PERU STATE COLLEGE CAMPUS OF A 1000 OAKS Peru State Co llege we lcomes a ll prospective students to its campus of higher education. Peru State is the o ldest college in 0Jebraska and the th ird o ldest teacher-trainin g institution west of the Missouri River. Pe ru was establis h e d the same year ebraska became a state. For 38 years it was the on ly teacher-trainin g institution in Nebraska. Peru State believes in hi gh acade mic s ta ndards, in opportunities for se lf-ex pression and personal growth in a controlled group atmos-
ph ere. The opportunit y t 0 Ji ve v; it h oth e r young people in c ollege r es id e n ces offers o ccasion for fri e nd sh ip and growl h for which eve n li vin g at home is no comple te substi tute . Pe ru State se t a n a ll -t im e e nrollm e nt I-eco rd of I ,041 s tud e nt s f'or the f-irst se m es te J路 of the 1965 -66 academic year. B ecaus e of Joyalt y and affection, Peru has served th e c hildren, g-randchi ldre n, and great gra nd c hildre n of nwny of our ea rl v s tud e nt s .
Peru's fi s h po ri< I :rdd s hc:ll rt ,. !"or L'HT\·onc.
lm prm·em e nts are a h,·ays being made.
The St ud e rll Ce nte r adds pleasure to campus life .
------- -
l l w l· i rH'
: \J"I -;
lnrildir1 g is orw of 111 ; 1111 nc"· additions.
1965-1966 PERUVIAN
The dean ,,·as c heckin g the bulletin board ,,·hen our photographer ca u g ht hilll .
T h e 1966 Peruvian staff proudly dedicates this book to Dr. H a r o ld 0. Boraas, dean of st udents a nd professor of psychology Dr. Boraas rece iv e d hi s bachelor's degree in psyc h o logy from St. Olaf Co llege in 1922 . Three years later, h e received hi s master of arts degTee from Columbia Uni ver sit y. In 1936, Dr. Boraas received hi s Ph. D. from Cornell U ni vers ity. Be fore co rnin g to Pe ru in 195 1, Dr. Boraas taught hi g h sc hoo l math at Wells, Minnesota. Later, h e taught in the fields of education a l and ge nera l psychology a t the University of Roches ter, Roch este r, N.Y.; Alfred Un ivers ity, Alfred, N.Y.; a nd St. Olaf Co llege, Northfield, Minn. N ow , in his fifteenth year at Peru State, Dr. Boraas is teaching excl usive ly in the field of ge nera l ps ychology. The Boraases have two marr ie d d a ughtersJ a net (Mrs. Robert e) and Barbara (Mrs. Be n Co llins) . J a net, Robert, a nd the ir three childre n Robert Karen , and Cordo n li Ye a t ' ' T acoma , Nebr. where i\ lr. Cor'vvi n e is em p loyed b y Kew itt a nd Cun nin g h am. Barbara , Be n , and th e ir son C hri stopher, reside a t
Dr. Boraas COil\"erses ,,·ith \ 'ince Sabatin e lli.
\1\lhite \,.<ller, Wis. \\·h e re Dr. Collins is a professo r of English a t vVhite,,·a ter State ( :ollcge. Barbara, a former biolog·y ins tructor , occasio n ally. does subs titut e teachino· <It th e \1\' hit c\\·<ttcr Publi c Schoo l. \Irs. Boraas has bcctl m ;t n <wcr o f" th e Bobc;tt Bookstore sin ce I q:) 7 . Dr. Roraas ,,·ill <th,·<I\"S be l"ondh r<' tll e tnhcrcd b\" ge nc.Ta tion s or Pc ntYians hcc<tliS<.' or hi s friendl y help to ;til stud en ts tlnouglwu t the H'a rs. ~
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his 15th
year as th e President of Pe ru State Coll ege. In Dr. Gomon ' yea r as the c hief admini strator, Pe ru State has undergone con tinuous improve m en t a nd expa nsion. The latest additions to the college fa ciliti es include the ne,d y opened Fine Art Ce n ter and the a dditions to the Cafeteria and Majors Hal l. Dr. G omon has spa rked Peru State's gTowt h and co ntinuous d eve lopme nt. In :\m-c ml>cr , th e :\orm a l Bo ;trd appro\'ecl ncarl)" $ ~,000,000 or additiona l build in g and n 路m o clcli11g, <I m ;~jor item b e in g a $ 1}>00,000 co-educational clormitor~ .
Dert n of' the College DR. KEITH L. MELVIi'\
Associate Dean of Students
Dean of Students DR. HAROLD BORA AS 10
\ I :\ R YO "
.\ D :\ \ IS
1.:\ l 'R l:\ E :\:\DERSO :\
.·1''''/an/ fJroJt'"tJI of Frilun/Joll
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ROS E 1\ E R , :\R D / n.,/rurlor of F d um/11111
Cl..-\ R:\ BO.-\T \ 1.-\:\ Collrgt• .\'une H..\'.
DO C\: :\ 1.1 > C :\ R 1.11 .1· ll!rf'ft<ll 11{ .\ f1Pt1flf .'irn 'lll'l
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:\ L.\ 1.-\ .-\ I-l l. E Y .-lssoriale Profe·'·'"r of Edum11011
ROB ERT BOI I I.kE :\ I , _,/rurlor of IC: ugl"h
DR j< H I ' < I IR I S I 1!1'1111. lln •t''" " of \ n ,·utt a111i \/nth, matt•'
LILLI:\.'\ CH RI ST .4ssutanl Professor of Education
L. D. EB.'\ER 8 tL!htess l\llr111ager
I"( ;.'\ I :\TS
\11/JPIIIIIPI/ffl'lll of /J wftflll({fl llff f.mu11fl1
.'\OR:\I A DI DDE L lls.sociate Pro}essor of :I rt
I .Y.'\.'\ D OXO.'\
lliKh Srhool Priurijml
B. .-\. EDDY
E lrmr/1/ary Srluw/ PrillrifJfl l
H igh Sr-lwoll.ibrarirlll
{;ORDO:\ (; ,\ \ ' 1:\ ! 111/rurtorllf l udn,trw/ .路l r/1
( ; E:\EV I EVE <;ER< ;F.:\ .路h \1\/0II ffJI O/I' 't\01
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.·l.\ ll.\lt/11/ l 'rof t'\ \Or of F d urnllllll
DO ROTH\' I \"ERSO\" A.<.'t.<lrml Proj r·...w r of Eduwlio11
11 .-\ROI.D _1011:\SO :\
DR . 1.1.0 \'D KI TE
.·1 \\llf lftlt• l'rof t' ll lll" of l·."du m lt ll lt
:/_,_,orutlt• Proft'.' -"'~" uf Ed umtiou
I·. II 1..\ RSO :\ flt')!l\lro'
\ .\IES n . I.F\"11 I ·I ''m lfllf ' 1 rnj,·""' of SfJt't'(h 1
D. \".J.-\R\' I S .4ssooatr Projrssor of llld!LHria/ .4 rl.<
:l .~.<ist rwt
l.O l"I SE K REC;E t. Profr•.,.wr of 1-/omt• E rmwmtr,
-, 11· \ \. \R I II'\ '-'< Ill· Ill J', ojr" '" of /· rl /.!.h'h
·h H ifiOit
Assistnnt ProfeHor of .\lathnnatin
ROBERT D. \ IOORE Head. Division of Language Arts
DR . ER\. 1"\ 1'1 I I<., lll'ful.
of 1/mlth a/If/ 1'/nl/fo/
J ACK \ 1<1 :-.:TIRE t ll llllmtl PmfrHIJt
11/ l 'hyllrnl l·:tluralllllt
EI.\I ER :-.:E\IEC I ns/ r urlor of (;,)nntlll
WAY:-.: 1·. I'R l·.SS:-.::\ 1.1. I /1 1/I"IJrlm of .\/o t/1 111 ( .rltii/J"-' .\ r i111ol
I~ " Ill"''"" 14
11. \ :-.: F<>R l > \ I I I.I. ER .·""'rlfl/1· l 'tll/1"'"".
Chn1111 lry
.J ,\ .\IES 1'11.1\.I :-.: <;T o:-.: .·l 1111ltllll l 'rtt/1•\\IJ I"
11j l 'hy.l !rnl J·:r/urn /11111
I> I ·\ :-.; F R F (. I E R n/ /· ''' 'lfh
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C I.E :-\ S II EEI.\' .·1"i,fout l'roj''' HJI' oj J·:d untl ion
1:-\ .\ SI'R<ll' l ' ' ' " ' ' ' " ' f'l o{t'\\OI
nf 1/olllf'
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DR. C:EORC:E SCIIOTTE:-\11.\:\Il·:I. II ,·nd. /),:.,.,,, uf lf l,fon uml.'iurwl Snt'lla
l mtmr/ur of Ph\:<ir.'
DR. C. \ 'ER:-\0:-\ SII·.C::-\ER Hl'lld.
l'h,-,,ntf Fdurollou
nJ l'rat/11"111 : 1,.,,
I Y1 I· '-'I R< l\1
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f',ofr''"' of
1)11 •1_, 1111,
J',,/ t'ntll o/
\,, lt d
SILAS St;~ n! ERS Assista111 Profeswr of E11glish
II C<; IJ " 1110 ~1 :\S l 11.1/ru rl r11 uf l'ural ,\/ 11 111
H AZ El. WE:\R E of f-l U.\ iiiP\\
EV :\:\ S. V :\:\ ZA:\T
Din•ctor of
Ca mpt~5
t .Js\Orif i(IJ f.JrOji'\.\O T
I.ES"I ER Rl "SS EI.I : /1 \/l i fllli Pmfi'\\nt of / 111111.1/llftl lr/1
.1 \\0rJ fll l'
II:\ RO 1.() 'v\'1--11 TF \I A :-.J J-: rfll r fl/ 1011
(; ( I.BER"I \-\"II.SO:'\ Profr'" or of ! Jn/ n onrnlo l .\/11.' "
, ,, , , ftl lll ! Jtu/1 '''"' nf .\ ottnlu,L.}'
.·l-.1/.1/1/lll l 'rofr'.l .' llr of (;l'l>graJihy
llR ll .\RRJ-"1 .1 \Y l :'\ 1:'\(;FR fff 'tit/, f)/ 1'1\ IUII uf / ·. rfutU / /(111
C:I.YI>L 11 .\RR E 1· 1 .-f ,,J,frllt/ f'tu ft'\ \IH oj f'." fi _ I:.ft,ft
l mtrurtor of Sorw l St11dit'.' I/IIII IJirator of (;ll idanrt• in C.S.
DR . FRED ERI C FRFI-:1\l ·R:-.:F ll f'od , f) ll'/\lll/1 of F 111f' .·l r f ,
l;E()Rl;E (;EE\:E\:
S I :\:-.: I.F \' I.o :-.:<: 1· FI.I.O\\'
. ·1.\.\/SI IIIII
/.ibm ri1111
DR. C:\l.E\: OODCF Dn •i.,ion of Guidance
.·h <i.<trwt f)irrrtor of /Jf(l{// SPI1'ifl'.\
Jl (l '\'\. f N,f l llf(ul
of fllu lo,l..t'i,
.·h \1,/ont
l 'uJft'"or oj /Jh\''Jra l l ·." tluotllf'll
f n, ft tuful
11- IH . I I
I t ,,m,·u\
1'/Jy,u ol f· dut of toll
LILLI:\:\ SCHOTI£:\ 1-f A:'>IEL Instructor
>< >'-
\,. I· I -...; I· R
''"'""'"' ,, '"""''"f/' .,,,,
of Englis h
I' A C f. S OR E:\S E :\ I 1n lrurtor of Sorud .\ I"""'\ n111l C:runfm' Srluml r:oruh
\ lz·,_ B eckie,-. .\forga n /-/ all
:'> Irs. E. Clause n . Relifj H ozLiemother
.. :'> lr\.
(k~ l rnann
.\fflfOTI fl fl/1
'vf I
1·. 1.• Jll g-f<- lin\\ IJ,,h,·/1 II o/1
OFFICE - /?ou • 0111': C . L'hhe n , \1. Gna de. F. Stephens. \1. Thomas. E . Don~!. Roll• T ll •u : \1. ( ;m iLS. \\' itlet·. R. Fa lk. C . . I'. \ lid tal. \1. Sdt:tq>. Rrm • Th rrl': \ 1. Schi nner. E. \ l :~j or' .
D. S toHT. B . \ l ust ard. D. Llll ~emin.
BO B I :"\:"\- D . .-\nd rew.
C:\ FE' I ERI :\ - Sr•otrd. lr•jt to rif<hl : E . Thomas. E. l'a ll<:rson . ~ 1. (;l'! l\' l ''· E. Do u);las. 1.. ,\ lo11i , . Stn ,ullllg: B . Slll' nnan. \' . Fishl·r. a nd .-\. . :'\i nrelu: l,or.
\1 :\1 :-\ ' 11·::-\ .\:-\C:E - /\IIt't'illt.f!. lrft /o n gh l : O tto (;ic, nk c. 0 . R . . \llgood . F. II." '· \\'. S.t\t·r. C. ( :ox. E. ( :l:ttt"'"· < ;_ l l.tll. II . C:e~ckc·rlt . ll ll. \ \'. Dullt· ' · C: . l l.ll ttt llCIIl' . \\' . C lt.nullc ·t . 1·.. l · e~ o; t c· t . II. l';tll<"l'"OII. \ '. lk:nt. 1·.. l.n n g ldlcl\\, ll. Caitt , . picttnt·d - R . ll. ttttiiiCIIt.,, :\ . 1\. ltnl n t.tll . R. ClotlttT . 'v\' l'icr«· . 1.. l· is lt<·t. \ Jr.; . .1· l'l l<llll.ts, .\lr, . S . Collcllt. )
Sto11d111 .1.[:
B u t·di ck .
IL\ 11 .1E. :-1:\RII.Y:\ .\'r·;,· .\Ja rkt•l. / mea Elem . Educ 11:\:\EY. SID :\EY .-1/t·xwu/ria. r·a. .\1'1
1\ .\R :\H .-\RT. Jl :-1 1.. .·l uhunt
l'ln·s. S~:ie nce 11 .-\RTEK . :\ DR! :\ :\ 1\ ',·stuu :-t usi<: :\I> :\:- IS. <: If :\ R 1.1-:S E. ( ;,.1'1' 1/ti'{Jtll/
:-f al h clll:ol it'
:\ 1.1.(;()()1), R I CII:\RD
l 't 'lll
Ind .. \rh
:\;'\;DERSO:--:. \\' 11.1.1:\:-1 D.
C:hntn·. l'o. I nd . .-\n s Sr. ( :lass l' rc~i clt•nl :\ :\ DRF.\\'S. :\I. I Cl.\ .\lonlwto, r:r/11.11/.\ !·:leon . !-:cl ue.
B :\TE\1:\:\ . :-1.-\R(;{) FmTOI£111. l oll'fl
.-\SII . RL 'SSF.I.I. Omohn :-lalhcon.tll<'
!·:Icon : F.cluc 1\ :\YES. I.ET II.-\ II fl.\/ 111,!!1. I Oll'(/ Ekno. Etlo 1< . 1\E I IRE :\ DS. RICI I .-\RD .·1u!JIInt BIISIIH' " .\clolllll . 1\ F :\ IlER . S II.\ R( )'\: J, .\ \' ,\I t/jon / Finn h ill<
BERTIIOI.I>. R ICII.\1<1> NPhm.1lu1 {;,fl
Engli'h B I ER .\1 ,\:\ . 01.1\ ' 1·. 1< flrLIIill~\
Soria) Sticn<t' 110/\T\ 1,\:\. K l·.:\ t l ulmrll
Br l\i rr c\\ ,\ clrn ill . BOCK. DOR<rl IIY fJf/ 111111'1' (;,,,
En g li\ h
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Br"irrt·" : \d11 1i n .
BORC I I ER. \'ERO:\ :\
Stemauer Elcm . Edw . PERRY. BF. VER I.Y H1.monlhn. Kr/11.\fl.l Elcrr\ . Ed u(. lH..: Rc ; ESS. D AI.E Wu rrfin, ~\tlt rhtKflll
Elcrrl. Edur . <:A PI'S. R< )( ; 1·.R
( .II \'-,'-, I· I (J II :---· l 1 uu ,~ ,,~, , . .\I ,,, 0
A /toll . III1111JI\ Ph \\u ;rl l-.rl011
IJ I , Inl \
DICK EY. \\'ESI.EY ll 'a ro :'\ l:tt h e mati c~ D I C: K :'\I :\:'\ . J0 .·\ :'\ Otw· Englis h
Dl ' E:'\S I :'\C. IHI.E Odl'll :'\ f u,ic EICKI-IOFF. JOH:'\ Sd111bat 13usi ne ~s Et luc . C IIEC K . :--; _.\ :--;cy /·.'ndtroll
I'l l\ ,jc;d CO~ II ' I
o:--;, h. .\R I·: :--;
.\ 'l 'lllflhn
Elettl. Eclll! .
C:OT:-..'ER. DOL' CI.:\S II'(/ ((}
1\u,int·s,, 1'1" '· Eclut. CL' RT I S. ROYCE .\J o.\,\f1 11fl, l ou•a ~ l aiiH' I II : IIin
E l.T IS 1'1·:. RO:'\ :\ l.D ,V,•hmslw C1t\' His wn EI'I.EY. :\:'\ :\ E .V1•u• l'ork . .\'t•u• l'ork Elt·n 1. b l ue E\ ' II.S I Z ER . .I :\ i\1ES I ncl . :\
1'1 ~
() nt' lll, l ou•a
1· 1.:\ I' I'RE. IW:\:-JIS / .a llf'il.,ft' t. I\' a II.\ft.\
S<><i .d St
:'\lodl'tll I
D :\\' I S. j Oi\ l<'tl<< '
.111 g .
FR:\:\c:JS, K:\TI 11-.RI.'\1·.
(;{}1/ll(i/lihtfj\ , l'h y~ic; d Edu<.
FRITCII. C ,\RY To!J/p Uorlt :\ larhcrn;oli C\
FRITZ. I.Ol ' IS Vndon l'h y.,ic;d Edou . C:\RRE' I T. CORIH J:\
( ;/nnt~rJtJrl, I fill'a l'h ysil ;d Ed 11 <. C; R \ C. I· . I I I·. :"' R Y ( )ll tl/h tJ
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II :\:"' KS. _j. \\11-:S .\'t•lnn.,fw ( :tl\ l ll d . :\1'1~
GO:\:\ ER:VI A :\ . :VI AR II. Y :\ Waco Business F:duc. GOODWI:\. SARAH 1-1 irtwalho, K on.lrL\ f.lcm. Educ. GORDO:\. RARB :\RA 1-/runbur~. lowo
F:n!{lish CORilO:\. CII A RU:S Wf/11'1'1 111/P,
K (/1/.\(/.\
Frhu .
11 :\R:\10:\ . \llld-. IVuud I< /1 ' 1' 1, IIIII WI\ \I. I I ht'llltl ll< ...
IIOI'I'ER. \ 1:\R\' 1:\
ll mwm •il/,• ( :hcn1is1n IIOI'I'ER. I'HYI.I.I S II rmt·m ·i1/,· llollll' En>l l. IIOl'SER. C II .-\RI.ES l>a\'klll \ l:llllt'lll:lli cs .1:\RECKE. 1\ER:\ :\RD
II ,• I/, ~ ' Ill' I mi. .-\ ns 11 :\Y ES. 1..\RRY 1'1' 1"11
I nd . :\n,
II E:\:\ I C. 1-; .\ I'III.EI.:\ (hnuh n
Eklll . l'.dnc .
IIE:\SI.EY. D :\ l.ouf' City E lc:lll. E<l11c.
\ ' II)
1111.'1'. ROBERT Fall' (.'i f\' (;l'og.. I I is 1.
JIT:\(;, C H .-\:\( ; SL' :\(; ( DO:\ ) 1 .111(/1/1/
\ la thl'lllat ics
1 0 11 :\SO:\. R:\Y\10:\D Ph' sics
10 11 :\SO:\ . S I' \:\ I.E \' E. /J rt l'I' II/JIItl
I I 0 I :\ S. K :\ R \'
I I isl<ll"\ 1011 :\SO:\. S I :\:'\ I .F Y I I.
/)m 'f' 11fJ11tl
.\/,.dt•,fo. Lo/tf111'1/lfl
Sncidl S< ic rH c:
J O:\ ES. :-. JARY E. Nnnrdut
Elt:r11 . Ed~t< . ,)0:\ES. ROBEif l Ouudlft
l11 d. An , K I ZEOR , ROCER l.k hli11K l' lr r~ i col Edit<. K:\uDSE:\, ll ,\:\ 1El. !.illrol11 Specdr !.. \I· 1.1 .'\. C F R :\ 1.1 l ( .'",}' U u ltrt u l
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Ph' s i t ;r l F <lrr c. l.F. :\\: D FR . R< JBFR T l .JP ru
Hi s r" n
KOPETZ K Y. B ER :--J I C:E Falls City Ele rn. Ecluc KRE I M ER . DAI.E T rdmaKP B us inc's Adm . K ROFTA . ROll ER' I NrhrtL1Iw C tf\·
B usi nc" Ell LH . K U E\:\: 1:--J C. I.A RR Y A ulmrrt H isron
1.1 1'\ E S. :v1:\ Rj OR I F. SahPtha , " . 1111.\f/.\ B ltSi ll t' 'S Ed \1 ( .
\ I:\:\:\ I :\C . .1 :\ \ I ES S/u/,·11. l .oui.<imw l'l l\sictl Educ. \1:\RS I I:\l.l .. 1-1.-\ROI.D Conk \ Ia! h em;ll irs \ 1:\RT I :\. ED:\:\ 1/ nmhu r~. loil'a Elcn1. Fd uc. \1:\STERS. \1 .-\R I I.Y:\ .\'t'hrt~.~ lw City Elc m . Ecluc. l.l 'C .\S, R<>< ; FR I )o i l '\{"' II j,l 111 , I.Y O :\S,
I.\ \H.-. .Y.J .
( ;fu ut ,.,,,.,,
1'11\ ,i<. ol h lu t.
\ 1.-\ DDE :\. 1' 1111.11' ( .'/arnula. l mt•a 1\ usi l i t ' " :\d 111.
\1 :\I)I SO\:. C :\RY Omaha ,\I a l h t' ll lal i cs
\IAL'. 13RL'CE .\lnr/oll (; r m•P. 11/inOI.' 1\ io lo !{~
\ I F I FR. CY:\TH I :\ T ah/1• Horh l l o lllt ' F con . \ 11 :--.: KS. ROBERT
(;I P/1111
1-'turhun Spl't'Ch \ ll 'RR F :\ . :\I YR:\ Flltntt. lou•fl
I I"
Flc111. Fd111 .
\ I :\ 1.0 :\ 1·.. \ II C I I. \1-.1 ICI I \
\I CSTA R il. RO:\A I.Il
Auhum Cc nera l Scic:r lll' \lcC:O\'. :\ I I .E Villi.1m, Iowa \ Jar he 111al it:'> \ lciUT. 1':\TR IC: I:\ Rnl Onh, lml'fl Elc rn . Edw. :\ED DE :\R I EI'. El.:\ 1.'\ 1-. /Jrorli Bu,ine'' Ed rrc. Cla ss Sc:c rc:r ary 1'.\ 1{\fl·.:\ I l·.R . .\1 .\R Y .\.roth/'"'"· / u·a•n 1-.ic 11 1. I· cl ll < .
I' .\ R IC\< : K . 1..: . \ R 1·.:'\ .\lnlu"h''· 1\.flll'fl' Li t'lll . l·.clt tc .
I' E:'\ K .\ \':\ , I. OR E:'\ Sit'!lu \ l:rr lwtll;rl ic·, P ERRY . ll:\ \ ' Ill
( ;nfj.
f.."o n.' n'
l 11d . :\rr-
:\ I CKE !.S. CARO L
WePplllg Wain Physical Ed uc. OEST 'vl :\:\:\. ROSS Pe ru
'vlusil Ol.I.l i'H :\:\T. I'A U . Paoftr .JIIIIrii!J/1 , I a.
'vlar h e: ma lic' OT TO. \1 1CH:\E I. .\"!rt CtiY BusitH'" :\ d n r.
I' I·.' IJ·:RSO:\. IH l :\ :\1 .1> I .Jiw rl\ . . \ J,, \ Oil 11
l'h " ic :ol l·.clll c .
Rl \ 1\IFR . .-\I. FRFD
.\1,.,-hatnr,/Jurg. l,n. 1\iolo).!;\ R I :\~ F . .I 0 II :\ /i urrluml
t ;,. II. Sci. . I'll\ '· Educ. t 'I·"' \ 'in· l'rc,idt·nt RI S 1'. RO:\ .-\I.D 1/umho/dt Ent:li, h IH lll ERTSO:\. \1.-\. RI I.Y:\ IJll nlafJ. Iowa . F.duc. Q.l ' :\ C: KF:\1\l ' S II . I'I· CC Y U, ·alru,· ll o11w h "' '<-l_l ' l :\:\ . 1, .\IU :--.
.lltll''"""'""'"· '""'" F lcm . hltH .
!U TilE . K :\KO:\ Stnlin g En ~-[ li s h
Rl< :11 :\ RI>S. C:II.\RI.FS Omflhfl
I I iston
ROlli\ I :\S. RO:\ .\ l.D F111rln.' /-l tlf.,, i>a. I'll\ sicd Ed til . ROCERS. 1.1:\ 1>.\ Stl'llo ll ollll' F<<Ill . RlTF. ROllER I ( ; U '/Jiri
l'll\ ,ll.d hl ut . R I I. I· y .
I() I I:\
, .,./),,,.,, .. // . .\'.f
Rl ' \ IER Y. ll ' l I\ II llli.l ''II ho. 1\.fill.'fl.\
111'·-I( IJ \
Flt·llt. l· d t"
S:\DIC:II. SA .\l l'E J. W uorl Hiurr , l ffiu"i' Ph ysical Ecluc
SA YER, .JERR Y Pr ru I nd. Arts
SAuTT ER . .\1 ,\RY /Jt·ffruue
Busiucss Ecluc
SC:I IARI', .JOII :\ Pnu Busiucss E<lu c.
S l l.\ \\·. \\' 11.1.1:\ \1
I' ll\ , jc,d h luc.
S IIII' I. I-.Y . :\1.: \:\ .·l u!Ju t n
Btt'i"''" .-\d111.
Sl.:\ YTER . \1:\ R C :\RET Jf' t•.l/ f )/• IJIJ/.1 , .\/ //.1.1. I I is tnz·y S\ 1:\C :\(:/.. \ l i K E () mrdlfl
I'!J,·si ca l E dtu.
SC I-I I R.\H~ R . ,\1i/forrl
J:\ .\IES
Ph v.,ical Educ SCHOE:\, C:\ Y I.E
w~~.~'""K'I)"· ~o:"n'n' Elem . Educ ~ lll ' \1:\ .'\,
Pwwu· l' h1 ·~i c
a l Ldtl( .
'>1-J AH · I·.R. R A I.I'H .\ ·''"' .H flrkl'l. I owa
'>\II I II . JOII :\ l 'fll/(lflilfl. '""""'
\ •lusic
\n ,
S I"E \'1-::\ SO:\. 1'.-\ l"l .
I nd . .-\n,
S I"E\\" .-\RT. 1.\' l.E .\/n/; ·,·m . l oa·a 1\ ll>illt'>S .-\ d111. ST I Ll.. (:.\RRY .·ltdu 'o" . k'au.,a.' Soci.t l s,·ic ncc ST 11 .1.. \ ' I <: K Y E .~l trlu ' t"' · k'an, a.'
Elt-111 . hl11c. S\11"1 II . . JOS F.I'II
.\'.f . '-< iclll\'
.\lllli111 " ""' .
I'll\,;, ;tl
S \I 1' 1 I I . S . \ \ ll . I· I . I· . .Jul11t.\ I H/
\latlicll l;llit' ( :I;"~ Tn·;" ''''"~"
S\ IITII. S II F.R RI F. .'iirlw·r. 1'.11' 11 ;. F.clt[( .
S:\YIH.R. _j .- \\11-:S .\'f'inflllw C:ttr I I ist. . Soc Sci.
S 1' 11.1.1:\(:1· R. E D\\. \ R D k· ,·ul , !utt 1fl
1111s in c ' s .\d11 1. Sl"l':\R I". IlO:\ .·l llhll /"11 l11d .. \rh
s I'R ;\ (; l "I·.. I
.\ 'nulh I ro n . .\llt'ln go n
1'11 0\ I I'S( l'\ . II \ RI\ \R \ ,..,Ill'\'
StH 1.11 ~( IC.'Illl'
F lt •n t. l· d 11t .
\\ I F.S
T I\: K I I :\ .\ 1. .\ I .\IH . 11 1/o/mr\l'dll•
Engli, fl V:\\: IIL '!-.1\IRK IHl'\'\ \ Clan 111/a, I /J11'1/ .
SoLi;ol .'>c it·nc ,. \ ' R 00 .\ I A.'\' . 1.1-. 1.. \ .'\'1 > Orrh111'1/ I'l l\ a l ..,, i . \V I:: J.I .E:'\'SI LK . C.I I .\ R I .L'>
S \'rtlriL\1'
~lmic \\' I J.:--() '- .
I() II :-.:
I ,, ""'" h l t llf \I I ' \\' l'-. l >ti <>R:--1. R<>Y
I), '" f,
I'" '
\ I I'
\\' 1 I I\'. \\' 11.1.1:\:'\ 1 \\' .. _I R . .\ \ I I If tl.\1 '
t'l"' i' .ol t·.cl ou .
Y<>L · :--;<;. I L \RB.\R .\ Fofl, ( ."IIY E lt·IJ L EcloH ·
ZI\ 1\ 11-.R\1.\' \1.\ IH~ .\'nnolt11
Elt·1 11. Ecl u c .
