Stato Collogo P0oru, N•br~ka
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Peru State College Peru. Nebraska Jack Gaines. Editor
Vol. LX
Foreword < "When (he weather i.s fuir und &tltled they ore dothtd in blue and purple. and print their bold outline-. on the ~leAr e''eninssky." Thut did WMh· inKton lrvin.Jt desuibe hi!! own KMt$kill Moun• toin$, but anyone who has ob!J.torved with quiet np· pre<'lllhon the countr~ide surrounding ''The Campuj~ of a Thousand Oaks" woold think it quilc upprot)riote here. too. For Peru i' also lt«end country. F.ven M l' new "Century of St n·i~" dnwr\$, we find OtH'Itth·H.Iike the Homan 1COd Jan· us. lookiniC btfore ond behind. Jlefore us. we Sf'<! a future filled with challtnJC~. , . behind. we rtmember n pas-t rich >A'ith the lore of "MiiChty Mo." ~wi.5 and Clork. "SheMndooh," nnd other n;:~.met; that tu·ad M>ftly but surely on the $moky cloud of lnf'MOT)',
The ye3r 19$7 m:trkcd 3 century of prO!flessa I)TOCr~ which cl)mt. not in 1.'1 ehariot drawn by fiery. ebony horst!l. but rathtr ~hind tht 6lNH.Iy piO'IIo· which made the furrow so strai11ht a~nd 'ure th.ut it little disturbed the natuntl order of thinas. Thi( i!l true prorres~•• , it i~ ho~ th&t t h e nt:xt «ntury will learn from the last.
Table of Contents Administration .. . .. . .. . . .. . . 6 Faculty .. . . ... . .. • . . ....... . 14 Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Activities .. . ... . . .. . . ....... 50 Seniors . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . • . . . . 92 Undergrads . .. . . .. . .. .. .... 108 Sports . .. . .. . . . .... . . . . . .. 132 Index ......... . . . ........ . 14 3 10721~
~~~~Amfl~J'o li,;q oK( 'OIIUIKJdaliOIW • •• PI'O\id«< b)' t~ f~l.lll)' liOiii lllj(.
Fling Abroad Ou
liege Colors
The St.ate Co\'t:tning Board consist$ or ae,·en memben1. six or whom ttre apPOinted by the CO\'ernor tt term of sb: y~artl . The seventh mtm~r iJ tht com· missiontr or education. scning u ·offieio. St-4ttd a.rc: Mr. Bunard M . Spencer. Mr. Jamet M. Knapp, and Or. Cordon Shu~ standing are: Mr. Henry L FrHd, Or. f'rftnc-is J. Brown, Dr. Flolo·d A. lt.·1iller. and Mr. James A. Lane. with the advice and conunt or the ltftislature ror
The Governing Board
• • •
An Eye Toward The Future •
Dr. Neal Gomon Pr•kltnt N~l ""tflttotnlh
)"Ht • '
"'lilt Coli~.
Comon Is in hi•
,-.rttidtnl ot Ptru
Dunne ct..t. u•"'· Or
chJtf adm.inituator. hat utdl!fd thto tehool ITOW and noumh 1'hot openin.- of tht new Centennial l>or· at.itory Complex m11rked the bttinninr oi • J)IOII)er'OU• HCond ttntury for l'tru • -.oa,
''"' t:ndtr Prf!llldtnt Comon'• cuad.n<t• ..,_ mrol.lmtnt hat •1.-dily unhl ~n
" ~ "til .ur~ the 1000 ~rk CI!Imculu.m offtnnll"t ha\·t widtntd and (aruhy quAlity hat ri.~otn , With ill! tr,tooralfing history, th• chool looltl to an t'\'tn bri,:httr futur• .-.. Dr. Comon'f ad.minittrahon.
h .. A
,_. S
1\ , \1
c..-. ••
bf,c._ J•,..-,.m (II 1M IMO. H• t~uod .IUicl •.,.. [) ., I h. I 'llhfft.Ot)' ol ~t4JJMb '" ....~•.
President of Peru State College
Dean of the College
Keit h!,.. Melvin
l)rol~ of Ed~X•Iiofa A R.• Ptr\1 S••c..ColkP. f><tru
M A . F.cLO.,lJni. of S.tw•d:•.IJMOln
Administrative Roles Are Vital Dean of Students
Assoc. Dean of Students Guy 1... R~tnbtre
A.oolooci.lot<t l'rol- of P•>'f~OO'
S.S .• M S,, We~ottrn llluiOi• Vni. M.-b Oorlou.tt l'tl'ldinl',
Uni. of lo-•. C•ty
J u.tanit.a B radley A.~14Prof
ol Ed\lelldoe
B.S... <Antul
M..A•• Gt«p PMbody ColltCt for TNt:h· ~ NM b'lilk. T t.n.n..
t..unne AndtttOn A•t Llllw•na" ••• 1.
Ct.r• l\o.alman CoU...-Nutw lt.N
Donald K. C•rlile lht«tOf" ol
~¥\.(. .
IJ ...
lArry D. Ebntt n..-\14>~
•• •
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Dtlbut. Caintlf ..,_. .,., ., ...... c,_.,..
Cfof.-CHMR A.._ Ll:lw.,_ U.A '-i l.. S
Robft1 M. Htnr)'
AB H•..WWJ""'->
,.,., .,...........
o-n.tfll " " " - '
H . Laf'IOn. .._,_ .~.
,.., J 4 4 - o AR \1 A
Howard £. M~en A..-
llw«tor(IISt'*" ns "-" Ed o.
Al1m .~. Shlplfty A•t »~
n,..,._ ~t.....•tr
0drtfl Winintet
l)lr•n• e( ~·....,.,.,.,-.,_,.._
P...t oUAJOM•IIJ' " '
.' .
Division of Education
R.u R. Shtll~ H...t. o., .tf""'-••4 - . .....,.,.~. . . 8S..MA FAD
Atm.At.hlfl)' " - - , . , .,. t:lf. t:...C..U.. 8.S. WA
Lloyd 8- K1t.
Pnl el t:.hcal-
1).,. ol ~lwclnlt T ..d..,••
B.S•. M' s' ·~ t>.
Evan Van Z.ant
" . . ., ..... Ou.n. ~
Edward C. Cam~aly
"-«.l•rot ot Vok~ IN.Coll<fftCI*J 8.$., MS.
Leland H. Sherwood A•t. Prot or Art A IJ,,M .A.
Gilbert£. Wilson A...oc.
Prol. l nn. Mu~c
ow. Colltn Band
8.S.. M M.
Division of Fine Arts
frt'duiek Freeburne u~ Ow. o1
rr... Af'U
l"rof.ofMwk B.S., M.A, M.M .• Ph.O.
Doa't l..n'TtliaH•P~~B~to Y..- .•. T O.• • Br - ••, _ YourStvdift
Clyde Barrett A•t. Prot. t:nc
D.A .MA. Ro~rl
A•t. Prot. t;"•·•nd SPMCh U.S.. M ,A. C.Jam~Keck F.fll'. •nod Joura,
I ~~~JU ,
Division of Language Arts A.obtrt D. Moore
Htad. Div. ol t.~. Aru J•rot, 1-!llJ, and S~h A.B.,M.Ph.
Kenneth Kreisher
A•t, Prot. (;.t,. •rwl £nc.. A.R.• M.A.
Jamet D. Levitt
A..-x. l,rol. SI*JC'.h •ftd Oeb.tt FU'..cL,M.A.
Loren F. MeJ<eown Alll1. J'Tol. En,c.
Sllu E. Summers
A--. 1~. Littn.tl.l.re
A,B,_, !lot. A.
M o.ry Ruth Wii&On l n..tr. Coa\p. ll.nd UttUil\Ut B.S•. M.A.
. ~U!.d.
T- t'•U:Cifr•ld
.._....,_p ..... ....... .......... ,......... .
.lat:k ~tdl\hrif
....., " ..... "' "-"
.lot l)f'h~k " ........ II • 8A \lA
Division of Health ~ Physical Education Ervi"' R
tw..a.. o... .ttt..kh..ciP L
l>. .tAtW.UU tl'
~ t~ t~D
J•rne. PilkiA&"Con A..ec ,.,., PF lf;S 'I.A
IJonnie Run
Uf>lld, \\ _,"'·~ f> &. ln.H I' t~
A.ot" Prot. P £
JohnW.Chnk A•l.J•rol th••ory U.A ,M.A
Sami Kaloti
A•t. l'rol (".ov't. a~ t::C... 8.A . M.A .. M S.
1'homu 1.,.. Sortruon I NU. SociolooU.A .MA
L,yle C. SHom
A.oc.J•rol. 8«. Sci. A I:S.,M.A.
Ann Williems Lllb.Aatt. Gtoer•l>hY
Scott William•
A•t. Pror.c-t•llh1 I}.S,,\I.A .
Division of History and Social Science
Ceorre Schottenha.mtl
Hted. Qtv, Hkl. aiM! Soc:. $d. Prof. II itt. aDd Soc. Sci. B.A.. M A., Ph.D.
Division of Practical Arts
Vtrnon C. Sittner ICMod. lhv Prao<1k• l Aru FW. IndwtriaJAru A O .• MS .• Kd.D.
Don Cattle
lnttr lndu~uw.I Arh I.L'I. 11'1 F.d
Jeny R . Cox
n~ . M ~
David A. Gundtrton
.U.c Prot O..u ~:ct B.S. i1t Bu. Ad , M U.A
Lucy Hovey
O.S . MS
~V.Jarvis ~
Prollnd. Aru
Louise Krfl'tl
A-.c i•rot. H-F_.c,_ DA . M$
F'ritda 1-lowoldt
A•t Prot u~,~~ A O.• MA
l-ester Ru$Stll A•t. Prot lM..Arb AB.M.A
Albtrt Brad¥ At.Ot. P10t. Biotocy
U.S.. M S
Vklor M, Kint:try 1.-u, l'h)"Ji«
n.s. M.s.c.s.
Division of Science and Math
John C. Christ
llt-.:1. Div. Sritnct• nd M.ath
A.•U.• M..A. .. I'h 0 ,
Daryl Long AJOU.I)rof'. Sclotnt••nd !\lloth
O.S.M .S .• I'hO
Lyle MeKerchtr A ...cat. !'"tot, Mtth.
D.S..M S .
Hanrord Milltr ~. l~fol. (;bun
....... " ...._
h.C'W ._.
....... l . . . . . . . . . ~ . .,
.t __. ...
••·-··•-+.., ol ....
Clerical Staff Serves College
0.. flf lfw -t..UnaliiiOtl;o ........ AftoU G...... Qfl\o .- .t O..tt \hl~m. Mba... a. om•• ., •·-~ , ... •ad u• .,. "''"._, ClCIIo-r..fl
...., ...............
... .....,. ........
T\f H.,.....rM • ... rNrWIII tf~ _...... Jtw ltr.tr. t-:.~.. '-bo· ~
~,...,., •• ._....,... ' - ' n - o.. Atd•• 01..111"" kft , • •~ •IIIII Dt1 t....- Mott.uty, O.ud.wo
Tht cirltttn• -'-tY ind\ld8; lronl. t.. ~.
- ... n
n ShH·
Wat, V. FUMr. F... &bt, A
!'oanc•bt~J«: All~. I..
bltck. 1). (;uJ:\rnon.~ 8 lh,m..r. L. Motrit.. E. O.Wk. £. W•rn.ll.kt. P IAbn·ly. &. Loner. F. t'urMt. H Allf()Od.. L lltnDt. 8 SimiiiOIU.. M Sa)'""'· T AD· 1'0011. J. Su.ndky.
Serving the Students of Peru
Thf 1\ob..lnn .,..:u""'"' .,., frora ltft. J W AUIOOd. I' RKhw••~ l- !Wry.
'T'h.. (elllpUOo lll'la.UittNIIIC't o.Uoff lndiiCf. .. (fOIJI If'~\, It n..... 0. C..1M"O • O•t«tot. E. Cle._""· J , St•odky. R 1-Actrl. R Ct.·
WhWtr. I'
IMr, C. lhtnmOn.o. U J••u.,Mft. 1• tto-·t, &. l..ondtliow. A
KubJ-.n, R. AU.cood. 0
Go~lo ,
ndividual Efforts Campus Needs
Mtl. F.dw•rd CamHiy Kn........ lhrfC'tor olth4' St\IOCkflt 0«
\Crt. ~~ \10(11~ Mlh •II dwot .tudtnU Ul8oclbuw<'
l'l«'d In th.e Bob·
ol th.t Sulodtfll Ctnl"" il Elkn Mt'fritt,
,· ... ·1•
•,. t
4M;ild '
Alpha Rho Theta Alpha Rho Thd.a ••~ a n..-.ly orpntud dub .- hteh rtc>la«d tht Art Club ln dt-r tht .-ponsorship of \lr Wtllt •nd Mr. Shtn~ood. the ttonor•ry 6POnliOrC'd the rft(Uittr ort di:Splay• in tht l)lddtl ~"xhibi tion Court. 1'he honorary was ope11 to •II tlrt majon and mi· non •nd any oth« s:tudtnU inttr•ttd. in tht fitld of
all In•
\e&IIPtt thor ~btl•••• of """"~hlp in Alpha Rho
Thf'••rrot~l L ru_.hkk; C............. S G•"-w. K t-4111«. K Riot-. bM.. A Shorr •-..ad J Klf•~A"CC. Pf~n'l, C ~,_,,, V•• l'r~t. ft AlWood. (j Rrott... I Hull IWK fJi<l!olrfd 0 Vollt. SKr~•'>
Phi Beta Lambda Phi IHUI lAmbda wu bu'-Jn~ fra ter-ruty • h.ich auntd lo fur
tM honorary
thrr 5lyd~nt tnttrtt.t 1n bwinea fduc:•hon •nd .ct
ministration: to botp up todfttt on polkitt.: to trNttl inttrtst and undtr•tandirur in Ottupa1ional ('hcHt~; And to aid in civic bttttrmtrll Sn «<Il teet:. Critui.a fOf" thr•b•llty includtd at lust t•tl~rt bu.;.ints~ hourt •M an O\t"f all busina. •'«N«" o( ,,. \ftmbft-srus- WUf' •PSM"O\f'd thtou:r:h • pltdn "P.Itm Adiutle. ol cht ch.lp· lft' ~f'ff' •tttndf'ntt' AI tht •tale eocwtnhon, • Chu,l mas pany, and • tpttnl p..cnie.
•"""' " ' - RoweWt .,,...__ ( ' ,..,,..... \\ Tllri'U'. s.tt~an- n - · \1 ""'""'· J TIM-1ft _....,.. U l)rlnck.; J lktdltt. !110 h•._.n .; lt.uh. I{ J•,..,_, I 1\wMr-r \ ,~.. ,-., ....ld.-Rt_ ltunl It I. bPI. '> )(,•-· 0 K••-· C' .... Mnffl_ I' llarRn~ ba<k K tl-•111'1 f ··~·hcht'. L ,._lltoekf'f, \It (;vl'lttu ...ft .... nqt P!«Uf~ c; ~"''""· l'rNtJtou. ~~~ Co.•, :-lpcool""'
Beta Beta Beta 'rhe Pi Chaptt>r of Bt>ta
Stta Seta wat organized on campus in 1928 to a:timulatt JIOUnd .cholaN-hip, to pro-
molt tht disstminotion of truth, and the furth~ing of r«Uarc:h. R<'Quirt.mtnt.s for •dmi.ision included hovinJ completed at IMst ttn houNl in thr« oourus biology
ar\d an above averare C.P.A. The sponsors. Drs. C hri:flt and Brady, eneour· utd monthly programs and projtcu which wen S-tudent· produced.
FIOCIL~ 0 Sl)«k.-IUI. S«roteary. J W•lford. Uidorf'ln,. R Wil-., Vk• l:>t ft.i~nt: J Oh: t.:. X~ul'l; K $.t.ol'ltr, blotlo: C. llow-n.: Dr. Chnu. 1), Lenktr~ $ $o.an~l'l; 1,.. llol.ttmal'll'l; D Cramtr: S Sw-ain. Dot ~u rtod N Hridy, Prftiod4,f11.
