1969 - The Peruvian

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Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska Michael L. Castle, Editor Vol. LXI

Foreword In the solitude of the hills above tht• \lissouri r<'sid<' 1200 students of Peru State College. The quiet of the countryside' is contrasted "ith the rushing acth it~ of the eollcgc campm. Taking the first step into a ne'' centur~ , Peru has folio\\ ed the straight fumm plo" ed b~ those "ho ha' e gone before. Peru State lwlic\t'S in high academic tandards, encouraging self-e,prcssion and pt'rsonal gnm th in a controlled group atmosphere. The e\periencc of li'ing "ith other ~ oung people in college residences offers occasion for friendship and gro" th . Because of the size of the student bod~, the opportunit~ to meet and beconw "ell acquainted "ith professors i'> an inherent benefit. Pt•nt State's proud past, built upon one hundred ~ears of ideas, initiath e and innm at ion, presents the studPnts of toda~ "ith a lwritage "hieh b 'aried and t'\N-changing to nwet the challenge of the future . RiH~ r

And then he aid in his most interesting tone . .


Table of Contents Administration . . . . . . . . . . .5

Toi l and troubl!' for the \l artha

\\' ashin~-:ton


Facultv. .




Organizations . . . .


Sports . . . .


Seniors . . .




Index . . . . . .



Dr. Neal S. Gomon Pn.•,ident '\cal ~ . Gomon i~ in hb eighteenth \ear a~ Chief Administrator of Peru State Ci>llege. During hb eighteen-~ ear tenur<.>, Dr. Goman ha, led Peru State from ib fir't centun into it~ 'econd centun of successful sen icc to \late and nation . Dr. ·comon has aided in the face-lifting of Peru State College b~ diret'ting the rt'jll\enation of the ,\dminbtration Buildin~. auditorium, and the Library; and in the comtruetion of the Centennial Complc\, the Student Center, \lajor~ llall and the Fine \ rt\ Building. l nder President Gomon's guidanct'. the enrollment has steadih rbcn until it no\\ surpasst•s the 1200 mark. Curriculum offering~ haH' "idencd and facult~ qualit~ has risetl. l nder the diret'tion of Dr. Gomon 's adminbtration. Peru State looks for\\ ard to an l'\ en brighter future

Pn·"dt·ut '•·~I 'I (.omou lx•t·amt' Pn•"tlt•ut of till' Cnllt•l.(t· 111 llJ.) I. Itt• n-n·i\t·tl hi' \ B \1 ,\ , and t:tl f) at tilt• l 111\l'r,il~ nl 't·hr."b iu l.iuwlu .

President of Peru State College

The man mo\t re~pon~ihl<• for tlw ~nm th and \\l'll-bein~ of tlw t1lllt·~<·.


\lananna Cnade has h<•<•n


to the Pre\ident sinet> 195-1

Dean of the College

Keith L. \leh in Pmfe ~or of Education \ .B., Peru tate College. Peru I\ I \ , Ed . D , L ni of '\cbra~l..a , Linl·oln

Dean of Students

Gu~ L. Ro enberg Associat<' Proft•ssor of P >eholog~ B. ., \I.S. , We~tern Illinois Lni , \Iacomb Doctoratr Pending, L ni of Iowa, Iowa Cit~

Assoc. Dean of Students

Juanita Rradle~ .\ssociatt• Professor of Education B.S , Central \1 issouri State. \\'arrcn burg \1 \ ., Ct•orge Pealxxh College for Teacher , 'a~ln illr. Tenn .


Laurinc ,\nder on h;t Librarian hl\tr. L. ~c. A B., B.S. , L.S

Donald K. Carlile Director of pecial Sen ice B.S.

Ed\\ ard R. Clwnette Director of Financial \id\ (n.,tructor of I'\H:holo!(~ B. , \I.Ed

' k\Cil


Dlrt•ctor of Guidanct• and Coun~ding B . ~ . \1 ~ , Ph . D .

Larn D. Ebner

Bu;in~''' \lanager B.S.

llarold \\'. John on A <,oc. Profes~or of Education Director of Plat't'ment .B., \1..\ .


Fri da Kaloti Collt'ge \,ur B.S., R.:\


Kclh Lie\\ er R<'gi irar Dir. of >\dmb~ions B.S., \1 .Ed., Ed. D.

Howard E. ~k\ •rs Asst Profew1r of Education Director of tudie; B.S , \I \ ., Ed D

Alan F. Shiple~ A!>St . Bmint' s \lanagt'r B..

Gerald Price st. Dir of Special t'f\ i('(' B.A.

Darrel Winin~er Director of Federal Programs Prof. of Edut'ation B.S., ~I.S. , Ed D.

St-cn•tarie tn the \dmini,tration indude Anita Caine\, Offit't' nf Dt•an \lt•h 111 : Ruh\ \lc \dam , Office of Ot•an\ Bradle\ and HcN•nht•rg, and \\ IIlli it• Bri<.tol, Offit't' of 1 inaut'ial \id.,

Claudia Doughtt•n , ll'ft . '>t't'n•tan tu Ct·or~t· \\ t•mllt• 11 orl' 11 1th \rdt•n ( hap111 't'nt'lar~ to 'ltX'd.tl 'IN\ it't''

Clerical Staff Serves Campus

St.'t'retaries to the Bmine. s Offict• include\\ and a John on, Can lllbbcn, \1ildred Gruff, and Donna Gie eke

Jerri Brad~. Luc~ Majors, and Sherrie Rains make up the Regi trar's secretarial team .

Fern ' tephen handle mailing department

rc ponsibilit~ in eampu~


Division of Education

Rex R. Shellev

llead , Di~ of Elucation \ ~oc. Prof of Education B.S , \I.A., Ed. D.

Alma A hley

C larence C. Moore

Evan VanZant

A oc. Prof of Elem Education BS .. \1 .

A oc. Prof of Education A B.• L. L.B., \1 A.. Ph. D.

,\ ssoc. Prof of Education ln~tructional \ledia Dir. \ .B., \1. \

Division of History and Social Science

john W. Clark Asst. Prof. of Hi tO!) B.A., \I.A .

John Hahn t. Prof. of Pol Sci

L. L. B., M.A.

ami Kaloti t. Prof. of Gov' t. and Econ.

B.A., M.A., M.S.

George Schottenhamel Head, Div. of llist. and Soc. ci. Prof. Hist. and Soc. ' ci. B. . , M.A., Ph. D.

Lyle C. Strom

Ann Williams

Scott Williams

Assoc. Prof

Lab. As t.Geograph} B..

t. Prof. Geograph} B.. , M.A.

A B , \I .A.


oc. Sci.

Division of Fine Arts

Edward G. Camealy

Leland H. Sherwood

Gilbert E. Wil on

A<SOC. Prof. of \ oice Dir Colle~e Choir B..• \1. ·.

t. Prof of Art A.B., \1 \


Prof. lnst. Music Dir. College Band B.. , \I. \I.

Frederick Freeburne I lead, Dh . of Fine rt Prof. of \1 usic B.. , M.A., M. \1 ., Ph. D.

Division of Science and Math

John C. Christ

Albert Brady

Victor M. Kingery

Daryl Long

oc. Prof. Biolog) B.S., M.S.

In tr. Physics B.S., M.S.C ..

<\ t. Prof. ci. and Math

B.S., M.S., Ph.D.

Head, Div. ci. and Math Prof. of Biolog} A.B., M. . , Ph.D.

Lyle McKercher

Hanford Miller

A oc. Prof. Math. B.. , M ..

Assoc. Prof. Chern

A.B., M.A.


Robert D. Moore

Clyde Barrett

Robert Bohlken

Antonia Dunn



I nstr. pan ish and Fn路nch B.A. , ~1. \ .

Prof Eng. and Lit. B.A., \L\

Prof. Eng. and Speech BS , \I.A .

I lead, Di' . of Lang. rt Prof. Eng. and ' peech A.B., ~I Ph.

Division of Language Arts


Wreathea Hicks

Murray Hubbard

C. James Keck

James D. Levitt

lnstr. English A.B., :-.I.A.

Asst. Prof. English B.A , M . \ .

lmtr. Eng. and Journalbm

.-\ "Ol'.

Loren F. 1cKeown

David Riegel

A!>St. Prof. English B.A , \I Ed

lnstr. English A.B., ~I.S .

A.B., \L\

ilas E. Summers A~~oe.

A B,

Prof. Literature

~I..\ .

Prof. 路peet路h and Debate B.Ed., \I.A .

Mary Ruth Wilson lmtr. Comp. and Literature B.S., ~I.A .

Don Cattle In tr


\rt\ B S. in Ed . \I Ed

Jerr} R. Cox

David A. Gunder on

In tr Ru\. Ed

hst Prof Ru~ . Ed

ll . \1 S.

B.S in Bus. Ad . \1 B \

C. Vernon Siegner I lead, Di' Practical \rts Prof. Indu strial \rt A.B.. \1. .. Ed D.

Division of Practical Arts

Dee\'. Jarvis \ 'soc Prof lnd Art

\ sst Prof ll nrne Ec

\B., \1 E.

B.A., \I .S.

Frieda Rowoldt

Lester Ru ell

\ sst Prof Bu\ Ed

\s~t Prof Ind \ rts \B., \I \ ,Ed D

"B, \1 A

Louise Kregel

Lucy I love} l n,tr Home El•. B s.. \I. S


Tom Fitzgerald

Jack 1clntire

''~I Prof P E. and llealth

Joe Peli ek

Ervin R. Pitt llt•ad. Dl\ of llealth and P. E. Dir of \thlt'lk B.S . \IF Ed D

B.S. in Ed . Ed D

\ t Prof I' E. llS . \1 S

B. \ . \1 \

\"t . Prof P E.

Division of Health & Physical Education

Jame Pilkin~ton

Bonnie Rutz

\''<I< l'rnf P F

ll('ad. \\omen ., P E. ln<,t P. E.

B S . \I \


Jerome temper \WI<' Prof. P E. Dir of Intramural \ B.. \1 \ .

\lr Keel enlightt•m \tud('nt\ on the art uf nnder<,tamlin)! En)!! ish"


Campus Of A Thousand Oaks

Peru 路state College Nebraska's First College


The .· panish Troubadours performed in th

Fine <\rts Auditorium


R••bert \Iinford prt ented eharacter skett-h of Edgar Allen to Eldorado.·



'" Journc~

Through the ~ear, man} convocations ''ere held for the enjo} mcnt of the student bod} , as "ell as for their cultural advancement. 'orne of th • con' <x·ations irn olvcd student participation and . <'' <'ral well kno\\ 11 performer!>. El Trio Romantico, three . ingiug, strumming troubadours from the mountain of :-.Jorthern i\c" i\ le\ico ~et off the 196 -69 school 'car. \!embers of the trio, Hamoi1 llernandez, Antonio \tendo/a, and Vincente Saucedo, produced a " fiesta of <,ounds" "ith their colorful rh, thm and haunting(} b ·autiful melodies. · .. Jourm·~ to Eldorado" , a dramatized portrait of Edgar Allen Poe, was pre ented b} Rob rt ~tin­ ford . lie recreated man~ of the shattering moments in Poe' life, including his famou \\Orks, set again t the background of the C\act r •plica of the Fordham cottage, in "hich he lived ju t before his death . \lr. \Iinford portra}ed a dose friend of his and took the audieuce on the haunting, intimate, and ren·aling journe} through the mind of Poe. The classical dancers, Bha kar and his parttier, Shala, came to entt>rtain the public "hilc on a tour from India. Bha kar and ' hala, both poi cd and in. piring dancers, ha' e contributed much to Indian art. Broad" a' came alive in a sho\\ a Dora inc and Elli appeare-d before an enthusiastic audience and captured all of the color, glamour, drama, and e\citement of an opening night. ,\ combination of pa t and pre ent musicals provided a "ide variet} of dazzling costurniug, wholesome humor, and beautiful mu ic. II} pnotism, one of the phenomena of the human mind, "as the subject of convo speaker Ed" in Baron. r-.1 r. Baron called for volunteers to come to the tage to be h}pnotized. lie ga\e the volunteer and the audience a test to find each per on 's abilit~ to concentrate. This 'car the convocation chcdule wa arranged b} ·the Special Programs Committee, headed b, \1 r. ' ilas E. Summers, Associate Prof or of E'nglish . \lost comocation!> ''ere ponsored b~ a campus organization, in addition to the ommittee.

Ed" in L. Barun ha; Pt•ru Statt•r; 111 a h~ pnotie \tate.

Bha~kar and lu~ partner Shala, 1><•rfnrm cla'>'>ieal danl'l'~ from India

Duraine and Elli~ pre~enlt'd Brnad" a~ 11111\ll'al successes


Fine Arts Building

\ idur E. J1ndra Fine \rt~ Building

' ituated on the site of the old ic llall, the Fine Arts enter hou e mu ic, pccch, and art department , and ha an auditorium for r cital and the maller entertainments. Ia srooms arc in th east and we t ends while office and practice room are along the north and south ide . spacious lobb) permit the di play of picture and art objects. The Fine rt building i complet I ~ air-conditioned . \'ictor H . Jindra, for whom the Fine Art enter, wa named, retired from the Peru tat facultv in 1961, after serving the colleg~ on the mu ic facultv since 1923. The Education buildin r, up until 1967, ''a ca lled th T. J. Major Campu 'chool. The chool ''a named in honor of Colonel T. J. :\ lajors, an arl} re ident of Peru '' ho had pent man} ~car in the State legi lature '' orking for Peru State ...llll1 ge. H was one of the member of the fir t legi laturc from the Peru area re ponsiblc for the e tablishm nt of P.S.C. The building wa built in 1916 and opened in 1917. Today th Education building includes the Department of Home Economic , Journali m. Busine , Education, man-. other cia sroom , and office . ¡ ~1u

Education Building

Pt'ru ~t .. tt• Cnlle~c Edueatiun Build in\(


Auditorium The Peru ' tat rium wa opened the 1969 pen The building had eled prior to the Op

ollegc Auditoto th • public at Hou e Activitie ·. ju t b •n remodn Hou ' . ~tany change~ ha\e been made in the auditorium for the benefit of the variou activitie '' hich carried on in the building. A cat-walk ha been added to the ceiling and a portion of th ' ceiling i u pended on an angle to accommodate ovcrh •ad pot . The ating ha b ·en b~ approximat I} 100 cats audi nee will no'' enjo~ that i not h mp •red b~ around corner . The tagc area ha deeper, .allo'' ing more room backdrop and •quipment in the ba k stage area. All of the wall~ ha\ e been rounded off and thi~ \\ill help the ound a ''ell a add beaut~ to the interior d' ign. The ne\\ I~ reno,ated college auditorium


Bobcat cheerlead r\ Far on

\\l'r •

B \la\tl'r\, C. La\h, L. "-nippdmeir, :\I

\\ ebcr, C

DeKoning, D


Htl\\ I: ll llaller, I. C:rnothui\, \1 \pplt'off. C. La~ h. C Slwlton. J. Dm·n\ill)(, G \\'twl<len. T. :\el\on. P I Ia• . \1 Ballut•. Ho\\ :2 J I rerid1,, R \lain~ . B. Lamp<' C. Rtl<•lf,, It Fiwher, D Collin~:ham . S Crip<•, II . lloll'iin)(. \ William,, ~I Burr. (' llomt•man. Hn\\ 3 J \la\oll , J l'ip<.'r, H \lun on, ll l'atter\1111, J I aclett. \ lluen , D h.ottid1, R

Dichnn. I' Chatterton, \1 ~chawan~: . R lies. T Osbornt', B. &-ach, J Butt;, \1 Jt•n,cn , R1m 4 \lr CamNh, D Schreiner, D Sit', R Shelton, K Carnes. H Beall. J \ andt•rford , G. llaLcn, Brodersen, D. Bu;l..irl... \\ Peter;on, J Baler, j . De" e~

Chorus The Peru State College choru i under the direction of ~I r. Ed" ard G. Cameal~ . This or~ani­ zation i' open to all qu..tlified students intere,ted in vocal music. The choru prc,en ts se' era! conCNt~ during the ~car. \ fall concert "a' ghen on eampu~ \,o,cmlwr 18, and t\\ o hm n t'OJH.·erts on \Ia\ 6 and 1:3. Thi, H'ar the\ \\t'nt on 'tour ;-...0\ember 19-and ::w,' gi,ing concert<. at Farragut. I1m a; Garden Gro\c, Iowa , and Johnson -Brock. The choru' also performed at the II igh School Chorale Clinic. The officer thb 'car \\ ere \' ict•President, Ken Carnt•s; Pre ident, Richard ~hdton. and shl'lSecrctar~- Trea~urcr. Cr~ 'tal ton .

Fd" ani Canwah, Director

The Peru State College hand functions under the direction of \lr. Gilbert E. \\ilon , "ho ha super\i ed this branch of the music department for man~ ~cars. The student directors this \ear "ere Ste\e Broder en, Tom · Osborne, and Hon lies. The band, though not a march ing band , present a drill for the I lomccoming half-time sho" each 'ear. The band \\('Ill on tour Ociober :21 and :2:2, gi,ing concerts at Shenandoah, Iem a; Avoca, Iow a; \lm111d Cit\ , \lbsouri ; and Hod.port, \li o;tri. ,\ fall concert "as presented on October :30 and 1\H> Ia" n cone •rh on the college campu \la~ 6 and 13. The~ also presented a concert in \uburn on \larch 16.

Gilbert \I, ilson, director.


RO\' I \I Lull, C Pa~tnn , C. lll,rx·rger. \ Biller. j \\ ht•t•ler. j . Kreifels. C. Bliss, P. I Ia~ . \1 Balltu~. \1 Jt'll\l'll, \1 Seibert . S. \anderford Ro" II T O~bomt·. B Patter<.<m. \\ Tac~ett . C. Gart·•a. j Bu~at't'~ . Pratt. II Farrell. j . Tad.t•tt . R Shehon. II llt•s, G. ll.1ith.

\ anderford. J Baker. D. Kottich. K. Carne Ro\1 Ill \I. ppleoff. P Chattt•rton, G lie~ . C. Shl•hon. R \lun~on. B llitcht'l>ck, R Reed , J Ducn ing. J Emer~ . J Dickson. J Lull, J Brook .

Fi"t Ho" \ '. llall. D Bn•,~t• r I C. Flippt•n , 1\. jollll', Hn" II \

'>duK·f.. . C. Hau,t·h. E. Crall{', \uiwr. I' Cat·t•l.. . I' Hilt') ..\ .

'>hurtlt'ff. S \ ou~hn , P Brcm n Rn" Ill S llarp{'m, I. Eri 'man. '> . Hunt, L. \\at son, \I. \lanzito, · \or!.., C. Ford.

Fall Varietv, Sho\v

Due to the remodeling of the Auditorium, the annual ,·aril't\ shcm ''as held in the college g~ m. \lth ough th • surrounding ''ere different the suce •s of the ho'' remained the sam •. The th •me of thi~ \Car' shm' ''a~ a "P C\odellic \\'o~ld . " \li tr<•ss of Cer monic. ''a. Pam Holm. She ''a a sis ted 1)\ the humorom combination of Don ·Dodge and Larn 'oren en. Th<.; pectacular shm' opened '' ith t\\ent~ freshman girls in the ·· psc~ odellic" l..ickline. The~ ''ere under the direction of \1 i<.-l..ie \\'eber. Donna Farson, Jan Dorrencc>, and Bohette \I asters. Pre. entations at the sh<m ineluded. Pat Bindrum giving a reading, Paul Chatterton on the drum .

Dit:f.. 0\\t'n 'an~ and \truml'd to tlw dPlicht of tlw n rmd .


Pat Bind rum l'uptnred the attention of thl' audit•nt•t• "Hh hl'r dramatil' rt•adin!:

D1d. \\ arl.im and Phil \lar,h tl'am to nhll.t• !:rt•at ~ounds.

'' PSCyodellic World'' folk mmic IJ\ Phil Mar h and Dick \\'arkins, mu~ic IJ\ the Three Freshmen, a monologl;e b~ ,\ rnie John ton , Pam Rohrs and Jud~ Frech on the trampoline. a humorous reading IJ\ Slwrlcen II ill, and mu~ic b' the coilege band . · The highlight of the <'' cning wa' Frieda Hm\llldt "ith her aet, The Big Brcm n Bear. \ti s Rowoldt received a tanding O\ation. A ~i ting "ith the ho" "ere production manager, ' te\ \ Ia on, assi tanh, ' te\e Knittle and 'alh \\ eber; and publicit~, Larr~ Soren·en and Don Dodge. For the fourteenth ron ecutive \ear, the \ariel\ how wa under th • direction of }. D. Levitt.

Janw' I) l.t'' itt din•t·tt-d till' Fall \ aril'h ..,IHl\\ lor tlw !nnrtt·t•nth 't·ar


The Student Center prm idt•s man~ lehure tinw aeti\ itie~ for the \tudent .

Student Center

The 1969 Student Center tournament champions.


Ro" I D Duncan, \\ \\ illco,on, · ok~rn nla Hem II T \)bin .

Shcm ood. B. Beran. Brodcm•n, B


Butt'. \1 \la\\il', (,

lkindl'r,, C. llarm. D Dodgl', T l'et,che. \lr Cattlt>, \lr'> Hm1 Ill S II ill, D '>porc•r. I) \,l'i>ola. '> \\ cbcr


Student Center Board The Student Center "a~ built in JH(jl. The purpo,<· of the building b to prm ide a place for 'tudenh to ~o in their free time and to be "ith other tudent~ . The Student Center home the main eafeteria, the Bobeat Book ~tore, Bob Inn , tele' i'ion room and ~anw room for student u e . The center al"> prm ides a lounge and ~eH•ral nweting room~ for student and facull\ 11 . c. · The Peru State Student Center Board, coord inatin~ boch for acti\ ities lakin~ place in tiw Student Center, ~pon . ored numerou' acth ities during the eollege 'ocial \l'a~on . The highlight of the ~ear came "ith the Valentine dance and the traditional \Ia' Fete fcsth itics. In addition, this ~ear the Student Center Board initiated Spring Week "hich "as a 'er~ big suet•ess. ,\ mong the \Urious responsibilitie~ handled In the Student C •nter Board "crt: also the maintt•nann• of the gam<' room. the recreational equipment and the tudent lounge.

The 196,1, Student Cl'nter tournament champion


Student Activities



is a ,afuable a set to the pro,pcctiH路 teal'her


Sort.'nsen rt•C('in•d the Peru :\chien•ment Foundation t·hnlar,hip for hi' ,d10lar\hip and imnln•mt•nt in 'tudt•nt at·th itit•s.

:\II collt•!(e acth it it'\ art.' a t~1mmon <K'Curren('(' nn the Pt>ru campu\.


The home of the Bobcat ha,chall team. The nt'" field houw i; in the had,~round .

Peru Athletic Field

The Peru ' tate ollege athletic field i the home of the Bobcat fcx>tball, ba eball, track, tenni , and cro s-countn teams. The f(cld provides for ample eating and pacious parking facilities for the spectators of the \ ariou athletic events. Located just north of the football field i the ne\\ h constructed field house. The padous building and provide for dre ing room lockers for Peru team and their opponent . Th re is al o ample torage spac' for equipment and ho\\ er room . A training room and a coache ' room are two other facilitic of the building.

Jlalf-timc fc thitic; hi~hlil(ht Homecomin~ game.




\I iss Jod~ \l<路~er \\as chosen b, her fello" tudents as the 1968 llomet'Omin~ Queen . Jod~ is the daughter of \lr. and \lr


\I erie :\le~er of eha\\ J..a.

. ebra ka.

Queen jody makes a rather unusual entry into the Oak Bo"l \\here the Homecoming ceremonies are held.

Homecoming Queen Jody Meyer The Peru tate College student body cho e for their 19 Homecoming queen, Miss Jody Meyer. Jody was cho en as a candidate for queen b} Majors Hall. he is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Mever of eha\ ka, ebra ka. Jody is a路 senior majoring in Elementary Education. petite, brown-eyed brunette, Jody has been very active her three year on campu , participating in numerous extra-curricular activitie . Jody is a member of the Peru Newman Club, and during her enior year erved a he treasurer of that organization. served as an alternate cheerleader her freshman year and a a varsity cheerleader her ophomore year. lso during her second year he was sophomore class treasur r and representative to the tudent Governing A ociation. Her junior year, Jody was chosen as one of the May Fete attendants. P rforming during half-time was Gilbert Wilson's marching band, under the direction of Steve Broder on. rnong the selection played were: " round the World in 0 Days" and "Music to Watch Girl By".

The Peru tate College Marching Band, under the direction of teve Broderson, created a

pleasing atmosphere with its colorful array of mu ic.


47th Homecoming Court Delights Crowd Kathy Buffum 1iss Kathy Buffum, a charming blue-eved brunette, was cho en as a repre entative of Delzell dormitory. Kathy, a member of the junior class, has chosen I lome Economic as her field of concentration. As a supporting field , Kathy has chosen Art. Kathy attended Peru tate College her fre hman year and then tran ferred to lo\\ a We tern Community College, located at Clarinda, Iowa. While at Iowa Western Community College, Kathy was elected Homecoming Queen. Kathy was also a majorette with the Clarinda Marching Band. t the present time, Kathy is an tat active member of the Peru Home Economics Club and the Newman Club. Kathy is from 1agnolia, row a.