'vVEI .I .E\: S I EK. \1:\RI I .Y\: S!'m r 11.1P
B u,inc:" 1-.rlu<.
\\' E\\' E I.. KR I '-,' 1 I \: 1·. .\'ru•por/ \ Ia I hc:tn al H,
\\'H I·.. \ I 1.1-. Y. 1' ·\ I RICJ ·\ ( .rrlar l<o fJitll, 1"11'1/ l·. il'on. l·.dou
\\' II .Ill'\( ,I·.R. I()<..,I· I'll f· rn lhtJ111 t' . ( )},,,
"'" '·" "'~~'"' ' ' 32
/ .\\. t< : h. F I .. :'\ 1:\Ril.Y:---: /JI'I II
B u~in t'~ ' l·.d uc .
JUNIORS :\,, lk' on Prn1
:\d:t ln>. (;a nh Pa rt :\ln:.ll ldcr. \ \';l\ II<' Shuhat
Boh:ll' .. I oh11 Lmro/11
:\ n dt' l'"ll. ll<lllllic
O mnhn :\ ndcr'""· /)a;, · Hr 'r' (
L ilT\
:tt \
1\oldin g-. l.o1111i c Tn~ um.'t'ft
1\olt. E11 gl' ll<' /1, ·11111'1
.\1 '"''' <~II g. ll<>hh ic .\',·/, (/''"' (
11<>1, he•· . . \ rknc .\lt'llll lllt ' 1
1\ nll l Ill lit"\. l'.lllll'):, ·r a llltiTI . .\l n.' -' ·
1\n >\\11. 1\crll.ll'd l<od;fonl. Ill.
.·\rm st r o 11 g-. ( :h e n ·l
St'inmlw City Bas,;cll. Ro~lger Bnnn1. l.oh-cll l:'wt .·Ilion. Ill. Bst:m dig . .I o h11 8 urrhnrd.
S\TII (I N '
I 33
lknnell . 1.:.\' t'r<l Suhl'tilll. f.-'nn,,. Bt' llllt'l l. Oli H'I S nlwtlw. f.-'nw. !1 1ack . l' ;lt h ri "'" Omuhn
C. 1111.
1{ , 1\
f"fii H IIItltl. l fl
Casad:<, Ri cha rd Uwl:\, l nwfl
D a\'i~. Sheryl Omalut De l'erro . \\'i lli;om Omaha Dill . .\li(.h;ocl SJmngjulrl
C hi h-er\. \l;org;o r <: I Dov•npn ( :rm •t• . Ill. Chri\lerrwrr. LilT\ ,\'d"·· Cil_\
J)od \ oll. .\'1•hmri<fl
j;" ki"
l>rrcl<-r . 1.. 1\' r , . .,, ,. 'i'flhfJ• I< 11ri<
( :lrr ;,,, ..,"." · \\' .r' .,,. l'rt!JHntJJ\u C:l:rr k. I kl<>rr·, l 'rt 11 ( :o<>k. 1·.11/.rlwr l r S(/lwthn. f..." u"'·
IJ"I" "" lwei. Ru lr .rr d ( Jmnhn
Fa/11 City Daigle, Richard HI oro~\IPr . .\I' '·' \rtrh ll.\t1 11'
Ei< kho fl. R;" " '" '"' Vn·r/on 1-.lli\o ll , ( ,; 1\ k
II 111111PI!'Iif,.
Da\'is. \1\Tenc Dr 11vrr, ( ;o!IJrado
El .. in gcr. ju<h Om(fha IT II. I'a ul Jl' or rPI IPr . .\/ f/.\lftrh IN' II\
l· ogcd. Errk Pa jJI/111111
Ft·;m k~·. l.atT\ Fall.' Ctt\ Furna>.· .\n g-d.t B m;,·m·tllt• Calli\ an. T<'tT~·nr<' ll 'orrt',ft•r . .\I a."arh IN' II.'
.Jl' n nin~rs. FanH:· ~
Counrilllluff·' · l mNI
(;illigan. T im (;rt'IIUI
( ;uilliall.
~ l ike
.I <I It n >O n , .I i Ill Syruru.'t'
Ken wort I\\. Susan l 'tllt.H'(/.
I fill'(/
H a nSL' tl . .I osL' ph Fall' Ct!Y
Ke n t~·, , ~ I an
BL"t It
.\'t•hr. Ctt\·
Kcnellll;t. Rodne' ilt'lllll'll
Ki>ll\. T t· t·, .-\n n Coullrtl /1/uff'. l o<~'fl
H c>t<'t . :\ k l l .i11mln
H ol li ma n . C u rt is R orhfortl. Ill.
Kt'tl'lingl'r. B<'H'r·h Omaha Knippl'lmil'r. l'at .·I nlmru
li m
l ud\
!tm 'tl
.1 ·" ""'"· C o rd'"' I 011 '1/ J.n " ' · '\ .uu'
l .I ' IIH\.
/'t 'l II
'" .. 11 . R<> t~.rl d \ 11 '/llfllll,
Kutlc r . .J m cph Sllllbrrl
:\lcC:ullo ug h .
:'\an c~
:\lc:'\uh \, l';u rit k .VPbmskr; f: 11\ :'\c urrl ;ll lll,
Odr ll
l ..;l r\o rr , .'\a))(' Vill11m, l ml'fl Parnc la l.c:ll Nebrn1ltn C ll.\
( k\ lll lolll . \!.11 \ Llll' ll l'rr11 l'iq>t'l. I )un .d d IJJ•II' Ill
l.i t· l l/, R o l>< · l l ~1 't~~ m fo r .
.\LII<HI< ' , l'ild llJ >
/' /ol/1 11111 !!, . .\In \ f ; IT f i ll . . \ 11 11 Hflt"llt '
() mult o
R . ult · olo. t< IH' I. ( .IIII I IIt '
.\lu ~c:.
'\ anl\
Aub 11m \ l c Conn a u gh c: ~ . llo1 ;,
Rad t·lnad ll·r. \ fa n
f olnnn 11 Rlll lll', \\' dlo.ll ll
/J urr!tord
\ IcC<>'. Ronald Fall1 r:11,
RosCh'TC II . I h<>lll<l'> Omflhfl S ha ft'l ."·:ucl 'i!tubt•rt Sh un. J);l\ id '~l'il'l\((01
S h uman . J ;Ill ire Prab-'1U'
Sob\ ..I ohn Omaha Stalder. Rc~ua Sahrtlw. I\. m~·' ·
T ;tckctt. :'-!an· Tabor , Ia.
St;utn<·hcck. J.tlliL'' Od!'/1 Steen. Ch;u·le, S ulln vm . .\I o.
Templet on. l.i nda /lorton. 1\.tnl.\. TreYiuo. Cherie .·lnh nm
St<lltet·. C h ; td e~ Tt•runN·h
Tria no . \ · i nee Ill ,\lniPIIia, .\'. l'. L' hucr. Jautcs ,\lot/all', Ia . L'n,·in. Robert Uurkmt•ay, .\ ·. J.
St reeker. ( :c t·ald Rnlo St n111g. ( :hades Omaha
\'c n d itte. l'a1 Ou1111111 \fa).{go uc r . llradlot·d JohnHJII
St ukn\\,k t. Rnht'l'l l \'ott t''' I ' I • .\1 u."
Sulli,.nt. :'-Ill .\lt•rultm•( :un ·t•
s,and .t. K•·• ••nt l 'n gnuu
\\'.dkt ' l . l ),(\ l d
ll /u. u .,,u.J., , 1\ r /1/.1
lfl d g .. .
' II IIC ' C , ,
/ ·til 1 ln u
\ \ ' ,Il k <" I
, ( ,(,< I 1. 1
/J rtt / 1 11 '
\ \ '1'11C l i.II1C l l.
I . Ill \
F nnln u \
Yo un ~.
Cc r alcl
:\ r l. 111 1. I .. 1" 1 c· 11 c t ' (),f,./1
:\ d . 11 11' . l l , I\IC l .\"d r·r 1 f .1". ! u il'l/ :\ If<" II .
•<' I .tfcl
IIIII ( ' " "
: \llt'll .
Ro \
.·l t o•fl t/11, (
: \111' 11 , ' " " . \ 'P I II t d l/1
Y t JIII Ig ,
\ ' II gl ll l. l
F n/1, Lil\ :\ 11d1 , ." .'· B " " , f Jt/11 '11 1'1' ( .., , ,
:\ n·ll·" "'. I·.I"'
O mn ho
; \I II CI Id , K c'll ll t ' lfl
F rtfl,
L 1f\'
I L1 11 g .
R .. g
( ) 11/f/ llfl
B a n. S hi l'lc ' I 'd /" '" · I o wa B .liTt' l l . SIH·n I
"''' ')/'(/,\"(/ ..,,, B cc lc-. c. I )r c.dd (
T n h lt• !( ,,.;,
B .. h ,., . " cl'. 1' .11 .·l uhu t n B t ' IICI \< ' 1111 1 , R l< " · " d .\' 111 /n . \ / B ., flf 111 g . " lh ( ,,.,.;,. H <> llll , I ) , II III\
I ·"' '
( . t~tn. l ou 11 I\ I i 1 \ \ II . f . lll ll . ,
f ( ,.. '' '""/. Ill
- ---,
Bo nn ;1 11 . l l;tk ll uu jll'l
Bo\\'l"l l. \\'i lli;nn <:ht•Yt ' l llll'.
11 \nlfii/Jg
Bo;n na n . C l1.1rln l 'la/111!11111/h
Buc h lw i1. J ohn I Jr•\ .\ f o Jtll' '. I U it'fl ( ~I J T;IJ J /;1, 1.•1\1 l"l'II C<' I .11/ro/n
( :h ;n Hi k·r. ( ~ J ro l .\llllill"rl C lmd. Twib Funfll·ld. I rm•a ( :o k Ti c k. SlcH· n Fall, C:tl\' (:, >J nhs, <:h eri /',•r u ( :o nra d l . Rohcn .\tr'll ltllll'l'
Cook . I ack .\ou/h i .von, .\/irluga n
C oope 1:. :\lh e n 1-l rllll!l'l'r, 11/inm ., C:o 1-rigan . Pal C'a.\1'_\'. f Oil'll
C o x. :\ n ila fJ t' J"Ii
C r a ig. Boh Pnu
\' a1cs. Rona ld C rr111ilt• C:itv. 11/i 111Ji.1 C un n i ngh ;1n1. :\ la rria .\In d o, l mr •fl Da igle , 'v\'ill ia111 W orrr.l/ 1'1', ,\ / as.wrh 11.11'1/.5
Da nk o ! . Don na H rnnhurK. l ou'a
De l.i nc . .I a 111 es .-l uhurn
D ierks. Douglas B nnungton Do bbs. Richa rd O maha
Dobso n . Ro nal d l .nnl. l ou•o
Dudc r . .I o h 11 O maha
Dn\' al. Bru«· Tahor, ! oU'fl
I· ggc·r.
I c·.rr 1
/Juut.:,!tn I· ""'k .
(; " I
d o rr
''" ,,, ""'
I·'' "'· Rrc lr.rrd (!", ,.,f f( n •, ·r . 1/!Jnfll,\ 1·. \ .rrl ge lr,r. <:ni
.\ ·,·;rtnh . .\ ·, .,, . ) 'u1h
1· \ .tn g cll-.1. { ;l'C ,t·g e h . .\ ·,·u· ) 'nrk
.\ · , ·~~ ·rn
l·lc-rrrrrrg . .\l.rr k
n II\{
fl .
. \I f l .\ '
llt'h tl.\r/1\
I· • >I, . rr r.r rr. \ \' i IIi :r rr 1 ll \ · 11111/1 '
I·" k
( ;:r ill<'' () lllflhfl
Roher! H 'nwl Hn ·•·r. ///urn/' c;..- 11"' 1. \l.rn B e rlr
.\ ·, .. hrtl\lirJ ( :11\'
( ;i flor d. Roge r F II II o// . ,\',., , ) 'orh
<;"'-g'·' . .I "'"I
f .II/ U,/1/
I f age rn cit'r , .J ;uncs /J rolnrr
I L 1nH' d. L cfl,·:rnl l'nrh I L ru k, .I .rrrict'
.\f1111'11lo , -"''"'
r:unt llllll g\, }.._' (J/l.\{/.\
1-L il rs< l1ild. T oll! .'·) yrnrn,t•
1.1;11, -ft-, . ( ::rnrl /J rorh
l lerr;rl sdl . K:rrerr ( ) /1/(/l/((
fkrrdl'I'SOII, (:;rn >f /J rorli
I 1<-rr g . Fr·:rrrk ,\ 't' bl'fl.\11{/ ( ;,,\'
Hen ;.
r : wl .·/ /lull ,
I li c k s. \l. rn l.ou .·l uhur11 ll i r ~t·rrr. rrrrr. L r\ 'e ll 1'flhlt•
I I " I' I>. ·" ·" 1d r·;r .\ ' \' I (/( II. \I '
I l c11 g.rrr . J.rr iH's 11'n'tl''''''·
,\ l ll.\ , flt hU.\t 1ll '
I lowe. Ron.dd
r 'arion JJ tH''l<>ll, )), llt,dd L'111tfu wf
,lack "'n. (;Jor i.t Jjr{f,., ./11'
_j.Hol""tt, \ Lt n On~t~hu
,l :tc o l»ot t. 1\nttil.t {}((//'
_join n,()J j, n .\lt•nfo . I ""'" . l <~ttt·'· l.ind:t
K: d ait ll , R ut h
l>m •t•r . .\·. j.
Ke lh . S:dh Fufl., C:tl\'
Kt'll ltt'Ch. l>t• ttlliS /:"nnnn
Kni n s . \ \'i ll iatn f .tt Cmttgr·. Iff.
<:lc.:,-e lan d._ j amc:s C:ht•.\(l'r
Ko n te ttd:t . .I :trill'S Vufj){frfli.,o
l .a n thre clll . l .on n ie /J"·' I u•trh l.a\ l onta~ne. Dav id I( ott!w/"'''·
l.ind n, Rich ard J>n/1 l.o~s d o n . Tim ,\J {/('(JII//J, Iff. \ lat·ks. L na ld
S11fh1•a11. ,\ t o.
\ larnc ll .
Ten · ~·
:\l at·tin. D e n nis Slolt•ll 1.1/wuf. ,\ '. l'.
\lil ke . .Inn IJ I'tlt rio• \ Iiller. \-\'a\'l tl' Tu/mogt•
\ lo nsees . l.ois /J,.I/n•tu·
.\l orris.. n . Dianne ll r•fllrtf'l'
\ I own . .\ JJ,)utnn)
11 11111 ' 11
Rol>< ·rl
\ .\I"/.• . .\'. )' .
\1< \ ltllll l, \ 1. 11\ f .nu u/n
\ It \ ' 11
' "''I·"". (;,, .,ham
\ !.11·,
R og<· t
' " " " · ( ; ,'If(' . \1 111111\
Ohl>i ll l... l l.t~l. t ( )' ( .orlll< ' t. ,,,.,·in ,, .,,,,,.,,,., , .\lrl.'' ·
(lit , ' ""' ' ''A.'' o t l'll .\' u:.nlong. O li"''. R o her! f> ll /'/II/IIIII" . .\[II.\\.
Ollt'llt;ll t, 1'-cn !-.'Ill ( :, ,..., ..
l':till l<'t. K ;" I< l'tl 011k. I r11f•n l'; tt I c r~<>ll, .Jo l Ill f Jt•ru
"' " """'' · (;a n .\ 'l'hrwhn ( .'1/\'
Ru11. !.inc!;·, H 'oorllunt~ .
/ ou •a
Rill lllll'l', \\' a lt ct· ,\f ,,.hlllllf'\hllrg. l'n.
Rinn e . I knn is f .t~ u·i., l o n
R oci('J'. I . ; li T\ ' I .IIII'OIII
Rog-c t·s . . Jolt 11 VPrtfo11
Rolllc , :\l a n 'rl!('('j1111g ll 'nt ,·r Roll tnan. C:;11·oh·11 .\'r/nf/.\1111 ( .'it,·
Schtllltakt"r. R og<· t· Omnho Sh;lllll<>ll , I· rcdct·i 1 Oordll••/1'1 . . \l fl.\\ .
S h ct\\. Kd'
Solu•lilll, f,.' nl/.\1/.• S lt cc lt an. I .•IIT\ ,\I r ill II'\' Sktcl l.r. 1., 11 "
S n ti t h. ( :.trn l fl o///,· (.',,.,·k. / u.,·u Sntitlt, S.n ~tu e l _ j .
( :,11,1'<1', ' "" '(/ St l\ tkt. Llel.t I ' ~~tuh 1/u Sporer. l.t t<\ .lt unu\ SjH' it'l k . _jn.ll t / . 11/1/1;'1//,•
Sto n e r . K t'll lll't It II omn SiuhiH'tHii('( k. llc l\\;t l'd Oiur
S tntll li<T'. ll .t rh.t r.t Om11llfl
S\\Tglt'l' , l-'11//.1 (.',1\ T ;rt t' , l.arn
/)1' ' .\l uuu·'· / ,~,·n
T c r \\'i ll eg<T. Beth
: \11 1!
Ti ck ncr. [);1\·id F i rt h
L' hr·i. RniH'I'l '1'11/J/,• H u r/;
\';ttHkrheek . ~ ; ""' .·l dtlll/,1
V icktT\. Brttcc Ill.
f Jri nrt'/;111,
ll:m:, , (; lc:nda II rrnt• 111 ·i //,, Vit e rise. (;an .\'P!oari<, N . 1'. Walford, .I ;uris (; rn hrnn
\.Vat so rt, J atnc:s Ul'fi Uoud Wendt, \lark l .inroln \\'it:k ha 111. Sa ndra So it' ll/
Wik·s. Ralph .·h ·om Wi le s. Tern P ifiii\1/UJII/h
Witln , J ohn Ffl i/1
Wn\ k , \ ia r jt·an S tn'/111~
/ap;rr,utn k. Rtt h .tnl I 1-'PI/jlf'irl . .\'.
l .rn n et. llo n ;old H Plll' l ' llf'
FRESHMEN ,\ hit·. 1{, ,1.. ·•• Auh u,, :\d.ifl l , (), ,,,, .. ,
()tf,•/1 :\d, IIJI'. f· 1.111 k /· 1/I PIItlllf
:\ gr u ·,,. Onui/111 : \hhn, (
R, ,, ... ,, o,ll \
ll111 h lln·,·, . .\fuh
: \lln1 .
,, .,'\lllfllllh ..\ l tl \\ ,.\Ill' II , \ ' .11 I .\',•mohn :\ndt·J '"''· Ru ! 1.11 jl Curuud /Ouf/' . / u ;tu :\ndt' l".t'''· \t,, , t w I .IIUflllt
:\ndt'''"" · f'.11d
; 1' P 1HI, t, \\ . \1 11\C" Jt•lll"
/), ·,,mul:
Cofu•nluiJ.!J' tl,
:\ r 111'''' 111 g , I .1 t lf l. t Cnut.lou ·o :\1 IH1Jcl, ( : J J,I I It-'
Snlt•m :\\ ,, ". 1.•111
TnhJ,. ll "' h Ad'''orr h . B .nh.11.t JJnfn/lu,
Ba kc: r . . J.IIllt'' Auhun1 1\;uclo..,, Loui-.,c.· Omaha 1\ ;n·,j . ~lit 1> .... 1 ,\tw 11mh, 11/uwt ' llarlt'k. J : 11 .. 1r1 lt 'r,fo"
Ba nt>J... . l .11ri11 ( :ortlnnrl
Beac h. l .. t r l ' ( ;,; 11 1)1/
B e an . ( ;tori;,
Counrli 11/uff'. l mm B c ;ttl\, 1\.;trT I I
P Pru
Bea u'. Sh;u-oll 1--'t'l"/1
B e d nat . <ht'n H '.\'IIIOrt'
BCIII IC II, ( >l i\'l' l
Sahrtha, h"an'n'
Be rn a<h . .J oh" W ymorr Bi ndnnn, P.n ric Lt Fall, C111 B ird,lt·\ . \l.m h 11 . ·luburr~
Blctrlk.c.:n ... lll p . . \h 1 11 Suj JPrtm
II k- t ,,k B li ...... . C.. n uht t Bfll' I IWI . R I d
.VPIHII.\hfl ( . JI\
Brdd .
J.t ii iC''
!l ou•,• Brlltl l.
\ h t c·
1\••1 1.!, (''""'· 1\.11 11.1 1.1 'uulhun . \l tln 1\ ...... !l.tll, "•lll .\I t /'' " ' /'"'· 1/f, ,,,, 1\,,\\t' l, 'c.d
I''"''''' ·R,\'I ••L!t'l
l~' '' t 'l.
/) tf;l •fl11
Jn .. cph
Bl.alld'IC'IIt' l, ()mr~lut
B,t·ttnLtla. Jh,.l,,tt.
/),·.h f,·, B !t•th-1"'111. "'-"~tt'\t'''
h ,J,, ,.. I "'' n k. R••t:.t'l
B t~t
\luuf,"k 1\ llcllt•l. \I. II\ n,,,t,fuJ ;t
Bunch. Ltl!dnn 1'/ntt•mn ll lh Butt'"·
l•dt1 1
I J./, ·1/ B u t! . \l.u1 I ahnrl t.!,r'
1\tul '.
l·'''lt ..,
C:.opo·ll". R..hnl .\,·,·1.-n!l); . .\I n •• < : .111/t' .. ,
( ""'' ~' . \loko· F"lf., I :,11 C:Lu k I .. o\l·ll .·luhu nt
< . \\'.""'' .\',·/no.•ka l .'tf\ < : lt' l llt'llh ,
( :ullin,, B11.t11 /t,.f/,•;• llt '
Conk. 1·."'11 ht·l ( ." m Hill f.!, lo:t •a Cno pc:t. 1· ,1\t'
.\',•/nn,/;.a ( .'tl\
( :.. "'". ".11 "ll'l'll l .tllroln <:or ~ll.tli. \lit h.~t·l .\fmllllulllh, ! lln tnt• ( :e l"''lt:l t. I .iII( l.t
1/amlnoJ.:, / m,·a
;nc:11, S.t nd v ( Jnwlw
<:r;ndonl . .l ;tlllt'' IJ,•,nrfl \\' in ;ltl:-.. ( :IHT\ I ( .'rtno/1, ! ttU'(J
<:uni". l>cnni' 1·.' /hhmn
llil'ckilniL l.incl;o .,.,•rum.•rh l>ixon. Denni :-. f .tllru/n
llocl!<<', llnn;old .\ .t•hrn,JuJ
( .'It\'
1>11\,-n i ng-. K;uherinl' n,-~.
Dulh. l.i1Hia (;ft• tnt•tt~ul. lflu •a
Dunl'k;u kt·, I .t•o· .Joh'J.Hot
1-:,. n.{lT,
Eickil<>ll, .J•oooiol' 5)/tuhtTl
Eio kloo •II. (;,.,,old I ·,,,.rfon Eh"l<'. lli.onn .\'t4n·a.\ho Clf\· Enlt'n ,_ ju li .t .\',,/nn•ho l .'11\ 1·.\ ('f'h. tn. \\'i lh.tlll IJ N!jorrl. lmt•n l·,ndktlt'l, BtT io l l
l'rnd,Jmro, .\' J. hit'. ll;l\id ( ,fllfiiiiJ.:, lnll'll 1· 1111(' 1, Bt 'lll .Hiill('
(,, .,,.
l· hh c t . Jcn l /-all• ( ''' l· le·fc Ill' I . \1.11 he , ,f /ll ' llt 'l '
I· Jc,\d, '-,he·• \I ·I 111111 tllu, f · 1 14
~t ' ll .
l1' \ll.'
I· 1 .rr H • ,1, , I >.t\ rd ~ \II/( 1/H
I· 1 .rrrcl't"fl . ( f- ul/1 (
.11 l il t"
J· r.t ' C'I , J lu\,,tfd I / umlm!rlt (.crek '. R e1g t·r . l ul1t11 "
< .r11""'· R rt l1. r1cl /· nl/1 f ' " Cl\ch.r11d. .\.('/ntLI /;fl (
l·••u· tl\
( , f\\11\1 1. 1, (
O mflhtt
(, (, ,'"·"· 11 .111.111 1/u m/mltll ( ,,,..,t 'll. /· ,, mun/
Lr .d dc· , R" g t ·r \ l t' l l lll lll'l
( " . dr.11r r . Jedu r }J,•tl/1 It
( ol ,1 \ .
\ \
ftt ttuln C. rofl. 1'11 \Jir, , ,,., 11
(;"""· '"· jll ll .·luln utt (;llrl h.rll
.·l uh11t11
f l.rgt'l l lt'IC'I, ~11.1 1 1
U, ·ntntt' ll . rrrrrrrc · r , 1\. .r l lrl'l \
/·.'rt .l!.f, · ll. r11kr n '. J .Hit" l:'xl'/,•t ll .r r,h l r.ngc.: r. K.rll tJ \11 ,\',·h uJ.I /;1/ ( :,,,
l l. r ugiiiiJII, 1\r tl< '/ I' I 11111.\t ' h
l l :t' '· < .h .n k ' ( .'uuh 11. 1/t' ll, ( ;,
c.·go1 \
F w l .·1/lmt,
I k .llil cl.
\ ' y t ru ·U.II'
llc ll g, l >l'lllli' .\ 'rlnu.,J..u f.'tl\ II(' ! I Ill ' ' ' \ . .I .t ill<.'' C:ri/JIItd
U / ulf'. lo1t'fl
ll l* n tl i n g. .·luh11 rn
l k t·l "l n, Phi lli p
1/o lt!rl'fiJ!.r l l er 'lrhc..·r g t·r. ( : h ;r r lollt'
r,/1., r:," lli gh~"'·
.I ell\
.\ .l'lnu,,hn ( .'til I l nl/t'.
l t'IT \
,\ la rnlm11u, l ou•rl l lou :-. <.'ll l .tll, c :hc..'l'\k (),-/,.,, ,,,, .\''' it' >"orli
II rlwk . .I oil 11 ( Jmaho l l nn;ekc r·. \l.r r \ 1/u m/w/d t I IIII ( lrt·IJ ~. I .; II T \
Fwr . ·llltllt, Ill. l n gli , , \!. 11·\ l'tlll' l"''' ( .'t{)
l r win , \ l i< ir .wl L111o ud /Jiu!f'. / m , •o I ('ll~ l' ll , l.. t \ t 'I l i t ' s,,/nrl.\kll (.',,,,
.Jo lln,o ll . ll, 111 .\'l'htlll'h tl .J c ) J lJ J '<f H I ,
I 01111<( '
f ml'tl Jo h n ,otr , P .rul
( ,"fPIIU'IHiff,
.\Ju•nt~lldonh . l t~ll'tl
Jcd r n...eJ II , R c ~rr.dd / ·rtf f., ( ,,,
) ntlt''· Rc Hil l It ' I fllH ' ' · I O tl l
·h hlo 11d
Jo\ .
\f. rtll ('('II
.\u n t •~tud.
J tHik Ill '
/Jtn ·n '' ·' " t'll l('\
\ !11' ' I IH 11 11 . 1, IL
() multo ,, . I I I . P. t l "
I· /J.. r u ·1·h ''t'll\ . J . tl llt ('
1- o/1, ( '''
h.c·ll\. l{. ,hc:ll f 'n do11 hd·tTnt·d'.
l'n:1 ,,,,. f tl\ h.odd. lu dllh (J mnhn K111 1,!, \I. at' .\ ·,·hr n'ka ( II\ 1-\.dl/.1, l>un. dd
aiJUU fJI\11
h,., (
h. I l .tnTt·l
( """11/ /t luf/' . l o:ttJ l-\.11 oll', R u1_!t ' l
( Juwhtl f\.l.llllt'l, (l , I\ Td
\tn 11111!, f-:,1 t'Tit·(,, ( . 11 hTII
.\ ·,.,,,,kn ( II\ l..tllllH'Ic t.
\lac h.u·l
·''"""''' 1.. 11,d,\(·111.
I .111'
/J unh,u
l .. IIH'
, \ \ t'IHicll
H,·rtlrltt' l .tll l'IH'
( ,t'!ll...c:l,
/Junhrn l.t: l tll ll IIC:.IU,
n,.,,,,,gton, , ..,.,,, ... ,
I· d\,,tJd
l 't
1 1111111 1\
.\ \ l tlf I L\t'
l.oH'JO\ . R. 1h t' l l /( ,•,J ( hrk.
l.o\ 111,
I o:nt
I· !11 .tht't IT
Lr ah ()" lua ,J I.Ttlhl fl l d . l>.tll
rufl, l.'tl\ l.\IH h. R('h('t t.l .·luhr~r11
\ l.u lo.
I .lilt' I
/ 'fiWIIt ' t '
f .'t/\
\l.ahnnt·\, I ('f 1' /1 ,·1/l't'tll'
; :flrl'fi,J.!UI, / o;, ·n
\ La.,on.
.\'dnn.,/itJ ( .'tf\ \·, \\'Tih .l ll l II Ulit ' flllltl, A.' flll\1/,1 \l.t:o.ll' l ' . l .t'()Jl,l
.\'f·hra.,Jia ( .'tl\ \ l illall, F rl'd /J ntlno·
\ long('!. B.trtin .·lt•n ..\/ ~,, _,mo·l \ f organ. r ufl, Ltll :'\ l t ll)l;o., Rt llllTI .\'t•warl~ .
