Summer Sessions Announcements
Summer Sessions Announcements
PE RU STATE COLLEGE PERU, NEBRASKA 68421 Volume LY No. 2 March, 1968
Peru. State Coll ege at peru is · accredited · by the North Central
.......llhan . of Coll e ges an d Secondary Schools to grant bachelor 's
•. hll lllembe
'• Teacbe r s l.p l.Il the American Associai:i.on of Co lleges Coll r ucation (formerly the American Association of Teachepa has be . • lllllller of th e_n mai.n tained since 1918. The College has been F.d)
e Ameri can Counci.· 1 o f Ed ucati.on · · · a t tar since 1947 and is -.r of th N b r of th N . e e raska Counc i l on Teacher Edu cation and a tiOll , e ational Council f or Accreditat i on of Teacher Ed -
"-hli•hed b
y Peru St t C r ~lli p . a e ollege at Peru Nebraska and enter ernu t N • • umber 4 a t Peru , Nebraska.
VI Shupe ~rm Expires 1969
· _____________ Ogallala !. LaJlC ~ 1969 . ,_ · ____ Nebraska City ----.d t.f. speocer -~Expires 1971 ------=---~-=--=-~---------- Kearney ,_s t.t. KnaPP Tenn Expires 1971 _________ Genoa
,._is S. Brown
Term Expires 1973
_ _ _ Chadron 8llfY I. Freed Tenn Expires 1973 Miller, State Commissioner of Education ------------------------ Lincoln
Alin L.arson Secretary - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _______ Lincoln . "-"er c' Jrdinator f. B. UQ.& • D. Majors Member Emeritus
- ------- - - - - Lmcoln Omaha -- - - - - -
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS r.aideot _ _ Oma af the College of Students Amociate Dean of Students
_ ________ Neal S. Gomon _______ _ _ _ Keith L. Melvin __________ Guy L. Rosenberg ____ Juanita Bradley ________ F. H. Larson
::: : i::~td~---------------===~==~=~~:=--£~ii. ~:~:z
: : : of Plaa:ment
_______ ___ Harold Johnson f'.aran.nof SJ>ecial Services - - - - - - - - - - - - Donald K. Carlile · Faye Brandt ~ger -------~ La~-;-~nce D. Ebner t of Buildings and Grounds _____________ .Delbert Gaines
~ ~~ ~Ucation
______________ Rex R. Shelley __ ____ Frederick Freeburne ~ of and Physical Education ---------------- Ervin R. Pitts ~ of Lan ory and Social Science ______ George Schottenhamel Arts -------------- Robert D. Moore -··llilOQ of Scie Arts ____________________ C. V. Siegner nee and Mathematics ________ ______ _____ John C. Christ
l>iYision of 11rne Arts
~ of Prac~~e
Calendar First Term -- J une 3 to Jul y 3 June 3, Monday - - --------- -- - June 4, Tuesday ----------- --- Cl asses Begin June 5, Wedne s day --- ---- ----- Late Registration Fee June 6, Thursday --------- ---- Final day for registrati in regis tration _ First appl ies ) June 8, Saturday - - - ---------- Class es Meet June 17, Monday -------- ------ Fina l day to apply for June 17, Monday ----------- ---First Term Workshops be June 22, Saturday---- --------- Classes Meet July 2-3, Tuesday, Wednesday-- Second men ts July 3, Wednesday -------- ---- End of First Term July 4-5, Thursday, Friday-- -- No Classes Second Term - - July 8 to August 9 July 8, Monday ------------ --- New Regis t r ations --Claa including Workshops July 9, Tuesday -------- -- -- -- Late Regis trat ion Fee July 10, Wednesday -------- --- Final day f or registrati changes (fee applie ~ ) July 15, Monday -- -- ---------- Englis h Profi c i ency Ex.. July 26, Friday -------------- Works hops end August 9, Friday -------- ----- End of Second Term Summer Cormiencement
s .Lo cati on And Facilities
fte Ca11pt1 -
. I Peru (population 1150 ) is lo ca ted in Nemaha The c1tY o M" . R. 75 ·1 . h h " lls a long the issouri iver, m1 es southeast t IP t e l r,,.a d 65 mil es south of Onaha · It is s it ua ted on Sta te el Liacoln an h "ch inter sects Federal Highway 73-75 s ix miles west Ii •Y 67 w i . e miles n orth of Auburn and fifteen mile s s outh of el Peru, £iv bra•k• City. 1 The Peru campus of one hundred acres of r o llin g oak-covere d hi ~ oYerlooks the Mi ssouri River.
In this sett in g se v e nt een
~ldinp are convenie ntly and attractively arranged , int erspersed
u well -kept
lallns, trees, shrubs, and gardens.
- r school students h3.Ve access to fully equippe d l ab -
ntcr ies, shops, s tud ios, and library. The 70,000 vo lume library, c.pletely remodeled and reoccupied in 1963, is fu ll y air con titimed.
lecreation And Ent er tainrnen t Peru's loc at i on in the rolling, wooded country along the 1&oar i RiYer 0 ff . . r ' ers many opportun1t1es for hikes and out ings . recrea ti ona I o . . . . . . ic, dr . pportun 1t1es include the intramural prog ram, . •ma tics, and . 1 . hcipat . socia dancing. Summer studen t s ma y a ls o e enJ oyable oc . . . . ea, llOYi . casions in connect1on with concerts, leees, r ec itals d . Portc ••Cla ' an convocation programs. od . sses are condu t d . . . . ea1re in . c e in sw1mm1ng and tenn1 s for those l struct1on i h •rly for r . n t ese sports. The co lle ge pool is open '1' .. 1. . e c r~a tion a I sw. . . Ptained f . lm periods. Two surfaced tennis courts S1114 or i ns true t 1· 1 t111 Cent S ona and recrea tiona I use . . er •• unune 11 c omple te I 5 ._ . r tuden ts wi 11 find the new Student Center 1 and Y air-cond it " L relaxati on .,,, ioned, a pleasant place for recrea""r 1 · •ne fac 1·I·1 1· ' oun es t es include the main dining room, ' game rooin, and bookstore .
