1968 The Peru Stater (Nebraska)

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New Construction, Remodeling Continue Among

1,000 Oaks

The April meeting of of Education of State Normal Schools set in motion two new construction projects on the Campus of a Thousand Oaks.

Involved were acceptance of bids for the imrre0ia te start on the remodeling of the Auditorium and authorization for architects to draw up plans and specifications for an addition to W. F. Hoyt Science building.

C&R Construction Company of Beatrice suhnitted the successful hid of $197,094 for general.construction in the remodeling of the Auditorium built in 1922. The complete renovation of the building's interior will include construction of additional dressing rooms, new seating, relocation of rest room facilities, remodeling of the lobby and classroom areas, nevv: lighting fixtures, new floorcovering, new stage equipment, and remodeling of the heating system, Work has just gotton underway, and a completion target date of October 1 has been set.

Architects are now working on plans for a new wing to be added to .the Science building. Already on hand for the pr()ject is a legislative allocation of $188,396. The Normal Board, in addition, authorized Peru State to request $94,198 in federal funds to augment the state allocation. If these federal funds are received, $282, 594 will be spent for the enlargement of the Science building facilities. The present Science building was built in 1929.

During the winter months the final phase of the heating plant modernization was completed. The second of two 30,000 fh-hour boiler units was installed at a cost of some $80,000.

Included in long-range campus planning, is an addition to the liorary, a new physical education facility, and an addition to the Centennial Residence Hall Complex.

Second Semester Enrollment Exceeds Year Ago Figure

In a continuing trend, enrollment for the spring semester at Peru State rose to l,075 students, an 8.25 per cent growth over the 993 students enrolled during the 1967 spring term.

Represented in the total enrollment are students from 41 Nebraska countries, 19 other states and five foreign countries or dependencies--American Samoa, Germany, Japan, West Indies, and Peru, S. A.

The increase in day students to 1,005 is a 13.18 per cent boost over the 1966-67 spring semester s day enrollment of 888. Conversely, the night time enrollment for the current semester declined to 70 from 105 a ago.

Total enr9llment ,for the 1967 fall semester was 1,183. ·Fifty-four students completed degree requirements at the end of the fall semester.

The spring enrollment includes 331 freshmen, 239 sophanores, 266 juniors, 223 seniors, and 16 post graduate students.

The use of Centennial Complex housing accounts for a 33. 3 per cent increase in residence hall students over one year ago. A total of 637 are Ii ving in college dormitories as compared to 477 during the spring semester, 1967.

Lambda Del ta nation::iJ honorary physical science fraternity, was react+vatedat Peru State College during the spring semester, with initiation of 15 members. The fraternity was disbanded during World War II.


The 99th Commencement of Peru State College will .be held, Monday, May 26-27. J. 0. vice-president of Northern Systems Company, wil deliver the Comrrencement address, Monday, May Z7 and the Baccalaureate sermon, Sunday, May 26, will be given by Dr, Theodore A. Youngquist, college pastor at Midland College, Fremont.

Conmencerrent ceremonies will see degrees conferred upon 154 candidates as the spring semester of the lOlst academic year comes to a close.

On Sunday, May 26th, members of the class of 1918 will re-unite on the Campus of a Thousand Oaks for the Golden Anniversary Reunion of their graduating class. In addition to the regular reunion fare, the 1918ers have been invited by their classmates, Otto and Ramona Schwer Oakes to a prereunion visit in their home in Salem at 7:30 p.m., May 25. The Oakes purchased a 100-year-old home in Salem three years ago and have been restoring the 16-room residence to its original grandeur. The horre was originally built by a second cousin of of Abraham Lincoln.

On Sunday, May 26, the returnees will meet in the Student Center for a 9 a. m, coffee hour and class meeting. Luncheon will be served at 12: 30 p,m , class pictures will be taken at 2: 30 p. m., and at 4: 00 p m. the 1918ers will be special guests at the College

Dr. Youngquist, the Baccalaureate minister, has been the college pastor at Midland LutheranCollege, Fremont, since 1965. He received his bachelor's degree from Midland in 1944, Two years later he was graduated from Central Lutheran Seminary, and in 1951, Sacramento (Calif.) State College conferred him the master of arts degree. He has done additional graduate work at Union Theological

He was pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church Sacramento,. Calif., from 1946 to 1951, when became assistant _pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheran College! Akron, Ohio. From 1954 until 1965, Dr. Youngquist served as pastor of First Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Mr, Grantham, who will deliver the Corrmencement address at 10 a m , Monday, May 27, is vice-president of Northern Systems Company, a subsidiary of Northern Natural Gas Company which is engaged in the development marketing of training, nanagement, and evaluation systems. Mr. Grandi.am joined Northern in 1958, as Manager of Personnel and was narred to his present position in 1966. Prior to his association with Northern, Mr. Grantham had served in management positions with Anderson-Prichard Oil Corporation in Oklahoma City and with Phillips Petroleum Com_pa,ny .

A native of Ryan, Okla., Mr. Grantham received the J:>achelor of science degree in electrical engineering from Cldahoma State University in 1943. After serving in World War II as a Naval Research Engineer in Washington, D.C., he returned to Oklahoma State as an instructor while completing his master's degree in electrical engineering.

Volume XVII

Number 1 Spring, 1968

Official publication of Peru State College. Published and distributed in November and May. Please notify college of change of address.


Mike from Peru to Guam

It was a cold, dull, day. Snow was ankle deep and the sky was gray.

It was getting late and I hadn't had breakfast but I thought a walk would be what I needed.

A few cars were skidding on one of the steeper streets to the canpus and several children were going out of their way to trudge through some drifts. I saw this and knew I didn't have a job.

I walked to the far end of the canpus and kicked the snow off my shoes on clean cement steps.

Our Cover

1he cover picture, showing President Neal S. Gomon and student Hugo Villegas, Lima, Peru, S.A., plus this page containing a story about Villegas and one about Mike Damiano, a 1967 graduate, illustrates an i.q:>ortant fact about Peru State College. The college's influence is spread far wider than the confines of the U.S.A., an influence which should continue to grCNV as more and more of our graduates scatter around the globe. They in turn wil 1 influence other foreign students to enroll. This diversity in enrollment is an educational in itself.

I walked down the .aall to the school placement office and scanned bulletins for an opening.

There were quite a few; Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming, Colorado, California, Iowa, Guan1

•Guam," I said half aloud. I grinned and looked over to a busy secretary.

•Guam," I called. "Is this a mistake?"

"No, they do need people there," she said.

I looked again. "Agana, Guam," it read, "U. S. territory."

•we• ve heard from them before," she volunteered.

I sat down with my tablet on my knee and wrote: I am a graduating senior. My field is elementary education.

If you can provide passage to your island, I will be happy to teach your children.

Sincerely, Michael Damiano

The girl gave me a stamped envelope. I addressed_ the envelope, walked around the corner to the mail room, dropped it in the slot and went for breakfast.

I did not give Guam too much thought. But once I had taken out sooe maps and found Guam, my (continued on page 12)

to Peru from Peru

According to available records, there has been a i:>eru Stater 1 ike Peruvian Hugo Villegas. Hugo is both a Peruvian by birth and ru:id by college choice, but it is the place of hi:;; birth--Peru, South America--which makes him unique among all those who have trod the Campus of a Thousand (}:i.ks.

Why did Hugo, a native of Lima, Peru, anct a lad whose father has fanning interests totaling about 20,000 acres, select Peru State College? "Because I'm from Peru" is the reason he gives on his information card.

That is one reason. The other is his brotherin-1 aw, a Nebraskan, who told him of life in the Cornhusker state and how friendly the people are.

Hugo arrived in the United States in July and spent the_ 1966-67 school year studying English at the American Language Institute at New York University. TI1e Institute attracts students fran throughout the world.

The. fall of 1967 Hugo enrolling at Peru State in a general science curriculum Eventually he pl.ans to transfer to a school of veterinary so that he can prepare himself to assist his father with his farming interest.

A _graduate of Ramon Castilla High school in i!1 1964, Hugo studied pre-veterinary medicine in the Agronomy Academy in Lima for one rear. huge farming; operations of his father, in the mountains 500 miles northwest of mclu?-e cattle, sheep and vegetable raising, employing about 60 workers. Included in the holdings are mining interests.

;in higl; school, Hugo was a member of Peru s national high school soccer team which canpeted with other national teams from other South American countries. Last year he played on the New York University soccer team,

When asked if soccer is more exciting than football, Hugo gave a resounding "Oh, yes it is!" He that. he would like to play football as a kicker, adding "anywhere you want it kicked, I can put the ball."

Christmas vacation this year, Hugo was a _gt!est m the of Donald D. Buskirk in Springfield, Nebr, Wlnle there he was introduced to Dr. O.E. Pfeifer, David City veterinarian. Hugo spent two 1'.3.YS "following him around," which made the Peruvian al 1 the more sure that he is headed in the direction in his professional choice.

With Crale Hansen, Onaha, Hugo has organized a Karate and Judo Club at Peru State. With a membership of 12, including three girls, Crale teaches Karate and Hugo the Judo.

1he future for Hugo: eventually he'll transfer from i:>eru State, that is, to a school of veterinary medicine, and then its back to those farming interests in Peru--Lima, that is!

Damp Season for Spring Sports Quartet

In a tyPical Nebraska spring, the weather a disappointing factor in the Peru State spring sports picture.

Coach Joe Pelisek' s baseball team, at this writing sporting a record of 5-5, has had three double headers wiped out by either rain, snow, or wet grounds - Qi.ly one of those twin bills will be made up, weather permitting. Three tennis matches have been washed out as has one golf meet. the team has had onemeet cancelled, but they have slogged and shivered through several ?Utings

Peru State is leading the College Conference basebal 1 conference with a record of ·the halfway point in the NCC campaign. In loop plaI, tlie Bobcats knocked off Hastings twice and it with Wayne State. Four conference and nine non-loop tilts _

In non-conference play Coach Joe Pelisek' s Peru diamond men split with Cra.vder College at Neosho, Mo., divided a pair at Northwest Missouri State, and ·fell twice to John E. Kennedy College.

The golf team has. had their troubles, losing twice to St. Benedict's College and once to Northwest Missouri State,. Six matches remain on' that ,schedule. In tennis, the record :Ls 0-2 with losses tO John F. Kennedy and Creighton, Six outings remain on the net schedule.

Coach Jack Mcintire' s Bobcat track team won one indoor triangular, won a dual .. meet took fourth in the Kearney State indoor invitational and participatecf m the N .A. I .A. indoor .championships and the· Kansas State University in_c.loor invitational Outdoors,, Peru beat Tarkio and -· Northwest Missouri State in duals and lost to Doane, Other participation has been in the Arkansas · Relays, the Kearney State Relays, and the Midland Relays. Five meets remain.

Fourteen new school track records have been set to date--six indoor and eight outdoor. Bruce \!ickrey raised the indoor shot mark to 49-S1/i, and the outdoor to 49-9. Arnold Johnston moved the indoor vault record to 13-4 3/4, and the outdoor to 14-0 . In the two mile, Tim Hendricks 1 owe red the indoor mark t;:o 9:26. 4,. and Weyers a new outdoor mark. of 9: 17 ,0. -other indoor marks include: 1000 yard run--Jack Weyers, 2: 16.5; mile run-Tim Hendricks, 4:19.3; broad jump--,.Buddy McCrea, 22-:-:?Yz.. New outdoor marks set include: distance medley relay, io:29,2· by Cal Smith, Jim Watson, Tim Hendricks, Jack Weyers; 440 yard dash, Cal-Vin Sn:i:i th, ,; 49, 7; 440 yard• interrredia te hurdles I Calvin Srnith :58.0; javelin, Faulkner, 213-9; steeplechase, Van Allen, 4:56.9.

Peru Economics Prof Receives Study Grant for Kuwait Jaunt

Sarni A. Kaloti, assistant professor of government and economics at Peru State College, will conduct a study of the educational system of Kuwait this sunmer. The research, which carries a $450 grant, is sponsored by the U.S. Office of Education in its humanities and social science development section.

A native of Jordan, Mr. Kaloti joined the Peru State faculty this year. He holds Bi\, MS and MA degrees from Southern Illinois University, and has completed additional study at the University of Kansas toward the PhD 'degree. He served as a research associate for the Council of State Government in Illinois.

Injury, Inexperience Leave Cage Season with 12-14 Tab

The disadvantages of extreme inexperience and a key injury erased a fast start by the Peru State basketball team and tumbled the 'Cats to a canpaign record of 12 wins and 14 losses.

Peru State rolled to six.,wins in their first seven games despite using three freshmen starters. the seventh and eighth games, disaster struck when senior George Moore suffered a severe ankle injury taking the 6'7" smooth-working fivot out of action until near the tail end o the season when he made sport appearances.

Moore's injury forced the Bobcats to go with · four freshmen starters, and despite moments of brilliance the trail was downhill. Peru and Hastings tied for third and fourth in the Nebraska College Conference behind league-winning Wayne State and runnerup Chadron.

Qi.e bright spot in the season was a home court conquest over Wayne State, a team that lost only two regular season and represented District 11 in the national NAIA tourney rn Kansas City.

Junior Wayne Heine led Peru in scoring with an 18. 7 mark. The four frosh all averaged 9. 2 points per game or better. Of t;hose saw action in the spring semester portion of the season, only George Moore will be lost by graduation. If the others return for the 1968-69 campaign, the prospects, and hopefully the results, will be brighter.

Season's Scores: Peru Score, first column __ _

All-American Honors Received By Frosh Cross Country

Jack Weyers, on the heels of a great fall campaign, was named in January to tne All-American cross country team selected by the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics.

The tireless long distance runner from Ster_ling paced Peru State to champions_hips of the Nebraska College Conference, NAIA District 11, and the Midwest AAU meet. Weyers earned the AllAmerican ranking on the strength of his 14th place finish in the NAIA championships held in Onaha. This performance came in a field of 215 runners as he led Peru to a seventh place national ranking for the second straight year. In 1965, Peru finished third in the national championships Weyers and other members of the Bobcat cross country squad were honored at halftirre of Peru State' s basketball verdict over Wayne State on January 27.

Weyers' Al I -American honor is the second such award -received by a Peru Stater. Louis Fritz, a 1966 graduate now teaching at Dawson, was named to the 1965 NAIA All-American team after leading _Peru to their third place finish that year, -

S6 Tarkio 71 68 N. W. Missouri 95 92 McPherson 64 68 Doane (Of) 71 97 Kan. Wesleyan 87 53 Tarkio 78 92 Concordia 87 79 Hastings 92 70 So. S.D. 69 77 St. Benedict's 100 70 Gen. Beadle 67 79 Wayne 77 83 N. W, Missouri 69 91 Kearney 86 78 Midland 87 80 Simpson 77 77 Huron 66 92 Chadron 9 3 76 Graceland(OD 79 70 Chadron 79 58 N.W; Missouri 89 78 Doane 95 82 Concordia 7 4 75 Hastings 84 73 Kearney 67 67 Wayne 100

Dr. Gomon Speaks at Joint Meeting of Lincoln-Omaha

Peruvians at 'Pilgrimage'

Speaking at a joint !Tl:!eting of the Lincoln and Qnaha chapters of the Peru AlUIIU1i Association Sunday, April 28, Dr. Neal S. Gomon, Peru State College President, forecasted that the 101-yearold institution would become a multipurpose college.

The Peru State president cited the $100 million Consumer Public Power District atomic energy plant under construction near Bro.vnville as the factor will bring "unprecedented development in this area. "

The "Pilgrimage to Peru" dinner meeting in the Peru State College Student Center, which attracted nearly 100 alumni and friends, concluded All-College Open House activities at the Campus of a Thousand Oaks.

In citing the future industrial growth in Southeast Nebraska, Dr. Ganon said that Peru State would have to meet the demands for technical training as well as continue leadership in teacher education and liberal arts.

Although Peru State is growing in enrollment, Dr. Gomon pointed out that quality has nothing to do with size. The college's future growth will be related to its ability to provide housing for students.

Dr. W. A. Schindler, '21, Lincoln, chapter president, presided at the meeting. Mrs. Maxine Russell Moore, '63, 4220 S. Clifford drive, Lincoln, was re-elected secretary of the chapter. Art Brophy, • 49, 1835 Ryons, Lincoln, was elected new chapter president.

Ruby Redding 1hornton, '53, 5208 Cedar, Onaha was elected president of the Qnaha chapter, succeeding R. D. Slagle, fs '37, Bellevue, Dorothy Teachman Bachenberg, '42, 7713 South 39th avenue, Cknaha, succeeded Mrs. Virginia Lazzaro, ' 55, 5636 Leavenworth, Onaha, as Onaha chapter secretary.

Walnut book ends bearing Peru State College medallions were presented to Dr. H. Clyde Filley, '99, 1336 North 44th, Lincoln, and Robert B. Ray, '06, 1914 South 23rd, Lincoln, as the ear 1 iest graduates in attendance. Both Dr. Filley and Mr. Ray attended the charter meeting of the Lincoln alumni chapter in 1956.

Visitors from a four state area were present for. the eleventh annual afternoon Open House which included campus tours, variety shows, panel discussions for prospective students and parents. Refreshments were served during the afternoon in the Student Center.

1968 Summer Session

Two Five-Week Terms

Eight visiting instructors will join the Peru State College faculty for the 1968 surrmer sessions, according to Dr. Keith L. Melvin, dean of the college and director of surrmer sessions.

The first of the two five-week sessions will open. June 3 and close July 3. July 8 is registration for the second session, which concludes with surrmer corrrnencemen t on August 9. Up to six hours college credit may be earned each term.

Besides regular five week courses, 13 threeweek seminars or workshops will be offered during the summer sessions.

These include:

June 17 - July 3 - - Diagnostic and Remedial Reading; Principles and Practices of Guidance Modern Problems of Conservation, Speech ti on.

July 8 - July 26 Instructional Media (forMaterials), Mental Health Hygiene, First Aid, Conservation of Natural Resources, Contemporary Social and Political Problems Human Physiology, Aerospace Science. '

August 5 - August 16 The Disadvantaged Child, Methods of teaching the Trainable Retarded.

The visiting instructors include:

First term: LeRoy Leland, 'Pershing College, Beatrice, history and social sciences; Don R. Wilson, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, art; Gladys Grush, Au.burn Public Schools, and Rose Nebraska School for the Visually Handicapped! Nebraska City, student teaching seminar supervisors.

Second term: Walter Yost, Highland (Kans.) Junior College, art; Arthur Sears, Western State College, Gunnison, Colo., history and social sciences; diar les Francis, Abraham Lincoln High Sd:ool, Council Bluffs, Iowa, history and social sciences.

D_r. Joseph C. Dunn, of Onaha, will be instructor for the diagnostic and remedial reading workshop, June 17-July 3.

, Helen Marga_ret Larson (Mrs. Joseph) Seiger, 39, teaches in the Great Neck (N.Y.) Public schools. Her husband, a of the faculty of the Manhattan School of Music was exclusive for the late Mischa Elman, performing with him on tours. He appeared in Carnegie Hall May 7 with Rachmael Weinstock, ; violinist. The Seigers and their son, Jonny, 11, live at Z7 Wood Ridge, Sea Cliff, N.Y,

Elected officers of the Li nco 1n and Orraha c hai:rters of the Peru Alumni at the April 28 JOI nt dinner meeting at Peru State were (from 1eft} Art Brophy and Mrs. Brophy, Lincoln, president and vice-president, and Mrs. Maxine Moore, secretary, of the Lincoln chai:rter, and Ruby Redding Thornton, president, and Dorothy Teachrran Bachert-berg, secretary, of the Orraha chapter.


Grads, Former Students Continue

Figures at the SJJ.ring rreeting Mathews, .Peru, vice-pres1d<::I1t;. Peru, of the Peru Achieverrent Foundation, May 3, reveal secretary, and A.V. Larson, Pe1u, uc'"si,rer. Terms that the PAF has an opportunity to take another ?f eight trustees were extt:"nded io 1971. They step forward this year if :rnclude: ClaudeE. Auburn; at about the same rate dun.ng the next eight Brock; Mrs. Wayne Schneider, Platt::·111outh, Gordon months. · Peterson, 1311 North 49th, Onaha; Verne Jones,

During ca_lendar 1967, the Foundation re- Nebraska _McKnight, Auburn, John Stevenceipts of sbghtly more than _$18,000, Receipts of son, Peru; Dies: Biake, Auhi.rn. . . . more than $6 000 for the first four months of To those of you who have so faithfully calendar 1968 1 were reported by treasurer A.V. year and in past, years the PAf a larson. sincere thank you. Won t others please .Join in

Members of the Foundation's board of directors the and the work of the Pert-: Achievement were unanimous in their desire not only to equal Foundation. but to surpass last year's record receipts this Southern Ca 1 i for n i ans ' Tour ' year· C V ' T d S 1 • d S h

As one board member put it, "anything less am PUS I a ape I e OW would be a step backward, and a. backward Fifty-eight alumni and friends from 20 Calirequires two steps to get ahead again. fornia cormrunities attended the eleventh annual

Eleven scholarships from restricted funds, luncheon meeting of the Southern California chapranging from $50 to $150, and ten $100. Alurttr}1 ter of the Peru Alumni Association Saturday, April Scholarships (twice the number 11 authodrifzed thin 27. 1967) from general funds were a ocate or e Meeting at, the Plantation in San Bernardino, 1968-69 academic year. they were taken on a pictorial tour of Nebraska's furing the 1967-68 academic year, 84 scholar- first college, 101-year-old Peru State College. ships, totaling $6 , 912. 45, were awarded through The taped narrated slide sh cm presented was an the Foundation to 84 Peru State students. Many of April, 1968, glimpse of the campus and surrounding the scholarships came from by area. alumni, friends, service organizations, businesses New chapter officers were Ruth Donner and industry. Harvey, '35, Division, Los Angeles, president;

In addition the Peru Achievement Fmmdation Myrtle Merchant McSwan, '31, 81-300 Sirocco, Indio, continued its support of the National Defense vice-president; and Stan Carreron, '49, 5211 Del Student Loan program at Peru State by providing Sur Circle, La Palma, secretary;Willard Redfern, the necessary matching funds equalling one-ninth '49 1 13502 Dalmatian, Ldviirada, ca.hf., was elected of the federal allocation. Since the in- representative to the Peru Achieverrent Foundation. ception in 1958, the PAF has contributed $22,63) Retiring officers include: Harrer J. Hatcher, in matching funds, thus providing a total of '33, 1730 Glendon, Los Angeles; Dean Grass, '32, $254,890 in NDSL funds. 21801 Lanark, Canoga Park, and Phyllis Delong

These facts and figures reveal the PAF is con- Halferty, fs '43, 1135 Casa Vista drive, Pamona. tinuing to increase it? role in giving State College and. its de?erv1ng a hand,

but to continue this trend, it will take increased support from an ever-growing percentage of Peru

State's nearly 8,000 alumni and former students.

At the spring incumbent officers were re-elected: John: L. Lewis, Peru, president; L.B.

Nine New Grants Through PAF

Nine additional Peru Achievement Foundation scholarships were awarded for the second semester in addition to those granted at the start of the fall serrester.

The first John Wear Memorial scholarship of $50 was presented. Established in honor of the late Dr. John Wear, class of 1914, of Palo Al to and Walnut Creek, Calif., the foods come from investment of memorials provided by family and friends. The scholarships are for students in premedical studies. The first recipient is 1horngs J. Al bin, lfumboldt.

The other eii;tlit new second semester scholarships came from the Foundation's A total of $5()0 from revenues frOR!,, Foundationowned soft drink, candy and snack rkchines was allocated for residence hall student scholarships. Residence hall councils of each of the five dormitories were presented $100 to be awarded as scholarships for the second semester.

Recipients include: M. Jolene Meyer, Nehawka; Linda A. Dieckhoff, Tecumseh; Mark Perry, Des Moines, Iowa; Frank Topolski, Utica, N. Y.; Bill Neumeister, Weeping Water;David Rainforth, Doniphan; James D. Patera, Storm Lake, Iowa; Franklin D. Hannon, Salem. The coeds received $100 scholarships, while the men's residence hall recipients received $50 each.

Training Program for Teachers

In Head Start In Progress

Peru State College received a one-year $2? 1 ?39 grant in January for a Sufplernentary Training Program for non-professiona employees of Head Start programs from the Office of Economic tuni ty.

Planned for an enrollment of 50, classes for 72 are being taught in centers in Onaha and coln. Initial offerings for the adult students in early childhood education are Human Growth and Development and English Composition.

A workshop, the Disadvantaged Child, will be offered as a part of the program during the sunmer session from August S to August 16. The staff will include in psychology, sociology and business, _utilizing an interdiscii;>linary approach to solving the problems of disadvantaged children, according to Dr. Rex R, Shelley, head of the di vision of education, project direc::or.