.\'n,• } 'or~·
~ l c n"J'i ~s \ .
l .ola
jJI' I'tl
\ l nrlblld, .J : II Ill' S 1/rm!llt, Ill . .\ f (• ;o. k\. B .arh. tr .1 l l ' t •'(t'I" TI
.\lullcn, \ f ar! ha .\'t•h rfL,Iut (.'t i l"
\ l ulkn. \ 'i o.'h.; ";" ,\ 'ort h .·lttlt•lmro ..\Ia.'·'· \ltn·pll\. Fra11k .\'m'fo/1< \lliTTCII , . Johll
1·: 1/wll. I 011 ·a
\I< ( :c t ll ll :l ll g"ht·\. ("l fulwu \I( Donotlg·h. 1-"ra nk l1·,,,, l "mmt, l mNJ \I< \lull<"n . :-\all< ' Omaha :\ t , :"l'l'h . . I F"/l, 1.'1!\' \:('ho l;t, n .. ,,.,, ( .'umht•r/o rul. lnu •o
~ l' ,~(' ll, J) ;l\
,\',,/,-n.\/;tt ( ."llv ~· c.· l,cl ll, ( •. 11\
(hu•ola ~<"l~oll, Joh n l .mou1 l /11,/f\ , l ou •u '\. cwln. R")..rC"r .\ ·,·h rwhu f If\ <>hl't g. I ·"'di11 \tfflll/,\11111 ~ ( ) t ''C II!.IIIIl ,
J n hri.HII/
( >glc . Jo lT II \ 1/ }I' IN
))1ft ' \
Jt ohfl
)f IIIII pItt.
\.,- I , , I
, I If\
( JJdiH ld
l llt.f.t
r ) j.,,,,l
, , ,, ,J., ,
, , ,,,,!,' 1 , IIH I ' '
'J''.drtll "' ''' "I . I
\lit f1.11
I'" .. /, l ' .tl lt
f.{t thC'T
I " t il.
\f .. t t
" '' ·
,.,, ,
1'.•, 11 1 · . 1c-,, , . / Jtll,.f tt J .. h t l
,., . l l ,
I',' '' J ', ·t l
J\ . 11
l • .II
I ', ' ,, , ., . , t . I ' " I I .
( 'I '
I •. /rno..: • l'c lt lllto . '-11 ~ (., • IIIII •
( II\ .
I ll
l ' fl.ttt llt, H c· ll'
1',,,, ,,,,,,
l' tf'l'""· l h.lfl . l \I t 1' " " /H .t. /II
,., ,'( '!, ,,,,,.,,..
f\ ', ,JI"' k . I ) ,1\ c·
' "''''''' J•, ,,, , ,., _ I •·' "' / J t~ :l \11 11
I 'll• c· ( · ' ' " "
l' ,l<tll •• ( t l \ <.!._t ill I l l. \ l ac h.u·
I tl
" ' I l l "L: .
l h·.1 11
1-{ ,d,tc l(' .t ll ,
I , fiJ; , " ' · I II I{ .III II
I ,,
I >•• \
I ,, .
I ' ' ''"/'h"" 1{ ,, ,.
B,,, , ,
n. 1/r·;
R c-c- d. I l,a111 cl ( ru
Rc· ' .
\ l .tll.tll
( J111u hu
R1 cc·. l >c-l•• t c·, .\ ·,·mu hu
){It'" '' ( I .
B.t l
I Itt rn hr ./,Jt
kc-11,, \\ ' tlh .t ll l
f{l c )
lll tlll
Rt ..,l, ( .tlclf
I I u111hu/dt l{c •l•c tr..,. I), !lt.dcl .\f1 "" "" ,.,,If,·\. lu
R. '" c· .
f .tttll''
.Y, ·Inu,, l;o (
:--o.H ~ l c · ..,,
l> .1\id 11 'lnt r• ( .'!u tu/. " 'Ill!.'· ~. t ile l('t .., . \\ ' i lh.1111 ( i "J ollnll. I ll ~- tllll (.' f . f etilll
U, ·/lrr lu' ~~ il llll dt . J l .t l tt·IJ
.\ t,·,ltng ~.
1.. ,fl ,-ld. \\"dio . llll
llr~llllnu p, . ltJ
\ \ 'il ... ()ll , l>llll.tld ( Jmohn "'· ' "
{' I Jl('l .
.\ .t•htfl.\1.-f/
I ),,' f ( I
( .II\
~t }Jl tf <"ttf)t') g. ~- .IIH \
~~ ' " ' 1 ( ' '0 \ \ , ~hc.· J f hnuho
...,t· tl u •J J. ( :ht' J ' I I~ I
flil'l/ l 'l
""''·"' . I l ." 1 cl lltt lflhn ldt ~~1.1\\ . fl tHI. tld
ltt ut/; ...,ht • ho~t , f
({, ( h .11 d
u ""' d N /,f/' . I a
"" " " " ·
j l l tl l l l l «"
( ) lllrdtt/
f 1 II I I
\\1 oo l " t' \
( '''"· l u "-~l.t .~ l ('
H, 1/, : "' ~l. tt ll. t . ( •( ' /1 ( '
h, ,,,., iJ l .11 t .J ll •t i t/, f , , ,·J,· I ,, J11,,
...,III II
Smith. Rich.II'CI Park Ruf~~:r . ///_
Sp<.·ckm;;nn. Dunit" Elk Crrrk
Spohn. Clifford O maha St:~ l n· . J am~>
Ral•/011. Stl'incr. Ron;tlrl
St~p hctt>.
TrrzmL.<fh St uk~nholt 7. John .\'rbr. Cr11
Sturm. i:ltarks Papdlimr Su~d cn. ~ l "ri h n .4dmn< S"·anson . Lonnie Trrum,\rh
s,,·antd•. D;11·id (;r11on
s,,·iscgotJd. 1\ .' h'"Ct'tl Fall• Cill· 1':11 lor. Stnc Bnztnrr 'l 'h otttpSclll, l ~ttriria
Parfitt . .\'.J. Timrx·rk. Frank Omnha
Torr>'. john .-ltkinwn
To,,·nscnd. Pc-rn Clustrr. Prim-
Trout. Daniel Crab Orrhard
\' and e rford. John .-l uburu \ 'a n ~k . Richard
Vof,>1. Robert Elmwood \'okt, Dann,·
C:ounnl Bluj}; , Iowa \'rabcl. Thomas U'hiting, !mi.
\l'altke. J amcs Bt•atrirf \\'alton . Karen
\l'cbh . .l ane Urd Oak. Ia.
Wcrldic.Joh n .\'rbr. City
\\'cndt. C harles ,1 / o/irre. Ill.
\l'cwe i. Jcan St'H'/)(Jf l
\l'hcclclon . .I :ttl icc /lrmr•rr ;•r//r
\l'hccln . .I a net Xrmalw \l'ilclcr. 1\.trhar a llt•llr•t •tll' \l'iln . Donna !it'd Oak. I a. \\'i lktrl!'llll . lc.'.l ll
1/rou!wldl \l'illi.un, . R.uHI.tll
.1 · Sc har p. 1.. S l u:d ~ an, ~ - S~o n er . :\. BmnT. B, tandi )!;. J Ro)!;l'I"S. (;. J;Kkson. R. Shalkr. \\ . Dtrke,·. .-\ . Ba n ek. R mt• T u•tJ: :'11. Roht"l"t ,o n F. s 11 , ·clc r. C. Rad l· n1ar h n . .-\ . :'ll a nin . 1.. :\ nlls tr nll )!;. C:. \\"ri).!;lll .. B: Ric h ;u·d . B. lladc n l"l:ldt. \1. Jones. J Do d so11 . B. :\ n nst l"CIII).!;. :'I I. Tackett. C. :\irlwls. C. H a1·s hbcrg-n. f<mt • Tlnw: L C o ok. 1 ~ . () 11 i 1111. K . Ra the . 1'. Co rriga n . J . Dickma n . .1· Ba11g, C. Rist, :\. Cht·d. :~ I· Kclh. S. \\"irk h a rn . J l·: ggcr . K. Copas. :'II. :'llc:'llt 11 111, R. Kalt til. \ ". il o rrhcr. K. Pain ter. !itJw /-"our : P. \ "cndiui. Uou • On,•: D . :'lldn to,h,
R. Agnew. J Sa~·er. D. Daigle . :'1 1. G uilliatt . :'11. Saulter ..-\. Cox . ( ;. .J ackson . \1. \lc\ "ir ker. B . .Jacobson. K. l'arrarl.. . :\ . .·\ncll·e""s. 1'. l.l·ll. II . C ordon. D. Rin ne . D. Ticknet· . C. Rirharcb.J. \ h -\" ickcr . C . 1\o\\·· ma n , II . Dm·al. Rm,. 1-"it•l': .J. O 'Oonag-hue . J Alle11 . c;. S tr e cker . R. Rist . L. l.ambrcr ht . .\ 1. \I a lo ne. H . \larshall . C:. 1-t o\\"son. D. Cun i' . R. \ !orris. D. Cramer. C:. Cord on . R. Bassell. c;. :\cumann. B. Jom·'· \\". Lk l'etm . R. Sear,. H . (;race. R. C:uni,.
PSEA The Pe ru Stude nt Education Associatio n was orga n ized as the lo ca l unit of the Stude nt Edu cation Associat ion of Nebraska, a nd the Stude nt N ation a l Edu ca tio n Associati o n . o r igin a ll y 01·ga ni ze d b y Dr. H a ro ld H utcheso n in 1958 to include a ll stude nts inte rested in profess ion a l eel ucat ion , it provid es its m e mbe rs with opportunities for pe rsonal and profession a l g-rowth : fo1· gain in g an unde rsta ndin g or th e hi stor y, e thi cs, a nd prog r a m of th e o rga n ized teac hin g profess ion ; fo r pa rti cipa tin g in coope rati \'e work on th e prob le ms o f th e profess ion and the community; and for acti ve professiona l membe rs hip on the loca l, state , a nd na tional leve ls.
The orga ni zatio n selects th e "Class r oo m Teache r o f the Yea r" each spring, as we ll as choosing six "Stude nt T eachers of t h e Year. " On the state o r ga nizatio nal le,·el , \1 iss Do rothy Bock , fo rm er P.S.E.A . preside nt , \\·a th e 1965 - 1966 Sta te pres ide nt , a nd Bob H ilt se rved hi s seco nd te rm as th e Sta te Treas ure l'. T he Exec uti ve Board includ ed Bill Bo \\" e n , preside nt; T im Gilli ga n , vice preside nt : E laine :"Jedde nri ep, secreta r y: Ro n Pete rso n , T reas ure r ; a nd Co nn ie H oscha r , hi sto r ia n . T he spo nsors fo r this year ,,·e re \l r. H a rol d .J ohnson , Dir ector of Place m e nt , a nd Dr. Llo yd Kit e, Directo r o f Stude nt T e;.tc hin g-. S. llopp. II. 'oung. II I hotlll"''n. 1, F r.IIH "· ( .. I kndt"l"'" ' l. ( ; \l. rd . ' . I l l. rg-t"lll<"l<"l. I Soli\. R. \\"i ndh"r' l. \1 I), I\"· 1, iklldt·r . \ I ( •Ill! · llt"ll ll.t n . C. ll ,t\\lt·\, II . \\" loh"'"" · U mt" lu•o () Stu.rrt . R. lohtholl. ( .. '• Hil l).: . 1.. 1-r .ltlk<" . I 1-rd.holl. n. l· l.ttll!". R. Rll ll. I . lloh lr llg . I' ITII. 1- ~lllllh. R l""lll h f{ ,.u \ hC:o\. 1.. lli g).!;ll h. C . l·llt"'" · \\ .,.,,.,.'" I · ));" ''· 1.. I l llclt·r . <.. "'"'""' . \I. <•I<Tillt"<" . R. I !".tllclt· t . R. l"nl l.l. \I II.IIII ICOII. \1 ""'·').:·"I. I{ 1.,,,.,, I Rltlll<". I, 11 <~ 11111 , 11 1 . .... "lllllh. \1 .... lt.l \\ , ll "hilt"\ N oll" h1111 1, \\,·,q· l. ( \lllhlt <l l l~ . I l l. tll l... \I Ill< J.., . ( ( h,tlld lt ·r . I' <.!_to.H l..t·llht hh . ( • \\".d l..!"l. I l't·ll l.. .l\ .c. I ( l h1111t.h Ill . I l \1 dn . " 1"·11' .... ll .ll ll"li . '\ 1 ."'""· " /1\ll l..t"i . l l \ .t lll\to,l..lll.. \I <·•·t he t
U mt• Unr.
.J. RogCJ"s. ~1. ~lc~ltlllll , :\ . C"x . S . Hopp, .J. Sayer. R. Flannery. T . Rosengre n. vin.:· prc:,idc:l ll. l< ou• "l" rm : J. Christ, s po n sor, T. Hoove r. S . Craven, R. Wile:\ , (; . .\lark,, \\". S1. Row 011e: G. Ellison. K. Stoner,
L I WI"I'IH< '.
S t 1" 11 g . "''
I< "L I I
\ · 1 1<'"~ ', . ,.,. _ R ol<' "f"hn•t•: S . L o n g-fe llo w. \\". Dcl'cln> . \ '. 1\.i·c nzcl·.
' 1'"' '"11. J. H .. h .l l \, H. Ri11 11< ". J . . l <" ll lli ll g'. .1· R i11 11< '. l"'·,i d.-" '· J. c >I• . ' ' "'" '·i.111.
BETA-BETA-BETA Beta Be ta Be ta is a n a tional honorar y socie1 y fo r those inte reste d in biolob''Y· The or~an i zation .h as 1h rec purposes: t h e deve lopme nt of scholars hip, 1h e clissc 111 ination scien tifi c tru th ' and th e e n courag-crn<:llt o f resea r ch. Re quirem e n t for adm i ~s ion irrcludes ha,·ing comple te d at least ten hours in three courses in b iolog-v. Afte r th e studen t h as comple te d six hour~. h e 111 ;,,· become a provis ional m e mbe r.
. l .hc Pc nr ch ;rpttT \\":ts <lll<: ,)( · t he se\·cn o r·igi nals, w h ic h \\·ere i<H ;rt c d i r1 ( ,,,,.; , , h.<J il s;ts. ;tnd :'\:eb r·as k a. Tlt csoc ic t\ ,, ... s l o tlltd cd i n l!I ~H . Th e oflinT s ()I T r·i -B<'Lt \H' IT: . J oh 11 R in 11c. pr·esicle nt: · nt ntll ;ts R''"l' ll J..;ITII , ' 1cc pn ·s id c n t: ( : I! ;~ des S u ·ong, sc<Tt·t ; tr · ~ - t r ·< · ;ts ttt < T : ;tr lC I _,,,_ -;cpl t <>h. histor · i ;~n. Th e " po rt s<>r·-, \\T IT 1> 1 . . J() il ll < :J11 ·is t ; 11 1d \!1 ·. St ;ud c \· L.on gfc llo\, .
U ou · (Jt w: \1. . l n11c ~ . \1. 1);1\·is . \ ". Bnrchc r - SelTCia n ·. _l . 1);1\·is -l'resicle llt . ( ;_ :\dallls- II is1nri ;111, \\'. R in l111 Cr - Tre;JSl ll"l'l", B. 1-i.itclin g-cr, .1· BSiand i!-( . I'. Bi 11dn n 11 . Rnll' h t•n: II. \\"hi ll'l n ;m,J . :\lien. \ 1. \ Lt lnlll',
H. (; race, C. Richanb. R. (;,-;1\ . B. Kn ·i"'· \\". R ick ell >. ). \lonl ;ond. Hmt' T hrl'l': J . St ;o n o s heck. \1. (; n 'l' llll'L", R . I fill. R. \ !,;,.,.;, __). Karpm,·ic h. T . ( ;j llig-an. 1-i.. St o n e r .
GEOGRAPHY CLUB present s a schobrs hip to <t il oulsl;ltldin g gcogr <t pll\ st ucl e n l. The cltth a lso ts s potlsonng 111<111\ soci;tl a cti ,·itics thi s , ·ca r .
Th e Peru Stat e (;c ogTaph,· Club, ,,·hich \\·a s organized in 1 96~. has t\\"o m a in purposes: first. to dcYclop th e int e r ests o f st ude nt s in gcogTa ph ~· : second , to illu str; ttc d c\-c lo pme nt s 111 th e field of" geogl"aph Y. The club
\l onlag-nc. 1.. Ft·a 11 ke. Hull' '/'hrr·,·: 1.. S i <'"''ll'l, pn·s idc nl: D. 1\.i·amcl·, R. Lea n der . ll . 1\. rci lll<'l . .-\ . { :h :IIHI I<T . rn·asunT .
Row One: E. Stillin ge r , \I. \lcVicker, vice presidenl; S . Sch wiesow , secretary: P. Groff. Row Two: H. Park, .J. H ansen, R. \ l cCo y. D. !.a
F. Rowoldr . \ 1. <.onncnn an . \ 1. \1 , V1< ke 1. C. ll :ll·, hherg-c l. I I. Wc·are. Uou• T wo: R. D u p~>n < lw c·l. '"" " rian . \1 . / wic kel . \ 1 Sal lll('l , 1·•. '\'cclclc ml<'p. H. Kirli n~c l . ''-'' n ·1 .<1 ' · 1·.. '>1d li ngc·1 Hou !'lut•r J. Sl1:<1 p . ( . '>l~>l l t' l . R. l\1 1>fl:t. P ' '''i<lc nl . \ Ch.n idlc·l . ' "'' pn·,HI<·Ill . f. h .c llk< ·. 11 ('a, ll ll'l : II ( . ,~l· f ,., n .
H ow ( htr•·
T h e B u si n ess C lub is in its l \\'c nl y lif't h year of ex istence, fit·s t b e ing- e s t ab lis h ed undct· the n ame Commercia l C lub i n I ~)40 . T h e <>J·g-ani za t ion is ope n to a ll peop le ta kin g busin ess co ut·scs . Th e a ims o f' t he ot·g; tn io n ;u·e t o promote , encourage, ex te nd , and cTe;tle i rttet-cst an d scho lars h ip i n comme r c e: to a iel in ct\'IC bett e rm e nt in col leges: and to c n cout·age and f'os tcT h igh s ta nda rds in bus iness a nd p rofessional li f e . Facu lt y s pon so rs for the t,,·o g r o ups include Ml'. Leo n a rd Cartier. !\!iss Ft·ie< Lt R o ,,·ol d l . and M iss H a ze l Wea re. Oflice rs i n the Bus i ness C lub at-e: I.~ · l e S te\\'art , pres iden t : '\Lu y \ l cV id :.cT, , ·icc pn_·s icl ent: She tT )' Sch ieso\\' , secn: tar y: <t nd Aile II ( :ha nd le t·. t t-casut-eL Oflice rs in Phi B e t ;t l .alllh<Lt ;tiT: Ruhcn K r ofta, pres id ent : :\lie n (:h and le t·. , ·icc ptTsidcnt: 1-h ' \'C t·l y Kil linger . 'it'(Tc t;tJ'\: ! .a ll'\ h ·;t 11kc. t r c ;ts u t-et·: and Ri( kt rd D upollc h cc l. l•i s tcn ·ia lt.
Be n civc nni . 1.. Boh lin g-. P. Oliphant .(;. Young-. 0. Di e 1·ks . l.. \lrK erd1c1·. sponsor. R ow Tlm•e: £.Sel leck . spo nsor.( :. St n~ckcr. C: ..-\da m , . 1.. Pc nk;l\·a. :--;. \trC:ch·. \\'. \\'itt,·. C:. Houser . H . \ la rsh all . S. S111ith.
!<ow . I·. r;~r 1us. . \\. , 01 .c kc,·, R. C: u nis. J)l·csidcn l, D . ·. .. Ont•: . K · \ V c·w ~·I · 1'· ( I( 1\· · \ ' ICC ·J) I' ~s •. ·l< I l'lll, "'· " :\ sh. sccrctarv-t . . urc •·. (:. Fritch . E. f\ol z. T. , (S,I{ r cas . oscn!{r en. R mt• T!t 'll." K. s,·anda . . D. Zart n cr. c. l3owlllall. R.
ALPHA MU OMEGA Once a month the fraternity m eets ,,·j t h a pro gTa 111 consistin g of discuss ion () ]' a d e mon st rat io n or some form of ma t he m a t ics. T he officers for this ~·ea r a re : Rm-ce Curtis. president: Richard Casady, ,·ice president : Russe ll :'\.s h . sctTc·treasure r . ;\ lr. Lyle ;\lch. e rcher a n d \lr. E1·\\'i 11 Se lleck are s ponsors.
. A lpha l'vlu Omega is a natio nal ho n01·ary fra te rnit y for · mat 11e m a u·cs on the Pe ru Stat , e . s tude m ·s que~. l'f' 1 1cr1 111 Co llege ca mpus. The frate rn ity was organi zed on cam p u s june 7, 19~9. The obj ectiYes of th e frate r nit ,. are to disco\'e r more about nn " · po1 I ··11 1g plo - 1Je 1 ms · not coYc re r1 Ol' jJI'C. ' tl1 11,. . .._x ·scnt e d Ill t 1le m a t 1lCillall· C COUI·ses o 0 ·e 1·ed b y th e college.
.1· l'ipc r·, C. Srni t h, B . l'<'ck, D. :--:il>ol; t, _1 . B a k e r· . .1· Bu t ts, B. Pa tterson. N rJll• 'l'hrr•r•: R. <>c,ttn; ttt t t, ·r . v\·,, .. J,c,. B .. l <>ill~'l'. president. .J. Jolt tt,o t t, , ·itt·-prn idcn l, .1· Olttttn;t< 111 . S. lhodet·st· tt . :\. B anck . ~ i ng,
R ow one: G. Wilson, s ponsm·. D. Hunzeker. \1. Wellcnsick, \1. !licks, C. Wright, S . .J o hnson, S. Davis, R. S haffer, D. Bolin, H. T hom;ts, s ponsor. R ow Two: C. We llensiek , R. Shelton. \ 1. \lc\lcaly, D. Duc n-
MENC The :Yiusic Educators :\ational Conference is pnmarily an organization for stud ents co nce ntrating in the field of music. H owever, it is open to an yone inte rested in music. Each year theM. E. ;'\i. C. sponsors hi g h school vo cal and instrumental clini cs which attract hundreds of'
stude nts front at·ea schoo ls . · r·hn>ug h thc it· r egula r meetings and acti,·ities li ke th ese cl ini cs, th e s tude n ts furth er their int e rests and kn o\\' ledgc in this fi e ld. Th e 1965 -66 of-ficers are: B ill_ j oi n er, p t-cs ide nt , .Jim .J ohnson, vice pres id e n t, <tnd \Ltn l .tt Hi cks, secreta r ytreasu rer. \ fr . Ci lbert 'vVilson is the gn> up' s spo n sor.
Onp: .1 - St ukcn holt z. I'. '"'"· n. Ft"<II ICOiS. 1'. Slt:\'CtiSOII . D. uern-.·r J . ll ;~n k s. .1- S<tver . 1. ·p..111 ,.. 1.s. 11 11 . B. j:11·cckc. .1- 1\.k·,·cla n d . 011 ' 11 ' 11 : D. \\'ei nn . ·1- \\:itln. 1\. . .-\rnold : R. EicklwfL I.. l.anthrcdtl · () · ·s lcw:tl'l, :\. . · Bower. R. jonc>. 1.. : \d<tlll. J \ \"1I"· " ' · : \ ·
.-\ttd~~·so n. D. Jan·is. Sponsor. Ro11 • Three: C. Siegn et·, .J. Smit h . R. \\ llldhorsl, R..-\llgood, B. \ lassie. D. Rinne. \ \'. Sanders. 1.. 1-ia ~cs. R. Baack. 1.1. Fore man. L. Lin es. C. (;a,·in.
INDUSTRIAL ARTS CLUB EPSILON PI TAU R oll' Ont': J . S;l\·cr. 1'. Steven so n. D. Wei ner. D. Ja n ·is. J. v\'ilsott, C. Siegn er . c;. (;avin .
· v ('ot· tndustn · ·a 1arts stu d e nts . The. h o no t"' tt·) · r·r a te nut IS Epsilon PiT·au. -1-1 r· . 1e ••·s t chapte r \\·as o ru·am.ze d on D ec. q· .' 193') 1 · n .· -· t was the f·11·st to be o r g·a nt·zecl west of · t h e Mtsst · · · R ' · · sstppt tve r . Qualihcations !'or e ntra n ce int o this f'ra ternitv are that t h e stu ce I nt must ma111tatn · · at Ie a st a " B:. average .·. I a rts . H e must a lso be a .jllllt<>r . . in itl cl u s·t tt.t or . .s. 1-or t I11. s fratermty . . are Mr .·.J a r vts . . se n tor : . ·St) onsot <~ nd Dr. Stegn er. -~ · h e ass<~ciate group, Indus tl·ial :\rt s C lub is open to a n y·one 1111 e t·estcc . 1 ·111 tn · c1u stn· a l a rt s a nd , ·octtlonal . e du cation · A flilt'·, tt cc , I \\'It. I1 t I1c .-\ m e n.can I nclust n. a l Arts Associ·11ion · nt· zatton · · ' • tl 1c ot ·ga tn e m 1)ers r eccl\·e t~ e n a tion a l pub li ca tion , "Th e lndustt·ial Arts I e·' tch e t·· " Tl u·s tn agazttH.' · is publis he d fi,·e times ve·tr · oq~·anization a r e: Preside nt . ' ' l)·.· OA'tn..-s o 1· t hts · 1c nt . D a \'ld · l'e tT\·: Scn-ctan· Pa . tti ·Ste\'en s · 0 11.· \ ' . I' r esH .Jtrn I· Ltnk s: <t nd Tt-eas ttt ·e r . ]etT\ Sa\'t';._ ·.
Patter son.
Tu •u:
Row one: P. Bindrum, C. :"-/ickcls, C. Armstron g, 0. Bierman ,
Sear, R. Shuman . /(""' Thrl'f': C . S dt<ll ll'n lt ;ttnc l. ' ponsoL .J· Da vis. ~.!. C rccnlcc, R. l't·ttT'><JII. C:. Ridt :trd-. . R . K ndia, D. Ticknc•·: D. <.ramer, \1. Snt;tga <t, D. Curti' C. :\t·ttrn;tnn . R. l.c;onder. ~ !. (,utlliall, 1>. l'iepn,.J . \It \ 'ickc 1· • R . .lf ih. 1.. Stn>t tl, s pon~o•··
Bst.a nding, J. Dickman, D. Van Busk irk, ~1. Tinkharr•. ~·!. \Ialone. W. Ferins, P. Le u,j. Ke ll y, R. Agnew, G. J ackson . Row Two: c;. Bea n , A. ;.lanin , P. Bouom le y, R. Rist, R. Linder, R. Hassell , T. Cilli!-{;ut, J. Stanosheck. H . ;.larshall, H. Grace, .J. Hansen, !.. Stewart, R.
PERU HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION PHI ALPHA THETA Row One: J. Bstandi n!j, 0 . Bierman, J . Dickman , \I. Tinkham. D. \',111 1\u~~irk.' C . Schonenhamel. sponsor. Row Two: L.. Stnm1. ' pon>or. R. Bas~c lt . II. (o~.tu::, R. Hilt, \1. Greenlee . H. \.la rshall , \1. \ Ialon e.
Th e Pent 11 istor ica l Socict \· is a gro up m ·ga ni zcd u n der Dr. (;eorgc Sch;>ttcnhan tc l's spo n sorsh ip for stud e nt s i;tt en:st cd in histot·y. T h e Society's officers were: .Jam es Snyd e r, JXCs ide nt, Marc h Tinkham, \·ice pt-cs id e nt , :\l ik e i\ la lo n e, secret;u y , a nd Joan Dick m an, t t·e;tsun''t'. Th e Ela De ita c h apte r of Phi Alp h a ·1:h c ta, the honorary histori ca l f ra tern ity , was cst ablts hecl on the Pe ru cam pus in Oct obc r , I 9!1 H. Its put-pose is to e ncourage an en thusias t ic in terest in histm·y and c urrent events. :\ II ca nd id a tes fm· Phi :\lpha Theta mus t be membe rs of Pe ru H istorical Societv. Tltev 111l1St lt;t\'l' t we lve hoU I'S or his tory with ~~ 6.:1 ~t vcragc in th e co urses and a o.O ave ra ge in t wo-thi r ds o l all oth c:T cou rses to a tt ai n t't-atcrnit v ttH. 'tllh<..Ts hi p. Phi /\ lpha ., :heta h as the sante olliu..' r s as th e His torical Societ \'.
Rmt• () 11 p: 1 1\. . . ·I . macht-r I ;~ lt~t : .-\d,· r ~o.-. .-\ . BorThn . J. El~ in~cr·. \ I. A. Ro de• .. "-OgLTS s II I s I .. ('.. II•dl< · 1t: r·son 1 ·I· ·· . - <>pp. ·· l>orr . Umt• . . / u·o: (: .C:ook . .\I ..l·rc-<>1Js•·r . . ~ 1. \1. S rl\ I· . R · ·:-. orrts. ( .. llawlt·,,1 .. (.oskn ..J. Fockc rr . B . Borg-eson. . ( t: I . IllI ' I h 1'1' 1'. I \1 . ~ . ·I \I ~ -. · · ' · <.:t ' •. . "-t'X, 1.. .-\nns lrong-. S. Serbert. f)
L. Whec ldorr,J.Johrrson . C. Rademacher. C. G iwo~· rr a . B ..-\r·ms rro n g. Rou• Four: 1.. \1onsecs. \1. Ing lis. \1. C ra~· . P. Bonom le\', P. Quacken -
bus h. C. .\Icier. S. 1\.t:lh . D. \lcCorrrraug he\',
Dnd ~o n .
HOME ECONOMICS CLUB Mrs. Spro ul and l!·s. Krege l assista nt JJrofessors of H o me Ec o · ' nomi cs, a 1·c co-s ponsors of the Home . ics C· l u b · 1-h e o ff'lCe J-s aJ-e: Lmda . dEconom . Rogers, Presie nt , Arlen e Borc he r·, Pres.-Eiect: Jud }· Elsi n g·e1· V. Pres · M. R d , < ' __ · · ary a e mach e r·, Secreta1·y: Sandr·a H o pp I reasurer. ' The . yea r's a ct rvrtr es incl ud ed a U nited ations .· .D1nner : a· Cl· 111stmas Pa rt y, Martha Was hington Tea, and a I· res hme n Tea.
