1957 Summer Catalog of Peru State Teachers College (Nebraska)

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.... \I' .... .... .... 0 -;- 1 A \J )t �E ,,�r � ◄ .. .... I ... I"""' . " .... ' ... -----◄ 1,...-..-----L--- ... ·i-· SUMMER BULLETIN 1957 "'


Peru, Nebraska


No. 1

February, 1957



Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru has been fully accredited by the North Central Assoc• iation of Colleges and Secondary Schools since 1915. Full membership in the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (formerly the American Association of Teachers Colleges) has been maintained since 1918. The College has been a member of the American Council of Education since 1947 and is a charter member of the Nebraska Council on Teacher Education.

Published by Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru, Nebraska, and entered under Bulk Permit Number 4 at Peru, Nebraska.


aa l ph M. Carhart.

Mrs. Haven Smith.

A. D. Ma jors . ..

Druce Hapemeister

Dernard M. Spencer.

Term expires 19 63

Term . expires 1963

Term expires 19 6 1

Term ex pire s 1961

Term expires 1959

Everett L. Handall. ....... .

Term expires 1959

Freeman Decker, State Commissioner.

E. Albin Larson, Secretary . ....

. . Wayne Chappe 11 . . Oma ha !lemin:,fo rd . Ne braska City .Kearney .Lincoln .Lincoln


Neal S. Gomon, Ed.D .......... .. ...... .... President

Keith L. Melvin, Ed.O Dean of Colleg e

llarold :l oraas, Ph D Dean of tude nts

Juanita Dradley, M A Associate De an of tudent s

F. ll. Larson , M.A . .... ,.......... .. .... ... :.1e g istrar

Arthur Lindahl, A. !1 ;. ursar

Ne llie M. Carey,A.B.,L.S . ... ............. Li b rarian

Stacy Vance ... ..... . ..... . .. .. ... Superintendent of Guildin g s and Grounds


Division of Education............ :1ussell lloly

Division of fine Arts ....... . .. . ... Victor II. Jindra

Divisio n of Ilealth and Physica l Education ..... .. .. . Alfred G. Wheeler

Division of Lan g ua ge Arts ........... !:1obert D. Moore

Division of Prac.t ical.Arts A V. Larson

Division of Science and Mathematics .. John C. Christ

Division of Socia! Sciences .. .. .. .... . Gordon Kenyon


Nea l S . Gomon .

Ke it h L. Me 1 vi n

Gor don Kenyon


I1u sse 11 Holy

Ex-Offi cio Cha irman F. II. Larson



June 3 - July 26

June 3

June 4

July 4 - 5

July 26

July 27

Rer;ular Session Registration Classes Degin Holiday

Ei~ht-week Session Ends

Post Session ReRistration, Classes Devin (Underrraduate courses only.)

Aur;ust 10 . Post Session Ends rlEG


Rer;istration will be in the Gymnasiu~ on Monday, June 4. To divide the registration better, you are asked to observe this alphabetical division for the day:

If your surname begins with--

M through Z Please register during--

A through L


Forenoon, hours 8:00 to 12 : 00

Afternoon, hours 1:00 to 4:00


If you will enroll this summer you are urged to use the handy mailing card with this bulletin to give appropriate advisement as early as possible. Your compliance on this card will facilitate the assembling of personal materials for advancing your regist ration.


General Information


The city of Peru (population 1260) is located at the east side of Nemaha County in the hills along the Missouri fliver, . 75 miles southeast of Lincoln and 65 miles south of Omaha. lt is situated on State Highway 67 which in tersect.s Federal Hi ghways 73 and 7 5 six miles west of Peru, five miles nortll of Auburn a nd fifteen miles south of Nebraska City.

The Peru campus of sixty acres of rollin g oak-covered 11ills overlooks the Missouri Hiver. In this setting thirteen uuildings are conveniently and attractively arranged, intersper sed with well-Kept lawns, trees, shrubs and gardens.


All of the facilities of College, both educational and recreational, are available to the students 1n surrvner school. The airconditioned library of 56,000 volumes is one of the finest in the state. Through their various courses students will have access to the fully equipped labor atories, shops, and studios.


All requests for in formation concerning living accomoda tions and requests for room reservations in one of the residence halls should be directed to either the Pean of Students (men) or the Associate Oean of St udents (women). Students having radios in their room s must use transformers since the electric current on the campus is 220 volt, a. c.

Residence Halls --The college residence halls offer attractive living accomodations near tne classrooms and library. Halls are maintained for both men and women students.