Designed to provide better fersonnel in Head Start prograrris, the training w1 l .e?able those completing a tw?-year to qualify for assistant teachers in various areas of early childhood education.

I 94-3 October 19 Class Reunion October 18

--1968 Homecoming--

Record Receipts for Foundation Year

Foundation receipts have been issued friends

' former students and to April 30, 1968"


f. Honer watt, '98

Aoorew J. Wilson, '97

Warren 8. Catlin, '99


Sarah Joy (Mrs. 01 iver) Cleve1aoo, •03

Robert 3. Rdy, '06

Dr. Henry J. Bn1derson, '06

Margaret Seeck, ·09

Gladys Majors (Mrs. C.W.) Gale, '07

Eana Beach (Mrs. L. v.) Mair, '08

Cora Chittenaen (Mrs. o.s .)

Duffeooack, '09 '05

iss, '08 of Mrs. E. R. Sur-

• by her hus-

Rev. mer R. Burkey, '(!.8, '29 in memory of Anna May Dunten

Meyer, '06, by 11er l1uslland, Grover H. Meyer

Mauae Boyd (Mrs. C.R.) Og1esby, '06

Estate of Mary K. Smith, '07

Stella Lu11 Perry, '08

Emily Redford (Mrs. c. w.)

Good, 'Oll

Mabel Bailor Wernimont, '08

Faye Hanks, '07

Ruth Pryor Russell, '09

Gertrude L. Coon, '07

Olga Gereke (Mrs. O.L.)

Webb, '09

Lula Pasco, '05

Myrtle Yocam Comstock, '09

Laura Porter (Mrs. George) Carlson, '08

Benjamin Harrison, '07

Jessie Lowe Fox, '06

D. L. Carl son, • 08

Dr. Clyde B. Moore. '09

Alta Gray (Mrs. Lloyd) Denslow, '06

El 1 en Jacobson Sundstrom, fs '08

Elizabeth Mallalieu, '05

J. HarolJ Williams, '0B

Margaret Brenizer (Mrs. Chet) Marshall, fs '05

Maude w. Michael, '05


Miloreo Spencer Alcorn, '10

Exha Akins (Mrs. Walter) Sad i le k, ' 13, ' 2 7

Lyllis Ann vletmore, '17

E. Alta Garrison, '15

Catherine M. Kelly ('1rs. Glen) Galt, '17

Bessie Hutchinson (Mrs. Cyril)

Maxted, 'l!l

Em11a M. Mdt ti 11, '14

Daisy Robinson, '18

Mabel Spafford (Mrs. Everett

S.) Smith, '10

Mary L. ii ibler (Mrs. Frank)

Bowersox, '16, '17

Charlotte Deubler, '18

Ethel M. Clary Nat ion, fs '17

Etta Arndt Pasco, '18

Helen Velma King, '17

Edna Barnes (Mrs. Fritiof)

Johanson, '10

Virginia Ailor (Mrs. Scott)

Layton, '18

Mr.& Mrs. Carroll Lewis, He '17

Catherine Greenlee, '12

!n memory of Spencer Le0er, ·111, ·211, by his wife, Florence M. Leger

Esther Murdock Stokes, fs '19

Grayce Teich (Mrs. Grover)

Caster, '15, '16

Lawrence (Mrs. Frank)

Heskett, '14

to from the fo11oi-1ing

November 2,

Mildred Huffer (Mrs. Alfred) Niel sen, '17

Elsie Neef Wallace, '15

Cecelia Wehrs Forel l, '11

Nel 1 ie Kelly (Mrs. Paul) Rosean, '17

Karen Blair (Mrs. Howard) Rowley, '17

Carrie C. Hansen, '10

Edith Gramlich, '18

Ethel Johnson (Mrs. Henry) Arkell, • 10

Anna Chambers (Mrs. J.D.) Emerick, '16

Mary Ann Hogarth, •13

Lavern B. Mathews, '15

Helen H. Fuller, '19

Marie Finley (Mrs. L.F.)

Post, '16

Helen Majors (Mrs. J. H.)

R idol e, '15

Rose Banks (Mrs. Arthur) Embree, '10

Loure Salzmann (Mrs. W.G.) Firoved, '16

Bessie Nichols (Mrs. Earl) Hoagland,'18

Eul al 1e Shaffer (Mrs. Carl) Ohlsson, '11

Johns. Boswell, '15

Amy Applegate, '18

Victor o. Roos, '1.3

Hanna Jensen, '15

Marshall C. Jones, 'lll

Lydia L. (Mrs. Frank)


John William O:J9• '15

Al ice Hunt (Mrs. R.c.)

Harriss, • 10

J. J. Klima, '15

Millie Gilbert ("!rs. Clair)

Christy, '13

Libbie F. Kukral, '19, '27

Frank E. Hos ic, '15

In memory of John Wear, '14, by family and friends

Joy Elmer Morgan, '11

Mart ha Daesc hne·r (Mrs. F. E.)

\vendl and, '18

Alice Catherine Griess, '16

Frances Chez (Mrs. Paul)

Kingston, '11

Minnie (Sayer) McFarland, •1u

Ralph w. Waybright, '15

Mr. & Mrs. Clarence (Audrey Chase) Howie, '16, '18

Dr. Louis R. Kilzer, '15

Esther Anderson \\lel ls, '12

Irene Ferneau (Mrs. L. E. i Wylie, '15

Vesta Lewis Comer, '15

Mr. & Mrs. Floyd (Ann Gilbertl. Christy, '18; 's '22


Paul w. Lamb, '23

Philena Uhl Esmay, fs '28

Dorothy Hurt-(Mrs. Robert E.)

Whit more, '27

Hugh B. Terry, fs '26

Yr. & Mrs. warren D. (A. Christine Rasmussen) McMahon, '27, '28

Ella F. Tiech (Mrs. Herbert) Riley, 2 yr. •21+

Harold o. Peterson, '27

Joe A. Kre j c i • 2 9

Ernestine Robertson (Mrs. Kenneth) Stiles 2 yr., '25

Ruth Mae Lawrence (Mrs. Norris

E.) Read, '21

Minnie (Mead) Leiben, 2 yr.,

• 29, • 53

Lola (Lohr) Coe, '24

Donald J. Blankenship, 2 yr.,

• 22' • 25

w. G. Jantzen, fs, '26

Zelda Redding (Mrs. Carl J.)

Stegeman, '21

Lloyd v. Prante, '20

Laura Coll ins (Mrs. Leland)

Johnson, 2 yr., '27

Mr. !\ Mrs. Paul (Margaret

Thomas) Wilcox, He 2 yr., • 2 2, '2 7, she 2 yr. , • 2 2

Helen Dye (Mrs. Charles) Sherrod, '21

Frieda Woitzel, '27

Genevieve Nicholas (Mrs. Willard) Hayward, '29

Mr. & Mrs. Lon (Mildred Tibbets) Graf both, '28

Hazel Hutchinson (Mrs. Jack) Anderson, 2 yr., '29, '67

Leone M. (Mrs. Arthur) Hill fs '23

Waldo Willhoft, '26

Katherine Schill, '20

Mary Harajian (Mrs. Robert)

Estill, '23, '29

Lorine Erickson (Mrs. Ed) Parsons, '2 9

Erna Woitzel (Mrs. Julian)

Duncan, '27

Stella Hindenach, 2 yr., • 22' '38

Oulc ie Morris (Mrs. R. A.)

Barber f s '2 9

Betty Graves (Mrs. Alfred)

Osgood, '22

Opal Carter Rasmusson, '27

Yrsa A. Hansen, fs '22

Ruth Kel 1 igar, '21

Salma Staben Hammond, 2 yr., • 25

Tillie Salzmann (Mrs. Glenn)

Anderson, '20

Mr. & Mrs. Bob (Mary Sutton) Harrison, Both '26

Flora (Sheik) Sorensen, '28

Ella Woodard (Mrs. E.F.)

Griffin, '20 (Vance) Jones, '26

Mr. & Mrs. Floyd (Al ice .:randt) Chase, '29; '28

Mr. & Mrs. w. A. (Claudia shad a uc k) Sch i no 1 er, • 2 9; '30

Glanche Seid Sageser, '20 ;ielen Stukenholtz, 2 yr. '?5, '28


Mr. & Mrs. David J. (Wilma Lichty) Duey He fs '38, She 2 yr., '38

James L. Oppenheimer, '38

·'1r. & Mrs. Harold (Lau1-a Hickson) Stolz, He fs '.32, She 2 yr., '33

Lucille Bicknell (Mrs. La1\rence M.) Smith, '.36

Helen E. (Mrs. Russel 1) Rathsam, 2 yr. '33

Mr. & Mrs. Ora Ferguson (Elizabeth Sprage) both '.33

Edna (Maystrick) Fitch '34

Winton M. Gilbert, fs '.35

Mrs. c. Thomas (Jean Blankenship) Morgan, 2 yr., '32

Mr. & "!rs. George A (Ethel Flick) Bruce, He '38, She '30 • Ruby Taney (Mrs. Mthur E.) Sporleder, '30

Evea Ruse (Mrs. Dale) Black, fs '39

Laurena M. (Yoesel) ael l is, 1 yr., '36

Mary '1ar0aret Hervey (Mrs. H. E.) Wolf '.33

Erw i n J u i 1 f s , • 3 8

,:;erald i ne Russell (Mrs. Harvey) Applegate, 2 yr., '31

Mr. & Mrs. John E. (vir0inia '1uncy) Wheatley He '34, She f s '.34

"lddonna Brady (M1-s. victor J.)

Ga 1 in is, '3 O

Julia Jean Plasters ('1rs. Gerald) wi lson, fs '38

Maybelle T. Gorder, 1 yr., '.30

John H. Stevenson fs •3u

Mr. & Mrs. w. (Helen Hall) Fichter, Both '39

Roy Lively, '39

Ma.yre Tangeman (Mrs. Geor,ie H.) Case, '.39

Mr. & Mrs. Fred (Maxine Sears) Shestak, '31, '50

In rrernory of Gerald Tyler, 2 yr., '34, '.37 by Mrs. Beulah B. Tyler

Selva carder (Mrs. Orville) Garst, '3.3

Sernard G. Barisas, '38

Pauline Lyle Scott, '30

Thresa Clark, 2 yr., '32

Maxine Galbraith Marcum, '39

Elizabeth Bart 1 i n<,1 ('1rs. Edward) Kahler, fs '35

Ruth Naviaux (Mrs. Robert)

Hansen '.3 5

Way11e L. Rig:jS, '37

w. E. Suuden, •32

E. G. v ickers, '36

Mar 0 aret Albert, '33

Mary Ellen Navia.ux (Mrs. W.F.)

wignal l, '.34

Et ta F. NeunaiJer, '39

Corinne Frye (Mrs. 111.L.)

Root, · fs '30

Reba Yeakle, '38

Isabelle Majors (Mrs. warrenl Hays, '39

Earl G. Whipple, '38

Mr. Mrs. Rollie (June Crickell l Ri0J ins, '39, '.31

Jack Ashton, '35

Ernest E. Rothe rt, '30

Alice M. (BisJard) Anderson, '36

Leona (Givens) Heaps, '33

Mr. & Mrs. Ja.es (wanna "'1etcd lf) ''1cGu ire, '3 O; '31

kal ph E. Scholl, '38 i ne Lima Ahlin, fs

Pa u 1 i ne V • Aue, 2 yr. '3 5, '3 7

Lucille Tibbets (:<1rs. Thaine) Clark, '39

Helen Larson (Mrs. Joseph' Se1,Jer, '39

194 Os (Mrs. Floyal V rt IS kct, '4 7

R?llins Cushman, fs '!.q

Richard E. Monroe 1 yr.

Mr. Mrs. Calvin (Cett; Vance) Frerichs •47· fs '47 ' '

Gerala i ne Luav i k (t'1rs. Don D.) Davis, '42

Clara Fletcher, '45

Eula Redenbauih, '40

Ciedra J. Sch21fer (Mrs. Stanley) Clay, '4.2

01-. & Mrs. c. Thomas (Marjorie Kennedy)

Dean, Both '42 iY Harold L. ( ty Riley) Jeni-. ns, He fs 'll4, She 2 yr., '43

Mary L. Acord 2 yr. 42' >+9

Mr. & Mrs. Rex (Hope Carter) Flaya, He '46, She 2 yr., '42

3essie Lawrence (Mrs. Wayrre) Pickerell, 3 yrs., '!.J.4

Mr. & Mrs. Ross (Grace Muenchau) Russell, · He '!+l, she '1+ 2

"Ir. & Mrs. (Joan Th ickst , uhrmann, He '46, She 52 (continued on

16) '7

Placement Bureau Annou1ices Fall Teach.in.g Positions

'Ihe Peru State College office of placement has reported that 110 mid-academic year, spring and sunmer candidates for graduation, and alumni have accepted jobs. All but three of the placements are in the teaching field. Listed in the report, conpiled by Harold W4 Johnson, director of place'Ilent, are 31 mid-academic year placements, 33 spring and sumrer candidate flacements, and 46 alunn1 placements through Apri 30.

1hose accepting positions,. their horre towns or present teaching location, and their new location, and their new location,. include:

Mid-academic year placements: elementary candidates--Lana Toelle, Shenandoah, Iowa, to Plattsmouth; Don Rorebeck, Auburn, to Auburn; GI oria Jackson, Bellevue, to Auburn; Viola Gable, Bellevue, to Bellevue; Darla Obbink, Nebraska City, to Bellevue.

James O'Donoghue, Worcester, Mass., to Worcester, Mass.; Cynthia Bryant, Clarinda, Iowa, to Nevada, Iowa; Teresa Hurrmel, Iowa, to Treyrior, Iowa; Carol Crabtree, O:naha, to Papillion, Secondary candidates-- Richard Estes, Ariz., to Hyarinis; John Bohaty, Lincoln, to Chkland; Raymond Eickhoff, Verdon, to Greeley; Pat Quigley, Fairbury, to Holyoke, Colo.; George Tracy, Shenandoah, Iowa, to Bellevue; Kermit Svanda, Virginia, to Nehawka; Don Armstrong, Filley, to Falls City Sacred Heart.

Lawrence Hurrmel, Sidney, Iowa, to Villisca, Iowa; Gene Noell, Murray, to Wymore; Bernard Scott, Glenwood, Iowa, to Glenwood, Iowa; Don Zartner, Bellevue, to Council Bluffs, Iowa; John Soby, Onaha, to Council Bluffs, lava; William Daigle, Worcester, Mass., to Shrewsbury, Mass.

Dan Kellenberger, Sabetha,· Kans .. , to Wetmore, Kans.; Janes Komenda, Valparaiso, to David City; Larry Holding, Burt, lava, to Southeast Consolidated; Robert Gosch, Papillion, to Superior; Dave Kennedy, Humboldt, Iowa, to Humboldt.

Mid-academic year non-teaching placements--Mary Kernes, Nebraska City, to State Extension Agent, Johnson County; Larry Nedrow, Falls City, to State Welfare Department, Lincoln; Jim Tegelhutter, Syracuse, to Aetna Life and Casualty Insurance, O:naha.

Fall placements: elementary candidates--Jean Wilkinson, Humboldt, to Nebraska City; Dick Dobbs, 'Xnaha, to Nehawka; Pam Kallemeyn, Onaha, to Columbus.

Secondary candidates--Jack Gaines, Onaha, to Nehawka; Roger Boyer, Dawson, to Dawson-Verdon; Ken Stoner, Horrer, to Nehawka; Leroy Higgins, Beatrice, to Lewiston; Dave Tickner, Firth., to Palirer; Doug Cramer, Canadaigua, N. Y, , to New Market, Io.va.

Bill Uhri, Table Rock, to Stromsburg; Larry Poessnecker, Atkinson, to Doniphan; Chloe Miller, Talmage, to Plattsmouth; Roger Neujahr, Gresham, to Syracuse; Louise Lundstedt, Coin, Iowa, to Tabor, Iowa; Charles Williams, Beatrice, to DawsonVerdon.

Larry Sheehan, Nebraska City, to Giltner; Forrest Shores, Wymore, to Geneva North; John Rogers, Verdon, to Blue Hill; Larry Bohling, Elk Creek, to Silver Creek; Richard Ideus, Holmesville, to Shickley; John Patras, Peru, to Auburn; Gordon Essink, Panama, to Columbus.

Oliver Joiner, Monroe, Iowa, to Avoca, Iowa; Jim Johnson, Syracuse, to Wisner; furry Elder, Snith Center, Kans., to Petersburg; Ron Bartels, Tobias, to Genoa; Fred Van Fleet, Auburn, to Exeter; Beverly Jacobsen, Adair, Iowa, to Boxholm, Iowa.; Howard Stubbendieck, Otoe, to Friend; Carl Cochran, Larimor, Iowa, to Elkhorn, Iowa; Karen

Hoemann, Nebraska City, to Sidney, Iowa; Bernadine Fintel, Crete, to Wilber; Sandra Hopp, Syracuse, to Columbus.

Alunmi elementary placernents--Lois Whitson, Sidney, Iowa, to Clarind_a, Iowa; Evelyn Fossenberger Bea trice, to Wymore; Utah L. Brunner, Hiawatha, Kans., to Hiawatha, Kans,; Nancy Larson, Beatrice, to Hickman Mills, Mo.; Arlene Byerhoff, Bakersfield, Calif., to Sacramento, Calif.

Rit:a Bolinski, Amarillo Texas, to Littleton, Colo.· Ila Dieckman, Aurora, to Lexington; Gale Brauch, Hebron, to Unified district 427, Republic County, Kans.; I'lancy Darrah, Council Bluffs, ICMTa, to Council Bluffs, lCM'a; Don Rorebeck, Auburn, to Lee's Summit, Mo.; Lucy Sporer, Harnburg, Iowa, to Auburn.

Jerry Whitney, Bern, Kans. , to Morri 11, Kans. ; Barbara Brandt, Hamburg, Iowa, to Hamburg, Iowa; Edus Volkmer, Essex, Iowa, to :Red Oak, Iowa; Gladys Sorensen, Lincoln, to Lincoln; Dale Burgess, Los Angeles, Calif., to Warren, Mich.; Joyce Stukenholtz, Hickory Grove, to Curtis; Sheryl Davis Johnson, Nebraska City, to Wisner; Mrs. Joyce Sedlak, Plattsmouth, to Burbank, Calif.; Vickye Still, Axtell, to Mayetta, Kans.

A.1umn:i secondary placements-.-Richard Blake, Auburn, to Shenandoah, Iowa; William Witty Jr. New Laguna, N .M. , to Ful Ed:vard Worcester, Mass., to Rockwbod, Mich.; Dennis Flattre, Louisville, to New Market, Iowa.

Alan Wheeler, Thermopolis, Wyo., to State Department of. Education, Wyo.; Hawley, Sterling, to Valparaiso; Sha:on Parrish, Johnson, to Auburn; Marion Battani, Cleghorn, Iowa, to Algona, Iowa; Nancy Muse, North to Denver, Colo.; Dan Leuenberger, teaching assistantship, University of Nebraska, to Robert Bacon Oakland, to Hebron; Kary Hoins, Ohiowa, to Pal:rer; Dennis Crawford, Byr.on, to Wakefield; Harvey Fraser, Gothenburg, to Hickman; Paul Bodtke Jr., Palmer, to Osage, Iowa; Mary Oestmann,Syracuse, to Hickman; Ross Oestmann, Hamburg, Iowa, to Lead, S.D.; Raymond Johnson, Grundy Center, to Algona, Iowa; Ron Mountain View-, W_yo. , to Mont.; E,rik. Foged, Callaway to Nebraska City; Ross Pilkington, Red Oak ' Iowa, to Onaha University; Frank Masek, San Calif., to Lincoln; Dan Kellenberger to Falls City; Pat Quigley, Holyoke, to Petersburg; Gary Still, Axtell, to Mayetta, Kan.; SarmJel E. Smith, Barneston, to Potter.

Gilmore Signs With Bills

John Gilmore, Peru State senior football star from Shenandoah, Iowa, was drafted January 31, by the :&ffalo Bills of the American Football League in the 15th round of the professiooal football draft.

Gilmore, a 6' 3" 270-pound All-Nebraska College Conference pick, declared his selection to be •the biggest thrill" of his life.

Dr. Ervin Pitts, Bobcat head mentor, said, "I think John has a chance to TIBke it, We, and all of Peru's opponents over the past three years know he has worlds of ability," Pitts concluded.

At Peru State, Gilmore was a 60-minute football player at offensive tackle, defensive tackle, and defensive middle guard.

Gilmore knows how dif:ficul t it will be to make the professional football league grade, •but they' ve given me a chance, and I'm going to do everything I can to capitalize on this once-in-alife_time opportunity."


Prep School Students Fill Campus

Peru State College, Nebraska's CDllege, has served its area well in recent months. The Campus of a Thousand Oaks has been the scene of eight special events since January 27 which have attracted area clergy, school men, and throngs of high. school students.

On January 27th, Peru State hosted some 200 area school men to dinner, tours of the campus, and a basketball victory over Wayne during the the annual Schoolmen's Day.

The campus was filled with the sound of music when 400 yocalist§: from 14 area high schools joined voices in the annual day-long Peru Statesponsored choral clinic on February 19.

Peru State and the Nebraska High School Activities Association jointly sponsored a district speech contest oh March 16. Some 200 speech and drama enthusiasts from 15 high schools invaded the campus under the direction of the English and speech departments.

Western High school, during March 18-19-20, swept to the charrpionship of the 22nd annual Peru State High School Girl's Volleyball Tournament. Turenty teams were entered with some 240 girls taking part in the three-day spiker's delight.

More than 600 scholars from 37 high schools COIIpeted in the 10th annual Inter-Scholastic contest held March 22. Johnson and Falls City High schools walked off with Division B and A honors. Tests were given in 19 academic areas.

'Ihree days later, Peru State offered its facilities to 150 laymen and pastors from Southeast Nebraska who gathered in a consultation on the structure of the church in the coomunity.

Instrumental musicians got their chance March 30 when 150 bandsmen from 11 high schools participated in the annual band clinic sponsored by the local chapter of Music Educators National Conference. Dr. Harold G. Copenhaver, Northeast


Mary Margaret Crane to Wayne Wallace, '64, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Chariton Iowa, April 6. At home: Des Moines, Iowa. '

Joan Moran to Duane Haith, '65, Sioux City, Iowa, August 12, 1967. At home: 1415 South 44th Onaha. '

Wendy Bell to William Witty, '66, Luther Memorial Church, Syracuse, November 16, 1967. At home: Box 76, New Laguna, N. M.

Roxie Glover to Harlan E. Fenske, fs '67, Bethel Um. ted Church of Christ, Nebraska City December 26 1 1967. At home: 8842 M street, Onaha'.

Cynthia Annan, fs '68, to Dennis Bryant, United Presbyterian Omrch, Red Oak, Iowa, December 29, 1967. At home: 448 Panmel court, Ames, Iowa.

. Lori '61, to WilJiam Shepherd, Jr., First Methodist Omrch, furhngame, Calif., January 13, 1968. At home: 416 Studio circle, San Mateo, Calif.

Sharon Ann Mullally to Dan Strecker, '66. At home: Beemer.

Kathi Jean Simpson to Gary Lee Stutheit fs '67, First Baptist Church, Hamburg, Iowa, ary 5. At hane: Nebraska City.

Cynthia Tomlins, fs '67, to Richard Guzinski fs '67, St. Josaphat' s Catholic Church, Loup City', December 30.

Lana Toelle, '68, to Dennis Kennedy '67, Trinity Cathedral, Onaha, April 6. At 1708 Thomas avenue, Bellevue.

Missouri State College, Kirksville, was the guest conductor.

Athletics took over on March 28 and 3{) when Peru State hosted its fourth annual high invitational track meet with classes B and C competing the first day and Class A the second. captured Class A, South Page of Col-· lege Springs, _Iowa, Class B, and Sterling, for third straight year,won Class C. 1hirty high high schools and 450 athletes coopeted.

College Nurse To Retire; Registrar Submits Resignation

Two long-time members of the Peru State College staff will terminate their services to the College wit!i the c'.lrrent academic year. F. H. Larson, registrar since 1954, has resigned effective June 30, and Mrs. Clara (Peggy) college nurse since 1953, will retire at close of the 1968 summer session.

Before joining the Peru State faculty Mr Larson was registrar and business at Dan<;t CD1lege 1 Blair:, for nine years. He was aswith public schools in Randolph, Cedar RaI?ids, _Odessa, Holdrege, Lincoln and Fairbury in teachrng and administrative positions prior to that time. _

Mrs. Boatman came to Peru''State in 1953 from Tecumseh, where she was school nurse for five years. her career, she worked at Hospital, Barnes Hospital, St. Louis; and .Sa?-ta Fe Hospital, Los Angeles, Calif.