Bobette Masters Representing Clayburn Mathews was Bobette Masters, a petite blue eyed brunette from Nebraska City, Nebraska. Bobette, a junior, has cho en Physical Education a her field of concentration and her upporting field in English. Bobette attended Wayne tate College her freshman year before coming to Peru where she ha been active in Peru Student Education Association, White Angels, and Women's Athletic Asociation. Bobette was chosen as alduring her ternated cheerleader ophomore year and as a junior served as a varsity cheerleader. As a sophomore Bobette repre ented her class as May Fete attendant.


Coeds Atte nd Queen at Game and Dance Betty 0 ' Connor Repre enting Eliza torgan Hall was Mis Betty O' Connor, a prett blue-c\ cd blonde cnior from \Vorce ter: Ma sachu etts. he received a degree in Physical Education and ocial her upporting field was in cience. Bett\ was a member of the Student Gov~rning ssociation, Peru tudent Education ssociation , ewman Club, and !lome Economics lub. he wa al o a member at the Women' Athletic Association and he participated in many of tho e activitie . During her senior year, Betty wa secretar} of her cia s. Before attending Peru tate for her junior and enior year , Betty was graduated from Quinsigamond Community College at Worcester, 1assachu ett .

Lynda Shanahan Mis Lynda hanahan, a charming brown-eyed brunette, is a junior with her fields of concentration in peech and Engli h. he carried the banner for Davidson-Palmer Hall. Lynda i a memb r of the Peru tudent Education As ociation, Dramatics Club, English Club, Newman Club, and is a representative for the Student Center Board. Lynda has traveled to variou schools to participate in debate conte ts. She was president of her clas as a fre hman, a kickline dancer in the fall variety show of that year, a lady-inwaiting for the 1966 May Fete activitie . he was a member of the dorm council at David on-Palmer during her sophomore year. Lynda is from Mor e Bluff, Nebraska.


Alpha \lu Omega¡s J..angaroo jumps to' ictor)

Indmtrial Art's Club" ins fir t place as it tO\H' rS mer Chadron

Displays Brighten Homecoming Events •

Bobcat pull through'' ith a victor~ .


"The World and Its Countrie ," the theme for the 196 Homecoming, featured orne of the be t di play in vear . Each organization and dorm-itory cho e a countr) a a theme and then related it to the Homecoming football game with Chadron. The S.C. . awarded trophic to the best three. The Industrial rt Club captured first place for their display, "Tower Over hadron." France wa the countrv and a replica of the Eiffel Tow-~r was featured . It was equipped with a recording. y tern that de cribed what went mto the .. construction of the displa) . "A ictorv in the Pouch was th title of the econd placed lpha Mu Omega exhibit. Au tralia was the country, and the display howed a kangaroo bouncing up and down: Third place went to the Student Center Board for the "Goal Rush" of '68, with an animated mule and a prospector. The featured country was Canada.

S.C \ '>pim hmard a


\I.E. N.C. trike up a victor~ .

The Blut•


hoot \tnmps Chadron .

The Bohcal<, drdl· around Chadron


Tlw t·a~t uf the llunwmmin)! pia~ are fmrn Ll'ft Don Dodl(t', Ed\ ada.,, DaH' Kramt·r. Shirll'lll' II ill,


Cole, and Pat Bindrum.

Dos Passos' 'U.S.A. ' Caps Homecoming Day Cho en as the Homecoming Play for 1968, was " .S.A.", written by John Dos Passos. This was a dramatic review rather than a play and was staged in that manner. Consisting of two acts, the action of the review took place bet\' een the turn of the Century and 1930. The review presented the hi tory of the United tates through narration , dialogue, and acting. taged in the Fine Arts Auditorium, director Robert 1oore, Head of the Speech and English Department , and his assil.tants ''ere at a disadvantage as to ·pace, lighting and facilities. However, despite many difficulties and several renovations of the stage, the production went ver) ''ell for the audience. Assisting :\lr. \loore, in the capacity of student director, ,... as Bill ustin , a enior speech major. Steve :\lason, also a speech major, was in charge of arrangements for the lighting, and in securing properties for the tage.

DaH' Krumer, Shirlt•ne llill, and Ed\ ada~ " tell it lilt• it \\a.," .


Ro" I j Kl'lh , j . Sears, S. Kraml' r, S Raim, '1.1.

Su~den .

Ro" 2 \\

Wilk~>\1111 , .\

Slwn\Ood , B. En•rhart , K. Creame r, G \hlin , j &•rnadt

Who's Who Can Ahlin , 'on of \tr and \lr~ . Carl J. \hlin of Hin•r Bank, \iichi~an , is an Elenwntar~ Education major. Gar~ b a member of the Peru State Education .hsociation, Kappa Delta Pi, \tu Epsilon :\u, \\'e~le~ Fell<"' ship, and Circle K. lie also participated in the College Bancl. John Bcrnadt. son of \lr. and \Irs. Ha~ &·rnadt. of \\~more , i~ an En~Ji,h major. John is an adiH' member <W the English Club, ~igma Tau Delta, Peru State Education \s ociation, Peru II istorical Soeit't\ , and the \\ e~l<'' Fell<m hip. · . Ken Carnes, son of \I r. and \1 r,. II arr~ Carne~. of \uhurn, i~ a \lusic major. Ken partieipated in the College Chorus, the \lusic Club, Phi \lpha Theta, and Lutheran ~tu ­ denb ,\ssociation. \\'hile at Peru State Ken "as a nwmber of the Student Senate. John Creamer, ~on of the late• John Creamer and Eli/abeth Creamer, of \\'orcester, \lassachusett~ . is an Elcmenta~ Education major. John "as President of tlw ~cnior Clas,, lettered in football and bawball, "as a member of the .. P" Club, Phi Alpha Theta, and \\ csle~ Fdlm\ ship. William En•rhart, son of \lr. and \Irs. Jesse EH•rhart, &'<lford, Iowa, is a llistor~ major. Bill lettert>d in football and traek, ''a a member of tlw .. P" Club, was a reprecntathc on the S.G.A., and a member of Phi Alpha Theta, and the Peru State Education Association . Janice Kell~. daughter of \lr. and \1rs. Onts Kell~ of Fall Cil\ , b a Pin sieal Education major. ' he was an acti' c participa;1t in the ·women's Athletic \ssociation, Peru State Education A ociation, Hi tor~ Club, Kappa Delta Pi . Janice was ' tudcnt Senate Hepre t'ntath <'.

Slwrr~ Kranwr. daughter of 7\lr. and 7\lrs. Sdl\\ ies<l\\ , of Omaha, is a Businc·ss Education major. Shern ''as affiliated '' ith the Peru Busim•ss Education Club, tlw Peru State Education ,\s~odation , Lutlwran ~tudent \ssoeiation . She \\ a.s a\\ arded Peru \ehieH'lllt' nt Foundation . cholarship. ~hcrn Haim, daughter of \lr. and \lr.,. \\'illiam )cibcrt, of Bro" mille, i' a I lome Et'<momi<:s major. ~he "as an al'ti\l' nwrnlwr of the Peru !lome Ec Club. Phi B<.'la Lambda and 1-..appa Delta Pi. Janice ~ear<, , daughter of \lr and \lr\ La\ e rne\\ heel don , of Brm\ m illc•, i.., a I lome Economi c... major Sht• participatc·d in the Peru Home Ec Club. and ''as chosen out'>tanding member, Kappa D<•lta Pi. Janice ''as ssistant Editor of the eolk~e n<''' spa per, The Peda~o~ian . Allan Slwrwood , son of \I r. and \1 rs. Allan Shem ood , of Hight tm\ n, '\e'' Jcrse~ . i~ an Industrial Arts major. llc i a member of Industrial \rts Club, Epsilon Pi Tau , and Peru ~tate Education A<,sociation. ,\llan was Sophomore Class President and Treasurer of Student Center Board . \taril~ n ' ugdt•n, daughter of \tr. and \lr . John Sugden of dam , is a I lome Economics major. \laril~ n was a memb ·r of Peru I lome Ee Club. Peru State Education \s<,odation , and We ·Je, Fell<"' ship. She "a awarded the Peru \ch icH·men t Found at ion Seholarsh ip. \\'a,ne WilleO\on, son of \lr. and \trs. \\'a\nc Willcoxon, of G<•neva, i an English major. \Va~ ne \\as an active member of Dramatic Club, Peru State Education Association , English Club, Sigma Tau Delta, and the Debate Team. lie \\orked on the eolle~c publications.


Honors Convocation

Out tanding tt•acher\ of the ~car art• Torn 1-itzgt•rald , john Chrbt . jt•romt• StcmpN, \Jan Ruth Wilson , Barb Lampe, president of P S E. A , presented the a" ards.

Teacher of the Year Albert Brad\ poses" ith P . E. . president Barb Lampe


The econd semc tcr' s llonor on vocation recognized thirty-t\\ o tudcnts \\ ith awards and scholarhips for outstanding achic' cmcnt during the ) ear. Dr. Neal ·. Go man spoke at this convocation and pre ented most of the award . ~1rs. Fletcher cal \\a th' gue t at this convocation . Miss Barbara Sampc, Pre ident of P.S. E. . pre en ted the out tanding teachers, this ~ear \\ ho \\ere : ~Irs. Wilson , \1r. ' temper, ~1r. Fitzgerald and Dr. Christ with ~lr. Brad~ being cho en to rccci' e the teacher of the ~car a\\ a rd . This award i pr nted annualh to the teacher \\ ho the students feel ·is most outstandin, in, the teacher a a per on, cholarship, classroom procedures, ami professional attitude. John Creamer rccei\ ed the s,, <'nson thletic Award . This award was establi hcd in 192.5 for the outstanding cnior '' ho has participated in athletics b, the late ~lr. and \Irs. Bert \' cnson of ' tockton , California, the award ha been pre ntcd annuall~ ince that time. The award donors \\ere members of the cia s of 1909. The a\\ ard \\a e tabli hed originall~ as a memorial to their son Bert s,~enon, Jr. The \\inner of this award is s lcctcd on the ba is of Character and personality, scholarship, lo) alt~ to chool tradition and participation in thlctics. Candidate mu t letter in at least two different port .

cholarship "inner are from left · D Freet Racine, K llarri , T. Judkin s, A Shen•ood, S. Harpham

lisman, K.

John .r amer received the wanson A\\ard from Dr

ell, S. Deaver.

econd ro\\ from left . L. Knippelmier, B.

eal S Gomon.


Peruvian Staff

Tlw Penl\ian taH are from left : G Thompson. L. Sailors. \1 Castle, K l..mitt. \1 Blezek, T. Woolse\ , L. \loo<h. B Beran, •. Bied., C. Pratt .

Mike Ca tie, editor of the Peruvian, received the tribution to the college ~earbool.. .


. \' Lar on "'''ard for out tanding con-

Pedagogian Staff

The Pedagogian staff member are from left : L. 1orris, Q. Shafer, M. \i cber, I. Brettrnann, B. Ma~ters, K. Yamahira, J. Budler.

L~11n Sailor~ . editor of the Ped, reeeh ed the but ion to the college paper



ward for outstanding contri-


Rtl\• I Tern Beth Allgood, Joann Beall~ . Tom helle~ . Julie Coatne• Ro" 2 u~an Hunt, Cindi \ndt•um. \nnict• Shurtleff, Laurie 'chock R1m 3 Can !'>chot•n rock, Linda

Knippelmcir, Mike Dukes, Phdli Cacck, Ja~ Hagerman , 'olgrmc, BoiX'tte Dianuc CopcnhaH•r Hu" .J Larn \laster

Babette and Larry May Fete Royalty The 59th annual Ma' Fete ''as held 'aturda' , ~ I a\ 3, (969. A capacit} crowd a\~ ;\I b~ Bobette \t aster . a senior from , ebra ka Cit~ and 1\1r. Larr} ColgrO\ e, a junior from W} more enm ned Queen and King. ,\ !tending the ne\\ I} cnm ned rmalt\ "ere : Can Sehoenrock, enior; · Linda Kn.ippelmeir, junior; Dianne Copcnhan'r and ja} ll agerman, ~ophomores ; Ph} II is Cacck and \ I ike Duke , freshman . Ladies-in-waiting included Susan Hunt, , i nd i Anderson , Laurie 'chock, and r\nnice 'hurtleff. The theme for thi }car\ program was Fl} ~ l e To The :0.1oon. Cnder the direction of i\1iss Bonnie Rutz, the program included number bv the Peru Elementarv Sehool and College Ph} sica I Education clas e . After the program a \I a} Fete Ball was held in the Student Center to honor the rm alt\ . The entertainment for the e,·enir1g was provided b} Ton} Dalton from Creighton L' n4ver it} . Foll1m ing the theme of .. Fl~ Me To The \loon", children from the grade school participated in the program 46



Famih and fn(•nd endured cro"d and heat to\\ it ness the passin~ of tht• clas of 1969

On \1a' 2.5, 1969, Peru ' tate Colle~c ~raduatcd its 100th clas~ . 19.5 tudcnh \\t're amon~ the ccntur~ gnmp. Dr. :\cal S. Camon presided at tlw commencement C\erci cs "hich "ere held on the Ia" n in front of the Fine Art~ Building. Dr. Comon prc~cntcd members of the classes of I k99, 1909, and 1919 in the pre-graduation ceremonies. Dr. Gomon al o prcs(•ntcd t" o Distinguisht>d Education ,\\\ arcls to Bernard \I. Spcnt•cr of 't>bra ka Cit\ and to E. Albin Laron of Lincoln. · :\orbcrt T. Tieman, the C<nernor of the ~tate of '\cbraska. delivered the commencement addre s to the graduating seniors. The da, s fc ti' ities "ere eoneluded \\ ith reception for the cnior~ and their families and friends in the Student Center Dinin , Hall.


orbert Tieman, Governor of cbraska, ga~e the ~raduation address



mt>mbt-n ,;athl'r in preparation for thl' 1969l·ommt>nct'mt>nt t'\t'rdses.


Si\tet>n ~t'an of tud~ i rulminatt'd in tht' final" alit for tht' 1969,;raduatin,; " •nion.


E. \lbin Larson. l<'ft. and Bernard \I Gomon , t-enter

~JX'IIt't'r, ri~ht , \\t're prt'\c.•nted Pc.•ru\ Distin~ubhed Edncatinnal ~en it't' \\\ard h~ Dr

Peru's lOOth Commencement


Dr Gomnn pre.• c.•nted d1ploma\ to the ~raduatin~ \t'nior~




Alpha Mu Omega



\\"l'idwl. F

\i<'lo:t•rd lt' r. Ho\\ :!



l·lattn• (. 'ltud., (,

lit•\ . )..

\l'hh•mil'r. F

\\ ! ' hrt•ht' lll . D

()" l'll . 0

~It'd. .


lkdnar, D

J Burt•; . Rtm !3· L. Cotton , S. R<'Cd , R \lontang

Sha" ,

ea" all, D Ritchie,


Fisher, R.

lpha \1u Omega is the honorar} mathematic fraternity for students who are qualified in mathematic and who ha\l' above an-rage grades. A ~even average is needed for tlw fir't five• hours completed in mathematic cour es to lweome a m<•mbcr of the organization . \fter ten or more hours haH' lw •n completl'd in matht•matic cour!>cs, a five ~radt• a\ era~e is necessan . ,\lpha \lu Omega was or~an­ ized on the Peru ' tate College campm in 1929.

The main objective of the organization is to explore math more completely than that discus ed in the cia sroom. The fratcrnit} holds monthly meetings consi ting of discussion , and demonstration on the subject of mathematics. In 196 , lpha Mu Omega was awarded ccond place for its homecoming displa} . The officer for lpha \1u Omega thi year were: Donald haw, President ; Larr} Cotton, Vice-Pre ident; and Elaine Flattre, Secretary-Treasurer.

Fmnt Ho" : I' "~" i't·~ood I' than ; \1 Wl'nzel. K Rengstorf, K Copa~ : C. l hl>!· n Ho" 2 II. \\ .!hi..!•. L \ll'!(um; E. Grundman : C Pa' ton , R,

Leuenberger. Dr Riled; , \\' Tacke!.

Long. Ro\\ 3 : T Shannon ; R Weller; \1 . Paper; C

Lambda Delta Lambda Lambda Delta Lambda is an honorar} fratcrnit) for all people '' ho are interested in ph) ical ~dcnce . The organization ''as ne'' I) formed in 1968-69 and had a beginning mcmhcr hip of nine. Lambda Delta Lambda ''a~ under the ~ponsorship of Dr. Long, \lr. \Iiller, and \tr. Kingery . Lambda Delta Lambda met once t'\Cr) month during the school year. Among their acti\ itie during the year \H' re such thing a~ discu ion , e\hibit , and gue t speakers. During the month of 1\ larch , the Pre ident of Lambda Delta Lambda, john Burr, and \'ice Presid •nt, Don Sha'' rccei\cd an e\pemc paid trip to the fraternitie . , ational Convention held in Dickimon, North Dakota. During the mvnth of pril, the fraternity went on a field trip to Des \loine and Ames, Iowa to visit Atomic Energy planb in tho c citie . The officers for the 1968-69 \Car \\ere : john Burrs, President ; bon ' ha'' · \'icc-Preident ; Karen \chtemcicr, Secrctar)-Treasur •r. Ho" I \Jillt•r



..,<'a" all , It \\ t'll!•r I' S,\i,(•gc)( KI, \I r khtl'miPr, T ~h a nnon , J. Burt·'

Ho" 2: \1. l'apt•r, D


Dr l.ong, \lr h.ing-

l't: . J. Burd1

Beta Beta Beta The Pi Chapter of Bt'ta Bda Beta was organized on campus on 1928 "ith thre purposes in mind . to stimulate sound cholarship, to promote tlw dis~emination of scientific truth , and the furthering of rt•search . Tho~e interested in joining &•ta Beta Beta must first serH' a provisional nwmbership, and in order to attain full member hip one mu t specialize in biology. haH' completed three cour es of at least ten hours, and ha\e au abO\oe a\erage C.P.A. Activities sponsored by Beta Beta Beta included a homecoming di play , attending a Tri-Statt• Comention at \lanvillc, and a vi it to the game resc~\C at Squa'' Creek, 1\tis ouri. Sponsor for the organization are Dr. Chri t and :0.1 r. Brady .

Ro\\ I T Kohler , H Sam~on . E. ' min . E. Gmnclman , Dr Chrht . \lr Bra(h Hem 2 II. \ illl·!(a', D llnb~dwidt D. Lmgt•r, ll \ll'rtt·~ :

D Ht•in ; II haat-.. Hm' 3 ~ Choutb ; L. llil/!' lllallll ; J Burth ,

~" an;on I) l'l'lt•n.






Fir.t Hm' 'id. l't•trillo. Cah 111 ~m1th . Budch \ld rea . Jad. \\ l'H'r'. lloh Bt•e,on. ~lt'\t' Dalton Tom Brandt John Bri\tol. Dt•nnl\ Curti,. ~n·­ ond Hem Ditl \\ arJ..in\, ()"a\ liP Brt>ttmann. \\a \Ill' \\ hilt•. Hit-hard Car

bone. Carl ~atterf1dd . \1 iJ..t• Dt•al. Tom \lo.,.,t•r Ho'' Hidt•nonr, \an ,\1lt•n Third Hn" Stan z, ll\ lut, \\a' nt• lleine, Dt•nm., llamnwr. Boh Lm ejm. Chud. Dalt'\ . Lam ilc~lt•r. Phil llt>rh\ter. Jim Haim, John Crt• a mer.

The honoran athletic fraternih of Peru State is · Phi Lamba Alpha. \dmis~ion to the organization is gaitwd b~ r<'cei\ ing a ll'tter through athletic participation . Tlw organization attempts to ~upport good "ill and good sport man.,hip at athletic C\ cnt~. both b, the participants and the spectator;. Together with the Blue De' ils, P Club sponsored a Homecoming dbpia~ . Fund~ for the organization are obtained b~ selling programs at athletic l'\ enh and the eoncession stand~.

Officer~ indude : John Cream\lien , \ 'iceer, President; \an prcsidt.•nt; and James \\'altke, S •cretar~ -Treasu rt.•r. Jack \!<:Intire is the facult~ sponsor.

Fir.t Ho\\ : l .arr' Col~rn' e. \an \llt•n , Da\ l' La .\lonta~m·. 'lt·J.. Pt•trillo. Lee DuneJ..ache St'l1lnd Ho" Deni' Curti,, Bill EH•rhart. Larr~ :\~lor, Dt•nni., llamnwr, Jim Rain~. Ro~er


Crable Tlmd Ro" llam \an \r dale, Rid1ard Linder, Gar~ Col~rn,e , Leon Portra\ . John Crt•amer

Fir..t H<m : \like Johnson , Chde \\ ilkim, Pl'tt• Ste\\art, \like Hos\o, Emie Dougla\, D;lll Trout , Ha~ l her. Tom Patton . St•cond Ho" Hichard Smith, \lark Pern , Jin \\ altkt'. Dan ,i,, Hon \lt•it•r, SteH' Emert. John

\\'a rrt•n , Bob Ht•pp. Coach \lclntirt• Third H<m : \larl.. \\ cller. llidaard Gibo;on , Hnn June, , Earl John\1111 , Ja\ Hagerman, \1 il..t• T' nn11 , Hngt•r Cardnt'r. Bob Laflin .

Blue Devils Blue De' ib, the men pep organization on campu~ . created an enthu ia~tic tudent bod~ \\ ith ~up­ port at both football and basketball games. The theme <,ong opened all athletic C\enh \\ ith a fighting ~pirit for the Peru athlete,. Sponsoring a di~pla~ \\ ith P Club for llomeeoming \\a~ their SJX'dal pro jed for the ~ear. The number of nwmbl·r~ "as fort\ -fh e. L nder the pledgl' '~ ~­ tt·m·. second <,emester fre-,hrnen art• nominated b' actiH' memlwrs and 'oted upon b~ the dub. ~pomors for the dub "ere Coaehe" Tom Fit;gerald and Joe



First H<m · Hieh Flanner~ , Larr~ Land" t•hr. \lien Pokorn~. Hon Jone,, Tom Judkins, liarian Glathar. Charles .\rnold Sceo11d H<m : Bmcc llauj!hton, Deunis \\' illiam~on , DaH• Cur-

ti>, D'' a~ ne Brettman, \an Allt•n, Da\ e Langer. Third Hm1 llarn \ 'an \rsdale. Dennis Curtis, Hiehard Cib><m, · Larr~ Shoff. Bob Lo•cjo~ . Dl1aine Choutka, Larr~ \~lor. Denni' Hammer


Hem I 8. Hilhanl , () Far un . ( Dd,unin~ . L t.:mppdnwar, C. I. h, C. Ford Hem 2 B llalll'r; P. Huhr ( <.ru l'; \I Burr· S llunt. Hm• .'3 C <.ladlurn , I ~ Bt'll ·ttl'; 1•. Hil· chid. , B. Ha" lin~ ; I' Hilt•• R Lampt•


I . D.

duwidl•r; ('

. chin, r, J DurranC(•. Rem - C hnun. P H\an : P. All~cKKI

l ' ll per~l·r,

I l't·h·r, , J. Gann•l, \1 Dral..t• (

White Angels ngel ,-.er organiz d b} \ti adine Pow r , ecto th coli g pr id nt. Th of the group '" to further hoot pirit and intere t in the tud nt bod} During each nine-we k period, pledge w re mad for girl who wanted to become White ng I . Only girl with a 5 point grad averag \verc eligibl for m mber hip in the organization. \1cmbcr'> of the girl. coop rat •d with th Blue D managcm nt of the cone ion at th • gam . Both club '" re p<.> ially activ in homecoming tivitic. Initiation wa on of '' hich occurr d vcral activiti th

I 9 1uhanc\, iC<'-pr id n't; cr tary; and

Oflal ·r. and haluatinn Cumrnilt~c· Front. C. \luham·' S le•mp. C. \\ ill•\






Jacl..~m. \1 Wt•l>t·r S llall


Row I K. Bmle; S. Bosserman, Point Chairman, 111 Hoffschncider; E. Flattre; B. Haller; C Knoll . Row 2 路 C. Coe; J Duensing; B. Hau\child , B. Teten , \I Drake , S. Otte, D. Collingham, \ it-e- President. Row 3 路 K

\amah ira; P Rohrs ; K. Sell; \1 \I Erb; B. O'Connor

Iff, S

haw ; \1

Lara, L. Ric chicl..,

Women's Athletic Association The Women's Athletic Association was organized for all women interested in physical education. An active intere t in the port events and the academic promotions of W. A. . i all that is required for member hip. First year members are encouraged to participate in sports and recreational activitie to earn a school letter; second and third year members are urged to work toward a gold bar; and fourth year members are eligible for a

phy ical education book. The organization' purpose is to promote recreational and sports activities. They ponsored the annual high school invitational volleyball tournament. The group also awarded two $100. scholarships to women physical education majors. W. A. A. participated in intercollegiate competition in volleyball and basketball among the various women' physical education organizations of other schools.