Wo111en--Eliza Morgan Hall for women is under the sui,ervision of the Associate Dean of Stud~nts. Two or three students occupy a room. All rooms are arran~~d as combination sleeping and study rooms. Residents of the hall must; fur~ish bed linen, blankets, towels, dresser scarfs, and curtains.

Men--L1elzell and Mt. Vernon lialls provide sui,erior facilities for men of the college. They are under t1'1e supervision of the I.lean of :St udents All rooms are arran15ed as combination sleeping and study rooms. Two or three students occupy a room, Residents of the halls furnish bed linen, blankets, and towels.


Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru


Tuition charges are payable in cash at the time the student registers, There is no provision for carrying a student on a credit or accounts receivable basis. Every studen,t should arrange to have sufficient funds with him at the time he registers with which to pay his tuition in full.

Students registering in cour.ses bearing graduate credit pay the same fee as undergraduate students, with the exception of a variation in textbook costs. Textbooks must be purchased for · courses bearing graduate credit.

Workshop --Si ngle Fee, 3 hours , 20. 00 (Th e single fee includes registration, student union, health, college paper, laboratory , library, course and contingent fees, and locker rental.)

Matriculation--Paid but once by each student entering college.. 5.00

Applied Music No charge for private instruction for students majoring or minoring in music; for others the charge for each lesson is$1.50.

Non-Resident --Non - Resident students will pay a non-resident fee, minimum $5.00 and maximum $10.00 pe r semester, in addition to the fees paid by residents of Nebraska . Fee is based on non - resident charges made in teacher - training institutions in the student's home state.

Scholarships - -Nebraska Normal School scholarships will be honored during the summer session in the amount indicated in the scholarship.


Proportionate refunds w1ll be made to students withdrawing from the College within a given period. The matriculation and non-resident fees will not be refunded unless collected in error. The following schedule will be follow e d in refunding the registration fee.

Summer Term - - First week. Second week

Th i rd week

Aft er thi rd week

80% of registration fee

60% of reg i stration fee

40% of r eg i s t rati on fee

• None

Regular Session - - Single Fee, 6 or more hours ......... . .... .. ... $35.00 Single Fee, 5 or fewer hours , 20. 00 Post Session- -Si ngle Fee, 3 hours 20.00
• •

reneral Infor•ation

Refunds will not be made for room and board unless justifiable cause makes it necessary to withdraw from school. In cases of withdrawal, the student is required to pay fee to the end of the week in which the withdrawal is made. Refund will be prorated in accordance with unused portion. The $10.00 deposit is refundable in full providing the room and equipment are left in good condition.

College basis. unit is dition.

be made

operated housing for married students is rented on a monthly The $20.00 deposit payable in advance is refundable when the vacated providing the room and equipment are left in good conRentals are collected on a monthly basis and refunds will not if withdrawal from a unit occurs during the month.


The Placement Bureau is conducted for the purpose of helping students secure desirable positions. Graduates are not buaranteed a position, but every effort is made to locate worthy teachers 111 satisfactory pla-ces. The charge for joining the Placement bureau or for having credentials brought up to date is two dollars.

Peru also offers complete training designed to fit stuoents for business careers. The Placement Bureau mai11tains close contact wit11 business firms in cities throughout the area and makes every effort to find openings and place students in positions for wnict, they are qualified.


Peru's location in the rolling, wooded country along the [1:issouri fliver offers many opportunities for hikes and outings. C>ther recreational opportunities include the intramural pro15rams, music, <lran ,a tics, and social dancing. Concerts, lectures, movies, recitals, ano convocation programs provide enjoyable occasions for summer s t~den ts.

Sports--Classe8 are conducted in swimming and tennis :for those who desire instruction in these sports. lbe college pool is open regularly for recreational swim periods. Two surfaced courts are maintained for instructional and recreational use. Each summer a softball league is formed composed of teams representing· cl asses, departments, and organizations.

Concerts The summer concert series will feature outstandin t, talent in a variety of mus~cal ,offerin1,s.

Band and Chorus--Students who sint, or play an instrument, regardl ess of whether or not they are maJorine; or minoring in music, are invited to become a member of one or both of these groups.

Student Union--Summer students will find the student union quarters a pleasant place for recreation and relaxation. The facilities include the Bob Inn Snack Bar, dance floor, lounges, and·1V room.


Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru

Married Students--One and two-bedroom apartments are available at low cost to married students in the Oak H~ll married student housing area. Complete information may be obtained by writing to the Bursar.