Dramatics Club The Peru Dramatics Club. or1aniud in 1908. wu tht oldest orcaniz.ation of iL5 type in the wune. It w&§ formed to provide Quality
dr3matie ond forensic oe· tivhies to the campus. A point system
bui• for mtmbtrship, und J)Ointt may be earn«( in club produetiont. <:On\'c><:a· tioru:. and other dramatic or speech work. Twent>··five honor poinl8 mu1-t be earned. Productiont durinr the year included ''Macbeth," ··Ralph Roiater Dolster," end the &Pring play.
FI'OIII: 8 , lkran: S . Webtr, 0 . Mor~. S«r$ry: P. Bincltl.l'la.: W, WlllcoJooe; M<On.cl 1.. SMtwobu.. J . Milltr. J, Butt.: 1).. t'uu.tl; M . &II!.W': third: 0 . Hc-Ary, Hntori.t.11; S. M.-.; J. Rrtuhon4.. Pte.Ndtel; M. Seh-allr. 0. Kra.ma: bade L. Sort~ D. Ood,n, Tr-urtf; Mr. Moort. Sponaor. 0.. ~A! .1. Br«k: not pl(tur..S• C. WiUia.nlot,
,_,'<'ot l'rH>dtiH
•' rotw K Sleon.tr. S ~wall It Wol8.; M . IJ.ow- 11. W, WiiiH-101\; C. Gr4'a lhouw. ,\f'C'Ond $ Taor•koooft. M Malltn: J W~. J Welford; It IA..wbtrrtr; M S11c·
d«tt; M. lfullUl.«: b.clr: S JkMIOft; K. A tll1l'ftloriH; M .Stu.lhto1~ fi ll ict.e,-d~; w JIO"Aot41. T Manh.all
Peru State Education Association The Ptru Student Education AS60C"iation, whic h was or~~:aniud in 19$8. intludtd &II uudent$ in· t('re&tecl in profeuional tduc.t~tion. It provided its membtn with op.. pOrtunitiH for J)t.tfOnal 8nd proftSSional trrowth; for understand• ine hi8tory , ethin . 8nd procrams of tt-ac hinr: and for partici1~1ion on local. s tate, t'lnd n:ttionalle'\"tls. Ettc h )'('IU the P .S .E.A. sends representati,•t-t to &tate and rtt:ional conventiont. ' rht org.aniution H ltcttd the "Classroom Teacher of the Year" and six "Student Teachers of tht Year,"
Oft'---. art, from ricbt ' ' UYC!.It r, Ss>O~; ~tr T «hUi ff,
~rtU ry.
lta to.ld JohMM~. S~;
M C-t~ul.. l'r~nt; 1)1, U.o,·d Ko1 t
Ro.tR, \ 'M-e Ptc-o;ldtiU; •1\d
K noll " '' ·
,..-, D
R-.a-- ('
co-.-. \1
Hwt J
J 'fqwt
J 8.4~n. ~ J_
I~W'-w.; \1
H A.,...... , ..... K Y-' '\I f'ftff'". K R ,._.,_ n ,_,... u ......,
lhc:.u.; L
P 0.~ II HoC'~11111r C Pwt--.; L Sh..Nhu; M Btn.Mu I> Kr•U.tl-. J {;.•II*, ..c'OIWi C. Thutbft; B. F'i11t~; I) Ol1¥tt". J fh,.ll!.ont. L Scb.fu. 0 N~ M, $8t-wk;
N Crofbft't. M t:~ttho&tt.. bll(.. 0. O.ly; L P - ' : « : J_ CrM-.; H Cr•bl.-; 0 Cr•-•· 0 AMn•, I) ~bart. C.
RfttiW.l. Tr-•u: C. R Hll...... J> ...w-.ood; 8 O..rt<k.. ....... J ~ M t-:.n,.l-r~. J ~lfi' , \1 1\udl~ . S«rtt"'~- M Hkb: bed
N \\1......... J_ n.tr.... J Wahl!..-. K C.r-. C
Kappa Delta Pi The
KaPPII O...ha Pi • • th~ nahoMI honorary «<u
cation fratun1t)' Th~ c-hlpter at ~ru Su.te iJ Btta Mu. The requ.rt-mtnta for admi.uion to this orrani· tation intluded: junior or senior ttandinc, rank in the up~r one-nfth or the prarticul11r class. com· mendable l)tfliOnal qualities, .,orthy educational idfltb. and IIOUnd tcholanhip tfoOM.: J t -. -. tuo...
'f ~ "
u ..~ o. c..
flloUtf" _ _ . S a.-. I' b r•s 1 \t ~. G """....._ 1,.. ....,.., . .. R 8owcft,; R ~
of thil fratf'tnlt)- art tM of h11h profc.ional. anttllectual.
m~~in pur~
and Ptrwnal a-tandard•. u well u tht
Of OUifttlndinc contribution• tO the fitld of edu~atlon lleprfiltntwti\'" wtrt ~tnt to the Nationfll Con· \'OC•t•on in Denver. Cotot'ado, this year.
.,.,....,, C Aw..; -. _..
(',.....,. L
~tr- K ~l. ~
.,.. tMd.....t J_ Uw~~:•• \ 'tc. M- A.w.,.. bpNIIIOr
,._, J lllltr. 'r !>-"'-"'""- W T.-11~1. H M OPt.fllr. K "-• P ~......oood •«~ H 1'111ttt•. C " 'thtbotin; I)
$uiw, ~-
t'ouon. ~ SH• •II. 1, \t tKtrthn. $p01'1-. ba(-k 1\tu\.adl. W !'lniclo. J ,-.,.,..,, 1' \\ i"- \1 W•ll•
Alpha Mu Omega AJpU \fu OmtU
tht natkln"l honorary
•thtm.ttOI rratttnit)' on tM Pt-tu Su.tt campus. -not fr•tt-rnaty • •• otranalty orpniud on ca.mpu..•
.. , ..,.,. -:. tm n.. obJif'th\~ ot tM cwpnu.. tlOn ,..•...,...- to dis-
_,_about math not ant-rt'd or Ptest-nlfll in U.. mathtulllttn cou,...,.. olff'rf'd b) thf' colttt:f'.
f - ' \I l'•llf'f \ tc.... . .,. U 'Pf'(k""""· "«f!C••). I ,. NW, 0 l-.oa.. lof((Jflod H V. tUn. It Ol."w; J_ )nhf.r. R
On<t a month tht- (rat«nity
wit h a
cram pl.anMCI •nd conduc:tt<l undt-r • tudtnt lndt"r· <~hlp.
An .. ,ry (all pro)Kt u'dudtd tht thitd
,..,ntunc hom«-enunr da•pl.ay
English Club Student.s interested in Engllt.h os a field of con«ntratjon or support constitute the majorit)' or the mem~rt or the P eru Stnte
English Club. The club
further the s tudy and enjoyment of the Ene· lith lanru.ace and literature. The En.vJL!Ih
club published "Siftinc St~ nd:s."' an t~~nnual tOIJection of students' cn:ui,•e writing, undtr tht f'Ciitonhip of Ruth Rtlthbun and Lynn Sailors. This year the dub abo entered a <ill· play in the homecoming contest. The Engli-th honorary fraternity, Sipna T au Dfoha, also oJ)f:rattd for the ad,·ance· ment i n 1tudy ~tnd enjoyment of Enclish. Candidat.ts frw tht honorary h.tld a 6.0 ov<er· 1111 C.P.A. and a 6.7 in all Enclish cou.rut. Sigm• Tau Delta was the fir'it Rlltional fraternity to bt orcaniud on tho Peru C{lm· pus. Since 1926, it hss encouraged worth· while readinc and writing. and has promoted a spirit or rtllowship among Entli.sh studrnt.t. Both trrOUPJ wtre undtr the IUXU\tonhip or Mr. Silas Summtrs. Mr. $4.1~ V. lhl\ton. I". Oimcku...: J . C.•"~ W, \\'ill t«ond C. Milhor; L, ~h•111•1\an.; I{, 0«•11; (( R•thbv.n.. &outWY: J , l.«MSon. tb.itd R. J..eobiotft; M. llidu: J , Uretthont; lt E\-trharl: 0. Tnwillir.,.-: Cou.rttl. B. flo,.tn.: C . Woock, Pr~t; L t' I'Of!lt
s.i&or•. Vi« J•r-"1&.; L. IA!fttktt<lt; lwl(_k L. SoftfiMIII. M 8&td;; 1110'1 pktured;; !lot. Rlldkr. Ttta••wt-r.
Sigma Tau Delta
... ______
h."• • S.t«l. M. ll k lu.. J. 8uttbon:t: 1). J~e.M 8\oiCI~.
I.Ait~chttdt: tt~~ndlnc:
tl-ldnh Club oN'"""". ltuth ltathboun. G"'" W~ l.yftn Sailor.. 11:1~ lr\lfttt • ' t!M. Chn.:u- P'ny
Studen t Wives Club
YtoAI.: J.U:k \\'ilkGlOI\; J•n Suo,.. Charklut Ntdrow: K•''" Ett.._ \IOI'In!. CoiDOII. Vi« Prf"Nd'f'ft~ C••ol:rn 1\codt•.
S..Crdarr. M;IR.
Maf)' ~l!.rt, Ja~n; Ann p;,,. Doudw.-ty: ~.t¥Uila Ncu-nn
J>r~ckru: Cla\ld~
Putting Hubby Through The Student Wivts Club wa-. a unique orgl'tnization in th~tt iu membC'rs wtre not t-tvdtnU. but rather wi\'ts o( full-time s tudent.t at Ptru State
CoUtee. The objec:t of the elub was to promote oommunity beHtrment projects. Some or the gToup'e proje.cta this year included selling: eandied applet at the hOmt<Ominc game, distributing ThankJgivinJ favors to patients in the Auburn HO$pital, Yis.icing the Nebro.sko: School for Visuolly Hnndi· capped. ond octinr as judres for the cirls' dormitories' Christmas dteOra·
lion contests. The club aJso provided opportunitits for the wiVH to become aeQuainted with eaeh other.
The con.stitution wM r«~ntly amtndtd Co include formal traduation «remoniet Cor gTaduates. T he roal or each member was to earn a Ph,T.. Puuinr Hubby Throurh degree. Upon her husbftnd'a rraduation, each m~m· ber was rranttd an official Ph.T.
Ytollt Mia. llolwy, $1)0111o10r. L Wri"Mt"t: 0 . Sportt; M. lhm• «<ktr. M SuldtB: A M&MOtbo: J, Colckn: H<'Oftd Mrt. Kr«w&, S~: J . SN.n.. Pr...Wott~l, G. Putt~aJn; D. Sc-humm; M. Stutlwtt; M. Moody. C . CiwoYna, Scocncary: L Oldtit'l<l, bM:k·
L. R•thbon« M . Lun~ M . Scht.an. Tr-~ar..r. K. Lov{u, Pn&. v.l«t; G. Mullt'n; K. lloemann: W, tlowtlt S. QtdM'ota: C. Dorfl. nol llkturtd:: S. !Uiftt. Vic. Pr..Wtfll.
Home Economics Club -'
The objec:tivet or the Home Eronomic::t Club were to improv~ education ror the proreuion, provid~ ror prorfaional dewlopment and work (or the improved tUtua of the home. promote rec:naitment and vocational ruid· an<e and Interpret the purpc»e and runction or home economics. The club it affiliated within the National Home &onomict AA· todatjon. and any rirl with a home economics major or minor m.a.y join.
The yur"t aetivitiet in· dudtd a United Nations Oinntr. a Chrittmat party, and th e Martha Washincton Tea.
fi'OCit' L.
M Bow~~~an: 0 . &dee. S . J~mol'l; R.. Sow-ala; IICCond. L. AcS.m: L. Rodtor: 1... Hl.avw. 1C1r.
R. Cr&blt: C. Wthrbrtn.: K. A~ R. Soitt, Vk• PraidtRl; 0 . Ri.A.n.K L
••roru: V. &tc'n", Mil';
f'n,fK*-. S.Cr~ry; Mot· oM; P TownMt~d; D. Dlfltm.aaa; R Card~tn:
0 , Odt: F. RL.t: bMk: 0 . 8u..lt:irk. C. lfawa:
J . Odt: J. lkc.k. J. M t)~.
Industrial Arts Club-- Epsilon Pi Tau The Indut crial Art.s C lub was ope:n to anyone inter~ted in in· dustrial ar-ts and voc::ational edu· cation. The dub i• affiliated with the Amer·ican I ndustri.al Arts A•· toeiation. Club memben received the national publication. Tht lndustriol Arts Ttoch4!r. A rtCUia r project or the l!l'OUP has been a homeeomina di.spl,y: th.i.t )'dr the lA dits>Jay won fi,..t pia«: honors. The honorary fra tnnity for irw!uatri.al art ttudent.. €1)t:i.lon Pi Tau. wu organlxed in 1932. Qualification for membera.hip was. It least a "8'' average in induttrial aru covnes. Mtm· btrs were only junio,. a nd sen· iort. Offieert for the honorary itw;luded: Lerry Adam, Prtti· dent: Oon Btdea. Vice Pretident: Jim Kleveland, S«retary: a.nd Let Hlavac. Treasurer.
Mu Epsilon Nu ~tu EJ):!Jilon Nt~ wM the honor(lry «<uca· tion:tl frat('rnity for men: Ptru'• chapter. lftho. i ~ one of four active uniu in the United State.. 1'ht chaJ)ttr wM nntionalittd O«:tmber 8. 1966. Sponw~
for the a roup we-re Drs.
Shellt)' and Me->•tnt. 'T'wo honor<'tr)' mtm· beuhiP$ "''t'rt 1.\Wl'trdcd tO Dr. Ne.-.1 S. Comon and Senator H:OI!k'l Hu!ill.mU!!$tn.
The group tour«! tht Nebraska School (« che Vi.su11lly Hondic.opped t'lnd the School (~ the Deaf. Se,·eral ''teaC'hinx da~.. were hcld :u Nthawka. Tt<umsth. and other local schools. Otltn Chopttr 31-)oO honed the national c:o•wtntion in the fall .
•'toRI.. 1). S.,·,, ulltk. 1'tt;'l.!Uifl; l:l. l~tn: J. Jolw: L &rt~h.. C Kl!'>ndt:n., t«<O''d l>r S~ ; R Ur.d-w. J. :o.hiltt.. G . .Ahlut;; u J•rt-oidt"tll~ bKk R &::>obboo. J \Mitr. $. :.-:.r.....n . J ~:brrl)-. K l'it-1, \'t« l'rtondtnl; J C••tl4"t. ~ltMb.1'~1\op Ctuuffl~"
'!.,.,. . .,
Music Educators National Conference
The Mutie Edueators' Na1ional Conference_.. primarily an orcanization for student-S «>•ncen•~ratinrl in the field of ffiU$i(', This year the MENC tJpOIUOre<l the hig h sehool vocal and intotn.Jmtntt~l eli nics for students from area sehool.s. The membt'fll receive valuable in dire<tinr suc:h progr:..m.s. The KtOUP 81to produttd and presented "M)' F'air Lady," with Jim Butt~: s-tudent director. Sueh mu.sieal produc:·tiont ha\'t c:ome annual projecu for the M.E.N.C. Throu8h such aetivitif'$, the rroup !\ave thertd iu interests and knowledge i n the field music.
J'rocat~ R. 11": J _ Pitlfl', Stcr~ry·Tr-\un: M &11\o.:, C. I)~ J . T.cok lfCt.; MC'OI'MI T. ()abouu, C. Blllllb .uhip. C .
Stitrt.. 1~. ll•y. J . l>uotminr. third· K. C.rnc J , Uadlour, VQ Pr~nt: .1. t)~~rn; J , Oabl; R PAtttrool\; fourth Mt. Wol..ofi, Sp0ru0r; M. IIKb; 8 . Uhu: J . ~U•: t-dl; 0 JoiMr. R. Slalton; J Vaodon-(Ofd; S. ~. PrC'Ik!tnt
Tht r'nu Stat~t Karat~t ("h•b we• formally orpn· lt.fd '" 1~. but '' had iu ~nninc H\tral )'f'8N ar:o whf'n C'ralt HaftWn 'tarttd • Uratt" <1..• JU't (or fun TM dub ~ haw upandtd to aMiudt boah lcaratt and .1\Kio Tht-rt wtrt eicht«n mt'mbtn 111 t ht dub thill )'N!Ir. t11h t pn ndP31b• in kllnUt'. And the rt ma indtr In j udo. T he tit1t t a~tin ~~: took pl~ce In Ot«mbf'r o( 196'7, •t which time t-ight mtmbtou rtui\'f'd M itt: and ctrtlfiCAlf'l.
l)ufii\C' thif achool )'fl!r t• teH-• ttlc • orlc-(Mits we~ h-tld. dunnc wluch all inttt• ~tfd Pt'f..CWh had the op. portunlly to prat1i~ t hftr
Karate Club-The Art of Self -Defense
f'lwtt. Ju..t
....,.\« Seoc:rN.f) Tr...