Rcl\\ I K. \latthews; L. Cronthui ; B. \laster ; I. Peters, President ; \ Hall RO\\ 2 路 C. Harris; D. Reeve; D. Brewer; F. Furnas. Row 3: R.

Erisman, C. Beard ; K. Rengstorf , B. Goodman, Rutz, Instructor.



Bailie; \li


RO\\ 1 H Clathar; F Rist, T \larshall , L. lloschar; B. Trnlllcr, ~ Drake; \ llazen : R. \lezger. Rm' 2 '\ 'igro, D Ogll路. -\ Shei'\HKxl, ( lla) , R E'ans: R Bodie; B. Laflin . D fornoff R1m 3 L Bohling ; J

'ichola . ,\ Dr Siegner.

Kraeger: D

Kel<e) , 1 . \1atthe ;


\le,er, C Gardner;

Industrial Arts Club


An associate group, The Industrial Arts Club, is open to anyone who is intere ted in Indu trial Arts and vocational education. The club is affiliated with the merican Indu trial rt Association. Club member receive the national publication, The Industrial Arts Teacher, publi hed five times a year. Thi vear the activities of the Industrial rts Club included a ~vatermelon feed held in the fall, a field trip to Wichita, Kan a , to visit an atomic energ} plant, and a steak fry in the early spring. For the second year, the Industrial Arts Club took fir t

place in the Homecoming di play contest. This year display consisted of a replica of the Eiffel Tower featuring a computer programmed to tell about the construction of the tower, and to foreca t the outcome of the Homecoming game. Those who are in charge of the club thi }Car are: Le Hlavac, President; Bill 1a ey, ice President; Roger Grabel, ecretary; and Wayne Wilcox, Treasurer. The faculty sponsors of the club are Dr. Vernon iegner and Dr. Lester Russell.

Rm' I D Brcttrnann , D. Busk1rk; K Wilco, , L. lllavac; P Tm' mend, B. raig, D Oberme)er Ro" 2 . B Kiser; R Bccl..man, B \la~s1e , j Bartel..:

T \lil..l.elsen ; D -\nguc ; \lr jan is: Dr Russell Ro" 3 D Bohling, D llla\ac, C. Parrish , B Dean , K Lar<un , \lr Cattle, L Roder; J Ha\\le'

Epsilon Pi Tau Fps1lon 1'1 I au is an l1nnor:u') ional Fnalt•rnih orgunb.allon operatin~ in the t•umr.l<'nwntan. flt'ld of lndu trial \rb Et ucation ml In· du trial \'u<'Dtmnal Educ:1lion The (lllrpctSC uf the orgunbatiun IS to re<."OgllllC the plut'C of !.:ill, tu prn· nmh• sudal t•ltidf'IIC\ , to fnslt•r, counsel, and tl'" urd r;'M'ardl in tIll' l•ruft~

heW of inlt'n·~l .

Tht• CII'J!olllilatu•n npt'll nnl~ tn tuclt•llt '' hn hta\ t' u gratlt• pmnt a\cra~t· uf 6 10 or uhu\t• ill till' In· du~trial Art' .ami a min111111111 nf ;; UU ocumulatl\l' grudt• puiut uH·rugt•• .\IJ l'niiCJitlalt•' IIIII I ha\l' l'fllll• plctt•d II hnurs in l11clustrial \rh anti ht• t•nruiJe,J 111 at lt·u~t I additional lmlu~t riul ,\rt huurs. 'I hi mgunl1.:&11nll is limilt•tl tu upper da'~ llll'lllht•rs \\ ith o f~t•ltl nf cmlrelltrntinn in lnclu tnul \rt Sunil' of tht• \Car unportunt Dt'thili "ere: initi~tinn of Ill~\ IIICIII· ber5 anti fit'ltl trip

I R..:lt'f, J ~ha G \\ chrbran Mr C~ltlc U Ol)('fnlt'\tr, A larr,.ood U.ui.

fn•nl 1\rl\\

It!"" Mr Jaf\b, I. IU;~\liC'; II Maule, l>r Hm\Cil, Or •q;ncr, G. lla"'~

Mu Epsilon


Tilt' l'klta d1aph•r uf \ t u Fp\1lnu Nu "U!o nutionaliJt•d l>t•n•mhcr S, 19Gh Thio; naticmali.~atinn ''a~ pre· ' ~~~~1 b, a 11rohatinnur~ Jk'rintl dur"' • "hicl1 !•f•nt mcrnlx•r hntl to mt•ct t.'\'rluin tamlanl . \lu Ep 1lon ~~~ IS an honor n ·~luC'.aliunal fr.att•rnil\ lor lllt'll. o(. fte~·~ of tilt' orcam.7.:llion an• l'rt I· ,lent, Jim ~lult.. . \ 'icc Pre idt•nt, John ~ I iller: .sct·retul'). Tcrr} l>cnlll)! TwOislln·r, Bill \lu ie; \krnhc.•r hlp Uuurruun. Grt>g Rt•1mler , and Par· lianwnturii'.lll, (~·urge Wcx'th ~JMIII· or of the organuatiun1s Dr. \ lc\er . flu• urguni1atiun hu punSt•rt•d mull} odi\ illc~ mdmlmg: tucl} l.:1lls p~rum fur frt•,ftman , . c·1uling tc-.adu•r., nitl It• \urhum, h•adung tlin ~ <~I Nl'lmh~a Cih l.uurdt· Cc.·n· tr 1l , und Nt•lu&\\ ~.. I Ill' ~ruup "'ilt~l tilt' Etlut.~.atiunal St·n kt• Unit in Aur· hurn. Cm•.,l ,,,.,... ~t.·r., \H'n· lw:ml at ~\t•ral uf tilt' n'ltular mt>t•llng dah~ lkM I l>r Mnu, J ldlC\tlftkl,, M Ill,. man , Malk~. I 1\~hdtc, T Ill nnb. II"" 2 J Jobr, J HctKit'f, [) (hll'll, c~ Rctnd..r,, I>



t'DH~rln, 1l I hllrlh· 3 I> \\ anttl.. J 'bit!"> . I> l.mdrr. J 'hilh l: \t.lm G \\ ••.:It 'dmdr•r, I> l>unt 11


Kappa Delta Pi

Ro" I: B. Dt• rrk~ . C. ll.uncr. L. Oldfield , P ~" i\~11<><1 . R Eht•rhard . to. . khtcnwit•r R<l\\ 2 \1 En~clman , \I Findwrn, J h:t· ll~ . \I Budlt·r. \li"

\ ~hie~ . S. &·n~ml , C R<><' lf\, D. Cnllin~ham . C Greathmt~t· Hm' ;J \\ \\ ik.,,un , J \\ alt~e . J Creamer. to. Carnc~. C \him , J \le~ cr J Ba~ c r

Kappa Delta Pi i the national honoran education fraternih . The Peru chapter is Beta ~I u. The purpose of the fratcrnit) i to encourage high profes ional, intellectual and per onal standards and to recognit(' outstanding contributors to the fi(•lcl of education. Juniors and cniors '' ho arc in the upper one'-fifth of their class cholasticalh. and \\ ho e\hibit commendable i>er onal qualitie~. \\ orthv educational ideals, and sound chola·r hip are invited to become member . This organization meet the fir~t \londa' of ewn. month at a dinner. A steak fn \\as · held in ~Ia\ for the in tallation. of officers and. to get acquainted. Officers for the club arc : Ken Carne , Pre idcnt ; Diana ollingham, \'ice- Pre idcnt; Carol Greathouse. Secretary ; 1ar) Budler, Trea urer, Marge Engelman.

\lhs \\hit•, . Spunsnr. C Grcathnuw; St•t•retan . :\I D Cnllin~h.un . \ it'C Pre~idt•nt , \I En~t· lman , lli\torian


Bndler. Tn·a~urt• r, II:

Canw ; Prt·,idt·nt,

Phi Beta Lambda The Ep ilon Tau chapter of Phi Beta Lambda is an honorar) organization open to husine tudents having an overall G. P. . of 5.00, '" ith a G. P. . of 6.00 or over in all bu iness cour e . To b come a pledge, a tudent must have at lea t ix hour of bu iness in addition to the required G. P. . To become eligible for regular member hip, a tudent mu t have at lea t 12 hours of bu inc cour e and the nece ar) C.P.A.

The important events for the year were a tour of the Woodcarv Plant and banquet at rbor \1anor, a hri tmas part), guest speakers at t.he meetings, and a faculty auction, project. The organization al o helped area high school: et up FBL chapters.

R"'' I B Lamp<•; • Hains ; B. Dcrrid. , L. \latznt•r J. jo\x> Hem 2 S 1\.raml'r; G. jack~on ; \I Zeiner. T Pet;cbe; D Kramer. Rem 3 : \I Lutt . D Spargur; C. llnu eman . L. Koehler,

0 \1cllugh. Rem 4 : !\I. Bennett , J Sudler; D Copenban•r, J. Barnes; \liss Remold!. Rem .) : \lr. CCI\ ; ·. Rudolph .

Circle K The Circle K club of Peru tate ollege is a Kiwani affiliated ervice organization. The purpo e of the organization is aimed toward the betterment and advancement of the campus and community. The main requirement for member hip i to be a male tudent enrolled in the college, and to be in good academic and social standing. Many projects have been constructed by Circle K in the past to benefit the campu and community. They held a hootenanny to raise nited Fund and the money for the American Cancer ociety. Circle K participated in many campu activities. They built a Homecoming display, u hered at play , helped with open house, and worked on May Fete. The members of the organization have dedicated much time to the campus radio station, K. P. S.C.

RO\\ I D Curti. ; J. hilts; D Linder; S. Mason , B. Beran. Rem 2 : Dr Wininiger; D Duncan ; T. Pet cbe, G blin ; J. Price


Rc111 I. J \t iller, L. Knippelmeir, \I Lull, Mr Co\ , J. "hilt s, D Busl irl Rm1 2 T ll cm ell, K. Burch, \I. \l ulle n, K. Achtemeaer, B. ll allt•r Rm1 3 D Dud ge, T. 0 burn , \I Callahan, J Rae , C chloN•r, D

Schneidt•r Ro11 4 · L. "ore nson, G. Rei ndiers, D. Langer, Dave Kramer, E O' Cunner, B E\ e rhart

Student Governing Association The tudent Governing Association, better known as S.G.A., was the body of student-elected representatives of all organizations and clas es on campus. Officers elected for this past year are as follows : President, Larry Sorenson ; ice President, Ken Burch ; Secretary, Linda Knippelmeier; Treasurer, Tom Howell. Though limited in its power, the Student Governing Association did play an important role in campus activitie . This year the S.G.A. established a judiciary board to hear complaints of students, which in turn were turned over to the administration. The S.G.A. revised their constitution to better meet the needs of the students. This year the S.G.A. sponsored several campus activities including all college dances, the annual watermelon feed, the all college picnic and Homecoming activities.

President Larr~ Sorenson


\ "ice Pre ide nt Dana

H e nr ~

Ldt to Right 路 D. Allison, T Ho\\ell, D. Dodge, L. orenson , C. Schlosser. ~ 路 Kramer, . Hill, D. chneider.

Voice of the Student Body

Students electing President, and Vice President for S. G. A.


Drama Club

Rm\ I. S. \la~on ; D Kramer ; D Dod~('; L. nren.,on. Rm' 2· P. Bindrurn ; B. lk•ran . \lr \lonre. L. Shanahan S. Ifill . \\ \\ik1"on

The Peru Dramatic Club, organized in 190 and the oldest organization of it t) pc in the tat<', "as fonned to prm ide qua lit~ dramatic and foren ic acti\ itie to the Peru State Campu . A point ~y tern forms the ba is for memb r hip, and points rna} be earned in club produetion .. convocations, and other dramatic or pcech \\ ork. In order to be a member of the club 25 honor points mu t be earned. Each 'car one tudcnt i cho en to recei~c the Dramatic Club \\ ard in recognition of out tanding achic\ crnent in the field of dramatics. The facult} spon or for the club is ~1r. Robert \loon•. This \ear' officer \\ere Robert Beran, ·Pre ident ; L\ nda ' hanahan, \ice Pre ident ; S:ill.,. Weber, 'ecretan ; Pat Bindrurn, Trea urcr; and Bili Au tin , llistorian. This }Car's activities included : the llonwcorning pia) , "L.S.A.", and th • spnng pla)s. "The .\pplc Bit," " The SandbO\, .. and "'orr~ \\'rong 1\Jumbcr."


English Club

Front Ro" R Comin \1 EH•rhart. P Rmdrum , S llill. R Dcrnd.. 1.: SdllliiLt'r Ho" I \lr ~umrner\ ; L. Shanahan : \I Rudlt•r (' Bil'cl. . S

\\ ebcr Rm' 2, J. Bernadt . S. \l,mm . l.. ailors; C. Harner; G \\ ood~ . D Dod~t·. \1 Finchcm , ll &•ran . \\ \\'ik'O\l'n

Sigma Tau Delta

\\ Wilt~l\t'n , 1.. Silas ~umnwr\


C. llamer;


Bernadt ; .\1. Budlcr; Jo.. . 'chnitzcr; \1

Findtem, \lr.

In 1926. the first national fraternity, ' igma Tau Delta, was organized t1n the Peru . tate Campu . The purpose of igma Tau Delta is to stimulate a de ire on the part of it members to familiarize themselve with the literary masterpieces of our language. The officer "ere: Carolyn Hamer, President; Wa}ne Wilcoxen, \'. President; 1ary Budler, ecretan-Trea urer. · The Peru English lub, a atellite of 'igma Tau Delta, was organized to further the tudy and enjoyment of the Engli h language and literature. English Club officers arc: Lynn Sailors, Pre . ; L}'nda Shanahan, \ . Pres.; Kathv Schnitzer, Treasurer; and all\ Weber, ecretan. Mr.· Sila ummer f the sponsor for both groups.


Peru Social Science Society


Fmnt Ro" : J tab : L. Jones. J Ganzel. L. Jmll.in\. II. Bm le. ll E'erhart. lim\ 2 J &rnadt. \1 Tu~afau ; G Finlt•; I) Reed . I) ()),on : .\ .

Schniter Ro" 3 R Rein.,che: \Jr. Strom : R. II artie'. D Callenius; D \\ u\1.. . P Lodin~ . J \\ altl..e

The Peru ocial cience ' ociet\ wa ne\\ h organized in l96i through the merging of all' the previo~ organization in this general field of interc t. P. ·.. •. ha a it main objective promoting intcrc t in understanding and appreciating his tor}, the application of social science, and vocational opportunitie in the c fields. orne activitie of the group thi year included, the

February meeting which featured an excellent hour long film on Communi t Czecho lavakia depicting the life of young people in Czecho lavakia today . Their schooling, work, mu ic, play, courtship and their dreams. Each year the ociety gives a dinner banquet for it member followed by a historical movie. Requirement for membership were a 6.50 C.P.A. in all history cour e and a 6.00 in all other courses.

Fnmt Ro" I T .. \IIi on , T. Judkins; R Schooling: D Linder; T Tuiolosega, D Renander Ro" 2 S. \\'~more , S Otte, R. Leuenberger; C Coe;

J. hilts: C. Arnold ; D. "ante!... R<m 3 C Reindiers; T Pet che; Dr Schottenhamel , D. Duncan ; J. eeba, R. Ieiner; J. Fi her, L. Aylor.

Alpha Rho Theta Alpha Rho Theta is the honorar~ art dub under the ~ponsorship of ~tr. Hitch and \tr. chmaljohn. The organization is open to all art major' and minors and an\ other students intercst<•d in the field. of art. \cti,itics spon orcd b~ Alpha Rho Theta included a dance at '' hich the Liberation Blues Band played . They spon ored the F.T .F , Foreign Top Film,, "hich consi ted of movie from throughout the world , featurin~ such tar a W . . Fields. Regular in Diddcl Exhibition art di play Court were al o pon ored. Officers for the club "ere: ' herric Wolken, President; Alan Burr, 'eclien, \'ice-President; Gerald retar)-Trea urer.

Front rem D Jan ' ' \ Burr; D \\ ilson ; \Jr. Sd1maljohn Hem 2 . ') Wolken , L Hie~chicl : !.. \\ indle; S G1lmour; J Pummel. Rem :3, F.

Topolski , D Cream ; J Greant'\ , P Stu ken· holt1; J \lien ; C. Gh\IJ~ na; C Krueger ; \Jr. II itch .

Phi Alpha Theta Phi Alpha Theta is an international honor ociet'> in Histon . It is compo ed of students and p~ofe sor who have been elected to memberhip upon the basis of excellence in th stud\ or writing of History . For the students to be considered for membership, the applicant mu t have completed twelve hour of tudy in the field of histon and have obtained a 6.50 G. P.A. in all of the hours completed. In addition, he must have a 6.00 G. P.A. in two-third of all hi other hours.

Front Ro'' · B. Everhart ; J Miller, D Duncan : D Linder; J. Finke; C. \rnold ; D. \\antek Ro"

2: Mr. Strom ; J McReynolds; J. Waltke; J hilts; C Reinders ; R. ' Ieiner; Dr. chottenhamel.


Student Wives

R«"' I C. Runl..ll'~ . J \\ 1lk~l\t'n : ( '\eumann . K Pt•ndergrart . C Bri~­ ham . ( <.rt•all\ . R«m 2 . ( Dnughl'rl\ \1 ( rt•anwr ; \1 E' l'rhart. I ~

Emert , <, \\'ibl\, '> Bender, '\ \I on H«m :3 C . Krat·~t·r : \\ Johmon. D Rat'inl' ; P Bohling

Richards: L. Challi ;

Working on Their Ph. T. Degrees In I 959, an uniqt!e organization, The tudent \\'i\ es, was formed on the Peru State campus. l ' nlike all other campu organization , the member are not all students, but rather thev are the '' ive of full-time Peru State tudent . · The club has cho en a its purpose, the bettt•rment of this and the surrounding communities. This year projects included the elling of homemade candied apple at the Homecoming football game, di tributing ea onal favors to the patients in the Auburn and ebraska City hospitals, visiting various schools for the handicapped, and acting a judge for the annual Christmas door decorating conte t held in the girls dorm. The club not only provide work for the wive , but an


for the wive to become better acquainted "ith each other. Since 1965 when the con titution wa amended, the member of the Student Wiv have offered a degree. The goal of each member wa to earn a Ph. T ., Putting Hubbv Through degree. pon the graduation of her husband, each member was granted an official Ph. T. degr e. The officers for the year were: Cheryl Richard , Pre ; Claudia Dougherty, President; Mar} Everhart, ec. ; Cam 1eumann Treasurer; Wanda john on, Historian; Jackie Willcoxen, Reporter; un hine, Kathy Runkles; Program, Jamie De Simone and Cheryl Brigham.

Home Economics Club

R,,_, I


~I<K>d~ . L.

Kre)(el , L. Oldfit•ld . \I Fi\her 1\o" 2 !.. Beer~ ,


u)(dcn . J Goldt•n; C. Durn . \I Fear\, P Cat'<.' I.. , \I \l.mhall.

The Peru Branch of the Home Economics Club i affiliated with the ational Home Economic A ociation and is open to. any girl interested in home economtc . Objectives of the club are to improve education for the profe ion, provide profe ional development and work for the improved statu of the home, promote recruitment and vocational guidance and interpret the purpo e and function of hom economic . Activities ponsored this year b, the club included the Lnitcd :"Jation~ Dinner, featuring a smorga bord buffet ; a hristma Taff) Pull ; and the Martha Wa hington Tea. The club abo pon ored a Homecoming eli pia) . Officers for the 1968-69 ) ear ''ere : pre ident, Ka) Lovitt; president-elect, ;\Iaureen ;\ lar hall; vicepre ident, Donna Sporer; ecretan, \larih n Mood'; trea urer, Jacqt;e Golden; tate. Historian, Danna Henr) ; GA repre entati e, ;\larv Lutt. Sponsor' for the dub arc ;\ l r . Kreg I and ;\liss Ho,ey.

D ~porcr , C. Ecn , C Gh\!1\ ua Hn" :3 1.. \I<><Kh S Clemnwut . Sd1ram . D llt·nr~. !... Burtum , \I ~ehlan)(t' , \I Lull h. Lm Itt


Phd)i, Cat~·).. Car)J Srwtht•n. and Pat Stul..euho)l/ m<Kid durin)( \I~ le ,)um 'l><>n ort•d ll\ Fat·uh~ \\omt·n 'Cluh


Rm\ I. L. \lnrri . \lr. jnhrwm, J hana. B. llau .. drild. I) ~thnl'idl'r. D Cnllin!(ham , J II nit , !.. Crt'!(or~ . J> ~" i'>t'!(UeKI. C. Bli'' Hem :2 J B<:rnadt. F. Chri'>lt•me•n, R J>attl'r\011 , E Flattn·. D. Ht't' \l'' · \1 'lugdt•n . R Leuenbt•r!-:t' r, D. l.:reifel\, \ . Da\\ \On . Hem :3: II J,aat". L. Gronthi•"·

D. Hidrit•, F Grundman . \I Bt·mll'l. D 'lpar!-:ur '> Pratt, 1.: Bet•n Rn" 1: J \ andt·rlnrd Dr 1-.rtt•. D Lrndt·r J Bnrt'' · B \la"it•, L i3arllt•, , J. B.Ji.t•r. S Bal.t•r

Peru Student Education Association

Rm' I J> llorl'l B. Hrdrard. C. Strung. ( Grt•athnu!ot', L. Fi her, H. \I aim , C. Thurht•r, J \lt•H•r Hem 2 B. Ra" lin!(\. C. llou~eman . I Pt•ter~. J '>hilh. C. El'n , \1 Burr. li: khtt'llll'il'r Hem :3 G Pa) ton,


Ballue, D Robrnsnn , ~I Ble:tel-. K Roel-emann , T . \tar hall, \I Rm\ 4 S Ben~on , A Buddecl.e, T Pet~he, D. Sha\\ , \\ Pttcrson, j. Fisher, D. ebola, B. Lampe



I D Forlt', li llofdin~ . C Hot'lfs. C. Ehll'r~ . \1 'laathuff. J Duen\I jt'n~t· n . Hu" 2 . C llat>cle , P llarnrn , B Pardl• ( h.ntl'~l· r : L. 1\:auffrnan, D 't'itn•l , L. Hodt•r; J Budll·r. Hclll :3 (. h.m~ . '> Oldeno~ . Rtl\1

,jn~ ;

R Juhn,on . \1 EH•rhart. C. Gotulla. L. \gne" . R. \11;111'\1 Gmhlt•, \ . 'ldmill-r: C Ita\\, 0 lk•nd.u, '> Kranwr; \ l ..lr,on.

Rclll .t H \u.,ttn . h.

The Peru tudent Education Asociation a preprofes ional Association of ebraska and the ' tudent National Education ociation. Organized b} Dr. Harold Hutcheson to include all tudent intere ted in profes ional education, the a sociation provides it members '' ith opportunitie for per onal and professional grO\ th; for gaining and under tanding of the histor} , ethics, and program of the teaching profe ion. The Organization elects i\ " ·tudent Teacher of the vear. .. The officers were : Barb Lampe, Pre ident; \1erri Lynn Bennett, Vice President; Jane Sudler, ecretary; Elaine Grundman, Trea urer; Carol}n Payton, Historian . The class representatives ''ere: Jody Meyer, enior clas ; Richard Owen, Junior clas ; Kathy Gregory, ophomore clas ; and haron Olderog, Fre hman clas . pon or for the year were Dr. Llo}d Kite and Mr. Harold John on. Dennis Jackson and John \\ ilsun "ere gue t spealer\ at P '> .E. \ . un " Operation Bml~?;l' "


Rm1 I J \ andt•rfurd , \lr \\'ibnn : B Pattero.<m . (' Blh\; \I Ballm•: J. l'ltlt'r; \lr Canlt'al~ Rn11 2 : j . Bal..t•r: J D1ll.."111 I' ( hatll'rtnn ; J \ldwn ; I' llall', J Butt .; j . Dul•minl.( : T. (hhonw Hn11 :3: (; llatl'll , "-




Broder~n11 ;


\lun~on ,

R. Shelton ; II

lloft'ling: j .

Tackett .

