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Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru is fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools to grant bachelor's degrees. Full membership in the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (formerly the American Association of Teachers Colleges) has been maintained since 1918. The College has been a member of the American Counci 1 of Education since 1947 and is a charter member of the Nebraska Council on Teacher Education. Published by Nebraska State Teachers
Vol. XLVII No. 2
February 1960
College at Peru, Nebraska, and entered under Bulk
at Peru, Nebraska. \
Bernard M. Spencer.
Carl Spelts ..•
John T. Bressler, Jr
Mrs. Haven Smith.
A. D. Majors
Ilruce Hagemeister
Freeman Decker.
E. Albin Larson
Term Expires 1965
Term Expires 1965
Term Expires 1963
Term Expires 1963
Term Expires 1961
Term Expires 1961
Neal S. Gomon, F.cl.D.
KP-ith L. Melvin, F.d.D•.
Harold Boraas, Ph.D
Juanita Bradley, M.A
F. H. Larson, M.A.
T. I. Friest, M.A..•
Max Langham, M.S.L.S
Stacy Vance .••••.
Division of F.ducation
Division of Fine Arts
Division of Health & Physical
Division of Language
Division· of Practical Arts.
Division of Social Sciences.
Neal S. Gomon.
Keith L. Melvin.
ONen Harlan
Harold Boraas
Alfred G. Wheeler
D. M>ore
George Schottenhamel
. •
.Kearney . .Wayne Oiappell ..Gnaha
.Lincoln .Lincoln
President .
Se·cretary .Nebraska City
Dean of College
of Students .Associate Dean of Students
• .
• •• Pegistrar
. ..•.. Librarian • . n i Superintendent of uu1ldings and Grounds
.Dean of Business Affairs
••.•. . ..... Milburn
W. Blanton
.......•..• Victor
H. Jindra
. . • • . Robert
. . • . .. O.Ven
of Science & Mathematics.
C. Oirist
2 ........ .. Ex-Officio . . • . • . . • •• ,Qi.airman M. W. Blanton F.
H. Larson
Summer School, 1960
Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru
June 6 - July 29 . • Regular Session
Jun~ 6, Monday - - Registration (8 : 00 , a. m. t-o 4: 00 p. m.)
June 7, Tuesday Classes begin (7:00 , a.m.)
June 20, Monday Final day for applications for graduation
June 25, Saturday Classes meet
July 4, Monday - - Independence Day ( holida_y)
July 28, Thursday Su111ner Co111nencement (6 ~ p.ril.)
July 29, Friday Regular session ends
July 30 - August 13 • • Post Session
July 30, Saturday Registration and classes begin
August 13, Saturday Post Session ends
Registration will be in the Gymnasium and-or Administration Building on Monday, June 6 . Opportunity for pre-registration is provided as noted elsewhere in this bulletin so a student may complete registration more read i ly on the above date.
By an alternation plan and alphabetical arrangement of having about half of the su111ner students register each half day, the registration procedure will be greatly facilitated.
PLEASE NOTE (If surname begins with-( A through L ( M through Z
Please register-Forenoon, 8:00 - 12:00 Afternoon, 1:00 - 4:00
The city of Peru (population 1260) is located at the east side of Nemaha County in the hills along the Missouri River, 75 miles southeast of Lincoln and 65 miles south of Omaha. It is situated on State Highway 67 which intersects Federal Highways 73 and 75 six miles west of Peru, five miles north of Auburn and fifteen miles south of Nebraska City.
The Peru campus of sixty acres of rolling oak-covered hi Us overlooks the Missouri River. In this setting thirteen buildings are conveniently and attractively arranged, interspersed with wellkept lawns, trees, shrubs, and gardens.
All of the facilities of the College, both educational and recreational, are available to the students in summer school. The air-conditioned library of 56,000 volumes is one of the finest in the state. Through their various courses students will have access to the fu1ly equipped laboratories, shops, and studios.
Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru
Summer School, 1960
Peru's location in the rolling, wooded country along the Missouri River offers many opportunities for hikes and outings. Other recreational opportunities include the intramural program, music, dramatics, and social dancing. · Concerts, lectures, movies, recitals, and convocation programs provide enjoyable occasions for summer students.
Sports--Classes are conducted in swimming and tennis for those who desire instruction in these sports. The college pool is open regularly for recreational swim periods. Two surfaced tennis courts are maintained for instructional and recreational use. Each summer a softball league is formed and it is composed of teams representing classes, departments, and organizations.
Concerts--The summer concert series will feature outstanding talent in a variety of musical offerings.
Band and Chorus--Students who sing or play an instrument, regardless of whether or not their concentration is in music, are invited to become a member of one or both of these groups.
Student Union--Summer students will find the student union quarters a pleasant place for recreation and relaxation. The facilities include the Bob Inn Snack Bar, dance floor and lounges.
Course~--The summer session courses are essentially the same as those given in the regular academic year. Many courses are repeated each sunmer while others for which the demand is small, are alternated and made available every second or third surnner. Students planning to enter other professions or wko are interested in terminal education, will find the offerings at Peru State suited to their needs. See complete Schedule of Classes in this bulletin.
Advantages--Students may continue 'their college work during the sunmer in order to shorten the time necessary to complete the requirements for a diploma or degree. High school graduates may start their college work in the sunmer just as well as in the fall. Teachers may earn suff:rcient credit to renew their certificates or raise them to a higher level. Returning veterans may begin or continue their college study during the sUIDDer.