- ('-- ·~·· ..._. ~ s.c,..... ,) ,._..,, • · - ..,...,....,.... 1'1 1 al. c.,t ~u..
._.... WI&.
""' ......_ J• u.,.,.,. (-... ... .-
~lrt.. n.,,~ ~liiMJooo
J- t'AbuN. S.IJJ' C....._.,_ •.._ ~ T. . ICehloH. K..
_...., t·ua. I I • - ·
, _ _ , _ _ " " ' . . . . . . f t. . . .
u- , ........._
J .... ..
hont. L . l;$ndk)-: ~I I;J.alh;at-; fo~d. G. 1-~ly; J. \hlltt: J_ R 7.-ptouronitlt, Tr-wt-r: S. ~"'.1; J_ ~h..lu, J Cr.,.rony, J S C•rpentt-r. J UrfllhoQ.M, I«
t... ON-
C:.».Ut•"' Slni•k C;.JWI, ._.. lwrftl', K GrttOr)'; b.wt \h. Sa.-. :-own~ 1). Cr•Mt-r; S 1'•-dd_.....: G. Hnntl(l,, l,r....odt-m. T P«-o<IM'. J.
1-'l•hu: I' llorri.
Peru Social Science Society The Peru Social Science Society wru~ newly organittd in 1967 through the mergina: or all the pre-vious orronizotioru in this rcnt rol field of in· terettt. The mercinc disband(!(( the former Peru J-l iltorical Society and the CeoOgraphy Club. P.S.S.S. hod the moin obje<:tive of protnotina interest in undentandinr and appreociatina history. the application or soeit~ l teience, Md \'OC:IIIional opportunities in thtse fields. Some activities of the group th~ )'tar included truest SPtake-r Prottr•m• . a Chrit ttnas party, a home-·
t't0on1 t 'ml.t:
0 l.uwlft'. Vi«- Pr,...idtru; G K RkMorh.t: 1- Seh.af.,.,-: P.
lll'nntbon. S«rf'tory; T
Judlnr-.; C.
1.. A)'lor. n 1-.'l«· h11rt, I. l~rtd•, \1 t;.ktr•nol. It r\to(-t,:. rNn. 0 1\cbt-r. J_ &.lft-ld; bM-k. J ~. (.'. Stront W :l~tntr; S W) • MOrt-, T ~l'n.o.ot~. ~pon-. l>t- ~hoc·
Thom~- ~·
tftl!Mnloli, ~- Molt td. J_
coming dis-phi)', ond the awarding of a schoh•r•hip. Phi Alpha ' rhet.n. the h~tori cAI honorM)', OPtr· ate. with the ..,,me offietnl as the Peru Social Science Society. Peru State's chapter, Eta Oeha, wai establillhed in Oetobf.r, 1957. Its pur~ w &:f; to eneourtu::e on enthus.iBstic interfli.t in historical e~nu, H.('Quirt.ment.s (or mcmbtrship wtre o 6..6 CPA i n ttll hisc<lr)' coun;~ and a 6.00 in all othtr
courset. SpoiU(If$ Cor both lft"O\IPII wtre Or. S<:hotttn• h11mel a"d Mr. Strom.
Student Center Board Tht Peru Suue Student Ctn• ttr &.rd. coordinating body for
arti,•ities takintf place in the Stu· dtot Ctnttr. sponsor«! numtrous adt\lttft durinx the ~llt~ee't IOcial st~son. The highliaht.s of tht )t~r came with the Valentine Ibtl('und the lr81dition.ol Moy Fete ftMariti('t..
The Board inititn4!<1 the Pres· idtnu· Coun(il. nn or~ta ni z.otion tffPQruiblt for the atablishment olunit.> amona: eampU~ ei~.J~ .
Amonr the \'arious
bil1tift handl«< by the Student Ctnttr Boe1d were ai!IO lhe mainttnan« or the c:~me room, the rtcrtnt~nal cquipmtnt. and the ttud~t lounge. front ~
Mr. &rrtU. SPOIUOI; 0. Monieon. Vi>(« Cluuman; 'ft \\'1lli:t.uJt. 1), SPOrtr; J , K~IU. U lloootn. Ctw.in..a.n. A Sbf,..'OOd, Tr,.~~~~. U l.af.a>~tt. ~rtt•r>-~ Mr.._ Camuly, SP<ot~$1)0flt(H' , J. C..>n...; ,J , t:J.,tai'Wlir. b.tlt.
Student Governing Association
r-.. J KICb: J A &rr, -.d 8.
R.ldlotr. l.. Sl'lanaban.; J . l.,.oc..doft~ J. DJMitburn, $tftCU.I)'·Tr8illollfr. M. Brtuhont; NtOftd A , Shopky, ~ S Jolln-"'>tt: It, J011~ Pt-c-klmt: \'k. Prnacknl; J . l"'lootnDWI: T . RuJM; 0 . Sporn: J, ~~~. badl; A. Sbtr• l..o'ot,o,-, T. 1.(1Ct6oft, K. C..r-. n Oowtn. R. O..•lrl.. M. B~k.
The Student CO\'trning AMO· dation wAS the body or student· tlt<·tOO representath·e$ o( all organiz.atior\3 bnd d8Uoes on campus. Pret·ident Hon Jones tmd Vice President Alan Burr were elect«! in the jpring or 1967 by the stu• dent body, Though limited in its power, the S tudent Co\'trning Association did play an important role in cam· pus ttc:tivitit~~. Some or the SCA· fp()nsored events included e ll· college danc:tt. the annual water· mt'lon (eed, the college picni c. and the homecoming restivitiel). The S.G.A. !lent several rt'P· reger\tath·es to reiional ttudent government conventions in the
Morgan Hall 'f'h.t \\'om'" $tudtnt A.o.tOriation ,., MOfO., Uall h
thot cl«mitory <ounoe-tl The courwll t'Ofi... Ut ol, ftOftt . K.,- &..viH, " l"rftidwl. JO)U Olatkbutfl, Prf\a <ltiH; t'ra~ C)'hra, 8«rf'l.ll)'; lo«ond, Nattey R~. Carol)'ft Rou• moa",
Pa ll~
Nt1o111'1Mutn, Loio Ri-
dUck. Muy M'""ry; tJ,.tk,
Thoml)8o(ln, M11}on• Cud"'- C.rotrn Payton. lla.rbora Joh~. Wi· n<C~~& H~U. C.nody Willt)._ Mat)· MtVkbt, alld Mary l.u JIOC'Io:'Tht Mcwnn ~odl. • all lht dof•l~.oty ('O'otlntn.,rl1•, ;, rnPI)ft Nb&f for -a. m..lttn a.~o. rtDC'r•l ditoc:ipbnt
inc dormilory
Residence Hall Councils . the Dorms Student Leadership m Davidson-Palmer Tlle d;ormii.Of)' coundl at tht ntw · ·- " ' ' tht Ctnttnn.ia.l (;.omplu, O;n~· l>atmff llall, comci.~oh ol, frot~t, C.O.~n cltKOI\UII, Jaa Wallofd. JaM Wlfbb. Jnn Wilkon.tOfl, Sut Mor,... My. blc:lo-. Mal)' Rvdlu. S«rriary·1'rt.~wrtr:
...~.,, ot
Unda l>itor.klaoff. L.anda
l.ynda Sh.lnah._.,
.lan-tM ~tl..t1', •rtd Do.u~o~ Wiley. V'(""l"f'""i6tnt Jan. (;i'l'f'ba~. J>r~t . iJ I\IOl plcturtd. Thi. ~ndl ••• rn.I)Ofttiiblt
'. '•--·
••·ntuc •
oinocot lbt dofnutory and lht (0..•• ril .....,, ,._ thn ~flu. 1'ht ft-ly orcanUtd ('IOU•· riJ .... lf4110f1Ublt (Of di-'pliJ»I)' ll'lflllUieft and •pontoti.nc ,-.rtOUt .eth;ll"- lbn<bon·l••l•rt lholl, •I~ whh tM boy'• .S.O..~t~hory, CIA)'butll• .M•t.btwf.. ~ked 011 • HOf!M'C'Ofllilll dUpl.,- w hk~ took third p ill« ... itl\ h~ tHmt in.-.IYinc tbt u l'lfW ~Ndlutloft
fft»''l! L
Okd:holf; P . Qlotk; K. Vu Artdalt, Stn~tY· ~~~-tl. Praklotnl: I &1-iJ.~~W~n. Vk ot l)ra.i·
Trtu..tn: C.
* '"·
dtnl: MiN Ruu.. SPOIIJoOf; P. Davit.:: f . Gytu•: .1. C. ~ 1,. RiMChkk~ 0 . S PKiu!Nnn
Women's Athletic Association The Women's Athletic Aqoeiat ion wasorganiz.td for all women interested i n women's physical edu· cat ion. Requirtmenu for membenhip i ncluded only an acdve interest in the tPOrtt eventt: and academic promotion• of the W .A .A. Fint )'t3r members were enc:ouragfd to e:~ rn o tchool ltteC'r by participati.na in a-port. and re<:· rHtional activitiet: SMOnd year membert received cold bars. M did third year members. for fu rther participation. F ourth year memtHll"' were eligible for a PhYtical tducation book.
Some valuable projecu or the sponsorship of t he t'lnnual hirh school volleyball t ournament a nd the a warding of two SoChoh~rships tO women phy11ical f'd ucation ml.;o.>.l Mt:mbus or the group 3lso atttndt'd clinics to tnable the wirlli to earn owes ratinp official&. T h tre wu considtral>le intercollteiatt competition in ~·ol leyball and ba.t-kttball amonc tht variou.s women'• physiCfll toduc:ation organiuuions or othtr tchools.
F'ro"'' S. Oo..wr-~~o: K. Athtn~Ki«: & t'!.uu~ D. It«..-.; D. Collincb.Am; lotCOM: P. Rohr.; P, Cr•._... J . W•Uord: J , Sc:hnddn; P . ~n: C. Thu.rb«: !Noel;
\ I. l•of•hl: S . l..rt011o; A. RittH: K. M. M orri -
: 0.
K. Y0111
White Angels
r.-t "•• ....__.,. ,,_,.,., " ""'""' o "fil!ll"'-•• n-
B R~~t~... A \t__.llo 1.-,u. ~C'Utr- U
... r
ltfftf)'. \1 \C-ry Pu"odom1 L Kno~r "i \.,.\lm ~ ''""''' \S Hldu.. \t Uun. l. U-lwc~
Thtt Wtutt ;\n"lt was orsani%td in 1948 to pro· mot~ tCHtll •nd intttttt in colltn ecuvth8- A
..:i••ry Ofi41Rtlahon, the Chtf'Ubt, wa:s cr.. ttd in 1$69 tO Mf\"f a. • prt-hminaf)· 15lt'P fo. ..II'URI ~DHnbtrohtP an tht' Wh1te An~ttb. All rftfll"'bt',.. mu..t
tlbl Pl•hlffld
M '\((\'ll(:k.,, K ..,.. h.ll.~ ( ' \\tl~. G . J.,-l
l•f·~"'' ·
"- l 0r&odftll
have a 5.00 Krftdt POint ft\tflllrC-
Of tht JfOUP'~ .c-tl\'lliM
incJudfd a
nMnifll dis-play, orpni.Ltd ch+tnn.t at mc:»t pmt'l, •nd ~~~ campeJ(N to promote «hool •pir"it, ~t.a_. F'n~
a. ran~hy t:I)OMOI'.
no. .....,, A..... tt..>-1 ...... w,tlil tlv H~••"- .. ttt. -''" ..,_.,. '"laotl:uwi«JoCC'' -~ liN
Circle K. a studtnl counl(!rpart of the civic: Kiwanis Club. was OTfanited on eampus in 1967. It• llt-neral purpoees were closfly COrre":l3ted tO the Kiwt'nis' coals: that is. Circle K aimed toward communitY bettet'mtnl and advancement. Some of the group't major projeeu indudf!d a c&mpuJ hootcmanny. an aUcol l t~e convocation. and a pro;ected (Am· PllS radio elation.
Oflicu. inctuode. rrom left J . &r-. Tt..wr": J . Cra~ o. CrMMt', Vic. Pr...&ck-nt: ll:. Gl«lt: R. 11-. Seocular)-: S, MMOII. J>reacln~ t; l)r. \\'ininnr.
Circle K Junior Kiwanis of America
Front; R. Benn: n. 8a.rtet.: R . O.lc R. Und.fr. G. ~'e'it; W, Pee~ MC'OI'WI: O. Whit•: 'f. MlkkdMft, U. Elckr; 1•. ll:uJI: D. c-rt!J,;; back: M. llani.; R. Marb. D. M~: J . ~kReynoldt; R fUnbl: D. Ow~.11•
Wesley Fellowship Wetlt)' Fellowfhip wt~• organized in .1960 to serve the Methodi11t and non-affiliated ProtestAnt ttudtnt& on campus.. Recrctuion, worship. and 1nudy rMkt student lire more complete throuxh the fellow· ship or the IITOUP. 'l'he membtrs received frequent opportunities ror worthip end congenital relation-S with fellow students. The Wtt.ley Fell~·ship sponJOrt<l St\'tral sJ)t('ial projecu durii\Jt the year. including a pro· cn.m featuring a fr\JfSt ~~aktr-a foreitn student mtm~r of the (trOUP. Frot~t! 0 . KotUiktr. b«<i Rof'V. M. Hurh,
CofJuubam: M. Sulldtn, J•rnac!ftlt: K. \'ooc; M. Voee Pr~cnt; L. Okllltld, C. Ca.athouw: Undtr. SIIOfttoOf ~ O. Undtr. G. Ahbn. Tr('a.llatotr, 0 HNVt; K. Crf'II'Ot'y, $«t$1Y
l.S.A. The Lutheran Student AS&OCiation wot newly reorcnniz«< on campus in 1967. Membtrs enjoyed tPiritual. intellectual, and S()C;ial acth•ities. Croup projK-13 we:re planned to promote dis· cus.siont and exchangjng or opinion& 8nd ideas on major moral and academic- topics. The s-pon110r ror the trrOUP was Rev. William L. Jura:en.s. All three relil(iou.s JTOUP5 pictured on this l).tl.{l:e cooperl\ted in a Chrittmas party thi,t year. The c:-lubt th.and responfibilititt in planning, financing, and directing the perty htld in the •rown Hall. Froftt P. Roll,.. n . Ctf'tfl; M Sun: S . Mkhal: U, lfoltlin.r: M C.,rdeJ.: C . ltottm.aft; W('()nd: R. John.oa: $ , Kt-"'H; 0 . t.on r~: A R11te:r; K. Rt:nntOI"f; J . W«-n.:: E. n11ttt: blc<k R. Rkfl.•tw-; 0 . Kuom.«; K C.r-= 1...- Hitumann: D. <.\ mit;; G. HO«<'t.:: W. S.udt.
Newman Club The Newman Club was the c::ampus organization for Catholic student.s and th~ interested in the Church. lu function was to offf:r ttudents social. intellectual, and religious activities on eampus. Som~ of the aetivities durin.g 1967·68 intludtd the Newman Forum. the presc-ntation of full·ltn8th mo..ie:s. a dance, and a C hristm&s Pl'U-ty in con· junction with the Lutheran Student Assodtn.ion and Wesley FelloMhip. Father Vincent Kelly was the orr-campus ti>On· sor ~nd Mr. Jtrome Sttmpotr was the rac-ulty hd· visor.
Frot~t: J . M~. Tr~•.: J . 8Y~llcr: M. Budltr. t•r-.; M. MviJtn, SK.: P . Cibztofto; C. Rll.: b.clt S r'r•n; L. Sh,aru~n: 8 . Olh-.r. M. Gvdto. V. P.: J . Rlrtdt: K. lh\·111. Mr.SttmPtr.