The objectives of the club a re to impmve education for the profession , provide fo r profess ion ~1l de,·elopm e nt a nd work for t he imprO\·e d sta tus o l the ho m e, promote recruitmen t and ,-oca tiona l g uida n ce <~nd interpret the purpose and fu nctio n ol Hom e Econom ics. This club is affiliated with the ationa l H o me Econom ics Association , and any girl with a Ho m e Eco no mi cs lll <~jo1· 0 1· minor may join.
Row One: D. \Ia r rison , B. Gordon , :\. La r son . .J. Dickma n , \ I. Tackett , :\. J arvis. \ 1. \ lowr y. R ow Two : \ 1. Da \'is. D. Va n Buskirk , D. Bock , :VI. Ti n kh a m , P. l.e u . B. A rmst rong. !..
Barc lo\ . R oll' F hn' l': 0 . B il'n ll :on. \l o. \ !"' "' '· \lo . S ollllllll' l''. \\' . Bowt·n . \ ft . B " loll..t · n .
ENGLISH CLUB T he Pe ru Englis h C lu b ,,·as organi zed to furth er the stud y and e njoyme nt o f th e Eng lish la ng uage a nd literature. In r esponse to the stude nts' interest in cre ative \\Titin g, the club a nnuall y publishes "Siftin g Sands", a bookle t containin g o r igi nal works by Peru stude nts. The club a lso sponsors the Fres hma n Essa y Contest, and awards prizes for th e best origi na l essays submitted. The Sig m a T a u De lta is the nationa l ho no r ar y English Frate rni ty, the fi rst national fra te rnitY to be o r gani zed o n th e Peru Cam pus. Since 1926, Sigm a T a u Delta has encou raged wo rth whi le read in g a nd writin g, a nd has promoted a spir it of fe llowship amon g En glis h stud e nts. English C lub o fftcers we re Do roth y Bock , preside nt ; Da n Kn udsen, ' ice presid e nt: a nd 'vlyre ne Oavis, secreLan·. Office r~ fo r Sigm a T a u De lta were Barbara Gord o n , presid e n t : \.1yre nc Da,·is, vice pr esid en t : ;mel De Jrot h y Be1ck , treas urer Ior ho t h clubs. 'vir. Silas Summers is the sponso r of both orga ni za tions.
Row OnP: \1 . T inkh am. D. Rock. B. (;oHion . \ 1. [);" ·is. f ) . \ ' ;o nBII s kit·k . \ lt·s . ( ; _ ( ;<.,. ge n . 1-l.ou• T wo: \•lr. S tllllt llf· t·~. \ 1. ' I ;t< kcll. I· ll i<k ll l. lll . 1.. Bt' ll ll (' ll , :\ l.on·i, , 1·. F it , p :o t t·ic k . 0 . Bicrn t;II J.
.l<>n na,·is. (l't';! Sl ll'lT: :".hTl' n t' DaYis. pt·cside m : B :tt·h .t r:t ( ;.. n Ion. St'<Tt'l.t n : Dan K nud scn. , ·icc pn·sidenL N 11w F:t·o: \ lt . :'\ loon·. 1\ ill Bowen. :'\11'. l.n·i11. \l:tn·ia :\ndtT·
f<ll lt'
Anwineue :'\ larti n . :>. lt·s. son. :\'eat Bower ..-\licia An d r c ws. ( ;,ude. :'\fan· E lle n Oest tllann.
PERU DRAMATIC CLUB -1 Peru Dramatic Club . . e.ndeanH·s 1 1e . I te clt·amatic acuv tu es o n t 11e to sumu a < • • • ·h· ·I
Pent Campus a ndtn the a t ~<~.. '' ._tel . T l clu b ,,·as first ol g<~n t zed le .. . · . 1t serves. · the o ldest d 1dii1.Htc in I 90 8 ' a n d IS . . · · Neb1·aska. A pc>I n< 1 11 oro·a 111 zatiOll • • . b . ~ f th e b as ts t o r me m e t S}·stem OI ms . I b n av be e<u·n ed tn c u . s hip: pot n ts I ' . d I . . . >CillO ll S a n ot lei rodu cu ons, conH < • ~ramatic o r speech work. ·o·ects include the homeAn nua I P1 .J . .. 1' 1 . d .1 s pnna p la)S1e O I11111 'J' an t le n_ ( '· f· I. C t:> d ·'1 he .t t o tub a lso prese nte . . .. c ., . . ( ' hn stm as co n\occ~ The Magt as " · · tion th is ,·ea r. . .. ·. · e se m or m cm ht 1 1s Each ,·car o n . . . . .. ·e the Dr a m at te (.[ ub e lected to I ece t\ . . . . . u '} . 'l\\"trd IS u ·1yel l Ill I ec 0~ Awa re.I 1 11 5 ' ' n . · . . . . eli n o· ac hte\T illelll 111 n iu o n o f o ut st,ul n . c JcJ o f cJ null<tl !CS. t I1 C fI \I r ' I I • · \T<I l .· s· 0 liicc rs· \\T I'L' · ' l < Tlus . . . ·' l • Jl ' D<t ll h . IIUd SC II . \ ' I Cl'
1VhtT tl<' DaY is. p n·s idcnt : Bill Bow e n : _l on D:l\·is. Tt-cas ut·cr : Ba t·h;n·a (;onio n : SctTt' ta tT: and lb 11 Kn11cl 'e n. ,jn· pn ·s idt· nt.
. D .OI \'I S. JJI'CS I C C l · I •1 . S l'('J'( ' ' 1 . I~ · u · h '· u · a ( .ono pres tc e n I · 1 ' . D·t,·is trcas n rt' l . \ l r . tan·; a n cI .J011 ' ·· . . . . 1 h e S J10 11S<ll' ()I !Ill R . J). !\ l ooiT Is · club.
R ow One: F. Rowoldt, K. We we l, M. Murre n , .J. Spric c k . T . Clo yd . U ou • T u•o: S . J);" ·i, . I~. I k1111 ig . C. Evan ge list , K. Franci s, ~1. ~l ow r y , C. Hcrs hbc t·get· , \1. \l;t , lers. K . (~11i11 t J.
WHITE ANGELS In 1948, ser vin g as secreta ry to the preside nt o f th e college , \tliss 1 ad ine Powe rs o r ganized the White Angels to pro mote spirit and inte rest in college activities. T h e Cherubs, cre ated in 195 9, serves as a pre li mina r y organizatio n for those gi rls wishin g to beco me W hi te Ange ls. Qualifi cations include at least a fi ve po int grad e aver age. \1embers o f the White Angels coope rate with the B lue
Devils in o perat in g a co nce ssion d lll·i n g g a m es. B o t h clubs a re es pecia ll y a cti Ye in H omecom in g e ,·e n ts . Officers for th e W h ite A n gels in cl u ded: l\ I ~Ta 1\-f une n, president; .J o a ni e S pre ick , vice p r eside nt ; Luc ille Cloyd, secreta r y; a n d Kris W ewe l, tt·easu r e t·. Marily n Maste t·s and She r yl Davis s ponsore d t he C h e r u bs. Mi ss Rowo ld t is th e facu lt y s ponsor.
CHERUBS R ow One: ~!. ~l a s te rs . S. Boss hart, ~1. Bi rd sley . B. Boq.{eson, S. Da vis . R ou• T wo: D . Speck m ;utn . L. Ba re los, L. S pore r, B. H adenfe ld t, L. Maste rs , \ •1. Rex . Row Threp: J. _l ohnson. T . C:le m c 11 ts . 1.. Wright. A. Cox, T. Mahoney, J W e wel.
I.,) "·
Um,• OIIr: :\ . Reid, S I .. . • . . I() I· 1'" 11 .· ' . ( ' I I I 11.11111 . R. K-.11a 1Ill . I . 11.111" · 11· p ·· .1H. "· · ' · . l<'<"". . II . Ru11 . J) . .Stx Tl.. . .I .Jt kson, <:. :\it l..d~ S . .-. . · It "lll . 1.. D ltTl..hnll'. Now T wo: <:. 1 II . Finld . .f . Dod,., 11 _ ~~ \ \:~~~- ' ; _l ,n·.t~lll 1 ' 1_- .1_· \\', tli n rd . 1.: . I LIIllllltT. · ' "'" 1' 111 • S. 1'-l"ll\\ltl'llll. 1'. Thomp~< ll l.
S. Brmm. B. Hadeu fc lcll. T. \l nhmn ·. Rou• ThrPP: C. H o useman. \1. .J;•co bst•n. :\. \lcCullo ug-h . B . .Jaco bsen . .-\ . Cox. K. Beall\ . C. C handin . \1. \lc\lunn. ·
WOMENS ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION I . Wr\A is. ope n to women s t I . . .. ·. u c e n ts "'1o a r e int e r es ted · . p 11 ~ Sl<.,lf c d LI Ca t 10 1 S' . · ... 1n wh 1ch . 1. · <> m e o f th e acLJYiti Cs lllCIIJ 1)e 1·s ca n · · · -· . . bas ke rb <·tl l • ,.() II t'\' I) ' J II . . . p.tltlclp,lle a r e ro u c h footba ll ' . A d ele,. . , . , , S\\ llllllllll g . and ot h e l- SIJ<>ns . . . g,IIIOII fnllll \Vr\ c\ . . · .· . . cl1n1 c a t tl . l ' . . · ed 111 a Yo llc Yba ll lC 111\'Crsll\' o f' :-...;·I .. ·k · H . clcrnonst rat ee l . .· · <.) I .ts "· ere rules we r e 1 ,tJJ c st n cr h · e nf' · . . ..~ 1 · ( )n e of' I I I . . ·. O I (C u ( Lll'lll g t he u·a m es . . le O)jCCII\'CS o f 11J • -J' · . .. . ":>. exa nllnat ions ( 01 . II ' .·. . ~ ( lll lt ''"s lo ad nJIIlls te r 0 ·llll e 1·cstcd . I< 1.t l111 g· fl ce lt scs 1 · · · o I 1lose who were I n wonH.: n 's
First rear members a re e n co uraged to work Loward a le tte r ; seco n d and third ~·ea r m e m ber s. a go ld baL and fourth r ea r m e mbe rs , a book concerning the ir res pecti,·e 1m~jors. Each yea r th e club a wards a $50 scholarship w a fres h m a n. Offi cers for the 1965-66 school vea r were r\ancY i\luse , president ; Rut h 1\.a laf'ur. ,.i(:e pre side nt: an~l Caro l Nickels , secret ar~· -treas urer. i\ liss Bonnie Rur z sponso rs 1he organization.
Bohaly. R. El1 is1e. R ou• Tl11w: .J. Buchheit, D. Kt·eimer, S. Smith , D. Cai n. R. Kroll , \1. H annnt t, R. Estes, \ 1. ( ;u illiall, .J. Ri n ne , :\. Sulli\'an.
R ow One: L. T ate. J. Allen, R. Baade, R. Wind horst, B. Rinne. B. Heineman , 0. Stuart, .J. Sob~· · R ow T wo: 1.. Brown, £.Stillinger. P. \l c\:uJt,·, R. \lcCm·. L. l'enka\'a, H . \larshall , (;. Y<Jung-. R. Rufl'.
BLUE DEVILS BLUE DEVIL PLEDGES Kneeling: S. .Johnso n. R. Curtis, G.Jackson,.J. Allen, 0. Shuey, T. (;iJii gan. Stn nd111g: J. Watson , J. \lcVicker , \!. \Ialone.
The offi cers of'· the Blue Devi ls this yea r \\'ere: Pres. , Bill Rinne; V. Pres., Bill H e ineman: and Rod Baad e Sec-Treasurer. The Blue Devils a nd pledges have spe nt muc h ti me se lling refr eshme nts at a th let ic e,·en ts an.d close panici pat ion 111 most activities o n campus. . . T h e purpose of t his men's pe p o rga m z~tuo_n is to build morale, create a more e n t hustasllc st uden t body, and bui ld the fight in g spirit o f' Pe ru 's athle tes. Si nce I Y46, th e B lue Devils h;.H·e served Peru in these ,,.a,·s , as we ll as thei r time hono red si ngi n g at each footba ll a nd bask etba ll ga rne.
R mt• Ont': S . .J o h n son . II . Rohe n s . T . Rose n h'Tl'rr. R. C: unis . ( ;. l·:, ·;lllge lisl. :\ . Sul li\'a n . \ f. H armo n . 1.. Brown . K. Fr;u lt'is . .J . O ' Do rw g huc . E. :\ rclla no . R. Za pparanich , I'. \ 'c n ditt e. Umt• T wo: .J . ( ;or ges. R. :'\euja h r . T . H e ndri cks, D. l.a Ro cca. l.. ( :arrclt . .J. \ \'ar son . ( ;. Yo un g. R. Ruff. J ll a g-cm e icr . L Stilli n).(n. S. Sa dic h . D. Dai g-le . R ou• 'f'hrt't':
H. ( ; r ace . D. Le hma n. T . He n z. R. Ya tes . (; . :'\ ot·ll. D. Ca in . R. Eh iste . R. Windho rst . B. R in ne . \ L \ \'e nch . C:. Ri ch a rds. L Fr itz . D. L t\ lo ntagne . R oll • Four: B. l'n,·in . D. Cun is. \ ' . Saba tinclli. B. \ 'ickr'e ' . J. \ Ia nn ing . R. Kroll , 1.. Ra ine . J. .J e n nings . D. Estes. B. He ine ma n . J. Rinn e. \ \'itt> . R. Be n ci,·en ni.
P-CLUB The " P" C lub , Phi La mbda A lpha , is the h o n ot·a r ~ ath leti c fr a te rnit\· a t Pe ru S tat e . Admissio n to the o r g-a n iza ti o n is gaine d a le tte r th n nwh so m e a thle tic pa rt icipatio n. lw. recei, :inrr M M I . Th e c lub a tt e mpt s to foste r go od ,,·ill an d good s po rts mans l tp a t a ll a thle tic e \·e nt s , both bY participan ts a n d spectat o rs. l· un d s for t h e o r ga n iza tion arc obtai n e d b y se llin g p ro gTa nts a t at h lc llc e \'ClllS. T h e I q65 -66 office rs of the " P" C lu b ,,·e re : Bc mi c Bro" ·11 • presid e nt : Ro n Yates, ,·ice p reside nt : a nd Bob L' n,·in . secre ta n ·tre asu re r . T h e facu lt y sponso r " ·as \lr. J ack ~l dn ll re.
R ot~ •
011e: P. Bindrum, :\.
C o~~ell ,
B. Richard, S. J oh nson ,.J. \\.' alf o rd . C. Smit h .J . Hauk , B. A nder~on. T. C:lmd. :\ . \'andcrhcek . \ 1. H i<:b. K. Rat h e. Row Two: C . Bli~~ . .J . Piper. C. \\'ri ~ ht, K. ll am me r . H. Peck. l; . .Jackson. C. Ri; t. .J. Heather. B. S um mer~ . 1.. Baker. S. D;" ·i,, J. \\'ilkinso n, J. Sprieck. How Tlr rer: D. 1-l unt.ekn. R. Shaffe r. R.
. . . . . • I) Ho lin . I· 1\ult '. DUJ ><>lltl tcd. R. S.1tc ho n . .\ 1. \ It :\coth-. , K. ( .a I'll<'.. ·, . S g J'C>I · It' I· "u·J I • . :\ . Ha n c k . Dut' ll\1111'. ,., II. I ho1na,. Nr111 • Fo 11 r: .I· l\.11.._ t1k · .R. <k, 11nann. T . \\'oolsc \ . J . .l o h n,o ll . .1· \ 'a n d nford . ( :. \\'clkn,lt' · · · \\' . Ste phe n ,, B. Joiner . B. ( :ot ll, n lt.
CHOIR T h e Per u C:olle~e c hoir, unde r th e eli recti on of' :'vi r. 1-1 u g h Thomas , is open to all qualif ied students inte reste d in voca l music. The choir presented its a nnua l Christmas co n cert o n Dcn:mbcr 1 ~. in th e a udi toriu m . The office rs for the I 965-66 te rm were .Jim .I oh nson , Presid e nt : .Jim Butts, V. Preside nt: and :-\an cy Va nderhcck , SecTreasurer.
Uott• Un r•: \!. (;onnl'rlll;lll, 1.. 1\an·s. B. Cordo n . D. Bock , 1.. Sch nl'idn. R. I lilt. \!. Tinkh a 111, !.. llt·n m ·ll . .l · \!;1\n, D. \ ';ut Bus kirk . Uolt'
T wo: 1\. . Compton. S. Coodwin . \ !. Bat e ma n. :\ . Epley . .-\ ..-\s hJe , ·. Sponsor . C. :\icke ls . R. Curtis . 1\. . \\'e"·e l.
KAPPA DELTA PI Initiation of New Members Ka p pa Delta Pi is 1h e national honor;u·> e ducarion f'rarernir,·. The Peru Chaprcr is Beta :\lu . .Juniors and seni ors ,,·ho an.· in rb e uppe r one -fif'r h of' rh e ir c lass scholasticall y a n d who exhibir comme nd ab le p e rso n;tl qu;tliri es . \\'(> J'l h\' educa tion a l id ea s. and so un d sc hoLt t·s h ip ar c im·ite d to beco m e membe rs. T h e purpose of' th e f'rat e r nit\· is to e ncoura g-e hig-h p rokssio n <tl . i 111 e llen ual. a nd persona l sla ndards . :\lso . lo r ecog-ni ze OLII SI<tnd in g CO lllrih uliOil S IO rl w fi eld o f' cd ucll ion . Th e o fli ccrs f'or rhi s \Tar \\Trl': 1\. . v\'e \\T l. Presidell l: \1. Tin k ha m. \ ' . l'rcsidenl : ( :. :\ick e ls . Se c ret an : D. \ '<ttl Buskirk an d :\ .. l an·is . Tn·<tsun-rs: :\ . Epple' . Hislorian . \I iss :\1111 <1 .\ s hin is 1h e s ponsor. f) o cbon . I· . I !a ll . \!. ));1\is . 1..: . !'a tT ack. \I. (;t'l't'ttlee . . f. R itll tt·. v\ ·. Ri nne . \ I. R. IC IL-nt .H ht·t. \ '. \ l i lt'' · \ !. jonn . N oll' I'H•o: 1. . 1\onsch . C . 11.1\t'S , 1~ . . \rn iSt r o ng. ll . \d .1111,, ~ - Jani ,, j . llith.nt.trl . I ~ ll .d l. I'. l..:trippl cn u·it'l . '-. . l..l r S<ll l. \ 1. Knns. (' t· n t. ll h t·t . II. l..:oiH'tth.\ .
U olt' ( Jiw
R ow One: C. Rottman. '. 1. .Jo nes. D. Va n Buskirk . B. Gordon, .J. S\\'egler. ,·ice pr esident. S. Barrel t. p r·esidc nl . '.I. Tacke! 1, secn:l ar~· l reasurer . S. Beall \'. :\ . .Jan·is. \\'. Dicke\·. /{o u• Two: C. H anse n .
C . .J eu n g. R. Bassen . R. Hill . 0 . Flalll'C, 1.. l'e nk;r,·; r, .J . Oh . K. Beall\·, E. :\emee, S J>Oil S OI'.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLUB T he Foreign La nguage C lub is open to a ll fo reign lan guage sLUde nts. Its predecessor , a Cerman Club , ,,·as first or ga nized in I YOY and gr ad uall y d eveloped into the present Fo rei<rn Lan <Tu;we C lu b. :VIe mbe rs of' b b the club a re given a n opportunit y to s peak the langu ages, to view fi lms o f forei gn co untries, and to enjo r ~
ta lks g-i\·e n b r int eresting s pe ak e rs ott li f'c in forei g n lan d s. Th e cl ub is spo nsore d b y \!iss Diane Regier and \IL Elm e r Ne mec. Officers fo r th e I ~ 16 !1-h () sc hool yea r were: S her yl Barrell , pres id e nt . J acqu e lin e Swcgle r, vice pres ide nt. , and Mary Tac ke ll , secretary-treasure !".
ALPHAMU GAMMA T h e foreign la n g uage honorary f'ra te t·nit y, A lph a Mu (~amma, gives t wo sch o larships eac h year to d eser vin g fo re ig n language stude nts . This year they pa rticipa te d in H omecom in g acti vities b y setting up a dis play whi c h placed second in th e contest. Members of A lph a Mu Gamma atte nd a nd a re act ive in the m eetings of the Foreign La n g ua ge C lub , rath e r th an havin g sepa ra te session s . H ow 0111' : \ Lj om·-. . tl. \ 'a n B11, k ir k. B. ( ;on lo rr. J S"'q.(·k r·. S. B an·t ·ll , \1. l.u kl' ll . :\. jan·i, . H11u•Tu•11 ( .. Jt ' l lll g. R.
Ba"er r. R. llr lr . D. l· larrre . 1.. l'<'nk a'<r. ad \'iso J.
J. <>h . L :\cnrn .
Thrt'l': .J. Stem p er. sponso r. D. l.a\ lom a g ne . R. \ 'a nck. J . O h nmacl11 . D. Dai gle. 1.. Shee ha n . D. Francois. D. Swantek. R o11·Four: R. J ohnson. 1.. D urlcr. R. Steiner. :\ . Ba rt ek. R. ll ilt . \ 1. S ma gau . .1 · ll r h ck. K. l-lofllll;nl , .1 · Bart ek.
R ow Ont': C:. Bliss. C:. Evangelist. t reasu r er. P. \ 'e nditt e. president. :\lie n . senet;1n·. Fath er B irke l. c h ;1plain . .1 · \\'i lk inson. R. Kala fu t. Row Tlt•fl: \!. \ Ju lie n , R. Sla g le. J St u ke n holtt. S. lho dcrsc n . 1'. Thompson . F. l.m ·itt . \1. B u d in. J O ' Doll<lf.(huc. R. Con Lidt. Hmt•
NEWMAN CLUB Th e Pe ru Newm an C lu b ,,·as oq~an i zed as a un it o f' the inte r n a tio nal Ne wman orga nizatio n in I ~48. Its purpose is tri -f'old. to broade n th e Catholic stude nt's li fe re li gious ! ~· , sociall y. a nd i m e llectuall y. In the f'a il o f' 1965, t h e club se nt a f'ourt een-me mber delegation to th e Sta te New man Le ade rshi p Day in Lincoln. T h e cl ub h as e nj o yed increased socia l acti,·ity and has m ad e pla ns l'or a n e ducational progTa m as a res ult of' th is conf'e re nce. The f'ac ult y s po nsor is :\I r . .I c ro me Ste m per . a nd the o ffcampus spon sor is Fathe r H a rold Bi rke l o f' S t. Clar a's in Peru. Thi s yea r 's office rs were: Pa t Ve nd iu e, presid e nt . C herie Trevino, vice preside nt . J ern" A llen. sccretan·. a nd Cec i Evan ge li st , tre as ure r .
R ow Our: Rev. Robe rt D. Linder . .\!. Roben son , P. Rot tomlcv. R. Li n der. ( ;. :\eu ma nn . !.. La nhrech t . .f . Dodson . \ !. C:unning ila ll l. V. Borcher. C . Ahli n . R mt• T wo: .J. .\lc:\ech ·. B. \\'il de•· . .\ !. Hut t7ckcr.
.\!. .\lc.\lunn . C. Ciwo n ta . .\1. l';trlll<'lll e r . 1'. C o n ·i g; tll . S. llopp. 1'. B e n d r u t ll. Umt· '/'hn•,•: 1'. !.ell . ll. :\t·ho J; ,, S. S<h"·it·' " "·· ll . J.; ,·;llllt'l', B. D11\'; d , .f. K ln <' LIIHI. B . C r;,ig . . J. \\'; dl clld . . J. \\'d.! >. C S 111ith .
WESLEY FELLOWSHIP We lsey Fe llowship \\'as organ ized in Septe m ber , I ~lnO , to sen ·e the :VIethocli st and non-a ffi li ate d Protest;tn t stu d en ts o rt ca mpu s. The g roup is basica ll y a l'e llcJ\\·s ltip o r g·;tn iz;ttion directed at making stude nt li f'e more complet e t hrough rc cn:a tio n , 1\'o rs hip , a nd st u ch ·. T h e Fe llo\\'s hip offi ~e rs !'or 196:)-n() <tre a s f'ollo\\·s : Cary :\ e umann, Preside nt : .J ackie Dodso n , V. Pres ide nt : S h crn· Sc h \\' ieso\\' , S ec r e t a n ·: l.nn l .ambrec ltt , Tr e a s urer : <t nd Re ,·e re ncl l .indc t·. Sp<H~ s or.
Umt• 0111·: 1'. S"·isegood . .1· Focken. D. Speckmanr1. !.. Dit'ckhofL B. . lalol"" ''· \1. \\.1"k. <:. Rolllll .lll. ll mt' '/';,·u: .1 · Di cknra n . .l . Kn udsen .
!.. Rohlin g. \\·. \ Ii ller. 1.. Pet erson. \1. lbdemadre r. R mt' Thrn•: D. Kn ud st' n. !.. 1-lit J.e nrann. D. Flattn·. D. C u ni,, .·\. BurT.
LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION Th e Lu t h e ran Stude nt :\ ssociati o n. a nation a l organ ization . include s slude nt s of th e :\.merican Luthe ran C hurch a nd the Lu theran Ch urch of :\me ri ca. The pe rmane n t a ims of l.S .-\ inc lude: aflo•·dino· th e OjJportun it\· fo r c ulti vating fri e nds hips t'l • and social life on a Ch ristian le,·e l. Th e 1965 -66 local a nd regio na l officers were: Dan 1\.nudse n. preside nt a nd f\lid -West Region Secretary: LaVell Hit ze m a nn. V. Pres ide nt : f\lar je an \Vus k , Sec-Tre as ure r : and De nnis Flattrc, :-- lici\\"CSI R.~gion President. \lr. F. H . !.arson is th e s ponsor a ml :--1 ichrcst Reg·ion a ch ·isor . ~
Row One: Rcll Windhor,t . .Jr .. .Jolcnc l'ipcr. Bernadine Fintc l. 1\C'tt\ l'f L11 111 1. l<uu· Fwu : \!.11 \ ( ;,., , ,,., man. Rogr.:r Crabk. l.arn Frank c, .J ca11ir.: Ba11 g. llohl>i J(;,d "" fddt.
GAMMA DELTA Camma Delta is a c hu rch l'ral e rnil )'!'or college at HI Lll li \'c J·sil \' students. It is affi liated wi 1h the Lutheran Church. The spo n so1· is Re,·erend Eugene Schoole r ol' Aubun1. T h is year's ofl iccTs \\·ere: Larrv Franke, Prcsidenl: Ro\· Windhorsl, V. l'n: side111: Roger Crah le, Sec reran·: Hobbi 1-LH.Ien lddt, T rcasun: r.
-\ Do bson. J. :'\l a rks. Ro11• Tu •o: . G. ' I .IC . I·z. f' · ·\lt d n• l· C:· . ,t. ee n 1Le' c .\ "· · k . . f > How Ont•: J. S. hlllll:l ll . ( ..' .·\II guo d . ( •· , ,· Thrre: S. \ . n>oman. . . . . . . . [) 1 .·. J E"Ji, ze1 ·. "'· 1c 1e~ · 011 . 1 S . l.e:tltdl'l'. :'\ 1. Scha1·p. \ . St dl. 1.. (o<l llHlll. :'\1. • ' 1'·· · · · S , · 5 H arretnCICI'. 1 attJson. . . . I' J I . S Johnson . "' n . l.a n gellll'll'l'. n. Stollt'l'. I . :'\l;d o nt' . .. () lil,Oll, . . .
STUDENT WIVES Th e Peru S tat e Wi\'es Club ,,·as organized in I ~l :)9 for a n y W<>llla n w h o is a wife of' a n\' full-tim e Pe nt stude nt. Th e obj ect of' th e c lub is .to carry out pn>jccts to h e lp this comtnunit y and s utToundin g co mmuniti es. A lso th e wi,·es get to know each o th e r ,,-ell and ha,·e e\'e ning·s of fun toget h e r . Th e con stituti on was .iust amm cn ded t<; include formal grad ua t io n cere moni es r·o r gTaduates. O n e of' the club's acti vities thi s yea r was to pt-ese nt a Hag to Dr. Comon f'or the Fin e A rt s Building to be place d in th e aud itorium . Th e goa l of' e ach m e mbe r is to ea n1 a Ph .T (Putting Hubb y throu gh) d egl'ce, w hich is gi,·e n to each m e mbe r whose husband gl'ad u a tes !'r om Peru State . T h e oflice t·s for th e 1965-66 sc h ool \'ea •· \\·e re : Preside nt . .Janice Shuman : V. Pt·es ident, .J e ni r z: Secre tar\', Ja n Ma rk s: and T re<tSlii ' C I ' , Di a nne Stoner .
. \11 . \lllc r i<OIII fl ag Fill<' .\1·1, { :cnl< ' l !he College I>\ ihl' ,.,., ,.i"·cl i ll<' 1 1111 ll .rg-t .,, ll· ic.·r .
lor 11ic l'l'<ii.d hall i n ihl' "'' " :iF >Illl,Oiltl .11 !'('I'll SL!It' ( :ollt·gl' " ·" lll't'Sl'lill'd 1<1 Si ucl l' lll \\' i\'l ·, C luh. ll1. '\t·.d S . (;olll<lll ln 1111 \ f! ·, . Ri<I L1rcl S h n"""' ' " "' \ f r,.