Credit--Students may enro,ll in 9 hours in the regular sessions and in 3 hours in the post session to make a possible 12 hours by attending both sessions.
Attendance--There should not have to be a specific policy as to attendance other than to indica.te that with the essential ac-
Summer School, 1960
Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru
celeration of course work in all classes during a sunmer session, it is imperative that students plan for punctual attendanc e in all classes
Students who have not previously matriculated at Peru State and now wish to begin their first college work or to continue study on the basis of transfer college work, should write to the Registrar well in advance of the registration day for information. If admission means likely · advancement to and completion of a specific curriculum or degree at Peru State, it is very important to clear early on requirements as to admission.
Full Admission--High school graduates receive full admission to freshman standing with a minimum of 160 hours school semester hours (16 units) from a four-year high school and the recoDJ11endation of the high school principal or superintendent. Although no specific distribution of entrance units is necessary it is recommended that at least half of the units earned represent work in English, foreign language, math ~ matics, natural science, and social studies.
Conditional Admission- - Students who have completed ISO hours school semester hours (15 units) or the equivalent for high school graduation, are admitted to freshman standing on condition that their work proves satisfactory during the first year in college . Appropriate college courses may be recommended in fields where the student is deficient upon admission. Mature individuals who are not high school graduates but who are otherwise prepared and recommended for college work, may be admitted as special students. A college aptitude test and the GED (General Education Development) tests are administered in judging the individual's qualifications for admission.
Advanced Standing Applicants for admission from another college must also have such college send to the Registrar an official transcript as evidence of dismissal in good standing. Students seeking admission at Peru State while under probation or being dismissed, on a~count of unsatisfactory scholarship or other reason at the last college will, if accepted, be place~ on probation in line with the policies at Peru State. It is reconmended that all transfer students complete an Application for Admission to give personal information as well as to indicate the student's educational objective
Admission to Graduate Study--Students having the baccalaureate
Nebraska S tate Teachers College, Peru
Summer School, i 960
degree and who are intent upon pursuing graduate study chiefly for certification renewal, should request and complete the application form for admission to Graduate Study prior to registration. If not a graduate at Peru State, it is necessary that an official transcript of previous high school and colle ge records be furnished. See also the separate section on the Graduate program elsewhere in this bulletin.
All certificates and renewals of certificates are issued by the State Conrnissioner of Education upon the recommendation of the college. All credits for pre , professional certificate renewals must apply toward fulfilling the requirements of the next higher certificate or a degree. All profess ional and permanent certificates may be renewed by earning eight semester hours of approved study.
It is imperative that teachers seeking renewal of a certificate and/or a higher certificate have a program of studies approved for this purpose. This is done by the teacher and an adviser appointed by the college The responsibility for this rests with the teacher desiring the certificate .
• Before the college can permit a student to practice teach or recommend him for a certificate, the prospective teacher must be admitted to the Teacher Education Curricula. ~ ummer students who have not previously been admitted to the Teacher Education Curricula should apply to the Head of the Division of Education dur~ ing the first week of surmier school.
According to Nebraska Teacher Certification laws, the college has the responsibility of recommending qualified persons forcertificates. This responsibility has been delegated to the Policies Committee and means that this Committee must pass on the applicant's academic and professional qualifications, his character and competence as a teacher. All applicants are hereby advised- that by meeting graduation or s~orte r, term scholastic requirements does not mean that one will be automatically recommended for certification,
In order to facilitate the action of the above committee, it is necessary that all applications be presented not less than three weeks prior to the end of any term
Su111111er School, 1960 Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru
All candidates for degrees (excepting in Elementary Education) who matriculated on or after September 1957 ~ust complete a requirement of two fields of concentrlltio~ : This includes one field with at least 24 semester hours and ·a s·e ·corid with .at least 32 semester hours. This requirement is in addition to the general education requirements.
Two-Year Diploma--This diploma is awarded upon completion of the Two-Year Program in Elementary Education consistent with the current general catalog or a previous catalog if regular progress has been made since matriculation in line with such requirements. In brief, the various requirements to check for graduation are:
1. Admission to the Teacher Education Curricula.
2. Total of at least 64 semester hours.
3. Minimum resident credit of 30 hours at Peru State with at least 12 hours of the last 15 hours before graduation being in residence.
4. Correspondence study credit on record not to exceed 8 hours and other extension credit (off-campus from other colleges) not to exceed another 8 hours.
5. Minimum scholarship GPA (grade point average) of 5.00 on the cumulative record earned at Peru State.
Rachelor's Degree--
A. Bachelor of Arts in Education (A.B. in Educ.)
B. Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S. in Educ.)
C. Bachelor of Music in Education (B.Mus. in Educ.)
D. Bachelor of Arts (A.B.)
The baccalaureate degree is awarded upon completion of a prescribed four-year program in the current general catalog or a previous catalog if regular progress has been made since matriculation in the college. For a degree in Education the following requirements are also checked before graduation:
1. Admission to the Teacher Education Curricula.
2. Total of at least 125 semester hours.
3. Upper-division credit of at least 40 hours--courses numbered 300 and 400 or the equivalent in case of transfer credit.
4. Minimum resident credit of 30 hours at Peru State with at least 24 hours of the last 30 hours before graduation being in residence.
Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru
Summer School, 1960
5. Correspondence study credit on record not to exceed 16 hours and other extension credit (off-campus from other colleges) not to exceed another 16 hours.