'f!ie Administrative Council, of which Mr. LarS?n is a member, honored the Larsons at a reception The Larsons plan to make their home in Lincoln. Mr. Larson has not announced his future plans.

Mrs. Boatman was honored at a retirement dinner. She plans to make her home in Auburn.

Elmer Rm Burkey Recalls

First Introduction to Peru

Elmer R.. Birkey, '08, : writes from 360 East Granthne, Tracy, Calif., of the reception he and Mrs. Birkey received at Peru in summer school of 1906.

"We '"'.ere both teaching in the Henderson schools and decided to attend the summer session at Old Peru. When we arrived the day before the school began we started to register at which time we discovered that we were up against a rather new circums namely, that there were no places where married couples could room and board. All such places were either for males only, or females only. Mr. Redmond, the registrar, said he did not know what to do, and appealed to President Crabtree. it was in the day, Mr. Crabtree, after talking to his wife, said that we were to stay at their_ place until the next day when he was sure things could be worked out.

"1he following day we were called into the President's office and he asked if it would be acceptable to us if they would fix up a room in basement of one of the buildings and we said it So they furnished a lovely room. .We told him that would be fine, but what about meals? Mr. Crabtree said that had been taken care of. We were to take our meals in Mount Vernon and eat at the table where fac.ol ty members ate.

. Living in one of the basement rooms and ea ting with sane of the faculty in the girl_s' dormitory, was, for Mrs. furkey and myself quite an enjoy?ble experience our introdµction to wonderful Campus of a Thousand Oaks.


Mrs. Martha Campbell Aldrich, a student at Peru State from 1878 until 1881, observed her 108th birthday at her home in Brock on January 28. In keeping with the new Nebraska election laws, Mrs. Aldrich has registered so that she can continue her good voting record. She has voted in every presidential election "since women became eligible to vote "


Mrs. Margaret Brenizer Marshall, fs • 05, writes from her home at Arlington that all five members of their· family attended Peru for at least one year. Her sister, the late Bessie M. Brenizer, a member of the class of 1905, taught for a total of 25 years. Other Brenizer Peruvians include: Lulu (Mrs. C. H.) Akers, fs '02; Florence (Mrs. E. H.) Lefferdink, fs '03, and Harrison, fs '07, all deceased. Mrs. Marshall notes that she Peru Normal and the beau ti fol campus .•. am proud of its growth. "

David L. Carlson, '08, owner and manager of the Belleville apartments, 215 Fourth avenue North, Twin Falls, Ida., notes that he plays golf every week and manages his 10-unit apartment house.


A collection of photographs from the family of Ethel Johnson (Mrs. H. C.) Arkell, '11, 416 Southwest Seventh, Pendleton, Ore., has been presented to the college. They were delivered by her sister, Mrs. George Robinson of Springfield, Ore. Included a:e photographs showing her father, Cyrus Johnson, with other students on the steps of old Normal Hall about 1884, a teaching certificate for her aunt, Mary C. Johnson, dated 1884, recent are of the Normal School Glee Club and a girls physical education class about 1910.

Charles A. Spacht, '17, Rome City, Ind,, writes that he enjoys reliving the "'wonderful time" he had last year on the Campus of a Thousand Oaks when he returned for the 50-year reunion of his graduating class.

Frank_E. '15, 26869 Bagley road, Cleveland, Ohio, writes that he hopes to visit in Nebraska and the Campus of a Thousand Oaks during the 1968 surrmer. He extends greetings to his 1915 classmates.

Nellie Kelly Rosean, '17, Columbus, Mont., writes that her sister, Emma 'Kelly Musson, '20, Olena street, Aiea, Hawaii, was making a visit to her son in Louisiana in early spring

Dr. Louis R. Kilzer, '15, professor emeritus of education, University of Wyoming, has been retired since 1964 The 1965 commencement speaker at Peru State, Dr. and Mrs. Kilzer reside at 515 South 12th, Laramie.

- An April visitor to the Peru State campus was Cora Chittenden (Mrs. 0. S.) Duffenback, '09,and her husband The Duffenbacks live at 4110 Council Crest, Madison, Wis.

R. R. McGee, '07, retired superintendent of the Columbus Public schools, notes "many memories flooded my mind" after reading The Normal on the Hill, the Ernest Longfellow-authored history of Peru State, published to commemorate the colleges Centennial. Mr, McGee , who resides in Columbus, noted that he first attended Peru in the surrrner of 1901 and received a life certificate in 1907. He has known 10 of the beginning with Dr. Beattie. The late W R. Pate, the president with the longest tenure, was a cousin of Mr. McGee.

Five members of the cl ass of 1906 enjoyed a reunion in early March, 1968, in Oakland, Calif., at the home of the of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Broderson, The l 906ers, each of whom attended the:lr 50 -year cl ass reunion at Peru State in 19 56, were Mr. Broderson, Menlo Th rk, Calif.; Martin Jussel, Oakland, Calif.; Bernice MacHirron Wei:gand, Berkeley, Calif ; and Robert B. Ray, Lincoln.

Dr. H. _Clyde Filley (left) and Robert B. Ray (right), both of Lincoln, and member of the classes of 1899 and 1906, respectively, were presented walnut plaques bearing the centennial medallion of Peru State College, April 28, when the Lincoln and Orraha Chapters of the Peru Alumni Association met in Peru. for a jo_int spring meeting. The pa 1 r were the earliest graduates in attendance at the dinner meeting. They flank Peru president Dr. Neal s. Garron who addressed the group on Peru state and its future.

Dr. Clinton I. Winslow, '14, professor emeritus of political science at Goucher College, Towson, Md., was pictured in the Washington Star as he signed the new version of the 101-year-old Maryland Cons_titu_tion which was. re-written by the state constitutional convention. Dr. Winslow chairman of the political science department o±· Goucher for 33 years, received emeritus rank in 1962.

frances Chez (Mrs. Paul) Kingston, '11, 302 Mar;ior, Ore., writes that although lives in a ret;rement she is president of the Salem Woman s Club, vice-president of the West Salem Methodist their representative to the Church Women United, and a member of the Capitol Manor Library Board.

Hanna Jensen, ' 15, 232 South Horne Oceanside Calif., is active in numerous charitable and edu: cational activities. She is retired after 4eA years of teaching.

Carrie C. Hansen, '10, 1116 West Fifth, Hastings, in addition to keeping house and caring for her gardens, has undertaken a history of her family.

Mary A. Hogarth, '13, Springfield, who attended the SO-year reunion of her class in 1963, notes that 1968 is the SO th anniversary of her B\ degree fran the University of Nebraska.

Three coeds the class of 1910 and their husbands met in Hastings' Hotel Clarke in early spring for a reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Karl G. (Eulalie Shaffer) Ohlsson of Laguna Hills, Calif., hosted a party for Mr. and Mrs. R.C. (Alice Hunt) Harriss of Fremont and the Rev. and Mrs. Arthur L. (Rose Banks) Embree of Hastings.

John WiJliam. Ogg, '15, notes that "we are retired, living at Windsor Gardens, Denver." The Oggs spent last winter in South Africa and the previous winter in Australia and New Zealand. Their address is 794 South Alton Way, Denver.


Dr. Norm.an F. ThorP.e, '29, has been promoted to associate dean of the Teachers College at the Uliversity of Nebraska.

Mrs. Inice McCorkle Dunning, '25, former dean of wanen, is a resident of Forest Hill Manor, Pacific Grove, Calif. A poem by Mrs. Dunning, "The Cycle," has won first prize in the Christian Record Talking Magazine's International Contest for original poetry by bl ind and visually handicapped throughout the Ulited States and 82 other countries.

Katharine Schill, '20, retired in 1965 after 45 years of teaching. Her address is 911 &x futte, Alliance.

Joe Krejci, '29. is now retired and lives at 1401 S. E. 25th Terrace, Cape Coral, Fla.

Philena Uhlig Esmay, 2-yr. '28, has been on the staff of Santa Monica (Calif.) College since 1947. She notes that she sees Edith Evans Miller, '27, occasionally. Mrs. Miller lives at 1513 West I54th Place, Gardena, Calif. Mrs. Esmay's address is 3668 Grand View, Los Angeles.

Betty Graves (Mrs. Alfred) Osgood, '22, taught in Portland, Ore., from 1945 until 1966. Al though no longer teaching, Mrs. Osgood is active in educational circles, serving as president of the Theta chapter of Del ta Kappa Garrma, international education soci·ety. The Osgoods Ii ve at 4545 Southwest Poplar lane, Portland.

Dr. Henrietta Fleck (Mrs. Dale) Houghton, '23, was honored by Peru State College, April 24, during a short visit to the campus. Dr. Houghton, chairman of the department of home economics at New York University, was in Nebraska to be honored by the University of Nebraska which brin&'s· distinguished graduates to the campus for discussions with student groups and an Honors Convocation. received her bachelor's degree from N.U. While on the Peru campus, Dr. Houghton visited classrooms and talked with students in the Peru State hane economics department. She was honored at a noon lu.1cheon attended by members of the administrative council and hosted by Peru State president, Dr. Neal S. Gomon. Dr. Houghton' s visit to Peru State was her first since graduation 45 years ago. The native of Gretna, in addition to her New York University duties, is editor for Macmillan and Co., for a series of textbooks in hane economics and a regular columnist in Forecast, a home econanics magazine for teachers. Dr. Houghton' s husband is an executive in a management consul firm in New York City.

Opal Kiser (Mrs. George) Martin, 2 yr. '22, Uu.on, has presented the college a collection of photographs of college and Peru area subjects. In-

ciuded a 1901 baseball team. a football team of the same era, the State Normal Band, and T. E. Vance General Store. The baseball picture carries the .names Hurst, Dillion, Sears, Vance, Muryhy, C.Owel, John Parriott, Frank Ma.iors, Frank Md'l"own and Guy Wilkinson. ·

Mr. and Mrs. Walter (Elizabeth Savidge) Buettgenbach, '26, '28, are now living in Auburn at 1217 Sixteenth street. Walter retired in 1965 from the Redmond, Ore., public schools where he had served as athletic o.{rector. Since then they have reen living in Hood Hiver, Ore, The Buettgenbachs rooved to Auburn fr- s spring. Walter starred in Peru athletics durir the 19.20s.

Esther Louise Ho '25, P.O. Box 814, Tullahoma, Tenn., is an ; - ive charter member of Rhyme Time Club, which i; \:.bserving its 20th anniversary.Miss Ho)'t' s p:;ems have been published in journals, including The Swordsman Review.

Ray E. Hunter, 2 yr. '24, '26, is now retired and lives at 390 6 North Fortieth a venue, Ona.ha. Diring 1955-56 he did some substitute teaching in Onaha. He enjoys copying portraits as one of his hobbies.


Mary Hervef' Wolf, '33, 15244 Dickens avenue, San Jose, Calif., has been a primary teacher for 12 years.

Richard Q. Wright, '34, 17190 Avondale, Detroit, Mich., is serving as president-!of the Metropolitan Detroit Schoolmen' s Club, which boasts a membership of about 2, 11[)0 members.

Glen E. Shafer, '34, is associated with the State Department of Education, Consultant Division of Instruction Servjces, in Lincoln. Mr. Shafer, who lives in Lincoln at 4120 N. 14th, has three sons and five grandchildren. He holds an M.A. from Colorado State College, Greeley, and has done additional graduate work at the University of Nebraska.

Lucille Tibbetts Clark, fs '39, 513 W. 16th Hays, Kans., received her bachelor's degree Fort Hays State College in 1951. Her husband, Thaine Clark, is a professqr in the science department at Fort Hays State. Mrs. Clark teaches first grade in Hays_ 'Ihey have one child, Kenney, 11.

A story concerning Mrs. Ruth Klein Skeen, fs '30, of Brownville and her "com-picking" painting was featured in a December issue of the Omaha World-Herald. Mrs. Skeen, who has audited art at (continued on next page)

Football Slate Tilts; October Includes Four 19 Homecoming

Dr. Ervin Pitts, head football coach and director of athletics, has announced an eight-game 1968 football schedule which includes three opponents not on the 1967 card.

Peru State will celebrate Homecoming on October 19 when Chadron State comes to town to provide the gridiron opposition.

Yankton (S.D.) College, Southern (S.D.) State of Springfield, and Emporia (Kans.) State are newcomers to the Peru State schedule.

1he complete schedule:

Sep. 14

Sep. 21

Sep. 28

Oct. 5

Oct. 12

Oct. 19

Oct. 26

Nov. 2

Tarkio College

Yankton College

Sou them State

Emporia State

Kearney State

Chadron <Homecoming)

Wayne State

at Tarkio at Yankton at PEHJ at PERJ at Kearney at PERJ at Wayne at PERJ

Hastings C.Ollege 1 1

(continued from preceding page)

I State in years, has some of her works displayed at Brownville House.

Mrs. Florence Martin Diesman, '34, faculty 19 37 -43, is an English pro fess or at Washington

State University, Pullman. She notes that her 11year-old cat "'Mitty" is becoming "as ·famous among Il)Y students as Susie was among Miss Tear's." lier daughter, Carolyn was married three years ago and lives in San Jose, Calif., where her husband is with IEM and Carolyn teaches fifth grade. Mrs. Diesman lives at 2000 Myrtle, Pullman.

!tfary EZ?en Naviaux (Mrs. W. F.) Wignall, '34, is in f year as pre-college instructor at the Un.i versi ty of Nebraska extension di vision, Mrs. Wignall and her husband, supervisor of Mike Damiano, ' 6 7' Concludes that 'Guam .]_ s Good!'

(continued from page 3)

heart raced. It was in the middle of Micronesia. rvtelanesia was just belON. These two large island groups along with Polynesia were a far away place called Oceania, a third of the way around the world.

To the north of Guam was Japan, to the south, Australia, to the west the Philippines, to the east nothing.

About three weeks later Al said, 'You got one, Mike."

"Good, Al, I could use some mail. " Al was the mailman A nice guy. He knew people. Everyone liked Al.

"It's from Guam," he called.

I opened the letter there in the post office.

I filled out the application forms and had college transcripts forwarded. Three weeks later I found I had been accepted and air line tickets were on the way.

I had a million questions to ask and no one to answer them. "'Guam " I thought. I'd never even been on a plane before.

I visited the library.

Thirteen degrees north of the equator.

Two seasons, wet dry, Official 1 anguage, English.

Natives speak Chamorro, are of Spanish descent. I thought '"the children are bilingual!" Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, Teaching of English as a secor:id language raced through my mind. I knew nothing about it. I just signed a two year contract. I'd better find out.

• - What does one take to the tropics? Would I I need shots, passport? The Airlines could tell me ,

A month later I was flying first class. My bag was beside me on the next seat. 1hat's all I took I had shipped the books I would need. ·

The flight stopped off at Honolulu.

I had always wanted to see the campus of the University of Hawaii. Here was my chance. was.i:i' t disappointed The lush grounds were half encircled by mountains and had the architecture to work with the mountains, massive an:l airy It was a 11 done so fine. The pl ace was a cross between a monastery and an army base. Their famed East-West Center had cost millions. It was beautiful with miniature gardens, fore:lgn students from all through the orient, rich sensuous evenings, rice and eggs for breakfast and a short ride to the beaches.

The flight to Guam was great. Qi the plane, there were the Peace Corp and VISfA people also on their way to the trust territories of the Marshalls and l\hrians.

We crossed the International Date-Line, lost a day, flew for another thousand miles and landed on Guam.

It was raining as I left the plane. I was glad to be here in Micronesia.

Perhaps the rain was a preview to the island's educational problems: standardized tests built from population saniples from the mainland, shortage of teachers, children with severely restricted ex-

periences and speaking only their native tongue and over-crowded class rooms.

Guam is good. Their motto is "Where America's Day Begins. "

The mountains are high with steep twisting roads that winds from village to village,

The Guamanian loves fiesta. The sun is warm and so are the people. The sun and people work well together.

How does one teach in a different culture? Shall I make it easy and simply forget about their unique little traditions and culture and simply impose my own. I had a choice to make.

I was assigned a fifth grade class. We got together and wrote a poem for the school paper. Our A B C s of Guam

A is for Agat, our village so nice

B is for Bats, our flying mice

C is for Christian, of''which we came to be

D is for Democracy, the government of the free

E is for Equatorial Current that warms us yearly

F is for Families that we love dearly

G is for Governor, Guerrero by name

H is for Hymn, also of fame

I is for Island in waters so blue

J is for Jesuits, our teachers too

K is for Keng's a store near by

L is for Liberation Day that falls in July

M is for of which we belong

N is for Nimitz who fought for Guam

0 is for Ocean, surrounds us all round

P is for Post Office, important in town

Q is for Quata, a spanking for most

R is for Rota, an island so close

S is for Sasa, a river we know

T is for Taotao Mona, first people no more

U is for United, the States we

V is for Vacation, the best for us

W is for War, of which we don't care

X is for the Unknown, for which we prepare

Y =!-S for Yam and so good to eat

Z is for Zori, fun for our feet

The children were proud their poem. Espeproud when The Guam Daily News gave it an entire two columns.

In class, we often Guam to other places of the world and talked of what rmkes Guam different and interesting.

Che morning Jose laid this on my desk.

Guam has sun typhoons

freedom of speech

freedom of press

freedom of religion

beautiful bays

two 1anguages

friendly people

a future

a good college

Guam does not have ...

air pollution

statehood (yet)


heavy industry



enough dentists

many telephones


race riots

Perhaps someone helped Jose. I thanked him


department of information the east campus, live on Route. 1, Lincoln. Their son and daughter are. both married.

Mayre Tangeman (Mrs. George) Case, '39, 300 Main, Lander,. Wyo. , w_ri tes that 1!er Steve, wounded in Vietnam, is at the Fi tzsinmons Hospital, Denver. With Case, ·.she:; attended. the public cereroony- at which he received the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with the Bronze Star.

Reta King, '37, head librarian at Chadron State College, has been selected for inclusion in Who of American Women and in the Dictionary of International Biography, which contains 15,000 biographical sketches and is distributed in 104 countries.


Luther I. Hutton, '43, director of education at the Montana State Industrial School for Boys at Miles City, has been named assistant superintendent of that school. Mr. Hutton received his masters degree at Colorado State at Gree} ey, served with the Eighth Air Force in England during World War II, and taught at Imperial and Alliance before going to Miles City in 1964. Luther and his wife, the former Mary Parker, fs '40, have three children.

Nellie M. - Carey, librarian at Peru State from 1941 to 1957, notes that two of her former student assistants at Peru are in the public school libraries at Manhattan, Kans. Evelyn Boeseck (Mrs. John P.) Brown, '51, is head' librarian at the Senior High andAil. een Wheeldon (Mrs. Ralf) Gr.aham, '48, is head librarian at the Junior High. Aileen is a graduate of the University of Minnesota Library school and Evelyn of the F.nporia State Library school. Miss Carey lives at 225 N. 56th, Gateway Manor, Lincoln.

Bill M. Woods, '45, has been elevated to executive director of Engineering_ Index, Inc., 345 East 47th street, New York 1 N. Y. He had joined the organization as managernen t planner. He formerly was executive director of the Special Libraries Association. Engineering Index provides a weekly card service, monthly bulletin and an annual volume, covering a major segment of information to engineers. In addition, there is a special monthly bulletin for plastics and a recently announced computer searching capability in the fields of electrical-electronics engineerand· plastics.

PercyL. Schmelzer, '48, received the specialist in education degree from Colorado State College, Greeley, at the December, 1967, coomencement.

The Rev. Richard E. Monroe, fs '43, is director of Leadership Schools, Division of the Local Church, Methodist Board of Education, in Nashville, Tenn. He lives at 4013 Vailwood drive, Nashville.

Marie Upp Knape, '45, 1424 S. 8th, Beatrice, has retired from teaching for the third time. She taught in Alaska until 1963 when she retired and returned to 1!h's. Knape taught three years at Blue Springs, retired, and then went back for one more semester before retiring c for good.,,, Her daughter, Eva Marie Knape (Mrs. Frank) Wat land, '52, is carrying on the teaching tradition in Port Washington, Wis., where she teaches junior and senior high school English.

Art Brophy1 '49, 1835 Ryans, Lincoln, teaches sixth grade lll the Lincoln public schools. Art and his wife have five children. Brophy was elected president of the Lincoln Area Peru State Alumni Association at their spring meeting in Peru on April 28, He indicates his one hobby remains the Scouting program. The Brophys are expecting a sumrrer visit from Glen Eis, 50, 19317 Hinsdale Ave., Torrance, Calif.

Delores' Dermann (Mrs •.Glen) fs '41 lives at 2613 Clearview drive, Birlington, Iowa, where her husband is sales manager for Klein Manufacturing Co. 1heir children include Sue, a Drake (continued on next page)


To Rockwood Edwards, '64, and Penelqpe Hays Edwards, ' 65, Auburndale, Mass. , a son, Rockwood Jacob.

To Dale Burgess, '66, and Mary Beth Gerber Burgess, fs '66, Reseda, Calif., a son, February 14, 1968.

To Larry Swett, '63, and Ramona Grindle Swett, fs '64, Gnaha, a son, Darren William, March 15, 1968.

To Robert Fisher, '61, and Mrs. Fisher, Hebron, a son, Matthew Darrin, January 21, 1968.

To George Zwickel, '65, and Marilyn Bleach Zwickel, '66, Hebron, a son, Kip Anthony, Septem_20, 1967.

To William Sayer, 'SS, and LaVerna Roos Sayer, '61, Springfield, a son, Steven Robert, December 24, 1967.

To Jerry Lunsford, '62, and Charlotte Wheeler Lunsford, '63, Glenwood, Iowa, a son, Judd David, January 18, 1968.

To Galen_ Conn, '63, and Mrs,. Conn, DeWitt, a daughter, Michelle Pene, February 7, 1968.

To Bruce Eddy, '62, and Mrs. Eddy, Lincoln, a son, Gregory Bruce, November'30, 1967.

To Dave Mill er, '57, and Mrs. Miller, Panora, Iowa, a son, Andrew Allen, December 6, 1967.

To Gary Schlange, '63, and Mary Jarvis Schlange, fs '63, Auburn, a daughter, Kimberly Dee, November 25, 1967.

To Dr. Duane M. Elliott, '61, and Donna Hoemann Elliott, '62, 4414 Pecan Valley drive, San Antonio, Texas, a son, Kevin Patrick, November 9 1967. '


To Floyd Vrtiska and Doris Wagner Vrtiska, 47, Table Rock, a son, Kim, November 25, 1967.

To Pat Cooper '62, and Mrs. CooQer 3510 South 40th, Linco1n, a daughter, Tara Beth, May 30. 1967.

To John McMullen, '56, and Lois Puppe McMullen fs '56, Fremont, a daughter, Janet Marie, Janu'ary 31, 1968.

To Jim Dovel, '62, and Mrs. Dovel , Omaha a son, Christopher Alan, December 5, 1967. '

To John Williamson and Barbara Gordon Williamson, '66, 771 San Benito, Menlo Park, Calif., a daughter, Kimberly Sue, July, 1967.

To Jack Johnson, '61, and Cathy Re_pp Johnson , 61, Columbus, a son, David Michael March 8 1 ,

To Darrell Schmidt, fs '66, and Judi Focken Schmidt, fs '66, Sterling, a son Timothy Jeff March 31, 1968. '

To Dr. Rex Shelley, faculty, and Shelley, Peru, a son, Paul. Everett, April 12, 1968.

To Donald Atchison and Phyllis Heinke Atchison '54, 10001 Broadmoor, Shawnee Mission, Kans daughter, Julia Lynnette, May 14, 1967, ''

To Daryl A. Bonow, '64, and Linda Bonow, former staff, 1507 W. 5th, McC:ook, a son, Trent Allan, October 18, 1967.

To Laverne Knock and Sharyl in Vrtiska Knock, '63, 6610 Van Gordon Court, Arvada, Colo., a son, Kevin Laverne, April 5, 1968.

To Robert Norton, '57, and Deanna Hutton Norton, fs '57, Rapid City, S. D., a daughter, Sarah Lynn, April 12, 1968.

To David Fulton, '60, and Rae Henry Fulton, 2-yr. '60, 710 Questover drive, Carthage, Ill., a daughter, Holly Lynn, July 15, 1967.

(continued from preceding page)

University freshman; Karen, senior high school; Scott, junior high, and Debbie, grade school.

Dr. and Mrs. Donald D. (Betty Johnson) Smith, both '48, have been residents of Boise, Ida,., since last fall, when Don joined the faculty of Boise State College as professor of psycholOgy. Their sons, Don 13, Bobby 9, and Dickie 7, are enJoying life in Idaho's Capital city. The Smiths live at 1210 Highland View drive.