•'IOfll II Gl•th&r, l"rftad.tnl.; B Arnold.; L. l'orlrq; H. •l.ln· _,-; n llauchi.Ofl; I~ ('ap.llo; ~ C ColcrO\•; H GU,.on.; J. ft.,n.._ 1.. Sholf. 1). lhbidMv. II v ._n And• !•. R ~oh•;
b.wk; R Sh•hOR: D. Curtif.; 0 . Ord: C. "'huniU: 0 Choulb. 1•. t.nchuhr, S«r ,t•rY·'f"rt•''"''· S C'.oocl
Blue Devils .. '-t '"t;,.'
• •• •
. . ,"< . ~~o.O'
• -•
I •;l
• ..t..,
r,.u •\ l'okorny, ,J . AIJt.,; N l'..tnUo; \1 c~cko: I' lltt!Mot•r. 1«ond 0 T. Judtin... 1). ltam mtr. badt; L. A)'lor; R V•nd:; 0. Curt!.: 0. UtH•
The men's pep orcaniuuion, B lue Oe,•ils. WM ori.gin&ttd to build morttlt, create • more enthl.lli· astic student body. and ~t the l'iJhtin'f 8Pirit ol Peru's athletes. The Blue Oe,·il theme 110n.r hadi· tionally Ol)ened all the athletic events. The membtro~hip r08e to tifiy·l'ivt men. Undtr the pled,fte S)'ll:tem. Stcond llt'mf'tlter rr~hmtn lit nominated by active mem~ and \'Oted upon by tbt c:h;b. Sponsors ror the group Wtft Cooc:htt Joe Peli,.ek and Tom Fitq;-erald. SP«i(ll proj.ec:U include-d the COnttruction ortbt hus:e roncrtte "P" on the tti.St 11lope or the M Bowl as part or the homt"COmintr di~PI&y ClQntctt.
ttn.~lll'l; R l,.' h•r: nO( Slicturtod \', Alkn, d~l. M. \luh•11ory, s.,_.iiM•at...--
\ ' - P~
t'l'Ofl' R f:\wlwon~ A ~h; 0 t...\fOIIIaa~: L, Potlrto). I> 8HU~nn. \' A11ot91~ S«r«ar)~ tw.orlt; IC C.ro~~blto, T
H t-nodrlf"lt..: J (iu.nnloti.,
1). l.lndtr. R
hlttH;. J
The P·Ciub. Phi Lambda Alpha. was Ptru S tate Collere's honorary athletic fraternity, 'l'he prereq· uilhe lor tadmission to this oraaniution wa. the r«eh·intr of an athleti~ letter through p:trtieip.ation in a varsity ts>Ort. The major purpose of the frattrnit)' was the fosterin1 of good will and good tport.sm11n11hip ut all ethltti~ event,, FuncU were rais.ed through t uch projec:u ruo selling prorrams a t 3thlttic function.$. Spon10r for tht or~tl.l ni.wtion was Coach Jack :\1dntirt.
t'l'Ofll; lJ JOI'Itfo; D. Ctall'ltr: R J, Walth; L l)un.thtkt", M<'Ond· G. Col.crO\~ 0 Cu:rtk 1. Col• IEI'O''t: 0 . J-n.; 8. lt~p.; L. Rodtt. bac:.k.· H. t:Vffh•rl,
RldtMUr: 8 . W ·tjoy. Vi« l't fMdtnt; J . Ttfll·
h~;~Utr. L.
A)·lor; noc pkeurtd
\'•l~. l•r~t
' 路.'
H~.~~t I
~ Mftllb«t or tbt ftah1111o111 kkltlint lndl)d"" bMk, PaM Milt· thl-. Chr\• Olanktmh.ip, Jac:ld• f'vmmd. Rita Cr«n. Lynn C.lotndin•. Lynn Mowry. OW.nt Mtlklwlr. k""'lll.ll'. Dlarw
Dolin• Sl~n. Marty Uabfmu a, l~ul.h Fari:ft;rtOa.
Cotlnlfl Llndbloono, rHbbk Corut. er,.~.al Sti'"'. -ttd. ~. Ttrftll O..·t.._ &.rltrw Sh..II.OII, Sand)' Ulnu
Second Century Variety Show The soeeond century of Peru State Colle~ was onceaaoin opened with the annual f'all Vbriety Show.
under the direction o! J . 0. Leviu. On-P"ite "-rioos delays in sehedulinB and preparation. the &how wa,
a biarer
than ever.
John Miller. tophomore, tentd at ma1-ter of coertmonies !or the event. The traditionally "legy" kicklint of freshman (iris :app.eored in somewhat untraditional Ku Klux Klan e~tumtt.; Joyce Black· burn nl\'td at. chor~apher for the kiekline. The high point of the pr(IC'Tam O«urred whtn Miss Fr-ieda Rowoldt, business instructor. Pft$tnttd ht'r riotous interpretation or ""The Bi.~t Brown Sear... A Ntirical portion of the s how was dedicated to J. D .'s a lphabet. the ..Top ~ ... •nd the Peru St.ate handbook. J•m.-. 0 . IA"Oiu -.:ain .n. M clirec:t01 for tht atu1ual Fall Vui.-y Show.
. ~~ ·.....····.:·'\·* . ~ .~ . J
~ ·~.
• .. ' • • '• I •
•• • • • ••·'!
"·..?:·.·re :· ~':.
"'Sh.... •ad - n (l('b " . th• Ptt t&oc- ~ '~'-"''" ' <~ • .l!ld 0..11 ,\lt l\ifl. .... iiiiiiDOft.&lu...S • ith Pfln\111~· . ,,
T- S....• .......... Tr..- 'T'I'r'l •• aM
' - T...t.• ,..,..,. .. ....._
n. ......,.
_,Y'f .__
-....tw-,. "'"' ....,..a,..w .,. tAw . ,.,.... l.M"
.... ..,... ....., .......... . --
W. • • ' - ' 1k J 0 ., hi!Mot -.11)' v~.s.._.
~t tM
F. .
Th• l961 Hom«::rrunc Quttn 1nd her auendanu trt, (rom the ltrt, Julit lb.rrlton. Wood lli~r. llli· aoat. 11 nnlor phy.sieal edu· -'ion m•jot-: Lola Morris·
. Om.h•. • JUnior a-e.n.-r•l miJOr: Quetn o..u. \t•ry \towny. 0.·
tn«, • Mnaor tlft!M:nt.ary tldiiK•t.on mr.a.JCM': and Ll'l"ldl KNPPtlm~r.
Johnson. a
~'• tlt-ment•ry edu~ cthon m-I)Or
Quttn Oonita SP«k· runn, '' pretty 20-year·old MniOr
from Elk b«•mt
Cretk. l'tru'•
f6th •nnual Hom«<tl'linc QcM.m. Sh. ~ b«niM·oh~ . .ny KCH""'lt8 011 C&m•
,... ..... or
whlt-h .,..,, \\.A.A .• t.nd, 4orm coun.tlor, Alpha Mu 0mf'll, Btta S.t.a l:ltt.a, prt11dent or Oavidson· Palmtr llall. and &«rc:tnry chtttl~tor,
M'n\or d1.n.
" " c.~ . . . . . .
•twv ~" ..... - - - . . ..._..,.,._ "-l- ~f)' ........ • Jl t
u.,_ \lob JW.. tt............ .....
Alpb. \1u Omtta•Pt»Ullfed the
MtO.nd place dttP.Y whi-ch wu loe.ted ..... or lhe S<'ieooe Bw.ldU'II' and ••• j~ the tDOIIt uniq~. Chari~ Brown •tood by in MJpl. . ~lwion. while Lut-y IUIVtYed Charli•'• \aM I he WTOftC forrn~,SI• Tht C.nlennial Com,plu: cfu:· pt..y lOOk third place with iu Ktne of • Bobcat with a Wayne playtr in hajaw1. The dltplay1 wtre judted by fh·e thin~t~. thtse ~in.r: (1) oriri· nalhy, (2) kttplnt with the theml', (3) quahty of the work. (4• quantity of the wotk. and (5) incuetcl appg.l Mr. H.nrOI'd ~illler sen·ed as eMir· man o( cht f'\t:nt t,tW. )'Mr. Alto JUdtlftl Or. Sit'cner. :\h KinftrY, \h Welb.. and one SCA mtmkr r«prtKnh~ the •tudent
Homecoming Displays Add Spirit Tht Industrial Aru liom«<m· •RI diJpl.t;y, uandinc in front ol the C)'I'D, fe~turtd
a robot and a com• putn While color-ed lla.hh bhnktd. PMHf'l-bY wtn inJonntd of tM a.m~nee of the MCOnd hunchtd ,..,.... The man"'t101.1:1 ~lune Ptt"· cbc1ed tMt PttU wou.kt wan tht homec'Om.ine p.me•
lLr !kmon ..,. •. ..,.. t.or "«.ory.
t'J;ooo.v l'owff' by Dt.lu-ll llall w•1th.. ptM
. llJ
D. Moni.orl. J . Urock. a.nd D. Ood~ iA a 1("~4 from ••Ra!pb Rolt.t~r l}r,::,ojtttr." onoe ol IW9 Hom«*nin:t tfrorc.. boy tht Ora- l)c.pantMnt
Capping the Festivities ...
Oonita SPt't'kiNII'I lMIIfltdia1tly folklw>il'l• tht
"'"'"""''01' 1 o1 tM trad.rtional ~uft ol r'OM!> at the ~•fit O.llft. fttotiurtd htr~ .,~ th~ q~ alld hn
tw.rt. frOm kl'c. Boll I.A)\.·t}oy """' Ma.,- ~t-ry. C«• F.v.n-'i•t, lut ,.._,., Q~Motn. Oon.ila, Dora Swo.an. l)oftlta"• f"'C''n, ~m:, & .rti and Lob MOorl'bJY. aed Ki<hal4 Daly
111• P...t..eocian •••«I.,.. -• tM t<hool Pill*' tw\ee M•'l' &M•.nX'K L,ynn S.tlo". C"Cbtor. a.nd
0•~-• Oa•·~. •pOfb
"''Oik"" indltdoe \lib C•li-11•,
Ped Staff
Thot bftinnln:e ;o..rr..~hun
ot~tt •~PIIItllltiH
tlw- Ptd ot.lft;
•re SIMI Drc-ft, C.tol Gouul•. IJM... Kilcort. Lui')' S..•• w~. Jac.k Oolllhn.. Landa Mood¥. lATrJ"
SottNoM. bMJt; Ccorn Woo&., N'•aey thuu.tlr.tt, C.ry Ct.-d)', (;rte: ThocnPtOI\, La«y. {1"'0111
Peruvian Staff
fN p_..;.llo •lllfl' IJ"'b Ulo INt.- hov.n .,.. dw )'Mf~ I~ .,.,,,,_ f..c-1\Mk, f.r'OIII t'Cbt.ot \b,., UIM!I~ ~ ..tltor, P.-t ~"heft.,_... , •lid \lr K.c-111. adl.IAIOf
J•IM ¥."--I .1114'111
Jsry CrNlly, Mob W•ltl•. Df.n.n&• 0.,.. •M Dofo11• SPOt" h)"Pf''IOk tUt~.
,,,.nod i.n
Throu.vh the year. many oon><..J tions were held for t he enjoymtt11 the ttudent body, as well as. l01 cultur31 adva~emenL Some of eonvoc-atioru invol,•t'd atudent po.mc~ pation, and several well known P''e tpe«hes for the atudents. OurinJ the year t tudenu ~::::~ )O)'«i sueh I PUkcrs as ~ Huahts, thrH speakn• from Penal Comple-x in Nebraska, and L. Baron. 3 f3mous hypnotist. An Hono,.. Convocation paid utt to studenll who had tcortd in thtir academic: work.
I The fint stmtstC'r"s l-Ion· ort Convocation r«''jp\i:t.td aeventy·four studenu with di.s· tinction. sixtetn with high dll· tinction, and four with hithtst distinction. The honorees were inspired by Mrs.. Caliste Hughtt" talk on the intdlectual powe.r in the hand$ or the stu· dents: of Ameri~. This )'tar the eonvotation tehtdule was arr:mrtd by the Speci.al ProrramJ Committee. h~ded by M r, Silas £. Sum· rners. Auotiate ProftaOr of Enr:llsh. Moet eonvoc•tiona wtre sPOnsor«~. by a eampus orpnization, in addition to the Committee.
l•taidMt NMI S. Comon al\d Stnator lfwth.et OOfiCf'atullltf' tlwi thtet top ~tucknt• hon· ~ " thf' (1)CI.~at'on, M&rib-1'1 Slll'dtn. ;u.ruor. Jo.~-n Bfftlhottt, -Mr. oiUICI JAtflfll W&hk._ }unk.r.
1'h.t Studtnt Coor«ni.n• Auori• c.ion. raumf't tht IPOfltOH.h.iP Gl o.-oe:...apu. mont. (or thot Mftllblot ooric:s Fulf.lot~rth f•h~rot IWI0'0~8 wttot tho-~ on th• Oot~t'<Kd llec:1Uot Jl•ll
•t~tknc. •t ""
Dances and Movies Provide Campus Entertainmen
n.,. "C'""Ciantt"',a ''"l;l>ni~«MMIboofth•,.ffill. n''"' for 1114 lludt:nu •• •rtO&hn infor~r~a.l ct.~
l t~trUllnal to~Ki!
footNII aU..can wtra, N d: , _ Harlan Clatlwor, Roe. Rld<tnovr, Oat~ Koch. ~hU lr•'lL ffont row; &neh Cobo.oft, Tom Vr•bd. 11-·•rd StllbMncli«.k ... F..,_,.... Monu. an.d J•ek Cook-
lntramurals Encourage Healthy Competitive Spirit
.. _ ..
.;.; '---··~ .. -,.--~--~·..,,_~--~--- f
Tht cham,.to.n intUMu.ral ba&k"batl tUm •"<<...S.. front. R Parb, K A rnold, 0 llgbkrd, bMit. K Walt.h . R l/htr. 0 . Curd•. (: Maruut. ft U•.tUI•
s-............... .... .. ,_...._.
.. ,........ <~~ ....... -
....... llw
-.t._...........,..,....,.,.,_ ·-•
, _ , . (U'k
....,.wd ....... ..,..,,.. ,, ... , ..... , "-'• -
"~ ...,.._. """" OMor w~-,.
..,.., -
lh<)r . . . ....
The Valentine's Day Dance
Martha Washington Tea
.!'iM Mnaon at Peru St,.tf' Collf'Cf' "'"f' n.amtd lO \\""ho'• Who Amontt St~e-nta in Amtri· Univer~ititt and Collects for tht lM7·68 •udemic: ytar, ...ivt of tht nine were January
Who's Who at
traduaU$. Sel«tion t.o Who'a Who was b.ed on e•c:dltnc• and a.an· C'mty in .,.;hol.,.h•P. IM<knhip 1ft ac:~~dltftli,t and t'O<Ut'rit-ular .ni\it.its. Mn1C"• to the «hool. •ncl promlft of future userulneu to JOC:itty. At l'tru State. the t.t•
lection c:ommilltt wM c:ompot«< or rac:uhy and ttudtnu. with Ot.an or Stude-nu c;uy ftOHnHr, u c:hainn.an
Peru State 8111 Bo--tn, .on or \h, and Bc:r-e-n or s,... brlltb City, is an £n1.h1h ma· JOf at1t\f' m IJtudtnt pubhca· lt(ltnt,, t;U~e:nt 10\"trnmf'nt, Enc· u..h Club. ~PP* Otha J)i, Sirma Tau Dtha, Mu EPiiiOn Nu. Ora· matic: Club. end debate. He it tnrolltd in Caretr Scholart ac \tr. Chester H
'tbraab Un"·trs•tY
Joan 8reuhont, dau~ehttr of Mr. and Mrs. Edw•n Oreuhorst o( Dunbar. it a l10 tift Eng.li.sh major t:trvinJ •• offic:tr for Enrl.-h Club. Or•matic: Club. Kappa Odta Pi, S•rma Tau Ott· t•. and Phi AJphli Th.u. and
ot P~n aftd Si{liq
Julie Emery, da•.llrhter or Mrs. Alkt Emery of Ntbra•ka Chy, i• en ~tmtntt~ry tduution tm~jor and has Hen active in Kap~ Otlta P,, coli... band and chor... i.ndudsn.r "Ki• Me Kat.-· She M"ntd .. dtlfiPlt to tht l\aliOnal bit:nMI C'OfWOcation ror Kappa Oelu. p, Julia A. £mery
Joen K. Oretthorst Ctorlfe: Ev•n~eel-.t. .on or \h and Mrs. Eul'f'n• E~anrtlist ot ,.,....rk., New York. lt; a phys.
o,l,..cdueation maJOf, lttte-rin.c 1n
football and baMbaiJ He "..,
a member ol Sti•
Set• Stta.