6. Minimum scholarship GPA (grade point average) of 5.00 on the cumulative record earned at Peru State as well as a GPA of 5.00 on each field of concentration (major and minors) with no individual course grade below 4.00.
?. Ratings of Distinction and of High Distinction to be based on the minimum of 60 hours earned at Peru State. Master's Degree--
A. Master of Arts in Education (M.A. in Educ.)
B. Master of Science in Education (M.S. in Educ.)
Only graduate students who have started and been approved in their graduate study for this degree, may now register in terms of such objective. Refer to the 1959 Graduate Bulletin for information The awarding of the Master's Degree wi U be discontinued with the 1962 summer session.
Graduation may mean the completion of the Two-Year Program in Elementary Education, the Bachelor's Degree, or the Master's Degi;-ee. If this summer's registration (with or without post session enrollment) will complete the requirements for graduation and likely mean recommendation of the college for certification as well, a written application is essential not later than June 20 indicating candidacy for graduation at the summer commencement. The application form is available at the time of registration or may be requested in the Registrar's office.
In terms of a student's educational objective, such as the Two - Year Program in Elementary Education or the Four-Year Program (Degree) with concentration in Elementary Education and/or approved subject-matter fields, the complete record should be evaluated and reported by means of the Academic Progress Sheets to show progress towards that objective. ~ost students previously enrolled at Peru State and having a defin ~te o4 jective, will have progress Sheets as just indicated Stude~ts are reminded to maintain their own copies of Sheets received and which are planned for use until the student completes the degree. It is important that a student bring along his/her Academic Progress Sheets and any papers of advisemen''t when seeking counsel and being registered.
Summer School, 1960
Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru
A nine point grading system is employed to evaluate the quality of the student's achievement.
Grading for progress permitting Marking to designate failure credit: and o~her irregularities:
The gra~es in numbers as above indicate the value of each semester hour _ of credit and also become the means for calculating the student's grade.point average (GPA) to compare with prevailing scholarship standards.
The Placement Bureau is conducted for the purpose of helping students secure desirable positions. Graduates are not guaranteed a position, but every effort is made to locate worthy teachers in satisfactory places. The charge for joining the Placement Bureau or for having credentials brought up to date is three aollars. ·
Peru also offers complete training designed to fit students for business careers. The Placement Bureau maintains close contact with business firms in cities throughout the area and makes every effort to find openings allD place students in positions for which they are qualified.
All requests for inf.ormation concerning living accommodations and requests for room reservations in one of the residence halls should be directed to either the Dean of Students (men) or the Associate Dean of Students (women). Students in women's resident halls having radios in their rooms must use transformers since the electric current is 220 volt, A.C.
~esidence Halls--The college residence halls offer attractive living accommodations near the classrooms and library. Halls are maintained for both men and women students.
Eliza Morgan Hall for women is under the supervision of the Associate Dean of Students. Two or three students occupy a room.
Grade Meaning Equivalents 9 Exceptional 95-100 1 or F Failing--Below 60% 8 Superior 90- 94 7 Verh Good 85- 89 X Incomplete 6 Hig Average 80- 84 5 Average 75- 79 WP Authorized withdrawal 4 Low Average 70- 74 --passing work at time3 Below Average 65- 69 2 Poor 60- 64 WF Authorized withdrawal p Passed not graded --failing work at tire
Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru
Summer School, fg{;()
All rooms are arranged as combination sleeping and study rooms. Residenlis of the halls must furnish bed linen, blankets, towels, dresser scarfs, and curtains.
Delzell Hall provides superior facilities for men of the college. They are under the super vis ion of the Dean of Students. All rooms are arranged as combination sleeping and study rooms. Two or three students occupy a room. Residents of the hall furnish bed linen, blankets, and towels.
Apartments--One and two-bedroom apartments are available at low cost to married students in the Oak Hill married student housing area. · Complete information may be obtained by writing to the Dean of Business Affairs.
Dining Services--The air-conditioned college dining room 1s open to all stude nts. Students in any of the residence halls receive their meals in accordance with the fees listed below. Commuting students and others may purchase meals at a low rate. The Bob Inn Snack Bar will be open for lunches and snacks at stated hours.
Eight-Week Session
Board and Room (5 day week) ..............
(All meals Monday through Friday)
Post Session
Board and Room (7 day week).
(All · meals . except Sunday breakfast)
S 55. 00
AU ·rates apply when two or three students occupy a room. For sin gle occupancy. when available, add $45.00 for eight week session and $11.00 for post session.
Room and board are due and payable at time of registration. By special arrangement with the Dean of Business Affairs, students may pay one-half of charge for eight-week session on registration day and remainder on July 1. The full amount for post session 1s due on the first day of the session.
Deposit for Reservation--A deposit of $20.()0 must accompany ' ' reservations . Full refund of deposit will be mad e at the end oJ the summer session less ' dedu ~ tion for any misuse of dormitory property. If cancellation occurs prior to two weeks before the opening of the session, the student receives $20.00 refund. During the two week period all but $5.00 is refunded. On the opening date or thereafter no refund will be made.
Summer School, 1960 Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru
Tuition charges and fees applicable for suDJDer registration are payable in cash at the time of registration on June 6. There is no provision for carrying a receivable basis. studen~ on a credit or accounts
Scholarships--Nebraska Normal School scholarships will be honored during the summer session in the amount indicated in the scholarship.
