No. 2
March 1966
Peru State College at Peru is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools to grant bachelor's degrees, Full membership in the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (formerly the American Association of Teachers Colleges) has been maintained since 1918. The College has been a member of the American Council of Education since 1947 and is a . . charter member of the Nebr aska c;o uncil on Teacher Education and a member of the National Co~ncil for Accreditation of Teacher Education.
Published by Peru State College at Peru, Nebraska, and entered under Bulk Permit Number 4 at Peru, Nebraska.
Francis J. Brow n-------------------------------- Genoa
Term Exp ir es 1 967
Henry I. Freed---------------------------------Chadron
Term Expires 1967
Go rdon w. Shuoe--------------------------------- Wayne ' T e rm Exp ir es 1 969
E. K. Yanney-------------------------------- Lodgepole Te rm Ex~ i re s 1969
Bernard M, Spenc e r-----------------------N eb raska City Te rm Expire s 197 1
J ames M. Kearney ' Te r m Exp ir es 197 1
Floyd Mill e r, State Commissione r of Education--Linc o ln
E Alb in Larson, Se cretarY-- - ------------------Lincoln
F, 8 . Oe cker, Coor d inator----------------------Lincoln
A D M I N I S T R A T I V E 0 F F I C E R S
President------------------------------- Nea l S, Gomon
De an of the Co ll eg e------------------- Ke ith L. ~elvin
Dea n of Students------------------------ Ha rold Bo ra a s
Asso ciate Oean of S tudents--------- - ---Juanita Br ad l e v
Reg istrar----------- - F, H. Larso~
Dir e ctor of Ca mp us Sc hool------------- Ev a ns. Vanzant
Director of P lacem e nt---- Ha r o l d ,Johnson
Dir e cto r of G1iid a nce t: Coun se li ng--------- Ga l en Dodge
Dir e ctor of Gra du ate S tudies----------1-loward E. Meye rs
Director of Spec ial Se rvi ce s---------Dona l d K Carlile
Li b rari a n--------------------------------- Faye Brandt
Dusin e ss Mana ge r------------- Lawrence 0 , Ebner
SL 1p 1t of Buildin g s & Gro u nds - De l bert Ga ines
H E A D S 0 F D I V I S I O N
Educati o n---------------------------- Darrell Winin ge r
F in a Arts----------------------- Frederic k Free b urn e
Hea lt h & Ph ys ic a l Ed ucati o n--------------- Ervin P itts
Hist o ry & Soc i a l Science--------- Geor ge Sch ott e n hame l
La n guage Arts------------------- - ------Rob e rt D. Mo o re
Pr ac tic a l Arts-------------------------- C, V, S i eg ne r
Sc i e nce an d Math em at i cs----------------- John C. Christ
Ke it h L, Me lvin, Ch airman
John Ch rist
C, Ve rnon S i egne r
Er v in :)it ts
Ga 1en Dodg e
f . H. Larson
Nea l s . Gomon , Ex- of f icio
Ge or ge Schott e nhame l Robe rt D. 1"\oor e
Frederick Fr eeb urne
Howa r d E. Meye rs
Darr e l 1 W i n in ge r
First Term June 8 to July 8
June 8, Wednesday Counseling anu registration for first and / or second term (7:30 to 11:30 a.m., 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.)
June 9, Thursday Classes begin (7:00 a.m.)
June 10, Friday---- Late registration fee applies on and after this day
June 11, Saturda y Classes meet
Change of registration fee applies on and after this day
June 13, Monday---- Final day for registration or change of registration
June 18, Saturday Classes meet
June 20, Monday Three-week workshop classes begin
June 27, Monday
July 2, Saturday
July 4, Monday
July 8, Friday
- --
Final day to apply graduation August Class e s meet No classes First term ends
Second Term July 11 to August 12
for a degree 12)
July 11, Monday---- Registration for second term ( 7: 3 0 a .m. to 12 : 0 0 no on)
July 12, Tuesday Classes begin (7:00 am.)