Standing: 1.. .\la s t er~. \1. Budlcr , W. Ri mmer . .J. \\' htTidoll. Sm!NI: ( :. Ri< l 1at<h . B . Bo\\'c ll . B . Cordon , S . .Johnsr!ll , It Bcrilwld. S. B eall ~.
PERUVIAN The 1965 -66 Pe ru\'ian is the ?iHth edi tion of ' Olll' or th e o ldest w·;triH>oks ill \.' ebraska. Be fore the Peruvian came into c.:x is tc n n: in I ~JOH, t hen· ''Trc t \\·o othe r a nnuals . They were The (;o/dm-Rorl a nd T l"' () (If< l .mj. T h e Peruvian aue mpts to record the school yea r in p ict tlt'Cs a n d ,,·ords. :\t the be ginn ing of the 1965-66 schoo l year, a definit e laclcl e r listing eac h p<~gc and its purpose ,,·as cle \'e loped. Organization, st ud cnt , an d Ltn dt , . org;tn izations were the n begun . T he De lmarStud ioof'Omaha , \: e hras ka ,t ook ind i,·id ual a nd organization pictures. Dr. Ve rnon S iegn e r pilot ogra phcd tlt c 1H ' \\. donn ito r y !'or the colored ins h eets. 'vVork on th e s ports sec t ion was complet e d as c; tch indiYidual sport \\·as fi nish ed . Th e acti,·it ics \ \'C IT completed a s tlt c,· <><Tt ltTccl. fea turin g a cale ndar of th e year. The first-se mester staff includ ed: Sharon B ea tt ~· . co p yread e r: \Jar ~ Budlc t· , copyreader: I.eona \-lasters, copyr eader: Stanley .J oh ttson , spon s cditot·: 'v\'a lt cT Ri mmer, photography editor: William Bowe n ancl \ fan· .-\ til l Sharp. l.a\'o ut en-e ditors : Ba rbara Gordo n , assistan t e ditor : and Ri cha rd Hcn lwl d. edi tor. \1r . Ste \rart P. I.insche icl \\·as the facult ' arh· isor.
Ho<t ' '/';I'll :
\ 1. S:t ull n. B. ( ;<lt·dun. \ 1. D:t, ·is. II. :\rntsl r<Htg. :". ,l :tn ·i,; . E. :"cddc n ri c p.
R. lkn ltnld. B. llclln·n. B. \ lin ks. C:. Riclt:tnls.
PEDAGOG IAN Th e Peru S tat e Pedaoncrian is th e n e\\'SjJ<I j)C r \'O ice or t he Campus of' ;t l ~H tsa nd (bks. Pub lis h ned napproxima te ly e\·en two weeks d urin g the 1·a II an d spn n g sem esters. the ''Pc d" co\'ers all schoo l n ews. Thi s Yea r 's Pedagog·ia n sta ff includ ed: Ri ch ard Berthold. edit or: Barbara Cordon, p e rsonne l m'anagc r : Elaine :'\:eddcnr icp. l a~·out ed itor and p hotog•·aph c •·: C h a rles Ri c h a rds, s pons ed itor : l\ lary Sa utter, f'eaturc e dito r : Bdl Bm,·cn . business manager: .Joan B re tthorst. cop~· edi to r : .J acki e s\\·egle r , co p \ Tl
c clttor: :\ le i Hes te r, p h otogTaph e r. Th e repo rting s taff inciucle d : A li cia :\ndrcws. Bobbie .-\ rms tron g. \I ~Tcn c D;l\ is. Robct·t \ lin ks. Dan Stt-ccker. \J an· A nn S harp. Lc l;tn d Schne id e r . Lou is Rogers . \.'; tll C\' .J an·is , ;ut cl \like S ulli,·a;l. St cwal'l l.insch e id was the f'andt \' adv isor.
·c tl R Oonson , ~ 1. Blezck, ~ 1. Fle tcher D. :\chol a . s. B ro cIe rs · · . . . · .. .· R ow 0 ur. . I Fock<.:ll. S . J o h mon. 1'. SI\'I'>C).\OOd. Urn•• lll'o: K . 11111 11 • \! Oc,lt · . R " I' c· . S S . I ·, ·. , . ·\ Han c k. c;. \;eun tann. . u a n g-. . .orr q.!;;nt . ... " "' 1 •
I a iiHC · · \! ~1. . \ lt:\<.:ah. .. . I· II till \, : I· .I leatl H·t . .. I. B. . , ., 1C\. I',, l' ·tlter-.on. ' . . , ·., Thrn•: [). Sc h rc t n<.:r . ll. S\\';llll<.:k . ( .. Sn11th. 1\. h.tlc. 1 R. Oe~ tmann . "'''
· · c· 11 I{ I I 11 n tt' k <· t I\ . R it kt· th . I· 1\;ll·t c k. Io iii(' !. ll. D llt'll" ll i.!.. R. \ I< .. 1 • · • { \ \ ' II .· · . 1 J( w • . . 1\,llllkd otd. I · l o h 11"" 1 · \ I 1 · I· I 11 11 .1 ' .''"'n .. ,. ' "'"1"·ll ' l l l ll•1 .I . \I I { \\ . I ·11" ' ' I I ) ~·-~ I " .( " I • • Fo111 : J \ Ltk<· t. R. <,h l'l toll . { •· I Il l . '· ' • · · \ ! r. ( ;j JI ><' I \\' i l'" " ·
PERU SATE BAND The Pe ru Stale ba nd f unuio n s u tHkr th e d irectio n o l \ lr . C ilben E. Wi lson , \\' ho h as s u pervised this bran c h o f' th e lllliSic depart ment fo r ma n \· ,·car s. Th e hand o ll ice rs \\T I T: Ross O eslm ann . p reside nt :. ( :h arlcs \ \ 'c llc nsi k , ,·icc prt~" i d c nt: .Ji 111 .J ohnso n a nd \ la ry El le n O cs t n la tl ll , ha nd ho;tr d tn <.· tnhcrs. T h e ha nd , th o u ~h n o t a m arc h i n ~ ).{r o u p. p r ese nt s ;1 dr ill for the Homccom in ).!; h a lf-tin1e s ho \\' each year. On lkcc l!l hcr ~n cl , t he \\'int e r co ncert ,,·as p n :scn tcd to o pe n 1 h e ( :hrisllll <l'i 'iCa~c m . Be fo re le al'ill ).!; on <1 to ur h :h r ua n ~ -1 <1 n cl '.! :>. I h e ~ perfor med for the college co n, ·o c;ll ion t h e :.! :hd . . \ \ l: tn h concert ,,·as prese nted and the ba nd part icip a ted in a .ioin l wmert \\' ith the cho ir :Via' I ~l.
The I OOOth st ude nt to e nroll at Per u State Col lege for the 99th acade mic yea r - .Vliss .VIan h a :\lullen , a fres hman from :\eb raska City - was g uest of th e Board of Educatio n of State :\ormal Schools at the ir recog ni tion dinn er, October 3 1. The d inner in the Pe ru State College Student Center was to celebrate th e surpassin g of the en ro llm ent goal establishe d b y the Research a nd De1路elopm e nt Committee o f the Boa rd , and h onored th e college, the fac ul ty , and staff. The l'all e nrollme nt is 1041-a record high . vVith \ !iss \ Julie n is Dr. :\eal S. c;0 111 0 n , Pres iden t of Pe r u State since I Y.1 1, \\'hen th e fall semester e n ro ll men t 1,路as ~H7.
J路. nro JIJJlt'llf
fi ( Jill
{' \ ( ' 1' \ ( ) f )('
FRESHMEN :\anc,路 Gui lliatt ma nages '1
fr iend !\. 路 s mi le .
J ohn 13ohat~路 admiuistlTS tin: t raditi o ua l goober jtticc.
One ft-csh man is so mewhat skepticaL
.J tl<h· Els inge•· a nd
h. e n
Boatm a n seem to
c nj o~·
the a ll school pi cn ic.
:'\!anh '• :'l!ulle n looks fi nis hes h e•· melon.
:'\! as 1e rs
T h e u p pe rclassmen !{et th e job of cutti n!{.
Freshme n co ng r egate d u rin g the feed .
.. \' ..._· r
~'' ('
'I /
Virr,rinia :V!ullen a nd Gary Viterise sen -e as \I C's.
Bi ll Anderson and Bob l.ic.:rz ;1dd a !ouch o f hu111or.
ANNUAL VARIETY SHOW ATTRACTS EVERYONE John Bstandig adds a musical note.
The 路路shinabaloo" portion sets a livel y pace.
Dan ci ng 1alcm was prm路ided
h ~路
.Jim m ie Sea,路. .J a nice Ha uk . and Adene
:'\lo s~.
The annual ft-cshman kickline provi d ed some begi nners' tale m .
" Big Br m n 1 lkar" ""路" p rt' '<'ll lcd I" Frie d a R!l\n >ld l
Ro\' Windhorst and K a th ~ 路 Fra n cis e t~jo y th e leis ure tina:.
Co i n ~
Stu de ttb
co n ver~e
to class is a da il\' task.
in C\'en likc h place . Wm路k and ple as ure at路e combi ne d throughout th e tbl\路.
\\'hen time permits. talent takes O\'Cr. Ri ch anl Shuman plays for Dan Lunsford. Bob Capello and Lknnis Tunks.
Th e new Fine .-\ ns Buildin)!; was open ed
in.J a nu ar~·
for almost e,·en ).,'T oup
o r oq.{aniz at ion .
Thi s is thcwa\· th e,· arc made.
h-en·ol r<' lrtTo rrrt·s ;rcquai lll c d .11 till· B• olr I 111 1
1965 N.C.C.
Pe ru
Wa yne
3 3
C h adron
R ow One, left to right: Charles \l izer ski. Doug W in ficld . . Jilll l la gemeicr. :\ l Sul li\'an. Roy \Vinci horst, Jim \Iann ing. Ph il \Ialone. Bill Wit t y. Sal!l Sadich . \'inn· Sahati n clli , .Jo h n C il 111orc. Coach · l'e lisek . Coach l'itt. U mt• hl'fl: lknn i; <:uni> . 111gr.. Rich l.indcn. lllgr .. Ft·;tnk :\dams. Car l Sauc rficld . (;eor ge E\'angclist , Bill Daiglc .. Jint Ko llbaun t. Paul \ ' atT; t, :\11\ l;ll tkens hi p . \: ick Petrillo. Ro n Yat es. Bruce Vickrey. ll a r o lcl \ ' ans :\rscla le . Pe te Campo . Coach \l dntirc. R ow
thro u g ho ut th e t hire! pe riod w h e n the l:karcats tall ie d 2 1 points. Bobcat freshman Carl Satterfield comple te d I I o f' ~ I aerials fo r 13~ ya r ds and th ree tou c hdow ns to lead the Pe ru a ttack. Th e Bobcats rode to a 2 1-0 \· ictor y o ver Chad ron o n th e pass ing of q uart erback Satterfield. T wo pass grabs b y e nd J oh n Creamer nette d 97 yards and set up two touchdowns. Peru 's fi n a l tall\' ca me 011 a :!-1-\'a . rd from Satter fie ld to e nd .Jim Manning. A b ad pass from cen ter a nd a fu m ble, both deep in Pe ru State territo r y, a llowed Way n e to score a to u chdown and a fie ld gnal in t h e seco n d h a lf' h a ndi ng Pe n1 its o nl y conference loss, 17-7. Frosh .Jim Ko llb aum score d Peru's lone to uch rl mv n in th e second quart er bringin g Lhe h a lf -time score to 7-7 .
Peru opened their 1965 foo tba ll campaign with a ha rd fo ught 7-6 loss to Tarkio Co llege. The Ow ls took the openin g ki ck -off a n d marched 55 yards to sco re, securing the \·ictory with an acc urate extra-point p lacemen t. Peru halfback Curt H o lliman scampe red ..J.8 \·a rds on a pitch-out fo r Pe ru's to uch down in the second qua rter. In the fo llowin g Saturday n ight's "m ud bmd" contest. Lin coln L's ha lfback Ezekia l :VIoore raced 35 \·anls to score the game's o nly to uchdo wn with six minu tes remaining in th e openi n g quarte r. Peru's offen-;in: sq uad co uldn 't mat ch the efforts or the def'ensi\'e unit. netting on ly I 0 ~·a r ds rushi n g and 48 ya rds passin g. Poor pa ss defe nse s pe lled the dow n fa ll o r Peru to th e l:ka rc tt s ol· \lar~T i lle. ~H-1 8. Leo Pappas ri dd le d Peru State itt the late stages of' the second q ua rter and
TO 1\.o llbaum
EP 0-0
Sau erfield
H o lliman
~I a nn i n g
I 0-13
Creame r
I -I
'Windho rst
Tl~ru: • . • I' ··''. n c. , H.n . . lan (.lathat· . , . Brown. Bob Lnnn . . . Pau l Ft.:.Jon ll !\!ani n , .J t:Sst: . .John C.rcamer. Ben11c del , Bi II ' / ·~'~':ell Brown . I.'LT I hn~ek;tcl>c. Ralph Stukowski. B uri Fau lk ncr. San I iago Hernan· . J.t l ·'t:rh.t t l. U mt• /·our: :'\ like T \ tH>rt . John Peal.. Ken Ka nunan Dmw Smith . Dean R •11 < eau · 1)t <·k •S 11111 · 1t. J o hn :'\ldtll .ii'C, lh u ce · Roherls. \\'ahet· · · "' .J ones. Oa,·c Lut~er. St. Lawrence. Bob
Pe ru an nexed a portio n o f the 1'\CC championship in lea li n ,,. Kearn ev its first con fe re nce loss si nee I 96 1 C 14- J:). Satterfield again sparked Peru's offense, passin g for o ne wuchdown and settin g up the ot her \\'ith hi s ae ri a ls. Frosh Bill Everhart roared throu gh the 1-\. ea nl c~· li ne to block their extra-po int atte mpt with I :57 t·emain -
A ru gged t·ushing defe nse a nd the runnin g o f f ull b~tck Ko llba um pepped Peru to a 20-6 C(: footba ll VICtor y over the H astings Bron co s. Ko llbau m scored Peru'· . s I'li·St two touc hdmn1s wh ·ile the Bobcat d e fe nsive Unit l ~mitecl Hastings to :)5 ya rds rushin g. Lead e rs of the s~mgy Peru d el'e nse were g u a rds Ph il i'vla lone and Be rnte Brown, a nd tack le John Gi lmore. Coach Pitts' Bobcats tu rned a Doane fumb le a b loc.ked l?unt, and a del'ensive s tand d ee p in Do<~ne le rntory •:~to to u chdow ns in Pe ru's homecoming win over t h e l tge rs, 2 0-7 . Satted1eld passed for two to u ch downs a nd r a n 2 1 yards f'o t· th e other. The Bobcat cl ef'~ n s i ve squad fo r ced four Doane rumbles to st ymic the tr offe nsive efforts.
in(}' in the game. Was hburn o utfoug ht the Pe ru Bobcats for a I :'l-7 ,·icwn· e ndin g the 1965 ca mpa ig n for Peru. Washb urn's Jcha b;Kis, ah~ r being shoved all oYe t· the fie ld during the fi rst quarte r \,·h en Pe ru took a 7-0 lead, complc teh dominated play thereafter. This left the Bobcats with ;1 four win a nd fj,-c loss reco rd for the seaso n .
Assista nt Coac h Pclisc k, Head Coac h l'itt ,, As, is tant <:oa< I• \ I< lnlin·
P. \1alone d,•jnt.liVI' guard ofjr/1.\iVI' g uard
W. W in ~· · .Jr . dPfetn nw linPimrlwr jnmt1•r
.J. \1anning
R. Wi n dhorst
oj{f'lnhw nul rfPjPII.\h'P f'1lrf
ojjl'/1.\ i<''' ju//l)llrl< f'lllf'l' lurlll•r
F. ColT defl'/1.1/Vf /arid"
1.. Rain e ojjnt.\11 '1' lrllldr
V. S abat ine ll i drfnt., ;,.,. li11dw rl<r r
Sa n1 Sa dich rlrft' ll.lfl 't' 1(1/t•lr
Sau erfi eld stopped after an e igh1-1·ard gain again st the Doan e T igers.
H a llb:tc k l l<_>ll imann.:cc i,·in g p it c h o u t f rom qua rter back Sa u c i'IIe ld .
Full back Koll ha um n ·ash es th e ce n ter of th e Doane line for a s hor t gain.
Wi ndh•ll·~I looking !'or a lla i pa~~ l rn111 Sa iic l'licld d un n g Peru 's ~ 0- 7 l l nrtH:etHllillg \\' i ll
H 0 M E
0 M I N G
u E E
· l \ Ja n \ lowr \', Pat \ l.tri J, 11 \Lis tns a ccompanied by auenda m s: lrft to ng II: K 11 i ppil'lll in . \ Lt rih n \I.IStt·r,, ( :l'ci E,·;1ngl'iist. and Kath ~· Francis.
}J <H1ll 't"()Jlliltg Qll<' <' ll
'I 11 .\I ,t, · ' 1<'1'' \ fa n'
Dr. Comon ma kl's pn''<' lllaliol l In \ fa•·il\'lt \Listers :ts ll on tt·coming Queen for I ~ H; ~, .
1\"' ts · <"'<
orlcd I"
J: t<
Rll tlll '
The :\orris Eggers Q ui met pro"ided the mu\lc lor I h e l lorTJ ctomi nJ..( Dane c
pi;H ,. d i,pl;l\ \\"inner f ndl'fH'I Icit'lll' .
1\' ;J'
"C:al ( :a lcll路c" co i JSII'IICICd by
~.~, :. _... .
..-..-'' e
Andre\\' ~.
\l \'rene Oa\'is and Ken Boatman appearing 111 Homecoming Pla1 .
1路1111< ,. II auk .tnd Don Dodg-e. in ;t " Bm Swp" backl-(rounclmade
" Bu ~ Slop".
rill' lJotiH'lOIIlillg
1hc ll ollll'< ontinl-( l'la1 a success.
over De >an c .
[); Ill<!.' 1\";1' .t ~lll<TSS
;ol l t T t h e ~ 0 - 7
l 'iCiol'\
Th e Pe nt St;lle S.< ; __.\ _ s p onso1·ed ll omecomi n g Dance pnwed to be a perl"ect e n di n g to a cL t\· \\T il stocked " ·i th e~c it c mc nt fo1· stude nts . al umni. and l"ac ult \' . Th e cLtn ce ,,-;ts h e ld i11 the gY IIln ;tsium a t ~~ p.m .. and th e co u pl es e nt e n : d throu g h the open m o uth of" th e Fi1·st Prize "· innin g di s p la~·. the Pe ru Bohc tt. Once in s id e . th e\' sa \\· s treamers d ecorating th e ceiling. a nd reYoh·ing colo red li g ht s placed around 1he sid el ines. Tables a nd c hairs "·ere set u p around 1h e sides of 1 he cLuJCe llooL The :\m-rie Egge rs Q_uinte l pnn· ided th e eve ni ng's mu sic . Th e ;ttmosphcn' \\·as th a t oLtnig ht c lub. a nd t he ligh ts a nd tables ga\'C a !"cc]ing of" intilll <tn· IIII USU;tl f"or the size of' the fl oor.
The re were tn ;ul\ itn ;tgin ;triq· ,- :-;lt ihiiS co n s lntl'tl'd during Hottt cc oming. \ l uch rill,l l', l;tl;or. ;uul lT l'al i\'il\ 1\Tt'l' l'mplm-cd h~ al l who entered a pn>jcc l.
. ·cl ,- econd pl .ace ,,.., ca pru tc .. " ·ir_h.. -\l pha \Itt () rnt,..· . 1 1 "Cntsh I he I tgcrs. ;ltcir displ ;t \ c ttlil er . .
. . cl an d the cou pies re't I() ]J m the musiC stoHppe c<oJn ino· Queen. !\•! iss _..,. · ·: . the om e o .. _ _ __ tu rned to the ir tables as I T h e ban d pr<)\ Jcled b.Jc k · s cro\\· nec · 1 c--tr n e d i'vlari lyn Maste rs "''1 · . 1\.e lh· Combs. ". 1 0 ' •0 ch del ren , · 1 · " "tl a-ro und mus1c as t \\ _ co·llne ,· so 1em n ) ' ke el o . . 11 a nd Scott ' · _ s cro\\ • ' t he nueen ~ he e nu ..,u1 c-e to - the 1oo m .. p to t he th rone set up a t t >mi no· Queen. :\'IJ SS at · . · o· Homecc " . \I - B' l l Ne~l. th e re ll 1111 0 escort ed b\ · 1· 1 · I · ·cl the throne vVhead ey "·a I keel to _ ,. " ·ere th e n 1111 roc lJ( c Rinne . The !'o ur " runne l S u p I eJ·s ·•t the th ron e \nth . - d the ot 1 ' I \f · of' them J0 111 c - . , -- s escorted w · 1· alld e 't(·h ' . · . - · ]c nHe l ''1 · . ·_ . the ir esco r ts. ;\ llss P<~t Kn iPP. b. ~Jr. Charles (,OJ don . _ ( ' .- '·\"tn <rehst ,) •• Jl · a n d .\ I ISS ' - ] '· 1t lt\)· Cain : i'V! ISS .e( l L , <:'l "' ' l~a ' - 1M·1 Ron \.J O . !iss Mar\' Mo"-ry b ) • ·. . . I ,.., 'CC ( Ul't lS· Franus by iv r . '- 0 '
Peru Stat e cross-country run ners and Coach Pilkinhrton pose wit h the ir champio nship tr op h ~· "·on \\' hen t h e~· swe p t to first place in the :\ :\I A District I I cr oss-t·ott n l r~
meet in Om a h a. F mnl H u ll': .Ji111 V\'a tson . Tirn I lend ric ks . Lo uis Fritz. Ro n .Jo rw , . ;uH I J in t S p rague . Fuf' /( m ,·: Dick /.a pa ra ni<k . ( :oat il l'ifk iugt on . ;u td .filll (rJ)ouogh tt<:.
Pe ru Sta te cr oss-cou 11 tr y in it s third yea r· on t h e c a m pu s experie nced the fi n est seaso n o f' its s h o n hi sto r y. Se , ·e ra l major objecti ,·es of' the season we n : s u ccess f'u ll y f'u lf'i,llc d a s 1 h e B;>hca ts d ef'ea te d Kea rn ey S tat e in ,,· innin g- th e ;\;A l A Regiona l C ha mpio ns hip a nd plac in g t hin! in th e :\';\ l A i\Ja tiona l C h am p io n ship in O m a ha - th e hi g hest nation a l fini s h of' a n y spo rt in Pe ru Sta te College h isto r y. T he Pe ru ha r r ie rs won two major 111cets. th e Ne bras ka vVesle ya n L ni versity I nv ita tional and th e :\A l A Region a l C h am pio nship, and tie d Kear ney Stat e in 1 h e Pe ru Stat e College Invitatio n a l 'vleet. The squad re rnai n ed tllldc f'ca ted in a ll dual and tria n gu lar meets, excludin g the .'\ e bras ka C ollege Confere nce 'vleet whe re they fi nis h ed second .
C.oa< h
l' ilknt~ltHl
I % :i Record o f Dua I \lcet s : I <lh.-, Rc1 on I o l J'riangular \ket s: I !J6.i Rc< ()rd of all <onqw titiotl '- 1(ll'l'd at d ual
l'cru !i. ( )p po n c rll s (J l'cr u I . ( >ppo ll t' tll s I l'c nr II . ( )ppo tH ' Jll s :1. I ri c
Ill CCI s:
pi1C..' IIC)I1 \l_' ll ,tl
, (. I ll '
lt)~' - C.tJIIIlll ' \
'lllll~:O.!'Ol':O. ill
hi:-. lhrl'<..'
. 1~
I all<··~
;1 Bnl>t .11 l>. nt·ict . l.oui, hold, l'ctu rnonb lor dj,. ol :1.11 ( 1.->:1111). · (:!11: 1/). :1.·1 ( 1/ : Ill) .. nul :!ti mile~
( .nat It l'ilkinglntl (in hac k!-(1onoul ) 1\alchc•, o f
) I. . "the best times in the 6.0 and the .(: I Ilt"s ...1' sec. ". 11 1e t~· pm., > • t n luable runner Ill milt: runs. Louis. voted as I e ru s mos ' ' . .• . . . s .. 1..11 e capwred se,·enth lor I ~)(n a lo1J<T 1\"llh st:ntor 11111 • p1'" · · " notches ·111 ·11\0 . n.t. , ·,1unlmarathon comcsts. ;m el etg-hth plact: •
Ft·i11 .. 1 junin1 l1n111 D.l\"""- \ ' crdon . lt,t, <"tllllpilcd ,1
tiH ·
!'!'Ill ·,
B n i H ; tl
c.ln~' ·toll l tll\
111111'1' r,,.,, /,.ft thl'\
ll',tlll , JI( '
. IS .1
RonJotti'S. Ro!-(<'1' '\;l'uj.tlll . Du k i'.1p.11 ,111 11 k . li 111 <l'DotH>g· h111'. Dan l'ro11t .. 111d l'int I knell " k,
l'lg hl lll!'tllht•t·s
Jli.Uittc. · ltlll
l'htll!t- th,lt' l . \ ',Ill \llt-11 .
O li \'er T. Bierman o f Hastings. a histor y and En~l i s h major. will be a ca ndidate for g radu ation in.J un e. H e se n-cs as student assistant in th e history division . Bierma n has been active in Kappa De lia Pi, educatio n IJonorary . Phi :\lpha Theta , histo r )' honorary of which he was secr etary. Si~ma Tau Delta. Englis h honm·a r)'. and th e Peru Histo1·ica l Societ)'· A 1 9~9 ~radu a t e of H astings Hig h School. he sp e nt o n e yea r in college before e nt erin g the al'll l)' wh e 1·e h e I'Cmained until 19.'15. Aft er his military se r\'ice. Bierman spent eight years in busin ess. Bierman has rece i\'ecl a scholars hip from the :-.lehraska Congress of Paren ts a nd Teachers.
Dorothy Bock, dau g hter of :'vir. an d :'-Irs. Ke nne th C. Bock, Pawn ee City. is a .Ju ne can dida te for grad uation . Do roth y has been active in the Dramatics C lub a n d h as been stud e nt director fo r Club play pt·eserllations. T he En ~li s h major was honored by being e lected state presid ent of the Stud e nt Education Association of :\ebraska. :'-1 iss Bock se rved as histor ian o f Kappa Delia l'i and as sec t-ctat·)· of Sigma Tau Delta. She has bee n listed on the Dea n's hono1· roll " with d istinctio n" during two semesters. She h as heen ed ito1· of th e PrrlaK"Kirm and f >r' rlllllflll.
Donna Van Bus kirk. a social science m ajo r who g raduated in .Janu ar y, is the dau ~bt e r of :VIr. and \ Irs. (;eorge \ 'a n Buskirk. Clarinda. Iowa. :VIiss Van Bus kirk ser ved as treasu r er of Kappa Delia Pi and historian of Phi Alp ha Theta . She has been on the Dean 's ho nor roll six semesters. fo ur of those at Clar indajunior Coll ege from where sh e tJ·a nsfcrred as a junior. \ !iss Van Buskirk has been acti\'e in colle~e chorus. the Peru Hi storical Society. Englis h Club. a nd Alp ha :'-lu (;;unma.
:'- lar ilyn (;onnerman. a 196:1 g rad u ate of C 1·es ha m High Sch ool. is the daughter o f ivlr. and Mrs. Raymond Connerman . \o\'aco. She received he r d egree in business ed ucat ion in .J anua r y. Du r ing h er college career . ivliss Connennan was acti, ·e in t he Business Clu b. Studen t Educat ion Association , Ka ppa Delta Pi . Phi Beta Lambda. b usin ess h u n o r ar)' for ,,·hich she se r\'ecl as historian . a nd (;amma Delta , Misso u r i s,·nod Lutheran organ ization .
Anne F. pie,·. 1h e daugh1er of Col. and :V!1·s. Albert D. Eple)'. ;, a majo1· in elemen ta ry cd u cat ion . Sh e h as been ~ts t cd o n the Dea n ·~ honor roll her lasl fo u r sem esters. :VItss l".pley has been acti\'e in the Women 's Athletic Association. Stude nt Education Association o f :\ebr aska. and has served on the hoaJ"d ol direuors of the Pent u nit . llu1·in g he1· tim e with Kappa Delta Pi . sl1C' has scrved histm·.ian . Mi_ss _Epley 11~1.s \\'orked as secre tary 111 the educ.I tJon dJ \Isto n . Silt ts .1 l .lh2 grad u ate ol Burge~s High Sc hoo l. F.l Paso. T exas.
Robert Hilt. the son of.J. \\' . Hilt. Raton . :\ew ~l ex ica , and ~Irs. J. D. Dar\'eau. Falls City. is a 1962 g raduate of Falls Cit,· Sact·ed Hea rt Hig h School. T he history majo r grad uated in J a nuary. He sen·ed as pt·esident of the Geogt·aphy C lub as well as the ,·ice presid e nt of the Peru Historical Soc ie ty a nd Phi Alpha Theta. history h o no rar~·. He has bee n acti\'e in college cho rus. the Foreig n Language Club. Kappa Delta Pi. Alpha ~lu Gamma. and has been on the Dean's hono r roll the past ft\'e semesters. Througholll his college ca re e r. he ha s bee n acti\'e in th e Student Education Assoc iation of :'\ebraska and has served as state u·easu rer.
Barbara Gordon. the daughter of ~It-s. ~~ ~Ta Gordon. Hambu rg. Jo,,·a. is a 1962 grad uate of Sidney H igh School. She is a June candidate for a degree in English. Barba ra was secreta r\' of the Dra matics Club a nd has sen ·ed as ,-ice president of tl{e Foreign Lan guage Clu b. As a sophomore she was treasurer of the Home Econo mics C lub. H er participation in th e Dramatics Club has irwo h·ed stud ent directio n of club drama presentatiom. She is a me mber of Kappa Delta Pi. has been president of Sigma Tau Delta. was \'ice president of Alpha ~ lu Gamma a nd a me mber of the English Club. Barbara sern:d o n the Pt•daf!Of!irm and Prnn•ia11 staffs. She has ser\'ed as a d o rmito ry ~o~nselor in ~!organ H all. She has recci\'ed scho la rsh ips from the :\'ational Honor Soc i et~· and the Pearl .-\. Kenton Foreig n Language Fund.