Dining Services --T he air-conditioned college dining room is located in Mount Vernon Hall and is open to a ll students. Students in any of the residence halls receive their meals in accordance with · the option chosen as listed below. Drive-in students and others may purchase meal~ at a low rate. The Bob Inn Snack Bar will be open for lunches and snacks at stated hours.


Eight-Week Session

Board and Room (5 day week)

(All meals Monday through Friday)

Meals are served Monday throu g h Friday except Independence Day recess.

Post Session


Board and Room (7 day week) . •...••.•. $ 38.00

(All meals except Sunday Breakfast)

All rates apply when two or three students occupy a room. For single occupancy, wh en available add $20.00 for eight week session and $7.00 for post session.

Room and board are due and payable at time of registration. By special arrangement with the Bursar students may pay one-half of charge for eight-week session on registration day and remainder on July 1. The full amount for post session is due on the first day of the session.

Deposit for Reservation--A deposit of $20.00 ~ust accompany reservations. Full refund of deposit will be made at the end of the summer session less deduction for misuse of dormitory property. If cancellation occurs prior to two weeks before the opening of thesession the student receives $20.00 refund. During the two week period all but $5.00 is refunded. On the opening date or thereafter no refund will be mad e.


General Information


Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru is authorized by law and the rules of the l:loard of Education of State Normal Schools to issue the following degrees . and diplomas:

1. Degrees

A. Master of Arts in Education

B. Master of Science in Education

C. Bachelor of Arts in Education

D. Bachelor of Science in Education

E. Bachelor of Fine Arts in Education

F. Bachelor of Arts

2. Diplomas

A. Two-Year Diploma

B. One-Year Diploma

The degree is determined by the curriculum completed by the student, the type of major and the courses in education included. Diplomas are granted only for the completion of curriculums in element• ary education or rural education.



Courses--In the main, summer school courses are the same as those given in the regular year. Many courses are repeated each summer, while others for which the demand is small are alternated and made available every second or third summer. Students planning to enter other professions or interested in terminal education will find the offerings of this college suited to their needs.

Workshops--Provision has.been made for teachers in service, administrators, and supervisors to earn additional credit by participating in one of a number of workshops during the 1957 Post Session. These workshops wi 11 be offered in the areas of Driver Education ,, Problems of Elementary and Secondary Education, Audio-visual Education, and Teaching of Grammar and Spelling. For further information regarding these workshops see "Post Session'' in this bulletin. Persons interested should write to the Head of the Division of Education. Enrollment will be limited.

Advantages--Students may continue their college ~ork during the summer and thus shorten the time necessary to complete the requirements for a diploma or degree.

High school graduates may start their college work in the summer just as well as in the fall.

Teachers may earn sufficient credit to renew their certificates or raise them to a higher level.

Returning veterans may continue or start their college study during the summer.

Sessions--The summer will consist of two sessions as follows: The Regular Session (8 weeks) opens on June 3, closes July 26. The Post Session (2 weeks) opens July 27, cioses August 10. Students may attend either or both sessions.

Credit--Students may take 9 hours in the regular session, 3 hours in the post session, or a total of 12 hours by attending both sessions,

Change of Program--A student is allowed to change his program of s tudies only during the first week of the .regular session.



Graduate courses will be available this summer to students who plan to fulfill the requirements for the Master of Arts and ~laster of Science in Education degrees and also to those students who simply desire to take graduate work without expectation of taking a degree. Courses will be offered in Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Public School Administration and Supervision, and Educational Psychology and Guidance. The program and the regulations regarding graduate courses are described in the Graduate Bulletin. Graduate courses available this sunmer are listed in the ''.Schedule of Classes."


Students seeking admission to the College should write to the Registrar for official forms. The forms include the Application for Admission to be prepared by the student and the uniform Nebraska Transcript of High School Record form to be completed in duplicate by the high school principal. These completed forms should be returned well in advance to the time of registration to facilitate arrangements before the student arrives.

Full Admission--High school graduates receive full admission to freshman standing with a mini~um of 160 high school se mester hours (16 units) from a four-year high school and the recommendation of the high school principal or superintendent. Although no specific distribution of entrance units is necessary it is recommended that at least half of the units earned represent work in English, foreign language, ma the ma tics, natural science, and social studies.

