddy, Michael, Union Rottman, Lee, Pawnee City Rottman, Rosemary, Pawnee City Rowe, Lois, Glenwood, Iowa Ruyle, Joyce, Peru Ruzicka, Mary, Burchard Ruzicka, Raymond, Verdigre **Robinson, Margaret, Tecumseh Sacks, Jim, Easton, Kansas Sacks, John, Lincoln Schell, Dwight, Roca Schmidt, Marion, Dunbar Schneider, Joan, Dunbar Schroeder, Alvin, Daykin Schullenberg, Dale, Falls City Schumacker, Beverly, Nebraska City Sheehan, Mary, Verdon **Smith, Bruce, Coin, Iowa· Smith, John, Nebraska City ''*Sprague, Jack, Glenwood, Iowa Standley, Charles, Peru Starns, Sara, Ashland Stoltenberg, Ronald, Nebraska City Strong, Robert, Syracuse Sutton, Suzanne, Percival Swanson, Gilbert, Ceresco Sietsema, Richard, Tabor, Iowa Thimgan, Jean, ·Louisville *Thomas, Marjorie, Nemaha Thomsen, Marvin, Beatrice Tucker, Marilyn, Tecumseh Vollertsen, Phyllis, Palmyra Ward, Kay, Murray Weber, Keith, Tecumseh Wells, Howard, Tabor, Iowa West, Wallace, Peru White, Joan, Douglas Whitmore, Ralph, Coin, Iowa Wiles, Janice, Plattsmouth Wilhelm, Don, Auburn Williamson, Ed, Bennington Williams, Wayland, Auburn Wineinger, Edward, Peru **Winkelhake, Lauren, Talmage Witty, Sarah, Nebraska City Yelkin, Richard, Auburn Zach, Monica, Percival, Iowa Zinn, Michael, Falls City **Zimmerman, Maxine, Filley
Bobcats Fight To Second Victory Saturday night, October 6, the Peru State Bobcats marched down the field for their second win of the year. They defeated the Chadron State Eagles by a margin of 511 to 25. Coupens, right halfback for Chadron made the first touchdown of the game. Marsh attempted the kick for extra point for Chadron, but the kick was no good.
The 20 points made by both teams together up to this part in the game were made within a period of five minutes. In the last few minutes of the first quarter, Pat Novacek of P.S.T.C. went over for another touchdown. The extra point was kicked by Gilmore and was good.
Bobcats Scare Kearney Antelopes But Lose 14-12
By Hal Norris At Kearney's Homecoming on September 29th, Kearney eeked out an important conference win over a strong Peru eleven. The Second Stanza Antelope's Claire Boroff, a formCoupens of Chadron made the er University of Nebraska player, first touchdown in the second converted the two extra points quarter. Their extra point was that tripped the -Peru Bobcats. no good. In each quarter of the first Wayne Minchow of P.S.T.C. half, Peru penetrated to the Buddy Bookwalter, right half- caught a beautiful pass from Sid Kearney 10-yard line. The two back for Peru made the first Brown and went over for anoth- drives were halted by penalties touchdown for P.S.T.C. Jack Gil- er Bobcat touchdown. Gilmore and a rough Kearney line. Durmore kicked the extra point. This kicked another good extra point. ing the first quarter drive, the left the Bobcats in a 7 to 6 lead. In the last part bf the second Bobcats attempted a 30-y a rd In the next few minutes, Peru quarter, Hart, of P.S.T.C. inter- field goal by Gary Adams but the kicked off to Chadron. The ball cepted a Chadron pass and re- ball fell short. Being unable to cope with Del hit on about the 10-yard line but turned it for approximately 25 was downed by Hart in the Eag- yards. .This ended the second Stoltenburg's first quarter punt to the Antelope's one-foot line, le's end zone and scored another quarter. Kearney never crossed the 50touchdown automatically. (The yard stripe in the first half. clock had not even started runThird Stanza ning when this play was made). The first touchdown in the secHalftime Score 0-0 The extra point was good and ond half was made by Hart of The third quarter found Kearwas kicked again by Gilmore. P.S.T.C. Gilmore scored another ney's Joe McFarland returning extra point. the kick-off to the Antelope's 29Chadr-0n lost the ball on downs yard stripe. After a four play AUBURN HOME and kicked. The kick was series with a fourth down situablocked giving Peru two points tion, McFarland moved around BAKERY his own left side for six yards on a safety. and the first Kearney touch"Home of all kinds down. Boroff split the uprights, Final Period and the Antelopes were in front of bread and In the last 48 seconds of the 7-0. pastries" third period, Buddy Bookwalter Taking the kick, Peru exp.loded took a pitch-out and went for a with offensive bursts from BookPhone 792 first and 10 on Chadron's one- walter, Gibson, Stoltenburg, and yard line. Auburn Bryant. With four minutes and 46 In the next play, Doug Gibson seconds remaining in the third went over for another Bobcat quarter, ·Sid Brown passed. 18 touchdown. Gilmore kicked an- yards to Wayne Minchow for the other good extra point. Jack Gil- initial Bobcat touchdown. Gary Very Latest in more had kicked six consecutive fl.dams missed the conversion. Sport Shir:ts extra points up to this part of the / Last Stanza Bill's Clothing S:tore game. !, The fourth period found Peru On a keeper play, GibS-On went Auburn in possession at midfield. Bookover for another touchdown· for walter and Adams moved the the Bobcats. Bob Bryant kicked football within striking distance the extra point for Peru. This where Sid Brown hit Ruby for brought the score up to 51 to 12 22 yards and the second Bobcat BAILIE'S SHOE in favor of the Bobcats. touchdown. The conversion by In the minutes following Knipp Adams miscued, allowing the SHOP of Chadron went over for anoth- Bobcats to lead the holiday er touchdown. Chadron failed to classic 12-7 with seven and onemake the extra point. Jus:t Nor:th of half minutes remaining in the In the last three s~conds of the game. S:top Ligh:t game, Capler·went over for an Kearney reeled back with a Eagle touchdown. Morris kicked a good extra point for Chadron, Auburn, Nebraska bringing the score of 51 to 25 in ALL TIME RECORD favor of the Peru Bobcats. The Pedagogian is indebted to Don Carlile of the department of special service for the following information. Peru State vs. Wayne State Peru Wayne
ICE CREAM CAFE Always At Your Service
1919 --------------- 14 0 1920 --------------- 7 0 1921 --------------- 0 6 1922 --------------- 14 0 1923 --------------- 40 9 1924 ------------~-- 48 0 1925 --------------- 27 0 1926 --------------- 12 ' ~ 1927 --------------- 91 0 1929 --------------- 39 0 1930 --------------- 7 7 1931 --------------- 0 6 1932 --------------~ 13 7 1933 --------------- 14 14 1934 --------------- 7 0 1935 --------------- 6 7 1936 --------------- 6 0 1937 --------------- 20 24 1938 --------------- 0 12 1939 --------------- 20 7 1940 --------------- 7 1 1941 --------------- 0 0 1942 --------------- 14 14 1946 --------------- o· 7 1947 --------------- 0 0 1948 -------------~- 13 21 1949 --------------- 6 28 1950 --------------- 6 7 1951 --------------- 28 13 1952 --------------- 56 6 1953 --------------- 13 7 1954 --------------- 20 14 1955 --------------- 19 13 Peru Wins --------------- 18 Wayne Wins ------------- 8 Ties --------------------- 6
by Dick Biblet
-ooE NIC.t1HING AWUTfr!ISCOURSE-YOU ONLY ~AVE 00£ IE)'.TTO BUY. 1 44-yard ·kick-off return, passes, and sheer power to blast Antelope Joe Smith across the double stripe from one foot out. Boroff kicked between uprights for his number two conversion to hold the Bobcats trailing 14-12. Peru's spirited comeback was squelched with a Kearney midfield interception of a Sid Brown flat pass. Kearney took possession of the ball with one minute and 28 seconds remaining in the game and soon ran out the clock to the final gun.
The Cowboys Tame Bobkittens 26-13
halfback to replace the injured Dave Stev~Ol\4. pushed over from the two, ai~d Brock who picked up a fumbled pass from center made the point. With 22 seconds remaining in the game ~blocked a Sidney punt on 4ey's 10-yard line. Brock ran a keeper around end for Peru's second touchdown. The try-for-point was no good and Sidney won 26-13.
Bulldogs Defeat Bobkittens 33-13 The Auburn Bulldogs defeated the Peru Bobkittens 33-13 last Friday, October 5 at the Auburn football field. Little Gary Dalton led the way, scoring twenty-five of the Auburn points. Peru didn't get rolling until the second half, when Jerry Hennings made the first score from the one-yard line. Ron Brock's kick was wide. Brock's pass to Jerry Patterson accounted for the second Peru touchdown. Brock made the point as Peru ended tlp with 13. Making the other Auburn touchdown was Jerry George, while Glen Bantz and Mark Falk contributed an extra point.
The Sidney, Iowa, Cowboys defeated Peru Prep 26-13 in Prep's first Tri-state Conference game on September 28 at Oak Bowl. Mike Glenn, Sidney quarterback ran his team sm9othly and efficiently as they scored three times in the first half and once in the second. The first Sidney touchdown came as Glenn handed to Mike Taylor who carried it over from the 4-yard line. A pitchout to Bob Nenneman added the point. Elmer Seymour scored the second touchdown from the fifteen. Glenn's sneak for the point was no good. A heart-breaker for Peru came in the closing seconds of the first Ed Williamson, new business half when Monte Allgood, sophomanager of The Pedagogian, is more end, intercepted a Sidney pass on the Peru 30 and carried off to a good start on the very all the way to a touchdown. His important job of handling the adrun was called back by a penalty vertising and business affairs of and Sidney retained possession the paper. This position calls for a great deal of precision work on the Peru 10-yard line. With 20 seconds remaining and accurate bookkeeping as well Taylor went through the middle as selling. Ed, a freshman, is the grandto score. An offside penalty cancelled Seymour's try-for-point, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lake of and the second try was stopped. Bennington, Nebraska. Ed's comment on Peru State Bob Nenneman scored Sidney's fourth touchdown from the one- Teachers is: "This is a good foot line after the entire back- school, but I have noticed that field carried the ball 70 yards on things are very quiet around here seven running plays. Taylor add- on most Saturdays and Sundays." If you have matters pertaining ed the point and Sidney led 26-0. Peru struck back as Ronald to the business end of The PedaBrock completed three straight gogian, see Ed. He'll handle your passes to move the ball 58 yards. business in a business like manJerry Patterson, converted to ner.
Williamson Handles Business For Paper
until a couple of gallant members of the maintenance crew Have you observed the pleaFor those who wish to get A ·combined .snake dance, pep came to the rescue. sure on faees of elementary stumaterial in The Pedagogian, Chris has acquired a reputation rally, and wiener roast was held dents whose work came back the following pub 1i cation behind Morgan Hall Friday eve- as a barber. Several of the girls from County Fair with white Majorettes dates are given. Material for ning at 6:00. The snake dance are s p or tin g new hair-do's, ribbons or other commendation? A group of grade school ma- started at ?dorgan Hall then went thanks to her skill with the scispublication must be in four Who says the element of compe- jorettes with miniature batons days in advance of the publiover to Mt, Vernon and ended up sors. Any day now her room may tition isn't welcome among the gave snappy half-time demonbe open for business, complete cation date. The Pedagogian behind. Morgan Hall. young'ns? _ stration. This group of potential will be happy to publish news The bonfire was. lit by Chuck with a red and white striped barVersatile Young Man baton artists was impressive. At Tilman. The cheer leaders then ber pole outside. and announcements furnished ·. Jimmy Christ, ninth grader, is the close of the 'half-time festiviThe girls kinda miss station by reporters for campus orled the spirited group in a few serving an apprenticeship as multies, Al Wheeler revealed his yells. Chuck Krumme, a senior MVH. For a while, no respectable ganizations. Dates for the retilith operator under Don Carlile; deep concentration in the game letterman, gave a pep talk. Then radio would have been caught mainder · of the year follow. also as stage hand in the field of by passing this snappy aggrega- the cremation of Chadron took dead tuned to any other broadOctober 20 lighting under Mr. Moore; also as tion without one "bhnk of his place with Miss Chris Kolbo as cast. November 2, 16, 30 experimental scientist in the field sharp eye. Several of the girls who travnstigator. As the dummy went December 14 of humidity (check greenhouse eled to Kearney fairly drooled at up in roaring flames, the wiener January 18 activity); we might go on, also Galaxy of Bands roast began. All who attended the beautiful women's dorm on February 1, 15 Kearney Homecoming festiviasthe campus there. But after a had a very nice time. March 1, 15, 29 ties mean a huge migration to Chip and Dale couple of days of travel, Eliza •·• April 12, 26 Kindergarten visitors that Kearney for all surrounding high Morgan Hall looked pretty good May 10, 24 caused quite a stir across campus school bands. These multi-colored to the gals. Anyway, its "home." The Homecoming edition on their way home were two real bands strutted in the. downtown Fire drill found a crew of will be out October 20. Please life Disney characters, Chip and parade under the watchful eyes strangely dressed girls ready to send us Homecoming news or Dale.. The tiny chipmunks are of Kearney parents, alumni, By Lois Bush meet all emergencies. Towels announcements immediately. pets of the Ballue children and townsfolk, and Peru agitators.· wrapped around their heads, Eliza. Morgan Hall hasn't prowere brought to school by their These bands seated in chairs coats and shoes adding style to ·· grandmother, Mrs. Lena Hall. bordering the football field add- vided much ground for uproars pajamas, they were a weird-lookin the past few weeks. The reaThey are representatives of the ed color in the holiday classic. ing bunch to say the least. son is naturally that everyone is inhabitants of the mines at Leeds, A Joe Smith Prudence and Patience, talenttoo busy studying to do anything South Dakota. At half-time festivities, Keared as they are, may have been else. In fact, there have been Slow Poke ney announced that Governor By Mary Ann Gnade several all-night cram sessions just a little unpopular early one Special privilege-slow pokes It is always amazing how for recess get to walk across cam- Anderson and other state offi- preceding the inevitable exams. morning when sounds akin to quickly new children in the com- pus to the Ad Building with Miss cials were in attendance. Al- Pauline nearly set a record with "Tonight You Belong to Me"· munity are assimilated into the Wonderly for mail. Word gets though Joe Smith wasn't men- her one hour of sleep one night. were bellowed from the showers, classroom membership. Ask a around, it will soon be popular tioned, no one needed to look for Sharon Reagan, a former resi- waking most !Jf the girls within him. Joe Smith was playing for \ child who the new one is in his to be a slow. poke. . dent of Eliza Morgan, is engaged earshot. Kearney; and Jo~ scored the room, get a blank stare in return The new scale in the basement· to Bill Beck, a senior from Teachers Missed second Antelope T.D. then a double-take and "Oh, you Springfield. Since the last dead- is appreciated by calorie countCampus school teachers. are mean so-and-so. He's not new, held in high esteem. Witness the line, Judy Cole has acquired Ron ers, especially since they have he's my friend!" Are we unusual genuine regret and sympathy found that eaning slightly Phillips' class ring. here at Peru-what's this big fuss shown by pupils when illness an make the scales One morning at six thirty near- forward th about integration? ly all the girls on second floor weigh a few pounds lighter. keeps them home, specifically Plans are being made for visitNeedle were awakened to the sounds of this week, Mrs. Iversen and Mrs. ors in the dorm during homecomThat old needle! The attitudes Brown. frantic poundings and words of The Blue Devils, campus pep of the children make one wonencouragement. Grace and Mer- ing week-end. It will be good to club for boys, has recently der if the discomfort of the neerily were trapped in their room! see some of the former residents pledged 29 new members. This is dle and resultant reaction are Despite numerous suggestions in the halls again~just like the the largest number of pledges in more to be desired than the disfrom the congregated "sidewalk "good old days." After registration and the ex- recent years. comfort of an actual cold. Of And until those "good old engineers," all efforts to open the ;Jack Ludwig, president, says course, discounting the far- citement of the two weeks past, door failed. So there they stayed days," so endeth this column. reaching effects of contagion with the boys here in the dorm are t4e major project of the Blue D~vils at the present is preparing an actual cold. One advantage in settling down into a routine. for the Homecoming game. Torri Jim Kinghorn made anotjier the eyes of the children-great stress on the soreness has good debut Tuesday night, Sept. 24th Moon, treasurer, promises plenty results in being excused from for the women of the home-ec of racket, organized racket, at all club. His selection of songs in- games. dishes, etcetera. .•. New pledges are: Jim Rosencluded such popular ones as F.H.A. "ON THE CORNER OF THE CAMPUS" Comes a problem, how to stuff "Heart-Break Hotel," "Houn- quist, Jerry Granger, Jerry Mullins, Kelley Leiven, Frank Davis, 16 Future Homemakers into one dqg," and others. or possibly two cars? Obvious NOTICE-To all the boys in Garry Adams, Elwood Johnson, School Supplies Groceries solution: latch onto more cars. the dorm, quiet hour here now is Gene McMullens, Cliff Boline, Miss Edna Weare's FHA girls 11 :00, so that means all lights out Junior Smart, Douglas Gibson, · Priced Righ:I: for :the S:tuden:I: Dale Johnson, Harlan Oestman, traveled to Tecumseh Saturday in the dorm at least by 2:30. morning; October 6, to take part Larry Fuller, the pool room is Rile Ruby, Sid Brown, Jerry Koenig, Duane McKnight, Larry in a district conference. in use again. Hopkins, Wayne Ryberg, Max Thursday, Sept. 27th "Mom" In College Band Filling out the college march- Balkema baked some brownies Moore, Ray Hugget, Don NiemeyPERU MARKET ing band are the high school and some delicious cookies at er, Dick Capperman, Walter Huff, MEATS VEGETABLES FRESH FRUITS sophomore girls who are in band: 10:30 that night. And as the boys Fred Miller, Ralph Arranza, Don Free Delivery Tuesdays and Fridays Lanette Adams, Marlene Allgood, walked into the dorm, they would Roddy, Chuck Tillman, and Rae Ann Gnade, and Judy Ad- smell the appetizing odor, they'd Rocky Gess. PHONE 4351 ams. Imagine-little high school- trot themselves into the kitchen ers finding it necessary to "let to pick up some of the goodies. White Angel Pep Club out" hems on college uniforms so They were very good mom, keep they'll fit! up the good work. The White Angel Pep Club The word going around the had its regular meeting at 6:00 Siudenf Council Mrs. Evalyn Shrader, sponsor campus now is that Kenneth p.m., October 1, at the Eliza Morof the high school student coun- Sand has picked up a new name gan recreation hall. Rosie Edelcil, is taking Sue Moore, Dave for himself. He now goes by the man; the president, presided at ., Stevenson and Joyce Kizer to the name of "Bathless." Why is that the meeting. Nebraska Association of Student Ken? The committee appointed 'tor Member F.D.I.C. Guess the gymnastic business the Homecoming display was: Councils convention at Lincoln wasn't any too good for Karl Beverly Gerdes, chairman; Betsy on October 13. Faller. Anyhow he's starting an Hartman, Marilyn Benecke, Peg Second Grader INVITES YOUR BUSINESS I. From a second grader: "We art museum in his room now. Robinson, Betty Sedlacek, and learn in second grade-you can Jean Ruyle, committee members. go to any school you want, to any The committee for the convochurch you want; to any college cation skit is: Yvonne Funkhousyou want, if your parents make By Hal Norris er, chairman; Gail Peterson, PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS arrangements, providing yo u Pauline Kish, and Betty SedlaAny Garment Remodeled, Restyled, Repaired don't interfere with rights of oth- Lost and Found The rugged football contest cek, committee members. Always First in Quality and Workmanship ers. Right?" ' The group decided to help Mr. had a marked effect upon the Fur Coats Repaired Supervision Plus spectators. The Kearney -foot- Robert Grindle at the half-time We call for and deliver', Phone 2671. Peru, Nebr. High cost of education: one inball M.C. anounced that a shoe performance October 6th. dustrial arts supervisor, two stuwas found; so, would everyone dent teachers for three pupils! please check his feet? More perThe LiUle Man .. Are these student teachers learnsonal items lost included: a The "Little Man· on the Caming more of the HOW or of the wristwatch, a pair of glasses, and pus" is back in this issue, and he WHAT? a sweater. A rumor was. circuI will continue to appear in followWeather lated that Kapperman migrators ing issues of The Pedagogian. Second graders are also ob- claimed the items for Peru pawnHYKLAS GROCERY ·. This cartoon feature was instiserving the weather. They have ing interests. tuted by former editor Kochheim, made calendars and each day Groceries Mea:ts . who must have known what his draw in a picture. If it is raining, Fans Spectators crammed the stadi- readers liked. Many people have they make rain; if it is sunny, Fruits - Frozen Foods they make green grass and chil- um. Programs were sold out be- been asking, "Where is the 'Little dren playing; if it is cloudy, they fore kick-off time. Yet, the at- Man'?" M. G. Heuer, Owner Phone 2141 So the "Little Man" is back and make clouds. What a treasure to mosphere was unusually serene in relation to our Oak Bowl con- back to stay. take home at end of school!
_ ~mp.etiiion.
tests. Kearney fans must have been paralyzed that their. highly praised team failed to cross the 50-yard line in the first half.
Chadron Pep Rally
Shrub Snoops
Campus School Commentary
Blue Devils Pledge 29 New Members
"Ron's Brief' s"
Kearney Sidelights
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The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks ...
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Welcome Alumni
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Peru Pedagogian OCTOBER 20, 1956
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34th Reunion Has Rolled Around By R B. Moore October 20th, Homecoming, is here again. On that day the past, present, and future will meet and mingle on the campus of Peru Stat~ Teachers College. Those who have received their formal education and have stepped out into the busy world will find themselves standing once again in front of the buildings of their campus, their school. They will find themselves merged, if but for a day, with the faces and voices that this educational institution presents to the future. Enough philosophy though, when and why did Homecoming begin on this campus? First in '23 History recorded the first Homecoming at Peru on November 29, 1923. It was begun, at <least that first year, as an experiment, but its popularity and interest have grown through the years. The first Homecoming was in very few ways similar to that which will be held here this year. Its purpose and aim was to bring together the students who had graduated and the students presently enrolled. Very few of what we commonly term extracurricular activities, took place. The great stimulus lay in the associations of the day. Contrasting with that of today, we can anticipate athletic contests, dramatic productions, teas, luncheons, and other social functions. More Will Come The Homecoming has existed for many years, there's little likelihood that it will fade into obscurity, its popularity is almost universal. Human beings, the social animals they are, will always encourage and promote any opportunity to renew old friends. and make new acquaintances. And so another year has come, another opportunity for all Peruvians to meet and dream of the past and to realize the future.
One of the important days in the life of a Peruvian is Homecoming! Each year hundreds of former students and graduates return to the Campus of a Thousand Oaks to visit, to reminisce;- t-0 recapture the fun and glamor of college days. It is in· this gay and festive spirit you are welcomed by students, staff and faculty to the scene of the happy days yo~ spent as a student in Nebraska's oldest (and best) college. To enjoy your day to the full we invite you to view the many displays prepared by various campus groups and organizations, drink coffee with the alumni association, whoop and holler at the football game, hiss the villain at the college play and complete a perfect day with a few whirls at the Homecoming Dance. The college cafeteria and the snack bar in Mt. Vernon Hall will be open throughout the day and evening for your convenience. If you have time, visit the . new student housing area east of Oak Bowl and the new faculty units north of the main campus. We apologize for the "torn-up" appearance of parts of the campus, but our school is growing rapidly and expansion of facilities demands immediate action. Welcome Home! Neal S. Gomon President l:EJ,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'111111111111111111111111111~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111@
Holloway Band Playing Tonight By Bill Allbright Bud Holloway and his orchestra will be featured at the annual Homecoming Dance tonight, October 20, immediately following the play (about 9:30 p.m.) in the College Gymnasium. The Holloway group will be familiar to those who attended last year's May Fete, where their music was greatly praised. Ticket sales, under the charge of Bill Allbright, have begun,
and tickets are available from any student council member for the very nominable fee of 85 cents per person. Due to the unprecedented low price, there will be no special couple rate. The decoration committee has as its members Judi Cole, Beverly Gerdes, Betty Taenzler, and is ably headed by Bonnie Rutz. The dance is open to all and everyone is cordially invited to attend.
Musical Convocation The convocation of October 11 was in charge of the music department with Robert Benford as master of ceremonies. He · made the usual announcements and then introduced the six semifinalists in the voting for Homecoming queen while the student body voted for the winner. The main part of the convocation was a series of solos, duets, and quartets featuring both popular and classical music. Marilyn Slagle opened the program with a piano solo rendition of "Blue Moon." Margaret Cotton followed with the "Violin Serenade" from Wieniawski, accompanied by Mr. Benford at the Hammond organ. Don Gibson on the baritone horn and Ron Noltensmeyer on the trombone furnished a very pleasing sound as they played the instrumental duet "Aria" from Maganini with accompaniment of R. T. Benford at the piano. Louise Marshall and Elaine Spier combined talents in a piano duet version of "Night and Day." Wilma Schroeder and B e tty Taenzler showed equal prowess on twin piano arrangement of "Moon Mist." The four girls then combined to play the quartet from Cflrmen as a twin piano quartet.
WHICH ONE THE QUEEN? Beverly Gerdes, Fran Larson, and Peggy Robinson seem unconcerned as they, the finalists, pose for Don Carlile. Traditionally results of the Homecoming election are not made known until game time. Which one of these girls will be crowned Homecoming Queen between halves of the Peru-Wesleyan game: Fnm Larson, Peg Robinson, or Beverly Gerdes? Fran Larson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Larson, Peru, is a junior. Her major is English. Fran is secretary of the Student Council and White Angels. She is a member of the Dorm Council, Sigma Tau Delta, a,nd Commercial Club. Peg Robinson, Tecumseh, Ne-
braska, is a sophomore. Her major is elementary education. Peg is a cheer leader and an honor student. She is a member of the Dorm Council, White Angels, and Commercial Club. Beverly Gerdes is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'Gerdes, Auburn. Beverly is a sophomore majoring in elementary education. Beverly is a cheer leader, treasurer of the White Angels and the Home Economics Club. Beverly is a sophomore representative of the Student Council, and a member of L.S.A.
"The Night Of January Sixteenth" By Sharon Reagan
Your Schedule For Homecoming Homecoming is again off and running as The Pedagogian greets you, the Alumni, of Peru State. The student body and faculty have extended themselves to the utmost to make this day an enjoyable one for· you and for your family. Elsewhere on this page you will find more detailed accounts of the various forms of entertainment awaiting you, but this column will serve as a general guide to the day's activities, telling you what's in store ... Coffee for a Pick-up .•• The cciffee urn is brewing away as you register and someone is ready to serve you. Heading the committee in charge of this part is G!en Sheely. Assisting him are Don Carlile, Art Lindahl, Miss Hazel Weare, Dee Jarvis, ~ss Lela Lillian Lones, Harold Bor~, and Bob Norton. To Eat and Be Merry ..• At 11 o'clock the football squad invites the past lettermen of Peru to a .ame luncheon. There the rs will meet the team that I be playing at two o'clock. Peru Vs. Nebraska Wesleyan .•. Fresh from their third victory in five starts, the 'Cats will be ready to tangle with the Plainsmen who haven't been too successful recently; but the Methodists will be up for the game and ready to knock off Peru if it is at all possible, and the game will offer much excitment for the football fan. R. V. Grindle Presents ... The Peru State marching band, forty-seven strong this year, will present a half-time program that will make the crowd sit up and take notice. The tightest security is being kept around the program, so no inkling has come this way as to what it is going to be. A Queen Is Crowned . . . Also at half-time the Homecoming Queen will be unveiled for the first time. The three finalists this year are Beverly Gerdes, Fran Larson, and Peggy Robinson. The band will be furnishing a background as. the queen receives her crown, bouquet, and kiss to mark the beginning of her reign. ·
There have been no new developments in' the Karen Andre trial which will be held in the Peru college auditorium Saturday evening, October 20th, 1956. The Dead Man .•. Bjorn Faulkner, a big man in the financial world was found dead on the sidewalk beneath his luxurious penthouse .suite. Dr. Thomas Kirkland, county medical examiner could not definitely determine the cause of death. However, we do know that death came to Faulkner by one or both of two possibilities; a bullet or the long fall from the Faulkner building. The Defendant . . . Karen Andre is suspicioned because she is Faulkner's ex-private secretary. Faulkner's, marriage to John Graham Whitfield's daughter Nancy Lee caused Karen to lose her position. Karen was close to Faulkner's transactions; perhaps too close for his good. The Trial ... Miss Andre has given no statements to the press although her attorney Mr. Stevens seems confident that she will win the decision Saturday night. For the Theater-Goer ... This is one of the most publiAt seven o'clock the Dramatic cized trials in state history and Club will present "The Night of we of the press will be there January 16," as Karen Andre without fail. Will You? goes on trial for her life before The Play ... a jury chosen from the audience. Mr. Robert D. Moore, head of Boasting one of the finest casts the Language Arts department, in many moons, the play will be is directing "The Night of Janu- a l(ig success and an enjoyable ary Sixteenth" which will be evening will be had by all. presented at seven o'clock p.m. Music for Dancing ... in the Peru college auditorium. Bud Holloway and his 'orchesJury ... tra will be tuning up as the final The jury members are to be curtain of the play falls and selected from important people dancing in the gymnasium will living in the surrounding area. follow immediately. Holloway is They alone will be responsible well-known and liked by the peofor the decision of the trial and ple who attended last year's May the decision will be made in light Fete dance. Sponsored by the of all the evidence presented at student council, the dance will the trial. The cast doesn't even round out the Homecoming day. know how the play will come out so why don't you come.. over and A Hearty Welcome to Ye Alumget the results with the rest of ni, and May You Enjoy Yourus? selves Immensely.
Commercial Club Elects Officers Marilyn Benecke, a sophomore from Dunbar, has been elected president of the Commercial Club at Peru State College. Other officers are Richard Mill-
er, Tecumseh, vice president; Robert Miller, Tecumseh, secretary-treasurer, and Mrs. Doris Shearer Wuster, Riverton, Iowa, program chairman.
World Traveler Coming to PSTC
iiRon' s Briefs" .
into the fraternity were: Darrell · Kr e g 1 o, Robert Neugebauer," Keith Lamb, Kenneth Majors, Franklin Pederson, Verdes Bauke, Dave Longfellow, and Gary Adams. Ideas for the Homecoming exhibit were then considered. Brian Gfeller's idea was chosen and he was placed in charge of the project. . Sponsor, Mrs. Myrtle Cook, presided over the refre_~hments of coffee, cake, and ice cream.
It IS reported that the Delzell Homecommg display committee after weeks of concentration, is almost ready to get an idea. A new addition has been added to the airwaves. Deizell Hall has now got its own broadcasting station. Lots of excitement here in the dorm over Homecoming this following Friday and Saturday. There are going to be dances at Delzell hall after every game and more than .likely one held during the week sometime. No date as to what day during the week when they are going to be held yet. There's going to be a Dr. G. W. Rosenlof of the Unicharge of a nickel to each person versity of Nebraska and Miss who attends these dances. The reason for the 5c charge is that Edith Smithey of Kearney State were honored at the fall meeting it goes to playing the juke-box. of the Nebraska Registrars and Members of the dorm council Kenneth Sand, Frank Nickels, Al Admission Officers on the Peru DR. S. E. GERARD PRIESTLEY Winseman, Ron Witt, conducted State College campus Friday, a room inspection last Thursday, October 19. Dr. S. E. Gerard Priestley, The honorees, who were preOctober 1. The council found British historian, world traveler most of the rooms in good condi- sented scrolls, have retired after and specialist on international tion but a few of them needed a total of 55 years of service to relations, will speak at the concleaning up badly. The council their respective institutions in vocation of Peru State Teachers gave those boys with the dirty or admissions and registrar work. College on November 8 at 10:50 littered up rooms a few more Miss Smithey has been registrar a.m. His address, "Hard Facts for days to get them shipshape again. at Kearney State since 1923, and Americans," will be an appraisal All the men here in Delzell Dr. Rosenlof has served as an adof western foreign policy in Hall are now under the adminis- missions official at the UniverSoutheast Asia, India and the tration of six counselors. They sity since 1934. Near East. Dr. Priestley will draw were appointed by the adminisGuest speaker for the fall meeton his personal experiences, in- tration. Ken Sand was elected ing was Dr. Enoch C. Dyrness of terviews with government lead- by the residents of the dormitory of Wheaton (Ill.) College. He aders and observations from recent as president; Al Winseman, vice dressed the group of representatravels' in these areas. president. Bob Ely and Ron Witt tives from 22 colleges and univerrepresent the thir9- floor. Wayne sities of Nebraska at 10:15 a.m. Dr. Priestley was educated at Ryberg and Kenneth Sand repre- His subject was "The Tidal Wave the University of London, Hartsent the second floor, and Frank of Opportunities." ford Seminary, New York UniThe afternoon was devoted to Mickel and Al Win'seman repreversity, and the New School for sent the first floor. Fred Ragnier a work session which included Social Research, New York. He progress reports from the comis social chairman. holds six degrees in history, poDelzell Hall is having open mitte~s on College and Hig.h litical science, economics and house in connection with Home- School Relations, Unified Colphilosophy. He has taught hiscoming. We're welcoming all vis- lege Pre-Registration Examinatory at New York University and tions, and the Midwest Studyitors. has lectured at some 400 colleges Conference planned for Omaha "Hey gang," I'm reminded by in this country and abroad. Dr. University in 1957. Priestley has also spoken before Kenneth Sand to tell all the A special luncheon was held in guys to stop throwing those coke numerous civic, business, and edthe Peru State cafeteria by hosts, bottles out the windows and up ucational organizations. From F. H. Larson and Mrs. Corabelle 1948 to 1953, he served as vice and down the halls. They might Taggart, registrar and assistant seem cheap enough, but at 2c a chairman of the Speakers' Rebottle, it doesn't take long for registrar at Peru State. Registrars search Committee for the United those penhys to add up into dol- from Northwest Missouri State of Nations. lars. Those bottles go to paying Maryville, Highland (Kans.) JunBorn in Windsor, England, not for the painting of these rooms ior College, and Tarkio (Mo.) far from Runnymede where King and these new chairs. So the next College were invited as guests. John signed the Magna Carta, Dr. time you're through· drinking a Priestley has traveled in 60 coun- bottle of coke, just put the bottries on five continents. He re- tles in an empty coke case. With fall here now, some of cently completed a 40,000 mile, The Dixieland Thunderbirds six-month trip around the world, the guys are postponing the dates · were featured Monday night, meeting with political leaders, they have with school books and October the 8th, in the gymnasiU. N. officials, businessmen, edu- are going hunting. um at a dance sponsored by the cators, and farmers in New ZeaPeru State Veterans Club. land, Australia, Southeast Asia, A shield of red, white, and India, the Near East and Europe. blue provided a patriotic atHe has observed firsthand the remosphere for the dance. The By Donald Gray cent developments in Egypt, Jorband played a large and enjoyAlpha Mu Omega, honorary able selection of popular tunes. dan, and in Israel where he was mathematical fraternity, held its Although it was not on the agenthe guest of the Foreig~ Ministry. regular monthly meeting MonDr. Priestley has traveled ex- day, October 8, at the Music Hall. tensively in South America and The meeting was held to initiate FILMS has spent a year of research in new members and to make final Glen Sheely, director of rural Mexico where he lived in plans for the Homecoming exau di a-visual education, anprimitive Indian villages. His hibit. nounces the additional 16mm writings include "The Agrarian Presiding was Kelly Liewer, films for October. The schedProblem in Mexico" and "The president of the organization. ule follows. Proposed Federation of the Brit- First on the agenda was the iniOctober 3-10 ish West Indies." tiation of new members. Coming "Maintaining Class Room Discipline" (Univ. of Illinois) October 6 PERU PEDAGOGIAN "Of Pups and Puzzles"; The Voice of the Campus of a thousand Oaks (Univ. of Ill.) October 10 October 20, 1956 "Friendly Enemy"; "Age of Turmoil"; "Mental Health" THE STAFF (Nebr. State Health Dept.) David Longfellow ___________________________________ Editor October 17 Ed Williamson ___________________________ Business Manager "Terrible 2's and Trusting Ruth Linscheid ____________________________ Activities Editor 3's"; "Sociable Sixes and NoiRalph HilL _________________________________ Sports Editor sy Nines"; "Children's EmoRon McKinney ______________________ Campus School Editor tions"; "Roots of Happiness"; Dwight Safar _____________________________ Exchange Editor (Nebr. State Health Dept.) Sharon Reagan ____________________ Language Arts Reporter October 24 Lois Bush _______________________________________ Columnist "Family Affair"; "Emotional Jean Thimgen __________________________ Fine Arts Reporter Health"; "Frustrating 4's and Harold Norris _____________________________________ Reporter Fascinating 5's"; (Nebr. State Donna Gaer_ ______________________ Alumni and Mailing List Health Dept.) Donald Cole ___________________________________ Contributor October 29 Bob Moore ____________________._________________ Contributor "Broader Concepts of MethStewart Linscheid __________________________________ Sponsor ods" Part I; (Univ. of Ill.)
R_egistrars Meet On Peru Campus
Vets Dance
Alpha Mu Omega
Cc :~ati1 ~ins
Me .lLFRl Dim
Heac Dear
NEBRASKA CITY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. "Coke" is a registered trode·mark.
da, a sock hop was held most of the evening because of the slick dance floor. The chaperons were Dr. and Mrs. Holly, Mr. Carlile, Mr. Levitt, and Mrs. Paradise. The sponsors of the dance were disappointed with its attendance. They hired a good band and put forth a lot of effort to provide entertainment for you. The dance was so poorly attended that they didn't make enough money to pay the band.
Can't Find Offices? .. Here They Are All but one office in the Administration building has been changed. It is said this will leave more office space for some and will be more convenient for all. Class room 202 has been converted into four offices. These are: dean of college, dean of students, associate dean of students, and the office of the secretaries which is the outer office. Room 203, which was the office of the dean of college is now the Registrar's office. Correspondence study is now in the room that was used as a conference room. Mr. Lowenberg, director of professional services and the Placement Bureau now occupies what was JJfr. Larson's office. The former office of the. dean of students is now used for the consultation room. Mr. Lindahl now has the office that was formerly occupied by the assistant registrar. ,; Each office has its phone and number now to replace the old buzzer system. So, from here on, if anyone is wishing the information to the whereabouts of the offices mentioned, here is the schedule: All Deans in room 202. Registrar and Professional Services room 203. Business Office in room 201. President in room 204.
Third Son Arrives For The Wininger's Dr. and Mrs. Darrell Wininger became proud parents of their third son, David, who was born at 3:30 p.m., Friday, October 12, in the Auburn hospital. David weighed eight pounds, two ounces at birth. Both he and his mother are reported to be doing fine. David caused his father some trouble though. Just as Dr. Wininger was starting a class, he received a call summoning him to take Mrs. Wininger to the hospital, so he dismissed the class, and the Winingers took off post haste for Auburn. Only minutes after their arrival in Auburn, David arrived. Too, it is rumored that Papa Wininger is having to pay off several friendly bets as a result of his having been overly sure that David was going to be a girl.
AUBURN HOME BAKERY "Home of all kinds of bread and pastries" Phone 792 Auburn
BAILIE'S SHOE SHOP Just Norfh of Stop Light Auburn, Nebraska
Bobcats Maul Wayne Wildcats
by Dick Bibler
By Don Carlile Al Wheeler's Bo.beats kept alive their hopes for a conference crown last Saturday in handing the Wayne Wildcats a 41-6 defeat at the sister school's Homecoming Saturday. The Peruvians have a 2-1 record in conference play, having lost to the Kearney Antelopes, 12-14. It will be Homecoming, at the Campus of a Thousand Oaks today with the Nebraska Wesleyan Plainsmert as opponents. The Bobcats took full advantage of the down wind during the first quarter by racking up 21 points. The first TD was scored on a 41-yard run by Peru frosh halfback Buddy Bookwalter of Coaches Jack Mcintire, Al Wheeler and Jerry Stemper talk the Lawrence, Kans. The second and situation over as they prepare to get "in there, out there" on Home- third tallies of the quarter were scored by De.I Stoltenberg of Necoming. braska City-the first from the Wayne 8 through the middle and the second on a pass from Henry Hart of Red Oak, Iowa, from the Iowa State. He then moved to By _Don Carlile Amherst College in Massachu- Wayne 13. During the second quarter ALFRED G. WHEELER setts and spent nine successful Director of Athletics years there before coming to Wayne failed to capitalize on the 30-mile-an-hour wind advantage Head Football Coach Way n e Minchow graduated stiffened, however, and Peru lost Peru State in 1938. \ and a recovered Peru fumble on from the Table Rock high school the ball on downs. Al's family includes his wife, Dean of Nebraska College ConThe Bobkittenf i'n turn staved the Peru 16. The Wildcats man- in 1953. He's a 6'0" and 190 pound Fran, and Al, Jr. ference gridiron mentors, Coach aged to get the pigskin to the 13, senior. He starts at right end and off a Hamburg drive ~ the Peru Al is beginning his 19th year as four-yard line. The 'Kittens were but ran out of downs. his major is PE. the guiding hand of Peru State Stoltenberg scored his third Del Stoltenberg starts at the put to the test again as Hamburg football. The records established JEROME D. STEMPER TD of the contest on the sixth left halfback position. He was passed and ran their way to the Football Line Coach: Assistant play following Wayne's .kick at by Wheeler-coached teams at s remaining graduated from Nebraska City in Peru 15 with · Basketball Coach: Head Track the start of the third quarter. The Peru State are among the most were able to 1953. A 5'9" and 170 pound sen- in the game. Coach: Director of Intramurals second tally of the stanza was spectacular in the history of the hold them until· the last whistle, ior, he is also majoring in PE. school. The 1956 season with all scored on a Sid Brown pass from Sid Brown was graduated here winning, 7-6. The 1956 season will be Stemits question marks got underway the Wayne 17 to end Jerry Granat Peru Prep High. The 6'0" and per's third year in collegiate August 29 when the Wheelermen 190 pound sophomore starts at coaching. In 1954 he moved cer of Beatrice. ALL TIME RECORD gathered for opening practice. In the final stanza Peru State's the quarterback spot. across campus from the Peru During his years as Bobcat third-string quarterback Wayne The Pedagogian is indebted to Dale Johnson was graduated Prep' coach, a position that he mentor, Wheeler has coached all had held for four years. During McFarland of Sumner handed off from Table Rock high school in Don Carlile of the department of sports with championship outto Doug Gibson on the Wayne 39 1952. The 6'0" and 190 pound special services for the following that time his football teams won fits in each. Success was slow in 24, lost 10 and tied one. Many of and 4he Falls Citian went for pay junior starts at the fullback po- all-time record on Peru State vs. coming, for his first gridiron Wesleyan games. the trophies gracing the Campus dirt. 'rrhe final tally of the game sition. His major is PE. season produced but one win. Darwin Rosenquest comes from School display cases were placed was scored for the Wayne WildPeru State vs. Wesleyan The first undefeated season for there by Stemper-coached teams·;· cats when Tom Skrivan fell on Essex in Page county, Iowa. The Al's Bobcats came in 1952, with Del Stoltenberg's blocked kick in Peru Wesleyan 5'10'.' and 170 pound senior was Stemper gained his playing exa repeat performance in 1953, the end zone. During the preced- graduated in 1953. He's a general 1909 ------------ 5 5 perience at Kearney State, gradwhen the Bobcats pushed the ing play a 15-yard clipping pen- science major who is now in his 1914 ------------ 0 19 uating in 1944. After military consecutive win streak to 21. The alty had been accessed the Bob- senior year. He's starting at the 1915 ------------ 0 26 service, he started his coaching win streak lasted m i d way cats as Stoltenberg intercepted a right guard position. 1916 ------------ 0 0 . career at Table Rock high school. through the '54 season when what Wayne pass. 66 Riley Ruby is a 6'2" and 185 1917 ------------ 0 His fourth year team turned in a was to have been the 27th Extra points were tallied for pound junior who starts this 1919 ------------ 0 21 championship season. He then straight victory fell by the waythe Bobcats by Jack Gilmore of game at the left end. "Rube" 1920 ------------ 0 40 came to Peru Prep. He completed side to the Kearney Antelopes. David City, with three out of graduated in 1954 at the high 1926 ------------ 0 27 work toward his M.A. degree at Last year the Bobcats lost games 1927 ------------ 22 0 the University of Nebraska in four placements, and Bob Bryant school of Tecumseh. to Kearney and Doane by a total of Peru, with two out of two 1929 ------------ 7 0 1952. of three points. Stemper's family includes his placements. 1930 ------------ 0 13 After the 1952 season Coach Al wife, Elsie, and children Steve 7, 1932 ------------ 13 7 Scoring by Quarters: was named "Nebraska College Bonnie 4, and David Lynn 2. 1933 -----------13 0 Wayne ---------- 0 0 .0 6 6 Conference Coach of the Year" Peru ____________ 21 0 13 7 41 1934 -----------32 26 by the Omaha World-Herald, and Ron Brock's extra point follow1935 ------------ 0 13 "Little All-American Coach of Statistics Peru Wayne ing Jerry Henning's fourth quar- 1936 ------------ 0 7 JOHN J. (JACK) McINTIRE the Year" by the Rockne Foundter touchdown was the margin as First downs _________ 7 12 1937 ------------ ' 7 6 ation. In 1953 he was honored Peru Prep slipped past Hamburg, Assistant Football Coach Yards rushing ------ 6 355 1938 -----------0 6 with the presidency of the NaIowa 7-6 in a Tri-state conferHead Basketball Coach Y,ards passing ______ 22 106 1939 -----------32 0 tional Association of Inter-Colence game on Friday, October 12 Total yardage ______ 16 461 For former Falls City coach 1942 ------------ 21 13 legiate Athletics. at Hamburg. Penalty yardage ____ 5 55 6 When Coach Al came to Peru Jack Mcintire, his appointment Passes attempted ____ 8 A pass-interference p e n a 1t y 1946 ------------ 6 12 to the coaching staff at Peru State 1947 ------------ 9 19 State in 1939 the Department of gave Peru the ball on the HamPasses completed ___ 2 7 12 Health and Physical Education last spring was in a sense a Intercepted by ______ 0 O burg 12-yardJine. Hennings ran 1948 ------------ 0 1949 -----------12 6 was the smallest on the campus. homecoming. The former Peruvi- Balls lost on furn bl es 2 through the middle for two yards 7 Today it has more majors than an grid star and physical educaand Brock threw an incomplete 1951 ------------ 34 tion department member is no 7 any other department. pass. On third down Brock threw 1952 ------------ 27 13 A graduate of Oberlin (Ohio) stranger to the "Campus of a LINEUP FOR THE WAYNE to Hennings over the line and 1953 ------------ 30 0 College where he compiled a Thousand Oaks" and her foot- AND PERU BOBCATS Jerry, picking up two unsuccess- 1954 ------------ 40 0 brilliant record as a three-sport ball fortunes. While a student at ful tacklers went on into the end 1955 ------------ 14 Jerry Ludwig starts at the left letterman, Coach Al quarter- Peru, Mcintire was named allzone. Brock made the placement Peru Wins -------------- 14 backed the football team through state and was team captain of the guard position. Jerry graduated to give the 'Kittens a one-point Wesleyan Wins --------- 12 from Bellevue high school in Bobcat grid team. He was line three seasons that saw only three· margin. Ties -------------------- 2 1954. He's 6'0" and weighs 191 coach at Peru during the 1942-43 defeats. The most memorable Hamburg's touchdown came in pounds. His major is PE. I.A. event in his athletic career was season. the first quarter as little Paul A 6'2" and 190 pound Ray EhHis first coaching post was the during the 1922 football season Cass ran 38 yards to score. The PERU RECREATION when the Wheeler-quarterbacked year following his graduation, lers graduated from Syracuse try for point was no good. high school in Otoe county in when he guided athletic fortune PARLOR Oberlin school upset the powerPeru missed a chance to score WELCOMES YOU ful Ohio State Buckeyes. Al cap- at Auburn High School. That 1954. His starting position is left in the first half as a pass to J erPERU· tained the. school's basketball year his football team scored tackle. Ray's major is also PE. ry Patterson put the ball on the team for three years. After grad- eight wins to one loss, while his I.A. Hamburg 5-yard line. Hamburg Thomas Moen starts at center uation, he played two seasons of cage team tallied 14 wins to six position this game. He graduated losses. pro-basketball. Mcintire's ten-year record at from Bellevue high school in Al's coaching career started at Falls City is an enviable one-in 1953. This 5'8" and 160 pound Los Angeles' Manual Arts High all sports. His football team pro- senior's major is PE. I.A. School and after two years there, Chuck Krumme gr a du.at e d duced 71 wins and 17 losses, he · spent another two years while his basketball t e am from Red Oak high school in coaching freshman football at chalked up 126 wins against 47 1953. He's a 6'3" and 205 pounddefeats. Ten straight Southeast er. This P.S.T.C. senior starts this Conference· championships were game as the right tackle. COFFEE DONUTS GIRL'S FOOTWEAR Buddy "Rock" B o o k w a 1 t er rolled up in track under McinNewest Styles CANDY ICE CREAM comes from Douglas county in tire's tutelage. BILL'S CLOTHING Kansas. A 6'0" and 175 pound Jack's family includes his wife, SANDWICHES Auburn Luella, and children Karen 13, freshman, he starts in the right halfback position. and John 10.
Meet Your Coaches·
Prep Nudges Hamburg
-'·"' ·:~CEPTI~~~
1 'many good shots, including close er, Humboldt; :Rose Pfieffer, 1 "' :r ups and slow motion, of St. Lou· Spencer. stars like Stan Musial and Re Trombone-Ro n a 1d NoltensThere will be two recepSchoendienst. Shows importanc In the first game of the year second tally of this quarter was meyer, Auburn; Phil Fahrlander, of training and physical condi• the Bobcats won by a 13-0 vic- made by Jerry Grancer. In the Plattsmouth; Marilyn Tucker, . ticins in connection with the State Teachers Conventions tion.) Anheuser-Busch, Inc. tory over the Colorado State final quarter Doug Gibson took a Tecumseh; Lawrence Eickhoff, on October 25th in Lincoln, ·October 15 Bears of Greeley, Colorado. The hand off from Wayne McFarland Shubert. Nebr., and Omaha, Nebr. The "Fortune In Two Old Trunks,' Bobcats scored their first touch- and went for pay dirt. Bob BryBaritone horn-Don Gibson, hours will be from three 25 minutes, color. (The story o down in the first four minutes of ant kicked two out of two extra Auburn; Richard Kumpf, Johno'clock to five o'clock in the this game. The scoring play was points and Jack Gilmore kicked son; Joyce Carman, Brock; Janet the Santa Clara Valley fruit in three out of four extra points. afternoon for both cities. a pitchout from Sid Brown, a 175 dustry, 1839-today.) Californi Bertram, Falls City; Marjorie Mr. Lee Lowenberg, Direclb. 6 ft. sophomore from Peru, to Prune & Apricot Growers Assn. Thomas, Nemaha. tor of Professional Services, Del Stoltenberg 165 lb. 5 ft. 11 in. October 19 Sousaphone-Bill Larson, Peru; will be at the one in Omaha senior of Nebraska City. In the . "In the Beginning," 28 minutes Freddy Regnier, Dill§!; Jim Ackwhich will be in the West waning minutes of the 2nd quarcolor. (The Grand Canyon an erman, Fremont. Room of the Sheraton Hotel. ter, Peru made a second touchwhat it tells us about the geologiPercussion-Judi Cole, NebrasThe reception at Lincoln. down. This second touchdown cal history of the world, with ka City; Janice Jahn, Omaha; By Don Carlile will be on the mezzanine of play was a hand off from Brown spectacular recreations of naCharles Owen, a sophomore Janice Gottula, Table Rock; the Cornhusker Hotel with Mr. to Pat Novacek. Novacek is a 210 ture's three-billion-year drama. Dwaine McKnight, Peru; Marilyn Donald Carlile, Director of lb. 6 ft. 7 in. sophomore from Te- from Hamburg, Iowa, is drum Socony Mobil Oil., Inc., Magnoli Slagel, Falls City. Special Services, present. kamah. Gary Adams, 175 lb. 5 ft. major of the 47-member Peru Petroleum Co., General Petrole9 in. sophomore of Falls City State College marching band, acum Corporation. kicked the extra point. In all, cording to Robert V. Grindle, di- Balanced Program October 27 about 35 Peru Bobcats saw action rector. "The Sun Goes North," 23 minDrum majorettes are Janice In Curriculum in this game. utes, color. (Here is the Florida Gottula, Table Rock freshman; Of Campus School Large Veterans' Club citrus industry .. oranges, lemSECOND GAME Marjorie Peckham, fr e sh man Elects Its Officers ons & grapefruit, from planting The high school is offering a In the second game of the from Pawnee City, and Gayleen Monday evening, October 1, to processing.) Florida Citrus well balanced program, comparaseason the Bobcats lost in a 28-14 Wilson, Verdon senior. score to the Central Missouri ble to and better than the pro- the Veterans' club elected its offi· Commission; "Showman ShootBand members include: er," 25 minutes, color. (Amazing Mules. In the last three minutes Piccolo and flute-June Haupt- gram of some larger schools. It is cers for the year. The three exeand 26 seconds of the 3rd quar- man, Nebraska City; Grace Han- possible for a student in the cam- cutive officers are Geo. Slaugh- display of exhibition shooting at ter, Buddy Bookwalter caught a naford, Brownville; Marjorie pus school to enroll for: ter, Jerry Grancer, and Neil Tra- clay pigeons and other targets. pass from Del Stoltenberg and bert. The finance officer is Tom Stresses gun safety and sports4-years of English Peckham, Pawnee City. went over for the Bobcats first Percell. The recorder is Wallace manship. Offers antidote for ju4-years of social studies Clarinet-Phil Neuhalfen, Duntouchdown of the game. Gary bar; Mary Ruzicka, Burchard; 3-years of math Wuster. Vice commanders are Al venile delinquency.) We sternAdams kicked the extra point. Winchester, IJ!in \.Mathieson• Winseman and Bill Kochheim. Larry Carre, Holmesville; Lester 4-years of science In a play on the one yd. line, it Chemical Corpora.lion. The club has provided a color 3-years of home economics Miller, Beatrice; Pat Sheehan, wasn't until the fourth down that October 31 guard at every football game. 4-years of shop Verdon; Lois Rowe, Glenwood, Buddy Bookwalter finally shot The veterans sponsored a !-semester of driver's training "Paper Work," 30 minutes, colIowa; Charles Berry, Thurman, over for Peru's second touch4-years of band and vocal music dance in the gymn from 3:30- or. (Covers the making of fine Iowa; Gayleen Wilson, Verdon. down. Adams again kicked the 11 :30 on October 8. papers fro~growing of trees Bass clarinet-Janet C o t t o n 2-years of physical education extra point. The Veterans' club is not ex- to delivery~ the printer, with Dahmke, Peru. clusively male. Although there principal emphasis on the skilled THIRD GAME Alto saxophone-Betty TaenzJournalism Club Meets are 89 male members, there is people and marvelous machines With one win and one loss be- ler, Omaha; Gilbert Gray, MilliOfficers for the Journalism one girl in the club. She is Elea- in the paper mill.) Champion Pahind them the Peru Bobcats next gan; Duane Arends, Manley; per & Fiber Company. club were elected at the second nor Payne, former Wave. face the Kearney Antelopes. The Merrily Dahmke, Syracuse. meeting of the year held in the educated toe of Gary Adams Tenor saxophone-Charles Owdidn't seem to function just right. en, Hamburg, Iowa. Linscheid apartment on the cam.This caused Peru to lose by expus. Lois Bush was elected presiTrumpet-Larry Miller, HamE. L. DECK tra points. Peru's first score was ,¢ent; Ron McKinney, vice presi- October Film burg, Iowa; Arthur Lindahl, Nemade in the last four minutes and dent; and Chris Kolbo, secretary. Lists Thirteen HARDWARE 46 seconds, of the 3rd quarter by braska City, Bob Hoback, Ne!, After the election of officers October 1 Wayne Minchow of Table Rock. braska City. and a brief business session, the "Fire" (Science of combustion) Cornet-David Miller, Peru; meeting turned into a social afRiley Ruby of Tecumseh made Standard Oil Co. the second touchdown for the Harriet Parkison, Riverton; Dick fair with the new members of the Sporting Goods October 2 Bobcats about midway in the Sietsema, Tabor; Pat Kelly, Wy- club getting acquainted with the "The Man Who Sells," 10 minfourth quarter. Final score for more; Jerry Owen, Hamburg, rest of the members and the Iowa; Barbara Chambers, Sew- Pedagogian staff. Eleven people utes; "American Harvest," 30 this game was 14-12. minutes. ard. Peru, Nebr. were present. FOURTH GAME Ocl:obet 3 Bass-Julius Mueller, Omaha; Ice cream, cookies, and Cokes Next the Bobcats picked up "School Board In Action," Gene Campbell, Tecumseh. or coffee were served by the hosttheir second victory with a 51-25 N.S.E.; "Mike Makes His Mark," French horn-Dick Fankhaus- ess, Ruthie Linscheid. win over Chadron. Buddy Book~ N.S.E.; "Good Food, Good Health, walter made the first Peru Good Looks," 17 minutes, color. touchdown of the game. Jack (ABC's of proper nutrition, as Gilmore kicked the extra point. demonstrated in unusual diet exPeru's second touchdown came periment with college g i r 1s. when Henry Hart of Red Oak, Shows how to plan and prepare GO BOBCATS GO P.S.T.C. Iowa fell on the ball in the Chadbalanced meals.) Lever Brothers Go Bobcats Go Fite Fite Fite Fite ron ·end zone after the kick off. Co. P. S. T. C. Fite Bobcats Fite Gilmore again kicked the extra Fite Fite Fite Fite Win Bobcats Win Ocl:ober 9 point. The first quarter ended 21- • Beat---P. S. T. C. "Midwest Holiday," 27 minutes, 6 as Pat Novacek went over for Fite Fite Fite Fite color. (Take a vacation tour Peru's 3rd touchdown of the P. S. T. C. through Mid-American-a new F-I-G-H-T game. Wayne Minchow made the Peru Bobcats Fite and delightful visit to the scenic, F I G HT Fite Fite Fite next touchdown for the Bobcats. FIGHT Fite Fite Fite historic and cultural centers of The Bobcats touchdowns of the FIG H T Fite Fite Fite 15 states, alive with beautiful 3rd quarter were made by Henry Peru Bobcats Fite color.) Standard Oil (Indiana). Hart and Doug Gibson. Two more T-E·A·M points were added for Peru when October 10 T-E-A-M Jack Ludwig pounced on a FOUR CLAPS FOUR FITES "Let's Train With the CardiFite Fite Fite Fite Clap Clap Clap Clap blocked kick attempted by Counals," 30 minutes, color. (An acT-E-A-M pens of Chadron. Doug Gibson Fite Fite Fite Fite tion-filled baseball picture, with Fite Fite Fite Fite Clap Clap Clap Clap went over for his second touchT-E-A-M Fite Fite Fite Fite down in the fourth quarter after Fite Fite Fite Fite Clap Clap Clap Clap the Bobcats had gained control Peru Bobcats Fite on a pass intercepted by Don NieFite Fite Fite Fite Peru Bobcats Fite meier of De Witt. The extra point Peru Bobcats Fite Peru Bobcats Fite was kicked by Bob Bryant. DurFite Fite Fite ing this game Jack Gilmore JUMPING BOBCATS kicked six consecutive extra B-0-B-C-A-T-S points. B-0-B-C-A-T-S BOBCATS FIFTH GAME
Summaryof Bobcat Games to Date
Band Organization Is Now Completed
Learn Your School Yells
Rexall Drug Store KODAKS
School Supplies and gifts
Welcome Alumni Peru, Nebr.
Peru marched to 41-6 victory over the Wayne Wildcats last Saturday. The Bobcats have a 2-1 record in conference play, having lost to the Kearney Antelopes, 12 to 14. The Bobcats took advantage of the down wind and racked up 21 points in the 1st quarter. Buddy Bookwalter made the 1st touchdown with a 41 yd. run. The second two touchdowns for the Bobcats were scored by Del Stoltenberg: In the second quarter the Wildcats recovered a Peru fumble but ran out of downs on the 13. In the beginning of the 3rd quarter, Del Stoltenberg scored his 3rd touchdown. The
GIVE US A "B" Ch.-Give Us a "B" SB.-"B" Ch.-0 SB.-0 Ch.-B SB.-B Ch.-C SB.-C Ch.-A SB.-A Ch.-T SB.-T Ch.-S SB.-S B 0-B-C-A-T-S Bobcats Bobcats J:}obcats
V-I-C-T-0-R-Y V-I-C-T-0-R-Y V-I-C-T-0-R-Y Victory BOBCATS Victory
Ch.-Are We Going To BeatSB.-Yea Bo Ch.-Are We? SB.-Yea Bo Ch.-What Are We Going To Do? B-B-B-E-A T-T-T-E-M B-E-A-T-E-M Beatem Beatem Beatem
Welcomes You
*** " Open Sunday Evenings * * * Phone 2601
Peru, Nebr.
Physical Plant Undergoes Change
acuity Housing Provides For Modern Living The new faculty apartments e the newest moder,n convenes. Every house is equipped a garbage disposal, ventilain the kitchen and bath, e, refrigerator, electric wash~achine and dryer, and a tralized heating unit. he apartments are a lot of to live in because they are t and compact. The interior orating was done in such
a manner that the colors will not clash with any type of furnishing. The lights in the ceiling give an ultra modern effect. The vast expanse of glass and numerous picture windows make possible a lovely view of the campus and admit worlds of natural light even on the darkest days. Easy access is gained to the closets with double and trjple
any Enrolled in Night Classes By Donna Gaer · The night classes which are ld on Wednesday evenings m 5:00 to 10:00 have an enrollnt of 110, 104 women and six n. There are two classes each ht. The first is from 5:00 to 0 with thirty minutes out for per. The second is from 7:45 10:00. Education Harold Boraas directs the ucational Measurements class, hich consists of 20 students, and y are as follows: Ahl, Anita, boldt; Bernard, Rose, Aub; Christy, Evelyn, Brock; Cole, er, Nebraska City; Easterday, ry, Riverton, Iowa; Dierking, ne, Otoe; Gawart, Carol, Neska City; Green, E. Marie, ck; Henderson, E. Arlene, ck; Johnson, B. A., Syracuse; ka, Dorothy, Thurman, Iowa; wenberg, Frances, Peru; Mcnald, Mary, Shubert; Mettlen, rma, Unadilla; Monroe, Luce, Sidney, Iowa; Pugh, Olive, tella; Roddy, Margle, Peru; tokes, Clifford, Nebraska City; hitney, Julia, Humboldt; Wiig, . Jean, Hamburg, Iowa. English The instructor of the English omposition class is James Lev. The students of the class a~e follows: Cook, Charlotte, Neaska City; Furlong, Lillian, ls City; Gerdes, Georgia, Aubn; Halfhide, Alice, Pawnee 'ty; Harring, Evelyn, Dawson; unt, Mable, Lorton; Majors, . rilyn, Auburn; Meyerkorth, la, Stella; Peek, Doris, Falls ity; Pietzyk, Lois, Elk Creek· impson, Helen, Auburn; Simp~ n, Patti, Auburn; Wilton, Dorhea, Nebraska City· Wissler ra, Pawnee City; Wist. Ele~ Salem. · Social Studies A. B. Clayburn is the instructor r the Social Studies Survey ass and it is as follows: Adams, uella, Peru; Albert, Lorraine, alls City; Ank~om, Florence, hubert; Ast, Betty, Humboldt; artram, Elsie, Pawnee City; rstler, Hazel, Nebraska City; rrenpohl, Peggy, Tecumseh; vis, D. Lucille, Nebraska City; naldson, Marian, Farragut; esner, Shirley, Falls City; Halfde, Florence, Pawnee City; imes, Janis, Julian; Geer, Bet, Percival, Iowa; Harding, Ed, Pawnee City; Hunzeker, Re, DuBois; Markel, Margaret, braska City; Meier, Mildred, ble Rock; McDonald, Paul, ubert; Pharoah, Erma, Peru; ls, Donna, Pawnee City; Moel, Marguerite, Dunbar; Rohl-
meier, Charlene, DuBois; McCarty, Helen, Anselmo; Volker, Luetta, Auburn; Wilberger, Rachel, Peru; Wilson, Yvonne, Dunbar. Music The director of the Elementary Music Methods class is Darryl Manring. This class is as follows: Bernhard, Rose, Auburn; Cole, Ester, Nebraska City; Hunley, Virginia, Rulo; Eddy, Lillian, Peru; Geer, Betty, Percival; Iowa; Glather, Charlene, Humboldt; Halfhide, Florence, Pawnee City; Gawart, Carol, Nebraska City; Koeppel, Gladyce, Peru; Lowenberg, Frances, Peru; Volker, Luetta, Auburn; Stone, Clare, Falls City; Walder, Donn, Beatrice; Matthews, Julea, Auburn; West-· fall, Helen, Nebraska City; Wolters, Leona, Steinauer. Speech Fundamentals of Speech is conducted by R. D. Moore, and his class consists of the following: Albert, Lorraine, Falls City; Ankrom, Florence, Shubert; Bartram, Elsie, Pawnee City; Broady, Madge, Johnson; Buckminster, Lucile, Falls City; Buckminster, Sam, Falls City; Epperson, Alice, Auburn; Fankhauser, Pearl, Humboldt; Gawart, Carol, Nebraska City; Halfhide, Alice, Pawnee City; Heitbrink, M. Gretchen, Stella; Hardin, Frances, Pawnee City; Hunt, Mable, Lorton; Hunzeker, Reva, DuBois; Johnson, B. A., Syracuse; Leeka, Dorothy, Thurman, Iowa; Meier, Mildred, Table ·Rock; Neal, Marie, Nebraska City; Monroe, Lucein, Sidney, Iowa; McDonald, Paul, Shubert; Nelson, Frances, Johnson; Pugh, Olive, Stella; Puls, Donna, Pawnee City; Rohlmeier, Charlene, DuBois; Simpson, Helen, Auburn; Simpson, Patti, Auburn; Webering, Dorothy, Nebraska City; Wilton, Dorothea, Nebraska City; Schroeder, Betty, Thurman, Iowa; Wissler, Dora, Pawnee City. Human Development Dr. Darrel Wininger instructs the Human Growth and Development class. Those who are enrolled in this class are as follows: Borrenpohl, Peggy, Tecumseh; Doty, Norma, Tecumseh; Davis, D. Lucille, Nebraska City; Donaldson, Marian, Farragut; Lippold, Nina, Shubert; McDonald, Mary, Shubert; Manring, Janet, Peru; Pietzyk, Lois, Elk Creek; Stutheit, Wilma, Auburn; Stettenbenz, Jack, Tecumseh; Thornhill, Marie, Nebraska City; Wiig, 0. Jean, Hamburg, Iowa. Science Methods The class of Science for Ele-
doors gliding smoothly on ball bearing hangers. Every thing has been thought of to provide comfort, even removable panels in the walls for easy installation of air condition equipment, and a modern plug connection for the T.V. aerial. The apartments have been very attractively landscaped and are conveniently located close to the school. mentary Teachers is conducted by John C. Christ. The students of this class are as follows: Cook, Charlotte, Nebraska City; Dierking, Irene, Otoe; Flesner, Shirley, Falls City; Gerdes, Georgia, Auburn; Harding; Edna, Pawnee City; Harshbarger, E. Eunice, Stella; Leahy, Irene, Tecumseh; McCarty, Helen, Anselmo; Maple, Delma, Tecumseh; Heyerkorth, Lila, Stella; Sheehan, Helen, Verdon. French 1 George Rath is the instructor of the French class. His is as follows: Alber, Ellen, Nebraska City; Gunlach, Carol, Nebraska City; Holliway, Helen, Nebraska City/ Niccoli, Myrle, Nebraska City.\ ·, Art Appreciation The Art Appreciation class is conducted by Norma Diddel. This class consists of the following: Duncan, Laura, Nebraska City; Eddy,.Lillian, Peru; Eschen, Ruby, Nebraska City; Gerdes, Marie, Auburn; Glather, Charlene, Humboldt; Gruber, JoAnne, Hamlin, Iowa; Handley, Raymond, Nebraska City; Harshbarger, E. Eunice, Stella; Heng, hene, Nebraska City; High, Dorothy, Nebraska City; Johnson, Alice, Peru; Kinnison, Lester, Nebraska City; Koeppel, Gladyce, Peru; Mas, Dorothy, Peru; Rexro.th, Bessie, Table Rock; Schuetz, Noma, Table Rock; Schroeder, Betty, Thurman, Iowa; Sheehan, Helen, Verdon; Smith, Thelma, Auburn; Vo 1 km er, Lynne, Talmage; Walker, Donn, Beatrice; Wolters, Leona, Steinauer.
Pedagogians Like New Union Quarters Members of the staff of ·The Pedagogian are highly pleased with the new quarters in the Student Union. The new office has much more room than the old one which doubled as a ticket office for the Auditorium. Old staff members will have no difficulty in recognizing the furnishing and equipment as they are the same that were used in the old office. About the only new feature the new office will be an exchange file of newspapers from other colleges and the high schools in this area. Dwight Safar is working dn this project, and it will soon be possible for a student to drop in to read the high school paper from his old school or to check on what other colleges in the Middle West are doing. Staff members agree that one of the best things about the new location is its proximity to the snack bar.
According to physical plant director, Stacy Vance, there have been a few changes made in the college area, and there are more to be done. Vetville Going Mr. Vance says that the reason old Vetville is being torn down is to improve the looks of the north end of the football field. The ground on which old Vetville stands will be graded down. It will be used for a practice field, a parking lot and possibly a basball field. Parking Lot The student parking lot north of Delzell Hall has been rocked to keep the boys from getting their cars and themselves muddy. Later on there will be a chain fence placed around the parking lot. This will separate the. faculty housing unit from the parking lot. .The parking area all along the north side of the music hall has been widened. Grading to Come Sometime in the future the ground at the south end of Mt. Vernon will be graded down. This dirt will be placed around the library and a retaining wall be built. Because of this, the water main will have to be changed. This change will probably not be made until spring. "By fall," says Mr. Vance, "I hope to have the area in front of Mt. Vernon and Morgan Hall in pretty good shape."
Invite Alumni To Homecoming Reunion The last issue of the Peru Stater carried an invitation to the more than 5,000 Peruvians in the alumni files. The alumni were invited to be present for the 1956 Homecoming which is October 20th. The magazine was mailed October 1st. Other highlights of this issue included stories of the 1906 class reunion, the Omaha alumni spring picnic, the Peru Achievement Scholarship recipients, and the Morton House Scholarship winners. Copies will be available in the library for students.
Local NE.A. Meets The local chapter of the N.E.A. met Wednesday, Sept. 5 at 4:00 p.m. in the Campus School Auditorium with 26 members present. Mr. Glen Sheely, president of the Peru N.E.A., presided at the opening meeting of the year. After reading of the minutes by Miss Frieda Rowoldt, secretary, a short business meeting was held. Frank Masek was elected vice president. Six meetings will be held this year on dates to be announced at a later date.
Curriculum Study Now in Progress An intensive study of the curriculum is under way at Peru State Teachers College. This study is being made under the direction of President Neal S. Gomon to provide the best course of study possible with the facilities and staff available. All divisions of the college are examining and evaluating their curricula. When' the study is completed, there will 'be some changes in the course~ offered, some being modernized, some revised, some dropped, and some new ones added. After the' div,ision heads have made recommendations for the courses in their divisions, the recommendations will be passed
by the policies committee. Final approval will come from President Gomon. \ The curriculum study is necessary at this time because this year the new catalog for '57-'58 and '58-'59 will be printed. Course changes must be made and approved before the new catalog is printed.
Campus School Senior Play Tryouts Held By Lois Bush Tryouts were held Friday afternoon, October 5, for the senior class play at Peru Prep. "The Man on the Stairs," a mysterycomedy in three acts, will be presented' by the campus school seniors sometime after Homecoming. The following cast was selected: Judy Miller, Aunt Molly Bremmer; Martha Sue Moore, Mary Jane Bremmer; Rex Rains, Jed Stuart; Jim Bohlkin, Mike Moran; Dave Stevenson, Richard Humphries; Mary Trynon, Victoria Trouble; Dennis Dallam, Philip Magnjn; Connie Sayer, Mrs. Murdoch; and Nadine Adcock, Gwen Murdoch. Miss Lois Bush will be student director, under the supervision of Mr. R. D. Moor~_,. .
\ FHA Week September 16 to September 22 was FHA We tional FHA , but since a chapter can observe it in any week they want to, the Peru chapter chose last week. We observed it by first at t e n ding church as a group, at the Methodist church on Sunday, September 16. We had our scheduled FHA meeting ;on Monday night. On Tuesday, several girls made up a bulletin board display. Wednesday morning three girls and three faculty members put on a panel discussion on "Citizenship." On Thursday, two girls made favors for the patients in the two Auburn hospitals and the Hoover Rest Home. There was an FHA sponsored dance following the Peru-Weeping Water game. Weeping Water was invited. On Saturday, we had a Hobo Day. We made approximately $20. Miss Edna Weare is our FHA sponsor. Mary Crabtree, Publicity Chairman. FACULTY SQUARES -DANCE, THAT !$GETTING ORGANIZED The Faculty Square Dance Club held its first meeting of the year Thursday evening, October 4, at 7:00 p.m. in the Campus School Auditorium. The club presidents, Harold and Alice Johnson, extend a particularly cordial invitation to new faculty members to join the Square Dance Club. Those who are interested in affiliating with the organization should call Mrs. Manring at 3671 during the day or the Johnsons at 4187 in the evening. The Johnsons say, "If you don't dance much, join. us anyway. This is strictly for fun."
Graduate Class Dr. Russell Holy instructs a Saturday morning class for graduate students. There are seven enrolled in this class up to the date of this printing. They are as follows: Barrett, Clyde, Peru; Blumhorst, Virgil, Tecumseh; Foley, Ardis, Morrill, Kansas; Gawart, Carl, Nebraska City; Mas, Dorothy, Peru; Robinson, Mylus E., Nebraska City; Startzer, Robert, Bellevue.
Campus Schoo' Commentary
:Bikes Conditioners Potential pep for future football: 5th and 6th grade boys who ride bikes to school. Or has the steepness and number of hills between school a:nd town slipped your mind? One day last week here came ButCh West nonchalantly coasting along-he had reached the top plateau alongside the campus. In front of Devore's house was Donny Railsback making the last heroic effort to reach the top. In the block below the churches was Francis Mangnall pushing his bike with just enough breath to pant "It's easier to walk than ride!" Down-· town .in front of the post office was another brave soul riding merrily along the level as though he had no idea of the long pull ahead. Top conditioner, eh?
·· ·-··- ···--·seve"rifY:seve·n Are· By Lois Bush In PSTC Choir Homecoming again! For the
-· aid Noah, Auburn;· Romona 0 Humboldt; Phyllis Orton, Sid Iov.ra; Charles Owen, Jerry en, Hamburg, Iowa; Harriett P kison, Riverton, Iowa; Gail By Don Carlile terson, Plattsmouth; Rose Pf Seventy-seven students are fer, Spencer. members of the Peru State ColKay Phillips, Nebraska lege choir, according to Darryl Kay Rasmussen, Maxwell; Fr T. Manring, director. From this dy Regnier, Diller; Elberta· R group will be chosen a select 40- ten, Palmyra; ,Mary Riley, Da voice group which will make son; Peggy Robinson, Tecums off-campus appearances. Roger Russell, Peru; Mar· The choir's first appearance Schmidt, Joan Schneider, D this fall was October 7 when it bar; Wiima Schroeder, Dayk' presented choral selections for a Barbara Schultz, Co u n Union church service in Peru. Bluffs; Donna Schuster, Virgi Members of the choir are: Richard Sietsema, Tabor, Io Joan Ast, Humboldt; Valjean Marilyn Slagel, Falls City; Au Bednar, Wymore; Eleanor Bent- rey Smith, Auburn; Elaine Spi zinger, Cook; Joan Bohl, Auburn; Omaha; Sara Starns, Ashlan Barbara Boyd, Omaha; J o y c e Franci Stilwell, Palmyra; S Carman, Brock; Barbara Cham- zanne Sutton, Percival, Iowa. bers, Seward; Judi Cole, NebrasBetty Taenzler, Omaha; Nan ka City; Jeanette Colson, Daw- Taggart, Peru; Deanna Thom son. Auburn; Marjorie Thomas, Loren Dyke, Essex, Iowa; Car- maha; Marilyn Tucker, Tecu Ori! rol Engdahl, Oakland; Richard seh; Kay Ward, Murray; Jani Fankhauser, Humboldt; James Wiles, Plattsmouth; Gayleen W present~ l)isplay Feistner, Nebraska City; Joan son, Verdon; Marvin Wust French, Douglas; Mary Ann Dawson; Monica Zach, Perciv Fuerst, Omaha; Donald Gibson, Iowa. Auburn; Lucile Gilliland, Auburn: Janice Gottula, Table Rock; Sharon Grieninger, Ash 1 and; Office~· Grace Hannaford, Brownville; By Don Carlile Bill Hayes, Tecumseh; Tom HigEpsilc Elaine Spier of Omaha gins, Valley; Jann Hoffman, Du!:'Oming Bois; Janice Jahn, Omaha; El- been elected president of t fear st: wood Johnson, Plattsmouth; Sha- Peru State~-,. · ge chapter 1:1ward reen Johnson, Spencer; Anna Music Edu~rs National Co ference. Miss Spier is a junio eight y Knasp, Julian. rocket Clara Kolbo, Omaha; Bill Lar- majoring in music. .tat. Th Each year the organization son, Peru; David Longfellow, PeAlumni ru; Jeanie M. Lutz, Nebraska future music teachers sponsors the Ph City; Louise A. Marshall, Wy- vocal and band clinic for hi roan pr school students and assists wit more; Beverly McGeorge, OmaStolzar ha; Duaine McKnight, Peru; Pa- the District I and II music festi !au, a tricia Meyer; Omaha; Julius val on the Peru campus. Othe The si: Mueller, Omaha; Ross Munn, officers are Janice Gottula, fresh 11.te A. man from Table Rock, and Mari Ohiowa. vis. Phil Neuhalfen, Dunbar; Don- lyn Slagel, Falls City junior.
past couple of weeks Eliza Morgan Hall has been slowly but surely preparing for the big week-end. The floor of the study hall has been devoted to the construction of· a homecoming display. The sewing machine is finally in running order again, and it hasn't had a_n idle minute since girls have been getting clot4es in shape for the dance Fire Drill Saturday night. Even a few overIt was also Fire Prevention ly-ambitious souls have caught Week: Yes, there were fire drills the progressive spirit and have at the Campus School Thursday, gone so far as to clean their both morning and afternoon. Mrs. rooms. Manring in the Campus School It is hoped that, despite the office says "We have them every fact that 81 of the 118 dorm resiyear whether we have a fire or dents had signed out for home not." Then she said that last year, last Friday night, this week-end when talking about having a fire Three Dollar Word will find almost 100% on hand drill, it was discovered that the Driving a carload of grade for the festivities. bell did not work and instruc- scholars or high schoolers someIn the field of romance, two tions were given to have it fixed. where is very enlightening. You A day or so later someone asked find out what the kids are like, new "steadies" have materialDr. Mullinix about fire drill, and what they think and feel· about ized. Yvonne has been wearing he said, "A good idea, but the teachers, classmates, boy friends, "Red" Downey's class ring, and bell doesn't work, see?" and girl friends, ma and pa, _and life Louie Bippes and Corwine Arndt demonstrated. No one was more in general! If you have the time are following the steady road. Miss Bradley, associate dean of surprised than Dr. Mullinix when and an empty car, just offer and the school promptly had a very and you will experience one of students, tried her hand at being unscheduied, unrehearsed fir e life's greatest serendipities. (A "temporary house mom" la:;t Saturday while Mrs. Fulton was abdrill! new word I just learned from . sent. reading "The Grade Teacher Gals who traveled to the Cafs and Kittens Magazine" adv. and it means un- Wayne game kinda backfired the After hearing the results of the suspected bonus.) plan of the Wayne "lynching football games last week-end, it party." After the game, with the Fortitude Needed also sounded like Peru Week: Student Government: Topic of skillful use of Yvonne's lipstick, The Bobkittens triumphed over Hamburg Friday night for Peru discussion among grade schoolers the Peru girls transformed the Prep, and the Bobcats clawed the was who to choose for student Bobcat dummy to a more approWildcats Saturday at the Wayne council representative. "It has to priate "Wayne." Undiscovered talent has sprung Homecoming. Got your fingers be someone who can stand up crossed for the Homecoming and talk to the high school kids up on second floor! Joyce Car" games (both prep and college) and report back to his room." In man has proved to be a ukelele 5th grade James Holdorf and artist, entertaining small groups this week? Jeannie Gnade do the represent- ipi her room upon demand. She ing; 6th grade has Marilyn Lar- is, also giving lessons to a few of Rowoldf .Champ Sponsor Speaking of homecomings, have son and John Patterson; 3th th~ more ambitious. Last week-end found a small you noticed the harassed look grade representatives are David gray kitten wandering around Gomon and Carol Kizer; 7th worn by Miss Rowoldt? Sponsoring the pep club for college grade chose Jerry Snyder and the basement, mewing piteously homecoming is enough for any Linda Morrissy. More on this for a handout. Some kind soul must have taken pity on the waif two people but not for our Frieda phase later. and· fed it, for the remains of a · -she also sponsors the high Elementary Politicians school pep club, and, lo and beThis is election year. Mr. Shee- generous pan of milk were found hold, they snuck in a prep school ly's 8th graders are getting in on the laundry room floor. The homecoming on her the same practice-they elect new officers kitten had disappeared mysteriweek-end that she keeps tabs on every month. (The boys are ously, u n do u b t e d 1y fat and the college homecoming. Sooper- chortling because by strength of 'happy. One of the residents bade a dooper vitamin pills, no doubt. numbers they have the elections sewn up. Does this mean that the final farewell to Eliza Morgan girls who do win elections are last week. Kay Phillips left for Kitten Homecoming Regardless of the poor faculty superior campaigners?) In Sep- her home in Nebraska City, in sponsor, the high schoolers are tember the president was David preparation for her wedding Noplanning a homecoming. They are Go mo n, vice president Bob vember 4. The night before she concentrating on queen, half- Gnade, secretary Sara Adams, left she got the usual "shower time floats, possible displays, in- treasurer Pat Morris, and news treatment" for engaged girls, a viting alumni, after-game dance, reporter Laquita Allgood. Octo- damp but enthusiastic means of until the game seems merely in- ber shifted some officers and congratulations and farewell. More and more men seem to cidental. They have great enthu- brought in new ones: president 1 siasm for homecoming but not so Bob Gnade, vice president Pat be taking advantage of the open much for the hopes of the team Morris, secretary Linda Apple- hours for the recreation room. It winning; then they recover with gate, treasurer David Gomon, seems good to hear masculine the thought, "But then we didn't news reporter Patty Winning- voices around the dorm for a expect to beat Hamburg, either!" ham. Now in Mr. Eddy's 7th change. The lack of Bob-Inn teleThere is nearly a conflict here grade they hold office for nine vision may be the cause, but because, aside from the same pep weeks (no doubt in order to gain somehow it's a kinda welcqme sponsor, there are a number of more experience in administra- one. This column should, and will, college students who are invited tion than in campaigning.) end with a very enthusiastic welas alumni to the prep homecomPinta, Nina-? Oh, Gosh. come to all the homecoming vising activities. The only consolaHow many of you celebrated tion is that high school home- Columbus Day? Do you, with itors. May this Homecoming coming could pe considered a your superior college 1 e v e 1 week-end be a happy and sucdress rehearsal for college home- knowledge, know the names of cessful one! coming next day. the ships of Columbus? I asked
By Mary Ann Gnade October 7-13 was several kinds of week. For instance: It was National Parent-Teacher Week to encourage mothers and fathers and other interested citizens to join an organization dedicated to a better world foL' children. (PTA adv.)
For those who wish to get material in The Pedagogian, the following p u b 1 i cation dates are given. Material for publication must be in four days in advance of the publication date. The Pedagogian will be happy to publish news and announcements furnished by reporters for campus organizations. Dates for the remainder of the year follow. November 2, 16, 30 December 14 January 18 February 1, 15 March 1, 15, 29 April 12, 26 May 10, 24
a 1st grader and a 2nd grader that question and the answer "Pinta, Nina, Santa Maria" came right back at me. If I had been called on to prompt them on the spur of the moment, I am sure I would have failed miserably. Have Fun! Don't forget now: cross your fingers for both our teams; put on your best face for the alumni; and do your best to make all visitors to _our campus want to come again. Have fun t
PERU MOTORS DESOTO - - PLYMOUTH Fast Dependable Service Phone 3201 - Peru
Student Fellowship . By Georgia Isham Mrs. L. B. Mathews spoke on "The Importance of Religion in Marriage and Family Relations" at the Student Christian Fellowship meeting on Wednesday, October 10, at the Baptist church. The meeting was opened by singing led by Don Noah and accompanied by Nancy Taggart. Louise Marshall conducted the business meeting. The scripture was read by Val Jean Bednar, assisted by Donna Lee, who contributed a poem to the devotional period. The meeting was closed by Rev. Lawrence Williams, who led the group in prayer.
Future Music Teachers Elect Far Year •
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PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS Any Garment Remodeled, Restyled, Repaired Always First in Qualify and Workmanship Fur Coats Repaired We call for and deliver Phone 2671, Peru, Nebr.
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The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks . . .
Peru Pedagogian NOVEMBER 2, 1956
Dean Keith Melvin To Succeed . Weresh
Originality and elbow grease are displayed as Epsilon Pi Tau senis its second straight prize winner in l:he annual Homecoming · play conl:esl:.
Epsilon Pi Tau Andre Innocent ins Homecoming Jury Rules By Sharon Reagan isplay Award Epsilon Pi Tau won the Homecoming award for the second year straight. They have won the award three times in: the last eight years. Their display was a rocket being piloted by a Bobeat. Their theme was, "Welcome Alumni, Help the Bobcats Blast fue Plainsmen." Dr. Neal S. Go.man presented the award to Nick Stolzar, president of Epsilon Pi Tau, at the Homecoming dance. .The sponsors of Epsilon Pi Tau lire A. V. Larson and Dee V. Jarvis.
;Epsilon Pi Tau Wins Exhibit Honors A chicken wire and . paper '. rocket showing the ingenuity ··•·and elbow grease of the Epsilon Pi Tau fraternity walked away with all the honors as the industrial arts men took first prize in the Homecoming display contest · for the second straight year. The blue and white rocket was captioned by an appeal to the alumni to "help blast the Plainsmen." Student Fellowship Runner-up in the contest was a monstrous "portrait" showing the Bobcat helping the Plainsman up after a humiliating contest. This mural was fashioned · by the Student Fellowship group. Alpha Mu Omega . Probably the most complex : and intricate display was pre. sented by Alpha Mu Omega fraternity. The scene was a desk where a Plainsman was trying to . figure the outcome of the game. Strewn about were many math books and a super whing-ding of an electric brain buzzing away and dolefully flashing the prediction:' "Peru Will Win." M.E.N.C. M.E.N.C., the music educators dub portrayed a steaming loco• motive rolling over a very dec:Pressed Plainsman; while the Whi.te Angels had caged the mournful pioneer in a crepe pa-. ' per prison, with the caption, "Don't Be Cruel." Industrial Aris The Industrial Arts Club was giving the Wesleyan men a big mock as they showed the "last eharge of the Plainsmen" with a .representative sitting in an optrating electric chair.
By Don Carlile Keith Melvin, formerly dean of the McCook Junior College and presently a member of the staff of the University of Nebraska Teachers College, has been named Dean of the College, Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru, according to an announcement made today by President Neal S. Gomon. Dean Melvin will assume his new duties on November 19. His appointment is subject to the approval of the Board of Education of State Normal Schools. A native of Reynolds, Melvin attended Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru from 1928 to 1932, receiving his Bachelor of Arts in Education degree from Peru in June, 1932. Following his graduation he was named science and mathematics instructor and coach at Upland, a position he held four years. In 1936 he moved to Syracuse, where he was high school principal and coach for seven years. From 1943 to 1946 he was superintendent of schools at Blue Hill, Nebraska. From 1946 to
1955 he was dean of the McCook, Nebraska, Junior College, leaving that position in the summer of 1955 to accept an assignment in the Teachers College of the University of Nebraska. He received his Master of Arts degree from the University of Nebraska in 1942 and is now a candidate for the Doctor of Education degree from the same institution. He expects to receive his advanced degree in January, 1957. Mrs. Melvin is also a graduate of Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru, receiving her Bachelor of Science in Education degree in August, 1955. She had attended Peru for two years during the early '30s and completed her' work through attendance at summer sessions during the early '50s. She is presently employed as an elementary school instructor in the Lincoln Public Schools and will complete the 19567-57 school year before joining her husband at Peru. The Melvins have one daughter, Nancy, a student at the University of Nebraska hospital in Omaha. Dean Melvin replaces Dr. Andrew A. Weresh, who resigned September 15 to accept a position at Boys Town.
Karen Andre, Yvonne Funkhouser, was found innocent of the charge of murder · bro u g ht against her in the Dramatic Club presentation "The Night of January 16th,'' which was given here for a large and enthusiastic Homecoming audience that had plodded through the rain to see the play . The H o m e c o m i n g crowd watched the plot unravel under the "true to life" acting of the cast and the professional directing of Professor R. D. Moore, Peru's veteran director. The jury, practically all alumni, found· Karen Andre innocent ~much to the disgust of Judge William Heath (Bill Larson), who ruled that the jury could not serve in his court again for a period of at least five years. Th.e defendant, Yvonne Funkhouser, gave a fine performance as did attorneys Roger Haigh and Richard Corwine. Rex Filmer · made a most convincing gangster, and Donna Gaer almost stole the show with her interpretation of her minor part as a serving woman. Chris Kolbo wowed the audience as an affected, psuedo "high society" tramp. The cast gave Professor Moore a handsome leather billfold with Queen Beverly Gerdes is a happy monarch as she greets her subhis name inscribed in gold lettering as a token of appreciation for jects with her escort, Jim Jones. his efforts in producing another Homecoming hit play. Miss Peg Robinson, daughter of
School Let Out For NSEA Meet Who~ps! There was no school on Thursday and Friday the 25th and 26th of October. The faculty attended the Nebraska Education Association meetings in Omaha, and the students-well, they went hunting or fishing or just plain rested after the strenuous Homecoming activities of the last week-end.
went through the uprights while the Plainsmen had to be content to follow along behind. Blue Devils The Blue Devils had an interesting display, however the reporter was getting soaked by this time and cannot fully describe it.
Commercial Club The Commercial Club was using an adding machine to add up Peru's ever increasing score. In regard to the over-all effect and picture of the displays the Newman Club general concensus of opinion is The Newman Club had the that Peru students are as origiBobcats on a flying football as it . nal as ever.
Beverly Reigns At Homecoming
Miss Beverly Gerdes, the 1956 Homecoming Queen, is 'the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gerdes, of Auburn, Nebraska. Beverly is a brown haired, blue eyed sophomore, whose ambition is to teach in an elementary school, and to travel abroad. Beverly's favorite sports are ice skating, and swimming. She likes to watch all ball games, especially football. Beverly says her pet peeve is when someone short sheets her bed. Beverly is very active in the school activities. She is a cheer leader, treasurer of the White Angels and Home Economics Club, and is a sophomore representative to the Student Council. . She is also a member of L.S.A. When Beverly was asked how it felt to be Homecoming Queen, her answer was, "It was a thrill that couldn't be put into words." Beverly's attendants were Miss Fran Larson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Larson, Peru, and
Mr. Floyd Robinson, Tecumseh, Nebraska. At ten-thirty the annual coronation of the Homecoming Queen was held at the dance. Stepping in time to the strains of "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi," Beverly Gerdes, the 195'6 Homecoming Queen, and her attendants paraded across the dance floor. The first attendant, Miss Fran Larson, wearing a white waltz length formal, was escorted by Mr. Ron Witt. The 'second attendant, Miss Peg Robinson, wearing a blue waltz length formal, was escorted by Mr. Walter Huff. Then, escorted by Mr. Jim Jones, Beverly Gerdes, Her Maj· esty, stepped into the spotlight wearing a ballerirnt length formal of ny Jon net over taffeta. The dress was a lovely shade of pink. Beverly was crowned 1956 Homecoming Queen by President Gomon, who also presented the queen with a huge bouquet of w h i t e mums. Thereupon, the queen and her court led the traditional coronation dance.
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Dr. Kenyon Plans Nov. 8Seminar Dr. Gordon Kenyon, head of the Di vision of Social Scie~ces, will condud ~.~minar type discussion wh~ S. E. Gerard Priestley is 'il're on November 8. The semi~ar will be held in the basement floor of the Administration building from one to three. Dr. Priestley is a British historian, world traveler, and specialist on international relations. His convocation talk in the morning will be "Hard Facts for Americans," a discussion of our international relations in Asia, India, and the Near East. As Dr. Priestley, a world travel· er, is well acquainted with Latin American affairs and has written books such as "The Agrarian Problem in Mexico" and "The Proposed Federation of the British West Indies," Peru's Drs. Kenyon and Delaney are particularly interested in drawing Dr. Priestley out on current Latin American and British West Indian affairs in his discussion at the afternoon seminar. Dr. Kenyon says: "Students in sociology, economics, and U. S. and Latin American history are especially urged to attend the seminar session at 1:00 p.m., November 8, in Room 104 of the Administration buliding. This seminar will be an unusually fine opportunity for them to obtain first hand comments upon problems of current interest in these fields.
Two Veteran Registrars Honored Here Lincoln Star, Oct. 23 Highlighting the :Nebraska Registrars and Admissions Officers' Association meeting on the Peru State Teachers College campus was the presentation of engrossed scrolls to two veteran members of the group, Dr. G. W. Rosenlof, of the University of Nebraska, and Miss Edith Smithey, of Kearney State Teachers College. The parchments, which named the recipient emeritus members of the group, were presented by Dr. Enock C. Dyrness, registrar of Wheaton (Ill.) College and vice president of the American Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers. Until recently Miss Smithey was registrar at Kearney State, a position she held since 1923, and Dr. Rosenlof has been admissions director at the University since 1934. They are both remaining as members of the staffs of their respective institutions.
To the Griper Occasionally it is brought to the attention of this one that Peru State is totally lacking in social events; that Peru State is not the best place for the student to develop in the social skills that will enable him to take his place in society with the poise and grace that will certainly be required of him or her. It appears to me that the fault does not rest with the school, nor with the faculty, but rather with the student body as a whole, and the student individually. Recent events seem to bear this opinion out. "Recent" is used advisedly as the student body reacted favorably to the first week of activities and to the two dances held after the football games. However: the attendance at the dance sponsored by the Veteran's Organization was disappointing to· the point of being indicting. A live band-a band incidentally that ranks among the best of combos of its kind in this area, but, be that as it may, a live dance band was hired to provide the music for the event. About forty people showed up to enjoy it. Not only did the organization go into the hole, but also the gripers who complained about the lack of social events. Even more re c en tl y: The Homecoming dance was held with an attendance of many alumni; even a few students were there. Perhaps that is a rather strong accusation, but not half as strong as the fragrance from the "big stinks" raised by the students who complain about the social life on this campus. Social activities begin and end with the student. He is the one who knows what he wants; he is the one, and the .only one, who can provide what he wants; and he is the one who will have to support these activities if he wants to continue to have them. At present the social program rests on the student council and the few organizations, such as the Vets who are willing to do a little work. There are other organizations on campus who do a lot toward providing some excitement. The M.E.N.C. yearly sponsors the "Harvest Hop," which again loses some money when the student body fails to attend; the Dramatic Club last year sponsored a disc jockey hop which drew a large crowd, but was over far too soon because of a relatively early curfew at the girl's dorm. With a terrific increase in enrollment, it should follow that there would be more hands to help in the social activities; but getting these hands together to work is another problem which is in need of being solved ... -Dave Longfellow 27 October, 1956
Faculty members, remember the second general faculty meeting of the year to be held in Delzell Hall at 4:00 p.m. on November 5.
Convocation Pep Rally With Phil "C. B. DeMille" Neuhalfen presiding, Peru State held the annual Homecoming pep rally at one o'clock, Friday, Oct. 19, in the college auditorium. The cheer leaders' initial appearance was met by more noise from the student body than has been forthcoming in many a pep rally. The band added its more disciplined noise· and the proceedings continued to the main event, a prophesying melodrama .. The scene of the show was set in "The Old Oak Bar" where, as the curtain rose, Referee Tom Percell was serving beverages to a confirmed bar-fly, Red Downey. Soon to happen in to quench their thirst were "Wesley Plainsman" (played by Cliff Boline), and "a cool cat named Bob" (played by Chuck Ti 11 man). Plainsman was arrayed in hat, beard, long underwear, six gun and holster, and little else. The pace was terrific as Plainsman and Bob set to, Plainsman with a variety of concoctions, and Bob with milk, straight. The plot was complicated about this time: a real sweet dish (played by Dennis Schuller), strolls in and love smites the two contestants. Plainsman makes many advances, but Bob throws him for a whopping loss as he smoothly steps in and sweeps the gal off her feet. The play closes as Plainsman, defeated and weary, collapses beside Downey. All in all, it was as successful a play as has been presented here in a long time. Speeches by Coach Al Wheeler and game captain Jack Ludwig were incorporated into the events as were several more yells (one led by those intrepid cheer leaders Profs. Moore, Jindra, Rowoldt, Miller, and Wininger), and several more band numbers.