Music Educators National Conference The ~1u ic Educator' '\ational Conference i an organization on campm for student concentrating in the field of music. The local chapter was organized in 1950, and has been actiH· on campu ever l>ince. This 'ear activitiel> included a dance and ·ha} ride at the beginning of the \ear. \t ernber attended the State \t usk· Convention held in Grand I lan(l. The Conference took 0\ er all obligations, including financial, of the band and choral clinics. On ~l arch . 1969, a choral clinic wall spon ored b} the \I E C, it consi ted of apprmirnatcl} 250 l.urrounding high . chool student . On l\ larch 29, a band clinic was sponsored. This 'ear a Peru tate l\lusic Alumni ssociation is to be organiz<.>d on campus. It duties ''ill be to support the Peru l\1usic Department and offer a scholarship to future tudent . Barbt•r 'lhnp Quartl•l of till' Fall Cnntwl


Ro" I 1\. \lillc·r . .., \ aughn ; P ~" iW)tOod ~ . Gilmour · C. Lao,h . Ho" ~ [) llunteker. H \\ n)tht C . Badtlc•; H Bdtrn\, (. \tar~., ; H Earl. H<l\\ ;3


" · Clt•mt•nh ; P. \lar.,h . I) Olson , (' llan,en. lno,trudor; II lmtrul'lor: J Crabtn•c•; ·1 1\.ohlc•r. lno,trul'lor· II: \IJ.,man

\ 'illega\,


The Peru State College Karate Club was organized in l96i. It is a club "hich trc sc self-dcfens{' and phy ical fitnc , as ''ell as having fun . In it beginning the dub consisted of onh a karate dass, but mer the next t\~o years the dub \\US e\panded to indude a judo clas along "ith the karate. The club <:onsi ted of nineteen member , evcnh divided between karate and judo.· The club held testing periods periodically, during which time members could tn to earn belts · and certificates. During the chool \car t\\ ice-a'' eck work-outs ''ere ·held, during '' hich all interc ted per on had the opportunity to practice their sport. The club was open to anyone who was eriouslv intere ted in either of the e sports. ·

il:,tralt• dub mc•rnht>r., "or~ing <>nl


Row I : D. Hammer; R.

aftalis; D. Duncan ; T. Dennis; E. Topolski; Row 2: D. Hammer; G. Reinders; D. Gibson ; J. Cripe; D. Fa,ario

Clayburn - Matthews Hall One of the ne'' e t re idents for men on the Peru tate ampu i Clayburn-Mathews Hall, a part of the Centennial Complex. Each floor ha three four-student units and one six-student unit. Two tudents occupy each bedroom which i arranged a a combination sleeping and tudy room . An attractive, modern living room i located beh,een bedrooms of each unit for equal occupation. During the academic year, the dorm sponsored movie for the resident . The dorm also arranged for a bowling team to organized to represent those '' ho re ide in ClayburnMathew . Clavburn-Mathe' s worked '' ith Davidson- Palmer on the float for the homecoming celebration, and for the display, Egypt and the Pvramids. · The officers for Clavburn-Mathews are: Frank Topol ki, ·Pres. ; Mark Perrv, . Pres. ; Dennis Hammer, ec. · and Treas.; and David Hammer, Hit.


Cal milt•s "ith anticipation nf mnnr~ fmrn hurnr.

\ endinl( rnaehincs prm ide a refre~hin~ hreal..

Red Kettlehut and Buh Lanin pend a quiet afterncMlll inthl'ir livin~ nM>m preparin!( for thl' next day' da

Bob Rile\· usn Cla~·bum-Matthew

blx•k .


~ational facilitic.-s to relieve daily ten ion


before hitting the


Davidson-Palmer Hall Davidson-Palmer llall, located south of the campus and part of the Centennial Complex, is the nc\\ est co-ed dorm on the campu '' ith ib first \cars in 196i-6S. The Da·\id on- Palmer II all officer for the l968-69 school \ear ''ere : jane Givehand, Pre idcnt. Bevcrl~ Ra\\ ling~. Vice- President; Ruth Leu en burger, ccretar~- Treasurer ; and \ larth :\l ullcn , SGA Rcprccntathe. Oa\ idson-Palmcr and Cia\ burn:\latthc\\ s worked on their dispia~ for Homecoming featuring Egypt as the theme. It wa the t'cond \ear for the Centennial Complc:\ to · enter thi~ di pia' contest. A Christma~ part~ ''as held in the comple\ cafeteria for all members of Davidson-Palmer and Cia) burn-\ latthc'' s.

imon, Pn·mlent, J GiH•haml Hoi\ 2 \ it"t• l'residt•nt B Ha\\ lin!.(\ , F G1 Ina . .., C \ 11<-p., \1 \1ullen ; \ (;olden ; .., ..,len.lp

Officer' and <.~lllll\t• lor~ uf Da,id,on- Palnll'r ll.1ll an•. ldt to n)(llt C Cottula; \1 <,u)(d<'n ..,<'t·n•tan -Trt•a,urt•r R Lt•ut•nbur)(l'r D Huh-

Delzell Hall The olde t dormiton at Peru tate College, Delzell II all · " as named after W.N. Delzell, ''ho ''a with Peru from 1903 to 19·-lO. The dormitOT} provide · study-sleeping rooms for 151 re idents. Delzell Hall sponsored Kath~ Buffum for homecomin~. n unusual highlight of Delzell' homecoming activit~ ''as \\hen their displa~ was burned to the ground the night before the di play ''ere to be judged. Delzell Hall is under the uper' ision of Mrs. LongfeiiO\\. :\tr . Longfellow is aided b" four floor counelors : Ron Cotn~r. ba ement ; Bob \torri , first floor; Dave Langer, se<.'Ond floor; and Greg Thompson, third floor. Among the various acti ities held b~ the dormitor~ during the pa t \Car ''ere a Christma part~ and a hot dog feed .

Ot•ltt•ll l1Htnt·l! mdude\. '>eated · R Cotm•r;


\kill'~ nnkh.




\1urm .

Tlwmp~on .



\1 ..,aathoft Hm1 2 \\a ~~~ .

"t'l'rl'l.Jn -

Trt•a\urt·r. J \1.Jr'ohall. Bemon . DaH' LJII)(t'r

\ kt•


bunt RtN • I 1'oul.twa '> \\ """"'•' llnaL•·, I ~ ll•~nt I.P ll.lc I. lin" R t :nahll", J l"lltrra \1 h!tnlau \ Sdmltwr, <: Hnkr, \1 \lahltndnrf

Majors Hall A.

Majur, llull, t'«lll,lnadt'«l iu 1%0\ lm, tlw l'llp.tdl~ nf makinlt hntllt'" lor I ~0 IIICII 'tuclt•nt'. Tlw hall "a~ IIUIIII'd in hnnnr ol 1\ 1>. ~laju~ uf Omaha, furuwrh uf Pt•ru. ~lr. ~lajn~ 't'rH·tl em till' ~nrmal Hoard fur IS H•ar,, nml uidt'll iu uhtainin~ fumJ, lcir tht• lit'\\ huilclinl!. Duri111.t tlw I lnnwt-cnn in~ ft•,th i· lit"i, till' tlll'll nf \lujnN I Iall t 'OII· \lnlt'lt•d 11 unique• float fur tlwir qm·t·n t•amlidall'. Till' rlnat t'llll,htc·d nf u \t"'.lan u11 \\ hkh tht'ir t'Undicl.atc '' U\ t•arrit'<l. Thn~t· that l".lrrit·d tltt• t•tlan \\ort• t'«"ltllll£'' uf Boman ,J.n t·~ <tlnn~ '' ith thc·ir rnu,lt•r. 'l"lw nffitw' fnr tltt• \t'Ur \H'rt': l'n•,idt·ut, \lt•rnn ~oluu~ nka \Itt'· Pn•,idt·nt \lnlac·~·•'i I tll!afau , Sc·cn•· ta11·Tn•a"trl'r, Turn ~ln,~·r.




Ortlren ~an• lrurn left

:1.1 'iolumnl.:a, Pr~ltlo•nt , \I

,,,..fllu, \ it,.. Ptnklcnt ,


\lco,wr, ~~t·tun • hc~•un•r




Rm1 I D Kreifel\ ; S. T~ ler, K Copa\. Rm1 2: B. Richard , F Lm itt , C \\'ille1 , E. O'Connor R"'' 3 . J. Piper, C. Pa1ton, · D. \ebola : L

Knipp<•lmeir: P 'i11 1~cgood ; \1 R Rathbun .

Erh; P. Rohrs ;

The Women ' tudent A . oeiation in \lorgan Hall is repre ented b} the dormiton counsel. The coun cl consi . t of ka, Lovitt, President; ,amh Wille\ , \ 'ice- Prcsidl'nt ; Barbara Rich: ards, · ('t•retan-Treasurer; and Beth 0 ' Con nor, S.G. A ReprescntatiH;. Other member of the counsel consist of floor coun clors Donna Kreifels. Caroh n Pa\ ton, Pam Rohr . Ruth Rathhun, jolene Piper, and Pegeen s,, i egood . Da'' n ebola served as ' istcr- ' ue chairman ; Linda Knippelmcir, Friendship chatrman; and Kath} Copa , social chairman . Reprc enting the fre hman class \\Crc \tan Lou Erb and Sdvia T\ler. · · · The wing counselors ''ere appointed b} \lr . Beckel} and Dean Bradle} to maintain peace and quiet in the halls. The} also bring new and uggestions before the idea council and help them decide how the dorm mone} shall be pent. The \lorgan Counsel, a all the dormitor} governments, is re pon iblc for such matter as, general discipline mea ures, and pon oring dormiton activitie such a the annual Christma party.

Wesley Fellowship Formed in eptember of 1966, the Wesley Fellowship wa organized to sene the Methodist preference and other non-affiliated Prote tant students. reas of influence were centered within four group , namely; wor hip, outreach, evangeli m, and fe llO\vship. Each in turn was emphasized to bring spiritual inspiration, recreation, '' itnes and ervice to each member. Peru's We le} Fellow hip also contributed the support of Christian college student in other countrie . There '' ere no memberhip requirements for thi organization. The Wesley Fellowship officers were: Diane Reeve, president; Kay All man, vice-president; Pat Neumeister, secretary; and Vickie William , treasurer. Wesley Fellowship director was Reverend Robert Linder.

Ro11 I S Clement ; \' Williams, K Allsman , D. Reeve , P. eumeister, \I. Jensen Ro11 2· R. Malo~ , L. Kilgore ; Forristall: C. Gottula;


J. Holt; D. Robinson ; I Pofahl. Ro11 3 D. '1/eitzel; J. Bernadt; Rev. Linder; 0 . Linder, 0 Collingham.

Newman Club


ltlM I (' huon, ll alk•r, ( "'null, J l'rana, I> 'Khnci<ll'f Hm\ 2 l&lCLoll, II \\dk·r. J l'o~II!T"ll II lhlie

~hlltr , \\

Tlw ,,.,,man Cluh

j, 1111 ur~ani1utinn

fur t'(lllt•l(t'


tlt·,i~nc·cl tu (lrllllllllt• tlw prindplc·~ uf tlw Catlmlit• duc:trine.

Its funl'l iun h In uHc•r \httlc•nh '-CICial, intcllc•dual, untl

rc·li~inu!> inlt-rc•,t... It io, npt·n tn ull 'tudt•nl'> nf tilt' Cilthulit· clc•llnminutiun 1111 c~.ampm Fnundc'tl in 191S ut PL•ru State, it pn•t't'tlc·d h~ tlw Culll·gt• Cotlmlit• •'''nt:iatiun . Th1' ~t'.lf tlw ~ruuf> \\II\ \c·r~ hu,~ "itlt nunwrllll\ Ut'·


thitit·~ ami prujc•L'I' "Ill 1 u' n di,pl:l) fur llnmc•c.-.•ruin~ . and u pina parh npc•n fur all '' utlt·ua... 1:::.d1 \\'c'tlnt·,cl.l\ c· q·nin~ mc•t•hn~.. \H'rt' held in till'

R4-M I. I

porgt'r, (

'llurnahan, \1. \lulkn, falhl'r \1c:Oalxo, R Gti>WJI, C. llll· Bh Ru\\ 2 D ll:w1£l'l,, J 1\udlt'r, \1 Wt"ntl, II: lll•) le,

\lr "olcrnp; r, II Cft:onnur, I l't'hc:h<'. I) l.a\lullloUCIII',



""" ')


~tit>mc· Uuildin~t fur thu c• \ludcnl\ intert•,ted in l)('t'CIJnin~ me mht·~ uf tlw Catlwlit• faith .

The nHitw' ul tlw Nc''' man <.luh fnr tlw Ul6S-69 ~ c•ar "t•rt•: Jarnld B.trtd.. prt•!!idt•nt ; Puul l.udin~. 'i"•-pn·~idt•nt : J..:uthlc•c•n \ 'undc•nbc•rg, 't·crl'lar~ : uutl Carol ')\ nnn, lrt•a,un•r. · The• fac: ult~ '(>011\Clr nf tlw nrgani1aticm \\3\ ~1 r. Jc•nmw ~l<·rnpt•r, and uff-(.·ampm 'PotNlr wu" Futlll'r John ~kCalw uf l)t Cluru\ in Peru.


1~ S..fiM', Prall R~ 3 · 1\ D Duncan, R &ohm\

Schnitz,r, J Barttk. R t;:l..:·r, J fbhrr,


Ltttheran Stttdent Association Tilt' Lutheran Student \ sndiitlnn

"us the cnmpu' organi7.nlion for ull intt·n• ted




c.'t'nll'd \\ 1th tl11· d11m·h 'J he mt•m· ht~ ,,artil'ipatt'tl in ~piritual, iuh·llt~dua ,

nnd M•diil ncth ilil"'

gmup pnnson~l X'\ t•rnl cluriug tlu• ~ear, lnduding h\0 run\ it•s t•ntltlt•d, " I. s I> " uti "'f'imt• for Burniug." Ht•\ . Lincoln B J""' iu· nf llumhnldt nwl l'rulc•ssc•r t:f\du II. CnldPmh•iu "crt• gm~t Jll't&Lt•r!o fur tlw ~t•:tr. ,\ Jllllll'l ('1111· "''ling uf t•igJ.t i111t•r·r uial tmlt•llh '' n~ t•ontlm It~ I Tlw group \\1'111 t"dtol· iug duriu~.: Chrhtmus. \ !oJK'l ial cc••n· llltttttoll wn it't' ''as lll'ld .11 En ... tc•r He•\ , William 1... Jurgt•ns "PUll· on·d till' urguni7.ultnn, Olftt•t nt for



I Ill'



~ t•m

\\ en•

~' ru



Uuhn, \ kt··

l'n• idt•ut ; <.:~til\ Cm •, ~<X'ft'lnn , nnd Dc•tmis IIPuauclcr, 1.. ~ \ \t1iun Dm~1or.

lkM I \\ ~lurl " lla\\01111 n r.mt.. II II Mm~: I llAIIu II human \1 llurr I ( .ruw I' lit hn ll•m \I ~11thuft J f n nch• 'i l.ro&rnl'f II l.amJII I> \\ n•l II

n..~~. '

1 hmn1~nt, I ph;tm, I


1h.n n



lhl:tl'fllllllll , (,

u. n~:•t•nf

111... <. .-runwr s ll11r llunm , tl 11.:oth , I>


trll\ I) llc'IIOitKic 1

Gamma Delta \ l.utlwrun Cluh, """'' 11 us C.unma l>l'ltu, \\D ,, d111rd1 fr.a· h•rnih fw l'llllt•gt• ~tudt•uts '!Itt• ftDI nml third IIU't'ttll~~ uf t•adt 111n11t h \\l'rt' dt•\ nlt•d tu top it fur di~t'US\icllls 1111' M'C.~111d nwt•l iu~ " " ~et nsldt• ror ~pt·aL··~ or nul\ it•s: and tlw fnurth mt•eting \\rut dt•\uh>tl to MKial n~·n·atlun In \ul111m "f'rtps to <JUt·uf-hm 11 mN•Iings \\ crt• I kt•n: nnd oubiclt• ulih it it•!> tool; plact• for nil pc~on from an\ dt•ullmiuation. rhe offic.•t·~ for c IIIIIJIU Deltu \\en• Bub \tmt•n, Pn~idt·ut: Ht~t·r Grnhlt•, \ kt• l'n•shl<·nt; Muuwt•n Munhall, Sccretnn. nml J'ern \lnrhall, J'n•asurcr • · Jtc\ l'H'IItf f>.1 SU\\ \\a SJlCIIIMlr u( the urgnni7.lltiun.

!'runt 1\rm \ I rkl..<'l, ' Slt•mp. II•" llamm , r\ llolh,hnidrr, :-. \\1lhen lttN • I> I t•rlc, C






liiAnll II t

11.-:rlt', II llllu'4hlltl , Ottr, H c:r11blc Ho" 3 1.: l.11nnn, II ''"II· II Onm n, ll lltllman I ~h•tnwr, f M11nhull, • S(hlnkl



c • l~tn•\c

C ol•nnt\ (:



I~ th lll'll



\\ t•llcr, \1

CJ "


n-anwr, J II I

ll.unard liT


1\nun, \1


lllmrll T

Offensive and Defensive Varsity Lineups

Smith R I. 1



1\-trill•l :-..; I II



Joltmon, l ~

I \rrhurt, II

n I'

\1 (:

:-..;.,, I>

n ..lh. c

\1 I II

II 1: II




l>ull':\, !.I


lhfw. Rrhtul. ( hall11, ( houtla. ( ru•n. l>.nr 0;1\, t.pp. (,b'l:""· C.nblt. G~T:~:uo , Juhn\1111 Julm>lnn l.fntg_ :"':nl, l,~:~&>n">ti, l\lurnrm

'It~ l"llut fuutball t'tllK'hin;; ~taU

Mclt~. Munivm Mul,arw'. ~ard••n••, ~l'(Wmri_, Pt"w" llalx,.am, Ring. Rr""'• tit rflt W. 'lwp:ml, TaiiM, \ illt'J:Ui. \\attn \\ 1llr.arm

Rub Ua lmont", Tom hl7g~ald, JacL Mt'lntlrr. Jnc Pch~l. and I lead (~>.adJ l)r t:nln l'ith



Injuries Take Heavy Toll On Bobcats. lnjurie '' hich were uffered carh in the season great!~ weakened the Bobcat thi~ year. · Three fir t- tring players " •rc injured in the econd game of the ea on. The} \\ere ~1 ike Mul ane~, center; Charle ~l izer ki , tackle ; and :\1ike D uke , defen ive back. Later Peru ' s offen ive "hen quarterback, Carl backfield suffered a hea-.~ lo ' attcrfield and fullback , John Bristol \\ere injured . Thee lo !>e combined with other hindrance . uch as bad "cat her and lack of depth , meant a lo ing ea on for the Bobcat!>.

Season Summary Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru



35 0 21 2

0 0

Tarkio Yankton outhern State Emporia Kearne' hadrc)n \ a\ne Hasting

2i 2 i 41

52 33 7 13

Creanwr t' ' adt•; "mild be tad.. lcr.

Cnm d "atcho:, Emporia game in the rain .


Harriers Won 2nd State Triple Cro\vn

I'" tho lrnt tlnlt' 111 th•· hl•tur' uf ( .r...... ( tlllllln 111 I'< ru 'lull• lht• llurrit'r~ t~•mtJit It~ II 'lt'l"IKI w•l of \lllltllt~ lo~bt•ltod lilt' ''lllh'1 ntl!t I ""'" I ho I!Jii;' ami (>."i M.>il\1111• ~" thco lluht"'lh nllllliiiJ: uwr \t IKil•l.u ~lilh' n•m· 0\\l't'll hHt noll..'t'tllht \ t hrud,a ( ~~~~ t ,uuf• n•nt~ I bmpu•n•hlt~ ~lhh""' 1\\ I ll.lnlplun\lllt" 1111d lltt 'lllltlllill \wlt'io1 · lk~1 uf lnlrmoiJt.s:l,.lt• \lllltllt lh•lril'l Il l 1:J...mtllual\hlt~ Jk1IIIIHI


~11inr Cu·C:IIttlillll \1111 \llrn \ cm"l<attlh lmt•n•\111~ nlllllt•r "lauw d... lt'l1nlnulluu t:r~th 111dn;l h'llm lllflf olt• ml l'f. h•rt \ :111 lu ltl Jm, 11 1ht• tHniiiM•r I\\ 11 h•am 'I"'' dunn~ lht• • 1111n• 'lt'iiWII IIi• m•~l uuhtumlm~: JM~unn.Hit~ "'" Ia Ling lht• runut r·••t• pcnlll1111 111 lht• " I llo ul"' tll.an'tl Hh In lht \1\1 \ lll'trict \I••• I untl I hi 111 lht• ~allunal ~lt't I In t tLiahmna I II\ \n ht>tllllll11tnlll ruuurr "hu '""' hh llh •unlh I ""' C'uuuln It llt•r 111 fi\

•waahnmure \II· \nll'rit"'lllJul. \\t'\l" Jl'(ICIII :-..; \1\ \II· \merkan undelratt"'l i11 inlert·ollt~lllh• lllt't h In 6'1, ·~n~pl tilt' :\a· lttllllll• ho "hklt l11• hnblmd 7th \\ l'\t'n u the \



hn!tl," II majur 1 ''""' 'uuntn ,..,,.,..J. at I~·ru '-tult• lot lom tilt' Ill· mil, dt•·

I nn• llt•llil• "'"' 111 Ifat' "I> I lm tlllllllllal, \~C

Mil lot a•h 111 \ \l • ami Ilac• '\ \1 \ Ul\lrict llt•lun 11l•n ,..,,. II lrnlnlclualtlllt~


1968 Cross Country Team

l.r-11 lu Hl~hl U.ow lhllrnoau, J••rn 'lnl..••uhnh7, llnh 11<'11("11, \llt•n linn Jnm~ c~~-Ill 'mhlt


•.. \'"'

1),., .. C'urla•.