,Proportionate refunds will be made ·to students withdrawing ' from the College within a given period. The matriculation and Student lhion fees will not be refunded unless collected :ilh error,
. ,, Regular
' Resident Non-Resident
Session (Undergraduate)
. ••
(incl.) semester
fewer hours •.•..• Post Session (Undergraduate only) Three semester hours. ,/ .••... SPECIAL FEES •: $54.00 $83.00 --. 32.00 50.00 - · 8.00 13.00 70.00 115.00 40.00 70.00 25.00 > 40.00 /?rt:/~ J(PdJtJ Matriculation •.•.••....•••. ·•.•. S 5.00 Paid but once by each student entering college Student Union Fee (Regular Sessi~n) .•••• Student Union Fee (Post Session). • • . • . • Special Physical Examination--Required from students 4.003.00 who fail to aeet scheduled appointment for physical exam or fail to arrange for another appointaent • •• 5.00 -:;::;:, Late Registratio n- •••••••••.•.•.•••• (af'te-r t~___:::::::,._ Change of ~iTI~ ..•••.•••.•.••••.• (after .s of= e-l-a·s·s-ee&) Applied Music--No charge for private instruction for students with ausic as field of concentration; for _ others, charge for each lesson is • • • • • , • • , GRADUATIOO FEES Graduate Degree •.• , .•• Includes rental of acadeaic Undergraduate Degree, • , •• Includes rental of academic Two-Year Diploma, •••• gear for coamenceaent, gear for coaaenceaent. .$5.00 . 2.00 . 1.50 $20.00 15.00 7.00
to nine (incl.) semester
Five or fewer hours . .
Each additional semester hour ( above _ 9)
Nebraska State Teach.ers College, Peru
Summer School, 1960
The following schedule will be followed in making refunds : First week. 80% of registration fee
Sec.ond week 60%
Third week. 40%
After third week. none
Board and room refunds will be made if a student must withdraw from school. In case of such withdrawal, the student will be required to pay charges to the end of the week in which withdrawal is made. In case of illness, the board only will be refunded providing student has missed at least five (5) consecutive school days of meals. Refund will be prorated in accordance with the unused portion. The $20.00 deposit is refundable in full providing the room and equipment are left in good condition.
College operated housing for married students is rented on a monthly basis. The $20.00 deposit payable in advance is refundable when the unit is vacated providing the rooms and equipment are left in good condition. Rentals are collected on .a monthly basis and refunds will not be made if withdrawal from a unit occurs during the month .
An opportunity for student teaching in the summer session is essentially limited to elementary educ ation students through enrollment for a Student Teach i'ng Seminar. To be eligible for the Seminar, the student must submit evidence of two years of successful teaching experience and 45 semester hours of college work. Ole of the two years of experience must have been during the past five years, or two years within the past ten years. Application for the Seminar must be made to the Director of Student Teaching at least three weeks prior to the official registration day. Oily students advancing to a diploma or degree at Peru State can be considered and approved for registration in the Student Teaching Seminar.
The Graduate Program leading to a Master's Degree at Peru State Teachers College, will- be discontinued with the 1962 summer session All the pre s ent candidates for the Master's Degree must complete the same on ot' befo~e that date. This fact makes it imperative that each candidate's program be planned with the utmost care and that the candidate and the advisor share this responsibility. Details relative to requirements for the Master' s Degree may be found in the 1959 Graduate Bulletin. Graduate courses are
12 J
Summer School, 1960
Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru
noted in the schedule of classes in this bulletin by numbers in the 400-series followed by 'G' and the 500-series. For students advancing their study beyond the baccalaureate degree for certification renewal and-or the professional level of certificate, courses with graduate c ; edit 'may be approved and completed to the extent of 30 semester hours. '
This bulletin includes the Schedule of Classes in order that the student may anticipate and plan his summer program prior to the day of official registration. In this con~ection some pertinent information and advice are essential and should be noted carefully as part of the registration.
Student Classification - -A student must correctly identify and use his classification on the basis of the completed credits recorded in this College. This means that if you have additional credits elsewhere and plan to complete a program or degree in this College, all such credit must be officially transferred i-n as the basis of your classification. However, if you are enrolling for courses to be transferred elsewhe r e upon complet ion and do not have a cumulative record in this College of all completed credits , your classification should be indicated as unclassified (Uncl. } , Your specific classification in this College is deter~ined as follows :
Freshman less than 26 hours
Sophomore 26 through 55 hours
Junior 56 through 87 hours
Senior - - 88 through 125 hours - until completion of degree
Post - Graduate--undergraduate courses supplementing degree Graduate graduate courses approved for higher degree
Numbering of Courses--Each course has a number made up of appropriate abbreviations as to the Division and numerical digits with this significance :
1- 99 Unclassified 100-199 Freshman ) Lower200-299 Sophomore ) Division
Pre - registration is possible for only those students who have previously matriculated at Peru State and who have been duly advised in the selection of courses towards an educational objective. If there are questions relative to your course needs in the coming summer session, it is recommended that you delay until the official registration day of Monday, June 6, for necessary counseling and the completion of your registration.
300-399 Junior ) U~per400-499 Senior) Division 500-599 Graduate
The pre-registration procedure means a careful study of information in this Bulletin and the Schedule of Classes in making up a personal schedule on the Student Class Schedule Form included in the bulletin. Remember that the normal and approved registration load in the regular session is 9 hours and you should not submit a pre-registration for more than a normal load. If your pre-registration includes Student Teaching Seminar be certain you have applied for same as directed elsewhere and have such approval. Post session registration may be included now only if you fully intend to keep such enrollment and will pay the fee for same on the official registration day of June 6, No reservation for a post session class will be held after June 6 unless the fee is paid in full for it.
