1962 Summer Catalog of Peru State Teachers College (Nebraska)

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Summer Sessions Announcements 1962 NebraskaStateTeachersCollege Peru,Nebraska First Term June 4 - July 6 Second Term July 7 - August 10



(For plennlng your 1962 Su11111er Progrem)


PLEASE REMEMBER to bring elong on Regi s tration Day your Academic Progress Sheet (copy maintained by YOU) and any pap e rs of advisement relative to your stetus to fecllitete counseling end regi s tration on that dey. There will be Jl2. pre-registration.

IF YOU plan to register on Monday, June 4, for the first end/or the second term, complete end return the form "Reporting Plans To Register" to the Registrar Jl¥.IAA¥..lll•

------- - -----------
This Along On Registration Oayl C P e r t o d CALL Dept. a: No. Course Title (abbrevieted) Cr Ched<Days ROOII Instructor No. IBegins NO. MfTJWlT[F F I t T J 4 - July 6, I~ I 7:00 2 8:50 3 10:40 Noon 12: 20 4 1:00 5 2:50 . s d T July 7 - A t 10. 1962 I 7:00 2 8:50 3 I0:4o Noon 12:20 4 I :00 5 2:50


Peru, Nebraska


No. 2

February 1962


Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools to grant bachelor's degrees. Full membership in the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (formerly the American Association of Teachers Colleges) has been maintained since 1918. The College has been a member of the American Council of Education since 1947 and is a charter member of the Nebraska Council on Teacher Education and a member of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.

Published by Nebraska State Teachers College at Peru, Nebraska, and entered under Bulk Permit Number 4 at Peru, Nebraska.


A. D. Majors ... .

Henry I. Freed .. .

Bernard M. Spencer.

Carl Spelts ...

0 Te•r; E~pir~s °!967.

•T;r; E~pir~s ·1967 ·

•T;r; E~pir~s ·1965.

E. Albin Larson.

Freeman B. Decker



President ..... .

Dean of the College.

Dean of Students .•

Associate Dean of Students

Business Manager

Registrar ........ .

Director of Student Teaching

Director of Placerrent. . . •·

Director of Special Services







.Nebras ka City . .Kearney ... ayne .Lodgepole .Lincoln .Lincoln


. Neal S. Gomon

Keith L. Melvin

. Harold Boraas

Juanita Bradley

Lawrence D. Ebner . .

F. H. Larson

Lloyd Kite


.. Harold Johnson

Donald K. Carlile


.Max E. Langham

.Dr. John R. Thompson

.Clara M. Boatman


Education ......... (Acting Head) Darrell E. Wininger

Fine Arts. . . . . . . . . . . (Acting Head) R. T. Benford

Health and Physical Education. . . Alfred G. Wheeler

History and Social Science .George Schottenharrel

Language Arts. . . . . . . Robert D. Moore

Practical Arts. . . . . C. Vernon Siegner

Science and Mathematics. . .John C. Oi.rist


Keith L. Melvin, Oi.airman Neal S. Gomon, Ex-officio

Harold Boraas George Schottenharrel

F. H. Larson

C. Vernon Siegner Darrell E. Wininger

Suaaer School, 1962

Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru


i''irst Term June 4 - July 6

June 4, Monday Registration for first and/or second term (7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.)

June 5, Tuesday Classes begin (7 : 00 a.m.)

June 6, Wednesday Late registration fee applies on and after this day

June 7, , Thursday Change of registration fee applies on and after this day

June 11, Monday Final day for registration or change of

June 18, Monday registration Final day to apply for a degree (to graduate August 10)

June 30, Saturday Classes meet

July 4, Wednesday Independence Day recess

July 6, Friday First term ends , Second Term July 7 - August 10

July 7, Saturday - - Registration for second term (7:30 a.m. to 12 noon)

July 9, Monday Classes begin (7 : 00 a.m.)

July 10, Tuesday Late registration fee applies on and after this day

July 11, Wednesday Change of registration fee applies on and after this day

July 13, Friday Final day for registration or change of registration

August 10, Friday Second term ends; summer commencement (6:00 p.m.)


The city of Peru (population 1150) is located at the east side of Nemaha County in the hills along the Missouri River~ 75 miles southeast of Lincoln and 65 miles south of Omaha. It is situated on State Highway 67 which intersects Federal Highway 73-75 six miles west of Peru, five miles north of Auburn and fifteen miles south of Nebraska City.

The Peru campus of one hundred acres of rolling oak-covered hills overlooks the Missouri River. In this setting seventeen buildings are conveniently and attractively arranged, interspersed with well-kept lawns, trees, shrubs, and gardens.

During the summer of 1962 the full facilities of a library


Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru

Su aae r S chool, 1962

will be curtailed in view of the remodel i n g pro gr a m unde r way on the Library but supplemental facilities will be provided . Stude nts will have access to the fully equipped labor at ories, shops, an d studios as necessary in connect i on wit h the s ummer progra m o f study.


Peru's location in the r ollin g , wooded c ountr y along the Missouri River, offers many opportunities for hikes and outing s Other recreational opportunities include the intramural program, music, dramatics, and social dancing. Summer students may also anticipate enjoyable occasions in connection with concerts, lectures, movies, recitals, and convocation programs.

Sports--Classes are conducted in swimming and tennis for those who desire instruction in these sports. The college pool is open regularly for recre~tional swim periods. Two surfaced tennis courts are maintained for instructional and recreational use.

