Announcements 1971
Summer Sessions
Mr. J. Alan Crruner, President------------------------------------------ Wayne Term Expires 1975
Mr. Henry I. Freed, Vice-President------------------------------------ Chadron Term Expires 1973
Dr. Francis J. Brown------------ Genoa Term Expires 1973
Mr. James A. Lane-- - Ogallala Term Expires 1975
Mr. Ward H. Reesman-----------. Falls City Term Expires 1977
Mr. Robert L. Walker--------------- Kearney Term Expires 1977
Mr. Cecil E. Stanley, State Commissioner of Education---------------- Lincoln
Dr. James E. Todd, Executive Officer--------------------------------- Lincoln
Mr. A. D. Majors, Member Emeritus-------------------------------------- Omaha
President----------------------------------------------- Neal S. Gamon, Ed.D.
Dean of the College -----------------------------------Keith L. Melvin, Ed.D.
Dean of Students --------------------------------------Guy L. Rosenberg, Ph.D.
Associate Dean of 'Students------------------- - Juanita Bradley, M.A.
Registrar------------------------------------------------- Kelly Liewer, Ed.D.
Director of Counseling--------------------------------- Thomas Scherer, Ph.D.
Director of Financial Aids- Donald Miller, M.S.
Director of Placement -------------------------------------Harold Johnson, M.A.
Director of Special Services --------------------------Donald K. Carlile, B.S.
Librarian -----------------------------------------------Faye Brandt, M.A.L.S.
Business Manager------------------------------------------ Alan Shipley, B.S.
Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds------------------------ George Wendel
Division of Education------------, Rex R. Shelley, Ed.D.
Division of Fine Arts --------------~---------------------Gavin Doughty, Ph.D.
Division of Health and Physical Education----------------Ervin R. Pitts, Ed.D.
Division of History and Social Science-------------George Schottenhrunel, Ph.D.
Division of Language Arts------------------------------Clyde J. Barrett, Ed.D.
Division of Practical Arts--------------------------------C. V. Siegner, Ed.D.
Division of Science and Mathematics----------------------John C. Christ, Ph.D.
First Term - June 7 to July 9
June 7, Monday-------- Registration (First and/or 2nd Term) (F ee payment 1st only.)
June 8, Tuesday----- ------------------- Classes Begin
June 9, Wednesday------ Late Registration Fee
June 10, Thursday----- Final date for registration or change in registration.
June 18, Friday Final date to apply for degree and/or teaching endorsement.
June 23, Wednesday--------- Workshops Begin
June 26, Saturday----- Cl asses Meet
July 5, Monday--- . No Classes
July 7-8, Wed. & Thurs. 2nd Term Registration & Fee Payments
July 9, Friday- End of First Term and Workshops
Second Term - July 12 to Augu st 13
July 12, Monday - - - New Registrations - Cl asses including Workshops.
July 13, Tuesday- Late Registration Fee
July 14 , Wednesday---------------------- Final Date for Registration in Registration.
July 19, Monday------------------------- English Proficiency Exam
July 28, Wedn esday---------------------- lforkshops End
August 13,Friday-----. 7 End of Second Term Commencement (6 p m.)
begin of Change
Peru State Coll ege is accredited by the North Centra l Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and the Nationa l Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education as a bach e lor' s degree-granting institution, Fu ll membership in the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (formerly the American Ass ociation o f Teachers Colleges) has be en maintained since 1918. The College ha s been a member of th e American Council of EducatiQnsince 1947 and is a charter member of the Nebraska Council on Teacher Education. Women gra duat es are e ligible for memb e rship in the American Association of University Women.
The city of Peru (population 1, 35 0)1 is lo cated in So uthea s t Nebraska in Ne mah a county. It i s s ituat e d on State Highway 67 which int e r sects U.S. 73-75 s ix miles west of Peru, five mil es north of Auburn and 15 mil es south of Nebraska City, Lincoln is 75 mil es northw est and Omaha is 62 mile s north.