Conditional Admission--Students who have completed

150 high school semester hours (15 units) or the equivalent for high sc ho o l graduation, are admitted to freshman standing on condition that their. work proves satisfact ory during the first year in college. Appropriate college courses may be recommended in fields where the student is deficient upon admission. Mature individuals who are not high school graduates but who are otherwise prepared and recommended for college work, may be admitted as special students. A college aptitude test and the GED (General Education Development) tests are admi nistered in judging the individual' ,s qualifications for admission.

Advanced Standing--Appli~ants for admission from other colleges, while submitting the formal application for admission, should request thP.1r l~st college to send an official transcript of college work completed, including high school entrance units and evidence of dismissal in good standing. Full credit is given for work done in schools which maintain comparable standards of admission and accomplishment. In case of transfer · from a junior college a max i mum of 66 hours is applicable toward a degree based on 125 hours.

Summer School, 1957

Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru

Admission to Graduate Study--Application for Admission to Graduate Study must be submitted to the Registrar two weeks prior to registration . Students who are not gradua·tes of Peru must submit transcripts of high school and college credi.t: •

Academic Progress--In terms of a student's objective such as the degree or the one and two-year diploma, credits earned should Le eval- : uated and distributed to show progress towards that objective. The Registrar aims to prepare such a report with a copy to be shared with the student to enable him to keep a record as he advances. For the student who may not be familiar with and does not have this form of report already, a request in writing should be made to the Registrar prior to the next enrollment. This is especially important for the students who have started their college courses several years ago under some requirements quite different from the current ones.


All certificates, and renewals of certificates, are issued by ~he State Superintendent of Education . When students have completed the requirements for a degree or diploma, they may be recommended for the type of certificate to which they are entitled. All regular certificates may be renewed by earning 9 semester hours including 2 or 3 hours in ed ucation .· Students should consult a copy of the Certification Digest at the Registrar's office or at their county superintendent 's office for detailed certificate requirements and renewal requirements.


A maximum of four.semester hours of student teaching credit may be earned in the ele mentary grades by a limited number of students du~ing the regular summer session Student teaching assignments are available only to those persons who ;ill make application for a degree or a dipI~ma from Peru. Persons desiring student teaching assignments during the summer session should write to the Director of the Campus School several weeks before registration .

Persons who can submit evidence of having had at least three years ,of successful teaching experience may earn student teaching credit . by participating in a Student Teaching Seminar. Applications for admission to Student Teaching Seminar must be made in advance to the Director of the Campus School.



Each student should register for courses corresponding to his classification (freshman, sophomore, etc.) unless it is impossible to work out a satisfactory personal schedule. Courses numbered 1-99 are unclassified and are open to all students; those numbered 100-199 are for freshmen; 200-299 for sophomores; 300-399 for juniors; 400-499 for seniors; and 500 for graduates. Forty hours of work in the 300 and 400 groups are required for the baccalaureate degree. Certain courses numbered m .the 300 's and 400 's followed by G can be used either for g raduate or undergraduate credit.

In no case will a student be permitted to take a course for graduate credit that has already been taken on the undergraduate level to satisfy the requirements of his bachelor'·s degree .

It is important that s ummer students announce their plans for attendance to the Registrar prior to registration day to be assure~ of having progress sheets and personal materials avail a ble for counseling.