Homecoming Ball Merry Occasion Bud Holloway and his orchestra were featured at the annual Homecoming dance, S a t u r d a y night, October 20th. The dance was held in the college gymnasium following the play. At ten thirty the annual coronation of the Homecoming Queen was held. It was then announced that Miss Beverly Gerdes would reign over the dance and festivities. The decorations, furnished by the Student Council, lent a fes-
PERU PEDAGOGIAN The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks November 2, 1956
THE STAFF . David Longfellow ___________________________________ Editor Ed Williamson ____________ ~ ______________ Business Manager· Ruth Linscheid ____________________________ Activities Editor Ralph Hi!L _________________________________ Sports Editor Ron McKinney ______________________ Campus School Editor Dwight .Safar _____________________________ Exchange Editor Sharon Reagan ____________ .. _______ Language Arts Reporter L.ois Bush _______________________________________ Columnist Jean Thimgen __________________________ Fine Arts Reporter Harold Norris ___________________ ------------- _____ Reporter Donna Gaer _______________________ Alumni and Mailing List Donald Cole ___________________________________ Contributor Bob Moore _____________________________________ Contributor Stewart Linscheid __________________________________ Sponsor
tive atmosphere to the dance. A huge. bobcat hovered over the entrance to the dance floor. Directly over the bandstand there was a huge sign welcoming the alumni. The chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lowenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stemper, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sheely. The dance was brought to a close at 12:30 with the band playing the traditional, "Goodnight Sweetheart."
"Ron s Briefs" By Ron McKinney The Senior Chamber of Commerce of Auburn sponsored a free barbecue and dance Wednesday night, October 17. Lots of the boys from Delzell Hall ·drove over to Auburn and really "whooped" it up. All the old graduates who visited the campus thought Peru State Teachers College was in great shape, especially those who visited Delzell Hall .. Some of the remarks that people wrote in the log book in the lobby of Delzell Hall were really complimentary. "Mom" Balkema served coffee and cookies. The only remark she made was that she had served a lot of coffee. Fred Regnier is just about finished with his "draggin-wagon." It's a 1929 Ford, chopped and channeled with a hot motor. Altogether, Fred has worked on his little "jewel" about 1500 hours, and invested $150. Beware: Elvis Presley has retired from the singing business. He willed all his singing and dancing talents to Ray Nebelseck. October 25 and 26 was teachers' cpnvention; that gave the dorm tllen a little time to rest up from tft,e strenuous Homecoming activities of the past week-end. Quite a few of the men I talked to did lots of. duck and pheasant hunting. John "Peaches" Klaasmeyer, Darrell Rosenquist (f o o t b a 11 coach of Brock, Nebr.) and another guy from Brock drove out to Broken Bow, Nebr., and hunted pheasants. They drove out Friday night and hunted until Sunday. They bagged five pheasants. The Dorm Council has ordered a cigarette vending machine to be put in the dormitory. It's expected to be here around the first of November. Now the boys won't have to walk over to the Bob-Inn or cafeteria to get cigarettes.
1957-58 Alumni Officers By Don Carlile In spite of threatening weather more than 150 alumni registered during the morning coffee hour during which time new Alumni Association officers were .eleeted. New president is Oliver Mayfield of Ralston, a 1990 graduate. Other officers are Lee Norris, '55, Sabetha, Kans., first vice-president; Willard Hunzeker, '46, Daykin, second vice-president; Phyllis Davenport (Mrs. Darrell) Rosenquist, '55, Peru, secretary, and Frank Masek, '51, Peru, treasurer. Earliest graduate registering was Louise Ayer (Mrs. Thomas P.) Beall, Lincoln, of the class of 1892. Mr. Beall, a 1905 graduate, also was present.
We You feel so new and fresh and good - all over - when you pause for Coca-Cola. It's sparkling with quick refreshment ... and it's so pure and wholesome - naturally friendly to your figure. Let it do things good things - for you.
So< Peru' Octol . adept waltz an u1
"Coke" is a registered trade-mark.
Other registrants who attended Nebraska's oldest college before the turn of the century were Mrs. Ida Wade Bloomingdale of Nebraska City, a member of the class of 1898, and Dr. H. Clyde Filley of Lincoln, class of 1899.
Sigma Tau Delta By Ralph Hill Monday, October 22, Alpha Phi Chapter of the Sigma Tau Delta had their meeting. The sponsor for this year's club is Robert Grayson. The purpose of the club is to encourage the interest in literature. The club has readings of different sorts and listens to different records. The officers for this year are: President, Dick Corwine; Vice president, Bob Moore Jr.; Secre-
tary and Treasurer, Louise Ma shall. Sigma Tau Delta is a nation organization and the name Alph Phi applys only to Peru Stat Teachers College. Bob Moore, vice president, h had a few poems published b different magazines.
AUBURN HOME BAKERY "Home of all kinds of bread and pastries" Phone 792 Auburn
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24-0. ThE press~
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quart1 three at tb third fouch1 and f aUem slons
Rec1 Wesle:
124 yards rushing and passed for 97 more. Score By Quarters: Peru ----------- 7 6 0 6-19 Hastings ________ 7 0 7 7-21 Peru scoring: TouchdownsDel Stoltenberg (12 run), Doug Gibson (11 sweep), Bob Bryant (83, run with intercepted pass). Point after toui::hdown-Jack Gilmore (placement). Hastings scoring: Touchdowns -Jake Moser (28, pass from Tom Osborne), Osborne (one sneak), Dan Arnold (seven, sweep). Points after touchdowns-Dick Erickson (placement), Moser (plunge), Max Marr (placement).
by Dick Bibler'
Bobcats In Action Against Broncos
It's Prexy io Prexy as President Neal Gomon presenis ihe plaque for ihe besi Homecoming display io Presideni Nick Siolzer of ihe Epsilon Pi Tau fraierniiy.
Bobcats Clobber Wesleyan In Mud
By Hal Norris Soaking rain failed to stiffle Peru's Homecoming spirits. On October 20th, Bobcats led by . adept quarterback Sid Brown, waltzed in the mud to turn back an undermanned Wesleyan crew 24-0. . The Wesleyan Plainsmen pressed Peru to the Bobcat side of the field thru-out the first quarter. But, in the remaining three quarters, Peru with Brown at the helm scored twice in the third quarter, and pushed single touchdowns over in the second and fourth periods. All Bobcat attempts at extra point conversions were miscued. Firsi Quarier Receiving the opening kick-off, Wesleyan with quarterback Heffelfinger failed to ignite a sustained drive. An exchange of punts and ball toting by Keller and Holmes pushed Wesleyan within the Peru 19 yard stripe. Here, the Blue Devil line stiffened. On a fourth down play, Plainsman Dale Lemon attempted a field goal; but, the ball fell short. This was Wesleyan's only serious scoring threat in the contest. Later in the period, Peru's offense began to generate with Bookwalter, Stoltenburg, and Johnson lugging the football.
Reeling back the succeeding kickoff, Wesleyan with nine minutes, 20 seconds remaining in the third period started an air attack. This attack was squelched as Bob Bryant picked off a Hellelfinger pass and raced 46 yards to the Wesleyan one-yard line. Here, again, Brown pushed over to place Peru well in front 18-0. Bryant missed the conversion.
By Don Carlile Game captains for the Bobcats in the Hastings game were seniors Tom Moen, center from Bellevue; and. Del Stoltenberg, Nebraska City halfback. The traveling squad· included: Ends, John Ludwig, Bellevue; Riley . Ruby, Tecumseh; Bob Humphrey, Auburn; Wayne Minchow, Table Rock; Jerry Grancer, Beatrice; Jack Gilmore, David City. Tackles: Charles Krumme, Red Oak, Iowa; Larry Hopkins, Guthrie Center, Iowa; Ray Ehlers, Syracuse; Bruce Smith, Coin, Iowa; John Lincoln, Bradshaw; Earl McCain, Tecumseh; John Sacks, Lincoln. Guards: Glen Heywood, Peru; Jerry Ludwig, Bellevue; Jim Rosenquist, Essex, Iowa; Darwin Rosenquist, Essex, Iowa. Centers: Tom Moen, Bellevue; Don Hamel. Fullerton. Backfield: Sid Brown,, Peru; /Doug Gibson, Falls City; Del •Stoltenberg~ Nebraska City; Gary 'A.dams, Falls City; Bob Bryant, Peru; Dale Johnson, Table Rock; Pat Novacek, Tekamah; Henry Hart, Red Oak, Iowa; Buddy Bookwalter, Lawrence, Kans.; Jerry Mullins, Salem. Student manager, Duane Birginal, Omaha.
Fourih Quarter The final period found Peru's Hart, Novachek, and Gibson carrying the football to the W~sley an eight-yard line. After a penalty setback to the 23-yard stripe, Gibson took a Brown pitchout and romped around his own left side for the 23 yards and the last TD of the game. Bryant's conversion attempt failed. To end a very wet and muddy . Peru Homecoming, with six minutes 51 seconds of game time remaining, the Bobcat seconds fought the Plainsmen scoreless.
Peru Edged By Hastings
Hastings edged Peru Teachers, 21-19, Saturday night to tighten a grip on runner-up honors in the Nebraska College Conference. The Broncs battled back in the second half after trailing, 13-7, at the intermission. The margin of victory were extra points scored by three different players. Dick Erickson and Second Quarter The Bobcat offense never wa- Max Marr each kicked one and vered with the Cats skirting the Jake Moser plunged for the ·Wesleyan ends. These end- other. Tom Osborne was the offensive around gallops with Stoltenburg ind Bookwalter added by Sid ace for the winners. He gained 3irown passes moved the football to the Wesleyan one-yard line where Brown pushed over. Gilmore split the uprights but the point was nullified; Peru was penalized for offensive holding. Bob Bryant's attempt at the sect3nd Bobcat conversion was b1ocked. The half-time score end;:d with Peru holding a slim 6-0
Preps Scalp Tarkio Indians Peru Prep scored three touchdowns in as many of the closing minutes as they defeated the Tarkio, Missouri Indians 34-13 on Wednesday night, October 24 in the Oak Bowl. Jerry He1;mings showed the way as he scored the first TD and led the way on defense and offense with tackles when needed and gains for first-and-ten's. The first touchdown came on a pass from Rex Rains to Hennings from the six-yard line. Ron Brock, regular quarterback out with a case of boils on· his arm, came off the bench to kick the extra point. Tarkio roared back with two quick ones where Bill Able and Bill Kenoweg sparkled. Able and Kenoweg did the work as Tarkio
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made a sustained march from their own 25-yard line. Marvin Freeman, the quarterback, finally took it over from the one. Bill Able ran for the point. From their own 35 Tarkio, with first and thirty-two for the first and ten, carried to a touchdown. Bill Able carried to the 46 and then caught a pass from Freeman and dodged through the Prepsters to the goal. The point attempt was no good, but Tarkio retained the lead until the half. Jerry Patterson set Peru back into the lead as he rambled 44 yards in the second half. Brock returned to the game to kick the point and Peru led 14-13. Peru inched the next one over as Rains scored on a quarterback sneak from the six-inch line. A bad pass from center foiled the try-for-point. Peru ended the game with a flurry of scores as a minute later Patterson galloped 45 yards to score. Brock went in, kicked the point and came out only to trot back when, with ten seconds remaining in the game, Rains tossed to Jack Railsback, who went 62 yards for the TD. Brock kicked the extra point and Peru Prep ended up on the long end of a 34-13 score.
Prep Loses Thriller To Tecumseh 7-12 J?eru Pointer Oct. 24 Sparked by grand support from a C a m p u s H. S. Homecoming crowd, Peru Prep staged a great football game at the Oak Bowl last Friday night. Doped to lose by a flock of touchdowns to a highly rated Tecumseh team, Prep led by Jerry Henning, took the heart out of the visitors and
Third Quarter Taking the Plainsmen kickoff, Peru showed sheer power and control with Bookwalter and Bryant paving the way. The Bobpenetrated to the one-yard ·itripe, where Sid Brown, on a ;(.,urth down situation, crossed for the second TD. Gilman's version attempt was no good.
The casi takes a final bow as ihe audience applauds iheir performance in "The Night of January 16."
came close to winning in the final stanza, only to have an intercepted pass s.toB...!hem short of victory. Res,~rep bowed 7-12. In the. f'Pst half Tecumseh ran over two TDs. Their tries for extra points were blocked. Prep fumbles were responsible for the scores. The second half was a different story. Jerry Patterson broke over right tackle and raced 48 yards to tally. Brock kicked the conversion. Prep came right back for more but lost by the above mentioned pass interception. Coach Jerry Comstock gives the Prepsters credit for a great try. He says the entire team looked good in action at all times, with Jack Railsback throwing, some key blocks.
ALL TIME RECORD 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1912 1913 1914 1916 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1930 1931 1932 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941
Peru State vs. Doane Peru Doane ---------------- 5 10 ---------------- 11 6 ---------------- 6 0 ---------------- 0 17 ---------------- 0 0 ---------------- 7 26 ---------------- 0 49 ---------------- 0 0 ---------------- 3 3 ---------------- 0 7 ---------------- 0 20 ---------------- 0 3 ---------------- 18 0 ---------------- 3 0 ---------------- 24 0 ---------------- 3 0 ---------------- 0, 0 ---------------- 0 10 ---------------- 0 0 ---------------- 6 7 ---------------- 0 0 ---------------- 0 12 ---------------- 12 13 ---------------- 20 7 ---------------- 20 6 ____________ c ___ 34 7
1942 ---------------- 6 0 1943 ---------------- O· 31 1943 ---------------- 0 6 1944 ---------------- 13 7 1944 ---------------- 0 9 1945 ---------------- 34 7 1945 ---------------- 6 6 1946 ---------------- 0 12 1947 ---------------- 7 7 1948 ---------------- 7 0 1949 ---------------- 0 26 1950 ---------------- 13 0 1951 ---------------- 21 12 1952 ---------------- 13 7 J953 ---------------- 27 19 1954 ---------------- 53 20 1955 ---------------- 20 22 Peru Wins ___________________ 18 Doane Wins _________________ 17 Ties --------··---------------- 8
lege items appearing in a column supposedly devoted to the campus school, cease wondering. College band and athletic (pep) affair& intermingle unrestrainedly. Homecoming downpour eliminated the marching band of which there are a few high school members. Two of the high school members are also members of the high school pep club rendering them familiar with the ways of the popcorn popper located in that most desirable of places on a wet day, the concession stand. What better way to keep dry than to offer to pop corn? That's using the old head, Judy's and Rae Ann's, to be explicit.
Campus· School Commentary By Mary Ann· Gnade Strong arm bonus (literally or figur-tively?)-to borrow the kindergarten wagon and come to the Administration Building post office after packages of books, etcetera, for the campus school instmctors. Birthday Always in order are treats for classmates by the mother of any child having a birthday. Miss Wonderly, having no parent to bring a birthday treat to her, was agreeably ·surprised when Roxanne Van Pelt (aided by her mother and father) brought cupcakes with frosting letters to spell out "Happy Birthday." To carry out the birthday theme, the 2nd graders decided they ought to have the privilege of "spanking" as Miss Wonderly did them. One alert young'n piped up "I think she must be about forty, so how many spats do we give?" To Miss Wonderly's relief, they lined up 'and one "spat" each worked out very well.
Eight Twirlers How the Campus School baton twirling crew grew! First home game they had three twirlers: Judy Adams, Marlene and Marcia Allgood. At prep homecoming there were also Sharon and Karen Beatty, Linda Sue Applegate and Patty Winningham stepping off the cadence. Nothing adds to a football game like welltrained majorettes. Cheerleader J.G. And have you taken a look at the junior-grade cheerleaders? Little Sherry and Muriel DeZwarte are the envy of the small fry with their routines. A class in cheerleading would draw a large enrollment. Always decisions, or woes of a small school enrollment. Too many students must double or even triple in activities. For instance, how can a boy play in the band at the same time he is water boy for the team? The parents feel the weight of the problem as do the teachers, the student is caught between want to and ought to.
Another Bir~hday Shortly thereafter came Miss Gard's birthday. Jimmy G. came home saying "She liked my birthday kisses!' (Candy!) Monday, the 29th, 5th graders celebrated Mrs. Iversen's birthday with a grown-up style cake. (Incidentally, milk drinking time provides a very nice setting for birthday parties!) No telling what Mr. Eddy's 7th graders will think of for him, and his birthday the day before Halloween, too! October is birthday month for sure.
Sprinklers Uniforms Before school hi-jinks: three Mr. Jindra and Mr. Grindle grade school imps daring each other to edge into the sprinkle of . are in the drooling stage over water along the sidewalk. If the high school band uniforms. Cadet dare won't take, a little push style, double breasted, zippered buttonback facings, stiff collars, will. lapel styles to be worn with Photogenic? shirt and tie, bee-you-ti-ful color Question arises, who is photo- combinations, gorgeous materigenic and who was just rushed als-let's change our school colthrough by the photographer? ors: everything looks so much Now is the season for trading better than our old purple and pictures in the campus school. gold (high treason, I expect!). Or No matter how rogue galleryish better yet, let's just buy the the prints are, from 4th grade salesman's samples and have a down trading is heavy just for rainbow of color! Colorfully the joy of trading. From 5th dressed band me!hbers makes a grade on up, if the picture is not much better sounding band. flattering, the trading is only Vacation desultory. In high school, oh woe NSEA convention means only -burn 'em! is the general feeling. Good or bad, for the record, one thing to Campus Schoolers I have six on my desk of kids -vacation! The first fine flush of back-to-school novelty has I'm pretty proud to have. worn off and the outdoors beckons with a last fling of Indian Costumes Needed Mrs. Iversen's room are drama- summer. The long week-end just tizing one thing or another. wasn't long enough to get it all Know how I know? Costume done-camping out, hunting, hiking, visiting, just sitting. hunting at our house! Shoe Saved Aftermath of rainy Homecoming-the big shoe created for the band will be used during the Midland-Peru game November 2 unless rain again makes hash of plans. In case of wonder at colFor those who wish to get material in The Pedagogian, the following pub 1i cation dates are given. Material for publication must be in four days in advance of the publication date. The Pedagogian will be happy to publish news and announcements furnished by reporters for campus organizations. Dates for the remainder of the year follow. November 16, 30 December 14 January 18 February 1, 15 March 1, 15, 29 April 12, 26 May 10, 24
Halloween Never saw such a rash of Halloween parties, both school and private. Never yet saw any party take the place of "trick or treating." Life Savers Hail to the heroes! Dave Stevenson, Ronald Brock and Jack Railsback, all seniors in our school, deserve kudoes of some kind or another for saving each other and Orville Brock from drowning. Boy Scout training must pay off. Rather expensive duck hunting, but losing equipment was cheaper than losing some lives. Conference Day November 2 is parent-teacher conference day at the campus school. How much nicer to have a visit over a child's progress than to read a slip from a stranger that doesn't tell anything speial. And our campus school teachers are honest with parents -they don't pull punches in a
PAUL .BLEY TRIO The Paul Bley Trio will perform in a budget event in the auditorium at 8:15 p.m. on November 5th. The slogan of the trio, "Jazz -America's only original art form," should give a hint as what to expect. Remember Monday, November 5th, for a night of good entertainment. very tactful way if they think something at home needs doing to help the child do better at school. They are equally as willing to receive suggestions, . too.
Campus School Observes Homecoming The Peru State College Campus School observed its first Homecoming in the history of the school on October 19, 1956. Displays were placed in front of the Campus School and at the Oak Bowl. The freshmen class decorated the goal posts; the sophomores displayed a large WELCOME sign on the field; the juniors carried out an Indian theme; the seniors made the witches' brew; and the pep club showed ships sailing for a win. The Bobkittens played their Homecoming game with Tecumseh. They lost the game, but they tried hard for a win. At the halftime Sue Moore, the daughter of Professor Moore, was crowned Homecoming Que e n and Ronald Brock, Homecoming King. The royalty was escorted by attendants Chris Hays, Jerry Hertning, Jo Winingham, and Rex Rains. The crown bearers wer~ Ditto Wininger and Ann Masek. The Campus School Pep club formed a corridor for the procession. The student council of the Campus School· sponsored a dance for all Campus School Alumni at the Campus School Auditorium after the Homecoming game. Mrs. Evelyn Shrader, the English supervisor at the Campus School, is the sponsor of the student council. David Miller and his Dixieland Band provided the music for the Homecoming dance. 1,
Martha Sue Moore Homecoming Queen Of Campus School Miss M art ha Sue Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore, Peru, was crowned the 1956 Homecoming Queen of the Campus School. The crowning took place Friday, October 19th, in a half-time ceremony. Martha Sue was crowned Homecoming Queen, and Ronald Brock, Homecoming King. The attendants were Chris Hays, Jerry Hemmey, Jo Weningham, and Rex Rains. Crown bearers were Ditto Wininger and Ann Masek. Martha Sue is very .active in school activities. She is president of the senior class, vice president of the Pep Club, recreation chairman for F.H.A., and a reporter for the student council.
er angle. The dorm was £ul1 of guests; Rutzie's room should get credit for being most typically filled with people. Not many girls were fools enough to venture to the stadium Saturday for the Homecoming game. For the few brave souls who sat out a portion of the downpour, the dorm was razed of all available plastic bags, raincoats, umbrellas, magazines and newspapers to make the ducky weather a little more comfortable. Girls still dragged in from the game looking like drowned kittens, and hasty repair jobs were made on hair-do's for the dance and play that evening. The week-end was an especially happy one for those girls who were lucky enough to have their out-of-town fellows come to Peru for the festivities. Franci must have a mad, uncontrollable passion for Elvis Presley; or the song, "Love Me Tender," must thrill her beyond explanation. Her record player has continually entertained all within hearing with this musical rendition for several days. One of the occupants of Room 220 was honored during the Homecoming celebrations. Beverly Gerdes was crowned Homecoming queen. Gail has been having trouble knitting her "tiny garments" for textile class. So far, four of her attempts have ended in failure. We can only pity her future children, who may never possess any booties knitted by mama's own hand. When one thing at the dorm breaks down, everything seems to follow suit. The inter-com hasn't worked ·for two weeks, which creates more confusion than comfort for the desk girls.
"Otis," the elevat6r, ' decided to quit working for a few days. Even the steam iron has caught the spirit and refuses to cooperate with nice white clouds of steam. That's where Chris' steam iron and Peg's ironing board begin to .make the rounds. One improvement is in sight, though. A "kitchen sho\yer" has been planned for October 31 to provide much-needed kitchen equipment for the dorm. More about that in the next column ..
Homecoming Data By Donna Gaer The annual Homecoming of the Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru was held October 20th. There was a shower in the afternoon the first time it had rained during the Homecoming festivities for more than ten years. Even with the rain our football boys came through and won the game against Wesleyan. 200 Alumni Here The alumni, as well as the rest of us, were disappointed that it was, a little damp, but approxi·mately two hundred registered. No doubt more were here, but it was difficult to have them gather at one place )<>- register. Free coffee and doug'hnut~.were served by the White Angels. Football Luncheon There was also a fo o t b a 11 luncheon at t eteria at eleven o'clock a ich ninety persons were present. About thirty of these were alumni men who had played on Peru's teams in years gone by. We are sorry that the 1956 Homecoming weather was not more pleasant, but even if it had been, the day could not have been a more delightful, wellspept twenty four hours.
School Supplies
Priced Righi for the S:l:uden:I:
PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS Any Garment Remodeled, Restyled, Repaired Always Firsi in Qualiiy and Workmanship Fur Coais Repaired We call for and deliver Phone 2671, Peru, Nebr.
Shrub Snoops By Lois Bush So much time has been devoted the past few weeks to Homecoming activities and plans for the teachers' convention holidays, that not much has been left to dorm life, as is. But behind the scenes, life at the dorm still keeps plugging away. The Homecoming week-end seemed to be a success, even though a rain marred the weath-
HEUERl'S HYKLAS GROCERY Groceries Frui:l:s M. G. Heuer, Owner
Meats Frozen Foods Phone 2141
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks ...
Peru Pedagogian NOVEMBER 16, 1956
Eight Elected
To Who's Who Eight Peru State College sen-
ior~ have been named for 1956-57
The gentleman in the above picture is Dean Keith Melvin, who was recently made Dean of the College of Peru State Teachers Co 11 e g e. Dean Melvin is scheduled to arrive here in three more days, on the 19th of November. Coming to Peru will be coming home for Dean Melvin as he took his undergraduate work here before going to the University of Nebraska, where he completed his work for the M.A. in 1942, and where he will receive his Ph. Ed. in January, 1957. Mrs. Melvin is also a graduate of Peru, having taken her B.S. in education here in 1955. On the behalf of the administration, faculty, and s tu d en t body, The Pedagogian wishes to extend the most cordial greetings to the Melvins and to say, "Welcome home, alumni." A native of Reynolds, Melvin attended Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru from 1928 to 1932, receiving his Bachelor of Arts in Education degree from Peru in June, 1932. Followinghis graduation he was named science and mathematics instructor and coach at Upland, a position he held four years. In 1936 he moved to Syracuse, where he was high school principal and coach for seven years. From 1943 to 1946 he was superintendent of schools at Blue Hill, Nebraska. From 1946 to 1955 he was dean of the McCook, Nebraska, Junior College, leaving that position in the summer of 1955 to accept an assignment in the Teachers College of the University of Nebraska. He received his Master of Arts degree from the University of Nebraska in 1942 and is now a candidate for the Doctor of Education degree from the same institution. He expects to receive his advanced degree in January, 1957. Mrs. Melvin is also a graduate of Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru, receiving her Bachelor of Science in Education degree in August, 1955. She had attended Peru for two years during the early '30s and completed her work through attendance at summer sessions during the early '50s. She is presently employed as an elementary school instructor in the Lincoln Public Schools and will complete the 19567-57 school year before joining her husband at Peru.
listing in "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges," according to Dr. Harold Boraas, dean of students. Selection was made by a committee of students, faculty and administrators. Peru State's representatives are William Albright, Falls City; Roger Haigh, Peru; Robert Kramer, Syracuse; John Ludwig, Bellevue; Robert B. Moore, Peru; Robert R. Norton, Falls City; Elberta L. Rhoten, Palmyra, and Doris Ann Shearer (Mrs. Wallace) Wuster, Dawson. All are candidates for May graduation, except Haigh who is an August candidate. Who's Who annually names outstanding students from colleges and universities who meet the qualifications of excellence and sincerity in scholarship, leadership and participation in academic and extra curricular activities, citizenship and service to the school, and promise of future usefulness to society. Albright, a 1949 Falls City high graduate, is a history major. A veteran of four years service in the Air Force, Albright transferred to Peru State in 1955 from Sane Jose (Calif.) State College. A 1954 Peru Prep graduate, Haigh is a history and speech major. Robert B. Moore, another 1954 Peru Prep grad, is majoring in speech and English. Robert Kramer, a 1953 Syracuse high graduate, is a physical education and industrial arts major. He enrolled at Peru State in 1954, transferring from the University of Nebraska. John R. Ludwig; a 1951 Bellevue high graduate, entered Peru in 1954, transferring from the University of Nebraska. His major is physical education. A business education major, Robert Norton is a 1953 Falls City high school graduate. Miss Rhoten is majoring in English. She was graduated from Palmyra high school in 1953. A business education major, Mrs. Wuster is the former Doris Ann Shearer of Riverton, Iowa. She was graduated from Riverton high school in 195·3.
Drive With Care
On Your Vacation
Peru Students Attend National Collegiate Press Meeting The Pedagogiaa and Peruvian were represented at the National Collegiate Press Association Convention which was held in Cleveland, Ohio on November 8-10. The following people attended: J. D. Levitt and Dick Corwine, representing the Peruvian; and Dave Longfellow, Ruth Lindscheid, and Donna Gaer, representing the Pedagogian. Professor Levitt, the sponsor of the yearbook, was in charge of the expedition which left by bus from Nebraska City on Tuesday, November 6 for the 26-hour trip. The expenses for the convention were covered by the sponsoring publications. Dick Corwine, the editor of the Peruvian, centered his interest
Debate Tryouts Give Evidence Of Speaking Skill "You boys will win a lot of debates this year," Coach Robert D. Moore told the losers, Rex Filmer and Bill Albright, who were roundly defeated by the veterans, Bob Moore and Roger Haigh, on Halloween night. Moore and Haigh had the af1 firmative of this year's debate '9uestion: "Resolved, that the United States should discontinue direct economic aid to foreign' countries." The affirm at i v e speakers exhibited forensic polish which has won them many debates in the past and promises to win many for them this year. Filmer and Albright displayed real ability, which will undoubtedly win speaking contests for them when they have had more experience. l '['l Yvonne Funkhouser was chairman. The debate was heard by forty-two people, many of whom
The campus leaders, besides ranking high scholastically, have held offices in virtually every campus organi~ation. The eight students this year hold offices and are active in campus honorary, professional, social, and religious groups.
in the yearbook section of the convention, and specialized in the editing phase of production. Dave Longfellow combined two jobs as editor of the Pedagogian and photography. Ruth Linscheid, the social editor and general news reporter for the Pedagogian, made m a n y notes on news reporting in general. Donna Gaer took a general survey of the sections of the convention and settled into reporting with Ruth. With the return of these journalists the Pedagogian will have a full report on the happenings at the convention (in so far as they are willing to confess). were in Professor Moore's evening class· and who served as judges. This debating foursome has been appearing before civic clubs in Auburn, Nebraska City, and elsewhere, getting used to iPpearing before audiences before the debate season begins and giving the audiences an informative discussion of an interesting question.
Students to ''Frolic" By Marilyn Slagle The Peru State version of the Music Educators' National Congress opens its all-student activities next Monday, November 19, by sponsoring the Fall Frolic, a formal dance to be held in the College Gymnasium. Spicing .the program will be a floor show featuring Phil Neuhalfen and Company, and there will be dancing for all to the music of the Dixie Thunderbirds. The dance will start at 9 o'clock and doors will close at midnight. Tickets are now on sale from any M.E.N.C. member. The dance is open to everyone and all students are invited and urged to attend. Even if you don't have a date, you will be able to find a partner, and the floor show will be a big treat in itself.
Thanksgiving Nears One of the nicest things about college is the frequency of vacations and long week-ends during The snappy marching band you saw at :the last home game, now looks like the above pic:ture. The the fall term. With the Teachers' band has made its annual swi:tch from marching band to concert band. >Convention recess behind us we The half time at the Peru vs. only Elvis Presley, who was im- formed a large '.'P" and played 'lo9k ahead to the Thanksgiv;ng Midland football g a m e w a s personated by the one and only Peru's color song. . break ... The band did a .t\>'ery fine job Thanksgiving vacation w i'. l l marked by a very striking per- Phil Neuhalfen. He proceeded to start at five o'dock on Wedne;:- formance by the Peru State Col- pantomime while the voice of on this program, but we only reday, November 21 and will enl lege Band. The snappy group Jim Kinghorn was heard over the gret that it could not have been marched onto the field and loudspaker, rocking and rolling performed at the Homecoming at 7:50 the following Monday. We of the Ped will be right formed a large "Hi." Then they the "Blue Suede Shoes." After the game, at which it was originally along with the other students in formed a shoe and played "Blue greatly appreciated performance, planned to have been presented. e mad rush home, and we wish Suede Shoes." A large blue suede the band went into the formation Because of the weather the per· happy time. Drive care- ·shoe was brought out onto the of an "M" and played the Mid- formance was postponed until field, occupied by the one and land color song. The band then this date,
Marine Officer To Visit Campus Capt. M. W. Snow, in charge of Marine Coips Officer Procurement for this a\a, will be on the campus on November 19th from 9:00 to 4:30. Capt. Snow will have a display set up in the Student Union. . . 'b... AccomiiW'ect by two Marine Sergeantsli:id a Navy Chief Hospitalman, the Captain will be available to discuss the several Marine officer training programs available to college students. The Marine Corps will commission a college student after he has attended two six-week summer training periods in Quantico, Virginia and has received a baccalaureate degree. Students who are interested in learning about these programs (at no obligation) are encouraged to contact the team. Complete details may be obtained at any time by writing directly to the Marine Corps Officers Procurement Office, Room 223, 0 1d Federal Building, Fifth and Court Streets, Des Moines, Iowa.
Foundation Makes Possible Seven Scholarship Grants Seven scholarships have been g r a n t e d through the Peru Achievement Foundation during the charter year of the organization which was founded to provide scholarships for worthy high school seniors. Recipients of the grants are Lester Miller, Beatrice; Jann Hoffman, DuBois; Douglas Dickerson, Sumner; Donna Gaer, Kirkman, Iowa; Freddy Regnier, Diller; Kay Phillips, Nebraska City; and Robert W. McFarland, Sumner. Lester Miller will use his fouryear full-tuition scholarship valued at $480 to study business education. One-year full-tuition scholarships of $120 each were awarded Jann Hoffman majoring in music; Douglas Dickerson majoring in physical education; and Donna Gaer majoring in elementary education. Freddy Regnier, who will major in science, is the recipient of a $60 scholarship provided by the Peru Local of the NSEA. A grant provided by Mrs. Marie 0. Neal of Nebraska City in memory of her late husband, Fletcher Neal, was awarded to Kay Phillips of Nebraska City. Miss Phillips will study elementary education on the four-year full-tuition scholarship. A ·third restricted grant provided by 'former industrial arts students was awarded McFarland who is majoring in industrial arts.
ill Student Replies Dear Mr. Editor,
In reference to your article written in the Ped. dated Nov. 2, 1956, entitled, "To the Griper," there is also another point of view, which should be taken into consideration. Naturally a person must agree with your point of view concerning the social life at P.S.T.C.; however, you must admit that there are two sides to every story, and of course the other side has formulated the opinion that the fault is with the faculty rather than the students. Some of the students have the attitude that this is a college run for the Administration and not the student. This is based on the fact that students must abide by the regulations made by the Administration. Wouldn't it be nice if the Student Council could meet with the Administration, so that the students' point of view might be noted.
In reference to the attendance at the dances-during the Homecoming dance, you might take .into consideration the rainy weather. However, if you'll recall the previous dances, you might refer to the Administration and faculty for noncooperation. fu,the case of the Vet's dance, there were three organizations meeting and play practice, which I'm sure could have started 30 minutes earlier in order to let out in time for the dance. Now, Mr. Editor, you have stated your side, and I have stated a few comments of the students, so let's analyze the problem. Don't you feel that both the Administration and the Student Body are at fault? The Administration does not seem to try to assist any organization with acquiring a nonconflicting date and schedules other events for that evening. Second, the Administration and faculty do not try to help the organizations with helpful suggestions, but rather criticisms. Third, the faculty would be well accepted at dances by the students-if they came at all. Now the students are at flj-Ult, too. First, by standing their ground when they oppose regulations without considering that the Administration might have had some purpose behind it; second, fellows, where are your dates for these social events? I admit that playing cards or watching TV might be enjoyable, but it can't compete with a date and a dance. Mister Editor, I do think that you will agree that the students are not at fault entirely, but that a combination of the Administration, Faculty, and Student Body share the responsibility. -Bill Kochheim. Editor's Note: Possibly you're right, but I still think that the students have made their bed and they will have to sleep in it until they change the sheets. Anyone else have any ideas on the subject? We'll gladly print them if they have something constructive to say and they don't libel anybody. gate and uncover the culprit • who has been tearing up the guys' rooms up on third floor.
Ron's Briefs By Ron McKinney
The cigarette vending machine that the dormitory council ordered is here. It was placed in the lobby of Delzell Hall. · The pep club sponsored a snake dance that went through Delzell Hali on November 8, 1956. The boys on third floor gave the girls a rough time by putting blockades of desks, chairs, and what-have-you at both ends of the halls. After the snake dance through the hall, they went around the back of the gymnasium and had a pep rally. After a few "yells," the gang broke up. WANTED: 'An F.B.I. man or an undercover agent to investi-
Kenny Sand seems to be having quite a lot of tire trouble. It seems, while he was driving home Friday night, a tire blew out. While he was changing it,. another tire was going down. Well, I guess he finally made it t.o Beatrice. Now he wants to know if anybodys wants to buy a good automobile with tires slightly worse for the wear. There are a lot of people on the campus wondering what happened to Karl Faller and Ed Hartman. Well, here is what happened. Karl and Ed decided to go to a telegraphy school in Omaha. By the way, Bob Miller has taken over their art museum. Delzell Hall continued its spirit of hospitality with a dance following the Midland game. Cookies and hot chocolate were served
as refreshments at the dance. Everyone had a good time and there was a request for more of the same. The dance was held in the TV lounge. There was a fire in the fireplace, and the music was recorded. The playing of cards here in the dorm is surely catching. Now at night, after the men are all through studying, they settle down and play cards until the "wee-hours" of the night.-1 think the dorm council should look into this thing and elect an anticard playing committee. A coup!~ of good boys for this job W'ould be Ron Stoltenburg and John Smith. Bob Fisher, Fred Baum, Lee McGinnus and Jerry Krakow drove to Omaha last W'eek to watch the "Rock and Roll" show. The Teenagers along with other popular talent performed in the show. The boys said they really enjoyed it.
Shrub Snoops By Lois Bush
Since the last deadline fell just before Halloween, all the leftover tricks-'n-treating W'ill have to start this column. Eliza Morgan Hall really flang a fling that week. Starting the ball rolling, basement and first floor girls threw a big Halloween party on the Monday night before the 31st in the rec. room. Girls from the two flom;s found themselves making masks from paper bags and eating ihteresting concoctions called "witches' brew,"' "ghost eggs," and "moon rings." Halloween night itself found a "kitchen shower" in progress. Girls brought kitchen equipment, beautifully gift-wrapped, for .the occasion. Engaged girls, Maxine Lawritson, Gail Peterson, Deanna Thomas and Mary Knight opened the gifts, which were placed in the kitchen for the use of the residents. Following the kitchen shower, Betsy and Donna converted their room into an eerie, ill-lit chamber-the meeting place of the Elephant Club. Witches, Chinamen, tramps, and-ah-other interesting characters were initiated and sworn in as fellow Ele· phants. Mental telepathy and eating popcorn seemed to be the chief means of entertainment. Pauline isn't engaged but she got the "Shower Treatment" anyway on her birthday. It didn't se.em to dampen her spirits much, , though, judging fro m her screams. Chris felt sorry for a hom'eless cat one morning and fed her some Rice Krispies and milk. The cat decided to show its appreciation by promptly going to sleep-in the middle of Chris' bed. Chris had to go to class, so it was Bev who had to inform kitty she wasn't wanted and put
PERU PEDAGOGIAN The Voice of ihe Campus of a Thousand Oaks November 16, 1956 THE STAFF David Longfellow___________________________________ Editor Ed Williamson ___________________________ Business Manager Ruth Linscheid ____________________________ Activities Editor Ralph HilL _________________________________ ::;ports Editor Ron McKinney______________________ Campus School Editor Dwight Safar _____________________________ Exchange Editor Sharon Reagan ____________________ Language Arts Reporter Lois Bush_______________________________________ Columnist Jean Thimgen __________________________ Fine Arts Reporter Harold Norris _____________________________________Reporter Donna Gaer _______________________ Alumni and Mailing List Donald Cole ___________________________________ Contributor Bob Moore _____________________________________ Contributor SteW'art Linscheid __________________________________ sponsor
PERU MOTORS DESOTO - - PLYMOUTH Fasi Dependable Service Phone 3201 - Peru
Of course. 'Most everyone does often. Because a few moments over ice-cold Coca-Cola refresh you so. It's sparkling with natural goodness, pure and wholesome - and naturally friendly to your figure. Feel like having a Coke?, BOTllEO UNDER AUTKORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY ll
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her outside. That's probably one confused cat. It's been commented on quite favorably that the general noise situation in Morgan Hall has improved considerably from what it was last year. Although the dorm may still not be the most ideal place for study, many of those who were here in past years feel that this improvement should not be lightly appreciated. Donna Gaer, a freshman, was absent from the dorm for a few days. She attended the Associated Collegiate Press Convention at Cleveland. Visitors to the Home Economics Workshop included a tour of the dorm in their schedules. We heard several favorable comments.
to end this column. So until the next deadline . . . "I pass!"
For those who wish to get material in The Pedagogian, the following pub 1i cation dates are given. Material for publication must be in four days in advance of the publication date. The Pedagogian will be happy to publish news and announcements furnished by reporters for campus organizations. Dates for the remainder of the year follow.
Pinochle games are in the vogue again. In fact, one is about
November 30 December 14 January 18 February 1, 15 March 1, 15, 29 April 12, 26 May 10, 24
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Fine Edition Of Peru Stater .-For Homecoming By Donna Gaer Mr. Donald Carlile, director of special services, ·has published a yery fine Homecoming edition of · .JJ;ie Peru S:ta:ter. It is a booklet printed especially for the Peru alumni. I am sure most of you have read and enjoyed this magazine which tells what is happening on and .off the "Campus of a .Thousand Oaks." Cover the cover of this edition, .the Peru Stater has a picture of . the housing project for married students. It shows one of the new, modern homes which is situated on the east side of the cam..pus. The living quarters are in . use for the first time this year.
Varied Content Tl:i.is booklet tells about former students of Peru who have given birth to children, and died. It gives the names of eighty-four PeruviJtns who have acquired placement in their chosen fields since the .spring announcement. There is an article about the 126 students who received their degrees and diplomas at the the end ,. ef'i:he spring and summer school ·terms of this year. The Homecoming game against Wesleyan ·and other activities of the day ·were summarized. The Peru Achievement Foundation Schol.· arship winners were mentioned. ·There is also a reminder that · ·contributions for this fund are still needed and will be helpful to many students who do not have the financial means to attend college, but with the help · ·of this wonderful organization ·they will be able to attain their 'goals. There is also ·a short story about the reunion of the 1906 class, or the "Naughty Sixes" as they were called. Grand Job You combine all the facts that are mentioned above into twenty' pages that are set up by Mr. Carlile and you have a magazine that is packed with information that is interesting to former students, and future students of Peru. The hard work, time, and patience that the director of special services and his staff have put into this booklet is surely greatly appreciated by all its .readers. ·
The Man With the Cane Here is one of the most interesting and happy-go-lucky fellows that you will see for some ·time on the campus of P.S.T.C. .He is a man by the name of William (Bill) Lee Clark. . Bill Clark was born Sept. 18, 1934, in the town of Nemaha, Nebraska. After a few years in Nemaha, Bill left Nemaha and entered the Auburn high school, where he finished the first semester of the eleventh grade. Bill quit school on the 18th day of March 1952. He entered the United States Air Force on March 21, 1952. Bill took his basic training at Parks Air Force Base in California. He was later transferred to Sheppard Air Force Base in Wichita Falls, Texas. After completing training in Texas, he was shipped to Lockbourne Air 'Force Base in Columbus, Ohio. At Lockbourne, Bill was assistant crew chief on a KC-97 aircraft. He also finished his high school education by taking G.E.D. tests: On January 4, 1955, Bill left Lockbourne to be stationed at Robins Air Force Base in Geor&ia. During the month of March
of this same year, Bill met with
an automobile accident that occured on a highway near Robins By David Longfellow Air Force Base in· Georgia. In this age of rapid change we Bill was in the hospital for sixteen months because of this find ourselves confronted by the . accident. He lost his eyesight, emotional crisis of adjusting from but 'by some miracle regained the old to the new in steps that enough eyesight so that he is not sometimes stagger the imagina- , totally blind. Bill is 34/100 blind. ti on. A glance at the daily newspaHe was retired from the service per shows advance:tnents that on September 30, 1955. It is remarkable how he gets steal the breath and capture the around over the campus, almost admiration of nearly everyone. as well il.s any other student. He The scientific neY".'.s shows new wishes to become a teacher and developments in plastics, foods also to re~eive a higher educa- and bombs; the sports page retion. His first impressions of veals a new record in some sport P.S.T.C. are that the teachers are every time you turn around; the wonderful in helping him and advertising section blatantly proclaims longer, lower ·and wider that the campus is well kept. cars. But deeper, more significant changes are taking place in the field of entertainment. Another glance at the paper shows Dick Tracy with a flat-top haircut! This is an innovation so unexBy Mary Anna Gnade pected that even now the public Dick Fankhouser, st u d e n t has not recovered from the teacher, saved the evening at shock. PTA Tuesday, for how can there Admittedly, Tracy has not been be any penny march money to in style as far as hair goes in divide among the rooms if there many years, but the author did is no music for marching? Inci- nothing to prepare the reader for dentally, 4th and 7th grades won the final shock. Not only is this with the two highest percentages sloppy writing, but it is also of parents present. dangerous; there can be no way Cons:ti:tu:tional Panel of telling how many nervous Mr. Robert Moore moderated a breakdowns, heart attacks, etc., panel discussion on legislation have resulted from the change. A laurel goes to the_ artist of concerning method and time lim"Little Orphan Annie." For the it on reorganizing school districts, transferring over-weight truck past 15 or 20 years she has been fines from school districts to wearing the same dress, day in, highway department, and raising day out. But no longer so! Finalstandards for certification of ly a way was found out of the teachers. Mr. Dee Jarvis, mayor rut and Annie's dress was and college instructor and school changed, though it was by force. board member; Mr. Dale Bugbee, Ma Licious, though she is a county school superintendent; thoroughly despisable person, is 1 and Mr. John Stevenson, county· t? be comr:1'end~d for the way she engineer and school board mem- \ s:z~d the ~1tuat10n up and the de· d the panel. They c1s1ve ber,. comprise . Aact10n . b she took. . No h longer d' were unanimously oppo~ed to WI 11 nme e seen m t at ISreamending the constitution to putable rag. It'. the dress, was not transfer the overweight truck onl~ unattractive, but also unfines from the school districts to samtary. th h'gh a department "When Al Capp pulled a boner when th! c~ns~t:tion was dr~wn up, he .got Li'l Abner married off to it was written in such a way that Daisy Mae. The stor~ of protest assessed fines would benefit that met that alterat10n was no those least concerned, the chil- doubt a sizable tempest from dren. This amendment would vi- Capp's viewpoint. To continue olate a principle of jurispru- the Sadie Hawkins' Day festivities he had to introduce a (this dence." author thinks so at least) mythiRedis:tric:ting cal younger brother who stands Mr. Bugbee commented that seven feet tall at the somewhat while the legislature is not in fa- tender age of 15lh years. This is vor of the petition method of re- absurd; who ever heard of a districting, it has worked very "1511/z y'ar old boy" standing sevhappily here in Nemaha couJ;J.ty, en feet tall? It's absolute rot and both in the Johnson area and nonsense. here at Peru. A number of the other strips could stand a little improvement, Cer:tifica:tlon or at least a change. "Blondie's" Nebraska now ranks lowest popularity might be enhanced by among the states in requiring having the pups grow up into teachers to have even one year of Irish wolfhounds; "Henry" could teacher training. As it now use a little hair, too (if not on top stands, even an undertaker, for of his head, then a mustache). example, is required to haye Why not make an old, gray hag more training than is a teacher: of "Winnie Winkle"? . She has been involved in so many emoLegisla:tive Understanding While it was impossible to dis- tional affairs that it is a matter cuss all phases of the legislative of wonderment that she has not program, at least those who gone crazy before this. Such is the character of proheard the panel at PTA have an understanding of how closely gress. And so we leave our quill this legislation will affect each of until next the Keeper returns: us. *From The Amazing and Idio:tPeru PTA Unit has started_ a ic Babblings of David Longfellow campaign of "upset-the-fruit basket." At coffee a table was pro- (Vol. II, No. 1), Copyright 1956. vided for each grade with room mother and teacher to visit with those who had children in that grade. A great deal of table hopping went on in order for the parents to visit each grade where they had children. These comments were heard: "Seemed nice that the student teachers mixed Miss Alma Ashley and Dr. Rusin so well"; "I've always won- sel Holy were chosen to repredered who that woman was!"; sent Peru State Teachers College "I've heard Susie talk about your at the committee meeting on Johnny-I'm so glad to know Teacher Selection and Profesyou." Since this was successful sionalization, held by Nebraska in exchanging viewpoints, a new Council on Teacher Education at mixer gimmick will be tried next Lincoln, Nebraska, October 19th. time. Among the colleges that were
Legislative Meet Of Campus P.T.A.
Holy and Ashley Represent Peru At Lincoln Meet
represented were: the University of Nebraska, Poane College, Hastings College, Dana College, Kearney State, Wayne State, Midland College, and Peru State . The purpose of the meeting was to establish a guide to assist teacher education institutions in establishing effective procedures for selecting competent prospective teachers. At this meeting they decided to appoint a committee tb- discuss this problem more in detail, and to set up uniform criteria for the colleges of Nebraska in a selection of students for teacher education.
. It Happened On Another Campus By Dwight Safar ·Spoilsport police r e c en t 1y chased 120 Minnesota University students and their frothing cans of beer (root, of course) from a sandbar in the Mississippi river. Four squads of police were necessary to evacuate the students, beer blankets, etc. Between 300 and 400 empty beer cans were abandoned in the trail of dust left by 240 stampeding feet. There was plenty of foam on that range until the "steer clear of beer" officials stepped in. -From K-State Collegian.
OBLIGATION The primary obligation of the teaching profession is to guide children, youth, and adults in the ptirsuit of knowledge and skills, to prepare them in the ways of democracy, and to help them to become happy, useful, self-supporting citizens. The ultimate strength of the nation lies in the social responsibility, economic competence, and moral strength of the individual American. -First Principle NEA Code of Ethics
PTA INVITATION This is a special invitation (which is good all year) offering a cordial welcome to all mothers, fathers, and other interested citizens, to attend our PTA meetings the third Tuesday of every month. (If you do not belong, the invitation is to join PTA, but in any case, to attend.) One stipulation: a parent and a paid baby sitter will take care of babies up to six years old in the kindergarten room. If your older children must come with you, they are welcome to sit in on the adult meeting. NO CHILD should be at the school unless his parents are there. This is a legislative year when big issues directly affecting our schools will be debated and voted on. How would you answer questions such as these?: How does our state compare educationally with other states? What are the reasons for these differences? What improvements should be made? (HOW this can be done is in letting our legislators know our convictions in these matters.) How can a person be a good parent without being a responsible citizen? Tuesday evening is a PTA meeting so we can listen and question and discuss and come to a conclusion on vital legislation in connection with the education of our children. . How some of this legislation is.c'decided will affect our pocketbooks as well as how and where and by whom our children will be taught. We hope you can come because it is· important that every responsible citizen hear the discussion or our panelists: John Stevenson, Dee Jarvis, and Robert Moore. Mrs. Gnade, PTA Inviter.
Danforth Awards For Grad Study The Danforth Foundation, an educational trust fund in St. Louis, Missouri, invites applications for the sixth class (1957) of Danforth Graduate Fellows from college senior men and recent graduates who are preparing themselves for a career of college teaching, and are planning to enter graduate school in September, 1957, for their first year of graduate study. The Foundation welcomes applicants from the areas of Natural and Biological Sciences, Humanities and all fields of specialization to be found in the undergraduate college. President Gomon has named Dr. Harold Boraas as the Liaison Officer to nominate to the Danforth Foundation two or not to exceed three candidates for these fellowships. These appointments are fundamentally "a relationship of encouragement" throughout the years of graduate study, carrying a promise of financial aid within prescribed conditions as there may be need. The maximum annual grant for single Fello.w s is $1§~0; for married Fellows, $240'6 with an additional stipend for cihldren. S:tuden:ts with or wi:thout financial need are invi:ted :to apply. A Danforth Fellow is lowed to carry other scholars · · pointments, such as Rhodes, right, WoodrowWilson, Marshall, etc., concurrently with his Danforth Fellowship, and applicants for these appointments are cordially invited to apply at the same time for a Danforth Fellowship. If a man receives the Danforth Appointment, together with a. Rhodes Scholarship, Fulbright Scholarship, or Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, he becomes a Danforth Fellow without stipend, until these other relationships are completed. All Danforth Fellows will participate in the annual Danforth Foundation Conference on Teaching, to be held at Camp Miniwanca in Michigan next September. The qualifications of the candidates as listed in the anonuncement from the Foundation are: men of outstanding academic ability, personality congenial to the classroom, and integrity and character, including serious inquiry within the Christian tradition. All applications, including the recommendations, must be completed by January 31, 1957. Any student wishing further information should get in touch with our Liaison Officer.
"Ode to a Strutrud" By Dixim A reckah in a steeping plue Was often igged throughout, So when the batted curiors Shot whither in and oft times out; Slep rigged a stemping ockifore To peep beside a gru . . . . And when the ither teemed in gout, The shorn tete baisted Rue. The preceding poem is an outlaw, an unclassified piece of literature. It has meter and rhyme, but does not. bring an immediate picture to the mind of the reader. Interpretation is an individual task and the image evolved must come from the mind of the reader. It may take a number ofreadings to evolve the image, and possibly no picture will be made. The best interpretation or explication of this poem will be printed in the next issue of this paper. Submit your interpretation to the editor or sponsor of The Pedagogian.
Five Lettermen And Promising Freshmen For Basketball Sq~ad By Don Carlile Jack Mcintire, new head basketball coach at Peru State has inherited only five lettermen from the 1954-55 squad. Limited practice has been underway since October 15. The five lettermen, plus Jast year's squad members, eight transfer students and several promising freshmen make up the current roster. Returning lettermen are Bob Kramer, Syracuse senior with three letters; Ron Witt, Otoe junior with two letters; Bob Norton, Falls City senior with two letters; Frank Davis, a last year's Highland (Kans.) Junior College transfer with one Peru letter, and Tekamah Pat Novacek, oneyear letterman. Squad members from last year who are making a strong bid for their 1956-57 letters in the roundball sport are Jim Bennett, Pawnee senior; Charles Tillman, North Platte sophomore; Don Holscher, Syracuse senior; Al Smart, Beattie, Kans., sophomore, and Jack Pennington, Humboldt junior. A mid-year transfer student from the University of Nebraska last year, Douglas ("Hoot") Gibson of Falls City, will be working for a starting berth this spring. Lending assistance in raising the Bobcats' basketball standing in the N.C.C. from their fourthplace spot last year will be Bruce Smith of Coin, Iowa, a transfer from Iowa State; Jack Sprague of Glenwood, Iowa, and Alan Duey of Chester, University of Nebraska transfers; John Dennis of Springfield, Ill., a Southern Illinois transfer; Bill Miller of Everest, Kans., a Highland (Kans.) Junior College transfer; Don Farley of Chester and Gilbert Gray of Milligan, Fairbury Junior College transfers. Promising freshmen on the roster include Charles Francis, Abraham Lincoln High of Council Bluffs grad, Robert Strong, Syracuse; Marvin Bergsten, Red Oak.• Iowa, and Jerry Collier, Falls City. Several freshmen from the football squad have not as yet reported to pradice, McIntire said. The season will open for the Bobcats at home on November 27 with the alumni as opponents. Game time is 8 p.m.
Peru Bobkittens Will Lose Eight Seniors This Year The Peru Bobkittens have played seven games. The Bobkittens have chalked up four wins and three losses so far this season. Jerry Henning, a fullback in his senior year, has contributed a lot to the team. Jerry Pattersen, a senior halfback, along with Dennis Dallam, has pulled the Bobkittens through some pretty rough spots. But, of course, without the backing of the rest of the team, the Bcibkittens wouldn't have been very successful. A lot of the honors go to Peter Holdorf, Rex Rains, Jack Railsback, Jim Bohlken, Jack Crabtree, Monte Allgood and George Nincehelser. The Bobkittens will lose all of their backfield next year except one. Eight seniors, all starters, will be graduated this year. There are only three ·under classmen playing regularly this year that will start next year.
Peru Man Now Governs Guam Moore Announces GUAM (AP)-Richard Barrett Lowe arrived by air Monday (October 29) with his wife to assume his post as Governor of Guam. The inauguration will be held Wednesday (October 31). It wasn't too long ago that the same Richard Barrett Lowe was in command of the good ·ship, Delzell Hall. That was back
Ped Sport Editor Returns From Check At Lincoln Hospital Ralph Hill, Pedagogian sports editor, was out of school for a few days because he had to go to the Veterans hospital in Lincoln for a checkup on a wound received during the Korean war. Ralph Hill was shot in the stomach while serving with George Co.' of the 5th Marines in Korea. Ralph was shot July 31, 1952 at the Kansas line, two miles south of the 38th paraliel. From there he was flown by helicopter to an army midcenter. Ralph was operated on at the midcenter. He lost approximately eight pints of blood, and the bullet damaged his intestine. The next morning a Catholic priest came to the center to give Ralph his last rites. By some miracle he pulled through, but he was still on the critical list for nine days. While Ralph was in the midcenter, infection took place in his wound, and he was immediately transferred to the hospital ship which was at anchor in Inchon. From there he was transferred to a hospital in Japan. Then after a few days he was flown to Oakland, California. Then Ralph's final trip was to the Great Lake.s. The bullet is still lodged a quarter of an inch from his spine. The doctors are .afraid to operate because they might hit a vital nerve.
about the time that most of the students wore blue uniforms with an arm band that proclaimed "V-12," and the male students fell into formation to lower the flag and then marched to chow. It may also be recalled that Lowe was also the Dean of the College, and at one time took the whee1 as acting president.
Debate Plans
Mr. Robert D. Moore, head of Ten students have been initithe Language Arts Department ated into the Peru State College and Peru State Debate Coach has chapter of Beta Beta Beta, honkindly given us some informa- orary biology fraternity, accordtion as to the plans for the fore- ing to Duane Birginal, newly elected president from Omaha. coming debate season. The new members are Lorraine The debate season will run from the latter part of November Bippes, Stella; Gerald Carnes, until March of the next year. The Auburn; Thomas Eastman, Chiquestion for the 1956 season is: cago; Marvin Johnson, Tecumseh; is explained in this human inter"Should the United States Dis- Kenneth Majors, Johnson. est drama. The film also explains Gary Mayfield, Tecumseh; Harcontinue Direct Economic Aid to banking procedure and the funclan Oestmann, J·ohnson; Jerry Foreign Countries." _tion of a savings association in a Mr. Moore's debate class di- Payne, Beatrice; Darwin Rosenfamily's saving habits. (United vided themselves into groups of quist, Essex, Iowa; Bonnie Rutz, States 'Savings & Loan League). two persons a.nd held a tourna- Dawson. November 19 Other new officers of the -nament debating the national ques"Making Learning More Meantion. Mr. Bill Albright and Mr. tional professional fraternity in ingful,'' Univ. of Illinois. "Your Rex Filmer won the class tourna- which membership is open to Community,'' 27 minutes. This ment and proceeded to tangle junior and senior biology majops film is an outstanding lesson on with Mr. Bob Moore and Mr. are Bob Chard, Tecumseh, vice the importance of being a comRobert Haigh who have been president; Nancy Taggart, Peru, munity-conscious c it i z e n. It secretary-treasurer; an:d. William contest debaters for two years. shows the case histories of groups Bill and Rex have debated Bob Almond, Falls City, historian. in seven American communities and Roger before Mr. Moore's John C. Christ, science and who met and solved typical comWednesday night class, the Aub- mathematics division head, is munity prob 1 ems. (Sears-Roeurn Rotary and the Nebraska faculty sponsor. buck Found.) City Rotary. November 20 The teams have three local "Modern Magazine Magic," 27 commitments with which they minutes, color. The complete Stevens~.n will comply before going into distory behind the editing, producrect contest work. These are the tion and distribution of big naPeru Kiwanis Club, the Syracuse tional magazines. (Curtis Pub. Lions Club, and the Falls City Co.) Rotary. David Stevensen, of Peru, November 21 The debate tournaments in the Nebr., preve., what could "Feeling of Rejection,'' "Farenear future that Peru teams will have been a·· rrible accident. well to Childhood," Nebr. Health attend are the East Central David was duck hunting on the Dept. Teachers College Tournament, Missouri before the mishap. Ron November 27 Ada, Oklahoma, which will be Brock, Mr. Brock and Jack Rails"Treasure Island," 3o minutes, held the last three days of Noback were coming down the river color. Shows life on the island of vember and the tournament at in their boat. A wave hit them Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands. Southwestern College, Winfield, head-on and partly submerged (Hawaiian Pineapple Co., Ltd.) Kansas, which will be held the the boat. Before they could bail November 28 · 7-8-9 of December. Mr. Moore the water out of the boat, an"froduction 5118," 30 minutes, stated also that they're planning other wave hit that flipped the color. This film discusses the to enter the tourney at Denver, boat clear over. The party of problem of communications. (The Colorado. hunters hung on to the boat Champion Paper & Fibre Co.) while it floated downstream. "Angry Boy,'' Nebr. Health Dept. "Making Learning More MeanDavid stripped his clothes off, ingful," Univ. of Illinois. swam out to the boat and November 30 brought it in to the bank. All During the 1956 Homecoming that David had to say about the "MacBeth," Assn. Films, Inc. the Peru Alumni Association ordeal was, "Boy! was that waelected their officers for the com- ter cold." ing year. They are as follows: president, Oliver Mayfield, Ralston, Nebr., was graduated in 1950; 1st vice president, Lee NorThirty organizations are ·now ris, Sabetha, Kans., was graduatIn front of the Administration functioning on the campus of ed in 1955; 2nd vice president, Peru State College. The complete Willard Hunzeker, Daykin, Nebr., building is a hexagonal bulletin list of organizations and their was graduated in 1946; secretary, board whicli is a tradition here sponsors was rele.ased recently Phyllis Rosenquist, Peru, Nebr., and a most useful one. The bullewas graduated in 1955; treasurer, tin board was presented to the by Dean Harold Boraas. Frank Masek, Peru, Nebr., was college by the class of 1917 but Alpha Mu Omega, Mrs. Myrtle it was not intended to be prigraduated in 1951. Cook. marily a monument. Archery Club, Miss Davidson. The six panels of the bulletin Art Club, Miss Diddel. board carry daily announcements Beta Beta Beta, Mr. Christ. about practically all phases of Blue Devils, Dr. Kenyon, Mr. our college life-announcements Sheely. from all divisions of the college, Commercial C 1 u b, Miss H. The old-time football players from student organizations, from' Weare. who were present at the 1956 campus offices, including the ofDramatic Club, Mr. Moore. Peru Homecoming F o o t b a 11 fice of President Gamon. Epsilon Pi Tau, Mr. A. V. Lar- Luncheon were as follows: To keep up with what's going son, Mr. D. V. Jarvis. Loyd Prante, who now lives in on around here, every freshman Foreign Language Club, Mr. La Canada, Calif., was graduated should form the habit of watchRath. in 1920. He came the greatest ing the hexagon daily. The upper Gavel & Rostrum, Mr. Levitt. distance of the alumni to be presclassmen already have the habit. Home Economics Club, Miss ent on this occasion. · ·Lones. A. D. Majors, who was graduIndustrial Arts Club, Mr. Jar- ated in 1896, is a member of the vis. State Normal Board at Omaha, International Relations Club, Nebr. He makes his home in Dr. Delaney. The following student teaching Omaha. Kappa Delta Pi, Dr. Holy. K. S. Gaines, from Ashland, assignments have been made for Lutheran Club. Nebr., was also here for the an- the nine week period commencMusic Educators N at ion a 1 nual event. He was graduated in ing Monday, November 5, 1956. Conf., Mr. Grindle. 1929. Newman Club. Supervisors Student Teachers 8th grade ______ None P Club, Jack Mcintire. Mr. Eddy, 7th grade _________ _ Sigma Tau Delta, Mr. Grayson. Delzell Hall Student Council, Dr. Melvin, ------------ Josephine Crouch Miss Ashley. After a victorious game with Mrs. Christ, 6th grade _______ _ White Angels, Miss Rowoldt. Mi\l.land, there was t dance at ------------ Lorraine Johnson Mrs. Iverson, 5th grade ______ _ YMCA-YWCA, Mrs. Paradise. Delzell Hall. Senior Class, Dr. Kenyon. There was a fire in the fire~-------------- Marian Parde Junior Class, Mr. Clayburn. place which contributed to the Mrs. Brown, 4th grade _______ _ Sophomore Class, Mr. Grayson. warmth and good spirits of those -------------- Beverly Gerdes Freshman Class, Mr. Johnson. attending. Mrs·. Balkema had Mrs. Clarke, 3rd grade _______ _ Eliza Morgan Hall, Mrs. Ful- prepared an assortment of cook------------ Mrs. Mary Straw ton. ies and hot chocolate, which Miss Wonderly, 2nd grade ___ _ Delzell Hall, Mrs. Balkema. made ideal refreshments for aft----------- Margaret Svoboda Mt. Vernon Hall, Mrs. Paradise. er the game. The record player Miss Gord, 1st grade --------Journalism Club, Mr. Lin- and a good selection of records --------------- Beverly Hinds scheid. furnished music for the dancers. Mrs. Adams, kdg. ___ Ann Carter
David Braves Cold Watef\ To Avert Disaster
Alumni Officers
Set Dates For Student Clubs Volleyball Tournament Number 30 Here The eleventh annual H i g h School Girls' Invitational Volleyball Tournament at Peru State College has been set for March 11-13, according to Phyllis Davidson, director of women's physical education. Last year's tourney, which drew 32 Southeastern Nebraska high school teams, was won by Bruning high .school's spikers who upset Burr high, top team for four straight years. Murdock placed third and Verdon fourth.
November Film Schedule Varied By Glen Sheely November S "Broader Concepts of Methods" Pt. I, Univ. of Illinois. November 7 "Siblings Rivalaries & Parents," "Meeting Emotional Needs of Childhood" No. 2, "He Acts His Age," "Overcoming Fears," "Doctor Spock," Nebr. Health Dept.; "Broader Concepts of Methods" Pt. I, Univ. of Illinois; "The Case of Officer Hallibrand," 27 minutes. This timely traffic film warns of the danger and destruction resulting from careless driving. It shows how selfish, inattentive or fatigued drivers are responsible for the mounting traffic death toll. (Ohio Oil Co.) November 14 "Act Your Age," "This Is Robert," "Don't Be Afraid," Nebr. Health Dept. "Broader Concepts of Methods" Pt. II, Univ. of Illinois. "Yours To Keep," 27 minutes, color. The importance of systematic savings as the bulwark of family financial security
Beta Beta Beta Initiates Ten
Watch the Hexagon
Old Grid Stars Attend Luncheon
Student Teachers
.,.JJOil ,A
c I.he I.he
by Dick Bibler
Bobcats Slay Warriors 42-6 Friday night, November 2, the last home game of the season was played by the Peru Bobcats as they beat Midland 42-6. Friday night was also the 32nd meeting between the Peru Bobcats and the Midland Warriors. Last season Peru won over Midland with 27-6 victory. Buddy Bookwalter took the opening kickoff and ran 18 yards. In the next play, which was during the first forty seconds of the game, Bob Bryant went over his left tackle and ran 62 yards for the first touchdown of the game. Bryant also kicked the extra point. After the kickoff Midland made a couple of plays but fumbled the ball, and it was recovered for the Bobcats by Chuck Krumme. After about nine minutes and forty-four seconds of the game was gone, Sid Brown went over on a keeper play for the second T.D. of the ball game. Bryant kicked the extra point. In the last 50 seconds of the first quarter and a direct pitchout play Doug Gibson ran 67 yards for the Bobcats third T.D.
Bryant kicked the extra point and the first quarter ended with a 21-0 lead by the Bobcats. In the second quarter, Midland drew a 15 yard penalty which put them back to their own two yard line. The Warriors kicked and Henry Hart returned the pigskin to the Midland 12 yard line. Henry Hart carried the ball over the goal line for the Bobcats fourth T.D. Gary Adams kicked the extra point. The half ended with a 28-0 lead by Peru. Sid Brown opened the third quarter with an eight yard run back. Later with Midland in possession of the ball, they fumbled and it was recovered for Peru by Krumme. Gibson went over for the first T.D. of the third quarter, Jack Gilmore kicked the extra point. In the final portion of the ball game, Raymond Ruzicka recovered the ball for the Bobcats but they lost the pigskin to Midland on downs. During this fourth and final quarter of the game, Krumme again recovered a fumble for Peru. With one minute and 49 seconds left to play in the game, Henry Hart had to be taken from the game because he apparently got the wind knocked out of him. Immediately after this play, Bob Humphrey had to also be taken from the game because of an ankle injury. With one minute and two seconds left of the game, there was
a pass play from Don Winter to Roland Kull for the first Midland T.D. of the game. The try for extra point was no good. Game S'fafistics Peru Midland Passes attempted __ 13 19 Passes made ______ 4 9 Yds. made rushing_265 30 Yds. made passing_ 34 143 First and tens _____ 10 10 Yds. in penalties __ 45 55 Fumbles ---------- 1 5 Yds. lost in fumbles 0 4 Passes intercepted _ 0 2 Score by Quarters 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Peru ________ 21 7 14 0 Midland _____ 0 0 0 6
''~A'( ~UllE 11''~ ~~l'N~'-......W0~1'H~L-A~e ______ .... -..... 'l'OU .... --------·------" ,
Peru Beats Tiger Club Peru Teachers clipped Doane, 35-20, Saturday a ft er n o o n to clinch third place in the Nebraska College Conference. The Bobcats scored twice in each of the first two periods and added nine points in the final stanza.
Bo.beat Cagers Now Drilling Under Mcintire
By Don Carlile The Peru State b a s k e t b a 11 hopefuls have already started drills under head coach Jack McIntire, former Falls City High mentor. Three-day-a-week practices have been underway for a squad of 30 since October 15. Since announcement of the round ball schedule last spring, an additional home game has been added. The Bobcats will meet Dana College of Blair on SNACK BAR the home maples on December 10. Another addition to the Bobcat MEALS - LUNCHES schedule is the Sunshine TournaSANDWICHES ment at Portales, N. M. SchedAuburn Nebr. uled for December 27-29, the bracket will include Missouri School of Mines, Rolla; Mississippi Southern, Hattiesburg; Fort Hays (Kansas) State; Anderson (Ind.) College; Colorado State College of Greeley; Northwestern State College, Alva, Okla., and the host school, Eastern New Mexico State University, For-· tales. The season's schedule: Nov. 27 Alumni at Peru Nov. 30 Tarkio (Mo.) College at Tarkio Dec. 5 Omaha U. at Omaha Dec. 10 Dana at Peru Dec. 13 St. Benedict's (Kans.) at Atchison Dec. 14 Sterling (Kans.) College Sterling Dec. 15 Ft. Hays (Kans.) State at Hays Dec. 20 Tarkio (Mo) at Peru Jan. 8 Nebraska Wesleyan at Peru Jan. 12 Doane at Crete Jan. 18 Kearney at Kearney Jan. 19 Hastings at Hastings Tuesday, October 30, there was The students enjoyed dancing to Jan. 251 Midland at Fremont a sock hop in the gym from 7:30 a very good selection of records. Jan. 26 Wayne at Wayne The chaperones were Mr. and Feb. 1 Doane at Peru to 10:30. The Freshman class sponsored the dance. The main Mrs. Howard Johnston, Dr. and Feb. 2 Midland at Peru purpose of the dance was to help Mrs. Russel Holly, and Mr. and Feb. 8-9 Chadron at Chadron Feb. 15 Wayne at Peru the freshman students to get bet- Mrs. F. H. Larson. The students who served on Feb. 16 Kearney at Peru ter acquainted with each other. the dance committee were: Bill Feb. 19 Nebraska Wesleyan at The admission was twenty-five Larson, J oh n Sacks, Marilyn Lincoln cents, which paid for the Cokes Tuker, Judy Cole and Wayne Feb. 22 Concordia at Peru and doughnuts that were served. McFarland. Mar. 1 Hastings at Peru.
Frosh"Sponsor Class Dance
Doug Gibson was the Peru hero. He scored two touchdowns to become the top point producer in the NCC and intercepted a Doane pass to halt a budding Tiger threat in the third quarter. Peru had a 26-20 lead at the time but the Doane bid was halted by Gibson's theft at the Bobcat 30. Score by Quarters: Peru ________ 14 12 0 9-35 Doane _______ 0 14 6 0-20
The M.E.~ili sponsoring a Thanksgivi'~ formal dance, at the college gym, November the 19th. The admission is a $1.50 a couple. The Dixieland Thunderbirds will be playing for this annual event. Come on out and join the fun; get your date and come.
Rick Gibson (62, pass from Larry Roth), Don Detlefson 2 (seven, eight passes Jon Erickson). Points after touchdown&--Duane Ourada (placement), Jim Herman (placement).
Polio Shots For 175 Students
There have been 175 students Peru scoring: Touchdowns- who have taken their polio shots. If you have failed to start your Doug Gibson 2 (22, run; seven, sweep), Wayne Minchow (19, pass shots and still wish to take adfrom Sid Brown), Buddy Book- vantage of this opportunity, you walter (25, run), Dale Johnson can take the first two shots here, (three plunge). Points after and have your family physician touchdowns-Bob Bryant 2 give you your booster shot. (placements), Gary Adams (placeRemember, it's better to be ment). Safety-Ray Ehlers (re- stuck with a needle for a short covered blocked punt.) time than to be stuck in an iron Doane scoring: Touchdowns- lung forever.
Duane Birginal, a 1953 graduate of Omaha's Benson High School, is all but the forgotten man on the Peru State College football squad. For his second consecutive year the senior physical education major has been handling the n;ianaging duties for the Peru State Bobcat gridsters. ,. Since "Birg" was out for football during his freshman and sophomore years, he understands from both angles the problems of managing the mountain of equipment necessary to keep a squad operating smoothly. Se~ms that such an important person wouldn't be forgotten. But for two of the three "away" contests his name was not on the "excused from class list" as a traveling member of the squad. It's on those "away" contests that comes the big chore-making sure that the equipment is in good order and in the right place when needed. He'll be quick to tell you that there's more to managing a team than trotting onto the field with the water jug during time-outs.
·:--.-.. . . . . .
Campus School Commentary By Mary Anna Gnade
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Student Government rihigh school World History class. The elementary grades have High schoolers were thrilled to chosen representatives and now have a college professor take have an organized student coun- time to make them feel like colcil which is an entity by itself lege level students. Dr. Kenyon but which also cooperates with mU:st have done the class some the high school student council. good judging from the grade From first grade come Leslie brought home by my 10th grader. Manring and Chris Maxwell, from second grade there is John Listen :to the V.I.P.! Schneider and Janet Pardue, And further college indoctrinaDanna Henry and Larry Cotton tion for campus schoolers: a real represent third grade, Patty Ad- privilege to be allowed to sit in ams and John Mcintire speak for on college convo to hear Dr. fourth grade, Jeannie Gnade and Priestley. It is so much easier to James Holdorf are from fifth grasp history from a speakerwho grade, sixth grade sends Marilyn has seen it being made than to Larson and John Patterson, sev- read it from the pages of a dull enth grade is represented by old book. At least hearing a wideLinda Morrissy and Jerry Say- ly traveled historian opened a lot er, and David Gomon and Karol of grade school eyes to the fact Kizer are eighth graders. This that history isn't confined to the classroom. student body chose David Gomon, president, Karol Kizer, vice But It Can Still Be Work president and Linda Morrissy, Mrs. Shrader, high school Eng- · secretary. Now that all grades lish teacher, made good use of have a voice in student council having a visitor on campus. She proceedings, they all feel it is required at least her 10th grade really "their" school. class to write their impressions of the convo. Civics No wonder 'the voters in Peru If Everyone Were Colorblind ••• Another high school band uniturned out at election time! Mr. Eddy's 7th graders obtained and form salesman on campus! This distributed to other students tags time with sketches showing how saying "I can't vote. Can you, our colors would look in uniform. will you VOTE?" When a parent Guess we needn't continue to has even just one such tag forci- commit high treason by suggestbly brought to his attention, he ing a change in school colors. This looked elegant! has to do something about it. Not So Long Ago We ••• It is surely the charm of the last fading days of Indian summer that lures 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders to burst from the school doors, some to stand talking, some. skipping along arm in arm, some lugging violins to the Music Hall, a few rowdies swinging on the library step railing. Exuberance of extreme youth! Musical Hams Margaret Cotton and Vic Jin. dra took advantage of pupils' day off during parent-teacher report confer.ences and took their violin students to Brock for a demonstration concert. This public performance generated so much enthusiasm that they can hardly wait to play again. It may be that Mr. Jindra is looking toward future symphony players like himself. He takes part in a Children's Concert in Lincoln on Tuesday, November 13th. (And his pupils are as thrilled for him to be performing as he is!) S'il vous Plait? Noticed in the monthly "Highlights for Children" magazine (adv) that it is wonderful for children to know how differently "please" is said throughout the world. How about when to say please right here and now? The Teacher's Teacher Roger Haigh, student teacher, asked Dr. Kenyon to speak to his
facu:lty and student body attending the seminar were treated to the same dynamic presentation Dr. Priestly displayed in his morning address. The use of personal experience, historical information and vividly descriptive phrases impressed upon the audience Dr. Priestly's understanding of world affairs. Dr. Gordon Kenyon, who aided in the seminar, expressed that he wished more people could have attended the seminar, and pointed out that Dr: Priestly approached the Near East question with no political bias either from the English or American point of view.
Paul Bley Trio Entertains Crowd By Margaret Robinson The Paul Bley Trio, consisting of Mr. Bley at the piano, bassman Peter Ind, and drummer Alan Levitt presented an unusual and exceptionally entertaining performance on November 5 in the college auditorium. The trio presented a short history of jazz and several currently popular numbers. Midway through the program, there was a short interlude during which Dave Longfellow displayed his talents as official oiler of the piano pedal. The performance proved the trio not only masters of the technicalities of modern jazz, but also possessors of the showmanship and drive needed to gain professional success.
Valuable Seminar After Convocation Talk By Priestly
Any Garment Remodeled, Restyled, Repaired Always First in Ouali:!y and Workmanship Fur Coa:ts Repaired We call for and deliver Phone 2671, Peru, Nebr.
*** Open WeekdaysTill 11 P. M. Open Sundays Till 8 P. M.
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Redfern Clothing Co. "The Siore of Sfandard Brands" Phone 183 · Auburn
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A11 Kr Do
New Style Pipes and Fancy Tobacco
P.T.A. Scholarships Being Offered
"Wouldn't Ii Be Lovely?" Chemistry? What make s / The Nebraska Congress of Paryounger bodies more impervious ~µts and Teachers is endeavoring to temperature changes than old- tb encourage more and better er ones? One really cold day last training for students preparing week saw the usual quota of themselves to be teachers by football-basketball enthusiasts on again offering scholarships to the playground, the usual num- worthy students. Last year they ber of sunbathers but with coats awarded 33 elementary and nine (or is shivering a form of exer- special education scholarships to cise?) PLUS a summerlike group Nebraska students. This ye a r of jacks players sans coats, sans they are expanding the program anything between them and the to a full semester's tuition (not cold, cold cement! Shades of to exceed $90). Two types of pneumonia! scholarships are awarded-elementary and secondary educaWha:t? Again? tion, and special education. A Take a deep breath. The final scholarship recipient is eligible football game of the high school to apply for an additional scholseason has been played, successarship each year he attends fully too. But. it's only the lull before the basketball games be- school. When recommendations have gin, and then you'll need all been received, the scholarship your breath-they hardly finish committee of the Nebraska Conone game until another starts! gress of Parents and Teachers will seek further references and then review and take action upon each candidate, to determine in their judgment who is the most deserving. The scholarships will be awarded at the beginning of the second semester. By Bill Albright A new, fresh perspective was added to the American's point of Ingersoll Barber Shop view on the Suez and Near East question by Dr. S. E. Gerard We Will Try Even Harder Priestly at a seminar held ThursTo Be YOUR Barber day afternoon following his conNebr. Auburn vocation address. Answering questions on international relations, Dr. Priestly related the historical, geo-politiMen's Shoes and Boofs cal, and economic backgrounds COMPLETE LINE for the present crisis in this straBILL'S CLOTHING tegic area. Much of the inforSTORE mation presented in the seminar Nebraska Auburn had been obtained by Dr. Priestly on his recent travels throughout the world. He emphasized the need for Stella's Lunch positive action on the part of the SH9RT ORDERSUnited Nations to prevent furMEALS SANDWICHES ther disturbances and "police acSoufh Auburn, Nebraska tion" in this area. The 60 members of the Peru
KODAKS Bring us your film.
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on a tea
of De ch< fot SOI
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Re wi sp sp tri
~HEU ER'S HYKLAS GROCERY Groceries Fruits M. G. Heuer, Owner
Meafs Frozen Foods Phone 2141
m. of
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks ... Christmas
Is Coming
Peru Pedagogian
Vacation Begins December21 At 5 P.M.
DECEMBER 3, 1956
Peru Holds Choral Clinic By Donna Gaer
More than 500 members of high school choral groups from 20 communities in Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri took part in the fifth annual Choral Clinic-Festival at Peru State College, Saturday. The guest conductor was Dr. David Foltz, professor of voice and chairman of the department of music, University of Nebraska. The Peru State version of the A free public concert was preMusic Educators' National Con- sented by the chorus at 7:30 p.m. gress gave its Thanksgiving for- in the Peru State gymnasium. mal dance, in the college gym, Besides six numbers by the November the 19th. massed chorus, the concert feaAt 9 o'clock the students start- tured soloists in voice and piano ed dancing to the beat of the from the University of Nebraska, Dixie Thunderbirds. During in- Mr. Leon Lischner and Mr. Hartermission Phil Neuhalfen and vey Hinshaw. company spiced the dance with a Following registration at 8 :30 floor show. Steve Parkey played a.m., the morning rehearsal the piano, while Phil and Bud started at 9:00 a.m. Followingthe Reuter gave a humorous presen- lunch in the college cafeteria, retation of "Green Door," "This hearsals wlr~ ~sumed at 1:30 Old House," "High Noon," and p.m. and continue'd until 3:0(} p.m. many others. This_ hilarious per- Following these rehearsals, there formance added to the gaiety of was recreational hour. Music for the evening. dancing in the Delzell Hall ball For decorations the committee room wa$nished by the colused an autumn theme. A diffu- lege danc~and. sion of brown, green, orange, and Selections ·presented by the yellow leaves were suspended massed choir included: "O, God above the dance floor, giving an Our Help in Ages Past," Croftillusion of falling leaves. Crepe Barton; "Save Us, 0 God," Foltz; paper streamers provided a back- "Kyrie Eleison," Dietrich; "To ing for the seating area. A blue the D aw n," Williams; "Inch spotlight provided lighting for Worm," Simeone; "Ride the the dance floor, creating a ro- Chariot," Smith. mantic effect and absolutely no Schools and directors particilight on the situation. pating in the clinic included: The chaperones were: Dr. and Auburn, Marcella M. Schacht; Mrs. Wininger, Mr. and Mrs. Brock, Robert Jones; Burchard, Grindle, Mr. and Mrs. Benford, Kenneth Stroupe; Dawson, Mrs. and Miss Bradley. C. Martin; Elmwood, Mrs. Ruth Godbey; Falls City, Elizabeth Kinkead; Humboldt, Milton Grobeck; Johnson, M. E. Nelson; Murdock, Daniel L. Grace; Nebraska City, Amelia Peterson; Pacific Junction, Iowa, Kenneth Stroupe; Pawnee City, Lois Dovel; Peru Prep, Darryl T. ManGlen Sheely, an eighth grade ring; Salem, Kenneth Stroupe;. teacher of the campus school, is Shubert, L aw r enc e Eickhoff; in charge of the film library. The Stella, Kenneth Stroupe; Syrafilm library is located in the cuse, B. A. Johnson; Table Rock, campus school. Before the first of Mrs. Melvin F. Brinkman; Tarevery month, the campus school kio, Mo., Lee Schneider; Verdon, puts out a list of films that are Kenneth Stroupe. going to be shown the following month. The student teachers are encouraged to show these films The library has been established to the students. The campus in conjunction with the "Nebrasschool receives a news reel film ka Program of Educational Enfrom an oil corporation once richment Through the Use of Moevery month. tion Pictures." The film library The film may be rented from is an added service to you by the the film library. The rent for the Nebraska State Teachers College, film is one dollar for three days~ Peru, Nebraska.
M.E.N C. Presents
Fall Frolic Formal
The eight students shown here are the finest Peru has. FT!hl eyc?•ave Jbaecekn eLl:cdf:~gto B:l~::u:h~~~ · L f · hf · back row Bob Norton, a s i.y; ' ' AmericanSColleges. e f tHo ar1~ggh , pa::~ · Front ~ow·· Bill Albright, Falls City; Elberta Rhoten •. Palmyra; Kramer, yracuse; Roger Doris Wusfer (Mrs. Wallace Wuster), Peru; and Bob Moore, Peru.
Who's Who in LI. S. Schools
German Intrigues Peru Audience
The 1956-57 issue of "Who's Who in American UniversiAffable, witty Dr. Hans Wertl.es and Colleges" will list eight Peru stat e st udent s wh o have h0 1 ner Fettbach, who is here from met the qualifications of excellence and sincerity in sc ar- Germany upon the invitation of ship, leadership and participation in academic and extra curricular activities, citizenship and service to the school, and promise of future usefulness to society. Bob Norton, hailing from Falls City is the president of the student council this year. A business major, Bob also shows prowess on the basketball floor and was a regular on the Bobcat cage team last year. He is a member of the Commercial Club, Blue Devils, and the "P" Club. Another Falls City resident chosen is Bill Allbright. He spent four years in the Air Force and some time at San Jose (Calif.) State College before transferring to Peru. A history major, Bill is the guiding light of the International Relations Club, and, by a strange coincidence, he is the vice president of the student council, assisting a hometown friend. Peru Prep was the secondary school for two Who's Who-ers; Roger Haigh is a resident of Peru with a major in history and speech. He gets lots of practice speaking when he is on debate trips with fellow prep graduate and debate partner, Bob Moore. Bob Moore is a speech major. During his college career he has appeared in· a number of dramatic productions, as has Haigh. Adding a feminine touch to the Roster are Elberta Rhoten and Doris Wuster. 'Bert is· a music major and belongs to a number of organizations, including: Sig-
/the' U. S. Department of State, ma Tau Delta, Dramatics Club, \captivated the small crowd Kappa Delta Pi, Student Fellow- 'which heard him last Tuesday ship, and M.E.N.C., not to'. men- evening in the Music Auditorium tion her work in the college with his good humored explanachoir and select choir. tion of the grade and high school Mrs. Wallace Wuster was system in West Germany. known as Doris Shearing for part We don't know whether our of her college career. Her face is kids would like it or not, but the a familiar one in the library boys and girls attend different where she works as student Ii- schools in Germany. They go to brary assistant, and she is to be school five days a week and seen at meetings of Kappa Delta spend the sixth day in a vocaPi and the M.E.N.C. tional school-no Saturdays, see? Bob Kramer is a physical eduGerman boys and girls get nine cation and industrial arts major years of foreign languages: Engwho shows his athletic ability lish, French, and Spanish. Civics both in basketball and track. A is required by law. They study popular fellow, he owns member- fourteen subjects, the subjects ship in numerous campus organ- being similar to those we study: izations. civics, foreign languages, biology, Jack Ludwig is a big man, es- drawing, history, mathematics, pecially to opponents who saw etc. him in football action. A physiNot everyone gets to go to cal education major, he is a mem- "hochschule"-high school-and ber of the "P" Club and is this only the highest thirty percent year's president of the Blue of the graduates get to go to colDevils. Jege. Students who come to West TlefvilJe Auctioned. German schools from East GerV~ manv constitute a serious probThe units in old Vetville have Jem "as the Russians have ,indocbeen torn down. The lumber that trinated them so thoroughly that could be used around the campus it takes much time and patience was salvaged; the rest was sold to re-educate them. at a set price. Shower baths, lavaDr. Fettbach closed his discustories, toilets, doors, windows, sion with a question and answer etc. were all sold at a set price. session. Most of the questions The motto of the sale was "First naturally had bearing on the pocome, first served." There were Jitical situation in Europe a_t the many things sold and there are present time. still many things which did not Dr. Fettbach appeared here at sell. the meeting sponsored by the Foreign Language Club.
Debaters to Tournament A five man squad left the 27th of November for the debate and speech tournament to be held at East Central State College, Ada, Oklahoma. Roger Haigh and Bob Moore are entering their second year of tournament debating. This is the first year of tournament debating for Rex Filmer and Bill Albright, who will constitute Peru's second team. Tom Whitney went to the tournament. He will not debate
but will enter contests in extemporaneous speaking and after dinner speaking. The East Central tournament is always sort of a reunion for Coach R. D. Moore, who is a graduate of East Central, where he had a whale of a career as an undergraduate. Among his major triumphs were: winning a medal for the best grades in school, being c_o-founder of Pi Delta Kappa, being a member of the state championship debating team.
COACH STEMPER AND PERU ATHLETES AT STERLING FETE Assistant Coach Jerome Stemper was guest speaker at the Sterling Community club, Nov. 19, as Sterling Coach Cecil Walker and his Maroon players were honored guests. Other guests from Peru were Del Stoltenberg, senior football player from Nebraska City, and Bob Norton, senior basketball player and president of the Student Council from Falls City.
Peru State Has Most Valuable Film Library
Kappa Delta Pi Pledges 26 Twenty-six Peru State College students have been pledged into membership of Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary education fraternity, according to president Bill Albright, Falls City senior. Open to junior education majors who rank in the upper onefourth of the class, Kappa Delta Pi promotes the highest educational ideals and professional spirit among its members. Included in the new members are ten in-service teachers who are currently enroll~ in Peru State College evening classes. New pledges who are regular day students include: Richard Corwine, Blair; James Fitzpatrick, Weeping Water; Roger Haigh, Peru; Fran Larson, Peru; Louise Marshall, Wymore; Robert Moore, Peru; Phil Neuhalfen, Dunbar; Sharon Reagan, Auburn;
Dwight Safar, Hubbell; Kenneth Sand, Beatrice; Donna Schuster, Virginia; Marilyn Slagle, Falls City; Elaine Spier, Omaha; Franci Stilwell, Palmyra; Carol Vignery, Reserve, Kans.; Mary Ann Wenninghoff, Syracuse. Evening class students pledged: Mrs. Alice Epperson, Auburn; Jo Anne Gruber, Hamlin, Kans.; Mrs. Eunice Harshbarger, Elk Creek; Mrs. Virgene Hunley, Rulo; Mrs. Alice Johnson, Peru; Mrs. Irene Leahy, Tecumseh; Mrs. Noma Schuetz, Table Rock; Mrs. Helen Sheehan, Verdon; Mrs. Wilma Stutheit, Auburn; Lynn Volkmer, Talmage. Other officers of the group besides president Albright include: Doris Wuster, Dawson, vicepresident; Mary Ann Fuerst, Omaha, secretary; and Elberta Rhoten, Palmyra, treasurer.
a spy
with a bomb or anything like that; its just Bill Clark going to class with his talking machine calleld a ."sound scriber." Bill was presented with this delicate machine through the Veterans organization from the American Foundation for .the Blind. According to Bill, he uses this machine to record lectures in the classroom. The machine operates electrically and cuts records of paper thickness. Each side of the record plays for fifteen minutes. Bill can record something and set the machine needle back and play it back immediately. It records size thirty-three and one-third r.p.m. records. Other interesting things which Bill picks up with his recorder are educational radio programs. Bill's sister reads books to him which he records and uses for study purposes. Bill is very proud of this machine and says it will help him in his studies many ways. Bill was taught to operate this machine at the Hines' Blind V.A. Rehabilitation Center in Hines, Illinois.
Ron s Briefs By Ron McKillney
Jerry Krakow has a new angle . o"n. how to earn money. It seems, .tha:.t during Thanksgiving vacation Jerry went hunting-for jack rabbits that is. He hunted all day and shot thirty ~ack rabbits. He then drove home and sold the rabbits to a mink farmer for twenty cents apiece. The mink farmer skinned and cooked them for food for the mink. That's a profit of six dollars-not bad for a couple. of hours of hunting. I'm beginning to wonder if the men in the dormitory will ever settle down. It's past mid-semester, and guys are still changing rooms. I wonder who beat whom in the professional wrestling matches that have been going on up in Room 309 lately. Larry "Mighty Mouse" Apel and Gene "Killer" Campbell had a two out of three ·fall match the other day. I believe Gene "Killer" Campbell won the match. Delzell Hall is holding open house for the faculty this coming November 28th. Mrs. Balkema is . hoping it will be a great success. As I said in my last column, By Lois Bush there's really a "fad" for card playing in the dorm. Keith Lamb and Jerry Bell are challenging Typing this column is going to anybody in the dormitory to a be mighty slow this time. The game of "hearts." You'd better be a pretty sharp card player be- after-effects of the Thanksgiving vacation and turkey are the opfore you challenge these boys. Bob M i 111e r's Thanksgiving posite of invigorating. Eliza Morgan Hall seems to vacation started wrong. Tuesday, after school was dismissed, Bob, have emerged from its week-end all set to go home, walked out to of rest livelier than ever, though. hiS car and that's where all the Pre-Christmas weeks a 1w a.y s trouble started. He turned on the seem to have a special gaiety, ignition and the gas gauge read anyway. "empty.;' Well,. somebody siBeds ain't beds anymorephoned all the gas from his tank. they're low, modern couches. The This happens once a while to the gals in the basement, Pat and best of us, but then Bob touched Joan and Sherrie and Jann took the starter, and the m o t o r 'the ends off their beds and left wouldn't turn over. Something them inches from the floor. The was wrong with the starter. All idea spread like wildfire upstairs of this was too much for Bob in and Chris and Bev, DeeDee and one day. So he decided the Karen and Phyllis and Lois fol"heck" with it and hitch-hiked a lowed suit. ride home. Better luck this comNew additions to the dorm: A ing week-end, Bob. steam iron that works, a "No By looking at some of the men Smoking" sign in the lobby and around here, you can surely tell a rule that "unescorted" males the guys have been using the ath- are barred from the lounge. No letic equipment in the recreation one can say that the dorm i_sn't room in Delzell Hall. They've progressing. added new equipment and fixed Also a new addition: a diamond up the old. Boxing seems to be on Georgia Isham's hand. Her fithe popular sport. Paul DeVries ance is Larry Miller, a sopho"tangled" with another boy, and more from Hamburg, Iowa. Paul's opponent sprained his More new additions: brandwrists. new paint on some of the furniture. Powder blue was the chosen color of Jean and Mary Jo; but Chris and Bev emphasized their Chinese theme with jet Maybe some of you students black. have noticed a man going to "The Bad Seed" ..."The Bad class carrying a brown leather Seed" ... It's still echoing! Evbag. Don't worry though, it is not eryone who saw the movie sat up
Shrub Snoops
Bill and His Talking Machine
PERU PEDAGOGIAN The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks Member Intercollegiate Press December 3, 1956 THE STAFF David Longfellow ___________________________________ Editor Ed Williamson ____________________________ Business Manager Ruth Linscheid ____________________________ Activities Editor Ralph Hill------~----------------------------Sports Editor Ron McKinney ______________________ Campus School Editor Dwight Safar _____________________________ Exchange Editor Sharon Reagan ____________________ Language Arts Reporter Lois Bush _______________________________________ Columnist Jean Thimgen __________________________ Fine Arts Reporter Margaret Robinson ________________________________ Reporter Harold Norris _____________________________________ Reporter Donna Gaer_______________________ Alumni and Mailing List Donald Cole ___________________________________ Contributor Bob Moore _____________________________________ Contributor Stewart Linscheid __________________________________ Sponsor
This notice might sound a little silly, but here it is. Our normal publication .-date has been supposed to be every other Friday, but about half the time, if not a little more, we have been coming out on Monday-and that's bad, very bad. Just to keep the record straight, the late_)ssues have not been the fault o:f the Pedagogian staff. Our publishers say that they can make the deadline from now on if we change it to Monday. We now propose to come out every other Monday. Please see our revised schedule for the rest of the year elsewhere in this issue. as late as possible re-hashing every thrilling detail. Hearing all about it didn't seem to spoil it for those who went later, for they too kept the chain of talk going till far into the night. The night of the dance fostered ghost stories in Franci's darkened room. Martha, Franci, Donna and Gail were so engrossed in the supernatural that when there was a knock and the door slowly creaked open, poor Mrs. Fulton was nearly knocked over by the resultant scream"fit to wake the dead." Somebody's yelling about a feast they brought back after the holidays; so this columnist, ever dominated by a stomach, must hurry to investigate-all for the sake of the column, of course. ·~ye!
That's where the pause that refreshes with ice-cold Coke began. Now it's enjoyed fifty million times a day. Must be something to it. And there is. Have an ice-cold Coca-Cola and see ••• right now.
New Dean
Is Interviewed Dean Keith Melvin likes the college age group in teaching according to an interview with the Pedagogian. He's had 10 years in two schools to get used to them. It was in 1946 when he became dean of the college at McCook Junior College. Before that he was in the secondary system at a number of Nebraska high schools, and as a matter of fact he has never taught outside of Nebraska. Following a long stint at McCook he went to the University of Nebraska to work on his doctorate degree and to teach in the teachers college there. His wife is still in Lincoln where she will fill out her contract as a teacher in the elementary school system. Dean Melvin started as a mathematics and science teacher and coach, but like many others he got into the administrative branch and was soon serving in that capacity more than teaching. His job here will have to do predominately with the instructional program and the problems relating to that. Judging from that it would seem that his specialty is school administration. He has one daughter, Nancy, who is a junior in nursing educat,ion at University Hospital in Omaha. His hobby is woodworking and the self-manufacture of furniture. A major interest is spectator participation in all sports.