July 13, Wednesday - Late registration fee applies on and l
July 14, Thursday after this day
Ch,ange of re,gistratio n fee applies on and after this day
July 15, Friday---- Final day for registration or change of registration
July 29, Friday---- Three-week workshop classes end
August 12, Friday Second term ends
Summer commencement (6:00 p .m.)
The Campus--Location And Facilities
The city of Peru (population 1150) is located in Nemaha County in the hills along the Missouri River, 75 miles southeast of Lincoln and 65 miles south of Omaha. It is situated on State Highway 67 which intersects Federal Highway 73-75 six miles west of Peru, five miles north of Auburn and fifteen miles south of Nebraska City,
The Peru campus of one hundred acres of rolling oak-covered hills overlooks the Missouri River, In this setting seventeen buildings are conveniently and attractively arranged, interspersed with well-kept lawns, trees, shrubs, and gardens.
Summer school students have access to fully equipped laboratories, shops, studios, and library. The 70,000 volume library, completely remodeled and re ~ccupied in 1963, is fully air conditioned.
Recreation And Entertainment
Peru's location in the rolling, wooded country along the Missouri River, offers many opportunities for hikes and outings. Other recreational opportunities include the intramural program, music, dramatics, and social dancing. Summer students may also anticipate enjoyable occasions in connection with concerts, lectures, movies, recitals, and convocation programs.
Sports--Classes are conducted in swimming and tennis for those who desire instruction "in these sports. The college pool is open regularly for recrea tiona.l sw'i. m periods. Two surfaced tennis courts are maintained for instructional and recreational use.
Student Center--Summer students will find the new Student Center which is completely air-conditioned, a pleasant place for recreation and relaxation, The facilities include the main dining room, snack bar, lounges, game room, and bookstore.
Peru State College Summer School
The Summer Program
It should be noted that the sunmer program is divided into two five-week terms with registration possible for one or both terms.
Courses--The course offerings are essentially the same as those given in the regular academic year. Many courses are repeated each summer while others for which the demand is small, are alternated and made available every second or third summer.
Advantages--Students may continue their college work during the summer in order to shorten the time necessary to complete the requirements for a degree. High s chool graduates may apply for admission and plan to start their college work in the summer just as well as in the fall. Teachers may return or be admitted to earn sufficient credit to renew their certificates or to qu alify for a higher level of certificate. Returning veterans may begin or continue their college study during the summer.
Credit--Students may enroll for the maximum of six ( 6) hours credit in each five week term--twelve (12) hours for both terms. No request for an ove-r load can be honored.
Attendance--There should not have to be a specific policy as to attendance other than to emphasize that with the essential acceleration of course work in all classes during a summer term, it is imperative that students plan for punctual attendance in all classes.
Students who have not previously matriculated at Peru State and now wish to begin their first college work or to continue study on the basis of transfer college work, must write to the Registrar well in advance of the registration day for information and advisement. If admission means likely advancement to and completion of a degree at Peru State, an early clearance on requirements for admission is important. The Registrar's Office will gladly comply on request for Application for Admission. This should be given atten;ion by ·~ew students at least two weeks prior to day of registration. ·, ·
Full Admission--High school graduates will receive full admission to freshman classification with a minimum of 160 hours (school semester hours) or 16 units from a four-year high school and the recommendation of the high school principal or superin-
Summer School
Peru State College
tendent. Although no specific distribution of the entrance units is necessary., it is recommended that' at least half of the units earned represent work in English, foreign · ia"nguage, mathematics, natural science, and social science.
Conditional Admission--Students who have completed 150 hours (school semester hours) or 15 units, the equivalent of graduation, are admitted to freshman classification on the condition that their work proves satisfactory during the first year in college. Appropriate college courses may be recommended in fields where the student is deficient upon admission. Mature individuals who are not high school graduates but who are otherwise prepared and recommended for college work, may be admitted as special students. For this latter type of student there may be administered a college aptitude test and/or the General Education Development (GED) test in judging the individual's qualifications for admission.
Advanced Standing--Applicants f ~r admission as transfer students must have each college send an official transcript to the Registrar for evaluation and as evidence of dismissal in good standing. Students seeking admissiOll to Peru State while under probation, or being dismissed on account of unsatisfactory scholarship, or other reason, at the last college, will rate admission "on probation", if accepted at Peru State.