·Student Center--Summer students will find the new Student Center which is completely air-conditioned, a pleasant place for recreation and relaxation. The facilities include the main dining room, snack bar, lounges, game room, bookstore, and publications offices.


It should be noted that the sumner program is divided into two five-week terms with registration possible for one or both terms .

Courses- - The course offerings are essentially the same as those given in the regular academic year. Many courses are repeated each summer while others for which the demand is small, are alternated and made available every second or third summer.

Advantages--Students may continue their college work during the summer in order to shorten the time necessary to complete the requirements for a degree. High ~;chool graduates may apply for admission .and plan to start their college work in the suDller _jy.t as well as in the fall. Teachers may return or be admitted· to earn sufficient credit to' r,e new their certificates or to quaiify for a higher level of certificate ~ Returning veterans may begin or continue their college study during the summer.

Credit--Students may enroll for the maximum of six (6) hours credit in each five week term--twelve (12) hours for both terms. No request for an overload can be honored.

Attendance--There should not have to be a specific pol i cy as to


Suaner School, 1962

Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru

attendance other than to emphasize that with the es sen tia 1 acce leration of course work in a 11 classes during · ; · summer term, it is imperative that students plan for punctu"al a·ttendance in all classes.


Students who have not previously matriculated at Peru State and now wish to begin their first college work or to continue study on the basis of transfer college work, must write to the Registrar well in advance of the registration day for information and advisement. If admission means likely advancement to and completion of a degree at Peru State, an early clearance on requirements for admission is important. The Registrar's Office will gladly comply on request for Application for Admission inclusive of the Medical Report as required on all students, and this should be given attention by new s tudents at least two weeks prior to day of registration.

Full Admission--High school grad ~ates will receive full admission to freshman classification with a minimum of 160 hours (school semester hours) or 16 units from a four-year high school and the recommendation of the high school principal or superintendent. Although no specific distribution of the entrance units is necessary, it is recommended that at least half of the units earned represent work in English, foreign language, mathematics, natural science, and . social science.

Conditional Ad•ission--Students who have completed 150 hours (school semester hours) or 15 units, the equivalent of high school graduation, are admitted to freshman classification on the condition that their work proves satisfactory during the first year in college. Appropriate college courses may be recommended in fields where the student is deficient upon admission. Mature individuals who are not high school graduates but who are otherwise prepared and recommended for college work, may be admitted as speciai students. For this latter type of student there may be administered a college aptitude test and/or the General Education Development (GED) test in judging the individual's qualifications for admission.

Advanced Standing--Applicants for admission as transfer students must have each college send an official transcript to the Registrar for evaluation and as evidence of dismissal in good standing. Students seeking admission to Peru State while under , probation, or being dismissed on account of unsatisfactory schol-


Nebra,ia State Teacher, College, Peru

arship, or other reason, at the last colleg~, will rate admission "on probation", if accepted at Peru State.


Before the college permits a student into student teaching or reconmends him for a new certificate, the prospective teacher must be duly admitted to the Teacher Education Curriculum as provided at Peru State. This admission procedure includes application to Director of Student Teaching; having the requisites as to health, personality, character, scholarship; and being interviewed by a conmittee. During the regular academic year this admission procedure should be anticipated before the end of a student's sophomore year.

Student Teaching or Seainar--An opportunity for student teaching or seminar in the sunmer program is essentially limited. to students in elementary education. To be eligible for the seminar (in addition to admission to the teacher education curriculum), the student must submit evidence of two years of successful teaching experience and completion of 45 semester hours of college work. One year of the two years of experience must have been during the past five years, or two years within the past ten years. Application for student teaching or seminar in the suniner program must he made to the Director of Student Teaching at least three weeks prior to the official registration day. Only students advancing to a degree at Peru State can be considered and approved for registration in student teaching or seminar.


All certificates and renewals of certificates in Nebraska are issued by the State Commissioner of Education upon recommendation or advisement of the college. It is essentially the same as to certification in other states. All credits for pre-professional certificate renewals must apply toward fulfilling the requirements of the next higher certificate or a degree. All professional and permanent certificat'es may he renewed in Nebraska by earning eight (8) semester hours of app;oved study within the immediate past seven years.

Approved Program of Studies--lt is imperative that teachers seeking renewal of a certificate or a higher certificate, have a program of studies approved for this purpose. This usually means the same as having an academic progress sheet prepared in line with


Summer School, 1962

Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru

the appropriate general catalog at Peru State outlining requirements for a degree. Returning students would h~v~ such progress sheet as guide and the new student should request ;a me in connection with application for admission if he also has previous college work for evaluation. The responsibility rests with the teacher to know certification requirements and to have and maintain an academic progress sheet on college work towards a degree.

Recommenda t ion--At Peru State the responsibility of recommending qualified persons for certification, has been delegated to the Policies Committee which passes on the applicant's academic and professional qualifications, and his character and competence as a teacher All applicants should n ote that by meeting graduation scholastic requirements does not mean that one will be automatically recommended for certification. All applications for certification in the summer should be cleared in the Registrar's Office at least two weeks prior to the end of either term of enrollment . .


All students advancing to a degree should foll ow requirements of catalog in effect at time of matriculation or later, and the same applies as to fields of concentration unless the degree may be in Elementary Education. Effective· as of September, 1961, for students matriculating then and later in the Elementary Education program, there are a number of revisions to be noted and followed by access to the general catalog. In addition to the professional, academic, and general education requirements, there must be completed four academic fields of concentration with at least 15 hours in each for the degree.