White Angels Pledge Twenty-four New Members By Peg Robinson The White Angels, campus pep club for girls, pledged 24 new members. The pledges are to present a skit at the club meeting on December 10. New pledges are: Ann Carter, Thelma Coriyac, Rose Pfeifer, Nancy Kunkel, Marian Schmidt, Judi Cole, DeAnna Thomas, Barbara Adams, Jann Hoffman, Darlene Jansen, Kay Ward, Alice
NEBRASKA CITY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. "Coke" is a register~d trade-mark.
Phillips, Joyce Ruyle, Joann Parriott, Carol Vignery, Ruth Linscheid, Marjorie Peckham, Deanna Meyer, ·Donna Lee, Sharon Grenienger, Joan French, Ruth Morse, Sara Starns, and Marilyn Tucker.
that concentrated on yearbooks; Dave went to the Newspaper. Short Course; Ruth and Donna attended the courses that dealt with general newspaper writing. We heard some very good speakers and found out how other colleges and universities publish their papers. These classes lasted through Saturday. They were interesting and helpful.
Students Return From Press Meet By Donna Gaer The 32nd Annual Conference of the Associated Collegiate Press was held in the Hotel Statler at Cleveland, Ohio on November 8, 9, and 10, 1956. Mr. J. D. Levitt and four Peru students attended this conference. The students were as follows: Dick Corwine. editor of the Peruvian; Dave Longfellow, editor of the Pedagogian; Ruth Linscheid and Donna Gaer, reporters for the Pedagogian. · The five delegates left Peru at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 6. We boarded a Greyhound bus at Nebraska City and were on our way by 3:45. The bus schedule took us through Omaha, Nebraska to Chicago, Illinois, where we had an hour lay over. This was just time to eat a decent meal and return to the gates to catch our bus for Cleveland. We ate Wednesday lunch at the Glass House on the Ohio turnpike. This is where we came in contact with our first really expensive meal. The restaurant had a very enjoyable atmosphere, and the food was delicifos. Thµrsday morning, we registered on the mezzanine of the Statler Hotel. There were not any classes scheduled for that day, so we had sor;ne time to see the city.. The men saw some of Cleveland in the afternoon, but the girls got as far as the department store across the street. Classes began Friday. Mr. Levitt attended the ones about photography; Dick took the ones
We left Cleveland at 9:00 p.m. Saturday to begin our trip back to P.S.T.C. We rolled into Omaha at 9:30 Sunday night. There we had a two-hour and 15 minute lay over before we could catch our bus for Nebraska City. We wish to take this space to thank the Publications B'oard for making this trip possible. It was very educational and also fun. A million laughs and a lot of learning resulted from those five days that were spent in Cleveland, Ohio, at the Associated Collegiate Press Conference.
For those who wish to get material ·in The Pedagogian, the following p u b 1i c a t i o n dates are given. Material for publication must be in four days in advance of the publication date. The Pedagogian will be happy to publish news and announcements furnished by reporters for campus organizations. Dates for the remainder of the year follow. Dec. 3, 17 Jan. 21 Febr. 4, 18 April 1, 15, 29 May 14
Stella's Lunch - SHORT ORDERS MEALS - SANDWICHES South Auburn, Nebraska
J Ic r.'
managed to maneuver free and make the goal marker. IGibson scored his second TD in the second stanza on a left end run from the Doane 7. Doane's Rick Gibson scored the first TiBy Don Carlile ger tally on a 62-yard run from Al Wheeler's Peru State Bobthe Doane 34. ~e- second tally cats revenged last year's twofor the Tigers came when Don point loss to the Doane Tigers by Detlefsen caught a Tiger pass on urning in a 35-20 victory and a play originating on the Peru 7. · thereby clinching their third First third quarter score was place berth in the Nebraska Colon a Doane passing play on the ege Conference. Peru 9 to Detlefsen. Earlier in the With the 35 points scored in same period the Tigers threatin Saturday's game-five TD's, ened, but were held on the sixhree conversions and one safety yard marker on their fourth -the NCC conference year for down. he Bobcats ended with a total In the final quarter fullback f 224 points scored, while their Dale Johnson of Table Rock went :even opponents tallied 92 points. over from the Doane 3 for the1 ~wo of those opponents-Kearfinal Bobcat TD. A blocked Doane ey State and Hastings-howev- - punt by tackle Ray Ehlers of Syr, each had two point margins, racuse accounted for the safety, 1eating the Bobcats in the extra the final two points. 1oint department. In the extra point department At Kearney State the 14-12 An- Peru's Bob Bryant made two out lope homecoming victory score of three conversion attempts. Sid as just double that of last year's Brown's run. for the extra point on test between the sister schools failed, while Gary Adams of Falls vhen the Antelopes dampened City made his one placement try 'eru State'_s homecoming, 7-6. good. For the Tigers Duane Ou1.gainst Hastings College the rade made one out of two conver3obcats came out on ·the short sion trials, while James Herman md of a 21-19 score. Kearney is made his one attempt good. ops and Hastings second in the Scoring By Quarters: conference. 1 2 3 4 Total Adding the scores of the two Peru ______ 14 12 0 9 35 lre-conference contests against Doane _____ 0 14 6 0 20 3olorado State of Greeley and ::entral Missouri of Warrensburg, Statistics Peru Doane he Bobcats' season yielded a to- First downs ---------- 14 11 ~ of 251 point!? to 120 for all op- Yds. rushing _________ 252 152 nents. The Bobcats handed the Yds. passing --------- 88 178 ars of Greeley a 13-0 defeat, Total yardage -------- 340 330 mt bowed to the mighty Mules Penalty yardage _____ 65 20 of Warrensburg, 28-14. Passes attempted _____ 16 20 In the last game at Crete, half- Passes completed ____ 10 12 Qack Doug "Hoot" Gibson of Passes intercepted by _ 2 0 ·ans City made two trips across Ball lost on fumbles __ 3 3 cie goal line to become the leadig NCC scorer for the season. .e nosed out Kearney·State's Jim horell, with whom he previousV was tied at seven TD's. Against l/esleyan Friday, Thorell crossed he goal line only once. Nine seniors from Peru State The first Gibson tally was 9:40 who have been members of a fter the opening kick-off. The squad which has lost only six wring play was on a pitch-out games during their collegiate rom quarterback Sid Brown to careers, lead a list of 26 football ibson who chose the right end letter winners for 1955, according oute from the Doane 22. to Coach Al Wheeler. About two minutes later the A total of 17 holdovers, which obcats took full advantage of a includes nine jurors, five sophoiger fumble recovery by Sid mores, and three freshmen also rown. Five plays later a Brown- were named .. ngineered pass from the Doane Senior letter winners are: Jack J connected with end Wayne Ludwig, Bellevue; Bob Huminchow of Table Rock. phrey, Auburn; Del Stoltenberg, In the opening play of the Nebraska City; Darwin Rosenecond stanza, Bookwalter was quist, Essex, Iowa; Tom Moen, early tackled as he went back Bellevue; Jack Gilmore, David City; Wayne Minchow, Table i pass from the Doane 25, but Rock; Chuck Krumme, Red Oak, Iowa; Duane Birginal, manager, Omaha. PERU MOTORS Juniors-Jerry Ludwig, Belle· DESOTO - - PLYMOUTH vue; Riley Ruby, Tecumseh; Ray Fas!: Dependable Service Ehlers, Syracuse; Dale Johnson, Phone 3201 • Peru Table Rock; Henry Hart, Red Oak, Iowa; Glen Heywood, Peru;
iBobcats Third
~ In Conterence
26 Lettermen Are Named
Meats · Fruits - Frozen Foods
M. G. Heuer, Owner
Phone 2141
Bruce Smith, Coin, Iowa; Jerry Grancer, Beatrice; Doug Gibson, Falls City. Sophomores:_G a r y A d a m s, Falls City; P~t Novacek, Tekamah; Sid Brown, Peru; Jim Rosenquist, Essex, Iowa; Larry Hopkins, Guthrie Center, Iowa. Freshmen-Buddy Bookwalter, Lawrence, Kans.; Bob Bryant, Peru; Don Hamel, Fullerton.
Outstanding·--. Football Players
Of P.S.T.C. According to head football coach, Al Wheeler, some of the outstanding .football players of P.S.T.C. for the preceding football season were: Del Stoltenberg, 165 lb. 5'11", Senior from Nebraska City was named for all state game. He was also named for coaches all conference team. One year ago, Del was stamped as second place in small college conference in punting, averaging 42.3 for the season. A blocked kick in the Fisk game cost him the highest in the n at i o n. According to Coach Wheeler, Stoltenberg was his best man in running, kicking, and passing. Del is majoring in physical education.
Member F.D.I.C.
Mclntire's Bobcats N.et Alumni Win
Jerry Grancer, 170 lb., 5'9", Junior from Beatrice made all state and also was named for all conference. Jerry 1 e t t ere d at P.S.T.C. in 1950 but his college career was interrupted by the service. He returned to P.S.T.C. in January and started football season as third team halfback. Coach Al Wheeler stated that Grabcer has played outstanding defedse all year. There were two lettermen ahead of Jerry in position but they were hurt' and Jerry worked himself up to all-conference end.
By Hal Norris On Tuesday, November 27th, the Peru State basketball squad captured their first victory of the 1956-57 season by defeating the Alumni 71-53. Bob Kramer led the Bobcats with 20 points, followed by Frank Davis with 15, and Ronald Witt with 12. The Bobcats used tremendous speed to down the Alumni. The Peru varsity received no help from a rugged alumni squad which on several occasions physically restricted Pat Novacek's movability. Chuck Krumme, 215 lb., 6'4", Davis with 15 points was high Senior from Red Oak, Iowa. A man for the Alumni, followed by former all-state selection and Bornschlegel with 11 points. made coaches all conference team The final period lapsed into and honorable mention for all flare-ups between coaches and state. Krumme has also received referees Hart and Johnson. Both the Carriker trophy for being teams using six and seven playvoted most outstanding lineman ers brought about a crowd pleasin Nebraska college conference. ing contest. The game ran long Chuch is a four year letterman because time keeper Sands dozed and is majoring in physical eduoff; or did he possess a desire to cation and industrial arts. see blood? Jim Rosen q u i s t, 187 lb., 6' Coach Al Wheeler cleared the Sophomore from Essex, Iowa. Alumni bench with Bornschlegel, Jim played on the B team last Wagner, Holstrom, Gerdes, Davis, year and saw some service in var- White, Majors, Lade, Ocker, and sity games. This was Jim's first Bowers all seeing action against letter year and he has been a de- the Mcintire-Stemper Bobcats. pendable player all year. Tom Moen, 175 lb., 6' Senior, from Bellevue. Tom was a regular center in 1955 and made second team all conference. Moen again made all conference this year. Tom is majoring in physi: cal education. Douglas "Hoot" Gibson, 178 lb., 6'2", Junior from Falls City. Doug played his high school football under direction of Coach Mcintire at Falls City where he was an outstanding performer. Doug has also made leading score in Nebraska college conference. Some other fine players for P.S.T.C. as stated by Coach Wheeler were: Ray Ehlers, 200 lb., 6'3", Junior from Syracuse. Jerry Ludwig, 185 lb., 6' Junior from Bellevue.
by Dick Bibler·
Wayne Minchow, 185 lb., 6' Senior from Table Rock. Jack Ludwig, 170 lb., 6', Senior from Bellevue. Bob Bryant, 225 lb., 6'1'', from Peru. Buddy Bookwalter, an outstanding freshman football player is good material for Nebraska college conference but not picked because of being a freshman.
Four Make First And Two Second Conference Teams The All-Nebraska College conference first and second teams named by conference coaches at their annual fall meeting at Kearney netted six berths for Peru State College gridmen, according to Al Wheeler, head Peru mentor. Four were named to the first team and two to the second team. Other first string positions went to Kearney and H<1stings. Peruvians named to the first team were Jerry Grancer, Beatrice, end; Charles Krumme, Red Oak, Iowa, tackle; Jim Rosenquist, Essex, Iowa, guard; Del Stoltenburg, Nebraska pty, back. Senior tackle Krumme also was named the winner of the Carriker Award, which is awarded the outstanding conference lineman. Last Peru State recipient of the award was Bob Lade, a 1954 graduate, who is now a member of the Tarkio (Mo.) College coaching staff. Doug (Hoot) Gibson, Falls City back, and Tom Moen, Bellevue center, were Peruvians named to
the all-conference second team. Other first team selections were Gene Armstrong, Kearney, end; Ted Mill~rney tackle; Mike Augustynl!F'-earney, guard; Dale Poore, Kearney, center; Tom Osborne, H a st in gs, Jim Thorell and Joe McFarland, Kearney, backs.
Coaches Speak At Banquets For the coaching staff at Peru State College, the end of football season has brought a round of speaking engagements at high school football banquets. Al Wheeler, head f o o t b a 11 coach and director of athletics, was guest speaker at the November 13 Championship banquet for the Corning (Iowa) high school squad. The Corning team won top berth in the Hawkeye Eight conference. Mr. Wheeler and assistants Jerome Stemper and Jack Mcintire were guests of the Auburn Kiwanis at the November 15 banquet honoring the Auburn football squad. Mr. Wheeler was speaker of the evening. Assistant Coach Stemper and senior Peru athletes Del Stoltenberg of Nebraska City and Bob Norton, Falls City, spoke at a banquet honoring the Sterling high school football squad on November 19. Speaker for the Nemaha high school football banquet on November 21 was assi9tant coach Jack Mcintire. Mr. Wheeler was at a banquet honoring the Osceola high school football squad on November 26. Coaches Mcintire and Stemper will be guests at a grid banquet for the Falls City high school squad on December 11.
Basketball Lineup For Bobkittens The Peru Bobkittens play their first basketball game against Hamburg, Iowa, December 4th. The Bobkittens have five returning lettermen-Ron Brock, Dave Stevensen, Rex Rains, Jerry Henning, and Jerry Pattersen. These boys are all seniors except for Jerry Pattersen, who is a junior. There are several boys who were on last year's "B" team, who look promising. They are: Kenny Hoger, Bruce Eddy, Monte and Morty Allgood. November 19 was the team's first practice~ The team worked on fundamentals and conditioning. There are thirteen boys out for the basketball team.
By Mary Anna Gnade
argument s e e m unimportant. Both supervisors and student teachers are teaching "what" in such a manner the "how" is unobtrusive.
seem to think another ianguage necessary, but we do have some campus school age children with a consuming curiosity just ripe for another language. Until the dem,and is great enough, it looks as if they will wait for college time when the urge will not be so strong.
Alpha Mu Omega Meets
"Mother, you have to come visit my room." Having just one By Donald Gray visitor in the classroom meant Alpha Mu Om~g'ft held their that everyone in the room had The Elite regular monthly meeting Monday the thrill of wearing a tag home. Without realizing that segrega- night, November 12. Of course, that was supposed to Pictures were taken of the urge more parents to visit. Em- tion in the first grade is necesphasis on visiting school comes sary for peace of mind (of the members and officers in the orduring Education Week the sec- teacher, that is), one group feels ganization. After the regular business ond week of November, but vis- they are privileged-the eliteitors are welcome every day all becau<ie they get to go into Miss meeting, James Bennett and Elyear long in our Peru school, and Gard's office for their reading · don McCall entertained the no one is more pleased than the class. Such a bunch of squirms group. James gave a report on child whose parent is the guest. would disrupt any class! No testing in mathematics. Eldon Use to be (and still is some wonder a primary requisite for then gave a test to the group. places) a. parent at scl:J.ool was an elementary teacher has to be The test consisted of an interestbecause Johnny was in trouble. a love of children coupled with ing puzzle to work, and several tricky questions to be answered. How nice that children here feel infinite patience. Everyone enjoyed the program no stigma is attached to a parent Pilgrims Covered very much. Refreshments were at school any time. How strong are you college served. types on early American history? Book Week And here we go again on You should have heard Miss "weeks"-tl:J.is is National Book Wonderly take her second grad- Physical Plant Week. On a campus where books ers (7-year-olds) through an imAccording to Physical Plant are our business, more or less, it promptu review of who, when, Director Stacy Vance, the walk is easy to slide over observing where, why the Pilgrims! in front of Mt. Vernon has been such a week. If all campus school finished but work has come to a Thanks, For a Day cl:J.ildren are the bookworms mine Needless to say, the threat of standstill because of the frozen are, its a wonder there is a book impassable weather for Thanks- ground. Grading in many places left in the library any time, giving raised a cry of true is needed but will not be atBook Week or no. thankfulness from the throats of tempted before spring. According to Mr. Vance, there school kids (all ages, elementary, Santa Letter Jimmy G. disclosed what they secondary, college)-an extra day is hope that a new building will are talking about in first grade: of vacation! And the snow held be started by spring. This buildhe wound up table grace with, out just long enough for sledding ing will extend from the music hall west to the center of the old "And thank you for Thanksgiv- the entire time. road. ing." In the next breath he asked Manring Busy Mr. Vance states that most of where Santa Claus lived! This The high schoolers in chorus ,bld Vetville has been torn down brought out the wishbooks, and seem very unconcerned over the a,nd the new tube put in and a he and Sally wro'te their first impending Choral Clinic Decem- lilt of grading done; but work letter to Santa Claus on November 1st on our campus. But ,have there is also at a standstill until ber 13th. Additions and revisions you noticed the harasse'd 'look spring. to come later, no doubt. creeping up on Mr. Manring? He The curb on the new road to is not only in charge of the clin- Oak Hill has been completed, and "I Like You" In what subtle ways the newly ic with a potential of 600 parti- the road bed has been graded and acquired learning of the second cipants, but must keep up his will be rocked soon. Mr. Vance college music classes and lessons, says that it will probably not be graders comes to light: My Sally and mailman Phil Rihner's Shir- college choir, elementary music black-topped until spring beley practiced their printing "I classes, and high school chorus, cause of winter coming on and like you You like me" (lesson?) not to mention preliminary pre- the freezing ground. on slips of paper. Then Shirley paration for Christmas programs, In the spring, the bank south of .imitated her father and stuffed etcetera. Mt. Vernon will be cut back apall the mail boxes she could proximately twenty feet, and a Travel Costs reach. What a pleasant way to Mr. Sheely's eighth graders new water main will be laid from start a morning (and especially have taken on the "f o r w a rd the standpipe to the steam tuna blue Monday morning!) . by look"-to field trip to Omaha a nel. The steps along this area will finding a slip of such sentiments day in the late spring. This in- be torn out also. This division of from an unknown admirer in volves money, you know. They ,lines will provide a larger water your mail box. sacrificed one day of Thanksgiv- supply. ing holiday pleasure for odd job Hiking Chaperon Teachers in the campus school work day to fatten their treas- K.D .H. Radio Station don't confine their activities sole- ury. The pursuit after finances The Radio St at ion K.D.H. ly to the campus school. When a will increase steadily from now (which means Kohler in Delzell .. group of eighth grade girls came · on. Hall) was first brought to life at up short a chaperon for an overthe beginning ,of the school year. "Drama?" night hike, Miss Wonderly filled Whether is is a money-making Frank Mickeal and Curtis Kohler the bill in such a way that those venture or not, the eighth grade are the originators of the little girls will have the November also had held tryouts for one-act station. K.D.H. first broadcast 1956 eclipse of the moon to replays. From the preliminary from Mt. Vernon Hall for about member in their rocking chairs. reading I had through my eighth a week. Then they transferred grader, the belly-buster potential the radio station to Delzell Hall. "How-What"-Again The range of K.D.H. is about a On this controversial "how- is high. mile and a half. The station is what" subject, a visit to the Money Raisers run on six hundred and forty Campus School rooms makes the Speaking of finances, it enters kilocycles. From 8:30 to 11 :00 is the realm of "high" when you the broadcasting time. speak of senior day field trip The Omaha chapter of the which in past years has been to Peru Alumni Association is Chicago. Haven't heard too much holding a meeting in the FacIngersoll Barber Shop about their projects, but if you ulty Room of the Omaha UniWe Will ·Try Even Harder wish to subscribe to a magazine versity cafeteria for a preTo Be YOUR Barber or buy greeting cards, Mr. Masgame dinner ·on Wednesday, Nebr. Auburn ek's seniors are the people with Dec. 5th, at 6:00 p.m. Followthe goods. ing the dinner, the alumni will attend the Peru State vs. OmaSprechen Sie Deutch? ha U. basketball game in the Having a professor from GerMen's Shoes and Boots Omaha U. field house. many on the campus and hearing COMPLETE LINE about educational practices in The Depa~tment of Special BILL'S CLOTHING other lands recalls the expressed Services has sent notices of STORE desire of some of the eighth, the above event to all faculty Nebraska Auburn ninth and tenth graders to learn members, and we hope this another language. It seems to be will serve as a notice to anycommon practice for children in one else who might be interother lands to learn at least one ested. Redfern Clothing Co. other language than their own Let's back the Omaha chap"The Store of Siandard and oftener than not, to learn ter of the Alumni Assodation Brands" two or three. In our arrogance, in making this a most successPhone 183 - Auburn perhaps, that English should be ful event. the universal language, we don't
Home Economics Club United!Nations Dinne Thursday, November 15th, the desserts were Rdgrd, Denma Home Economics Club gave its and Mazurki, Union of So annual United Nations dinner at Socialist Republics. Foreign dolls were 6:30 in the home econorhicsroom. The menu was composed of decorations. The committee chairmen we · dishes of foreign countries. The meats were Krakiki Po Krakow- Mary Winnigham, cooking; sku, Poland, and Chicken a la Peterson, ti,~ts; Barbara Bo Mirro, United States. The vege- hostess and wai~sses; and tables were Kishuim, Israel, and berta Rhoten, decorations a Umintas, Bolivia. The salads were menu booklet. All of the girls in Salade de Huevo Planta, Spain, and Sillisalasti, Finland. The Economics. Cl b worked hard bread was Swedish Limpa. The provide t ·
December Films December 3"Conversation With H er b e rt Hoover," 60 minutes. This significant and stimulating interview provides students with a valuable record of the philosophy of a noted American who helped shape the course of our time. (Hoover Institute and Library on War, Revolution and Peace)
December 12"Freedom to State Ed. Assn. vest," 28 minutes. Here's w takes place on the trading fl of the world's largest commod exchange, and how it affects Iives from harvest time to purchase of a loaf of bre (Board of Trade of the City Chicago)
December 18December 5"Green Giant's Magic," 22 mi "Glass Houses," Nebr. State utes, color "Timelapse" phot Health Dept. "Skippy and the 3 · raphy shows weeks of pl R's," Nebr. State Ed. Assn. growth in seconds. Film shows natural and hand polli December 11·12"Testing Intelligence With the tion of hybrid peas and (Green Giant Company) Stanford-Binet," Indiana Univ.
Special Stocking Offer
Here's a rare opportunity to get a real long-lasting supply of .fine nylon hosiery for far less than you ever imagined! A regular $1.25 value for only $1.0Q-plus a spare. When you buy this package of two pairs and two spares, you are actually getting three pairs of fine nylon hose. Take advantage of this offer NOW. Clip and mail the coupon below for fast delivery. C.O,D. ORDERS ACCEPTED. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
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PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS Any Garment Remodeled, Restyled, Repaired Always First in Quality and Workmanship Fur Coats Repaired We call for and deliver Phone 2671, Peru, Ne
· · · P·e'l"~ tj.·'t·r"' «hn The Voice of the Campus of a Thousan a s . . . •
Peru Pedagogian DECEMBER 17, 1956
Christmas Editorial . -The seven-fo?t Y~le Log is pulled in and one end placed m the already glowmg fireplace; ale mugs are lifted and the season is toasted . . . Weekenders gathering for a taffy pull and tree-trimming party. -Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh were laid beside the manger; lighted only by the Star, they knelt and worshipped the baby ... "The biggest turkey, lad-and here, here's a half crown for you! Merry Christmas, lad, Merry Christmas ..." Streets gaily decorated and stores even more so· Uncle Bill has more ties than he needs, but it looks rather ~ice, "We're going to repair them ma'am, and give them to the county orphanage; it's part of our December den project." So many Santa Clauses, but the bells are rather appealing and 1 do have a quarter. 1
-Wassailers tramping the English snow i~\their way from house to house, wishing good cheer and singing carols to the homefolk . . . \ Girls out after hours, caroling the bo~ their own habitat, not so different, but why didn't w~ink to do it. -The fast-stepping horses, not noticing the frost on their manes, kick up flakes of ice from the hard-packed road as they pull the sl.eigh ancl its owners home from the party . . "The moon on the crest of the new-fallen snow gave a lustre of midday to objects below; when what to my wondering eyes should appear ... "
. .
"Dear Lord, we thank Thee for thy bountiful goodness and we pray thy blessing ..." · Laura, honey, how do you carve this thing; it doesn't
Constantine decreed christianity look like that drawing at all." as the new faith of the Roman Christmas, 1956, and a very merry one to you and yours Empire. The christians gave the along with a Happy New Year from the Pedagogian. holiday an entirely new name and his unusual generosity that our a new meaning. They called the -Dave Longfellow ideas of the modern saint have holiday the Mass of Christ, or 12 December 1956 developed. ·Christ Mass, which was shortened Mistletoe has many legends to Christmas. They declared that and traditions connected with it, was just starting to leave over Christmas was the birthday of and is often referred to as the the bleachers. These decorations Jesus of Nazareth. Though the '.'Golden Bough." In Greek mythprovided a gay atmosphere for exact day and year when Jesus ology it was believed to be a the event. was born is not known,. tradition charm against evil. One legend is The chairmen of the decoration has set the date as December 25, Eliza Morgan girls held their that, originally, the mistletoe had committee were as follows: Betty 4 B. C. annual Christmas tea from two been a noble forest tree like the So Christmas morning, while to five on Tuesday, Dec. 11, and Taenzler, Alice Phillips, Pat Kelmighty redwood. But after the ly, Dick Fankhouser, Jim Jones, you're still in bed and arguing it was a pleasant occasion. Savior's death, it was so ashamed Entering the lobby decorated Ruth Linscheid, Jim McClellan, of its part in His sufferings that, with yourself about going downwith a lighted Christmas tree, the Jody Parriott, Don Niemier, Jerstairs and opening those Christovernight it shrank in size. Durry Owens, and Lester Miller. ing the Victorian period, the Brit- mas gifts, think of the true mean- guests were registered by Fran The three dorms Delzell, Mt. ing of Christmas. Larson, Martha Cox and Franci ish often hung up a "kissing ring" Vernon, and Eliza Morgan, went Stilwell, then they were served or "bough" as part of their holitea and cakes by Gayleen Wilson. together to pay for the decoraday decorations. It was made of Those who wished· to do so tions. The student council paid wires, covered with gay ribbons. were taken on tours of the build- for the band. The reason for doSprays of mistletoe were fastened ing this was to make it a free · to it. The ring was suspended Before the Christmas festival, ing by student guides. formal so everyone could attend. One of the nicest things about from the ceiling, and many girls there comes a time of cleaning the whole deal was that girls were kissed beneath it. Some and scouring and washing in people follow this tradition to- Swedish homes. Swedish .house- called on the guests (faculty Club Decorates Tree wives consider this absolutely members) to escort them to the day. The Industrial Arts Club has The German people have often necessary. Someone has said that tea. It's the first time the author decorated the big pine tree just been given the credit for using dirt is like sinful thoughts and has been out with a cute fresh- south of the campus school in the the first lighted and decorated can not be tolerated at the Holy man since 1927, and he had to go Walter Lawrence yard. The club get her then. The freshman who Christmas trees, but the idea Festival. took this on for the first time last came to get the author was Bevreally started centuries earlier. year and hopes that all will enjoy In the schools of Sweden, a During the Saturnalia, Romans great deal is made of handiwork erly McGeorge. the Christmas Spirit it imparts. Here and now, Beverly and all trimmed trees with trinkets and and carpentering.-This kind of small masks of Bacchus. Some- work is adapted to Christmas Eliza Morgan girls on the behalf times they placed twelve candles presents during the autumn term. of all us oldsters, we enjoyed Tuesday, December the 11th, at on a tree with an image of the Th~ children are proud to bring your lovely tea and your gracious 10:30, all the girls living at Eliza courtesy and-thanks. sun god at the tip. When these home a well made book shelf, a Morgan Hall, surprised the boys pagans accepted christianity, they carved paper knife, or a pair of living at Mt. -Vernon and Delzell continued their celebrations but neatly sewn pillow cases with Hall, by serenading them with changed them to honor Christ, embroidered initial, or a nice Christmas carols. This made the and the evergreen tree came to apron, all made by their own boys very happy and the girls endenote His bringing new life to hands. joyed it too. the world after the long dark The Dixieland Thunderbirds The days before Christmas are days of the winter. especially busy with preparing were featured at tke Christmas Tri Beta Christmas Party the Christm"as food. Pork plays a formal, Thursday, November 16. As the couples entered they Sunday evening, December 16, he goes. Like the first day of great role at Christmas time in spring, Christmas can be felt in the Swedish homes. On Christ- were greeted by Fred Miller, at 8:00, the Tri Beta Biological the air, the stores, the streets, the mas day a little pig roasted whole Louise Marshall, and E 1 a i n e Honorary Society held their anchurches, and the schoolS. Every- with a red apple in its mouth is Spier, who were in the receiving nual Christmas party at the home of the sponsor, Mr. J. C. Christ. body seems to be full of excite- equivalent to turkey here. On line. Christmas Eve one of the given The theme of the dance was the The evening consisted of card ment. courses is rice porridge cooked Jingle Bell Ball. There were two playing and exchanging gifts. All But people seem to have for- for hours in milk, then served white Christmas trees on either the members and their guests atgotten the real meaning of Christ- with powdered cinnamon sifted side of the door and bandstand. tend€d the party. Refreshments mas. One legend states that early on it in patterns. But the most in- A great big snow man was in the were served. The president of the in the fourth century, Emperor (Continued on last page) center of the floor. Santa's sleigh organization is Duane Bireginal.
Ghost of Christmas Past When the angels appeared to the wandering shepherds as they kept watch over their sheep, in the fields near Bethlehem, the celestial chorus sang that glorious song of old, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." So began our most beloved religious festival· Christmas, or Christ-mass. Now, all over the world, this holiday is celebrated in various ways, under such names as Kerstmisse in Holland; Noel in France; II Natale in Italy; Weihmachten in Germany; .· and El Natal in Spain. One of the most highly cherished traditions connected with our Christmas celebrations is the story of the coming of the Wise Men from the far East to pay homage to the Infant Jesus in the manger at Bethlehem. A popular .and stately Christmas hymn, "We Three Kings of Orient Are," reminds us of this famous incident. Because of the well known incident of the coming of the Magi, many persons have the belief that the custom of giving gifts at our winter festival originated with their presentation of gifts to the Infant Jesus. However, the idea was p rev a 1 e n t even before Christ's birth. The Romans used to exchange gifts at this time. For many centuries, S ant a Claus has been associated with Christmas and gifts. Although it is customary to regard him as a myth, there actually was a real St. Nicholas, an early christian bishop, who lived during the fourth century. It was because of
The Real Meaning Of Christmas Of all the Christian holidays, the most loved and important is the one that comes exactly one )Week before t;he new yearChristmas, · Weeks before it arrives, one .can tell of its coming wherever
Eliza Morgan Tea Pre-Christmas Event
Christmas in Sweden
Thunderbirds Entertain At Christmas Formal
Debaters Triumph At East Central Forensic Tournament
a.mined and immediately rushed by an ambulance to the Veterans hospital in Omaha. In Omaha, Bill was examined and found to be suffering from kidney stones. The last word was that the doctors at the hospital were trying to dissolve the stones before further measures must be taken. Let's all hope that "Willie" pulls through and can be home for the holidays.
Carlile, Lowenberg At Convention
Seventy-two Will Receive Degrees
Seventy-two names are listed Attending' the district meeting by the registrar's office as candiof the American Alumni Council dates for degrees to be awarded and American College Public Rein January, May and August of lations Association at Des Moines, Competing with twenty col1957. Iowa were Don Carlile, campus leges and universities in the East This listing is tentative since special services director, and Lee Central Forensic Contest at Ada it must depend on the progress Lowenberg, professional services Oklahoma, the Peru debaters wo~ of the seniors and the applicachief. two divisional Sweepstake Extions to come in later from the The meetings lasted from Suncellence .awards and a flock of candidates for degrees. day, through Tuesday, December gold and silver medals. These Ackerman, Jimmy A., Fremont, 2-4. States represented besides wins came in competition with Music. Nebraska were: North Dakota, schools like the University of Albright, William E., Falls South Dakota, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Oklahoma A. & M. City, History. ·and Iowa. Tulsa University, and other large Almond, William 0., Falls City, For the traditional Christmas The conventfon was devoted to institutions. vespers at Peru State College the problems of public relations Biology. Peru's success was gratifying Beck, Bill D., Springfield, IA. Sunday, "Ceremony of Carols" in college, alumni affairs, and deto Coach R. D. Moore, who is an Berry, Chas. L., Omaha, Music. by Benjamin Britten was pre- velopment funds. alumnus of East Central and who Birgihal, Duane L., ·Omaha, PE. sented by the 75-voice Peru State once represented the college on Bobbitt, Frank C., Brownville, choir, according to director Darchampionship debate teams. English, Speech. The senior and junior division ryl T. Manring. Carnes, Gerald D., Auburn, IA The 4:00 p.m. concert featured Alpha Mu Omega Party debate teams from Peru State Clark, Donald D., Stella, PE. Alpha Mu Omega held their College won two d i v i s i o n a 1 as solofats Mrs. Marilyn Mueller Comstock, Gerald G., Peru, PE. Dyke of Essex, Iowa, soprano; annual Christmas party Dec. 10 Sweepstake Excellence awards at Cotton, Margaret A., Peru, MuEast Central State College For- Mary Riley, Dawson, soprano; at the residence of Mrs. Cook. sic. Harriet Parkison, Riverton, Iowa, Each member tried his skill at ensic Contest at Ada, Okla. Davis, Frank J., Leona, Kans., Peru debaters entered were soprano, and Betty Taenzler, working a tricky mathematical PE. Roger Haigh and Robert B. Omaha, mezzo-soprano. problem. Kelly Liewer presented Dodson, Merritt E., Nehawka, The contemporary work was a gift from all of the members to Moore, Peru, senior debat~rs· PE. William Albright, Falls City, Re~ written in 1942 for harp accom- the sponsor, Mrs. Cook. RefreshEickhoff, Lawrence E., Shubert, Filmer, Peru, junior division. paniment. Piano accompaniment ments were served and everyone Music. Tom Whitney, Douglas, entered for Sunday's presentation was by then enjoyed themselves playing Epley, Eldon E., Peru, IA, PE. discussion and after d i n n e r Miss Marilyn Slagle, Falls City. different card games. Fankhauser, Richard L., Hum"Ceremony of Carols" sounds despeaking contests. boldt, Music. Other team awards received by ceptively simple to the ear, yet Fuerst, Mary A., Omaha, Biolthe Peruvian debaters included upon examination it is seen to be ogy, SS. the Gold Certificate award won far from obviously and extremeGfeller, Brian R., Peru, Chemby the senior team, which was ly ingenious. Thursday, December 6, convo- istry, Math. The second part of the vesper undefeated in four rounds, scorGilmore, John J., David City, cation was handled by Mr. Maning wins over Tulsa University, program included favorite carols ring's vocal music department. PE. Southwestern College of Win- and chorale, including "Break Mr. Loren Dyke acted as master Glasgow, David L., Humboldt, field, Kans., Harding College of Forth 0 · Beauteous Heavenly of ceremonies. Don Noah sang IA. Searcy, Ark., and Southeastern Light," by Bach; "Today There Is Goings, Garold K, Peru, Biol. State College of Durant, Okla. Ringing," by F. Melius Christian- '.'Dan~y ~oy." Other participants Goldberg, t. Verdell, Essex, Ia., sen and "The Hallelujah Chorus" m this enioyable hour were: Mrs. Senior division team members Business Adm. fro:U the Messiah by Handel. R. ' Marily~ Dyke, "In the Silence of Moore and Haigh each received 1 the Night'" Harr1'ett Park1'nson · Haigh, Roger M., Peru, His. ' ,, . ' tory, Speech. gold certificates for superior de- T. Benford associate professor of ., " piano and organ gave a fifteen !,' Flanon Song ; Dick Fankhousbate. Holdorf, Helen H., Peru, Ele' er "H ' G A " d "S' ' es ?ne w~~ an mg Other individual awards in- minute organ recital at 3:45 p.m. and furnished org acco~pani- a Song of Six Pence ; Marv Wus- mentary Educ. cluded the gold superior medal Holscher, Donald F., Unadilla, ment for the seco: portion of ter, "Old Man River" and "Sail for forensic progression to Moore, the program. Upon a .Dog Star"; Betty Taenz- PE. a silver certificate for forensic ler, Louise Marshall, and Harriett Huggett, Raymond A., Berprogression to Haigh, a gold medParkinson, "In the Still of the trand, PE. al for discussion to Haigh; good Humphrey, Robert L., Auburn, Night"; Betty Taenzler, "Let All certificate in pentathalon (variMy Life Be Music". Mr. and Mrs. PE. ous. types of speaking) to Moore; Johnson, Claude A., Louisville, Delzell Hall gave a party Fri- Loren Dyke concluded the progold medals on discussion to Alday night, December 7th, from gram by singing "Canadian Sun- IA, PE. bright and Whitney; certificate set." Mrs. Jim Cotton, J an ice Johnson, Dale A., Peru, PE. 8:00 to 12:00. for Pentathalon to Filmer· Good Johnson, Marvin V., Tecumseh, The students who spent the Gottula, and Mr. Benford accomcertificate to Albright a~d FilIA. week-end on the campus were panied all of these solos. mer for forensic progression. Kapperman, Richard J., Fairthose who attended the party. bury, PE, BE. Everyone joined in and helped Kochheim, William R., Falls decorate the Christmas tree and OPPORTUNITIES IN STUDENT IN OMAHA City, English, Speech. CIVIL SERVICE lounge. Chris Kolbo brought some VETERANS HOSPITAL Kramer, Robert G., Syracuse, records that everyone enjoyed The Federal Service Entrance PE, IA. Wednesday, December 5, Bill dancing to. The students popped Examination represents a signifiKreglo, Darrel D., Auburn, GeClark was taken with sudden ill- popcorn over the big open fire in ness by a sharp pain in his side. the fireplace. Mrs. Balkema made cant forward step in the devel- ography. opment of the government's proKrumme, Charles E., Red Oak, Bill's roommate took him to the some delicious taffy for a taffy gram for recruiting outstanding Ia., PE, IA. hospital in Auburn. Bill was ex- pull, which contributed to the fun Liewer, Kelly J., Papillion, PE. of the evening. After the taffy young people of college caliber Ludwig, John R., Bellevue, PE. was eaten, everyone danced some to be trained for leadership in the federal career service. McCall, Eldon W., Nebraska more and at 12:00 the party came LICKEIG'S Some of the agencies of the City, PE. to an end. LIQUOR STORE United States government which McNutt, Ardis F., McCook, PE. Delzell Hall is hoping to have Just North of Stoplight hire men and women from the Mickells, Francis J., Omaha, more of these parties for the stuAUBURN Civil Service lists are: . Biology. dents who spend the week-ends Department of Agrfculture Miller, David J., Peru, Music. on the campus. Federal Deposit Insurance CorMinchow, E. Wayne, Table poration Rock, PE. SUEDE JACKETS DEBATE TEAM Federal Civil Defense AdminMoen, Tom C., Peru, PE. Headquarters For Winter REACHES QUARTER istration Moore, Max G., Essex, Ia., PE. Clothing FINALS IN MEET Government Printing Office Moore, Robert B., Peru, EngBill's Clo:l:hing S:l:ore Department of Health, Educa- lish, Speech. The . senior division debate Auburn, Nebr. tion, and Welfare Niemeier, Donald L., DeWitt, team from Peru State College Housing and Home Finance PE. won four out of six debates in Agency · Noltensmeyer, Ron 'J., Auburn, the Southwestern College InviDep.artment of the Interior ·· Music. . tational Debate Tournament at BILL'S PLACE Department of Labor Norton, Robert R., Falls City, Winfield, Kans. Forty-nine colU. S. Information Agency BEER LUNCH BE. leges from 13 states were entered Veterans Administration Oestmann, Harlan J., Johnson, Bill and Virginia in the meet. The Peru debaters, Some areas involved in Civil IA. AUBURN Robert B. Moore and Roger Service testing are: Ogle, Lee D., Humpoldt, EngHaigh, both of Peru, scored wins Engineering lish, PE. over Mississippi Southern of HatFood & Drug Inspection Percell, Thomas E., Omaha, PE, tiesberg, McPherson (Kans.) ColSoil Conservation Biology. ; lege, Louisiana State College of Guided Missile Field Pickering, Don J., Nebraska DR. H. C. DALLAM Pineville, and the University of Therapy City, IA, BE. Kansas. In preliminary rounds, Accom;iting Rhoten, Elberta L., Palmyra, Dentist the Peruvians lost to SouthwestScience English. ern of Winlield, and then to Military Rosenquist, Darwin D., Essex, Southern Illinois University of Information for recruiting of Phone Office 2391 Ia., General Science. Carbondale in the quarter finals. Civil Service Career employment Rumbaugh, Verlan J., Peru, Phone Res. 3461 Peru's team was the only Ne- may be obtained from posters on braska team to reach the quarter the bulletin boards or from the Phys. Rutz, Bonnie R., Dawson, PE. finals in the Winfield tournament dean of student's office. ApplicaPeru Safar, Dwight F., Hubbell which is the oldest and one of tion blanks are available at the General Science. ' the largest forensic meets. dean of student's office.
"Ceremony of Carols" For Christmas Vespers
Convocation of Dec. 6
Delzell Party Was Fun
Schuler, Loren D., Auburn, I · Sherwood, Leland H., Peru, Slaughter, George D., Fai mont, PE. Smith, Audrey D., Auburn, ementary Educ. · Stewart A. James, Lincoln Stoltenberg, Del A., Aubu PE. Straw, Mary E., Peru, Eleme tary Educ. Thurston, Albert H., Linco General Science. Trabert, Neil S., Lincoln, Sp Wenninghoff, Ron K., Peru, Wilson, Gayleen J., Verdon, , ementary Educ. Winseman, Albert W., Ste Mathematics. Wuster, Doris A., Dawson, P Wuster, Marvin W., Dawso Music. Wuster, Wallace E., IA.
Officers of the Peru Achievement Foundation President: Mrs. Marie O. Ne
'11, Nebraska City. Other ofijcers are Fred Ro ert, '28, Atbun\ vice preside and Arthur C. Lindahl, '27, N braska City, treasurer. Board of TrusteesTwo-ye{l t.erms: George Blankens. 8, Auburn; Ric ard Good, s '48, Omaha; Cassi Kennedy, '14, Brownville; Lindahl, Harvey Neumeister, Nebraska City; Jack Mclntir Helen Donovan, Peru. Four-year terms: Barb a r Bragg Clayburn, '51, Horto Kansas, Hattie Clements, El wood, A. B. Richie, Mr. Rothe Alto Rathert, Auburn, John Lewis, '48, Helen C. Pollard, '0 and Alfred G. Wheeler, facult Peru. Six-year terms: Clair Calla '42, Odell, S. L. Clements, 'l Elmwood, Ruth Kennedy, '1 Brownville, Mrs. Neal, Alta Ne meister, '30, Nebraska City, D. Donovan, '16, Helen Eberh '24, and A. V. Larson, facult Peru. Ex-officio board members: Neal S. Gomon, Peru State pres'. dent; Don Yocum, '50, Linco' Alumni Assoc. Pres.; and Dor'' thy Duerfeldt, '·52, Diller Al ·· Assoc. Sec. Named to the Executive Co mittee were: Richard Good, D.• · Donovan, two-year terms; Jo' L. Lewis, Helen C. Pollard, fo ' year terms; S. L. Clements; A. ' Larson, six-year terms. ·
Redfern Clo:l:hing Co. "The Store of Standard Brands" Phone 183 - Auburn
Merry Christmas NELSON'S
n v
r 1
Shrub Snoops By Lois Bush
Girls checked in last Sunday night after the week-end laden with Christmas trees, wrapping paper, gifts, ornaments, and probably a little mistletoe to hang up in the lobby on the sly. Christmas is here! Christmas tree lights twinkle in the lobby of an evening, and in the background the hi-fi • set is wearing out the Chri~tnras records. The weeks before 'th,e holidays are crammed with~ plans for Christmas parties, Christtnas teas, Christmas dances and Christmas shopping. Dunno what the season is, but it ain't Easter! The annual Christmas tea for the faculty was held the afternoon of Tuesday, December 11. The tea included an open house and tour of the dorm. A second vote found the girls almost unanimous for a Christmas formal instead of the tentative ideas for a party. So a free formal dance to celebrate the holidays was held the evening of December 13.
Because we have been insisting on more strict observance of calling hours for men at Morgan Hall recently, some misunderstandings s e e m to have ariseil. No new rules have been made, we have just been insisting on observing to the letter existing rules and regulations, whereas earlier in the year there had been some relaxing of the rules. Relaxed rules perhaps make for a· more relaxed and friend ly feeling; but, on the other hand, you can go too far and have no rules in time. There are 118 girls living in Morgan Hall; it is their home and any boys who treat it as they would the home of their best girl are welcome to come, subject to our regular visiting hours, which are: 11 :30 to 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 to 10:00 p.m. Thank you all. -Gertrude Fulton.
Delzell Party Is River Cruise
joined in a festive congo line. The Combinations (they didn't use keys) favored the group with their version of "Shortenin' Bread." In this vocal group were Dave Clites, Bob Bell, Dave Longfellow, and Phil Fahrlander. "Sweet Chariot" Daneing followed and then a return by the Combinations with "Swing Low." The dance beat picked up on the-return to Memphis and the shipmates cut some plain and fancy capers.
"Whippenpoof" The quartette returned for their final number, "O Suzanna," and the "Whiffenpoof Song." End of Cruise The program continued to conclusion with dancing and refreshments. All in all, it was an enjoyable and memorable cruise for all concerned, and according to "Mom" Balkema, it won't be the last.
Ron's Briefs By Ron McKinney·
Faculty and students enjoyed a river boat cruise on Wednesday, November 28, sailing from Delzell Hall at 8:00 p.m., and docking at 11 :00 p.m.
For the last few weeks, intermural basketball has been the This column was still warm "booming" sport, and I've nefrom the typewriter last paper Band glected to say anything about it when the news came in that The anchor was hauled up to in my column. Well, this is as Elaine Spier is wearing a dia- the music of "Anchors Aweigh," good a time as any to "break the mond. Her fiance is Bud Cawley and the shipmates got .better ac- ice." There are approximately from Ralston, Nebraska, who is quainted to danceable chords fifteen teams organized here in stationed in Japan. from the Delzell dance band. Delzell Hall. The teams range Morgan Hall residents have Members of the band were: Larry from the minimum amount of made plans for a Christmas party Carre, Freddy Regnier, Neal Tra- five players to teams consisting where each girl will bring a gift bert, Larry Miller, Chuck Owens/ of fourteen and fifteen members. for some child in nearby chil- Phil Neuhalfen, and Phil Fahr~ " Larry Fuller, Paul DeVries, lander. ·,John Klaasmeyer, Ray Nebelsiek, dren's homes. It is an annual Ken Major, Jim Axt, and Tom custom for the girls to either buy Higgins call their team the "Old Man River" gifts ·for old people or children Marv Wuster set the scene in B.P.C's (best players on campus). for Christmas. good fashion with a solo on "Old They played Brock, Nebraska, Elsewhere in the Pedagogian is Man River," accompanied by ' and lost forty-seven to thirty-six. Everyone is calling Bob Fisher an article by Mrs. Fulton explain- Janice Gottula at the piano. The moon was shining as they "wrong basket." It seems, his ing her views on the new enforcement of the rules about men hit the Wabash and the romantic team, the Sharks, was playing callers at the dorm. We hope that atmosphere set the band to play- another team when Bob dribbled the fellows will understand why ing and the people to dancing. do\vn the floor without any resuch rules are enforced and that They were still at it when they sistance. He made two points, men will continue to feel wel- hit Memphis at midnight. There supposedly, but he discovered, the passengers relaxed to another when everybody started laughcome to Eliza Morgan Hall. Wuster solo, "P. S., I Love You." ing, that he made two points for Donna Gaer recently became the opposite team. the victim of appendicitis and Square Dance This year the comic of the inleft the dorm for a few days spent Refreshed, they took in a termural teams is Kenny Sand. I at the Auburn hospital. square dance at Natchez with was watching his team play one Duaine McKnight presiding. This afternoon, and he did everything Morgan Hall will be losing one event so exhausted them that but play basketball. One time he ·of its residents after the holidays they took refreshments of Julep lost control of his body and landas Deanna Thomas becomes Mrs. at the intermission. ed underneath the bleachers. Robert Humphrey on Dec. 22. DeThat's enough said about interJuleps anna will leave Eliza Morgan for mural basketball. Serving the julep were Duane an apartment here in Peru. With Christmas coming, some Lewis, Wayne McFarland, Duaine Holidays begin December 21, McKnight, and Buddy Bookwal- of the boys are stating what they and although the dorm will be ter. The quartette entertained would like to receive for presents. open Friday night for those girls with "Down by the River Side" For instance: Larry Apel wants a mathematic genius to help him who will stay to attend Deanna's when they were through. with his problems in mathematwedding, most of the residents ics; Bob Miller would like a 1953 Mardi Gras will be home for the holidays as fast as .car, bus or train can take The ship got under way and Oldsmobile; Paul DeVries an inthem. May God grant that every reached New Orleans in time for door gym; Jim Kinghorn wants one has a: very merry Christmas! Mardi Gras and the passengers twenty-five excused class absence slips for next semester; Ed Williamson would like a new room mate who smokes Salem PERU PEDAGOGIAN cigarettes (probably without the intentions of paying them back); The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks Douglas Dickerson wants a free Member Intercollegiate Press pass to the third floor of Eliza Morgan Hall, and Wayne McFarDecember 17, 1956 land would like a harem. THE STAFF November 28, the faculty was David Longfellow ___________________________________Editor invited to a dorm party that was held by Delzell Hall. TwentyEd Williamson ____________________________ Business Manager Ruth Linscheid _____________________________ Activities Editor five couples attended the party. Ralph HilL_ _________________________________Sports Editor During intermission, cookies and punch were served. The party Ron McKinney______________________ Campus School Editor lasted until 11 :00 p.m. ' Dwight Safar _____________________________ Exchange Editor Sharon Reagan ____________________ Language Arts Reporter Lois Bush _______________________________________ Columnist Jean Thimgen __________________________ Fine Arts Reporter Veterans Club Meets Margaret Robinson ________________________________ Reporter LC\st Tuesday night, December Harold Norris-------------------------~-----~-----Reporter 12, the Veterans Club of P.S.T.C. Donna Gaer _______________________ Alumni and Mailing List held another meeting. The purDonald Cole ___________________________________ Contributor pose of this meeting was to plan Bob Moore _____________________________________Contributor a procedure for a new enterprise Stewart Linscheid __________________________________ Sponsor to take place on the campus. '.\'his enterprise will be of concern to
You feel so new .and fresh and good-all over-when you pause for Coca-Cola. It's sparkling with quick refreshment ••. and it's so pure and wholesome-naturally friendly to your figure. Let it do things-good things-for you.
"Coke" is a register~ trade-mark,
a tradition around here; sort of a Christmas seal. The food is always good, with all the fish you can eat, and Mrs. Murphy always makes a big pot of chowder. Her recipe is an original: two parts chowder to each pair of overalls. Well, I've got to quit here and try to locate a pair of overalls which someone stole from my room. Yours truly, Codfish Fahrlander. P. S. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
all college students as well as citizens of Peru. Clues cannot be given as to what this new idea of the Veterans Club is, but keep your eyes and ears open in the future because this enterprise will be interesting for all of you. Don't forget now, watch for posters or signs during days following Christmas vacation.
Codfish University Dec. 12, 1956 Dear Peruvians: Codfish U. is situated on a small iceberg, so we don't have any Christmas trees. Generally the only thing lit up on Dec. 25 is my Uncle Redeye, the school janitor. I doubt if he shows up till the Spring thaw this year, tho. He passed out somewhere between the library and the outhouse (His) last Thursday, the night it snowed six feet. We haven't located either one yet.
"Cubana," a solo for violin with band, will be a special feature of the Peru State College Concert Band's winter concert on Wednesday (Dec. 19), according to R. V. ·Grindle, band director. The concert is scheduled for 8:00 p.m. in the college auditorium. We did locate an old hat rack, Violin soloist for the number and we're going to string lights will be Margaret Ulbrick Cotton on it. The only drawback is that a senior from Peru. ' we have to use a hand cranking Other band selections will ingenerator to operate the lights. Last year I had to crank the thing clude: "French Quarter," by John and that's probably the way it J. Morrissey; "Rio Grande," by Maurice C. Whitney; "The Crazy will wind up this year. Composer," a novelty number by All in all, the party ought to Swen Gyldmark; "The Erie Cabe a good one. Sergeant Prestin, nal," arrange d by Whitney; th,e campus cop, is going to bring "Show Boat," by Oscar HammerCeil, his pet seal, to the party. stein II, and Jerome Kern, and a Ceil does a wonderful act and is number of marches.
PIONEER - Nebr. City
Sun.-Mon.-Tues., Dec. 16-17-18
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ATTENTION TRACK MEN There will be a meeting of all men that plan to go out for track at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 20. Workouts will start after the holidays, so plan to attend this meeting in order that I might get your name and shoe size.-Coach Stemper
Peru Bobcats Don't Give Hoot For Tarkio Owls The Peru State Bobcats showed speed and scoring power as they defeated the Tarkio Owls 83-64 at the Tarkio gymnasium on Friday, November 30. With Bob Kramer leading the way, Peru jur~ped out in front early and stayed there. The score stood 44-38 at the half, and following the intermission the 'Cats showed their over-all scoring power as they poured in points from all over the floor, and with their reboundability displayed a potent fast-break that has been conspicuously absent the last few years. The game was called because of darkness with four minutes remaining in the last half, and because of the short time and great lead, the Bobcats were declared the winners. Kramer was high point man for Peru with 26, followed by Ron Witt with 22. Max Dougherty of Tarkio proved the big point-producer of the evening as he poured in 30 for the losers. Teammate George Arnold helped out with 19 points. The Peru defense had the free throw lane sewed up and was vulnerable only to the lightningfast Dougherty and the uncanny jump-sh,ooting Arnold.
Omaha U. Trips Bobcats Last week after winning a hard game against the Tarkio Owls with a 83-64 win, the Bobcats returned home Tuesday night with a 59-53 loss to the Omaha U. Indians.
Stella's Lunch - SHORT ORDERS MEALS - SANDWICHES South Auburn, Nebraska
PERU MOTORS DESOTO - - PLYMOUTH Fast Dependable Service Phone 3201
- Peru
At the half the Indians iead the game, Bob Kramer made over the Cats with a 27-26 score, two free throws bringing the but upset the score to 44-31 with score to 64-70, immediately fol10 minutes left to 'play and again lowed by a basket from Ron Witt hiked the count to 52-37 with six making the score 66-70. With two minutes and 10 secminutes and 8even seconds left to play. onds left in the game and the With one minute ·and 21 sec- score 75c71 the Bobcats played a onds left to play Doug Gibson tight game. During the last two fouled out and the Cats were and one-half minutes of the trailing by only a 54-51 margin. game, Bob Kramer and Pat High point man for the Cats was Novacek fouled out. Just as the Ron Witt of Otoe, who scored five buzzer sounded for the_ game to field goals and completed six out end, Jerry Collier made a last of seven free throws. Second was basket bringing the score to 78Frank Davies of Leona, Kansas, 73. with five field goals and four out _ High point man for the Peru of five free throws. Bobcats was Bob Kramer with The chqrt showed Omaha U. 24 points. Bob Kramer a 1so making 21 percent of its shots in fouled out during the last few the first half. Coach Jack Cotton minutes of the game. then changed play patterns and Following as 2nd high point the percentage jumped to 39 per- man for the Bobcats was Ron cent the last 20 minutes. Peru Witt with 17 points. showed 34.6 percent during the High point man for 'the Dana first half and 24 percent during Vikings were ':Bob Jensen and the last half. Bill Davis. Bob Jensen and Bill Davis also fouled out during the Score by Quarters: Peru ______ 11 16 4 22 53 4th quarter. 59 Omaha U. _19 7 18 15 The Bobcats "B" team lost to the Omaha Indians "B" team. The score was 61-47. High scorers in this game were Chuck Francis of Council Bluffs with 11 points and Allen Duly of Chester with a score of nine points.
Bobcats Drop Contest To Vikings 78-73 After losing to Omaha U on December 5, the Peru Bobcats also dropped their contest to the Dana Vikings of Blair. Most of the points of the game were made during the 3rd quarter. With just a few seconds left in the 1st quarter the Vikings surged ahead with a 19-15 lead, but Peru got hot and jumped the score to i917 just before the clock showed the beginning of the 2nd quarter. In the beginning of the 2nd quarter, Doug Gibson made a clean sweep from the opponents' goal post to his own. With one minute and 10 seconds left in the half, Doug Gibson ran the score to 41-40 putting the Bobcats in the lead. At this point the Vikings started playing ball again and the half ended with a 44-42 lead over Peru by Dana. After only six minutes of the second half of the 3rd quarter the Vikings ran up their score to a 57-46 lead. With two minutes and three seconds left in the 3rd quarfer, Bob Kramer made two free throws after a previous basket making the score 50-57, the Vikings still in the lead. The 3rd quarter ended with a 64-54 lead over the Peru Bobcats. During the 4th quarter, Ron Witt made two free throws, and Bob Kramer brought down two baskets bringing the score to 6270. During last four minutes of
Fruits Frozen Foods M. G. Heuer, Owner Phone 2141
by Dick Bibler
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Coaches and Athletes At Falls City Grid Banquet Three members of the coaching staff of Peru State College and two Falls City athletes were guests at the Falls City high school grid banquet December 11. Staff members included Al G. Wheeler, head football coach and chairman of the division of health and physical education; Jack McIntire, head basketball coach, and Jerome Stemper, head track coach. The returning Falls City athletes were Douglas ("Hoot") Gibson, a 1953 graduate, and G~ry Adams, a 1955 graduate.
Sfoltenberg, Moen '56 Co-Captains Seniors Del Stoltenberg of Nebraska City and Tom Moen of Bellevue have been elected cocaptains of the 1956 Peru State football team, according to Al Wheeler, football coach and head of the division of health and physical education. Stoltenberg, a four-year letterman, was sidelined for the balance of the season following the Hastings game. An all-state quarterback in 1955, during the past season played left half, the position he played during his sophomore year. During the 1955 season the 1953 graduate of Nebraska City .high school ranked nationally among the N.A.I.A. teams in punting yardage. ' Moen, a three-year letterman, was starting center for the Bobcats during his junior and senior years. Moen was graduated from Bellevue high school in 1953.
Al Wheeler Aiiends · Awards Session Al Wheeler, head, division of health and physical education at Peru State College was on the campus of Culver-Stockton College last week-end for a meeting of the awards committee of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics. The Peru State health and physical education division head is supervisor of the seven member committee from throughout the nation to select the Little AllAmerican team for N.A.I.A. colleges. Last Peru State football player named to the select team was Bob Lade, a 1954 selection who is now a member of the Tarkio, (Mo.) College physical education staff.
am WO
Bobcats Take To the Road
Alumni Banquet Held at •a U.
A 10 to 12-man traveling squad was named by Peru State basketball coach Jack Mcintire for a three-day road trip into Kansas. The Peru Bobcats journeyed to Atchison, Kans., to meet St. Benedict College on Thursday, Sterling (Kans.) College on Friday, and Fort Hays State College at Hays, Kans., on Saturday. The Saturday night game was broadcast from station KAYS, of Hays, 1400 kc. at 8:00 p.m. The 12-man squad included: Jerry Collier, Falls City; Frank Davis, Leona, Kans.; :Oon Farley, Chester; Charles Francis, Council Bluffs; Douglas Gibson, Falls City; Gilbert Gray, Milligan; Bob Kramer, Syracuse; Bob Norton, Falls City; Pat Novacek, Tekamah; Bruce Smith, Coin, Iowa; Robert Strong, Syracuse; Ron Witt, Otoe.
Following the basketball contest there was a banquet held in Omaha University cafeteria of the faculty dining room. Among those attending this banquet from Peru were: Dr. and Mrs. Neal S. Gomon Dean Keith Melvin Stacy Vance Mrs. Myrtle Cook Miss Nellie Carey Miss Cleo Kelly Mrs. Evalyn Shrader Mrs. Evanelle Paradise Mr. George Devore Mrs. Harold· Boraas Mr. Donald Carlile Also present were Mrs. Marie 0. Neal, Nebraska City, president of the Peru Achievement Foundation, and Mr. Richard Good, Omaha, president of the Omaha Chapter of the Peru Alumni Association, was in charge of the arrangements.
Listeners Francis Mickells a n d B o b Moore had an interesting project on conversation and listening. Francis Mickells put the transmitter in Mrs. Shrader's room; the radio was in the English room. The students went into the office in pairs and talked into the transmitter's microphone. The students in the other room listened to the broadcast. Later, an appraisal was given of the conversation.
Lester F. Mannschreck Auburn. Nebr.
STEWART'S Standard Service 917 J Street
* * * PERU
me we
1909 Grad Writes, "lhey Come and Go"
scheid, Dr. Delaney, Mr. Stemper, Miss Gard, Mr. Jarvis, Mr. Miller. Dr. Wininger.
highest possible development of with and uphold the policies of the individual in terms of his the administration. skills, his appreciation of the art Louise Mears has done it again headed the geography departof living, his ability to take part CONSTITUTION OF THE PERU with her newest book "They ment at Wisconsin State Teachers in the vital decisions being made Come and Go." From her treas- College until her retirement in STATE VETERANS by his ·community and by the naRecorder 1940. Aside from a busy teaching ured memories of half a century ORGANIZATION tion itself. In short, the school is Louise Mears relates the colorful schedule, Miss Mears was apNeal Trabert has been doing a ARTICLE I: NAME and picturesque accounts of pointed delegate to the Pan-Pa- unit in English 12, on interpreta- the key connecting link between The name of this organization where and when, and under what cific Scientific Conference at the tive reading. He has made use of the natural capacity of Americircumstances, she had the pleas- Hawaiian Islands, 1920; to the the tape-recorder. E~ch class read cans and their actual and poten- shall be Peru State Veterans Organization. ure of seeing and meeting such World Education Conference at poetry before __ the recorder to tial achievements. Recently, the American people ARTICLE II: INSIGNIA personages as: William Jennings Toronto, Canada, 1927, and the show the tone qUality and speed The official emblem of this orBryan, Ellen Terry, John D. World Federation Educational in which they read it. The com- have been made aware of the Rockefeller, Sr., Willa Cather, Associations at Oxford, England, mon reaction to the whole group surprising technological progress ganization shall be the Spread Bess Streeter Aldrich, Sar ah 1935. She is the founder and don- was that they were "shocked" at of the Soviet Unipn. Considerable Eagle with one claw clutching a attention has been given to the scroll symbolizing education and Bernhardt, Madame Schumann or of the Louise Mears Medal hearing their own voices. fact that the U.S.S.R. is fast de- in the other a capitol "P" referHeink, Mari Sandoz, Susan B. Award for geographic research. veloping the scientific and indus- ring to Nebraska State Teachers She is also a member of N.E.A., Anthony, William Howard Taft trial· strength that may give her College at Peru. Also on the emthe Nebraska Writers 1Guild; Amand many others of note. a strong advantage in the pres- blem shall be the words in. While brilliantly reviving some erican Asso. of University Woment competition for world lead- scribed, "Facta Non Verba" colorful eras in our history with en; Nebraska State Historical Soership. According to the reports, (Deeds, not words) which shall her fascinating and authentic bi- ciety and Delta Kappa Gamma. from three to four times as many hitherto be the motto of this orographies, Miss Mears also re- While reading of such a busy and By Dwight Safar scientists and advanced students ganization. veals the unfailing wisdom, pene- active life in social as well as educational circles, one is aware Last week a stinker came to are being graduated from univertration and passion for human ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIP that here is a woman who finds Central Misso~ri State Teachers sities in the U.S.S.R. as in the values these notables possessed. Section 1. This organization is 1if e tremendously interesting. College at Warrensburg, Mis- u. s. open to all enrolled male and feReports such as tnese maKe it About the Author Some of Miss Mears' published souri. College cats with sensitive male veterans of any of the miliLouise W. Mears, the author, books are: sniffers noted a little stinker in clear that the security and well- tary services who have been disgraduated from Peru State in the administration building>; The being of the American people de- charged or released under hon1909. She received an M.A. deskunklet's presence was smelled pend on much more than stock- orable conditions. Hills of Peru, Nebraska Lore gree from Nebraska University quite strongly. It proves that piles of weapons alone. The size Section 2. Membership in the Life and Times of A Midwest and later did additional graduate even skunks want to be cool kit- of a stockpile by itself is no organizatiif"' does not cease with Educator, Carroll Gardner Pearse work at Chicago University. ties and go to college. Their little guarantee that it may not be- graduation. \ Paradise of the Pacific, Hawai- black and white friend found come obsolete because of adFrom 1906 to 1912, she was a ARTICLE IV: member of the Peru faculty, then ian Islands himself a definite outcast and vanced research now going on in ELECTION OF OFFICERS the laboratories. Thus education Geography of Wisconsin went to Milwaukee where she took leave. He left, however, for Section 1. The officers of this a num.ber of hours, something to in a very real sense becomes Am- organizat~all be as follows: erica's first line of defense. Budget Events: Mr. Clayburn, remember him by. Comtfihder But it would be a mistake to chm.; Mr. Lindahl, Mr. Manring, Some people think they know Vice-&immander assume that education in science Appointments have been made Mr. Van Pelt, Miss Davidson, Mr. what's behind the."Green Door." can solve all America's needs in Recorder for the standing faculty commit- Eddy, two Student Council re- Others would like to know. Stu- its quest for world leadership. In Finance Officer dents at Creighton University in Section 2. The officers shall be tees for '56-57. These committees presentatives. addition to technological skills Calendar: Dr. Boraas, chm.; Omaha will get the chance to elected for a period of one (1) are charged with much of the Mr. Benford, Miss Bradley, Mr. find out what is behind the we need the kind of educational year. planning and execution of things training that will enable us to Section 3. Election of officers pertaining to student welfare and Mcintire, Miss Davidson, two "Green Door." A service frater- deal effectively and responsibly Student Council representatives. nity is s p o n so r i n g a "Green activities. Committee appointshall be held at an appointed Convocations: Mr. Jindra, chm.; i Door" mixer. It's cheap too, only with peoples throughout the time during the spring session to ments were released recently world. Education is incomplete from the office of Dr.' Neal S. Go- Mr. Clayburn, Mr. Linscheid, Mr. ' 50 cents a person. serve the following year. Lowenberg, Miss Bradley, two \ It seems as though four Hast- today if it is concerned solely mon, president. Section 4. Any officer may be with Western civilization. We ings College boys didn't gain Student Loans and Scholar- Student Council representa_tives. recalled by presentation of a peneed a sensitive understanding of Student Publications:· Mr. anything by journeying to Kearships: Dr. Boraas, chm.; Dr. Melthe histories, the cultures the tition signed by one-third mem; vin, Mr. Lindahl, Mr. F. H. Lar- Moore, chm.; Mr. Carlile, Miss ney State and creating mischief needs, the hurts, the hopes', and bership and a vote of two-thirds Diddel, Mr. A. V. Larson, Dr. on the Kearney campus. It was majority. son. Holy, two Student Council re- on the eve of the important foot- the wants of the majority of the Honors: Mrs. Cook, chm,; Mr. Section 5. An Executive Comworld's peoples. A big showdown ball game between the two A. V. Larson, Mr. F. H. Larson, presentatives. mittee consisting of three (3) is coming up in the world for the Policies Committee: Dr. Mel- schools. Kearney won the game Mr. ·Sheely, Mrs. Brown. good will and support of the pre- elected members and the officers · Correspondence Study: Mr. vin, chm.; Dr. Boraas, Miss Brad- and all that happened to the boys ponderance of people. O\,\r ap- shall have the power to act for Mathews, chm.; Miss ·Clarke, Dr. ley, Miss Carey, Mr. Carlile, Mr. was they were taken into custody proaches to the majority, there- the organization when it is imChrist, Dr. Holy, Mr. Jindra, Dr. by the Kearney police. They did, Melvin, Mr. A.. V. Larson, Miss fore, will be effective only as our possible for the entire body to Kenyon, Mr. A. V. Larson, Mr. F. however gain some publicity. Hazel Weare, Mr. F. H. Larson. knowledge and understanding of meet. Courtesy: Mrs. Maryon Adams, H. Larson, Mr. Lindahl, Mr. ARTICLE V: other peoples is both broad and SCHOOLS FOR A STRONG ·chm.; Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Iversen, Moore, Mr. Lowen berg, Mr. DUTIES OF OFFICERS deep. AMERICA Miss Diddel, Mr. Rath, Mr. Ma- Vance, Mr. Wheeler. The duties of the officers of Personnel and Scholarship: Dr. .sek. this orgainzation shall be as folBy Norman Cousins, Editor, Health: Mrs. Mathews, chm.; Boraas, chm.; Dr: Melvin, Miss · The Saturday Review PREAMBLE TO THE CONSTI- lows: Mrs. Boatman, Dr. Boraas, Miss Bradley, Dr. Holy, Mr. F. H. Commander: Shall preside over TUTION OF THE PERU STATE Bradley, Dr. Holy, Mr. Wheeler, Larson, Dr. Delaney. Education is more than one of all meetings and be the general VETERANS ORGANIZATION Student Selection: Miss Brad- our national assets. It is the most Dr. Thompson, two S tu dent representative of the organizaley, chm.; Dr. Boraas, Mr. Lin- important of our assets-the one .Council representatives. We, the veterans of Nebraska tion. asset that gives meaning to all State Teachers College, at Peru, Vice-Commander: Shall preothers. do hereby declare these as our side over all meetings in the abPERU MARKET Valuable and essential though purposes: sence of the Commander. everything else may be on the MEA'TS VEGETABLES FRESH FRUITS To encourage v et er an s to Recorder: Shall keep a record national balance sheet-resources choose this college as the institu- of all meetings, care for corresFree Delivery Tuesdays and Fridays such as oil or coal or uranium or tion in which to further their ed- pondence, and do all secretarial PHONE 4351 timber, or the billions of rich. ucation. work of the organization. acres under cultivation, or the To award one or more scholarFinance Officer: Shall collect vast industrial p 1 a n t ~-the ships yearly, funds permitting, to all money due the organization, strength of America rests on the individuals who have shown pay out same when authorized ideas and knowledge of Ameri- their interest in the field of edu- and keep records of such. cans. What we think and what cation. ARTICLE VI: AMENDMENTS we know will determine what we To publicize the c o 11 e g e Amendments to this constitu· do with our resources and our through veterans and service tion may be initiated by a mamachines, or the decisions we publications. jority vote of a quorum which THAT'S RIGHT LADIES! WITH EVERY make in our dealings with the And we do· furthermore devote shall be two-thirds of the memTWO PAIR YOU GET TWO SPARES • • • rest of the world, or how we apbership. ply ourselves to our problems, or ourselves to the general welfare Here's a rare opportunity to get a real long-lasting supof this college, and will cooperate ARTICLE VII: BY-LAWS . the kind of purpose we put into ply of fine nylon hosiery for far less than you ever imour lives as individuals and the agined! A regular $1.25 value for only $1.0Q-plus a kind of fulfillment we get out of PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS spare. When you buy this package of two pairs and two living. Any Garment Remodeled, Restyled, Repaired Knowledge is not confined to spares, you are actually getting three pairs of fine nylon Always First in Quality and Workmanship the classroom, of course, nor must hose. Take advantage of this offer NOW. Clip and Fur Coats Repaired it be. Indeed, teachers believe mail the coupon below for fast delivery. We call for and deliver Phone 2671. Peru, Nebr. they have failed in their job if C.0.D. ORDERS ACCEPTED. young people stop learning the moment they leave school. No man can claim to be well eduDENISE HOSIERY .:. BOX 227, READING, PA. cated unless he regards knowlPlease send me two pairs and two spares of Denise Hosiery. edge as a living thing, requiring For this I am enclosing $2.00. constant nourishment for vital Name _______________________________ _ growth. This holds trtie of his "ON THE CORNER OF THE CAMPUS" profession or occupation or his Size Length thinking about the world itself Address ------------------------------ Business Sheer O and his place in it. Groceries School Supplies Dress Sheer O But whatever the possibilities City__________________ state _________ -· O Beige O Taupe for self-learning, the school rePriced Right for the Siuden:t mains today, as it always has DENISE HOSIERY Box 227, Reading, Pa• been, the main source of strength in a free society. Its job is the
It Happened
On Another Campus
Faculty Committees
Special Stocking Offer
1u111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u11 11111111u1u11110111 1111111111111111111111111111
pings, cookies and nut bread baking, programs yet to attend and be part of, the Campus Schoolers and I take breath to wish you a very, very merry, merry and see you next . . .
Campus School Commentary By Mary Anna Gnade
"A good teacher takes. part in community activities. A good school plant is used for more than daily class work~" Both "birds" were killed with one "stone" November 26 , when the Boy Scout Court of Honor was held in the campus school lunchroom. Our faculty was well represented: A. B. Clayburn has been scoutmaster for many years; on the Scouting committee are Hanford Miller and B. A. Eddy. The candlelight investiture ceremony for Tenderfoot Scouts was conducted by Lawrence Williams, pastor of the local Christian church and also a full time college student. The awards and presentations made added up to a lot of work, a lot of fun, ? lot of character development.
wear white or near-white dresses (or shirts?). WHAT is the program going to be!? Guess we'll all have to come and see (Thursday evening, December 20). A Fast Buck? The high school seniors are no slouches at this money raising business. They allowed the elementary grades to come to the dress rehearsal of their play (10c each) thus obtaining a group for audience reaction and reaping a tidy little profit.
December Snake Dr. Wininger found a foot-long bull snake. Dr. Wininger largeheartedly offered said snake · to the campus school for their acquarium or terrarium. Mr. Sheely informed him they now have a "no snakes" rule since one es- . caped (or was helped)" from Mr. Eddy's room to Mr. Johnson's second floor office last year and nearly scared the office girl witless. (Secret: Mr. Sheely admits to having some fear of snakes himself!) We-Miss-You Illnesses cause a rash of letter writing in the campus school lower grades. The week of December third Pearl Allgood, 2nd grade, Lesley Manring and Georgette Gomon, 1st grade, received "get-well-we-miss-you" 1 et t e rs from each classmate. This usually means that mother must then help the ailing one write a response.
Christmas Program Christmas Symbols In Song is the theme of the Campus School Christmas program. The program is going to be held December 20, 7:00 p.m. at the college auditorium. Each grade is going to represent a Christmas symbol. · These classes represent Christmas symbols as follows: Kindergarten ------------- toys First grade __ Christmas stockings Second grade ______ candy canes Third grade -------------- bells Fourth grade ____ holly wreaths Fifth grade ------------ candles Sixth grade -------------- stars Seventh and eighth grades __ _ ____________________ shepherds
Christmas Violins Mr. Jindra and Mrs. Cotton believe that public performances are the reward for long hours of lessons for their violinists and Mr. Manring is in general cellists. (Do they stop to consider it means yea-many exhausting charge. Grade supervision and hours of extra lessons and prac- student teachers are in charge of tice for the instructors as well?) their individual classes. This proThis time it will be a musical ver- gram takes place of the Decemsion of the Christmas story with ber P.T.A. meeting. punch and cookies after. It must be a reflection on the poor opinion the public has of good music to have to entice an audience 11 with refreshments! (Not that the Following a matinee for grade socializing isn't fun! "How well your Johnny did" "Yes, I was school students on Monday, the very proud of Susie's playing"- cast of the high school senior play, "The Man On the Stairs," you know.) gave the finished performance Merry, Merry Christmas! the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 11. And so, from amidst the usual The setting for the mysteryturmoil of Christmas cards, tree comedy is a gloomy mountain trimmings, teas, unfinished cos- cabin in California. An old mountumes, snatches of violin practice tain prospect or, Moran (Jim and verse memorizing, gift wrap- Bdnlkin), keeps trying to per-
Prep Actors Do Man on the Stairs"
suade Jed Stewart (Rex Rains), Mary Jane Bremmar (Sue Moore) and her Aunt Molly (Judy Miller) that the cabin is haunted by "speerits." The arrival of the lawyer, Humphries (Dave Stevenson), Mrs. Murdoch (Connie Sayer) and her ·daughter, Gwen (Nadine Adcock), and Victoria Trouble (Mary Tynon), convince Mary Jane that the cabin is not rightfully hers and that the intruders want to take over the estate of her "adopted" father. Not until the mysterious Magnin (Dennis Dallam) appears and proves himself to be the "dead" James Murdoch with a case of amnesia, is the mystery of the man on the stairs solved. Judy Tynon was prompter for the play; Jim Christ handled sound effects. Jim Boatman was a stage manager. Lois Bush was student director under the super.vision of Mr. R. D. Moore.
Mrs. Shrader Attends St. Louis Meeting During Thanksgiving vacation, the National Council for English Teachers was held in St. Louis. Thursday night, Mrs. Shrader, an English teacher of the campus school, attended a dinner given by the Scholastic Magazine. Paul Engle, from Iowa, spoke and read some of his poetry. Dr. Helen Mackintosh of the United States Department of Education was elected the new president. The next meeting will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, next year. Mrs. Shrader stated there were about eighteen hundred people in attendance.
Coffee Strips Third grader Dalene Ballue appeared as a guest before the elementary student council to explain the Butter-Nut coffee strips and to ask the council members to ask their rooms to bring all they could. She offered to do the legwork in collecting the strips from each room every night and since Danna Henry rode a bus and could not stay, Jeannie Gnade helped in the collecting. The strips had to be sent in by December 12th, and as of December 7th, the total number collected was 1,285 with the 4th grade contributing the most. These projects presented to the children as "desirable" become "edicts" at home: "Mother, I've just got to take a Butter-Nut coffee strip to buy presents for the orphans."
High Style Another outside activity taking place in the campus school on December 4th was the college Home Economics Club Style Show with music, announcer, refreshmentsvery smoothly professional, very satisfactory to performers and observers. Remember Dec. 20 Christmas is a time when teachers are unsung saints what with coping with boisterousness, shyness, stage fright, forgetfulness, and the eternal runny nose! But how do you costume a candle? Or a stocking, a candy cane, a star? Mrs. Iversen very kindly sent home a suggestion for her 5th grade candle costumes (a tube!); Mrs. Christ's 6th grade stars wear their Sunday go-tomeetin' clothes; ditto Miss Gard's 1st grade stockings; same is probably true of Mrs. Brown's 4th grade wreaths and Miss Clarke's 3rd grade bells; Miss Wonderly's 2nd grade candy sticks should
<i:<ilMc:!~ ~~
Sound the fanfare! Ring the hells! A bright New Year is on its way. Ahead are 365 spanking-new days, yours to , use and enjoy. Here's to you in '57, and here's hoping you'll find
each day full
of pleasant
surprises and exciting opportunities for happine_ss and success.
-:: .', ~ "·.··
COMING, BUT UNCOVERED Because of the deadline schedule and publication date the Pedagogian was unable to cover all events, but here is a list of up-coming happenings: Peru Prep vs. Weeping Water, 8:00 p.m., Dec. 18. College Band concert, 8:00 p.m., Dec. 19. College Convocation, 10:50 a.m., Dec. 20. C o 11 e g e Basketball, 8:00 p.m., Dec. 20. Christmas Vacation 5:00 p.m., Dec. 21.
Book of the Month Club Mrs. Shrader's English class discussed the books presented by the Book of the Month Club. The class wanted to determine which book was the most interesting. The book was picked by dividing the class into small groups. Th final choice was determined by elimination. The Diary of Anne Frank, was the'chosen book of th majority of the class. The Dia of Anne Frank was a prize win ning book of 1956. The student teachers prepare·d \book exhibit in the English room~
Dennis Dallam From Alask~ In Campus S'"chool Denins Dallam, a senior, attending the campus school, could: be the envy of a lot of people. Dennis was born June 1, 1938 in Council Bluffs, Iowa. His parents are both teachers. When Dennis• was six years old, the family left Council Bluffs and traveled to the Pribilof Island in Alaska, where they were going to teach. The natives of the island are the Aleute Indians. The island is only twelve miles long and six miles wide. There are approximately four hundred natives living on the island and only thirty white families. Dennis entered school there at the age of six. Last year he enrolled in the Wentworth Military Academy of Lexington, Missouri. After b e in g graduated from high school, Dennis plans to work in Omaha during the summer months. Next fall he intends enter college.
CHRISTMAS IN SWEDEN (Continued from first page) teresting part of the rice course is the almond which is put in the porridge just before serving. Whoever finds the almond in his or her portion is sure to be married within the year. Now to the real festival, Christmas Eve, or J ulafton. Every gift. is well wrapped in paper and neatly sealed with red sealing wax. The donor writes the name of the one he is giving the package to and then a dedication in form of something about the gift or its uses. This is known as the Julklappan. The recipient is to guess from whom it comes. The family's Christmas gifts are placed in a basket by the tree, so no one can guess the contents. Now the mother takes her place at the piano and the first Christmas carol is sung by all the family in unison. The father seated : by the tree, then reads the story of the birth of Christ from the . Gospel, and afterwards, in a few short words, calls down the blessing of God of those present and the members of the family absent. Then the gifts are passed out When this part is over, there is a great deal of thanking done on all sides, and all take part in singing another Christmas carol and afterwards join hands in a: ring and to music dance aroun the tree, thus ending one Christmas Eve's celebration.
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand· Oaks . . .
Peru Pedagogian
The First Ninety Years of Peru State
By David Longfellow
They who can -smile when others hate Nor bind the heart with frosts of fate, Their feet will go with laughter bold The green roads of the Never-Old.
"Quitely enfolded, cozily resting among the rolling bluffs along the Missouri River, lay Peru. Snug, nestled, it reposefully blended into the spring green or autumn flame of the tree studded hills.
JANUARY 21, 1957
Born In Saloon "Here, shortly after the Civil war guns had quitted, one little saloon was utilized as the home of the first Nebraska Normal School."* In 1867 the great Civil War was over and the veterans were coming back to resume their lives, and others, exhausted and displaced by war were moving westward into the Nebraska territory that was seeking statehood.
Wheeler Elected To Hall of Fame A. G. (Al) Wheeler, director of athletics and head football coach at Peru State College, for the past 19 seasons, on December 20 was named by the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics to the Helms Athletic Foundation Hall of Fame, Los Angeles. Announcement was made in Little Rock, Ark., at the N.A.I.A. Awardsdinner, a preliminary event of the Aluminum Bowl game.
They who can let the spirit shine And keep the heart a lighted shrine Their feet will glide with fire-of-gold The bright road of the Never-Old. They who can put the self aside And in Love's saddle leap and ride Their eyes will see the gates unfold To glad roads of the Never-Old. By Edwin Markham , 811111 111 11111 11 11111uu1111uu1n111111u1u111nu111111n111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111nu111111111111111111uun1111111111!J
McKenzie and Majors J. M. McKenzie had arrived in Peru five years before, and T. J. Majors was just back from the war. Both were_ to be instrumental in the placement of a Normal school in Peru. McKenzie had started a seminary in Pawnee City and it was there that he met William Daily who became interested in establishing a similar institution at Peru.
This hitherto unpublished poem by the great Edwin Markham appears in the current edition of the Peru Stater, from which the Pedagogian received it. This poem "The Never Old" was written about 1937 for Dr. and Mrs. James Crabtree, Peru '87. Mrs. Crabtree, who died in October, painted a portrait of Markham which the poet said was the best ever done of him. In appreciation, Markham wrote "The Never Old" for the Crabtrees.
Dr. Kenyon Writes Of Latin Americari!; Independence
Dr. Gordon Kenyon, authority Land Donated Mr. Daily campaigned for, and on Latin American history, regot, the money needed for the cently ·authored an article for building. Dr. J. F. Neal donated The Americas of the American land for the site of the school, and Franciscan Academy en tit 1e d by January, 1867 the school was "Gabino Gainza and Central Amremoved from the saloon to its erica's Ind e pend enc e From Spain." It deals with the career new home. of Gabino, a somewhat obscure Good Hunfing and somewhat discredited SpanThe campus was rather wild, ish army officer who became as wolves, skunks, and raccoons Captain-General of Guatemala vied with the students for posjust before she won her freedom session of the grounds. The stufrom Spain. dents were more tenacious and Dr. Kenyon's thesis is that Gabetter armed; that spring a student shot a deer on the campus. bino Gainza, by his vacillating and temporizing, probably preUniversity Wanted During the legislative session per ·roof was continually ripped of the territorial government open by the wind, and when rain much juggling of votes was takcame along the students on the ing place and the final line up third floor had a dismal time. featured the state capitol in Lincoln (near a Southern Pacific More To Follow railway depot), a state university The above is the first of a serin the same town, and a Normal ies of articles on the history of school at Peru. Important in the Peru State in this its 90th annitrading sessions was T. J. Majors, versary. Peru is the oldest edusenator from Peru, who fought cational institution in Nebraska, for the university to be placed at and the third oldest school of its Peru. kind west of the Mississippi. *Prichard, Harold, A History of Electives pranfed Trouble occurretl at the school Peru, Nebraska to 1900, p 91. term the next falI, as some stu, dents objected to the required course of study. A compromise was effected wherein the students were allowed to choose part of their course of study while taking "required" courses. Via Wagons The out-of-town students arrived in lumber wagons with all of his or her belongings. Not many of the young ladies had cookstoves in their rooms, so Saturday included a baking session for the occupants of several rooms. Young men with sisters had an advantage over the other males, but reports showed that many of the young men became adept at eooking and housekeeping. Wood Cuffers A regular duty of the men in winter was to supply the heating and cooking wood for the still not complete buildings. A tar-pa-
Degrees A warded The following degrees were awarded January 18th, 1957, to those Seniors who completed their applications. The students who received degrees in Bachelor of Arts in Education are as follows: Charles LeRoy Berry, Thurman, Ia., Music; Clifford H. Strokes, Nebraska City, Business Education; Neil S. Trabert, Lincoln, Speech. The students who received degrees in Bachelor of Science in Education are as follows: Gerald D. Comstock, Peru, Physical Education; Verlan John Rumbaugh, Peru, Physics; Virgil E. Skipton, Fairbury, Elementary Education; Ronald Keith Wenninghoff, Syracuse, Physical Education, General Science. The following students have received two year diplomas: Mrs. Lillian Kirby, Falls City; Hazel
Faculty Meets On Legislation
Legislation affecting Nebraska teachers and Peru State was the subject at the first faculty meeting of the regular school year vented bloodshed in a revolution which was held at 4:10 p.m. although he failed to take mea- Wednesday, January 9,. i n the sures which might have kept the Campus School Auditorium. country loyal to Spain. Kenyon President Gomon introduced says: "Gainza is not an heroic Mr. F. H. Larson, who presented figure, but Central America owes the names of the degree candihim a lasting debt of gratitude dates to the faculty for approval. for not having tried to be one." Approval was unanimous. A second monograph will apPresident Gomon discussed the pear in April or October in the legislative situation and pointed same magazine. This one is titled out that the administration of the "The Sugar-Cane Cycle Jose Lins college would be unable to make do Rego." definite committments until July Currently, Dr. Kenyon is work- because it would be that long being on a third article "Vicente fore the administration would Filisola and Central American know definitely how much money was available for the next two Independence from Mexico." years. His attitude was one of B. Wagner, Deshler; and Eliza- conservative optimism, and he felt that Peru would be in somebeth Hartman, Falls City. what better position financially for the next two years. Dr. Gomon said that the newspaper writing that has appeared about out-of-state tuition, athletDon Carlile and his associates ic expense, etc., was a smoke in the department of special ser- screen to conceal the real issue vices have published a new book- of private vs. public education. let giving information about Peru The answer to this issue is a State to prospective students. sound program of public educaThis attractive booklet gives tion, and teachers in public an amazing amount of informa- schools should inform the public tion in its fifteen pages about of what they are doing and also Peru. Everything a prospective demand the rights and remunerastudent needs to know about the tion to which they are entitled. college is included, and the midAt the conclusion of his redle section opens to reveal a pic- marks, the ·president stated that ture-map of the campus so that . lie would leave for Chicago on the prospective student will the fourteenth of January to try know how to find his way around to arrange financing for the new when he gets here. Student Union-Dormitory build"Facts About Peru State" will ing. be sent to high school seniors in Mr. Don Kline, executive secthe area and to other prospective retary of the Nebraska Education students. A thousand copies were Association, then presented his made in the first printing, and views of legislative matters. It according to Mr. Carlile, there was his opinion that the goverwill probably be additional print- nor and the leg"islature would ings. probably "go along" with the NSEA recommendation for a half mill for the teacher retirement Life Saving Awards fund. Six members of· the Advanced Swimming class at Peru State College have completed the Am- Rose Pfeifer, sophomore from erican Red Cross Senior Life- Spencer. Completing the course saving Course, according to were Judi Cole, June Hauptman, Phyllis Davidson, director of Sarah Witty, Nebraska City; women's physical education. Marilyn Tucker, Tecumseh; DeThe course was instructed by anna Meyer, York.
"Facts About Peru State" Makes Attractive Booklet
First NAIA Awards This is the first year that football coaches from N.A.I.A. schools have been elected to the nonprofit, philanthropic institution which was founded in 1936. Other coache)il-elected for the honor were Harry 1\rpin, Northwest Louisiana State College at Natchitoches and Dr. John Dorman, Upper Iowa University, Fayette. The Fou 'on honors those in the fiel athletics throughout deserving of special recognition. Prior to this year awards'"to N.A.I.A. schools had gone to basketball coaches. Mrs. Wheeler and Al Wheeler, Jr., attended the Awards dinner in Little Rock with Mr. Wheeler. Dean of Coaches Dean of Nebraska College Conference football coaches, Wheeler joined the Peru State faculty in 1938. Since that time his teams have made impressive records. Great Record Wheeler-coached football teams have turned in three undefeated seasons (1940, 1952, 1953), and won five (1939, 1940, 1941, 1952, 1953) and tied for. one (1951) Conference championships. In basketball his teams have won two championships (1938-39 and 193940) and participated in five N.A.LA. National Tournaments. The 1939-40 Wheeler cagers from Peru State reached the semifinals. While at Peru State, Wheeler coached track for eight years, w!nning two conference crowns. Ex-president NAIA District chairman for N.A.I.A. for 12 years and a member of the organization's executive committee for seven years, Wheeler was president of the group in 1953-54. Liifle All-American Coach He was named "Coach of the Year in Nebraska" by the Omaha World-Herald in 1952 and the same year was selected the "Little All-American Coach of the Year" by the Rockne Club of Kansas City. Wheeler was graduated in 1922 from Oberlin (Ohio) College, where he starred both in football and basketball with T. N. Metcalf's great teams. He quarterbacked the Oberlin team to a 76 victory over Ohio State in 1921 and to 23 victories and only three losses during his three years. He was named to the All-Ohio football and basketball teams in his senior year. Wheeler received his masters degree from Columbia University in 1937. Early Years· Before · accepting his first coaching position at Manual Arts ·mgh School, Los A n g e 1e s, Wheeler played pro-basketball for one year with Cleveland. During his two years at Manual Arts his teams won one city champi(Continued on page three)
"The present proc~dure of of pre-registration at the college was instituted for the ,convenience of the students and faculty. Monday and Tuesday, January 21 and 22, re~pectively have been set aside as days to complete registration and pay fees. All students are expected to pay the fees on or before Tuesday, January 22. Exceptions to such time of payment will be madasmly on an individual basis and under ·extreme circumstance." Keith L. Melvin Dean of College
Smith, Jimmie, Cedar Rapids, Pre-Engr, freshman. Sterns, Edward L:, Douglas, Pre-Vet, freshman. Sutton, Robert W., Percival, Ia., Pre-Engr, freshman. Vanderford, Beverly, Peru, '"lem Educ, freshman. VanLuven, (Mrs.) Enid, Red Oak, ia., El Educ, senior. Walsh, Perry, Alexandria, Ia., PE, junior. Welch, Edwin A., Sibley, Ia., Pre-Engr, freshman. West, Leonard E., Peru, PE, freshman.
Soldier of the Month SEATTLE, Wash.. SP-3 Stanley N. Longfellow, 23, of Peru, a driver at the U.S. Army Hospital at Fort Lawton, is shown here receiving the Soldier of the Month Award for October from Col. Paul B. Nelson, Chief of the Washington Military District. Specialist Longfellow is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Longfellow of Peru. He was graduated from Peru Campus high school and Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru. -U. S. Army Photograph.
Ron's Briefs By Ron McKinney
First I'll say a little bit about the Delzell Hall Christmas party, held December 19th. Mrs. BalkeFike, Bill, Peru, Bus Educ, maI held the party in the lounge . sophomore. of; Delzell Hall. Mom served ice Heng, Edwin R., Nebraska City, cream and cookies to the boys. Pre-Agric, freshman. Afth the men were served, they Heng, Robert J., Nebraska City, The following new students went into the recreation room. had made. application for second IA, freshman. "Mom" said that she would give Houston, P. Fred, Dubuque, la., semester enrollment. On the bea five-pound box of candy to half of administration faculty, Spec (Educ). any man in the dormitory who Hutton, James L., Auburn, Soc and student body, the Pedagogian could call by name every resiextends them a sincere and cor- Sci, freshman. dent in Delzell Hall. Bob Chard Jones, Donna L., Dawson, Mus, dial, welcome. named all except a few. Mrs. Anderson, Bob R., Aurora, PE, freshman. Balkema offered Bob the. box of Kirby, Bud D., Fremont, SS, freshman. candy, but Bob, gratefully, reAnatalek, Marie J., Newark, PE, junior. fused. After the party, the men Koerwitz, Fred L., Deshler, New Jersey, PE, freshman. walked to Eliza Morgan Hall and Applegate, Sidney D., Peru, El Pre-For, freshman. caroled the girls. Kolar, Phyllis C., Humboldt, Educ, sophomore. While talking to "Mom" the Appleget, Jon M., Beatrice, PE, Mus, freshman. other day, she said there are goLavigne, John R., Nebraska freshman. ing to be three more new resiBennett, Ben L., Nebraska City, City, Bus Adm, freshman. dents of Delzell Hall next semesLongfellow, Stanley, P er u, junior. ter. Bondi, Ronald R., Chicago, Ill., Spec. (Educ). Two men are going to be leavMcClintock, Melvin, Pawnee ing us, Neil Trabert and Francis PE, senior. Brown, Dale E., Hamburg, Ia., City, 2-yr. Elem, sophomore. Mickells. Neil is going to teach at Pre-Engr, freshman. McDonald, Paul, Shubert, Ia., the Northeast Junior High, LinBrown, Donald, Hamburg, Ia., IA, freshman. coln, Nebraska. Francis hasn't dePre-Engr, freshman. McKinley, David W., Council cided where he will teach. Bryant, Harry C., Oberlin, Ohio Bluffs, Ia., Pre-Engr, freshman. ' Dwight Safar and Nick Stolzer IA, PE, freshman. Orton, Donna E., Sidney, Ia., are the new dorm council memCraig, (Mrs.) Nedra, Peru, El Spec (Bus). bers for the next semester. Nick Educ, junior. will be the new council member Russell, Billy, Falls City, ForCurtis, Larry R., Hastings, Ia., for the third floor, and Dwight Serv, freshman. PE, sophomore. will be on the first floor. Schlange, (Mrs.) Augusta, AuDanielson, Marlin L., Peru, burn, El Educ, senior. Bus Adm, sophomore. (lo\· W0c1n°~r'a:• '\"·:' Th·~·> Schott, Charles, Council Bluffs, of th:~ c•:ee".:. o..·rl thn ·1 Eddy, B. J., Peru, Pre-Med, freshman. Ia., Pre-Engr, freshman. really ''cramm'ng" for them. Ke1' "ar.d told me ho, .:·on 1c'".": '" ., them, even ··:ith a m ~~rn~'0. The ether night th me!1 on tho PERU PEDAGOGIAN 'h'.rd fr·nr were a'm0ct ready to The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks vacate the d<rmi'.T . 'Th~-· h''ai:r' a rrr of "f;re," 0 ~d 'hen they noMember Intercollegiate Press 'i00c' s''Y>1", roJl'nq in unc1rrne3th January 21. 1957 the doors. Bo" "p~ev ''.'as rrnick to explain that the "flumes" of THE STAFF the heating system were clogged David Longfellow ___________________________________ Editor up. Ed Williamson _____________ ,______________ Business Manager Ruth Linscheid ____________________________ Activities Editor Ralph HilL _________________________________ Sports Editor Ron McKinney ______________________ Campus School Editor Dwight Safar-----------"-----------------Exchange Editor Sharon Reagan____________________ Language Arts Reporter Lois Bush _______________________________________ Columnist Alpha Mu Omega met Monday,' Jean Thimgen __________________________ Fine Arts Reporter Jan. 14, at eight p.m. in the MuMargaret Robinson ________________________________Reporter sic Hall. Harold Norris _____________________________________ Reporter Following the business meetDonna Gaer_______________________ Alumni and Mailing List ing, Verlan Rumbaugh and Ron Donald Cole ___________________________________ Contributor We n n in g ho f entertained the Bob Moore _____________________________________ Contributor group with mathematical puzzles. Stewart Linscheid __________________________________ Sponsor Refreshments, coffee and cake, were served.
Thirty-nine New Students Here
You feel so new and fresh and good-all over-when you pause for Coca-Cola. It's sparkling with quick refreshment ••. and it's so pure and wholesome-naturally friendly to your figure. Let it do things-good things-for you.
regllfe,_d tradHnark.