T he ,·icc president of th e Se nior class a nd preside nt of Beta Beta Beta is J o hn Rinne. son of ~ l r. a nd ~ I rs. :'\orman Ri n ne. Burchard . Jack is acti,·e in the Student Education Association of :'\ebraska a nd Kappa Delta Pi. He has been o n the Dean 's honor ro ll r.,·e of his six semesters at Peru State. J ack SCr\'ed last year as president or Blue De,·ils and as president o f the .Junior class. j ack is sen-i ng as dormitory representati\'e on the Student Go\'ern ing Associatio n. He has le ttered th ree yea rs in basketball. three years in track and one year in cross-cou ntry competi tio n . .Jack is a 1962 g raduate of Steinauer High School.
!\la rch Tinkham. daughter of i\ lr. a nd ~ l r·s. ~ ! ario n Root. Ho lmesville, is a gradua te of Ri\'erview Consolidated School. As an Eng lish a nd histo ry major , Miss Tinkham has been acti ve in Sigma Tau Delta. in Phi Alpha The ta of wh ich she is_ vice president. She is a lso \'icc presid ent of Ka ppa Delta Pr. She has been_o n the Dean 's ho nor ro ll in all college semesters. l\l rss Tmkha m has been acti,·e in the Women's At hletic Associatio n. co-ediwr· of "Sifti ng Sa nds." and has serve~ as a reporter o n the Pl'dagogiau. She has served as a dormttorr cou nselor and r·epresem ative on the Student Govern ing Associatio n. Miss Tinkham a lso won an Ak-SarBen scho la rship.
~illiam. \-\' . Witt y. ) r .. a 196 1 g rad ua te o f Syracu se Hig h School. ts the son of Mr. and ;\ Irs. Wm . W. \\'ittv . Sr .. S\Tac_use. He transferred to Pe ru Sta te in 1962 from the ·Air· l·orce .-\cademr. He is a member of Alpha l\ lu Omega. mathemattcs honoran·. Selected in 196-1 for Who's \-Vho d istinction. Bill has been o n the Dean 's ho nor roll each semester s ince his e n roll iu9 . and tw ice made pe rfect ~1.0 b'Tade pomt avera!{es . .'\~ a .JlllllOr. he was vice pr·esicknt of the Blue Devils. While a sopho mm·e. he served as counselor at Del tell Ha ll. .-\ lour-\ ea r lcunma n in ((ullhall. thr·et• \Tars in basketball. a nd thrt·e vea r·s in tt·ack. Bi ll has ht•en ani ve in the " I'" C:luh.
Donna Van Bus kirk , Doroth y Boc k, Barbara Gordon. Glenda Hares. and Joan Dickman.
~an cy
Ja r vis , Pat Kni pp lcmie r. ·
KAPPA DELTA PI TEA A spec ial in ili alion lea was g iven for fon y new membe 1·s o f Kappa De lta Pi.
Officers for Kappa De lta Pi for 1966-6 7 at·e vice presid ent. Ylarch Tin k· ham : historian. Anne Epley: president. Kristine Wewel: secretary. Carol :\ickels: treasurer. Don na Van Bus kirk : a nd sponsor. :\•I iss A s h l e~· .
SENIOR TEA A lea was h eld for t he senio r s in e le m e nlar y educalio n who sLUden l la u g h l a l m id-lerm.
\1. / .int llll'l'lll:llt. Vt·r .. 11 a H11 n be t . \ 1,trtl \lt \ 1a,l<·r,. K;l\ Bendt·r. Sat·ah C:~t11d w in. Barba ra 1 h~tntp\<>11 . . tncl \Lt ril vn Rnlll'rl"'"
Sprick. C. Price. 1\. . 1-"r.lllci~ . C. :\cdro. \1 . \1()\\ n. C. h .ltl gelist
Fro nt R uu·. lt'/1 to right: Coach \ lclntir·e. Dean Cain. Bill
Rinn e. \ l ike H armon. Ron Snodgrass. \\'a yne Heine, .J ack Rin ne. and Bil l \\'itt y. Bock R me: Leon Ponre1·. Rich
G ibson. Rand y \\'illiams. Bob l.on:jo1·. Tom Sa u n d ers. AI Po ko rm·. \likt: Cas tl e. a nd \like Coq,;-n ;lli .
.\ '. C. C. STASD ! ,\'CS
Feb. I 6, 1966 Pe ru Wayne Chadron Kearney Hastings
( .o ;t<
h j;.,• k \It I 111 rn·
o 4 ~) ()
0 3 3 3 (j
DE Al\ CA I:'\1 .Junior (:uard
.JAC K RI NNE Senior Guard
MIKE H A RMO N Senior Forward
WAYNE H E i l\E Freshman Forward
RO N SNODC~RASS .Junior Ccnlcr
10 1
BII.l. RI\:\:F _)ttttiot ( ;u,t rd
En·non c.: gc.:t\ in (><1\i ti on daaa·ing
~ h ot.
The Bro ncos get rebound positions as a Bobcat sh01 fa lls short.
" l lu ~ ak",
The Pe ru Bo bcats dO\med Kearney, 80-6~. in th e :\.C.C. opener for bO[h teams. The Bobcats opened up a 53-30 lead at ha lftime a nd never were serio usly cha llenged by the Ante lopes. Pe ru 's scoring was paced by :VIike H armo n and Ro n Snodgrass. co ll ec tin g~:) a nd I 9 points respecti vely. Peru downed Has tings. las t year's con ference champio n, 7~-60, on the Bo bcat fl oor . Peru's victory 0\·e r Hastings ended a string of four st ra ight losses to th e Broncos. Coach :VIcl ntire came out or a see-Sa\\' fi rst half with a :-35-33 intermission ad,·antage. Mike H armon led Peru with ~I poims. Peru State College had fi,·e pla~·e rs in double figures to spark a n 89-6.~ vicw r~ o\·er 'ka~·ne Sta te at Peru. Sco ri ng. was Dean Cain with 2~ points , Ron Snodgrass. 19: \If ike Ha r mon. I o: Bill Ri nne. I ~: and .J ac k Rin ne. II. This triumph mo,Td the Bobcats to the ir fifth straigh t ,·icrorv an d a I 0-?i mark . Peru took aclntn tage o f
n·l ls Coach
\ldnt i n~.
54% shoot ing in th e firs t h a lf' to .iu111p to <t 4:~ -~:~ lead . .\IItke Harmon c leared 1 h e boa rd s wi th I H r ebounds and Snod g rass gathered in I:) . Pe r u was le d by De a11 c :a in's ~I poin ts in d e feat in g Kearne}·. 77 -7 0. T h is ,·ino r >· " ·as t h e f'i t·st on Ke;u·n ey's court si nce the I~)() I - f) ~ s<.:aso tl. Al l sta ners hit in the d o uble fig un:s wit h C a in <tnd Snodgr ass lead in g th e attack. Kea rne y led 44 -:~H in t h e th it·d p e t·iod. but r e lin qui shed their lead b y t h e ·IH% s hoot in g of th e Bobcats. The Pe r u Kobca ts f'o r t h e six th tim e in th e last te n years cap tured th e c h am pio11 s hi p of' th e ~.C .C. as t h e result of two te n sion-pac ke d ,·icto l·ies o \·e 1· C had1·o n Sta te on success in· e tt gagc mctll s. The Hohcats Kaine d a Ti-fi4 Yictor>· <> Il t h e f'irst ni g ht o n the s r1·e n g th of th e i1· re boundin g . o ut -grabbin g the Fag lcs :-) :) - -J.O . In th e follow ing n igh t's H~- f )H cha mpionship c linc h er . :\l ike Harmon a nd Ro1 1 St tod gra ss po\H'lTd the Bo b ca ts to ,·ic tory with resp<·< t in· ~ · 1 - .tat d ~ : ~ - JH• in t pn Hiu c tion s .
WINTER COMES TO PERU STATE Co\T red th e Pe r u ca111 p us as o f' Fehru a n
D u r in g th e I ~)( i!'i -l i h sc h oo l \T<t l·, Peru S ta te cx pc ri c n n : d a n U11 sc a so n ;1hh 111 ild win te r in r es p ec ts to 111a n \· p n ·\·io 11 s yc a 1·s. S ilO'.\' , to ta lin g <~ppro :-.: in l<ttc h t\\·o inc h es .
I ~-
Durin g
_l;uH I<H Y. stud e n ts ex pe ri e nced seHTal cla\·s o f' su h-1cro
tc 111pc ra tu rcs a ltho ug h sno w llu r r ic s we r e st·a r cc.
l'hnto taho1 In l 'n11 \ fuf, jliiMIIg lflf'h\' 1 /a"
l'hoto h\ /'ho/11!!1"/'1" ''"路'路'
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THE I C:E I. A DF:'\: \IISSOL' RI R IVFR IS :\ 1-" :\\ll I .I:\ R SIC H T A.T PFRl ' ST :\TE C:O I.I. FLF. l'luJ/o In /''''" ' '"'' \
l'""'"g"'''"' ''""
Standing: Mr. Bohlken, S. Mason , N. Bower, B. Bowen , D. Dodge, J. Davis, B. Larson, Mr. Levin. Seated: M. Davis, M. Ander son , A. Andr ews, M. Oestmann, B. Gordon , A. :V!artin , D. Bock.
:'vi r. :'vloo r e, B . ( ;ordon, M. Da vis, D . Knudsen . D. Bock, and J. Davis g-at h er路 in Fine A rts Building for club activities.
Robert Lierz and Willia m Anderson entertain party guests with son g a nd sati re.
Marcie And erson, Dan Knudsen, a nd Mr. Nem ec demonst ra te their " tale nt " at the pany.
In earl y February, 1966, Mr. a nd Mrs. Dan Knudsen organ ized a huge ge twgether for dramatic students a nd other interested people on campus. The party included an amateur talent show, games, and re freshme nts.
THE INCORRIGIBLES T h e l n cotTi g ihks ittt ltt d cd : Da k llttrgcss. :\ rttold J o h n son . Da ttt t\ Bol in . a n d Don \\'ilscot t.
T he l'ertt St;tl c Ba nd unde r di rection of :'-. 11'. (; _ \\'ilsot t.
The l'ot路gy a nd Hess Sin gct路s ind udcd: !\von Long . Luc ia l-1 ;1\\路kins. and l.a\ 'er n 1-l u tch crsotl.
Pent S tate Co llege made a comebac k victo r y to win the N A I A District I I basketball pla yo ffs. Pe ru lost the fit·st ga m e to Doane at C t·ete 73-62. The Bobca ts rebound e d to eYcn th e playoffs with a 7.11-6!1 victo ry o n th e Pe nt court. Dea n Cain led the Peru scoring \\·ith 26 poin ts. Mike Harm o n a nd Ron Snodgn.1ss contri b uted 2 1 and I!) points respecti vely. Peru wo n th e rubber game and the right to co mpete in th e A l A playoffs with a n HH-H2 win oYer the T iger s. Cain a nd Harmon di t·ectcd th e Peru attack with 24 point s respectively. The 13obcats played 1\ lo tTis H a rvey S ta te College in Kansas Ci tY, :\lo. durin g the !\:A lA playoffs. The Bobca ts lo st I I 0 - 1o:~ in an m ·e nime. The Bobca ts played the best ga m e of the season and they deserve congratu la tion s for an o u tstandi ng ga m e and seaso n .
UP? 11 5
u E E N
Miss Juliet Marie Harrison re igned as Sweetheart Queen at the annual Valentine d a nce held on :VIonday, Feb. 14 , 1966, at Peru State College. ".Julie" is th e daughter of Mr . and Mrs. W. R. Harriso n , .Jr. o f Wood River , Ill. Anno uncements of the ro ya lty were no t officiall y made until the evening of the dan ce. " It was re all y sweet," said Julie when she related the story o f ho'~ she was personally taken into the con ference room a nd told that she was to receive the crown. julie is a sopho more majoring in ph ysical educatio n with biology as a related fie ld.
.J ac k R in n e h el d th e hono r o f n .路 ig nin g as Sweet h ean Ki ng a t t h e Va len t ine cLtn ce . l-Ie is th e SO il or 1\ lr. a nd \1rs . ~onna n Ri nn e of Burchard. I'\ebL .Jac k is a se nio r a t Peru wi th a m ; ~ jo r in bi o logy a nd ge nera l scie nce as h is re lat e d fi e ld. _jack is in\'o lved In m any ca mp us a n i, 路iti es whi c h L tnge f r路om h is job a t Spec ial Se n 路ices to th e basketball cou .-t.
A (
~~ \
L eji to right: N ic k Petri llo. Na n cy G uillia tt, Da n Knudsen , Pa t Wheatle y, Queen .Julie H a rrison , Kin g .J ac k Rinne, Ceci Evangelist, Gary Vite rise, ~ ! a ry l'v!owr y, and La n y Tate.
C:m)' I ' iterise
M iss Pau·ic ia Ann Wheatley, daughter o f l\IL a nd Mrs . .J o hn E. Wheatle y o f Ced ar Rapids, Iowa , was se n ior Swceth ca n Princess at the 1966 Va le ntine dance. Pa t is a n e leme nta t·y educa tion major with mino rs in la n g u age a rts, fin e a rts. science , m a th , · ph ysica l edu catio n . a nd E n g lish.
Gary Viterise was selected junio r m ale a ttenda nt for the Sweetheart Dance. H e is the son of Mr. a nd Mrs. Dom Viterise of 1e wark , New York. Gar y is an e lementary edu cation m aj or with min ors in ph ysical educa tion. fine a rts , socia l science, a nd inclustt·ia l a rts. Red roses fo r the Sweethean Queen .
Da 11 K nudse11 Da n Knud sen . so n of i\ !r. and Mrs. Ke ith Knudsen o f Lincoln , e bL, was the senio r m a le a tte nda nt a t the Va lentine dance. Dan is m ar ried to the f()rmer .Judy .Jo hnson o f Englewood , Colo .. and h e is m ajorin g in speech wi th En g lish as his re lated fi e ld. C'erifia E vtlllf{t'fist
T h e ju nior class fe m a le attenda nt was Miss Ceci lia Lo uise Evan gelist, da u g hter of ML a nd Mrs. Eu gen e j. Eva n ge list of Newa r k, ew York. Ceci is m ;~j o rin g in e le m e ntary education. N idi f' pt rillo
N ic k Pe trillo was freshma n mal e a tte ndant for th e Va le ntine clarKe . H e is th e son o f M r . and Mrs. N ic k l'e tt·illo o f Cra nit e C it\·. Ill. N ic k is a 111 ; ~j o r· in elcm e ntat·y educa ti o n .
t t7
.J oe Sm ith . Pat Knippelmic r. Tim Cilli>;arl, and C h ery l
cnj"' Ill(' 11111'i' .11 li tl' \' ;ol t'n tin c d.t1H c .
AI(/ ry ,\I owry
f .riiTY
Fo I f'
Tal c . so pli () IJH HT Jn;dc ;J ll CII CL tl l l. is l he son or :VIr. :t l H I \ ! 1·s. Lt \\T('II('(' T ;llc o r \\'ic hiLI , K ;lll S:tS . H e is . . . 111;qon 11 g 111 pll\·s ic;d cd tt ct li o n \\·i l11 biol og)· ; 1s a J'C-
Yf iss Yfa r y Yfow r y, dau g hte r of :VIr. and :VIrs. :vl e rli11 A. Yfowry o f Beatrice, was the so phomore Sweetheart Pr incess at the Valentine dance. :VIa r y, a n e le m e ntar y edu cation major , is active in many campus organ izatio11s including the Student Governin g Associ a tion, Engli sh Club, a nd White A n gels.
Li lT\'
latc d field. .\'our y
(; uil/io/1
TII c I ~ )()( j f'1·cs h rn; u1 S\n·<.·llical'l a ll c ndanl was 1\:an cy (;uilli a ll , dauglilcr or \ I L a rHI \l1 ·s. D ;tlc (;uilliatt o f Aubur·n, :\cln. ~ancv 1s rn clc rn c nt;ti·y educat ion.
D1 .md
~ 1 r\ .
llar rt'll
\\' inin ~t·J
d ;on< in g
1 18
"Rc:t(h fot路 Sl'cond scmt路stcr." sa,路s :\ Irs . Boraas.
"Tis the question. whether mind ... ..
be nobler
A dramatic trio
BACK IN THE GOOD OLE DAYS " \\ h .tl . honk '
119 "
:\ann a nd ma n\· otlr cr <olkg <' s tud e n ts cn jo,·cd a fun fill ed ni g-ht par:!) in ( :it' I f; rll .
Peru's best dressed g-id , Pat Kni ppelmier. is shown in her school -
da r auire.
•\ d ifkn·ru ' !a nt on<
' "" " " '"" tlrnd, ( .r ll<·t ft · " <' lit ' "'
â&#x20AC;˘ Iii'' T h e s miling tht-cesn m e stri kes aga in.
.-\re mu kidding m e . .Jac k :
Fli ng abroad
<H I!'
Rela xing ;o ftt'l ;o nl' xh.tttstin g d :l\
co ll ege color s .
12 1
. 11
th e B< >h l n11
TO STA FFS Back Row: A. Bla nke nship. P. Oo rsso m . \\'. :-.t iller. fl . C:ol lim . R . Sn od gr; l',~ . .\1. Srn ,rg.u 1. B . Bo \\·e n. Third R mt•: R. Sha ffe r·. 1'. \ 'enclill c. D. llu bbard . .\f. C;"rl.-. ll . Slle< ker . .'if'ftln l: \ 1. Bailie. 1'. C rof f. C:. Krei leb. \f. Ing lis. C . \\'i n a m . B .. \nclcr\on . 1.. C:o , lell . \ f. B11d lt·r . I' . .\ I t KtT. Knuli11g: 1'. \\'h catlc ~. \ f. 1-lit ks. B. Fir11c l. .J. \\'e we I.
T h e: Per/og og irut sl;d l f'o r 1he Sl'CorH I sc JJH 'SI<T ll <':rr h dot rh l<'d li te fiL'il 1c rr n st a !T in size:. \ Jr . S IC\\'<11'1 l.iJJ scl re id l:ttrg hl I h e IH'g iJJJJiJJ g jo tJ rJJ :tl is JJ r c l:rss 1h nnrgh th e pran ic; tl cx p e rie 11ce of' pri 11li11 g I h e< o ll c gc p :t p <T. lh <' l 'l'rlo .!.!.n.!..!:irnt. The m a joril r o r lh c cla ss for lh c s p r ir lg l{' rll l \\ :l 'i l ll:t d l' llf> o f' h q4·irlll l 'I'S. Th e sta ff inclu d e d : B ill Bo\\'l' ll ;rnd .J o :r ll B rc llliors l . <1> -<' dil o J·s : :'\ :JJJn· .J :tl '\' is. p e rso 11 n e l m an age r ; .J oa JJ Bre 11h ors1. l:r\·<nrl cd il or : i ):tJ J S l rcl' k c r . c irT trl :tlio n : Ph il Do rsso rn , C a m pus lo C:;r rn pr rs : \Ltr y l.t r fl icks :r11 d \ l:r r·\· Bt td kr·. c <> j>\' e d ito rs : .J ea n We\\'C I, \l o r g :r11 fl a il co lun r11 : l':tl \ ' cJJd il l c . \ l: tjo r·s I Ltll colu rn 11 : Ra lp h S h a fTer. De lze ll I Ltll colt JJJII J: l'll\·ll is ( ;r o ll . ( ::llllf>li S Sc hool co lur llll : Ro n Snod g rass, spon s: \Y:r ll R irn nr c r :r rHI F<l I .<'I<HJJ' J)(':tll . plrol ogT :rp lr lT S: Bo n n ie A n d e rso n , \ l :r ril ~· " B:rili e , .- \ 1 B Lu rk e u s h i p . \ l ik e ( ::r s llc . B r i;r n Co ll in s. Linda Coslett, B e rn a din e Fir ll e l. l kn 11 is ll uhh;rr d . \l: t r~ f11 g lis . ( ::rl'lee n Kre ifels . Pa t \lc Kcc , Wa y n e \ fill e r . \ l i ke S 11 r:rga< 1. . l':rl \ \' lr e:r l lc ~ . :r11d ( :h e n ·! W inan s, r e porte r s.
Ed irorial sra ff: B. Bo we n . .J. So br : l~~trrli11g, \\' . Rimmer. E. l.cro urnca u : 11'11/rd. :\ . .J a r · ris . .f. Bn :llhor't.
The se co nd se m e s le r Pnll<'i'"' s Lt fl. lllld e r lire d in .' c l ion o f' .\ 11'. Sl e \\·a n Linsch e icl , worke d o n t he i:l11 e r p ori io n o f' 1h e I !H) :->-()() \'e ;r rhook con: ri n g pa g·cs H~ to 140. T his include d ll o meco rn in g. W h o 's ·w lr o . 1Ir e \' :tlc nl in c D a n ce . .\la y Fe te , bas kc 1ball . :11 rd s prin g- s po n s. Dic k Be nho ld co ntinue d as e dil o r ,,·it h B ill B o \,'C n :11rd S ha nlll Be:r tt ~· se r \' in g
as assistants. \ fan· Budl e r. I .eo n a \ la ste rs. and .J a n ice \ \' h eeld o n \\'CJrke d a s layoul ccl i10rs. Spon s e ditors ,,·e r e S ian .Johnson . \lik e Sma g-acz. a nd Pal \ 'en dil le. :\ e \\' sta ll m e mbe r s. Bonnie .\n d e r son. Bobbi e :\rm s t ron g- . l.ind:t :\rm sl ron g-. l.o tJ ise Bare lo s . and ( ;inm \ Jul Ie n. se n ·ed as proofreade rs . . Dr. Siegnc r \ plr o lo g-ra p ln cl ass p ro\'id cd rn ; JJ I\ of' 1hc p inu r es in 1he bo ok . \ I r .. /. D. I.e\' il l pm\·id ed se \'C'l'<tl ;r n g le sh o rs p lu s has k<" l b;rll p h o lo s. f'h e fin is hi ng- lip \m r k o f 1hc \ e a r boo k irH ltJ ckd IIlli< h rereadi n g a nd <h{'< kin g. Bornne \nd c r~oJJ :trHI ( .in JJ \ \ lt~lkn \\ c·rc· in< h .rrge o f 1h c in rporl.rnl Joh Ill ' he-<kn 1g Ill<' hook · ~ ind ('x .
GOVERNING BOARD MEMBERS GIVE OF THEIR TIME AND TALENT o f 1 96 :~ a nd is a practicing d e ntist in Wa,·ne. 1\ lr. Knapp is a p r acticing a tt orn e\' in Kea rn e~· . a n d has been a m e m be r of th e board since J a nua r y 1965. ;\ lr. Spencer is the senior m e mbe r of the board . having ser ve d since January 195:'1. H e is th e immed iate past p resident of' th e board . \lr. Yanne' has se r ved th e board since Ap ril. 19() I a nd is preside nt of the Lodgepo le State Bank. Dr. Brmn1 is th e ne ,,·est m embe r of the board ha vin g bee n appoint e d in January this ~·ear to sen -e out th e unexpired te rm of \lr ..-\. D. \l;~jors of O maha ,,·ho r esignee! in Decembe r o f' I ~lb5. Dr. \!i lle r . <IS sta te commtsstoner of Edu cation a nd a n a lttmnus o f Pe ru Stat e ( :ollegc. has been a II H.'tll hc r o f' th e ho: ml since :\ pril. 1 <)( )~.
Six of th e seve n m e mbe rs of th e Co\·erning- Board are appo inte d b y the g o\·e rnot· \\·ith th e a ch ·ice and co n sent of th e legis latutT. The se\'e nth m e ntbe r is th e sta te commi ssion e r of e duc a tion. \,·ho sen·es ex -orficio . The appoint e d m e mbe r s serve !'or ;1 te rm of six \·ears. No ne of' th e m e tnbe t·s rec e i\'es <I II \' co m pensa tion. other than actual ex p e n ses in c ur re d in th e p e rformance of' th e ir duties. Th e boa rd is charged \\·ith th e t-cspon sihilit\' of' th e g-e n e ral coni r o l of 1 he sut e co lleg-es at ( :h ;tdron. V\'a yn e, 1\. c trne ~· . and Pen t. 1\ l r . Ft·eed of ( :hadn)JJ h as bee n <I tlle tnber of' the hoa rd sin ce l k <T tllhct· o f' I ~ H i O . lie is Pres id e nt of the 1\ li ch n ,·st Fttnlitllt T Cnt np;tll \ of' C h :l<ln>It. D r. (;o nion S hupe lt <ts been ;t m c tn het· of' th e hoard since .J <ttlltat·\·
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1966 MARTHA WASHINGTON TEA On Fe bnt<tt·,· ~~. the siln.·t· :tllt ti \'tTsan· o f' the l\ lanha W as hit w.-. toll s'il \'c r T c; t ,,·a s o bs tT\'e d in th e Student L' nion . It ,,·as s pon so re d 1)\· t he H o nt c Eco n o m ics C lu b. \tli ss Edna 'v\'c at·c. g u est of' h o not· at th e s il n~ r te a , wa s the s pon sor of th e firs t \ Lt n h a 'Aas hingto n te a . Sh e \\'as a lso th e h o tne eco n omics ach·iso t· the Yea r th e trip to th e Eas t was tnad c. Th e p rac tice ori g in ;tt cd f'rotn a I tt"IO tt·ip severa l Peru coed s tnade to <t h o tne eco n om ic s con,·e ntio n in th e F.ast. Durin g t h is tri p . t he g il'is \' is it e d !\ Io utH Verno n and co pi e d <t rec ipe. " I low to \lake a ( ; reat Cake." The recipe "·as found in a le tt er !'rom l\ Ltnha Custi s to h e r g r a ndlll othe r . \lanha \-\' <t s hin g to n. It ca lls for fi ve po u nd s of' s ug;~r a ttd -10 eggs. ;u no n g o th er ing re die nts. Cakes llt <td c f'ro 111 thi s tTcipc h ;tn· h cc n sen·e d <111nu a lh· for th e tc<t since it s bc g it ttt in g in I tt-l I . e xce pt f'oro;te \ e arduritt g· 'v\.o rl d \1\';t t· IJ .
Bc,l tilt' " '''' )..: 111 <<>111<''1.1111' : l'.11 K11 ippc ltnil'r . \ l.1 n l 11~il'~. \ l.1n \ 1<1111'\, \l:tn B<•th (:erbn. "\ .11" ' ( o1 1i llt. ol. :-.. ol h h,, -11 , . F l.1 i11<' :\ l'dd l'l1 1·iq>. ll.1rh.1 r.1 l :ordtlll.
< " ·" ,. ( :, ",1., .
BEST DRESSED GIRL The ll ome F('onolllics c lub s p<lii Sol·ed th e li1·s t COII\·octtion !'or I ~)()(i 0 11 'v\'cdn escLJ\' , .J~tn . :-, 111. The held a " Bes t Dressed Cirl on C:a mpu s" ('()Illest. The ('O ilies t is und e r the direc tion or the L/ .. ·1,\f()l 'J< .\1.·/(; ,·/ Z / .\'F. :\ ('llllllllittlT fnllll th e h o me CCOIIOlll ics club chose te n g il'l s fnlln the studen t hod~ . Hobbi e .-\nn s tnlllg 1·eacl th c qualif'ict tions th~11 c~ t c h ct ndidatc h ~ td to lliCCt. then s h e introduced the e<t !Hii cl;ttcs to the s t11dcnt h od' . The te n g id s c hos en \\'CIT: \ .l:t1·y \ lo \\T\. \Ll 1·\· Ing les. :\;uK\' (;ui llia tt . \tan· B e th (;cdx'l' . S;dly h.clh·. 1\ tt h.nippc lmier . Cherie Trc,·ino. ( ;1-;J<T ( :ook . Barh;u ·a (;onion . and FL1 ine :\cclclc•n·icp. T he \'o tin g to se lect one can dicLtt e l'ollo \\'Cd the coJI \'oCttion . Pat Knipp c l micJ· \\'as ('hos en a s th e " Bes t Dn·sscd Cid on Campus" at l'en 1 St<t tc. Sh e \\'i ll h ;n-c h c t· pictun.· t ~ tk cn in I . an o n -campus outlit . ~ - a n oll -c tlliJ>U S out fit . and :~. ;til l' n· nin g tll . fonn ;tl dress. These pit ltll'l'S :t nd the c n t1·y bl:t n k " ·ill h e SC IJ I Ill L/rn11n11r .\lop:o ::.illt' h c ;tdqu ;JI'l('I'S in :\t'\\' Yllt'k ( : it~ . If s h e is Oil(' or lit e (() ll ;t tiona l ,,·inn crs. s h e \\' ill \\' ill a11 e x pense p :tid I r ip lo :\e\\' Yot·k <:il\ . :tiHI s he \\'i ll he fca luJTd in 1hc .- \ugtJ SI iss ue Ill' Llrn//u/11 . F\Tit it' s h e docs IIIli \\' ill . s i H· is c li g ihlc lo• · holl lll': thk lllt' ltlion a tHI he r lt <t lll l' 111:1\· ;q>pc ar i11 :\tJ g tJ s l iss u e of ( :/rnfltl/11 .
Harold I re Iax . ·john son. c·•eorg-e Schone n hamel. Lyle :\lcKercher. Austin \ 'an Pch. and AI Brae~· on'' summer dav.