The Peru State College campus. of 100 acres of rolling oak- c ov e-re d hills overlooks the Mi ss ouri River and the n e ighboring states of Iowa and Missouri In this setting the .campus buildings are conveniently arranged, interspersed with trees, shrubs and g~rd ens.
Summer school students hav e access to fully eq uipped laboratorie s, shops, studios, and library. The library, completely remodeled in 1963, is fully air conditioned.
The wooded _river country in the Peru area offers opportunitie s for hikin g and outings. Opportunities for participation in recreational ac tivities are available at the college and in the c ommunity and area.
Sports. Classes are conduct e d in sw immin g and t e nni s for tho se w ho d esire in s truction The coll'ege p 6ol and tennis court s are available for recreational use, Student Center. Summer students will find the fully air conditioned Student Center a pleasant place for -relaxation and recreation. In addition to the dining rooms, snack bar, lounges and -hook store, students may use the fa. cilities of the game room.
Living Accommodations
Requests for information concerning living · accommodations during the summer terms, either college-operated residence halls and apartments or other facilities in the community, should be directed to the Dean of Students (men~ or the Associate Dean of Students (women).
Residence halls College resid ence halls offer attractive accommodations for convenient on- campus living. A.D. Majors Hall for women has facilities for two students to a ro om arranged as combination study - sle e ping rooms. Delz e ll Men's Residence Hall is arranged with combination s tudy sleeping quarters accommodating students during summer sessions. Residence hall occupants must furni s h linens, blankets, and towels. The residence halls have lounge, recreational, and laundry facilities.
Married. Student Apartments. Married student college operated housing is available on a first request-first reserved basis. Information concerning these apartments, equipped with kitchen and laundry equipment, may be secured from the Business Office.
Off-Campus Housing. Information concerning accommodations in the community of Peru may be secured from the Dean of Students.
Admission Requirements
C~rrespondence concerning admission to the summer session should he addressed to the Office of the Registrar and Admissions. Three general categories of students are admitted to the summer session:
I. Undergraduate students working toward a baccalaureate degree.
2. Degree students working to earn credit to renew certificates or qualify for a higher level certificate.
3.' Freshman students beginning an undergraduate program.
Non-degree Students. Students-at-large must present a written permit, from their Dean or Registrar, stating that they are in good standing and giving specific approval for the courses for which they register. Credit earned by students will count toward a degree at Peru State only when regular admission has been granted and a degree program developed and approved.
Students expecting to·· trans .fer summer credit to other institutions may wish to secure approval in ad v ance from the other institution to take the course work at Peru State. A request to transfer credit should be completed in the Office of the Registrar.
New Degree Students. Complete credentials for undergraduates must be on file in the Office of the Registrar by the deadlines listed or considerable delay in the student's registration may result.
a. Freshman students who have not attended college are required to submit all admission materials as outlined in the .current General Bulletin.
b. Transfer students must present official transcripts from each college or university attended in addition to all admissions materials as outlined in the current General Bulletin.
c, Post-graduate students who are taking course work to be transferred to another institution are advised to secure approval in advance from the other institution to take course work at Peru State College, if credit earned i~ -expected to be applied toward a graduate degree at the other institution.
Former Degree Students. Former undergraduate students who have not attended a college or university since last attendance .at Peru State College are required to submit an application for readmission.
- A student who h~-s atte~ded another college or university since leaving Peru State College must request other institutions to send official tran~· scripts to Peru State in addition to submitting an application for readmission.
Students whose medical report has been on file six or more years must have a new physical examination. Request medical report form from the Office of the Registrar.
Fall Admission. Admission to the summer session as a non-degree ·, ~~special student does not constitute admission to the fall or spring semester. Students wishing to continue at Peru State in the fall should follow the pr'o~ cedures outlined under new degree students • .