Ramona Poole (Mrs. E .C.) Lindbloom, fs '47, 5000 Myrtle, Lincoln, writes that she is pleased that her daughter, Connie, is a freshman at Peru State this year The Lindbl ooms have three other future Peruvians: Ken 17, Dawn 12, and Charles 9,


Maj. Dean D. Duncan, '51, has complea;d a tour of duty in V.ietnam is no:-v staff officer Norton AFB., Cahf In 1966 Ma.1or Dunthcan received an MS aegree in business i·rom e University of Tennessee.

Thomas E. Percell, '57, is agency for the Paul Revere Life Insurance Co. m Lexington. The live at 1603 North Mrs. Percell is the former Sandra Shaw fs 56.

Dorothy Erhart '53, is fourth grade in the (S.D.) Pubhc schools, and her husband Jerome, is in his senior year at Black Hills State College in Spearfish. The Harveys have two children, Michelle 5, and Jerome 2.

Robert Norton, '57, vice-principal and guidance director at Douglas High school in Rapid City, S. D., has been named executive secretary of the Rapid City chapter of the Big Brothers of America. Bob and Mrs. Norton, the former Deanna Hutton, fs '63, live at 4603 Sou th Canyon road, Rapid City.

Benny Benson, food service manager at Peru State from 1953 tmtil 1955, was honored with a Goood NeighJ:>or. Award from Na Conference of diristians and Jews in Onaha in February,

Don Johanns, '52, is director of the instructional materials center at the newly-formed Ibtte Junior College, diico, Calif. He is one of seven administrators who helfed plan the college and he prepared the book co lection. Don's address is 434 Juniper avenue, Chico.

William Q. Pharaoh, '56, is with General Dynamics in Fort Worth. Bill and Mrs. Pharaoh live at 1127 Park Center, Benbrook, Texas.

Fred E. Applegate, '55, is a special agent with the Paul Revere Life Insurance Company. He and his wife, the former Marianne Shuey, 2 yr. '59, '61, reside at 5118Yi Elm street, Louisville.

Earl Webb, fs '53; has returned from a second tour of duty in Vietnam. A major, he is now stationed in Alabama. The Webbs have four daughters.

Jon Appleget, '59, received the "outstanding young educator" award of the Fremont Chamber of Conmerce. A member of the Fremont Public Schools faculty since graduation from Peru State, Jon is presently teaching biology and coaching.

Dr. J. M. Gleason, 'SO, is chairman of the department of education and psychology at Northwest Missouri State College, Maryville.

Tom Ryan, '50, 415 South Elm, Carroll, Iowa, writes of the death of his wife, Dorothy, September 20, 1967. Tom has three children.

Vera J<J,cobs Hogan, '52, is in her eleventh year of teaching in the. Council Bluffs <Iowa)

schools. She notes that she and her husband, Ralph Hoga.n, fs '55, plan to their and family in Bonn, Germany, during the coming surrmer.

Rev. Frank C. Bobbitt, '57, is minister of the Christian Church at Lake Ozark, Mo. The Bobbitts have five children, with Charles, the eldest, in college. They live near his father, D:. Ben C. Bobbitt, '28, who with his wife, the former Helen Fletcher, '.28, have and have moved to the area from California.

Eva M. Knape Watland, '52 writes from Box 676 Rt. 1, Sai.ikville, Wis., that she received a teaching a'.ssignment at Port .Washingtc;m (Wis.) High School in Decernb;r after d.orng tu te teaching until that time. She is active in 4-H and church work.

Mr. and·Mrs. Harold (Marilyn Coad) Grafe, .'53i '52, live at Grant Grove, Ihngs Canyon Nationa Park, Calif. Marilyn writes that "Harry" is a park ranger and she is "holding down the household," which includes Becky 11, Brenda 9, and Rhonda 6. Sequoia and Kings Canyon Parks, she notes, are known for their many groves of Sequoia Gigantea (world's largest trees), deep canyons, high mountains, and extensive back country wilderness. Yearly park visitation has been exceeding 1Yi million at the two parks.

Bessie Snide (Mrs. Glenn) Jacquot, '58, although retired fran full-time teaching in 1964, is a full-time supply teacher as well as a tutoress in Jefferson county since that time. She first attended Peru in 1917 after·"high school graduation.

Mary Jane Hinrichs (Mrs. S. L.,Jr.) Kellogg, 2-yr. '51, was enrolled in classes the first semester at Peru State in order that she could do substitute teaching in the Nebraska City schools. The Kelloggs have two daughters, Jane, a high school freshman, and Beth, a seventh grader.

Charlotte Meritt Tarr, '54, 1718 Wynkocp drive, Colorado Springs, is in her fifth year of teaching fourth grade She notes that daughter Nancy will be in jlll1ior high next fal_l ._

Lester Russell, '51, associate professor of industrial arts, received the Doctor of Education degree from the University of Nebraska at January conmencement exercises, Gordon Gav in, former staff now on the staff at Mankato (Minn.) State also was a doctoral candidate.

May Stewart, 'SO, 1601 F, Lincoln, teaches mathematics in Whittier Junior High school in Lincoln.

Wi l Ziam Alexander 'SO, has been a social worker at the Norfo1k State Hospital for the past seven years . The Alexanders 1 i ve at 704 North Tenth street. Their son is married and their daughter is a high school student.


Mrs. Violet Riches, '60, Auburn, has retired from teaching in the Nebraska School for the Visuallr Handicapped, but this year is teaching in a rura Nemaha County school.

Robert Conradt, '67, is associated with Gage County department of welfare in Beatrice as a caseworker.

Merron Kay Camden, '65, is teaching in the department of defense program in Pusan, Korea. Her address is c/o Pusan American High School, APO "" San Francisco, Calif. 96259.

Richard D. Carlson, '62, in his third year as mathematics instructor at Exeter High school, has been named one of 40 science teachers to participate in the 1968-69 Academic Year Institute at the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, Mary Grovenburg Elliott, '60, is a resident advisor at the Job Corp Center for Women, 300 South 14th St., Gnaha.

B.A. Johnson, '68, instrumental music in-

1 A

structor at Syracuse High school for the past 16 years, was elected president of the Nebraska Music Educators National Conference at their annual convention in Sidney.

After teaching at the George Norris Junior high at Gnaha for two years, this year Duane Haith, '65, is a helping teacher in physical education department of the CAnaha Public schools.

Thomas Lakin, fs '60, is associated with Professional Investigators, Inc., Belleville, Ill. His home address is 13 Rocky Drive, Belleville.

A Zan Wheeler, '61, history instructor at Thermopolis (Wyo.) High school since f5I'aduation, has been named social science specialist for the Wyoming State Department of Education, effective June 17. Alan holds a master's from the University of Wyoming.

Raymond E. Ogle, • 64, is teachin? at Jane Addams Junior High in Seattle, Wash. Ray s address is 1642 Melrose avenue, Seattle.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernie (Deanna McNerny) Wach, fs '60, '61, live at 1519 West Fifth, MCCook, where Ernie is farm service manager for Hull Oil Co. After a year's absence, Deanna will return to teaching in September at Bartley High for her seventh year. The Wachs are parents of a son, Rick Lynn, bopi September 7, 1967.

Henry Hinrichs, '60, teaches biology in the Scottsbluff Public schools. The Hinrichs have a son, Bradford James, one-year-old.

Kennethl. Gayer, '67, has been corrmissioned a second lieutenant in the U. S. Air Force after conpletion of officer training school at Lackland AFB.. i:exas. He is now t_o Lowry AfB, Colo., training as an aerospace munitions officer, Three Peruvians--Dr. Freddie Regnier, '60, Dr. Gary Olson, '60, and Dr. Ben Duerfeldt, '54 have been selected for inclusion in the 1968 edition of Outstanding Young Men of America. Dr. Regnier is in post-doctoral studies at the University of Chicago; Dr. Olson is dean of instruction at-Kearney State College, and Dr. Duerfeldt is minister of the First Christian Church, Manhattan, Kans.

Miss Jean Ast, '62, has been named one of the outstanding early education teachers by Grade Teache: magazine. _A teacher in Cody Elementary of the Millard Public schools, she is one of 180 women Nominated by _superintendents, final selections were made by editors.

Mr. and Mrs. Erik (Mary Jo Scharp] Tarring '61, yr. "59, at 9025 S circle, Qnaha: and Erik teaches biology at Ralston. 1he Torrings have two sons, Erik III 3Yi and Todd 9 months.

M_ike McNealy, '68 has been nanrd to the professional staff of the Cornhusker Council of the Boy Scouts of America. He serves the Antelope Valley district.


. Dr. fiussell McCreight, '37, Lincoln. Survivors mclude his wife, the former Frances Patterson, '37.

L. Le.hr, '16, Auburn, December 7, 1967.

ve rn banking, fanning and livestock enterprises, Mr. Lehr is survived by his wife, the former Hazel Gerlew, '15.

Mary Wickham (Mrs. W. M.) Tyner, f's '17, Putler, Mo., November 24, 1967.

Susie Lam-b (Mrs. Henry) Lintz, '04, Tecumseh, December 9, 1967.

Ethel J. Purington (Mrs. J. H.) Gates, '05, Los Angeles, May, 1966.

Mrs. E. R. Burkey, f's '07, Tracy Calif Snider (Mrs. F. M.) Churdh, 'is,' South 'Sioux City, 2, 1967. A 18 years, Mrs. Church organized and was at Homer

Library for 25 years. She was a newspaper woman, active in women's club work, and was a lecturer throughout Northeast Nebraska. She was named "Woman of Achievement" by the Sioux City JournalTribune.

Winifred Putney (Mrs. Mark) Lothrop, '97, Topeka, Kans., January 1, 1968, 9-ie was honored by her family on her birthday, December 24, at an observance with gues tsJ the 350 residents of the Methodist Home for the Aged, where she had made her home.

Leroy M. Gates, staff 1949-52, Chadron. He was a former state entomologist.

Frances 0. Harvey, campus school supervisor from 1929 until 1940, Arlington, Texas, January 8, 1968. She left Peru to become an exchange teacher in England, and during ffil served in the WAC. She later taught in Arlington, - Texas, and was dean of women at School of the Ozarks in Missouri. Through reports received from postal authorities, the Peru Stater has learned of the death of the following:

Genevieve E. Fox, fs '45, Largo, Fla.

¥rs. Ruth Herndon Merriam, 2 yr. '44, Hickman, Calif.

Mrs. Marguerite Moulton Feebler, '16, Albany, Ore.

Albin Johnson, '14, Los Angeles, Calif.

Elizabeth Gardner Blanchard, '98, Milwaukee, Wis., August, 1964

Joseph G. Naiman, '29, Stockton, Calif., November 22, had taught at;, every educational during his 43 years of service, the last 24 m Stockton.

Glenn Sheeley (Mrs. Carl) Modlin '08 Se tember, 1967. ' ' p-

ton B. Rhoten, fs '29' Syracuse, January 9'

Mrs. Hazel Quick Carlson Comstock '24 York January 23, 1968. Y?rk county

A 16 last spring, York County Teachers honored her with a special "This is our i e program.

Verna Dillow, '13, Seattle Wash October 15 1965. ' ' •

Mabel E. Bede (Mrs. Raymond) Myers '14, Merna, November 17, 1961. She had been a school teacher co-pu?lisher of the Merna Messenger: and a c1vil service employee during WWI and II.

Irene Veal (Mrs. Otto) Kucera, '26, Lincoln, January 28, 1968.

Nellie Back Benson, '18, Gnaha, June, 1958. Dr. Russell Holy, head of the division of education from 1956-58, Findley, Ohio, April 14, 1967.

Glenn R. Moore, ,'31, Qnaha, Mable M. Peck, '08, August 2, 1967.

Helen Olson (Mrs. E. S.) Lindblad, 1890's, Chicago.

Helen McKee (Mrs. Leslie) Sauer, '14, Tekamah, February 21, 1968.

LouiseA. (Mrs. Thomas P.) Beall, Lincoln She taught in Nebraska until 1949 and m Iowa until 1957 when she retired. After her retirement, with her husband, the late Thomas P. Beall, '05, she did free lance writing.

Lena S. Gabriel (Mrs. J. W.) Behrens, '07, Fremont, December 27, 1967.

Margaret Sears Woods, '04, Central City, November 10, 1967.

Leone Switzer Swisher, '14, North Hollywood, _She had taught a total of 25 years, retiring in 1945.

D. Clements, '15, Elmwood, January 20, 1968. He had been postmaster and banker in Elmwood .

John S. Black, '18, O.Vego, N.Y., March 18 1968 ¥r. Black had ta!-1ght 15 years fol lowing graduation, and was a retired farmer.


ST A TEm.L---________ . Grads, Former Students Continue Support

(continued from page 7)

Evelyn Hacker (Mrs. R.B.)

Read 2 yrs., 'll-2

Dr •. & Mrs. Donald (Betty Johnson) Smith, 'll-8, 3 yr., 'll-8

Dr. Clifford Harding, 'll-ll-

Richard Conley, 'll-9

Mary Al ice Hacker (Mrs. Robert H.) Threnn, 2 yr., 'll-3

Rita Russell Bol inski, 'll-0

Margaret Spellman (Mrs. Allen) Harrold, 'll-7

Delores Dermann (Mrs. Glen) Porter, fs 'll-1

Irene Schomerus Heng, 2 yr., 'll-6,'58

Delzene Potter (Mrs. c. H.) Petter, fs 'll-?

Doris Wyatt (Mrs. V1rg1l)

Windels, 2 yr. '60

Walter H. Burns 'll-0

Ramona Poole (Mrs. Elvis) Lindbloom, fs 'll-7

Roger E. Niemann, 'll-7

Don c. Wagner, 'll-9

Kay Kendal 1 (Ethel Gross)

Franc is, 'll-3

Max A·• Burroughs, fs 'll-3

--Mr. & Mrs. Floyd (Bonnie Aufenkamp) Heimbuch, 'll-9, 'll-8

Beunice E. Doty, 'll-0

Fred Drexler, 'll-6

Mr. & Mrs. Neal (Margaret Goodridge) Good 'll-1, 2 yr., 'll-2

Thelma v. Roberts, 'll-3

Phy ll i s Dammas t (Mrs. Haney) Milstead, 'll-1

Mr. & Mrs. w. Hubert (Winifred Hall) Johnson, '11-0 '57

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth (Luella) Knapp, '11-0, 2 yr. • 55

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne (Ruth Marshall) Filmer, '11-2, fs '51

Ruby (Taylor) Eschen, fs '11-9, MS '61

Mildred Longfel lo'h'. (Mrs. Jae k) Meredith, 2 yr. 'll-1

Dr. & Mrs. Armon F. Eve lyri c;atz) Yanders, '11-8, '11-8


Ardis McNutt (Mrs. Joe) Moreau, '57

Mr. & Mrs. Eldon (Betty Whipple) Teten, He '51 She 2 yr., • 51

Mr. & Mrs. Arnold (Sharon Grieninger) Ehle(s, AB '59, 2 yr., '58

Naomi L. Wheeler, '58

Dr. & Mrs. Dick (Jean Ruyle) Rottman, She '59, He fs '59

Mrs. Ivan c. (Pauline) Haith, 1 yr., '57 2 yr., '58

Carlos Harrison, '51

Esther Kreifels, '53

Dr. L. Fred Thomas, '51

Will lam Alexander, '50

Lorraine Haack, '58

Tom 'v:I· Ryan, '50

Charfotte -(Meritt) Tarr, 2 yr., '50, '511Mary Jane Hinrichs (Mrs. Sam) Kellogg, 2 yr., '51

Bess Snide (Mrs. Glenn) Jacquot, '58

Mr. & Mrs. Harold (Marilyn Coad) Grafe '53, '52

Eva Knape (Mrs. Frank) Wat1and. '52

Nell Graf Brunsdon, '511-

Julia Whitney Chase, 2 yr., '56, '59

Jack Allen wopata, fs '52

Nedra Williams Sunderland, 2 yr., '56, '60

Mrs. Jayne Monroe, 2 yr., '57, '58

Paul C. Maxwell, fs '57

Dr. J.D. Samler, '50

Vera Jacobs (Mrs. Ralph) Hogan '52

Darrell Fischer, '56

William E. Albright, '57

Betty Parriott (Mrs. Wm)

Oliver, '58

Clarice Christensen, fs '51

Doyle L. Gump, '52 MS '62

Dorathy Erhart (Mrs. Jerome)

Harvey, '53

Wil ladean Spier (Mrs. Paul)

Kaufman, fs '511-

May Stewart, '51

Estlene June Slater(Mrs. James) Janetzke, '55

Ruth Albers (Mrs. Fred) Acton 2 yr., '51

Marvidene Shown (Mrs. Gerald) Warwick, 2 yr. '58

Edmund W. Brissette, Jr., '56

Mr. & Mrs. Fred (Marilyn Hawxby) Clements, '56, '55

Mr. & Mrs. R.K. (Mary Nutzman) wenninghoff, '57, MS '60; '57

Dr. & Mrs. Donald D. (v 1v 1an Shew) '55, MS '59; fs '511-

Lavon R. covault, '53

William Alexander, '50

Violet M. Riches, 2 yr. '58, '60

Sharon Dale Ocker, '53, MS '59

Maxine Russell (Mrs. Fay)

Moore, 2 yr. '55, '63


Lt. Peter J. Lynch, • 66

Ronald Cotton, '611-

s. Elizabeth Dotson, '66

Mr. & Mrs. David E. (Jean Birdsley) Jones

He • 60, She • 511-

Thelma Clinkenbeard, '63

Mary L. Becker, fs '61

Thomas Lakin, fs '60

Russell E. Hicks, '63

Don Glaesemann, '65

R. Michael Donovan, '62

Lucille Russell (Mrs. Earl)

Hicks, '60

Gerane Germer (Mrs. Marvin)

Drewes, '65

Jeannine Ehlers, '62

Barbara Goroon (Mrs. John)

Williamson, '66

Ramona K. Ogle, '68

Marilyn Robertson, '66

Janet Beemer (Mrs. Lanny)

DeMott, '65

Larry Johnson, '65

Mike Roach, '62

Virginia Francois, '62

Mr. & Mrs. Milan (Carolyn Parl i) Hawxby, '60 '61

Gene d'Allemand, '65

F. Dean Stapleton, '63

Verna Penkava Bauman, fs '66

Jack Head, '61

Mrs. Marian Terry, fs '64

Raymond E. 09lt:, '64

Janis Mayer (Mrs. Jed)

Rood, '65

Mr. & Mrs. Charles (Nancy

Check) Gordon, '66 Both

Mr. & Mrs. Larry (Ramona Grindle) Swett He '63

She fs '611-

Mrs. Stephen (Virginia)

Miles, '67

Michael Damiano, '67

Mr.& Mrs. Bill (Jeanne Tynon, '64, '65

Lester Miller, '60

Enoch Shepherd, '63

Cecilia Evangelist, '67

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest (Deanna McNerny) Wach, fs '60; '61

Dr. Gary F. Olson, '60

Mrs. Roger (Jeanette Romans)

Eck, fs '60

Ruby Keithley Lockwood, 2 yr. '51, '61 ,

Mr. & Mrs. David (Rae Henry) Fulton '60; 2 yr,, '60

Mr. & Mrs. Charles (Elaine Gerdes) Pratt, '67, '64

Thelma Clinkenbeard, '63

Ervey J. liender::.on, • 65

Daryl Bonow, '611-

Danny Kellenberger, '67

Faculty, Staff, Friends

Organizations, Firms

Mrs. Gladys A. Steffensmeier, staff

Mr. & Mrs. John (Dolores)

Clark, fac,.,'67

Elma I. Gockl'ey, former staff

Louise Sheldon (Mrs. Arthur) Kregel fac, •31

Air Products & Chemicals

Alma Ashley, fac.

Mrs. Hans (Alice v. Swenson) Giesecke, fonrer faculty

Thomas Lipton Foundations

Nebraska City Charnber.-o'. commerce, women's D1v1s1on

Juanitd Bradley, fac.

veterans of Foreign Wars

Peru Post No. 7299

Nebraska City American LegionAdam Schell inger-post no. 8


Dr. and Mrs. John (Lillian)

Christ, fac., '53, MA '60

Donald K. Carli le, fac.

In memory of Mrs. A. v. Larson by A. v. Larson, former fac.

Lyle G. Strom, fac.

Mary Anna Gnade,

Mr. & Mrs. R. c. Majors, ·30, staff

Clara M. Boatman, fac.

Dr. & Mrs. Keith (Martha McDougal) Melvin, •32; '55 fac.

Mr. & Mrs. Lyle (Normal) McKerc her, fac. '65

Beatrice Pate Yanders, daughter of former Pres. w. R. Pate

Myrtle E. Cook, former faculty

Mary Clarke, '45 former faculty

Bob L. Fike, fs '45 staff

vera Rains Hays, former staff

Senator Calista Cooper Hughes, friend

Bonnie Rutz, fac. '57

Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Mary Riley) Bohlken, He fac. '59, She '66

Mr. & Mrs. David (Charlotte Jones) Duey '51 former staff

Norma Diddel, former fac.

Arden J. Chapin, staff

Mr. & Mrs. Michael LaRocca, Friends of the college

Marjorie (west) Hart, '28, former fac.

Mrs. Florence (Mart in) Diesman, •311-, former faculty

In memory of Edna Walworth, class of 19011-, by her nephew, Charles w. Hurst.

Mr. & Mrs. R.T. (Jennie) Benfora, '28, former faculty fs, '51 Charles Spacht, '17, former faculty

.. i. PERU STATE COLLEGE Campus of a Thousand Oaks Peru, Nebraska 68421

Sixteen Faculty Members Join Staff for 1968-69 School Year


The 102ndacademic year at Peru State opened with sixteen newly appointed members, according to Dr. Neal S. Gomon, president.

Incluaed in the list are four one-year appomtments as replacements for faculty members who are on leaves' of absence for advanced doctoral studies: Clyde Barrett, English, wh.o is at the University of A:r:kans::is, Le!and Sherwood, art, Umversity of Indiana, Bloommgton; Scott geography, a.i;d John Clark, history, University of Nebraska, Lrncoln.

Replacements for the absent regular fac.ulty members are Miss Wreathea Hicks, Coffeyville, Kans., A. Hitch, Lincoln, art; John U. Wilson, Richfield, Utah, geography, and Roger Salmela, Omaha, history.

Two appointments include Mrs. Fnedc; Kaloti, Nebraska City, college nurse, replacing Mrs. Clara Boatman, who retired at the cl.ose of, the summer session; and Dr.. Kelljr J. Li ewer, 57, Lincoln, registrar, replacmg F,. H. Larson, resign,ed. I C. I

Dr. Steven G. Cox, owa ity, ow 8:• was named director of guidance and counseling, a position which was vacant last year.

Three faculty members joining the fall teaching staff represent additional instruction.al .eosts. They are: John Ohio, assistant professor of political science; Murray H_ubbard, Ames, Iowa, assistant professor of English;. Dr. Clarence C. Moore, Pocatello, Ida., associate professor of educational psychology:

Five appointments replace resigned members: Ram Agarwal, Jackson, Tenn., t Erofes.sor of sociology, replacin. g W. Van Pelt who is continuing doctoral studies at the Unh:ersity of Denver; Miss Antonia Dunn, Lawrence, K;ms., instru.ctor of Spanish aJ?-d. French, replacing Kenneth Kreisher, who has JOmed the faculty at Nebraska Wesleyan; Gerald M. Price, Thousand qaks, assistant of special Robert M. Henry.' who' has 3omed the JOUrnahsm faculty at Wichita State University; Russell Schn:al]ohn, Hays, Kans., instructor of art, replacmg George .L. Wells, who is touring Europe; fyliss .Mary S. Lexington, Ky., assistant hbranan, replacmg George Geenen, who is a librarian at Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Mo.

Mr. George Wendel, Norfolk, is superintendent of buildings and grounds, the Delbert E. Gaines, who had served m the position since 1964.


Doris Rasmussen TenHulzen, fs '61, to Delmar Lillich, St. John Lutheran Church, Tecumseh, June 9. At home: Elk Creek.

Deloris Jean Rice, '68 , to Gary Lee Obermeyer, '68, St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Auburn, August 17, 1968. At home: 610 East 5th st., Ogallala.

Carol Irene Glathar, fs '63, to Clark D. Hansel, Rockbrook Methodist Church in Omaha, August 4, 1968. At home: 3031 Burt st., Omaha.

Barbara J. Cooper to Samuel E. Smith, '66, Coryell Park, Auburn, July 3, 1968. At home: Potter.

Teresa Hurn,mel, '68, to John Minard, Christian Church, Oakland, Iowa, October 20, 1968. At home: 2006 West First st., Spokane, Wash.

'Teacher' Award to Barrett

Clyde Barrett, assistant professor of English, was named last spring Teacher of the Year by the Peru State Student Education Association. The honor was awarded at the , Spring Honors Convocation.