A nine point grading system is employed to evaluate the quality of the student's achievement, GRADING FOR PROGRESS PERMITTING








CREDIT: Grade 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 p Meaning EXCEPTIONAL SUPERIOR VERY Gooo HIGH AVERAGE AVERAGE Low AVERAGE BELOW AVERAGE POOR Equivalents 95-100 90- 94 85- 89 80- 84 75- 79 70- 74 65. 69 60- 64 PASSED NOT GRADED

Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru Suaaer School, 1962

The grades i n numbers as above indicate the value of each semester hour of credit and also become the means for calculating the student's grade point average (GPA) to compare with prevailing scholarship standards.


Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor of Arts in Education (A.B.in Educ.)

Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S.in Educ .)

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Education (B.F.A.in Educ.)

Bachelor of Arts (A.B.)

The baccalaureate degree is awarded upon completion of a prescribed four-year program in the current general catalog or a previous catalog if regular progress has been made since matriculation in the college. For a degree in Education the following requirements are also checked before graduation:

1. Admission to the Teacher Education Curriculum.

2. Total of at least 125 semester hours.

3. Upper-division credit of at least 40 hours--courses numbered 300 and 400 or the equivalent in case of transfer credit.

4. Minimum reside~t credit of 30 hours at Peru State with at least 24 hours of the last 30 hours before graduation being in residence.

5. Correspondence study credit on record not to exceed 16 hours and other extension credit (off-campus from other colleges) not to exceed another 16 hours.

6. Minimum scholarship GPA ( grade point average) of 5. 00 on the cumulative record earned at Peru State as well as a GPA of 5.00 on each field of concentration (major and minors) with no individual course grade below 4.00.

7. Pass English Proficiency Examination.

8. Ra tings of Dis tinc·tion and of High Dis·tinc tion to be based on the minimum of 60 hours earned at Peru State.

Master's Degree

Master of Arts ••in Education (M.A.in Educ.)

Master of Science in Education (M.S.in Educ.)

Only graduate students who have started and been approved in their graduate study for this degree, may now register in terms of such objective. Refer to the 1959 Graduate Bulletin for information. The awarding of the Master's Degree will b-e discontinued with the 1962 summer terms.

8 w

Suaaer School, 1962 Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru


Graduation means the completion of the , Bachelor's Degree or the Master's Degree. If this summer's registration in one or both terms will complete the requirements for graduation and if degree in Education is to mean the likely recommendation of the college for certification as well, a written application with payment of the graduation fee is essential not later than June 18. The application form is available at the time of registration or may be requested in the Registrar's Office.


Peru State maintains a Placement Office where the primary motive is to assist students and alumni in securing desirable teaching positions. While graduates are not guaranteed positions, in recent years the office has received more calls for Peru-trained teachers than can be met. This offi~e also maintains contact with business and industry in order to find openings for Peru students who are trained for careers in business.

The fee for joining the Placement Bureau and having credentials assembled or brought up to date is three dollars ($3.00) for a year. Graduates have accepted the Placement Bureau as a quick and economical service for placing them in the best possible teaching position or in line with their training for another career.


The Graduate Program leading to a Master's Degree at Peru State will be discontinued with the 1962 summer terms. All the present candidates for the Master's Degree must complete requirements this summer, This fact makes it imperative that each candidate's program be planned with the utmost care and that the candidate and advisor share this responsibility. Details relative to requirements for the Master's Degree may be found in the 1959 Graduate Bulletin. Graduate courses are noted in the Class Schedule in this bulletin by numbers in the 400-series followed by 'G' and the 500-series.

Graduate courses will be continued beyond the 1962 summer terms for transfer and/or certification purposes. The Professional (permanent) Elementary Certificate requires eight (8) semester hours of graduate credit beyond the baccalaureate degree. The Professional (permanent) Secondary Certificate requires a Master's degree or thirty (30) semester hours in a combination of graduate and under-


Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru Su-er School, 1962

graduate courses. The college will approve for the latter certificate those individuals who have completed the prescribed thirty (30) semester hours. The student who wishes to transfer graduate credit to another graduate college, should- consult with the Dean of the College at Peru State as well as the appropriate official in the graduate college to which the credit is to he transferred.


Requests for information concerning living accommodations during the summer terms, either college-operated dormitories and apartments or other facilities in Peru, should be directed to the Dean of Students (men) or the Associate Dean of Students (women)

Residence Halls--The college residence halls offer attractive living accommodations for the greatest convenience on the campus.

Eliza Morgan Hall for women, under the supervision of the Associate Dean of Students, has accommodations for two or three students to a room arranged as combination sleeping and study room. Residents of the hall must furnish bed linen, blankets, towels, dresser scarves and curtains. Delzell Hall for men provides excellent facilities under the supervision of the Dean of Students. Rooms are arranged as combination sleep i ng and study rooms for two or three students to a room. Residents of the hall must furnish ·bed linen, blankets, and towels •

Ap airtments--Several one and two - bedroom apartments are available to married students in Oak Hill Apartments owned by the college. lnforma tion about these apartments may be requested from the office of the Dean of Students.

Dinfog Services--The air-conditioned college dining room in the Student Center is open to all students. Students living in the residence halls receive their meals in accordance with the fees listed hereafter. Commuting s tudents and others may purchase meals at a low rate. The Snack Bar located in the same building is open for lunches and snacks at stated hours.