First and/or Second Term. Summer -registration for the first five week term, workshops or f~r both terms will b~ conducted in the College Gymnasium, Monday, June 7th, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a,m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
New registrations for the second five-week term will be conducted in tl:l'ei Administration Building on Monday, July 12th.
Credit Hours. Students may enroll for the maximum of six (6) credit hours in e·ach five-week term or a total of twelve (12) hours for both terms. Requests for an overload will not be honored.
Attendance. There should not have to be a specific policy concerning class attendanc e other than to emphasize that with essential acceleration of course· work in classes during a summer term, it is imperative that students plan for punctual and regular attendance in all classes.
Pre-Registration •• Prior to May 15- Students who are making normal progress toward a degree_ program may pre-register. All other students must register according to the outlined registration schedule. Pre-registration does not involve a f~e payment, _
I. Review class schedule and pre-registration forms in the back of this'bulletin,
2. Contact faculty advisor or the appropriate division chairman for advisement and approval of your personal schedule.
3. Submit approv e d schedule and personal information forms to the Registrar's office. Class cards will be reserv e d for you and if no conflict exists, no acknowledgement will be made. You may then complete registration and pay appropriate fees on scheduled summer registration date.
Pre-registration is advised only when plans are definit e in order to eliminate change or withdrawal of registration at a later date.
Student Classification. A s tud e nt's classification is ba sed on the completed credits record e d at Peru State, If you enroll for courses to be transferred elsewhere and do not have a cumulative record in this college, your c lassification should he indicated as unclassified (Uncl.) . Your classification at Peru is determined as follows:
Freshman - le ss than 30 hours
Sophomore 30 through 59 hours
Junior - 60 through 89 hours
Senior 90 through l 25 hours, until completion of degree.
Post-Graduate. Undergraduate and/ or graduate courses supplementing degree.
Numbering of Courses, Each course has a number and abbreviation for divisional designation, following this pattern: ,
l - 99 Unclassified 300-399 Junior (Upper ) ,
100 - 199 Freshman .l ~J.,ower ) 400-499 Senior (Divisi0n)
200 - 299 Sophomore (Divisio'n)
Bachelor of Arts in Education (A.B. in Educ.)
Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S. in Educ.)
Bachelor of' Fi ne Arts in Education (B.F .A. in Educ.)
Bachelor of Arts (A,B.) ·
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) •.
! J I )},,d,,
The baccalaureate degree is awarded upon completion of a prescribed irogram as outlined in the current Gene~al Bulletin or a General Bulletin for
the year in which student entered Peru State, providing normal progress has been made since matriculation.
To maintain normal progress, the student must complete at least 30 semester hours of credit in a five-year period including attendance for a full load during one semester or summer school, Twelve hours is considered a full load for normal progress. In case normal progress is not maintained, the student must follow requirements in the current General Bulletin,
Admission To Teacher Education Curriculum
A prospective teacher must be admitted to the Te ache,:, Education Cur• riculum before student teaching assignment or recommendation for certification is made. Admission requires application to the Head of the Division of Education; requisites of health, personality, character, scholarship; committee interview. Admission procedure should be followed before the end of the student's sophomore year.
Student Teaching or Seminar. An opportunity for student teaching or seminar in the summer program is limited essentially to students in elemen• tary education. To be eligible for the seminar (in addition to admission to teacher education curriculum), the student must submit evidence of two years of successful teaching experience and completion of 45 semester hours of college credit. One year of the two years of experience must have been during the past five years, or two years wit hin the past 10 years. Applica• tion for student teaching or semina"r in the summer program must be made _ at least three weeks prior to the official registration day to the Head of the Division of Education. Only students advancing to a degree at PeruState will be considered and approved for registration in student teaching or seminar.