I)KL \\urlan•, Tum lk-nuuh, l>llll I rnul . Jan llaJ:t;c•mtlll, Jud. \\t•\l•n, \hl.c•

Cats Dominate S. D. U. Invitational Ou tltl'ir fl"l •nrltn~t ••I tlrt• ~il"'" tlrt 1111· lrlt'tf llnboll t II~\ UIIIIIIO fUIIIIt D lllatlt• II hifl h•r tlu """"'" lhluta I 111\t"nll\ hi\ rlatlunal

1111" ul \ t mulln•n "'"''" l>al•tlu '"Jtln•nntrt' \II \ uu'fltau j ilt ~ \\ '"' f\ ""'1"'"'''"1 "tlh u

c lumpu111•hlp l"'rfurnlllll<• ul l:i 36 tur tlw

tltrt't'•lllllc t'IIIDI' I t•atlo r \\ t'\<"0 !oOid ahh ,IIJJIM•rh,l II\ t:untl ·~•h fiUittlflliillt,., In C ,,. t'll(ltlllll \un \llrn lth·li5i'. lu..,Junon l);nt•

ll urm 'th·lh J; l, lla\ ll~t•r l':'th·l6 S!.:i) :mol I""''"""'" l>.a•id lllllnwn 'tlh·lfi -11 Joa• It a~:• J:<'IIIIUII lllltl linn Jnm~ "t'W !Jth uml 11th fl" 'I~ 'diu h 11... lllalt' urad \\lull ""''""' ::.5 l"tluh lu 11111111111: ufl \H tlo tin• ham II II•• Otlll'r ~,.,.., \\1 ll' \\II\ lit' :">tlllt' oiJ ""rtfrt Ill ('f> i>o t Ill • \t"nth ttl 'uutla Oa~uta 103 \ unl1<11 • IH'i. :\dtra•la \\,~l... un 1\2 \\t-,tmllr Clol\u) IS:l Hrur C1r!t " "'uf2j l

Crnu It l>r Jurn~ \\ l'tll.lrt,:tll•u llr l'lflmgiUII fllU l~lat lot'fl f't Ill ... hilt llurwn lnr 6 MII""" ur11l Jlltlcf,,.,~l ;a thlrcl All \rnr.rlcau ll"arll lur tlu! lio olx-.ah • till'(' 196) llr Ita• Wlllllllr~l I Ill 'll'U>rll~ 11<1 uuh I; tlc!t:th •In«' 1961 t•\dudins: tilt' :'\altona I \lt•t b


~d,...L.t '>lllh' n:~tllJit·llllon Ill• "'lll:llh


li d Zl 1111tjur nwt'l 1111" 11ncl lnmlto'tl "~"nd 111 tltrrt.' of tht• ''' lllk~ •l•k'l1 ru lmted tlw C;ub

'wf>ltomore l.t•llt'llllllll J•• lbgrrlllllll • urll 1n thin! lnr tl1•• llui K.'IIh 111 M"'l'flll mt•t·h Ill• h;.~l tx•rlnrrn:anet• ol .,, wu; 11 htlr p!Jre luud1 in tht• :\ \1 \ Ul•t II lllt"l'l "lucia ll•!hhod lhcRiuc- Dnd \\ htlt• to ill llh •~'""~'II"' Ul\lrtcl

\ t'"""''" k·th•nnan • ho ran


l·n ..luuan Jt'lr\ ""L<tlllllh:r \ ""''crh'd I•Milltall pl:nt•r """ rilll rht' nne- nuk• 111 )J'IIIlft tru.~. Jt•rn ltrmhnl 111 tltt• t10p ~·wn lnr the Hl•l,.;~b ; of lhr tl 11111~ IH• run ll11 " I.UI unt'tort\1 n tinn;al nrnnrr "'"' l\ il gtul IIIOSfM--d lnr thr l'•'fll 'Cilh' Crnu·t'ttlllltf\ h•arra

O•t•l lltNt J'"•t.,, I \r:or I.L'IIrrrnau Hem 1011\ 1111' t'!IIJ>UIIn ul the •rn lllt~\lttl IIG.' :\( <: ( h~trnt•lc•n)lup ~1uatl lit• r.au 111 tim lop "'"'" fur lilt' liul,.'llh dunug Ius t•nllrt' luur \t'lll t'artTr ll~r l~e~ perlunn;~nn-, ul IIJ6.'1 •u~r a -4th pl.tt~· h!llrn hrot~h 111 thr ~~ .G ( 'hilrn· pbnd111llo a11tl u 5th Jll.let• h "'" luah lr 111 lht• '>\I\ l>l\trltt II ( llllmt•tc•n~lllln

l>.m I rout , rJ \ rar IA'IIMman l>:an't pt'flnrnlaiiCt~ hll\ t• uu,lru\t<tl thmu~th· •rtJI Ju, tlart't' '""' n urer •lila I tt' lluf K""ilh I Ill lt(3 t f>erlntiiiiUit'O nl 106'1 lndutiCtl a Sth 1•loare lt!:im luml1 111 hotla tlot• luhcnrh ul ~l'lor.uLII (Omoallll ) dual lllllf 111 tlat' ~t.ftr;n~ll (.,.•ll•1!•' Conft•rrnn• \trct

Junlur, Hll\ I h11r, .! h 'IH I.Nit~lllllll I he t·lt't't ... l Co C"lifll lur ll.lfi9 lml'h'~ rite 11,,.., t11p 1\ rur111t~n ttnh <ltln• In tlw l!ll"' <'lllllll.JI!o\11 T"" 3 nl pia...- h••arn lrnl•ht•• hrglo·



(~~ ( -'lfll/1111

IICt·urll !i.(I ( f \\'ltt1flug "'•lluual\ 1 s..,n 1'1. 19b' l'o·ru 13 Ia \\,~h·rn '~<1ll Zl 100.' l'•tu I ar~'" (~~ ~;. llfb' l't'fll Iff 101 \\ (),t 1!16.\ l'eru lb


juruur Oat l \\'url1m, 2 \1 011 I A·llrrnlllll \\ lirl.tnJ fllll Ill tl~ I up ··•.:Itt the aab In lour n11~h 111 19f>'i Itt• is a ~ur1<l ''"~· pt'tt lor tl1e 8uht11h 111 11Ji19





II , 19f>'l









:\\\ ,, ...c


l'c-ru I\ f',•ru 15

Tur~1n Ill \\ Mlt'nt

""'"'')t l :'~,; . () Tar~1n

lt!!fth,.f R11' , rllurh thb Iiiii

I I"'' "'""' llloth an clual flll't'h ilgllrrt•l Tllr~u• C:nll~··



l-2. lltbl\

l't·ru :!7





.,11 ,,_


IW it> I;)


l!)t)'i 1. IDb'l


l'o·nr .!! f'tTII


\\II\ llt'




I I ;a.•ling' [)uunr .. ~ollllt'\

\\'II \Ill'

l :\ .() :\ot\



l't•no 16


S9 63 7:l


.. l'ar!IC\

.j9 61



\\;a\IJC' :'~,; . ()


llulk'llh I ;~~u.:htlntiLI .. hnnt;~ I II\ I .Ill''"

llulx'llh l l.c·h II• lllghtl II \ l hrr \ :111 llun Jm••~ JD\ II itl!• m• n J;..-t. \\ 1'\tn ami .,.,, 11! I harrh 1"'11.1rt' tn nul• da\lan" tlw t ...ltl uml \\ lu l'rru 1 (on nth con· Mnatlw :\\I\ Ul•lnd II I laaruplnn•hlp 111 \I~ n,

