Orientation For 1956-57 A Big Success Peru's freshman orientation program was an unqualified success this year. The comprehensive program was noted for its emphasis on a warm welcome to the new students and a well rounded academic program plus many social events and entertainments. General chairmen of the orientation program were Mr. Hanford Miller, Associate Professor of Political Science, and Mr. Robert Norton, President of ~he Student Council.
Peru Pedagogian FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1956
Over 200 Classes Are Taught Here This Semester
Sunday, Sep:tember 2nd On Sunday, September 2nd, students registered in the dormitories. Mrs. M. A. Balkema and Mrs. Evanelle Paradise, dormitory counselors for men, registered 路the men in Delzell Hall, and Mrs. Gertrude Fulton, dormitory counselor, registered the women in Eliza Morgan Hall. That evening from 6:30 to 8:00 the college played host to the new students at a dinner in the College Cafe. Mr. Robert Moore, Head of the Language Arts Division, did his usual expert job as master of ceremonies, and a fine musical program was arranged by Mr. Victor Jindra, Head of the Fine Arts Division. Monday, September 3rd Freshmen went to the Auditorium at eight a.m., and Mr. Hanford Miller presided at this meeting. Mr. Darryl Manring, Associate Professor of Voice, led the group singing. Greetings were extended to the freshmen by Dr. Neal S. Gomon, President, and then the freshmen were welcomed by Mr. Robert Norton, President of the Student Council. Mr. F. H. Larson, Registrar, explained the workings of the admission and registration procedure to the freshmen. The meeting closed at 8:40 with announcements concerning activities for the rest of the day. At 8:45 a.m., the Purdue English test was given to the freshmen under the supervision of Mr. Robert Moore, Head of the Language Arts Division. From 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon students were taking tours of the campus and taking physical exams. This part of the program was under the supervision of Miss Phyllis Davidson, Director of Physical Education for Women, and Mr. Jerome D. Stemper, Director of Intramural Sports. Aptitude tests were given at 1:00 p.m., under the direction of Dr. Weresh, Dean of the College. At 2:30 p.m., Dr. Harold Boraas, Dean of Student Affairs, spoke to a convocation of male students. At this time, the girls were (Continued on page 4)
The Pride of Peru 1956 Football Schedule Peru State College Bobcats Date Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov.
14 20 29 6 13 20 27 2 10
Opponent and Game Site .Colorado State at Peru Central Missouri at Peru Kearney State at Kearney Chadron State at Peru Wayne State at Wayne Wesleyan HOMECOMING Hastings College at Hastings Midland CDllege at Peru Doane College at Crete
Bobcats vs. Bears Is Season Opener
Time 8:00 8:00 7:30 8:00 2:00 2:00 8:00 8:00 2:00
;was one win, seven losses and pne tie. In Rock Mountain Conkrence play the record stood: one win, six losses and one tie. The 1956 football season opens Mentor Lindahl is hoping his today for the Bobcats of Peru club will be able to rack up a State at their Oak Bowl when .500 mark this year. they will meet the Bears of ColoRated as the most promising of rado State College of Education the Bears' returning halfbacks is of Greeley. Howard Bell. Others that will reA 33-man squad from the quire watching by the Bobcats Colorado school will make the trip, according to Greeley mentor The Pedagogian staff is Joe Lindahl, who will be starting being organized for th e his third year as the Bears' head football coach. A Wayne State coming year. We have some graduate, Lindahl coached at openings, and we wish to Geneva, Columbus and Cozad beinvite everyone who is infore going to Colorado State. terested to help us with this year's paper. Since Colorado State's fall term does not begin until SepWorking on this year's tember 24, at the present time Pedagogian will be a profitthe squad is small. The 46-man able and enjoyable expersquad who reported for early ience. We shall attend press football camp includes only eight association meetings. We freshmen. Besides their encountshall visit a number of er with the Peru State Bobcats, newspapers an d w at ch the Bears will meet Colorado them in actual operation in College of Colorado Springs betheir fascinating job of getfore classes begin at Greeley. ting the day's news to the The Colorado State roster inworld. We shall have a cludes 22 of the 27 who lettered journalism club with an aclast year when the Bear's record tive social program. Whether you have had newspaper experience or not, we shall welcome you to the staff of The Pedagogian. We believe you can get valuable experience in all phases of newspaper work and have a very good time. We extend an especially cordial invitation to those who have worked on high school papers, but do not let a lack of experience deter you from affiliating with The Pedagogian. You do not have to be enrolled i n journalism to work on the paper. If you are interested, please see Stewart Linscheid at once in rooms 304 or 306 in the Administration building. Peru coaches, left to right: Jack Mcintire, Al Wheeler and Jer路 ome D. Stemper.
Peru Opp.
p.m . p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. will be Bill Frick, who is rated as best defensive halfbn~k. and Charles Eubanks, best offensive man. Probable starting quarterback will be Merle Roberts, with Terry Williams, who doubles at center, as another quarterback candidate.
Over two hundred classes and labs, not counting extension, are listed in the current schedule of classes. These are not different courses because there is some duplication in basic courses in English, math, and other basic subjects but there is still plenty of variety. The divisions of Practical Arts and Science and Mathematics lead in number of classes and labs offered with 43 each. Second in number of classes offered is the division of Language Arts with 30 classes. In third place are the divisions of Education and Fine Arts with 24 each. The division of Social Sciences lists 23 classes and the division of Physical Educatiah"an\l Health lists 22. Course titles r~nge from the very simple such as shorthand and English composition to titles such as kinesiology and anatomy, and grap~:.-and cartography, . which rri@lt sound somewhat exotic to those who are somewhat less than erudite. A perusal of the current schedule shows that our college is offering a well rounded schedule of great variety and scope.
Extra-Curricular Activities Is Graduate Course
"Novel" Drama To Be Performed On Homecoming Night
Dr. Holy, Acting Head of the Division of Education, is teaching a graduate course entitled Extra-Curricular Activities. This three hour graduate course is a study of the organization, nature, value and the direction of the school sponsored activities other than those of the regular classroom.
Try-outs for the Homecoming play, "The Night of January 16," were held in the Little Theater on Thursday and Friday, September 6 and 7, under the auspices of Professor R. D. Moore. On the following Monday, September I 0, the play was cast from the people who had tried out and had been selected for parts. The play is set in a court room where Karen Andre is on trial for the murder of her former employer, Bjord Faulkner, who was killed on "the night of January 16- about midnight." The action is different from that of most plays in that it uses
the theater audience as the court room spectators with the jury being chosen from the audience, and has the possibility of two endings, depending on the verdict of the jury. The play will be produced on Homecoming night, October 20, at 8 p.m. by the Peru Dramatic Club, and will be directed by Robert D. Moore. The Dramatic Club, one of the oldest dramatic organizations in Nebraska, has gained in past years a reputation for fine productions, and with Mr. Moore at the helm the play should be a great success.
Typical registration scene, with Mr. Johnson and Miss Ashley at the desk with Wesley Eheler and Maxine Zimmerman of Auburn.