Certificate for Teaching
All certificates a~d renewals of certificates in Nebraska are issued by the State Commissioner of Education upon recommendation of your college. Essentially the same is true .in other states. In order -to be recommended, a complete record of all college hours (including transfer credit from other institutions) must be on file, and the candidate must have been admitted to teacher education curriculum. Credits for certificate renewals must apply toward the requirements of _ the next higher certificate or a degree. Applica• tion forms required in Nebra~ka, lo;wa, and Kansas are available in the Office of the Registrar. Applications for other states should be requested to the appropriate state department of education. The completed application and required state fee are essential in addition to an official transcript in order to receive a certificate or renewal.
Approved Program of Studies. It is imperative that teachers seeking
certificate renewal or a higher certificate, have a program of studies ap• proved for this purpose. This usually means the same as having an academic progress sheet prepared showing previous college work. It is the responsibility of the candidate seeking certification to know certification require• ments and to have an academic progress sheet on college work towards a · degree.
Endorsement At Peru State the responsibility for recommending qualified persons for · certification, has been delegated to the Administrative Council which reviews academic and professional qualifications, character, and competence as a teacher. Mee ting graduation scholastic requirements does not automatically bring recommendation for certification. Applicatio~s for certification in the summer should be submitted to the Office of the Registrar during the first two weeks .ofthe summer session.
Grading System
A nine point grading system is used to · evaluate academic achievement.
Grades permitting credit:
Marking to designate Failure or irregularities:
F Failing-Below 60%
X Incomplete
WP Authorized withdrawal-passing work at time
WF Authorized withdrawal-- · failing work at time
W Not graded
The grades indicate the value of each semester hour of credit and becomes a means for calculating the grade point average (GPA).
Placement Bureau
The Placement Bureau assists students and alumni in securing desirable teaching positions. While graduates are not guaranteed positions, in recent years the office has received more calls for Peru-prepared teachers than can be met. The Placement BU)'t;au assists students seeking positions in business, industry, or governmenfal service.
A fee of ten dollars (10.00) is charged for joining the Placement Bureau and for each year the services are used. Credentials are assembled and made available to prospective employers and vacancy listings are distributed to those seeking the services of the Placement Bureau.
Grade Meaning 9 Exceptional 8 Super.ior 7 Very Good 6 High Average 5 Average 4 Low Average 3 Below Average 2 Poor p Passed, Not graded
Graduate Courses
Graduate courses 1;1re offered chiefly to meet certification requirements. The student who wishes to transfer graduate credit to a graduate college should consu)t the appropriate official in the graduate college to which the credit is to be tran s ferred and with the Dean of the College at Peru State.
Tuition And Fees
Tuition and other fees applicable are payable at the time of regist~ation. No provision is made for credit.
only once--first registration in
five-week term or workshop)
Residence Hall Accommodations
Rates apply when two or more students occupy a room. For single occupancy, when available, add $60 for 5-week session, $36 for 2½•week workshop.
for Dormitory. N $25.00 deposit must accompany application for campus housing. Request form from Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students. Full refund of deposit will be made at the end of the term of occupancy less deduction for damage to residence hall property. The deposii is not refundable if the student fails to take up residence for the full term for which application is made.
Summer Sessions (undergraduate
Resident Student F ees Per semester hour •.• •·•·•····•·•···•·•····$14.00 Non-Resident Student Fees Per semester hour .•.•.••.••.•.•.•...•.•.• $25.00
..•.•. , 5.00 Student Center Fee (each
• . • 5.00 Late Registration (after first day of classes) 10.00 Change of Registration (after second day of classes) 3.00 Applied Music, per lesson • • • . . • • . • 2.00 (No
Transcript of Records (after first free copy).. 1.00 Graduation Fees Undergraduate degree Duplicate degree ............. ............. 25.00 5.00
and graduate)
Matriculation (paid
charge for private instruction
students with music as a concentration as per general bulletin)
Board and Room (5-day board) for 5-week session Board and Room (5-day board) for 2½-week Workshop $115.00 70.00
Refunds for Withdrawals From College
Proportionate refunds will be made to students withdrawing from the College within the first two weeks of each term The matriculation and student center fees will not be refunded unless collected in error. The following schedule applies in tuition refunds on official withdrawals:
First week •.••••.••...... 80 % Second week ••.••••.••..• 50 % After second week ..•••.... none
Peru State College
1971 Summer Program: First Term, June 7 - July 9; Second Term, July 12 - August 13
THE CLASS SCHEDULE is arranged by division offerings with five 100-minute periods daily. A limited number of graduate courses are included. The normal registrati-0n loan per term is five semester hours, but a maximum load of six hours may be approved.