Olbl nmu llniJtlon luu

~alutn tl11

~~~~kill ( "'"'"Ullin 'WJUIId rl!Ofh uf 1\llno ll arrl uncf l hn !lblt'






n l'Ofil ho~lcler \ un '" II•~ trlt. h•ammatn J);a\(' II rrb 11m Jl , ndrlch und J;u L \\ 1'\t n al"1u1 gt'tllll,~ l11\l In till' tun, nf \\ u("""" ahM o laUI \\urll•UI Ill tlw ll;alr Jl.lrL

:\n\t mht!T fi'i

Hill a11cl Dalers' ' Fi11isl1 11th i11

O n :'lt;nwmh\·r _3nl llw ' (' 1•.' lop<.'tl lu :111 lllh pl<ll't' (cui,ll iu tht• 1\ at inn a I tnt't'l 11 Dratx•r Pnrk in OL!ulumm t'tl\ \h·H'r.,, \ .111 \llt·u. l l .cg~t'ruJ.III , l ll{'r, J mtt'!., ll urTI'. Tr1111l, ml ~lttlt·uhc•ftl rt'Jlrl'"'t'lllt•tl Pt•nt Slult' ut I hi... llll't'l Jat k \\ 1'\l'r" fmhht'tl itlc 111 u f wltl ul Sill lllllllt'rJo. tu mlut•\ ,. :'\ \I \ \II- \ull'r wuu hnnnr.; \.111 \llt•n .md l>aH' ll.urls lini,lu"tl 11 ...1 uml ;)lith rt'... Jit't lht•l\ 111 the• h'.un lilli... lt ra11ktt1~., l't•flt clc•h•,Jit•cl ull ~.·bm,k.t, '"" •'· .ttul \J j,!\otJri t•uhit•s in tht• lllt't'l \\ t 'H'r~· 5·1tlllc· IIIII!' Cl( 11 I.! "'" """ llU M~nlld\ "'lmwr lhau jnl111 \l.l'illll's, l'cnl ll il\!>, dUIIIIJiittll\hip lillll'



" J,


t :nulmatln~t \

S: "ur ltth'fUIIIII

Cah iu l.olcf, tlm•c• "'flrtll~ lr.ll'l

rt•turcls ul P~( • uml '' ,,\ opc·mting hd\\t'l'll hlh unci Sill 111111 111 t·ro~o,­ \'ttlllll f) \\ ht•ll u Lnc•t• iiiJIIr) hruuglct hi t'UIIIfX'II IIH ' "' '•"'"' In ra11 t•ntl




~ mnn


. i)


llnn Jnm':\ U) and

\lltn lr d"J'La' tho• ~.\1\ llt~rld II

tram lrtlflh\ and thrir lrnll\klual •urd• l'nu nmrwn tuul.. !K'\t'll uf tlu I; itKII\klu;al a•ilnl, 111 tl,h nll't'l

l.ohln •uulth


f .t



'"~11lt1C: l lll..~

\IL n

111m• anti \\1uh ll arrlt~ Knn Jones, D.nr II rrb. Jad. \h'\I'U rnl 1),111 I nntl

m Lt• htllll l'•t'J~o~r:alton• fnr lht'ir lith tiLl~

~ldtnnul flni•h In OLLhnma ( 11\ Mr lldl t,Jd \\ L'\et• gl\ II~ Ju,t OIIIIUh• 111\lrtnlinm

Run-Away At Mid\vest AAU Meet. Team Peru


Peru ''If ' I 02



Kcarnc\ \\'a' ne · l ·c: Kearnc~


i :J " B"







Heturnin~ to 'ebra~l..a Colle~e

the ~itc of the Conferen<:(' the w t'<'k pre\ iou'>. the Bobcat.. again ~potted Kearne~ State Collce;(• their horne cour~t· and out-di.,tanced the \ntclope-. 29-65 011 the -.houlder~ of efforts b~ Jack \\e~er-.. indi' idual t·hampion : Tom I lend rick,, :3rd ; \an .\!len , 6th : and Da\ id llarri-., th . Other rurHler~ in thb Pt•n• 'idon included Ha\ L her. Hon Jonc~ · and Dan Trout : Thi'> wa~ the wcond consecutiH· \lith-.e'>t .\ .\l Championship for the Bhw and \\'hill' llarrier'>. Hillman, Allen, llagg<"rman, and Lher practice earl>


1!0101 I It h tn rh:ht ( .oal"h Jad. \lrlnllrt', llulrnt \"l•laut c,.I,J("It Jnhu Mdntlw, \Ill 11 l'nlurm, Jim l'.. h~.. . \lel.t• Jl•lm ..•n. I nm l'o~ttnu , lloh '\\1\lant CA~ lum let;r,J:t rat.! """ 2 l.arrull Juiiii .. IH \II!:UU llii'UI~au•, \\11\llt' lldm•, ll.IUJ; llulf•L• r, IHt '""'art, l.am C.rn'lt

c:nogon ,

l'.Afl llnnw ltou llidt•m•ur, MU<IMel M;aeuag• r. 1'1.11 \lillmarl llu~ S t..nl. I alit·• . IMI I tiiLu• '" " ' l'rnrn•t, C h:niM Mnrh111, lhm.•t Ileum·

1111~1. C (\tlc \\ tl~m\ I'"'" 1\•rlrt' \ , 'oh•\t' Ut•;m

I .am(,,,,. n trw-, for another t"o po nh.


Mcintire Wins lOOth Home Game At Peru The Peru State Bolwats helped Coach Jack \lclntire attain orw mile~tone in hi 1:3-\ ear carl'er a~ head hoop mentor at 'psc a~ the~ treated him to his lOOth horne court 'ieton "ith an 7-76 'icton mer the Con·· cord ia Bulldog~ . Senior forward \\'a\ ne llcine, \\ ~ :'\o. 2 all-time corer and reboundcr at Peru ' tate Coll•ge. Durin~ the 196, -69 ea~on, llcine talli •d :32-t poinh, third-be t on the team, for a career total of I:37.5 points. lie wa~ sl•cond in rebounding for the ~car "ith 259, gi' ing him a career accumulation of 950 rebounds. Peru coring and rebounding "as led b~ ~ophornore center Pete ' tc"ert, ,,ho tos. ed in -t 7 poinh "hile hitting on .:;sec of his field goal tries and grabbed :302 rebound in 26 game.. II is 302 grabs made him onl~ the econd pla~cr in P ·c annals to get more than 300 rebounds. 'ophomore guard Cl~ de Wilkins "a the runner-up to Stl'\\ art

rowd watche a Pete te\\ art shoots for another 2 point .

in scoring 35 points and became the onl~ Bobcat to pia~ in all 27 ball games. Three ne" eo mer to the Peru . tate lineup at the semester break put additional lif • into the Bobcat attack and helped Peru to an l '-9 cason record and ccond place in the ·" h·braska College Conference "ith a 6-2 mark. ~ophomore guard Clarence .. Boo" Clover tossed in 2&1 point in hi 13 game for a team-leading 20.:3 a' erage. l ie also topped the squad in frce-thr<m ing "ith a 75. ' percentage. Freshman forward Freeman Be' ille, added 176 points in hi 12 contc t and ophomore cen tcr- for\\ ard Larn Green, grabbed 105 rebound in J3 eontesb. A a team, Peru broke t" o cason records b) to sing 91 field goals and grabbing 1516 rebound . Th ' old field goal record "a. 70 set b) the 1961-62 team, "hilc the 1963-&1 squad held the old mark of 150 rebounds.

Thing are up in the air a number 55 prl·sscs Cl~dc .


Summarv of 1968-69 Basketball Tournament .I







l lastings












Bal..er. l '.






PS( '


St \tan路 of tlw Plaim





















Sou t lwrn St<tte








\1 idland








l luron












I l asting~


P"'( .










Briar Cliff












' ortlm c~t \l i:.souri State











ortll\\ c t \1 issouri State

\I issouri

\\'a, ne lleine tuff one in for two


nc State

7S St.

Green\\ ails fur rebound


Cuad1 \lt'lntire \dlh hi\ return in~: lt•ttermcn ; Wa, nc llcinl', Pete ~le\\ art . \1 il..e john,on, Tom Patton .

Ch de oul· maneuH' r' his uppmwnt .

Lt' llll

l'ortn·~. (.)~ dt•

\\ ilk111'. lin" Hidt·•wur.

Prt'\\llrt; ' on a\ Patton drh ,., du" n l~H•rl


I .eft tu ri~ht . Fir\t ro" OaH' Bohll,en, Rand' Jnne'. Ja' lla~erman . \an \lien. Cah in 'lmith . ct~md W\\ Coach Jat·~ \lclntire. Jacl. \\ ~cr\ , \rnit• Jnhn,tun , \Jar, 111 \llt•n. \\ 1111.1111 \\a rd . \I il.t• \luh an(· ~ . Brut't' Brum-

mer, Budd, \lcCrca Third Ro" 1\eal \\'arin~ . Elmer Reed , Earl John ton, Da'c. llillman. Ra~ l hler, Ri hard .,hcpard, Da'c Bierbaum. Burt hllll~ner.

Record Breaking Year For Thinclads Peru' ,\II American Jack \\'e, er~ b the ~du)()l rt·cord holder in the milt>, :2 \lile. :3 \lile. and 6 \lile runs. The ret'ord-. "ert• as follows : I \lile- 4 : 1.5.4 2 \Iii·-~) : 1:3. .'3 \lile- 14 ::3.5 6 \lilt•- :30 ::3 lie "a~ abo a member of the record breaking 196 Distance \lcdlc\ Team a \H'll a'> a member of the record breaking \lile !lela~ team . \Ve~crs is onl~ a Sophomore thi'> ) ear and i~ C\)Jectcd to return for t\\ o more '>UC<:e'>sful H'ar'> at PSC. · Pictures "ere not a\'ailahl<• for record holder-. Budch \ ll'Crea and Bert Faulkner. \IcC rea hold~ the Triple J umj) school record of 1.5· 9" and Bert Faulkner holds the Ja' elin record of 21:3' 9" .

,\II American j.Jt·l.


\\'e~ cr\

\lt•mlx·r~ of Pl•ru ~tate record breal..in~ \1 ill• Hela' team an• Left tn ri!(ht . DaH' Bnhll..en. Da\t' Bierbaum, \I an 111 \ llt•n. ' "t Shm' u. Cah in Their rt•t•ord i 322.3



Seven School Record Holders Rettirn


\an Allt•n Slt't'piC't·hast• <.,d10ol Ht•t·ord of I .')().C)

\mold jolul\ton hold' tlw \t•hool pole \ault


of I 1'.

Cah in ~mith holds 'en•ral 'chool record~ . The' are: -t-tO '\ ard Da~h -W . I bO '\ ard Run l :.5t9 00 \leter Run 1 :.5:3. 9 HO '\d. Int. llurdle' .56 7 lie ''as abo a member of the record breaking 1968 Di~tance \tedle' team , and of the record breaking 196& T'' o \1 ile ·He Ia~ Team . Smith i-. a 2 '\ear Letterman at Peru and he ''ill be returning nt•\t 'car. . PNu should fare ''ell again ne.\ l ~ C'ar '' ith a \de ran group of trackster~ lt•d b~ ~e'en school record-holders. The li t of reeord holdNs includes Cah in Smith in the -t-tO, 80, '00 meters and the 410 intermediate hurdles. Jack \\eyers in the mile, t\\0-mik. thrt•t•-mik, and si\-milc, \an \lien in the stct•plechase, Budd~ \kCrea in the triple jump, \1 ike \luh am•, in the di~cus, and &•rt Faulkner in tlw ja' elin. ·

Cahin Smith,






Left to riJ(ht . Coach jot• Pt•le.,el.., Denni' llamnwr. Jim llain\, 'it-l Pdrillu. Tom Brandt, Charlt•' Garrul!', ~cull l)a, i,, 1\irl, Tallt'\ ~t'c­ und r<m . 'ltt'\t' CaJ(t'. Tum Patton, john \\ <lrrt'll . \1 il..t• Dukt·' · Fd Fitch.

\larl.. \\ t•Jil'r, ~tt'H' Emnlt'rt, \I ~dmitt•r. llich 'aftali ... Top ru\\ tt' H' D.tltun , ~tan ZIJ\ Int. Chucl.. \lin•r'>li . Can Wt•ilt•r. Tim \\ ll''l'. \lilt• Challh. Carol Jol;mun, and \lil..e \dam . .

Bobcat l\t ha,t•man. ~l~lll 1);.1\i\ and Chnt·l.. \lher.,l..i on the ldt , and 2nd hawmen, Curt Tallt•\ and 'ltl'\l' Dalton un tht• ri!(ht . art· the first line of BolJ<:at deft•n\t' .t!(almt humt• run\


1969 Baseball Team and Positions

. tarltng out - fielder~ fur Peru arc Steve Emert•tt, left field , trillo, right field ; and \lurl \\ eiler, center field .

icl Pe-

Tom Patton, third hast· . Stan Zd>lnt . short~top . and \lilt• Chali\. third b~e . a part of the 111-fit•kl \taff a\ailahlt• to Coaeh Pl'li,t•l

Rein~ . one of the Bobcat'~ pitcher~ folio\\~ through after an attempt to foil tlw


man at bat Catcht•r,, ll amnwr, \ darn, , and Brandt arc the Bolx·at \trt•ngth IX'hind lwnw platt•.



The ston for Peru ~tate\ baseball team has been ·· dme but no l:igar.. for the pa'>t fe,, ~ears . De' doping an offemc ''as Peli.,ek · s big task this spring ''hen '' l'ather final!~ JWrrnittecl out door '' orkouts. Tlw dubs l\\o big ~trength., ''l'rt' tlw squads m era II defeme and tlw pitching. The an•s of tlw staff. senior left bander Bill E' crhart and junior righthander Jim Hains ''ere the returning pitc·hers. Four other returniug pitcher., adckd their strength to the squad. The~ \\en• ~te\ (' Dalton, Hich Jemen. and \lark \\'eiler, and ~te\t' \ nderson . OffeusiH·h , the Bobeah \\ere hurt 1)\ the · loss of three senior ballpla~·ers '' ho ''ere student teaching the last seme.,ter. The biggest loss ''as \II- 'CC second baseman Jim \\ altke, the leading hitter in I H6'> \dth a .31.3 aH·rage. Center fielder. John Creanwr a l\\ o-time \11-'\CC seiC'etion in 66 and 61 ''as also student t<•aehing . Hight fielder Hich Gibson ''as also lmt.


Ste'e Dalton a\\ aih the pil<'hers challen~e .

Season Summary 1969 Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru

H i ,' j

-l I 12 ll 2

0 0 0 H 2

:3 2

\I issouri \\'estern College Simpson College Simpson College \\'a~ ne State College \\'a~ m· State College Doane College Doane College Kearne\ State ollcgc Kearne~ State Collegl' Concordia Teachers College Concordia Teacher College Chadron State College Chad ron State College \lortlm est :\I is'>ouri State '1\ortll\\ est ~ l issouri ' tate


.'3 -l

:3 2


lO 9 3 3

2 1-l 3 I




'' 11l marl.; l't•ru

..... <1 ..1111 ··~ rour t'f~clu..., \H' rt' ill\nht~l in "" itdl£" uf at hit Ill·


,..,.,Jgtmll'llh, pc,..ition llu• top



rt• l~lll'fl hi

ol hl'r

!>\\ ih l1 ill\oht•tl ( 'uad1 Jot• l'l'li-.t•l.;, "hu \\ill lakt• '" t•r ns J,:rnl bus.. m·~l ~ t•.u rt'pladn~ l>r Foin I'1W• 1>1. l'itt .. '"II clt•\ult• llllllt' lillll' to d,I\MIKIIII lt'Ut ftju~ flllll utlmlm,traliH• clutit.., hut \\ 1ll nl.,., l'fllllinm• to J,:uidt· tlw Buht~l !!"II h·am I com I ill~t·mld , prt•St•nth "'" SJ"talll in h,lsl,;t•thall ml rnothall. "11l tala• u\ cr l'l'il'>t'L: ha-.t•hall du•I'Cl! ami l'flllhllllt' a' """''taut 111 ftMtthall j:u.:l.: l\JdllllrL' rtllllldt•tf IIIII tht• li-t of !io\\ 11dtt.., II\ mldmg. tilt' t ....l.: of ht•.Jcl t.'n''' t'fllllllf\ l'f>adt to hi .. uthl'r clullt'" '" ht•1ul ha..L:t•ll);lll nncl I r.:tll t·uadt. I Ius t'.llllt' .tltcllll h\ till' rt• iguatiun ul l>r jnlllt'" l'ilkmg.ton, \\ ho h,,., at'f•t•ph·d 1 pu.. itlou I ( :.•11· {'ntl 1\t•.ullt• "tall' ( ollt'J.tt' in Snuth l>ilLutu l>r I hurt·ll \\ iuilll.!t'r ''ill



lw.1d ll'uni.,


Jnr 1\ l1-. L ( ,, ld u....

Tnm t li7J:VIlllcl I!.a" hall

Pelisek Takes Over Grid Chores

Jad. Mcintire C and 1 r cL

ll.a•lcll~;~ll, t

Jam~ l~fL.hJ~Iutl R~ nrd

I on 111 l'ilh (,nil


Gulf Squad, left In right, Coach In in Pills, DaH' llarri'>, \Jill• Ros~u. Jcrr~ Gn•an~ , han 1\liller, and Ruger Gardner.

\tile Rn,~u. I ~ear leltl•rman frnm Bridgt•twrl , Cnnn .


han \Iiiier


Comi tant Colfl•r

Golf Team Shows Improvement ~

eason Summary

Conference Disbanded

Peru \\ 0"\

\1 id" estern Colle~e



Peru \\ '()'\

PPr,hin~ C:olle~t·


.\pr. 10


"\ orth" e~t \1 b'ouri ~tate


\pr. 1.5

Peru \\'()"\

Fairbur~ JC:


.\pr. lb


:-..ortll\\ e~t :-.1i,~ouri State


Apr. 2-l .\pr. 29


Peru \\ ();-.J

Fairbur~ JC


Peru LO.T


\\'() :'\




\I id'' c~tern C:olle~e

\\() ,



Peru came in third \Ia~ 12. 19!-iH, placenwnh \\Crt• Fi~t Crei~hton

econd II iram ~cott Third Peru Fourth \\a~ nt• Fifth Per,hin~ han \I iller "a'> undou hted h the m<"t comi~tent ~oller in 1969. lie \\a' undeleatt'd in 1~1atd1 phi\ lie nwnaged to eeure a 7:3...1 average in dual and trian~ular t·ompt'lition. and he ha, "on nunwrou<, nwdali~t honor~ han \\Ll~ nwdalbt at the trian~ular meet \dth Per.,hinl.( and \lith\l''>tern \\ ht'n he '>hot a 71 . lie ~eeured recol.(nition a~aimt "\orth \:est \lb ouri. "ith a to.t al of 7-l . h~n also shot ..t 1-l agaimt ~a1rbur~ J. C. for "l11eh he rt·ceJ\ ed a nwdali'>l rating. han "as a~ain a\\ arded nwdalist honor~ again'>! Doane "hen lw '>Cored a 12 and \1 id\\ t".teru "hen lw 'cored 10. J\all pla~t·d for one ~ear at \larshalltcl\\n J. C. lwlon• he eanw to Peru . There lw finished lith in the nation in J. C. t~llnpctition . l.uckih for P. !'! . C \Iiiier ha' l\\o \l'ars to ~n before graduation . ·


Peru State Colle~e no lon~er helon~s to tlw "\ d>raska College confl'ft•nce. It ,,a., di~handed June I. I~JmJ '" a deebion of the four state t·ollcl.(t''> in their meeting Jantiar~ 21 . 1969, \\ hi<:h "as apprm ed h~ the State "\ onnal Board. The or~anization "as in t'\istenn• for 2-l 'car'>. The mme "a" '>tarted b' adion earlier thi, fall "hen the pre~ident of !l asting' College announced that hi., 'chool "ould "ithdra\\ from the conference at the clme of the I 96b-69 acadt•mic ~car. Dr. '\eal ~ . Com on preo,ident of Peru ~tate Colleg<•. '>ubmittcd the request to the '\ ormal Board on behalf of the pre~idt•nh of \\a~ ne !'!tate. Keame~ . ll astingo, and Chadron . Dr. Gomon stated .. t'\ en ellort kl'> het•n madl' to continue the conler<•m·e hut \\ iih the "ithdra\\ I of the last ol the pri\ alt• or dum:h-related school, ( ll a~tinl.(~ ) perpetual ion of a four-tea111 con ferem·t> is i ndelemi hll· · · Com on al~o pointed out that it "a~ llH'<Ulinl.(lc"' to continue a' a lour-team conlert•nce. lkcaU\l' undt•r the rule., of the '\ ationa! \s~ol'iation of lntercollt•l.(iate \thletics, a conft•rclll.'t' \\ith fe\\erthan fi\!' mt•mher'> is not rt•co~nizt•d h~ '\\I\ a' an entit~ lor qualilication lor '\\I\ Di..,tril.'! and '\ ational llH'<.'h .

The prime diHit·ult~ encotnlten·d in atlradinl.( Ill'\\ memlwr' to the "\ CC i'> the "ide diHerenn· in enrolllllent among '\ ehra\ka colle~e' ranl.(in~ from j",j() studenh at Doane college to nearh .),:300 at Keaflle\ ~tate Tht're art• \l'\ era I pm..,ihilitie\ for. "\ CC memlwrs ; ·each mcmlwr hccoming an indept•ndenl ; organizc an athletic conft•n•nee an1on~ ,chools in '\ ehra,ka. lei\\ a , \I i'~ouri and !'lout h Dakota ; or \\ ork out a Ill'\\ conft•rt•nn• amon~ '\ ehra.,ka colle~e' of 'imilar ize. Dr Comon , in re~ard to Pt•ru Stale College, \latcd " \\l' \\ill honor all contral'ls \\ith present •m·mhl'r' ol the '\ CC and propml' to continue athletic relatiomhips "ith tlw other \late collel.(e~ a' lon~ as it i'> lea,ihle.


I rt uh 1o m . lo h 111 ri,:ht \h run !wol<lfl\llla I nod l.allt\4:>11,


l>t'lll I)< on \\ it"tlu:t Krn llun h llaruld l'fk•r, and Judd '-hntlc•

Season Summarv.. l't•nt li

l't•r~ltut~ ( 'ullt•gt•




l't•rslt ing Collt•gt•


Pt•ru l'l'nl






( :Oa< h l>;arn II\\ hllllS:•!f lmtruct• hi~ m•n

\ lilhH" h·ru t;,,IJ,•~.:•·


II: Collt•gt•


Mid'' c<th'm ( :ullt~t·


J F. 11:.



Wiechec Undefeated In Singles Competition

It tal.cs hard "ork In lx·thc best

Mil.e Deal aminu


awaib sene

Five Bobcats Named Outstanding Athletes



john Crl'amer

Bill Everhart. John Creamer, \ J.n ,\lien, Jack \\'eyer' and Don \\ iechec have lwen honored b~ lwi n~ named Outstanding College \thlete~ of America on the basis of their achie,emenh. Their name ''ill be included in the 1969 edition of Outstanding College \thlcte~ of \merica. About 5,000 ~ oung athlete~ ''ill be included . The accomplishments of these fi\e Peru athlete' art• : Bill En·rhart-Four-\ear letterman in football and baseball, as \\ell as, being named to numerom all-star quads.

Bill Everhart

Don Wit'Chec

Van Allen

John Creamer-Four-\car lettennan in football and ·three-\ ear letterman in ba~cball. John also h.old~ SC\cral Peru pass-catching records. \'an Allen, four-\car letterman in track and cross cot.llltn . \"an was co- aptain of the crol>S-<:Otllltr~ team. lie has broken everal track records. \\'eycr,-T,,o-ycar letJack terman in track and cross countn . Jack, onl~ a ~ophomore, ha~ been named Ali-Amcriean in CrossCountn two consecuthc \Cars. Don \\'iechec-Two-\ car letterman in tennis ha never been beaten in a single match in hi college care r.


Intramurals Encourage Healthy Competition

Stud. l.t'ft tn R1~ht. \lil..l• B<mman, Tum .,wfl..l·n. Rnn J...uh1l.., Gan R1Mn, Jim Fi\ht'r, Sl·mnd nm l.t..,ll•r \lnrri\. Hnn '\nltt'. .,ll'H' [3, t>r<,

Dau• l.an~l'r, Cnaeh Fran!.. \lil..n,, l.t•nn Bm~l'.

Studs Capture Football Championship Points Standings lnder the dirt•l'tion of Coaeh Jerome ~temper. Intramural <,porh haH· beeonw an inte~ral pari of Peru ~tate' \lhlt•tie pro~ram lntramurab are a meam of allo\\ ing all m<lle 'tudenh to participate in athlt'tie~. '' lwther the\ are 'ar.,ih matt•rial or not. The~ em·ourage health~ t~>ml>l'­ tition amon~ the men of P. ~.C. But. more important than thi.,, intramural., prm idt· a training ~round for future t·oadw, and otlidab The official' that rden•e the game are .,tudenh from \lr ~temper·., Offieiating Cia''· The intramural program prm ided tht•\t' future official., "ith \ aluahle pradieal e\perienn· that "ill he u'elul to them Tlw~ are able to put into adual pradiee. "hat the~ ha\t' learnt•d through tlwir 'tudie'>. The program al'>o prm idt•., a trainin~-~ronnd lor future eoaeht•s. The teams and their t·oadw, are compo,ed ol P. ~.C. 'tudenh Tlwrt• nM\ he a' man\ a' I/-, members on <Ill\ team Tht• .,tuclt•nt t·oaehes or~a;1ized and 'llJll'n i't<' th(•ir team,, and in this \\<I\ gain mueh \aluable knmdedge in this area . Tlw teams nimt folio" a sl't of intramural., rul<·s that 'an 'Oilll'\\ hat from the intt·r,dwla .. tit• 'porh. For imtann•. in Intramural Football. cros'>hod~ blocks art• illegal. one pla~er cannot knoek another pla~t·r oH his feet . and rather than tackling a pia~. er. the ddensi\ t' man need onl~ toueh him "ith both hand.,




Team ~tud,



\1 "teriam



Iron Butterflie~



\ lark~nwn

j l.';!








Cool Jerk~







I L.,


Creen Jackeh

I ~1


Shad~ Oak Bom her'



Cnol. jt•rh, Ldt to Ri!(ht . Bob \lcLut'a . Ron Parl.s. !.en \\ altl.e, Ra' l ' ht•r; Coach. Grc!( \la!(uire. John Burt'>. and not ,lui\\ n !.en Bureh. Da' e Curti . Tom Darnma,t, and jim\\ altl.e.

Cool Jerks First in Volleyball Points Standings Place

Team Cool J l'rl..,





~part an'

:3 \I arl.. 'llll'll

-I ,) , ,2

,) I~


I ron Bu tterfl il''


Grl'l'll Jacl..eh




Shad~ Oal.. Bomber'

I "~



Cherr~ Pit'ker~


It takt•\ hard \\orl. to make an intramural team


1968-69 Intramural Basketball Champs

Tlw lndereated ( 11-0l 1969 Intramural Ba~ketball Champion' - Iron Buttl'rflie'> (ldt to right ) Ste'l' Dalton , \an \lien , Cnaeh Hn.,~ Hidenour. Duant· " !lout" Chnutl..a. Don ,\ngu,, DaH· llarnmt•r. Hnn jnnt•<.. Denni'

llamrner, Carroll johnson. Stan z,blut, Tom Brandt. john Warren and \lil..e \lien. \ ~istant Coaeh Da\e Beirhaum and pla}er'> llarr} \an Arsdale and Hoger Gardner \\t' rt' not a\ailable ror pietures.

Point Standings In Intramural Basketball Place

Team Iron Bu tterflic·s ~ larksmen

Poi11ts 10


Cherr~ Picker

\I) sterians



PSC Ebon~






Cool Jerks Pata Thi Hi




Green Jackets




Looks like an} bod it·' ball, a h\ o intramural teams compete.


Dolphins· Intramural Swim Champs

From Bottom Left · J<w \lcRl·~nold . Bill \ll'\er~ . jl•ff Crectmald, "irJ.. Sha". john Lar on Top Ho" : Dou~ llufful..t•r. Tim l lcdlwrg, Coach Jim lknlkn \lertes.

~on ,

Final Swimming Meet Standings Place









1\ I ysteriaus





PSC Ebon~



Iron Butterflies


Coach Jerome temper, a member of the coaching staff and the sponor of the campo intramural program, keep ver) bus~ during the year arranging the competition of intramural games. Intramural game arc set up to provide lei ure time activit~ and health) competitive spirit among those men "ho aren ' t competing in varsit~ sports.


PSC Ehom tt•arn pit-lure not a\'ailablt'. nwmlx·r' or tt•am art• Coach Fd)lar \eal , Boh llilher. Leslie !logan. Phil lloldren, jame\ \kl..t•lton , han \Iiiier. \ ir)lil \litdwll. jim Pear~on , Can !ling, !..irk Tulle~ . Tim

\\ it•'>c. Torn Kiril\\. Earl Bru" n. Cottier. and Chde \\ ilken'>

Brad LenhnH.

\I \ ardonc, Rand}

PSC Ebony Triumphs In Intramural Track Point Standings Place

Team PSC Ebon~


Poi11t · 10

\ l ystcrian'








Shady Oak Bombers


Rt•ath 1 ~l·t' Go'.


Softball Championship Goes To Marksmen

\tarl..\ntl'll, Ll·ft to Hi~ht . fir~t rem. Boh ll.l'lh . Floh Cappil. Frnil' Fn\tt•r. ll,(•n 'idl\li\<1\\ . 'lemnd rem . Jim Htl\\ l'. Floh Hidt•nour, (;an Flnro\\ . han Tll\horn. Larn Sdman. and Coa<:h Gt•rw hnl..t•

Final Overall Softball Standings Place


Poi Ill.\ 10


. tucb


Cool Jt·r~~

·I .)


Cn't'll ~had~



Jat"~eh Oa~




0 \1 ~ ~terian~

PSC Ebom

Pata Thi

II i



\\ lwrt• did it~"


\larl nwn 0\l·rall Intramural ( h.unpiom Ldt To Rl)(ht . Bnttmn Hem john lkrnadt Don 1),1\ Can ( . nl~mH' D1•nni' 1)," Hil'h Br~\ltn , .,,., 1111<1 Dnn Fpp. Hal ph Bndll' Hogt·r Bur~111an j.l\ l .m itt , Larn ( :ul

Third, Boh Gn•~ton , john Fi her .,id 'i\\an,on, \lan Bn uml(, Bnh Curn , j.l\ llal(l(t'nnan . Gt•rr' Hat·t•l.. ll.t'n \ lnrn\\t'\

)(nl\l' ,

Mysterians Intramural Champions Overall Ov rail Points tan dings l'lal'l' I.

\1 \\lenam



\ L.trk 'men tud, p (' Ehon ~



I. .) -b. .)-(j

-'· S. 9.


Iron Butterflit'' Dolphim ( :ool Jt>rks ' ads ( 'h ·rr\


2() ' · 2h 2() 2.) '· 20 Ii ~ ~


Crt>PII }al'kl'ls






..,tlll~l' r

12 1 •


J..:ing nwn



Pata Thi II i



. had~ Oak Bornb(•rs



2'-i:! I


Floor Runners


II .










Prof!' umal


0 0

John &·rnadt Tool thi ont'



Tilt· St.·ninr clom uffk,•rs fmm ri)o:hl to left arc J"hn Creanwr. Prt-sidl·nt. RuiJ~t•rt l)iCt.-sart•. \ ' i<.,•-Prl.,idcnl. l)(:tl~ U'Cnnnnr, ~'Crt"la~ ; and Charles \ multi, Treasurer

Robert F. Kennedy Assassinated Achte meier, Karen Ph!Jskal Sd~r1ce & Mathrmat1c1 )arwm

Agnew. Robert Soda/ Science Omahn

Ahlin, Garv El.ementtJry · & rk Rf~r. Mich.

Aistrope. \Villiam Busfntu Adminllrratlon Auh1m1

Anderson, Carolyn Ekmentar!l


Anderson, Richard M atlum1atlct


Appleoff, Mildred M unc


Avlor, Larrv 11i,tory Table Rock

Baker, James Mu8fc Aubum



Ba1cs, Hichanl Bu.rineu Education lkntrkt>

Bartles, Lorin lll.ltory Cortland

Bedcttc, Linda Physical Education


Bendar, Oren Mathrmatia WymQr't'

Benson, Shirlev £,.._,mentary


llcrnadt, john £n~lfll•


Nixon-Agnew Gain G 0 P Nomination

Bindrurn. Patricia Speech FolhCit!l

Ble1.ek, Marv £1emeutarlj Sidney


Bliss, Caroline M1ulc


Bohling, Lorin lnd!atriaiMt• Aubum

Bohling, Patsy Elementarlj


Bower, Neal lndu1trilll Arts Chatham , Mass.


Brcttmann, Dwavne lndrutrlaiArts Deshler

Brode rsen. Steven Musk A!/f'SIIire. la.

Bul:hhcit. John Pllys(ca/ Education Norwalk, Ia.

Buchhe it, ElcmenttJtlj

~l arilvn 路



~l arv

EIIJ(IUI! and s,Wrch Bratlshatc

Burc h, John Biology 1111d Chf'mfstry


Russian Forces Invade Czechoslovakia

Bures, john Mathemaltct Odell

Burr, Alan Art


Butts, james Music Bdfevue

Cappel, Robert Phyrical Education McCook

Carbone, Richard Elt!mentar!J Emt lla~n. Con11.

Carnes, Kenneth Mutk





3pcech and )OIIfll(lil$m Falls Cily

Christopher, Carolyn [IIJ,:fis/1

St. Louis, .\to.

Clark, Jim H1ufnt>uAcl. Nelmul.oCIIy

Colling:ham, Diana Pl1yslcal £duCtJtion






Cor\\ in. Ed" ard l11tlu trial t\ rts

t\ulmm. Mau .

Cmm, Nancy Pllyncol Etlucalfon Plallsmoutlr

Dalton, Steve PllysfctJI Education

,.:menon. la.

Derrick, Barbara 811Sfllt'U t\d. Unrolr1

Pope Paul VI Visits South America

O.tc (If the lti~l,tl~ ad,~·nlttr~.-s ,,f tlw Jtl••dc:nh


tl•at ,J t~h..hin~ 1111'111 ht ,mc ''''' n. 1uKI "••rkl nt' ''l> ''' till' ~.~,l lc_·~t· ltlnr~r\


DiCesare, Robert Industria/Arts \\'orust~r. Mau.

Dieckhoff, Linda Elemr:ntiJr!l Tecumul1

~te路 Donald 1\'~lmuktJ


Eberhart, nence Elementnry


Egger, Margaret Elemet~tar!l


Englemaaa, Marjorie Ekrmmtar!l f'nfrbtlr!J

George Wallace Heads Third Party

Everhart, Mary Llbrnr!JSdenu

Bedford, Ia.

Everhart, \Villiam llf:stOr!J Bee/ford, Ia.

Feit, Eugene

SocWI ScienCf'

Blue Sprl't~s

Finchem, Marce En~lbh


Fine, Ronald Btl.f lllf'U .-\d

llo,Jkills, Mo.

Flannerv, Richard Biolog!l 路 AtkiiiJOII


Gardner, Roger BIISineuAd. Shc,tmdooh. Ia

C ivehand, Jane Library SdenlY


C iwoyna, Carla lloml! Economics Orualla

Gmblc, Roger l mlu.tlrial .-\rls


Greathouse. Carol E.WmerlltJryf.tl. Jloldregl'

Crcbcrt, Nancv Eknll'rltary Ed. • CltJrindtJ. ItJ.

Riots Mar Democratic Convention

Cyhra, Fra nces Ekmi!rltary Ed. Slelnauer

Harpster, Patsy Ekml!nlarll Ed. NebrtukaCit!J

Haughton, Bruce Busi11enAd. Tecmn1eh

Hays, C l1arles lr•dullrioiArls


~~:~~~:~~.d :~::~r


Hitamann, LaVelle General Sdl!nce

TtJbte Rock


Hla,at'. Leslie I IIJ,utri(ll t\ rts Loui6cillr

l lurcl. P;,w l H istory


1-louscmnn, Chcrvl Pltyllcal Etlucmlon L ymlondllt>, .\ l'.


ll utchcn~. La rr~ ~octal ~cie/lct'

£mt .\ltcm. lll

llutc hings. Terry SodaiScil'llct' Comllll(. I a.

Johnson, Oan Soda/ Sdence Nf>lmukuCIIy

Vietcong Shows Willingness to Talk

J o~ . ~I aureen.

Motlt'm tanguaf.w Nuru ood. Man.

Kell y. Jani<.'C 1'}/lj:YicU/ f~J/ILW/iUI/


Kcllv. Hobert

~aJ .,cil'f/Cf' \ ",•rdOII

Kle,ela11d. James .\ rtarullmlustriul .\ rt.r Cilr~trr

Knck Da nie l

1-: n~/isi,

Cumu:il B/uf/.r. Ia.

KnchiN, l.crm

Bmlr1ru f~tlucatiOn llumboltlt


Krame r. Da"id B!alness !\dmllll.ftrallon St~riiiiR

Krame r, Shc rn H!lSinru f:durotlo;,


Kunkel. Nanc\ Eleme11tory Omallo


La ~lontagn c, David Busfllf' .~ \tlmlllls/r!Uiou

KaukuLt>f', lll.

Landwe hr. Larr} Pll!!slc!dEflurotwtl DtmiHir

Langer, Da\ id Biolol{y \\'orcrltt>r, \la

L.ankcr. Jancnc Elcmentur!l IJunOOr

Linder. Richa rd llbto'11a11d Sorl4Jl Sdrnce l'eru Lovcju~ ,


Physical f.d11catlon

Red06k. lo.

Ted Kennedy Returns to Congress


Lovitt, Elizabeth Home Economla CrobOrchard

Lynch, Rebecca Ekmf'ntarv Auburn

Mason, jan Elementary Stella

Massie, William lndu&trilJIArt.r lliau:tJtiUJ. Ka11MU

Masso! h , Alice Jlome Economfct

Manley ~l cl ntire, jo hn J'lly&lctdfAucatlon Peru

Richard Nixon Becomes 37th President

Meyer, jolene Elementary NeliurckD

1cyer, John lntlu&trlDIArt.s Peno ~I ilburn,


Ekmentorg Blue Spring.r

Miller, Wayne Social ScUma Talmage

Mizerski, Charles Phyriatl Education CmnfleCIIy,lll.

Moblev, Robert Ph1J11cd(ÂŁducctlon NebrasktJ CIIIJ


Moore, Richard Eleml'lltary \l'erpingWater

Morris, Robert Ekmerllary Nrrcark , 1V.Y.

Mullen , ~ l artha Eleme11tary Nebraska City



£/ementa,.Y ludi'JHmdenu , lou·a

Nebola Dawu Elemc11t~ry Cumberla11d, Ia.

Neumann, Dean l'ilysfcol Education Camanclre, Ia.

Borman, Lovell, Anders Circle Moon

olte, Ronald ll1dwtrlnlArt.r Murray

Norman, Anita £n~/Uir


Nurin , Emanue l Biology Nea·ark, N .j .

O'Connor, Elizabeth Plnpfcal f.ductJiion Wort't!.rter, Mtu~.

Ocstrnann, Duey ll•du.strlaiArt.s



2~!~,~i~!~:rd A1rh1m1


Oldfield. L inda llome Economics C rt>lrlll

Osborne, Tom Musfc Aulnm1

Patterson, Hobert M usic Morrllr;lll~.


Pa) ton. Carol~¡n Ek numlary WcstDf's M olllf'l, l tl

Pendergraft , llonald I~~tllutrlaiArls


Petsche, Tcrr' Buslntu Admfrlfjlrolkm \\'rll t 'nlo11, la.

Jacqueline Kennedy Re-marries

Piper, Jolene Muric Norfol~

Portrc\ , Leon Bu.dneU Admlrllsl rarlon Falls City

Racine. Diane Ek mer1tary He~dl~v.

Racine, \ \lilliam 8uslncu A 1lm111istralfun Colli, Ia.

Rains, C hervl Busfnt u Eductilfon

Pn r•

Rainforth, David Industrfal Arls Doniphan



Reed, Dan lli.t lor!l Corrlf11R. Ia.

Reinders, Gregory muon; Mallard, Ia.

Richard Barbara Bus1nf'u Admfll i.ftratiou


Ridenou r, Robert 11hyllcal Education lloldrr~:e

Roder, Larry l m:lusfria/Arts Lincoln

RoeiFs, Connie Ell!mentary Clodstonf!

Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated

Sd1eonrock, Gary SucWI Scient% 1-路 atrbury

Schooling, Richard Ill& tory

Shenondooh, Ia.

Schumaker, Boger III.Jtory and Soc1al ~"" Omaha

Sears, Janice llome 拢ronondct


Sc'ars, Russell Ph!J$1ct~l

Education llamburg, ltJ.

Shaw, Donald Math Brock


The Bobcat Bouk Store pru\ kll"5 : art materials. l-ards. l·k•thillf'. and pt:rsnual items along" ith the IXlOkS nl't'ded

f,,, the stude nt's classes.

Shape of Table Delays Paris Talks Sherwood. Allan lndllftrkJIArls

lllghtltown, N.j.

Shilts, Jimmie H Utory Omaha

Shipman, Lawrence Bu..tlneuAd.

Nebrruka CIIIJ

Slemp, Suzanne Bu&fnl'uf;d.

Nebraska Cil!J

Slick, Walter PhyflctJI Education Alum &mk. Pa .

Smith, Giles Physlcdl £ducat/Oil Talmage

Smith, Richard Jndwtrlill Arlf


~:e~~!;,~·c':;f~l l...aurenJ, Itt.

Sporer, Donna llome f:co nomla


Steiner, Ronald SocWIScil'ncr Do~JidCitv

Sugden, Marilyn 11om~ Economic. t\dom.t

Swantek, Da"id Ceol(rophiJ


Swisegood, Pcgecn Moth Faii•Citv

Topolski, Francis Arl Utlcd.N.l '.

Torpr,John Math Atkfn.wn

Ted Kennedy Elected Majority Whip

Turner, Randall Phvrical £ductJtlon


Vanderford, j ohn Mtl.tU: Aubun~

Vogel, Hoger H biOTfl

Afton. Ia.

Waltke, james Geographv B<otrla

Wehrbein, Gerhart Math Burchard

Wendt, Mark BW>Iosv N~brad:a



We bh, j a ne ElementariJ

Red Oak, Ia.

\ Vill coxo n. \Va, ne En/1111111


\ Vilson , Do nald £lrmn•tary


\ Voods, George En~:lt.sh IJrl/l'Cilf"

\V~ mort•. f:.kmentrlTIJ

j ane

Council Bluff:J, Ia.

Zeiner, Ma rga re t Education Ntbrrukn City


Zumbahle n, Dav id Soda! ScWncf! Odell

~~;:::,t~{A,!om Co4n. la.

Brown. \Vill iarn History NnvMarkf!t, la.

Riots Close California Colleges

Rt.1.'1.·111ma).(a7illt~ llrt'


Ll·pt in tht' n•:uliuj! mum n f tlw lihr:m for tlu• ~ tud('nh to l t't'll in cunlad \\ ith uurld h appt"nln~s



The Jun lurCia~sOffict'rs art· rro mldt : Dick 01\t'n. l'rtos.: <:leum-.t• J aek '>~m, Sc.'<'rclai")-Tre:btu er; [)on Dune:.~ n , \ "1('(·- l'res


U.S. Enters 14th Year In Vietnam \).:Ill'\\ , l . md :.~

\ uburu

\lfr. \l:.~duuna Li'\1is, leMa llaili<·. j udith Nt"' \ larLet , lm\a

llakt•r, ~.mdra l'eru

Uallue, \l :uil' Pt'fU

Barnes, Juh u l ndependenw, Mu. Barte l., Joarnld \\'t.'~ lun

&,melt . Merri Ndmu l.aC it ~

Berau, 1\nberl Uldl Bi.:·l·L.C hris tin;~

Falls Cit! Biller. Aune ll arbn. lom a ~Jk,im.linda ~dnas L aC it }

llo!.e, Lt.•on An~ea

I~ I\\ man, ~li chat• l Platt ~IIU>I IIh

Rn•ttrn:m, lut'7 Auburn

llnmu. Pt').UI,\ Omah.t &Kidl'\'ll'. \rtlc ll

IX•IIt>\ m•

BudiN. Jaue Br..dsha" llufrum. Kallw rinl' \la~.tnulia, lm' a

Burch. Kc nnl'lh Cr.nnille. ~)

Burk('. St('phl·n \\'url't'sler, \lns IJurr, Marcia Juhnsnu !Jtrskirk. Donakl ~prhlg(idd

IJH~rs. ) l ('\ t"ll

l)(.llain', l'<'\ Colgro\(', Can \\\mun_• •

Colgm'"· Lar~ \\'\rnun.·

Coul, Ka, Oc:atrice ·

. Virginia 78 Miners Die In Cave-In Collil'r. Randall Linroln Cralxrt.'C, Jarnl"S l-l art(o rd , lll Curtis, Da'c Odell C urtis, lknnis Elkhorn

Dammast.\\'illiam Nebraska Cit~

l)a\ i501l, l)a, id Neh~L..tCit~

l)a, , Donald W). ffiOI't'



Duensing, Janice Blue Springs Duncan, Donald

LlnL'O/n &·'1'1,





E1>11. l.)ouald ll.•atri" · 1-:\lill),

llt ~l'T

F01irhun Faocon, llcmna

NdJT11Sk.t Cit~

Finle, ( ;cnc Tl'l'Uill)t.'''

Flattrt•, t:laint• l..w\('li)lt·r. Karl.

FrM:kd, \1el.i \ tlinson (.:;:m art ll;Jrbara \ehraslo~Cih

Co~~dt•n , j:U.'fllll' Ndwo~!iL:aCih

Gottula. Caml llc'.. trk•.· Gra~ .

Ciimh Ncbrasl,a Cit~

Grundman. Elo~inc Tiilrnag('

lhumner, D-.1\id 1\00 Oa!,, Ia. llarrh. Chri~line

Fairbuf\ l l:a~ ,



lieu!(, l>t:nnb Nebraska Cit,

Senate Raises Its Salary 41 Percent


llt•11n , D.mna I'em l l•llh{lwidt.IJcon \lurra'

I lull, Jud~ ~Kint·l , Ia. lhmdl. rhnmas 1\t'\\ lla\cn. lml

l lt'S. C:ri•la \\\lllllrt'

lli'5. llHB.lld llurmidt•, l:.~

J.u._i.som. Glcnru)C lk•llt·lut· Juhnsun. CJrmll ~tantun, Ia

jtKILin~. Thum,a~


K.lllffman. Linda !thicldc\

lrr..dlt•r. \\'a1nc llruokl~ n.


K11ij)l>l'lrncir. Li11da John,.m


James Earl Ray Captured 1n England Kn·ifd~. Diana l\chr.&~ka



<:h.ul••tte Curlhuul l...afliu. Hullt'rt l'uuti.lt', \lu._.h Luml>l', ll.:lrh.lrll jnllll)O III

Larson. ~usan l\d1rasb Cit~ Lull. \ lan Pt•ru ·

\13ttlll's, L:a\larr Faii~C:ih

\l ar~h. ~ak.-m


\ lan.hall. \la1 trt-en llumbuldt \larsh11ll , Tcrn llumt... ,ldt

\ larti , \la1 i~ Rl'fn, lrr..an \lclt'r, ltunakl llattlt•Crt't'l , IJ



juh;I!,UII ~ l ikkd~11. Thomas ~lb'>~luri \'all..·~. Ia.

,\liko:.. Frank Plattsmouth ~ I i ller. Jt>hn

South Siot•.~

Cit ~

~Ionian~. Boc:lne~

Cuuncilllluff. Ia. ~!orris.


Bcllc\U'-' ~lorrb.



;\lurrisuu. ~ l un:ia Surnmcrricld. 1\un~b



Omaha Nelson. tllarian Cnu~~t:il

Bluffs. Ia.

Obcrnlc \cr, De unis IJro\\'11\fllc

Ogle, john Salem

Olscm , Darwin Esse~. Ia 0.\ CII,




~ ! arlin

1\\i~souri \'all(·~ .


Peters, hajcau Auburn

Television Censorship Liberalized

Students relax iu the Fiuc Arts Mall bcfnre the~ begin their ned pericKI dass.

Pulurm , \ lk·n Faii~Cih ParL.~. llonald llt:atrit't'

J>r.t tt. ~l1irlt'\



llat..~\, }3111(~


lbthhun, ll uth J>btlslllllllth

~~.~~~:c r~:._.,,~ Ita\, llarn lk ·llt•\111'

Rit-§l·hil·L., l..nb Faii~Cih

Ri~. Fm.l ll umholdt

Bnhin.,.m, Diau.t Cuum·,IBiurh. la



Odd I lluuL.It.·~.



Sirhan Sirhan' s Trial Begins 1n L.A. ~ailor~.

I.\ 1111

Fall~ Cit~

!-!arraillnu. W illia m \dw.t~L.aCih

~llall~t•, \ l:m

.\ubum ~dm itzt•r, \ llo_•ll


~.11\all, )t{'\t'll Tt.'\_'ll lllS4'h ~'(·IJa, jnhn

Cu•L. Shan01lum, L\ nda \lurx·Biuff Shau non. Tt.'ll \l issouri \alit•\, Ia.

~11<.1\\, Sand\ Cris\luld. l~

s.. •thuL;t.lt·rhn ~tcrlin~ · Sp;argur. Donna Falls Cit~

Sltack, Jud~ Alma

Sh1cl.. \\:a~ut• Alm:a

Tad:ett. \\ ::n nt• Gk-mw~wl. I~

T.l.\lur. ~lt'\t' s...~.-t rit'\'

Tl'tcn. Dt•:an T;thu.a~ott·

Tll\ hnm. h an llumbo•kh Lher. ll:a> lh}kln

\\'am:n. jol111 Grt•tna

\\ elk·r. H•J)!t•r ,\ tli lh~lll

\\ it'('lwc·, ll!mo~ lcl

' lhlllll\HIIIda. '


\\•k-m. h.dth Auburn

\\'ill ill)<lll, J n~ C'C GriS\\ nld, la \\ itl, Huhc rl Pn.'SIIIIl

James Garrison Re-studies JFK Murder

Tht• libraf} slutl ~ n••m prm 1dt~ a quiet o~lmnsplll'rt' fur studt•nts as the' pn•pun_• fur their llt'\1 d:u 's classe-s.

~'Phnmnrt• cia;.~ nffkt•nan•

frmn lt.ft