1. Complete Card Form 5--Registrar's Card for 9 hours or less as planned in the regular session and for a post-session class if definite, The blank for. Concentration means your major or specific curriculum. Leave blank the space for Counselor's Signatbre unless you are currently a day student and can contact your counselor.
2. Complete Card Form 7--Directory Card to show vour personal schedule of courses also listed· on Card Form 5.
3. Cut out the t~o Card Forms along the broken lines to make 3x5 and 4x6 cards and mail or deliver to the Registrar prior to June 1..
If your two cards reflect satisfactory pre-registration in line with your known record and program of studies, you may assume approval for the classes you indicate, Then plan to call in person in the Administration Building on Monday, June 6, (per alphabetical arrangement for the day) where your cards will be available and you will more readily complete registration,
·1111illlllll/lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll/llY/l//llllll/llllllllllllllllllll/llllllllllllllllll//llil/li l. II II
. R&gular Si.nrn@r Session:---::ne 6 - July 29, -1960 Peru, Nebraska
TH£ SCHo:J.IL£ OF CLASSES is arranged by Divisions with eight- 6CJ-minuu p.&riods daily. Both und&rgr.aduate and graduate cours&s are i ncluded• . Post session course offerings appear to! lowing this schedule. Note and use the Student Sch&<;l'ule· Form in planning your registration.
II S C H £ D U L £ 0 F C L A S S £ S
Dept & Nt.mber Course Title , Section, Laboratory, &tc. 0 i V i S i O n O f £ d U C a t I O n £CIJCATION & PSYCHOLOOY -£due 108 Introduction to Education •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• £due 222 Improvement of Instruction in Socia! Studies--July 5-15 •••••• £dUc 304 High School Methods & Management••••••••••••••••••••·•••··••• £due 305 Element ary School Methods & Management: Unit 1, Reading••••• E.d<JC £,;Jue £due £due £due £due c£auc id~ Educ £due £due £due £due £due £due306 305- 06 310s 426 437G 501 562 503 508 535 539 562 563 574 581 Unit 2, Soc . Studies Elementary School Methods & Management: Unit 3, Math & Sci .• Unit 4, Management•• Elementary School Methods & Management--Observation •••···•••• Student Teaching Seminar--June 7-July 1 (4 weeks)•••••••••••• (Advance application and approval required) Principles of Elementary £ducation--July 18-29 ·•••••••••••••• Techniques of Counseling ••••••••• • •• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Advanced Educational Psychology •• ·•·•••• •• •••••••• ••••••• •• •• Techniques of Research •Elementary School Administration • •••••••••• •·• •••••••••••••••• •Science & Mathematics in the Elementary School ••••··••• •·•·•• •statistics in Education • • ••••••••••••••••r••••••••••••••••••• •School Business Manage~nt ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Organization & Mamgement of the Secondary School •••••••••••• Pub! ic School Administration ••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••• Curricult.m Development • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• Semingr in Education ... ·• -· ••••••••••.•••• • •••••••.•••••••••••••• •Last surrmer the course will be offered. Cr 3 3 2 2-3 2-3 2-;3 2-3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Peri d NI?.~ 010 l~I~ ...... ~§ r-- Cl: 1::. .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 2j3'415 4 2 314 213 415 2131415 3 ? 2 1 · ( I ~1 ~ ) 4 5 5 6 6 er s " ,. 78 7 7 Days MTWTF MTWrF MTWT MTWTF MTWrF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWT'F Room CS307 CS305 CS307 CS314 CS314 CS314 CS314 cs CS205 Instruct.or &"~ Mas&k Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Eddy MTWTF CS30~ . _f dams MTWTF M:&/jflo/Bradley MTWTF A101 Boraas MTWrF CS306 May MTWTF CS306 May MTWrF CS306 May MTWTF A101 Boraas MTWTF A303 Wininger MTWTF A303 Wininger MTWTF A301 Johnson MTWTF A303 Johnson MTWTF Lib Blanton
r:Dept -& Number Course Title, Section, Laboratory, etc. Cr Days Room Instructor '.l v i 5 ;/ o _ n o f Ii d u c a~...11__~n_tinued) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ Thesis (Required of students following Plan 1) ...........•... 6 ( Arranged) ---~----------(Staff) I· j"PSYCHOCOGY _, _ , Ps¾Ch 101 _Psych 301 · Psych 331 LIBRARY SCI £NC£ i. Sc 313 L Sc 415 L -Sc ,t,.17 Human Growth & Development ••••••••••••••.•....••..•••...•.... Educational Psychology ••••••••••••••••••.•..•...•..•••.•••... Educational Measurements ••••••••••••••••• .••.• •.••••.••••••.. Administration of School Libraries ••..••..••••••.•.••..•••••• Organization of the Library •••••••••••••••••••.