) ) IO C L A S S S C H E D U L E l
CLASS PERIODS: , Regular 1 7:00 - 8:40 2 . 8:50 - 10:30 3 10:40 - 12:20 Noon 12:204 1:005 2:50 -
CODE Art Biol - Biology Bus - Business Econ - Economics Educ-Educ a ti on Eng - English 1:00 2:40 4:30 0 u·• Shortened for Convocation l 7:00 - 8:20 2 8:30 - 9:50 Convo . 10:00 - 10:50 3 11:00 - 12:20 Noon 12:204 1:005 2:50G Sc - Gen Science
- Geography Govt - Government Hist
1:00 2:40 4:30
Sc ~Library Science
Ad - Administration Aud - Auditorium Ed - Education FA - Fine Arts Center Gym - Gymnasium IA - Industrial Arts Lib - Library Sc - Science Hall StCen - Student Center
IA-Industrial Arts
Math-Mathematics Mus -
PE-Physical Education
Speh - Speech
nit IV - Clinical Teaching
1/n,U,fr duc 450 Directed Stud i es (Elem Interns) /' ( Educ 307 Practicum (Sec Interns)
Hcduc 423G Methods &Materials in Educ of Excep.Children
j Educ 410S Semina r in Student Teaching
...... 0 b - <I-- .H,1~ • 5 - 3. 7 I ---s' lfo -S•lfJ•?I ~- 7 o-s-10.71 1 6rv ISION OF EDUCATIO N 'if • _J;.S - IJ·1/ 1' ~.., 5- 1 3- 71 .-2..!... I .S I 5 • le/· 7/ j!:5 I r:11- 5-1'1·7 1 I 7 K - S- d,.0 - ? / I I ,.,>1 5 - ~+-7 I I TERM l Dept . No. I Department~ Course Title, Laboratory, etc. Period No /HfJIH'JHtM,duc 250 1/1/J,/llr. duc 335 ED UCATION ,, Foundations of EducatioR/11/"' ///, Problems in Reading (D eve lopmental Reading - Improvement of individual speed and comprehension) Preparation for Secondary Education 2 3 / Educ 404 / Educ 406 Clinical Teaching Laboratory (Secondary) h! Educ 408 Instructional Media ~·c.:. lki. 1"1? ri-'JEduc 408 Instructional Media o; ,_ o... i.,) Educ 405 Teaching Elementary School .J+lr' · Unit I - Reading & Language Arts -/ /W JHi'Unit II - Social Science J /1/ Unit fII - Math & Science JJ IJ
arranged Nr;,.nged airanged l .-c-i.4 2 I
arranged I
Psychol H 3 1 I q~ J -S -.:Z-!>· ?/ 191' ,~- ~-~-?/ j_ I ;J TERM 2 Period No. Room Das FA21 l d a i l y Ad302 d a i l y Ed226 d a i l y Ed226 MT T F Ed31 l MT T F Ed3ll MT T F Ed307 MT T F Ed307 MT WT I Ed 307 MT W F Ed30 7 MT WT 2 3 Ed202 d a i l y a rr anged Ed202 d a i l y Ed202 d a i l y 2 3 Ed307 d a i l y d il 1 1 y d (I I 1 y ti ti 1 I y ,_I II i I ,Y M 'I 'I I' ti Cl i I y IJ~ Sci 218 / !..Sci 417 Selection of Library Materials Library Practicum 3 arranged l.Sem d a i 1 y LSem arranged Hrs Cr. In st ru cto r r 'i "'""Shelley 2 reamer 2'- Va n Zant 2 Va n Zant ensen Jen se n ensen Creamer Van Zant Cr eamerShelley 3 I Boi ce 4 ' OSt aff Jr te 3 ti q.i; 11 er ;l ,,, •<;c he rer :1u · 'ilnqh ', lr111h 3] ·llrn1II ny ...____ 3t~Brandt \ 3 S Staff
/llf Psych
Psyc hology