Peru State College
The Summer Program It should be noted that the su11111e r prog . . . ram 18 cliyi five-week terms with registration possible for 11.d one or~ Courses--The course offerings are essentially the given in the regular academic year. Many cours .... es are re,_ summer while others for which the demand ia 8 ._ll . , are al and made available every second or third Slllllller. Advantagu--Students oay continue their college •ork •Piai.il11i l summer in order to shorten the time necessary to c la q~ir~ments for a degree. Hig~ school graduates oussion and plan to start their college work in the • ....._ well as in the fall. Teachers may return or be admittell sufficient credit to renew their certificates or to qulifr higher level of certificate. Returning veterans IBY begia t i nue the i r college study during the summer. Credi t--Students may enroll for the maximum of ais (') credit in each five week term--twelve (1'2) hours for batl No request for an overload can be honored. Attendance--TherP should not have to be a specific poll attendance other than to emphasize that with the eaaential ation of course work in all classes during a sunmer tera, il perati ve that students plan for punctual attendance in all
Students who have not previously matriculated . ...-:tted rolled in Peru State C.Ollege and now wish to be a...... · t dy on th• first college study or to advance t h eir s u . h R istrar'• previous transfer record, must contact t e eg l in advance of the registration day. If admission • at Peru State, I vancement to and completion o f a degree l licatioo for portant to request and complete a forma app . llal8 d/ revious co supplemented by high school recor d an or P . • arial o these prelilllJJl official transcripts. Advisement as t s hared upon early inquiry• . l reparto . . Recor d -- A medics f ~. Medical and Au d toaetr1c . d s part o 8 • of examination by a doctor, is require a ~as . . . . lication for a . form for this is included in the app t haY!lll . f the studen be reques t ed separately in case 0 t fher& . h. dical repor • credit in the college without t is me
Peru S .t a te College
relative to this record which means ~ hat obse rve d been filed six or more years ago, the s~ueport h as . ,, ~ la•t r omplete a new form. Hence, at the time of " . uired to c . .a•.c 11 req . tra tion report first at the health center for _. . and regi.s ' ...... lJ.118 d'1 metric tes t. . .., 11rief au ~ H' gh school graduate s will receive full admisAtl 11 . sion·· i fill • l assif ication with a minimum of 160 hours freshman c ai" to h rs) or 16 units from a four-year high school 1 semester ou (. .OO d ti.on of the high school principa 1 or superintlie recoanen a . . . ... h h no specific distribution of the entrance units ...... t Alt oug ' · t is recommended that at least half of the units II 91Ce1aary, 1 . . . nt wor k in English, foreign language, mathematics, ..,.ed re pre se •twa l science, and social science. COlllli tional l dais sion--Students who have completed 150 hours (ediool iemester hours) or 15 units, the equiva lent of high school .,.nation, are admit ted to freshman classificati on on the condiU• that their work proves satisfactory during the first year in collep. Appropriate college courses may be recommended in fields re the student i s def icient upon admission. Mature individuals o are not high school graduates but who are otherwise prepared . . rec-nded for college work, may be admitted as special stu• t i, For this la tter type of student there may be administered 1 collep aptitude test and/or the General Education Development (CB>) tut in J. ud g 1ng · th e in · d iv1 · · d ua l' s qua l i· f i· c ations · f or a d mis·
.UHnccd Standing--Applicants for admission as transfer stu-
::\a ~t
have all transfer credit reported officially for evalu• Pl'lor to the t · f . . . . ...... ime o counse 1mg and registrat ion. If seeking 1111 •hi le unde b · . lltilfa r pro at ion, or being dismissed because of unad ~t.,~y scholarshi p, or other reasons, at the last college, . •11a1on status '8hc1 no. . wil l be "on probation", if accepted. The c in effect h on transfer credit submitted is that approved
..,.,,, •hazz
..,~ •• ungra;:; a
grade of 'C" (or equivalent) and higher to be le credi t t d d ... . '•11tnt. at this owar s a egree . Hence , the student's - . . _ of 30 h coll ege will determine the stat us and that a • our s rn b ust e earned in resident st udy for the de-
ion to T
eacher Ed ucation · Curriculum ·
lll'e the Colle . hiDI for ge permits a student into student teaching or 1 ad · a new cert ·f · llltted to th i icate, the prospec tive teache r must e Teacher Education Curricu lum as provided
Peru Sta t e Col l ege
at PP~u State. This a dmi ssion proc ed · ure 1nclud the Head of the Di v ision of Educ ation· h . ea •pPJ • • av1ng the -..,1health, persona l ity , char acte r schola h " requiai • rs lp; and be " 108 ~ by a committee . Du ring t he reg ular acad . em1c Year b" procedu re shoul d be an ti ci pated befor th t la e e end of L_ sophomore year . t..., a
Studen t Teac h ing or Se a i nar--An opportunit . . . h y for atudea or senunar 1n t e s unme r pr ogram is essent · ll . . t la Y h1111ted in elementary education. To be eligib le for the . to . d . . ae1111nar ( tl.on to a ml.SSl.On to the t;eacher education • la curriculwa) ti. must submit evidence o f t wo year s of successful t h"' eac log and completion of 45 se me ste r hour-; ,,.~ c ollege work . the two years of experienc e must have been duri b ng t e paa years, or two years within t he past ten years A 1· • PP lcati• student teaching or seminar i n the sunmer program muat Ila
the Head of the Uivision of Edu c ation at least three •eeb
to the official registration day. Ckily students advancil, degree at Peru State can be c ons idered and approved for tion in student teaching or seminar .