Named as outstanding teachers by the organization were Albert 0. Brady, associate proof biology, Dr. John C. Christ, head of the division of mathematics and science; Leland H. Sherwood, assistant professor of art, and Jerome D. Stemper, associate professor of physical education.

Rocky·Mountain Peruvians Gather for Fall Meeting PAT BENFORD BORNEMEIER HEADS CHAPTER FOR 1969

Saturday night, October 26, was the time, and the East Colfax Holiday Inn in Denver was the place for the annual dinner meeting of the Rocky Mountain chapter of Peru Alumni. More than sixty graduates, former students, and friends of the college attended, including Peruvians from 10 Colorado and two Wyoming communities.

Dean_ Karr, '41, 3190 South High, Englewood, served as master of ceremonies. He introduced Bob Ashton, '42, 257 4 Sou th Wadsworth Court, Denver, who presented songs frdm his Christmas and Colorado albums, "Cozy and Warm Inside" and "Under Colorado Skies."' Mr. Ashton, presidentof Stylus Records and Ashton Publishing Co., wrote words and music for both selections.

Among those in attendance was former art instructor Norma L. Diddel, 1901 East 13th ·avenue, Denver. Miss Diddel, who served at Peru State from 1929 until 1966, prepared table decorations. Mrs. Arthur L. Hill, 1375 Locust, Denver, widow of the former mathematics faculty member, also was present.

Mrs. Grace M. Shores Watts, '15, 1545 Hudson, Denver, was the earliest graduate in attendance. Mrs. Bess Snide Jacquot, '58, 855 Gray, Denver, claimed the distinction of having been most perserving in quest of her degree. She began in 1917 and, after rearing her family, returned and earned her degree in 19 58.

Charles Rogers, '48, who recently was named president of Eastern Wyoming College at Torrington, was present with Mrs. Rogers.

The program included a 30-rriinute slide presentation of camfus scenes narrated by -Don Carlile director o special services. Pictures of the 1968 Homecommg were included in the

Elevated to president of the Rocky Mountain chapter was Pat Benford Bori:iemeier, '52, 2636 Thirteenth a venue, Greeley, with F. Dale Moore, '54 720 De Vinney St., Golden, being elected sec'retary and Betty Olive;, '58, 32?1 Willow Court, Denver, vice-president. Edi th Straube Sykes, '48, 4360 Oak, Wheat Ridge, served as president during the past year. Volume XVII

publication of Peru State College. Published and distributed in November and May. Please notify College of change of address. )
Number 2 Fall, 1968 Official

our i ng the al 1-al umn i 1 uncheon at Peru state College's 47th annual Homecoming, Wayne Burhmann, • 46, of Martell (left}, Mr. and Mrs. Willard (Marjorie Rogers} Hunzeker, • 46, 2 yr. • 49, Fullerton, and Joan Th ickstun (Mrs. Wayne) Burhmann, • 52, go over the roster of their college classmates.

Perry Townsend, senior from Chester, Pa.,captured on f i l m the f i rs t pl ace winner in the annual Homecoming Display contest. Tilted "Tower over Chadron," this display was constructed by the! I nd us t r i a 1 A rt s cl u b • A stereo tape alternately explained how more than 300 man-hours of work had gone into the project and then it programmed th is tel etype message f ram "The French News service," telling of the Homecoming fest iv it ies at Peru state. All organizations built d 1spl ays ·around the theme, "The world and I ts countries."

Our Cover a Real Fine Homecoming u

Blue skies smiled on Peru State's Homecoming October 19, alleviating fears that torential rains experienced earlier in the week would dampen the festivities. The Industrial ArtsClub won first place in the organization display contest with their "'Tower over Chadron," a 34-foot replica of the Eiffel Tower from Paris. Workin& around the theme, "The World and its Countries, the IA Clug edged out Alpha Mu Omega, honorary mathematics fraternity, which placed second in the competition, while third place was taken by the Student Center Board.

Alumni from throughout Nebraska were joined by Peruvians from Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Colorado, Michigan, and Idaho for alumni day events. The 47th annual event featured the 1943 class reunion, the Homecoming play, "U.S.A." an alumni coffee hour after the PertM-Chadron game, and the Homecoming dance Saturday night.

During balloting for 1968-69 alumni officers on Saturday, Charles Stoner, '67, Auburn High school instructor and coach, was elected president of the Peru Alumni Association.Other officers elected were Nancy Jarvis, '67, Treynor, Iowa, first vice-president; Karen Rathe Estes, '66, Cook, second vice-_presiden t; La Verna Roos Sayer, '61, Springfield, secretary, and Lucille Russell Hicks, '60, Auburn, treasurer.

Halftime of the game saw Miss Jody Meyer, N eh aw ka senior, presented as the 29th queen of a Peru State Homecoming. Her attendants were Kathy Buffum, Magnolia, Iowa; Bobette Masters, Nebraska City; Betty O'Connor, Worcester, Mass., and Lynda Shanahan, Morse Bluff.

The loss to the Chadron State Eagles was the only darkness in an otherwise perfect day. Trailing 33-21 late in the fourth quarter, the Bobcats were not about to give up as they went over for a touchdown with four seconds showing on the scoreboard clock. The final: 33-28, Chadron over Peru.





Queen Jody Me(er (center) is flanked by her attendants from 1 eft). Lynda, Kathy, Betty, and Bobette.

Requests for improvement of present programs and the establishment of new projects, allowances for average salary increases for both professional and non-professional staff members, ancl a capital construction program highlight the projected plans of Peru State College with regard to the 1969-71 biennium.

The college has requested $3,777 ,223 for operation. during the next t_wo years, accordmg to President Neal S. Gomon. This request has been approved by the governing board of state colleges and has been transmitted to the office of Governor Norbert Tiemann.

Included in the proposed budget is a total of $589,337 for the" improvement of present programs; $99,431 for additional staff and other expenses created by anticipated increased e!_lrollments; $21,336 for expanded services, and $76, 480 for new _P.rograms.

The -bulk of the budget proposal, $2,990,649, is slated for the continuation of existing programs at the same level of enrollment (1244 students) recognizing average salary increases of 6% for professional and 4% for non-professional staff members each year of the biennium. This total also includes anticipated increased costs of services and goods, and reducing the studentteacher ratio to recommended norms.

The college's request for capital construction during the coming biennium, which has also been approved by the governing board, totals some $3,263,775. This package will next be submitted to the 1969 legislature.

Included in the proposed building program are seven projects. Top priority is for funds to meet new fire safety: regulations covering all existing academic and housing facilities with a price tag of $193,431. Plans include a complete overhaul of the campus water system with additional fire hydrants as needed, additions to fire alarm and protection systems and installation of improved containment barriers in all buildings.

Other -requests in order of priority are: remodeling and renovation of the Hoyt Science Hall, $309, 786; construction of a new health and physical education building and student health center, $1,329,775; remodeling and renovation of the T.J. Majors Education building(former Campus School), $605,992; and addition to the library, $422,685; installation of the first phase of a central air -conditioning system, $273 064; and development of physical education outdaor fadlities and extension of Oak Bowl seating, $129,042.

The present gymnasium is to be razed and replaced by a new health and physical education building at a new location. The new facility will include adequate space for both men's and women's physical education programs, a multipurpose swimming area and space for student health services.

The Education building is to be completely renovated and air-conditioned for expansion of home economics, business education, education and instructional media plus general classroom facilities for other _programs.

Proposed is a 3"-story 100x50' addition to the library which will provide an additional 15,000 square feet of floor space for student study areas, a processing area for new books and periodicals, seminar rooms, reference areas, improved stack areas, browsing rooms, instructional media and instructional materials facilities.

•Peru State College requests conform to the

6-year building program presented to the 1965 legislature," President Gomon said. "Only deviations are in the renovation of the Education building for strictly college purposes as opposed to rehabilitation for the laboratory school which was in operation at that time, and the combining of a men s and women's health and physical education building, initially recommended as separate facilities."

Fall Enrollment Climbs To Record 1244 Students


Another all-time enrollment record has been set at Peru State College with 1244 students registered for on-campus classes . for the fall 1968 term. This figure represents a 4. 73 increase over a year ago when the previous record high was set with 1186 students.

Originally expecting an enrollment of some 1300 students, officials point out the July I merger of Omaha University with the University of Nebraska may have hurt the enrollment somewhat. The number of freshmen and transfer students Douglas and Sarpy counties is down from a year ago.

Men students outnumber women 764 to 478. There are 422 freshmen of whom 290 are men and 132 women; 258 sophomores of whom 165 are men and 93 are :worn.en; 259 juniors with 136 men and 123 women; 278 •seniors with 167 men and Ill women; 25 unclassified including 6 men and 19 women.

Forty- two Nebraska counties are represented in the total. Students are enrolled from 22 other states, the District of Columbia, and American Samoa, Egypt, Japan, the West Indies, and Peru, Soutli America.

Musician and Son Join Ranks of Peru Grads

B. A. ] ohnson, director of the award-winning Syracuse High school band, beat son, Jim Johnson, in graduating from Peru State last May by virtue of alphabetical order. Another son, Don Johnson, instrumental music teacher at Wahoo Neumann High school, was graduated from Peru State in 1963. Among other accomplishments, B. A., during his 17-year tenure at Syracuse, won the Ak-Sar-Ben marching contest 11 of 13 tries, including a 10-year winning streak. Jim is teaching instrumental music at Wisner as is his wife, the former Sheryl Davis, a 1967 Peru grad.

Trumpet Playing Family Affair

The Joiner family was the subject of a feature story in the April 23 Nebraska City News-Press. It told how Oliver "Bill" Joiner was the third generation of his family to play trumpet. Bill's grandfather, Oliver Joiner, Sr., a self-taught musician, passed the love for music on to Oliver Joiner, Jr., '49, who became a trumpet player. Mr. Joiner was a music teacher for 12_ years and is now superintendent of schools at Monroe, Iowa. Oliver "Bill" Joiner, a 1968 grad, is teaching instrumental music at Avoca, Iowa.


During 1968

Degrees Awarded

Peru State College granted baccalaureate degrees to 215 students during May and August, 1968, Commencement ceremonies. The total includes 154 who completed degree requirements in January and May, and 61 summer graduates.

Highlighting the May ceremonies was the reunion of the class of 1918. The students of fifty years ago were among guests at a tea in the Student Center following Baccalaureate services.

Mr. J .0. Grantham, vice-president of Northern Systems Company, Omaha, delivered the commencement address on May 26. Dr. Theodore A. Youngquist, college pastor at Midland Lutheran College, Fremont, was the minister for the Baccalaureate services. Dr. Neal S. Gomon addressed the summer graduates.

The 1968 degree recipients include:

Bachelor of Arts--Alfred H. Burling, Omaha; Marvin D. Drevo, Crete; Jam es M. Harris, Omaha; Paul F. Henrickson, Worcester, Mass.; Terry T. Johnson, Humboldt; Larry E. Nedrow, Falls City; Joseph C. Oh, Seoul Korea; Carolyn K. Rottman, Talmage, Forrest C. Shores, Wymore.

Bachelor of S cience--Dav1d A. Adams, Glenwood, Iowa; Michael P. Barsi Macomb, Ill.; Santo R. Bencivenni, Nutley, N .J .; Thomas J. Bresnahan, Nutley, N .J .; Alfred H. Burling, Omaha; Donald D. Cook, Osceola, Iowa; Albert J. Coo_per, Hanover, Ill.; Roger L. Daggett, Blair; John Duder, Table Rock; James M. Harris, Omaha.

Harold W. Heineman, Wahoo; Michael V. McN ealy, Humboldt; Joseph C. Oh, Seoul, Korea; Ronald E. Pierson, Rulo; Charles E. Sallgren, Worcester, Mass.; Steve F. Swain, Omaha; Jam es J. Tegelhutter, Syracuse; Michael F. Wallis, Bellevue; Terry W. Wiles, Plattsmouth.

Bachelor of Arts in Education--William C. Bowen, Nebraska City; Joan K. Bretthorst, Dunbar; Lawrence R. Brink, Plattsmouth; Dennis E. Dietrich, Hamburg, N .Y.; Har_ry A. Elder, Smith Center, Kans.; Jack L. Gaines, Fayetteville, Ark.; Robert Gosch, Papillion; Carolee Heim, Dawson; Paul F. Henrickson, Worcester, Mass.; Bleyn A. Johnson,JimmieSyracuse.

L. Johnson, Syracuse; Oliver W. Joiner, Monroe, Iowa; William A. Kerins, LaGrange, Ill.; James A. Komenc:la, Valparaiso; Dennis F. Knipping, Auburn; Louise C. Lundstedt, Coin, Iowa; John T. Patras, Peru; Roderic Ray, Nebraska City; Walter E. Rimmer, Mechanicsburg, Pa.; Richard T. Seddon, Nebraska City; Forrest C. Shores, Wymore.

David A. Tickner, Firth· Frederic H. Yan Fleet, Auburn; Charles A. W1lhams, Beatrice; Richard C. Zaearanick, We:;;tfield, N

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Educatwn--Joyce A. Blackburn, Shenandoah, Iowa; Philip A Brutto, Omaha; Mary Lu Hicks, Auburn; D. David Red Oak, Iowa; Kathleen A. Rotter, Brock; Wilham

K. Schiermeier, Hinsdale, Ill.

Bachelor of Science in Educatwn--Lawrence

to 215

L. Combs, Peru; Douglas Cotner, Waco; Carol A. Crabtree, Omaha; Douglas R. Cramer, Canandaigt!a, N.Y.; Rosae L. Crow, Qdell; William F. Daigle, Worcester, Mass.; Richard D. Daly, Worce::;;ter, Mass.

Juliet M. DiCesare, Wood River, Ill.; Ralph

P. DiCesare, Wotcester, Mass.; Richard J. Dobbs, Omaha; Marvin D. Drevo, Crete; Jean M. Egger, Douglas; Raymond E. Eickhoff, Verdon; Julia A. Emery, Nebraska City; Gordon J. Essink, Panama; Richard P. Estes, Ariz.

George N. Evangelist, Newark, N. Y .; Viola

I. Gabel, Bellevue; Jam es 0. Hagemeier, Beatrice; Shari L Hagemeier, Lincoln; J ose2h E. Hansen, Falls City; Lawrence J. Harrahill, Omaha; Jam es M Harris, Omaha; Leroy D. Higgins, Beatrice; Larry J. Holding, Burt, Iowa; Sandra K. Hopp, Syracuse; James S. Horgan, Worcester, Mass.; Ronald D. Howe, Vernon; Winona L. Howell, Chester; Lawrence L. Hummel, Sidney, Iowa; Teresa L. Hummel Oakland, Iowa; Mary M. Hunzeker, Humboldt; Barbara A. Huston, Fairbury; Richard D. I deus, Homesville; Gloria A. Jackson, Bellevue· Barbara K. Johnson, Red Oak, Iowa. O. Johnson, Clarinda, Iowa; Ruth H. Kalafut, Dover ,,_,r .J.; Pamela S. Charlene A. K.aster, Seneca, Kans.; vavid L. Kennedy, Humbo1dt, Iowa; Mary B. Kernes, Nebraska City; Robert A. Kinghorn, Auburn; Timothy J. Logsdon Ma Ill.; Antoinette Martin, Omaha; A. Coin, Iowa.

Mary L. McMunn, Lincoln; John R. Mc Vicker, Millard; Yvonne L. Metzger, Lincoln; Lois M. Monsees, Bellevue; Dianne E. Morrison, Beatrice; Louise E. Morrison, Peru; Mary Mowry, Beatrice; Charlotte H. Nedrow, Falls City; Roger D. Neujahr, Gresham.

Eugene R. Noell, Murray; Darla K. 0 bbink, Nebraska City; j ames J. O'Donoghue, Worcester, Mass.; Romona K. Ogle, Omaha; Robert J. Oliver, North Dartmouth, Mass.; Kenneth W. Ottemann, Elk Creek; Larry W. Poessnecker, Atkinson; D. David Pratt, Red Oak, Iowa; Patricia L. Quigley, Fairbury; Phyllis J. Reeves, Peru.

Nancy E. Reidy, Worcester, Mass.; Dennis T. Rinne, Lewiston; John L. Rogers, Verdon; Carolyn K. Rottman, Talmage; Ronald A. Rorebeck, Auburn; Gary L. Schaffer, Auburn; Mary L. Schriner, Lincoln; Bernard A. Scott, Glenwood, Iowa; Larry F. Sheehan, Manley; Michael F. Smagacz, Omaha.

John R. Soby, Omaha; Lynda L. Stephens, Shenandoah, Iowa; Sylvia M. Stokes, Tecumseh; Kennard R. Stoner, Homer; Donita D. Stuart, Auburn; Howard Stubbendieck, Otoe; Kermit B. Svanda, Virginia; Lana L. Toelle, Shenandoah, Iowa; Bruce C. Princeton, Ill.

Janis J. Walford, Gresham; Donald W. Wass om, Hubbell; Katherine E. Welsh, Omaha; Donna L. Wiley, Lincoln; Jean E. Wilkinson, Humboldt; Ronald M. Yates, Granite City, Ill.; Karen E. Yost, Cummings, Kans.; Donald C. Zartner, Bellevue. Summer School Graduates

Bachelor of Arts--Michael C. Gude, Nebraska City; Beverlv C. Jacobsen, Des Moines, Iowa; James A. Smith, Peru; Daryl Wolken, Leigh.

Iowa; Mary S. Chandler, Kans.; Cheri

G. Adam, Ode1l; Eloy S. Arellano, Plattsmouth; Don Armstrong, Filley; Kenneth R. Arnold, Falls City; Ronnie Bartels, Tobias; D.onald G. Bedea; Table Rock; John F. Bohaty, Lrncoln; Larry E. Bohling, Auburn; Charles D. Bowman, Plattsmouth; Roger K. Boyer, Cynthia A. Clarmda, Joan Casady, Atlantic, Iowa; Carol Shubert; Twila Cloyd, Goodland,

Bachelor of Arts in Education--Terry Bentley, Blockton, Iowa; Bernadine Fintel, Crete; Beverly C. Jacobsen, Des Moines, Iowa; Chloe A. Miller, (continued on page 6)

Bureau Gives Placement Report

Harold W. Johnson, director of placement for Peru State College, has announced a total of 259 blacements for the 1967-68 academic year. All seven of reported accepting positions will be engag_ed m teaching.

To the first listing o1 110 placements reported in the Spring Peru Stater, the most re'cen t shows. 149 additional placements for fall positions, w1 th four of that number going into graduate study or non-teaching areas.

Those accepting positions, their home towns orprevi?us teaching_location in the case of alumni' anCI their new locations, include:

Elementary Candidates--Shari Beatrice, to Fort Madison, Iowa; Diane Kinghorn', Auburn, to Lynda Stephens, Shenandoah, Iowa, to Sidney, Iowa; Richard Daly, Worcester, Mass., to Auburn; Jody Heather, Syracuse to Nebraska City; Juliet DiCesare, Wood Ill., to Glenwood, Iowa; Marjean Wusk, Sterling, to Talmage.

Mary Lu Hicks, Auburn, to Atchison, Kans.; Barbara Johnson, Red Oak, Iowa, to Corning, Iowa; J Chudy, Plattsmouth, to Fremont; Mary McMillard, to Papillion· Mary Mowry Beatrice, to J eail Egger, Douglas, Syracuse; Deloris Rice, Nemaha, to Brule· Louise Morrison, Peru, to Talmage; Yvonne Metzger Falls City, to Deptford, N .J. '

Carolyn Rottman, Talmage, to Bellevue; Darla Obbink Nebraska City, to Bennet; Wiley, Lmcoln, to Fort Madison, Iowa; Twila Cloyd, Goodland, Kans., to Fort Madison Iowa; Karen Yost, Cummings, Kans., to Valley Falls, Kans.

Secondary Candidates--Carl Cochran, Lorimor, Iowa, to Elk Horn, Iowa; Fred Van Fleet, Auburn, to Exeter; Karen Hoemann, Nebraska City, to Sidney, Iowa; Bernadine Fintel, Crete to Wilber; Jim Hagemeier Beatrice, to Fort Madison, Iowa; Lawrence' Adam Odell to Beatrice; Cheri Combs, Peru, to Beat;ice; Kenneth Arnold, Falls City, to Ruskin.

Don Bedea, Table Rock, to Linco_ln; David Pratt, Red Oak, Iowa, to McCool Junction; Larry Harrahill, Omaha, to Omaha Cathedral; Gary Schaffer, Auburn, to Bellevue; Sylvia Stokes Tecumseh, to Friend; Phil Brutto, Omaha, Frien-d; Ralph DiCesare, Worcester, Mass., to Glenwood, Iowa; Donita Stuart, Elk Creek, to Ashland; Marvin Drevo, Crete, to Johnson; Ralph Wiles, Avoca, to Tecumseh.

Stanley O. Johnson, Red Oak, Iowa, to Corning, Iowa; Charles Bowman, Plattsmouth, to Omaha; Mary ·McMunn, Lincoln, to Lingle, Wyo.; Roderick Ray, Nebraska City, to Omaha; Robert Kinghorn, Auburn, to Wall Lake, Iowa; Beth Terwilleger, Beatrice, to Villisca, Iowa; John Hamil.. ton, Red Oak, Iowa, to St. Mathias of Chicago; Eloy Arellano, Plattsmouth, to Manilla, Iowa; James Harris, Bellevue, to Gothenburg; G,ary Obermeyer, Brownville, to Ogallala; Kenneth

Ottemann, Elk Creek, to Marquette.

Dennis Rinne, Lewfston, to DeWitt; Robert Oliver, Worcester, Mass., to New Bedford, Mass.; Curtis Stahr, West Union, Iowa, to Iowa Falls, Iowa; James Selk, Hamburg, Iowa, to Fairbury; Tim Logsdon, Macomb, Ill., to Galva, Ill.; Bruce Vickrey, Princeton, Ill., to Ill.; Joan

(continued on page 12)

Northern California Grads See Campus Slide Scenes


The annual luncheon meeting of the Northern CaliJornia Alumni Chapter vyas held August 31, at Fiesta Lanes, Hayward. Attended by 22 graduates, former students and friends, the frogram featured a showing of a 30-minute s ide presentation of cam_pus views.

New officers elected were: Gerald E. Clayburn, '49, Rt. 1, Brentwood, Calif., president; J.B. Johnson, '49, 21383 Dexter Drive, Cupertino. Calif., vice-president; Mrs. Genevieve Mcnally, '56, 23716 Lynn St., Hayward, Calif., secretary, and A.B. Clayburn, professor emeritus of secretary. (As noted elsewhere in this. issue, Mr. Clayburn, who gave 40 years of service to Peru State College died Friday, Nov. 1, in Stock ton.) '

Mrs. McN ally, re-elected to the post of secretary for the 11th year, was unable to be present because of the death of her father-in-law.

Berni,ce MacHirran (Mrs: Charles P .) Weigand, Albany, 06, was the earliest graduate in attendance, Greetings were read from absent chapter members.

The feeling prevalent at the meeting is perhaps, best summed up by Barbar;a Bragg Clayburn '51, Stoc!ton_, Calif., acting:· secretary of chapter: It is always amazmg to realize the tremendous loyalty of former Peruvians. Pride gratitude,, interest toward the college seem to d1mm1sh. And at the close of the session as is traditional, we sang the Peru Color Song: Somehow, each Peruvian can recall the tune and the words no matter how many years there are to

Degrees Awarded

( from page 5)

Plattsmouth; Louis H. Schafer, Adair, Iowa; James A. Selk, Hamburg, Iowa; Beth A. Terwilleger Beatrice. '

Bachelor of Science in Education--N orma Arnold, Falls City; Regina Barrett Syracuse· Verta Boehmer, DuBois; Zola

John P. Chudy, Nebraska City; Cari' Cochran' Lorirrior, Iowa; Mae Croghan, Tonapah, Nev:; Theoda Crooker, Falls City; Marcia Crum Nebraska City; Nancy Darrah, Malvern, Iowa; Ru'th W. DeLine, Brock; Wilma Duey, Plattsmouth. , Evelyn Fossenberger, Beatrice; Martha Gotschall, Council Bluffs, Iowa; H. Pauline Haith, Humboldt; Betty J. Heard, Louisville; Judith Heather, Syracuse; Lorene Hillman, Otoe; Karen Hoemann, City; Danny Kellenberger, Sc:betha, Kans.; Diane Krnghorn, Auburn; Bonnie Lrnderman, Salem; Mary McVicker, Millard; Vivian E. Parker, Syracuse.

Deloris J. Rice, Nemaha; Marvene A. Rogers, Diller; Donna M. Ruth, Percival, Iowa; Emma Sch?ck, Falls City; Mildred Schultz, Milligan; Mane Sorensen, Hardy; Marian Terry, Grand Island; Hester Thornhill, Yuma, Colo.; Fern L. Underwood Sterling; Elvira Unruh, Omaha; Ralph A. Wiles: Avoca; Fern Wood, Omaha; Marjean Wusk, Sterling; Zoe M. Young, Farragut, Iowa; Mary Ziegenbein, Columbus.