DIVISION OF EDUCATION Deot. No. 1)/fr(s J, HIE y.mrf, ych 331 luc 415 luc 415 Deoartment Course Title Laboratorv etc. WORKSHOPS Psych of Exceptional Children (7 - 12 to 7- 28) Prescriptive Teaching (7-12 to 7-28) (Techniques of Early identification, diagnosis and prescription for learning disabilities) Drug Education (7 - 12 to 7-28) (The social, emotional and physical problems of drugs) DIVISION OF FINE ARTS De t. No. l'HI. I ,/fl(Jl-{1~ µ .mr, j1111 I-i'-f1111 I rt rt rt rt .-t us us us us us us us us ~l(_S. 101 308 306 300 :>..10 29 100 205 301 304 305 307 311 101 De artment, Course Title, Laborator etc. ART Urawing I Art Exploration Art Appreciation II Cerami cs Wo...te,.. C.. 1...... f"-;,, t: "'j MUSIC Instrumental Ensemble Fundamentals of Music Elementary Music Materials Counterpoint Woodwinds Brass and Percussion Form and Composition Music Appreciation 0~ - ~ TERM 1 . TERM 2 Room I Davs Hrs· Period No Period No. Cr. Instructor 4 5 Ad302 d a i 1 y 3. $Bradley 4 5 Ed202 d a i 1 y 31 oJ ensen 4 5 FA104 d a i 1 y 3j!oJ ohnson i TERM l TERM 2 Hrs\ Period No Period No., Room Das Cr. I Instructor . . 2 FA205 d a i 1 y 3 hatcher 4 FA205 d a i l y 3 hatcher 2 FA205 MT WT 2 herwood 4 FA206 d a i l y 3 herwood e, wo o ,l 5 FAllO arranged 1.1 2 2 FAl 11 d a i 1 y 3.,_ 1 FAll l MT WT 2 arranged FA 11 3 arranged 2 arranged FA 110 arranged 2 arranged FAllO arranged 2 arranged FA113 arranged 2 Doughty 3 FAll 1 MT WT 23 OWi lson ,1 1:1-~
al/-ltTfi.IS 120- 420 Piano IS 120-420 Woodwind, Brass, Percu ss ion Instruments
..... NI
Course Title, Laboratory,
120-420 Oroan tv\\A.S
Vo I Ce
Course Title, Laboratory,
PHYSICAL EDUCATION E 4 Golf (must join Auburn Country Club - $10) JIJ.J-k'1' I //l)'f{PtHJ ,ttllP .J.Hff' E 8 Beginning & Intermediate Swimming (men &women] .Jflr/.llr~ f.#t1(5 E E E E Ii J 'E 10 205 215 310 315 Tennis Health First Aid Physical Education in t he Pr i mary Grades Community Recre at ion DIVISION OF HIS TORY AND SOCIAi SC IINCI ITERM l Period No arranged arranged . arrancted TERM l Period No 4 5 3 2 2 TER M 2 Hrs Per i od No Ro om Davs Cr. Instructor a r ra nged FA11 3 arranged l Doughty FA1 09 arranged l Wilson ar r anoe d FA Aud arrana ed l Douohty I 0>: n-. e e... J,l TERM 2 • Hrs Period No Roo m Day s Cr. Instructor Auburn M w l ~itts Pool MT WT l lP itts Court MT WT l o Pitts Scl05 d a i l y 3 5Stemper 3 FA21 l d a i l y 3 : 5Pitt s l Gym MT WT 2 . oPi tts 3 Gym MT WT 2. ls' Pe l i sek 1-Tl1<ITT~1-r1mn-1--1 - rllr c; Deot. No . i .Q£.part111!"11l, Co 1w -. 1•-LJJJA., lnl .101111_<1r.Y.1-...a.L1l...__ .l'Ju' L!.11L.lfa 11111'.lt>d __Nu llr.i1,11L _ 1>;1yJ.~-- r.r. lln s Lructor IIISTOHY I I llf,tHfrt ist 113 1ITT;;-(ory of tt11 • U.S. tu lllb!i 2 I Ad 10!> Id 1.1 1 1 y I 3~~c hot tcnhame l / ;.J+iJl i s t 114 llhtory ot lht• U. S. s1nco 1865 2 Adl05 d a f l y 3 ,Sa lmela l' lll1st ?01 World Cfvflfzatton t o 15 00 4 Adl05 d a i l y 391 almela
. Deot.