Admission To Teacher Education
Before the college permits a student into student teaching or reconmends him for a new certificate, the prospective teacher must be duly admitted to the Teacher Education Curriculum as provided at Peru State. This admission procedure includes application to Director of Student Teaching; having the requisites as to health, personality, character, scholarship; and being interviewed by a committee. During the regular academic year this admission procedure should be anticipated before the end of a student's sophomore year.
Student Teaching or Se111inar--An opportunity for student 'teaching or seminar in the summer programisessentially limited to ' students in elementary education. To be eligible for the seminar (in addition to admission to the teacher education curriculum), the student must submit evidence of two years of successful teaching experience and completion of 45 semester hours of college work. One year of
Peru State College
the two years of experience must have been during the past five years, or two years within the past ten years. Application for student teaching or seminar in the sulllller program must he made to the Director of Student Teaching at least three weeks prior to the official registration day. Only students advancing to a degree at Peru State can be considered and approved for registration in student teaching or seminar.
Certification For Teaching
All certificates and renewals of certificates in Nebraska are issued by the State Commissioner of Education upon recommendation or advisement of the college. It is essentially the same as to certification in other states. All credits for provisional certificate renewals must apply toward fulfilling the requirements of the next higher certificate or a degree.
Approved Program of Studies--It is imperative that teachers seeking renewal of a certificate or a higher certificate, have a program of studies approved for this purpose. This usually means the same as having an academic progress sheet prepared in line with application for admission if he also has previous college work for evaluation. The responsibili ( y rests with the teacher to know certification requirements and to have and maintain an academic progress sheet on college work towards a degree.
Endorsement--At Peru State the responsibility of approving or recommending qualified persons for certification, has been delegated to Administrative Council which passes on the applicant's academic and professional qualifications, and his character and competence as a teacher, All applicants should note that by meeting graduation scholastic requirements does not mean that one will be automatically recommended for certification. All applications for certification in the summer should be cleared in the Registrar's Office at least two weeks prior to the end of either term of enrollment.
Field Of Con~~ntration
All students advaacjng to a degree should follow requirements of catalog in effect at time of matriculation or later, and the same applies as to field of concentration unless the degree may be in Elementary Education. Effective as of September, 1961, for students imtriculating then and later in the Elementary Education program, there are a number of revisions to be noted and followed ·
Sumner School
Peru State College
by access to the general catalog. In addition to the professional, academic, and general education req~irements, there must be completed four academic fields of concenti;ation· with at least 24 hours in one and 15 hours in three for the degree.
Grading System
A nine point grading system is employed to evaluate the quality of the student's achievement.
•·FAILING WORK AT TIME above indicate the value of each semester hour of credit and also become the means for calculating the student's grade point average (GPA) to compare with prevailing scholarship standards.
The grades in numbers as
Bachelor of Arts in Education ( Educ.)
Bachelor of Science in Education ( Educ.)
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Education ( Educ.)
Bachelor of Arts (A B.)
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
The baccalaureate degree is awarded upon completion of a prescribed four-year program in the current general catalog or a previous catalog if normal progress has been made since matriculation in the college. Normal progress towards the degree is important and means the completion of at least 30 semester hours of credit in a five-year period including attendance for a full load during one summer or one semester. In case normal progress is not made, the student must follow requirements in the most recent catalog.
The baccalaureate degree (in Liberal Arts or in Education), has these specific requirements :
a. Minimum total of 125 semester hours with a cumulative average of at least 5.00 in all graded hours.
b. Proficiency in English and in Mathematics as evident through examination or the satisfactory completion of a required course in each.
c. Upper-division hours (300 and 400 courses or equivalent) to total 40 hours.
d. Minimum of 30 semester hours of resident study credit in the college and not more than 6 hours in the senior year may be earned in correspondence and extension study.
e. Correspondence study may be approved up to 16 semester hours and 16 hours in extension study (from other colleges).