••••• • ••••••• • Library Practicum ••••••••••••••••••••••••••. •• . •••.••••••••• .. 3 3 131 1s 2 3 , 2 3 1 - 1 I 15 3 MTWTF A303 Wininger MTWTF A101 Bradley MTWT CS307 Masek MT'l.fTF Lib Langham MTWTF Lib Langham · M7WTF Lib Lanqham Di'vision ·· of F i n e A r t s ART Art 101 Art 103 Art 202 Art 312 Art 306 HUSIC Hus .19 Hus 101-02) 203-04) Hus 110 Mus 110 Hr.is 120/220) 320/420) Mus 201 Mus 202 Mus 303 Mus 311 D i v i s i o n P£ 2 p £ · 4 P£ 6 PE 8 P£ 9 F~eehand Drawing •••••••••• T-1~-11-=~KTF--=] 05--Didde~----• Gen<tral Public School Art • • • • • • • • . • • . . • • • • • • • • • • . • • . . . . . . . • . • 3 I2 I MTWTF /!301 Diddel W~ter ~olor Paint ing •••••.•.••••••.•...• : ..•.••..•.•.. ) /2 --ef 3 (c os§ a ~ MT«TF / L305 Diddel o, l Pa,ntt,,,g •••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••• .• •.. .•.•. •• Y::?/M?t-Art Appreciation •• • • • •••••••• •• •••••• •• • • • • • . • ••• •• ••••.•. ••• 2 11141,- I 11 MT TF L301 Oiddel Chorus •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• • Harmony (Ear Training, 1 hour arranged) ·•··········•·•••····· Fundamentals of Music, Se c 1 •••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••• Fundamentals of Music, Sec 2 ••••••••• .••••••••• •••• ••·•···•·• Applied Music--Private Instruction ••.•...••••••••••••••••.••. (Indicate if voice and/or definite instrument.) Elementary Music Methods ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. Secondary School Music Materials & Choral Conducting ••••••••• String lnstrumeryts •••••••, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•• Music Appreciation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• !L,f H e a l t h & p h__:t_ s i C a 1 £ d....!!._.C a t i O,..!!, Square & Social Dance ••••••••••••••••••••••-••.• ••••••••••••••• Golf (With instructor's approval) At Auburn Country Club •• Individual Sports (For Women) ••••••••••••••••• .••••••• _ •• ,. ••••• Beginning Swirrming (F w ) Advanct!d Swirnrning or omen · • · • • • • · • • · • • · · · · • • · · · • • • • • · · • • : m1::25 to 12l:55 ::: ::: 3 1 MTWTF M109 3 6 MTWTF M101 1-2 (Arranged illl 141 5 1 6 1 I I MTWTF M207 MT TF M207 MT'lffF M101 MT TF M101 lH~TT't~ Gym Gym Pool Manring Benford Benford Jindra (Staff) Manring Manring Jindra Jindra Stoddard Wheeler Stoddard Stoddard
Dept & 'Y'!"'b"r PE 9 PE 10 PE 10 PE 204a PE 205 .PE 205 PE 300 ,p E 312 PE 315 Econ 222 Gt!og 101 Gt!og 300 Geog 404/504 Govt 201 Hid 114 Hist 202 ~ Hist 301 Hist 422G Hist 470 Hist 471 Hist 472 Soc 305 ss 104 D i,...l. i ·s i o n Course Title, Section, Laboratory, etc. Cr p ( Swirrming (For Men) ••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••·••••••••••••••• 1, Tennis, Sec 1 (For Men) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Tennis, Sec 2 (For Womt!n) • •••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Physical Education for Elementary Schools··••••••·••••••••••• 1 Health Education, Sec 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Health Education, Sec 2 ••••• •••·••· •·••••••••••• ••••••••••• •• ,1 Pr,.vention & Treatm@nt o.f Injuries •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Kinesio logy & Anatomy •••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Conmtimitv R@creat ion ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 of History__ & S O c i a l _.2,_£....i._-=-!_~°_!;_--- ---. Contemporary Economic Problems ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .,. • • 3 Principles of Geography (Laboratory arranged) •••••••••••••••• 3 Geography of Asia • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . 3 Philosophy , Literature & Materials of Geography •••••••••••••• 1-3 Anrerican National Government •• ·•······••···•·• •• ·•••• •• •••••• 3 History of tht! U.S. Sine<! 1865 ••·•••••••••·······•·•·•···•••• 3 World Civilization Since 1500 •••• ••••••• •••••••• ••• •••••••••• 3 History of Chrt~tianity •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •........ 3 U.S. in the Twentieth C@ntury •• ••. •• •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 Topics in American History ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1-3 Topics in Europedn History ••• . •••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••• 1-3 Topics in Lp.tin American History••••••••••·•••••••••••·•••••• 1-3 Courtship, Marriagt! & Parenthood (Also offered as Biol 305) •• 3 Social Studi@s Surv@y •-•·•••-••-•-'-••-•_._._. ••••• •••_. •••••••••• . _ ••• 3 0 f L a n g___u a 9-" A r t s ENGLISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE -Eng · 102 English Composition ••• •••••••••••••••· •• •••••• •• • •• • •• ••••••• 3 Eng 204 Introduction to Literat:urt! •••• •• •• • ••• •• ••••• •• • •• • • • • • • • • •• . 