Certificate for Teaching All certificates and rene wa ls of certific ates in are issued by the State Commissioner of Educat ion upon re ti on or advisement from your co lle ge. Essentially the • - ii as to certification in other states. For this college to recommendation your record must i nclude all college houri, sive of any other institutions attended, and you must Ila admitted into the teacher educa t i on curricu lum. Credits I tificate renewals must apply t owards fulfi lling the r·ecrllil'i91.., of the next higher certificat e or a degree . ApplicatiOD : required in Nebraska, I owa, a nd Kansas are accessib.le ii Registrar's Office but i°f interested in other states it. h ppropri•• sary to make direct inquiry and request t o t e a Ill ertificate to C department of education. Do n ot expect a . · · script··it or renewed merely be send1ng an off1c1al tran f .. . . . d . red state accompan1ed by completed appl1cat 1on an requJ. . hat I . ·mperat1ve t Approved Progra• of Studies-- t ls 1 ·ficat•• . . hi her cert1 seeking renewa I of a cer t1f1cate or a g Th 1. 8 ~-· . · Purpose · . program of studies approved f or t h l.S d iJ1 h t prepare the same as having an acadeaic prog r e s s s ee . coll•.. 8 application for admission if he a lso has previou her to . Th e responsi.. b 1. l i. ty re s t s w1· th the te. ac a eva l uati.on. intain 811 ma d tification requirements and t o ha ve an
Peru Stat e College
le e work towar ds a degree.
. ,bee t Oil co A gPe ru State t he responsi. b.i 1 ity of approving or ,..., ent· - t t,.Jor•e• . f . d persons for c ertification , has been de le-
. qua 1i ie ___ nd10 g . . t "ve Council whic h passes on the applicant ' s ,..... Ad 01 ctra i ttd to mi - . ·onal qualifica tions, and his character and fl d pr ofess1 _.-.ic an her All applicants should note that by meet-
8 5 a teac · ctll"tence . s cholas tic requirements does not mean that one will .. gradua ~ionl r ecomme nded for certif ication. All applirations · t h e Regis· a1tCJllau cal . Y · t he summer should b e su b mi· t te d in t ificat1on in flt cer . l as t two weeks pri or tn t he end of either term uar'a office at e
ti earo!lment.
Field Of Concentration All studen ts advan cing to a degree s hould f ollow requirements ti cata log in e ffect at time of matriculation or later, and the applies as to fi eld of concentration unless the degree may .. in Elementary Education. Effective as o f September, 1961, for at.dents 1111triculating then and later in t he Elementary Education Pl'lllJ'&•, there ar e a number of revisions t o be noted and followed
acceaa to the general catalog. In add it ion to the professional, ICade•ic , and general e ducation requ ireme n t s , there must he completed four acade mic fie lds of concentrati on with at least 24 hours ill cae u d 15 hours in t hree for the degr ee.
Grading Syst em A nine point gr d . . ity of th a i ng system is e mp l oyed to evaluate the quale studen t' s ac h ievement . .
llennitting credit:
.... -~
Percentage Equivalents : ~tiona1 95-100 , vllperior 90- 94 I ~i Good 85- 89 I Ag Average 80- 84 t i.::,rage 75- 79 I Bel Average 70- 74 I Pooow Average 6569 .. J>as:ed 6064 Tli not graded ~
. Markm g to designate failure and other irregula rities : F
F ailing-Below 60% I ncom plete • Authorized withdrawalpassing work at time Aut horized withdrawalfaili ng work at time Not graded
e gr a d
ea ·l.n n urnb r hau r of . ers as above indicat e t he value of ea c h credi t and al i_ grade . so become the means for calculating _.ahi Poi nt aver (GPA) P St andards. age to compa re with prevail i ng
'tiiden t ' a
Peru State College
Degrees Bachelor Bachelor Bac helor Bachelor
of of of of
Arts in Education (AB 1· ~. . . · · n LCJuc,) Science in Educati on (BS · ~' . . . • ·lb "'CIUc,) Fine Arts in Education (B FA . Arts (A.B.) ' ' ·lD f'-duc.)
Bachelor of Science (B.S. ) 1he baccalaureate degree i s awarded upon COllpletica scribed four-year program in the cu rren t general C•tal vious catalog if normal progress has been made · a:uice • in the college. Normal progress towards the d egree ia- · --and means the completion of at least 30 semester hoar . f " . . • ., ~ a ive-year period including attendance for a full 1... one sunmer or one semester. In case n orma l progreu ia the student must follow requirements in t he most recent 1he baccalaureate degree has these s pecific reqni
°' •
a. Minimum total of 125 semester ho urs with a c111111 11verage of at least 5.25 for degree in e ducat ion ud S other degrees. b. Proficiency in English and Mathematics as e-riclea& examination or satisfactory completion of required courae . c. Upper-division hours (300 and 400 to to t al 40 hours. d. Minimum of 30 semester hours of r e s ident stncly the coll ege and not more than 6 hours in t he senior year earned in correspondence and extension study or in snot.lier e. Correspondence and extension study hours one-fourth of the total hours and of this numbe r the co study alone cannot exceed one-eighth of the total hoar•• . Education . . h P lans to teacla, f. For a degree in wit .