f. For a degree in Education or with plans to teach, the student must be duly admitted to the teacher education curriculum. With a minimum (J>A of 5.00 on record to date, the student clears this admission by application, tests and interview. This admission is also the prerequisite to student teaching and/or endorsement for certification,
g. Elementary education must have at least four supplementary concentrations, one of 24 hours and three of 15 hours.
h. A degree in Education for secondary teaching, or in Liberal Arts requires an approved concentration as per catalog and the indicated related . field.
i. When registered for the final degree requirements, an application for graduation together with fee of $15 must be submitted to the Registrar's office, Compliance on this is necessary within the first six weeks of a sem( ter or within the first two weeks in the sUDJDer program.
j. Ratings of Distinction and of High Distinction in connection with graduation, are based on the composite average (GPA) with a minimum of 60 semester hours having been earned in the college. The GPA for Distinction is 7.25 through 7.99, and for High Distinction is 8.00 or above.
Placement Bureau
Peru State maintains a Placement Office where the primary motive is to assist sttldents and alumni in securing desirable teaching positions. While graduates are not guaranteed positions, in recent years the office has received more calls for Peru-trained teachers than can be met. This office also maintains contact with business and industry in order to find openings for Peru students who are trained for careers in business.
The fee for joining the Placement Bureau and having creden-
Summer School
Peru State College
tials assembled or brought up to date is three dollars ($3,00) for a year. Graduates have accepted the P.laceinent Bureau as a quick and economical service for placing them ~n the ' best possible teaching position or in line with their training for another career.
Graduate Courses
Graduate courses are offered chiefly for certification purposes. The student who wishes to transfer graduate credit to another graduate college, should consult with the Dean of the College at Peru State as well as the appropriate official in the graduate college to which the credit is to be transferred.
Living Accommodations, Dining Service
Requests for information concerning living accommodations during the summer terms, either college-operated dormitories and apartments or other facilities in Peru, should be directed to the Dean of Students (men) or the Asso~iate Dean of Students (women).
Residence Halls--Delzell Hall for men and Morgan Hall for women are to be completely renovated during the summer thus will be closed during the 1966 summer sessions. All students desiring dormitory accommodations will be housed in Majors Hall. The East wingisreservedforwomen students. This completely air-conditioned unit has accommodations -for two students to a room arranged as a combination living and sleeping room. The West wing is reserved for men students. This unit is not air-conditioned but does provide pleasant accommodations for two students in a room arranged as a combination living and sleeping room. Both wings are equipped with 7-foot beds. The center section of the c,omplex has a large lobby and reception area, a commons room, game room and service facilities. A house counselor is on duty at all times. Residents must furnish bed linens, blankets and towels.
Apartments--Several one and two-bedroom apartments are available to married students in Oak Hill Apartments owned by the college. Information about these apartments may be requested from the office of the Dean of Students.
Dining Services--The air-conditioned college dining room in the Student Center is open to all students. Students living in the residence halls receive their meals in accordance with the fees listed hereafter. Commuting students and others may purchase meals at a low rate. The Snack Bar located in the same building is open for lunches and snacks at stated hours.
Peru State College
Board And Room Charges
Each five-week term
Board and Room (5-day week) .. . ..
(All meals Monday through Friday)
Three-week Workshop
Board and Room ( 5-day week).
(All meals Monday through Friday)
All rates apply when two students occupy a room. For single occupancy, when available, add $35 .00 for each five-week term and $21.00 for three-week workshop.
Board and room charges are due and payable at the time of registration.
Deposit for Dormitory Reservation
A deposit of $25. 00 must accompany application for reservation (form available from Dean of Students or Registrar). Full refund of deposit will be made at the end of the first or second session less deduction for any misuse of dormitory property , If cancellation occurs prior to three weeks before the opening of the term, the student will receive full refund; after that time no refund will he made .
Tuition charges and other fees applicable for the summer registration are payable in cash at the time of registration at the beginning of the session. There is no provision for carrying a student on a credit or accounts receivable basis.
Summer School Peru State College
Refunds For Withdrawals
Proportionate refunds will be made to students withdrawing from the college within a given period. The matriculation, student center, and contingency fees will not be refunded unless collected 1n error.