Each five-week term ·,. Board· and Room ( 5 -day- week).

(All meals Monday through Friday)·

Three-week Workshop Board and Room ( 5-day week). ." . . •

(All meals Monday through Fridarr

$80.00 •• .... $48. 00

Suaaer School, 1962

Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru


Tuition charges and other fees appli~a'ble for the sunmer registration, are payable in cash at the 'time· cif' registration en June 4 for the first and/or second terms, and on July 7 for the second term. There is no provision for carrying a student on a credit or accounts receivable basis.

Each Five-Week Term (Undergraduate)

Each Five-Week Term (Graduate)

All rates apply when two or three students occupy a room. For single occupancy, when available, add $27.50 for each five-week term and $16.50 for three-week workshop. Board and room charges are due and payable at the time of registration.

Deposit for Dormitory Reser vation

A deposit of $20.00 must accompany application for reservation (form available from Dean of Students or Registrar). Full refund of deposit will be made at the end of the first or second session less deduction for any misuse of dormitory property. If cancellation occurs prior to thirty (30) days before the opening of the term, the student receives full refund; after that time no refund will be made.


Matriculation (paid only once--first registration in· college). •.

Student Center Fee (each five-week term or threeweek workshop)

Contingency Fee (each five-week term or threeweek workshop)

Late Registration (after first day of classes).

Change of Registration (after second day of classes).

(No charge for private instruction to students with Music as 26-hour or more of ·concentration as per catalog)

NonResident Resident S 9.00 $13.50
semester hour
11.00 15.00
semester hour .....
S 5.00 4.00 3.00 5.00
. . . • . . . . • 1.50
Applied "1sic, per lesson . . .

Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru School, 1962


Graduate Degree (includes rental of academic gear for conrnencement)

Undergraduate Degree (includes rental of academic gear for conrnencement) . , , , ,


$20.00 15.00

Proportionate refunds will be made to students withdrawing from the college within a given period. The matriculation, stud ent center, and contingency fees will not be refunded unless collected 1n error,

The following schedule applies in making refunds on official withdrawals:

First week, ..

Second week , ,

After second week

80% 50% none

Board and room refunds will be made if a student must withdraw from college, In case of such withdrawal, the student will be required to pay charges to the end of the week in which withdrawal is made. In case of illness, the board only will be refunded providing student has missed at least five (5) consecutive days of meals. Refund will be prorate d in accordance with the unused portion, The $20,00 room deposit is refundable in full at such time when condition of room and equipment have been cheched and reported in good condition.

College operated housing for married students is rented on a monthly basis. The $20.00·deposit, payaLleinadvance on such housing unit, is refundable when the unit is vacated p~oviding the rooms and equipment are left in good condition.


This bulletin includes the Class Schedule in order that the student may anticirate and plan his summer prograrr: prior to the day of official registration. In this connection some pertinent J.nforniation and advice ,a1:e ess ential and should be noted carefully as part of the registratiop.

Student Classifica.ti~n--A student must correctly identify and use his classification on the basis of the completed credits recorded in this College. This means that if you have additional credits elsewhere and plan to .complete the degree rn this College, all such credit must be officially transferred as the basis of


School, 1962

Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru

your classification. However, if you are enrolling for courses to be transferred elsewhere upon complet t on and do not have a cumulative record in this College of all completed· credits, your classification should be indicated as unclassified (Uncl.). Your specific classification in this College is determined as follows:

Freshman - - less than 26 hours

Sophomore 26 through 55 hours

Junior 56 through 87 hours

Senior 88 through 125 hours, until completion of degree

Post-Graduate undergraduate courses supplementing degree Graduate graduate courses approved for higher degree or certification

Nuabering of Courses- - Each course has a number made up of appropriate abbreviations as to Division and numerical digits with this significance:

1 - 99 Uncla s sified

100-199 Freshman ) Lower-

200-299 Sophomore) Division

300 - 399 Junior) Upper -

400-499 Senior ) Division

500-599 Graduate

Accounting for your Progress--As a former student at Peru State it is important that you have an Academic Progress Sheet on which you have made entries as you advanced to your educational objective and which should now enable you to plan this sunmer' s registration. If this will be your first enrollment at Peru State, it is especially important to contact the Registrar early to make known your summer study plans. If this will be your first college work or you will be transferring college work from elsewhere, it will be necessary to have official record of your education to date as well as a completed Application for Admission in terms of your educational objective or the degree at Peru State.


There will be no pre-registration. Registration quarters will be in the Gymnasium on Monday, June 4, · for registration the first and/or second terms . It is recommended that if you plan to enroll for both terms, you complete all registration on this day.

To facilitate your progress in registration when you appear, you are requested to complete the form insid•e the back cover of this bulletin and return by May 18. Thus, a counselor may b~ prepared for your coming. You also should bring an academic progress sheet (one - or two - sheet form) or a supplement to show your current status in terms of your educational objective. It is your first


Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru

Summer School, 1962

move now to report your plans for the 1962 summer enrollment at Peru State, so we may in turn plan for you.

Note the following registration schedule for the day of June 4 and plan to report first to the Gymnasium:

Forenoon ( 7:30-10:00 Graduates, Post Graduates, Seniors (10 : 00-12:00 Juniors

Afternoon-- ( 1:00- 2:00 Sophomores ( 2:00- 3:00 Freshmen, Unclassified, Specials Briefly outlined, your registration procedure will be:

1. Checking on medical and audio-metric records as reported by college nurse. If a new student or if not enrolled here during the past five years, request a medical report form in advance to complete and return,

2. Completing essential preliminary cards and forms as directed.

3, Contacting a counselor for setting up and approving appropriate personal registration for one or both terms.