IN MEMORIAM Stewart P. Linsch e id , Assoc ia te Pmfessor or Eng lis h a nd sponsor or th e Penwia11 and th e Pedagogia11 a t Pe ru State College, a nd Mrs. Ste wart (Nev il) Linsch e id. third g rad e teach e r in Neb1路aska City . die d in a boa ting mi shap on Tuttle C reek Reservoir near Manhattan. Ka nsas, 0 11 Ma y 7, 1966. Mr. and Mrs. Lin sch e id h a d taught in their res pecti ve schools since 1956. A me morial sen 路ice was h e ld o n campu s Ma y 14. to honor the Linsch e ids . Professor and M rs. Lin sch e id were buri e d in Pragu e . Oklahoma , Mrs. Linsch e id's home. 011 Ma , 路 17.
CONVO MAY FETE DANCE :'>l ay Fe te Dance .
Dan n:rs cnj<l\ c d ch e DaY c Ka1·i1ch co nc h o .
Pat Vencliue receives a1varcl fro m Dr. Go mo n.
ll cli ;J<I' I't't( ' l\'(' ' ""·"" iltllll R <Hinn
l< c·JI··Ihc ll
Cast of "Thousands" in final Li 'l :\ bner sce ne
The Division of' Fine Arts p resen ted th e Broadwar musical "Li'l Abne r ", d irecte d b r M r. Hug h Thomas, Ma y 18 , 1966. o n the coll e~e campus a nd a lso in Brownville on ~ J ar 1~j ... " l.i'l Abner" is the first Broadwa y musi ~ cal to be pe rfo r m ed at Pe ru State in scvend ,·ears. · T he musical cast was acco mpan ied b y ~ l ary Lou Hicks. T he stu d e nt d irector for the p lay was C h ic Williams.
I !11 U '\ jo hn son . 1\. . Rull< ' l . \1 \ I, '\t·. oh . .., \ I.''"" · R ..,h,·ll"" · ( . 1 1.11< ' 11 . I I\ nil ' . I " I ""'' t.. . II . .! '""''' · :'\ I l ,, ., hn . II R11 h .11 d . I' llnu l t11no. '\ \ ,,,.,, ., lw<"f.. . II
\nell'! "'"
Stan of the I 00-\路anl dash .
.Johnston au e mpts the pole ,路atdt for the Peru Bobcats.
O'Donog hue and :'\eujahr lead in ha ll' mi le.
133 II H路 Iugh
i'"'"'' '" h,路 ,, , lt. tll.- nt.:<'
Huben searches throug h Dan 's possessions.
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The Peru Dramatic Club presented th e psych ological d rama Ylust Fall" by the British playwright, Em lyn W illiams, in the college auditorium. The pla y, a psyc hological stud y of a cri minal ty pe, was well received by a large a udi e n ce, includ ing guests fro m man y area h ig h schools. Ylr. R. D. Moore d irected the play. T he assistan t d irector and publicity manager was Cha rles "Chic" Wi lliams, a so phomore fro m Beatrice. "~ight
N urse l.ibb\' find s Dan <II \ lt·s . lh <lln son's .
Judge ~N<'a l Bower ). D<H·a Pa rkoe ( Ba t·ba t·a ( ;o n ion ). l l ulwn l .at ll' it' ( Bill Ho\\'t' n ) . Dil n w a 5 arrf'sled lor the murd e t o f \1 r~.
Bra mson .
Ot i,·ia (Joa n Bn : ll hot·sq . Da tl ( Dan Kn udsc·n ). 'vir ~. Bt·amson ( \ " tTtH ' J);l\·is l. l ll' Jlt't tor Belsi?.e ( Don llodg('). \1rs. I ,.,.,.lHt' ( l>o ro l l1\ Bot k) . :'\ltll·" · l. th ll\ ( \ l ,l l l l<' \nd n son ).
Frout RoH•: D. La :\lontagn e . K. \\'clsh . S. Coler·ick . Bark Rou•: f. S m ith. R. Schu ma ker. D . Bu q{ess. C. Sauerficld. and Cmteh \\'ini ng-cr.
Rog er Schumake r corHlCCIS for· the Peru lll'll c r·s.
Kat!H Welsh smac ks a fo r eha n d ret u rn .
I - R <·" ·"h I· h rlt'r .
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R.. d .. , .
n "" ht·ll
\I H.11 '' \ I \\ c·ndr
Front row: Yl. Castle, R. Gibson . D. Cai n , .J. C h asse. B. Dai!{IC, D . Wi n field , A. Sulli van. P. Vend ittc, S. Pauiso n. G. Evan!{clist, B. 1-layn. 1.. Beach , G. Slama. Bac/1 row: Coach Pelisek. y f. Cor!{nati , L. 1-1 utchcns.
fl . Ever-han . R . Yalcs. I.. .Jcnsl' n . . J. C:n·arn<"r. C. \lizct·ski .. J. Tq~cl hul tcr. (; . You ng. _J. Walikc. 1.. \\'crtclbncll. R . Cortnolc . .J . I Ii ggi n s .
Peru State baseballers e nded th eir season with a 12-7 overall record. T he Bobcats finis h ed second in N.C.C. competition with five wins and three d efeats. Pe ru opened the season against Creighto n U ni ve rsity winning the first 6-0, but Creighton took the nightca p 7-4. Pe ru then traveled to Maryville, sweepin g a d ouble-h eader, before coming home to win anothe r twin bill from J o hn
F. Kenned y Colleg-e. St. Benedict's in vaded th e Bobcat diamond to sp lit a doul>lc - h eaclc r . The Bobca ts pl ayed thcit· co n f"crcnce ope n e r w it h Kearne y State. Kea n1 ey, the eve ntual N.C.C. c h ampions, downed Peru in two ex tra innin g-s bef"ot·e droppin g the seco nd game to Pen1. Power ful Washburn Univers ity u sed t h e ir bats in a h a ndy fashi o n to sweep two games from th e Bobcats. Peru Sta te u·ave le d to H ast in gs in w h at seemed to b e a n e nti re seaso n in one a f"t e n1 oo n . Pe ru played ~() in nings in t h e first game , b e ating- Hastings 4- 1, t h e n com in g bac k to take th e ni g ht cap 19-3. Th e B obcats played eight h ours o f baseba ll that af"tet·n oo n and evenin g. On t h e road aga in , th e Bobcats u ·ave le d to Broken Bow t o sp lit an ;\;.C. C. double-header with C hadron. With o nl y two games 1·e maining in th e con fe r ence, Pe ru was ass u re d of a ti c if th ey d efea ted Wa y n e State twice. H oweve t·, Peru split th d Wa yne doubleh eader and gave Kea rn ey th e <.T own, leavin g Peru in second p lace on ly on e game out. In a non -co n fere n ce b a ttl e , Pent thu mped Co n cordi a T each e t·s, I 0 -2. Ra r Cai n a nd Tim T ege lhutt e t· led Peru pitc hin g with an ca t·n - t·un -a\·c t·agc und c t· t wo p e r game. T h e ou tloo k l"or n ex t \Ta t· is good . Th e Pe n1 nine w ill lose on ly one m a n )) ,· gTaduation. Baseba ll Coac h .J oe Pe lise k will he loo kin g fo r ward to a banner seaso n . 136
Ru k Lo nnol('\ tnplt· lwlpt·d IH"a l ~ ~ lkrwdit ,·, 2- 1
I 1
Tied at 1- 1 in the sc, ·cnth . St. lknedict's pro\' idcd a base hit 1\'hich b rou g ht in the ~·in nin g r un to hea t l'l·ru ~ - 1 .
(:an Young turns to sacrifice Rick Connole .
... .... ·t·
l Connole reaches secon d base o n Young's san·ifice hun t.
~:oac h Pe lise k discu sses th e game 1\'ith Do ug ·w infield. Chuc k :\lizerski . and Ron Yates . I h e three Bobcat base-bailer s at-e ptTparing fot· t he ir fi t·st collegiate ga me of th e season af te r p la yi ng toge ther in high sc hool at (:ranite Cit,·. Illinois.
'-'tl'\c.' P; l tl l SCHl IHJllg-... Cnrllltdc. · 111 l n1 IIIII' \\ " " " IH ', l l
J, :!
I nl :.!
ll:u·': Umt ·: :>. ta n
:>. Iown. Ralph
DiCe~are .
Phill ip \ ladden. Pat
Dean Cain. Bill Rinne .
h· ; t ttg-eh ~ t. D a , ·tcl F ifto. J a n ice J ohnson .
MAY FETE ROYALTY A n e a r-ca pacit r c ro wd sa w M iss Pa t Wh eat l~y a nd Dea n Ca in crow n ed q u een a nd k in g o f th e 1 ~1 66 1a r Fe te. A tte nd in g the roya l ~o upl e we re .J a n .J o hn son a nd Dave Fife , f reshma n a tt e ndant s· Mary Mmn)· a nd Ra lph Di~ Cesa re, sop h o more all e nd a rns; Ceci E,·a n ge lis t and B ill Ri nn e . .ittni or a tt e n d a n ts; a n d Kt·is W c wc l a n d Ph il Ma d d e n . se n io r a tt e n d a n ts. T h e f"l o wc r gi rl s we r e S h c ll v Ki e ler a nd .J an et Dou g l a~ : < t·o w n hean·rs \\'t' IT !\I it< h e ll :\ II good a nd Ka th \ S;.t\c r. . . . I .. -k" (" .1\ J.llll<<' hcih . l·. tll' ( 11\ . lll,lllll 1·111,1< f .• tdll'' · lll · \\;tllll ll' ; f .t'Oil il :>.fa • tt•r•. ;\l' ll... <l> ,II . I .I I· Ilk l . ...... ~.. . I Ill. I \ (t>ll l' ' ' · ('l'lll . " . Lll\. "\.111< \ ( ;llilliall . \11h11111. llonlt.l ., pn ~111.1111 ·
THE TRADITIONAL MAYPOLE DANCE Th e theme of' l he prog-ram. ··siHJ\\·hoa l ... was canied out i 11 d ecoral ion , son g. and da nee . · 1·11 e pn>gTalll opened with th e "Stcamboat " squat·e dan ce. The dann: t·s were m e mbers o f' the f'olk d a ncing- c lass, in c ludin g Ron Snodgrass, Mar y McV icker. Don Stuan, B e lt~· Ancll'C\\'S , Ric hard Dot·sch , Kath y Dov;ning , Roget· (~iflot ·cl. i\L~l· j e an Wu s k , Be n1a dine Fintel. .J ean Egger. (;o, ·don ~-s sink, Pa m Ka ll emey n , Dick Dobbs . .Jeanni e Bang-. (~a y l c Schoe n , and Mary Schriner. " Beautiful Dreamer·" was inteqJrcted in dance b\ Al·le ne Moss , followed b y Pat Bindntm 's dan ce st udents. Dave H e n sley's vocal solo . " Old Man Ri\-c t·.'' pr·cc e dcc~ th e soft shoe dance. "Tca f'ot · Two, " given hv Sandt H opp, Mat·y Be th C c rbe t·. and .Jan Wa lf'on l. . Th e fo lk danc in g stude nts dan ced the "Virginta Ree l. " Pat Bindrum , Darla Obbink , Na n c\· S c hule nbe rg. A rl e n e Moss, Sue Morgan, Be rnadin e Fin; c l,.Janc vV e bb , .J ean W ewel, .Jod y H eather . and Ph ylli s (;n>flmacl e up the chorus lin e of'"A iabamv Bound ." Th e traditional Ma)po l~ Dance was pn:sented h~· the "Cam pus School C:uties. " Decoration s W(:' l'(' provided')\' th e Student c :c ni Cl' Boa rd . Maste r of' C:e r·c monics was ( ;a n · Vit c t·isc . l\·lt·s. De lbe rt C a ines planned th e Ma y pole c~>s lum cs . Music was prese nt e d b y th e " Blu e Riv e r Va ll e\· Cang" <tllcl \I iss Mary Lu l·iicks. M iss Botlltic Ru11 was t-csponsih lc lor I he over-a ll s u ccess ol 1h e :v[;,,· Fl'tc pn,gt·;ttn . ... l <:a For I wn" Soil Shrw DaiHc. Janis W ;tllord . Sand ra H opp . and · \hn 1 B<:i11 ( ;<:rht· 1 .
DOG P.A TCH ROAD ., ,..,d the lead roles o f Da is' :\lae and l.i'l :\ llller. K. Roller and R. She l1011 l)l • ~
J>;n" tt'ih
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"PI I<'' k .11H\ l l ll t.!, Jl·ll 1 ht 'l' .llll' lld
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tlH ' t ' l lll t!
Go\'crnot· Ft·ank B. Morrison
GRADUATION - JUNE 3rd One h und red lifly Pe 1·u State College seniors received baccalaureate degrees a t the 97th an nua l comme nce ment. June 3, at the College Auditorium. The Honorable Frank B. Mo r riso n , Governo r of" :\ebraska, deli\·erecl th e address to th e d egree candidates which incl uded 48 who completed degree requ ireme n ts at the close or the fall semester. Commencemen t week activities began \!l ay 28, with the a nnual f"an tl t\· reception for the se nior class . .\lembers or the 191 n class re turned rm a da y-long re union on Bacca la ureate S ~tnda y, :'via\· 29. Dr. Acldi ~on Leitch. as~i s t<tlll to the president a nd distingu ished pro fe~sor o f philosoph ~ and religion at T a rkio ( \II o .) Collq.{c . dcli\T rcd llw snlllon. 142
)\ , 1\ ('1 .
I \IIHI('l '\ 1111. ~ ( ('\(' \\
Adam,,< :h.ll k' '.! I . -, -,
Allen._lon :\H,.-, 1,.-, :\ .tH.tiS
Allt·II. Rnl tt· t t ·l ·l Allt·ll. \ ·,,, E · 1-1 .~ 1 '•.1 :1:! Allgood, Rtt h.ttd _f . :! 1 Alld..,-,,· n . Rtt d 1 .. -1-1 :\ndt·J 'on . Bnn i iH" :\:\.titi. I:!:!. I :\ 1 Andn,nn, \l.1rt ac H. . ·l ·l,til.l 1'.!.1 :\ -l :\nclt·J \O il , l'.t nl l'. ·1·1 A11tl<- t "'II· \\' tlh.ttn ll . ~ I .S II :\ nd rt'''''· :\lu 1.1 :\ . '.! 1,.-, I .ti I . ~ 1'.! ,I I '.! Andtt·"''· 11.-ll\ :IH.I ·l ll a 'l'orla . \l.n' :\nn Jcut· -1-1 .-\rL"lla nn. El"' S . :IS,I> 't ,l :1:! Atttl\ln•ng. 1\nhhJ 1 .. :\:\ ,:"', l.:"''~ ~.llO,Iit; _ -; _-,
<:her, 1 :\:\ .:-, 1.:-,s
AIIU\IIollg.l.n ui.1 -I -I, ; 1 J
.-\tllnld. Chat(,., f . ·1·1 Arnold. Kt·nncth R. :H.; ,;,; :\,h, Ru,,c.·ll '.!I ,;,;, "' ' "'. l.a n' .-\ . ·1·1 :\~ '''\·onb . 1\; 11 h; 1r , 1 K. ·1·1
B Baade, Rodnt'\ K. :"'1 i .tl·l 1\;,ilit•, .\l:tt ih 11 f . ~ 1,1 :!:_! ll:tkn. _l a nu·' ( ;_ ·H. :- tli.lili 1\akn. Lola lih liang. Ro)(im· :IH_:-> .7:1.1 -10 1\<trdo,, l .oui~t· \ l . lltUl'.! Barnard. l .aiT\ 1.. '.! 1 llarr. Shirlt·' :IH 1\arrl'll, Shn, I :IH. :-tl ,tiH II;,,-,;, ~lit had 1' . ·1·1.1 :Ft Ban l' k. :\d rian ~ I.!'• J , ;,ti.t)fl llartt·k . .famld - l ·l .h~l llartl"ls. Lorin 1.. -1·1 1\a"t' ll, Ro g" r :1:1.:-tl .'tH.IiH Batem;tr l. \fa1 g o '.! l .fi7 lla"" lt. /. . li 7 lla)'''· l.t·th:t '.! l .lili lkac·h .l.arn ~~.1:\li !le an . <;Ior i ;~ S . ·l ·l .'tH Ile a II). Karen · .fiH IIL"all). Sharo n ·1-1 .hH.7·1 lie d ca. llona ld ( ; _ :IH Bednar. O r e 11 1.. ·1-1 1\ehrL"nds. Pat .-\ . :IH Behrends. R ichard 1.. '.! I B c rK i\'enni. Ri< hard S. :\H , :"l~ .t)!', Bender. Sharon K . '.! 1.:1 1 Benneu. l.a \ ' na R . :1:~ . 1ili llt· nneu. Oli\"t•r 0 . ~ '1 ll tTn a dt . .fohn R . -H Be rthold. Ric ha rd W . '2'2.7~. / C, l~iC"rman. <>li\'l' l' ·r. !! :l.f",H.tlO.~U i llindnlln, l'a11·icia 1.. · 1 ·1.:i:~ . '>H.Iili.70. 1 :I I . 140 lli rdsln. :'vl arih n_l . 6'2 lllat k, K;nheritH' ~ 1. :n lllankt·ns hip . .-\ l"in 1:n 1\l t<s , Carnh 11 R . tili.liH Boatm a n. Kc:n \\'. ;!;!,H :\.~)1 llotk, llorolll\ 1.. '.!'.!.liO.titi.' lli. l l '.! . l :l -1 llolt<ll\ . fohn F . :l:l.'>'.!.li·I.H'.! llohli11g·. LttT\ E. :IH Bohl i 11~. l.arn R . :1:1 Bo lin . llan n\ M . :\H.;l6.fili, ll'2 Bol; , Eugl'll(' :\ . :\ :L :·l~ Bo t< hl'l . A r lc nc ~1. :\:\. :"'l~ • l\onhl'1 , \ ' c.Tona :\ . '.l:l .!'l l ,:"'l :\. 70 · l f,. r, ~ • .fl'2
l\o1 111an . l>;tlt· :\ :\~1 1\o ,-.h,ul . Sharon 1.. ·1:'1 .6'2 Bo11o111h . Pa 111clil :\ :\ :\. :.1."< ,.:--, q _j(l 1\o"t' ll, \\' dh.t lll C. '\ ~ l . flO , h I. 7 I. 7 ·, , I I'.!. . B~'''' (' l . :"\c·.tl \\ '
·l.·l .~ltl.ti t l .tl~ · :\ :~
1\ ltl \\ ll , j.tll lt' ' :\:'
I\ HI\\ 11. I 1 1\\ e ll l- :\:\ .t\ l,tJ:, l\ 1•"' '1. -.. lt.nnn tl;\ 1\...cuub\!,. J•,hll l- :\:\.:, J ..-~ :\ . :,:'. i' :, 1\ Jh hl w 11. JHh n l' :~ q Btu~ - 1{"\.!.t.'l l- ~,-, 1\utl lt-1. \l.11 \ \ · l:,,t; ~l .~tl.l :!:! 1\II IH
11 . (o !l l d
1\ll l ( ' ' ·
J.- hn F
1:--• . ·,I ..·,7 ,f)f. ll :!. 1:\ ·l . II , ! l i t ' ' J) '\1 1,·, , ..·, ·,
E Eggcr. _l t".ttt ·l tl51.1 ·10 Ei<~hot f . J.tnicc !"t l E ir~lwrt. _l .. hn :!:1 Eir ~h o tt. Ra\tno nd :\-l .:"li Elli:-(liJ. <;;nIt: :H.:, I 5 :? Els ing t· r . _fu ch :H.:t~l.~tl F.lti:-tc. Ro nald :!3 .6 -t .ti:l Ehi"L' . Di:1111 1 I :1~1 Epk,,.-\n n :?:l .ti7 .% Essin~. ( ;orcln tt ·10. 1-10
1\ut \! t'"· n .tl c I· . :!:! .I I:!
llut t . \l.11t ~ -1.·,,; I 1\ u u ... . f.a ll \c ' ' "\ ·1.·, ..-ltl.tltl,l :\ I
_ R.l\ n :1:\.t>·l.ti:•.l til l. I Ol . l :IS .I :l(i.l :l~l Fs tc>. R ir h:t r rl·l!l.'•'> E' :t n <:d i" . Cnili:t -IO.ti'.! .ti ~ . ~ll.l 1-1.1:19 1111 ( :.tpdltl, R n h('ll \ . ·1.:,,:-\:-l E' ,,ngel ist. <;c,H)!l.', .~'\i . l :Hi C .tpJI'· R l •gt' l l.. :!:! 1-\ ib itl'l". Jtttl<'' :!:1 <:.nJt,J,· . J.anH·,(l. :!:! F C.n l,ni i.. BIII :!:!.:·•·l .tltl Fdl.l'a ul :H5 1 C:.II I H'.d . S.IIIHJd 1-.. :!:! Fife. lla ,·id I :1•1 <:.II !H.''· Kt'll iH'Ih K . ·El,tltl Fintd. Hc rnaclincti:\.i :!. l:!:? .1111.1. l..tWIT ill (' \I. :l~l Fit t )l :tt r i<'J... Etl g-l' llt' f)( ) C.a ....... uh . Ru h.ll d D . ~\ -l. ;l;l Fl.lnnt·n . Rir ha rci :l:? C."tl,·. ~I ti-c 1.. -1.·•.1 Otl.l :!~. 1 :Hi FI:Hirt'. Dennis :?:\.t> l .tlK. 71 ( :h. uullc t . .-\Ill" II \1' . ~:?.'• ·1 Fkmin-:. ~l;n·k -10 Ch.andkt. C . nnl S . :\~ l.:·,\ For ~t·n'. judith rl~J. i ) Ch.t"'' · John J. :!:! . I:Hl Fo-:cd. l~ ri k :H Chct ~. ~.aiH ,· J\. . :!:\.:,\ Fo~·cman . \\'illi:u n ~t tl5 7 Clll h t•t"'· \ l. tt"l'l :1-1 Fr: na·i~. 1\.;uheriiH: :?·L:i 1 5:l.62.6:\.6!',.~-t. 9 1 c:lni ... H'fl'(' ll. l ..IIT \ I .. :\ ·1 Fr.lnt'o is. D:l\·id ~lll. :l i .6~· ( : hll'\(t'll't'l\, \\· ,,,Ill'(), :\·1 F1·andscn. Carmd ~It)•. lklotT> :1-1 Fran~t: . l.arn :~:).!l l .:l -1. 7 :? c t.... ~. -1'• Fraser. Howa rd ·It) ( :l. n· ~ . \\',1\ It<' ·F• Fr irrh. Can :?·l.:l:-1 <: knwn t ~ . J'oni -t:,.tl:! Frill . Lo u is :! .~l·l.9fl .l :\:! <:ltnd. r ,\·iLI!.tltl Furnas . .·\n g-cla :\:j <:oll'nc~. Stc' c n :\~J . I :lt> <:oil ins . Brian ·l!"l .l :!:! G Co mhs . ( :heri :\~l (;aines._lac k ~ 0 ( :o m p1o111 , Kan: n :!:\.6tl (;;tlJi,·an . Tcr rcn n· :\.:1 Connnk. Rir h;ml I :17. I :Hi (;arnt'r. Ro ht·r t -10 Con r; uh. Robert :\~) (;anTlt. (;onion '2~L<l5 Cook. ~Jitaht·th :l-l.ctl,.'i!1 (;erher. \ l an· B. ·ltl.l ~ 7 . 1 :fl.l ·11l c:uok. E sther(~ . ·I !"L;,~l.l':!.i ( ;t.Tdes. Roger -t fi
( :ont... J.u t..
:\~ 1
( ;;h, on , Rirharcl ·lli. l 00.1 :16 (;;nord. R oger -10.1 ·10 ( ;jlligan. T im :\;, ,;,:l . '• ~ .ti-l.l ll' ( ; itmml'. fohn H6 (; j,·ehami. J a lle ·Hi (;i"·" ' n a . Carla ~li . 70 Clathar . Ha r lan ·Hi (;nrf. Fltlld HM
Coopt:r . .-\lbe rt :1!1 c:oopl'r , Fa\c ·l tl ( :npas . Ka1 hleett -l:t.'> I Cnrgnali. ~lirhat'l ·F> .IOO . l :Hi Cor r ig-an. Pat riria :\~•.:• 1.70 (:osktt. I.inda ·El.!"l~l .l:!:! Cotner. Dou~l a s ~ :\ Cox, .·\ni t a :\9.!"ll,:l:l.Ci:l.6:\ Crail(. Bob :H1. 70
( ~o nlu: rm;.tn. \l ari hn ~ -1..54.67.i~. ~Hl
Cra rn e r. Doug-las T>H
Cra\'Cil. San ch · ..J !"l , :l~ Craw fo r d . .J a llll'S ·I'> Cn:amcr . .J ohtt ;; 1.1 :IIi ( :u mm ins. .Jt.·a n nc :H Cunning-ham. 7\farc ia :Hl .iO Curtis . De nnis ~15 . :i l,fiS.71.fHi C11nis. RnnT :!:l ..'i I.'>R.6·'>.6i
D Daigle . Richa rd :1-l..'i 1.65.6!1. 1:16 Da igle . W illiam :1!l.H6 Dattkof. Dnn tta :1!1 Da,·is . .Jon 2 :1.'> 1/>:I.'"> 1. 11 '2 Da ,-is . I-I \ T Cnt' :l-1.'t I 5:1.60.6 1.66. 7 .'i. !1'.!. I 12 .1 :1-1 D;n·i,, Sltcn ·l :l-l.!">li.(i2.66.11 H lk l.ine. _l ames :1•1 Dt.·Pcrro. \ ·\ 'illiam :\-t.:) 1. !)~ lliCe>are. Ralph I :HI Du: kt•\ , \\' e sle\ :l:L:ll .f> :l.tiH llit· k ntan . .foatt '2:15 l .'tH.60.tili.71 Dit·ckltorl.l.inda ·1:;,1i:1. 7 1 Died;,s , I )o ug-las :\q D1l'r ks. <>wen r,;, l lil l. ~ l i t had :1-1 Dix<Hl . Dennis -t!'> Dohhs. Ri c ha H I :\~•. 1-tO Do bson . Rnnalrl :\~ l . !'l·Lh7 DodJ!l'. llona ld ·I !') . ~~~ . II '2. 1:\.1 D od).!e. h.t.' IHH' I h
1n . 1:1-1 H I I\\IJI.t ll . (
1\ z,,\, n . Hc11t. n d I
< :.
:\ndl'1 -.o n. 1.. 111 \ I) . :S:\
1\JcltiHH ' L I:!:!. I :H H lt'lllll.ll lll . ()U .III(' ·L·,
:\ .... 1),,, ul :\ ; \~ .t i-; :\d.tlll'. lk'o'' I· :\:\ :\d.11n,, ( ~ - '' rh :t\ ..·,;\ ..\d.tllt'. \\' . 1-t .ttt~ 11.SI> :\gn t'\\. Rnlwrl '\, 1-1 -, I -,s Ahli11. (;,II' ~ I H 711.. .. • :\lt·x.uulct. \\' ,n I· ;\ ;\ Allt·ll.<;,.,,tld 1 :1s
Borgt' "ion, 1\;u ·h ;n a
Do" n in g . 1\..ulwrint· -t r, .J ~10 llurll'r . .f n hn :1!1 Duck r . L t\\'rt·ncc :H.:, i'59 ll ucn :-i n ~ . n.tlt' :!J .t•tl,litl !lui h. l.i nd.t -F> D unckad.. t·. ·I_:", Llnpon r h e t'l. Ri c hard :l -1.:'•·1.6ti lltt \ ".d. llrur e :l!l.;; 1.70
, .,
1\ J.IIH I' tt' llt't . Jn .. cph I
..\hk.Rnlwtl I· ·1-1 ..\da111. Dn1111.t \I H :\datn, ( .. f\\ I t ' IH t ' ;\:-\, ~, "";
Atm'llon g.
l{ ,l\!l"l ......