The following schedule applies in making refunds on official withdrawals:
Board and room refunds will be made if a student must withdraw from college. In case of such withdrawal, the student will be required to pay charges to the end of the week in which withdrawal is made. In case of illness, the board only will be refunded providing student has missed at least five (5) consecutive days of meals. Refund will be prorated in accordance with the unused portion. The $25.00 room deposit is refundable in ·full at such time when condition of room and equipment have been checked and reported in good condition.
College operated housing for married students is rented on a monthly basis. The $25.00 deposit, payable in advance on such housing unit, is refundable when the unit is vacated p-;roviding the rooms and equipment are left in good condition.
Peru State College Summer School
Planning Your Registration
This bulletin includes the Class Schedule 1n order that the student may anticipate and plan his summer program prior to the day of official registration. In this connection some pertinent information and advice are essential and should be noted carefully as part of the registration .
Student Classification - -A student must correctly identify and ~se his classification on the basis of the completed credits recorded in this College. This means that if you have additional credits elsewhere and plan to complete the degree in this College, al 1 such credit must be officially transferred as the basis of you r classification. However, if you are enrolling for courses to be tr a n s ferred elsewhere upon completion and do not have a cumulat i ve record in this College of all completed credits, your classification should be indicated as unclassified (Uncl.). Your specific classification in this College is determined as follows:
Freshman les s than 30 hours
Sophomore 30 through 59 hours
Jun i or 60 through 89 hours
Senior 90 through 125 hours, until completion of degree Post-Graduate-- undergraduate courses supplementing degree Graduate - - graduate courses approved for higher degree or cer ti fi ca ti on
Nu a bering of Courses- - Each course has a number made up of appropriate abbreviations as to Di vision and numerical digits with this s i gn i f i cance :
1 - 99 Unclassified
100-199 Freshman) Lower200-299 Sophomore) Division
300 - 399 Junior) Upper -
400-499 Senior ) Division
500 - 599 Graduate
Accounting for your Progress--As a former student at Peru State it is important that you have an Academic Progress Sheet on which you have made entries as you advanced to your educational objective and which should now enable you to plan this sunmer' s registration. If this will be your first enrollment at Peru State, it is especially important to contact. the• Registrar early to make known your su111Der study plans. If this will he your first college work or you will he transferring college work from elsewhere, it will he necessary to have official record of your education to date as well as a completed Application for Admission in terms of your educational objective or the degree at Peru State.
Summer School Peru St ate College
Counseling and Pre-Registration
Summer students with previous enrollmen,t record in the college, are especially urged to take advantage of a pre-registration procedure to be advanced prior to May 20. In that case you will contact your counselor or the division head as to your concentration to gain approval on the Personal Class Schedule form (in this bulletin) This may be done by personal appointment or by communication through the mail with the counselor. When the completed form is approved (signed) along with the Personal Information (on reverse side of form), you or your counselor will direct this to the Registrar's Office for the pulling of class cards. Hence, on J1me 8 (possibly later if for a workshop or second term) you will request the preliminary form with class cards to advance your registration with payment of fees. As a former student it is assumed you have or will request academic progress sheet to reflect your status.
The summer student should seek counseling and pre-registration only when definite on his,, plans. If in doubt until the registration day of June 8, counseling will be a definite part of the procedure then if the full record is accessible in the college.
First Enrollment at Peru State
If you plan to enroll as a new student in the sunrner program, note that there are preliminaries such as application for admission together with official record of high school and/or previous college study. It is recommended that you make early contact with the Registrar's Office relative to your interest and educational background while inquiring as to the preliminaries necessary for your admission. Perhaps, you plan to pursue college study to supplement your enrollment in another institution and will have advisement from there to seek a course or two. If so, use the Personal Class Schedule form (in this bulletin) for approval from your college and send it here along with advisement of your interest and plans. If you seek admission following high school graduation, write as to this and you will be advised on preliminaries in your case. It is important as a new student that you make your first contact with the college at least by the first of May in order to expect clearance for enrollment in the summer program.