B_elle Parkhurst Elder, '98, writes us that she has JU st r.ecently tu!"Il;d 91 years "young." Mrs. Elder enJoys rece1 vrng infonnation from the college, and especially looks forward to the Peru Stater. Her address is box 416, McPherson Kans. '


Spring Sports Scene Marked

No came to Peru in spring competition, but several outstanding individual efforts should be recognized.

Leading the Nebraska College Conference at the !11idway point, coach Joe Pelisek's baseballers spht a header with Kearney State and dropped two games to Chadron State to finish the NCC season with a 4-4 mark and make the final Peru State rec:ord 10-11. During the season, the Bo beats lost six games by one run, including all four conference defeats. Pitchers Bill Everhart a junior from Bedford, Iowa, and Jim Rains, sophomore from Granite City, Ill., were named to NC_C team with Peru's leading hitter, JUillor mfielder Jim Waltke, Beatrice.

Coach Erv Pitts' golf team wound up the year a 2-8 match recoTd and a fourth-place finish m the NCC meet. Only one senior, Mike Barsi of Macomb, Ill., was lost by Sopliomore tennis star Don Wiechec of North Tonawanda, N.Y 1 won twelve straight matches without a loss to ead Peru to a 7-2 record and a fourth-place finish in the NCC meet. After losing their first two matches of the year, the Bobcats reversed their form and won seven in a row. Seniors David LaMontagne, Kankakee, Ill., and Kathy Welch, Omaha, will not return. Miss Welch is the only woman ever to win a Peru athletic letter.

Peru State tracksters took five firsts in the NCC meet at Kearney to finish second behind Kearney State and cap a successful season.fSophomore Jack Weyers oI Sterling won both the mile and two-mile events, while sophomore Mike Mulvaney, Independence, Iowa, won the discus. Bert Faulkner, junior from Paulsboro, N .J ., took the javelin competition, while senior Bruce Vickrey, Princeton, Ill., prevailed in the shot put. Weyers' win in the two-mile established a new NCC mark for that event and, combined with his mile victory, gave Peru a share of the Bruner Trophy.,

A total of 21 new Peru State records were set by the '68 track team, 15 coming outside and six in indoor comeetition. Only five seniors will not return this spnng from a squad which lost but one dual meet in 1968.

Passing Is Key to Unsuccessful Grid Season; 2M6 Season Record

The key to Peru State's sixth straight losing seasoIJ. can be summed up in one word--passing. The Bobcats, finishing the 1968 season with a 2-6 record and an 0-4 mark in the Nebraska College Conference, allowed their opponents to complete 60 passes for 974 yards and 15 touchdowns, several of which directly led to four Peru losses: The last-place NCC finish was the first for the 'Cats since the conference was formed in 1946.

Three tough losses in conference play were typical of the season, as Peru lost to Chadron State 33-28 in a tough Homecoming battle and was. shut out by Wayne State (7-0) and Hastings College (13-0). The only two Bobcat wins came over South Dakota teams as Peru surprised Yankton College 6-2 and then stopped Southern State 35-7.

Bill Everhart, senior middle guard from Bedford, Iowa, was named to the District XI NAIA all-star team.

Cross Country Success

Weyers Seventh, 'Mates Eleventh

In Oklahoma City CC NAIA Heet

National honors were again bestowed upon Peru State and its star cross country runner, soph Jack Weyers. On November 23, Jack and his Bobcat. teammates to Oklahoma City for the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics championships. With the 'Ca ts finishing in the top 15 for the fifth straight year, Coach Jim Pilkington expressed pleasure' at the eleventh place result in view of the speedy times recorded.

Weyers, who earned All-American honors as a freshman, finished seventh in the nationals in the time of 24: 12 over the five-mile course, a pace just 30 seconds slower than that of the winner. The seventh place was an improvement of seven spots over 1967 and assured Jack of his second AllAmerican award in as many years.

Jack. was undefeated m intercollegiate competition pnor to the Oklahoma meet, losing once to former teammate Tim Hendricks in an AAU event. Team co-captain Van Allen was consistently Peru's second man and placed no lower than sixth in regular season action.

The biggest victories in Peru's 11-0 season included the championships of the South Dakota University Invitational, the Nebraska College Conference meet, the Midwest AAU, and the NAIA District Eleven competition.

Only three seniors will be lost from this year's club. They are Allen, co-captain Dan Trout, and 1967 captain Ron Jones.

'Cat Cagers Open With Second Place Slot in McPherson Meet

Coach Jack Mclntire's Peru State Bobcats opened the 1968-69 basketball season on a winning note by placing second in the McPherson (Kans.) Tournament. Winners of the tourney in each of the past two seasons, the Bobcats oEened by defeating Sterling College (98-80) and Baker University (92-72) before dropping the championship tilt to a hot-shooting St. Mary of the Plains quintet by a 104-7 5 count.

The sophomore-laden Bobcat squad should be one of the three top Nebraska College Conference contenders this season along with Hastings and Wayne State, with State as a dark-horse threat. Much will depend on how well the 'Cats fare in a two-game series at Chadron in early February.

Mclntire's squad includes seven lettermen, four sophomores and three seniors. The group includes: sorh Pete Stewart, 6-8 center; sophs Clyde Wilkins an Cl Mike Johnson, both 5-11 guards; soph Tom Pat!on, 6-0 senior Wayne Heine, 6-4 forward; sem.or Ross Ridenour, 6-2 forward; and senior Leon Portrey, 5-10 guard. Joining them are 6-3 freshman forward Earl Brown and 6-0 ifreshman forward Charles Morton, along with 6-4 ·forward Dave Bierbaum and 6-1 forward Allen Pokorny. Bierbaum is a sophomore, while Pokorny is a junior.

Heine, the only starter remaining from Peru s (continued on page 9)

Stuart's Landing, 2.ublished in mid-October by Westminister Press, Philadelphia, is the latest book by Marion Marsh Brown, '27, faculty 19351938 Set Brownville, her girlhood home, the book is dedicated to her late parents, Cassius H. and Jenevie H. Marsh. Her mother was a housemother and dean of women at Peru from 1929 until 1946..

Season Peru 7 Tarkio 26 6 Yankton 2 35 Southern 7 0 Emporia 41 score first: 21 Kearney 28 Chadron 0 Wayne 0 Hastings 56 33 7 13
7 ··' .,

Three permanent scholarships, award established Foundation's Fund Year Nears End

Fall scholarships total S4,253; loans $33,950

Scholarships totaling $4,253.50 and matehing funds to provide loans totaling $33,950 for the fall semester have been made available through the Peru Achievement Foundation, Inc., for students at Peru State.

This information was contained in the report of A. V. Larson, Foundation treasurer, at the semiannual meeting of the organization on October 5.

A total of $286 ,07 5 has been made available for the National Defense Student Loan _program at Peru State since it began in 1958. The Foundation has provided the matching funds for the entire program in the amount of one-ninth of the total.

Fifty-four scholarships were granted for the first semester through gifts to the Foundation from alumni, and funds provided by business, industry, service, fraternal, educational and student organizations-. The scholarships range in amounts from $2 5 to $300.

In commenting on the response to the fall alumni fund appeal, Foundation President John L.

Members of the Boa rd of Trustees of the Peru Achievement Foundation present for the October 5 semi-annual meeting (from left) included: front row--John L. Lewis, Peru president; L. B. Mathews, Peru, dent; Mrs. Caryl l Bohl Ubben, Peru; Mrs. Maxine Russell Moore, Lincoln; Mrs. Alice Rathert, Auburn; A. v. Larson,, treasurer; back row--Dr. Keith L. Melvin, Peru; Claude E. Matthews, Auburn; !val Schmucker, Brock; Fred A. Rathert, Auburn; M. Allan casey,

Lewis pointed out that more than $1,200 was received m the first 10 days of the drive.

"We continue to be gratified by the tremendous response of Peru alumni and friends throughout the world," Mr. Lewis said.

The Foundation received a $1,000 gift in early September from Lillian Jewel (Mrs. W. W.) Barnes, '03, '20, a long-time Peru resident who now lives at the Good Samaritan Home in Auburn. In making the gift, Mrs. Barnes established the Alice F. Jewell Warnock and Lillian Jewell Barnes Scholarship Fund. Mrs. Barnes' late sister was a member of the class of 1927.

The Helen Cole Pollard Founders award was established by the Foundation as a tribute to the charter member of the organization. The award will presented at spring honors convocation to the semor, who during his collegiate career, demonstrated loyalty and service to the college.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. (Myrtle Law) Kna2p, '27, 2 yr. '27, 303 Linden, Vermillion, S. D._,

Auburn; Dr. Neal s. Gomon, Peru; Larry Ebner, Peru. Other trustees are Marie o. Neal, Nebraska City; Jack McIntire, Peru; s. L. Clements, Elmwood; Jeannie der, Plattsmouth; Jeannie Rhinehart -Tynon, Peru; Wilma Silence Simon, Auburn; Robert M. Henry, Wichita, Kans.; Gordon Peterson, Omaha; Verne Jones, Nebraska City; John McKnight, Auburn; John Stevenson, Peru; Di ck Blake, Shenandoah, Iowa. Don Carl i 1e, Peru, secretary, was photographer.


have established an annual $100 freshman scholarship for. a. Richardson or Ne.maha student. In prov1dmg the scholarship, the Knapps indicated that preference should be given to Brock and Stella in order to show appreciation for the "help and encouragement which the little communities gave us as we were growing up."

The FoundatiQn received 10 shares of Sears Roebuck stock on November 1 from Mr. and Mrs. C. C. (Irma Wilson) Choyce, fs '19, '20, Clearwater, Fla. The stock value on the date of receipt was $67.00 yer share.

Memoria gifts to the Foundation have established a permanent scholarship fund in memory of A. B. Clayburn, a member of the Peru faculty from 19 23-1962.

The Peru State chapter of Phi Beta Lambda honorary business fraternity, "turned the tables; last spring and presented a check for $90 to the Peru Achievement Foundation. The money represented the proceeds of an auction sale. Students and faculty members provided tlt1.e auction items which included, among other things, 12 silvery hairs from the head of one esteemed faculty member.

' Cat Cagers Open Season

(continued from page 7)

1965-66 NCC championship squad leads the 'Cats with 51 points in the first three games, a 17 point average. His total moved him ahead of Tom Yopp (1959-63) now of Nebraska City, into seventh place on the all-time Peru State scoring list. His 2resent total of 1102 points puts him within one of Bob Mayo, Lodi, Calif., (1958-60), the number six man. Peru's top five all-time scorers are: Omer Meeker, Santa Maria, Calif., (1947-51), 1622 points; Ron Snodgrass, Greeley, (1962-67), 1359; Mike Harmon, APO, New York, 09696, 0963-66), 1270; Bob Buettger:bach, Stanton, Iowa, (1959-62), 1153; and Dean Cam, Johnson, (1963-67), 1130.

The remainder of the Peru schedule includes: Dec. 3, at Tarkio; Dec. 7, Northwest Missouri; Dec. 9, Southern SD State; Dec. 11, Midland; Dec. 13, Huron; Dec. 20-21, at Tarkio Tournament; Jan. 9, at Briar Cliff; Jan. 11, Doane; Jan. 14, Kearney; Jan. 17, at Hastin_gs; Jan. 21, Concordia; Jan. 25, Wayne; Jan. 29, at Kearney; Feb. l, TennesseeA&I· Feb 4, Tarkio; Feb. 7, at Chadron; Feb. 8, at Feb. 11, at Doane; Feb. 15, Hastings; Feb. 17, at Graceland; Feb. 18, at Simpson; Fen. 21 at Northwest Missouri; Feb. 26, at Wayne. '

Record Receipts for Foundation Year

Foundation receipts have been issued to the following Alumni, former to November I I ,

students 1968: and friends from April 30, 1968,

1890. s

Bertha M. Spearman Burbank, '98

Andrew J. Wilson '97

Fanny M. Sm! th, : 99

Dr. H. C. Filley '99

A. D. Majors, •9(;

Nona Johnston (Mrs w_ill iam} Lowrie, : 96 ,

I. Homer watt, '98

In memory of Lillie Cranmer

Hannaford, •93, and Addie Cranmer (Mrs. John w.)

Cod!ngton, '95, by Claire

Codington Warman, 2 yr. '29

1900' s

Sarah Joy (Mrs. 01 iver

H.} Cleveland, '03

Cora Chittenden (Mrs.

O. S.) Duffendack, '09 Robert B. Ray, '06

Mr. & Mrs. J. G. ( E 11 a Buckendorf) Good, both '09

Earl Cline, '07

Martha E. Mumford, '08

In memory of Glenn D. Jenkins, '09, by family and friends

v. K. Maxcy, '09

E. R. Gross' • 0 8

Dr. Henry J. Broderson, '06

Emily Redford (Mrs. c. w.) Good, '04

D. L. earl son, • 08

Laura Porter (Mrs. Geo. L.) Carlson, '08

Agnes Blank (Mrs. Fred)

Page, '09

Henrietta R. Kees, '09

Lillie Jewell (Mrs. w. w.) Barnes, • 03

Hope Abbott (Mrs. F.M.)

Dorland, '06

Margaret Seeck, '09

J. Harold will iams, '08 Georgene Goulet, '03

Bernice MacHirron (Mrs Charles) Weigand, '06°

vanche E. Plumb, '06

Nan Bartos Fitzpatrick, '03

Lulu Pasco, '05

Lillie Wahlstrom (Mrs. Herbert) Johnson, • 07 Mary J. Anderson, '08

Bessie carter Ammon '03

Richard E.Cole, '09

Ethel Williamson Kilbourn, '05

Maud Yocam (Mrs. L.S.) wood, '08

1910 • s

Mrs. Esther v. Anderson Wells, '12

Mr. & Mrs. Floyd (Ann Gilbert) Christy, He '18, She fs '22

lrenl? Ferneau (Mrs. L.E.)

Wyl 1e, '15

Vesta Lewis Co111er, '15

Bert ha M. Bloss, '15

Mrs. Flo Anderson Feistner, • 1 7

Pearl Burch Newkirk (Mrs. Roscoe) Anders on, • 17

Mrs. Dessie Wright Lederer, 2 yr. '17, '24

Ella v. Anderson, '15

Mar1 Lou Hibler (Mrs. F. P.) Bowersox, '16, '17

Charlotte Lehn (Mrs. Lester) Reid, '18

Helen Bond Courtright,

• 18

ln memory of Dr. John wear, • 14, by friends

c. Vernon Krebs, '13

Edith Gramlich, '18

Bertha Poteet (Mrs.

Frederick) Kuhlman,

• 17

Ebba Wahlstrom (Mrs.

Robert) Edstrom, • 12

Essie Tei ch (Mrs. John)

Emme rt, • 11

Charlotte Deubler, '18

Nettie Prell (Mrs. Rex

D.) Bailey, '13

Beulah A. Harriss, ·11

Effie Swanholm, '18

Hannah Jensen, '15

Lillian Viola Engel, '18

Eugenia Moore, '14

Beatrice A. Walton, '18

Fern E. Houston (Mrs.

Ray) Blair, '18

Cecl ia Wehrs Forel, '11

Erdine Barnard Pease,

• 17

Lyll is Ann Wetmore, '17

Vivian Teich (Mrs. R.E.)

Ki 1 go re, • 19

Mary A. Hogarth, '13

Lillian Hanks, '13

_Edna E. Jepson, '11

Karen Blair (Mrs. How.,ard) Rowley, • 17

Mildred Huffer (Mrs. Alfred) Nielsen, '17 ot t i 1 i e. Brauer, • .18

Elizabet n EvEfrson (Mrs. E. M.) Short,

• 10

s. L. Clements, '12

Mrs. F. Clarey Nielsen in memory of F. Clarey Nielsen, '10, '21.

Rose Banks (Mrs. .t..rthur) Embree, '10

Verna Mowry (Mrs.

Thomas) Wagner, '13

Marie Forsythe (Mrs.

Fl etcher) Neal, '11

Minnie Bayer (Mrs. w. A.) McFarland, '14

Helen Hart Fuller, '19

Hanna Jensen, • 15

Edna (Mrs.

Fri t iof) Johanson · 10

Hattie Lilly (Mrs.'R. H.) Slagle, ·13

Grayce Teich caster • 16

Fr;;i.nces Chez (Mrs. Paul) Kingston, '11

Flora Marie Warner (Mrs wa9e) Steve.ns, • 18 '

Corinne Whitfield (Mrs. 9eorge) Smith, '15

Mildred Spencer Alcorn

• 10 '

Prudence Stiles (Mrs. Clay) Dallam, 2 yr.•15 '45 '

Dr. Peter Snyder, '19

Pearl Shepardson (Mrs. v.

V.) Westgate, '14

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence (Audrey Chase) Howie • 16, 18 '

Bertha M. Bloss, '15

Esther Murdoch Stokes f s • 19 '

Eos Brown (Mrs. E.W.)

Jackson, • 18

Vera Snider (Mrs. Walter) Kirtley, '14

Hazel Marshall (Mrs. J.B.) Cook, '16

Elizabeth Hileman

Powell, '15

Margaret Albert, 2 yr.

• 19' • 33

Florence Kite (Mrs. Roland) Hazard, • 15

J. s •. '15, '23

Jatt1e Hendricks (Mrs. Harry) weekly, '12

Joe E. Glasgow, '16

Mrs. Exha Akins

Sadilek, 2 yr. •13,

• 27

Maud Lawrence (Mrs • Frank) Heskett, 2 yr. '14, • 21 and Mrs. R.D. (Inez wachtel) Cole, both '10

(continued on page 19; ··

lhere is still time to add your gift to the 1968 drive!
The only gift too small ... is no gift at all 9

David L. Carlson (left), Twin Falls, Ida., and Laura P.orter (Mrs. George) earl son, Geneva, class of 1908, visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Benford of Peru during the 1968 Homecoming All-Alumni Luncheon. Mr. Carlson, who traveled the greatest distance for the 47th annual affair, is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Carlson. The late Or. George Carlson was a member of the 1908 class.


Dr. Earl E. Lackey, '04, has donated a copy of his latest publication to the college. It is entitled, •A General N omograph for Normal and Skewed Frequency Distributions: Climatological and Other Applications." Dr. Lackey was recently honored for his work by a lecture in his behalf by Heinz H. Lettau, Professor of Meteorology at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

Dr.Grace Munson, '05, lives at Morongo Valley, Calif., where her address is Box 12. Now retired, she is former assistant superintendent in charge of special education in the Chicago Public schools.

E.R. Gross, 'O 8, notes that he is now slowing down "to a pace suitable to my age." Mr. Gross, 85 years of age, retired in 19 46 after 22 years as the head of the agricultural engineering department at Rutgers University. He has been active in local civic and welfare projects near his home in New Brunswick, N .J.

Mr. and Mrs. f ewell (Ella Buckendorf) Good, both '09, are retired and live in Casa de Sol, in Mesa, Ariz. They live near their daughter, Joan Good (Mrs. !. ].) Littrell, '42, and family, 322 LaDoisa, Tempe, Ariz. Dr. Littrell '47, is pro-

Bessie Amman Carter, •03, the earliest graduate at the 47th annual Homecoming, during her visit presented a 1903 class photograph to the college archives. In the background is a painting by Millicent Slaby, '01, McCook, which she presented to the college and now is displayed in "memory lane" in the alumni office along with other photos from the past.

fes.sor industrial education at Arizona State Umvers1ty, Tempe.

Bessie Washburn Paris, '08, notes that she and. her celebrated their golden wedding anl1:1versary rn 1964 by a surprise party given by their cht;rch. Now Ii ving in Port Orchard, Wash., the Panses are busy with church work, garden clubs, and lodge work.

Stella M '08, writes of her bus years. as a retire em Manhattan, Kans. Miss Is some church work, and is also active m many c1 v1c affairs.

Bess Foster Smith: '08, has lived in Weiser, Ida., for 51 years. Widowed, she paints gives at _various organizations in the a;ea, and still fmds time write a great deal. At 81 years of age, Mrs. Sm1 th has a new book just recently


published, The Family Album.

Nan Bartos '03,, is now serving as vice-president of the League of Minnesota Poets. Long retired from the teaching profession, Mrs. Friz-Patrick is also active in church work and, until recently, worked on many civic and cultural programs through the extension division of the University of Minnesota.


G. C. Kennedy, '14, was presented a SO-year pin for membership in the Nemaha Valley Lodge No. 4. Brown ville. The presentation was made by his son, Clay Kennedy, fs '45, and the pinningwas done by Mrs. G. C. Kennedy, the former Ruth Courtright, '15. A lifetime resident of the Brownville-Pero community, Mr. Kennedy is a booster for Peru State.

The son and granddaughter of Mrs. John W. (Daisy Clark) Wear, former campus school student, and the late Dr. John W. Wear, 14, made news the same day in May, 1968. Their son, Lyman C. Wear was appointed vice-president to management information services by Macy's of

Returning 1918 members to Peru state College for their 50th reunion, Sunday, May 26, {from left) 'Were front rovv---Ramona Schwer Oakes and Oscar Oakes, both of Salem; Beulah Nedrow Patterson, Verdon; Lillian V. Engle, Lincoln; Minnie Chrestensen Cox, Riverton, fowa; second row-Helen Courtright, concord, Calif.; Edith Gramlich, Omaha; Ruby Damme Young, Hastings; Ruth Foley Clarke, Pawnee City; Nina Shubert Baker, Falls city; back row--Martha oaesctmer Wendland, Newton, Kans.; Ella T. sickert, Omaha; Chelsea Long Tipp, Portis, Kans.; Elva Fisher Reed, Nebraska City; Charlotte Deubler, Johnson; Leona Roby Reed, Brock; William H. Kotas, Milligan; Virginia Ailor Layton, Douglas, Wyo.

California, and granddaughter, Charlene Wear became the third generation of her family to be named to Phi Beta Kappa, honor society. Charlene's mother and grandmother, Mrs. Robert G. Simmons of Lincoln were generations one and two. Mrs. Wear lives at 1900 Oakmont drive, Manor 3, Walnut Creek, Calif.

Edna McKibben Murphy, '17, writes that she has been retired from the teaching world for several years now. Her time is taken up with her 10 grandchildren. She and her husband have found time for travel, though, as they were present at the 1917 Class Reunion in May, 1967, and also tookpassage on the final trip of the "'Queen Mary."

Mrs. Fern E. Blair, '18, notes that she is enjoying her retirement after teaching a total of SO years in Nebraska, Arizona, and California schools. Mrs. Blair retired in 1959.

Ellen K. Nolting (Mrs. C. Everett) Spangler, fs '18, 444South Eighty-eight street, Omaha, was named Nebraska Mother ol the Year for 1968 in May. Mrs. Spangler and her husband, a retired vice-president of the Federal Intermediate Credit Bank of Omaha, were in New York as guests of the American Mother's Committee. Mrs. Nolting is a Cass county native.

Miss Elaine Trukken, daughter of the late Victor Hugo Trukken, 'IO, has donated copies of the 1908, 1909, and 1911 editions of the Peruvian to the college. Mr. Trukken passed away in April, 19 58. The year books have been placed in the College library. Miss Trukkenc'is employed at the Nebraska School for the Deaf in Omaha.

Margaret O'Mara Kimmel, fs '10, fs '54, has now retired in Roseburg, Ore.

C. Raymond Carter, '19, '48, notes that he is retired to a beautiful trailer court and plays "golf all the time." His address is Space 87, 24 221 San Jacinto, San Jacinto, Calif.

Walter Johnson, fs '18, has joined the staff of Burgwin, Martin and Associates, P.A., consulting (continued on next page)


fconttnued from preceding page) engineers in Topeka. He :etired as.Kansas State Highway Enginner on April 1. Previously he yvas associated with the Bureau of the Wyoming and Colorado departments of highways. He was with the Kansas Highway department for40 years. His address is 1708 West 27th, Topeka.

Beatrice A. Walton, '18, sent belated for being unable to attend the 50-year reumon on the Campus of a Thousand Oaks in May. A teacher for 38 years, she Ii ves at 211 avenue.North, St. Petersburg, Fla., her home smce retirement from the Madison (Wis.) Public schools in 1958.

Eugenia Moore,_' 14, spent the in Lon.g Beach, Calif., where s?e ,,attended The Institute of Lifetime Learnmg, graduatm.g 7. Two of the classes--"Our American He;itage "Shakespeare" --were taped _for and distributed to 777 stations. She is a retired Omaha teacher now living in Oak, Nebraska.

Effie Swanholm, '18, 838 North Pine, Anaheim Calif. notes that she was on ap. extended trip the of the 50-year reunion of her class

m May. A teacher for 38X years, most of which were in the Omaha schools, Miss Swanholm spent several months in Engl and, Scotland and Sweden(tlas t summer.