Newman Club, •nd PSEA. and Pl'tlfid~n t or P·Ciub. H e wu alJO active in intramur•l.t. Juhe Oic. .,., • major In phyt.kal tduc:atton. lt tM d.auP· t« o( Mr. a.nd Mrs. W R. Har· n,on of Wood R1~f1", tlbnoif. and tht wiJe o( Ra.lph DiCeu.re. She wa• a mem~r or Ott. Beu Ott.a and Kappa 0fhA Pi: the wat honortd as Valentine Swett· he.rt in 196$.
Mar)' Lv Hkb:, t'l mmic ma· jor, is the daughter of Mr. and Mnl. F.arl Hicks. Auburn. She has served 83 an officer in the band, choru&, M .J:::.N.C.. and P.S.E.A. and was 3 member of Sigma Tau ~1ta. Kappa Otlt3 Pi, Enclis.h Club. S.C.A., and P~ru · vian and Ptdag011fon ataf&. Ch:.rloue Nt-<lrow. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ch-tulet Her· shbt-rger and wife of Larry Nedrow of Falls City. is a butin~ major. She was a membtr of
P.S.E.A.. Ph; Beta Lambde. Whitt Angela, Pn·ut~ian and Pe· d(JllORion staf&. Chnrloue also lfl'Ytd •• cheerleader one year.
Char1oue J. Nt-<lrow
Mary Lu Jlick$
Joseph Oh, ton of Mr. t~nd Mrs. lnwhen Oh. Seoul. Korea. it 3 chtmi.suy major. He servtd as c-htmi.stry lab au:lstilnt, member of 1-fistoricsl Sociew. Chris tian Fellowship, Beta Beta l).eta, Alpha Mu Omep, Foreign LenJU4Ct Club. In 1966-67 only one Korean s tudent in the U.S. wM on Who's Who. Dick Zeparanick, a major in hi.ttory, is the 10n of Mr. and Mra. Jo.eph Zaparanick of Westfield. New Jeney. He wu active in P.S.E.A. and Phi Alpha Theta. and til lettt:rman in crOISf· country and track. He was alto the IIX>ntOr of a yoons chi in Viet Nam.
Richard C. Zaparanie-k
S. l)rodtrMn. J I:U&c:l burn, M l.uu. C. Pll)t.OII J, \\11"1" . J . r,.,..,, P . Hay, A. Udlf.r, M U.llut. \i Sf.i~rl. S Mwh.lol. mlddlt. 0 . w.u....-.. U l"•ttn'OIOI'I. S Cttnxnt.t. T, (h.borrM. K. C.r!W'f.. J. llut l~. k Kammtrlobr , \1. lhcb. G. t ' f'Ofl t
U•tftl, W 1.t'ftt l\f'r , .I O...tnunc, n Joii\C'r, hllclt: W C 8 1.-nk«<.JUp, S P r• n. C. lloiM'- n. C Sntr.. B RH.n. !'> \ h..on, C Scr.,adr, J . S.Ut. R 1 ~. R ~It W ll~n. J T~kttt. Mr Ktt'~->.h~r. J y,.,d~r~d.
Peru State College Band
The P eru Stote Colltae .Band servtd a duul purPOSe. as D means of instrumental m~ie instrue· tion and as a means for student relnx:ation. The AP• proximately (ort)'•Pi«e band preunted ~veral eolletce concerts. in addition to touring loeal high sehools in concert. Mr. Gil~rt £. Wilson. instr\K'tor of music and eonduetor of the colleiC/ Ollnd. round u:reat rewordl and tome rrw.trations in workina with hi., musieiat\!1. Many membt~ or the band were majoring in music; howf'\·er. many or the membtff wtre mcrt:ly inter· C$ted a-tudent.s. In fact. one member. Mr. Ken Krei· :ther. was instructor of Cermfin on the eollt8e Cac uhy. In the fall ..cason. the c:olltlte band also per· Conned halftime s hO'A'$ til the Bobcat football ~tam('f , highlitrhted by tht 1967 Homecomine eeremoniet.
ll ...... \1 H~ ftont, C. t..411. P R.uWt\.IM, K, YAm.atura. K K-. C. MA8dl. J . 0-illt, J 'I'M:\•U. ll I'AU....ot~. (' l"rtlt• Pfl. (' ll(M,:ot'IMfh U. Tdoc...,.. o«oold, \h. ('A. ....,., D Collinrlwlm. B LlunPto. \I IJ.II..w. J l)l!>fr, 1' ~. J . Bulh. M Soloon)·nb, J Dra b, R F'i ~Mr, II
Uoltlon.r. M , »urr: 1hltd, C. BliM, N.
llay, n . 11@11. J ll•rbovr. J . OI.Kkbt,~ro , (' ;::..ton"'l, K C•rnts, C Couula. * 'k· M ~-.... ani', ~ Urodt«t'fl. J . U.\ tr. K Ll111boo) . J . \'• nd"rlonl. \f ll•rr•... C; tbun, C. I:Ua t~bft · •h•P. I{ t'htlt.Ofl W l'ttti'WI\, 1), Q,..lurlo:
Peru State College Chorus
The Peru State College Chorus. under tht di· rection of Mr. Edward Camcttly, prestnttd sevtral ehor:.'ll productions throughout the ye-ar. One of the )'tar's major productions w ot "My fair )...(ad)'" in the fall . Under the tponsorship of M.E.N.C.. a na· tionftl mUJic-oritnted rroup, the ehon.aJ presented the famous &tory of Eli:ta ond htr "Pygmalion" rebirth. The musical was direocted by lim Buus. u nior mus ic major at Peru State. The chorus aetivitie. were offered as 8 one· hour chorua. in the music curriculum.
The Bob Inn, locatf<l in the Student Center of· fertd food and rtluation for the studtnt. It was a place where •tudente: could teet t(lfftthcr and discuu current affail'f and "hool work. The Lounge or the Student Center a llowed •tu· dtnt• to •tudy, play cards. or )Uil ta.lk. T he Lounae w.u refurnished last year to add to t he enjoyment or the student~~. AJ.Io located on the !P'OUnd noor or the Student tAnter it the Cafeteria. s.ervin~t thre. meals a day tO dormitory dwtlltrt.
The Bobcat Bookstore furnished tht- lhtdtlltf with books. ~~Chool supplit:~~, and pe_rsonal ittmt. S t udents rind recreation in tht ~rame rooa. whh~h enables ttudents to play snooker, pool, aDd table tennis. 'l'ht TV Room was equipped with (hairs and a color ttlevi&ion ttl. Here. etudents relu wbih wt~tehinc a movie. 1'hil room was newly opened for the ttudtnts enjo)·mtnt, and the television stt • • donated by the Stvdtnt Center Board.
Student Center Offers Relaxation
S.~u ..,..k OOUt IIOII'If ol thftr •nxitdiN ht a pmc ol t•blt lfnn-.. Thl. ~rUM and othf" .,, playNI lt1 th• Sludtnt C4!nltr p - room.
&,..t..t th.tar dill u1aqukk canw-ol pOOl .
O.vt La\IOfltaCM loob llltt h.. i~ about toM bHtHI b,. hh 09pollCfll, roe~~ O<Mtl""' ot naar~y Peru S..,ttn.
b. • ta>'Orht
l.oc•~ K f - f r - tM lklb ~~~. lA I~ OobcAf ~Off ...htrt tl\lOdtftU liM the ~ du11 .llrt ~ on lhtll d • - Aho o\IP&lll~ tJor 1M lklobtort .rt Mhool
..Wr~•._· .::•rd.. ckllhin:c:. •ltd MrtO<IIAI · • -·
&vdtnU •U.nd in hnt lot M"lo th•t . , , pi'O'Iidf'd lltttt ti.lfll._ d.toty on tht C•ftttrl.ll.
~lid Mill.... " t.routht thi• W.G~II...t Mtht ol •IIMitllO, bli)· ifll lloftdtd boob •IWI wfll)ll" &t ttl. (k>bc:.&t l:coobt.orr
libr••1 provid" • q1,1.i<H plac-e ~
s...,., Cood "lfall~ •
1111.\liet. d•....
hll.lld ""''"
••lid>' •1'14 rqdu11
A Sidelight of Academic Activities
II\ .,... .
on Campus Ill Mr l~llu ll-'o"'" omna~tiK'f (&.,., l>flll Tf<OUI •IM Ollhtr •t\Oektlb ......, .... 10
.-done foi UAI.o
It locilo:• '" t~h O.vt Pt-111t •nd Judy Wrirhl •ptlll II loon, • • • - ift th.t collotn l1br.,y
MrM Ro-'Oidt t•~o~rht t~ (und-.mt-n-ul• or tytllnc to otw Gt hH m.a.ny eta__
In hio. ..-par• um~ C11fl C«hr•ll Pf'oKIIotft. lolly \Ill thoU uo 1M «JJIofll:f om
Rohllt('ll·• nud.nu f'tljoy • tdt..,.lon r-~•n.r - ' -
in tiP"'(h IS2
1'\.r tlwmo"tlr)' l•bor•tOJy u.!>'r-nl.ll •Ot"k.
P«>•l'dfd I~ Muoh·nU
•.n OPPOfhUiily $or
Debate Club Th~ Peru Debate Ttam tranltd to teveral placu and pined o loc or
UPtrience from the &tudenlt they met. Their !llponsor wos Mr. Jomts l-evitt. who prepared the ttamll by initiating a. s imulated tournament i n ht. debate ci3Sf. Mr. Levitt alto suvcd as a judge at tome or the tournamtnt.s. The Debate squad cons.isced of Larry Sorenson. Charlet WiUi:~nu, Oanntl Henry, Lynda Shanahan. Lynn Sailors. Mike Castle. Pat Uindrum, and Jerry &trnard. Some of the divi· •ions that the debatt-1'8 participated in wtre. uadio announcinlt, disc:ussion. utemporanto\.d tPtakinJ. intcrpr~ive rwdina. original oratOr)', and televi· tion announc.ina. The l(luad also judged 3()mt hiah school debate conte~lll and
observed a
dtbate tournament.
Cbtn~ •l Ptn St.~~1• .,~. fi'Oe l-eft. Nell. M•r)' Mowr)', O.n.. lhl'lf7, l)ooju, St~<Kir-nft, (fl)fl1, Dfd• y.,_, Lilld.l Knid~~J~orir, •nd .loci)' Mf)'H.
Phi Alph Tb~tU. ltOIII(W•f)' Hut~ ~'r•Un\ity, inot.la1!:'d th• tM«nb.n (N)tU. 0. Joh._, C. Ocron~n.n., \1 . nn• (lwfl. J Urrtthor.t. J C::•itlfto K 7.o!*r1Ntk. J U)<tU.IIodot,
l)f. Sthc.~ttnh•md; N<k. I) S,.<~nt~k. U f;..-nMrt . J . \.lcH.,. noklt. C. llti.lll, 0 . RMh~t. C lhindt,.._ It Ulldrr. Mr. $4..• ._. K. $ttln.n,
Clubs Stimulate Student Interest
""'~ Jofu'ldorl ~.,..flO •t •
Hoot.-n•nn¥ •ol.h
othtr talt-nu 1U1th .. • cui l'inDnt -
end tD.In)' niter
Te~o~ l).,lle. fiOMf•ry F.Yicli~.h t'rattrnhy. Mlcb. it~ilietio.; """'- .1 &fllho,.t. \t_ llkb; '-de. U. J~n. M Rvdl", ,\h, S\I.OVIIotrt. .,,_, 11\d 1,. l_.~,~ftdot~t
The Judo •nd K•r•t• Cho~b addtd ~~ •'*h" lnttrtf4 in ~lub eo«i'littf.
Thft AII-Collftce ~tuNC'aL MY t~AIR ~OY. "'' at J)r.. "ftntf'd November 14 and 16Th• play. which "" at. n e-normou• S-\lotflU. had t•o HU with M"'ftnt«n tctnt C"ha~ Lft Kammnk»N and Don Dod~ P\"'e \U') it11· pr~wft
IJroolittlft and
ll1..-int- El.t"dlt:nt actinc .......
•t.o rhftn by Oa\-id Ah--u
Colontl Ptdttt;nr: ~tilte &hAw-anlf oJ AIJr«i P. Oootiult. and RiC'hard Shtllon a.s Frtd dy. Mary Lu Hicb pro\1df'd pi.Ano acwmpo~nimtnt, and defli.-niniC and buildinJ o( tht !'N1\y sett was handled by Stcl\'e Mason. who al.o OPtr• sted tht lightinJ for tht P«'f (C)Irrtl.ftRCf'S.
&...ft M ndlt. \&1 ~At-_. C.-..b'. 4u«t«: 0 . t>odet- H.-,. H..-... ' - t e Ww l)ua DMioult ".,- S... Hod.-. ,...... .C C ,,_.., ....,. J• &.Ita. ..,..._
"My Fair Lady" was Big Success
E:ll.. 11110 •nd • • - ··.zt r~l.cht-.
Residence Halls ,... c.dkcof. ,......... h.allo. .,fft •ttt8ofh0f "" ' ' .CUT t f e t - (lw c&-- aJIIII .. ....t) ........... - · - ( · .., ~- .......
.-..s-c. n.. - -
tiM ~ .ct 4'tflttflll..a C_,.t\ "" lot '""' 11r•t tUftf I••' f•ll T1w complu (Oftonh of
'"'" h..lh •II.Kh
1'-• liwlo&l.
II«<mo~tt :a-41 t-tuodorl'lh
~ f.._obllft
fo. _ . •llod · - 'Tlw ~.. 4'<-~o. • ......, dw ~
.. ,..., o..• ., ....
~ •IIIP"
.... ,.,.. o-. .,
" ' - · ........... - h b!l ··•h .............. tAorh Ooot h•• thr('Of '"" otoid•l'll Ulhb a111l OM ou oHocki'OI un11 ·r,.,. ~~~nh onuP)' Nth btclr~ •hkh It "'"~ M • to!nbon.at,..
- ..........-
afMI otllld) , _
..,.._ ., .....
- · . . . . ..., etn.frotl-
" ~·· lo.:..t "'rtlo("" .... ........ ........ .. p,.._;df.lt. afld - h ...,II two. • &..01fldry ,...... •lid •
, ...,..,_ , _ Th•
...."" •*•·
h.all .,. . '""'''"" •
IM-M \I~ , , _ lorft. ' I R.ot:l.l.-, \101'1.. t' ~to. l,_t,_. t~ An-I ~·~ T . .loh- ('&.1)'"-rn·\t_.ttw--.. I :O:tt•l'ft,__.,, P•l-r
~ -
Majors Hall ,\b;o,.. lhll .... o-pe:Md ~ OC• ~DQ' in 1960 ., th. lhl •wd i111 fdlf'lt dortJIIIOf)' I!Wift, fNIUnl)l comfort.-bf.t., <'OIIIIPI(ttb' ••• wt~· lllido"fd ~(OW!Imodatl~ ~ K
fob,ion 11•11 h*\ •
hololllf. ttlt•
1'1t- f1)0m. and la11ndty fa<iltti". OP"nf'd All a COfi'IPIInjoa, \Ia • ~ tlall \\'ffot • • tlt'lt O«upied
• S.pe~r ol 1!16$. \taiorf lholl "'~ UR k«<lmiiiOd.al t l:t2 ll'ltR. 0.. of tlw r~ums olthi• bl.likbnr • a COIIUIIIOI!It Ar,a lor wt b) tb4 m~-n«s. ol both dormhoroa,
Delzell Hall ••m buth ill INt and r~dtd '" 1116&. l)d:lftl llall ~ude 11'1111 qu..r· ,._...,. tor 1$1 ''""· l'tlt bu1kbnt wm• pktft}o TffiOut.d, onoclvd.mr a , _ ht.al· •ftC aod ph11nbinc in the lum•
mtr o ( It&$. I n fldchhOIS 1.0 «>mbiaatloOfl lhody...J~pi~~~~r tOOJN, lnbtU pr10\'1d.. a eom~rtabk IOUcn_.. rfiadmr fOOIIt, ttl~ !own.~, fH:'rHII~ a r ... and
l.lu.l!ldry ~IIHift
ald th.e ~n a
Kf('rnt l'odd:itioOno to
(OIItf.Ort ol tht f~offiU h.avt ~ td...-uton and a coMOk
Oak Hill ComiOrtabl• at
·~rt-u l.re avaiJ.