4. Submitting approved registration cards for the pulling of your class admission cards.

5. Reporting to the Business Office for assessment and payment of tuition and fees,

6, Having class admission c~rds validated for your presentation to instructors in classes concerned.

7. Purchasing textbooks and materials in line with your registered program.



July 12 - Aug. 3

Nebraska State Teachers College at Pei;u wil.l offer a grand Eastern Field trip from July 12 to August 3. The complete itine~ary is outlined below. Cost will be $287.50 for the tour, $45. 00 for tuition, plus an estimated $4 to SS per day for meals. Transportation by air-conditioned chartered bus and lodging are included in the tour price. Five hours of college credit may be earned,

An orientation for tour members is scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, July 10-11, during which time course requirements, significance of places to be visited, and other details of the trip will be discussed. Dr. George Schottenhamel, head of the division of history and social sciences, will be tour director.

Tour members completing all assignments will receive five hours of history or social sciences credit which will serve as an elective towards a degree and toward certificate renewal. At least 56 semester hours of credit are prerequisites. Students planning to transfer the credit to another college must have prior approval from that college.

Details concerning itinerary and other information may be secured by mailing the form at the bottom of this page,


.Please send me additional about your 19 62 Eastern Field Trip

Enclosed is my $50 deposit D

NAME _____

ADDRESS ______________

Nebraska y

Pr~ram 1962: IFirst Session-- June 4 - July 6 Peru, Nebraska Second Session-- July 7 - August 10

THE CLASS SCHEDULE is arranged by Divisions providing for five 100-minute period~ dally. Both undergraduate and graduate courses appear In the one Schedule as to course offerings in both sessions, to be noted by the appropriate column captions.


I e a s e N o t e l ~:!LL!.~ .!l2 registration prior 12, Registration .Q!:L £!. Monday, Ji.

If enrollment ls planned for the first and/or the second session, It is recommended that regis- tration for either or both sessions be completed on this day. In case of enrollment for the second session only, such registration may be completed as late as Saturday, July 7.

Preliminary to registration each student should comply on the form inside the back cover of the bu II etin .!?x, !!x, .li!,.


Forenoon --- ( 7:30 - 10:00 -- Gradua t es, Postgraduates, Seniors (10:00 - 12:00 -- Juniors

Afternoon __ ( 1:00 - 2:00 -- Sophomores ( 2:00 - 3:00 -- Freshmen, Unclassified, Specials