Mts. Elva Fisher Reed, '18, 911 North 16th, Nebraska< City, Nebr., presented the college a large American flag las.t spring.

Fern Blair Hus ton, '18, notes that she is keeping in touch with many of her former classmates, and shares with them any and all information about Peru State. Mrs. Huston lives at 2247 Earl ave., Long Beach, Calif.


Helen B. Williams Caress, 2 yr.'26, 44 Northwick drive, Rochester, N. Y ., retired in June, 1967, after 20 years of teaching in Rochester. She is now working with the Rochester International Friendship Council, a volunteer organization which assists students from foreign countries.

Miss Helen Stukenholtz, '28, has resumed herinterestin art since retiring to Fairhope, Ala., six years ago. She has had a number of one-man shows, received several ribbons and awards for her pain tings and is presently teaching two classes at the Art Center in Fairhope. She and her sister, Mrs. Ruth Garrabrant, '32, Hugo, Colo., exhibited

Placement Bureau Annou1ices Fall Teach.ing

Iowa, to Bloomfield; Pamela Lett, Sarasota, (continued from page 6) Florida to Pensacola Florida.

Bretthorst, Dunbar, to Hastings; Lawrence Brink, Alu:nni Secondary-:Bud Kirby, Davenport, to Plattsmouth, to Hooper; Louis Schafer, Adair, Arlington; Wallace and Virginia West, North Bend, Iowa, to Fairfax, Mo. Rockwell City, Iowa; Wendell Mohling, Norman, Mary Lou Schriner, Lincoln, to Okla., to Shawnee Mission, Kans.; Judy Beran, Calif.; John McViCker, Millard, to Grand Junction, Beatrice, to Lincoln; Robert Reimers, Essex, Iowa; James Horgan, Worcester, Mass., to Wor- Iowa, to Griswold, Iowa; Jerry Sayer, Sterling, cester; Carol Chandler, Shubert, to Port Hueneme, to Auburn; Palma Holding, Nebraska City, Calif.; William Kerins, LaGrange, Ill., to Summit, to Auburn. Ill.; Dick McDonald, Coin, Iowa, to Hanover, Ill. Don Stuart, Hebron, to Ashland; Robert Good Non-Teaching--Walter Rimmer,Mechanicsburg, Table Rock, to Sidney Iowa; Gerald Dqllen', Pa., to Cumberland Constru<?tion Co., Lemoyne, Clearfield, Iowa, to Walnu't, Iowa; Ronald Kelley, Pa.; George Moore, Granite City, Ill., to Granite Tabor, Iowa, to Council Bluffs, Iowa; Roger City Steel; Richard Zaparanick, Westfield, N .J ., Wellensiek, Bruning, to Tobias; Richard Estes, to study, Univers.ity of Nebraska; Hyannis, to Cook; Joe Kuttler, Rising City, to Nancy Reidy, Worcester, Mass., to graduate study, Platte Ci_!y; Tom Morrison, Sargent, to Gretna. Uni:versity of Montana. Jim Barnhart, Pawnee -City, to Concordia, Alumni Elementary--Daisy Stitzer, Johnson, Kans.; William Shaw, Filley, to Sidney, Iowa; to Nebraska City; Hazel Denison, Powhattan, William Witty, Sr., Grants, N. M., to Superior; Kans., to Leavenworth, Kans.; Janice Bodtke, Gayle Ellison, Superior, to Lewiston; Evel_yn Thompson, to Ruskin; Marilyn Hawxby Clements, Bebb, Tarkio, Mo., to Elk Creek; Clara Kelly Denison, Iowa, to Denison, Iowa; Ellyn Bartholo- Slechta, Pender, to Whitehall at Lincoln; Garold mew, Crab Orchard, to Manning, Canada; Mary Goings, Pueblo, to Denver, Colo.; Don Pieper, Bohlken, Peru, to Auburn; Ru-th DeLine, Brock, Clarks, to Centennial at Utica; Melvin Hester, to Plattsmouth; Shelby Winingham, Tarkio, Mo., to Central Ci!y, to Millard. Pratt, Kans.; Karen Estes, Hyannis, to Cook; James Komenda, David City, to Seward; Larry Luette Volker, Brock, to Tecumseh; Jeanne Wall, Johnson, Exeter, to Valley; Lucille Boulder to Boulder Colo. Syracuse, to Syracuse; Clyde Heaton,Gnswold, McClintdck, Pawnee City, to Wymore; to Elk Hom, Iowa; John Riley, Giltner, to Clarks; Eugene Smith, Stella, to Lincoln; Arlene Mats- Katherine Shaw, Kalamazoo, to Illinois State chullat, Miami, Ariz., _to Globe, Ai:iz.; C.arol University at Normal.

Crabtree Papillion, to Fremont; Jamee Witty, Richard Berthold, Plattsmouth, to Central Grants, 'N. M., to Superior; q.ail Masonb.rink, City; fell, East Jordan, Mich., to Table Agana, Guam, to Talmage; Alice Beschernen, Rock; Ray Ehlers, Fullerton, to Blair; Art AndUnion, to Lincoln; ·Ruby Lockwood, Brock, to erson, Los Banos, Calif., to Fairfield, Calif., Brock; Mary Mullens, Lewellen, to Wymore; Eula Melvin Nelson, Guadalupe, Calif., to Glide, Anderson Nook, Fountain, Colo., to Battle Creek, Oregon; Gary Stover, Fort Madison, Iowa, to Iowa; Joan Darling, Fairbury, to Auburn; Frances Fort Morgan, Colo.; Ben Kernes, Sterling', to Steinbrook, Lawton, Okla., to Lincoln. Sidney, Iowa; Philip R. Dorssom, Coming, Kans., Gloria Walker, Table Rock,, to Lomsv1lle; to Kelley, Kans.; David Malmberg, Nebraska Dennis Michal, Auburn, to Council Bluffs,. City, to Denver; Norman Frerichs, Pender, to Leona Burd, DeWitt, to Western; Frances N elf';on, Genoa; Paul Fell, East Jordan, Mich., to Auburn; Guadalupe, Calif., to Glide, .Evelyn Rahe, !lonald Case, Maywood, Ill., to Carbondale,, lll:_; Bakersfield, Calif., to Lydia : Richard Duponcheel, to Guam; M.rs. _Dons Talmage, to Auburn; Lmda M. Janson, Supenor, i Wragge, Bellevue, to Fairbury; Beverly Ki tehnger, to Fort Lupton, Colo.; Linda Lawlor, Bloomfield, · Omaha, to Ottumwa, Iowa.

their pain tings at Steinhart Lodge, Nebraska City, last summer.

Eldred 0. Morton, '22, retired June 1 from - and is now _a consulting engineer. Eldred and Mrs. Morton, the former Thelma E. Howe, '23, reside at 179 Lind avenue, Mansfield Ohio. '

Sterling B. Sears, '25, retired July 1 as superof'the Kenai Peninsula Borough School d1stnct m Alaska. A teacher and a coach in Idaho, Montana, Arizona, and Wyoming, Mr. Sears became superintendent of the Juneau Public Schools in 1949. He has been atKenai since 1964. During his Alaskan educational service he has served on numerous commissions and agency committees. He and Mrs. Sears will retire to Camano Island, Wash.

Esther Delzell Brownell, '23, writes that she and her husband, S. M. Brownell, former faculty, are enjoying the New England climate in New Haven, Conn. Mr. Brownell holds a p_rofessorshiP. at both .Yale University and the Univei;:sitY.: of Connecticut, while Mrs. Brownell is delighted at the chance to see top-quality drama produced in the area.


Naoma D. Pierce Hornby, '33, 11822 Kingston street, Col ton, Calif., is teaching trainable mentally retarded children in San Bernardino.

Betty Pancake, '34, has recently moved to Waukegan, Ill. She is the newlr-named director of the Central Baptist Children s Home Day Care Center in that city.

Dale Pike, '34, 431 Aurora, Aft. No. 1, El f., superintend o _parks. and recreation m Imperial county, Calif. The Pikes have three sons and one daughter.

Dr. and Mrs. Frederick (Dorothy Ann Coatney) Wolter, '38, '39, live at R.D. 5, West Chester, Pa. Dr. Wolter is a market researcher for DuPont in Wilmington, Del., and Mrs. Wolter is a coordinator of nursery schools for the Chester County (Pa.) Association for Retarded Children.

Grace C. Reiff, '37, is teaching -world Studies"_ at Southeast HiKh in Lin_coln. _Her Permanent address is 401 North Eighth, Beatrice.

Evelyn ! ones (Mrs. E.0.) Simon, 'ir7, 548 Northeast 55th street, Miami, Fla., notes that she has "'watched with interest the centennial celebration and the dedication of the new Fine Arts Center-at which time so many of my favorite instructors were honored." The Simons have lived in Miami for 25 years, where Mr. Simon is an attorney. Mrs. Simon has taught music part-time and directed a children's choir, but considers herself a homemaker. The Simons have two daughters, Marilyn, a sophomore at the University of Georgia, and Barbara, a sixth grader. _

Mr. and Mrs. Alvies (Ruth Hall) Townsend, fs '36, 2 yr. '36, live at 3154 Dearborn avenue, Evansville, Ind., where Mrs. Townsend is director of readers services in the Library at Evansville College and Mr._ Townsend is a pipefitter. They have two married daughters and a son who is a freshman at Evansville College.

Dean E. Grass, '32, is teaching in the Los City School at Canoga Park, Calif. He has been doing research in the field of education, and has recently completed a book, The Learning Block. He writes that he has five _grandchildren.

Dr. Elvin V. Semrad, '32, has been promoted to a full professorship at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center in Boston, Mass. He is most widely known for his views on!sychotic patients and their curability. Dr. Semra is a fellow of the Board on Professional Standards of the American

Psychiatric Association. He is president of the Boston Psychoanalytic Institute and also is a memberofS1gmaXI,Kappa Delta Pi, the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry and the National Psychiatric Residency Matching Program Adviso_ry Committee.

Nelsine Shafer Scofield, fs '34, had a busy year in 1967, according to the August P.E.O. Record. During the year, she was elected to the post of president of the Nebraska State cha_pter of that organization; she and her husband celebrated their 25th anniversary, and she fulfilled a life-long dream of graduation in June from the business college of the University of Nebraska.

Chloe Pate, (Mrs. George) Lehman,'36, was a recent visitor to the Campus of a Thousand Oaks. She stopped by enroute from the east coast to her home in Riverside, Calif.

Merna Jensen, '38, is in her eighth year of teaching at Omaha Technical Junior High, and her 17th year in that city. She taught for nine years at the Comenius Elementary before going to Tech.


BobAshton '42,hasresignedasvocal teacher at Thomas Jefferson Junior-Senior High school in Denver, to devote full time to the publishing company which he heads. The firm, Ashton Publishing Co., Inc., issues both record albums and books. Ashton has been in the music field for many years, organizing the Omaha Civic Music Association in the early forties, and teaching music 18 years in Nebraska, Iowa, and Colorado. The company's latest release, Songs of Colorado, is reported to be doing quite well in the Rocky Mountain Empire.

Phyllis Benson (Mrs. Walter K.) Hoffman, fr., '41_, 815 North Graham, Memphis, Tenn., notes that two of their children are in college this tall--Phil, a junior at Vanderbilt and Debbie, a freshman at DePauw. The other daughters are ages 14, 12 and 7.

Lt. Col. and Mrs. Rex (Hope Carter) Floy_d, '46, 2 yr. '42, are living at 417 Begonia boulevard, Fairfield, Calif., where Rex will be aerospace education instructor (AF Jr. ROTC)at Fairfield High school.

Leora Fl. Libhart (Mrs. Floyd) Muck, '40, 3696 West 75th street, Prairie Village, Kans., is supervisor of elementary vocal music, Corinth district, Prairie Village.

Percy L. Schmelzer, '48, is assistant superintendent for instruction at Poudre School District Rl, Fort Collins, Colo. With approximately 11,000 students in the district, Mr. Schmelzer indicates a constant need for teachers. He indicates that he hopes to include Peru State on his next recruiting itinerary.

Lloy_d E. Stewart, fs '47, is vice-president of National Marketing, Inc., 57 25 Dragon way, Cincinnati, Ohio.

W. Hubert ! ohns on, '40, is the Director of the Evening Division and Summer Session at Nevada Southern University in Las Vegas. His wife, Winifred Hall ! ohnson, '57, teaches in the elementary school system of that city.

Elmer Bachenberg, '49, head catalog librarian at Colorado State College in Greeley, Colo., has been busy this past year. His library has made the switch froIJl the Dewey Decimal System of cataloging to the Library of Congress system. Mr. Bachenberg claims that it will take some time to make the change since the CSC library contains some 184,000 volumes.

! ames Mather, '47, was mentioned in a feature story in the Lincoln ] ournal in mid-May as the


{continued from preceding page) holde_r ·of the state high school record in the broad (or long) jump, which was established in 1936. Mather, wh<:> coached at Wymore and Franklin before returning to his hometown at Arapahoe, holds the Peru State broad jump record of 24'7Yi" and the 100 yard dash record at 9.7. Jim is a general insurance agent and manages an ice cream store.

According to the J oumal reporter, Mather sar.:s "I've had the record so darn long now it wouldri't bother me a bit if someone broke it. In fact, I've had it more than my share. I'd kinda like to see someone have it to enjoy for a while." Mather probably feels the same way about having his Peru State records eclipsed.

Don Stark, '44, 3700 Seger Ave., Sioux City, Iowa, now owns an independent insurance company in that city. Stark taught schools in Iowa for 12 years, and earned his Masters degree from Drake University, Des Moines. Don and his wife, the former Grace Boevink, fs '40, have three children; Tom and Mary Jane who are both students at the University of Iowa, and Jim, at home. Proof that Peru grads stick together is found in the fact that the Starks live directly th_e street from Phil Slagle, class of '51.

Francis M. Knight, 2 yr. '22, '43, is retired and is living in Kansas City, Mo. She writes that she is enjoying her retirement, and recently returned from a trip to Florida.

! ean Hoagland Cassel, • 43, and her husband, Bill, are living in Dayton, Ind., where they o_perate a lumber business. The couple has three children: Nancy, 15; Susie, 13, and_Mike, 7.

Present for the class of 1943 Homecoming eve reunion dinner at the Arbor Manor in Auburn (left to right) back row-Fredd!e Drexler, Fairbury; R.H. Fanders, council Bluffs; Dean Clark, Burchard; Don Stark, Sioux city, Iowa; front row-Mrs. Drexler;

Marjorie Prine Emm, '43, and her husband, Marshall Emm, now. living in Alexandria, Va., where both are rn the field of education. Mr. Emm is administering a new Anny development program for the Ryukyu Islands through the United States Department of Education, while Mrs. Emm is teaching German at George Washington High school, and serving as secretary-treasurer of the State Foreign Language Association. The Emms have four children: Marshall Gordon 18· Marjorie Ellen, 17; Martha, 16, and Marga;et, i's. Luther/. Hutton, '43, is assistant superintendent at the Pine Hills School for Boys in Miles City, Mont.

Ellen King Shively, • 43, is an instructor of English at Mankato State College, in Mankato Minn. '

Thelma Roberts, '43, is now retired from teaching. Miss Roberts, who lives in Monterey Park, Calif., notes that she is enjoying retirement now that her health is improved.

Mildred I. Fehr (Mrs. Robert D.) Johnson, fs '42, received a MS in business education during the 1968 sum!Iler from State University, where she will teach in the area of secretarial administration.Mrs. Johnson lives at 504 Villanova court, Fort Collins, with her family wh-ich includes a son, 19, and a daughter, 15.

Charles Rogers, '48, was recently named president of Eastern Wyoming College, Torrington. He was elevated to the post upon the death of the president, Albert Conger. :i;logers had served as dean of the college for three years.

Robert Duey, fs '55, is teaching the 6th grade in Winston, Ore while his wife, Bonita Brunsdon Duey, fs '55, is instrut.:ting the second grade. The Dueys h. ave three daughters; Noel, 11; Dawn, 10, and Kris,7.

Dr. L. Fred Thomas, '51, is associate professor at North Texas State University, where he

Mrs. Fanders; Harriet Maxweil Clark; Nina Kanel Kl audt, Detroit, Mi ch.; Mrs. stark. several members and former members of the class not attending the dinner were present for the al 1-al umn i 1 uncheon satu rday afternoon.


teaches educational testing and evaluation, supervises student teaching and is chairman of the advisory committee for doctoral candidates majoring in college teaching. Dr. Thomas' address is Box 13916, N STU Station, Den ton, _Texas 76203.

Mary Ann Smejdir (Mrs. Robert) Weber, '54, Friend, is second grade teacher at Centennial school, Beaver Crossing.

Nels Overgaard, '56, has resigned his position as Department Chairman of Data Processing at Cerritos College in Norwalk, California to accept a similar position at the State University of New Yor_k Agriculture and Technical College at Co_bJeskill, N .Y. Mr. Overgaard and his wife, Kathryn, have two children, Mark and Linda. Completing his masters degree at Chapman College in 1966, Overgaard is working on his doctorate.

Nell Brunsdon, '54, is now teaching the 4th grade in Mapleton, Ore.

Dr. David L. Williamson, '52, presented an invited paper at the twelfth International Conference of Genetics held August 16-29 in Tokyo. Dr. Williamson described the results of his research on "The Sex Ratio Spirochete in Drosophila Robust a." He is serving as assistant proIessor of anatomy at Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.

Donald Clark, '57, is teaching in the Kearney Public Sch()ols this fall. Previously, he was coach at Filley for two years, three years as superintendent at Clatonia Schools. Mr. Clark and his wife have two daughters and a son.

Lt. Comdr. Darrel D. Kregio, '57, was awarded the Navy unit commendation medal June 18, 1968, at Long Beach, Calif., for participating in support of combat operations in Southeast Asia aboard the guided missle frigate, USS King.


Mary Kathryn Harfham, staff, to Bill Runkles, junior, '68, St. Pau Lutheran Church, Auburn, Nebr., August 11, 1968.

Gloria Jean Dasher, fs '68, to James Harris, '68, Plattsmouth Baptist Church, July 27, 1968. At home: Gothenburg.

Rose Elaine Vonderschmidt to Kenneth Arnold, '68, Zion United Church of Christ, Falls City, August 18, 1968. At home: Ruskin.

Marjorie Keane to James Komenda, '68, St. Mary's Church, Valparaiso, July 19, 1968. At home: Seward.

Judith Ann Beran, '65, to Dennis M. Hetherington, St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Beatrice, June 15, 1968. At home: Lincoln.

Deborah Pickerill to Jack Gilbert, fs '67, First United Methodist Church, Syracuse, July 7, 1968. At home: 2208 South 40th st., Omaha.

Carol Jean Henderson, '67, to AIC Charles G. Henning, fs '67, St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Auburn, July 20, 1968. At home: 1329Yi Hancock st., Bellevue.

Linda Ritter to Gary Schmucker, '65, Coryell Park chapel, Auburn, May 24, 1968. At home: Exeter.

Jeannine Ehlers, '62, to Larry L. Lucas, EI Dorado Park Church, Huntington Beach, Calif., June 21, 1968. At home: 19930 Lures Lane, Huntington Beach.

Carol Jean Hawley, '67, to Robert J. Schmucker, United Methodist Church, Brock, June 3, 1968. At home: Lincoln.

Lucy Sporer, '67, to Allan Sherwood, junior, Murray Christian Church, Murray, June l, 1968. At home: Peru.

Lana L. Wendt to Jack V. Miller, fs '64, Im-

tory by attack and fighter aircraft.

. Raymond F. Ha!fdley, '57, has been ap2ointed director of the Indiana Agency for the Blind at Lawrence, Ind. The organization conducts rehabilitation programs for the blind in that state.

Howa!d l. Ulin, '54,. has appeared in many national poetry publications, has published his .first bc:ok of poetry, Mark A Quiet Ouest. Mr. U-hlm, chairman of the department of English at the Geneva, Ill., High School, was most recently honored in his field this past year when he received the Creative Problem Solving Foundation Award for study at the University of New York at Buffalo.

Grace Clark Klein, '56, has completed her fifth year program at Seattle Pacific College and plans to resume teaching in the Renton, Wash. area.

Dr. Harvey S. !deus, '56, MS ;59, director of placement at Wisconsin State University in Lahas been nar:ied to the college division advisory board of Minnesota National Life Insurance Company. Dr. I deus has held the LaCrosse post since 1965.

Bill D. Beck, '57, Fremont, and Phillip R. Fahrlander, '59, Minden, received master of science in education degrees this past August at Kearney State College.

Barnard A. Williamson, '55, received his masters degree at the 1968 spring commencement at Colorado State Gre<\Jey. He is teaching in the Denver Public schools.

Junior Karas, '56, and his wife, Virginia Ruzicka Karas, '58, are living in Woodrow, Colo. He is teaching at Woodlin School, while Mrs. Karas is busy at home with their five children: (continued on next page)

manuel Lutheran Church, Louisviile, May 4, 1968. At home: Beatrice.

Janice Remmers to Michael D. Guilliatt, St. John's Lutheran Church, Auburn, June 15. At home: Treynor, Iowa.

Patsy C. Schlenker .to Robert D. Maxiner, fs '63, First Presbyterian Church, Portales, N .M., May 4, 1968. At home: Las Vegas, Nev.

Darla Kay Obbink, '68, to Billy Dean Shellenberger, First Presbyterian Church, Nebraska City, June 1, 1968. At home: Lincoln.

Anne Lenore McGough to Eston W. Clark, '68, St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Auburn, May 30, 1968. At home: Brock.

Shirley Louise Nelson to David K. Longfellow, '58, Free Will Baptist Church, Folsom, Okla., June 8, 1968. At home: 628 West 10th St., Eldorado, Kans.

Mary Margaret Hunzeker, '68, to Paul R. Stevenson, First United Presbyterian Church, Pawnee City, June 9, 1968. At home: Papillion.

Lola Morrissy, fs '68, to Michael Barsi, '68, St. Paul Church, Macomb, Ill., June 29, 1968. At home: Macomb, Ill.

Gail Putnam, fs '68, to Ronnie E. Bartels, '68,. Unifeq· Methodist Church, Atkinson, August 10, 1968. At home: Genoa.

lean Wilkinson, '68, to Mike Castle, senior, St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Auburn, August IO, 1968. At home: Peru.

Kathy Calmette to David Shuey, '67, First Methodist Church, Golden, Colo., June 1, 1968. At home: Prague.

Mary Baker to Ray-mond Eickhoff) '68, Christ Lutheran Church, Falls City, June 22, 1968. At home: Tabor, Iowa.

""'1: /
, ,..

{continued fro• preceding page)

Jimmy, 9; Jeffrey, 7; Jonathan, 5; Janelle, 18 montlis, and Joseph, born August 7, 1968.

Carol Vignery Marxen, '58, writes that she is now teachingkind'ergarten in Powhattan, Kans. Her husband, John Marxen, fs '63, is teaching business at Highland Community Junior College. The Marxens, who make their home in Hiawatha, have two sons: Johnnie, 6, and Jimmie, 3.

Corwin Arndt, '58, is principal at Oshkosh. Arndt formerly-was superintendent at Pleasanton.

Charles R. UtermGhlen, '50, received his Ed.D. this summer from the University of Nebraska. Utermohlen, who is married and has one son, William, and two daughters, Kim and Terry, has accepted a position on the faculty of Mankato State College, Mankato, Minn.


Larry W. Morgan, '61, is assistant principai at DeSmet Jesuit High School, St. Louis, Mo.

Davis Gerdes, '65, recipient of a master's in education from the University of Nebraska last spring, is guidance counselor at Platteview of Springfield. Mrs. Gerdes is the former Karen Remmers, fs '59. The Gerdeses have one daughter, Jeri Lynn. .

Frank Bostic, '63, is teaching En,_gli'sh, journalism, and speech at Southwood High school in Wabash, Ind. Bostic is also coaching football, basketball, and tennis in addition to his other duties. He will complete the requirements for his masterls this summer at the University of Nebraska.

Gary L. Brown, '62, is now a captain in the U.S. Air Force stationed at Warren Air Force Base, Cheyenne. He and his wife, Linda, have three children: Joel, 5; Jay, 4, and Jodie Lynn, bom September 21, 1968.

Richard H. Brown, '63, is a ca_ptain in the U.S. Air Force on a current tour of Italy. Brown and his wife, Sharon Lynn Bailey Brown, fs '63, will be journeying to Madrid, Spain, this December where he will begin a three-year tour of duty. The Browns have two daughters: Kelly, 5, and Kristie, 4.

A. Eugene Wright, '63, is now working towards his master's degree in geology at the University of Houston. Wright has a National Science Foundation grant through an academic year institute program. He and his wife, Patricia Markham Wright, fs '62, have three children: Ricky, 5; Rhonda, 4, and Vicki, 2. The Wrights plan to return to their home in Bellevue in July, 1969.