Deoartment, Course Title, Laboratorv. etc.
American National Government
Principles of Economics II Contemporary Economic Problems Economic History of the U.S.
Principles of Geography (lab arr)
Cultural Geography (lab arr)
Conservation of Nat. Re s ource s ~7.i!,2 i\7 - 28)
Social Science
Social Science
Contemporary, Social &Political Problems (workshop 7- 12 to 7- 28)
Marri aae and Parenthood - I
TERM 2 Hrs
No. Room Days Cr. Instructor
Adl02 d a i l y 3S1 Hahn
Adl02 d a i l y 35, PSnyder
Adl05 d a i l y 3S ~Snyder
Adl02 d a i l y 33 c::6chottenhamel
Edll0 d a i l y 3:, ~Williams
Edll0 d a i l y 3S t:>Wi lliams
4 5 FA21 l d a i l y 3~
4,,~ ' w ·,11;tt,,,_~
Adl05 d a i l y 35 ::>Hahn
l Adl05 d a i l y 35 oMi les
4 5 Adl02 d a i l y '3 .:l OSchottenhamel
3 Adl05 d a i l v 3.5 ~Mil es
TERM 2 Hrs ,Period No. Room Davs Cr. Instructor I I.....
FA104 d a i l y 3 .1 ISSummers
l FA104 d a i l y 3 ~ ~arrett
FA105 d a i l y 3 4 "Summers
FA105 d a i l y 3 a.). Cl-licks
De pt. No. ,~ I I J.llt[ JlE 1-#tf /!1fi-~ il.i!Ji6 I ill ii /Ifs I s .J.iHS'c .lllf1iH',lff...J.l1S vt 201 on 221 on 222 on 333 og 101 og 103 og 326 ' C><'l 'i-10 C 103 C 104 C 300 C 30 5
DIVI SION 0~ LANGUAGE ARTS Deot. No. Iii l/1/.µ.m ill~ Ill~ ng ng ng ng 101 102 20 2 203 Deoartment Cours e Title. Laboratory, et c .