~~~~\e Fnwrt , l're~. ;

Carul \hhull, "'ot_'Crt•lan ; D1ant• Cntx•nhaH•r, Treasurer, and \ l ike Allt•u, \ ' j(,_... l•l't"S

Katherine Hepburn Best Actress '68 Ahhull, Carul Lint"ln Albin. Thmna~ ll umbuldt Al"-.'11. Bt•11j:unm

Omah11 All)o:nuc:l, Pt•.ul PtTII



Bt:-atric..· Amnld. l..t·nu F:all!.Cih

Amicr, \"icki ~ak-m

llaiht•, J.Uil'l Nt'\\

\lar~d. la.

1\tdmlan, l\alph Plattsrm11•th Bn.·n , J..:atl•nnt• Gro~•it~ . la. · ll"·rr~. Do~b~

Thurman, Ia.

Bit.·rbanm. DoHid Cri!ill nlcl, la

Binc:ler. Gerakl Peru

Burgman .. Hctgt•r BlueSt>ring~

Bcl!oscrrn:m, ~lit' ' ur~ Spring~. Pa.

Bourne. llichanl l lumbuldt


Carrnll. llit.•h,ml l.iut.,•ln

Ck·menls. ~:mdra t:IIII\\IIIKI

C·~diii. O:.rlc••t·

!\llclln . Ia. Culc. \lidmd 1\uburu

O~lin , Dan


CtMIII, Dcbnro&h \nburn

~~,~~~~:\~~i ~Oian••t· CnM'. C:.thcriuc


Curl') , Ht•hert Tt."<.' IIIIISt'h

Oa\is, Rrm.-e Stella Da\ . l:>t.·•mis \\'~mun:




Coach Mcintire Wins lOOth Game Ot.·K••••in)t.Cult.-en llmduml [Jt•ickhoff. l.luda Tt.'\.11111St'h

Durn, Camhn Burchanl · Oro~ I.e. !\tcH'II

\tl:.ntk-. la.

Earl, ltid•ard Liucoln Eickhuff. llanc\ FallsCit} ·

t::it.·khoH. Leon


Emert, Stephen

E.astAitnn, Ill

r~~~.\~~jj~ck Fa\criH, Daniel C hcstt.-r, Pa.

Flschcr. 1\uth Elmu1Mid Fnlkcrs. Call \\'~nmre


Canzel. j.1nt.·t Fn•munt Gurdner, (~"t'r~t' BnJ\Ins\lills, ~ - J Gt.'l'dt."5, [)cmus \\'~more




Coldt.•n, :O..:.nn l\dmo~.~LaCih Gcwxlm~n. Rnnuit• ~cllrasL.1Cih

Gr.uh , Gan FullsCih · Cn•;un , Cmmie Lint.'Ofn

Cn.·an\ , jernrne CnuKf\ C':ih , luwa Gn't'n, Htha Bn":L Cn-gtw~ . Kuth~

Tecum-...·h Grutrian.Charll'S UmcL

U.S. Wins 45 Gold Medals at Olympics ll:unm, Ph)llis Ht."iilrin• H anssen, Ct.•urgc S)racu)('

Harmon, Franklin

Salem llarris. Da,id Auburn

llorcling. Hilda Fillc) lloust"man, C\nthia Weeping Watf.r

lluckins, D•nid Omaha lluleth•, \\'illiam Omaha

Hunzeker, Dale Humboldt Hun1.eker, Nancy Humboldt l~cs. l-lt,..,ard

L'nalilla Julmsun, Mkhacl Omaha

1 39

The libra')


rooms prm kit.• :an idt.·al )plll r••, studt•nts tn ('Oil\cfgt.• und tall. 0\"Cr up COIIlill)t lt~l5.

Nixon Makes Good Will Trip To Europe Junt.'), \liuc \\"~mort'




Kcndricl.. Bc'crl\' 1\t.•" \larkct, Ia. · Ki!>er, Hol)l•rl


Kubik, llonald \ 'alpomu)(t

Ulsh, Charlutlt• Unmmillc l..t."t'.t•~unda

Cnuucil nluff,, la. U:-1tenl:~~t:rl'er. llnbert


l .t.~tcul)l·r)tt.'r,


Tt...:umlll·h Undt'r. ~lt'\C f~.'llt.•\Ut.' ~l.tguirt·, Gr~ ~lurdnd. ~ (oll /llt'f,



~h.· Luca),

Lill~ .



~ l d l ugh.

Dan, in

1\t.•hr.t~ka Cit~ ~kKt.'t.\ Charlt·s

Emt.•rsuu, Ia. MK:he l.sen, James Wt.-eping Water


\loud~ . Lmd"

Bruck \lumnn. llichard J.du~h. ,:,rt~li~.

Ia Richard

1\l'\\arl, '


N't'Ss, l1atricL Lincoln

Nl"lnnt•bter. l';~trlcia IJn.~.ttlci)ORI,


\ 't



' on ell. De1mis Auburn

Omt>r, Ann

Tabor, fa.

Onnen, Robert

11..-lmm Parde, Bunita Fi llc~ Parri~h.



Patcra, JamC!i Storm Lake. Ia.

Pro Baseball Has Its First Strike Patton, Tom S}r•t."IISC Pt!terson, Rubert

Palm)ra Peterson. Willard

Btadsha"" Pittam, Samuel


Pofahl. Ida Bcatri<.-c Pum md , j act.•quel ~ n Nebrhla Cit ~

Uat:'l'k,Ccrald Letingltm R~l. Ralph

Nebraska Cit~

:,~;n~';"· Kyra Richards. C he r) I Linroln

Richards. Ronald Linroln

Richie, Dennis Prescott , Ia.

14 1

1\ll'tiSd\l', I\O).:I'f


~,·,:~;.{;:~;:;, l\1au, Patrid;j IJ·a\\SOU

S:un~m . 1\kh.:~ord


3dtlusst·r. Carul IJ;jl\~111

~·hnitf.l·r. K11thk"l·n '\t•hra~LJ Cit~

!:tdmuum. l)i;jllt' OddI 'lhc ltn u. C:rHial


Sitot:k. El11mc Pacifit:Jun('liun, la ~iLor.:;r,,


F.:~olls Cit ~ ~mith.

Cal1in Px-ificJ unctiun. Ia




Rod Steiger Chosen Best Actor 1968 Stcmpc:r, Stc1 t•n Pt'rU

Stron~. Cla~tnn Ikon net ~tuLenhult1,



SY<antcL, Jc rri Ct:noa

Toc·kett, j oscpl1 Tabor, Ia. Thornpstm. Greg Plattsmnuth Tngafau, Malactasi Paga Pago, Am. Samn.:;r, Tritsch, jon Nebra~h C ih

Trotta, William Wora:sh: r, \hss. Trottier, Brian Rrattkbnro, \ 1.

\'aughn, John OaY<wn \'oltt, Susanne Topeka, Kan,


\\ 11 rrt'll, juJith \\,mort• \\el.ll.·r. ~~ra llolml')'il lc

\\end. \lan \\ ~ mnrc \\ e~c~.



\\'ht."Cicr. jant· Pa•\ lll"CCit~

\\'ikscll. Bugt'r Omah:a \\'illiams. l...allll\



\\'illi:am.s, \'icki \' ulan

\\'imllc, Liml:a ~~ll·m

\\'nltcm:.t h, Jamt.'S Stt·rlin~

\\'•murc, Stc• cu Fairmount. Ia

l'amahir:a, Kimiko l l~ogo. Jap:an

In Memoriam Janet Kaye Ganzel October 24, 1948 - March 7, 1969 In September of 1967, Janet Ganzel, a ebraska Cit) l-l igh School graduate, enrolled at Peru State Col· lege, majoring in art. On ~l arch 7, 1969, her life was take n in a fatal auto accident while e n route to her home in Fre mont, cbraska for the \\ CCk·Cn<l. Janet was very active on the Pe ru State campus. She was a me mber of \Vhite Angels, the Peru State Social Scien<.-e Society and the Pe ru J udo and Karate Club. She was awarded her yellow belt in Judo this year. During her <.'OIIege cart.:oer she gaint.--d many friends through her warm personality and friendly smile. To all those who knew Janet, she lives on as a memory through the spirit and love of life she possessed and rad iated.

Janet Ganzel


Ofrit-ers for Frt:!thman Class are fromld1 : \11~e DukC'S. Pn.'i.: Suz) llunt. Treasurer. Cin<h Ford, St_"Cft'la'1 : r~uc Nt-ddcnrdiJ, \ 'k"·Prt'S.

U.S. Planes Hijacked to Cuba Adams, Chark'S ~t..,,ark.N. Y.

Atlams, Michael Fairmont Albrecht. Kath~ ~terUng

Allen. L~nne


Allisun. l~:nub E:Kt Ahem. Ill Ammon, Hobert Lincoln AtKicrsun, C) uthia Lincoln AtKkrsun, Flm de



lbchenbcrg. Jnan Omaha lbdgetl, Kenl Auburn fk.ach. Hobert \'ai le~ Stream, N.\'. llcard,Connie Sabetha, Kan.

Beekman, Rush Odell Behrns. Ruger Nf.'ha"ka Bt-nder.Diannc Pefll


Bt•r;:t•r, Linda t-'allsC:ih Bc·rn:ol(lt . Th41tuat Tabll' llo d Rll'rt', Bmunt· Pt'f'u Ula1tt•r. Gcr.~ld

\\'oMIC.IIIi\t'r, lll

lf.llltlin~. (:ailt't'll

JnhnStlll Buhll.t•n. D;nid Talma~l'

IJc.,.dwr. Estltt•r

Boorlier, Virginia llurnboldt &.n k, Katherine

IX:-flc\uf' Rre"er, l)eanna llumbo ldt

Gun Control Laws Restrict Purchases Rnunnwr, 1\rut'l' \\'tit"\ Rukan•l.. Joth Tahur. ' "·

Buru•• . Gan Tahlt• lln<:L Ru~LirL.

Cu lt·m·


Clk:cl.:, Ph~ II is Superior Callahan, \lidtad Frcmunt Callcnlu~. Oar~ I

Omaha Carr. judith Omaha

Chatelain, Paul Auburn Challcrton, Paul Meredith, N H Clk'Sshir, ~!auk•\ Lim.."t1lu


Chrhh•n. Darlt•ut• Tt't."ttrnst·h

Christe nsen, Fa) e Yalpo~rai~·

o ..., c.harkm· Nt.-br.nl... Cit ~

Cole. Catll) Auburn Comisl.c). llObc:rt Nebraska Cit~

Compton, Da,id RuchiUc, Md. Craig, Ronda Pt.'fu Crain. [,·el)n

l'orthboro, lu"a Cra" n. Cha rle) Dcmille, N.J

Cripe, ~usan \\'averh Crude). &rbara

Omah:.t Dasher. Dennis Ptattsmnu th Oa,is. Scotl East Alton , I ll

James Earl Ray Pleads Guilty... Dawson. Arid Omaha IMn, William Pt.' fu i).eoa·ing, Patti \'ale nt inc

Oickn\C)·e r, Vicky


Didoon, Robert Menlo, Ia. DiStefano, Laura

Omaha Durt, Chark.>s Papillion Dougher1)', Allison Y<lfk

Druon, Charles 1-lolt,·illt!.Calif. t:tche nberger, Oan iel Burchard t:rb, Man· Mariun, N.) .

~::~~~~r, Nanl')


FurLu), \\•ll•.un

Bonds\ illt', \lass EH·rthLt•. Bri.tn :\t'\\arL. ' ' hmcll, llo\\;~rd

Oru01l1a Fl'Oir5, jl'rdt·a n


findla) , James Stella

~1:G~~· Ccmu)e Ford. C) nthia Nebraska Cit) F'orke, Dianne Bc-..lri(_'e

Fornoff. Dean Omaha

~:t':~t~·c:~~ Fr.mk, Robert Omaha Frcrich . Jane Talmage

F'rit!tH) , Sue Ann

llurnboldl Frit.-wll. William Weeping Walcr Furna~. Fa)c Bn'"·n,iiJe Card, Phillip Omaha

Sentenced To 99 Years For King Murder

The gym is al"a)'s open for Ihose students " ho ha\c lime lo lake ad, anlage or ils facllitln:

14 7

Ct·rdt.-s. Rt·nJarniu Fall~ Cit~

Gibson. l:>cnnb IX-atriet· ClaJo!t"'' · Run:~ld Burlingtun. lu"a Cuoc:ldinl:. Leslie U n<•ol n ·

Crt"rn, IJtott, Omaha


Crt.'t'n"ald. jdfre~­


Crouthui'i, Unda Nd>rasl.;aCit~

Crotrian. lkubara Brn('l.;

ll a~ean , l..arr~ ~pringficld

lla1th, C.:~r~ 1-l:.lll. ~usan

C."md l Uluffs. lrn'a 11:~11. \ id.i


PSC Graduates One Hundredth Class 1-laller. Beth

Hruh·n8o.•" llaq>harn. SuJta/1 .\uhurn llartlt·~ . Ralph llebruu llaut>tmau, \laun•t•n Pt•ru

II:." It·~ - J••hn lln><l ll alt'll. \t•rnun ~lt>rlmg

llt•ad. Dan Un{"ltlu llt't·L.m.t.n, ~usan Lill{'tllll

llt"llllilll(, jll{h .-\ uburn ll t'llr~ . judith

Pt>ru llill, 1\fl\:lllllt' llumbuklt

II ill. ~lwrk't.•u .\urhuru





lluHsdmcidt·r. \ant·\ l tKL llvrtH.'r. ll.trbara Un('(rln llol)('har.

Lo ruut~


j t"annen.•l,


BruC'L j l'USl'n, \ I urie!

lk·uncl Jt•nst•n. \\'arrt•n Dt•mwl

} ohnS~m . lk·ll~

Chicag.n. Ill J• ~rn)l>n . Dn.·nJa


Jnlrnscm. Tlwodnrl' llum hult , lu\\a

Jt"tt'S. Dalla~ Fa.llsCih

Jnttt•s. f:.rr~ Faii~Cih

jt K ikm ~. Laur~




lo.: c•;uh , T huma~ Uut:•ulu

Summer Olympics Held

. Mexico City



1\d~' . \lartm

Mt"ll:a King , lk•th l .int~tln

Kmg, IYII~ ~ dma~kaCih Knoll. CcNUIW

' '--bra}La Cit~

K"t.'Stt·r. H.unakl Huln Kurus, n<•natn r.lulw.l~n. lll

1\utas, \lar~ }u \hlli,!ll.an Knct•ra, Tt•rn ~~m\lt•r

Kuchta, John Unt<Oin Lainsou. Frt-d Cnuncil Bluffs. Ia L.all~ . William Dm er. ~J

Larym, Ke nnard Cbrimb., la.

Julie Nixon Weds David Eisenhower Lash, l'tlillip 8nl'\\ll\illr

LeniH.tff, Rradle\ (hmond · Lruket'. John Dunbar

I.A.'\\ iS. \largk• IJdh u('

Loding , l'aul Hudson Falls, N. \ . Lo presti, t:d"ard N.\'.


l..o\cla<h . Aian johnson' Mahlendorf. l'dlling

Malec, ~lank>\

Fairficki, Cmin. Makn , Rust" l 'nad'illa Mattht.•\u, Katll\ llamburg, la. · McAiisler. Ahin IJ,eatri<'t'



\lcKdtnn, j:nnC$ Dt.1ruit. \h,,:h

\lc\c" · Charll'S \lurd()('k

\It-guru. 'u~u Kalsu la, Japan \letC'o~lf. Carter


Me\l'J, I..l'ru\

johi1)(m Me, en, William For( 1-l untcr. ~. \'. Mezgl'J, Rkhanl Carlsta•Kh , \ j.

Morrison, j oseph Rarre. \ ' t

Nardone. AI ' nnkers. N.' . :o-.l' tldc nrip, Gene

Bruck :o-.dtzel. DtHmW Springfit•ltl

l'\dson . Tcrr~

Rc..dOal.. IO\I a

U.S. Halts Vietnam Born bing Strikes Nt'uham. Augu5t Lincoln Nnmlt'i5lt'r, \\'illi:un Weeping Wa te r

Nicholas, John P:m ne-e Cit~ Nlgro. :o-.icola

BkMKnfWid, N.J.

Nolte, Russell DeWitt

O 'Connur, Brian \\'orcesl<'r,


Otte,Sandra &..trice ~·en,Terc'SI

Shenandoah, Iowa

Petion. Jarnl'S Groton, Conn.

Pdrrson, Robert Nebnlska Cit~ P!istrr. Daryl Falls C ity Pokorsli:i, Ke n Grand Island

Durin!( the sc:hool \ear, npcn hnust• tdws phtl'li'llll thl' t.~mlms of Pcm ~tale as the dorms npcn

tlwirdc~ for


Detroit Tigers Win World Series ~~t';r~arin 1\ausch. Connie

Lincoln 1\ea\ls,l\honda Falls Cit~ Heed.lk>lmt Corning, Ia.

fkoed, James Cr..~bOrclt:o~rd

Rl"ftandcr, O..•nni'li


:,~;~~~~~~rf, l);nid Rile\ , IJaulint• KanbL.t't', lll

Run) an, Rouun

Falls Cit~

Schamp, Jud~ Lin<:nln . Schl:~ngl•, Nan<) Auburn

Schmidt, Mich:ael Llnroln

Sdu'l'lner, Da\ id Nt.-braskaCit~

St:hOJdcr, Arl:md Palrn~rw.


Sell, K:ut>n T:abt1r, It~ ~hurtldf,

Ann itt•

Falls Cit\ ~k. [)em

Fremont Sinclair, [\larihn Omaha ·

Snethen, Carl:.~

Uumbokh Snethen, Jon Falls Cit~

Stoll. t\:n Cn:shani Stuthcii.C:tr}


Sudik. Charhe \ irginia !)ummcrs, \l k hacl IIan e). III. ~\\1msun.



Tallc} . Kirk

~f\\ London, Conn.

York Jets Win Super Bowl Tl'ten. &rb:ua Talmagt• Thomp5(m. Dunakl Salem Tlw1mpsnn. Virginia Tt"l'urnSt"h Tr.~iler.

Charles Atl:antic. la.

Tritsh. C.enc Ndm.t.sLJ. Cit~ Tuckt•r. Dinid ~uperlur

TuioiO!it.-ga. Tn.·\"llf Pago Pagu, Am. Sarnna


l!techl. Paul Supcrit)r Valcich. Edward NC\\ FO\mdland. N.J. Viterise. Kevin Nev.·ark,N.J. Walfnrd, Don



\\al.!illll, L\nn

Rt.'tiCiuucf \\t.•bb. Ot•m1b

SJKh•g.fit·ld \\'ill.!teu. l\anc\ Lincoln · William~. Slwr"



\\1lb:, Thumas Pt.·mlx.'rluu,'


\\1l.!il111. Kt·nt Tt.,·urn)l.·h \\'irth. IJan :\l•hra)l..tCII\

\\'uo.IC.It•n. Gl('nda :\urfull.

\\'n~ht ,


\lint.-ola, ' \ . \\ mk. l>ar~ I ~ll·rlin)o:

Zt.11lucr. Gan FallsCit~ ·

Clay Shaw Conspiracy Trial Begins

Ouce cl:.•ssc.·~ lx·g.in, then.• is IIIII~ time for studl'nU tu rel:a' and cnjH~ them.sc:-ht.")


Index A




lloii'P. \bn:v.':O.i'illl11

"""'"'· Can>! 1'17 ...rn,.,_.,. t.......




\lit'-! frlt·U

'••-l..,od.o 71_/10

~C:'<!'..~~l.:l!::!,,,~ Uoln!p" u,u....., II~

8oltf. \la.oli..l16 Ho ..Urt. (~-- I"-~



.\llrn.\aoo~M.'I6 ...,._1;Q,II~. IOO. Alll••'ll. ~..tl17


t..lnt"''i, '>!......., , II0~\191111

"'""'"''"'"' lotl. l11

t:OIIh-. \ta...-tiO, Ilb t'pp, l).,alo.1""'11'll tpp O••nld II! •:n.. """ Jfi.~.... .,..

Dun V..6l.l11 ""'".. ,•....,,.6

c (~l.han\lk~&;!l4l


n.... ttifi. IU

~~-"'.htlli ( ......,... Kril \.l.llli



"ndrno"'·' -"'thb

,,.,.nh&. o...,..