Gary Schlange, '63, is teaching the 4th grade in the East Rock.away, Lon15Island school system. Schlange is working on his master's and hopes to com?lete the requirements this coming summer. His wife has now retired from teaching to take care of their two-year-old son, Paul.

Lois J. Fritz, '63, is living in Las Vegas, Nev., and teaching at Henderson Junior High school. Her address is 241 Sands avenue.

Gerald Littell, '63, received his master's degree in secondary school administration at the spring commencement of Kearney State College. Littell has accepted a post as principal of Pawnee City High school, where he will also teach speech.

Jerry Collier, '60, received his master's degree in guidance and counseling from Kansas State Teachers College at Emporia in May. Jerry,

ninth grade counselor at Northeast Junior High, Kansas City, Kans., lives at 2825 Georgia, with his wife and sons, Derrick and Dominic. ·

Larry E. Kuenning, '66, has received his master of arts degree from Adams State College in Alamosa, Colo.

Millard L. Hamel, '63, and Jane Ann Dietl Jackson, '62, received master of arts degrees June 9, at Chapman College, Orange, Calif.

William E. Shaw, '66, received his master's degree in secondary education from the University of Nebraska June 16, 1968. Shaw has taken a position at Omaha Westside High school in an administrative intemshi:r; capacity.

LaMarr R. Gibson, 61, received the master of education degree June 16, 1968, from the University of Nebraska.

DonaldD. Stan15e, '60, Richard J. Duponcheel, '67, and John R. Cooper, '61, received tlieir master of science in education degrees at Kearney State College in August.

Richard E. Blake, '63, has taken a position as, a ninth algebra instructor in Shenandoah Iowa, this fall. Mr. Blake has been teaching Auburn.

Airman 1st Class Duane L. Bloss, fs '66, was named Outstanding Airman of the Month in his unit at Nha Trang AB, Vietnam. The May award cited


To David Malmberg, '65, and Mary_ Graham Malmberg, '62, Nebraska City, a son, November 20, 1968.

To Gene Leber, '56, and Mary Sherrod Leber, '56, Phoenix, Ariz., a daughter, Sue Irene, October 24' 1968.

. To Joel Pauley and Judy Bence Pauley, fs '63, Lrncoln, a son, Gregory Louis, September 4, 1968.

To Ronald Lubben and Janet Epley Lubben fs '57, Lincoln, a son, October 2, 1968. '

To Robert Hilt, '66, and Mary Jones Hilt '66 Pittsburg, Kans., a daughter, Mary Kathleen: September 22, 1968.

, To Biere, '62, and Sandy Stephens Biere, 62, Huntrngton Beach, Calif., a son, Christopher John, October 4, 1968.

To Don Bedea, '68, and Carolyn Armstrong Bedea, fs '61, Lincoln, a son, Douglas Dale, October 8, 1968.

To Roger Noell, '64, and Mary Ann Lewellyn Noell, '64, Woodbine, Iowa, a son Jeffrey Earl, October 10, 1968.

To Lanny DeMott, and ] an Beemer DeMott '65, Rt. No. 2, Bedford, Iowa, a son, Scott Alan: May l, 1968.

To Al Polselli, fs '66, and Carolyn Mercer Polselli, '65, 3515 U St., Omaha a daughter Gina Maria, January 27, 1968. ' '

To John Eads, fs '66, and Nancy Garrett Eads Nebraska City, a son, July 14. '

To Tom Castle, '65, and Mrs. Castle Spencer Iowa, a daughter, Cheri Noelle, July is', 1968. '

To Tom Saunders, '67, and Mrs. Saunders 1656 Jackson, Wichita, Kans., a son, Aaron, May 29, 1968.

To Ken Sim_s and Linda Jeffers Sims, both '64, 902 Lyndell drive, Kissimmee, Fla. a son Tory Jeffery, A_pril 30, 1968. ' '

Gary Fritch, '66, and Mrs. Fritch, Sterling a son, Bret Eric, February 22, 1968. '

To Bill. Donovan, '65, and Donna Gerdes Donovan, '66, Loup City, Nebr., a son Daniel Emerett, July 25, 1968.

To Larry Weast and Jan ice Wilkinson Weast '65, Hiawatha, Kans., a son, James Alan, 25, 1968.

1 fl

his exemplary conduct and duty performance.

Prior to his separation from service, Capt. f ohn !. Mf!sonbrink, '62, ?f the Strategic Air Command, received the U.S. Air Force Commendation Medal at;\ndersen Air Force Base, Guam. Captain Masonbrmk was decorated for meritorious service as a communications officer at Andersen. His· wife, is the former Gail Aukrom, 2 yr. '60. John is now in graduate study at the University of Nebraska.

Mrs.Alice Taylor Covault, fs '63, was honored at the commencement at Table Rock upon her retirement from teaching 25 years, 19 of which were in the Table Rock Elementary school. She estimates that during her career she has taught 580 r,upils. Two of her sons are teachers-LaVon, 53, Dawson-Verdon, and Leland, '56, Jefferson, Iowa.

Leland C. Schmit, '60, Bellevue elementary teacher, was one of 30 selected for a study-travel summer seminar in Mexico sponsored by the U.S. Office of Education in cooperation with the University of Florida and the University of the Americas in Mexico City.

Doug Dickerson, '60, is principal of the Nebraska City Junior high. He had served as basketball coach at Falls City High school. Mrs. Dickerson is the former Nancy Carr, '62.

Ken Sims, '64, has been teaching crafts in the Federal Summer Program in Kissimmee, Fla., this past summer. But apparently it's not all work, as he managed to land a 350 pound, 11 foot, hammerhead shark the first week in July. In his spare time, of course!

Susan Sharp (Mrs. Norman) Meints, '64, is English and history in Kelso, Wash., and takmg graduate study toward the MA at Portland State College. Susan, who resid'es at 301 Columbia, Kelso, notes she would like to hear from other Peruvians in the area.

Mr. and Mrs. William (Linda Risley) Lawlor, both '63, live in Bloomfield, Iowa, where Bill is elementary principal of the Davis County Community Elementary schools. Bill received his masters from Northeast Missouri State College, Kirksville, at the August commencement. The Lawlors have two children.

Thomas A. Saunders, '67, is a design engineer for Cessna Aircraft in Wichita, where the Saunders Ii ve at 9929 Binter lane.

Dr. Dwight Anderson, '62, has been promoted to associate professor at Winona (Minn.) State College. A two-year member of the biology faculty, he holds MA and PhD degrees from the University of South Dakota.

Maxine Russell Moore, '63, in Lincoln: at the Hawthorne Elementary school.

Barney Mcllvoy, '63, is basketball coach and history instructor at Belle Plaine (Iowa) High school. Barney and Mrs. Mcllvoy, the former Rita Grandg.enett, 2-yr., '?1, have three children; David, 4; Angie, 3, and Eddie, 2.

Michael Chu, '65, is teaching at Grandview {Mo.) High school. Recipient of a scholarship by the Junior League of Kansas City this past summer to do graduate work at the University of Kansas; Michael was one of only two teachers in the Kansas City public school system selected.

Ronald L. McCoy, '67, Atchison, Kans., was appointed assistant trainmaster of the Omaha division of the Missouri, Texas, and Pacific Railway Company April 16, 1968. In this capacity, he supervises the operation of train make-up and movement and administers control over division employees. McCoy began his work for .the company while still in in the sunimer of 1964. Mrs. McCoy, the former Mary Lu Hicks, '68, a teacher in the Atchison (Kans.) Schools,. was Nebraskaland magazine hostess of the montn for September. She

was pictured with bow and arrow ready for the opening of hunting season.

Emma Sinn en (Mrs. I ames) Ocker, fs '65, was honored at a reception at District 41, Otoe county school, her on her retirement from teaching after 38 years, the last 14 at the Otoe county school. A time capsule buried 13 years earlier, was unearthed that day; it forecasted the doings of the pupils of 1955.

I oan Dickman, '66, has been awarded a fellowship for graduate study in English at the University of Wyoming, Laramie. She taught last year at Arapahoe.

Rev. Gary Schlosser, '63, Dawson, was advanced to elder in the Evangelical United .Brethren Churc?.at the meeting in Lincoln. The JOlilt meetmg with the Nebraska Methodist was held preliminary to the official umhcat1on of the two churches to form the United Methodist Church January 1.

Terry I ohnson, '68, has taken a position as a bank in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Mr. Johnson, who attended a special training program in Washington, D.C. this past July, resides in Peru, where his wife, the former Jane Drake, is a junior in music education.

Pfc., lames A. Moore, fs '63, was back in his hometown of Johnson, during the month of June on a convalescent leave from the Oakland (Calif.) Na val Hospital. Private Moore lost both arms in Vietnam after being wounded last February near Hue. Facing future operations .and training in the use of artificial limbs, Moore plans to eventually return t? Nebraska. Says Private Moore: "I'm coming along fine and have no regrets."

Ron Stoltenberg, '60, is teaching biology at San Bernadino (Calif.) High school. The Stoltenbergs now have a second child, Susan, born Sept. 2, 1967.

Katherine V. Shaw, '67, has been named assistant librarian at University High, Illinois State University, in Normal. She has been working on the final requirements of the master's degree in librarianship at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo.

Bob Lierz, '67, who has changed the spelling of his last name to ''Leers" for professional reasons, is doing much to perpetuate his image as the "Singing School Teacher." Bob, a country music artist, has been recording for the Hiawatha Record K::ns. sii;ice June of 1967. His teachmg rn Topeka gives him a chance to meet his many engagements with his "Cross Country Boys" at Kansas and Nebraska functions.

Stanley Hall I ohnson, '66, is now working on his masters in education degree at Southern Nevada University in Las Vegas, where he is on the professional library staff.

Mike Ramirez, '64, became physical education director at the North Omaha Boys' Club in July after serving at the South Omaha Boys' Club since November, 1965. Mrs. Ramirez is the former Sandy Pears on, 2-yr. They have two children; Michelle, 5, and Steven, 4. Mike is taking graduate work at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

I ohn Greene, ·'62; is in his fifth year in elementary physical education at Monterey school, Thorton, Colo. The Greenes have one daughter, Lisa Marie, 2.

I ames Meacham, '63, is attending the National Science Foundation Institute at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, for the academic year. He and his wife, Evelyn, a former secretary in the office of special services at Peru State, have three children; Jeff, 5; Scott, 3, and Kathy, 2. After completing studies at the Institute, the Meachams will return to Wilcox, where Jim has been teaching since 1964.



Information comes to the Peru Stater of the deaths of these alumni and friends:

Eva Gilbert France, '07, Auburn, October 18, 1968.

Bill Stephens, fs '66, Omaha, July 4, 1968.

Ansel B. Clayburn, Stockton, Calif., professor emeritus of geography, November 1, 1968. Mr. Clayburn joined the faculty of Peru State in 1922, and concluded 40 years of service on August 10, 1962. He was honored a year ago when a dormitory in the Centennial Residence Complex was named for him.

Helen Cole Pollard, '01, Falls City, September 19, 1968. Mrs. Pollard was a charter member of the Peru Achievement Foundation, and at one time served as the organizatiOn' s secretary.

Mrs. Minnie Bath, Brownville, December 30, 1967. In 1962, she established a perpetual memorial scholarship in honor of her liusoand, John Bath, and sons, Edward J. Bath, '28, and Robert L. Bath, '18.

Robert B. Ray, '06, retired Lincoln lumberman, June 28, 1968. Mr. Ray was preceded in death by his wife, Phebe Sheppard Ray, '06. The Rays were instrumental in the. organizing of the Lincoln chapter of the Peru Alumni association, and were frequent campus visitors.

Mrs. Luella Dye Stafford, 2 yr. '13, AB '55, Ogallala, Nov. 19, 1967. She is survived by two sisters, both Peru graduates: Florence Dye Pennell, '02, and Ethel Dye Wenckel, '02. Her parents attended Peru State College in the 1880's.

Mrs. Helen Maust, fs '63, Falls City, June 7. Art and- English teacher at Falls City High school since 1964, she was graduated from the University of Nebraska, and she completed her professional education requirements at Peru State.

Amelia Chard, '17, Beatrice, June 17, 1968. She taught in the Beatrice High school for 14 years andlaterbecamenightmanagerof the Blackstone Hotel in Omaha. She retired in 1962.

.Mrs. Eunice Munson Houk, '07, San Pedro, C.ahf., Febrt;ary 25, 1968. A gifted teacher of b!ology she mtroduced the only course in marine b1oloby ever taught in the Los Angeles city t> schools.

Charles E. Andrew,'14, Grand Island, October 3, 1968. A teacher and superintendent for 28 years, Mr. Andrew later was a field auditor in the tax department and had farming and ranching interests in Custer county.

Dr. Victor 0. Roos, '13, Redlands, Calif., June 29, 1968. A Navy veteran in World War I, he had a teaching career of l 2Yi years before re- " ceiving his medical degree and beginning the practice of medicine.

] ohn P. Sanders, fs '07, died July 27 at the Veterans Hospital in Sioux Falls, S.D. Mr. Sanders was a publisher most of his life.

] ean Wagner (Mrs. Robert) Bulger, fs '38, July 16, 1968. Survivors include her mother, .ii, Alton Clark Wagner, '35.

Lorna Hunzeker Kopecky, fs '44, Omaha, .,, September 14, 1968.

Ruth Zents(Mrs. W.B.) Jewett, 'II, Richland, Wash., 1966.

Mildred Korbell, '17, Lincoln, July 23, 1961.

Mary Wright (Mrs. G. N.) Bragg, 2 yr. '22, AB '48, Trenton, September 29, 1968, in an auto accident near Franklin. At the time of her death, she was Hitchcock county

Raymond R. Ried, 2 yr. 29, Omaha, May 16, 1968.

Ellen Erickson Henrickson, '08, Omaha, September 6, 1968.

Doris Duerfeldt (Mrs. Kenneth) Stiers, 1 yr. '29, '64, Auburn, August 13, 1968.

Ethel Snell (Mrs. E. L.) Rodwell, '08, June 1, 1965.


Josie E: Lutz, '31, Humboldt, May 26, 1968. A teacher in the schools in Sou th east Nebraska nearly 60 years, she was teaching at Pawnee City at the time of her death.

Harold W. Reed, '30, Grand Island, July 11, 1968. An educator for 38 years, since 19 56 he had been principal of Dodge Elementary school. Earlier he had served as superintendent of schools at Hebron and as Thayer county superintendent.

Manuel R. Briseno, '51, Evanston, Ill., June 11, 1968. A teacher of Spanish at Evanston High school, Mr. Briseno held a master•s from Loyola.

Robert G. Whittemore,' 29, Carson City, Nev., January 23, 1966.Hewas chief engineer in charge of the laboratory of the Nevada State Highway dypartme.nt the time of his def!_!h. _

Hobart Duerfeldt, '50, Shenandoah, Iowa, November 17, 1968. He was _principal of the Junior Hig_4 school at Shenandoah.

Verne Hayes Wright, '16,LosAngeles, October 2, 1968.

Walter W. Huber, 3 yr. '41, Memphis, Tenn., September, 1968. He had received an award for 25 years of service with the Na-yy.

Myrtle Kilmer Wintermute, '09, Friend, July 1 1968. Mabel Kilmer Miner, '09, Friend, July lS 1968. Sisters, Mrs. Wintermute and Mrs. had attended the 50-year reunion of their class in 1959. Mrs. Wintermute had attended meeting.s of the Lincoln alumni

Rachel Burns McCreery, 2 yr. 44, Colorado Springs, Colo., 29, 1968. She was actively engaged in teaClimg one week before her death.

Lloyd A. Dunlap, '41, Bowie, Md., August 12, 1968. He was lionored posthumously by the Library of Congress for his work as a scholarcurator of a lifatime of devotion to the Life of Abraham Lincoln. He was featured in the Library of Congress Information Bulletin, August 15, 1968. He had served with the Library of Congress since 1960 and was consultant in the manudivision since 1964.

Lena Hallett Ellenberger, '08, Omaha, October 9, 1968. She was a frequent campus visitor with her husband, the late S. J. Ellenberger, '12. Charter members of the Omaha chapter of Peru alumni, they attended frequent meetings of the Southern California chapter.

- Della May Borst McClellan, '98, Seattle, Wash., July 17, 1968.

Ottis Lorance (Mrs. V. L.) Strickland, '08, Manhattan, Kans., SeEtember 6, 1968.

Mone ta Logsdon (Mrs. Harry) Johnson, '18.

Maude (Mrs. Wade) Dorland, fs '63, Humboldt, June 2 3, 1968.

Margery Etter (Mrs. W.B.) Stark, '19, Western Springs, Ill.

Cora Clark, '07, Hi-awatha, Kans., July 17. 1968.

Pauline E. Kubicek (Mrs. John) Rethmeier, '09, Crete April 26, 1968.

Ethel McMaster (Mrs. Max) Baskins, '39.

Mabel Runyan, '29, August 22, 1968.

Ella Anderson, '15, Aurora, July 10, 1968. The following have been reported deceased by postal authorities:

Miss Louis F. Murp,hy, '04, Aurora.

Don Button, 2 yr. 35, North Bend.

John Paul Bennett, '21, Forest Grove, Ore.

Elbert Taylor, '07, Belvidere, Nebr.

Florence Rinehart, '16, Shenandoah, Iowa.

Mrs. BerneitaJackRuma, fs '54, Kansas City,


(continued from page 19)

or. L. Fred Thomas, • 51

Darlene Jansen (Mrs. Robert) Anderson, 2 yr. • 58

Paul c. Maxwell, fs, '57

Ruby Taylor (Mrs.

Donald) Eschen, '57, MS '61

Mr. & Mrs. Francis (sh.i rl ey Koch) Rose, •53; 2 yr. '51 will iam B. Alexander, '50

Mr. and Mrs. Loren o. (Lorraine Bippes) Schuler, '57, fs '57

Charlotte Merrit Tarr LeMaster, 2 yr. '50, '54

or. and Mrs. Lester (Esther Holmes) Russell both • 51

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. (Ruth Johnson) Gerdes, •53, 2 yr. '53

Mr. and Mrs. Ray (Rose Edelman) Ruzicka, '59, '58


Ervey John Henderson '65

viol et M. Riches, '60

Danny Kellenberger, '68

Thomas A. saunde rs, • 6 7

Donald I. Glaesemann, '65

Susan Sharp (Mrs. N. S.)

Meints, "62l.

Maxine Russel 1 (Mrs. Fay) Moore, • 63

Nora Bradley Eichenberger, • 60

Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. (Norma) Blake, "63; former staff

Lois J. Fritz, '63

Mr. & Mrs. Paul (Mary Hunzeker) Stevenson, • 66; '68

Roger Lucas, '67

Mrs. Lynda L. Stephens, '68

Jerry Jacobson, '67

Mr. & Mrs. Paul (Arlene Borcher) Fell, both '67

Ruth Farney Marshall, '67

Donald c. zartner, '68

Hazel (Mrs. Jack) Anderson, '67

oan J, Leuenberger, '65

Mrs. violet Riches, '60

Mrs. Elsie wenzbauer, '63

George R. Kalil, '67

Ronald Kelley, '63

Robert Reitz, "63


Campus of a Thousand Oaks Peru, Nebraska 68421

Cynthia Annan (Mrs. Omaha Chapter 1 Peru

Dennis) Bryant, '68 Alumni Association

Mrs. Gretchen Mattes, '62 Lincoln Chapter, Peru

Norma Pugsley (Mrs. Bernard Alumni Association

L.) Meyer, '60 Mrs. Maude J. StevenRuth Kalafut, '68 son, friend

Leona (Mrs. Cecil) Burd, '67 Otto Kotouc , friend

Carolyn Wing (Mrs. Larry) Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Law, '60 In memory of Delbert

Milan Kleopfer, 63 E. Gaines, Former staff, Mr. & Mrs. James (Kath- by friends erine Francis) Deline, In memory of Mrs. Minnie fs '65; '66 Bath by family and Gerald Bippes, '62 friends

Jeannine Ehlers (Mrs. In memory of Helen Cole

Larry) Lucas, '62 Pollard by family and Joyce Ann Carman, '61 friends

or. & M.rs. John (Rose Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clanc.y) Parl i, '62; '61 Patterson, he staff

Michael Chu, '65

Dr. and Mrs. Keith L.

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth (Leona (Martha McDougal) Christen) Dostal, '63; '61 Melvin, •32, fac; 2 Paul Henrickson, '68 yr. •32, '55

Mr. & Mrs. Larry (Norma John P. McKnight, Reiman) Clinton fs '6zi; '64 friend

Ronald Cotton, '61+ Dr. and Mrs. John Janis Mayer (Mrs. Jed) (Lillian) Christ, fac; Rood, '65 •53, MS '60

Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie united Aircraft, Inc. (Nancy) Houchin, '66; '63 Daisy Clark (Mrs. Frances Bergan (Mrs. Gerald) John) wear, friend Hardin, fs '65. Peru V.F.W. cecilia Evangelist, '67 Cleo B. Kelly, former or. Gary Olson, • 60 fac.

William C. Bowen, '68 Elma I. Gockley, former

Mr. and Mrs. William fac. (Linda Risley) Lawlor, Mr. and Mrs. George both '63 (Leta Baldwin) Devore, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley O. staff ·21 to '62; fs '15 (Barbara Johnson, women's Division, Chamber both '68 of Commerce of Nebraska

Mr and Mrs. James (Nancy city

L;,_rson) Lyons, '66, '67 or. and Mrs. Neal s. Gary Schaffer, Gomon, fac.; '65

Mr. and Mrs. oav1d N. A.V. Larson, former fac. (Linda Stephens) Gomon, or. Kent King, former fac. '65, '64 M. Allan Casey, friend Lucille Russell (Mrs Mrs. R.Q. McEnery, friend (Earl) Hicks, '60 v. w. Jones, friend vera Hays, former staff Peru Kiwanis Club

Faculty, Staff, Fri ends, Organizations, Firms

Charles A. Spacht, '17, former fac.

American Legion Post of Nebraska City

Gladys Grush, •39, MS '59, former fac.


Faculty Woman's Club

Al ice Swenson (Mrs. Hans E.) Giesecke, former fac. or. and Mrs. s. M. (Esther Delzell) Brownell, former fac; '2>

Moorey Cook, former staff

Mr. and Mrs. R. T. (Jennie) Benford, '28, former fac.; fs '51

Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Mary Riley) Bohlken, '59, fac.; '66

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Johnson, staff senator cal ista c. Hughes, friend or. and Mrs. Rex Shelley, he faculty

Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Wheeler, fo rnie r fac.

Morton House Kitchens

Donald K. earl ile, fac.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. (carol yn Schacht) Henry, '59, former fac.; •s·a

Alma Ashley, fac.

Merck Company Foundation

Louise Sheldon (Mrs. Arthur) Kregel, •31, fac.

Susan w. Norton, '94, daughter of, former president W.W. Norton. Mary L. Smith, faculty

Norma Diddel, former fac.

Mr. and Mrs. L. H. (Karlene Dougherty) Sherwood, '57, fac.; '65

Mr. and Mrs. John (Dolores)

Clark, fac.; '67

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. (Ethel}

Clayburn, former fac.; fs • 24

Al ice Kegley (Mrs. E. w.) Drake, former fac.

Beatrice Pate Yanders, daughter of former President w. R. Pate

Mr. and Mrs. Fred (Ferne) Stephens, she staff

David Riegel, fac.

Evane 11 e W. Paradise, former staff

Faye Brandt, fac.

Andrea Grainger Memorial of Lincoln Southeast High school

or. and Mrs. E.C. (Marjorie Mae Miller)

Beck, '12 former fac.; 2 yr. '12, '24, former fac.

Wal do Wil.l hoft, • 26, former fac.

Marjorie West (Mrs. Earl) Hart, 2 yr. '21, '28, former fac.

Mona Lyon Coffman, • 29, former fac.

Kenneth M. Heywood, fs '34, former fac • Mary Clarke, '45 former fac.

Rose Ullsferger (Mrs. Lawrence Bernard, • 58, MS '61, former fac.

Mr. and Mrs. Phi 1 i p (June) Rihner, '58; former s.taff

Mr. and Mrs. Daryl (Linda) Bonow, '64; former staff

Mrs. Gertrude sage, friend

Mr. and Mrs. Michael LaRocca, friends

Edna weare, former fac. Hazel weare, former fac. In memory of A.B. Clayburn, former fac., by faculty, staff and friends

Tuesday Club of Peru

or. and Mrs. George

Schottenhamel, he fac.

In memory of T. I. Friest, former fac., by faculty, friends, and staff

Non-Profit Org-c:tni.J:ction. U.S Postage PAID Permit No. 4 Peru, Nebraska Address Correction Requested
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