Robert B. Moore Publishes Poem Robert B. Moore, senior Who's Who member and debater, has had a poem published in the autumn Rectangle, the official publication of. Sigma Tau Delta, professional English fraternity. The Pedagogian thanks Robert for permission to publish the following poem.
* * * HUMANITY. CONFUSION R. B. Moore, Peru State Teachers College This round room where humanity covers the walls, With high skylite, Is where a wilted rosebush laughs at the sun. With curving walls, and sounds professing a door into infinity, Is where two beings wrapped in the mists of an ant's mansion, Breath a sigh. Where men still read an unborn epic, From high soft chairs, As pigeons walk on wet streets in the light of lamps.- . The sound of stars lulls not the human heart, And the transitional tail of death, Finds no remembrance in things past. Smoke forced by inhaling beasts, Stretches and yawns in the lap of genius, Remembering the hands of man.
Alpha Mu Omega Met January 14
A sphinx walks on the waves, And through the broken columns on a hill, To find the true salvation of man. The epitaph remains: Broken walls and torrid heat, My heart was pure, My understanding egotism. Each hour we enter a new humanity, And in a remembered room, Take a seat. Remembering, " A rusty angel wing, or the sound of stars, Move not the butterfly from the spider's web, And pigeons are a breed of dove.
Doane Tigers Nip Bobcats 83-77
by Dick Bibler
Despite their smooth playing, the Bobcats of Peru failed to stop the Doane Tigers in their second N.C.C. game of the season at Crete Saturday night. The contest ended with the Tigers on top 83-77. Two "away" .games are on the Bobcats' agenda for the coming week-end. They meet Kearney Friday night and Hastings Saturday. After the lead see-sawed during the early part of the game the Tigers spurted ahead, leading 4340 at the half. After the half, the Bobcats threatened only once, coming within one point, 69-70. rr'op scorer for the Bobcats was Bruce Smith, Coin, Iowa, junior, whose eight field goals and one charity netted him 17 points. Vyhralek, with seven field goals and 11 out of 12 free throws, paced the Tigers. Percentagewise on free throws both teams were· hitting right at Above is Robert Simpson, one of Al Wheeler's stars in '54, who 76 percent. The Tigers made 25 was recently named as the U.S. Navy's most valuable football player. out of 33, while the Bobcats hit 15 out of 21.
Triumph Over Wesleyan 88-82 In the first N.C.C. game of the season, the Peru Bobcats stopped Nebraska Wesleyan from getting .their eighth win in a row. The Bobcats won a hard fought game against the Plainsmen. From the very beginning of this game, the Bobcats surged ahead. Only once during the first perod of the game did the Bobcats ow down enough for the Plainsen to at least tie them. The alf ended with a 48-41 lead by The second half was the porion of the game that had everyne worried. With only 11 mintes remaining in the second alf Len Reed of the Wesleyan lainsmen dumped a counter ball aking the score 63-62 with the lainsmen leading by one point. A few seconds later, Bobcat ruce Smith fouled out and Ron itt took the pivot position and layed a wonderful game by eking up 2 more points for the obcats. Witt also made 8 out of With just six minutes remaing in the game the Bobcats opped to a mere one point lead, ut then the score was jumped p again when high point man oug Gibson made another beau. ul field goal. The game ended with all hons going to the Bobcats for the ectacular game which they layed. High point man for the Bobcats as Doug Gibson with 29 points
Stella's Lunch - SHORT ORDERS MEALS - SANDWICHES South Auburn, Nebraska
PERU MOTORS DESOTO - • PLYMOUTH Fast Dependable Service Phone 3201 • Peru
made by 10 field goals and 9 out Statistics: of 11 free throws. Second high fg ft f pts point man for the Bobcats was Kramer, B. ___ 6 0-1 2 12 Bob Kramer with 17 points. 15 Witt, R. ------ 6 3-5 3 High point man for the Nebras- Gibson, D. --- 4 1-2 4 9 ka Wes!eyan Plainsmen was Glen Smith, B. -~-- 8 1-3 4 17 Reed with 23 points, made by 10 Miller, B. ____ 0 2-2 1 2 field goals and 3 out of 5 free Davis, F. _____ 6 4-4 1 16 throws. Norton, B. ___ 1 4-4 5 6 Peru made 29 field goals and 30 out of 43 attempted free 31 15-21 20 77 throws whereas the Plainsmen fg ft f pts made only 25 field goals and 32 25 out of 48 free throws attempted. Vyhralek ---- 7 11-12 2 /Maschmann -- 7 3-5 2 17 ,Lastovica 19 ,. ---- 7 5-7 2 'Gray, R. _____ 7 6-8 2 20 0 Brown ------- 0 0-0 3 Bob Simpson, a 225-pound Parsons ------ 1 0-1 1 2 guard from the Alameda Naval Air Station, signed a pro football 29 25-33 12 83 contract Tuesday with the San Francisco 49' ers. Simpson, a native of Falls City, WHEELER ELECTED Nebr., played three years at Peru TO HALL OF FAME State Teachers College. (Continued from page one) With the Alameda NAS team last year he played guard on of- onship in . football and placed fense and linebacker on defense. second in basketball.
49ers Sign Peru Guard
Frosh Coach Ames and Amherst From 1925 to 1927 Wheeler was freshman football coach at Iowa State College, Ames. From Iowa Two of P.S.T.C. halfbacks re· State, he moved to Amherst ceived honorable mention in Wil- (Mass.) College. During his six liamson's 1956 Little All-Ameri- years as freshman football coach can poll. The two men receiving at Amherst, his teams' records this · wonderful mention were were marred with only one defour year letterman Del Stolten- feat and one tie. burg of Nebraska City and first Ivy League Winner year letterman Doug Gibson of Wheeler was head football Falls City. coach at Amherst for the next Doug Gibson is actually a soph· three years where his teams omore, but transferred to P.S.T.C. scored 16 wins and lost 8. His varfrom the University of Nebraska sity baseball teams at .Amherst during the second semester of last made an outstanding record, year. Doug was leading scorer in winning the Little Three ChamNebraska Co 11 e g e Conference pionships four years. His teams with nine touchdowns thus beathad the distinction of never Josing out Kearney State's Jim . ing to Yale, Princeton or HarThorell by one touchdown. vard of the Big Three. Had it not been for the blocked His memberships include the kick in the Fisk game, Del StolPeru Kiwanis, serving as 1946 tenburg would have ranked highpresident, and Phi Delta Theta est in the nation for punting av· social fraternity. Mrs. Wheeler erage. Because of a shoulder inis the former Frances Rudisill of jury received during the HastCrouse, N. C. They have one son, ings game, Del was unable to complete the season and show Al, Jr., 12. more of his great football ability. Both men are physical education Clemmy Holmes majors.
Two Bobcats Get Honorable Mention
"Yes l'M OOING 10 PASS '{OU BECAUSE l'M Tll~~
Intermural Baskihall Every man in school doesn't have the ability to play varsity basketball, football, or baseball game. Peru State Teachers College understands this and has acted accordingly in organizing what is called intermural basketball and football teams. These teams enable \ every man in school to compete in the sport of his choice. There are twelve intermural basketball teams competing with each other. The Campus Outlaws, coached by Max Moore, hold the number-one position with five wins and no losses. The following are the teams, stan~ings, coaches, and the games won or lost. Standing 9 3 12 5 2 8 3 1
6 9 9 6
Team Wee Little Odd Vets Whooping Whoopsters Red Rippers Oakhill Trotters Knights BP 0 C's Knob Knockers Campus Outlaws No Sweat Five Iowegians The Cheechako's Sharks
Coach Won Ken Sand Arnold Ehlers 4 Franklin Pedersen 0 Ed Wineinger 3 Don Roddy 4 Larry Fuller Gene McMullen 4 Max Moore 5 Phip Rihner 2 Don Gray 1 Kelly Liewer 1 2 Bob Fisher
Lost 4 1 5 2 0 3 1 0 2 4 4 2
Industrious Peru Staie students work their way through school and keep rhe Campus of a Thousand Oaks in top shape. Pictured are: Ed Wineinger, Dale Johnson, Henry Hart. Leroy Hughes, Eldon Epley, and foreman Charlie Foster.
Student Labor Presently at Standstill
According to Physical Plant Director Stacy Vance, student workers of the campus maintenance crew is at a temporary standstill because of the sudden Motor Co. change of weather.. Authorized Ford &: Mercury During the month of December Dealer Nebraska City there were twenty-two students working for the school. Jim Jones works as janitor for "Our opportunities to do good Mt. Vernon and the Bob-Inn. are our talents."-C. Mather. There is also one student who takes over the janitor responsibilities for the boys' section in STEWART'S the upstairs Mt. Vernon. One stuStandard Service dent takes care of the greenhouse 917 J Street and its surrounding areas. Three students are doing janitor work AUBURN.NEBRASKA and taking care of Delzell Hall.
Generally, there is a student policing the campus for one or two hours a day. Other positions are some twenty students raking leaves, shoveling snow, digging dirt, breaking rock, trimming trees, helping the plumbers and plasterers, helping to build forms for the construction of the new baseball field, building fences, digging postholes, and general work of tearing down Old Vetville. Aside from the greenhouse caretakers and the student janitors, work is at a standstill until weather is permissable for them to continue with their work.
should have a jploma for good. and Bob-Inn the group returned 1>ewing"; "That's my 'sponsibil- to the couple's apartment to view ity"; it's "beautiful" instead of mischief done in the interval, and DR. H. C. DALLAM pretty; "return" instead of come to pop popcorn. The young bride back; "replace" instead of put showed much skill in handling Dentist back; "You'll regret that"; "He the situation as she immediately By Mary Anna Gnade doesn't look 'spectable in that." set Bill to popping the white Nothing earth shaking but it is stuff. Phone Office 2391 rib tickling when you hear the Among the charivariers were: The last week of school before fills up with uncalled-for mail Phone Res. 3461 stumbling pronunciation of a Lois Bush, Bill Kochheim, Paul Christmas is a flurry of last-min- (the term may be taken two word used correctly. Maxwell, Roger Haigh, Neal Traute touches on gifts made at ways); and the custodian does his bert, and Dave Longfellow. annual heavy cleaning-up. Since Peru Noi Tropical Here school for parents and relatives, I threaten to head for the programs, and classroom parties. the cafeteria and snack bar have On the part of the mothers of suspended operations, special ser- tropics at the first-onset of cold own poetry reading. Training i children whose birthday falls vices steps into the gap with weather, and the threats grow during the two-week holiday, it coffee-making added to their long more determined whenever snow the communicative skill of liste is a decision\ of whether to take list of "services." Mrs. Manring falls. But as Margaret Svoboda, Available to students interested ing has been given, as well as i birthday treats before school is and Dr. Holy rattle around in tJ:ie 2nd grade student teacher, says in a career in law are the Elihu creative writing. out or after it takes up again. Campus School,· devoid of child- "The kids love it!" Disgusting, Root-Samuel J. Tilden ScholarTreats at school are common up life. Mr. Jindra checks in at the isn't it? ships at the New York UniverLET'S GO TO THE MOVIE through the fourth grade, but Music Hall occasionally to assure sity School of Law located in Now Valentines after that, growing-up sets in his beloved instruments they are That's right students. Ho And already the subject of val- New York City, New York. plus the press of academic sched- forsaken only temporarily. The value of each scholarship about breaking down and goin entines rears its head. Early prepules. is $2,300 a year, to cover tuition, to the movie at the Auditoriu aration ... Life Begins books, and living expenses. A Wednesday night, January 23. Chatter in the halls and greetDimes For Polio Open House Do you really think that it · student does not have to show Saturday evening, Jan. 12th, During pre-holiday festivities, ings across the campus signal the going to hurt you to spend a fe financial need to qualify for a end of the holiday. Everyone has saw the high schoolers doing members of the school faculty cents and an hour or so of yo scholarship. and staff were privileged to fiil;d had the loveliest of Christmases their bit for polio. The sophotime in order to back the Ve The candidates will be chosen out what was "behind the green and it's good to get back in the more class, sponsored by Mrs. Club of P.S.T.C.? on the basis of high scholarship, door" at Mrs. Shrader's open swing. Classes and organizations Shrader, backed a dime dance Many other organizations ha active extra curricular participahouse for Christmas cheer. resume as if there had been no and will turn over the proceeds dances and plays, etc., but eve tion, and potential capacity for interruption. to the polio fund. Charming! (Or aren't you familunselfish public leadership. A time the Vets Club tries som iar with the Hit Parade?) Salvation Army Funds Sixth Grader Remembered candidate must have completed thing of this sort, it usually tur The elementary school student The teachers who leave Peru prior to the commencement of into a flop .. Paper and Pageant council met Monday, Jan. 14th, So comefo~ sti.,idents, let's sho his law-school training the reNever did hear how the high are most thoughtful of· students and among other items of busiquirements for an approved bac- the Vets Club of1F.S.T.C. that school newspaper came out. This left behind. For example, Mrs. ness decided to sponsor a fund is a typing project of Miss Ro- Christ sent sixth grader Steve a calaureate degree. really do appreciate the fi collection for the Salvation birthday card all the way from woldt's high school class involvA candidate must be over 20 thing they are doing by going Army. "Now, you're not to go ing jokes, sports, editorials, etc., Brownville, Texas, which is years of age and not over 28 years this wonder~l movie and othe home and ask your patents for a prized highly. Such thoughtfulnot to mention how to type, how of age at the time that his law- that wil nickel for this, it should be to write, how to run a mimeo- ness must influence student school training is to commence. The mo e January 23, will something of your own." graph machine, etc. I did see Miss teachers somewhat. Witness the For further information on "April In Paris." Civil Defense Rowoldt's high school Christmas Christmas greeting· sent to first these scholarships and the relatOn Monday, Jan. 14, an air ed John Ben Snow Scholarships, Pageant ... no matter how graders from their summer school many times you hear the same student teacher containing a pic- force sergeant did a good selling interested parties may see the SUEDE JACKETS Christmas songs, they are always ture of the class taken then·. And job on Civil Defense to the ten Dean of Student Affairs, Harold Headquarters For Winier Clothing fresh and new sounding, leaving how such gestures thrill the chil- year olds and older. He did em- Boraas. phasize that a parent's permission dren (and parents)! you with a sense of well-being. Bill's Clothing Store , is necessary for participation in Auburn, Nebr. 1 Quiet-Not Dead Aftermath this program. What impressed the 'Tis the morning after ChristIn the Campus School the first \small fry most was "You know, The week before Christmas was mas day. Buildings look at you few days after the holiday are it gets pretty lonely up there in with dark windows, the only spent in showing what Banta the tower while you're waiting spent on Christmas literature. Redfern Clothing Co. Mrs. Doris Wuster asked Miss other living thing crossing the brought, having belated birthday to spot a plane." Wonderly to visit the English 9 "The Store of Standard campus is faithful old dog Boy. parties, and settling down into Big Talk class and tell the story "Acres of Brands" But throw open the doors of the schedule again. Add 2nd grade vocabulary: old- Diamonds." Bob Moore played Phone 183 - Auburn vacant-looking Administration er sister Jeannie called to stay records of Dickens' "Christmas Building and sound denoting ocJunior Basketball overnight with friend Paula. Carol" to his English 10 class. In cupancy rushes out. Tuesday, Jan. 15, launched the Sally says "Isn't she 'posing on campus school junior high bas- Paula?" I said "Where'd you find Miss Elberta Rhoten's English 11 "Vacation" ketball team. Their opponents that word?" Sally: "You mean class, Washington Irvin g's Stop at Dean's Cafe "Christmas Eve" was read, and Christmas vacation (and I use came from Humboldt, which imposing? Oh ... (shrug) .. but Hi-Way 75 & 73 records of Dickens' "Christmas the word loosely) is the time made for an interesting inter-ofwon't Jeannie make extra work Carol" were heard. In Mr. Tra1119 Central Ave. when the business office catches fice situation: my Bobby is in 8th for Paula?" Little pitchurs? Nebraska Ciiy bert's English 12 class, a student, up on posting, adding, checking, grade; Dean Melvin's secretary Beverly Sherman, who is doing paying, and all other activities has a brother in 8th grade and a special unit on the works of 0. relative to financial management one' in 7th grade at Humboldt, Henry, told "The Gift of the of an institution such as ours; the but we're still friends! The night, Magi" to the class. Mrs. Shrader Ingersoll Barber Shop ; dean's office has time to get out The star, read Hans Christian Anderson's Vocabulary the new catalog without interWe Will Try Even Harder\ The Babe, "Little Match Girl" to each class. ruption; special services office Second grader Sally was crowTo Be YOUR Barber Hushed like a tomb-the earth, does all sorts of "little" jobs and ing because she had 100 in spellAccompanying Mr. Moore's PoAuburn Shrouded in a peaceful blanket one "big" job, that of preparing ing when the day before school etry Unit, Mr. Francis Mickells of strange quiet, the Peru Stater for mailing, resumed she was positive she had played a tape recording of his The earth. which rings in the president's of- forgotten all she ever knew. It is Man and beast are still; somefice on the vari-typing end of it; amazing the vocabulary Miss thing is coming the registrar's office gets all set Wonderly instills in those little What? for final grades; the post office eight year olds. Examples: "I The wicked and the depraved ' Crouch in their lairs, afraid. A soft, breathless hush blanHYKLAS GROCERY kets the earth. Evil has turned to fright, Groceries Meats Quiet, still calm quiet. Evil is going slowly, Fruits Frozen Foods Slipping slowly, THAT'S RIGHT LADIES! WITH EVERY Into the fathomless depths of TWO PAIR YOU GET TWO SPARES., • M. G. Heuer, Owner Phone 2141 eternity Here's a rare opportunity to get a real long-lasting supBut the solemn, sweet voices of ply of fine nylon hosiery for far less than you ever imangels Herald a prelude to peace, agined! A regular $1.25 value for only $1.0Q-Plus a The advent of the Babe PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS spare. When you buy this package of two pairs and two Any Garment Remodeled, Restyled, Repaired Who within his small hands spares, you are actually getting three pairs of fine nylon Always Firsi in Quality and Workmanship holds the power hose. Take advantage of this offer NOW. Clip and Fur Coais Repaired To save man from his own inWe call for and deliver Phone 2671, Peru, Nebr. iquity. mail the· coupon below for fast delivery. A Prelude to Peace. c.o.b. ORDERS ACCEPTED. By Lanette Adams, Soph. Campus School. DENISE HOSIERY .:. BOX 227, READING, PA•. Please send me two pairs and two spares of Denise Hosiery. For this I am enclosing $2.00. A not-so-s o 1 em n initiation Name _______________________________ _ called the charivari was held for "ON THE CORNER OF THE CAMPUS" . Bill and Sharon Beck on ThursSize Length day evening, January 10. Address------------------------------ Business Sheer Featured event of the evening School Supplies Groceries Dress Sheer D was the traditional bride-rideCity __________________ state___________ D Beige D Taupe on a sled instead of wheelbarPriced Right for the Student row. The sled was furnished by Box 227, Reading, Pa. DENISE HOSIERY P. C. Maxwell. Following a visit to the library
N.Y.U. Scholarships Are Available
Campus School English
APrelude to Peace
Special Stocking Offer
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The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks ·: ..
Nebraska's Oldest College
Peru Pedagogian PERU, NEBRASKA
FEBRUARY 4, 1957
Melvin and Holy at Meeting
Ninety Years Of Peru State By David Longfellow As the enrollment increased, a code of conduct was evolved: the students would create new diversions, and the faculty would set 1 forth reasons why they should • not do it. Some of the things required ·, ·: were: punctuality, respect f u 1 obedience to teachers, diligent employment of time, attendance at church, and declamations and compositions once every two weeks.
Dr. Keith Melvin, dean of the college and Dr. Russell Holy, head of the division of education of Peru State Teachers College, will take part in the ninth annu-. al convention of the American Association of Colleges for Teach-· er Education which will be held at the Morrison Hotel in Chicago, Febr. 14-16. The convention is expected to ·attract approximately 1,200 presidents, deans and · faculty members of colleges and universities from all parts of the nation. The AACTE, a department of the National Education Associa-
Now According :to Emily Post Many of the students came from sparsely populated sections of country, and thus appeared rather reserved and awkward when faced by social events on the campus. To ease this situation, the vari·ous teachers held gatherings where pains were taken· to make the students feel at home. Singing, recitations, readings, simple games in which all took part gave the students more ease, and taught them the courtesies expected of ladies and gentlemen. Wait 'Til the Sun Shines, Nellie Peru did not offer many diversions in those days, and young swains were hard put to find 'table surroundings in which to rt their ladies fair. Usually y had to settle for shady paths ummer and hilarious bob-sled es in winter. "I Raise a Point of Order!" .Possibly the only, at least the t important, societies of the ege were the two dealing in ebate and oratory. The Everett
tion, is the national voluntary organization of 318 colleges and universities which annually prepare approximately half the young people entering the teaching profession. Theme for the meeting will be the same as the one adopted by the NEA for its centennial which will be observed this year-"An Educated People Moves Freedom Forward." Some of the nation's leading educators will develop this theme during the general sessions and in many zroup meetings which will be held during the three-day convention.
Nebraska City Hi-Fi Hop Women Give ANovel Ball The Peruvian sponsored the Scholarship Registration Romp in Hi-Fi Tues-
A $120 one-year tuition scholThou Shall No:t arship to Peru State College has Things forbidden to the under- been made available by the classmen were: use of vulgar or Women's Division of the Nebraska City Chamber of Commerce, l . profane language, use of intoxi3 cating liquor, playing game of according to Mrs. Marie 0. Neal, chance, attending balls or danc- Nebraska City, president of the ing parties, leaving school with- Peru Achievement Foundation. out permission, and lounging in The scholarship, open to Nebraska City high school graduates, stores or saloons. In the early days a girl was will be administered through the well protected from the ruffians Foundation. The grant, payable in the of the neighborhood: to get a date with a dormitory girl, the amount of $60 for two semesters boy would have to send a written to be applied toward fees fot the invitation which was carefully 1957-58 school year, is open: to checked by the house mother; if both men and women graduates she approved, the girl would of the Nebraska City high school, who will major in health and write her acceptance. physical education for four years. To be eligible for the grant, a I Knew Not What They Did •.• Abe Huff had gone through the student must have a superior red tape of protocol and was on high school academic record, poshis way to pick up one .of the sess the qualities of good characmost popular girls in school when ter show an interest in a career he was challenged for his name. in teaching or some phase of edThe stranger demanded to feel ucation, and have a definite need his face to make sure it was for financial assistance. Requests for information on really Abe Huff. The probing fingers touched the cheeks, nose, applications should be directed to brow and chin, and, satisfied, the Registrar, Peru State College. Announcement of other Peru let him pass. The residents were hysterically surprised when a Achievement Foundation Scholminstrel man wandered in to arships for the 1957-58 school daim his date; the lampblack of year will be announced within Jim Crabtree had done its job the next few weeks, Mrs. Neal well. said. Ji~ Crabtree, noted for his , gift of mischief, was to return twenty years later as the president of Peru State Normal ...
Four Placements This Semester
Four placements for the second semester have been announced by Lee Lowenberg, director of placement at Peru State College. Accepting teaching assignm e n t s, their home town and teaching address include Ronald Wenninghoff, Syracuse, to Nemaha high school; Garold Goings, Peru, to Rising City high school; Verlan Rumbaugh, Lincoln, to Eagle high school; and Neal Trabert, Lincoln, to Lincoln public schools.
day, January 22nd, from 8:00 to 11:00 p.m., in the Campus School auditorium. Mr. J. D. Levitt furnished the "hi-fi" music by the use of recordings. This provided a wide variety of music for dancing and listening. The entertainment consisted of spot commercials, interviews, introductions, and a panel of celebrities. Phil Neuhalfen and Frank ~edersen were the disc jockeys on station U.R.E.P. During intermission the Home Economics Club sold cake and hot chocolate. The student council paid for the decorations. The chaperones were: Mr. J. D. Levitt, Mr. D. Carlile, and Miss Freda Rowaldt.
Commercial Club Thursday, January 24, at 8:00 p.m. the Commercial Club met in the Administration Building. Pictures were taken for the annual. Buddy Bookwalter, chairman of entertainment, showed two films. Sandwiches and hot chocolate were then served by Boyd Mattox.
Valentine Formal The Valentine Formal, sponsored by the three resident halls, will take place Monday, February 11 from 9:00 to 12:00 p.m. in the gymn11sium. Tickets, ' one dollar a . couple, will be sold at the door. There will be no advanced sales. Special invitations have been sent to all faculty members. Committee chairmen are: Marilyn Benecke, decorations; Verdell Goldberg, clean-up; Wayne McFarland, publicity. Election of the Valentine King, Queen, and attendants was held Wednesday, January 30.
Six Score Perfect Grades First Semester Literary Society was informal and drew the freshmen, while the Philomathean Society arose to such heights as dramatics and "The Merchant of Venice." It was rather amusing to see an ordained minister, the president, A. W. Norton, playing the part of "Shylock" to the extent of whetting a large butcher knife ... Such was the social life of the students of Peru State in the early days. Stay tuned for next issue's exciting episode.
Nebraska's Finest College
Six Peru students racked up 4.0 grade averages-perfect-for the first semester. The four pointers are: Bob Henry, Minneapolis, Kans., freshman; Marilyn Slagle, Falls City, junior; Roger Haigh, Peru, senior; Fran Larson, Peru, junior; Loren Dyke, Essex, Iowa, senior; and Nancy Taggart Winesman, Stella, senior. Fourteen others received high marks of 3.7 or more, and 42 scored 3.2 through 3.69.
Peru State "Srnarties" Cited Honors Convocation Held The first semester "honors" convocation was held on Thursday, January 24, with Dr. Neal S. Gomon presiding. Following the announcements Dr. Gomon introduced his wife who favored the assembly with a solo, "Without a Friend," accompanied by Robert Benford. Dr. Gomon made a few remarks about increased tuition rates, and how they will affect the students if they are adopted. The main speaker of the mornThe student governing body at Peru State will henceforth be ing was Dr. Keith Melvin, Dean known as the Student Senate. of the College, who spoke on the The motion to change the name subject, "Does Scholarship Pay?" Recipients of the P are n t-· from the Student Council to StuTeacher scholarship were introdent Senate carried by a unanimous vote of the members pres- duced, as were the students who ent at the weekly n;ieeting Janu- had been placed on the honor roll for the semester. ary 10, 1957. Students ~o !jtade high honThe ·name of the body is the only change made in the organ- ors were: William'.\\lbright, Bariza1jion. Officers and class repre- bara Boyd, Margaret Ulbrick sentatives remain the same. Cotton, Ray Ehlers, Georgia IshPresident, Bob Norton; Vice am, Willis Larson, Mrs. Jayne oore, Franklin President, Bill Albright; Seniors, Monroe, Rei garet Robinson, Bonnie Rutz, Tom Moen; Juniors, Pedersen, '· Ron Witt, Tom Eastman; Sopho- Mrs. Mary Straw, Phyllis Volmores,· Bev Gerdes, Jim Jones;· lertsen, Sandra West, Albert F~eshmen, Judi Cole, Wayne Mc- Winseman. Honor students were: Susan Farland, and Members-at-large, Alberson, Jerry Beckman, MariRay Ehlers and Fran Larson. The student body is reminded lyn Benecke, Janet Bertram, Sid that the Student Senate is their Brown, Lois Bush, B a r b a r a representative body, and is al- Chambers, Donald Clark, David ways open to suggestions from in- Clites, Don Cole, Judith Cole, dividuals or campus organiza- Gerald Comstock, Gladys Cooper, tions. The weekly meetings are Richard Corwine, Mrs. Viola Cox, open to anyone. interested in at- Josephine Johnson Grouch, Mrs. tending. Contact any officer or Marilyn Dyke, Carroll Engdahl, your class representative to help Rex Filmer, Mary Ann Fuerst, Donald Gibson, Janice Jahn, the Student Senate help you. Shareen Johnson, C h a r 1e s Krumme, Richard Kumpf, Eldon McCall, Wayne McFarland, Louise Marshall, Phil Neuhalfen, Betty Parker, Sharon R. Beck, Clark Reed, Elberta Rhoten, The semi-annual pledge tea for Dwight Safar, Kenneth Sand, the White Angel organization Dale Schulenberg, B a r bar a was held in the recreation parlor Schultz, Elaine Spier, Frances of the Eliza Morgan Hall, Thurs- Stillwell, Gilbert Swanson, Deday, January 24. anna Thomas Humphrey, Mary The new members were hon- Wenninghoff. ored. by the actives of the organization. A special pledge was signed by each new member as has been the custom for several years. Punch and cookies were served by a number of the active memProfessor R. D. Moore and his bers. Others acted as hostesses. debate team will leave Febr. 6, The tea lasted from 3:00 to for Denver, Colorado where they 5:00. Approximately sixty girls will attend the Rockey Mountain Forensic meet. That afternoon attended. the Peru debaters will meet the University of Nebraska team at Chappell, Nebraska. They will have a public debate with Peru on the affirmative and the UniThe traditional Schoolmen's versity on the negative. At Denver, Roger Haigh and Day was held here Saturday. Bob Moore will enter the· exSchoolmen from this district were guests of the college, and as temporaneous contest. Rex Filmany of them are alumni, the mer and Bill Albright will partievent was something of a home- cipate in discussion. Peru has been invited to sevcoming. eral other tournaments at St. Practically all of the male faculty members were on hand to Paul, Minnesota; University of help President Gomon and other Iowa, Iowa City; University of members of the administrative Nebraska, Lincoln; the N.E.F.A. at Omaha. staff greet the visitors.
Student Senate New Name Of Student Council
White Angel Pledges Honored
Peru Debaters Bound For Denver
Peru Schoolmen's Day Held February 2nd
An informal coffee starting at 4:00 p.m. in the lounge of Delzell Hall was followed hy a dinner in the cafeteria at sill.'. Visitors and faculty were guests of the college at this dinner. Schoolmen's Day closed with the Midland-Peru State basketball game, the visitors being guests of the college. As this event came before our publication date but after our deadline, we hope to give you more information in the next issue of The Pedagogian.
Dramatic Club Initiation A formal initiation was held by the Peru Dramatic Club Sunday evening, February 3. The ceremony was conducted in the Blue Room of the Grand Hotel in Auburn. The initiates were: Mrs. Bill Beck, Sid Brown, Bill Larson, Franci Stilwell, Betty Sedlacek, Marv Wuster, · Frank Pedersen, Al Winseman, and Donna Gaer.
Ron's Briefs By Ron McKinney
The semester exams are over, and everybody's falling back in his old routine. The card players are playing again, pool players are shooting snooker-everything is back to . normal. Thursday, January 24, the dormitory council had a meeting, for the benefit cif .the new Delzell Hall members. Ken Sands, dormitory eeuncil member, spoke at the m€!eting. He read all of the rules and regulations to the men, and then he ended the meeting by ha:vlng the eleven new residents stand and introduce themselves: Mrs. Balkema was called back to her home in Iowa during midterm. It seems, her son-in-law accidentally cut off three fingers. In her spare time, mom has decided to go back to school again. She's taking a course in home ec. The subjects she is taking are beginning sewing, and textile designing. This gives her a total of five hours credit. Last Friday night, January 25, mom sponsored a fireside evening. Mrs. Balkema invited the girls from Eliza Morgan Hall to attend. Approximately sixteen attended the function. Later in ·the evening, marshmallows were roasted. The event started in the early evening and lasted until early morning. Dean Scoggins, from Beatrice, Nebraska, entered Peru State this semester. Dean recently came from Germany, where he was stationed in the service. Before he entered the service, he attended this college two years and the University of Nebraska one year.
Special Services Or "Pants Pressed While You Waif' Within view are: two mimeograph machines, three typewriters, an addressing machine, a printing press, and an air conditioner. Also close at hand are sixty· filing drawers which contain names-hundreds and thousands of names. This office is perhaps the strangest and one of the most valuable on the campus, for here is the place that the George of "let George do it" fame resides. The sign on the door says, ''Department of Special Services; Alumni office, Campus tours, college press, news bureau, Peru Stater magazine, photography service, publications, student visitation," to which might be added: "Information bureau, art service, pants pressed while you wait." The various cupboards contain:
The following events will take place on this campus during the next two weeks; Feb. 5-Peru Prep vs Johnson at Peru Feb. 6-Intra-Murals, 8:00 Feb. 7-Intra-Murals, 7:15 Feb. 8-Peru Prep vs Adams at Peru Feb. 8-Chadron at Chadron Feb. 11-Valentine Formal, 9-12. Feb. 13-Intra-Murals, 8:00 Feb. 14-High School Junior Class Play Feb. 14-Convocation, 10:50 Feb. 15-Wayne at Peru Feb. 16-Kearney at Peru photographic supplies, typing paper, account pads, old press releases, new press releases, Peruvians, and propaganda leaflets to be dropped behind the iron curtain. Here is the only place on the campus where people get paid for reading the newspaper, even if it is two weeks old. Here, also, is the only place on campus where Leland Sherwood, a talented artist, and an equally talented secretary Mary Lou Anderson, prints pictures. One cozy nook features a coffee pot sharing a table with an enlarger, while a folding machine sits smugly in the background conversing with the heating controls. Visitors flow freely in and out, some seeking information, and others inquiring if this is the president's office. The department is the printer's devil that creates the programs for football; basketball, high school and college plays, choral clinics, band programs, etc., and infinitum. It manufactures leaflets, pamphlets, bulletins, press releases, letterheads, maps, self-addressed envelopes, and propaganda. This, then, is the Department of Special Services; "pants pressed while you wait." Through these doors pass one thousand reams of paper, and nearly ten times that number of people.
Peru Staters Entertain Elk Creek Students Elk Creek public schools held its annual Peru State assembly program on Wednesday, January 23. Representing Peru were Marilyn and Loren Dyke, vocalists; Dave Miller, cornetist; and Marilyn Slagle, pianist. They were invited by the student council of Elk Creek high school. The program was arranged by the Special Services Department, in cooperation with the music department.
\ PERU PEDAGOGIAN The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks Member Intercollegiate Press February 4, 1957 THE STAFF David Longfellow ___________________________________ Editor Bill Kochheim _____________________________ Assistant Editor Ed Williamson ___________________________ Business Manager Ruth Linscheid ____________________________ Activities Editor Yvonne Funkhouser_____________________ Activities Reporter Jerry Collier_ _______________________,_______ Sports Reporter Hal Norris _________________________________ Sports Reporter Ron McKinney ______________________ Campus &hool Editor Sharon Reagan ____________________ Language Arts Reporter Lois Bush _______________________________________ Columnist Jean Thimgen __________________________ Fine Arts Reporter Margaret Robinson ________________________________ Reporter Donna Gaer _______________________ Alumni and Mailing List Bob Moore ____'_ ________________________________ Contributor Stewart Linscheid __________________________________ Sponsor
Shrub Snoops By Lois Bush
Girls sat up until late at night after vacation catching up on the latest dirt and displaying Christmas loot and bragging about how much fun they had had New Year's Eve.--Some new romances had sprung up, some old ones had been broken up ... And some old ones had been strengthened. Elberta Rhoten's third finger, left hand, is evidence of that. Her fiance is Jim Porter, a 1956 graduate of Peru State who is now teaching in Omaha. It snowed. And that offered untold opportunities in the minds of vacation-happy Morgan Hall girls. A snowball fight, en masse, developed on the front lawn. For a while Chris Kolbo got the rough end of the deal; for when she was in the process of making an "angel", the whole group descended upon her, and snow flew furiously. Tiring of this, the gang decided to try a new game-and the unfortunate few who ventured outside on their way home from the cafeteria found themselves attacked from all sides. Things went fine until the fellows started to fight back. Gnomes or something must have been hard at work in the dorm. Lorraine and Shrub arrived home one afternoont to find their beds standing on end and "sh or t-mattressed" (new word thought· up for the occasion.) Then mysteriously, a few days later, Gail and DeAnna and Pa~,line found Grape-Nuts and RaiSiin-Bran in their beds. Vengeance? Two red easy chairs and one yellow one disappeared mysteriously from the rec. room the week of final exams. Girls had discovered the advantages that the chairs offered for comfortable studying while burning the midnight oil. What a pity they had to go back downstairs again after semester break. They kinda added a "homey" atmosphere to the rooms. Semester break resulted in several switchings of roommates and changes of rooms and floors. Confusing at first, things have finally shifted back into normal. Because of transfers, Morgan Hall lost some of its· residents at the semester.· Pat Kelly, June Hauptman, Chris Kolbo, Betsy Har.tman, Josie Crouch, Pat Beedle, Marilyn Diedrichs, jean Thimgan, and Maxine Zimmerman all left to seek greener pastures. New girls in the dorm are Charlene Kol er, Donna, Jones, Marie Antalek, Sharon Peterson, and Donna Orton. These girls won't learn until the end of the year the horror of Peru's final exams. Back to routine ... Oh, profanity!
Lorenzo Concert Pleases Audience The 21 year old pianist, Phillip Lorenz, performed at the Auditorium of the Peru State Teachers College,. Tuesday, Jan. 29. Mr. Lorenz has appeared on the concert stage in Europe, the Car~ ribean area, ·and sections of the United States. He was received very enthusiastically by the audience here as he was all .over the world. He played compositions by Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, and many others. The mood of each selection was captured by the performer and transmitted to the audience through his personal interpretation. This young musician displayed great musical ability during this performance.
and .sip that real great taste of Coke. Sure, you can have a party without Coca-Cola-but who wants to!
SIGN OF GOOD TASTE Bottled Under Authority of The Coca-Cola Company By NEBRASKA CITY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. "Coke" is a register~d trade-mark.
Square Dancers Now Reorganized
dance a new dance will be learned. Refreshments are served at 9:30; then the evening is brought to a close with a final dance. Each year the club is invited to the Lincoln Square Dance Festival, at the University of Nebraska, along with various other square dance clubs throughout the state. The last dance was held January 4 at the campus school.
In recent years the faculty members of the college had the pleasure of belonging to the Faculty Square Dance Club. This privilege has been extended by invitation to some of the townspeople of Peru, and the club is now named the Peru Square Dance Club. The club consists of sixteen members who meet every three weeks at the campus school. The election of officers is unusual in that a single office is held by two Tri Beta Meets people. The officers of the ·club Beta, Beta, Beta, met Monday are as follows: Mr. and Mrs .. J. evening, February 28th, in the Stemper, president; Mr. and Mrs. Science Building. B. Morrissy, treasurer; and Mr. Plans were made for an autoand Mrs. H. Miller, secretary. clave dinner at their next meetDwayne McKnight, student of the college, calls the square ing. dances. The program is planned A short business meeting was in such a manner that at every followed by several films. PIONEER THEATRE, Nebraska City Sun.-Mon.-Tues., Feb. 10-11-12
Bobcats Win
·took an early 14-7 lead and the cats are tied with Chadron for LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS-~ by Dick Bibler Bobcats trailed for the remainder sixth (two wins, four losses) of the contest. Ron Witt, with 18 above Midland (6-1), mentor points paced the Bobcats. Hansen Jack Mcintire still sees a ray of was scoring leader for Hastings hope in the fact that five of the remaining conference games will with 26 points. be played on the home maples. . Statistics: Jack Mclntire's Bobcats reAgainst Midland Friday, the turned Sunday, Jan. 20, from a f pts Bobcats built a 40-30 half time fg ft PERU week-end road trip which added Kramer, B. ---" 5 6-6 3 16 lead, but shortly after the intera second win and a second loss Witt, R. -------~ 5 4-6 3 14 mission, the Midland Warriors to their 1956-57 Nebraska College Gibson, D. ----- 5 . 7-7 5 17 fought back~for a 42-42 tie. With Conference cage record. Friday Smith, B. ------ 2 8-11 5 12 6:15 remaining, the Warriors night the spirited Bobcats in deDavis, F. ------- 4 7-8 2 15 took a 62-61 lead, and with two feating Kearney 85-73 knocked Francis, C. _____ 0 0-0 2 0 minutes left, they pulled away at the Antelopes out of top spot in Fraley, D. ______ 0 0-1 2 0 66-65. Bob Kramer's 20 points the Conference. Saturday night Miller, B. ------ 3 2-fr 5 8 made him scoring leader for the the Peru Staters met defeat 94-64 Gray, G. ------- 1 1-1 1 3 Peruvians, while Marty Koolen at the han¢s of the Hastings and John Danner, with 16 points Broncos. Total ________ 25 35-46 28 85 each, paced the Midland five. The Bobcats' conference record Against Wayne State, current fg ft f pts now stands two wins and two KEARNEY top N.C.C. team, the Bobcats losses. In their first N.C.C. game, Hinkle --------- 6 7-7 5 19 trailed from the opening minutes. the Bobcats downed Nebraska Sprague ------- 3 1-5 3 7 By Midway in the first period, Wesleyan, but dropped their con- Collison ------- 0 2-2 1 2 the Wayne Wildcats held a 28-16 test with Doane College at Crete. Hansen -------- 1 0-1 0 2 edge, but by transmission the The Bobcat cagers will contin- Nun ----------- 1 4-4 5 6 lead was trimmed to 44-36. Late ue in N.C.C. play this week-end Weizand ------- 2 3-6 3 7 in the final half the Bobcats came in two "away" games. The Bob- Smidt --------- 5 8-10 3 18 within three points of the Wildcats will meet Midland College Beavers ------- 1 2-5 2 4 cats twice, but were not able to at Fremont Friday and Wayne Irvine --~------ 0 2-2 1 2 reach them. Ron Witt was high Jacobs --------- 1 1-2 3 3 point man for the Bobcats with State Wildcats Saturday night. Low head ------ 0 1-1 2 1 19 points, while Jim Whitney, Friday night's game with the 1 Sanford -------- 1 0-2 0 2 with 20 points, was scoring leadIN-YE~ Kearney Antelopes was played in er for Wayne. · LLIC\' l ' I ' . YOU f.VEN60T AN OFFICE"!' Grand Island's new high school Total ________ 21 31-47 28 73 gymnasium because of limited Statistics: times to win third place. · seating at the Antelope school. PERU f pts fg ft Square Dance fg ft f pts PERU Teams invited include: Adams, The BobcatS clicked from he Kramer -------- 6 2-4 2 14 Miller, B. ------ 5 0-0 1 2 Alvo, Avoca, Bennet, Bratton T ay·, January 24, the Peru opening minutes of play. After Gibson -------- 3 2-4 1 8 Kramer, B. _____ 5 20 Union, Brock, Brownville, Brun- Squa Dance Club met in the 10-12 only seven minutes the Peruvi- Smith --------- 3 6-13 4 12 Gibson, D. _____ 6 2-4 2 14 ing, Burchard, Burr, Ceresco, campus school auditorium. Elevans had pulled away 21-6. Witt ----------- 7 4-6 5 18 0 Cook, Cortland, Dawson, Daykin, en couples attended. Ehlers, R. ------ 0 0-0 2-2 3 6 Davis Only once, after midway in the ---------- 2 Witt, R. ----~--- 3 3-5 4 9 DeWitt, Diller, Dunbar, Douglas. Records were used and Duane second half, did the Antelopes Francis -------- 1 0-0 3 2 Smith, B. McKnight called. ------ 6 4-4 5 16 Eagle, Elk Creek, Elmwood, threaten the Bobcat lead. The Fraley --~------ 1 0-1 4 2 Norton, B. Refreshments were served by ----- 1 0-3 3 2 Honey Creek via Salem, HumAntelopes narrowed the score to Millet --------- 0 0-0 2 0 Davis 0-0 2 6 Mr. and Mrs. Richard arriott and ---------3 boldt, Johnson, Lewiston, Liber64-61, but did not score again un- Gray ---------- 2 0-0 1 4 ty, Louisville, Mascot Consoli- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Masek. ________ 25 til the Bobcats had spurted 19-28 19 69 Total A short business meeting was dated via Oxford, Murdock, NeTotal ________ 25 16-30 25 / 66 ahead to tally 71 points. Doug conducted by President Jerome braska City, Nemaha, Otoe, Palf pts fg ft MIDLAND Gibson of Falls City, who fouled Stemper. f pts Koolen HASTINGS fg ft -------- 5 6-6 0 16 myra, Panama, Pawnee City, out with 13 minutes remaining, The next dance will be held 1 4-5 Erickson ------4 Peru Prep. 13 5-7 3 Witcher -------- 4 scored 17 points for high scoring March 5. 0-0 5 4 Danner -------- 5 6-9 1 16 Plattsmouth, Prague, Roca, Sahonors. High point man for Osborne -----~- 2 0-0 0 2 13 !em, Shubert, Snyder, Steinauer, Troyer --------- 5 3-5 5 Kearney was Hinkle with 19 Neff ----------- 1 Hansen -------- 8 10-15 4 26 Casper -------- 1 0-0 1 2 Stella, Sterling, Syracuse, Table Briefs in Sports points. Pawlowski ----- 3 6-10 4 12 Norris --------- 1 3-5 3 5 Rock, Talmage, Tecumseh, un'aSaturday night against Hast- Peterson, K. ___ 2 4-5 1 8 By Hal Norris Jorgensen ----- 0 0-0 2 0 dilla, Verdon, Virginia, Weeping ings, the Bobcats had difficulty Cold weather fails to hinder Shaw ---------- 5 4-4 1 14 Bierman ------- 1 0-0 0 22 Water, Weston, Yutan, Holmesin getting started. The Broncos Peru sports enthusiasts. IntraToms ---------- 5 0-0 0 10 Kahnk --------- 1 2-2 0 4 ville, Valparaiso. Peterson, C. ____ 1 4-5 3 6 mural basketball is in full swing; Total ________ 23 25-34 15 71 tennis is waiting the return of 0 Smith --------- 0 0-0 JOHN ADAMS' SERVICE warmer climates; P.E. girls are STATION f pts fg ft · P.T.A. Scholarships Total ________ 31 32-44 20 94 PERU building pyramids; track memBatteries - Accessories Witt, R. ---c--- 5 9-12 2 19 bers have begun to stretch their These people received P.T.A. Oil - Gas Gibson, D. _____ 5 0-0 4 10 limbs; and thirty-nine male stuscholarships: Robert N or to n, PERU, NEBRASKA Kramer, B. ____ 2 2-2 5 6 dents are swimming in one pool. Robert Chard, Betty Tanzler, Smith, B. ------ 3 3-5 4 9 With Intramural basketball, 16 Shelby Winningham, Donald NieGray, G. ------- 8 0-1 we discover the Kenny Sands meier, and Robert Moore. Davis, F. ------ 6 6-7 3 18 Flannel Shirts-very colorful The value of these scholarships aggregation have beaten (yes Miller,. B. ______ 1 0-1 0 2 beaten) the Red Rippers. Kenny OVERSHOES is sixty dollars. After nearly a month of "away" For Girls and Boys said, "His ball club did show im________ 30 20-28 19 80 games, the Peru State Bobcats Total provement;" but, he further reBill's Clothing Store will be at home Friday and Satlated that he stilf could use some Auburn, Nebr. f pts fg ft WAYNE Egypt Reborn urday to Nebraska College Con__ c ____ 9 height,, speed, and ability. 2-2 2 20 ference opponents.' Friday night Whitney As long as I'm speaking of In-19 Pyramiders 17 3 3-4 Radke --------- 7 Doane College, a six-point wintramurals, here is the latest In0 0 0-1 Do Their Stuff Krohn --------- 0 ner in an earlier game at Crete tramural Standings. 0-0 2 0 will be the Bobcats' foe. For Sat- Smith --------- 0 Clemmy Holmes Nineteen girls of the Pyramid won lost 0-1 2 8 Tushla --------- 4 urday's Schoolmen's Day game, Group performed a series of nine 1-Campus Outlaws ____ 6 . 0 Motor Co. 13 7-9 4 the Bobcats will have a return Miner --------- 3 formations between halves of the 2-Knights ------------ 5 0 0 2 Authorized Ford & Mercury engagement with Midland, who Hueser -------- 1 0-J Peru Wesleyan game. 3-Knob Knockers _____ 5 1 Buhl ---------- 4 . 9-10 2 17 Nebraska City were victorious at Fremont. The Pyramid Group was or- 4-Whooping Whoopsters 4 2 16 2-3 .1 Except for a Fehr. 8-9 engage- Wisnieski ------ 7 ganized at the beginning of 5-No Sweat Five ______ 3 2 0-1 0 0 ment at Chadron, and a Fehr. 19 Berres ----·----- 0 school by the physical education 5-0ak Hill Trotters ___ 3 3 encounter with Nebraska WesTotal ________ 35 23c32 16 93 majors. This is strictly a volun- 6-Sharks ------------- 2 3 Stella's Lunch leyan at Lincoln, the remainder teer group and receives no credit. 6-Iowegians ---------- 2 4 of the Bobcats' schedule calls for The girls plan to perform at all 6-Cheeachako's _______ 2 4 - SHORT ORDERS home games. All of the opponfuture home games. MEALS - SANDWlCHES 7-BPOC's ------------4 ents will be N.C.C. teams, with In the group are: Betty Bal- 7-Wee Little Odd Vets_ 5 South Auburn, Nebraska the exception of C o n c o r d i a oum, Lorraine Bippes, Beverly 8-Red Rippers -------- 0 6 Teachers of Seward. Brown, Joyce Carman, Barbara Besides the 'll-69 upset at FreChambers, Merrily Dahmke, Rose mont Friday night which broke Edelman, Deanna Hutton, DarStop at Dean's Cafe PERU MOTORS the Midland Warriors' six-game Fifty-eight teams have been lene Jansen, Donna Lee, Ardis DESOTO - - PLYMOUTH Hi-Way 75 & 73 losing streak, the B o b cats invited to the eleventh annual McNutt, Harriett Parkison, Jody Fast Dependable Service 1119 Central Ave. dropped a 93-80 contest to top high school girls' Invitational Parriott, Rose Pfeifer, Alice PhilPhone 3201 - Peru Nebraska City conference team Wayne State on Volleyball tournament scheduled lips, Bonnie Rutz, Pat Sheehan, Saturday. Even though the Bob- for the Peru State College cam- Betty Taenzler, and Janice Wilos.
·One, Lose One On Road Trip
be ed is al to :i-
Away Games Done Home Games Now
Invites 58 Volleyball Tearns To Tournament
pus March 11-13, according to tournament director Phyllis Davidson, director of women's physical education. Last year 32 teams from southeastern Nebraska high schools participated in the event. Bruning High School's team won the tournament last year, defeating Burr High School, which had been the championship team for the previous four years. Murdock defeated Verdon in the consolation game last year in two over-
HEU ER'S HYKLAS GROCERY Groceries Fruits M. G. Heuer, Owner
Meats Frozen Foods Phone 2141
:• 1~
Campus School Commentary By Mary Anna Gnade
···~>4119-<l~l.-.~~(~~J~)....0..0._,ll~l~)....O....!!. . . .ll~O~I+•+
Best defensive play on the bas- high school, is at number 3181; . ketball court you ever saw is Eddy, elementary, is 3187. Cam, Bill Simpson's private weapon. pus school office (Mrs. Manring (Bill is one of the smaller junior and Dr. Holy) is still 3671. High School chorus is sounding high school players, and one of the liveliest.) It works like this: so good these days, they are conrun pell mell down court, stop templating performance dates. stock still before player with Need some music? Contact Mr. ball, SCREAM ·at top of lungs. Van Pelt or Mr. Manring. This is guaranteed to paralyze the opposition, the officials, the SAFE DRIVING audience. Whether it gains any points is immaterial but it is abThe High School Student Counsolutely hilarious from the spec- cil, along with others in the state, is undertaking a project on safe tator's point of view. driving. A film "Split Second" Romance was shown to the high school and Show sponsored by the Veter- the eighth grade during the noon an's Organization met with en- hour. Other safety projects are thusiastic response from the being planned to be carried out Campus Schoolers-even inspired at a later date. some first time dating. Varied Responses · New semester, new student teachers: Miss Wonderly has pretty little Jean Ruyle, who also picks up her mail at noon, a nice gesture. When student teachers get to high school, the response from the pupils is different. With fiendish glee 10th grader Rae Ann says, "You mean we are going to have Shorty for a student teacher in English?" Poetic Description This last week inspired first grader Jimmy G. to describe the weather "It's shivering outside!' Language a Reward High school principal Van Pelt is now offering a foreign language more or less (depends on how you look at it) as a reward for a B grade average or better. The first class met Monday, January 28, with an enrollment of approximately 10 smarties. Little sister Jeannie exclaimed "0 great! Now Rae Ann can read what my French newspaper print dress says." Hillbilly Talk and Play From hints left casually (?) around, I gather that the eighth grade is still in process of preparing two hillbilly plays for the public sometime in March. Unknowingly I reprimanded Bob for the way he was saying his words and was scorched with "that's the way I talk in the plays and I've got to practice." (Will he ever lose it? Worries me.) New Phones Campus school principals, high school and elementary, now have separate phones from the regular Campils School office: Van Pelt,
Kittens Def eat Rockport 45-43
Humboldt Drops Bobkittens 60-43 On Friday evening, January 25th, a Humboldt basketball aggregation defeated the Peru Prep Bobittens 60-43. In the South-Eastern Conference encounter, Humboldt Cardinal's Bob Albright and Jim Glather, headed the Cardinal invasion with 17 and 16 points, respectively.
Special Stocking Offer
Here's a rare opportunity to get a real long-lasting supply of fine nylon hosiery for far less than you ever imagined! A regular $1.25 value for only $1.QQ-plus a spare. When you buy this package of two pairs and two spares, you are actually getting three pairs of fine nylon hose. Take advantage of this offer NOW. Clip and mail the coupon below for fast delivery. C.O.D. ORDERS ACCEPTED. 1u111111111111111111111111111111111u1111~11111111111111111111111111~1111111111uuu11u1111u111111111111111111111111111111111111
DENISE HOSIERY .:. BOX 227, READING, PA. Please send me two pairs and two spares of Denise Hosiery. For this I am enclosing $2.00. Name _______________________________ _ Address______________________________ City__________________ state __________ .
Size Length Business Sheer
Home Ee Meeting The Home Economics Club met Monday, January 28, at 7:00 in the Home Economics room of the Campus School. A short business meeting was held. Miss Lones, the sponsor, then demonstrated different techniques of decorating cakes. Square cakes and coffee were served. Each girl decorated her own cake and Sondra Kirkendahl's was chosen as the best.
P.SlC. Enrolls
Wednesday, January 23 Rockport High played the Peru Bobkittens, at the P.S.T.C. gym. Rockport lost the ball game by a close score of 45 to 43. At the end of the first quarter, the Bolikittens led 11 to 8. At the half, Rockport pulled ahead to make the score 24 to 17. Rockport led the Bobkittens at the end of the third quarter 30 to 28. At the end of the regular game the scoreboard was 39 "all." In the over-time, the Bobkittens scored six points, and Rockport scored four points. In the last ten seconds of the game, the "kittens" trailed two points, but Ron Brock made two free throws to win the game· for the Bobkittens. Marshall Adams and Jerry Henning were the high point men of the game. Adams made a total of fifteen points, and Henning made fourteen points. The starters for the game were: Jerry Pattersen, Jim Bolken, Jerry Hennings, Rex Rain, ,Marshall Adams, and Ron Brock.
When th~· smoke dearea ffom first half action, Peru Prep found th ems elves trailing 22-33. The Bobkittens never recovered this Cardinal lead, scoring 8 points throughout the entire third quarter to their opposition's 12. Jerry Patterson with 12 points and Ron Brock with 10 were the scoring leaders for the Bobkittens. An unorthodox fact showed Peru Prep hitting 69% of their shots; while, the wi.nn_ing Cardinals hit an average of only 53%.
Dress Sheer D Beige D Taupe
DENISE HOSIERY .:. Box 227. Reading, Pa.
New Jersey Girl Monday night, January 14, a welcoming party left Peru to go to Auburn to welcome a new student who started school here this semester. This new student is Marie Antalek from Newark, New Jersey. Miss Antalek was born in Coonwell, a small town on the Hudson .River in up-state New York. Aft-· er leaving Coonwell, Marie finished her schooling in New Jersey, where she was graduated f~bm Central High School in Nfiwark, New Jersey, in 1956. According to Miss Antalek, she received many books and posters from many schools but picked Peru College because of the many advantages over other schools. Miss Antalek is nineteen years old and comes from a family of four girls and two boys. Marie says, "Peru surely is small compared with some of the large cities that I have lived in." Marie Antalek says she thinks she will like Peru very much. Being interested in all sports and especially in athletics for women, Marie will be majoring in physical education and minoring . in science and health. Let's be 'friendly to this new student who is a long way from home and make her really believe that she made no mi$take picking P.S.T.C. for her school.
tiOns· are in order-, and i made a few myself; they were suggested by various faculty members. I did make one resolution: I promise not to spend much money this year. That's rather like telling Mother Hubbard to keep her cupboard clean. The thought for this month: It is better to give than receiveespecially report cards.
Dentist Phone Office 2391 Phone
Res. 3461
White Angel Pledges The White Angel organization met Monday, January 28, in the recreation room of Eliza Morgan Hall to pledge new members. The pledges 'are: Joan White, Joan Bohl, Beverly McGeorge, Mary Riley, Barbara Chambers, Shareen Johnson, Sarah Witty, Mary Jo Reihart, Doris Nichols, Joan Schneider, Donna Schuster, Merrily Dahmke, Romona Ogle, Rosemary Rottman, and Pat Shehan. Pledges will attend their first meeting Monday, Febr. 4.
Vets Show 'April in Paris' Wednesday evening, Jan. 23, the Peru Veterans organization showed the movie "April In Paris," in the college auditorium. If student attendance warrants, the vets will show pictures monthly at thirty-five cents admission fee.
ior. Transfer from Fairbury Junior College. Osterholm, Lynn, Glenwood, Iowa, freshman. Transfer from Iowa State College at Ames. McNight, Jackie, Peru, freshman. Parde, Raymond, Crab chard, freshman. Transfer Colorado A. and M. Peve, Bob, Hopkins, Mo., fresh· man. Transfer from Tarkio College. Pope, William, sophomore, Creighton, Nebr. A former student of Peru. Scoggin, Dean, Beatrice, junior. Troy, Lynn, Nebraska City, freshman. Ulmer, Ray, Peckering, freshman. }"' Wilton, Dorothe~ City, freshman.
Add 54 to Rnlls
Peru has fifty-four new students this semester. Since the last issue of this paper, 15 more new students have enrolled here at Peru. We wish to extend to them a sincere and cordial welcome. They are as follows: Dearle, Henry, Te c um s eh, freshman. Farrell, Larry, Council Bluffs, Iowa, freshman. Gorton, Jay, Tecumseh, freshman. Transfer from Colorado A. and M. Hanaley, Ray, Nebraska City, senior. Transfer from Colorado A. and M. Kunacek, Steve, Omaha, jun-
of Standard Brands" Phone 183 • Auburn
STEWART'S Standard Service 917 J Street AUBURN, NEBRASKA
Ingersoll Barber Shop We Will Try Even Harder To Be YOUR Barber Auburn Nebr.
Phil-osophies Of Fahrlander Our salute this month goes to the worn and weary members of the I.C.F.T.F.'s Clan. I.C.F.T.F., in case you didn't know, stands for I Crammed For the Finals. This is an organization of collegiate cadavers that come to life just before exams, and return to this stupefied state immediately thereafter. Anyone wishing to become a member must ·attend the next meeting, to be held one week before quarter exams. Bring your own coffee pot. Actually, college is great, even considering tests. My Uncle Fenwick Sturdley used to say that college puts a person in the upper class. I don't know why he said that because it never put him beyond the freshman class. I see by the scandal sheets that the Beef State is low on greenbacks for the wisdom-vending institutions. The outcome of this situation will probably be an increase in tuition. Maybe it isn't possible to get blood from a turnip, but it looks as if someone is going to try. This being a new year, resolu-
School Supplies
Priced Right for the Student
PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS Any Garment Remodeled, Restyled, Repaired Always First in Quality and Workmanship Fur Coats Repaired We call for and deliver Phone 2671. Peru, Nebr.
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks . . .
Peru Pedagogian FEBRUARY 18, 1957
Peru State Is Growing
Ninety Years Of Peru State
Enrollment Up 6%
By David Longfellow
Full-time on-campus enrollment f6r the second semester of the 1956-57 school year at Peru State Teat:hers College is six per cent greater than a year ago but eleven per c:ent less than during the first setnester, according to Dr. Neal S. Gomon, president Of the college. Prest'!nt enrollment of full· titne students is 450 compared with 4Z2 a year a:go and 516 durMartha Washington's fruit cake ing the first st'!mester. The greatrecipe ~hich includes, among est turnover is in the freshman other things, five pounds of flour, and sophomore classes. '!'here Peru, Nebraska four pounds of sugar and 40 eggs, were 144 first· year students a September 27, 1874 will be used by members of the year ago, 210 during the first se• Dear Friend Sarah: Home Economics Club at Peru mester, 1956-57, and 18$ currentI was so glad to get your kind State College this week. The cake ly enrolled. note, it just came at the right A year ago there wete 111 in will be served at the organizatime, too. I was just as homesic~ the sophomore class, 125 -duting tion's annual Martha Washington as I could be-but to get a letter the first semester and 95 now enSilver Tea, Thursday, Febr. 21. made me feel better and as Copied from the originai recipe rolled. ~year ago there were 97 though I was not forgotten by my on display at Mount Vernon, Vir- juniors, .lj6 se)<iors and four post· friends. This is the first item I ginia, in 1939, the cake has been graduate stutt'e:rits. During the want to tell you. Peru is an awserved annually since that time first semester of this year thl!te ful little town and has no conat a silver tea. The recipe was se- were 91 juniors, 87 seniorS and veniences and everything in cured by a group of Peru State three pps~ra:duates. Present ett· town appears second rate. Even students who had accompanied rollrne~4 juniors, 83 seniors the beefsteak is of that class. Miss Edna Weare of the home and t,,;~ost-graduates. Enough of this complaining Overall enrollment in the col• economics departtnent to the East and something in favor of the lege is 1,067 compared with 918 ' for a national convocation of school-it is first rate, "splendid," Janice Wiles and Jack Ludwig are Peru's 1957 Valentine Royalty. Kappa Omicron Phi, national a year ago and 998 the first seand just real good. I have only mester of this year. During the home economics fraternity. three studies and that is as much second semester 1955-56 there The general public is invited as I can manage, the lessons are were 422 full-time students of to the tea, which will be served so long, and not being used to Miss Janice Wiles, daughter of Mr. Jack Ludwig, son of Mr. from 3 to 5 p.m. Extra cakes may whom 77 were veterans; five spe· have to study so hard, it is alMr. and Mrs. Chester Wiles, and Mrs, Harold C. Ludwig, be purchased at the tea, Miss cial students, 83 enrolled in cor• most out of the question to have Plattsmouth, Nebr., was crowne<i Bellevue, Nebraska; was crowned Weare said. respondence courses, 93 in off• perfect ones. Valentine Queen, by the King of" Valentine King, Monday, Februcampus study center classes, 52 Philosophy is so nice. We have Hearts, Jack Ludwig, Monday,\ ary 11th, at the Valentine formal. in on-campus evening classes and had experiments every day for February 11th, at the Valentine Jack is president of the Blue 261 in the campus school. the last week. That, "you know," formal. Devils, vice president of the senDuring the first semester; 1956makes it so much more compreA busy freshman, Janice di- ior class, a member of the "P" 57 there were 516 full-time stuhensible to us, and still more, the vides her extra time among Club, and was .elected to Who's The Peru State College debate dents of whom 95 were vetera:ns, professor is so good looking and cheer leading, choir work, band, Who. team spent a very successful three special students, 106 enquite young. I will describe him Pyramid Club, and Commercial Jack wants to thank everyone week-end at the Rocky Mountain rolled in correspondence study, -he is six feet in his boots, fair Club. for the honor that was bestowed Forensic Meet in Denver, Colo. 60 in, off-campus study centers, complexion as a girl and oh! such Her ambition is to visit Europe, upon him, He said, "It was a new Bob Moore placed fourth in 63 in on-campus evening classes eyes, violet eyes so large and and she hopes to teach in the experience, Janice was a beautiand 250 in the campus sch()()!. discussion. full, black hair, and he has such business field. Her favorite hob- ful queen, and my only regret is Presently there are 450 fullThe debates were held Febr. 8 a little mouth, just like Eddie by is dancing, especially tap. that they couldn't retake the and 9. Roger Haigh and Bob time students of o/hom 94 are Kirk's. He is not going to stay Janice's reaction to the royal crowning scene." Moore defeated Colorado College, veterans, three special students, very long, only till the principal announcement was: "It was the The King's attendants were: University of Colorado, Montana 113 in correspondence courses, 91 comes, then he's going away, and most wonderful surprise .and Hoot Gibson, Ron Witt, Marv State, University of Utah, and the in off-carnpus study centers, 16(} Prof. Wilson will be our teacher honor that I have ever had. I Air Force Academy of Denver, in on-campus evening classes and Wuster, and Jim Ackerman. in Philosophy. thought the girls made an exColorado. They were defeated by 251 in the campus school. Prof. Wilson is one of the best cellent choice in choosing Jack Seventy-two students, mostly the Idaho State team, who won men I ever knew, that is, he says as their king." fr e s h m e n and sophomores, the forensic meet. the most good things, more t~an The Queen's attendants were: Bill Albright and Rex Filmer dropped out at the end of the . any other man I ever knew. He Ruth Linscheid, Sarah Witty, defeated the Air Force Academy, first semester. Ten were graduis only (27) and so kind and good, Yvonne Funkhouser, and Lorand Brigham Young University, ated from the fout-yeat Or twohis language is so strong and raine Johnson. When one thinks of a marching Colorado University, Colorado year programs, three were susforcible, expressive of great band, it is usually in connection State College of Education, Ari- pended for scholastic deficiency, strength of character. Sarah, if with a parade or football game. zona State, and Denver Univer- eight transferred to other colyou had heard him this afterThis is not the case with the sity defeated them. leges and universities, the renoon tell us of the Bible, you Treynor (Iowa) Marching Band, The debaters placed second in mainder failed to return for a would think of him just as I do. which appeared at half-time at total team points at the meet. variety of reasons but mostly beHe is a working christian telling cause of lack of financial ability An especially nasty freezing the Peru Sfate-Wayne basketball us every day some new beauty drizzle, resulting in hazardous game, Friday, February 15. to meet the costs of tuition, in God's great goodness. His driving conditions, cut attendThe 47-member band, under books, board and room. talks are better to me than the ance from 215 to 114, but the the direction of John Monea, beForty-nine full-time students After the Peru-Doane basketsermons from regular ordained annual Schoolmen's Day was en- gan performing on basketball were added to the rolls at the be· ball game, Saturday, February 2, ministers. joyed by those who were able to courts during the 1954-55 season. ginning of the second semester. The popularity of their march- a dance was held at Delzell Hall. Thirteen are transfers from othet The other teachers are not so get here. Records were furnished by good. The Mathematics teacher At four, school officials, faculty ing demonstrations has brought Beverly Schumaker and Bill Lar- colleges and universities, 15 ate former students, the remaindet is just as good looking as the rest, and alumni met in the lounge of the school a great deal of recog- son. entering college for the first but the reason I think so is he re- Delzell Hall for an informal cof- nition. Mrs. Balkema prepared some time. Last year the group appeared sembles one of my admirers in fee and talk on items of mutual at half-time at an ·Iowa State of her delicious cookies and town, Nickelson is his name. He interest. fudge. is just as pleasant as can be. I At six, the guests and Peru's game, and again this year preMrs. Balkema felt that this was sented their. drill at Ames before know you don't want to hear of male faculty had a "T" bone Pep Rally Held the others, so I won't tell you steak dinner in the cafeteria. At 8, 700 spectators at the Iowa one of the most successful dances that Delzell Hall has given this The pep rally held Friday aft. about them, but will say some- the conclusion of the excellent State-Oklahoma game, Their enyear. ernoon, February 1, did much to thusiastic reception has brought thing concerning our housekeep- meal, Dr, Gomon introduced Don stimulate enthusiasm for tht! ing. First what we did Saturday, Carlile of special services and a third invitation for next year at basketball games Friday and Sat• we prepared ,breakast, then I Lee Lowenberg of professional the Cyclone school. Sigma Tau Delta !}as Meeting urday. The marchers, which include made light bread. Eliza washed services, men whose services the Several yells were lead by the the dishes, Miss Hopps cleaned visitors were likely to need. Dr. 36 instrumentalists, nine majorSigma Tau Delta held its cheer leaders and the .cb a n d ettes and two flag bearers, perthe cupboard. Second I spilled a Gomon ended the dinner by anmonthly meeting February 14 at teacup of grease on the floor, put nouncing that he was not going formed last year at the finals of 8:00 p.m. in Science Hall 301. played two marches. A new song was introduced by concentrated lye on it and it did to make a speech and that he was the Iowa Girls' Basketball Tour- The meeting was called to order not take it out. I scrubbed the not going to let anyone else make nament at Des Moines before an by President Dick Corwine. Pic- the cheer leaders and pep band. floor, and there is the spot yet. a speech, this bringing hearty ap- audience of 20,000. tures for the Peruvian were ta- It is sung to "Saints" with at>· Third I made a cake, Miss Hopps plause from the crowd. The band's appearance at Peru ken and some new business was propriate words. Coach Mcintire gave a short made pies, Liza ironed, and we The day ended with the vis- State was their second, having discussed. Lois Bush and Sharon all got supper and ate one loaf itors seeing the Bobcats defeat performed here during the bas- Beck served the refreshments of pep talk and urged the group to (Continued on page two) brownies, mints and cocoa. show more team spii:it. ketball season last year. Midland.
Peru State Normal was not the most lively place in the early days, especially in 1874. Time not spent in study or housekeeping had to be whiled away in walks along the river or among the heavily wooded hills of Peru. One of the methods of "killing time" was a letter home ...
Martha Washington Silver Tea To Be Held
Janice Wiles
Jack Ludwig
Debaters Triumph At Denver Meet
Marching Band From Iowa Presents Half Time Show
Schoolmen's Day Weather Victim
Delzell Dance
There;s a regular snack bar in must be changed, two formals Room 322. I happened to be pass- cannot walk down the hall at ing by there the other day and the same time without many By Bill Kochheim What does .L.B. 409 mean to looked inside the room. This is compliments being exchanged to you as a student of Peru State what greeted my eyes: an electric bolster the ego, and at the last: minute someone runs a pair of College? ~t might mean your ab- corn popper, an electric skillet, a hose a'nd must needs find a new hot plate, about a tlozen bananas, sence from school next year. It pair posthaste. coul!l: me~r1 ,a severe teacher and several oranges. Looks as if those boys are about ready to set And after the dance, why does shortage in future years. it take three hours to get ready _ Why? Well, Terry Carpenter's up a grocery store. for bed? Who wants to sleep aftbill (L.B. 409) proposes a tuition er a night like that? Who can charge of twice what we are paysleep? ing this year, a · charge which itweutd; make. 'it impossible for "Eliza's Morgue" really earned ~~ihG'tfiof ~sto return to school its sarcasm last week-end. Only ne\t~year. "··· , eighteen girls managed to stick Our college is ninety years old. ·the week-end out. There was the By Lois Bush :::; Itwasf'ounded ii.}. 1867 as. a free silence of death about the place; '"jiu~I1c '1 fo~iitU:tion for teacher only the eerie echoing of foot:11\rlifoing>Peru' State's purpose reAnother deadline rears its ugly steps in the halls shattered the ''\lnaiH~ the s~!tie, and in a time of atmosphere. Brother, was it head. Guess it's about time to ( '; teather' shortages it hardly seems out what's new around Eliza dead! ,<1dgicaf t~ :raise tuition so high find And hey, gang! The lobby is except the habitual ' 't~at many prospective teachers Morgan moaning about studying and 7:50 getting a new coat of paint! The ~':woiM be financially unable to go dorm will be all fresh and shiny classes. : tci school. Engagements are cropping up when the next column rolls " ' .~The proposed tuition hike fast and furious. So fast and furi- around. (Wasn't that a sneaky .... \Vou).draise your bill to four dol- ously, in fact, that Shrub goofed way of ending this thing?) 11\l's. more than that charged by again and neglected to mention ,,. the majority of parochial colleg- in the last column that Karen ': ·~~. Does such a rate sound logical Kehr is wearing a diamond. Her Nine:ty Years to you in ·a free public education- fiance is Larry Tanner from NeOf Peru S:ta:te .al institution? maha. Another starry-eyed gal is (Continued from page one) ,., We hope that L.B. 409 will be Donna Orton. Her diamond is !l,efeated because it would hurt from Loren Miller of Tarkio, Mo. of bread. Fourth washed the News about an ex-resident: dishes and went walking to the : ,.our· school and us as individuals. ·',', We hope that all of us will use Betsy Hartman is now teaching river, came home and studied , , our .influence· against this bill in Edgar, Nebraska. our lessons. I think I am ready Signing petitions was going to go to keeping house. If you . which would be damaging to our " 'welfare in the future. We sin- strong around the dorm recently. know of anyone wanting a housecerely believe the bill is contrary Everything from protests about a keeper just send them to me. to the traditional American con- proposed tuition hike to protests Save an apple for me, but I like against Bob Moore's fuzzy hat peaches better. I am sleepy, so .ception of democratic education. (which incidentally, his fiancee, I will quit. Please write soon and Maxine Lawritson, signed with a I will try to do the same. Reflourish!). spects to Charley and love to you. Sue Alberson had a birthday Lou* recently. She appreciated the /*Louise W. Mears, Hills of fact until she was awakedawoke-awoken-w e 11, anyway, Pe~u, Copyright 1948; Union ColBy Ron McKinney the gang burst in in the mid_dle lege Press. of the night and cheered her ·to the tune of "Happy Birthday to .You girls reading this column Yoooooo!" Who said the pinochle parties had better prepare yourselves The Fortnightly Turtle Trot for a shock. The men in Delzell were dying out? Every noon they was held Monday, February 4, in are going stronger than everHall. are taking time out of their busy schedules to learn how to and this time !ts double pinochle Room 114, Delzell Hall. During dahce. The art of dancing is that's the rage. Loads of fun, but the time trials, the world record 'mostly concentrated on the sec- loads of cards to hold in one of 6.5 seconds for the 32-centimete.r course was established . . o!ld floor of the dorm. It seems grubby little hand, too. Isn't it strange how the "No 'that Jon Applegate, from BeaIn the preliminary races Dave triCe; Nebraska (a sophomore Smoking" sign in the lobby Clites' "Myron" took two, while transfer from the University of found its way to the door of Mt. Phil Fahrlander, running "Lord Nebraska) was dancing at the Vernon Hali? Gremlins again. Chesterfield" took the third. The The washer and drier at the Great Turtle Handicap was won Bob Inn one night last week, and the guys liked his style so well dorm were in their usual state of by Phil Neuhalfen's "Bombino." that they asked him for dance in- disrepair one week-end, so sevThe Byron Smedley Open was ·struct'ions. Of course, John Sacks eral clean-minded residents took taken by "Myron," while the and Pat Martin, being the clowns their washing to the basement of John Smurd Derby and the MelMt. Vernon. Oh, the spirit of ad·of the second floor, did their best Haney Royale went to to prevent the fellows from venture involved in doings one's vin "Grace" of the Bob Chard stables washing in the men's dorm! learning how to dance. Why does it take one girl three (Dave Longfellow handling) . .. For. an of those fellows who The Free Style Run-offs were like. to wrestle, there's a man on hours to get ready for a formal the .third floor ... you can try dance? Extensive investigation divided between Lord Chester· · 'ybut holds 011 him. His name is was made the night of Febr. 11 field, Myron, and Bombino. bave McKinley (nicknamed Bon- before the Sweetheart dance. nie), who is a transfer from Oma- Reasons found were these: hooks ha University. Dave has had a refuse to hook, nail polish chips, little bit of experience. As a mat- shoes get lost in the debris, Inadvertently, the name . · · ter of fact, he was the wrestling friends drop in for a chat, Windof Lois Rowe was omitted ~hamp of IOwa for two years . . . sor nail polish just doesn't look from the list of honor sturight with a lavender formal and be careful rrien. r.:' .. dents in the last issue.
Shrub Snoops
It's a puzzle~ent: .
When you're old enough to go to cole, you're old enough to go out with girls. When
you're old enough to go out with girls, who needs college? Oh well, there's always Coke.
Ron's Briefs
Turtles Gallop
PERU PEDAGOGIAN The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks Member Intercollegiate Press February 18, 1957 THE STAFF 'David Longfellow ___________________________________ Editor Bill Kochheim _____________________________ Assistant Editor
~·. ...,.·
· ·. ; ECf Wiliiamson---~--~------·--------------Business
,··Ruth Linscheid ____________________________ Activities Editor .. . . . Yvonne Funkhouser _____________________ Activities Reporter . ··Jerry' Collier _______________________________ Sports Reporter Hal Norris _________________________________ Sports Reporter Ron McKinney ______________________ Campus School Editor Sharon Reagan ____________________ Language Arts Reporter Lois Bush _______________________________________ Columnist Jean Thimgen __________________________ Fine Arts .Reporter Margaret Robinson ________________________________:Reporter Donna Gaer _______________________Alumni and Mailing List Bob Moore _____________________________________ Contributor Stewart Linscheid __________________________________ Sponsor
Vets Present Movies The Peru State Veterans Organization will show "The Caine Mutiny," February 20, starring Humphrey Bogart and Henry Fonda. A free movie, "Three for the Show," with Betty Grable, Marge and Gower Champion, Jack Lemon and Myron McCormick will be shown March 6th. March 20, "Hell Below Zero," will be presented, featuring Alan Ladd, Joan Titze!, Basil Sydney, and Stanley Baker. The movies will be shown in the college Auditorium at 8:00 p.m. Three cartoons will accompany each movie. Admission is thirty-five cents for college students or adults and twenty-five cents for high school students,
SIGN OF GOOD TASTE Bottled Under Authority of The Coca-Cola Company By NEBRASKA CITY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO.
"Mr. Withers Stops the Clock,'' Sterling Movies. The airport today is a foundation on which a community's economic prospects are built. The stability and growth of an area's industry and commerce are linked to the adequacy of its air transportation. The airport has become the key to progress and opportunity.
"N e b r as k a's Fourth N.S.E.A. "Map of An Empire," Mode Sound, 20 minutes, color. Flyin tour of the beautiful and dyna ic Gulf South. Shows tile citi and farms, the mines and well the beef and other resources, a the people of a great new indu trial frontier. "Meeting the Needs of Adole cents," State Health Dept. "Learning to Understand Chi dren," pt. I & II Staie Heal Dept. February 27"School Board In N.S.E.A. "Magic Lens," "Keys Future," Sterling Movies "Help Wanted," State Healt_ Dept. February 28"The New Paul Bunyan," Mo ern Sound. 29 minutes color. Th story of scientific growth an harvesting of forests-from tre nurseries to selective cutting an final processing and use.
Sun-Mon-Tue-Wed., Feb. 24-5-6-
Wininger Attends Psychology Meet Dr. Darrell Wininger attended a Child Growth and Development conference. The conference was held at Minneapolis, Minnesota on February 4, 5, and 6. There was a 10 state representation.
February Films February 20"Handwritten Word," "Engagement Party," "Big Trains Rolling." Sterling Movies.
1:tmif4'¥l'·'~' C0»W''"9
A1$0 CMIM<>ng
PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS Any Garment Remodeled, Restyled, Repaired Always Firsi in Qualify and Workmanship Fur Coats Repaired We call for and deliver Phone 2671, Peru, Nebr.
Peru Grads Invited
Frank Davis is one of the BobRobert Kramer is one of the very few boys who will graduate cat senior guards who hails from with four basketball letters. Bob Leona, Kansas. He is working for his second was top scorer from last year's returning lettermen. He has varsity letter at Peru State after shown tremendous drive and en- completing two successful seathusiasm in his four years at sons at Highland Junior College. Peru. The boy from Syracuse will Frankie, who is twenty-two years be long remembered at Peru. old, broke into Peru's starting After graduation, Bob's inten- line-up a few times last year. tions are to get his service duties This year he has had the starting over, then to exercise his ability assignment in many games. in teaching. He is majoring in Frank's shooting ability will be physical education and industrial missed in the future. After graduation Frank looks forward to arts. spend time in the service, then to teach in physical education and social sciences.
Robert Norton was a starter in several of last year's games, in which he completed the best record from the charity line. Bob comes from Falls City, where he lettered three years in basketball. Bob is one of the basketball players who is also a leader about the campus. He is president of the Student Senate. Bob's plans for the future are indefinite.
One Victory One Defeat At Chadron
Bobcats Whip Tigers 84-74
Jack Mcintire's Peru State College Bobcats, back from the westward week-end trek to Chadron State where they won one and lost one on the Eagle maples, this week-end will be at home to first and second place N.C.C. teams. The week-end doubleheader against the Chadron State Eagles yielded a 71-59 victory and a 6472 defeat. The Friday night fray saw the Eagles take an early lead and keeping it with 13:22 remaining in the first half. Falls City's Doug Gibson, with 14 points, lead the Bobcats the first night. Saturday's game was quite a different story. The half-time score read 31-23 with the Bobcats in front. Bruce Smith of Coin, Iowa, was top scorer with 22 points. STATISTICS: (Friday night) PERU fg ft Witt, R. ________ 2-3 Gibson, D. _____ 4 6-8 Kramer, B. ____ 0-0 Francis, C. _____ 1 4-4 Smith, B. ______ 5 7-9 Duey, A. _______ 1 1-6 Davis, F. _______ 0 1-3 Gray,. G. ______ 5 1-1 Norton, B. _____ 3 0-0 Totals ------- 21 (Saturday night) Witt ----------- 7 4 1 7 3 3
3 14 1 2
3 17
3 1
3 11 0 6
22-34 16 64
4-4 2-2 0-1 8-13 3-5 4-6
Totals ------- 25 21-31 fg
3 0-0
5 2 0 2 3 4
18 10 2 22 9 10
16 71 f pts
8 12-13 3 28
2 4-4 . 1 Morris, C. ____ _ 0 0-0 Hampton ------ 5 6-6 Wrage --------- 2 1-2 Hyland -------- 3 0-1 ;Brenneman ___ _ 1 0-0 ursley -------- 0 1-2
1 0 3 16
Totals _______ 24 24-28 17 72
2 1-2 6 3 5 enneman ___ _ 0 twig ______ _ 1 0 land sley _______ _ 1
4-6 9-10 2-2 2-2 1-2
'2-2 2-2
5 16 5 15 3 12 3 2
3 1
2 4
19 59
25 24-35 25 74
City, Jug Brown; Nemaha, C. F. Ettleman; Otoe, Robert Ihrig; Palmyra, E. H. Bettenhausen. " Peru Prep, Virgil DeZarte; Pawnee City, Fred Winter; Plattsmouth, John Adkins; Plymouth, Don Bornschlegl*; Ralston, Oliver Mayfield•; Papillion, Roland Beran•; Salem, Richard Cotton•; Shickley, Alvin Lowe•; Shubert, Bill Witty•; Sprague via Martel, Floyd Mann; Stella, Ken Urwin•; Sterling, Cecil L. Walker; Syracuse, .B,on Wagner•. Talmage, Robert Whited•; Tecumseh, Merle Bauer•; Table Rock, Sharon Ocker•; Tekamah, Darrel Mudra•; Valley, George Pinckney; Verdon, John Penney; Wymore, James Mather•; Sidney, Iowa, .Thomas Wilkie; Hamburg, Iowa, Norris Hale*; Farragut, Iowa, Dale Hackett; Essex, Iowa, Lloyd Emmons; Red Oak, Iowa, Russ Benda. Glenwood, Iowa, Wendel Holmes*; Clarinda, Iowa, Dick
Briefs in Spo1·ts By Hal Norris From the physical education archives, Coach Jerome Stemper reports more men are needed for track. This could be a golden opportunity to earn that "P" letter from Peru State College. So, all you potential trackmen get out and answer the call. Stemper (under pressure) went on to relate that his strong events this season should be in the hurdles and weights. The girls participate in volleyball while, golf and track are getting organized. Yes, sports activities at the campus of a thousand oaks are diversified. Yet, some individualists remain in the same old routine. During his leisure time at the Bob Inn, Marv Wuster still plays tit-tat-toe; the populace at Delzell Hall still enjoy pushing cars on Friday afternoons; while, Russel and Cliff relate they still get a buzz from that night glide into Peru. By the way, we hate to admit the fact, but the Campus Outlaws are still on top in the intramural circuit.
The Blue and White jumped off to seven point lead before the Warriors scored. From then on, there was an exchange of baskets. At half time the score stood 4239 in favor of Peru. Right after the half, Midland In desperation, the T i g er s took the lead 43-42, but not for threw on a full court press in the closing minutes, but Peru played long. Peru came back, .and on the way they spread their lead to 13 fairly heads up ball to last out points. The Warriors never again the game. , threatened the Peruvian's lead. Ron Witt showed great power Coach Mcintire cleaned the on the floor and taking in 15 re- bench in the final minutes of the bounds to lead in rebound de- game. partment. Peru showed faifly fg ft f pts well at charity line with 72 per PERU cent and 47 per cent shooting Gray ---------- 5 2-3 1 12 1 0 Miller --------- 0 0 from the field. Witt ----------- 7 4-8 2 18 PERU fg ft f pts Kramer -------- 1 2-4 2 4 0 0 Witt ----------- 5 4-4 4 14 Ehlers --------- 0 0 Kramer -------0-1 0 2 Smith --------- 4 3-6 4 11 Gibson -------- 2 7-9 2 11 Duey ---------- 1 5-9 2 7 Smith --------- 6 4-5 5 16 Davis ---------- 5 2:3 0 12 0 0 0 0 Duey ---------- 3 0-2 2 6 Norton 4 4-7 5 12 31 Gibson Davis ---------- 9 13-14 2 0-1 1 0 Francis Norton -------- 0 0 3 2 Miller --------- 1 0 28 22-41 18 78 28 28-39 19 84 f pts MIDLAND fg ft DOANE f pts Witcler -------- 5 5-9 5 15 fg ft Vyhnalek 10 10-12 5 29 Casper --------- 0 0-1 4 o o 4 Maschmann __ _ 0 0 2 0 Trayer 2 0 5 10 Koolen -------- 7 2-2 4 16 Lastovica ------ 5 0 Parsons -------- 6 1-3 4 13 Danner -------- 3 1-5 4 7 1 o Brown --------- 2 1-2 0 5 Jorgenson _____ 0 0 0 o Gray ---------- 0 3-4 2 3 Sand __________ 0 0 Wulfekoeffer __ _ 2 7-8 4 11 Korris --------- 3 2-3 5 8 Bruning ______ _ 0 0 7 0 0 Eichman _______ 3 1-1 0 3-5 1 3 2 Horst ---------Hilbers -------- 1 0 Fredrich ------- 0 0-1 2 0 Kahnk --------- 0 2-2 1 2 0 0 Benne _________ 0 0-1 0 0 Hole ---------- 0 0
cooled off as Doane came within eight points of Peru. The eight points difference was the limit for the Tigers because their big boys soon fouled out. Peru made good use of the charity line.
Peru Defeats Midland 78-61
Frank Davis lead the Bobcats to win over the Tigers 84-74 in the Peru gymnasium, February 1. The Leona, Kansas senior scored The Mcintiremen had a very 31 points as Peru scored her third successful week-end in basketwin in the NCC. ball, the Bobcats winding up SatPlaying a brilliant floor game, ,: urday evening with a 78-61 vicPeru made up for the lack of .,~ory over Midla~d after defeatheight for controling the back- ··mg Doane the m.ght before. This boards, and turned Doane\ mis- makes Peru 4-4 m the NCC. cues into baskets. Lastovica and The Bobcats didn't seem to Vynalek were the ones who kept play a heads up ball game, but· Doane in the game with their their shooting percentage seemed shooting and rebounding ability. to be improved. They shot 393 to Midland's 333. After a fairly even exchange There weren't exactly any of buckets in the first quarter, Peru pulled away to a 38-26 lead standouts but game captain Ron at the half. With seven minutes Witt took scoring honors with 18 gone in the third quarter, the points. Ron's team mates, Gibson, Blue and White parlaid a hot Gray, and Davis came close bestreak into a 56-40 lead and then hind in scoring and rebounding.
f pts
School boards and superintendents in search of young men to carry on the coaching tasks in their high schools have long found Peru State College as a source of supply, This fact was testified in that 32 of the 53 coaches who were invited to bring their basketball teams to the Kearney State-Peru State .basketball game Saturday night were graduates of Nebraska's First College. Area coaches and teams invited: (*by Peru coaches) Adams, Gene Cantrell; Ashland, Fred Arnold; Auburn, Bob Davis•; Beatrice, Darrel Genz!inger•; Bellevue, Kenneth Taylor•; Brock, Darrell Rosenquist•; Bruning, Darryl Parson•; Cook, Ernest Meyer•; Dawson, LaVon Covault*; Dunbar, Bill Allen*; Elk Creek, Lorain Krueger•. Falls City, Bob Henderson•; Filley, Louis Hughes•; Guide Rock, William Rachow•; Honey Creek via Salem, David Miller; Humboldt, Roger Miller; Murdock, John Stilwell*; Nebraska City, Bill Vacek*; Nehawka,Dale Reckard; Sacred Heart, Falls
24 13-24 26 61
Campbell*; Stanton, Iowa, Gerald Trullenger•; Thurman, Iowa, Jay Cox, Corning, Smith*.
C h u ck
Johnson1fu1111Js Bobkittens On Tuesday, February 4th, a Johnspn ·, · . basketball power simply un Peru Prep 65-52. Terry roady, the Johnson workhorse, "stifled" Peru Prep with 33 points. Broady, coupled with his team mates rebounding spelled defeat for the Peru Prep five. The slow starting Bobkittens trailed by 13 points at the end of the first quarter. Then, Peru Prep matched scoring with Johnson throughout the game. Marshall Adams with 17 points, and Ron Brock with 16 points were the Bobkittens top scorers .. With Johnson's height advantage, Peru Prep had to shoot from outside the key; the Bobkittens did a remarkable job of hitting from out-front to keep even point-wise through the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters. Bruce Eddy of Peru Prep was a miniature spark plug and crowd pleaser as he sunk long shots and continually "battled" the Johnson height. The Peru Prep seconds took a consolation win over the Johnson B team 24-16.
Golfers to Meet Al Wheeler has announced that a golf meeting will be held Tuesday, February 19th. Coach Wheeler desires all students interested in trying out for Peru State's golf team to make an appearance at the meeting which will be held in the gymnasium, Tuesday, the 19th of this month, at 12:40 p.m.
Peru Entertains Round-ball Fans
Band to Wesleyan The Peru State band, under the direction of Robert Grindle, have made plans to attend the Wesleyan-Peru game at Lincoln, February 19. Forty members will travel to the game in private cars.
Cheer Leaders Sent To Chadron Frays
The cheer leaders journeyed to Chadron for the two basketball Besides seeing the Peru State games February 8 and 9. They Bobcats in action against top left Peru early Friday morning N.C.C. team Wayne State Friday and arrived in Chadron late that night and second place Kearney afternoon. State Saturday night, basketball The ball game began at 9:00 in fans in southeast Nebraska also the civic auditorium. A group of had an opportunity to see some Bayard high school students top-flight half-time entertain- helped support the team with chants and yells. ment. Saturday evening the game beFriday night's half-time show featured the Treynor (Iowa) gan at 8:00. The Peruvians, withMarching Band under the direc- out added support, cheered the tion of John Monea.,..The 49-mem- team on to a victory. The Student Senate helped to ber group started performing on basketball courts during the 1954- finance the trip. 55 season. They have appeared two seasons at Iowa State in The group, under the direction of Ames, the last time being before Melvin Nelson, was scheduled to 8,700 spectators at the Iowa appear February 2, but weather State-Oklahoma game. conditions postponed their show For Saturday night's intermission treat fans saw 88 twirlers from Johnson public schools.
until the Kearney game. The twirlers are from grades three through 12.
Women's physical education siudenis ai Peru Staie College admire trophies io be presented to the iop teams of the High School .Oii:Js' Invitational Volley Ball Tournament March 11-12-13 in the Peru Staie gymnasium. Fifty-eight teams have been invited to par~icipaie .in the eleventh annual event. The students (from left) are Rose Pfeifer, Spencer, junior; Marie Antalek, Newark, N. J .. freshman, and Bonnie. Rutz, Dawson, senior. Last year Bruning's spikers .won in the finals from Burr high school, which had the top tourney team for the previous four years.
Ped.agogian Staff Visits Campus Public Relations
Learn This Tune .
The Pep Band has introduced a new song to be played at basketball games. This is sung to the tune of Don Carlile and the staff of the "Saints" with the following special services department ex- words. Oh when those cats pla,ined something of the nature. Come marching in, cif their work to the Pedag'ogian Oh when those cats staff when the latter visited the Come marching in, office on February first. Oh we're going to have a vicExplanation of the operation tory, of the offset press came in for special. attention as the PedagoWhep. those cats gian staff watched the press in Come marching in. operation.
Mu Omega Ini:tia:tes Nine ,A_lpha Mu Omega held their regular meeting February 11th at 8:00 p.m., in the music hall. . Pictures were taken of all the membe~s .and officers. After ·the business meeting, the f9liowing people were initiated into the fraternity: Larry Apel, Harley Hecker, LeRoy Hughes, Keith Johnson, James Jones, Richard Kumpf, Duane Oosting, Ronald Phillips, and Claudette Stumbo. Ice cream, cake and coffee were served.
Misguided Missiles
Vassar. Girls Study 47 Hours Per Week ..... Do You? Poughkeepsie, N. Y.-(I.P.)Tentative results of the campus time survey conducted last year by Vassar College, according to a report by Dean Marian Tait, reveal that the median number of hours spent on academic work per week is 47 per student, compared with 38 hours in the 1925 survey and 42 in 1939-40. The faculty and student curriculum committees are pleased with _this indication, Dean Tait disclosed, since, strictly speaking,
by Chon Day
The Travelers Safety Service
"Exciting little chase, wasn't it?"
3 hours a week is expected for every credit point, so that an average of 45 hours might be expected for a typical 15-point program. Surveys tabulated numbered 977-representing 69% of the student body. The 1925 and 1939-40 figures were as expected by the college. Dean Tait feels that work at Vassar is perhaps harder now than in earlier years; there were no comprehensives o t· --extensive theses until approximately 1937. The average credit ratio of those ~mswering was 2.6 for sophomores _and juniors and 2.8 for seniors. Freshman women, according to the survey, spend 46 hours a week on academic work; ~opho mores and juniors, 48; and seniors, 45. The median of hours spent for each credit point is 2.9 compared with 2.4 in 1925 and 2.8 in 1939-40. Time spent in the business of living averaged 20 hours a week, with sophomores and juniors slightly exceeding this figure ... 2.76 hours, median, are given to extra-curricular activities. Relaxation, on the average, consumes 21 hours a week. Barring some material unable to be tabulated, since directions were not explicit enough to produce uniform explanation of hours spent in such categories as sleep and time away from college, all· answers will be helpful, according to Dean Tait, in Vassar's current self-examination. Answers seemed to represent a "good, s o 1i d , representative group." The faculty curriculum committee feels that there is a definited "disparity" in the number of hours spent on various courses nc~w receiving the same credit va1)1e. Vassar's point system, particularly four-point courses, should be re-examined, the committee feels. It will continue its study this fall aiming at a better "curricular-balance."
Highway Menace, Insurance Risk -Are You One? "Single, male, under-25; possesses automobile driving license," is a damning statistical bracket, for in it is the "worst menace you can encounter on street or highway ... the nation's most dangerous drivers," reports the January issue of Popular Science Monthly. Only a small percentage of the young men in this bracket can be called "problem drivers," but they swell the accident record for their classes; they cause insurance rates to climb; and they give the category, as a whole, its alarmingly black reputation. · The basis for this reputation? Popular Science (quoting the Na.tional Safety Council and Iowa State's Driving Research laboratory) says: "Only 15 percent of U. S. drivers are under 25 years old ... but this group is involved in 27 percent of fatal accidents." Driver research laboratories and safety officials are studying means of combating this problem. And they're achieving results. But the insurance companies aren't idle eith.er. At the present time, in most regions, cars owned or operated principally by a young man carry an insurance rate at least double that of the family car driven by the older folk. Even so, says Popular Science, "The National Bureau of Casualty Underwriters is campaigning to boost this to triple the older drivers' rate." But the worst condemnation of the "young problem driver" appears not in the stark statistics, but in the following statement (made to a Popular Science writer by an insurance executive):
Campbell Film and Talk Toda William Campbell, author, educator and world-traveler, will appear at Peru State Teachers College Monday, February 18, in a combination film and lecture appearance. The Budget Event is scheduled for 8:00 p.m. in the college auditorium. The feature-length documentary color film on Inda-China was photographed by Dr. Campbell in 1955 luring his most recent trip to this important area. All three states of Indo-ChinaVietnam, Cambodia, Laos-will be covered in the film-lecture. It will include: the story of the one million refugees fleeing Communist controlled· North Vietnam; private audiences with Norodom Sihanouk, young, handsome and energetic king of Cambodia; an especially arranged
presentation of the Royal Dancers of Laos, .and the story of the Buddhist Bronzes, temple life1 High Pali School, and ceremonial cremations, to mention but a few~ of the features. Dr. Campbell, whose experiences have been in both the United States and abroad, has been granted a Peabody Fellowship, and has won the Academy Award for the best radio broadcast of the year for his talk on the war in China. A gifted and experienced ora· tor, he has a pleasant voice man_. ner, combined with a thorough knowledge of his field. He speaks in person as he shows his film. This technique gives an authentic touch which is all the more· appreciated when h e answers audience questions on the spot.