SCHEDULE: CODE TO CLASS PERIODS USED IN THE SCHEDULE: 100 - Division of Education Regular Shortened (for Convocation) 200 - Divis-Jon of Fine Arts Number Time Number Time 300 - Division of Health & Physical Education I . 7:00 - 8:4o I 7:00 - 8:20 4oO - Division of History & Social Science 500 - Dlvislon of Language Arts 2 8:30 - 9:50 . 2 8:50 - 10:30 6oo - Division of Practical Arts Convo 10:00 - 10:50 700 - Division of Science & Mathematics 3 I0:4o - 12:20 3 11 :00 - 12:20
--------------------------------------------------------------CODE TO CALL NUMBERS IN THE
Noon 12:20 - 1:00 Noon 12:20 - 1:00 Ad - Administration Bldg, L - Library 4 4 CS - Campus School M - Music Hal I I :00 - 2:4o .;, 1:00 - 2:4o Gym - Gymnasium S - Science Hal I IA - Industrial Arts Bldg. Steen - Student Center 5 2:50 - 4:30 5 2:50 - 4:30
··~ ~- ~
Division 0 f E d u c a t I o n EDUCATION Cal I !Dept. & No.,Department, Course Title, Laboratory, etc. Hrs I st Tenn 2nd Term · D8ys I Room I Instructor IPrerequisites No. Cr P e r i o d Period I 2 3 14 5 I 2 3 4 5 EDUCATION 101 Educ 103 Kindergarten Education···•••••••••••••••••• 2 2 MT TF CS202 Ad11ms 102 Educ 203 Children's Literature••••·••••••••••••••••• 3 4 MiW"TF CSI 10 Adams 106 Educ 300 Foundations of Education ••••••••••••••••••• 3 I MTWTF Adl02 Johnson IPsych 12 1, 20 1 107 Educ 310s Seminar In Student Teaching--Elernentary •••• 4 2 3 MTW"TF cs104 Eddy Permit (Advance application & approval required)108 Educ 334 Improvement of Instruction in I I 14 15 1 I I I 1 4 1 the Communicative Arts ••·•·•• I 3 I I IMT 1F 1cs3o6 !Sheely 109 Educ 342w Concepts & Techniques of Modern Mathem11tlcs. 3 MTW"TF CS302 (Staff) (Offered In 3 weeks of June..!.§.-.:!.!!!I.fil Educ 405 Teaching In the Elementary School: !! 131 " ff Unit !--Reading & Langu11ge Arts ••••••••••• 2 • MT TF CS314 Ashley 132 " ff Unit 2--Social Studies •••••••••••••••••••• 2 I MT 1F CS314 Iversen 133 " " Unit 3--M11thematics & Science·•••••••••••• 2 3 MT TF cs314 Iversen ,34 " " Unit 4--Menegement ·••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 4 MT TF CS314 Ashley 135 Educ 4o8 Audio-Visual Materiels ••••••••••••••••••••• 2 2 MT 1F CSAud Sheely 136 Educ 410 Student Teachlng--Elementary ••••••••••••••• 4 Arranged MTWTF cs (Staff) Permit (Advance application & approval required) ,4o Educ 510 S~pervision •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 4 Mn¥1F CSI04 Kite Grad Student ,4, Educ 581 Seminar in Education••••·••••••••••••••••• • 3 I MTWTF CSI04 Kite Grad student PSYCHOLOGY 111 Psych 121 General ·Psychology•• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 I MTWTF AdlOI Boraas 116 Psych 201 Human Growth & Deve l opment••••••••••••••••• 3 2 MTWTF Ad IOI Wininger Psych 121 or permit 121 Psych 301 Educat i ona l Psychology ••••••••••••••••••••• 3 I MTWTF Ad IOI Wininger Psych 201 123 Psych 421G Mental Health Hygiene in Education ••••••••• 3 2 M1WTF Ad3o4 Bradley Psych 201 1?4 Psych 431G Psychology of Exceptional Children ••••••••• 3 2 3 MTWTF Ad303 Bradley Psych 201,301 Psych 432G (Offered In 3 weeks of .:!.!!!I. ,2::g!) 45 CSlo4 125 Principles & Practices of Guidance••••••••• 3 MiWTF Jo!lnson Psych 201,301 (Offered i n 3 weeks of .:!.!!!I. ,2:g1) 126 Psych 437G Techniques of Counseling •••••••••••·••••••• 3 (Offered i n 3 w~eks of .:!.!!!I. ,2::g!) 2 3 MTWTF Ad IOI Boraas Psych 20 I, 30 I IBRARY SCIENCE 155 LSc 313 Admi"n istratlon of School Libraries ••••••••• ' MTWTF Lib Langham 158 LSc 417 Llbrar Precticum •••••••••••••••••••••••••• MT 1F Lib Lan ham LSc 31 • ,4
D i v I s i o n o f F I n e A r t s FINE ARTS Cell Dept.&: No. Depertment, Course Title, Leboretory, etc. Hrs I st Term 2nd Term Deys R00111 Instructor Prerequisites No. Cr P e r I o d P e r I o d I 2 345 I 2 345 203 Art 103 Art Introduction••••••••••••••••••••••••••· 3 2 MTWTF CS205 Dlddel 210 Art 306 ~t Appreciation·•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 4 MTWT cs205 Dlddel Jr Clesslf 223 Mus I0~I0t Theory (comblned--flrst helf of course) •••• 2 2 MTWT Ml09 Benford 20 {20 224 Mus 102/10~ Theory (comblned--lest helf of course) ••••• 2 2 MTWT MI09 Benford 203/20 22B Mus 110 Fundamentals of Music. Sec I ••••••••••••••• 3 3 MTWTF M204 Cemealy 226 Mus 110 Furidamentels of Music. Sec 2 ••••••••••••••• 3 I MTWTF M203 WI Ison 227 Mus 120/,~ 320/ O Ap~lled Muslc--Private jnstrdctlon ••••••••• &ltHer or both terms I Arrang, d Arrang d (Staff) 231 Mus 201 Elementery Music Materials••••••••••••••••• " 2 4 MlWT MI0I Theno 232 Mus 202 Secondary Music Materials •••••••••••••••••• 2 5 MTWT MI0I Theno 237 Mus 304-05 Jnstruments--Woodwlnds, Brass,&: Percussion. 2 3 MTWT M203 WIison 21.iO Mus 311 Music Appreciation ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 I _ MTWT M204 Camealy Jr Classlf 242 Mus 405 History of Music (On Demand) ••••••••••••••• 3 I MlWTF MI09 Benford 243 Mus 406 History of Music (On De11and) ••••••••••••••• 3 I MTWTF MI09 Benford f - d t I 1.,a I I Dept. &: No • . Department, Course Title, Leboratory, etc. Hrs I st Term 2nd Term Days Room Instructor Prerequisites No. Cr P e r I o d P e r I o a I 2 3 .115 12 3 4 5 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 301 PE I Folk Dance (Men & WOiien) ••••••••••••••••••• I 3 MlWTF Gym F Wheeler 302 PE 2 Square&: Sociel Dence (Men&: Wonten) •••••••• I 2 MTWTF Gy11 Stemper 304 PE 4 Golf (Men) At Auburn Country Club•·••••· I 45 MW Auburn A Wheeler 306 PE 6 Tennis (Men & Wo,aen) ••••••••••••••••••••••• I 5 MlWTF Courts Stemper 308 PE 8 Swtmratng (W0111en) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I 5 MTWlF Pool F Wheeler 309 PE 8-9 Swi1'1ffling (Men & Women) ••••••••••••••••••••• I 5 MlWTF Pool Pllklngton 310 PE 9 Swlmminf (Men) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I 3 MT TF Pool A Wheeler 311 PE 10 Tennis Men & W0nten) ••••••••••••••••••••••• I 5 MT TF Courts McIntire