dent must be duly admitted to the t eacher educatlOll With a minimum GPA of 5. 25 on record to date at . · n tests..,. student clears this admission by app 1ic at1o • / . . . . . aching a11diflfl This admission is prequis1te to student te
Pei:'. . ,
or.nt for certification. f r 1 g. Elementary education must have at least ou f 15 hour•• concentrations, one of 24 hours and three o . d teach1DI• h. A degree in education for secon ary a& d concentr A.B. and B.S. degrees, requires an approve . Ids• catalog and the indicated supporting field or fie . . Wh en registered . i. for t he f"ina l degree requ1r fee 15 plication for graduation with payment of the S
Pe ru S t a t e College
. tar's office . Comp l ia n ce i s n ecessa r y with i n the Re gis r . · ted to f the 10-week summe r s es s ion • .,, we e ks o _.. fir•t two . h ors are con ferre d o n bacca l a ur ea t e degr ee duati on on . . j . Gra rned at least 60 hour s rn t hi s c oll ege . The who have ea . _,didates as follows: 8.50 - 9.00 , With Hi g hes t Di s c nd honor are . . . attr•ge a B 49 With High Distinct ion ; 7.2 5 - 7.9 9 , Wi t h
. on. 8. 00 -
Placeme nt Bur eau rreintain s a Placement Office where the p ri mary moPeru Sta te . . ssist students and alunmi in secu ri ng des irab l e t eachu we u to a . . . . · s While graduates a re not guarant e ed pos i tions , in iag po11 uon · . . recent yea rs th e offi ce has received more ca l ls fo r Peru-tra i ned te1chers than ~ an be met. This office a lso maintains contact with .
luiness and indu stry in order to fi nd openings fo r Per u students 0
are trained for career s in business .
The fee for joinin g the Placement Bureau and having c r e den tials assembled or brou ght up to date is five dollars ( $ 5 .00) for 1
year. Graduate s hav e accepted the Placement Bureau as a q u ick
ua economical
servic e for securing the best possib l e teac h ing
poaitiou or in line wi th their training for another career .
Graduate Cou rse s Graduate cour ses are offered ch iefly to certification pur"9ea. The stude nt who wishes to transfer g raduate credit to a :ldaate colle ge, should consult with the Dean of the College at ; • State as we l l as the appropriate official in the graduate
co le~ to •hi ch tlle er e d it · is · to be transfe rred .
Li-ting A
ccomm oda tions
Requests for i
Oi ning Service
. . . . . • ring ~ n ormation concerning living accommodations e su111ner t . • erms, either co llege-operated dormitories and "-s or oth er f . l. . ..._ of St d aci ities in Peru, should be directe d to the u ents <men) h llt 1 1.d or t e Associate Dean of Students (women).
li•in I •cconrnod trice Ha I ls- -The college residence halls offer attractive . lli,. " at ions for the greatest convenie nce on the campus.
orgGll Ha l l for tude women, under the s upervision of the Associate • too. •rrangnts , has d accommoda t ions for two or three students t .:> •f tlie e as comb · · hall m ination sleeping and st udy room. Residents Ust fur ni h l. 1 ·Delze ll H s inens, blanket s, towels, a nd dr esser ..P•t•ision all for men provides exce llent facilities under of the D ean of Student s. Rooms are arranged as
.. of
PeruState College
combination sleeping and study rooms for two or a room, Residents of the hall must furni sh bed and towels . .4part11ents--Several one and two-bedroom apart menta are to married students in Oak Hill Apartments owned by • · the co I nformat1on a bout t h ese apartments may be requested frOll ~f the Dean of Students. tile
Dining Services--The air-conditioned college dining rOClll Student Center is open to all student s. Students liTia residence halls receive their meals i n accordance with : : listed hereafter. Commuting students and others 1111y purch... at a low rate. The Snack Bar located in the same buildiag b for lunches and snacks at stated hours.
Board And Room Charges Each five-week tera Board and Room (5-day week) . . (All meals Monday through Friday ) Three-week Workshop Board and Room (5-day week) . . . . . (All meals Monday through Friday) All rates apply when two students occupy a room. occupancy, when available, add$40.00 foreac h $24.00 for three-week workshop. Board and room charges are due and payable at the
Deposit for Doraitory Reservation A deposit of $25.00 must accompany application for tion (form available from Dean of Studen ts or Registrar), fund of deposit will be made at the end of the first or&f term less deducation for any misuse of dormitory proper., · 1 to tak• deposit is not refundable if the student f al s "ch for wh1 dence in the residence hall for the fu 11 term tion was made.
Tuition . hie for the • Tuition charges and other fees app 1ica . U . of reg1atr• gistration are payable in cash at the time . . for c . ovis1on beginning of the session. There is no pr . student on a credit or accounts receivable basis.
Peru State Coll e ge
( Under gradua te)
feeli Ter• . _..a. Ti•'" h ur . • . . ,..aiester 0 • Pet se Ter• (Gradua t e)
Ti•'"'''lc st er hour . Per ae•
ial fees . •triculauon
• . . .
Ru ident Resident
$25 . 00
. . . ..... Sl4 . 00
S25 . 00
(paid onl y once --fi rst r egistration
in c ollege) . · · • · • • • • · • · r Fee ( e ach five-week term or thre.e t Student Ce n e week wor k shop ). . • . . • • • Late Registration ( after first day of cl ass es) . . . .
Oiange of Registration (after second day of cl asses) . Applied t.\Jsic, per l esson . · · · · • (No charge for pr ivate instructi on to studen t s
s .5.00 5. 00 5.00 3. 00 1.50
with Mu s ic as a concentration as per cata log) Transcript of Reco rds (after first free copy) • ••
1. 00
Graduation Fe e Baccalaureate De gr ee (includes r en ta l of a c ademic gear for conmencemen t )
lefands For With drawals Proportionate r efunds will be made t o s t udents withdrawing fra. the college within a given period. The matriculation and stu. .t
center fees wi ll no t be refunded un less collected in error.