3 Eng 234 Beginning Journalism •••••••••••• :. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 Eng 304 Survt!y of English Litt!raturt! ••••••••·••·•·•·•··•••·••••••••·· 3 Eng 320 Modt!rn Poetry • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 ·Eng 325 Survey of American L iteraturt! •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• _ ? f..ng 403G Modt!rn Fiction •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : j,2.-. Eng 440G Modern Drama ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •3 / Eng . 405 Teaching of English in High School • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 Days Room Inst.rue tor 4 MTWTF Pool Wheeler 2 , M7WTT Courts Stemper 3 MTWTF Cou--ts Stoddard 6 MTWTF Gym Stoddard 1 MTWTF S105 Mathews
MTWTF S105 Mathews 1 MT TF A101 Wheel@r 2 MTWTF S301 Wheeler 1 MTWTF Gvm Stemoer 1 MTWTF S201 Clayburn ·rrmJ-1l~F;,102--;;;,o t tenhame 4 MTl'ffF S201 Clayburn (Arranged S201 Clayburn 31 I' I I J MTWTF A104 Schottenhamel 6 MTWTF A104 Delaney 2 4 (Ar~a~g~d) (Arranged) (Arranged) 2' ' ' 6 31 I I 6 5 5 • 6 . 41 (A rrnng e d ) MTWTF A104 Delaney MTWTF A104 Delaney MTWTF Office Schottenhamel (Staff) (Staff) MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MT TF MT TF MT TF MT TF S105 S201 (Staff) Mathews Clayburn A102 Levitt A~ Holmes MtVer Linscheid A304 Linscheid L306 Moore Holmes A3('),;:- Holmes A304 Linscheid L306 Moore
Dept & Nt.fflber D i V i s i o n SP££CH £00CAT'ION .Speh 152 Speh 254 Speh 353 Speh 355 Course Title, Section, Laboratory, etc , 0 f L a n u a e A r t s (cont i_r,_ue<i) Fundamentals of Speech ••••••••• -· •••••••••••••••••••••••...•• Public Speaking •••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• • • Speech Correction & Development ···•••··••••••.•....•••....... Play Production •••••••••••• •• _ •••••••• _• •••••••.•.•••••.•.••• Cr 3 3 3 3 Divi ·sion ,9-t P r a c t i c a l........... A r t s BUSINESS £00CATION -B £ · 105 Typewriting /--Beginning (3 hours lab arranged) ••.••••••••••• 2 3 B £ · 101 Shorthand l - -£l·ementary •.•••••••••••••••••••••••...••.••••••• 8 £ 203 Ac c ounting I (2 hours lab arranged) ••••••• ••• •.•....•. ) ON£ B £ 204 Accounting II (2 hours lab arranged) ••·••••••••••••·••) 3 2 B £ 206 Typewriting II (3 hours lab arranged)• ••••• ••••••·••••••••••• HOM£ £CON<»tlCS - ~ H £e 104/304 ' H £c 313 H'.£c 317 H: £c . 432 -/NOOSTRIAL ARTS -- I A 208 I A 209 I A 213 I A 418. I A 217 I A 412 I A 316 I A 321 I A 424 I A 504 D i v i s i o n SC/£NC£ -Biol 101 Bio l 102 Biol 310 Biol 407G Biol 503 Beginning ~oods & Nutrition····•·••••••· • ·•·••·••···•·······• 3 Personal &-.,C-amily Relations •••••••••••• -•••• ••••·••••••••••••• 2 Nutrition & Dietetics • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 Special Problems in Home Economics••·••••••••••••••••··•••;•• 1- 3 Technical Drawing Technical Drawing General Metals) Welding ) Arts & Crafts Ind Arts for £lem : : / ) ON£ - - July 5- 29 .................... . ON£ OR 80TH June 7-July 1 ••••••••••••••• T )) ONE OR BOTH - - June 7-July 29 chrs 2 2-3 2- 3 Driver Education --June 7-July 1 ••·•··•·•••••••·••·•••••••••• 3 Machine Woodworking July 5- 29 • • • . • • • .• .. .. • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • 3 Electronics - - June 7 - July 1 ••·••••-• •• ..... ••••·•···••••••••• 2 Administration & Supervision in Industrial Arts July 5- 29 ' 3 0 f S c i e n c e & M a t h e m a t i c s General Biology--Plant (2 hours lab arranged) ••• , .•••••••••••• General Biology- -Animal (2 hours lab arranged) ; •••••••••••••• Biological Readings ••·•••••••••••••••·•••••••••; -••••••• ." •••• Human Physiology • • •·••·••••• ·•••••• ••••• ••• •••••••• •••••••••• Research Problems in Teachihg of Biology····•·•·••••••••••••• 3 3 1- 4 3 1-4 3 2 4 5 2 6 3 415 2 6 (Ar~a~g~d} 2 112 1 415 617 ~ } 1> 617 "6 Days Room MTWTF A102 MTWTF A102 MTWTF L306 MTWTF L306 MTWTF A302 MTWTF A301 MTWTF A301 MTWTF A302 MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF CS322 CS312 CS312 CS312 IA 2 CS113 IA 1 Instructor Levitt Levitt Moore Moore Weare Weare Weare Weare Kregel Kregel Kregel Kregel Harlan Russell Tra y lor & Russell MTWTF CS//J Jarvis MTWTF~ Traylor MTWTF CS113 Russell MTWTF IA 2 Harlan
::::, S304 Christ S301 Scoby
1'1 rmTf
I <,;fafgjd( I
Christ (Arranged)
30 - August 13 (13 days)
REGI S TRATION for~ course may be made on June ~ in c onnec tion with registra tion fo r the regular session. No reservation for -ber ship in a post session clas s will be held at_ter June 6 unless o ffi c ial!:-l...f'egister~d and e a id for same.