Olvision of Health & Physical Education (continued) 322 PE 204 Physical Education Activities ···•••·•••••·· 2 I MT TF Gym F Wheeler 323 PE 205 Health, Sec I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 I MTWTF s105 McIntire 324 PE 205 Health, Sec 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 I MTWTF SI05 Pl lklngton 329 PE 215 First Aid ..••••••••.••••.••..•.•••.••••••••• 3 (Offered in 3 weeks of l.!!..!.x_ :i:=£1) 2 3 MTWTF CSI02 Gates 330 PE 300 f.r_evention & Treatment of lnJuries ••••••••• 2 MT TF s30 1 A Wheeler 331 PE 301 Principles of Physical Education ••••••••••• 3 3 MTWTF SI05 Pilkington 335 PE 309 Organization & Administration of Phy Educ •• 2 2 MlW F Gym McIntire 337 PE 312 Ktnesiology & Anatomy •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 2 MTWTF s301 A Wheeler 338 PE 315 Community Recreation••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 I MTWTF Gym Stemper - · Call Dept. a: No. Department, Course Title, Laboratory, etc. Hrs I st Term 2nd Ten• Days Ro0111 Instructor Prerequisites No. Cr P e r i o d P e r I o d I 2 345 I 2 3 4 5 HISTORY 401 Hist 113 History of the U.S. To 1865 ·••••••••••••·•· 3 2 MTIVTF Adlo4 Schottenhamel 4o4 Hist 114 History of the U.S. Since 1865 ••••••••••••• 3 2 MTWTF Adlo4 Schottenhamel 407 Hist 201 World Civilization To 1500 ·•••••••••••••••• 3 3 MTWTF Adlo4 (Staff) 410 Hist 202 Wor Id Clvl llzatlon Since 1500 • •••••. ••••• •• 3 3 MTWTF Adlo4 (Staff) 435 Hist 498G Political & Philosophical Thought •••••••••• 3 4 MTWTF Adlo4 Schottenhame I GEOGRAPHY 452 Geog IOI Principles of Geography (Lab - arranged) ••••• 3 I MTWTF S201 Clayburn 453 Geog 302 Regional WOl"ld Geography (Lab arranged) •••• 3 I MnITT S201 Clayburn GOVERNMENT 461 Govt 201 Amertcen National Government ••••••••••••••• 3 I MTWTF Adl04 (Staff) 462 Govt 202 American State & Local Government •••••••••• 3 I MTWTF Adl04 (Staff) STUD IES 471 ss 103 Soclel Studies Survey •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 3 MTWTF S201 Cleyburn 472 ss to4 Soci~I Studies Survey••••••••••••••••••••·• 3 3 MTWTF S201 Cleyburn
f Cal I Dept. &: No. Department, Course Title, Laboratory, etc. Hrs I st Term 2nd Term Days Room Instructor Prerequisites No. Cr P e r i o d P e r i o d I 2 3 4 5 I 2 3r4 5 ENGLISH LANGUAGE! LITERATURE 505 Eng IOI English Composition ••••·•••••••••••••••••·· 3 2 MTWTF Adl02 Levitt 511 Eng 102 Engl1sh Composition•••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 I MlWTF Ad3o4 Holmes Eng IOI 517 Eng 2o4 Introduction to Literature, Sec I •••••••••• 3 3 MTWlF Ad304 Linscheld 518 Eng 2o4 Introduction to Literature, Sec 2 •••••••••• 3 2 MlWTF Ad3Cl4 Summers 521 Eng 303 Survey of British Literature•••••••••••·••• 3 4 MTWTF Ad304 Summers Eng 2o4 525 Eng 320 Modern Poetry ··•••~•••••~•••••••••••••••••• 2 3 MT TF Ad304 Holmes 527 Eng 325 Survey of American Literature•••••••••••••• 2 I MT TF Ad304 Linscheid Eng 2o4 SPEECH EDUCATION 541 Speh 152 Fundementels of ~peech, Sec I •••••••••••••• 3 4 MTWTF Adl02 Levitt 542 Speh 152 Fund~mentals of Speech, Sec 2 •••••••••••••• 3 3 MTWTF IA23 Moore 551 Speh 353 Speech Correction&: Development, Sec I •••• • 3 2 MTWTF IA23 Moore Speh 152 552 Speh 353 Speech Correction&: Development, Sec 2 ••••• 3 I MTWTF IA23 Moore Speh 152 557 Speh 415G Speech Composition••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 4 MT 1F IA23 Moore D I v i s I o n o f P r a c t I c a I A r t s PRACTI CAL ARTS Cal I Dept.&: No, Department, Course Title, Laboratory, etc. Hrs I st Term 2nd Term Days Room Instructor Prerequisites No. Cr P e r I o d P e r I o d I 2 3 4 5 I 2 3 4 5 BUSINESS EDUCATION 6o1 BE 122 Typewriting I f t d d 3 45 MlWlF Ad302 Weare 6o5 BE 222 Typewriting 11 ONE o grea er eman •••••• 3 45 MTWTF Ad302 Weare BE 122 6o2 BE 131 Shorthand I o E f t elem d 3 I MTWlF Ad305 Weare 6o3 BE 132 Shorthand II N ° grea er an •••••••• 3 I MTWTF Ad305 Weare BE 131 6o7 BE 203 Accountln~ I ONE of greeter demand••• 3 MTWTF Adra3 Weare 611 BE 205 Clerlcal ractlce 3 MTWlF Ad 01 Weare HCW.E ECONOMICS HEc 232 Home Planning&: Furnishing (Also IA 232) ••• 3 4 MTWlF IA21 Stegner HEc 23/.1. Meal Planning&: Food Preparation ••••••••••• 3 2 3 MTWTF cs322 Kregel HEc 133 637 HEc 321 Personal & Family Relations•••••••••••••••• 2 4 MTWTF CS322 Kregel w HEc Nutrition&: Dietetics·••••••••••••••••••••• 3 I MTWTF cs322 Kregel HEc Special Problems In Home Economics ••••••••• 1-3 4 MTWlF CS322 Kregel
.., ... ·-·-·· -· ··--··--· .......... INDUSTRIAL~ 652 IA 12t Woodwork Ing I t d d 3 MTWTF IA2 Slegner 653 IA 12 Woodworking 11 ONE of grea er eman •••••• 3 MTWTF IA2 Siegner IA 125 651 IA 122 Technlcel Drewing I l 3 45 MTWTF IA21 Slegner m IA 2~ Technlcal Drewing I I 3 45 MTWTF IA21 Siegner IA 122 IA 4 Te c hn Ice I Drew Ing 111 ONE of greetest demend. 3 t§ MTWTF IA21 Sl11gner IA 223 679 IA ,50 Architectural Drewing 3 MlWTF IA21 Slegner IA 223 t>60 IA ?29 Fundementels of Industrial Arts•••••••••••• 2-3 45 MTWTF IA24 Russel I 661 IA 230 Photography {Also Phys 230) •••••••••••••••• 3 3 MlWTF IA22 Siegner 662 IA 231 Hendcref ts I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 12 MlWTF IA24 Rus s e 11 (633) IA 232 Home Plenning & Furnishing {Also HEc 232) •• 3 4 MTWTF IA21 Siegner 674 IA 337 Dr 1ver Educe t 1on ••••••• 1•••••••••••••••••••• 3 I 4 1 MTWTF IA Jervis 675 IA 338 General Sefety Education·•••••••••••••••••• 3 MTWTF IA23 Jervis D i v I s I o n o f S c I e n c • & M a t h e III a t I c s SCIENCE & MATHEMATICS Cel I Dept. & No. Deportment, Course Title, Leboretory, etc. Hrs st Term 2nd Term Deys Room Instructor Prerequisites No. Cr II' e r I o a p e r I o a I c! 114 "J I c! ''4., BIOLOGY 701 Biol IOI General Biology--Plent {Add Leb Arr) ••••••• 3 . 2 MT'NTF 5304 Christ 703 Biol 102 Generel Biology--Anlmel (Add Leb Arr) •••••• 3 3 MTWTF 5301 Bredy ' 706 Biol 310 Biological Readings••••••••••••••~••••••••• 1-4 "rrenged 5304 Christ 12 hr Sci 712 Biol '4D7G Humen Physiology ·••••••·••••••••••••••••••• 3 3 MTWTF s304 Christ 12 hr Biol CHEMISTRY 728 Chem 303 Orgenic Olemistry {Add Leb Arr) ••••••••·••• 4 I 2 MTWTF 5204 Mi Iler I yr Chem GENERAL SC IENCE 741 GSc 201 Survey of Biological Science·••••••·••••••• 3 I MTWTF 5301 Brady 742 GSc 202 Survey of Physical Science ••••••••••••••••• 3 4 MTWTF 5204 Mi Iler PHYSICS 751 Phys 201 General Physics (Add Lab Arr) •••••••••••••• 4 3 4 MnVTF Slo4 Buethe Math 105 (661) Phys 230 Photography (Also IA 230) •••••••••••••••••• 3 3 MlWTF IA23 S iegner MATHEMATICS 767 Math 200 Basic Concepts of Methematlcs •••••••••••••• 3 3 MT\VTF S!o4 McKercher 768 Math 218 Surveying •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 2 MT TF Slo4 Buethe 781 Meth 42oG Modern Mathematics •·••••·•••••••••••••••••• 3 I MTWTF Slo4 Mc Kercher 15 hr Meth