1\e following schedule applies in mak in g refunds on offi c ial tlidrawala: Firs t week . . • Second week . . Aft er second week
f 8-11 llltd rooa re f nd
80% 50% .non e
. 11
' - cc Ue u s wi he !lllde if a student must withdraw · ge, In ca s 0 f lfed t o e s uch withdrawal the stude nt will be re· la pay charge s t h ' . In t e end of the week in which. withdrawal '4li 1 case of ill 1 • tUdent h . ne ss • the board only wi 11 be refunded pro1- lie as llUssed t l . ( ) . la • flllld •ill a east five 5 consecutive days of 'II, 'I\. he pror t d · •q 12s.oo a e in accordance wi th the unused por· - .. , . r oom depos . t . . . ---itallll of i is refundable in f ull at such time e . r oom and e . Coii:'ditiOll, quipment have been che cked and rep orted
Ir ~
OJ>erated housin . la, 'Ihe 12S g for married stude nts is rented on a 0 ' O deposit, payable ir1 advan ce on such hou s -
Peru State College
inv unit, is refundable when the u ni"t is · vacat d o rooms and equipment are left in g ood condition: ,proyi
Planning Your Regis t r atio n 1bis bulletin includes t he Cl as s Schedule · in order student may anticifate and p l an hi s s urrrner progralll . . . l . . I h. Prior day o f o ff ic1a reg1strat1on. n t i s connec tion some . . d . . l pert formation and a vice are essenti a and should be noted care part of the registration.
Student Classification - -A student must correctly id•
use his classification on the basis o f the completed crecli corded in this College. 1bis means that if you hne •cWi credits elsewhere and plan to comp l e te the degree in thi a ..........,...,,..• al 1 such credit must be officially transferred as the -illi~ your classification. However, if you a re enrolling for c:Mirl!Mflii;;I be transferred elsewhere upon comp l e t i on and do not hne a t ive record in this College of all completed credits, you fication should be indicated as unclass ified (Uncl.), Your . .. ..,,. classification in this College is dete rmined as follow1 : Freshman -- less than 30 hours Sophomore
30 through 59 hours
Junior -- 60 through 89 hour s Senior -- 90 through 125 hour s, until completica of Post-Graduate-- undergradu ate an d/ or graduate C ,_ ..~:>t supplementing de gree. · o f C ourses-- E , ac h cour se ha s a number •d• •P, N ua b ering propriate abbreviations as to Divi sion and numerical dip
this significance:
1- 99 Unclassified 100-199 Freshman ) Lower200-299 Sophomore) Division _._., f mer atuAccounting for your Progress-- As a or
· s coll•• State l\Jld/or as a transfer student wi t h previou .. record evaluat it is important that you have the full . d you in the c academic progress sheet prepared to gui e . he the degree. 1he academic progress She et outlines t . 1 ducatiOll• as per a basic general catalog for genera e tiolto · 1 educ• tion with supporting field, and professiona . di• . . d d main taine nal of this worksheet is retaine an 1be P . trar' s office and may be note d or c h e eked out. l pro . . · ing raor-4 is in effect while a student is maintain
a degree.
Peru State Colle g e
seling an
d Pre-Registra tion -- Prior to May 15
. · ting sunmier enro llment at Peru State and havts anucipa . . . Studen d on file with evaluation (academic progress . full recor ;., their ds de gree, may take a dvantage of pre-registration 8 , tower ~e· Cl Schedule and Pre-Regi s tration Form along with Note the ass . }.. t . n f orma tion in the bulletin. 1 pert111111 f ' t a facult y counselor or the appropriate diviContaCt irs 2• ur area of concentration to g ain a dvis e ment / ap.• bead as to yo 11 l f 8 personal schedu le• ~ s.:i,.it your appr oved schedule and personal informati on ( form
,,_·bulletin) to the Registrar's office where class cards may be d fo r you No response is made if all cards are reserved
• tyoulllst pnpear on June 3 or later in line with your schedule
'° ccmplete official
regis tra tion. Seek coun seling and advance pre-registrati on only when you r
plau are defini te so you need not request a change or withdrawal.
5-er School Check List 1. IF you have not applied and been admitted to the Teacher
Curriculum as required for recommendation in certifica-
t~~· ~ontact 1
the lle ad of the Division of Education early for app C.hon and ad · ~ v1 sement , This is usually cleared as early as the re Year upon h · l 2 IF av1ng comp eted at least 45 hours. . ......' l Your first e nro 11 ment in the college was on or after Sep. r • 1957 • i t i . 1-ttion be l s requ ired that an Engl ish Proficiency Exam c eared or if f . l d b ttation • a1 e , e followed by a remedial course. llUst he giv h. CG!ipleted En . en to t ls as a sophomore st udent and having g 1ish Co · · 3. IF mpos1t1on. 30 Your Pr ogr llOQra in th . ess to a degree has not been normal (at l east f 11 e 1 mmediat f · Belleater' e ive year period and with at least a 1..t. s or summer' l d . lOQ •ith s oa included), you must request relie a new acad . Dta. em1c progr ess sheet on the current re-
t. IF
Your me d . lcal and d. a or lllore au lometrir. reports have been on file .._. at the Stud -d advan ent Health \..enter , you must request a ce a renewal l . a ong with the next e nr o llment. ,._.