Peru State College Summer School
Ju ne 20 to July 8
Ed uc 433G
Psyc 432G
P E 419G
Speh ·353
GSci 498G 1
July 11
GSc{ p E
Deve lopm ental P.eadin g
Principles and Practices of Guidance
Organization and Administration of Physical Fitness Pro grams
Speech Correction
Process Approach to Science
to July 29 326 2 499 3 215
Conservation of Natural P. eso urces
Aerospace Science
First Aid
3 to 12
THE CLASS SCHEDULE is arranged by Divisions providing for five JOO-minute periods daily. Both undergraduate and graduate courses appear in the one Class Schedule. Appropriate column captions indicate the course offerings as to each term. The normal registration load per term is five semester hours but a maximum load of six hours will be approved. CODE
PRE-REGISTRATION~ be advanced prior!£~ 20.
Read your bulletin carefully and note especially the advisement on Counseling and Pre-Registration. Forms following the Class Schedule as to Personal Class Schedule and Personal Information, will be used in this connection.
OFFICIAL REGISTRATION DAY .i.! £!! Wednesday, June~. beginning at 7:30 ~•
With an approved pre-registration schedule received in the Registrar's Office prior to May 20, you may expect the class cards will be pulled and you can advance the registration more readily--making it official as to the first term with payment of fees. For the new student approved with high school and/or previous college record, more counseling will likely be expected on this day. It will be appreciated if you do not seek counseling time at the college in the period from May 20 to June 8 when the staff is rushed as to duties connected with the termination of the academic year.
Ace-sponsored with Nebra ska State Department of Education.
(For Preliminary Planning/ Pre-Registration)
Second Term July 11 - August 12 --
*PERIODS: ! begins 7:00; i begins 8:50; 1 begins 10:40; begins 1:00; z begins 2:50.
BE SURE to indicate if any courses are Repeat.
FOR PRELIMINARY PLANNING use pencil to permit changes if neces- I Reviewed and Approved by: sary later. FOR PRE-REGISTRATION contact your counselor for advisement and signature of approval before directing this to the Registrar to rate class cards. Complete also the Per- I Other Approval (if necessary) by: sonal Information form on the reverse of this.
YOUR COUNSELOR, if not known, may be the head of the division (see page 1 of the bulletin) in which you will have your concentration. Contact him by mail or seek personal appoint-I p R . t p . T
ment for counseling as to pre-registration. re- eg,s er r,or ..2,
Address _______________________
CHECK ONE of the following to designate your status as a summer student at Peru State College:
1. First college enrollment--only high school education previously.
2. Former student at Peru State with complete record on file.
3. Previous college enrollment elsewhere and now plan to transfer record to Peru State. --
4. Plan surrrner enrollment only and to have the record transferred out.
5. Other status:
If previously eni:olled at Peru State, complete the Year of matriculation _____ Name used at Current rec-ord -- Completed at Peru State •• Completed elsewhere .• : ••• Current enrollment •••••••
fol lowing: that time hours) -- hours) -- hours)
What is your planned concentration (major)? ___________
Tota 1 is {wi 11 be) hours
Classification is
If in Elementary Education, what will be the four supplementary fields? If in Secondary Education, what is the related/supporting field? -----------------
1f planning to complete the degree at Peru State, when is graduation anticipated? ----------
Have you completed a medical record and examination for Peru State? ____ When? __________
Do you wish dormitory reservation and need the application-agreement papers for this? --------
(Contact the Dean of Students for information on other housing.)
t The above Personal Information is requested along with the submitting of the Personal Class Schedule (reverse side) if you advance Pre-Registration as directed prlor to May 20. Your cooperation in this will facilitate the planing for your enrollment by the Registrar's Office.
Memos & Questions:
I, Adm inistration Building
2 . Auditorium
) Delzel 1 Hal I
4 . Engineer•s Residence
5. Faculty Apartment
6. Fine Arts Cente,-
7. Greenhouse
8. Gymnasium
9, Heal th Center
10, Heating Plant, Maintenance
11. Hoyt Science Hal I
12 , A, v. Larson Industrial Arts
13 , library
16. Eliza Horgan Women's Hall
17, Oak Bowl Athletic F i elds
18 , Oak Hi 11 Apartments
19, President s Home
20 Student Center
P. P~rki n9.