Educ. 2 05 /40 5 20 6/4 06 2 10/410 * 210A/410A 303 ••436G 431G 304 3 52 **4 36G Divisi~n of Education Elementar y Education Hours Cr e d it Elementary Sc hool Me t hods and Ma na ge ment. 5 Elementary Sc hool Method s and Ma na gement. S Student Teach i n~··· · 1- 4 Student Teachin g S eminar 1 - 4 Elementary School Curriculum.......... 3 School and Community Relations... .. ... .. .. . ... .. . .... . .. ... ........ . ... ....... 3 Psychology of Exceptional Children ·······:··""""" ' " " '""""" """'" ' "" 3 . Secpndary Education High SchooJ Methods and Management Secondary School Curriculum . . .. . ... .. .. .. . . . .. .. ....... .. ...... ..... . .... .. . .. . School and Community Relations. 3 3 3
Open only to experienced teachers •• Former l y Educ 332/532 Guidance in th e Elementary S chool ; Educ 338/538 Guidance in the Secondary Schoo l 12
108 424 101/323 102/423 201/301 331/531 421G *432G 313 315 431G •• 436G 500 501 502 506 510 535 538 540 581 Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru Hi s to ry and Principles of Education Hours Credit Introduction to Education 3 History and Principles of Education 3 Educational Psychology and Guidance Human Growth and Development (Child Psychology) Human Growth and De".elopment (Adolescent Psychology) 3 3 Educational Psychology.................................................................... 3 Educational Measurements .... .. ............ ......... ........... .. .. ......... ......... 3 Mental Health Hygiene in Education. .............. .. ...... ...... ........... 3 Principles and Practices of Guidance.. 3 Library Science Administration of School Libraries .. .. ........ ....................... .. Library Materials and Their Use .......................................... .. Graduate Courses 3 3 Psychology of Exceptional Children .... . ....... . .............................. 3 School and Community Relations 3 Philosophy of Education................ ......... .......................... . .... . ..... 3 Advanced Educational Psychology................................... 3 Techniques of Research in Education.................. 3 Language Arts in the Ele~entary Schocil ,......................... 3 Supervision in the Elementary School............................... .. .. 3 Statistics in Education..... 3 · School Finance................ 3 Educational and Vocational Diagnosis.. . ........ ........ ............... . 3 -Seminar in Education·....... . .. ... ......................... ......... ....... ...... ....... 3 • Formerly Educ 332/532 Educ 338/ 538 •• Formerly Educ 336 Guidance in the Elementary School; Guidance in the Secondary School 13
Course Offerings Art 101 103 203 Music 19 21 101 !Ol a 110 llO 120/22 0 320/420 . 201 202 207 /4 07 * 303 * 304 311 403 Division of Fine Arts Hours Credit Free han d Drawing Genera l Public School Art Design. 3 3 3 Chorus. ....... .... .. .... ..... ... ... .. ............ ................ . .. ..... .......... .... . .. ............ 1 Band _. 1 Harmony.. 3 Ear Training:........... 1 Fundamentals of Music, Sec . 1........ 3 Fundamentals of Music, Sec. 2·········································:········ 3 Applied \1usic - Private Instruction. ·-····-··""·· 1-2 E l ementary Mu sic Methods................ 3 Junior Hi gh Music Methods............ 2 Music Composition.. ..... ... .......... .... ....... ......... ..... ....... ................. -.. 2 lnstrument,-al Methqds and Cond ucti ng...... ... ...... ... .. ........... . ... ... 3 Instrumen~al Methods and Conducting..... 3 Music Appreciation 2 Choral Conductin !}·· ·•··············•··· ················· 405 History of Music 2 3 * lxle of the two with greater demand will be offered. P.E. 6 7 10 10 204b 205 205 14 Division of Health and Physical Education Men and Women Round and Square ' oancin!§•• , Golf (At Auburn) Tennis, Sec. 1. .................. .. . ...... .. .. .... .... ... ..... .... ...... ,................ ... .. Tennis, Sec. 2 Playground Supervision. , Health Education, Sec. 1. ... .... ..................... ................. .. .......... . Health Education, Sec. 2 , , , . 1 1 1 1 1 3 3
309 415G q 2Q7a 8 9 Geog. 102 312 401G 504 ilist. 101 213 470 471 472 404(i 45% 510-15 Govt. 201 202 S.S. 103 Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru Hours Credit Organization and Administration of Healtl, and Physical Educption, .. ..... ... ..... .................... .. . Community Ilecrea tion •••··· ·•·:·· : '··•·· ··················· · \ !en Swimming •• ················:················· ·.···························· 'J'ileory of Football Women Heg inning Swimmi ng; Advanced Swimming: Division of History and Social Sciences l\egional Geography ................1 Geography of "lorth America Graphics and Cartography .... ...... .. ...... .. .. .... ..... .... .. .............. ... . . Philosophy and Literature in Geography , •··· •·· 2 :1 1 2 l 1 , .) ) c• 2 1-3 1,'estern Civilization to 1500 3 U. S. 11istory to 1865 3 To pi cs in American History 1-3 Topics in European History 1-3 Topics in Latin American History 1-3 The Henaissancll 2 Contemporary International Helations 2 ['roblems in History l-3 American National Government American State and Local Government ......... ..... ................ . .. . . Socia 1 Studies Surv.ey 3 3 3 i5
** *• Course Offerings Eng. •101 •102 204 234 324 303 417 405 415G or 503 440G or 504 152 254 Division of Language Arts English l,.anguage and Literature Hours Credit En~lish Composition...................................................................... 3 English Composition...................................................................... 3 Introduction to Literature........... 3 Journalism.......... 3 Survey of American Literature .... .... .. ..... ......................... .. ...... 3 Survey of English Literature .............................. :................... ... 3 Shakespe ar e 3 Teaching of English : 3 Speech Composition .................................................................... . ....... 3 Literary Critic ism The Modern Drama ................................................................ ... ..... .. Problems in Poetry Speech Education Fundamentals of Speech Public Speakinl!i 3 3 3 353 Speech Correction and Development 3 3 3 3 355 Play Production................... .. ... ....... . ......................... •................... . * One of two with greater demand wi 11 be offered. ** One of two with greater demand will be offered. B.E. 106 105 Division of Practical Arts Business Education Shorthand 4 Beginning Typewriting .......................... ....... .............. .......... ....... 1 (Additional period daily for 2 hrs credit) • 203 Accounting ,I. :... 3 • 205 '"302 • 307 Clerical Practice 3 Business Law 3 Business Methods 3 • Courses with greatest demand will be offered. 16
h.Ec. 102/302 • 216 • 100/300 • 320 Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru Hours Credit Home Economics Beginning Clothing Construction Personal and Family Relationships Clothing Selection ............................................................... .. Home Planning and Furnishing 3 2 2 3 • Courses with greatest demand will Le offered. I.A. 101/301 102/302 106 /3 09 110 / 310 112 208-09 •214 • 219 321-22 • 315 • 316 478G or 501 and 503 Indus trial Ar ts Bench Woodworking. ........ ........ ........................................ . ...... ...... 3 Wood turning. .................... .............. .... .. .... ............ .... ....... ... ..... ....... 1-2 Shop Maintenance... ..... .............. ........ ......... ................ ... .. :............. 1-2 Industrial Arts for Elementary Tea c hers.. 2 Mechanical Drawing. .... ...... .... ...... .. ... .. ..... ............ . .. ..... .... .. .......... 2 Practical Electricity................... .. ........................................... 2 Farm and Home Mechanics........................................................... 2 Machine Woodworking. 2 Safety Education 3 Driver Education 3 Advanced Problems in General Metals . . ......................... ,,..... 3 History and Philosophy of Industrial Arts Education 3 Inst"ructional Aids in Im:lustrial Arts 3 • Courses in greatest demand will be offered. Biol. 101 305 310 503 Division of Science and Math~matics General Science General Biology ( Plant) 3 Marriage and the Family............................................................ 3 History and Literature of Biology.................. 1-4 Research Problems in . the Teaching of Biology.................. 1-4 11
Co urse Off erin g s Hours Credit Sci 101 102 * 332 Chem . * 101 * 209 **201 Math. ** 103 Biological Science Science for Elementary Teachers Science for Elemen tarv Teachers High School Science Methods Physical Science General Chemistry Introductory Organic Che mis try General Physics Mathematics College Algebra... .. . .... .... .. .. ... .. ..... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. .... .. .. .. ........ . .... ... .. .. • One of the three with greatest de~and will be offered • • One of the two with greater demand will be offered t8 3 3 3 5 3 4 3