Peru State College
First Enrollment at Peru State If you plan to enroll as a new student in the 8 note that there are preliminaries such as applicationu..._ together with official record of high school and / for 1or Pre lege study. It is recommended that you make early c the Registrar's Office relative to your interest and background while inquiring as to the preliminaries n your admission. Perhaps, you plan to pursue college at plement your enrollment in another institution and â&#x20AC;˘ill visement from there to seek a course or two. If f 80 Personal Class Schedule form (in this bulletin) for your college and send it here along with advisement of est and plans. If you seek admission following high 8
ation, write as to this and you will be advised on prel in your case. It is important as a new student that yoa first contact with the college at least by the first order to expect clearance for enrollnent in the sumaer
Summer Program 1968:
Ffrst Term-- June J - July J Second Term -- July 8 - August 9
P e r u
Peru, Nebraska 68421
THE CLASS SCHEDULE is arranged by Divisions providing for five IDO-illinute periods daily. Undergraduate and limited graduate courses appear in the one Class Schedule. The normal registration load per term is five semester hours but a maximum load of six hours may be approved.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CODE ----------TO BUILDINGS (Rooms) USED IN THE SCHEDULE: CODE TO CLASS PERIODS USED IN THE SCHEDULE: Regular Number l 2
3 (Noon 4
- 8:40 - 10:30 - 12:20 - 1 :00) 1 :00 - 2:40 2:50 - 4:30
7:00 8:50 10:40 12:20
Shortened (for Convocation) Number Time 1 2
7:00 - 8:20 8:30 - 9:50 10:00- 10:50 11 :00 - 12:20 12:20 - 1 :00)
Convo 3
(Noon 4
1:00- 2:40 2:50 - 4:30
Your compliance on this procedure in line with the advisement in the bulletin will reserve class cards for you to facilitate your final and official registration on June 3 if you plan for classes to begin on Tuesday, June 4. With the registration headquarters arranged in the gymnasium on Monday, June 3, please make every effort to appear then to complete registration. You will realize that your appearance later in the Administration Building presents problems as to space and convenience in completing registration forms and paying fees. If you cannot gain counseling and approval of a personal schedule as pre-registration prior to May 15, please avoid contacting staff members until June 3. PRE-REGISTRATION~
be advanced prior
Ad - Administration Aud - Auditorium Ed - Education (formerly Campus School) FA - Fine Arts Center Gym - Gymnasium IA - Industrial Arts lib - Library Sc - Science Hall StCen - Student Center
v i s i o n
tl o .
Educ Educ Educ Educ
103 300 303 336
Educ Educ
350 405
Psych Psych Psych Psych
\ 121 121
Psych Psych
' 401
\201 302
\i+oB I
Ed u c a t i o n
TERM 1 TERM 2 De artrne nt. Course Title . Laboratory, etc . Sec Peri od No Peri r,d ilo EDUCATION Kindergarten Education •••••••••••••••••• • 3 Foundations of Education ••••••••••••••• •• 3 Elementary School Curriculum (Innovations) 2 Dia gnostic & Remedial Reading Workshop ••• 4 5 (Offered in 3 weeks of June 17-July 3) The Junior High School 2 Teaching in the Elementary School: Unit 2 - Socia 1 Sci enc es •••••••••••••••• 2 4 Unit 3 - Mathematics & Science ••••••• • •• Unit 4 - Management ••••••••••••••••••••• 1 4 5 ]Instructional Media Workshop ••••••••••••• (Offered in 3 weeks of July 8-26) Seminar in Student Teaching--Elementary •• 2 3
PSYCHOLOGY General Psychooogy ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 General Psychology •• •••••• • •••••••••••••• 2 Human Growth & Deve 1opment •••••• • •••••• • • The Disadvantaged Child Workshop • • ••••••• (Offe r ed in 2 weeks of August 5-16) Educ at i onal Psycholo gy • •• • •• • •• •• ••• ••••• Met hods of 1eachin g t he Traina bl e Men ta 11 y Retarded •••• • •••••••••••• (Offered in 2 weeks of August 5-16) lntroduction to Mental Retardation .••••• • l\enta\ Hea\th Hyg1ene Workshop ••••••••••• lOfferecl fo 3 - • • of July 8-26) Pr1..c1p1es • Pr.cttces of Gu1danc• Wor (Ofr-.a '" J - - . of .NM 17-July J)
Da v s
Ed307 Ad1D5 Ad302 Edl 10
Psych 121, 201 15 hrs Educ
Edi 10
M T WT F 3
Psych 121, 201
Ed307 Ed307 Ed307 Ed307
M T T F 2 Staff M T WT Staff MT W F 2 Staff M T T F 2 Staff
M T WT F 4
4 5 Ed102 4 4
Staff Staff Staff
Ed l02
3 3
3 Staff
Ed307 Ad102 1 Ed307 2 3 4 5 FA212
Hrs Cr
Ad)02 Ad302
3 Staff 3 Staff 3 Staff 3 St af f
M T W T F 3 Staff
.' ' ' '} ' """ MT Wr F H T WT F
Staff Staff
(Psych 201 (Psych 401 (Educ 300 1245hr Y.r tch exp, t ,Perm1
fPsych 121 fPsych I 21 ,201
r•ych 201 Psych IZl,201
TEllM I I TIEllM 2 0eo11r t-n t. Course Tf tre. l•bor•torv. etc. SecfP•!,fod No l Perfod No
I. MI Drawi ng l Des fgn l