\ncw.O.•...Jdl'IIOo\ \ppl...ofl\lkldwdll.f

, ......,....... ......... ;o_!-46


Arl\lo-f.\dtl17 "'""-'""'" .Wl.\,tilb\l, ll.f




O.ttrllf' I-ll


tllrLJI•IIi ( ..........h . :YIIIt. 6Q.;'ij'\lo (;.-· Ck.ort..oo· ~.661.f6


t:..tr. \lkhwl '16.1V. (;....,..... {;.,.


l-4~. 11!. 1 11

.._ ..11 ·-~ 11!. t"~•r••• INn W11'i ........ , ........... ,t;i, l-6; fne . (..-.oo• ll'l • -·firm \l;u.-606.\11~

h.dla•J•..... I-17 h ... Mo....lollll'l h<L.-C..-.... ~6i_IU h-o. hrr.Kurhi'\J>

....... J._...,. ....... juhn



. . . ......bliA.70



Cromptt~ro,l>...dt.f6 o.-bno 11.~


(;...L. ..a• I'U U.i'l, tl;


t="~:;.:J'76"' 61, 1111 c;.~,....

lbu~·tut.I , Rrlh ~. :u.-'10

:::::tL:!:~~-~-~~ lla.l'n<noi'U

tta• .,c.t.;,,&r., )li,-:'11111 u,.,...,_,,....,.,,&!,'jj)l l"

llt...d O.o11 U'l ........ ,................ ,'! llo..ll,.rw;, Tom<<lh• lOY

u,-;,.,\\.,,.. l4,901tt.ln

Ranoh 111

I.Mf\ l : •;d 11;

lk..tnh~tt.J•od· 1-1'1 lit.....


liZ.fi9. 11J



g~:l~~ l;:60:o;.._,,;



lb"pt""'"· \b.,,..,..n 1-1~

........ . ..... 1-11\ lln+o.tro. ,.,il-l-1.119

..... ,..._...... ... '"' ......... 1"-""""11;!

t::r.::~~> ~~\2. 111.111


ll:upolrf. f'ah•ll i lta..il,(hri•lu10'31i i'U llarm. D•• id 1111



C:hiltlnl•'fii'.,,IIH <,.._•hn'tanlr• 1-n < ~hri>k'n

-l'o.J.I.~.66.6~ Joo2. 1t»


Ch.otrl-on. P..tl 143


'"""d. ( _....... ~_ft667

Kri,.n l-'i

t"•nflllri. \\,U ..,

lllfm<~l. t·r;ootUin IW llwpN"'·"''"'" 1!0,1-1'1


C"h.II!..J-'0. .911

··~ Andrno111• •1... dr IH


t"•r-rhior1. \bt• M.OIIIII


::=::.:- ~-;,..;.":21 II'

b_,•,.llurhJI; tlliRJ,rr '"""""" 1-'6 t ...~ ,,. \\olli- 1~7

t·,,.,..,Ko..,.,YI.I'U c:....-l. Pfnlt.. 61U.n


Andrno'ft, (.M>~••


n ,...,.., 1111


o\lliw-.1,._.. -.: ·~"-

Alii-. Tf<l 66

... ~..1r u.......


\ba. Tho-JI'r.

.tlhnorllt hth, IU ~Iff \hod,..,.., l6 tlD \llrn.R....p.,.... l17 \llrn.jnr>ti7 Allrn.! ....... u~


f .............,....l>.n.-11-'6

llill, 14~ tlijl,:thlrlrt,.-t064b-\, l-l'i ll~lm.an Dot•id I!O~.'r9 llot.,..,..ann. Lao\dJ.. l-1...0119 IILI•v. D.-an\.\l_.g t!l....... ..... lll.li.l.:U

, .....,............ l),., l-1.11-l

,.,,o.,.,,.......,,,.,. . .

tlt,f,·li o~t~. l llloi.71Nl. l19


ll<oii, J..doiO.:II.I'l-1

......,[ .....170.11!0 • ........... K.othot<-.l_.g ............. ·~........ 311. 1-fi

·~~"'"'"'"· ' ·hn·l 1:10 u •.,,....,...... c .... ~.. &t.mtw

u......ttT.... 61.-'Il.l'l1

......__ ........ Q.t

K..-N..tl-ltt'l t1o!l..- tJail.- .U.l6.~0.-"' 132


•·,....t. t"uothial-17 to..~... C);.,.,,.. "H.ll.l. lo~< h~il Ora11 Y,IH f onhtatl. ....•nonO!'I tnna.Jao10"170,71U-1< hank.Knt.rrt 1-&i

tltooL,..._ llo•r 1311 lluffa,-lt·r. O. ...tla.90.109 llulrttr. \\,HO...nliUllil lluoon-Ln-. \ao"-.I:MI tl ..t,-hr...,l.arn 120 llutmto,.., To·rn 12U

t~jal\4'!<(1.1 -17 t"rd~. \iri,.;,• O,O.I'U

~::;.-;l~l11 c..;.;. ~~o....t. 1-66

t' nnlh ....IO'I47

lln, Gn-la

. ........{\\ollw"'IH

Cnmo,hrh11 1-'6



hln.""""ld 1$1

............... lfi.l-17

l~ll•,..anll-l.iD. I311

,,..._..,,...., _.'l,l4fi0.1!2:.1M

t. ...,.._......... l-66


(,..,.., ( .athrrio,..'(l. l~

tnooln . ~l46

( '"'"",.,....IIi

t :um . Ro.n...tllf

nonb.O••rl-l.""-I'U t'!ortb.,l)o-.ui•l-4,\l,611!0.11t


!=:.~~.i:;' ~119 c-..1.....-. t:..-orcr-SH. I~

:=~r:~.J,lii0!. 119 (~n...... tlr•.Pmlll 14'> (~nt.-.U.-.uu•l-311

(:lf>...., llrnnh 1-1~

v.IW. ( "h;ut.-. ....)\! l>illt•"'· '>trph.~o l-411!1.101\.11~ o....m...t\\olli... l11 O..hrr_Oroom• 1-tfl

IMitl.,•o. llo•iJ 111


...,.,.,I'Ool.9'1. t46


,.-.,..,, Kit.io..UM.79


c:.~ ...,,,.,..o,,I'JQ (:ft ...... od.jaiiO' ~6.119

Go· d-o,8nnnil' .16,119

<nhlor. "'•"" w.:I .I!0.-'1.119


(),(,........ Mo.t>rrt1111 u ..~_.. ..._' "~' 146 ,,.~ ..... Ko.t>rrt 1-66 ,,...,-L.tfl..lo•l. ll ..


-.h...., 11-'1

Oi.'otrflll.,buno l-66 Oo..lcr. lho..U.frl.&&M. II" [)o..,(..;o,noh n ttU.I,_., [)oott(J..ortr.t-'6 l>o•othm•Uo,...Sd 111 l>o•••hm•.\111..... 1~

t;oat,.b..tM<ol41 .i6.;'1, 1'll c:.-~

•. (;...f\119

Gno•. t .MKI'o l'l;2 C'..n~l\(..tlfll!lr67.119

CM•II• . Jrm 67.10:l. I'JQ Gfntht.. _ , ....... 60.-;'01111 c..-t.-.1 , . ..... 1111

c......... Rrth ·~~ c.....-.•. 1...."'!1082 "''~ 119 cc......... .......,,,.;oloJ Jrf(,.., lOY, II.\ c........, .. 1!~• <O. IW







Thr..Jo.,.. 141t J•.to"'""' \n•olol "-'1


,,•....._ ,,,.... uo

J·~- lhll.........~ J••-<..:n.UII

.......... K>··~t.ll3.1'16, ~7.No!, llJ'I J• .. ~b.. .._.... , 1%0 JudL ...-. 1_..•,.66.149

J••lLm-.To-"U.61U11 Jurw;<·n. .......&.-11 1-111


(-"II''" Muh,..t.<>:.liU . IIZ (..,.~~~.. ~.,


.. 8ar4...no

~. itl, l"-"



(..ooolriiMII:harf.-.>118 C.Uo.lm•11. tlalnc• )!.3..l.i01'U

C.oh.._tr... <ti.HII

....,ff~Mn. l..loocLi~l . l~

t.:ftld•.TlM<mll>l-fll t.:n.dril;~. llo-..;1, 1..0

~""- ""'"'1'11

t.:lii•.J••"""-'~.110. 120



J}rjlr\l.tn"i.i36 l>r,lr'>k"'<"" .YI.Il'l Dlwntilltt.ja~ob }6.~1.1:11

DIIL"-\Iicllrlll%.'1.5.~ II_,~

Clornl 41 ,'(1

" · -- •....-.· l.f"'

:::r~·· ~:~ M.I!6.-'IO~,Ii9112


........... ......

Jt<hll.,~t. \lio......~ U.~l'lA


D•••""' 1-:,...-.c 3-.~.1\l: I)<U..._(...,...I46

DuoiCIIa.Dunald .W.&I66.67,:'t.111 Du.w-U..l.r ·-l.t'l2


.n....... ,,...,.,.,c;..,.,.. Rllt'\, I(Jio.

, ...........

(;.nddlin~~ol.....tir I~


<hob. II."""'"" I-f~~

.......~•. Rrth l-t9 Rrn..b 1-19 ...,,.,.,_ c ..m.t 1.11

~:t::. t~-~-r:

~:t~; .~:.~:~-l'i



J....... ~. u....

l>ul.\litt--ll-410-tiO!o l)nn.'>l,..rn90.1'J.'! 0..-.n_\\IIIQm \01.1-16 l)o;oll., y.,.,. 38111 1111 l).,.,.,-l, Rot.rboor.60.61M. IIi l>r~"'"...,.• Ruhrrl S1

Jnnnorn-t. O.... J-19

jftt..-ro. \lnrirl

,., ....... \\..,...,,, ..g

G""'""•. <:O.rb 6~.8Qo.lli

In> l>rNoi> 11!..1'1-\ l>.t-0..... .\.111t.l11


I"'*"•· eiroon- 61 1:1..1 J••al:b•id 6i

!loll, ....... I ..... ll:oll, \ dl36.1 -f'i

II..Jin. Rrtto\6,62,:91"-" IIMI<m, ,..,,lf,,ii,I'W

11..,...-.fh.,.l IIJoi I!U lt.on...-.. O..uobl-tll.lll'iWilJ'I

u.-... c........rl19

t.:I'I'-"•Daota•3!1 II.:H~·-. I.Motl..t 711 ..... . .. fht'l(l .... fl. llrlh uu l.:io'll, (;;.n.t t.:ftn. Ko.t.-rt 31\,7'111-tO t.,~,rf.oocljamo.-. I!ZO

~=~·:·::-~~~:~ ~~~:'l1

....... 0.... 1!0 . lo.nrblo; 1-"'" til-'il)li!D ..<<nlrrMuualdllO .......... y, .... 3-.l

........_Mr...,lnllO .... ta>,\l..,jullO

.. _...,.. \ lanM


N ... ..~~~· .. tli<.Jo~nl ~. 141 ,Jitd,..,.,. ,....l .lll '\o'lll



u..... 70.7'11!3 \nkkmil'p.(:0.·...-..,1.131 '\ntlri, Do• tui!· 71.7\.UI


l!.io,hanh Ho~o;Jd 1~1 l!.klr ...... Ho~orrt 12.1 l!.odr••·"'"'"'.\.6,1109'li{Jij tlo;·M,·Ilrotnl.l.:!:.:U. I"I l!,.,n""ho-, Ko~6ti..O, Iol2

t1•-.dtio.-l, Lo"'36,&71'U Ho~ ... . P~ulanr 152


""'"·c ..... ~ tlo,. , ~....d 3-'I, I'U

, ..... ~•• \l1fi.o11 11.&

I!.N . joohnl4! Ko~"'"""l !Now 70 76,7't I'll Hoorl.-ntamo, l.athr"t 70'il.ll'l3

\..b<•o. Tl'm 1~1 ,.,..,l'..ttid.l4\ ,..,,h;,,.,, .\ull.oNIIO. I51 ''~""'"""'· Dr>ln 121

:~~:~:.::.~oo!H~:lti~ •il Hool!r., l'aonr!.o.VI.':'~Ii(l

'""--"'"·''•If ..... 131 '"""tl....JoohotVI,Ill '"· l)anl.l.~

""""'"· "'""'"'li(l,n2 ~~. ........ ...trk'U l!.l42

..............~ .... -YI, l-\ 1

,, .. ~.,..-, Rub Ul ' "hr il<No~kl IUfi,l,!'\ ' •thrtlu ..... '\urman, \nit~ ll!-1 '\ur•ell.o.-..n;,. 141 '••rln. ErM" '"-~ l-1, 1!3

u liO.n•


Thumpw.,\ i.,;iub Ill Th11riorr. Lur.. 711 'l•lari.N 66.162 T"rp> , Jnhn 127 T'"'"""ld, l'rrn .\11 Tr.ilrr. ( "fwoo ...... Ill



Ho-o. W•'"l.I<Ji Ho ..... ,.Jd-.I.U, 1112 Hudo~ph. V.n• til M,,.,l!r.HoH11J

\..,.mo•o>lt'f.l'illlti 41i . l41

-n. .... P"'"'- ~i6.Hl\ .. 2

s ~tho.ff , \k-rl~ot7l.76. SU ...ijo .... .....ll 6jl'l.l

T11t..-h.j<111 H2 Tn~ta, \\iUia m 142 Tn>ttlrr. flnllft YS.IU Tn...t, Oa.n l.l,-'16,'17.,... Tu,~ . Da•.d 13-1 Tululo'lt~a.T,... t ..-66.13-1

Turo>rJ, ILortd• 127

T,.,ho,., h.., 116 y, .... , ..... 7't TuM ....

c.... •


y.,,..,, \hk\3,\2

u llobnollui-.!1<'32 lt....-, Ka • .\.\.'t7"-'t •.W, Ltr.l'lli lR•f"'1'11-.., , :..tlorroo"· 'll. t\.1 llo't-ltlf-.oull l-1

""""'"' Rk-N!d 3-1. 142 '"'""'ill• "'· ''•liam I'll

""tl'ffl.-ld, C:.rl~'l.-'l

u ............. o...uoh.'l!i.~ . l'l-6 ()(~""'"'' t],.,hrth 17 ..16..62.7... 7'11. 1!1 or~""""· lin"'' Ul llr>l.,..tt!t, l>tor•l!"l l~lrJ•"'" 114

'"'~" T....,... Ill


,•......,.u,,'"':'6 \Lonftr.ll.


\laMaii, T"" .)IJ.:'g _I!O, I'J.1


,,.,.,.,_Ju!!IU ,, ...,.,


fil ,64,6ol

\1•-. Bili~..W.!O.IU

''-"'~"· \lK"'' 1!2


'l•nhr...L.a\lan ,\11, 13$ \l•tthoroo •• bth•M.I.50 \l•unrr. l.f'l"' 61 ,110. 1..0 ~k\liot .... \hg, no \kOn. jllllnJ-4

\klluth. O."'I" 6 11..0



hpn, \Iattin l.:!:,l:li'W l"wdr., Bo••il•71 ,110.141


l:llt.~O."'.I 'J.l

:M •..o

\I,,..,. , C:Iwlt-. 1.50

\kR.ou ..oldo.J.,rl4 . 6T, T6,1~ \l ... uno, \wLo U . UI \lt-irr, R.•l..\.'1'1.1 ~1


\Wr-lo , Ro-nn•M.I\.19 \l ..orr, Juoh \i'UOO,;\Ih!2 \Worr, Jul'ln.W,IiO, I!t \lnn, l.rn,. Ill

...,.....,,.._..:vel , llt Pottrnun, Hooh,rt 70.11Z>! l"lol:to'"' Tu•n l\9I ,Wl,llldl!l, l.&l hotnn, t :... ~ ... 32 .7lt,j't , l~ Pn............... 131 f>mdnt.. IU


f'm'• · ''"'l35

Pn"'-h~jnn 36.70.13-1 l'nl'n'>n.Kclhrn 141

f"rr"'"'"' · "'obr-n Ill ""'""""'· "lllmi10,14L

Pt1rilhi'\ld.}-l.~. ll'l.llll

1't1.clw. Trm l9.6166,':'0.711, 12" f'f........ o.r-1 n1 f'iprr,jl>&.:l ... 7-'1.1~4 l'lnam........,,...!l.&l f\.f;ohl, Ida ';'\, 1~1 P,ol,.,.n,AIIr,.\\,11113.5 l\olunll l. <'IOI31

,., ........ I.......

.l-1 ,11091.1~~

l'! ......... haa~o.-1.1S3

l'uU, !Ihulr• i'O.:VI'll l"rlllf ll~nolol I(H l"t'(h, (.:onnl:;l P,ornonri. J.-l.-67

~::r~.~:~~~~ \l ....... h-.nlnl.IOO \1~&,.

Juhn :W,6!,1r.,'i9, 11-l \ltl\rr.\\a.,,..l2l!


\lirn-Lo. l'harlrolo2.1Q.9fo. IU

,~ ..... . "'"""" 1!2

\h!!lntr: R<d 32.11-4

'"·"' ~ IJnd~ 68. 1~1 '"" 'lh , \l&rll•ll fill

\1<•'R'. Rk:brdlfl \l•'ffh..l..o'~ ... 106.11-4 '"'""-1Jnda70.1'J..I ).ll.m..Ruhnt 76.1~1 , ............ , •....., ... .on.t31 14


\1o......,., , l.rm101hll2 \1owt n01 , (:luo~IIO

\t,,_.r , T<-~ . 114



!lif'phrn ~1 l\a(ft.Grfl\l2, 112. 14\ Jbrinoo.DianriU Rar.~1or \\o\(..., IU M....J •.....,62. 13l R..O,f...-tlo, O.•Id IU lbo ..... ;..,,\-19!1,119 ~~...... _, ............ 61 , 124 IU!hhu,._lholh M,7't\'l.j R. ...-+1 c........ 1\2 Maoolir•c•. S.• ... h7076.1'1\ Ill• Rarn I'll


........ ,..,.,.,.-l G.on 1U ,.............. ll.kb.onl&fi, l~

.....,,,.,..,., o..,,,..f19u2 ............... o...id!li

!Othn...,.., \rLmd lillY !M'J,..,, Jiu...,.Uill ......... ll,\l.,,.,,u,.),_' ll'll ~ ... h• .W,66,1'il

w \\alfurd, D.oft Ill \\alll..-. 1.:.-ru"-"h .\2.107 .116


~:~~t~~M~·~.::+ :i

, ..... . ......t ••

~~::l\l'.~:..!"?6 \\afr-n, H.o•--'113 ""'""'I.'"" Il-l \\..-hto.llrnnj,l.\.6

6&,M,711,11.) 'hano••. T..! "2,.111'1.\ , ..... . ,>o ... .U,.\3.70, 12.) ,ha., , K;,It 109 36.1'1.) 'h(-ltoon, (n·•••ll4!

'horpa!d H•i.ard!l.l 'h"'"""'· "'lilnn.31i.3i. l26 ~hth•. Ji"' )9,61,6:2,66,87, 11!6 'hil""au, I,.,.R"',....I!t ~ .. >ff. 1..,,. M 'htonlrfi. Annk-fo l.ll

' k-. 0.•• 1»

'ti«l.tllirw\2, 1-U ~orfkft . ,.., ....... 108 ltiL.If&, ~"""'" M.l .. ~ ~Inc-lair , \tariJ,, 13-1

\\~r<rn Joohn3..\,~, l{l) , l'lfi

\\rhb,JaoM"IIVI \\rl>rJ"'ntfi314:1 \\.-io......l.j.rtl.:!:

1\rit..... c.n"'

\\riln-, \1•.._\.l,loil,llli,W \\rhrhr-in. Gr<h•rtlt,.W, Ir. \\rlkr. II<'II".U.l-1.iO. I36 \\ c-ndt, \larl\27 \\t'ftlll'i. \IW'U.711. 1-43 " "'e"-J~ot:l34, 't6 ,1j.!i , J~I.t3

~::r!i\'::';; i6,...0, 1~

W\terin, J•roe 143

!<om~l~ (:.hi• .>1 'i6,)1,b,IU !onoolh, Coln 1::6 )oomllh. R...han\M,.'t;!l2ti !loorllorto, ( .lrl.ofi9, 1\.1

\\;\,;wii, R...,. 143



lo.t. l42 ll< • ~hr.(, Mrrh " I'll )10_.. ...... ... "'62.6&. 12111 ~~·o. 6! ,';'0_1j,S lll• ...... l>o '"'""~ . l26 )oo .....


'tlrmpn ""'•' 14:1 't ..... af11'rtnMWIII9'1

~·"'· Ill• Hl.tll ' ' Mn•,._, cl... to•10. 142 'tto"--l.Jo.d•l'll 'tto...&.\\auM'.\2h0, 136 \luktlh..lt'l,(',..,..kl'ofi.li':'

""knhult'l,Palrft61J. ~. I42

\l"thrlt, C.n 1~1 'uocik,(lur.rt.... 153 !>!'!llkn. ,,.,.,;,. ~)9. ro,i6. 127 .......!Mn, \lkilwl 13-1 lt"lll'""'· !lld<l1,1\2

'""""'"'· Da•ld !~~~~' U3 .W.66.6i. ll7 ~"•ml"l..

~~·~~a~ ~. IOUMi \\;JlJ,..,,.._, ... , ... I')6 \\ik< .... .:rith .\!i.,l:t6

\\ill.-.cJ ..t..M.90.&1 .91 \\~l..-11 . '""'~ .;o Ill

\Uk'"~n , \\Mu,..4't60, 6&M.I!.'I

\\ill.... c...... 711 \\oll .. n>•. l-n•l•3

\\ill~amo, )<hrno.inlt\ . 1~

\\ ......... , ...-ll7!\, l-t-1 \\olt..•,,.,..,,, l)r,.,.;, ~ \\~k,n.. - · t-5-1 \\ ..... Do ..... lol67, 12!i \\ol...... .. "'''~

\\indlr.l.ind..67,1.U \\•th, C>aull-4 \\o1t , l!..obrrtl16 \\•~L,.,., \hrul87 1\o~lernath , Ja...,...


\\o..,&r.., GI.-rodall-1 \\o~t>do, Go-o"'!t<'lll6.\ , 1 ~

\\ri&ht, tliduonll$4 \\ .......... ....... 12!1 "'""'"'· !ltr•·r66,1.U \\uM..O.nl66.liO.Iiol

~::.:~.t!! l2..53.6U.i0,71i 1:17


H.....d, n.ufi6, 1Zl

Ko...d, l)tobnr.ll2 M.o...d, Ja ...... L\2 """"l!.~lph l.:!:.l.&l

""""· l)i-~. 10.71i

lltir>drn, Gn-l.W.ft.66.67. 1!3 lkir• ... ""'"hll-1 ~'f, ()tonni•M . IJO.IU

1\rnv!olf.Oa•id IM

lkrtjcWttf.t.:•r.3Z.M~. I~I

\holloun., l!.io-b.rd 141 \lui ...... \t.rth~ 62.7b.N, I23 ,~u~ 1Z'I

Rrpp, Ho>bM \3

""'""''"'' - ""-11.10(1~


....... c......

~llll:zrt , \ll...t66.71 , 711,1111 , 11J ....... il ..... .: ... h,fi-),14:2:

'"""l, .....,;,. l.l~



''""· """ 13-1 \lo-)rn.\\oNilonolo91\l

t~:{::·:· .·~

c.-J 62.1"2

'"'"J~,;.... ·~. ·~


\la~n Ko-~71i . I'IO

..._.,~ ......

"-h"""'ln. Ho'lt"'l~


~:l~~ ~.~ \luo.,ono \laol \l.nlo , l'hiii'Ll

..._hLutll.• '"'"~ ll:

'whoiriok·• ,,..,,..fi!.;O,j{j

f"'rnH~nl\2, -WI'W

\l><ioft.-.ta...... l30

'"'"'"11.•' "'"''69.11}

.......... kit . \lk.._\11:2:


Uklf~ll.ro•Li60tilil , l!.. , ....... .,. ....... 661"\t fJntt'f \ mol41 lhnorn. Kt«·rt.'iOitl u.t.,., ... y.,.., 6l.12t unr_..,.,td.. '16.ti6.'iU. Ill



"<ff.mp.Jotd•IU 'ochinL.-1. ~Jd,., /iO

llll'hud, Bat-bwa 70.71i.IU

T T~t. J• ... r~2 T ...-l.rtt , \\ a•~~rl2.711, 136 Ta.IL,... l. lr• Ml.!l3.9'1o, ll3 y,.,..W.I, t" .. nris6i, l2i

T••~•. \l...·r 136 Trlrii, Rout.ra 3e.ISJ Trlr-.. fkronl-1, 136 Tho .... pw,.., Or'!Qidll3

z ~·l>otlt. ~ .... .5-1911.,911, 10!1 f.<'lo.,.,, \laf!(arrlllllt!i

z....c ....... c:. .. ll-1 Zumhahlo..., o..-.. 12"

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