COD£ TO BUILDINGS - - prefix as used bef o re room nr.mbers in schedule: A - Administration Building Lor Lib - Library
Musi c Hall
PLAN YOOR PERSONAL SCH£00L £ on the form hereafter in this-bulletin. Read a ll information in the bulletin carefully and if you have a definite st..mner program and are eligible t o pre - register, • complete and submit the · forms for this exactly as directed.
------ · - -· I 0.p.t & Nunb•r :{) i V i S i O n -c,,_ 209· ~ - Sc .201 G Sc . 202 Phys 202 HATHF>fAT;ICS Hath 104Hath· 105 Afatt, 300 Hath . 405G . -~ -·- ·- · Cours• Tt He, .S• c tl on, Laboratory, •t c . Cr I Period Nunber I Ulys Room 11121 3 141 5 161 7 18 1 0 f S C i • n C • & H a t h e m a t I e s ( c ontinued) Introductory Organic Ch-is try ..... , ......................... 3 f 2 MTWTF S204 S ur v•y of Bi o logi ca l Science•••••••••••••••••••• • ••••• • •••••• 3 4 MTWrF 5301 ·S urv•y o f- Physical Sc ienc e .... . .............................. 3 1 MTWT"F S301 General Physic s •••·••••••••···•··••··•••.. •••• • •• ·•·······• ••• 3 6 7 HTWrF S 104 S lide Rule •• •••••• •••••• .............. •• •••••••••••••• •• ••••. 1 4 MW S204 MTWTF) S 104 Fundamentals o f Mathemat.i c s ......................... •.• ••••• .•• 5 3 4 T T ) Arithmetic for Tea c hers •• -~••••• ••••• ·••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 2 MTWTF S 104 Statisti c s ..•.......•.••......•.......•..•...•...1 •••••••••• 3 1 MTWTF S 104 P O S T s ! s s 0 N July
Dept & Nunber Course Title · Cr lays Inst r uctor £due £due £due I A PE 203 Children's Litel'Clture ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 MTWTFS CS305 Adams 308 Audio- Visual Materials• • ••••••••••••• • •••• • ••••••• 2 -MTWTFS CSAud Sheely 408W Workshop in Elementary Educati on•••••••••••••••••• 3 1-fTWTFS CS205 Eddy 315 Safety Education··•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 MTWTFS CS306 J~(~ 2 15 First Aid •••••••••••••••••••• .•••••••••••••••••••• ¥ MTWTFS CS307
Gym - Gymnasir.m MVer
I A - Industrial
S -
Hiller Hiller HcKercher Brady Mc Kerc her
CS - Campus School
- Mt. Vernon Hall
Arts Building
Sc ienc e Hall
t or Hiller Brady Brady
(For planning personal schedule prior to registration)
(Prepare this as a trial copy with access to the Schedule of Classes and use in completing the required registration cards. Retain this in your Bulletin for later reference.)
S T U O E N T C L A S S S C H E O U L E F O R M Student ________________
P e r i o d Dept. &: No. Course Title Cr Check Day~ Room Instructor No. IBeg ins M l IW l F I 7:00 2 8:05 .3 9: 10 . 4 10: 15 . 5 II :20 12:20 6 hOO 7 2:05 8 3: 10 To Arrange Post Sess ion Non ttvu Sat
Pre-registration for previously matriculated students at Peru State is urgeij if you wit I determine from your Academic Progress Sheet and advisement the exact courses essential to your progress in the summer session by completing the Cards 5 and 7. Note carefully the Schedule of Classes and other information in the bulletin before iou complete these cards. Please cut out the two cards to the exact ,x5 and 4x6 sizes and mall to the Registrar before June!, .!.2§Q.
Hence, you should plan o comp e e your o
If You commute daily from home please indicate the licence number of the car you will drive.
PLEASE OBSERVE! Pre-Registration be1ore June I,
r -o - _7 I vi o o o -+ -o l\.11 I -•C en (I) , :::, (I) '-" 1 co:::,.... -o 01n, I ::JUI -+(l)C ::0
1aco vi • -:::, rn I I -+ ci, 8-0l(l)(j) t It ff""I "t t· co ui :::, ;;: I
1c1a reg1s ra ,on
I , , en 01 v• I ci,u, g· • ;t 'r-~~d~l_!~~~:_~dm~is!_r~t~~_:3~:_d~n_g~~Mond~_Y_!.~~~6,_196(). __ 7 I .. -i :;o t g J, I (7) DIRECTORY~- Summer 19,_ Student ------------1 1 ; 1~ I Peru S htte Teachers Co 11 ege Address _____________ I I , :;o I I I C11 ° P e r i d Dept. & No. Course Tl t I e Cr O.eck Da•,s Room I I > u, I t-.b. Beg I ns M T W T F l I o. .... I I o. c I I 7:00 l (") , 0. • I g : I 2 8: 05 J I J en -+ I '3 9: IO l a? n (I) -u .... z ? G) -i -· ....(I) (") , CD 0..... I (") QI UI (I) (/) C (I) , ,\!) -4 10: 15 5 11 :20 12:20 6 I :00 7 2:05 8 3: 10 To Arrange Post Sess Ion MTWTFS
I I I I I I I I I I I I L _________________ _J _ ·. _ _ . -:-__.J l
Peru, Nebraska Return Postage Guaranteed ~u,n,neJ- ~eJJictt Non Profit Organi~atioo U.S. Postag e PAID Permit No. 4 Peru, Ne braska Form 3547 Req uested