The purpose of the Workshop is to give an opportunity to work singly or in groups on practical educational problems of special interest. These problems are of the students own choosin~ The work is done under the supervision of one or more members of the staff, and in addition, selected educational consultants. The - individual or ~roup is expected to make a written report of his finished project which may be duplicated and made availab le to other members of the Workshou.

Workshop in Teaching of Grammar and Spelling ............... .

A Workshop course planned for improving the tea~hing of the communication arts of teachers in the field. Course work is designed to relat~ to the actual teaching of those taking the course. Emphasis will be placed on grammar and spelling.

Workshop in Audio-Visual Education............

The Workshop in Audio-Visual Education will give the student, , n opportunity to learn various methods and techniques of instruction in the field of audio-visual education and also experience in the use of audio-visual equipment. Exhibits and demonstrations of audio-visual equipment will be a feature of this workshop. Other specialists and representatives from audio-visual companies will augment the coordinator and college staff in conducting this workshop. Enrollment will be limited.


Driv e r Education .. .... . .. ... ........ ....... .. .. .... .. .......... ..... ......... .. ...... . ..

Two hours cla s s, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: Twenty thous a nd miles or two year s driving experience. This course will include presentation of the materials and methods of traffic safety and driver training as well as behind - the-wheel driving. Emphasis will be given to motor vehicle laws, rules of the road, driving regu ~ lations and motor car operation. Required of minors in Safety Education.


For further information regarding Post Session, write to Dr. Russell Holy, Head of the Division of Education.


Educ. 208W408W 234W 306W307W I.A. 316W POST SESSION WORKSHOP S , iour s Cr e dit
.......... . .......... . .................
Workshop-Flementary and Secondary Education Problems .............................


Peru, Nebraska

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