"You can't refuse a man insurance just because he's single and under 25, but we'd sure like to."
when a male visitor jokingly set the clock for 2:00 a.m., Miss Lee said.
BOSTON UNIVERSITY WOMEN MANAGE THEIR OWN DORMITORY Boston, Mass. (I.P.)-An experiment in group living whereby an undergraduate women's residence at Boston University is governed without University rules was begun this year at 531 Beacon Street and is proving "highly successful," according to Dean of Women Elsbeth Melville. At informal monthly meetings, the 30 girls set the evening hours they will return to the house, discuss problems which occur in group living, and plan house activities. The result of the experiment thus far "is a sense of loyalty ... that could never be as outstanding in a larger dorm," declares Nancy J. Lee, president of "531." To provide for the safety of the "last girl in" at night, the residents have devised a plan centered around an alarm clock. Miss Lee explained the system as follows: When signing out for the evening, each girl states the time she expects to return. The second, to-last returning gir1 sets an alarm clock outside her door for 15 minutes after the "last girl" is expected. Upon. returning, the "last girl" turns off the alarm. If she doesn't return when expected the. alarm will rouse the residents. The lone incident when the alarm ·h a s sounded occurred
The group, composed of eight seniors, 16 juniors, and six sophomores, set a general hour rule of midnight d11r<ing week nights and 2 a.m. orl we~-ends, Mis.s Lee said .. There is n·o limit to the" number of "overnights" a girl may take, she added. "Group pressures an~d.. .)il,llanimous agree-· ment are t . ·main governing forces." ·' . In praising the residents' conduct, Dean Melville said, ."When you place persons on their honor, they seem to exceed what is expected of them." Residents of the "honor house" were selected last spring for their "maturity of judgment" and "sense of responsibility," Dean Melville said. The girls were· recommended by Miss June Holmes, former head of Charlesgate hall, and approved by Dea_n Melville.. Residents eat at Charlesgate but have their' own kitchenette for snacks and informal parties. Under their own rules, male visitors are allowed only in the living room and are expected to leave about midnight. The University acquired the building last year for graduate students. The "honor house" idea was proposed by Dean Melville.
Ingersoll Barber Shop We Will Try Even Harder To Be YOUR Barber Auburn Nebr.
are < Th year in th mes ti schol Neal of thi vided They Nebr. A Nebr; uates en's City eithe: majo catio1 Thi ing a en to ed b: tiona grant towa1 A arshi throu Bank for$,
by Dick Bibler
.-===-1 M
m F
SCHOLARSHIPS ... 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Eight Scholarships Made Available . Eight $120 one-year tuition scholarships to Peru State Teachers College have been made available for the 1957-58 school year, according to Mrs. Marie 0. Neal, Nebraska City, president of the Peru Achievement Foundation. The scholarships, payable in the amount of $60 for two semesters to be applied toward fees for the 1957-58 school year, carry no resident requirement. To be eligible for the grants, a student must have a superior high school academic record, possess qualities of good character, show an interest in a career in teaching or some phase of education, and have a definite need for financ\al assistance. The Peru Achievement Foundation was founded in June, 1955, by the alumni and friends of the College to provide aid to worthy students in need of financial assistance. For the 1956-57 school year seven scholarships w e r e granted by the Foundation. In addition to the eight $120 one-year tuition scholarships, five full and partial scholarships carrying resident requirements also are available. They include two $480 fouryear tuition scholarships payable in the amount of $60 for eight semesters (four full years). The scholarships, known as Fletcher Neal Scholarships, are in memory of the late Fletcher Neal and pro. vided by Mrs. Marie 0. Neal. They are open to graduates of Nebraska City high school. A third scholarship open to Nebraska City high school graduates was provided by the Women's Division of. the Nebraska City Chamber of Commerce for either men or women who will major in health and physical education for four years. The fourth scholarship carrying a resident requirement is open to Nebraska residents. Provided by the Peru local of the National Education Association, the grant pays $30 each semester toward tuition. A $120 one year tuition scholarship has been made available through the foundation by the Bank of Peru. The grant provides for $60 each semester for a grad-
Clemmy Holmes Motor Co. Authorized Ford & Mercury Dealer Nebraska City
Stella's Lunch - SHORT ORDERSMEALS - SANDWICHES Soufh Auburn, Nebraska
PERU MOTORS DESOTO - - PLYMOUTH Fasf Dependable Service Phone 3201 • Peru
uate of Peru high school who will study business for four years. Requests for information on applications should be directed to the Registrar, Peru State.
Bank of Peru Gives Scholarship A $120 one-year tuition scholarship to Peru State College has been made available by the Bank of Peru, according to Mrs. Marie 0. Neal, Nebraska City,president of the · Peru Achievement Foundation. The scholarship, open to graduates of Peru high school, will be administered through the Foundation. The grant, payable in the amount of $60 for two semesters to be 'applied toward fees for the 1957 -58 school year, is available to Peru Prep graduates who will major in business at Peru State. To be eligible for the stipend, a student must have a superior high school academic record, possess qualities of good character, and have an interest in business. Requests for information on applications should be directed to the Registrar, Peru State College.
Music Educators C on fer e n c e which will be held in Omaha, March 15-19, 1957. The conference will open with a meeting of the M.E.N.C. North Central Division Board of Directors. The North Central Division President, W. H. Beckmeyer of Mt. Vernon, Illinois, will preside . The University of Nebraska singers and orchestra will present a concert the evening of Mar. 15. The mornings and afternoons will be spent in workshops, demonstration program§, and business meetings. The Omaha Night Golden Anniversary Festival Concert will be given March 16 with Lytton S. Davis, Director o( Music Education of the Omaha Public Schools presiding. A buffet supper will be served by the Phi Mu Alpha Chapter March 17. The Hamline University choir of St. Paul, Minnesota, and the University of North Dakota band will present a concert Monday evening.
Stolen Goodies
One afternoon not so long ago, a group of students were in the Pedagogian office enjoying a few "stolen goodies" from the Wayne Goldenrod, which stole them from the Dakota Student, college paper from the University of North Dakota. One of these goodies has been floating around for sometime but will always be true. "The truly wise man is one who k~ows not, and knows not that he knows The Valentine Formal, an an- not, and thinks he is smarter nual affair, was held Monday, than anybody else." February 11, in the college gymLimerick nasium. The three resident halls ,"A cute little tFick from St. sponsored the dance. r Paul The gym was decorated with \Wore a newspaper dress to a streamers of red crepe paper ball. forming an artificial ceiling and The dress caught on fire walls. The bandstand was envelAnd burned her entire oped in a heart, shaped from red Front page, sports section, crepe paper. and all." At the opposite end of the Song dan_ce floor was the throne for Here is an ingenious song writthe Valentin~ Royalty. Behind the throne were two large white ten by some college students who . hearts connected by a black ar- had a little spare time. The song row. The hearts were on a back- was given the tune of "16 Tons." Sixfeen Hours ground of red. The decorations furnished a Some people say a man is made outa mud: romantic atmosphere for the forA college man's made with cofmal. fee for blood: Card tables and chairs were scattered around the sides of the Coffee for blood an'a fact fuzled head, dance floor. The tables were decorated with hearts and appropri- Sleepless eyes and the sitters spread. ate sayings. Music for the evening was furnished by the Crew Cuts of Au- (Chorus) burn. They played a large num- Ya carry sixteen hours. ber of varied selections. An' what the "heck" for? Punch was poured by a num- A hound-dog's smarter an' a ber of the girls from Eliza Morplumber makes more. gan Hall. The table was a big at- Saint Peter. I'm sorry but I can't traction for the dancers. come 'til Many of the faculty members I've dragged my soul through the were present. All had received sheep-skin mill. ' special invitations. Had a hole in my head since During intermission, the cerewas a pup: monial crowning of the King, Gotta get a diploma to stuff it Queen and attendants was conup? ducted by Bob Norton, president Every sixteen hours that I get .of Student Council. through.
Valentine Formal Sponsored By the Dorms
Peru M.E.N.C. To Attend Meet Thirty members of the Peru M.E.N.C. Chapter 208, are planning to attend the North Central
· by Dick Bibler.
The administration say for you!"
(2nd verse) When ya see me comin', will have rio fears: All the muscle I got is between my ears: A few more hours an' I'll have my fill .... If the Devil don't get me then the Draft Board will: (Chorus) Fu Menchu? Here's an age old habit with a new twist: "Many men smoke, but Fu Menchu." This is something that everyone who smokes should think about: "Next time you smoke in bed, remember, the next ashes
on the floor may be your own." The following was taken from the South Dakota Collegian: "Work hard, stay home every night and study, don't carouse, go home every week-end, and you're sure to have a dull year." This is Dakota humor: "Always keep this in mind. Rome wasn't built in a day-and some women never are."
Grindle Speaks Mr. Grindle was the guest speaker Thursday, February 14, at the Talmage P.T.A. meeting. The topic was ".Trends in Public School Music." The group was entertained by Don Gibson and Dave Miller who played coronet and baritone solos.
Pedagogian Staff Visits World-Herald The Pedagogian staff received a cordial welcome when it toured the Omaha World-Herald plant on the afternoon of February 7th. A guide took the st u d en t s through the entire plant. Starting with the editorial room, where all writing and editing is done, the guide took the students through the entire plant. The students were then taken to a comfortable conference room, where the promotion manager answered questions for -more than an hour before calling in the city editor-an extremely busy man-who gave thirty minutes of his time to answering questions and explaining the workings of a big town newspaper staff. Then came a tour of the art department and the photography room, followed by a visit to the advertising department. Staff members present were: David Longfellow, Bill Kochheim, Ruth Linscheid, Donna Gaer, Lois Bush, Jerry Collier, Ron McKinney, and Hal Norris: They were accompanied by J. D. Levitt, Peruvian sponsor, and
Stewart Lins1eid. of the Ped.a· gogian. · \ After the World-Herald tour, entire group went to the auto show where they heard Dorothy Lamour and, . Ames Brothers and saw th w cars.
Bell Has Chickens In Its History When Peru State first started, the principal purchased a small potmetal bell, that cost only three dollars. When the cold weather began, the bell broke. This bell had been doing' the school important service, and a sense of great lack was felt by all students. The students decided to purchase a new bell of good ma· terial. To aid the enterprise, the ladies proposed a chicken supper. The men seconded the motion and got the chickens and dressed them. The ladies cooked the chickens, and prepared a deliciou supper. On the evening of the supper, people came from all around. Brownville, then a thriving city, showed its good will. A large delegation of its citiz~ns were present and the school had a very pleasant and successful social time, resulting in sixtyfive dollars in the bell fund. P e r s o n a 1 subscriptions increased this fund to a hundred and twenty-five dollars, which completed the amount needed for the bell. This bell, bought in 1867, is located on top of the gymnasium today. JOHN ADAMS' SERVICE STATION BaUeries · Accessories Oil - Gas PERU, NEBRASKA
Western Style Jeans for Girls and Boys Very Lafest in Sport Shirfs
Bill's Clothing Store Auburn, Nebr.
School Supplies
Priced Right for the Student
I i
I '
Campus School Commentary
By Mary Anna Gnade
-~l.-.O~~l--1..-.tl. . . . (J. . . .(~()~l--(~(). . . .(). . . .l~l)-!). . . .(). . . . 0 _ ). . . .f). . . .()~i-...1•.•
February is birthday month, the fact that the victim of the acanniversary month , founder's . cident missed only a day and a month for many clubs and organ- half of school! izations on campus. PTA, Boy Zero weather and germs do not Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, Abraham Washington, telephone Bell, select only children to strike electricity Edison, ground hog, down. Mrs. Brown, fourth grade valentines, on and on. For in- supervisor, succumbed to winter ills and stayed home the first_ stance: week in February. (If my chilFebruary 4th was the date of dren don't report to me, the fact the High School FHA mother- that mail is left in the post office daughter banquet. This was the boxes leads me to check up). Mrs. occasion of the formal installa- Lowenberg substituted for her. tion of new officers and award- Does any one need to be reminding of honorary memberships to ed what life savers these people people who had "put up" with labeled "subs" are? the group and who in all likeliAdd more teacher absentees (in hood would not have the chance to. be chapter mother again. Hon- spite of spring-like weather): ors were awarded to Mrs. Moore Mrs. Brown returned after a (mother of graduating Martha week's absence, then Miss Gard Sue) who sponsored the group at entered St. Mary's hospital at Nethe annual conference in Crete; braska City to recuperate from to Miss Hazel Weare (sister of germs. Mrs. Moore is her "life sponsor Miss Edna Weare) who saver." Mrs. Iversen, fifth grade slaved to make the district con- supervisor, also felt unwell but vention a success when it was her absence of a day or two gave held in Peru; and to Mr. Frank her student teachers good pracMasek ("I don't think he'll ever tice at classroom work. be chapter mother,'' said out-go" Junior High School basketball ing president Mary Tynon) for team are well up on the morale sponsoring FHA dances and for various other services. Impressive scale. They tear into their games ceremony, delicious food, good at home and away and though looking, talented, nice acting "fu- beaten are not bowed. "At least we didn't lose by as much this ture homemakers!"· time." The thrill factor is carrying And of course Boy Scout Anni- a duffel bag to and from games versary month: annual family just like the high school boys. banquet combined with Kiwanis (And they had the college athlet(sponsoring organization) dinner ic director, i.e. team member faon February 12 which was cli- ther, to haul them to Humboldt! maxed with a bang-up Court of Prestige, eh?) Honor; and a "sales" talk for camping at Philmont Explorer Happy student teacher combinScout Ranch in New Mexico by ation: Tall Al Winseman and tiny Ed Yates from Auburn. These Nancy Taggart Winseman have Scout affairs grow progressively senior English. Says Nancy, "Al more stirring. lectures on authors-has to cover a book this thick. I observe, then Tragedy is seldom attractive. when he is finished I'll teach In the excitement of lunch-time them how to prepare a research play, first grader Marilyn Mas paper and ...." Bet those high severed the tip of a finger on sup- schoolers will know they've been posedly safe equipment. Behind taught. the scenes tragedy was the blow to Supervisor Miss Gard who tries so hard to help all "her children" enjoy school and want to come. You can add stars to her The Student Council, having crown because mute evidence of her success along these lines is seen the need for a courtesy program to promote better table manners and good behavior in the lunch room, decided to have Stop at Dean's Cafe a host and hostess at each table. Hi-Way 75 & 73 It is hoped that loud talking will 1119 Central Ave. be abolished and that pleasant Nebraska City topics of conversation will be explored during the lunch hour.
Better Manners
Special Stocking Offer
Here's a rare opportunity to get a real long-lasting supply of fine nylon hosiery for far less than you ever imagined! A regular $1.25 value for only $1.0Q-plus a spare. When you buy this package of two pairs and two spares, you are actually getting three pairs of fine nylon hose. Take advantage of this offer NOW. Clip and mail the coupon below for fast delivery. C.0.D. ORDERS ACCEPTED. 11u111111111111uu1111111111111n111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u11111111111111111111
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English Lit. Unit Outstanding work is being done by Mr. and Mrs. Al Winseman in English 12 on an English literature unit. Plans are being presented by the supervisor for work to cover approximately eight weeks. This survey is an intensive personal investigation of influential writers, useful practice in taking and using notes, wr_iting a research paper, organiz]ng and presenting oral reports, and finding real pleasure in the classics.
Sentence Structure Mrs. Schlange, in English 10, is conducting a practice and drill period on basal parts of sentences and correct usage of verbs. For February, Mr. Sherwood, an art student, arranged the bulletin board with a display of Lincoln and Longfellow silhouettes and poetry. Mrs. Schlange brought in pictures with the theme of "Winter Magic." She also added to the attractiveness of the room by placing a plant on the instructor's desk.
American Lit. Study After several weeks of intensive study of grammar, the English 11 class is continuing the study of American literature. Mr. McClellan will present poetry of the South, and Mr. Ogle will present selections of this region.
V bI S d OCa LI ary tresse / Emphasis is being placed on ' 'v,ocabulary development through group work w!th the help of Mr. Birginal and Mr. Holscher. The first semester, reading tests were given by the Guidance Division to determine weaknesses in vocabulary and comprehension.
Student Teachers The following forty-eight are student teachers next semester at the campus school: Jim Ackerman, Music; William Almond, Science; William Allbright, History; Duane Birginal, P.E.; Frank Davis, P.E.; Gerald Carnes,· I.A.; Frank Cavis, P.E.; Eldon Epley, I.A.; John Gilmore, P.E.; David G 1 as go w, I.A.; Don Holscher, P.E.; Raymond Huggett, P.E.; Robert Humphrey, P.E.; Claude Johnson, P.E.; Dale Johnson, P.E.; Marvin Johnson, P.E.; Richard Kapperman, P.E.; Kelly Liewer, Math.; Stanley Longfellow, Science; John Ludwig, P.E.; Eldon McCall, P.E.; James' McGlellow, Science; Ardis McNutt, P.E.; Wayne Minchow, P.E.; Tom Moen, P.E.; Max Moore, P.E.; Julius Mueller, Music; Jerry Mullins, P.E.; Donald Niemeier, P.E.; Harlan Oestmann, I.A.; Lee Ogle, P.E.; Harriet Parkinson, Music; Tom Percell, P.E.; Darwin Rosenquist, Science; Bonnie Rutz, P.E.; Dwight Safar, Science; Kenneth W. Sand, American History; Mrs. August a Schlauge, English; Leland Sherwood, Art; George Slaughter, P.E.; James Stewart, Business Ed.; Del Stoltenberg, P.E.; Betty Taenzler, Music; William Tewplemeyer, Science; Guilford Thomas, I.A.; Albert Thurston, Science; Albert W. Winseman, Math; Nancy K. Winseman, Biology.
Redfern Clothing Co. "The Store of Standard Brands" Phone 183 - Auburn
June in January ~ . In Greenhouse One of the oldest and most interesting buildings on the campus is the greenhouse, built in the 1890's. During the earlier period of education, nature study was a basic requirement for teachers. Since the requirements have changed, many students haven't had the opportunity of knowing about the fascinating plants in the greenhouse.
The Bougainville vine that grows under the roof of the building, practically all year, is very attractive. The vine is pink and lavender. In California, people use it for decoration. Another interesting vine is Moses-In-theBull-Rush.· It is named for its flower which is shaped like a cradle.
Banana There are various tropical plants in the greenhouse. One of the most interesting is the banana tree. The banana tree is forty years old and bears fruit every three years.
Many More These are just four of the outstanding plants in the greenhouse. There are hundreds of rare plants which are of interest.
Fur Tree The Cycad, dated back to the Mesozoic ·period, is a tropical fur tree. It's trunk is similar to a pineapple and the top to a palm. The Cycad's age is told from leaf scars on it's trunk. It is sixty years old and stands three feet high.
Second Semester Night Classes The second semester of evening classes at Peru State College began on Wednesday, January 23. The offerings included ten classes in the 5:00-7:40 p.m. period and six in the 7:45-10:05 p.m. period. One graduate course, Philosophy of Education, was included in the first period offerings. Each class will have 17 class meetings, concluding May 15, arrd each course carries three hours of college credit. Students will register for the courses with the individual instructors at the first meeting of the class, according to Lee Lowenberg, director of professional services. The course offerings during the first period include: the graduate course, Philosophy of Education; Survey of American Literature; Speech Correction and Development; English Composition (102); Social Studies Survey (104); Science for Elementary Teachers (102); Guidance in Secondary Schools; Workshop on Practical Education Problems; Fundamentals of Speech and French Reading and Composition (202). Second period courses include: Elementary School Science Methods, Mathematics (300), Music Appreciation, Harmony, Human Growth and Development (101) and Introduction to Education.
"The Dean" was gone from the campus of P.S.T.C. Funeral services for W. N. Delzell were held at the Baptist church, June 22, 1940, and interment was in Mount Vernon cemetery, overlooking the college where he had worked for thirty-five years. Mr. Delzell was born in Carrol
County, Indiana. He came as a boy of thirteen to Nebraska. After attending _ii.usiness college in Omaha, he n'l.ove~with his family to Peru, where he entered the school that was his "home" for half his life, for in 1905 he became instructor -in ~athematics. From 1909-1918, ~vanced to head of the ccilflmerce department, then to vice president in 1918, and to executive dean in 1921. As dean emeritus, he retired from active service in 1938. Dean Delzell was Peru to man students. A broad smile, a warm handclasp and a friendly greet ing-this was the Dean as stu· dents knew him on the campu then, almost seventeen years ago On Thursday, November 3 1938, construction was started o a new residence hall for men. 0 November 14, 1939, the new do was complete. But one thing was missing, a name for the new hall. On January 13, 1942, the Peda gogian asked that the men's dorm be named Delzell Hall. The request was granted- and that's how Delzell Hall got it name.
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HEU ER'S HYKLAS GROCERY Groceries Fruits M. G. Heuer, Owner
( ia p a1
Christ's Hobby Mr. Christ, head of the science department, is in charge of the greenhouse. Shelby Winningham, Mr. Christ's able and capable assistant, has the daily care of this magnificant fairyland of beauty. It is through his daily care that . it is possible for a tropical gar- · den such as this to exist in our mid-western state of Nebraska.
Phone Office 2391
How Delzell Hall Received Its Name
Meats Frozen Foods Phone 2141
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1867 Nebraska's
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks . . .
1957 Nebraska's Best
Peru Pedagogian
MARCH 4, 1957
Professional Services Announces Many Job Opportunities
Ninety Years Of Peru State By Dave Longfellow A recent J. Hyde Sweet editorial in the Nebraska City NewsPress was devoted to Peru State and its role as Nebraska's leading college. The column was also devoted to T. J. Majors, one of the most influential men in the founding an'd developing of Peru State ... Thomas Jefferson. Majors looms as 'the most interesting character in inany years. He was a merchant, soldier, Indian fighter, farmer, and politician. At 18 he was on his way to the Pike's Peak gold rush when news came that it was no good. While visiting his uncle, Alexander Majors of Russell, Majors and Waddell fame, he decided to set up a store in Peru. · After two years of merchandising, he enlisted in the 1st Nebraska Infantry, and soon rose to command of that group. Although he participated in such bloody battles as Shiloh, his only wounds came when he disciplined various individuals for their waywardness. One fellow stole his saddle and an irate Majors went looking for him. The battle ended with Majors on top, biting the man's nose and attempting to extricate his thumb from the thief's teeth. Wils Majors, Colonel Tom's brother, came upon the scene and demanded, "Who did that?" Unable to find out, he turned and swung on the first man he saw, a big six-footer, breaking the fellow's nose. The man got up and asked, justifiably, "Why did you do that?" Wils said, "You were talking about my brother." "I never mentioned your brother." "I'm sorry," said Wils, ending the fight. The 1st Nebraska became a cavalry outfit and was assigned to protect the settlers on the Republican River from marauding Indians. One friendly tribe invited him to an Indian love feast where roast dog was the main course.
The Bruning spikers who upset Burr at the 1956 Peru Invitational Volley Ball Tournament are gone, but their successors will return this year to defend their crown as will vengeful Burr . . •
Records Fall When 42 Tearns Enter Tourney A rec6rd number of teams have entered the Peru State College High School Girls Invitational Volley Ball Tournament scheduled for March 11-12~13, according to tournament director Phyllis Davidson, director of women's physical education at Peru State. Forty-two teams-ten m ore than competed ·in tourneys in i954 and 1956-will compete in the eleventh annual event. ._.Majority of the schools entered· are from the Southeast Nebraska area. One team, however, will come from Broadwater, a distance of more than 400 miles. Other teams from a distance will be Bruning, Chester and Mascot via Oxford.
Russell to Conduct At Band Clinic
Myron E. Russell, professor of woodwind instruments and head of the Department of Music at Iowa State Teachers College, will be the guest conductor at the Band Clinic, March 23. He is well known for his expert direction of the College Band and the Woodwind Trio. He has established an excellent "When the dog meat was pre- reputation as an instructor of en. pared, the medicine men did semble and woodwind, and as a their incantations, and a nice critic judge. juicy chunk of meat was carved Mr. Russell is the President of for the guest of honor. Colonel the Iowa Music Educators AssoMajors told of taking the meat ciation and the past president of and placing it in his mouth and the Iowa Bandmasters Associathe meat increased in size the tion. He played the oboe with the longer it stayed. It was his first St. Louis Orchestra for many and last meal where dog was the years. principal dish."* The music department is conThe other Indians were not fident that Mr. Russell will conquite as friendly, and Majors was duct an excellent performance of inexperienced in Indian fighting. the mass concert band. A patrol he was leading sighted a band of unfriendlies, and the Colonel sent for the four troops of cavalry under his command. They heard that Indians feared a direct attack from the "bluecoats," so he led the patrol down upon them. The Indians did not run and the attackers were forced to hide behind their horses. A "Lone Ranger" rescue saved them from the scalping knives. In the next issue T. J. Majors leaves the army and goes to the state capitol as a political power in Nebraska. *Hauptman, Leo, Colonel T. J, Majors: A. Memoir, 1933.
Lightbody Speaks To Kappa Delta Phi
Tuesday evening, February 22, at 8:00, Mr. E. G. Lightbody, superintendent of schools, spoke on "What the Superintendent Expects of the Beginning Teachers." Mr. Lightbody spoke on this subject at the Kappa Delta Phi meeting. All of the present student teachers and those who taught last semester were also present at the meeting. Those · students who carry a scholarship average were also invited.
Pairings for the tourney will be announced next week after the brackets are set up by the Community Recreation class in the Peru State Physical Education department. Tentative plans call for the first round games to be played Monday morning, phich will narrow the field to 32 tfams. Second round games will begin at 2:00 p.m. Monday. Two games will be in progress at the same time until the semi-finals and third place play-offs and championship games Wednesday afternoon and evening. Teams entered in the tournament include: Adams, Avo,ca, Broadwater, Brock, Brownville,
Six Complete Red Cross Water Safety Course During February 18th through the 22nd, Mr. Rusty Gates, the Red Cross field representative for Nebraska and South Dakota, was on the Peru Campus to conduct the Red Cross instructor's course. Peruvians: William Albright, Deanna Meyer, Fred Miller, Rose Pfeifer, Marilyn Tucker, and Sarah Witty were enrolled for the week long course. The daily classes which aggregated a total of twenty hours of classroom time entailed instruction in the fundamentals of swimming and water safety; plus the techniques that are employed within this different phase of teaching. Upon completion of this course, a Red Cross instructor's certificate is awarded. This Red Cross certificate authorizes the holder to instruct on the chapter level in the Red Cross "learn to swim" programs.
Autoclave Dinner Enjoyed By Tri Betas The annual Tri Beta autoclave dinner was held Monday, February 26, in the Science Hall. Ham, baked potatoes, tossed salad, and coffee were prepared by the chief chefs, Jerry Payne and Mr. Christ. The meal was baked in a large autoclave in the laboratory. Thirteen members attended the dinner.
Bruning, Burchard, Burr, Ceresco, Chester, Cortland, Dawson, Daykin, Diller. Douglas, Dunbar, Elk Creek, Elmwood, Sacred Heart of Falls City, Bratton Union via Humboldt, Johnson, Lewiston, Louisville, Mascot via Oxford, Murdock, Nemaha, Otoe. Palmyra, Panama, Peru Prep, Prague, Salem, Shubert, . Steinauer, Stella, Sterling, Syracuse, Tobias, Verdon, Weeping Water, Weston, Yutan. Last year's tournament was won by Bruning, who defeated Burr, whose team had won the four previous tournaments. Murdock defeated Verdon after two overtimes to win third place.
Lee Lowenberg, Director of Professional Services, announces that all candidates for degrees and two-year diplomas can now place their references and credentials on file with the Place.. ment Bureau. Since· this will facilitate finding and getting desired jobs, all degree and diploma candidates are advised to enroll as soon as possible. The same group should also file for graduation and their' Nebraska teaching certificate in the Registrar's office. At present the bureau is compiling a list of people who ·are seeking employment as teachers to help · sc)lool . superintendents who are looking"tor personnel. An average o{ ten dpenings in Nebraska are coming in each day. These are supplemented by a huge o .from other states. A list of ·e openings are sent to membe s of the placement bureau each Wednesday. So far, most job-seekers want to teach in Nebraska or the neighboring states of Missouri, Iowa, and Kansas. Also on file in the Placement Bureau are job listings in indus· try, government service, etc. Summer employment lists are also available to those desiring to work this summer.
Dr. Holy Returns From Chicago Meet In Chicago, last February 14, 15, 16, Dr. Holy attended the American Association of College Teachers E d u cat i o n. The A.A.C.T.E. meeting was held in the Morrison Hotel. At the present time, there are three hundred and eighteen institutions of higher learning that are members of this organization. At the meeting, there were · representatives of colleges from forty-five states. Also, there were representatives from a number of foreign countries. Some of the countries represented were: Germany, Cuba, Malay, Egypt, Thailand, Lebanon, Brazil, · India, Burma, China, and Haiti. Two of the problems that they discussed were the increasing enrollment in colleges and how to obtain enough certified college teachers. This was the ninth annual meeting held by the A.A.C.T.E. Dr. Holy commented that he had an excellent trip and attending the meeting was highly profitable. He regretted that Dean Melvin was unable to make the trip to Chicago because of the death of his mother.
Home Ee Meets The Home Economics Club met Monday, February 25, at 7:00 p.m. in the Campus school. After a short business meeting, coffee and cake were served. For entertainment several of the girls pantomimed their favorite teacher.
Let's All Help Our Churches Help the Handicapped The churches of Peru, Falls City, Brock, Dawson, Salem, Un· ion, and Verdon along with other civic-minded groups are participating in a drive for materials for Nebraska Goodwill Industries. The Goodwill representative will be in Falls City on or about March 7, 1957 to pick up the donations given by the housewives of the community. These contributions of discarded clothing, shoes, appliances and small furniture furnish the materials needed to provide jobs for the physically handicapped men and women employed at Goodwill Industries. Mr. Le 1and Whipp, executive secretary, said, "168 handicapped persons from eastern Nebraska are now employed at Nebraska Goodwill Industries and are earning wages. To keep these worthy people employed and self-supporting, your discards are absolutely necessary."
Robert Moore Wins Graduate Assistantship Robert Moore, son of Professor and Mrs. R. D. Moore of Peru, has been notified by Professor Claude W. Faulkner, chairman ·of the department of English at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, that he has been elected to an assistantship for the school year of 1957-'58. Robert has had an outstanding undergraduate career here, having been an excellent student, a leading Nebraska debater, and Peru representative in Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Robert will begin his graduate work at the University of Arkansas in September.
Editorial . . . Are we true college students? Since we are going to be future teachers of this country, do we conduct ourselves as such? Evidently not! Some of the high school students have been talking about manners in the cafeteria. How are yours and mine? _Some of the high school students have mentioned the fact that there should be family style meals. That would be wonderful. There would be more servings; manners and the type of conversation would naturally improve with a boygirl seating arrangement. However, do you realize that we would have a: set time to eat. Also, certain types of food are more easily prepared for family style-therefore repetition of food. We must admit that the high schoolers are indeed correct with their opinion of one thing. Have you noted the dress of the students for evening meals? Next time; please look at all of the jeans, T-shirts, and pedal pushers. This doesn't seem serious to you and me. We know one another. But how does this reflect on the minds of the high school students?- They look at us to set examples for them. Do we? Nowthe next phase of rationalization would be that slacks cost too much. Sure and we must have them cleaned too! But if you made one less trip to Auburn a week, that would make up the difference. Don't forget, you will need slacks when-you start teaching. We hope you won't teach in jeans. Girls, we all know you have skirts. I'm sure they are more appropriate dining hall garb than jeans. Please don't take my Word either. Just note the attire of the students at the other colleges and universities. uuuu11111111111111111u1111111111111u11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u11nu111111111111111111u11111111111111u1111111111uu111111
Jody Parriott surprised not only Jody but everyone else within listening area as the gang burst into song. And there were many within listening area. Two accident victims have been limping through the halls. Bev McGeorge suffered a cracked arm and Donna Orton received a badly cut leg when the car in which they were riding went out 'of control near Auburn on Febr. 15. Just before house--ril:Beting the other night, the fire a 1 arm croaked ominomly. Panic-stricken girls grabbed coats and towels - (correct standard procedure) and headed for belowstairs and safety, only to find that Mrs. Fulton had been merely "letting them hear what it sounded like." More fun. Gail has regained her status as "hair cutter extraordinary." The title had been given to Chris for a while, but the job is once again in Miss Peterson's hands. No charge-and bring your own scissors. Miss Bradley has promised late leave fOr one of the two nights that "Giant" will be playing in Auburn for the Peruvians. Everyone's looking forward to that in the highest anticipation. Especially since late leave will be all of 11:40. How 'bout that? To three of the residents of "The Morgue" have gone the three women's parts in the spring play, "The Petrified Forest." Yvonne Funkhouser took the_ lead as Gabby;- Lois Bush will play Mrs. Chisholm; and D on n a Schuster will take the part of Paula. Time to wrap up this "biserable code" and hike across campi to hand this in before deadline. ~gscuse be. Godda blow by dose.
turning to spring. Here are some first thoughts of a few. Phil Neuhalfen: GIBLS! ! ! But I'm thinking about that all the time anyway. Rehearsals Beginning Ruth Linscheid: Being outdoors Mr.. Moore, director, has chosen and having fun with a lot of "The Petrified Forest" by Emmet friends. Sherwood for the Spring Play. Rex Filmer: Get out of schOol! The scene of the entire play is Donna Gaer: The birds and the lunch room of the Black the .... ? Mesa Filling Station and Bar-BRosie Edelman: Oh, I don't Q on the desert in Eastern Ari- know eh, eh. zona. There is an atmosphere Fran Larson: Spring fever, I'm about the place of strenuous if a victim of it already! \ not hearty welcome. Dave Longfellow: Love .•.. Tryouts were held February 25 That's the only thing that comes and 26 in the Little Theatre. The to my mind. cast is: Bonnie Rutz: Coming out of hibernation. Gramp Maple: Bob Bohlkem Bill Larson: Frankly, I just Boze Hertzlinger: Sid Brown A telegraph lineman: Tom Hig- feel lazier. By Ron McKinney Jan Stangel: More campusing. gins Jerry Collier: Traveling. Another lineman: Larry Carre Franci Stilwell: The river! Jason Maple: Dick Corwine Marv Wuster: We'll have a Gabby Maple: Yvonne FunkA dormitory meeting was held Ball! houser. Thursday, February 21, in the Paula: Donna Schuster T.V. lounge of Delzell Hall. KenAlan Squier: Ray Pardee neth Sand read the regulations Herb: -Dave Longfellow of Delzell Hall. One thing that Mr. Chisholm: Bill Larson brought a laugh from the boys Mrs. Chisholm: Lois Bush was Ken's telling of the boy who Joseph: Dwight Schell jumps out of bed around 12:00 at Jackie: Phil Neuhalfen night and then goes screaming By Lois Bush Duke Mantee: Rex Filmer down the halls yelling HELP. Ruby: Bill Almond After the dorm meeting, Bob Pyles: Jerry Collier Good Bordig, ebrybody! Hab Bell took a group picture of all Legion commander: Frank Ped- you god a biserable code too? Ex- the men in the dorm. erson treme cases of hypernasality are Most of the time it's pretty Another legionnaire: Marv not unusual around Eliza Morgan quiet around here, but when Wuster these days. Looks like a rich field things happen, they really hapSheriff: Gerald Olperding for a speech correctionist, ex- pen fast. Take last Wednesday The first rehearsal will be held cept for the fact that most of the night for instance; I was sitting Monday evening, March 4, in the trouble seems to stem from a lit- in my room studying, when I College Auditorium. tle bug named "Mr. Cold Bug heard a commotion out h;1 the No. 5863245." Can't breathe? hall. I arrived just in time to Can't speak? All you want to do -watch Ron Curtis get shot with Spring "Thoughts?" is lie ill bed and moan? Yeah, shaving cream. I thought shaving With spring just around the you've got it too. A cold, that is. cream was manufactured for the corner, everyone's thoughts are A surprise birthday party for purpose of shaving. By the time the boys were through shooting him with shaving cream, he looked like a human snowman PERU PEDAGOGIAN from the neck up. The Voice of ihe Campus of a Thousand Oaks Charley Schott, being an athletic man, has never smoked be' Member Iniercollegiaie Press fore in his life. But the boys up March 4, 1957 on third floor, being a bad-breed, cornered Charley and shoved a THE STAFF cigarette in his mouth. Before Davicl. Longfellow ___________________________________ Editor poor Charley smoked the cigBill Kochheim _____________________________ Assistant Editor arette half-way, I thought someEd Williamson ___________________________Business Manager body would have to apply artifiRuth Linscheid____________________________ Activities Editor cial respiration to recuperate Yvonne Funkhouser_ ____________________ Activities Reporter him. His first words after revivJerry Collier _______________________________ Sports Reporter ing were, "Never again." Hal Norris _________________________________ Sports Reporter Mrs. Balkema made a batch of Ron McKinney ______________________ Campus School Editor cookies for the boys here in DelSharon Reagan____________________ Language Arts Reporter zell Hall last Wednesday night, Lois Bush_____________________________ ..; _________ Columnist February 22. The men really enJean Thixµgen __________________________ Fine Arts Reporter joyed the pastries. Margaret Robinson-----------------------------~--Reporter Room inspection was held Donna Gaer_______________________ Alumni and Mailing List February 26; therefore, there was Bob Moore__________________________________ ,_ __ Contributor a mad scramble all over the dorStewart Linscheid__________________________________ Sponsor mitory to acquire mops, brooms, or anything else that would help
The Petrified Forest Is Spring Play
Ron's Briefs
Shrub Snoops
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Luckygip! Next time one of her dates bring up the Schleswig. Holstein question, she'll really be ready for .him. Ready for that test tomorrow, too ... if that bottle of Coke keeps her as alert tonight as it does other people.
w Be
HE . Ti
rais 58 i The the Lar free "ou ond T
SJGN OF GOOD TASTE Botiled. Under Authority of The Coca-Cola Company By NEBRASKA CITY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO.
the men clean their rooms. Bob Miller, Room 319, had the beds, desks, and the chest of drawers in the middle of the hall, while he was in the room on his hands and knees scrubbing the floor. The sinks being dirty was the dorm council's ·main complaint.
function by encouraging the achievement of certain levels of competency on the part of counselors.
Silver Tea Given By Home Ee Department
The Home Economics Club gave their annual Martha Washington Silver Tea, in the Campus School, from 3 to 5 p.m., Febr. 21. The Martha Washington fruit Mr. Harold W. Johnson, Direc- cake, copied from the original tor of Guidance at the Campus recipe, decorated in lavender and School, is one of the first in Ne- white, was the centerpiece. Cof braska to receive a School Coun- fee and tea were served. selor Certificate. Individual cakes, made fro The Nebraska School Counsel- the same recipe, were sold. Beverly Gerdes, Rosie Elder or Association is sponsoring a plan for issuing certificates to man, and Thelma Conyac poure The girls on the hostess _co school counselors who meet specified qualifications. A major mittee were: Jan Stangel, Beve purpose of the certificates is to ly Hinds, Marilyn Benecke, Bett give recognition to the function Sedlacek, Marion Schmidt, P of counseling as an important Robinson, Karen Fisher, - Ma element in the educational pro- Knight, Ruth Duder, Karen, To gram, and to strengthen this meyer.
Johnson Awarded Guidance Certificate
PIONEER, Nebr. City.
Mar. 10-11-
PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS Any Garmeni Remodeled, Resiyled, Repaired Always Firsi in Quality and Workmanship Fur Coais Repaired We call for and deliver Phone 2£71, Peru, Nebr.
tigr the But Per fast Bol p allo cou the I anc ged the era up wit \
gar imJ lag Wi
RON WITT Ron Witt, who lettered four ruce Smith is a sophomore transferred from Iowa State. years at Otoe high school, is a itty," who is the tallest man junior playing his second year as the squad, has added strength a starter for the Bobcats. He is the rebounding and offensive considered one of the top reartments. He is also a good bounders ·and defensive men on in developing the fast break. the squad. Also, Ron has a terrife ·comes from Coin, Iowa, ic eye for the basket. Ron has re he lettered four years in done exceedingly well, and he will probably continue to be outetball. standing in the future.
ildcats Scratch obcats In 60-58
stall until near the final gun. But Larry Buhl with seven seconds to go, made a long shot to kill Peru.
f pts fg ft PERU Witt ----------- 6 0-0 2 12 e Peru Bobcats lost a house Gibson -------- 3 0-0 3 6 · er to the Wayne Wildcats 60Kramer -------- 3 1-3 5 7 in the Peru gym on Febr. 15. 5 6-9 4 16 Bobcats threw a scare into Smith --------Direy ---------- 0 0-0 1 0 leaders of the N.C.C. Wayne's 3 7-8 2 13 ry Buhl pulled the Wildcats Davis ---------Mmer --------- 0 0-0 2 0 e with a one in a thousand 4 2 0-0 Gray ---------tlandish" long shot seven secs before the final buzzer. Total ________ 22 14-20 20 58 The Mcintire men utilized a 'ht defense to hold Wayne in WAYNE fg ft f pts opening minutes of the game. Whitney 3 2-4 1 8 Wayne quickly analyzed the vian defense, and began to Hueser -------- 1 0-1 1 2 break and out hustle the Miner --------- 4 0-1 4 8 Redhe --------- 7 7-9 ·3 21 cats. Buhl ---------- 5 6-7 0 16 eru hit a cold streak which Wisniehi ------- 0 5-10 1 5 wed Wayne some breaks that nted points. At the half time, Total ________ 20 20-32 10 60 score was 20-29. uring the third quarter, Peru Wayne had a rough and rugbattle. As the game went on, game got tenser. Peru got tic with Casey missing a lay and Hoot having a bad time h his shots from out court. The Bobcats repeated with a ith a minute and a half of the e time left, Hoot made two heart breaker by getting nipped ortant points on a driving 80-79 by Kearney Antelopes. As up to the game at 58-58. The in the previous night during the dcats brought the ball into a Wayne game, Peru tied the game
Heartbreaker No. 2 As Kearney Wins One Point Victory
DOUG GIBSON Doug Gibson is a sophomore who transferred from the University of Nebraska at mid-term last year. He ·was a member of the N. U. squad in '54 and '55. "Hoot" has hustle and drive to make him outstanding. His desire to play makes him the player that he is. His favorite shot is his jumper. He attended the Falls City high school, where he was a four year letterman in basketball, football, and track. up in the final sec()nds only to lose by a basket giving Kearney a one point victory. Peru's play wasn't up to par, but the Bobcats could have pulled it out of the fire. In the first half, Peru couldn't match Kearney's shooting from the field but stayed in the game with three free throws. The Bobcats depended on Witt and "Smitty" to keep in the game. At half time, the score was 43-44 with Peru holding a slim lead. , Coming out the second half, 1 Peru slowed down. Gibson and 'f'mith fouled out in the fourth quarter; Casey and Francis kept up the fight. Down to the final two minutes, points by Francis and Davis put the Bobcats ahead 79-78, but with enough time left Kearney went to score, ending the game with Kearney on top 80-79. PERU Witt ----------Francis -------Gibson -------Kramer -------Smith --------Davis ---------Miller --------Gray ----------
fg ft 3 7-9 0 1 2 2-2 5 3-4 11 5,7 2 12-15 0 0-0 1 0-0
f 4 0 5 1 5 1 0 0
more, broke up the game with "his shooting and rebounding ability. "Smitty" with 19 points and Ron Witt with 20 points took the scoring honors for !'eru. Peru shot 27 out of 38 in free throws.
pts 13 2 6 13 27 16 0 2
Total -------- 25 29-37 19 79
To See
MARCH 6 at 8:00 P. M. IT'S FREE
School Supplies
Priced Right for :the S:tuden:t
by Dick Bible (
KEARNEY Hinkle --------Sprague ------Heigand ------Smith --------Lawhead -----Nun ----------Jacobs ---------
fg 8 7 4 5 0 3 1
ft 9-16 0-0 4-4 0-0 1-2 3-4 0-1
Total ________ 31
f 5 3 3 4 0 4 0
pts 25 14 12 10 9 2
21 80
Peru Breezes Past Concordia By Score of 71-50 Peru State breezed past Concordia 71-50 on February 22, and added another win to the Bobcats' record, which now numbers nine wins and 17 loses. Peru had trouble hitting the basket during the first half of the game. But with six minutes left, Peru began to "perk" up by closing the gap at the half with Concordia in front 33-32. Peru's Bobcats commanded the second half in taking over the lead 45-35. After this flurry of buckets by the Bobcats, the Concordia five n e v er threatened again. Concordia being behind in the closing minutes of the game, began to foul. Bruce Smith, 6 foot 5 sopho-
ice that mh'~s weople slip-its what they mix w!th it.
Volley Ball Tourney Ma~
On 12, and 13th, the Women's':Pt';;ical Education Defg ft f pts partment at Peru will sponsor the PERU Witt ----------- 7 6-6 3 20 11th annual girls high school inFrancis -------- 4 7-9 4 15 vitational volley ball tournament. Phyllis Davidson, director of Dickersen ----women's physical education, anGibson -------nounced that this year 42 ,teams Kramer ------Smith --------- 4 11-15 5 19 . will be competing for first place honors at the Peru gymnasium. 0-1 Ehlers --------2-2 4 Therefore, if one can imagine Davis ---------2 2 placing 42 girl volley ball teams 0-1 Norton -------1-3 5 1 into a three-day program and Miller --------10· end with one undisputed champiGray ---------- 5 0-1 on; you can realize the high orTotal -------- 22 27-38 23 71 ganization developed within this invitational tournament. On Monday and Tuesday both f pts CONCORDIA fg ft Baden _________ 1 3-8 3 5 courts will be utilized with continuous games taking place at Martz --------0-1 1 Schultze ------- 4 4-4 4 12 every hour. The semi-finals will Beardsley ------ 2 4-4 3 8 be held on Wednesday afternoon Petri ---------- 5 3-4 2 13 beginning at 3:00 P.M. The championship match and playKrause -------Buuckeg ------- 3 4-5 4 10 offs will be played on Wednes- day evening commencing at sevDiechohf -----en. 0-2 3 Buhr ---------The team from Mascot, NebrasFaszholz ------ka, will enter the tourney with 2 Hand ---------the most impressive record of 20 Total ________ 16 18-28 22 50 wins and no defeats (as of February the 8th); but all will be competing for that "first place" which last year was won by Bruning high school. By Hal Norris Teams from Oxford, Boone, Intramural basketball is fin- Snyder, and Broadwater will be ished with the struggling Knights coming from the greatest discoming out victorious; and Peru's tance. The referees for the tournamale population shout "Amen." Except for Floyd Maddox's ment will be Harold Johnson stitches above his eye and one and Jerome Stemper. early season case of bribed referees, the intramural season could SIX TEAMS COMPETE be called successful. When one IN VOLLEYBALL MEET member of the victorious aggreThe c o mm unity recreation gation was asked to comment on class, under the direction of J erhis team; he stated, once a King ome Stemper, will sponsor the always a King, but once a girls' intramural volley ball tourKnight's enough. nament. The officials will be Between the short lapse of from this class. basketball to track, the high Six teams, with twelve girls in school girls will invade the Peru each, will participate in the campus with volley ball. These event. Fifteen games will be volley ball teams with their rug- played. ged spikers form the elite in the The teams are: , female sweat set. Yet, one petite Moonlight Gamblers, Merrily coed informed me that volley Dahmke, Captain. ball is the only sport where the Slammin Sallies, DeAnna Meyofficials are nevffi' tarred, feath- er, Captain. ered, and rushed out of town! Zombies, Marilyn B en e ck e, From the campus school, shouts Captain. Elegant Eight, Franci Stilwell, reverberate along the corridors, the Bobkittens have done it Captain. Dirty Dozen, Ruth Duder, Capagain! Yes, again, they have tain. looked great in defeat. Rock-a-Beaten Babes, Lorraine As little Casper, the typical Peru college Joe said: It isn't the Bippes, Captain.
Briefs In Sports
Co~cert Choir Gi\fe_s_ Performance ln tonvocation
tlberta Rhoten In March Recital
Elberta Rhoten, a senior from Palmyra, will present a senior The regular convocation was organ recital at Peru State Col. he~d. Thursday, February 14, at lege Thursday, -March 7. Miss 10:?0 a.m. The announcements Rhoten is a student of R. T. Benwere read by Mr. Darryl Man- ford, associate professor of piano rir:ig. Phil Neuhalfen and Duane and organ at Peru State. McKnight added the humor. Phil Miss Rhoten's recital scheduled traded his Life (magazine) for for 8:00 p.m. in the College AudiL~betty (magazine) which be- torium, will include the followlonged. to Duane. Mr. Manring ing numbers: "Fantasia Sonata" also directed the concert choir. by Rheinberger, "Te Deum" by They sang The Messiah and other Claussmann, "Prelude Op. No. 1" numbers, giving us. a preview of by Guilmant, "Thanksgiving" by_ what they shall sing when on Demarest, and "Suite Gothique" tour this spring. by Boellmann. The next convocation will be held on March 14 at 10:50 a.m. This is a budget event, and everyone is urged to attend.
Clemmy Holmes Motor Co. Authorized Ford & Mercury Dealer Nebraska City
Ingersoll Barber Shop We Will Try Even. Harder To Be YOUR Barber Nebr. Auburn
INDO-CHINA FILM WAS BUDGET EVENT A budget event was held on the evening of February 4th, at 8:00 P.M., in the college auditorium. Dr. Campbell, a retired professor, presented a film on the territory which used to be called In do-China. This film covered the three states of Indo-China-Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. It showed how these people really live. This film was completed in 1955, and we know there have not been many changes in the lives of these primitive people in the past year. As the film was being presented, Dr.. Campbell narrated it to help the audience understand the purpose of his expedition. These people have been so uninfluenced by the ways of our modern day world that it is almost impossible to believe.
STATE Auburn
"GIANT" From Edna Ferber's. Novel
Starring: Rock Hudson - Elizabeth Taylor James Dean · Jane Withers - Chill Wills MARCH 1st THRU MARCH 6th HONORING PERU TEACHERS COLLEGE Monday and Tuesday Nights For Faculty - Students - Employees and their families. Special Admissioni;. Adults 75c
Children 30c
One show each night at 7:30. Matinee Saturday and Sunday at 2:00 P. M. ONE SHOW ONLY
Thursday March 7
Saturday March 9
Friday March 8
Dean Martin
Jerry Lewis
Monday 11
Tuesday 12
Wednesday 13
Bobkittens Scare Syracuse On Thursday, February 20th, in the final home game for the Peru Prep Bobkittens, the Syracuse Rockets eked out a 49 to 44 basketball victory. Nannen and Morrissey, the Syracuse sparkplugs with 11 and 12 points, respectively, jumped the Rockets off to a shotgun start which enabled Syracuse to hold a commanding 31-lg lead over the Bobkittens at the'close of the first half. Again, Peru Prep had to rely upon their outshooting to keep them in the ball game. After the first half, the contest had all the symptoms of a basketball rout. But Peru Prep applied the pressure in the third quarter by. outscoring Syracuse and went on to chalk up 14 points to the Rocket's six during the final quarter. During these closing minutes, the tension was on the Syracuse Rockets as the Bobkittens gave them a good scare but fell short by five points. Peru Prep hit for a total of 70%; while Syracuse hit 53% of their .shots. The Syracuse seconds made it a clean sweep by defeating the Peru Prep seconds.
il II •
Campus School Commentary ' By Mary Anna Gnade
.-.<~>.-.(~~1.-1>.-.cJ~)....U....(l....(J._O~~f!....ll....C!~l. . .f). . . .ll~l.-.O~•:•
Every article or book you read had her turn battling the everslanted toward teaching advises present GERM. Mrs. Boatman, a survey of community for re- school nurse, is thankful we have source persons to use as supple- had no epidemics (mumps, mea· ments to every day class work. sles, and such) other than the · Our student teachers tap the GERM which plays no favorites. source for supplemental material: Healthy environment or just Dr. Kenyon was invited to speak right living? to 11th grade geography-history With the first of its many pubclass. Bill Almond took advant- lic appearances (at February age of opportunity and had his PTA) chalked up to experience, 8th grade geography class listen the high school chorus feels conin. 8th grade accolade: "Dr. Ken- fident enough to relinquish one yon sure knows his stuff." period of rehearsal time in favor Opened Home Ee· kitchen door of orchestra. This is especially on an errand and found 10th desirable since a number of chorgrade girls preparing lunch un- us members also play orchestra der the helpful eye of Miss Edna instruments and naturally all Weare. This includes planning phases of musical activity should menu, preparing food, setting ta- 1 ~how t? a~vantage in the upcomble complete with center piece mg D1str1ct Contest. Monday and (so I'm told) cleaning up th~ noons, instead of vocal exercises mess after. The most noticeable you will hear instrumental caitem was the enormous amount pers emanating from the music of food for only seven girls-eyes hall. Who eats at noon anyhow! larger than stomachs? (PS: Those/1 g~ls ate every Half time attractions at basket- bite of that food_:f\l!lough for the ball games (marching band from whole 10th grade!) Treynor, Iowa, and twirlers from Johnson) sparked a longing for the limelight in our own Campus The Eng . Class discussed Schoolers. At the high school the oral tra· ion and the early During the past two weeks, basketball game (Prep vs. SyraEnglish 12 has been involved in cuse) our own twirlers showed phases of the development of the short story. The following stuthe preparation of students for that Peru has talent. dents reported to the class: Hancollege classes through experiJust received a listing of the ford Miller on the myth; Marshall mental training in development of listening skills and note taking Campus School enrollment by Adams, the legend; Harlene ability. A series of lectures cov- families. Families of 4, 5, or 6 Palmer, the fairy tale; David eying the history and some of the children are the rule rather than Pardue, the fable; Mary Jarvis, a'uthors of English literature was the exception here. However, the allegory; and Marcia Allgood, delivered by the instructor. The single children staying with rela- the parable. Original short stories st~dents were required to listen tives (grandparents, brothers, etc) were written by the students. interpretively and to record the makes the average number of children per family 2 and 1/45th. information in note form. Redfern Clothing Co. At the close of the lecture ser- I dare you - show me who is ies, each student wrote a criti- l/45th of a child. "The Sl:ore of Standard cism of the series. Brands" The shower for Mrs. Cotton Phone 183 - Auburn given by her 4th, 5th, and 6th grade violin pupils proved that no one has to play down or talk In launching a unit on biogra- down to children. They acted as Stop at Dean's Cafe phy, Mrs. Schlange showed to the grown up as any group of adults English 10 class films on Abra- at a similar party. With the all Hi-Way 75 & 73 ham Lincoln and Thomas A. Edi- inclusive invitation issued by 1119 Central Ave. son. The films were followed by Mrs. C. to "come up and see the Nebraska Cil:y discussion of qualities of charac- baby" she will need a public exter requisite to service for man- hibition schedule to take care of kind. Through the stimulation of the crowd. creative thinking, the students The time is drawing near for expressed their philosophy in the senior class trip (to Chicago writing on such topics as "Words or Timbuctoo?) which naturally Carved in Stone," "Abe, My brings up the subject of finances. Dentist Friend," and "Servant of ManThe past two Saturdays have kind."· made experienced bread bakers Phone Office 2391 of the girls and salesmen of the
Preparation For College In English 12
Lincoln-Edison Films
Southern Poetry
In English 11, South~rn poetry was introduced with selections of Francis Finch, James Johnson, William Simms, and Conrad Aiken. The class enjoyed' participating in the choral reading of Vachel Lindsay's "The Congo," which was recorded on tape. Audio Aids were used again in playing records of poems and Negro spirituals. ·
boys. Hear they sold excellent Home Ee made hot rolls and
Res. 3461
cleared a mint of money (hard earned, mind .you.)
5th graders are doing research on Peru, even to the extent of personal interviews with old time residents. Off hand, could you gue$s how Peru got its name?
STEWART'S Standard Service
Student teacher (bless 'em) Jean Ruyle took over 2nd grade while supervisor Miss Wonderly
"OKLAHOMA" IN TECHNICOLOR & CINEMASCOPE Gordon MacRae Gloria Grahame Shirley Jones Charlotte Greenwood James Whitmore Rod Steiger Gene Nelson
Stella's Lunch - SHORT ORDERS MEALS - SANDWICHES ] Soutb. 11..ubu'tn, 'Nebtaska
DESOTO • • PLYMOUTH Fast Dependable Service Phone 3201 - Peru
HYKLAS GROCERY Groceries Fruits M. G. Heuer, Owner
Phone 2141
Meats Frozen Foods
Bill's Clothing Store Auburn. Nebr.
Ni 01 Ov1 Majo Mort! here "W "Wha
"H• jors, for tl a ReJ ical 1 Wh vil V. 800 a cer ir him: he bE spect1 It is was r last 1 Nebr; Ma and' state coln. sion c ing 1: an gr.) ing t "W the n "Sr to in: Color "Bt with,' Ma: unpn two~
chase adjou Eve
Serving Nebraska
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks . . .
Peru Pedagogian PERU, NEBRASKA
ever1tman, 'have mea1 the ·orites. just '!pubbruary rience, .s con:h one . favor ecially : chor:hestra ly all should tpcom[onday ercises il camusic rhow! every :or the
>Y :cussed early of the ' stu: Hanarshall :lene David Jarvis, llgood, stories nts.
:o. ~d
MARCH 18, 1957
Ninety Years Peru Choir Sings at MENC Meet Of Peru State By David Longfellow Over dinner one evening, T. J. Majors told his host, J. Sterling Morton, "I have a cousin out here who has but one fault." "Well," replied Morton, "What's that?" "He's a Democrat," said Majors, and went on to secure a post for the cousin. T. J. Majors was a Republican for his entire political life ... When he returned from the Civil War, Majors had an estate of 800 acres, and was ranking officer in the region. The land made him financially independent, and he became a well-known and respected man in Nemaha county. It is not strange, then, that he was nominated and elected to the last territorial legislature before Nebraska became a state. Majors was re-elected in 1867, and was influential in moving the state capitol from Omaha to Lincoln. He visited one stormy session of the House, and was stand. ing beside the Speaker when an angry mob rushed in, brandishing their bottles. "What should I do?" appealed the man to Majors. "Shoot the first man that tries to interfere with you," advised Colonel Tom. "But I have nothing to shoot with," objected the Speaker. Majors, never one to be caught unprepared, gave him one of the two guns he had recently purchased. The meeting was finally adjourned without blood-shed. Even when he was not serving in some political capacity, the legislators saw Majors every two years, and when he would enter the legislative chambers, someone would remark, "Well, what does Peru want now, T. J.?" First and foremost, T. J. Majors was for Peru and the Normal School he had gotten for the town. In the first years of the state's and the school's existence, he blocked the establishment of other normal schools in order that Peru would have a chance to set firm roots and become permanent. Originally, Majors sought the state university for Peru, but other powers convinced him that ·the larger 'institution should be located near the state capitol at Lincoln. Instead, Peru received the consolation prize of a state normal school. It was Majors who · later introduced the bill that made Peru a state college. There are a number of legends about Majors' reaction to the normal school suggestion, but the most plausible seems to be the purported conversatiqn between William Daily and Colonel Tom: "What is a 'normal school,' . Tom?" asked Daily. "Damned if I know," replied the Colonel, "But if it has anything to do with education, I want it." Majors, himself, spent one year in the school, and commented, "That year did much more good for me than any other schooling." During many of the years of his public life, he served a lot of time on the State Normal Board, and was invariably chairman of that body. It was through his influence that Peru gained the best set of buildings of any normal hool in the state. Thomas Jefferson M a j o r s ssed away on Monday, July 11,
Twelve members of the Peru State College Choir appeared in a Nebraska-Iowa Collegiate Choir before the North Central Meeting of the Music Educators National Conference in Omaha March 17. The group joined members of college choirs from Nebraska and Iowa in rehearsals on M!lrch 1617 at Omaha University under the direction of Conductor Maurice Gerow of the University of California at Los Angeles music department. The March 17 program included the presentation of "Sacred
Service" by Ernest Bloch in the Omaha Civic Auditorium Music Hall by the choir as a part of the music convention. Choir members from Peru State participating included: Betty Taenzler, Omaha; Harriett Parkison, Riverton, Iowa; Judi Cole, Nebraska City; Joyce Carman, Cook; Mary Riley, Dawson; Franci Stilwell, Palmyra; Don Gibson, Auburn; Jim Ackerman, Fremont; Don Noah; Richard Fankhouser, Humboldt; Marvin Wuster, Dawson; Julius Mueller, Omaha.
Blue Devils Strut For Crowd
Thirty Schools In Band Concert Here March 23rd
An outstanding display of skill was exhibited by the Blue Devils Friday evening, March 1, during the half time period of the varsity game. The Commandos strutted on the playing floor attired in everything from long red underwear to short red tights. Each wore one boxing glove. The referees blew their, whistles and the feud began. As soon as one player would get the ball, the opposing side would turn the boxing gloves oh him full force. A minor distraction from the game were the three lucious cheerleaders. They had numerous talents, not to mention their gorgeous physiques? ? ? ? ! 'fhey led the crowd in several chav.ts, and then graceful "Miss" Mi1ler turned some flips with the aid of "Miss" Krumme. They displayed unusual style. The bloody game raged on, and when at last the buzzer sounded, the Commandos gladly crawled off the floor.
Peru Repays Wesleyan Several students, representing Peru, traveled to Wesleyan on Thursday, March 7, to repay an exchange convocation. Bob Norton, president of the Peru Student Senate, introduced emcees Phil! Neuhalfen and Phil Fahrlander, who gave a lively performance. The program featured three vocalists: Marv Wuster, who sang "One Alone," and "Song of the Open Road"; Mary Riley, who sang "Madam Butterfly," and "With a Song In My Heart"; and Jim Ackerman, who sang "Come Back to Sorrento," and "Martha." They were accompanied by Charlene Kolar. Marilyn Slagle played two piano solos: "Blue Moon," and "Vountain of Aqua Peola." The group which was under the sponsorship of Miss Alma Ashley, were guests of the Wesleyan student governing body at lunch;
1932, but he lived to see his school as one of the permanent fixtures on the Nebraska landscape, and hear the praises of it sung everywhere. These articles on T. J. Majors were based on Colonel T. J. Majors: A Memoir, by Leo Morgan Hauptman. There is no publisher as the manusci;ipt is typewritten. It is available in the College Library.
For Ninety Years
Musicians from 30 Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri high schools will participate in the Peru State Co 11 e g e Band Clinic-Festival March 23, according to Robert V. Grindle, clinic chairman. Guest conductor for the fourteenth annual event will be Dr. Myron B. Russell, head of the music department, Iowa State Teachers College, Cedar Falls, Iowa. The 180 musicians will rehearse from 9:00 a.m. to noon, with practice sessions during the early afternoon. A recreational hour is scheduled for the late afternoon. The day's events will be highlighted with a free public concert at 8:00 p.m. under the direction of Dr. Russell. Schools and band directors registered: Alexandria and Odell, Harold Chatelain; Bellevue, Bryon Havilcek; Humboldt, Milton Grobeck; Syracuse, B. A. Johnson; Hamburg, Iowa, William Mcininch; Fairbury, Kenneth Foust; Johnson, Melvin Nelson; Pawnee City, H. Arthur Schrepel. Nemaha, Talmage, Salem, Verdon and Stella, Kenneth Stroupe; Brock, Robert Jones; Auburn, Ralph Chatelain; Plattsmouth, Richard Kucera; Adams, J. P. Hinds; Wym-0re, Phillip Murphy; Tecumseh, Allen Hartley. Nebraska City, Melvin McKenney; Tarkio, Mo., Lee Schneider; Falls City, William Person; Sidney, Iowa, Robert Colwel+; Bryon, Virginia and Reynolds, Charline Bambauer; Southeast High School, Lincoln, Paul R. Austin; Northeast High School, Lincoln, Duane Schulz; Peru Prep, Robert V. Grindle.
May Fete Royalty Chosen The voting for the May Fete royalty was completed on Monday, March 11, in the College Cafeteria. Bonnie Rutz and Bob Norton were elected King and Queen of the festivities. Their attendants are: Seniors Elberta Rhoten and Del Stoltenberg; Juniors Rosie Edelman and Ron Witt; Sophomores Beverly Gerdes and Wally Huff; and Freshmen Judi Cole and Jerry Collier.
Methods Class Thursday, March 14th, Dr. Holy and the high school methods class drove to Nebraska City to spend the day observing the high school system.
Gomon Goes Visiting
President Gamon Attends Meetings In Illinois and New Jersey Dr. and Mrs. Neal S. Gomon left February 14 for Chicago, Illinois, to attend the convention of "American Association of Colleges for Teachers." The theme was "An Educated People Moves Freedom Forward." The main session was addressed by William L. Brown, who spoke on "Insuring Quality of Class Room Instruction at Class Room Level." "The Petrified Forest,'' this They spent February 21 and 22 year's Spring play, has an unusin Atlantic City, New Jersey, atual and intriguing plot. The settending the convention of "Amting is a small· restaurant on the erican Association of School Adoutskirts of the desert in Eastern ministrators." The theme was Arizona. "Scholars On the Threshold of The restaurant is run by the New Area." There were two outMaple family. Gramp Maple, Bob standing speakers: Norman CouBohlkem, an old Indian fighter, sins, editor of the Saturday Rewho is always telling about the view, who spoke on "Report On days when ... ,Kramp's son Ja- Majority," and John F. Kennedy, son Maple, Dick Corwine, a stout U. S. Senator of Massachusetts, hearted member of the American who spoke on "The Education of Legion Post, and his daughter AmeJcan ~oliticians." Gabby, Yvonne Funkhouser, a Dr. and '.'Mrs. Gomon left Atyoung girl who is forever day lantic City, New Jersey, on Feb-, dreaming of the time she can ruary 23rd and arrived home at leave the desert and travel to noon the 25th. France where her mother lives. -.~ Gabby feels that her dreams are to be realized when she meets dashing Alan Squier, Ray Pardee, a gigolo, once removed, who has spent several years in France. The plot is complicated by the entrance of the gangster Duke Mantee, Rex Filmer, and his Peru State's 40-voice concert gang who are heading for the choir and the 40-member college border. band are scheduled for appearOther members of the cast are: Sid Brown, Donna Schuster, Dave ances in nine Nebraska high Longfellow, Bill Larson, Lois schools this month. The choir's two-day tour under Bush, Dwight Schell, Phil Neuthe direction of Darryl T. Manhalfen, Bill Almond, Jerry Colring, will include appearances on lier, Frank Pederson, Marv WusMarch 25 at 9:00 a.m. at Humter, and Gerald Olberding. boldt, 11:00 a.m. at Dawson, and 2:00 p.m. in Falls City. On March 26 the choir will present concerts at Tecumseh at 9:00 a.m., Filley at 11:00 a.m. and Wymore at The Blue Devils met Monday, 2:00 p.m. March 4, in Delzell Hall to elect The concert band, conducted officers for next year. by Robert V. Grindle, will give The newly elected officers who concerts April 2 in Plattsmouth will preside at the next meeting at 9:00 a.m., Nebraska City at are: Ron Witt, president; Riley 11:00 a.m., Auburn at 2:00 p.m. Ruby, vice president; Alvin Smart, secretary; Jerry Koenig, treasurer.
Thugs and Desert In "Petrified Forest"
Choir and Band In Appearances At Nine Schools
Blue Devils Elect
The chief topic of discussion was the All-Sports Banquet which will be sponsored by both pep organizations. Plans were made to attend baseball games in Omaha and Kansas City. This years' officers wish to express their gratitude to the members for their cooperation this year.
Veterans Movie The Veterans Club sponsored a free movie on March 6. The movie was a musical comedy, "Three For the Show." It was accompanied by four cartoons. An estimated crowd of 150 to 200 people attended. On March 20, the veterans will sponsor another movie, "Hell Below Zero." It will be in color by Technicolor, starring: Alan Ladd, Joan Tetzel, Basil Sydney, and Stanley Baker. Three cartoons will be shown. Admission for those aliive high school is thirty-five cents. The charge for high school students is twentyfive cents.
"When we build, let us think that we build forever."-Ruskin.
Last Chance Dance The "last chance" for the "last dance," after a ball game, was held Friday, March 1, at Delzell Hall. A large number of the students and their guests took advantage of this occasion. The lounge of Delzell furnished plenty of room for the dancers and observers. A fire was built in the. fire place for popcorn, marshmallows, and atmosphere. Soft drinks were obtained from a pop machine in the entrance hall. The dance music was on records played over an amplifier. The trend for the evening was jazz.
Senior Organ Recital Miss Elberta Rhoten, a student · of Robert T. Benford, presented an organ recital Thursday, March 7 at 8:00 p.m. in the Auditorium. Her selections were: Fantasia Sonata by Rheinberger; Te Deum by Claussmann; Prelude Op No.1 by Guilmant; Thanksgiving by Demarest; and Suite Gothique by Boellmann. The recital was well attended by. an appreciative audience.
Coioracio, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, and New York.
Ron's Briefs By Ron McKinney
Alpha Mu Omega A couple of days ago Delzell r Alpha Mu Omega held a reguHall was a place of unexpected lar monthly meeting March 11, ·at guests. Ed Hartman and Karl eight o'clock in the Music Hall. Faller, Peru State students of last After the business meeting, semester, made the unexpected Meritt Dodson and Brian Gfeller visit. Karl and Ed are going to a talked to us about their trip to telegraphy school in Omaha, the Nebraska Academy of Sciwhich they should finish in a ences in Lincoln. They discussed couple of months. Anyway, the what was accomplished at this men here in the dormitory en- meeting and how worthwhile the jqyed their visit very much. excursion proved to be. Gene Cambell went home beDavid Longfellow and Al Wincause he had the mumps last seman then took the floor. With week. He acquired them four or their fascinating skill and tricky five days before he realized he manipulation of numbers they had contacted them. Wouldn't showed "the oddities of the numthat be a shame if the whole dor- ber 9." Their program was very mitory were quarantined-espe- entertaining to everyone. cially a week before the quarter exams. I can't understand it. I don't believe there have been over ten By Donna Gaer men in the dorm at one time durScanning another college paing the 11th, 12th and the 13th. It couldn't be because of the 504 per, The Antelope from Kearney, girls on the campus that are in I came upon this little bit of the volley ball tournament, could news. Ever hear of sorority actives being initiated by the sorit? There was quite a boxing ority pledges? Here is such a match in the lobby of Delzell case. "How does it feel to be dragged Hall on March_ 11. It seems that Ray Ehlers' six-year-old brother from bed early in the morning came with his parents to visit the and before you've wakened campus. Anyway, Ray and his enough to realize what has hapsmall brother (Kert) were in a pened to you, find yourself sitvery uneven l;>oxing match. After ting in the city jail clad only in a couple of blows that sent Kert your flannel pajamas? "This is the situation in which almost flying over the floor, he quit. Give him a couple of years, 12 actives of the Delta Pi Beta Sorority found themselves last Ray ...• I was beginning to think that Saturday morning as result of a all the fellows in the dormitory well organized and smoothly exewere either broke, or else could cuted conspiracy by the sorornot afford razor blades. After ity's pledges.'' The actives were dragged from looking into faces with one or two weeks' growth of beard, I their beds and were herded into found out what was happening. "get-away" ·cars. They were taIt seems that quite a few towns ken to the city jail and were put are having their centennial and behind bars. At 9:00 the prisoners that growing a beard is essential. were released, having paid their debt to society for the alleged misdemeanor of "c r u e 1t y to pledges." Every student on campus should remember this, especially when initiation time rolls around Professor Moore, Roger Haigh, next fall. and Bob Moore Jr. journeyed to As I was reading through the St. Paul, Minn., for the St. John's Western Mistie, pub 1is he d by Debate Tourney. They left Peru Minnesota State Teachers College Wednesday, February 27 and re- at Moorhead, I came upon this turned Sunday, March 3. The sports note. meet lasted through Saturday. "At a small Junior College in They debated eight rounds southern California, Coach Earl with South Dakota State, Wis- Davis told his baseball team that consin State, St. Olaf, West Point, he didn't care for. those Presley St. Thomas, Augustana, Principia type haircuts. To back up his disand Huron State College. like for the long style haircuts, This was the final college tour- he told his crew one Friday that nament for Bob and Roger. They the one with the longest hair have established an outstanding would carry the bag with the debate record during their col- balls and bats in it for the rest of lege career. the season. Coach Davis gave his They have debated against the men until the following Monday following state teams this year: to get their haircuts. The followUtah, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, ing Monday his entire team reNorth Dakota, South Dakota, ported to practice with shaven
Stolen Goodies
Debaters Return From Minnesota Meet
PERU PEDAGOGIAN The Voice of l:he Campus of a Thousand Oaks Member Intercollegiate Press MARCH 18, 1957 THE STAFF David Longfellow ___________________________________ Editor Bill Kochheim _____________________________ Assistant Editor Ed Williamson ___________________________ Business Manager Ruth Linscheid ____________________________ Activities Editor Yvonne Funkhouser _____________________ Activities Reporter Jerry Collier _______________________________ Sports Reporter Hal Norris _________________________________ Sports Reporter Ron McKinney ______________________ Campus School Editor Sharon Reagan ____________________ Language Arts Reporter Lois Bush _______________________________________ Columnist Jean Thimgen __________________________ Fine Arts Reporter :M:argaret Robinson________________________________Reporter Donna Gaer------~----------------Alumni and Mailing List Bob Moore _____________________________________ Contributor Stewart Linscheid __________________________________ Sponsor
TO ALL PROFESSIONAL STAFF MEMBERS There will be a special FA CUL TY MEETING at 4:10 o'clock Monday afternoon, March 18, 1957, in the Campus School Auditorium. A matter of extreme importance will be discussed. Please arrange your schedule so that you can attend this meeting. Neal_§. Gomon President heads; Coach Davis will carry . the bag." Never underestimate the ingenuity of college students.
Debaters Perform For Kiwanians
E fro1 wa: cat: and plu tire ket Kai fro1
Bob Moore, Roger Haigh, Bill Albright, and Rex Filmer debated before the Peru Kiwanis Club Tuesday, March 12, at 6:30. The debate was held after dinner in the Campus School Cafeteria. The teams have debated before groups in Nebraska City, Auburn, and Falls City. This was the first chance for the local citizens to hear them.
Thirty-five Report For Track--Ten Are Lettermen With the opening track meet less than a month away, Coach Jerome Stemper's squad is busy with all-out practice. Opening day last week found a 35-man squad, including 10 returning lettermen, reporting. 1 .,The lettermen are Gary Adams ' Falls City; Eldon Epley, Elk Creek; Jerry Grancer, Beatrice; Glenn Heywood, Peru; Fred Koudele, Tekamah; Chuck Krumme, Essex, Iowa; Eldon McCall, Pawnee City; George Slaughter, Fairmont; Del Stoltenberg, Nebraska City, and Charles Tillman, North Platte. Three lettermen-Stoltenberg, McCall and Epley-will be working for their third Peru State track letter. McCall ,:was top point maker last year. Strongest events for the Bobcats appear to be hurdles and field events. The 1957 schedule includes: April 5, Creighton University at Peru; April 12, Peru and Concordia of Seward at Tarkio (Mo.) College, April 15, Peru and Tarkio at Northwest Missouri State, Marysville, April 18, Peru at Washburn, Topeka; April 26, Northwest Missouri State and Midland College at Peru; April 30, Tarkio at Peru; May 3, Peru at Sioux City Relays; May 7, Peru at Doane Relays; May 10, State College Meet at Kearney; May 17-18, N.C.C. meet at Kearney.
Nine Win Letters For Basketball Nine from the Peru State College basketball squad earned letters during the 1956-57 season, which closed March 1 with a record of 9 wins against 27 losses. In Nebraska College Conference play, the Bobcats under the tutelage of new mentor Jack Mcintire, placed fifth, with five wins and nine losses-one game better than the previous year. The lettermen, announced by Mcintire, included three seniors: Frank Davis, Leona, Kans.; Bob Kramer, Syracuse, and Bob Norton, Falls City. Other lettermen include: Juniors Ron Witt, Otoe; Bill Miller, Everest, Kans.; Gilbert Gray, Milligan; sophomores, Doug Gibson, Falls City; Bruce Smith; and freshman, Charles Francis, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Dorlt just sit th0re ! You'll enjoy today's copy of this 11fifcation much more if you'll get up right now and get
v fine Maj wa~
tim thn on trie sto1 wa: for
yourself an ice-cold bottle of Coca-Cola. (Naturally, we'd be happier, too!)
SIGN OF GOOD TASTE Bofiled Under Authority of The Coca-Cola Company By NEBRASKA CITY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO.
Trade At
And Save
Goe Ric Ge1 Ow T Ste Kir Wit Hi! Fez
G01 1
Refill .. 75c PEPSODENT Toothpaste CREST Toothpaste . . . .
2 for 79c 2 for 79c
GREETING CARDS For All Occas~ons
** Hill's Drug • Peru PIONEER THEATER. Nebr. City
Sun.-Mon.-Tuea., March 24-25·2l
PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS Any Garment Remodeled, Restyled, Repaired Always First in Qua!il:y and Workmanship Fur Coal:11 Repaired We call for and deliver Phone 2671. Peru, Nebr. I
wr: F
by Dick Bibler'
Charles Francis
Gilberf Gray
Charles Francis is the lone freshman who has played much on the varsity. He is a fine rebounder and an all-round player. "Chuck," with this year's experience, will be a threat for a starting position next season. Chuck earned three basketball letters at Abraham Lincoln High in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Gilbert Gray is a junior coming from Fairbury Junior College where he was a two year basketball letterman. "Casey" has a very fine jump shot which makes up for his lack of height. Casey hails from Milligan, Nebraska, where he was an outstanding high school athletes. Coaches expect much from Casey next year.
dog Verdon team March th, as he scored 10 points in the fourth quarter to bring Verdon from behind for a 52-47 victory over fa-
OTOE Stanhhoff ----------- 1 3 3 5 Kirchhoff ----------- 0 () 0 0 Witt ________________ ll 11 3 33
vored Sprague Martel in the first round of action of the Class D playoffs at the Peru college gym. Verdon socked 41 % to Cen-
Hillman ------------ 4 Fey ---------------- 0 Gorton ------------- 3 Total _____________ 19
0 0 2 16
2 8 0 0 4 8 14 54
tral's 31 % in field shots, but Central lead in free 17 to Verdon's 10.
DEWITT Thavenet ----------- 1 Stonhebrand -------- 0 Nieman ------------ 6 Leviene ------------ 1 Hams -------------- 2 Walties ------------- 1 Total _____________ 12
6 () 13 4 0 2 26
4 10 5 0 5 25 1 6 2 4 1 4 18 50
Bill Miller. Bill Miller, a transfer student from Highland Junior College, was an asset to the '56-'57 Bobcats. Bill is an excellent dribbler and playmaker, who spark · plugged the Peru Bobcats the entire season. Miller holds dual basketball letters from Everett, Kansas and two basketball letters from Highland Junior College.
Verdon Defeats Otoe in Finals Verdon beat Otoe 55-54 in the finals of the Class D playoff, March 8. Verdon, who led all the way with a 13 point lead at one time, won the game on free throws. Both the teams were hot on fields and free throws. Otoe tried every kind of defense to stop the Bulldogs' offense but it was not beatable. Fisher was high for Verdon with 24 and · Witt with 33 for Otoe. VERDON Goolsly ------------- 1 Richardson --------- 1 German ------------ 3 · Owens ------------- 4 Total _____________ 19
CENTRAL Ron Nannen -------- 5 Gary Nannen ------- 3 Ray Palmer -------- 3 Rog Palmer --------- 1 Mitchell --------~--- 1 Frahn -------------- 2 Total _____________ 15
5 3 4 () 3 2 17
1 15 1 9 2 10 0 2 4 5 1 6 9 47
O 2 4 VERDON 7 2 9 Goodsby ------------ 4 2 5 10 1 3 2 2 4 10 17 1 55
OTOE Steinhoff ----------- 1 3 Kirchhoff ----------- 0 0 Witt ----------------11 11 Hillman ------------ 4 0 Fez ---------------- 0 0 Gorton ------------- 3 2 Total _____________ 19 16
3 0 3 2
5 0 33 8
Richandoson ________ 2 3 5 7 German ------------ 8 Fisher -------------- 5 Owens ------------- 2 Conchhoff ---------- 0 Total _____________ 21
0 3 3 0
3 2 2 1 10 18
0 0
4 8 14 54
The Otoe Club was led to victory over DeWitt 54'50 by Dick Stemhhoff and Roger Witt. While Steindhoff racked up the points, Witt used his height to clear the board. De Witt threatened Otoe in the last minute but was not successful.
OTOE· VERDON WIN SEMI-FINALS Verdon-Sprague Mariel Ralph German was a one-Bull-
Hell Below Zero STARRING Alan Ladd
Joan Tetzel
Basil Sydney
Stanley Baker
Exhibited by Peru Veis March 20 In Auditorium
Siudenis 35c H. S. Students 25c
16 13 7 0 52
School Supplies
Priced Right for ihe Student
Bobcats Lose lh Overtime With Hastings The Peru Bobcats were tipped in an overtime in their final game this season against Hastings 84-75, March 1, in Peru gym. This was the final game for Bob Norton, Bob Kramer, and Frank Davis, who were tri-captains of the game. Bob Norton paced the Bobcats on offense and defense. Bob led his teammates with scoring honors by chalking up 21 points and some outstanding defensive plays. In the initial quarter, the McIntiremen hustled for shots and rebounds which matched the Hastings five in points and fight. During the second quarter, the Bobcats defense "baffled" the boys from Hastings. Peru State was leading at half time 38-28. Peru started the second half with a cold streak. Both teams battled until they clung to a 66 deadlock in the last minute of the game. Then Tom Osborne of Hastings received two ·free throws, but sunk only one. With Norton's foul on the rebound, another Hastings free throw was made. Smitty then was fouled but missed his free throws. Peru got the ball with six seconds left in the game with the score 67-66 favor of Hastings. Peru took time out to figure how to make the last bask'et to win the game. The ball was thrown in to Witt, who shot and missed, then a follow shot by Kramer was no good, but Smitty scored with a tip in as the clock ran out. The game went into a five minute overtime. Peru scored the first two points, but Hastings scored 11 points before Peru scored. The Bobcats' fire died
Douglas Captures Volley Ball Tourney On Wednesday, the 13th of March, the Douglas high volley ballers finished first in Peru's 11th annual Invitational Volley Ball Tournament. From a field of forty-two teams, Douglas eked out a final 18-17 victory over Verdon, who had to be content with second place. Setting a rapid pace, the tourney began on Monday with continuous dual games running from 9:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. Tuesday evening saw the field narrowed to eight teams which made up the quarter finalists (Burr vs. with the score 84-75. PERU fg
ft pf Kramer ---------- 1 2-3 2 Gibson __________ 3 0-0 2 Witt ------------- 5 4-4 2 Francis. __________ 0 0-0 1 Smith ----------- 5 6-10 4 Davis ------------ 1 1-2 0 Norton ---------- 9 3-3 5, Gray ------------ 5 1-3 2
pts 3
6 14 0 16 3 21 11
29 17-25 18 75 HASTINGS fg ft pf pts Pawloski ________ 8 1-1 2 17 Peterson, K. _____ 1 0-1 1 2 Osborne _________ 9 4-6 4 22 Hansen. ---------- 4 5-9 3 13 Erickson _________ 4 0-1 1 8 Fuller ----------Toms -----------Shaw -----------Peterson, C. ______
.4 2 0 3
2-3 2 10 2-5 2 6 0-0 O 00 0-1 6
35 14-27 16 84
. vs. Tobias, VerAvoca, Do r, and Panama vs. don vs. C Palmyra). Four semi-finalists: Burr, Verdon, Douglas, and Pan am a emerged from the Tuesday games to compete on Wednesday for the finals. Burr was easily decisioned by Douglas; and Verdon downed Panama. All four of these teams were assured their earned trophies. In the consolation game between Panama and Burr, Panama took a surprise easy victory over the Burr volley ballers. In that final encounter, Douglas and Verdon battled in a seesaw contest which allowed both teams to visualize a victory at one point or another. With four minutes remaining, Douglas held a substantial four point lead. Verdon dwindled this Douglas lead to "one" point, as the game ended with the ball in control of Verdon's server. The spectator yells subsided as everyone remained seated for the trophy presentations. Dean Keith Melvin addressed the crowd and presented the trophies: first trophy to Douglas, second to Verdon, third to Panama, and fourth to Burr. The sen-. iors from each team stepped forward to receive their well earned awards. Phyllis Davidson's physical education department and referees Stemper-Johnson should be commended for a highly successful volley ball tournament.
Emily Gyhra, spiker for the Steinauer high school team, has just delivered the volley ball across the nef to the Stella high team in one of fhe first games of the I Ith Annual Peru State College High School Girls Volley Ball Tournament which opened last Monday. Steinauer losf the game 23-20. The opening day saw the 42 teams narrowed fo a field of 16.
Biography Unit
Campus School Commentary By Mozy Anna Gnaa,
<• 419(~1._.0~l~~Oe9<1~419<Hll9-0 Prep"age buoyancy: B e fore taking off for district junior high basketball tournament, the rallying cry was "if we win, our student coaches are going ·to buy each of us a malt." And casual afterthought "if we lose we have to chip in and buy them a malt." (Wonder if the student coaches ever got their malts?) Another aspect of s t u d e n t teaching (or modern school organization): Mrs. Christ, 6th grade supervisor, has six student teachers, one for each subject. Now, in high school the pupils have to pass from one teacher's room to the next; in 6th grade the teachers pass in and out (ready to "pass out," too, no doubt!)
come to the point where they have learned and forgotten their parts several times over. (One solution might be to schedule them into the high school speechdrama contest. Such action might guarantee success for some other entry. Do I hear cries of treason?)
Elementary Teachers
Alas, the 8th grade have run into scheduling difficulties for their two one-act plays. It has
The English 12 classroom has been turned into a workshop for the reading and the taking of notes for the writing of a research paper for English literature. To emphasize good study habits, as preparation, filmstrips in the Learning to Study Series were shown -"Getting Down to Work," "How to Give a Book Report," and "How to Write a Research Paper."
Groceries Fruits
Now the little second graders · Humor is a well-established plan to have a program for their part of the American scene. Mr. mothers March 18th and are let- Birginal is using this theme for ter perfect in poems and plays. his unit in English 9. To launch They think they just started to the work, he gave each student . get the plays ready this past a book list from which choices week, but through unobtrusive for reading were made under his teaching they have 'been getting guidance. It is his plan to discuss the books read in groups, folready all year. lowed by a book talk to the class. In the way of advertising: Campus School holds open house Tuesday, March 19 at 8:00 p.m. They have achieved another year's work, come see! (Refreshments, too, courtesy PTA.)
Besides the usual birthdays to be celebrated with treats at school we now have PTA room mothers sending treats. for special days. Mrs. Earl Adams Need I ask if you have noticed (Garth's mother) sent Lincoln the hordes of visiting high schoollogs (tiny axe stuck in a candy ers? Take heed, what with clinbar) for each 6th grader. (I just ics, contests, and what not, from found out by accident.) now on .... In past issues, absences have Anent visiting high schoolers, been reported because of the GERM. Now one wonders how did you know our own high school seniors profitted from the many have been attributed to volley ball tournament in raising that sneaky predator SPRING a tidy sum to help out with their FEVER? And that leads to the skip day (week) fund? observation that kids blossom faster than flowers with the coming of warm March winds. Jacks, balls, and just plain racing or lolling around. The elementary student teachSkating party sponsored by the ers for the last quarter at the Baptist Young People led to hos- campus school are as follows: ' Teacher Grade pitalization for freshman Haney Suzan Alberson --------- 1 Milstead via a broken ankle. Deanna Brown ---------- 1 Live hard, play hard . . . Thelma Conyac _________ 6 Here's another instance of Mrs. Viola Cox ---------- 4 blessings of student teachers: Mrs. J. Dahmke --------- 3 NAIA tournament in Kansas Mrs. Nadine Danielson' -- 2 City this week takes Al Wheeler Mrs. Deanna Humphrey _ 3 away. Of course, Mrs. Wheeler is Pauline Kish ----------- 2 also interested, but since she is Donna Lair ------------- Kdg. girls' phys ed teacher for eleMaxine Lawritson ------- 2 Margaret Robinson _____ 5 mentary school, some fast rearMarjorie Thomas _______ 4 ranging was necessary for her Shelby Winingham ______ 7 absence on Friday. Bonnie Rutz assisted Tom Purcell in student tea~hing 5th and 6th grade girls swimming. Mrs. Iversen brought Miss Louise Mears from Nebraska City to wind up her 5th grade study of history of Peru. She told them some interesting stories of Peru and the colleges during the time she was on campus in the early 1900's.
In the biography unit in English 10, the following students talked to the class about the books they read, with emphasis on the character of people: Judy Adams, "Dr. Hudson's Secret Journal." Rae Gnade, "So Big." Sandra Craig, "Syrian Yankee." Monty Allgood, "Young Hickory."
Frozen Foods
M. G. Heuer, Owner
Phone 2141
Peruvian Singers Entertain Auburn Woman's Club
The Peruvian Singers presented a half-hour program for the Auburn Woman's Club Thursday, March 7, according to Darryl T. Manring, director. The program was given at 3:00 p.m. in the Auburn Library club room. Members of the 18-voice vocal group were: Sopranos-Mary Riley, Dawson; Harriett Parkison, Riverton, Iowa; Franci Stilwell, Pal~yra; Barbara Boyd, Omaha; Elberta Rhoten, Palmyra. Altos-Betty Taenzler, Plattsmcfuth; Joyce Carman, Cook; Barbara Chambers, Seward; Judi C:ole, Nebraska City. Tenors-Jim Ackerman, Fremont; Don Noah, Auburn; Dick Fankhauser, Humboldt; Ron Noltensmeyer, Auburn. Basses-Marvin Wuster, Dawson; Julius Mueller, Omaha; Carroll Engdahl, Oakland; Roger Russell, Peru; Don Gibson, Auburn. Peru's 40 voice concert choir will sing in Shenandoah, Iowa, on March 24. The choir will sing A. R. Gaul's Holy City. The soprano will be Marlyn Dyke; alto, Betty Taenzler; tenor, James Ackerman, and bass, Marvin Wuster.
ALL SPORTS BANQUET The Blue Devils and White Angels are sponsoring an All Sports Banquet, honoring the football, basketball, track lettermen, and coaches. It will take place April 8, at 6:30 in the College Cafeteria. The banquet is open to all students, faculty members, and townspeople. Tickets will be sold by the Blue Devils. The White Angels are in charge of decorations and the menu. The Blue Devils will provide the entertainment. Both organizations will serve the dinner.
S:tella's Lunch - SHORT ORDERSMEALS - SANDWICHES South Auburn, Nebraska
DRAMATIC CLUB TO SEE STAGE PLAY The Dramatics Club held its monthly meeting at 6:30 March 5, in the Little Theatre. Mr. Moore, sponsor, presided over the meeting. He suggested that the club make a trip to Omaha for a stage play. Several other items of bwiness were discussed. Coffee and cookies were served by Maxine Lawritson, Lorraine Johnson, and Elberta Rhoten. The next scheduled meeting will be April 2. The new members will be in charge of the program.
EDDY TO ST. LOUIS EDUCATION MEET Mr. Eddy, elementary principal of the campus school, is going to attend the 12th annual conference of the National Association for Supervision and Curriculum meeting March 18, 19, 20, and 21. This meeting is going to be held in St. Louis, Missouri. Mr. Eddy is going to travel by train. He commented that this is the first time he has ever attended an N.A.S.C. meeting.
TWO SCHOLARSHIPS IN HOME ECONOMICS AWARDED BY OTOE Two $480 four-year scholarships for the study of home economics at Peru State College will be given beginning with the 1957-58 school year by the Otoe Food Products Co. of Nebraska City, it has been announced by Karl H. Nelson, .executive vicepresident. The 1957-58 Morton House scholarship pr o g r a m, which makes possible the study of home economics for four full years, makes a total of 10 four-year scholarships provided by the Nebraska City firm, according to Peru State President Neal S. Gomon. To be eligible for the grants, the high school graduate must rank in the upper one-half of her class, possess qualities of leadership, good citizenship and professional promise and give evidence of desire and intention to work toward a degree with a major in home economics. Application information may be secured by writing the Registrar at Peru State. Deadline for applications is May I, and announcement of recipients will be made June 1. The eight students currently attending Peru State College on grants provided by the .Otoe Food Products Company scholarship program which was started in the 1955-56 school year include: Sec-
DR. H. C. DALLAM Dentist Phone Office 2391 Phone
Res. 3461
Peru ond year- W i 1ma Schroeder, Daykin; Betty Sedlacek, Wahoo; Barbara Boyd, Omaha; and Barbara Schultz, Council Bluffs. First year-Janet Bertram, Falls City; Mary Knight, Randolph, Iowa; Deanna Meyer, York, and Ruth Ann Duder, Table Rock.
JOURNALISM MEETING The Journalism Club met Thursday, March 7, at 4:00 p.m., at Mr. Linscheid's apartment. Lois Bush, Bill Kochheim, Hal Norris, Yvonne Funkhouser, and Ruth Linscheid were elected to nominate staff members of the Pedagogian to receive awards for outstanding work in journalism. The committle"" wiij also set the dates for a picnic in-}.,.pril and an awards dinner in May.
Clemd1iolmes M~for Co. Authorized Ford &: Mercury Dealer Nebraska Ci:ty
Ingersoll Barber Shop We Will Try Even Harder To Be YOUR Barber Auburn Nebr.
Redfern Clothing Co. "The Siore of Standard Brands" Phone 183 • Auburn
Stop at Dean's Cafe Hi-Way 75 & 73 1119 Central Ave. Nebraska City
STEWART'S Standard Service 917 J Street AUBURN.NEBRASKA
DESOTO • • PLYMOUTH Fast Dependable Service Phone 3201 • Peru
Ivy League • Pants Jackets - Shirts • Caps
Bill's Clo:l:hing Store Auburn, Nebr.
Ind Bu To Th
neari projE mem secre Arts Hall. Jei
ere di Chuc the E puzz pear: here' po ill' dirt cons' Da Gold colle the : Hall. near expe Duri and in gs offic men imm the Dar1 last brok Di but cion: no ti< gigg has the fie 1 tunr
To M of tl turn last of t whi• cons Her< deli< befo date 10:3' den1 law~
S1 gold cone war Mol and han< B1 and abo1 due! M ed: beei
Campus of 1,000 Oaks
Industrial Arts Burrows Deeply To Gain .Fame
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks . . .
Peru Pedagogian PERU, NEBRASKA
APRIL I. 1957
Commercial Club Goes Commercial
And 500 Squirrels
Guardmen Fire Eaters
National Guard Saves Campus
trouble getting the--.students to leave. Gene McMullen had to be dragged off. The tour also took Nati?nal Guardsmen and Boy Scout units from Peru Nethem to the Hammond Furniture Company and Ace's Recreation bra~ka City, a~d Auburn were mobilized recently to combat a ragmg grass fire which threatened the football field state Parlor. The Industrial Arts Club is timber, and the Gomo~ resiUpon finishing the tour, the · nearing completion on their new dence. The holocaust was started group went to Rockey's Hide- ANSWERS TO LAST project. Several of the prominent MONTH'S QUIZ when a lighted bunsen burner away to dine. They were entermembers decided to construct a 1. no was accidentally dropped from tained by the evening's floor secret tunnel from the Industrial 2. one red and one blue the chemistry lab. The blame for show. The show was highlighted Arts building to Eliza Morgan 3. 3 ft., 5 and % inches the accident has not been placed by Earl McCain and his magic Hall. 4. no officially, but Brian Gfeller and guitar. Also featured was RockJerry "Red" Mullins is given 5. the mid-section Merritt Dodson are under suspicredit for the original idea. ford E. Gess doing his famous 6. ·only on Saturday nights cion. Chuck Krumme is in charge of Russian dance. 7. false The two chemistry students The first stop in Omaha was the excavating. If you have been 8. cemetery hill were at that time, according to The group then returned home puzzled about the loose dirt ap- the Storz Brewery. Miss Weare 9. 3 pints malicious rumors, distilling alwith the satisfaction of enjoying pearing on the campus lately was surprised at the interest in 10. blueberry coho! from rose petals from the here's the answer: Chuck has ap- this concern. She actually had a most interesting trip. greenhouse, when the burner fell pointed workers to distribute the from the window and landed in dirt about the campus in an inthe tinder-dq_.grass. A breeze conspicuous manner. caught the spark ~nd spread it Dave Glasgow and Verdell rapidly, at times• carrying it Goldberg have beautified the across six-foot sidewalks. college considerably by filling in At this point, the Guard and the hole in front of Mt. Vernon Scouts were mobilized, and, Hall. Although the tunnel is armed wit.· · guishers, began nearly completed the boys have battling the aze. experienced several difficulties. Casualty reports are, as yet, inDuring the digging, Ray Ehlers complete, but at least five men and Jerry Ludwig lost their bearare in the Auburn hospital reings and broke into the Bursar's covering from severe burns , reoffice. After making final payceived in a vain attempt to save ments on the five day plan they the press box at the stadium, immediately changed direction of while two more are being treated the turinel and resumed digging. for lacerations incurred when the Darwin Rosenquist cleared the intense heat exploded windows last particle of dirt away and from the president's mansion. broke into the women's residence. Colonel Burl Bachman, regiDarwin hasn't been located yet mental commander, cited the Nebut the club have their suspibraska City and Plattsmouth cions. Several girls have been units for their cool and heroic noticed wearing wide grins and behavior as they fought the giggling constantly. This project flames, and praised the Boy has been such a huge success that Scouts as they braved the inferthe boys have had to install trafno to carry sandwiches and cof· fic lights to control the congested fee to the beleaguered troops. tunnel. Said Colonel Bachman: "These men deserve the Congressional Medal of Honor, or at least the Bronze Star." Also deserving of praise are the maintenance men who operMiss Rosie Eldeman, president ated the Ford tractor and bullof the White Angels, has just redozer in digging wide, unsightly turned from heaven. During the ditches around the major buildings. last White Angels meeting a few their policies were discussed Full damage reports are inwhich completely changed the complete, and destruction is constitution of the organization. lighter than originally thought. Here are a few of the changes: Only the Greenhouse and InfirmMidland College• Glad to hear (Peru, April 1st) Dr. Neal Godelicing powder should be used "Under the Grand Stand" by ary were completely destroyed, mon, president of Peru State it! Bring on those Peru Bobcats. before any members go out on Seymour Butts is the sensational while the Auditorium, Hoyt and Teachers College, has announced dates; wings are to be clipped at· Hastings College• I'm wonder- Spring play that will be present- Music halls received only minor that Coach Al Wheeler is leaving 10:30 every night for dorm resiing about that tremendous Peru ed in the local College Infirmary damage. Peru State. dents; failure to obey celestial ' spirit; I hope this breaks it. We'll April 1, 1957. President Gomon looked on the Although Mr. Wheeler could laws will result in earlier clipsee them down at Peru next fall. bright side of the catastrophe: not be reached for comment, unThe setting of the play is a pings. "Perhaps we'll get that new Chadron Staie Teachers• The huge grand stand. Sarah Sue Starns received a confirmed sources indicated that building after all," he said, in an Al has signed a football contract football conference battle for 57golden halo for her honorable interview. On the more serious at Casa Grande, Arizona. 58 should be an interesting fight; conduct. She accepted this reAct I. A small puppy is weep- side he commented, "They ought A melancholy atmosphere has since, we also will be getting a ward in good faith and thanked ing and looking for the not use such long hoses on their Molly McGuire, Monica Zach, existed throughout Peru State new coach. Petrified Forest. bunsen burners over there." and Karen Kehr for their helping since the resignation announcement; and the Blue Devil organhand. Act II. A beady eyed toad, porBeverly Gerdes, Beverly Hinds, ization has set up a farewell trayed by Fred Miller, and Janice Wiles were cautioned "gut buster" for the former Peru jumps up to the puppy about losing their wings for con- football mentor. and shows him the way duct unbecoming to an angel. Mr. Clayburn has made a thrill· to the forest. The puppy Miss Frieda Rowoldt was elect- CONFERENCE COACHES upon finding the forest ing discovery. An active volcano, ed as head wing clipper. It has COMMENT is very relieved and the first in Nebraska, is forming The honorable Tri Betas have been rumored that her scissors and happy, because his on the campus of Peru. The disWayne State Teachers• I have discovered a new bird. The sociare becoming dull. When Miss search has come to an covery was made last Tuesday at Rowoldt was interviewed by the known Al for many years, but ety was touring the campus the four o'clock. Mr. Clayburn says end. reporter she expressed regret I'd rather see him out of the Ne- other afternoon in search of new that the only way he was able to that many of the White Angels braska State than sitting opposite specimens when they came upon tell of the occurrence was by the this fascinating creature perched Act III. Lois Bush is ~ the fore- different charts and instruments have been flying too high lately. me at a football game. ground portraying a petupon a telephone wire. that have to do with the earth's Kearney Antelopes• I have no rified shrub. Next to her condition. The volcano should After a tiring chase it was capcomment to make upon Al's res- tured by Mr. Christ. They took it are Phil Neuhalfen, Jack erupt and take the form of a IMPORTANT ignation; but, I believe we'd into the laboratory and strung a Ludwig, Chuck Krumme mountain in approximately two NOTICE •.• "level" Peru with or without Al telephone wire from one side of and Riley Ruby, petri- weeks. It will form in the vicinWheeler. (Editor's com m en t- the room to the other. fied stumps. The puppy ity of the administration buildIn our recipe last month, there HA!) has a confused look upwas one error which we would ing. They named the bird Mug on his face. Mr. Clayburn thought it would like to correct at this time. Nebraska Wesleyan• Sorry to Wump because of its strange -After you have mixed the in- hear the news; but (with a smile) characteristics, with its mug on be nice if everyone knew about gredients, bake them for only ten I always look forward to meeting one side of the wire and its The curtain is then pulled on the eruption so that plans could minutes, not thirty-five. this touching scene. be made for the occasion. that Peru State football power. Wtimp on the other. Last Thursday the Commercial Club of Peru State Teachers College took a field trip to Omaha. The trip, headed by Hazel Weare, was reported a huge success. Before entering Omaha, th~ organization stopped at the Ludwig Boat Company in Bellevue. Miss Weare reported this to be a most interesting stop. As this concern is one of the most progressive enterprises in the state, Miss Weare thought this to be very helpful to the business students.
fij/S ! 5 fJJ-lBULL
White Angels Soar To New Heights
Al Wheeler Hands in Resignation
Tri Betas Make Ornithological Find on Campus
Unusual Play Coming Soon
Explosive Discovery
Editorial . ..
en in as far as cleaning the room was concerned. At the last dormitory meeting it was also stated by Sand\ that the model resident, picked at the end of the year by the dorm council, would receive a 1957 Cadillac. ·
It seemed tlfat April had been chasing after May, and when Day. heard about it, he got in a big lather and challenged April to a duel with bow and arrow. April knew that pay was · a better shot, so he spread glue on all of the good knight's arrows. While Day was trying to get his fingers unglued, April shot him betwixt the optics. The following day, the newspaper headlines read "April Fools' Day!" April"tleclared it a holiday, and it has been observed Couldn't think of a thing. ever since. Many explanations have been For those of you who like storoffered for the custom, of playing _ ies to end happily,· I might add practical jokes on the first of that April didn't get away with April, but there is agreement on this foul deed; one month later, none of them. The impression Widow Day presented April with prevails, however; that the cus- a pretty basket containing a King tom has something to do with the Cobra. Yep, you guessed it, that observance of the spring equiox. was the first May Basket. In India the Feast of Huli, which occurs on March 31, has been celebrated for numberless centuries by sending people on foolish errands. One theory is that April Fool is a relic on the Roman Ceralia, held at the beginBy Lois Bush ning of April. According to the legend, Prosperpina had filled By Ron McKinney her lap with daffodils in the Elysian meadows when Pluto found Eliza Morgan Hall this week her and carried her screaming to celebrates its 15oth year of existAn April Fool joke was pulled the lower world. Ceres, her moth- ence. At the anniversary tea held a little ahead of schedule the er, heard the echo of the screams Sunday, there were many disother day. Dave Cleats got out and went in search of the voice, tinguished guests among the visof bed in the middle of the night, but her search was like a fool's itors. Among them was the put his National Guard uniform errand, for it was impossible to founder of the hall, Miss Eliza on (sloppily) then ran into a room find the echo. Morgan, who is still spry and down the hall. After entering the April fooling became custom- youthful, though about to celeroom, he shook Ed Whitmore, anary in France after the adoption brate her twenty-first birthday. other guardsman, out of bed. of the reformed calender by · Asked to comment upon changes He told Ed that Auburn was Charles IX in 1564, making the which most impressed her, the burning to the ground and that year begin on January 1. It had distinguished Miss Morgan reevery guardsman was supposed previously been common for the flected for a few moments and to drive to Auburn immediately people to make new year's gifts then expounded, "What happened to help put the fire out. Ed-all and exchange calls on April 1 t9 the cigaret dispensers in the shook up by now-scrambled for under the old calendar, and con- iobby?" his guard uniform. After putting servatives objected to the change. \On to other news: Miss Donna his uniform on hurriedly, he Wags accordingly sent to these Gaer announced her engagement asked Dave if he was ready to persons mock gifts on April 1 ·and last week. Her fiance is Roy Fitzgo. Dave, dressing slowly, told made .calls of pretended cere- gerald, commonly known as Rock Whitmore to go on without him mony. It was not until the begin- Hudson. He is currently working and they would meet later in ning of the eighteenth century in Hollywood, California, doing Auburn. After approximately that April fooling became com- bit parts in occasional movies. two hours, Ed came back and mon in England. The early setDonna Schuster picked up a stated to Dave, "I just couldn't tlers of America brought the cus- recent copy of Life and fell in find Auburn." Whitmore, quite tom with them. love with the newest hair styles, worried, asked Dave what was the Elvis Presley cut. Risking going to happen to him. Dave life and limb to get to Auburn answered, "Well, when they have despite the six foot drifts of a meeting tomorrow and they snow, Donna made the trip and dori't smell smoke on your unireturned with newly-shorn locks, form, they'll probably kick you complete with sideburns. out of guards." Several fires sprang up in Eliza Today is the first day of April, Dorm Council President, Ken and you all know what that Morgan in the past two weeks. Sand, announced that inside of means: you have only 29 days to , Undoubtedly the work of a pyromaniac who enjoys smoking in two weeks. in the rooms of Del- get your May baskets ready. zell Hall will undergo major inSeriously, did you ever won- bed. "We lose more · good resiterior dEX:orating. Sands said that der why this day is called April dents that way," says Mrs. Fulthere would be wall to wall car- Fool's Day? Did you ever wonder ton sorrowfully. However, there peting installed. The resident of why people play nasty little is a cheering thought. At least each room will be able to choose tricks on you, and then yell "Ap- we know that the fire alarms his .own color. Sand also stated ril Fool"? Well, I didn't, so I did work-and work-and work. Next week dorm residents are that private telephones would be a little research on the subject. installed in each room. Along It all started about three hun- eagerly looking forward to a visit with· all of these wonderful dred years ago in the little king- from that distinguished psychothings, there will be maid service dom of Glintz, which was ruled analyst, Dr. 0. B. Noxious. On for each floor. The maid will by a stalwart ruffian named tour of the state colleges, • Dr. clean and wax the floors three Johnny April. There also lived Noxious is making extensive retimes a week. There was only in the kingdom a young knight search on the average frustra· one objector-Ron Witt, who named Day, and his beautiful tions of college women. Naturally, any layman knows the ansaid he had his room-mate brok- wife, May. swer to that, but Pauline typically and innocently says, "I know what frustrates me. Keeping PERU PEDAGO.GIAN quiet." Keeping quiet had better be The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks the theme of this column for a Member Intercollegiate Press while. See you next deadline. APRIL I. 1957 By Bill Kochheim
This Is the Only Tru(Story In This Pedagogian
+rtt AfHlft -t-!tt W wmt #ft tt-1+ Af tW,
Shrub Snoops
Ron's Briefs
All About April Fool
Phil-osophies of Fahrlander
THE STAFF David Longfellow___________________________________ Editor Bill Kochheim _____________________________ Assistant Editor Ed Williamson___________________________ Business Manager Ruth Linscheid____________________________ Activities Editor Yvonne Funkhouser_____________________ Activities Reporter Jerry Collier-----------------------------~-Sports Reporter Hal Norris_________________________________ Sports Reporter Ron McKinney ______________________ Campus School Editor Sharon Reagan____________________Language Arts Reporter Lois Bush-----------------------~---------------Columnist Margaret Robinson--------------------------------Reporter Donna Gaer_______________________ Alumni and Mailing List Bob Moore ____________________________________ ..Contributor Stewart Linscheid __________________________________ sponsor
"Lack of Study H~rts Peruvians," Says Dean Boraas Dr. Harold Boraas, in a recent convocation won the student's praise and admiration by presenting one of the most interesting and entertaining speeches given on the Peru stage. He gained the students' attention by walking onto the stage with a loaded shotgun and leveling a pair of devastating blasts into the center of the assembled group. Immediately he brought peals
AA "CIJpl.t" t$AREQl5T'11EOTl! ... [l(·M ... RK.COPTll!QHTU~11llt~QA-COl.ACOW»tT,
The other day our vice president in charge of good news announced that someone, somew~njoys Coke 58 million times a day. You can look aTtliis 2 ways: Either we've got an incredibly thirsty individual on our hands. Or Coca-Cola is the best-loved sparkling drink in the world. We lean to the latter interpretation.
Wi Fa (
wo: lair shiJ wo: Per cut 1
SIGN OF GOOD TASTE BoHled Under Authority of The Coca-Cola Company By NEBRASKA CITY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. of laughter by placing a stick of bologna in his mouth and announcing that "I'm not talkin' while the flavor lasts." Mrs. Clara Boatman, college nurse, had to be called to attend a co-ed who was reduced to an epileptic seizure by this act. His main subject was: "Do Students Study Too Hard?" His opinion was that they do not. In his twenty-five minute oration he cited the fact that Peru State has in the past ten years placed more failures in more branches of teaching than any other college in Nebraska. He produced statistics that proved that the. average student on this campus spends approximately five fours each semester on each two-hour course, and
ma: Co< no "Fo car
tional purposes and use the facil· ities for a Spring training camp for the U. of N. football and baseball teams. "Heaven knows, they need it!"
MILITARY BALL The April 1st Military Ball will have as its distinguished guests Generals Washington, Grant, Le and Pershing.
PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS Any Garment Remodeled, Restyled, Repaired Always First in Quality and Workmanship Fur Coats Repaired We call for and deliver Phone 2671, Peru, Nebr.
seven and one-half hours on each three-hour course, "And," he said, "it ain't enough." As a result, he maintained that the average student leaving Per is inadequately prepared, and. stated that, unless things improve, he will recommend that the state Normal Board clos
VEGETABLES MEATS FRESH FRUITS Free Delivery Tuesdays and Fridays PHONE 4351
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. by Oick Bib1e;-·······,
Mcintire Signs Wilt Chamberlain For '58 Campaign
Student master of ceremonies, Doug Gibson, sputtered out the events of the evening. First, on the program was Marv Wuster who sang parodies of Blue· Devil fight songs. Next, Chuck Krumme and Yvonne Funkhouser gave a hat trick involving five British-type beanies. With the crowd in an uproar, Gib quieted them with the announcement that the Shady Sisters would sing "Can I Play Tonight, Al?" and "Say, Sid, Throw Me the Ball." Jim Rosenquist, Ray Ehlers, and Henry Hart acted as the Shady Sisters. Finally, the guest speaker, Dave Brubeck, was introduced by shouting Sid Brown. Dave Brubeck was an outstanding athlete until his music made him a millionaire. Brubeck spoke on Music-Wine-Sports and Co-eds. He stated you cannot mix these four and still play good ball on Saturday. The unique part of the sports banquet allowed not one Peru coach to speak. This banquet enabled the Peru coaches to sit back and enjoy the festivities.
Coach Jack Mcintire got the word that Wilt "Stilt" Chamberlain has signed a sports scholarship with Peru. Coach has been working on "Stilt" to come to Peru ever since Coach saw him cut his eye teeth. Mr. Mcintire went to Wilt's mother as chemical reaction. McIntire offered Wilt and his folks a new Cadillac every year to make sure Wilt comes to Peru, Coach made sure Wilt will have no money or publicity troubles. "Fog" Allen offered only a new car to Wilt, his sophomore and senior year and a good time at Kansas University. Wilt Chamberlain says he will like Peru because he will not have far to walk to classes,· and he will know more kids on the campus. Another reason why Wilt said he liked it here is because one of the Bobcats told him no one in this conference would block his shots or step on his . stubby feet. Wilt said he doesn't know that he will make the first string right off, but he thinks his height will get him on since Peru is hunting for tall boys.
The banquet ended with the entire group standing to sing "In the Foothills of Old Peru" to the rhythm of Brubeck's foot stomping. Brubeck's Peru date was Cynthia Hathaway, the ugliest girl at Mt. Vernon Hall. The faculty unanimously, dorsed more banquets of type. Dave Brubeck was from football receipts; so, of Peru's budget finances utilized.
Sports Banquet Held The campus cafeteria held the annual sports banquet honoring Peru football and basketball lettermen:
QUALITY USED CAR '57 Chrysler, Dodge or Plymouth SEE DUANE
enthis paid none were
Mcintire and Stemper ·Represent Reru
Cats Salt Celts Peru Bobcats won easily over Boston Celtics 110-98 in an exhibition in Madison Square Garden on April 1. Peru holds on to its wrnning streak of 3{)0 games. When Peru took the floor, all the spectators stood up and cheered them on to victory. This was the best team in history of all college basketball teams. The game started with Peru taking an early lead. Bob Cousy was having a tough time playing. Cousy was covered by Ron Witt, the Bobcats specialist eye poker. Cousy, to save his eyes, wore goggles but they obstructed his view. Bruce Smith of the Bobcats for the first time' found a center taller than he. Bill Russell, center, stood 6 ft. 10 in. and Bruce, center, stood 6 ft. lOl/s inches the day of the game because he thought height was needed, to help win the game. Jack Mcintire was very displeased because Boston had nobody to hold "Hoot" Gibson down. Coach says he would like tougher and rougher competition because he wants his boys to improve and have more respect for their elders.
W.C.P.U. Sponsors Peru Blue Devils The Blue Devils will be sponsored next year by a chapter of the W.C.P.U.. The organization felt a need for a strong support for their club and believe the W.C.P.U. will greatly benefit them. The W.C.P.U. has similar feelings about this project they are undertaking. They want to. feel that they are supporting a worth while cause and are also bettering the organization. The club and sponsors are looking forward to a long and prosperous dry year.
DENTIST Phone Offke 2391 Phone Res. 3461 PERU
reported only the1"4'ibula leg bone was involved in the mishap.
Jack Mcintire and Jerome Stemper represented Peru State Teachers at the annual coaches meet in Omaha. This was the 7th annual southeast coaches meeting. Mcintire pushed Peru into the limelight by capturing the pie eating crown. Mcintire took the winner's trophy by consuming 66 pies. Stemper added to the Peru cause by coming in "first" in the sack race. Kearney's football coach finished second. The ear wiggling event was won by Wayne State Teachers. All our hats are off to two great Peruvians, Mcintire and Stemper.
Football Halfback Injured Bob Rodney of Oak Hill was reported in satisfactory condition in the Nebraska City hospital today from a broken leg that he received at the hands of a mouse. Rodney had just arrived home to find his wife had flushed out a mouse. Rodney handed his wife a broom while he grabbed a baseball bat. They both cornered the creature; and without warning Rodney "wound" up with a high overhead swing. As Rodney brought down the bat, the pesky rascal scurried off, leaving Rodney to blast his own leg. Rodney should be available for the 57-58 season, since doctors
p: :~~~~~e:
c_elebrating a great surprise, tonight at 7:30. About a month ago, when President Eisenhower was playing golf on the Auburn greens, one of our papers flew into his hand. After reading the paper, especially Dave Longfellow's historical story "Ninety Years of Peru," he wanted to read more of our papers. Since Peru doesn't have the equipment to print enough papers for the public's demand, Presidt;,nt Eisenhower is donating several million dollars for a press at least as big as the WorldHerald's. He feels that as many people as possible should have the opportunity to read such magnificent writing. The armed services of the U. S. will serve as carrier boys to guarantee the Pedagogian world coverage. Everyone wishing to attend the celebration can meet in front of the gym tonight at 7:30.
BUILDINGS TURNED DOWN President Eisenhower, in an announcement the other day, granted fifteen million dollars to Peru State Teachers College for the erection of new buildings, such as housing for men and women, new science buildings, ·. etc. Gratefully, Dr. Gomon turned down the offer. He stated: ''We have no place to put them."
HEU ER'S HYKLAS GROCERY Meats Fruits Frozen Foods M. G. Heuer, Owner Phone 2141 Groceries
Campus School Commentary .
By Mary Anna Gnade
Hollywood Raids Cast Of "Petrified Forest" By Sharon Beck
<·~~~~~CM9<l~J49>fl~0-.1J .... 11~.-.<t!+
Once again Vic Jindra has been named the Most· Representative Student in School. Vic has won this honor over and over, Exams will be eliminated this the first time being in 1941. Jinquarter because all students in dra has been active in the Math the campus school have grades Club which has repeatedly ranging far above the usual B awarded him the Apt in Arithaverage. metic Medal. As president of the Because fund raising endeav- Elementary Language Club he ors far exceeded expectations, the sang Bohemian nursery rhymes. senior class has unanimously vot- He is a familiar figure at football ed to book passage on a Strato- games as an acrobat cheerleader. cruiser to the Orient for their skip week trip.
Timely long range weather forecast for campus schoolers: summer expected to be hot.
The junior class has made elaborate plans for the juniorsenior banquet with usual spring theme using orchids as main decoration. Final ballot has not yet been taken to choose between Lawrence Welk or Satchmo for dance music. Designs for remodeling and enlarging the Campus School show a spacious second floor labeled "Wreck Hall" which includes an Acorn Ballroom with smooth-as-glass f 1o or, s m a 11 stage, ·chromium plated coke bar, adjoining grill. Recreation equipment includes ping pong table, target games, miniature golf course, marble and jacks court, and dozens of table games. After much effort on the part of both the High School and Elementary Student Councils, classes have been reduced from one hours endurance to ten minutes tolerance, thus allowing for full utilization of anticipated Wreck Hall. By popular demand all male faculty members will wear Bermuda shorts with colorful shirts as standard classroom uniform. Teaching fashions have not as yet been dictated for the ladies on the staff. To class Peru as a progressive school the present driver ed program is being expanded to include the new pre-jet training. To provide adequate facilities for this expanded program, plans are underway for a ten million dollar airport to be situated on the river bottom north of the railroad station. Work will begin on this project the second Tuesday of next week. A most needed vacation was declared for overworked high school athletes. Fearfog overtraining would spoil chances for taking several meets, DeZwarte sent the boys home for a week's rest with pay.
Clemmy Holmes Motor Co. Authorized Ford & Mercury Dealer Nebraska City
He holds the all-school marble champ and is usually runner-up in bowling tournaments. With three track letters to his credit, this spring Vic broke the quarter mile hoop rolling record. Other broken records are several Elvis Presley ballads with which he practiced discus throwing. Most outstanding music activity has been organization of kindergarten rhythm band and allschool ocarina chorus. His hotrod performances make him pbpular with all students. There will be some kind of an important meeting in either the High School Auditorium, the Nurse's Office, or some place in the building. Important business will be taken up along with other important stuff. Don't know exactly what it is, but those concerned with attending campus school and teaching there better be present.
Holy to S.D.A.T. Dr. Holy attended the seventh annual meeting of the S.D.A.T. (Slave Drivers Association for Teachers) March 14, in Nebraska City. The main topic of discussion at the meeting was: "Is the quality of the material used in old bull whips inferior to the quality of the new ones?'" Dr. Holy also stated that he had some trouble making it to the meeting on time. It seems he had some trouble with the motors on his chartered DC-7. He said he had an enjoyable time and would probably attend the annual meeting next year.
Cecil B. DeMille, Holiywood producer and talent finder extraordinary visited the Peru Campus March 31st in order that he might find some talent for his new picture, "Samson Crosses the Delaware." Accompanying Mr. DeMille were Howaro Hughes and Alfred H itch c o ck. Mr. Hughes is currently producing "The Outlaw Rides Again, This - Time With a White Hat," and Mr. Hitchcock is completing the cast for "The Trouble With the Man Who Knew Too Much." The three producers are vying for the next Oscar awards for the best picture of the year. AU are in search of "new" talent. It seems as if Rock Hudson, Jayne Maynesfield, Tab Hunter and other stars are losing ground with the audiences. Mr. Robert Moore in accordance with the producers wishes to meet the dramatic talent on campus took the three "names" to the auditorium where the spring play cast was practicing "The Petrified Forest" by Robert Sherwood. The producers were captivated by the cast's performance and wanted to meet the actors personally. Gramp Maple (Bob Bohlken) caught Hitchcock's eye. Mr. Hitchcock gave Bob a contract for the leading male role in "The Trouble With the Man Who Knew Too Much." Bob, an inquisitive soul, asked Mr. Hitchcock, "Sir, what's the matter with tl¢ man who knew too much?" M:r;. Hitchcock, in his inimatable fashion answered Bob, "Son, he's dead." Bob walked away contract in hand muttering to himself "I have a feeling I'm gonna have trouble with that part." Duke Mantee (Rex Filmer) got the job with Hughes as the "Outlaw." Rex casually asked Mr. Hughes, "Why, did I get the part sir?" Mr. Hughes looked furtively around then said in a low tone, "Son we can only afford one hat and it's in your size ..." Rex walked away muttering happily to himself, "I knew this head of mine would take me places." Cecil B. DeMille handed out contracts to everyone else explaining, "I need you all for roles in my movie as its going to be the .:nost spectacular, spectacular ever produced. Why its going to be greater than T.V." Yvonne Funkhouser had a puzzled frown on her face and Mr. DeMille hurried to ask her what was the matter. Yvonne shyly answered, "Well, Mr. DeMille, I thought I'd seen all your pictures, but when did you produce T.V.?" Just at this moment Mr. Moore rushed up, protesting ...."You can't take all my cast, the play's premiere is only a month away. I need the members of the cast now." DeMille, Hughes and Hitchcock had banded together to
"steal" material from unsuspect- riding and night-herding· c0uld ing d r a m a t i c coaches. Mr. be instituted. Moore's protests were to no avail. The music department would The entire cast was rushed have a cheap supply of horns, from the stage with breathtaking too. speed into a waiting semi-trailer The rising cost of food would truck and driven away. As the be slashed with the bovine sectruck rolled away I saw Mr. tion of the herd supplying all Moore begging the producers to milk and cream, and the home at least leave him the little stage ec butchers keeping beefsteak prop-"Shrub." and horsemeat on the table. The grass could be protected by fencing in a number of wild, mean bulls to prevent students from taking a short-cut. The weaknesses of this plan, as many and obvious as they are, are far outweighed by the beneThe recent sighting of Presi- fits to be received in the future. dent Neal Gomon on horseback The cost, after the initial output, leads this paper to assume that would be small in comparison to something new is afoot on cam- the savings in other fields. The conjecture c o mm i t t e e pus. To discover the implications of this event, an investigating would like to commend: President committee was formed to make Gomon for his foresight and administrative ability in handling conjectures. the problem of rising costs. There are a number of possibilities: a) he had no car; b) the cost of running a car was prohibitive; c) it is a more flexible way to travel while checking on the maintenance crew; d) it is Billy Steckley, a fourteen year part of a new economy and exold student of Peru Prep walked pansion program. off with the ~Y-.six thousand Of these possibilities, the last dollar jackpot on \the popular seems the most feasible for these quiz show "The $66,000 Dollar reasons: a) even though all state Question." The small genius anvehicles might have been in use, swered questions like "Who's he still had recourse to his own buried in G tomb?" Billy private car; b) though the cost of answered " 't" correctly. running an automobile is prohibWhen Billy as asked what he itive, he should have an ample was going to do with all of the salary to take care of all needs; money he won, he answered, "I'm c) the maintenance crew is not going to buy my grandmother a in his immediate jurisdiction, Jaguar, Dad an erector set, and and besides, he's a good sport my mother a year's supply of about their loafing. bubble gum." The only thing left is an economy and expansion program. The horse may be a testing object to learn the usefulness of domesticated animals such as horses and cows as lawn mowers. Perhaps It was announced by the camon the surface this project seems pus school there would have to laughable, but there are definite be a 85% increase of student ensavings to be had as shall be rollment at the prep school for shown. the next semester. It seems they As everyone no doubt knows, are having a hard time getting two regular men are on the pay- enough students for the student roll for yard maintenance. These teachers to practice teaching. two are supplemented by part- This semester, there is only one time student workers. And all student for every student this for the simple purpose of teacher. trimming the grass. With the advent of horses and cattle, one man could be freed M.E.N.C. for other tasks, while the other The M.E.N.C. voted to have the herded the livestock. The change same type of weekly formals next would increase the force 10%, year. They also regret to anand a tremendous savings would nounce that there will be a fill in be effected in power mower ex- next week. Elvis cannot get a 3penses such as gas, oil, etc. day pass for that night. However, Another interesting aspect is for the next eight weeks, the folthe expansion in curriculum that lowing will appear: The Planters, could be had. An agriculture de- Apr. 6; The Four Lads, Apr. 13; partment could be added to the Ray Anthony, Apr. 21; Guy Lomschool. Art courses in the braid- bardo, Apr. 27; The Freshmen, ing of horse hair, leather tanning, May 4; Lawrence Welk, May 11; and bull-whip construction Amos Brothers, May 17; Glen would be in demand. The home Miller, May 24. economics department could add courses in practical butchering, JOHN ADAMS' SERVICE and sausage construction. STATION The big curriculum increase
President's Horse Inspires New Curriculum Here
Prep Student Wins $66,000 On Quiz Program
85 Per Cent Increase At Campus School
would come in the physical education department where classes in theory or rodeo, rodeo methods and management, and exercise course in bronc busting, calf roping, bulldogging, wild bull
Batteries · Accessories Oil . Gas PERU, NEBRASKA
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no po th1 pu in1 ce: be pr, di~
to sai
str gir ho by to hrn Eli 181
A Growing Campus
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks . . .
Peru Pedagogian PERU, NEBRASKA
APRIL 15, 1957
A Beautiful Campus
Ninety Years Of Peru State
President Speaks at Alumni Meeting
Important to any college is the buildings it keeps. At the present time Peru State is angling for a much needed building to house the enrollment that is steadily growing. One comment from the president indicates that if he gets one that will meet all of the needs of Peru State, it will either cover the entire campus or be ten stories high. Be that as it may, Peru has some buildings that have served for over half a century or more and are still going strong. One such is Mount Vernon Hall which now houses a segment of the male population on the campus. Mt. Vernon occupies the site of the first building on Peru's campus. In 1897, however, that building burned during the holiday recess, and many of the students' belongings were destroyed. One professor managed to rescue some dishes, and lowered a feather bed to safety. Mt. Vernon was erected the same year and has been going strong ever since, first as the girls' dorm and now as the mens' housing. It was adjoined in 1929 by Eliza Morgan Hall which went to the girls, and was named in honor of the dean of women, Eliza Morgan, who served from 1872 to 1898. The "Old Normal Hall" stood where the Auditorium and Hoyt Hall do now. It served the college from 1873, when it was completed and dedicated, until late in the 1920's when it was felled to make way for the present occupants of the site. Hoyt Hall (named for W. F. Hoyt, who' served many years as an instructor of science) was dedicated in 1930. Previous to that time the building that now houses the music department was used for science instruction. The Music Hall was originally constructed as a frame building and was used as the library until 1906 when the present library was finished. It was used for science from then until 1930 when it ended its odyssey and qecame a weird-sound factory. 1887 saw the construction of the Infirmary which was, originally, the heating plant for the Normal Hall. Students of 1904 saw the erection of the present Gymnasium and called it, in those days, the , Chapel. Some years later it was converted to a gymnasium and, in 1949, it took its present form as the roof was lowered and the south end was extended. It was 1911 before the Administration Building made its entrance and took its place as the nerve center of the most impressive campus in Nebraska. In 1917 Peru State gained a laboratory school in the construction of the T. J. Majors Training School. Delzell Hall provided a resting place for the male population in 1939. Named for W. N. Delzell, it is the youngster (faculty apartments excepted) in as fine an ar~ ray of college buildings as exists in Nebraska's colleges. Still don't have room for everybody though_ . . .
The Lincoln alumni met for a dinner at Cotner Terrace on Saturday, April 6th. The dinner, presided over by outgoing president, Spencer Leger, was. a pleasant affair when over sixty alumni, students, and faculty members got together. Don Carlile introduced Loren and Marilyn Dyke, who sang numbers like "All the Things You Are," accompanied by'Marilyn Slagle. Phil Neuhalfen made
Sixty Grads Hear "The State of the College"
Devils and Angels Sponsor All Sports Banquet in Cafeteria
Attended By l?O Peon]e his debut as a violinist, and the ~
Ray Ehlers, right, president of ~tudent Senate: Ron Wi:tt, left, vice president of Student Senate. Z
Student Senate Elections The election for 1957-58 Stu- representatives; Jon Applegate dent Senate officers was held and Jan Stangle, junior repreFriday, April 5, in the Adminis- sentatives; Wayne McFarland and Gilbert Swanson, sophomore retration Building. Mr. Ray Ehlers, son of Mr. and presentatives. There will be an election of the Mrs. Louis Ehlers, Syracuse, Nesecretary and treasurer soon. braska was elected president. Ray is a Junior this year with Freshman representatives will be two majors, Industrial Arts and elected next fall. The Pedagogian would like to Physical Education. His minor is congratulate this year's .Student biology. Senate for the fine job they have Ray is active in the school or- done in sponsoring the social acganizations. He served as a mem- tivities, such as Freshman Orienber-at-large on the Student Sen- tation Week, underwriting the ate this year. He is a member of Christmas formal, exchange conBlue Devils, "P" Club, Tri Beta, vocation with Wesleyan, cheer Epsilon Pi Tau, and L.S.A. He is leaders trip to Chadron, supervisalso a three year football letter- ing all royalty elections, and man. changing their Student Council Ray's comment on the election: to Student Senate. "I consider it an honor and I will They will complete the year by do the best I can." sponsoring May Fete and the AllThe results on the election are school picnic. Dean Melvin, sponsor of Stuas follows: Ron Witt, vice president; Fred Miller and Franci dent Senate, commented: "The Stilwell, members-at-large; Jerry Senate was good and did very Ludwig and Fran Larson, senior satisfactory work."
Charter Day To Be Celebrated
The Board of Education of .State Normal Schools has approved a plan to give special recognition to the 90th anniversary of the founding of Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru. June 20 has been designated as Charter Day for Nebraska's oldest college. It was on June 20, 1867, that the legislature of the State of Nebraska established Peru Normal College the forerunner of the present institution, thus establishing the first statesupported college and the first institution of higher learning in AND HOW "Are you doing anything for continuous existence since its founding. your cold?" asked Mandy. Special recognition will include "Well," said Leander, "I sneeze an all-college convocation, a . whenever it wants me to."
seminar on higher education and a dinner honoring. former students and distinguished guests of the day. The Board of Education of State Normal Schools will hold its regular June meeting on the Peru campus as a part of the Charter Day activities.
Masek Receives Science Award Mr. Masek received a stipend from the National Science Foundation. He is to attend the Summer Science Institute at the University of Missouri. The stipend amounts to $1,146.00 for an eight week course. Summer session starts June 10. Mr. Masek will be doing graduate work in physics and mathematics.
The All S:ports Banquet was held Monday, April 8, at 6:45 p.m. in the College Cafeteria. The event was sponsored by the Blue Devil and White Angel organizations. Over 170 attended the affair. Among those present were coaches and athletes from high schools in this area, faculty members, football, basketball, and track lettermen, Coaches Jack Mcintire and Jerome Stemper, and college students. I The dinner was served by the two sponsoring organizations. The menu included baked ham, escalloped potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, combination salad, ice cream sundaes, and drink. Toastmaster for the evening was Dr. Neal S. Gomon. He began the program with the introduction of high school athletes, coaches, and special guests. Marv Wuster was next on the program. He sang two songs: "Blue Moon" and "Sweet and Lovely." Marv was accompanied by Janice Gottula. Jack Mcintire then presented the football lettermen for Al Wheeler, who was unable to attend. Del Stoltenberg, co-captain, spoke in behalf of the team. Coach Mcintire then introduced his basketball lettermen and commented upon the season. Captain Ron Witt was spokesman for the team. Next on the program was Jerome Stemper, head track coach. He recognized last year's lettermen and commented on the track events scheduled for this year. Dr. Gomon then introduced the guest speaker, Dr. Holy, who spoke on the origin of sports, their progress, and the role they are playing in America today. Rev. Lawrence Williams of the Peru Christian Church gave the benediction, and the banquet came to a close.
general concensus of opinion was that while Rubinoff might not have to worry about musical competition, Phil could s p i n yarns the way Will Rogers could spin a rope.
Oldest Grad Mr. Clyde Tilley, class of '99 now a resident of Lincoln, was the oldest alumnus present. He is an author a_lict some of his work is in the Peru l°harary. The dinner was served on place mats having pictures of Peru's oldest buildings, one destroyed by fire but·, · t in 1897 as "Mt. Vernon H · modern dormitory for young ladies," and the other Normal Hall, razed in 1928 to make room for the science building. New Officers
Officers elected for the coming year are: Calvin Reed, president; Paul Laundelt, vice president; Ethel Etmund, secretary; and John Stahn, sergeant at arms.
"State of the College" Don Carlile introduced Dr. Gomon, who spoke on "The State of the College." Dr. Gamon announced the 90th birthday of Peru on June 20th and invited the alumni to be guests of the college on the celebration of that day. Stating that the founding of Peru was one of the first acts of the first legislature and that Peru was the first teacher training institution and the first institution of higher learning in Nebraska, he said, "Peru was the Athens of Nebraska, the seat of learning, until a couple of years after her founding, when some upstart founded the University of Nebraska."
Great Growth
President Gomon traced the development of Peru from academy to two year college, from two year to four year college, from granting degrees only in education to granting degrees in other fields, and finally the achievement of graduate school status, which came in 1956. Calling attention to Peru's Roger Haigh, senior at Peru leadership in Nebraska education, State Teachers College, has ac- he cited the block system of praccepted a teaching position at the tice teaching as an example. University of Florida at GainesHe described the physical, ville. He will be an assistant to plant of thirteen major buildings the history instructor, Dr. R. W. as having a replacement value of Patrick, beginning with the col- $4,000,000 and told the alumni of lege term of 1957-1958. the new faculty and: student Roger is a graduate of Peru housing units erected last year at Prep High School and has attend- a cost of $350,000. ed all four years of college at Fine Staff Peru State. He is an honor· stuPresident Gamon paid tribute dent and is listed in the Who's Who of American Colleges and to the faculty and staff of Peru, saying, "Colleges are made by Universities. their staffs, not buildings. I am proud of the faculty at Peru." TOO LATE He noted that Peru has been Once there was a lion tamer accredited by the North Central who said that his father before since 1915 and is a charter memhim had also been a lion tamer. ber of the American Association "Did you ever put your head of Teachers Colleges. "Peru's success," he said, "may in a lion's mouth?" he was asked. "Only once," said the fellow, be measured by the success of "to look for Dad." Continued on page two
Roger Haigh Accepts Job At Florida University
PRESIDEMT SPEAKS AT ALUMNI MEET IN LINCOLN Continued from page one her graduates. Peru can be justly proud of the success of her graduates in education, business, the professions, and industry." He announced plans to form alumni groups in Denver and on the West Coast. The Future Asking, "What of the future?" he answered, "Peru will continue to lead the way in education. Seventy-four graduate students were on the campus last summer, and there will be more this summer. We are beginning to need expanded facilities. We have plans for a Practical Arts-Fine Arts building, and we have plans for a Student Union~Dormitory building." In closing, the president deplored the present public attitude toward making individuals pay more and more of the cost of education. He stated, "Peru was founded as a free public institution-as free as any elementary or high school in the state. I am concerned about rising tuition which may exclude many worthy students in the future." President Gomon ended by telling the alumni, "We must prove that public education is important and worthy of support. We must have a majority of our population-at least 51 %-willing to support public education as it should be reported." Attending the meeting from Peru, in addition to Dr. Gomon and the college students, were Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mathews, Myrtlte Cook, Cleo Kelly, Frieda Rowoldt, Nellie M. Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart P. Linseheid, Mrs. Evanelle Paradise, Mrs. Gertrude Fulton, Mary Clarke, Victor H. Jindra, Alma Ashley, Mrs. Gomon and Don Carlile.
place for this practice is close to Delzell Hall. Since the quarter grades have come out, there's been more studying in the dorm . . . its funny what a small piece of paper can do to a --fellow. The ping pong tournament is well under way in the recreation room of the dorm. There are thirty-two boys entered in this contest. Many of the men are taking surveying. The other day I was watching them practice this course in front of the gym. I also noticed there were more transits. pointed toward Eliza Morgan Hall than at leveling rods. There was a big weight lifting contest in room 319. Bob Miller broke the old record by lifting 350 pounds. He stated that he could have lifted more, but he had a slight cold. Don Roddy is starting a baseball team for P.S:T.C. which, of course, he will manage. There will be many men here in the Hall who are going out for it. So far this season, two games are on the schedule, opponents being the Lincoln Penitentiary and the Lincoln Air Force Base.
Peruvian News
We have good news for all students and faculty, your yearbook has been completed. This book is chilck full of surprises, chuckles .and memories for all. We the staff of your annual hope this book lives up to your expectations. In checking our purchase list we find a great number of second semester students and students who dropped out after the first semester, have not paid their additional $3.25 for the yearbook. We certainly hope they wilt not miss out on a copy because of this. The staff is trying to contact all of these students, but we may miss someone, don't let it be you. We are sorry to say that the book will not be delivered until June 20. This means you will not receive your copy until after school is out. Please let us know if you want to pick up your yearbook or authorize someone to By Ron McKinney pick it up for you, otherwise it will be mailed to your home address. The staff wishes to take this For the second time this year, Delzell Hall is having an "open opportunity to thank all persons house." For some of the men in for their cooperation. the dormitory its bad newsthey'll have to take their pin-ups down, and for' some rooms that How 'Bout It? would be an all day process. The Have you lost one of your andate for the "open house" is nuals? We possibly can help you April 28, and everybody is in- replace this souvenir of your colvited. lege days. The Peruvian has a WARNING for those people limited supply of past yearbooks coming near Delzell Hall: it is to sell. One of these may very requested that they wear a hel- well be the one you need. Don't met or any other protective de- let your library remain incomvice for their head. The reason plete. PURCHASE the one you for this precaution is that base- lack. The years 1951, 1953, 1954, 1955 ball season is coining up and the men are getting their throwing and 1956, are available at the low arms in shape. And, the best price of two dollars. Just mail,
Ron's Briefs
PERU PEDAGOGIAN The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks Member Intercollegiate Press April 15, 1957 THE STAFF David Longfellow ___________________ ------------- ___ Editor Bill Kochheim ___________________.__________ Assistant Editor Ed Williamson ___________________________ Business Manager Ruth Linscheid·--------------~------------Activities Editor Yvonne Funkhouser_ ____________________ Activities Reporter Jerry Collier_______________________________ Sportz Reporter Hal Norris _________________________________ Sports Reporter Ron McKinney ______________________ Campus School Editor Sharon Reagan____________________ Language Arts Reporter Lois Bush _______________________________________ Columnist :M:argaret Robinson ________________________________ Reporter Donna Gaer_______________________ Alumni and :M:ailing List ,Bob Moore _____________________________________ Contributor Stewart Linscheid __________________________________ Sponsor
by check or money order, two dollars plus 25 cents for packaging and mailing. SAVE on mailing by dropping into the Peruvian Office (first floor Mt. Vernon) on Tuesday or Thursday at 4:00 P. M. Our address is: Peruvian P. S. T. C. Peru, Nebraska
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Captain Snow To Visit Campus Captain Melvin W: Snow, Marine Officer Procurement Officer for Nebraska, will visit the Nebraska State Teachers College campus on the 26th of April for the purpose of interviewing students who are interested in obtaining commissions in the Marine Corps upon graduation from Nebraska State Teachers College. Persons interested in discussing the Marine Corps Platoon Leadrrs Class with Captain Snow are urged to contact him on that date. Wembers of the Platoon Leaders Class attend two six-week summer training periods at the Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, Virginia, between academic years and are deferred while enrolled in the program.
Liberati Magazine Named "Panthom" Numerous student written and verbal inquiries have prompted the Pedagogian to state the details of a class project on campus. The advanced comp9sition class under the direction of Stewart Linscheid are editing a literary magazine called The PanthoJ:l.l· Panthom will contain all student humor, poesy, and short stories (serious or satirical) from the advanced composition class. The Panthom should be published within the next two weeks. The class members are: Sharon Beck, Lois Bush, Phil Neuhalfen, and Hal Norris. Preliminary reports indicate a tremendous student demand; and since only a small number are to be printed; the magazine will be a SCARCE item on the Peru Campus.
Bill Albright Awarded Coe Fellowship William E. Albright, Falls City senior at Peru State Teachers College, has been awarded a $1,750 W. R. Coe Fellowship in American Studies by the University of Wyoming, Laramie. A May, 1957 candidate for the Bachelor of Arts in Education degree from Peru State, Albright will enter graduate study leading to a Master of Arts in American Civilization degree at Laramie in September. Six to eight W. R. Coe Fellowships are awarded annually by the University of Wyoming. An honor student at Peru State, Albright has served as president of Kappa Delta Pi, honorary educational fraternity, the International relations Club, and as vice president of the Student Senate.
Confession\ ;-· \•
We'd like to admit right here and no~$the main reason we run advertisements lik~his is to get you, dear reader, to drink Coca-Cola to the virtual exclusion of all other beverages. The sooner you start going along with us, the sooner we'll both begin to get more out of life.
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Music Contests The District One and Two Music contest was held on the Peru State Teachers College campus April 11 and 12. Thursday afternoon the vocal and instrumental soloists appeared. The Class D bands gave their performance Thursday evening. The ensembles and large vocal and instrumental groups were held Friday with the Class B bands, glee clubs, and choruses appearing Friday evening. The judges were: vocal music, Charles D. Matheson, Iowa State Teachers College, Cedar Falls; Paul Neve, Dana College, Blair; instrumental music, Dr. Myron E. Russell, Iowa State Teachers College, Cedar Falls; John L. Smay,
Northwest Missouri State lege, Maryville; piano, John D Blyth, University of Nebraska. Ratings were not available a we went to press, so the Pedago gian will list them in the issue.
White Angels Tea The White Angels gave a tea i' honor of the new pledges Mo day, April 1 in the recreatio room of Eliza Morgan Hall. The older members prepar for the occasion. Cookies a punch were served. The initiat signed the White Angel Pledge the tea, granting them offici membership. ,.
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PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS Any Garment Remodeled, Restyled, Repaired Always First in Quality and Workmanship Fur Coats Repaired We call for and deliver Phone· 2671. Peru, Nebr.
School Supplies
Priced Righi: for the Student
tournament is in the quart~r fi. nals with the surviving mixed couples of singles elimination, battling for top position. The "toughies" in this tourney are Beverly Brown and John Appleget, and Bonnie Rutz and Jim 1 Bennett. There have been some interesting games with a few laughs ·accompanying the games.
Red Bobcats Triumph Over White Bobcats
Lynn Osterholm, a track and football athlete from Glenwood, Iowa will be ineligible this track season. Lynn did not transfer enough hours from Iowa State. Lynn went to Iowa State on a track scholarship the first semester then transferred to Peru State the second semester. At Glenwood High, he lettered four years in football and was picked "All Southwest Iowa" for two years. In track, he lettered . four years and competed four years in the State Track Meets. His junior and senior years, he took second place in the high and low hurdles at the State Outdoor meet, and tied for first place in the hurdles in the State Indoor Meet his senior year. Basketball was Lynn's weakest sport and he lettered only one year. Lynn was awarded a trophy for the "Best Athlete of Glenwood in 1956." It was the first trophy Glenwood ever awarded of its kind.
N.A.l.A. Chooses Peru Coaches Al Wheeler, director of athletics at Peru State Teachers College, was named awards committee chairman for the National Association of Inter-collegiate Athletics for 1957-58 at the group's meeting .in Kansas City. Jack Mcintire, head basketball coach at Peru State, was elected third vice-president of the National Association of Inter-collegiate Coaches, at the same meeting. Mr. Wheeler was master of ceremonies for the awards luncheon at the Hotel Muehlbach in connection with the N.A.I.A. Basketball tournament. M ore than 300 attended the event. He also will be responsible for the awards luncheon next fall for the N.A.I.A. Aluminum Bowl Football game in Little Rock, Ark.
The Peru Bobcat had an intra squad track meet April 8 and 9. The Reds beat the Whites by lf3 of a point. Chuck Krumme and Eldon McCall were co-captains of the Reds, and Eldon Epley and Jerry Grancer were co-captains of the Whites. After the first day of events the Reds were ahead 47-30. The Whites were very disappointing the first day, but they came back strong to just finish "out of the money." Some of the men showed promise for the coming track meets. Track Events 100 yd. dash: McCall, Stoltenburg, Adams, time 10.7. 220 yd. dash: Gibson, Sietsema, Bergsten, time 24. 440 yd. dash: Francis, Braun, Hart, time 55.4. 880 yd. run: Francis, Appleget, Tillman, time 2:07.4. Mile · run: Epley, Tillman, Schell, time 5:07.4. 2 mile run: Epley, Ryeberg, time220 low hurdles: Gibson, Bookwalter, Grancer, time 26.5. 120 high hurdles:. Bookwalter, McCall, Grancer, time 15.6. 880 relay: (Bookwalter, Collier, Adams, Dickerson), time 1:37.8. Mile relay: (Sietsema, Bergsten, Appleget, Tillman), time 3 48 · · Field Events Shotput: Krumme, Bryant, Heywood, distance 41'3". Discus: Krumme, Heywood, Bryant, distance 131'4". Pole vault: Adams, Koudele, Heywood-Appleget, height 12'2". High jump: Tillman, Collier, Braun - Koudele - Bookwalter, height 5'11". Broad jump: McFarland, Dickerson, Collier, distance 20'2". Javelin: Gibson, Eng d ah 1, Bookwalter,. distance 163'2".
Bonnie Rutz Queen of May Miss Bonnie Rutz, alias Rutzie, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rutz of Dawson, Nebraska. Bonnie is twenty-one and a senior. She has attended all four years at Peru State. Her major is physical education and minors; art and biology. Seldom a day passes that Bonnie isn't busy drawing a poster or planning decorations for various affairs. " She was assistant coach for the high school volley ball team this year. Although busy with student teaching, she also takes time out of her busy day to teach Miss Davidson's tennis and swimming classes. Rutzi~ enjoys all sports, especially swimming and tennis. She also takes an avid interest in the game of badminton, having won the championship last year. Bonnie plans to life guard and teach swimming at the Humboldt swimming pool this summer. This will be her fourth year at the pool. Most of her spare time is devoted to various organizations on the campus. She is a senior representative, Studenf Senate; secretary treasurer, Dorm Council; vice president, White Angels; and Tri Beta. · Bonnie was awarded the White Angel scholarship for this year. Bonnie's favorite color is blue and her pet peeve alarm clocks. "They disturb me at the wrong time." Her plans for the immediate future are to teach girls physical education. Bonnie's outstanding characteristics are her pleasant attitude, friendly smile, and a cooperative /spirit. \. It is no wonder she was chosen May Fete Queen by the student body this year.
Bob Moore Talks To Methods Class
Bob Moore talked to the English Methods class in which he gave his reactions to his first semester student teaching experience. Some points of interest were expressed in the areas of discipline, grouping, s u p e r i o r The Peru State Badminton students, and variety of techTournament is in action. The niques in teaching.
Badminton Now In Quarter Finals
QUALITY USED CAR '57 Chrysler, Dodge or Plymouth SEE DUANE RAINES at
W. A. McKEE & SON Auburn
CALENDAR Monday, April 15. Tri an g u I a r track meet, Peru State-TarkioMaryville at Maryville. Tuesday, April 16. 8:00 p.m., Campus School PTA, Campus School Auditorium. Thursday, April 18. 2:00 p.m. College track meet, Peru State at Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas. 5:00 p.m., Easter Recess begins. Tuesday, April 23. 7:50 a.m., Easter recess ends. 2:00 p.m., Tristate High School track meet, Oak Bowl. 7:30 p.m., Faculty Square Dance, Campus School Auditorium.
Norton Chosen May Day King Mr. Bob Norton, son 0f Mr. and Mrs. Roy Norton, Falls City, Nebraska, was chosen King of May Fete. Bob is twenty-one and a senior. He has attended all four years at Peru State. His major is business education and minors social science, guidance, psychology, and geography. Bob has been active in the school organizations. He served as president of Student Senate this year, and is a member of Comerican Club, Blue Devils, "P" Club, and was elected to Who's Who. Bob has played basketball four years and lettered three. He enjoys all sports, especially golf and tennis. He was Valentine King his junior year a'nd has been a member of Student Senate for the past two years. Bob's favorite color is blue and his pet peeve an ti-socialists.
Seventeen Schools In Declamation And Play Contest
The Peru Dramatics Club, under the direction of Professor R. D. Moore, sponsored the Nebraska School Activities Association Wednesday, April 24. 2:00 p.m., District Declamatory and One Southeast Six Conference track Act Play Contest. Seventeen meet (HS), Oak Bowl. schools entered the event. A general meeting was held in Thursday, April 25. 10:50 a.m., College Convocation, Auditorium. 8:00 p.m., Senior Voice Recital, Richard Fankhauser, College Auditorium. Friday, April 26. 2:00 p.m., College track meet, Midland vs. Peru, Oak Bowl. Sunday, April 28. 2:00 p.m. Dormitory Open House at Delzell, Morgan and Mt. Vernon.· Monday, April 29. 7:30 p.m., Boy Scout Eagle Court, College Auditorium. Tuesday, April 30. 2:00 p.m., College track meet, Tarkio vs. Peru State, Oak Bowl. 8:00 p.m., Senior Organ Recital, Mrs. Winnifred Easterday, College Auditorium.
DR. H. C. DALLAM DENTIST Phone Office 2391 Phone Res. 3461 PERU
by Dick Bibie~
the auditort!'n i(ollowing registration at 8:00 a.rl!. Mr. Moore introduced the judges: Miss Maxine Trauernicht, assistant professor of speech _and drama at the University of · aska; James D. Levitt, ciate professor of speech, Peru State; Mrs. R. D. Moore of Peru and himself. Bob Moore Jr., president of the Dramatics Club, gave a welcoming address and introduced the chairman of the different events: Rex Filmer, Oral Interpretation of Prose Literature and Poetry Reading; Roger .Haigh, Or a 1 Reading of Drama; Interpretative Public Address, Radio and Television Commentary, and Class A Plays, Lois Bush; Extemporaneous Speaking, Donna Gaer; Original Public Address, Sid Brown; Discussion, Robert Bohlken; One Act Plays, Class B, Betty Barrett and Loren Dyke. Yvonne Funkhouser acted as hostess. Bob Moore. Jr. presented the awards to the contestants.
WININGER AND HOLY ATTEND NACTE MEET Dr. Wininger and Dr. Holy attended the Nebraska Association of College Teachers of Education April 5, 195'i'. The meeting took place at Hastings College in Hastings, Nebraska. The discustion was about Jr. High Schools. Because of the unfavorable weather conditions, the attendance at the meeting was small. There were five colleges repre~ sented at the meeting. They were: Kearney, Wesleyan, Doane, Hastings, and Peru.
Frozen Foods
M. G. Heuer, Owner
Phone 2141
Campus School
By M"Y Anna Gn•M
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On Wednesday, March 20 in honor of spring, the 5th grade went on hike to Neal Park. (Three days later they wondered where spring had gone.)
my desk!). Overheard him telling a cousin that he brought his tonsils home from the hospitalCousin: "Ugh! Are they all bloody?"
Each year the Nemaha Chamber of Commerce treats the 8th graders in the county to the Shrine Circus in Lincoln. Small catch: parents or school must furnish transportation PLUS the price of chameleons, etc. and FOOD!
In the "learning to write" grades the supervisors help the youngsters write get well cards, birthday cards, greeting cards. · This past week the 2nd graders asked Miss Wonderly to help them write sympathy cards to Sally because she lost her grandfather. They learn early the amenities that make life more gracious.
Now that spring (?) has come once again after the blizzards and rain, the perennial mixture of small feet and mud makes life mizzuble for teachers at school and parents at home. .Them there 8th graders did right smart with their one-act plays (and I don't think they would have done half bad at the contest). Besides earning the price of skip, I mean field trip to Omaha, they had a ball! Asked the mother of the leading hillbilly gal how they ever talked her into wearing the dress (I use the term-uh-loosely), Sara Jane's mother replied "Its the ham in her-just like me." The high school jumped the gun on the college by holding their All-Sports banquet on Saturday evening. Speeches, awards, entertainment, a dance after, and a king and queen to top it all off. Jerry Henning and Christy Hays reigned. The sight of boys churning up the highway in sweat suits reminds one that, mud or no, track meets will be held one after the other before long. Vic Jindra's orchestra and Mr. Manring's vocalists are really rehearsing. By the time you have this in hand, the District Music Contests will be a thing of the past. Yup, that's what the crowd was on campus Thursday and Friday. May I speak a word on behalf of safety? I've seen this great sport of chicken in films but after actually driving behind a high school participant in a mild version, I'm still shuddering. 3,000 pounds of metal hurtling at another 3,000 pounds and to think human beings are riding inside! How thoughtless can a person be? Jimmy G. has joined the ranks of 1st graders who have had tonsils out and brought them to school (in fact, he left them on
PERU MOTORS DESOTO - · PLYMOUTH Fast Dependable Service Phone 3201 · Peru
Bill's Clothing Siore Auburn, Nebr.
Stella's Lunch - SHORT ORDERSMEALS - SANDWICHES South Auburn, Nebraska
Clemmy Holmes Motor Co. Authorized Ford & Mercury Dealer Nebraska City
This may not be the place, but i'must say how grateful I am to everyone for their many expressions of kindness and sympathy at the death of my father. The consideration of the children's classmates also touches us deeply.
Comics Discussed At the conclusion of Mr. Birginal's unit on humorous short stories in English 9, an interesting discussion of comics developed from class enthusiasm. It resulted in an evaluation of comics based on vocabulary used, distortion of ideas and characters, exaggeration, prejudice, propaganda, and lesson taught or impression given. Written comparisons were made of comics and good literature.
Grammar Review English 10 has completed work on a group of short stories under the direction of Mr. Sherwood. Mrs. Schlange will supervise a grammar review and drill before the class starts the reading of drama as the next unit.
Oral Reports English 12 students are spending two weeks in giving oral reports developed in writing the research paper. The reports on authors and the related phases ofEnglish literature include any available comment by professional critics and the student's own reaction to what he read.
Band and Choir Make Tours The Peru State Teachers Band and Choir went on tour the second and third of April. The band, toured under the direction of Robert Grindle, on April the second. The one day tour consisted of playing for the Plattsmouth, Nebraska City, and Auburn High Schools.
REPERTORY Their repertory consisted of the following: First Swedish Rhapsody by Erik Leidsen; Arioso (from Cantata No. 156) by J. S. Bach; Show Boat Selection by Robert Russell Bennett; The Crazy Composer by Sven Gyldmark; The Erie Canal (Symphonic Setting) by Maurice C. Whitney; Psyche and Eros (Symphonic Poem) by Cesar Franck; The French Quarter Suite by John J. Morrissey; Rio Grande by Maurice C. Whitney; Traversinfonie by Richard Wagner; The Golden Rule by Edwin Franko Goldman; Fairest of the Fair by Sousa; His Honor by Henry Fillmore; Hall of Fame by J. Olivadoti; Brass Pageantry by Ostling; Knights-
bridge March by Erec Coates; Step Ahead by Harry Alford.
Specialties The Specialties were: Cubana by David Bennett (violin solo with band) Margaret Cotton, soloist; Repartee by David Bennett (piano with band) Janice Gottula, soloist; The Debutante by Herbert L. Clarke (baritone horn with band) Don Gibson, soloist; Solo Pomposo by Al Hayes (two sousaphones with bailer) Bill Larson and Fred Reignier, soloists; Rigoletto Concert Fantasia by Verdi Bas~i (clarine'. and band) Robert Grmdle, soloist; Thoughts of Lov~ by Arthur Pryor (trombone with .band) Ron Noltensmeyer, sol.oist. . The choir tour, under the direction of. Darryl ~· Manring, :vas on April the third. The prev10us date of March twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth had been deleted, because of a snow storm. The choir's repertoire consisted of: "Adoramus te, Christe" (16th Century), Franceso Rosselli. "Then Round About the Starry Throne" (from Samson), G. F. Handel. "Roll Jordan Roll" (N e gr o Spiritual), arranged by R. H. Gillum. "Hear My Cry, 0 God" (Russian Liturgy), Alex.antler Kopyloff. "In Heaven Above" (NorwegFolk Song), F. Melius Christiansen. "I've Gotta Crow" (from musical production 'Peter Pan') Leigh-Charlap. "Peace Must Come Like a Troubador," Harry R. Wilson. ,"Hospodi Pomilui" (Lord Have Mercy), LVOV, arranged by Wil' hiiµsky. "Lost In the ;Night,'' arranged by F. Melius Christiansen (Finnish Folk Song for soprano solo and a cappella choir). "Dark Water" (Negro Spiritual), Will James. "Lord, Make Me Thine Instrument," David Stanley Y or k, (Prayer of St. Francis). "Elijah Rock" (Negro Spiritual) arranged by Jester Hairston. "Joobalai,'' Robin-Rainger, arranged by Hawley Ades. "The Omnipotence" (soprano solo), Franz Schubert, arranged by Spicker. The soloists were: "Let All My Life Be Music" by Spross, Betty Taenzler, alto. "Danny Boy" arranged by Fred E. Weatherly, Don Noah, tenor. "Florian Song" by Goddard, Harriett Parkison, soprano. "Lamour Toujour,'' Mary Riley, soprano. "One Fine Day" by Puccini, Marilyn Dyke, mezzo soprano. "Non Pui Andrai" by Mozart, Marvin Wuster, baritone. "Vesti La Juba" (Paglia~ci)-Le oncavallo, James Ackerman, tenor. "Mountain Ballads" by Clifford Shaw, Richard Fankhauser, tenor. Vocal duets consisted of Canadian Sunset by Eddie Heywood and All the Things You Are by Jerome Kern. These were sung by Mr. and Mrs. Loren Dyke. The accompanist was Marilyn Slagle.
May Fete Coming On May Third May Fete, one of the biggest events of the year, will start with the crowning at &:30, Friday, May 3. The theme for the occasion is Carousel. The main features of the program are the May Pole Dance by the Campus School girls, and specialty dances and numbers. Tony Bradley will play for the dance which starts at 9:00 in the gymnasium. Tickets, $1.50 a couple, will be sold at the door by Student Senate members.
The Petrified Forest WITH ALL STAR CAST in wi me USl
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Commercial. Club Visits Omaha Business Concerns
The initiates were in charge of the program. They gave their interpretation of "I've Got a Secret." Al Winseman served as moderator. The members of the The Commercial Club, spon- panel were Mr. Moore, Roger sored by Hazel Weare, took a Haigh, Dick Fankhauser, Dave field trip to Omaha, Thursday, Longfellow, and Phil Neuhalfen. March 21. Each new member presented a They toured the Union Pacific future view of an old member and Mutual Benefit Buildings. and the panel tried to guess his The .I. B. M. machines w e r e secret. shown to them and new office Cookies and soft drinks were procedures explained. served by Al Winseman and The third stop was the Federal Frank Pederson. Reserve Bank where they saw two vaults. One contained bills and coins; the other, bonds. They were also shown the method of SYLVIA'S CAFE marking the money sent to Kansas City for discarding. Auburn, Nebr. After the evening meal at Caniglia's Pizzaria, the club attended the Ice Capades.
STOLEN GOODIES By Donna Gaer As I was reading through some of the other college papers the other afternoon I came upon a few articles that I thought were interesting and thought maybe you would enjoy them too. Here is one from the Midland from the Midland College at Fremont, Nebraska, that seemed to apply to Peru. "The average student may not know all the faculty, but the "Brownin" knows them all." Here is another from the above college. "It is recommended that the students walk on the sidewalks, for now that spring has come it is easy to see that the grass is for the birds." From the Antelope from the N.S.T.C. at Kearney I picked up this little poem. "Spring has sprung, The grass has riz, I wonder where the flowers is. They say the boicj. is on the wing 1 Now that's absoid, I thought the wing was on the boid!"
Dramatics Club Meeting The Peru Dramatics Club met Tuesday, April 2, in the Little Theatre. President Bob Moore conducted a short business meeting and the minutes were read.
Redfern Clothing Co.. "The Sl:ore of Sl:andard Brands" Phone 183 - Auburn
BAILIE'S SHOE REPAIR Auburn · Nebraska
Stop a:I: Dean's Cafe Hi-Way 75 & 73 1119 Central Ave. Nebraska Cil:y
STEWART'S Standard Service 917 J Street AUBURN, NEBRASKA
T. W.GOIT Hardware - Furniture We Make Keys AUBURN, NEBRASKA
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Peru Comes· Of
The Voiue of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks . . .
Ninety Years ·of Peru State By Dave Longefellow May Fete hasn't changed much in the past few decades; There wilr be the usual crowning ceremony, the usual program and the usual May Pole dance, but . . . It's always different. · • , , memories ol things past . • • The)' held it in the old Amphitheater one year; the benches on the slope above were filled to overflowing, and standing room only was the order of the day. The Amphitheater is gone now, a victim of progress ... And then there was the festival held near the flagpole. Modeled after King Arthur's fabulous court, it was replete with jesters and pages-and the minstrel who narrated in verse, and sang ... It has always been the same, but somehow it has always been different. New faces_, new royalty, all make the difference. Traditionally the welcome of springtime, May Fete has no be,f ginning that you can find. May festivals come from England, ' ' bringing with them the May Pole s and dqnce. e You can't find the year that the r May Fete came to Peru State, but e as far back as records and mem ories go you find merition of the spring festival. In the good old days, around 1910, Peru State started a Spring Music Festival that took · place during or just before the week of commencement. The Peru orchestra and chorus backed famous singers from the Metropolitan Opera Company, and other famous concert soloists from Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis, etc. Optimism was high that the receipts from the two or three performances of the programs would be sufficient to defray the cost of such fine talent, and bills of as high as $1,200 for the days entertainment were covered by the ticket sales. Peru State history as recorded by Barton Clevenger in his series of a few years ago saw one rule that probably led to the mutilation of the state timber. It is appropriately mentioned here since this is the first issue of real spring: "When seeing a friend home, the boy will walk at a distance of ten feet from his partner." And ten-foot pathways are hard to find in the state timber ...
Peru Pedagogian PERU, NEBRASKA
White An-gels Elect Jan Stangel President
KAPPA DELTA PI INITIATES FOUR Kappa Delta Pi held a meeting April 1st. At the meeting the following new members were initiated: Ken Sand, Irene Leahy, , Alice Epperson, and Jan Manring:' Plans were also made for dele- ·~ gation·of five members to.attend a regional conference of Kappa Delta Pi at Illinois State Normal University at Normal, Illinois on April 27.
Judy Miller Recital Receives Acclaim
June 20
Peru State Holds May Fete May Third May Fete, 1957, will begin at 6:30, Friday, May 3, with the crowning of Bob Norton and Bonnie Rutz. The theme for the occasion is "Carousel." Leading the festivities will be Marilyn and Loren Dyke singing "If I Love You" and a dance by Yvonne Funkhouser, Jon Appelget, Ruth Linscheid and Roger Benton to the same melody. Forty members of the choir will sing selections from ''Carousel." Fred Miller, Tom Moen, Buddy Bookwalter will dance to ."June· Is Bustin' Out All Over." Follow- · ing this dance the fifth and sixth gr\)de girls will dance to "A Real Nice Clambake." Jim Aclierman will sing "You'll Never Walk ~ne." The program will come to an end with the May Pole Dance, by the 7th and 8th grade girls. Tony J? ley will play for the starts at 9:00 in the gymnasi . Tickets, $1.50 a couple, will be sold at the door by Student Senate members.
Kappa Delta Pi
THREE ATTEND KAPPA DELTA PI CONVENTION The annual Kappa Delta Pi convention was held Saturday, April 27, at the Illinois State Normal University at Normal, Ill. The four present officers who attended this annual meeting were William Albright, pr e s i d e n t; Doris Wuster; vice president; Mary Fuerst, secretary; and Elberta Rhoten, treasurer.
APRIL 29, 1957
The White Angels met Monday, April 15, in the Eliza Morgan Hall recreation room to elect officers for ne;xt year. The newly elected officers, -who will preside the next meeting are: Jan Stangel, president; Alice Phillips, vice president; Marilyn Benecke, secretary; Judi Cole, treasurer; Sharon Gremienger, demerit chairman. The chief topic of· discussion was sponsoring a sock hop in the near future. Nominations were held for the White Angels scholarship. This scholarship of fifty dollars is given to one of the members each year. The members nominated fifteen candidates. One will be chosen by the executive committee and sponsor. Miss Freida Rowold!, sponsor of White Angels, said "I have en-joyed working with the girls, and they have shown a very cooperative spirit."
Judy Miller presented her senior high school violin recital on Monday, April 15, at the Music Hall. She received the acclaim of all who attended for her polished performance of Handel's "Sonata in D Major," and other well-presented numbers. Accompanied ·by Margaret Cotton, she also played "Allegro Brilliant," by Ten Have; "Scene de Ballet, op. 100," by de Beriot; The following guidance stu, "Czardas," by Monti and Czerdents went to Beatrice, Nebraska wonky; "Mirage," by Czerwonky; ori a field trip Wednesday, April "To a Wild Rose," by MacDowell 24. The ·class taught by Mrs. H. and Hartman; and "Faust FantaW. Johnson visited the home for sie de Concert," by Alard. mentally retarded children. Class For her performance she remembers were: ceived a dozen roses from her viBarrett, Betty olin .instructor, Professor V. H. Cox; Martha Jindra, and a dozen roses from Fuerst, Mary Ann her high school classmates. Hart, Henry A reception was held after the Johnson, Dale recital. Kreglo, Darrel McNutt, Ardis HOLY IN DES MOINES Norton, Robert ON CERTIFICATION ·O'Connor, John Friday, April 19, Dr. Holy went Rhoten, Elberta to Des Moines to see Dr. Wayland Safar, Dwight Osborn, Director of Division Schuster, Donna Teacher Education and CertificaSlaughter, George tion. They went into conference Smith, Audrey about the certification of students Stifwell, Franci who graduate from Peru and Vignery, Carol wish to teach in Iowa. Wennihghoff, Mary
Guidance Students Visit Beatrice School
Petrified Forest Coming May 2
May King Bob Norion
May Queen Bonnie Rutz
Mr. Bob Norton, king of May Fete, will share his reign with Miss Bonnie Rutz. Very popular with the student body, Bob has acquitted himself well in the past, serving as president of the Student Senate, and member of ·many organizations such as: Commercial· Club, Blue Devils, "P" Club, and was this year elected to Who's Who. His major is business education, and minors are social science, guidance, psychology, and geography. Graduating this spring, Bob will leave behind him many .friends who will always remember his easy going personality. Bob has done an outstanding job as president of Student Senate in setting an example through his behayior and cooperation that is admired by students and faculty alike. ·
Miss Bonnie Rutz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rutz of Dawson, will be crowned queen of May Fete Friday, May 3, at 6:00. Bonnie is 21 and a senior. Her major is physical education, and minors are· art and biology. Most of her spare time is devoted to various organizations on the campus. She is a senior representative, Student Senate; secre~ tary treasurer, Dorm Council; vice president, White Angels; and Tri Beta. Seldom a day passes that Bonnie isn't busy drawing a poster or planning decorations for various affairs. Bonnie was awarded the White Angel scholarship for this year. Bonnie's outstanding characteristics are her pleasant attitude, friendly smile, and a cooperative spirit. The Pedagogian congratulates Queen Bonnie Rutz.
Music Contest Draws Hundreds to Peru The Twenty-Seventh Annual Music Contest of Districts I and II was held April 11 and 12 at Peru. The contest was sponsored by the Nebraska School Activi~ ties Association. Members of the contest committee were: Mr. Victor Jindra, general chairman; Mr. Wesley Bratt, Pawnee City; Mr. Ely Feistner, Nebraska City; Mr. A. V. Grass, Tecumseh; Mr. John Rhodus, Syracuse; Mr. Ce c i 1 Weddel, Falls City; Mr. Evan Van Zant, Humboldt; Mr. R. T. Benford, N.S.T.C.; Miss Norma Diddel, N.S.T.C.; Mr. Robert Grindle, N.S.T.C.; Mr. Darryl Manring, N.S.T.C. The judges for the c on t es t were: Mr. John D. Blyth, assistant professor of music, University of Nebraska; Mr. Charles D. Matheson, assistant professor of voice, Iowa State Teachers Col-
. lege; Mr. Paul Neve, chairman department of music, Dana College, Blair, Nebraska; Dr. Myron E. Russell, head department of music, Iowa State Teachers College; Mr. John L. Smay, acting chairman department of music, Northwest Missouri State College. One of the outstanding events of the contest was the performance of the Pawnee City band. They played with professional style and delighted• the audience with the final mo1ement of the New World Symphony by Dvorak. The Peru Campus School made a fine showing in the contest. The one ratings were: Sue Moore, girl's medium voice; Judy Miller, violin solo; David Stevenson, boy's low voice; Beverly Sherman, girl's low voice; mixed chorus, orchestra.
If you have a craving for shooting, romance, intrigue, humor, or mystery, you'll find them all in the "Petrified Forest." The play will be presented Thursday evening, May 2, in the College: Auditorium at 8:00. The story is about a young girl, . who is working at her father ahd '. grandfather's cafe in the Eastern Arizona desert. Gabby spends most of her time day dreaming of the day when she will have enough money to go to France to study art. She feels that her dreams are to be realized when she meets the intellectual Alan Squier, a gigolo, and writer who has spent several years in France. The plot is complicated by the entrance of the gangster Duke Mantee and his gang who are heading for the border. The "Petrified Forest" will be an outstanding part of the May Fete festivities.
Open House Held Sunday In Dormitories Dormitory residents at Peru State College were hosts to an all-college open house Sunday··· '1 April 28. · In addition to the parents of· the dormitory residents, the students invited high school seniors from their home towns to be.their guests. A variety program was pre· sented in the college auditorium and refreshments were served in the dormitories. The visitors toured the campus. Student committee in charge of the event includea: Judith Cole, Nebraska City; Elaine Spier, Omaha; Fran Larson, Peru; Kenneth Sand, Beatrice; Wayne Rydberg, Essex, Iowa; Wa)tne McFarland, Sumner; Kelly Liewer, Papillion; Don Niemeier, DeWitt. Mrs. Grizella Balkema, Mrs. Gertrude Fulton, and Mrs. Evanelle Paradise, residence hall counselors, were committee advisors.
Let's Vote Tonight On Campus School Contract A complete account of the proposal for a new contract between the Board of Education of State Normal Schools and Nemaha County School District No. 3 appeared in the April 18 edition. of the Peru Pointer. The patrons will haye an opportunity to accept or reject the proposal at a spe~1al meeting to be held at the City Hall on Monday evenmg, April 29, 1957, at 8:00 o'clock. To avoid any misunderstandings as to who is eligible to vote at this meeting, Section 79-427 of the School Laws of Nebraska is herewith quoted: "Every citizen of the United States (1) who has resided in the district forty days, (2) who is twenty-one years or more old, and (3) who owns real or personal property that was assessed in the district in his name at the last annual assessment or whose spouse owns real or personal property that was' assessed in the name of said spouse in the district at the last annual assessment, or who has children of school age residing in the district, shall be entitled to vote at any district meeting or school election . . . " In the past some confusion has existed as to whether persons living on state property qualify as voters. All of the state grounds are within the borders of Nemaha County School District No. 3. Persons living on state property are eligible to vote just as are people living elsewhere in the district if they have children of school age and/or if they were . assessed on their personal property at the last annual assessment which was as of March 1, 1957. People living on state property pay school. taxes or: th~ir personal property just as does everyone else m the d1str1ct. These qualifications apply to married stud~nts in Oak Hills as well as to faculty and staff members living in collegeowned housing. As persons interested in the welfare of the elementary school children of the district, every citizen should acquaint himself with the new contractural proposal and then express himself at the April 29 meeting ~y ~as~ing a. ballot either for or against the proposal. As is md1cated m t~e news release, the decision rests with the voters of the district. No pressures are being or will be exerted either for or against the proposal by the administra~on o~ the Board of Education of State Normal Schools. It is believed, however that the decision should be made by all of the people arid every eligible voter should cast a ballot. ffllllUlllUlllllllllllllllllfUIUUflllllllUlllllllllllJllJllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJ.lllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllll
Ron's Briefs By Ron McKinney
Easter vacation is the last vacation before school is out May 24th. For some, these last few weeks of school mean a lot of hard work ... "some" is me. The ping pong tournament has advanced very well. Jerry Grancer, Chuck Francis, Carl Rhoten and Bob Henry are in the quarter finals. The Delzell Hall open house went over with a big "bang." Invitations were sent to all the residents' parents. Also, approximately seventy letters and invitations were sent to prospective students and their parents. Nominations were accepted for the officers of the dormitory last April 24. The nominating committee, Dick Stogdill, Ray Ehlers,
and Doug Dickerson submitted the names for nomination. Dick Stogdill commented that he would have nominated himself, but he wouldn't stand a chance of a one-legged Indian in a shin kicking contest A few of the guys on the second and third floor offered their services to repair the torn screens and to police the area below Delzell HalL Bob Miller has finally decided to join the Mickey Mouse Club. He should get his mouse ears within the next week. The Peru State baseball team traveled to Lincoln, Nebraska, to play the inmates at the Nebraska State Penitentiary. Peru won the game 21 to 4. Peru's next game is May 8th. The men who played the game were: Ron Curtis, Don Roddy, Don Jackson, Jack Gilmore, Ross Samuelson, Frank ·Davis, Bob Peve, Wayne Minchow, Steve Kunacek, Tom Vincent, Don Holscher, Tom Moen, Gary Dahmke and Al Lowe.
PERU PEDAGOGIAN The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks Member Intercollegiate Press April 29, 1957 THE STAFF David Longfellow ______________ ~------------------'--Editor Bill· Kochheim _____________________________ Assistant Editor Ed Williamson_____________ ,______________ Business Manager Ruth Linscheid ____________________________ Activities Editor Yvonne Funkhouser _____________________ Activities Reporter Jerry Collier________________ ~--------------Sports Reporter Hal Norris _________________________________ Sports Reporter Ron McKinney ______________________ Campus School Editor Sharon Reagan ____________________ Language Arts Reporter Lois Bush _______________________________________ Columnist Margaret Robinson _____________________ ~----------Reporter Donna Gaer _______________________ Alumni and Mailing List Bob Moore _____________________________________ Contributor .Stewart Linscheid __________________________________ Sponsor
Shrub Snoops
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By Lois Bush
Next to the last column of the year-and judging from the way Shrub has missed deadlines before-it had better be a good one. Now all the news that should have been in the last-.issue is stale. Still, some of the highlights had. better receive. the once-over. Phyllis Orton is engaged to Mr. j3ob Kreiler of Hammond, Indiana. Bob is living in Tarkio, Missouri and plans to study for the ministry. Another recently engaged couple are Thelma Conyac and Kelly Liewer. Kelly is a senior at Peru State, and Thelma plans to receive her two-year certificate in August. The Ortons hit the news twice thi§ time. Donna Orton was married Wednesday, April 17, to Mr. Loren Miller of Tarkio, Missouri. The couple have recently returned from a honeymoon in Chicago. Weddings are in the air now that spring is here. Both Gail and Maxine are making plans for their weddings on May 31 and May 25 respectively. A linen shower for Gail' was given by Lois Bush the evening of April 24 in the rec. room. Among those present were Franci Stilwell, Rosie Edelman, DeAnna Brown, Donna Lair, Pauline Kish, Lorraine Bfppes, Ann Carter, Jan Stangel and Mrs. Bob Humphrey. All during the year many exresjdents have come to visit for a t'ime. The most recent of these wail!, Sandra Shaw, who married Tom Percell on April 26. Open house and a tea we.re held in the dorm on Sunday, April 28. In a flurry of spring house cleaning-even to washing windows and waxing floors-every room was at its immaculate best for the occasion. Somehow gremlins got into Pauline's and Lorraine's room and removed the screen from the window. Nasty little gremlins, though, bec.ause they didn't ever put it back-even during Easter vacation. They left it in the hall for poor innocents to trip over. Easter vacation ushered in formally the wearing of spring clothes. Only one difficulty (in addition to the interminable washing, starching and ironing) is evident: the full skirts make for one-way traffic only in the halls; traffic jams are unavoidable. Spring brought with it a passel of new haircuts. Two of the more striking belong to Deanna Hutton and Sue Alberson, whose short haircuts contrast strong1y to their long winter hair styles. Enough of this yammering. Shrub alla time talks too muchso she'd better keep her mouth shut for the rest of the year. Bye.
(Wa1 Ro bi Hi 2 Re (Peri 881 2 Ti 221 (Wa~ ftCQI([" IS " lllQIST[ll:[D Uo\OC-M,UUr:.
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Sociology· \
2 Er Le (Per rick ters
Spin a platter ..• have some chatter .•• ~ and sip that real great taste of Coke.
M: lieb, Timi
Sure, you can have a party without Sr Care (Per Ja 2 Gi burr
Coca-Cola-but who wants to!
Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Company by
Twe Ive to AIM Meet in Kansas City The following students went to Kansas City to attend the American Industrial Arts Association convention on April 25 and 26. Ron Curtis David Glasgow Verdell Goldberg Rodney Heim Carroll Johnson Charles Krumme Duaine McKnight Carlton Rhoten Richard Schoeppner Don West Wallace Wuster Harley Hecker
What ? ? ACoincidence ! ! "Heart Break Hotel," Mount Vernon "Blueberry Hill," Cemetery Hill "My Blue Heaven," White i\ngels "Beer Barrel Polka;'' Blue Devils
"I'm In the Jailhouse Now," Eliza Morgan Hall "Temptation," Delzell Hall "Lazy Bones," Riley Ruby "Mr. Sandman," Kenny Sand "Without a Song,'' Grace Hannaford · "Yes Sir, That's My Baby,'' Bob Norton "Easter Parade," Marv Wuster's Easter Egg "Whistle a Happy Tune," Lorraine. Johnson "In My Merry Oldsmobile," Ruth Linscheid's Little Toot "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," Graduation Day "There's a Tree in the Meadow," "Petrified Forest" "Dry Bones," Mr. Christ's Biology Class "It Only Hurts for a Li t.t 1 e While," Infirmary "Sh-Boom," Football Field "I'm Walkin," Track Team "Home On the Range,'' P er u Campus
Pioneer Theatre, Sun.-Mon., May 12-13
Editor's Note: For her outstanding work as volunteer columnist on the Ped, the Jouralism Club award committee voted the prize for the most in:teresiing column :to The Shrub. Alla time don't talk enough.
ROGERS TO REPORT FOR .NAVAL TRAINING Roger Majors, 1956 graduate of Peru State, has been ordered to report to Newport, Rhode Island, for Na val officers training on May 6. Following the four-month training course he will enter the navy as a commissioned officer. Majors has been teaching at Clarinda, Iowa for the past year, and has asked for an early release from his contract there to comply with his orders.
HEU ER'S HYKLAS GROCERY Groceries Fruits M. G. Heuer, Owner
Mea:l:s Frozen Foods Phone 2141
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Peru Takes Washburn In Track Meet
scored important'.' points in the shot and discus.
Track Evenis Mile Run: 1 Gailbraith (TarPeru won the first track meet kio); 2 Else (Tarkio); 3 Johnson .of the year by downing Wash- (Tarkio); 4 Nelson (Tarkio). Time n of Topeka, Kansas. Peru 4.43. ished 24 points ahead ofWash440 Yd. Dash: 1 Graves (Tarn 77-53. Gibson was clocked kio); 2 Huston (Tarkio); 3 Roggie 24.8 for a Peru record in the (Fairbury); 4 Zock (Concordia). 0 low hurdle race. Time 53.3. Peru didn't stop with a record 100 Yd. Dash: 1 Phelps (Tarbut swept two more events. Ryd- kio); 2 Neben (Concordia); 3 Baberg and Epley went one, two in den (Concordia); 4 Adams (Peru). the two mile and Dickerson, Time 10.1. Adams, and Heywood went one, High Hurdles: 1 Gibson (Peru); two, three in the pole vault. 2 Neben (Concordia); 3 & 4 McMile Run: 1 Epley (Peru); 2 Call and Grancer (Peru). Time Chappell (Washburn); 3 Rydberg 15.5. (Peru). Time 5:00.9. 880 Yd. Run: 1 Elam (Tarkio); 400 Yd. Dash: 1 Meyers (Wash- 2 Walter (Concordia).; 3 Francis urn); 2 Richards (Washburn); 3 (Peru); 4 Graves (Tarkio). Time Bergsten (Peru). Time 53.6. 2:05.5. 100 Yd. Dash: 1 Christlieb 220 Yd. Dash: 1 Phelps (Tar. (Washburn); 2 Hart (Peru); 3 kio); 2 Adams (Peru); 3 Freeberg Robinson (Washhurn). Time 9.9. (Tarkio); 4 Whitforth (Fairbury). High Hurdles: 1 McCall (Peru); Time 22.2. 2 Rodrick (Washburn); 3 Gibson 2 Mile Run: 1 Gailbraith (Tar(Peru). Time 15.3. kio); 2 Johnson (Tarkio); 3 Else 880 Yd. Run: 1 Francis (Peru); Tarkio; 4 Hughes (Tarkio). Time 2 Tillman (Peru). Time 2:08.2. 10:15.8. 220 Yd. Dash: 1 Christlieb Mile Relay: 1 Tarkio (Huston, (Washburn); 2 Hart (Peru); · 3 Pattee, Rich, and Ramie Graves). Richards (Washburn). Time 22.2. Time 3:32.6. 2 Mile Run: 1 Rydberg (Peru); 880 Relay: 1 Tarkio (E 1am, 2 Epley (Peru). Time 13:06.6. Freeberg, Cozad, Phelps). Time Low Hurdles: 1 Doug Gibson 1:34.6. (Peru); 2 McCall (Peru); 3 RodLow Hurdles: 1 Gibson (Peru); rick (Washburn). Time 24.8 bet- 2 McCall (Peru); 3 Nenen (Conters school record. cordia); 4 Sanders (Tarkio). Time Mile Relay: Washburn (Christ25.4. lieb, Meyers, Chappell, Richards). Time 3:34.9. Field Events Field Events Shot Put: 1 Krumme (Peru); 2 Carder (Washburn); 3 Heywood (Peru). Distance 41'4." Javelin: 1 Denson (Washburn); 2 Gibson (Peru); 3 Adkins (Washburn). Distance 176'81/4." Pole Vault: 1 Dickerson (Peru); 2 & 3 Adams and H e y w o o d (Peru). Height IO.' High Jump: 1 Carder (Washburn); 2 Tillman (Peru). 3 Hamilton (Washburn). Height 6'1/z.'' Discus: I Bob Bryant (Peru); 2 Krumme (Peru); 3 McKerman (Washburn). Distance 132'2%." Broad Jump: 1 Collier (Peru); 2 Rodrick (Washburn); 3 Leger (Washburn). Distance 20'61h.''
Bobcats Second In Quadrangular Meet The Peru Bobcats traveled to Tarkio-, Mo., for a quadrangular track meet on April 12. Peru finished well ahead of Seward, Concordia, and Fairbury, but trailed Tarkio 651/2 to Peru's 6l2/:i. Tarkio scored well in the distance races, and George Phelps won both dash races. The Bobcats scored most of their points in the field events and the hurdles races. Gibson took three first places for Peru honors. Also, Bob Bryant, Glen Heywood, and Chuck Krumme
ing are: Henry Rhoten, Jerry Grancer, and Chuck Francis. The tournament was originally scheduled for completion by April 10th. So, a race now exists as to which will finish first: school or the ping pong tourney.
Gibson Seis Record On April 15, Peru traveled to Maryville, Mo. Peru took third place in a triangular track meet which was won by Tarkio. Northwest Missouri State took second. Tarkio won the meet with. 72 points; Northwest Missouri was second with 51 points, edging Peru with 47 points. "Hoot" Gibson broke a 24 year old record in the javelin. Gibson's 184'101h' throw bettered the record throw (182'11") of Harold Luttman. To top off the meet, Gary Adams dueled Collins of Tarkio to a tie in the pole vault. The final height of both v a u 1t e rs was 12'6."
Ping Pong Tourney The Peru State ping pong tournament under the direction of Samuelson and Robert Gess is still in progress. Tournament participants are urged to complete games as quickly as possible. If an opponent fails to show up for a game, he is automatically disqualified. Some of the finalists at this writ-
QUALITY USED CAR '57 Chrysler, Dodge or Plymouth SEE DUANE RAINES at
W. A. McKEE & SON Auburn
by Dick Bibler.
Peru Places Third At Maryville Meet
Javelin: 1 Gibson (Peru); 2 Engdahl (Peru); 3 Bauer (Fairbury); 4 Ward (Tarkio). Distance 168'1." Broad Jump: 1 Nenen (Concordia); 2 Baden (Concordia; 3 Deangelo (Fairbury); 4 Cozad (Tarkio). Distance 22'3!/4." Shot Put: 1 Bob Bryant (Peru); 2 Reynolds (Tarkio); 3 Krumme (Peru); 4 'Smith (Fairbury). Distance 44'1.'' Discus: 1 Heywood (Peru); 2 Bob Bryant (Peru); 3 · Krumme (Peru); 4 Bauer (Fairbury). Distance 134'5." Pole Vault: 1 Adams (Peru); 2 Heywood (Peru); 3 Norman (Fairbury); 4 tie between Deangelo (Fairbury) and Koudele and Dickerson (Peru). Height 12'21/4." High Jump: 1 Poppe (Fairbury); 2, 3, 4 tie Kucera (Fairbury), Ward (Tarkio), Tillman and Collier (Peru). Height 6.'
Track Evenis Mile Run: 1 Gailbraith (Tarkio); 2 Johnson (Tarkio); 3 Else (Tarkio); 4 Davis (Maryville). Time 4:40.8. 440 Yd. Dash: 1 Jackson (Maryville); 2 Graves (Tarkio); 3 Huston (Tarkio); 4 Linville (Maryville). Time 52.8. 100 Yd. Dash: 1 Phelps (TarKio); 2 Adams (Peru); 3 Watson (Maryville); 4 Freeberg (Maryville). Time 10.5. High Hurdles: 1 McCall (Peru); 2 Gibson (Peru); 3 Sanders (Tarkio); 4 Cromer (Maryville). Time
15J. ., 880 Yd. Run: Elam (Tarkio); 2 Francis (Peru); 3 Pattee (Tarkio); 4 Graves (Tarkio). Time 2:04.1. 220 Yd. Dash: I Phelps (Tarkio); 2 Huston (Tarkio); 3 Watson (Maryville); 4 Sietsema (Peru). Time 23.6. Low Hurdles: 1 Gibson (Peru); 2 McCall (Peru); 3 Sanders (Tarkio); 4 Carrizales (Maryville). Time 26.6. 2 Mile: 1 Gailbraith (Tarkio); 2 Johnson (Tarkio); 3 Hughes (Tarkio); 4 Else (Tarkio): Time 10:27.8 .•
Badminton Tourney Completed Beverly Brown and Jon Appelget defeated last year's badminton champions .to become the champs of Peru State. The dethroned champs, Jim Bennet and Bonnie Rutz (early season's favorites to repeat this year), had to be content with second place. The tournament matching thirty-four couples allowed both sexes to take part. The final tournament contests drew more spectators than did the early rounds. Chuck Krumme, hearing that the badminton tourney was completed, sighed, "Now all the students can play good-minton."
Concert Choir Gives Oratorio fn Nebraska City
The 40-voice Peru St ate Teachers College concert choir Mile Relay: I Tarkio (Pattee, presented "The Holy City," an Huston, Rich and Ramie Graves). oratorio by A. R. Gaul April 14 Time 3:32.9. at the First Methodist Church of 880 Relay: 1 Tarkio (George, Nebraska City at 7:30 p.m. Freeberg, Elam, Phelps). Time The Choir's appearance was 1:34.2. sponsored by the Nebraska City Ministerial Association, according Field Evenis to Merrill R. Willis, pastor of the Javelin: 1 Gibson (Peru); 2 Methodist Church. Cromer (Maryville); 3 Engdahl Soloists were soprano Mrs. (Peru); 4 Carrizales (Maryville). Distance (184' 101h" betters rec- Marilyn Mueller Dyke of Griswold and Essex, Iowa, a junior; ord of Harold Luttman of 182'11" alto Betty Taenzler, a senior from in 1933). Shot Put: 1 Schultz (Maryville); 2 Bob Bryant (Peru); 3 Partridge (Maryville); 4 Butler (Maryville). Distance 44'2." High Jump: 1 Caldwell (Maryville); 2 Ward (Tarkio); 3 Sharpe (Maryville); 4 Tillman and Colli-· er (Peru). Height 6'4." Bro.ad Jump: 1 Wake~ (Maryville); 2 Pierce (Maryville); 3 Cozad (Tarkio); 4 George (Tarkio). Distance 20'2%." Discus: 1 Schultz (Maryville); 2 Heywood (Peru); 3 Hendrickson (Maryville); 4 Krumme (Peru). Distance 128'10." Pole Vault: 1 & 2 tie between Adams (Peru) and Collins (Tarkio); 3 Heywood (Peru); 4 Croy (Maryville). Height 12'6."
DR. H. C. DALLAM DENTIST Phone Office 2391 Phone Res. 3461 PERU
Plattsmouth; tenor Jim Ackerman, a senior from Fremont, and Marvin Wu~,.baritene, a senior from Df'J5on. The 40-voice choir, which has been selected from the College's 70-voice choir, was under the direction of Mr. Darryl T. Manring. Members of the choir, in addi- . ti on to the soloists, include: Sopranos-Barbara Boyd, Omaha; Janice Gottula, Table Rock; Rose Pfeifer, Spencer, Elberta Rhoten, Palmyra; Mary Riley, Dawson; Elaine Spier, Omaha; Franci Stilwell, Palmyra; Doris Shearer Wuster, Riverton, Iowa, and Dawson; Harriett Parkison, Riverton, Iowa. Altos-Joyce Car~an, Cook; Barbara Chambers, Seward; Judith Cole, Nebraska City; Janice Jahn, Omaha; Shareen Johnson, Spencer; Donna Jones, Dawson; Charlene Kolar, Humboldt; Louise Marshall, Wymore; Janice Wiles, Plattsmouth. Tenors-Richard Fankhauser, Humboldt; James Feistner; Nebraska City; Lester Miller, Bea-· trice; Raymond Nebelsick, Dunbar; Don Noah, Auburn; Ronald Noltensmeyer, Auburn. Basses-Loren Dyke, Essex, Iowa; Carrol Engdahl, Oakland; Don Gibsen, Auburn; William Hayes, Tecumseh; Tom Higgins, Valley; Julius Mueller, Omaha; Phil Neuhalfen, Dunbar; Gerald Olberding, Steinauer; Roger Russell, Peru; Alvin Schroeder, Daykin; Richard Sietsema, Tabor, Iowa, and Wallace Wuster, Dawson.
School Supplies
Priced Right for the Student
Be instr brar mer Colli nour iden of tl give of S regu Linc mer 1957 Tr theiJ Elis! son, tion; com Niel
Seated in the front row from the left are: Thelma Conyac~ Fran Larson, Rosie Edelman, Marilyn Benecke, Beverly Hinds, Deanna Hufton, Sara Sue Starns, Mary Kathryn Riley, Janice Wiles and Mary Keller. Back row from left fo right are: Donna Jones, Janice Gottula, Ramona Ogle, Peggy Robinson, Jan Stangel, Donna Schuster, Elaine Spier, Beverly Gerdes, Ruih Linscheid and Lorraine Johnson. Another candidate, Sharon Greninger, could not be present at the banquet. Twenty-one Peru State girls took part in the "Miss America" banquet, held at the Auburn armory Thursday, March :18. The banquet was sponsored by the Auburn Junior Chamber of Commerce. Honored guest at the affair was Miss Diane Kpotek, University of Nebraska.senior and winner in the 1956 pageant. Miss Knotek represented the state as "Miss Nebraska" at the Miss America pageant held in Atlantic City last year. Auburn Jaycee President, Byford Elwonger, opened the program with the welcoming address to the guests and introduced Lee
CaseJ!, chairman of the local "Miss America" pageant as master of ceremonies. Gene Harris gave the invocation and a delicious meal was served by the ladies of Bethel Church. The first speaker of the evening was Keith Skalla, state chairman of the "Miss Nebraska" pageant, who outlined the general program of the state-wide contest and gave the qualifications for candidates. At the conclusion of his address, .Chairman Skalla introduced Miss Nebraska, of '56, who related her experiences and the benefits she received as a candidate and winner in last year's contest. She also told of
her subsequent experience as state representative in the national "Miss America" pageant held at Atlantic City, N. J., last year. The Miss Auburn Pageant will be held May 1, at 7:30, in the Au.burn High School Auditorium. The tickets are available at Glen Drug Store, Marks Rexall Drugs, and Peru College Campus. The following Peru State girls entered in the local "Miss America" contest: Beverly Hinds, Mary Kathryn Riley, Janice Wiles, Janice Gottula, Elaine Spier, Ruth Linscheid, Lorraine Johnson, Beverly Gerdes, Mary Kay Knight, and Mary Jo Reinheart.
College Students' Costs Double Since 1939-40 NSEA News 4-12-57 , The amount that s tu dent s ¡ spend in attending college has doubled since 1939-40, Lawrence G. Derthick, Commissioner of Education, said in announcing preliminary findings of an Office of Education survey. Commissioner Derthick said the expenditure per year for fulltime undergraduate students. attending public college this year averages about $1,500. A student in private college pays about $2,000 a year. The average expenditure in 1939-40 was $7 47 for a student in a public college, and $1,023 for a private college student. The survey by the Office of Education is the first comprehensive study of how much it costs an undergraduate student to go to college, and where he gets the money. At tax-supported institutions in 1952-53 (the base year for the survey), living costs represented five-sixths of the total, and at private institutions, two-thirds, the survey revealed. Average tuition and fees at public colleges was about $175 and at private institutions about $550 in that year. Students living with their parents at that time spent an average of about $1,000 a year. It cost about $350 more for a student to live in some other private home or dormitory, and about another $300 to live in a club, fraternity or sorority. "Ten per cent of the men students and eight per cent of the women were from families with annual incomes of less than $3,000. The average family in the lowest family income group devoted about one-fifth of its income to its child in college. Families supplied 41 per cent of the money for college students; 29 per cent came from students' own savings; and students earned 17 per cent after entering c o 11 e g e. Other sources were
Entrance salaries for these positions range from $3670 to $4970 a year depending on the applicant's previous experience. The majority of appointments are made at $4080 a year. U n d e r CAA's expanded program, opportunities exist for promotion to $8990 a year.