Junior- High Sch oo l Seminar-" 3 hr- " Emphasis is g iven to the histor-y , philo so ph y, pur-pose, function, or-ganization , management , cur-r-iculum development s, administr-ative pr o bl e ms o f the junior- high and the natur-e and nee ds o f juniorhigh pupi Is "

I ns t r- uc t or- : Mar-k Mu I Ii ns

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Educ . 3 50 July 9 July 27 1 : 00 p " m " t o 4 : 3 0 p " m" ( CS 102)
I I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I


At Peru State - Summer 1962

To: The Registrar From _________________ Address --------------. f t (first) . i . pl~n to re g i ster or he (second) session n Peru State's 1962 s er program and will appear on Monday . .J..wutl., at the or of ____ as scheduled for my classification. I n case of second session only, I will appear to register on ___________

If a fo sr s ent , give year of matriculation. To tal rs c cl~t ed and on r.ecord _____ Additional hour s i,. 0£ress and/or tc be transferred _______

My c l~ss· ·ca ion this coming summer should be _____

My e d ce • el j ective is and fie s 'con ce ntration (major-minors) are _____

Is it poss· l e at this summer's registration can complete your ___ If so, what degree?

e e d graduation next Au9ust 10, request and icat ion for Graduation wt th fee .e.x, J.§..

If a n ec eec . er, what certificate are you now holding

Do yo r eside on the campus (dormitory) as e summer s tuae eru State? ____ If so, have you requested and l e e d th e Application for Reservation?

If you ill av e summer address other than your home address or s address, please indicate.


Report Received ______ Counselor __________

Hours Noted on Record ___ Classification _______

Medical & Audiometric Record ---------------

by May
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