~ratt PflCft
ablt to the n»rrif'Od lt..dotiiiU tc1
camPW "'' thot
oa llr64. with ll•f Uft.;U, '"" apartaM1'1U ~ a wtfl
" 111PP'(I hom. c-IOM to t~
'{ Morgan Hall l:l..u. Morpn lt.ll. IWI.IIIofd I" booOf of tlu.t~ Mor_.11, a fono" SII'Oe1.0t'• of tlw collect'. I• hom. to •PP"dnwotdy 100 l.'lrlt.. tlll<l !\.{(lrta.n .,...,. oriri-Uy bul:lt it1 tht 1930"• a. • ~ to Mou.nt Vf"ti'IOfl tlaJI. •
Pf~ WOI!I'Ita'•
raidtM<t. Morpn w~ rtnoovtt~ in 1568 •"" tnl'-fetd in 1960 In rt..r
1-.11 ol IM6 tht dor1111 c•rPfttd, •lid tlw IOllA.et rt.NOdtltd. l ndltd.d aiDO«<• tilt facilidt~~ a r• a lf<fdltion 100111, lauMry a.nd lrot~ln.r
anod a
Varied Off-Campus Activities Studtn~ could be found t'nywhtrt from tlrll sprt<tdinl ook on ttlmPus to tht M.iuouri Hn...f. off cam1•us. 'fht ''Mnkttic Miuouri" nuu.Jt • ntC plt'~t for picnltt or othtr utrilo<urri~uhu « livit1~ corrinl on by tht ttudttltt. If a ~tudtnt juU WO'tltf'd tO Ctl fl•if')' from tht fU$h Of Collt'lf>U• lift. he could lfO to the p.ark or th country. The to-n or Ptru offtrC'd many •I,Kh ~•• f« tht t.tudtnt - •II tht •-a>· (rom the qu~tt ""•
snn• to th• \'t"\\ club "'ht-rt a n~t ~ W run and tUI\tmtnt ,
~·tr•l thurc-h• loc•tC'd in Pnu acklf'CI tO su..:lmt•' tp!nt~l f1'0'!'"1h, •nd if thtu '"''-'"J .... atn't '" thto to.... n. thty ltOU1d (ir\d • rldt to nettrbr to.... n when· th.-rt w•.s • chun;h of d~ict.
Ptru, locottrd bfl...,.t('n Aubl.lrn and Nt>b""l•l City, allowed the nudtnts othtr aetivitin.
......... ~
p.,....... 110 th ......,. el ............. tiM -~ ~,........,. ~-"
-'1.., ll.otb A11tooch V ... W C1vt. • y..,., IIOoiM A••Y ho. It~ '-'•17 t.- 11- i• P-; ,,_ ltfl. llvtl'•lo' tt..lph, "U..U..".
n...·. (e.£r ......... ..,_\ _..w• '- lllot .._-.....u
.__ . . . wft'k........
clii~JtciMt r..,._lltl-t~•
_ , 41t-1Ntlona
. HijC'O'Ia lllttt-.U 111 th.t l'n" . ,. .
tiM .,..,
l'tn•N. . rftu et tiM Wlwtftt 11111. • • of tM """tcal liM •W~r• with.~~o • ..h.olt 4riw ot C41fiiiPIM.
Alar~ •loon• Bun
That Was the Year That Was ...
whb tl\4;
The fint year ol Peru State College'• t«'ond century J.&w variOUJ new innovations in Wh· ion, h3ir totylet,
dancn:. and al~mc . Jn the UPPtr ltft pk. turt, some frtshmtn girls are thown in tbt: shorter s.kirts or the tlt"'l' school year, New color combination-s al10 apo J)tll!lred in '1'tuu Ytoar,"
including lavender and green, pink and fftttl, orange and rtd. 8u(.Jd• and bows d«:oraud PeruvitmJ' thoa t \'(1)'• where. The men Studenlt in· ttrmhtently gave u.p shavlnt and M.irwtt i11 ruognition of Frida)'l. .;\pril thinh.. or mldttnl'l grad~.
The nevo· Son Jo"ran·
citeO tound. 1he 1-' up. the "Funky Broadway'', " Bugaloo", and 'tht 1-.·fothert of lnvtntton ~~;hook the campus 'ia radio and juktbox •
Remember It?
I . \ ...
. •
~lor (b~'l
olfot•"' for thf> t<-hoool )NOr t96':.$S uwluckd J>rf'Oald.ml, fht h..lrd lbln;
\ 'w:ot PrNclttll. lblpt, 0\C-r..-; Se•uof'C•ry. l)otut• ~P«ktn•n; 11n.cl, Tu·••"•"''· J.ob"
Chudy CI'IO'Itho-oo n )
Peru State's 99th Senior Class Adam. Lawrence l ndu1ttial Arh
"""' Adam.s, David
Dwi- AdminiMr•Uoll Ctrn~.lo-•
Annen, Cynthia
E!e:mtl!ltuy F~•tioa Cl.&ri.n.cl•. lo-•
t\rtllono. Elor ll'ldu•t ri.ltl An!l
Amu>tronk. l)on l'tl)..lof.ll &lu<.. too.l
... ..,.
Arnold. Ktnntth lnduotnal Arl!l ...th('lll'
Ric hard
8~oDtnen EchK•taon
Bora.i. Michat l
Uw.i.._ t!d~X.t~tiotl ~~b. Ill
Bartels. Ronnie Buwna• f:dt~ution
Btdta, Donald
1.-.dotlrial ArU Table ROC'k
Beneivinnj, Richard
l'o.•utlq, N-Jff'M)'
Bentley, Ttrry
SocW.I Srit._ 8lotkt6A,lo--•
Blaekburn, JO)'et MuJ.k
Sl'ttn.~h. lowa
Bohling. larry I nd-u.tr\.al A rtt Uk Cr"'k
Bolin, Oanny S;Pf'C'th
Bowen. William
Stbradl• Cily
Bowman. Charles
M• th Plau-th
Boyer, ._,. "'"""
Seniors-The Year of lynda Johnson's White House Wedding
Br"nshan, Thoma.s J. &u.i- Adnl.ulisU•tion S11tl'l)', :-.-- J«Wt
S rtUhorat, Joan
Brink, Lawrtnet
~•ISdtft« Pt.tu.-~~th
Brown, James Su.Nn- Adlllift!.u.Uon Rocltf~. Ill,
SutllJ.. Jflmtt.
C ha ndler, C11rol
Cloyd, Twila
(;.ood.llllld. Ka,_
Phy.kal Ed~(ati.;.n
Ekmofflt••Y &dlll"•lkll'l
Seniors- The Year the Bobcats Won McPherson Tournament Coc.kran, Carl
Ma~l Y..duc:•t.ioll
C""'tOfl, l-• Combs, Cheri
P. .
Cook, Oon•ld
84.1oi- AdiDo.niotr.atloOfl
~.. IO'¥o•
CooPtT, Albf:rt ~apl'oy
ltuo''tf. 111.
Cotner. Douglas Pb)'tl(•l Ed~~«oliq.n
wCrabtr«. Carol
Ekfn.Hitary FAuc:a tioll
Cramer. Ooualas Scx1al Sdtl'l<'f Caututi~•· N
Bu•in- A4min~lration
"'"" Ru...
Da~tett. Roctr
lnotM Admil'll!.uatlon Bb.ir
Daigle, Willi$m M • th WO«•t.("r, M.,_.,
Oa.ley. llicha.rd
E~r~Uory •::.t~~ot•lioa
Worfaltt". M -.
OiCesart. Ralph Jr. c~~lry
Worc• t«. M-.
Dietrich. 0C"nnill
u-boura. N v.
Oobb5. flichard
•;~ nt•f)'
Dudttr, John
F.atr,Jt3n •.!km"nt•r) •:.tU<.tUon Oou-(111'1
Emtry, Julia
I:J«<k-nt•t)' ~ll(.hOI'I Sf'braob City
£$sink, Cordon
U.,i-~ F.duftodon
Seniors-The Year of Sales and Income Tax
FAtes. Richard
E\•tnselill-t. Ceorve
Pb.)..koal F.chaor•tion
Tw:a~. Ari.LOft.a
Fin tel. Bernadine
Gaines. J:u::k .
S«i•l Sr:lotfl« r-.,~u.... olt.-. Ark
Seniors-The Year Cardinal Spellman Died H ageme:ie1, Ji.m
U..i:- Ad111i.lli•tr•tion
Hatrtmtitr, Shari
~nt•ry F..duaodo.~
Httn110n. Jostph lbo,_&dllc:tlioon
Htmtthill. Larry Jr.
Pb)'lok•l Eduotion
Harri•. James
Ph)'dc.l Scklwot C.bot.Ark.
Harrison. Julie
··~·· Ed...ut~
Hclm. CaroiN"
u ..to.-)
He.nrie:kton. PauJ Hitto.y
Hicks. Mary Lu M11tic Aut.urn
lliU'IM, l..«oy
~-·~·l! HO«mann. K•rtn
( A _ ......... ..
.·-..._..... ,..., ..... r.c, Boldt~.
tlolhman. Curti•
...._....... tA~•ll•(lll 1-t« \fed. IIJ
llopp,S.ody l'h_,.,.j(.J f'.d!Kelt.o. ~)UN. .
llorc• n. Jam• l•hy..k•l t:diK•tklft YI'C)rtMH,'d•..
Howe. .,_,. ...........().,.
HowtiJ. Wu~na ...__A....._.,•.._
lfvmmd. lAnny
Seniors Make Plans For Student Teaching
Hummtl. Ttteu
.,._.,. Y.d\K•IJon OUJ.nd,J. . .
Hunr.tbr, ~bry t"-•Wl' f.dvc:atioon
J~Uon. Ctorl•
t::..e.awy F..ckK:etJon
Seniors-Nine Selected to Who's Who
J&eo~n. 0-ev~rly C.
Johnson, Bar bar~ K. t:J..m,nu.ry R~O..k.low•
Johnson, Jim L. MuJ.ir
• Johnson. Stanley lnd~nlniiArh
Joiner, Oliver Mw.K
KCirftnbtrtrtr. Vernon Pb>'iiul t'..diKlllolion. A\lbvrn
Kalaful, Ruth H. J)~•l
Oo\tt.S.,.J. Ka ll ~tyn, Pam Ek-mtnl.al)' t:d~ttoft
Ktlltnbtrstr. Danny
U...i.- F.clur.o~~tion ~M. K•fl
Ktnnedy. Oa\'id
.._...., ..Ktflnt.. __ \\'dh.•m A• Ptrt,_Ait:d---
a...r..-.... _1111
KHn., Mary
n ...... ......
...,.~ ~
Kinthofn, Bob lluu-F.dvoiiA\OINrn
Kln1horn. Diane
t)PfiH'Mtll)' f:d~~Utlooft
Klt"thmd, Jamet D.
s.tor• .u ('otr
..... ,........ .,..,_
~Sc"·-· ~
Komenda. Jim .
La\fon&..aCM. Da~
te.•kalfor.. Ill
Seniors-The Year of the "Ped"
Undtr, Hieh.ardW. llt-WQ-
Lopdon. Tim
f'tl,-...c&J Ed\ICI~ ~~~~(-\t,.JII
Lundtt«<t, Louise t:l'ltl•,.h
('-oln. loo-.t
Manin. Antoinette EI'I'NI,I!Ituy Edvutiofl
""''"" •••
McDonald. Richard A. u..."h""~ t::d~~C;uiou (.'~ft.
McCau.Rhey. Edward
Mc!\{unn, Mary
Ph,yljul t:dwation
Uu61t'!-Ed~ Millo~~rd
Seniors-The Year of the First Successful Heart Transpla McVicker. Mary ~mtt'!Uty•~.ulon
Mtl%:(1:er. Y\·onne l)c,IDtt'!tuy Ed~al 10•11 t'alhC1t)'
!\·1illc:r, Chloe :-i"""'h
Morrdon. Dianne Ekmtl\tai'Y F.d\lUtioll!l IJNUie<e
Mo,-rison. Louise
F.kmtMary &dlil('lllioo Pnou
Mowry. Mazy Ekmtntary &duutioft BMtrice
Nedrow. Charlotte J.
Su.in.. Eduudo" F..U.Cilty
Nedrow. Larry £.
Nwjahr. Roc-er
Bulli,_ &d..cat"~t
N~U.Cene R. lndv1tnaiArt• ~furra)'
Obbink. Darla
DMwn.l.llt)' F.d~~Nt~hon N~at.ka (;1(¥
O'Oona.trhue. Jamts l'h,.._l t:.dU<alion
Oliver, Bob ~t.lltbtoulie.
l)ou-tiXIOI.Ith. M...._
Oueman. Kennelh lr'Mh.1Hri.al Arl•
Patra•. John T.
S«i.al Sc-kn.«
Pitn.on. Honald !Mita- 1-'.dVoeation Kulo P~nec.k~r.
Bu.i"- F.d~~ratiol\ Al.lmuon.
Pratt. Da1o1id
l«d OQ.Iowa
Seniors-The Year McNamara Resigned
{ Ray. Rodtric:
R eoevttt, Phyllis
&nM~ot £duull011
Ridenour, Bob
l"h)-.k•l 1-Atuc:~otion lklldrtet
""" Seniors-The Year New Year's Eve Came on Sunday Rinne. Otnnb lftduu.n.al Aru
Hobt-r'-. Oonald 8. PII)Toiot~t-1 Ed~•t ~t-n Valky.lo-•
Rotter•. John Y~do"'
Rortb«k. Don •:ltmti\Lafl' t:d..c:•t1o0n
"""'"'" Rotter, Kathy
-· Mum
Roum.an, Carolyn tM.fiM.n Lary t:d~M•tloft
Sall.crtn, Charles J>h)olk•l Eduuttol'l Wor«~olft'. M ...
&haftr, Loui.t SocHJ Sdtnct
Seh.a«tr. Cary ltiicory Aubu111
Sehiermeier. Willillm K. An Jhl\.t&k. l!l
Schriner. Mary Lou
aM Ph)'!okal Elf'u«,tion Lllwofn
Scott. BeTnard lndwtntJArtt
Seddon, Rieha.rd Sotial sn,nc-e ~'t'br..U City
Sdk. James Socuol sa,nc:•
S he-than, l..arry
H•illolM.<rc. I O¥> •
Ph)"'lu.l F.do;~u'.ioll
Smith, Albert lhHOf)'
Spec,kmann, Oonita
""l:!lk ~f'('lt Stephens. Lynd11 l.u Elttn4'fl&.ry Ed!K•Iion ~t~aDCIOIIb. l-•
Seniors-The Year of the Six-Day War
........ ,_
Stoner, Kennard
Stubbendieek. Howard
Swain. Steve CtMt•l S<kn« P«•
Svanda , Kermit Ch-ittf)'•rwl M•th Vircifti.
Seniors-The Year Construction Began on Auditorium Ttttlh~utr. James J .
llltol- Aclnun.ouutioft ~)•.C....
TtrwUiqtr. 8tth Ann .~
Tttknn. o_.w
""".... ~.. .....
Toellt, l_.ana ,.•.,....,uarr t:Afvulioll l"JJ•"•fldo.l.h, low-a
Uhri. Bill B. \4,.._j(
Vkkrey. Bruct
Jltl,.,.lo(.l E6K•'PnwfloM. UJ
Wal(ocd.Jan~ ...., ...!(". .
c: ............ Walli~. Math
Wanom. Donald
u ...wt~t•r:r t::CtuutMMI
Wtbst t r, JohnA.
M l ht-h
Wtlsh . Katht rine J'by.iul l>:.d~ttaloOt'l
Wilta1. FblphA.
ll.oloey a"Ct ~~~ phy
Wiltt,1't rt)' \\'. M.tth
Pa. n•111~th
Wiley. Oonna Ekrat"n.t.ar')' &d~~Cattoll
lttd O.k. Iowa
Wilkin.son, Je8n
~..,. t'".d-tioft fhunbo&ch
Williams. Cha rles t:lld~h .nc~ s.s-c-h RNt~
Wolken, Daryl L.