AND LITERATURE English Composition Engli s h Composition - a.. Appreciation of Literature Children's Literature
4 2 4 3 3 l l . TERM l Period No 4 l
~ I TERM l TERM 2 Hrs Dept. No. Department, Course Titl e , Laboratorv, e tc. Period No Period No Room Davs Cr. Instructor g 225 Short Story 2 FA105 MT T F SBarrett g 324 American Literature I 3 FA105 d a i l y S Barrett IIJ ,i/'rft. I /fftf. SPEECH ch 152 Fundamentals of Speech 2 FA104 d a i l y Wilson ch 300 {Spee·ch-Drama) Theatre Workshop- 3 5 5 FA105 d a i l y 3,;i o w; lson ch 353 So~ech Correction and Develooment - I 4 FA105 d a i l v 33 l5 Hicks i~ ,,if DIVISION OF PRACTICAL ARTS . TERM l TERM 2 Hrs Dept. No. Department, Course Title, Laboratory, etc. Period No Period No Room Days Cr.I Instructor INDUSTRIAL ARTS li(IA 226 Photographyl(Lab arranged) 4 IA23 d a i l y 2 I R,ssell ' 11-IJ'fjJJM 322 Handcrafts 1 2 IA24 d a i l y 3 'I Russell 337 Driver Education &Traffic Safety J 2 IA29 d a i l y 3/ <.,Jarvis (Lab arranged) IQ .fhrlA 338 General Safety 4 TA29 d a 1 l y 3.l o Jarvis .,/llt'IA 340 Driver rducalfon & l rnf'f'lc Snfot_y ll 4 1/\29 d a i 1 y 3/ ' Pelisek /~t,RA (L ab arran9od ) 341 Hi story & Phi l oo;ophy or Vocatton11 1 Lduc. l r/\211 d 11 i I y jj,;/t ,IA 342 Organ1zat1on &Admfni slrat1o n of Vocational Ed 1 F/\212 d a 1 1 y UJltl1llt.JUtt, A 343 Coordination Techniques 1n Vocational Ed Prog. 2 FA212 d a i l y UIIBus BUSINESS 123 Introduction to Business I 2 I I Edl 021 d a i l y /IJ~US 235 Business Machines 3 Ed211 d a i l '-,
Dept. No.
Deoartment Course Title. Laboratorv, etc.
11n.wrs l
ol 101 ol 102
407G Sc 201 Sc 202 Sc 430G Sc 499G
Plant Biology (Lab arranged )
Animal Biology (Lab arranged)
Human Physiology (workshop 7-12 to 7-28)
Biological Science (Elementary Program)
Physical Science (Elementary Program)
Environmental Sci~nce (workshop 6-23 to 7-9)
Aerospace Science (workshop 7-12 to 7-28)
Basic Mathematics
Basic Concepts of Math ematics(Elem. Ed . . only)
Algebraic &Geometrical Concepts (Elementary Teachers) PrerequisiteMath 200 or oermission.
lj/JJ:,f, Ill
!Hf.J.-Hfr)/ff m~ /I~Ut
Period No Period No Room Davs Cr. Instructor 1 Sc304 d a i 1 y 3'I OChrist 3 Sc304 d a i 1 y : b Christ 4 5 Sc304 d a i l y S Christ 1 Sc304 d a i 1 y 33 IOBrady 3 Sc304 d a i 1 y OBrady 4 5 Scl04 d a i 1 y OLong 4 5 FA212 d a i 1 y oWininger 1 Scl04 d a i 1 y 3~ ,jStemper 1 Scl05 d a i 1 y 3J cl McKercher 3 Sc105 d a i 1 y 3l ~cKercher .
(For prelimi nary plannin g or prt •Nlg tatrnltnn)
PERU STATE COLL EGE - - Surr,ncr 1969
CHECK ONE of the following:
l. --2 . --3. 4. --5 . 6. --7 .
Currently enrolled at PSC working toward degree.
Post Graduate seeking additional hours .
Summer enrollment only; another college will accept transfer credit .
(Statement of good standing required . See page 2; No n-degree students.)
First enrollment at PSC. Full admission has been granted.
Not currently enrolled at PSC but ma ki ng normal prog r ess to ward degree by attending summer sessions and/or night classes.
Former student at PSC granted re - admission beginning with summer session
(Appropriate signature: see page 3)
Nam e _________
/\dd r1~1 ___ Dept. FIRST SECON[ Ctmrtn t rn 11 nn -···· ~-No. Brief Cou r se Title l't1r 1 TERM . TERM -- - - - - - - gins IU : 4U; 4 beg
Cla ss - ·--M 'I' w T t HC~ Instructor . - -g Reviewed and Approved
Peru State College
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Peru, Nebraska 68421