Ar t Art
Mus Mus Mus Mus Mus
Mus Mus Mus
D •
Dept. P E
p E
p p p P p
't1llill Fundamenta ls of Music •••••••••••••••••••• Fundamentals of Music •••••••••••••••••••• Class Pfano ···••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Class Pfano •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Elementary Music Materials ••••••••••••••• Music Appreciation ••••••••••••••••••••••• Applfed Musfc--Pfano Applies Music--Brass, Woodwinds, Percussio f
8 10
2o4 205 215 315 419G
••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••• • •••••••••••••••• •• • • ••• ••• •••••••
Appr ecf e tfon • •••••• ••• • •• •• • •• • •••••• fxp loretf on ••••• •• •• • •••• • •••• ••••• ••
FA 205 FA20S FA20S 1FA2 05
1 2
4 3 4
Arranged Arranged
Arranged Arranged
Da v •
\""• , tr\
MT II T F H T 11 T F HT 11 T H T II T F
Staff Staff Steff Staff
) )
2 )
FAl 11 M T WT F 3 FAii 1 M T W T F 3 FAl 11 M T 1 FAl 11 M T 1 FAl 11 MT W T 2 FAl 11 MT W T 2
Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff
FAl 13 FAl 10
1 1
Staff Staff
Hrs Cr
p h
TERM 1 TERM 2 etc. Sec Period No Period No
Department . Course Title Laboratory PHYS !CAL EDUCATION Folk Dance ••••••••••••••• •••• •• ••• •••• ••• Golf (Men & Women) ••••••••• • ••••••••••••• (Sunrner membership in Auburn Country Club) Sw!11111i ng (Men & Wanen) ••••• • ••• •• ••••••••
Da v s
M T WT Gym Auburn M w
4 5
Pool Courts Gym Scl05 4 5 FA211
Tennis ••••••••••••• ••• • •• •• ••••••• •••••••
Physical Education Activities ·••••••••••• Hea I th • , •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••• First Aid Workshop ••••••• • ••• •••••••••••• (Offered in 3 weeks of July 8-26 ) Community Recreation••••••••••••••••••••• Or~anization & Administration of hysical Fitness Programs • . • •• • • •••••••
1 3
1 Staff 1 Staff
T WT I Sta ff T WT 1 Staff T W T F 2 Staff T W T F 3 Staf f T W T F 3 Sta ff
3 Staff
Lib B M T W T F 3 Sta ff
Permission Permission SIC
ouc Pr er eQuisite
v i s i o n Oe t.
Hist Hi st Hist Hist
113 114 201 202
Geog Geog Geog
101 102 326
Hi s t o r
o c i
S c i e n c e TERM 1 TERM 2 etc , Sec Period No Period No
De artment Course Tit le Labor a tor HISTORY History of the U.S. to 1865 • • ••••• •• ••••• History of the U.S. since 1865 ••••••••••• World Civilization to 1500 ••••••••••••••• World Civilization since 1500 •••••••••••• GEOGRAPHY Principles of Geography (Lab arranged) ,,, Economic Geography (Lab arranged) ••• • •••• Conservation of Natural Resources Workshop (Offered in 3 weeks of July 8-26) Hodern Problems of Conservation Wor.kshop (Offered in 3 weeks of June 17-July 3)
ECOllOMICS !Economic History of the U.S. ••• • •••••••••I
3 rtaff Staff 3 Staff 3 Sta ff
Sc203 Sc203 4 5 Sc203
M T WT F M T WT F 11 T W T F
3 Staff 3 Staff 3 Staff
3 Staff
1 1
4 5
Inst r uc t or
Da v s
Ad105 M T W T Adl05 M T W T Ad105 M T W T Ad105 M T W T
Hrs Cr
!Ad102 111 T WT Fl
3 lstaff
Ad102 Ad l 02
11 T W T F H T WT F
3 ISt aff 3 Staff
FA105 Ad102 Adi OS Lfb E
3 Staff 3 Staff 3 Staff
PrereQuisi te
!Geog 326
Govt Govt
1201 202
\Ameri can National Goverrvnent • •• •••••••••• American Sta t e & Local Governme nt • •• •• •• •
li!l!;l !JL!Jli:t Soci al Sci ence .................... .... .. , . Social Science •• , ........ , • , , .......... , , Principles of Sociology • ••••• • ••••••••••• Contemporary Social 'Political Problems •• lOffered I n ) .,..ks of July 8-26) Marriage ' Parenthood .... . ............... Jl!m.
3 1 I 3
4 2
FAIOlt Lfb I
'/' °"
•• sec: IP'-
Introduc t fon t o Lf ter a tur e .•• . .• • .. . . . ..• Nebraska Lf ter atur e • • · ••••• • • • • • • •••••• • • lean Liter at ur e I .......... ...... ... . Amer ican Liter ature II ••.......•.•. • ..•.•
FAIOlt FAIOlt FAl05 FAI04 FA104 FA104 FA105
Ame r
\Ena IOI
11 11
Speh Speh Speh Speh
0 i v i
Dep t .
254 353
o n
123 124 226 228 23 1 329 337 338 340
~ntals of Speech .... , ............ .. Public Speaking •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Speech Correction & Development •••••••·•• Speech Correction Workshop ··• • ••••• • ••••• (Offered in 3 weeks of June 17-July 3) o f
Prac t ica
4 2
4 5
FA105 FA105 M T W T F 3 Staff FA105 'M 'T ' W'T 'F\ l3 \····· Staff FA105 M T W T F 3 Staff
TERM 1 TERM 2 etc. Sec Period No Period No Room
Department Course Title Laboratory HOME ECONOMICS Home Furnishings ..... .... .... .. .......... INDUSTRIAL ARTS Woodworking Technology I ••••••••••••• • ••• Woodworking Technology II •••••••••••••••• Photography I (Lab arranged) ••••••••••••• Fundamenta ls of Industrial Arts •••••••••• Industria l Crafts I •••••••••••••••••••••• Industr ial Crafts II ··••••••••••••••••••• Dr i ver Educ & Traff ic Safety I (Lab arr) .• Safety Education ......................... Driver Educ & Tr affic Safety II (Lab arr) .