Soot.n.« • nd O~locr Pnu
Wuslt. Ma rjean F.
~...,.Ed ...,~,.
Seniors-U.S. Increased Bombing Viet Nam
Yatet, Ron
Yost. KarM
Pl.)'llocal &d\lutlon C r•AitotCity. m.
EdU>Calion Atc:hiloa. Ka...
Z11p.aranidc, Richa rd
Zartner, Dona ld C.
tlilt<M'Y WH-Il'itld, N .J.
Matb Rtll~ot
J"'""n Atn-.
Ahlon. C Hark tU\'f'l, ~lith AUtn.J n...rth•rll A~.M
A ndnM~n, Jt.
NdiorukaCI&y A)'IOr,l•. Tllti,Hock lt.lo.tt,.J. AubQrn
O.tttb.. l ~ Co.tl.alld ·~~•• o. W)'I!IOfot
lkdttt"" L. New,.,k.!" Y. fic..U.Mon, & \\'ioUf~. l • lkn.~~
llf-ri'II..Ch.J \\')mort
UiC!C». U WIOta. I•
Juniors - The Year of the Photo I.D.'s
Class Officers... positions of responsibility
PhilllnbolN l'r"'-''fo•l
JomG\Ii.llo•tt Von Pr~odt1\t
K•1hy C.'ON!~ ~IC'IIII)'•'J"I~\IIfl
B.tru111. I' t'•!kCot)
S.d-1.,-." Aub\o.-n tuur.O
"""•>'· ••
IUtuk.M t-ldn.ry, l• IIIIo-.•. C l'101bo,il)
J> Auburn O.C,...n, !\ Boh!Uit
A)~ort, l •
Bodltt. \1
AIIPock. 0
tlJotOII, hi
c..Pf(lo. n ~..o.nt.. " fl"" c..,"" K A11burn C•otlt, \J
Colhftdoa.m.l> Uuo4•hll"
c..... I'\
Conu n.f:. A111bl.rn. "'""'Cr..,,.{ord.C
Cl.rindi•. l•
(_'rf,UftH, J
\\'orf"""''"''· \I.a."
(\utu., 0
n.,.. o W)IDOif
I)Hnt-lt, U
Lon.tol" Ulll('k Mtf. (... TfturBMh I)OdCf', U
Nf'bt••lt., <:'ol)' 1.-~r ....rd.
1-J .d,.C ('brorwb. I• l-~r.M
Uourbt t-- :,crlm.n, " t'•nbul)' t,:..·trh•n- n lkocUord, l1 E•·trhart, M
...... "" T..•.._...._u fiMU'I<•
...._., .,.._
G\&t!Yf, ll AW.Ur•
Gr•W..H ~
....."" c....,._, C'br....... C~l'---C
The Year of the Centennial Complex
u... "'""' n l{f'll U.k Ia tt-..botollr J
''''"' ,...,...,.
Uartt.. I'
u....,t..._ B T , _...
u-, J
..-...u t'Ohft.....
IC..W.. I' H,,W, ...
u.u--L r.w..~e.. t.
"'·-• c· a.,..,... wk.',.
.....,,. u
J""'tO. ' I
·r..u•.burr 0
O.:lt. H Alilbutn
C)kl(ldcJ. ...
C:rt1u Oobornt. T AutM.I•n O..tn,l)
Shtnoncloehr.,la l'llttr..on. n M orri~.,u,,
l•c·cullo. :0: Gr•nilt C'oty Ill
''•PC"' '· -J Norfolk
I.O.Okorfi>. A ~-.u~
Kal:on.... U ('oin Ia. H.loll'lt. J
(:ranitt ()ly,l.
IU1n", (.' l"'tru l{t.), n
lkllt"\vt Kftd. I) <'«~tinl. l l.
KM"IP, 0 Ntm"'~ the~ rd.
K II u.rnbo&dt
The Year of the Summer Olympics
Rol-l h.
Cllod...tont ~tt.... n
Sct.otrlrotk . ('; t'lifbu.f} Nllool•nL. R SMn.alllkwlh l1 ~daul.rnb(or1, S Vtrdol'l
BfOOOVI\\ 1.1&.
~ha... l)
~tOOI.H (.'~owti i$Juff" 111 ~ilu.J
Om.aht> Smub., H
""""· Adom•\1
..._ I)
6•l111rt011. I•
T'holrlp.oon- I'. l';,j,.,.btf•. C:ot.--ft)' n.rb«. (' ~pt'f10f
T01w.J <\tkon...Oft T""'~·l'
"'*''" \'~.J(
J)r.-.rvt Ylalth,J BHou.c~ -~.J
Rfd0.11k,la ll'dorl>ton. (; Bun..
·~·"· "ulourn
.w .... o
At.UOP4'. 6
Auburn Ak'oVR.II \
Alltn. U
,\llfll. \ ' ~~-two
s"" "~~"'"" U.llut.
l't'fu l~rcott.
W('olOfl l~t~.
K ()m.oh.a
nt.U)·.S l't'fu
"'"''''"""· t\uburn c Hotf'lntll•.\1
'f'M••kll ('it) Hotn>oOn,.l Sb.iddt) 1"'-tt•n. I~
Odtll """"'dt.C W)'l'MIIt
Sophomores - The Year the Cardinals Won
Class Officers... planning activities
..... ,,. So.tno.on \'iu l'r4"1<odtl'>t
o,.,.,,,u.,...,y ~lf(.tl)'
Bt«k. t'.
••u. c;,,,.
II Auburn lhll«. A tlar&.n.la Rot~~lotr. 8 ··-nHt'lt) m...in" lA Stbra•ka City
1• . Aubun\ 8ohlktfl. J ,\,.burn
lkM,.,..n, M f'blto.m6ulh
Bt-ooo·n.P Onut11r
ni'()Wn, s
&c~~. .l
I:C.Moha" &II.L
....... ..
ltQu_ \1
IIOYttOon. T"-
Cl.uk G Hollo
('oll'f<M.G Wpnor~
ColrrO\'<t.l.. \\ )'mOolf
<'oollof-)',J Omaha
T Wood HiHr.lll
Cv&et.t't', H I ,II'I(Ohl ( 'r.rbtu..-.J
So\11 h I{(»,IIU. Ill
t'r\lm, :0 ' ~bfJo.J.;A ('II)'
IM•hn.<: l'lJoti•IDO\Hia
:.<.twa>lr.a(ll)' l)fJol, "
fou.nc1l Utuff~.la lknn..~ T
•;lmW1)0d Ortk-•, I) C..rdntr. \fa..-
l ~lut'$&>rUIII'l'
Durw•n.O. l..tnooln 1-':bl~.("
t\uburn J;:nom.an.l Auburn F'onlt.t',G T«'\\mwb
h•dtotr. H 1-;IM~
FllotUt. &
t.-1\ot•ototr, 1\.. n t'ntkott, \ Ad<i.,_ t'\o('UI"-10. C.
....n. n
:-ott.•••-.. (\1)
Golckn.J. ~ tbt-~~o<lta City
('_,ouuiJo, Cfk.lluK..
c ...,~.n
(;uui'\OIU.I<, l.oup(."il)'
G)'t.r•. F S.ti.!WIIIfl 113)', . .
n.) ... c. C'cok
nn,..u Stbfac,kJo Coty
litn.r. \ f ~~r..\k•C.:ot)'
lttiU),I). i'tl\1
IUt.J Su$,...,.,111 lluk-Uf'. W
u... u
J*"hon..G I~Ut~t ,,
Aob11. h Jaa.J WAhoo
J"'""'H ~tbr~Cot)
.......,__. ........
~~t~ ~
...,.._, ..........
•.:ul.... h.' ....._fl_('
r ..,a....
l..&f•}tUf'. U ()f..o~l! ...
l..&n'"· r
1'<>~111-'• \tl.tl
J.-1>1~ .
,..,..._ ._ ... l...iono~.U
"--"·" ""'~" '\4.,..11.. I' ....,.....
\l~·luotl 1
u'* ..,~~..w,
>t...ttr• II
''IMa•h (!IV
'"'t.u.c ....... ..
"-· ,.._ (.
\IH'OU , \1
l'f'fll \lnn-.J
,.._ ...,. h ,,,,,_.., ........
\J,dwl :-.
\.U,I..dwa. T
\'-'-c.R (.-.....oJ hhlk Ia
\turn•. L. Auburn \lorr-.\1 :o>umoQt'<'fltld KAI'I \f<>un . T
\t ...tuM). \1
,,,).I.) ~-~-·-··
l"tlo.On. M Cou~~~tJI H.h,,ff,., l• ~4o\K,U.
:.11rir>, •~
s -• rk..N J Obtfmt)'f'f. I) _
lb.,.,.n\ illcO...:n_l~
J)•Pf'' . M
\h~u V~ollot),la. I'Mk.~. It
f'll) I-Ofl, W~t Oft~loo~la.
Ptttr..on.. W 6racbl'ul•
l'tllmn, K ('ooiK1161u((,.. I a
Prout, to ('ook
lt.tu.,J lfd>f011 l~o nforth, 1).
l)QftipNn Uathboll<(<,l, Johno()n
ICatbb\ln, H I'IOIIUN'IIoOUth
....... ,,,)
C~nn6a.l•. l(toslp. n
Rit-w:hkk. 1•. r.u.Cit1 K_.ttr ,>\
Robtn.-.0 Oroab. lt'*"'$l>h.S Atl.allbc, l~a
lhltlklt">. 8
•'•lhCttr S;u-r1ilk1111, W. :.; tbriLfka Cny
&hlionff. ~~ A~;~kr111
:.'tbr•"'-' ('it)'
~ u.~ Tt<"'I~~Uoth ~.J.
MOI'..t Ohoff
~l'l.ftl'\01'1, ,. M~ \'•111')'.141
Slltr.,..ocd. A lll.chtolo.-n,. N.J. bktdJ.a, I) ~llaart
:->lrmp., s
:-.«w••b C'll)' Sor«\>otn, l. IAI.Hfflf>. I I
'>!Mro:vr, 0 t'ullo Cuy
$ponr. n
Svlbo(f. l~
.;ounnl tnui&. la
.• ..
su.... w ,- ,
SIV(k.. W
~Uothoth, ~~ tho~kh
Tad.t n , W . <atn..,~.fl
Tttnholm, I> l..oo Annl...._ C•l
1\lr"'"· W
1-all• t'il)'
1\uh.out. l
l'"'"· It O.a.1okftl
VaBAodalt.l\ \h \fonu, Ill W•hllt.K
· ~·rk.
\\'41rrtoo, J
\\', )11011. J
""'""'" l 'ri»IU•,Itl
\\\1\tfiiiC. J
Wt1'r,.J, A111>Gr n Wn.-hfi.J. Ah'O \\'tintrt, L ~·.u,c,, ,.
\\ tUn. IC •\Ikon_. w.u,,. ('
C:r•nol l.liond
w.u. \\'
fllllt ('II)'
\\iUt. It
Pffo \ \ fldlt. J
\l ff!lo. •• Zrntrlol'f. \\'
r.n.. c,,,.
,....,.. ,,
\bt.ou.t• ,~ ...U(ttr
)'Mif'l'~ ,.._,_\.I ,_..
.\a-.ltl. \...W.t
.\oua«... lalh(ll)
OW.., J ' " " \la1\.t't
u....... [}
n ... .-tu.td
IlK"'-•- It 1\t-rry, U
Tllovr...,... I•
l"i&M-k ,,
c·..,,.,.bt,s.M. ••
\\'.c;d ""~
~... J
The Year of the Pep-N ic
Class Officers... future campus leaders
........... (,•bf•t..
t--..1\.... ,,.,.,.,.,"
\ ··~ ••,...~o~~...,
..... ,.,..
j -.". '"'" "' ,~
-K ........... --· ·-........... ~lt..t'
, .., "'P'•- ,.•
... ·~
lfn.... l-t
"•-·· .........
"-"' l"•..\ I
....,.K .......... u.•. (.
fhlrd.. •4
0.)"'111'1 ('
llrtnl•tu'l. C 11M
....... ...._.,_,. ...,,..
(-......u ('Gi..:\t
C'rolhn U PKU
('oon. 0
Av""'" r-••y.o 1-Wtl....l.
, .......111(111
C.M•- c.·
,.~ ("I&,
........ f'f.:O. ~t'tH~C~t)'
n\lr(hard U~Kkho(t.S-
tlk (.'rf'f"ll
Uutt . ..., Adantx.l•
o-s..... c. c...
I NMan. S
Slfbr4.-..U C•t> t:Arl, It
l..in<'oln t~ltl~<ort. H
.-.u. C•ty
t-:K"khool1. 1•• $h\l~ll
t:tm,G. C.:tn.o.
•:..w.-1 s
ltOJ.al\fl. Ill.
t~y. L ..., ~,.~, t~'ffhArt,S
Colo•.clo::iPtinD.C'• fwinrton.lt Aubu-rn
t'ondby.J ~til~
Folkn"', C W> mort
<:•bti I~. I~ WotC<t\I«, M ••~ ('o.llruti.J
Nrbul...k.aCuy ~-n<.O
Wymort Gftdft, M Aubo.Jnl
The Year of the Samoan Singers
Clbooon $ BetI~~ Cll!o.ont, T o~"'
c::•II'IIW•, s.'"'~"
:\th...... a..
p lt«kPOf1, \to. C •t•Uiy,J C•"lld)'C•t~ln, l • c.n.~u..
Cr-.H Uroclo. (;rHOf). K TK\I~MKh
IKoc-k U~nun.M
llr«"k lbll.~ C~IKil 1\hoff..l•
ua.""""·" nt.u-
Uo~ot~"'-'-· J. 11-N\ttC,_~n•
ll.>rrnofl. 1-
llanu,.~tl. ";
Tr111'11od.a.d. W I
lltn<!otfl<On. n Auburl'l
lft-nloB. \ w).,l')olf' ltotUcol&lll. I(
lh,.\,,1 It L•"'·'"~""·'
u,,.,t>uu l.o llo•lo'hn
···~ ,....,...... \\ ·""'
II· -1~'"'" I~ Um.oh.o U·oU•f'"'·"' 1· \\
llo-f'. "\1 \"«d<m
llo-f'41. I 'f'" lb•tl'l. ll'ld lllilfiUt..~r '
ltutnl.ooldl ll~o~nu-Mr.
lluml>oldt l l\llwon I' :-.~.u\ ... .J . ....d(">,ll l "n.od:oUA
l•m~ . ' $.1( r lltllffliO. (';t.lof
Jolu»>ff 1• Joh"ootl \1
Jtw~t-. A w,~
Kt..trotk. It ~"" \l.,l.n.la K~.R
L«.P Cwnul ~~. lt. r..-nkrftf,R T--h
l.;anodbk.-.('. l..olk'OI• l.)·r1d1. ij, A~r•
1..)-.-.G Ha.borr.la \IIMI,(.'
\b•u•t... t ('hfw>M!Mt. R I
\tar!... Y.
\'Oflt~... ;:-.; \' \bullllff,l'
\tou.,.o--.. ,_ .J
\kltuc'h.O , . , . ...... CIC)
The Year of Patrick Lyndon Nugent
8tcd:: ~kwro.
Kloh1rU1 Jal'lfln \tfitf,l(
I:C.uko CrC'd: I• Mrlicha~,
0 l'luwoll'lt lblt
\In·""· n lluMbol.h
\hdu•d-.T NonUih·.S:\1 \ll<htl.ttn. J \\ffPfl'ltWIII(1'
\1-').1. H.rotk
,,,,.tt, n
l l utnlloldt
\lunat. \1 \\nlt-orl, c·.,,.,. Stum.tt•ttr, n WrtPII'll \\attr :\.~l!llf'l~~.··
HraUltboto. Vt
N«.,II.U A~;~burn
O....A Tabor, la B
O..tn. T
ShtN'"*h Ia
,... p.J
:\.""ruka C'ol)' f>atru.J
Stonn ,...... Ia
l'otum.~ Att.m~
Po(, b), I
UNUlCt l'l'lot, ll Ohrnt.la. i'rok\l~k.
l'btbmoutb l'vn'>n'lll ·'
:O:tbfa•U <'ny
lt.Ktk.C IA'UI'IrtOII
ft-.kbf(t. s v.u.~
lt.tn..rt. T. 'tbra-.ltaC.:ol)
Rt•-.T Lin«>>n flfofd.H ~f'brhka('lt)
Utl'ltr'-IOrf. K Sttrfin•
Roru-.c-ht. n Ut.!ri(t
lhlwlntk, l'
It~. F.
ftotmo,J•_ O...l'l•infOo. Ill.
tto-o. M
R>•n. r
N.tlfftd. J. Sttrlinr SaiJI)On., 0
Om•h.a &h.r•a11r. \I f11JU. Cot)
"'<"'•'-'"•· (' . ,..;,,.. St-hn,tzt'f, K '1\tfx;t_•b<'ll.)' ~lu•mrn. n
~htto nrr .