The only portable with MIRACLE TAB, Super-strength Frame, Larger-sized Cylinder and Simplified Changer. The portable for the whole family ... help;1ludents get up to 38% better grades!,
Auburn Sewing Center AUBURN, NEBR.
Examining Board Of NCTE Here The Board of Examiners of the Nebraska Council on Teacher Education visited Peru, April 24. They were here reviewing the teacher education program at Peru. This was done by visiting with faculty members, students, classes, .and inspecting Peru's entire program. The visit was concluded by a meeting with the faculty members of P.S.T.C.
CAA Positions Need Filling
Requirements have been broadened to provide for the more than 500 appointments the R,egional CAA Office plans to make from the new examination. Recency of experience requirements have been eliminated and, for the first time, persons holding private pilot's licenses with necessary soJo flying time are eligible for employment.
tech ti on:
scholarships, five per cent; veterans' and vocational rehabilitation programs, five per cent; loans, one per cent; and miscellaneous, two per cent. More than 15,000 studentsfrom 110 colleges were included in the random sample for the survey.
"The jet air age has created an urgent need for air traffic controllers and communicators," the Regional Office of the Civil Aeronautics Administration at Kansas City, Missouri, stated today in releasing a new civil service examination for Airways Operations Specialists.
Frank Masek, supervisor of mathematics and science at the Campus School at Peru State Teachers College, has been named recipient of a $1,146 stipend by the National Science Foundation for study at the University of Missouri this summer. Masek, a native of Odell and and a 1951 graduate of Peru State, before joining the faculty in 1954 as coach of all sports at the Campus School, held coaching positions at Tarkio, (Mo.) High School and at Randolph, Iowa. He has served in his present position since the fall of 1955. At the University of Missouri's eight-1Yeek summer session, Masek will be doing graduate work in physics and mathematics.
Gamon Elected To Scout Post
Positions are available in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, Wisconsin, North and South Dakota.
Dr. Neal S. Gomon, president of the Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru, was elected a member of the regional executive committee of the Boy Scouts of Ame~ica at their annual meeting held in Kansas City, Mo.
Persons interested in these positions should contact the civil service representative at the local Post Office or the Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Civil Aeronautics Administration, 911 Walnut, Kansas City, Missouri."
The regional executive committee is responsible for the Scouting program in Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. Dr. Gomon is currently vice president of the Cornh4sker council of Boy Scouts.
The members of the board of examiners are: Dr. Floyd Miller, chairman; Dr. William Starke], State Dept. of Education; Dr. R. L. Fredstron, Asst. Supt. of Lincoln Schools; Dr. Leroy Ortgiesen, State Dept. of Education; Dr. Don Twiford, Dept. of Education.
Students Observe Rural Schools Seven students enrolled in Rural Methods and Management at Peru State Teachers College were
assigned last week to Richardson, Otoe, Sarpy and Nemaha county rural schools, according to Alma Ashley, associate professor of elementary education. The students observed methods, participated in activities and did limited student teaching as a part of the requirements for methods and management in rural education. The students, their home town, assignments, and host teachers were: Joann Ast, Humboldt, Richardson county District 50, Mrs. Pauline Haith, teacher; Karen Lohmeyer, Falls City, Richardson county District 75, Mrs. Rose Marie Weber, teacher; Evelyn Morrell, Palmyra, Otoe county District 62, Mrs. Inez Brownlee, Douglas, teacher. Mrs. Dorothea Wilton, Nebraska City, Otoe county District 35, Mrs. June Badberg, teacher; Sharon Grieninger, Ashland, Sarpy county District taught by Mrs. Lavona Moller, Ashland; Joyce Carman, Cook, Nemaha i;ounty District 66, Mrs. Esther Gebers, Auburn, teacher.
Make Mother's Day A Happy One ** Mother's Day Cards Rox Candy and Gifts
Gift wrapped
prin ert of N al a: ciph and Di Stat Fall: mer scho curr educ Uni1 histc trial aids vane als, low: Ced sion Jang schc cun M mor assi: mer grac and She ian sion R
Summer Faculty Approved By State Board of Education
DATES TO REMEMBER May 5President's Tea for Graduating Class, 3:00-5:00 p.m.
90th Anniversary Will Be Observed Here On June 20th
A special observance of the Board approval of six visiting Miss Norra Diddel, Darryl Man90th anniversary of the founding \May 6ring and Robert Grindle, fine instructors and an assistant liof Nebraska State Teachers ColGeneral faculty m e e t i n g, brarian completed the 1957 sum- arts; Miss Phyllis Davidson, Mrs. lege at Peru has been approved 4:00 p.m., Campus School mer sessions staff at Peru State Ruth Mathews a_nd Jerome Stemby the Board of Education of Auditorium. College, according to an an- per, health and physical educaState Normal Schools, according nouncement made today by Pres- tion; James Levitt, Robert GrayMay 10to Dr. Neal S. Gomon, Peru State ident Neal S. Gomon. Approval son and Stewart Linscheid, lanFaculty Square Dance, 7:30 president: of the summer sessions staff was guage arts; Miss Lela Lillian p.m., Campus School AudiJune 20 has been designated as given by the Board of Education Lones, Miss Frieda Rowoldt and torium. Charter Day for Nebraska's oldof State Normal Schools at the D. V. Jarvis, practical arts; Hanest college. It was on June 20, May 18regular meeting of the Board in ford Miller, science and mathe1867, that the Legislature of the Lincoln March 25. The 1957 sum- matics; Dr. Robert Delaney and Faculty Reception for SenState of Nebraska established mer s es s'i on will open June 3, A. B. Clayburn, history and soiors, 8:00 p.m. Peru Normal College, the forecial sciences. All division heads 1957. May 19runner of the present institution, The visiting instructors and and deans will also be members Parents' Day Program, at thus establishing the first stateof the summer sessions instructheir assignments are: Dr. Ruby 1:30 p.m. Baccalaureate Sersupported college and the first John C. Christ, head of the di' Bliss of Belhaven College, Jack- tional staff. vices, 4:00 p.m. institution of high learning in vision of science and mathematics Glen Sheely and B. A. Eddy .son, Mississippi, classes in educacontinuous existence since its at Peru State Teachers College, tional psychology and school- will teach the first month of the May 21founding. has been named recipient of a community relations; Dr. Ross regular session and in the post Fine Arts Division InstruSpecial recognition will include summer study grant at the UniNielsen of Iowa State Teachers session. Miss Blanche Gard will mental Ensemble, 8:00 p.m. an all-college convocation, a sem- versity of Minnesota Lake Itasca . College at Cedar Falls, classes in teach the first month of the reginar on higher education and a Forestry and Biological Station. May 22: techniques of research, educa~ ular session and Miss Alma Ashdinner honoring former students He was one of two named for the High School Commencement tional statistics and history and ley will teach in the post session. and distinguished guests of the five-week study which will begin at 8:00 p.m. principles of education; Dr. Rob- L. B. Mathews will relieve John day. ert T. Littrell of the University Christ, head of the di vision of sciJune 20. May 24The Board of Education of of Nebraska, classes in education- ence and mathematics, the latter The grant, provided by the NaCollege Commencement at State Normal Schools will hold al and vocational diagnosis, prin- part of the regular session so that tional Science Foundation, will 10:30 a.in. its regular June meeting on the , ciples and practices of guidance Mr. Christ may continue admake it possible for Mr. Christ to Peru campus as a part of the May 30vanced study in biology at the and educational measurements. conti~ue for the third consecutive Charter Day activities. Memorial Day. Dr. Joe Przychodzin of Iowa University of Minnesota. summer his restarc\ in the area · ; State Teachers College at Cedar of ecology, the study"of environJune 3Falls, a member of the 1956 sumSharon Greniger-(In a daze) ment. Summer Session opens. mer sessions staff, classes in high wonder" where he is .. .I wonMr. Christ's project concerns school methods, secondary school der where he is ... the study of the i vasion of west, curriculum and introduction to idwest. The Peru State was anxious for Eas- Judi Cole-I looked for a job for ern plants in · ' education; Dr. Earl Hepler of the project is sch Welcome, Class of '75 ter vacation, the summer. , University of Missouri, classes in tion by fall, ·at which time history and philosophy of indusTo compensate for the shortage When the time came, home they Jack Ludwig-Censor ... Don't findings of the project will be went. , trial arts education, instructional of Campus School students in print it! ready for publication. ' aids in industrial arts and ad- comparison to student teachers, This reporter asked people of vanced problems in general met- Peru Staters have taken matters Rosie Edelman-Had a ball. every vocation, , als, and Dr. Edward L. Ruman of into their own hands: during the How their precious time was was E. Albin Larson, secretary of Franci Stilwell-Spent money . . the Board of Education for State . Iowa State Teachers College at eight-day period b e gin n in g spent. (Cedar Falls, classes in supervi- March 25, five babies were born poor Dad. Normal Schools. ; sion of the elementary school, to as many sets of Peru parents. Martha Cox-Went to the PasMr. Larson was a charter memi' , language arts in the elementary New arrivals go to: Mr. and sion Pit. ber of the Eta chapter, which was school and elementary school Mrs. Dick Arington, and Mr. and formed in December, 1932, as the DeAnna Hutton-Nothing, doing , curriculum. Mrs. Tom Moen, providing boy~; Roger Haigh-Went fishing. seventh chapter and the first nothing, but being good. '. Mrs. Aileen Graham of Fre- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryant, Mr: west of the Mississippi river. The 'mont has been employed as an and Mrs. Jim Cotton, and Mr. and Don Holscher-Hunted golf balls. Don West-I spent two days try- fraternity which was begun in \assistant librarian for the sum- Mrs. Don Roddy, adding girls to Duane Birginal-Played cow pasing to fix the garden tractor. 1929, has grown to 60 chapters mer session. Mrs. Graham is a the crop. Other contributions are, It still d9esn 't work. throughout the world with a total ture pool. graduate of Peru State College as yet, unclassified. of 9,000 members. General Comment-It's great to ; and the University of. Minnesota. Mary Anna Gnade offered the Darwin Rosenquist-Worked and The new members include: Albe back. spread the -. She served as an assistant librar- comment: "Well, that's what hapbert R. Auffert, Peru; Ray F. H. i~n during the 1956 summer· ses- pens when you get snowed in." Ehlers, Syracuse; Carrol Engdahl, Bill Almond-I HAD FUN! ! ! l sron. The comment is up for further Oakland; Harley D. Hecker, Shel(Smashing things). Re g u 1 a r instructional staff study. Thanks go to the Dean's by; Johnnielee C. Henning, Peru; members who will serve on the secretaries, Mary L. Fraser and Jack Gilmore-'-Didn't do a thing, Kenneth E. Johnson, PlattsEh, Eh. ~summer sessions staff are: Mrs. Mrs. Margaret Albright for inEight Peru State College stu- mouth; Charles E. Krumme, Red Dorothy Iverson and Miss Zelma formation leading to the arrest dents have been initiated into the Oak, Iowa, and Dean A. VanderMax Moore-Talked things over Wonderly, elementary education; and apprehension of this story. Eta chapter of Epsilon Pi Tau, ford, Peru. with Uncle Sam. national honorary professional inWallace Wuster, a senior from Del Stoltenberg-I'm married, dustrial arts fraternity, according Dawson, was named recipient of aren't I? to Nick Stolzer, Beatrice, presi- the senior award, an Epsilon Pi dent. Tau key. The award is given to Jerry Grancer-Same as Del, Principal speaker for the 25th the senior with the highest overhoneymooning. anniversary initiation banquet all grade point average. Marv Johnson-Anything, just put anything!
Five Babies Arrive In Eight Days
Epsilon Pi Tau Initiates Eight Peruvians
I i
Mr. Clayburn-I spent part of it working in the yard. The rest of the time was spent in Lincoln.
Marv Wuster-Hmmm, Boy that's' a fine question. I'll tell youabsolutely nothing ! ! Coach Mcintire_.:.Spent most of it in Falls City working in my dairy shop. Good business ! ! ! !
Buddy Bookwalter-I went home and attended the Kansas High School relays and the Kansas University relays. Went on a frat. party to Shanee Lake. Duane Lewis-I went to church and left cuz it was too full ...
"We personally invite you to come in and see our 'COLLEGE CORPS' and beautiful 'BUD BURMA' coordinated sportswear!"
PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS Any Garment 'Remodeled, Restyled, Repaired Always Firsf in Quality and Workmanship Fur Coafs Repaired We call for and deliver Phone 2671, Peru, Nebr.
Mrs. Fulton-Went to Lincoln and brought my aunt back to Peru. She'll be visiting me for several days. Lorraine Johnson-Chased t h e Easter Bunny (Didn't catch him). Merrily Dahmke-Oh Worse! Donna Lee'-! don't .know what I did! ! ! ? ? ? Sara Sue Starns-Boys, that's all I saw was boys!
Campus School Commentary By """' Ann• Gnode
+:+~...Cl-~ll~(\-C).-.<)~1--(J._O~~J~~f)~)....il. . .<1_.tl._I)~·:·
How nice to find a high school senior among all the college seniors giving music recitals this spring. Judy Miller did herself, her parents, her instructor, her accompanist, and her classmates right proud with her singing string s Monday; April 15th. (What a fabulous memory it takes to give a recital!)
the campus school band at the last PTA meeting. The campus schoolers gave a contest caliber performance for Jimmy Ackerman, Ron Noltensmeyer, Harriet Parkison, and Lawrence Eickhoff. Since the high school now is a major minority, another year or .two we'll really have a high school band.
• The usual rush at Easter was
Don't dare get started .on stu. dent teacher activities-there are so many and one mustn't show partiality!
~hanged slightly this year: 2nd
grader Kenneth Adams' parents had his class come out to their farm for an Easter egg hunt the day. before Easter recess. This superseded the traditional parkwide egg hunt and the kids were just as happy. Those in other classes who didn't go seei;ned just as well pleased with "egg",. parties in classrooms. Brag. about your Easter bonnet ~2nd grader Sally is wearing .the latest in Easter vacation hair ribbons: She tumbled against the sharp cement and the doctor tied the stitches over the gauze, right in the exact spot for a hairbow. Fo()ls people, too. Miss Edna Weare's annual homemaking class play school began with an Easter egg party Thursday afternoon, the 18th. La~t report was 28 anxious-to-go three to five year olds who will "go to school" from 2:30 to 4:00 every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon for three weeks. Wanna hear some bright sayings? Let's crow: we may have come in only 5th in 'the track meet April 16th but Jerry Hennings broke the Triangular State Conference record for shot put! Also threw a mean discus for 1st in that event and tied in high jump. Monty Allgood ran fast in the 880 yard and David Stevenson kept Peru from coming in last in the 440 yard dash. Yea, Prep! ·Good Housekeeping Magazine (adv.) has an interesting page "The Date Line"-what school kids across the nation are doing. One item describes an all night slumber party for girls in school gym sponsored by reliable faculty. To "flag;' an exam is to flunk with flying colors. One high school has a yearbook with colored pictures plus an attached 45 EP record of senior sounds. Don't our high schoolers think up enough without suggestions from a teenagers exchange? Bandmaster Grindle's student teachers doubled in brass and led
Clemmy Holmes Motor Co. Authorized Ford & Mercury . Dealer Nebraska City
J. W. Kerns Lbr. Co. Repair Paint All Kinds AUBURN .
Remodel Insulate of Coal NEBRASKA
At long last I received my eagerly awaited invitation from the 8th grade to drive a load to Omaha for their "educational tour" Friday, April 26. I· cannot understand why any parent with a car who has time overlooks the pure entertainment and education derived from being with these junior high schoolers. I could write a .book "My Re-Education via My Children" or "Who Says the Younger Generation is Going. to the Dogs?"
which was then iocated in the basement of Delzell Hall. At the time Peru State Teachers College placed a cafeteria on ~he campus for the students' convenience, Edna Douglas was hired as the manager. When the cafeteria was· first started, it was a regular cafeteria style; you paid for the food on the tray. Now the cafeteria serves between nine hundred ahd a thousand meals every d~y:Tue average meal that is on the cafeteria menu is as follows. Breakfast: bacon , and eggs, - fruit juice, hot or cold cereal, milk and coffee, toast arid jelly. Dinner: minute steaks, potatoes and gravy, .navy beans and ham, buttered peas, milk and coffee, salad, bread and butter. Supper: bar-b-que, beef . on toast, salad, . green beans, potatoes, soup, milk and coffee.
Out-of-school activity took a goodly nuniber of campus schoolers to Omaha Monday (vacation) in connection with the Ground Observer Corps. They took in air force installations and radar center operations.
Vocal Groups Give Three Performances. The college's three vocal gl'O\lps have been performing in the surrounding cities under the direction of Mr. Darryl T. Manring. The 40-voice Concert Choir gave the "Holy City" at the Methodist Church in Peru, Sunday morning, April 7. They also gave this same program at Nebraska City Sunday evening, April 14. The Peru State Teachers College 70-voice chorus presented Handel's "Messiah" at the Col- · lege Auditorium, Sunday, April 14. The afternoon performance was well attended. Soloists for this group were Marilyn Dyke, Harriett Parkison, Mary Riley, Betty Taenzler, Jim Ackerman, Marvin Wuster, and Richard Fankhauser. The other vocal group, the Peruvian Singers, traveled to Auburn to give a council program at the Christian Ch,urch Wednesday,· April 17, at 3:30 p.m. The sermon was "A ~ermon in Song" at which they sang Easter selections.
Fountain Sandwiches Lunches AUBURN, NEBR.
The Petrified Forest By Robert Sherwood
Five Creative Writers Busy . On The Campus The advanced college composition class has turned into the hardest sort ·of work at the request of the students, who are in.terested in writing creatively. Phil Neuhalfen is working on a short story, humorous naturally. Sharon Beck and Hal Norris are also writing short stories. Lois Bush, Pedagogian columnist, is working on a full length mood play. Perhaps the most prolific of the campus writers is Virgil Kessling, who is sitting in for no credit. He has written a short. story and a two-act comedy and is working on a book about horses. Mr. Kessling, owner and lover of race horses, has had winners on the Agua Caliente track and now has .three horses in training for the races. His book will deal with the training rrnd development of racers. At the present time, all five students are working on a story based on a plot suggested by Hal Norris, individual treatments of the story varying greatly. Stewart Linscheid, the teacher, says, "Keep your eye on these writers. If they keep up their efforts, some of them are practically certain to be publishing th'eir work in the future."
7 D ce
F1 Ti ar
MAY2 8:00 P. M. events, there is little if anything to attract these students on weekends.
The Misses Lois Bush ;md Jan Stangel appeared on the KMTV 2.. Many return home for emprogram, "Conversations" model- ployment, without which they ing dresses especially designed couldn't continue attendance. for them by Mrs. Dean Twidwell, wife of a former Peru student, 3. Though this will probably Dean Twidw~ll. draw snickers, many have roThe program, on Wednesday, mantic interests in 'the old home April 10, consisted of an inter- town.'" view of Mara Twidwell by Mary A little incident that happened Ann Peters, and the display of dresses created bY: Mrs. Twidwell. at the Creighton University in Lois modeled · a sheath-type Omaha, Nebraska, might well dress with a straight, sleeveless have happened at Peru. "Deglcoat. Jan was arrayed in a semi- man Hall has some true logicians. formal gown which can be worn Take for example the fellow who with cape or without. Also mod- had this typewriter impounded eling Twidwell creations were for a week, for typing at 2 a.m. pr9fessional Omaha models, Jan Excuse? Very logical. He figured . everybody was asleep and would Weis and Marge Jansen. ...., not mind.
Auburn, Nebr.
C: de Rr
w so
N D er w
Redfern Clothing Co. "The Store of Standard Brands" Phone 183 - Auburn
Jc d1
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cl M
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M tE
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STEWART'S Standard Service lllllll!!ll!l!ll!lllll!llUll!l!llUll!lllll!llll!llUll!lllllllllllllll
Examinations for Immigration Patrol Inspector have been announced by the United States Civil Service Commission. Application forms may be obtained from Dean of Students. MATH FRATERNITY Appointees will be members of INITIATES NINE the Immigration Border Patrol, a career service of mobile, uniNine students have been initiformed enforcement officers. The ated into the Peru State College beginning annual salary is $4525, chapter of Alpha Mu Omega, nawith promotion to Grade 8 and tional honorary mathematics frathe salary of $4970 after one year ternity, according to Mrs. Myrtle of satisfactory service. PromoCook, sponsor. tions to many other career offiInitiates include: Larry Apel,· cer positions in the Immigration Falls City; Harley Hecker, Sheland. Naturalization Service are by; LeRoy Hughes, Fairbury; made from the ranks of the BorKeith Johnson, Table Rock; der Patrol. James Jones, Peru; Richard Applicants must be at least 20 Kumpf, Johnson; Duane Oosting, years of age, 5'8" tall, and in top Panama; Ronald Phillips, NebrasBy Donna Gaer physical condition. ka City, and Claudette Stumbo, Positions to be filled are locatFrom the Antelope from the Salem. ed in towns in the vl'cinity of the N.S.T.C. at Kearney I picked up an article which signified many land borders and certain coastal CAFETERIA SERVES of the Peru State. students' sen- areas of the United States. In900 MEALS DAILY timents. It gave three reasons formation pamphlets are avail1 why some students need to go ab!e at your local Post Office and At the time the bfeteria was home every week-end. They typi- at all Immigration offices .. Applifirst started on the campus, there fy many of the reasons why the cation forms should be mailed to were approximately two hundred · students here at Peru leaye each the Executive Secretary, Board of Civil Service Examiners, Imstudents who ate meals there Friday night. every day. Edna Douglas, during ·. migration and Naturalization the four years preceding 1955, "l. Except for the few and far Service, 119 D Street, N. E., was the manager of the Bob-Inn, between social and at h 1 et i c Washington 25, D. C.
Stolen Goodies
. T. W. GOIT. Hardware • Furniture We Make Keys AUBURN, NEBRASKA
PERU MOTORS DESOTO - - PLYMOUTH Fast Dependable Service Phone 3201 • Peru
rr K
s A ci er \\
Bill's Clothing Store
Auburn. Nebr.
a er
Genuine Registered
KEEPSAKE Diamond Rings
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks
Peru Pedagogian
To Grads
MAY 13. 1957
Commencement Week Activities
78 To Receive Degrees Diplomas
Pern Will Hold 87th Commenoo11e1t
Seventy-eight students will receive degrees and diplomas on Friday, May 24, when Peru State Teachers College holds its 87th annual commencement.· Receiving the degree of Bachelor. of Arts are: F. C. Bobbitt, L. Verdell Goldberg, and William R. Kochheim. Receiving the degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts in Education are: Jimmy A. Ackerman, Richard L. Fankhauser, and David J. Miller. Receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Education are: William E. Albright, Gerald G. Carnes, Margaret A. Cotton, Eldon E. Ep)ey, David L. Glasgow, Roger M. Haigh, Claude A. Johnson, Robert B. Moore, Robert R. Norton, Harlan J. Oestmann, Lee D. Ogle, Elberta L. Rhoten, Loren D. Schuler, Leland H. Sherwood, A. James Stewart, Albert W. Winseman, Doris S. Wuster, and Wallace E.' Wuster. Receiving the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education are: Duane L. Birginal, Donald D. Clark, Frank J. Davis, Merritt E. Dodson, Mary A,nn Fuerst, Carl C. Gawart, B. R. Gfeller, John J. Gilmore, Helen H. Holdorf, Donald F. Holscher, Raymond A. Huggett, Robert L. Humphrey, Robert G. Kramer, Darrel D. Kreglo, Charles E. Krumme, Kelly J. Liewer, John R. Ludwig; Eldon W. McCall, Ardis F. McNutt, E. Wayne Minchow, Thomas C. Moen, Max G. Moore, Donald L. Niemier, Orval F. Rohrs, Bonnie R. Rutz, Dwight Safar, Noma E. Schuetz, Helen M. Sheehan, George D. Slaughter, Audrey D. Smith, Del A. Stoltenberg, Mary E. Straw, and Gayleen J. Wilson. Receiving the two-year diploma are: Susan M. Alberson, Leta Raw Bosworth, ·DeAnna Brown, Gladys 0. Cooper, Josephine A. Crouch, Janet C. Dahmke, Pearl Fankhauser, Carrie A. Fisher, Beverly Ann Hinds, Beverly Ann Gerdes, Leanna Humphrey, Virgene Hunley, Georgia Isham, Marguerite Moeller, Jayne E. Monroe, Sandra Sue West, J. Lorraine Johnson, Mary K. Hughes, Jean Marie Ruyle. · Receiving the one-year diploma are: Joyce Ann Carman and Karen K. Lohmeyer.
Commencement Week activities honoring 78 candidats for degrees and diplomas will commence on May 18 with a faculty reception at 8:00 p. m. On Baccalaureate Sunday, May 19, a parents' day program will be the afternoon feature be.
High School To Graduate Nineteen
pastor of T r i n i t y Methodist Research Director for Nebraska Church, Lincoln, Nebraska, will State Education Association will deliver the baccalaureate sermon be the commencement speaker for members of the graduating for the 87th annual exercises for classes of Nebraska State Teach- members of the graduating class ers College at Peru and the of Nebraska State Teachers ColCampus High School at 4:00 lege at Peru at 10:30 o'clock Frio'clock Sunday afternoon, May day morning, May 24, in the Peru 19, in Peru College Auditorium. College Auditorium.
Spring Peru Stater Attractive Booklet Don Carlile, Director of Special Services, released the spring edition of the Peru Siaier last week. Mr. Carlile and his associates have spent much time and effort to collect the material for ths pamphlet. The Peru Siaier has been sent to graduates of Peru State all all over the country. The main feature of the spring edition are: pictures and articles on the High School Girls Invitational Volleyball tournament; an article about the changes on the P.S.T.C. campus since 1903, wheJ:\ Nan Bartos Fitzpatrick, author of the article, was graduated; names of ex-students of Peru who have married,. died, or given birth to children; statistics on the increase ill enrollment from 1956-1957; and a report on how the increase in tuition may slow the rising enrollm~nt. This pamphlet was written, ed-
Dr. Rogers has been in his present pastorate since 1953 and formerly served as minister of the Brookfield, Illinois, Methodist Church from 1946 to 1953 and the First Methodist Church of Dundee, Illinois, from 1941 to 1943. He was a Protestant Chap-lain for the United States Navx in the Pacific Area from 1943 to~ 1946. The baccalaureate minister attended Gustavus Adolphus College and received his A. B. degree from Hamline University, St. Paul, Minn., in 1936. He received his· Bachelor of Divinity degree from Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, Illinois, in 194i, and was a graduate student at Northwestern University, Evanston. The degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred by Nebraska Wesleyan University in June, 1955. Dr. Rogers is a trustee of Garrett Biblical Institute, a member of the Board of Directors of the Lincoln YMCA and a member of the commission on world service and finance of the Nebraska Annual Conference of the Methodist Church. During the summer of 1955 he was a member of the Sherwood Eddy Seminar Group which traveled extensive~ ly in Europe.
Dr. Burnham was formerly executive secretary of the NSEA, served as superintendent of schools education in the state department of public instruction, Stanton county superintendent of schools and taught in the rural schools of that county. The commencement speaker attended rural school in Stanton county and did his preparatory work at Nebraska Normal College, the predecessor to Nebraska State Teachers College at Wayne and at Fremont College, now Midland College. He received his A.B. and M.A. degrees from the University of Nebraska, did graduate work at the University of Chicago and Columbia University. He was granted a Ph, D. degree by Colorado State College of Education at Greeley. In addition to a busy and successful professional career, Dr. Burnham is a veteran of World War I having served as a director of instruction for the 88th Division, AEF, and being instructor and executive dean of the College of Letters, American Army University during the war years. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Ne. braska and Colorado State College. He was director of Civilian Activities, a phase of Civilian Defense, during World War II.
High s c h o o 1 commencement exercises will be held Wednesday, May 22, at 8:00 p.m. At that time Professor R. T. Benford will play the processional, "Tempo di Marcia," which will bring this year's Peru Campus School graduates down the aisle fo,r their last high school appearance. The invocation will be. given by Rev. Lawrence Williams of the Peru Christian Church, and will be followed by a violin solo, "To a Wild Rose," by Judy Miller. Nadine Adcock will present the opening address. · The high school chorus under the direction of Professor Darryl T. Manring will sing "Land of Hope and Glory," and "Homeland." The. class farewell address will be given by Martha Sue Moore. The address will be followed by a vocal solo, "Graduation Day," by Dave Stevenson. Richard D. Van Pelt will then present the awards to the class. Class sponsor, Frank Masek will present the class to Mr. Van Pelt who will give the diplomas. The benediction will be offered by Reverend Williams. The class members are: Nadine Adcock, Emma Becker, Jim Bohlken, Ron Brock, Jack Crabtree, Dennis Dallam, Jerry Henning, Alice Eickoff, Judy Miller, Martha Sue Moore, Jack Railsback, Rex Rains, Connie Sayer, Beverly Sherman, David Stevenson, Judy Tynon, Mary Tynon, Jo Winingham, and Mary Kathryn Winingham.
Kappa Delta Pi Has Meet in Illinois Kappa Delta Pi chapters from Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Nebraska met at Illinois State Normal University April 27, 1957. One hundred delegates from ten colleges and universities and one alumni group met to exchange ideas and problems concerning Kappa Delta Pi on the campus level. Peru State's delegation of six -Doris Wu s t er, Mary Ann Fuerst, Elberta Rhoten, Phil Neuhalfen, Bill Albright and ex-of. ficio Mrs. Jan Manring, participated in the conference. Purdue University, University of Illinois, Nebraska Wesleyan, Northwest ited and printed with everyone in mind, present and past students of P.S.T.C. If you get the chance to read a Peru Stater, do. You might learn more about the "Campus of a Thousand Oaks."
Missouri, Ball State of Indiana and all state colleges of Illinois had delegations present. The conference concentrated on improving and extending the services of Kappa Delta Pi by promoting educational leadership and professional ideals to the teacher and prospective teacher. The major address of the conference was given by Dr. Gerald Read, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. Following the address, small informal discussion groups met to . investigate the methods and means to make Kappa Delta Pi a more effective The closing remarks of Raymond Dyder, Executive Counselor of the national Kappa Delta Pi, pointed out that the conference was not only successful, but it provided a common meeting ground for students and counselors from a wide region.
ginning at 1:30 p.m. Baccalam· eate Service will begin at 4:Cll p.m., and will honor both ~ college candidates for degrees and diplomas and the seniors rd the T. J. Majors Campus School Special recognition will be ex~ tended to the Class of 1907 wM will be on the Campus of a Thousand Oaks to observe their Golden Anniversary reunion. The Division of ;Fine Arts will present an instrumental ensem· ble program on Tuesday, May 21 at 8:00 p.m. in the College Audi-· torium. On Wednesday, May 22, the high,, ..school will hold their commenfeme~ exercises in the College Auditorium at 8:00 p.m. Commencement Week will conclude with the College ComFriday, May 24,
Journalists Dine And Get Awards In Blue Room The Journalism banquet was held Monday, May. 6, at seven o'clock, in the Blue Room of the Grand Hotel in Nebraska City with an attendance of nineteen students and guests. A delicious chicken dinner was the first event on the program. Dave Longfellow, toastmaster, gave clever introductions of the six honored guests: Dr. Neal S. Gomon, Dean Keith Melvin, Mrs. Mary Anna Gnade, Mr. Don Carlile, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore. Each guest spoke a few words complimenting the students on the fine job they have done on the paper this year. Mr. Stewart P. Linscheid presented three journalism awards. Yvonne Funkhouser received the reporting award, Lois Bush the writer's award, and Dave Longfellow the Neal Gomon award for all around services to the Pedagogian. ~ It was decided to make this banquet an annual event.
KAPPA DELTA PI STEAK FRY Sunday night, May 5, Kappa Delta Pi had a steak fry at the Peru City Park. Thirty members of the honorary fraternity attended the function.
Peru Speakers Busy As Commencement Nears Faculty and administrative members will be speaking at various high school commencement exercises around the country in the near future. Dr. Neal S. Gomon, president of the college, has six dates on his busy calendar. Dr. Russell A. Holy, head of the Division of Education, will go to Steinauer on May 15, and to Silver City, Iowa on May 16. Professor Harold Johnson has scheduled Hamlin, Kansas on May 16, and Pacific Junction, Iowa on May 22. On May 16, Dr. Keith Melvin, Dean of the College, will go to Nemaha, while Professor James Levitt speaks in Stella on the same evening. On May 22 Professor Robert Moore, head of the Department of Language Arts, will journe.Y to Salem to address the graduating class there.
Off-Campus Courses Are Now Finished All off-campus study courses are now completed. During the past year five off-campus study centers helped 97 people who would not .otherwise have been able to participate in college classes. Dr. Robert Delaney, associate professor of history, journeyed to Hamburg, Iowa between November 12, 1956 and March 4, to instruct a class in American National Government. Dr. Gordon B. Kenyon, head of the Division of Social Sciences, spent the period from January 24 to April 16 teaching weekly classes in United States History Since 1865 to a group of Beatrice students. Professor Glen Sheely instructed Tabor; Iowa, residents in the arts of Audio-Visual Aids from January 3 to April 25, while fellow department member, Harold Johnson, lectured on the Principles and Practices of Guidance to Falls Citians. Mr. Johnson's class extended from January 21 'ti! April 29. Professor Stewart Linscheid also taught weekly classes in Falls City in English Composition. His hitch lasted from January 28 to May 7.
Editorial ...
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FAREWELL TO OUR ALMA MATER By Bill Kochheim World weary and disillusioned as we arrive at the end
of the trail, we, the Senior Class of '57, having perfect control of mind and being unaffected by hard study and high marks realize that we soon must vacate our beloved campus. To our dearly beloved teachers, we leave everything they didn't get out of us duri~g the past four years; ~s .well as our best wishes. To the Jumors, we bequeath our privilege to bear, the air of superiority and also the fresh cigarette butts around campus buildings. To the Sophomores, the dignity and grace of wearing T-shirts and jeans or peddle pushers. To the Freshies we leave all overlooked gum we may have left on the bot~oms of desks or seats. Mentally, we know that this is a personal advancement in this world. However, not until we have left this campus for a few years will we be able to acknowledge the true value of college. We will wonder why we didn't apply ourselves better than we did-why some of the professors were so persistent with some phases of their courses. We are curious how we shall reap our harvest of this education. While taking a last look at our alma mater, we'll whisper to ourselves, "so long." Then, years from now, we'll reminisce-bringing back to our minds both the good and bad things. Things like the great soci~ life, dorm life, meet~gs with the deans, all night crammmg for exams, practical jokes, cafeteria food, organizational meetings (on Campus and on the River), convocations, football, basketball, and track meets. We shall never forget these hallowed halls or personal advice of instructors. Nowhere else other than in a true democratic system <:ould we select our vocation, institution, number of years for training, have coffee with our instructors, skip classes, and have free time for our personal use. Just a few things have been mentioned above, but with these in mind, we wish to show our gratitude to all. We, the Senior Class, humbly wish to thank our instructors, fellow students, dorm mothers, administration staff, campus custodians, and towns people. All of you have had some part in making our college years some of the best years of our life. To all of you we are grateful, yet, very humble. 111111111111111111111111111 1 111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u1111uuu111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
the winners a round of Cokes. The intramural track meet is going to be held Monday, May 13. A lot of the men here in the hall will be entered in the events. By Ron McKinney It seems that there is getting to be quite a lot of rubbish and p a p e rs littered around the For the vacation minded, res- ground below Delzell Hall. The ervations are being taken by fellows in Room 319, seeing this, James Feistner who operates the went to Ken Sand and told him Sunny Side Lake Resort. The re- that they would be willing to sort is located five miles east of clean up the grounds. Ken grateNebraska City. Accommodations fully accepted. Tuesday night, May 7, there include: one picnic table, bath house, sand beach, and, of course, was a dormitory meeting in the a big spring fed lake with a div- television lounge of Delzell Hall. ing board. Lately, it seems, Peru Phil Fahrlander and Dave Clites State students have been taking opened the meeting by the preadvantage of Mr. Feistner's gen- sentation of awards. Phil Neuerosity and have been going out halfen displayed h i s spitting to his resort and helping them- ability. Ray Parde was given the selves to his facilities, without "Ham of the Year Award." Phil Neuhalfen was given the "Maidhis consent. The ping. pong tournament is enform Award" and also the advancing very nicely. Jerry "Boob of the Year Award." Dick Grancer, Chuck Francis, Carl Corwine received the "AmeriRhoten, and Rodney Hiems are can Legion Award for Soldier of in the finals. the Year." Other awards given Monday, May 6, the first floor were: Pat Martin, a key to Nemen played the third floor in a braska City; John Smith, a bottle game of softball. The third floor of Vito, for the g;imeiest armwon, ten to three. Thursday, pits; and Warren Dyke received May 9, third floor is going to the loudmouth award; Keith play the residents on second Lamb received the "Yul Brynfloor, and the losers have to buy ner Award."
Ron's Briefs
THANK YOU Last fall we asked for help in reviving the Pedagogian. Your response to that plea for help was most generous. We wish to thank all of you-administration, faculty, and stu1 dent body-for your efforts which made this year's paper possible. Particularly, we wish to express our appreciation to this year's staff, whose members have done the--very best they could to produce a news. paper worthy of Nebraska's oldest and best college. We tl\ank you. Next year Mr. J. D. Levitt will take over debate and we shall sponsor the Peruvian as well as the Pedagogian. We'll need even more help: So we are asking for it now. If you want to work on either publication, please let us know. We'll find you a jdb you like and do our best to see that you have fun doing it. Plans for next year are nebulous in the extreme, but join us and we'll try to work out plans for a Pedagogian and a Peruvian for '57-'58 which are a credit to the school and to the members of both staffs. In conclusion, thanks sincerely for your wonderful cooperation throughout 'the year. Stewart Linscheid
May 13, 1957 THE STAFF David Longfellow ___________________________________ Editor Bill Kochheim _____________________________ Assistant Editor Ed Williamson ____________________________ Business Manager Ruth Linscheid ____________________________ Activities Editor Yvonne Funkhouser _____________________ Activities Reporter Jerry Collier _______________________________ Sports Reporter Hal Norris _________________________________ Sports Reporter Ron McKinney______________________ Campus School Editor Sharon Reagan_~------------------Language Arts Reporter Lois Bush~--------------------------------------Columnist Margaret Robinson ________________________________ Reporter Donna Gaer_______________________ Alumni and Mailing List Bob Moore _____________________________________ Contributor Stewart Linscheid __________________________________ Sponsor
It's a puzzlefilent: r When you're old enough to go to college, you're old enough to go out with girls.
Peruvians Enjoyed "The Petrified Forest" "The Petrified Forest," a Pulitzer Prize play by Sherwood Anderson, was presented May 2 l:g a professional manner by the Peru Dramatics Club under the direction of R. D. Moore. One of the most exciting plays to be presented here, it had a realistic effect. Loaded with action and suspense, tragedy and comedy, the production made a distinct hit with the student audience. All members of the cast performed well, but this reporter feels that the outstanding portrayals were those of Yvonne Funkhouser as Gabby, Ray Parde as Alan Squire, Rex Filmer as Duke Mantee, Bob Bohlken as Gramp, and Sid Brown as the rather stupid football player. Before the curtain rose, Yvonne Funkhouser presented Mr. Moore with a TV lamp of petrified wood as a token of appreciation from the cast for his efforts.
·. ·
you're old enough to go out with girls, who needs
college? Oh well, there's always Coke.
11ottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Company by
The annual President's TE;a for the graduating class was held Sunday afternoon, May 5, at the president's home. Approximately 65 guests were entertained between the hours·ef three and five. Dean and Mrs. Boraas, Dean and Mrs. Melvin, and Miss Bradley assisted President and Mrs. Gomon with the serving.
PIONEER, Nebr. City 11
Tues. Wed. Thur., May 14-15-16
1he Girl He HUNTER )} Left ...d" NATALIE ( · ee·h· . In WOOD
School Supplies
Priced Right for the Student
M.E.N.C. Elects Officers For 1957-58 The M.E.N.C. held a meeting May 6 at 6:30 in the Music Hall. The purpose of the meeting was to elect officers for the next year. Elaine Spear, president, conducted the election. Larry Miller was elected president; Don Gibson, vice president; Janice Gottula, secretary treasurer; Phil Neuhalfen, band chairman; Louise Marshall, choral chairman; Janice Jahn, orchestra chairman. The club planned a wiener roast for Thursday, May 16 at 6:00 in the Neal Park.
President's Tea For Graduates
The Voice o'f the Campus of a Thousand Oaks Member Intercollegiate Press
\ ..
Any Garment Remodeled, Restyled, Repaired Always First in Quality and Workmanship Fur Coats Repaired We call for and deliver Phone 2671, Peru, Nebr.
"We personally invite you to come in and see our 'COLLEGE CORPS' and beautiful ~BUD BURMA' coordinated sportswear!"
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will be held every Tuesday evening from 7:3fl to 9:30 in the Gymnasium. The life guards will be Fred Miller, Sarah Witty, and Jerry Granzer. No admission will be charged. The front door will be open for spectators. It is their wish that the students will participate in this activity and take advantage of the swimming pool.
Gary Adams Tops Pole Vault Record At Doane Relays Gary Adams looked good in the Doane Relays at Crete, Nebr. on May 7th. Gary broke the Peru State school record in pole vault at 12-9 which was a tie for 2-3-4. the old record was 12-8. Not stopping with his pet event, Gary ran fifth in the 100 yd. dash and a leg on the 440 yd. Te~ lay with Henry Hart, Doug Gibson, and John Bookwalter. The relay team placed fifth with the time of 45.6. The other boys who placed at Doane Relays were Hoot Gibson, who tied for second in the high hurdles and Buddy Bookwalter who placed fifth. Chuck Tillman was in an eight-way tie for fifth place in the high jump.
Duoglas "Hoot" Gibson, who threw javelin 184' 10%,'' breaking Peru record 182' 11" established by Harold Luttman in 1933.
Doug "Hoot" Gibson Breaks the Records In Javelin and Hurdles . Doug Gibson, a Falls City junior, has established two school records at Peru State College. The first one was the javelin with a throw of 184-101h in triangular at Maryville, Mo. The old record was held by Harold Luttman since 1933. The other
record is 24.6 in 220 yd. low hurdles. Hoot is one of Peru's versatile athletes. He is carrying a big load running the high and low hurdles, a leg on a relay, and throwing the javelin.
Recreational Swimming Recreational swimming, under the direction of Jack Ludwig, Riley Ruby, and Bonnie Rutz,
Relay and ¡HurdJe Records Broken
Byford Elwonger presents flowers Janice Wiles, winner of Miss Auburn contest, as Diane Knotek, Miss Nebraska, watches.
Coach Stemper took ten boys to the Sioux City Relays on May 3. They broke two records in the college division. In 440 yd. relay, Eldon McCall, Gary Adams, Henry Hart, and Doug Gibson 1 ran 44.7 for one record and Eldon McCall took first place in the high hm:dles. He ran a record 15.2. Hoot G~liison foilowed with third place in high hurdles. Gary Adams was the only other to place art individual event. He tied for first in the pole vault in all divisions. The height was 12-41h.
Miss Janice Wiles was crowned Auburn. Miss Beverly Gerdes is Miss Auburn, 1957, in a pageant, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alsponsored by the Auburn Junior bert Gerdes and Miss Keller is Chamber of Commerce, Wednes- the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. day, May 1st, at the Auburn high Gifford Keller. Miss Gerdes has been a very popular student at school auditorium. Miss Auburn, 1957, is a fresh- Peru. Miss Keller is employed man student at Peru, 19 years on a secretarial job in Auburn . The pageant was hailed a huge old, and the daughter of Mr. and success by those attending. A Mrs. Chester Wiles of Plattsmouth. She was Miss Platts- relatively small crowd watched mouth in 1955 and Sweetheart the two hour and fifteen minute Queen at Peru State in 1957. She production. was graduated from Plattsmouth high school in 1956 and served FACULTY RECEPTION as cheer leader for that school. FOR SENIOR CLASS She also was a cheer leader at The faculty of Peru State will P.S.T.C. Her talent routine con- sponsor a reception for the Sensisted of a ballet number en- ior Class of '57. The reception titled "Valse Impromptu." Janice will be held in the Music Hall has 13 years of dancing training Saturday, May 18 at 8:00 p.m. Louisville with 68 pointsevolv- and maintains a dance studio at A musical program will be ing six first pla,ces to~k top hon- Plattsmouth. furnished by several instructors ors at the Eastern Nebraska Six Both runners-up are natives of from ¡the music department. conference track and field meet on April 24th. Two conference records were broken. Louisville turned in a 1:39.9-880 yd. relay. The high' jump record was changed by a 5-7 jump by Weeping Water. The participating schools in order of the meet results were: Groc.eries Meats Louisville 68 points, Humboldt 601,2 points, Weeping Water 50 Fruits Frozen Foods points, Peru Prep 281h points, and Syracuse with 24 points, M. G. Heuer, Owner Phone 2141
Louisville Wins Nebraska Six Meet
All Dorm Party The dorm council sponsored an All Dorm Party May 8 at 10:30 p.m. in the recreation room of E. Morgan Hall. Group singing was led by Miss Franci Stilwell. Games were played and prizes given. Punch and cookies were served.
QUALITY USED CAR '57 Chrysler, Dodge or Plymouth
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Auburn Sewing Center 908 CENTRAL AVE.
The Art Club picnic was held ' May 6 at 5:30 in Neal Park. Hotdogs, baked beans, potato chips, and PoP constituted the menu. After the picnic, Franci Stilwell conducted a short business meeting. OfficellS elected were: Phy 11 i.s Vollertsen, president; Donna Schuster, vice president; Evelyn Morrill, secretary treasurer. Twelve members attended the, picnic. It was a climax for the club's activities this year.
W. A. McKEE & SON Auburn
Bob Norton Presents May Queen Bonnie Rutz a,Rose Bouquet May Fete Celebration, 1957, finished in its' usual splendor. The captivating theme of Carousel gave color and variety to the festival. The coronation ceremony was ·based on the songs from "Carousel." The royalty, attendants and ladies in waiting approached the throne to the strains of "If I . Loved You." Following the coronation Mr. and Mrs. Loren Dyke
RECITALS ACKERMAN RECITAL The Fine Arts Department pre1 sented Jim Ackerman, a student of D. T. Manring, in a Senior Vocal Recital Thursday, May 9, 1957 at 8:00 p.m. in the College Auditorium. Jim was accompanied by R. T. Benford. The numbers on the program were Where'er You Walk (Air), Handel; Love Has Eyes, Bishop; Lasciate Mi Morire, Monteverde; Nina, Pergolesi; If Witp All Your H e a r t s, Mendelssohn; M' Appari Tutt' Amor (Ah' So Pure), Flotow; Vesti La Giubba (Put On Your Costume), Leoncavallo; Aufenthalt, Schubert; !ch Grolle Nicht, Schumann; Erlkonig, Schubert; Mattinata (I'm Always the One), Leoncavallo; Torna A Surriento (Come Back to Sorrento), Curtis; Serenade, Romberg. EASTERDAY RECITAL Mrs. Winnifred Easterday presented a senior organ recital in Peru State College Auditorium Tuesday, April 30 at 8:00 p.m. A student of Robert T. Benford, Mrs. Easterday is a May candidate for the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Education degree. For the recital she played "Grave-Adagio," "Allegro Maestoso," and "Vivace" by Mendelssohn; "Romance" by Purvis; "Mystic Moments" by Benford; "Jagged Peaks" by Colkey; and "Suite Joyeuse" by Diggle. MILLER RECITAL The Fine Arts Department of Peru State presented David J. Miller in a Senior Cornet Recital Tuesday, May 7, 1957 at 8:00 p.m. in the College Auditorium. Dave is a student of R. V. Grindle and presented the recital in partial fulfillment of the B.F.A. in Education Degree. Marilyn Slagle was his accompanist. The numbers featured on the program were Concerto by Leopold Mozart; Morceau de Con-
sang "If I Loved You" and an D~nce. Mrs. Al Wheeler was in interpretive dance was done to charge of the choreography and the same song. Other features on the program. The gymnasium was ·decorated the program were the singing of selections from "Carousel" by a · in gay colors with balloons covforty member .choir; a tumbling ering the ceiling. The throne was act and dance to "June is Bustin' built like a carousel with horses Out All Over"; a folk dance to surrounding it. "A Real Nice Clambake." Jim The May Fete dance followed Ackerman sang "You'll Never the coronation ceremonies and a Walk Alone," and the program large crowd attended. Music was was concluded by the May Pole furnished by Tony Bradley. cours by G. Alery, Op. ian Fantasie by Paul Op. 10; Berceuse by Bohme, Op. 7; Polonaise mir Bakaleinikoff.
57; ItalWiggert, 0 ska r by Vlad-
Peruvians Demonstrate For National Academy Two Peru State College seniors and a freshman from the T. J. Majors Campus School presented demonstration-reports before the Nebraska Academy of Sciences Saturday, April 27, according to Hanford Miller, associate professor of chemistry. B. R. Gfeller, Peru, and Merritt Dotson, Nehawka, seniors majoring in &cience at Peru State, presented a report on the "Instrumental Analysis of the Impurities in Used Engine Oil" before the collegiate section of the Lincoln meeti11g. Jimmy Christ, campus school freshman, demonstrated a project concerning "Heating by Induction." The students were accompanied to the meeting by Mr. Miller.
AAUW Hears Local Speakers The Peru Branch of the American Association of University Women met the night of April 23 to consider some of the major social and economic issues in the next twenty-five years. The program was planned by Mrs. Shrader, social studies chairman, who presented the following speakers: Mr. Christ, Automation; Miss Ashley, Individual Liberties and Conformity; Miss Bradley, Problems of Aging; Mrs. Shrader, Mental Health. '
EAT STEAK The Epsilon Pi Tau fraternity sponsored a steak fry Wednesday, May 8, at 5:30 in Neal Park. Thirty-five members and guests attended. The fraternity is sponsored by Mr. A. B. Larson and D. V. Jarvis.
In English 10, Mrs. Shrader introduced the drama unit by g1vmg the students an opportunity to do some role playing which was unprepared, unrehearsed dramatization dealing with some problems in social situations, with emphasis on the role. Several plays will be read by the class before the reading of Shakespeare.
May 14Faculty Square Dance, CS Auditoriun;J, 7:30 p.m. May 15Margaret Ulbrick Co .t to n Senior Violin Recital, College Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. May 17·18NCC Conference Track Meet at Kearney. May 18Faculty Reception for Seniors, Music Hall Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. May 19Parents' Day Program at 1:30. College-High Schoo 1 Baccalaureate Services, 4:00 p.m., College Auditorium. May 20Final Examinations begin. May 21Fine Arts Division program, Music Hall Auditorium. May 22- ' High School Commencement Exercises, College Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. May 24C o 11 e g e Commencement, College Auditorium, 10:30 a;m. May 30Memorial Day. June 3Summer Session Registration. June 4Summer Session classes begin.
J. W. Kerns Lbr. Co. Repair • Paint All Kinds AUBURN
SYLVIA'S CAFE Auburn, Nebr.
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Campus School Commentary
Ii.. .
Remodel Insulate of Coal NEBRASKA
Redfern Clothing Co. "The Store of Standard Brands" Phone 183 - Auburn
•!•.~()-ll~l-t)-Cl-()-{l--;11.-.o.-.o._.o. . .1i.-.(1. . .(~l. . .C!. . .ll . . .Cl. . .!l . . . .CHllll9-(l. . . .ll. . .ll....ft:f
It's catching-the college people are forever being excused from classes, so ·the high school people are right in the groove being excused from school for track meets. One informed me "As long as we go till 2, it counts as a full school day." (Nothing said about getting behind in English or French or History:) The password .for this year's 8th grade is "postpone." Their plays were postponed but were a large satisfaction at last. Hope their Omapa tri~ is as satisfactory because of postponementit is now scheduled for May 17. Sixth graders go to Nebraska City on the 10th. Mrs. Gomon has boys in the same grades I have; we both have station wagons-so you see the invitations are a foregone conclusion (and I repeat, more durn fun!) Senior girls had agreed to wear suits on their train trip to Chicago until one said she was wearing a .dress-how else would she get her petticoats there? (D'you suppose any thought has been given to how truly "windy" the city is?) While everyone is welcome at these recitals given by fine arts students, the fifth graders were thrilled to receive a formal invitation to Jimmy Ackerman's recital May 9th. My 6th grader isn't as vociferous as my 5th grader, but I'm sure they're just as thrilled that he thought of them. In re student teachers: here is one area where the differences between child psychology and adolescent psychology are very apparent. In the e 1em en tar y grades the children all regard their student teachers with varying degrees of affection. In high school the degree of affection is in direct proportion to the amount of heckling the student teacher can take. Something new to try is regarded with high glee (sometimes mixed with a little sadism). I had to learn from the custodian in the Ad Building of a new
h ii p p d
game the 10th grade typing class play when the cat's away, called "rabbit." Rae Ann wouldn't tell me, so I'll not tell you. (ClueDick Kapperman is the student teacher.) While the college seniors are preparing for their commencement, the kindergartners are also preparing for graduation into full time school work. (I know 'cause Mrs. Adams, kindergarten supervisor, sent over for official gold seals for the diplomas.) Last year's kindergartners were never graduated because . an epidemic cancelled the last week of school for them. If you want entertainment, wangle an invitation to these ceremonies. My 8th grader hurriedly prepared a short oral report on Mussolini, Hitler, and the Pan American Union. How can you cover such diversified topics in one breath? , And don't you think Fran Wheeler's choreography grows better each year? Can't speak for the college performers, but the campus school kids get a bang out of "professionalized" steps. And they deserve all the credit in the world for their faultless winding of the Maypole-beautiful! The post office boxes have tattled again-when the faculty doesn't pick up their mail, I know they must be absent. Sure enough, Miss Clarke, 3rd grade, went to the doctor who recommended hospitalization. Understudying a teacher surely is as good as understudying an actress a student teacher can't help but be more competent "for teaching on her own. Time has slipped by and with no 4th grader this year I had no report on Mrs. Brown's annual formal tea. You recall, it is in this grade where the formal tea pouring and training is emphasized at their spring parent's day. However, this year it seemed to me the 2nd graders were pretty formal, too.
BAILIE'S SHOE REPAIR Auburn · Nebraska
DR. H. C. DALLAM DENTIST Phone Office 2391 Phone Res. 3461 PERU
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STEWART'S Standard Service 917 J Street AUBURN,NEBR~SKA
T. W. GOIT Hardware • Furniture We Make Keys AUBURN, NEBRASKA
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Bill's Clothing Store Auburn, Nebr.
Genuine Registered
KEEPSAKE Diamond Rings T
1 I I t t
Ninety .Years
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks ....
Peru Pedagogian
JUNE 3, 1957
Come June 20
78 Students Honored
College Holds Commencement The 87th annual commencement exercises for the 1951 graduates were held Friday, May 23, in the college auditoJi.. uin. Seventy-eight candidates for degrees and diplomas wem ·escorted in to the "Coronati•
Six Visiting Profs Here For Summer
March," by Meyerbeer, at 111:31 a.m. The invocation was gi~ by Reverend Dale Falk, pastor of the Peru Baptist church. Dr. Neal S. Gomon introduced the principle speaker, Dr. Archer L. Burnham director of researcll for the Nebraska State Ed~ tion Association. Dr. Burnham't address was entitled, "-·- Cum Laude," and he urged the graduates to live their lives "with dis· tinction.'' The address was followed by a vocal solo, "The Morning of the Year," by Jim Ackerman. Dr. Gordon B. Kenyon, senior class spon~r~ PJ.,€Sented the class to Dr. Gomon wno conferred the degrees and acknowledged the diploma winners. Margaret Cotton, accompanied by Profe . T. Benford, presented th . iolin solo, "Romance from Second Concerto," by Wieniawski.
Perµ State has six visiting instr,uctors and an assistant librarian this summer. Students of the regular term will not recognize the names: Dr. Ruby Bliss, Dr. Ross Neilsen, Dr. Robert T. Littrell, Dr. Earl Hepler, or Dr. Edward L. Ruman, and only students of last summer's session will be familiar with Dr. Joe Przychodzin and Mrs. Aileen Graham. Dr. Bliss, regularly with Belhaven College, Jackson, Miss., will teach classes in school-community relations and educational psychology, while Dr. Neilsen, College seniors take lasi long walk across ihe "Campus of a Thousand Oaks." borrowed from Iowa S t a t e Teachers College, Cedar Falls, will instruct in techniques of reWELCOME search, educational statistics and history and the history of educaThe Pedagogian's contribu, The B. E. Swenson, Jr. Award tion. tion to Summer School is at Dr. Littrell will lecture on ed- for the outstanding athlete was · •··The Parents' Day program was your hands. It represents the ucational and vocational diag- awarded to Del Stoltenberg by A beautiful, clear sky and percombined effort of selling ad· held Sunday, May 19 at 1:30 p.m. nosis, principles and practices of Al G. Wheeler, director of .athvertising and writing news. in the College Auditorium. The fect ·weather helped make Peru's guidance and educational meas- letics. The recipient is chosen on We hope you find this issue progrllm ·was well attended by baccalaureate Sunday a perfect urements. He hails from the Uni- the basis of character, scholar/ of the Pedagogian interesting parents, faculty, alumni, and stu- day. ship and loyalty to. school tradi" versity of Nebraska. The faculty, in academic garb , and helpful. dents. Dr. Przychodzin, another Iowa tions as well as athletic. prowess. The Pedagogian is pubThe College Band, under the made colorful by the multi-colDr. Keith Melvin, Dean of the State Teachers loan and member lished by Peruvians in the direction of Robert V. Grindle, ored hoods, filed into the, .audiof the 1956 summer faculty, will College, made the following same ·manner that it has been played the "Show Boat Selec- torium followed by the graduathold forth on the secondary awards: the Alpha Mu Omega published for years. We use :tion" and "Repartee." Don Gib- in:g class as the college orchestra, school curriculum, high school medal for the outstanding freshthe standara ingredients of son was the baritone horn solo- conducted by. Victor H. Jindra, methods, and introduction to ed- man in mathematics to L o is mind, machinery, paper, and ist with the band in the "Debu- played "Tannhauser March." ucation. Another Iowa St at e Rowe; the Pearl A. .Kenton The invocation was given by ink. The Staff joins the Adtante." The band's final number Teachers man, Dr. Ruman, will Scholarship of $50 for the outRev. Nicholas G. Mas of the ministration, Student Senate, was "The Golden Rule March." instruct in the supervision of the standing student in foreign lanand the Alumni in welcoming President Neal S. Gomon de- Methodist Church of Peru. The elementary school, language arts guage to Marilyn Slagle; the you to the Peru Campus. livered the greetings. Mr. Robert Peruvian Singers, directed by in the elementary school and ele- Kappa Delta Pi freshman award Everybody on the campus Norton, president of the Student Darryl T. Manring, sang a choral mentary school and elementary to Phyllis Vollertsen; the White response "Hear Our Prayer" to extends a hearty welcome. In Senate, also greeted the group. Angel Scholarship of '$50 to school curriculum. this, the Pedagogian Staff The College Choir, with Daryl the invocation. From the .University of Mis- Rosie Edelman;. the Epsilon Pi President Neal S. Gomon recwishes to join, hoping every Manring directing, sang several souri comes Dr. Hepler to teach Tau award in the field of indussummer student will have a ,numbers. They were Adoremus ognized the eighteen members classes in the history and philos- trial arts to Wallace Wuster; the happy, educational, and mem. Te, Christe, Elijah Rock, In of the class of 1907 who had ophy of industrial arts educa- Peru Achievement Foundation traveled over six thousand miles orable time. Heaven Above, and The Omnition, instructional aids in indus- two-year scholarships to Jann potence. Marilyn Dyke was fea- to their reunion. trial arts and advanced prob- Hoffman and Sharon Grieninger; The Pedagogian Staff Reverend Mas gave a scripture tured as the soprano soloist with the Peru Dramatic Club award lems in general metals. By Bill Kochheim reading. This was followed by the chorus. for the most distinguished serMrs. Aileen Graham of FreTschesnokev's "Come Thou Holy The program was concluded mont will be serving a second viCe in dramatics to· R o g er with the "Nation's Creed" by the Spirit" by the Peruvian Singers. term as assistant librarian. A Haigh; first year debate pins to Dr. Vance D. Rogers of TrinCollege Band and combined Colveteran of the 1956 summer William Albright and Rex Fility Methodist Church, Lincoln, lege and High School Choirs. mer; senior debate pins to Roger preached the sermon "They The faculty of Peru State campaign, she is also an alumHaigh and Robert B. Moore; the nus of Peru State and the UniDropped Four Anchors." The sponsored a reception for the (Continued on page three) theme of the sermon was self Senior Class of '57 in the Music versity of Minnesota . knowledge ·and self control, the Hall, Saturday, May 18, at eight "four anchors" being: the "know o'clock. thyself" of Socrates, the "control Dr. Gordon Kenyon, Dr. • and The regular convocation met Neal S. Gomon made the anthyself" of Marcus Aurelius, the Mrs. Neal S. Gomon, Dr. and Of 126 students who were "deny thyself" and "prove thyThursday, May 16, at the Col- nouncements for commencement Mrs. Harold Boraas, Mrs. Carl ,graduated in 1907, eighteen reself" of Christ. Sheeley, and Mrs. Rena McClen- lege Auditorium. This was the week. Dr. Gomon also deplored turned this year for their Golden last convocation for the college Gov. Anderson's policy of inadeThe audience sang "'Faith of egham served on the receiving Anniversary Class Reunion, Sunterms of 1956-1957. President quate support for state colleges. line to greet the seniors who Our Fathers," and the faculty day, May 19th. and graduating class marched were escorted by faculty memFestivities began with a reunout to the strains of "Pomp and bers. ion breakfast in the college cafeDr. Darrell Wininger, Mr. RichCircumstance." teria at 8:30 a.m. Following the ard D. Van Pelt, and Mr. Lester Eighty-nine recipients of debreakfast, the class held a meetRussell poured the punch. Mrs. ing in the lounge of Eliza Mor- grees and diplomas heard the Hazel Weare served cake. baccalaureate sermon. gan Hall. Flowers decorated the hall and Dr. and Mrs. Neal S. Gomon the stage where Robert Grindle, were host at the reunion lunch- River Forest, Ill.; Eva Gilbert, Robert T. Benford, Art Lindahl, eon. During the alumni's free Syracuse; Rena Haney, Sidney; and Victor Jindra played instrutime, they watched 1ant er n Clara Hosterman, Brownville; mental music. slides of early 1900 scenes. In Loyette Kinney, Polk; Mr. and these fifms there were pictures Mrs. Kegrney, Lincoln; Gladys of T. J. Majors and William Majors, the daughter of T. J, Daily, founders of Peru. Majors, Beatrice; Ellen McClung, They participated in the bac- who spent forty years as a misMay 4, Glen Sheely drove to calaureate services, and were sionary in Korea and the Far Grand Island to attend the Auformally recognized by Dr. Go- East, Durate, Calif.; R. R. Mc- dio Visual Aids meeting held at mon. Gee, Columbus; William Noll, the new Grand Island hi g h Members of the class return- LeMars, Iowa; Fay Schneitman school. Dr. Earl Wiltse was the ing were Ruth Brandt, Unadilla, Rawson, Laramie, Wyo.; M. W. main speaker at a luncheon that Nebr., who taught in the Campus Ryan, Wymore; Bertha Taylor, was held that noon. There were for thirty years; W. L. Lincoln; Lillie Wahlstorm, Cle- various demonstrations of audio Mrs. Van Peli, Miss Diddel and Mrs. Holy ai faculty reception Lincoln; Albert Gilbert, burne, Kansas. for seniors. visual aids.
May 19 Was Par~nts' Day
Dr. Vance D. Rogers Preaches Baccalaureate Sermon to Class of '57
Held Senior Reception
.£ighteen Were Here for Golden Anniversary .Of Class of 1907
Hold Last Convo of.' 56-' 57 Term
Visual Aids Meet
The Registration Procedure '57-'58 Staff~ (Forenoon.
to 12:00-Names M through Zl
(Afternoon. 1:00 to 4:00-Names A through Ll ·of required course must be so In ihe Gymnasium 1. TABLE A-Clear as to Au- noted and approved by the Dividiometric Test and Health Ex- sion Head concerned. Candidates for graduation at amination records. If this is your first enrollment or if you have the close of the summer (as of not been enrolled too recently so August 10 dating) must complete records are avalable, please have and file application (form availthis cleared first at the Science able at Table A) as part of this registration, remitting fee at Hall and Infirmary. Business Office. 2. TABLE B-Pick up information and registration materials Graduation Fees with directions to be seated for (applicable this summer) completion of, Cards 1, 2, 3, 4 in *Graduate degree _____ $18.00 INK first. *Undergraduate degree 12.00 ' Two-Year diploma____ 5.00 3. TABLE C-L eave your One-Year diploma____ 3.00 Cards 1, 2, 3, 4 and any other re*Includes rental of academic quired papers for checking. If gear. YOU have previously indicated your slimmer enrollment plans to the attention of the. Registrar's 4. TABLE D-Graduate stuOffice, your name with counselor dents and veterans should check assignment should appear on the here for appropriate advisement posted lists or you may now get and clearance before concluding the same information here. Your their registrations. The Dean of assigned counselor for this sum- the College, Dr. Melvin, will aim mer's registration will then have to be available here. accessible a file including the TABLE E-Submit completed original of your Academic ProCards 5, 6, 7, and Class Admisgress sheet (APS) and any communications from the Registrar. sion Cards for checking and havIt is hoped that you have your ing your enrollment as to each personal course needs deter- class concerned. If correct, you mined so your counselor may will retain Card 6 and will .be direadily approve your registra- rected to take Card 5 together with a possible Candidate for tion. The Registrar, Mr. Larson, will Graduation application to the aim to be available at this Table Business Office for the payment to give any possible advisement of fees. to the student who may appear unannounced without any previous record in this College or transfer record for guidance. Remember that-A Counselor must sign your Card 5. Registration for S t u d e n t Teaching or the Seminar must be approved on Card 5 by Dr. Holy of the Education Division. Registration for 10 hours may . be permitted where one hour of the total is a Physical Education course or a Music course. Otherwise, you must refer such proposed 10-hour registration to the Registrar to consider your grade point average and reason in gaining possible approval. If more than 10 hours are essential, complete the special petition form (available at Table A) with counselor approval thereon to be submitted via Registrar and Scholarship Committee. Any substitution for or waiver
Genuine Registered
Diamond Rings
Administration Building
1. Present your· completed and approved Card 5 in the Business Office. If you are a candidate for graduation this summer, the application for same is essential here. Your fees will be determined from Card 5 plus any indication as to graduation fee, room, board, etc. 2. Pre-registered student s (some full-time day students of the second semester) may bypass the registration in the Gymnasium and call at the Business Office where your Card 5 is available.
Professor Stewart Linscheid has submitted the names of the following students to the Publications Committee for approval ' for staff positions on the yearbook and newspaper. Dave Longfellow will edit the Pedagogian, his editorial assistants being Donna Gaer and Ron McKinney. Phil Neuhalfen will be a reporter and columnist. Lois Rowe, Warren Dyke, Mrs. Anna Knasp, Tom Higgins, and Joan Schneider will be reporters. Hal Norris, Jerry Collier, Robert Henry, and Bill McAdams will be sports writers. Ed Williamson will be advertising and business manager. Lois Bush and Dick Corwine will be co-editors of the Peruvian. Marvin. Thomsen, Marilynn Brennke, and Janice Wiles will be business managers. Ruth Lin~ scheid will handle art. Robert Bell, Nancy Jo Kunkel, and Fred Regnier will be photographers. Alice Phillips and Donna Gaer will work on layouts. There are still jobs open on both staffs. Especially, the Peruvian can use more photographers. If you want to work with either staff next year, see one of the editors or 'Mr. Linscheid. An active publications program is being planned, and those who work on publications will find the program enjoyable socially a)l well as academically. , I
stJdent Teachers For the Summer Elementary student teaching for the summer session wm start · June 4th and continue until June 28th. Classes will start at 8:40 A. M. and will end at 12:00 P. M. One to four hours credit will be given. This course is education 210/410.
A student teaching seminar is being held for elementary teach3. Candidate for Graduation-. ers who had at least three years If you have previously sent in experience, one of which has or left your completed applica- been in the last five years or two tion in the Registrar's Office, it in the last ten years. This may will be available in the Business be taken for either three or four Office. You should note that the hours credit. This course is eduGraduation Fees are changed in cation 210s/410s. most instances and so apply to The following are the student graduation this summer. teachers for the summer session: In the Library-Basement
For Pedagog1an And Peruvian
1. Purchase the required textbooks and any other instructional materials for courses in which you are now enrolled, being guided by the textbook lists posted for your information. See the Schedule of Classes for information applying to Late Registration and Change in Registration.
PERU PEDAGOGIAN The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks Member Intercollegiate Press June 3, 1957 THE. STAFF David Longfellow___________________________________ Editor Bill Kochheim ______________________ , ______ Assistant Editor Ed Williamson ___________________________ Business Manager Ruth Linscheid·----------------------------Activities .Editor Yvonne Funkhouser _____________________ Activities Reporter Jerry Collier _______________________________ Sports Reporter Hal Norris _______·__________________________ Sports Reporter Ron McKinney______________________ Ca:rhpus School Editor Sharon Reagan ____________________ Language Arts Reporter Lois Bush------------------------------'---------Columnist :(l.fargaret. Robinson ________________________________Reporter Donna Gaer_______________________ Alumni and Mailing List B<>b Moore _____________________________________ Contributor Stewart Linscheid __________________________________ Sponsor
Actual Student Teaching Betty Lou Ast, Mrs. Wilma Beer, Mrs. Mildred Bowers, Sam Buckminster, Valda DeFreece, Irene Kierking, D. Lucille Dayis, Mrs. Marilyn Dyke, Georgia Gerdes, Edna M. Harding, Mrs. Gretchen M. Hietbrink, Mrs. Arrettes Kerl, Marlene D. Koehler, Gladyce Koeppel, Mrs. Marie Leopold, Frances Lowenberg, Carol Jean Mehlin, Mabel Mendenhall, Marveen Murphy, Mrs. Doris Neubauer, Marshall Norris, Mrs. Esther Peters, Mrs. June E. Ross, Rita Rumbaugh, Mrs. Enid M. Van Luven. Seminar-June 3-28 Mrs. Lorraine Albert Mrs. Irene M. Baker Mrs. Opal K. Bohl Mrs. Elaine Champ Mrs. Genevieve G. McNally Mrs. Emma Ocker Mrs. Pauline Poteet Mrs. Viola Shuey Grace Watkins Mrs. Ruth Weber Seminar-July 1-26 Mrs. Gretchen M. Heitbrink Marleen D. Koehler Carol Jean Mehlin Marveen Murphy Mrs. Ruth Weber
LuckJ-gITf1-Next time one of her dates bring up thepwig· Holstein question, she'll really be ready for him. Ready for that test tomorrow, too ••• if that bottle of Coke keeps her as. alert tonight as it does other people.
Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Compony by
"We personally invite you to come in and see our 'COLLEGE CORPS' and beautiful 'BUD BURMA' coordinated sportswear!"
Across From Armory
Ar te; in ne
GE ini va lis Pe 19· no
Varied Program
Of Summer Sports Coach Jerome Stemper reports a flexible summer recreational program that will offer any activities students desire. The .program will include: swimming, softball, tennis, arch· ery, badminton. Each week, two evenings will be set aside for the intramural girl's softball; three afternoons a week will be open for recreational ·-swimming. In tennis, a tournament will start with the opening of the summer session and run until school is out. Also, some recreational hours will be set up in the gymnasium for free periods evolving square dancing, badminton, and archery. These sports activities will be under the supervision of Peru's physical education department.
(Continued from page one) Neal S. Gomon Award for outstanding service on the Pedagogian to Dave Longfellow. Rev. Dale Falk gave the beneThose seniors elected to Who's diction and the graduates were Who in American Colleges were ushered out by the college orintroduced. The list included: El- chestra with "Pomp and Cirberta Rhoten, Doris Wuster, Bob cumstance," by Elgar. Norton, William Albright, Jack Ludwig, Robert B. Moore, Roger Haigh, and Bob Kramer. LARGE SELECTION OF Dr. Gomon introduced BerSWIMWEAR nard Spencer, member of the State Board of Education, who Bill's Clothing Store was visiting the commencement Auburn, Nebr. exercises, and issued an invita-
Eldon McCall, Pawnee City, first, Doug Gibson, second, and Buddy Bookwalter, fourth in high hurdles; Doug Gibson, first, Eldon . McCall, second, and Fred Braun, Carlton, fifth, low hurdles; Gary Adams, tie for second in pole vault; Chuck Tillman, tie for second, and Jerry Collier, Falls City, fifth in high jump; Doug Gibson, Falls City, first in javelin. Gary Adams, pole vaulter, holds school record 12' 9".
Football and Basketball . Seasons Reviewed
Records Fall At Doane Relays And State Meet The Peru State track and field team competed in meets at Crete in the Doane Relays and at Kearney in the State College meet. Gary Adams of Falls City, in tieing for second place in the pole vault at Crete with 12'9", established a· new school record at Peru. The old record was set in 1949 with 12'8" by Bill Sweenie, now of Hot Springs, So. Dak.
Others placing in the Doane Relays Tuesday, May 7 where the Bobcats competed with 20 other midwest colleges, included: Doug Gibson, Falls City, tie for second, and Buddy Bookwalter, Lawrence, Kans., fourth in high hurdles; 440 Relay team, fifth; Gary Adams, fifth in 100 yard dash; and Chuck Tillman, North Platte, tie for fifth in high jump. At the State College meet with· Kearney State, Chadron State and Wayne State Friday, the Bobcats placed as follows: Henry Hart, Red Oak, Iowa, fifth in 220;
By Hal Norris Al Wheeler's football aggregation and Jack Mcintire's basketballers had good seasons in their rugged Nebraska Conferepce schedule this 56-57 season. ,The football team was nicked bi• two points ·against Kearney and Hastings; but Peru dominated the remaining cGnference foes with blasts over: Chadron 51-25, Wayne State 41-6, Midland 42-6, Doane 35-20, and Nebraska Wesleyan 24-0. In rough intersectional games, the Peru Bobcats split the statistics, blasting Colorado State 13-0; while, getting blasted by Central Missouri 14· . 28. In football for next season, the Bobcats' big games will be Kearney, Hastings, and the Central Missouri 'game at Warrensburg, Missouri. The basketball team was in· volved in a .three way conference tie for third, this season. The Bo?cats played in two outstate tournaments. As some people say, they at least got to travel. The highlight of this season's hard-court wars was the Peru shellacking of t h e Wesleyan ·Plainsmen .when Wesleyan was riding on a 10-game winning streak. Next year's team will undoubtedly be built around the "play-making" ability of R6n Witt.
Peru Wins Three Firsts at Kearney
The onfy portable with MIRACLE TAB, Super-strength Frame, larger-sized Cylinder and Simplified Ribbon Changer. The portable for the whole family ... helps students get ·up to 38% better grades!
Auburn Sewing Center 908 CENTRAL AVE.
tion t6 aii of those interested return on June 20 to participate in the 90th anniversary celebration.
Peru State took three first places in Nebraska State College Meet at Kearney, May 11, led by McCall and Doug Gibson, who was a double winner. Peru came through hurdles · with three places in the high hurdles and two in the low. How Peru placed: 120 yd. high hurdles: 1 McCall; 2 Gibson; 4 Bookwalter. Time 15.2. 190 yd. low hurdles: 1 Gibson; 2 McCall. Time 21.2. Pole vault: 2 Adams. height 11'8". High jump: Tie for 2, Tillman. Height 5'8". · Javelin: 1 Gibson. Distance 171'10".
Meats Fruits Frozen Foods M. G. Heuer, Owner Phone 2141
QUALITY USED CAR '57 Chrysler, Dodge or P~outh SEE DUANE RAINES at
W. A. McKEE & SON Auburn
School Supplies
Priced Righi for the Student
Sylvia's Cafe Owned and operated by Peru Alumnus
,;Auburn, Nebr. PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS Any Garment Remodeled, Restyled, Repaired Always First in Quality and Workmanship Fur Coats Repaired We call for and deliver Phone 2671, Peru, Nebr.
Summer Programs And Convocations Although the plans for summer. convocations and programs are incomplete, the following will be held according to Professor A. B. Clayburn.
.r~~ I
Morning-June 18, Dorothy Cothran, soprano vocalist accompanied by Boris Zlatich, violinist. .July 1, Crossman and Sternberg. Evening-June ? The Medleys two piano team. July 11, the Irish Players.
They ar~ doing it ioo- Kindergarten Commencement.
If you are wondering where. some of your friends will be next year, this might help. Lee Lowenberg announces that his department has placed the following 48 people in positions from Illinois to Japan. Most of them, however, will be working in Nebraska. January Placements for Second Semester WorkEldon Epley, degree to Dunbar, Cch, In .Arts. Verlan Rumbaugh, degree Sci Eagle. Same for 1957-58 Ronald Wenninghoff Sci & Math Nemaha. Elizabeth Hartman Elem Edgar Neil Trabert Jr. JH Lincoln. February Placements for 1957-58 Alb.ert Winseman HS Prin & Math Dunbar. Mrs. Albert Winseman 7 & 8 Grds, Voe Mu Dunbar. March for 1957-58 Mrs. Lucile Gilliland Elem for complete 2nd Sem at Snyder. Elem for 1957-58 Stella. Gayleen Wilson Elem Lincoln. Audrey Smith Elem Atchinson, Kansas. Donald Clark Cch & Soc Std Filley. Robert Humphrey Ass't Cch, Su111mei: ·Rec Lyons. Francis Mickells Tching or will Tch Los Angeles, California area. Jerry Mullins Cch & In Arts Cook. . Dwight Safar Ass't Cch Sci, Soc Sci Cairo. Ardis McNutt 4th Grd Air Force Elem Sch Japan. Darwin Rosenquist freshman Cch, In Arts Pierce.
Elem Highland Park, Illinois. Bruce McClintock Grd 6 Charter Oak, Iowa. Marian Parde Grd 2 & 3 Firth. Margaret Robinson Grd 6 Shelby, Iowa. Mary Hµghes Grd Shelby, Iowa Duane Birginal Cch & Eng, . Biol Reynolds. Gerald Carnes Cch, In Arts Byron. Charles Krumme to service 6 Mos, can then have assignment Omaha. Eldon McCall Cch & Math Waterville, Kansas. Mrs. Eldon McCall Grds 3· & 4 Waterville, Kansas. Leland Sherwood HS Art Hiawatha, Kansas. Mary Fuerst Biol & Library Superior. Wallace Wuster In Arts, Eng Belgrade. Mr?. Wallace Wuster Com'l.; Vocal Mu Belgrade. Elberta Rhoten H Ee Papillion. Ronald Wenninghof from Sci & Math Nemaha to same at Pawnee City. Mrs. Ronald Wenninghoff. Grd 3 Pawnee City, Betty Taenzler Mu & PE Brock Bill Beck In Arts Deshler.. Georgia Isham Grd 4 & 5 Brock. Loren Dyke HS Speh & Eng Essex, Iowa Claude Johnson Cch & In Arts Carlin, Nevada. Wayne Minchow. Cch & Soc Sci ·Reserve, KansiJ.s .. Harlan Oestmann Cch & In Arts Talmage. Alberta Thurston Sci Nehawka Augusta Schlange HS Eng Brock. MayJames Cotton Sci Woodbine, Iowa. Mrs. James Cotton Voe Mus, Eng Dunlap, Iowa.
AprilBeerly Gerdes Grd 4 Westside. Beverly Hinds Grd 2 or 1 Westside. Lorraine Johnson Grd 3 Greybull, Wyoming.' Orval Rohrs Grd 4 Braeside
Not counting the 48 students placed since January by the department of professional services, 36 Peruvian~ have changed teaching'. jobs; entered teaching from other work, or returned from the
Professional Services Peruvians Get Positions Through
Announcements of these programs and other entertainment will be made later and will be posted. on the bulletin boards around the campus. armed services to take teaching jobs secured by Peru's department of professional services. Present and future locations of the Peruvians are as follows: Ronald Wenninghoff from Sci and Math at Nemaha, Nebr. to Math, Pawnee City. Elizabeth Hartman from Elem. at Edgar, Nebr. to Elem. at Humboldt. Phillip Slagle from service to HS Speh and Eng, Sioux City, Iowa. Iris Allen .to Grd School for Blind, Nebraska City. Adele Copenhaver, hired but no information. Adela Williams from Elem in Brock to Elem, Colorado Springs, Colo. Ruby Lockwood to Grd, Brock. Constance Robison from Dunbar 7 & ·8 Grds to Elem, North Platte. ',Mylus Robison from HS Prin and Math Dunbar to JH Math, North Platte. V. L. Joy from business in Falls City to Math in HS, Falls City. Clyde Barrett from Eng & Speh Dawson to same Pueblo, Colo. Lorain Kruger from Cch, Seo Std Elk Creek to Cch, In Arts, Brock. Charlene Glather from rural Sch Pawnee Co. to Elem Table Rock. Joseph Workman from HS Prin to Supt Steinauer. Roy F. Laue from Arthur to Oxford. Richard Cotton from Salem Cch to Cch Otoe. Fred Applegate from JH Cch, Grd Prin Chappell to Cch Shubert. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hughes from Filley to Decatur. Merle Bauer from Cch Tecumseh to Cch Holdrege. Ned Eckman from service to Cch Tecumseh. Neilie Birdsley from Elem Tecumseh to Elem Omaha. • Ansel E. Clayburn Jr. from In Arts Horton, Kans. to JH In Arts Parsons, Kans. Mrs. Mear!e Kennen from Endicott to Superior. Kenneth Knapp from Math & Sci Friend to Math Superior. Mrs. Kenneth Knapp from Elem Friend to Elem Superior. Raymond Munoz from Cch Reynolds to Fairbury. Melvin Nelson from Music Johnson to Music Cook. Mrs. Melvin Nelson from Elem Johnson to Elem Cook. Ronald Paap from Palmer to Papillion. Chas. Perry from Com'l Gray, Iowa to Com'] Elk Creek. Evelyn Reiman from Grd 5 Wahoo to Superior. Wiley Remmers to Johnson. Maurice Richards from Supt Burr to Supt Dannebrog. Darrell Rosenquist from Cch, In Arts to Cch, In Arts Humboldt Dale R. Whited from Cch Talmage to Bloomfield. Mrs. Dale R. Whited from H Ee Talmage to H Ee Bloomfield.
By Mary Anna Gnade
•!• ~.-.o-.c1-.o._.oe.c~1....o~>....i~n.-1.--.(,....<~1-.i~~,....11.-.o~•)
The 6th graders wrote letters ers through graduation, the high and p·lanned and anticipated schoolers held tryouts for retheir educational tour to Nebras- placements (i n v o 1v i n g FULL ka City for weeks only to have skirts). Winners: Barbara Adams, rain on their Friday; they decid- Linda and Sandy Stephens, Mared to try again the following cia Allgood, and Joan Bohlken. Monday-rain again; in desperaIt's such a pleasure to have the tion they set the next Friday, events of commencement week but with rain all day Thursday go off smoothly. It's a thrill to the trip was on and off so many each senior to anticipate and ac· times it was a wonder they finalcomplish Baccalaureate Day and ly made it at all. Marvelous time: Commenement Day. No matter Otoe Foods (souvenir can of how many commencement weeks beans), John Brown's Cave you take part in, each one has its (souvenirs purchased-incidentown thrill and is just as exciting · ally my Steve showed remarkas the first. And I say each time ably good taste, wanna see my that people miss the beauty of copper bracelet?), lunch at Steinthe academic parade by sitting hart Park-all happy. inside. They can't possibly get 7th grade mother 'Mrs. Morris- the full effect of the colorful sy agrees with me that we moth- hoods worn by the dignitaries, ers have as much fun and learn the proud "Look, Ma, I made it" as much or more than our chicks swing of the college seniors, the on these trips. She was one pretty flowering of the two- and mother on the educational. tour one-year diploma candidates, and to Lincoln same Friday, May 17, the high sch~( seiMors SO grown as 6th grade went to Nebraska up you hardly kno~ them. Some City and 8th grade went to Oma- alchemy of this week always ha. Cushing Motors, zoo, Muse- brings out the best in the musium of Natural History, etcetera. cians, too. They were wise and purchased their lunches, ate dinner at Tillman's Cafeteria (which is an experience in itself for this age group), then came back to Nebraska City for an evening Beginning in the fall of 1957, movie and were home by 10:30 I Dr. Holy will be director of the p.m. campus school and student teach· Mrs. Gomon, Mrs. Heuer, and ing. At this date nobody has I helped take the 8th grade to been named to take over Dr. Omaha. Mr. Sheely scheduled us Holy's present position as the to Wilson's packing house (those head of the education depart8th graders will never eat anoth- ment and director of student er cow), to KMTV where they teaching. had a word with Floyd Kalber Richard Van Pelt will be the ,and Tom Carey and saw Mary high school principal and Mr. Anne Peters rehearse, to the Un- B. A. Eddy will be the grade ion Station where the new train school principal. coaches. inspired tentative plans for senior trip to Disneyland ("let's start working and savBETTER HARDWARE ing"), to park for lunch where it was cold and partially occupied E. L. Deck Hardware by picnic from School for Deaf, Peru, Nebraska to Boys Town ("Oh, I'd like to live here if I didn't have a home"), SHOPPING, then dinner at Bishop's Cafeteria and horror GEBERS movies (we mothers reneged and CONOCO SERVICE saw Buster Keaton Story), home GAS • OIL • GBEASE after Dairy· Queens at Nebraska City. AUBURN,, NEBR.
Dr. Russell Holy Heads Campus School
r G
c t: d s, n \I
With these three grades and seniors gone, that day would have been a good one for the allschool picnic. (To someone who enjoys picnics, this is rank heresy!) Another sample of thoughtfulness of our elementary school teachers: Mrs. Christ, in the course of everyday lessons, had her 6th graders write composi· tions on "My Mother." The Friday before Mother's Day, she mailed these compositions to the mothers-what better public relations could you want? (What better Mother's Day gift?) Mothers with only one chick in school miss the variety of homework that comes home from six, and it's astonishing what Ji ttle fingers can finish. It is also wonderful what teachers can coax them to do. Dear ol' Vic: last-of-semester rush doesn't prevent him from remembering every child he patiently loves into playing the violin. At the last meeting of his campus school orchestra, he treated them all with candy bars. (Consequently, Jeannie rushed home to practice extra hard on a new piece-third position, no less!) Anticipating loss of cheer lead-
GREEN LANTERN Fountain Sandwiches Lunches AUBURN, NEBR.
e a C•
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Redfern Clothing Co. "The Store of Standard Brands" Phone 183 • Auburn
DR. H. C. DALLAM DENTIST Phone Office 2391 Phone Res. 3461 PERU
J. W. Kerns Lbr. Co. Repair • Paint All Kinds AUBURN
Remodel Insulate of Coal NEBRASKA
PERU MOTORS DESOTO • • PLYMOUTH Fast Dependable Service Phone 3201 • Peru
c; cl ir 01
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks . . .
Peru Pedagogian PERU, NE~RASKA
Ninety Years Of Peru State A Summary By Dave Longfelloyr
JUNE 20, 1957
WELCOME To The Campus---0£ A Thousand Oaks
Peru Alumnus Delivers Anniversary Address Today.
This has been the greeting to our visitors for nine dec-
In 1867 the Civil War was just ades. It is not a phrase, it is a sincere expression of hospitalover and the veterans were re- ity that has greeted untold thousands of men and women turning to resume their lives, through the years. and the great western. march was You are honoring this College by your presence today. on. J. M. McKenzie had come to Peru five years before with the It is a measure of your loyalty and support of a fundamental purpose of establishing a sem- principle of a free, democratic society. Public education is inary similar to the one he had the cornerstone of freedom. Where public education prevails, founded in Pawnee City; ahd T. freedom flourishes. Where public education disappears, freeJ. Majors was back from the war dom vanishes. Public education and freedom are inseperable with the rank of brevet colonel. partners. When one goes, the other must perish. The original school was located The framers of our state constitution and the members in a former saloon down town, of our first Legislature were keenly aware of the values of but when Dr. J. F. Neal, Rev. Hi- an enlightened and informed citizenry. Al)1ong the very first ram Burch and Mrs. C. B. Mcacts of these bodies was the establishment of a Normal Kenzie donated land, a building School to provide instruction for the teachers of the boys of native materials was begun, and girls of the state. and, in 1867, the school changed This College has not deviated from this primary objecits headquarters. The early campus was rather tive. It has been the guiding purpose of the College to prewild as wolves, skunks and rac- pare teachers for the public schools of the state. How well it coons vied with the students for has achieved this goal can be attested by the thousands of control, and the battle was not young men and women who have gone forth from these halls decided until one hardy shot a to instruct the young to meet the challenge of an ever-changdeer a few rods from the school. ing, complex society. We point with pride to the valuable The out-of-town students ar- contributions in all fields of endeavor which have been made rivJ!d in lumber wagons with all by our graduates and former students.. of. his or her belongings. Not Although today we recognize the achievements of the man7 of the young ladies had past, we also dedicate ourselves to the future. The members cook stoves in their rooms, so of the Board of Education of State Normal Schools, the facSaturday included a baking sesulty and staff of the college join me in a pledge to you to c?nsion for the occupants of several tinue our efforts to bring to e,very person who presents himrooms. self an opportunity to increase.,his knowledge, his skills, and Young men with sisters had an his appreciation for a way of life which h~s no peer. advantage over the other males, but reports showed that many of NEAL S. GOMON the young men became adept at · President of The College cooking and housekeeping. IUUllHUllllllllUlllllllHllllllllllllllllllillllllUllUllllUlllllllllllllllUUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUUllllllUllllllllllllUlllllllll A regular duty of the men in .wJ.nter was to supply the heating and .cooking wood for the still not complete buildings. A tar-paper roof was continually ripped open by the wind, and when rain came along the students on the Peru has five visiting instruct- cational psychology this summer. third floor had a dismal time. ors and an assistant librarian this She enjoys her work very much As the enrollment increased, a summer. Students of the summer and is especially impressed with code of conduct was evolved: school session will recognize the student's ability to accept rethe students would create new these names: Dr. Ruby Bliss, Mrs. sponsibility and their advanced diversions, and the faculty would Aileen Graham, Dr. Robert T. maturity. set forth reasons why they should Littrell, Dr. Ross Neilsen, Dr. Joe not do it. Przychodzin, and Dr. Edward L, Measurements Expert Some of the things required Ruman. Students of last summer Dr. Robert T. Littrell, a psywere punctuality, resp e ct f u 1 session will remember Dr. Joe chologist, received his underobedience to teachers, diligent Przychodzin and Mrs. Aileen graduate, M.A. and Ed. D. deemployment of time, attendance Graham as they were here last grees at the University of Neat church, and declamations and summer also. braska, Lincoln, Nebraska. He compositions once every two was formerly the principal of weeks. Librarian Blue Hill Public School, Blue Things forbidden to the underMrs. Aileen Graham received Hill, Nebraska. Later he was the classmen were: use of vulgar or her training at the University of director of elementary and junprofane language, use of intoxi- Minnesota's Library School. She ior high school teacher of educacating liquor, playing games of attended Peru, where she did li- tion at American Somoa. Last chance, attending balls or danc- brarian's work, before going to year he was an instructor of psying parties, leaving school with- Minnesota. She then practiced at chology at the. University of Neout permission, and lounging in Auburn and later at Fairbury, braska. He is planning to teach stores or saloons. where she remained until two at the Long Beach State College, In the early days a girl was years ago. For the past two sum- Long Beach, California, this fall. well protected from the ruffians mers, Mrs. Graham has been the Dr. Littrell is teaching tests of the neighborhood: to get a date assistant librarian here at Peru. and measurements, principles with a dormitory girl, the boy Mrs. Graham commented that and practice of guidance, and ocwould h;ive to send a written in- she likes her work on the camcupations information this sumvitation which was carefully pus very much. She particularly mer. He commented that the imchecked by the housemother; if enjoys the new appearance in the provement in leadership was she approved, the girl would landscaping. tremendous. write her acceptance.
Peru Welcomes Six New Staff Members For Summer Session
Diversions were few in the early days, and men were hard put to find suitable surroundings in which to court their lady fair. Usually they had to settle for shady paths in summer and hilarious bobsled rides in the winter. Barton Clevenger in his history of Peru State noted one rule that probably led to the mutilation of the timber: "the young man when seeing his partner home must walk at a distance of ten feet from her." Ten foot paths were hard to fihd in those days. (Continued on page two)
Child Psychologist Dr. Ruth Bliss, regularly with Bellhaven College, Jackson, Mississippi, received her undergraduate work at Nebraska Wesleyan, Lincoln, Nebraska. She received her Master's Degree at Columbia University, New York, New York, and later her Doctor's Degree at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. Dr. Bliss plans to teach at East Carolina College, Greenville, North Carolina, after leaving Peru this summer. Dr. Bliss is teaching child and adolescent psychology and edu-
Statistician Dr. Ross Nielsen visiting us from Iowa, did his undergraduate work at Wartburg College, Waverly, Iowa, and his graduate work at the State University of Iowa. After grad u at in g, he coached and taught mathematics in public high schools in Iowa. He then joined the faculty at Iowa State Teachers College, where he was connected with the student teaching division. He is now chairman of the mathematics department at Iowa State Teachers College.
John Albert Fisher, president of Buena Vista college, Storm Lake, Iowa, since 1954, was born in Aurora, Nebr., on Aug. 7, 1910, the son of Albert Eugene and Katherine Clark Fisher. At the time of his selection tQ · be president of Buena ·Vista, he was registrar and chairman of the division of philosophy, psychology, education and religion at Coe college, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Other posts held during his service at Coe include those of administrative dean, director of admissions, dean of students, director of summer session, and professor of education A graduHe ~ Nebraska State Teachers college~ Peru, Nebr., in John Albert Fisher 1932, he received the M.A. degree from the University of Michigan in 1937 and has taken additional advanced~ toward the Ph.D. degree a~wa State college in 1940 and at Michigan in· 1945 and 1950. While at Michigan he was a teaching fellow. He has maD. T. Manring and his college jored in the fields of education choir began work Monday, June and psychology. He holds the honorary degree 10th, on a short contemporary opera entitled "The Lowland of Doctor of Laws from Parsons Sea." It is to be performed on the college, Fairfield, Iowa. Prior to joining the staff at Coe night of July 16th at the college in 1946, he served as' a science auditorium. According to Arnold Sund- teacher, coach and 'senior high gaard and Alec Wilder, who school principal at Missouri Valwrote the libretto and music, ley, Iowa, 1932-37; vice-principal, "The Lowland Sea" was pro- boy's adviser, principal, and actduced "out of a remembering of ing superintendent at Boone, the sea and sea songs-of dunes, Iowa, 1937-45, and visiting proof harbors, of voyaging, of lone- fessor at Peru State Teachers colliness, of waiting. It is hoped that lege. President Fisher married Ruth it will seem familiar to anyone who has walked (or wanted to Ann Baker of Boone, Iowa, on walk) the streets of Nantucket, Aug. 23, 1939. The Fishers have or has waited for .the evening a son, Robert Baker, aged 14. Extremely active in church, mail boat at Ocracoke." The production calls for a mod- civic and professional organizaern stage setting in which only tions in addition to his duties as two chairs, a table, and a bench head administrator of one of the are used. Special effects are to four Presbyterian-affiliated colbe created with lighting and cos- leges in Iowa, President Fisher leads a busy life. tuming. The plot is constructed around A member of Lakeside Presbythe romance of young Dorie Da- terian church in Storm Lake, he vis, a soprano, and Johnny Dee, was earlier ordained an elder in a baritone sailor boy. Capt. Jesse the Presbyterian church in 1949. 'is captain of The Scarlet Sail and In 1956 he was elected moderator he is a bass or baritone. The part of the Presbytery of Sioux City, of Nathaniel Hazard, a hard an honor seldom accorded a layworking farmer, calls for a tenor. man. Two members of the cast don't Other offices and positions held have to warble a note, for they and their respective dates inhave speaking parts only. They clude: are Amos, and the Ship's Doctor. Membership and chairman of Hannah and Belinda are evi- the finance committee of the dently friends of Dorie's, and Iowa Study Committee on Highthey are sopranos. Incidentally, er Education, 1955; member of Nathaniel has three children, but the executive board of the Iowa as yet, it is not known whether Citizenship Clearing House, 1954; they will be boys or giils. That member, of the camp committee depends upon what talent is of the Cedar Rapids YMCA, available, either among the ranks 1952-54. of Peru's yonger generation or in Vice-president of the Cedar the choir itself. Rapids Council of Churches, 1952; The operetta is unique because member of the nursing education it is unlike most of its predeces- committee of St. Luke's Methosors-that is, most of the operet- dist hospital in Cedar Rapids, tas which have been presented at 1950-54; member of the area Peru. Most have been comedies, council of the Boy Scouts of Ambut this is a very dramatic pro- erica and member of the execuduction. It has its 11l;hter mom- tive board, 1950-56. ents, but for the most part, it reBoy Scouts of America area mains on the serious side. vice-president, 1956; member of The forty member choir can the board of directors of the Cestill use a few people who like te dar Rapids Kiwanis club, 1954, sing. So, if you wish to be a part and member of the board of diof this, see Mr. Manring now. rectors of the Storm Lake Kiwanis club in 1955 and 1957; Dr. Nielsen is teaching courses member of the finance commitin educational statistics and tech- tee of Iowa College Foundation. (Continued on page two) (Continued on page two)
"The Lowland Sea," AShort Opera July 16 Event
Peru Welcomes Six New Staff Members For Summer Session (From page· one) niques of research this summer. He said that he particularly likes the beautiful campus and the air .of friendliness here at Peru. He thinks the to:wn is uni q uely"·l o cat e d along the river. Education and Methods. Dr. Joe Przychodzin Welcomes Her Visitors also here from Iowa, did his undergraduate work at Southern Illinois College, Carbondale, Illinois. He Her 90th Birthday received his M.S. at the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, and his Ph. Ed. ·at the University ~nd of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. 1865-and General Lee surrendered his sword to Gener- He formerly taught in the public al Grant at Appomatox Courthouse. A little later the fanatic high school in Columbia and laBooth shot Abraham Lincoln and set the hopes of the South ter taught at Iowa State Teachers back for many decades. College, where he now teaches during the regular year. A growing re-united nation flexed its muscles and began Dr. Przychodzin is teaching ina tremendous westward surge that was soon to create the troduction to education, high _greatest country in the history of the world. Gold hungry, school methods and management land hungry, adventure hungry, hordes began crossing· the and marriage and family living \vide Missouri heading towards the setting sun. · this summer. He enjoys the people and the friendliness ot the ·News of the gold strike at Pike's Peak cast its spell on students here at Peru.