4 1 2 1 2 3 3 4 1 2 1 2 1
4 1
Hrs Cr
Da v s
M T WT F 3
IA 2 IA 2 IA23 IA24 IA24 IA24 IA29 IA29 IA29
Ins t r ue tor Staff
Sta ff St af f St aff Staff Staf f St a ff St a ff 3 Sta f f 3 Staff
3 3 3 2-3 3 3 3
Prerequ i site
IA 123
IA 231 IA 337
Di v i s i o n Dept.
o f
S c i e n c e
& Ma t h e m a t i c s
TERM 1 TERM 2 Laboratory, Etc. Sec Period No Peri od No
B ol B ol B ol
101 102 407G
Er Sc
Department Course Title BIOL OGY General Biology--Plan t (Lab arranged) ••• • General Biology--Anima l (Lab ar ranged ) ••• Human Physiology ••••••••••••••••••••••••• (Offered in 3 weeks of July 8-26) .E.8llJ:j ill.E.liU Earth Science·• •••••••••••••• •• ••• ••••• . •
Da y s
Hrs Cr
Sc304 M T W T F 3 Staff Sc3o4 M T W T F 3 Staff 4 5 Sc304 M T W T F 3 Staff
M T W T F 3 Sta ff
6 hrs Biol
6 hrs lab sci
G Sc G Sc G Sc
201 202 499G
Math Math
100 200 SEMINARS June 17 •
Biological Science ••••••••• •• •••• •••••••• Physical Science ••••••••••••• • •••• ••••••• Aerospace Science Workshop •••••••••••• ••• (Offered in 3 weeks of July 8-26) MATHEMATICS Basic Mathema tics •••••••••••••••••••••••• Basic Concepts of Mathematics •••••••••••• ~WORKSHO PS
1 3
Sc301 M T W T F 3 Staff Sc301 M T W T F 3 Staff 4 5 Edl 10 M T W T F 3 Staff Sc105 M T W T F 3 Staff Sc105 M T W T F 3 Staff
Ayguat 5 • Augy at 16
Educ 336--0fegnoitfc & Remedfel Reeding (3 hour i ) P1ych 432G--Prfncfple1 & Prect1cea of Gufdence (3 houri) Geog 426·-~dern Problem• of Conaervet1on (3 houri Speh 353·-Speech Correction (3 hour a)
(A Sunmery fran the Cla11 Schedule)
Jy ly 3
.1y1y a • 26 l4lac ~08-·lnatruct10ftll\
, , _ , . , Auli, ..
Kedia (2 houl:•) ..,,111•\ MllWl',•1•) (J "-•>
...,...._. ., ""'"' ..... _
P1ych 302--The Of1edventeged Chf Id (3 houri) P1ych 408--Methodl of r .. chfng the Trefneble Hentelly Reterded (2 houra)
Second Term:
_ __,_J_-_----_--C~ _ ~-
Che ck Da y s
K\T \W\l' \F
June 3 - July 3
July 8 - August 9
- -
-T--r --1 I I
*PERIODS: 1 begins 7:00; 2 beg~ns 8:50; 3 begins 10:40; 4 begins 1:00; 5 begins 2:5C BE SURE to indicate if any courses are REPEAT.
ÂŁ2!:. preljmjoary plaonjng of your personal schedule use pencil Reviewed and Approved by: to permit changes if necessary later. For pre-registration approval of courses contact your counselor at Peru State or your college (if not transferred) before directing this comCollege~~~~~~~~~~~-Â pleted form to the Registrar. Personal Inforrnation form on reverse side also required. Other Approval (if necessary) by: 1.f you do not identify~ counselor at Peru State, contact the division head in your field of concentration. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUESTED PRIOR TO MAY 15. If not possi~le, please appear on Monday, June 3.
_ ___.,......._
Name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Address
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _- - - . . . . . . _ . _ - . . _ -
CHECK ONE of the following to designate your s t atus as a sunrner school student at Peru State College: 1. First college enrollment--only high school education previously. 2. Former student at Peru $tate w;th complete record on file. 3. Previous college enrollment elsewhere and now transferring full record to Peru State. 4. Plan surmier enrollment only with approval frOli1 another college to transfer record out. 5. Other status-IF PREVIOUSLY ENROLLED IN PERU STATE, complete the following: Year of matriculation Name used at that time Current record -- Completed in Peru State •• hours) Hence, my r~cord should account for t Completed elsewhere •••••• hours) total of hours. Current enrollment ••••••• hours) PLANNED CONCENTRATION {maj or) in with supporting field(s ) in ~ ~EOlCAL ANO AUOlOMETRIC REPORTS: When completed and filed at Peru State? I ttOUSlNG RESERVATION: Oo you wish On-Campus Roan and Board application? ! (For off-campus housing information, contact the Dean of Students.) l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mo t e \
The above Personal Information fs requested ff you are submfttfng an • Peraonal Claaa Schedule (reverse afde) prfor to ,.., IS. Read ' n ..,.e fullv .net accovnt for •II fnfClf"9aCfon -.olfcabl• ~o
1. Af\mlnlslratlon Bulldl11g 2. Autlllorlum a. Delzell Ball 4 . Engineer 's R esidence 5. Facult:Y Apartmenl ti. Fine Arts Cenler 7 . Greenhouse 8. Gymnasium 9. H eallh Cenle r l O. Healing Planl, Malnlenanct' t 1 . Hoy l S cience H all 1 2. A. V . Larson I ndus tr ia l Arls 13. Library 1 4. A. D. Ma jor s Men's H all 1 5. Educa tiona l Build ing 1 6. Ellza Mor gan Wom~n· s H a ll 1 7. Oak Bowl Athlellc F ields 18. Oak H i ll Apartments 19. Pre sident' s H ome 20 . Slt1dent Center P - Parkin&
Centennial R es idence complex
••• located three blocks aouth of main campus on Park Avenue .