: H~
(;ood,\·in. Sa r ah :!4 (;ordon. Barba r a ~-1. 5 1 .60.6 l.lili. 67.1iH. i·l. ;;; ,!Ji.II:!.I :!7. 1:H {;on ion. C harles 2 -l,:j I ( ;or)(<'s ,Johll ·10.6;;, 1:l'> ( ~oss ctl. ~ a n c\· ·16.6 6 ( ~r,t blc. Ro~c r ·Hi. i2 ( ;race . Hc..·nn' ~..J .!l i .S:L58.6!l (;raharn ._loh ll ·IIi ( ;r•n. ~ I an ~lti .!''9 (;.-a;. Ro b (· rt .'i:l (;rccnlcc. ~te r ri ll :!·1.'> l. ='d .:tK.Ii7 (;roff.l'll\llis-Hi.'>-1.1'2'2. 1·10 (;roll . Rir h ard ~ I (;rossman. (;inn\ ~ ·t ( ;uilli,IIL_Ii m -IIi (;u illiatt . \ l ir h ad :F•-'' l .:tH.!i·l (;uilliatt . :\anl\ ·lli . 117.1 :l7.1 :1!1
1-1 Hadcn l ddl. Roberta '•l .li:! .li:\. 7:! H agemcil' r. J a llll'S ·IO.!l l )~ l i.l :\'2 H ag-e m citT. S ha n ·If}.();, I I a ll . 1\ . ti7 Hall. E. li 7 1-t alllltl t' l . Kar hn 11 · Uitl Jl ank iiiS. .Jam· ·IH
l lallks . .J a lll l'!'> :!·l. f', i ll.tll!'t'll. ( :l :tll' fi~ I l a n st'll . ln:O:t'ph :\ ;, , :-l ·l. M~ I t.n·mnll , ;\1 1kt· :!·1.;, l .li· . 10 11. 111 1. I 1·1
H c nn i~. 1\.a thkc n :!5.6 ~
Hcn ni; t~. C. Can -16
H t·nslc,'_ D:n·irl :!5 H c r b!'lt'l". Ph ilip 4 6 .!15 . 1:l:! H ershberge r . C h a rlo u c ·16 .6 :! H ent. jos'cph 6 5 H c rt 7. T ho mas -1 0. 1 :\ ~ Hest er. ~! d :15 H ir ~ s ..\!a n !.. -1056 .66. 1'.!:! H ig~i ns . Jc n\ 46. 1:Hi H i i,!~i n s . l.cro' !) I 1-li i t ~ Rol>crt :!!"l , S:~ . !l ~ .6GJiH.(l~) . 97 H itn·m a nn. l.a \ 'dl40 . i" l
Hoi ns.l\.:1 n :l:l Holliman. Cun is :\5 .X9.1 :\2 Hofl m a n. 1\.c ,·in ~ l.ti9 H oon· r. T odd .=-l:! Hopp. San rlr:t ~ ~~ -~I Y! Y1.1i:l.70.1 ~ 0 Ho ppc1·. ~ 1an·ln ':!.fl H op p l' r. P h' IIi;; ',!:; 1-l or~:lli . .J ames ..J (l Holle. Tt'tT\ ~ (i H ou;;emall. Chnd 41i.;; l .li:l H ouser. Charles 25. :) .~ Hm t. .J uch :15 H u bba rd . Dt'nnis I ~:! H ubc k . .Johll ~ 6.6~1 Hu nzeker. ~( an ·Hi.70 H um.cker. Robert ;;li Hutchen>. n 46
ln ).!'lis. ~ l a n 5~J. I ~:? .I '.!i
Jac kso n. (; lori:t 5 l .li:l.(i6 ·Jotl kso n. ( ;ordon :L~ . r, I .SH.fl·l ·Jacobsen . \! a n 5!1.6:1 j acobson. Bonita~ ~-~~:~.7 1 Ja rcrkc . Be r na rd b .:t 1 :Jan·is . :\a n n :l' O.fi6.1iH. 7~. 1 2'2
Jasa. Paul ;, i :Jcn nlngs . .J alllt's :l!'l.~~.ti!'l Jt·nse n. \ 'er n I :\h ·Je un g-. Cha ng ::!5 .6~ J o hn so n . J an in.· flti. l :-\ ~ )
Jo hnson.Jirn :F>.'Jfi.ti :! ·Jo hnson . ·Ra,·nw nd "2:-,,;, 1.69 :Jo h nso n . Ronald ~ I_ Jo hnson . Sharon :->h ·Jo h nso n. S ra n lc \ E . '2 ?'1 ·Johnso n. Sran)C\ H . "2.5 . 1·11 Jo hnston . .-\r nol d II '2. 1:1:! . 1:l:l J o in t'' . Oli ,·cr ;16.66 . 1:\ I _l< mcs. I.111da !1~• ·- . Jnnc-.. \I an ~ti.:) 1.:"',:\ .h ,.h~
:Jo rll'~. Rt m;d d ~•·.I.~J:"l. i :\~ fom''· Roh c rt :!ti
Ka l.tlu t. Rnt h '• l. ti :l.ti~ Ka ll e n u.· ' n . Pa m 1·10 1\..t r pc t\\' l f h . Ja m e ~ :1:\ Kd h . .J :tll irc'•l .l :\'1 Kd h . Ro hcrt -17 Kdh. Sa lh '•l ..-. ~ 1. 1 ~~ f..:. l' llll l 'Ch . B.n n ·l i ht'I1 \\'0 I' d n. Sn\ f.\ cl'1 11... . \\' ilila 111 r, 1..-l:\ f.\t'l'l l t'' · ,\ 1;11 \ lh·th :\!1,117 l'. t' tdc hu t. Rn d nc' \ :\:,, 1·\n h.u ld . /u thth ·17
K11 •1-!· \l .n , \ 1111 ·17 '" 'In . I el l \ nn :\ :·, J, ll t'h ll gcl. Bn c•t h ·\·, ..·,:\.-1·1
ll.1111t'tl . h l\\ :tni ·IO II . IITI SCll t. julil'l 11 ·1. 1 17
Dodson . jatqudint· :H. !i I 5~ 1 .6 :\. 70 l>nl" "ulll . Pluhp I '.!.'.!
H :trsh b arg-c r. 1\.~uh n n ·16 .5 1.5·t H o u g-h to n . B r u ce -IIi l·b uk. J a nice ~ 0 .!> l .liti. ~ 1.9 :! Ha usch ild. T o m ~ 0 H ;n dL''. Ca r oi·Hl.51 .59 H :nt'S. Cknda (ii" H :I\CS. :\. La r n ~5.57 H :n n. Bub I :Iii H a ze tt. (;r,·g-u n ~ti . l ;l l 1-k;tlhcr . .foch ·Hi.66. 1·10 H e int·. \\";nne lllO . IO I . I I~.I:l!! 1-k in e m an . H :trold 6 ·1. 6~ Ht•n;tt"·h. Ka re n ~() 1-k nck r-son. C a rol ~ o . ;; 1.'>9 H e n d ri e~ > . T imot h\ 6.'i.!l4.95.1 :1:! H e ng-. Denn is 46 H e n ~ . Fr·ank ~ 0 H t.·nncss' .James --16
l, l ,t.' •' ' . R •',l!'('l :!tl
J, /t •\d.ntd
l . ll ll t ' " \ ";'
Knippclmicr. Pal ric ia 35.67.\l l . l l l! Knudsen. Danicl 26.61.71. 1 12. I I 7. I 3 4 Kn udscn.Judith 7 1, 11 2 Kob7.a, Do n G . 4 7 Koch. DanielL. .Ji Kollbaum.Ja mc< D. 8\1 Koons. Roger \\'. ·I 7 Kope 1 zk ~·. Be r nice 26.47 Kramer. D:ovid 1'. 47,54 Kreifels. Carleen K. ·17. 122 Kre im er. Dale L. 26.54 .64 Kren zer. Ve rn W. 51! Kro fw. Robert 1!6.5 I .5 4 .58 Kroll . Rona ld,). 35 ,64.65 Kucnn ing. l.arry 1!6 Ku nler . .Joscph 36
.\ !cCu llo ug h . :-.:;u,..y :16,1i:l ~lei nws h. Doug Ia> 5 1 \fcK t:e, Patricia ~H .12~ ~ f c~ fu nn. ~! ar r 41!,5 I .5~.1i~l. 70 ~lc :-.:cal r . ~l ie h a d
3fi,6fi , I :~ 1 ~ ! c :-.: cel r. J an i u: 59.70 ~ ! c :'\ult ~ . l':r1rick %,64 ~ !c\ ' ic ker. I •hn 5 1,5!!,fi·l ~! c Vi ckcr. ~. r )' 4~.5 I ,!'>·1
L10in. Gerald L. 26 L.ambrec hl , Lonnie G. 5 I .57 . 70 L:o mbe lc1. ~f i ch a cl E. 47 L1 ~ fo111 agnc. Da vid 54.65.6!!. 135 L;tn dwc hr. r y 4 7 L111e. \l'e nd e ll .J7 L:ongemeie r. Rodger 51! l.a Rocca . Dominic k 26.65 l.arson. Ala n 112 l.arson. :-.:ancy 36 .6 0.67 Le ande r. Ro bcn 26.5 1.58 Lc't m:on, Dona ld 65 Lc n kc r . J anenc 47 Lnourneau. Ed ,,·a rd 47. 142 Leu. Pa mela 36.5 Le vis. Tom Ill )' 47 Licr·,.. Ro bc n 36.80 Linder. Rich ard 54,5!!.70 .86 Lines. Larrv 57 Lines. :'>fa~j·o rie 26 Lo vcj o)'. Rohcn47,I OO.I :l2 Lovin . Eliza be t h 4 7.6!.1 Lucas, Roger 27 Lunsford. Dan 4 7.8 5 L\'llch. Robccca ·I 7 Lvons.J a mcs 27
:vi ~ f ach . Jancl 47 .\ faddcn. P hilip 27. I :3!1 ~ f ad ison . Ga n 27 ~fahonc' . Lc~ An n (T e r n) 47.62.63 ~f :ol unc, ~ l i cha c127.5 1 .5:1.64
~!alone .
Phillip :16.86.88
~ f a nn ing . .J:om cs 2 ~l ark s .
Gerald 5 1.52 Haro ld 27.5 I .55.58 .64 ~fan in. :\ moine n c :16.5 1.5H.6 I. 11 2 ~!a rl i n , Ed na 27 ~ f ani n . .Jo n 47 ~l ars hall .
~fa snn .St c ve ·l 7. 11 2. 1 3 1 ~ fa S\i e .
\l'illi:oror ·17.57 Leona ·1 7.fi2 .7.J .H:I . I :l~l ~ fa s 1 ers . ~1 ari l y rt 27.62.\10 .9 1 ~I au. Bruce 27 ~fa vc r . .J clf 66 ~Ic ier. C\'ln h ia 27.59 ~f i les. \'. 67 ~t i ll er. II':I\IIL'7 1. 122 ~lin ks . Robert '.!7.7!'> ~ !i n a n . f red 47 ~li7er< l. t. C h a rlc < !lfi . I :17. I :I K ~ l onge r. Ua n un 47 ~l (m sce<. Lo is 5!1 ~ l urga n , .\ !ich:w l ·li ~l urga n . Sore I 411 ~!on " . J. l':n ru ko>l \ l o r n ~. Rohl'r t ·l i ,;):\ ~ l nrn ~on . Dl iiiHl<' :;n ~ l u r r' "'''. I"'·' ·17. I :19 ~l or tla rtd . J:tnll'\ ~i.!>:l ~~ o ~ J e,. ll:rt ha t :r ·17 ~~" "· :\tlc11t H1. !40 ~'" " ''· ~ ! :rn lifl . li~.\l l . l ll i. J n. J ~l\1 ~la sters.
Obbi11 k. Darla ·1 ~.1 ·10 O'Connor. Kevin ·12 O'Donoghuc . .Janl<·s:; J ,!iC>,fi!I.!H .!1:>, I :l '2 13 3 ' O es1man n . .\l:o r y 36,6 1, 1 1~ O estm3nn. Ross ~H.5fi,(i6 O h. J oseph C . ·1~ ..:;2,fill Ohnmac ht.Jo h n 48,.; 1.51i.611 O ldlield . Lind a 411 O lipham. Paul ~8.5 5 O liver. Robc rl ·1'.! O lso n . Elwin ·18 Olso n . Kcnnc1 h 48 O lle\. F ranci• 41! Ollcnta nn. Kenne t h 4 :.! 011o. ~! ic h acl 21l
p Painlcr .
Kar "12.5 1
Pa lmer . ~ ! i c hacl ~H Par k. Ha n C hu !'> 4 Pa rmeruc r. ~f ar\' '2H. 70 Parr;rck. Kan·n ~H.:> l ,f) 7 l':o ll e rso ii ,.Johrt 4~. 57 l'a11erso n . Ro bert 411,5 6 Pa11ison. S1c ve I ~17 Pa ~ nc. J esse ·18 Peak. j o hn R. 48 Pec k . Ba rb:ora 4 8.56 ,66 Penka,·;:r, Larcn !!H.5 1.55.64 ,6H Pe rT\ . Oa"id 2H.5 7
l'clcrsu n . Lee 41l.71 Pe te rson . Ro na ld 21l Pe tri lin , :'\ ick 4 R. II7 I'Oa um. Bell \ 41!.72 Pie p e r . Dnn~ld ~lfi.58 Pierson . Dec ·18,6:1 Piper . .J o le n e K. ·IH56.1i6.n l'o korm . Allen I 00 Pollock: Dave ·Ill Portre\. l.con 4H. IOO Price. Carolvn ·Ill Pum mel. (~<; n· 4!!
Q Quacke nbu sh. Pe gg' Quinn. Kare n '.!\1,5 I
~9 .!'>
Rogel ,, Jo h ;, ·1':1 ..=> l ,:l':1
Rngc:r s. l .inda !l!J,:lH Ro ,c ngn·n. Th oma ~ :u;.:,!!.:,;, ,t;;, Ro th ,·. Ala n ·1:! Ro uer. K. J.J I Ro llma n. Caro h
·1':1.7 1
Rnwc. J :ttttc ' ·Ill. R rr ll , Ro hcrt '.!!l,li·!>
Rurnc:n. Julia .-\ n ne
:'\chula, Daw11 5h 70 :'\cdd c nrie p . Elain.· ~11.!'> •1. 75, 1'27 :'\cwm a 11 n. Gar~· :~6.:i I ,51!,7() :'\eujahr. Rolle r 4 '2,6!'o.!i!>. I :1~ . J:1:1 :'\ic kcls, Carol ~l!. 'i I .5k,ti:l.6 7 :'\odl, (;e n c · l ~!,li:i
Rode r . Lrrn 4'.!. 1:1:>
I ,59
(~uinn, ~ l ichacl ·l ll.6 '.!
R Ra bideau . Dean ·Ill R:rd c m at kc r. Conn " · :Hi.5 I .6 7.1iH Rademackc•·. ~ ! a n Ann :ln.'>!1,65.5i.7 1 Rame. !.c <l i ~ KH Ra inlo nh . Da\ld ·IH Ra 1hc. Ka ro n '.!!1.5 1.fin Ra' . Barn 48 Reid ' . :'\an n 6 :1 Ren 7. l.m d a -1 ~
Rex . .\ laria n ·11!,59.62 R11 e. Delor is 4 11 Richa rd s. B:rrh:rra 41! ..:; I .6'> Rtt ba rd s. C h:rrln :! ~1 .!> I .:>:l ,!'>ll .li'>. 7-1 .7:, Rr< ke11s. \\' rllianr4H Rr b. John '.!!1.!>:{
S ah:uirtc lli. \ 'i n c~ rtt fi!'>.Hii ,HH Sacklc, , D:l\·id ·IH Sadie h . S:nn :HJ.ti'i .llli,HH S:lllcrli cld. Ca rl llli,ll'l. I :F> Sa unde r~ . T om I 00
Sa ttlt c r . .Jnlnr ·Ill S autler. \ l a ry ;, J.7 :, .X·I S a yl'I', .Jcr r v :10 .:> I 5 '.!57 Sc ha r p . .Johrt 5 I .'>·1 SdJinncr . .J:rmc> :10 Sdun id1 . IJ:t r rc ii ·IH Sc h rtcidc r, l.d:rnd fili St h o~ n . ( ;;rvlc :{0. I ·10 Sc hnlidd . \\'illiam ·IH Sd rri rt~r. ~!:r n 1.. 1·10 Sdndc n hc: q.~. ~ anr~ 1··10 Stlnurt:r kl'l'. Ruger ·1:!.1 :F> St h wic<ow. S h crn !>·1. 70 St \ hen . Ri <hard J:E·,
Sc:rr., R m , cll 5 I.'>K Shakr. Eddie :IIi Slrall cr. Ral p h :IO.'i l.:ifi . I 2:! Shan no n. Frederick ·1':1 Sit;" '"· Ka'" '1:! S haw, ll'iili:>m :~05 1 Shccha tt . J.:n.,.,· ·I '2 .'> 7 ,li!l S h ~lt o rt , Ri t h:r ~d :ifi ,titi,J:II. J.l l S h ipJc, . A l: ttr :10 S lrrtc y. David :16 ,:; I ,ti 4 S human . Janil l" :~ 7
Sh un r:nr . .Ric hard :IO.'>Il.H'> Skr:rdl:r. LnT~ 4 '2 Slagle:. Rose m <:~r- ~ f}~J
S l:r) tt:r, ~ !a rg:r rct :10 S l:u na . C~rtc I :16 Smagao. ~l ike :111.51.51l.(i!l, l '.!2 Sm i1h . Carol ·1:1.5fi .61i.70 S nr il h , Jo h n :10 SJttit h . :Jo sc ph II ll,l :1:; S milh . .J . \\'ill :1 1,57 Smi1 h . ~ l ;rn· :> :l S111ith . Richard ·19 S m ith , S:rnn rd L :11 S nn rh , S a rn ud .J. 4:l S m il It, S h ~ ric :I I S no d grass. Ronald I 0 11, I II I , I 1·1. 12'.! , I 'IIi S n \'dc r , F.lct a 4 :1 ,5 I ,5 9 S n ; d e r . .Ja mcs :~I So h ~. J ohn 4 . 1:/:/ Spcr k ma rtrt , Do rt ila 4!l.IW ,6:{.7 I . I :1!1 S poh n . C liff ord ·19 S p orer. l. m v -13 ,6'2 S pr:ogu e. J amc s 3 1.'1'1 .!l!i S pricck . ~ l ary 4 '\,6 :!.66, 1·11 S ~alde r . Regina ~17 S1ale ' .James 4\1 S tanos hcr k . .Jamcs :17 .5:1.5H S1c e n . Charles '17 Slci rte r , Ronald 49.69 S1c phem. l.nwd l ·1' 1 St ~ ph c m . W illr;rm fifi . l ~II S1cvcn so n . l'a ul :1 I ..~ 7 Sl~ wa n . l.vlc :11 .5 4 .5 11 S trll. ( ;arn :11 S1ill. \' i c kl~ :~1 S 1i lling ~ r . Ed win :1 I ,5·1.6 4 .ti:) S t . L tw n : tHc:, \\'a ltl·t f) ~ Sronc r . C ha rles :~7 ,:'l 1.!>4 Stoner. K l.'n n arcl -1:\ ,.; 1.!>1 .:,:\
S t rc c k~r . C n a ld :17 .'i I .'> '> . I '.! ~
~ ! 11 ll i n . ~! :r r ll r:r ·1 7.1 i K.71l,ll~l
Run m er . h t: d ;!~t
St ro ng. ( : h<~r l e, :\ 7 __:-, ~
\ l ullrn, ( ;ororm· ·17.!'>l .(i!I.XII ~ lur pl 11 . h:r uk ·17 \ lurr :l\ , llo h I ~ \ !rtttl'rt , John ·17
Rtmrnc r. \\'ahc r 1'.! ..->:1.7·1
S tuat t. Do n :1 1.'> I .6 '1.1 ·111 'itu b l,..rtd ll'<k. I Iowa rei .J:I S lll k~ rtlwlt t . Jo hrt 4 11.'>7,11'1
~fil l It' ll , \ f \1.1 :!i,h~
\ ("'"· "" '" \ 'lfi,li:l \ Jo, l.rttl, Ro u,tltl ~~~ \l c( .U IIIl.II I J.! IH.'\ ,
1>1111\ :H},·,~j
\ ld .m 'tlc·'.!IV> '> \lc ( ·"' Rn11.rld lh.'ol ·,4 .h·l
H. innl' , Dt.• rt nt' -1 ~ .;, 1.!»7. 1:~ ~
Rrrtlll'. Io h n :!'1.'>1 .~>'.! .li,l,l) i . I 011. I Il l . I IIi. I I i Rttl rtl'. ll rll 'lli.~>:! .l1· !'>. li7 . 11111 , I 0 I. I :1<1 Rr" . ( .a r o l 4H.'>I .lili R1 c:..1 . Ronald ~CJ .;.) l ..l1'< Rohh111' . Rcmalrl 'tq Roher h Jlo n.tld ·•K.f)!J Rolwr h u ll . \f.-u th 11 ':1'• ..:-• 1 7 1
Stu kow"' kl. RoiH'rt :~ 7
St u r n . C:h a r lc·' 1' 1 'i11 gdt·t1. ~1 a r t h n ~I ~ J \ rr ll'" '" · Allt·rtl1·1.n!>.Hii . l :IIi 'iorll i\,111. ~ ~ "had :l i '-,turtnwt .... B.u-h<-tt .t 1'\_f;ti \ \, lfHI.I. K l' fll111 ., ,_~, :,
~"· '11 " 111 . l .o n nu: ·I ~ J s,,, llll l· ~ - I >a, ul ·I~U l ~J "'"·glt·t · .J .u 'llH'h 11 ·l ] .f)i 7 _1 \ \\ l, t ').:CUid , l't ' l.:, C:C' f1
-1 ~ 1. / J •
' 11 I.L'II , ~ l.rr ' :17,;, l.liO,IiH .rtt·. l..n l\ ·1:\,li·l . l I 7 , t \lo r . ~t t·\ c · · PJ
t• tnplt ·tu n . l. tnd ,a :\ 1
,. , " '"''l:l'l, lkl lr ·1:1
hu tn p"Ht . B.u h;u.t :\ I " " ' 11 P" Ht , P.111 i• i;a ·1!1 ,!, 1 J l: \ " ' '"'' . l l." HI ·I:I.'>I .!'>H 1111pe rh , F r , 11 1 J.. ·1!1 tnl..h,tln , \1. 1rc h :\ ~ .!l H, f)O f) f) q 7
O IJ H .
.f ohn
I Oh' J) 't' ttcl .
· J ~)
l't' l I \
· l ~ t . t;! t
ltt · \ i llo . C )u: r~t· :\ 7 ' lat.eno. \ ' nu l ' ll t :\7
I t nul . lbnil'l · J ~ ) .! J ;), I :\ '' I rrnl., , I knn" H'>. J :1:! -
l ' lnr , Ro l><'>t ·1:1
l ' lrtll' t . J.n nt·, :17 l 'r "• n .
R n h l'l l
:\ 7 .c;;,
\ ::nr 11 ' "kn k, llonna :1'.!.511,1iO,Iili.lill.!lli \ .'n rd<·r h l'l·k . :\ :n 11' ·l :l.tili.l :1 1 \ and c.:r lor ci . .Joh n · I~J . f)l) \ ':rm ·k . Rt< ha rd ·l !l,li'l \ ·. , , 1 .t .
Pa ul Hf)
\ :•·rul ittc·. l':rt :17 .'> I ,li:"•.liH. I '.!'.!, ! :Hi I 'Ill \ "1.,,.,. ll r rrc ,. ·;"1 1 'I•> · · \ ' rt <·ri "·· <::"' ·I:I.HO 1:,\ ' o l.r . ll:n rll\ ·1' 1 '
\ ' t aht'l . ' l' h orn : 1 ~ ·I~J \ ' , oorr•an , l.dand :\ ~
1\::rggollc·r . IIJ acl f nrcl :17 \l.:r llord . .J:r ni , ·l:l .ti:l.lili,7 0 . I·IO \I al kl' r . D:r'"icl :17 \\'alke r . ( :Io ria :IH,:">1 1\'ah ke , .J:nrr t·s ·1!1. 1:111 \l':rh on, Ka re n 4!1 \l:a l,on . .Jamt·s ·1:1,6·1.6 :">.!H 1. 1 ~ \l chh . .J:rnc ·! !I,70 , I·IO · · ll'c.:dd lt-. .John '1!1 \\>·llc m rck , C h:rrlt·s :1'.!. 56 . 6 6 \1 dlt-n"ck , :\l a l'i l\' n :1'.!,:, 6 ll'cbh . K:HII\ I :15 . \ \;c- ru ll;nH h, l.a r n :IH, I :16 \\ c n ch . C harle s 4 !1,t; ;, ll'c rt d l , ~ l a r k ·D . I :15 \';cwci . .J~:: ~n :t ! ),I1~. 11 K, I n. J 40 \ \e we !. Krrs ttn t• ~1:.! .:> J .55 ,6 '.! ,6 7 . I :l!l \1 h c:Hk )·. 1':11 r ic ia :1'2 , J 1 7. I:/:!, I :~H Wh n ·ldo n . .J :rn il'c ·1!1, 7 'l ll'lrt't'lc r . .Jartl't ·1' 1 1·\:i"k h :rru, S a ucl ra 4 :1,51 \\ tld c r·. Lla r hara 4 !l .7 0 W ilcl irrgc'I', .J o s c ph :~'.! \\' ik >. Ralph 4 :1. :> ~ Wi l n,'J'~rn ·1:1 Wilt·~. Do n;,., ~\1 .5 1 Wil kin M> n . .J e :rn 6 6 ,6 11 Willian" · Ra nda ll 100 Wilso n . Don a ld 1 12 \\'rl" " '· .l oh n :1 ~.57 Wtt>.•n s. C h en I ~5 . 1'.!:/ \\'cndhor" . Rm :12 .."> 1 '>7 fi -t 6' 7'1 ll'l llf llii,H!I . .. . . ·' · - · . >, ll'in fil'ld . Do u g las Hfi , 1:1 7 ll'i1 k r . J o hrt 4 :~ . 5 7 Wrt l\. Wrll r; rm :1 ~ . 5."> . 65 116 HH \17 1110 \\'onl" '' . .J o hn !'>fi .li6 . ' " ' ll'r rg h1 , Conllll' 5 1 ..'>fi .fi'2.1iti Wu<l. . ~ f ar )"a u ·1:1 .7 1, 14 11
y \',rt'''· Rona ld :l'l .ti:">. l :n. J:IIi Youn g. 1\arh;u,a :\ ~. ;, 1
Youn g ,< ;,.,.aid :lll .'>:">.ti·!'>. l :17 . 1 :IIi Y ou n g, \ ' 11 ga n ttt :H~.:l I
k . R u haa d 4 :-'\.tl :~. ~- 1 . 9:) / ,u tru· t . D u n .tld ·1:\ /tll l lllt ' l ll t. ll 1, \ 1.u J... :\ ~ ; ,, u l d, \ f ,n th 11 T! . ·)4
l.. tp. u c:tll l<
0 B
c A
Kneeling: D. Williamson. R. :'\c ujah•·.J. O'DtJJH>g"h ll c, C. Holliman, L. ,\rc:llano; Row 2: D. Rinne . 1.. Fril z,
ch·ic b . .J. \\'ai">l l, ·1. I lc-1 11: Unw ] ; 1' . l l t · Ji l'l<'l. B. Faulknn.ll. \'ickrn. \\'. lit- inc·. B. 1.<1\cjo\, R . . J.. nc~.
D. Trout, V . Allen. D. Tunks. A. J ohnslon. T. lien -
NEW RECORDS BRIGHTEN 1966 TRACK SEASON Freshman Arnold J o hnston and senior Lou is Fritz took top honors for Peru State Coll ege as the Bobcats finished third in the four-team :-\ebraska College Conference track meet at Wa yne State. J o hnston , a fo urth place winner in the pole va ult, established a new Peru State school reco rd b) clearin g 13'6", bettering the old reco rd set last year by C h arles \'iemeyer 13'3". Louis Fritz gained Peru's on ly victory in the meet wit h 9:59.5 clocking in the two-mile. The injury bug stripped the Bobcats of their top two
sprint e t·s - .Jitt t Ha ge nt ci<.T. (:ttt ·t ll ollilllan. and bn>ad j umper Bn>\\'11 clut·ing tnost of' o ut doot· seaso n . It was in the s pt·in ts th ;lt Pe nt ,,·;ts to h :t\T dolllinatccl thi s s pnng. Bette r-t han -a\T rage f'icld strength and top notch dis tance p e t·fo nn amT kept th e Bobcats in co n te ntion in a season \,·hic h saw then t \\· in f'ou t· dual 111cc ts. d r op th ree a n d pl ace second in t wo tt·i angula t·s. Bri g h t spots in t he seaso n we re tlt c establi s hme nt of n ine new sc hool records. s plit between in doo t· and ou tdoor reco nl s. The R econls i11doo r ' - ">ll . ."> i n ·1·10 \ani dash IJ\ . Ji n l l lagl'lncier. tTasin~ Ro ~cr C roo k·, :>~.H '<' I in I '111">: ~ l :r>fi i11 1"'" 111 ii<- 1}\ Ti111 1-!t'IHII·icks. cras in ~ ICI: :l~ ...J I" F rank C r;tl t alll in I'Hi·l : I :! ' :P;.t in pol<- 'auli c•·asing1 ~ ' 1 " I" Chadt·s :'\it·IIH'\l'l' in I<Hi"> : ·1-1'1 0" in silol p111 IJ\ Hn1 cc \ 'ic kn·\. erasing ..J..J ' 7" In R'" V\' indho1·" in I <Jf)"> . Ouidoor - ' l ::lf1."> i11 1\\'0-lll i lc I" l.o11 is FJ·i 11. o ld n·conl '<'I I" l'inl llcnd r ic ks ol '1 :- tn .H: H: O·I. :! i11 '"'"Ill i f<- n ·l;l\ I n R og<T :'\t'll_ja111·. .Jim O'Dono~lnw. I i111 I t..ncll·i, J.., . l .<>t l i' FJ ill. , ... ,,,i1tg 1-< :fHi .O '<'I cad i t• •· I his \t'ill J>, :'\('lljaill. :-.til..<· l\ ;1i lt·\. ( )' ()<>nog ll l ll '. _ji 111 \\'; II SOil. w hic h hcllt'rccl H: I 1. "> '<'I l;tsl I" l>a11 B oli11. \\'; 11">11. :'\t•t Jj ;till. FJ·i1 1: I 0 ::">-1 i11 dislann · llll'd lc·\ l'l'l;l\ I" .'\;<' Ji ja ln . ( )'ll<>n<>g il tH'. 'A:~tsnll. 1-'l·it/ <Tasing II : 0 :1 .~ '<'I in I 'H i "> In :":<·J tj ;tl tl. v\· ,11""'· h i1 1. I t..ndl ·i, ks : -1 : :!~ . 1 i 11 111d!' h' 1'1111 . l'l i l'i1 1g l:~fi ./ In l kouiJil l..' 111 I ! Hi:'>: 1:1 ' ()" in lit!' poll' \ilt dl In :\1nold j olonslon . l11 t ·:t k il og I :1 ':1" I " ( :lt; tdt's :'\il'llll'\ ('I Ill I ~Hi :">.
132 IIIII< <' \I< h 1.-, lu·;l\n llw ' h"lfHII ln1 In' IJc,l t· llon ol 1lw , 1 .,. 1
1 131 1 1 15087 1 i1i~ij ' ~~~100365286 [111il~ m,r~i,~i/1 1 1 1011 1