J. N"rbu.•b ('uy ~kon. \1 U t &ooft\111"
K Cknwocwf, l• $ikot•. ,._ hll~Ctt>
N'otttOfl. R ()m•t... Sfluth.J \\'1nnf'bHo
StrffHI. l Pl...thonoutll
Sttm~ _ )'O
l'rn.. ~h~n C'. Ntm.~h• S t olt•tf, \1 C'it)
:':u.wkbon. K
lt.n!.Kr«k.. l •
The Year the Campus School Closed
"'•~~-k~flhotu. l' !\ ~r...k&Cit)
Sl.d¥1. f)
Om• h.. T.chu. J Tabor, I•
lllomp.on.G P&.u,-.oth
1\imrr.C. :or. - 11 ·~"- lnd
l Nwn.. (_' l'ff\1
\'anodrrlo«i. ~ •\ubt>ll'l \'•n l ttfkQM,J
\ l•rooft, l•
\\llrrtft,J_ \\)'lnOff' \\'i,M~th,J
:,"rltnr W•tt._u l..ii'IC<IIn w~.$
Wtluh. \I Llmoln \\ tld-i«, I' lHol \loine.., la Wrilu, \t INnb.tr \\f'l.,,:-> S.bt'tha. 1\aM
" " '"'· M
\\'f')~.J ~'trlu1• w~.J.
PIO.. M<tCtl)
Whitlow. n Aub~U"ft \\ilt~l.l~
Om11oha Wil«u.K A11bum
w,u,.m._l.. S.dl•
wm ••m._" 'l'ut/lllt
:S.Itm Willlm«r.J K..t1~• C'-it)·, \t o
Wol('(ltl, J
' 11w annu•l ••tHmtklft fttd Pf'O'ood" an oPIJ()rtunlty lor t"'tf'YOIIt' t o and tOmah""""' (rit:ndl nrl)· in dw -hool )Nit.
mHt n - peopft
A11nod. P•
Clark. ..I. N..tw..t.Cily Craiw. 8.. Ptr\1 Dodd.M. o~.tt.t">a.
LiMoltl tla • ·k&ru. 1),
Sf,ncca, Kam.
ManlwoU.J. SPtA«t, II . Marti. M.
lkrft, KaM.
Second Semester Mct.u.u., R.. U II)'.Pa.
S.bdh.a. KaiU.
w- Uniofl. ,.
Mallard, Ia.
s.t. K.
Smith. G.
Tai-tt Voctl. R. Af\on.. la. Wat~~I,W,
Registration R~gjJtration
was changf'd this YHt for 'ttcOnd umt:t• tho:~ fi'Ymnuium to fiJht hundrtds or student~ iniide. the student& were allowtd to Pre·rteiater. This new t)"&ttm consisted or ltttins el.a.s:s eAr<b a few wttks before Retisuation day. When the
t«. Instead or the uwal waitinc outside
time c:•me for Rttristrtnion. the Jtudent had to 10 to the library to pick up his eards and partially r~.ster. Refri· sunion wa.t then completed in the omn•.t:ium.
The a«ond Jtmn:ter enrollment or 1.075 was an 8.2 S per cent inerea.se ovt:r the S«<nd stmtstei last )'Mr. Day student enrollment whith iner~ to 1,005, was a 13.18 Ptr cent boost over 1966·67's day ttudtnt enroll· ment.
The ntw tpaoe arrorded by the Centennial Complex aecounted fen some of the ancrea.se in ret:idence.
• ~
·~ ~
,, ..
Cross Country--N.C.C. Champs
c-,.,. ..... "'~ ·•••""""'" "•• o·n,.• .,..,__ .II•• H•r••· Jed. v....,.,... tta,. t ~- O..Cl v.·a;r._._ ~ '" T•• flf'ft4r..-\J J,• y, ·~ - lhc'- z...-,-•-k, Ron J~ 1)1!" lr.,, CM--.~~o .......... ('._.. .II•• NL~. R_. ..e ~"- t;d <'"•• l.)k F'nu. .1•) u_.,...,_"'· lhck fl--11. Rod \~llC l.ot&11~ (;.(k.U_ O.•f Cun•. JtmY Gtll..... _. 1lMo ltc7 (".._ , \ ' - All•.
A Salute to Graduating Harriers Jim Watson from Rtd Cloud, Ntbraska, hal bHn
a '''>' con~~istent runntr •nd a IIUMt PtYChoi-oo<al boon for tM squad '" th• ,_, ...on. Ourinc the tour )~,. th.at ht hat •orn thto blue and whltf'. Jam has M'l dom bttn out oftht lOP thr~ finuhel'll for the S.au. Not bltsud with artlt tpetd, but overly cndo.,.,.fd w1th a trtmendous df!'fit& to procluu would be :. fiui n ~t ~lute to thiJ four Yf'&t let· u·r \Otinner. Titn l-lendri<b. a Se--
btMU Cll• A .-ute c-rewcountry champion from OMaU South. it the ~ dtdkattcl chitan« ru:nMr '" the htStOr)' of Pnu State
Colltet. Not 0\trly bl~ ..-ath .-PHd. Tim won cht SCC CroM.COUntry Cham• pionthip (1966), and holdt the IIChool rour.mile record in troa·country, 1'im wat
a 1966 co~aptain and was voted Mott Valu.eblt runn~r in 1967. Tim alto holds mile 1nd t"o m1le records in l.a<k
An honor toll ttt.ldtot. devoted distan« ru.nn.-r allld the object or many ~ JOk• dftCn.Del OM ol dw mo&t liked and aPPJI.'Utttd roun1 mt'n on 1bt croc.· rountry squad. Dick anick h-. foucht ttna<aoowb to h.an.r on to the tbth and tevtnch td;m place for tht l){lott four soeasont. Hi• tNm· mattt voted him t he l..o)'alty Award for t he 1!)167 .-.on; In honor which t l P,_. how all mtm~n: fdt •bouc him,
Seventh In The Nation
1lw NAIA -~ nllllllt"n. illd..cMd ..., ... Uwk z...-r•.nkk. J1m w.~. Ti111 ll•llod.tith R.~t ~ •'--...... ,..· c_.~r~ "•• Pin.•-..-. o... ,.~ . t<..)' '- h.n-, ..... w~~ ......tv... All••
Col<h .hm Pdkin.cton'a Bobcat ...,,."" nl)f'ri· ..on '-" tM fh't )'.. r aa.&.ory or the tpon on Pf'nl Campue.. The )'Nf WM rLUfd V.lth honors h the Pe-ru\illns ,.,.,. undtJeated '" du.al1, tri.urulan and qu.aclranrt.alart. won tht N~brukt Collrct Conftnntoe Mtoti, ddN.ttod tht Ntbra11k11 Unhenit)' f' rf'lhmen for the Mid·v.wtern AAU Cham"lon:~hiPt title, copl)t(l the NAJA f>ittriet
~ the mon Nliicfyiftl'
II title lor the ~th i.n
(OftM(:utive y<M.r a.nd
tht uttOnal run o{ft.
The hJ1hbcht ol the ~n had t.o be the dtJMt handed t.o Ke.rntY S4.1tt Collect in the Nebraska Collect Conference MHt at Wayne State in Oetobtf. 'Niis wall tht lirt-t dtftAI or KMrnt)' a:in<~t the lpOft became a pan or tho conferenee :sthlt'li<: procram twelve )'taf'tl Ato.
JACK WEYERS - All American Jack Wt')'tn from Sttrlin.r:. :OO:tbru.lta, ~~~oM tht moll tsaliAI dun1 thai hat hiPMntd to Pft'~.t Su-. dutance run· rune 1ft th~ h•~IOI')' or the .rh4*. A Creahman wtth hich tcllool crcod.tnt..aiJ and a.k.ilb that would make any eoac:h tn\iout . . . a titun.r dfKriptaon Cor lh~t unN~um•nl )'<M.Iftl man '*ho m1de 1he 19$7 «litton or the NAIA AII-Amtrkan Cro.·Counu y i(luad. Ja<:k 5>1~ 14th in the 1967 NJtional Mt<et in fJmwood Park. Omaha, with a time oC 21:13 and htlped pace l)tru to a seventh POtition in NAJA Cro.e· Country. It a5)peart that Jack will live up to hit l)rf!N cliP· pina which accrtdit him with five auue champioruhips apread out ovtr tht one-mile. the two-mile and crou· countf)'.
" • " Alkn..JI.I.r\ioeTh..~ lf't1trt
Returning Lettermen Van All~n was a ~ns.itttnt runner in the top five his sophomore and junior )'ellt$ and he thrivet in hUI running, Van was elected by his tf'41rtl• mattot as eo<ap.tain for the 1968 campaip a nd was ''oted the most im· proved upper-class runner by the tQuod in 1967. An exeitina frtshman runner. Jay Hane:rman. could push m~tny of the uppe_r-c:laumen out of their PQJition in 1968. He wo. voted the mott im· prOved frtehman runner in the 19$7 eet~~JOn . flon Jones is POtentiaiJy • runner that should be tittins in the numbtr t'NO or thr« 5J)Ot nut fall. Ron was captain of the very •UC«S.Sful 1967 Croeto<ountry team. Calvin Smith, a 49•econd quartf'r·miler, has bHn a Junior Vanity leader during the 1967 aeason. He presently holds th(' Peru State Collect 440·yard dash record in apring track. Dan 1'rout ie " runne:r who ~mea on late in the s.tason with hit btt:t roc.e. aJ Conre:renee and National timts arrive. He has bHn elected c:ocaptain for the 1968 seuon. Ray Uhtr. a 2:00 half·miler in hish school. has th~ t.PHd and body build to bt a tOU8h competitor at the longer distance~ and should be a conai.stent "top £i\'tr" in 1968. Jack \YeyC'ff if an excitins: fret-hman runntr who has potted a 4:19.$ mile ond holds the three•mile cross ~untry record at 14 ~31.0. J&ck wt~ voted the mcllft v3lu.able rrtshman runner by htt teamm•tt:f for the 1967
n. ortr. ....... •4-.\lllt ..._ ( , _ . . ~ C....:t..•. • ..., ..., n..t.P',..
u..... n.,:,.,.. s- 9 '
........ J..cl)o liotl D-A-
Girls Cross-Country Begins Second Year rml•.
In the mtott d,.q;unc• ol one and one--quarte-r belt lim• apiNt John f". K~ ntdy Collece. P~ru lo.t the tnftt b)' a tc0re or 6·22.
~:~rlf po~ltd th~r
ElAune f'laur~ . , •. , • . • Diana Collin~:ham ... , • .
, . . . . . . . . . . 8:44 . . . . . . . . • . . 9:13
Judy liolt . •• , • , •• , , •.•• , , • , . . . . . . • . 10:00 Sue ~erman . . . . . • • , • • . • . • • . • • • . . . L0:06
. ...•.••. •• .••.••••• .. . 10: 10
Althou$.h cr.-country had b«:n a part ol 1M '"('C lor 12 years. it .. .,. antrodw:t'd lO P eru until Cokh Jirn Pllk&ncton orpnu.ed the f'irP .,q..-d ln 1963 ThtJ .,q\t.ltd conauct'd or four tr.c:~ and t•o bMk.ttNII pl.ayfft.. In 1U rtl•ttHiy ahort uistenn at Peua, the crc.-counuy lMm hal J)OI:ttd a r«<rd of which any school un bot- provcl Theu fin••htt in the NAJA national tntttt • e-re 14th Cl~). 3rd (196S). and 7th 09Gf;.J967). Th..,. aOO bout t•·o lnd•v•dual AII·Amerieans: JKk Wftt,. (1967) and Louit f'ritr. nOl
(19651. In 1966 Coach Pilkintton orpniud hiJ 1«0nd e rON•CO\Intry ttam. 1'hll time the team eon•i• ted o( aix !Prls. howevtr, the limited comPt:tition in the NtbtAIIkM IUM hAl hindered tht exP,<JR3iOn or haerNl ln the trirls t~m. From the 1<tr)' •t•rt. ptrsonal pride in thtmatlv•. 11ron~: "co.ch·run· ntr" ' ">POrt, and a &:iMut desire tO do thtir belt hu c.haracttril.ed tM tntue of"'CTam
C .Colrroq
M. C-.rbone
J , I:J.rit&ol
c. o.;~
1968 Bobcat Football Squad
B. JontJ.
R Morn..
t--~'- ..
t :.t. P..-f)'
O. R.abid•u
R. Rtch
M. Ro.o
,. .... ••
R. S~
R. Sm.hh
J C.T\u·-
•.n Artda&e
U \'
W, White
Senior Bobcats
T . I.Midotl
8. Vldny
J . ll~r
C. llollinwo11
C'M(III '\f<flll(,,• . .~- lloo· t.ot.
,.,.. r-•., • • · - l'ontf')
rn.,..._ "-tt.u- t -
1*-Cl Jo•
T~!llvUft .
IJIK\ t:.t~ "•''" Hn-.
Basketball Tearn Has 12-14 Season Tht~ Pe-ru State Oobc•\3 launch«{ a lo.in.c Mt· 110n w1th a r~ltuiv~ly younr team. There were £our frtwhmen -.nd <me junior on the •tartiniC fivt: Ct)'de Wilkin•. 'l'orn Pouo''· Mike John$on. Pete Stt"~toart. 11nd \Yftyne lleint. St.nior Ceorce Moore wa• a~ from the rc~tter for the l11tter part of the fNIIO" d~ to an onkle Injury. Co.~ch Mdntire taw his lt4m riac to third plact In the NCC llnal littino. The ttandin~ •t the toft· ton '• end ,..tre
w L
"" 6U 7U
7· 1
C~ron Ptn~ lfullftD
$-3 3-6
$ Ke.rn.,-
20.5 12·1· 13·11 $.1$
831 81.9 16.$
78.1 16.2
801 1-.J 8U
JunK.r \\'ayne lltu'lc ltd the team'• .connl•"ltll •\'tUIICe of '21 pOtn\1. per pme: he has ben • tt.arttf' for the llob«!u for three yta.hl. The lour frt~~hmtn carrif'd the team'a main load, .,·ith Ptet Ste,..Mt, 6' 8" center. by far the moet impfO'f'fd rookie.
lhillt KOtf!l •c•ll'l I" • pr-...oa p - •r•inP C1l\lbb,rriUt. TIM toM. l)l•c:•"C 1«0nod in th• (OII(trfn«.
w•nl oft to • winnl~t;r -
nt. blt.keckll ttf.rn fntlvd«<. Jultotb•r. hn Hall~. <•pUin; El•1nf' fbttrt, Su-e ~. Oo•n.. Colllarh.a; •t.&ndinl'. Bon..if' Ruu, l"•t ThoomPtOII. Uonn.it Good11111n., M-ir')' \f<)tuu. M•rt<i• Cokkn. • " Cl')"'>tal McCoy
Girls Excel In Competition
The girls basketball at:ason OPt-ned W'itb a tournament at Wayne State Collete in whic.h Peru took a fifth place position. Tbe thr~ come •eritot played by Ptru included lolets to St. Mary's, and Kearney State. and a vic· tory 0\'er J.)oene. Hith s.cortra wt:rt: Jan BoUie. 43 poin'-: Pat ThomDSOn. Z8 poinu: and Sue Bol$erman, 20 points• •~or tht remoinder o( the uason. the trirlt ()Ofttd 106s.ea tO Moryville and to WarrensbuJt. 'fhe volleyball team met with much tucc::ea POttins on undtJf'ot«< uason and • t'irst place trophy in the Wayne State Tour· namtnt. Their victories includ«< stu: acainst Wayne, Dan3. and Chadron.
"'"• Rut.r. K•rtn Adtlfmtitr, J•n Dutntilll, Chtri Comb.. k~W'tiinc. Su.t ~mu. Di.l~ Colli.~~&lwo•. •lid M•Jd•lhm.
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