Ninety Years - -
The Future
· ·many-among them a young ex-captain in the Union forces ' 'who was named T. J. Majors. He was a.nephew of the·Majors of the great freighting outfit of Russell, Majors and Waddel; which had thousands of oxen, mules, and horses drag·. "ging wagons westward and which also operated the celebrat, ed Pony Express. Young T. J.'s father granted him a fine ,._ team and wagon to-"Pike's Peak or Bust." By the time T. J. arrived in the frontier community of what is now Peru, Nebraska, the Pike's Peak gold rush had become a "Bust." So T. J. traded his outfit for a store. Soon the young ex-captain became a power in Nebraska politics. · He. wanted the university for Peru, but unable to get this, ·he settled .for a normal school, not knowing what a normal school was but wanting it because it was some sort of edu. cational institution. ' The normal opened in 1867 in a saloon as the first insti. tution of higher education in Nebraska. Today, T. J.'s normal is a fully accredited four year colJege. Last year Peru began offering graduate work and soon Peru will be awarding graduate degrees. So-in ninety years Peru has come from a handful of students meeting in a saloon, for want of a better place, to a college of six hundred .enrollment offering graduate work. Peru is the oldest college in Nebraska. Under the wise guidance of Dr. Neal S. Gomon and his staff, we believe it is the best college in Nebraska. God willing and the Nebraska legislature granting sufficient funds, Peru's future should be bright.
Elementary Supervisor Dr. Edward L. Ruman received his undergraduate training at Southern State Teachers College, Springfield, South Dakota. He received his M.A. and Ph. Ed. Degrees at Colorado State Teachers College, Greeley, Colorado. After graduating, he taught in eleymentary and secondary schools in 'south Dakota. He is now on the faculty of Iowa State Teachers College. He is ±he coordinator of off-campus 1 student . teaching there. ·· Dr. Ruman is teaching elementary school curriculum, language arts in the .elementary school, and supervision in the elementary school here at Peru. He states that he feels very much at home here because the surroundings are much the same as they were in South Dakota, where he did .his undergraduate work, and he likes Peru very much.
With every confidence of a splendid future for this college of a distinguished past, we are now embarking on the (Continued from page one) decade leading to Peru's centennial in '67. Those of us who He also holds memberships in are here assure you that we shall strive for an even better Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Kappa Delta, future. We hope that Peru will continue to be not only the Kappa Delta Pi, Psi Chi, Pi Kapoldest college in Nebraska but also a better college in the pa Delta, and th.e Masonic order. future.
·,,Plan Saturday Classes on June 29th So that we may enjoy a midsummer vacation from July 4-7 and still- meet the requirements of the accrediting associations,
we shall attend classes June 29, Saturday, to make up the day missed on Friday, July 5th, during the summer vacation.
. PERU PEDAGOGIAN The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks Member Intercollegiate Press June 20, 1957 THE STAFF David Longfellow ___________________________________ Editor Bill Kochheim·------------~-----'----------Assistant Editor Ed Williamson ___________________________ Business Manager Ruth Linscheid·-------------------------.--Actlvities Editor Yvonne Funkhouser_____________________ Activities Reporter Jerry Collier_______________________________'Sports Reporter Hal Norris _________________________________ Sports Reporter Ron McKinneY------------.---------Campus School Editor Sharon Reagan. ___________________ Language Arts Reporter ·Lois Bush _______________________________________ Columnist Margaret Robinson ________________________________ Reporter Donna Gaer_______________________ Alilmni and Mailing List Bob Moore... ----------------------------------Contribtitor Stewart Linscheid __________________________________ Sponsor
NINETY YEARS OF PERU STATE (Continued from page one) Peru has granted nearly 6,000 degrees in its history, counting the two year degrees.when it was merely a normal school. The January 1, 1914 catalog notes that in the 46 years of its existence, Peru State Normal school had played host to nearly 26,000 different students, a number to be proud of in those days. Men who have figured prominently in the establishment and continuance of Peru State are: Col. T. J. Majors, William Daily, Rev. Hiram Burch, J. M. McKenzie, and Dr. J. F. Neal. To these men and countless others since then we owe a debt of gratitude for the finest college in Nebraska, Peru State Teachers College.
PERU MOTORS DESOTO . • • PLYMOUTH Fast Dependable Service Phone 3201 • . Peru
Dorlt just sit tl!ere ! You'll enjoy today's copy of this publicatif' much more if you'll get up fight now and get yourself an ice-cold bottle of Coca-Cola. (Naturally, we'd be happier, tool)
Bottl.ed under authority of The Coca-Cola Company by
Many Honored Guests Are Here Today Platform guests for the convocation will be members of the Board of Education of State Normal Schools, presidents of the State Teachers Colleges at Chadron, Kearney and Wayne, presidents of other colleges and universities in the area and state officials. Among those who have been invited to extend greetings on behalf of the organizations or groups they represent are: Governor Victor Anderson for the people of the state of Nebraska, State· Senator John Aufenkamp of Julian for the State Legislature, Bruce Hagemeister .of Hemingford for the Board of Education of State Normal Schools of which he is president, Dr. Donald Typer, president of Doane College, Crete, for the church-related and private colleges of Nebraska, Dr. Herbert L. Cushing, president of Nebraska State
Teachers College at Kearney, for state and municipal colleges and universities, Donald F. Kline, executive secretary of the Ne· braska State '.Education Association, Lincoln, for professional ed-' ucation groups. Special invitations to atten this historic event have bee sent to members of the Nebrask State Legislature, Peru .· .Sta alumni, mayors of town.$, an cities, presidents of chambers o commerce, presidents of boa of education and superi11tende of schools in southeast Nebrask southwest Iowa, northwest Mi souri, antl northeast Kan~as ..
E. L. Deck Hardware Peru, Nebraska
HEU ER'S HYKLAS GROCERY Groceries Meats Fruits Frozen Foods M. G. Heuer, Owner Phone 2141
The pictures on this page are the combined work of Dave Longfellow, the photographer, and James D. Levitt, the man who did the processing and printing. They are an attempt to record, pictorially, the campus life at Peru S.tate during the summer session of 1957. Should you want a copy of these pictures, it would probably be better to call what you have in your hands sufficient rather than listen to the wounded screams of J. D. as he moans about how much work he has to do. However, his fatal weakness is that he likes money. 'Nuf said?
"She fades back fo throw . . . "
"No kicking, scratching, or clawing . . "
Sherwood fakes a dive.
"The team was in the huddle . . "
Broad Summer Recreation Program This summer's recreation program got into full swing on Thursday, June 6th. The program is being supervised again this year by Coach Jerry Stemper, and is being handled expertly by Messrs. Tom Percell and Dale Johnson. Girls can play softball on Monday and Thursday evenings behind the dormitory. Men are being urged to sign up for the same ¡sport (not to be played behind the dormitory, however) in hopes that a league can be formed. The two tennis courts should see a lot of action again as usual. A tournament is being planned for that sport. The college swimming pool is a very popular hangout this time of year for those who like the sport of swimming, and for those who like the less tiring but more fascinating sport of watching the beauty parade. At any rate, many are flocking to the pool. Co-rec. swimming is on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 4:30 to 5:30. Anyone who wishes to become skillful with the flatbow (fairly flatbow, anyhow) can practice archery in the college gym on specified days. Watch the bulletin boards.
Casey Taenzler at the bat
Betty Forman gives the pitch; Stemp watches the form ...
Finally, if you're in the mood for a good ol' square dance, grab yourself a partner and head for the gym on Tuesday, June 18, at 7:30 P. M.
FERMENTATION rightful place as queen of the estate. Their wives were comfortably settled as the Mesdames "Pa da da dum . . . Da da da Pierce in Shawnee society. Jim, dum" ... I wonder why that new the baby, had grown up particular theme •keeps running enough to know that his real through my head. Beethoven love was cotton. He moved to called it the Fate theme. Maybe Texas to manage the gins and that's it. Fate. Maybe that's why kept the money pouring into the family till. Everyone was so Maybe that's why Rex died. comfortably settled into each Christmas Eve and. a train were little nook t'hat somewhere along mixed up in it. It's been so long. the line I got lost in the shuffle. Eighteen was too young to own a Funny, it was just like a game sports car anyway. Funny Dad of musical chairs. When the Fate couldn't see that; he was so strict Theme stopped, I was the only about other things. I think he one left standing. I don't know why I took to would have had a fit on the spot if he knew we were smoking be- drinking. Maybe it was because hind his back. Always was gen- I was lost. Maybe it was I felt erous with us kids, though, you that if I ever let go of that grip can say that for P. J. Pierce. on the glass I'd topple over the Maybe too generous. Maybe if edge and fall into the sea. And I he had forgotten about all his didn't want to do that. No, I land and his fabulous string of didn't want to fall into· the sea! cotton gins and his precious First With that glass in my hand I National Bank, he might not knew who I was, somehow. I have forgotten that Rex was just wasn't lost anymore. I was Cliff a scatterbrained, wetnosed kid. Pierce, rich, young, carefree esIn his hands that sports car was cort for any beautiful debutante like a loaded gun in a baby's who chanced my way. And many hand: if he plays with it long of them did. I was a catch-and enough, he's bound to hurt some- they knew it and I knew it. thing. That was how it hap- There weren't many of them who pened. Driving around a build- cared what they had to do to get ing on a snowy night, hurrying a chance at my name or at me. home for the Christmas Eve festi- And if I got tired of them, there vities, Rex was in too much of a were always the Fran Mag Glad hurry to see the fast freight Dorothys that Cummings talks charging d'own on him. That was about. "Sowing his wild -oats,'' they a lousy Christmas. said, "'to keep up the name and Dad never did quite get over that. You've heard about how honor." They needn't have worpeople just pine away and never ried. When Bill went to the Air recover until they die. You don't Force during the war and came believe it until you see it hap- home with all sorts of medals pen to someone-not really no- and ribbons, he kept up the honticeable, I guess. It's just that or all right. They wrote pieces you finally wake up one morn- about him in the papers. And I sat in the apartment a.pd ing and realize what's happening. That's how it was with Dad. read the clippings and. filled anRex was his baby. I guess he al- other glass and stubbed out a ways did think Rex was smarter cigaret and filled another glass than the rest of us kids. But he'd . and turned to the girl and filled never admit it. You wouldn't another glass and turned up the C?tch P. J. Pierce admitting that music and filled another glass he favored one of his sons. No and filled another . . . Then the bottom fell out of my sir! That was P. J., indomitable to the last. Unconquerable until happy again, indomitable world. something greater than he final- One day when Bill and Joe were ly broke down his reserve. He flying their wives home from died. I don't think he'll ever quite Hot Springs in Bill's new plane get over that. Dying, I mean. He (courtesy of the First National Bank), the plane exploded in the wasn't the dying kind. Something happened to us clouds and fog above Shawnee. then; something. happened to all No one knew why. But I know of us. Joe, as eldest took over the why. It was Beethoven again. estate; and Bill, collaborating as Da da da dum. So what happens now? Sounds he had done since he and Joe Were kids building tree houses, simple doesn't it? Jim comes acted as Right-Hand Man. They home and manages the estate saw that Mother was well taken and gives his wife wealth and care of, allowing .her to keep her position and furs and ... Cliff A Short Story By Lois Bush
CONGRATULATIONS On Your 90th Anniversary
Staats Paint Store Has the Paint and Wallpaper Auburn, Nebr.
Phone 144
Green Lantern Fountain
Lunches AUBURN
THANKS, STAFF By far the greater part of this special edition was the work of members of last year's Pedagogian staff who worked without reward or credit to give you this paper. Dave Longfellow did the editing and photography as well as considerable writing. Lois Bush brought i!l information about the summer campus school and a fine short story. Donna Gaer did reporting. Ruth Linscheid sold the ads. Others helped too. Some old pros got into the act. Don Carlile of special services was a tremendous help. Mary Anna Gnade wrote another of her folksy "Campus School Commentaries." Former Pedagogian sponsor Dr. .Neal S. Gomon wrote the welcome to our guests. If this edition is any good, it is because of what these people have done. We are humbly thankful for their help. Stewart Linscheid, Sponsor
Announce Staff Changes Three retirements, one resignation, two staff appointments and a change of assignment were announced this week by Dr. Neal S. Gomon, president, Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru. Miss Nellie Carey, head librarian, and Miss Blanche Gard, associate professor of elementary education and first grade supervisor in the campus school, will retire at the close of the 1957 summer session. Miss Edna Weare, associate professor of home economics retired at the end of the 1956-57 regular session. Miss Lela Lillian Lones, assistant professor of home economics since 1954, has resigned effective at the close of the summer session. Dr. Harold Hutcheson, for the last two years a graduate assistant in education at the University of Nebraska and formerly superintendent of schools at Atkinson, Nebr., has been named head of the division of education. Dr. Russell Holy, acting head of the division of education during the last year, has been named director of the campus school and coordinator of student teaching. Max E. Langham, director of the adult services departments ofthe Topeka, Kans., Public Library, has been named head librarian effective August 1, 1957. Miss Edna Weare has been a member of the faculty of the college since 1929, Miss Gard has served sin'ce 1930 and Miss Carey joined the staff in 1944.
sits and has a "w he e" of a time drinking. Belieye me, that's the way I wanted it. That's the way Mother undoubtedly had it planned. But we had failed to reckon with Jim. In the hushed conference room after the funerals, Jim told us that he wasn't leaving the cotton. Maybe he had the sense to know he could never be a banker. Maybe he knew Beethoven. too. Anyway, I've got to hand it to him. That took guts. Especially after seeing the strickwasn't long before the name erl look on Mother's face, know- of ItPierce was familiar to everying\that she'd have to give the one in Oklahoma. Somehow I estate to a no-good drunken slob. could. feel needed doing things So Jim left. I guess I never for other people. Pierce grants realized how much Mother really and scholarships were firmly esloved and und~rstood us kids. , tablished in the universities. She hit me deep lat.er talking Somehow the Pierce money just aboµt how much the estate meant found its way to whoever was in to her, keeping it in the family · need of it. The publicity didn't trust. She offered me a choice: If hurt us any; and, Lord knows, we I stopped drinking-not just cut could afford it. It had been work down but stopped altogether-I and sacrifice, but it was worth it. was to manage the estate. She People spoke of Cliff Pierce with must have known how hard it respect and awe. was for me to decide; she must But what was it really worth? have known how much a part of Somehow all that awe and monme the glass had become. But she ey couldn't buck that Fate wanted all or nothing. She wanttheme, mascot of the family. At ed me to pass that test-to beleast I made the headlines big come a man again. It must have when ... But why did the girl surprised her as much as it did have to be killed? ... Maybe it me when I found myself saying was more merciful for her .. she that I'd accept. Maybe it was the couldn't have escaped it. Maybe look in her eyes-the desperate it was best that she died as her look-as she had been talking to father, Cliff Pierce, was driving me. Maybe it was because my her and her house guest back to brothers' deaths had shocked me Texas to Mrs. Worthington's fininto the reality of thinking. I ishing school ... At least she still don't know why I did it. But won't have to suffer a lifetime of I did. it .... I'll have to admit I didn't back down, either. Somehow I found CLIFF PIERCE AND DAUGHmyself fitting into the banking TER KILLED IN HORRIBLE business-and liking it! And for ACCIDENT. DRUNK DRIVES the first time in my life I was HEADLONG INTO PI ER C E aware of people and their feel- CAR. .. BANKER KILLED INings. I was hurt-and hurt bad- STANTLY .... GREAT BENEly-when I found out that some FACTOR ... MOURNED DEEPof the men who had been in the LY .. TRAGEDY .... bank for years eternal had reSo here I am, all alone. What signed when they found that I was to take over. I, Cliff Pierce, am I waiting for? Where am I going? Why is Fate so confusing the guy whom nobody hurt. It woke· me up. Somehow, I and demanding Da da da dum .. was alive again. I ·could feel why It's not worth it .. Da da da dum my father had felt that this was ... No God damn good at all .. his life. I woke, as it were, from Beethoven. the dead, doing something, being something. People remarked at the change in me. I knew they talked, and I was proud of it. I would make the Pierce name something Jo be proud of. And I did. I married one of the debutantes who in my younger days hadn't respected the fact that I was Cliff Pierce, playboy. God, she was good to me-and good for me. Somehow she seemed to understand as no one had ever understood before.
The new head of the division of education will join the college staff on July 1, 1957. In addition to his service to the University of Nebraska and the Atkinson Public Schools, Dr. Hutcheson was principal of the Oakdale, Nebr., High School for two years. He has an A.B. degree from Nebraska State Teachers College at Wayne and M.A. and Ed. D. degrees from the University of Nebraska. He is married and has a daughter, 13, and son, 7. Mr. Langham holds an A.B. degree from Pennsylvania State Teachers College at Clarion and a Master of Science in Iiibrary Science degree from Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. From 1952 to 1955 he was school librarian for the Aliquippa School District at Aliquippa, Pa., and for one year was head librarian of the Aliquippa Public Library. He is married and has a daughter, 3, and a son, 8. Dr. Holy joined the staff of the college in September, 1956. Due to the resignation of br. Floyd Mullinix as hep of the division of education and dl\-~ctor of the campus school duririg the first week of the 1956-57 fall term, temporary assignments were made which d Dr. Holy as acting head . ' he division and Mr. Richard nPelt and Mr. B. A. Eddy as co-directors and prin• cipals of the campus school. The employment of Dr. Hut.cheson as'head of the division of.. education has now made it possible to place Dr. Holy in complete charge of the campus school and the student teaching program. Mr. VanPelt and Mr. Eddy will return to their previous assignments as supervisor of high school social studies and supervisor of the 7th grade in the elementary school respectively.
Faculty Picnic Faculty members took time out from making like scholars to enjoy a picnic in Neal Park the evening of June 13. A covered dish picnic was enjoyed by the faculty members, spouses, and children. Practically everybody was there.
Richard Kapperman Gets Award of Merit Richard J. Kapperman, a senior from Fairbury, has been named winner of the United Business Education Association Award of Merit for 1957, according to Hazel Weare, associate professor of business education at Peru State College. The award is given in cooperation with the Smead Company, manufacturers of filing equipment. The award includes a year's membership in the association, and a binder for a year's subscription of the United Business Education Forum, professional magazine of the National Education Association's division of business educators. Kapperman, a May candidate for graduation from Peru State, received his first two years of college work at Fairbury Junior College.
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the p1'"ope.rl 4 ~ ,tne--... MQJhod1st (onferet1CQ and operiQ.d the fit's!. w1ti1.J 3 re.achars Clnd ti sruden\-s t Odobe.r 2.Lf, \n rhe.. zs,ooo i bu~ild ··ng o.t s\le. o~ Mount Vernon HcJI, Drawings and Research by Miss Norma Diddel
Peru Has Placed 117 Teachers Forty-seven additionfl.l candi.dates for. teaching positions have .been placed in new locations for ,the fall term by the Peru State Teachers College placement bu:reau, according to Lee Lowenberg, director of professional services. With 70 announced earlier, . the total placements for fall is now 117. ·While .demand for . elementary teach~rs continues strong in the
state, pressure is building up for teachers in the ui;iper grades and junior high, as enrollments increase in these areas. Greatest shortages on the secondary level, as indicated by vacancy listings, appear to be in the fields of mathematics, physical science, music, English and home economics. Special educational fields also offer many opportunities. More superintendents and prin-
Ready-to· Wear
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Morrissy's Variety Store PERU'S 5 & 10
c'ipals, both from Nebraska and out-of-state, have been interviewing students on the campus this year than ever before. Those who have accepted positions, their home town or present teaching address, and their new location include: Wallace Wuster and Doris S. Wuster, Dawson, to Belgrade; Loren Dyke, Essex, Iowa, to Essex, Iowa; James Cotton and Margaret A, Cotton, !Peru, to Woodbine and Dunlap, !Iowa, respectively; DeAnna Brown, Creston, Iowa, to Greybull, Wyo.; Don Niemier, DeWitt, to Clarinda, Iowa; Mrs. Enid Van Luevan, Red Oak, Iowa, to Red Oak, Iowa; Don Holscher, Unadilla, to Odell?, George Slaughter, Fairmont, to Pueblo, Colo.; Sandra West, Peru, to Plattsmouth.
Jose, Calif., to Hughson, Calif.; John Crookham, Adair, Iowa, to Paullina, Iowa. William Rachow, Guide Rock, to Bruning; Jerry Matschullatt, Ralston, to Globe, Ariz.; Marvin Michels, Munden, Kans., to Byron; Margaret Long, Falls City, to Plattsmo¥th; Junior Karas, Lib-
erty, to Johnson; Ruth G. Adamson, Muskegon, Mich., to Omaha; Hal Brown, Wetmore, Kans., to, Bern, Kans.; Donald G. Balderson and Helen Balderson, Steele City, to Sacramento, Calif.; Eunice Harshbarger, Nemaha, to North Platte; Marilyn Meisinger, Ralston, to Plattsmouth.
Delbert Stoltenberg and Delores Stoltenberg, Nebraska City, to South Sioux City; Dale Johnson, Table Rock, to South Sioux City; Gerald Comstock, Greeley, Colo., fo Adair, Iowa; Brian Gfeller, Peru, to McCook; Don Pickering, Nebraska City, to School for Blind, Nebraska City; Raymond Huggett, Bertrand, to Central City. . Roy F. Laue, Arthur, to Oxford; Mrs. Gretchen Hietbrink, Stella, to Bruning; Donaven Bornschlegel, Plymouth, to Neligh; Mrs. Jean Wiig, Hamburg, Iowa, to Sidney, Iowa; Adele Copenhaver, Syracuse, to Nehawka; Charles McElroy, Steinauer, and Betty McElroy, Tecumseh, to Mateetsee, Wyo.; Darlene Hahn, Shickley, to Geneva; R. E. Mullens, Oshkosh, to Bassett; Mildred Blecha, Weeping Water, to Omaha. Harley Rector, Fullerton, to Tecumseh; Carol Steinke, Norfolk, to Chino, Calif.; Isabel Martell, Eddyville, Ore., to Molalla, Ore.; Alice Logue, Council Bluffs, to Nebraska City; Ruth Behrens, Wabasfi, to D63, Avoca; Evelyn Miller, 'Lake City, Iowa, to Lake City, Iowa; Oscar Groves, San
The on1y portabl1 with MIRACLE TAB, Super-strength Frame, larger-sized Cylinder and Simplified Ribbon Changer. ( The portable_ for the whole family ... helps students get up ;· ~o 38.% better grades!) ~!·,
Auburn Sewing Center AUBURN, NEBR. Ed. Wininger, Peru State Teachers College, Representative 908 CENTRAL AVE.
Cut this out and put it in your billfold to avoid being late or missing classes on special days. The following shortened schedule will be in effect on July 1, and July 11. 1st period 7:30-8 :20 2nd period 8:25-9:15 3rd period, 9:20-10:10 4th period, 10:15-11:00 Convocation at_~! :00
Enrollment Up 5.6% -Over Last Summer At the beginning of the second week of the 1957 8-week summer session at Peru State College, a total of 425 students had enrolled, according to F. H. Larson, registrar. Of that number 73 had enrolled in the college's graduate Between the morn and the noon- A headlong rush o'er the campus, study program. Through Mt. Vernon's wide-open - tide, The total enrollme!)t reprefront doors, When the· rose is beginning to sents a 5.6 per cent increase over Through the line and then to the last year's . 402. Enrollment in flower, table, Comes a pause in the clacking of Peru State's summer sessions has There to deplete the large coffee increased steadily for the past 'writers, stores. That is known as the Coffee several years, with 362 in 1955, Break hour. 319 in 1954, 278 in 1953 and 238 They pick up their cups and they in 1952. Students are enrolled I hear in the office above me, scurry, from 27 Nebraska counties and The clatter of high-heeled shoes, To the tables or yet to the booth, the states of Kansas, Colorado, The sound of a door that is op- They'll be there for the next Iowa, Missouri, Ohio. ened, twenty minutes, The regular session will close And the women a-talking in coos. Yes they will, tis the good Lord's July 26, to be followed by the truth. popular 15-day post session from From the classroom I see by the July 27 to August 10. During the , light bulb, There they'll sit, drinking coffee post session, which will include Descending the broad hall stair, and sugar, three workshops and a course in Mrs. Taggart and Mrs. Gnade, They'll be there each day, never driver education, students may And Art with her golden hair. fear. earn three hours of college credit. If you want them, just look for A whisper, and then a silence: their hair-do's As they sneak through the heavy Three hundred full days of the front door, year. Yet I know by their sly prepara. tions, -Longfellow They'll not go to the Avenue The first regular convocation (With apologies to Cousin Henry) Store. for the summer session of 1957 was held in the College Auditor. ium Friday mor~ing, June 7, at 11:00. Dean Melvin introduced the faculty members and read ~he announcements for the coming weeks. · Paralleling the summer pro- Third grade: Lucille Davis, GeorBetty Taenzler, an alto soloist, gram of the college, the Campus gia Gerdes, Frances Lewenberg, sang "Deep in My Heart" and School elementary grades are Iola Stauffer, Margaret Pilch; "Friend O' Mine." She was ac"open for business" this summer. Fourth grade: Marleen Koehler, companied on the piano by MariUnder Jhe direction of three su- Ester Peterson, June Ross, Betty lyn Dyke. pervisors, Miss Gard, Mr. Sheely Barrett; Fifth grade: Valda DeDean Melvin also gave a short and. Mr. Eddy; grades kindergar- Freece, Marveen Murphy, Enid talk on how students are always ten through eight are being Van Luven, and Zeta Bausch; in a hurry to receive their eduSixth grade: Sam Buckminster, cation. taught by student teachers. School enrollment is made up Eunice Harshbarger, and Charof children fr.om Peru as well as lene Rohlmeier; Seventh grade: several imported students who Ella Penney, Edna Richardson; are children of some college stu- Eighth grade: Mildred Bowers, dents. The total enrollment for Marshail Norris. Other ·student the summer is 79, 29 of whom are teachers are Marilyn Dyke and The Auburn Rotary Club heard "imports." Of these· five are in Betty Taenzler, music; and Phil a short talk by Stewart Linscheid the kindergarten; nine in the first Rihner, Dale Johnson and Tom of the English department at the grade; ten in second grade; nine Percell, recreation. regular meeting Thursday evein third grade; twelve in fourth ning, June 13. grade, eight in fifth grade; eleven Linscheid talked of the history in sixth grade; and four in eighth of Peru State Teachers Coll~ge Classes met on the shortened and the Ninetieth Anniversary grade. Student teachers for these grades are: Kindergarten: Marie schedule June 12 so that every- Celebration. Leopold, Carol Mehlin, D or i s · one would have a chance to see Neubauer, and May Reynolds; the book exhibit held in the gymFirst grade: Betty Ast, Irene nasium at eleven o'clock. Dierking, and Esther Peters; SecRepresentatives of major book ond grade: Wilma Beer, Arrettes companies displayed the latest in Kerl, Mdbel Mendenhall, Rita books and teaching materials of The residents of Eliza Morgan Rumbaugh, and Helen McCarty; all sorts. Hall met at 10:30 P.M. in the dor-
"The Coffee Hour"
First Convo
Ol Summer
Peru's Campus School Is ."Open For Business"-
Professor Speaks To Auburn Club
Book Exhibit
Eliza Morgan Hears Dean, Elects Officers
PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS Any Garment Remodeled, Restyled, Repaired Always First in Quality and Workmanship Fur Coats Repaired We call for arid deliver Phone 2671, Peru, Nebr.
mitory lounge on June 6. Miss Juanita Bradley, Dean of Women, welcomed the summer residents and Mrs. Gertrude.Fulton, housemother, reviewed the dormitory rules and regulations so all would be familiar with them. Dormitory officers for the summer. session were elected and they are as follows: president, Margaret Toman; vice president, Shirley Dismeyer; and secretary and treasurer, Marilyn Missinger.
First report of summer school enrollment from the Campus School shows 29 who are attending while parents attend college classes. Only 54 local pupils to uphold the honor of Peruvians attending their own school. And with 32 student teachers, they have nearly individual instruction! A chance remark made by 6th grader Steven revealed the feeling of no doubt a large number of campus schoolers (and their parents?): "We're only guinea pigs for the college students to practice on." Hope he sets others straight after being informed that it was a two-way street-he gets as many benefits out of being practiced on as the practicers. Mr. Sheely's system meets with approval of his pupils: he has 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders who meet together first thing in the morning, then divide into separate rooms under student teachers. Jimmy G. came home from first day of summer school half disgusted: "I'm back in kindergarten!" Miss Gard supervises kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades. Sally, having been in 2nd grade during regular school year, thought it was great fun being "demoted." Although there are no regular high school classes during summer school, there are a few high schoolers attending while parents are here. , Gives them a chance for remedial work or work that broadens their regular school courses, (I'm all for more of that for our local high schoolers who are at loose ends for three months.) The sophomore clp.ss clings together and have sold their teachers and student teachers on inviting them to their homes for an evening of games, chatter, foolishment, eats. Before Mrs. Shrader left for the summer they called on her to see what was behind the "green door," then student English teacher Mrs. Schlange had them at her home in Auburn-you teachers can just wonder if you are next in line to "invite" them out!
Having one's birthday during the summer is made bearable by the fact that summer school is in session. Otherwise, how would one celebrate? Large question for mother is what treat to take. Ice cream melts fast these hot days and yet is coolest.
It sometimes seems these summer sessions turri out to be small versions of reunions among various students': "You here, again!" and "Peru State couldn't stay open if I didn't show up each summer." One "can't-stay-away" student commuting this summer ·for the first time without her son attending classes with her. He is now five years old and when you go to kindergarten, you lose interest in college classes. Large moment one day was watching two boys retrieve a softball from the ledge over the campus schoolp<:>or. Good batting target! Good acrobitl,i.cs! And of course the prime reason for attending summer school when it isn' ulsory is the swimming · School was dismissed for Peru Centennial Celebration, which was the day the 5th grade girls usually swim. Eighth grader said, "They got to make it up, ·but if Vfe had missed, we wouldn't have beE;n able to." Incidentally, our c amp us schoolers looked right good in their little parade Centennial Day. And it's a known fact that they have talent for a, show any time. But the pictures shown by Mr. Levitt and Dr. Delaney and explained by Mr. Morrissy outshone them all. (Of great interest was the picture of Mr. Jindra as bride in a womanless wedding performance "way back when.") The pictures really point out the growth made by the college, too.
Pro Talent Events Crossman and Sternberg will present a vocal.program in convocation at 11:00 a.m. on July 1. At 8:15 p.m. on July 11, we will be entertained by the Irish Players. A week later at the same' hour, the Bill and Pat Medley piano team will play.
"Tr A~ M: dran July duct Plig! The Tl Hea: ow, Mrs. by J the Mar Hea play Tr01 by ther pla) tin, by othE Sch plai
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Ninth Decade Of - - -
The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks ..
Peru Pedagogian JULY 8, 1957
Auditorium Full As Distinguished Alumnus Gives Anniversary Address
July 16 the Night of "The Widow's Plight" AMellerdramer Mr. R. D. Moore, head of the dramatics department~ has set July 16 as the date for the production of the play "The Widow's Plight" or "Virtue Victorious." The play is melodrama. The characters are Araminta Heartensole, a poor young widow, played by JoAnn Gruber; Mrs. Crockett, her mother, played by Lois Bush; Mazda, her child, the light of her life, played by Martha Sue Moore; Bludsoe Heartensole, her brother-in-law, played by Bob Whited; Tobias Trout, a young fireman, played by Bob Bohlken; Herodious Blitherington, Tobias Trout's father, played by Phil Slagle; Mrs. Sartin, Araminta's neighbor, played by Donna Gaer; Mrs. Pert, another neighbor, played by Donna Schuster; and a p o 1i c em an, played by Franklin Pederson. The scene of the play is one of genteel poverty. Mrs. Crockett, Araminta, and Mazda live alone in a dingy, small house. Bludsoe Heartensole is constantly trying to win Araminta's love so she will marry him and finally, in a last attempt, tries to steal the insurance money she received when her husband died. He also steals her marriage license and spreads gossip about her. At last Tobias captures Bludsoe and gets back the marriage license which saves the family's name and he wins Araminta's love. Peruvians may expect a night of excellent entertainment when veteran dramatic director R. D. ·· Moore releases his old theatrical magic aided by the skilled cast he has for this performance.
Max E. Langham Will Be Head Librarian Max E. Langham, 32, will be the head librarian with rank of associate professor August 1,1957 to replace Miss Nellie Carey, who retired. Although Mr. Langham's appointment as head librarian becomes effective on August 1, he will actually join the staff of the college on July 1 so that he may work several weeks with Miss Carey and the assistant librarian. Mr. Langham holds a bachelor of science in education degree from Pennsylvania State Teachers College at Clarion with a major in library science and a minor in English. He was granted a master of science in library science degree by Syracuse University at Syracuse, New York, in the spring of 1956. He has additional work in library science from Geneva College at Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. From 1952 to 1955 he was school librarian for Aliquippa School District at Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, and for o.o.e year was head librarian at Aliquippa Public Library. During last year he has been director of adult service department of Topeka Public Library at Topeka, J{ansas. He is now completing a manuscript for the publisher on a book on professional library administration. He served two years in the United States army and following his discharge in 1945 was assistant librarian for the Field Information Agency of the army for one year. Mr. Langham is married and
·Service To Nebraska's Youth
The college auditorium was filled to overflowing for the 90th Anniversary Convocation, June 20, 1957. Guests, students, and faculty seated themselves while R. T. Benford, associate professor of organ and piano played introDr. Harold L. Hutcheson, 41, ductory music. will be head of the division of edThe invocation was given by ucation effective on or about Reverend Lawrence Williams, July 1, 1957. You may recall that pastor of the Peru C h r i st i a n last fall Dr. Weresh, dean of the Church. college, Dr. Mullinix, head of the Victor H. Jindra, head of Fine division of education and director Arts and professor of violin, of the campus school, and Dr. played two violin solos entitled, King, associate professor of edu- "From the Canebrake" by Samucation, resigned about the time el Gardner and "Romance in A" school opened. As a result of by Thurlow Liiurance. these sudden resignations, certain Dr. Neal S. Com~, president t e m p o r a r y adjustments were of Peru State Teachers College, made and responsibilities shared introduced the distinguished among several faculty members. guests, many of whom were gradAlthough we replaced Dr. Wer- uates of Peru...,~; esh and Dr. King, we did not reNext were .etings given by place Dr. Mullinix, thus the ap- Mr. Bruce Ha.Jmeister, Hemingpointment of Dr. Hutcheson at ford, president of the Board ·of this time. Education of State N or m al Dr. Hutcheson received the Schools; Mr. John Aufenkamp, doctor of education degree from Julian, member of the Nebraska the University of Nebraska June legislature; Dr. Herbert L. Cush10, 1957. He holds a master of ing, Kearney, president of Ne- . arts degree from that institution braska State Teachers College at and a bachelor of arts degree Kearney; Mr. Richard Johnson, from Nebraska State Teachers Lincoln, assist. secretary for the College at Way.ne. During the Nebraska State Education Assolast two years he has served as ciation; Mr. Robert B. Moore, graduate assistant in education at Peru, graduate of 1957 from Nethe University and from 1951-55 braska State Teachers College at Ruth Dougherty (Mrs. Gerald) was superintendent of schools at Peru. ~ Clayburn, Brentwood, Calif., Atkinson. From 1949-51 he was Mrs. Neal S. Gomon, a contralreceived her two-year diploma principal of high school at Oak- to, presented two vocal solos. in 1948; dale. They were "Sunrise and Sunset" Fern Dougherty (Mrs. Walter) He has a splendid record at the by Charles .G. Spross and "An die Johanns, Nebraska City, re- University and has extremely Musik" by Franz Schubert. R. T.. ceived her two-year diploma in fine recommendations not only Benford accompanied Mrs. Go1953; from people at the University but mon. The anniversary address was Amber Dougherty (Mrs. Joseph) from members of the boards at Hi g hf i e 1a, Plattsmouth, re- Atkinson and Oakdale. He is a given by Dr. John A. Fisher, ceived her two-year diploma in person who will do an excellent president of Buena Vista College, · piece of work in the job to which Storm Lake, Iowa. The theme of 1949, and 11 his speech was the educator's he has been assigned. Karlene Dougherty (Mrs. Leland) Mr. Hutcheson is married and challenge. Dr. Fisher said, "SciSherwood, Peru, received her has two children, a daughter go- ence, democracy and education two-year diploma in 1955. ing into high school and a son in are our revolutionary fo.rces, and · The following of Mrs. Aldrich's second grade. Dr. Hutcheson and what we are today, is a result of · grandchildren-in-law also have family have been on campus and these three forces." He said we attended Peru State: have stated that they liked it must have faith in all three of these forces or we can not exist. Jack Gilman, Nebraska City, very much. Dr. Fisher went on to say that from 1946-48; there should be more emphasis Gerald ·Clayburn, Brentwood, placed on the training and conCalif., A.:B. 1949; trolling of the inner and spiritual · Carol Grundman (Mrs. Robert) self in our educational program. Dougherty, Lincoln, summers He said, "You don't change a of 1952-1953; , man spiritually by political and Leland S h e r w o o d, Peru, A.B. economic measures. Knowledge Members of the 195'7 summer 1957. is the virtue which trains and session choir at Peru State Colguides man toward personal One of l:he mosl: vivid experi- lege will present "The Lowland character and emotional balences that Mrs. Aldrich recalls is Sea," a contemporary opera July ance." the presidential election of 1880 16, under the direction of Darryl "America the Beautiful" and . . . . the election that saw Gar- T. Manring. "The Color Song" were sung by field defeat Hancock by barely The work of Arnold Sundethe audience under the direction 7,000 popular votes. It seems that gaard and Alec Wilder, this muof Darryl T. Manring, after much of the activity connected sical drama weaves an atmos- . which the benediction was given with the campaign centered on phere of the sea, dunes, harbors by Reverend Williams. the college campus. and voyaging. Curtain time will Mrs. Aldrich attended Peru be 8 p.m. Normal School with full intenA husband and wife team LorFINAL DAY SESSIONS tion of becoming a teacher, but en Dyke, baritone, and Marilyn All classes are to meet on decided after receiving her cer- Mueller Dyke, soprano, of Peru, Friday, July 26, as usual. The tificate to teach that she didn't will sing the lead roles of Johnny committee on academic studwant to cope with the problem of and Dorie. The part of,;Captain ies recommends that Friday disciplining students who were Jesse of the Scarlet Sail will be classes be devoted to a review portrayed by Sharon Ocker, bass, older than she. of final ·tests or other proceShe returned to Brock where of Table Rock. In the role of Nadures of final evaluation. her father operated a Mercantile thaniel Hazard, a hard-working
Dr. H. L. Hutcheson Is the New Head Of Education Here
Mrs. Martha Campbell Aldrich, 96, Brock, Nebraska
Attended Peru Normal From 1878-81 Six years before Nebraska became a state and before the first Legislature established the "Nebraska Normal School" in 1867, Martha Campbell was born. At the age of 14 years she entered the "Normal School." Mrs. Martha Campbell Aldrich is one of the earliest attendants of Peru State living in the area. No doubt she has had as many, ·if not more descendants and relatives attend this· school than any other living Peruvian. Mrs. Aldrich's sister, Mrs. Belle Campbell Marcellus, formerly of Brock, and now of Chicago, was in attendance at the same early period. Mrs. Marcellus later returned to Peru for further study in the early 1900s. Mrs. Aldrich's daughter is Mrs. Elizabeth Dougherty of Brock, Nebraska. Her years of attendance at Peru State were from 1919 until 1921. Mrs. Aldrich's sister's sons: Byrne Marcellus, Chicago, was graduated with the class of 1908; E. W. Marcellus, Evanston, Ill., was graduated in 1905, and her son Donald Marcellus, now deceased, was a former student. Mrs. Aldrich's daughter, Mrs. Dougherty, is the mother of five daughters, all of whom have attended Peru State: Mary Belle Dougherty (Mrs. Jack) Gilman, Nebraska City, was graduated in 1952; has two children, a. boy 8 and a girl 3. He has been active in the Methodist church in the communities in which he has lived. Mr. and Mrs. Langham and family will occupy one of the faculty housing units. They have already moved their household goods to Peru and are now spending a few days in Pennsylvania before joining the staff.
July 16 the Night of "The Lowland Sea" ASerious Opera
store and worked as a combina- . farmer, will be Junior Karas, tion bookkeeper-banker. At that tenor, of Burchard. Dorie's friends, Belinda and time there was no bank in Brock and many of the business men in Hannah, will be played by Grace the city relied upon the Campbell Hannaford, Brownville, and Betty store to keep their funds in the Taenzler, Plattsmouth. Nathaniel's three children will be selecttown's only wall vault.
ed either from the campus school enrollment or from the choir personnel. The non-singing roles of Amos and the ship's doctor remain to be cast.
Editorial . .. Editor's Note: Then (1931) as now The Pedagogian was trying to be helpful. This July 15, 1931 editorial warning teachers against racketeers was clipped from a copy of the paper sent to us by F. Eaton of Brownville-_The daily papers of Nebraska have been carrying the news of a certain George Besnah, who has lately escaped from the Seward and York jails. This same George Besnah working under several aliases has been selling magazines to school teachers in southeastern Nebraska. School teachers should read the reports concerning this Besnah and ·act accordingly. . Why intelligent school teachers should let. oily tongued salesmen take their earnings away from them is not hard to explain but it is difficult to excuse. Here on the Peru cam- pus several rackets have been worked successfully. The teacher's agency racket is one of the last and one of the surest. The smooth-tongued Arrow-collar gent persuades the teacher-with-a-job that for ten dollars paid in advance an? no commission later, the said teacher is certain of a position. Foolish as the claims are, the agent persuades the teacher and collects the ten dollars. Haste-post-haste the !!-gent is gone bye-bye and never returns. No agents are permitted to solicit business of an.y. kind on the Peru campus without the consent of the adm1mstration. When anybody approaches you anywhere in Peru and entices your money into divorce proceedings, smile and say, "Show me your permission card from the General office." As a consequence of that precaution you will appear wiser and be wealthier. llltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllll!
This Was Columbus? By Phil L. Neuhalfen
Lisbon. Bartholomew, his brother, whom we shall call Barty .so that we all can pronounce his name, owned a shop in Lisbon. He sold charts and instruments having to do with the sea. Chris was in Lisbon to see and work with his brother, Barty. One day Barty got mad (I mean angry. What language I use!). He got angry at Chris because Chris forgot to get money for some instruments which he had sold. Now, withou.t money, how can you make a profit? So Barty hit Chris with a doorknob. It would not have been so bad if the dqorknob hadn't been attached to the door. Well, ~ver since that fateful day, Chris would always say, "The world, she ~a round. The world, she sa round!"
A long, long time ago in the country of Italy, something happened that was to upset the whole mixed-up map uf the world because at that time, the map of the woild was a real mixed up mess. It all happened in the Italian city of Genoa on August 25, 1451. A baby was born io the family of Columbus. When the father saw the child, it looked like it didn't have a head. This, of course, was a shock to Poppa Columbus. It proved to be a mistake on poppa's part. The child just had a pillow over its head. After Momma Columbus removed ·the pillow, Poppa Columbus uttered a sigh of relief. (You would too, if you just discovered your After that time, everyone child had a head. Now, that's thought Chris was crazy, but he silly isn't it? Everyone has a kept believing the world was head. That is, some of us seem to round. He kept thinking about i'r have one. 0 well, on with the and decided he would prove it tail. I mean tale!) by sailing west to India. All the Poppa and Momma Columbus other sailors sailed east to get to named the child Christopher be- India; therefore if Chris could cause it was a boy. We don't get to India by ·sailing west, he know much about his early life wo~ld prove the world was because he didn't do anything. round. Chris had little schooling, but he Chris decided to put his idea was smart in a dumb way. When into reality by getting the king he was nineteen (we eventually to give him three ships and a reach that age) he shipped aboard crew, because without a erew, a Genose gallery. The only thing how can you sail a ship? The Columbus had to say about this king turned Chris down and so was, "Momma mia, the ocean, did all the other kings. It seemed she sa mighty wet!" This was that Chris couldn't get along with quite true because on that voy- kings very well. He didn't give age, his ship, the Bechalla, was up because he was very stubborn. attacked by a hostile fleet. He decided to go to Spain. Chris's ship sank and Chris had In Spain he met Queen Isabelto swim to shore using an oar as la. That did it. The Queen and a life preserver, because in those Chris hit it off well together. days, they didn't have rubber When King Ferdinand wasn't tires. · around, old Isabella and Chris In the year 1477, Chris was in made beautiful music together in
.PERU PEDAGOGIAN The Voice of lhe Campus of a Thousand Oaks Member Infercollegiate Press July 8, 1957
THE STAFF David Longfellow___________________________________ Editor Bill Kochheim _____________________________ Assistant Editor Ed Williamson ___________________________ Business Manager · Ruth Linscheid ____________________________ Activities Editor Yvonne Funkhouser _____________________ Activities Reporter Jerry Collier _______________________________ Sports Reporter Hal Norris _________________________________ Sports Reporter Ron McKinneY-------------~--------Campus School Editor Sharon Reagan ____________________ Language Arts Reporter Lois Bush _______________________________________ Columnist Margaret Robinson __________________ ~-------------Reporter Donna Gaer_______________________ Alumni and Mailing ·List Bob Moore _____________________________________ Contributor Stewart Linscheid __________________________________ Sponsor
Cut this out and put it in your billfold to avoid being late or missing classes. The following shortened schedule will be 1n effect on July 11. 1st period 7:30-8:20 2nd period 8:25-9:15 3rd period, 9:20-10:10 '4th period, 10:15-11:00 Convocation at 11:00 the garden under ·-the Spanish moon. Sly old Chris would whisper sweet nothings into Isabella's ear. He would tell her that she was the most beautiful lady in all of Spain. Chris told her if she would give him three ships, they would have many lovely moonlight nights in the garden. So it cam~ about that the king and queen of Spain gave Columbus three ships-the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Chris was the head man on the voyage because he was captain (that sounds logical). The Santa Maria was the largest ship. It carried more men than the other two ships (that also sounds logical!). On August 3, 1492, the fleet sailed from Palos, Spain, because COPYRIGHT UIS) THE COCA•COLA COMPANY they were ready to go. Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand were standing on the dock waving good-by to Chris. The queen had tears in her eyes while the king had a grin on his face. "At last,'' You'll enjoy today's copy of this public~ he said to himself, "I'm rid of this fool, called Columbus." much more if you'll get up right now and get The voyage was rather smooth yourself an ice-cold bottle of Coca-Cola. at first. As time went by and the three ships got farther out into . (Naturally, we'd be happier, tool) the ocean, it began to get rough. The men wanted to turn back but Chris said not to give up. He Bottled under a·ulhorlty of The Coca-Cola Company by didn't say to give down either, bti.t to sail on. Now, it .just so happened that NEBRASKA CITY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. out in the middle of the ocean something happened that has ing pepper. After the pepper was Right away Chris shouted, never been written down in hisgone, he got out a large bar of "India!" When they got on shore, tory books. The reason for this is soap and started making bjg soap Chris kissed the ground and got that people would believe it imbubbles. One of these encircled his face all dirty. He kept shoutpossible. To the sailors aboard him and carried him out of the ing, "We have finally reached the three ships, it was quite real. monster up to the top of the India." The Nina, the Pinta, and the ocean. There he got aboard the The sailors disagreed with him Santa Maria were sailing along Santa Ma'ria which had come to and said, "Ah! He is crazy. It is very nicely when the man in the the top of the ocean with the America! Look, there is the crow's nest saw a large object other two ships. Chris and the Statue of Liberty!" , out in the ocean, Even the crow men took the sails apart and put Yes, Chris didn't reach India in the crow's nest wondered them where they belonged. Then and therefore was very disapwhat it was. The man thought it off the sailors sailed once more pointed. All he hoped for failed. was land so therefore shouted, for what Chris said would be But that's life, I guess. Some of "Land!" The sailors then, of India, As for the monster, he was us have all the luck. Maybe if course, became very excited. never seen again, probably be- Barty hadn't hit him s-0 hard with Chris was on deck looking at the cause of t-00 much soap with his that doorknob, it might have object when all at once it moved. pepper. never happened. Don't think He then knew it wasn't land beChris's crew sailed on and on. about it too much, because we'll cause who head of land moving? Finally on October 12, 1492, they probably never know. No, it wasn't land; but it was the The End (thank goodness)! saw land which didn't move. giant green monster of the six seas (it was only six because he hadn't been in the seventh one). BETTER HARDWARE PERU MOTORS He had large pink eyes and his DESOTO - • PLYMOUTH mouth was very huge. The men Fasi Dependable Service E. L. Deck Hardware on the three ships were frightPeru, Nebraska Phone 3201 • Peru erted. The monster advanced' toward the ships. Then with one swallow, he swallowed the three ships, After doing this he went to the bottom of the ocean and there · went to sleep because he was tired.
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Dorlt just sit th0re!
Inside his stomach, great things were happening. Chris finally quieted the men and told them his plan of action. He told them to take down all the sails of the ships and sew them together. They had to sew by hand hecause Elias Howe hadn't invented the sewing machine yet. After getting the sails together, Chris said to cover the ships with the sails, making the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria air tight. After the men did this, Chris sprinkled pepper all around the place. This made the monster begin to sneeze. He began to sneeze so hard that the ships shot out into the water. The sails, making the ships water tight, made the three little vessels the first submarines used in the ocean. While this was happening, Chris was hanging on one of the monster's ribs still throw-
HYKLAS GROCERY Groceries Fruits
Meais Frozen Foods
M. G. Heuer, Owner
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Peruvians Will Be Here July 17 Mr. Levitt, sponsor of the Peruvian, has set July 17 as the tentative date for the arrival of the 1957 Peruvian. There are 550 copies to be distributed on the evening of July 17 at Mount Vernon, at which time they hope to have a "reunion" of all classmates for the purpose of autographing the yearbook.
Jo Ann Gruber and Sue Moore plead fearfully with hard hearted villain Bob Whited in a touching scene from "The Widow's Plight," in rehearsal, as Lois Bush looks stricken about ~he whole thing. "The Widow's Plight" will be presented on the same evening, · July 16, as "The Lowland Sea," a serious opera. The combination of serious opera and melodrama should give every one something fhaf he will like.
Davidson Retires And Grindle Goes To California The retirement of Miss Phyllis Davidson and the resignation of Robert V. Grindle from the faculty of Peru State College has been announced by Dr. Neal S. Gomon, president. Miss Davidson, associate professor of women's physical education, has been a member of the Peru State faculty since 1929. Her retirement will be become effective June 30. The resignation of Mr. Grindle, assistant professor of instrumental music since 1953, will become effective at the close of the regular summer session, July 26. Before joining the Peru faculty as director of women's physical education, Miss Davidson was a member of the faculties of North Dakota State Normal School at Dickinson and Louisiana Polytechnic Institute at Rushton. She also served as physical education instructor in the Abilene (Kans.) public schools. A graduate of Kansas State Teachers College at Emporia, Miss Davidson holds a master of arts degree from Teachers College, Col~mbia University, New York City.
In April of this year, Miss Davidson was presented the honor award of the Nebraska State Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation in recognition of her outstanding service to the profession. Mr. Grindle is leaving Peru State to accept the position of supervisor of elementary music in the San Luis Obispo (Calif.) public schools. He came to Peru from Rockford (Iowa) public schools. Mr. Grindle's wife, Eleanor, also has accepted a teaching position in the San Luis Obispo schools.
Musicians Thrill Audience In Budget Event of June 19 By Loren Dyke On Wednesday, June 19, three young talented musicians arrived from Chicago on the Campus of a Thousand Oaks. They were Dorothy Cothran, soprano, Boris Zlatich, violinist, and James Angell, pianist. That evening they presented a wonderful program of classical and semi-classical music. From the first number, "L'Amero, Saro Costante" (Faithful Hear Enraptured) by Mozart, these people captivated their audience and
AUBURN • Genuine - Registered
Morrissy's Variety Store PERU'S 5 & 10
This year's Pe~~'Vian is the 90th anniversary edition and, for this reason, is a little longer than usual and has a few new features. There is also a change in cover. Mr. Levitt will not reveal any more information about it as he wants the edition to be a surprise. Mr. Levitt is extremely sorry that the Peruvian is so late in arrival and explains that the delay was caused by unusual publica· tion difficulties.
The preffy gal handing out Pedagogians at the 90th Annive?Sal'f Convocation is JoAnn Wilhelm of Nebraska City, a· summer trans.fu student from the University of Nebraska. We don't know why jour· nalism students are so darned good looking, but, gosh boys, ih•r really are.
Irish Players Will Give Masterpieces of Modern Drama
held them that way throughout Scenes from four of the theathe entire program. Dorothy and ter's dramatic masterpieces will Boris alternated as soloists, and on several numbers, teamed with be featured when the Irish Playtheir fine accompanist, Jim An- ers appear in the College Auditorium at Peru State Teachers gell. Included in Dorothy's selec- College Thursday, July 11. Curtions were such numbers as "0 tain time will be 8:15 p.m. Mio Babbino Caro," by Puccini, Acting in the unusual show "La Danza," by Rossini, and a will be Dermot McNamara and series of shorter numbers, "White Miss Michael Conaree, who have Nocturne," "Hurdy Gurdy," "The been acclaimed for their amazSinger," and "Ecstacy." ing character versatality. Mr. She was aided by Mr. Zatich McNamara, a native of Dublin, is and his violin as she sang "Tes a veteran of the famed Abbey Yeus" (Your Eyes) by Rabey, Theater and the touring Dublin "The Jewel Song from 'Faust,'" Players, that highly successful by Gounod, and the very beauti- Irjsh talent export. He has many ful Bach-Gounod number, "Ave American stage credits and is Maria." also familiar to television view"Mr. Zlatich also thrilled the ers for appearances on the "Kraft aud.ience with his masterful style. Theater," "Studio One" and "OmHis first number was "Impro- nibus" programs. visation," by Ernest Bloch, and Miss Conaree, still in her early this writer remembers that par20's, likewise has displayed her ticular rendition as outstanding. talents on both the American Other delightful selections were "Melodie" by Gluck-Wilhelmj, stage and television screen. The "Perpetual Motion" by Novacek, holder of a Master's Degree in "Song Poem" by Khachaturian, Fine Arts from Boston Univerand "Six Rumanian Folk Dances" by Bartok, which were extremely impressive. Boris also substituted the dazzling "Hora Staccato" by Heifetz in place of another number. The three artists concluded the performance w'11 Mr. Zlatich's .arrangement of "Granada" by Lara, but the audience, of course, demanded that they return to the stage again. The trio responded with a selection entitled "Romany Life."
sity, she has played leading roles in nearly two-score shows. The Irish Players' "bird's eye view" of grea_.t_. theater will include key scenes \om: "The Importance of Being Earnest," Oscar Wilde's great comedy of Mayfair London manners at the turn of the century. "Shadow ubstance," by P. V. Carroll,- in which differing religious outlooks of a proud intellectual and a simple housemaid result in tragedy. "Pygmalion," George Bernard Shaw's classic story of the "transformation" of a cockney flower girl into a duchess by a cocksure English professor. "The Playboy of the Western World," the tremendously controversial work of Irish dramatist, John Millington Synge, in which a young lad running from home untruthfully boasts of murdering his father. Premieres of this play 50 years ago caused riots in Ireland, the arrest of the cast in Philadelphia, Pa.
130 NOW PLACED BY PRO SERVICES Thirteen additional teaching position placements were made in June for the fall term accordin_g to Lee Lowenberg, director of professional services. With 117 previous placements, this brings the total to 130 placements by Peru College. The new placements were Ger· ald Comstock, Greeley, Colorado, to ·Adair, Iowa; Brian Gfeller, Peru, Nebr., to McCook, Nebr.; Don Pickering, Peru, Nebr., to Nebraska City, Nebr.; Raymond Huggett, Bertrand, Nebr., to Central City, Nebr.; Tom Percell, Peru,' Nebr., to Stella, Nebr.; Richard Kapperman, Fairbury, Nebr. to Torrington, Wyo.; Merritt Dodson, Nehawka, Nebr., to Cairo, Nebr.; William Witty, The onfy portable )Vith MIRACLE TAB, Super-strength Frame, Shubert, Nebr., to Rockport, Mo.; Larger-sized Cylinder and Simplified Ribbon Changer. Dean D. Miller, Bellevue, Nebr., to Inglewood, Calif.; Bueford The p~t_a_~le for the whole family ... helps students get up Rickman, Mount Clemens, Mich., ~· ~o 38_% better grades!) to Mount Clemens, Mich.; Leland ' Covault, Atchison, Kans., to Da- ~ vid City, Nebr.; Joyce Freeman, Peru, Nebr., to Table Rock and Elk Creek, Nebr.; and Ralph A. AUBURN, NEBR. 908 CENTRAL AVE. Mason, Maxwell, Nebr., to Ovid, Ed. Wininger, Peru State Teachers College, Representative Colorado.
Auburn. Sewing Center
Special lnformatmn
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! Campus School Commentary
The following is an outline of the practice and procedure defining the relationship 'between: the advisory committee and the advisee; the chairman and the advisee; the chairman and other Has it occurred to you how a boards. Sally: "Shhh, you weren't committee members; the advisee library is affected when heavy supposed to tell yet." Jimmy: and the committee members oth- rains and faulty drains combine? "Well, she hasn't seen it!" (Iner than the chairman. These pro- After alerting the maintenance ference being that sight will be cedures were determined by the men to. repair and mop, then the as much surprise as hearing Graduate Council t~ establish librarians had the problem of about it.) Girls are making doll a u t h o r i t y, responsibility and drying out reading matter. Hours cradles. Sally: "I'm making one avoid confusion. spent "ironing" (as with clothing) for Jeannie, too." (If time and 1. Chairman will advise the pages of irreplaceable volumes materials would just hold out, student at all registrations. and magazines could be classed possibly the cousins would also 2. Chairman, along with the as beyond the call of duty! rate a cradle.) Miss Gard helps student, will work out the them manufacture from discardIt is quite customary to look ed cigar boxes, scraps, etc. student's program of studies sometime soon after n i n e from a window and see Mr. MaNo, Cousin Andy, they don't work all of the fime in Peru's sum· Mr. Sheely's 5th graders are hours are completed an d thews with his science class mak- working on a hobby show but no mer sessions as the typical shot of the students above in one of thei.r secure the approval of the ing observations over the cam- formal exhibition has been anfa~orite haunts shows. pus.< Student teacher Marshall other committee members. nounced. Interest dwindles the Norris toured his upper elemen3. If the student, after qualifyof friendliness. I was so surprised last week with the mass withtary scientists ' campus-ward ing for candidacy, elects to when everyone smiled and greetdrawal of Scouts. write a thesis, he will select 'tother day instead of ravineed me with a friendly "hi" the One summer session student a p r o b I e m or thesis topic ward and they appeared just as first day because I hardly knew teacher commented they were studious as their elders. with the help of the advisor. getting instruction on "how to" Mr. Stemper, head of the rec- anyone and I've noticed, since, He will outline the problem this same spirit always prevails. Farewell fling for Miss Edna in an ideal situation with everyreational department, has been in detail and according to Weare? The first week of sumBecause I live in Nebraska thing available whereas so many busy this summer setting up recform as determined by the mer session she accompanied her City, I commute to .school and of the small town and rural re~tional programs for the men advisor. The advisor will high school FHA representative this sometimes is quite a probteachers (herj·' f~r refreshers) and women students. then present the outline to to Crete for their first annual need more "how to~n a make-do . On June 20, the women parti- lem. I ride with three ladies, and the committee for approval. conference. All must have turned fortunately we've always been situation where they have to sub· cipated in recreational volley ball All matters relative to the out well since Miss Weare and and the men played recreational on time for our classes, but one stitute not quite the best for the thesis, such as, the method, Miss Weare are now embarking sOftball. There was a general rec- of these mornings we'll probably recommended ideal. F'rinstance, the delimination, the need, for Euro,pe. be late; so if you see four ladies reational program for faculty and the scrap-ty~g Miss Gard is the sample, questionnaire, doing. ,. students June 25 during which tearing around the corner of the etc., are to be agreed upon at The sophomore class are still volley ball, badminton, shuffle- Administration building, don't With a full-dress commencethis time. holding together: Since last Ped bo~rd, and paddle tennis were be alarmed. It'll just be us, comment to wind-up summer school, 4. After the student has collect- they have visited former student played. On Wednesday, June 19, ing late! I find our summer assistant liteacher Leland Sherwood and ed the data and has started to Last week on our way back to there was another general probrarian Mrs. Graham looking forwrite, he will present a rough family and were delighted to find Nebraska City we just missed begram in archery. copy either by chapter or Dick Campbell and family just ward to the new experience of There was softball for men and ing in a car wreck. A bus crowdother division to the chair- across the hall. There are rumors taking part in an academic march volley ball for women again on ed a car off the road and the man. The chairman will read of plans to go swimming at Falls on the faculty end. Tentative June 27, and on June 28 there driver of the car lost control and plans have it . outdoors-now / and then personally present City because another William was co-rec_reational swimming upset. We just missed being hit more can view the colorful pathe rough copy to the other Albright is lifeguard. Next? for all. There is swimming on as the car rolled over into the rade. .\ committee members for their Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday Jane in which we were driving. With no local pool, the summer comments and suggestions. at 4:30 o'clock which is co-recre- I guess that's one of the woes of recreation program helps with The chairman will return the ational for anyone who is inter- commuting. It really made us swimming in the college pool copy to the student. Attenested. On July 2 there was a stop and think how it pays to three afternoons a week. Tuestion is directed to the fact drive carefully though. square dance. that all communication rela- day is THE day because children I am enjoying summer school The annual P.T.A. cooperation tive to the thesis in the :form of students and faculty are admuch more than I anticipated Commuter Finds of suggestions or comments mitted (with parent). You should conference will be held Thursand I'm sure its because of the day, July 18, 1957, according to are to be made directly to the see the little fish! Peru Friendly friendliness, interesting students, Dr. Russell Holy, head of the edchairman and not to the stuExodus of the Boy Scouts to and co-operative staff here at By Jo Ann Wilhelm ucation department. There will dent. Any differences of camp left a large size hole in the Since this summer is the first Peru. I didn't realize before that be a special kickoff con vocation oprmon among committee campus school. Only one boy left time I've attended Peru, enroll- this school was one of which NeJuly 18 at 11 o'clock in the colmembers must be settled in in 5th grade, but only the week ment and registration was quite braska can be so proud. lege auditorium. committee rather than to use to finish. an experience for me. the student as a middle man The theme of the convocation I expected to come down and 1948 GRADUATE PRESENTS to add to his frustration and is "Parents and Teachers; PartHave you heard any of the finish registering in about an VOLUME TO PERU LIBRARY confusion. Any questions the small (I mean, bigger-small) fry ners in Education." There will be hour. However, when I got here, A copy of "Washington's Exstudent may have should be spouting Spanish? A few foreign a panel discussion in the afterthey immediately sent me to the perience and the Creation of the answered by 1the chairman. phrases seem very soul-satisfy- noon on this subject. Mr. Robert infirmary to get a physical · ex- Presidency" has been presented Committee members should ing at this stage. Moore, head of the division of amination which I thought took to the Library at Peru State avoid the trap of answering language arts, Mrs. Robert Moore, at least an hour. It seemed as College, according to Miss Nellie a student's question relative Miss Gard's roomful have been president of the Peru P.T.A., and though I'd never get finished but Carey, head librarian. to the details of his research; sawing and pounding and paint- Dr. Russell Holy are the commitfinally I realized it wasn't taking Written by Dr. Lois Christenespecially details wherein ing. Boys are making bread- tee in charge of the meeting, as long as I thought, and the sen, a 1948 graduate of Peru there are several possible staff was very efficient consider- State, the 425 page volume was choices or plans. ing the n~ber of people they given in memory of Dr. Castle M. 5. After all rough copy has gone PERU MARKET had to care for. Brown, a member of the Peru the route of approval, the FRESH FRUITS MEATS VEGETABLES Finally classes began, but I State faculty from 1928 until his candidate presents a final Free Delivery Tuesdays and Fridays was a week late as I was just death in March, 1954. and completed copy of the PHONE 4351 finishing final exams at the UniThe work was written by Miss thesis to the chairman. Final versity of Nebraska, where I had Christensen in partial fulfillment approval is obtained in the attended the previous s c h o o 1 of the requirements for the docsame manner as was true for year. Everything worked out bet- tor of philosophy degree. The dethe rough copy. ter than I expected, however, be- gree was conferred in June. Keith L. Melvin, cause all my instructors were Dr. Christensen will join the Dean of College. very nice to help me catch !!-Pfaculty of Chico State College at One of the things I like excep- Chico, Calif., as an assistant proHome Ee Elects B. Boyd "THE SHOP OF QUALITY" tionaily well about Peru is its air fessor of social science this fall. The Home Economics Club inet April 29 at 7:00 in the Campus Ladies Wearing Apparel and Millinery PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS School. The purpose of the meetAny Garment Remodeled. Restyled, ,Repaired ing was to elect officers for the Always First in Quality and -Workmanship following year. AUBURN, NEBRASKA Fur Coats Repaired Barbara Boyd was chosen We call for and deliver Phone 2671 •. Peru, Nebr. president; Val Jean Bednar, 'vice president; Carol Vignery, treasurer; Marilyn Benecke, secretary. A candlelight installation for the new officers was conducted by the incumbents. Punch and cake were served by the hostess committee.
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Acfive Recreation Program Functions
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P.T.A. Convocation Coming July 18
Ella Margaret Shop
School Supplies
Priced Right for the Student
Redfern Clothing Co. "The Store of Standard Brands" Phone 183 • Auburn
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Watch and Jewelry Repairs
Auburn, Nebr.
Phone 695
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The Voice o,f the Campus of a Thousand Oaks ...
Farewell Summer Students
Peru Pedagogian . PERU, NEBRASKA
Peru Salutes Her Graduates ~nd Winners of Diplomas Seventy-four students will receive degrees and diplomas at the commencement exercises to be held on the mall at 7:00 p.m., on the 25th of July. Vera M. Brandorff will receive a M. S. in Ed., and 41 will receive Bachelors degrees. In addition, 32 will receive diplomas. The complete list of those getting degrees and diplomas follows.
Master .of Science in Education (1) Vera M. Brandorff Bachelor of Aris (2) Loren H. Dyke Clark P. Reed Bachelor of Aris in Education (5) Bill D. Beck Lawrence E. Eickhoff Marvin V. Johnson Don J. Pickering Augusta 0. Schlange Bachelor of Fine Aris in Education (1) Mary W. Easterday Bachelor of Science in Education (33) Wiiliam 0. Almond Helen Ann Balderson Betty N. Barrett Madge C. Broady Lela Mae Brown Esther M. Dorn Laura M. Duncan Edith I. Durst Ruby S. Eschen Garold K. Goings Raymorid F. Handley John N. Hilgerson Frances M. Hoffhine Alice Johnson Dale A. Johnson Winifred H. Johnson Richard J. Kapperman Mary H. Kister Gladyce A. Koeppel Bula E. McAdams James E. McClellan Delma M. Maple Marshall J. Norris
E. Percell Bessie S; ·Rexroth Darwin D. Rosenquist Gerald L. Rupprecht Marguerite D. Standley Albert H. Thurston Donn R. Walker Norma J. Wieckhorst Nancy K. Winseman Kenneth L. Urwin Two-Year Diploma (28) Betty Lou Ast Zeta Bausch Valda J. DeFreece Dorothy I. French Lucile Gilliland Grace J. Harms M. Gretchen Heitbrink Arrettes Kerl Mary Kay DeVries Betty K. Lambert Genevieve G. McNally Nina L. Lippold Maxine L. Moore Marian A. Parde Esther L. Peters Esther M. Peterson May Reynolds Bruce McClintock Anna Robinson Margaret E. Robinson Rita Rumbaugh Leona Walters Alice Zuroske Lorraine M. Albert Marie J. Leopold Sam Buckminster Charlene Tomek Norma L. Vice One-Year Diploma (14) Joann Lee Ast Hazel B. Barstler Peggy J. Borrenpohl Ruth E. Bruns Charlotte H. Cook Marilyn R: Dorn Sandra J. Kirkendall Evelyn B. Morrell Thelma P. Stalder Margaret R. Toman Shirley M. Turner Connie Vanderford Evelyn C. Harring Dorothea E. Wilton
Work has begun on next year's Peruvian. Some fine color transparencies have been sent in for the end sheets. These pictures
To You
Peruvians Arrive--
Dr. Gomon to Address Large Ulass 90th Ann_i~ersary Edition Attractive In Impressive Evening Ueremonies The 90th Anniversary Peruvians were distributed in the Bob Inn on the evening of July 17. Based on the theme "Progressing 90 Years To 1957," the 135 page books are somewhat longer than usual and feature a number of old pictures of· historical interest -the old Administration Building, the oli;!est Peru yearbooks, an old street scene in Peru. Excellent photography done by students under the direction of "one shot Levitt" is a feature of the bocik. The 90th Anniversary Peruvian also gives high fidelity reporting of the student activities of the year. PRESIDENT GOMON The Pedagogian says, "Congratulations on a job well done." Peruvian staff members were: Leland Sherwood, artist; Franklin Pedersen, Doris Wuster, Marilyn Benecke, Janice Wiles, management; Alice Phillips, Marjorie Peckham, layout; Robert Bell, Bill Kochheim, photography; Sid Brown, Bob Bohlken, sports; Louise Marshall, Elaine Spier, copy. Mr. J. D. Levitt was spon-
Dr. Robert Delaney Leaves Peru State
Dr. Robert W. Delaney, assistant professor of social science, has resigned from the staff at Peru. :tl:e is going to Fort Lewis A and M College, Durango, Colo., the coming school year, where he will teach mainly American and European history and government. Dr. Delaney <;ame to Peru for the post session in 1955 and came to teach permanently in January 1956. While at Peru, he has taught mainly American history, American state and local government, international re 1 at ions, were furnished by Mr. J. D. Lev- comparative government, diploitt, who was for many years matic history, economics, and sosponsor of the Peruvian but who cial studies. is switching over to coaching deDr. Delaney said it was tough bate for the coming year. deciding whether to change beThe staffs of both student pub- cause of the courtesy and considlications will welcome additional eration shown here at Peru. He members, and there is great need said that one of his major interfor more photographers for the ests is in the history of the SouthPeruvian. If you are interested in west, and at Durango he has a working with either publication, chance to build up a fairly large see one of the editors or Stewart library on Southwestern history, Llndscheid, sponsor. so that is one of the main reasons he is going there.
Dean Melvin Loses Thumb In Bench Saw Accident On the night of July 10, bean Melvin was working with a bench saw and unfortunately cut off his right thumb just above the first knuckle from his hand. Dean Melvin was running the bench saw in his basement when the saw caught the board forcing his hand under and against the saw. The blade ran up the middle of his thumb but he got his hand out before it cut his arm. He went to Auburn immediately to have it treated. Dean Melvin's only comment was that it could have been much worse. He warned people to keep their hands out of the saws when working with them!
of Luck
JULY 22, 1957
Publications Board Approves Staff, Publishers In a recent meeting the publications board approved the following staff members for the '57-'58 Pedagogian. Dave Longfellow will be editor, assisted by Donna Gaer and Ron McKinney. Lois Rowe, Warren Dyke, Mrs. Anna Knasp, Tom Higgins, and Joan Schneider will be reporters. Phil Neuhalfen will be a columnist. Hal Norris and Jerry Collier will be sports editors, and Robert Henry and Bill McAdams will be sports reporters. Ed: Williamson will be business and advertising manager. Approved members of the Peruvian staff will be: Lois Bush and Dick Corwine, associate editors; Marvin Thomsen, Marilyn Brennke, and Janice Wile, business staff; Robert Bell, Freddie Regnier, and Nancy Jo Kunkel; · photographers; Alice Phillips and Donna Gaer, layout; Ruth Lindscheid, art. Next year's Pedagogian will again be published by the Johnson County Courier, Sterling. The Peruvian will be published by the Intercollegiate Press of Kansas City.
The Best
Lowenberg and. Carlile Attend Public Relations Meeting in Omaha Mr. Lee Lowenberg, director of professional services, and Mr. Don Carlile, director of special services, attended the con vent ion of the American College Public Relations Association which was held in Omaha June 24-27. College development, discussed in panel form, was explained by several designated c o 11 e g e s. These separate colleges shared their ideas and experiences with developmental projects and specified how each worked.
Three Generations Of Whitney Family Are Enrolled Here For the Whitney family of Pawnee City, the 1957 summer session at Peru State Teachers College is a family affair. Currently enrolled are grandmother, mother, and sons Jerry and tom. The grandmother, Mrs. Pearl Whitney, who is classified as a junior, has taught for nearly 40 years in the rural schools of southeast Nebraska, except for eight years in rural Kansas schools. This fall she will teach at the East Star district (72) in Pawriee county. Mrs. Julia Whitney, the mother, has taught eight years in rural Nebraska schools and will be teaching in the elementary school at Corning, Kansas. A junior at Peru State, Mrs. Whitney explains that this is the first time that so many from the family have been enrolled in college at one time. The family are the summer house guests of Tom, who was in attendance during the past regular term. Tom and his wife, the former Shirley Porr of Hum. boldt, find that having their relatives as guests has certain advantages. Most imp or t an t there is plenty of baby-sitting personnel, to look after Tommy Dean, 20 months, and Debra Kay, three weeks. One of the most enthusiastic baby sitters is Tom's brother, Jerry, who has taught in rural Nebraska schools for three years. He has attended summer sessions and night classes regularly since 1954 summer session and is classified as a junior also. The coming fall term will find him teaching at Bancroft, Kansas. The senior-classification-wise -is Tom, who will complete degree requirements this fall at Douglas, Nebr., where he has a st u d en t teaching assignment. While completing his degree work during the fall term, Tom will continue to serve as pastor of the Douglas and Table. Rock Christian churches. When the spring, 1957-58 semester rolls around, he hopes to enter the College of the Bible of Phillips University, Enid, Oklahoma.
A new venture in recognition of summer school graduates will be inaugurated this year. There will be a full-scale commencement for all students qualifying for degrees and diplomas at the close of the regular or post sessions. In order that all regularsession candidates may actually receive their degrees or diplomas on Commencement Day, the ceremonies will be held at 7:00o'clock Thursday evening, July 25. Candidates for degrees or diplomas at the close of the post session will be recognized at the Commencement exercises. Your attention is called to the new time al)d- date for these exercises. Tlle ~eviously announced time was 10:30 a.m. Thursday, July 24. Classes as usual on the 24th. Tentativ~-s call for openair exerci .. ·.ifarrangements can be made he Commencement night q.ctivities will be held on the mall. In case of inclement weather, the exercises will be held in the Auditorium. The evening's program will be preceded by the President's Reception from 2:30 to 4:30 o'clock the afternoon of the 25th at the president's home. All degree candidates will be invited to this reception. Dean Keith Melvin will preside at the Commencement program. Music will be provided by the Fine Arts department. Dr. Gordon Kenyon will present the class. President Gomon will beliver the address and award degrees and diplomas. Members of the summer faculty are expected to participate in the ceremonies in academic regalia. For those who do not own their caps, gowns and hoods, arrangements can be made for rental through the office 6f the secretary to the president. Requests should be made in the hands of Mrs. Gnade no later than Friday, June 28.
Or. Hutcheson, Education Head, Now in Peru On July 1, Dr. H. L. Hutcheson came to our campus to begin his job of being head of the department of education. He is taking over some of the duties of Dr. Holy, who has been both the head of the education department and director of student teaching. Dr. Hutcheson got his B.A. degree from the Nebraska State Teachers College at Wayne and his M.A. and Dr. of Ed. degrees from the University· of Nebraska. He has taught in high schools at Oakdale and Atkin,son, and for the last two years he taught history and principles of education and school administration at the Un1versity of Nebraska. Dr. Hutcheson was born in · Onawa, Iowa, but grew up at Bassett, Nebraska. He is married and has an 11 year old girl, Gayle, and an eight year old boy, Rex. He and his family are living one block north of the campus in a home they bought. Dr. Hutcheson and his wife, Hazel, like everything about Peru he said. They particularly like the friendliness and the high morale of faculty and students.
This picture of Mrs. Elizabeth Dougherty, Mrs. Martha Campbell Aldrich, age 96 and one of Peru's oldest living graduates, and President Neal S. Gomon was taken by David Longfellow at the 90th Anniversary Convocation, the biggest single eveni of this summer session.
Post Session Is Popular
who spread Bludsoe's rumor that Araminta's good name is not as good as she would have it appear. Herodious Blitherington, maker of "Blitherington's Buildem," finally sees the error of his ways and takes Lancelot back to his heart, and they begin plans to manufacture Lancelot's invention, "Humane Horse Collars," as the villain is hauled away to justice by the Policeman. It's another R. D. Moore success in these eyes.
One hundred and fifty-five sections taught by Mr. Glen students have registered for the Sheely and Dr. Harold Hutchepost session at Peru State Teach- son; I.A. 316W, Driver Education, ers College. The session begins at taught by Mr. D. V. Jarvis. 7:30 A. M. Saturday, July 27, and All the classes are now filled runs through Saturday, 12:00 and there is a long waiting list. noon on August 10. Classes will Anyone not reporting for the first begin at 7:30 each morning and class session, July 27, will be continue until 12:00 noon with a automatically dropped from the midmorning break designated by class, and those on the waiting each teacher. list will have an opportunity to The classes being offered this fill the vacancies, unless the persummer are: Education 234W, I son reports his absence prior to ; Teaching of Spelling and Gramthe class session or has a valid mar, taught by Mrs. Dorcas Ga.excuse. bett; Education 208-408W, EleAs we went to press, an addimentary and Secondary Problems in Education, taught by Mr. B. A. tional course, History 213, United Eddy; Education 306-406W, Au- States, was added to the scheddio Visual Education, with two ule.
By David Longfellow A period play, this masterpiece returned the audience to the Gay Nineties, and was replete with villain-hissing, hero-cheering and tinkly-tink piano background from the skillful hands of, Mrs. Nancy Winseman. The delicate, down-trodden heroine, Araminta Heartensole, was played by J oAnn Gruber, who receives this critic's bouquets for an inspired, heart-rending performance. Lois Bush was hilarious as the old grandma, Mrs. Crockett, acquisitive and scheming, yet lovable. Martha Sue Moore, making her debut as a college actress, was fine as Mazda, the defenseless toddler of Araminta. The hideous villain, Bludsoe Heartensole, as played by Bob Whited, was so successful that
the audience was ready to rise as a man and rid society of this fearful menace. Bob Bohlken receives cheers as an actor as well as a hero for his inspired portrayal of noble Tobias Trout; and Phil Slagle as Herodius Blitherington provided hilarity unexcelled as the decrepit father of Tobias, alias Lancelot Blitherington. Donna's Schuster and Gaer and Frank Pederson supported nicely as Mrs. Pert, Mrs. Sartin, and the Policeman. The story is a farce concerning the poverty-stricken widow, Araminta, Mrs. Crockett, and little Mazda, the pride of their life. Bludsoe desires marriage with the widow of his long-gone brother-struck down by a horsecar. Tobias Trout foils his attempts to steal the money and burn the house, and falls in love with the lovely Araminta. Mrs. Sartin and Mrs. Pert are malicious gossips
PERU PEDAGOGIAN .The Voice of the Campus of a Thousand Oaks Member Intercollegiate Press July 22, 1957 THE STAFF David Longfellow ___________________________________ Editor Bill Kochheim _____________________________ Assistant Editor Ed Williamson ___________________________ Business Manager Ruth Linscheid ____________________________ Activities Editor Yvonne Funkhouser _____________________ Activities Reporter Jerry Collier _______________________________ Sports Reporter Hal Norris _________________________________ Sports Reporter Ron McKinney ______________________ Campus School Editor Sharon Reagan ____________________ Language Arts Reporter Lois Bush--------------------------------------~Columnist Margaret Robinson ________________________________ Reporter Donna Gaer_______________________ Alumni and Mailing List Bob Moore _____________________________________ Contributor Stewart Linscheid __________________________________ Sponsor
The other day our vice president in charge of good news announced that someone, somewhe ys Coke 68 million times a day. You can look at "· Either we've got an incredibly thirsty individual on our hands. Or Coca-Cola is the Drink
·~est-loved sparkling '1fink in the world. We lean to the latter interpretation.
Bottled under authority of The Coca·Cola Company by
1.'The Lowland Sea" "The Widow's Plight" Are Crowd Pleasers
"The Widow's Plight: or Virtue Triumphant"
By Dave Longfellow On Tuesday, July 16, the Fine Arts and Language Arts departments pooled talents to present an evening of fine entertainment. A large and responsive audience braved the sweltering heat to hear the songs of "The Lowland Sea," and to hiss the villain and cheer the hero in "The Widow's Plight." "The Lowland Sea" The work of Alec Wilder and Arnold Sundegaard, this serious operetta was well received by the audience of nearly 300. Outstanding in the role of "Dorie Davis" was Marilyn Dyke. Playing opposite her in the role of "Johnny Dee" was her very capable husband, Loren Dyke. Together, they produced some memorable sounds as a duet, and as soloists. They have both appeared in previous college , operettas. "Captain Jesse,'' of the Scarlet Sail, was portrayed by Sharon Ocker, a veteran of many operettas, both as an under-graduate and a graduate. He appeared last summer in Gilbert and Sullivan's "Trial by Jury." Junior Karas, no stranger to Peru musical productions, took the part of "Nathaniel Hazard," a hard-working farmer who seeks Dorie's hand. Jerry Whitney and Lynn Lee joined Loren and Sharon to provide a male quartet of excellent quality. Betty Taenzler an d Grace Hannafard took the roles of "Hannah" and "Belinda." The story of "The Lowland Sea" is set in Scarlet Town, New England, around 1850, the era of the trading ships and whaling vessels. Johnny Dee and Dorie Davis are sweethearts who expect to marry when Johnny returns from the voyage of the "Scarlet Sail," Captain Jesse's command. Following a beautiful duet in which
Dorie promises to wait, Johnny sails away. In Singapore, Johnny falls ill with malaria and is ordered by the ship's doctor (Lynn Lee) to remain until another ship comes that is returning to Scarlet Town. In the meantime Nathaniel Hazard, who has three children to care for, proposes to Dorie, but Dorie, true to Johnny, declines. When news that the "Scarlet Sail" went down with all hands reaches Dorie, she accepts Nathaniel's offer in the grief of her loss. Johnny finally catches a ship going home and returns expecting to find Dorie waiting. A romantic reunion is affected, but
the tragedy ends with Dorie, in love with Johnny, still married to Nathaniel, and Johnny sailing off on another voyage. Darryl Manring, the director, is to be complimented, along with Robert Moore, stage director, and Fran Wheeler, choreographer. Junior Karas took charge of properties and stage arrangement in addition to his own role. Jim Boatman and Dave Longfellow are to be commended for their contributions in effective and dramatic lighting. (Ed. Note: see by-line above.) The entire cast is too large to be included in this story, but to them all the Ped says: "Good job, well done."
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~HEU ER'S HYKLAS GROCERY Groceries Fruits M. G. Heuer, Owner
Meats Frozen Foods Phone 2141
Football Prospects Will Be Good As 13 Lettermen and 35 Frosh Report Line The line will have an element of competition as veteran battles veteran for a spot. Jerry Grancer, All-Conference last year, Riley Ruby, Ralph Aranza, and Doug Dickerson will be working for end positions. Tackles Ray Ehlers, Bruce Smith, Johnny Lincoln and Harry Bryant will provide a Tough Schedule difficult choice for Coach WheelGood, however, does not mean er, and the situation will be comeasy, as Peru State takes on the plicated should Larry Hopkins toughest schedule in many years. return as anticipated. In the Nebraska College ConferVeterans at the guard position ence, Kearney with an all-veter- include Glen Heywood, Earl Mcan squad and expected 1,500 en- Cain, and Jim Rosenquist, Allrollment, is picked to dominate. Conference last year. New prosEnrollment increases are expect- pects in this department are Bud ed .in the other schoo+s, and Peru, Kirby and Ernie Madison. the smallest, will be an underdog. Working for the center spot are Outside of the conference Peru Tom Eastman, Jerry Ludwig, and will be facing Warrensbw:g, Mo. Ron Wagner. The Mules have an all-veteran squad, the best in recent years. Freshmen Last year they handed the BobWheeler expects a freshman cats a 28-14 loss. crop of 30 or 35, and has some Colorado State at Greeley rose outstanding prospects in this from a 13-0 shellacking by the group. 'Cats to finish a successful seaThis year's team, according to .son with only three defeats. Wheeler, will be fast, but lacking
By Dave Longfellow Peru Stat_e students can expect a good football season this fallbarring injuries. This announcement comes from Al Wheeler, one of the most successful coaches in the NCC. Thirteen and possibly 14 lettermen will be returning to the Bobcat squad.
Backs The Peru backfield will be strong with Sid Brown and Wayne McFarland ha'ndling the quarterbacking as s i g nm en ts. Running at left half will be Doug Gibson, last year's leading scorer in the NCC, and Gary Adams. The right halfback spot will feature Henry Hart, punting specialist, and Buddy Bookwalter, an standing performer as a freshman last year. Bob Bryant, a 230pounder will be bruising the op. ponents from the fullback position, ably aid,ed and apetted by Don Roddy.
in the weight department. Another drawback is the lack of depth in all positions, but, barring injuries, the Bobcats will be a team to reckon with when the season starts. This is a building year and the club will have to call on the freshman and sophomore reserves, but it Will be a hustling ball team.
Foundation Hall of Fame, Los Angeles. In 1952 he was selected as Little All-American Coach of the Year. He has turned in three undefeated seasons (1940, 1952, and 1953), and has won five and tied for one conference championship. · He is assisted by Jerry Stemper and Jack Mcintire who handle the line and end coaching chores. The 1957 Schedule: HOME GAMES Games Begin at 8:00 p.m. Sept. 28-Kearney Oct. 12-Wayne (Homecoming 2 p.m.) Oct. 25-Hastings Nov. 8-Doane Games Away Sept. 21-Central Missouri, 8 p.m. Oct. 5-Chadron, 2 p.m. Oct. 19-Wesleyan, 8 p.m. Nov. 2-Midland, 7:30 p.m. Nov. 16-Colorado State, 2 p.m.
90th Collegiate Year Will Be Great One For Peru State.
The 90th academic year at Peru State College is expected to attract at least 55'0 students, according to Dr. Neal S. Gomon, president. Enrollment at Nebraska's first college has increased steadily from 287 in 1951 to 519 full time students last fall. The 90th academic year will Great Record begin September 9 with the oriCoach Al begins his 20th year entation program for freshmen at Peru, and during that time h;;is and new. students. The new Pefielded so many winners that last. ruvians will register for classes year he was elected to the Helms' the following day, with upper
As Well Established . . . . . . As the State Itself
Scenes like this will be long remembered by those who participated in the summer recreational program at Peru State College. classmen enrolling Wednesday, and classes beginning Sept. 12. While Peru State's main responsibility as one of the four Nebraska State Teachers Colleges is teacher education, its curriculums offer training in other fields. Students at Peru State prepare for admision into professional schools through preprofessional curriculums offered in engineering, law, medicine, veterinary medicine, mortuary science, pharmacy, and others. Some students pursue a curriculum leading to a liberal arts degree and go on from there to specialized professional work at another school. Terminal vocational education for those planning to enter business and industry in Occupations requiring less than a college degree also is available. Since its establishment in 1867, Peru Stat_e at its Campus of a Thousand Oaks has been serving the educational needs of southeast Nebraska. The college has established a reputation for educating teachers for leadership. The graduate study program, leading to the masters degree in education, was inaugurated with the 1956 summer session and will continue during succeeding sum-
mer sessions. The current summer session includes 73 students in graduate study. The T. J. Majors Campus school, attended in all grades through high school by children from Peru and the surrounding area, provides the laboratory school of a size typical of the average Nebraska community. It is in this school where future teachers}g'ain practical experience in teach\ig all of the children of all of the people. With the steady increase in t Peru State, plans made to improve facilities o meet lhe needs of a growing student body. Adequate classrooms and laboratory equipment are available to serve the expected fall enrollment. Total cost for room, board, tuition and fees for one full year, including the $75 per semester consolidated fee, is $690, which includes a five-day board plan. Text books can be estimated at about $50 per year. It is possible to pay room and board in installments. Delzell and Eliza Morgan halls are the residence halls for men and women students, respectively.
PERU STATE COLLEGE In Its 90th Year of Service to Nebraska Youth
FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 9 Fully Accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and Other Accrediting Agencies.
NEBRASKA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Campus of a· Thousand Oaks Peru, Nebraska
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Auburn Sewing Center 908 CENTRAL AVE.
AUBURN, NEBR. Ed. Wininger, Peru State Teachers College, Representative
N.E.A. Convo Hears Lynch of the N.E.A.
The following were snapped ai the speech banquet July 10: J. D. Levitt, Evelyne Epley, Darrel Wolcott, Mrs. Russell Holy, Mrs. L. Gilliland and Mrs. John Gawart.
·Speech Class Has Banquet The class in fundamentals of and hats made from red construc. speech under the supervision of tion paper which had the names Mr. J. Levitt, planned and pre- written on them. The highlight of the banquet sided at a banquet held at the Bethel Community church of was the main speech, given by Peru, July 10. Including guests, Darrel Wolcott. The title of his fifty people attended this enjoy- speech was, "New Worlds to Conable affair. All the members of quer." Other special entertainthe class participated either by ment was a reading "Just One giving speeches, providing enter- Big Happy Family" given by tainment, or working on a com- Beverly Ehmen; a skit, "Whoa Bossy," directed by Mrs. L. J. mittee. Winzbauer; two western songs, There were three committees, the general arrangements com- "Wringle Wrangle" and "Four mittee headed by Mrs. Russell Walls" sung by six girls of the Holy, the program committee class; the song, "Gonna Find Me headed by Mrs. John Gawart, and a Blue Bird" sung by Ruth the decoration committee headed Brunes, and special speeches given by several members of the by Mrs. L. Gilliland. The theme of the banquet was class. Evelyne Epley served as the western and all the committees carried out this theme in their toastmistress for the banquet. A delicious swiss steak dinner . planning. The place cards were made from straw, tied to resem- was served efficiently by ' the ble a bale of straw, a wooden Women's Club of the Bethel fork, representing a pitch-fork, Community church.
Annual Senior Tea
School Supplies
Priced Righi for the Student
PERU CLEANERS & TAILORS Any Garment Remodeled, Restyled, Repaired Always First in Quality and Workmanship Fur Coats Repaired Phone 2671. Peru, Nebr. We call for and deliver <
John E. Lynch, assistant executive secretary, was the speaker for the National Education Association convocation held in the college auditorium, July 11, 1957. Mr. Lynch explained that the aims of the N.E.A. were to improve education and improve the welfare of those teaching school. He had just returned from the second contennial convention of the organization. Mr. Lynch went on to say that in the coming years we may be required to go to school 14 instead of 12 years, or 40 weeks a year to cover all the needed material that is to be taught. If we do this, we must have more teachers and teachers of better quality. He said that the teachers will have to be paid higher salaries so they will be attracted to the profession, and they will have to be paid a salary in relation to the amount of education they have had. One of the resolutions that was discussed at the convention, according to Mr. Lynch, was whether we should use subjective rating in evaluating the quality of a teacher. He brought out the strong points and the weaknesses of each plan. Another resolution which was discussed was that t e ache rs should be paid a professional salary which would be related to the services they rendered. The salaries should range from $5,000 to $11,500 a year. The convention also discussed \he possibility of having congress pass a bill for tax reductions for j1rofessional expenses, such as education and· professional conventions and training. This would not burden the teachers with paying taxes on money used in professional ways.
The annual Senior tea was in the lobby of the Eliza Morgan Hall on the afternoon of July 18. The summer graduating class of 1957 and the faculty were the guests at the tea. The dormitory officers and some seniors were honored in the receiving line. The officers were: Margaret Toman, president; Shirley Dissmeyer, vice president; Marilyn Meisinger, secretarytreasurer; Ruth Brunes, house chairman. The lobby was beautifully decorated with summer f 1ow er s which helped to raise the low morale caused by the 102 degree temperatures.
JULY CLEARANCE Slacks Ivy Leagues
Shirts Accessories
Standard Chevrolet NEW
Chevrolet -Olds -Cadillac AND The Finest of Used Cars
MATHEWS HEADS SCIENCE WHILE CHRIST DOES RESEARCH IN MINNESOTA Three courses, Survey for Elementary Teachers, General Biology, and History and Literature of Biology, are being offered in the science department this summer according to Mr. L. B. Mathews, associate professor of physics. There are 55 students enrolled in the three classes. Because of the limited time during the summer session, the classes are unable to do extensive field work. Mr. Mathew's classes are collecting flowers and leaves and taking occasional field trips when the schedule permits. Mr. Mathews is substituting for John C. Christ, head of the sci• ence and mathematics department, this summer. Mr. Christ is doing specialized research work at a branch of the University of · Minnesota located at Itasca, Minnesota. He was invited by the University of Minnesota to do specialized field work there.
Campus School Commentary
While there are no children in the Campus School building, it does not mean that school is not in full force. Gleeful, burstingwith-life children are replaced during July and first half of August with the quiet, studious meditation of adults preparing to cope with said robust youth. Chatted with Miss Wonderly, a truly enthusiastic instructor. She had 26 students the first half of summer school and has 19 students this last half in a seminar on student teaching. As with her little 2nd graders during the win~ ter, Miss Wonderly takes pride in knowing her students by name before the end of the first week. I only get a facetious answer when I ask our regular term instructors how it feels to be a student in the same classroom where they usually teach. There must be a button they push to change from a "disher out-er" of knowledge to a "taker in-er." A lovely lady quietly said goodby to people and locked her classroom door (for 28 years) for the last time this summer. The little'ns she had under her wing for the summer session never suspected it was her swan song. For those of us who have known her a comparatively short time, she was an integral part of our children's school life. We will never say "goodby" to Miss Gard since we fully expect to see her on campus from time to time. After people have been on campus a number of years they come to be taken for granted. It gives you pause to consider that Miss Davidson, Miss Carey, Miss Edna Weare also have retired and will no longer be seen hurrying from gym, library, home ec rooms. How nice for them to be able to retire on the merits of a long and satisfying career to a less strenuous life. I twitted Miss Carey on not being able to stay away from professional education meetings and the like, and she came back with "just see how quickly I can get out of harness!"
the music department doesn't let them go. Wednesday night, July 17, (a hot one!) VHJindra and RTBenford presented their violin and piano pupils in a recital. After listening to the horrendous sounds made at home, it is gratifying surprise to hear how much better it is done before an audi ence. So they made a mistakeso they picked it up and went on. It is at this point you appreciate the mastery of the accompanist. And this was a nice feature of the recital: wherever possible, the child's parent or brother or sister accompani~d the child. Mr. Benford, Mrs. Cotton, and Pamela Van Pelt took turns accompanying the others. The whole thing was a nice progression from beginner to top amateur performers. Those just beginning could see that there was hope of becoming better; those at the top could sympaViJze knowing they too had been" imp,q_ssible to· listen to comfortably in ihe beginning. (Clue: it sounded beautiful outside the Music Hall-ask the night watch n and the mosquitoes). Bi nation for small performers as "is that bug going to land on me?" Mrs. Iversen had a Pollyanna thought-one of her classes comes directly from the gym and they say it is so hot and stuffy there that her room feels comfortable. (This heat is all a comparative state of mind, anyhow!) With summer school drawing to a close (already?) we are scheduled to have an outdoor commencement. Outstanding fact in the hustle surrounding this event is that so few people know their headsize. One consolation with the women, if their cap is a trifle large they can always use pins. Do the men with crewcuts use scotch tape? A big congratulatory thought to Mrs. Brandorff for achieving the honor of being first at Peru to be hooded for a master's degree!
Though the youngest generation is not formally on campus,
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